use casea checkbox binding to list selectable from availablecapabilitiesb registered stringtocapability converter which renders capabilitiys name as a stringc even though converter is registered the value for a checkbox element is the value of capabilitytostring which is not correctthe bug seems to be in the fact that mvcviews bindingmodel does not implement bindingresult and specifically the findeditor method used by bindstatus
once banner images were required for addon registration but i just noticed that they are not visible anywhere on marketplace is this intentional is it expected users should only be able to see them from the upm rather than marketplace
i think the current contact list subscription process is not complete the current process is when a user enter hisher email address on the ecommerce page for subscribing a contact list the system will set contactlistpartys status to accepted i think that should be set to pending acceptance first and wait for a users confirmation from users email inbox also the system should have a unsubscribe process to expire users email address from a contact list i found the unsubscribe statuses in statusitem entity unsubscription pending and unsubscribed but they dont be usedi think the processes should followingsubscribe the user select a contact list and enter hisher email the system create a contactlistparty with pending acceptance the system send a verify email message to the users email the user confirm the subscribing in hisher email the system change the status of contactlistparty to acceptedunsubscribe the use select a contact list and enter hisher email the system change the status of contactlistparty to unsubscription the system send a verify email message to the users email the user confirm the unsubscribing in hisher email the system change the status of contactlistparty to unsubscribedthe both of processes subscribe and unsubscribe should also support if the user do not login to the systemi changed following create subscribe contact list notification and unsubscribe contact list verify as email type for email settings of product store create signoutforcontactlist service for setting a contact list partys status to clptunsubspending create updatecontactlistpartynouserlogin service to handle updating the contact list party without user login create sendcontactlistpartysubscribeemail service for sending an email message to user after the user confirm the subscription this email message would contains a button for requesting unsubscribe the contact list create sendcontactlistpartyunsubscribeverifyemail service for sending an email message to user after the user request to unscrube this email message would contains a button for unsubscribing the contact list add seca when the createcontactlistpartystatus be called with clptaccepted status then call the sendcontactlistpartysubscribeemail service to send the subscribe email message add seca when the createcontactlistpartystatus be called with clptunsubscribed status then call the sendcontactlistpartyunsubscribeemail service to send the unsubscribe email message add seca when the createcontactlistpartystatus be called with clptunsubspending status then call the sendcontactlistpartyunsubscribeverifyemail service to send the email message to verify unscribing for starting receive a subscribe change the contact list partys status from clptaccepted to clptpending because the status should be pending before receiving a verify message create contactlistsubscribeemail and contactlistunsubscribeverifyemail mail screens add productstoreemailsetting demo data for with subcontlistnot and unsubcontlistveri email types change verifyurl in the email messages form to updatecontactlistpartynouserlogin because if the user doesnt have a user login then could not view the ecommerces viewprofile screen add preferredcontactmechid field to the createcontactlistpartystatus and sendcontactlistpartyunsubscribeemail services because i get the contactmechid from contactlistparty instread of userlogin because these services also be called without authentication add unsubscribe button to sign up for contact list section of the ecommerces screen for requesting unsubscribingthank youregardschatree srichart
repro create a date custom field assign it to a specific project context create an agile board that does not use that project configure the board to add the new date field to the issue detail view go back to the board and view an issues detail viewerror message is shown
the test has been failing sporadically for awhile one of the problems is to figure out the conditions under which the test fails they havent been determined so far perhaps attempts to simplify and clean up the logic in the test will helpthe test is orgjbossastestintegrationmanagementclifileargumenttestcase
i dont know if this is feasible but when a developer commits code to subversion and includes a jira issue code it would be very useful to have a way of including the time spent for that issue in the comment such that work would be logged to the issue along with the commit commentfor example given the commit commentfixed issue and by rewiring all the widgetsissue would be have hours work logged against it and would have days
it is impossible to use the enumerations in the models listelements eg this code codejava import qtquick import qtquickwindow window width height visible true title qstrhello world enum texttype normal heading listview anchorsfill parent width height model listmodel listelement name maintexttypenormal listelement name maintexttypeheading delegate text text name code causes the error qqmlapplicationengine failed to load component listelement cannot use script for property value that it is strange tbecause the enums are integers
i am trying to install metron cluster in aws with centos i encountered the following error while running metronfullinstallyml at its last step failed to execute goal dockerbuild on project metronrpm command execution failed cannot run program docker in directory optincubatormetronmetrondeploymentpackagingdockerrpmdocker no such file or directory to see the full stack trace of the errors rerun maven with the e switch rerun maven using the x switch to enable full debug logging for more information about the errors and possible solutions please read the following articles after correcting the problems you can resume the build with the command mvn rf metronrpm warnings attaching screenshot for more detailsthanksregardsshriram
we need a new native method vmgetstackclassint to compliment vmgetstackclassloader and classgetstackclasses it needs to be implemented in the vm vendors i can fix androids dalvik vm but ill need a harmony volunteer to fix drlvmbackgroundto implement atomicreferencefieldupdater securely its necessary to capture the class of the caller not just the class loader of the caller otherwise a rogue class say evilbufferedinputstream could use an atomicreferencefieldupdater to modify protected fields of arbitrary instances such as the buffer field of somebody elses bufferedinputstreamthis blocks which updates of our copy of javautilconcurrent to doug leas latest the getstackclass call is needed for line and its result is used on line
there a two threads thread a creates new nodes as children of node p and marks the created nodes as versionable thread b gets p and iterates over all children for each child versionmanagergetbaseversionchildgetpath is called if the child is versionablewhen thread a and b are running at the same time the following error might occurcodejavaxjcrversionversionexception cannot find the base version with the key for the node make sure that any checkincheckout operations are atomic for that node at at at at by orgmodeshapejcrcachenodenotfoundinparentexception cannot locate child node within parent at at at at at at at at at at at morecodemight be similiar to
we need to test installation of crw on operatorhub it requires having crw operator which is linked to quayiocrw image storage instead of registryredhatio for the time we dont have crw bits on registryredhatioexisted crw operator application doesnt work with latest it tries to pull server devfile registry plugin registry images from registryredhatio while there is quayiocrw in defaultgo file
tooling must generate safepicture with fillcolor definition of done unit tests are implemented quality gates passed reviews coverage optionally cve testrail entry done api documentation done for qml comments added in code architecture documentation is updated design documentation is updated
when a region bean has been defined in the spring application context with membershipattributes like socodexml codethe following illegalstateexceptionbeancreationexception is throwncodejavajavalangillegalstateexception failed to load applicationcontext at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at by orgspringframeworkbeansfactorybeancreationexception error creating bean with name customersaccounts cannot create inner bean inner bean of type while setting bean property attributes nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansfactorybeancreationexception error creating bean with name inner bean initialization of bean failed nested exception is javalangillegalargumentexception array element type mismatch at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at morecaused by orgspringframeworkbeansfactorybeancreationexception error creating bean with name inner bean initialization of bean failed nested exception is javalangillegalargumentexception array element type mismatch at at at morecaused by javalangillegalargumentexception array element type mismatch at javalangreflectarraysetnative method at at at at at at at at at at at at at morecodethe requiredroles attribute of the membershipattributes element in a region bean definition is required when membershipattributes are specified and the subsequent comgemstonegemfirecachemembershipattributes object is constructed spring data gemfire attempts to create the instance of membershipattributes using the constructor by passing the list of roles by name in using a spring managedlist where as a string is expected by the appropriate constructor instead this leads to the underlying cause illegalargumentexception array element type mismatch
homejenkinsjenkinsslaveworkspaceprecommithdfsbuildtrunkhadoophdfsprojecthadoophdfssrcmainresourcesmetainfservicesorgapachehadoopsecuritytokentokenrenewerhomejenkinsjenkinsslaveworkspaceprecommithdfsbuildtrunkhadoophdfsprojecthadoophdfssrctestresourcesmetainfservicesorgapachehadoopsecuritytokentokenrenewerlines that start with in the release audit report indicate files that do not have an apache license headerso we can include them in rat configuration item in pomxml to exclude from release audit warnings
hi my app which shows images on a tile layout works great on ios but on many devices even nexus or nexus scrolling is very very slow we cant launch the product with this however vertical layout is much much better on same devicesit looks like tilelist require a rewrite for mobile devices i even specified fixed values to columns and tile sizes which are all no variable heightswidths but still its pretty slowid appreciate if you guys incorporate a mobile friendly tilelayout for flex which provide fixed sizes of tiles and scroll as fast as vertical layout thanks
add a tooltip on config version compare button compare this version with current user edit page remove extra space between columns group edit group access select alignment
on openbsd and probably netbsd lcrypt dont exist you should use lcryptofind attached the patch that fix this error
the shows the app working fine with qmlviewer mainqml certainly does not seem to be correct going by the component naming conventionchanging the name of the file to mypageqml produces an error type qmlmypage unavailablecode mainqmlimport liuli as qmlqmlmypage lower case mypage where the file is liulimypageqmlcodeas expected mypage and mypage do not work with the lower case filename cannot assign to nonexistent property mypage mypage is not a shows that creator correctly recognises the type naming errorreproduction steps create a qt quick application add a new directory and a new qml file named mypageqml see in the attachment go to mainqml move the mouse over qmlmypage the tip shows unknow type and a red wave under it which indicate the qmlmypage is not recognized see pagepng run the application it works normally the qmlmypage can be recognized so qmlmypage should not be recognized as an unknown type see runpng
in the defaultdeploymentmanager the isdomain method attempts to lazy load a boolean value if an error occurs during execution of the operation the value is always null resulting in an endless loop
link noformatnullcheck of ret at line of value previously dereferenced in orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodefsnamesystemrenametostring string booleanbug type rcnredundantnullcheckwouldhavebeenanpe click for details in class orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodefsnamesystemin method orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodefsnamesystemrenametostring string booleanvalue loaded from retreturn value of orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodefsdirrenameoprenametointfsdirectory string string boolean of type orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodefsdirrenameoprenameresultat fsnamesystemjavaredundant null check at fsnamesystemjavanoformat
when using externalize strings to translate strings within web page empty line is added to related property file after each added property pair
for a sufficiently large temp operation such as a merge over million rows you can seejavalangassertionerror batch not found in storage at at at at at at at at which occurs during undorollback of an operation and masks the underlying exception the actual error will typically be the same as the proactive removal of the managed batches once a space limit has been reachedthis did not occur after the fix upstream but it appears it could have still occurred and did occur on
im trying to use the in the old fashion way using basically no javascript is involved page refreshes every set interval and displays the progress in this case i want to set the initial value of the progressbar looking at the source it seems i can set datavalue attribute on the span but this is not documented update the progressbar does not respect this value if this value is set to anything it shows if its not it shows
configure fails using icc code set set bash homeqtworkqtqtbaseconfigure r platform openssl opensource confirmlicense nomake tests verbose prefix homeqtworkinstall developerbuild nopch nomake examples code code icpc o binqmake projecto optiono propertyo maino ioutilso proitemso qmakevfso qmakeglobalso qmakeparsero qmakeevaluatoro qmakebuiltinso makefileo unixmakeo mingwmakeo winmakefileo projectgeneratoro metao makefiledepso metamakefileo xmloutputo pbuilderpbxo msvcvcprojo msvcvcxprojo msvcnmakeo msvcobjectmodelo msbuildobjectmodelo qtextcodeco qutfcodeco qstringo qstringcompato qstringbuildero qtextstreamo qiodeviceo qringbuffero qdebugo qmalloco qglobalo qarraydatao qbytearrayo qbytearraymatchero qdatastreamo qbuffero qlisto qfiledeviceo qfileo qfilesystementryo qfilesystemengineo qfsfileengineo qfsfileengineiteratoro qregexpo qbitarrayo qdiro qdiriteratoro quuido qhasho qfileinfoo qdatetimeo qstringlisto qabstractfileengineo qtemporaryfileo qmapo qmetatypeo qsettingso qsystemerroro qvarianto qvsnprintfo qlocaleo qlocaletoolso qlinkedlisto qnumerico qcryptographichasho qxmlstreamo qxmlutilso qloggingo qoperatingsystemversiono qjsono qjsondocumento qjsonparsero qjsonarrayo qjsonobjecto qjsonvalueo qfilesystemengineunixo qfilesystemiteratorunixo qfsfileengineunixo qlocaleunixo qlibraryinfoo wlgcsections info creating cache file homeqtworkqtqtbaseqmakecache command line r platform openssl opensource confirmlicense nomake tests verbose prefix homeqtworkinstall developerbuild nopch nomake examples project error failed to parse default search paths from compiler output code
support load data with spark data frame api there is a limit that kettle is still required since dataframeloaderrdd still depends on kettle we provide newdataframeloaderrdd to load data with new flow alsowe discovered some carbonmetastorecatalogcreatetablefromthrift schemafilepath starts with file will not create meta files successfully while thriftwriter will have no complains this will cause some weired error eg no table found val thriftwriter new thriftwriterschemafilepath false thriftwriteropen thriftwriterwritethrifttableinfo thriftwriterclose there are some exceptions raised even when you have set usekettle to false
sometimes there is an error message that says an unexpected error occurred please refer to the logs for more information but there is nothing relevant in the logs we may not be able to fix the root problem but we could at least change the error message to say something like an unexpected error occurred the logs may contain more information
buildmvn will automatically download tarball of maven but currently the url is invalid
from my ml postthe workaround is to manually delete adminreassignpartitions from zk that node contained a json with an empty partitions arrayhave brokers running ids replica topic firstclustertopiczookeeper fine can sendreceive etckill start try to reassign the single partition topic with thefollowing jsoncontains an error partition should be not partitions binkafkareassignpartitionssh zookeeper info zookeeper state changed error skipping reassignment of partition since it doesnt existkafkaadminreassignpartitionscommandsuccessfully started reassignment of partitions map info terminate zkclient event info session closedorgapachezookeeperzookeeper info eventthread shut downorgapachezookeeperclientcnxnok fix the json partitions binkafkareassignpartitionssh zookeeper pathtojsonfilereassignjson info zookeeper state changed reassignment failed due to partition reassignment currently inprogress for map aborting operationkafkacommonadmincommandfailedexception partition reassignment currentlyin progress for map aborting binkafkacheckreassignmentstatussh zookeeper pathtojsonfile reassignjson info zookeeper state changed in thread main cannot be cast kafkaadmincheckreassignmentstatusmaincheckreassignmentstatusscala
we have identified and fixed a crosssite scripting xss vulnerability in the crucible linked jira issue affected versions are crucible to inclusive xss vulnerabilities potentially allow an attacker to embed their own javascript into a fisheyecrucible page you can read more about xss attacks at various places on the web including these cgisecuritycom the web application security consortium this issue is reported in our security advisory on these pages
iroha should provide an endpoint which will allow doing the following operations obtaining a health check perform startstop for the peer get cpu memory consumption
im getting a stack trace on when clicking on the podcasts tool in a site that does not have the resources tool addedalso getting on on is a site that does have resources tool this is likely a regression introduced by last revision to orgsakaiprojecttoolapitoolexception file podcastspodnoresourcejsp not found at by orgsakaiprojecttoolapitoolexception file podcastspodnoresourcejsp not found at by orgapachejasperjasperexception file podcastspodnoresourcejsp not found at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at apr
from the olm integration test we found out that controllers are creating kogitoinfra the olm is trying to push theirs resulting in an levelerror msgplugin olm integration failed with error failed to create cr resource kogitoinfrasappkiegrouporg kogitoinfra already exists basic tests cr labels errors plugin error log failed to create cr resource kogitoinfrasappkiegrouporg kogitoinfra already exists logsolm integration cr labels errors plugin error log failed to create cr resource kogitoinfrasappkiegrouporg kogitoinfra already exists logs running required tests make error process completed with exit code
the readmemd file in the weinrenode distribution is incomplete and some of whats there is inappropriate
student table: codejava create table student id int info struct row format serde with serdeproperties colelctiondelim fielddelim serializationformat serializationnullformatnull code the sql codejava select from student where info is not null code result codejava null null null namenullagenull code causecalcite ineffective optimization cbo execute plan codejava hiveprojectid info hivetablescantable tablealias code after fix relrecordtype isnullablethe plan is cbo execute plan codejava hiveprojectid info hivefiltercondition hivetablescantable tablealias code then the result is codejava null namenullagenull code
similarly as need to expose projectoptions code in from pyarrowcompute import project runtimewarning python binding for projectoptions not exposed warningswarnpython binding for not exposed code
examine and improve unit test coverage for the classes in oaacoredata
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
document hadoop command line options in forrest covered the dfs options this jira is for commands other than the dfs shell
with keyprefixregionsplitpolicy and now delimitedkeyprefixregionsplitpolicy if a split would break a group of keys it is modified to become the first key in the groups range this is not always optimal if the distribution of keys are such that the group containing the split has half the keys in the region then no split will occurthe best solution would be to compute both the current key groups first key what the current implementation does as well as the next key groups first key and then choosing which of the two is closest to the original split point
the flume and pig connectors are on very old releases update the used flume and pig versions to the latest generate shaded jar for the flume connector update the shaded jar for the pig connector to use current shading setup
i have delete file and try adding changes to stage sourcetree give me next answer git c diffmnemonicprefixfalse c corequotepathfalse rm q f buildcs fatal pathspec buildcs did not match any files completed with errors see above
whythe readme files of the showcase apps are not update to date some of the apps have outdated info some of them doesnt even have anything in the readme filedevelopers who are new to the aerogear platform should be able to follow the instructions in the readme files to build and run the showcase whatupdate the readme file of all the showcase apps they should match the format we have in the sdk repos have clear instructions on how to setup the environment to run the apps how to buildrun the apps possible troubleshooting guide
cancommitoffsets provides asynchronous offset commits via consumercommitasync and it would be useful if it also provided synchronous offset commits via consumercommitsync for when the desired behavior is to block until it is complete
there are test certificates in the source code repository at nifiregistrycorenifiregistrywebapisrctestresourceskeys the ca key used to sign these was not added at the time they were created so additional test keyscerts for other users or services cannot be created that will work with these new certs should be generated using the nifi tlstoolkit to replace these and the ca key should be added as well along with instructions for creating additional certskeys as needed
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelthe images are not displayed on this page thanks
i cannot add a plugin to cordova using a gitssh url the following error is returned noformat yarn cordova plugin add gitsshgitbitbucketorgbarfoogit yarn run usersalexsoftwareiinufoonodemodulesbincordova plugin add gitsshgitbitbucketorgbarfoogit error failed to fetch plugin gitsshgitbitbucketorgbarfoogit via registry probably this is either a connection problem or plugin spec is incorrect check your connection and plugin nameversionurl failed to get absolute path to installed module error command failed with exit code info visit for documentation about this command noformat however if i specify the nofetch argument it succeeds this is clearly not ideal going forwards since nofetch is considered a backwardscompatibility option
i have created a simple datatable with scrolling ability using datascroller i have set preservedatamodel to truethe first call of the page works fine if i would like to show the next page of data rows i always receive the following exceptionjavalangclasscastexception javaxfacesmodellistdatamodel at at at take a look in the source and it seems to me that the call of getdatamodel is the problem it never returns a serializabeldatamodel souldnt it call getpreserveddatamodelregardsrobert
see for example code installwheel arrow buildursalabscrossbowarrow buildursalabscrossbow error you must give at least one requirement to install see pip help install code cc
as of jboss remoting final which is now included for jbossas and jbossas the http transport implementation uses tomcat connectors therefore the following jars need to be available to remoting when running within jbossastomcataprjartomcatcoyotejartomcathttpjartomcatutiljarthese are included in the directory but are not on the classpath when the unifiedinvoker is used which uses remoting so if use the http transport within remoting when using unifiedinvoker get errors since the needed classes are not found btw does not matter if usejbosswebloader is true or false within
search for your components new and noteworthy issues queries completed livereload jiras marked nn all completed jiras marked nn nn task jiras for this milestone all nn task jirasif no nn issues are found for livereload check if there are issues that should have been labelled with labels newandnoteworthy and add them document the ones relevant for livereload by submitting a pull request against if your prs commit comment is of the form comment create nn for close and your github users email address is the same as your jira one then this jira should be closed automatically when the pr is appliedif there is nothing new or noteworthy for livereload for this milestone please reject and close this issue
fix the following error
we need to remove all nonindy branding and names from indyplenum repo package names code primitive names paths documentation ideally if fulltext search for sovrin and evernym will return nothing
as entitycontentproviders are designed for specific tools it can be interesting to have the list of tools providing content to the index plus the search engine should be able to let user do a search query within a specific tool such as french history toolwiki
following steps from reproducer accessing management console produces logs which indicates all http mechanism are somehow handled on each request isnt that performance wasteshouldnt mechanismconfiguration section served as filter for mechanisms i am really interested incodexmlstandalonexml code trace management handling mechanisminformationcallback typehttp namebasic hostnamelocalhost trace management basic orgwildflysecurityhttphttpauthenticationexception unable to locate mechanismconfiguration for mechanism at at at at at at at at at at at at by javaioioexception javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnamebasic hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at morecaused by javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnamebasic hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at trace management handling mechanisminformationcallback typehttp nameclientcert hostnamelocalhost trace management clientcert orgwildflysecurityhttphttpauthenticationexception unable to locate mechanismconfiguration for mechanism at at at at at at at at at at at at by javaioioexception javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnameclientcert hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at morecaused by javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnameclientcert hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at trace management handling mechanisminformationcallback typehttp namedigest hostnamelocalhost trace management handling availablerealmscallback realms trace management nonce rejected as previously trace management handling availablerealmscallback realms trace management handling availablerealmscallback realms trace management handling realmcallback selected trace management handling namecallback authenticationname trace management principal assigning prerealm rewritten realm name post realm rewritten realm rewritten trace management handling credentialcallback obtained credential for correct realm trace management handling credentialcallback obtained credential trace management handling mechanisminformationcallback typehttp nameform hostnamelocalhost trace management form orgwildflysecurityhttphttpauthenticationexception unable to locate mechanismconfiguration for mechanism at at at at at at at at at at at at by javaioioexception javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnameform hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at morecaused by javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnameform hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at trace management handling mechanisminformationcallback typehttp namespnego hostnamelocalhost trace management spnego orgwildflysecurityhttphttpauthenticationexception unable to locate mechanismconfiguration for mechanism at at at at at at at at at at at at by javaioioexception javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnamespnego hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at morecaused by javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnamespnego hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at trace management handling mechanisminformationcallback typehttp namebearertoken hostnamelocalhost trace management bearertoken orgwildflysecurityhttphttpauthenticationexception unable to locate mechanismconfiguration for mechanism at at at at at at at at at at at at by javaioioexception javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnamebearertoken hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at morecaused by javalangillegalstateexception unable to resolve mechanismconfiguration for mechanismtypehttp mechanismnamebearertoken hostnamelocalhost protocolhttp at at at at morecode
compile and run the attach example debug modeuse the splitter to move left and rightyou would notice errors ascodeqpainter paint device returned engine type painter not activeqpainter painter not activeqpainter painter not activeqpainter painter must be active to set rendering hintsqpainter painter must be active to set rendering hintscode
build unable to create a checker cannot initialize module packagehtml unable to instantiate packagehtmltnx
is failing under jdk due to what appears to be a bogus value returned from gettime it seems like the test failure might be due to the changes introduced for this tests were run using intellij testrunner using the build from the tip of the tree not dev i believe that this is at most one commit away from what will be the rc which was delayed at the last minute due to two issues one of which was javadoc related and the other hotspot
for this page there is a link for kudu documentation that links to that page gives a due to the cloudera website rework that was performed
folder is an abstract class representing an index directory unlike lucenesdirectory class folder can contain subdirectories which are implementedusing additional nested folder instances and recursionthe subdirectory support requirement increases folders size and complexitybut of course it is mandatory if segments are to be implemented as individualdirectories
one of the ways to access resource files is through thisgetclassgetresourceasstreamfilename in our example this is a class thats in the aar file you would place the resources files under webinfclasses and things would just work with the aar file is placed under webinfservices but the getresourceasstream call still works properlywith release however that call is no longer work it appears that there have been some retooling of deploymentclassloader such that it can only resolves files in the aar filea workaround is to instead of using a class in the aar file for the getresourceasstreamfilename call you would reference a class located in webinflib or webinfclassesalan
trying to do git push origin mastercodefrom an ubuntu server i get the following errorcodebashroottrackerusrlocalbingammu git push origin master find host bitbucketorg in the netrc file using defaults adding handle conn adding handle send adding handle recv curladdhandletopipeline length conn sendpipe recvpipe about to connect to bitbucketorg port trying connected to bitbucketorg port found certificates in etcsslcertscacertificatescrt server certificate verification ok common name bitbucketorg matched server certificate expiration date ok server certificate activation date ok certificate public key rsa certificate version subject start date wed mar gmt expire date wed may gmt issuer cusodigicert incou high assurance ev compression null cipher mac get blasterspikegammugitinforefsservicegitreceivepack bitbucketorgaccept acceptencoding gzippragma nocache unauthorized server is not blacklisted server date thu mar gmt transferencoding chunked connection keepalive wwwauthenticate basic realmbitbucketorg http ignoring the responsebody connection to host bitbucketorg left intact issue another request to this url find host bitbucketorg in the netrc file using defaults found bundle for host bitbucketorg about to connect to bitbucketorg port trying adding handle conn adding handle send adding handle recv curladdhandletopipeline length conn sendpipe recvpipe conn sendpipe recvpipe connected to bitbucketorg port found certificates in etcsslcertscacertificatescrt ssl reusing session id server certificate verification ok common name bitbucketorg matched server certificate expiration date ok server certificate activation date ok certificate public key rsa certificate version subject start date wed mar gmt expire date wed may gmt issuer cusodigicert incou high assurance ev compression null cipher mac server auth using basic with user get blasterspikegammugitinforefsservicegitreceivepack basic useragent bitbucketorgaccept acceptencoding gzippragma nocache unauthorized server is not blacklisted server date thu mar gmt transferencoding chunked connection keepalive authentication problem ignoring this wwwauthenticate basic realmbitbucketorg http connection to host bitbucketorg left intactpassword for find host bitbucketorg in the netrc file using defaults found bundle for host bitbucketorg connection seems to be dead closing connection connection seems to be dead closing connection adding handle conn adding handle send adding handle recv curladdhandletopipeline length conn sendpipe recvpipe about to connect to bitbucketorg port trying connected to bitbucketorg port found certificates in etcsslcertscacertificatescrt ssl reusing session id server certificate verification ok common name bitbucketorg matched server certificate expiration date ok server certificate activation date ok certificate public key rsa certificate version subject start date wed mar gmt expire date wed may gmt issuer cusodigicert incou high assurance ev compression null cipher mac server auth using basic with user get blasterspikegammugitinforefsservicegitreceivepack basic useragent bitbucketorgaccept acceptencoding gzippragma nocache ok server is not blacklisted server date thu mar gmt contenttype applicationxgitreceivepackadvertisement transferencoding chunked connection keepalive connection to host bitbucketorg left intactcounting objects donecompressing objects donewriting objects kib bytess donetotal delta reused delta find host bitbucketorg in the netrc file using defaults adding handle conn adding handle send adding handle recv curladdhandletopipeline length conn sendpipe recvpipe about to connect to bitbucketorg port trying connected to bitbucketorg port found certificates in etcsslcertscacertificatescrt ssl reusing session id server certificate verification ok common name bitbucketorg matched server certificate expiration date ok server certificate activation date ok certificate public key rsa certificate version subject start date wed mar gmt expire date wed may gmt issuer cusodigicert incou high assurance ev compression null cipher mac server auth using basic with user post blasterspikegammugitgitreceivepack basic useragent bitbucketorgacceptencoding gzipcontenttype applicationxgitreceivepackrequestaccept applicationxgitreceivepackresultcontentlength upload completely sent off out of bytes empty reply from server connection to host bitbucketorg left intacterror rpc failed http code the remote end hung up unexpectedlyfatal the remote end hung up unexpectedlyeverything uptodateroottrackerusrlocalbingammucodeaftercodebash upload completely sent off out of bytescodeit hangs for a while and then it returns the errori tried also git push origin mastercodebut i get any useful outputi have tried also withcodebashgit config httppostbuffer i get the same errorplease let me know if i can debug any morei would like to used this git repository using https instead of sshregardsmassimo
when you have a client interfaces method declared likegetpublic inputstream get then orgjbossresteasyclientcoreclientinvokerextractentitybaseclientresponse releases the connection whithout checking for inputstreamclassisinstancereturntype like orgjbossresteasyclientcorebaseclientresponsegetentityclass type annotation doesthen when you try to read from the inputstream it throws an stream closed exception
i have a router with a link routed link for address myqueue configured in both directions in and outexecuting qdstat l it doesnt show me the address name the addr field is emptyattached you can find the file with output
christian hammers proposed the following on the mailinglistallow to set environment variables using apachessetenv or modrewrite or phps putenv that can be used in properties filesi use this to switch the application path between devel beta releasedepending on the virtual hostsee the whole thread for details my proposal to resolve this
the documentation is woefully out of date now that weve got a bunch more panels available good time to recapture screen shots and redo the doc itself
for jbide please perform the following tasks check out your existing colororangemastercolor branch code git checkout master code update your colororangemaster branchcolor root pom to use the latest parent pom version code orgjbosstools parent code now your root pom will use parent pom version in your colororangemastercolor branch ensure that component featuresplugins have been properly upversioned eg from to code mvn dtychomodemaven code ensure youve built your code using the latest minimum target platform version code mvn clean verify code ensure youve run your tests using the latest maximum target platform version code mvn clean verify code close do not resolve this jira when done if you have any outstanding new noteworthy jiras to do please complete them next search for all task jira or search for updatesite task jira
update reference demo sakaiproperties and versionservicedemo
env cluster sles cluster nodes with real hw daos installed from rpms avocadoframework purpose the purpose of this story is to verify the avocado functional test environment with daos installed from rpms on description the daos test environment has not been verified when daos is installed from rpms or when run on the first step is to install with avocado and run functional tests with daos built from github and then run regression suite and soak tests once that environment is stable install daos from rpms install avocado and try to run the same set of tests
hellowhen you decline a pull request and cancel the dialog that appears if you then click decline again the dialog is broken looks like an error with invalid json even when you refresh the page the dialog is broke so you cannot decline a pull request from then on
when building an archive library on irix using mipspro with thear option the archive is updated again after the compiler is done creating it this may not be causing any problems but its unnecessary and ineffcientgmake entering directory c dreentrant drwstduseconfig o ansiw c dreentrant drwstduseconfig o ansiw dreentrant drwstduseconfig langstdoff lpthread ar wrv o libstda asserto atomico bitseto catalogo codecvto collateo ctypeo ctypebitso exceptiono exporto faceto fileo instanceo ioso iosbitso iostoreo iostreamo limitso limitsbitso localebitso localebodyo localeclassico localecombineo localecoreo localeeqo localeglobalo localenameo memattro memoryo messageso numgeto numputo puncto randomo setlocaleo stringo strstreamo strtolo ticollateo tifilebufo tiinsertdblo tiinsertinto tiinsertptro tiioso tiistreamo timessageso timoneygeto timoneyputo timoneypuncto tinumgeto tinumputo tinumpuncto tiostreamo tipodarrayo tistreambufo tistringo tistringbufo titimegeto titimeputo tiwcollateo tiwfilebufo tiwinsertdblo tiwinsertinto tiwinsertptro tiwioso tiwistreamo tiwmessageso tiwmoneygeto tiwmoneyputo tiwmoneypuncto tiwnumgeto tiwnumputo tiwnumpuncto tiwostreamo tiwstreambufo tiwstringo tiwstringbufo tiwtimegeto tiwtimeputo timegeto timeputo tmpbufo typeinfoo valarrayo vecboolo versiono wcodecvto wctypeo c prelinker exceptiono cc c dreentrant drwstduseconfig o ansiw c prelinker timeputo cc c dreentrant drwstduseconfig o ansiw assertoa wctypeoar rv libstda asserto atomico bitseto catalogo codecvto collateo ctypeo ctypebitso exceptiono exporto faceto fileo instanceo ioso iosbitso iostoreo iostreamo limitso limitsbitso localebitso localebodyo localeclassico localecombineo localecoreo localeeqo localeglobalo localenameo memattro memoryo messageso numgeto numputo puncto randomo setlocaleo stringo strstreamo strtolo ticollateo tifilebufo tiinsertdblo tiinsertinto tiinsertptro tiioso tiistreamo timessageso timoneygeto timoneyputo timoneypuncto tinumgeto tinumputo tinumpuncto tiostreamo tipodarrayo tistreambufo tistringo tistringbufo titimegeto titimeputo tiwcollateo tiwfilebufo tiwinsertdblo tiwinsertinto tiwinsertptro tiwioso tiwistreamo tiwmessageso tiwmoneygeto tiwmoneyputo tiwmoneypuncto tiwnumgeto tiwnumputo tiwnumpuncto tiwostreamo tiwstreambufo tiwstringo tiwstringbufo tiwtimegeto tiwtimeputo timegeto timeputo tmpbufo typeinfoo valarrayo vecboolo versiono wcodecvto wctypeo r assertor wctypeogencat rwstderrcat leaving directory
this is a continuation of parent we should continue respecting the following parameters that does not codehbasemasterdnsinterfacehbasemasterdnsnameserverhbasemasteripcaddresscodecredit goes to for pointing that out
section security of the security architecture guide has a typoit says uses the identity store in combination with functionality in the application to authentication usersit should say to authenticate users
many of our users mistakenly think that the lucene indexes need to be completely rebuilt periodically we need to make it clear that this isnt necessary heres a proposal to start the discussion existing reindex task goes away and the new set of tasks looks like this update indexes proxy repositories this will check for updates on the remote and download and process them as appropriate hosted repositories noop existing reindex jobs would be converted to update index jobs repair indexes proxy repositories download and process full index from remote hosted repositories rebuild index from information on disk we might want to consider prohibiting users from scheduling this task to execute periodically if we did this it would impact a few customers who deploy directly to local storage these would need to run the repair index task via rest publish indexes same as today publishes indexes for downstream consumption
apply the prototype detailed on to tez tokens such as current version upgrade version stack name install path will be parameterized and distroagnostic at commonservice definition level
this jira is created to implement doublebuffer in ozonemanager to flush transactions to om db flushing transactions to rocksdb we propose using an implementation similar to the hdfs editsdoublebuffer we shall flush rocksdb transactions in batches instead of current way of using rocksdbput after every operation at a given time only one batch will be outstanding for flush while newer transactions are accumulated in memory to be flushed later in doublebuffer it will have buffers one is currentbuffer and the other is readybuffer we add entry to current buffer and we check if another flush call is outstanding if not we flush to disk otherwise we add entries to otherbuffer while sync is happening in this if sync is happening we shall add new requests to other buffer and when we can sync we use rocksdb batch commit to sync to disk instead of rocksdb put note if flush to disk is failed on any om we shall terminate the ozonemanager so that om db’s will not diverge flush failure should be considered as catastrophic failure scope of this jira is to add doublebuffer implementation integrating to current om will be done in further jiras
i found minor bugs in two setter methods in the orgapacheoodtcasworkflowengineiterativeworkflowprocessorthread classcodetitleiterativeworkflowprocessorthreadjavaborderstylesolidpublic void setworkflowinstworkflowinstance workflowinst workflowinst workflowinstpublic void setwaitforconditionsatisfylong waitforconditionsatisfy waitforconditionsatisfy waitforconditionsatisfycodethey should be changed to the following so that values from the parameters are assigned to member variablescodetitleiterativeworkflowprocessorthreadjavaborderstylesolidpublic void setworkflowinstworkflowinstance workflowinst thisworkflowinst workflowinstpublic void setwaitforconditionsatisfylong waitforconditionsatisfy thiswaitforconditionsatisfy waitforconditionsatisfycodeive attached a patch for reference although this should be a trivial change i wanted to post this issue and patch to make sure that the change would be ok
the third parameter on line in should read cleanupvectorpath it must have beem missed on last commit when they renamed that method it was breaking the buildi joined gitorious and made the fix i think i did it all correctly i have my personal sandbox showing up and the qt master as well all looks ok so my technical skills being new to git scm must be pretty ok so farlet me know more about this if you can if i did everything properly i will commit some more fixes and other corrections to things i have noticed especially on mac os x
we are always passing the same objectinspector so there is no need to pass it again and again in forwardalso there is a problem that can only be fixed by passing objectinspector in init outer joins outer joins may not be able to get objectinspectors for all inputs as a result there is no way to construct an output objectinspector based on the inputs currently we have hardcoded code that assumes joins are always outputting strings which did break but was hidden by the old framework because we do tostring when serializing the output and tostring is defined for all java classes
closeableclose says if the stream is already closed then invoking this method has no effectbut a lot of our code does not really respect that if i add an extra close call in assertingcodec it finds all kinds of bugs in codec code for examplenoformat tests with failures first out of orgapacheluceneindextestcrashcausescorruptindextestcrashcorruptsindexing orgapachelucenecodecsassertingtestassertingpostingsformattestdocsonly orgapachelucenecodecsassertingtestassertingpostingsformattestdocsandfreqsandpositionsandoffsetsandpayloads orgapachelucenecodecsassertingtestassertingpostingsformattestdocsandfreqs orgapachelucenecodecsassertingtestassertingpostingsformattestdocsandfreqsandpositionsandoffsets orgapachelucenecodecsassertingtestassertingpostingsformattestrandom orgapachelucenecodecsassertingtestassertingpostingsformattestdocsandfreqsandpositionsandpayloads orgapachelucenecodecsassertingtestassertingpostingsformattestdocsandfreqsandpositions orgapacheluceneindextestdirectoryreadertestfilesopenclose orgapacheluceneindextestindexwriterdeletetestindexingthendeletingnoformat
on windows this test fails every time with ioexception due to not being able to delete files because they are still in use javaioioexception unable to delete methodat
epic goal support hive ipi on aws govcloud in the acm product and ui hive team validated it works here hive requires a series of configuration updates in order to work why is this important federal government and public sector customers are heavy users of aws govcloud scenarios acceptance criteria ci must be running successfully with tests automated release technical enablement provide necessary release enablement details and documents dependencies internal and external previous work optional … open questions … done checklist ci ci is running tests are automated and merged release enablement dev upstream code and tests merged dev upstream documentation merged dev downstream build attached to advisory qe test plans in polarion qe automated tests merged doc downstream documentation merged
issue summary connect command is not available in the list of suggested commands on team side steps to reproduce configure the ms team integration in jira on ms team side tab attempt to type connect or clic on what can i do observe that the connect command is not either retrieved or suggested screenshot at screenshot at the behaviour is the same when using the ms team webapp desktop app or the mobile app expected results connect command should be suggested actual results connect command is not suggested workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
when using the servlet component we currently require that the applicationcontext is defined in the camelhttpservlet like shown inwe should find a way to make the servlet component work with an applicationcontext that is loaded using the spring contextloaderlistenerwhen working in osgi with the servlet component i had the idea to not use a single camelhttpservlet but to register a servlet just when the endpoint starts and exactly with the uri specified in the endpoint this would solve the problem of finding the camelhttpservlet and would also allow us to reserve paths in the webserver more fine grainedeg at the moment it is not easily possible to have a servlet on and one on while some other non camel servlet on the server uses with the aproach described it would be no problemthe main problem with the aproach that i see is that it would be slightly incompatible with the current aproach as a servlet endpoint servlettest with a url of for the servlet at the moment results in with the new aproach it would always be at test we could make this more compatible if the servlet component can be initialized with a prefix in that case
when i use the ant task to generate the metadataclasseseverything is ok if i place javafiles only in thedefault package the attributes compiler is not able to detect attribute definitions in javafiles below thedefault package
please read the following code the table size is run a new range will be create and auto expand function will be usedthen when run a exception will be thrown indexoutofboundsexceptionstart index out of boundobviously the table doesnt have a right size
installed by gunzip and tar xvf bin file contains only artemis and artemiscmd expected commands like mvn etc
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
the broker is currently looking up amqp filters using named keys of the filter map this approach is fragile since difference clients may name equivalent filters differently as the names are not intended to identify particular types the broker should instead inspect the descriptor values when trying to identify the particular type of a filter
i generated stub for the wsdl which is of course rpclit wsdl then i try to invoke the service but i realized it send the wrong request as shown below for the method retchar but as i know it should send the following request part element should not be qualified for the rpclit wsdl
the diff view in the changelog sent with email notifications is clumsy when accents are involved in the changes the reason is that the accents are considered by the diff tool as word separators and not as part of words the correction is quite simple in jiraprojectjiracomponentsjiracoresrcmainjavacomatlassiandiffwordleveldifferjava replace patterncompilesrnrn with patterncompilesrnrn to match the nonascii characters
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen in month mode events can be dragged and dropped as expected as soon as the display mode is changed to week mode this functionality no longer exists js console shows code typeerror cf is null line code
with the purchase of jalopy licences roo code will be reformatted to an agreed code style template
feature request to add usergroup mapping rules similar to hadoops authtolocalthis will allow munging usersgroups and rule based remappings to differentiate duplicate users in multidomain active directory forests where the ldap results returned from the global catalog include duplicate usernames which need to be translated with a prefixsuffix in order to differentiate between domains to prevent users from different domains sharing logins permissions etci understand that shiro is responsible for this integration and have raised but thought id create this top level zeppelin ticket to track zeppelins ability to support this scenario as itll need to upgrade to a later shiro version when shiro supports this
for example when i choose start state and moving it over any other state lots of exceptions are throwncodejavalangclasscastexception orgspringframeworkideeclipseconfiguieditorswebflowgraphmodelactionstatemodelelement cannot be cast to orgspringframeworkideeclipseconfiggraphmodelstructuredactivity at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at
when i try to delete a category i get the following hibernate exceptiontype exception reportmessage description the server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this requestexception javaxservletservletexception null is not a valid id cause orgrollerrollerexception null is not a valid id the full stack trace of the root cause is available in the tomcat logs
coming from a quarkus issue the maven compiler plugin in version seems not working properly with classes compilation and generation check the quarkus issue this might be a library problem or a maven problem
introduces limits in the counters library that set a maximum of counters per job these limits are really hard to hack around for some good reasons the only real way to override them is to update mapredsitexml and restart the clusterthis presents a challenge for crunchs inmemory implementation which uses the counters library in local mode and can potentially generate well more than counters when testing long pipelines
epic goal do a proof of concept investigating how we would implement and integrate the cluster api capi into why is this important the capi upstream effort is moving along nicely and a move to beta is being planned there are capabilities in capi that extend beyond what the mapi can do today we need to better understand what capi will mean for openshift a poc is the best way to do scenarios acceptance criteria ci must be running successfully with tests automated release technical enablement provide necessary release enablement details and documents dependencies internal and external previous work optional … open questions … done checklist ci ci is running tests are automated and merged release enablement dev upstream code and tests merged dev upstream documentation merged dev downstream build attached to advisory qe test plans in polarion qe automated tests merged doc downstream documentation merged
i thought it was a scrollbar only when i used it i figured out it was a zoom barplease change it to a horizontal bar not as long and give it a search icon of the bootstrap glyphicons and put it on the top right or bottom right like libreoffice make a call what you think is better basically it would look something like this but you can also go with the libreoffice approach with the minus and plus beforeafter it just open libreoffice
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request