i have a repository where the tip is revision i makes some works and create a commit unpushed to my own central server with revision and another always unpushed commit with release then i want to fold patches and selected revsion and and go to create patch command that tell me that create a patch that displaying all changes between and after that i save this new foldedpatches and strip and from local repository then i want to apply the folded patch but sourcetree cannot apply and tortoisehg too i have misunderstanding the create patch command or is a bug thanks in advance
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelout of the box confluence and tc installed calendar displays on dashboard out of box confluence and tc calendar does not display on dashboard no customizations jdk
test code currently uses randomnumeric from commonslang to create random document ids these are not guaranteed to be unique in the test so it can happen that two documents are created with the same id instead of different ids the consequence are sometimes failing tests because the index does not contain the expected number of documents this should be replaced with a idgenerator that uses a static internal counter
summary removing a space category from a space is not working environment confluence steps to reproduce go to the space and choose space tools overview on the sidebar choose space categories edit choose the x next to the space category expected results should be able to remove a space category from a space actual results nothing happens when choosing x next to the space category no workaround
in case of disabled property igniteallowstartcachesinparallel callback that registers cache in querymanager invoked twice which leads to impossibility to start cache if it was recovered before join to topology
public void serializexmlstreamwriter writer throws xmlstreamexception does not serialize the policy object properly when different stax implementations are used ive tried to use policy with in weblogic environment and it did not serialize the policy object where as staxapi and wstxasl serialize it properly when i dig thorough this misbehavior due to different implementations of stax thus in order to cope with both environments ive modified the serialize logic and attached the patch herewith please review it and apply it
we should provide a options to such ashttpproxyhost httpproxyport to facilitate thisat the moment users behind a proxy server cannot codegen for remote wsdls exposed via http
we should support to set port range for config queryserverport
the background replication queue initialization processes configured number of blocks at a time and releases the namesystem write lock this was to let namenode start serving right after a standby to active transition or leaving safe mode however this does not allow others to run much if the lock fairness is set to unfair for the higher throughputi propose adding a delay between unlocking and locking in the async repl queue init thread
this step is needed for the tutorial in introduction to the xo transaction family
changes to support apicast websocket supportthis needs to be defined
currently sakai provides no way of nagivating from an individual document listed in the resources tool to the appropriate sakai tool that handles it as more sakai tools are created that create content managed by sakai resources this becomes more desirable here are some use cases users can click on individual resources in the resources tool and automatically open them up using the appropriate sakai tool that created those resources in other words the resources tool understands about types that the different sakai tools handle users can also choose explicitly to open up individual resources with a particular tool in case the resource in question has a type which is handled by more than one sakai tool
drlvm provides mocked implementation of vmlocal storageafter the invocation api is complete full vmls is needed for multivm mode supportnote classlib provides reference implementation of vmls seems there is no reason to reinvent the wheel
function instcodeselectortauarraylen contains thefollowing code opnd discords with the general jitrino policy to keep until code emissionall runtimedependent immediates as operands with runtimeinfo field set to avalue discribing the immediate in serializable form
text item is misaligned having this issue with other artboards in old psds too
it would be easier for users if oozie supported hivemetastoreuris and hivemetastorekerberosprincipal also as aliases for hcatmetastoreuri and hcatmetastoreprincipal in hcat credentials section it would be easy to copy from hivesitexml
could not initialize class orgapachecommonshttpclientmethodspostmethod could not initialize class orgapachecommonshttpclientmethodspostmethodjavalangnoclassdeffounderror could not initialize class orgapachecommonshttpclientmethodspostmethod at at at at at at at at at at at
api service for deploy and manage yarn services have several limitations updateservice api provides multiple functions stopping a service start a service increase or decrease number of containers this was removed in the overloading is buggy depending on how the configuration should be applied scenario a user retrieves service object from getservice call and the service object contains state started the user would like to increase number of containers for the deployed service the json has been updated to increase container count the put method does not actually increase container count scenario a user retrieves service object from getservice call and the service object contains state stopped the user would like to make a environment configuration change the configuration does not get updated after put method this is possible to address by rearranging the logic of startstop after configuration update however there are other potential combinations that can break put method for example user like to make configuration changes but not yet restart the service until a later time scenario there is no api to list all deployed applications by the same user scenario desired state spec and current state are represented by the same service object there is no easy way to identify state is desired state to reach or the current state of the service it would be nice to have ability to retrieve both desired state and current state with separated entry points by implementing spec and state it can resolve this problem scenario list all services deploy by the same user can trigger a directory listing operation on namenode if hdfs is used as storage for metadata when hundred of users use service ui to view or deploy applications this will trigger denial of services attack on namenode the sparse small metadata files also reduce efficiency of namenode memory usage hence a cache layer for storing service metadata can reduce namenode stress proposed change apiservice can separate the put method into two put methods for configuration changes vs operation changes new api could look like code put request data name amp components name mysql numberofcontainers artifact id type docker runprivilegedcontainer false launchcommand resource cpus memory configuration env mysqluseruser mysqlpasswordpassword quicklinks apache document root php myadmin code code put request data name amp components name mysql state stopped code solr can be used to cache yarnfile to improve lookup performance and reduce stress of namenode small file problems and high frequency lookup solr is chosen for caching metadata because its indexing feature can be used to build full text search for application catalog as well for service that requires configuration changes to increase or decrease node count the calling sequence is code get change numberofcontainers to desired number put to update the spec put to stop existing service put to start service code for components that can increase node count without rewrite configuration code get change numberofcontainers to desired number put to update the spec put to change node count code
the code below results in an assertion failure with qt but not code import qtquick import qtquickwindow window visible true item id eye pupilrestingy property alias pupil pupil item id pupil property int restingy code short backtrace code giraise raisec giabort abortc qtmessagefatal qloggingcpp qmessageloggerfatal qloggingcpp qtassertx qglobalcpp qvectorat qvectorh qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorpopulateinstance qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybinding qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorpopulateinstance qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorcreateinstance qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybinding qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorpopulateinstance qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorcreateinstance qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlobjectcreatorcreate qqmlobjectcreatorcpp qqmlcomponentprivatebegincreate qqmlcomponentcpp qqmlcomponentbegincreate qqmlcomponentcpp qqmlcomponentcreate qqmlcomponentcpp qqmlapplicationengineprivateqfinishload qqmlapplicationenginecpp qqmlapplicationengineprivatestartload qqmlapplicationenginecpp qqmlapplicationengineload qqmlapplicationenginecpp main maincpp code full backtrace code thread thread lwp in giraise at resultvar pid selftid in giabort at savestage act sigactionhandler sahandler sasigaction samask val saflags sarestorer sigs val in qtmessagefatal context message at no locals in qmessageloggerfatal this msg assert failure in s s file s line d at message static null d ap gpoffset fpoffset overflowargarea regsavearea in qtassertx where qvectorat what index out of range file at prettyfunction void qtassertxconst char const char const char int in qvectorat this at no locals in qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings this bindingstoskip at property loadstdatomic i savedlist object data append count at clear propertydata d currentlistpropertyindex binding in qqmlobjectcreatorpopulateinstance this instance bindingtarget valuetypeproperty bindingstoskip at declarativedata obj valuescope engine mark scopeobjectprotector ptr cache o vmemetaobject data d bindingskiplist d d in qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybinding this property binding at groupobject valuetype valuetypeproperty bindingtarget obj createdsubobject prettyfunction bool qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybindingconst qqmlpropertydata const in qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings this bindingstoskip at property i savedlist object data append qobject count at int clear propertydata d currentlistpropertyindex binding in qqmlobjectcreatorpopulateinstance this instance bindingtarget valuetypeproperty bindingstoskip at declarativedata obj valuescope engine mark scopeobjectprotector ptr cache o vmemetaobject data d bindingskiplist d d in qqmlobjectcreatorcreateinstance this parent iscontextobjectfalse at profiler murl d mline mcolumn mtypename static null d profiler ocrestorer ep oldcreator iscomponent false instance ddata customparser parserstatus installpropertycache true obj bindingstoskip d d cache o scopeobject valuescope engine mark qmlcontext result false in qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybinding this property binding at createdsubobject prettyfunction bool qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybindingconst qqmlpropertydata const in qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings this bindingstoskip at property i savedlist object data append count at clear propertydata d currentlistpropertyindex binding in qqmlobjectcreatorpopulateinstance this instance bindingtarget valuetypeproperty bindingstoskip at declarativedata obj valuescope engine mark scopeobjectprotector ptr cache o vmemetaobject data d bindingskiplist d d in qqmlobjectcreatorcreateinstance this parent iscontextobjecttrue at profiler murl d mline mcolumn mtypename static null d profiler ocrestorer ep oldcreator iscomponent false instance ddata customparser parserstatus installpropertycache true obj bindingstoskip d d cache o scopeobject valuescope engine mark qmlcontext result true in qqmlobjectcreatorcreate this parent interrupt at objecttocreate scope engine mark instance in qqmlcomponentprivatebegincreate this context at q prettyfunction qobject qqmlcomponentprivatebegincreateqqmlcontextdata maxcreationdepth enginepriv rv service in qqmlcomponentbegincreate this publiccontext at d context in qqmlcomponentcreate this context at d qmlmemoryscope pushed false rv in qqmlapplicationengineprivateqfinishload this o at q c prettyfunction void qqmlapplicationengineprivateqfinishloadqobject in qqmlapplicationengineprivatestartload this url data dataflagfalse at q c in qqmlapplicationengineload this url at d in main argv at app vptrqobject static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata dptr d static staticqtmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static self static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata engine vptrqobject static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata dptr d static staticqtmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata d static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata code
the two files were recently introduced in but they lack apache licenses and fyi
ive got remote helm repository with auth enabled i tried to create helmproxy repository in nexus but it doesnt work i entered usernamepassword in http authentication settings but i saw in logs of my remote helm repo that request came without usernamepassword so remote repo returned error nexus helmproxy works when i disable auth in remote repo could you check this i use docker installation
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelwhen viewing a configured issue collector for a specific project in jira administration all issues associated with that collector are fetched when trying to calculate the count of issuesthe problem can be pinpointed to the getallcollectorissuescount method in collectoractivityhelperimpljava
recent critical cve about affects storm eg in storm it uses any between and is affected i did not found any issue or news related to apache storm and a fix so i create this ticket to track it down please upgrade to latest see in both and storm branches thank you
this has been a problem when merge a parent object the parent object has a set with child as entry the child object equals method are rely on childkey property in some case the parentchildren set was attached before the childkey property was attached then only one entry will be in the set since the children are equals with childkeynullpossible solution move collection to be process last while attach an object this give a chance for all other single property been attached so it wont break the equals logic
requirements matching proposed solution start w cloud solution gather requirements from either john hardy or from jira minimum give it a name include metadata requirements theres a new page in ibutsu that looks for requirements field well have to add an additional tab for automation hub starting phase of metrics to show later on to stakeholders public consumption also coming from dave but on different context and not relate to okr tickets task related estimate days
jacksons objectmapper can be used to convert map to pojo it would be nice if jackson component provide this kind of fallback converter then
this bug was introduced in create page containing page tree macro update the page go to page history select viewing the first version a npe is thrown shown on the screen but nothing gets logged in the server
as described in mima plugin upgrade caused the detection of new false positives for binary incompatibilities master against version during upgrade process these false positives were added as exclusions however they need to be checked if compatibility issues are present or not noformat mima plugin update caused new incompatibilities to be detected core module problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkshufflesortiolocaldiskshufflemapoutputwritercommitallpartitions problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkshuffleapishufflemapoutputwritercommitallpartitions problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkshuffleapishufflemapoutputwritercommitallpartitions mllib module problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressiontrainingsummarytotaliterations problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressiontrainingsummaryinit problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummarylabels problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummarytruepositiveratebylabel problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryfalsepositiveratebylabel problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryprecisionbylabel problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryrecallbylabel problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryfmeasurebylabel problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryfmeasurebylabel problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryaccuracy problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryweightedtruepositiverate problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryweightedfalsepositiverate problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryweightedrecall problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryweightedprecision problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryweightedfmeasure problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationlogisticregressionsummaryweightedfmeasure problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationbinarylogisticregressionsummaryroc problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationbinarylogisticregressionsummaryareaunderroc problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationbinarylogisticregressionsummarypr problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationbinarylogisticregressionsummaryfmeasurebythreshold problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationbinarylogisticregressionsummaryprecisionbythreshold problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationbinarylogisticregressionsummaryrecallbythreshold problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlclassificationfmclassifiertrainimpl problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkmlregressionfmregressortrainimpl noformat
following are steps to reproduce the issue create a dummy table budget create table budget id varchar primary key date timestamp amount decimal currency varchar insert data in budget table upsert into budget iddateamountcurrency values into budget iddateamountcurrency values into budget iddateamountcurrency values into budget iddateamountcurrency values into budget iddateamountcurrency values note table creation and data insertion should be done from linux fire following query from squirrelsql on windows select count from budgetnote same error for other aggregate functions like summinmax etc error trace as follow error netsourceforgesquirrelsqlclientsessionsqlexecutertask error reading resultset for sql select count from budgetorgapachephoenixexceptionphoenixioexception orgapachephoenixexceptionphoenixioexception the system cannot find the path specified at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by javautilconcurrentexecutionexception orgapachephoenixexceptionphoenixioexception the system cannot find the path specified at at at morecaused by orgapachephoenixexceptionphoenixioexception the system cannot find the path specified at at at at at at at at at at at morecaused by javaioioexception the system cannot find the path specified at javaiowinntfilesystemcreatefileexclusivelynative method at at at at at at at at at at at
we recently upgraded from an older strutsjar to struts since then when we try to deploy a new war file dynamically in tomcat it fails because tomcat is unable to delete just one file the that file remains inuse until the entire tomcat webserver is restarted it is as if a thread is started by struts that does not exit nicely when interrupted or perhaps there is some kind of special class loader used by struts that prevents the tomcat webapp class loader from flushing some class from this jarim sorry if this problem is already known but i could not find any issues that matched
the contenttype mime header is properly set to applicationfastinfoset in request messages but is still set to applicationsoapxml or textxml for response
dependencies update to catch up with upstream and wf dependenciesusing mvn versionsdisplaydependencyupdates to get hints for possible updatessome dependencies updates are causing problems will be solved case by case
the community has agreed that mvcc public api should be removed vote thread
translation exchange offers a powerful localization solution for java based projects there are a number of libraries that are customized to various frameworks translation markup language or tml offers extensions inflectors and contextcase rules for any language please create the following artifacts on maven central so we can start releasing our libraries all libraries are open sourced and located under githubcomtranslationexchange groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid tml groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid tmlswing groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid tmlandroid groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid tmlehcache groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid tmlmemcached groupid comtranslationexchange artifactid tmlredis those libraries will be replacing the artifacts under groupid but we would love to keep both for time being for backwards compatibility thank you michael
here is the execpetion generated when trying to remove an item from the cache that doesnt existjavaxtransactionrollbackexception could not commit transaction at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at more
allow to readwrite javaneturi and javaneturl as textplain
it appears that there are tests that have been rewritten exclusively for the mongo persistence but which really are specific to the documentmk formerly mongomkthese should be rewritten to be useable for all implementations of the documentstore api
currently itsif iscertificateinkeystorecrypto cert return truehowever if the crypto here has keystore then if cert is in it it will return true in this case so it cant reach the enablerevocation later to check with the revocation this logic is wrong in case the cert is in keystore but already get revokedthe signaturecrltest cant cover this case because the ca merlin crypto it passed in only have truststore we need check enablerevocation first before we check iscertificateinkeystorecrypto cert
implement the following commands pool management create pool resourceplanpoolpath with allocfractionfraction queryparallelismparallelism schedulingpolicypolicy alter pool resourceplanpoolpath set path newpath allocfraction fraction queryparallelism parallelism schedulingpolicy policy drop pool resourceplanpoolpath adding triggers to pools alter pool resourceplanpoolpath add trigger triggername alter pool resourceplanpoolpath drop trigger triggername usergroup to pool mappings create usergroup mapping resourceplangrouporusername to poolpath with ordering orderno drop usergroup mapping resourceplangrouporusername
using the import tab to add imports does not add the import to the qml file
stack trace codeinfo jvm error orgcodehausplexustaskqueueexecutiontaskqueueexecutorrepositoryscanning error executing taskinfo jvm eduemorymathcsbackportjavautilconcurrentexecutionexception javalangarithmeticexception by zeroinfo jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm caused by javalangarithmeticexception by zeroinfo jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at
i have centos and did build qt from source with this configuration codejava configure opensource confirmlicense release shared nomake examples nomake tests noopengl skip qtwebengine skip qtsensors skip qtmultimedia skip qtlocation skip skip qtwayland cstd prefix built works fine and installs i can build applications with they start and run as expected when logged in locally on a linux pc when connecting with ssh and forwarding like codejava ssh x myusermyservercode the application that i start freezes at startup at best i get some kind of rectangle on the screen that looks like the shape of a window however nothing works gdb at this moment prints out codejava in kernelvsyscall in from in xcbconnwait from in waitforreply from in xcbwaitforreply from in xcbshmcreatesegmentreply from in from in from in from in from in qbackingstoreresizeqsize const from in from in from in qwidgetprivatesyncbackingstoreqregion const from in from in from in qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent from in qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent from in qevent from in qguiapplicationprivateprocessexposeeventqwindowsysteminterfaceprivateexposeevent from in qguiapplicationprivateprocesswindowsystemeventqwindowsysteminterfaceprivatewindowsystemevent from in qwindowsysteminterfacesendwindowsystemeventsqflags from in from in qeventloopprocesseventsqflags from in qeventloopexecqflags from in qcoreapplicationexec from in qguiapplicationexec from in qapplicationexec from in main code note using an x server application on window or to connect to that linux pc all works fine same environment on linux however with qt all works fine
currently it just says please confirm you are ready to finalizethis sounds too light lets let the user know that theres no going back once it is finalized and the user is encouraged to run tests on the cluster before finalizingmake the changes on the ui side as this is going to be a uispecific message and change messageyour cluster version has been upgraded click on finalize when you are ready to finalize the upgrade and commit to the new version you are strongly encouraged to run tests on your cluster to ensure it is fully operational before finalizing you cannot go back to the original version once the upgrade is finalized safe guard the finalize button with a confirmation popup you are about to finalize the upgrade you cannot go back to the original version once the upgrade is finalized proceed with finalizingcancel have buttons downgrade red finalize later gray finalize green clicking on finalize later simply dismisses the popup
if schema include any type like then runtime will fail when client side do mashall
confguring jboss eap as a service using jsvc table jsvc file locations for rpm installations standalone confguring jboss eap as a service using jsvc table jsvc file locations for rpm installations managed domainproblemincorrect paths in rpm
when installing chaincode need to package couchdb indexes in chaincode tar for details see the node sdk work item
currently runshbat seems to be setting memory settings for all available doesnt work in my tests see belowwindows tried on and with of physical memoryerror occurred during initialization of vmcould not reserve enough space for object heapcould not create the java virtual machinesolaris some reason im seeing outofmemoryerror permgen and other i think caused by that errors so server doesnt start jiri pechanec reported that with server starts normally on the machines i have tested onall architectures martin reported that soap production server occupies around with no applications deployed martin could you provide a link to the jprofile report so seems to me too low for a server any user application on the other hand im not sure why window cant allocate of memory perhaps things would work if lower limit is not set just a side note that our solaris and sparc hardware have only of physical memory so i am not able to definitely say there is no problem there
according to the spec dependent scoped producer beans can return null values however this leads to a npe in owb while checking if the return is serializablestack belowcaused by javalangnullpointerexception at at at be a simple fix of checking for null before calling injectedgetclass
drawing over item inherited from qabstractspinbox is not working correctly the painting happens is not done over the edit field for example thisvoid mydateeditpaintevent qpaintevent event qdateeditpainteventevent qpainter painterthis paintersetpenqcolorred painterend where mydateedit is inherited from qdateedit results look shown in the attached image if the same painting is done for a class inherited from qlineedit then the line is drawn correctly
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelas indicated in documentation if you specify multiple topics only questions matching all topics will appear in the macro this was implemented by in version this used to be the case but now it only applies if using the popular filter if you use recent or unanswered all questions with any of the topics appear this is a problem for us because most of our questions list macros are set to recent filter and with topicsthis issue was identified by users in
i want to use mustella to test my own components but keep mustella in a thirdparty directory and my mustella tests in another directorythis is not currently possible because the tests directory is hardcoded by be a subdirectory of mustella
some default values timeouts of the mongodb java driver do not work well with the lease time we use in oakper default there is no socket timeout set and the driver waits for a new connection up to seconds which is too log for lease update operations see also
until we resolve
currently for the project examples the user must either create a runtime instance in the tooling that maps to the expected runtime name from the project example or go in and update the references in the quick fix dialog by hand in the project propertiesis there any way to make this process simpler for example could we match on the type of server instead of the name how feasible is this type of change
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelplease refer to the image of the attached
in the cocoon version the sent file misreferenciasxsp compiled and run correctlyorgapachecocooncomponentslanguagelanguageexception error compiling misreferenciasxsperror orgapachecocoonwwwfilecdesproysigportalwebportalxspmisreferenciasxspjavaxspattrclear start error lines xspattr cannot be resolvedthisesqlprintobjectesqlstructxspattr end errorthiscontenthandlerendelementsqlrowitemerror orgapachecocoonwwwfilecdesproysigportalwebportalxspmisreferenciasxspjava postgres is broken as it doesnt allow getobject to retrieve any type ie bit and bit varying so dont handle complex types different for postgresif esqlconnectiongeturlstartswithjdbc start error lines xspattr cannot be resolvedthisesqlprintobjectesqlquerygetresultsetgetobjectesqli xspattr end errorbreakdefaultline column xspattr cannot be resolvedline column xspattr cannot be resolved
description bold formatting is not continued when creating a new line text returns to paragraph format steps command b write a line press enter start typing observe text is not longer in bold format
sometimes we have large number of over replicates when nn fails over when the new active nn took over over replicated blocks will be put to postponedmisreplicatedblocks until all dns for that block arent stale anymorewe have a case where nns flip flop before postponedmisreplicatedblocks became empty nn fail over again and again so postponedmisreplicatedblocks just kept increasing until the cluster is stable in addition large postponedmisreplicatedblocks could make rescanpostponedmisreplicatedblocks slow rescanpostponedmisreplicatedblocks takes write lock so it could slow down the block report processing
we use the lines to signal that the maximum line width is characters but lines with more than characters keep creeping in this changeset fixes that plus a bunch of inconsistencies of the copyediting kind
summary when a new user is created via post for endpoint details see environment jira cloud steps to reproduce make a post request to in the post body make the email address match an existing user the usernamename can be different send the request and check the response expected results a message informing the person who made the request that an account with that email address already exists something like user already exists actual results response with details of the user with the existing email address notes a duplicate account is not created identity advised that they use a response in these cases no known workarounds
after clicking validate in the ddl editor with invalid ddl an error is returned and all the editor buttons get disabled the error is noformaterrorjavalangexception orgteiidmodeshapesequencerddlteiidddlparsingexception unparsable table body position
i dont know what is problem anyway i cant run jbossas c all modebut i can run c web or default modefollowing code is error info main using rmi server codebase error main systemid¸¦ ¾ë ¼ö ¾ø½à´ï´ù çà ¿­ attribute connectiontimeout was already specified for element info main jboss web services stack native info main info main owner callback not info main adding notification listener for logging mbean to server info main encountered deployment info main encountered deployment info main encountered deployment info main encountered deployment info main corba naming info main jmx connector server info main mail service bound to info main snmp agent going info main initializing partition warn jboss system failed to join on javanetsocketexception unrecognized windows sockets error no associated with warn jboss system failed to join on javanetsocketexception unrecognized windows sockets error no associated with info jboss system gms address is info jboss system number of cluster members info jboss system other members info main jbosscache mbeans were successfully registered to the platform mbean info main gms address is info main received new cluster view info main cache local address is info main state was retrieved successfully in info main jboss cache version jbosscache cascabel info main fetching servicestate will wait for info main state could not be retrieved we are the first member in info main started hajndi bootstrap info main listening on hajndi info main service name is warn main warning potential security risk it has been detected that the messagesucker component which sucks messages from one node to another has not had its password changed from the installation default please see the jboss messaging user guide for instructions on how to do warn main no classloader provided using tccl warn main no classloader provided using tccl info main jbossts transaction service jta version jboss info main setting up property manager mbean and jmx info main initializing recovery info main recovery manager info main binding transactionmanager jndi info main starting transaction recovery error main error installing to start namewebserver statecreateorgjbossxbbindingjbossxbexception failed to parse source premature end of file unknown at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by orgxmlsaxsaxexception premature end of file unknown at at orgapachexercesutilerrorhandlerwrapperfatalerrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlerrorreporterreporterrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlerrorreporterreporterrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlerrorreporterreporterrorunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmlversiondetectordeterminedocversionunknown source at source at source at orgapachexercesparsersxmlparserparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersabstractsaxparserparseunknown source at orgapachexercesjaxpsaxparserimpljaxpsaxparserparseunknown source at info main required license terms exist view info main required license terms exist view info main required license terms exist view info main required license terms exist view info main required license terms exist view info main job execution threads will use class loader of thread info main quartz scheduler info main ramjobstore info main quartz scheduler defaultquartzscheduler initialized from default resource file in quartz package info main quartz scheduler version info main scheduler defaultquartzschedulernonclustered info main bound connectionmanager jbossjcaservicedatasourcebindingnamedefaultds to jndi name info main jboss messaging server info main gms address is info main got new view old view is info main i am info main new members info main all members warn main failed to join on javanetsocketexception unrecognized windows sockets error no associated with warn main failed to join on javanetsocketexception unrecognized windows sockets error no associated with info main gms address is info main connector has leasing enabled lease period info main info main queue started info main connector has leasing enabled lease period info main info main queue started info main connector has leasing enabled lease period info main info main bound connectionmanager jbossjcaserviceconnectionfactorybindingnamejmsxa to jndi name info main created kerneldeployment for info main installing bean info main with info main and info main info main info main and info main info main info main info main added to kerneldeployment of info main installing bean info main with info main and info main info main and info main info main info main info main added to kerneldeployment of info main installing bean info main with info main and info main info main and info main info main info main info main added to kerneldeployment of info main deploy properties constructornull info main deploy properties constructornull info main deploy properties constructornull info main starting info main started ejb orgjbossprofileserviceejbsecuredeploymentmanager ejbname info main binding the following entries in global jndi securedeploymentmanagerremote default remote business interface securedeploymentmanagerremoteorgjbossdeployersspimanagementdeploydeploymentmanager remote business info main starting info main started ejb orgjbossprofileserviceejbsecuremanagementview ejbname info main binding the following entries in global jndi securemanagementviewremote default remote business interface securemanagementviewremoteorgjbossdeployersspimanagementmanagementview remote business info main starting info main started ejb orgjbossprofileserviceejbsecureprofileservicebean ejbname info main binding the following entries in global jndi secureprofileserviceremote default remote business interface secureprofileserviceremoteorgjbossprofileservicespiprofileservice remote business error main failed to load profile summary of incomplete deployments see previous errors for detailsdeployments missing dependencies deployment jbosswebdeploymentwarroot is missing the following dependencies dependency jbosswebservicewebserver should be in state create but is actually in state not found depends on jbosswebservicewebserver deployment jbosswebdeploymentwaradminconsole is missing the following dependencies dependency jbosswebservicewebserver should be in state create but is actually in state not found depends on jbosswebservicewebserver deployment jbosswebdeploymentwarinvoker is missing the following dependencies dependency jbosswebservicewebserver should be in state create but is actually in state not found depends on jbosswebservicewebserver deployment jbosswebdeploymentwarjbossws is missing the following dependencies dependency jbosswebservicewebserver should be in state create but is actually in state not found depends on jbosswebservicewebserver deployment jbosswebdeploymentwarjmxconsole is missing the following dependencies dependency jbosswebservicewebserver should be in state create but is actually in state not found depends on jbosswebservicewebserver deployment jbosswebdeploymentwarjuddi is missing the following dependencies dependency jbosswebservicewebserver should be in state create but is actually in state not found depends on jbosswebservicewebserver deployment jbosswebdeploymentwarwebconsole is missing the following dependencies dependency jbosswebservicewebserver should be in state create but is actually in state not found depends on jbosswebservicewebserver deployments in error deployment webserver is in error due to the following reasons orgxmlsaxsaxexception premature end of file unknown deployment jbosswebservicewebserver is in error due to the following reasons not found depends on jbosswebservicewebserver info main jboss microcontainer started in info rmi tcp shutting down the server blockingshutdown info server info jboss shutdown hook runtime shutdown hook called forcehalt info jboss shutdown hook info jboss shutdown hook info jboss shutdown hook info jboss shutdown hook queue info jboss shutdown hook queue info jboss shutdown hook stopping info jboss shutdown hook stopped ejb orgjbossprofileserviceejbsecureprofileservicebean ejbname info jboss shutdown hook stopping info jboss shutdown hook stopped ejb orgjbossprofileserviceejbsecuredeploymentmanager ejbname info jboss shutdown hook stopping info jboss shutdown hook stopped ejb orgjbossprofileserviceejbsecuremanagementview ejbname info jboss shutdown hook unbound connectionmanager jbossjcaserviceconnectionfactorybindingnamejmsxa from jndi name info jboss shutdown hook jms serverpeer info jboss shutdown hook stopping partition info jboss shutdown hook disconnecting and closing the info jboss shutdown hook stopping the info jboss shutdown hook partition defaultpartition info jboss shutdown hook partition defaultpartition info jboss shutdown hook mail service javamail removed from info jboss shutdown hook snmp agent info jboss shutdown hook unbound connectionmanager jbossjcaservicedatasourcebindingnamedefaultds from jndi name info jboss shutdown hook scheduler defaultquartzschedulernonclustered shutting info jboss shutdown hook scheduler defaultquartzschedulernonclustered info jboss shutdown hook there are still worker threads active see javadoc runinthreadrunnable for a possible info jboss shutdown hook scheduler defaultquartzschedulernonclustered shutdown info jboss shutdown hook stopping transaction recovery info jboss shutdown hook destroying info jboss shutdown hook database standalone closed info jboss shutdown hook shutdown completebootlog info starting jboss info release id jboss build debug using config debug server type class debug server loaded through info bootstrap url info home dir info home url info library url info patch url info common base url info common library url info server name info server base dir info server base url info server config url info server home dir info server home url info server data dir info server library url info server log dir info server native dir info server temp dir info server temp deploy dir debug shutdown hook added debug starting jboss kernel debug completed jboss kernel construction duration debug already in start ignoring duplicate info starting microcontainer debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug debug deploying bootstrap debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug registered new log level severe with value debug registered new log level warning with value debug registered new log level info with value debug registered new log level config with value debug registered new log level fine with value debug registered new log level finer with value debug registered new log level finest with value debug registered new log level fatal with value debug registered new log level error with value debug registered new log level warn with value debug registered new log level debug with value debug registered new log level trace with value debug deploying bootstrap debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug creating timed cache policy lifetime null threadsafe true resolution info initializing vfscache info using vfscache debug deploying bootstrap debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug add module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule info vfs temp dir info vfs force nested jars copymode is debug registered parentpolicybefore debug created with policy domainnull roots delegatesnull exported debug registerclassloader debug deploying bootstrap debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug add module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug created with policy domainnull roots delegatesnull exported debug registerclassloader debug adding module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug adding module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug deploying bootstrap debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug additional matching bean contextual injection already used for class class debug add module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug adding module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug created with policy domainnull roots delegatesnull exported debug registerclassloader debug created mbeanserver debug boot url list debug created with policy domainnull roots delegatesnull exported debug registerclassloader info java version microsystems info java runtime javatm se runtime environment build info java vm java hotspottm server vm microsystems info ossystem windows server info vm arguments dprogramnamerunbat dorgjbossresolverwarningtrue debug full system properties debug javavendor sun microsystems debug sunjavalauncher debug sunmanagementcompiler hotspot server debug osname windows server debug sunbootclasspath debug sundesktop debug javavmspecificationvendor sun microsystems debug javaruntimeversion debug username debug jbossbindaddress debug jbosshomedir debug userlanguage debug sunbootlibrarypath cprogram debug jbosshomeurl debug javaversion debug javautilloggingmanager debug usertimezone debug jbossserverhomedir debug jgroupsbindaddr debug sunarchdatamodel debug javaendorseddirs debug jbossserverhomeurl debug suncpuisalist debug sunjnuencoding debug fileencodingpkg debug fileseparator debug javaspecificationname java platform api debug javaclassversion debug jbossserverconfigurl debug jbosscommonliburl debug usercountry debug javahome cprogram debug javavminfo mixed debug jbossliburl debug osversion debug pathseparator debug javavmversion debug uservariant debug javaprotocolhandlerpkgs debug javaawtprinterjob debug suniounicodeencoding debug awttoolkit debug xbbuilderuseunorderedsequence debug jbossservertempdir debug sunrmidgcclientgcinterval debug userhome debug javaspecificationvendor sun microsystems debug javalibrarypath cprogram sharedwindows files sql filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedwindows livecprogram debug orgjbossresolverwarning debug javavendorurl debug programname debug jbosscommonbaseurl debug javavmvendor sun microsystems debug sunrmidgcservergcinterval debug javaruntimename javatm se runtime debug javaclasspath debug jbossserverlogdir debug jbossmxloaderrepositoryclass debug javavmspecificationname java virtual machine debug javavmspecificationversion debug suncpuendian debug sunospatchlevel debug jbossserverliburl debug javaiotmpdir debug javavendorurlbug debug jbossserverdatadir debug javarmiserverhostname debug jbossvfsforcecopy debug osarch debug javaawtgraphicsenv debug javaextdirs cprogram debug userdir debug lineseparator debug javavmname java hotspottm server debug jbossserverbasedir debug jbossserverbaseurl debug javaxmanagementbuilderinitial debug fileencoding debug javaspecificationversion debug jbossservername debug controller mbean info legacy jmx core debug registering aspectmanagerservice in jmx under debug deploying bootstrap debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug additional matching bean contextual injection already used for class class debug add module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug adding module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug created with policy domainnull roots delegatesnull exported debug registerclassloader debug added stage not installed before debug added stage parse before debug added stage postparse before debug added stage predescribe before debug added stage describe before debug added stage classloader before debug added stage postclassloader before debug added stage prereal before debug added stage real before debug added stage installed before debug setmgtobjectcreator debug registering service debug registered mbean debug creating service debug starting service debug added structure deployer debug added structure deployer debug added structure deployer debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug set icf for interface orgjbossbeansmetadataspibeanmetadata to debug added deployer for stage debug addattachmenttype interface debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug set icf for class orgjbosssystemmetadataservicemetadata to debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug added deployer for stage debug deploying bootstrap debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug additional matching bean contextual injection already used for class class debug add module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug adding module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug created with policy domainnull roots delegatesnull exported debug registerclassloader debug additional matching bean contextual injection already used for class class debug additional matching bean contextual injection already used for class class debug added deployer for stage debug using profileservice debug using maindeployer debug added component to debug added component to debug added component bootstrapprofilefactory to debug added component defaultprofilekey to debug added component profileservice to debug added component profileservicebootstrap to debug added component profilefactory to debug added component profilerepositoryfactory to debug added component structuremodcache to debug added component to debug added component metadatastructuremodificationchecker to debug added component synchadapter to debug added component webvisitorattributes to debug added component structuremodificationchecker to debug added component basicprofilefactory to debug added component filteredprofilefactory to debug added component defaultdeploymentrepositoryfactory to debug added component clustereddeploymentrepositoryfactory to debug added component clustereddeploymentrepositorymetadatapersister to debug added component filesystemlocalcontentmanagerfactory to debug added component persistencefactory to debug added component attachmentstore to debug added component attachmentsserializer to debug added component profileservicedeployer to debug added component profileservicepersistencedeployer to debug added component kerneldeploymentcomponentmapper to debug added component servicedeploymentcomponentmapper to debug added component deploymentfilter to debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicestaticclusteredprofilefactory properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicestaticclusteredprofilefactory properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectbootstrapprofilefactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossprofileservicespiprofilekey properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossprofileservicespiprofilekey properties debug created managedobject managedobjectdefaultprofilekey for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryabstractprofileservice properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryabstractprofileservice properties debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectprofileservice for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileserviceprofileservicebootstrap properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileserviceprofileservicebootstrap properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectprofileservicebootstrap for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorytypedprofilefactory properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorytypedprofilefactory properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created managedobject managedobjectprofilefactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorytypedprofilerepository properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorytypedprofilerepository properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created managedobject managedobjectprofilerepositoryfactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructuremodifieddefaultstructurecache properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue parameters debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructuremodifieddefaultstructurecache properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue parameters debug created managedobject managedobjectstructuremodcache for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofilebasicxmlincludevirtualfilefilter properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofilebasicxmlincludevirtualfilefilter properties constructornull debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructuremodifiedmetadatastructuremodificationchecker properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructuremodifiedmetadatastructuremodificationchecker properties debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectmetadatastructuremodificationchecker for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructuremodifiedoverridesynchadapter properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructuremodifiedoverridesynchadapter properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectsynchadapter for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofilebasicincludeexcludevisitorattributes properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofilebasicincludeexcludevisitorattributes properties debug created managedobject managedobjectwebvisitorattributes for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructuremodifiedsynchwrappermodificationchecker properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructuremodifiedsynchwrappermodificationchecker properties debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectstructuremodificationchecker for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorybasicprofilefactory properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorybasicprofilefactory properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectbasicprofilefactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryfilteredprofilefactory properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryfilteredprofilefactory properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectfilteredprofilefactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorydefaultdeploymentrepositoryfactory properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorydefaultdeploymentrepositoryfactory properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectdefaultdeploymentrepositoryfactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryclusteredclustereddeploymentrepositoryfactory properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryclusteredclustereddeploymentrepositoryfactory properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectclustereddeploymentrepositoryfactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryclusteredlocaljaxbrepositorycontentmetadatapersister properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryclusteredlocaljaxbrepositorycontentmetadatapersister properties debug created managedobject managedobjectclustereddeploymentrepositorymetadatapersister for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryclusteredlocalfilefilesystemlocalcontentmanagerfactory properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryclusteredlocalfilefilesystemlocalcontentmanagerfactory properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectfilesystemlocalcontentmanagerfactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicepersistenceabstractpersistencefactory properties autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicepersistenceabstractpersistencefactory properties autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created managedobject managedobjectpersistencefactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryabstractattachmentstore properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryabstractattachmentstore properties debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectattachmentstore for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryjaxbattachmentserializer properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositoryjaxbattachmentserializer properties debug created managedobject managedobjectattachmentsserializer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorymaindeployeradapter properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicerepositorymaindeployeradapter properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectprofileservicedeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicepersistencedeployerprofileservicepersistencedeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverprofileservicepersistencedeployerprofileservicepersistencedeployer properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectprofileservicepersistencedeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmanagedkerneldeploymentcomponentmapper properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmanagedkerneldeploymentcomponentmapper properties debug created managedobject managedobjectkerneldeploymentcomponentmapper for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersmanagedservicedeploymentcomponentmapper properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersmanagedservicedeploymentcomponentmapper properties debug created managedobject managedobjectservicedeploymentcomponentmapper for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossvirtualpluginsvfshelpersextensiblefilter properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossvirtualpluginsvfshelpersextensiblefilter properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectdeploymentfilter for bean debug created managedcomponentbasicprofilefactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo basicprofilefactory componentname debug created managedcomponentstructuremodcache of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo structuremodcache componentname debug created managedcomponentprofileservicedeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo profileservicedeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentattachmentstore of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo attachmentstore componentname debug created managedcomponentfilteredprofilefactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo filteredprofilefactory componentname debug created managedcomponentprofileservicepersistencedeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo profileservicepersistencedeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentattachmentsserializer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo attachmentsserializer componentname debug created managedcomponentwebvisitorattributes of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo webvisitorattributes componentname debug created managedcomponentfilesystemlocalcontentmanagerfactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo filesystemlocalcontentmanagerfactory componentname debug created managedcomponentdefaultprofilekey of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo defaultprofilekey componentname debug created managedcomponentdeploymentfilter of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo deploymentfilter componentname debug created managedcomponentsynchadapter of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo synchadapter componentname debug created managedcomponentclustereddeploymentrepositorymetadatapersister of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo clustereddeploymentrepositorymetadatapersister componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentmetadatastructuremodificationchecker of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo metadatastructuremodificationchecker componentname debug created managedcomponentkerneldeploymentcomponentmapper of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo kerneldeploymentcomponentmapper componentname debug created managedcomponentprofilerepositoryfactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo profilerepositoryfactory componentname debug created managedcomponentservicedeploymentcomponentmapper of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo servicedeploymentcomponentmapper componentname debug created managedcomponentpersistencefactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo persistencefactory componentname debug created managedcomponentprofileservicebootstrap of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo profileservicebootstrap componentname debug created managedcomponentstructuremodificationchecker of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo structuremodificationchecker componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentdefaultdeploymentrepositoryfactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo defaultdeploymentrepositoryfactory componentname debug created managedcomponentprofilefactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo profilefactory componentname debug created managedcomponentprofileservice of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo profileservice componentname debug created managedcomponentclustereddeploymentrepositoryfactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo clustereddeploymentrepositoryfactory componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentbootstrapprofilefactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo bootstrapprofilefactory componentname debug added component logbridgehandler to debug failed to build manageddeployment for installedtrue beanfactoriesorgjbossdeployersspideploymentexception error deploying at at at at at at at at by javalangillegalstateexception classloader has not been set at at at debug added component to debug failed to build manageddeployment for installedtrue beanfactories factoryclassorgjbossvirtualspicachevfscachefactory factorymethodgetinstance autowirecandidatetrue parameters beanorgjbossvirtualpluginscontexthelpersnamesexceptionhandler properties autowirecandidatetrueorgjbossdeployersspideploymentexception error deploying at at at at at at at at by javalangillegalstateexception classloader has not been set at at at debug added component to debug added component to debug added component serverinfo to debug added component jmxkernel to debug added component jmxregistrationadvice to debug added component jmxregistrationadviceaspectbinding to debug added component jmxcreatedestroyadvice to debug added component jmxcreatedestroyadviceaspectbinding to debug added component jmxstartstopadvice to debug added component jmxstartstopadviceaspectbinding to debug added component aspectmanagerjmxregistrar to debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbosssystemserverserverinfo for bean aliases beanorgjbosssystemserverserverinfo properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue debug managedobjectjbosssystemtypeserverinfo is managedcomponent type orgjbossmanagedapiannotationmanagementcomponenttypemcbean debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbosssystemserverserverinfo for bean aliases beanorgjbosssystemserverserverinfo properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue debug created managedobject managedobjectjbosssystemtypeserverinfo for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverjmxjmxkernel properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemserverjmxjmxkernel properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjmxkernel for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemmicrocontainerjmxservicecontrollerregistrationlifecyclecallback properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemmicrocontainerjmxservicecontrollerregistrationlifecyclecallback properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjmxregistrationadvice for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopmicrocontainerbeanslifecyclebinding properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopmicrocontainerbeanslifecyclebinding properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjmxregistrationadviceaspectbinding for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemmicrocontainerjmxservicecontrollercreatedestroylifecyclecallback properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemmicrocontainerjmxservicecontrollercreatedestroylifecyclecallback properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjmxcreatedestroyadvice for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopmicrocontainerbeanslifecyclebinding properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopmicrocontainerbeanslifecyclebinding properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjmxcreatedestroyadviceaspectbinding for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemmicrocontainerjmxservicecontrollerstartstoplifecyclecallback properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemmicrocontainerjmxservicecontrollerstartstoplifecyclecallback properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjmxstartstopadvice for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopmicrocontainerbeanslifecyclebinding properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopmicrocontainerbeanslifecyclebinding properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjmxstartstopadviceaspectbinding for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopdeployersaspectmanagerjmxregistrar properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopdeployersaspectmanagerjmxregistrar properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectaspectmanagerjmxregistrar for bean debug created managedcomponentjmxkernel of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jmxkernel componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentjmxcreatedestroyadvice of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jmxcreatedestroyadvice componentname debug created managedcomponentjmxregistrationadviceaspectbinding of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jmxregistrationadviceaspectbinding componentname debug created managedcomponentjmxregistrationadvice of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jmxregistrationadvice componentname debug created managedcomponentjmxstartstopadvice of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jmxstartstopadvice componentname debug created managedcomponentjbosssystemtypeserverinfo of type componenttypetypemcbean subtypeserverinfo for mo jbosssystemtypeserverinfo componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentjmxstartstopadviceaspectbinding of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jmxstartstopadviceaspectbinding componentname debug created managedcomponentjmxcreatedestroyadviceaspectbinding of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jmxcreatedestroyadviceaspectbinding componentname debug created managedcomponentaspectmanagerjmxregistrar of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aspectmanagerjmxregistrar componentname debug added component to debug added component to debug added component topcontextcomparator to debug added component metavaluefactory to debug added component managedobjectfactory to debug added component managedobjectcreator to debug added component maindeployer to debug added component manageddeploymentcreator to debug added component modificationtypestructureprocessor to debug added component structurebuilder to debug added component structuraldeployers to debug added component deployers to debug added component declaredstructure to debug added component jarfilter to debug added component jarstructurecandidates to debug added component jarstructure to debug added component filestructure to debug added component aopxmlmetadataparserdeployer to debug added component aopannotationmetadataparserdeployer to debug added component aopclassloaderdeployer to debug added component aopdeploymentaopmetadatadeployer to debug added component beansdeploymentaopmetadatadeployer to debug added component corebeanannotationadapterfactory to debug added component corebeanannotationadapter to debug added component beanmetadataicf to debug added component kerneldeploymentmanagedobjectcreator to debug added component beandeployer to debug added component kerneldeploymentdeployer to debug added component beanmetadatadeployer to debug added component servicemetadataicf to debug added component sardeployer to debug added component serviceclassloaderdeployer to debug added component servicedeploymentdeployer to debug added component servicedeployer to debug added component classloadingmetadataparser to debug added component classloadingdefaultdeployer to debug added component inmemoryclassesdeployer to debug added component classloaderclasspathdeployer to debug added component classloaderdescribedeployer to debug added component classloaderdeployer to debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject for bean debug icf returned null class beannull properties factoryclassorgjbosssystemdeployerslegacydeploymentcontextcomparator factorymethodgetinstance debug icf returned null class beannull properties factoryclassorgjbossmetatypeapivaluesmetavaluefactory factorymethodgetinstance debug icf returned null class beannull properties factoryclassorgjbossmanagedapifactorymanagedobjectfactory factorymethodgetinstance autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersspideployerhelpersdefaultmanagedobjectcreator properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersspideployerhelpersdefaultmanagedobjectcreator properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectmanagedobjectcreator for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmainmaindeployerimpl properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmainmaindeployerimpl properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectmaindeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmanagedtypedmanageddeploymentcreator properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmanagedtypedmanageddeploymentcreator properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectmanageddeploymentcreator for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructuremodifymodificationtypestructureprocessor properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructuremodifymodificationtypestructureprocessor properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created managedobject managedobjectmodificationtypestructureprocessor for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructurevfsstructurebuilder properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructurevfsstructurebuilder properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectstructurebuilder for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructurevfsstructuraldeployersimpl properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructurevfsstructuraldeployersimpl properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectstructuraldeployers for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsdeployersdeployersimpl properties autowirecandidatetrue annotations installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsdeployersdeployersimpl properties autowirecandidatetrue annotations installcallbacks debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectdeployers for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructureexplicitdeclaredstructure properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructureexplicitdeclaredstructure properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectdeclaredstructure for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossvirtualpluginsvfshelperssuffixesexcludefilter properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossvirtualpluginsvfshelperssuffixesexcludefilter properties debug created managedobject managedobjectjarfilter for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructurehelpersdefaultcandidatestructurevisitorfactory properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspistructurehelpersdefaultcandidatestructurevisitorfactory properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjarstructurecandidates for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructurejarjarstructure properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructurejarjarstructure properties debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectjarstructure for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructurefilefilestructure properties autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsstructurefilefilestructure properties autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created managedobject managedobjectfilestructure for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspideployerschemaresolverdeployer properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspideployerschemaresolverdeployer properties debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectaopxmlmetadataparserdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties debug created managedobject managedobjectaopannotationmetadataparserdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectaopclassloaderdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectaopdeploymentaopmetadatadeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectbeansdeploymentaopmetadatadeployer for bean debug icf returned null class beannull properties factoryclassorgjbosskernelpluginsannotationsbeanannotationadapterfactory factorymethodgetinstance debug icf returned null class beannull properties factorymethodgetbeanannotationadapter autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmanagedbeanmetadataicf properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmanagedbeanmetadataicf properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectbeanmetadataicf for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmanagedkerneldeploymentmanagedobjectcreator properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsmanagedkerneldeploymentmanagedobjectcreator properties debug created managedobject managedobjectkerneldeploymentmanagedobjectcreator for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsdeployerkernelbeandeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsdeployerkernelbeandeployer properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectbeandeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsdeployerkernelkerneldeploymentdeployer properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installs debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsdeployerkernelkerneldeploymentdeployer properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installs debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectkerneldeploymentdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsdeployerkernelbeanmetadatadeployer properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsdeployerkernelbeanmetadatadeployer properties debug created managedobject managedobjectbeanmetadatadeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersmanagedservicemetadataicf properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersmanagedservicemetadataicf properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectservicemetadataicf for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployerssardeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployerssardeployer properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectsardeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersserviceclassloaderdeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersserviceclassloaderdeployer properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectserviceclassloaderdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersservicedeploymentdeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersservicedeploymentdeployer properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectservicedeploymentdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersservicedeployer properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbosssystemdeployersservicedeployer properties debug created managedobject managedobjectservicedeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspideployerschemaresolverdeployer properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfsspideployerschemaresolverdeployer properties debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectclassloadingmetadataparser for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsclassloadingclassloadingdefaultdeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsclassloadingclassloadingdefaultdeployer properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectclassloadingdefaultdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsclassloaderinmemoryclassesdeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsclassloaderinmemoryclassesdeployer properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectinmemoryclassesdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsclassloadervfsclassloaderclasspathdeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsclassloadervfsclassloaderclasspathdeployer properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectclassloaderclasspathdeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsclassloadervfsclassloaderdescribedeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployersvfspluginsclassloadervfsclassloaderdescribedeployer properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectclassloaderdescribedeployer for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsclassloadingabstractlevelclassloadersystemdeployer properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossdeployerspluginsclassloadingabstractlevelclassloadersystemdeployer properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectclassloaderdeployer for bean debug created managedcomponentaopxmlmetadataparserdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aopxmlmetadataparserdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentclassloadingmetadataparser of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo classloadingmetadataparser componentname debug created managedcomponentserviceclassloaderdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo serviceclassloaderdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentjarfilter of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jarfilter componentname debug created managedcomponentaopannotationmetadataparserdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aopannotationmetadataparserdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentbeandeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo beandeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentinmemoryclassesdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo inmemoryclassesdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentaopdeploymentaopmetadatadeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aopdeploymentaopmetadatadeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentbeanmetadataicf of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo beanmetadataicf componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentservicedeploymentdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo servicedeploymentdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentjarstructure of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jarstructure componentname debug created managedcomponentbeansdeploymentaopmetadatadeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo beansdeploymentaopmetadatadeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentstructurebuilder of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo structurebuilder componentname debug created managedcomponentclassloaderdescribedeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo classloaderdescribedeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentaopclassloaderdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aopclassloaderdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentmanageddeploymentcreator of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo manageddeploymentcreator componentname debug created managedcomponentjarstructurecandidates of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo jarstructurecandidates componentname debug created managedcomponentmanagedobjectcreator of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo managedobjectcreator componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentclassloadingdefaultdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo classloadingdefaultdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentservicedeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo servicedeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentclassloaderclasspathdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo classloaderclasspathdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentkerneldeploymentdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo kerneldeploymentdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentservicemetadataicf of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo servicemetadataicf componentname debug created managedcomponentdeployers of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo deployers componentname debug created managedcomponentmaindeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo maindeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentsardeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo sardeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentclassloaderdeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo classloaderdeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentstructuraldeployers of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo structuraldeployers componentname debug created managedcomponentbeanmetadatadeployer of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo beanmetadatadeployer componentname debug created managedcomponentdeclaredstructure of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo declaredstructure componentname debug created managedcomponentmodificationtypestructureprocessor of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo modificationtypestructureprocessor componentname debug created managedcomponentfilestructure of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo filestructure componentname debug created managedcomponentkerneldeploymentmanagedobjectcreator of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo kerneldeploymentmanagedobjectcreator componentname debug added component to debug added component to debug added component aopclassloaderscopingpolicy to debug added component aopclasspoolfactory to debug added component aopjbossintegration to debug added component defaultaspectmanager to debug added component aopregistermodulecallback to debug added component aspectmanager to debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug created managedobject managedobjectaopclassloaderscopingpolicy for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopclasspooljbosscljbosscldelegatingclasspoolfactory properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopclasspooljbosscljbosscldelegatingclasspoolfactory properties debug created managedobject managedobjectaopclasspoolfactory for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectaopjbossintegration for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopmicrocontainerbeansmetadatadefaultaspectmanager properties constructornull debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossaopmicrocontainerbeansmetadatadefaultaspectmanager properties constructornull debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectdefaultaspectmanager for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created managedobject managedobjectaopregistermodulecallback for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean properties debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject managedobjectaspectmanager for bean debug created managedcomponentaopclassloaderscopingpolicy of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aopclassloaderscopingpolicy componentname debug created managedcomponentaopjbossintegration of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aopjbossintegration componentname debug created managedcomponentaopregistermodulecallback of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aopregistermodulecallback componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentaspectmanager of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aspectmanager componentname debug created managedcomponentdefaultaspectmanager of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo defaultaspectmanager componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentaopclasspoolfactory of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo aopclasspoolfactory componentname debug added component classloadersystem to debug added component classloading to debug added component to debug added component to debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloaderspiclassloadersystem properties factoryclassorgjbossclassloaderspiclassloadersystem factorymethodgetinstance debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloaderspiclassloadersystem properties factoryclassorgjbossclassloaderspiclassloadersystem factorymethodgetinstance debug created managedobject managedobjectclassloadersystem for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspidependencyclassloading properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspidependencyclassloading properties constructornull autowirecandidatetrue installcallbacks debug created managedobject managedobjectclassloading for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanjavalangclassloader properties factorymethodregisterclassloaderpolicy debug created managedobject for bean debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug created skeleton managedobject debug using bean class class orgjbossbeansmetadatapluginsabstractbeanmetadata for bean beanorgjbossclassloadingspivfsdependencyvfsclassloaderpolicymodule properties autowirecandidatetrue debug null managedobject created for class debug created managedobject for bean debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentclassloading of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo classloading componentname debug created of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo componentname debug created managedcomponentclassloadersystem of type componenttypetypemcbean subtype for mo classloadersystem componentname debug managedobjectjbosssystemtypemcserver is managedcomponent type orgjbossmanagedapiannotationmanagementcomponenttypemcbean debug created skeleton managedobject debug managedobjectjbosssystemtypeserverconfig is managedcomponent type orgjbossmanagedapiannotationmanagementcomponenttypemcbean debug created skeleton managedobject debug managedobjectjbosssystemtypeserverconfig is managedcomponent type orgjbossmanagedapiannotationmanagementcomponenttypemcbean debug created skeleton managedobject debug created managedcomponent of type componenttypetypemcbean subtypeserverconfig for debug registering profile debug registering profile debug registering profile debug registering profile debug registering profile debug registering profile info loading profile debug activating profile debug add deployment debug scheduling deployment debug scheduling deployment debug deploying debug parsing file bindingservicebeansmetainfbindingsjbossbeansxml for type interface debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug set to debug set to debug set to debug set to debug set to debug set to debug set to debug created parser isnamespaceaware true isvalidating true isxincludeaware debug parsed file bindingservicebeansmetainfbindingsjbossbeansxml to installedfalse beanfactories beanorgjbossservicesbindingmanagedservicebindingmanagementobject properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplservicebindingset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplservicebindingset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplservicebindingset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplservicebindingset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanjavautilhashset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingsystempropertybinder properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplxsltservicebindingvaluesourceconfig properties debug dynamic class root for is debug add module vfsdeploymentclassloaderpolicymodule debug created with policy domainnull roots delegatesnull exported debug registerclassloader debug registering module vfsdeploymentclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug registering loader for module vfsclassloaderpolicymodule debug adding aspectmanager attachment for debug adding aspectmanager attachment for debug deploying installedfalse beanfactories beanorgjbossservicesbindingmanagedservicebindingmanagementobject properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplservicebindingset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplservicebindingset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplservicebindingset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplservicebindingset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanjavautilhashset properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingsystempropertybinder properties autowirecandidatetrue beanorgjbossservicesbindingimplxsltservicebindingvaluesourceconfig properties debug extracting aop bean metadata factories for debug finished deploying debug added component servicebindingmanager to debug added component servicebindingmanagementobject to debug added component portsdefaultbindings to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component standardbindings to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component to debug added component systempropertybinder to debug added component jbosswebconnectorxsltconfig to debug registering service debug registered mbean debug creating service debug starting service debug fully deployed debug add deployment debug scheduling deployment debug deploying debug parsing debug found classpath element debug found classpath element debug processing classpath debug processing classpath debug lib directory and the shared jbosshomecommonlib directory this can be restricted to specific jars by specifying them in the archives attribute orgjbosssystempmxmlattributepersistencemanager dataxmbeanattrs false jboss system threads system threads the behavior of the pool when a task is added and the queue is full abort a runtimeexception is thrown run the calling thread executes the task wait the calling thread blocks until the queue has room discard the task is silently discarded without being run discardoldest check to see if a task is about to complete and enque the new task if possible else run the task in the calling thread run set the as of this needs to be set to avoid a possible deadlock on exception at the appender level see true the value to assign to system property jbossserverlogthreshold if it is not already set this system property in turn controls the logging threshold for the serverlog file if the system property is already set when this service is created this value is ignored info the activealarmtable service is a simple jmx notification listener that maintains a table with the received notifications alarms the alarms can be acknowledged through the jmx or the web console modify the subscriptionlist below to subscribe for any notification in the system and treat it as an alarm the jmxnotificationappender is a appender that can be configured in that trasforms logging events to jmx notification so they can be fed back into the table by storing the warn or higher level logging events you can have a quick view of important system faults the following attributes may be set maxtablesize default set an upper limit to the number of stored alarms loglevel default debug the log level to use for received notification can be set to none serverid default jboss used to construct unique alarm ids subscriptionlist subscribe for the notifications to be stored in the table mbean codeorgjbossmonitorservicesactivealarmtable namejbossmonitorserviceactivealarmtable javarmiserverrmiclassloaderspi orgjbosssystemjbossrmiclassloader javarmiserverhostname true should resources other than class files be downloadable both downloadserverclasses and downloadresources must be true for resources to be downloadable this is false by default because its generally a bad idea as server configuration files that container security information can be accessed false jbosssystemservicethreadpool a simple mbean wrapper around the jndi naming object this only handles an in memory instance the namingservice uses this as the jndi store and exposes it remotely the call by value mode true if all lookups are unmarshalled using the callers tcl false if in vm lookups return the value by reference false the listening port for the bootstrap jnp service set this to to run the namingservice without the jnp invoker listening port jbossservicenaming port the bootstrap jnp server bind address this also sets the default rmi service bind address empty all addresses jbossservicenaming port jbossservicenaming rmiport jbossservicenaming rmiport jbosssystemservicethreadpool an example of using the unifed invoker as the transport depends optionalattributenameinvokerproxyfactory proxytypeattributejbossserviceproxyfactorytypeunifiedtargetnaming jbossservicenamingbeanimpl writes the bootstrap url for the namingservice in a known location so tools eg jopr can use it as a javanamingproviderurl jbossservicehajndi a flag which indicates whether the securityassociation server mode is set on service creation this is true by default since the securityassociation should be thread local for multithreaded server operation true orgjbosssecuritypluginsjaassecuritymanager anonymous defaultcachetimeout specifies the default timed cache policy timeout in seconds if you want to disable caching of security credentials set this to to force authentication to occur every time this has no affect if the authenticationcachejndiname has been changed from the default value defaultcacheresolution specifies the default timed cache policy resolution in seconds this controls the interval at which the cache current timestamp is updated and should be less than the defaultcachetimeout in order for the timeout to be meaningful this has no affect if the authenticationcachejndiname has been changed from the default value deepcopysubjectmode this set the copy mode of subjects done by the security managers to be deep copies that makes copies of the subject principals and credentials if they are cloneable it should be set to true if subject include mutable content that can be corrupted when multiple threads have the same identity and cache flusheslogout clearing the subject in one thread results in subject references affecting other threads false uncomment to enable jmx monitoring of the bean cache mbean codeorgjbossmonitorbeancachemonitor namejbossmonitornamebeancachemonitor uncomment to enable jmx monitoring of the entity bean locking mbean codeorgjbossmonitorentitylockmonitor namejbossmonitornameentitylockmonitor debug dynamic class root for is debug add module vfsdeploymentclassloaderpolicymodule debug created with policy domainnull roots delegatesnull exported debug registerclassloader debug registering module vfsdeploymentclassloaderpolicymodule debug adding aspectmanager attachment for debug added component jbosssystemservicemaindeployer to debug added component jbossserviceattributepersistenceservice to debug added component jbosssystemservicethreadpool to debug added component to debug added component jbossrmitypermiclassloader to debug added component jbossservicewebservice to debug added component jbossservicenamingbeanimpl to debug added component jbossservicenaming to debug added component jbossservicenamingproviderurlwriter to debug added component jbossservicejndiview to debug added component jbosssecurityservicejaassecuritymanager to debug added component jbossjdbcservicemetadata to debug about to create bean jbosssystemservicemaindeployer with code debug created mbean debug kernelmaindeployer set to in debug controller set to in debug creating service debug creating debug created debug starting service debug starting debug started debug about to create xmbean object jbossserviceattributepersistenceservice with code orgjbosssystempmattributepersistenceservice with descriptor debug loaded persistence mgr debug load debug store file is debug created mbean debug creating service debug creating debug created debug starting service debug starting debug debug using data directory debug started debug about to create bean jbosssystemservicethreadpool with code debug created mbean debug name set to jboss system threads in debug threadgroupname set to system threads in debug keepalivetime set to in debug maximumpoolsize set to in debug maximumqueuesize set to in debug blockingmode set to run in debug creating service debug starting service debug about to create xmbean object with code with descriptor debug created mbean debug configurationurl set to in debug set to true in debug refreshperiod set to in debug defaultjbossserverlogthreshold set to info in debug creating service debug creating debug configuring from url
when using the embedded developer tools choosing the open in new tab context menu action for a link will immediately cause a segv i have tested this on viperbrowser otterbrowser and falkon the issue occurs every time the fix for the issue is to add a null pointer check codejava diff git asrccorewebcontentsdelegateqtcpp bsrccorewebcontentsdelegateqtcpp index asrccorewebcontentsdelegateqtcpp bsrccorewebcontentsdelegateqtcpp contentwebcontents webcontentsdelegateqtopenurlfromtabcontentwebcontents if paramsdisposition windowopendispositioncurrenttab qsharedpointer targetadapter paramsdisposition gfxrect paramsusergesture if targetadapter if targetadapterbrowsercontext sourcegetbrowsercontext if source targetadapterbrowsercontext sourcegetbrowsercontext targetsiteinstance nullptr referrer contentreferrer code i am also attaching a stack trace which led me to the fix codejava backtrace params at if targetadapterbrowsercontext sourcegetbrowsercontext in qtwebenginecoreopenurlfromtabcontentwebcontents contentopenurlparams const this source params at in stdallocator const this message at in accept at in acceptonproxythread at in invoke const mojomessage at in makeitso const mojomessage at in runimpl basepassedwrapper const at in run at in run at in runtask at in runtask at in runtask at in deferorrunpendingtask at in dowork at in qtwebenginecoreanonymous namespacehandlescheduledwork this at in qtwebenginecoreanonymous namespacecustomeventqevent this ev at in qobjecteventqevent at in qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent at in qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent at in qevent at in qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedeventsqobject int qthreaddata at in at in gmaincontextdispatch at in at in gmaincontextiteration at in qeventdispatcherglibprocesseventsqflags at in qeventloopexecqflags at in qcoreapplicationexec at gdb info locals targetadapter target targetsiteinstance referrer url spec isvalid false parsed scheme begin len username begin len password begin len host begin len port begin len path begin len query begin len ref begin len potentiallydanglingmarkup false innerparsed innerurl stduniqueptr containing policy blinkkwebreferrerpolicydefault loadurlparams gdb frame in qtwebenginecoreopenurlfromtab this source params at if targetadapterbrowsercontext sourcegetbrowsercontext code
i have stash webhook to jenkins enabled on a repository when i click the configuration test button on the webhook configuration page i get a success message and a job kicks off in jenkinswhen i commit to the repository the job is not triggered i can only guess that the hook is not being called when a push occurswhat am i doing wrong
creator crashes when closing iti use this command line to reliably trigger the issueqtcreator qtcreatorsourcedirqtcreatorqbs test projectexplorerthis issue might be triggered by fawzis changes to the qml js code model from yesterday this is the backtracethread thread lwp in from symbol table info in qwaitconditionprivatewait this at code in qwaitconditionwait this mutex at prettyfunction bool qwaitconditionwaitqmutex long unsigned int returnvalue in qmljseditorrun this at done false snapshot documents d e documentsbypath d e libraries d e info document value d snapshot documents d e documentsbypath d e libraries d e context value d ranges p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d idlocations d e semanticmessages p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d staticanalysismessages p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d mrootscopechain value d cancelledornewdata false doc value d in qthreadprivatestart arg at clframe cancelroutine cancelarg doit canceltype thr data objectname static null d in startthread from symbol table info in clone from symbol table info availablethread thread lwp in pthreadmutexlock from symbol table info in gmutexlock from symbol table info in from symbol table info in nptldeallocatetsd from symbol table info in startthread from symbol table info in clone from symbol table info availablethread thread lwp in poll from symbol table info in from symbol table info in gmaincontextiteration from symbol table info in qeventdispatcherglibprocessevents this flags at d canwait true savedflags i result in qeventloopprocessevents this flags at d in qeventloopexec this flags at locker val prettyfunction int qeventloopexecqeventloopprocesseventsflags ref d locker exceptioncaught true app d in qthreadexec this at d locker val eventloop vptrqobject static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata dptr d static staticqtmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata returncode in qthreadrun this at in qthreadprivatestart arg at clframe cancelroutine cancelarg doit canceltype thr data objectname static null d in startthread from symbol table info in clone from symbol table info availablethread thread lwp in select from symbol table info in qprocessmanagerrun this at readset fdsbits nselect c in qthreadprivatestart arg at clframe cancelroutine cancelarg doit canceltype thr data objectname static null d in startthread from symbol table info in clone from symbol table info availablethread thread lwp in poll from symbol table info in from symbol table info in xcbwaitforevent from symbol table info in qxcbeventreaderrun this at event in qthreadprivatestart arg at clframe cancelroutine cancelarg doit canceltype thr data objectname static null d in startthread from symbol table info in clone from symbol table info availablethread thread lwp texteditorcurrentdelegate this at in texteditorcurrentpreferences this at prefs in texteditorcurrenttabsettings this at in texteditorsetcodestyle this preferences at in texteditoroncodestylepreferencesdestroyed this at in texteditorqtstaticmetacall o cqmetaobjectinvokemetamethod a at t in qmetaobjectactivate sender argv at receiverinsamethread true sw receiver previoussender currentsender sender signal ref switched true callfunction receiver methodrelative c last locker val connectionlists connectionlists list signalindex emptyargv currentthreadid prettyfunction static void qmetaobjectactivateqobject int int in qmetaobjectactivate sender m argv at in qobjectdestroyed this at a in qobjectqobject this inchrg at d sharedrefcount in texteditoricodestylepreferences this at in texteditorsimplecodestylepreferences this at in texteditorsimplecodestylepreferences this at in texteditorsimplecodestylepreferences this at in qmljstoolsqmljstoolssettings this at in qmljstoolsqmljstoolssettings this at in qobjectprivatedeletechildren this at i in qobjectqobject this inchrg at d sharedrefcount in extensionsystemiplugin this at in qmljstoolsqmljstoolsplugin this at in qmljstoolsqmljstoolsplugin this at in extensionsystemkill this at in extensionsystemloadplugin this spec deststateextensionsystemdeleted at it c d e i i n i in extensionsystemdeleteall this at queue p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d it c p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d i i in extensionsystemshutdown this at in extensionsystemshutdown this at in extensionsystemqtstaticmetacall o cqmetaobjectinvokemetamethod a at t in qmetaobjectactivate sender argv at receiverinsamethread true sw receiver previoussender currentsender sender signal ref switched true callfunction receiver methodrelative c last locker val connectionlists connectionlists list signalindex emptyargv currentthreadid prettyfunction static void qmetaobjectactivateqobject int int in qmetaobjectactivate sender m argv at in qcoreapplicationabouttoquit this at in qcoreapplicationexec at threaddata prettyfunction static int qcoreapplicationexec eventloop vptrqobject static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata dptr d static staticqtmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata returncode in qguiapplicationexec at in qapplicationexec at in main argv at app vptrqobject static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata dptr d static staticqtmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static self static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata firstpeer pidpeer actwin appid static null d threadcount settingspath static null d arguments p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d it c i i n i settings globalsettings pluginmanager vptrqobject static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata dptr d static staticqtmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata d static minstance mlock d translator vptrqobject static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata dptr d static staticqtmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata qttranslator vptrqobject static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata dptr d static staticqtmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata static staticmetaobject d superdata stringdata data staticmetacall relatedmetaobjects extradata uilanguages p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d overridelanguage static null d creatortrpath static null d proxyurl d pluginpaths p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d foundappoptions d plugins p static sharednull ref atomic qvalue alloc begin end array d d coreplugin pid r
noformat failures testinsertqueriestestinsert in testinsert multipleimpaladvectorgetvalueexecoption in runtestcase selfexecutetestcasesetuptestsection tableformatinfo in executetestcasesetup selfdroppartitionsdbname tablename in droppartitions partition true could not drop partition s partition in droppartitionbyname return selfrecvdroppartitionbyname in recvdroppartitionbyname raise e metaexception metaexceptionmessageno such file or directory noformat
in order for qnx to become a tier qt platform it would be extremely valuable for qnx to be included in the ci systemas discussed on the ml a proposed solution is to allow external nodes to be told when and what to build and be allowed to feedback results to the qt project ci systemrim and kdab are willing to help achieve this goal as ultimately this will save in manpower and resources needed to verify a qt release candidate on the qnx platformsso how to move this forward right now kdab has a small jenkins installation building qtbase qtxmlpatterns qtjsbackend and qtdeclarative for a single qnx target configurationrim is in the process of setting up a more complete set of configurations on a fresh jenkins installationi would suggest that we initially work towards a buildonly test node that can be incorporated into the ci system once that is working we can look at extending it to also run the suite of unit tests on one or more devicesi do not know how the internal pulse ci system is put together rohan can you propose something for the ipc mechanism that would work for you guys please
adding the array data type support will be nice for testing purposes
sqlline has been removed from maven centralunable to resolve dependencies affects versions and unresolved dependencies not found ive also raised the issue with sqlline
this issue to provide custom load balancer for colocating user table regions and index table regions
generic ticket for daos doc reviews and updates
it would be nice to have some small buttons next to the openid login field to automatically log in using googleyahoofacebooketc as openid provider this way one hasnt to remember the openid endpoint urlsee fi
as you know we save running job basic information in zookeeper and will be moved when the job finished however as time goes on some running job basic information still exists in zookeeper and when you run the zookeeper command get appsmrrunningsandbox in zk shell the number increases slowly you can compare this with the running number in jpm web widget
selectoneradio always escapes every option however selectitem has an escape attribute that should be honoredhave to check the other tags based on selectitems tooif a committer is willing to review a patch i can create onesee screenshot for a simple testfirst group is rendered by trselectoneradio second group uses the same value but is rendered by hselectoneradio
systems biology has created various utilities that it wishes to share we have various external groups that are wanting to access these jars please
currently for some of the functions like for example asyncfunctions have their rich versions available only for java which makes using them more complicated to use in scala for example using richasyncfunction that allows state for example requires a lot of changes since afaik it will not normally work with datastream from scala api this will force user to make various changes in the code to be compatible with the api this also includes the fact that the variance is different for scala and java collections since the former ones are covariant by default and the latter ones are invariant by default
i am validating an xml file against a schema using qts qxmlschemavalidator class to get a fine grained error messagesi subclassed qabstractmessagehandler class and passed it to qxmlschemavalidator in order to get those messages the bug is qxmlschemavalidator stops reporting messages after the first one but i know there are more than one is this its normal behavior or is it a bug i think i should get all messages at least all the warningsthis bug is related to
the current c logger cannot be used in c but something is required to help debugging the goal of this ticket is to find a c library we could pick up and integrate
ssl stopped working with upgrade to tomcat and springboot it raises codestarting the java application using optrunjavarunjavash exec java javaagentoptjolokiajolokiajarconfigoptjolokiaetcjolokiaproperties xxuseparallelgc xxexitonoutofmemoryerror cp jar up javatooloptions duserhomehomejboss dusernamejbossi no access restrictor found access to any mbean is allowedjolokia agent started with url spring boot info crxstomcatsampletomcatapplication starting sampletomcatapplication on with pid started by jboss in info crxstomcatsampletomcatapplication no active profile set falling back to default profiles info ationconfigembeddedwebapplicationcontext refreshing startup date root of context info sbcettomcatembeddedservletcontainer tomcat initialized with ports https info oapachecatalinacorestandardservice starting service info orgapachecatalinacorestandardengine starting servlet engine apache info oaccc initializing spring embedded info oswebcontextcontextloader root webapplicationcontext initialization completed in info osbwservletservletregistrationbean mapping servlet connectionparameterservlet to info osbwservletservletregistrationbean mapping servlet dispatcherservlet to info osbwservletfilterregistrationbean mapping filter characterencodingfilter to info osbwservletfilterregistrationbean mapping filter hiddenhttpmethodfilter to info osbwservletfilterregistrationbean mapping filter httpputformcontentfilter to info osbwservletfilterregistrationbean mapping filter requestcontextfilter to info swsmmarequestmappinghandleradapter looking for controlleradvice startup date root of context info swsmmarequestmappinghandlermapping mapped produces onto public orgspringframeworkwebservletmodelandview info swsmmarequestmappinghandlermapping mapped onto public orgspringframeworkhttpresponseentity info oswshandlersimpleurlhandlermapping mapped url path onto handler of type info oswshandlersimpleurlhandlermapping mapped url path onto handler of type info oswshandlersimpleurlhandlermapping mapped url path onto handler of type info osjeaannotationmbeanexporter registering beans for jmx exposure on error failed to start end point associated with protocolhandler javalangillegalargumentexception javasecuritykeystoreexception cannot store nonprivatekeys at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at caused by javasecuritykeystoreexception cannot store nonprivatekeys at at at at at at at common frames error oapachecatalinacorestandardservice failed to start connector orgapachecatalinalifecycleexception failed to start component at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at caused by orgapachecatalinalifecycleexception servicegetname tomcat protocol handler start failed at at common frames omittedcaused by javalangillegalargumentexception javasecuritykeystoreexception cannot store nonprivatekeys at at at at at at common frames omittedcaused by javasecuritykeystoreexception cannot store nonprivatekeys at at at at at at at common frames info oapachecatalinacorestandardservice stopping service info utoconfigurationreportlogginginitializer error starting applicationcontext to display the autoconfiguration report rerun your application with debug error osbdloggingfailureanalysisreporter application failed to startdescriptionthe tomcat connector configured to listen on port failed to start the port may already be in use or the connector may be misconfiguredactionverify the connectors configuration identify and stop any process thats listening on port or configure this application to listen on another info ationconfigembeddedwebapplicationcontext closing startup date root of context info osjeaannotationmbeanexporter unregistering jmxexposed beans on shutdowncodetest application in attachmentit looks like embedded tomcat needs to be set somehow different in springboot than earlier tomcat versionsnot sure how
use the attached test set open the html file using browser example click on print preview in the menu to reproduce the crashnoformatwebcoreoffsetfromlogicaltopoffirstpagenoformatit might be the view or the viewlayoutstate was corrupted the issue cannot be reproduce using print preview for text edit example it is likely caused by qtwebkit modulefor more information please see the attached and files
an interesting but not normative exhaustive list of forbidden file namesparts is at windows really prohibits an user from creating a directory named con and even contxt is banned
introduced consistent but incomplete message styles this has to be further improved throughout http providers
when use mentioned command to list down the partitions or deployment policies or autoscaling policies im getting the following in the cli logs error commandlineapplication error executing command line listautoscalepolicies javautilmissingresourceexception cant find resource for bundle javautilpropertyresourcebundle key exception in listing autoscale policies at at at at at at at at at at at at at at the cli logs in stratosstratosclilog
hi i want to publish the whazzup project of the iogithubwhazzabi group to maven central so others can use it to build dashboards for development teams best regards
the following error occurred while executing this warning could not find file to copythe file in question has moved to jbossesbregistrysarjuddiconfigmetainfpersistencexml note added juddiconfig subdir
the new implementation of the jardeploymentservice seems to be deleting resources when a member is gracefully shutdown which in turns generates a race condition if there are functions being executed on the member during that time in previous versions a client application would simply retry the operation and no exception or loss of availability would be seen right now the following exception is thrown on the client instead noformat exception in thread main orgapachegeodecacheexecutefunctionexception orgapachegeodecacheclientserveroperationexception remote server on the function xxxxxxxx has not been registered at at at at at caused by orgapachegeodecacheclientserveroperationexception remote server on the function xxxxxxxx has not been registered at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat this seems to be a regression introduced through ive tested the same scenario with version released branch and commit with no problems at all when testing using commit on the other hand the problem is easily reproducible — how to reproduce the issue download and extract workspacezip execute the reproducesh script and follow the instructions on screen the version of geode to use on server side can be changed through the gemfire variable within the reproducesh script the version of geode to use on client side can be changed through the geodeversion variable within the launchclientsh script the client application simply executes the testfunction forever when running the scenario using a version of geode that doesnt include commit the client simply retries under the hood and no exception is thrown when using the current develop branch however an exception is thrown and the client application terminates as soon as a server is restarted im tagging you both as you were both working on this feature feel free to assign the ticket to however you consider necessary
trello cardthe task here is to remove the screen as it only exists in android
assert triggered when attempting to send an event to a receiver in a different thread noformat void qtassertxconst char const char const char int assert failure in qcoreapplication cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread current thread receiver of type was created in thread file line noformat reproducible with the minibrowser example in qtwebview
parent task to hold subtasks for reviewing the latest version of the administration and configuration guideill add my comments on this jira subtask owners please attach your comments to your respective subtasksplease review for correctness completeness and relevance
vdb scoped cached result for user queries are not being validated against applicable roles
for jbide please perform the following tasks check out your existing colororangemastercolor branch code git checkout master code update your colororangemaster branchcolor root pom to use the latest parent pom version code orgjbosstools parent code now your root pom will use parent pom version in your colororangemastercolor branch ensure that component featuresplugins have been properly upversioned eg from to code mvn dtychomodemaven code ensure youve built your code using the latest minimum target platform version code mvn clean verify code ensure youve run your tests using the latest maximum target platform version code mvn clean verify code close do not resolve this jira when done if you have any outstanding new noteworthy jiras to do please complete them next search for all task jira or search for forge task jira
reported using hbase and hdfs data before failure has not yet been flushed so only exists in the wal files during distributed splitting the wal has either not been written out and synced in the same way as an unencrypted wal or is error codecbasedecoder partial cell read caused by eof javaioioexception premature eof from inputstreamnoformatthis file is still moved to oldwals even though splitting failed setting hbaseregionserverwalencryption to false allows data recovery
when the compass hardware is not supported on a device all of the compass related tests will fail rather than fail them all fail the hardware check and give the user a helpful message as to why the test failed
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelldap directory credentials can be found when viewing the source of pluginsservletembeddedcrowdconfiguredelegatingldap it is possible for an attacker to obtain these credentials using either cross site scripting or after gaining administrative access these details can then be used to extend their access on the current or additional machines on the network
in the log history view the date column is showing the actual date a revision was committed rather than the specified date that the commit was created with ie code git commit date m test code wont show it will show whatever the datetime is when you run the commit see attached screenshot also theres no option to choose the columns that you want to see in the loghistory view the reason im using is that for some reason the update mechanism isnt letting me update to and a reinstall doesnt fix it either it could be down to our firewall but im not sure
we currently on have martins blog post for documentation for project template it will be nice to have a document that states the json specificationschema as well
issue summary assume that you have a private repo and a user group named developers that has write access to the repo if you create a branch permission for eg master branch on this repo with write access none users of the developers user group will still be able to push tags on master or create a tag on a commit of master from ui steps to reproduce create a private bitbucket repo push some commits to the repo create a user group named developers in the workspace that owns the repo and add some users grant to this user group write access to the repo create a branch permission in this repo for master branch with write access none one of the users that belongs to the developers user group tries to create a tag on a commit of master from bitbucket ui or tries to push a tag in a commit of master expected results the user is prevented from creating a tag via the ui and from pushing a tag on master actual results the user can create a tag in a commit of master from the ui and can also push a tag on master workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
currently for ubuntu the impala development environment uses the toolchain of since the toolchain for does not exist in in binbootstraptoolchainpy codejava maps return values from lsbrelease irs to the corresponding os labels for both the toolchain and the cdp components osmapping namedtupleosmapping osmapping none none none none none none none none none code error was retured otherwise codejava info downloading to attempt info downloading to attempt info downloading to attempt error download failed retrying after sleep command with args failed with exit code resolving connecting to connectedcode
creating an instance of a qnetworkaccessmanager moving the instance to a different thread and deleting the instance will cause a crash in qt similar crash doesnt seem to occur in earlier versions such as qt test app crashes with cprogram files error debugger encountered an exception exception at code read access violation at flags first chance call stack microsoftcomptrinternalrelease clienth microsoftcomptrcomptr clienth qnetworklistmanagereventsqnetworklistmanagerevents qnetconmonitorwincpp qnetworklistmanagereventsscalar deleting destructor qnetworklistmanagereventsrelease qnetconmonitorwincpp microsoftcomptrinternalrelease clienth microsoftcomptrreset clienth qnetworkstatusmonitorprivateqnetworkstatusmonitorprivate qnetconmonitorwincpp qnetworkstatusmonitorprivatescalar deleting destructor qscopedpointerdeletercleanup qscopedpointerh qscopedpointerqscopedpointer qscopedpointerh qobjectqobject qobjectcpp qnetworkstatusmonitorqnetworkstatusmonitor qnetconmonitorwincpp qnetworkaccessmanagerprivateqnetworkaccessmanagerprivate qnetworkaccessmanagercpp qnetworkaccessmanagerprivatescalar deleting destructor qscopedpointerdeletercleanup qscopedpointerh qscopedpointerqscopedpointer qscopedpointerh qobjectqobject qobjectcpp qnetworkaccessmanagerqnetworkaccessmanager qnetworkaccessmanagercpp qnetworkaccessmanagerscalar deleting destructor