requires apache maven
move status computation of hosts and services into statusmapper
on the nightly server it appears that when a change is made to a group the securityservice cache isnt invalidated steps to reproduce create a new site with the resources tool and add a maintainer and an accessor create a group in the site but dont make anyone a member of the group create a folder in the resources tool and make it only available to the group thats just been created login to sakai as the accessor private browsing window and visit the resource tool in the newly created site verify that you cant see the folder as you arent a member of the group switch back to the maintainer and add the accessor to the newly created group refresh the accessors view of the resources tool using tool reset the accessor should now have access to the group protected folder but in my testing they didnt this looks to be related to the cache work as logging in as an administrator and resetting the caches means the group protected folder appears
see screenshot i tried editing summary and description both resulted in js errorsin particular if you update the summary of an issue the card in the column is not updated to reflect the new summary
noformatnopaneltruejulian foad writesas part of checking that were ready for a release i think we shouldreview all the new and revised apisi hope that each person who is prepared to do some of this will look at someapis that they havent been working on and check the doc strings are understandable understandable enough to someonenot intimately familiar with the feature and accurate check the apis provide functionality that will be maintainable in futurefor example better to be restrictive rather than overly permissive at firstand not mixing up layers of knowledge where revising an old api check the deprecated and new tags and the newname and the way in which the old api forwards parameters to the new onecan anyone volunteer for a subset of this choose one library or choose amajor feature and look for all of its apisnoformat
mostafa reported that impala could get stuck spinning on a spinlock in gcmemoryit seems that the spinning is allocations which makes lots of requests to the memtrackerschedyield has a cpi of which is really highcodeinstructions of of schedyield impalad impalalimitexceeded impalaanylimitexceeded impalacheckquerystate impalacommitrows impalaassemblerows impalaprocesssplit impalaprocesssplit impalascannerthread impalasupervisethread operator const stdbasicstring boostfunction impalapromise boostbindt impalapromise boostvalue boostvalue boostvalueoperator boostthreaddata impalapromise boostvalue boostvalue boostvaluerun threadproxy startthread clone codecodeinstructions of of schedyield impalad impalalimitexceeded impalaanylimitexceeded impalacheckquerystate impalacommitrows impalaassemblerows impalaprocesssplit impalaprocesssplit impalascannerthread impalasupervisethread operator const stdbasicstring boostfunction impalapromise boostbindt impalapromise boostvalue boostvalue boostvalueoperator boostthreaddata impalapromise boostvalue boostvalue boostvaluerun threadproxy startthread clone codecodeinstructions of of schedyield impalad impalatryconsume impalafindchunk allocate impalatryallocate collectionvaluebuilder impalareadslot impalareadvalue readrow impalaassemblerows impalareadslot impalareadvalue readrow impalaassemblerows impalaprocesssplit impalaprocesssplit impalascannerthread impalasupervisethread operator const stdbasicstring boostfunction impalapromise boostbindt impalapromise boostvalue boostvalue boostvalueoperator boostthreaddata impalapromise boostvalue boostvalue boostvaluerun threadproxy startthread clone codecodeinstructions of of threadreturn vmlinux sysschedyield vmlinux systemcallfastpath schedyield impalad impalaslowacquire lockguard impalagcmemory impalalimitexceeded impalagetnextrequestrange impalaworkloop impalasupervisethread operator const stdbasicstring boostfunction impalapromise boostbindt impalapromise boostvalue boostvalue boostvalueoperator boostthreaddata impalapromise boostvalue boostvalue boostvaluerun threadproxy startthread clone code
codetrait channel string channeluuid string destination string variableactor nullclass message implements serializable channel class senddtmf extends message codechanneluuid is not a property i would expect it to be therei have to do this for nowclass senddtmf extends message implements channel is this a bug
say there are data types public class a public string getsomestring public void setsomestringstring s public a getsomelink public void setsomelinka a and public class b extends a public int getsomeint public void setsomeintint i and the exposed service is class mysvc string myopa arg running of on it cn mysvc xc b creates nonrelated types and since complextype b is not extension of it the b type element cant be passed as the somelink expected behaviour b should be extended from a xsextension this is the way for instance generates the wsdl and was as well
ive tried to compile qt location master using visual c and qt sdk with qt as followsgit clean dfxgit pullconfigure modules location debugjomjom installafterwards ive tried to compile and run a qml applicationat run there was a debug message saying that declarativelocation was not foundafter looking at ive seen that there was a dll file there namely i suspect qmake is the culprit falsely sufixing the dll name with
this was partially done for services in scope of matter of readability and consistency we should split all services inside servicespushapplicationjs into separated files
add relevant speed and width details to the nvme health stats or should it be added to the controller details stored in the control plane and displayed on storage scan this can be retrieved from either hwloc or spdk libs
we noticed that the join condition is missing for full outer join queries for multi fact queries when one of the field chosen is an expression attribute
presently the user wont be able to use across the cluster object that have a single simple nameas an example if the user has orgcompmyobject and orgapachecompmyobject then he wont be able to have them both in a cluster because marshalling mechanism supports uniqueness at simple name level onlythere are several reasons for that interoperability with other platforms queries that use simple name is their where clausein general according to the api as a workaround the user can implement its own binaryidmapper returning a precise id for every class however there is a bug in binarycontext that passes simple name rather than a full name to a binaryidmapper implementation binaryidmapper must be fixed as well
this affects release as well symptoms when you use the estimate jira field to calculate date and you want to the result in a custom field you receive a number format exception excepted results the field should reflect the values entered in estimate jira field actual result you receive a number format exception in the logs
if i add a new role in the role managementthe role cannot be selected in the user management user browser detail information tab rolethe role list will not be updatedafter i restarded the tomcat container the prior added new role is selectable
need organizations ciso chief information security officer with strong pki policies refuse to allow selfsigned ca and derived certificates to sign transactions ciso would like to use their validated certificate authority provider ca provider and validated internal procedures and tools for management of fabric certificates problem fabric msp could trust ca provider root certificate but it would end up trusting all certificates issued by the ca provider current fabric version supports segregation of clients peers and orderer on the ou field and could be used for this purpose but the ou field cannot be validated by standard certificate issuance procedures proposal the o organization field can have etsi validation procedure the msp configyaml file could have filtering configuration on the o organization field to enable limited trust of child certificates please see the detailed description proposal various restrictions could be applied on fields other than the o organization field this would enable restrictions by departments or force specific naming pattern the msp configyaml file could have filtering pattern on any distinguished name component to enable limited trust of child certificates please see the detailed description proposition comparison proposal is easy to do and to test but is not very configurable proposal is more configurable and futureproof but require more testing and might lead to security holes if the regex are not properly crafted
some folks do not use the authorizer concept especially if they are creating all their courses manually wed like to add a sakaiproperties setting to optionally disable this requirement
the current design requires that we are sure we retry on connection loss until session expiration
switch to usage of the kogito common webapp base inside the bpmn editor
httpclient is now endoflife and is no longer being developed now that we have a dependency on httpcore we should phase out our use of the old discontinued httpclient library in hadoop this will allow us to reduce classpath bloat and get updated code
the return type description of method is null in case the current slice is already the last one orgspringframeworkdatadomainslicenextpageable orgspringframeworkdatadomainslicepreviouspageable codejava returns the link pageable to request the next link slice can be literal null in case the current link slice is already the last one clients should check link hasnext before calling this method to make sure they receive a nonliteral null value return code but the implementation code in orgspringframeworkdatadomainchunk returns unpagedinstance enum with pageableunpaged method codejava nonjavadoc see orgspringframeworkdatadomainslicenextpageable public pageable nextpageable return hasnext pageablenext pageableunpaged code
description of finding assets through the advanced search form accessed by find link in the navigation bar doesnt work no results are sending a query through the quick search text box a little lower below the find link does nothingversionrelease number of selected component if community
latest snapshot of cm editor has two different types of subprocesses embedded and reusable subprocess but in cm editor it is not possible to model embedded subprocessesinstead we should have two types of reusable subprocesses reusable subprocess with ability to select another case as callable element it is correct case in current implementation but callable element property should list only cases not processes reusable subprocess with ability to select another process as callable element this one should replace what is embedded subprocess in current implementation and with ability to select another process not casesupdate i uploaded screenshot with subprocess and subcase as you can see subprocess is an embedded subprocess but should be same as subcase not icon but bpmn node under it the only difference is callable element property for subcases should list of other cases and subprocess should list other processes from same project
with the following attribute definition codejava static final simpleattributedefinition replacement new simpleattributedefinitionbuilderelytrondescriptionconstantsreplacement modeltypestring false setallowexpressiontrue setflagsattributeaccessflagrestartresourceservices buildcodethe following error is reported if an empty string is used as a parameter noformat subsystemelytronregexnamerewriterstriprealmaddpatternelytronorg replacement replacealltrue outcome failed failuredescription is an invalid value for parameter replacement values must have a minimum length of characters rolledback truenoformat
as of teiid added properties for jdbc native queries extension propertiesnativequery string nonprepared booleanthe user defined aggregate feature of teiid addedaggregate booleananalytic booleanallowsorderby booleanusesdistinctrows booleanallowsdistinct booleandecomposable booleansee the reference for full descriptions of these propertiesall should be under
sessionwindowstatestoresaveexec receives all sessions including existing sessions into input rows and stores as they are that said we should not filter out input rows before storing into state store but we do fortunately it hasnt showed any actual problem due to the nature how we deal with watermark against microbatch and it seems hard to come up with the broken case but it should be better to fix it before someone succeeds to touch the possible edge case
for tez service actions make sure tez service check disabled stopstart disabled turn onoff outofservice mode enabled restart all enabled
user profile flyout sits under the breadcrumb when in phone layout this is a z ordering problem screenshot attached
in addition to the zip archives we create in the build there should also be a tarball built which can be used as the target of an npm install commandshould make sure that the incremental build versioning is semver so that npm will do the version checking correctly assuming it does version checks with tarballs
when entering characters into a html password input form field that is hosted in a qwebengineview the shortcut is triggered instead of consuming the character in the input field so no passwords can be entered that contain characters that are assigned to shortcuts this issue only affects password input form fields regular text input form fields work as expected they consume the typed character and do not trigger the shortcut the issue cannot be reproduced using qt so this seems to be a regression introduced in a later qt version mac os does not seem to be affected even with qt the attached test program demonstrates the issue when entering or the registered shortcut is triggered instead of entering the given characters into the password input field entering the same characters into the username field works as expected
in producerbatchtryappendforsplit invoking thisrecordsbuilderappendtimestamp key value missed the header information in the producerrecord should invoke this like thisrecordsbuilderappendtimestamp key value headers
use simul posix compliance benchmark to verify general posix compliance of the daos fuse plugin the test may need to be customized since daos is not compliant
review the response text for new script alerts for hdfs the list below the text currently has some issues units being incorrect for example i also suggest removing the leading warning or critical text as that is unnecessaryall use the same script so the change is isolated but reviewing the various alerts that use the script will give some context percentage standard deviation value is beyond the warning threshold of growing none seconds to secondscodenamenodefreeheapsizedeviationpercentagenamenodemeanheapsizeusednamenodeservicerpcqueuelatencyhourlynamenodeclientrpcqueuelatencyhourlynamenodeservicerpcprocessinglatencyhourlynamenodeclientrpcprocessinglatencyhourlyincreasennheapusagedailynamenodeservicerpcprocessinglatencydailynamenodeclientrpcprocessinglatencydailynamenodeservicerpcqueuelatencydailynamenodeclientrpcqueuelatencydailynamenodeincreaseinstoragecapacityusagedailyincreasennheapusageweeklynamenodeincreaseinstoragecapacityusageweekly
while its arguable if logging problems during the program execution should or should not terminate the program im strongly in favour of raising an exception if the properties file contains illegal optionscurrently there is not even a warning if the user makes a typo srcmainphploggerreflectionutilsphp revision srcmainphploggerreflectionutilsphp arbeitskopie method set ucfirstname ifmethodexiststhisobj method no such setter method return throw new exceptionerror setting property name to value no method method in class getclassthisobj else return calluserfuncarraythisobj method value the error then looks like exception error setting property categoryprefixxing to no method setcategoryprefixxing in class loggerlayoutttcc in byechristian
in checking the container image build noted that the build was missing the work for need to take a look at the branch and compare to the current branch to see why it was missed and bring this and any other missed changes over for the build
enlist batch holds key and values in arrays structures this implies that keys and vals arrays sizes should be equals also we have an optimization and do not save null vals for remove operation this invariant can become broken on removeall operation for entries belonging to partitions in different states moving and owning for the first one its mvcc history will be added to vals array but nothing will be added for the second one reproducer ignitecacheentryprocessornodejointesttestentryprocessornodeleave see stacktrace noformat javalangassertionerror at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat
seems to occur during copypaste primarily ui hangs system cpu or more one or more threads spin in jdtresolverresolve only cure is to kill the process this is happening several times a day since upgrading to
summary jira healthcheck ui popup reports lucene error while index is healthy this is false positive possible reason scheduled healthcheck which at some point in time failed is still believe there is an inconsistency steps to reproduce this is one of ways to expose the problem stop jira delete jira index start jira navigate to jira as a admin and observe the lucene healthcheck warning run full reindex after some delay navigate to jira as a admin again expected results healthcheck doesnt show warning actual results healthcheck shows warning the lucene health check has failed in your system luceneerrorpngthumbnail if you go to support tools instance health checks it shows ok success lucene noformat result the check of the database and the index is ok the database had issues with the most recent update at am and the index had issues with the most recent update at am noformat notes data from table noformat select from applicationname completekey description faileddate failurereason id ishealthy isresolved resolveddate severity statusname jira comatlassianjirapluginsjirahealthcheckpluginlucenesupporthealthcheck checks the state of the search index is consistent with the database the issue index is inconsistent with the database state database has issues but the index has issues t t major lucene jira comatlassianjirapluginsjirahealthcheckpluginlucenesupporthealthcheck checks the state of the search index is consistent with the database the issue index is inconsistent with the database state database has issues but the index has issues t t major lucene noformat double check the lucene status if its ok you can safely ignore the error
the jbt nightly trunk update site seems to be down
i have only encountered this failure when the broker is experiencing heavy load and a new connection attempt is made the failovertransport tracks commands that have been issued so that it can restore the state upon a failurereconnect event if an ioexception occurs when sending a tracked command the oneway method returns assuming that the ioexception is indicative of a transport failure and will result in a failurereconnect event some ioexceptions like wireformatnegotiation timesouts are not always indicative of transport failure however in this case since no subsequent failurereconnect event occurs the command will never be resent if this is a synchronous command like that generated by starting a connection the calling thread will hangincidentally my reading of the code is that only nontracked commands can generate the ioexception that triggers the handletransportfailure command is that what we really want my belief is that the ioexceptions should always result in the triggering of the handletransportfailure regardless of origini will attach a unit test and fix shortly the test will often fail ie hang without the fix but not always since i use a option to trigger the behavior if the system runs fast enough it sometimes will not get the timeout i wasnt sure exactly how such a test should be writtenthe test will fail if connection does not succeed within
not needed or supported any longer
how to start qtcreator have some bb ndk target registered i was using latest trunk and open file new project or file blackberry templates applications blackberry cascades continue with the wizard and select any blackberry press finishactual behavioride crasheshere is the stacktrace where blackberrydeployconfiguration qnxdeploymentinfo blackberrydeployconfigurationcpp qnxinit blackberryrunconfigurationcpp qnxblackberryrunconfiguration blackberryrunconfigurationcpp qnxdocreate blackberryrunconfigurationfactorycpp projectexplorercreate runconfigurationcpp projectexplorerupdatedefaultrunconfigurations targetcpp qmakeprojectmanagerupdaterunconfigurations qmakeprojectcpp qmakeprojectmanagerupdate qmakeprojectcpp qmakeprojectmanagerfrommap qmakeprojectcpp projectexplorerrestoresettings projectcpp projectexploreropenprojects projectexplorercpp projectexploreropenproject projectexplorercpp projectexplorerpostgenerateopen customwizardcpp qtwizardcpp qtwizardcpp corerunwizard basefilewizardcpp coreshownewitemdialog mainwindowcpp corenewfile mainwindowcpp coreqtstaticmetacall mocmainwindowcpp qmetaobjectactivate qobjectcpp qmetaobjectactivate qobjectcpp code
noformatrgopenqaseleniumtimeoutexception expected condition failed waiting for alert to be present tried for seconds with milliseconds intervalbuild info version revision time info host ip osname windows server osarch osversion javaversion info acceptinsecurecerts true browsername chrome browserversion chrome chromedriverversion userdatadir goog debuggeraddress javascriptenabled true networkconnectionenabled false pageloadstrategy normal platform windows platformname windows proxy proxy setwindowrect true strictfileinteractability false timeouts implicit pageload script unhandledpromptbehavior dismiss and notifysession id at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at source at at at at at at source at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at source at at at at at at source at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
hello we use cdn for loading aui in our connect apps but all version provided are quite old on your own cdn the most recent version is there is this alternative but the most recent version is quite old also could you advise where to find more recent aui version with this distribution format
when i open log of file window its automatically maximized but it looks like thats not done correctly icon for maximization in titlebar is not properly set the borders of that window and of button close are cut off etc see attached screenshot
from build noformat kafkaapisaslsslconsumertest testcoordinatorfailover failed javalangassertionerror expected but was at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at source at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at
the class orgspringframeworkdatadomainjaxbpageableadapter is package private and impossible to use in jaxrs resources
testdatequeriestestqueries is failing after upgrading the cdp gbn with the following error code querytesttestdatequeriestestdatequeriestestqueries from pytest error message in testqueries selfruntestcasequerytestavrodate vector in runtestcase selfverifyresultsanderrorsvector testsection result usedb in verifyresultsanderrors replacefilenameswithplaceholder in verifyrawresults verifiermapexpected actual in verifyqueryresultisequal assert expectedresults actualresults e assert comparing querytestresults expected vs actual e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e none e none e none e none e none e none e none e number of rows returned expected vs actual stacktrace in testqueries selfruntestcasequerytestavrodate vector in runtestcase selfverifyresultsanderrorsvector testsection result usedb in verifyresultsanderrors replacefilenameswithplaceholder in verifyrawresults verifiermapexpected actual in verifyqueryresultisequal assert expectedresults actualresults e assert comparing querytestresults expected vs actual e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e none e none e none e none e none e none e none e number of rows returned expected vs actual standard error errorcomparing querytestresults expected vs actual none none none none none none none number of rows returned expected vs actual code looks like introduced a new set of configuration options including hiveavroprolepticgregorian which is false by default
file level comments are as wide as the longest source line for a file instead of as wide as the viewport for the file inline comments are constrained to this width also when first loading a review these is a noticable delay until the inline comments are resized to fit in the viewport