when using opengl the aliasing is clearly visible on the example svg viewerto reproduce the issue open the example change the renderer to enable high quality aliasing
there is a crash in dragontexturejob when opening scenetest scene with ktx textures in windows the job overwrites the images array when in is processing dirty images
the current implementation of the asa parser uses a static patternmap as a result the parser needs recompilation when patterns are added an enhancement would be dyamic reload capabilities based on a mapping file using ciscotag and grok patterns loaded using hdfs this can be especially important regarding the number of patterns that can be introduced by party commiters as the list of possible messages is quite long
mima is reporting binary check failure for rddpartitions in the following pull request even though the pull request doesnt change those at allcode abstract method getpartitionsarray in class orgapachesparkrddrdd does not have a correspondent in new version filter with problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkrddrddgetpartitions abstract method computeorgapachesparkpartitionorgapachesparktaskcontextscalacollectioniterator in class orgapachesparkrddrdd does not have a correspondent in new version filter with problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkrddrddcompute abstract method getpartitionsarray in class orgapachesparkrddrdd does not have a correspondent in new version filter with problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkrddrddgetpartitions abstract method computeorgapachesparkpartitionorgapachesparktaskcontextscalacollectioniterator in class orgapachesparkrddrdd does not have a correspondent in new version filter with problemfiltersexcludeorgapachesparkrddrddcompute done updatingcode
on a fresh karaf if we docodekarafroot featureinstall shellcompatkarafroot featurerepoadd camel featureinstall camelblueprintcodethe camelcommandcore bundle is installed and active but we dont have any camel commands in the shell not in the completion not for executenothing in the logmaybe the jline completer import package doesnt matchit sounds like we broke the backward compatibility on shell commands
after a failure during install or start the ui only shows a subset of logs its hard to see a fulltrace of the commands executed to try to determine the problemthe user will typically have to go onto the agent host find the varlibambariagentdata directory then try to find the right output error and command txt files to see the full trace which are named based on idthe user does not easily know the id and does not easily know anything about these files or where to find themthe ui should show this information just so the user knows where to look
when trying to create a new bug exception occurred javalangnullpointerexception null value occurs despite the message a ticket is being created but users usually click create several times thus creating several bugs jira instance project
after fixing suddenly selectortesttestwakeup started tofail so fixed has discovered another issue with selectoras it turned out javaniochannelsselectorselectwakes up and throws socketexception when some thread dies actually itis all connected with the underlying linux function int selectint n fdset readfds fdset writefds fdset exceptfds struct timeval timeoutand which is used in drlvm threading subsystem any otherthreading event which sends can cause the problem withselectafaik some time ago we had the same problem with and thisissue has been easily resolved with sarestart unfortunately in caseof select it is not applicable since sarestart functionality inselect is implementationdependent quote int selectint nfds fdset readfds fdset writefds fdset errorfds struct timeval timeout errors under the following conditions select fails and sets errno to the select function was interrupted before any of the selected events occurred and before the timeout interval expired if sarestart has been set for the interrupting signal it is implementationdependent whether select restarts or returns with as it turned out suse linux enterprise server on my box does notsupport sarestart functionality so i handled it with cycle andtherefore some timeout mathematics comes into play here as wellso i believe the codefix and testfix for this jira and codefix forjira should be committed together since all this stuff intertwined
the quick fix for auto creation of switch case does not work for anonymous enumsif we define a variable whose type is an anonymous enum the quickfix cannot be triggered for exemple it does not work in this codecode enum a b c toto switchtoto codethe same thing happens if the enum is not anonymous but the variable is defined in the same statementcode enum xxx
a resource injection of webservicecontext does not seem to work in
i ran into a case where a thread stopped a spark context specifically when i hit the kill link from the spark standalone ui there was no real way for another thread to know that the context had stopped and thus should have handled that accordinglychecking that the sparkenv is null is one way but that doesnt handle the case where the context is in the midst of stopping and stopping the context may actually not be instantaneous in my case for some reason the dagscheduler was taking a nontrivial amount of time to stopimplementation wise im more or less requesting the boolean value returned from sparkcontextstoppedget to be visible in some way as long as we return the value and not the atomic boolean itself we wouldnt want anyone to be setting this after all it would help client applications check the contexts liveliness
steps to reproduce with the gallery example open the drawer click outside the drawer the drawer closes open the menu click outside the menu the menu does not close
the source outline of merged pdf can be end up inside deep suboutline if destination outline contain suboutlinethe patch propose to change this behavior that merged source outline will always at the root of destination outline
warn actionstartxcommand server user group token app job action error starting action errortype errorcode message orgapacheoozieactionactionexecutorexception concurrentmodificationexception null at at at at at at at at at at at at by javautilconcurrentmodificationexception at at at at at at
this is a small change in the si which has a larger impact the terminationtype can be reused for different actions it is currently embedded in the allocationrelease message we should move it out of the message and make it a separate enumeration that can be used if we for instance terminate an asks or application the flow on effect is in the core and shim as both use the value of this enumeration to decide if it needs to process the message that means update si update the core dependency and code update the shim dependencies and code
fairly minor but a kind of annoying regression when attempting to look up documentation for the more widely used qbuffer class in and earlier its possible to navigate to the qtcore qbuffer documentation at this link the new documentation at that link is for the largely undocumented qbuffer class with the same name defined in you also cant use the the qt core overview page snapshot link and selecting the qbuffer link it also links to the qbuffer docs given that latter behavior my guess is this is unintentional ive attached both html pages in case the live links get updated
the template for viewing an assignment contains a few issues grade is showing scoregradetype date created should be date modified
this feature is fully described here this together with lock reordering cover of the possible deadlock situations in the optimistic locking scheme
steps to reproduce install an addon in jira actual results installation fails with a generic error message the connect addon system user could not be found right after adding it to the site workaround retry the installation stack trace code javalangillegalargumentexception cannot provision nonexistent user please create it first at at at at at at at at at more code
checkstyle check checks that all static fields are declared final after were done with enforcing hadoop checkstyle we want to enable it or any other check with same functionality
stability test the response time jump add figure enthere are ruleslikerule salience when inputfactinputfactstatelessdata then a problem i use or some parameters need to be set?
does more testing of the property to validate if this is in test mode or not
due to a small timing window bug the eventhub could show as connected when it really hasnt and thus resulting in it not retrying using the register block send back from the eventhub to determine that the eventhub client has really connected and to not report back till it actually has or throw a timeout error
changes introduced in are not compatible with windows where emulatorexe spawns another process itself and returns immediately
create landing pages that convert your visitors into customers choose among these best wordpress landing page plugins to create beautiful pages
currently addons dont automatically get the global browse users permission which is needed to get data from apivusersearch apivgroupspicker apivuserpermissionsearch
trying to migrate the clients the follow fields are missing in the template mobile number date of birth client type gender legal form client classification
description this is an issue found when configure quay to use aws rds postgresql database in quay config editor input correct postgresql hostname dbname usernamepassword and upload correct aws rds tls cert the validation was failed get error message could not connect to database error failed to connect to userquayrdsdb databasequay failed to write startup message certificate signed by unknown authoritycolor aws rds tls cert with quay use the same aws rds postgresql database and the same aws rds tls cert this issue is not existed see screenshots quay images codejava oc get pod name ready status restarts age running running running running running completed running running running running completed running running oc get pod o json jq speccontainersimage code quay paneltitlevalidation was failed with correct aws rds tls cert panel quay paneltitlevalidation is passed with valid aws rds tls cert panel
noformat ioswitchboardservertestattachinputmake illegal instruction error error
preconditions is assigned to a terminated notebook is located on list of resources page steps to reproduce click create new button click select project drop down list actual result terminated project is in drop down list expected result terminated project is not in drop down list note if edge status is stoppedterminatedcreatingstoppingterminating in a project and no one edge status is not in running status do not convey this project in select project drop down list
currently the designer does not provide a mechanism to control the system tables through data roles wizard this needs to be provided since the system tables are read only these guys only need readonly permission since the pgcatalog is also another variation of system tables that needs to controlled also however pgcatalog is dynamic view model added during the deployment time and designer does not have access to itsince providing the fine grained control over system schema is error prone in providing metadata or pgcatalog is not availablewe propose that this metadata on tooling is controlled through single boolean field check box called allow access to system tables the default of this should be trueas result of checking this box the following xml fragment needs to be vdbxml file sys false true false false pgcatalog false true false false
as stated in the title orgapachezookeepertestjmxenv uses systemerrprintln to output traces this makes for a lot of noise on the console when you run the tests it has a logging object already so it should use that instead
description this is is an issue found when configure quay to send notification when eventpush to repository occurred after configured events and notifications and pushed new image to quay found cant receive the notification checked quay app pod logs found the notification was failed to sent out see attached quay app pod log note quay image is codejava notificationworker stdout operation raised exception notificationworker stdout traceback most recent call last notificationworker stdout file quayregistryworkersworkerpy line in operationfunc notificationworker stdout return operationfunc notificationworker stdout file quayregistryworkersqueueworkerpy line in pollqueue notificationworker stdout selfprocessqueueitemjobdetails notificationworker stdout file quayregistryworkersnotificationworkernotificationworkerpy line in processqueueitem notificationworker stdout methodhandlerperformnotification eventhandler jobdetails notificationworker stdout file quayregistrynotificationsnotificationmethodpy line in perform notificationworker stdout resp requestspost notificationworker stdout file line in post notificationworker stdout return requestpost url datadata jsonjson kwargs notificationworker stdout file line in request notificationworker stdout return sessionrequestmethodmethod urlurl kwargs notificationworker stdout file line in request notificationworker stdout resp selfsendprep sendkwargs notificationworker stdout file line in send notificationworker stdout r adaptersendrequest kwargs notificationworker stdout file line in send notificationworker stdout selfcertverifyconn requesturl verify cert notificationworker stdout file line in certverify notificationworker stdout raise ioerrorcould not find the tls certificate file notificationworker stdout oserror could not find the tls certificate file invalid path quayregistryconfstacksslcert code steps deploy quay with quay operator choose to use managed route and unmanaged tls components with provided tls certkey pairs login quay and create new image repo create events and notifications configure to send notification to webhook when new image was pushed to image repository push image to this image repo with podman go to to check notification expected results get notification successfully actual results cant get notification
take the following steps to replicate this click your sites tab then click click click upload spreadsheet csv format to loading enter homework for the title then browse to the file that is attached to this jira and then click save you will receive the error message that is attached to this jira errorrtf what should happen is the system should check the file to ensure it is not blank if it is blank the system should display an error such as one column of your csv file must contain individuals usernames the first row of your csv must contain headings for the columns
find out if qe tested this add note with configregistrationskip
after metron is installed the various tabs in the metron config section in ambari index settings parsers enrichment indexing etc are showing up as empty
so people can choose to use camelmetrics which has codehale for metrics and we can then expose more details that this library can do out of the box
release notes
adding installerexecute runs an qeventloop which seems to break the scripting api
i one uses the methods text and displaytext on a qlineedit the documentation states the it should return the same value when a is set the values are no longer the sameon tue jul morten engvoldsen wrote how to build and compile the start the application expected resultboth labels should contain the same string actual resultone label sais and the other class mainwidget public qwidget qobjectpublic mainwidget qlabel qlineedit lineeditmainwidgetmainwidget lineedit new new qlabel string lineedittext new qlabel string lineeditdisplaytext qvboxlayout layout new qvboxlayout layoutaddwidgetlineedit setlayoutlayoutint mainint argc char argv qapplication appargc argv mainwidget mainwid mainwidshow return appexec include mainmoc
barriercoordinator uses timer and timertask timertaskcancel is invoked in contextbarrierstatecanceltimertask but timerpurge is never invoked once a timertask is scheduled the reference to it is not released until timerpurge is invoked even though timertaskcancel is invoked
when capacity scheduler enable global scheduler if global schedulers asyncschedulethread crash the capacity scheduler dispatcher will hang for long time this behavior is unreasonable if this situation happen in ha mode current rm should change to standby
we need to introduce cekit modules to handle ee vs microprofile configurations as well ass specific galleon featurepack dependencies
reopen causes segments to be reused and new segmentatatime searching in lucene causes filefloatsource to be reloaded persegment and thus get a hit on the old segments persegment loading of filefloat source is very inefficient in any case
if a transaction starts with a lock operation and the lock fails on one of the owners eg because of a suspectexception the rollback command should still be sent to all the live ownershowever because a locked key is only registered in the affectedkeys collection after a successful lock operation in pessimisticlockinginterceptoracquireremoteifneeded the rollback command is not sent to any ownersthis is in a pessimistic cache however looking at the optimisticlockinginterceptoracquirealllocks code i think i see a similar problem its possible that a key is locked but the write skew check fails and the key is not added to the affectedkeys collection we should always register the key first and attempt to lock it after
hdfs user should be the owner for all hdfs artifacts even on the hosts that have only yarn components deployedan extension of this requirement can be that all hadoop users should be deployed on all hosts this is typical for deployments that use ldap however when local users are created so far ambari only creates the users required by the deployed components
if aurora launches a thermos executor we should have a mode where the checkpoint state and observer runs within the executor sandbox and the ui can point to the dynamically allocated port for the observer this will be necessary to deprecate the gc executor
list of crw containers in order of need to productize on z and power operator and metadata containers containerscodereadyworkspacesoperator containerscodereadyworkspacesoperatormetadata server and internals containerscodereadyworkspaces che server assembly has changed but we still only have container repo after refactoring in che containerscodereadyworkspacesjwtproxy containerscodereadyworkspacesmachineexec containerscodereadyworkspacespluginbrokerartifacts containerscodereadyworkspacespluginbrokermetadata registries which include filtering for dotnet containerscodereadyworkspacesdevfileregistry containerscodereadyworkspacespluginregistry the ide itself containerscodereadyworkspacestheiadev used to build theia but never deployed technical preview in rhcc containerscodereadyworkspacestheia requires theiadev containerscodereadyworkspacestheiaendpoint requires theia to build gasupported sidecarsstacksruntimes replaces stacksnode stackspython and stacksjava new and gradle and quarkus support containerscodereadyworkspacespluginopenshift updated to containerscodereadyworkspacespluginkubernetes includes kamel and kubectl cli binaries kamel is built for z via kirk not yet upstream or built in ci tool for performance enhancing installs to precache images in the cluster containerscodereadyworkspacesimagepuller remaining stacksruntimes technical preview support level containerscodereadyworkspacesstackscpp containerscodereadyworkspacesstacksdotnet only never on z or p containerscodereadyworkspacesstacksgolang containerscodereadyworkspacesstacksphp upstream images unuseddeprecated containerscodereadyworkspacesstacksjava java eap mvn eol in crw containerscodereadyworkspacesstackspython python eol in crw containerscodereadyworkspacesstacksnode eol in crw containerscodereadyworkspacespluginbroker eol in crw containerscodereadyworkspacespluginbrokerinit eol in crw containerscodereadyworkspacesplugindependencyanalytics emptyunused as of crw list of clis crwctl for only supported for ocp only list of supported arches openshift versions ocp osd openshift rc if time permits on openshift if available on linux on z openshift if available on power
since i upgraded my ipad os to qtcreator is no longer able to deploy and run correctly the deploy on the device seems to works but it can not run the app and print output in qtc quotestarting remote process developer disk image failed unable to fetch developer disk image path app failed mount developer disk failed run ended quote content of the devicesupport folder quotepasnoxfilipesmacbookpro ll applicationsxcodeappcontentsdeveloperplatformsiphoneosplatformdevicesupport total drwxrwxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrwxrx root wheel apr drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun drwxrxrx root wheel jun pasnoxfilipesmacbookpro quote
describe the issue we have added a new section to the dashbuilder community documentation about how to deal with large databases using conditions within sql data providersmaster this feature exists since bpms just documentation was lackingwe have also posted an article on the dashbuilder blogthis
for rsrpcservicesdononatomicregionmutation code for clientprotosaction action actionsgetactionlist catch ioexception ie rpcservergetmetricsexceptionie resultorexceptionbuilder resultorexceptionnewbuilder setexceptionresponseconverterbuildexceptionie if resultorexceptionbuilder null propagate index resultorexceptionbuildersetindexactiongetindex builderaddresultorexceptionresultorexceptionbuilderbuild codethe exceptions are added to builder in the for loopthe clientprotosresultorexceptionbuilder instance is created within the for loopfor large multi call this may incur nontrivial overhead for garbage collector if therere many exceptionseg here was sample debug log showing the actions in a debug orgapachehadoophbaseregionserverrsrpcservices nonatomicregionmutation batch summary authkerberos clientnullcodenote the large number of increments in the batchwhen the increments encounter conflict at server side the overhead of stringified exceptions in response is considerable
description of problemwe can create openshift resources from stibuild template but we cant create resources from dockerbuild or custombuild template in jbtversionrelease number of selected component if applicableopenshift version reproduciblealwayssteps to a project in openshift osadm newproject test stibuilddockerbuildcustombuild template under the namespace osc create f applicationtemplatestibuildjson n test osc create f applicationtemplatedockerbuildjson n test osc create f applicationtemplatecustombuildjson n all the template create successfully osc get template n testname description parameters this example shows how to create a simple ruby application in openshift origi generated this example shows how to create a simple ruby application in openshift origi generated this example shows how to create a simple ruby application in openshift origi generated the server in resouces from template in in openshift explorer right click the newapplication open new application check all the templates can be list in new application dialogactual in the dialog we can only list stibuildtemplateexpected should list all the templates in new application dialogadditional infowhen we create two stibuildtemplate they can all be listed in new application dialog
we have found that certain images could not be read with imagingnoformatjpgexception in thread main javaioioexception could not read block block start block length data length at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
its often needed to get top k key value pairs but existing implementations deal with objects making them inefficient make one with primitive types
while testing failed searching for the test it seems other patches have also had failures i noticed that and use the same databasetable names i suspect this is responsible for some of the flakiness
some changes in installation content please check if ok in linux windows and macos added in macos also added diffs attached
the flinkyarnsessioncli should not fail if it cannot retrieve the getclusterstatusresponse this would harden flinks yarn session
define a way to invoice and billing based on usage charged at a rate relevant for a particular dayfor example if the usage rates monthly total usage is hits with daily usage breakup as day to hits day to hitsday to hitsif charge is applied per month the cost would be same charge is calculated based on the rate band for a particular day the charge would day to hits days to hits days to hits days
per email discussion with david the orgwildflytransactionclient module currently doesnt contain anything meant to be used by application developers directly
users are reporting getting errors with the jiraissues confluence macrorss unable to retrieve external connections have been disabledin confluences general configuration page there is a settingexternal connections enabled falsethis should be true by default
the patch to get correlated subqueries working in update statements had this sideeffect codejava create table int text create table int text update set where in or update set where in select from these seem to raise exceptions now
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report summarygroup names having special character once added to the application access displays an irreversible error modal window this is caused because jira is not encoding the special character to and instead its using the character directly in the url causing a error on the request screen shot at steps to reproduce create a group name called testtest and add one user to it go to the application access page and add this group to any of the applications screen shot at pmpngthumbnail expected resultsto have the group added without an irreversible error modal window actual resultsan irreversible error modal window is displaying not allowing to do anything on the application access page anymore screen shot at pmpngthumbnail remove the affected group from the application access directly on the database by following the procedure below stop jira identify the offending group id by running the query belowcodesqlselect id from licenserolesgroup where groupid like code delete the offending group id from application access by running the query belowcodesqldelete from licenserolesgroup where id code start jira
the method imodule module string name string pkgname boolean isclass always load a class by using the current thrad class loader even if the object to laod is a resourcethis code may chek if the object is a class or a resource and invoke the coresponding method on the classloader if there are no bundles providing exports for this package and if the instigating class was not from a bundle then delegate to the parent class loader otherwise break out of loop and return null boolean delegate true for classloader cl classesgetclassloader cl null cl clgetclassgetclassloader if contentclassloaderclassisinstancecl delegate false break if delegate return thisgetclassgetclassloaderloadclassname
i have not changed the following parameter in the nutchdefaultxml dbfetchretrymax the maximum number of times a url that has encountered recoverable errors is generated for fetchhowever there is a url which is on the site that im crawling which keeps being generated over and over again for almost every segment many more times than of failed with http urlthis is a bug rightthanks
customer would like to use jsvc with jboss eap for binding to port and as nonroot user testing was done using to install jboss with openjdk and sun jdk and also jboss with sun jdk only all the tests failed with the following exception jboss was not able to start at port with error msc service thread error initializing endpoint javanetbindexception permission denied has the following commentscreated by tom fonteyne has one branch and no tagscheckout load the service if javaloadargs true logdebugjavaload failed return else logdebugjavaload done downgrade user ifdef oslinux if argsuser logdebugsetcaps failed return else if setusergroupargsuser uid gid return start the service umaskenvmask if javastart true logdebugjavastart failed return else logdebugjavastart donecodeso java gets loaded capabilities get withdrawn java startsdouble check procstatus and its easy to see that the capabilities have not been inheritedtest remove the port works obviously procstatus shows that the process still has the caps set again obviously not good as not securesolutioncode load the service if javaloadargs true logdebugjavaload failed return else logdebugjavaload done start the service umaskenvmask if javastart true logdebugjavastart failed return else logdebugjavastart done downgrade user ifdef oslinux if argsuser logdebugsetcaps failed return else if setusergroupargsuser uid gid return port works but more importantly provstatus shows that the caps have been correctlysecurely removednote there is no need to use the shell command setcap to modify jsvc or java itself also note rather obviously this still means you need to start jsvc as root with a user setting to get eap running as a nonroot user
problem when utilizing the agentassignment rest api found in our guide the returned result is noformat message name is null statuscode noformat when adding the parameters executortypeexecutorid the following is returned noformat message no enum constant comatlassianbamboobuildqueueagentassignmentexecutortype statuscode noformat current assignments in the database noformat select from agentassignment assignmentid executorid executortype executableid executabletype agent job agent environment rows noformat rest api document
right now the github workflow caches and arguably it shouldnt since we never want to use any orgapachenifi artifacts from prior builds
maven package ingestion stopped working in production
when setting the size of the write buffer to a value lower than the current size of data in the write buffer the content of the write buffer should be flushed so it does not occupy in memory more than its new size for an extended period of time
using the wildflyjmsclientbom dependency for jms clients doesnt introduce a default wildflyconfigxml with elytron client configuration as the result clients are not able to authenticate eg using jbosslocaluser sasl mechanismthe default configuration in wildflyconfigxml should allow similar behavior as with legacy security so the following call should passcodeconnectionfactory connectionfactory connectionfactory namingcontextlookupjmsremoteconnectionfactorycodecurrently the call throws exceptioncodesevere naming problem occuredjavaxnamingcommunicationexception failed to connect to remote host at at at at at at at at by javaxsecuritysaslsaslexception authentication failed none of the mechanisms presented by the server are supported at at at at at at at asynchronous invocationunknown source at at at at at at at at at at morecode
currently did a lot of special handling for nondeterministic projects and filters in optimizer but not good enough this patch add a new special case for nondeterministic filters deal with that we only need to read user needs fields for nondeterministic filters in optimizerfor example the condition of filters is nondeterministic egcontains nondeterministic functionrand function hivetablescans optimizer generatedhivetablescans planaggregate project filter not as as metastorerelation xxxdatabase xxxtablehivetablescans planproject filter not as as metastorerelation xxxdatabase xxxtablehivetablescans planfilter not as as metastorerelation xxxdatabase xxxtablehivetablescans planmetastorerelation xxxdatabase xxxtableso hivetablescan will read all the fields from table but we only need to ‘’ and it will affect the performance of task
hello the list of all members for polarchartview in the documentation are missing for polarchartview qml type members i am using the polarchartview in my project very much note this is my first bug report o cheers philip
if entries returned from sql query are modified these changes are reflected in the cachetest attached
we have webhooks set up on two of our repositories they are firing on different triggers none of these webhooks are working it that i need to whitelist the ip ranges when i check the link it shows no requests fired is there a service outage or is there something wrong in my repositories
the jiraissuesurlcolumnstypekeysummary displays a list as if the tag was jiraissuesurlcolumnskeysummaryworkaround insert the first entry twice
scheduledannotationbeanpostprocessoronapplicationevent is first run when the root webapplicationcontext initializes then run again when the frameworkservlet initializes each time onapplicationevent runs a new schedule is registeredi have modified the taskbasic sample from to run as a web application for verification will attach the source and war filethis is the console output of taskbasic in jetty its the same in tomcat notice the processing next text that shows up twice every seconds when the application runs from a main class outside a web server the processing next text only shows up once every logging to stderr via initializing spring root webapplicationcontextinfo orgspringframeworkwebcontextcontextloader root webapplicationcontext initialization startedinfo orgspringframeworkwebcontextsupportxmlwebapplicationcontext refreshing root webapplicationcontext startup date root of context hierarchyinfo orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryxmlxmlbeandefinitionreader loading xml bean definitions from class path resource info orgspringframeworkbeansfactorysupportdefaultlistablebeanfactory preinstantiating singletons in defining beans root of factory hierarchyinfo orgspringframeworkwebcontextcontextloader root webapplicationcontext initialization completed in msprocessing next at fri jan cet orgspringframeworkwebservletdispatcherservlet frameworkservlet springservlet initialization startedinfo orgspringframeworkwebcontextsupportxmlwebapplicationcontext refreshing webapplicationcontext for namespace springservletservlet startup date parent root webapplicationcontextinfo orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryxmlxmlbeandefinitionreader loading xml bean definitions from servletcontext resource initializing spring frameworkservlet springservletinfo orgspringframeworkbeansfactorysupportdefaultlistablebeanfactory preinstantiating singletons in defining beans parent orgspringframeworkwebservletdispatcherservlet frameworkservlet springservlet initialization completed in msprocessing next at fri jan cet opened started next at fri jan cet next at fri jan cet next at fri jan cet next at fri jan cet
ambari is adding support for jdk but not all stacks support jdk in the case where a user runs ambariserver setup and select jdk for jdk and then during install wizard selects hdp the user should be warnedadd meta info to stack to indicate supported jdks and warn user in install wizard if attempting to install a stack with an incompatible jdk
upgraded to jboss and myfaces night buildwhen user visit a protected page the loginjsp will show up for user to login inbut in the loginjsp if clicking commandlink forget password error on page will show up on browser status bar ienothing else happens it was working before jboss and myfaces simplified for testing hcommandlink valueforget password actionbeanresetpasswordbrowser source forgetpassword
why is beeline complaining about ip when i use dns in the connection i have a valid certjks on the dns exact same beeline worked when running on but this is hivehomebinbeeline class path contains multiple bindings found binding in found binding in see for an explanation actual binding is of type beeline version by apache hive beeline connect userhere passhere connecting to warn jdbchiveconnection failed to connect to unknown problem when communicating with thrift server error could not open client transport with jdbc uri javaxnetsslsslhandshakeexception javasecuritycertcertificateexception no subject alternative names matching ip address found beeline logs error servertthreadpoolserver error occurred during processing of message javalangruntimeexception orgapachethrifttransportttransportexception javaxnetsslsslhandshakeexception remote host closed connection during handshake at at at at at caused by orgapachethrifttransportttransportexception javaxnetsslsslhandshakeexception remote host closed connection during handshake at at at at at at at more caused by javaxnetsslsslhandshakeexception remote host closed connection during handshake at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more caused by javaioeofexception ssl peer shut down incorrectly at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more error servertthreadpoolserver error occurred during processing of message javalangruntimeexception orgapachethrifttransportttransportexception javaxnetsslsslhandshakeexception received fatal alert certificateunknown at at at at at caused by orgapachethrifttransportttransportexception javaxnetsslsslhandshakeexception received fatal alert certificateunknown at at at at at at at more caused by javaxnetsslsslhandshakeexception received fatal alert certificateunknown at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more
as described in requirebundle with visibilityreexport does not work transitively in felix cannot comment wrt other versions only tested this onesimilar issue with felix plugin described in see attached zip for an example consisting of bundles as described in example works in equinox fails to load aone in felix
i have two nodes on which we have tables which are partitioned index are also built on these tables for hours caches work fine the tables are definitely distributed across both the nodes node reboots due to some issue goes out of the baseline comes back and joins the baseline other baseline nodes crash and in the logs we see duplicate key error tcp discovery accepted incoming connection tcp discovery spawning a new thread for connection started serving remote node connection finished serving remote node connection tcpdiscoverspis message worker thread failed abnormally stopping the node in order to prevent cluster wide instability javalangillegalstateexception duplicate key at at at at at at at at at at at at critical system error detected will be handled accordingly to configured handler javalangillegalstateexception duplicate key at at at at at at at at at at at at jvm will be halted immediately due to the failure
from dev list threadnoformati just checked this a new method with igniteentryprocessor is calledon sun feb at pm dmitriy setrakyan wrote hello ignite experts i just noticed that entryprocessor does not implement serializable which makes it impossible to serialize when used in lambda notations however what if we define igniteentryprocessor which extends both entryprocessor and serializable and also add invoke method on ignitecache which accepts igniteentryprocessor like so igniteasyncsupported public t invokek key igniteentryprocessor entryprocessor object arguments igniteasyncsupported override public t invokek key entryprocessor entryprocessor object arguments does anyone know which method will be invoked when used with lambdas without any casting like so is it jdk specific cacheinvokemykey entry args dnoformat
there is a listenhttp processor but nothing for the client side eg to invoke rest apis the civetweb library is already being used can be leveraged to implement the invokehttp parity
we need to collate all of the plugins with the banner marketing label and pass the banners through to the soy template for rendering the soy template imagecarousel currently expects a list of bannerreps
theres an error about accumulostoragehandler compiling on it seems the signature of split is not the same looks like we can should use another utils to fix thiscode failed to execute goal defaultcompile on project hiveaccumulohandler compilation failure datahiveptestworkingapachesvntrunksourceaccumulohandlersrcjavaorgapachehadoophiveaccumulocolumnscolumnmapperjava no suitable method found for splitjavalangstringchar method orgapachehadooputilstringutilssplitjavalangstringcharchar is not applicablecode
not all users can click and drag there needs to be another way to add tools add an link that adds tools just as if they were clicked and dragged over
if jdbctemplate is set to ignore sqlwarnings then when a sqlwarning is raised it just tostrings to sqlwarning to the logger the problem with this is that tostring on sqlwarning only displays some of the information contained ie the message but not the useful stuff eg error code in effect the information is lost the only way to find out wehats going on is to set jdbctemplate to stop ignoring sqlwarnings but thats quite invasivesince sqlwarning is just a suntype of sqlexception could jdbctemplate not use the sqlexception translator to display the sqlwarning in a more useful way
test create list delete with a large number of snapshots
if you export process with none start event from stunner and import it in current designer start event will have dashed borders instead of solid one see
the default title bar for qdockwidget always hides itself when floating if we use our own custom title bar it will always be visible even when floating this behavior is rather inconsistent and in some cases not even preferred i specifically would like to use the default title bar and have it visible when the dock widget is floating i can not seem to achieve this because of the protection level of the setwindowstate member in qdockwidgetprivate which controls this behavior in visual studio for instance native window borders are not shown on dock widgets when they are floating i feel that a setting should be implemented to allow the default dock widget title bar to be visible when the dock widget is floating to further illustrate my point the dock widgets do not use native window borders on linux
description of problemwhen a user creates custom work item definition before opening jbpm designer the designer does not generate the default work item definition this default wid contains rest task web service task etc and as a result these tasks are not available in jbpm designer this applies to every package in a project because the designer keeps the default wid for every package separately versionrelease number of selected component if to login to create a repository create a custom work item create new bpmn jbpm designer opens and there are no service tasks to useof course there is a workaround to delete the custom wid create a process to open designer it generates the default wid close it create the custom wid once moreadditional infocould it be possible to keep the default work item definition in projectnameglobal in order to not duplicate the same datasee the attached screenshot no default wid no service tasks
trafodionmods url trafodionbuild cloudera installed will run trafclouderamodsinfo log file located at roottrafodiondownloadsinstallerlogsinfo detected java version unable to determine hadoops java versionerror please check log fileserror exitingin trafclouderamod script java version is determined based onjavaversionps c java noheader o pidusercmd grep hbase grep e jdkjavajre awk print sed e it to following worked with after in sedjavaversionps c java noheader o pidusercmd grep hbase grep e jdkjavajre awk print sed e detailsjavaversionps c java noheader o pidusercmd grep hbase grep e jdkjavajre awk print
to reproduce run the test program and click on the button i tested with material theme codetitlemainqmllangjavascript import qtquick import qtquickcontrols applicationwindow visible true width height button anchorscenterin parent text show dialog onclicked dialogopen dialog id dialog width x parentwidth width y parentheight height footer dialogbuttonboxstacked button text some text button text loooooooooooong text code codetitledialogbuttonboxstackedqmllangjavascript import qtquick import qtquicktemplates as t import qtquickcontrols import qtquickcontrolsmaterial tdialogbuttonbox id control implicitwidth mathmaxbackground backgroundimplicitwidth contentitemimplicitwidth leftpadding rightpadding implicitheight mathmaxbackground backgroundimplicitheight contentitemimplicitheight toppadding bottompadding materialforeground materialaccent delegate button flat true contentitem listview implicitheight contentheight this line cause crash model controlcontentmodel code noformattitlestack trace raise abort qtmessagefatal qloggingcpp qmessageloggerfatal qloggingcpp qtassert qglobalcpp qquickshadereffectsourceupdatepaintnode qquickshadereffectsourcecpp qquickwindowprivateupdatedirtynode qquickwindowcpp qquickwindowprivateupdatedirtynodes qquickwindowcpp qquickwindowprivatesyncscenegraph qquickwindowcpp qsgguithreadrenderlooprenderwindow qsgrenderloopcpp qsgguithreadrenderloophandleupdaterequest qsgrenderloopcpp qquickwindowevent qquickwindowcpp qcoreapplicationprivatenotifyhelper qcoreapplicationcpp donotify qcoreapplicationcpp qcoreapplicationnotify qcoreapplicationcpp qguiapplicationnotify qguiapplicationcpp qcoreapplicationcpp qcoreapplicationsendevent qcoreapplicationh qwindowprivatedeliverupdaterequest qwindowcpp qwindowevent qwindowcpp qquickwindowevent qquickwindowcpp qcoreapplicationprivatenotifyhelper qcoreapplicationcpp donotify qcoreapplicationcpp qcoreapplicationnotify qcoreapplicationcpp qguiapplicationnotify qguiapplicationcpp qcoreapplicationcpp qcoreapplicationsendevent qcoreapplicationh qtimerinfolistactivatetimers qtimerinfounixcpp timersourcedispatch qeventdispatcherglibcpp gmaincontextdispatch gmaincontextiterateisra gmaincontextiteration qeventdispatcherglibprocessevents qeventdispatcherglibcpp qpaeventdispatcherglibprocessevents qeventdispatcherglibcpp qeventloopprocessevents qeventloopcpp qeventloopexec qeventloopcpp qcoreapplicationexec qcoreapplicationcpp qguiapplicationexec qguiapplicationcpp main maincpp noformat
hi were currently using asfs git repo as the canonical repo with a readonly copy at github but weve discussed voted it would be best for us to work with github repo as the primary source having the commits automatically synced to the asfs repo which would get then readonly we would like to treat github as the canonical source vote vote tally our current repos are please let me know if anything else is needed thanks in advance juan pablo
goal provide verbose documentation on how to openshift sandboxed containers usage user stories as a user i want to read on how to use and enable openshift sandboxed containers in ocp documentation as a user i need to understand the cluster prereqs for enabled openshift san as a user i need to understand the impact of enabling openshift sandboxed containers on an openshift cluster milestones milestoneobjectivetasktargeted dates drafthave a full first draft of the outline for the documentation available for review march april reviewduring this review let’s ensure that the documentation is technically accurate and is also peer reviewed april may writing phaseincorporate comments from the first review and add any additional new sections features etc may june github repocreate the github directory within the openshiftdocs repo for sandboxed containermay reviewduring this review we need to make sure that we get qe verification and sme signoff during this review so we can transition smoothly for the june deadline june june incorporate commentsduring this time we will incorporate comments into the documentation june june doc is ready for tech preview docs freeze datethis is the docs freeze date therefore content will need to be finalized by june so that translation has sufficient time june requirements a section about openshift sandboxed containers added to openshift documentation page references documentation meeting notes documentation source google doc
need to document what the probes in openshift check for and how they work should restart containers when certain errors or conditions occurprobes work by checking the cache mbeanscurrently there are ensure that all of the caches have been all caches have joined the cluster if is statetransfer currently in progress if so then it is not yet ensure that all of the caches in the cachemanager are runninglivenessprobe should bounce basically restart the pod in case that server boots with startup error user provided deployment fails do deploy to the server cache status is failed invalid cache cofiguration probablyreadinessprobe wont mark pod as ready till server starts all the caches are running initial state transfer is complete all the caches joined the clustercaches related probes are taking into account only caches from clustered cache container
include the following contrib views with ambari pig hive files capschedulerthis is in addition to the views already delivered with ambari jobs slider tezui
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
description occasionally this error is seen when deploying wmco in our tests codebash info creating windowsmachineconfigoperator registry info creating configmap openshiftwindowsmachineconfigoperatorwindowsmachineconfigoperatorregistrymanifestspackage info creating configmap info creating deployment openshiftwindowsmachineconfigoperatorwindowsmachineconfigoperatorregistryserver info creating service openshiftwindowsmachineconfigoperatorwindowsmachineconfigoperatorregistryserver info waiting for deployment openshiftwindowsmachineconfigoperatorwindowsmachineconfigoperatorregistryserver rollout to complete info waiting for deployment openshiftwindowsmachineconfigoperatorwindowsmachineconfigoperatorregistryserver to rollout waiting for deployment spec update to be observed info waiting for deployment openshiftwindowsmachineconfigoperatorwindowsmachineconfigoperatorregistryserver to rollout of updated replicas are available info deployment openshiftwindowsmachineconfigoperatorwindowsmachineconfigoperatorregistryserver successfully rolled out info created catalogsource windowsmachineconfigoperatorcatalog info operatorgroup operatorsdkog created info created subscription fata failed to run packagemanifests install plan is not available for the subscription timed out waiting for the condition error from server notfound deploymentsapps windowsmachineconfigoperator not found code this ends up causing ci jobs to fail the root cause of this issue needs to be found and a fix or a mitigation must be added to our tests acceptance criteria the flake described in this ticket is no longer present
some of the compiled ejbql queries produce different result depending on jdk version and platform eg of the queries pass on linux but fail on windows