create seam ear build all the open the war project open any xhtml ctrlclick on there are some proposals for authenticator clean the war project dont clean the ctrlclick on there are not any proposals for authenticator component
hii am trying to sync all of my repositories from my ondemand instance vorstackatlassiancom i am able to sink of them one of them reports sync failed error during sync see server logs and the other have been showing synchronizing changesets pull requests issues found for hours can you provide me the server logs for my ondemand instance and provide me any information you can about how i can get all my repos syncingthankss
in the current version of harmony agent doesnt join its eventdispatcher and packetdispatcher threads when agentonunload completes it in fact just deletes monitors that are held by these threads but threads may still be running when agentonunload exits the bad thing is immediately after that agents library is unloaded from address space of the process the good thing for agent is that in most cases it is executing vms code of exiting monitors so it doesnt execute unmapped memory and the crash doesnt happen right away also unmapped memory doesnt always mean unexecutable on architectures unmapped memory may still be executable because nx no execution bit is usually disabled by oses on this architecturethe bad things happen on linux because it enables nx bit for user applications by default crashes happen on shutdown almost in of runs there are several different scenarios but all of them relate to accessing agents address space where its library once was loaded this happens because agents threads are still running when agents library is unloadedi found some code that is commented in agent that could join in eventdispatcher and packetdispatcher threads on vmdeath phase change the code is commented since revision that was a workaround for vms inability to join threads correctly on shutdown i uncommented join calls but still i get a dead lock on shutdown investigation continues without fix for this bug enabling debugging on linux isnt possible
assert in raise from in abort from in qtmessageoutputqtmsgtype char const in from in qfatalchar const from in qtassertchar const char const int stateqtmobilityfinishedstate in cqmetaobjectinvokemetamethod a in qmetaobjectmetacallqobject qmetaobjectcall intvoid from in qmetacalleventplacemetacallqobject in qobjecteventqevent from in qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent in qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent in qcoreapplicationnotifyinternalqobject qevent in qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedeventsqobject intqthreaddata from in qcoreapplicationsendpostedeventsqobject int in from in gmaincontextdispatch from in from in in
hi‌there is slowness witnessed while browsing bitbucket enterprise account website users have also witnessed large loading times for pull request
the following query causes an analysis exception because and are not compatible ie it is not possible to cast them to the same decimal type without losing information code select as between as and code however if we rewrite the between predicate it succeeds code select as as and as code both queries should execute successfully
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panel
is it possible to integrate this the spreadsheet service as an output view so that i can view results in a spreadsheet and then perform some trivial formulae on columns and rows eg calculating the genetic distance between two points on a chromosome from two columns in my results or ordering a column by a value as you would in excel
i am executing a jar file with sparksubmit this jar file is a scala program which combines operations sparkrelated and nonsparkrelated the issue comes when i execute a stored procedure from scala using jdbc this sp is in a microsoft sql database and basically performs some operations and populates a table with about rows one by one then the next step in the program is read that table and perform some additional calculations this step is grabbing always less rows than created by stored procedure but this is because this step is not properly sync with the previous one starting its execution without waiting the previous step to be done i have tried insert a between both instructions it seems to workcolor execute the program just with one executor doesnt workcolor i would like to know why is it happening and how can i solve it without the sleep because thats not a admissible solution thank you very much
it would be useful to have a user interface for modifying parserenrichment configurations and managing topologies
if you define a property aliasing a variant property the alias property cannot be converted to anything which makes it pretty useless simple examplecodeimport qtquick width height item id item property variant color property alias coloralias itemcolor color coloralias doesnt work unable to assign qvariant to qcolor color itemcolor works as expectedcodethis works in qt but fails in qt both with qt quick and
read methods at bufferedchannelinputstream do not work correctlythe results vary from an unexpected bufferunderflowexception to returning more bytes than were actually read
it got timed out exception with following stackcodejavalangexception test timed out after milliseconds at javalangthreadsleepnative method at at at at at at at at at at at at recent builds
in our production cluster we encounter a scenario like this ann crashed due to write journal timeout and was restarted by the watchdog automatically but after restarting both of the nns are standbyfollowing is the logs of the scenario is down due to write journal info orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodenamenode shutdownmsg detected connection reset by error orgapachehadoopsecurityusergroupinformation priviledgedactionexception asxxxxhadoop authkerberos causejavaioioexception colorredconnection reset by peercolor wat restarted successfully by the info orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodenamenode webserver up at info orgapachehadoopipcserver ipc server responder info orgapachehadoopipcserver ipc server listener on info orgapachehadoopipcserver rpc server clean thread info orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodenamenode registered dfsclientinformation info orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodenamenode namenode up at info orgapachehadoophdfsservernamenodefsnamesystem starting services required for standby state retried the connection and considered was info orgapachehadoopipcclient retrying connect to server already tried times retry policy is seconds still considered as a healthy active nn and didnt trigger the failover as a result both nns were standbythe root cause of this bug is that nn is restarted too quickly and zkfc health monitor doesnt realize that
the closeminmax buttons of a maximized qmdisubwindow are not drawn correctly they are not visible and when hovered they become highlighted but are not drawn
fixes the pip install failures on branch releases but it is still failing on though with a slightly different error message codejava downloadingunpacking pylint running setuppy pathtmppipbuildrootpylintsetuppy egginfo for package pylint userwarning unknown distribution option pythonrequires warningswarnmsg traceback most recent call last file line in file tmppipbuildrootpylintsetuppy line in install file tmppipbuildrootpylintsetuppy line in install kwargs file line in setup setupdistribution dist klassattrs file line in init selffetchbuildeggsattrspopsetuprequires file line in fetchbuildeggs replaceconflictingtrue file line in resolve dist best envbestmatchreq ws installer file line in bestmatch return selfobtainreq installer try and downloadinstall file line in obtain return installerrequirement file line in fetchbuildegg return cmdeasyinstallreq file line in easyinstall return selfinstallitemspec distlocation tmpdir deps file line in installitem dists selfinstalleggsspec download tmpdir file line in installeggs return selfbuildandinstallsetupscript setupbase file line in buildandinstall selfrunsetupsetupscript setupbase args file line in runsetup runsetupsetupscript args file line in runsetup lambda execfile file line in run return func file line in filesetupscript namemain file setuppy line in file line in setup setupdistribution dist klassattrs file line in init distributioninitselfattrs file line in init selffinalizeoptions file line in finalizeoptions eploadself epname value file line in versionkeyword file line in warnifsetuptoolsoutdated setuptoolsscmversionsetuptoolsoutdatedwarning your setuptools is too old complete output from command python setuppy egginfo userwarning unknown distribution option pythonrequires warningswarnmsg traceback most recent call last file line in file tmppipbuildrootpylintsetuppy line in install file tmppipbuildrootpylintsetuppy line in install kwargs file line in setup setupdistribution dist klassattrs file line in init selffetchbuildeggsattrspopsetuprequires file line in fetchbuildeggs replaceconflictingtrue file line in resolve dist best envbestmatchreq ws installer file line in bestmatch return selfobtainreq installer try and downloadinstall file line in obtain return installerrequirement file line in fetchbuildegg return cmdeasyinstallreq file line in easyinstall return selfinstallitemspec distlocation tmpdir deps file line in installitem dists selfinstalleggsspec download tmpdir file line in installeggs return selfbuildandinstallsetupscript setupbase file line in buildandinstall selfrunsetupsetupscript setupbase args file line in runsetup runsetupsetupscript args file line in runsetup lambda execfile file line in run return func file line in filesetupscript namemain file setuppy line in file line in setup setupdistribution dist klassattrs file line in init distributioninitselfattrs file line in init selffinalizeoptions file line in finalizeoptions eploadself epname value file line in versionkeyword file line in warnifsetuptoolsoutdated setuptoolsscmversionsetuptoolsoutdatedwarning your setuptools is too old cleaning up command python setuppy egginfo failed with error code in tmppipbuildrootpylint storing debug log for failure in rootpippiplog the command binsh c pip install pylint returned a nonzero code
make install results in errorcmake error at file file install cannot find fooprotonbuildprotoncbindingsperllibcprotonperlsocall stack most recent call first include include recipe for target install failedmake error
trying to generate documentation from javadoc full of errors this ticket is to track the process of cleaning the project of those
it will be necessary to create an image based on the jenkins slave of openshift to support builds using golang and podman
as discussed in a mailing list lets try to find the reason while under certain conditions solrcloud can hangi have an issue with one of the solrcloud deployments six machines a collection with shards with a replication factor of it all runs on physical servers each with cores weve indexed about million documents and everything was fine until that pointnow during performance tests we run into an issue solrcloud hangswhen querying and indexing is run at the same time first we see anormal load on the machines than the load starts to drop and threaddump shown numerous threads like thisnoformatthread state blocked sunmiscunsafeparkboolean long compiled frame information may be imprecise javautilconcurrentlockslocksupportparkjavalangobject compiled frame javautilconcurrentlocksabstractqueuedsynchronizerconditionobjectawait compiled frame orgapachehttppoolpoolentryfutureawaitjavautildate compiled frame orgapachehttppoolabstractconnpoolgetpoolentryblockingjavalangobject javalangobject long javautilconcurrenttimeunit orgapachehttppoolpoolentryfuture compiled frame javalangobject javalangobject long javautilconcurrenttimeunit orgapachehttppoolpoolentryfuture compiled frame javautilconcurrenttimeunit compiled frame javautilconcurrenttimeunit compiled frame orgapachehttppoolpoolentryfuturegetlong javautilconcurrenttimeunit compiled frame orgapachehttpimplconnpoolingclientconnectionmanagerleaseconnectionjavautilconcurrentfuture long javautilconcurrenttimeunit compiled frame javautilconcurrenttimeunit compiled frame orgapachehttpimplclientdefaultrequestdirectorexecuteorgapachehttphttphost orgapachehttphttprequest orgapachehttpprotocolhttpcontext compiled frame orgapachehttpimplclientabstracthttpclientexecuteorgapachehttphttphost orgapachehttphttprequest orgapachehttpprotocolhttpcontext compiled frame orgapachehttpimplclientabstracthttpclientexecuteorgapachehttpclientmethodshttpurirequest orgapachehttpprotocolhttpcontext compiled frame orgapachehttpimplclientabstracthttpclientexecuteorgapachehttpclientmethodshttpurirequest compiled frame orgapachesolrclientsolrjimplhttpsolrserverrequestorgapachesolrclientsolrjsolrrequest orgapachesolrclientsolrjresponseparser interpreted frame orgapachesolrclientsolrjimplhttpsolrserverrequestorgapachesolrclientsolrjsolrrequest compiled frame orgapachesolrclientsolrjimpllbhttpsolrserverrequestorgapachesolrclientsolrjimpllbhttpsolrserverreq interpreted frame orgapachesolrhandlercomponenthttpshardhandlerfactorymakeloadbalancedrequestorgapachesolrclientsolrjrequestqueryrequest javautillist compiled frame compiled frame interpreted frame javautilconcurrentfuturetasksyncinnerrun interpreted frame javautilconcurrentfuturetaskrun compiled frame javautilconcurrentexecutorsrunnableadaptercall interpreted frame javautilconcurrentfuturetasksyncinnerrun interpreted frame javautilconcurrentfuturetaskrun compiled frame javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorrunworkerjavautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworker compiled frame javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerrun interpreted frame javalangthreadrun interpreted framenoformative checked io statistics gc working memory usage networking andall of that those resources are not exhausted during the testhard autocommit is set to seconds with opensearcherfalse andsoftautocommit to hours we have a fairly high query rate but untilwe start indexing everything runs smoothive attached four thread dumps to they were gathered incrementally and are when solr was still able to respond is solr barely alive and is solr not responding at allif more information is needed i can provide those
the proposed changes needed to enable cruise control adddecommission broker support to the kafkarebalance cr should be summerised in a proposal for the upstream strimzi proposals repository
problemcustomers are placing orders for product x but its end of line and you run out so you discontinue the product in the catalogue manager unfortunately at this point you will no longer be able to edit existing orders containing product x for any reason as the load routine checks the discontinued date for all items and throws an exceptionsolutionfor this improvement ive added an extra boolean to allow the suppression of this test so you can cancel other line items and edit quantites etc as may be required by customersit does not allow rightly so in my mind the addition of a discontinued product into an existing order or from quotes and shopping lists etc
in gh you can enable a night service and versioncomponent syncing it seems that this syncing still takes affect when gh is disabled or expired this is a pita because i dont want my versions to keep getting changed on me and i have no way of turning it off since the gh config has disappeared this is critical for studio and needs to be fixed before their next release the work need to be done one the closed branch ondemandfixes original bug is at
as an output of the amq broker sprint there should be a new downstream broker build created the container image build will need to be updated to include this new distribution once a candidate for release is available
whether we use actual ml or build rules from patterns we see in the data it would be useful to gather features from field names directory names etc of zipfilebased file types from our regression corpus to potentially improve the efficiency of mime detection
i have configured qt using configure debugandrelease nowebkit qtlibtiff then used nmake subsrcthen nmake subtoolsi then opened the qt solution and built designer in debug mode in order to try and debug a crash caused by a plugin of minehowever designer does not start call stack is qtjsctimeoutchecker that qtjsctimeoutchecker originalchecker line line line line line line qabstractformbuilder afb line builder line line core line manager line parent line parent line bytesdesignerexeqdesignerworkbenchqdesignerworkbench line bytesdesignerexeqdesignerinitialize line bytesdesignerexeqdesignerqdesignerint argc char argv line argc char argv line bytesdesignerexewinmainhinstance instance hinstance previnstance char formal int cmdshow line bytesdesignerexetmaincrtstartup line bytesdesignerexewinmaincrtstartup line this occurs regardless of whether my plugin is present i am currently building designer from the solution in release mode to see if that makes any differenceedit designer starts ok when built in release mode using the same project no crash
operator sets nodeselector when using matchexpressions in kataconfigpoolselector
issue summary when a table is with fullwidth on a page and you go to compare the current version with another one the table width gets changed in the comparison environment cloud new editing experience steps to reproduce add a table on a page set the table with wide or full width publish the page edit the page add some random word and publish it again go to the page history on this page compare the current version with the previous one expected results in the comparison view the table has the width according to the published version actual results the table has a centered width which is not the same than the original setting workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
concurrent release and retriggering of a partition request can lead to a deadlockcodefound one javalevel deadlockcanceler for map sink unnamed to lock monitor object a javalangobjectwhich is held by to lock monitor object a javalangobjectwhich is held by canceler for map sink unnamed stack information for the threads listed abovecanceler for map sink unnamed at waiting to lock a javalangobject at locked a javalangobject at at at waiting to lock a javalangobject at locked a javalangobject at at at
configure all the exposed storage providers in keycloakserverjson to mongo login to admin console and create some realm delete the realm i see an error and stacktrace like error exception handling request to authadminrealmsdemoorgjbossresteasyspiunhandledexception javalangillegalstateexception trying to update database but dont have a db lock acquired at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by javalangillegalstateexception trying to update database but dont have a db lock acquired at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at morecoderight now we dont have implementation of mongouserfederatedstorageprovider and hence its not possible to configure it in keycloakserverjson
this project is a clidocker image runner for kotest test suites heres the initial pull request with the work to be merged and published
i have a crosscompiled webengine for i used the latestsrc directory in the snapshots of qt rc but i had the same problem with the beta when i run the quicknanobrowser it crashes the webengineprocess but when i run the same with the codesingleprocesscode flag added everything works update also with the codenosandboxcode flag it works here is the crash i am seeing i am still searching how i can make a better debug build for a better stack trace but here is what i see for now code failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr libcrecvmsg failure in syscall qml render process exited with code killed failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr libcrecvmsg qtwebengineprocessmain libcstartmain gs fs es ds edi esi ebp esp ebx edx ecx eax trp err ip cs efl usp ss qml render process exited with code abnormal exit failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr socketpair failure in syscall qml render process exited with code killed failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr failure in syscall qml render process exited with code killed failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr libcrecvmsg failure in syscall render process exited with code killed failure in syscall failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr qml render process exited with code killed failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr failure in syscall qml render process exited with code killed failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr failure in syscall render process exited with code killed failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr failure in syscall qml render process exited with code killed failure in syscall received signal segvmaperr failure in syscall c code and then this repeats over and over again any idea what might cause this update so just using codedisableseccompfiltersandboxcode works for me it still uses a sandbox i think however another one using namespaces or something like it so i dont know if this can closed it is still a problem really tried with the official also now see the comments for a better stacktrace too
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
when user has qt automotive suite license the qt safe renderer should be available in the qt online installer
link we should provide example with description about how to use messaging from ejbs how to sendreceive message how to inject resources into ejb etc
upgrade ranger knox plugin when upgrading from hdp to hdp
jira was upgraded over the weekend and precommit job has been failing since then there are potentially two issues at play here one is with the precommit admin job which automate the patch testing i think should fix the precommit admin job but manually submission of hive jobs is failing with below exception we should get this fix to get the automated testing back on track noformat local java cp orgapachehiveptestapiclientptestclient command teststart outputdir password testhandle endpoint logsendpoint profile patch jira exception in thread main javaxnetsslsslexception received fatal alert protocolversion at at at at at at at at sunnet at sunnet at sunnet at sunnet at at at at at at noformat
the page visibility setting seems to add or remove siteupd to the functionsrequire list for the tool placement however we have some tools like sitestats configured with a functionsrequire of sitestatsview some roles have that permission others dont ie they dont map exactly to siteupdthis could be an issue with other tools eg what if resources has contentread etcim not sure what the solution is here i think probably its that under some circumstances poh should remove the toggle for site visibility for those tools as effectively the visibility is being triggered by permissions other than siteupd so its misleading for site maintainers
these changes are getting tracked in
issue summary when using the external system import for trello in jira if the trello board contains users who already exist in jira these users have their groups and product access removed environment steps to reproduce add some users to a jira cloud site give these users product access and even siteadmin privileges create a trello board invite the same jira users to the trello board use the external system import to import the trello board to jira map the trello users to the same emails of the existing jira users expected results the board will import as expected become a project and existing users will be added to said project as expected actual results the project is created however the users are not added and their product access is revoked and they are removed from some groups this can include the siteadmin group the below exceptions are thrown in the detail log file noformat info import started by admin using comatlassianjirapluginsimportertrellotrelloimporterdatabean info info importing users info info only new items will be imported info imported user claudiu lionte claudiulionte as an inactive error cannot create user claudiulionte user claudiulionte with status inactiveduetolicenserolesenabled was not found after creating them info imported user nero wolfgang as an inactive error cannot remove use permissions for user admin nero wolfgang error cannot create user user with status inactiveduetolicenserolesenabled was not found after creating them info imported user adminatlassianconflict useratlassianconflict as an inactive error cannot create user useratlassianconflict user useratlassianconflict with status inactiveduetolicenserolesenabled was not found after creating them info users associated with import all of them imported as inactive this can be changed after import in user access step info info finished importing users info info users successfully created info retrieving projects info created project keyit externalnameimport testing nameimport testing typesoftware templatecompyxisgreenhopperjirasimplifiedprojecttemplate successfully info info importing versions info info only new items will be imported info info finished importing versions info info info importing components info info only new items will be imported info info finished importing components info info retrieving custom fields info info importing issues info info only new items will be imported info importing issue warn custom field was not found and cannot be created info importing issue warn custom field was not found and cannot be created info importing issue warn custom field was not found and cannot be created info issues successfully created info info finished importing issues info info rewriting old issue keys for issues info info importing issue links subtasks info info only new items will be imported info info finished importing issue links subtasks info noformat notes this does not seem to impact users who only have basic access to jira software only workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
documentation is that max must be greater than or equal to the minimum values code int value the maximum amount of time to hold on to a container if no task can be assigned to it immediately only active when reuse is enabled the value must be ve and tezconfigurationtezamcontaineridlereleasetimeoutminmillis containers will have an expire time set to a random value between tezconfigurationtezamcontaineridlereleasetimeoutminmillis tezconfigurationtezamcontaineridlereleasetimeoutmaxmillis this creates a graceful reduction in the amount of idle resources held configurationscopescopeam configurationpropertytypelong public static final string tezamcontaineridlereleasetimeoutmaxmillis tezamprefix containeridlereleasetimeoutmaxmillis public static final long tezamcontaineridlereleasetimeoutmaxmillisdefault code yet equal values of min and max cause this exception code service error error in taskscheduler for handling task deallocation eventtypestaended scheduler eventtypetaskschedulerservicefatalerror lower bound must be strictly less than upper bound code
we are currently experiencing very slow builds on travisorg as travis is moving workers to traviscicom we better migrate sooner than later
steps to load click on the datefield nothing click on the colorpicker actual results rte typeerror error cannot access a property or method of a null object reference at mxcoreuitextfieldsetfocus at mxcontrolstextinputsetfocus at mxcontrolscolorpickerclassesswatchpanelsetfocus at mxcontrolscolorpicker at mxeffectstweenendtween at mxeffectstween at mxeffectstweentimerhandler at flashutilstimertimerdispatch at flashutilstimertick expected results the datefield and colorpicker should open when you click on them wo error workaround if any
setting up a build defintion for a maven multiproject where the parent pom is in a sibling directory to the child modules set the pom filename in the build definition to the relative path of the parent pom eg buildprojectxmlthe build fails withorgapachemavencontinuumexecutioncontinuumbuildexecutorexception could not find maven project descriptor at at at at at at build definition setting for pom filename is never consulted in mavenonebuildexecutorupdateprojectfromcheckout it is hardcoded to projectxml in the current directory
itd be useful to expose a counterhistogram of facet refinement queries in the metrics api
currently in qt creator you will be able to set an sdk version which is used for building the java code of the app this same field will be used to check if you are deploying to a device which supports that api levelin the androidmanifestxml its possible to set fields for minimum sdk supported and targetted sdk version these are currently not set by qt creator so you have to manually add them before publishing your appa case not handled by our current approach is if someone wants to make conditional code which is only loaded for api level x but they want to make the app still run on api level this is not an uncommon thing to do and we are in fact ourselves doing it in qtmultimedia to make this work you need to be able to build against api level x and then deploy against api level add support for minimum sdk version and targetted sdk version in the androidmanifest editor in qt creator use the minimum sdk version to check if the current device supports the api level needed instead by default the minimum sdk version should be so that the app will run on all devices that support this the sdk version used for building should be only that for building the codethis also has the side effect that if someone does a default installation of the android sdk which only installs the latest sdk version they will still be able to deploy the app to older devices from qt creator unless they actually add dependencies on to the java code in which case they are expert users and will most likely know how to debug the problems that arise
starting last week cannot create a new space all permissions are set correctly attached screen shot link of walkthrough on issue
componentxml has yocto meta layer yocto meta layer for qt automotive suiteltpversion all other packages have correctly displayed eg qtwebengine based web browser targeting ivi systemsltpversion
get a web item up top to let users access upm for bens userfacing upm
windows shares connector jcifs connector uses jcifs library which supports only samba protocol but many file servers were disabled by vulnerability so we can not use windows shares connector i hope that manifoldcf support with other cifs library eg smbj
add collection config validation to new lifecycle as it exits in lscc
for recording the performance we should keep a database that records the jct dataset size jvm memory size various properties of the dag ie of different types of vertices and edges as well as the execution properties ie parallelism etc
task mnemoniccorecompilejava failed error cannot find symbol typespecbuilderalwaysqualifyunsafe symbol method alwaysqualifystring location variable typespecbuilder of type builder
create loan product with out interest recalculation submit new application for a client on june approve and disburse on same date for a client make repayment on july for the same client submit another with top up loan of the previous loan in the drop down select the above on june approve and disburse on same click on the closed and click on transactions and click on the repayment done on july click on undo transaction the is allowing to undo the transaction on july and is becoming active again it should not allowed to undo the transaction of the loan which got closed due to topup loan
the current approachalter table enable nodropdoes not prevent the partitions from being droppedthis new property should prevent both the table and any of its partitions current future from getting dropped
when camelk deploys the kamelets each kamelet has camelapacheorgcatalogversion annotation with the catalog version build code oc get kamelet mysqlsink o yaml grep catalogversion camelapacheorgcatalogversion code build code oc get kamelet mysqlsink o yaml grep catalogversion camelapacheorgcatalogversion code
create widgets add them to a qstackedwidget make phononvideowidget as the child of one of the widgets added to the stack play video stop and start playback again this results in cbase panic from symbian gcenote this issue is blocking the release of an application for to ovi storeheres the stack dump when the panic occurs thread suspended signal halt received description user halted thread threadpanicbreakpoint djitcrashhandlerhandleevent dkerneleventhandlerdispatch dthreadexit dthreadepocthreadexithandler nthreadbaseexit nthreadbasedocsfunction nfastmutexsignal nkernthreadkill dthreaddie exechandlerthreadkill invoke dispatch exitcurrentthread userpanic panic cactiveschedulerdorunl cactiveschedulerrun cactiveschedulerstart cactiveschedulerstart threadrunl submitthreadrun dthreadepocthreadfunction nthreadstartthread symbian emulator logsepocwindout and emulator sisx of the application attached
see attached as for template widget if the content is more than one line then they get overlapped with each other content more than two lines should be hidden
note this also reproes for the server url switch user base to use a remote crowd server type in incorrect password and click save an error will show expected sync to continue to work actual the wrong password was saved and all syncs start to fail code info cache flushed info crowduser get info cache flushed info populating usergroup membership cache due to refreshcache info application bamboo failed authentication info basic authentication scheme selected info failure authenticating with basic crowd rest warn going to buffer response body of large or unknown size using getresponsebodyasstream instead is recommended warn failed to refresh the user and group cache comatlassianuserentityexception comatlassiancrowdexceptioninvalidauthenticationexception application failed to authenticate at at at at at at at at caused by comatlassiancrowdexceptioninvalidauthenticationexception application failed to authenticate at comatlassiancrowdintegrationrestservicerestexecutorthrowerrorrestexecutorj code
when running forrest war on a project everything within that directory will be copied into the resulting war file including files that live outside the srcdirectory i happened to have a cvs version of the site parallel to src which included a backup of some rather largish files the resulting war file weighed in at a whopping mb with the expanded webapp approximating mb it effectively killed the webapp outofmemory
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
job hangs when mapreducejobqueuename is specified and the queue has of any resource vcores memory other in this scenario the job should be immediately rejected upon submission since the specified queue cannot serve the resource needs of the submitted job command to run codejava binyarn jar sharehadoopmapreducehadoopmapreduceexamplesmyhadoopversionjar pi dmapreducejobqueuenamesamplequeue fairschedulerxml queue config excerpt codejava fair code diagnostic message from the web ui codejava wed may application is added to the scheduler and is not yet activated resource request exceeds current queue or its parents maximum resource allowedcode
here is the log from the incident coin task coin log first incidents function codejava start testing of tstqaudiooutput config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstqaudiooutputinittestcase pass tstqaudiooutputformat pass tstqaudiooutputinvalidformatnull format pass tstqaudiooutputinvalidformatchannel count pass tstqaudiooutputinvalidformatsample rate pass tstqaudiooutputinvalidformatsample size pass tstqaudiooutputbuffersizebuffer size pass tstqaudiooutputbuffersizebuffer size pass tstqaudiooutputbuffersizebuffer size pass tstqaudiooutputnotifyintervalnotify interval pass tstqaudiooutputnotifyintervalnotify interval pass tstqaudiooutputnotifyintervalnotify interval pass tstqaudiooutputnotifyintervalnotify interval pass tstqaudiooutputdisablenotifyinterval pass tstqaudiooutputstopwhilestopped pass tstqaudiooutputsuspendwhilestopped pass tstqaudiooutputresumewhilestopped pass tstqaudiooutputpullaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpullsuspendresumeaudio file fail tstqaudiooutputpullsuspendresumeaudio file statesignalcount returned false loc pass tstqaudiooutputpullsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushsuspendresumeaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file fail tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file statesignalcount returned false didnt emit idlestate signal after suspend got signals instead loc pass tstqaudiooutputvolumevolume pass tstqaudiooutputvolumevolume pass tstqaudiooutputvolumevolume pass tstqaudiooutputcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted code then the repetition codejava start testing of tstqaudiooutput config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstqaudiooutputinittestcase qdebug tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file pass tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file fail tstqaudiooutputpushunderrunaudio file audiooutputstate qaudioidlestate returned false didnt transition to idlestate no data loc pass tstqaudiooutputcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqaudiooutput code the wanted action please delegate this task to a suitable developer fix the autotest flakiness in all affected versions not just one cherrypick the fix to all relevant branches mark the fix versions to jira guidelines for debugging please see the internal page how to locate the failed flaky test please open the link to the grafana dashboard showing the failure history of the test please see the panel list of the recent flaky tests both passed and failed sort it based on the results to see the failed instances please open the links to the coin tasks containing the logs please see the test section containing state error and open corresponding logs
on i have worksites on my first worksite i merged the second worksites announcements they become visible but they are not able to be edited on this first worksite it also did not work on
there is no desc command can you please add that shortcut to describe regards hari sekhon describe statements in drill that should support desc alias describe schema for table dfstmptesttable describe schema dfstmp describe informationschemacatalogs describe table informationschemacatalogs
there are lots of multiple definition of property names and default values in the codelets consolidate and clean up
add a third compiler to the families we test along side of mingw and msvc
we dont expect custom resources to be loaded from the elytron subsystem module so a module needs to be specified
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
activated folowing checkboxes in the dialog perform workflow action close issue log work commit changes leave the current change list activeerror during dispatching of javaawteventinvocationevent on at at at at at at at at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at at at at at
using the web interface to fork an existing repository to a private copy other users receive notices containing the name of the new repositoryin my case i forked from the team lindenlabviewerrelease to a repo in another hidden team account users not in either team received notices containing the name of the hidden team and the newly created hidden repository since they could not see either the team in which the repository was created nor the resulting repo they should not have received any notice
it would be helpful to document how to add the feedback tool to an existing deployment
codestderr selfenvrun file line in run selfrunactionresource action file line in runaction provideraction file line in actioninstall selfinstallpackagepackagename file line in installpackage loggerinfoinstalling package s s name cmdtypeerror info takes exactly argument givenstdout modifying user user gid hadoop groups modifying user user gid hadoop groups modifying user user gid hadoop groups modifying user user gid modifying user package code
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report paneli am using confluence we are using confluence to store our test cases we have many documents saved in confluence today we see some error loading our test cases in table format its showing unknown macro tableplus i went to edit mode tried to see source not able to open source also getting error please help me resolve this issue need to restore all these documents we have tons of work saved in confluence we dont want to loose this at this time i am not able to see my test cases please send me steps to resolve this issue only one document i was able to modify macroname to table then its fine for all other documents i cant see the source code
see scxml had the following includeorgapachecommonsscxmlenvjavascriptenvjavascripttestsuitejavahowever the suite was not being found and executeda bit of experimentation showed that the problem is the string java in the pathnamea workround is to useorgapachecommonsscxmlenvjavascriptenvjavascripttestsuitejavaororgapachecommonsscxmlenvjavascriptenvjavascripttestsuitejavaororgapachecommonsscxmlenvenvjavascripttestsuitejavaetcthis appears to be due to the following code in surefiredirectoryscannerprocessincludesexcludesincs stringutilsreplace string listget i java class changing this toincs stringutilsreplace string listget i java class would be better than nothing however that would still fail on a directory name that contains java perhaps not very likelywhat is really needed is to only replace the java if it appears at the end of the string
the tests should be skippable with codebash pytest pyarrowtests m not code but that doesnt deselect all the tests
such simple comment will ease tracking what version of the scripts is installed in a project using wrapper
there appears to be a bug in the vfsresourceloadergetpackagespecfinal string name where it doesnt correctly load the mainattributes from the manifest and also doesnt covert the dot separated package name to separated path for loading entry attributes from the manifestsee the referenced forum thread for details
precondition google chrome is launched atlassian confluence project is created firefox steps run confluence in google chrome create page in the project add 置 symbol to this page check displayed symbol ar 置 symbol is displayed as wrong see the att er 置 symbol must be displayed correctly compare to the behavior in firefox browser
businesscentralwar doesnt contain hibernate libraries eg in so businesscentralwar will use hibernate in eap on the other hand kieserverwar and dashbuilderwar contain hibernate expectation was to bundle our war applications with all dependencies still aligned to eap except for jms related stuff due known conflicts and just try the deployment on otherwise if identified a bug we will need to make sure that it will work with multiple dependencies versions which can be harder to maintainin the same way that kieserver and dashbuilder bundle hibernate businesscentral should do it too
with the upcoming release of qt we need to ensure that the documentation is in pristine shape
virtual host centric rest interfaces have been added as part of the web management console needs to be changed to support virtual host centric rest interfaces and provide a virtualhost centric ui to the end useras part of the existing servlets rest apidocs structure metadata query and queuereports have been updated so that if the request is determined to have come through on a url which is aliases to a specific vhost then the results from the servlet will be specific to the vhost and paths will reflect a virtual host root the web management console at the moment does not respect the virtual host root the following changes are required to fully support virtual host centric view vh aliases ui should be available for the http port user should be able to addremove aliases for http port on user authentication the console invokes broker operations getuser getgroups to get the authenticated user and groups it seems corresponding operations need to be added to vh and the console would need to call vh to retrieve user and group information managementgetauthenticateduserandgroups should respect vh root at the moment broker root is hardcoded in the method console uses broker userpreferences to get the timezone tabs etc it seems that console should be getting userpreferences from vh in vh centric view console tries to open a broker tab by default in vh centric view the vh tab should be opened instead on clicking on root item in a navigation tree a vh tab should be opened at the moment broker tab is opened queue tab should not be calling querybroker to get the queue depthit should call vh query api instead saving tab in preference should work against vh in vh centric view dashboard ui in vh centric view do not need to cal broker preferences dashboard creation dialog displays the correct vh but somehow it is not selected it seems that this dialog can be completely omitted in vh centric view query ui should be executed against vh query rest api the dialog to create query displays the correct vh selected but somehow it is not selected and broker api is called that needs to be fixed potentially the widget for selection of association of query can be disabled or hidden the same is for query cloning dialog preferences dialog calls broker userpreferences in vh centric view vh userpreferences should be usedat the moment it is unclear how to display all available vh for the user in order to provide a convenient way to switch between vhs even if user have access to multiple vhs the dns subdomain and vh alias for http port might not be configured potentially http port aliases can be used to assume that subdomain is configured i am not sure whether we really need a ui for switching between multiple vhs
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelwhen i attempt to view this ticket i get the were down for maintenance error messagei do not receive this for any other ticket just this one its hindering my work
sometimes om stops responding to clicks eg on the logout link sometimes this also seems to be because of some popup window in the background stealing the attention pressing the reload button works around the problem so this is perhaps not major mainly just a little bit irritating
the integrationtesthivesmokebulk is not being run we should ensure that this test is running
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
recent restructuring of sqgen has removed overflow directive this is needed for pyinstaller or ambari integration to configure scratch disks
priority level must
currently some byteslinging occurs in cdvcameram the code splices a new data block into a jpeg image while still in memory this replaces the existing data block of the image returned by uiimagepickercontroller with one that includes as much of the exif data returned by the info dict as possiblethis code can happily exist in the cdvjpegheaderwriter
while using the theresult thexalantransformertransform method on macosx the application crashes at the following linesi am using codewarrior on macosx with msl stlxalannamespacesstackxalannamespacesstackentryconst xalannamespacesstackentry thesource mnamespacesthesourcemnamespacesmpositionmnamespacesbegin constiteratorthesourcemposition thesourcemnamespacesbegin
compiling under solaris os failed because of function uname from sysutsnameh is used but header file is not c dextensions dreentrant dpthreads wall w dreentrant fpic dqtnolibudev dqtnoevdev dqtnoxkb dqtnousingnamespace dqtbuildcorelib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtuseicu dpcrehaveconfigh dqtcorelib dlargefilesource dqtnodebug i iinclude iincludeqtcore iglobal imoc iusrsfwinclude o objqfileselectoro warning xopensource redefined note this is the location of the previous definition ioqfileselectorcpp in static member function ‘static qstringlist qfileselectorprivateplatformselectors’ error aggregate ‘qfileselectorprivateplatformselectorsutsname u’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined struct utsname u error ‘uname’ was not declared in this scope if unameu
chromium has been released with a new set of security patches we need to backport fortunately none of them are critical see
drillavgvarianceconvertlet currently rewrites aggregate functions like avg stddev variance to simple computations eg stddev x power sumx x sum x sum x count x count x the case when the input is an integer now the rewrite contains multiplication and division which will bind to functions that operate on integers however the expected result should be a double and since double has more precision than integer we should be operating on double during the multiplication and division
in there is no easy way of changing the membership config using rolling restarts because of the introduction of dynamic reconfig feature in which automatically manages membership configuration introduced a reconfigenabled flag to turn on off the reconfig feature we can use same flag and when it sets to false it should disable both in memory and on disk updates of membership configuration information besides disabling the reconfig commands on cli which already did so users can continue using rolling restarts if needed we should also document explicitly the support of membership changes via rolling restarts will be deprecated at what release time frame and promote reconfig as the replacementthe problem was raised at user mailing list by guillermo vegatoro reference thread
jar files are not signed in docsexamples purpose of this jira is opening this issue for further discussion in my opinion supported bits should be signed
migrate or copy doc sections to assemblyopenshift docs to remain unedited
maven dependences need to be added to support build with
i wrote a unit test program to test urlc in util and attached it please review and apply this patch to
this initiative is about making openshift service mesh easier to use through better documentation and tooling by use we mean easer to install customize troubleshoot debug and implement common service mesh use cases around service connectivity security observability and traffic managementwhile service mesh is still an early stage technology improved documentation and tooling has been the most frequently requested enhancement from existing service mesh usersthis is about both documentation and tooling we recognize that there are significant documentation gaps beyond the default installation of service mesh including customizing the installation complete reference documentation for service mesh custom resources and troubleshooting and debugging service mesh using kiali securing the control plane and morewhile we should first attempt to improve our documentation this may also involve introducing new features and tooling to support service mesh new kiali features oc features etcnote this is a toplevel issue we will create stories for specific additions and changes and prioritize them security is a good place to start
reported by looks like a bunch of tasks for job balexandrescudevelskyfall are stuck in startingdigging into one of the instances it seems the user doesnt exist anymore the strange thing is that the executor never handling status update taskstarting uuid for task of framework from received status update taskstarting uuid for task of framework checkpointing update for status update taskstarting uuid for task of framework forwarding status update taskstarting uuid for task of framework to sending acknowledgement for status update taskstarting uuid for task of framework to received status update acknowledgement uuid for task of framework checkpointing ack for status update taskstarting uuid for task of framework asked to kill task of framework ps aux grep s grep ssl thermosexecutor cat debug initializing twittercommonlog logging subsystemwriting log files to disk in executorlogstwittercommonapp debug initializing twittercommoninternalappmoduleschickadeehandler chickadee exception handlertraceback most recent call lastfile line in exceptingrunfile line in runfile line in deferlambda selfrundriver assignedtask mesostaskfile line in runif not selfinitializesandboxdriver assignedtaskfile line in initializesandboxdaemontrue propagatetruefile line in deadlinekeyerror getpwnam name not found balexandrescuerror asked to kill task with incomplete sandbox aborting runner startnoformatnb this is caused by an untrapped keyerror by getpwnam should fix the original issue but also probably wrap some of these critical operations in a tryfinally