contains copyright c bea sytems inc copyright c international business machinesfiles found by grep
the download page should have a link to the keys file it would also be useful if there was a description of how to check sigs and hashesfor example as is done by couchdb see the end of the page
your site is inaccessible error
with an assignment added to lessons and required submission selected if the student saves a draft but doesnt submit the assignment it is still counted as submitted this may be related to to reproduce add lessons to the site in lessons on the main page click add assignment after adding assignment click edit beside the assignment select required submission and click update item as the student go into lessons and click on the assignment enter some text and click save draft click return to lesson at the top of the page back on the lessons page the assignment has a green checkmark the next item is now available even though the assignment has not been submitted
the webapplication class has a piece of code in the method getconfigurationtype that ignores a securityexceptioncode snippet try result systemgetpropertywicket applicationconfiguration catch securityexception e ignore were not allowed to read system properties this apparently causes a performance problem at one of our customers where they had shared classloading enabled permissions were set differently on shared classloader level which caused the retrieval of the property to fail silently while taking about longer this code is called everytime componentgetmarkupid is called which means with components on a page you get a delay of seconds or moreofcourse the problem can be and has been solved with a correct configuration my request however is that the exception is atleast logged at some level warning for example so spotting the problem will become a lot easier it took us weeks to narrow it down
in sakai if you drill down in resources you can navigate to parent folders by click on the link to the folder in the breadcrumb trail in this doesnt work see screenshot
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
get adminapiservicesserviceidproxyjson in returns different results in comparison of type of policiesconfig value changed from list to string result just relevant fragment included codejava curl m jsontool policiesconfig configuration description main functionality of apicast enabled true humanname apicast policy id apicastpolicy name apicast removable false version builtin code result codejava curl m jsontool policiesconfig code the expectation is to receive decoded list as before not the string affecting change likely introduced before aug
its useful to queue an action event on tree expandcollapse in order to dinamically generate the tree nodes for larger tree view data model an application event is broadcasted when the plusminus tree images are clicked included is a extended component that allows this feature by a new commandlink hided componenthope it helps
using the overlay qgraphicsvideoitem implementation srcmultimediaqgraphicsvideoitemoverlaycpp the native window handle of the qgraphicsview widget is passed to the backend via the qvideowindowcontrol interface this means that if multiple qgraphicsvideoitems are displayed in a single qgraphicsview they will all be given the same native window handleon symbian it is only possible to render one video to a given native window handle attempting to add a second qgraphicsvideoitem will therefore cause the first to stop displaying video and just appear blackin order to allow multiple qgraphicsvideoitems to be displayed in the same view each one must be given its own native window handle this could be implemented as follows qgraphicsvideoitem creates a parentless qwidget and sets its zorder so that is appears behind the qgraphicsview window the area of the qgraphicsview window covered by the qgraphicsvideoitem is painted with transparency
bug where we mixed up index and content from enumerate
users can provide local ie file scheme files in the list of files or jars to be added to sessions this shouldnt be allowed at least not by default since it means people can abuse that to read files that only the livy server has access to
the war deployment fails when it contains ejbs and servlets with security domains mapped under different names applicationsecuritydomain the underlying elytron domain is the same for both subsystemsejb subsystem tries to search also for the domain name which is used in jbosswebxml and this lookup failssample seccontextwhoami codecodexmltitlejbosswebxml securitydomainapplicationdomainsubsystemundertowapplicationsecuritydomainseccontextwebadd httpauthenticationfactoryapplicationhttpauthenticationcode
the absence of default values for days and milliseconds triggers a compiler warning in some compilers this could be resolved by setting the struct member default values to see mailing list thread
hi team while working with syslogappender in version i had a requirement to check if syslog had already been done for the host but i dont find any method to get the host details either nameip from syslogappender note with version there was a method getsysloghost could you please check
this bug effects you if you are running jira and fisheye you have trusted applications authenticating the link between your jira and fisheye servers if you attempt to configure or use the jira fisheye plugin you may see errors in the ui and log messages like this in jira noformat error admin secureadminviewfisheyeconfigjspa jirafis heyeplugindomainfisheyefisheyemanagerimpl error encountered resolving crucible projects for noformat and errors like this in the logs in fisheye noformat warn failed to login trusted application due to bad url signature error error handling trusted applications authentication attemptbadsignature bad signature for url warn failed to login trusted application due to bad url signature error error handling trusted applications authentication attemptbadsignature bad signature for url warn failed to login trusted application due to bad url signature error error handling trusted applications authentication attemptbadsignature bad signature for url warn failed to login trusted application due to bad url signature error error handling trusted applications authentication attemptbadsignature bad signature for url warn failed to login trusted application due to bad url signature error error handling trusted applications authentication attemptbadsignature bad signature for url noformat
a user depthpainter at mailcom requested line folding that removes a variant of linefolding similar to already supported but also strips out a comment syntax bq line folding and line comments bq bq for line folding the layer transforms specifically the linefolded family looks promising however the two that are implemented dont match my file specification because and can both be used to fold lines bq bq as for line comments i currently have some comment elements peppered throughout my schema however im sure i missed some and that strategy isnt even up to spec because comments are supposed to be ignored during parsing
currently getbuffersizefor in baserepeatedvaluevector implemented as below codejava if valuecount return return valuecount offsetwidth vectorgetbuffersizeforvaluecount code here vectorgetbuffersizeforvaluecount seems not right which should be codejava int innervectorvaluecount offsetbuffergetintvaluecount offsetwidth vectorgetbuffersizeforinnervectorvaluecount code listvector has the same problem
itd help to have the utc label on the graphs since a it isnt obvious that they should be in utc and b the timestamp up by accumulo overview is the local time zone of the monitoring service so the two may differ leaving the user wondering which time zone the graphs are in
look at attached screenshot in lower lefthere is our current mobile browser simulator icon which opens up a component called browsersim which is used tosimulate viewing websites on different browsersany chance you could help make a bit more modern and generic mobile browser icon will be used in this icon size and would be good to eventually get up til sizes too but for now the small one is the priority
im creating this bug issue because i am choosing to not fix this as part of the initial integration of multifile schema stuff into spin that contain qnames any expression a few others are not properly resolved a qname like foobar the interpretation of foo as a prefix must be done using the context of the xml object where that property physically residedin our code base properties are retrieved using getproperty which does not return any information about where the property was found hence if the value contains a qname it cant be resolved properly there is a replacement now called findproperty which returns an object containing both the value and a handle on the object which contained the property binding this allows proper qname resolution if needed and also enables better diagnostics because we can point at file and line number where the annotation physically was writtenthis bug is to convert some calls to getproperty or getpropertyoption into findproperty and findpropertyoption so as to support proper qname resolutionnote that the expression compiler needs to be fed this information as that is what deals with qnames embedded in expressions eg foobarbaz
api callcodecurl u adminadmin codetakes several minutes on bigger clusters
it would be very useful to have a way to tune gestures without the need of reimplementing them as new gestures some of the current gestures aka shake slam whipe require a lot of effort to get recognized although the gestures are correct they lack an interface for tuning beside of having a way to tweak some of the gestures properties it would be very useful to have generic properties that make sense for any gesture intensity a float number multiplier recognizetime milliseconds about the length of the gesture ps my intention is to use it through qml
add ejb redirectors so that unit testing of code that require an ejb is facilitated for example lets imagine you need to test that an object that has been put in the jndi tree by a servlet can be retrieved by an ejb these are not unit tests per see but rather integration tests which is cactus favorite domain also these redirectors could be used to directly unit tests ejb whithout requiring a servlet environment at the current time you need to call your ejb from a servletjspfilter redirector which is fine for certain tests but not needed for others
based on the description in we need a way to configure pool fault domainpath values it probably makes the most sense to handle this in the control plane and then pass it into the ioserver at startup from the daos design document hierarchical fault domains a fault domain is a set of servers sharing the same point of failure and which are thus likely to fail altogether daos assumes that fault domains are hierarchical and do not overlap the actual hierarchy and fault domain membership must be supplied by an external database used by daos to generate the pool map pool metadata are replicated on several nodes from different highlevel fault domains for high availability whereas object data is replicated or erasurecoded over a variable number of fault domains depending on the selected object classquote in daosserveryml we have the following parameters which are currently ignored noformat fault domain path immutable after reformat default hostname for a local configuration wo fault domain faultpath fault domain callback path to executable which will return fault domain string immutable after reformat faultcb daosfdcallback noformat
the build file for the net code assumes that the code is being built from svn and tries to update the current directory this is not appropriate for a source code archive which should be selfcontained apart from any party dependencies which should be documentedthe build file should check that any required environment variables are set up and exit with an error if not also any required settings should be documented somewhere preferably in the script as well as in the toplevel readme or building file
should go thru the list of all commands available and make sure that a simple not connected message is returned instead of something like thiscodeorgspringframeworkwebclientresourceaccessexception io error on get request for end of file from server nested exception is javanetsocketexception unexpected end of file from server at
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelhello i am trying to update a confluence instance the data is on an oracle database i got a empty scheme to test the update i copy the data from the livesystem to the testdb works fine i tried it with and i unzip the file add edit confluenceinitconf to point to a copy of the confluence home i edit serverxml to have the database connection resource namejdbcconfluence authcontainer typejavaxsqldatasource driverclassnameoraclejdbcoracledriver usernamedbuser passworddbpwd connectionpropertiessetbigstringtryclobtrue removeabandonedtrue validationqueryselect validationquery from dual and add this connection pool jdbcconfluence javaxsqldatasource container to the serverxml after starting confluence it recognizes it has to update but everytime i get erros while trying to update the database cannot create foreign keys they are already there i tried it with stopping confluence drop the foreign keys manually and proceed with the update after doing this about times the update is finished but the data is trash i can see confluence and i can log in but no other site will be visible all i can see is this error in the source error occurred during template rendering invocation of method getopensearchtitle in class comadaptavistconfluencebuilderbuildervelocityhelper threw exception javalangnosuchmethoderror comatlassianconfluencespacesspacedescriptiongetrealtitleljavalangstring at templatesbuilderthememainvmd contact your administrator for assistance i tried it with dropping every foreign keys beore update this way the update completed without sqlerrors but the site is broken afterwards i need help upgrading this confluence and yes i tried it with xmlbackups but this is even more buggy ive attached the newest xmlbackup
worst apache rce zero day dropped on internet cyber kendra vulnerability
restriction to still enforce creation should be done with draft or in outbox note that it was not explicitly enforced as draft messages were necessarily in drafts mailbox only drafts messages can be sent move conditions to relax now we can flip draft flag now we can move draft messages out of drafts mailbox now we can have non draft messages in drafts mailbox now i can create drafts out of draft mailbox
associate your project with an issue type scheme and you get redirected into administration
im using teiid with oracle translatori have an aggregated query using teiid materialized views with the following simplified criteriacase when then else null end in the above criteria is reproducing a classcastexception integer cannot be cast to bigdecimalif i change the criteria to the following it passes without a in here is the error stackjavalangclasscastexception javalanginteger cannot be cast to javamathbigdecimal at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at source at at at at
if crowdid has a username like tøstinógé that contains nonascii characters the following exception is thrown in the openid client noformat servletservice for servlet openidclientservlet threw exception javalangillegalargumentexception invalid uri escaped absolute path not valid at at at at at at at at noformat
i would love to be able to click and drag to reorder bookmarks in the bookmark view so that they are ordered in a flow that line up with the order they are called rather than the order that i added the bookmarks my crappy workaround right now if i want to change the order is to go through each one unbookmark and then rebookmark in the new order i want them in its pretty wonky and im hoping for a cleaner way to do this
why users need to know the latest configuration of cluster by rest api need to get a basis to next updates need to get a configuration of cluster and apply this configuration to next cluster for promote or demote from devtestprod to devtestprod what an endpoint for users to get latest configuration in cluster similar behavior as gfsh export clusterconfiguration
nov registrar unable to start servlet actionjavalangclasscastexception orgapachestrutsactionactionservletnov javalangclasscastexceptionorgapachestrutsactionactionservlet at at at
the following lines should be removed from instructions to update uboot for toradex apalis setenv drive setenv setupdate fatload mmc loadaddr flashmmcimg source there should also be a note that on apalis evaluation board you need to use the first sd card slot
summarythe versit api allows to import and export to the vcard and icalendar supported functionality requirements comments importexport vcard vcard vcard importexport ical icalendar platform plugin provide a way of handling the platform specific details store unrecognized fields all fields of a contact should be included when it is exported to vcard
run the attached example and drop a text file into the qtextedityoull hit an jbqtmessagefatal qloggingcpp jbfatal qloggingcpp jbqtassertx qglobalcpp jbqvectoroperator qvectorh jbcursortox qtextlayoutcpp jbcursortox qtextlayouth jbrectforposition qwidgettextcontrolcpp jbensurecursorvisible qwidgettextcontrolcpp jbinsertfrommimedata qwidgettextcontrolcpp jbinsertfrommimedata qtexteditcpp jbinsertfrommimedata qtexteditcpp jbdropevent qwidgettextcontrolcpp jbprocessevent qwidgettextcontrolcpp jbprocessevent qwidgettextcontrolcpp jbsendcontrolevent qtexteditph jbdropevent qtexteditcpp jbevent qwidgetcpp jbevent qframecpp jbviewportevent qabstractscrollareacpp jbviewportevent qabstractscrollareaph jbeventfilter qabstractscrollareaph jbsendthroughobjecteventfilters qcoreapplicationcpp jbnotifyhelper qapplicationcpp jbnotify qapplicationcpp jbnotifyinternal qcoreapplicationcpp jbsendspontaneousevent qcoreapplicationh jbhandledropevent qwidgetwindowcpp jbevent qwidgetwindowcpp jbnotifyhelper qapplicationcpp jbnotify qapplicationcpp jbnotifyinternal qcoreapplicationcpp jbsendevent qcoreapplicationh jbprocessdrop qguiapplicationcpp jbhandledrop qwindowsysteminterfacecpp jbdrop qwindowsdragcpp getobjectfromrotbypath ndrserverinitializemarshall ndrclearoutparameters ndrserverinitialize combase combase cofreeunusedlibraries combase ndroledllgetclassobject combase combase cofreeunusedlibraries combase dispatchmessagew isthreaddesktopcomposited qeventdispatcherwincpp jbprocessevents qwindowsguieventdispatchercpp jbprocessevents qeventloopcpp jbexec qeventloopcpp jbexec qcoreapplicationcpp jbexec qguiapplicationcpp jbexec qapplicationcpp main maincpp winmain qtmainwincpp tmaincrtstartup crtexec winmaincrtstartup crtexec basethreadinitthunk rtluserthreadstart ntdll code
it would be good to default the fix version affect version and components of a subtask to those of the parent task or you could add these fields into the quickentry subtasks table
there are three managementhelpertests that are currently failing for me i believe that this is caused by changes introduced in artemis use no free jsonorgnoformat scriptsonetestsh managementhelpertestjavalangassertionerror expected expected javalanginteger but was orgapachejohnzoncorejsonlongimplexpected javalanginteger actual orgapachejohnzoncorejsonlongimpljavalangassertionerror expected helloactual hellonoformat
when queries are being run concurrently against sometimes the wrong user ends performing the metastore action and you get an error like codeinfojavasqlsqlexception error while processing statement failed execution error return code from orgapachehadoophiveqlexecddltask metaexceptionmessagejavasecurityaccesscontrolexception action write not permitted on path for user hrtqacode
right now they are only shown separately but for searches within a category it should show the categories and the standard search stuffas an example you would have something likemain category subcategory search inforather than justmain search infoafter doing a search within a category
redesign jbpm needs to work with sub groups bpel etcbackground info on jbpmjbpm is a platform for process languages every process language is based on some form of state machine weve abstracted the statemachine basics into a simple library so that we can build multiple process languages onto this single core engine library the process languages are offered into separate products a user can just download the process language that he needs for his purpose heshe doesnt even have to realise that there is a reusable core underneath this core engine provides a way to define and execute graphs the runtime behaviour of the nodes in the graphs is different per process language these languages range over business process management bpm workflow service orchestration to pageflow anything that can be drawn as a graph and that represents some form of execution can be build as a process language on the process virtual machinebut the reusable core statemachine is our key differentiator cause other process engines only support process language they can only serve one part of the market this fragmentation in the market is further enhanced by all the different application architectures the workflow engine or bpm engine typically doesnt fit directly into the users project architecture so it has to be connected what we do with jbpm is we make sure that our engine embeds natively into the users architecture be it standard or enterprise java that is important for our strategy to consolidate all the small fragments into one big mass adoption we are currently probably the leader in open source but not sticking out of the crowd yeti would like one logo for the jbpm project and then one logo for each of the process languages that is based on the jbpm logoour main process language is our proprietary language jpdl that process language is targetted for task management and java integration which means that you can draw tasks on the process diagram and the runtime engine will keep track of the tasks people have to do also users can include their own java classes by just referring to the classname in the process directly
i want to run a beam job in my spark cluster that uses the my spark cluster is configured to require a proxy server with authentication in order to make outbound connections a small change is required to enable clientconfiguration to be added to the configuration to enable this
i send a message about it to dev ml in mid quote here is a comment from david in in the bytewrapper class deprecated note deprecating this because we want to save the byte directly instead of inside a serialized object which makes it hard for other apps to use the data and causes problems if this object is ever updated here is another comment where its used in genericentitygetbytes if value instanceof byte return byte value if value instanceof orgapacheofbizentityutilbytewrapper note the use of bytewrapper is not recommended and is deprecated only old data should be stored that way debuglogwarningfound a bytewrapper object in the database for field converting to byte and returning but note that you need to update your database to unwrap these objects for future compatibility module orgapacheofbizentityutilbytewrapper wrapper orgapacheofbizentityutilbytewrapper value return wrappergetbytes here is another related comment in sqljdbcutildeserializefield note the following code is to convert the byte back into an object if that fails just return the byte this was for the bytewrapper thing which is now deprecated so this may be removed in the near future to enhance performance where there is also this code commented out alt binaryinput rsgetbinarystreamind alt blob bloblocator rsgetblobind if bloblocator null binaryinput bloblocatorgetbinarystream deserializefield is only used twice in sqljdbcutilgetvalue and here are the concerned types fieldtypemapputjavalangobject fieldtypemapputobject fieldtypemapputjavasqlblob fieldtypemapputblob fieldtypemapputbyte fieldtypemapputjavaniobytebuffer fieldtypemapputjavanioheapbytebuffer and i think we can clean this cases from the bytewrapper class so it was years ago opinions before i open a jira quote
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report paneli can moderate answers but not comments even my own not being able to perform minor edits means duplicate clarification content needs fixing
todo describe target ovidiu version and link the release task to this jbossas integration add extra integrations taskstests to this task
description of problemwhen copypasting script task script property which contains new lines from other script tasks script property error message error ejb default line no viable alternative at character can be seen in serverlog versionrelease number of selected component if applicable to create new process with script task comllnwbpmupdateobject update new comllnwbpmupdateobjectupdatesetmessagethis is the messagealso with empty copy script property of script task directly without opening the expression editor from properties view into clipboard clear script property paste copied content into script property in expression editor save see serverlogactual resultsserver log contains error ejb default line no viable alternative at character error ejb default line no viable alternative at character expected resultsserver log contains no errors
i believe that the noformat portal noformat javascript variable in includestandardhead should be one of the first things on the page so other scripts and snippets can utilize this content the only other way i can think of to use this is to defer the scripts or wait for this variable to be available which seems to be a waste of effort nothing in this variable is requires scripts and is all provided via the context
the undeployurl method of maindeployer checks to see if the url is a registered current deployment if it is not recognised the method just returns it would be preferable for it to log a warning to the effect that the supplied url is not a recognised deployment this would be consistent with the comprehensive warnings displayed during deployments
search no longer works on stax and a huge exception is thrown
having a proper project template helps a lot in getting dependencies right for example setting the core dependencies to provided the connector library dependencies to compile etc the maven quickstarts are in good shape by now but there is none for gradle and gradle users to get this wrong quite often
steps to reproduce run any batch file and pipe logs to file look to produced output produced output contains ansi term color codes like  actual result produced output contains ansi term color codes like  expected result no color codes are present note printed tables dont contain color codes as prettytable crate performs this filtering internally affected versions
graalvm native image allows creating a pure exe file from java code a pure exe file does not use the java vm allows faster startup and is difficult to reverse engineer the graalvm native image tool is now available for windows but requires visual studio visual c and is run on the command lline it would be extremely convenient to avoid this and create the nativeimage exe inside netbeans
these areas of code are cause for concern and should be refactoreddbauthzgroupservicejava in getauthzgroupsisallowed for iterator i azgroupsiterator ihasnext fixme just use the azgroups directly rather than split them up string refs stringutilsplitinexttostring entityseparator splits the azgroups values so we can look for swapped state for int refslength iterate through the groups to see if there is a swapped state in the variable roleswap securityservicegetusereffectiverolesite refs if roleswapnull break from this loop if a swapped state is found break if roleswapnull sql dbauthzgroupsqlgetselectrealmidroleswapsqlazgroups redefine the sql we use if theres a role swap size increase the size by for our new sql break break from the loop andbasecontentservicejava in availabilitycheck if we are in a roleswapped state we want to ignore the creator check since it would not necessarily reflect an alternate role fixme unsafe check vulnerable to collision of siteids that are the same as path elements in a resource string refs stringutilsplitid entityseparator string roleswap null for int i i refslength i roleswap securityservicegetusereffectiverolesite refs if roleswapnull break
use the drelease profile to see we are missing or so license fix
when issuing and mockosgiactivate call the code tries to read the osgi metadata and find the method declared in the scr descriptorhowever activatedeactivate methods dont necessarily have to use that annotation as the default values ensure that a method named activatedeactivate is picked upthe rules are actually more complicated when several methods with the matching name exist see the osgi service platform service compendium declarative services specification checked with version entries and also and the annotation is just a but a good first step would be to account for the default method names
github warns of this at instructions should be provided on how to build and test the app locally
when qguiapplicationprivateprocessmouseevent is called with a mouseevent where globalpos contains nan it will set positionchanged to true even if it is exactly the same position if eenhancedmouseevent is set and the event is not a nonclientareamousemove or mousemove event it will recursively call qguiapplicationprivateprocessmouseevent normally there would only be one recursive call but because nan nan the code does not notice that it already moved the lastcursorposition this endless recursion will cause a stack overflow obviously there should not be any nan in globalpos but eg the evdev touch code produces this sometimes ill file another bug about that
please review devsuite content at incl subpages and list found problems check especially for broken outofdate links incorrect product names incorrect product components features invalid installation usage instructionstake into consideration that stuff from may not yet have been fixed
multiple tests involving functionalalltypes failed most likely due to data loading issue on most are assertion failures because of rowcount mismatch below is the test failures codejava metadatatestmetadataquerystatementstestmetadataquerystatementstestshowstats metadatatestexplaintestexplaintestexplainvalidatecardinalityestimates querytesttestinserttestinsertqueriestestinsert querytesttestruntimefilterstestruntimefilterstestbasicfilterscode
since august jobs with a build periodically in their configuration dont appear to be getting scheduled clicking on build now gets them in the queue and running with no signs of anything blocking them so far im aware of the following jobs not working precommitadmin hadooptrunkwinthe first one in this list impacts several projects and is absolutely critical
create forgeruntimeprocess class as subclass of runtimeprocess override getproxies so it returns null create a getforgeproxies method that delegates to supergetproxies create and contribute forgeprocessfactory that creates forgeruntimeprocesses make sure that the process returned by the launch method in forgelaunchhelper always is a forgeruntimeprocess use the registertrue flag in launchconfigurationlaunch so that the process is always registered use the getforgeproxies method in the abstractforgeruntime class instead of the getproxies method
error stackcannot create exchange this exception will be ignored caused by javalangillegalargumentexception no tag for at at at at at at
a malicious client can trigger an opensslassert ie an abort inservers that both support and enable export cipher suites by sendinga specially crafted clientmasterkey message
the hipchat integration library uses ao to store information about linked hipchat instances i have noticed that when this entity is loaded on oracle preloaded date fields are actually retrieved as oracle timestamps this can cause issues when the entity is later read from outside the context of a transaction as reading the preloaded fields will fail causing ao to attempt to read from the database again in particular the code where this issue arises is at
when using a repl replicated cache with configuration tag hotrod client cannot see a cache entry which was just stored into a cache the entry is visible not before the replication queue is flushed either because of maxelements limit or queueinterval ill attach a testcase but heres a test snippet that fails at first assertcodetest public void testqueuesize throws exception remotecache remotecache asserttruenull asserttruenull fills up the queue flush wait for the queue to be flushed asserttruenull asserttruenull codeimo when i have cache a and b in a cluster and the cache entry is stored into the cache a it should be visible at a and not in b after flushing the queue it should be visible also at bheres the testto run it one has to install infinispanarquilliancontainer into local maven repository and run mvn clean verify eg mvn clean verify
tableview tries to limit the number of times it calculates contentwidthheight this seems to go wrong if you first have only one row then later add a lot of rows that will make the content height grow larger than the size of the tableview
add vmd devices to current nvme testing present in daosnvmerecoveryc online faulty reaction verify device states after nvme set to faulty verify blobstore state transition normalout verify nvme io error and notification offline faulty reaction mixed type pool offlineonline faulty reaction add mixed devices nvme vmd to all above test cases additional vmd specific tests to add for the verify device states after nvme set to faulty test case add test to locate the evicted device check the led state is set to fault and then manually reset the led to off state add new test case to locate a vmd device with the dmg storage identify command verify the led state is set to identify for a period of time and then reset to off verify in the mixed devices case that the identify command should fail if the device is not a vmd device add new test case to reintegrate an evicted device this will consist of replacing the device with itself without actual target reintegration just essentially brings the device back for use needs to be tested for nvme only vmd only and also mixed case for vmd devices verify that the led state goes back to off once the device is replaced confirm for all cases that the blobstore state transitions from outnormal verify all test cases are being tested in ci
inside of a session if a project has dependencies during its built it doesnt build its dependencies it works in version to the documentation it should work like that
files found from install dir that should be cleaned after installation has finished updatercc qticonpng
with all the panels and such screen realestate is precious and that darn logo is pushing the device down pixels this is not a consumer product we all know were using ripple lets add an info panel on the right or left that can be minimized for the logo
steps to run the attached swf or compile and run the attached mxml file using the wireframe click the button labeled set layoutdirection click the button labeled set direction select an item from the dropdown actual resultsthe items in the dropdown are aligned right but the selecteditem in the textinput is not expected resultsitem in the textinput should be aligned right when direction rtl workaround if anycustom skin for textinput
existing behavior enforces the need to provide a jobcatalog we relax this requirement and allow the jobconfigurationmanager to bootstrap the gobblin cluster with job configs from a configured location as opposed to bootstrapping from a jobcatalog
setup gradebook item forum discussioncreate forum and set the forum to push grades to desired gradebook itemas a student post a thread to the forumas instructorclick the forum titleclick the topic titleclick the thread titlein this view click the thread title again then click the grade link click gradeenter grade and comments comments optionalclick submit gradean alert comes up alert unable to complete your request because it appears you are using multiple tabs please close all your browser windows and try again if you were not using multiple tabs please contact your system administrator
right now java only supports tcp and udp connection while a lot of plc protocols generally support at least one of these some times important features cant be used by having the means to create adapters for protocols below tcp and udp we could also implement these advanced features and protocols as this requires usage of the java native interface we would have to implement native implementations for all major operating systems fortunately there seems to be an apache licensed library that promises to bring this support we should therefore try to implement a netty channel that utilizes this library to provide raw socket support
the class below should be recognized as a test class code import junitframeworktestcase public class differentname extends testcase public void testmethodname code
hadoop and related projects the following to kick off builds however it appears the search request used for this is not returning valid xmlsearch request
when i hit this line of codeif projectgetdependenciesexcludingversionnew dependencyorgcodeconsole webappanalytics i get the following exceptionexception in thread spring roo jline shell javalangnoclassdeffounderror orgspringframeworkrooprojectdependency at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at only happens in i do not get the exception have orgspringframeworkroo orgspringframeworkrooproject rooversion bundle specified in my pom file
jenkins ci failure the build jackrabbit oak has failedfirst failed run jackrabbit oak console log
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
for example select from structt order by
it is a umbrella jira for rbac include all improvement featuresthe basic features are in jira
per we must exclude the json license the upgrade will contain incompatible changes however the license issue is much more important
stopping a job is not an exceptional situation it is regular business functionality and should not be logged at logerror level stopping a job via the jobopertor api now results in a jobinterruptedexception being thrown as following stacktrace orgspringframeworkbatchcorerepositorysupportsimplejobrepository checkforinterruptioninfo parent jobexecution is stopped so passing message on to orgspringframeworkbatchcorestepthreadstepinterruptionpolicy isinterruptedinfo step interrupted through orgspringframeworkbatchcorestepabstractstep executesevere encountered an error executing the steporgspringframeworkbatchcorejobinterruptedexception job interrupted status detected at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at orgspringframeworkbatchcorerepositorysupportsimplejobrepository checkforinterruptioninfo parent jobexecution is stopped so passing message on to orgspringframeworkbatchcorejobabstractjob executesevere encountered interruption executing joborgspringframeworkbatchcorejobinterruptedexception job interrupted by step execution at at at at at at at at at at at runinfo job completed with the following parameters and the following status
semijoin in calcite should support antijoin related changes include rules about semijoin subclasses of semijoin relbuilder and so on
this is a regression after so is not a livebug in a release version of arrow when a partition key happens to be ordered on large rows the partitions are not being written faithfully if the partition isnt ordered or the dataset is smaller than the partitions appear to be correct though we should check that the values in other rows do still match when we test this coder libraryarrow dir nrow df dataframefoo runifnrow dflet sortsampleletters nrow replace true writedatasetdf dir partitioning let this should be corresponding to the number of letters and is lengthlistfilesdir dir nrow df dataframefoo runifnrow dflet sampleletters nrow replace true writedatasetdf dir partitioning let this should be corresponding to the number of letters and is lengthlistfilesdir dir nrow df dataframefoo runifnrow dflet sortsampleletters nrow replace true writedatasetdf dir partitioning let this should be corresponding to the number of letters but is not lengthlistfilesdir the letters that were retained listfilesdir leta letb letc oddly all of the rows are here they have just been reshuffled into one of the letters retained nrowopendatasetdir code original report for context a bit of context the data for this example contains all the world exports in it contain countries but when saving it as parquet only countries are actually recorded the verification i included was to check if the usa one of the best in the reporter quality index was present in the data coder libraryarrow attaching package arrow the following object is masked from packageutils timestamp librarydplyr attaching package dplyr the following objects are masked from packagestats filter lag the following objects are masked from packagebase intersect setdiff setequal union url rds if fileexistsrds trydownloadfileurl rds d rdshasusa anygreplusa uniquedreporteriso rdshasusa true dir d groupbyyear reporteriso writedatasetdir hivestyle f parquethasusa anygreplusa parquethasusa false code created on by the reprex package
hello ive activated jira service desk for my account but when i try to press blue get started button manage addons section i get
if i am not mistaken then flink wont ship jars when using the application mode because it assumes the jars to be on the classpath if this is true then we should make this requirement a bit more prominent in the deployment documentation because currently it is only subtly hinted at alternatively we could enable flink to ship the user code jars to its components also when using the application mode
with the latest build of the jar file all tests give the following error the beta version works finetestorgapachejdotcktransactionssetoptimisticduringtransactionjavaxjdojdofatalinternalexceptjavalangstring javalangstring javalangstring javalangstring plugin to create a connectionpool gave an at orgjpoxabstractpersistencemanagerfactoryfreezeconfigurationabstractpersistencemanagerfactory at orgjpoxpersistencemanagerfactoryimplgetpersistencemanagerfactorypersistencemanagerfactoryimp at source at at at at at at at at nestedthrowablesstacktrace javalangnosuchmethodexception at at orgjpoxabstractpersistencemanagerfactoryfreezeconfigurationabstractpersistencemanagerfactory at orgjpoxpersistencemanagerfactoryimplgetpersistencemanagerfactorypersistencemanagerfactoryimp at source at at at at at at at at
the shading rework made before removed a snappy dependency that was accidentally pulled in through hadoop this is technically alright until classloaders rear their ugly headsour kafka connector can read avro records which may or may not require snappy usually this should be solvable by including the snappy dependency in the userjar if necessary however since the kafka connector loads classes that it requires using the system class loader this doesnt workas such we have to add a separate snappy dependency to flinkcore
these current history pages are mocked in the web ui the data is available on the core side but not yet exposed via rest or any way when the core exposes the data the web ui needs to who them correctly
we plan to enable metadata by default but there are some tests that fail with this dumping details on tests for which metadata is disabled for now we need to fix them one by one hudisparkclient this is the module that has lot of tests that could potentially have issues testhoodiesparkmergeonreadtableincrementalreadtestincrementalreadswithcompaction disabled metadata for now directly accesses files testhoodieindex testsimpletaglocationandupdatewithrollback known issue testsimpleglobalindextaglocationwhenshouldupdatepartitionpath uses test table disabled metadata testhoodierowcreatehandletestinstantiationfailure disabled metadata not a real issue testhoodiecompactortestwritestatuscontentsaftercompaction uses hoodiesparkwriteabletesttable have disabled metadata testhoodiesparkmergeonreadtablerollbacktestmultirollbackwithdeltaandcompactioncommit restore fails bcoz there is an inflight rollback in dataset timeline disabling for now testhoodiemergeonreadtabletestlogfilecountsaftercompaction uses hoodiesparkwriteabletesttable disabled metadata for now testhoodiecompactortestwritestatuscontentsaftercompaction uses hoodiesparkwriteabletesttable have disabled metadata testhbaseindextestensuretaglocationusescommittimeline rolling back commit known issue disabling metadata testhbaseindextestsimpletaglocationandupdatewithrollback rolling back commit known issue disabling metadata testcleaner lot of tests uses test table testhoodietimelinearchivelog lot of tests uses test table testhoodiesparkmergeonreadtablerollbacktestrollbackwithdeltaandcompactioncommit uses test table testmergeonreadrollbackactionexecutortestrollbackwhenfirstcommitfail known issue hudiutilities testhoodiedeltastreamer testcleanerdeletereplaceddatawitharchive fails relating to archival disabling metadata need to look into it hudiclientcommon all passed hudiflinkclient all passed hudijavaclient disabled metadata for java all ok hudicommon all passed hudispark java testbootstrap class fully fails rollback of commit have disbaled metadata hudispark scala tests all good except couple of key gen related failures hudiutilities one test in deltastreamer huditimelineserver all good hudisync hudidlasync all good hudihivesync all good all good all good hudiexamples no tests disabled flink tests teststreamwriteoperatorcoordinatortestsyncmetadatatable testfileindextestfilelistingemptytable
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report paneltempo plugin version built on fri dec brst version the global configuration of the plugin we have the remaining estimate is optional option set if the tracker is started while in the issue detail view the tracker is started for that issue the remaining estimated time field is correctly populated in the stop tracker screen oth if the tracker is started outside the issue detail view eg in a dashboard screen the remaining time field is blank in the stop tracker screen and gives an error if its not set to some value
following the server behavior we should trim whitespace and if the string is empty return nullthe javadoc for the converters above both say if the specified string after trimming has a zero length return null
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
solr historically only had one version of the javadocs on the site at a timeparticularly now that we have and concurrently this needs to change both sets of javadoc are already on the site and solrtutorialhtml already links to both versions appropriately but there are still some improvements that should be made add a solrapiindexhtml file that mirrors the type of inof listed on coredocumentationhtml we could use the same documentationhtml name but since historically lots of people have bookmarkedlinked to solrapi reusing that path as the landing page for finding docs about multiple versions seems better making this visible will probably mean needing to dial in the existing solrapi redirect more update the javadocs link i nthe right nav to link to this page
the current implementation of the sanitizer breaks the proper rendering of html code in our case class attributes are stripped from the html content example codejava alt lorem ipsum dolor sit amet at vero eos et accusam et justo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr dolores et ea rebum stet clita kasd gubergren no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet informationen code will be rendered to codejava alt lorem ipsum dolor sit amet at vero eos et accusam et justo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr dolores et ea rebum stet clita kasd gubergren no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet informationen code i do not see any reason to not allow class attributes in html code there might be other problems with these rules but this is a showstopper
currently the version of blueprints expected is this is heavily out of date which cause the following exceptionjavalangillegalstateexception gremlin is not available please add it to your dependencies to execute at package has been moved to since do not do a manual check here for a specific class