LUPIN: Harry, are you all right?
SNAPE: That remains to be seen.
SNAPE: I have now just confiscated a rather curious artifact.
SNAPE: Take a look, Lupin.
SNAPE: Supposed to be your area of expertise.
SNAPE: Clearly, it's full of dark magic.
LUPIN: I seriously doubt it, Severus.
LUPIN: It looks as though it's a parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read it.
LUPIN: I suspect it's a Zonko product.
LUPIN: Nevertheless, I shall investigate any hidden qualities it may possess.
LUPIN: It is, after all, as you say, my area of expertise.
LUPIN: Harry, would you come with me, please? Professor, good night.
VOICE: Are you deaf? Put that light out!
LUPIN: Come in.
LUPIN: I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession but quite frankly, I am astounded that you didn't hand it in.
LUPIN: Did it never occur to you that this, in the hands of Sirius Black is a map to you?
HARRY: No, sir.
LUPIN: Your father never set much store by the rules either.
LUPIN: But he and your mother gave their lives to save yours.
LUPIN: Gambling their sacrifice by wandering the castle unprotected with a killer on the loose seems to me a poor way to repay them!
LUPIN: Now, I will not cover up for you again.
LUPIN: Do you hear me?
HARRY: Yes, sir.
LUPIN: I want you to return to your dormitory and stay there.
LUPIN: And don't take any detours.
LUPIN: If you do, I shall know.
HARRY: Professor, just so you know, I don't think that map always works.
HARRY: Earlier, it showed someone in the castle.
HARRY: Someone I know to be dead.
LUPIN: Oh, really? And who might that be?
HARRY: Peter Pettigrew.
LUPIN: That's not possible.
HARRY: It's just what I saw.
HARRY: Good night, professor.
TRELAWNEY: Broaden your minds.
TRELAWNEY: You must look beyond.
TRELAWNEY: The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the Inner Eye.
TRELAWNEY: Only then can you see. Try again.
TRELAWNEY: Now, what do we have here?
HERMIONE: Do you mind me trying?
HERMIONE: The Grim, possibly.
TRELAWNEY: My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination.
TRELAWNEY: No, you see, there.
TRELAWNEY: You may be young in years, but your heart is as shriveled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave.
TRELAWNEY: Have I said something?
RON: She's gone mental, Hermione has.
RON: I mean, not that she wasn't always mental but now it's in the open for everyone to see.
HARRY: Hang on.
HARRY: We better take this back.
RON: I'm not going back.
HARRY: Fine. See you later.
RON: See you.
VOICE: Harry Potter
HARRY: Professor Trelawney...
TRELAWNEY: He will return tonight.
HARRY: Sorry?
TRELAWNEY: Tonight, he who betrayed his friends, whose heart rots with murder shall break free.
TRELAWNEY: Innocent blood shall be spilt and servant and master shall be reunited once more.
TRELAWNEY: I'm so sorry, dear boy.
TRELAWNEY: Did you say something?
HARRY: No. Nothing.
HERMIONE: I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak. It's just too horrible.
RON: It just got worse.
DRACO: What did I say? Father said I can keep the hippogriff's head.
DRACO: I'll donate it to the Gryffindors' room.
DRACO: This is going to be rich.
GOYLE: Look who's here.
DRACO: Come to see the show?
HERMIONE: You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!
RON: Hermione, no!
RON: He's not worth it.
GOYLE: Malfoy, are you okay?
GOYLE: Let's go. Quick.
DRACO: Not a word to anyone, understood?
HERMIONE: That felt good.
RON: Not good, brilliant.
HAGRID: Look at him. Loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them.
HARRY: Why don't we just set him free?
HAGRID: They'd know it was me, and then Dumbledore would get into trouble.
HAGRID: He's coming down, Dumbledore.
HAGRID: Says he wants to be with me when they...When it happens.
HAGRID: Great man, Dumbledore.
HAGRID: A great man.
HERMIONE: We'll stay with you too.
HAGRID: You'll do no such thing!
HAGRID: Think I want you seeing something like that? No.
HAGRID: You just drink your tea and be off.
HAGRID: Oh. Before you do, Ron...
RON: Scabbers! You're alive!
HAGRID: Keep a closer eye on your pet.
HERMIONE: I think you owe someone an apology.
RON: Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know.
HERMIONE: I meant me!
HAGRID: Blimey. What was that?
HARRY: Hagrid!
HAGRID: Oh, crikey.
DUMBLEDORE: No, minister. Over this way.
HAGRID: It's late. It's nearly dark.
HAGRID: You shouldn't be here.