DRACO: Who is that?
DRACO: Don't stand there! Do something!
RON: What's up, Malfoy? Lost your skis?
DRACO: Get out of the way!
DRACO: Move!
CRABBE: Malfoy! Wait! Wait!
RON: Bloody hell, Harry.
RON: That was not funny.
RON: Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map.
HERMIONE: He won't keep it. He'll turn it over to Professor McGonagall. Aren't you?
RON: Sure. Along with his Invisibility Cloak.
HERMIONE: Look who it is. Madam Rosmerta.
HERMIONE: Ron fancies her.
RON: That's not true!
FUDGE: Professor McGonagall!
MCGONAGALL: Cornelius!
HAGRID: Allow me, minister.
FUDGE: Oh, Hagrid...
HAGRID: Sorry about that.
FUDGE: Rosmerta, my dear.
FUDGE: I hope business is good.
MADAM ROSMERTA: It'd be a lot better if the Ministry wasn't sending dementors into my pub every other night!
FUDGE: We have...We have a killer on the loose.
MADAM ROSMERTA: Sirius Black in Hogsmeade!
MADAM ROSMERTA: And what would bring him here?
FUDGE: Harry Potter.
FUDGE: Shh! Come.
SHRUNKEN HEAD 1: No underage wizards allowed in today!
SHRUNKEN HEAD 2: Shut the damn door!
HERMIONE: So rude.
RON: Thick heads.
SHRUNKEN HEAD 1: Thick heads?!
SHRUNKEN HEAD 2: How dare they!
SHRUNKEN HEAD 2: Who are they calling thick heads?
SHRUNKEN HEAD 1: Young whippersnappers!
MADAM ROSMERTA: Nobody will come to a pub where they'll get scared out of their wits.
MCGONAGALL: Professor Dumbledore doesn't want dementors around the place.
MADAM ROSMERTA: Tell me what this is all about.
MCGONAGALL: Years ago, when Harry Potter's parents realized they were marked for death...
MCGONAGALL: Remember? They hid.
MCGONAGALL: Few knew where they were.
MCGONAGALL: One who did was Sirius Black.
MCGONAGALL: And he told You-Know-Who.
FUDGE: Not only did Black lead him to the Potters that night he also killed one of their friends Peter Pettigrew!
MADAM ROSMERTA: Peter Pettigrew?
MCGONAGALL: Little lump of a boy.
MCGONAGALL: Always trailing after Black.
MADAM ROSMERTA: Never let James and Sirius out of his sight.
MADAM ROSMERTA: What happened?
MCGONAGALL: Peter tried to warn the Potters and might have, had he not run into an old friend, Sirius Black.
FUDGE: Black was vicious.
FUDGE: He didn't kill Pettigrew. He destroyed him!
FUDGE: A finger. That's all that was left.
FUDGE: A finger. Nothing else.
MCGONAGALL: Yes, Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters but he's the reason they're dead.
FUDGE: And now he wants to finish what he started.
MADAM ROSMERTA: I don't believe it.
FUDGE: That's not the worst of it.
MADAM ROSMERTA: What could be worse?
MCGONAGALL: This: Sirius Black was and remains to this day Harry Potter's godfather!
HERMIONE: Ron, look!
HERMIONE: Sorry. Sorry. Excuse me, excuse me.
RON: Merry Christmas.
HERMIONE: Harry, what happened?
HARRY: He was their friend and he betrayed them.
HARRY: He was their friend!
HARRY: I hope he finds me.
HARRY: Because when he does, I'm gonna be ready!
HARRY: When he does, I'm gonna kill him!
LUPIN: Harry. There you are. You came.
LUPIN: Are you sure about this, Harry?
LUPIN: This is very advanced magic well beyond the Ordinary Wizarding Level.
HARRY: I'm sure.
LUPIN: Well, everything's prepared.
LUPIN: The spell I'm going to try yo teach you is called the Patronus Charm.
LUPIN: Did you ever hear of it?
LUPIN: No? Well...A Patronus is a positive force.
LUPIN: For the wizard who conjures one it works like a shield, with the dementor feeding on it rather than him.
LUPIN: But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory.
LUPIN: Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory.
LUPIN: Can you do this?
LUPIN: Very well. Close your eyes.
LUPIN: Concentrate.
LUPIN: Explore your past.
LUPIN: Do you have a memory?
LUPIN: Allow it to fill you up.
LUPIN: Lose yourself within it.
LUPIN: Then speak the incantation, Expecto Patronum.
HARRY: Expecto Patronum.
LUPIN: Very good.
HARRY: Shall we? Wand at the ready.
HARRY: Expecto Patronum!
HARRY: Expecto... Expecto...Expect...
LUPIN: Here we go. Come on.