HAGRID: Someone sees you outside this time of night, you'll be in trouble.
HAGRID: Particularly you, Harry.
HAGRID: With you in a moment!
HAGRID: Quick. Quick!
HARRY: Hagrid.
HARRY: It'll be fine. It'll be okay.
HAGRID: Go on, go on!
DUMBLEDORE: That's ling you see over there...
FUDGE: On the slope.
DUMBLEDORE: On the slope... Ah, Hagrid.
HAGRID: Professor Dumbledore.
DUMBLEDORE: Good evening.
HAGRID: Minister. Make your way through.
HAGRID: Have a tea, if you like.
FUDGE: No, Hagrid.
HAGRID: Gentlemen.
DUMBLEDORE: I'd like a cup of tea.
FUDGE: Well, I think we should get down to our business, shall we?
FUDGE: "Very well. It is the decision of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures that the hippogriff Buckbeak here in after called ""the condemned,"" shall be executed this day at sundown."
HAGRID: Dear, dear...
DUMBLEDORE: Now, now, Hagrid. Now, come on.
DUMBLEDORE: All right. It'll be all right.
FUDGE: The execution shall dispatch...
HARRY: What?
HERMIONE: I thought I just saw...Never mind.
RON: Let's go!
HAGRID: Buckbeak didn't mean no harm.
HARRY: Oh, no.
RON: He bit me. Scabbers.
RON: Scabbers, come back.
HARRY: Wait!
RON: Scabbers, you bit me!
HERMIONE: Harry, you do realize what tree this is?
HARRY: That's not good. Ron, run!
RON: Harry, Hermione, run!
RON: It's the Grim!
RON: Ah! Harry!
HARRY: Ron! Ron, wait!
RON: Harry!Help!
HARRY: Ron. Ron.
HARRY: Come on!
HARRY: Move!
HERMIONE: Oh, I'm sorry.
HARRY: Don't worry.
HERMIONE: Where do you suppose this goes?
HARRY: I have a hunch.
HARRY: I just hope I'm wrong.
HERMIONE: We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?
HARRY: Come on.
HERMIONE: Ron. You're okay.
HARRY: The dog. Where is it?
RON: It's a trap. He's the dog.
RON: He's an Animagus.
HERMIONE: If you want to kill Harry, you have to kill us too!
SIRIUS: No. Only one will die tonight.
HARRY: Then it'll be you!
SIRIUS: Are you going to kill me, Harry?
LUPIN: Expelliarmus!
LUPIN: Well, well, Sirius.
LUPIN: Looking rather ragged, aren't we?
LUPIN: Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within.
SIRIUS: Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus?
SIRIUS: I found him.
LUPIN: I know.
SIRIUS: It's him.
LUPIN: I understand.
SIRIUS: Let's kill him!
HERMIONE: No! I trusted you!
HERMIONE: And all this time, you've been his friend.
HERMIONE: He's a werewolf!
HERMIONE: That's why he's been missing classes.
LUPIN: How long have you known?
HERMIONE: Since Professor Snape set the essay.
LUPIN: Well, Hermione.
LUPIN: You are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met.
SIRIUS: Enough talk, Remus!
SIRIUS: Come on, let's kill him!
LUPIN: Wait!
SIRIUS: I did my waiting!
SIRIUS: Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!
LUPIN: Very well. Kill him.
LUPIN: But wait one more minute.
LUPIN: Harry has the right to know why.
HARRY: I know why.
HARRY: You betrayed my parents.
HARRY: You're the reason they're dead!
LUPIN: No, it wasn't him.
LUPIN: Somebody did betray your parents somebody who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead!
HARRY: Who was it, then?
SIRIUS: Peter Pettigrew!
SIRIUS: And he's in this room! Right now!
SIRIUS: Come out, come out, Peter!