Bob: Hey, you coming to Jim's party tonight? Alan: Yeah, just need to go home to take a shower and will be there. Alan: Sorry for being late - had to stay longer at work. Bob: No problem - that's actually great :) When you head here can you grab micro-usb charger? Turns out Jim's only has iphone cables and I'm on my last 5% :) Alan: Filthy apple-fanboy :) Sure, will do that. Bob: Awesome - you're a lifesaver Bob: Also - don't rush here, this is off to a very slow start :) Alan: lol - thx for the heads-up! :)
Alan had to stay longer at work, so he will be late for Jim's party. First he will go home and have a shower. He will bring a micro-usb charger as Jim's only has iphone cables and Bob is on his last 5%.
Elvina: ever been to the local theatre smbd? Averil: you mean here? The theatre with actors? And stage? Is there any? Booth: yeah, I was the other day. Pretty cool and cheap. Elvina: I got invite and dunno what to wear Booth: I guess nothing much. Its kinda light hearted. Friendly and all. Elvina: oh good to know thx Averil: im seriously shocked they have a theatre here Booth: i mean it. was rly cool
Elvina needs information about the dress code at the local theatre. Booth has been there before and recommends wearing something casual. Averil is surprised there even is a theatre.
Love: The party was awesome! Jesus: Oh yes Armstrong: What did I miss? Jesus: So much!!
Love and Jesus were at the awesome party. Armstrong missed it.
Jenny: Can you buy some milk on your way? Danny: Sure, the usual one? Jenny: Yeah. The kids are sick again so I can't leave them alone. Danny: Don't worry, I can still manage to buy some milk. Need anything else? Jenny: No. Danny: Okay. I will be there in 2 hours.
Danny will buy some milk. Jenny and Danny's kids are sick. Danny will be home in 2 hours.
Oscar: Hi! How are you doing? Ellis: not bad, but super busy, you? Oscar: Same. How is Manchester treating you? Ellis: People here are horrible, I did not expect that the office in Manchester would be so different than ours. Oscar: Why? Ellis: Real problems with communication, a lot of dissension, gossips. Really, a very bad atmosphere. Oscar: that sucks. Ellis: It does. It sucks energy from me. I come back home very tired every day. Oscar: Can't you just do your job without taking part in it? Ellis: No, because you have to be very careful what you're saying, you can get into some internal, private battles there, completely unintentionally. Oscar: Are you going to inform Tom about it? Ellis: Sure, that's my job, although they have no idea about it. Luckily! Oscar: I see. Come over on Sunday! We will relax, maybe go fishing! Ellis: That would be good! Oscar: Come in the morning, so we would have some more time. Ellis: ok, I'm in! Oscar: See you then! Ellis: See you
Ellis is in the office in Manchester and the bad atmosphere there makes him really tired. He is going to inform Tom about it. Oscar invited Ellis to go fishing on Sunday.
Max: Yo. Wanna go out play some pool tonight? Johny: Sure. What time are you free? Max: I can reserve the pool table on 6 p.m Johny: Great! I'll come to your place on 5 then. Max: Sure. See ya.
Tonight Johny will come to Max's place at 5 pm, and they will go play some pool at 6.
Tom: Which ticket should I buy? Kate: Hm, for two days it's pointless to get an Oyster Mike: Buy a travelcard Tom: Geez, this city is expensive :/
Mike thinks Tom should buy a travelcard.
Dad: Jon, when are you coming back for xmas? Jon: Well I haven't booked the flights yet Dad: How come? you should book 'em asap! Jon: Yea thanks dad for reminding me Dad: Auntie Shayla is coming here on the 20th dec Jon: I should fly home with her then! Dad: Yep, she's heading back to Toronto after new year's eve Jon: Hmm sounds like a good plan to me. I should give her a call Dad: Yes. We are excited to see y'all Jon: Do you want anything from here? Dad: xmas gifts Jon: oh yea, I have to do some shopping xd thx for reminding me about that too Dad: Are you bringing Shyann home? Jon: No, she's going to her parents for xmas. I can't afford air tix for her xd Dad: Flights are fckn expensive Jon: Ikr Dad: Where is she from already? Jon: Charlottetown Jon: PEI Dad: Will she fly there? Jon: Yea but it's cheaper to fly to PEI than to Sask. Dad: I see. Book your tickets now and we'll talk about our next holiday excursions at home. Mom is excited to see y'all for Christmas. Jon: K will do! ttyl
Jon will probably go with aunt Shayla on the 20th Dec. Dad wants Jon to book the flights asap. Jon won't be bringing Shyann as she is going to her parents for Christmas.
Rowan: Plans today? Lilliana: Nothing just waiting to have lunch then maybe have a nap Rowan: Explain me one thing Lilliana: What thing? Rowan: And how is it? Like today u went to work but they sent u back home. U will still get paid for this? Lilliana: They didn't send me home we decided not to fly and yes I still get paid. I don't get paid hourly I get paid monthly Rowan: Ok
Liliana is at home and does not have specific plans for the day. Liliana and her colleagues decided not to fly today but she still got paid. Liliana's job pays a fixed rate on a monthly basis.
Emily: Suggest me a book book Clark from the sea of your knowledge.. Clark: "The five people you will meet in heaven" Just read it.. Emily: Is it worth it... Clark: Think no more.. Just start reading it.
Clarks suggests a book Emily should read.
Jeanette: Hello Guy, how are the family? Guy: They're OK, thanks. Yours? Jeanette: Not bad Phillip went off to Belarussia for a charity trip to tend the Polish graves Guy: What about Patrick. Jeanette: Not so well. He is in a sanatorium until Christmas getting treatment for his alcoholism. I yold him I'm leaving him if he doesn't get cured.
Philip went to Belarussia for a charity trip and Patrick is in alcohol rehab until Christmas.
Mark: So where do the names of your cats come from, Anna? Anna: Well, Fluffy is quite obvious. I like petting his soft fur and listening to him purr <3 Mat: And Butterball? ;) Anna: Butters! Not Butterball! Mat: My bad! ;) Anna: Well, his name comes from his eyes :) Mark: So dimmed and blurred? ;) Anna: No! Stop making fun of me! Whenever he wants a hug, he makes these beautiful, buttery eyes and I just can't resist! Mat: No cat makes as buttery eyes like a dog! Anna: Trade photos? ;) Mat: It's on! Mark, you be the judge! <file_photo> Mark: Me? Y are u dragging me into this? Anna: <file_photo> Well, Mark, which is more buttery? Mark: Oh, Idk. Mat: Remember who's ur best friend! Anna: And who knows all ur secrets! Mark: I can't do this, gotta go!
Mat thinks dogs are cuter and Anna prefers cats. Mark refuses to arbitrate the issue.
Jamie: We're on Elm Street, where now? Tina: Wait for us, I think we see you! Charles: Turn left to Brick Lane and then go straight ahead. We're on the left hand side, 14 Jamie: Thanks! Waiting for Tina, we'll be there soon
Jamie's waiting for Tina on Elm Street. They'll meet with Charles soon.
Sarah: So many amazing memories! Thanks guys! xxx Beth: OMG! we look so fat! Sarah: let's hope there will be more pictures! Dan: last night was awesome! Ian: i can't remember i was pissed! Beth: can we do it again soon? x Rob: it was fun! cheers guys!
They are going through some pictures from last night and agree it was awesome.
Alvin: Have you paid for the rent in this month? Bert: Nah, I've lost the data in order to make the bank transfer Alvin: wait a second, I will send you all the info that you need Bert: Thaaaaaanks Alvin: Here you are <file_photo>
Alvin's sent Bert the data in order to make the bank transfer for the rent this month.
Mina: We're going to the movies tonight? Lola: yes, the Favourite Joe: amazing, finally!
Mina, Lola and Joe are going to the movies tonight, to see 'The Favourite'.
Lucas: Anybody going to play chess after school? Zara: You're obsessed. Seriously. Stop. Lucas: I'm not! It's just fun! Zara: I disagree; nothing fun about it. Lucas: There is. Strategy and tension and competition! Zara: So play football! Lucas: I can't! Bad knees! Zara: Oh brother! Lucas: It's true! Zara: Def not cool to play chess. Lucas: That's what you say. Zara: Yep. Lucas: I happen to know that some of the smartest people play chess. Zara: So what? Lucas: So, smart is cool. Zara: No it isn't! Lucas: It is to me! Zara: Fine. Go be smart! Lucas: I will. You be dumb! Zara: But cool! LOL! Lucas: No way!
Lucas is going to play chess after school. Zara recons it's an obsession.
Mike: I can't believe that we are all turning 30 this year. Jack: Yeah. Time flies! Robert: I was thinking about it recently Robert: I'm quite happy with my life Jack: Good for you. Robert: Aren't you? Jack: I could improve some things Jack: Maybe if I lost 20 kg girls would be interested in my fascinating personality 😂 Mike: 😂😂😂 Mike: Come on you don't have it that bad. Mike: You're a programmer. Mike: With what you earn you could easily afford a private trainer and a dietician Mike: Whatever it takes to get back it shape Mike: I haven't even finished high school... Mike: I'll be probably doing shitty low-paid jobs for the rest of my life... Mike: When I was younger I always had lots of girls Jack: Because you're handsome and very fit Mike: The older I get the more difficult it becomes Mike: Girls just want to have fun with me Mike: But no one wants to have a relationship Mike: I think they see me as a good looking looser Robert: I think you're interested in the wrong type of girls
Mike, Jack and Robert are turning 30 this year. Robert is happy with his life. Jack is a programmer. Mike hasn't finished high school.
Margot: Should we go through Sarajevo? Edward: I was there once, nothing special really Edward: I'd skip Bosnia and Herzegovina Henry: what? are you insane? BiH is one of the most beautiful countries in the world Edward: LOL, you sound like a Bosniak Henry: Maybe I am, deep in my heart Henry: but seriously, Sarajevo is a beautifully located city Henry: the mountains around are amazing Henry: look at this: <file_photo> Lia: wow, I didn't know they have this high mountains there Henry: exactly, nobody knows anything about BiH Henry: and it's part of fun - no tourists, pristine landscapes.... Henry: very special Margot: it sounds good to me guys Lia: I'm convinced as well Henry: Sorry Edie, you've been voted down... Margot: would you have any other ideas what we should see in BiH? Henry: hmm, maybe Mostar? Margot: I'll google it Henry: yup, look it up, the famous bridge Margot: right, the beautiful bridge with the hoooot men jumping from it <3 Margot: <file_photo> Lia: this is a must! Henry: hahaha, I agree Edward: gosh.......
Margot, Edward, Henry and Lia will go to Bosnia and Herzegovina. They want to see Sarajevo and Mostar there.
Jimmy: Oh no! It's raining!! Jerry: Are we still going to the waterfall? Jessy: Let's postpone it. We won't enjoy it
Jessy suggests to postpone the visit at the waterfall as it's raining.
Judy: I'm here Olivier: 1 sec I'm coming down Judith: Me too
Judy arrived. Olivier and Judith are coming.
Anna: I had a date last night Ashley: who's the lucky guy? Anna: Jim Ashley: Jim from the gym? Anna: funny as it sounds - yes Ashley: wow that's impressive Anna: why? :D Ashley: to meet a guy at the gym Ashley: and to have him ask you out after he's seen you all sweaty and no make-up Anna: I don't know how that happened either :D Ashley: was it fun? Anna: He's very smart Ashley: like smart reading books? Anna: in the way he dresses Ashley: suit and tie? Anna: I wore jeans and yes he had a shirt and a jacket Ashley: yes because you prefer your men in track suits Anna: no I just didn't expect slacks after seeing him in the gym in shorts Ashley: how are his legs? Anna: not at all chicken like Ashley: score :D
Anna had a date with Jim last night. They got to know each other at the gym.
Zach: yoh Dempsey: yoh, whatsup? Zach: not much, where are you nowadays? Dempsey: i went to the countryside for a while Zach: till when Dempsey: next week Zach: cool then Dempsey:👍
Dempsey went to the countryside and he will stay there till next week.
Ron: will be late Hilary: ok Ron: sorry for that!
Ron will be late.
Christine: so what's the plan for tonite? Brian: u'll see, it's a surprise! Brian: but take comfy shoes:D Christine: u mean sport? Brian: no, just comfy. Christine: but u mean extra?? Christine: shall I take my dancing shoes? Brian: u can, but u don't have to. Christine: any other hints? Christine: can I wear a dress or rather comfy pants? Brian: haha, yr choice but a dress or a skirt is always a good choice :D Christine: <file_photo> ok? Brian: awesome <3 <3 <3 Christine: ok, so 6pm at yr place? Brian: exactly :D cu!:*
Brian is preparing a surprise for Christine. She will wear comfortable shoes and a dress or a skirt. She will come to his place at 6 pm.
Mason: look out the window Terry: u r here :) Terry: comming!!!
Mason is outside Terry's place.
Josh: yoooooo man, are you at the dorm? Charles: hey man, yeah, just sittin and chillin Josh: mind if I come in? Charles: just get some beer and i'm waiting Josh: cool, want some? Charles: a rethorical question :D
Josh will come over to Charles at the dorm with beer.
Mary Jones: Good morning, I would like to ask a question regarding the possibility of opening an account in Germany. I am a US citizen. Patrick Lambert: Thank you for the interest in opening an account at Deutsche Bank. Please find attached the list of possible options available in our bank. Patrick Lambert: <file_other> Mary Jones: Thank you very much. Patrick Lambert: You are welcome. If you have any other questions, please contact me. Mary Jones: Thank you and have a nice day. Patrick Lambert: Thank you.
Mary Jones wants to open an account at Deutsche Bank.
Lillian: I'm looking for a dress for the wedding Drake: Why do you need a dress? Go naked! 😜 Lillian: I didn't know it would be such a nightmare Lillian: Ha ha ha Ben: Why? Lillian: I cannot find anything I like... Lillian: that would look good on me Samantha: I can relate... Samantha: I was desperate Samantha: But finally I found something ok-ish Lillian: What are you talking about??? Lillian: You looked gorgeous Lillian: And your dress was beautiful
Lillian cannot find a dress for the wedding. Samantha also had problems but found one.
Madelyn: Hey Babe, how is everything going? Carter: Terrible, my boss got mad at me, I still haven't finished the report and I have a sore throat! Madelyn: But you were so positive when you left home! Carter: Well, it changed, in the blink of an eye :( Madelyn: Poor you, make some short break then, it always helps Carter: I can't. Mr Fincher is literally watching me all the time Madelyn: OMG, that sound like harassment to me Sweetheart. You should've left this job long time ago! Carter: Yeas, but somehow I haven't :( Madelyn: Try to stay strong, I'll make some nice dinner for you :)
Carter hasn't finished the report so his boss is mad. Madelyn will make Carter some nice dinner to cheer him up.
Alex: Round two tomorrow for sunset at hermossa ? Ben: <file_gif> Luke: Isis and I will come too. We'll have our own car Anna: woooo! Victor: yeah! Owen: I’m up for it Alex: Surf camp 4pm, whoever needs a ride
Alex, Ben, Luke, Isis, Anna, Victor and Owen are going to see the sunset at Hermossa tomorrow. Luke and Isis will take their own car. Alex offers a ride from the surf camp at 4 PM.
Shirley: have you ever had lobster? Blake: never :-( Shirley: NEVER!?!?!?!!?! Blake: never Shirley: i'm taking you out for dinner tomorrow and we'll have lobster Blake: i won't say no to that, lol
Blake is taking Shirley for dinner tomorrow. They will have lobster. Blake has never eaten it.
Charlotte: Are you going to the therapeute tonight? Bob: yes at 6:30 Charlotte: ok. Do you prefer bracelet or glasses? I found some this morning Bob: Glasses Charlotte: Ok Bob: Charlotte, the therapeute send me a message, the session is cancelled Charlotte: why? Bob: yes her son is ill, i'll meet her next week Charlotte: ok. so don't come back to late
Bob's therapist has cancelled the session, but he will meet her next week.
Adelina: Hi handsome. Where you you come from? Cyprien: What do you mean? Adelina: What do you mean, "what do you mean"? It's a simple question, where do you come from? Cyprien: Well I was born in Jarrow, live in London now, so you could say I came from either of those places Cyprien: I was educated in Loughborouogh, so in a sense I came from there. Adelina: OK. Cyprien: In another sense I come from my mother's vagina, but I dare say everyone can say that. Adelina: Are you all right? Cyprien: IN another sense I come from the atoms in the air that I breath or the food I eat, which comes to me from many places, so all I can say is "I come from Planet Earth". Adelina: OK, bye. If you're gonna be a dick... Cyprien: Wait, what you got against earthlings?
Cyprien irritates Adelina by giving too many responses.
Regina: did you finish the required trainings they sent us this week? Tatiana: no, not yet Regina: you should, the deadline is tomorrow Tatiana: what? why didn't they say sooner? Regina: they did, it was in the memo Tatiana: i didn't read it... shit Regina: you better get to it right away Tatiana: is there a lot of them? Regina: they are all on this online platform we always work on but they took a lot of time Tatiana: so how long? I asked if there is a lot of them? Regina: I tried to go as quickly as possible and it took me almost 9 hours Tatiana: what?! shit... i am so screwed... Regina: if you start now you will make it tomorrow by the end of the day Tatiana: i was supposed to have a day off tomorrow... i am so stupid Regina: oh crap :/ sorry to hear Tatiana: yeah, i wanted to go home sooner to spend more time with my mom... i will have to cancel Regina: i can help you with some of the quizzes if you want, i probably remember a lot of answers Tatiana: that would actually be great help but i don't want to take too much of your time Regina: no worries, we gotta help each other right? Tatiana: yeah but are you sure? Regina: yes, we can do some of them together but you have to start now, otherwise you won't make it in time Tatiana: I will... thanks a lot of reminding me, i can't imagine what would happen if i forgot it lol Regina: the boss wouldn't be too happy about it Tatiana: that's for sure ;)
Tatiana hasn't finished the required trainings. Regina needed 9 hours to complete them. Regina will help Tatiana but she has to start now to finish till tomorrow.
Edlyna: Hey Edlyna: Can I borrow your swimming kit Idah: Hey Idah: Yeah sure. When do you want it? Edlyna: Tomorrow. I will be going to swim with Kay Idah: I can see you are getting along together well. Edlyna: Yeah you know me. I'm too good with men😊 Idah: Ooh yeess!😂
Edlyna is going swimming tomorrow with Kay. Idah will lend Edlyna her swimming kit.
Thomas: Hey, wanna meet today? Kate: Sure, when and where? Thomas: at Jeff's at 6 p.m.? Kate: Ok. See you then Thomas: Gr8 Thomas: Bye
Thomas and Kate will meet at Jeff's at 6 pm.
Eden: i'm in front of the cathedral Luis: 😇 Eden: remind me good memories my friend Luis: me too Eden: I pray for you Luis: I also pray for you and for Dan Eden: thanks?You've been a beautiful person in my life Luis: you too Eden: thanks to you and God Luis: 😇
Eden is in front of the cathedral. It brings him and Luis back good memories. Eden prays for Luis and Luis prays for Eden and Dan.
Jeff: have you landed? Tony: now, sorry, I had no internet for half an hour after landing, I don't even know why Pankracy: but finally you're here, I'm waiting outside the airport in the car Tony: ok!
Tony landed. He didn't have Internet connection. Pankracy is waiting in the car, outside of the airport.
Linda: Hi Bryan, I just got a call from Bestbuy. Bryan: Hi Linda, regarding the fridge? Linda: Yeah, they changed the delivery date. Linda: There were some issues. Bryan: When will they deliver it? Linda: On Thursday at 4pm. Linda: But I need to be at my accounting course until 5pm. Bryan: OK, that's fine, I'll be @ home. Bryan: I'll leave the office an hour earlier and I'll stay longer on Friday. Linda: Great, thanks :)
Bestbuy informed Linda about change in delivery date of the fridge. It is on Thursday 4 pm. Linda has her accounting course until 5 pm. Bryan will pick up the fridge. On Friday he'll stay longer at work.
Ella: I'm late I'm afraid Joy: no problem Ella: thanks
Ella will be late.
Rachel: christmas shopping time! Rachel: so little time left Rachel: so much things to buy Rachel: when r we going? Kendall: slowly girl! :D Kendall: don't have time this week Kendall: maybe next? Rachel: :(:(:( Kendall: ok,ok Kendall: I know u 2 well freak :) Kendall: I can make some time on Wednesday Rachel: :D:D:D:D Kendall: <file_gif>
Rachel and Kendall are going Christmas shopping on Wednesday.
Adrian: Michal! Do you have suit for the wedding:D? Michal: Hi Adrian: I wanted to ask about details of your staying in here Michal: Yeah, I have one :D Adrian: When exactly will you come and how many days you want to stay Michal: Ah Adrian: I'd like to take care of your accomodation if you don't mind :) Michal: I won't stay for too long Adrian: No more than a week? Michal: 2 days :D Adrian: Really! So only one night? Michal: 2 days and 2 nights :)
Michal is coming for 2 days and 2 nights. Adrian will take care of Michal’s accommodation.
Andrew: Seen this <file_other> Scott: Is it Matt's moto? Wants to sell it? Andrew: Yup. Wonna buy? Scott: Dreaming of it. Have no cash.
Matt is selling his motorbike. Scott cannot afford a motorbike.
Hayden: hey, did you pick up tickets for the football game? Lori: no, i was going to, but something came up at work. Hayden: i'm by the stadium now. I'll get them. Lori: ok, cool. don't forget that andrea is joining us. Hayden: oh right. should be different having a steelers fan with us this time. Lori: Yeah, she's pretty outspoken. Noisy too Hayden: i think we handle it. you know how we are. Lori: yeah, it'll still be fun Hayden: did you buy a new jersey to wear? Lori: yes, i did Hayden: hope you keep it away from Pepper this time Lori: yes, i'm keeping it out of reach. she wont get a bite out of this one Hayden: cool. i'll wear mine too Lori: did the ticket price increase go into affect? Hayden: no, i think thats next month Lori: good. they're already high enough as it is Hayden: definitely. i miss the prices they had 10 years ago Lori: yeah. it was a lot easier to go to a game then Hayden: Cool. i'm at the ticket window now. ttyl! Lori: Later!
Lori will buy tickets for the football game. Andrea is joining them. Hayden will keep his new jersey away from Pepper. Ticket prices will increase next month.
Anna: can you send me your recipe for pancakes hun? Caroline: let me find it, i have it in my notebook Anna: ok ok, waiting :) Caroline: <file_photo> Anna: thank you!!! Caroline: good luck :*
Anna asked Caroline for her pancake recipe. Caroline sent her a photo from her notebook.
Keith: Hi there kiddo, when are you planning to visit you old parents? :) Laura: Hey Dad, I'm not sure yet. I've been pretty busy recenlty.There is this big project coming… Keith: Oh, I understand, all work and no play…XD Laura: Daad! Don't be mean! You know I treat studying seriously! Keith: I know, you take after your mum :) By the way I think she bought some b-day gift for you… Laura: Next Saturday it is then :D Keith: I'll tell mum, she'll be really happy:) Laura: And please cook your lasagne! I miss it so badly … Keith: I'll se what I can do Pumpkin, le'ts stay in touch :)
Laura will visit her parents next Saturday, her mum got her a birthday gift and Keith will cook lasagne for her.
Jarod: So we're planning to go to Cabo for Easter? Jarod: I am asking because I just got to my office Jarod: to find the greatest deals for us Jarod: Theres is four of us from what I see on the mail Jayden: Yes 4 of us Jarod: When do we want to leave Toronto Jarod: Like what days? Jayden: 25 March - 5 April Jayden: Works? Eva: Ye im ok with that period of time Marie: Me too Jarod: K I will take into consideration these days Jarod: Its for one week right? Jayden: Yep Jayden: For one week so 7 days during that time Jayden: that I just mentioned Jarod: K good Jarod: We're all staying going on a boat excursion for one day too? Eva: Yes Marie: Yepp Jayden: How much is the excursion? Jarod: 25 Canadian per day Jayden: good Jarod: 👏 🤝 👍
Jarod is organising a trip for 4 to Cabo.
Harvey: Update? Michelle: Too soon, still researching. Harvey: That is an update, Michelle. Michelle: Fine. Harvey: I can't wait all day. Michelle: If you stop texting me, I could get on with it! Harvey: Fair point. Michelle: Besides, half of this stuff is black hat. I can't see most of it. Harvey: Why not? Michelle: It installs bugs on my computer. Harvey: Oh, right. Michelle: It's fine. I'm back on it. Harvey: Thanks.
Michelle doesn't have any information on update for Harvey yet. The update installs bugs on her computer.
Jodi: When was the last time you smoked? Pauline: Who? Me? ;-) Esmeralda: Two weeks ago
Esmeralda smoked 2 weeks ago.
Ben: busy? Nathan: nope Ben: Apex? Nathan: why not Nathan: but we need a 3rd one Nathan: don't want to play with randoms again Ben: Josh should be online in 5 min Nathan: cool Nathan: I'll log in a moment Ben: ok Ben: I'm already waiting
Ben, Nathan and Josh are going to play online together.
Paul: Something strange happened today Stan: Uh! What was it? Paul: I was at the pub and there was this huge tattooed bald guy who kept staring at me Stan: Awww, mate, you lover boy you XD Paul: Fuck you XD He was disturbing, I finished my beer and left Stan: Hah, I hope he didn't follow you Paul: He didn't, but his stare did until I was out of the pub Stan: Lol Paul: There's nothing to laugh about! Stan: XD
Paul was at the pub and a big tattooed bald guy was staring at him until he went out of the pub. Paul feels weird and finds it awkward.
Jude: look, I've just decorated my Christmas tree Jude: <file_photo> Ellie: wow, looks really pretty! Ellie: wanna see mine? Jude: bring it on! Ellie: <file_photo>
Jude has decorated her Christmas tree.
Paul: CRG-328 Paul: the name of the toner Alena: how much would it cost? Paul: <file_other> Paul: there is something like this. look at it. it is 5800won Alena: usually 9800won maybe? isn't it? Alena: the gaps are huge at each site Paul: are they? Paul: <file_other> Paul: how about this? Paul: aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! I found it! Paul: <file_other> Paul: mum! this is the one! Paul: if you choose a strandard type among the options, that's it Alena: okay Paul: well i haven't bought premium type,but it was always ok. Paul: It worked well anyways Alena: thanks! \(^o^)/
Paul found a proper toner for Alena.
Joel: I should probably start reading game manuals :D Joel: I tried some games recently and I was so confused that you wouldn't believe Jay: you tried to play them like other games you already know? Joel: Brutal Legend was the only one that I could play right of the box Joel: that's a hilarious one, really :D Jay: yeah but you'll get confused with the "RTS" parts of it later on :P Joel: I managed to kill myself with the car :D Jay: same, I drove of cliffs so many times that I stopped counting :P Joel: I was trying the games without sound but I suppose I shouldn't Jay: BL soundtrack is amazing if you like metal Joel: "Tenacious D - The Metal"? Jay: and many many others Jay: the list is amazing and you can collect all of them while playing the game to listen while driving the car Joel: oh :D Joel: playing without sound was confusing as I collected a chick on the way Joel: and I have no idea who she is :D Jay: I think there's an option for subtitles Jay: but I might think of a different game Joel: I have this thing where I want to be aware of the surroundings and the headphones hinder that a bit Jay: that might be an issue, I live alone so I don't really care and play without headphones Joel: there might be zombies coming through the door at any time! :P Jay: I have a saber lying close to my desk so I'm not afraid of them ;) Joel: see, that's exactly why I've tried to get myself a broadsword :D Jay: I got mine from my grandfather but I guess the only dangerous part about it is a potential infection Jay: the sharpness of this thing is a tale of the past
Joel was confused in some of the games he tried recently. He was not confused in Brutal Legend. Both Jay and Joel enjoyed it very much. They killed themselves there many times. The game has a metal soundtrack. Jay has a dull saber close to his desk, so he's not afraid of zombies.
Cheryl: Are you inside? William: yes, come on, a nice party! Ron: we're drunk already Cheryl: ok, I'm coming
Cheryl is coming to the party. William and Ron are already there. William and Ron are drunk.
Maria: Guys, do you have revolut? Jenny: I don't have yet, but I heard it's a perfect solution for international money transfers Mel: I have it, it's very good, saves money Maria: ok, thanks! I'll get it too. Just seemed too good to be true
Jenny doesn't have Revolut, but has heard good things about it. Mel has it and is satisfied with it. Maria will get it.
A: Hi Tom, are you busy tomorrow’s afternoon? B: I’m pretty sure I am. What’s up? A: Can you go with me to the animal shelter?. B: What do you want to do? A: I want to get a puppy for my son. B: That will make him so happy. A: Yeah, we’ve discussed it many times. I think he’s ready now. B: That’s good. Raising a dog is a tough issue. Like having a baby ;-) A: I'll get him one of those little dogs. B: One that won't grow up too big;-) A: And eat too much;-)) B: Do you know which one he would like? A: Oh, yes, I took him there last Monday. He showed me one that he really liked. B: I bet you had to drag him away. A: He wanted to take it home right away ;-). B: I wonder what he'll name it. A: He said he’d name it after his dead hamster – Lemmy - he's a great Motorhead fan :-)))
A will go to the animal shelter tomorrow to get a puppy for her son. They already visited the shelter last Monday and the son chose the puppy.
Peter: Are you there? Liz: Yes Peter: How's the day? Liz: Good... boring :/ Peter: I'm home already Liz: So soon?? Peter: It's Friday :) Liz: I know... I can't leave before 5pm :/ Liz: Fat Hill is watching... Peter: looking busy? :) Liz: Always... Peter: What do you want to do? Liz: When? Peter: Tonight Liz: No idea... Nothing. Netflix + doing nothing... Peter: Are you sure? Liz: Do you want to go out? Peter: Would be nice, the weather is fantastic Liz: Okay, I'll get home and we will see... Im a bit tired Peter: Ok. But netflix and you and wine sounds great too :) Liz: in that order... :) I'll buy a bottle of wine on my way home Peter: I've just bought two bottles of primitivo :) :) one for tomorrow. Liz: I love you... ;) Peter: oh... we're staying home tonight :D Liz: I'll be home before 6. bye :* Peter: see you home :*
Liz can't leave before 5 pm as Fat Hill is watching so will be home before 6. Liz isn't sure if she wants to go out. Liz and Peter will probably stay in watching Netflix. Peter has bought a bottle a of primitivo for tomorrow.
Uriel: Its close to a lot of cool places to visit Serena: :) I'm sure I will come to Maputo then. But I don't know when Uriel: And the city itself is interesting. Sounds brilliant to me. Serena: I will have to check if I need any visa to go there Uriel: You will need a Visa for sure. Serena: But I'm sure if I come, I would like to see as much as possible :) Uriel: There is much to see - really, a lot Serena: And maybe not only Mozambique Uriel: South Africa is our neighbour Serena: However, before going there I will have to learn a lot about places I want to visit. Cultural differences might be sometimes dangerous Uriel: Going there is a great option too. It's a quick ride Serena: Would you go with me? Uriel: Of course! Serena: Honestly I'm a big afraid of travelling alone in Africa lol Uriel: You need to be a little cautious but there is no need to be scared Serena: :) Serena: I will prefer to me very cautious lol Uriel: Makes sense. Ive lived most of my life in Africa. Worry not :) Serena: 😄
Uriel recommends visiting Maputo. Serena needs a visa to go there. Serena wants Uriel to join her because she is afraid of travelling alone in Africa.
Kelly: I need to go do some dancing ladies Kate: Oh my goodness:D Where is this coming from Kelly: stressful week Diane: I could use some dancing too Kelly: Let's go then, I just need a few hours, and you know obviously drinks Diane: Duh:D I am so in, my boss hates me! Kate: Whaaat? Why would he hate you? Diane: Cause he loads all the work on me, no one else Kate: Maybe there's a promotion going on so he's testing you Kelly: Yeah, my boss did that to me, wanted to see if I'll handle pressure Kate: And? Did you? Kelly: No, I said plainly that I have no interest in extra work now Diane: huh, interesting, I thought you want more money Kelly: Sure I do, but I'm fine with whatever I have now. So, what about this dancing?
Kelly had a stressful week at work, and wants to go dancing. Diane had loads of work lately, she's in. Kelly suggested an incoming promotion as a reason for extra work.
Oscar: yo Oscar: whatcha up to Monica: hey Monica: im watching Friends Oscar: can I come? Monica: sure Monica: just bring some popcorn hehe Oscar: OK anything else? Monica: I could use some wine too ;) Oscar: dry white amirite? Monica: yes please Oscar: will do Oscar: be there in 30 Monica: am waiting! :-)
Monica is watching Friends. Oscar will join her in 30 minutes. He will bring popcorn and dry white wine.
Greg: <file_other> Mike: oooo, nice!! Emma: xmas in the mountains? *.* Greg: anyone? Emma: i wish, but i can't leave my parents alone Emma: so not a chance Mike: i have the same situation :/
Emma and Mike can't leave their parents alone at Christmas.
Tina: Did you order the book? Glenn: Yes, yesterday. Tina: Great, thank you! Can you send me the tracking number? Glenn: I haven't got it yet. Tina: Okey. Glenn: But I'll forward it to you as soon as I get it. Tina: All right.
Glenn ordered the book yesterday. He will forward to Tina the tracking number as soon as he receives it.
Luke: Hi I've just sent you 3 more texts, can you please take a look? Ingrid: OK, in 2 hours Luke: Oh... I'm afraid we have to close the issue earlier... Ingrid: When do you need it? Luke: Like... now? :) ??? Luke: I mean asap Ingrid: But I'm out of office now... Luke: Ok I get it... Please take a look asap ok? Ingrid: Maybe in 1-1,5h. Please send it earlier next time. Luke: Sure, sorry, we've just got it from the authors :( Ingrid: I know but I really can't make it in 3 minutes every time, it's the same story every month. I know it's not your fault but please understand me too. Luke: I'll talk to the team again. Thank you for your effort Ingrid. Ingrid: Maybe Agnes could do it this time? Luke: Ok I'm going to ask her now, youre right. Honestly I prefer you to do that because you're just better but maybe she can give us a hand :) Ingrid: GLad to read that :) Luke: I'll ask her and let you know but you're always my first choice anyway! Ingrid: Let me know later.
Luke has sent Ingrid 3 texts to take a look at. Ingrid dislikes that Luke gives her short deadlines each month. Ingrid suggests Agnes do the job this time. Luke will call Agnes and let Ingrid know if she has agreed.
Paul: I'm on board. Anne: ok, honey, have a safe flight! <3 Paul: Thank you :* Anne: give me a call when you land. Paul: I will. Love you.
Anne will phone Paul when her plane touches down.
Jaca: Hi, we are in the Hospital now. Ostoja: Hi, good. What is going on?. Jaca: Dača has a first simple overview. Ostoja: Does the Doctors said something? Jaca: No, they are preparing Dača for blood extraction, for analyses purposes. Ostoja: Good. Jaca: Now, we took a sleeping bed. <file_video> Ostoja: Let me see him. Jaca: <file_photo> Ostoja: What is he working? Jaca: He is playing width jigsaw puzzle. Ostoja: What Doctors thinks? Jaca: They thinks that will be good. Ostoja: Ok. Jaca: Now, they take Dača and he gone to operation. Ostoja: Ok. Jaca: They return him from operational room. Doctors said that hi have a high pulse, between 120 and 170. They stop the operation. Ostoja: Damage, and so much has striven in the preparations. I'm so sorry. Jaca: Doctors recommend operation in the Institut for "Mother and children". Ostoja: when are you going out? Jaca: We are waiting hospital leave list. I thinks it will be about two o'clock. Ostoja: I will be few minutes before in the front of main entrance of the hospital. Jaca: Ok. We will be in contact. Ostoja: I am in front of main entrance. Jaca: Ok, we are coming down.
Daca was supposed to have an operation but he was returned. Doctors recommend Daca and Jaca go to the Institut for "Mother and children". Ostoja is waiting for them in front of main entrance.
Jo: lunch at 1pm? Zoe: sorry i haven't seen you message Jo: 😢 Zoe: tea time, it's ok for you? Jo: ok
Zoe has missed Jo's message about lunch and they will meet at tea time instead.
Margaret: Have you come back from the trip? Diana: Yes, I am home already! Margaret: How was it? Diana: Amazing. Tom showed me some less touristic, beautiful places. Margaret: Did you stay only in Tuscany or you travelled anywhere else? Diana: Tuscany is already too much! Margaret: I only saw Pisa and Florence :( Diana: Oh, I didn't enjoy them too much. Overcrowded, tiring... Queues everywhere. Margaret: So what did you see? Diana: We went also to Arezzo and Siena, but the best were little villages. Margaret: But how did you get there? Buses are horrible in Italy. Diana: Tom rented a car. Margaret: That's amazing. I would be afraid to drive in Italy, though. You know how chaotic they can be. Diana: Not really, it's a bit of a false stereotype. Margaret: Did you go to Chianti? Diana: Yes, we did! :D Margaret: Is it as beautiful as it looks in pictures? Diana: HAHA, surprisingly it is! This bucolic landscape with lone trees and vineyards. Unbelievably beautiful. And you can stop on the way in small villages and try some vines and olives. That was the best day I believe. Margaret: Gosh, I envy you so much. Diana: We can arrange something next year, I want to come back! Margaret: That would be beautiful but we need somebody with a driver's licence. Diana: Maybe my Tom would go with us. Margaret: Great! Diana: Let's talk about it after Christmas. Margaret: Great! Would you like to come over for dinner next Friday? With Tom of course. Diana: We would love to! Margaret: Perfect, so I will write you on Monday. Diana: Ok, have a nice weekend. Margaret: you too.
Diana and Tom went for a trip to Italy. She saw Pisa and Florence but found them too touristy. They went also to Arezzo and Siena, but what she liked most were the little villages. Tom rented a car and they drove around. They went to Chianti. Diana and Tom will come to Margaret for dinner on Monday.
Terry: wanna have some pizza? Kate: I've eaten with some colleagues Jim: me too Terry: traitors
Terry wants to have some pizza, but Jim and Kate have already eaten one.
Michelle: u coming tomorrow for the party? Shanon: No, I'm not in the mood. Michelle: Pity. I'm not in the mood myself...
Michelle is not going to the party tomorrow.
Sheldon: howdy, what's the score? Burt: 4:2 for the Lions Clarence: If bet it, I'd be rich man right now. Sheldon: great news! They never disappoint ;)
The score is 4:2 for Lions. Clarence didn't place a bet on it. Sheldon is happy with the result.
Ted: Hi, it's Ted White here from the Western Region, I'm coming up to Manchester tomorrow and just wanted to touch base with you. Shirley: Hi Ted, yes, we have spoken on the phone before. What time are you arriving? Ted: Well, my train gets in at 8.15am, so it's a pretty early start for me from Bristol! Shirley: I bet it is, don't envy you! The meetings at 9 in Conference Room 3.Just check in with reception and I'll wait for you on the 1st floor. Ted: Great, thanks Shirley! Is Head Office far from Piccadilly station? Shirley: I'd say around 3 miles away, you have the address and postcode? Just tell the taxi driver you need to go to Burnham Industrial Park, Unit 21, he'll have a Sat nav anyway.. You'll be fine! Ted: Thanks again! It's my first major conference and I'm presenting too, so a bit apprehensive! Shirley: You'll be fine, just go through your stuff on the way up. We're all very nice here, we don't bite! Ted: I'm sure you don't! See you tomorrow, Shirley! Shirley: Bye, Ted!
Ted will arrive in Manchester from Bristol at 8:15. Ted is going to present at a conference to take place at the Head Office. Ted will check in at the reception and meet Shirley on the first floor.
Cassidy: girls Cassidy: i went to this piercer and showed him the ring but...he didn't know what to do Stacey: wait what Stacey: what does it mean that he didn't know?????????????? :/
The piercer didn't know what to do with Cassidy's ring.
Kate: how you doing today Mary: I'm so sore Mary: was it the same for you? Kate: yeah Kate: and I remeber i was really thirsty Kate: it gets easier though Mary: Thanks Mary: though it's not very comforting Kate: It gets easier Mary: that's also very scary Kate: it's good though Kate: it'll help you get through it Mary: get thorugh it! Mary: fuck this Mary: I don't want to go numb Kate: it's not going numb Kate: It just gets different Kate: and it's easier Mary: I wish I didn't have to go through this Kate: yeah I know, noone does
Mary is feeling sore. It was the same for Kate when she was going through the same thing.
Ben: where is my watch? Mac: i dont know Ben: im sure you have it Mac: what, why? Ben: are you out with Mandy? Mac: so what? Ben: she likes watches Mac: ok i will give it back when i come home Ben: ha, i knew that!
Mac took Ben's watch because he went out with Mandy who likes watches.
Kimberly: I wanna hit the guys on the nose so bad😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠 Sierra: Why are you so angry? Who? Kimberly: The smokers on the street! 😠😠 Kimberly: I don't know why should my lung be damaged by those bastards although I don't want at all Sierra: That's true. ☹️☹️ Sierra: The government raised the tax of cigarettes but it doesn't seem that effective.>:( Sierra: I heard in Jan the sales of the cigarette dropped.,,.and Sierra: My uncle also told me he would quit smoking this year because of the tax>:(>:(>:(>:( Sierra: But he is still smoking -_-;; Kimberly: But look at this only non smokers are suffering😫😫 Kimberly: And the smokers are still smoking!😫😫 Sierra: I walk fast and pass through the smokers when I meet them on the street Kimberly: I wanna make them fined heavily😈 Sierra: Well let's hope they get caught by the police:‑c:‑c:‑c😈😈
Kimberly and Sierra are livid about smokers in public space. Sierra's uncle is still a smoker despite a recently introduced cigarette tax.
Karen: Hi John, it's me, lost my phone Karen: On my way home, don't worry. Text me if you've got this. I'll have this phone only for couple of minutes. John: Got it, go back home safely.
Karen lost her phone and is on her way home.
Tania: hi, wanna join us for some drinks tonight? Holly: sure Holly: us is who? Tania: hahaha, me, terry and lidia Holly: amazing, I haven't seen Lidia since the graduation Tania: you see?! great! Holly: we want to see a show in Broadway and then just go to brooklyn for some drinks Tania: I would skip the show, but join you for drinking :P Holly: ok, as you wish Holly: So I'll just text you when we're done Tania: Perfect Holly: we can meet at Kosciusko Av Subway station Tania: ok! Holly: good, talk to you later
Holly will join Tania, Terry and Linda for drinks tonight. They are going to see a Broadway show, but Holly just wants the drinks. They meet up at Kosciusko Av Subway station.
Pierre: remember not to drink too much Leon: relax big bro Pierre: i know, but i know you very well Leon: okay, i wont
Leon won't drink too much on Pierre's request.
Michael: Honey can you send me the picture of the shoes you chose online? Tia: yes sure honey here you go Tia: <file_photo> Tia: baby this is blue i want black color see if you can find it or tell me which colors are available then i will tell you. Michael: ok if they dont have black i will send you pics of other colors so you pick. Tia: ok honey love u
Michael wants Tia to send him the picture of shoes she chose online. He wants them in black. Tia will see if black ones are available and if not, what other colors can be chosen.
Andrew: Good morning, sir! How can I help you today? Tom: hey, yeah, so i got your phone yesterday Tom: and it doesnt work anymore Andrew: That is unfortunate. How can I help you in this situation? Tom: i want to give it back Andrew: Could you please explain what does not work? Tom: yeah, os i was playing with it and it somehoe got into the washimg machine and now doesnt work Andrew: So the reason why phone does not work is because it was in the washing machine, is that correct? Tom: yah, for like 2 hours or so Andrew: I am afraid I cannot help you. Would you maybe consider buying new phone? Tom: no, dude, it's new phone just doesnt work Andrew: Our warranty doesn't cover situations like that, I am sorry Tom: so now what Andrew: There is still a chance to make it work. Perhaps you could consider sending it to the repair shop. However, this service is not covered by our warranty as well. Tom: this warranty is useless Andrew: If you send your phone to the repair shop they might fix it Tom: allright, where can I do it? Andrew: There is one place in city-center, right next to the post-office. Tom: i try tomorrow but if it wont work i will never get your phone naymore Andrew: I am glad I could help, have a nice day!
Tom complains about his new phone. However, it does not work because it was placed in the washing machine, and the warranty does not cover such incidents. It might be repaired in a repair shop but Tom will have to bear the repair costs.
Naomi: I’m worried about you Samuel. What’s wrong? Samuel: I have some problems at work, but I mean REAL problems Naomi: Fire away! Samuel: My boss told me that I’ve exceeded the budget and I have to pay out of my own pocket Naomi: How much is it? Samuel: 20000 $
Samuel has problems at work - he's exceeded the budget and he has to pay 20000 $ out of his own pocket.
Nancy: Howdy, how y'all doin'? Tina: Is that a Texan drawl, girl? Nancy: Yes ma'am! Loving it out here! Tina: How's the job going? Kids behaving themselves? Nancy: Mostly! They laugh at my accent though! Tina: Well, they probably haven't met a Welsh person before! Nancy: No shit! They ask me to repeat everything! Best one is "Water", course, it's mostly "Waarderr" here! Tina: LOL. I'd love to hear that, you picked up the accent yet? Nancy: Nah, 21 years in Cardiff isn't easily removed! Tina: We're missing you here, the pub is quiet these days without your laugh! Nancy: Miss you too! I'm coming home in 6 weeks, though. Last fortnight I'm going travelling with 3 other Brits working here, a Geordie girl, a guy from Belfast and Annie, who's from Glasgow. Tina: My God, I'm so jealous! I bet they had even more trouble being understood out there! See you after your trip!
Nancy moved to Texas for work after living in Cardigg for 21 years. She can't get rid of her accent. She will come home in 6 weeks.
Steven: have you heard about the Davis trade rumors? Greg: who haven't? Greg: for the last couple of days that's the only thing they seem covering in the media Steven: not sure what to think about it Greg: he's a great player Greg: so we should be happy if we get him Steven: but at what cost? Steven: from what I read they prepared to give up almost everything for him Greg: he's a superstar Greg: I don't think they'll let him go for close to nothing Steven: I know but that's not the point Steven: we'll end up with LeBron, Davis and some subpar roleplayers/vets Greg: Magic should know what he's doing Steven: not so sure about that Steven: giving up Lonzo, Kuzma, Zubac and Ingram plus some picks just to get Davis seems a bit too much Greg: with both LeBron and Davis we should be able to attract more roleplayers and maybe a third superstar during free agency Steven: I hope you're right Steven: sometimes I have a feeling that people forget that you still play basketball with 5 players on the court not 2 Steven: no matter how good they are Greg: maybe but it's something beyond our control Greg: and having both Davis and James on the team would put us back in contention Greg: no matter how good LeBron is he won't win by himself Steven: maybe Steven: but I liked how they were developing young players Steven: it would be sad to see almost all of them gone in just one trade Greg: the trade still didn't happen so at the moment is pure speculation Greg: they can always trade him somewhere else Greg: just wait and see what happens
Steven and Greg are basketball fans. Their team's coach, Magic, is considering trading Lonzo, Kuzma, and Zubac for Davis. It might be a good addition to the team along LeBron.
Sophia: where were you last saturday Jacob: I was with Henry Sophia: Your parents were searching for you Jacob: I forgot to inform them
Jacob's parents were looking for him last Saturday. Jacob was with Henry, but he forgot to inform his parents.
Deborah: forgot the wallet Deborah: be right back Shawn: ok, hurry
Deborah forgot her wallet.
James: Have you heard what happened in Paris? :( Leah: I’ve just heard, dreadful :((( Sarah: I don’t get why someone could do such a thing Adam: Are you all right? Have you talked to Thomas? Sarah: I’m fine, I live in a different quartier. I’m safe at home. Sarah: I don’t know about Thomas, but I remember him saying that he’s going on a trip somewhere, so I’m pretty sure he’s not in Paris James: I just sent him a message. Leah: It’s all over the news, they don’t even know how many are dead Adam: BBC is saying that people are still trapped inside Adam: Sarah, really, please don’t go outside Sarah: I won’t, watching France 24. This is terrifying James: I can’t find any words for that :( Leah: BBC is reporting 70 casualties so far James: Thomas texted back, he’s safe in Normandy Adam: Oh thanks for that
70 people were killed in Paris. Sarah lives in Paris. Thomas went on a trip to Normandy.
Gregory: is Chris home? I have been calling and he does not respond Sara: hey Greg, he is taking a bath Gregory: for an hour?! Sara: he is probably watching netflix in there ;) Gregory: that bastard... tell him to call me when he is done please, it's urgent Sara: okey :)
Gregory has been trying to reach Chris. Chris has been taking a bath for a long time. Sara will tell Chris to call Gregory soon.
Jim: Are you ok? Ella: yes, why? Jim: I've just heard about the flooding Oscar: we are fine, sure Ella: there was evacuation, but our house was safe Ella: nothing happened Jim: did it hit Petra? Melinda: yes, they evacuated about 4000 tourists Melinda: and 11 people died in flash floods Melinda: so it was quite dramatic Jim: oh my god Jim: good you're fine guys Oscar: thanks for asking
There was a flooding which hit Petra. About 4000 tourists were evacuated and 11 people died in flash floods. Ella and Oscar are fine.
Carolyn: I’m so hype! Look, aren’t they gorgeous? Carolyn: <file_photo> Ann: Dope shoes! Where did you buy them? Carolyn: on the internet 😊 Mary: Cool!
Carolyn bought fantastic shoes on the internet.
Sam: is mum there? Sam: tell her i love her muchly Daisy: nope Daisy: and i will Daisy: should i tell dad? Sam: oh is dad in? Daisy: nope Sam: well then? Daisy: no one's in xcept for me Sam: loll bad times Daisy: il tell them that you love them when they get back Sam: i should have guessed what with you being on the comp Daisy: (rolls eyes) Daisy: im taking a break! Sam: sureeeeeeeeee Daisy: i am!! Sam: whatever... can we do a little experiment Sam: basically if i put you on restricted on fb, see if you can still tag me in a post ok? Daisy: ah okay Daisy: tell me when you're done Sam: ok try then Daisy: tagged you Sam: ok what can you see on my wall? Daisy: er everything Sam: ?! ok hang on Daisy: il check if i can see your photos Sam: and? Daisy: i can still see everything and your cover photos Sam: really? how bizarre? Sam: wait you can ony see 20 pics
Daisy will tell mom and dad that Sam loves them when they return. Sam is wondering if it is possible to tag her in a post if she restricts someone on fb.
Sam: happy birthday Zoe Zoe: thankyouu ^.^ ^.^ Sam: you're welcome :) Zoe: wow i didnt think youd remember Sam: why wouldn't i Zoe: i dont know Sam: how could i forget Zoe: ...
It's Zoe's birthday. Sam gives her wishes. Zoe didn't expect Sam to remember her birthday.
Emma: What groups did you take for IB? Sonia: There are two? :D Emma: The morning and afternoon Jill: 8 or 15:10, right? Emma: Exactly Sonia: Ah yes. The 15 one doesn't fit me so I had to take the morning one :( Jill: You, Emma? Emma: I don't know, I was thinking about the afternoon one... Jill: So let's just take that one :) Sonia: And leave me alone with the morning misery? :(
Sonia took 8 am group for IB. Emma and Jill want to take the 15:10 one.
Tiffany: Dennis, I'm sorry about yesterday, but I had... a pretty big deal come through. Dennis: It's OK, Tiff. Dennis: I really get that. Don't worry. Tiffany: I just baked a carrot cake, if you would like to come over, Dennis: A carrot cake? Dennis: I'll be there in 20 minutes! Tiffany: Haha! Great! I'm making tea then. :D Dennis: Oriental sencha? Tiffany: Duuuh! Dennis: I'll be in 10 minutes! :D Tiffany: <3
Tiffany apologizes for yesterday and invites Dennis over for cake. Dennis will be there in 10 minutes.
Jo: Hey, girls! Jo: Any interesting events for kids this weekend? Sue: I'm interested, too. Anna: There's the Christmas market in the city centre Anna: And some events at shopping centres I think Anna: You'd need to check their webs Jo: Christmas market... sounds nice :) Jo: Have you been? Anna: No, I haven't, but would like to go with the kids Sue: me too, actually Jo: Let's go, then Sue: I'm busy on Sunday all day Sue: Is Saturday ok? Anna: good for me Jo: I'm in too Jo: Let's meet at the old clock tower and we'll walk from then Anna: We can grab a dessert at the new cafe on our way Sue: Love you!! ;) Sue: Hot chocolate for me! Jo: So we've got it sorted! Jo: I will give you later, girls!
Anna, Sue and Jo will take the kids to the Christmas market on Saturday.
Chris: Should we go to the concert tomorrow? Anna: Is anybody else going? Chris: I think Lia and Isabel Anna: nice! I haven't seen them for a long time Chris: so should we go? Anna: yes, let's do it Chris: great! I'll write you more tomorrow morning Anna: ok!
Chris and Anna will go to the concert tomorrow. Lia and Isabel will probably be there too.
Jake: Were waiting in Senza if anything Josh: Oh I am at Sears Suzanne: Let's all go to Sears Jake: K
Jake and Suzanne are going to join Josh at Sears.
Inez: My dears, our evening inspired me to create this group conversation to plan further Food Evenings :) Inez: This is my proposal for the next one: <file_photo> Alicja: Wow, I will actually feel happy going to work thanks to this :D Gosia: Happy going to work and even happier leaving it haha Alicja: Just too bad that the time between 9 and 17 will be wasted :P Patrycja: I really liked our evening, even the pizza was delicious :) How did you girls like it? Inez: I loved it, Gosia really chose a great place :) Gosia: I am an expert at eating :D Alicja: Have you been to this restaurant Inez sent? Gosia: No, it is quite new. But I heard good opinions! :D Patrycja: And it fits with our theme of exploring world cuisines :) Alicja: First Italy, now Korea! :D Inez: So when could we do this again? Gosia: I am not sure, but we have to before the holidays! Patrycja: We should have less work in two weeks, we could go again on Wednesday? Alicja: Sounds good to me! Inez: Me too :D
Inez, Alicja, Gosia and Patrycja are planning next Food Evening. They loved the last evening. They will go to a restaurant proposed by Inez on Wednesday.
Alie: Where are my headphones? Nat: I don't know Alie: What do you mean 'I don't know'? I know that you are always using them when I'm out. Nat: I'm not! Alie: Where are they? Nat: I don't know! Alie: I'll kill you if you lost them. I swear I will! Nat: Stuff yourself! I have nothing to do with it. Alie: Your last chance. Where are they? Nat: The last time I repeat: I DON'T KNOW!!!! Alie: You'll regret that! Nat: Yeah... what would you do to me? I'm already all shaking with fear Nat: <file_gif> Nat: <file_video> Alie: You're hopeless! Start behaving your age! Nat: And your so serious. Just two years older than me and you think you're much better. Alie: I'm not that brainless as you! Nat: <file_gif> Alie: Get lost! Nat: With pleasure, sis :-)
Alie cannot find her earphones and she believes Nat has lost them. Nat frequently uses Alie's earphones.