Felicia: Are you still at the university? Jeremy: Yeah, I'm going to the library right now Felicia: Ok, just tell me if Johnson's book is available Jeremy: What happened again? Felicia: The library's site has been down for over 24 hours now and I can't check availability Jeremy: Ok, I'll ask, no prob
Jeremy is at the library. Library's website is offline. He will check if they have Johnson's book at Felicia's request.
Laura: Babes, are you up? :D Margot: Yup! Still 10?? Laura: (Y) Margot: Just coming from the train station now so might be a little late :) Just kidding, the door wouldn’t open, now I’m at Juan les Pins :D Okay so I might be only slightly later. Laura: OK, let me know when you're at the door :P I need to find a pharmacy on our way Margot: Sweet! Okay no worries! Don’t tell me your sick now as well?? Laura: No no, it is sth different :P Margot: Okay sweet! :) Laura: Where are you Margot? Margot: Like 2 mins away
Laura confirms that Margot is coming to the meeting and keeps asking her how long it will take.
Matthew: I'm picking you up at 5 p.m. Lisa: Ok Mark: Thanks!
Matthew will pick up Lisa and Mark at 5 PM.
Lyric: How old do you want to live to? Colt: One thousand years :D Lyric: why that long ? Colt: I want to be with my mom and dad :D Lyric: Dont you think they would die ? Colt: O yeah :/ Lyric: :p Colt: wbu? Lyric: I am fine with 60-70 Colt: What happens to us when we die ? :O Lyric: Idk :( Colt: neither do I Lyric: should we sleep now? Its already 1 a.m Colt: ok Gn
Colt wants to live up to 1000 years and Lyric up to 60-70.
Ross: what's the difference between flat white and cappuccino? Phoebe: no idea Chandler: I guess Monica will know! Monica: flat white is double espresso Monica: cappuccino is just one espresso Ross: interesting Ross: very very interesting Ross: thanks sis Monica: ha you're welcome
Monica explains to Phoebe, Chandler and Ross the difference between a flat white and a cappuccino.
Archie: hey Betty: hey Archie.. Archie: hope youve noticed ive always been your fan Betty:😊😊 yeah Archie: what about lunch tomorrow Betty: mmmh Archie: say yes please Betty: okay then Archie boy Archie: yees
Archie and Betty will have lunch tomorrow.
Gabriel: Hi guys! good news: Gabriel: <file_other> Isabella: that's quite amazing Nate: finally, he really should be impeached, such a disgrace for America Isabella: I agree, although I'm not sure it wouldn't be counterproductive Nate: what do you mean? Isabella: that his voters don't behave rationally, they are people believing in strange conspiracy theories, full of hatred etc. Nate: sure, but why doesn't matter? Isabella: I'm just afraid that as soon as the impeachment procedure starts, they would only consolidate around him claiming that it's a huge conspiracy against "American people" Isabella: and if he was impeached they would keep believing that he was stoped from making America great again by some evil people Nate: I get your point Gabriel: I am unfortunately afraid of it as well Gabriel: but it means that we have to wait till he really destroys this country completely, so the majority would be convinced he is evil or at least incompetent Nate: but it may be too late then, he's not only destroying this country but the whole planet Nate: think about the Paris Agreement Isabella: right, very sad Isabella: ok, there is some hope that the impeachment procedures would be conducted thoroughly presenting to the public all malpractices of this administration Isabella: especially the Russian story may be appealing to the conservative mind Gabriel: right, but as said - there are too many good reasons Isabella: but for that to happen we really need to convince some republicans and media Gabriel: and there is a question - who after Trump? According to the constitution I believe Pence should become the president Gabriel: and he's a real bigot, arguably worse then demoralised Trump, who after all doesn't care about most of the things apart from his ego Isabella: Yes, the moron Pence as president! this would be the end of the world as we know it
Isabella, Gabriel and Nate are in favour of an impeachment of president Trump. They are, however, concerned about the consequences and about who would be the next president.
Pam: Hey Adam how are. Where have you been Adam: Hey. I am good you tell. Nothing busy with work. Pam: I am good too. Have been waiting for your call, for a date night with you. Adam: Sorry sweety actually last week had been real busy. How about friday night. Pam: Oh, thats bad, sorry for friday night, its my mom birthday party. How about we go out on Saturday night. Adam: Thats nice, yeah sure for saturday night with a penalty. Pam: what i am asking whats the penalty..... Before hand i have to think about it. Adam: Its gonna be a tight hug with a sweet kiss.. hopefully its small one. Pam: Oh wow seems a great penalty.... but would answer only on Saturday night after dinner. Adam: Yeah sure would wait desperatly for an answer. See ya on Saturday honey. Tc Pam: yeah see ya dear. Tc
Adam has been busy for the last week. Pam and Adam will have a date on Saturday night. On Friday Pam is going for her mum's birtday party.
Mia: Mom, could you please send me a recipe for chicken stock? Joanne: You boil some water and then you add some carrots, some celeriac, parsley, 1 onion and a few chicken wings Joanne: And spices, of course. Mia: Mom, you know I'm just hopeless at cooking, you need to be more specific. Mia: How many carrots and chicken wings should I add? Do I add a whole celeriac or a part of it? Mia: What spices do I use? Joanne: Honey, I don't know, I eyeball everything. Joanne: You need salt, black pepper, allspice, bay leaves. Mia: Moooom Mia: What are the proportions of ingredients for 2 litres of water? Joanne: I've just made a chicken stock so I can send you a photo, if you want. Mia: Could you put all the ingredients into this blue metal bowl and then make a photo? Mia: It would help me estimate the size of vegetables that you used. Joanne: Sure, honey. Joanne: <file_photo> Mia: Thaks, mom! :) Joanne: Dad asks if you're having a date night with John. Mia: Yeah, why? Joanne: Dad says that you don't cook unless you have a date with John. Joanne: And he thinks that's not fair, that you should cook for your old father too. :) Mia: I wish he could see how much I'm rolling my eyes right now. :D
Mia's mum Joanne sends her detailed instructions on how to make chicken stock (water, carrots, celeriac, pasrley, onion, a few chicken wings and spices). Mia has a date night with John and wants to cook for him.
Vicki: Hey Kat! Vicki: I'm so tired, I don't know if I'll make it today. Kathleen: Hey Vicki! Kathleen: What happened? Kathleen: U partied hard? Vicki: Are you kidding... Vicki: I went to sleep at 10pm Kathleen: So you should be well rested. Vicki: I should. Vicki: But there was a loud party somewhere next door. Vicki: My ears are still ringing :/
Vicki is very tired and she does not know if she will make it today. She went to sleep at 10 p.m., but there was a loud party next door.
Ronald: Hey Steph, I'm in the store, which one should I take? Ronald: <file_photo> Stephanie: Are you talking about yourself or dad? Ronald: Well, both actually :D Stephanie: Dad has one similar to this green one Ronald: What about this? Ronald: <file_photo> Stephanie: This one is pretty ok! Is there a matching tie perhaps? Ronald: Let me check! Ronald: <file_photo> Stephanie: Perfect! So Dad is off your list then :D Ronald: Yes :D Stephanie: I think the grey one suits you best :) Ronald: Hmmm…I like the grey one too, but I was thinking about some perhaps livelier colour? Ronald: <file_photo> Stephanie: No way, then you'll be wearing it without my consent XD Ronald: <file_photo> Stephanie: Very sexy :D take this one!
Ronald is at the store. Stephanie advises Ronald what clothes he should buy for himself and Dad based on the pictures he sends her.
Lisa: did you go to the independence march? Pamela: I didnt Pamela: I decided to stay at home. Marie: I didnt either. Marie: did you? Lisa: I meant to, but changed my mind Marie: Why? Lisa: decided it could be too dangerous Lisa: so many people Lisa: possible riots Pamela: and they're not really about celebrating independence Pamela: but for political fight Marie: yes Marie: thats sad Lisa: :/
They didn't attend the march on Independence Day. The march celebrated right-wing ideas and could be dangerous.
Sue: can you pick the car up after work tomorrow please James: yes and pay? Sue: yes I will transfer the money in James: ok x
James will pick up the car after his work tomorrow. Sue already have sent him money.
Amanda: i hate my boss so much Wendy: i know Wendy: what's this time? Amanda: he told me i fucked report Amanda: and the next day he brought corrected one Amanda: and nothing was changed Wendy: dick!
Amanda hates her boss because he is not fair with her.
Rufus: Guess what Martha did Stella: She sat everything in fire? Rufus: Let's not get too carried away Stella: I'm pretty sure she pissed u off Rufus: <file_photo> Stella: LOL Rufus: She's crazy Stella: Did she leave u this note while u were away? Rufus: Nope, I had been in my room this whole time Stella: lol Stella: She's messed up Rufus: funny thing is, I had no idea I'm using her sugar Stella: Didn't she write which sugar is hers? So reckless of her ;P Rufus: Maybe she will Stella: And this message is RUDE. how did u react? Rufus: I dealt with it like neurotypicals do, I talked to her Stella: <file_gif> Stella: so proud of u Rufus: she seemed perplexed that we communicate face to face Stella: leaving notes is way more efficient Rufus: anyway, I'm pretty sure she's too socially awkard to know that she did sth strange Stella: are u telling me that leaving notes for someone who is present is strange? O_o Stella: <file_gif> Rufus: :D
Martha left a rude note for Rufus so he talked to her face to face about it.
Mario: Hi, group. I’m here! 💙 Patrick: Just landed as well :D Daniela: omg!! 885th festival!!! And you are still teaching with a smile, I really admire you ❤️❤️❤️ see you tomorrow 😘😘 Marta: See you tomorrow !!!! 😁😁😉 💙💙 Abdo: Wishing u double this number bro, god bless Vipin: Sir u are my biggest inspiration always want to learn from u Waiting for your India 🇮🇳 tour Mario sir Mario: I’ll be there next summer! <file_video> Mihai: What, not even four figures yet? I'm disappointed... 😊 Richie: Have fun Oreo but on a serious note, you are a true legend.. up you go to your 1000th festival and congress and that would be celebrated big time..congrats bro Babacar: respect Ieva: Can't wait to see you tonight! ❤️ Alina: Amazing! 😍
Mario is going on his 885th festival, which made him a legend and an inspiration for others.
Jane: Hey Stacy, can you go to the store for me? Stacy: Sure Mom. What do you need? Jane: Just a couple things, here's a list. Stacy: Is there anything else that you want me to pick up? Jane: No, I think that's all that I need. Stacy: Is there any other place you would like me to go to for you? Jane: If you can, could you pick up my prescription for me? Stacy: Sure, no problem. Is it ready? Jane: I think so. It should be. Stacy: Okay, I'll pick it up for you. Jane: Thank you so much xx
Stacy will go to the store and buy Jane a couple things. She will also pick up Jane's prescription.
Mike: back at the office? Paul: I still have one day of freedom left :D Mike: good for you!! Mike: than I won't bother you with office gossip :P Paul: spill!! Mike: Josh is leaving at the end of the month Paul: wuuuuuuuuuuuut Mike: no one expected that Mike: People thought he would get promoted rather than fired Paul: he was fired?!?! Mike: yeah Paul: thought he just left Mike: oh now, there's a mistery to it, too Paul: interesting
Paul has last day off work. Josh got fired although everyone thought he'd get promoted.
Ewa: I've just discovered that you need to speak Polish if you want to donate blood in Poland Emily: Really? How did you find out? Ewa: From a Brazilian friend that lives in Poland Ewa: She told me that even if you go with a translator they won't let you donate Ewa: Apparently there are some questionnaires you need to fill in Ewa: And you need to speak to the doctor Emily: That's absurd!
Ewa found out from her Brazilian friend that one needs to speak Polish to donate blood in Poland.
Jack: Hello teacher! Are we meeting in the evening? John: We are, what time? Jack: 20? John: Ok :)
John is Jack's teacher. They are supposed to meet in the evening at 20 o'clock.
Adam: My friend told me he saw Tim with a guy. Nate: And? Adam: <file_photo> Nate: omg Julia: Yeah, what a shocker Adam: ??? You knew?! Julia: I thought everyone knew Nate: I had no idea Nate: Did he tell you anything? Julia: That he’s gay? God no Adam: Why didn’t you tell us? Julia: First: I assumed you knew Julia: Second: Why would I? it’s not my business Nate: I think he should’ve told us ;/ not cool Adam: yeah, I made a completely idiot out of myself defending him Julia: Against whom? I’m not surprised he didn’t tell you Nate: Well, it’s not fair, we’re his friends Julia: And? Does it change anything?
Julia knew Tim was gay, while Adam and Nate didn't.
Susan: Hey homies, what was the thing we had to prepare for tomorrow's economy class? Nick: We had to prepare something? xD Susan: I'm asking you! xD I recall professor said we had to do something, but I don't have any notes that says what xD Jay: Screw it. She won't remember about it. Even if she will, we just convince her that this wasn't us and she just mistaken our group for different one. Susan: Yeah sure :/ And you think it will work? Jessica: <file_photo> I have something like this in my notes Jessica: I think she just wanted us to read the chapter from the copy she had given us. Susan: Thank you Jessica! Jessica: No problem. ;) Jay: Fuck it. I'm at the party anyway. Susan: And they say it's the level of education that is deteriorating... Jessica: Hahaha :) :) :)
Jay and Susan can't recall the homework for tomorrow's economy class. Most probably, the professor wanted the students to read the text she had given them. Jay won't read it as he is at a party.
Kate: How do you feel about skiing next week? Misty: Not bad, I have some time Bob: Skiing, for sure! Count me in Kate: Should we go same mountain as last time? Conditions are great and they have rooms! Misty: uu, I love that mountain let's do this Bob: See you there! call me with room details!
Kate, Misty and Bob will go skiing next week.
John: Do you have any spare blankets, pillows or basically anything? Clara: I'm afraid not, why? John: I'm going to the shelter today, I was just wondering that maybe you have something you can donate Clara: Unfortunately no, maybe next, ok? I'll my friends as well John: Great, thanks!
Clara doesn't have any spare blankets, pillows or anything else to donate to the shelter today. She'll ask her friends and she might have something next time.
Barb: Jason when you get home dad and I want to talk to you. Jason: What have I done wrong now? Barb: You'll find out when you get home. When are you coming back? Jason: Probably never.
Barb and dad want to talk to Jason when he gets home. Bark wants to know when Jason is coming home. Jason doesn't want to come home.
Charity: hey Joyce: hey Charity: is the HOD in yet? Joyce: who is this? Charity: i'm her student Joyce: well okay, he was here but he left for a while Charity: okay then Joyce: check him later
Charity wants to know if HOD is in but he has already left.
Nick: Please listen to this and let me know what you think! Nick: <file_other> Julia: That's great song! Julia: Thank you! Julia: You've just made my day a lot better! Nick: No problem. I'm glad I could share it with you!
Nick sends Julia a song to ask for her opinion and she really likes it.
Henry: Do you know what happened to cafe Kohaku? Julia: The one near Covent Garden? Henry: Yeah. I wanted to reserve a table, but I can't find them anywhere. Their Facebook page disappeared. Julia: I'm afraid they're closed :( Henry: For good?! Julia: Afraid so. I've been there last week and wanted to take my cousin there, but the place's empty Julia: Probably the rent was too high. Henry: Oh no, I loved that place Julia: Me too. I checked online for the owners and contacted them, but they haven't replied yet. I hope they will reopen somewhere else Henry: Unless they do it far away, the location was perfect. It was a real gem in this touristy district Julia: I know, I know... We went the Lilly's in the end, my cousin and I, but it's not the same Henry: Eh, that's a pity then, I was so looking forward to their brownie Henry: How was the Lilly's? Julia: It's all right, it's a different vibe though. I think you should go to the Japan Centre for the same Henry: Uhm, don't think so. It's always awfully crowded and there are more tourists than normal people like us
Julia was at cafe Kohaku near Covent Garden last week, but it's closed down now to her and Henry's surprise. She contacted the owners, but they haven't replied yet. Henry and his cousin went to the Lily's in the end, but it had a different vibe.
Nina: Merry Xmas Karen! Karen: Thanks Nina! Merry xmas to you too! :) Karen: Where are you spending xmas? Nina: at my parent's home Karen: In Wrocław? Nina: yes, near Wrocław. Nina: Happy New Year! Nina: What are your plans for the eveneing? Karen: Thx! Happy NY to u 2! Karen: we're going to a restaurant with friends. Karen: & u? Nina: Home, with Luke and Ben. Quiet evening. Karen: Have a nice evening then! Nina: And you have fun! Karen: Thx! Karen: Hi, I'm coming to Wrocław next weekend for a workshop. Karen: Coffee? Nina: Of course! Karen: Saturday evening? Nina: Yes!
Nina is spending Christmas at her parents' home near Wrocław. Karen is going to a restaurant with friends, whereas Nina will be at home with Luke and Ben for the New Year. Karen is coming to Wrocław for a workshop next weekend and she will meet Nina on Saturday evening for a coffee.
Elise: <file_photo> Elise: my brother's new girlfriend... :( Svante: hahaha dont worry Elise, he seems happy ;) ;) Paula: <file_gif> Paula: how old is she? Elise: dont know... looks 40 acts like 13...
Elise's brother has a new girlfriend. Elise doesn't like her.
Jean: How's your grandma? Sienna: a little better Jean: that's good news! Sienna: yeah but the doctors say she can't live alone Jean: What are you gonna do? Sienna: My mum is probably gonna move in with her Jean: always better to have someone from the family Sienna: I know but still it's just temporary cause she needs to get back to work Jean: and then? Sienna: I am gonna help but I need to work to, well I guess I need to start looking for some help Jean: there is a huge market for these services so it should be no problem Sienna: I'd rather have someone recommended still Jean: I will let you know when I hear of sth :* Sienna: thanks.
Sienna's mum is probably gonna move in with her grandma as she can't live alone. Sienna is gonna help too but they need some help. Jean will let her know if she hears of someone.
Liam: Are we going to Puerto del Rosario tomorrow? Tony: This is the last opportunity for us Jack: we're planning to leave at 8 Liam: ok!
Tony and Jack are leaving for Puerto del Rosario tomorrow at 8.
Luke: did u know they cancelled Daredevil for season 3 Cage: what do you mean Luke: i mean on Netflix Cage: are you kiddin Luke: NO Cage: why?? Luke: how would i know -_-
Luke tells Cage that Netflix cancelled Daredevil for season 3.
Sarah: did you hear the record store on anderson rd is closing? Vince: NO WAY!!! Vince: REALLY?!??!?! Sarah: yes, i'm on their mailing list and they just announced it Sarah: they say business is bad and they can't afford the rent Vince: that sucks Vince: it's the only place in town where you can find punk and heavy metal vintage records Sarah: the email said they're going to use kickfunder to raise funds to keep the store open Vince: i doubt that'll work Sarah: don't be such a pessimist! Vince: you're right, let's hope for the best Vince: online campaigns have worked in the past Sarah: i hope this one does :-) Sarah: it would be a shame is the store closes
The record store on Anderson Rd. is about to close. There will be a fundraiser to keep it open.
Jim: there are some cheap flights advertised Jim: in January Lane: What date Jim: 15-24 Matt: I'm away on 15th & 16th Matt: Can you find something later on? Jim: there is one on 20th Matt: That'd be fine Matt: What time does it land? Jim: 8:15pm Matt: Ok, I can pick you up Jim: Lane, are you okay with 20th Lane: sure, no problem Jim: thanks Jim: so I will see all of you soon Lane: can't wait Jim: me too Matt: bring me a few bottles of foreign goodies ;) Jim: will do
Jim found cheap flights to visit Matt and Lane. He is flying in on the 20th, landing at 8:15pm. Matt will pick him up.
James: Amelia said that one of our lecturers in philosophy had an art exhibition (!). It opens tomorrow! James: I'm talking about this guy who taught us ethics. James: Amelia recommends it :D Mia: No way...! :D Professor Evans and art exhibition :D What has happened to this world? Mia: But you know what? I would actually like to see it! :D James: ME TOO, of course! :p Can Amelia go with us? Mia: To the exhibition or to the exhibition and to the cinema? You remember that we have plans for tomorrow...? James: both James: yes, I do Mia: ok James: Are you mad at me? James: Babe, the fact that I suggested that we might go out with Amelia doesn't mean that I don't value time that we spend together, just the two of us. Mia: I know, I said ok. James: Are you sure you're fine with this? Mia: Yup. :) Mia: I just don't know her very well, it's gonna be stressful for me. James: :) But you know me, don't you? Mia: Maybe I do :D James: Really, there's nothing to worry about. Amelia is quite laid-back and likable. ;) James: Afterwards we can go to my place and hang out, cuddle and so on... :* Mia: Sounds good :) :* James: So we're good, right? Mia: Right. ;)
James and Mia want to go to an art exhibition tomorrow. James wants Amelia to go with them but Mia isn't sure about it. James and Mia will go to his place afterwards.
Ivan: hey eric Eric: yeah man Ivan: so youre coming to the wedding Eric: your brother's Ivan: yea Eric: i dont know mannn Ivan: YOU DONT KNOW?? Eric: i just have a lot to do at home, plus i dont know if my parents would let me Ivan: ill take care of your parents Eric: youre telling me you have the guts to talk to them XD Ivan: thats my problem Eric: okay man, if you say so Ivan: yea just be there Eric: alright
Eric is not sure whether to go to Ivan's brother's wedding as he has lots to do at home. Ivan will talk to Eric's parents.
Zelma: Good morning mama! how are you doing? dad has just texted me you're on the train Gwendolen: Good morning darling! How are you?? Gwendolen: We're fine, only jet-lagged. I've just caught up on a nap now on the train. Zelma: I feel great, the twins are doing fine, a bit to active at times Zelma: and my breasts are like balloons! Gwendolen: Lovely! I always had also plenty of milk for you. Gwendolen: I'm so happy I'll be here when you are giving birth. Like last time. Zelma: this time we want water birth, already ordered a midwife and a tub Gwendolen: Oh please no! Aren't you too old for experiments? Zelma: Mam! I decide how I'm down with the twins. Gwendolen: Not down with the twins but giving birth to the twins! Zelma: mama please, don't start! Zelma: Mike and me have decided, we don't need to have your consent any more Gwendolen: you are irresponsible and selfish. Mark my words! Zelma: mam please! and you can be with us all the time! Mike will be filming the whole thing Gwendolen: oh not! can't believe it Zelma: it will be fine mother, you will love it
Gwendolen will be here for when Zelma's twins will be born. She does not agree with her daughter's choices around the birth, but Zelma states she does not need consent.
Joseph: Honey, did we need anything from the shop? Suzy: I think we're out of eggs? I'm not home now, so I can't check... Joseph: Oh OK. And what's for dinner? Suzy: Sorry, Joe, I've been so busy... :( Joseph: Don't worry about it, let's just get a pizza today Suzy: Yay, you're the best! Love you! Joseph: Love you too :*
Suzy doesn't know what Joseph should buy in the shop. They will get a pizza today.
Seb: guys any idea for cooking? Steve: wow, you and cooking. wtf??? Anton: first time in your career Conrad: yeah, he's trying to get rid of Ann pbbly Seb: you know what, fuck off
Anton and Conrad are surprised by Seb cooking.
Aryana: Hiya, are we having Denise tomorrow? Sandra: I think so if that's ok? Aryana: Yeah I just need to know what time Sandra: I am meeting someone in the morning, so maybe from 12? Is that ok? Aryana: That's fine. Sandra: Let me check with Ida if we are still meeting first to make sure Aryana: I'm in the bus though so I'll need to know soonish… Sandra: How come? Aryana: I need to pick up some holly from Eva's house Sandra: ??? Aryana: She has some for me and if I have Denise tomorrow I'll go round tonight Aryana: when I come off the bus Sandra: aha, give me a minute. Sandra: She's not picking up, so maybe assume we are meeting? Aryana: Ok, I'll go around Eva's now then Sandra: Do you need a hand? I can drive if easier? Aryana: No don't worry, you've got the kids Sandra: OK, but let me know if you need anything, I can pick it up tomorrow if you want? Aryana: Its ok, I'll go now, I'm sure Eva wants rid of it by now! Sandra: Cool. So I'll drop denise off around 12? Aryana: Yeah good, I won't be there but James is happy to have her Sandra: brilliant, thanks so much Aryana: no probs, they'll be fine! they had a great time last time! Sandra: I know, Denise is still talking about it! Aryana: that's cute. so is James! Aryana: I'm at my stop, see you tomorrow! Sandra: XX
Aryana will pick up some holly from Eva. Sandra will drop Denise off at 12 tomorrow and James is happy to have her, just like the last time.
Piper: Hellooo Piper: I have been so busy Natasha: That's life ;) Piper: Time for a quick call now? Natasha: Just give me 5 minutes ;) Piper: Ok
Natasha is free in 5 minutes for a call with Piper.
George: hi, everything working over there? Ezra: yeah, thanks a lot for help, this software is driving me nuts George: no prob, man, anytime
Ezra is driven crazy by a software but grateful for Ezra's help.
Becky: Ladies are you going to the beach? Erin: We are going for a massage :woman-getting-massage::skin-tone-3: Erin: Then infinity pool later Becky: Ooo nice! Becky: What time are you heading to the pool? I think Fred and I are thinking of getting there at 3 Eva: are guys you driving there? If yes, can I and Vic squeeze in the trunk? :) Erin: Prob around 3 also! Becky: I think so but we have to see which one we’re going to cause one of them supposedly is too steep to drive up Eva: isnt it The last 100 metres that is too steep to drive? Either way, we're up for anything :wink: Becky: Honestly there’s one that you can drive up and the other we’d have to park and walk up, but I have no idea where they are or which one people are going to lol Irene: yea what is the infinity pool place called? can’t find this info anywhere Eva: Hotel Vista de Olas Summer: It really easy to find. Just look for the sign along the left side of the road. Only took Alex and I like 20 minutes to walk there yesterday. It’s not super steep but the road seems like it would be really hard to drive on because of pot holes Irene: Thanks thats good to know! Don’t want to risk it with the car - so will prob just park close to the bottom.
Becky will give Eva and Vic a ride to the infinity pool. Summer gives Irene directions to Hotel Vista de Olas.
Maggy: What time are you waking up tomorrow? Henry: We're leaving home at 7 Henry: So I guess I'll wake up at 6 Maggy: Wow! I didn't think it would be so early Maggy: But of course it's better to be there earlier than later Henry: Yeah... cause at the underground station were going to there are really few parking places Henry: and theyre taken quickly during rush hours Maggy: Oh yes! I remember you told me once about this problem with parking places Henry: Btw how are u? Maggy: Im extremely tired... apart from that I dont really know Maggy: What about u? Maggy: Will you be able to sleep tonight? 😜 Henry: I sure hope so! Henry: Wish me good luck!
Henry will wake up at 6 am tomorrow. They are leaving home at 7, since there are few parking places at the underground station.
Betty: Guys, I'm ill, won't make it today Nate: Poor you :( Charles: No worries, we'll go next week as well! Laura: Get well soon dear, let me know if you need anything <3
Betty can't come today.
Carl: are you planning to buy anything on black friday? Douglas: so many things Carl: what then? Douglas: TV, vacuum, some external hard drive probably Carl: that's quite a long list Douglas: how about you? Carl: well I am hunting for new TV as well... Douglas: got anything particular selected? Carl: i was thinking about Philips Douglas: because of ambilight? Carl: yeah, this feature is dope, I saw it at Matthew's and i instantly wanted it haha Douglas: i feel you, I am looking at the same models probably haha Carl: 55 inch screen? Douglas: only 50, our living room is not as big as yours
Douglas and Carl are going to buy TVs on Black Friday. In addition, Douglas wants to buy a vacuum cleaner and an external hard drive.
Paul: <file_photo> Paul: Fuck me, I’ve listened to May’s address today and I feel like she’s currently number one on the list of politicians I despise Matt: Mmm haven’t heard it yet. What does she say? Anton: She’s the embodiment of the will of the British people Anton: So she can’t be sacked Paul: She can’t be sacked not only because she’s the personification of the iron will of the Island Race Paul: But also because renegotiation might be needed, new PM wouldn’t be able to make it before March deadline (idk why) Anton: Basically, there’s no Brexit without her! Anton: So she must stay and steer us through the no-deal fiasco she Herself Is Working On So Hard Anton: I agree with Paul that it was the most bizarre, ridiculous thing Anton: 🤮🤮🤮 Matt: One of the weirdest things is that people criticise her for many things but then when the moment of praise comes (and it always does, fuck knows why) it’s for her RESILIENCE Matt: As if it was inherently positive Matt: I somehow can’t recall any world leader mentioned in history books because of this singular quality Anton: I feel like Fidel and Nicolas Maduro have been praised for the same thing Anton: Your memory is failing you my friend Matt: 🤣🤣🤣 Paul: lmao Anton: But hey, we’re losing our time here chatting away while the British Pound sinks deeper and deeper Anton: We should be buying dollars 🤑 Matt: We should be buying EUROS Paul: <file_other> Paul: We should be buying BOLÍVARES Matt: LOOOOL
Matt, Anton and Paul are discussion their dislike of Theresa May and her negotiations regarding Brexit.
Luke: Ryanair to cancel flights affecting 400,000 more passengers. So unlucky Erin! Erin: touched me as well finally 😩😩😩😩 Now they screw all my plans to go to Egypt... Luke: You’re not the only one Erin: Good to know that my feelings are shared with other 399,999 people 😩 Nathan: Relevant news story for everyone to consider: Elijah: I’m lucky for now, none of my 2 flights have been cancelled 🙏 Erin: That’s not a good moment to brag 🙈 Ava: I think we were all unlucky with the ryanair fiasco... Elijah: not me... yet… my 2 flights are confirmed for now Luke: I’ve booked another flight with easyjet 🙂 Ava: I hope they can at least send me a voucher 😑 Erin: They will... Have faith...
Ryanair has canceled many flights. This affected Erin, Luke and Ava.
Rodger: is everything ok with you? Tobias: yes, don't worry Walter: it looked pretty serious Tobias: it's just side effect of my meds
Rodger and Walter are worried about Tobias, but he calms them that it's just side effect of his meds.
Mary: Honey would u buy some fruits? Tom: Sure. What do u need? Mary: Maybe some oranges, apples and pineapple. Mary: Your parents want to visit us today. Mary: I have to prepare some dessert for them. Tom: I see. Tom: Is there any wine at home? Tom: Maybe I should buy some too? Mary: Good idea! Tom: Red or white? Mary: I want to serve fish for dinner so white on will be better :) Tom: Ok Tom: Do u need sth else? Mary: Nop, that's all, thx!
Mary asks Tom to buy some fruits for dessert as his parents are visiting them. He'll also buy white wine to match the fish served for dinner.
Martin: short break now? Fred: ok Martin: so in the kitchen in 5 mins? Fred: give me 10 Martin: ok
Martin and Fred will meet in the kitchen for a short break in 10 minutes.
Claudia: You know what? I saw Martin today. Kate: Really? Was he alone? Claudia: Not exactly. Kate: :( Claudia: He was walking with his dog :) Kate :O
Claudia saw Martin today. He was walking his dog.
Marsha: Guys, we've planned the trip with John last night as we promised Cynthia: great, thank you for that Marsha: but of course you have to agree on that Mohammad: sure, but I really trust you Gavin: me too Marsha: so as we decided last time, we will spend a week just on the beach Marsha: we all wanted some calm, nice place, right? Gavin: yes!!! Marsha: John found this little hotel in Nosy Be Marsha: <file_photo> Marsha: and their website: <file_other> Marsha: it's quite basic the website, but it may actually be a good sign Gavin: I love it! Cynthia: it seems just perfect Marsha: I know Marsha: it's more expensive than hotels on the mainland Marsha: but it seems to be the most beautiful place in Madagascar Mohammad: so let's go there, it's still cheaper than Italy for example Marsha: exactly!
Marsha and John planned the trip. They will spend a week on the beach with Cynthia, Mohammad and Gavin. They will all stay in a hotel in Nosy Be.
Dominik: hi! I'm looking for a computer Marek: Good afternoon! I am glad to be your adviser. What are we looking for? Dominik: I want to get a computer for my girlfriend Marek: What will be main purpose of it? Dominik: it's because she has a birthday soon Marek: No, I meant how she will use her computer Dominik: Oh, sorry :D. She's a graphic designer, so mostly she's going to draw someting, maybe a bit of 3D modelling Marek: No worries :). So the graphic card is importand, also the hard drive plays an important role. And good quality monitor is a must Dominik: yes, also she is playing guitar, so some good audio card and speakers would be nice Marek: I am sure we can find something suitable. Please give me a moment so I can complete your offer Dominik: sure Dominik: hello? Dominik: helloooo??? Marek: Thank you for waiting. I have prepared 3 setups, cheap, medium and fully equipped one Marek: <file_photo> Marek: <file_photo> Marek: <file_photo> Dominik: wow, they all look cool, but quite pricy, especially the last one Marek: As you can see the prices are not so different, but compare specification of the first and third one. There is better grapic card, SSD drive - very important nowadays, and the biggest monitor we have in our shop Dominik: I will have to think about it, thank you for your help Marek: Come back to us whenever you are ready, our online consultants are working 24/7 for you. Have a nice day!11
Dominik wants to buy a computer as a birthday gift for his girlfriend, who is a graphic designer and plays the guitar. Marek comes up with three suitable offers.
Jane: It was nice to work together today! Lori: Indeed Lori: It’s a pity we haven’t come across each other earlier Lori: It was really productive Jane: Would you like to join our team? Lori: That would be amazing! Jane: I’ll talk to my manager tomorrow. Jane: But I’m sure she won’t mind. Jane: We work twice as fast with you on board! Lori: I would prefer to work with you Lori: I’m a bit bored with the other team Lori: Your tasks seem more challenging Jane: Sometimes too challenging!! ;-) Lori: I’ll need to talk to my manger as well.
Jane and Lori worked effectively together. Lori wants to join Jane's team. Jane will ask her boss if it's doable. Lori will ask hers. Lori finds her current team's assignments too easy.
Madeline: do you have a lipstick with you? Lane: three ;) Madeline: including the pink pink one? Lane: no :(
Lane has three lipstick with her but not the pink one.
Stephanie: have you heard about that new movie? Victor: which one? Stephanie: uhh... I can't remember the name Stephanie: the superhero one Victor: Steph... there are so many of those these days Victor: I literally saw three trailers the last time I went to the movies Stephanie: ok, ok, I mean the one with a female lead Victor: Captain Marvel? Stephanie: oh yeah, that's the title! Victor: how do you forget a title like that tbh Victor: lol Stephanie: uhhh I DON'T KNOW okay... Stephanie: my memory isn't the greatest Victor: well... if you couldn't remember THAT... you might be right, haha Stephanie: ANYWAY Stephanie: what I wanted to say was Stephanie: I'm kind of really excited about this?? wow Victor: I guess it does sound like a cool idea? Victor: idk, I'll wait until I've seen it, hard to have an opinion before that Stephanie: you're saying that bc you're a guy Stephanie: there's so many male superheroes, but women? Stephanie: I mean ok there are SOME but... this is big Victor: yeah I suppose youre point of view would be different Victor: I get it Victor: wanna see it together when it comes out? Stephanie: I was hoping you'd ask!
Victor and Stephanie will see Captain Marvel together when it comes out.
Jude: I'm so lonely. Robin: Want me to come over? Jude: No. It's not that. Robin: So what is it? Jude: I mean lonely like I have no one to care for. Robin: What about ur bf? Jude: Broke up with him 6 mths ago. Robin: Sry to hear that. Jude: I'm over him now, but I don't want to be alone. Robin: Isn't it time to put yourself out there again? Jude: I don't think I want to go out to parties and find casual bfs. Robin: What about clubs? Jude: What clubs? Robin: U surely have hobbies, right? Jude: Yeah? Robin: Y not join a club? Like a book club? Pedicure club? Jude: Nah. Not my kind of thing. Robin: Maybe ask one of ur friends to hook u up? Jude: Tried it once. Lost a friend. Robin: How? Jude: Well, Kim hooked me up with this guy she thought would be ideal 4 me. Robin: And what happened? Jude: I went on a date with him. It was mostly fun, but there was something weird about him. Robin: So what happened? Jude: Well, he tried forcing himself on me. Robin: He wanted to rape u?! Jude: No! But he thought that since I went out with him I was obliged to have sex with him. Robin: Geez. Some guys. Jude: I know.
Jude feels lonely. She is over her boyfriend. She is not keen on popular ways of finding the next partner, neither going to parties, clubs nor on blind dates. Robin is being helpful and empathetic.
Sarah: that movie was good Chandler: i told you so Sarah: yeah i had no idea i would like it so much Chandler: and you kept saying you don't see movies like these Sarah: i know Chandler: next time, whenever i pick a movie you have to watch it Sarah: yeah all your choices turn out great -_- Chandler: won you over didn't i xD Sarah: yeah no im not gonna fall for that xD Chandler: wth xD Sarah: beisdes, most of your favorite movies ARE boring Chandler: you're saying justice league is boring Sarah: here comes the geek :p Chandler: theres nothing geek about this :/
Sarah really liked the movie chosen by Chandler. Sarah claims that Chandler's favourite movies are boring.
Jude: Where is your wallet I cannot find it anywhere Faith: I took it with me Jude: Why? I need your credit card to pay the bills
Jude needs Faith's credit card to pay the bills.
Keifer: Finally, a decent game to watch! Mark: as a falcons fan i have to root for pittsburg, we are batling for playoff spot Mike: falcons vs saints, Rams vs saints, Rams vs packers... where u been? Been some good games this year Michael: Mike Anthony he's talking about on TNF lol Canh: Let’s go Steelers!!!! Jeff: Exactly what I was going to say. 😂😂 Cha: Keifer Marr was thinking the same thing. Alan: Best Thursday day night game Pabo: sad . . 28 teams that keep trying to lose every week Pete: Decent? It's a laugher....
There's a recent sports match that Keifer considers good. Mike, Michael, Jeff, Cha, Alan and Pete have varying opinions about how good the game is.
Skyler: have you bought a bouquet for grandma? Luca: no...? Skyler: Lu, it's her birthday!! i've bought her a present and you were supposed to buy some flowers Skyler: we had a deal!! Luca: oh shoot, i've totally forgotten about it!
Skyler and Luca's grandma has a birthday. Skyler has bought her a present, but Luca has forgotten about flowers.
Madeline: Just won at EuroJackpot! Ava: yeah of course you joker Madeline: I did Madeline: Not millions Ava: how much???? Madeline: But a couple of hundred euros Ava: hope you're not lying to me! Madeline: I'm not, I'm inviting you to a dinner 😀 Ava: you mean fancy dinner 💃 Madeline: It's on me! Ava: damn you're so lucky!!!!! Ava: lets celebrate 🙌 Madeline: Tonight at 6 is fine? Ava: at 6 then, but come pick me up Madeline: Awesome Madeline: Be prepared to be amazed Madeline: Better wear a nice dress and high heels Ava: whats goin on Ava: in this case i gotta go make myself looking posh and all Madeline: Okay see you tonight!
Madeline won a few hundred euros at EuroJackpot. She and Ava will eat at an elegant restaurant at 6 to celebrate it.
Barb: Hey, does anyone know if Vietnamese spring rolls should be heated? <file_photo> Luke: no Jo: Nope, they are served cold Barb: OK, thank you!
Luke and Jo inform Barb that Vietnamese spring rolls shouldn't be heated.
Lena: Hi, do you have amixer at home? Gus: Blender, si. Lena: Does it have a mixing option? <file_photo> Gus: <file_photo> Lena: its only a blender unfort... :) Gus: So I don't :) but there was somewhere this eggbeater, manual :D Lena: hehe
Lena needs a mixer, but Gus only has a blender and an eggbeater.
Jackson: Hey, here's the album I was talking about. Jackson: <file_other> Gaby: Sweet, thanks man. Can't wait to listen to it.
Jackson sends Gaby an album.
George: Kayle is saying George: That he wont be back until next week Kayla: You know exactly when Kayla: hes back? George: probably 13th xd George: I don't feel like him being back Kayla: I know haha Kayla: Never washes his dishes George: never cleans up after him Kayla: Not the worst roommate tho George: xd George: Defo better than Ava Kayla: That girl was Kayla: Just horrible George: Kayle buys us food sometimes tho Kayla: That is true Kayla: There are good things and bad things about him Kayla: His room is still a mess since he moved in Kayla: And its almost the end of the year haha George: Jesus
George lets Kayla know what Kayle will be back probably on the 13th. George doesn't miss him as Kayle is a tough roommate, yet still he's better than Ava.
Dominic: hey :) i've signed up for pole dancing classes Dominic: i can sign you up too, if you like :) Max: ?? Max: man, it's too gay for me Dominic: oh, come on, it's 21st century Dominic: nothing is "too gay" Dominic: and pole dancing is really physically demanding, it's just a very intense workout Max: i'll pass, thanks Dominic: as you wish
Dominic has signed up for pole dancing classes. Max won't join him. He thinks it's too gay.
Emma: I’ve just fallen in love with this advent calendar! Awesome! I wanna one for my kids! Rob: I used to get one every year as a child! Loved them! Emma: Yeah, i remember! they were filled with chocolates! Lauren: they are different these days! much more sophisticated! Haha! Rob: yeah, they can be fabric/ wooden, shop bought/ homemade, filled with various stuff Emma: what do you fit inside? Lauren: small toys, Christmas decorations, creative stuff, hair bands & clips, stickers, pencils & rubbers, small puzzles, sweets Emma: WOW! That’s brill! X Lauren: i add one more very special thing as well- little notes asking my children to do something nice for someone else Rob: i like that! My sister adds notes asking her kids questions about christmas such as What did the 3 wise men bring? etc Lauren: i reckon it prepares them for Christmas Emma: and makes it more about traditions and being kind to other people Lauren: my children get very excited every time they get one! Emma: i can see why! :)
Emma and Rob love the advent calendar. Lauren fits inside calendar various items, for instance, small toys and Christmas decorations. Her children are excited whenever they get the calendar.
Linda: Charlie! I can't find the small knife. The one with a yellow handle. Charles: ups. I needed it in the garage. Linda: Just great! Charles: I'll bring it home when I'm back form work. Linda: Sure, and you will peel potatoes and cook us a dinner as well! :P
Charles took a knife that Linda needs to the garage. Charles will bring it with him when he gets home from work.
Thomas: I'm buying a ticket to Paris, when are you flying? Hunter: 26 Dec Evan: I am flying 27 Dec, I bought it quite late, there were no cheap flights on 26 any more Thomas: I've just found a flight for €25 Evan: shite! how? Thomas: skyscanner Evan: Ryanair? Thomas: of course Evan: ok, with the luggage etc, it will be more than 50 Thomas: yup, but still cheap
Hunter is flying to Paris on Dec 26th, Evan on the 27th. Thomas has found a 25€ flight for the 26th. It will cost more than 50 with luggage.
Shiloh: Wow, did you hear they cast Henry Cavill as Geralt? Casey: Welp... I'm not feeling very positive about this casting Shiloh: I haven't really seen him in any roles, I don't watch many films or tv series, haha. Shiloh: But he doesn't really look like Geralt to me Casey: I've just checked the showrunner's twitter and still don't know what to think Casey: Feels like they only did that to have a big name playing the lead role lol Casey: To attract female audience, maybe Shiloh: I guess there's makeup and clothes... that may change a lot, maybe it'll actually work Casey: Who knows... I'm worried they'll butcher it, I really loved the game Shiloh: Me too, but I guess we've gotta wait until it's on Netflix Casey: Or until we know more about the rest of the cast :p Shiloh: Well, that too... Keeping my fingers crossed for Eva Green as Yen
Showrunner has announced on Twitter that Henry Cavill will play Geralt in Netflix series. Casey and Shiloh are unsure about the casting choice. Shiloh hopes Eva Green will play Yen.
Clark: Anyways, we were thinking about next holidays... Emma: ? Clark: <file_photo> Emma: Where's that? Clark: Samoa! Emma: Looks like paradise! Expensive, innit? Clark: Well, yes, the flight is the most expensive part. Emma: You think we can afford it? Clark: It's now or never.
Clark and Emma are considering Samoa as their next holiday destination, but the flight is expensive.
Joe: So, you're watching the film? Abigail: No, our mom is already asleep Mia: we're just watching The Good Place all by ourselves :) Joe: Ah, okay :)
Abigail and Mia are watching The Good Place.
Steven: You two should let Steve video you while you both have a shared dance with the same woman. :) Mario: Steve - let’s do this 😉 J Lin: Steven or just dance with each other Steve: Yes We could do with pleasure :-)
Mario and J Lin will let Steve video them when they dance with the same woman or with each other.
Joanna: I just bumped into Trevor Andy: Trevor as in your ex Trevor? Joanna: Trevor as in the love of my life 10 years ago Trevor Andy: Wow. How did he look? Joanna: Got a little fat. Andy: Fat is good. Joanna: And you could see a bold spot on the top of his head. Andy: Perfect! You win the breakup then? Joanna: Hell I do!
Joanna bumped into her ex boyfriend Trevor. Trevor got fat and bold. Andy and Joanna think she won the breakup.
Mike: Hello, is it possible to make a reservation for 10 people tonight? Diana: Hi, of course. What time? Mike: 7 Diana: OK. Please come 10 minutes earlier to confirm the reservation. Mike: Thank you, see you. Diana: See you.
Mike made a reservation for 10 people. He will come tonight at 6.50 pm in order to confirm the booking.
Adella: Hey!! So, for the longest time I've a crazy idea, that we should compose something together :D (Seeing as we both have Musescore, why not?) Basically, I would compose a few bars of music, then you, then me ect. What do you think? Rod: Great idea Adella: :D Rod: Have you composed something already? Adella: No! :P Wwould you like to start? We have different styles, but I don't mind adjusting to whatever you create. Rod: Okay, I can try :) I'm curious what we'll create. XD Adella: Oh, and I'm insisting on the rule: "I'll compose it when I compose it and send it when I send it". Sounds good? Rod: Sounds great! Obviously we're both so busy and this definitely doesn't take priority :) Rod: I'll probably only manage to get started on the weekend. Adella: That's alright - are you sure you're okay with starting? I don't mind. Rod: No, it's fine :) I want to. Adella: Great! :D See you on the other side ;)
Rod and Adella will compose a song together. They are both busy and Rod will start first at the weekend.
Thomas: What are you up to Page: Nothing, I came back to my hometown Thomas: Shit, I thought we will go out and have fun Page: next time, sweety
Thomas wants to meet Page. It's impossible, because she came back to her hometown.
George: Anyone has a copy we got during new media class? Mary: I think she send it to u anyway via email Clara: Did she? I don't have anything Mary: But you did go to the class so you should have one right? Clara: Indeed, I got one, but lost it as well George: I don't see it on my email too Mary: Cause it's been send to our group email George: Oh, gotcha! I see it now
Clara lost her copy from new media class. George found it on the group email.
Chris: Talked to the wife! Count me in as well! Bernie: That's so gr8! Like the old times! Marty: So what's the plan? Chris: Do you need a plan when there's beer involved? ;) Marty: Actually, no, but still, for the sake of it ;) Bernie: What time do you get off work? Chris: 5:30. Marty: 6:00. Bernie: Perfect! My place, 8:00? Marty: Gr8. How many beers? Bernie: 4? Chris: 4 per head per night? Isn't this a little too conservative? ;) Bernie: Nah, if every one of us brings 4 beers per person ;) Marty: Pizza? Bernie: Taken care of :) The pizza place will be expecting our call ;) Chris: And then what? Bernie: Chat a bit, watch a film, do wild stuff. The usual.
The meeting is at Bernie's place at 8. Everyone brings 4 beers. Bernie took care of the pizza.
Marcel: Dude.. if you keep sleeping in classes you will fail the exams! Jiovanni: Argh I know.. But I've been playing World of Warcraft and that game is just so life consuming xD Can't help it Marcel: Well you better get it together or else you are screwed xD Jiovanni: I not that far behind. I also study out of school you know.. unlike some people ahahah Marcel: That's because I pay attention during class xDD Jiovanni: Yeah yeah :p
Jiovanni is sleeping in classes because he has been playing World of Warcraft. Marcel warned Jiovanni that he may fail the exams if he won't study.
Ali: We should meet soon, guys Robert: why not even tonight? Andrew: I'm planned, sorry Irene: yes, for tonight is a bit too late for me Ali: Maybe Friday Irene: perfect, also Andrew is free I believe Andrew: I am Robert: good also for me!
Ali, Robert, Andrew and Irene will meet on Friday.
Victor: Do you think I can find batteries in the shop at the corner? Luke: I think so, they have a lot of stuff Victor: I don't have much time, I hope they'll have them. Thx! Luke: You're welcome my friend ;)
Victor needs batteries. Luke suggests checking the shop at the corner.
Lavy: hey Lavy: congrats btw. Lavy: everyone is proud of you. Tasha: thanks alot Lavy: the sky is the limit sasha, but God first Tasha: yeah, God always Lavy: take care anyway Tasha: you too and thanks
Lavy congratulated Tasha.
Tyler: Good morning! Ashley: Hello my dear Tyler: what do you want to do today? Ashley: i don't know, do you have any ideas? 😛 Tyler: Dinner movies and drink a little bit and see where it goes Ashley: ok 😉 Tyler: 😉 Ashley: i'm open to any ideas 😉 Tyler: ok we will drink a little bit and see 😉 Ashley: ;) Tyler: and what are you going to do now? Ashley: eat something, i need to write sth also and then i need to go to the uni for a while. but i will go to school probably just before going to your bus station Tyler: ok Ashley: do u know warsaw or not so much? Tyler: not at all. i was just there for one night Ashley: ok. so i will have to think of some place where to go, or maybe we will find sth Tyler: i think we will find something Ashley: ok Tyler: so go and do whatever you have to do and see you later Ashley: 😉 see you later
Tyler is seeing Ashley for drinks today. Ashley needs to write something and then go to the uni for a while. Tyler doesn't know Warsaw at all as he spent there one night only. Ashley will see Tyler later and they will find some place together.
Aurora: the daniel wellington watch you wanted is on sale right now, 50% off Ellie: Where??? Aurora: <file_other> Ellie: they don't have the silver one... just gold ones Aurora: ah sorry :( Ellie: no problem, thanks anyway!
The watch Ellie wanted is on sale but Ellie won't buy it because it's not silver.
Claudius: Hey everyone Claudius: So as we planned, we would like to go somewhere drinking this weekend Claudius: One night please xd Claudius: What about Bar Studio at the palace of culture? Klaudia: When? Claudius: Like this Friday maybe? Janek: Hmm I work Friday evening Klaudia: no you're not xd Klaudia: You just dont want to go with us xd Brett: You think... Brett: Bar Studio is great? I dont like that place that much xd Janek: Yeah idk Janek: Not my type of place either Janek: I would like to check out Gagarin Warsaw Klaudia: Lol Claudius: K I feel like we can't agree on a location Claudius: Lets just go with the flow then Brett: Thats what I always do Brett: Just go with the flow xd
Claudius, Klaudia, Janek and Brett would like to go for drinks this weekend. Claudius wants to visit Bar Studio, but Brett and Jacek are not fond of this idea. Claudius and Brett agree to choose a location spontaneously when they meet.
Nina: Already on the beach? Kim: of course! Bill: haha, yes, she forced me to wake up at 8 Nina: hahaha
Kim and Bill woke up at 8 to go to the beach.
Madison: Hey Will, what are you and Trina doing on Saturday? William: We wanted to go for a walk and see the illumination Madison: Oooh, it's this Saturday?? William: Yes, wanna come too? Madison: I was just about to propose a movie night but we could do both William: Sounds great, double date? Madison: Triple date, Josh and Hannah are free too, is that all right? William: Sure, the more the merrier :) Madison: What time do you wanna meet? William: 5? It's dark at 4 already but 5 might be better Madison: Great I will let everyone know William: <file_photo> Madison: woow, is that from last year? William: Yep. I love the illumination
William and Madison are planning to meet up for a triple date at 5 on Saturday to watch the illumination.
Sam: How was the interview? Sam: It was today right? Brian: Yea, I don't thnik it went well :( Sam: Why? Brian: The guy who interviewed me asked me some totally strange questions and I had no idea what the asnwer should be... Sam: Maybe it was just some kind of personal test. Brian: Maybe… but I am not sure if I want to work with such crazy people.
Brian's interview didn't go well but he wouldn't like to work there anyway.
Fleur: I'm so happy! :‑):‑):‑):‑):‑):‑) George: Get you! Fleur: Bob just asked me out! I've been waiting ages! George: Congrats! Fleur: What do I wear? I need to get new shoes! So much to do! George: Whoa, just be yourself. I'm sure he likes you for you. Fleur: Oh please. I want to look fly! George: You're going overboard. Just be yourself. Fleur: Myself in great clothes! George: Whatever!
Bob asked Fleur out. Fleur wants to wear great clothes for the date. George advises her to be herself.
Josh: Stephen, I think you've accidentaly taken my notebook home Stephen: wait lemme check Stephen: nope, I don't see it anywhere Jack: oh shit, I've got it xDDD I don't even know why Josh: xDDD ok, no problem, cool I know where it is Jack: I'll bring it tomorow
Josh thinks Stephen accidentally took his notebook. Jack has it and will bring it tomorrow.
Demi: Wanna go to yoga? Wren: ooo sounds great Demi: Sunday at 9? Wren: ok brunch after? Demi: ok :) c ya Wren: c ya
Demi and Wren will go to yoga on Sunday at 9 and have a brunch afterwards.
Elisabeth: I would like you to stop contacting my boyfriend Mary: I'd like you to stop contacting me Elisabeth: I don't care Mary: Talk to my ass. you're blocked
Elisabeth wants Mary to stop contacting her boyfriend. Mary blocks Elisabeth.
Carl: can't talk now im in the theatre, sth urgent? Sophie: nope, will call u 2morrow. Carl: kk ;-)
Carl can't talk since he's in the theatre.
Radek: Bro i have another question T_T i know you wanna kick my ass... Radek: Can i ask? Artur: Haha Artur: No worries Artur: Sure, ask, I will answer as soon as I get some time Artur: If I know the naswer :D Radek: Bro in the previous homework you used this equasion, let me take a picture, it will be faster Radek: <file_picture> Radek: did you mean this Radek: <file_picture> Artur: Yeah Artur: Did I really use the first one? Really :D?
Artur used the wrong equation in his previous homework, which Radek noticed.
Hunter: so, have I convinced you to give tennis a go? :) Natalie: maybe :) Natalie: definitely today’s class was less traumatic than what I remember from the middle school Hunter: “less traumatic” Hunter: you don’t seem to be overly enthusiastic :D Natalie: i didn’t mean it this way ;) Hunter: actually, why do you dislike tennis so much? Natalie: when i was in my early teenage years my parents used to make me play tennis, although i absolutely hated it Hunter: why? Natalie: my dad wanted me to become the next Steffi Graf Natalie: plus i was a little bit overweight and he thought that playing tennis would help me to slim down Hunter: i see... Hunter: that’s why you were so reluctant, huh? Natalie: mhm Natalie: but i had fun today, so maybe i’ll change my mind Natalie: i just have really bad associations with this sport Hunter: well, i hope you’ll rediscover tennis for yourself, you’re really good at it :) Hunter: you know, there’s no pressure this time :) Natalie: thanks! :) maybe, who knows... ;)
Natalie has bad memories of tennis, because as a teenager her father forced her to play it. Hunter tries to convince Natalie to give tennis another shot, because she's good at it.
Julia: They just told me I can’t return them ;/ Monica: What?! Why? Julia: Apparently they don’t accept returns Kate: But did you have a receipt? Julia: Of course I did, I showed them everything. I didn’t use them even once Monica: I know! Is this even legal? Julia: Apparently it is, there was an information at the cashier’s desk… Kate: oh come on, no one reads this stuff. Aren’t they obligated to inform you about this? Monica: I’m pretty sure they are, but now there’s no way she can prove they didn’t Julia: Exactly… Julia: So basically I have a pair of shoes to sell. Any takers? Monica: Send a photo, I’ll send it around Julia: <file_photo> Kate: They’re really nice, you sure you don’t want them? Julia: Well, they don’t fit so yeah, unfortunately Monica: Pity, what size? Julia: 6.5
Julia can't return her new shoes. Monica will send around a photo of the shoes to look for a buyer.