Zachary: hey Adam i think the tracks you sent me are not right :P Zachary: riff C should be twice as long Adam: Shit! Adam: Hmm... I guess that's possible, I wasn't sure actually, so I sent them to Sebastian in the morning so that he would play along to them and see if they're correct Zachary: and he checked them? Zachary: you checked them Sebastian? :P Adam: He said he did and that they were good :P Sebastian: yeah i checked them Sebastian: but i guess not very thoroughly :D Adam: ... Zachary: hehehe Adam: Well, you know I'm at a concert right now so I can't really help you :P Adam: But you got from me the tabs as well, so install guitarpro or some other software, edit it and run it through some drums VST :P Zachary: yeah i guess we're gonna have to do that Zachary: damn i don't have anything on my pc here so it's gonna take extra time i guess eh Adam: Well... :P
The tracks Adam sent to Zachary are not right in his opinion. Sebastian had checked them, but they're incorrect. Adam tells Zachary to instal a guitarpro and edit it.
Heidi: Oh my god, we got lucky today Camden: Oh? Heidi: The professor is letting us take our third exam home Heidi: Cuz there's not enough time to do both the final and exam 3 Heidi: Cuz the final is on the 12th Heidi: And we legit just got through with exam 2 on the 22nd Heidi: So that means exam 3 was going to be next Wednesday in the 5th Heidi: They're too close together Camden: Oh yeah, just one week apart... Heidi: OH right it turns out I did really good on exam 2! Camden: Oh!!!! Camden: But a lot of people did badly? Camden: I think i remember you saying something like that...? Heidi: Yeahh Heidi: But it was a lot to cover
Heidi's professor allows the group take the 3rd exam at home.
Delia: Hey Sandra, thanks for looking after Zoe for me - I know she had a great time today with Amy. She's still gushing on about the aquarium. Sandra: It was my pleasure - Zoe's a real angel and I know for a fact that she and Amy or plotting to become legal sisters in some way. Delia: It's lovely that the two of them are so close. However, I wanted to ask - did Zoe leave her red sweater at your house? Sandra: I can check, but so far nothing's turned up. I'll keep you posted though. Delia: Thanks Sandra, that would be great. Sandra: Delia - Ted's just told me that he found the sweater and has already packed it in Amy's bag, so she'll give it back to Zoe at school tomorrow. Delia: Thanks Sandra!! Take care.
Sandra went to the aquarium with Amy and Zoe, Delia's daughter. Amy and Zoe are close friends. Ted found Zoe's sweater. Amy will give it back tomorrow.
Julie: Hey Maddy, I don't know what's going on with Dan lately. Maddy: Hi Julie, how so? Julie: I mean he comes home late twice a week. Julie: He's always complaining about how tired he is. Julie: I'm thinking the know... Maddy: Oh come on Julie, you're his whole life, Dan would never do that to you. Maddy: I think you owe each other an honest convo. Julie: You're right, I need to stop freaking out. Maddy: It's of no use, just sit down and talk. Julie: That's what I'll do this w/e, we'll have some more time. Julie: Thanks for always being there for me :)
Dan comes home late twice a week lately and complains about being tired. Julie is worried by this behavior. Julie will talk to Dan this weekend, as Maddy advised.
Radley: do you have the notes? Tim: yep, why? Tim: you need to borrow them? Radley: kinda Radley: didn't sleep at all last night. Tim: what happened? Radley: went out for a beer with Mark Radley: aaaaand we ended up in a club at 3 am. Tim: wow, congratulations, man Tim: how on earth are you gonna sit this exam? Radley: it's not the first for me :D Tim: you need to teach me that then! Radley: in exchange for the notes, you've got it Tim: <file_gif>
Radley wants to borrow the notes from Tim. Radley didn't sleep last night, because he went out for a beer with Mark. They left a club at 3 am.
Sarah: I cooked dinner, but I had to leave. Sarah: It's on the stove. Raymond: Thank you, darling Raymond: I'll be in 15 minutes tops Raymond: Did mother call you? Sarah: Yes, she needs help with something. Raymond: Give her my regards Sarah: okay my dear
Sarah cooked dinner for Raymond and left it on the stove. He will be home in up to 15 minutes. Sarah left to help her mother out.
Amelia: If you ever find yourself in a situation that you don't want to go to sleep yet, but you don't feel like doing anything else download Pinterest app. Amelia: Number of ideas I found there regarding everything is overwhelming Sarah: Haha. I know pinterest. Sarah: My sister uses it. Amelia: Really. You tick what subjects interest you and you get the feed with concepts and ideas connected to those subjects. Amelia: DIY home decor, furniture, clothes, photography Amelia: Seriously I'm in shock Sarah: :-) Sarah: I guess I'll have to try it :) Amelia: Please do. I'm curious what you can find there :D
Amelia recommends Pinterest to Sarah, that already knows it. Her sister uses it. Sarah will have a try with Pinterest.
Katy: hey, did you here what she said???????? Nicole: yup...what's she playing at? Katy: So rude! Nicole: I thought that guy was going to hit her Katy: I wish he would have done!!! Katy: It would have served her right Nicole: She is so self-centred Katy: I know! Katy: and thinks she is the bees knees!!!!! Nicole: I don't know how you can stand it Katy: Usually I just ignore her but today she surpassed herself! Nicole: Rather you than me Katy: I know....I just think of the money and try to pretend I'm not here Nicole: like your technique haha!!!! Katy: The only wayt to get through the day... Katy: oh no she's back....byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee x
Nicole thought the guy was going to hit the girl. Both Nicole and Katy think she would have deserved it. Katy ignores her and just thinks of the money.
Gale: Hey hon, Ralph's teacher just called and told me that Ralph was caught fighting some other boys. They want us to go in after school. Nick: Again? That's the third time this week! Gale: I know :/ Do you think he's acting out because of the move? Nick: Hon, we knew this might happen. Gale: I know, I just didn't think things would get this bad. Nick: We'll figure it out :) We always do ;) Gale: Thanks hon :) Nick: Do you want me to go to the meeting? Gale: Are you sure that won't be a problem? I have some things that still need taking care of at work. Nick: It's no problem love :) Although I was hoping you'ld relax a little more after the promotion. Gale: I know, i've been needing a little downtime too. xx
Ralph was caught fighting some boys at school and his teacher wants to meet Gale and Nick. This is the third time this week already. As Gale is busy at work, Nick will go to the meeting with the teacher.
Terry: So, any other fascinating classes today? Ruby: Thankfully no. This is the last one. Terry: Grab a coffee l8r? Ruby: Sure. Where? Terry: The usual place? Ruby: Be there after classes!
Terry and Ruby will grab a coffee after classes.
Nora: is the boss in office already? Wanda: not yet Nora: bus broke down Nora: I might be late Wanda: u better call him Wanda: u know how he is... Nora: I know, will call, thanks
Nora might be late, because her bus broke down. Wanda recommends her to call the boss. Nora will do it.
Marcus: <file_photo>, I got the job :D Eve: Congratulations! Steve: Gz :) When do you start? Marcus: Right away, on 3rd Steve: First salary before the holidays, be sure to remember us ;) Eve: Haha, I had my eye on a silver bracelet for a while now ;) Marcus: You will be lucky to get a beer from me :D Steve: Typical... :( So how was that final stage? Marcus: I was quite nervous that I will be meeting the CEO, but he was chill. He has a 15 minutes conversation with everyone, but usually talking to him means you got the job Eve: So why were you so stressed yesterday? Marcus: Well no one actually told me that before this meeting :p Eve: Ok, I get it :) Marcus: Want to meet for this beer tomorrow? While the offer is on the table? ;) Steve: Yeah, let's go and celebrate :)
Marcus starts new job on the 3rd. Marcus and Steve will meet for beer tomorrow.
Mark: what are we doing tonight? Daniel: It's supposed to rain so the river bank parties are not an option Mark: casino? Daniel: don't you have enough after the last time? Mark: I will totally get mine this time Daniel: hahaha ok Mark: predrinks at your place? Daniel: my sister is visiting Mark: Hannah??? Daniel: yes Mark: I haven't seen her for like 14 years!! she hot? Daniel: dude that's my sister Mark: all right all right drinks at my place Daniel: okay!
Daniel's sister is visiting him. Daniel and Mark will meet at Mark's place for drinks.
Ross: Hey guys, do you want to order the college team kits? Martin: Yeah sure. Actually I've been meaning to ask you about it. Ross: What about you Paul? Paul: Only if I like the design. Ross: It's all black with the a bit of red lining on it. Paul: Are you kiddin'? Just like AC Milan's 2014 kit? Ross: That was the idea. Paul: Cool. Martin: I still want to see it. Do you have a photo? Ross: Yes I have it in my phone. Paul: I don't need to see it anymore. Just fill my form Martin. Martin: Okay yeah that does look cool. Ross: Yeah I know. Martin: Oh hey what about the sizes? Ross: I have the complete size chart. Martin: Send me the chart and the link to the form. Ross: Sure. Paul: Don't forget to fill mine Martin. Martin: I'm your room mate not your mom. -_- Paul: What are room mates for? Martin: Whatever dude, don't worry I'll fill in for you too. Paul: Cool, thanks.
Ross shows Paul and Martin the new design for the college team kits. Paul and Martin would like to order them. Ross will send them the size chart and link to the form, Martin will order for Paul as well.
Beryl: don't know if this is a good idea Linette: why? Beryl: he doesn't like surprises Linette: oh come on, it will be great Beryl: or a catastrophy Linette: it's his birthday, he'll be happy Beryl: don't think so Linette: let's try at least Beryl: we can try ofc but it's on u Linette: ok, I'll handle him Beryl: ok, as u wish. where do we start Linette: let's meet and discuss Beryl: ok, I'll drop by your apt Linette: great, see u
Linette and Beryl are planning a surprise birthday party for him. Beryl will come to Linette's apartment to discuss it.
Harry: Are you guys going to Jim's party? Martha: Hm, I don't know, you? Charles: Sure do! Are you not? Harry: I'm not sure Eddie: What?! How come?! Martha: Oh you guys haven't heard. Last time we went to his party, it was... he's quite stingy to be honest Harry: We had to order pizza for everyone, because Jim didn't buy anything to eat. And we paid for it! Charles: Hahahaha I can't believe it Eddie: I haven't heard this story Martha: So yeah, I'm not so keen on going Eddie: Come on, this time four of us will chip in for a pizza ;) Charles: Did he eat it? Harry: Jim? Of course he did Eddie: OMG Martha: Great party, yeah... Charles: It looks like Eddie and I are going anyway, you should join us guys, if it's awful, we're go someplace else ;)
Charles and Eddie are going to Jim's party. Martha and Harry are not sure because they didn't like Jim's last party. They had to order pizza and pay for it because Jim didn't buy anything to eat.
Elijah: hi. Could you tell me what time is the last bus? Isabel: I think about 7.30. Elijah: ok, I should manage then. Isabel: you have to!
Elijah is hoping to catch 7.30 bus.
Mauro: mom, dad told i cant go out Mauro: but i have to buy notebook Mom: i will buy you this notebook, you have to stay home and read a lecture
Mauro needs a notebook. His Mom is going to buy one for him, because he has some required reading and has to stay at home.
Mary: Love to know your tips on saving money on a daily basis! Greg: we cut back on heating, water, electricity Mary: seems easy! Ben: we always follow our shopping list and buy non-brand products at the supermarket Greg: they are much cheaper and of good quality too Nick: try cheaper shops like Asda, Lidl, Aldi Peter: we plan meals so as not to throw food away and we have take-away only in emergency Greg: some people throw away loads! such a waste! Mary: we try not to do that, my mother taught me it’s a sin! ;) Ben: some products are cheaper in huge bags, buy seasonal fruit & veg, eat less meat Mary: meat is very expensive, isn’t it?! Emma: i save a lot on packed lunches, homemade soups and cakes Peter: cancel Sky and go for Netflix Tom: give up alcohol and cigarettes perhaps Mary: i don’t drink at all and i’m not a smoker! X Tom: at all?! Yeah, whatever! Sam: never leave a house without snacks for kids! Haha! Greg: we simply try not to buy thing that we don’t need! Tom: when i go shopping for extra stuff i always carry cash with me and i leave my card at home! Peter: quit the gym, netflix and other stuff if you don’t actually use them! Zara: i save up every month to pay off my mortgage quicker Greg: switch to tap water- a lot cheaper than bottled water and better for the environment too! Mary: that is awesome!
They give Mary a lot of advice on how to save up money. For instance, she can do her shopping in cheaper supermarkets, buy non-brand products and avoid throwing food away or switch to drinking tap water.
Otto: So I was saying, I'll be out next Saturday for my sis wedding. Could somebody take care of Benny? Just 2 walks... Lilith: Sorry Otto, I've already made some plans... Craig: Well, I'm free! Just leave me the keys and food for the doggie! Otto: Thanks man! Craig: No worries! I love your puppy dog! Otto: <file_photo> Benny says "thanks pal"! Craig: <3 Lilith: He's so cute! Otto: Craig, I'll drop the keys at your office tmr, what time suits you best? Craig: Around lunchtime would be OK.
Otto will be out next Saturday, so Craig will take his dog for a walk. Otto will give him the keys to the apartment tomorrow around lunchtime.
Camille: I finally got my driving licence! Petunia: Amazing!! Camille: I took the test 13 times Alain: What a perseverance Camille: I thought I would never make it Petunia: But you made it!! Petunia: Congratulations!!! Alain: So you must be driving every day now! Camille: I do!! Camille: I may not be the best driver Camille: But I really enjoy it. Camille: And it's so convenient to drive to work Camille: If only finding a parking spot wasn't so difficult.
Camille took the driving licence test 13 times. She passed the test finally. Petunia and Alain are congratulating her. Camille drives every day to work. Finding the parking is the only downside.
Harvey: Anna, what time do you finish your classes? I had a cancellation, so I can fit you in at 3pm or 4pm? Anna: I'm afraid I can't manage either time Harvey: Okay, so we'll meet up as planned Anna: At 7pm :) Harvey: Yes Anna: Great Anna: Before I forget - could we meet by my university campus? Harvey: It's not problem. I'll be at the parking lot next to the swimming pool Anna: Thank you.
Harvey and Anna will meet at 7 PM by her university campus.
Brian: Hi, Frank, how's it going? Snowed in? Frank: Yes, we bloody well are! The farm was cut off for a couple of days, awful, worst winter for a long time. Brian: Yes, wasn't it? Did you manage to dig yourselves out? Frank: Yes, eventually, they actually sent over some boys from the barracks down the road and a digger too! It took a few days, but it all got done. Brian: Well, I haven't been in work for almost a week, the office was shut. Oh, and the supermarket shelves were almost empty, no deliveries were able to get through. Frank: Wish that was the extent of my problems! I haven't been able to get fresh feed for the animals myself so, guess what? They helicoptered it in on Wednesday! They sent me and Dotty some food supplies too. Brian: What about electricity etc? Frank: Well, yeah, trouble with that and water for a day or two, then it was ok, but no fun sitting around with candles. We did have our log fire, though! Brian: You managing to work now, animals ok? Frank: Yes, so far, but we're going to be lambing soon, so hope the cold weather holds off, we really don't want to lose livestock. Brian: Wonder how Gran and Grandpa managed in the old days, must have been hell. Frank: Oh, yes indeed! Perhaps they stocked up just in case, rather than just being able to pop out in the jeep for supplies. Brian: Yes, anyway, give my love to Dot! Keep in touch and keep warm! Frank: Thanks cuz.
Because of the snow Brian didn't go to work for almost a week. Frank's farm was cut off for a couple of days until some boys with a digger helped them. They didn't have electricity, and the fresh feed for animals had to be helicoptered.
Lisa: Good afternoon. I'd like to ask about the shipment of the plaited dresses ordered last week. Luke: we've shipped them today. Lisa: great, thanks.
The plaited dresses that Lisa ordered last week were shipped today.
Trisha: ANYBODY pls pick me up to uni! Vinnie: where to? Elvin: i'm ok Vinnie: ok then Elvin: what time? 8.15? Trisha: thx a million!
Elvin will pick Trisha up to uni at 8.15.
Alex: Good afternoon. There's a problem with my credit card. Steven: Good morning. Could you tell me briefly what the problem is? Alex: I can see on my balance slip that there's a charge I didn't make. Steven: What is it for? Alex: For a birthday cake. Steven: How much is it? Alex: 15 GBP. But I did not buy it Steven: Did you let anyone use your card last week? Alex: No Steven: All right, I've made note of that in our system and we'll contact you to set things straight within 7 days. Alex: Thank you. Will it burden my account until then? Steven: I'm afraid it will. But I hope everything will be resolved to your satisfaction. Alex: I hope so too. Steven: Is there anything else I can help you with? Alex: No. Thank you. Steven: Thank you for contacting us and using our mobile services. Have a good day!
Alex has a problem with his credit card. There is a charge on the balance slip that he did not make. It is £15 for a birthday cake that Alex didn't buy. Steven promises to solve the problem within 7 days.
Rupert: Who's up for a game? Joe: Watching or playing? Rupert: playing! Jack: I'm out, sprained my ankle Joe: damn mate ;/
Rupert wants to play a game. Jack has sprained his ankle.
Josh: and? does it work? Abby: ya... I guess Josh: nice, I knew you can do this! Abby: it's thanks to you :) Josh: no problem :)
It works for Abby thanks to Josh's help.
Mark: Hey 🙂 Mark: Long time no see Susan: Hey there 🙂 Mark: How's it going? Susan: All good, working. Mark: Sorry to bother you Susan: It's fine 😄 Susan: I need a little break Susan: What's new? Mark: I just came back from India. Susan: Tell me everything! 😀 Mark: Are you free anytime this week? Mark: I'm leaving on January 19th Susan: I will find some time to meet you Susan: I am usually free on Tuesday and Friday evenings 😀 Mark: Tuesday works for me. Mark: How about dinner? Susan: Nah, dinner is about eating. Mark: True, and we want to talk 😉 Susan: Let's meet at Costa next to the shopping mall Mark: Around 7pm? Susan: Sure Mark: Or maybe 6? I have a lot of things that I want to tell you! Susan: Okay, sounds perfect! Mark: See you there! Susan: See ya!
Mark came back from India. Mark and Susan will meet at Costa at 6 pm on Tuesday.
Mike: Which info in those notes is the most important? Liza: What do you mean? Mike: There are different underline colors Tina: I use those, usually yellow, but no guarantee, I sometimes mix them up:D Mike: I think yellow is the one Tina: Which notes are we talking about? Mike: grammar classes ones Tina: Definitely yellow, pink ones are just side notes
Tina confirm to Mike and Liza that the yellow underline colour marks the important notes.
Carla: Hey Carla: how are you today? Raul: not too well Carla: what's wrong? did you sleep? Raul: it was a really crappy night Raul: and yesterday evening Raul: and today morning Raul: i started off with a fag Raul: i don't even know what triggered me off Raul: yesterday Jen had to go to a friend Raul: she'd broken up with her bf and Jen went to sit with her Raul: and she stayed for the night Raul: so i thought it's be a good evening just for myself Raul: but i was just so pissed off all the time Raul: and then i had those weird dreams of my uncle Carla: shit ;/ sounds awful Raul: yeah it was :/ Carla: ;*
Raul's had a bad night and day.
Greg: Does anyone of you don’t have Netflix? Eve: I do, but maybe Paul? Paul: I don’t, why? Greg: I want to create an account, but I would like to share it with someone, you up? Paul: Sure, if it works, why not :) Greg: Thanks! I’ll read how to do it and then will let you know
Eve has Netflix. Paul does not have Netflix. Greg will share a Netflix account with Paul.
John: Have you seen today's news? Ann: No, something happened? John: They've just shown some videos from Mike's concert Ann: Really? Ann: I did not know that TV was at the concert. John: I did not know either, but it looked great! Ann: I'm sure!
John saw some videos from Mike's concert in today's news and it looked great to him.
Eve: You coming to my birthday? Adam: ofcourse Adam: Sat right? Eve: yeah BYOB Adam: ok :D
Eve has a birthday party on Saturday. Adam will be there.
John: Have you heard of the new dance wave? I'm writing an essay about it Al: Yes, I think some call Clean Bandit & co. "new dance" Allison: so it would be kind of a blend of classical and electro and dance? Al: seems so... Al: I don't really know John: hmm, I'm just wondering now if this term really means anything, there is no wikipedia page about it Al: wikipedia is not GOD John: I know, but I think that the leader of the band called it once in an interview "new dance", at least I read it somewhere Al: yes, but maybe the girl is just pushing her own idea Al: they always want to be seen as geniuses and trendsetters John: maybe you're right John: I just cannot find this term anywhere, not even the interview John: but you've heard the term apparently as well Al: not sure now, really :P Al: sorry
John is writing an essay about the new dance wave invented by Clean Bandit. Al is not quite sure if the term indeed exists or mean anything.
Lydia: hi Max, are you free tomorrow? Max: more or less Lydia: hahaha, what does it mean? Max: I'm working only till 1PM Lydia: good! wanna go with me to MoMA? Max: it's a bit too expensive for me now Lydia: I have 2 free tickets, but only for tomorrow Max: amazing! so I'm in! Lydia: good, 2PM if fine? Max: Perfect!
Max is going to MoMA with Lydia as she has 2 free tickets for tomorrow at 2 pm.
Esme: Morning! Richard: Hellooo :) Esme: SUN!! Esme: 👯 Esme: 🙌🙌🙌 Richard: Yeaaah Richard: 😍 Richard: Loving it Esme: Still up for a yoga session later on? Richard: Yeah, sure :) Richard: I was actually trying to figure out which video we could use. Since there won't be any connection down at the park :/ Esme: I'll download something onto my laptop ;) Richard: Ah! Perfect! Esme: An intermediate class, is that ok? Richard: Yes, I would prefer that Esme: Ok, I'll look for something Richard: Cool! Esme: 👍
Esme and Richard will have a yoga session at the park. Esme will download an intermediate class on her laptop.
Kim: Just checking. Are we still on for Sunday? Tony: Sure are hon xo Kim: Awesome!
Kim and Tony are supposed to meet on Sunday.
Linda: you remember Mariusz, my English student when I was living in Kabaty? Linda: I've just read on fb he died... Linda: Im so shocked, cant believe it! Hanna: of course I remember him. Hanna: hard to believe. How old was he? 50? Linda: I guess more than 50, maybe 55 Linda: when I taught him, he alredy had adult children Rod: OMG Rod: shocking news LInda: Yep... Life is so short Rod: And do you know what happened? Rod: was he ill or did he have an accident? Linda: no idea Linda: his wife posted on fb about this Hanna: :( Linda: I wrote to her to ask about time and place of funeral Linda: but she hasnt replied yet, I imagine shes busy Rod: definitely :( Linda: you know, I havent seen him long, but I somehow... cant get over it Linda: Strange feeling Hanna: Yeah, I imagine Rod: Take care, Lin! Linda: Thanks
Linda found out that her ex student had passed away and is interested in going to his funeral.
Emma: I am so tired that I cannot fall asleep. Mary: Poor thing. You had a really busy day. Emma: and it's going to be like this for another 3 weeks. Mary: you have to take some breaks, otherwise you will freak out. Emma: I cannot afford breaks now. Mary: But otherwise you won't even work that effectively. It's pointless. Emma: You're right, but I've also developed this insomnia :( Mary: oh no Emma: Yes, and I am constantly tired. Mary: That sounds really bad. Emma: I know. But what can I do? Mary: it't not worth it. Don't stress that much, take breaks, do some sport and calm down an hour before going to bed. Emma: I will try. I can't go on like this any more. Mary: No, you cannot. Emma: I'll try to sleep now, thank you my dear. Mary: Take care.
Emma is insomniac because of work stress.
Caro: Hi Honey! :) How are you? Haven't seen you in a while. Talya: Hi Darling! I'm fine. How about you? Caro: Good :) I'm launching my own company, so it's quite a busy time. Talya: Wow, great! Caro: You know, it has it's upsides and downsides.. But, yeah, I'm glad. Talya: It's good the you can be your own boss. Caro: Exactly. What do you do now? Talya: Usual. I'm trying to dance as much as possible and I work at Turkish-Polish foundation. Caro: Are you preparing any new projects? Talya: Actually yes. There will be one in October. Caro: And the premiere? Talya: We're planning it for May, but you know how it is. Caro: Yeah, I know. Dis you already book the theatre space for May? Talya: No, not yet. Caro: Cos there is that big thetre festival in May. May get crowded... Talya: You're right! I'll check what's left. If everything is booked alreay, we don't need to hurry... Caro: Yep.
Caro is launching her own company and is busy. Talya dances as much as she can and works at a Turkish-Polish foundation. Talya is working on a project launching in October. The premiere is planned for May, but Talya hasn't booked the theater space yet. There's a big theater festival in May.
Jeff: I'm going to the supermarket, do you want anything? Paige: some water i think Jeff: sorry, but that's too heavy, especially the 5kg bottles Leland: buy some bread, I think there's nothing at home Jeff: I will Laura: If you could buy a bit of cheese, it would be nice Jeff: ok, I'll buy some Laura: thanks
Jeff will buy bread and a bit of cheese.
Gina: Proud to announce we’re expecting a baby April 2019!!! Ben: So happy for you Gina and Toby! Dan: Congrats! Nancy: Such amazing news! You are glowing! Xxx Sarah: OMG! Fab! What a beautiful baby that will be! Danie: we are due at the same time! Sarah: so your babies can be best friends ;) Nick: Congratulations to you both! Olivia: that is awesome!
Gina and Toby are expecting a baby April 2019. So is Danie.
Mary: Already after exams? Adam: Not yet. Adam: I'm still waiting for a physics exam. Mary: What about the rest? Adam: I think it's ok Adam: I'm just afraid if I have enough mathematics points. Mary: I'm sure u will :* Mary: Good luck!
Adam is waiting for physics exam, but he's already afraid he won't have enough math points.
Laura: Where are you? Paul: Almost there. Laura: Which is? Paul: Close to the Mac. Laura: That's so far away! Paul: 15 mins Laura: I am not waiting any more, see you some other time. Paul: Please, wait! Laura: I've waited 30 minutes, 15 minutes ago you wrote you were almost here. This is too much. Paul: I am so sorry. Laura: I am not.
Paul is late for a meeting with Laura and she refuses to wait any longer.
Timothy: have you heard about the mass shootings? Kimberly: duh Kimberly: who didn't Homer: you have to be more specific Homer: there are more school shootings than other school events these days Timothy: I'm talking about this California kid Kimberly: incel strikes again Homer: do you think his virginity is important here? Kimberly: well yes because his note mentioned his incel status as something that defines him Timothy: people are batshit insane these days Homer: so you think he did it out of sexual frustration Kimberly: he did it because he's mental that's for sure Timothy: they are blaiming blue balls for everything Homer: this incel culture is new to me Kimberly: oh my sweet summer child Kimberly: <file_other> Kimberly: read and weep Timothy: ignorance is a bliss in this case Kimberly: true, but on the other hand, it won't last long Homer: so you are telling me the number of frustrated, mental virgins is going up? Timothy: YES Kimberly: yep Homer: ....fuck Kimberly: congrats, you're officially an adult now Homer: this article... I can't Timothy: there goes his innocence Timothy: I can almost hear it Homer: I had no idea there are so many psychos like that Kimberly: every woman knew that already because we know how horrifying dating can be Kimberly: it's news only for men, tbh
There was a mass shooting in California.
Serge: hey Dad, how are you? Théo: I am good, how are you? Serge: good, thanks. Serge: Dad, I haven't received the monthly transfer, is everything ok? Théo: yes, yes, sorry I was going to tell you that it will only arrive on the 4th this month. I couldn't do it earlier. Théo: I hope your landlord can understand, let me know if I should give him a call. Serge: oh ok, no worries he is very helpful and I have always paid on due time these past years... so he will understand. Théo: oh great, no worries the transfer is coming. Serge: thanks dad!
Serge's monthly bank transfer to Théo was made late, so he'll make a late rent payment to his landlord. The landlord shouldn't be angry about it given previous timely payments.
Amber: I passed my driving test today! So happy! Xxx Nancy: Congratulations! Gina: OMG!!! Amazing! Bob: well done! Zara: brilliant! So happy for you! Xxx Will: awesome!
Nancy Gina, Bob, Zara, and Will congratulate Amber on passing her driving test today.
July: I can't make it to Berlin this Saturday Rob: Why? Something happened?? July: I have so much work I don't know how to manage ... Rob: Do you need help? July: No, thank you :) I need to sit down and do this!
July won't come to Berlin on Saturday because she has to work.
Marina: You look beautiful on the photos you uploaded on Instagram Marina: You have a perfect figure! Marina: And I really liked the swimsuit you wore on the beach Ruth: Thank you, Marina :) I'm really glad to hear that :) Marina: That's all true :) Marina: I'd also like to ask you where did you buy the bathers Marina: It seems that in springtime I've lost more pounds than I expected and need something in a smaller size... Ruth: Sure, I bought it on the Internet Ruth: Here's the site: <file_other> Ruth: I'm sure you'll find something just for yourself :) Marina: Oh thanks Ruth, that's very kind of you :)
Ruth bought her bathers on the Internet. She sent Marina a link.
David: Morning Russ. Have you seen the report I emailed yesterday? Russ: Hi David. Well received thank you. But I haven't read it yet. David: Is there anything you'd like me to do right now? Russ: I'll take a look at the report in a moment and will send you remarks if I have any. David: Sounds good. I guess I'll just answer some emails. Russ: Please do. I should be done by midday with the report.
Russ received David's report but hasn't read it yet.
Rita: Dear Minny; I just got a message from Elsa Brown, the woman from the yellow house across the commons from you. Her cat has disappeared 3 days ago. Have you seen any prowling around? Minny: Hello Rita, what does her cat look like? Rita: A brindled grey tabby, male. Rather large she said. Minny: Actually I saw a tabby the other day at the edge of my orchard. I even tried to lure her but she ignored me. Rita: Was it more than 3 days ago? Minny: I can't remember. I'm not sure it was grey either. But surely a tabby. Rita: The best idea I think will be that I give you Elsa's phone number and you contact her directly if you see the tabby again. OK? Rita: 07634 675830 Minny: OK
Elsa's cat disappeared 3 days ago, so Rita helps with searching. Minny thinks she might have seen this cat in her orchard. Minny will call Elsa if she sees a tabby again.
Hannah: Jonah is feeling fine so we might go to the vineyard tonight. Do you still want to join us? John: Yes! I have a couple of errands to run after work but will be ready by 6.30. Hannah: It doesn't start until 7.30, right? John: That's right. Did you buy tickets online? only 5$ Hannah: Not yet. Kasey and Chad are supposed to let us know if they also wanna go. Then we could ride together. Otherwise we can pick you up on the way. John: Ok. Also bring a jacket in case we're outside. Hannah: Always have a blanket in the car! I read on their website that we might need to bring chairs? I'm sure they have some sitting there? John: I think so. They do all sort of events there, weddings, etc. Probably just not too many so they tell people to bring their own. Hannah: I see. Have you been there before? John: It has probably been a couple of years. I used to go there a lot when I worked for that event planning company. It's a great property. You''ll like it. Hannah: I'm sure I will! Do we need to bring anything else? Do they have any food there? Except for the tacos they mentioned. John: There's a restaurant on site but not sure how long they stay open. You can always bring some with you. Hannah: I might just prepare a picnic basket! I'm sure it will be fun, live music and all.
Hannah and Jonah are considering joining an event at the vineyard which starts at 7.30 and Hannah offers to pick up John, Kasey and Chad on their way. John advised Hannah to take something to sit on. There's a restaurant at the vineyard but Hannah will prepare a picnic basket anyway.
Norma: have u seen my tattoo? Marston: you got one cool show me Norma: <file_photo> Royce: oh lovely what does it say? Norma: its a Japanese way of wishing good luck Marston: you sure? Norma: I sure hope so Marston: anyways its really sweet esp the Bird Norma: yeah i like it too really
Norma has a new Japanese tattoo. Both Marston and Royce like it.
Milton: looks like we are all free on Sunday, the 3rd so let's pick the place Olga: you know me, I always pick sushi place or pierogies Alexis: I'm fine with any place as long as it isn't sushi Alexis: I can't stand the smell when I'm pregnant Milton: I don't like pierogies but we can find the place with pierogies, no sushi and some other fish free options Olga: there's this cool Korean place on Washington street Alexis: oh Marika was there and she loved it Milton: I went there, it's amazing Alexis: I'm in Olga: yay Milton: ok so it's settled then
Olga, Alexis and Milton are going to the Korean place on Washington street on Sunday, the 3rd.
Lucas: hi, what ru doing tonight? Ivy: hey, nothing special really. Why RU asking? Lucas: I've heard that there is a cool concert in the Irish Pub at 7 Ivy: hmm..not sure if I can go, I still need to study a bit Ivy: the exam is on Thursday Lucas: oh come on, it's Monday! Ivy: idk, perhaps I could go Ivy: but I won't stay long :) Lucas: oh right, as long as you come even for a bit Ivy: <3 <3 <3
Lucas invites Ivy to a concert in a pub at 7. Ivy cannot stay long but will join Lucas.
Ruby: Did you ever get to that level where WHAM! Everything explodes when you do it right? Awesome! Tommy: Yes! Super cool! Ruby: I'm stuck on this level though. Hints? Tommy: Which one? Ruby: 1780 Tommy: Geez! That's far! I'm not even that far! Ruby: Well, get you! Tommy: How much time do you play??? Ruby: Every day after school is all. Tommy: Until when? Ruby: Well, I play until supper time. Tommy: Yes? Ruby: Mom checks my homework. Tommy: When do you do homework? Ruby: On the bus! Tommy: Go on... Ruby: Then I play after lights out! Tommy: There's a trick here somewhere.
Ruby has been doing great in the game but is stuck at level 1780 now. He plays it a lot.
Mark: good morning everyone :) Mark: baby Maya is here :) Mark: <file_photo> Mark: <file_photo> Keith: Wow! Congratulations to the new family! :) Mia: ooohh so happy for you!!! welcome Maya! :) Mia: how is Angie? Mark: she's ok, a bit tired. she was very brave :) Carol: Congratulations Mark&Angie, Maya is adorable! Can't wait to meet the little cutie :) Mark: thank you! Maya was born at 5:20am, everything's fine, she's sleeping now Mark: just one more. one... Mark: <file_photo> Shamala: Welcome to the world Maya - what a beautiful name and a beautiful baby! Congratulations Angie and Mark - well done. Wishing you all th best and if you need parenting advice - don't ask us ;) Mark: haha ok we won't ask you Shamala: When are you coming home? Mark: no idea... I think in 2-3 days if everything's okay Kazumi: Congrats Mark! So happy for you and so excited! :) lots of love Nicole: At last! Warmest congratulations to both of you. Angie looks like an A-list movie star! :D Carol: I know right?! She's amazing you are so lucky Mark :) Mark: thank you guys, we are very happy now. I'll take care of my girls now, hope to see you soon Patrick: hey great news bro!!! congratulations! Maya is a cutie Patrick: let's meet to celebrate! :D Carol: hahaha I knew it... Shamala: uhh... so sorry I can't be there with you :(
Angie gave birth to Maya at 5:20 AM.
Jenny: Getting ready for Halloween! xx Noah: very spectacular! like your make up i guess.. Holly: OMG! that's scary. Ben: That's what i wake up to every morning! x Jenny: thank u my love! x Will: Awesome!!! Kim: Happy Halloween!
Jenny is preparing herself for Halloween and Kim is wishing all happy Halloween.
Liam: yoh bro! Alex: ssup dude? Liam: what time is the sea hawks game? Alex: i'm not so sure, but i think its around 10pm Liam: Cool, let me confirm then ill holla at you Alex: cool, please do Liam: Ok
Liam will confirm the time of the match and call back to Alex.
Kate: Everybody came to the meeting? Miriam: No, Tom was missing Kate: We have to talk to him about it! It's unacceptable Miriam: What are you going to do? Kate: I'll talk to him first, then we will see
Tom was the only person who didn't come to the meeting. Kate will talk to him as such behaviour is unacceptable.
Pete: Hi man, how's work going? Sayed: Deadly boring! Can't wait till I finish at 6! Pete: You working on your own again, where's Barry these days? Sayed: He quit, the bastard! At least we could have a coffee together or a chat while we were patrolling round. Pete: You getting any more pay cos you're on your own? Sayed: Yep, extra 50p per hour, big bucks, eh😁? Pete: It's better than nowt! How's Meera? Sayed: She's good, guess what, though, she's on nights too for a while! Pete: At least you're seeing each other, then, that's good! Sayed: Well yes, but we're too knackered to do much more than sleep! She has a meal at the hospital, so I have to make my own stuff mostly. We're both eating crap most of the time! Pete: Not good, mate, but a least you're getting a bit of exercise walking around. Sayed: I'm playing on my phone at the minute, but I'm going to have to shift to get to my next call. See you man! Pete: See you at the match Sunday? Sayed: Yeah, great stuff! Bye!
Barry quit, so Sayed is working alone and he is bored. Sayed got a pay rise of 50p. Meera works on nights as well now. Pete and Sayed are going to the match on Sunday.
Samantha: How are you doing today? Robyn: better, but I really exaggerated with bier last night Samantha: was it really only bier? Robyn: sure, why? Samantha: I don't know, your eyes, behaviour Robyn: you want to say I took drugs? Samantha: I'm only asking, I don't have anything against drugs Robyn: but I have and I never take them Samantha: ok, sorry, I didn't intend to offend you Robyn: I just drank too much, that's eat Samantha: much too much Robyn: yes, I lost control a bit Robyn: I am sorry for that Samantha: important that you feel better today
Robyn drank too much beer last night and lost control. She is feeling better today.
Lennon: dont forget my sports kit I left at yours Shaz: ok babe, the black one? Lennon: yh can u put some spray in for me too Shaz: ok see you at the gym later xx
Shaz will bring Lennon his sports kit and some spray to the gym.
Carla: Hi, do I teach today? Mona: Yes. Carla: OK, cool. Mona: You'll have 7 people. Carla: Wow, it's getting better. Good to hear that :) Mona: Yes :) Carla: Ah, almost forgot. I'm leaving town 6-12 December. Do you want me to find someone to teach the class on the 8th? Mona: I don't know. I'll ask Mary. Carla: OK. Let me know. Mona: A propos, do you want to teach 22nd and 29th? Carla: 22nd - yes. 29th - no. Mona: Noted. Carla: And what about the 2nd January? Mona: I'll ask the girls wheather they want to come. Becasue the studio is open. Carla: Ok, great. In touch.
Carla is teaching a class of 7 today. She will be absent 6-12 December. She can teach on the 22nd but not 29th. Mona has to confirm January 2nd classes.
Don: do you have a minute? Joyce: Sure, go ahead. Don: I have a problem with my browser. It doesn't seem to load certain pages like fb for example. It's just a blank page. Joyce: That's pretty basic, but have you tried turning it off and on again? ;) Don: yes, but it hasn't helped. Joyce: And have you tried it with the whole computer? Don: yeah, that too, but the problem is still there. Joyce: It's Firefox you're using, right? Don: correct. Joyce: You can try clicking on the drop-down menu in top right corner. Then go to settings, then safety & privacy where there's a section called something like "cookies and web data". You can try clearing the web cache - that usually helps. Let me know, if it works. Don: ok, thanks a lot.
Joyce helps Don with his browser that does not load.
Rene: so, I thought they were gonna lose the game Luisa: yes, they got me worried! Luisa: but they showed some character in the end Rene: yeah, a draw is not that bad Rene: shame it took so long to score Luisa: mhm they were pretty poor in the final third today Luisa: but the fought till the end and deserved something from the game Rene: agree! they're fighters, no doubt about it
The team that Luisa and Rene were rooting for won.
Nash: <file_other> Raymond: that song is THE BOMB Nash: i know, feeling the vibes already? :D Raymond: we gonna hit the dance floor hard today Nash: oh yeah, ladies beware!! Raymond: hahahaha EXACTLY
Nash and Raymond are going to a party today.
Dave: See that? <file_video> Spud: hell. grose man Dave: yeah, bugs in sweets Spud: where? Dave: dunno. but need to be careful lol
Dave has sent Spud a video with bugs in sweets.
Jada: OMG... Jada: You know who I saw just now? Jena: Whom? Jada: My ex. 😑 Jena: Did you say something? 🐱 Jena: Did he also see you?🐱 Jada: Yes he saw me as well cause our eyes met Jada: And..No I couldn't. (-_-)(-_-) Jada: He was with another girl(._.) Jena: How did she look? Jada: Pretty....I think I should go on a diet (T▽T) Jena: You are not fat! Jada: I know. But since we broke up, I haven’t been taking care of my weight and appearance.....OTL Jada: When I saw her I felt like I lost. 🌟🌟 Jena: If you should do that, just do it yourself. NOT BECAUSE OF HIM.😒😒😒😒
Jada just saw her ex-boyfriend. She wants to go on a diet.
Winston: Hey, so do you know when you should be here? Jess: Hey hey, not yet, still in NY Winston: Nick waiting for you? :) Jess: He will be here around 9, I'm still at the airport Winston: Awesome, you two have fun! Jess: Will do! :) Winston: So you'll still be coming back to San Fran? Jess: Yes. And then I'll decide when I'm coming over to see you Winston: Great, just keep us posted Jess: Should know tomorrow. Why, you have any plans? Winston: No rush, it's only monday today. Jess: I'll try to get myself sorted :) Winston: It's been extra warm here, shorts and tshirt kind of weather Jess: That's awesome! Winston: Just a heads up, we might need to go and check out a car on Wed Jess: Ohhh you're getting a car??? YAY :D Winston: Yeah, we need another car and I found a good deal on craigslist, just need to see in person though Jess: Sure sure Winston: Do you know how to ski? Jess: ohhh I haven't in years! I could give it a try though. Should I bring my ski gear? Winston: No need, my sister has plenty so don't worry Jess: I know how to skate!! Winston: Great! We can do that too. So just let me know once you figure everything out Jess: Yay! can't wait to see you guys :)
Jess is in NY. She'll be coming to San Francisco and she will see Winston. They might go skiing or skating together. On Wednesday Winston will see a car.
Anne: Wanna by a desk? Joanna: LOL, what? Anne: I'm selling everything. :D Joanna: But why? Anne: I'm gonna redecorate. Joanna: But you literally JUST bought this desk. Anne: I know, but I want everything new when I redecorate. Joanna: aren't we snobbish... Anne: Shut up :D What's wrong with a little luxury. Joanna: Nothing, I've just got to go back to shoveling shit for 5 buck an hour, bye <file_gif> Anne: Drama queen xD <3 Joanna: Bite me. :D
Anne is selling everything including her desk as she wants to redecorate. Joanna thinks it's snobbish as Anne just bought this desk.
Fawx : Have you seen the roads are being polished? Alexis : Which road Fawx : The service road heading to city centre. Alexis : Yeah people were facing so much problem. I am going to see that. Fawx : Okaay then see you there i am also there :P
Fawx and Alexis will meet at the service road which is being polished.
Rafael: How was Jordan? Ismael: Great great Ismael: Saw my whole family Rafael: Warm? Ismael: Warm! very!
Ismael went to see his family in Jordan. It was hot.
Matt: Hey Matt: I got my ticket for Dawid Podsiadlo!!! Matt: So stoked! Thomas: Whooaa that's great!! Matt: I will see you there then! Thomas: Yes for sure Thomas: Remind me before Thomas: Like the day before k? Matt: For sure Matt: Who you're going with Thomas: by myself for now Thomas: I meant until now haha Matt: Right on Matt: I am so stoked tho Thomas: Me too Matt: I might ask a few more people if they're coming ;) Thomas: Maria was interested I think Thomas: But I am not too sure Thomas: i will ask her
Matt got a ticket for Dawid Podsiadlo's concert. Thomas is going, too.
Joseph: Elsie, can my parents drop by tomorrow around 6? Elsie: hmm…I think it's fine, do they need anything? Joseph: I promised dad to borrow him my hammer drill Elsie: I see..ok, let them come Elsie: <file_gif>
Joseph's parents will drop by tomorrow around 6. Joseph promised dad to lend him his hammer drill.
Ula: Good evening, could we meet up in order to sign our lease renewal? Anna: Good evening, yes. Can we meet next week? Which days would be suitable for you? Ula: Of course, no problem. The best would be Tuesday after 5:30pm or Friday after work Anna: Unfortunately my schedule after work is packed. Ula: And what about the weekend? Anna: Sorry, but we won't be in the city. Perhaps we could sign it over the email? Ula: Of course, my email is: <file_other> Anna: Ok, I will send it by the end of the week. Ula: Thank you. Actually, we also have one more issue :) Recently we have had a problem with the front entrance, the code for opening the doors didn't work and as you know we don't have the key. Anna: We also don't have the key, otherwise we would have given it to you Ula: Could we get one from the building's manager? Anna: I will give him a call tomorrow. Ula: In case he doesn't have the key, we can ask a neighbor. Anna: That is a good idea. After you make the key be sure to deduct the cost from your rent. Are there any other problems with the apartment? Ula: No, the first year here has been great. Hopefully the second will be similar Anna: I am happy to hear that. Let me know in case of any issues. Ula: I will be sure to. Have a nice evening :) Anna: You too :) Ula: Thank you
Anna will e-mail Ula the lease renewal agreement. Anna will call the building's manager to address Ula's problem with the front door.
Ethan: somethin for Scott <file_photo> Toby: haha, totally Marshall: pretty much sums it up Scott: you know you're exactly fuckin the same Toby: oh we know honey bunny Marshall: we just enjoy making fun of YOU Ethan: xD Scott: oh fuck y'all Toby: <file_gif>
Ethan, Toby and Marshall are making fun of Scott.
Frank: Your mother is here! Lucas: What?? Paula: Did you let her in? Frank: I didn't have a choice....
Frank let Lucas' mother in.
Misha: Have you bought from this website? Misha: <file_other> Kamil: No... it looks like a Chinese website Pedro: I've never heard of it Misha: I want to buy this dress Misha: <file_photo> Misha: It looks great Misha: But I'm not sure about the quality... Kamil: I wouldn't expect too much... Pedro: Why don't you check opinions on YT? Pedro: <file_other> Pedro: look at that Pedro: It looks like a review of your dress Misha: Indeed thanks :*
Misha is buying a dress.
Natalie: Hello :) Are u there? Mike: Hi my princess :* Mike: How is ur day? Natalie: Terribly. Natalie: I lost my wallet and all my cards ;( Mike: Oh… I'm so sorry. Natalie: How did this happen?
Natalie had a bad day because she lost her wallet and all her cards.
Vic: Alec, should we bring anything? Alec: I made French soup with bread so i think it will be enough for starters Vic: sounds awesome but Maria has celiac desease Alec: FUCK Vic: if u added bread she won't be able to eat anything Alec: Not yet Max: I'm driving so soup with alcohol won't work for me Alec: or u can crash at my place Vic: take a cab instead Alec: so looks like i fucked up Vic: it's just people these days have so restricted diets don't worry dude Max: ok I'll take uber home Alec: ok see u tomorrow
Alec has cooked French soup with bread for a party. Vic is coming with Maria, who can't eat bread. Max is coming by car but he's going to take uber back home so he can eat the soup.
Kyle: yo yo, call me plz when you have a minute to spare Kyle: gotta tell ya sth Lily: 10 mins tops Mary: facetime? Kyle: yeah alright
Mary and Lily will call Kyle on facetime.
Lilah: Teacher is asking me to visit his home Pedro: Yeah His wife is sick he needs someone to help him Lilah: Would you like to come along? Pedro: Can you pick me up from my house? Lilah: Would be there right after 10 mins Pedro: will be waiting Lilah: K
Lilah will Pick up Pedro from his house in 10 minutes and they'll go to the teacher who needs help as his wife is sick.
Benjamin: What will our book club be called? Ashley: How about B&A Book Club? Benjamin: Why not A&B? Ashley: More intriguing that way ;) Benjamin: Ok, so it's settled! B&A Book Club is up and running ;) Ashley: W8! Where will we meet? Benjamin: Meet? I thought it would be an internet project? Ashley: What? No, we have to meet up from time to time. That's the whole point! Benjamin: Suppose ur right. So, where? Ashley: Maybe first meeting ur place, next mine and then back again? Benjamin: Sounds fair. How do we get new members? ;) Ashley: Facebook page? Benjamin: Cool! I'll get on it right away! Ashley: What book will go first? Benjamin: That's a tough question! Ashley: Ik.
Benjamin and Ashley's bookclub will be called B&A Bookclub. They have arranged the first meeting at Benjamin's place. They will make a facebook page to get new members.
Fiona: Hi, can you spare some time for me this afternoon? Dave: Hi, what are you planning? Fiona: Nothing exciting. Well, actually it's more like cringy... Dave: ??? Fiona: I don't want to waste your time or something. Dave: What is it? Fiona: And it's like... I hate to ask you for that. Dave: Just spit it out! Fiona: Will you come over to me and help me with the essay? Dave: :-D Dave: <file_photo> Fiona: Very funny! Dave: Come on! I thought it's going to be like a great favour or something with which I would earn your gratitude until the end of your life. And it's just an essay :-) Fiona: It's just an essay for you. For me it is something I can't get through on my own :-( Dave: What time? Fiona: Up to you. Dave: I'll come about 7 Fiona: Thank you!
Fiona asks David to come over and help her with her essay. They will meet about 7.
Lola: guys who can remind me who we're supposed to submit the paperwork to? Cassie: which one are you talking about? expenses? Pat: I emailed Jessica from HR and she said you can either submit via their website (but it bugs a lot) or send an email to her and she will take care of it. just don't make it a habit, she said Cassie: so it's safe to assume you never tried using the website but been sending her emails? Pat: pretty much :D Lola: hmm... I think I will ask her again for instructions how to do it... I tried via the websites but I keep getting the error msg Cassie: what error? Lola: that the total sum cannot be blank, but it's not blank! I write the value and nothing happens Cassie: sounds more like an IT problem to me. You can try Jessica but I'd also let Chris from IT know, maybe there are more ppl with the same problem Pat: Cassie, have you had any? Cassie: I didn't have to submit any expenses this month but it worked fine last month? Lola: Ok, thanks guys, I'll try Jessica and IT too, just in case
Lola has issues with submitting her paperwork via website.
Jessa: could you lend me some money ASAP? Jessa: I'll give you back on Wednesday Franco: how much? Jessa: 100$ Jessa: it's just I need to buy my meds and I still didn't get my paycheck yet Franco: I get it Franco: btw, your boss sucks hard Jessa: I should plan way more ahead that I usually do Franco: true Franco: I just sent you money Jessa: you're a life saver Franco: :) Franco: no problem
Franco lent Jessa 100$ for meds. Jessa still didn't get her paycheck. Jessa will pay him back on Wednesday.
Karen: I need the titles to finish this presentation Stanford: What titles Karen: Of the books I need for it Stanford: Comon, just research it Karen: You could do at least anything in this project!!
Karen asks Stanford to provide book titles for the presentation.
Penelope: <file_photo> Penelope: should I buy it or not? Julia: how much? Penelope: 40$ Kate: pretty but too expensive Julia:'s too much :/
The clothing is pretty, but also too expensive.
Ivan: Did you get the money? Elise: Yes! Thank you very much Ivan: Good Elise: I've just sent the documents to your office Ivan: Thanks again for your help, I will let you know if I need anything else Elise: You're welcome :)
Elise got the money from Ivan and sent him the documentation.
Samuel: Do you have the recipe for the weed muffins? Daniel: Didn't know you were a baker Samuel: Come on, help me out Daniel: Am I invited to the party? Samuel: There's no party Samuel: Just me and Pamela Daniel: You guys wanna get really high Daniel: <file_photo> Samuel: Thanks Daniel Daniel: Leave me a few...
Daniel gives Samuel a recipe for weed muffins and asks for some.
Tim: yo Chris Tim: HOLY SHIT Tim: you won't believe! Chris: Daamn Chris: You definitely are excited Chris: Fire away Tim: my parents are going to Spain Tim: FOR 2 WEEKS!!! Tim: they expect me to take care of the house Tim: guess what my first thought was Chris: I had to read what you have written twice Chris: You lucky fucker! Chris: Or maybe not that lucky Chris: We'll see after the party :D Chris: Cuz party was of course your first thought, right? Tim: it sure was! :D Tim: start to prepare for the best house party you have ever had! Chris: I'm in dude! Chris: I think you'll need some help Tim: right Tim: but there's still a few days left Tim: I'll plan everything first Tim: for now I only want to ask you if you can lend me your fricking speakers for some time? Tim: I'll make sure they're safe of course Chris: You got it dude! Chris: This is goin to be my contribution! Tim: awesome! Tim: talk to you soon then Chris: sure Chris: pizzout!
Tim's parents are going to Spain for 2 weeks and want Tim to take care of the house. Tim's planning to throw a party while his parents are away. Chris agrees to lend Tim his speakers.
Peter: can I borrow your car? Hugh: sure Hugh: but what happened with yours? Peter: don't now Peter: and I have no time to check it Peter: I'm already late! Hugh: ok, ok, come and take it
Peter will borrow Hugh's car.
Peter: are you home? Henry: yes Peter: where is mom? Henry: she is home.. why? Peter: hows she? i am trying to calling her but she isnt picking up Henry: she is fine i dont know why she didnt pick call may be her phone is silent or something Peter: ok please check and did you check her blood pressure and sugar levels? Henry: yes i checked its all under control dont worry. Peter: Thank God i got worried that she is not picking up phone Henry: yes she is in the kitchen and her phone is in room. Peter: ok i called like that only nothing important i am going out for dinner would call once back to hotel Henry: i will let her know and dont worry she is good, just get over with your work quickly and come back Peter: yes i will get over within 2 days i have a flight for saturday 7pm. will be home on sunday early morning. Henry: ok Peter: take care of mom please Henry: Peter she is my mom also, i am taking care of her please dont worry Peter: i know but you are young you have school and everything Henry: its ok its just day or two otherwise its always you who take care of all responsibilities. Peter: but nothing is possible without your guys support. Henry: :) that is what family is for you Peter: love you all Henry: love you too
Henry and mom are at home. Henry checked their mom's blood pressure and sugar levels and she's fine. Peter got worried about her as she's not picking up. Peter will be home on Sunday morning.
Frank: We have spoken of this before; please reserve the conference room ahead of time to avoid conflicts with others who need the space. Dan just tried to take a customer in there for a meeting and interrupted your group. Joe: A sign-up sheet beside the door or a group calendar would be better than the current system. It’s too hard to use! Frank: At any rate, please use the system we have for now. A new method can be discussed later. Joe: Sure. Sorry! Frank: No problem.
Frank asks Joe to reserve the conference room ahead of time to avoid conflicts with others who need the space. He shall use the system they have for now even though he suggests a sign-up sheet beside the door or a group calendar.
Mark: Where are you? Jimmy: at the bar at the gate B23 Laura: having a coffee Mark: I'll stay at our gate Mark: don't be late! Laura: 👍
Jimmy is at the bar. Laura has a coffee. Mark waits for them at their gate.
Tracy: heyy 😃 Tracy: just came back from skiing 😝 Lewis: heyo Lewis: and? Tracy: you were right, it was awesome! Tracy: wanna go again asap Lewis: told ya 😃 Lewis: i might go next week Tracy: when exactly Lewis: saturday morning Lewis: you know, its 2hours drive Lewis: i can be back home before it gets dark Tracy: if its a one-day trip, then count me in 😃 Lewis: great Lewis: but i already invited Claire, is that ok? Tracy: sure. no problem Lewis: be ready at 8:30 am Tracy: i prefer 9, im not the morning person... Lewis: well, ok, but at 9 you're ready with shoes on Tracy: hahah ok Lewis: cool Lewis: see you this sat Tracy: see you, can't wait 😊
Lewis came back from his ski trip thrilled. He is already planning the next one for Saturday. Tracy wants to go with him. They are meeting at 9 o'clock sharp.
Dan: It's my bday on Friday! Sam: Oh cool any plans? Dan: actually Im writing to invite you to a party Sam: yay, im free iguess Dan: super. not a big one just a couple of mates Dan: anybody i know? Sam: nobody you don't know Sam: count me in. what time & where? Dan: 8 i guess all are free by then Sam: sure thing. suits me fine Dan: and I guess we'll meet @ Murphys and then see what next Sam: could be busy there on Fri nite Dan: book a table then? Sam: i reckon Dan: ok ill do it then and let you know Sam: super. talk to you l8r
Sam will come to Dan's birthday party. Dan plans to have it at Muprhys at 8, but he has to book a table.
Ben: Where were you? Zoe: Sorry, I couldn't leave a meeting. I didn't forget about our date. Ben: That's not fair. Zoe: I know. I'm sorry. Ben: I was waiting almost an hour. I felt like a complete idiot. Zoe: I said I'm sorry. What else can I do? I'm just sorry. Ok? Ben: No, it's not ok. You could have let me know that you were having some important meeting and that you might be late for our meeting. Zoe: I could have. I can't change it now. What's done is done. Can we meet another time? Like tomorrow? The same time? Ben: And you aren't having any meeting just before? Zoe: No. Ben: OK Zoe: Thanks :-) The dinner's on me then, ok? Ben: No, I can't possibly accept that. Zoe: By way of apology. Ben: Out of the question. Zoe: Come on. Men no longer need to pay for everything. Women are becoming more and more independent.Don't quarrel with me about that. Ben: I'm not quarreling with you. I just don't want you to pay for anything on our first date. Zoe: On our second date then? Ben: Will there be the second one? Zoe: I trully hope so :-) Ben: Deal :-) Zoe: See you tomorrow then Ben: I'm already counting minutes... Zoe: Tick-tock, tick-tock :-)
Zoe was not able to make it to her first date with Ben because she had an important meeting. They will meet tomorrow the same time. Ben will pay for everything when they meet. He is impatient to meet Zoe.