Burning flames flew through the sky and the ground, burning down without leaving a single tree or stone pillar of Baekje. I rode Myeongjeongjeon, Woljeonggyo Bridge, and civil war. This is where the tragedy of Nakhwaam Hermitage, which is inhabited by the royal palace's ancient history, began. The Nadang Allied Forces flooded in and occupied the royal palace. Now, the crown, the throne, the gold and silver treasures, the princess, and the concubine, Samcheongung, are all in their hands. At that time, the young warrior, who was guarding the palace gate until the end, could not help the trend that was already leaning. I was chased from the door to the front and chased from the front to the inner room. On the way, it was to defend the princess, the lover he loved the most, who said, "Even if my gums died a hundred times and became sediment, I was pregnant." However, at that time, it was a time when the poor women with the princess looked up to the sky and cried and ran away through the back door. The luxurious pavilion caught fire, the folding screen fell, the flowerpot was broken, and the potential of the country flew away helplessly under the hoof of the horse. The sound of the people who were killed inside and outside the palace, and the cry of the court lady and the king's family rose to Gucheon. The road was buried under the ground again. Meanwhile, the princess, who is a precious body, got a private bridge and separated from the father and the empress, and escaped from her body by hundreds of poor women. The river flows leisurely, and the Korean wild chilies blooming on the hill of the river are blooming in line and smiling as if boasting a movie of Inse.
When the Nadang coalition took over the palace, the young warrior entered the interior to defend his beloved princess.
[ "I rode Myeongjeongjeon, Woljeonggyo Bridge, and civil war, and the tragedy of Nakhwaam Hermitage, which is inhabited by the royal palace's ancient history, began.", "When I rode Myeongjeongjeon, Woljeonggyo Bridge, and civil war, the tragedy of Nakhwaam Hermitage, which is inhabited by the royal palace's ancient history, began.", "I rode Myeongjeongjeon, Woljeonggyo Bridge, and civil war, and the tragedy of Nakhwaam Hermitage, which was inhabited by the royal palace's ancient history, began.", "When I rode Myeongjeongjeon, Woljeonggyo Bridge, and civil war, the tragedy of Nakhwaam Hermitage, which was inhabited by the royal palace's ancient history, began." ]
The message to the young man came in 1936 when an emergency came. This emergency is not limited to any ethnic group or country, but is a global emergency. Because it is an emergency, the world finds extraordinary people. This extraordinary man will surely come out of the middle of the young man. "The future world is the world of young people." If there is a truth in saying that the future world is the world of young people, the future Joseon is the Joseon of young people. Therefore, I am always very interested in youth issues and try to be with young people. This is because an extraordinary figure is waiting for the emergence of a young man who will be the heir to our society, the future protagonist. This extraordinary figure does not call for a few extraordinary heroes, but refers to an extraordinary public youth who will achieve extraordinary business as the times are extraordinary. This emergency is an anti-motor emergency, and our young man's active period of emergency is still in the future. Then, can the objective situation of all young Joseon people who are extremely anti-motivated worldwide (now) make extraordinary young people come out? I think that everything from family to school society, from father to teacher, friend, senior, and other economic, moral, and custom is an obstacle if it does not become a thick fog on the path of the young Joseon Dynasty. Objectively, they are in this environment, and at the same time, their living conditions are different. Therefore, I would now like to classify Joseon youth into several parts: rural youth, urban youth (working) youth, academy youth, and religious youth.
In an emergency, the world is looking for extraordinary people, and such people will surely come out of young people.
[ "If there is a truth in saying that the future world is the world of young people, the future Joseon will be the Joseon of young people.", "If there is a truth in saying that the future world is the world of young people, the future Joseon is the Joseon of young people, so I am always interested in youth issues and try to be with young people.", "If there is a truth in saying that the future world is the world of young people, the future Joseon is the future Joseon of young people.", "If there is a truth in saying that the future world is the world of young people, the future Joseon is the Joseon of young people, so I am always very interested in youth issues and try to be with young people." ]
Orion and Neunggeum 1 Naomi had only been present for two weeks, so I was surprised when I learned that his attitude was completely unexpected, even though he had only attended the research meeting twice. The movement of a person's emotions is difficult to predict, but I was surprised and bewildered that he had such feelings for me in a short time. From the first day when Naomi joined the company through S's introduction, I already felt more like a "woman" from him than a "comrade." That was why Naomi is now a saleswoman at a department store, and therefore, the impression of his body and appearance was too light and luxurious, rather than the reason why his grooming was somewhat luxurious. The body was very thin, the mouth was light, and the expression of the eyes was so rich. I sometimes heard through S that his distant uncle was a strong ×× in the past and is now an English body, but there was no correlation between my knowledge and Naomi's impression, and they were separated from each other in the shape of floating oil. It was as if two totally different flowers of red and blue flowers naturally formed on the same branch. But a fragile impression will never fail to promise his future. Therefore, when S, a true member and a trusted comrade, introduced him, we were not in the least stingy to accept his admission.
From the first day of Naomi's admission, I felt a lot like a woman from him, which was why his appearance was so obvious and luxurious.
[ "Naomi had only been present for two weeks, so I was surprised when I learned that his attitude was completely unexpected, even though he had only attended the research meeting twice.", "From the first day when Naomi joined the company through S's introduction, I felt more like a woman than a comrade, and Naomi is now a saleswoman at a department store.", "Naomi had only been present for two weeks, so I was surprised when I learned that his attitude was completely unexpected, even though he had only attended two meetings.", "From the first day when Naomi joined the company through S's introduction, I felt more like a woman than a comrade, and Naomi's body and appearance were too light and luxurious." ]
Jinju replaced Junho with layers of ramie that were trimmed with summer-life intentional ginseng. These days, even if it's hot during the day, it's pretty shattering after the sun sets, so you shouldn't feel cold at night It was a thoughtful effort. It was done, but this was also because the seeds were repeatedly sprinkled with unexpected liquid, so it was regrettable. Junho wears a dark pink robe, Namgapsa, a drinking belt, a pair of black leather shoes on top of a polished ramie, and finally comes down to the yard with his mouth open. In the vest pocket, there were five silver coins for each tooth and a small amount of change for each tooth. It didn't seem like it was brought when the new house married with the clothes to change, but it was taken out of the farmer's purse and put it in. It wasn't even a word, but I didn't know that he recognized it and danced to it as if he were scratching it out of reach like a tongue in his mouth. The boy has never been happier than this time of day. Past memories start around the age of four or five, but there has never been such a pleasant memory. Outside the gate, you can hear a whistle calling the window for "Hakdoya Hakdoya." "Now take this and go...…" Jinju comes down from Daecheongmaru with a small wrap of Junho's book. Junho packed a sari shovel with rice cake, gangjeong, tea ceremony, and yakgwa in it.
Jinju changed Sera Junho, who would be cold due to the weather that was quite shattering after sunset even though it was hot during the day, into a ramie layer that was trimmed with the intentional ginseng of summer life.
[ "Jinju came down from Daecheongmaru with a small wrap of Junho's book, and Junho packed a shovel with rice cake, gangjeong, tea ceremony, and yakgwa in it.", "When Jinju came down from Daecheongmaru with a small wrap of Junho's book, Junho packed a shovel with rice cake, gangjeong, tea ceremony, and yakgwa in it.", "Jinju came down from Daecheongmaru with a small wrap of Junho's book, and Junho packed a shovel with rice cake, gangjeong, tea ceremony, and yakgwa.", "Jinju came down from Daecheongmaru with a small wrap of Junho's book and packed a shovel with rice cake, gangjeong, tea ceremony, and yakgwa in it." ]
"Yes, my dear, do you live on flowers! Is it because it's small if you eat Puseongguradu?" "Destroy all of Inum's house and do a barley field!" Since the daughter-in-law is shouting so much, the old man walks out of the door with a robe on. It was a day when my son was not at home, and when I saw it, I couldn't bear it because the eyes of my first daughter-in-law seemed to be stuck in my flesh. My son also took a record of what he was doing these days, and everyone who came said they hated it, and he had already been away for three days. The old lady ran wild. The old man, who seemed to be on his back, did not return that night. The next day and the next day, San-nim was the news of the end of the business. "I went back to Sigulu. Leave it alone!" The grandmother was saying as if she were talking. "Did you get hit by rice because of the meat soup that made the fate of the heavenly being hoe or cold?" You'll think of Seoul when you eat the kkongbori rice while eating the rice with Injeo Jintang! There's kkongbori rice these daysWhat's more? It's a good thing if you take barley grains or floating bamboo soup by biting the vagina!" The grandmother said this, but listened only to the sound of the gate until late. The next day, the old man did not return. On the third day when his wife almost gave up saying that Inje must have gone to the countryside, he came in as depressed as when he went out at lunch. It was no use wearing a robe and clothes. "Where did you go again and come now?" She went into her room, pretending not to hear her grandmother's question, but taking care of her clothes.
Unable to stand the eyes of his first daughter-in-law, the old man put on a robe and wandered out of the door.
[ "On the third day when his wife almost gave up saying that Inje must have gone to the countryside, the old man came in as depressed as when he went out for lunch.", "On the third day when his wife almost gave up saying that Inje must have gone to the countryside, he came in as depressed as when he went out for lunch.", "On the third day when his wife almost gave up saying that Inje must have gone to the countryside, the old man came in as depressed as when he went out to lunch.", "On the third day when his wife almost gave up saying that Inje must have gone to the countryside, he came in as depressed as when he went out to lunch." ]
In general, it is the advertising tactic of the Joseon people's team to think that advertising can be done well only when nagging several times. Of course, it would be embarrassing to say that only one of Sungeun's street advertisers has to be trusted and recognized by the people by increasing nagging and explaining the facts so that it is messy like the advertisement. However, if the page is full of explanations, so if it is messy and not refreshing, the first thing is that I am sick of being bored and don't want to pay attention to it, and the more such advertisements are, the more I think that the product is a loose product. "Iro and Kohaku (the color is pumpkin) Aziwa Shibu (the taste is bitter)." This is an advertisement for some whisky from Inner Mountain. There is only a whiskey bottle with a picture on it in a spacious space and two words written on it. “아지요시(味[미]よし) 고우요시(香[향]よし) 사라니 스이고 고찌요시(更[경]に 醉心地[취심지]よし)” This is a fairly famous advertisement for a shipper called x x x x x. Even people like me, who don't drink well and don't enjoy alcohol, are sold to the advertisement, so if it's such a drink, I want to have a drink. The advertisement's effectiveness will be 100 percent successful because it made people who do not drink well or enjoy drinking such alcohol want to try such a drink. It is no exaggeration to say that the advertising effect is not only such a success, but also the most skillful advertising technique, whether it is a gentle or concise and sophisticated item of advertising, but also the height of commercial art (?) by text. Therefore, compared to the book advertisement earlier, it would be said to be a car that is really like a spiritual court book and a rustic.
It is embarrassing to say that only one of the street advertisers has Sungeun if the people understand only the advertisements that explain the facts of the Joseon people's fight, who know that advertising is good only when nagging.
[ "It is embarrassing to say that only one of Sungeun's street advertisers has to be trusted and recognized by the people, but if the page is full of explanations, the first thing is that I am bored and don't want to pay attention to it, and the more such advertisements are, the more I think that the product is a loose product.", "It is embarrassing to say that only one of Sungeun's street advertisers has to be trusted and recognized by the people, but if the page is full of explanations, the first thing is that I am sick of being bored and don't want to pay attention to it, and the more such advertisements are, the more I think that the product is a loose product.", "It is embarrassing to say that only one of Sungeun's street advertisers has to be trusted and recognized by the people, but if the page is full of explanations, the first thing is that I don't want to pay attention to it, and the more such advertisements are, the more I think that the product is a loose product.", "It is embarrassing to say that only one of Sungeun's street advertisers has to be trusted and recognized by the people, but if the page is full of explanations, the first thing is that I want to pay attention to it, and the more such advertisements are, the more I think that the product is a loose product." ]
It's been a decade. It turned out to be a dreamy decade. Let go today or tomorrow. Alas, after waiting like this to see if the dragon lady is still alive, he was sentenced unexpectedly. It was sold back to another Honong with a new 20-year deadline. At first he tried to cut his tongue. However, he stopped thinking of the dragon woman. Let's endure another 20 years. He had the courage to make up his mind. The new house is also 10 years old. He was nearly forty years old at the time. He heard in the wind that there was a stir between the great country and the Japanese. Following that, I heard the news that the great power lost. "Why?" It was a surprise. Alas, how's the dragon lady doing. I also heard rumors that Joseon became independent and became Korea. I also heard that Dongji Temple has disappeared. Whenever that happened, he sighed thinking of the dragon lady. From the news that Jang Dae-in became a celestial being, he was also in the rural areas of such a countryside. There was a lot of public opinion among the bells that all the bells were placed. At that time, Bok-seok was already nearly 70 years old. Finally, a bokseok was placed. However, it was not due to the eldest son, but because he was too old to engage in farming. Alas, it was a long date. I lived thinking about the dragon woman for a long, disgusting date of 50 years and lived thinking of the dragon woman. When he was placed, he forgot the end of the Joseon Dynasty except for a word of "Yongnyeo."
There were many stories that Joseon became independent and became Korea, and all the bells were laid, but Bok-seok was placed because he was old enough to no longer be able to engage in farming.
[ "I lived thinking about the dragon woman for a long, disgusting date of 50 years and forgot the end of the Joseon Dynasty except for a word of Yongnyeo.", "I lived thinking of the dragon woman for a long, disgusting date of 50 years and forgot the end of the Joseon Dynasty except for a word of Yongnyeo.", "I lived thinking about the dragon woman for a long, disgusting date of 50 years and forgot the end of the Joseon Dynasty except for a word of \"Yongnyeo\"", "He lived thinking about the dragon woman for a long, disgusting date of 50 years and forgot the end of the Joseon Dynasty except for a word of Yongnyeo." ]
Among the swings is one who changes his daughter and the Chinese. They are subject to dual laws with Japan and China. The powerless swings are being cruelly abused between the two countries. Still, there is no place to appeal. There are seven Joseon people's houses in Dacangjae, Wangcheong, where the full life is early. And after crossing the hill and leaving Dong-gu, there are about 10 houses and Oryukho Lake villages. The mountains and mountains overlap, so they make several fields for each valley pierced like nostrils. When the sun rises, the swing that fights the ground and sleeps coolly when the sun rises, barely avoids the deadline. As expected, Alja goes into the hands of Chinese people. Swing had no educational institution. Still, swings are said to be better than in the interior. The valleys and mountains seem to have been deserted for hundreds of years due to the gloomy trees. Even during the day, mountain animals come down to the field and eat grain. Mansu bought a single house for 20 won. The following Chinese fields were obtained as pottery. Mansuro, who had not been able to farm, could not handle the field in charge of the dojo. I decided to give him thirty won a year, so I had a farmhand. Although Kim Sosa was old, he knew well about farming because he had some wind left when he was young and grew up in a farming house when he was young. It was a green summer with barley in full bloomed. Mansu left home. At this time, in Manchuria, West Baekria, and Shanghai, ✕✕✕ rose like a swarm of bees and spread the boundary between the front and back.
Swings controlled by Japan and China have no power at all, so they sometimes switch between their daughters and the Chinese.
[ "There are seven Joseon people's houses in Dacangjae, Wangcheong, and after crossing the hill and leaving Dong-gu, there are about 10 houses and Oryukho Lake villages.", "There are seven Joseon people's houses in Dacangjae, Wangcheong, and after crossing the hill, there are about 10 houses and Oryukho Lake villages.", "There are seven Joseon people's houses in Dacangjae, Wangcheong, where the full life is early, and about 10 houses and Oryukho Lake villages.", "There are seven Joseon people's houses in Dacangjae, Wangcheong, where the full life is early, and there are about 10 houses and Oryukho Lake villages." ]
"Does it matter to you?" I don't want to hear it." "Naughty boy. I can't stop my brother from burning like that!" his wife shouted in anger. "What?" he sprang to his feet. "Ugly!" his wife fell on the spot with a yelp before he could finish. "Hey! How dare you say that to a man?" "Where did you come from when you hit Emine?" Ugly." His wife cried out. "Shangnyeon, just?" I'll go out, not stay at my house." He cried as he knocked down. And I pushed my wife open the door. "I won't go out!" his wife cried and ran out. "Dammy!" murmured vomitfully, and he sat down on the spot. His wife didn't come back when the sun went down and it got dark. He was waiting for his wife's return, although he was chased once. Even after dark, he waited for his wife's return, trembling with anger without turning on the light. But the sound of his wife's delightful laughter rang all night in his brother's house. He sat there without hesitation and stayed up all night, and when dawn broke, he went to the kitchen to kill his wife and brother, brought a kitchen knife, and burst open the door. As his wife, he would have killed his wife and brother if he had not been standing outside the door with a worried face and looking into the door. The moment he saw his wife, he realized the love that filled his heart, threw away his knife, ran out, grabbed her hair, came in, bit her cheek, and rolled around together.
He kicked his wife out, but he was waiting for her to return, and his wife did not return when the sun went down and it was dark.
[ "The sound of his wife's laughter rang all night in his brother's house, and when dawn broke, he went to the kitchen to kill his wife and brother, brought a knife, and burst open the door.", "The sound of his wife's laughter rang in his brother's house all night, and when dawn broke, he went to the kitchen to kill his wife and brother, brought a knife, and burst open the door.", "The sound of his wife's laughter rang all night in his brother's house, and when dawn broke, he went to the kitchen to kill his wife and brother and burst open the door.", "The sound of his wife's laughter rang all night in his brother's house, and when dawn broke, he went to the kitchen to kill his wife and brother." ]
"Ah, if you've seen Ppuum Ppuum, if you've seen Ppuum Ppuum...…." said Francois, crying. Then, the door opened again, and there was a real sense of ppu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-u-pu-u-u-u-u. As soon as he saw it, he laughed and giggled on the bed, couldn't resist and jumped for joy, and Francois exclaimed, tapping his bone-remaining hand. "Oh, bboom bboom! It's really bboom bboom bboom bboom! Ah, ID Bboom Bboom! This is my house. Alas, ppuum ppuum!" The doctor, who came to see the disease, was glad to see that Francois liked it so much because of the clown, and said, "Inje is healed, Inje is healed." Boomboom, after a long period of performance, poured the potion in his eyes and put a sugar in it, and said, "Come on, my companion, Mr. Francois! Grab this. If you don't like it, Bboom Bboom Bboom won't come after this." So I took what I didn't eat before and ate it in one gulp without saying anything on this day. 'How is it? Does it taste sweet?' 'Yes, it does. Thank you, Mr. Bboom Bboom." All the father and mother cried. However, I cried because I was so happy. Since then, every day, he has been riding a fine carriage to this poor man's house, and the famous ppuum ppuum has been diligent in trying to make a single young companion laugh. Thanks to him, when François was energized day by day and ran outside the door, his old father saw him, and said, "How can I repay this grateful kindness?" The gentle Gokmasa put out his hands with a smile, "Thank you, give me a handshake," and shook his hands affectionately. And, once again, he kissed Francois on the cheek and went back.
When Francois was crying, the door opened, hoping to see Puum Puum, and Puum Puum, wearing a white cone on his head and a Puum Puum came in.
[ "When the door opened again, there was a real sense of ppu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u", "When the door opened again, there was a real sense of ppu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u", "When the door opened again, there was a real sense of ppu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u", "When the door opened again, there was a real sense of ppu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-pu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u" ]
I saw an effort to postpone death for a moment with all my will. "Doctor, when my country was eaten by Japan 20 years ago, I made a decision to hide as a ruined country, but when there is a pleasant day when my country is liberated, I want to dance from Namdaemun, Seoul, to Gwanghwamun, and collapse in front of Gwanghwamun."… Dancing and dancing while singing "Long Live the Liberation of the Fatherland," a dance designed to show Kim's last dance in front of his countrymen in Seoul, his country, and a secret dance that he has not yet performed in front of people since the decoration...… On the day of liberation of my country, it was a dance I was going to dance in my country, Seoul, but I couldn't see the unfortunate liberation, and I fell down as a barber in a slum in Shanghai, let alone my country…… This fate, make me cry. But I'm still a little satisfied that I can show him in front of the doctor who carried the fate of my country. Also, there is Pastor Yohak, so please pray to Jehovah to accept this innocent poor soul if I fall, even though it is not my Christian. I will dance for myself as the last preacher of the dance I was going to dance in my country on the day of liberation of my country, and then I will fall...… Now, Doctor, I'll call you one, two, three, and let me go when you call those three." One Western dress was modeled after the clothes of a warrior of Goguryeo, the strongest and most colorful of this tribe. What he moved his hands to take out of both sleeves was a beautiful Taegeukgi that shook the heart of the Korean people. Holding the national flag in both hands, one Western sang. One, two, three...….
He took the national flag from both sleeves and held it in both hands and sang one, two, three.
[ "One Western dress was modeled after the clothes of a warrior of Goguryeo, the strongest and most colorful of the Goguryeo tribe, and held the national flag in both hands.", "On the day of liberation of my country, I was going to dance in my country, Seoul, but I couldn't see the unfortunate liberation, and I fell down as a barber in a slum in Shanghai, let alone my country.", "One Western dress was modeled after the clothes of a warrior of Goguryeo, the strongest and most colorful of this tribe, and held the national flag in both hands.", "It was a dance I was going to dance in my country, Seoul, but I couldn't see the unfortunate liberation, and I fell down as a barber in a slum in Shanghai, let alone my country." ]
There are a lot of coincidences. Why did you draw a picture and let it mutate like this? Then Okji shook and forced herself to support her. Until now, the count had looked carefully when he looked at Okmae, and now he is the face of a person who must look at this painting and look at Okmae. Therefore, when I saw the picture of my wife and thought of something miserable, I looked at Okmae's face, and thought, "Is this Okmae? My wife or my daughter? He said this with the application of nerves in his mind. The servants who stood next to them didn't know why, so they couldn't say anything and opened their eyes wide. However, Okji thought of a trick at a glance and rushed in front of the count, Father! Father! What's wrong with you? Get a hold of yourself. Oh - who are you? Who are you? Did your father suddenly die? Let's go to hell. Wake up. Well, jade?… Then, he couldn't say anything again, closed his eyes, and fell on the chair. Seok-gu and his servants, who suffered this sudden change, were surprised and asked a nearby doctor for emergency treatment. Everyone was relieved to hear that the doctor's words were not hurt at all, but were caused by a nervousness at one time. As a result, there was no time to look back, whether it was stone sphere or jade, and I was distracted by nursing the count. Soon the count changed his mind and asked what happened, but he thought it was not necessary to tell such a story again now, so Okji immediately intercepted the count's question and answered.
The count looked at Okmae's photographs and paintings, and said this to the face of one man without a doubt, with the application of any nerve whether this was my wife or daughter.
[ "Seok-gu and his servants were surprised to hear that the doctor's words were not hurt, but were caused by a nervousness at one time.", "When I saw the picture of my wife and thought of something miserable, I looked at Okmae's face and thought, \"Is this my wife or my daughter?\"", "When I saw the picture of my wife and thought of something miserable, I looked at Okmae's face and thought, \"Is this Okmae?\"", "When I saw the picture of my wife and thought of something miserable, I looked at Okmae's face and thought, \"Is this Okmae? My wife or my daughter?\"" ]
"This is the student's coat," he said, placing an abacus of two won. And every time you move one thing, you go out 20 or 40 cents, and at the end, you get 10 dollars and 23 cents. "I'll give you 10 won and 23 won, and I'll give you 10 won and 50 won because you're shy." 'Just give me 15 won.' 'Don't be ridiculous. I gave you 15 won so that's why I' I can't let go of the price any more, so if you don't like it, let's meet again next time." "So, am I not unjust? The principal alone cost only 10 won for 27 coins." "That's right, I have to blame Ju-ju Kim for holding it wrong." "But let's put it a little more." "Don't mention it, go around the other house." If anyone puts a penny more than me, I'll give you my mother. One, let go of it……." Samdeok sighed for a long time. And as his face became unusually bland, he packed the cloth again and left the house. But about two hours later he entered the house again. And when he came out of the house, the luggage that he was carrying was gone when he entered, and instead, he had 10.50 won in his pocket. One day, when Samdeok sat in the store, a woman carrying a child came in. "Yes, don't cry, don't cry. Take a look at this, and give it to me as much as you want." The woman gave up a corner of something, carrying a child on her back. There was an old hapbi and a pair of rubber shoes in it.
To Samdeok, who was sitting in the store, a woman showed him an old hapbi and a pair of rubber shoes and offered them to him.
[ "When Samdeok came out of the house, the luggage that he was carrying was gone, and instead, he had 10.50 won in his pocket.", "When Samdeok came out of the house, the luggage that he was carrying was gone, and when he entered, he had 10.50 won in his pocket.", "When Samdeok came out of the house, the luggage that he was carrying was gone, and when he entered the house, he had 10.50 won in his pocket.", "When Samdeok came out of the house, the luggage that he was carrying was gone, and when he entered the house again, he had 10.50 won in his pocket." ]
Some humanitarians frowned at the appearance of a wild girl called M. Sanger and insisted on birth control, but there is also a considerable basis for that. As hygiene ideas grow, the Earth does not grow, so there are three ways for people to go. One is to go back to the old days and fight a lot of wars as a murderous institution, and the other is to find food that people have not yet looked back on. The raw fish, a woman, did not have the courage to do it without the lives already there. Saint-Geo, a woman, did not even have the genius brain of discovering the new phase. He finally discovered a classic remedy, which is the theory of birth control. However, this is where the study of misinformation originated, as people with originality and invention might not be satisfied with such a classic policy. There is still a lot of nourishment left in the feces that Oh In's daily excretion, so 30% to 70% of the nutrients that he excreted, on average, rot in the ground in vain (and there are other figures for feces, but it is weak). There is no need to rot this in vain. If you can only bring this up, it is the most legitimate act of misinformation to take it out and put it on the table of misinformation. All kinds of antique problems in various ways can be said to be a nervous and sensitive cry caused by a scary premonition of human food shortages, so if human life is survived, all kinds of problems and the root of the problem will disappear naturally. This is where the study of misinformation began (and the path of the study weakens).
Humanitarians raised eyebrows over Saint-Eau's argument for birth control.
[ "All kinds of antique problems can be said to be a nervous cry caused by a scary premonition of human food shortages, so if human life is survived, all kinds of problems and the root of the problem will disappear naturally.", "All kinds of antique problems can be said to be a nervous cry caused by a scary premonition of human food shortages, so if human life is survived, all kinds of problems and the root of the problem disappear naturally.", "All kinds of antique problems can be said to be a nervous cry caused by a scary premonition of human food shortages, and if human life is survived, all kinds of problems and the root of the problem will disappear naturally.", "All kinds of antique problems can be said to be a nervous cry caused by a scary premonition of human food shortages, and if human life is survived, all kinds of problems and the root of the problem disappear naturally." ]
Declaration of Construction and Declaration of the Code Humanity longs for peace and history aims for development. With the end of World War II, an unprecedented disaster in human history, the day of liberation has also come to our Joseon. For the past half century, our Joseon was a colony of imperial Japan, and the path of freedom in all aspects was blocked by feudal exploitation and suppression. But we have been fighting for our liberation for the past 36 years. All movements and struggles to open the way for this free development have also been stubbornly rejected by imperialism and its reactionary anti-democratic forces. With the international resolution of the post-war problem, Joseon broke away from the foundation of imperial Japan. However, since the liberation of the Korean people has only taken a new step in the difficult movement ideology, numerous struggles for complete independence still remain, and the important task for the construction of a new country lies in our future. In this case, then, our immediate task is to strive for full independence and the establishment of true democracy. International forces will temporarily dominate us, but it will help us with our democratic demands but not hinder us. All progressive struggles to clean up feudal remnants and open the way for free development are unfolding nationwide, and various progressive democratic forces in Korea long for the formation of a unification front, so our National Foundation Preparatory Committee was formed by this social demand. Therefore, this preparatory committee is a preparatory organization for the construction of a new state to reorganize our people into a true democratic regime, and it is not a mixed cooperative organization. This is why a public struggle against all anti-democratic reactionary forces is called for.
With the end of World War II, liberation came to Joseon, and for the past half century, the path of freedom as a Japanese colony has been blocked in all aspects, and we have been fighting for liberation.
[ "For the past half century, our Joseon was a colony of imperial Japan, and the path of freedom in all aspects was blocked by feudal exploitation and suppression.", "For the past half century, our Joseon was a colony of imperial Japan, and the path of freedom in all aspects was blocked by feudal exploitation and suppression, but we have been fighting for our liberation for the past 36 years.", "For the past half century, the path of freedom in all aspects was blocked by feudal exploitation and suppression, and we have been fighting for our liberation for the past 36 years.", "For the past half century, our Joseon was a colony of imperial Japan, and the path of freedom was blocked by feudal exploitation and suppression, but we have been fighting for our liberation for the past 36 years." ]
And with each of them in hand, I was determined to make an appointment until they gathered and rushed there at once when I blew it in the middle of the night. Fortunately! Thus, no matter how many people get in the wide station, a mouse cannot escape. There was no change until 3, 4, 005 o'clock, but as 007 o'clock was approaching, everyone's hearts began to pound again, and their eyes shone even more. Then, suddenly, at the corner of the station, I heard "Ring!" and a piercing whistle. "Somewhere, some where!" the whole group ran to the whistle. The time has come to confront and fight. It's 0005:15! "Children" Vol. 3, no. 7 (July 1925 issue). At 0005:15! When the whistle suddenly broke out in the corner of the increasingly complicated station, the students guarding the corner rushed to somewhere, which was next to the third-class waiting room, and it was Chang-ho who saw the whistle. "The Cheongguk guys who were running away with Soon-hee must have been found!" thought the whole group and ran, "Where are you? Where is he?" he asked hastily, breathing heavily. But Chang-ho, who was hiding with his hat pressed down, crouched down, and only his eyes opened in a scary circle, said, "Shh!" and dried it, and then quietly said, "Is there a guy from Secheong-guk over there who's sending that luggage? It's them. He locked Soon-hee up and locked me up again!" When I saw it, the three terrible-looking Cheongguk men were talking loudly to check their luggage.
When I blew the whistle at the last minute, I was determined to gather at once, so no one could escape from the wide station, but I heard the whistle at the corner of the station.
[ "When the whistle suddenly broke out in the corner of the station, the students guarding the corner rushed to somewhere next to the third-class waiting room, and it was Chang-ho who saw the whistle.", "When the whistle suddenly broke out in the corner of the station, the students rushed to somewhere next to the third-class waiting room, and it was Chang-ho who saw the whistle.", "When the whistle suddenly broke out in the corner of the station, the students guarding the corner rushed to somewhere next to the waiting room, and it was Chang-ho who saw the whistle.", "When the whistle suddenly broke out in the corner of the station, the students guarding the corner rushed to somewhere, and it was Chang-ho who saw the whistle." ]
To my brother Chae-ok, I only thought about what happened when I came out here and thought you were working safely at the rubber shoe factory. And one day? The words in the newspaper I was reading casually surprised my eyes. A few small letters of your name have become clubbed and tapped on my chest…… You've been transferred to the Bureau of Inspection……. It was rather a later matter of pride at the glorious sacrifice. First of all, you were surprised to think of your fragile body. Yeah, you went on an alliance strike, handed out secret propaganda to female workers, and those vultures snatched you like a chick and locked you in a police cell. You must have been tied to a chair in the interrogation room, patted on a soft bone, ripped off the flesh, examined and handled you with a serpent's eyeball and a search skill, right? The mere thought of it is appalling. You must have fallen like a wilted grasshopper, stuck in a hard hawk, under an oil-for-oil interrogation, right? My heart is breaking at the thought of this. When an ignorant policeman kicks you mercilessly, when a strong fist rises on your cheek, and when a finger joule causes your hand, you will stop being married to your side and fall down with a single sound of "Oh, mother!"...…. Thinking about this shape, my eyes are on fire, my teeth are grinding, and my fists are shaking. After that, I saw in the newspaper that Lee Tae-gan, who was sentenced, should spend not a short period of time in the cage.
I thought my brother Chae-ok was working safely at the rubber shoe factory, but one day, the letters of the newspaper I was reading casually surprised my eyes.
[ "I saw in the newspaper that Lee Tae-gan, who was sentenced, should not spend a short period of time in the cage, and my eyes were on fire, my teeth were grinding, and my fists were shaking.", "I saw in the newspaper that Lee Tae-gan, who was sentenced to prison, should not spend a short period of time in the cage, and my eyes were on fire, my teeth were grinding, and my fists were shaking.", "I saw in the newspaper that Lee Tae-gan, who was sentenced, should not spend a short period in the cage, and my eyes were on fire and my teeth were grinding.", "I saw in the newspaper that Lee Tae-gan, who was sentenced, should not spend a short period of time in the cage, and my eyes were on fire and my teeth were grinding." ]
I am also a money lover, and you are also a money lover. No, the whole country is asking for money and the whole world is greedy for money. And in other words, it is natural for money-loving and money-loving countries to fight each other, eliminating lives between this money-loving country and that money-loving country.Therefore, when I see this world, I say that money is not the wrong thing, but the greedy one, and that money is not dirty, but the person is dirty. Look! There are so many people in the world who ruin one's body and ruin one's house because of money. However, on the other hand, how many people can't do what they have to do because they don't have money and spend one life in the green. Indeed, money is something that we people do not have or do not have. To tell the truth of this society, this is all contradictory. Of all things, money is the money. Everything is like this, of course, type. However, there is another contradiction here, so to speak, there is no must-have person, and there is a must-have person. This is where complaints arise and this is where bad results occur. So what I'm trying to say now is neither an old story nor a prediction of what will happen in the future. However, it is nothing more than trying to reflect one's foolish opinion in this society in this era. There is no point in asking for money because all men and women who have mouths regardless of gender and age are money! Are you trying to make a rich movie, or are you trying to make it useful for others or for society or the country! Money spent on charity to others or public works in the national society is also precious, and money spent on taking personal wealth and pleasure is also.
It is natural for this country that likes money to fight with that country that likes money, so I say that people are dirty, not dirty, when I see this world.
[ "There are many people in the world who ruin one's body and ruin one's house because of money, but how many people can't do what they have to do because they don't have money and spend one life in the green?", "There are many people in the world who ruin one's body and ruin one's house because of money, but how many people can't do what they have to do because they don't have money?", "There are many people who ruin one's body and ruin one's house because of money, but how many people can't do what they have to do because they don't have money and spend one life in the green?", "There are many people who ruin one's body and ruin one's house because of money, but how many people can't do what they have to do because they don't have money?" ]
I don't mean to kill you.have eyes like >. Once scolded like this, the dog jumps out of the barn and sits crouching in a position facing the cow with the palace in a bird. However, if it is better to be stepped on or supported and sickened, the dog will start playing rude tricks again. If I drag the cow out, the dog follows me. When the cow crab grass is torn, the dog is tied to the reins and starts running and biting the corns, and the most angry thing among them is that the dog slips back and forth on the cow's snout that is just grazing. Cows endure this a few times and still don't graze, but when the dog is annoying, his eyes turn upside down, so he cheers and receives the dog. <Hmmm, I thought you were going to get it from me.> As if, the dog quickly avoids the body and quickly turns back and holds out four feet with the iron tail. The cow sighed once and then grazed again. He seemed to be determined to meet me in a narrow barn. My cow and dog have lived in this shape for three months already. He is not a good friend, but he seems to have grown attached to Picha. However, one concern was that the dog knew Umore, but the cow didn't know it. It was natural for our dog, who seemed to be the opening of Shepherd and Pointer, to see the bull as a foolish tease. As soon as Oyo came to my house, he was good at covering his urine poop and always went out of the fence. However, our cow is six years old, so an adult already peed on the spot, poop, and made a mess, and lay down on it. Yeah, the big cheeks and belly fat were all over the place day and night. Even if you can't go out of the fence to see your back, you can turn your tail to the corner because your nose is tied to the reins and you're trapped in the barn. It is inescapable to look down on our five-month-old puppy as an ugly one sees it.
Our dog follows the cow when it goes out, and when it grazes, it runs on the reins or slips its cow's snout, and the two seem to have lived for three months and got attached.
[ "The dog jumps out of the barn and sits in a position facing the cow with the palace in a bird, but if it is better to be supported, the dog will start playing rude tricks again.", "The dog jumps out of the barn and sits in a position facing the cow with the palace in a bird, but if it is better to be supported or sickened, the dog will start playing rude tricks again.", "The dog jumped out of the barn and sat in a position facing the cow with the palace in a bird, but if it is better to be supported, the dog will start playing rude tricks again.", "The dog jumps out of the barn and sits in a position facing the cow with the palace in a bird, but if it is better to be supported or supported, the dog will start playing rude tricks again." ]
I still remember the gentleman's kindness at the time. Even though there was such an example at the foot of my coat, I always hear my grandfather talk about this story, and when I see a person in trouble, the friend I received from the gentleman suddenly thinks of the gentleman and makes me read a book of kindness. That's why kindness can't be forgotten in your heart like this. Sometimes I can't leave, but not too long ago, my daughter was in an unexpected trouble in the car on her way up and down from the country house on a vacation, and not only did a gentleman spare no effort to take care of everything, but he also took her to Namcheon, Hwanghae Province, to sleep, and took her home. From then on, she heard her daughter memorize every word that she could not forget the gentleman's kindness. The word that can't be forgotten was not unless it was evidence that he was already immersed in the influence of kindness and was beautifully growing a piece of flesh by kindness. The kindnesses of this gentleman...… It seemed not only to be an expression of the gentleman's own beautiful heart, but also to the kindness that was given over a path, such as the inheritance of precious property.
My grandfather always told me stories of kindness to people's embarrassment even though there was an excuse at the foot of my coat.
[ "I still remember the gentleman's kindness at the foot of my coat, and when I see a person in trouble, my friend suddenly thinks of the gentleman and makes me read a book of kindness.", "I still remember the gentleman's kindness at the foot of my coat, and when I see a person in trouble, the friend I received from the gentleman makes me read a book of kindness.", "Even though I remember the gentleman's kindness at the foot of my coat, I always hear my grandfather talk about it, and when I see a person in trouble, the friend I received from the gentleman makes me read a book of kindness.", "Even though I remember the gentleman's kindness at the foot of my coat, I always hear my grandfather talk about it, and when I see a person in trouble, my friend suddenly thinks of the gentleman and makes me read a book of kindness." ]
Today is not the last day. It's not a payday. When I entered the office, all I could see was the sympathy of the accounting. And I was just trying to use the money. I said I should buy a child's hat and a scarf for my beloved wife again today. For some reason, my heart was bitter and I felt sorry for my body, waiting for my salary of 25 won. And I was really sick of it. When I entered the classroom and drew on the blackboard with chalk, I hated all the students. And it seemed that the students made my destiny like this. I couldn't help but live an hour that I didn't feel at all. It was the day I asked the students to do their homework. Among the 40 students, there were five who didn't do their homework. One of the students, who was younger and naked, was just standing there crying over and over again because he was there for a long time without saying anything. The other student tried to deceive me as a teacher with various excuses. When I looked at the tearful student and saw the pierced socks again, I felt sorry for him, and said, "Why don't you just cry?" And I felt more and more that my hand, Mr. Danny's arm on his shoulder, was touching his shoulder, and I felt more and more that I felt his feelings. Then, with a loud cry, he said, "I don't buy you drawing paper just because I don't have money at home."
When I entered the office waiting for my monthly salary of 25 won today, I was just thinking about using the money.
[ "When I entered the office, all I could see was the sympathy of the accounting, and I was just trying to use the money to buy a child's hat and a scarf for my beloved wife.", "When I entered the office, all I could see was the sympathy of the accounting, and I wanted to buy a child's hat and a scarf for my beloved wife again today.", "When I entered the office, all I could see was the sympathy of the accounting, and I wanted to buy a child's hat and a scarf for my beloved wife.", "When I entered the office, all I could see was the sympathy of the accounting, and I was just trying to use the money to buy a child's hat and a scarf for my beloved wife again today." ]
In the chapel, celebrations such as "Celebration Wedding," "Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi," and "You must be happy," are pouring in, but in the groom's house, they are fussed about choosing a bridegroom. Moreover, men and women of all ages, who went to the chapel to see the wedding because the wedding was at 06 p.m., only saw the dark house and came to the groom's house to dig up the reason. I can't do this with you because I'm embarrassed. It doesn't look like a family of senior citizens, but it looks like a family with a mutiny that's talking from corner to corner. But it's helpless. Can you do it. At that time (God is grateful as expected) Ido's light was reflected in the sky. It is said that a strange hawk came running and there was a bride who wanted to get married even tonight. Why is this rice cake. I'm not in a position to talk about this or that. So I asked if it was true, and the hawk swore that he could bring it back soon. Whoo... What else could there be after that. The marriage proposal ends like a bolt from the blue, and the chapel is decorated with flowers. The light tree is spread out and the Boy Scout is called Invite the descendants back to dress themselves in robes I ask for a minister That's too bad. It's hard to find a girl's successor because it's a sudden thing, so please save only four of them from the groom's house. If you can't get it, let's do as we have it. We can't suddenly save it in the middle of the night. The seven descendants were three, and nothing else went as planned, and the chapel was not equipped with lights yet, but according to our plan, it was intended to be temporary on this day, but it was stopped and the Great Speed's torch was held under dark oil lamps. Speed speed for a month. This kind of speed will be easy.
At that time, a strange hawk, like the Gwangmyeong of Ildo, rescued Saxi and asked if it was real because he wondered why it was rice cake, and he said he could bring it soon.
[ "In the chapel, celebrations such as \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" and \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" are pouring in, but in the groom's house, they are fussing about choosing a bridegroom.", "In the chapel, celebrations such as \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" and \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" are pouring in, but in the groom's house, people are fussing about choosing a bridegroom.", "In the chapel, celebrations such as \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" and \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi\" are pouring in, but in the groom's house, they are fussing about choosing a bridegroom.", "In the chapel, celebrations such as \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" \"Long Live Kim Chul-soo Song Sun-bi,\" and \"You must be happy,\" are pouring in, but in the groom's house, they are fussing about choosing a bridegroom." ]
I was relieved to hear an answer, "Yes." Somehow, after calling the school name with my own mouth, I thought I was very clumsy. "There are many of his friends, too." 'Well.' 'When I came into this room, three or four people came rushing in.' He smiled. "Among them, my colleague Sook-hee is also coming." He was heartbroken. Does this place already know that he is following Sook-hee? That's why you don't talk like that because you're trying to find out what's inside? He had not much to ask, but he went in at the end of this remark. "Do you know Sook-hee?" "I don't know." "Yeon-hee knows, right?" You're from the same hometown, aren't you?' 'Yes. "I haven't spoken, but I've seen strangers many times." "Sookhee always goes to play, too, during vacation." "I don't know, I don't know in detail." I was lazy to ask. The door opened at the sound of shoes. Young-sil got up quickly. So I went into the master bedroom. Bong-joon stood avoiding the corner of the floor and entered the room. The jade stood still. After asking, "Did you sleep peacefully?" I took out the yellow shoes in the newspaper. "Wear it," he said, his heart pounding. And it was more embarrassing than anything else to step up. He took out his skin-colored socks from his pocket. "Wear these and try them on." His face turned red. 'Go ahead and try them on.' 'I'll wear them later.' "You're only talking about the performance." Bong-joon frowned. And I said to myself, 'Country women can't do it.'
Bong-jun frowned at repeated urging him to try on yellow shoes with skin-colored socks.
[ "Bong-joon frowned when he took out his skin-colored socks from his pocket and said, \"I'll wear them later, but country women can't do it.\"", "Bong-joon frowned when he took out his skin-colored socks from his pocket and said, \"I'll wear them later,\" and said, \"Country women can't do it.\"", "Bong-joon frowned when he took out his skin-colored socks from his pocket and said, \"Go ahead and try them on, but country women can't do it.\"", "Bong-joon frowned when he took out his skin-colored socks from his pocket and said, \"Go ahead and try them on,\" and said, \"Country women can't do it.\"" ]
Although the US's reach for Korea's internal affairs is first indirect, it originated from the so-called Agwanpacheon Stream. Behind the pro-Roh faction was the efforts and manipulation of the pro-American faction. In the fall of the first year of Konyang (申赦丙), Seo Jae-pil, who had fled to the United States early in the Gapsin Coup, returned wearing a special envoy and began the innovation movement, drawing a new epoch. Seo Jae-pil was an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and enlightened officials, while publishing independent newspapers in late Joseon and English. He took to the streets, gathered the people and young people, explained the new trend of the world, and gave a speech to promote the idea of independence. The people and young people welcomed it. It was decided to establish an independent gate claiming to be an independent state of Joseon in Mohwagwan outside Seodaemun, which was a target of self-confessed Qing Dynasty. And on the 14th of the month of the 11th, there was a ceremony for the opening of the Independence Gate, and the Independence Association was organized on that day. Many young people and students with enthusiasm for reform and independence gathered under the flag of the Independence Association. The students were students of Baejae Hakdang in Jinju, and Nam Byung-soo did not fall into it. Inside Baejae Hakdang, there was a Hyeopseonghoe organized by students a little ahead of the Independence Association. Syngman Rhee was guided by the leaders and it was a meeting to develop young people's new knowledge and promote the spirit of reform by holding a speech or debate on the current situation. Byeong-soo's blood vessels were flowing with the blood of his father Namjinsa's revolutionary fighter. Also, what I have always learned since I was young was also the spirit of revolution. However, there was also a valuable experience of actually gaining a struggle in Gabo Donghak.
Seo Jae-pil, who published independent newspapers in late Joseon and English, returned from the United States and began the Joseon innovation movement.
[ "In the fall of the first year of Konyang, Seo Jae-pil, who had fled to the U.S. early in the Gapsin Coup, returned wearing a special envoy and began the innovation movement.", "Seo Jae-pil, who fled to the U.S. early in the Gapsin Coup, returned in the fall of the first year of Konyang and began the innovation movement.", "Seo Jae-pil, who fled to the United States early in the Gapsin Coup, returned in the fall of the first year of Konyang and began the innovation movement.", "Seo Jae-pil, who had fled to the U.S. early in the Gapsin Coup, returned in the fall of the first year of Konyang and began the innovation movement." ]
Therefore, if you read the sentences of Park's biography and summarize the main points he intends to say, the confusion of logic and unscientificity are severe, so it can be summarized as extreme or alternative to the following. (A) Each has his own way. Park's path and Kant's path. (B) Controversy comes from economic ambition. Otherwise, it's a clash of emotions. (C) There should be no need for criticism, there should be only works. (D) There is no mental defeat for an artist. Of course, there are many other things, but it is natural that the essay thesis of each article of the biography will soon obtain the following as a result of logic, and it is clear that Park himself has a theoretical intention there. (A) will increase the inviolability of each path to ignore the need for criticism and the opportunity for historical development of art. (B) will eliminate the opportunity for literary development to replace the 10-year history of professional literature with athletic competition. (C) will result in the rejection of the uniqueness of critical literature. In addition, a primitive understanding of artistic imagery, philosophy, separation from art and practice, and dualism by extreme separation from theory and practice form a major part of this article.
If you read the sentences of Park's biography and look at what he is trying to say, each person has his own way.
[ "If you read the sentences of Park's biography and summarize the main points he intends to say, the confusion of logic and unscientificity are severe, so it can be summarized as extreme or alternative to the following.", "In addition, a primitive understanding of artistic imagery, philosophy, separation from art and practice, and dualism by extreme separation from theory and practice form a major part of this article.", "If you read the sentences of Park's biography and summarize the main points he intended to say, the confusion of logic and unscientificity are severe, so it can be summarized as extreme or alternative to the following.", "If you read the sentences of Park's biography and summarize the main points, the confusion of logic and unscientificity are severe, so it can be summarized as extreme or alternative to the following." ]
"I'm sure there's a reason for that, huh?" "A reason! Will you tell me? The reason is that Mr. B is too poor! It's because I don't have money, so to speak!" 'What? With your own mouth?" I stood up again. "Then I'm the one who says that, right?" "You say that because it's you?" I also looked surprised. "Yes, it's me, so I say that." The brave began to walk again. We didn't say a word until we passed the new name. In front of Nammyeong, Yong-ja seemed to take a tram, but she looked at me insinuously, saying, "Shall we buy some apples?" and there was no sign of waiting for my answer, but she stood in front of the fruit store to pick up the price, and bought a bag of apples and pears, respectively. Then, he didn't ask me to go, but he stood in front of the hoejak. I took the bag of fruit from the dragon, took it in my hand, and handed over the branches over to the dragon. It was dark when I came home. My mother was very happy to see the two siblings coming in side by side. I sat side by side at the end of the floor, washed my face, and entered the room, and there was Gyeom Market. It was my first time to go to a table with a dragon. When I was young, I ate at a Korean restaurant, and I never played Akdaguni with Chan, but this is the first time I've been there since I became mature. "Let's eat, boy." I asked as if I were pulling someone's hand. Even while I was eating, in my head, the words of the brave man I heard on the street earlier raised his head without hesitation and stood up. A brave man who criticizes my life and ridicules my consciousness, a brave man who resonates with B's disturbing ideas and respects him so much - I couldn't say anything even if I wanted to.
Yong-ja bought pears and apples at the fruit store and received a bag of fruit.
[ "When I was young, I ate at a Korean restaurant, and I never played Akdaguni with Chan, but this is the first time I've been there since I became mature.", "When I was young, I ate at a Korean restaurant and never played Akdaguni with Chan, but this is the first time I've been there since I became mature.", "When I was young, I ate at a Korean restaurant, and I never played Akdaguni with Chan, but this is the first time I've been to a table with a dragon since I became mature.", "When I was young, I ate at a Korean restaurant and never played Akdaguni with Chan, but this is the first time I've been to a table with a dragon since I became mature." ]
In the women's bath between neighbors, there seemed to be a person bathing in the middle of the night, not in this station. He must be a sleepless person. I went out of the bathroom and put on my pajamas, listening to the sound of the quiet water, thinking it would be unprecedented. Once I went back to the room, my feet turned back as if I was possessed by a ghost and headed to the next room. It may have been a referee to make a final decision. But there was no precedent in the room. What did I see flying quickly in an empty room instead of a precedent. A letter, which seemed to represent an unprecedented existence, caught my eye on the desk. A white envelope of corrugated letters on a large desk. It was almost as absurd as a lunatic's behavior in a moment to grasp it at the moment, knowing that it was an unprecedented letter to a distant number of people as a result of rushing in and picking it up. When I opened the letter again and tore it with my trembling hand and crouched down a meaningless piece of paper whose contents had disappeared, I heard footsteps in the hallway and came in. The person who bathed in the women's bath was also unprecedented. In front of my pajamas, I opened it with my hands, held it, and sprinkled a bunch of letters that I tore and squeezed in toward the precedent of entering with a towel over my shoulder. The precedent did not know what to do, so he hesitated to stand there. It was certainly the behavior of a delirious dream that lost its right mind. Then I rushed to Ye-rye like fire, held her body, and found her face. The precedent was to understand everything in a moment. I didn't bother to push myself away. He calmly allowed his lips. I didn't try to keep my face off like a greedy person. Lips were as hot as a rush of blood.
I knew that the letter that caught my eye in the unprecedented room was to be sent to Su-su, so I packed it in a moment and stole it in my hand.
[ "In the women's bath between neighbors, there seemed to be a person bathing in the middle of the night, so I went out of the bathroom and put on my pajamas, thinking it would be unprecedented.", "In the women's bath between neighbors, there seemed to be a person bathing in the middle of the night, and I went out of the bathroom and put on my pajamas, thinking it would be unprecedented.", "In the women's bath between neighbors, there seemed to be a person bathing in the middle of the night, but there was no precedent in the room.", "In the women's bath between neighbors, there seemed to be a person bathing in the middle of the night, so I went out of the bathroom and put on my pajamas." ]
To a friend in North Korea, the collaboration (letter) was not Yeo Woon-hyung's personal action. It was the result of the Democratic National Front (Civil War) after it split from side to side. I gave up on that work because I was weak and it was difficult for me to acquire a price because of the recent changes made by the Communist Party. I asked for negotiations on the matter of Members of Parliament, but refused to participate because it was not dealt with as I wished. Park Heon-young was wrong to put the names of Yeo Woon-hyung and other friends in the pamphlet of the legislator of the South Korean Peninsula. We have no power in the legislative body. It is unforgivable that Park Heon-young said that the "first hunting dogs of the military government" were Song Jin-woo and Kim Sung-soo, the second was Rhee Syng-man and Kim Gu, and the third was Kim Kyu-sik and Yeo Woon-hyung. As for the three-party alliance, I tried my best as we hoped, but unfortunately it ended in failure because of the actions of some of our comrades. My last effort is to unite the Southern Old Party and the Sarodang Party. My last effort to do this fell through. The People's Party, the New Democratic Party, the centrist and the unorganized general public have generally come to have a bad feeling about the Southern Labor Party. Unconditional insults to the anti-Americanists and the right wing of the Southern Law Party have brought more social isolation than the oppression of the U.S. military government. It is wrong for the Southern Roh Party to exclude competent leftists from the party and persuade wanderers to join the party without modifying their mental character through self-censorship. I can't expect him, the leader, to unite the left wing. It can be said that more than half of the party members stopped participating because of the collapse of the Saro Party. The Southern Old Party is not showing any sincerity in the revolution.
I made a last-ditch effort to merge the Sarodang and the Namrodang, but my last effort was canceled because of the actions of some of my comrades.
[ "Park Heon-young said that the first hunting dogs of the military government were Song Jin-woo and Kim Sung-soo, the second was Rhee Syng-man and Kim Gu, and the third was Kim Kyu-sik and Yeo Woon-hyung.", "Park Heon-young was wrong to put the names of Yeo Woon-hyung and other friends in the pamphlet of the legislator of the South Korean Peninsula.", "Park Heon-young said that the first hunting dogs of the military government were Song Jin-woo, Kim Sung-soo, Rhee Syng-man and Kim Gu, and Kim Kyu-sik and Yeo Woon-hyung.", "Park Heon-young was wrong to put Yeo Woon-hyung and other friends' names in the pamphlet of the legislator of the South Korean Peninsula." ]
The scenery and customs of the place I visit, the appearance of the person I'm going to meet, the personality, and how he/she will treat me in the end are impressive. There is hot blood in a person's heart that waits for him. Isn't there a history of mankind, a civilization of the world, and the operation of the universe where this blood beats. Having high expectations for the first time in the countryside and endless hope for the first person you meet are greedy to have as a person. Man is a moving animal. Man is an animal that makes tools. And man is an animal that creates civilization in cooperation with man. Since I am also a person, I am full of the desire to fix nature by making civilization and history with people. The train is running south now. Mountains, rivers, fields, and nothing is to be seen. There is just darkness outside the window, and the car is full of people. The train just escapes into endless darkness. Since both the front and back are dark, I don't know if it's the South or the North at all, but I trust people and I believe in machines invented by humans whether I have to pay or not, so it's enough to have joy as a person in the joy of breaking through the dark. Earlier at Gyeongseong Station, the flower speed thrown by M through the window was forced to stand next to the window. "I bought flowers because I thought it would be too lonely in the car," M said, smiling and shaking his hat was similar to the scene of a young man and woman in a relationship saying goodbye, so I also got teary-eyed. We arrived at Gimcheon, our destination, when Dongcheon was dimly bright. With the appearance of Principal Jeong of Gimcheon Gobo, he first entered the Gimcheon Inn in front of the station and tried to rest all night, but he couldn't sleep because he was keeping pace with the train's movements, and he was wandering on his seat looking at one or two stars in the lonely early morning sky.
When Mr. M, who threw his anger through the window, laughed and shook his hat, it was similar to the scene of a young man and woman in a relationship saying goodbye, so I was also flabbergasted.
[ "The scenery and customs of the place I visit, the appearance of the person I'm going to meet, and the personality of the person I'm going to meet are impressive.", "Having high expectations for the first time in the countryside and endless hope for the first person you meet are greedy to have as a person, and I am full of the desire to fix nature by making civilization and history with people.", "Having high expectations for the first time in the countryside and endless hope for the first person you meet are greedy to have as a person, and I am full of the desire to fix nature by making civilization with people.", "Having high expectations for the first time in the countryside and endless hope for the first person you meet are greedy to have as a person, and I believe in machines invented by humans." ]
"What am I saying again! Oh, you're saying that you're going to just quit this time too?" Moon's voice was a little resentful. The snowstorm drove into the yard again. Moon Seo-bu turned away from the wind, and Han Gwan-cheong's head grew into a window frame and shrank like a neck. "Well, listen to this old man! Do you understand me well? "Hmph..." One government office stuck out its head again, brainning in a Hamgyeong-do dialect. "Don't worry! Let's do it well." Moon turned around with the wind as if he had nothing more to say. "Is there something going on?" Moon Seo-gu, who was going out through the middle of the field, faltered and turned around, and was alone in his brain. I couldn't even open my eyes because of the snowstorm, and I couldn't tell it from a distance, so I couldn't see the mountain, let alone the house. "Something will happen soon!" He went down to the river with his brain and jeogori tightly closed, then turned his foot and climbed up the hill. It was fast to go on the river ice, but if the wind was severe, it was difficult to walk on the ice, so I took a hill. Since it was a road that I had been going for so long, I could not see the road because it was buried in the snow. The wind was even worse when I climbed the hill. I couldn't open my eyes and breathe right away because I was embarrassed by the snow and thought that I would fall back with a bang. As I forced myself to tighten my stiff limbs, I clenched my teeth, crossed two floor jaws, and reached the river, and I felt like a butterfly was running in my chest, and my spine was sweating. He crossed the ice washing his frosty beard. On the ice, Chinese flyers in bamboo pants, bamboo hats, dogs, and kurdan ule (god), swirl around long azaleas, and drive the horses, saying, "Ture, ture, ture."
The resentful Moon turned around as if he had nothing more to say, and the Moon, who was going out to the middle of the field, faltered and turned around, and was alone in his brain.
[ "Moon Seo-bu turned away from the wind, and Han Gwan-cheong's head grew into a window frame and shrank like a neck.", "The snowstorm drove into the yard again, and Moon Seo-bu turned away from the wind, and Han Gwan-cheong's head grew into a window frame and shrank like a neck.", "The snowstorm drove into the yard again, and Moon Seo-bu turned away from the wind, and Han Gwan-cheong's head shrank like a neck.", "The snowstorm drove into the yard again, and Moon Seo-bu turned away from the wind, and Han Gwan-cheong's head grew into a window frame." ]
One day, he was about to grab a bowl of rice and take a bowl of soup to the other room, so he said, "Don't open it up here and there and eat it with your mother!" It was a sharp sound coming out of the main room. He was so surprised that he almost crushed the soup bowl that he finally entered the kitchen. He sighed deeply. Above all, I was relieved that the enemy did not break the bowl. The mother came out of the room with an empty bowl. 'Did you feed the dog?' 'No.' 'What did you do when you put it on, did you? Why don't you feed your dog? Train!" Scrape it off on the stove and put it on the solchi It was to mix the cold rice and pour the soup into the dog's rice bowl. "S,S!" As soon as I called, the black dog began to bite at me, shaking its tail. He said to himself, 'What is S? Is that how we call the name of the dog, Blacky and Boksul, in our place?' No wonder the name S was awkward and had no wonder. He stood absent-mindedly and saw a white grain of rice with a long waist gradually disappearing into the dog's snout. This house even feeds dogs with white rice, which was thought to be eaten only on Missionary Day or on their father's birthday. When I think about this, what suddenly comes to mind was my father's bloody hand. One day, my father cut his thumb while cutting rice. As the red blood flowed, a pretty person ran and cut off the end of my pus and tied it. Even if the blood flowed more and more, and the rice was buried in the clothes and applied to the ears, the father did not seem to know anything about the pain caused by the greedy ears of rice.
One day, when I was about to bring a bowl of rice for a bowl of soup to the room across from him, he entered the kitchen, surprised by the harsh noise from the main room to eat with his mother.
[ "He was about to grab a bowl of rice and take a bowl of soup to the other room, so he said, \"Don't open it up here and there and eat it with your mother.\"", "One day, he was about to grab a bowl of rice and take a bowl of soup to the other room, so he said, \"Don't open it up here and there and eat it with your mother.\"", "He was about to grab a bowl of rice and take a bowl of soup to the other room, so he said, \"Don't open it up here and there and eat it with your mother,\" and he sighed deeply when he finally entered the kitchen.", "One day, he was about to grab a bowl of rice and take a bowl of soup to the other room, so he said, \"Don't open it up here and there and eat it with your mother,\" and he sighed deeply when he finally entered the kitchen." ]
Heo accepted it and went back to the sentence and appealed it, but it was rejected. He was so distressed that he looked up to the sky and wailed, so a good-looking person taught him, "Then go to Heonbu," and Heo went back to Heonbu and appealed for this. However, he was still unheard of in the Constitution, which was also afraid of Yunseong's power, so he became crazy and cursed the world's power and blamed the many people in front of him. However, the sincerity of thinking about her husband and pitying her dead soul was added to the constitution, and the words grinding their teeth and swearing, "Now I have no choice but to appeal directly to the inlaid mother." "If you give up this life, you won't be scared, but if you just avenge your husband, what's the point?" As the sun went down, he decided to stay in a tavern, and the next day, as the old man told him, he found his husband's body still in the background and secretly buried it in any corner of the mountain. This was done in the midst of many of the most difficult predicaments. Therefore, from the next day, when I went to my husband's tomb, I had a chance to look at the inlaid master's sympathy and file a complaint, but one day, I desperately wanted good news, so it was a rumor in the market that the king was heading to Onjeong a few days later.
Hyung-ri, who told him to go to the Heonbu because he was crying because he was unable to appeal to the Hyeong-jo, taught him to go to the Heonbu, and Heo went to the Heonbu again and appealed for this.
[ "Heo was so distressed that he looked up to the sky and wailed, so a good-looking person taught him to go to Heonbu, but he was still unheard of in the Constitution, which was afraid of Yunseong's power.", "Heo was so distressed that he looked up to the sky and wailed, so a good-looking person taught him to go to Heonbu, but he was still unheard of in the Constitution, which was also afraid of Yunseong's power.", "Heo was so distressed that he looked up to the sky and wailed, so a good-looking person taught him to go to Heonbu, but he was unheard of in the Constitution, which was also afraid of Yunseong's power.", "Heo went back to Heonbu and appealed, but he was still unheard of in the Constitution, which was afraid of Yunseong's power." ]
The train picked up a small number of passengers at a heavily desolate rural station and began to run away again. The passenger is a farmer of three. He seems to be going to a neighboring village. Cigarettes and satgat were their important burden and all their property. Unexpectedly, they took the seat in front of me, but I didn't move my eyes in the newspaper at all. However, to erase the boredom of the mind, it is filled with too many ordinary articles. Why is the world so full of ordinary facts. And if it's like tomorrow, the article will probably hide its existence forever - this is the only world I've ever had until humans are living in this world -. Oh! I hate it now...…. This endless idea flashed vaguely in my tired brain. When I gave a big yawn, the train suddenly fell into the dark world at that moment, and the mixed smoke blew on my face, making my breathing painful. The train is already entering a wide field, breaking away from the Manwoljo. A ruined wilderness, or, in fact, it's nothing short of a wilderness. It's a total swamp. It would be more appropriate to call it the sea than the swamp. Whether it was a green rice field a few days ago, the gray sky of depression is set in the background, and the cloudy water is endlessly filled. The tree groans in agony and has a heartbreaking shape in which everything has been beaten with anxiety and anxiety. This rain was a real disaster. I listened to the swings without being heard. "This rain was amazing. It's decades of heavy rain, the old people all say." "Yes, of course. In any case, there was no stream like our village, and the damage of human livestock was severe even in a relatively quiet place. Rumor has it that in some villages, people, let alone people, were completely wiped out." "So there's nothing to say about crops." Not only the fields but also the rice paddies were buried in the sand. Look over there. I can't bear it." "But what if it's autumn?" Whether the harvest is small or not, the landlord of Bulandang receives everything he needs. No matter how much it rains or fades, they remain calm. Will you be surprised? You'll rather like it." "Anyway, I'll suffer in the end..."…No, we're the ones who die, aren't we?"-"I think the world is getting weird for some reason." The third person - an old man with nearly sixty gray hairs - sighed and went on.
The wilderness train carrying three farmers, whose entire property is a satgat and a pipe, began to run.
[ "The train picked up a small number of passengers at a desolate rural station and began to run away again, and the passenger seemed to be going to a neighboring village.", "The train picked up a small number of passengers at a desolate rural station and began to run away again, and the passenger, a farmer of three, seemed to be going to a neighboring village.", "The train picked up a small number of passengers at a desolate rural station and began to run away again, and the passenger, who seemed to be going to a neighboring village, took the seat in front of me.", "The train picked up a small number of passengers at a desolate rural station and began to run away again, and the passenger seems to be going to a neighboring village." ]
The warrior turned his eyes from the fortress wall as if he were sorry, and was staring at the distant mountain without any direction. In the Banwolseongban, which stretches under the western sky, the moonlight spreads out and shines Baekje Sancheon Stream like a picture, and a swallow that visited on the third day of March is still seen flying away biting mud and kicking the river, and above it, it sounds chubby. He kept scratching his head as if he were the only one who could not laugh or cry, even though it was as if the birds of the mountain were flying and all the animals were melting in one mind with spring. Indeed, when Gangnam Jebi brought 90 Chungwang and sat in a barley field, he made the bamboo stand pressed, and when he sat in Gaaho Lake in Jangan, the family burst into laughter. If there is anyone who cannot help crying on this good spring night, he must be the one who has been driven out by the goddess of spring. When the warrior thought like this, his whole body suddenly seemed to be coming up cold, shaking his whole body. Indeed, the petals piled up and piled up in the body fall from the shoulders and back like snowflakes in the freezing winter. He rubbed the fallen flowers with his feet as if angry, but still, he tore his chest with his hands as if he was frustrated, wrapped the fence while singing the song he was singing earlier, and went back there. The hem of the robe still flutters lightly in the night wind and floats gracefully like the wings of a white ball rising and falling into the distant sea, and only the song he sang fell down the road with petals and was buried.
Musa seemed to have become a rock that I alone could neither laugh nor cry in the spring when Gangnam Jebi brought 90 spring light.
[ "In the Banwolseongban, which stretches under the western sky, the moonlight spreads out and shines Baekje Sancheon Stream like a picture, and a swallow that visited on the third day of March is still seen flying away.", "In the Banwolseongban, which stretches under the western sky, the moonlight spreads out and shines Baekje Sancheon Stream like a picture, and the swallow that visited on the third day of March is still seen flying away.", "In the Banwolseongban, which stretches under the western sky, the moonlight spreads out and shines Baekje Sancheon Stream like a picture, and a swallow that visited on the third day of March is still seen kicking the river.", "In the Banwolseongban, which stretches under the western sky, the moonlight spreads out and shines Baekje Sancheon Stream like a picture." ]
Everything had to burn down on the ride. It was said that roof tiles could not be placed on rotten pillars. What to do by building a castle on the sand. There can be no good because evil remains. All evil, all evil, all evil, and all evil must be burned down. He himself, who writes popular novels that feed on the people like opium, said he should be a jackpot in this mobile network. No, all these ethnic rocks were burned now. Jun was sorry that the screen would be split. The ride - had to burn. I was nervous that the screen would disappear even before the ride was burnt out. I wondered why the fire was so weak. Why is it only burning inside the screen. I wondered why the fire could not spread not only in the area of the screen but also in the front of the wall with the screen. Why can't this theater itself become a fireball. There would still be cancer of many ethnic groups lurking in this. At present, in the corner of this theater, the scary evil had lunch with the money it had on the people, and there might have been people who bought tickets with the money. Jun had read a short story called "Fan ID." It was a story about a middle-aged woman over forty, her sister-in-law, enjoying sexual activity with her 15-year-old brother-in-law. But my brother-in-law had another lover. The beak is a girl. It was named Bokhee. It's a story about a sister-in-law appearing while sleeping with this blessing-in-law and being jealous. It was sold only in this way and the magazine liked it. It was a moment when I thought that this evil should be burned down. June had certainly seen the magazine carrying it burn with a thud at the end of the flames. It was a real relief. I was glad. My heart aches. It was a delightful thing.
Jun said that the cancer that came to the theater with the money he had given to himself and his people who lived on popular novels should be a disaster for Lee.
[ "Jun, who was nervous that the screen would disappear even before the ride was burned down, wondered why the fire was so weak and why it could not spread in the area of the screen and the front of the wall with the screen.", "Jun, who was nervous that the screen would disappear even before the ride was burned down, wondered why the fire was so weak and why it could not spread in the area of the screen and the front of the wall.", "Jun, who was nervous that the screen would disappear even before the ride was burnt out, wondered why the fire was so weak and why it could not spread in the area of the screen and the front of the wall with the screen.", "Jun, who was nervous that the screen would disappear even before the ride was burnt out, wondered why the fire was so weak and why it could not spread in the area of the screen and the front of the wall." ]
"I'm going." Then I put down the book and glanced at it. 'Let's hang out.' 'No, I didn't eat.' Come and play with Bong Joon. There's something interesting going on." It went well anyway I picked up a book. After looking at the scheduled page, he closed the book and stretched. And I repeated what I heard from Bong-jun last night. Therefore, I was worried about my vague future. "What a mess!" he cried, looking at the ceiling. In Bong-joon's situation, he couldn't even ask him to divorce or not. Until I solved this on my own, I didn't think I'd be able to guess it as a third party. I heard the sound of shoes. He knew who he was and put away all his thoughts. "Don't you clean it up?" I jumped up and sat down, closing the door. "Sit down," he sank helplessly. "The letter came again. Draw it." I handed out a yellow letter to Wonseon. He took it. "Did you see it?" he asked, and took out the letter and began to read it. He sighed heavily when he finished watching. "Poor, huh? I looked at the circle. He remained silent for a long time. "It's a mess, what's wrong with the world?" Bong-joon bowed his head and became teary. Whenever I received such a letter, I couldn't help but sympathize. Rather, I didn't know how friendly Ok would be if she became a kinship on her far feet. However, it was impossible for one's loved one to do.
After looking at the scheduled page, he covered the book and stretched it, repeated what he heard from Bong-joon last night, and worried about his future, thinking that he could not give any advice.
[ "I didn't know how friendly Ok would be if she became a kinship on her far feet, but it was impossible for one's loved one to do.", "I didn't know how friendly Ok would be if she became a kinship on her feet, but it was impossible for one's loved one to do.", "I didn't know how friendly Ok would be if she became a kinship on her far feet, but I couldn't help but sympathize with Bong-joon.", "In Bong-joon's situation, he couldn't even ask Bong-jun to divorce, so I couldn't guess it as a third party." ]
Song Saeng-won collapsed in the liquor office and even peed. Because Han Saeng-won still has a little better energy than Song Saeng-won, he was not able to lose his mind or keep his body. "Let's talk about seeing some of our rice paddies, our rice paddies. In 35 years, it's simple to see our rice paddies, hehe." Stumbling, Han Saeng-won comes out of the liquor office. The mastermind, Pan So-nei, came out and said, "Come into the room, get to the dam where you are sober up. If you're going to curse me again for giving alcohol to the elderly." "To see the rice paddies, the rice paddies. Our rice paddies are sold out. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. He's a madman. He's laughing. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Hhhhhh." The horse is a tongue twister, the body stumbling precariously, Han Saeng-won stirs his cane and goes out. I ran into a young man in the neighborhood of Naida. "Ah, what brings you to HAN Saengwon?" "I'm going to see the paddy field, the paddy field. Hhhhhh. You, too, said that Han Deok-moon sold rice paddies to Gilcheon, didn't you? Is that what you're saying now?" 'You're drunk.' 'I've had trauma.' I found a rice paddy, so I'll sell it again and pay for the drink. Then it'll be mine again in 35 years, hhhh. But I don't sell philtrum, I don't. Hand over our Yonggil, Yeoji, our Yonggil." "Oh, you have Yonggil these days, right?" "Yes, I do. "Did I sell it to Gilcheon?" "Well, Yeongnam, who lives in the town, buys a mountain plain and logs it, and the people in this neighborhood are told to come and get Nam-gu Beer-gu instead, so let Yonggil go for a couple of days to get some firewood." "Girl sister...… I found a stolen rice paddy." "If you find a rice paddy, do you live without it?" "Didn't you live 35 years without a rice paddy?" "Oh, my." Don't do that, spend a few days. I have to stand up and empty, but I can't find anyone, so please hurry up and ask me, Youngnam only asks me to do this. Oh, I'll be cold in Baru-dong, and I'll let you go…… It's called Gilcheon Farm's Maitreya with this valley." "What?" Han Saeng-won suddenly sprang into his mind.
Han Saeng-won, who was less drunk, came out of the liquor office, stumbling to see our rice paddies.
[ "Han Saeng-won came out of the liquor office and said, \"Let's talk about seeing some of our rice paddies, and in 35 years, it's simple to see our rice paddies.\"", "Han Saeng-won came out of the liquor office and said, \"Let's talk about seeing some of our rice paddies, and in 35 years, it's simple to see them.\"", "Han Saeng-won came out of the liquor office and said, \"Let's talk about seeing some of our rice paddies, our rice paddies, in 35 years.\"", "Song Saeng-won collapsed in the liquor office and even peed, but Han Saeng-won was not able to lose his mind or keep his body." ]
- Originally, a baby with a large family did not live here, but lived only at Daehanmun Gate in Seoul 10 years ago. The eldest child's father, Min Sung-hwa, was a viscount of the city's Gajo, and at that time, a member of the royal family came out and signed a merger treaty with foreigners. The Minjaks' faction asked several times to defeat the traitor in the court to make the country comfortable, but they never looked back. When he realized that it was difficult to recover because of the general trend, he abandoned his official position and passed through the Ilmun Gate to Seoul. Kim, the former wife of the Viscount, passed away 16 years ago and his late wife, Lee, had no offspring. When Kim's father went to visit, he was only five years old, but the Viscount was very unfortunate and told me to take good care of the big baby. Our Yoon's family has been a member of the Modamin family since King Seonjo, and my husband Yoon Seok-ho was also a butler of the Min family. I had a son. …. Every word turned into a cry. - My son, Yoon Ja-young, was named by Min Ja-jak while picking your name, and the viscount always called "Young! Young!" because he was very cute. Jayoung-ga was a year older than Big Baby, and Big Baby always called Jayoung "Young-ga Oppa," and unfortunately, Big Baby was called Big Baby "Pae-ga-guo."
The eldest baby was only five years old when Mrs. Kim died sixteen years ago.
[ "The eldest child's father, Min Sung-hwa, was a viscount of the city's Gajo, and at that time, a member of the royal family came out and signed a merger treaty with foreigners.", "The eldest child's father, Min Sung-hwa, was a viscount of the city's Gajo, and at that time, a member of the royal family signed a merger treaty with foreigners.", "The eldest child's father, Min Sung-hwa, was a viscount of the city's Gajo, and when he signed a merger treaty with foreigners, he abandoned his official position and passed through the Ilmun Gate to Seoul.", "The eldest child's father, Min Sung-hwa, was a viscount of the city's Gajo, and the Minjaks' faction asked several times to defeat the traitor in the court, but they never looked back." ]
"Tsk! She gave birth!" 'Well, come on, man.' 'Where are you going?…… Slow down, Izzie……" "Ha! Even so!" "But by the way...…" Kim was in a hurry…… "...What? Son? Daughter?" "A woman is naturally mean, so she's going to raise her to make something that looks like me!" "It's a daughter! Aing, tsk!" Park felt bad, and Kim slapped her hand with her fist…… "Oh, my God…… Oh, I was going to make Mr. Moon use his son firmly...…" "But there's no work! Isn't your daughter cuter to grow it out? And now... "Cute?…" Dae-young looks out of the window as she retells to herself, thinking about it and becomes the mind of being a parent of others. Park continued what she had been saying, "...…and now, will Mrs. Kury be a great daughter, who do you think?" he laughs. "Mrs. Cury? That's right!... "Kim agreed to Park's words, but his head...… "...But Mrs. Cury, glory is not happiness even if it is an honor!" "Ha! Is it an honor or happiness?" "Isn't it an honor to be so happy that you've suffered?" "Isn't it an honor or an honor or a happiness?" "It's an honor, but it's a real world to benefit from behind the glory!" …… You're taking advantage of the Sivang radium?" "Grease…… Instead of that benefit, does the world never offer Mrs. Cuthrie with respect and gratitude? So, isn't that honor happiness?" "Oh, my! That's the wall Chang-ho! Who the hell is happy about happiness? Are you happy without knowing?… "My period was destroyed and I suffered a lot, but what about the cold monument in front of the tomb, happy man?" "Yes, nothing is good and comfortable. Happiness in the world?" "Happiness and glory are different! My lady...…" "That's a vicious materialist sophistication!" "It's a reckless compliment that you're happy because you're honored!" Cruel mother!" Dae-young turned to this side the day before yesterday and said to herself, "Hmm! Happiness?…… It's an honor? And you're a child? Affection?" Now, he's turning his head to the grass…… "If it is assumed that a person who has become a parent of another person should turn a blind eye to the happiness of each child...… Then I'd rather have my daughter at ease! It doesn't feel real yet, so I don't know...…" "Wow, is that so?" "Women are different from men, so in general..."…" Daeyoung was answering, and then she made eye contact with Sumiko.
Dae-young repeated that her daughter was cuter to raise, and continued with a smile, "Do you know if she will become a great daughter as Mrs. Park?"
[ "Dae-young turned to this side the day before yesterday and said to herself, \"Isn't it an honor to be so happy that you've suffered?\"", "Dae-young turned to this side the day before and said to herself, \"Isn't it an honor to be so happy that you've suffered?\"", "Dae-young turned to this side the day before yesterday and said to herself, \"Isn't it an honor or happiness to be so happy that you've suffered?\"", "Dae-young turned to this side the day before and said to herself, \"Isn't it an honor or happiness to be so happy that you've suffered?\"" ]
I always decided to visit him, but I was busy for nothing, so I put it off from day to day and visited him early last spring. But he came back only to hear from his wife that his illness was not cured at all, and that he was only going further, because he was outside the door to some temple. After that, I joined the newspaper C, where he used to work, and I heard about him every day and felt that his personality would make me feel so sick. One friend said to K, "If you don't get sick in this life, it's a person who poured real iron into it," while another said to K, "He has a bad temper and can't cure the disease!" I thought both criticisms were correct. Not long after I joined the company, I saw all the employees' yellow-flowered faces meaningfully. They were at a loss what to do with their drooping shoulders and had no time to spread their brow. Sometimes there is no laughter in something, but it is a reckless laugh and I couldn't open my mouth. It wasn't just them. Buried in it, I myself could not help but follow the same path of fate as them. The nervousness of hoping that the fate of the company would unfold, whether today or tomorrow, was about to sink into my heart. It was usually an anxious mind to gain stability in one's own life. As the body was shaken, each person's life could not help but shaken. When I entered the house, I was pinched by a debtor, and I was pinched with food, but I couldn't wait for one day or another because I was pinched by the family's expression of hitting my hand, but I couldn't help it, so I tried my best and even blushed with anger.
Things didn't work out, and the effort was inevitable on this day or that day, so even the slow people became annoyed with small things.
[ "The nervousness of hoping that the fate of the company would unfold, whether today or tomorrow, was about to sink into my heart, and I couldn't help but follow the same path of fate as them.", "The nervousness of hoping that the fate of the company would unfold was about to sink into my heart, and I couldn't help but follow the same path of fate as them.", "The nervousness of hoping that the fate of the company would unfold, whether today or tomorrow, was about to sink into my heart, and I could not help but follow the same path of fate as them.", "When I joined the company, I saw all the employees' yellow-flowered faces meaningfully, and I couldn't help but follow the same path of fate as them." ]
So one night, when he caught Shinsu, who was about to go to bed, the Holy Spirit said to leave this hermitage. Shin-soo's face, which rolled the fist-like snowdrops more round, saying, "Why?" had a child-like chi. "It was because of my wife that I came to this temple, and it was because of my wife that I received my first protection, but I still get your protection after her death." "Yes, what can I do?" Shinsu commanded in the form of a parent scolding his child. The wide room wails and rings. The two children, who were sleeping on the lower neck, opened their eyes as if they were surprised by the sound, and cried, "It's small." Shinsu quickly gets up and mince it to put it to sleep, and says, "Well, what are you going to do?" and this time, he looks serious. Seong-ong also smiled embarrassingly and said, "What should I do."I said it right. Shinsu suddenly burst into tears and said, "We've been like brothers for many years, so now you're sleeping like a brother. If you abandon me and I abandon you, what's wrong with that?" "No, I'm not trying to abandon you, but I'm so innocent..."…" "Then do you mean I was drunk and helped you or do you know that. "Even you, who have been with me for nearly a decade, know me like that?" "I don't think so." Shin-soo laughed loudly and said, "Well, I don't think so, but I thought you were going to get scared and run away." Shin-soo tapped Seong-ong's shoulder and fell on the floor, and soon heard a snoring sound that was about to cry.
After the death of his wife, Seong-ong told Shin-soo that he would leave the hermitage, asking why he was receiving the protection he had been receiving for his wife.
[ "The Holy Spirit told Shin-soo to leave this hermitage one night, and Shin-soo, who was about to go to bed, had a child-like chi.", "Shin-soo, who was about to go to bed when the Holy Spirit told him to leave this hermitage, had a child-like chi.", "Shin-soo, who was about to go to bed when the Holy Spirit told him to leave the hermitage, had a child-like chi.", "The Holy Spirit told Shin-soo to leave this hermitage one night, and Shin-soo, who was about to go to bed, had a child-like chi in his face." ]
Considering the above two points, the economist's so-called infinite desire theory is objectively overturned. And cultural needs tend to decrease as needs become more important. In the present society, cultural needs are emerging as a hunch because the needs are insulted. In an era when appetite and sexual desire are despised, it is common to think of "not being able to eat" after realizing that everyone has the right to eat. In this era, people try to express their wealth through the poverty of others, so they recklessly produce unnecessary things to stimulate human pathological cultural desire. Essential or cultural needs, after all, arise from the will of human beings to live, and are alien to the phenomenon of life. And since human life is based on solidarity, needs must also be expressed by taking a harmonious system. In other words, it is of finiteness. Unless they are reptiles, all animals in the alternative form a kind of society with solidarity, and their needs are harmonized and finite. As long as humans are one mammal, there is no reason for endless greed like reptiles to be its essence. There is no doubt that solidarity is based. Then it can be seen that needs are not necessarily finite and are not what economists discuss. If needs are finite, there may be a society in which everyone does not feel deficiency. Even if the needs are finite, even if the productivity increases, if the social organization is unreasonable, there is also a shortage.
In an era where people think that not being able to eat is a normal thing, unnecessary things are produced recklessly to stimulate humans' pathological cultural desire.
[ "In an era when appetite and sexual desire are despised, it is common to think of \"not being able to eat\" after realizing that everyone has the right to eat.", "In an era when appetite and sexual desire are despised, it is common to think of not being able to eat after realizing that everyone has the right to eat.", "In the era when appetite and sexual desire are despised, it is common to think of \"not being able to eat\" after realizing that everyone has the right to eat.", "In the era when appetite and sexual desire are despised, it is common to think of not being able to eat after realizing that everyone has the right to eat." ]
"Even I, a third party, was good at enduring resentment. But why didn't you make an excuse then?" "Excuse? What's the point of making an excuse to someone who made it up?" "That's true, but...…. Anyway, what happened then? I've only seen it in the newspaper, but please tell me about it with Hwasun's mouth. I'm working for a magazine, and once again I'm in trouble with such a nasty person...…." "That's enough. What's the point of making such a noise again when the world is about to forget. In a month, the world will forget everything...…." "Still, aren't you angry?" His tears, which were about to stop, exploded again. "Now, come on, give me a closer look at the story." There was a moment of silence. "I haven't told my father twice yet, but I have something to say anytime before I die...… Now, Kyung-ae, listen." His marriage to her husband, P Saeng, Hwasun, was a remarriage. I chased my wife away under the pretext of ignorance and got it afterwards, so at first, I was very righteous. There was also a scent and love inside the "three-story gate" that newspapers sang several times. But a year later, P, who was genetically prodigal, finally started playing prodigal. Therefore, P, who had fun in debauchery, became so severe that he did not appear in the main room about half a year after he started debauchery. I had lunch at Ansarang for a while, ran out again, and came back the next day to have lunch...… So I didn't even have a chance to face Hwasun.
Life P, who chased his ex-wife under the pretext of ignorance, remarried to Hwasun and was very righteous at first.
[ "P, who had fun in debauchery, became so severe that he didn't appear in the main room about half a year after starting debauchery, so he didn't even have a chance to face Hwasun.", "P, who had fun in debauchery, became so severe that he didn't appear in the main room about half a year after he started debauchery, so he didn't even have a chance to face Hwasun.", "P, who had fun in debauchery, became so severe that he didn't appear in the main room for half a year after starting debauchery, so he didn't even have a chance to face Hwasun.", "P, who had fun in debauchery, became so severe that he did not appear in the main room about half a year after starting debauchery, so he didn't even have a chance to face Hwasun." ]
Russian literature in the late revolution is said to have a strong constructive mood. It is said that optimistic poetry, which was not seen before the revolution, dominated the entire literary world, praising factories, praising machines, and praising labor. The reason why most of the poems are more than novels and plays is that they recited themselves while walking, even though they were working in factories or roads. It is still in the early stages, and since it is in the process of construction, it is said that it is abundant in quantity and poor in quality. However, just hearing that their hymn is central to the current working Russian literary world can imagine how much the Russian people are trying to build in the spirit of construction after the revolution. It is said that writers who praised war and promoted destruction during the wartime communist era are dissatisfied with the new economic policy and try to remain silent or establish another theory. But their efforts are said to be weak. They were fit for the time and had done their duty in that time. In the new era, the people who want to rise demand a new man. In the construction period, only workers who fulfill their own construction tasks and literature with the same feelings can create and represent proletarian literature. For this reason, professional literature in the early revolutionary period can be said to be a non-art without artistic elements, or it can be said that it is only a means of promoting class liberation. However, it is enough to fulfill the mission of the liberation movement, which develops by historical necessity. There is a list of incorrect phrases that are not a problem, saying, "The same error exists in Joseon's professional literature as if the Musan class liberation movement means the Marxist movement."
Most of the Russian literary circles in the late revolution praising factories, machinery, and labor are poetry, which is why they recite the song because they cannot overcome their excitement even when working in factories or roads.
[ "In the early revolutionary period, professional literature can be said to be a non-art without artistic elements, or it can be said that it is only a means of promoting class liberation, but it is enough to fulfill the mission of the liberation movement.", "In the early revolutionary period, professional literature can be said to be a non-art without artistic elements, or it can be said that it is only a means of promoting class liberation.", "In the early revolutionary period, professional literature can be said to be a non-art without artistic elements, but it is enough to fulfill the mission of the liberation movement, which develops by historical necessity.", "In the early revolutionary period, professional literature can be said to be a non-art without artistic elements, but it is enough to fulfill the mission of the liberation movement." ]
The 41st colorful stage, Anna graduated from a religious school in Dongdaemun in the spring of the year when she was ten and was looking for work, and a teacher who teaches music at the school said, "Anna's appearance and voice are much better than ordinary people, so I want to succeed as an opera actress in the future." Anna's father was originally born in Chungcheong-do and came to Seoul to see the past when he was young, but in the past, he went out of the country and wrote in Seoul, but Pil-kyung became a very gambler by wetting herself on a grab board. Originally, he continued to live without restraint, so he was not a person who felt responsible for the family's livelihood, but it was entirely thanks to Anna's mother's power to send Anna to school to take charge of graduation. Anna's father, who did not feel any responsibility for his family, could not have had the heart to worry about his daughter's future just because she graduated from school. The music teacher came several times and recommended it, so I left it to him. As a result of this, Anna finally participated in the newly organized ×× theater company at the time, and Anna's colorful shape appeared on the stage released from that summer, and Anna's colorful shape appeared on the stage released from that summer. Originally, when Anna was seventeen and eight years old, the golden age of women, her name was advertised much higher than her skills as an actress. Young social media reporters from various newspapers scramble to get Anna's picture. It was revealed in the newspaper and pasted on it to produce a series of sweet compliments. Young people in Seoul, who are hungry for psychological life, flock to the xx theater starring Anna at night, and Anna's name has become a story of Anna's sorry and praise for the love that young people gather every day. This is the time.
The teacher recommended Anna's father a lot, saying that she would succeed if she became an opera actress.
[ "Anna graduated from a religious school in Dongdaemun in the spring of the year when she was ten and was looking for work, and a teacher who teaches music at the school said, \"I want to succeed as an opera actress in the future.\"", "Anna graduated from a religious school in Dongdaemun in the spring of the year and was looking for a job, and a teacher who teaches music at the school said that Anna's appearance and voice were better than ordinary people.", "Anna graduated from a religious school in Dongdaemun in the spring of the year when she was ten and was looking for work, and a teacher who teaches music at the school said that Anna's appearance and voice were better than ordinary people.", "Anna graduated from a religious school in Dongdaemun in the spring of the year when she was ten and was looking for a job, and a teacher who teaches music at the school said, \"I want to succeed as an opera actress in the future.\"" ]
And as I saw it, I desperately want to feed more tofu, but I still can't save it more in this situation, and I was relieved that Chun-sam would go to you tonight and get along as well as he wanted. "She without Chang-soo!" With her mouth full of teeth, she poured out a large spoon of rice, and the curse came out again after a long time. "I have two bowls of rice, so I'm going to use porridge. I'm only going to eat rice in vain!" Deoksoe keeps feeling sorry for the prettier one, but she slowly listens to the voice so that she doesn't seem to be walking around in peace. "The soup was all boiled, so I drew rice." "You can't eat porridge with boiled soup!" It's because she doesn't have a head...… If the soup was boiled and washed with rice, put it in, and burn it, shouldn't it be porridge?" If Deoksoe had bought rice and made rice, the complaint would have been dragged all day and wouldn't have been resolved the next day. Deoksoe finally brought up the story when he saw that a bowl of small rice went into a small mouth and instead, the anger was eroding into one thing with the rice in his stomach. After hearing the story, Deok-soe's mother looks at the beautiful thing and makes a sour face, saying, "Who gives me 500 nyang (KRW) after looking at the story?" He was greeted with astonishment inside. It would be a big trouble if the cat in Desigi said he would take that stupid thing like a moron and take it away for another year and give me 100 won.
My teeth fell out and I was cursed again, and I wanted to feed more tofu, but I was relieved to think that I would go to Chunsam's house and get along well.
[ "Deok-soe finally brought up the story when he saw that a bowl of small rice went into a small mouth and instead, the anger was eroding into one thing with the rice in his stomach.", "Deoksoe finally brought up the story when he saw that a bowl of small rice went into a small mouth and instead, the anger was eroding into one thing with the rice in his stomach.", "Deok-soe finally brought up the story when he saw that a bowl of small rice went into a small mouth and instead, anger was eroding into one thing with the rice in his stomach.", "Deok-soe finally brought up the story when he saw that a bowl of small rice went into a small mouth, and instead, the anger was eroding into one thing with the rice in his stomach." ]
The negative pole was surprised. Surprise preceded pleasure. It's so unexpected that it feels like a dream. Eum-jeon only stared down at Bung-gap, who came on his lap and hugged him, and did not know what to say for the next month. Even if I didn't, I came to ask for a pack of anger like a bullet, but somehow, unlike a puppy, it made me feel shy, so I couldn't open my mouth until he left, so Pil-kyung couldn't speak and scolded me all day long. Now that I saw the warm affection of Olavi, who understands his heart, I felt that the coolness of the world toward him was even more cold as the world received the warm affection of Olavi, who understands his heart. Eumjeon felt his eyes hot with unknown emotion despite his delight. "In that dam again, is it worthwhile?" he takes out a bright yellow maple box and holds it close to his ear as if he were saluting. Eumjeon didn't know what it was, so he just stared blankly. "You don't know this? It's Golryeon. Golryeon. Since it's Menzil Day, I'll give you this, too. After saying, "Mom, don't give it to me. Why not?" At some point, I opened it and smoked it, and as if it's a waste of even a sip of it, Ppiguk pushes smoke out of his nostrils from the first sip, shaking his mother's hand to the smoke that comes out.
Even so, Eumjeon couldn't bear to ask for a pack of flour, so she scolded me for my bad feelings and lamented how much.
[ "Eum-jeon only stared at Bung-gap, who came on his lap and hugged him, and did not know what to say for the next month.", "Eum-jeon only stared down at Bung-gap, who came on his lap and hugged him, and did not know what to say for the next month.", "Eum-jeon only stared at Bung-gap, who came on his lap and hugged him, and did not know what to say for a month.", "Eum-jeon only stared down at Bung-gap, who came on his lap and hugged him, and did not know what to say for a month." ]
As many critics have pointed out, one of Sing's greatest achievements is that he harmonized life and poetry and coexisted the two in the theater. Howe says, "Modern playwrights face two major difficulties, both of which are difficult to reconcile The first is to give truth to a complex and innocent life with lively and pleasant words, and the second is to give this truth an easy-to-understand and natural form," so it is Singg who has dramatically overcome these two difficulties without difficulty. The castor, the wanderer, all of his characters are poets It bleaches lyrical screening in a highly fragrant musical but never unnatural language. Naturalism and lyricism are so completely mixed and harmonized without ambiguity, and there will be no place to find without Sing's play. Such a true play, which perpetuated Shakespeare, revived Calderon, and immortalized Greek playwrights, will spring up in a lively life as if language had risen from the Garden of Eden. The interest in a deep and wide life should be expressed in rich language with emotional music and depth and shade, so the subtle flow of lively language is an important sheath of life, and the relationship between language and passion is also overworked.…… (The following chapter discussed Sing's terms of play, the character's character, the behavior of the play, and other technical issues, but due to time, I had to let go of the brush here. In this chapter, I couldn't even draw a cat and pretend to be a tiger because I couldn't mention a word in Chapter 4, which is the focus of this paper. However, I have come here in detail, so I ask for your wide understanding.) Public Opinion March 1930.
The harmony between life and poetry and the coexistence of the two in the theater is Sing's greatest achievement, and he has fiercely fought the difficulties of harmony faced by modern playwrights.
[ "Naturalism and lyricism are mixed and harmonized without ambiguity, and there will be no place to find without Sing's play, which perpetuated Shakespeare, revived Calderon, and immortalized Greek playwrights.", "One of Sing's greatest achievements is that he harmonized life and poetry and coexisted the two in the theater, and there will be no place to find without Sing's play.", "One of Sing's greatest achievements is that he harmonized life and poetry and coexisted with the two in the theater, and there will be no place to find without Sing's play.", "Naturalism and lyricism are mixed and harmonized without ambiguity, and there will be no place to find without Sing's play, which will spring up in a lively life as if language had risen from the Garden of Eden." ]
You were a half-sized gold miner like this, but you had to suffer a sad failure so that you could bleed as much as anyone else...… Both the third and fourth A brothers had a good career in the development of the gold mine. But no matter how skilled you are, you don't have Sony's capital and mining, you're a wage earner who's been in the wrong place for a hundred years He was only a virtue. For many years, he/she has been wandering around the leading gold fields of Gimje and Cheonan, barely being a field director and having difficulty in keeping his/her life by asking for Pyeongtegi. However, one ambition that I always couldn't put as an address was to meet even the generous Gwangju owner and somehow get a small spot of spectroscopy and get someone's seniority to buy some funds even if it was only 1,000 won. Perhaps it was easy, but the opportunity for achievement did not come, and for the last three years until last spring, he was steadily in charge of boring work at Nam Taek-gwang in Cheongju with that hope. Finally, in the summer of last year, he finally achieved his long-cherished desire and obtained a spectrometer of about 23,000 pyeong as the best spot among the mines. As it was a mine to be built with a mining line, there was no reason to give spectroscopy recklessly because it had a rich area, but it was a gift of praise for giving up the results of the light by working on the rough boring work for three years.
After three years of steady boring work in Namtaek-gwang, Cheongju, he finally achieved his desire for old age and obtained about 23,000 pyeong and a spectrometer, the best spot among the mines.
[ "For many years, he has been wandering around the leading gold fields of Gimje and Cheonan, barely being a field director and having difficulty in keeping his/her life by asking for Pyeongtegi.", "For many years, he was wandering around the leading gold fields of Gimje and Cheonan, barely being a field director and having difficulty in keeping his/her life by asking for Pyeongtegi.", "He has been wandering around the leading gold fields of Gimje and Cheonan, barely being a field director and having difficulty in keeping his/her life by asking for Pyeongtegi.", "The third and fourth A brothers had a good career in the development of the gold mine, but no matter how skilled they were, they were wage earners who had been in the wrong place for a hundred years." ]
After lunch, people who play ssireum, sketch, or pick chestnuts if there is a chestnut tree, set fire to fire and grill them. Cosmos Society This is a children's song children's song. Cosmos is the name of a pretty flower that blooms in autumn. Just by looking at the flowers, they are like autumn flowers. Yes, it's good to call it cosmos sashimi, meaning autumn sashimi. Clean the clean room on Saturday or Sunday evening, or do it in a clean yard. It's even better if there's a cosmos flower tree in the yard. When you do it in your room, it's better to plant cosmos trees in your room and put them in your room. And, each of them makes a little cosmos flower, and it's great if you stick it in your chest. When you do it in the yard or garden, prepare one back in advance, make watermelon, garlic, etc., put candles on it, light it up, hang it on a branch, and sit under it to come out with fairy tales and children's songs one after another. Also, even if it's not a fairy tale or a children's song, whether it's magic, other tricks, dancing, or the sound of an animal, you can do all your tricks and have a fun night on an autumn day. Having fun on a good autumn day somehow makes our mental life very rich and happy. Autumn will be over in a few days, so enjoy yourself as much as possible. That is our great blessing. "Children's Book 7, No. 8, October 1929, Autumn Special Issue, Samsanin".
When you have a cosmos sashimi in your room, it is great to plant cosmos trees in your room, make cosmos flowers with paper, and put them in your chest.
[ "Cosmos is the name of a pretty flower that blooms in autumn, and it is good to clean the clean room on Saturday or Sunday evening, or do it in a clean yard.", "Cosmos is the name of a pretty flower that blooms in autumn, and it is good to clean the clean room on Saturday or Sunday evening or do it in a clean yard.", "Cosmos is the name of a pretty flower that blooms in autumn, and it's good to clean the clean room on Saturday or Sunday evening, or do it in a clean yard.", "Cosmos is the name of a pretty flower that blooms in autumn, so it is good to clean the clean room on Saturday or Sunday evening, or do it in a clean yard." ]
Anxiety and Existentialism - Poetry that explains the characteristics of modern times To explain the characteristics of modern times and to help them understand them correctly, the title given to me was Anxiety. However, anxiety has a handicap that cannot be answered in detail because it is extremely common sense and contains a wide range of meanings. What is anxiety as an initial question? He asks. Anxiety when asked in this way must have some conceptual meaning, but if you note that anxiety is always a variable and flowing psychological phenomenon, you will find this question very inappropriate. So how does anxiety happen? We raise the following question. However, the story is feared to become more difficult here because individual cases are ignored and only representative cases of anxiety that sum up the individual cases are problematic. We do not pay much attention to this reality that any human being who has lived in the shadow of war, hunger, and threat could experience. As if, the habit of pretending to be anxious creates strange pleasures, and furthermore, it is a phenomenon that completely forgets the reason for self-existence. But shouldn't we face anxiety? The blurred mind and poetry must have a new confrontation that can awaken and correct the body. Imagine the night scene where the deep darkness hastened our steps! I think I will simply look at the motivation of anxiety and avoid my responsibility to the extent that it suggests overcoming anxiety through the development of anxiety.
Anxiety creates strange pleasures and makes you forget the reason for your existence, so I will examine the motivation of anxiety to confront it and suggest overcoming it.
[ "Anxiety has a handicap that cannot be answered in detail because it is extremely common sense and contains a wide range of meanings, and anxiety is always a variable and flowing psychological phenomenon.", "Anxiety has a handicap that cannot be answered in detail because it is extremely common sense, contains a wide range of meanings, and is a variable and flowing psychological phenomenon.", "Anxiety has a handicap that cannot be answered in detail because it is extremely common sense and contains a wide range of meanings, and anxiety is a variable and flowing psychological phenomenon.", "Anxiety, which is extremely common sense and contains a wide range of meanings, cannot be answered in detail because it has a handicap that cannot be answered in detail." ]
The lights have already come on today, but Han Chigak has no sign of preparing dinner for them and has no intention of taking them anywhere. However, this cold attitude of the owner is more than once. Also, even if they left the love of this house, they were people who never had a decent evening, so they sat down with their hunger. Han Chigak saw that they were waiting to break up quickly, but there was no sign of breaking up easily, so he couldn't help but call Sang-no to have dinner. And he set up a preventive line as a commercial means of sending all his love hands, saying, "I have time to meet people at the Chosun Hotel tonight," and winked at Shim Cham-bong to take him outside, handed him a five-won jeon, and told him to go to the five-bok store in March and wait. In the seventh inning, a pure British-style Chigak took Shim Cham-bong to the floor, gave him five won of money from his wallet, told him to go to the five-bok store in March, and came back into the room. Shim Cham-bong followed him into the room and thought, "I've had another good day tonight," so a happy light appeared on his face. Shim Cham-bong suddenly pulls out his hat as if something urgent had happened and hurriedly goes outside again. The people in the room, who were listening to Chigak and Shim Cham-bong outside Yeongchang, suddenly shot the back figure of Shim Cham-bong moving with his hat, and there was a light of jealousy in the audience. Among them, Jeong Ju-sa, the most explicitly, looks around the audience meaningfully, saying, "Tomorrow, I will attend with a bandage on my leg again." Many people seem to agree with the words, and everyone laughs at them. Han Chi-gak, who sat obliquely on the saddle, smiles meaninglessly depending on the laughter of many people. Among them, Jeong Ju-sa quickly said, "The captain has probably been bitten by flour lately. Order this soldier to be on duty from time to time. I've been starving for too long……." One Chigak laughed and said, "You're doomed! What's flour. A child who has eaten sickle flesh should be late." Chaplin Park Ju-ju also said, "It's hard." with a black mustache. If this person is more late than him, he laughs, "Let's become an expert on Shinmachi."
Han Chi-gak gave Shim Cham-bong five won, told him to go to the Obok branch in March and wait, and when he returned to his room, people were lightly jealous, staring at the back of Shim Cham-bong, who was carrying his hat.
[ "Han Chigak gave Shim Cham-bong five won from his wallet, told him to go to the five-bok store in March, and came back into the room.", "Han Chigak saw that they were waiting to break up quickly, but there was no sign of breaking up easily, so he called Sang-no to have dinner.", "Han Chigak gave Shim Cham-bong five won from his wallet, told him to go to the five-bok store in March, and returned to the room.", "Han Chigak gave Shim Cham-bong five won from his wallet, told him to go to the five-bok store in March, and came back to the room." ]
There is sorrow in the cow, and in the bull there is no such thing. Instead, there is no joy in sucking the baby's milk and licking its battled body. After summer work, poor owners usually sell their cows. This is why cattle prices drop sharply in June and July. It's a winding, decorative temple strap, a landscape, and if you change the shabby reins on a straw-knitted bridle, the cow knows I'm leaving this house. The owner of the adult does not only think of abacus, but the owner of the woman and the children feel sorry for sending out the affectionate cow. Once again, the cow feels that it's a feeling of affection, so it's. Nevertheless, there is no way that there are so many comfortable barn in the owner's house that you can't forget to look back. He is attracted by his master and driven to the market. What kind of house do you fall into who's hands? If it is sold to the hands of a fat puju restaurant owner, there are only a few days left in the future, and if it goes to any farm, there will be another few days left to start grinding from the barley field in the kimchi field. <Where should I go to make a big deal.> A cow sold as if it were selling is going over the front hill. He is only a year older than he was when he entered this town. He comes bare and goes out bare. Perhaps there will be no promise of returning to this neighborhood or to this owner's hands. Ssangdong's grandfather always wears a frameless old Auntie when he goes to work. It's obvious from the creation that it was before the war. It is a maeko that is always untidy, rain or sunshine. I can recognize him from a distance. He has a yellow beard, black flesh, and likes alcohol, but he never drinks. He bought rice paddies and fields again this year because of his own accord. Neighbors are said to be stingy and weak.
A cow without pleasure that licks its young quickly and licks its body is usually sold at the end of the summer, but there will be no promise of returning to the market as the owner pulls it.
[ "The owner of the adult does not only think of abacus, but also the owner of the woman and the children feel sorry for sending out the affectionate cow.", "There is no joy in sucking the baby's milk and licking its body, and after summer work, poor owners sell their cows, and cattle prices drop sharply in June and July.", "The owner of the adult does not only think of abacus, but also the owner of the woman and the children, who feel sorry for sending out the affectionate cow.", "After summer work, poor owners sell their cows, and cattle prices drop sharply in June and July, so the cow knows that it is leaving this house." ]
"I'm going to go somewhere for a while. I'll go and think about it. This is enough for today's ssam." "It's cowardly to run away." Hold on a second, hold on a second……" "Don't follow me any more. If you win...…" Min-soo, who was chasing Yoon-joo, who was laughing at the sight of running away to save her, suddenly felt sorry for the sight and slowed down his steps along the way. This is because I thought there was nothing to chase after the fleeing despot. Feeling that it was certainly on his side to win the fight between the two, Minsu proudly walked down the suburban road, holding out his chest while breathing. Minsu found purity in the way he was busy. It was my idea to clear up even the heavy feelings for him at my own pace. However, the attitude of purity was sharp, and the situation flowed in an unexpected direction. "I have a lot to say to you --" Min-soo was going to have the guts and open his heart, although we were in a gloomy relationship. "Why are you glimmering in front of me without being nervous. I don't want to see you at all." There was a curt cry at one word. "If you know how repentant I am now, you'll think about it in dollars. Why would I come to you so badly, just recognize me in my heart?" I bent my voice softly, but the signs of purity were the same. "I don't want to see you. I didn't want to see him from his wife, who lived like a mouse only by deception. Two abominable animals in a world where bad things are taken care of." "I'm not here to be cursed." Just say thank you for coming."Minsu was also angry at the words that didn't suit him from the beginning, and when he tried to get off the floor, Soon-do's hands flew like lightning and his cheeks flashed.
Min-soo, who was chasing Yoon-joo, suddenly slowed down his steps because he felt sorry for her.
[ "Min-soo, who was chasing Yoon-joo, who was laughing at the sight of running away to save her, felt sorry for the sight and slowed down his steps along the way.", "Min-soo, who was chasing Yoon-joo, who was laughing at the sight of running away to save her, felt sorry for the sight and slowed down his steps.", "Min-soo, who was chasing Yoon-joo, who was laughing at the sight of running away, felt sorry for the sight and slowed down his steps along the way.", "Min-soo, who was chasing Yoon-joo, who was laughing at the sight of running away, felt sorry for the sight and slowed down his steps." ]
"Good luck!" "Hey, good night!" It was so simple to say goodbye to the eastern, western, northern and southern members, each scattered along their own class with a grave responsibility on their back. There were concerns about the hearts and future of those who were prepared for death in advance on the rough road. But no one expressed that concern. The depth of the laughter was truly heartbreaking. Our patronage group is seven people, plus the class leader Cho Byung-gu, who is eight people -- this eight people consistently wore a dog-killer hat, clothes like the clothes of a cattleman, and a mituri on their feet. Even if they didn't meet each other at one time a day, the friendship could not be described by the word of friendship because they were friends with each other. We reached the target area a week later. It was a deep winter, so the harsh wind blowing the snow of Manchuria again through the snow bees of West Baeklia drove the whole Nuri into the ice, and the sound of the freezing sound rang the deep night air sadly. We tore the icicles around our mouths, looking for people and powerful organizations to find. This has not been done openly. As you know, there are many bandits here who were afraid of being rumored. I secretly contacted him and talked to him secretly. We are outside the Sosahe School's sponsorship team. You know that you need to study for a big thing, and you also work hard, but you also need to have strength to work. We hope for the warm love of our fellow countrymen." This was the first thing Cho Byung-gu, the class president who represented us, said to any organization or person.
It was not without worrying about the future of those who were prepared to die on a rough road, but it was simple to say goodbye to the northern, southern, western, and eastern members, who were scattered along their respective classes.
[ "There were concerns about the hearts and future of those who were prepared for death on the rough road, but no one expressed that concern, and the depth of laughter was truly heartbreaking.", "There were concerns about the hearts and future of those who were prepared for death on the rough road, but no one expressed that concern, and the depth of the laughter was truly heartbreaking.", "There were concerns about the hearts and future of those who were prepared to die on the rough road, but no one expressed that concern, and the depth of laughter was truly heartbreaking.", "There were concerns about the hearts and future of those who were prepared to die on the rough road, but no one expressed that concern, and the depth of the laughter was truly heartbreaking." ]
It rained from the morning that day. I bought flowers early and visited Anna's hospital room because I made a few money in the rain. The girl's disease, which heats up day after day, was not yet pleasant, but it happened to be a day of fever spreading, so his face sitting in bed was dog and calm without the light of a ghost. Irina was sitting next to the bed, rummaging through picture books against Anna and Miisha. Irina gives the impression that she is a very kind mother and sister when she is dealing with children like that, even though she has no talent on the stage. The girl seemed to be distracted by Irina's story and forgot her physical pain for a while. Medicinal bottles and fruit dishes were placed on a clean tray on the table, and flowers were new in the vase, so I felt that the morning was an unusually carefree pleasant hospital room. However, the window was sprinkled with thin rain, so I tried to make my mind stuffy if the room was a little dark. Irina's heart also seems to be blurred when she looks outside the window even though she is focused on explaining while pointing her finger at the picture book - in other words, it can be seen that he is deliberately focused on the picture book to correct the blurred mind. Outside the window, you can see the rain soaked in the leaves of the white and cherry trees under the patronage of the hotel like a bundle of gray threads. "I'm lonely because Marie is gone." Irina mutters to herself without turning her eyes away from the window as if it were not a performance.
Irina, who gave the impression of kindness when dealing with the children, sat by the bed, rummaging through picture books, doing Anna and Miisha's company, and the girl seemed to forget the anguish of her body.
[ "The girl seemed to be distracted by Irina's story and forgot her physical pain for a while, and Irina's heart seemed to be blurred when she looked outside the window.", "The girl seemed to be distracted by Irina's story and forgot her physical pain for a while, so I felt that the morning was an unusually carefree hospital room.", "The girl seemed to be distracted by Irina's story and forgot her physical pain for a while, so I tried to make my mind stuffy if the room was dark.", "The girl seemed to be distracted by Irina's story and forgot her physical pain for a while, and Irina's heart seems to be blurred when she looks outside the window." ]
The newborn fell asleep toward the lower neck, and Moon-sik sat down his three younger brothers and was earnestly appeasing Puck. "Hwangsik, you miss your mother, right?" "Yes." The third one nods. 'What about you?' 'Me too!' 'That's right, then I'll let you see your mother. Just do what you tell me to do, okay? Is everyone like that?" Everyone nods. The founder couldn't help but file another complaint, saying, "What kind of magic is he trying to do?" Moon Sik unloads the bowl placed on the pine board on the sireong made of two rafters, gives out three views from the top, and pour a tub of water each, and starts explaining again. "Now look. 'I'll eat it! You have to inhale the same way you do it! If you eat one late, you can't see your mom, okay? Everyone is holding it!" "Then what about the baby?" A guy named Hwasik looks at his brother. 'Yes, I'll show you the baby again.' 'Then what about your father?' 'My father went to the market, so I'll see you later.' 'Good boy! If you eat this, will your mother really see you, brother?" "Oh, I heard you - oh!" The three children raised their views in unison as they met their mother. "Now, I drink - 'Uh!' and you have to eat the same. When I saw Moon-sik's face, which was explaining, "I can't see his mother in the eyes of a late-eating child, okay?" I had an idea that passed through the head of the founder at a faster speed than lightning at the very moment I saw it distorted so scary that I didn't want to see it even in the faint light of a lamp! At any time, I remembered the words Moon-sik asked, "Is it a murder crime even if I kill my colleague?" "Ah!" my heart thumped. He coughed loudly and opened the door with a bang.
The founder couldn't help but accuse Moon-sik of what magic he was trying to do.
[ "Moon-sik sat down his three younger brothers and was earnestly appeasing Puck, and the founder couldn't help but file a complaint, saying, \"What kind of magic is he trying to do?\"", "The newborn fell asleep toward the lower neck, and Moon-sik, who was earnestly appeasing Puck, sat down his three younger brothers and was earnestly appeasing Puck.", "The newborn fell asleep toward the lower neck, and Moon-sik sat down his three younger brothers and was earnestly appeasing Puck, who missed his mother.", "The newborn fell asleep toward the lower neck, and Moon-sik, who was earnestly appeasing Puck, sat down his three younger brothers and sat down." ]
Western literature was born and developed from the praise of human body odor and ecology. I once named it physical literature. The argument of Western literature, which flowed from Greek classics to the 20th century through the Renaissance, was the succession and development of the tradition of physical literature. Sophocles, Homer, Dante, and Chaucer are the enemy descendants of Goethe, Flaubert, Baudelaire, and Lawrence, and there are no other relatives except Lasin, Tolstoy, and Zid in this genealogy. Art and literature were built from seeing the above-ground line in human shape aesthetics and being willing to achieve its fidelity, compensating and longing for it uselessly. It's not the Second Empire, it's not the Third Reich, it's really fundamental The ideological First Reich was their idea from the Greek era. The loss of Eden meant the construction of an earthly paradise. A further longing and resentment for this new paradise gave rise to ideas and deepened literature. The mind was for the sake of form, and to have meaning by presupposing its completion. The spirit was invoked by trying to defend the comfort and pleasure of the elder brother. Advocacy of individuals and humanities - here is the motivation of the mind. Think about the title of mental literature about physical literature. Of course, literature is the product of mental activity, and its content contains both shape and mental elements. Aside from the idea of physical premise, the term of mental literature is not necessarily vague considering that it is simply literature motivated by the high elevation of the human mind. In spiritual literature, there should be a sublime of joy and pleasure in the mind, regardless of the affection of the individual. While this strictness of human life - isn't there any other room for literature at this point where it's not necessarily a virgin. Now, for example, if you listen to the spirit of obedience, you know that there is an amazing addition to literature here. It is true that a person has an instinct for domination and a natural nature of obedience, so it is one aspect of humanity that bows its head unconditionally to the loved one, chases the words of an adult, and obeys them without hesitation to great power. While enjoying the will to rule, the pioneering of human truth in this aspect is a rare site in conventional literature. On top of that, the writer's taste must be closely moved.
Western literature was born and developed from the admiration of human body odor and ecology, the traditional succession of physical literature was developed, and art and literature were built based on the ground line in human shape aesthetics.
[ "Sophocles, Homer, Dante, and Chaucer are the enemy descendants of Goethe, Flaubert, Baudelaire, and Lawrence, and there are no other relatives except Lasin, Tolstoy, and Zid.", "Sophocles, Homer, Dante, and Chaucer are the enemy descendants of Goethe, Flaubert, Baudelaire, and Lawrence, and there are no other relatives except Lasin, Tolstoy, and Zid in this genealogy.", "Western literature was born and developed from the praise of human body odor and ecology, and the argument of Western literature is the succession and development of the tradition of physical literature.", "Sophocles, Homer, Dante, and Chaucer are the enemy descendants of Goethe, Flaubert, Baudelaire, and Lawrence, and there are no other relatives except Tolstoy and Zid in this genealogy." ]
The snow is so thick that the branches of my hair are numb as if they feel numb. When I entered the village, I felt hungry as if I was about to collapse. I'm going to hurry up and hit a bowl of rice and sit down with her and scream again. I was unexpectedly surprised while passing by the bar with this thought, and I can hear the laughter of a year in the other room. I approached him and looked through the door, and he was so funny that he was drinking and drinking, but I couldn't stand it anymore. When he took off the forklift and opened the door, he first put it on the floor and twisted it. Of course, the liquor store was kicked, so it broke against the wall. On the wall, he dragged the nun's binah out. The drunkard had to hit his head so that he could wake up, so he kept it in his eyes. And he sat on the floor and punched the damn spine. The more you hit it, the more you get into the snow, and you're too drunk to kick. It's cool when you hit it with years of age, so it's very sublime. I threw out the year as it is and went into the room to find him, so didn't this damn son of a rat already leave him somewhere like a mouse. It's true that our neighborhood is ruined because of such a son. If you saw someone else's sister, you should come out in front of your husband and break the river. Yes, you should run away. There are many ugly children. I'm going to die when I ask you to come up to the house with the two girls on your back. The weather is freezing, my stomach is sore, and I don't have the muscle to be more angry. Besides, I fell down on the hill in front of my house and opened up the moorpak. And when I entered the house, in the empty room, a smart boy called Emmy alone and cried. a ruined couple of the year. What are you going to do if you raise someone else's child like this. It's been a long time since I've done it. If you go out as a wild soldier with two years of age, will you put me to sleep on one side and run away with another Western kick. You'd be right to sit still in the house without thinking about making money from a wild soldier. Just get a meal and stay healthy and pour out your Yeonhae children. Not a lot, but 15 is enough with the same son. Wait, if one man earns ten islands of rice a year, it's fifteen, so one hundred and fifty. It's 1,500 won for everything if you get 10 won for each island. 1,500 won. 1,500 won. In fact, 1,500 won is too much. I didn't know that, but since she had 1,500 won in her stomach, she was better than me.
I passed by the bar thinking that I should beat up a bowl of rice and scream at the year, but I couldn't hold back anymore and opened the door.
[ "When I entered the village, I felt hungry as if I were about to collapse, and I was surprised to hear the laughter of a year in the other room.", "When I entered the village, I felt hungry as if I were about to collapse, and I was surprised when I passed by the bar and heard the laughter of a year in the other room.", "When I entered the village, I felt hungry as if I were about to collapse, and I was surprised by the laughter of a year in the other room.", "When I entered the village, the snow was so thick that the branches of my hair were numb, and I felt hungry as if I were about to collapse." ]
The short summer night had come to an early in the morning. Inhwa, who fell asleep at dawn, woke up after nine o'clock. All the memories that came to his head, which sounded like a bell after a loud cry, were like a dream. However, the clearer the consciousness came, the clearer all memories appeared. It was embarrassing and funny to think of the scandal last night. He couldn't stand his innocent family because of his own self-indulgence. Why did you touch your chest and take a deep breath. What do you want to prevent a heart attack. Why did you try to live longer. It was pointless. It is just an effort to continue the life of dirty humiliation in humiliation. One dirty scene last night was the celebration of one's life that has been handed down so far. He just tried to hold on to this thread of life without meaning. It was a life of no value. He felt miraculously that his life was just attached. What damage will it do to our humanity if millions of lives have been cut off, not just one life that has lived without such a price. I am grateful and sorry that I have such a new life. How do I save and increase this grateful and sorry life I received? "This is the time. It is this time to pull meaningful happiness in one's life, and it is this time to eliminate one's existence. Tomorrow is the wind, now it's the power. If you lose your present strength, tomorrow's wind will be in vain. Do not neglect the power of living because a man has lived every minute, every second, every second. Don't put it off. Don't you know that it's really the only life you own?" The thought I felt while looking at the body passed through his head again yesterday. He sprang to his feet on an impulse and left the window open.
Inhwa, who opened her eyes after nine o'clock, was funny and embarrassed as the memory of Chu-tae, who was like a dream, clearly appeared.
[ "All the memories that came to Inhwa's head, which sounded like a bell after a loud cry, were like a dream, but the clearer the consciousness came, the clearer all memories appeared.", "All the memories that came to Inhwa's head, which sounded like a bell after a loud cry, were like a dream, but the clearer the consciousness came, the clearer all the memories appeared.", "All the memories that came to Inhwa's head, which sounded like a bell after a loud cry, were like a dream, but the clearer the consciousness came, the clearer the memories appeared.", "All the memories that came to Inhwa's head, which sounded like a bell after a loud cry, were like a dream, but the clearer the consciousness came, the clearer they appeared." ]
When I think of Eun-ju, I feel the solemnity of affection, but when I think of Yeon-sook, Youn-hoon felt the impact of affection. The Fall of Love - it was going straight to the path of love and lust. It wasn't like that in the old days. It was Younghoon who sometimes recalled Yeon-sook with a solemnity of affection until a few days before he met her. Then, while contacting Yeon-sook once or twice, Youn-hoon's thoughts on Yeon-sook gradually deteriorated. Yeon-sook's marriage may be making Youn-hoon do so. The rebirth of Yeon-sook, who betrayed her, did not seem to make Youn-hoon feel the solemnity of affection. In affection for Eun-ju, you feel spiritual strength, but in there, you feel the burning of the senses. In these two positions of desire, Younghoon is struggling without being able to hold on to himself. Younghoon did not know clearly what was the substance of affection. "You have to hold on to Eun-joo quickly!" Eun-ju's strong affection had to wash away the degradation of her affection for Yeon-sook as soon. Because it was also the way to lead one's own life correctly. There was a grill made of a two-story house in the fishing gear on the right side of the Gwanggyo Bridge. Younghoon was also a grill that came and went from time to time. In front of the grill, Younghoon finally had to witness an unfortunate fact. "Oh, isn't that Eun-ju?"…" Yes, it was definitely Han Kang-ju. And getting out of the taxi with Eun-ju was unfortunately Park In-hae.
Younghoon felt the solemnity of affection when he thought of Eun-ju, but while contacting Yeon-sook, Younghoon's thoughts on Yeon-sook gradually deteriorated.
[ "When I think of Eun-ju, I feel the solemnity of affection, but when I think of Yeon-sook, I feel the impact of affection.", "When I think of Eun-ju, I feel the solemnity of affection, but when I think of Yeon-sook, I feel the impact of affection, which is going straight to the path of love and lust.", "In affection for Eun-ju, you feel spiritual strength, but in affection for Yeon-sook, you feel the burning of the senses, and Younghoon is struggling without being able to hold on to himself.", "In affection for Eun-ju, you feel spiritual strength, but in affection for Yeon-sook, you feel the burning of the senses, and in these two positions of desire, Younghoon is struggling without being able to hold on to himself." ]
"Well, think about it, kid. How could such a grateful adult have killed your father without sin?" Before meeting Ju-guk, the mother advised her son once again like this. "As your father said, the law killed him because he committed the law, so as long as you come into a house like this, please hide your mind and like your wife or grandmother." However, the young son's answer remained. "When I think about cancer, my father died because of someone who thought he was a great man! If he had shown a little mercy, wouldn't one life have gone wrong?" "Well, kid." If you choose, it's all about kicking the luck that comes. So don't think about it and don't let your grandmother be seen as just a great benefactor." "Just be yourself. No one can break my will." "If that's the case, why did you volunteer to come into this house when I suggested it last night?" The boy calmly accepted the mother's anger and approached her as if she were going to hit her, saying, "I came to this house, peeked at the gap, and tried to avenge it." The mother was so amazed that she said, "Oh, you punk, you don't understand what people say...…." When he heard that this hat had reached the door, Ju-guk immediately called him in. "Listening to your mother yesterday, you still have the original poison to me, but it is useless.From now on, let's solve those thoughts and stay in peace with me." Joo-guk treated the hat generously and advised it again, but "The resentment that a person has eaten once must be fulfilled." I think it will be forgotten as soon as someone tells me to release it or not." The boy's answer was unyielding.
The mother admonished her son and defended him as a grateful adult, and said that his father died because he committed the law, but the son's answer remained.
[ "The boy calmly accepted the mother's anger and approached her as if she were going to hit her, saying, \"I came to this house, peeked at the gap, and tried to avenge it.\"", "The boy calmly accepted the mother's anger and approached her, saying, \"I came to this house, peeked at the gap, and tried to avenge it.\"", "The boy calmly accepted the mother's anger and approached her as if she were going to hit her, saying, \"I came to this house, peeked at the gap, and tried to avenge it\"", "The boy calmly accepted his mother's anger and approached her as if she were going to hit her, saying, \"I came to this house, peeked at the gap, and tried to avenge it.\"" ]
Ah! Poor man is Woo-sik. It seems silly on the one hand, but on the other hand, it is worth pitying to see that he/she is diligent to taste the happiness and pleasure of the future while living his/her life in pain by a small girl. Woo-sik sits on the railing to see what he is thinking, and then he bows his head and looks down at the floor with a worried light. Heung-sik whistles while walking around with his hands behind him, recites a song, and suddenly falters and pokes Woo-sik hard on what he saw. Look at that, my dear. Look at the woman standing on the belt. What? Oh! Who is that? Isn't it jade? It's done, it's done. It's a hell of a lot. What a coincidence. Maybe it's from heaven. Woosik forcibly controls his trembling heart, and with a trembling sound, heungsik! How do you do that? Shall we go after him? No, stay still. After all, you must be here with someone, so hide here and take a look. No, what if you go somewhere else? To another place? No. That's impossible. I'll have to go under the impossible to get to my house, so I don't have to worry. He'll be down by the end of this evening…… But who did he come with? Yeah... maybe he brought a servant...… But what does it matter. How about this Seokgu, not a servant? Who says good or bad when I say what I have to say.
Heung-sik thinks Woo-sik is foolish, but he deserves sympathy considering that he has gone through all kinds of hardships, but he pokes Woo-sik while looking at something.
[ "It is worth pitying to see that Woo-sik is diligent to taste the happiness and pleasure of the future while living his/her life in pain by a small girl.", "It is worth pitying to see that Woo-sik is diligent to taste the happiness of the future while living his/her life in pain by a small girl.", "Woo-sik bows his head and looks down at the floor with a worried light, and Heung-sik suddenly falters and pokes Woo-sik hard on what he saw.", "Woo-sik looked down at the floor with a worried light, and Heung-sik suddenly falters and pokes Woo-sik hard on what he saw." ]
Therefore, I don't think the solution of the current creative realistic problem is the same moment as that of Mr. Mao's literary policy theory. It all worked out on who reads Mr. Mo's. Therefore, depending on the convenience of the reader, the problem of improvement and distribution sometimes brought about a slight variance in the price. The problem of gargantuan prices was also inevitably solved according to the convenience of the reader, not by itself. The setting of these problems is correct in principle. However, given all the creative realities of our literary alliance at the moment, I know that there is no slight concern that will lead to misunderstanding and confusion. Under the name of being read by the so-called low-level public, all difficult efforts to learn about the abuse and living sense of the public have receded, and the most complacent and vulgar harvest is being rationalized. Indeed, one of the major flaws that our creative businesses are now losing is the quality degradation caused by the rapid pursuit. It is an intolerable phenomenon committed by almost all authors. Unless you can get out of the slump, the resurgence of the creative business is just an abuse of many tributaries. What does it show. It is specifically shown that the level of the work the artist wrote and sat on is extremely low. The dark ages were much lower than the level that our writers reached before and after our literature entered silence. What should we interpret it as if the dark ages, which were filled with pride and humiliation in the last year, and the historical liberation of August 15 are bringing only a narrow result. If it is true that the theme setting has not increased any of the contents or expressions of what the artist is trying to go to in the work or the ideas of ordinary citizens and people, why is it due to the falsehood. Reflection should not be concentrated in places.
It is rationalized that it is due to a quick estimate by committing an offense in the name of being read by the low-ranking public.
[ "One of the major flaws that our creative businesses are losing is the quality degradation caused by the rapid pursuit, and the resurgence of the creative business is an abuse of many tributaries.", "I don't think the solution of the current creative realistic problem is the same as that of Mr. Mao's literary policy theory, and the problem of gargantuan prices was solved according to the convenience of the reader.", "I don't think the solution of the current creative realistic problem is the same as that of Mr. Mao's literary policy theory, but the setting of these problems is correct in principle.", "I don't think the solution of the current creative realistic problem is the same as that of Mr. Mao's literary policy theory, but I know that there is no slight concern that will lead to misunderstanding and confusion." ]
"I don't know in quality, but in quantity, I won't lose much to anyone in the world." He did not hesitate to say this about the filial piety of the woman involved, but he "counted" without stepping on the road of choice. At the age of twenty-three or four, he has already announced that there will be more than two hundred people. By the age of 30, he would have already looked down at the mysterious monk, Shindon, far below his eyes. So, there was nothing that I didn't experience all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, he drank hundreds of millions of times, and was especially sexually motivated on top of it, and he never refrained even while he was suffering from venereal disease. The venereal disease had never left him for three hundred and sixty days a year. He always had a stomachache and had testicular inflammation for a month, so he came to get a shot from me with an awkward gait. In the meantime, you also have sex when you get fifty cents, or one dollar. And so he was essentially a man with no reproductive capacity. Knowing this well, I even sympathized with M's morality (?) by connecting it to the reason why M is not getting married. He will spend his life in poverty, live in loneliness even after he is old, and he will swim through this confession with his hands until he has gray hair. M, who had been like this, had already dithered into marriage while we didn't know it. This happened a few days ago. After eating dinner that day, M came to me while I was reading a new treatment report by myself. And, as a relatively dark face, I was forcing myself to answer the lips as if I were not very cool about what I was asking, and then I asked myself this question.
He said, "I don't know about Zilo, but I won't lose to anyone in the world in terms of quantity," adding, "At the age of twenty-three or four, there will already be more than two hundred women involved."
[ "He drank hundreds of millions of times and was sexually motivated on top of it, and he never refrained even while he was suffering from venereal disease.", "The venereal disease had never left him for three hundred and sixty days a year, so he came to get a shot from me with an awkward gait.", "The venereal disease had never left him for three hundred and sixty days a year, and he came to get a shot from me with an awkward gait.", "The venereal disease never left him for three hundred and sixty days a year, so he came to get a shot from me with an awkward gait." ]
In the meantime, whenever he added a few more condiments, he couldn't eat them to me as a joint appraiser, Bok-dong, Su-nam, and the children after the sun went down. They were Arigatameiwaku (not happy), they couldn't resist the owner's order and put them in their mouths. Whenever that happens, an honest doctor gives them 50 bucks as prize money, because he's proud of himself. It's an appraisal fee. According to the doctor, there are still a lot of dry food, starch, and fat left in the poo, along with scatol, indole, fatty acids, and so on, depending on the person's time, depending on the amount of time or amount. And the nutrients that remain in the feces rot in vain without anyone looking back, and if it can be extracted in some way, isn't it a great gospel of mankind threatened by food problems. That's why he researched and discovered that way. In other words, like the complete combustion of coal, it succeeded by planning the complete digestion of nutrients. In other words, let's analyze feces and take out 30% or 70% of the nutrients that are still left and eat them again.
Like the complete combustion of coal, it is said that it found a way to take out the nutrients left in the decomposed feces and eat them again.
[ "According to the doctor, there are still a lot of dry food, starch, and fat left in the poo, and if it can be extracted in some way, it is a great gospel of mankind threatened by food problems.", "According to the doctor, there are still a lot of dry food, starch, and fat left in feces, and if it can be extracted in some way, it is a great gospel of mankind threatened by food problems.", "According to the doctor, there are still a lot of dry food, starch, and fat left in the feces, and if it can be extracted in some way, it is a great gospel of mankind threatened by food problems.", "When he added a few condiments, he couldn't eat them to me as a joint appraiser, Bok-dong, Su-nam, and the children after the sun went down." ]
For this reason, if you want to study music between children, not only men and women of all ages, but also between children, parents scold you for doing something that will ruin your defeat. It's a very strange thing to do. In addition, even if music comrades try to gather and hold a concert-like concert, the general society does not have the same understanding as the lower class. There is nothing strange about this either. After listening to the occasional performance of global evil, only the incompetence of Joseon musicians (two-letter decipherable). Did you think that Joseon would become a world-class musician? This is at least two or three years later than us. I think it is too much to stir to make one's own music in a day and try to stand out by making one's own music, which has different national customs and is not the same blood group. Rather, I know that it is right to make the foundation or strong for the music system of Joseon to prepare for the future. It is the attitude of Joseon society to the music scene that the institution that encourages music and promotes music ideas is to make use of it with facilities. If you shake and tear something that has not been deeply rooted, what's the best way to die. For this reason, I regret the popularity of concerts in Joseon society. It would be pathetic to recall the past of the music scene. Then let's think for a moment about the future of our music scene. What's the future of our music scene? What kind of fate will lead our way? This is a matter of concern even before you think about it. Of course, there is no fear that music will be more advanced because it is an advanced society, but will the Joseon music world be optimistic that it will be advanced as the number of concerts is frequent and the number of violin or mandolin Gap is increasing in the hands of young men and women? Should it be said that the music world advances with the popularity of inner songs such as the Daedonggang River or Garesugini? Needless to say, Joseon's music scene is becoming more and more into the abyss of fall.
It was said that the first class of dangerous textbooks, including political meanings, was a general introduction to the current state of Korea.
[ "If you want to study music between children, parents scold you for doing something that will ruin your defeat, and even if you hold a concert-like concert, the general society does not have the same understanding as the lower class.", "I know that it is right to make the foundation or strong for the music system of Joseon to prepare for the future, and I regret the popularity of concerts in Joseon society.", "If you want to study music between children, parents scold you for doing something that will ruin your defeat, and even if you try to hold a concert-like concert, the general society does not have the same understanding as the lower class.", "It is right to make the foundation or strong for the music system of Joseon to prepare for the future, and I regret the popularity of concerts in Joseon society." ]
A group of jomulae followed into the alley, shouting "wow" as if they could reach behind Lee Pil-ju, who was still walking in a famous place. "Hey!" Lee Pil-ju, who was about to scream with an opportunity, collapsed on the street without hesitation. "Voxul, you went on some errands. I know your favorite restaurant, Seosu Moon Tuck! I went there and ate six bowls of dumplings, japchae, and Dempura, and then I had to order two geun geun to eat, so I knew it…… Yes, yes, that's right. Go ahead and come back. Hurry up and go. I was looking away the other day, but I was late. I'll turn my ankle around right away……." This is the sound that rang out from the alley of the house of Tutsi Chachumji. I was just asked to have a matchmaking, so let's order Cheongyori instead of dinner. The room was full of cigarette smoke in the shape of a chimney, and six people were sitting with their knees together in the single room, which was literally crab-sized, and were in the midst of a poor story. "So... That punk let go of his wife'sureu's heart"Ji" It was a skinny-looking middle-aged man who would have been about 50 lines of age who looked closely at the face of the youngest, who had stopped talking well so far, as if he were very interested. Not only was the seat on the lower neck, but the body that was rolled down and down the bay (clothes made of silk or silk) seemed to have a match or steadiness, and the room was quickly found to be the main character of this seat.
Behind Lee Pil-ju, a group of Cho Moo-rae chased into the alley, and Lee Pil-ju collapsed without hesitation.
[ "A group of jomulae followed Lee Pil-ju, who was walking in a famous place, and shouted, \"Wow,\" and Lee Pil-ju collapsed on the street without hesitation.", "A group of jomulae followed into the alley, shouting \"Wow,\" and Lee Pil-ju, who was walking in a famous place, collapsed on the street without hesitation.", "A group of jomulae followed Lee Pil-ju, who was walking in a famous place, shouting \"Wow,\" and Lee Pil-ju collapsed on the street without hesitation.", "A group of jomulae followed Lee Pil-ju, who was walking in a famous place, and shouted \"Wow,\" and Lee Pil-ju collapsed on the street without hesitation." ]
"Well, that's why I heard that Yeongju died because he was crazy." And Min-gun laughed. So, Jo stepped up again and said, "No, both of them are crazy. "We can't tell who's right when we each say it's right," he said, clapping. Here, teacher! How would I have answered? I just kept silent with embarrassment. Since I did the morning, I couldn't say that my friend Yeongju, who was clearly living, was sorry for everything, and there was no way but to apologize to my friends who made me do everything. "Oh, that's why these guys are talking about me being crazy and scolding me. I even put on an advertisement." I had no choice but to laugh and joke like this to console them. Teacher! Isn't this a common laughing stock in our daily lives. But, sir! As a result, how did you know that this would happen in a person's life, and how did you know that you would drag me into the depths of destruction. Even the seven friends would not have expected me to be this much. Wouldn't I have heard this sound the next day when I went out on the street. "Kim Chul-ho is crazy again. I can't call it hereditary. When his grandfather died of madness, he went to a decent family." What a surprise this must have been to me.
Not only my friend Yeongju but also my friends who made me do everything, I was just sorry and embarrassed.
[ "I couldn't say that my friend Yeongju, who was clearly living, was sorry for everything, and there was no way to apologize to my friends who made me do everything.", "I couldn't say that my friend Yeongju was sorry for everything, and there was no way to apologize to my friends who made me do everything.", "I couldn't say that my friend Yeongju, who was clearly living, was sorry for everything, and there was no way to apologize to my friends who had made me do everything.", "I couldn't say that my friend Yeongju, who was clearly living, was sorry for everything, and there was no way of apologizing to my friends who made me do everything." ]
The Munchon family felt sorry for this. In this way, he thought, "Let's not study, let's not eat porridge," and advised, "Please give bonsai to Myeong-ryul, so I have to go somewhere else and study separately." When my brother heard this, he kicked me, saying, "Marshish, I told you to notice." And after drinking a lot of value alcohol, he beat the family with a wooden needle and divided them into two. Myeongryeol had the right to receive bonsai from his brother. Therefore, whenever the greedy brother talks about bonsai, his eyes turned upside down and jumped. "If you do bonsai immediately, throw away people. How do you feel about being like me? You should not give your life after studying." This was his reason for not being able to bonsai. However, in less than a decade, the large amount of property fell. When my brother, who lived in Seoul, left Myeong-ryeol to his sister and went to the countryside, there were only a few hundred seats of land. Myeong-ryeol was a nuisance to his brother as he gradually grew up. He was removed to Seoul with a good sound and only the Zui family went to the countryside, the hometown of the battalion. This was when Myeong-ryul graduated from Gobo and went to Tokyo, but he couldn't do it because there was no consent from the house, and he was playing in a mess. Growing up in this way in his brother's hand, he came over as a sister. Therefore, he couldn't help but be happy as if he had found a way to live. But the sister was also a different person than he expected.
The greedy brother had to give bonsai to Myung-ryul, but he jumped whenever he heard about bonsai, saying that if he did it early, he would abandon people.
[ "When my brother, who lived in Seoul, left Myeong-ryeol to his sister and went to the countryside, there were only a few hundred seats of land.", "Myeong-ryeol had the right to receive bonsai from his brother, and whenever his brother talked about bonsai, his eyes turned upside down and jumped.", "Myeong-ryeol, who was a nuisance to his brother, was removed to Seoul with a good sound and only the Zui family went to the countryside, the hometown of the battalion.", "When my brother, who lived in Seoul, left Myeong-ryeol to his sister and went to the countryside, there were only a few hundred seats of land, and Myeong-ryeol was a nuisance to his brother as he grew up." ]
The new book ordered the servant to immediately release the order of guidance, as the order of guidance said. Shin Pan-seo headed to Woldong and asked a servant to find the house of Yu Do-ryeong, so he found the house of the master without much difficulty. The house of Yu Do-ryeong, where Sin Pan-seo visited, was all-a falling Sugancho-ok. - Seeing that there was a long road of green grass on the rotten roof, it was well worth knowing that the family's livelihood was very desperate. Only after Shin Pan-seo ordered a servant to find the owner, the outside owner found out that the house had an early spirit and Yu Do-ryeong's mother was alone, so it was the duty of the family's body servant who came out from the inside and delivered the words. Shin Pan-seo called out the body servant of the house of Yu Do-ryeong and said, "I am the new Panseo of Jaedongsa Temple, and my family is six years old, so when I met this family on the street today, I met my granddaughter, so I asked her if she would marry me here today." And immediately, Shin Pan-seo turned to Ha In-bae from the middle-aged man, saying, "Even if you go home, I will not tell you what happened today." If there is even one person who violates my words, he will not die immediately and remain, so know it." At the house of Yudoryeong in Jang-dong, the wife of Yudoryeong, the mother of Yudoryeong, unexpectedly heard the words of the body bell, and said, "Is that even possible? Speaking of Sinpanso's house, wealth and movies are common, and there is no one in Seoul who doesn't know anyone, so I can't ask for it because I don't have a grandchild's wife, and even moreover, could you have thought of it when you saw the young master who only goes through Bong Doo-nan-baljangnan? No matter how much I think about it, I don't feel reliable at all because it feels like a sunset in a dream," he said, not believing the message of the S-jong.
Shin Pan-seo ordered a servant to visit the house of Yu Do-ryeong, but the outside owner was early and Yu Do-ryeong's mother was a fruit tree wife.
[ "When Shin Pan-seo ordered a servant to find the house of Yu Do-ryeong, the outside owner found out that the house had an early spirit and Yu Do-ryeong's mother was alone, so it was the duty of the family's body servant to deliver the words.", "When Shin Pan-seo ordered a servant to find the house of Yu Do-ryeong, the outside owner found out that the house had an early spirit and Yu Do-ryeong's mother was alone.", "After Shin Pan-seo ordered a servant to find the house of Yu Do-ryeong, the outside owner found out that the house had an early spirit and Yu Do-ryeong's mother was alone, so it was the duty of the family's body servant to deliver the words.", "After Shin Pan-seo ordered a servant to find the house of Yu Do-ryeong, the outside owner found out that the house had an early spirit and Yu Do-ryeong's mother was alone." ]
The fact and theory of resurrection It is time to realize that the water is moving on the rocks of Bukhansan Mountain, which had been severely damaged and accumulated on the Han River where Kim Gyo-shin, Chunyang, returned and froze. Take Gyebyeon and Imgan with Mr. Coloril's epigram that "Only one thing is transferred for Beomyong, and there are many transferred in daily life for those who have an eye to see." On top of that, the news of grass and small birds must be as shaky and surprising as the boy in white in the empty tomb said (Maga 16.18). Now, when the world is about to swallow in the leap of life, we cannot help but think of a more complete life, that is, a revived life, as nature does, and we cannot help but make progress with all kinds of things. The scholar said, "Even if there is no Confucius, the lessons of Confucianism can be passed down, and even if there is no Buddha, Buddhism's religion can exist, but Christianity without Jesus cannot be established." That's a fair word. Christianity is not organized by ethics or morality, it is not organized by philosophical contemplation, it is only caused by the life of Christ, especially the death of the cross and the fact of its resurrection. The longest and most frequent teaching that Jesus taught when his student's cultural career gradually matured was "to die and survive on the third day" (Matthew 16.21, East 17.22, East 20.17, Maga 8.31, Nuga 9.22, 12.40, Johan 2.19, etc.). The evangelism of the apostles and the first believers was only to spread the rumor that Jesus, who died on this cross, was revived on the third day.
The news of the grass and the bird was more surprising than what the boy in white said in the tomb, and I couldn't help but think of the revived life as nature.
[ "Christianity is not organized by ethics or morality, it is only caused by the death of the cross and the fact of its resurrection, and the evangelism of the apostles and the first believers was only to spread the rumor that Jesus was revived on the third day.", "Christianity is not organized by ethics or morality, it is only caused by the death of the cross and the fact of its resurrection, and the evangelism of the apostles and the first believers was only to spread the rumor that Jesus, who died on this cross, was revived on the third day.", "Christianity is not organized by ethics or morality, it is only caused by the death of the cross and the fact of its resurrection, and the evangelism of the apostles and the first believers only spread the rumor that Jesus was revived on the third day.", "Christianity is not organized by ethics or morality, it is only caused by the death of Christ and the fact of its resurrection, and the evangelism of the apostles and the first believers was only to spread the rumor that Jesus was revived on the third day." ]
"Inje, didn't you leave a bad beggar on the left?" "The day after day and night, I'll watch the gutless one." "Baetdal, well, you punk! If you have a sense of shame, think about it." He cursed all kinds of things. But later on, just because it is. "Get out of here, dude, you don't have to leave the four of us," he said, touching his furniture carelessly, regardless of the desk or the hook. He was so amazed and ridiculous that he just stared at the rude and mischievous trick as if it were someone else's business, and he couldn't say anything against it. This is because he had a lot of strength because his stomach was stuck together. After finishing the only remaining suit pants, it also fell to some resolution. Anyway, it was three days ago that he tasted rice. The intestines became weak, the blood seemed to have dried up, and there was no force to rise. The owner packs the disheveled luggage, ties it tightly, pushes it to the corner, and pretends to chase the dog, saying, "Get out of here, you punk!" No matter how muscular he was, he couldn't take it any more. I sprang up with all my strength. In the squad, it was not cool to knock him down on the spot, but he was empty and had a penny worth of pulse, so he stumbled out, leaving a single word as if he were spitting out.
He couldn't stand his master's behavior, so he jumped up.
[ "In the squad, it was not cool to knock him down on the spot, but he was empty and had a penny worth of pulse, so he stumbled out, leaving a single word as if he were spitting out.", "In the squad, it was not cool to knock him down on the spot, but he was empty and had a penny worth of pulse, so he stumbled out, leaving a single word.", "In the squad, it was not cool to knock him down, but he was empty and had a penny worth of pulse, so he stumbled out, leaving a single word as if he were spitting out.", "In the squad, it was not cool to knock him down, but he was empty and had a penny worth of pulse, so he stumbled out, leaving a single word." ]
The New Testament does not have many scenes that fascinated me, not the first Moral 1 Christianity of a writer who was a minor citizen of literature. But there are a few phrases there that are usually unfolded when a tumultuous mind that does not subside sometimes fumbles through this book and then picks up a bible. Matthew 26, Maga 14, Luke 22 or John 13 to the end, respectively. It is a record of the scene before and after the Passover, until Christianity was arrested by the chief priest and soldier and became the dew of Golgoda. This scene of the Bible is always as exciting as Da Vinci's painting, as we sat around the 12 disciples at the last supper of Da Vinci, threw a bombastic prophecy that "one of you will sell me," and watched the expression and behavior of the 12 disciples. This is because the layered veil covering his face and the doctrine is torn, and the face of human Christianity is shown here. Moreover, the description of John 13 approaches me with something more physical. At this significant last opportunity, when you share food surrounded by your beloved 12 disciples, you declare that there is one of you who catches me and hands me over to the enemy, which cannot be held as an impossible poetic illusion of loving the enemy? "Who is coming?" When asking back to Christian Soyeon, he said, "He is the one who wet a handful of food and gives the plant in his hand to Judas, Simon's son Iscariote, despite hundreds of religious explanations, is a fresh human emotion.
There are some verses that unfold when you listen to a Bible, even though the New Testament doesn't have many scenes that fascinate me.
[ "It is a record of the scene before and after the Passover, when Christianity was arrested by the chief priest and soldier and became the dew of Golgoda.", "The New Testament does not have many scenes that fascinate me, but there are a few phrases that are usually unfolded when a tumultuous mind fumbles through this book and picks up a bible.", "The New Testament does not have many scenes that fascinate me, but there are a few phrases that usually unfold when a tumultuous mind fumbles through this book and picks up a bible.", "The New Testament does not have many scenes that fascinate me, but there are a few phrases that usually unfold when a tumultuous mind fumbles through this book and picks up a Bible." ]
"You can't keep saying the same thing!" the teacher laughed. The students laughed along. Suddenly, with a decent face, the teacher said, "Sunam, stop sitting down!" and asked another student, "If you add one to one, why does it become two, raise your hand if you know it!" But the students only looked at each other's faces, and no one raised their hands. Changbok didn't know what it meant either. And in normal school, I just thought that adding one to one would make two, and the reason why it's two is that they didn't learn, they didn't talk. When I came to high school, I thought that there were a lot of strange theories, and I had a scary thought. Then a student raised his hand and jumped up. He was a funny-looking student named Yoon Bok-dol. "Teacher. If you subtract 1 from 2, it's 1 right? So, if you add 1 to 1, it becomes 2!" "So, if you subtract 1 from 2, why do you have 1 left?" the teacher asked again. "That's because if you add one to one, it becomes two!" "Well, why does one to one become two?" "Well, that's because if you subtract one from two, there's one left," Bok-dol replied obnoxiously. The teacher was annoyed, saying, "Isn't that the same thing as day and night. If you add 1 to 1, why does it become 2?" And I asked the general public again. Bokdol also scratched his head, and sat in place. All the students sat blind and couldn't answer.
When asked by the teacher, the students only looked at each other's faces and did not raise their hands, and Chang-bok did not know the meaning.
[ "The teacher asked another student, \"If you add one to one, why does it become two?\" but the students only looked at each other's faces, and no one raised their hands.", "The teacher asked another student, \"If you add one to one, why does it become two?\" but the students only looked at each other's faces and did not raise their hands.", "The teacher asked another student, \"If you add one to one, why does it become two?\" but the students only looked at each other's faces and didn't raise their hands.", "The teacher asked another student, \"If you add one to one, why does it become two?\" but the students only looked at each other's faces, and Changbok didn't know what it meant." ]
It seems to be in the middle of January. In the Dong-A Ilbo, Ham Il-don's comprehensive review of his creation in 1930 (it is unknown whether the title is as it is) was published, and Joljak Sandong and Antal were also included in it. However, Hamgun defined it as a bourgeois work together because one of the biographical works was sanctioned by a young man who was looking for a job (there were no other reasons). However, since it was just a confession of ignorance that the critic did not understand the work (or did not read the work well), I could not do it as a writer, but I explained the biography one by one and taught it to Ham. (This seems to be the root cause of Ham's request to me.) There is also a phenomenon in the world in which a person who is a famous evaluation reviews a work and realizes it only when he hears a commentary from the author of the work. If this is not the case If he had not found his error anywhere, Hamgun, who has many Seungbyeoks (I will say next time that there are many Seungbyeoks), would have picked up a brush and wrote a rebuttal to my rebuttal. But there was never a sound. (I don't know if I didn't see it) Then, Ham caught the shadow that disappeared in the September creative review of "Moon Ye-Monthly" and shouted out loud, which was a pathetic scream to hear.
If he had not found his error, many Ham, who had Seungbyeok, would have written a rebuttal to my rebuttal, but there was no sound.
[ "In the Dong-A Ilbo, Ham Il-don's comprehensive review of his creation in 1930 was published, and Joljak Sandong and Antal were also included.", "In the Dong-A Ilbo, Ham Il-don's comprehensive review of his creation in 1930 was published, and Joljak Sandong and Antal were also included, but Hamgun defined it as a bourgeois work because one of the biographical works was sanctioned by a young man who was looking for a job.", "In the Dong-A Ilbo, Ham Il-don's comprehensive review of his creation in 1930 was published, but Hamgun defined it as a bourgeois work because one of the biographical works was sanctioned by a young man who was looking for a job.", "In the Dong-A Ilbo, Ham Il-don's comprehensive review of his creation in 1930 was published, but he defined it as a bourgeois work because one of the biographical works was sanctioned by a young man who was looking for a job." ]
Lyricist language An epistolary language is the furthest thing. Like Beltram, freedom of speech is something that exists at any time that we don't know. Today, the language mobilized only for all transmission and concepts - even if it is the beginning - merely represents their death through disorderly sequence and instrumental harmony. Our vision has reached a point where we cannot accept any more paralysis, as to whether the task of modern poetry is just a malicious abuse of language. Didn't language as a utility value achieve another birth in precise semantic architecture when it hesitated to all imaginary despair. Language exists as a more complete collection of logos in the ideology of <being> rather than in <being> results, and it cannot be denied that the most appropriate language is a language that can replace ourselves. We should regret again that Barreri's Poetry Lecture at Annello University in 1930 was his legitimate manifestation of the abstract purpose of the language, such as "from sound to meaning, from holding to exerting" or "the acquisition of all beings" and "the expulsion of all abilities. The freedom of language to be released from the despair of all fraudulent ministry is eventually an essential link to the world, and being conscious of the link is also seen as a <choice> that contains such consciousness. Choice is an existential medium and predictive action that rejects abstraction of itself and does not already allow any movement in the mental range, and is more clearly exhibited in a series of irreconcilable or such life phenomena.
Language mobilized only for all transmission and concepts is merely an expression of their death through disorderly arrangement and instrumental harmony, and choice is an existential medium and predictive action exerted in life phenomena.
[ "The freedom of language to be released from the despair of all fraudulent ministry is eventually an essential link to the world, and being conscious of the link is also seen as a choice> that contains consciousness.", "The freedom of language to be released from the despair of all fraudulent ministry is eventually an essential link to the world, and being conscious of the link is also seen as a choice> that contains such consciousness.", "The most appropriate language is a language that can replace ourselves, and the freedom of language to be released from the despair of all fraudulent ministry is an essential link to the world.", "The most appropriate language is a language that can replace ourselves, and the freedom of language to be released from the despair of all fraudulent ministry is eventually an essential link to the world." ]
Barefoot (Yup So-kyun) Jung Sun-saeng (字紹) stood in the danwoo and stared calmly ahead with shining eyes. Although he was nearly sixty years old, his body stood upright like a pillar. His wife, Sung Ching-ling, is standing next to him. The fluttering thin clothes over his body fit his beautiful figure, and he was also looking forward. The solemn and moving shape seems to be about something sacred. The large front yard is already full of people. The heads of the crowded people, like bees in the hive, did not sit still for a moment. Usually, a person who wears a straw hat on his head and a hat on it is stuck in the sun, and his hair shines brightly whether he is wet or not. There are quite a few green trees in the yard's main, but they don't even care about branches or leaves, so it seems as if they are trying to decorate Chairman Lee solemnly on purposely. It was the day of the first Quangtungjeonseong Peasants' Congress. The crowd gathered from each prefecture in Quangtung and walked in a long, long way. They had exposed baskets or bottles in their hands, and in them they had brought loose objects of their own use. Their clothes were old, and their white clothes were very sensible, and their black clothes were shiny with dirt. It seemed exceptionally cool and bizarre for so many of these people to gather and hold sashimi. However, what appeared in their eolgol was rather an extremely passionate and sincere light. The eyes of Quang Tong-hyung looked at Dan-woo's Jungsan teacher. His broad, wide-eyed, growing beard -.
Although he is nearly sixty years old, his wife is standing next to the barefoot Jungsan teacher who is standing in Danwoo and looking forward.
[ "It was the day of the first Quangtungjeonseong Peasants' Congress, and the crowd gathered from each prefecture and walked in a long, long way.", "It was the day of the first Quangtungjeonseong Peasants' Congress, and the crowd gathered from each prefecture in Quangtung and walked in a long, long way.", "It was the day of the first Quangtungjeonseong Peasants' Congress, and the crowd gathered from each prefecture in Quangtung and walked a long, long way.", "It was the day of the first Quangtungjeonseong Peasants' Congress, and the crowd gathered from each prefecture in Quangtung and walked a long way." ]
"It's noisy. Anyway, if you listen to me, I'm sure you're accomplices." Aera cracks up again. "The accomplice is clear? How do you say that? Who's the accomplice with the teacher. If you are an accomplice, Hong Han-kyung and Ko Soon-il will be accomplices. I'm the same girl because of your excitement. Do you know how to participate in the accomplice's turn? Why did you catch Hankyung? The old man must have a motive. Did you miss it because your veins were choking? The sister of the chief of the detective department will definitely act as a robber lover. How do you do that? If it's not my sister, you can put in an innocent girl, and my sister doesn't have a problem making fun of the police with letters on behalf of the robber?" "What are you nagging about?" The chief detective shouted with his hands on his cheek as if he were covering his ears. "Why don't you want to hear it? Oh, the right sound is the epithelium. Try cutting my throat. I'll go anywhere with this sound. If you raise a robber in my house, sneak it out, turn it around, catch only ambiguous people, and draw it, you will ignore it." The detective closed his eyes as if he were lost in thought, and suddenly rang the doorbell. The Japanese patrolman appeared again earlier. With a wink, he ordered Ko Soon-il to go away. Myeon-hoo and Aera are left alone. The chief detective lowered his voice even further, and said, "Hey! What kind of nonsense is all that? Do you know that you're bound up with a sin that doesn't exist? I'm the one who wants you not to be guilty more than you are. I'd like it, and you'd like it, wouldn't you? Isn't it good to meet every night at Baekmajeong Pavilion, or to sit in and come out to live? I'm afraid you're out of the rain. What would be good to rot in the prison of hell in this world against the bright world?" Myeonhu's words were heavy. It seemed to be for Ari as a true country.
The detective chief's words were heavy, saying that he was the one who wanted Ara to be innocent.
[ "When the Japanese patrolman appeared again earlier, he ordered Ko Soon-il to go away, and Myeon-hoo and Aera were left alone.", "When the Japanese patrolman ordered Ko Soon-il to go away, Myeon-hoo and Aera were left alone, and Myeon-hoo's words were heavy.", "The Japanese patrolman ordered Ko Soon-il to go away, and Myeon-hoo and Aera were left alone, and Myeon-hoo's words were heavy.", "When the Japanese patrolman appeared again earlier, he ordered Ko Soon-il to go away, and Myeon-hoo and Aera are left alone." ]
I'm sure enough. She's coming to steal. Draw it. He walks very awkwardly as if he didn't catch his heart. Hahaha. Oh noona. Then it will, look at the behavior of this proud Grandmaster. The prince quickly turned around again quickly. And I bent my back as if my shoelaces were loose, and I began to loosen and tie my shoelaces. You've been doing that move for a long time, and you're bending over to make your back hurt. Even the girl comes quite a long time in a very unstoppable way. I'll bend over and look through the bridge to see if she's coming around the corner or not, and I'll just wait until my back is almost cut off. She shuddered when she saw me bending over there. Be flustered and hesitate. Then he walks back to me and stands in front of me. I finally stood up, too. I stood up and began to pour slowly. She's five or six steps ahead of me. You filed a complaint alone, following a girl in a quiet, gloomy, and quiet alley. I followed Lee, who claimed to be Oh Ip-jang, but was not a bully who chased the girl's butt, step by step, thinking that he would turn around and abandon her while acting as a bully by chance. The girl feels uncomfortable following me like this, so she's taking a slower. There's no way. I couldn't be any slower, so I just went with that step, so I took three steps, two steps, one step, side by side, and I was ahead. The moment you're about to get ahead of yourself.
The girl who was hesitating with her body in fear stood in front of me and went, so I stood up and began to follow her, so she went ahead of me.
[ "I followed Lee, who claimed to be Oh Ip-jang, but I couldn't be any slower, so I took three steps, two steps, one step, and side by side, and I was ahead.", "I followed Lee, who claimed to be Oh Ip-jang, but I couldn't be any slower, so I took three steps, two steps, and one step, side by side, and I was ahead.", "I followed Lee, who claimed to be Oh Ip-jang, but I couldn't be any slower, so I took three steps, two steps, one step, side by side, and I was ahead.", "I followed Lee, who claimed to be Oh Ip-jang, but I couldn't be any slower, so I took three steps, two steps, one step, and I was ahead." ]
After dinner, the sound of hurrah is not only from one place on the Sambongsan Mountain side, but it is unknown where it comes from, but the sounds from various places harmonized and came in. Soon after, when it began to be dark, the sound of hurrah arose even in the very nearby mountains. I felt my heart beating without realizing it. I saw children of my age climbing up the hill following the sound of hurrah. Somehow I ran there, too. After the village school called "Gun Hyunjae," some 30 young people gathered on a large rock on the mountain and sang hurrah. At that time, in my neighborhood, he was famous for his strength and wrestled, so when he came to Maydan, he would lift his arms in the air, saying, "Long live Korean independence," with his voice standing with his upper body taken off and his legs wide open. Then, the young people around him heard the sound and raised their arms, saying, "Long live Korean independence." I, caught between the crowd, knew that I was the one who raised my hand when the man shouted hurrah without realizing it. There was no one who couldn't join here, not just me, but also an adult and a child. After a while, people gathered on the ridge of the mountain, and they all joined in singing hurrah. Despite hearing that many people died from being stabbed by the military police's spear during the day, and many people entered the town, even though the police officer's residence was only located in the 5-ri residence, they sang all of them without any hesitation and fear.
As it became dark, there was a sound of hurrah on the back mountain, and when I saw children of my age climbing up, I felt my heart beating and ran toward it.
[ "When it began to be dark, the sound of hurrah arose even in the nearby mountains, and 30 young people gathered on a large rock on the mountain and sang hurrah.", "When it began to be dark, the sound of hurrah arose even in the nearby mountains, and I saw children of my age climbing up the hill following the sound of hurrah.", "When it began to be dark, the sound of hurrah arose in the nearby mountains, and 30 young people gathered on a large rock on the mountain and sang hurrah.", "When it began to be dark, the sound of hurrah arose even in the nearby mountains, and I saw children climbing up the hill following the sound of hurrah." ]
The rental came out of love and told his wife what he was doing and saying, held on to each other and cried, then quietly came inside and peeked at the teacher's sympathy outside the window. The teacher sat down like a picture. The dancing twin candles make the teacher's thin face look awkward, and sometimes you can only hear a long sigh. The rental and his wife cried out because they couldn't stand it. Then, at the sound of "A thousand people, a thousand people, the time has come, hurry up and avoid it!" the rental bowed to the teacher outside the window and left the gate. It's still dark. However, I couldn't go far and went up to the mountain behind. Since you can't climb all the way up the middle of the mountain, you can hear a dog barking in the neighborhood, so you can hide behind a rock and listen quietly, that is, people's talking, and then you can hear the sound of shouting and swearing at your house. The rental slumped frantically on the snow. "Ah, sir!" I cried to myself. When it was bright, the teacher saw 30 Daegu English servants pulling the teacher with their hands behind them, supporting him from side to side, and leaving for Dong-gu. "A thousand, a thousand!" said the teacher, and the rental followed the teacher's capture. Donghak died one day, he had already secretly killed him, but he had already escaped from prison in harmony, and now Donghak soldiers raised soldiers to attack Daegu Gamyeong, Daegu, and the people of Daegu gathered from the beginning to talk.
Outside the window, the rental and his wife saw the teacher's angry face and heard him sigh, and cried helplessly.
[ "The rental came out of love and told his wife what he was doing, held on to each other and cried, then quietly came inside and peeked at the teacher's sympathy outside the window.", "The rental came out of love and told his wife what he was doing, held on to each other and cried, then quietly peeked at the teacher's sympathy outside the window.", "When the teacher saw 30 Daegu English servants pulling the teacher and leaving for Dong-gu, the rental followed the teacher's capture, and Donghak soldiers raised soldiers to attack Daegu Gamyeong, Daegu, and the people of Daegu gathered from the beginning to talk.", "The rental came out of love and told his wife what he was doing, held on to each other and cried, and peeked at the teacher's sympathy outside the window." ]
After dinner, the husband ran in around 9 o'clock, looked around, and looked for "Kiseong!" but there was no answer. He went out to the kitchen, came in with a baby, pulled the hook in every corner, and tied it tightly. Ok-yi, who was staring at me, cried when she thought she was going to go tomorrow. When I went outside with the multi-ring, I loaded it on my bicycle. Then I went into the attic, talked for a long time, and quickly changed into a suit and came out. "Ok, I'm coming." Then I heard the sound of a bicycle. Ok-yi seemed to be feeling sick all over her body and her mind was getting dark. He followed with all his courage. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to Tokyo." The person who endured it all summer was close. I clung to my husband by doing. "Look, it's bad for you. Aren't you the only son of your mother?" Bong-joon pushed Ok away without mercy and climbed on his bicycle and rolled the wheels. Okie followed him like crazy and fell down in the grass. 4. Jaeil, my three friends, woke up late. Therefore, I visited Wonseon's boarding house before washing my face. He was reading a book leaning on the side of his desk on the newly opened tatami. His face looked more plump in the morning sun. "Hey, is it a book already?" He smiled and rode down the line faster than before. "Stop it, I'm just holding books all day and night...…" I tried to steal the book. He bit his hand with a book, and said, "I'll have to look at it as soon as I can. Wait a minute." Jae-il sprang up quickly get up.
Ok-yi seemed to be distraught when she heard that Bong-joon was leaving and said it was harmful to your body, but Bong-joon rolled the bicycle without mercy.
[ "Bong-joon pushed Ok-yi away and rolled the wheels of his bicycle, and Ok-yi followed him like crazy and fell down in the grass.", "Bong-joon pushed Ok-yi away and climbed on his bicycle and rolled the wheels, and Ok-yi followed him like crazy and fell down in the grass.", "Bong-joon pushed Ok-yi away without mercy and rolled the wheels of his bicycle, and Ok-yi followed him like crazy and fell down in the grass.", "Ok-yi, who was staring at me, cried when she thought she was going to go tomorrow, and Bong-joon climbed on his bicycle and rolled the wheels." ]
Even when I first laid the foundation of my stomach with ribs and went to Musangwan, the sun was not yet completely set, but the atmosphere was frowned and lowered on my head, but it did not snow. First, an elderly gisaeng named Haejungwol was called to the seat. He knows well enough to come out. When I was still in my hometown with Jeong or Choi, I was sometimes mixed with drinking parties to understand how we felt. It seemed that Haejungwol was called to recall the memories of the past. After a long time, it was about 4,50 minutes since the alcohol was circulating three or four times, and a gisaeng who did not know me as a child of Changyeop was newly stuck in the seat. He bowed inside the sliding door and sat down, and I saw a snowflake that had melted a little behind my forehead, so I asked, "When did you come?" And Chang-yeop looked at me, saying, "Yeah, it's just starting to fall." "It's snowing, it's just the end." Choi, who quit while doing a newspaper bureau, hit his knee because the taste of alcohol was even more different on a snowy day, and suddenly offered a glass to Changyeop, saying, "Pour a drink." I don't know Chang-yeop, but it must have been a pleasure for me who was drunk or drunk. "Do you know me?" "Then, I don't know you." "It's suspicious that I don't know you living in a village." As Choi responded to his words, "It's good to drink, friends, even the bridegroom is beautiful, and today's our birthday."
In Musangwan's seat, there was an old gisaeng who was familiar with drinking even if it came out as Haejungwol.
[ "When I went to Musangwan, the atmosphere was frowned and lowered on my head, and an elderly gisaeng named Haejungwol was called to the seat.", "An elderly gisaeng named Haejungwol was called to the seat, and after a long time, it was about 4,50 minutes since the alcohol was circulating, and a gisaeng who did not know me as a child of Changyeop was newly stuck in the seat.", "An elderly gisaeng named Haejungwol was called to the seat, and after a long time, it was about 4,50 minutes since the alcohol was circulating, and a gisaeng who did not know me as a child of Changyeop was stuck in the seat.", "When I went to Musangwan, the atmosphere was frowned and lowered on my head, and an elderly gisaeng named Haejungwol was called to the seat to recall the memories of the past." ]
When all of these are integrated, it is the so-called literary heritage, and the full symbol of the literary heritage is the word. In addition, the legacy of Japanese literature accumulated in the "horse" is one of the reasons why one of his successors, Jang Hyuk-ju, uses the same sanctions from the reality of Joseon with the same sincerity, but obtains a higher level than the works written in Joseon. In the 3rd verse, I said that the literary heritage of inner literature is one of the factors that make Jang Hyuk-joo write a higher level of work than the novels he writes in Joseon, and once again, the degree of public knowledge participates in it. The higher his level of knowledge, the higher his level of literature. Of course, the public is a broad public, and in Japan, they have not been able to demand literature as a necessity of life. (not to mention the reader of popular novels) He is a phenomenon that cannot be shallow in public knowledge, and thus a factor in determining the level of literature. A highly developed publishing culture also stimulates the growth of literature and raises its level. You can find other details, but you can omit them. In the end, even though Jang Hyuk-ju wrote novels such as Augido-kwon, it was decided that Jang Hyuk-ju's role was determined by his literary heritage of literature and the publishing culture of Japan and Japan, not by Jang Hyuk-ju.
The higher the level of knowledge, the higher the level of literature, and the more the publishing culture stimulates the growth and raises the level of literature, which is a full sign of literary heritage.
[ "In the 3rd verse, I said that the literary heritage of inner literature is one of the factors that make Jang Hyuk-joo write a higher level of work than the novels he writes in Joseon.", "The literary heritage of inner literature is one of the factors that make Jang Hyuk-joo write a higher level of work than the novels he writes in Joseon.", "The literary heritage of inner literature is one of the factors that make Jang Hyuk-ju write a higher level of work than the novels he writes in Joseon.", "The literary heritage of inner literature is one of the factors that make Jang Hyuk-joo write a higher level of work than the novels he writes in Joseon, and once again, the degree of public knowledge is a factor in determining the level of literature." ]
Fifteen minutes later, they will leave the peninsula for the continent in a big circle in the air. By the time the police find out that a large amount of public bonds worth nearly 400,000 won have been lost, they will be drinking in Shanghai. After a while, Miss Young will change and become Mrs. Seo. - In this thought, Renjun closed his eyes and reached Gyeongseong from Incheon. I didn't even dream that Detective Lee Pil-ho guessed Renjun's plan and was taking precautions.... In-jun got off the train at Gyeongseong Station and walked on the platform was light. Injun stepped outside the station. There, I suddenly ran into Detective Lee Pil-ho. "Oh, this ball." In a way, it was a cry of astonishment, and in a way, Pil-ho seemed surprised by this welcome greeting. 'How.' 'I'm going to Incheon.' "By the way, your friends are leaving today, aren' Did you leave safely?" "Yes, safely..."." Phil didn't do it because he thought he was going to fall here. "Where are you going?" "To the piano lesson...." 'Do you mind if I take you with me?' 'As you please...." But it wasn't pleasure in tone. They came to the piano class. Even Mooron and Renjun had no special business at this time. But it was not very pleasant for the detective to come with him when he was about to carry out his mission to Bayach tonight. I came into the classroom. We didn't say anything to each other for a moment. Renjun is also lost in thought. Pil-ho was lost in thought. A little later, Pil-ho said it first -.
Detective Lee Pil-ho, who encountered In-jeong walking on the platform, guessed In-jeong's plan and is taking precautions.
[ "In-jun got off the train at Gyeongseong Station, walked on the platform, and suddenly met Detective Lee Pil-ho outside the station.", "In-jun got off the train at Gyeongseong Station and walked on the platform, and Detective Lee Pil-ho greeted him with a surprise.", "In-jun got off the train at Gyeongseong Station and walked on the platform, and Detective Lee Pil-ho greeted him at Gyeongseong Station.", "In-jun got off the train at Gyeongseong Station, walked on the platform, and suddenly ran into Detective Lee Pil-ho, who seemed surprised by the welcome greeting." ]
'If Yura makes too much noise, I'll go out into the street.' 'I won't talk, so don't go out. Don't go out and sit in front of me anytime. On this bed -- I'll tell you about my dream sometime." "If you tell me, I'm not going to talk again." "Then I'll stop talking and show you the look I had at that time. - It's dark, so light the candle." Please light all the candles in your age. Why is it not your birthday today?" I couldn't help but be surprised again by his meticulous use, lighting up dozens of candles one by one in my age range. After turning it on, I killed the electricity. The room was as bright as a flower at once and as brilliant as a feast table on the desk. However, it was more like a radiance decorating Yura's bed than a brilliant display for my birthday, and an ominous foreboding uniformly troubled my mind. "The candle at your age is your light. - In this light, I feel like an angel in my body." Yura's clear eyes burned beautifully in the glow of the candle. His face was full of satisfaction. As I stood in a daze without even sitting in front of my desk because I was flustered, I suddenly thought that the scent of the white freesier was like the scent of death. 5 Yura finally left because he couldn't get over it. - The scent of flowers has faded away.
When I killed the electric light, the room brightened as if it were blooming, but the consistent ominousness bothered my mind.
[ "After turning on the electricity, the room was as bright as a flower at once and as brilliant as a feast table on the desk, but it was more like a decorating Yura's bed than a brilliant display for my birthday.", "The room was as bright as a flower at once and as brilliant as a feast table on the desk, but it was more like a decorating Yura's bed than a brilliant display for my birthday.", "After turning on the electricity, the room was as bright as a flower at once and as brilliant as a feast table on the desk, but it was more like a decorating Yura's bed than a brilliant display for his birthday.", "I couldn't help but be surprised by his meticulous use, lighting up dozens of candles one by one in my age range, and the room was as bright as a flower at once and as brilliant as a feast table on the desk." ]
They entered the sample room because of the recommendation of Mr. Yoon, although it was also due to the fact that other rooms were full. Yoon was a young student who had only been in college for five or six years, but he was calm and faithful, and he was a doctor who could have sufficient trust because of his deep arms. Yoon seems to be very interested in the disease as Deok-yoon is the fifth person's "Noma: Suam" patient he handles with his hands. Even on the night Chang-joon and his wife visited the hospital, Deok-yoon sat by the bed alone, asking about the progress of the disease or its symptoms, and said, "The patient is only alive when he/she lives." Put it on me. I will discuss it well with Mr. Chun and do my best. It's never going to heal." After saying such a reliable thing, he said, "Are you willing to do it with government expenses?" and said, "If I don't spare any expenses, I'll use noble drugs as much as I want to treat them. Changjun quickly looked into Mr. Yoon's heart to use Deokyoon as a research material, but he was simply overwhelmed by Mr. Yoon's scientist-like and doctor-like sincerity at that time and could not feel any anger or humiliation. "However, if it does not heal due to government coffers, the body must be provided for dissection. Will you accept that, too?" However, Changjun couldn't help but hesitate for a moment when Mr. Yoon asked back.
Changjun peeked at Mr. Yoon's heart to use Deokyoon as a research material, but he readily agreed with a ray of hope that he could live.
[ "Changjun quickly looked into Mr. Yoon's heart to use Deokyoon as a research material, but he was overwhelmed by Mr. Yoon's scientist-like and doctor-like sincerity.", "Changjun looked into Mr. Yoon's heart to use Deokyoon as a research material, but he was overwhelmed by Mr. Yoon's scientist-like and doctor-like sincerity.", "Changjun looked into Mr. Yoon's heart to use Deokyoon as a research material, but he was simply overwhelmed by Mr. Yoon's scientist-like and doctor-like sincerity.", "Changjun quickly looked into Mr. Yoon's heart to use Deokyoon as a research material, but he was simply overwhelmed by Mr. Yoon's scientist-like and doctor-like sincerity." ]
After pouring barley tea, Younghoon gulped it down as if he were drinking medicine after pouring the alcohol that would become a cup of tea. Although it was Yeon-sook, who was very annoying, Youn-hoon's tears suddenly heated up as his thin emotions gradually disappeared. "Stop it and now raise your face." Younghoon's heart was softening as the energy of alcohol he drank spread through his body. "I just wanted to see Younghoon..."…That's why I'm here, I don't have any other thoughts. Who do you want to see, what's so bad about coming to see you once?" Yeon-sook raised her head and looked at Youn-hoon's eyes with a tearful face. "Who's bad...…?" "It's not bad. Why do you keep people waiting for two hours on the side of the road? Who came to catch Younghoon and eat him? "Ppiggy ppiggy and Yeon-sook's red lips twitched once or twice. Younghoon couldn't answer. The emotion that had barely been eradicated made me cry like a child. Younghoon thought of Eunju. It was Eun Joo-e's memory that was intentionally refreshed. By thinking of Eunju, Younghoon had to support his feelings of emptiness. "Why aren't you answering, and are you staying silent?" "...……………" "Come on, get me a drink." Yeon-sook recommended the glass to Younghoon after drinking the cold alcohol. Younghoon quietly grabbed the glass and drank as he poured it. "Give me two drinks." Younghoon poured alcohol for me. Yeon-sook drank again.
Younghoon, who recalled Eunju, had to help his softening heart by pouring alcohol into a tea bowl.
[ "Although Yeon-sook was annoying, Youn-hoon's tears suddenly heated up, and Yeon-sook raised her head and looked at Youn-hoon's eyes with a tearful face.", "Although Yeon-sook was annoying, Youn-hoon's tears suddenly heated up as his thin emotions disappeared, and Yeon-sook raised her head and looked at Youn-hoon's eyes with a tearful face.", "Although Yeon-sook was annoying, Youn-hoon's tears suddenly heated up as the energy of alcohol spread through his body, and Yeon-sook raised her head and looked at Youn-hoon's eyes with a tearful face.", "Although Yeon-sook was annoying, Youn-hoon's tears suddenly heated up as Yeon-sook raised her head and looked at Youn-hoon's eyes with a tearful face." ]
Even at the end of the Japanese colonial period, all of the rice receiving rent was dedicated to the public offering and received at a fair price of 10 won per island, but the market price of Yami at that time was barely able to fill its hole by pulling out its own hair. After liberation, however, it was impossible. In the fall of last year, he received a total of KRW 250,000 for the contribution of rent from 200 seats. Among them, after peeling off the land, the land was worth 200,000 won. Even if food and all other costs are reduced or reduced, it costs 40,000 won per month in current currency in 1948. If it was 200,000 won, it was five months' worth of use. The other seven months?… As a teacher at a primary school, my monthly salary is about 7,000 won. However, with that salary, there is no waste in my daily life, such as buying cigarettes, buying books, or not drinking alcohol If I met a friend for lunch, drank a cup of tea, and reported a pair of socks, I was in a situation where I couldn't put even 100 won in the house because I had a shortage of money. My father doesn't speak openly, but if I want to earn a salary, I often have a back-door income than a poor elementary school teacher, and I can get away with distribution materials, and if I do well, I can catch a large number and fix the seller in the sun...… There was a sense of wanting to change the site and sit down in this management.
His father seemed to want him to change his position to management, which can often lead to a different income and power to fix his death rather than being a teacher without a change.
[ "In the fall of last year, he received a total of KRW 250,000 for the contribution of rent from 200 seats, and after peeling off the land, the land was worth 200,000 won.", "In the fall of last year, he received KRW 250,000 for the contribution of rent from 200 seats, and after peeling off the land, the land was worth 200,000 won.", "In the fall of last year, he received a total of KRW 250,000 for contribution of rent from 200 seats, and after peeling off the land, the land was worth 200,000 won.", "In the fall of last year, he received a total of KRW 250,000 for the contribution of rent from 200 seats, and after peeling off the land, it was worth 200,000 won." ]
Nevertheless, I couldn't necessarily forget the first time. It's a strange relationship that doesn't exist in the back or in the beginning! It was when he was young when he started attending Bongpyeong, but when he thought about it, he felt worth living. "It was a moonlit night, but now that I think about it, I don't know how it happened." Heo Saeng-won is trying to bring it up again tonight. Since becoming a friend, Chosun-dal has been deafening. However, he could not get tired of it, but Heo Saeng-won pretended to be innocent and repeated it as he would. "That story fits the situation at night," Bo-bo said, hoping for the Joseon moon episode, but of course, it was not because he was sorry, but because he was moved by the moonlight. Lee Ji-rae lost, but the month just past 15 days is shining softly. Until Daehwa, you have to walk on the night road of Palsim-ri, cross two passes, cross a stream, and walk on fields and mountains. The road now hangs on a long hillside. Perhaps after the middle of the night, in the dead silence, the breath of the beast-like moon sounded as if it could be grasped, and the bean curd and corn leaves were even more blue wet in the moon. The mountainside is a buckwheat field, and the flowers that began to bloom are almost suffocating by the happy moonlight as if sprinkled with salt. The red cod is as sad as the scent, and the donkey's steps are cool. Because of the narrow road, the three people rode donkeys and lined up in a single line. The sound of the bell flows coolly to the buckwheat field crab. Heo Saeng-won's story, who was in the lead, could not be heard clearly by Dong-i, who was at the back, but he was not lonely in his refreshing style.
Heo Saeng-won brought up the story again tonight and repeated it as he would, but Cho Sun-dal couldn't get enough of it after becoming a friend.
[ "Heo Saeng-won's story could not be heard clearly by Dong-i, who was at the back, but he was not lonely in his refreshing style.", "Heo Saeng-won's story could not be heard clearly by Dong-i, who was at the back, but he was not lonely.", "Heo Saeng-won's story could not be heard clearly by Dong-i, who was at the back, but Heo Saeng-won was not lonely in his refreshing style.", "Since becoming a friend, Chosun-dal has been deafening, but Heo Saeng-won pretended to be innocent and repeated it as he would." ]
When I get out of the station, I have six hours to get to Tongilho Lake. Fortunately, the allowance that Song left on his desk a few days ago was paid, and when he left Seoul, there was some money left, and fortunately, there was a train to Yeongdong. I caught it at random. It was because I didn't know that Song would appear on the Tongilho Lake. I didn't want to meet anyone from K City, not to mention the Song family. If you go to Yeongdong, you can wait about 30 minutes to move to Tongilho Lake. It was no joke that the horse grew on a stool because it was a mixed passenger car. It was sad to think that it had been 10 years since liberation and eight years since the government was elected, but I didn't even have the time to think about it. When I think about it, the months I spent at Song's house are like waking up from a dream. That's how I felt when I first read the Arabian Nights. When I was young, I fell asleep after reading Treasure Island and went to a different world like Treasure Island. Humans are definitely humans, but their eyes are as big as eggs, their noses are as big as fists, and even horns. Once you raise the bridge, you would skip most rivers as much as castles. I felt similar to when I woke up from that dream. It was not until I got in the car that I regretted leaving K City. It was such a regret that he ran away alone with the person he loved in the mausoleum. It was thought that the wife-lover should have been saved. I am the only one in the world who can save my unhappy woman who has lost her personality and dried up her emotions.
Just in time, the allowance that Song left behind became a fare, and he caught the train to Yeongdong as much as he could because he didn't want to meet anyone from K City.
[ "It was sad to think that it had been 10 years since liberation and eight years since the government was elected, but I didn't have the time to think about it.", "It was sad to think that it had been 10 years since liberation and eight years since the government was elected, but I didn't have time to think about it.", "It was sad to think that it had been 10 years since liberation and 8 years since the government was elected, but I didn't have the time to think about it.", "It was sad to think that it had been 10 years since liberation and eight years since the government was elected, but I didn't even have time to think about it." ]
Not only is it difficult to guess which alley he will lead to intelligence, but it is also because he is currently guiding intelligence into a stenosed pedigree theory or an auspicious medieval period. ["Dong-A Ilbo", June 28, 1938] 2. Philosophy of Intelligence and Life It is interesting that the intellectual or intellectual class theory that is popular around this time wants to relate it to the philosophy of life. The philosophy of life, of course, I have no deep knowledge. However, around this time, isn't it related to the philosophy of life, which runs widely over the top of philosophy or learning, or to Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, or Shestov, which is more prominent, as a representative of Jaspers. Isn't it a general impression from the theory that this is the ultimate thing to do, to wait for historical experts to do or to set absolute life, and that this absolute life is beyond intellectual ability to be there with us and everything. And isn't philosophy an explanation of how to contact these absolutes or have a sense of self-saving among them. If this is true, the philosophy of life is to pass the essence of philosophy through a kind of religiousization and torrent it into the world of irrationality. It is questionable whether this theory of irrationality or religiousization of philosophy can really handle the task of defending and enhancing intelligence.
It is interesting that intelligence or intellectual class theory tries to relate it to the philosophy of life, but I have no deep knowledge of the philosophy of life itself.
[ "Not only is it difficult to guess which alley he will lead to intelligence, but it is also because he is currently guiding intelligence into a stenosed pedigree theory or an auspicious medieval period.", "The intellectual or intellectual class theory that is popular around this time wants to relate it to the philosophy of life, but I have no deep knowledge of the philosophy of life.", "Not only is it difficult to guess which alley he will lead to intelligence, but it is also because he is guiding intelligence into a stenosed pedigree theory or an auspicious medieval period.", "It is interesting that the intellectual or intellectual class theory that is popular around this time wants to relate it to the philosophy of life, but I have no deep knowledge of the philosophy of life." ]
Peasant literature is a part of production literature that describes the productive life of farmers. Since it is peasant literature, of course, it is the most sincere to express their lives by farmers themselves, and it may be the most ideal peasant literature. Unfortunately, however, they have yet to have literary culture and skills due to a general decline in cultural standards. So even their literature has not yet been produced by their own hands, and it is not without songs such as farmers singing in their lives, but it is so primitive, and it is extremely poor and rare. Also, no one from rural areas produces peasant literature, but by the time they produce literature, they were not farmers, but honorable urban cultural figures who could drink coffee under tropical plants, so their peasant literature only recalls memories of the old days. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to find peasant literature produced by farmers themselves, and only what farmers themselves wrote is only one idealism. Rather, it is the peasant literature that we demand that any living person of any origin understands them and that those with literary skills truly describe their lives from their perspective. In order to create their literature as non-farmers, they must first thoroughly understand their lives and psychology, and during the creation, the writer himself must become a farmer. Just as a children's literature creator must be a child dressed in clothes while creating a white-haired old man with a good understanding of his child's life and psychology, a farmer's literature creator must become a farmer with a sweaty sleeping bag and a towel on his head.
Peasant literature is a part of production literature, and it is the most sincere and ideal that they express their lives by farmers themselves, but unfortunately, their cultural standards are still generally declining.
[ "Peasant literature is a part of production literature that describes the productive life of farmers, but they have yet to have literary culture and skills due to a general decline in cultural standards.", "Peasant literature is a part of production literature that describes the productive life of farmers, but they have not yet had literary culture and skills due to a general decline in cultural standards.", "Peasant literature is a part of production literature that describes the productive life of farmers, but farmers have yet to have literary culture and skills due to a general decline in cultural standards.", "Peasant literature is a part of production literature that describes the productive life of farmers, but it has yet to have literary culture and skills due to a general decline in cultural standards." ]
Why don't you send me some information this year to harvest Amman and come up with Amman? What's wrong with you? All you've got is Hanuk Island. How do you get eight islands? In this way, it seemed that the method of Gando would be very meaningful and decent rather than the occasional shipment order system. Of course, there will be no harm there, but...… (4) The young people were very brave. Whether it's Doshiel, Rural El, or a young man who went to school, or not, everyone walks vigorously as their hearts are wide open, their bodies are blooming, their eyes are full of energy, and they are wide open. It's just a plain-looking soldier. This is because he entered the Self-Defense Force guitar and received military-style training. For a young man, there is no one who doesn't know how to shoot in a single way. Therefore, it is said that the special training for young people will be one step ahead of Joseon, except for Japanese etiquette, ahead of the implementation of the conscription system next year. (5) It was great. There was a time when he met young people and inadvertently made a masterpiece in Korean, but he quickly responded in fluent Korean and ended up being eliminated. When I went to a neighborhood called Daeisugu, the bell rang at school, so I asked what kind of bell it was during the winter vacation, which means that it was a Korean language class for my wives. Indeed, young women, young maidens, baby girls, and elderly people all gathered at home with notebooks.
Whether it's a young man who has attended an urban, rural, or school or not, everyone has a wide heart, a spirit in their eyes, flowers their bodies, and walks vigorously.
[ "He entered the Self-Defense Force guitar and received military-style training, and for a young man, there is no one who doesn't know how to shoot in a single way.", "He entered the Self-Defense Force guitar and received military-style training, and there was no one who didn't know how to shoot in a single way.", "It is said that the special training for young people will be one step ahead of Joseon, except for Japanese etiquette, ahead of the implementation of the conscription system next year.", "He entered the Self-Defense Force guitar and received military-style training, and for a young man, there was no one who didn't know how to shoot in a single way." ]
While coming in, Manbo took off his forklift and ran into a field furrow to loosen his back. Whether to see or not, I picked up the cigarette in a nonchalant manner and lit it. The island doubles as a basso ring. After carrying the manure of the two islands to the field on an empty stomach, I felt quite well. Manbo is also the best long bone in terms of length. It was a habit of doing half a day's work before meals. The morning is light. The subject across the ditch comes with water. It softened and melted with purple light, and green furrows stretched out one after another in the barley field. It seems that the black soil from which the bonggut rises supports the feet. The heavy one is much more refreshing. I think my body will melt like smoke that melts without a trace. It was a cooler and more enjoyable time than ever in a day. It tasted more savory than ever before. When I tried to crouch down until one was burnt, a sudden lump of soil fell into the back. He couldn't touch his heart as much as an ant tickling his heel, but the laughter that followed finally caught his attention, but that doesn't mean he gets up quickly. It is common to sit fluently without moving an eyebrow. I'm just waiting for someone to talk. Another lump of soil ran up and there was a thick voice. "I've got a second chance.Even though he knew that he was an accountant, Manbo put a cigarette fire on the end of his shoes. At some point, the accountant comes back quite quickly, laughs and shouts loudly, "Naughty brat," taking a step closer to raising himself with a smile, half surprised and half smiling, and half amazed.
As he came in, Manbo took off his forklift, went into the furrow of the field, loosened his waist, picked up a cigarette, and lit it.
[ "Manbo felt quite well after carrying the manure of the two islands to the field on an empty stomach, and it was a habit of doing half a day's work before meals.", "Manbo felt quite well after carrying the manure of the two islands to the field on an empty stomach, and it was a habit to do half a day's work before meals.", "Manbo felt quite well after carrying the manure of the two islands to the field on an empty stomach and doing half a day's work before meals.", "Manbo felt quite well after carrying the manure of the two islands to the field on an empty stomach, and Manbo was the best long bone in terms of length." ]
The custom of writing a book review of Yun Gon-gang's poetry book may have started at any time, but it is not awkward when you feel the obligation to write a grand joint, especially when it is the published book. This is because when the poems were published one by one in magazines and other periodicals, most of them were handled like official documents by wise critics as a work. Come to think of it, the part I have to write is the publishing culture of what the length of the book is and the system is, and it seems to be enough to list a few words that suit my taste and do not violate my courtesy, but it seems to be okay to take care of the contents. However, if you ask me to write such a review, what I have to say is that Lee Chan sent a book of poems and envoys in the summer and wrote a new review in a magazine, but I thought I had already written a new review in my sister's newspaper. Accordingly, after the publication of Yoon Gon-gang's 00004 collection of poems, Binghwa, the body of a female poet has changed after listening to the consistent feelings of each friend he meets. However, I myself did not marvel at the words, and as a natural result, I wrote a new review of his 002nd collection of poems <Mani> three years ago, predicting that the half-and-half of his <Mani> poem, known as the author of <The Earth>, promises the body of the day when his 3rd and 004th collections came out. However, it is not surprising that my prediction was correct, but it is even more touching when I look back on the traces of this poet's poetry condensed into a corpse and matured into persimmons and hanji. Because, while the poet's own soul was directly whining everywhere in the half and half of "Daeji" and "Mani," this "ice painting" was about placing a cloud in Memorie "Twilight" when the bookcase was first opened and clouds were placed in a furrow in a potato field.
Every friend I met said that the body of Yoon Gon-gang's book of ice paintings had changed, but I myself did not marvel at the words and it is a natural result.
[ "After the publication of Yoon Gon-gang's 00004 collection of poems, Binghwa, the body of a female poet has changed, and I wrote a new review of his 002nd collection of poems three years ago.", "After the publication of Yoon Gon-gang's 00004 collection of poems, Binghwa, the body of a female poet has changed, but I did not marvel at the words, and I wrote a new review of his 002nd collection of poems three years ago.", "After the publication of Yoon Gon-gang's 00004 collection of poems, Binghwa, the body of a female poet changed, and I wrote a new review of his 002nd collection of poems three years ago.", "After the publication of Yoon Gon-gang's 00004 collection of poems, Binghwa, the body of a female poet has changed, but I did not marvel at the words, so I wrote a new review of his 002nd collection of poems three years ago." ]
When my mother, who asked me if I would tell you the wrong way and asked why I didn't understand my old parents' feelings when I was 30 years old, became a group and reprimanded me with affection as a shield, I was speechless and shook my head. Although his head was lowered, he did not really bow his head in front of his father. Far from bowing down and obeying his father's words, the lump of rebellion in his heart gradually burned as his voice rose. I had not been aware for some time that my antipathy to marriage would be so strong. I couldn't affirm myself that the reason was that I was young, that I didn't finish my studies, or that there seemed to be only one. Of course, I only saw the picture, but it wasn't that I was dissatisfied with the person. Those things could not be one of the big reasons for my dog's avoidance of marriage. But it was never just that. Now that I look back, it was such a simple dream that it was foolish to be truly at the root. As my body and mind grew pure, I had been raising my innocent dreams like a child for a long time. The dream could not be achieved against the reason chosen by parents - it was nothing short of a faith to me. However, the father, who had lived with only the stubbornness of the old Korean era, could not have recognized such a young child's dream. To my father, it seems that he only thought of it as a child. At the same time, it was against humanity to disobey parents' words as a child, and no matter how ugly the child is, how could he not know that? So the father began to force it.
I didn't realize that my antipathy to marriage would be strong on my own, but even my mother shook her head when she criticized me.
[ "When my mother asked me why I didn't understand my old parents' feelings when I was 30 years old, I was speechless and shook my head.", "When my mother asked me why I didn't understand my parents' feelings when I was 30 years old, I was speechless and shook my head, but I didn't really bow my head in front of my father.", "When my mother asked why I didn't understand my parents' feelings when I was 30 years old, I was speechless and shook my head, but I didn't really bow my head in front of my father.", "When my mother asked me why I didn't understand my parents' feelings when I was 30 years old, I was speechless and shook my head, but I didn't really bow my head in front of my father's words." ]
While he was in Gimhae, a villain tried to forge documents and steal others' messages, but they were sued against each other, and he knew the evil's adultery and judged it fairly, and the evil man went to Seoul with a grudge and drew it innocent. At that time, King Jungjong was still anxious because he ousted Yeonsan-gun and ascended to the throne, so while someone was uncertain about the behavior of treason, he was always monitoring the behavior of ordinary people with anxiety and suspicion, especially during the Yeonsan-gun era. However, because of the ambiguous nature, he absolutely objected to any torture and shouted at the king to bury him, but when I asked who had made such a confession, he hid the king and said that someone had changed so much. Of course, he was the one who tried to steal others' messages by forging documents in Gimhae. He then reassured the king about the postwar facts, and then asked, "If the minor is guilty according to the fact, Gyeongju Buyun Yoo In-sook, who caught the fact, reported it to the auditor, and punished it, will be more severe than the minor, so Park Young-sook will be innocent."
It was done because the evil man who had a grudge against the fair judgment he made while he was a vice governor of Gimhae was innocent of conspiracy.
[ "At that time, King Jungjong was anxious because he ousted Yeonsan-gun and ascended to the throne, so he monitored the behavior of ordinary people with anxiety and suspicion, especially during the Yeonsan-gun era.", "At that time, King Jungjong was anxious because he ousted Yeonsan-gun and ascended to the throne, and he monitored the behavior of ordinary people with anxiety and suspicion, especially during the Yeonsan-gun era.", "At that time, King Jungjong was anxious because he ousted Yeonsan-gun and ascended to the throne, so he monitored the behavior of ordinary people with suspicion, especially during the Yeonsan-gun era.", "King Jungjong, who was anxious because he ousted Yeonsan-gun and ascended to the throne, was always monitoring the behavior of ordinary people with anxiety and suspicion, especially during the Yeonsan-gun era." ]
And dating is always a pleasure that people think of I think it's called immoral and immoral. And there's also a tendency to regard behavior as some kind of shameless act. This is why the outcome of a relationship naturally leads to such a thing. Here we need more of the spiritual side. There should be a sense of responsibility for first love. This is why Josamosa (暮수생활)이라고할) cannot be called a love life. There are blind young men and women who regard love as a great idol, but at least we know that blindness will not be enough for our ideal life. First of all, it should be admiration by asking for a combination of the two mentally, away from the impulse or instinct of the moment. I want to call this spiritual demand combination true love. It can be said that it is the demand for complete life to feel the love of each other mentally. In the demand for true life, there seems to be a belief that in front of this year's dream, all moral ideas, social status, or future persecution are not considered at all, but at the same time, you are faithful to your own life. Therefore, it seems that in order to passively be faithful to the needs of one's life, there are things that happen, such as death. However, the so-called love life of the parties who experience their own lives separately from what they see from the outside is not so pleasant.Of course, some relationships are sweet like honey It is said that in many cases, you experience pain different from what a third party sees.
Relationships should be responsible because they tend to be considered by the world like immoral and shameless acts and are naturally prone to such things.
[ "There seems to be a belief that in front of this year's dream, all moral ideas, social status, or future persecution are not considered, but at the same time, you are faithful to your own life.", "There are blind young men and women who regard love as a great idol, but at least we know that blindness will not be enough for our ideal life.", "In the demand for true life, there seems to be a belief that in front of this year's dream, all moral ideas, social status, or future persecution are not considered, but at the same time, you are faithful to your own life.", "There seems to be a belief that in front of this year's dream, all moral ideas, social status, or future persecution are not considered at all, but at the same time, you are faithful to your own life." ]