Since ancient times, Cifre has represented the meaning of "sang" in Gurapa, and William Wood's thesis has the following phrase. The ritual of Koho's statue was associated with the ritual of love. And his only devotion to heaven in the most terrifying depression, deep anguish, and despair was also under this consciousness. Goho actually did not want any compensation until he collapsed under a tree in the village of Obel. However, his last passion was the sun, and he only hunted and praised it to his heart's content in painting. It was a striking imitation of the sunflower, but the sun had never loved him. The sun did not understand Goho even if he stole tears against Florence's iron tower. Rather, it was the sun that took away both his reason and his life. The sunflower of Koho has now become a cursed monument of passion, leaving behind a lot of prophecies. On the yellow roof of Aller, who stayed with Gauguin, the mysterious salt heat accumulated in the pooyan dust was warm, and his heart, buried in blood, was still burning in the light of the sun flying like a dagger. The joy of hatred is the most transcendent thing on earth. And in ancient times, the divided symbol was not held on any rational idea, but was attached to the idea on the inevitable systemic confession. This is why the strong fire, which can feel the expressed soul at the same time, also dominated him. Therefore, his religious Christopher was consistent with the fierce sun, and God existed in that very color. His existential determination, which claimed that it was more complete to paint the huge harvest of Mount Olivo, rather than to paint Christo of Mount Olivo, is also evident in "Resurrection of Lazal", "Hwangmaek" and "Croogeography". Goho was not satisfied only with certain circumstances of the sun. He was eager for the sun itself. But at last the aspiration was not conveyed, and another force majeure lurking in the depths of the sun darkened his eyes.
The consciousness of Gogh's statue was associated with the consciousness of love, and the only devotion to heaven in depression and despair was under this consciousness, and he hoped for no reward until he collapsed.
[ "The ritual of Koho's statue was associated with the ritual of love, and Goho did not want any compensation until he collapsed under a tree in the village of Obel.", "The ritual of Koho's statue was associated with the ritual of love, and Goho did not want compensation until he collapsed under a tree in the village of Obel.", "The ritual of Koho's statue was associated with the ritual of love, and Goho's only devotion to heaven was also under this consciousness.", "Since ancient times, Cifre has represented the meaning of \"sang\" in Gurapa, and the ritual of Koho's statue was associated with the ritual of love, and Goho's only devotion to heaven was also under this consciousness." ]
They are the stage of their practice and the object of their actions that critics have to dig and attack without knowing what to do. The theory, whether it was learned from someone's house or from a certain neighborhood, will be practiced in the Joseon literary world, and in order to do so, you will have to read the works of Joseon artists carefully. However, they are not read and therefore do not study, as if they were works in Tibetan. Therefore, it is inevitable that parallelism will not come out. Raise your hand because there are critics who have read almost half of the works instructed above. And again, there is a critic who raises at least one of them and does research, and then takes a literary problem, so step forward. There is Choi Jae-seo, who tested the theory of intermediate novels in a written form and studied and published Park Tae-won's "Cheonbyeon Landscape" quite carefully." Min Byung-hwi, who researched and presented Lee Ki-young's "hometown," is here. Other than that, there is only a pause in the announcement of the great efforts made by new people, who are called literary youth, not active critics, to the small paper or ground they barely obtained. Put aside whether you did it well, wrong, right, or wrong. So have the effort and sincerity to 'do'. Humanism, good. Realism is good, too. Gidd is good, too. However, in Jikyeok, Inje's ears are sore and eyes are sour. So from today, find practice in the works of Joseon artists with that theory.
In order to practice theory in the Joseon literary world, it is necessary to read the work of a Joseon writer, but it seems to be in Tibetan, so no research is conducted.
[ "The theory, whether learned from someone's house or from a certain neighborhood, will be practiced in the Joseon literary world, and in order to do so, you will have to read the works of Joseon artists carefully.", "The theory, whether it was learned from someone's house or from a certain neighborhood, will be practiced in the Joseon literary world, and in order to do so, you will have to read the works of Joseon artists carefully.", "The theory, whether learned from someone's house or from a certain neighborhood, will be practiced in the Joseon literary world, and in order to do so, you must read the works of Joseon artists carefully.", "The theory, whether learned from someone's house or from a certain neighborhood, will be practiced in the Joseon literary world, and in order to do so, you have to read the works of Joseon artists carefully." ]
After three months and only three days of fighting with darkness, our troops left Seoul. After sleeping overnight, the rain cleared and the unheard-of tank gunfire shook Seoul. I went out into the street at dawn with an ominous feeling. The tumultuous sound of the tank penetrating through the top membrane took my consciousness away. Seoul, the home of the body, where freedom has disappeared. Shortly afterwards, I cleared my drooping shoulders and staggering consciousness and heard the gunshot of a puppet army on my way home. It was a shooting spree at a defeated soldier. The army of freedom that fell on the road...… This is the first time I have seen an unknown young soldier die in front of my eyes. Slaughter, arrest and kidnapping took place throughout Seoul. Illegal invasion of houses and forced seizure of goods took place every night, and the young youth were taken under the name of the so-called People's Army. And most of them have since died. a more frightening horror than the stillness. Citizens who have lost their words and actions have no choice but to describe them as just open-eyed corpses. 006.28 I cried in the morning. How will a free man like me live from now on. All hopes and dreams until yesterday disappeared. The government and the army we trusted ran away without a sound, and it was too hard for only poor free citizens to protect this dead city. Not only the dead body but also the innocent person falls down again. Not a young man who doesn't know me, but a person is taken from a relative's house and shot outside Sajik Park or Miari.
When I heard the gunfire of the army soldiers, I saw an unknown young soldier die in front of my eyes.
[ "The sound of the tank penetrating through the top membrane took my consciousness away, and shortly afterwards, I heard the gunshot of a puppet army on my way home.", "After three months and only three days of fighting with darkness, our troops left Seoul, and the sound of the tank penetrating through the top membrane took my consciousness away.", "I went out into the street at dawn with an ominous feeling, and the sound of the tank penetrating through the top membrane took my consciousness away, and shortly afterwards, I heard the gunshot of a puppet army on my way home.", "It was the first time I saw an unknown young soldier die in front of my eyes, and illegal invasion and kidnapping took place throughout Seoul, and the young youth were taken under the name of the People's Army." ]
"Do you use dating?" "No! To my mother..."…" It's a shame to think you've been caught and hurry around. But suddenly the thought is at the end. How good would it be if So-jin could be as correct and arbitrary as her mother. Even if you eat 3040, it may be a recognition that your mother was disappointed like a baby in a hopeless time. He was sold to another situation, and from the afternoon, he was pretending to work half-heartedly, but it became three o'clock. Then somehow he discovered a strange way. I thought it would be much better than a love letter quickly. Without having to sit down and do more, he immediately went to the head of the correctional department and asked for early leave. Choi Jung-bo was nervous and said, "What a rush of work! ……what kind of liver is it?" he asks like a eunuch. Dooshik was busy selling his mother at ease...… 'That's it, my own friend is coming up sick!' 'Then are you going to be absent for many days?' 'No! Just this afternoon...…" "Tsk! Go!" As if something big happened somewhere, Doosik is struggling and hitting the house for two months. The bus runs and there are as many trains as possible, but I felt resentful that I didn't have a penny. Instead of thinking back and thinking about whether it's a rush or not. 8. Painful hearts On the floor, the magnifying glass hanging on the waist of the hippo's nose blinked and broke as if it were falling while touching old sewing.
After quickly surrounding her mother to write it, I suddenly thought how nice it would be if So-jin was as friendly as her mother, and it was also a pity for her when she was at a loss even when she got older.
[ "Dooshik went to the head of the correctional department and asked for early leave without having to sit down and do more, and Choi Jung-bo was nervous.", "He went to the head of the correctional department and asked for early leave without having to sit down and do more, and Choi Jung-bo was nervous.", "Dooshik went to the head of the correctional department and asked for early leave, and Choi Jung-bo was nervous and asked if it was a rush of work.", "Dooshik went to the head of the correctional department and asked for an early leave without having to sit down and do more, and Choi Jung-bo was nervous." ]
When his father-in-law was alive, his father-in-law died, and his husband only ate and played day and night to harvest more than 100 stones, and he acted as a useless nanny, nanny, mother-in-law, and son-in-law because he didn't want to be despised by others. Therefore, it makes no sense to eat all the time because it is not a difficult situation, so you often have stomach diseases, so the lady may want to eat the dish before anyone else. But he puts up with it. Soon after, when the cooking was over, he stood up while eating snacks. "I think I'll probably have a guest from Seoul today, so I'll have to go." The lady says naturally. "From Seoul? Who's coming?" "Maybe it's just - he's already been getting a letter saying he's going to come." This is also absurd. But the lady crawled out of the house. "Oh, that's so funny! "What kind of lady is a young lady?" "A Seoul customer!" "Does it make you feel bad when you say that you have a guest in Seoul?" "Well, she didn't do that when she was in school, but after she got married, she showed off like she was crazy." Everyone is busy looking at the scar before the end of her skirt disappeared. However, Mrs. ran to my house and begged for lunch mixed with barley and ate it deliciously with kkongji. This may be the right thing to do. If you don't lie...….
The mother, who was in a difficult situation and often had stomach problems, endured what she wanted to eat and stood up while eating snacks.
[ "Mrs. ran to my house and begged for lunch mixed with barley and kkongji, and it may be the right thing to do if you don't lie.", "Mrs. ran to my house and begged for lunch mixed with barley and kkongji, and this may be the right thing to do if you don't lie.", "Mrs. ran to my house and begged for lunch mixed with barley and kkongji, which may be the right thing to do if you don't lie.", "Mrs. ran to my house and begged for lunch mixed with barley and kkongji, and if you don't lie, this may be the right thing to do." ]
Even if the fire wasn't very wet, the young ate until their stomachs were full because the body was still small. I'm full, and I'm satisfied with it, so I open my eyes with a sound and play. "That's enough, the world is peaceful, crying all night long, Tzu-tzu." The woman who was washing her tears received whether she wanted to hug her, hugged her, looked into her, and gave it to Shim Bong-sa. "Thank you! Thank you! Is there a red ship like this? Blessed are you, my breast-fed lady!" Shim Bong-sa bends over and over again, and her teeth curl. The small man remained shy and silent, and the woman who was washing her tears said, "Is that so great? Yesaji... Get a sip of your eyes tomorrow. There's one or two people wet in the early morning well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no…… It's a little too much, but there's still only dark porridge, so young people need to have spirit to live in." "It is said that rock porridge is made by chewing and poking rice. It's not a stomachache." Another woman says, "It's good, but it's good, but it's not bad!" Then, each of us said, "For seven days, rice or rice is good "Good, it's best to fix a nanny, but hurry...…" "It's better if you're not Zui's mother, or if you're not a fool, you're good at speaking Joohm, right?" "Those useless things!" Finally, the woman who was washing her tears criticizes several people.
Shim Bong-sa bowed her back several times to thank the wife for feeding the child to her stomach.
[ "The young ate until their stomachs were full because they were still small, and the woman who was washing her tears gave it to Shim Bong-sa.", "The young ate until their stomachs were full because they were still small, and the woman who was washing their tears gave it to Shim Bong-sa.", "The young ate until their stomachs were full because they were still small, and the woman who was washing their tears gave them to Shim Bong-sa.", "The young ate until their stomachs were full, and the woman who was washing her tears gave it to Shim Bong-sa, saying that the world was peaceful." ]
"Suspicious guy! Suspicious guy!" Chang-ho kept singing to himself and looked down at the back of Seoul, which lay slowly under his feet. "Oh, there are a lot of suspicious guys around Deoksugung Palace." I can go around the neighborhood and detect it from today!' Sang-ho jumped to his feet shouting. Let's go down in a minute! While they were doing this, they might take Soon-hee to Cheongguk,' and Chang-ho jumped down with a quick step, as his fearless young body stretched out its energy. It was night. It was in the dark of the night. Jeongdong-gil, where not a single dog passed by, and the shade of the Yangok House standing in a crowded place was as scary as a hole. It was a young window boy who listened carefully and walked with the sound of crunchy shoes. There was nothing scary in front of the poor determination to think of my brother. I wasn't afraid of anything. Whether it's 11 p.m. or 12 p.m., at home, grandmother, mother, aunt, and father must be crying...…. And you're worried that even the windows won't come back...…. But in this deep night, young Soon-hee must be beaten in an ignorant corner! When I think about it, Chang-ho's heart was sad enough to cry. Even in this deep night when the world was all asleep, he forgot the tiredness of going around like this all day and only shone his eyes more like a new star. Having gained nothing from Jeong-dong, Chang-ho crossed the main road in front of Daehanmun Gate and walked into the narrow road leading to the back of the Republican Party.
Looking down at the middle of Seoul, Changho jumped up, saying, "There are many suspicious people near Deoksugung Palace, so we can detect them around the area from today."
[ "Sang-ho jumped to his feet shouting, \"Let's go down in a minute,\" and Chang-ho jumped down with a quick step, as his fearless young body stretched out its energy.", "Sang-ho jumped to his feet shouting, \"Let's go down in a minute,\" and Chang-ho jumped down with a quick step as his fearless young body stretched out its energy.", "Sang-ho jumped to his feet shouting, \"Let's go down in a minute, and they might take Soon-hee to Cheongguk,\" and Chang-ho jumped down with a quick step.", "Sang-ho jumped to his feet shouting, \"Let's go down in a minute,\" and Chang-ho jumped down as his fearless young body stretched out its energy." ]
Bong-jun also knew this sense and wanted to catch more, but Won-sun was reluctant, so he was quiet. "Why is the story interrupted? It's over right away, right?" Bong-joon slightly changed the subject. "Did you know Young-sil before you?" "Yes, it's Sook-hee and Dong-mura." So I came to visit my house a few times. I found out in that barrel." 'People with sisters must be lucky.' 'Maybe,' they laughed. Won-sun stared blankly ahead and followed them. "Hey, Mr. Ok is a beauty! How did you see it?" Jae-il paused, looking back. Bongjun also turned around. 'I don't know.' 'A smart answer is a habit. What do you mean, day and day?" Bong-jun said this out of regret. A chilly wind permeated their bodies. "Where will they go again?" The two of them slowly turned around. "Eat some and hedge tax. Where should I go?" Jae-il brought up the words he always eats first. "Stop it, if you want me to go, just go on your own." "Hurry up and go with me." "I can't stand it because I'm tired." I saw Bong-joon. "It's different because you're old." The tram goes by. They remained silent for a long time. "Now, I'm going." Won-sun went into the alley in Cheongjin-dong. My whole body was chilling and I missed the warm room. "Good-bye," they walked without a word. Somehow I felt lonely. Jae-il drew Ok's face on his head. Therefore, I repeatedly saw many women with his eyes until now. Because of Sook-hee, girls knew a lot, and women in the art world couldn't count the numbers. But no woman was satisfied with herself. It was just so and so.
Because of Sook-hee, Jae-il knew women and girls in the art world, but there was no woman who was satisfied with herself and thought it was just so.
[ "Bong-jun and Won-sun were silent for a long time, and Jae-il drew Ok's face on his head and walked without a word.", "Bong-jun and Won-sun were silent for a long time, and Jae-il drew Ok's face on his head, saying, \"I can't stand it because I'm tired.\"", "Bong-jun and Won-sun wanted to catch more of the story, but Won-sun was reluctant, so Bong-joon changed the subject.", "Bong-jun and Won-sun were silent for a long time, and Jae-il drew Ok's face on his head, saying, \"I can't stand it because it's different because I'm old.\"" ]
After saying this, C said, "It is also my friend's favor that I have come to eat alcohol today. It's a true regeneration. By the way, this friend left it in the business I started again, came to me when it was twice the capital, and now he finds my land document. The reason why I asked you to be a verb is to relieve your responsibility. I told you to stop looking for documents and become independent and succeed from now on. It goes without saying that I am grateful to this friend at that time."I did. Mr. C, an industrialist, didn't know how to decorate his horse. He expressed this in more concise terms than I wrote here. After that, I met Mr. L at an opportunity through the introduction of Mr. C. I treated Mr. L with sincerity toward the righteous. Mr. L, I hear, was a person who twice did things that were difficult to do as an ordinary person in addition to the work on Mr. C. C. The approximate figure was -. After helping Mr. C, Mr. L opened a silver brokerage store in Andong-hyeon, but he failed greatly at an opportunity and was on the verge of bankruptcy. At that time, the creditors tried to sell only the property in the brokerage store in consideration of L's usual credit, but L refused to listen and said, "Should I leave a penny of my property and damage others?" and was written off only what was lacking. After that, when L left a few 110,000 won (3,110,000 won) in Eunchurin again, he soon found a creditor who had written it off before and tried to pay back the amount he had written off.
Mr. L paid all his land to his creditors and wrote off only what he lacked.
[ "Mr. L, who helped Mr. C, opened a silver brokerage store in Andong-hyeon, but he failed at an opportunity and was on the verge of bankruptcy.", "Mr. L, who helped Mr. C, opened a silver brokerage store in Andong-hyeon, but he failed greatly at an opportunity and was on the verge of bankruptcy.", "Mr. L, who helped Mr. C, opened a silver brokerage store in Andong-hyeon, but he failed greatly and was on the verge of bankruptcy.", "Mr. L, who opened a silver brokerage store in Andong-hyeon, was on the verge of bankruptcy when the creditors tried to sell only the property in the brokerage store in consideration of L's usual credit, but he refused to listen and was written off only what was lacking." ]
The night was deep. Heavy grey clouds were just pouring rain. The electric light opened its eyes boldly and comfortably. At this time, there is a shadow entering the dark Gyedonggol, where human traces have been cut off. The shadow, who walks in the rain without a raincoat, barely supports his heavy body and stumbles. "Uh-huh." The shadow goes up five or six houses and turns to the left, tilts to a dead end, stands tall in front of a large gate, shakes, but hangs on the door and looks at the light. His face turned red and he was drunk so that alcohol flowed out of his eyes. The whole body under the light was soaked in the rain and became like a drowning rat. Black soil was buried on the shoulders and hips. "Oh, does he look at me?" he mutters with his tongue bent as he looks at the light. "What are you going to do if you see it, man? Eck hehe." He shrugged his shoulders and bowed his head, humming, then went to the gate and fell down, saying, "Huh, Hakbum! "Hakbum," he shouts. The sound was as murky as a cow calling for a calf and came to his wife. "Oh, is this door like a thing?" He grabbed the door and stood up and hit it with a thump, saying, "Hakbeom! I'm here. You see, I...…. Uh-huh." The end of the sentence was wet with tears. "Who is this fuss?" I heard a pungent woman's voice inside. "Mu...Mu...… Open the door... Please. Ewing, the student is here to see it." Inside, I couldn't open it quickly, and the sound of the door's footsteps and coughing was busy. "Who?" The voice of a homeless man rattled open the door. The man who was leaning against the door opened the door and fell inside with his legs hanging on the threshold. Under the light on the doorway, the shadow of Choi Soon-ho, the fat-bodied and ragged-bearded owner, caught a glimpse and fell, and he faltered again.
The shadow who entered Gyedonggol stands in front of a large gate in a dead end alley and collapses, calling for a school criminal and shouting.
[ "At this time, there is a shadow entering the dark Gyedonggol, and the shadow, who walks in the rain without a raincoat, barely supports his heavy body and stumbles.", "At this time, there is a shadow entering the dark Gyedonggol, where human traces have been cut off, and the shadow, who walks in the rain without a raincoat, barely supports his heavy body and stumbles.", "At this time, there is a shadow entering the dark Gyedonggol, where human traces have been cut off, and the shadow hangs on the door and looks at the light.", "The shadow, who walks in the rain without a raincoat, barely supports his heavy body and stumbles, but hangs on the door and looks at the light." ]
After that, the room that the teacher decorated for me was also the room that suited my heart the most. In the spacious north-facing room, there was a sturdy oak bed in the southeast ear, an unadorned oak desk, chair, and piano in the northwest ear, and there was only a large mirror on the southwest wall of the room. In addition, the room was painted black, and an old tree of an old perch tree stood outside the window. In the midst of this, my teacher tried hard to give birth to loose music. I would have tried so hard to produce good music in that environment. One day, when you wanted to train your teacher for composition, you answered like this. "You don't need that kind of education. Just do whatever comes out. If you have traditional training, your music will be mechanized. Ignoring all kinds of rules and norms at will and bursting out of your heart...…." I didn't know exactly what this meant. But it worked only in a rough sense. Therefore, I tried to pioneer the free music as much as I wanted. But in the meantime, all the music I've produced has strangely been nothing more than a play of sound with no power, just like my previous one (when my mother is still alive).
There was only one mirror in the room, which gave me goosebumps.
[ "In the spacious north-facing room, there was a sturdy oak bed in the southeast ear, an unadorned oak desk, chair, and piano in the northwest ear, and there was only a large mirror on the southwest wall of the room.", "In the spacious north-facing room, there was a sturdy oak bed in the southeast ear, an unadorned oak desk, chair, and piano in the northwest ear, and there was only a large mirror on the southwest wall.", "In the spacious north-facing room, there was a sturdy oak bed in the southeast ear, an unadorned oak desk, chair, and piano, and there was only a large mirror on the southwest wall of the room.", "In the spacious north-facing room, there was a sturdy oak bed in the southeast ear, an unadorned oak desk, chair, and piano in the northwest ear, and a large mirror on the southwest wall of the room." ]
He promised to go to Count Yoon's house at 3 p.m., and Renjun said goodbye to Pilho and left Pilho's house. It was 3 p.m. when In-jun visited Count Yoon's house with Pil-ho. When Yoon Chan-doo cast a questioning eye on Renjun, who had stolen Lee Pil-ho's name on a previous day, Pil-ho introduced Renjun to Chan-doo as he did earlier. With a quiet room, I asked the owner Chan-du not to let only Ren-jun and the three men who were to be questioned come near him, and the three entered the room. Injun saw the figure of Wan-so as Rain there. He was about 80 years old and had been a servant in the house of the Joseon aristocrat for a long time, so the expressions of manchi race, submission, and honesty were indescribably displayed. "This ball." Renjun found Pilho. 'What?' 'I'll ask you something to ask, so listen to this ball silently. And I have a question, so let me know." "Let's do it." Under these promises, In-jun sat facing Wan-soe instead of police officer Lee Pil-ho, and Pil-ho sat a little far away and listened. "Sit down in peace," In-jeong said in a gentle voice to Wan-soe, who sat down in front of the police officer. And then I asked, "You're a complete worker, right. 'How many years did you hear from the Great Commissioner?' 'By this year, sixty two - three years will come.' 'Do you have any relatives?' 'No.' "Where's your grandson?" "I had his grandson, but they're all dead." After looking into the face of the wan-so for a moment, Renjun asked again.
Injun told Chandu not to let anyone come nearby, then went into the room and saw Wan-soe, who had been a servant for a long time at the house of the Joseon aristocrat.
[ "It was 3 p.m. when In-jun visited Count Yoon's house with Pil-ho, who had stolen Lee Pil-ho's name on a previous day.", "It was 3 p.m. when In-jun visited Count Yoon's house with Pil-ho, and when Yoon Chan-doo cast a questioning eye on Ren-jun, Pil-ho introduced Ren-jun to Chan-doo.", "It was 3 p.m. when In-jun visited Count Yoon's house with Pil-ho, and when Chan-doo cast a questioning eye on Ren-jun, Pil-ho introduced Ren-jun to Chan-doo.", "It was 3 p.m. when In-jun visited Count Yoon's house with Pil-ho, and when Yoon Chan-doo cast a questioning eye on Ren-jun, Pil-ho introduced Ren-jun to Chan-doo as he did earlier." ]
Ahn Hoe-nam and Chae Man-sik performed as well as last year. Ahn's work is the hospital boy Jeon Won-gil in the dark after breaking through the turbidity, and the biggest harvest was the middle of over the turbidity. It seems to be the story of a long-term lover, but it is a work that has gone to the chin where the love story between a young writer with a head of household and a good female class can go. All in all, Ahn sees no new changes in the world, and efforts belonging to the machine and the genealogy of what happened that night seem to have stopped this year. Chae Man-sik published the legend of Sunday Danglang, which is a pure public Sunday, in addition to the frozen word, and published a phrase of a young day in "Women," which means that the old nihilistic tendency of seeds has reached the point of revealing the unhealthy essence at the bottom. I was also impressed by the sense of emptiness on Sunday when there was a pure attack. However, Mr. Lee's future direction was likely to be opened on the way to practicing the legend of Dangrang as a novel. Yoo Jin-oh's two films are Spring and Ju Bo-ung, and this year, Yoo's world of works seemed to be experiencing some fatigue. A garden of excellence is serialized in "Women." Lee Hyo-seok also announced only one episode of the Maeshin series because he seemed to be tired after completing the construction of the new series. Lee Tae-joon also spent his energy on youth martial arts and showed only one night road. Park Tae-won is tired of external depictions in Aekyung and seems to be trying to start the internal world with Eum-woo. Lee Seok-hoon wrote Fan Wandering Harbin in addition to serializing Mrs. Baek Jang-mi in "Cho Kwang," but showed no improvement in quality. Cho Yong-man has been living in a villa for the first time in a long time, and it seems reasonable to expect his performance in the new year. Eom Hong-seop's real name was Choi Jeong-hee's personal connections and the enemy's.
The story of Ahn's love between a young writer and a good girl, although it seems to be a story of a long-term lover, the hospital, etc. are Ahn's works, and the story of Ahn's greatest harvest is Ahn's work.
[ "Ahn Hoe-nam and Chae Man-sik performed as well as last year, but Ahn sees no new changes in the world and the genealogy of what happened that night seems to have stopped this year.", "Ahn Hoe-nam and Chae Man-sik performed as well as last year, and Ahn's work is the hospital boy Jeon Won-gil in the dark.", "Ahn Hoe-nam and Chae Man-sik performed as well as last year, but Ahn sees no new changes in the world, and the genealogy of what happened that night seems to have stopped this year.", "Ahn Hoe-nam and Chae Man-sik performed as well as last year, and Ahn's work is the hospital boy Jeon Won-gil in the dark after breaking through the turbidity." ]
The two lost track of time, as they exchanged soju glasses after picking apples from apple trees that they could reach and exchanging them as if they had not yet tasted good, as a long story, as a retrospective of their distant elementary school days, as well as criticism of the situation. Choi was confident that Germany would lose the war and break away from the war of East-West correspondence with Japan, and that Japan would participate in the operation against Japan, and that Japan would surrender soon. Choi also thought it was my mistake to spend free time reading and contemplating while cultivating fruit trees to avoid the world passively, and in reality, he seemed to be actively working under such camplages. There is a red liberation struggle group of Joseon people called the Independence Alliance on the coast of China, and I heard a dream-like story in Seoul a while ago that Yeo Woon-hyung was through a vein with him in Joseon. To me at that time, it was a vain and futile story like the work of people trying to pick stars. Choi also talked about the independence alliance. It wasn't about telling a story, but moving it from a third-party situation to a story, but it was seen that he couldn't talk so desperately without any connection.
Choi affirmed that Japan would surrender soon, based on various facts and Germany's defeat in the war and its departure from the battle line of East-West correspondence with Japan.
[ "Choi was confident that Germany would lose the war and break away from the war of East-West correspondence with Japan, and that Japan would participate in the operation against Japan.", "Choi was confident that Germany would lose the war and break away from the war of East-West correspondence with Japan, and that Japan would participate in the operation against Japan, and that Japan would surrender soon.", "Choi was confident that Germany would lose the war and break away from the war of East-West correspondence, and that Japan would participate in the operation against Japan, and that Japan would surrender soon.", "Choi was confident that Germany would lose the war and break away from the war of East-West correspondence, and that Japan would participate in the operation against Japan." ]
Changsub was mixed between Deok-geun and Bong-gyu and trudged along the mine floor with them. "Companion Bong-gyu! Didn't it take a lot less strength to use the peak?" Chang-sub first broke the silence with his friendly words, slightly inhaling his head back. "I don't know, which one is less difficult and more difficult." Bong-gyu shoots very bluntly as if he were spitting out of his mouth. "Huh, I don't know? Then who knows? What's wrong with you? You can tell it's someone else because you're the only one who's thinking about it. Say something, Siamese." Bong-gyu has no answer. I walked quietly again. After a long time, Changsub opened his mouth again. "Don't do that, Bong-gyu! If you have any complaints, let it all go during the work review." "I'm complaining and I don' "Well, what are you doing? "How can others produce more than other months to celebrate the May 1st Independence Movement? Each competes for a minute and a second, and our Brie is on fire to take the flag of victory, but Dongmu seems to be deliberately trying to destroy our Briegada." I couldn't stand it well. "Well, I'm afraid! You're ruining me Bong-gyu snorted. Changsub, who caught on to what he said, said, "If you stop, you'll know everything. You're not happy about changing people? Fiction divided by two." 'That's right, that's right! You're going to yell and change it, and it's going to take a lot of work like a string, so you divide it into two groups? We don't divide it into ten!" "Then, did the companion just say it was good, not against it?" That doesn't mean I'm not very responsible. However, I think it's a good thing to increase the overall production of our workplace, so if you have any complaints about this, you can pick a fight." "Send me somewhere else, regardless of the dispute, so that we can be relieved of each other." Changsub suddenly got angry and said, "What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean? You want me to go somewhere else? Go to another Brigada and pretend like that. Let's humiliate someone more by using such unfortunate guts." Bong-gyu said with a disgustingly drooping attitude, "Why do you humiliate yourself more. If I was cursed by myself, I would be cursed." 'You great man. Think about it a little bit more. Wouldn't your reputation be a disgrace to me if I just woke up the road where the person I worked with for a year in Brigada would not be praised?" Bong-gyu's momentum, which he had been confronting, was a little subdued and dampened by this remark.
Changsub, who was walking on the floor of the mine, asked Bong-gyu, "Isn't it less difficult to use the peak?" Bong-gyu shoots curtly, saying, "I don't know."
[ "Changsub, who was walking along the mine floor with Bong-gyu and Deok-geun, asked Bong-gyu if it took less strength to use the peak.", "Changsub, who was walking along the mine floor with Bong-gyu and Deok-geun, asked Bong-gyu why it took less strength to use the peak.", "Chang-sub, who was walking along the mine floor with Bong-gyu and Deok-geun, asked Bong-gyu if it took less strength to use the peak.", "Changsub, who walked along the mine floor with Bong-gyu and Deok-geun, asked Bong-gyu if it took less strength to use the peak." ]
One day, I looked at a person in a coffee shop talking about the translation of T. S. Elliott's wasteland, and I found out that he was Kim Kyung-hee, a friend of C, whom I knew well. A few days later, Jang Man-young was talking about a similar Donginji in an electric coffee shop, and it was Jang Man-young who accidentally appeared. Jang was an incredibly good-natured remark that he would cooperate in the development of insufficient finances and strength if you soon finished the new city movement. So I found Lim Ho-kwon and Kim Kyung-rin on the way. Soon after, Kim Kyung-rin went down to Busan and contacted Kim Byung-wook. What a coincidence it was. In this way, the title of "New Poetry" was born. "Theism" is by no means a commercial magazine. For the new development of poetry and culture, the above poets first become the drivers, and only write contributions to new poetry and poetry. Therefore, if you want to be a driver, please understand this and participate with all your might. But before that, I'd appreciate it if you could send the work to the "New Theory" editorial department in the Corral. As the days go by, the weight of our literary movement increases, and we believe that it will proceed to a new sea of poetry as an acceleration. I don't care who sees "theism" as a kind of preoccupation or doesn't understand it at all. Poetry's youth is always to ignore such people and move forward. This first album did not go as planned due to its short time and various inadequacies, but I am not disappointed. The start of the marathon does not mean the volume of speed.
For the development of new poetry and culture, the new poetry theory in which poets write contributions to poetry and poetry is not a commercial magazine, so if you want to be a driver, you should participate in this.
[ "Jang Man-young, who said he would cooperate in the development of insufficient finances and strength if he finished the new city movement, found Lim Ho-kwon and Kim Kyung-rin on the way, and Kim Kyung-rin went down to Busan and contacted Kim Byung-wook.", "Jang Man-young, who said he would cooperate in the development of insufficient finances and strength if he finished the new city movement, found Lim Ho-kwon and Kim Kyung-rin on the way, and soon after, Kim Kyung-rin went down to Busan and contacted Kim Byung-wook.", "A few days later, Jang Man-young, who was talking about a similar Donginji in an electric coffee shop, accidentally appeared, and I found Lim Ho-kwon and Kim Kyung-rin on the way.", "Jang Man-young, who said he would cooperate in the development of insufficient finances and strength if he finished the new city movement, found Lim Ho-kwon and Kim Kyung-rin on the way." ]
In the midst of loneliness, each person spends a sad life wrapping their dreams in their shells. At night, the sound of bugs is already quite dizzy. There's nothing like the sound of autumn bugs that cut off your intestines. When you're lost in distant thoughts, the sound of sad bugs dig deep into your heart. There are times when I want to hold onto the bed magpie and cry. At that time, heartbreak is like a young heart crying about first love, but it is something beyond the appreciation of the boyhood - penetrating human life from time immemorial, and a kind of sad screening is tearing the heart out. As long as there is a distance between reality and dreams and the distance is forever wrinkled, this screening will not disappear. One can organize all kinds of greed and emotions in one way or another - for example, the feelings of anger, joy, etc. in an appropriate way, but this feeling of sadness seems uncomfortable and difficult to organize properly. This emotion, the most beautiful of all emotions - it can only be said to be beautiful because it is sad - is always forced to endure and accept it until the clues are strong, burning your heart and crying. There's nothing else we can do. The sound of bugs seems to be loud again tonight. There is a lot of dew on a clear night, and bugs are noisy on a dewy night. You don't know how lonely you must be by lighting up a fire in front of your desk. Leaving this blue house, the mind is to find a blue house that is consistently different. I don't know where it is, of course. These two contradictory minds, drawing in front of the desk and drawing the blue sky over the window.
When the sound of autumn bugs is lost in thought, there are times when you want to dig into your heart and cry, and the judgment will not disappear unless the distance between reality and dreams is forever wrinkled.
[ "In the midst of loneliness, each person spends a sad life wrapping their dreams in their shells, and the sound of autumn bugs is quite dizzy at night.", "In the midst of loneliness, each person spends a sad life wrapping their dreams in their shells, and there are times when they want to hold onto the bed magpie and cry.", "In the midst of loneliness, each person spends a sad life wrapping their dreams in their shells, and when they are lost in distant thoughts, the sound of bugs dig deep into their hearts.", "In the midst of loneliness, each person spends a sad life wrapping their dreams in their shells, and when they are lost in distant thoughts, the sound of bugs dig deep into their heart." ]
During the peacetime era, the whole Jangan, who was tapping the boat, widened his eyes to one of the unexpected big waves. Indeed, Kim Jae-chan did not appear on the show. On the night he was commanded by Jabyeok, Jae-chan also called his friends to his house and played only dirty games. "Hey, officer." When my friends laughed at me like this as a joke, Jae-chan also laughed, saying, "Yes, why?" The next day and the next day, the Eoyeong Office gave a spirit to go to the federal army. However, Jae-chan pretended not to know and only played with his friends. However, on the third day of my life, surprising reports rushed in. It was a sign of eczema. Jin was a movement. When the military officer's leading soldiers flocked to the house of the modern god of Ururuhani, the minister retreated and was in love. The minister called the officer into the front yard. Inje was a solid affair. When Lee Chang-woon ascended the stage and committed suicide with his son as an official, he was seen as outstanding in the minister's mind. He was also well aware that his son did not comply with it. However, he did not even reach his son because he felt sorry for Lee Chang-woon. And instead, Lee Chang-woon, who believes in his family and authority, left it as a last resort. Unexpectedly, however, Lee Chang-woon took the last resort. I called an officer under the courtyard, closed my eyes for a moment, thought, and finally opened my eyes instead.
On the third day, a surprising report rushed in that a eczema order was issued to Jae-chan, who was playing with his friends while pretending not to know the spirit of the Eoyeongcheong to go to the federal camp.
[ "The next day and the next day, the Eoyeong Office gave a spirit to go to the federal army, but Jae-chan pretended not to know and only played with his friends.", "When Lee Chang-woon ascended the stage and committed suicide with his son as an official, he was seen as outstanding in the minister's mind.", "When Lee Chang-woon ascended the stage and committed suicide with his son as an official, he was seen as outstanding in the minister's mind, but he felt sorry for Lee Chang-woon and left it as a last resort.", "When Lee Chang-woon ascended the stage and committed suicide with his son as an official, he was seen as outstanding in the minister's mind, but he left it as a last resort." ]
"I can't help it now. At home, they even get a stand and beg. So I ran out of anger and was walking recklessly today. Jong Ho is having a hard time because of this. If I die, I think it's enough, but is it easy to end my life with family?" "If so, don't worry. And you'll call me a funny person, but trust me because I have a way to deal with it. The date of marriage is still far away, right? 'Six days are left!' 'Six days? You're in a hurry. If you're in a hurry, you should take care of it urgently." "What do you mean?" "You can do it, so trust me." Now, the meat is all cooked, so go ahead and eat." Young-ae thought Chae-young's words were absurd, but just hearing such words made the enemy feel safe and ate silently. However, Chae-young was more distressed when she kept mentioning the problem. Young-ae tried to get up after lunch, but Chae-young tried to get up, so she played until late and was attracted to Chae-young, so she went to the xx theater to watch a movie. Jong-ho tried to forget Young-ae by saying, "If you want to go, go," but after sleeping, he suddenly remembered Young-ae more. I was desperate to sit face to face with her for once. I still couldn't get over my cold and lay down today, but when I hold the book, I can't see the letters, and when I close the book, I think of the vision of Young-ae, so I keep thinking of it even when I close my eyes. Young-ae said she would come today, so he waited with nervousness. When he didn't come even at night, I thought he was really going to marry a family. I decided to be careful tonight because I thought it would get worse if I shot the wind if I didn't get sick. As with the issue of Yeongae, I was nervous again, thinking that I had to find a way to pay back the three months behind the meal and get a job. For a few days, it has calmed down because I have been sick and laid down, but I was almost dry due to the owner's woman's demand for food. To say the least, it was like a chimney to want to leave this house after paying back by robbing. Come to think of it, the owner's woman was also in a bad. It was also a pity that an old widow had eaten for three months in such a difficult living because she was living a hard life while taking her daughter who had been chased away. The host woman said she would go out if she couldn't get attached, or if she held out so shamelessly, she would call a police officer to chase her, but her chased daughter dissuaded her and she has been safe so far.
The situation was pitiful for an old widow to live with her daughter, who had been chased away, but her daughter dissuaded her and she has been safe so far.
[ "Young-ae thought Chae-young's words were absurd, but just hearing Chae-young's words made the enemy feel safe and ate silently.", "Young-ae tried to get up after lunch, but Chae-young tried to get up, so she played until late and was attracted to Chae-young, so she went to the xx theater to watch a movie.", "Young-ae tried to get up after lunch, but Chae-young played until late and was attracted to Chae-young, so she went to the xx theater to watch a movie.", "Young-ae thought Chae-young's words were absurd, but just hearing them made the enemy feel safe and ate silently, but Chae-young was more distressed when she kept mentioning the problem." ]
When I went in, it was indeed a human spider. Eyes, nose, mouth, everything is a man! No, he's a handsome man among people. He has a slim face and good features, but his hair is split into high colors on the left. However, isn't it a large spider's body that looks ugly when a person with a one-and-a-half square body stretches out his crab-like feet with a dark red light. These monsters were hung in the middle of two large trees with lush branches on both sides, lined with thick rope-like webs on the branches, which were clearly a spider with a human head. "Oh, look at that face...… If you were a person, are you a little handsome?" A woman like a gisaeng cried out like this and went closer to him to look at it closely. At this time, the spider bites its tongue, squirts its eyes strangely, sticks its head forward, and pulls the string with its front feet and shakes it. It looked as if it was about to rush into a gisaeng. "Aggomma!" At this time, the gisaeng fainted and stepped back, as if she really thought she was running, and the onlookers all laughed holding their backs. However, Kyung-soo tried to find out the identity of this strange monster by looking into his posture with a strange attitude without smilingNo matter how hard you look at it, it was a human spider He reconsidered. Where did the two legs get rid of the spider's mask when a spider's mask? No matter how much you twist your legs into it, the knee joints that stand out on both sides will be revealed...…. But when he first saw it, he thought it was electrically made of rubber, but it was never. The monster's face clearly has warm red blood flowing into his flesh. So is a human spider really a strange monster? However, this animal cannot reach the world. While Kyung-soo was trying to solve this difficult Sphinx's trick again, he saw a monster making a hiyakashi to a gisaeng, and he guessed that it was really recognizing a person, so he finally talked to it.
The gisaeng, who was close to see closely, fainted and stepped back when it appeared that a spider was running.
[ "Kyung-soo tried to find out the identity of this strange monster by looking into his posture with a strange attitude, but it was a human spider.", "Kyung-soo tried to find out the identity of this strange monster by looking at it with a strange attitude, but when he first saw it, he thought it was a rubber mask, but it was a human spider.", "Kyung-soo tried to find out the identity of this strange monster by looking into his posture with a strange attitude, but when he first saw it, he thought it was a rubber mask, but it was a human spider.", "Kyung-soo tried to find out the identity of this strange monster by looking into his posture with a strange attitude, but when he first saw it, he thought it was a rubber mask." ]
'Why, what do you want me to do?' 'Nothing else.' I was going to do a little trick, so I caught one, but if Park Sang wasn't there, would you be disappointed?" "Is it a party?" That was unexpected. Kwon An-dal's house was unlikely to have a feast. "It's nothing else. Huh, how can I say this... I got about 300 won this time. So let's set it up and eat it with the people of Dongri..." It's an unintelligible sound. He looks away saying that Andal is embarrassing, explaining the progress of the sale of Jongjungsan Mountain. He also seemed to have objected to it until the end, but many people voted to stamp the sales certificate and the distribution returned yesterday. However, it was difficult to understand until the feast with only this much explanation. So I was suspicious, and I said, "This is what the cabin is like. This money isn't for me anyway, but it's a shuddering money to think about. Isn't it money that sold the bones of ancestors. So I didn't think about it, so I didn't have it in my body. I tried to make a joke, saying, "I'm going to lose some money with my friends who grew up snoring, but I'm going to grab a drink, eat it, and discuss it with the rest of Park Sang." "You're going to use that big money like a old knife," but it wasn't a joke as much as I was thinking of a way to grovel now. "It's a good use, a good use. I owe it to my friends, so I have to pay it back, and I lived thanks to Dong-ri, so I can't forget the grace... That's what my father always said.
We were supposed to have a feast tomorrow, but I didn't think there would be anything to celebrate at Kwon An-dal's house, saying that it would be sad if Park Sang was not there.
[ "Kwon An-dal's house was unlikely to have a feast, and he looked away saying that Andal was embarrassing, explaining the progress of the sale of Jongjungsan Mountain.", "Kwon An-dal's house was unlikely to have a feast, but he looked away saying that Andal was embarrassing, explaining the progress of the sale of Jongjungsan Mountain.", "Kwon An-dal's house was unlikely to have a feast, but he looked away saying that Andal was embarrassing and explaining the progress of the sale of Jongjungsan Mountain.", "Kwon An-dal's house was unlikely to have a feast, so he looked away saying that Andal was embarrassing, explaining the progress of the sale of Jongjungsan Mountain." ]
Abolition of a word would have been a blessing in disguise. It was said that gods often fall on Hallasan Mountain, and I thought it was the descent of the heavenly fairy. What further misled Bae Bi-jang was a double smile when the woman made eye contact with Bae Bi-jang for something. With a dreamy grin, the woman passed by. It's about four or five steps away. The woman turned her head on her way, and smiled once more. "Nari!" It was not until the Chadol screamed that the captain came to his senses. 'What are you looking at?' 'Huh? No!' 'Pretending to visit someone else's house!' 'No! That rock is very strange, isn't it?' 'You're taking a break, aren't you?' 'Let's take a little more rest?' 'What if it gets dark?' 'You punk! It's getting a little dark……" "…………" Captain Bae had no idea to see the Chadol guy smiling and flicking his tongue. distracted by the sight of the woman on her way.———— The woman and her group went about a hundred steps further from the place where the cupboard was located, and set up a seat at the flowing water and put down their luggage. Meanwhile, the woman did not hesitate to look around the federal badge. Captain Bae finally reached the point where he couldn't get his act together. 'He? Is the car running?' 'What?' 'Who is that woman?' 'No, why are you asking? If you're another adult, you can't believe you're folding Tamhwabong……" "No! It's because a young woman came like that during this pregnancy!" "Yes!..."… Maybe you're here to play in the water!" "Water play?" "In the summer, women prepare food and go to play in the water in deep mountainous areas!" "Women in the women's house?" "Then wear it?" "Huh!" "You're up, right?" "Let's get some rest." "The day is coming!" 'Car running?' 'What?' 'I'm thirsty, aren't you?' 'Don't you drink water?' 'Don't you need a bowl to drink water?' 'You're sorry you're looking for a bowl in the mountains! You should either sleep with your hands clasped, or wear your back on your back!" "Is that what you're supposed to say about the body hair of your class! ...…" 'Then you have to put up with it!' 'Are you driving?' 'You're calling Chadol several times today?' "You go to that woman...…" "What?" "What are you surprised at, you punk?" "No, I'm telling you because you're hiding to someone else's girl!" "Does it matter if you're in the mountains?" …… Why don't you go and borrow Pyojubak for a while?" "No, you're going to kill someone prematurely. Do you make me do that?" "Don't worry! I'll take care of the rest……" "Then, I don't know!" "Come on. Go ahead and borrow some whether it's a gourd or a moat." The Chadol man goes down to the place where the women's group hit the tea wheel and spread their seats after a few more times.
The woman, who seemed to be a descending fairy, smiled twice when her eyes met Bae Bi-jang.
[ "The woman and her group set up a seat at the flowing water and put down their luggage, and the woman did not hesitate to look around the federal badge.", "The woman and her group set up a seat at the flowing water and put down their luggage, and Bae Bi-jang reached the point where he couldn't get his act together.", "The woman and her group set up a seat at the flowing water and put down their luggage, and Bae Bi-jang was distracted by the sight of the woman on her way.", "The woman and her group set up a seat at the flowing water and put down their luggage, and Bae Bi-jang, who was distracted by the sight of the woman on her way, reached the point where he couldn't get his act together." ]
It is precious to experience trouble after doing everything in your power to do good after listening to Taoism, but it is also a failure. It is more precious to break through the difficulty. To break through a difficulty must be faith. When it comes to faith, it is the work of very shallow people who have no scientific religion and have not been able to breathe modern thought, especially materialistic ideas. Therefore, the main purpose of this publication was to test the position of faith against the so-called intellectual frivolity and the anti-religious movement of materialists. Faith is like an explosive bomb. In civil engineering work, a large construction cannot be carried out by Chaucer alone, and a bayonet alone cannot fight a large battle in war. When printing a vast bedrock or attacking a solid fortress, it must explode to achieve the desired purpose. Giving this bomb is the truth of the Christian Bible. Therefore, in Paul's words, he said, "The gospel is God's ability to save all believers." This word 'ability' is the letter of 'dynamite' and 'consent'. We found this bomb in the Bible and first tested it on myself to discover this truth, and we regret that Joseon's Christianity has yet to escape the reverse that mimics the customs of advanced Gumi missionaries, so we published "Joseon" to explain pure Christianity. From about 10 years ago to September this year, No. 80 was completed in the form of "Bible Joseon" to convey Christian power lessons to Joseon and build a Joseon that will be immortalized on the basis of biblical truth. (Original posted at the exhibition to mark the 30th anniversary of Yangjeong High School) (October 1935).
The main purpose of this publication is to protest the position of faith against the frivolity of the intellectual class and the anti-religious movement of materialists, and the explosion, an inevitable element of attack, stems from the truth of the Christian Bible.
[ "The main purpose of this publication was to test the position of faith against the so-called intellectual frivolity and the anti-religious movement of materialists.", "The purpose of this publication was to test the position of faith against the so-called intellectual frivolity and the anti-religious movement of materialists.", "The main purpose of this publication was to test the position of faith against the intellectual frivolity of materialists and the anti-religious movement of materialists.", "The purpose of this publication was to test the position of faith against the intellectual frivolity of materialists and the anti-religious movement of materialists." ]
The reinforcements seemed to be the target. Moon-chan grabbed Moon-sik's hand, saying, "What are you going to do?" For a moment, his parents were completely absent from his mind. I only think I shouldn't let my brother go. 'I'm going.' 'No! I can't.' "Let me go!" Munsik shakes off his arms. But my brother stuck to me again. I took hold of the arm. My brother tried to pull it out. My brother was determined not to be missed. Push, pull, and pull, but a friend was appearing as much as I did. When he saw the armed Korean army, Moon-sik tactfully walked his brother's foot, knocked him down, and began to run. My brother rolled on the slope for a long time. But he rose again and began to chase the door. It was then. I was mistaken. It is a lie that Moon-sik sold his father and mother. Moon-sik thought he was running away to be faithful to communism. I thought there was no mistake. It was a terrible misunderstanding. But it was also a terrible hatred. All I thought was that I shouldn't send it back. He chased after his brother. My legs aren't listening. It seemed to have hit the bridge while rolling on the slope. The distance from my brother was growing further and further. The liver is boiling down. It was a pity. He had shouted something in spite of himself. My left leg is completely disobedient. He is chasing after, too, with a frown. It was also shouting while chasing. He himself did not know, of course. I would have shouted that because I didn't know. I didn't even know that the illusion of earlier was captivating him.
Moon-chan grabbed Moon-sik's hand, asking what he was going to do, but all he could think about was that he should not let his younger brother go.
[ "Moon-chan grabbed Moon-sik's hand, saying, \"What are you going to do?\" and his parents were completely absent from his mind.", "Moon-chan grabbed Moon-sik's hand and said, \"What are you going to do?\" and his parents were completely absent from his mind.", "Moon-chan grabbed Moon-sik's hand, saying, \"What are you going to do?\" but his parents were completely absent from his mind.", "Moon-chan grabbed Moon-sik's hand and said, \"What are you going to do?\" but his parents were completely absent from his mind." ]
If you're hungry... ...a short back alley in some life is in the evening. In Haengnyang Kitchen, you can hear the sound of wood carving, and the evening smoke is in every house. Water flows generously from the hole in the water supply, and the voice of the merchant seems to be talking in the back alley, and the store bargains for side dishes as if it were a fight. People seemed to use up their last evil as if they were trying to calculate the total amount of life in a day. "What a wretched fellow!" he muttered once more, stumbling out of the busy back alley with uncertain steps. There was still anger on his face, and his heart was pounding and his fists were shaking. "No matter how much you haven't learned, you think I'm a beggar? He's like an old thief!" But the more I think about it, the more I feel ashamed and resentful that I've been humiliated by him. When I thought that I couldn't hit him right away with one punch, I felt like digging into the ground. I tried to force myself to vent my anger by concluding with my own mind, saying, "I don't know about the owners in the world, but my heart full of anger was not so easy to subside. If you think about it, it wasn't just today. It was a daily occurrence. If he knew what was in the room, the owner crept up and opened the door. And he came into the room raggedly without hesitation, whether or not he was told to come in. Get rid of all the greetings and messes.
In Haengnyang Kitchen, you can hear the sound of tree digging, and in the back alley, the outer ear of the Jangsachi is a short back alley of some life where the voice seems to be talking.
[ "In Haengnyang Kitchen, you can hear the sound of wood carving, and the voice of the merchant seems to be talking in the back alley.", "In Haengnyang Kitchen, you can hear the sound of wood carving in the evening, and the voice of the merchant seems to be talking in the back alley.", "In Haengnyang Kitchen, you can hear the sound of wood carving, and the voice of the merchant seems to be talking in the back alley, and the store bargains for side dishes as if it were a fight.", "In Haengnyang Kitchen, you can hear the sound of wood carving and the evening smoke in every house, and the voice of the merchant seems to be talking in the back alley." ]
"Oh, I give up," he exclaimed, and walked quickly back to the house-the boarding house. the next morning. Byeongjo opened the door of the third-floor binding room with a thousand roots or heavy hands. He was ashamed to see So-hee. It wasn't that I didn't want to throw everything away, find another job, live comfortably, or move to another factory, but it's a 'spirited feeling' that's pressed, pressed, and whining The force of necessity drove him to get up at 6 a.m., to go to the printing office with a bento package next to him, to open the door of the three-story binding room, to fold the printing paper with Hera, to "talk" to the machine room and gate line on the second floor. As the group entered the door, the bell rang as if it had been waiting. He sat down and saw hypocrisy first. The other people who usually don't raise their heads often didn't know, but there was an incredibly shy excitement that he would have made such a cold gesture on a night when he clearly bowed his head and didn't even notice the red face. The group was embarrassed by it as if it were a cruel prank that they didn't know what it was. However, when So-hee thought that she was trying to laugh at her on the one hand, she bowed her head at first glance, fortunately that her shoulders were closed and her face did not meet.
The next morning, when he shouted that he was giving up and returned to the boarding house, he was embarrassed to see So-hee, and opened the door of the binding room on the third floor with heavy hands.
[ "Byeongjo, who opened the door of the third-floor binding room with a thousand roots or heavy hands, was ashamed to see So-hee.", "When Byeongjo opened the door of the third-floor binding room with a thousand roots or heavy hands, he was ashamed to see So-hee.", "When So-hee thought that she was trying to laugh at her on the one hand, she bowed her head at first glance, but her face did not meet.", "When So-hee thought that she was trying to laugh at Byeongjo on the one hand, she bowed her head at first glance, but her face did not meet." ]
Hyunbo visited Namjuk much later in the afternoon because there were hot memories of last night and feelings that dragged him away from his failure to clean up. I went to the river as a picnic after listening to Namjuk's request, whose eyes were still red and whose mind was not refreshed. The city in the Seoseon region is a village of beautiful mountains and water, so boats often float on the river in summer. In addition to the ferry, a playboat with a long roof, a boat, and a motor boat covered the river tightly. Songs and dances can be seen on the amusement boat, so the quiet river with the shadow of a melted tree turns into a pleasant amusement park. Across the mountain, the other side of the mountain was fluttering with life and fighting in the city, but across the mountain, laughter, songs, and excitement flowed over the water as if he were dead. Hyunbo and Namjuk also rented a boat, rode it, and played a part in it, so they seemed to have become people in the cool water world. The scenery of Neungrado was the most beautiful on the river because white clouds floated on top of a row of white sheep trees. Hyunbo rowed himself and climbed the waves to the island. An immeasurable blue wave lapped the front of the boat. "I got a letter from my sister...… You can't get Laozi that easily these days with a goat's milkheadIt's me." Namjuk tore the letter he picked up from his sleeve into three or four pieces of the envelope and floated it gently on the water. It wasn't even a look of resentment for my sister, but it was just a calm report. "Shall we go into a cafe for a few days and make money by being a waitress?" It sounded like a calm joke, not a reverse resentment, but it wasn't that there was no sign of desperation.
The city of Seoseon, a village of water and beautiful mountains, turns into a pleasant amusement park due to motor boats and amusement boats that cover the river closely.
[ "Hyunbo and Namjuk also rented a boat, rode it, and played a part in it, so they seemed to have become people in the cool water world.", "Hyunbo and Namjuk, who went to the river as a picnic after listening to Namjuk's request, seemed to have become people in the cool water world.", "Hyunbo and Namjuk also rented a boat, rode it, and played a part in it, so they became people in the cool water world.", "Hyunbo and Namjuk rented a boat, rode it, and played a part in it, so they seemed to have become people in the cool water world." ]
After receiving the letter, I fumbled about what happened that night, and it came to life in one memory after another. He lives in the city of K on the Gyeongbu. If there is a way through, please visit me and I will treat you warmly.When I greeted him in the drinking seat, the story developed, saying, "You're an artist, aren't you?" as if everyone saw the sketchbook he came in with after exchanging greetings. He thought I was a painter, but when he brought up the story of the painting, he used his hand to draw a portrait that hugs Chunchi. Anyway, I asked him if he would draw a portrait of his father at the end, and I answered calmly. In fact, I've long learned the secret of getting a ball in this way. There is no need to take responsibility. I was going to draw it for you, but if you don't, that's enough. It was a wish if I could really afford to draw it. Perhaps such a business was more advantageous than the illustration fee of popular magazines. That was the case that day. I was drunk, but I was too much of a tool. I even sent money to such a polite letter from the gentleman. It was like a lie. "Let's go to K City!" There was no need to think further. That's how desperate I was. Every house I went to had a trauma like a kite on a branch. The trauma is also once or twice. I didn't even have the face to go now. There are also 4,000 rings in a 30 ring-per-cup bindaetteok restaurant. If I happen to have money, it would be good to pay back the credit first and get another credit, but when I have money or come into my pocket, I act rudely without realizing it. As there are no houses to set foot in Myeong-dong, this time it develops into Jongno. However, there is no way that Jongno people are different. After suffering from trauma one by one, he now has no talent to lean on a cup of soju. The biggest reason why I even thought of suicide, of course, was that I lost my attachment to life out of self-loathing, but in reality, it may be because of despair from this tight line. Actually, I lost confidence to continue my life.
Looking back on his memory that night, he, who lives in K City on the Gyeongbu Line, said, "I will treat you if you visit me on the way," and greeted everyone in the drinking seat.
[ "When I asked him if he would draw a portrait of his father at the end, he used his hand to draw a portrait that hugs Chunchi, and I answered calmly.", "I asked him if he would draw a portrait of his father at the end, and he answered calmly, saying that it was a wish if he could afford to draw it.", "I asked him if he would draw a portrait of his father at the end, and he answered calmly, saying that he would do it if he could afford it.", "When I asked him if he would draw a portrait of his father at the end, he used his hand to draw a portrait that hugged Chunchi, and I answered calmly." ]
"Child! Your head is spinning today!" A petty face comes to mind when the accounting manager, nicknamed a mouse, comes to mind. He is also a friend who trembles with a single ring, so he turns it back to the hatred of the entire temple. It was most exhilarating than anything else that I had eaten up the bad luck. It was my mistake, so it's no use saying something else later. I wrote it in the notes. Don't you think we can do it next month! One of my colleagues tapped me on the shoulder as I tried to run out like I was going to run away. "You can't take home the depression of your payday!" It is to drink makgeolli. They were also open-minded. After riding Lee Man-hwan, it was like empty money. Of course, he was in a good mood and told his friend such a story, developing makgeolli into a croon with beer. It would have been better if he kept quiet even to his wife. Of course, the commercial district did not forget to include Lee Man-hwan in the funeral service. "Ah, how exhilarating! There are times when abacus does that! I'll discover it later and make a splash! I'll spit it out again if you tell me to spit it out! I'll spit it out if I'll spit it out! This is so exciting! I'm excited! I'm thrilled to think that you're going to pop! It's exhilarating!" Lee Man-hwan was not enough to relieve his anger because he couldn't eat makgeolli on payday because of his Lee Man-hwan. "Oh, it's really refreshing." My friend responded, so I really ate up Lee Man-hwan.
It was exhilarating to forget the accounting manager of Akbari, who was shaking with a sheet of twirls.
[ "Lee Man-hwan was not enough to relieve his anger because he couldn't eat makgeolli on payday because of his Lee Man-hwan.", "Lee Man-hwan was not enough to relieve his anger because he couldn't eat makgeolli on payday because of his Lee Man-hwan, so he ate up Lee Man-hwan.", "Lee Man-hwan was not enough to relieve his anger because he couldn't eat makgeolli on payday because of Lee Man-hwan.", "Lee Man-hwan was not enough to relieve his anger because he couldn't eat makgeolli because of his Lee Man-hwan, so he ate up Lee Man-hwan." ]
Or is there a girl you like in Simgyu. Simgyu! Simgyu! If you had set up all of Simgyu's girls in front of you and examined their faces...…. The painter, who had spent the day in the midst of anxiety and annoyance and was saving the beauty while facing the day, entered the pro-jam Senate as a last resort and tried to get the face of a court lady. Unfortunately, however, the painter's adventure went to waste and he didn't even come to collect food that day. However, since it was the time of silkworm, there will be a day when the court lady will come if you wait for her. The painter, who was heated and poisoned by the desire to draw the face of the beauty-wife, went into the mulberry field again the next day and hid. I couldn't help waiting in hiding. A month later, Hwagong packed his lunch day by day and went to the Senate. However, whenever he returned to his home in the evening, a long sigh came out of his mouth. It wasn't that I didn't miss the court lady. As if to show it to the painter hiding here, the court ladies changed day by day. They came in droves, flapping their sleeves and skirts, and picking mulberries. I saw a total of 450 court ladies in a month. They were all beautiful women. And there was no mistake in his orphaned face than the beauties that could be seen in vain by the well of the road. But those eyes. The eye was the eye of the painter. It was the caress and longing that appeared in the eyes. It was love flowing over and over. The court lady didn't have it. She was, so to speak, an ordinary beauty in the world.
It has been a month since the poison rose to draw the face of the beauty and waited in the mulberry field, but a sigh came from the painter's mouth, who returned to his home in the evening.
[ "The painter, who was poisoned by the desire to draw the face of the beauty-wife, went into the mulberry field again the next day and hid.", "The painter, who was poisoned by the desire to draw the face of the beauty-wife, hid in the mulberry field again the next day and went to the Senate.", "The painter, who was poisoned by the desire to draw the face of the beauty-wife, went into the mulberry field again the next day and hid in the Senate.", "The painter, who was poisoned by the desire to draw the face of the beauty-wife, went into the mulberry field again the next day and hid in hiding." ]
8th Yu Hoon [The Political Committee of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea selected and announced his 8th Yu Hoon from among the manuscripts written during his brother's survival] 1. Peace and happiness, the ultimate purpose of mankind, is realized only when human pressure and exploitation are completely extinguished. With the development of history, mankind aims and strives to realize a non-class society that can guarantee complete equality and freedom. 2. Korea should strive to establish a foundation for permanent world peace as the free independence of each nation around the world, and inside, it should be rebuilt into a high-end new society where all people can live a free and equal prosperity by digesting excellent domestic and foreign cultures on the basis of national unification. 3. The establishment of a democratic and unified provisional government is guaranteed only by purging the remnants of Japanese imperialism, such as the National Traitor pro-Japanese group, and the privileged class who do not work and eat. 4. Korea's democratic revolution can never be successful with any one of the various classes of Teli, a worker, farmer, and small citizen. They must all be unified under one flag for the democratic revolution. The Working People's Party solidly unites them to lay a solid foundation for the common interests of working people from all walks of life to be clearly taken over in the new social class the other day, maturing with the history of our society and completing it with national ideals.
The realization of a non-class society is realized only when human pressure and exploitation by humans are completely extinguished.
[ "The establishment of a democratic and unified provisional government is guaranteed only by purging the remnants of Japanese imperialism, such as the National Traitor pro-Japanese group, and the privileged class who do not work and eat.", "The political committee of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea selected and announced his 8th Yu Hoon from among the manuscripts written during his brother's survival.", "The establishment of a democratic and unified provisional government is guaranteed only by purging the remnants of Japanese imperialism, such as the National Traitor pro-Japanese group and the privileged class who do not work and eat.", "The establishment of a democratic and unified provisional government is guaranteed only by purging the remnants of Japanese imperialism, such as the National Traitor pro-Japanese group, and the privileged class who do not work or eat." ]
If Tokyojinjae, which was in September of that year, was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Cheondongjidong as it is……. It wasn't too much from the perspective of friendship. However, putting such restrictions and sanctions on the lonely song, which is a piece of comfort, was such a terrible thing as threatening his life. Friendship was angry. There was a thundering sound. "Life is like a candle…… Life is like a candle." However, now, the song had only disappeared forever, as in the past, and there was only a thunderous sound of burning anger and beating. The scary and rough thunder tells the Gyerim company about Dohyang Dansim again about life...…. Woo-jeon will sometimes touch his dark chest and regret it. "That's how it's so hot and not cool, but with a little bit of comfort...… Even if I wasn't as happy as Dohyang, I only had a special reception that was treated as a little bit of a legal person……." In addition, other comrades other than Heukbang must have had some relaxed regrets. At that time, everyone was so beautiful and beautiful that the high and clear were high because of the master's good harvest, but the beautiful flowers smiling at the opposite sex were beautiful...… Flowers, that's life…… He deliberately fled the reality of life, saying that he must see it from a unique angle, so he was frustrated to fix the "pose" in a hurry, and he went close to him and expressed something more valuable...…. Hwang Kyung-ok, who was two years after Woltan's five-brainer, or Y, who was drawn as a poor Soon-hee or Hoi-wol's dream that Bing-heo was fond of...… All fresh and flower-like flowers were intentionally served only as paper gahwa. It is newly felt that their failure in life was in the silence that they could not bear to do it, so to speak, to enjoy the essence of the flower flower in all seasons. Thinking like that, Dohyang was definitely Ong. It used to be Ong, not Seon.
The angry Woo-jeon poured out about Dohyang Dan-sim, Gye-rim Company, and life with fiery anger and rough thunder.
[ "At that time, everyone was so beautiful and beautiful that the high and clear were high because of the master's good harvest, but the beautiful flowers smiling at the opposite sex were beautiful.", "If Tokyojinjae was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Cheondongjidong, but if Tokyojinjae was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Cheondongjidong, and if Tokyojinjae was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Tokyojinjae.", "If Tokyojinjae was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Cheondongjidong, but if Tokyojinjae was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Cheondongjidong.", "If Tokyojinjae was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Cheondongjidong, but if Tokyojinjae was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Cheondongjidong, and if Tokyojinjae was not early again, it might be a bolt from the blue in Cheondongjidong." ]
"Train is a symbol of life," I felt desperately then. This constant progress, which does not stop until you reach your destination by day and night, is not like a life walking the path of life. Close and close, and there will be desolate fields. The green hills will be brushed. There will also be a place where clear water like Je Su-jeong, where a silver jade rainbow will turn around a young mother's long. At one point, I met a crazy wind. It's raining hard. But the train only runs all the time. It is Seungji, so it does not slow down the clouds on the wheels, nor does it turn its head due to the rain. No, you can't turn it around. It can be said that it is no different from experiencing bitter taste, sweetness, sadness, and joy while living. Joy and sadness pass by. Happiness cannot be stopped and pain cannot be avoided. But! But! Wind and rain hit the body and beat, but why does Seungji just pass by? It should be possible to capture the blue beak and clear flow in the tea as objects that have been subjected to wind and rain. And yet it is an absurd delusion! It is more difficult for a camel than to pass through the eye of a needle. Even if Seungjigangsan Mountain is cut down as it is due to the power of supernatural, the mountain will have to be cut down to make it fit in the tea, and water will flow and the piece of the floor will rot. That's the way it is in life. Sadness and pain are all over the bones, but happiness is only a faint shadow in the distance. Even if you push with your arms out after struggling with your arm, you can't catch it. It's something you can' After all kinds of hardships and all kinds of difficulties, I took a breath of gasping and wiped away the running blood and sweat, and there was no time to be happy, saying, "Inje, you caught me." If you suddenly realize it, the laurel flower of happiness, which you were trying to catch, has already fallen off before it comes, and only the tragedy of sorrow is poking your palm.
I felt desperately that the train was a symbol of life and thought that this constant progress that did not stop until I reached my destination was the way of life that tasted bitter and sweet.
[ "It should be possible to capture the blue beak and clear flow in the tea as objects that have been subjected to wind and rain, but it is more difficult than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.", "It should be possible to capture the blue beak and clear flow in the tea as objects subjected to wind and rain, but it is more difficult than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.", "It should be possible to capture the blue beak and clear flow in the tea as objects that have been subjected to wind and rain, but it is more difficult for a camel than to pass through the eye of a needle.", "It should be possible to capture the blue beak and clear flow in the tea as objects that have been subjected to wind and rain, but it is more difficult for a camel than a needle to pass through the eye of a needle." ]
"There's only one person you can trust and rely on now." "Yes, that's right." "As you know, something sinister has happened around you, so I'm bothering you like this because of it, so Ilho should tell you everything he knows, not Eun-hwi."" The iron lowered his eyes. His face was so wrinkled that it was hard to find his expression. "The first question I have to ask you is that a few days ago..." Renjun pointed to Pilho. "Do you know anything more than confessing to Detective Lee?" Renjun's sharp eyes did not just pass the moment's hesitation. After a moment of hesitation, which was hard to find by remaining, Wan-soe replied -. "Yes. There's no other reason to know!" But before the words were concluded, the question of Renjun - a command rather than a question - came out. "What are you saying! You don't know Kim Bong-deok!" Wan-soe's eyes, which had fallen sharply, flashed. For a moment, the old loyalist's face overflowed with an atmosphere that could only be described as fear. The next moment, however, became a natural stranger. "Kim Bong-deok is a minorKim Bong-deok has nothing to do with this incident." No? It was clear that this old man had a slight guess on the other side of this case, as long as he concluded that there was none. Renjun's voice was also a little excited when he heard Wan-soe's answer and asked a question ─. "What evidence does it take to conclude that there is none?" "Kim Bong-deok is not from this world." "What?" "Kim Bong-deok must have died 40 years ago from now." Wan-soe answered like this, with his eyes wide open.
When I was told that I was bothering him because something ominous happened to Daegam's body, I had to tell him as I knew, so there were so many wrinkles that it was hard to find an expression, Wan-soe opened her eyes.
[ "Wan-soe's eyes flashed, saying, \"You don't know Kim Bong-deok,\" and Ren-jun's voice was also a little excited when he heard Wan-soe's answer and asked a question.", "Wan-soe's eyes flashed, saying, \"You don't know Kim Bong-deok,\" and Ren-jun's voice was also a little excited when he heard Wan-soe's answer.", "Wan-soe's eyes flashed, saying, \"You don't know Kim Bong-deok,\" and Ren-jun's voice was a little excited when he heard Wan-soe's answer.", "Wan-soe's eyes flashed, saying, \"You don't know Kim Bong-deok,\" and Ren-jun's voice was a little excited when he heard Wan-soe's answer and asked, \"What evidence does it take to conclude that there is none?\"" ]
There is no reason to make a mess of bamboo shoots or nap. There is no way to be calm and not to keep order in this shape of great people without being lazy. The kind and polite treatment of such a young ticket gate clerk seems to be inappropriate and inappropriate for them. For example, in order to clean up the congestion in the city, a member of the staff came up and said, "Everyone! Line up one by one! If you do this, it's even slower! Now, stand back there and come in one by one! Come on……" He won't have any effect if you just gently talk to him with such nice words. On the contrary (as you always see), he stood there and kept an angry face, and said, "Go away! Gorat! No! "Well, go to the back!" It is often organized by saying, "Go away!" and pushing and catching it with your eyes. I couldn't help but take off the hat of the young ticket gate clerk and politely take off the town and say, "Everyone, you were looking forward to it!From now on, I'll buy you a ticket to Gyeongseong." The kind guidance (may have given a moment's impression to a sentimentalist like me) is just a scene that is completely awkward for this desperate crowd. Park Dae, who refused the ticket by saying, "Jandong Obuso!" when he was asked to change the money, was better. Indeed, shouting and beating must be the only medicine for them. I guess it suits my constitution.
The lazy people do not keep order, so the kind treatment of the ticket gate clerk does not seem reasonable to them.
[ "The kind and polite treatment of such a young ticket gate clerk seems to be inappropriate and inappropriate for them, and I couldn't help but take off the hat of the young ticket gate clerk and politely take off the town.", "The kind and polite treatment of a young ticket gate clerk seems to be inappropriate and inappropriate for them, and the kind guidance is just a scene that is completely awkward for this desperate crowd.", "The kind and polite treatment of a young ticket gate clerk seems to be inappropriate and inappropriate for them, and I couldn't help but take off the hat of the young ticket gate clerk and politely take off the town.", "The kind and polite treatment of such a young ticket gate clerk seems to be inappropriate and inappropriate for them, and the kind guidance is just a scene that is completely awkward for this desperate crowd." ]
Okie had no plans to follow in the footsteps of her dog's mother. When I entered Bangel, I was annoyed that my mother was sick and stood outside the sari gate, so I was cold and nervous. However, there is no place to go when I go out for a while. Yes, I was shaking and stopped, but when I saw my mother going to the stream, I thought this was the way to go. If I had any thoughts at this time, it was anxiety mixed with hatred and earnest desire for my father, thinking that this punk would come quickly to eat porridge. As evidence, Ok-i missed her mother in the doorway of the Dosat house and fell alone. I don't know where to go now I'm hesitating again. But it was at this moment that I made up my mind. Ok-yi boldly entered the middle gate. a new hope. Or maybe those mouthfuls of delicious food were just trying to take a look. He turned his eyes around and headed to the kitchen first. The attitude is as if I had something urgent to tell my dog's mother. In other words, the kitchen has a lot of fish in it, and the girls in the neighborhood have gathered. A person who chews rice on a person who makes meat soup! If you rip off the dried pollack from here, you will hit your grumbling child with your fist and make only the yellow spot to yourself. When she suddenly saw the head of Ok-i through the kitchen door, she said, "Joran Fox." Is your rice bag here. I smell well. Let's each say something bad. Then he laughs for no reason. Ok's are not your servant He is not even a writer. Of course, there is no qualification to stretch one leg in this situation where delicious food has been served here. Regardless of swearing or not, Ok stands silently in the corner. Look at this guy, swallow once, look at that guy, swallow once. Just at this time, the little lady came down. She welcomed me, saying, "Is the jade here?" and criticized the ladies for why only the mothers eat. And he pointed at Ok-i to the mother of dog poop who was standing next to her, saying, "How much she eats," and the answer was only a single smile. The little girl laughed along. Yellow jeogori men's skirt, a pretty little girl who is only thirteen nuts. He opened the pot lid himself, opened the soup in a large bowl, rolled this white rice in it, and put a spoon in it. Okie quickly grabbed it. This rice, this rice.
Ok-yi followed Gae-dong's mother without any plans, missed it, hesitated to go, and headed to the kitchen.
[ "Ok-yi, who had no plans to follow in the footsteps of her dog's mother, entered the middle gate and headed to the kitchen first.", "Ok-yi, who had no plans to follow in the footsteps of her dog's mother, entered the middle gate and went to the kitchen first.", "Ok-yi had no plans to follow in the footsteps of her dog's mother, but when she entered Bangel, she was cold and nervous, but when she saw her mother going to the stream, she thought this was the way to go.", "Ok-yi, who had no plans to follow in the footsteps of her dog's mother, entered the middle gate with a new hope and headed to the kitchen." ]
Jesus did not have the knowledge to modify his resume under the literature of the modern era, received no religious authority to obtain approval from the central church of the time, and when he returned to Hyangdang, he was only a carpenter, had no achievements in society, and left a system of philosophical ideas to be proud of. We say it was an early death. If he had allowed the number of students, borrowed the name of a Buddhist priest, or allowed the spring and autumn of Socrates when drinking poison, he would have left success to future generations, and Jesus as a human being It was a failure. It was a remnant. The survival period of Jesus, especially the three years of symbiosis, was like a flash when the iron pendulum was struck by stone, but the flash was a flash. I couldn't catch anything after the flash. After Jesus' cross, there were no relatives of Jesus, no incense, no ideological system, no disciples, no apostles, but all that was left was the sound of sorrow called "Elly Eli Lama Sabadani" vibrating the air. Jesus died and disappeared, and Christianity was eradicated forever before daylight like a miscarried fetus. Now, if there was a life that was completely defeated by the premium, it was not Jesus' life, but what.
He lamented that if Jesus had allowed things such as Socrates' spring and autumn, he would have left success to posterity as a human being, and Jesus as a human being was premature, failure, and residual destruction.
[ "Jesus did not have the knowledge to modify his resume under the literature of the modern era, received no religious authority to obtain approval from the central church, and left a system of philosophical ideas to be proud of.", "Jesus did not have the knowledge to modify his resume under the literature of the modern era, received no religious authority to obtain approval from the central church, and when he returned to Hyangdang, he was only a carpenter.", "Jesus did not have the knowledge to modify his resume under the literature of the modern era, received no religious authority, and left a system of philosophical ideas to be proud of.", "Jesus did not have the knowledge to modify his resume under the literature of the modern era, received no religious authority, had no achievements in society, and left a system of philosophical ideas to be proud of." ]
Let's say that among the hard workers who were beaten by the Kosangapae, the dogs of the Japanese invaders, there was a gargantuan, self-conscious meaner. Even so, the actions of the self-aware persecuted and exploited would not have been so. However, it is clear that the meaning of the article was said on behalf of the entire oppressed and exploitative class at that time. The family of households is truly unforgivable. Also, as you can see in the article, as a long-distance traveler, a person who briefly dropped off at Nicolitsk Station said, "I bathed in the Suha Fun River, took a walk in Cheongdo Park, and visited a candy factory, and an oil-making Commbinat." This is all a departure from truth. Let's talk about the techniques of the work. It is the author who was asked during the style of "Hwaran Chunseong, Manga Bangchang" and wrote childishly in a moldy style in line with the so-called "Hanyangga" or "Around the World" that wandered in Goryeo some 30 years ago. At the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, the high and low notes of the draft are not well known, and thus the earth and sand of the seongseong-eo language depends on the end of the sentence, so it is not possible to write verse poems of Jeong Hyeong-ryul, which are often used in other national language poems, but free poems of content rate are used. The new poetry of Goryeo has been developed here for decades. In the absence of high and low bills, the Chisogom of the line of sight cannot be held constant. Then, the entire poem "Go to Siberian Railway" has become Article 4, 4, 4, and 5, so after reading one verse, the same monotonous thing that does not change the sound, has increased from the second verse, so I can't read any more. It is rather funny to listen to "Gakseol Gataryeong," but it is hard to read the lyrics. If we are to write a full-length epic, we must change the tune frequently.
The poem "Going to the Siberian Railway," which consists of 4, 4, 4 and 5 trillion in total, is tiresome to read because there is no change in sound after reading a section.
[ "At the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, the high and low notes of the draft are not well known, so the earth and sand of the seongseong-eo language depends on the end of the sentence.", "It is clear that the meaning of the article was said on behalf of the entire oppressed and exploitative class, and the family of households is truly unforgivable.", "At the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, the high and low notes of the draft are not well known, so the sand of the seongseong-eo language depends on the end of the sentence.", "At the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, the high and low notes of the draft are not well known, so the earth and sand of the seongseong-eo language depends on the end of the sentence, so it is not possible to write verse poems of Jeong Hyeong-ryul, but free poems of content rate are used." ]
It was a sad day It was a sad day when my heart was full of joy, no matter how much I walked I can't stop crying…… Heavy chords such as those in Beethoven's dark grave filled the room. Younghoon closed his eyes and it was a harmonious improvisation full of sympathy as if it were his own song. Even after the tune is over, a somber rhythm permeates the room and is prominent in the ear. "Another tune" I ran my finger over the keyboard. There's a light in the shadow, so please don't break the swaying flower...… "Everyone is this sad song." He looks at Miran as he turns around and sighs. "Younghoon is the only one who can rewrite all the sad songs that are enjoyable." "Even if it's fate, it can't be helped by manpower." It was like a declaration. Melanie was chilling and only a simple sympathy for the fact arose at that moment. Life never goes as smoothly as it wants, but there is also a strict crisis like abstraction, so I felt like I was standing on a thin ice field. "Why can't I help it?" "I can't help it, so I can't help it." "Is that fate?" "Because it's only prepared as it is." He seems to have discovered another piece of the mystery of life while asking a child-like question. "So you're going to take it out to Gurappa." "I'm going because it's the place I want to go to." I'm going to meet the composer Ravel, and I'm going to sing all the beautiful things in the world." "What's the beautiful thing?" Younghoon changed his tone and said, "What's the best thing in the world?" "I mean, when you can't be happy to see rainbows, stars, flowers, figures, and music, how bad can you be. The greatest, greatest, and most powerful thing is beauty. I can, but I don't eat just two flowers. It's not just the artists who try to save the beautiful, but everyone is the same. No one is as happy and generous as the people who have it most commonly." "I mean the Gurafa are the happiest." "Two facts are true." "Is the two beautiful things here so thin?" "That's it," Younghoon said with a smile as he turned his head.
Younghoon, who improvised Beethoven's tune as if it were his own song, looked at Miran and said something like a declaration that fate cannot be helped by manpower.
[ "When Younghoon closed his eyes and closed his ears, heavy chords such as those in Beethoven's grave filled the room, and even after the tune was over, a somber rhythm was prominent in the ear.", "It was a sad day when my heart was full of joy and I couldn't stop crying, and heavy chords such as those in Beethoven's grave filled the room.", "When Younghoon closed his eyes and closed his ears, heavy chords such as those in Beethoven's grave filled the room, and even after the tune was over, a somber rhythm permeates the room and is prominent in the ear.", "The heavy chords of Beethoven's grave filled the room, and even after the tune was over, a somber rhythm permeates the room and is prominent in the ear." ]
Rather, it is late at night, so when you sit down, the sound of bugs ringing the beget head is indescribably sad and moving the sentiment of retrospect. The sound of insects can always be heard through spring and summer, but it seems that the sound of insects cannot be stopped until autumn energy drips the sky and flows to the ground. The sound of symphonies with the sound of ten deep, short, high, and shallow men does not sound as casual to humans as any other insect. Unless it's autumn, the sound of bugs can't evoke retrospective sadness like me. I'm sorry that summer is over. I won't be the only one to regret the summer. Summer is a good and painful time. Without the days of summer among the envoys, we would not have tasted the free spirit of nature. Summer is truly a symbol of freedom. They go up to the mountains or out to the sea, but they don't hide any of the energy they can unleash. As a result, the life of the person wrapped in it is also given some freedom. Although human restraint cannot be removed from human restraint, natural restraint opens the door at this time. This is when you reveal your cheap and cheap body, and this is when you abandon your house and roll around with the earth under the blue sky. In winter, there was no Bongdang, so it was a time of infinite freedom for Saengnyeong, who threw his head on a stone pillow and covered with snow. When you look at the white clouds rising on the distant mountain peaks after seeing the green leaves covered by the fields and covered with mountains day by day, the locked blood rods seem to rise, and the heart that used to scream and sleep seems to run away without difficulty along the clouds. If the body can follow the mind, the wild feeling of summer will blow this body to a distant country with no direction. Summer not only spreads such momentum to the heart of youth, but also to the heart of the old man.
Summer is a symbol of freedom, and without summer among envoys, I will not be the only one who is sad that the summer of good and painful enemies has gone.
[ "Summer is truly a symbol of freedom, and it is a time of infinite freedom for Saengnyeong, who threw his head on a stone pillow and covered it with snow.", "Summer is truly a symbol of freedom, and it is a time of infinite freedom for Saengnyeong, who threw his head on a stone pillow and covered it with snow in winter.", "Summer is truly a symbol of freedom, and it is truly a time of infinite freedom for Saengnyeong, who threw his head on a stone pillow and covered it with snow in winter.", "Summer is truly a symbol of freedom, and it is truly a time of infinite freedom for Saengnyeong, who threw his head on a stone pillow and covered it with snow." ]
Everyone who came to visit us used to greet us as if they were sad when they went back, but we still put hope in the end. When I thought coldly, I knew it was despair, but I didn't mean that misfortune was imminent. Moreover, I had not yet seen a person's deathbed, so I did not even know what it was like to die. Since a Western woman named B became a doctor, food has always been bizarre. They were meat, bracken greens, and kimchi. Until then, porridge, rice wine, milk, and eggs came in alternately, but after B took charge, these things came in every meal. The patient didn't like it. You had to put fluid food in your mouth, so you couldn't say you liked this food. "I have diabetes," said B. "No. I'll just apologize." Every time I give you that hard meat, my mother shakes her head and refuses to accept it. However, this was also a treatment, so like our mother, we couldn't give her a piece of fruit, but only served meat, bracken, or water. Once, my sister secretly gave me a piece of silk and was caught by B, so I was told for a long time. It is said that a year is not okay for diabetes, so I gave you a year's worth, but this was also unfortunately banned. an unfortunate patient. Every time I looked at my mother, I felt the misfortune in my heart. If it is the wish of a critical patient, it is clear that it is right to do even the impossible. However, none of the wishes from this critical mother's bed have been successful.
Every person who came to visit said hello to us as if they were disappointed when they went back, but we still attached hope, and when we thought about it coldly, we knew it as despair, but did not mean that unhappiness was imminent.
[ "Everyone who came to visit us used to greet us as if they were sad when they went back, but we still put hope in the end, and when I thought coldly, I knew it was despair, but I didn't mean that misfortune was imminent.", "Everyone who came to visit us used to greet us as if they were sad when they went back, but we still put hope in the end, and when I thought coldly, I knew it was despair, but I didn't know what it was like to die.", "Everyone who came to visit us used to greet us as if they were sad, but we still put hope in the end, and when I thought coldly, I knew it was despair, but I didn't mean that misfortune was imminent.", "Everyone who came to visit us used to greet us as if they were sad when they went back, but we still put hope in the end, and when I thought coldly, I knew it was despair, but I didn't mean it was imminent." ]
'No.' 'Well, that means you haven't seen it. That day, a woman named Yeon-hee came to the inn by carriage in the evening, and where were you when the carriage came?" 'I was in my room.' 'You weren't with Xi'an?' 'Yes, I was.' 'Then where was Xi'an?' 'I don't knowMa was probably in the doorway." He didn't hide it and just answered the truth. However, in fact, ancient times will never benefit Xi. If I answer like this, I think I'll tell everything off. Xi'an is likely to face a frightening sentence. Xi'an's brother was sweating in his hands. Xi'an himself had a blue face as beads of sweat flowed on his forehead. 'Sian wasn't in your room after dinner?' 'He wasn't in my room.' 'How many points did you get back?' 'Maybe 12 points at night.' "What did you do when you came?" "They came to say good night to me." Yes, I said good night and went back to my room immediately. "It was absolutely true. However, it goes without saying that this statement is unfavorable to the defendant. Where did Xian go after dinner, leaving the bride alone? It's strange that I was in my room all the time on the first night when I didn't want to be separated from each other for a while, and even if I went out for a walk attracted by my friends, I don't think I'd come back to 12 points. I don't think I'll spend that long time with my friend because I almost abandoned my mother and went on a honeymoon alone. Moreover, it is suspicious that the groom, who returned with 12 points, said good night to the bride.
It was not profitable to answer the truth, and Xi'an's brother was sweating in his hands, and Xi'an's face was also bluish.
[ "It is suspicious that the groom, who returned with 12 points, said good night to the bride, and even if he went out for a walk attracted by his friends, he didn't come back to 12 points.", "It is suspicious that the groom, who returned with 12 points, said good night to the bride, and even if he went out for a walk attracted by his friends, I don't think he'd come back to 12 points.", "When Yeon-hee asked where Xi'an was, Xi'an answered that he was in his room, but he didn't hide it and just answered the truth.", "It is suspicious that the groom, who returned with 12 points, said good night to the bride, and even if he went out for a walk with his friends, he didn't come back to 12 points." ]
In-seop knew that Myung-joo, the daughter of the hospital director with In-seop, was a colleague who graduated from a girls' high school with Kyung-soon. I also knew that Myeong-ju, who specializes in Gyeongseong XX, was back home because of spring vacation these days. When the thought came to mind, "Right, let's ask Myeong-ju to meet Kyung-soon with me once," In-seop waited for Myeong-ju to come out to the hospital from that day. However, Myeong-ju rarely came to the hospital and did not have a chance to meet each other at the hospital's private residence. For some reason, there were not many patients that day, so In-seop was immersed in the thought of how to ask Myeong-ju to ask for a favor, thinking of Gyegyo to meet Kyung-soon. Then, the door of the surgeon's office opened silently. In-seop sat blankly looking out the window and didn't even look back. "It hurts. Apply some medicine!" came Seokju, the director's young son, with Myeongju. "Huh? Where did you get hurt again?" In-seop sat down without looking back and only answered with annoyance. "Excuse me, sir," In-seop jumped up in surprise when he heard the sound of a little heavy silk. "Oh, excuse me. Seok-ju, where did you get hurt?" and dragged Seok-ju's arm into a chair. "Now it's over," said Myeong-ju, dissatisfied. In-seop was delighted with this unexpected good opportunity, his heart pounding the kung-deok-bbang. Seok-ju had only slightly injured his palm and shin, so he disinfected it quickly and wrapped an iodine form in a bandage.
In-seop knew that Myeong-ju, the daughter of the hospital director, graduated from the same high school as Kyung-soon, and that Myeong-ju was back home because of vacation these days.
[ "In-seop waited for Myeong-ju to come out to the hospital, but Myeong-ju rarely came to the hospital and did not have a chance to meet Kyung-soon at the private residence.", "In-seop waited for Myeong-ju to come out to the hospital from that day, but Myeong-ju rarely came to the hospital and did not have a chance to meet Kyung-soon at the private residence.", "In-seop knew that Myung-joo, the daughter of the hospital director, was a colleague who graduated from a girls' high school with Kyung-soon, and Myeong-ju, who specializes in Gyeongseong XX, was back home because of spring vacation.", "In-seop waited for Myeong-ju to come to the hospital, but Myeong-ju rarely came to the hospital and did not have a chance to meet Kyung-soon at the private residence." ]
"Who is the woman of the day? One of our party's top advisers, the wife of our pedestal Mackenzie here." T was just trying to say something, but he listened. I thought I heard the phone bell from a while ago, but it was definitely a phone call. It was for Mrs. Mackenzie. T ran to the room. I went and came back immediately. "It's definitely Seo In-jun's phone call, but he hung up on me whether I took the rider or not." And T just continued what he said earlier. After learning of Mrs. Mackenzie's strange behavior, T was closely monitoring Mrs. Mackenzie. There have been many strange things. I also met Seo In-jun frequently and had secret discussions. What was even more surprising was that this traitor Mrs. Mackenzie was even helping to hand over the entire LC party to the police. Last night, only the pedestal Mackenzie was sent back to Shanghai first, so Inje didn't know when the police's hand would fall on them. For this reason, while taking the measures, T was just strictly monitoring his wife, he found a suspicious person bringing a suspicious letter to his wife, and grabbed it and stole it. T got a demonstration of Mrs Mackenzie's remarkable plot to rebel there. The letter came from Seo In-jun to Mrs. Mackenzie, meaning that he would send an LC member to Count Yoon's house at 12 o'clock tonight to take out the public bonds, and if he took them, his wife would immediately keep them.
When something strange happened several times, T strictly monitored his wife and stole the letter when a suspicious person brought it to her.
[ "After learning of Mrs. Mackenzie's strange behavior, T met Seo In-jun frequently and had secret discussions, and Mrs. Mackenzie was helping to hand over the entire LC party to the police.", "After learning of Mrs. Mackenzie's strange behavior, T met Seo In-jun frequently and had secret discussions, and Mrs. Mackenzie was even helping to hand over the entire LC party to the police.", "After learning of Mrs. Mackenzie's strange behavior, T was closely monitoring her, and Seo In-jun hung up on him whether he took the rider or not.", "After learning of Mrs. Mackenzie's strange behavior, T was closely monitoring Mrs. Mackenzie and met Seo In-jun frequently, and Mrs. Mackenzie was helping to hand over the entire LC party to the police." ]
Gangneung-gi Hongjang and Pungryu Patrol Temple Gangneung-gun, Gangwon-do, have Gyeongpodae, famous for its scenic beauty, and there is a large lake in front of the Gyeongpodae, which is always clear, so the water is like a washed mirror and rainy, so the water doesn't fall deepSince ancient times, no one has fallen and died, so it was especially named Gunjaho Lake. The lake is a weak sandbank, facing the large sea of Mangyeongchangpa, and people thought it strange because the sandbank did not collapse at all and the boundaries were directly distinguished even if the mountainous waves were constantly scary. As the lake has such a beautiful scenery, there are many interesting and mysterious legends, that is, in the past, the lake was originally the site of a rich man's house as a land, and the rich man in Gangneung at the time had tens of thousands of grains in the house, but it was a famous stingy old man who saved anyone. One day, an old monk came outside the door with a yukhwanjang (衫杖環) on Galpojangsam, knocked on Moktak, and begged for food, but the stingy father-in-law refused to give him any. However, the old monk begged and said, "As the eldest son of Han's refusal, what do you mean that you have accumulated tens of thousands of seats of grain in the house to rot and there is nothing to order among them?" Not only did he not give it to Dongyang, but he also gave it to him with a lot of anger, and he gave it to him.
The scenic lake used to be the site of a rich man's house, but the rich man was a miser.
[ "Gangneung-gi Hongjang and Pungryu Patrol Temple Gangneung-gun, Gangwon-do, have Gyeongpodae, famous for its scenic beauty, and there is a large lake in front of the Gyeongpodae, which is always clear.", "Gangneung-gi Hongjang and Pungryu Patrol Temple Gangneung-gun, Gangwon-do, have Gyeongpodae, famous for its scenic beauty, and there is a large lake in front of the Gyeongpodae.", "Gangneung-gi Hongjang and Pungryu Patrol Temple Gangneung-gun have Gyeongpodae, famous for its scenic beauty, and there is a large lake in front of the Gyeongpodae, which is always clear.", "Gangneung-gi Hongjang and Pungryu Patrol Temple Gangneung-gun, Gangwon-do, have Gyeongpodae, famous for its scenic beauty, and there is a large lake in front of the Gyeongpodae, which is always clear, so the water doesn't fall deep." ]
Abi: It's too much to fight, but how can the enemy suffer many Mongols with consideration? Yupbun: Do you know why Daegam has less Goryeo and more Mongolia? For example, if you have a million Mongolians, all of them are Mongolians. If there are a million of us in Goryeo, there are yangban, there are slaves, there are merchants, there are various colors, and 990,000 out of a million are not Goryeo. Only 10,000 people are in Goryeo. With 10,000 considerations, one million Mongols are confronted, resulting in a lamentation of "overweight." In recent days, when generals of angle fight against Mongolia, they burn slave documents and defeat them, they declare that slaves are treated equally as aristocrats, win the battle, and redecorate the slave documents, so the soldiers who fight are despondent and unwilling to die in the country. The three clans took the land of Zappa from their predecessors without any talent or merit, so they took away other people's land and spent years playing with her and drinking. If Mongolia came in, they ran away. If they took the land from the noble and distributed it to the people, the people would dance and run. Didn't King Taejo Munseong also become a king as a naval commander because Korea had a navy in Jonggo, a town surrounded by the sea? It's really sad that the navy was almost abolished in modern times, focusing only on the defense of the northwest.
When fighting against Mongolia, the first priority is to remove documents of slaves across the country and give them high government posts.
[ "When generals of angle fight against Mongolia, they declare that slaves are treated equally as aristocrats, win the battle, and redecorate the slave documents, so the soldiers who fight are despondent and unwilling to die in the country.", "In recent days, when generals of angle fight against Mongolia, they declare that slaves are treated equally as aristocrats, win the battle, and redecorate the slave documents, so the soldiers who fight are despondent and unwilling to die in the country.", "When generals of angle fight against Mongolia, they declare that slaves are treated as aristocrats, win the battle, and redecorate the slave documents, so the soldiers who fight are despondent and unwilling to die in the country.", "When generals of angle fight against Mongolia, they declare that slaves are treated equally as aristocrats, win the battle, and redecorate the slave documents, and soldiers who fight are despondent and unwilling to die in the country." ]
He is not only an outstanding and collective writer among those who have written for the Aeran Theater, but his genius and ability remain in the same line as Ibsen, Hautman, or Metelink, the prominent playwright of recent world literature. Some critics have compared him to Shakespeare, but this is certainly just a false chapter, and howe's comment is that "there is only one name to call the greatest of all British plays from Shelidan Goldsmith to the show, which is the name of John Millington Sing, the Aeran." Unfortunately, the amount of dramatic work was small because he died early in his 38-year-old single life, but I regret this genius's record by considering how much he would have left even if his life was a little longer. However, even the remaining works in our hands now provide him with sufficient quantity and quality to latitude without hesitation in the "position after Shakespeare." Of course he has no life of Sophocles, no grand scheme of Shakespeare, no bloody frenzy of WildeMa was a born playwright with the subtle techniques and skills granted only to literary playwrights who were motivated by true beauty and expressed the illusion of true life in a beautiful form and a balanced structure. From his imagination deeply sympathetic to human life, he not only created a 'great' work in a true sense but also subtle.
He is not only a collective writer among those who have written for the Aeran Theater, but his genius and competence have left him in the same line as Ibsen, a prominent theater artist in world literature.
[ "He is not only an outstanding and collective writer among those who have written for the Aeran Theater, but his genius and ability remain in the same line as Ibsen, Hautman, or Metelink.", "He is not only an outstanding and collective writer among those who have written for the Aeran Theater, but his genius and ability remain in the same line as Ibsen, Hautman, or Metelink, the prominent playwright of recent world literature.", "He is an outstanding and collective writer among those who have written for the Aeran Theater, but his genius and ability remain in the same line as Ibsen, Hautman, or Metelink, the prominent playwright of recent world literature.", "He is an outstanding and collective writer among those who have written for the Aeran Theater, but his genius and ability remain in the same line as Ibsen, Hautman, or Metelink." ]
"Very, very, very, very," Kim Seo-bang said, looking down at his toes. Kim Seo-bang! I tried to call him as hard as I could, but I couldn't choke. Kim Seo-bang, who has the longest relationship in the hospital, and himself, Kim Seo-bang and himself, who are wandering in the poorest situation, so he seems to know between the doctor and himself, and he also realized that he has a deeper understanding of his brother's death than anyone else. At 9 p.m., Hyo-sook and Nakagawa enter the bathhouse, and only Yeong-sil remains in Tzume-sho, drawing the body temperature and pulse of the inpatients in a blue, red pencil. My hands crossed on the paper, but my heart kept feeling uneasy and anxious. Above all, it is because the anxiety that my mother did not faint on the street while chasing me after hearing this news today is growing from time to time. At last he covered his temperature chart with a bang. The pencil drips down. When I talk to the doctor on night duty and go back for a while, I will have to tell them the circumstances one by one, and the poor situation in front of them who don't understand is amazing. They looked at the stairs, wondering why they took such a long bath. In the billiard room downstairs, he is talking with excitement. Somehow, I felt again that I was so far away from them, and I sighed deeply with my hands on my cheeks. My brother is going to...… It's a lie. So, you're still in jail? I feel suffocated and can't answer. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow, I'll take a vacation and go to Gyeongseong, so I don't know if I'm going to be your brother, what's in the newspaper! Then he stood up with a peck of heart and spun around. Pictures of black death row inmates are looming. Is it true? He looked around and came to the window.
Young-sil's hand, which learned through the newspaper that her brother was the death penalty, filled out the body temperature table with a blue and red pencil, but her heart was anxious.
[ "At 9 p.m., Hyo-sook and Nakagawa enter the bathhouse, and only Yeong-sil remains in Tzume-sho, drawing the body temperature and pulse of the inpatients in a blue, red pencil.", "At 9 p.m., Hyo-sook and Nakagawa enter the bathhouse, and only Yeong-sil remains in Tzume-sho, drawing the body temperature and pulse of the inpatients.", "Kim Seo-bang, who has the longest relationship in the hospital, realized that he has a deeper understanding of his brother's death than anyone else.", "At 9 p.m., Hyo-sook and Nakagawa enter the bathhouse, and only Yeong-sil remains in Tzume-sho, drawing the body temperature and pulse of the inpatients in a blue-red pencil." ]
The cheek of a woman who did not even know the eyes of the opposite sex was ground in the tram. What happened to calming the body reflected by the clumsy driver's driving was that my hand had to hit the cheek of the young woman sitting in front of me vigorously to get out of it. "I'm sorry." If you said, "It's okay," your attitude would have to be natural, but you can't. Is it a proof of displeasure, or is it because I can't stand the pain, or is it because I feel ashamed of my cheek that was hit in a crowded place? I couldn't relax, so I asked again, "Are you hurt?" But I just glanced at you, but there was no word. What makes you realize is that you put your hand on me on purpose under the guise of the tram's agitation, right? And then I'm going to put it on again, right? The eyes definitely cast a glance at me. Does my great man look so bad without any doubt because of this misunderstanding? At that moment, I looked at my appearance in my mind and was extremely disappointed. It happened to be a cheek, and the bump was a bit strong, but unless it was an intentional act, it would be a passenger's morality to treat each other generously, but it should not be misunderstood as just that the other person is not the same sex and the moral compassion.
The fact that the body was leaning toward the side to calm the body reflected changed the cheek of the young woman sitting in front of him in the train.
[ "The cheek of a woman who did not know the eyes of the opposite sex was ground in the tram, and my hand had to hit the cheek of the young woman sitting in front of me vigorously to get out of it.", "The cheek of a woman who did not know the eyes of the opposite sex was ground in the tram, and my hand had to hit the cheek of the young woman sitting in front of me vigorously to calm the body reflected by the clumsy driver's driving.", "The cheek of a woman who did not even know the eyes of the opposite sex was ground in the tram, and my hand had to hit the cheek of the young woman sitting in front of me vigorously to get out of it.", "The cheek of a woman who did not know the eyes of the opposite sex was ground in the tram, and my hand hit the cheek of the young woman sitting in front of me vigorously to get out of it." ]
Among the problems of the painter F, there was a treasure. Large eyes, radiant, fleshy on the cheeks, and exceptionally pointed fingertips, were studded with very shiny pale pink nails, and at any time enjoyed wearing red clothes, red ribbons, and red shoes. However, I, who was relatively cold to women due to my personality, did not have a very special feeling even for him. The grass shaking on the side of the road, in my eyes at first, was only here. He used to be a hot-tempered woman. And like a philosopher, he liked to dig up theories, and like a sparrow, he liked to grumble. When artist F lectured on aesthetics for a long time, often, Saubiko's extraordinary questions made the problems round their eyes. One day, it was when the artist lectured on "simple beauty" and "composition beauty." Zaprikko suddenly looked for the teacher as her face turned red-. "Sir, everyone calls me a beauty. But, would I be just a beauty even if the word "expression" disappeared from my face. Please appraise it." The artist also complained to this unexpected question-. 'Be quiet, tomboy.' 'Please feel it.' 'Stay still!' 'No, please appraise me.' Like a child trying to force him to write, his eyes were strangely squashed and his tears were tearful. "Even with the expression, you are not a beauty." The artist smiled and gave this affirmation. When Sariko heard this answer, she laughed and closed her mouth as if she were satisfied. He used to be this kind of guy.
When he asked for an appraisal due to tears, the artist gave his affirmation, saying that he was not a beautiful woman.
[ "When artist F lectured on aesthetics for a long time, often, Saubiko's extraordinary questions made the problems round their eyes, and Zaprikko suddenly looked for the teacher as her face turned red.", "When artist F lectured on aesthetics for a long time, often, Saubiko's extraordinary questions made the problems round their eyes, and Zaprikko looked for the teacher as her face turned red.", "When artist F lectured on aesthetics for a long time, often, Saubiko's extraordinary questions made the artist's problems round their eyes, and Zaprikko suddenly looked for the teacher as her face turned red.", "When artist F lectured on aesthetics for a long time, often, Saubiko's extraordinary questions made the problems round their eyes, and one day, Zaprikko suddenly looked for the teacher as her face turned red." ]
For this reason, it is sad that the Italian people were unable to hear the affair together after defeating Nan once, as if Cabour had lost his blind face and the baby had lost his mother! It is sad that the history of Korean heroes The disappearance of history about you, such as Ji Mun-deok and Kim Yu-shin, is generally deplorable together. However, this is because the times are far away, so you, such as Kang Gam-chan and Choi Young, are about 600 years old, but the historical site is rough or missing, and you, such as Kim Si-min and Jeong Ki-ryong, are about 2,300 years old, but the president is small, and Chungmugong Lee's diary is not the place where he wrote! At that time, it was sad that after a hundred years, the people of the future gave it to each other in a place of oblivion. <No. 1265, December 14, 1909,> The difficulty of presenting old people's thoughts is not a tongue and brush, but a refreshing brush is not a place to spread to a distant person. Therefore, even if Chuli is full of emotions and political views, it is inevitable to wait for the brush to announce it. In ancient times, only Chinese characters were considered light and only Chinese characters were revered, so if you can't write them with your heart, you can't even write them in a few years! Therefore, to lead the country well is to pay attention to the path of linguistic unity.
Kim Si-min and Jung Ki-ryong would not have anywhere for us to consider if it were not for the president's summary and the righteous traces of Chungmugong Yi Sun-shin.
[ "The difficulty of presenting old people's thoughts is not a tongue and brush, but a refreshing brush is not a place to spread to a distant person.", "In ancient times, only Chinese characters were revered, so if you can't write them with your heart, you can't even write them in a few years.", "The difficulty of presenting old people's thoughts is not a tongue and brush, but a refreshing brush is not a place to spread to a distant person, so it is inevitable to wait for the brush to announce it.", "The difficulty of presenting old people's thoughts is not a tongue and brush, but a refreshing brush is not a place to spread to a distant person, so even if Chuli is full of emotions and political views, it is inevitable to wait for the brush to announce it." ]
But it was not until this night that Erdel Garry said that he would leave as soon as it was bright. Eun-sik was dazed by the fall of the board. I knew I would go anytime, but it was out of my dream that I would suddenly rush. What are you going to do if you're separated. Gesuk had a husband who had been married. The father of the child lying in the mook. They said that if they only drank and played gambling, they would beat Ahn Hae, and the bee would take away the money, so they were divided three months ago because they couldn't stand it. Then it would be all right to live with you. But it was awkward to put up with such words. "How do I live?" "Then let's do it." He said, "What should I do with Anhae at home?" "That's not salty," Eun-sik hugged the crab restaurant with energy. I cleaned it up by hand. If you leave it alone, it's Madon Halter, where you're going, so you're only happy about your new life of eating crab-sook. "You won't be caught if you go before it's light!" There was no alcohol even though it was ambitious. give up, hang the door, and put the fire on. The girl throws herself into the lying Eun-sik's arm and sighs. "I'd have to have two bowls to save my life." "I'll go to my house and get it." He didn't mind. It's just that when Anhae goes into sleep and comes back after this and that's all. From tomorrow, I feel like I can't sleep at the thought of living comfortably even if I'm not hungry. The rainstorm was sour. The owner was bad, so they entered a rough vacant seat that looked like a fire in the room and hugged each other tightly to look for a trembling body. The child woke up whether it was swept away in a corner. When my mother scolded me for trying to dig between them, I went back to Jezza-ri and lay down without a sound. It was a very disciplined breastfeeding.
Three months ago, I thought Gye-sook, who had a separated husband and child, would leave at any time, but when the sudden harvest came in, Eun-sik fell down and blanked out.
[ "Eun-sik, who was dazed by the fall of the board, knew that she would go anytime, but it was out of her dream that she would suddenly rush.", "Eun-sik, who was dazed by the fall of the board, knew she would go anytime, but it was out of her dream that she would suddenly rush.", "It was not until this night that Erdel Garry said that he would leave as soon as it was bright, and Eun-sik was dazed by the fall of the board.", "Eun-sik, who was dazed by the fall of the board, knew that she would go anytime, but it was out of her dream that she would rush." ]
And the establishment of the government should be dominated by the Korean people. Foreign aid would be received, but it should never be a foreign puppet. We will not neglect all the preparations we will do frequently with aid, and bias and will are absolutely forbidden. It rather hinders the establishment of the government, delays it, creates international discord, and brings misery to our people. It should not be tolerated by the domestic public and the people of the Allies, as it is only necessary to defy the will of the public by seeking to usurp their position and their own power. In order for us to become the main body and establish a government, autonomous unification of our people is indispensable. It is an anti-national act that endangers the future of the nation by serving one country bias and one country betrayal, causing international discord outside, dividing the nation inside, and causing the unfortunate consequences of the joint committee. The right wing of Joseon must restore its integrity. They should be tempted by the bravado of the vicious undemocratic, fascist, and pro-Japanese group elements embraced by some of the rightists, and be tempted by conspirators and impure human connections to root out hospitals and fight non-democratic shareholders. In that way, the unification of our people will soon be realized. In addition, the leaders of pro-Japanese group, Fashoists, Moribae, and terrorist groups that are infiltrating the Korean people should reflect on themselves, settle their crimes, and self-reflect and end their later crimes. It would be a shameless reaction to plot slander, sabotage, and destruction of patriots and their movements as an enemy, and their deceit and bluff injustice would be seen by the people without mercy.
Although foreign aid should be received, it should not be a foreign puppet, and the establishment of the government should be dominated by the Korean people because it rather hinders the establishment of the government, delaying it, and bringing about our national unhappiness.
[ "It is an anti-national act that endangers the future of the nation by serving one country bias and one country betrayal, causing international discord outside, dividing the nation inside, and causing the unfortunate consequences of the joint committee.", "It is an anti-national act that endangers the future of the nation by serving one country bias and one country betrayal, causing international discord, dividing the nation inside, and causing the unfortunate consequences of the joint committee.", "It is an anti-national act that endangers the future of the nation by serving one country bias and one country betrayal, causing international discord outside, dividing the nation, and causing the unfortunate consequences of the joint committee.", "It is an anti-national act that endangers the future of the nation by serving one country bias and one country betrayal, causing international discord, dividing the nation, and causing the unfortunate consequences of the joint committee." ]
In this way, this incident, which initially sprouted only riots, suddenly changed and became politicized. an outburst of anger. a turbulent military spirit. The soldiers of Ohyeong, who had deeply engraved the abuse and contempt they had received so far in their hearts, quickly became united. Break it down. a thing that has already been done. There is no choice but to focus on rebellion and struggle with the work of Engen. The soldiers, who gradually increased in number and power, ran to Mugo, broke the warehouse, and each took out weapons and rioted. Hundreds of military graduates gathered in no sooner or later. On top of that, thousands of these refugees began the act of destruction, with the participation of civilians. First, they rushed there to catch and kill Kim Bo-hyun, the former Seonhye Dangsang, but Kim Bo-hyun was not in his house, so he only broke down both the house and the household, and then ran to Min Gyeom-ho's house, but Gyeom-ho also went into the palace to break down the house and let go of prisoners. The market was full of excitement. The refugees with weapons were hovering east, west, north and south, destroying all the houses of the royal family. The weather, which seemed to be burning throughout spring and summer, suddenly began to rain that evening. This was said to be a rain that washed the garden, so the refugees' spirits were even higher. "Kill the folk." "Let's bring Daewongun." Shout! Shout! This sound from the crowd of the disturbance. In the Great Palace, a meeting of the Central Committee was held in a hurry to come up with measures to suppress the disturbance.
The soldiers, who had kept the abuse and contempt they had received in their hearts, all united to cause a surge, and this case changed and became politicized.
[ "The soldiers of Ohyeong, who had deeply engraved the abuse and contempt they had received, quickly became united, and there was no choice but to focus on rebellion and struggle with the work of Engen.", "The soldiers of Ohyeong, who had deeply engraved the abuse and contempt they had received so far in their hearts, quickly became united, and there was no choice but to focus on rebellion and struggle with the work of Engen.", "The soldiers of Ohyeong, who had deeply engraved the abuse and contempt they had received in their hearts, quickly became united, and there was no choice but to focus on rebellion and struggle with the work of Engen.", "The soldiers of Ohyeong, who had deeply engraved the abuse and contempt they had received, quickly became united, and there was no choice but to focus on rebellion and struggle with the work of the army." ]
I'm not confident, but I felt vaguely. Chae-ok's vague decision that she seemed to be immersed in the so-called love affair could be made in a row. And if Chae-ok is actually like that, the opponent must be his brother. In this school, even among students majoring in nitrogen subjects such as housework, such students occasionally appeared, causing headaches for parents and school officials. Furthermore, there were always several tutors in the liberal arts and music departments. It is more like a student's trend than a school style, so you can also guess what attitude and facial expression such students usually have. On top of that, there was a lot of love between the same sex that was popular in these maiden birds, so even if you didn't experience it in person, you were not very ignorant about it. Chae-ok's attitude is similar to the attitude of the person in a relationship, and there is no doubt that Chae-ok hid somewhere with her brother for two or three days, so it could be imagined that Chae-ok is currently in love with her brother. On the contrary, her brother Seo-gu considered the relationship between men and women relatively light, Yeon was also a maiden who regarded it very seriously. It was a person with a firm belief that men and women loved each other, not as a joke, but as a premise of marriage. My brother has a loving wife. Chae-ok is an older brother's secret (for Yeon-i, it seems to be a right for a woman to love a man, or only for future anxiety), and a man should have one.
Unlike her older brother, Yeon had a firm belief in the fact that men and women love each other and was a very important maiden.
[ "There was a lot of love between the same sex that was popular in maiden birds, and Chae-ok's attitude is similar to the attitude of the person in a relationship.", "There was a lot of love between the same sex that was popular in maiden birds, and Chae-ok's attitude is similar to that of the person in a relationship.", "There was a lot of love between the same sex that was popular in maiden birds, and Chae-ok's attitude was similar to that of the person in a relationship.", "There was a lot of love between the same sex that was popular in maiden birds, so even if you didn't experience it in person, you were not very ignorant about it." ]
It was even more annoying for Jung. I think you're wondering what you're going to get for that poor lunch.- "I put your daughter in a very good position." The thin woman praises her like this. Jung just snorted, "It's far," thinking even more pitiful. Yong-hee stood and looked at them leaving the private door while washing the rice she had brought from the kitchen. "Why are you going so early?" Yong-hee wondered. Knowing that the women had come to see the line, they jumped into the back of the fence because they were embarrassed, but strangely disturbed inside. Of course, it wasn't embarrassing that the family was caught standing up to pound the mill with an ugly theme, but on the other hand, I was also happy to be relaxed. Just now, my mother said, "...…to marry into a rich family… …to marry into a rich family...…" The word came back to me. The women who came to see the good are rich women. That's why I thought I was really going to get married to such a rich family. If you marry into a rich family? Yong-hee thought about it like this, but she couldn't figure it out. It's something that Yong-hee doesn't know because she hasn't lived a rich life. But most of all, you can buy a sewing machine, and you won't be as poor as you are living in the city…… Then, Yong-hee blushed herself and thought about Saeseobang. But it was more than impossible to understand. Meanwhile, Yong-hee was also thinking about serving lunch to travelers.
If you marry into a rich family, you can buy a sewing machine and you won't be as poor as you are now.
[ "Yong-hee, who saw the women leaving the private door while washing the rice she had brought from the kitchen, wondered why they were going so early.", "Yong-hee stood and looked at them leaving the private door while washing the rice she had brought from the kitchen and wondered why they were going so early.", "Yong-hee stood and looked at them leaving the private door while washing the rice she had brought from the kitchen, wondering why they were going so early.", "Yong-hee looked at them leaving the private door while washing the rice she had brought from the kitchen and wondered why they were going so early, but they jumped into the back of the fence." ]
His case, which appeared on the ground in a manner of exaggerated sympathy peculiar to newspaper articles, was roughly like this. The weather, which had been cloudy since evening, began to rain at night. Listening to the sound of rain in the lonely mountain village, I entered my seat side by side with Bongseon, and I fell asleep because I couldn't overcome the difficulty. But for some reason, I woke up around 2 a.m. when I couldn't sleep deeply. As I woke up, I heard the sobbing of a young woman mixed with the sound of pouring rain. When I came to my senses and touched Hwasun's seat, there were only empty seats there. While looking out with his feet still, Hwasun was crying on his stomach against the rice handle on the soil. His black sobbing, mixed with the sound of rain in a remote mountain village, can be heard chillingly. I went out silently, went behind him, and put my hand on his shoulder. He was startled for a moment, but stopped crying. But his violently trembling shoulders prove how forcefully he is holding back his tears "Go in, Hwasun." As soon as he heard me, he cried out to see if he could not contain himself. "Here we go, Hwasun." "Kyung-ae, go in first. I'm going in now……." "Don't do that, go in." I came in, as if I were putting him next to me. "Hwasun, I also guessed everything from reading the newspaper. How angry must he be? But I held it in well. "I endured it to be used." In the previous school era, when about 200 cadets were scolded by the principal and cried, his eyes were glancing at the principal alone.
I woke up at around 2 a.m. while sleeping side by side with Bongseon, I heard the sound of rain and the cry of a young woman.
[ "Listening to the sound of rain in the lonely mountain village, I entered my seat side by side with Bongseon, but I fell asleep because I couldn't overcome the difficulty.", "Listening to the sound of rain in the lonely mountain village, I entered my seat side by side with Bongseon, and I fell asleep because I couldn't overcome the difficulty.", "The weather began to rain at night, and I entered my seat side by side with Bongseon, and I fell asleep because I couldn't overcome the difficulty.", "When I came to my senses and touched Hwasun's seat, there were only empty seats there, and Hwasun was crying on his stomach against the rice handle on the soil." ]
Yeo-ok was happy but couldn't suppress the kind of heavy feeling she felt from the beginning when she got to know him, as if she had won golf, saying, "Just aim for your goal with wit and grace." It was an emotion that came from the question of why he was so coolly in charge of the guidance of Yeongok for the first time as such a position. Young-ok thought, "What kind of chin and talent do you have to value for your kindness and kindness?" "Anyway, it was a pleasant win or loss." Myeong-ho stood up with his arm in his sleeve as if he were enjoying the day's pleasure. Yeongok also recovered his figure and followed him with a slightly tired step. That's the end of golf, but that's never the end of future events. As a result of winning or losing golf, he decided to take the next action by dragging a par. "When you lose, you have a chin as much as you do." When I heard something close to Myeongho's declaration, the two walked down the stairs and stood at the entrance of the third floor. There was a musical instrument club in the corner. "I have a present to give you --." Young-ok was just puzzled and stared at his behavior until he went to the musical instrument club and ordered a clerk to pick a high-end portable sound meter to make it cheap. "Where is your accommodation?" Young-ok had no choice but to write down the accommodation on the note because the clerk suddenly asked. I meant to deliver the goods. Not only was it because the house was shabby, but it was also painful to inform Myeong-ho of the accommodation that he had not informed anyone in many ways.
Yeong-ok, who wrote down the accommodation when the clerk asked to deliver the goods, was distressed to inform Myeong-ho of the accommodation that he had not informed anyone.
[ "Young-ok and Myeong-ho went to the musical instrument club and ordered a clerk to pick a high-end portable sound meter to make it cheap.", "Young-ok and Myeong-ho stood at the entrance of the musical instrument club and ordered a clerk to pick a high-end portable sound meter to make it cheap.", "Young-ok and Myeong-ho stood at the entrance of the musical instrument club and ordered a clerk to pick a high-end portable sound meter.", "Young-ok and Myeong-ho stood at the entrance of the third floor of the musical instrument club and ordered a clerk to pick a high-end portable sound meter to make it cheap." ]
It was a day when bad rain fell in Jangan and the first snow piled up on Samgaksan Mountain. I lay on my stomach all day long, wrestling with newspapers, magazines, and manuscripts. The mind was heavy and the head was not visible no matter what I read, and even if I grabbed a brush, it was not written as if something was going to be written. Later, I got angry and lied down shyly with the magazine I was reading. I closed my eyes, but I can't get sleepy. A lot of endless and brainless thoughts popped up and popped up and popped up. When I felt that the thread of my thoughts was disturbed and that it was always reversed with reality, my heart was stuffy and I was not comfortable as if I were multiplying the place I lay down. Then I jumped up. It happened, but it couldn't be helped. It was cloudy outside, and the room was dark, raising the gloomy mood to the fullest. The rain had cleared up, but it was still outside. I put my hand on the desk, and sat far away looking only at the window. "Nari!" a low voice was heard outside. "Is Nari there?" She called a little higher than before. But he didn't respond anywhere. But the sound rang right in front of my room window. I knew whose voice it was. "Mr. Kim! Huh...." This time, he came closer and called, carrying a dim-shadow in the blurry window. I opened the sliding door, saying, "Nari" and "I can't believe I'll find me." It was the owner. "Hahaha." The owner, who sat obliquely on the toenmaru and looked at me with both hands on the floor, smiled awkwardly. I already knew the meaning of the laugh. But he pretended not to know, and asked with a serious look, "What's wrong?" The owner smiled similarly to flattery and hesitated as if it were difficult to say. I also couldn't open my mouth again and smiled at the owner, holding the sliding ring. I found myself itching to look familiar. I finally opened my mouth after a long time.
On the day when the first snow piled up on Samgaksan Mountain, I struggled with manuscripts and newspapers all day long, but whatever I read, it didn't catch my eyes and didn't write even if I grabbed a brush, so I lied down shyly with the magazine I was reading.
[ "It was a day when the first snow piled up on Samgaksan Mountain, and I lay on my stomach all day long with newspapers, magazines, and manuscripts.", "It was a day when the first snow piled up on Samgaksan Mountain, and I lay on my stomach all day long, wrestling with newspapers, magazines, and manuscripts.", "It was a day when the first snow piled up on Samgaksan Mountain, and the mind was heavy and the head was not visible even if I grabbed a brush.", "It was a day when the first snow piled up on Samgaksan Mountain, and I lay on my stomach all day, wrestling with newspapers, magazines, and manuscripts." ]
I'd rather take the monster 1 If one person had won the prize as a rice cake seller, there would be a sound of rice cake all over the town, and if the east house sells alcohol and makes it profitable, the old man of the west house would come with me when he takes water! And then when he steps down, which society is crowded together? It's very embarrassing, but I have no choice but to admit that it's our Joseon society. From the middle of the Three Kingdoms to the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, the Buddha and Moktak were strong, and men, regardless of the king or commoner, recommended to women, and grandfather recommended to his grandson for 800 years? Since Ijo, Confucianism has been respected, and books are only a repetition of the four books, or otherwise the five books, and was not the only academic discipline of Shim Seong-gi? What kind of society is this monotonous. If you have to believe in Jesus, you sell only three drums of land to the school hall, and when you are campaigning for politics, the barber takes the barber off the barber, so what kind of society enjoys brain-easternization. Two individuals, like society, must clench their fists, blood vessels rise in their faces, and the pulse is urgent at the wheezing breath, and yesterday's sacrament has become the devil of the day, cutting off the neck with the sword of intangible, and yesterday's comrades have begun to lead their lives.
It is inevitable to admit that our Joseon society is a society that makes the sound of a rice cake bar all over the town that one person benefited from the rice cake market.
[ "If you believe in Jesus, you sell only three drums of land to the school hall, and if you are campaigning for politics, the barber takes the barber off the barber, so what kind of society enjoys brain-easternization?", "If you believe in Jesus, you sell only three drums of land to the school hall, and when you are campaigning for politics, the barber takes the barber off the barber, so what kind of society enjoys brain-easternization?", "If you believe in Jesus, you sell three drums of land to the school hall, and if you are campaigning for politics, the barber takes the barber off the barber, so what kind of society enjoys brain-easternization?", "If you believe in Jesus, you sell three drums of land to the school hall, and when you are campaigning for politics, the barber takes the barber off the barber, so what kind of society enjoys brain-easternization?" ]
"Yuck!" Shin-yi collapsed on the tatami mat with her hands wrapped around her forehead. His hands were dripping with black and red blood. Young-ae was scared when she saw the blood. She opened the door and ran into the age corridor. There was no one to the front door. Luckily, Shin-i's shoes and Yeong-ae's shoes were placed side by side on the porch, and the umbrella was still in the barrel. Young-ae just put on her shoes with her trembling legs and left the gate with an umbrella. It was raining harder than it was when it came in. Young-ae was water, not water worms, but ran. When I looked around one horse chest or two, only the lights were faintly jade through the lights at the door of the restaurant. Young-ae took a breath and walked slowly to the end of the Hyoja-dong tram. The tram had already been cut off, and only the lights that were lit without a dog stood crying on the street where the rain was pouring down. Young-ae wanted to let go of her throat and cry. The grief and resentment that he had never felt before seemed to tear his heart. The wind was as loud as if turning the umbrella over, and the rain seemed to shoot at Young-ae's body. "Puppy! If you're dead...…." For the first time in my life, Young-ae looked at a person with a curse. But on the other hand, 'What if I really die. Then I killed a man.' My body trembled with fear. 'Then what happens to me, I'm afraid of eggs,' she seemed to be followed by the specter of God. I felt like countless people were chasing me and looked back. There was no one. However, a raw iron plate that collapsed in a house next to the road was caught in the wind and rain and made a loud noise.
When Young-ae saw blood flowing into Shin-i's hand, who was collapsing with her forehead wrapped, she ran into the hallway, and fortunately, the umbrella was in the barrel, and Young-ae and Shin-i's shoes were also placed.
[ "Young-ae, who saw Shin-yi's blood on the tatami mat, opened the door and ran into the age corridor, but there was no one to the front door.", "When Young-ae saw Shin-yi's blood on the tatami mat, she opened the door and ran into the age corridor, but there was no one to the front door.", "Young-ae, who saw Shin-yi's blood on the tatami mat, opened the door and ran to the age corridor, but there was no one to the front door.", "Young-ae, who was scared when she saw Shin-yi's blood on the tatami mat, opened the door and ran into the age corridor, but there was no one to the front door." ]
After receiving a letter asking me to write a story related to the train and the old man Park 1 train, the thought of old man Park, who has forgotten about it, comes to mind. It was before liberation, so it's already been nearly 20 years. At that time, I was living in two houses at the foot of the mountain called "Gungmal," which went east of Sipri from K Station, which can be reached in about an hour from Seoul. According to my wife, it was rude, but in my opinion, if I were to do peasant literature, I thought I should enter the rural area and live with the farmers. Of course, now that I look at it, it has become a "gi" or a "gi," but I was young back then. He planned to turn the literary scene upside down once by writing a four-part series like Raymond's Peasant. However, when I entered the rural area, everything didn't go my way. The first one didn't make a living. Since Seoul is close, it was a dream to try vegetables, and the plan to settle down and read was in vain. After five years of talking about makgeolli in a Bongnotbang, he was liberated. As a result, not only a few pennies of severance pay but also a seven-and-a-half-room house in Seoul has been blown away, and they are wandering around without a house for five years. But I still don't want to think that I've wasted five years at the 'Gungmal'. This is because these five years are the time I lived with the nicest people. In fact, I was able to date people who were almost as innocent as sheep - or as innocent as dirt - except for a single landowner. Old man Lee Park was also one of the good people living at the end of the Daedaegung.
I don't think life at the end of the palace with the peasants went the way I wanted, but I don't think it's a waste.
[ "In my opinion, if I were to do peasant literature, I thought I should enter the rural area and live with the farmers, and when I entered the rural area, everything didn't go my way.", "When I received a letter asking me to write a story related to the train and the old man Park 1 train, the thought of old man Park came to mind.", "When I received a letter asking me to write a story about the train and the old man Park 1 train, the thought of old man Park came to mind.", "When I received a letter asking me to write a story related to the train and the old man Park 1 train, I thought I should enter the rural area and live with the farmers." ]
From that day on, he came in and out of our kitchen. He was well over thirty, but he was still only around thirty, and although he was black, he was not clumsy at wearing thin clothes. In a way, his smooth talking skills and a shiny forehead seem to be a servant or a person who used to act, and in a way, he seems to be a worn-out person at a "flour house," but he must do it when his neighbor's mother comes! It was ironic from the beginning that he had a similar attitude and facial expression as the owner of our house. "Honey, I'm in trouble because I'm only taking it out for nothing and nitpicking it...…. After a week, my wife woke up and looked at the light. 'Why?' 'I don't know, I don't know why, I told you to bring something from the store, and you'd ask who's holding it because you're embarrassed! It's because I'm doing it for you…… Hmm." The wife resented. Indeed, in my house, I didn't treat my mother like a mother, ate food together, slept with my mother, and didn't speak informally, but when I danced to her, I thought I could lose it like that, so I nodded to myself. "Let's put on more of that. But is your mother a gentleman? Hmm……" I gave a mocking smile. "I'm your servant! He's a gentleman, but he's like that? Last night, when I was living well in the past, the house alone was over 100 pyeong, and the clothes were also dressed in a silk closet, a flower closet...…, When will such a world come again, it's so white and bland...…." When the wife moved her mother's words, she made a similar expression and even her voice like that. I snorted. An unknown salt of hatred crept up.
From that day on, he came in and out of our kitchen and looked like a servant or a person who used to act when he saw this clear-cut speech and a shiny forehead.
[ "His smooth talking skills and shiny forehead seem to be a servant or a person who used to act, but he must do it when his neighbor's mother comes.", "In a way, his smooth talking skills and shiny forehead seem to be a servant or a person who used to act, but he must do it when his neighbor's mother comes.", "In a way, his smooth talking skills and shiny forehead seem to be a servant or a person who used to act, and he must do it when his neighbor's mother comes.", "His smooth talking skills and shiny forehead seem to be a servant or a person who used to act, and he must do it when his neighbor's mother comes." ]
It only pretends to hit the door bone in the front, and the real bamboo spear is crooked. The floor is an old reed, and the top is a giant. It is the cheonggukjang Siru, which smells like a cologne, that sits still in the corner of the lower neck. Even if it's not, there's no way that the room that only counts for us will stink. Among the tops are Dokdo, which has been broken with Behung cloth, including the still frame, and there is also a chest by removing $2 of rags. The chest is applied with colored paper, and on top of it, a couple of colorless paintings are attached as if they were the mind of an 18-year-old girl when she opened her eyes. Straw shoes for straw shoes, straw shoes for straw shoes, are sometimes scattered in one thing with a lot of straw. In this, the maiden Omok, who closed her eyes, is wearing a foot gun with a straw frame on her rolled-up thigh. (If Rousseau lived, it would be a scene he would like to show.) Omok prayed for a godsend, saying, "It's ripened at the fingertips, so I didn't know that my mother, who was sleeping watching the quiet world with closed eyes, heard the mortar beating the bean cake in her ears and the sun went down. He always lives like that after he is blind, and you can know it by keeping in mind that his mother and father are working and working outside at dawn. However, even if you notice such a thing and do salinity, it is of no use to Omok, who is blind. So, he is almost mesmerized by wandering around the dream world, which is not a dream, as the heart of a girl sprang up in the fall of the past year and met right away. But after repeating such a pleasant meditation from end to end, from end to end, he must sigh with a loud voice. The world of meditation seems to be an enviable thing for a person who is blind, so he sighs and sighs helplessly.
A couple of colorless paintings are attached to the chest like the heart of an eight-year-old girl, Omok, and it is a sting in which Omok, a girl, is wearing a shotgun in a straw bucket.
[ "Omok, who is blind, is almost mesmerized by wandering around the dream world, which is not a dream, as the heart of a girl sprang up in the fall of the past year and met right away.", "Omok, who is blind, is almost mesmerized by wandering around the dream world, which is not a dream, as the heart of a girl sprang up in the fall of the past year.", "Omok, who is blind, is almost mesmerized by wandering around the dream world, which is not a dream, as the heart of a girl springs up in the fall of the past year and meets right away.", "Omok, who is blind, is almost mesmerized by wandering around the dream world, which is not a dream, as the heart of a girl springs up in the fall of the past year." ]
He listened for a moment and looked out, then put his hand in still and brushed the salt handle. How much is it to sell…… Eighty and eighty cents! Then I'll take care of my overdue rent…… Should I buy it for a month? I'm going to do some business with this money. What kind of business...? As he puts a touch of salt in his mouth, his mouth stings and makes him want to have a drink of rice. He smacks his lips and makes it taste like salt when he swallows it a couple of times. No matter how good food or salt is, it doesn't taste good. Yes! I did. At that time, he suddenly remembered his husband and his son and daughter, and how delicious it would be to make a side dish with this salt if they were there! But how can they think of having a funeral today when they have lost them! It's just eating because you can't die. He sighed deeply. Thinking about it, I live a boring life with food that doesn't have salt. No, I live a hard life. It's so painful…… He stroked his hair slowly. My head hurt and I couldn't touch how much it was tilted and swollen. He puts his face to the box, Bongsik, find this mother whether she is alive or dead...… I can't live any longer! At some point he jumped up in surprise. It's already bright, and two suitors are glaring at him with their salt handles out. He shuddered as soon as he realized they were policemen. "Give me a salt ticket!" Gwan-yeom is a must-write ticket. At that time he was suffocating and in the dark. And I quickly felt his nerves sharpening, much like when he tried his best not to leave out a salt handle on the Tumen River. Then a guide came and took his hand and survived, but alas! Who dares to defeat those who wear danpo and swords now and save themselves? "Hey! You're a girl who sells salt. Get up now!" The inspector noticed him and soon found out that this was not an inflammation. So he shouted like this and grabbed his hand and snatched it. Suddenly, his body was burning hot and last night...… (hereinafter omitted from the original text)… … Participation: New Family 17-22 (1934.5-10).
After smacking his lips, he thought that no matter how good the food was, it would not taste good without salt, and he remembered his children and husband.
[ "At that time, he remembered his husband and his son and daughter, and how delicious it would be to make a side dish with this salt if they were there.", "At that time, he remembered his husband and son and daughter, and how delicious it would be to make a side dish with this salt if they were there.", "At that time, he remembered his husband and his son and daughter, and how delicious it would be to make a side dish with this salt if they were there, but how can they think of having a funeral today when they have lost them?", "At that time, he remembered his husband and his son and daughter, and how delicious it would be to make a side dish with this salt if they were there, but he sighed deeply." ]
After the lucky daughter married, the three or four years passed by thanks to the father-in-law, but the father-in-law, the former scholar's tail, gradually began to hate his son-in-law. They were discredited to the family of their wives. After discussing various things, their ministries came into Pyongyang by force. But for him, who was lazy, it didn't make any money either. How can I be a random worker when I go to Yeongwangjeong Pavilion with a forklift all day and look down at the Daedonggang River. After only a few months of hard work, they were lucky enough to live in a house. However, he was soon kicked out of the house. The lucky daughter diligently looked at her master's work, but her husband's laziness could not be helped. Every day, the lucky woman put a knife in her eyes and hired her husband, but his lazy habit could not give him a dog. 'Please clean up Beth Island.' 'I'm getting sleepy.' Nimja Chiu-shikan." "Do I clean it up?" "I've been eating for 20 years and I can't clean it up!" "Oh, I'm going to die." "Hey, what?" These fights didn't stop, but they were finally kicked out of the house. Where are we going now? They were pushed out of the Seven Star Gate into the slum. Outside the Chilseongmun Gate, the work of all the people gathered there was a great deal, and as a side job, it was theft, (of themselves), and all the other terrible and dirty sins of the world. The lucky girl also went into the business. However, who will give a good meal to a 19-year-old woman.
After passing by thanks to their father-in-law, they came into Pyongyang Castle as a random income when they lost their trust in their wife's family.
[ "After only a few months of hard work, they were lucky enough to live in a house, but they were soon kicked out of the house because of their laziness.", "After only a few months of hard work, they were lucky enough to live in a house, but they were kicked out of the house because of their laziness.", "After only a few months of hard work, they were lucky enough to live in a house, but the father-in-law, who hated his son-in-law, was kicked out of the house.", "After only a few months of hard work, they were lucky enough to live in a house, but they were soon kicked out of the house, and they were pushed out of the Seven Star Gate into the slum." ]
"Now it's time to go to a sour place," he said, smiling inwardly and leaving the bar with a cigarette attached. It doesn't snow as much as before, but it's windy and the ground is white. I stabbed my hands in the waist dance, and I trudged on the snow piled up lightly with a somewhat excited Joja, and headed for the tram stop after going back. It happened that I was almost there after Jonggak. In the alley on the left that fell, something black seemed to come crawling in a circle, but when he saw me, he quickly stopped his footprint and slightly disappeared into the corner of the wall. I couldn't imagine what it was at first. So I stopped walking and looked at it for a long time as I stood tall. The strange thing was that there was no way to go anywhere over there, and the monster was never seen again. I reconsidered. This is not any other beast, of course. It's a person. As a person, if you're an ordinary person, you can't avoid me. This is obviously a bandit. When I thought like this, I wanted to go there with curiosity. However, I couldn't run to see because I thought there was a weapon in the thief's hand. I put my foot on the wall with one hand and moved it quietly. Whenever I move my footprints, I am careful as if I were guilty of something, and when I walk there, I suddenly make a sound and rub my foot.
After looking at it for a long time on my way to the tram stop while stepping on the snow, I moved my feet to it.
[ "It happened that I was almost there after Jonggak, but I couldn't imagine what it was at first, so I stopped walking and looked at it for a long time.", "It happened that I was almost there after Jonggak, but I couldn't imagine what it was at first, so I stopped walking and looked at it for a long time as I stood tall.", "When he saw me, he stopped his footprint and disappeared into the corner of the wall, and I couldn't imagine what it was at first, so I stopped walking and looked at it for a long time.", "I was almost there after Jonggak, but I couldn't imagine what it was at first, so I stopped walking and looked at it for a long time." ]
Everyone closes their mouths and listens to Schubert or Chopin without opening their eyes. At that time, you can't touch the floor with heavy shoes to match the rhythm, or you can't practice whistling because it's a familiar tune. Why? Because doing so is a very big breach of etiquette, which is the Buddhist gate here. I walked down the street that night with the coldness of sweeping my body. It was sad that the moon was teaching at the heart of heaven, and each and every enemy was heavy and desolate. For this reason, it was to adore a warm human breathing, just like the unknown sorrow and solitude. I turned my back on the moonlight and entered a coffee shop. Aren't the men and women of each of the three enjoying a string quartet's masterpiece that rings the sound box just in time with a warm cup of tea in front of them that already looks friendly. As a gentleman, Sami also decided to take a place among them as a assistant and enjoy tea and music. Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes, when this proper rest began to warm some of the blood in my blood vessels that were about to cool down, the door opened wide and four or five drunk people broke in like a storm. They were dizzy in one of the decent seats in the middle and took this seat, asked for a car, drank it, and went to the room helplessly. As a result, there is no music, no manners, and their extramarital tendencies only shake the interior. My heart went wild again. It was difficult for me to overcome my sad feelings of struggling.I wanted to leave this place for even a second, so I kicked my seat, got up, and tried to go to the door, and this time, Ijanghan of Yudubaekmyeon brought in a lion or a shepherd. I said let's look back in a panic, and the dog shook its heavy tail and smelled the passengers from seat to seat with his nose.
When I entered the coffee shop, people were enjoying the masterpiece of string music in front of the car, so I decided to enjoy tea and music in between.
[ "Everyone closes their mouths and listens to Schubert or Chopin without opening their eyes, which is a breach of etiquette, and they can't touch the floor with heavy shoes to match the rhythm, and they can't practice whistling because it's a familiar tune.", "Everyone closes their mouths and listens to Chopin or Schubert without opening their eyes, which is a breach of etiquette, and I walked down the street that night with the coldness of sweeping my body.", "Everyone closes their mouths and listens to Schubert or Chopin without opening their eyes, which is a breach of etiquette, and they can't touch the floor with heavy shoes to match the rhythm, or they can't practice whistling because it's a familiar tune.", "Everyone closes their mouths and listens to Chopin or Schubert without opening their eyes, which is a breach of etiquette, and they can't touch the floor with heavy shoes to match the rhythm, and they can't practice whistling because it's a familiar tune." ]
But I... There is nothing more than to be ridiculed as the bravery of the penman. Isn't this a pathetic life? Hyeong-cheol and those who passed by sometimes encounter Hyeong-cheol and glance at him. Hyung-chul stands awkwardly, snooping his head a couple of times from side to side, and walks away again and again, wondering what he has learned. Like a madman. (SlGHS) One day, when Hyung-chul came back from school, a letter fell on his desk. At first glance, it was a letter from his house. I couldn't help but be surprised when I saw him taking off his pibong. Hyeong-cheol's family consists of four members, including his father, mother, Eun-sook, and himself. He is a large farmer with his land and lives well in the village. However, his father did not consider becoming a beggar to study his only son Hyung-chul until the end. Therefore, while the debt was increasing every year, a sudden recession caused the grain price to drop, so I couldn't handle the debt and met the execution this time. It was a letter from the father of Hyung-chul, who was a little harsh-tempered, to come down soon because he did not want to live there, so he relied on a relative of Yeongo Tower in Manchuria. In the meantime, the father would not have been so surprised if the father had reflected this in his son, but the father, who was worried that he would interfere with his studies, did not even show such a sign to the son. Hyeong-cheol read the letter with keen eyes, but it was definitely a letter to come down soon. Hyung-chul, who had been holding the letter unconsciously for a while, had a sad light on his face as if he had made a resolution, and his eyes seemed to burn with anger.
Hyung-chul, who read the letter to come down soon, seemed to have a sad light on his face and anger in his eyes.
[ "When Hyung-chul came back from school, a letter fell on his desk, and Hyeong-cheol couldn't help but be surprised when he saw him taking off his pibong.", "When Hyung-chul came back from school, a letter fell on his desk, and he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Hyeong-cheol taking off his pibong.", "When Hyung-chul came back from school, a letter fell on his desk, and he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw him taking off his pibong.", "Hyeong-cheol's family consists of four members, including his father, mother, Eun-sook, and himself, and he lives well in the village." ]
However, there was no way that my stomach, which was blurred by soju and lack of sleep, could have been appetite, but would there be a way for rice to go down my throat with a person waiting in front of me. Give me a suit and two eggs. I broke the egg slowly and drank it. The two children held one by the hem of my dress and looked at the policeman's knife and face standing outside the door. The small one was held by the maternal grandmother, and she did not know what was going on, so she only looked at the sympathy of the disturbed person and looked there. I put on my suit and put my hat on, and said, 'It's all right. "Don't worry," he said to his mother-in-law, "Let's take a few more days off," and followed the inspector. It began to rain again. I silently entered the waiting car in front of the outside gate and sat down. And when I noticed that the eyes of two young things hugged by adults were staring at me at first glance, I turned my face as if I had seen nothing. Although he would not have remembered even the eldest child's head, he came out of prison to visit his mother when he was one year old. Now the little one is only half a year old. I couldn't find the cheerful look my brother could have in that dark visitation room in this young one, and I don't know what's going on, but when I found the unspeakable silence in his face looking at Abby being dragged by the police officer, I couldn't hold back my tears. So I laughed loudly with the driver, driver, and passengers on the side, but when the car crossed the ferry of the Biryu River, my heart seemed to be blocked, and a club-like thing was stuck in my throat, making it difficult to bite off my tears.
With the person waiting in front of me, there is no way that Bob will fall down my throat, and the two children looked at the policeman's knife and face outside the door, and I followed him in a suit and hat.
[ "The two children held one by the hem of my dress and looked at the policeman's knife and face outside the door, and the small one was held by the maternal grandmother.", "The two children held one by the hem of my dress and looked at the policeman's knife and face standing outside the door, and the small one was held by the maternal grandmother.", "The two children held one by the hem of my dress and looked at the policeman's knife and face, and the small one was held by the maternal grandmother.", "The two children held one by the hem of my dress and looked at the policeman's knife and face outside the door, and the maternal grandmother did not know what was going on, so she only looked at the sympathy of the disturbed person." ]
It is common for people to try to avoid it as much as possible when unpleasant results such as don't promise rhabitation happen to anyone, but in a sense, it may be a lifetime of history that no human being knows but to wander through this series of rhabitation. So, some people drowned while riding a boat with their loved ones, and there was a giant who died after searching for an empty house to avoid a shower. Meanwhile, when these axes are usually considered insignificant to a person, an effort to save their existence in the memory of the people around them begins at any cost. However, if these efforts have the right amount of results, it goes without saying, but sometimes the effect is too weak to appear as much, and sometimes too significant results become a real tyranny. However, it was Lu Xun, a Chinese literary man who died a long time ago, who came up with the simplest utility here. If you read <Byeonghu Diary> in an essay book he wrote in the summer of the year before his death, the following words are written. "...... I don't seem to be seen as very important by the state or society now. Not only that, but also relatives and friends seemed to gradually grow apart. But these days I've suddenly come to the attention of these people because of illness. If you think about it this way, it seems that illness is not so bad. However, if you are sick, serious illness or sudden illness is life-threatening at once, so fun at least all the people in the world do it, so I guess I can be among very powerful people myself. "If I follow this old man's words, I don't think there are many diseases and sometimes its utility, and I've never been happy enough to lie down and enjoy it. However, the fact that the sky was finally caught in an unexpected windfall means that when we reached Dongdaemun from Hwanggeumjeong on the way back to Jongno one day, the tram in front of us was still not leaving, so we tried to slow down and stop the tram at a new speed, Then I had a two-week laceration on my wrist, and the window was shattered.
People try hard to avoid it, but without exception, it may be a lifetime of history to wander around it without realizing it.
[ "It is common for people to try to avoid unpleasant results such as don't promise rhabitation, but in a sense, it may be a lifetime of history that no human knows but to wander through this series of rhabitation.", "It is common for people to try to avoid unpleasant results such as don't promise rhabitation, but in a sense, it may be a lifetime of history that no one knows but to wander through this series of rhabitation.", "It is common for people to try to avoid unpleasant results such as don't promise rhabitation, but in a sense, it may be a lifetime of history that no human being knows but to wander through this series of rhabitation.", "It is common for people to try to avoid unpleasant results such as don't promise rhabitation, but it may be a lifetime of history that no human knows but to wander through this series of rhabitation." ]
It could have been said that it was natural for this Seoul Tteogi to be harsh on Geumrye, who was as simple as a gourd, but Seoul Tteogi was always Seoul Tteogi. "This man! Please stop joking around. If you keep chopping like that, I'll just be offended!" Nam said. However, he was scolded for making an excuse that the period was too short. It is whether the novelist, not anyone else, talks about the period. Then shouldn't there be no romance between Romeo and Juliet. So your novel only tastes like rice. Drop the novel if you're going to talk about my love for Geumrye for a long time - the rest of you just drove it like this. So this time, he tried to discourage others by talking about the difference between the emotion of our modern people and the emotion of the agricultural army, which has been steadily digging the ground despite 50 years of weathering. Moon Seo-gu, who starved but did not envy the county governor, also said he did not deserve prohibition if he did not understand how he felt, nor did he deserve to live in such a rural area. However, since the rest of the story went out with him, there has been no such case earlier. "Do you intend to insult me! You use all sorts of offensive terms out of sentimentality and curiosity, but it's nothing but insulting me! Don't make me any more frivolous!" In fact, he was deeply trusting. I believed it was funny that a person had a fever and was making excuses.
While making an excuse that the period was not too short, he was scolded for crying about his love for Geumrye.
[ "Moon Seo-gu, who starved but did not envy the county governor, said he did not deserve prohibition if he did not understand how he felt, nor did he deserve to live in such a rural area.", "Moon Seo-gu, who starved but did not envy the county governor, said he did not deserve prohibition if he did not understand how he felt, but since the rest of the story went out with him, there was no such case.", "Moon Seo-gu, who starved and did not envy the county governor, said he did not deserve prohibition if he did not understand how he felt, but since the rest of the story went out with him, there was no such case.", "Moon Seo-gu, who starved but did not envy the county governor, said he did not deserve prohibition if he did not understand how he felt and did not deserve to live in such a rural area." ]
The path of bankruptcy, such as the ideal of modern humans, is thought to have an extremely important significance at the turning point of the novel. In other words, the difference between the status of Onore de Balzac's "Human Play" and the status of Emilzola's "Rougong Makar General Book" is most beautifully understood here. The French Revolution took place in 1879, Balzac lived 1799–1850 and Zola lived 1840–1902."Human Play" is a history of society during the retro and July monarchy (1816-1848), and "Rougong Makar General Book" is a historical custom of society during the Second Imperial and Third Gonghwa periods (1851-1870). The difference between the two authors, who were born chronically and successively praying for the history of French customs -- the former's bubbly realism and the latter's hardened naturalism, the ambitious and vibrant bourgeois success and the falling aristocracy -- is believed to be the grayish, detailed reporting, analysis, and cumulative method of human bankruptcy. From Emil Zola, the novel began to fumble. With him as the turning point, the human-centered idea of literary history was transferred to social absolutism and instinct theory. The bankruptcy of modern humans is at the same time the bankruptcy of modern novels, and the turning point of citizens' human ideology is the turning point of civil feature novels.
The differences and chronological distinctions between human plays and Luogong Markar's General Book are on the path of bankruptcy, such as the ideal of modern humans.
[ "The bankruptcy of modern humans is at the same time as the bankruptcy of modern novels, and the turning point of citizens' human ideology is the turning point of civil feature novels.", "The bankruptcy of modern humans is at the same time the bankruptcy of modern novels, and the turning point of citizens' human ideology is the turning point of civil feature novels.", "The difference between the status of Onore de Balzac's \"Human Play\" and Emilzola's \"Rougong Makar General Book\" is beautifully understood.", "The difference between Onore de Balzac's \"Human Play\" and Emilzola's \"Rougong Makar General Book\" is beautifully understood." ]
But Doo-sung was not like that. He didn't respond well when his wife sometimes asked him to marry his daughter. If you choose a son-in-law, you'll all be in the same farming army, but it's not like you're getting a daughter-in-law from a farming family's house as a boss Half of it is to eat like a cow, but who can't get a daughter-in-law who can't go blind. Also, even if you go by chance, you will be scolded for being blind and shed sad tears, so why would you make a poor sick child who has to cry inside even if I laugh. Rather, because he is still healthy, he will reduce the amount and increase it until he dies of old age, and if he can't get married, he will live comfortably and comfortably for me, so his plan to raise money was big and far. Perhaps so, even when his wife made such a low trick and discussed it in this fall, he shook his head. Where is the law not to be chased back, and if you are chased like that, you will ruin your daughter's body, get rid of money, and be treated, so it is not possible at all. But Omok's nose was strong. From a young age, he suppressed his husband and did what he wanted. Omok's marriage was also so unlucky that if she had to oppose it or not, she would go and bend down at that time, and after that, she did not discuss much with her husband.
Having been doing what he wanted since he was young, he decorated Omok's marriage by himself and pushed ahead.
[ "Omok's nose was strong, so she suppressed her husband and did what she wanted, and after that, she did not discuss much with her husband.", "When his wife asked him to marry his daughter, Doo-sung didn't respond well, saying that he couldn't get a daughter-in-law who couldn't go blind.", "Omok's nose was strong, so she suppressed her husband and did what she wanted from a young age, and after that, she did not discuss much with her husband.", "Omok's nose was strong, so she suppressed her husband and did what she wanted, and after that, she did not discuss much with him." ]
"It's because it's my father's birthday. What a coincidence." "Oh, that's when the birthday is over, so my left hand is safe before the long empty one." "Well, it's four years old, so I'm going to suffer more on it now." They crouched down on the road as they looked at the new road through a glass-carved window hole. Spring 4 years ago. Seobun is 26 years old, and it is the spring of the year when Ahn Jung-ji was five years old, and Bok-son was three years old. It is spring when Changseon and Seo Bun split a piece of land and a house in a big house, and it is the first year since they started living. I went over the hill to the big house to get Jodu Island and red bean dot horses again, and thought that I had to endure until the barley came out, but I turned off the fire early because I was exhausted. It was a dark night without the moon. It was Seobun who opened his eyes first and said, "What does this mean?" because the raw iron container hung on the gate of the old bazaar with a cane suddenly clattered. Chang-sun was probably surprised and woke up by the sudden sound of shaking the gate, but he didn't seem to be scared, but he half-awakened, saying, "Who's that?" and screams. "It's inside and outside." It must have been the voice of Inho, Seo Bun-i's brother, who is probably studying Tokyo now. But they couldn't readily believe this voice, so once again they said, "No, who's that in the middle of the night? Seo Boone asked.
When Chang-sun, who woke up surprised by the sound of the gate shaking, shouted, "Who is Chang-sun?" Seo-bun's brother In-ho, who would be in Tokyo, answered.
[ "It is the spring of the year when Changseon and Seo Bun split a piece of land and a house in a big house, and it is the first year since they started living.", "It is the spring of the year when Chang-sun and Seo-bun split a piece of land and a house in a big house, and it is the first year since they started living.", "It is the spring of the year when Chang-sun and Seo Bun split a piece of land and a house in a big house, and it is the first year since they started living.", "It was the first year since Changseon and Seo Bun split a piece of land and a house in a big house, and it was a dark night without the moon." ]
3 Most of the historical documents of our Joseon Dynasty seem to have only authors and no readers. Is there a correction of the Chinese characters? Is there any explanation of the literary history's righteousness? Others have 10 or 20 free-value books such as "Sanhaegyeong," and Joseon's ancient books only had a heart in Jinae's mourning, even if they avoided the destruction of the people, so why are you unhappy. However, for this reason, the historical community of Joseon is like an unopened Jinhwangji, so the harvest will increase as much as you try. Others have gained a piece of bone from 10,000 years ago under the stratum, rescued the entire creature, and deduced the situation of the creature's era to establish a free history, or history before history, but now, as has been the case for hundreds of years, geography is promiscuous and facts are error, so you can't find a field of shame. The method of the study should be left to each individual, but my opinions are usually as follows. (1) In ancient times, some nouns were written in Chinese consonants, and some were written in Chinese characters, such as human, earth, and government, respectively. For example, writing "Bicher" in Silla as a Chinese character, and writing "Bicher" as a high-pitched meaning of "Soye" is a high-pitched sound, The writing "Hwangjong" is Idumun, so it takes its meaning from "Hwang" and takes its meaning from "jong." There are many names, names, and official names written in this way, so if you focus on them, extraordinary disturbances will be sorted out, and extraordinary major events will be found. For example, isn't the location of Pyeongyang, Nakrang, and Paesu the Daesongan of Dongyangsa Temple. However, I first found a line of memoranda with three types of "universal" from the meaning of the word "open."
Other people have 10 or 20 worthless books, but Joseon's ancient books will be heartbroken during the mourning of Jinae, even if they avoid being destroyed, so the harvest of Joseon's historical community will increase as much as they try.
[ "In ancient times, some nouns were written in Chinese consonants, and some were written in Chinese characters, such as human, earth, and government, respectively.", "In ancient times, some nouns were written in Chinese consonants and Chinese characters, and some were written in Chinese characters, such as human, earth, and government.", "There are many names, names, and official names written in this way, so if you focus on them, extraordinary disturbances will be found and extraordinary major events will be found.", "There are many names, names, and official names written in this way, so if you focus on them, extraordinary disturbances will be found, and extraordinary major events will be found." ]
Instead of being a wide street, a street in Jongno is uselessly hung with useless advertising signs. On the streets of Seoul during the evening, a really middle-aged, staggering drunkard swept the wide street into a narrow space and quarreled with a billboard in front of a large booksha. So, when you kick it once and crush it, it is the four 'high-end literary arts' in the advertisement that will sadly be violated. What's that, what's that, high-quality literature. What does that mean. What's your name? High quality? High quality? Is the literature on the ladder high-end. Is the literature on the top of the three-story house high-end. If it is not on the top clock of the Jongno Police Station, it is hung from the top of the Jonghyun Cathedral's Pijeon Chim, so literature is a high-quality literary art. What kind of high-quality literature is it. It was a time when a theater company that was popular in the Joseon Theater could not understand the character of a play, so it was interpreted as a comedy because it was not possible to study it, and another "jeokhwa" family, who used the word "enemy", could not write the word "enemy", and later, it was a very good literary work.
On the evening street in Seoul, a drunkard swept the wide street and picked a fight with a billboard.
[ "It was a time when a theater company that was popular in the Joseon Theater could not understand the character of a play, so it was interpreted as a comedy, and later, it was a very good literary work.", "On the streets of Seoul during the evening, a staggering drunkard swept the wide street into a narrow space and quarreled with a billboard in front of a large booksha.", "On the streets of Seoul during the evening, a really middle-aged, staggering drunkard swept the wide street into a narrow space and quarreled with a billboard in front of a large booksha.", "On the streets of Seoul during the evening, a middle-aged, staggering drunkard swept the wide street into a narrow space and quarreled with a billboard in front of a large booksha." ]
What I said above is that you can't make any original or movie because it's named and has a good content Movies require a purely cinematic story. The cinematic story makes it an important condition that it must be simple first and foremost. In other words, the movie is the "dogani" of the most capable and freshest art that can simultaneously ferment the hearing, burning emotions, and raising the intellect to be played on the keyboard, and is a miracle of modern times. As literary writers and film critics interpret recently, if it seems to be a literary expression that tells literary content, I would like to test whether movies such as "The Last Person" and "The Golden Age" can be drawn with a pen on the plaintiff's paper. However, I assure you that even one scene cannot be described in the same way as the movie. If there is a movie without a story or a pure movie that is independent of literary elements, some people say it is just an illusion, and the first and last thing of the movie is a story. And some people say that the most necessary thing is to have a literary interpretation. But before we come to this conclusion, the story of the movie is not a myth of literature Literature is simply one of the first constituents of the eighth art. Let's keep an eye on Joseon movies! (hereinafter deleted in 32 lines) - The first issue of "The Theory of Literature" (May 01, 1929).
The story of a movie is important to be simple and should require a story purely.
[ "I would like to test whether movies such as \"The Last Person\" and \"The Golden Age\" can be drawn with a pen on the plaintiff's paper, but I assure you that even one scene cannot be described in the same way as the movie.", "I would like to test whether movies such as \"The Last Person\" and \"The Golden Age\" can be drawn with a pen on the plaintiff's paper, but even one scene cannot be described in the same way as the movie.", "I would like to test whether movies such as \"The Last Person\" and \"The Golden Age\" can be drawn with a pen, but I assure you that even one scene cannot be described in the same way as the movie.", "I would like to test whether movies such as \"The Last Person\" and \"The Golden Age\" can be drawn with a pen on the plaintiff's paper." ]
Sometimes, a friend who goes around inside and outside comes and sees it, secretly in the owner's ear, "Let me go. "I can't use it. First, buy it for someone else," he advises. Every time that happens, the owner says, "I know. But how can you let it go when it's been less than 10 days. Chacha…" I only answered. Upon noticing this, the master's wife began to hate the friend very much. "You're worried about everything. He said, "I'm quite nosy, and I even worry about other people's housekeeping," and put it next to me and cursed. Whenever that happens, the owner puts up with the person who comes up. Even my 12-year-old eldest son, who goes to school, often teases me by saying, "Take a picture, Bangi, Akeuni!" Then whenever that happens, steamed sticks come down. It becomes a trigger for internal and external wraps. When the husband says, "The dignity of the house is too low," the wife says, "The children are too rude." Bringing a man for nothing has made the family feud. Then one day, a message came to Yangcheon-jip, and Dong-seo died, but there was no one to see the portrait, so he asked him to come quickly. The Yangcheon house went there in a hurry. My master's wife didn't know what to do because she stopped working. I was told to come as soon as possible, but I was only worried because one o'clock was liquid. Then the owner thought, "I will not lose this good opportunity and bring something else." So one day, as if he sympathized with his wife, he secretly discussed, "What are you going to do if you leave your work as it is?"
The fact that his master's wife began to hate the friend who asked him to let him go became a trigger, and the inside and outside fought.
[ "When the master's wife began to hate the friend, the owner put up with the person who came up, and steamed sticks became a trigger for internal and external wraps.", "The master's wife began to hate the friend, saying, \"I worry about other people's housekeeping,\" and put it next to me and cursed.", "The master's wife began to hate the friend, saying, \"I worry about other people's housekeeping,\" and putting it next to me and cursed.", "The master's wife began to hate the friend, saying, \"I worry about other people's housekeeping, and I put it next to me and cursed.\"" ]
He drew in the fishing rod. "Father! Look at this." A fish caught in his son's fishing came into Youngchul's eyes. "Put aside! If you beat too much, you'll miss it." Myeong-ho stood up and knocked off the fishing rod. A carp larger than my father's hand flashed in the air. Young-chul stood up without thinking about his fishing rod and grabbed the flapping fish in his hands. Young-chul's mouth opened wide. Myungho liked it with his arms flapping. "I'm better at catching than my father, right?" "Yes, you're better than me," Myeong-ho shouted as he put the meat in the basket. "Father, fishing rod!" The fish was dragging Young-chul's fishing rod. Young-chul caught the flowing fishing rod and beat it, but the fish only picked the fish and ran away. When the father scratched his head, his son also laughed and talked. 'You're better at fishing than your father, aren't you?' 'Yes, you're better than me.' The grasses surrounded the gold frame with the lush road and the sunset color that goes over to Seosan. Those carrying fishing bags walked on the grass, stepping on the dark shadows. Young-chul whistled. Myeong-ho also tried to imitate the shape of his father's lips and whistle that did not work well. A room where Youngchul and his son live together. An old picture on the wall seemed to symbolize the sad history of the house. It was a picture of a two-year-old Myeong-ho holding a round toy from a woman's lap, and Young-chul looking down from behind them with a smile. There was also another picture framed on the desk. It was a picture of a beautiful woman alone. It was the same woman holding Myeongho in her lap when she was young. This picture was written in white.
Myeong-ho fluttered and liked the large crucian carp when Myeong-ho put aside the fishing rod on which the fish was hung, and Young-chul's mouth opened.
[ "When Myeong-ho knocked off the fishing rod, a carp larger than his father's hand flashed in the air, and Young-chul grabbed the flapping fish in his hands.", "Myeong-ho stood up and knocked off the fishing rod, and a carp larger than his father's hand flashed in the air, and Young-chul grabbed the flapping fish in his hands.", "When Myeong-ho knocked off the fishing rod, a carp larger than his father's hand flashed in the air, and Young-chul grabbed the flapping fish.", "Myeong-ho stood up and knocked off the fishing rod with a carp larger than his father's hand, and Young-chul grabbed the flapping fish in his hands." ]
In the new spring, the little birds, unable to overcome their joy, ran as fast as they could, and flew all day long in the purple haze. Grass and flowers bloomed and the people ran wild with joy. And I was waiting for the five days left in early April. Early April was the country's happiest and busiest celebration of the year. Every year, on this day of the year, it was the day when I took a break from work, set up a lot of good rice cakes and drinks, set up a flower door in my house, put on flower lanterns, and sang and danced together by adults, children, men, and women. This year, too, each of the people of this country has prepared food, clothes, and all the things to play for a few days, and they are looking forward to the early five days of April. A warm spring day that blooms and leaks is in peace, and the days have gone by. It became the day of the celebration that the whole people were looking forward to. Wearing bright new clothes, I came out of the house early in the morning with a drunken face. But after eating the food I had prepared at home and inside since dawn, I went out on the street and found a new bulletin board hanging on each street. This has never happened before, so everyone has read carefully, it was posted by the Prime Minister of this country, and the post reads. Today is the most enjoyable day for us, and the most celebrated day for us. Especially this morning, our godly nation decided to distribute the flower seeds of the heart to the general public. This flower seed is different from ordinary flowers in the world, so the better the person with a good heart grows, the worse the flower blooms the person with a bad heart and an dishonest heart grows. By the way, if you plant this flower today, it will bloom just a year later, in early April next year. On the day when flowers bloom next year, the government is supposed to give 100,000 won in prize money to the person who makes the most beautiful flowers bloom, so anyone in the general public should grow these precious flowers well and bloom the most beautiful flowers than others. The flower seeds will be distributed this morning, so plant them all tonight.
The country distributed the flowers of its heart to the five-day festival in early April and said it would give 100,000 won in prize money to the person who made the most beautiful flower bloom next year.
[ "In the new spring, grass and flowers bloomed and the people ran wild with joy, and I was waiting for the five days left in early April.", "In the new spring, grass and flowers bloomed, and the people ran wild with joy, and I was waiting for the five days left in early April.", "In the new spring, grass and flowers bloomed and the people ran wild with joy, and I was waiting for the five days left in early April, which was the country's happiest and busiest day of the year.", "This morning, the government decided to distribute the flower seeds of the heart to the general public, and the flower seeds will be distributed this morning, so plant them all tonight." ]
Instead of thanking Myeon-hoo, I didn't know how I hated and resent Cheol-ho. A woman's heart is lighter than a sorghum leaf blown by the wind. I remembered Myeon-hoo's words, "Such a guy uses others only when I need him." Yes! That's quite right. The iron tiger is a kind of vampire. When I sucked my blood to the last drop and left only an empty shell, I threw it like throwing away a throwaway. It's a pity as big as a fingernail, and without looking back without pity. Then, how noble would it be if the broken eight-month-old ran away with Hankyung's teeth, and how surprised it would be if he had an idea. Even the last moment that he thought was the most sacred and pure until now, it seemed that there would be no more embarrassment in the world. I wanted to spit on myself who was crying and biting my finger. When looking at the poetry book, which was stained with red passion and red passion, it seemed that it was not worth the tissue. Poor Aera trampled on my beautiful and clean feelings of the past. Repay your enemy! Get your revenge! I will put two kites in the kindergarten that you are sick of and rot in the bars of the cage, but I will laugh beautifully when the two kites make a wrong and vicious scream." The devil, fed up with the blood of jealousy, put his strong lips to Ara's ear and whispered. "How can I hurry up and grab that kite even for a second?" Ara turned around, bit her lips, and thought. It reminded me anew that when Cheol-ho left, I didn't even give him the address where he would be. It was a day when such a big thing hit my tail, so I regretted not knowing the address clearly even now.
The devil, hungry for jealousy, whispered to Ara, telling her to put the two lovers in the detention center and avenge them.
[ "I didn't know how I hated and resent Cheol-ho, but I remembered Myeon-hoo's words, \"Such a guy uses others only when I need him.\"", "I didn't know how I hated and resent Cheol-ho, but I remembered Myeon-hoo's words, \"Such a guy uses others only when I need them.\"", "I didn't know how I hated and resent Cheol-ho and remembered Myeon-hoo's words, \"Such a guy uses others only when I need him.\"", "I didn't know how I hated and resent Cheol-ho, but I remembered Myeon-hoo's words, \"Such a guy uses others only when I need him\"" ]
He came out after lunch in a pleasant and light excitement, and his mother behind him spoke to Mugyeong as if she were hinting at him. "What time can you come out today?" "I'll be out at four, but I'm a little behind in my work, so I won't be able to get off work until five." "Then, come out to Gyeongseong Hotel by five thirty." There's something to talk about……" 'Alone?' 'Yes, come out alone.' That was all the story. And even after hearing the sound of five o'clock now and folding the books, I can't imagine that it's my mother's story. Why are you asking me to come out to the hotel. I can guess that it means to talk over dinner together, but it's strange that we ate out for lunch and they treat us to dinner again, and it's hard to know that we can always meet at home and talk quietly, but we've decided to go out again. Is there any different story or discussion about marrying Oh Si-hyung. I couldn't imagine it being an English language. "I'm going out because I have work outside, so eat dinner at this restaurant until today. Dinner set meals are better than Western food, so eat it as a Chinese set meal. I'll stop by around seven or eight o'clock...…" After saying that to Si-hyung, Mugyeong left the apartment and got on the tram. When I got to the hotel, my mother was sitting alone in the lobby. Mugyeong went in front of him and sat down on the stomach, glancing at his mother's expression without saying anything.
When Mugyeong went out because she had work outside, she told her brother-in-law to eat Hwasik set meal in the evening, and left the apartment and took a tram.
[ "Even after hearing the sound of five o'clock and folding the books, I couldn't imagine that my mother's story was my mother's story.", "Even after hearing the sound of five o'clock and folding the books, I can't imagine that my mother's story is my mother's story.", "Even after hearing the sound of five o'clock and folding the books, I couldn't imagine that my mother was telling me to come out alone.", "Even after hearing the sound of five o'clock and folding the books, I couldn't imagine that my mother's story was my mother's." ]
Today's feast is due to his nature to want to show off. Anyway, to the other Jang, he sent the director in pure Chinese characters to pay tribute to the head of the office, and in the second explanation, he was frightened by the barrel of pulling out a black knife, so he just stepped out begging for it was only when he came out that he knew. Mr. Awesome raised his fist like a beacon and shouted the great news into the street. "The war is over..." When Ahn Jae-hong's broadcast was delivered, he ran long this time with his fists raised. "Long live Joseon's independence! Hurrah! Hooray!" The local council was organized as Ahn Jae-hong ordered. It goes without saying that Mr. Awesome took the initiative. Mr. Fogg was appointed chairman. At that moment of being elected chairman, Mr. Awesome felt absolute happiness for the first time in his life. It was the first time in my life to be a marketer. When the Korean language was at a loss, the eldest son immediately sat on his head. He was ecstatic. It became a reminder. So I just shouted out of my mouth. "Knockdown? Go and bring Park Sang-hoe in!" Now, someone go to my house and get the money! Congratulations? You have to do it. Send someone home!" It was also a great seed to break down Kamidana of the government-run agency, and it was also a great seed to bring liquor distributed by Park Sang-hoe and Jeong Sang-hoe. After midnight, Jing and Kkwaenggwari play around.
When the broadcast that the war was over, Mr. Awesome shouted "Long live the independence of Joseon" on the street.
[ "When Ahn Jae-hong's broadcast was delivered, Mr. Awesome shouted, \"Long live Joseon's independence,\" and Mr. Fogg was appointed chairman.", "When Ahn Jae-hong's broadcast was delivered, Mr. Awesome shouted, \"Long live Joseon's independence,\" and Mr. Fogg was appointed chairman of the local council.", "When Ahn Jae-hong announced that the war was over, Mr. Awesome shouted, \"Long live Joseon's independence,\" and Mr. Fogg was appointed chairman.", "When Ahn Jae-hong announced that the war was over, Mr. Awesome shouted, \"Long live Joseon's independence,\" and Mr. Fogg was appointed chairman of the local council." ]
What's the reason? What's so frustrating about it? The mother seems to sit by his bedside because she has no way of understanding her son's mind. "What's wrong with you?" There's something you don't like about it?" His voice is lower and softer, so he seems to be trying to touch his son's heart. At the same time, it was a voice that showed a faint appearance as if the sin that made his son angry was in his fault. Since his son didn't answer, his mother really thought that his son would go because he treated his son's companions poorly. "Then I'll let you drink alcohol tonight before I experience other customers," he said, trying to relieve his son's mind. I can hear Inho sitting up. "Mother, it's not like that. I don't have any friends in this town to be close to. I'm going to blame the business and the government office, but they all gamble...…." Then, I don't know if my words are bland, but I don't close my words. He seems to lie down in the middle of the room again. After hearing this word, insufficiently, Seo-bun thought that In-ho's behavior, which had been acting strange since yesterday afternoon, could be understood. But the mother still doesn't understand what her son is doing. "But whenever I see you on the street, I always ask you if there's any news." In-ho didn't answer that and after a long time, he said, "I can't drink, but I feed him a drink for a few days." In the end, the mother goes out of her mind because there is no way to understand her son's mind.
When Inho said that he had no friends in this village as close as he used to, he seemed to understand Inho's behavior, which had been acting strange since yesterday afternoon.
[ "Seo-bun thought that In-ho's behavior, which had been acting strange since yesterday afternoon, could be understood, but the mother still didn't understand what her son was doing.", "Seo-bun thought that In-ho's behavior, which had been acting strange since yesterday afternoon, could be understood, but the mother still doesn't understand what her son is doing.", "Seo-bun thought that In-ho's behavior, which had been acting strange since yesterday, could be understood, but the mother still didn't understand what her son was doing.", "Seo-bun thought that In-ho's behavior, which had been acting strange since yesterday afternoon, could be understood, but she still didn't understand what her son was doing." ]
The article said, "It caused a big stir about the technology disclosure of each Soup member," but it was not only the sector of Soup production or his technology disclosure, but also the production attitude of profit-based free competition. We have called it Cheonggijangsa that the generation's grandchildren make it by themselves without teaching anyone because I was the only one who knew slander. It comes from the technological secrecy of the manual production attitude of the feudal era. This technological secrecy dominated modern liberal production attitudes. In that sense, today's so-called Naero industrial companies (such as Japanese spinning in Sangge) were all modern blue and white porcelain. The profit-based production attitude for individual interests was the ethics of a ground line in modern liberal industries. National law protected and encouraged it. The world has not been uncomfortable with anyone making and selling products and leaving them behind. So it was a social good. Thus, people tried to expand profits based on profits in production by all means and methods as permitted by national law. One of the most important means and methods of expanding this profit was the monopoly of superior production technology and its secrecy. However, as the modern industry is liberal, it cannot help but presuppose the contradiction of one side, which is self-interest-based profit-oriented in terms of purpose, and that it does not have the form of free competition in terms of menstruation.
The article said that it caused a stir over the technology disclosureism of each Soup Cooperative member, but it was considered to have cast a stone on the personal ideology of such a production attitude.
[ "The profit-based production attitude for individual interests was the ethics of a ground line in modern liberal industries, and the world has not been uncomfortable with anyone making and selling products, so it was a social good.", "The profit-based production attitude for individual interests was the ethics of a ground line in modern liberal industries, and national law protected and encouraged it, so it was a social good.", "The profit-based production attitude for individual interests was the ethics of a ground line in modern liberal industries, and the world has not been uncomfortable with anyone making and selling products and leaving them behind.", "The profit-based production attitude for individual interests is the ethics of a ground line in modern liberal industries, and the world has not been uncomfortable with anyone making and selling products and leaving them behind." ]
However, at that time, people did not know his true value and even Yulgok compared him to Jingeum-cho or Jingeum-ki, so it is regrettable that he deliberately acted as a fan and laughed at the world at that time. This is from the days of the teacher's early childhood. His wife's family was also close to the three, and his father-in-law was a royal family named Mosan Lee Seong-rang. The day after the wedding, it was a freezing cold day, but when I dressed her in a new suit, she went out somewhere with it on and didn't come back until the sun set, so she wondered why, but when she came in shivering late at night, the coat she wore in the morning disappeared. The family thought it was strange and asked why, "I went to Hongjewon because I had something to do, but on the way back, three beggar children were shaking on the bridge, so I couldn't be the only one wearing cotton clothes, so I took off my coat and tore it into three sides, and everyone in the house was proud." One day, he looked at his brother and said, "As soon as I looked at my wife's family, I don't have a good energy and it won't be long, but if I stay in the house for a long time, I'm afraid I'll get angry," and he left the house with his wife and children. In the following year, the whole family was destroyed by something in the house, and his brother admired his extraordinary foresight.
The reason why the teacher's family was proud of him was that he was shaking because he took off his cotton clothes to his three children.
[ "His wife's family was also close to the three, and his father-in-law was a royal family named Mosan Lee Seong-rang.", "At that time, people did not know his true value and even Yulgok compared him to Jingeum-cho or Jingeum-ki, so it is regrettable that he deliberately acted as a fan and laughed at the world.", "His wife's family was close to the three, and his father-in-law was a royal family named Mosan Lee Seong-rang.", "At that time, people did not know his true value and even Yulgok compared him to Jingeum-cho or Jingeum-ki, so it is regrettable that he deliberately acted as a fan and laughed at the world at that time." ]
However, in Okji's opinion, he did not respond to the count's request to bring Okmae because he did not know the count's temper and the family situation in detail, that is, he would be disappointed if Okmae was called now. The count didn't know this and that, but he decided to consult again later on because he didn't like Okji if he asked her too many times, and that night, he asked Okji to say good night and returned to his room. Okji followed the count to his bedroom to greet him, and returned to his place immediately, but the house was busy and bewildered by the decorations in the room, so he couldn't sleep in the dream of vanity for the night and revealed that he was thinking about various things. The next day, he got up early and gave the count's mother a morning greeting, went into the bathroom, dressed up, changed the silk clothes brought by the servant, and was preoccupied with receiving greetings from his relatives who came to praise him from the morning. Everyone who saw Jadeji praised the beauty of his appearance. Although he was the daughter of his wife, who was selling sewing items to the count's house, his personality was good. Three months have already passed since the years that seemed to touch the ground were out of control during the luxury. In the meantime, Okji spent a fun time in luxury and cuteness so that she would not envy the daughter of the Great Jade Emperor. On top of that, I thought this stone sphere was not the son of the count, but the son of Daryl. Ok-ji's heart was more satisfied and delighted than she really thought, as she enjoyed all the wealth and wealth movies of the world and even gained a beloved lover who would become Bae-pil in the future.
Okji, the daughter of her wife, who was selling sewing items at the count's house, was praised by people for her beautiful appearance.
[ "Okji did not respond to the count's request to bring Okmae because he did not know the count's temper and the family situation in detail.", "Okji did not respond to the count's request to bring Okmae because he did not know the count's temper and family situation in detail.", "Okji did not respond to the count's request to bring Okmae because he did not know the count's temper and the family situation.", "Ok-ji did not respond to the count's request to bring Ok-mae because he did not know the count's temper and the family situation in detail." ]
Seongam! Heaven is stingy to me, but he doesn't borrow his name. I'm 53 years old, and I still have a lot of work to do." As San-yang sat down, he said this with a breath of breath. "How dare you say that. That's--" No one's ever been up again after suffering from lung failure…From the next day, Sanyang went to Seongam to explore nearby scenic spots. However, the tired sheep of the mountain was embarrassed, so I recommended to ride it slowly while resting, but the mountain sheep had to drive Seongam and ride it. We went around together for about a dozen days. It's Hongran, the Anhae of Seongam, and I found all my friends nearby. One day, the goat tried to set up an extraordinary early stage. No other friends have come yet, and Hong Ran has yet to wash his dishes at early dawn. "Already? No one's here yet." "No, let's go out alone with Seongam." As a matter of fact, I had something to ask Sungam to discuss and ask a little quietly -"So the two of us stepped up." He rented a small boat, and two of them floated into the water. In the middle of the riverbed, they gave him a splashing anchor. At the request of the mountain goat - the mountain goat suddenly came and sat right in front of the castle rock. He knelt down, held hands together, and knelt down in front of Seongam. "Brother Yang! Brother Yang!" "What's wrong?" "Brother Yang! I have a desperate request for you." Please do it." "If it's Sanyang's request, what would I refuse?" If you don't do this, get up." "No, my one request is urgent and holy, so I can't neglect it." 'What the hell is coming?' 'Brother Yang, save the writing. Make use of the poem. Like ordinary characters, don't just tease the text with words, but use it to make use of it!" "?" "My life's business is the chant of 'Japanese foreign history' and 'Japanese regular history.' It was my life's project to use writing instead of just making fun of writing - to infiltrate the nation's national anthem idea into the people by using the teaching power and Zen power of writing. The two side dishes ended one by one, but if the side dishes that could lead the people's thoughts do not continue, the people will forget about the warrior and step back again. If no one and the successor continue to guide the national spirit, the national spirit will be decadent. Whenever there is a quiet opportunity, only Yang Hyung and his lamented pants should clean up the Mu family politics and realize the years of the restoration of the monarchy, except that until the day it happens, it is necessary to steadily bring the people's spirit to the right path.
The tired goat was embarrassed, but Seongam went to explore with her due to her attendance.
[ "Sanyang went to Seongam to explore nearby scenic spots, but the tired sheep of the mountain was embarrassed, so he recommended to ride slowly while resting, but the sheep had to drive Seongam and ride it.", "Sanyang went to Seongam to explore nearby scenic spots, but the tired sheep of the mountain was embarrassed, so he recommended to ride slowly, but the sheep had to drive Seongam and ride it.", "Sanyang went to Seongam to explore nearby scenic spots, but the tired sheep of the mountain was embarrassed, so he recommended to ride it slowly while resting, but the sheep had to drive Seongam and ride it.", "Sanyang went to Seongam to explore nearby scenic spots, but the tired sheep of the mountain was embarrassed, so he recommended to ride Seongam slowly while resting, but the sheep had to drive Seongam and ride it." ]
That's all you need to know. Let's just keep that in mind - this understanding was established. "Sir, I won't go so far as to tell you to swear that there is no other meaning than that. Even if you tell me to swear, I don't think you'll do it...." "Even if I swear, you won't believe this ball..." The two laughed out loud here. After that, Pil-ho opened his mouth again -. "If Count Yoon's pistol incident is a later story, I'll ask the teacher more closely, but if you look at the progress so far, there's no doubt that the mysterious incident of the day is just a hallucination of the old count, so I'm just going to let this matter go." "Hwangak?" "I'm just dreaming that your strange pistol came in." - This is the only way to interpret it now, isn't it?" Renjun didn't answer. And he took a cigarette pack out of his pocket and recommended it to Pil-ho, and smoked one and asked him. After a couple of puffs of cigarettes, Renjun opened his mouth -. 'This ball.' 'What?' 'This ball must have been carefully examined by the latter part of the count's house.' "The approximate was thrifty." 'Have you met the old count?' 'I haven't.' 'Have you met the old count's loyal servant?' 'I haven't.' "Did this ball examine the outside of the fence closest to the rear of Count Yoon's house in detail?" "I haven't even been there." Renjun opened his eyes straight -.
In-jun opened his eyes to the ball's words that he had never met Count Roh and his loyalties and had never been outside the fence near the rear of Count Yoon's house.
[ "After a couple of puffs of cigarettes, Renjun opened his mouth, saying that the ball must have been carefully examined by the latter part of the count's house.", "After a couple of puffs of cigarettes, Renjun opened his mouth and asked Pil-ho what the ball must have examined by the latter part of the count's house.", "After a couple of puffs of cigarettes, Renjun opened his mouth, saying that the ball must have been carefully examined by the latter part of the count's house, and that he had not met the old count's loyal servant.", "After a couple of puffs of cigarettes, Renjun opened his mouth, saying that the ball must have been carefully examined by the latter part of the count's house and that he had not met the old count's loyal servant." ]
Doyaji doesn't feed, so he stops making honey noises and screams again. "There's something. Then I'll crush Bangae soon and give you your food." Yonghee talked like soothing Doyaji, turned around, and came to the floor. My mother is trimming the young radish she had made earlier. 'Mother, aren't you going to pound Bangae?' 'I'm going to pound it.' Barley rice is only for dinner?" "Yeah." "Then you have to pound it, but you have to pound it a little later. It's better to pound it somewhere in the city." "It's better to pound it, hang it, and then replace it." That's also because if you poke the mill, you're going to pound it busily and aim for the dough. If you keep feeding it, it seemed that the food would grow in a thick layer of doya. 'Then I'll put it down and start playing the game first, Mother.' 'It's hot.' "It's not bad..." Yong-hee opened a straw mat in the shade in front of the barn on the west side, rolled a mortar, and poured barley from stillness, and two strange women looked in front of the private door and said, "Is this the house? One...…" Then he enters the yard. "Is this Yoon's house?" A fat woman standing in front of her asks like this. At the same time, he carefully looks at the house and Yonghee among them. The family name Yoon is Lee. The mother's intuition of a grown-up daughter was sensitive. Mr. Jung noticed what the guests had come for. Come to think of it, I was embarrassed. The woman who stood in front of me and asked for the first word, and the woman who looked about 40 years old after that, and her clothes and words and actions came to this house too luxurious and deaf.
Yong-hee came to the floor to feed Doji, who was squeaking, and her mother was trimming young radish.
[ "Yong-hee opened a straw mat in the shade in front of the barn on the west side, rolled a mortar, and poured barley, and two strange women looked in front of the private door and said, \"Is this the house?\"", "Yong-hee opened a straw mat in the shade in front of the barn, rolled a mortar, and poured barley, and two strange women looked in front of the private door and said, \"Is this the house?\"", "Yong-hee opened a straw mat in the shade in front of the barn on the west side and poured barley, and two strange women looked in front of the private door and said, \"Is this the house?\"", "Yong-hee opened a straw mat in the shade in front of the barn on the west side, rolled a mortar, poured barley, and looked in front of the private door and said, \"Is this the house?\"" ]
"Stay still...…. Let's see." Kim called Poi to pay for the cooking. Heo Jun's heart was shaken by the appearance of a 10-year-old bill from a small purse. They'll live for a month on that one sheet. I was sorry that I ate well alone, leaving my hungry colleagues behind, and I also thought how good it would be if I gave them money instead of alcohol. At this moment, the lights flashed and turned on. Heo Jun was about to get up with the hat he had placed next to him, but he said, "Honey! Don't be rude to give it to me like this...…." In the meantime, Kim hands a note to Heo Jun. "You're welcome... I'm so sorry about this." Heo Jun hesitated to receive it. It goes without saying that if you say it according to your greed, the money was also unpleasant as if you were holding yourself back and looking at yourself pitifully. "If you're weak, just do first aid. You'll be able to bloom gradually. Don't worry at all," Kim's drunken tone trembled affectionately. "I'm so sorry. Thank you very much." Heo Jun refused several times and received it. His heart was filled with emotion for Kim's friendship and sorrow for his situation. Kim, who felt like he didn't know the restriction of money, seemed to shine brighter than him somehow. His existence seemed too humble. I resent everything that was uneven. He woke up feeling the excitement of devolution. "I should go to Incheon tomorrow. Let's meet the day after tomorrow afternoon. Please come this time. Let's grab dinner and talk about jobs...…." Kim said when he was divided at the four streets of Andong. Heo Jun said, "Four things..."…. I'll see you again," he said, moving his drunken leg to Cheongjin-dong.
Kim took out ten pills from a small wallet and handed them to Heo Jun.
[ "Heo Jun, who was shaken by the appearance of a 10-year-old bill from a small purse, thought how good it would be if he gave them money instead of alcohol.", "Heo Jun, who was shaken by the appearance of a 10-year-old bill from a small purse, was about to get up with the hat he had placed next to him, but he said, \"Don't be rude to give it to me like this.\"", "Heo Jun's heart was shaken by the appearance of a 10-year-old bill from a small purse, and he thought how good it would be if he gave them money instead of alcohol.", "Heo Jun, who was shaken by the appearance of a 10-year-old bill from a small purse, was about to get up with the hat he had placed next to him, but he said, \"Don't be rude to give it to me.\"" ]
Play the flute in the sky and dance the ground. Looking at the young men and women who are melted in love, isn't it worthwhile for you to create heaven and earth. However, when the Goransa temple bell rang twice, the two had to part. One step at a time, one step at a time, and looking back, Gyeonwoo Jiknyeo broke up pitifully as if they were parting at Ojakgyo Bridge on July 7th. The principle of nature is that the round moon should not be extinguished, but the colored maple leaves should be lost. The heyday of Baekje was chased by the sound of the royal palace every night. The time has finally come for King Jia of the 30th generation to be judged. King Myeongmyeong of the twenty-sixth generation, who moved from Woongjin to Buyeo, was as lewd and luxurious as the monarch of the twenty-ninth generation, but by the time he reached King Mu of the twenty-ninth, a new Jugul came out, and Louis XVI, who had overthrown the king's business, made a luxurious life. It was rather on the side of the birth, so he tried to conquer Silla day and night by ordering poor people, but lost. Moreover, when Silla's path was blocked in collusion with Goguryeo, Baekje's mountain stream sounded like an untimely horse's foot in the sky. As the people of Baekje, there was no one who didn't shoot an arrow and no one who didn't go out and fight, but unfortunately, the royal palace was swollen for three days and the people scattered in all directions in the shape of sheep without a shepherd. Alas, that palace burns.
When the Goransa temple bell rings twice, it is the principle of nature that the colored maple leaves must lose that the two separated pitifully like Gyeonwoo Jiknyeo broke up at Ojakgyo Bridge.
[ "King Myeongmyeong of the twenty-sixth generation, who moved from Woongjin to Buyeo, was as luxurious as the king of the twenty-ninth generation, but by the time he reached King Mu of the twenty-ninth, a new Jugul came out, and Louis XVI, who had overthrown the king's business, made a luxurious life.", "King Myeongmyeong of the twenty-sixth generation, who moved from Woongjin to Buyeo, was as luxurious as the king of the twenty-ninth generation, but Louis XVI, who had overthrown the king's business, made a luxurious life.", "King Myeongmyeong of the twenty-sixth generation, who moved from Woongjin to Buyeo, was as luxurious as the monarch of the twenty-ninth generation, but by the time he reached King Mu of the twenty-ninth, a new Jugul came out, and Louis XVI, who had overthrown the king's business, made a luxurious life.", "King Myeongmyeong of the twenty-sixth generation, who moved to Buyeo, was as luxurious as the king of the twenty-ninth generation, but by the time he reached King Mu of the twenty-ninth, a new Jugul came out, and Louis XVI, who had overthrown the king's business, made a luxurious life." ]
"Honor is a human ambassador and there are Chan Ha Tong-gyu, so how can you force my family to curse without chasing etiquette?" he continued, "If you boast that you are the son of heaven, what's wrong with you if you are the son of heaven?" I'll try a big test." And Habaek went into the pond in the front yard of the house and actively ran around chasing the waves, and the king became an otter, caught the fish, and Habaek ran to the mountain again, followed the deer, and the king hit the pheasant again. Habaek believed the king as the son of the Heavenly Emperor and had manners again, and after that, Habaek tried to feast with food and customs, to intoxicate the king, and put him in a small leather cart like his daughter, and send him to heaven. However, before Yongcha came out of the water, the king was already sober, cut off the leather cart with the woman's golden binyeo, ran out to the hole, and went up to heaven alone. Habaek scolded her in anger. "You were cursed by my family." His lips fell out three times.
When Habaek did not always win despite various tests, Habaek believed the king as the son of the heavenly emperor and tried to have a feast with manners and send him up to heaven.
[ "Habaek, who believed that the king was the son of the Heavenly Emperor, put him in a leather cart and sent him to heaven, but before Yongcha came out of the water, the king cut off the leather cart with the woman's golden binyeo, ran out to the hole, and went up to heaven alone.", "Habaek, who believed that the king was the son of the Heavenly Emperor, put him in a leather cart like his daughter, and sent him to heaven, but before Yongcha came out of the water, the king cut off the leather cart with the woman's golden binyeo, ran out to the hole, and went up to heaven alone.", "Habaek, who believed the king as the son of the Heavenly Emperor, put him in a leather cart like his daughter, and sent him to heaven, but before Yongcha came out of the water, he cut off the leather cart with the woman's golden binyeo, ran out to the hole, and went up to heaven alone.", "Habaek, who believed that the king was the son of the Heavenly Emperor, put him in a leather cart and sent him to heaven, but before Yongcha came out of the water, the king cut off the leather cart with the woman's golden binyeo, ran out to the hole, and went to heaven alone." ]
Bum-soo headed home with a light heart as if he had taken off a heavy load. However, as it approached the house one by one, it became gloomy again because today's style was far from "Myeongil." As I was going up the hillside, Japanese houses with their backs to the west side put their feet on the door, and Japanese women wearing yukadas as if they were flying out of the door with toothpicks on them after dinner. It is a painting that gives a good glimpse of the calm and harmony that comes from a stable life without anxiety. On the contrary, what about your corner of the house? Thinking about it, my heart was in a hurry, but I was reluctant to walk. As I was barely going down the slope again over the hill pants, I heard a high voice of Anhae from my left-hand house. After Bumsoo left during the day...… Young-ju touched the laundry on the line and thought that if it was dry, she would stop rolling it up and get off to the yard, and Jong-tae, a small child who was playing outside, came in. Walking in with your fingers in your mouth and saying "Mumma" with the sound of eating your cheeks already seems to be doing this. "Come." Young-ju answered only with her mouth and was walking with her laundry, so the child came to the side, held her bottom, and hung on, and called again and again. In the spring of my marriage, I gave birth to my eldest child Jong-seok, and now I am 10 years old (pregnancy was when I was in a relationship before that), and then I gave birth to my younger child Jong-tae, who was three years old, and soon couldn't get pregnant. Leaving the hysteresis of a small child unattended without treatment has now led to the loss of severe hysteria with Potae.
The appearance of Japanese women wearing yukadas while climbing the slope of the hill made today's style gloomy.
[ "In the spring of my marriage, I gave birth to my eldest child Jong-seok, who was 10 years old, and I gave birth to my younger child Jong-tae, who was three years old, and soon couldn't get pregnant.", "In the spring of my marriage, I gave birth to my eldest child Jong-seok, who was 10 years old, and I gave birth to my younger child Jong-tae, who was 3 years old, and soon couldn't get pregnant.", "Young-ju touched the laundry line and thought that if it was dry, she would stop rolling it up and get to the yard, and Jong-tae, a small child who was playing outside, came in.", "In the spring of my marriage, I gave birth to my eldest child Jong-seok, who was 10 years old, and I gave birth to my younger child Jong-tae, who was three, and soon couldn't get pregnant." ]
Ethiopia is called "Ebisinia," or black-haired, barbaric, because it doesn't sound good to me to call it Ethiopia. State and History In Ethiopia, it has a long history and is the oldest country in Africa except for Egypt. Thousands of years ago, he took the example of the royal family, and gave gold and silver treasures to Tsutangamen, the ancient king of Aegean, and historically, when the Israelites were led by Moses to escape from Aegean welfare, a group of Israelites came to Egypt and married King Solomon. And so it's become the Black Empire of the King of Kings, or the King of Kings. But there was a bad practice of human trafficking in this kingdom, and it was banned and the 45th king made his country famous in the world. Population, language, the population of the country is not exactly known, but based on salt, salt consumption, this is 10 million people, some 14 million people, and I think it's fair to say that it's 78 to 13 million people in general.
Ebisinia, the oldest country in Africa except Egypt, was called Ethiopia because it meant barbarism.
[ "Ethiopia is called \"Ebisinia,\" or black-haired, barbaric, because it doesn't sound good to me to call it Ethiopia, but it has a long history and is the oldest country in Africa except for Egypt.", "Ethiopia is called \"Ebisinia,\" or black-haired, barbaric, because it doesn't sound good to me to call it Ethiopia, which has a long history and is the oldest country in Africa except for Egypt.", "Ethiopia is called \"Ebisinia,\" or black-haired barbaric, because it doesn't sound good to me to call it Ethiopia, but it has a long history and is the oldest country in Africa except for Egypt.", "Ethiopia is called \"Ebisinia,\" or black-haired, barbaric, because it doesn't sound good to me, but it has a long history and is the oldest country in Africa except for Egypt." ]
"Well, why don't you do that to me. Isn't this the guy who stole someone else's wife? Just say a word out of my mouth. Well, I'll have fun. What's wrong with everywhere? The river goes to Jego, and the sin goes to where it is committed. How do you know Morae is looking for you now?" Pyeongmok spat. At the words of Morye, Josin seemed to shrivel up his whole body. Morye was to be the husband of the month. It was a well-known gallery in Seoul for its good swords and riding horses. Since Josin knows well that it is a gallery, the meaning of a gallery has not changed, and there is no breaking the meaning of a once-in-a-lifetime agreement. Even today, 15 years after Morye, it seemed natural to find Dalrye. Considering that, Josin was scared. Once he encounters Morye, he is like a bird that meets a hawk, so Josin knows that no matter how much he flies, he will not be able to escape his hand. Thinking this, Josin jumped up. "Peace, no, are you sure Morye is still looking for me?" "How come you're not going to find me?" There's no one who won't find my wife. Not to mention the gallery. Hwarang, so do you think you're going to change the meaning of a single bite?" "No, peacetime, speak straight." Are you sure Morye is looking for me?' 'Only to find.' What do you think you're going to do after finding a girl who's thrown away? Do you think the person who's tied up like a copper will be released before you cut the two kite into two pieces with one knife??" "No. Did the peacetime really see the Morye? Did you really see Morye looking for this god?" "Well, I'm telling you so." Since then, Morye has abandoned all her studies and government posts and stepped up to avenge her. I'm going to search every valley, no, I'm not going to look for it. I don't know if I'll be here today or tomorrow. Now that you've had that much fun, isn't it time to give it up? Inje's day to be punished has come." Pyeongmok was laughing at his eyes and mouth as if he was trying to tickle Jo Shin to death.
Josin was scared as if her whole body was cringing at the thought that Morye, who was going to be Dalrye's husband, would naturally visit Dalrye.
[ "Josin jumped up thinking that even today, 15 years after Morye, it seemed natural to find Dalrye, so he knew that Morye would not be able to escape his hand.", "Josin jumped up thinking that even today, 15 years after Morye, it seemed natural to find Dalrye, so he knew that he would not be able to escape his hand.", "Josin jumped up thinking that even today, 15 years after Morye, it seemed natural to find Dalrye, but Josin knew that no matter how much he flies, he will not be able to escape Morye's hand.", "Josin jumped up thinking that even today, 15 years after Morye, it seemed natural to find Dalrye, but Josin knew that no matter how much he flew, he would not be able to escape Morye's hand." ]
"I don't know." I opened my eyes wide. "I see it," said Bobu, not knowing what he would call me, so he hesitated for a moment and brushed my cheek with his finger, instead of calling my name with it, he put his mouth on my cheek, "You look alike." Then he put his mouth close to my ear and said, "So my father hit my mother, everyone bruised, and everyone said they looked like him, so he only went out for three days." He struck my mouth like a lightning bolt, wrapped my face with both hands, and turned his head. I opened my eyes wide in bewilderment and looked into the turtle. And then, <Does he look alike? Do I look alike. Inje, it has been more than 30 years since my grandfather passed away 40 years ago. I didn't know her, her husband, her turtle, her name, where she went, and I never had a chance to meet her after that. If she was still alive, she would be over seventy years old, and Bobu was fifty and the turtle was forty. It's time for all of them to show gray hair. Do I look like a turtle?> That's probably true. That would not be true. I say this will not be true for the honor of my grandfather and the gracious woman. However, whether it is true or not, there is no doubt that the three faces are affectionate faces that I cannot forget. (The Five Months of the Three Kingdoms, May of the Three Kingdoms, Four Seas and the Four Seas and the Four Seas and the Four Seas).
My father beat my mother to the point of bruising, so she said she hadn't been out for three days, kissed me, and turned her head.
[ "It has been more than 30 years since my grandfather passed away, and I didn't know her, her husband, her name, where she went, and I never had a chance to meet her after that.", "It has been more than 30 years since my grandfather passed away, and I didn't know her, her husband, her turtle, her name, where she went, and I never had a chance to meet her after that.", "It has been more than 30 years since my grandfather passed away, and I didn't know her, her husband, her name, where she went, and I never had a chance to meet her.", "It has been more than 30 years since my grandfather passed away, and I didn't know her, her husband, her turtle, her name, where she went, and I never had a chance to meet her." ]
Sung-nul now realized that it was impossible to endure with the effort of imagination by looking at it with his eyes. And the reason why I received a rejection from Jun-yang seemed to brighten the line here. "Did you get in trouble today, Seongnul?" "Doesn't your back hurt?" "Hahaha, we went around a hundred steps in each person's neck, and Nim Jan, Mer, only, fifty steps were given. Does your back hurt?"" "Anyway, Sung-nul Yong-che." Even so, they don't rest and play with their hands all day long, so it's a big deal!" They stick one by one and come out to the rice paddy bank, and after a long talk, they stand up, respectively, considering tomorrow's servants. Seong-nul was the only one who fell into his arms among the workers today. No one with him spoke of tomorrow's arms. Seongnul felt sorry for entering his arms, but he asked for a voluntary offer. "Shall we empty your rice for another day?" "I'm sure you'll have a good day." I think it's because of the sudden lack of work! "I think it's sympathy. Considering that it was difficult to tease the body with freedom for a few days because my legs hurt even if I walked a few tens of miles, today's rapids seem to be deeply ingrained in my body. Seong-nul returned home without saying anything again. 8 Even the next day, the five powers were quite measured, and they were not energetic. However, Seongnul waits for tomorrow's arms to be found again when there is a pum seat. Even for my father, I couldn't just sit there and learn the passion for my soaring life.
Seongnul asked for a voluntary offer because no one wanted to embrace him, but everyone refused, so Seongnul returned home without saying anything.
[ "Seong-nul was the only one who fell into his arms among the workers today, and no one spoke of tomorrow's arms, so Seong-nul asked for a voluntary offer.", "Seong-nul was the only one who fell into his arms among the workers today, and no one spoke of tomorrow's arms, so he asked for a voluntary offer.", "Seong-nul was the only one who fell into his arms among the workers, and no one spoke of tomorrow's arms, so Seong-nul asked for a voluntary offer.", "Seongnul was the only one who fell into his arms among the workers today, and no one spoke of tomorrow's arms, so he asked for a voluntary offer." ]
At the words, Yeon-sook looked into Gyeongdae quickly with a somewhat embarrassed light. Gopu liquor, which had been somewhat overworked with excitement, was blushing around the eyes. "The scenery of the lady's face looks like it. I'll have to fall in love again." Kim Seok-ho raised his glass and recommended it to Yeon-sook, saying, "Come on, have a drink with me." "No." Yeon-sook turned around brightly. "Sigh, this is a big deal! I don't know what kind of drink it is, but my husband's alcohol is definitely not enough...…" Kim Seok-ho's eyes were burning with passion. "My husband... Who are you saying is my husband?" It was an emotional answer. "Huh, there must be only one husband for Baek Yeon-sook, but it sounds like there are two or two people in another place." "There must be someone else who will call you a husband, but why are you doing this?"" 'Oh, that's out of the question!' 'Why is that out of the question? Sanwol will be waiting for you to come back, so hurry up and go." "Look, Yeon-sook!" Kim Seok-ho came to his knees while playing. He came, grabbed Yeon-sook's hand, gave her a glass, and said, "Have a drink. Do I have to drink the alcohol I taught you only with a different guy? When I think about it, I'll be struck by lightning." He hugged Yeon-sook's neck and forced her to drink. "Let it go. I'll eat it with my own hands, so let it go." Before letting go, Kim Seok-ho pressed his lips tightly to Yeon-sook's cheek.
Kim Seok-ho hugged Yeon-sook's neck and forced her to drink, and pressed her lips tightly to Yeon-sook's cheek.
[ "Kim Seok-ho hugged Yeon-sook's neck, forced her to drink, and pressed his lips tightly to Yeon-sook's cheek.", "Kim Seok-ho came to Yeon-sook's knees, grabbed Yeon-sook's hand, gave her a glass, and forced her to drink.", "Kim Seok-ho hugged Yeon-sook's neck, forced her to drink, and pressed her lips tightly to Yeon-sook's cheek.", "Kim Seok-ho came to Yeon-sook's knees while playing, grabbed Yeon-sook's hand, gave her a glass, and forced her to drink." ]