Whether in the summer or autumn of the mountain, the rough face does not come off easily. I think I'll probably see the slovenly flesh after the year has passed. The mountain energy seems to be quite strong so that it does not fall short of the sea breeze. "It seems to be too much of a good spirit." When colleagues meet, they worry about the color of their skin as if it were mockery rather than praise. I don't bother to listen to it as a mockery, but as a pleasant compliment. "Look at the drum. "I hope you don't change your birth rate." The writing, which seems to be attributable to the skin even the loudness, proudly raises your face proudly. Since the school had a hiking club, Professor Shin and Professor Park have been forced to become best friends. In addition to leading students, usually three people have been the leaders to plan and implement mountain climbing - and conquer the mountain one after another. It was a new discovery of the world-mountain that I had never thought of other than school, home, and distance. While climbing once or twice, the charm of the mountain was exhausted throughout the body, and I learned the taste of the mountain more. It started from digging through Myohyangsan Mountain through peer rolls, and became a woman who conquered Jangsusan Mountain one by one from summer to autumn, stepped on Daeseongsan Mountain, went to Sa-dong nearby, and went around Juamsan Mountain. When I came back on Sunday, I would always carry the mop girls. I found it more meaningful than going out on the street and wasting a day without anything special or flirting with booklets at home. If you go through the day without any trouble, your heart will clear and your body will be filled like a spray, and invisible power seems to be piled up in a corner. It should be a life of labor as well as a human life, but I found that climbing a mountain is never a consumption pleasure, but on the contrary, it is really productive. I felt the ball of hiking with joy with my body and soul. If the "good luck" that the companion says is kept in any corner of the skin, will the virtue of the mountain be greater.
When I meet, I try to listen to my colleagues who worry about the color of their skin as a pleasant compliment, not a mockery, but a proud look on my face.
[ "It was a new discovery of the world-mountain that I had never thought of other than school, home, and distance, and I learned the taste of the mountain more.", "It was a new discovery of the world-mountain that I had never thought of other than school, home, and distance, and it started from digging through Myohyangsan Mountain through peer rolls, and became a woman who conquered Jangsusan Mountain one by one from summer to autumn.", "It was a new discovery of the world-mountain that I had never thought of other than school, home, and distance, and it started from digging through Myohyangsan Mountain through peer rolls and became a woman who conquered Jangsusan Mountain one by one from summer to autumn.", "It was a new discovery of the world-mountain that I had never thought of other than school, home, and distance, and I learned the taste of the mountain more while climbing." ]
There is no way that Kkotbun doesn't know Moon Hye's inner thoughts. Whenever I was cursed, I was grateful for Moon Hye, who sympathized with me and considered me vaguely. Therefore, Moon-hye seemed to feel reassured and so sad when she sat next to her, so she always wanted Moon-hye to stay at home with her, but she had to go to school every morning. Therefore, for Kkotbun, there was nothing as unfortunate as when Moon-hye left for morning school, and nothing as welcome as when she returned home in the evening. When it was hard to bear the harsh curse of Manna, I suddenly thought to die, but then I would never receive Moon-hye's warm affection for myself, and I missed Moon-hye and waited for her to come back from school. Kkotbun, who was still washing dishes in the kitchen, overheard Moon-hye's appearance on the floor with a school bag, pushed the door in silence as if it was getting dark, and looked out pathetically toward the floor. Moon Hye also doesn't know how Kkotbun feels. Even so, leaving Kkotbun at home alone to go to school is a worry every time I go, but when I consider Kkotbun's stunned heart to get close to her even though she knew that she would be criticized for not working because she didn't want to be separated. However, the mother cannot give any words of consolation to Kkotbun in listening.
Kkotbun, who felt reassured when Moon-hye was next to him, was never as happy as Moon-hye was when she returned from school.
[ "Kkotbun, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, heard Moon-hye's appearance on the floor with a school bag and looked out pathetically toward the floor.", "Kkotbun, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, heard Moon-hye's appearance on the floor with a school bag, and looked out pathetically toward the floor.", "Kkotbun, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, heard Moon-hye's appearance on the floor with a school bag, pushed the door in silence, and looked out pathetically toward the floor.", "Kkotbun heard Moon-hye's appearance on the floor with a school bag, pushed the door in silence, and looked out pathetically toward the floor." ]
Back then, I had not relaxed my guard against being swept away by this woman's allegations. She was a beautiful woman everywhere, but Mrs. Joo, whose beauty seemed to be more clever everywhere. The cold intelligence from the marble would have made Mrs. Joo look like that, but if she spoke a vulgar word with eyes that seemed to make a big sound, and a snout floating in sandstone, she would give the impression of a woman who would go like a bird's egg. It was really Mrs. Joo, who was everywhere. I was the one who made a fuss from the beginning that I should not show my true feelings when such a woman said what she was talking about. More than that, he said that it was embarrassing to talk about his marital relationship because he was unhappy in front of a first-time acquaintance or a woman without a wife. This is because it is easy to become a form of taxing the other party. As such, even I, a man, can't speak, but Mrs. Joo has no distinction and the nuance from the answer that she is unhappy is very acrimonious. "I don't know what misfortune is, but it's far from happiness."-" In a way, it may sound like a word that it is not misfortune, but it is not happiness, but the margin from the end of the word sounded like a stronger denial of happiness than when affirming misfortune. "… 'It must be far!' At the end of this sentence, didn't you feel hatred for misfortune rather than denial of happiness? I didn't know that I thought of it as a favor.
Mrs. Joo was beautiful, but she seemed more intelligent than that, and gave the impression that she was a woman who was going to be spoiled with vulgar words.
[ "Mrs. Joo said that it was embarrassing to talk about her marital relationship because she was unhappy in front of a first-time acquaintance or a woman without a wife.", "Mrs. Joo said that it was embarrassing to talk about his marital relationship because he was unhappy in front of a first-time acquaintance or a woman without a wife.", "Mrs. Joo said that it was embarrassing to talk about her marital relationship because she was unhappy in front of a first-time acquaintance or a woman without a wife because it was easy to become a form of taxing the other party.", "When Mrs. Joo said that she was unhappy in front of a first-time acquaintance or a woman without a wife, the nuance from the answer that she was unhappy was very acrimonious." ]
He ran to the riverside where he had sent his husband flying. He came running, but there was no way that his husband's ship was still on the riverside. The blue river only flowed quietly down. Oh, my. If you go back home, you don't know if you're going back to the palace. Not knowing what to do, he stood by the river and wept as he watched the twilight passing by. After crying for a long time, I found a small boat floating without its owner by the river. "That's right. Let's take that boat. Let's take that boat and go down with the waves. If you follow the waves you rode down from Im, you don't even know if there is a place to meet Im." He went to the ship. We boarded the ship and floated it off the hill. The ship went down and down with the waves. So how much is it to flow down in the waves. I was going down for a while, and the ship got in trouble and stopped somewhere. Domi's Anhae, which was lying in the ship without God, raised her head because the ship stopped automatically. It was caught on an island. Tired of everything, he was just trying to lie down again, but he saw something strange over there, so he raised his head and looked closely. It was dawn then. In the dark of dawn, something was wriggling among the islands on the other side. There was a slight groan. His eyes flashed, and when he looked closely again, it was clearly a person. A person fell on the island and was groaning alone.
I didn't want to be taken to the palace, so I found a person lying on the island while going down on a boat by the river.
[ "After crying for a long time, I found a small boat floating without its owner by the river, and I boarded the ship and floated it off the hill.", "After crying for a long time, he found a small boat floating without its owner by the river, and he boarded the ship and floated it off the hill.", "He ran to the riverside where he had sent his husband flying, but there was no way that his husband's ship was still on the river, so he stood by the river and wept.", "After crying for a long time, I found a small boat floating without its owner by the river, and I boarded the boat and floated it off the hill." ]
I also followed behind with terrible thoughts. Of course, at that time, it was not known whether the moonlight was white or the sky was dark blue, but it seems to be true that the stern energy of the moonlit night made me feel ecstatic, even if it was young. At this time I was asked this question by my sister. "Do you know how big that moon is?" I answered right away with such a thought. "It's as big as a sitting cushion!" This was me who only saw round cushions used to dry things like veggies and peppers in my house, so I would have compared them to round plates or trays in my house, which would be easier to answer than the size of the moon you see. However, if it is not a problem to think about only what I see and answer as it is, my sister thought that there was no way to ask how big the moon was, so I thought it would be a little bigger than what I saw, so I answered with a discount. My sister laughed, "Ha ha." I heard this smile from my second sister. Once, I received this smile when I asked my sister to go up to the front mountain to touch the sky. This is something that I thought of touching the sky so accidentally. Because I thought the peak of Apsan Mountain and the sky were in close contact, I thought that if I went up to Apsan Mountain, the sky would be touched without any difficulty. My sister, who heard my answer that the size of the moon was as big as a cushion, again said that it was bigger than I had said.
When the solemn energy of the moonlit night made me feel ecstatic, I was asked by my sister if I knew how big that moon was.
[ "The stern energy of the moonlit night made me feel ecstatic even if it was young, so I answered with such a thought that the size of the moon was as big as a sitting cushion.", "The stern energy of the moonlit night made me feel ecstatic even if it was young, and my sister asked me if I knew the size of the moon.", "When I asked my sister to go up to the front mountain to touch the sky, my sister laughed and said that the size of the moon was bigger than I had said.", "When I asked my sister to go up to the front mountain to touch the sky, she laughed and said that the size of the moon was bigger than I had said." ]
I ran quickly and said hello to my brother, "Are you coming?" Her sister is also happy to see her, and she laughs, saying, "Why aren't you coming to Yosai?" and "No, when did I come?" The sister closed her eyes slowly and seemed to think of something, and said, "Today is the 10th day of July, and the first seven days are official days...… It's your first time coming on the first day of the holiday, right?" "Yes, it's only been three days?" "Three days! I felt like it's been about three years. Do you meet once in three days? It's far! It's far! Do you think three days are very close?" The sister looks at him as if she is looking for something. "It's great to come every three days," he laughs again. "Good luck! Do you know how many times I look out the door in three days? I was worried about everything. "Are you sick or scolded?" The voice is full of tears in your eyes. "I was so worried about our work that I was worried about!" And tears overflowed. "No! I did something wrong without sin," he frowned and smiled, "Why do you cry when you look like a child? Aren't you embarrassed? (Suddenly changing the tone) But I will go up and Cargo Aredo, but whenever I go up and cut, my companion should not be able to come and come." The crying sister smiled. I laughed, too. He is from Daegu. His parents still live in Daegu. He was staying at Ochon Dangsuk's house in Seoul. Since he has been in Seoul for five or six years, he has rarely used dialect, but he sometimes said strange things to make us laugh.
When the customer came after a long time, the sister said, "I was worried about my health."
[ "The brother, who was staying at Ochon Dangsuk's house in Seoul for five or six years, sometimes said strange things to make us laugh.", "The brother, who was staying at Ochon Dangsuk's house in Seoul for five or six years, has rarely used dialect, but he sometimes said strange things to make us laugh.", "The brother, who was staying at Ochon Dangsuk's house in Seoul, has rarely used dialect, but he sometimes said strange things to make us laugh.", "The brother, who was staying at Ochon Dangsuk's house in Seoul for five or six years, often said strange things to make us laugh." ]
Chunja was different from other siblings, so she didn't look like her mother but looked like her father's side, so she had a pretty face. This is the first time when I was 17 years old when I came down to Hwangju, and it has been a good bride. However, he seemed very depressed for some reason. I've been very pleased with this Chunja. So I didn't even think that Chun-ja was welcome. Although it was for a short time, I talked and played with Chunja the most while walking in the apple field. Chun-ja also welcomed me, and only the time she was with me, she smiled brightly and talked and played. Young-chun, the youngest, has already grown to an unrecognizable age of 17, and was commuting to a Japanese middle school in Gyeomipo. Young-chun complained to me about his older brother, Parkchon Gyeongbu-bo, who made Japanese middle school students attend. Appealing to Japanese children with all kinds of bad feelings...… So, aside from such trivial things, Mrs. Hwangju grew up so well that all four siblings grew up well and studied so that they did not fall into other people's axis. Among them, his eldest son, Jae-chun, reached such a late period at only 30, and there was a bright way to become even greater in the future. The property has been made. Even a rich man who enjoyed a million dollars in this country lived a life of abundance that he dared not. Sixteen years ago, one day in the fall of 1929, it was impossible not to be moved when I thought about the day when I was standing on the streets of Seoul with three children on my back.
Chun-ja, who has a pretty face, looked cheerful as long as she was with me, and the youngest, Young-chun, was commuting to a Japanese middle school.
[ "Chun-ja was different from other siblings, so she didn't look like her mother but looked like her father's side, so she had a pretty face.", "Chun-ja was different from other siblings, so she didn't look like her mother but looked like her father's side, so she was a good bride.", "Chun-ja was different from other siblings, so she didn't look like her mother, but she looked like her father's side, so she was a good bride.", "Chunja was different from other siblings, so she didn't look like her mother but looked like her father's side, so she was a good bride." ]
Myung-soo trembled even in his heart. I trembled with pain. The more frustrated my heart was, the more I could not answer Hee-jung's question as if it were a lie. Moreover, when the man who would die soon asked if he would live, he could not bring the pathetic and cruel news that he would die in his ear, even if it was really pitiful, pitiful, and pitiful. When I stop by him to mean, "Now that I've cured my disease, I'll live well," on the other hand, the humorous feeling of being sad enough to melt my bones and saying, "If I die, I'll live well without a disease." He cheated on himself. I had no choice but to deceive in a funny way. For a long time, when various sorrows and worries intertwine with each other, I feel like I don't even reach them like lightning at first glance. "If Hee-jeong's body, lying all over the place, trying to run out of breath, jumps up and hugs her neck tightly with her skinny arm, and struggles for her life..."… If you cry out...…. I won't die. If you pinch and rip it off, saying, "Find the stolen life" for deceiving...… When I cried and pushed him, I was very sorry and afraid of my own heart, which seemed to rot black when I saw the face of the safe Hee-jeong, who seemed to be deceived and tightened, without any energy, without feeling. He sighed deeply, once as if his heart were breaking. And in order to prevent the rising tears, the dull skin of the eyes was quickly closed firmly.
Myung-soo was distressed because he couldn't tell me a cruel and pathetic story when Hee-jung asked him about his imminent death.
[ "The more frustrated Myung-soo's heart was, the more he could not answer Hee-jung's question as if it were a lie.", "The more frustrated Myung-soo was, the more he couldn't answer Hee-jung's question as if it were a lie.", "When Hee-jung asked if he would live, Myung-soo could not answer Hee-jung's question as if it were a lie.", "Myung-soo, who trembled even in his heart, could not answer Hee-jung's question as if it were a lie." ]
"As long as everything is practical and productively simple, is it beautiful with the main teeth or how?" The reader will protest, but it is not something like that. Let's find an example right at the edge of your body. At this time, there are many embarrassing things that make it difficult for Joseon women to wear the so-called body shape, similar body shape, or substitute body shape. They are mainly made like a body by tearing off the skirt they used to wear, and there is no way to blame in the sense that they used a new persimmon, but the problem is the structure, that is, the sewing skill made. Some have become the model of a man's golf pants, others have drooping underneath, and others have torn apart just by bending their bodies once, and there are countless other extraordinary things. Again and again, I'm not blaming persimmons. Even though you can make it look elegant and less luxurious with the same sense, you regret the indifference to the beautiful thing that you wear by trimming it in such a way to pretend to wear it. Indifference to dress is to be silent and on the phone. Insincerely dressed -- the same feeling Making and wearing something ugly for the same purpose and uselessly makes you hate to see your own appearance, which results in greatly enhancing the dignity of the people. This is because if beauty was not considered in the stay while wearing the same clothes for the same purpose, the people would lose their national face in front of others.
It was made by tearing off skirts that Joseon women usually wore, but the problem was sewing skills.
[ "There are many embarrassing things that make it difficult for Joseon women to wear the so-called body shape, similar body shape, or substitute body shape.", "At this time, there are many embarrassing things that make it difficult for Joseon women to wear the so-called body shape, similar body shape, or substitute body shape.", "Even though you can make it look elegant and less luxurious with the same sense, you regret the indifference to the beautiful thing that you wear by trimming it in such a way to pretend to wear it.", "Even though you can make it look elegant and less luxurious with the same sense, you regret the indifference to the beautiful thing that you wear by trimming it in such a way as to pretend to wear it." ]
Then, what do we realize from the path of poetry that we have been following as described above? Eliot was able to roughly deduce from several centuries of British literature that criticism shrinks when poetry rises and poetry shrinks when criticism rises. He called the era of poetry a "creative era" and the era of criticism a "criticism era," as Arnold described the function of criticism in modern times, referring to the Elizabethan era as an era of expansion and the era after the end of the 19th century as an era of concentration. However, Hyundai, which started in World War I, certainly showed a tendency to replace the contraction of poetry with the rise of criticism. In particular, Gurapa literature after the Jucheist movement reflected most of the author's critical consciousness, regardless of the genre. Psychological novels and existentialist plays, except for criticism, could have been deepened only by critical methods, so it is not wrong to say that modern times are critical. However, the recent world poetry has never shrunk, but rather shows the rise of poetry. How on earth is this fact explained. Let us hear from Eliot again. You can't blame criticism unless you deny philosophy. It is no exaggeration to say that the development of criticism heralds the development and change of poetry, and that the development of poetry heralds a social change in itself. The fact that poetry shrinks rather results in criticism helping poetry and enabling new coordination with society and the world, so the scope of poetry expands and the utility value of poetry becomes a problem.
Eliot deduced that in modern times, with World War I as a branch, criticism shrinks when poetry rises, and poetry shrinks when criticism rises.
[ "Hyundai, which started in World War I, replaced the contraction of poetry with the rise of criticism, so it is not wrong to say that modern times are critical.", "Hyundai, which started in World War I, replaced the contraction of poetry with the rise of criticism, but Gurapa literature after the Jucheist movement reflected most of the author's critical consciousness, so it is not wrong to say that modern times are critical.", "Hyundai, which started in World War I, replaced the contraction of poetry with the rise of criticism, so it is not wrong to say that modern times are critical, but the recent world poetry has never shrunk, but rather shows the rise of poetry.", "Hyundai, which started in World War I, replaced the contraction of poetry with the rise of criticism, but it is not wrong to say that modern times are critical." ]
Budeok had a dog called Budeok when I was young and was still in school. Even if it was a dog, it wasn't a great dog, not a three-part or bulldog or something that was commonly kept in modern homes around this time, a hawk hunter or a gun hunter tamed. It's just a random-looking dog that you can see in rural houses. It was a dog that guarded the bandits, cleaned up the leftover rice, and even cared for the children. But I really liked this dog. When I go to a large yellow iron tree to lower the magpie's nest, the talisman kneels underneath protecting my leather shoes while I climb the tree, and keeps the magpie from running anywhere without biting or anything. When I went to catch the frog cub, I followed him, and when I went to the place where the snow piled up three or four characters in the winter morning to put more grass, I often took the lead and followed him. I went on an errand after dinner, and if I don't come back even though it's late at night, I find the house I went to and I'm kneeling outside the gate waiting. When one of the adults chased me out to take me, but when I saw Budeok shaking his tail and tangled in my feet, I said, "Budeok is here, so I'll be your companion. Then, goodbye." He sent me back with confidence. Boo-duk went around with No-na like this. The only time he's away from me is while I'm at school. When I took the morning book, I followed it from behind, but when I came to the entrance of the alley to school, I clearly looked at my way, and then I came back home. When I left home too much, I was scolded like a grown-up, so I spent most of my days in the house protecting strangers, so to speak, or cleaning up, or sitting on a grain mat, chasing birds in a mill or lotus seed.
When I was young, I used to have a dog called Budok in my house, but it was not a great dog like a hound, but just a common dog in the countryside.
[ "When I went to the place where the snow piled up three or four characters in the morning to put more grass, I often took the lead and followed Budeok.", "When I went to the place where the snow piled up three or four characters to put more grass, I often took the lead and followed Budeok.", "When I went to the place where the snow piled up three or four characters in the morning to put more grass, I often took the lead and followed him.", "When I went to the place where the snow piled up three or four characters in the morning to put more grass, I often took the lead and followed Budeok, and when one of the adults chased me out, I said, \"Budeok is here, so I'll be your companion.\"" ]
It is one day in the lunar new year when the frozen road is slippery due to the cold weather after the heavy snow and rain. On my school visit that day, I decided to take a tram in front of Gwanghwamun and grab a rickshaw that was not in my life due to the private wind. Danil-gil planned to stop by Jinmyeong and Baehwa's two girls' schools while visiting the second high school, supported by Yuksanggung Palace. And, as for Chabu, he asked how much it would be to go back and forth from the second high school. "Give me 80 jeon," said Chabu, who had a few glasses of makgeolli, cooked and peeled, and a red eolgol in the shape of a crab shell, and the round eyes of a cow with a graceful and gentle light. It's more loose than my own, so I'm willing to get on and say, "There's a couple of places to visit on the way. I'll give it to you as you ask……." "Just dispose of it," Chabu said, gasping for breath, turned into a western corner and drove the flat road like a storm. After passing through the 2nd Gobo and Jinmyeong Girls' School, he went up to Baehwa School on the top of Pilundae. The road is narrow, there are many rooms, and there are many stones, and in addition, it is an ice sheet, so the body shakes like this, of course, and there were many times when the feet of the car driver slipped like they were wet. The day was cold, but sweat formed like beads on the neck of the puller. When I finished school, there was another hill in front of the gasping coachman.
After visiting the school, I said I would catch a rickshaw with my own money and give it to him as he asked, so the car driver drove along the flat road where he gasped like a storm.
[ "On my school visit that day, I decided to take a tram in front of Gwanghwamun and grab a rickshaw that was not in my life due to the private wind.", "Chabu, who had a few glasses of makgeolli, cooked and peeled, and a red eolgol in the shape of a crab shell, asked how much it would cost to go back and forth from the second high school.", "On the day of my school visit, I decided to take a tram in front of Gwanghwamun and grab a rickshaw that was not in my life due to the private wind.", "On the day of my school visit that day, I decided to take a tram in front of Gwanghwamun and grab a rickshaw that was not in my life due to the private wind." ]
They walked down a small stone road, through dry grass, across a bridge over a strong stream, and came to a sturdy house made of wood. Jim sat by the table, receiving milk, bread, cheese, and other consolation. His heart was full of pride. The mother of the house and her daughter were free, kind, and a little rough - it made him more comfortable - and served him. Jim even joked at them and laughed when he regained his strength by soaking bread in milk. The cook had soon returned from the ship. "Now you are happy," he said. "That sander is building a two-kilometer pier, but there are not enough people, so I'm busy as if I'm milking the ranch. You can get a job there."-"That's what I thought." Jim had a triumphant smile on his face. He was guided to the speed of light by laying down the side-by-side straw. There he slept for ten hours. The next day he went out early. His pain seemed to have disappeared without leaving a trace. He walked lightly along the coast. Immediately he turned the corner of the coast. I could see a small village with a wooden hotel. Must have been weaving a wooden pier there. He immediately asked to go to the wooden office to work. The director could speak English. There was quite a lot of dialect in what he said. Jim explained that he came from Hal to get a job. The director frowned in surprise. Jim even told a few lies to answer the director's question. He said he heard in Hal that he could find work in Sandner. The director was surprised. He pushed his hat back and looked straight at him.
He was guided by the speed of light and slept for ten hours, and the next day he went out early and walked along the coast, and after seeing that he was weaving a wooden pier in a small village, he went to his office and asked to work.
[ "Jim sat by the table, receiving milk, bread, cheese, and other consolations, and laughed when he regained his strength by soaking bread in milk.", "They walked down a small stone road, across a bridge, and came to a sturdy house made of wood, and Jim sat by the table, receiving milk, bread, cheese, and other consolations.", "They walked down a small stone road, across a bridge, and came to a sturdy house made of wood, and Jim sat by the table, receiving milk, bread, cheese, and other consolation.", "They came to a sturdy house made of wood, and Jim sat by the table, receiving milk, bread, cheese, and other consolations, and his heart was full of pride." ]
We can see how much our people, not our comrades in the provinces, are longing to reflect their lives through true art. Most of us, who are clumsy at everything, have come to the countryside for cultural work, including myself. However, throughout each sector, we are determined to do our best to fulfill our responsibilities with sincerity and sincerity. On July 1, five people from each alliance visited the provincial government office with Dong-A Ilbo and held their first performance at the Daesaeng Theater in Choryang, where the evil laws of 1.30 are observed. Even in holding this performance, the police authorities' procedures were difficult, and the detailed accidents and reasons, such as barely starting at 002 p.m. during the day, made us realize that everything is still a path of struggle and hardship. Everyone is doing well and enthusiastically. Unlike ordinary box office organizations, our accommodation shares each expectation with the special request of various colleagues in the province. The bouquets of flowers lined up in front of the Omakjip Theater's Daesaengjwa are gathered in front of the Daesaengjwa, wearing new clothes that can't be seen even if they don't have money in their pockets.
Everything is still on the way to struggle for us, with the performance being delayed by an hour due to the tricky procedures of the police authorities.
[ "On July 1, five people from each alliance visited the provincial government office with Dong-A Ilbo and held their first performance at the Daesaeng Theater in Choryang, where the evil laws of 1.30 are observed.", "On July 1, five people from each alliance visited the provincial government office with Dong-A Ilbo and held their first performance at the Daesaeng Theater in Choryang.", "On July 1, five people from each alliance visited the provincial government office with Dong-A Ilbo and held their first performance at the Daesaeng Theater in Choryang, where the evil laws of 1.30 were observed.", "On July 1, five people from each alliance visited the provincial government office with Dong-A Ilbo and held their first performance at the Daesaeng Theater in Choryang, where the evil law of 1.30 is observed." ]
'S is Won, what are you here for?' He realized that unprovoked jealousy was boiling out of his mind. Well, Hye-sook doesn't even come to me because of S. Just play well among yourself. 'Hye-sook has never come to visit her, but Elizabeth thought like this. "Ah, is Elizabeth here. We've been talking about you. "Why didn't you come?" Hye-sook and S stood up at the same time, holding Elizabeth's left hand and S's right hand and dragging her to the main seat. Elizabeth, still a girl of nineteen, was respected and kind of a time by all her alumni for her talent and bravery. He was still commuting to school due to his talent, but he was staying at Baron K's house and asking his children to review his department in the afternoon. "What do you mean, my story? Were you watching my Sungdeul to the fullest?" Elizabeth, sitting in her seat, concealed her forced anger and asked, "Is it similar to a joke?" Hye-sook and S looked at each other for a while, as discussed, and then turned their heads, saying, "I'm sorry to keep my mouth shut because I was holding back my laughter." 'What do you mean, my story?' 'Your story.' I- Let's stop." Elizabeth wanted to hear more when Hye-sook hid it. He gradually showed his anger on the outside. "What do you mean by my story?" If you don't teach me, I'll go." "Your story. I-" Hye-sook looked at S again after saying the same thing earlier. "Then I'm off," said Elizabeth, trying to rise.
Elizabeth realized that her jealousy was boiling when Hye-sook did not come to play due to S.
[ "Hye-sook and S stood up at the same time, holding Elizabeth's left hand and S's right hand, dragging her to the main seat.", "Hye-sook and S stood up at the same time, holding Elizabeth's left hand and S's right hand and dragging her to the main seat.", "Hye-sook and S stood up at the same time, holding Elizabeth's left hand and S's right hand, dragging Elizabeth to the main seat.", "Hye-sook and S stood up at the same time, holding Elizabeth's left hand and S's right hand, and dragged her to the main seat." ]
They put clothes, belongings, and weapons as they are, and buried them firmly and comfortably. Otherwise, thousands of years later, there will still be the Yeongja of the monk, and will it be possible to obtain a fragment of the object. What an uplifting chivalry and generous gilt. I didn't realize that my shoulders shrugged by themselves, even though my head was lowered. Along the fingers of the old masters at Baeksangnu Pavilion, a stone statue of Euljigong. I looked at and cared for the basin and area left behind by Euljigong as far as I could reach, and I was impressed by the wind and air, and I forgot everything and was drunk. I realized that new dragons and spirits rose flexibly as the sky was far away and the excitement was raining. The mind and body seemed to accumulate in the great and brilliant glory of the past. However, once I changed my pronunciation to Nuha and saw the broken stone and stone monument of Euljigong on the left side of the main gate, and my fantasy like Chae Hong was shattered by the terrible reality. The stone statue was broken into two pieces and placed on the fuselage, and the lower part of the fuselage was cut off and ran away. Asbestos is still clearly engraved with an intaglio. And next to Baru, there is a fragment of the stone monument, which is two ships wide and three ships high.
The stone statue, which is completely composed of asbestos carved with engraved armor, is as if it were five in total as it exists.
[ "The stone statue of Euljigong was broken into two pieces and placed on the fuselage, and the lower part of the fuselage was cut off and ran away.", "The stone monument of Euljigong was broken into two pieces and placed on the fuselage, and the lower part of the fuselage was cut off and ran away.", "The stone statue of Euljigong was broken into two pieces and placed on the fuselage, and the lower part of the fuselage was cut off and ran away, and there is a fragment of the stone monument next to Baru.", "A stone statue of Euljigong was broken into two pieces and placed on the fuselage, and the lower part of the fuselage was cut off and ran away." ]
In order to resist the gloomy examination, I immediately took a walk into the mountains, twisting the precedent. It was a summer resort for foreigners with a rare villa in the mountains. To the first visitor, Yu-seon, I walked while talking about various knowledge of the village. It was of great help to me because the precedent is inquiring with considerable interest. Because summer had passed, vacationers were lonely because they went to Geoban Harbin or Shanghai, but the quiet taste was rather suitable for the first autumn atmosphere. I went up the hill and snooped around the airplane-style mansion, wondering if there would be an owner. It was because he was acquainted with the owner of the villa, Mr. Colieff. Mr. Cole, who had not yet returned to the city, was fortunately strolling in the garden. I greeted the middle-aged old man with a warm welcome and was given the opportunity to enter the courtyard. Somehow, a young lady appeared from behind, greeted her kindly, and led the way to the drawing room with sponsorship, showing off the size of the house. When she reached the flowerless greenhouse, she suddenly pointed to a precedent and asked if it was "Lady." Because it was such a bold and urgent question, I couldn't explain the relationship between the two in a long way, so I couldn't answer it either way. I don't know how you guessed it yourself, but Yu-yeon only smiled like me without the light of being very displeased with my attitude. Meanwhile, Mr. Cole breaks two dalias He put me in the hem of a new dress. Even the little girl, Cole's youngest daughter, who eats sunflower seeds frantically in the flower garden, looks at us closely.
In order to resist the gloomy mood, I left for a walk in the mountains with the precedent and walked talking about the knowledge of the mountain village.
[ "It was a summer resort for foreigners with a rare villa in the mountains, and I went up the hill and snooped around the airplane-style mansion.", "It was a summer resort for foreigners with a rare villa in the mountains, and I went up the hill and snooped around the airplane-style mansion, wondering if there would be an owner.", "I went up the hill and snooped around the airplane-style mansion, wondering if there would be an owner, and Mr. Cole, who had not yet returned to the city, was strolling in the garden.", "I went up the hill and snooped around the airplane-style mansion, thinking if there would be an owner, and Mr. Cole, who had not yet returned to the city, was strolling in the garden." ]
If Kim is always missing while waiting for Kim So-chun at the LC Party, the lives of several people are in danger in this house. Therefore, in order to avoid this, it is best to give the public bonds to the LC Party as soon as possible. These points were explained in detail. The old lady heard everything. He shook his head after he heard it. "Chandu should know about this, but I don't know." "Madam, I don't know that either. However, Mr. Chan-du is still a young man with energy, so it seems that he will not accept this remark. You'll say you'll try to the end. So your wife should call Mr. Chandu and order him to do so." But the old lady did not readily agree. In-jun did not easily believe that the old lady would accept it. In the end, he had always come with a special plan to win. 'Madam.' '...." "If your wife orders you, Mr. Chandu will have something you can't resist. I believe you should do as I say for the sake of your family and for many lives." "How can I meddle in such a thing?" was the old lady's answer. Renjun got it soon. "Your wife is the only one who can dampen young Mr. Chan-du's temper for your family." "I don't want to say that," the old lady threw it out at last. Renjun just gummed his eyes a couple of times. After chewing his eyes a few times without meaning, Renjun opened his mouth again. "Madam -." "?" "We need to prevent the crime of the LC party." That is the only way to prevent it.
The LC Party explained that if Kim So-chun goes missing, the lives of many people are in danger, so it is best to give up public bonds as soon as possible, but the elderly women shook their heads.
[ "If Kim is missing while waiting for Kim So-chun at the LC Party, the lives of several people are in danger in this house, so it is best to give the public bonds to the LC Party as soon as possible.", "If Kim So-chun is missing while waiting for Kim So-chun at the LC Party, the lives of several people are in danger in this house, so it is best to give the public bonds to the LC Party as soon as possible.", "If Kim is missing while waiting for Kim So-chun at the LC Party, the lives of several people are in danger, so it is best to give the public bonds to the LC Party as soon as possible.", "If Kim is missing while waiting for Kim So-chun at the LC Party, the lives of several people in the house are in danger, so it is best to give the public bonds to the LC Party as soon as possible." ]
My grandfather always couldn't leave under this chestnut tree and enjoyed walking under the shade with me. Then, just a few years ago, he spent money to protect this old philosopher, whose branches were crisp and damp every year, and to be an eternal friend from him, he bought a worker, raised the drum, and hit stones around it to build a pedestal and a pavilion. He then gave natural stones to even passengers to stay under them and enjoy them together, made seats everywhere, and took turns around the old philosopher to get roses, woodblocks, plum trees, and so on, adding to the atmosphere of the pavilion. This made me closer to this old philosopher, and people named it Yuljeong, and if they had leisure, they gathered to visit this philosopher and recited poems while pouring glasses in the antique atmosphere. I can't remember the poem now, and the poems gathered from the north and south government offices as well as from the north and south are indeed Ki Baek-soo, and my grandfather now puts it on his head as a treasure of Noyeo, and as if it contained the truth saved in the poem. Most of my creative work was done here. Nothing has been planned directly with this philosopher, but it is true that the statue was polished in friendship with this philosopher. When the table was clogged and I didn't want the brush, I left the desk without realizing it, so I would quietly close my eyes and walk underneath it, picking out and unraveling the knot image. I found it even though my thoughts were tight, and this old philosopher chestnut tree was the seed of my life.
Even when my thoughts were pinched or my brushstrokes were blocked, I unwittingly came out under the shadow of this old philosopher chestnut tree and walked with my eyes closed.
[ "A few years ago, my grandfather spent money to protect this old philosopher, whose branches were damp every year, and to be an eternal friend from him.", "A few years ago, my grandfather spent money to protect this old philosopher, whose branches were damp every year, and to be an eternal friend from him, he bought a worker, raised the drum, and hit stones around it to build a pedestal and a pavilion.", "A few years ago, my grandfather spent money to protect this old philosopher, whose branches were damp every year, and to be an eternal friend from him, he bought a worker, raised the drum, and hit stones to build a pedestal and a pavilion.", "A few years ago, my grandfather spent money to protect this old philosopher, whose branches were damp every year, and to be an eternal friend to him, he bought a worker, raised the drum, and hit stones around it to build a pedestal and a pavilion." ]
"Oh, what's wrong with you? What's the matter with you?" "What kind of money has that cost you? Why don't you think you're going to pay for it?" You're gonna rip this thing apart…… You gnawing fellow. "I untie my head and hang it while struggling. I'm out of breath. "Hey, what kind of money is that? Yeah, what kind of money is that?" "What kind of money is that?" Where did I go and get the money from someone else? It's my money. My money……" "That's your money, man? Dude.' 'Who's got the money, not mine? It's my money that came out of my house. "What kind of money is that?" "If it's your house, who got it? Who raised it?" "No matter who got it, it's my house and it's my money." "Hey! Why are you doing this to me?" Deoksoe's mother held her son's arm with a sharp mouth. Deoksoe pushes her mother's head and body to freeze. Bites and collar-grabbing things that have no teeth and energy are lost helplessly and fall on the floor. As he stood up again and tried to fight, Deoksoe had already pulled back the gate and ran out into the yard. Deoksoe's mother stumbles and follows her, crying and shouting, "Hey, you six-syllable," and by that time, she is already rattling out of the private door and chasing after Deoksoe, who runs away.
As her mother struggled and hung on, Deoksoe pushed her mother's head and body.
[ "Deoksoe's mother held her son's arm with a sharp mouth, and Deoksoe pushed her head and body to freeze.", "Deoksoe's mother held her son's arm with a sharp mouth and pushed her head and body to freeze, and Deoksoe ran out into the yard.", "Deoksoe's mother held her son's arm and pushed her head and body to freeze, and Deoksoe ran out into the yard.", "Deoksoe's mother held her son's arm with a sharp mouth, and Deoksoe pushed her head and body to freeze, and Deoksoe ran out into the yard." ]
At that time, Mr. Choi had already laid down a man and stood on one foot, trampling on his neck, and there was a groan under a dark tree over there. Seeing that the white-clad man was pressed underneath, Changho's uncle must have died. He ran with Maengho and pulled the man sitting on his uncle's back. Chang-ho's uncle couldn't get up and was just groaning. The Cheongguk guy who was transferred from his uncle to Mr. Choi was strong. After competing against each other, kicking, hitting, pushing, and dragging for a long time, suddenly there was a sound of "Huh!" and Choi, who fell with him, kicked the Cheongguk out there, and quickly flew like lightning and sat on the fallen Cheongguk's boat. Ah! But there was a lack of water. Seeing that the situation was in danger, the two men who were guarding the house came out with sticks and kitchen knives and tapped the student's shoulder first. When he saw it, Mr. Choi, who was almost turned upside down, said, "Wow!" and rushed in and took his club, but just then, the man with the knife aimed at Mr. Choi's chest and rushed in. Mr. Choi's left arm, which was trying to stop the knife, was stabbed with a black knife when he heard the sound of "Ah!" Alas, misery! Despair! The three of them were also caught. After three people, beaten, stabbed, and stretched like an invoice, were dragged into the burrowing brick house, the students who went to the post office and the newspaper office met on the street and came back together. I walked lightly like a cat's walk aimed at a mouse without breathing, and came to the tree forest behind my house, saying, "Oh! There's no one!" "What's going on?" I listened while holding back my heart's already beating, and then I heard several people groaning in the house, crying out with this guy and that guy.
Mr. Choi, who ran to Changho's uncle who was killed by the Cheonggukman, pulled the Cheonggukman sitting on his uncle.
[ "Seeing that the situation was in danger, the two men who were guarding the house came out with sticks and knives and tapped the student's shoulder first.", "Seeing that the situation was in danger, the two men who were guarding the house came out with sticks and kitchen knives and tapped the student's shoulder first.", "Seeing that the situation was in danger, the two men who were guarding the house came out with sticks and knives and tapped the student's shoulder first, and Mr. Choi, who was almost turned upside down, rushed in and took his club.", "Seeing that the situation was in danger, the two men who were guarding the house came out with sticks and kitchen knives and tapped the student's shoulder." ]
I couldn't stop talking, so I thought about it, but I suddenly changed my words, taking out the body trend text, and putting it on the voice as if it were a fairy tale, so the audience laughed and sometimes clapped, saying, "Everyone said the right thing. Ddan is happy. Fortunately, he fixed the grudge and settled it, but when the audience fled in the middle of the lecture, he was scolded. The contents were taken away, so I came out of Tokyo to give a tour lecture from Busan and gave a lecture in Nonsan, and I decided to say it with the Yeonje, which I used to say in Busan, wherever I went. Then, the accompanying speaker asked me to put myself in the order first, but I went out to the podium first and did everything I said in Busan (what I said for about an hour and a half). Another person in the company looked at me and said, "The problem of low prices is that Mr. Bang is saying what he has to say in advance with something else, so what will Mr. Bang say later?" To be honest, I'm in trouble. I couldn't fix Yeonje now, I couldn't stop what he was saying right now, I hesitated, and then it was my turn to go to the podium and say something else as a temporary response.
When I saw the accompanying speaker say exactly what I said in Busan, it was my turn and I had a hard time saying something else as a temporary response.
[ "I came out of Tokyo to give a tour lecture from Busan and gave a lecture in Nonsan, and I decided to say it with the Yeonje, which I used to say in Busan, wherever I went.", "I came out of Tokyo to give a tour lecture from Busan and gave a lecture in Nonsan, and I decided to say it with Yeonje, which I used to say in Busan, wherever I went.", "I came out of Tokyo to give a tour lecture from Busan and gave a lecture in Nonsan, and I decided to say it with the Yeonje wherever I went.", "I came out of Tokyo to give a tour lecture from Busan and gave a lecture in Nonsan, and I decided to say it with the Yeonje, which I used to say in Busan." ]
The great army allowed it. The other hands were in doubt and disinterested. The gisaeng teases her jade hands, plays the rhythm and sings, and Choi Seo-bang also responds by pulling the geomungo without hesitation. The sound of the song seemed to be pleading and complaining, and the sound of Geomungo was welcoming because it was pure. The two sounds seem to stay in the clouds that were going together, but the rest of the sounds are heard on the beam for a long time, so the listeners look at them in awe and there is no light on their faces. Choi Seo-bang looked at the poor light on his hands and slowly raised his body, saying, "The reason why I followed Dae-gam this far is to see the scenery of Pyongyang and sing Yeongwangjeong once, but since I have already achieved all my life's wishes, I owe you a lot." I'm asking you to leave first because you can't take me there when you go back because you're busy going back. Then, without looking back, I strode down the road. The gisaeng soon got up and frowned, saying, "I've been sick of henchmen for a long time, but I've been sitting on a cold floor, and I'm very uncomfortable with the disease, so I'm very sorry, but I'm going to go back." Prince Anpyeong, who came all the way to Pyongyang to enjoy the gisaeng once in his life, sang all the post-war instruments and set up a play, was attracted to others, and it was hard to explain.
Gisaeng played the rhythm and sang with jade-like hands, and Choi Seo-bang responded with Geomungo, but the sound of the song seemed to be complaining and the sound of Geomungo seemed to welcome, so the listeners were mesmerized.
[ "The gisaeng teases her jade hands, plays the rhythm and sings, and Choi Seo-bang responds by pulling the geomungo without hesitation.", "Prince Anpyeong, who came all the way to Pyongyang to enjoy the gisaeng once in his life, was attracted to others, but it was hard to explain.", "Prince Anpyeong, who came all the way to Pyongyang to enjoy the gisaeng once in his life, sang all the post-war instruments and set up a play, and it was hard to explain why he was attracted to others.", "Prince Anpyeong, who came all the way to Pyongyang to enjoy the gisaeng once in his life, sang all the post-war instruments and set up a play, and it was hard to explain." ]
Schopenhauer's love and love poem On May 8, 1814, Goethe sent a two-line poem to Schopenhauer, who was named the philosopher of pessimism. If you think of yourself to be happy with the value of that time, you will have to send the value to your world. When the poem was published by Goethe's publisher in 1815, Schopenhauer added, "This poem was written especially because of me." The funny thing was - Goethe was then the only genius born on earth, and with his beauty he was praised by all women, leaving behind all the stories of love. However, Schopenhauer had never been considered good by any woman. I don't know if it was because it was never considered good or from other causes, but Schopenhauer was famous as a pessimist at the time and is also famous as a female capitalist. It is interesting to note that there was only one young actress who hated Goethe, who was good for Schopenhauer, and liked him. Her name was Carol Yagemann, and she had a reputation not only for being a beautiful woman, but also for being a man of outstanding and rare-looking talent. He was an actress. The fact that Schopenhauer, a former female hater, is the only woman who sent a love poem - the poem is about writing a masterpiece of singers who go out to sing a serenade to the actress, who is deeply disappointed that she does not appear in the choir - It is that.
Schopenhauer was famous as a pessimist and as a female hater, and was never considered good by any woman.
[ "On May 8, 1814, Goethe sent a two-line poem to Schopenhauer, who was named the philosopher of pessimism, and when the poem was published in 1815, Schopenhauer said, \"This poem was written especially because of me.\"", "On May 8, 1814, Goethe sent a two-line poem to Schopenhauer, who was named the philosopher of pessimism, and the poem was published by Goethe's publisher in 1815.", "On May 8, 1814, Goethe sent a two-line poem to Schopenhauer, who was named the philosopher of pessimism, and when the poem was published by Goethe's publisher in 1815, Schopenhauer said, \"This poem was written especially because of me.\"", "On May 8, 1814, Goethe sent a poem to Schopenhauer, who was named the philosopher of pessimism, and when the poem was published in 1815, Schopenhauer said, \"This poem was written especially because of me.\"" ]
Like Balzac, it would not have been only people who observed and sensed the reality of the French at the time, caught the reality, and only one person did Balzac. And there must have been a lot of people besides Balzac who wanted to write it as a novel. However, they are all people who did not write novels or were not good at writing novels, and one of them was a good writer. It is the hundred human plays of Balzac. If Balzac was not good at writing novels, isn't there no reason for Napoleon to have achieved such a huge literary achievement that can be compared to his achievement as a sword. In general, this is the case with Dostoevsky and his literature, and so is Joyce and his literature, and so is Deungchon, Ji, and Domu, and their literature. This is the case with Chunwon and his literature, and so is Hyo-seok and his literature. It's not that I didn't know how to create a relic dialectic. Because I wasn't good at writing novels. That's why no work representing the mainstream of the era was produced. It's not that I didn't know the theory of human exploration. It's not that I didn't know humans in reality. It's because I didn't make it literary - because I wasn't good at writing novels. The secret of realism is the same, and all the creative methods of the past are the same. And so will the emerging theories. Therefore, Yogyeol is supposed to write novels well, but if he is not good at writing novels, he cannot be without the world.
The reason why no works representing the times came out is not because they do not know the theory of human exploration and do not know humans in reality, but because they are not good at writing novels.
[ "It's not that I didn't know how to create a relic, but I wasn't good at writing novels, so no work representing the mainstream of the era was produced.", "It's not that I didn't know how to create a relic, but I wasn't good at writing novels, so no work representing the mainstream of the era was produced because I wasn't good at writing novels.", "It's not that I didn't know how to create a relic, but I wasn't good at writing novels, and no work representing the mainstream of the era was produced because I wasn't good at writing novels.", "It would not have been only people who observed and sensed the reality of the French at the time, and only one person did Balzac, and there must have been a lot of people who wanted to write it as a novel." ]
The original author's costume, of course, is in a place to talk about the inevitability of action in human life, but the action is not only through the hero, partner Berners, crossing a dangerous course on a storm night, but also completing the love of the heroine, Junebev. No matter how loud the roar of the plane and how many scenes of fighting against the rough desert and soldiers come out, the scene of the truly beautiful action is one of the scenes of Bernice and Junebeep finally leaving the residence of the ambassador. It is a serious action at the moment when the abuse of injustice and badukini is not allowed. The future is what we create - This is what Bernice said when he left, encouraged Junebeep. What is important in human life is not necessarily the calculation and measurement of happiness, but the willingness to act beyond such things must push the spine of love forward like a heavy cart. Success is not the issue, but there are just unbearable performances. Bernice could not be considered the ultimate success in love and failed in the course of the plane. But what is such a failure in the face of his passion. He acted bravely and walked away willingly. He's certainly a beautiful man. The idea of this action is also beautiful, but the author's work is seen in the place where the two main characters escaped the case of frivolous affection, and the behavior of the two is the most beautiful part throughout the entire screen, so no matter how much you praise them, you feel insufficient. The form of love in Anna Karenina is the same, but why is it that the other side is more solid and impressive. Wilumta Ollo's performance is also a good match for each other - one of the most recent flights to the South. To say one thing, it would have been nice to arrange a more beautiful nature as the stage and background of the love between the two main characters. Of course, it is true that the story itself had geographical restrictions, but the natural description was certainly too poor. What comes to mind suddenly is how much more proud and beautiful the story would have been, whether it was the scenery of the countryside from beautiful friends or the beautiful paintings of bushes, streams, and swimming families behind the two. But this may be too much greed.
Bernice failed both in love and in the course of the plane, but he acted bravely and lived beautifully, and the behavior of the two main characters felt insufficient no matter how much they praised them throughout the entire screen.
[ "What is important in human life is not the calculation and measurement of happiness, but the willingness to act beyond such things must push the spine of love forward like a heavy cart.", "The author's costume is in a place to talk about the inevitability of action in human life, but the action is not only through the hero, but also the love of the heroine, Junebeep.", "The author's costume is in a place to talk about the inevitability of action in human life, but the action is not only through the hero, but also through the love of the heroine, Junebeep.", "The author's costume is in a place to talk about the inevitability of action in human life, but the action is not only through the hero, but also through the love of the heroine, Junebev." ]
It was only recently that I had a chance to look at Park Seung-geuk's "Japmun," which was announced in the fifth episode of the previous issue under the title of Refuting Park Seung-geuk's Miscellaneous Literary Spirit 1. Trends of professional writers. Except for a few pieces that are not sour, most of this "japmun" is spent on essays explaining "how childish Kim Nam-cheon is." But it was from his political ambition to achieve better results that he embarked on this extraordinarily important proof, wasting precious time and space. Therefore, he solved the creative debate between Imhwa and Kim Nam-cheon smoothly (!), as well as exaggeration in one section near the end of his miscellaneous writings. He says. "I can't analyze and say that Lim Hwa did a good job or Kim Nam-cheon did a good job. This is because they both have a distinction between inside and outside, but in the end, they made one mistake." After solving it smoothly (!), he says this again on top of it. "In other words, I believe that not only experienced and understanding Lim Hwa, but also young Kim Nam-cheon (Oh! decrepit Park Seung-geuk!), has learned a lot." It is regrettable that Kim Nam-cheon, who has little experience, is throwing back the great face of a senior.
Even as he wasted precious time and space, it was from his political ambition to launch this miscellaneous article explaining why Kim Nam-cheon was childish.
[ "It was only recently that I had a chance to look at Park Seung-geuk's \"Japmun,\" which was announced in the fifth episode of the previous issue under the title of Refuting Park Seung-geuk's miscellaneous literary spirit.", "It was from his political ambition to achieve better results that he solved the creative debate between Imhwa and Kim Nam-cheon smoothly and exaggeration in one section near the end of his miscellaneous writings.", "It was only recently that I had a chance to look at Park Seung-geuk's \"Japmun,\" which was announced in the fifth episode of the previous issue under the title of Refuting Park Seung-geuk's Miscellaneous Literary Spirit 1.", "It was only recently that I had a chance to look at Park Seung-geuk's \"Japmun,\" which was announced in the fifth episode of the previous issue under the title of Refuting Park Seung-geuk's Miscellaneous Literary Spirit 1." ]
The loser walks away from the plate, shaking off the dust with a smile that he is stout. The winner wins this again and is likely to receive attention from many people, so he smiles and sits down and waits for the next time. The manager is busy looking for spectators to pick out the hat wrestling. Yoon Seok is a little nervous. I was about to volunteer, but the manager suddenly saw that the front was too forward and raised the stick of the hand to make a fight. If you run while hitting the ground as if you are grinding the tip of your feet, the audience will be bitten back and the plate will be widened, and the bamboo stick will be used for it. After hitting the plate, the manager grabbed one by the wrist and pulled it out, so Yoon Seok collapsed. However, there was no need to give up or be disappointed that the opportunity would come again soon. In the case of Hat Ssireum, everyone's house was a master of writing, who reported that he had braided his hair at Gongdan Ddanggi, and that he had leather banjeolmagi. He was fourteen years old, but his face, a thin body, and a weak plate were no match for old ssireum like a bulging pine tree. Indeed, the old ssireum, which is holding the ssireum hand and is afraid to comb a couple of steps, hugs the new ssireum and collapses it like a thud. With it, the fifth consecutive victory, he lowered a Yulmogi waistband from his opponent and led it around his neck, asked for his name of residence, shouting, "Haedong Joseon × × × Do × Gun × Myeon × × × × Lee × Tong × Ho Godeoksoe 13-year-old is out!" and finally let go after receiving a bow.
After playing the game, the manager grabbed the wrist of someone's house and pulled it out, and the old ssireum hugged the new wrestler, Geolbangdoryeong, and knocked it down like a thud.
[ "The manager, who was looking for spectators to pick up the hat wrestling, saw that the front was too forward and raised the stick of the hand to make a fight.", "The manager, who was looking for spectators to pick out the hat wrestling, saw that the front was too forward and raised the stick of the hand to make a fight.", "When the manager saw that the front was too forward and raised the stick of the hand to make a fight, Yoon Seok collapsed, but there was no need to give up or be disappointed that the opportunity would come again soon.", "When the manager saw that the front was too forward and raised the stick of the hand to make a fight, Yoon Seok collapsed, but there was no need to give up or be disappointed." ]
The woman's bitter heart is softened at each end, and May's cheek glows like a finger at once, and dark red blood flows. In the early days, mankind may have rarely experienced a severe hatred that one human being demands the other. If Ah had been a consul, he would have sent May to guillotine. However, Hee-gwang (Danduin) would only cut May's throat professionally, and Ah would not have tasted the pleasure of hating her enemies so closely. The falcon, aiming at May's hand, goes out in vain and digs up the ball again. When May falls down, Ah stands up and wraps her hair with her left hand and grabs it. "Ah!" "Younger!" The hawk drops his face again, blocking him from calling out something. "Aigoo!" Oh-wol pulls out a long scream from the bone. "Oh, save me!" "Where is this sound coming from!" the hawk pours out. "Hey, hey, let's talk about it. Daa Sa-roo." "Inje? You-nyeon!" The sound is much higher, and the falcon is crushed with more strength, and Ah-san is brain. "Inje, barely? You're blowing it with your mouth! You didn't think I knew! She said, "If May had held out that she was not the one to the end, she would still feel comfortable with a small heart, but she was even more angry at throwing up as she did. After all, when the whip was out of use, Ah stopped her hand for a while and held the two together this time.
Mr. Ah held two whiplash sticks together, which he couldn't use because he was more angry about May throwing up as she did.
[ "If Ah had been a consul, she would have sent May to guillotine, but Hee-gwang would only cut May's throat professionally, and Ah would not have tasted the pleasure of hating her enemies so closely.", "If Ah had been a consul, he would have sent May to guillotine, but Hee-gwang would only cut May's throat professionally, and Ah would not have tasted the pleasure of hating her enemies so closely.", "If Ah had been a consul, she would have sent May to guillotine, but Hee-gwang (Danduin) would only cut May's throat professionally.", "If Ah had been a consul, he would have sent May to guillotine, but Hee-gwang (Danduin) would only cut May's throat professionally." ]
At that time, Lee Sa-jong, a propaganda official, was a good guest of style, and the song was the best in the world. I usually went to Gaesong to listen to Hwang Jin-yi's name and play with her, but I didn't go to Hwang Jin-yi's house in person, but when I lay down on the sandy beach and sang a couple of songs, Jin-rang was surprised to hear the wind, but the song was probably sung by a strange countryman. Hwang Jin immediately welcomed Lee into his house and played with him for several days, promising to live in Picha for six years, but Lee will live in charge of living expenses for three years, and Hwang Jin will sell all of his family's house first and spend all of his money on his own. After living for another three years like that, when the promised six-year expiration came, Hwang Jin-yi said goodbye to Lee as promised and went to her hometown, and Lee was disappointed, but she couldn't help it and broke up. This fact could not have been done without a female person like Hwang Jin-yi.
Saying good-bye to Lee and going down to her hometown because she had a six-year expiration date would not be possible unless she was a female character like Hwang Jin-yi.
[ "I usually went to Gaesong to listen to Hwang Jin-yi's name and play with her, but I didn't go to Hwang Jin-yi's house in person, but when I lay down on the sandy beach and sang a couple of songs, I was surprised to hear the wind.", "I usually went to Gaesong to listen to Hwang Jin-yi's name and play with her, but I didn't go to Hwang Jin-yi's house in person, but when I lay down on the sandy beach and sang a couple of songs, Jin-rang was surprised to hear the wind.", "I usually went to Gaesong to listen to Hwang Jin-yi's name and play with her, but when I lay down on the sandy beach and sang a couple of songs, I was surprised to hear the wind.", "I usually went to Gaesong to listen to Hwang Jin-yi's name and play with her, but I didn't go to Hwang Jin-yi's house in person." ]
At that time, there was a man named Shin Sung-gyeom among Taejo's subordinates, so his appearance was the same as Taejo's, and his loyalty was superior to others. During the Chohan War in the past, Ki Shin used the same face as Han Paegong to die instead of Han Paegong, so Taejo hid it in the forest, changed it to Taejo's color, went to the front, and died. After that, Taejo thought of Sungkyum's silver ball, made his head with gold, lived in Chuncheon with his body, and when Taejo united Samhan and played Gaegukyeon, he made a virtual ball, poured alcohol, and drank it together. In any country, when the wages of start-ups are newly raised, things such as reference books and biographies are often popular first. Even during King Taejo's reign, there was a strange reference book called Gyeongchammun. It was May, the fifth year of King Gungye's reign, a month before his ascension. Wang Chang-geun, a merchant of the Tang Dynasty, came to Cheorwon, Seoul, in Taebongguk, and was doing business. One day, a gray-haired old man in decent and strange clothes accidentally saw a fraudulent bowl in his left hand and asked him to buy an old mirror in his right hand.
In any country, when a new dynasty establishes a country, Chamseo and Bibi are popular, and even during King Taejo's reign, it was May, the fifth anniversary of Jeonggae, Gungyewang.
[ "At that time, there was a man named Shin Sung-gyeom among Taejo's subordinates, so his appearance was the same as Taejo's, and his loyalty was superior to others.", "At that time, there was a man named Shin Sung-gyeom among Taejo's subordinates, and his appearance was the same as Taejo's, and his loyalty was superior to others.", "There was a man named Shin Sung-gyeom among Taejo's subordinates, so his appearance was the same as Taejo's, and his loyalty was superior to others.", "At that time, there was a man named Shin Sung-gyeom among Taejo's subordinates, and his appearance was the same as Taejo's." ]
"Strong girl!" Jun cursed Hyun-sook, who had never spoken before, until four years after breaking up. It was because I was seeing countless mothers shaking for their children's admission. Most of them were women. Everyone looked like they were in tears. First, he sees his son coming out of the examination and runs headlong. Hyun-sook, who ran away after shaking off her mother looking for her son and hanging young things, has never been as painful as she is today. "Hyunsook! Well, you were Hyunsook like your name!" It was when Jun was complaining like this. Insu saw him at the main gate and ran. Jun ran away, too. He ran and hugged him as if he were a dead child. It would have been nice if I didn't take the test. It was good to go somewhere and have fun. I was just grateful to show up. 'Did you have lunch?' 'Yes.' 'It's cold, right?' 'No.' 'Really?' 'You still have a long way to go, right?' 'Inje will be out soon.' But what are we going to do about Insoon. Since I didn't take the test." "Dad, I took the test, too!" "What? Did you take it?" "Sure!" "Oh, no. Where? Here?" "No, I took it at K Middle School. It was very, very difficult. But it'll be more than 370. No, it might be a little longer. I didn't get a single math wrong! There's Mongo! The country of Mongolia! That dreamer was wrong. I used to think it was like two feuds. But when I came out, it wasn't me. "I'm getting annoyed." Even though he said this, there was not a single explanation why Insu went to K without hitting S. K is a school that competes with S Middle School. K was also more competitive. Jun was also trying to send both of them to K, but when he moved to S because he was nervous, he was saying that this year's admission rate was better, so he did well in S. The whole number came out within the limit. When Jung-soo asked where he went without taking the test, In-soo just said, "I went to K Middle School and hit it."
Jun, who was swearing at Hyun-sook and complaining about her being a strong girl, held her in his arms because he was grateful that In-soo, who ran after seeing her at the front gate, appeared.
[ "Hyun-sook, who ran away after shaking off her mother looking for her son and hanging young things, has never been as painful as she is today.", "Hyun-sook, who ran away after shaking off her mother looking for her son and hanging her young things, has never been as painful as she is today.", "Hyun-sook, who ran away after shaking off her mother looking for her son and hanging her young things, has never been as painful as today.", "Hyun-sook, who ran away after shaking off her mother looking for her son and hanging young things, has never been as painful as she is now." ]
"What's wrong?" The section chief seems to have become a little displeased because he thought Young-seop laughed at the end of his words. "No, I have a little cough." Young-seop coughed a couple of times. "How come you're so weak. I need to take some medicine." By the end of the manager's words, the two reached the barber's door. There happened to be no customers in the barber shop. The two sat side by side in the swivel chair. The two looked around as if they had been lucky to observe themselves three-dimensionally after seeing several reflections of themselves in the back mirror of the side mirror. The head of the section chief's head was glossy. When Young-seop saw it, he thought in his mind, "Your life is already falling apart." You may know that if you have lived your life that much, you can live without being so anxious, but the chief is still in a hurry. Does he even know how young people under him have a long future. If he's hanging himself on the job for a living, so is anyone else. If we die, we'll all rot in the dirt together……, Why can't the chief keep track of other people's pain. Young-seop sent the sound of his heart to the spirit of the chief, hoping that he would be more generous. Young-seop was intoxicated with his own thoughts and almost cried. Then, I looked back on whether I was a person who was ahead of that manager. I thought that the exaggeration was ahead of me in some ways. Then, when I think about whether such things have contributed beautifully to any one person, I felt like I was no different from him. "Aha." The scream of his heart became a sigh as he breathed.
The section chief may know that he can live without being so anxious, but he is still busy with life, and as a result, young people under him move around.
[ "By the end of the manager's words, Young-seop and the section chief reached the barber's door and sat side by side in the swivel chair.", "By the end of the manager's words, Young-seop and the section chief reached the barber's door, and the two sat side by side in the swivel chair.", "By the end of the manager's words, the two reached the barber's door and sat side by side in the swivel chair, looking around as if they had been lucky to observe themselves three-dimensionally.", "At the end of the manager's words, Young-seop and the section chief reached the barber's door and sat side by side in the swivel chair." ]
Controversy Regret What nature and content was the debate. It must be some sort of fight against the opponent. However, it is also a fight, so there is a kind of war law. If you rush without knowing the tactics, it will only be a waste of energy and space, and it will only confuse the problem more and more. 1. First, you need to hold the focus straight. If you can't set a point of view and follow the phrase of the opponent and follow it, you won't be able to capture your argument or the characteristics of the opponent's argument, and later, readers and writers will only feel. Entering the control of the argument, picking up his weaknesses, and inserting a sharp dagger toward it is close to making a mistake if you use it recklessly, so it will also be the most brilliant part of the strategy. 2. You can't use it because you're excited. After reading the first verse, you should not immediately throw a stone, exhale rapidly, or ink a pen without thinking hard due to restlessness. It will only promote oneself, neglect, and momentum to the opponent, but will only expose his embarrassment and confusion. Also, if you get excited, the lens will shake and you will not be able to see things right away or focus on the debate. Therefore, no matter who is put forward, there will be a repeat of the Honhanman, which increases as the arrow, the shaken focus, and the sashimi continue. In this case, even the reader gets dizzy and gets motion sickness.
If you get excited, you will not be able to hold the focus of the debate and will repeat the Honhanman, which increases over and over again.
[ "If you don't follow the phrase of the opponent, you won't be able to capture your argument or the characteristics of the opponent's argument, and later, readers and writers will only feel.", "If you don't follow the phrase of the opponent, you won't be able to capture the characteristics of the opponent's argument, and later, readers and writers will only feel.", "If you don't follow the phrase of the opponent, you won't be able to capture your argument or the characteristics of the opponent's argument, and later, readers and writers will feel.", "If you don't follow the phrase of the opponent, you won't be able to capture your argument or the characteristics of the opponent's argument, and readers and writers will only feel." ]
Seo Won-rye, Kim Cheon-il, and all other generals were slaughtered by an unknown Japanese soldier without even having a good fight. - Thus, Jinjuseong Fortress finally fell. It may be spectacular in the eyes of foreigners, but it was heartbreaking in the eyes of the person concerned. Pearl Castle burned to the brim. Nongae, who had been kicked out of Jinju Castle earlier and was hiding in the house of a relative (farming) outside the castle, looked at Jinju Castle, which was on fire under the red sky. Jinjuseong Fortress, which seemed to have fallen with the sound of Gungsi, and the fight continued so much - Jinjuseong Fortress, which boasted its prosperity until a few days ago - is on fire now. As for the words of a man who had barely escaped from his life, it is said that all the civil servants in the castle were slaughtered by enemy soldiers with no one left. Then, of course, Seo Won-rye, Nongae's husband, would have died. The body that could not be recovered under the burning flames must have turned into a handful of ashes, and both the parents who gave birth and raised him and his beloved brother must have turned into a handful of ashes. When considering this, Nongae did not listen to his confidence and resent the great tragedy of the country's bankruptcy. Even if I took out the liver and chewed it, it was not cool, and I hated the inside. Tears of sorrow flowed endlessly in Nongae's eyes as he stood in the garden and looked at Jinjuseong Fortress burning in the distance. Nongae couldn't be polite, but when she drew the scene of her husband, Seo Won-rye, who was silent and decent, and her old parents and younger brothers dying after being stepped on by a brutal enemy soldier, Nongae was so embarrassed that she couldn't stand it.
Nongae, who stood staring at the burning Jinjuseong Fortress, couldn't stand it because she was shaking her teeth as she pictured her husband, old parents, and younger siblings dying.
[ "Nongae, who had been kicked out of Jinju Castle earlier and was hiding in the house of a relative outside the castle, looked at Jinju Castle, which was on fire under the red sky.", "Nongae, who had been kicked out of Jinju Castle earlier and was hiding in the house of a relative outside the castle, looked at Jinju Castle, which was on fire.", "Seo Won-rye, Kim Cheon-il, and all other generals were slaughtered by an unknown Japanese soldier without even having a good fight.", "Seo Won-rye, Kim Cheon-il, and all other generals were slaughtered by an unknown Japanese soldier without a good fight, and Jinju Castle burned to the brim." ]
And the severe wind blows off. It is said to blow leaves with a puffy and sly mouth. Kkongbo trembled as Duffel followed. Whether this is a mess or a mess. There will be nothing else in the world that can't eat jajangmyeon except Geumjeom. What gold is, you must do this. Moreover, if you are dry, it is your job to beat each other to death. I haven't seen a gentle guy for a gold digger. Recalling the past when he was sick and tired, he got goosebumps again. Then a big fire quickly broke out in the forest opposite. "Tiger!" Surprised like this, Duffel ran around his waist and trembled, "What is that?" 'What?' 'That's, no, it's gone now.' 'That's because my eyes are young.' Duffel answers with a whim and goes up naturally. I think I'm a little relieved by that attitude, but I wasn't very comfortable. I don't know why I'm so scared today. The body is hourly and the mouth is burning from the heat. If this could not be the case, Duffel said, "You can't do this, let me carry you on my back!" and gave me his back, and he quietly carried him on top of the barang. Still, I was envious of the slim body as I looked down at Dupul, who was climbing up without squealing. It was only when sweat flowed down on his forehead, wheezing like a burning sun in the abdomen, that Deupel reached the mountain ridge. Put down kkongbo, wash your sweat, and take a breath. It won't be long now. It'll be down here a little bit.
Kkongbo trembled as the pearl followed behind him, and when the pearl put his back on him, he carried him on his back, but he looked down at the pearl that went up without a sound and envied his body.
[ "Kkongbo trembled as Duffel followed him, and it was only when sweat flowed down on his forehead, wheezing like a burning sun, that Deupel reached the mountain ridge.", "Kkongbo trembled as Duffel followed him, and it was only when sweat flowed down on his forehead, wheezing like a burning sun, that he reached the mountain ridge.", "Kkongbo trembled as Duffel followed him, and it was only when sweat flowed down on his forehead, wheezing like a burning sun in the abdomen, that Deupel reached the mountain ridge.", "It was only when sweat flowed down on his forehead, wheezing like a burning sun in the abdomen, that Deupel reached the mountain ridge, and it won't be long now." ]
But after a long time he found himself lost. No matter how much I went, I couldn't even find the neighborhood. He put his hand on his forehead and looked. Snowstorm! Another snowstorm...… There were only blizzards in layers. Sometimes I could see only a few dozen feet in a moment, but it was a vast expanse of snow. There was a snowstorm in the east, a snowstorm in the west, and what you could see outside was the wilderness of snow, and it was not known where Dongri or Inga was attached. Mr. Hong walked aimlessly, saying, "I'm dead, let's go wherever we go." His face was also covered with snow and ice. There was no eye on the beard alone, but it turned into a large white mass, up to its body size. The tactile nerves have already lost their senses. Even in the wilderness of the snowstorm, the night has come. However, Mr. Hong did not find Dong-ri or In-ji. They only wandered eastward, southward, and northward. It wasn't that dark because of the snow. Hong panted around in the middle of this famous place. At last his legs stopped listening. He had already been walking around with the strength of his thigh because his lower leg was not listening, but he realized that his thigh was not listening, so he sat down on the spot. You're dead now. His head was extremely tired as well as his body was extremely tired. He couldn't afford anything else but to think he was dead. Not only that, but that 'dead' was the kind of idea that was vaguely thought without any emphasis or fear.
What was seen by Mr. Hong, who was lost, was a snowstorm and a snowstorm, and I thought I was dead because I didn't know where I was attached, so I walked aimlessly.
[ "Mr. Hong walked aimlessly, saying, \"I'm dead, let's go wherever we go,\" and his face was covered with snow and ice.", "Mr. Hong walked aimlessly, saying, \"I'm dead, let's go wherever we go,\" and his face was also covered with snow and ice.", "Mr. Hong walked aimlessly, saying, \"I'm dead, let's go wherever we go,\" but he didn't find Dong-ri or In-ji.", "Mr. Hong walked aimlessly, saying, \"I'm dead, let's go wherever we go,\" but he did not find Dong-ri or In-ji." ]
During his poor wandering life, the boy became strong every year and combined courage and wisdom. Kasal had already raised his reputation as a shooter, and Temuchin was always known as a brave young man in responding to challenges as a wise young man. A complete bankruptcy swept through them when the horse thief stole eight castrated horses and ran away. Fortunately, Bergdai went hunting on horseback, so there was only one left. As soon as he returned, Temuchin rode after the thief. Following in the footsteps of the horse thief was a task that required teaching and patience. But Temuchin got unexpected help from a young man who saw him run away with a stolen horse. He gave Temucin a new white horse and the two traveled for three days, and eventually arrived at a nomination and found eight castrated horses there. They left with the horse. The horse thieves who saw it chased them furiously. A thief on a white horse took the lead and began to shoot an arrow. Temuchin also turned around and shot an arrow. After a while the night darkened and the chase ceased. The two young men rejuvenated by this expedition and swore an eternal friendship. Temuchin thus obtained the first subordinate, and the subordinate who worked faithfully for him until his death. A few days later, they also began to learn the art of moving folkways, detecting where the enemy was hiding, and attacking at critical moments. The conqueror learned a lot in his troubled youth without leaving anything out.
The two young men swore an eternal friendship with this expedition, and Temucin obtained the first subordinate who worked faithfully until his death, and they began to learn the art of raiding at a critical moment, and so on.
[ "When the horse thief stole eight castrated horses and ran away, Bergdai went hunting on horseback, and when he returned, Temuchin rode after the thief.", "When the horse thief stole eight castrated horses and ran away, Temuchin rode after the thief, but a young man who saw him run away with a stolen horse gave him a new white horse and the two traveled for three days and found eight castrated horses.", "When the horse thief stole eight castrated horses and ran away, Temuchin rode after the thief, but a young man who saw him run away with the stolen horse gave him a new white horse and the two traveled for three days and found eight castrated horses.", "When the horse thief stole eight castrated horses and ran away, Temuchin rode after the thief, but a young man saw him run away with a stolen horse and gave him a new white horse." ]
"If anything, you and I have come to part ways. What can you do if that bad guy catches you and leaves you stuck...…." As he did, the boy sighed. "We can't because we can't meet and play with each other again. I tried to go by saying, "Stay healthy until we meet again." Saxe cried, shedding tears without saying a word. After crying for a long time, he washed his tears, picked a good rose, and gave it to the boy. When she gave the flower to the man, she kissed it. The flower kissed the bride and was in full bloomed. At that time, the little one, who had been listening to the two until this time, flew away and sat down into the flowers that the saxophone gave to the man. "Take care." "Good-bye." I even heard a sad greeting. And, as he sat down, he knew that the flower was stuck in the chest of the boy's suit. The man's heart was pounding and his heart kept beating, so the flower kept shaking, so the little one in the flower could not sleep quietly. However, after a short time, my chest seemed to calm down, so it became quiet. The man took the flower from his chest, took it back in his hand, and kept kissing it in his mouth as he walked alone into the deep pine forest. The little one who was sleeping in the flower was pressed and almost crushed. His lips were as hot as fire, so the energy was transferred and heated up to the petals.
The little girl, who was sitting in the flower, couldn't sleep quietly because the man's heart kept beating and the flower kept shaking.
[ "The little one, who had been listening to the two for a long time, flew away and sat down into the flowers that the saxophone gave to the man, knowing that the flower was stuck in the chest of the boy's suit.", "The little one, who had been listening to the two until this time, flew away and sat down into the flowers that the saxophone gave to the man, knowing that the flower was stuck in the chest of the boy's suit.", "The little one, who had been listening to the two for a long time, flew away and sat down into the flowers that Saxe gave to the man, knowing that the flower was stuck in the chest of the boy's suit.", "The little one, who had been listening to the two until this time, flew away and sat down into the flowers that Saxe gave to the man, knowing that the flower was stuck in the chest of the boy's suit." ]
There were no troops, but at that time, it was usually the gentlemen of the Yangban family who did not know each other side by side, so they were plant officers who did not know each other. Gunde was not intended to maintain security or prevent appearance, but was only a spectacle for the inlaid master and a breadwinner for a child who had no business with a noble family. Among them, there were one or two soldiers, but such people were rather treated with a thousand words and could not open their minds. Moreover, all the cadets who have been to Japan are considered to have revolutionary ideas of Kim Ok-kyun, Park Young-hyo, and the faction, so they are rented out, and it is time for the aristocrats to hate and doubt.At this time, I had a good military study, but A, B, C, and others, who were native countrymen, were serving as apprentices in the Japanese military because they had no place to write. When I came back to A's home country, it was a mess because it was a country business. The outside forces push in with the tide, but the aristocrats who took power in the government had no time to bite each other and think differently about the power struggle. A, along with comrades B, C, D, E, and F, occasionally gathered at Cheongnujusa Temple to drink all night and cry, trying to forget the heartfelt complaints. At this time, A found a x-boguk house with a blood clot on his body. × Boguk is the house of the Seodo, and as part of Joseon, it was truly rich. The officer in the year of Chung, who came unexpectedly, X Boguk could not refuse this Japanese officer. This is because after the end of the war, Japanese soldiers were also embarrassed by Korean ministers at the time.
Although there were one or two soldiers who were like soldiers, the young men of the Yangban family, who were usually consuls and ministers, were flower and plant officers.
[ "When A, B, C, D, E, and F gathered at Cheongnujusa Temple to drink all night and cry, A found a x-boguk house with a blood clot on his body.", "There were no troops, but at that time, it was usually the gentlemen of the Yangban family who did not know each other side by side, so they were plant officers who did not know each other.", "A, B, C, D, E, and F gathered at Cheongnujusa Temple to drink all night and cry, and A found a x-boguk house with a blood clot on his body.", "When A, B, C, D, E, F, and F gathered at Cheongnujusa Temple to drink all night and cry, A found a x-boguk house with a blood clot on his body." ]
The role of the elderly in Lee Geum-ryong-gun still remains. His role is always reliable. There was no sign of nerves in filming. This would be a proof that the photographer Son Yong-jin is gradually regressing. The subtitles alone gave me pleasure. I hope there will be a lot of efforts in the future. It was a complete failure in the adaptation of "To Cancer." The adaptation is confusing and the whole thing is vague, making the audience unable to come to their senses. There are many places that I couldn't reach at all to move from one scene to the next. The director's skill did not appear much in this work. It will be difficult to supervise again without much research in the future. The director is responsible for the film, but no one can be found to be successful as a cast member. Among them, Kang Jang-hee, who is like "Nimaimae," is responsible for failing to save the film as a movie because his movements and facial expressions are completely awkward. Kang Ho, Park Kyung-ok, and Cha Nam-gon's three performances are not found. Only Lee Myung-rae is somewhat awkward, but sometimes there is something to accept for his acting. When Lee's physique and figure meet a considerable director, I believe there will be a day when he will succeed as a performer. If there's anything to take on the other side of "Cancer Road," it's only subtitles and filming. Of course, the contents of the subtitles are mentioned. The film could not have been saved at all if it had not been for the cinematographer' According to Moon Woo-yang, even though this was a maiden shooting, we cannot help but look forward to the future, given that it was a great effect and a great success. I hope there will be a lot of efforts in the future for the Korean film industry. Yeah, don't let us down.
In this work, the director's ability did not appear much, and Kang Jang-hee's movements and facial expressions were awkward, so he was responsible for not saving the movie as a movie.
[ "The director's skill did not appear much in the adaptation of \"To Cancer,\" and it will be difficult to supervise again without much research in the future.", "The film could not have been saved at all if it had not been for the cinematographer, and I hope there will be a lot of efforts in the future for the Korean film industry.", "The director's skill did not appear much in the adaptation of \"To Cancer\" and it will be difficult to supervise again without much research in the future.", "It was a complete failure in the adaptation of \"To Cancer,\" and the director's skill did not appear much in this work, and it will be difficult to supervise again without much research in the future." ]
Kim Kyo-shin (strategic) It seems too late to start writing, but in fact, the motivation for me to write down a few words today is to ask the teacher how many pages I felt on the day of graduation. The day of graduation has passed exactly a week, so I was in a position to write a letter and even hold that brush that night, but it must have been delayed by a week already. I envied your case. It would be funny if you said this straightforwardly, but it was because you desperately felt that being educated was a great success. In terms of last year's summary, it was believed that only a few people were as successful as teachers, although I don't know about the situation of Joseon people. I know that no one has ever had a harvest like you. As the teacher's smart structure, which was vaguely embedded in my mind, it flowed from the air and vibrated my eardrums with a lot of cheerful sentences, and tears of emotion soaked my cheeks as I felt that my teacher's virtue was great and I. I admired K's sentence, but thanking him for the teacher's work and hard work that made him feel the same way was heightened along with his feelings. As I listened to Mr. K, the scene that the teacher had been telling us hard at that time appeared clearly like a horse lantern in front of us, and I felt the beating of a big heart as it was clearly organized. And not only K, but also the students of the same teacher line as the military saw how many. Even if there was an immortal student who always worried about the teacher for five years like me, these things were thought to be preserved by the great power of the disciples of Yoo, the teacher who inherited the teacher's spirit in today's results. The swings are all strong-willed, strong-willed, promising young people, and in the future, everyone forms a big lump under Lee's spirit and moves, and the thought of how great and great the consequences will be has come, so the teacher knew that it is a true spiritual wealth in this world. Being able to pass on the history of being able to attend under such a great and great teacher, I feel like I'm going to jump because I'm happy alone.
The teacher's numerous lessons and the greatness of the teacher's virtues were felt, and tears of emotion soaked my cheeks, and I felt that it was a great success for the teacher to become an education.
[ "The teacher's smart structure vibrated my eardrums with cheerful sentences, and tears of emotion soaked my cheeks as I felt that my teacher's virtue was great and I.", "In terms of last year's summary, it was believed that only a few people were as successful as teachers, but I know that no one has ever had a harvest like you.", "As the teacher's smart structure flowed from the air and vibrated my eardrums, tears of emotion soaked my cheeks as I felt that my teacher's virtue was great and I.", "In terms of last year's summary, it was believed that only a few people were as successful as teachers, but I knew that no one had ever had a harvest like you." ]
"Why?" Maeng Seo-bang took a step closer, looking at Su-bang's countenance. And it was right-angled, wondering if it was about the owner's wife. "I'll talk to you later." He tilted his head. Maeng Seo-bang smiles and goes outside. Who knows if Su-bang will be Maengseo-bang, looking endlessly at the back of him walking out into the darkness? This is what I thought. There's another clatter. And at the sound of several people muttering, he turned around and came to the stove. The smoke stinks from the furnace. He flings the pot and Mama is a bad guy and Babadoo...… It occurred to me that. It's only when the rice boils up that his mother flushes out. At first glance, Su-bang felt sad at the anxiety that he might say he had done something wrong again. "Ham," said the mother, who yawned recklessly, and walked to this side, "What's the racket?" "It's chuchuchae." "Did you put too much oil again?" "No." Mother looks at the stools and turns away. Su-bang only glanced at it. Mother's earring shining in the light! The footsteps gave off a frightening glow. When the earring disappeared, he took an unexpected sigh and touched his ear carelessly. This earring that I put on when I was young! Sometimes I hated the dark light, so I didn't know how many times I frowned while looking at the mirror. And even though I tried to take it off and secretly throw it out, I was afraid of my mother's scolding and was afraid of my mother's hand, so I left it alone.
Only when the rice boiled from the stove came out, Su-bang was worried that her mother might say she had done something wrong again.
[ "Maeng Seo-bang, who took a step closer, looked at Su-bang's countenance, wondering if it was about the owner's wife.", "Maeng Seo-bang took a step closer, looking at Su-bang's countenance, wondering if it was about the owner's wife, but Maeng Seo-bang smiled and went outside.", "Maeng Seo-bang took a step closer and looked at Su-bang's countenance, wondering if it was about the owner's wife, but Maeng Seo-bang smiled and went outside.", "Maeng Seo-bang took a step closer, looking at Su-bang's countenance, wondering if it was about the owner's wife, and went outside." ]
There was a first round of negotiations between the principal and our colleagues. One of the people sent a letter to Jushi, who was in Pyongyang's Nammuntong as the head of the Dong-A Ilbo branch at the time, saying, "I want to visit you, how is it?" and asked me to come by the branch office anytime. The text at that time seemed simple but very kind. At that time, I was a fan of Joo's "Beautiful Dawn," but I did not accompany him because it was a time when he felt unpleasant to judge a soccer tournament. According to the friends who visited, Joo seemed to have liked it. Pointing to capitalism, he said, "If you know what's going on, you're going to pretend these days..."…" I heard it as if he was saying it in lamentation. After that, when Yang Ju-dong came as Sungjeon teacher, there was a person who had a second and third royal visit to the village, so he couldn't go to the village, so he followed him once. Yang greeted middle school students while taking a nap at the time by shaking their heads. There is a wind wall in the lower room and the upper room, and I still remember that there was a hole in the wind wall, a door was attached like a prison, and Yang's gold tooth-shaped snack was sent through the hole. We ate 'senbega' and listened to the eels of the seeds. He said, "I will do a literary magazine if the Red Cliffs do a story, condemn the professional critics, and lend Chun Won-won a division." One of the poets showed poetry, but Yang's commentary was not good enough to hear what he thought was unpleasant the next day. When Yang saw an advertisement for a book of poems by Mr. "Joseon's Pulse," which he himself introduced, he answered, "Is the advertisement also used by the author?" and told us, "Is there anything that is not self-praised?" to the boy's heart. I didn't visit Mr. Yang again. In the era of the JoongAng Ilbo reporter, he greeted the man once again and said that he had no memory of the poem when he went to Gaya.
One of the people sent a letter to Jushi, who was the head of the Dong-A Ilbo branch in Nammuntong, Pyongyang, and a letter came to tell him to stop by the branch office at any time and asked me to come with him.
[ "At that time, I was a fan of Joo's \"Beautiful Dawn,\" but I did not accompany him because it was unpleasant to judge a soccer tournament.", "I was a fan of Joo's \"Beautiful Dawn,\" but I did not accompany him because it was a time when I felt unpleasant to judge a soccer tournament.", "At that time, I was a fan of Joo's \"Beautiful Dawn,\" but I didn't accompany him because it was unpleasant to judge a soccer tournament.", "At that time, I was a fan of Joo's \"Beautiful Dawn,\" but I did not accompany him because it was a time when I felt unpleasant to judge a soccer tournament." ]
Chun-ja, who saw me enter the room, stood up straight and glared at me instead of avoiding me in fear as before. Chunja's face, which lost its gloss, was crooked, and her eyes were distorted, as was usually the case with pregnant women who were full of age. There was no way to find that pretty shape. It was only when I was nostalgic and wriggling over the Suman-ri Pacific Ocean that my eyes, yellow hair, and nose were blue in my stomach, that unbearable hatred and ugliness rose, and I tried to come over to Hama Station. Words flowed out of my grass without thinking about before and after. "Why don't you just die!"…" It was a mournful voice with a sigh. I didn't mean to say that in such a sad way. Tears welled up in my eyes. Chunja's expression changed from the rock to a very cynical one. Heung1 Moral Prince, I'm proud. You did XX to him? You're the son of XX? Yeah, it's dirty?…… Well, what if it's dirty, what do you mean. If you see Park Chun-ja's dirty sheep, what kind of man can't get ahead? Is the price of McHishil all right?" "...……" "Huh! You want me to die? Dirty or dead?… Why? Why are you dying? What's the point of crying? There are not many clean people in the world. Nothing much."-"...……" "If there are some women who sell their friends to foreigners, what will happen to the Westerners who sell their wives to foreigners?" If the child of a foreigner is a dirty girl, what are you going to do with my child in my womb to make a foreigner?… Say something. Say something with your mouth that burst out." Chun-ja changed once again, her eyes burning with anger, and her eyes were fierce.
Chun-ja, who couldn't see her pretty face when she was full, stood up and stared at me when she saw me entering the room.
[ "Chun-ja, who saw me enter the room, glared at me, and Chun-ja's face, which had lost its gloss, was crooked, and her eyes were distorted.", "Chun-ja, who saw me enter the room, glared at me, and Chun-ja's face, which lost its gloss, was crooked, and her eyes were distorted.", "Chun-ja, who saw me enter the room, stood up straight and glared at me instead of avoiding me in fear, and Chun-ja's face was crooked and her eyes were distorted.", "Chun-ja, who saw me enter the room, stood up straight and glared at me, and Chun-ja's face, which had lost its gloss, was crooked and her eyes were distorted." ]
Four years after building a house in the swallow house, a swallow came in and built a house. I've lived for months since I built this house and then left for a few days and then left for the past four years, all I've bought is less than a year's worth. Maybe that's why swallows didn't build houses either. The children had been in this house since early summer in the so-called introduction box the year before last. At that time, when I saw two swallows come into the house one day and fly under the eaves, my 17-year-old son put two nails into the bokguk and tangled with straw to make it easier for the swallows to build a house, and I waited for them to come in every day, but soon I didn't build it. This year, in addition to 10 million--it's literally 10 million--the swallows came in one day and started looking for housing. After a day, two days, three days, they entered the house and looked under the eaves several times. At first, the house site was probably viewed as a dangerous and suspicious object made by his son, but he gradually cleared up his doubts and sat there. It seemed to have finally decided to build a house on the site. From the third day, they had been sleeping on the wire under the awning of our house. The next day, they began the foundation work on the site of the house by biting the soil. "Now, now I build a house," I bragged confidently. But inside, I was secretly worried. What would you do if the joggers closed the house while building it. In the eyes of swallows, do I count on them and their children. Not confident in my own abdominal power, I felt like I didn't deserve the trust of swallows.
Four years after building my house, swallows came in and began to build houses, but I was worried that swallows would leave the house in the middle of building it.
[ "I waited for swallows to come in every day for four years, but they came in one day and started looking for housing, and from the third day, they had been sleeping on the wire under the awning of our house, and the next day, they began the foundation work on the site of the house.", "I waited for swallows to come in every day for four years, but they came in one day and started looking for housing, and from the third day, they had been sleeping on the wire under the awning of our house.", "I waited for swallows to come in every day for four years, but they came in one day and started looking for housing, and from the third day, they had been sleeping on the wire under the awning of the house, and the next day, they began the foundation work on the site of the house.", "I waited for swallows to come in every day for four years, but they came in one day and started looking for housing, and the swallows finally decided to build a house on the site." ]
"……I've seen a chicken. Why?"A ruler under the wool." Miran's face grins, wondering what she's going to say again. Because you put on a piece of egg and fan it to dry quickly, the skin of your face becomes tight and itchy. "I thought it was a fight at first because the children were scared and jumped in because it was a chicken fight. When I saw the two of them shouting and making a fuss, it felt like a real fight. Love is a fight. It's an ordinary word, but love is a fight." The skin of the fluffy, skinny face is pulled tightly like a bow, so even a tendon doesn't move, and the earlobes that have eggs are flowing down are only grumbling. If you want to get angry or laugh, your face is as tight as a door window. "The rooster is so poor that only the female is pitiful. It's useless to disobey the wings, and you don't have to suffer and get cursed at. Fight, not love. It is the fate of the hen to be ruled and insulted." I start applying pressed self-defense on my skinny face this time. As the face gets ahead of itself, the tension is relieved and the sense of control is restored. When she closes her open eyes again, Seran continues to talk forever. "……what should I say? I'm almost paralyzed by sleep paralysis. As she fantasizes about Miran's brilliant body lying on her lap, which is swept away and fled like a sonnakbi who stays motionless and scared, Seran cannot carry on her own excitement and her face runs away. Doubts are mounting over whether the beautiful body is already paralyzed by scissors. It was a vain impulse that he himself could not know whether it was simple curiosity or jealousy leaving Danju behind.
Seran fantasizes about Miran's brilliant body and is excited about the beautiful body.
[ "If you want to get angry or laugh, your face is as tight as a door window, and if you want to get angry or laugh, your face is as tight as a door window.", "When Seran fantasizes about Miran's brilliant body lying on her lap, she cannot carry on her own excitement, and her face runs away.", "When Seran fantasizes about Miran's brilliant body lying on her lap, she cannot carry on her own excitement and flees like a sonnakbi.", "When Seran fantasizes about Miran's brilliant body lying on her lap, she cannot carry on her own excitement and runs away like a sonnakbi." ]
It was right after Kim Deok-soo's liberation. I moved to this neighborhood after taking over the house of a Japanese lawyer in a certain business. When I moved and came back home one day after a rough arrangement, my wife reported, "Kim Deok-su's house is in this neighborhood." "What is Kim Deok-soo? A detective?" "Yes...… Patriotic class president, Ae-hee's husband." "Then the class president is with you?" "Yes...…." 'Did he get an accumulated house?' 'I guess so.' And I'm just a police officer in this liberated country, and I'm dressed like a lighted policeman……." "Well………." Before we moved to this house, which is Jeoksan, when we lived in the neighborhood, we lived next to Deoksu's house. Deoksu was a detective in the police high school. He was a high-ranking detective who caught many people under the Japanese Sangjeon and made contributions by making crimes, and was quite hated and scared among Korean people. His wife, Ae-hee, is also the leader of the local patriot...… His husband was a detective and his wife was a class president, so he was quite influential in the neighborhood. When the great liberation of August 15, 1945, many people who were imprisoned at the hands of Kim Deok-soo were suddenly released from prison, they were worried that they would be beaten to death, but Deoksu's family disappeared from the neighborhood and forgot about it. I lived next to Deoksu's house for five years in the previous neighborhood. Throughout the five years, Deoksu's wife, Ae-hee, was a patriot, so there were many natural situations, and because of that, I was able to see Deoksu from relatively various angles.
One day, roughly organized after moving, his wife reported that Kim Deok-soo, a high school detective who was hated and feared by Koreans for his contribution under the Japanese, lived in this neighborhood.
[ "I lived next to Kim Deok-soo's house for five years in the previous neighborhood, and Deok-soo's wife, Ae-hee, was the leader of the local patriot.", "I lived next to Deoksu's house for five years in the previous neighborhood, and Deoksu's wife, Ae-hee, was the leader of the local patriot.", "I lived next to Deok-soo's house for five years in the previous neighborhood, and Deok-soo's wife, Ae-hee, was the leader of the local patriot.", "I lived next to Kim Deok-soo's house for five years in the previous neighborhood, and Deok-soo's wife, Ae-hee, was a patriot." ]
However, it is unknown who was responsible on the twenty-sixth day of the second month of the twenty-second year of King Jungjong's reign, but the crown prince (所二=二二亥) hung a mouse (sowijakseo) in his palace and wrote a piece of wood next to it. If you look at it seriously, you will send it back as a joke of the ignorant, but it was not a problem at the time when you were greatly promoting the so-called innocent and curse prevention. Furthermore, the crown prince is Eulhaesaeng, and that day is also Tanil, and the sun belongs to Doyaji, and the mouse is a beast similar to Doyaji, especially if it is burned and killed, hanging it on the liberation of Donggung and attaching a bad room to the wooden plaque is easily interpreted as such a curse. Then, the court general and Manjo Baekgwan took issue with it and turned it upside down. In the meantime, it was said that Kyung-bin Park made it up, so Park was finally charged. As things turned out to be like that, that opportunity was a good opportunity for Kim An-ro, who had a grudge against the heart faction for many years, for a great revenge that was unique to a genius. During this period, the elderly were greatly active inside and outside, causing misfortune, and Gyeongbin Park and his son Bokseong-gun, who were pointed out as the main culprit, were abandoned and sent to Sangju, Park's hometown, and eventually died on the day of his mother and daughter In the year of Imjin, the political circles in Korea became a revenge for Kim An-ro at that time, as the Shim clan and other people who usually had a bad relationship with Kim An-ro were framed, killed, exiled, or dismissed.
The reason why it is interpreted as cursing the crown prince is that a mouse, a beast similar to Doyaji, which means the crown prince of Eulhae, was burned, hung on to the liberation of the Donggung Palace, and used a bad room.
[ "In the year of Imjin, the political circles in Korea became a revenge for Kim An-ro, who had a grudge against the heart faction for many years.", "On the twenty-sixth day of the second month of the second month of the twenty-second year of King Jungjong's reign, the crown prince hung a mouse in his palace and wrote a piece of wood next to it.", "In the year of Imjin, the political circles in Korea became a revenge for Kim An-ro, who had a grudge against the heart faction for many years, and the Shim clan and other people who had a bad relationship with Kim An-ro were killed, exiled, or dismissed.", "In the year of Imjin, the political circles in Korea became a revenge for Kim An-ro, who had a grudge against the heart faction for many years, and the Shim clan and other people who usually had a bad relationship with Kim An-ro were killed, exiled, or dismissed." ]
["Chosun Ilbo" September 14, 1937] I think it will never be possible by the subjective hardness of any spiritual teacher to explain the meeting and to raise and fat the ideological body. Therefore, Lee Heon-gu said in the end of the paper that Stuart Mill said, "Be a Socrates in prison rather than a satisfied one!" I think that the lesson cannot be consistent with Lee's subjective passion. This is because Stuart Mill's words are really nothing more than a lesson wary of Lee's conclusion of self-reflection remaining in the maturity of the literary atmosphere. What does it mean to be satisfied. Isn't it referring to deviating from the spirit of life and the spirit of life, and praying to classics to fatten the ideological body alone. And what does "Socrates in prison" mean. We have a book called "The Excuses of Socrates," which Plato described as his beautiful dialogue. What does the old Socrates in the court we can see say about the Athenian judge. Wasn't it a passion to express the will to the truth. When the wheels of history rolled away, the passive spirit of gaining weight in subjective reflection could not be found in this. Therefore, it was natural for Lee to reach any one practical objective policy with the conclusion of serious self-reflection. Let's move forward again.
In Stuart Mill's words to become Socrates in prison rather than a satisfied one, satisfied one refers to praying to classics to gain weight on the ideological body alone.
[ "When the wheels of history rolled away, the passive spirit of gaining weight in subjective reflection could not be found, so it was natural for Lee to reach any one practical objective policy with the conclusion of serious self-reflection.", "Lee Heon-gu said in the end of the paper that Stuart Mill said, \"Be a Socrates in prison rather than a satisfied one,\" but I think that the lesson cannot be consistent with Lee's subjective passion.", "Lee Heon-gu said in the end of the paper that Stuart Mill said, \"Be a Socrates in prison rather than a satisfied one,\" and I think that the lesson cannot be consistent with Lee's subjective passion.", "In the end of the paper, Lee Heon-gu said, \"Be a Socrates in prison rather than a satisfied one,\" and I think that the lesson cannot be consistent with Lee's subjective passion." ]
Hundreds of words will suffice when you speak of love. I'll say there's a thousand lines. What can I do if I collect all the songs of ancient poets to express you and tell you about my repentance. I have no choice but to think about you quietly. Thinking and dreaming - this is my only way to love now. I think that this hot breath of thought will fly through the air without knowing it and heat your heart and light it on your own. I will light up the candle this night and think of you consistently. When the candle is dark, it turns on another tune, and when the candle is dark, it opens the window and receives the moonlight. When I think of you, I have the ability to sit silently in front of my desk for hours. You can sit in the same shape at any time without saying a word like a stone Buddha without doing anything. I don't even know when I learned this amazing trick. Poverty is one, but there is no one in the world to follow this amazing talent! The sound of bugs will be quite loud tonight. The heart will lose even more dizzy, but the passion of thought that extends toward you will be as straight, strong, and persistent as a single wire running through the air. If you fall down tired of thinking, the soft moonlight will wet my whole body, so please take the moonlight and hide in my dreams this night. I open all the windows of each wall wide to let your wings enter freely.
When I say love, I have no choice but to think about you silently because there are hundreds of words or thousands of lines, and what can I do if the poet's song of ancient times is not enough to express you.
[ "When I think of you, I have the ability to sit silently in front of my desk for hours without doing anything, and you can sit in the same shape at any time without saying a word.", "When I think of you, I have the ability to sit silently in front of my desk for hours without saying a word, and you can sit in the same shape at any time without doing anything.", "When I think of you, I have the ability to sit silently in front of my desk without saying a word, but I don't know when I learned this amazing trick.", "When I think of you, I have the ability to sit silently in front of my desk without saying a word, and you can sit in the same shape at any time without doing anything." ]
"Madam, I understand. So this is the painting that Mr. Benton, who's not here, was the most serious? Duke! Look, I've seen thousands of paintings and I've criticized them, but I haven't seen them yet. What does the duke see as the smile of the woman in this painting? That enigmatic smile. Alas, Chambentron is an unprecedented painter." "Hmm." The duke also gave a meaningful exclamation. The two people, standing in front of the painting without a moment or words, glanced back regretfully and went back. After sending two guests, the lady returned to her lonely room, but she couldn't calm down because she was worried about the cow-piece, Lydia. "What was the husband's attitude when Miran, the stupidest disciple of a husband without him, came to draw and show the picture?" At that time, the husband opened his eyes and blamed Miran. 'What the hell did you paint this picture?' 'I tried to paint a woman's sexy smile.' 'Fascinating? Fool! Where is that?' After 20 years of studying under my door, I can't draw a sexy smile? Does that sound like a sexy smile to you? That's rather a hungry crying face, you idiot. A disciple like you is useless, so go find another teacher from today." Miran was excommunicated by the painting and went back crying. After that, Bentron said to his wife in a voice whose castle had not yet been destroyed. "There is nothing as difficult to deal with as a true friend! The other kids can't completely do it in four or five years, but they draw a similar picture, but how can you draw a crying face after eating from me for more than 20 years?" "How did Lydia, who was laughing like this, get mixed up in her husband's posthumous work?" Furthermore, how could it be such a shame that the Woo-in's Woo-jak was seen as a husband's posthumous work in the eyes of Y, the best critic of the time?' She even thought that if I were a woman without culture, I would have run to kill Y and Duke R and burned the painting.
Miran was scolded for not being able to draw a sexy smile, and she even went home crying after being excommunicated because of the painting.
[ "Miran, who was excommunicated by the painting and went back crying, thought that if she were a woman without culture, she would have run to kill Y and burn the painting.", "Miran was excommunicated by the painting and went back crying, and Bentron said to his wife in a voice whose castle had not yet been destroyed.", "Miran, who was excommunicated by the painting, went back crying and thought that if she were a woman without culture, she would have run to kill Y and burn the painting.", "Miran, who was excommunicated by the painting and went back crying, thought that if she were a woman without culture, she would have run to kill Y and burned the painting." ]
Including him, Gina Rolobrida, Silvana Pampagnini, Sofia Lauren, Lucia Boze, Gianna Maria Canale, Holvue or Franco are also stars after being honored by Miss Rome unless they are Miss Italy. Among today's Italian actresses, only three of them are not winners of the beauty contest: Ereno La Rossi, Rosana Podesta and Leah Padovani. For your information, if you compare Italian actresses to the Venus of the maze as Bast, West, Hip, etc. (unit-inch) How did these stars get the best status, even if they were not good at the beauty contest. Silvana Mangano, 25, a purple-eyed, chestnut-haired, Sicilian railway officer whose mother is British. After winning the title of Miss Rome in 1946, she entered the film industry and played a bi-player for a while before becoming a star from bitter rice. His special features were curvy, and his overflowing physicality surprised Hollywood. After that, he appeared in Ulysses. Silvana Pampagnini entered the film industry as soon as she won the green eyes, black hair, and beauty contest. How he succeeded in the film industry is clear from the comparison table with Venus. The Gina Rolobrida Gurapa's most beautiful woman was spotted walking down the street, got a minor role in a movie and started her career as an actress, but it was after she became Miss Roma in 1947. He is married to a 27-year-old Yugoslav doctor.
Gina Rolobrida and Sophia Loren were honored by Miss Italy or Miss Roma and became stars.
[ "Gina Rolobrida, Silvana Pampagnini, Sofia Lauren, Lucia Boze, Gianna Maria Canale, Holvue or Franco are also stars after being honored by Miss Rome unless they are Miss Italy.", "Gina Rolobrida, Silvana Pampagnini, Sofia Lauren, Lucia Boze, Gianna Maria Canale, Holvue or Franco are stars after being honored by Miss Rome unless they are Miss Italy.", "Gina Rolobrida, Silvana Pampagnini, Sofia Lauren, Lucia Boze, Gianna Maria Canale, Holvue or Franco are all stars after being honored by Miss Rome unless they are Miss Italy.", "Gina Rolobrida, Silvana Pampagnini, Sofia Lauren, Lucia Boze, Gianna Maria Canale, Holvue, and Franco are also stars after being honored by Miss Rome unless they are Miss Italy." ]
After passing through the gate and entering one gate through the window, Jangdokdae, who occupied the narrow yard, lay right under the brick wall that blocked the neighbor's house on the right side, the floor next to the room (to the left), the main room, the kitchen, and the lower room. The front part was surrounded by a combination, and the floor was large with a duju and cupboard, the basement light was visible under the floor, the jangdokdae was stacked with bricks and cement, the pillar was decorated with a column, and the door was decorated with a painting of deer eating elixir. It was also a middle-class house that was common there. The house was easy enough. It is like a mother-in-law who has had several daughters-in-law, and she has been living in a boarding house for nearly 20 years, so when she finds a new room, she made careful observation on the house, room, and owner's person. In response to the sound of the old man's house wrinkle, Mrs. Ma, who seemed to be the mother of the owner's mother, stepped out to the veranda from the other room. He was an old man who looked very good without taking off his countryside. When the old man in the house wrinkle said what he meant, the old man asked himself, "My child doesn't have furniture to go to the cave...…" He seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then he said, "Tsk! He's here, but he's not here……" Then, he came down to Tobang, and opened the windows of the lower room, saying it was this room. It was spacious and well-repaired, so I liked the room at first sight.
The mother of the owner's mother, who looked good in the middle-class house, stepped out to the veranda at the sound of the old man's house wrinkle.
[ "When the old man in the house wrinkle, Mrs. Ma, who seemed to be the mother of the owner's mother, stepped out to the veranda from the other room.", "When Mrs. Ma, who seemed to be the mother of the owner's mother, stepped out from the other room, the old man in the house wrinkle said, \"My child doesn't have furniture to go to the cave.\"", "When Mrs. Ma, who seemed to be the mother of the owner's mother, stepped out to the veranda from the other room, the old man in the house wrinkle said, \"My child doesn't have furniture to go to the cave.\"", "When the old man in the house wrinkle, Mrs. Ma, who seemed to be the mother of the owner's mother, stepped out to the veranda." ]
On top of that, this is the first time that a girl eats someone else's house food. Until now, I ate well and didn't eat well and lived on my own food. It was the first time in my life that I had come to my uncle's house to cook rice with my own hands, clean up the house, and clean up the house. Even a lump of cold rice in soybean paste stew was served by my mother, and the rubber shoes that I wore after getting a pair a year were not old men, but a girl who got what my father bought me. It was also the first winter away from this father and mother. The girl doesn't know that the first winter after leaving her parents will be a sad and dreary winter than the day half a year ago when she fell from her father and mother. One day in early spring half a year ago, my father and mother went to a coal mine in Gangwon-do with only two younger brothers. Coming to Seoul was to live a better life. I couldn't make a living even if I got some land from others. In addition, there were a lot of miscellaneous payments because the rural people were sloppy. The country was told to get rid of such miscellaneous payments, and only answered yes, yes, like Seolleongtang delivery There were still a lot of miscellaneous payments. "Who else was divided? There's going to be another farewell gift. "Go, go, go, go, go, go, wait, it's a couple of big joints." When I sat together like this, I picked my hands. My hair kept coming out. Last year, there were 38 kinds. There were fifty rings on a calendar. Soap and match were still useful. I didn't sell useful things, but I only hugged useless things. Useful goods are always bought at any farm, so the price is high. So it's double and you can't get triple. So what kind of book is it for rural farmers! It was a picture, a picture, and it was pouring in.
The girl who lived on her own house meal was separated from her mother and father, so it was the first time to cook at this uncle's house, clean up the house, and eat someone else's house meal.
[ "It was the first time that a girl ate someone else's house food and lived on her own food, and it was also the first winter away from her father and mother.", "It was the first time in my life that I ate someone else's house food and lived on my own food, and it was also the first winter away from my father and mother.", "It was the first time that a girl ate someone else's house food, and it was also the first winter away from her father and mother.", "It was the first time that I ate someone else's house food and lived on my own food, and it was also the first winter away from my father and mother." ]
"Who is it! What kind of guys are like this when you're a man!" and you can hear the sound of 'disturbing' what you throw in the room. Kang Jin-sa flinched at the seoseul. "Fly, it's me! "It's Kang. I'm sorry I shook you when you were sleeping." Kang Jin-sa's voice trembles. "Who am I. What's the fuss about at this dawn?" "I'm Hyun-pil (the name of Kang Jin-sa). I came early because I had something urgent to do. I'll open the door." "Yeah, Kang, but why are you so annoying when you're a man?" Han Chi-gak's irritation still hasn't decreased. Kang Jin-sa tried to calm down as much as possible in a small voice, saying, "Hey, since last night, the little guy in the house has become an east wind and stayed the same all night and came to you waiting for the brightness. I don't know if the little one has died again. I'm sorry, but give me back 10 won. I'll see a doctor." Gangjinsa Temple's speech is blocked, so the end of the speech is loosened weakly. "What? Does the child hurt? It's not that. Draw it. But all the money I had was gone last night. There's no money in the house under the solar calendar now. Xanellang is in a hurry anyway, so hurry home. I will send it to you soon." Kang Jin-sa, who wrote outside the door, was unable to answer. In the 30th episode, the so-called individualist Gang Jin-sa pleaded infinitely with a tone echoing in the intestines outside the shutters with a ray of hope to save or kill a child, but there is no warm feeling for him as long as he is paralyzed.
As long as Kang Jin-sa was sleeping, he shook his head to wake him up and apologized, and he got annoyed.
[ "Kang Jin-sa tried to calm down as much as possible in a small voice, but Han Chi-gak's irritation still hasn't decreased.", "Han Chi-gak's irritation still hasn't decreased, and Kang Jin-sa tried to calm down as much as possible in a small voice.", "Kang Jin-sa tried to calm down as much as possible in a small voice, saying, \"I don't know if the little one has died again, but I'll see a doctor.\"", "Kang Jin-sa tried to calm down as much as possible with a small voice, but Han Chi-gak's irritation still hasn't decreased." ]
"Is anyone there?" I heard the sharp sound of the boss again. So, on the other hand, "Yeah, I'll go. If it's for Dumo and his companions, I'll go even if I give my life." And there was a guy who ran out. The boss praised his spirit and sent him out the next day, dressed up like a traveler on the street. It was early in the morning, when there was no one walking by on the street and the door of the store was not open, and the thief who came out under the orders of the boss was walking around, and accidentally passing by a shoe store, an old man with a strong head was sewing shoes. The thief told him to take a rest and went into the shoe store. But I just sat down and it was bland, so I said, "Hello, old man! "You seem to be very old, but aren't you blind as you work so early in the morning?" I asked. "Ah! This is funny because it's something I do every day. However, Lee Bo-dam also sewed up a torn invoice early in the dark." The old man laughed. The thief's eyes were wide open at this unexpected sound, so he said, "What? Ripped invoice?…" I asked. The old man said, "It's not this big, it's not this big, it's very torn." So the thief thought to himself, "Right, if you freeze this old man, you can catch him without difficulty." He quickly took out a penny and said, "I'm looking for the house, so I'll teach you how to look." The old man wanted to get the money from the thief, but as he was right, he replied, "I'll teach you whether you'll give me money or not, but I don't know because I covered my eyes with a towel when I went to the house!" The thief still begged the old man.
The boss jumped out at the boss's call and sent him out with a traveler, praising him for risking his life.
[ "The boss praised his spirit and sent him out the next day, dressed up like a traveler on the street, and an old man with a strong head was sewing shoes.", "The boss praised his spirit and sent him out the next day, dressed up like a traveler on the street, and an old man with a strong head was sewing shoes in the shoe store.", "The boss, who praised the spirit of the man who ran out, sent him out the next day, dressed up like a traveler on the street, and told him to take a rest and go into the shoe store.", "The boss, who praised the spirit of the man who ran out, sent him out the next day, dressed up like a traveler on the street, and the thief went into the shoe store." ]
A man named Dujiji, who lives in the region, came to see Spring and Autumn and offered 300 green cloths. "Would it be useful for Gachan to go to Manri Reversal for his country with a precious body of gold or when he is subjected to something shabby, and small things are offered. If you have time to use it, the infinite honor of the small man you dedicated is given." He said like this. Or, it may be burdensome, but all the roads came from the loyalty of the people to the country, and it was also the people's dedicated supplier to the important responsibilities of spring and autumn, so I couldn't thank them enough. "Gomauga. I don't know how useful it would be to bring a bag because everything is not enough in the destination. God bless you that Gabon's mission will be fulfilled more safely than my own." "Is that right? How about those who are not ordered? Then, please pay attention to the harsh wind and carry out your mission safely." "Gomauga." He left Daemae-hyeon and hurried his way again. × Finally, he taught the Goguryeo kingdom of Seoul. Earlier, 300,000 troops in the Sui Dynasty were bitten as if they were children, and the Gama million troops of Yangje of the Sui Dynasty were wiped out except for the defeated soldiers of G1700, and after the defeat of Goguryeo, the conquest of the Tang Dynasty's Taejong. For Kim Chun-chu, who grew up in Silla, where the national anthem was harmed and the military spirit was disturbed, the shape of Goguryeo Seoul was heart-rending. The people's mark box was secondly, the precision of the military equipment, and the maintenance of the military was like a military city staring at the east.
Goguryeo, which wiped out 300,000 troops of the Sui Dynasty and the conquest of the Tang Dynasty, was overwhelmed by its power.
[ "For Kim Chun-chu, who grew up in Silla, where the national anthem was harmed and the military spirit was disturbed, the shape of Goguryeo Seoul was heart-rending.", "For Kim Chun-chu, who grew up in Silla, where the national anthem was damaged and the military spirit was disturbed, the shape of Goguryeo Seoul was heart-rending.", "For Kim Chun-chu, who grew up in Silla, the shape of Goguryeo Seoul, where the national anthem was harmed and the military spirit was disturbed, was heart-rending.", "For Kim Chun-chu, who grew up in Silla, where the national anthem was harmed and the military spirit was disturbed, the shape of Goguryeo Seoul was heart-rending, and the maintenance of the military was like a military city." ]
From time to time, the sound of words Hye-sook complained to the school a few days ago seems to be ringing in her ears, and the cute backside, which was driven away without grass because she was embarrassed by the mother pin glass, comes to mind as if she was seeing it right away. Whenever that happened, he couldn't help but sigh for a long time, looking down at the bloodshot. And then it was painful. I was sick. It became endlessly depressing. The family members who didn't know what was going on thought that they were not feeling well because they were not feeling well after childbirth. As the days went by, Gyeong-ae's hidden worries grew secretly as she grew younger. It is one night, not long before the three or seven days after Duyren. Kyung-ae felt bitterI was frightened by something. Suddenly, the intense urge to implement what has already been decided is overwhelming. I think I want to die more often when I feel sorry for this bloodless blood clot when I die. The next moment! 'It's better than being stuck in my stomach and killed,' he muttered in his mouth and jumped up. In the upper neck, his mother wears Hye-sook and snores without knowing the world. When I look at Hye-sook, who is sleeping with this light breath and wheezing, my eyes are filled with hot tears as her pitiful thoughts suddenly come out of control. "There are a lot of terrible affection," he said without realizing it. Then he let out this light sigh a little longer. Gyeong-ae's eyes were turned back to the child. It was strange to think that if an innocent young life lived all the way without dying immediately after his death, he would go through all kinds of hardships. I feel emotional and dizzy. Yes, I closed my eyes with both hands, calmed down for a moment, and then picked up Jeon Bong-pil and the letter at my bedside. Sitting against the wall, bending one leg over the knee, and placing a letter on the left hand. And he put Jeon Bong-pil in the right hand on the letter paper. He was thus intent on writing a will.
Looking at Hye-sook, who was sleeping soundly, and thinking that she would go through all kinds of hardships while living after her death, he was amazed and moved to tears, and now he was trying to write a suicide note.
[ "As the days went by, Gyeong-ae's hidden worries grew as she grew younger, and the intense urge to implement what has already been decided became overwhelming.", "When Hye-sook complained to the school that the cute backside was driven away because she was embarrassed by the mother pin glass, she couldn't help but sigh and looked down at the bloodshot.", "When Hye-sook complained to the school that the cute backside was driven away because she was embarrassed by the mother's pin glass, she couldn't help but sigh and looked down at the bloodshot.", "When Hye-sook complained to the school that her backside was driven away because she was embarrassed by the mother's pin glass, she couldn't help but sigh and looked down at the bloodshot." ]
"Hwi Yu, it's so hot today!" Surprised by the sound, the two of them turned around at once, and when the mother of Gapsoe approached the glass bottle and poured it, she climbed up to the tomb with a bottle of makgeolli and two bowls in her hand. It's new to the workers. Hi, how are you? Oh, are you a crown prince? They greet each other with these greetings, and Gapsoe comes out to the rice paddies and shouts at the workers to dampen their throat. Instead of answering, the workers spread their tops in the blanket, shaking their hands in the rice paddies quickly and coming out of the rice paddies. The back street and the sekojambang, which pretended to be, were soaked in sweat and clung to their bodies just after they had just been picked up from the water. All the legs, including the shins, fell into the mud, and the top part was white and dried, and the bottom part was in the shape of rubber boots cut and worn. "Ahem, two dollars for me...… If it was a row of shots, I'd like a tead of grain, and I'd like a tead of people to train...…" Obok and Gombo Choi Seo-bang follow Obok and come up to the tomb, muttering to themselves as if they were deaf. The workers, Gapsoe's mother, and Gwansu are happy that the farming is going well, and the frozen water greeting goes back and forth, sitting around a bottle of alcohol, barley red pepper paste, and side dishes with raw garlic. Gapsoe's mother is a woman's wife, so she sits next to her, and Gwansu is a guest group, so she sits on one side. Gwansu is generous with the kindness of the food head eating in the field, and the guest next to him calls a passerby to feed him, and eats him by himself, so he knows how to recommend a bowl of shibangje to him.
Gapsoe's mother goes up to the tomb with a bird cham.
[ "The workers, Gapsoe's mother, and Gwansu are happy that the farming is going well, and the frozen water greeting goes back and forth, sitting around a bottle of alcohol, barley red pepper paste, and side dishes with raw garlic.", "The workers, Gapsoe's mother and Gwansu, are happy that the farming is going well, and the frozen water greeting goes back and forth, sitting around a bottle of alcohol, barley red pepper paste, and side dishes with raw garlic.", "The workers, Gapsoe's mother, and Gwansu are happy that the farming is going well, sitting around a bottle of alcohol, barley red pepper paste, and side dishes with raw garlic.", "The workers, Gapsoe's mother, and Gwansu are happy that the farming is going well, and they sit around a bottle of alcohol, barley red pepper paste, and side dishes with raw garlic." ]
"Does it hurt very much?" The wife, who was breastfeeding the young next to her, looked at Mansu. Mansu, who was staring at the oil fire, had no answer. The wife's face was red as she waited for an answer. Mansu's answer seemed to bother him and reminded him to go because he didn't want to see it. When I thought of it like that, I felt resentful of Mansu and felt sorry for my own death. But Mansu didn't think of anything like that. Sitting far away, he drew another world before his eyes. The wife sighed silently as she turned around with a monkey in her heart. "Does it hurt a lot? I need to eat something. Are you nervous?" Kim Sosa, who was smoking in the kitchen room, opened the door between rooms. The fresh cold wind entering Jeongju touches the spirit of Mansu. "No, it's not good to eat," Mansu replied, laying down. Turn off the lights--they're all asleep --It was late at night. The distant sound of thunder gradually sounds close. The wind begins to cross the silent sky. When the thundering wind crosses the mountain and passes through the valley, the house roars as if it were leaving. The sound of snow shooting at the dim window -- shooting -- is reminiscent of a stormy night by the sea. When the sound and sound seem to be cut off as if in silence, and when the wind shouts, the world seems to shake to the earth's axis as if it were returning to chaos tens of thousands of years ago. The five-mak-sal, buried like a crab in the eyes of the earth, is keeping silent silence of fear amid solemn rumors.
Mansu's wife sighed in self-grain, and Kim Sosa, who was smoking in the kitchen, opened the door and asked Mansu if he was sick and asked him if he should eat something.
[ "The wife, who was breastfeeding the young next to her, asked if it hurt, and Mansu, who was staring at the oil fire, had no answer.", "The wife, who was breastfeeding the young next to her, looked at Mansu, who had no answer, and reminded her to go because she didn't want to see it.", "The wife, who was breastfeeding the young next to her, looked at Mansu, who had no answer, but Mansu reminded her to go because she didn't want to see it.", "The wife, who was breastfeeding the young next to her, looked at Mansu, who had no answer, and her face was red as she waited for an answer." ]
"This was also made by human power," he said, sitting on a gunsin in Gamimsiyeo, and as the three-day German army failed to exert its power even with such a battery in the Japanese War, and the fate of the enemy also passed today. In addition, since the infinite Gina-gun of Cheongdo Bay tried to prevent the arrival of the Yellow Army by self-inflicting, they would rather fight against themselves than to block the road, so the entire Yellow Army would be relieved. When I suddenly looked at Chabu from the top of the rickshaw on the way home, the thin and thin Chabu's back was wet with sweat, but he was running without resting. I wanted to know where the energy, which has been running for about 30 minutes, was hiding in the thin and thin Chabu. Their amazing personality and resistance suddenly made me sue. The reason for this was that Gina soldiers and police officers reminded them of the heavy lower part of the Hwanggun by comparing that the lower part was too minor, so these Gina people seemed to have been easy to run away from in advance. It was thought that it had an organic relationship with the fame as the first of the thirty-eight families in the battlefield. That night, I went out to the naval bridge because I didn't want to spend the Central Myeongwol as it was. A city as beautiful as a dream! He walked slowly with his hands in his pockets on both sides, hoping for the flowing moonlight, touching his head in the acacia. Young men and women were not allowed to walk alone, holding their arms tightly together as if they were looking for a gap, and making Ssanggeo Ssangrae look extremely friendly. However, they said, "My face turns red when I stop walking and kiss a small wanderer who doesn't even have a name like me, like a mocker, so I can hear the sound," and passed by with a smile as if it were inside me.
I walked slowly down the beautiful streets of the naval bridge that night, and it was a shame to walk alone among young men and women.
[ "The Gina-gun of Cheongdo Bay tried to prevent the arrival of the Yellow Army by self-inflicting, so the entire Yellow Army would be relieved.", "Gina-gun of Cheongdo Bay tried to prevent the arrival of the Yellow Army by self-inflicting, so the entire Yellow Army would be relieved.", "The Gina-gun of Cheongdo Bay tried to prevent the arrival of the Yellow Army by self-inflicting, so the entire Yellow Army was relieved.", "The Gina-gun of Cheongdo Bay, which tried to prevent the arrival of the Yellow Army by self-inflicting, would rather fight against themselves than block the road, so the entire Yellow Army would be relieved." ]
(1) Goguryeo in the north of northern literature has no Yangyang sea waves, a huge mountain range is laid, the climate is cold, and predators are rampant, so the people of this land are Hwang Won-jeok and masculine. The habit was that when Goguryeo was built, more than half of the original warrior spirit was inherited, and at the same time, the war with the Han Chinese continued, so life has been only a competitive triumph for 700 years. Therefore, their ideas tend to like freedom without restraint by breaking customs and norms and insisting on the authority of individuality. In politics, there is a trace of killing the king by wielding harsh means of politicians. The literature, which came out as a mental image, took immortal and strange materials because everyone was romanticism, and the adaptation became an ingenious passion. The biography of the characters in the record is very poor as a minority of about 10, so he is insufficient to say the nature of the whole, but the alternative adaptation shows the fullness of the subjective idea. Looking at the legend of Dongmyeong, the first founding king, the birth story is strange. His father, as a heavenly prince, came down to the world from heaven and had a relationship with the dragon king's daughter, and it was strange that the dragon king's daughter was kicked out of the water palace and gave birth to the name in the sun.
Their ideas claim the authority of individuality, and there is a trace of the assassination of the king in politics, and the literature that comes out as a mental image is all romanticism.
[ "When Goguryeo was built, more than half of the original warrior spirit was inherited, and the war with the Han Chinese continued, so life was only a competitive triumph for 700 years.", "When Goguryeo was built, more than half of the original warrior spirit was inherited, and at the same time, the war with the Han Chinese continued, so life was only a competitive triumph for 700 years.", "When Goguryeo was built, more than half of the original warrior spirit was inherited, and the war with Han Chinese continued, so life was only a competitive triumph for 700 years.", "When Goguryeo was built, more than half of the original warrior spirit was inherited, and at the same time, the war with Han Chinese continued, so life was only a competitive triumph for 700 years." ]
"It's okay, it's okay." The husband recommends sleeping with Anhae as if he were recommending a meal to the customer. Even if I don't, I don't want to put the customer's specifications in my ears so that I don't lose to my husband. He took off his clothes, lay tight next to him, looked for the customer's fan at his bedside, and said, "Aren't you hot?" and fried it. Even if I refused to do so, I didn't even try to take a break from the fan before the customer fell asleep. For 10 days, Choi really sweated. A room like a cave, the safety of a patient who takes off and lies down every night, and bamboo water that barely stands out on wild vegetables. a twinge of conscience. anxiety arising from a bizarre sight. I didn't think I would be sick of the pain of prison time. Fortunately, the patient received the medicine well. On the intestines, which had never been introduced before, Insam and Nokyong showed the effect like a previous engagement. Housewife Choi forgot everything to get out of this pain. I spent my own money to buy chickens and feed them to orphans, and I was told to bring rice from my house to Najong, so I made this rice and fed it. The patient's recovery was different from each other and one o'clock. After 10 days, they started to move freely, and their bodies, which had only bones left, were stewed with flesh. When I woke up at dawn on the last day, there was no relief from the patient lying next to me. I can hear their whispering stories over a single leaf of a mat. "You must have a thick chest now," Ahn seems to touch her husband's chest.
Housewife Choi sweated for 10 days and forgot all the calculations to get out of the tiresome pain, and fortunately, the patient was well treated and recovered one o'clock a day differently.
[ "After 10 days, the patient's recovery was different from each other and one o'clock, and when I woke up at dawn, there was no relief from the patient lying next to me.", "After 10 days, the patient's recovery was different from each other and one o'clock, and when I woke up at dawn on the last day, there was no relief from the patient lying next to me.", "After 10 days, the patient's recovery was different from each other, and when I woke up at dawn on the last day, there was no relief from the patient lying next to me.", "After 10 days, the patient's recovery was different from each other, and when I woke up at dawn, there was no relief from the patient lying next to me." ]
However, it was more resentful than breaking his love to send his daughter to a well-known promiscuous person. Tears naturally flowed down my cheeks when I thought that an upright woman with such a clear and clean heart would marry such a useless person and ruin my future. "I'm crying because of a woman." He felt ashamed of himself, but his heart was about to burst when he thought of the feelings of a woman who had more tender feelings than a man. How many tears she shed secretly. She's a wreck. The compassion made Jong Ho sadder. He closed his eyes without knowing that tears were wetting the pillow. How can I save Young-ae. No matter how sad you are now, what's the use of it. The only way to save would be to think. Salvation in the spirit of love is all that needs money. There are many things in the world that cannot be done with money, but when it comes to finding Yeong-ae, you need that money. If Young-ae was alone, she could stay in this house for a while and think about other ways, but in the current situation, if she didn't get food from an unintended marriage, her life would have to die or die. However, on the other hand, Young-ae herself would not have been so happy with her poor life. Even if I tried to enter the outside because I couldn't do it, when I didn't have a decent pair of socks, I would have burst out of self-criticism and greed for material things.
The thought of her marrying a useless person made me cry and burst my heart.
[ "It was more resentful than breaking his love to send his daughter to a well-known promiscuous person, but tears flowed down his cheeks when he thought that an upright woman would marry such a useless person and ruin his future.", "It was more resentful than breaking his love to send his daughter to a promiscuous person, but tears flowed down his cheeks when he thought that an upright woman would marry such a useless person and ruin his future.", "It was more resentful than breaking his love to send his daughter to a well-known promiscuous person, but tears flowed down his cheeks when he thought that an upright woman would marry such a useless person.", "It was more resentful than breaking his love to send his daughter to a promiscuous person, but tears flowed down his cheeks when he thought that an upright woman would marry such a useless person." ]
"So did the man stay still?" Someone else asks. "They serve dogs more than their grandfathers, and who bit people and got scolded for hitting them!" "We feel sorry for us living in this man's land!" Kim Cham-bong, who stopped talking at the sound of this man, opened his mouth again. "Yes, you must have already lost your mind when you grabbed your body and raised it. However, he/she is hugging it tightly on his/her side," he/she said, pointing to a small corner of the corner of the room. Someone solved it, saying, "Is that a snub?" From there, less yellow millet appeared. Kyung-soo's mother loosened the legs of her head to feed her sick daughter-in-law and went to sell rice to Mulnam. Hak-sil, who was sleeping, crawls over and shakes her grandmother. "Grandma, get up, Icha! Lee-cha!" Hak-sil tries to raise her grandmother's head in the shape of waking her sleeping grandmother as she always does. Kyung-soo's wife cries. He was surprised by the terrible sight, so he had another fecundity. The immature Haksil runs on her heart to ask for milk when her mother is there because her grandmother doesn't wake up and doesn't answer. The old lady's breathing grew bigger and bigger with suffering. People who gather are scattered one by one. No one brings me a glass of warm water. Kyung-soo was in a daze. He felt his limbs twitch. In his chest, the lump of lead seemed to be poking, the pungent smoke was poking, and the five intestines were poking with a needle, so I couldn't say anything. Suddenly, the sky is dark and the ground goes out with a thud. From every corner of the darkness, scary demons run out and emit red flames as if they were about to burn the world. The fire was driven to burn down the house and burn the mother, the wife, the school, and himself.
Kyung-soo's mother, who went to Mulnam to sell rice to feed her sick daughter-in-law, lost her mind.
[ "Kyung-soo's mother loosened the legs of her head to feed her sick daughter-in-law and went to sell rice to Mulnam.", "Kyung-soo's mother loosened the legs of her head to feed her sick daughter-in-law and went to Mulnam to sell rice.", "When Kyung-soo's mother loosened the legs of her head to feed her sick daughter-in-law, Hak-sil, who was sleeping, crawled over and shook her grandmother.", "When Kyung-soo's mother loosened the legs of her head to feed her sick daughter-in-law and went to sell rice to Mulnam, Hak-sil, who was sleeping, crawled over and shook her grandmother." ]
My late mother, my family moved to Seoul six years ago. Having suffered from severe nervous breakdown and insomnia since the fall of the previous year, I left my family in Pyongyang and came up to Seoul alone for treatment. My family was my wife, one son and two daughters (the son and the eldest daughter are the children of an ex-wife). They left their families in Pyongyang, where they had an old mother, and a sister who had not yet married. Until now, my lifestyle during my stay in Pyongyang has been supported by my mother's abyss imported from some land and my weak income of manuscript fees. Then, when I came to Seoul to treat the disease, my income from manuscript fees would be insufficient for medical expenses, so things were pitiful. After thinking and thinking, I visited the eldest brother. And I asked my eldest brother to take care of my family's life, including my mother, while I was treating in Seoul. That year, it was truly taxed properly. Staying up all night in a lonely lady...… He was prohibited from getting excited and eating by doctors, so he lay down in the seat of the New World Exchange Festival, where he drank, played yut, played hwatu, liked, and scolded in the next room of his neighbor's house, and stayed up all night. After a long, geographical night, when dawn broke out in the wild window, nothing was so happy again. It's daytime now. It's daytime when you can go out, see people's faces, and talk. The long and boring night is gone now.
Having suffered from severe nervous breakdown and insomnia, I left my wife, one son, and two daughters in Pyongyang and came to Seoul alone for treatment.
[ "My late mother, who had suffered from insomnia since the fall of the previous year, left her family in Pyongyang and came up to Seoul alone for treatment.", "My late mother, who had suffered from insomnia and nervous breakdown since the fall of the previous year, left her family in Pyongyang and came up to Seoul alone for treatment.", "My late mother, who had suffered from insomnia and nervous breakdown since the fall of the previous year, left her family in Pyongyang and came to Seoul alone for treatment.", "My late mother, who moved to Seoul six years ago, suffered from severe nervous breakdown and insomnia since the fall of the previous year, and I left my family in Pyongyang and came up to Seoul alone for treatment." ]
If you take the bus around you and cross Miari Pass and turn your eyes to the left when you enter Gileumgyo Bridge, you will be able to see that flat buildings such as a ranch area with cement tiles under your eyes are covered in a concave valley surrounded by mountains. And the house, which seems to have been printed on the board, will pour out a bunch of the same things as the house, so it will pay more attention to the eyes of the unfamiliar building that does not seem to be a house. But when it comes to it, there is no doubt that it is an accreditation. The 377 Namasei, which was given priority to former Jaemin who lost their homes after the return, is a so-called nine-pyeong Jeongneung reconstruction house. It is more precious than the palace for former Jaemin, who missed a nine-pyeong house like Pastor Lee. In addition, because the name is Yangok, residents are busy beautifying their own house as if they were competing to live in Yangok. A unique village was formed by decorating a garden with flowers, evergreen trees, and strange rocks, in addition to a house covered in blue and white, covered in white, and colored buildings. I was also swept away by this custom, decorated the gate with sky-colored bbangki, and the garden was not stingy with a lilac and a rose, but my heart was always drawn out of the fence rather than inside the fence.
Flat buildings, such as some ranch area with cement tiles, are laid out in the concave valley.
[ "The 377 Namasei, which was given priority to former Jaemin who lost their homes, is a so-called nine-pyeong Jeongneung reconstruction house.", "The 377 Namasei, which was given priority to former Jaemin who lost their homes, is a nine-pyeong Jeongneung reconstruction house.", "The 377 Namasei, which was given priority to former Jaemin who lost their homes after the return, is a so-called nine-pyeong Jeongneung reconstruction house.", "The 377 Namasei, which was given priority to former Jaemin who lost their homes after the return, is a nine-pyeong Jeongneung reconstruction house." ]
"Kill me, too!" "What kind of guy!" "It's me! Here it is! Dude, this is politics for the people. "You dog pig!" It was before I even said this. "Kill me too!" another stepped up. It was a watch gun. "Kill me, too!" "Oh, don't worry! Is there anything else?" The breath stopped. He picked up a gun and put it on his chest. His finger was already on the trigger. There was no need to aim. The hole was pointed squarely to the chest of the watch gun. Everyone had gulped down their breath. Some people covered their ears. At the same time, all eyes are focused on the trigger finger. "Do you have nothing to say? Say whatever you have to say!" "None!" replied the watchman. That was a bold answer. It was a rock as it was, rather than a person standing in front of death. "There's no way there's something to tell you guys. Shoot!" "One, two, -" This was the time. There was a rasping sound in front of me. "Hahahaha." He hugs his back and laughs. "Now, look! The blue sky light! It's so is. Yeah, how good is it? And the white clouds?" He was reciting a poem. It was the minister. "I'm going on that cloud. I will ride that cloud to find freedom." "You're crazy." It was true. The pastor was very mentally disturbed by that path. "Come on, let's go. I'll go and kill them all by the time I go. Ready to go!" The procession began to move again. There is not a second of forgiveness before this holy command.
Everyone swallowed their breath as the gunhole turned to the watch gun's chest, but their eyes were focused on the triggering finger.
[ "At the same time, all eyes were focused on the trigger finger of the watch gun, which pointed to the chest of the watch gun with no need to aim.", "At the same time, all eyes were focused on the trigger finger of the watch gun, which pointed directly to the chest of the watch gun, and there was no need to aim.", "At the same time, all eyes were focused on the trigger finger of the watch gun, which pointed directly to the chest of the watch gun, pointing the hole directly to the chest of the watch gun.", "At the same time, all eyes were focused on the trigger finger of the watch gun, which pointed directly to the chest of the watch gun, and the watchman replied that he had nothing to say." ]
Outside the station, I have no comrades or parents, and I feel as if I have fallen from heaven. I didn't know where to go, so I stood in a hurry. Aren't the pair of passengers who got out of the car like me moving forward and forward energetically. I feel sorry for you…… So I went to visit a comrade's house without thinking about it. The market price seems to be very different from eight years ago. So it probably took a couple of hours to find. Finally, I found it, and it seems that the comrade is leaving to make money, and only his wife has babies, and it is not clear when the comrade will return. I had to find another comrade's house. However, it was only when I heard from a friend that the comrade had moved to a ladle. That's why I spent the night in vain. But I don't have the courage to look for more because I have a lot of energy in Najong. So I went into an inn and slept that night, and the next day I went to find a friend again. I met a comrade on the street, who was a consular officer's conquest! Ma'am, I'm not gonna say any more. Of course, people must have changed as the environment changes. One of you, I can't tell you. My anger at that time must be burning at the end of a bone that has been cut off flesh and blood. After meeting the comrade, I hated Lee Yong-jung, so I spent the day wandering around the park and left without hesitation.
Leaving the station, I seemed to have fallen from the sky without parents or comrades, so I stood there without knowing where to go, and the passengers who got out of the car were moving forward energetically.
[ "I went to visit a comrade's house, but the market price seems to be very different from eight years ago, so it took a couple of hours to find it.", "I went to visit a comrade's house, but the market price seems to be very different from eight years ago, so it took me a couple of hours to find it.", "I went to visit a comrade's house, but the market price seems to be very different from eight years ago, and it is not clear when the comrade will return.", "I went to visit a comrade's house without thinking about it, and the market price seems to be very different from eight years ago, so it took a couple of hours to find it." ]
Joseon is a long time ago, what kind of beak your beaks are in the Menari Kingdom, so you can tell by this, but it is still a holy warlord with a long history of half a million years. "My pretty baby, my precious baby, my precious baby, my baby." This was a small red bean jar that my mother threw to me, but it was still a lullaby song that hugged me and sang with laughter and tears. I feel the softness of my mother's voice. How can I forget about it. Anyway, were we precious babies when we were young? Joseon had many cute babies. The babies all had a lot of great treasures, didn't they? The treasure that I can brag about? The greatest treasure in the world! But the treasure was hidden. No, I didn't hide it, but after hundreds of years, I put it in a hole that no one knew and buried it, and I left it alone until now. However, rather than rotting away just because it is buried, it is a holy treasure that grows like a gold toad. By the way, we know the treasure pit. Even if everyone else doesn't know...…. However, even if others smell the treasure and visit it, no matter how hard they try to dig and dig through the hole, they can see, know, and even if there is a way to get it. However, it is a treasure with a ruler and only men, so it is a sacred treasure that only we can enjoy and only we can boast about. While the treasure is buried in the soil, all the people who hate it except us, whether it's sprouting, sprouting, growing plot, blooming, or bearing fruit, don't know it at all. It's freezing and nice. Where else is this kind of sesame.
The treasure that was buried in a dirt hole that no one knows is a holy treasure that grows like a gold toad.
[ "It is a treasure with a ruler and only men, so it is a sacred treasure that only we can boast about, and it is a holy treasure that grows like a gold toad.", "Joseon, a holy warlord with a long history of half a million years, buried the treasure in a hole that no one knew, but it is a holy treasure that grows like a gold toad.", "Joseon, a holy warlord with a long history of half a million years, buried a treasure in a hole that no one knew, but it is a holy treasure that grows like a gold toad.", "It is a treasure with a ruler and only men, so it is a sacred treasure that only we can enjoy and boast about, and it is a holy treasure that grows like a gold toad." ]
"You're two or three minutes late. The road is bad because I'm mending the road…." He made excuses with light words, but his face was full of anxiety. "Take this car. Miss Young." "Yes." The woman was Seo In-jun, the man of Miss Young - the drive of a man and woman who loved no matter who looked at it. "Miss Young, didn't Miss Young ask for a walk a few days ago. I ask for a walk today." "………." "It goes a little far." "How far do you go?" "There's no particular purpose to go so far." If you want to get off, get off, and just go if you want to... I need to talk to Miss Young...." "…………." There was no answer, but he expressed his acceptance. But very much, he seemed reluctant to do something. "Teacher, where are you going?" The driver's question - a driver, but he was one of Renjun's comrades. "× A path that will not be suspected of others at will - a flat path - a path that is not very prosperous - slowly wherever you go...." "Yes…" The car left the scene. The car, which was not directed by the passenger, slowly moved forward at the driver's discretion. It was already quite a springy road for the field. The willows along the road were already glossy. Cherry blossoms were quite large, so they seemed to boast their light in a few days. "Teacher, what does it mean?" Miss Young's question - Renjun bowed his head. I tried to beat the beat with my feet a few times. Then he answered. "Miss Young, I have something to think about and ask, but Miss Young remains silent until I ask. I ask Miss Young here today what Miss Young asked me to do on Incheon Road a few days ago. Don't ask me anything yet." Young's face turned pale. However, Renjun's face was not very good either. The two sat silently.
Miss Young, a face full of anxiety, made a drive that Seo In-joon and the driver went at their disposal.
[ "Seo In-jun, the man of Miss Young, made excuses with light words, but his face was full of anxiety and his face was full of anxiety.", "Seo In-jun, who loved Miss Young no matter who looked at it, made excuses with light words, but his face was full of anxiety and his face was full of anxiety.", "Seo In-jun, the man of Miss Young, made excuses with light words, but his face was full of anxiety and he was reluctant to do anything.", "Seo In-jun, the man of Miss Young, made excuses with light words, but his face was full of anxiety, and he was reluctant to do anything." ]
This evening, Mand's side dishes were more smooth and the sound of the kitchen knife was more noisy, and he seemed to be cleaning up the big hand. He also boiled two brisket. Even if it was a surprise, four or five were steamed. The smell of frying pan and the smoke of baking garlic poured out of the gate to make the sashimi of the person walking on the street move. The spacious main hall was cleared and a group of Nangdo, the great master of the night, settled down. The party is likely to have more than fifty members. Six or seven of them were separated, and they sat down in an orderly manner with the statue of the Hwaryu Mokgyoja in the middle. They are at most just twenty or seventeen years old. Wearing a luxurious long hood, the bead hood strap flashed brilliantly flashed. The tight iron belt and light hair on the outer garment were very strong. Their bodies were developed as they were due to intense exercise, but their affectionate faces were tanned and dark red in the sun, but they were so beautiful and beautiful that the word Hwarang was literally flower-like Hwarang It was the West. Taking off from the back of their seats, they seemed to be on their way back from learning archery. The food has already spread out on the table. A large bronze bag full of liquor, a steaming left, covered, full of oil, and a small vegetable snack, were placed around the large bag of liquor in a hole was salty enough around it.
On the spacious main hall, large guests of twenty and seventeen years old took their seats and sat down.
[ "A group of Nangdo, the great master of the night, settled down in the spacious main hall, and six or seven of them were separated, and they sat down in an orderly manner with the statue of the Hwaryu Mokgyoja in the middle.", "A group of Nangdo, the great master of the night, settled down in the spacious main hall, and six or seven of them sat down in an orderly manner with the statue of the Hwaryu Mokgyoja in the middle.", "The group of Nangdo, the great master of the night, settled down in the spacious main hall, and six or seven of them were separated, and they sat down in an orderly manner with the statue of the Hwaryu Mokgyoja in the middle.", "The group of Nangdo, the great master of the night, settled down in the spacious main hall and sat down in an orderly manner with the statue of the Hwaryu Mokgyoja in the middle." ]
When the man could smell the strange oil, an old memory came to his mind for a moment, which was somewhat stable. Okhwa lived near a printing shop when she was young. At that time, the printer's workers adored Okhwa very much. So I used to make a notebook or something with the paper left over from the printing shop Therefore, Okhwa's only fun was to go there and hang on to the shoulders of the swings as soon as she came back from school. Then raise your salary sometime and reduce your working hours. When the workers made such a demand and went on an alliance strike, the printing office refused until the end, while Okhwa was pitiful and sad because she did not know the ironclad mind and fired the mastermind of the ××× and ××Haya for not obeying them as they were. When I thought, "Isn't this man coming like this in the middle of the night, not out of anger after going to a printing shop?" I felt like I wanted to sympathize with the man with the old memories. "Hey! What's your name?" The man stretches his legs as if he were tired, sits down, asks with a smile for a moment, and smokes a cigarette. However, there is another big difficulty for Okhwa that is more difficult to say than to say her name here. It is a question of what is called a flower bed. In other words, does the guest who came up take an hour or two off? After asking this and deciding, you have to get a considerable price from the customer first and return it to the owner. This is the general rule here. Okhwa knows this well from the experience she has learned. And as long as you brought a guest here, it is not as if you have any responsibility to deal with this flower bed in order according to the rules here. However, I couldn't say how to say this. If the owner negotiates with the customer directly like last night, it would be better to pretend not to know, but it would be no wonder that Okhwa, who has not yet lost her virginity, does not know what to do because she only wiggles her eyes a couple of times through the window as if she comes out.
Okhwa remembered crying when she lived near the printing shop because the printing shop fired the workers who had staged an alliance strike.
[ "Okhwa lived near a printing shop when she was young, and the workers adored Okhwa very much, so Okhwa's only fun was to go there and hang on to the shoulders of the swings.", "Okhwa lived near a printing shop when she was young, and the workers adored her very much, so Okhwa's only fun was to go there and hang on to the shoulders of the swings.", "Okhwa lived near a printing shop when she was young, and the workers adored Okhwa very much, so Okhwa's only fun was to go there and hang on to the shoulders of the swings as soon as she came back from school.", "Okhwa lived near a printing shop when she was young, and the workers adored her very much, so Okhwa's only fun was to go there and hang on to the shoulders of the swings as soon as she came back from school." ]
It was during the reign of King Munmu of Silla in the past, the legend of the East Sea. On the East Sea, a large mountain that had never been seen before floated down, followed the waves to and fro, and there is a bamboo on the mountain, which was divided during the day and merged into a sea at night. When the king heard such a rumor, he called the fortune teller (the Blessed) and asked him, "It is a very good thing, so if the king moves there, he will surely get a great treasure." The king was very happy to hear that, and immediately moved to the east side and looked at the mountain, which suddenly shook the heavens and the storm broke out, and it became very dark without seeing the sun and the moon. A week later, the wind calmed down again and it cleared up. The king personally sailed into the mountains. As I went a long way into the mountains on a road with no human beings, a person in some strange clothing appeared. The king called the man and asked him, "How does the bamboo on this mountain divide by day and merge by night?" and he replied, "It doesn't make any sound when you compare it with one hand, but it's like a sound when you meet with two hands, so if the king (the king) will rule the world with his voice, it's a sign that all the people will live well."
When Bok-ja said that the rumor he heard was a good thing, the king was very happy and moved to the east coast.
[ "On the East Sea, a large mountain that had never been seen before floated down, followed the waves to and fro, and there was a bamboo on the mountain, which was divided during the day and merged into a sea at night.", "On the East Sea, a large mountain that had never been seen before floated down, followed the waves, and there was a bamboo on the mountain, which was divided during the day and merged into a sea at night.", "On the East Sea, a large mountain that had never been seen before floated down and followed the waves to and fro, and there was a bamboo on the mountain, which was divided during the day and merged into a sea at night.", "On the East Sea, a large mountain that had never been seen before floated down, followed the waves to and fro, and there was a bamboo on the mountain that was divided during the day and merged into a sea at night." ]
Even inside, "Soonhee, Soonhee!" I heard "Oppa, oppa!" "I almost got caught by the Qing Dynasty now, but if I do something wrong, I might not be able to save you and even be caught, so don't worry about it until I go back home and get ready to come back!" he comes back!" "Come, come quickly," he said, and while listening to Soon-hee pleading, he walked lightly, suppressed his fearsome and pounding heart, and crept around the hallway toward the back door that first came in. I opened the back door quietly and took a step with a cool heart as if I were leaving hell, and there was a person who rushed in and grabbed the wrist of the window and shouted, "I got you, hahaha!" After hearing the sound, all the people who poured out from the lower floor upstairs, "Thump thump thump," were Cheongguk, who looked disgusting and smelled ugly, and among them, there was a woman I saw for the first time. Like a small bird bitten by a solgae's claw, Changho's arm twisted in the ignorant man's hand, so he had no choice but to bend his head and wait for fate, whether to kill or save him. Young Chang-ho, who was dragged into a small room and collapsed with his hands tied together, was kicked by the foot of the helpless, clubbed, pinched, and twisted his head, and the bad guy rushed in, clasped his hair with his long fingernails and pressed his neck like a crescent, and blood began to flow from there.
My brother told Soon-hee not to worry, saying that he would come back to get her all ready.
[ "Young Chang-ho, who was dragged into a small room, was kicked by the foot of the helpless, clubbed, pinched, and twisted his head, and blood began to flow from there.", "Chang-ho, who was dragged into a small room, was kicked by the foot of the helpless, clubbed, pinched, and twisted his head, and blood began to flow from there.", "Young Chang-ho, who was dragged into a small room, was kicked by the foot of the helpless, clubbed, and twisted his head, and blood began to flow from there.", "Chang-ho, who was dragged into a small room, was kicked by the foot of the helpless, clubbed, and twisted his head, and blood began to flow from there." ]
Seok's greed was to try not to believe what Jae-Joong said, but it was more likely than not to believe it, and he saw not only his family but also his wife taken away because he once served in the stadium, so there was no way to hope. On top of that, it was clear that his wife was bigger than Seok, a man, but she would not have rubbed her hands to save her because the line was thick. That's why Seok was worried at the moment when he heard the news that 600,000 Chinese soldiers crawled down like ants. When things go like that, he doesn't rush to the south, but unlike the last incident, he has six children, and he won't survive carrying a baby only a few months old, because it's comfortable to sit down and die. And Lee Seok-yi's guess was unfortunately true. Therefore, Seok-i was not surprised when he heard the great man Jae-Joong, but rather gave up sadly that it would have happened and did not ask in more detail. However, Seok was still hopeful. It was a hope that no matter how much they were the same, they had to exterminate seven families. Still, who would have left one or two, or who would they have left? Wife? Never mind. There's no way I'll leave my wife behind. Then, daughter? Big one? Small one? In my fourteen-year-old daughter's year, I heard the names of these young children, seven, five, and baby, under my twelve and ten-year-old brothers. They wouldn't have left a boy behind, but they wouldn't have carried the girls. Seok thought to himself, "I would rather kill you than be taken away by them."
Unfortunately, Seok-i's speculation that taking six children southward with him would not save him, but would sit down and die comfortably even if he died was correct.
[ "Seok's greed was to try not to believe what Jae-Joong said, but it was more likely than not to believe that his wife was taken away because he once served in the stadium.", "Seok's greed was to try not to believe what Jae-Joong said, but he saw his wife taken away because he once served in the stadium, so there was no way to hope.", "Seok's greed was to try not to believe what Jae-Joong said, but it was more likely than not that his wife was taken away because he once served in the stadium.", "Seok's greed was to try not to believe what Jae-Joong said, but he saw his wife taken away because he once served in the stadium." ]
Far away at the foot of the mountain, farmers gathered here and there, and a stream flows coolly in front of it, wrapping around the village and flying birds are free to the fullest in the blue sky. White clouds form a mountain range on the sorghum field, which is like a mirror, and the dragonflies that meet at the time are busy. I looked at all this and took a quiet mind. The wind winds round my clothes and my hair. It just so happens that the car goes through Yongyeon. I thought of the first major character of my poor work, "Human Problems." Lee Yong-yeon! When I stuck out my head and looked at it, it seemed very different from a few years ago. However, the only thing that still remained unchanged was the blue water of that element. "The water of that element is blue and blue in the past and now. When I see a white cloth, it is so blue that I want to dye it." (In "Human Problem"), Lee Yong-yeon, who chased the first child, his mother, Maeso's wife, and Lee Seo-bang, the cripple, are still waiting for the first child while being despised. There is! There is definitely. I run toward the stone bridge that kicks while shouting inside like this. The car passes through the stone bridge and stops at Hongga-ri for a while, and then runs again. From this way, the road is a little flat. And while Bulsan Mountain seemed to be a flat ash lantern, the forest rose high as if it were piercing the sky. We crawl into the forest where we can't see the sky for a long time. Looking at it, the forest people, or miscellaneous trees, were only pine forests that were not mixed.
Farmers sat cringe here and there, looking at the free flock of birds in the sky, and having a calm mind.
[ "Lee Yong-yeon, who chased the first child, Maeso's wife, and Lee Seo-bang, the cripple, are still waiting for the first child while being despised.", "I thought of the first major character of my poor work, Lee Yong-yeon, who chased the first child, his mother, Maeso's wife, and Lee Seo-bang, the cripple, and waited for the first child while being despised.", "I thought of the first major character of my poor work, Lee Yong-yeon, who chased the first child, his mother, Maeso's wife, and Lee Seo-bang, the cripple, and waited for the first child.", "Lee Yong-yeon, who chased the first child, Maeso's wife, and Lee Seo-bang, the cripple, were still waiting for the first child while being despised." ]
"It's Junghee's mind. How could it have changed?" Money is money and love is love. And the father is the father, and the child is not the child. Then isn't it the beginning of his father's liberation between us that won't let me meet? However, if Jeong-hee's intention is not the only one, isn't it still the same. Anyway, if I wait one more day and don't hear anything from you, I will have to visit Jung-hee's house tomorrow even though there is no world. So I have to get to know everything in a cool way,' he muttered to himself in his first words and sat down in front of the desk. I opened my notebook and moved my eyes to today's writing, but it didn't come into my head at all. I haven't even read it once, so I have a headache. Oh, stop taking notes! With hot, kkakkak hands behind my head, I drew Han Il-ja obliquely in the middle of the room and lay down flat. I didn't know that life, which was luxurious until recently, is now an old dream. Did you mean earlier as Seungho? The mere thought of cancer doesn't make me feel real. I only want a castle where everyone wanders in their dreams. It is like a dream that my father died of a sudden death, and it is not really the same that the household life that others envied went bankrupt in the sun. When I go on the road, I can't raise my head because it seems like people are pointing their fingers and laughing at me. Even if I went to school, I didn't want to hang out with my colleagues, so I tried to avoid them as much as possible even if I was close to them before. It was only even more depressing when I stepped inside the school gate.
Seungho's sudden bankruptcy of household life and his father's death were all like a dream.
[ "If I wait one more day and don't hear anything from you, I will have to visit Jung-hee's house tomorrow even though there is no world.", "If I wait one more day and don't hear anything from you, I will have to visit Jung-hee's house tomorrow even though there is no world, so I have to get to know everything in a cool way.", "If I wait one more day and don't hear from you, I will have to visit Jung-hee's house tomorrow even though there is no world.", "If I wait one more day and don't hear anything from you, I will have to visit Jung-hee's house tomorrow, so I have to get to know everything in a cool way." ]
Of course, it was not like Tabuco was a pure widow while he came to this hot spring area and waited for the peak. involved several men. However, because Tabuko's face is so like that, his environment is now a famous story, and customers who visit Manchi Tabuko in this hot spring area are looking for it with a preconception and dirty curiosity that it is free, so they didn't even say anything. If he got even a one-won bill with such a weak punishment, Dabuko went out to the store, ate caramel, bought cider, bought cigarettes, and went into the bath to let others know that he had money, and used it up for the day. It was a life of sheer desperation. He also thought about running away to his hometown of Suncheon by walking from time to time, but his blunt and huge body was not confident of going only 10 ri on this hot summer day. His debt of KRW 1 trillion 60 was increasing day by day, and there was no hope to pay back, and he wandered to the owner's child, the yard, or the floor while the east, west, north, and south sides were blocked, and looked at other dinners with an ugly face. He tried all the tactics that his unwise mind could come up with, in the midst of a dilemma. Among the many customers who went and came to the hotel, when a customer dressed in clothes or clean entered the inn, Tabuko sealed his denture bag tightly, sat on the floor in front of the room, sang a popular song with the clear voice, or looked around the room and talked to him. However, it was because Tabuko was so famous that it interfered with Tabuko's purpose on top of his ugly appearance. Even though it looked ugly, the customer, who had been curious about it due to the shortness of the destination, was afraid that once he entered the soup, he would become a story of Tabuko, the owner of the famous topic, and so he took his hands off.
The customer, who heard the rumor of such a famous topic in the bath, withdrew because he was afraid that it would become a topic of conversation, interfering with Dabuko's purpose.
[ "When a customer dressed in clothes entered the hotel, Tabuko sealed his denture bag tightly, sat on the floor in front of the room, sang a popular song, and looked around the room and talked to him.", "When a customer dressed in clothes entered the hotel, Tabuko sealed his denture bag tightly, sat on the floor in front of the room, sang a popular song, and talked to him.", "When a customer dressed in clothes entered the hotel, Tabuko sealed his denture bag tightly, sat on the floor in front of the room, sang a popular song, and talked to him, but it was because Tabuko was so famous that it interfered with Tabuko's purpose on top of his ugly appearance.", "When a customer dressed in clothes entered the hotel, Tabuko sealed his denture bag tightly, sat on the floor in front of the room, sang a popular song, or looked around the room and talked to him." ]
"Hey, did you eat your ears?"" I woke up and couldn't even hear this third sound because of the chatter of several children. 'Let's endure... just for today...' I definitely thought of this, but my feet were already running down the stairs. Fountain enemy is foot. "Everyone is deafening!" The children peck at the thunderbolt. My wife is chasing me to the floor in a hurry. "It's because they're talking!" "What's wrong with you! You dull person." As it turned out, the novel couldn't be written. It is something to die young when others hear it, but Jun-gu had a big fight with his wife that day. Their marital strife has been exactly this kind for more than 20 years. Tomorrow morning is the day I come to find the manuscript. I felt pretty good that morning. As never before, Jun-gu himself cleared his seat, cleared his desk, and swept the room. Then I sat in front of the table. My mood calms down. I'm so excited that I'm going to be written. I wrote the title of the legend like this. It was because the fact that there is a young man like Choi in the world now definitely belongs to legend. In fact, to be honest, Jun-gu had quite a few complaints with young people in their 20s and 30s. Most of the young people he contacted were students, especially those who studied literature. Most of them only cared about getting into the literary world. No matter how sincere he was in literature, he seemed to have heard it in one ear and out the other. Most of the graduates of the school he was involved in had a middle and high school Korean language teacher's card, so when he asked for a job, he said he should be an unwritten Seoul.
When I shouted, "Are you deaf?" because I couldn't hear it three times, my wife chased me.
[ "Jun-gu had quite a few complaints with young people in their 20s and 30s, and most of them only cared about getting into the literary world.", "In fact, Jun-gu had quite a few complaints with young people in their 20s and 30s, and most of them only cared about getting into the literary world.", "Jun-gu had quite a few complaints with young people in their 20s and 30s, but most of them only cared about getting into the literary world.", "Jun-gu had quite a few complaints with young people in their 20s and 30s, and most of them only wanted to get into the literary world." ]
Ara finally saw the chief detective today. The smooth head of the basin, small eyes that sparkle like a pear rock, and the thin mouth seem to have a cold wind. "Are you Arai at Baekmajeong Cafe?" The detective asks like this with a new tooth. Ara was so puzzled that she couldn't even answer. This person seemed to be a very different person from Hong Myeon-hoo, who he knew well about the previous day. "What I knew about the past was for a reason, and today I will interrogate you as an accomplice to the sermon robber. The first spot should not be discouraged, but should be treated as it is. "Okay," the detective glares at the pretty criminal over the glasses. Even with this remark, Aera didn't know what to say back. "If you confess everything, you will be sentenced to 10 years in prison if you make up a lie about something you know. Yes!" The chief of the detective department is quick again. "What is my sin?" Aera barely opened her pale lips and asked back once, but she was not confident at all. "You don't know what you've done?" The detective gets angry like a flame. "You are the government of Kim Soon-tae, a preacher, and you hid him in your house knowing that he was a scary big sinner in the world, and you became his front-runner to spy on the secrets of the police." Still, don't you know your crime?" The detective stomps his foot once. Aera seemed to have a shrug and chilling goosebumps. "I already knew everything and sat down!" I admired it inside, and then I had the courage to say, "It's a trick to play around, if I had known, I wouldn't have left me alone to this day!"
Today, Ae-ra saw the chief detective with a shiny basin head, small eyes and a thin mouth, and she seemed to be a different person from Hong Myeon-hoo she knew.
[ "The detective glared at the pretty criminal over the glasses and said, \"If you confess everything, you will be sentenced to 10 years in prison if you make up a lie about something you know.\"", "The detective glared at the pretty criminal over the glasses and said, \"If you confess everything, you will be sentenced to 10 years in prison, and if you make up a lie about something you know, you will be sentenced to 10 years in prison.\"", "The detective glared at the pretty criminal over the glasses and said, \"If you confess everything, you will be sentenced to 10 years in prison, and if you make up a lie, you will be sentenced to 10 years in prison.\"", "The detective glared at the pretty criminal over the glasses and said, \"If you confess everything, you will be sentenced to 10 years in prison if you lie about something you know.\"" ]
Kim Dong-in, an old bachelor M in "The Toes Are Similar," got married. When we heard this news, we looked at each other unexpectedly. M was 32 years old. As the world suddenly changed, or because of economic problems, or because of the lack of a suitable spouse, or because of the resistance to being an early marriage, more and more people are becoming bachelor, but it's a little too late for a 32-year-old bachelor to think about it. So his friends would still be very careful about marriage, as if they had given him every opportunity. However, whenever M received such a discussion (which is obviously very interesting at heart), he would outwardly refuse to speak to his friends as a complaint. Then, M got married without our knowledge. M was poor. I was a salaryman for a very unstable company. His weak economy seems to have led him to age as a bachelor. And because of this, friends were sorry for M's bachelor life and recommended that she marry. But I was the only one who was giving a different kind of interpretation when M didn't get married. My job as a doctor discovered a physical flaw in M - because of this, M is a bachelor over thirty, which I believed. M has been a great prodigal since he was a student. He lacked financial leeway only after debauchery, so he was debauchery, which belongs to the most downstream. It was him who immediately ran to a udon restaurant or Yugwak when he had 50 or 100 won. By nature, he has a strong sexual desire, and he has never missed an opportunity in front of him to extinguish the burning sexual desire. Even if he met his friends, he told me to treat him to a Yugwak rather than a treat for food.
M, who was poor as a salaryman for an unstable company, lived as a bachelor until he was old, but his friends recommended him to marry him because the economic condition seemed to be the cause, and he got married without knowing it.
[ "When we heard that Kim Dong-in, an old bachelor M in \"The Toes Are Similar,\" got married, we looked at each other unexpectedly.", "When I heard that Kim Dong-in, an old bachelor M in \"The Toes Are Similar,\" got married, I looked at each other unexpectedly.", "When I heard that Kim Dong-in, an old bachelor M in \"The Toes Are Similar,\" had got married, I looked at each other unexpectedly.", "When we heard that Kim Dong-in, an old bachelor M in \"The Toes Are Similar,\" had got married, we looked at each other unexpectedly." ]
Of course, because it is a story of a god-soo, it is all said with jokes and jokes, but it is not in the hearts of the people who become the party, so Seong-ong lamented endlessly whenever he heard such words. Moreover, these days, he has become aware that his wife's stomach is gradually changing and his appetite is lifted and he is groaning. On the other hand, he was eager to be protected by Shinsu, so he visited Shinsu's hermitage in Naksu Byeon early one morning. Shinsu, who had a habit of waking up early by serving the Buddha of the temple since he was young, was already up and finishing his morning tax. When he saw the coming of the Holy Spirit, he welcomed him and said, "How can you come so early?" and made a statue of sixteen people rolling snowdrops. This is a kind of habit that seems to be common when there is a certain emotional turbulence, such as when Shin-soo is very happy, surprised, or excellent, and the sense emitted from that expression has always warmed the other person's heart. "Why didn't you see me for a few days?" It is the site where the Holy Spirit also responds to the hunger. "Yes, you had a stomachache because you ate a small leg of Cheongmilju Yeoldu." "Does Shinsu ever get sick?" " The two laughed loudly. "But what do you want me to do because you seem to be changing?" After the words came and went, the discussion that Seong-ong brought up was also that, but the speaking attitude was still peaceful. Now, he thinks it's funny that he's been whining and fretting at first, let alone being angry at Shin-soo.
Shinsu made a statue of sixteen people rolling snowdrops as he watched the coming of the holy spirit.
[ "On the other hand, he was eager to be protected by Shin-soo, so he visited Shin-soo's hermitage early one morning.", "Seong-ong, who was eager to be protected by Shin-soo, visited Shin-soo's hermitage early one morning, and Shin-soo welcomed him and made a statue of 16 people rolling snowdrops.", "Shinsu, who had a habit of waking up early to serve the Buddha of the temple, made a statue of 16 people rolling snowdrops when he saw the coming of the Holy Spirit.", "Seong-ong, who was eager to be protected by Shin-soo, visited Shin-soo's hermitage early one morning, and Shin-soo welcomed him and made a statue of sixteen people rolling snowdrops." ]
A hen without steam, it used to be a life with a strange curve. This Jeongsaengwon's house, or Yongdong's family, is a scholar's family, but farming should have been different from any other farming house because it has been notified of several fields and ten rice paddies. I don't know how long this family has been born, but it doesn't work well even if it's a chicken or a beast. For example, if you feed a pig, he or she will die of an angry wig or illness, and if he or she raises a dog, he or she will eat Biru or go crazy, and if he or she hits a chicken, a wildcat will bite him or a stray cat will die of nasal disease…… It's not that it's not, but if you look at it several times in the former, it's true that it didn't happen, so it's true that you didn't have the fun of playing chickens while being dogged. Therefore, it is right to say that the reason why I don't raise a puppy in the fourth and fifth years is that the house site is strong and the Sanggeuk lost is just an excuse to take chance for granted, that is, there are not many people in this family (although there are not many families) to take care of such things. The first is Jeong Saeng-won, the master of this house, and he is an old scholar who is hard to see these days, so he doesn't even know whether chickens are eggs or young. After middle age, he has been serving as a dean for nearly 20 years, In addition, in the last four to five years, his daughter, Yongdong's house, who was one of his children, was already depressed, and he became a person who forgot about everything in the world, let alone the family's livelihood.
The home of Yongdong's family, which is said to have a strong home, is not easily hit by animals.
[ "Jeongsaengwon's house, or Yongdong's house, is a scholar's family, but farming should have been different from any other farming house because it has been notified of several fields and ten rice paddies.", "Jeongsaengwon's house, or Yongdong's house, is a scholar's family, but farming should have been different because it has been notified of several fields and ten rice paddies.", "Jeongsaengwon's house, or Yongdong's family, is a scholar's family, but farming should have been different from any other farming house because it has been notified of several fields and ten rice paddies.", "Jeongsaengwon's house, or Yongdong's family, is a scholar's family, but farming should have been different because it has been notified of several fields and ten rice paddies." ]
Secondly, how can he, who was raised by such parents, keep his principles. Did you come to have the idea that 'it should not be thrown away recklessly'. It was never out of love that she had the idea of marrying the man. There was clearly a lack of ability to understand love and such matters. The only reason he stuck with the guy was to solve life problems. As his growing environment is the environment, the concept of "self-sustaining measures" has been in place relatively early. And the judgment was embedded in his mind that "in order for a woman to live on her own, it is the most light and safe way to get the Jiabee with a stable life." Because of this, he chose a son from a rich family. The common notions of women in this society are, "Wealth in the evening we meet, and the next morning we are strangers," "5 won from this man, 7 won from that man, not to think about tomorrow," and there is one wife called "honey," and a husband of a father who passes through the "wife" in a cart of "love." The husband is obligated to support his wife, legally, morally, or habitually, so he will maintain his life with the support of his husband, who is obligated to support his wife called "self."… It's this big. However, this woman's idea was different from that of him. Love means Buddha. If you want to be a wife, that is, if you want to be in a relationship, you must have one person (only one person). The husband must lead him to old age and have his own. In other words, it was the traditional Buddha or marriage view of Joseon.
It was not from love that the woman, who lacked the ability to understand love, had the idea of marrying the man, but because of life problems.
[ "It was never out of love that she had the idea of marrying the man, but the only reason she stuck with the guy was to solve life problems.", "The only reason he stuck with the guy was to solve life problems, and the judgment was embedded in his mind that it was the most safe way to get the Jiabee with a stable life.", "It was not out of love that she had the idea of marrying the man, but the only reason she stuck with the guy was to solve life problems.", "The only reason he stuck with the guy was to solve life problems, and the judgment was embedded in his mind that it was the most light and safe way to get the Jiabee with a stable life." ]
"Since you have carried such a saint above, it will not be long before you can defeat Goguryeo and Baekje within next year to unify the three Koreas." Nulmun showed off his arms. "But there is one thing to worry about," said the third-quarter man politely. "What's one concern?" Several looked at the third-quarter man in a strange way. "You're already over forty inlaid Boryeong, so you don't have a son yet." "You may be worried that you haven't had a son yet, but aren't there three outstanding princesses?" Many people's aimless footsteps reached the door of Cheonjusa Temple without their knowledge. "It's not that we're going to talk and go around like this, but let's not go back to safety. Sit on that nail-like lawn Uena and talk to each other all night. "As if someone was pulling him from behind, Su-pum moved his feet that did not fall according to several luck, and gradually made this offer. "The hand-made and worn-out words are likely to be true. Somehow, I feel empty as Im Hae-jeon goes further away. Go back up to Anapji." Nulmun agreed with Soufum's words at once. "Yes, yes, that's a good word. One step at a time, two steps at a time, the place we were excited about is moving away, and it is also a stir that we pick." Several people stopped walking in vain again because they couldn't control themselves. Sitting on a dewy grass, collapsing, and lying down, looking for the end of the previous story again. "What were we talking about earlier and then we quit? Oh, that's right. The inlaid man said he couldn't have a son, but he had three princesses with the same moon and same flowers...…." "Princess Deokman, the eldest daughter, is the best in gold," Sum said, looking around the audience as if asking for the consent of several people.
When the three looked at each other in a strange way, Boryeong told the inlaid man, who was over forty, that he was worried that he had no son.
[ "Many people's aimless footsteps reached the door of Cheonjusa Temple without their knowledge, and several people stopped walking in vain because they couldn't control themselves.", "Many people's aimless footsteps reached the door of Cheonjusa Temple without knowing, and several people stopped walking in vain because they couldn't control themselves.", "Many people's aimless footsteps reached the door of Cheonjusa Temple without their knowledge, and several people stopped walking in vain again because they couldn't control themselves.", "Many people's aimless footsteps reached the door of Cheonjusa Temple without their knowledge, and Su-pum told them to sit on the nail-like lawn Uena and talk to each other all night." ]
Josin feels a slight head. However, Josin could not let go of happiness by stacking and removing it for a long time. No matter how hard you try, you have to hold on tight and run forever. Josin thought of the lyrics given by Monk Yongseon. They say that if you wear lyrics on your body, there is no ghost that you dare to encounter between heaven and earth. However, if you put this lyric on the dirty body that broke the Buddhist order, the lyrics become fire and wind, blowing the person to the hell of the father. <Isn't it because you keep the lyrics Jangsam at home?> Josin thought like this and looked at it. Thinking like that, Josin shuddered because the black jangsam and red lyrics seemed to fly up in the air by themselves. Lyrics of Neopul Neopul are in front of Josin, so they go up and down. Josin opened his eyes. It's dark. In the darkness there were countless lyrics and jangsam. Among them, you can see the shape of a flat tree and the shape of a monk Yongseon. However, the shape of the dragon boat image soon collapsed. Josin was so dizzy that he couldn't get to know her. I wanted to go to a room with my wife and children, but I couldn't seem to move like a person with sleep paralysis. The wife's face was also like a scary woman. The children's faces were also like fierce ghosts. Josin was at a loss what to do. I was scared when I opened my eyes and I was scared when I closed them. What's wrong with me. Why am I like this because I was scared even if I went alone at night.> Josin tried to recover his mind, but it didn't work. Everything seemed to be an enemy to threaten and hurt me.
Josin thought of the lyrics given by Monk Yongseon that there are no ghosts that can be seen on his body, but when he wears a dirty body that broke the practice, he sends the person to his father's hell.
[ "Josin tried to recover his mind, but everything seemed to be an enemy to threaten and hurt him, and everything seemed to be an enemy to threaten and hurt him.", "Josin tried to recover his mind, but it seemed to be an enemy to threaten and hurt him, and everything seemed to be an enemy to threaten and hurt him.", "Josin thought of the lyrics given by Monk Yongseon, who said that if you wear lyrics on your body, there is no ghost that you can encounter between heaven and earth, but if you put the lyrics on the dirty body that broke the Buddhist order, the lyrics become fire and wind.", "Josin thought of the lyrics given by Monk Yongseon, saying that if you wear lyrics on your body, there is no ghost that you can encounter between heaven and earth, but if you put the lyrics on the dirty body that broke the Buddhist order, the lyrics become fire and wind." ]
One day, Ha-hyung discussed the life policy plan with Sae-An-hae. "We started the housekeeping show like this, but how are we doing?" In fact, it was a pitiful question. It was rust that was not enough to live alone. It was impossible for them to put glue on their mouths. The housekeeping started, but this was the most urgent problem. However, Anhae did not seem to care much about the problem. "It'll work out." This was the answer to Anhae. "That's something you don't know. I mean, what's going to happen?" "Think about it. You didn't starve before I came. I didn't starve myself even before I came to you. "Why would two people who didn't starve get together and starve?" That's the other way around. There is no reason to starve suddenly because they are two people because they did not starve. However, it will not be solved simply like the problem of life. Ha-hyung still looked suspicious. At that time, his safety was filled with a smile on his face, and he looked at Ha-hyung's face and said. "Why are you so worried about sleeping. I hope you'll have enough of your work. It's a woman's job to manage the house, so just leave it alone and take care of it. I didn't ask you to go to a lecture I don't want to be complacent because I saw it because I saw it because there will be a day when you will yell at me in the future. If you earn as much as your strength grows, I will do my best as my strength grows, so don't worry about anything else," and when Ha-hyung said something about it again, Ahn-hae said something else and blocked Ha-hyung's words.
When Ha-hyung discussed his life policy with Sae An-hae because he couldn't even put salt in their mouths with the rust that was lacking even in living alone, Ahn-hae replied, "What will happen?"
[ "Ha-hyung discussed the life policy plan with Sae-An-hae, but An-hae did not seem to care much about the problem.", "Ha-hyung discussed the life policy plan with Sae-An-hae, but An-hae did not seem to care much about the most urgent problem.", "Ha-hyung discussed the life policy with Sae-An-hae, but An-hae did not seem to care much about the most urgent problem.", "Ha-hyung discussed the life policy plan with Sae-An-hae, but An-hae did not seem to care much about the urgent problem." ]
I wanted to make something happen quickly so that So-hee could get even a penny more so that she could afford to live a little more. As I was looking at So-hee, who was folding the printing paper while sitting face to face, I wanted to go to the side and touch her, talk to her, and see her smiling eyes. Therefore, he wrote a letter and brought it to So-hee without looking back on what she had in mind. The letter was like this. "Sohee, I've tried infinitely to suppress this mind. But it was nothing more than a waste of time." (It was true that the group tried to suppress the love that was directed to her heart-So-hee.) "It is a delusion to press down on the emotions that have risen once with easy access. You can criticize it and manipulate it so that it doesn't tilt blindly, but you can never trample it down. Sohee, my heart came to peace. Before I saw Sohee, I had only one heart. That's why I'm so dizzy now that I'm distracted by other things. It is unexpected to think that love is something that firmly captivates people's hearts. I can't take too long with this problem. Anyway, I want to know how you feel. If I continue to lead it further, I may even become a Norakuramono, and I may just become a Norakuramono." (The mind of the group of U.S. Buddhas has disappeared, and I sometimes see a clear sense of work that has been calmly and enthusiastically.) "So-hee, whenever I think of So-hee, I see a scary welcome.
When I looked at So-hee, who was folding the printing paper, I wanted to go to the side, touch it, and talk to her, so I wrote her a letter without even looking back on what So-hee thought.
[ "As I was looking at So-hee, who was folding the printing paper, I wanted to touch her, talk to her, and see her smiling eyes, so I wrote a letter and brought it to So-hee without looking back on what she had in mind.", "As I was looking at So-hee, who was folding the printing paper, I wanted to go to the side and touch her, talk to her, and see her smiling eyes, so I wrote a letter and brought it to So-hee without looking back on what she had in mind.", "As I was looking at So-hee, who was folding the printing paper, I wanted to go to the side and touch her, talk to her, and see her smiling eyes.", "As I was looking at So-hee, who was folding the printing paper, I wanted to touch her, talk to her, and see her smiling eyes, so I wrote a letter and brought it to So-hee without looking back." ]
It must be a shame to go around with a country bumpkin. After entering the zoo, it was to pick and go separately as if it were not a companion. "Hey, what kind of bird is that?" When the tactless old lady calls the water, she says, "It must be an owl," and looks around from side to side, apparently because she doesn't know who's with her. The sandman stood by the pond in front of the crystal, and said, "Oh, there's a lot of water. If I had that water, I wouldn't run out of water even if I dug up the rice paddies until the end! How dare you just tease a pond like this! Is there beans or red beans on the grass? What the hell did you do in that big place? That's how you planted it! That lawn alone will give you three hundred beans..." When I said this, all the people watching the meat laughed and leaned back. A mischievous young friend said, "Okay, old man, I'll tell you well. Would you like to open a rice paddy?" and the real woman said, "I only get permission! It's a horse. Dig the rice paddies and plant them! No, yes, I think I can't just look at this! On top of that, the rice will lie down in autumn, so it will ripen. I'm full!" "Oh, that would be great!" "Well, it's strange! I heard that people in Seoul look like rice trees look like? I'll show you around and harvest it - "San-nim was calm, but he was once again a laughing stock. This father-in-law's indecency ruined the mood of her daughter-in-law in Seoul. "I'm embarrassed! Please go away!" The daughter-in-law retorted like this and left the collection.
After entering the zoo, they walk away as if they were not company, but when the grandmother asked what kind of bird it was, she looked around and looked around, as if she would notice who was company.
[ "After entering the zoo, it was to pick and go separately as if it were not a companion, and the tactless old lady looked around from side to side because she didn't know who was with her.", "After entering the zoo, it was to pick and go separately as if it were not a companion, but the tactless old lady looked around from side to side because she didn't know who was with her.", "After entering the zoo, it was to pick and go separately as if it were a companion, but the tactless old lady looked around from side to side because she didn't know who was with her.", "After entering the zoo, it was to pick and go separately as if it were a companion, and the tactless old lady looked around from side to side because she didn't know who was with her." ]
Andalsojeon Volume 1 Andalso, like other 13 houses in this neighborhood, gets a few rice paddies and a few fields from Danyang's house and sees Kwon An-dal's words, which means spiders are unable to line their mouths. At first glance, it seems that there is a physiological defect because he is not originally tall and both shoulders fall down, and his legs are shorter than his upper body. Therefore, the natural face is not big, and the tanned ocher color and unusually yellow beard make a small impression on the first person. Even if his eyes were not torn across, the two eyes like the king's bell might have supported the impression of his shabby body and petty face to some extent. However, both eyes are torn outward, and the outer eyebrows are neatly upright, giving a rather fine impression, let alone loose. In this type of face, it is usually the nose ridge is quick and the lower jaw is fast, but Kwon An-dal's nose ridge is not sharp and the lower jaw is not fast. Even if he couldn't get to the point where he felt a little generous and affectionate, it was still thanks to his dancing chin. One day - it's still divided, but Shiragawara, the head of the expatriate office, came to this neighborhood on the year-end border, and when he saw Kwon An-dal, he laughed with the stadium because it was a typical Joseon person's face. Later, he interpreted it from the stadium and said, "Manager Geo saw it well. If you have a decent Joseon aristocrat and are like a good son or a good son, it's worth arguing about..." I was brainwashed all day by myselfJima said, "As expected, the manager's eyes were correct. If you rip this whole thing apart, you don't know what it is, but if Kwon An-dal pretends to be like that, you can smell the Joseon farming army without knowing where it is.
Andal, who lives without spider webs in his mouth thanks to the fact that he gets rice paddies and fields from Danyang's house, seems to have a physiological defect at first glance.
[ "In this type of face, the nose ridge is quick and the lower jaw is fast, but Kwon An-dal's nose ridge is not sharp and the lower jaw is not fast.", "In this type of face, the nose ridge is quick and the lower jaw is fast, but Kwon An-dal's nose ridge is not sharp and his lower jaw is not fast.", "When Shiragawara, the head of the expatriate office, saw Kwon An-dal, he laughed with the stadium because it was a typical Joseon person's face.", "In this type of face, the nose ridge is quick and the lower jaw is fast, but Kwon An-dal's nose ridge is not sharp and the lower jaw is not fast, and even if he couldn't get to the point where he felt generous and affectionate, it was still thanks to his dancing chin." ]
It's easy to say, but Jang Si-il's fasting will not be easy. Fasting as a wife for a husband, fasting as a child for a mother, all of which cannot be said to be bland, but I do not know whether it is right or wrong. I couldn't even answer back, so I said, "Yes, then go back and rest. How can you starve yourself to work. I said, "Go back quickly," and recommended getting off work, and he said, "No. My mother, who has been starving for three days, is fasting every day while going out to the market. Would I take a break from work and fast. I have a stomachache, but I'm sure you'll be able to bear it. I've skipped five meals, so I guess I'm running out of sashimi. I'll buy Hoechungsan Mountain or something now," Park said with a smile on his unexpected face. "I have a stomachache while fasting, so I eat Hochungsan!" At the moment, I couldn't help but be surprised by the significance of his fasting. Fasting where you have to fast while treating your stomachache with medicine! I couldn't help but feel that my feelings toward him turned into disgust a little while ago when his fasting for my mother was thought to be reckless. "Eat some raw fish! "What kind of fasting is that?" I said to myself, and he said, "Isn't Hoechungsan Mountain okay? Famous politicians fasted with honey pots next to them while getting shots. "The novelist who can't write novels is really due the day after tomorrow, so I'm sorry for breaking the date so many times, so I'll write a book in 30 pages today. I have sat face to face with the desk since morning, but as always, there is no excitement at the end of the brush. There are so many stories I want to write if I have to confront the knife with my neck out. Blood boils up in my heart when I see the cocktails that go on in the world. But what excitement will be put at the end of this brush, as it is this brush that needs to be noticed around it at best. As I said when I was a Japanese colonial people, what was the Lee Jung-kwon era, what is it like today when this regime collapsed, and I saw a doctor because there was something wrong with my abdomen, and if I suppress my anger, blood gathers in my abdomen and shows such symptoms. If the cause of the disease is the anger that keeps the story in your heart that you can't and can't write when you struggle to write the story you want to write, the blood from your abdomen will be released to the tip of the pen, and the disease will be cured easily.
I didn't know whether fasting was right or wrong, so I couldn't answer, so I recommended going home, and Park smiled, saying, "I will buy Hochungsan Mountain."
[ "I couldn't help but feel that my feelings toward him turned into disgust a little while ago when his fasting for my mother was thought to be reckless.", "I couldn't help but feel that my feelings toward him turned into disgust a little while ago when his fasting for his mother was thought to be reckless.", "I couldn't help but feel that my feelings toward him turned into disgust when his fasting for my mother was thought to be reckless, and I couldn't help but be surprised by the significance of his fasting.", "I couldn't help but be surprised by the significance of Jang Si-il's fasting while treating his stomachache with medicine, and I couldn't help but feel that my feelings toward him turned into disgust." ]
[Joseon Ilbo January 26, 1938] 2 Then, what contributed to human progress and how did art and literature try to overcome and resolve this contradiction while the primitive unification between individuals and society, or society and art was broken and long history could not stay there today. Through a book of literary history, we aim to find that the rare natural objects that shine like stars gave up forever shining glory to future generations by indomitable efforts to overcome it, and numerous bodies lost in the struggle with it and the brave blood shed while falling. The great master, called a realist, objectively participated in the holy war for the first drama of contradiction and division by the noble spirit of welcoming division and uncovering contradictions. However, before empirical art theory, Hegel, the greatest achievement of idealistic aesthetics that leaves us the most beautiful legacy, directly accepted the theme of art and the contradictions between art and society, and it is most instructive to us. It was common for a compromiser with reality or his advocate to avoid touching the subject of art head-on, so ideological aesthetics other than Hegel did not try to stand in front of the question of what to draw. However, as is well known, Hegel bravely argued in his aesthetics that the subject of art must be the inevitable actions of the world and humans drawn under the worldwide historical transcriptional social interest.(Refer to Gambaekseokgae's "The Dialectics of Hegel aesthetics") Thus, he reached out to the interesting side of whether modern society itself could be the subject of art, but here he had to face the extreme contradiction between prose and art in modern society. For him, the main character of art should not be a "free, independent human being who can participate in the world history process and create a huge social impact alone," and nowhere else around him could he find such a person. Nowhere in the queen, general, citizen, or fourth class could he find such a human being. Society was infinitely differentiated, and the organization became complex, jobs were specialized, mechanized, and laws that had nothing to do with their own free opinions were too cold. In other words, it was too prose compared to historical unification in the era of national institutions.
The goal of searching for a book of literary history is that the geniuses of the Heese era shine forever through indomitable efforts to future generations.
[ "Hegel, the greatest achievement of idealistic aesthetics, directly accepted the theme of art and the contradictions between art and society, and it is most instructive to us.", "Hegel, the greatest achievement of idealistic aesthetics that leaves us the most beautiful legacy, directly accepted the theme of art and the contradictions between art and society.", "Hegel, the greatest achievement of idealistic aesthetics, directly accepted the theme of art and the contradictions between art and society, and it is instructive to us.", "Hegel, the greatest achievement of idealistic aesthetics that leaves us the most beautiful legacy, directly accepted the theme of art and the contradictions between art and society, and it is most instructive to us." ]
It may not be accepted forever by the church people, but it is too obvious for the average person who is not biased. How did Franklin see the church. I will reverse everything I have recorded. However, his sermons were often controversial discussions or explanations of the unique doctrines of his denomination. Therefore, it was extremely dry, tasteless, and useless to me.- They don't emphasize any moral principles or travel, so they seemed to be trying to make us Presbyterians rather than good citizens." Later, I took the Bible and visited Philip 4:8. "Brothers, I have something to tell you. Think of it as true, respectable, righteous, pure, loving, praiseworthy, whatever good may be, whatever honor may be." I imagined. Many lessons will have to be learned from the sermons given with these mortar. However, I limited myself to five items such as the Apostolic Nerve. He said, "Sacrifice the Sabbath." 2. Read the Bible hard. 3. Mandatory attendance at the public meeting. 4. Attend the Eucharist ceremony. 5. Show considerable respect to the minister. I don't know if this is all good. However, in these five articles, there was nothing good of the kind I expected in the phrase, so I was desperate and disgusted to meet with them again. Therefore, I did not attend the public sermon again. (In the autobiography), the interpretation of the above five articles in Philip 4:8 will never be drawn unless they are special dolls called pastors or traders. Franklin is said to have finally disappointed and hated the church because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehood of the churchman.
Franklin said that the church pastor's sermon was a controversial discussion or explanation of his denomination's unique doctrine, which made him disappointed and disgusted by the church because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehood of the churchman.
[ "Franklin is said to have hated the church because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehoods of the churchman because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehoods of the churchman.", "Franklin is said to have hated the church because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehoods of the churchman because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehoods.", "Franklin is said to have hated the church because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehoods of the churchman, so he did not attend the public sermon again.", "Franklin is said to have hated the church because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehoods of the churchman, and he has finally disappointed and hated the church because he could not endure the ignorance, distrust, and falsehoods of the churchman." ]
Chapter 6 It was only three days later that their group began to march again in the deep mountains overlooking the Imjin River. Their party was no longer twenty-six. Nine of the 26 people who left the nursery and came to the truck together were separated from their group. He was punished for being loyal to the Republic of Korea. Nine of them were class A class. There were five A-class A, three B, and one C. At dawn that day, they reached the mountains that seemed to be their destination. In the distance, only the Imjingang River was overlooked, and of course, the name of the mountain was unknown, but even the name of the county was unknown. There was only a small child surrounding a giant house like a shop in the valley forest, and I couldn't even guess where the seal was. Each party was ordered to hide under a tree and between rocks. It was after the U.S. Air Force launched a massive air strike, seeing already the resolution of the National Union to punish the invaders. Everything is a tank and everything is a bomb baptism. The train was at a loss. As soon as the group of three or more people was found, they plunged and grinded machine guns like beans. Not only humans with the intention of aggression, but also all machines, weapons, and facilities were recklessly beaten. "Switch for a ton of bombs with one invader!" The whole world, including the United States, was supporting Korea like this. As soon as the dawn broke, the black dragonflies began to make metallic sounds and search their bones. Then, whenever I saw an armory and a human being, I hit it down. It's like a flock of crows who found something ugly to be contacted.
Nine of the 26 members of their group were executed on charges of being loyal to the Republic of Korea.
[ "Nine of the 26 people who left the nursery and came to the truck together were separated from their group and were punished for being loyal to the Republic of Korea.", "Nine of the 26 people who left the nursery and came to the truck together were punished for being loyal to the Republic of Korea, and there were five A-class A, three B-class, and one C-class.", "Nine of the 26 people who left the nursery and came to the truck together were punished for being loyal to the Republic of Korea, and nine of them were class A.", "Nine of the 26 people who left the nursery and came to the truck together were punished for being loyal to the Republic of Korea, and there were five A-class A, three B-class A, and one C-class." ]
Reflection on the slogan of national literature in Joseon Literature 1 The decision of the first National Literature Conference held in Seoul on February 8 and 9 clearly recognized that the basic mission of Korean literature was to establish national literature. Furthermore, it was clear that democratic construction and development of Joseon literature would be in grave danger if the Joseon Dynasty did not successfully carry out its struggle against the new nationalistic trend. I think this decision, which defines the establishment of anti-Japanese, anti-feudal, and anti-national democratic national literature as the basic task and task of Joseon literature, will have a decisive significance for our literary career in a clear sense of at least two problems. In terms of demanding the settlement of honest errors in class literature, which had been advocated by some extreme left-wingers since 008.15, and in the absence of a radical declaration of Joseon's struggle against feudal and imperialist anti-democratic national literature.
The decision of the first National Literary Conference clearly recognized that Joseon literature was in the establishment of national literature and pointed out that the task was to liquidate remnants of Japanese imperial rule and feudal relics.
[ "It was clear that democratic construction and development of Joseon literature would be in danger if the Joseon Dynasty did not carry out its struggle against the new nationalistic trend.", "It was clear that democratic construction and development of Joseon literature would be in grave danger if the Joseon Dynasty failed to carry out its struggle against the new nationalistic trend.", "It was clear that democratic construction and development of Joseon literature would be in grave danger if the Joseon Dynasty did not carry out its struggle against the new nationalistic trend.", "The decision of the first National Literature Conference clearly recognized that the basic mission of Korean literature was to establish national literature, and it was clear that democratic construction and development of Joseon literature would be in grave danger if the Joseon Dynasty failed to carry out its struggle against the new nationalistic trend." ]
Gypsy has songs and dreams, Nigro has palm shade, oh, where do I go, where do I live? I am the daughter of Korean, the daughter of Korean, but I am not the daughter of Korean now. Didn't the Korean man abandon me. Tears broke out at the end of his song. Chae-young's sad cry, sobbing on a sculpture boat floating along the endless waves, scattered to the still river hills. She wanted to float endlessly in the water like Bupyeongcho. The thought made me cry even more. The sun of May was shining silently on her head. Chae-young wanted to flip her stomach several times and plunge her body into the water. But I couldn't die alone until I died in the absence of anyone. Everyone wants to show my death to others, and what's more, how I feel when a young woman who wants to shine herself like a duke dies. She didn't even want to be beaten shabby. Chaeyoung laughed at her servility. Even though I hated the world so much, I didn't know that I had lingering feelings about the world when I was about to die. She looked down at her soft body. How can such a fine piece of flesh be made of fish's rice. I'm still a blooming youth. I can't do that. She looked around the vegetation by the river with tearful eyes. The vegetation that glowed in the midday sun danced in the wind as if it were saying something to Chae-young.
Chae-young, who sobbed that the Korean man abandoned her on the sculpture boat, wanted to fall into the water several times, but did not want to be killed shabby.
[ "Chae-young wanted to flip her stomach several times and plunge her body into the water, but she couldn't die alone until she died in the absence of anyone.", "Chae-young cried on a sculpture boat floating along the endless waves, scattered to the still river hills, and wanted to float endlessly in the water like Bupyeongcho.", "Chae-young, who cried on a sculpture boat floating along the endless waves, wanted to float endlessly in the water like Bupyeongcho, but she couldn't die alone until she died in the absence of anyone.", "Chae-young, who cried on a sculpture boat floating along the endless waves, wanted to float endlessly in the water like Bupyeongcho, but she couldn't die alone until she died." ]
Despite the only book, Kim Gyo-shin's commercial recession and the international crisis, the British Bible Society published 10,617,470 books in the past year, an increase of 65,186 books from the previous year. From June 1931 to March last year, 817,000 English shillings were sold, and 100,000 copies were difficult to be published in Korea. The Bible, published by the British Bible Society, counts 667 languages and has been translated into 12 new languages over the past year, four of which have been translated into African, six Asian, one American, and one European Bulgarian displaced people. In addition, the prize money is said to be published in Bulwon as a new dialect of African natives (009.21 London Times Weekly Sobo). The above is true of a British country. Even under Hitler's branch policy, Germany was the mastermind of the world's publishing industry, and even in the United States, which boasts mass production, it has been criticized that biblical companies cannot fully meet the demand even if they continue to rotate day and night. According to this estimate, the large-scale circulation of these two and three developed countries alone publishes the Bible roughly twice the population of Joseon in a year. In this proportion, even 2 billion humans will have a Bible circulation of 50 people and one Bible for a year. The Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, was written 2,000 years ago. When the biologists' boat, which argued against the opening of Genesis, and Seok Hak-bae, who used to fly sharp scalpels across the high criticism of the New Testament, are about to disappear from human memory to their names, what do modern people who boast of 20th century scientific civilization and juma think wrong and demand the Old Testament again. If it's strange, it's a cosmic mystery, and if it's natural, it's also a prototype. It is natural for a flock of fish to swim back toward the source that avoids the old water downstream. Those who feel empty and bored in human ideas and theories are seeking the Bible in search of God's living words, just as a torn deer heads toward the stream. Wherever you look, the Bible is the Bible, or the only book. (November 1933).
Despite the commercial recession and the international crisis, it is difficult to accept 100,000 copies of the Bible at home and in the territory.
[ "The British Bible Society published 10,617,470 books in the past year, an increase of 65,186 from the previous year, and 100,000 copies were difficult to be published in Korea.", "The British Bible Society published 10,617,470 books in the past year, an increase of 65,186 from the previous year, and 100,000 copies were difficult to publish in Korea.", "The British Bible Society published 10,617,470 books in the past year, an increase of 65,186 books from the previous year, and 100,000 copies were difficult to be published in Korea.", "The British Bible Society published 10,617,470 books in the past year, an increase of 65,186 from the previous year, and 100,000 copies were difficult to sell in Korea." ]
In the midst of this, I was consuming ink and paper to bring my mother after finishing the purchase of this house. It was the third spring since I moved to Seoul. That spring, I lost 600 won, which could be said to be a large amount of money for the Joseon manuscript. It was the money to pay the last balance of the house price. I lost it, so I couldn't pay the house price if I didn't stay for another half year. Bulletin that Pyongyang's sister gave birth to her first son before and after that...… And before and after him, surprising news jumped in. It was that my mother was in danger from a stroke. However, it did not seem to be an emergency because the news came by letter, not by telegram. At that time, there was a manuscript I had just used, so I tried to close it quickly and go down because it would be over after two more days, but the doctor said, "It is rare to recover quickly from such a dangerous disease as a person close to the age of 70." So I was relieved about my mother's illness, but soon after, the notification of a recurrence of a stroke was not a telegram It came by letter. When I looked into the details behind it, it was like this. At that time, my sister was a mother right after dissolution, so she was a person who became nervous. Therefore, one day, my mother-in-law kicked me out immediately for doing something that was a little annoying. If he had been kicked out, he should have immediately sought a minister, but he could not find a housekeeper in advance due to the problem of planting, of course.
I lost 600 won in the spring of my third year after moving to Seoul, so I couldn't pay off the last balance of my house price.
[ "It was the third spring since I moved to Seoul, and I lost 600 won, so I couldn't pay the house price if I didn't stay for another half year.", "It was the third spring since I moved to Seoul, and I lost 600 won, which was the money to pay the last balance of the house price.", "It was the third spring since I moved to Seoul, and I lost 600 won, which was the money to pay the last balance of the house price, so I couldn't pay the house price if I didn't stay for another half year.", "It was the third spring since I moved to Seoul, and I lost 600 won, which was the money to pay the last balance of the house price, and I couldn't pay the house price if I didn't stay for another half year." ]