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+ id,translation/en,translation/tswang
+ 1,discreet or ungrouped data is the kind of data that is not organized,discreet or ungrouped data e raya gore data e e sa phuthiwang ka lenaneo le le rileng
+ 2,you must ensure that you can identify the maximum and minimum values in your data,you must ensure that you can identify palo e e fetang tse tsotlhe le palo e e nnye mo go tsona tse tsotlhe in your data
+ 3,the median is found in between the maximum and minimum values in your data,the median is found mo gare ga the maximum and minimum values in your data
+ 4,to find the average or the mean in the ungrouped data you have to sum all the values and divide them by the total number of the x values,to find the average in the ungrouped data o tshwanetse go tlhakanya the x values in your data e be o di aroganya ka the total number of x values
+ 5,to find the range of your data you must subtract the minimum value from the maximum value,to find the range of your data o tshwanetse ke go ntsha the minimum value from the maximum value
+ 6,mode refers to the number that appears the most often in your data,mode refers to the number e e ipoeletsang go feta tse dingwe in your data
+ 7,if there is an odd number of numbers then the median is included in the data,if there is an odd number of numbers then the median e teng in the data.
+ 8,Recall that odd numbers cannot be completely divided by two,Recall that odd numbers ke dipalo tse o ka se di kgaoganyeng ka two go sa sale sepe
+ 9,if there is an even number of numbers then the median is excluded in the data,if there is an even number of numbers then the median gaeyo in the data
+ 10,Recall that even numbers can be divided by two with a zero remainder,Recall that even numbers can be divided by two e sa tlogele remainder
+ 11,if you are given data in a question you must first check if it was arranged in ascending order from the smallest to the biggest.,if you are given data in a question you must first check if it was arranged in ascending order from e e nnye to e e tona go feta tse dingwe
+ 12,given data identify the minimum and maximum values in the data,given data batla the minimum and maximum values in the data
+ 13,if you divide data that is in increasing order into four equal parts the value found under the first quarter of the data is known as the lower quartile,ga o ka kgaoganya data gane go lekana the value found under the first quarter of the data is known as the lower quartile
+ 14,to get the inter quartile range we subtract the lower quartile from the upper quartile,o tshwanetse go ntsha lower quartile range from the upper quartile range ga o batla the inter quartile range
+ 15,the five number summary is given by five numbers,the five number summary ya itlhalosa ke di number tse tlhano
+ 16,make sure that you use an equal scale while drawing your number line otherwise you will not be able to correctly determine the skewness of your box and whisker diagram,make sure that scale se a lekana while drawing your number line otherwise ga o bona gore box and whisker diagram ya gago e sekametse kae.
+ 17,recall that the mean is always in the middle of the box,the mean is always mogare ga box
+ 18,if the median is less than the mean the data inside the box and whisker diagram is positively skewed,the data inside the box and whisker diagram is positively skewed ga e le gore median e nnyane mo mean
+ 19,if the median is greater than the mean the data inside the box and whisker diagram is negatively skewed,the data inside the box and whisker diagram is negatively skewed ga e le gore median e feta mean
+ 20,when the mean is equal to the median your box and whisker diagram is symmetrical,ga mean e lekana le median your box and whisker diagram is symmetrical
+ 21,determine the skewness of the data means that you should find the relationship between the mean and the median,determine the skewness of the data e raya gore tshwanetse o batle relationship between the mean and the median
+ 22,how is the data distributed explain,explain gore data e phatlhaladitswe yang describe whether it is positively or negatively skewed or is it symmetrical
+ 23,trigonometry in two d is all about finding sides and angles using trig ratios,trigonometry in two d is all about go batla matlhakore le di angles using trig ratios
+ 24,when we want to find the length of a side,when we want go bona botelle ba a side
+ 25,hypotenuse is the longest side of a right angled triangle which is the side opposite the right angle,hypotenuse ke side e e telle go phala the rest mo right angled triangle e bile e lebagane le the right angle
+ 26,the first step to solving trig ratio problems is to determine where the angle is located,step sa ntlha to solving trig ratio problems ke go tlhola gore angle e e batliwang e fo kae
+ 27,as long as a triangle has a ninety degree angle it is a right angle triangle,as long as a triangle e nale ninety degree it is a right angle triangle
+ 28,we want to get rid of this fraction,re batla go latlha this fraction
+ 29,how to find the angle,angle re e bona yang
+ 30,a trigonometry question will either be calculate the length or calculate an angle,potso ya trigonometry will either be batla the length of batla an angle
+ 31,draw an arrow that is pointing towards ninety degrees,draw an arrow e e supang ninety degrees
+ 32,when you find an angle they will give you two sides,when you find an angle ba tlo go fa matlhakore a mabedi
+ 33,for sides they will give you one angle and one side,for matlhakore they will give you one angle le letlhakore le le one
+ 34,which trigonometry ratio deals with opposite over adjacent,ke trigonmetry ratio e feng that deals with opposite over adjacent
+ 35,the important thing is to choose the correct trigonometry ratio,se se botlhokwa ke go tlhopha the correct trigonometry ratio
+ 36,recall that perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at a ninety degrees angle,recall that perpendicular lines are lines tse di kopanang ka angle ya ninety degrees
+ 37,i must get the length of ab and the length of dd and add them to get the length of ac,i must get the length of ab and the length of dd e be ke di tlhakanya to get the length of ac
+ 38,the statement says that the angle at a1 is equal to the angle at a2 is equal to the angle at a3,the statement says that the angle at a1 the angle at a2 and the angle at a3 di a lekana
+ 39,lets persevere guys,a re itshokeng guys
+ 40,write to impress,kwala to impress
+ 41,which trig ratio deals with opposite over hypotenuse,ke trig ratio e feng that deals with opposite over hypotenuse
+ 42,this is the angle we are going to use,ke yona angle e re tlileng go e dirisa
+ 43,for us to get the length of ab we are forced to get the length of ad,gore re bone length ya ab re pateletshega to get the length of ad
+ 44,what does the opposite side give us,opposite side e re fa bo kae
+ 45,which trig ratio deals with adjacent over hypotenuse,ke trig ratio e feng that deals with adjacent over hypotenuse
+ 46,guys round off your answers,guys round off dikarabo tsa lona
+ 47,calculate the distance between two boats,calculate the distance between dikepe tse pedi
+ 48,the two dimension questions are easy,dipotso tsa two dimension questions di bonolo
+ 49,calculate the distance on the ground from b to the center of the base of the pyramid indicated at c,calculate the distance mo lefatsheng from b to the center of the base of the pyramid indicated at c
+ 50,if you didnt start here then your answer is wrong,ga o sa simolola fa then your answer is wrong
+ 51,which trig ratio deals with opposite over adjacent,ke trig ratio e feng that deals with opposite over adjacent
+ 52,what does the adjacent side give us,adjacent side e re fa bo kae
+ 53,that is our distance,distance ya rona ke eo
+ 54,its important to know where you start,go botlhokwa to know where to start
+ 55,if the line of sight is upward from the horizontal line then the angle formed is an angle of elevation,if the line of sight e kwa go dimo from the horizontal line then the angle formed is an angle of elevation
+ 56,what is the angle of elevation using the calculator,angle of elevation ke bo kae fa o dirisa calculator
+ 57,probability deals with outcomes that may or may not happen,probability deals with ditlamorago tse di ka diragalang kgotsa tse di ka se diragaleng
+ 58,the probability that tomorrow is tuesday is zero,the probability that kamoso ke labobedi is zero
+ 59,if its zero then it means its impossible,if its zero then it means ga go kgonagale
+ 60,probability answers will be between zero and one,dikarabo tsa probability di between zero and one
+ 61,if your answer is more than one then its wrong,ga e le gore karabo ya gago is more than one then e wrong
+ 62,probability can be expressed in the forms of fraction decimal and percentage,probability e bonagala in the forms of fraction decimal and percentage
+ 63,the purpose of an experiment is to find out the possible outcomes,mosola wa an experiment ke go batla the possible outcomes
+ 64,we expect different outcomes from an experiment,we expect outcomes tse di farologaneng from an experiment
+ 65,this two rand has a head and a tail,two rand e e nale tlhogo le mogatla
+ 66,experiment is a man made or natural occurrence,experiment ke tiragalo e itiretsweng or ya tlhago
+ 67,an event is a collection of outcomes that satisfies a certain condition,an event ke collection ya ditlamorago that satisfy a certain condition
+ 68,a six sided dice,dice e e nale matlhakore a le six
+ 69,after rolling a dice i want it to land on an even number,after rolling a dice ke batla gore e eme on an even number
+ 70,how many numbers do you have in an event,go nale di number tsa kae in an event
+ 71,how many numbers do you have in a sample space,go nale di number tsa kae in a sample space
+ 72,what is interesting is the event happening, what is interesting ke tiragalo e e diragalang
+ 73,when the question says that express your answer as a percentage then you take the answer and multiply it by hundred,ga question e re express your answer as a percentage then o tsaya karabo ya gago and multiply it ka hundred
+ 74,you must approach these questions from simple to complex,you must approach these questions from simple to e e thata
+ 75,a coin that is tossed has two possible outcomes,coin e e latlhetsweng kwa godimo e be e wela fatshe has two possible outcomes
+ 76,what is the probability of getting a tail when a coin is tossed,what is the probability of go bona mogatla when a coin is tossed
+ 77,the probability of getting the number six is the total number of times the number six appears on the dice over the total number of outcomes in the sample space,
+ 78,how many times does the number six appear on the dice,number six e tlhagelela ga kae in this dice
+ 79,there is a 17 percent chance that the dice will land on the number six after rolling it,there is a 17 percent chance that the dice will land on the number six ga e sena go pitikologa
+ 80,a coin is tossed what is the probability of getting a tail,a coin e e latlhelwang kwa godimo what is the probability of getting a tail
+ 81,you have to find your sample space first,o tshwanetse go batla your sample space pele
+ 82,I have two things in my sample space head and tail,ke nale dilo tse pedi on my sample space a tail and a head
+ 83,for my event I am looking for a tail,for my event ke batla tail
+ 84,the probability of an event happening is equal to the total number of the event over the number of the total sample space,the probability ya gore go nne le tiragalo e e rileng e lekana le the total number of tiragalo eo over the number of the total sample space
+ 85,what is the probability of getting heads twice,what is the probability of getting heads gabedi
+ 86,determine the probability of taking out at random the letter e from the word excellence ,determine the probability ya go ntsha tlhaka ya e at random from lefoko excellence
+ 87,the letters of the word excellence are written on different cards,ditlhaka tsa lefoko excellence di kwadilwe on different cards
+ 88,determine the probability of taking out at random the letter x or the letter c from the word excellence ,determine the probability ya go ntsha tlhaka ya x kgotsa tlhaka ya c at random from lefoko excellence
+ 89,there are two events in the question the first is to take out the letter x and the second one is to take out the letter c,there are two events in the question the first ke go ntsha the letter x and the second one ke go ntsha the letter c
+ 90,our total sample space is ten since the number of letters in the word excellence is equal to ten,our total sample space is ten since the word excellence e nale ditlhaka di le ten
+ 91,zero comma three can also be written as thirty percent,zero comma three e kgona go kwalwa gape as thirty percent
+ 92,suppose that the letter n is taken out of the box with the letters that make up the word excellence,suppose that tlhaka ya n e ntshitswe out of the box e e naleng ditlhaka that make up the word excellence
+ 93,write down the event and the sample space each time you get this type of problem,o kwale the event le sample space each time o bona this type of problem
+ 94,let a be the event on which the dice lands on an even number,let a be the event e dice e emang on an even number
+ 95,draw a venn diagram showing the sample space or the outcome,draw a venn diagram e e bontshang the sample space or the outcome
+ 96,this means that the sample space should include all the events,this means that the sample space tshwanetse e akaretse all the events
+ 97,draw a venn diagram that includes the probabilities,draw a venn diagram e e naleng the probabilities
+ 98,we want the sample space for event a,re batla the sample space ya event a
+ 99,the factors of nine are numbers that divide exactly into the number nine without leaving a remainder,factors tsa nine ke dipalo that divide exactly into the number nine without leaving a remainder
+ 100,list the items in a set form,kwala the items in a set form
+ 101,draw a venn diagram to represent the events,draw a venn diagram go bontsha the events
+ 102,before drawing a venn diagram you need to check if your sets have common numbers,pele ga drawing a venn diagram o tshwanetse go netefatsa gore your sets ga dina common numbers
+ 103,since event a and b have something in common they are going to intersect,since event a and b di nale fa di tshwanang teng they are going to intersect
+ 104,what is the number of events,di events di kae