Pretty good!
Thank you so much Prof. Chapman!
Very helpful, at least, for me.
Such amazing course work on developing the writing skills in a decent way.
The perfect brainstorming exercise for academic essay writing !
It helps you build your essay-writing muscles gradually. Too much emphasis on plagiarism. Some flaws in the grading forms. The level of the participants is quite mixed, most feedback they give is useless (good).
Great course and teachers
I really love this cause. My writing skills is really impoving. I like my peers their really train me on writing well.
Will try it out soon. Looks very promising and informative.
it is okay, not what I expected, but okay.
I hope that this course could be free because I cant afford 69 dollars for th
I enjoyed a lot taking this course. It also represented a challenge to me.
Its really useful!
I found it very useful
Exellent course. You will learn the advanced skills for a better understanding of the English languaje.
This course is awesome.
The course is fine as far as content. My complaint is that there is no one to contact regarding papers or questions. You are left to the other students for your grading and assignment completion, meaning that some of your assignments can hang there for weeks before ever getting reviewed.
very useful course.
An absolutely wonderful course! I learned a lot about advanced essay writing. I think it is a must-take course for those who are interested in writing academic and research essays!
Not the course id think it would be.I learn less information than i d expect but these were still usefull information.
Loved it!
well explained informative course
This course helped me improve my writing skills.
Great course :)
This course has set me free from my fear of expressing my ideas and opinions in writing.
Great course
I have learned a lot in this course. Ordinary English courses dont cover the topics we have studied here.
Great !!!!
This was a great class for review of what I learned years ago. I only wish I could have participated in the assignments w/o purchasing the class, as I have been able to in all of my other classes. But, I loved the class and would recommend it.
Fantastic! Good work that the teacher can compact the course section to less than 10-minute videos each week, and it is clear. Easy to grasp . . . help a lot for my initial study! MLA format and work cited page are great too . . . thanks!
It was really useful. From now on I will start applying everything Ive learn in my collage tasks.
Great learning experience .
Thank you for everything!
Great Course, in particular to students whose tongue are not English.
Very useful and professional!
Very easy steps to learn. lot of assignments to practice. Good work.Thank you.
Its wonderful and useful.
One of the best courses by Coursera, it significantly helps me increase my writing skill.
great, thank you :)
It has good content, but there were missing classes to give more advices or clear any question students have, when grading peer review homeworks there were plenty of mistakes that would have been avoided if there were more video lectures or forums with teachers.
From this 1.5 month course, I learned far more than I did from the 4-year on-campus studying. Of course, the level of the universities in my country is not nearly as that of the US; nevertheless, in the single combat Adv.Writing course against a Bachelors degree, the latter sustains a crushing defeat!
Advanced Writing is a course that challenges the best English learner. You apply what youve learned so far and things get more formal.
This course has a lot of tools to learn the writing art.
through this course i was able to right effectively on some complex topics which was what i was hoping for. Thanks a lot to the instructor Tamy Chapman whose video lectures were excellent in content and quality.
I wasnt sure what to expect with the Advanced Writing course. Again, peer review was unnecessarily harsh because people dont understand the flexibility and nuance of writing, but its definitely informative and has made me a more mature academic writer. This specialization is well worth it, for the videos alone. The instructor is clear and the videos are very concise.
It would be extremely useful to me as it is teaching me techniques to write advanced-level essays.
It is detailed, rigorous, and exciting! The teachers presentations in video materials are interesting as well!
great course thnx
Wonderful course!
I have learnt so much for doing this course. I have recommended the course to friends and families.
so good. must be engaged
It is so beneficial for international students who have been prepared on TOEFL iBT or IELTS.
taking Essay writing first, cannot unenroll from this course at this
Firstly, I would love to introduce myself to you. Im Suliman from Libya. Im Teaching Assistant at the University of Benghazi. Secondly, I would love to thank you so much for your hard working and for this wonderful course. Thank you once more.
The course is highly effective!
I learn a lot from this class so far, but Im having difficult for the Quiz, i know i should take some notes, hahaha
Another well structured course that provided challenges to help impove essay writing techniques. Thanks you.
It is not very advanced
At this point, I think that the course is good, however there should be more reviews. Three reviews of people who is also learning is not enough, in my opinion. I have received some comments like some sentences are not good. Which tells me absolutely nothing. I think people should be encouraged to exemplify what they mean ,to take the sentences that they believe that are wrong, and extend why.For the rest, the course is very good.
helped in my phd writing thesis
I am in love for this course, a lot of good information, practice activities, etc...It is helping me a lot!
nice things to do and good examples.
Fantastic and fun!
This advanced writing course illustrates how to writing a longer college essay and guides students all over the world to start their very first writing piece.
Extremely poor quality of instruction. The lectures themselves are little more than the material being read directly off the slides by an individual with a poor grasp on the English language. The majority of the slides are walls of unclear and non-descriptive text. Even with reading directly from the slides, the lecturer is overly circumstantial in her explanations if not just outright tangential. I commend the authors for putting together a course outside of their native language but, in this case at least, it does more harm than good.In short, this course has the air of a group of first year students giving a presentation verbatim from the slides, as another commenter also mentioned below.
This course is a discreditation to coursera, and its low standards are appalling. From a purely certificate based perspective, the only requirement to complete the course are completely the quizzes. They are short, and can easily be googled, or the slides can be downloaded and the answers simply CRTL+F for keyboards. There is zero need to watch the lectures ( at least for the first 2 weeks).The lectures are terrible themselves. The English is beyond horrible, and I dont understand the modern culture of having teachers teach in languages they cant speak. It is purely reading off the slides in any case, word for word. I learned more about the basics in neuroscience in a 20 minutes lecture from a separate course, Computational Neuroscience than the entire first week here.If you actually want to learn neuroscience, check out HardvardXs intro course.
easily understood
This is the worst, most pathetic course I have taken online. If Peking University believes this is their best - Ill not be taking another course with them. The instructors command of the English language is awful and the sub-titles are some help, but not a lot. Instructors are just talking faces up front - they cannot teach. They may be great in the lab, but keep them out of the classroom. I toughed out the course, but it only got worse. I had originally signed up for parts 1 and 2 of this course. Canceled part 2. The use of slides that are not clear / too small and not on the screen long enough to digest the information did not help. Do yourself a favor - avoid this course. As a side note - I have taken in excess of 25 online courses, this was the most painful.
Very good Course!! Thank You.
Very boring... The professor is just reading (with a bad English). The illustrations are also very boring...
The professor is reading long texts. It is not really attractive.
I greatly enjoyed the material presented in this course and while I do not doubt the proficiency of its creators the poor standard of spoken English of its two main presenters prevents me from recommending it to colleagues. As another reviewer has remarked, their English may be quite sufficient for day to day use with other experts but for inadequate for teaching students who are hearing many technical terms for the first time. The transcripts are no better and also contain many mistakes. I believe that this course should be stopped until these problems are corrected.
Very excellent course, I learned a lot. It lets me know the development process of the neuro-science and also the heros in it. My major is alternative splicing, I wish other life science branches can have this kinds of course too.
The professors sound like a group of first-year students presenting a group project, literally reading notes off of a powerpoint slide. The professors also cant speak English, so instead of explaining things in depth, they have to very, very slowly read basic phrases (to explain complex subject matter) off of whats basically a teleprompter.
The course presented a lot of interesting, fascinating information. I especially liked the first female lecturer. However, there were some problems with downloading the course slide presentations and questions were never answered in the forum discussion groups. In addition, the second lecturer, although very interesting, often did not talk about the material that was presented on exams. I also think integrating a lot more animation to describe different processes would be effective so that students can visualise the content.
Dr. Li is a wonderful teacher! I love his style very much!
Accurate and clear.
thank you for opening ideas in the world of neurobiology I have learned a lot so far and Im sure I will learn much more with you ..greetings from Guayaquil-Ecuador
So far the topics are very interesting but the accent of the teacher is sooo difficult to follow and distracts me! Also, she is looking down to read all the time and this doesnt reflect her knowledge.
Really poor powerpoint presentations and videos, half in chinese. The accent of the teacher is horrible (im not an english-native speaking person so its hard for me to follow english when badly spoken, so i cut off the sound and only read the subtitles.)The content is interesting though.
Is a good course, with a comprenhensible material and resourses. I think they should improve the quility of video-classes and some teachers doesn´t have good english pronunciation.
Fascinating course but a little too much math for my taste.
I dont want to be mean, but the first week was terrible! I was expecting what it said: ADVANCED neurobiology.I feel bad giving this review. Im just dropping the course.
After finishing week 1, I have decided to stick with Duke universitys Medical neuroscience which is starting up again. I also highly recommend Understanding the Brain The Neurobiology of Everyday Life which I believe was taught by the University of Chicago. I found them to be far more engaging the viewer and the format to be much easier to follow. I found it visually disturbing and also have to keep pausing to read the slide before it switches.Its too bad because I was really looking forward to this course. It also seemed she had trouble pronouncing many of the words and I do not want to learn how to pronounce many of them incorrectly also many of the slides did not have an English translation on them.
Great course! I loved the teachers!
I find this to be a very nice and stimulating course. The teachers are enthusiastic and entertaining. The course material (slides, quizzes, captions) needs to be polished, but the general organization of the course is logical, clear, and systematic. The course presents an experimentalists view of the subject, which I find very good considering that much related Coursera material is quite theoretical. There are plenty of historical notes and introductions of general neurobiology research viewpoints (dont miss the excellent bonus material interviews!). In particular, I enjoyed the cherry picking metaphor. Some students have had problems with the instructors accent, but perhaps because English is not my first language, this has not been a problem for me at all. Im looking forward to part two of the course!
This course is useless and perhaps even harmful.The professors would have done much better if they had taught the class in their native Chinese language and then got a really good translator to make subtitles in English.I tried turning off the sound and just watching the presentation while reading the subtitles, but even this was so badly done in terms of language and presentation, that although I desperately wanted to take a course in advanced neurobiology, I felt that this course could actually destroy my love for the subject or teach me things that are incorrect because of language mistakes.If you are not a native speaker of English then by all means steer even further clear as you will learn some very bad English habits and pronunciation.Im sure the profs English ability is fine for collaborating with other professionals who already know the material, but teaching in English was a big mistake.Again, I highly suggest they re-do the entire thing in Chinese and get really good translations and subtitles made and then I think it could be an awesome course. Now, as is, it would be truly foolish to take this course.
Boring and cant make sense of the presentation / language and idiom use.
before discussing genetic mutations occurred in Alzheimer disease that mentioned when discussing AIS, i think some refreshment about protein synthesis and the normal pattern that if disturbed by certain ways as mutations causes particular diseases.some arrangements of material needed to prevent information overlappinginteresting courses, go onthanks for your efforts dear professors
Lots of good information, but the presentation is very bad. Not only are the professors clearly struggling with the English (and the material, calling anatomical planes plates and confounding sulci with fissures, etc), but some of the recording/video editing decisions make it less engaging and more difficult to follow. For example, the size of the images is often compromised because they chose to show the professor on the left side of the screen, even though it is absolutely unnecessary to do so.Overall, I do not recommend this course.
Great course, much to learn in a short time but with an excellent guide.
Me gusto
Application assignment is a must-do for students taking this course. The second computer network application is very a rewarding one for me to finish with gains on concepts of graph as well as programming stretch with my hands dirty.
great course
coursea does not allow me to quit the class. Also, I cannot do the homework or watch video at my own pace.
Great class, very well constructed. Professors are very knowledgeable and the course materials are well designed. I started from the very beginning of the class knowing very little about python and algorithm, by this class Im pretty comfortable coding in python. And I got to apply what Ive learned in my interview for jobs. Definitely a great class! Learned a lot, and still applying it in my job.
Compared to the previous courses in this specialization I found this a tough course. Calculating the big-O for yourself wasnt easy. The descriptions of the applications #1 and #2 were not very clear to me at the start (probably because English is not my first language). Some sentences I had to read several times before I understand what was asked. But the things I learned are useful and I am definitely sure that what I have learned here I can use in my work as software engineer. Thank you Luay, Scott and Joe for another excellent course.
Too much bla, bla, bla. Very slowly, very boring.
A course I enjoy very much!