The course is more about business competitive strategy and there are lots of live examples. Thumb up!
This course is very helpful to make me understand the economy and the finance th
I am very excited that I have been able to successfully complete my first Specialization.Great course!
I like all these courses
The research needs like six months
It was an excellent challenge that tested all my previous skill acquire along the specialization. I really enjoyed myself with this course. Give it a chance and do your best. Certainly, you will succeed.Cheers!
The course content is great, but peer evaluation is simply useless and almost random. This specialisation needs to introduce an actual final assessment by an actual expert, not peers.
Writing research paper is one of the most useful courses for all professionals.
I have learned so very much. All of the courses in the specialization have been taught in a way that has been easy to understand. I will miss Tamy Chapmans smiling face.
I would love to thank you for your hard working. It was a good course. I have learnt a lot from you. In addition, Im looking forward to participating with you on another course. Thank you once more again.
It is a great moment in my academic experience. Thank you Prof Tamy.
Excellent course! Im grateful to all who made it possible.
Jefferson is a fascinating, controversial, brilliant, and hugely important figure - unquestionably a Founding Father, if you will - in our nations history. Professor Onuf brings to light the key aspects of Jeffersons thinking, work and accomplishments, prompting this course participant to want to further explore all that he did, the challenges, and especially the people, who he was up against, his relationship with Sally Hemings and how that influenced his views regarding slavery, and much more.
Really insightful course giving a really amazing insight to the past political climate of the US, but also really shedding light on the current climate as well.
I very much enjoyed learning more about Thomas Jefferson through the required readings and Professor Onufs lectures, and would recommend this course to anyone wanting to know more about the third president of the United States and the University of Virginia. My time was well-spent.
Excellent class! This is an overview of who Jefferson was, what he really thought and believed in, what his contradictions were and why they existed, and how the perception of him has changed through different historical periods. I thought I knew a reasonable amount of information about Jefferson and the revolutionary period, but I learned so much about the historical and cultural context of the time and how it shaped Jeffersons thoughts!Given our current judicial systems split over whether the constitution should be regarded according to the originalist intention or whether it is a living document, I was surprised to find that Jefferson himself saw it as a living document, to be reshaped by each generation. Understanding why he thought that is really essential to understanding how to think about the problem today. So this isnt just history, its current events!I was concerned that the course seemed to be all lecture, but by the second week I was hooked. Dr Onuf is a compelling speaker, and tries to convey who Jefferson was, the world he existed in, and get you to think about Jefferson in all his complexity. The reading material is all pertinent, and (thank you!) not overwhelming. This course is right-sized for an online forum. I think you could spend about an our or maybe two per week on the lectures and reading material, and do fine. You would do yourself a favor to view each lecture twice though, as there is a lot of material in each one.I would consider retaking the course for review, and would definitely take another course from Dr. Onuf. This was terrific, and I dont say that lightly.
Exciting presentation. Excellent portrial of the periodic changes in thinking of TJ with his rise, fall and revival. While a conroversial thinker he truly was a renaissance men that will inspire future generations. America would not be exceptional, nor even a free country, empowed by the people.
My only recommendation would be to add more photos, maps, illustrations, etc to the lectures, instead of twenty minutes of the camera pointed at the professor. It would help keep the attention of the viewer, in my opinion.
The course is really nicely done. Also for non-americans it is interesting even though a lot of background knowledge might be missing. But you have to be aware it is really more focused on the ideas of Jefferson and less on all the discussions and fights he had with his fellow statesmen at that time. I would have wished to learn also more about those.
Great Course! A profound analysis of Jefferson ideal and wish for the nation to be. This course demonstrate how great, clever and wise Jefferson was. Now I can better understand what JFK said during a Nobel prize winner reunion at the White House: This is the highest concentration of intelligent in this house since Jefferson had dinner alone. Thank you for sharing this course on the net.
Excellent course! I learned so much about Jefferson, and I appreciate Dr. Onufs expertise on the subject.
Great lecture series on Jeffersons civic thoughts and writings.
The lectures are so thought-provoking and enlightening... Thank you very much!
Fantastic course by Dr. Onuf! I learned much and he helped correct misconceptions I harbored regarding Thomas Jefferson. Great videos and selected readings. The quizzes were relatively challenging.
Very Thankful for this course...
I loved the tour of the campus. It fit the material and made it seem more like a college setting than watching lectures on a screen in a class room all the time.
This is everything a Coursera course should be! Amazing videos and lectures that are well organized.
I already love this and not just because Jefferson is my life long love affair, nice.
Really interesting to get such a deep perspective on Jefferson. I had very little interest in him, even growing up in his home state of Virginia, but now I cant wait to learn more. This is a great course worth a fantastic instructor. Highly recommended!
I take my hat off for the passionate professor Onuf. It was a big pleasure to attend his lectures. They deepened my understanding of the American Revolution.
I was terribly disappointed in this course. Mr. Onuf spends the majority of these lectures implying what Jefferson thinks without discussing much in the way of actual history. Further, the course seems more of a commercial for the University of Virginia than anything else. Overall, a waste of time.
Great course
Fantastic stuff for anyone interesting in the subject matter.
I found the course interesting and very stimulating. It allowed insight into a very interesting period in world history.
outstanding prof
Exceptional course! I would have enjoyed several more weeks. Dr. Onufs style and methods in presenting the material made it possible to understand Jefferson in a way I have not understood him before. Wonderful teacher. Thank you.
Really interesting and enjoyable course.
Outstanding overview of one of the most important figures in American History.
A very enjoyable course, albeit with a few instances of leftward political leaning.
very informative
As a former student of UVA, it was wonderful to see the place again, listen to some of the stories we heard around grounds -- no campus here -- back when I was a teenager. I have followed Jeffersons life story, but Professor Onuf still manages to tell me some things I didnt know. Well researched lectures.
Being Australian, I knew nothing about Jefferson so I came to this course with no expectations. I found it fascinating as it explained not only about Jefferson but about the American model of Government and Americans unique view of their nation. It is sometimes puzzling to an outsider to see this super nationalism and allegiance to the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. As an aside, I wonder what Jefferson would think of the apparent obsession with the literal words of the Founding Fathers with respect to things like gun control. Very interesting indeed.Mr Onuf is an excellent lecturer. You brought the topic aliveThanks
Great Course
I knew nothing about Jefferson before this course and nothing about his age - not sure I am much the wiser about the latter after it! I enjoyed the tours round the historic sites and I thought the lecturer came over as warm and enthusiastic but it seemed he was preaching about a saint rather than giving a detached academic assessment of a historical figure and I found that it was hard to see the wood for the trees at times. Hagiographic might be an unkind description but it was certainly very respectful to the great man. I also liked the use of a student in cooperation with the lecturer.- he set the scene well and was a good interviewer.
The lectures are just videos of the professor bloviating about Jefferson. There is nothing academic about this course.
Useful orientation for a good American who more or less slept through all of his American hx courses in his callow youth. I have a much better sense of the important (if controversal) role Jefferson played in forming the values and structure of the US.
I highly recommend this course. I learned a great deal about Jefferson.
Great, thanks!
Great course that take you nicely through the intricacies of agile planning for software products. The instructors are knowledgeable and the material is good. The videos cover a lot, but the complementary cours notes and the supplemental resources makes it easy to review and use the material in practice during actual work situations.
Lots of well structured content, easy to follow and informative. You know its the tip of a large iceberg, so its a very good way to start and let you wanting for more.
This course gets better as you move into the course!
Great Course, Learnt alot of extremely useful tools for managing software products.
Good for learning to plan software product development using Agile
Very interestening for starting in Agility. I learned and understood a lot of things.Easy to understand for not English mother tongue.Thank you very much.
great class
Good Planning methodologies and examples
Really learning alot, well explained and illustrated.
Really like this course! I think it is the best one in this specialization. Thank you all!
Tons of great info! However, it would great to go over more of the real-life applications of the concepts.
Great course
That course is great! All material is described in easy form. I like very my tasks that had to be done and then put marks by other students.
It is very full package of knowledge and tests. I have a lot of new opportunities due to this course. Thank you.
It is excellent course in terms of the knowledge that I gain. However the multiple choice questions are a little bit default to understand. It is look like that you are examining our English skill :)
Really helpful course! Thanks, Coursera!
It is great learning experience..
79 USD? just to be able to submit peer-graded assignments... talk about greed
This course has helped me increase my knowledge and skills in project planning using Agile.
Pretty good.. A bit tough compared to the rest though.
As usual for this specs - a very high quality course.
Great examples used in course videos. The Course Notes might be a worked on a bit more in terms of models and examples, but they are quite extensive and an invaluable resource. Teaching staff is quick to respond to forum questions, which is great!
Quite interesting, may be not deep enough but great course nevertheless!
Full of new information on agile planning!
great course
The most robust course in this sequence. It is well designed, very clear, teaches useful material effectively, and is fun to take.
Very easy to understand.
I think some estimation methods are not really realistic
Its a great course
Another great course in the specialization! great instructors who are very passionate. Truly make it fun and interesting to learn.
Great course
My least favorite part of the course, but it was still put together well. Content just isnt as interesting as the rest of the specialization. Felt a bit too Project Manager instead of the Product Manager.
Its very usefull course
Was great course.
Great course! Very useful information for beginners and for those who already has an experience with agile planning.
Some part of learning material not concern to agile planning, for exampe absolutly not mentioned kanban planing.
This is a good series course to coach Agile process with generic pro
Really enjoyed t
Makes lots of things understandable and clear
Good Course.
One of the best coursers I have seen on Coursera so far. The video production quality, course structure and content is extra ordinary compared to other courses that Ive seen so far.
Very nice content and presented so nicely. Must read and highly recommended course for all managers and business analysts.
I am Krishna Kant Kumar, working as a software quality analyst.Through this course, I learnt, how to estimate an iteration or doing an estimation of project.
Ambiguous assignments led to cumbersome completion. The peer grading got a little annoying as sometimes it took forever to get feedback and a lot of times feedback was minimal or the criteria for grading was vague and people took it WAY too seriously.
Not the best, but if you are a newbie in management field you can find valuable information inside.
I highly recommend this entire specialisation. Its clearly taught and requires your practical application throughout. Ive learned a great deal and thoroughly enjoyed the process. Many many thanks Uni of Alberta.
Room for improvement:-Case studies-More Assignment
As a software-engineer and freelancer in the technical software domain, for me this course actually had all the meat (so far) while the first courses in the specialization felt like they didnt take that much effort to pass.
Very useful to know different tecniques for software project/productplanning. Although some of those tecniques are (in my opinion) notvery relevant in an Agile environment (like work breakdown structures,pert or gant charts) the course is good to learn how to use those toolsand also to ask ourselves whether or not they are actually relevant or useful if we follow the Agile approach.
I really liked to do it
The course materials and lectures are excellent