The applications were too time consuming. Please consider adding a tool that makes graphing easier. The course itself was very good and engaging and without us knowing it, would teach core fundamentals of computing through the coding exercises.
It takes some serious dedication to understand and apply the material if math and computation are foreign to you, like they were for me. But if you apply that dedication, the material is accessible and the feeling of accomplishment is tremendous. Great class/teaching.
optimization and fragmentation..algos arithmos olokliroma..fractal resilience..
One of the best course offered by coursera, helps you to develop very strong basics if new,.
Project is interesting, bu the video lecture is kind of repetitive and does not cover much
The transition from the original Coursera platform to the new one has significantly reduced my overall satisfaction with the course experience (I have previously taken the 4 earlier Rice courses in this series and enjoyed them immensely).Major contributing factors to my dissatisfaction:-- The user interface changes are unwelcome and have detracted from my ability to engage with the material.-- There have been arbitrary (and unannounced) changes to polices, e.g. dropping distinction grading.-- The price increase per course and locking down of assignments to only those who have paid has unfortunate side effects, including.-- In contrast to previous courses in this series which had an active community engagement the discussion forums are now relatively empty, running the courses more often is not going to help this situation.Having previously been an unpaid evangelist for the Coursera approach and materials I now find myself extremely reluctant to recommend this revised experience to colleagues.
I found the material of this course to be very enlightening, its not too difficult if you have the appropriate background. However, it will take a decent amount of time to fully complete. As part of the specialization, all of the skills Ive learned were consolidated and put to an interesting use with this class.
The lectures will not get you near the understanding youll need to complete the assignments. though the resources will.The application is great, and hard so youll actually have to understand the material.You have been warned, this course is very different to the other courses in the specialization!
A very Imperative course!
Excellent course. His content is very interesting and realistic. I suggest this course if you want to improve your knolowgede about American culture and others countries.
It is very intriguing!
Wonderful course!Thank you so much for your efforts.
Very interesting course. Each module had several surprises that fascinated me. All the speakers are easy to understand and interesting. Would like to see Part 2 with Russia, England, Turkey, etc. Makes you aware as to how differently countries can look at the same issue.
This course gave me an eye opening view of the world. I can see how this course can grow into a more dynamic and interactive education experience in the future.
While some of the information presented was interesting, it seemed oddly biased towards the perspective of highly educated foreigners. I had hoped to get more information about how America is seen by the (foreign) masses.
seemed kind of dumb at first but got better
A revealing look on how the rest of the world views the USA. Perhaps this should be offered to high school students, somt hey can better understand how other nationalities react to Americans
Helpful on a knowing america through other countrys eye. However, I think the course would be more interesting if if could include more discussion about how all those country and US view each other now instead of focusing much of its content on history.
No translations available despite what subtitles and transcripts say.
Thank you very much for this beautiful course. So many concepts, clearly explained and with great passion. Best wishes from Montevideo, Uruguay.
The greatest course in Agroeconomics ! Highly recommended!
it is a great course!!!!
Im 29 years old, Staff/teacher of Add to dictionary University, Lao PDR, Professional Affiliation is Livestock and Animal help care Unit Service, Technical ISU, teaching And Researcher Unit of Animal science, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Savannaket University, Lao PDRDetail about me : basic on my particular subject is focusing The Livestock Management to Produced to merchandise and Marketing management planning in regional. But, the knowledge - my skills is a difference with academics general. Whether the knowledge - skills on the improve and development livestock with diversify, veterinary , can work with people or farmers in locally is very well, knowledge - skills about design model on research Both on the scientific social and experiment, writing research proposal, Research issue ...So, the based on fact of my origin, is come from families with relatively poor of status since Congenital up to currently. Limit of money is as the key factor to my work and deprived to study on higher degree. So, I have to learn for experience by own throughout. And also, I’m built many activities focus Agriculture production sure: rice growing along with livestock for food security and Extra Income for my family. Over the past, on my life Is as normally will have to the faces with the actual fight with challenge on production agriculture in every day. The mainly is: deteriorating on the abundance of natural resources and the Influence competition on market system including a wide open on the system of global trade liberalization of worldwide Become a channel for integration markets system on international level come in to regional the easier. Which is cannot avoid the chance to variability in terms of Popularity, distinguish grade of production and pressure on price of product. Has not balance between Price yielded and cost on productivity. Therefore, I’m try to learn and experience by my selves throughout Can find something to helpful on reduction the cost on my productivity and help to increase the effective on my production processing focus livestock. And can discover Some methods to evolution my livestock Process become as the Producing to Sales in current. The following is:1) I’m can design and constructing the Incubators hatchery 3 models, in each3 models has 4 sizes(The mean as to chicken (low price and high Quality).2) I’m can Creating new feed for chicken, duct and quail Recipes 3 by utilization mulberry fruit enzyme Microorganism extract (Probiotic) income on fermentation processing of cassava with Cassava leaf sundry. Become to ingredient in feed its can help to low cost 2/5 of Feed concentrate price. But efficiency neighborhoods with general of concentrations.3) I’m can creating new supplement for Ruminant by utilization Probiotic fermentation’s cassava with Cassava leaf sundry (+Urea 1%) Building Supplements for ruminant focus for helps to keep weight during on dry season and help to in cases the effective on use nutrition in rice straw of cattleIn each discover, an as the physical on innovative are created from the livestock system in my family to oriented on basic structure of activity from step by step, with the integration among theory - scientific principles to as the concept on under the base of conditions and potentially exiting to evaluate on probability along with the consider from the capacity on use and mean balance of cost production per products prices to as the indicator on efficient of providing productive per time on production process. The result from such innovative of discover is good. And in current have many families of population and smallholder in community using my Idea and my product to improve the animal production system of them. However, It is only applied to the personal relationship nature in Narrow. There are don’t have to publish official In the wide rings. My degree in current It’s still as key to limit on the Confidence From various organizations In both government and private, which created Inside and outside the country including international level.
The course is well detailed and well lectured.
Useful course, separated into great topics and within a reasonable time-frame.
An exceptional course. The breadth of material is wide, and yet there is a lot of detail and some quite specific instruction. The pace is good - each module covers just enough before moving on to the next topic, so its engaging without being overwhelming. Theres a good range of discussions, from economic theory, practical case studies and interviews with farmers. It builds on what Ive learned elsewhere, so will be useful for real-world application.
Such an informative course
NIce course got a brief idea about agriculture by one of the renowned teacher David Pannell sir
Interesting course on Agriculture and Economics, very useful to revise important economic concepts and also to learn more about agriculture. Highly recommended.
A good and relevant course
Very rewarding and insightfull learned a ton !
i like this course very much
Provides a nice basis in understanding how economic principles are used to investigate agriculture production. Could provide a bit more of an economic foundation but the course is broad rather than deep.
It was an amazing experience. I learned so much. Thank you :)
Its really about economics in its broader meaning: how different natural, social, and financial aspects play together to set present and future of farmers and the communities they live in.I highly recommend this course to anyone, even if not specifically interested in agriculture economics.
I am much excited to partake in this course and it has really improved my worth. i strongly recommend it everyone. A very big THANK YOU to the coursera team for such an initiative and also to the Agriculture faculty of university of western of western Australia for such a partnership. i am very grateful, looking forward to work with you. BRAVO!!!
An excellent course and online experience. Coming from an industrial environmental management background, this has given me insight and interest
Enriching content coupled with
Wonderful course!!I recommend it to everyone in the Agricultural space.
Pretty Good Course
Its a beautiful course! Not only did I learn more (than I estimated) about economics and agriculture, there was also a nice balance between theory and practical applications. The recommended readings are relatable and reinforce the content of the videos. As a teacher, Dave is careful to present both sides of any issue (for example, he presents both gylphosate as the largest used herbicide, while maintaining that it is also very controversial). Pannell Discussions are a delight to read, since they deliver the intended content without sounding like research papers, which sometimes they may actually be based upon. Its wonderful to see such researchers having the patience to blog about such issues online! At a more subtle level, things like the location choices (farms for the agricultural weeks and buildings for institutional/policy weeks), altering background music - all made enriched my experience!Ofcourse, I think I will still have to brush up my concepts from time to time (since an online course can not replace internalization of a subject through rigorous comprehension and examination), and ofcourse I have quite a lot more to learn in this area (who doesnt? :P).But the course was a very informative, balanced and highly interesting introduction for me!
A great short course delivered by one of the best agricultural economist in the world with a great publication history
The course was amazing i learned a lot of new things . if someone responding to these review i want to add something . In final quiz i did not find proper result . Which question i marked wrong and which one right . So please solve this problem.
Great Course have already learned so much. And still hoping to learn more.
Great mental workout. Well-explained, but the coding challenges and bonus questions are challenging enough to allow for a lot of growth even for more advanced students.
As someone with only (UK) high school level maths I just about managed to follow this. I am still confused by logarithms. I guess I should go and read the maths for computer science resource.
I had a great time taking this course. It was a very good course in algorithms that explained the core concepts really well rather than just providing a high level overview. The assignments take some time but it aligns with what the instructor is teaching. The instructor is absolutely excellent because he takes the time to go through the math and iterations which helps to develop a deeper intuition for these algorithms. Looking forward to completing his other courses when I got time.
Course is brilliant, but at least for me the completion took in average 3 times more effort than expected by authors (4-8 hrs/week). Of course this is mostly due to my low experience with programming, but still, might be relevant for other learners, who don!t have much experience.
Sometimes too much mathematics.
It was an awesome and challenging course.And ,the lecturer Mr.Tim Roughgarden did introduced the gist that I need.So ,of course, I owe him a big thank.Thank you all.
Professor Roughgarden explains everything clearly and is engaged in the topic. His excitement about algorithms comes though in his teaching.
Professor Roughgarden managed to explain all the algorithom ideas in a clear and simple way, and give us a very intuitive understanding of these methods. He did give me confidence in this field, even I am not majoring in CS.
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I learned a great deal, and particularly enjoyed the programming assignments. Looking forward to starting course 2.
Well designed and good to refresh the basics on many top algorithms
Very useful course..Loved it.
This course has relatively few instructions about homework. I believe more test cases would be better.(Though able to be found in forum.) Besides, lecture is really awesome. Thanks a lot.
Very good course in algorithms. I bought the book to help me understand but the lectures make it way easier and thus much more fun to understand the analysis. Looking forward to complete the spec
I like this course a lot. Going to learn everything in the specialization.
Excellent course. The statistical analysis was a little too fast and overwhelming towards the end but overall I learned a lot.
I would really love to take this course as I m currently a computer science and thanks for granting me this course Yuhuuuuu!
it is very important to learn algorithms as it is truly said it is heart of computer programming .. I am very happy and thanks for offering such a course to coursera and have just started hope will learn something so that it will help !!!!
The professor is very good. However, pictures and graphics mean a thousand words. These lectures rely too much on words. It makes it how to visualize the concepts. Hope to see more pictures. Animation will be the best.
Great course but audio and video are terribly out of sync.
The course was pretty good. Definitely worth the money, and better than I expected from an online course. I thought it was a little heavy with probability proofs, but thats probably because I struggle with stats.
A very nice course!
I was glad to get exposure to famous algorithms through this class, but I dont feel like I really developed an intuition for reasoning about their runtime. The class was challenging, but mostly for the wrong reasons. I spent more time and energy pouring over the answers to tricky quizzes and having to implement algorithms exactly as described in the lecture notes rather than really truly learning. It also took me much longer than the 4-8 hours per week advertised to complete each week.
Thank you so much! I grown so much in the field of Algorithms because of this course. Onto the next one.
Liked the style and intensity of the course!
This is a best algorithm course I have ever done!
The instructor for this course is absolutely excellent. He is a master of the subject and explains the material to get at the concepts behind it rather than just a superficial understanding. He also does not get lost in mathematical notation, explaining clearly what each piece of the math he is showing us means.
Very good course !
Its an amazing introduction to algorithms. I enjoyed listening to the lectures. All the algorithms were explained in detail.
The course was quite useful and enlightening!I was a good start to learn algorithms!
Tim Roughgarden teaches with wit and depth. Speaking with idiomatic verve, he injects life into Algorithms!
A must for wannable computer geek.
The ideas from this course are fun.
Very good review of divide and conquer algorithms, however, I only recommend for those who are willing to put in the hard work as I found it challenging.
Im so glad that Ive taken this course. This is really fantastic.
Very Useful
This is a great course. The teacher is very clear, and the material is very interesting. The programming assignments are interesting: the problems asked are very simple, but the input is generally too large to use brute force: you really have to implement the algorithms presented in the videos. This makes you realize how much smart algorithms can make a difference.The level of the class is relatively high, compared to other Coursera courses Ive taken. If you want some serious training on algorithms, look no further.
I would recommend this course to anyone who has some experience with coding, but has not taken an algorithm course. I particularly like this course because it is more math-heavy than some of the other courses. After taking this course, you might not be able to solve all Leetcode problems (so probably will not help with your interviews directly), but from an intellectual point of view, I think the instructor does a good job explaining why people care about algorithms and how to analyze a class of algorithms rigorously.
Challenging but Insightful. Definitely worth it.
This course offers one of the best introductions to reasoning about algorithms in a mathematical way. However, it is not just theory, it also gives you practical advise and forces you to polish up your programming skills as well by implementing some of the most useful and popular algorithms for sorting and similar applications in whatever language you wish.
Excellent course. What I valued most about this course was the clarity with which proofs and algorithms are explained. In learning algorithms one really profits from a great professor. Keep in mind that this course involves mathematics for proofs and I believe one has to be really curious about algorithms and dive into proofs to take full advantage of this course. Regarding assignments they are challenging but definitely approachable if you have some experience in programming. My advice: do not get discouraged, this is all about resilience!
Excellent course! I would recommend it to everyone who wants to learn algorithms.
Awesome,right now I know why algorithms are most important..!!
Tim gives great insights and draws attention to the right things at right time! Exercise and quizzes are very helpful and makes you think in right direction. Also the in-video-quizzes are well thought of to make you think about the topic being described in the video and thus makes it easy to understand the contents. This is just the right course anyone should take to improve/learn algorithm and data structures course. Ive got got aaha! moments multiple times. Cant thank Tim enough!!
Sir Tim Roughgarden teaches very straight forward and easy .I like the course.
Cool class
Exceptional materials and teacher.
Challenging and fun!
Amazing course!
The unique value of taking the course: read and think through the material with guidance and completing its assignments is the efficiency by saving all the search cost would I collect on my own the good and succinct presentation of the knowledge and exercises with solutions (at least correctness checks.) The entire detail of an algorithm is hard to keep afresh in memory and one needs to refresh it from time to time. It is very cost-effective to take a course like this to accelerate the refresh.
Very good course on algorithms, a lot of terms explained in details with exercises
Well structured, well explained. Great course!
Very nice course !!
This is a great course for who doesnt have a computer science background!
This course has some great quiz questions. Id recommend it to people just for them.