to be fair, I haven't seen the pics so maybe there are outside pics also. Sorry to break it to you but chick come on here too. It's pretty mainstream.
I know very little about the whole thing. I just wanted to make sure people cared enough for me to go through the trouble of interviewing this guy. I will ask about this and clear it up. The owner was compensated for the property/house. I said that above. There's nothing to buy, just thought it was interesting. I barely posted any details about it so clearly not trying to make you believe anything.
Yeah, I am assuming it's probably a neighborhood or something. Not just one single house. It's honestly probably going to be a boring story lol.
LOL I am going to. I have to call him tomorrow to ask if I can get the whole story and photos. I literally just was told about this 2 hours ago and asked in this threat if anyone would be curious. I am not writing up a whole report on this if no one cares lol.
Just Google Groom Mine. OP is larping. Guy lost his property to the government in 2015.
Who would win, an AR-15 or a milk crate?
3 chad aussies will do
I dinno but both beat a knife
australia has some cool birds i like budgies and cockatoos
So did she
they were based uk lads, gotta give credit where credit is due onya m8s. poor lads would probably go to jail if this was back home, sadiq khan pushing for assault milk crate reforms, street vigils for innocent neck bruising from said crates #nooneneedsacrate
my mistake brother
He was right, If ANY of you cumskins call me or my italian friends fredo, don't whine about what's coming to you. You might be able to get away with calling lesser humans niggers, spics and all that jazz. Hell most of you cumskins probably get beaten daily by jamal and don't do anything about it. But us italians actually stand up for ourselves and our honour. Know your place, trash.
call them pink niggers, white people arent actually white, they carry pink undertone like swine
Nigger, you’re fucking white. Stop LARPing as a minority and just ignore the “meds aren’t white” threads already.
what the hell is a fredo? i've always called italians canolie or gambolini
shut the fuck up you dirty wop
>checks flag >not Italian It's a country not a race roofucker
Sure thing, fredo.
Get fucked Guido WOP
I knew this would happen eventually. They know they aren't the original Romans. Pity.
Fuck off you dego whop greaser.
I didnt know that word existed until now. Ty fredo
Hehe, hey fredo
>looses his shit over a "nasty word" >a man pick one. t. mongol
The only Italians I have ever known who gave a shit about "slurs" were Guido wannabes in track suits and gold chains - unironic living manifestations of the worst possible stereotypes of Italians.
I work with a Italian guy sometimes, everytime a shirt with a Italian soccer team/mario/ etc is found in the donation bin I bundle it up and peg it at him. I shall continue to do this and will now shout out Fredo! as well.
whatever chink
you're a lying tranny Aussie faggot. if you're Italian then fix your avatar to show it you dumb fuck.
Whaddya getting excited for?
fuck off fredo
fucking harry Korean feet. Its like you Koreans aren't Asian and not White, what are you? Look at those monkey toes. Maybe you are just yellow apes.
This story is 100% fake, scripted and acted out to get Epstein off of trending. If you didn’t realize this your IQ is less than 90.
>Hell most of you cumskins So you're saying Italians aren't white?
Holy fuck, buy shoes that fit you broke ass nigger.
t. jealous of my white feet
You get mad over a term made up from a movie? lol Top kek. How much of a snowflake can you be?
>cumskin >coming from a shitskin Stop pretending you’re tough subhuman
Honor huh? is that why you switched sides in both world wars?
and /pol/ isn’t talking about? Towns are being evacuated as we speak. Russian anons don’t appear to be posting. Russian blackout?
Russians aren't posting because yes. Kremlin wants it covered up as much as possible. Far worse than what's been reported. Wasn't a rocket engine they lost a warhead. Accidental detonation of the primary. Oopsy doopsie. Pol doesn't care about Russians causing chernoybl 2.0 out of retardation.
Russia bros report in
Kek sloppy job slavsaad
Chernobyl was a nothingburger, stop watching hbo garbage.
It's 3.6 Roentgens. Not great, not terrible. We've been Chernobyl posting this shit for days.
Chernobyl wasn't even that bad. Fukushima is a million times worse. Accidentally nuking yourself, while kinda lulzy, isn’t gonna bring about the end of the world either. You know many nukes have been tested on this planet?
Explosion was big enough to be noticed here. According to finnish news sources it was atleast bigger than an explosion they do during mining etc.
In America you ave accident. In Russia accident has you.
Russia is the biggest enemy of Russia.
Yeah, it's probably a nuclear accident, but it's mostly localised now
i care faggot
So Nukes are real. Some retard on /pol/ earlier was explaining to me that Nukes are fake because you cant split an atom
Except in fukushima most contamination is being held due to the reactor being in water mostly whilst chernobyl is inhabitable for many generations.
Chernobyl 2.0. The USSR lives on.
OH NO that sucks
the timing is perfect after the extreme popularity around the world of HBO Chernobyl and its message of the ridiculous lies and deceptions of the USSR and KGB, and Putin is essentially USSR and KGB 2.0.
Well tell them to nuke Los Angeles. All will be swiftly forgiven.
Well that's not great, but it's not terrible either.
>russian anons arent posting idk my night owl friends are still up on discord with me they arent talking about this and there isnt zombie sounds coming from their mics so dont freak out OP also russia is a very big place so chances are most russians dont know about it or dont care
Hey faggots is this explosion connected to the russian submarine fiasco from last month?
>nuked itself More like got Samson optioned
nyet, no evacuations comrade
proxy fag? take a pic out your window
they are not being evacuated, stop telling bullshit, nigger. Everything is fine
post vids bros
With Fukushima trillions upon trillions of gallons of irradiated water are flowing into the ocean.
Well shit. First ever hearing anything about this.
there has been 50k people on streets in russia for days protesting that shithole goverment
All Russians are dead from the radiation. Get out of here stalker.
Checked most of the popular mass media sources, and yeah, it's reported on. Not as much as many of you would like it to be, but it doesn't seem that anyone tries to cover it up.
It is leaking 10's of thousands of gallons of radioactive water into the Pacific ocean you nigger nigger
>Towns are being evacuated as we speak yeah right, shill. when russia has a nuclear meltdown they all stay home and hang their clothes out to dry.
Holy shit did anyone see hte video on twitter? CRAZY STUFF
Everythink fine, take vodka and jodi tablet t. Supreme Leader Putin, you disagree? Off to propaganda workshop with you, we need more troll for internet.
nukes can wipe out entire cities right?
stop spreading disinformation American, how can a country nuke itself???
3.6 Not great Not terrible
(((HBO))) Get the fuck out of my country
There's 50 thousand people protesting in Moscow today and not a single thread about it.
don't ask how i know it, but as we speak usa is performing a covert operation ALONGSIDE russian government.
Хyя oни пытaютcя, хyйню нe нecи ниггep
a lot of heat but where is the massive flash probably not a big deal to be honest family
Big ones, yes This one was a mininuke
Better start checking radiation levels in the air.
Good. Now say Chechnya cool.
Imagine not understanding the inverse square law and not being able to comprehend the size of the Pacific ocean
observed 420 post of truth based ivan
Somehow, somewhere, a Jew has his hands in all this.
Not really that surprising. The engine type they were testing we gave up on because it was too dangerous, would have been too likely to cause mass radioactive contamination. And look what we have here. >Accidental detonation of the primary. That seems really unlikely. They had not even gotten to the part where they had a working engine, why would they have mated a nuke to the missile that doesn't exist? Not to mention we would easily have picked up an actual nuke detonation.
>still believes the (((radiation))) scam
payback for the dew satellite?
>fellow disgracing leaf posting vanilla cuck porn again
actually the kremlin commented and said " yes it happened " that s not the video . this is an ammo depot in krasnoyarsk
How can slavniggers ever recover from this? They literally can't defend their shithole anymore. NUKED YOURSELF
I don't see how the primary can go off and not set off fusion without something like a physical defect in the primary not containing it long enough