why would i want to converse with pathetic faggots like them? no thanks not even a greeting theyre chasing us, but i demand they find nigger tyrone and retrieve my bike he stole in the 90s
You sound like you're free to do anything you want. The entire world is your oyster, and nobody has anything that could ever hurt you lol. You're fucking bulletproof. Go do anything you like.
some autistic part of me wants to believe there is a decent sized faction that is very pro america, working to untie the globalist control of our nation and bring us back to what the constitutional republic is supposed to be....
Post sister tits or GTFO
I’ll try and help you out. I know of 5 Tyrone’s just in my district. Are you in Chicago? I’ll get that fucking bike back.
>I’ve only had one gf when I was in high school (15years ago). Damn, I've done IMMEASURABLY more than you so far in life, but you still have me beat on that front somehow.
idk... any one of the thousands of pedos in their pockets...
You can't say that stuff around FBI they are EEOE and have to hire at least 80 percent retards, faggots and women, and the minorities you posted about. Sorry FBI anons. Some of our spergs can't help themselves.
Do the guys at the Gov facilities, really got the time to spy on a bunch of autists on a anime masturbation board? Dont the have like.....a job to do?
also, can you fbi dudes get me a facebook moderator that doesnt ban me over EVERYTHING? just be a good lad and go replace that communist fuck and let me shitpost and redpill more normies.... i have 6 accounts already and im getting tired of adding people over and over, im sure theyre sick of my armada of clone profiles.
Enjoy the redpills, FBI, you're not immune to them.
You have value.
I literally hate them. They are incompetent. They gave us intel one day on a house that “for sure had a large number of drugs and guns, and the owner of the house was wanted” So we had a task force and hit the house together. We found nothing. Literally just a family. A month later, we hit(without them) hit a house directly across the street and found everything. They had the wrong fucking address from jump street. Pathetic.
Go take a fucking walk.
Dear FBI, There are more of us than you. We never sleep. We have more guns, more knowledge, more skills. You should join us, stay forever, just by being here you have one foot in the pool, so it's only a matter of time until you're consumed.
I'm sorry man, I really wish I could help you feel better
and why do white nationalists or "domestic terrorists" all of a sudden become the big bad goy all of a sudden when no real right winger has attacked anyone? we're just here to stave off the islamification of the west first and foremost and now all of a sudden after decades of government funded islamists killing our people and we start to radicalize in return to save our culture WE ARE THE BAD GUYS?!?!? you fbi and cia fucks were literally arming people that want us fucking dead, WITH OUR MONEY AND WEAPONS.... and youuuu wonndddeerrr why we start to become more and more anti gov and into these conspiracies....
Dont do this, it could stimulate your bowels and you may inadvertanly become a streetshitter. Drink some water and poo first.
i bet the higher ups recruit the stupidest most stuck up college grads for the work as a facade to get more funds and look like theyre busy while they subvert our nation....
>only 26 times >three days With your lifestyle you can fap at least 35 times in three days
Dear FBI: I am permabanned from the chans at my job (static IP). How can you monitor if I can't post? Take care of this immediately.
At least you've had a gf before. I'm rapidly approaching wizardry and I think the new spells they promised might be a lie.
Why doncha go kick rocks ya buncha fuckin stooges
making government positions EEOE has got to be the most subversive bullshit in the history of the planet
I honestly agree with you. >must have a bachelors >become FBI >still be more idiotic than the majority of actual cops Like I said, they’re a complete joke. They have a couple departments within the bureau that actually do shit, but the majority are worthless. And most have zero street smarts.
Eat nigger shit, Pinkerton Or don't. Just don't bother me or I will unironically capture you and make you eat heroin addict hobo shit from a known AIDS patient. He is also a nigger. That is all
Still better than my old sears catalogs.
>FBI is browsing 4chan right now Hey faggots, how about you shut down the global pedophile rings, stop pushing patsies to attack civilians, and actually prosecute public officials when they commit crimes? You know, like, do your fucking jobs?
I hope your $32,000/yr was worth jail time.
If you get a job and some goals you can still live a better, more fulfilled life than 95% of people. You just need to start, you're not in a debt hole, on drugs, or chained to some terrible family. >call or email temp agency >take whatever they give you >save like mad for a while >get in shape >move out At this point you're ahead of most people. 70% of Americans 20+ are overweight or obese. Lots of people in debt. You can surpass most of the population within 2 years if you start giving somewhat of a shit.
guys guys guys we need to send kanye to hk to fix this shit #GetKanyeToHK
The Untouchables was a good movie.
By the way Feds. Did you know that your calves act like a pair of hearts to help pump blood around your body? Rember to stand up once in awhile between sessions of destroying the country.
Brandenburg V. Ohio 1969 >The Supreme Court ruled that: >”Freedoms of speech and press do not permit a state to forbid advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action” TL;DR: You can support violent things without directly calling for action. And if action is taken by someone else, you can’t be held accountable. So feds can suck my fat fucking cock.
Yeah, you should stand up and take a brief walk around the room every hour.
I told them this same thing both times they came to my work to harass me. I guess they can't get the hint.
Maybe the FBI has a positive influence on the board We shouldn't be so paranoid
They still pay attention?
>the great mutt-sino war of 2020 started when chinks tryed to protect their culture from niggerdom RIP YEEZY
i think its really hard to get into the fbi so im really proud of you for the hard work it took to get in. i think its a really cool and special job. i know there are aspects you cant control, aspects that put you in a position where it was possible to apply for the position. however it was your own actions, your own effort that allowed you to succeed. i'm glad that you have that success in your life. granted, we all have struggles and im sure there are failures in your life too. but rather than focus on that, i just want to focus on what you did accomplish. and i think you have every right to be proud of the job you have, and what you're doing. even if it is 'just' clerical work, where you look shit up and mostly just share information or print and fax things. thats still hard work, and youre still an important part of your organization, and they wouldn't get anywhere without you. thanks for reading and i love you.
I wouldn’t be worried about people, I think /pol/ might have brought into our world a moldy Egyptian “god” into this world. We all get killed by a giant fucking frog.
Now post feet and vegeta.
Imprison every single incel on this board
Close bobs.
Fuck off glownoggers
>Anon, why are you looking at that brown donkey instead of exercising with me?
this. how come we dont see high profile good things they do? what are they even doing other than harassing shitposters and being involved in shady shit wasting our money. they should be getting rid of democrats, communists, leftists of all types and preserving our nation. not this pro communist shit that it feels like. like, white on minority hate crimes.... how many of those are ACTUALLYYYY a hate crime and not just some guy briefly calling someone a nigger vs black on white attacks that often dont get reported and we see videos of it all the time going around online.... how can 25% of minorities commit only 50% of hate crimes if just 7% of black males are already committing 53% or so of murders?!?!? THE MATH DOESNT ADD UP!!!!
what if i have severe scoliosis and the cartilage in my hip is torn and i can barely walk anymore, in excruciating pain all the time, and cant qualify for any ssi? and theres no light duty jobs out here in the sticks. i feel trapped.
That brown donkey has a glorious set of milkers. Likely a 3-holer as well.
i was gonna ask about this. so how does this tie into red flag laws? ive openly cheered on brenton tarrant in the fact its strangely relieving seeing a white dude terrorize muslims, because fuck islams invasion of the west..... but i still actually feel slightly bad about those pests if they really were innocent in their hearts.... still gonna cheer on anti islamist acts though. and probably be concerned that theyre gonna try to raid my home because of my red flag comments online. im not actually going to do anything, got a beautiful white daughter that i would love to raise properly in this shit world.... and hopefully for the love of everything that is sacred she doesnt become a fucking coal burner.
>be me >FBI Anon >been staking out 4 chins for years >finally, tim has cum >activateoperationarrestfaggotOP..jpg >thousands of people arrested world wide >start interviewing right wing radical extremist super terrorist political dissident suspects >first interviewee claims to be CIA >takeyourmedsschizo.lmaoXD >is actually CIA >next guy is NSA >then DEA >then ATF >then Mossad >then RCMP >MFW half of all posters on 4Chan are cops running sting operations on 4Chan >MFW the other half are bots >MFW the only actual person on this board is some Aussie bro drinking beer in his underwear at 4 am shitposting Pic related, FBI and every other glow nigger on this board are pants-on-head retarded. All you are doing is jerking other agencies around and entertaining a bunch of dip shits like me.
Dear FBI... I would happily work for my country to put an end to the corruption in our govt. Unfortunately, this probably means I would have to arrest all of you as well and turn you in to the proper authorities. THE CIA.
theres gotta be some cell groups of shitposters in the fbi and higher up. ourguys that cant blow cover, or just freely shitpost because everything here is false but everything here is true so whhhhatever....
>3-holer The degeneracy...
Go to a DSA minecraft server and grief it
how can you even determine incel? people call me incel all the time, and im a fat ugly redneck in a trailer thats had nearly steady relatinships for 11 years straight now and just had a daughter. just because im a far right winger doesnt mean i cant get laid.... which is ironically what the lefties seem like... they dont even know which restroom to use. poor things.
i prefer when women have longer hair. not really into the short hair thing. shes cute af though, would look lovely with longer hair.
you're going to kill yourself soon or make the news as a hero for the white race, one or the other, may as well dump them
spot on. dont forget this fat redneck in his underwear going kalsarikkannit in front of the ac all day shitposting.
Tammy Twoballz
At least FBI is doing it for cash You know who's doing it for free? *ahem* FUCK JANNIES AND FUCK DISCORD TRANNIES TOO
>anti-Trump >fit >athletic Is she... dare I say, my chick? Fuck the (((right wing))). Enjoy Zion Don, kikes. I'm going to side with anti-kikes.
if anyone goes out a hero... take out leftist politicians that push for gun control. no innocent civilians, go straight for the big names that try to take guns away. all politicians that promote anti gun laws are traitors of the republic and should be treated as such... fbi, thats your que to go arrest the politicians that are pushing unconstitutional gun control before this shit actually gets nasty with these fake ass red flag laws. do your jobs, save lives, remove anti republic politicians from power.
whats a jannie? im still new here and heard that term several times, no one ever told me what it is.
That’s the funny thing. The red flag laws have never been brought directly to the Supreme Court. The only people saying it’s constitutional are state-level libshit governors trying to calm down angry conservatives. If this is ever brought to the Supreme Court, I bet $100 it gets shot out of the sky.
fucking niggers deleting threads about red pilled games, like how petty do you pathetic leftist fuck faces get? u have lost so much you cant even let them have their games, just remember, you brought this on yourselves.
which is why we need to push as much bullshit leftist legislation and cases to the highest court while we have it now.
Jews. It's from Australia like how aussies call faggots poofters they call jews jannies there because of their noses.
Hello, FBI. What are you doing about the illegal use of mind control weaponry (directed energy weapons) on American citizens. You realize they are creating nutcases and killers, right? You have to do something.
these laws need to go. i dont care how they justify it with "psychiatrists" no fucking psychiatrist can ACTUALLY make a SCIENTIFIC basis for what is considered insane, psychology is not a real science and no ones rights should ever be taken away over shitposting or because theyre just weird or people are concerned. that opens pandoras box for extreme abuse of liberties. just like the patriot act.
It would b better if she was naked
the only reason i have become increasingly far right over the last 5 years is the CONSTANT anti white rhetoric and racism towards me everywhere i look. of course im going to get more sympathetic with white ethnostate talk and such, i dont wanna live around or hear these leftist shitbags talking, and ive become a bit racist due to real life encounters. i just wanna live in my nice peaceful white town with no liberals or "diversity". why is that such a bad thing?
keep dreaming about going to heaven lmfao you absolute retard burnin, burnin, burnin you will keep on burnin
This. Half of the shit states like California and NY pass as “legislation” wouldn’t last 2 seconds in a republican dominated Supreme Court.
>You realize they are creating nutcases and killers, right? You realize this is how they get their funding, right?
heaven < Valhalla
Mods aka janitors
i still wonder why power grids, water supplies, stadiums and such havnt been hit yet.... its really not that hard, and considering islamists and others hate us..... we're really fragile, so why havnt we been majorly hit?
>Hate fucking is real >Hate fucking Israel Hate fucking Israeli military women Also nice get 88 HH Heather Heyer
Everytime I see a glownigger at night I run them over.
This right fuckin here
>why havnt we been majorly hit? did you miss the DEW attacks in November 2018
cheers, lads
fucking kike women and their lack of muzzle control.
Give me a fucking job!!
hey that's me too
so he's gonna dump pics of his mom an sis before he an hero's right? I'd ask the feds if they could deliver, but I already know that answer
its not a bad thing. this next generation is going to be so fucking angry Im not going to be able to stop them from destroying the entire thing. I cant imagine the hate brewing right now with the anti white shit non stop. I wont be sad at all to watch those leftists burn. They own this 100%. Those stupid fucks.
i am unfamiliar. googling now. my heads been in the sand. just been playing games and shitpost bad memes from reddit and taking care of the baby. been really getting into 4chan the last couple weeks actually.
The one on the left has the piggy eyes of a lesbian.
Please Speed up the nuclear war with China. Oh. and send me an invite to the vault in my area. To be fair. I'd rather wake up in 200 years and deal with the raiders and ghouls than deal with the shit going on right now.
every. single. pol. user.
nah its going to be okay anon, this thing of ours is comfy. hang in there and try to make healthy choices.
The fires in California, Canada, Portugal, Tennessee and other places were nothing like normal wildfires. About 100 of them (in California in 2017) started at one time in the evening when it was cooler outside (yet the officials still blame it on climate change). Also, in many places, the fires burnt in straight lines and squares. Other anomalies are that the fires jumped from one house to another without touching the lawns in between the houses, burnt cement and metal, but not plastic or wood in some cases and burnt hardly any trees (even pine trees), but burnt structures and cars that were next to those trees. Also, despite the news reports of strong winds, the roads and sidewalks looked pristine as if someone swept them. As can be seen in videos below, the fires came from the sky as there were no burnt paths between the burnt structures. I am not saying that no trees burnt, but not the ones around the houses and buildings that were burnt. Is it possible that not all of the DEW attacks were at the same frequency. If you take your time to go through all the videos, articles and documents on this page and consider that there have been no media reports of another country attacking us, (especially when they've been itching to drag Russia into a war with us); you will be hard-pressed to deny that it was the U.S. government who was behind it or at least complicit with it. You'll also see how that the United Nations already planned an Agenda 30 megaregion development zone in Santa Rosa before it was set to fire and that the areas being burnt match where the Agenda 30 megaregions map shows plans to build smart cities and no-people zones in the future. What better way to build a megaregion smart city than to first burn down all of what is already there? http://www.chemtrailplanet.com/DEW.html
Greetings my fellow Florescent Negroids
You guys are atleast not the MI6
i know so many people that arent too into politics, they dabble a bit, but not balls deep into 4chan and other sites.... and they allll want a white supermajority nation with no leftists. the northwest really might be the last hope, just gotta choke off seattle somehow. the entire state is very very right wing except that shithole democrat city... its ok, we can starve them out in no time and make them eat each other easily while is rural places just smile and help each other out.... i want a more civilized and pro republic nation with proper law and order. so many fucking disgusting people and tweakers roaming the streets these days. must purge them for my daughters future.
We appreciate your efforts to capture embezzlers and other white collar criminals.
It's okay. She is young and exuberant. Young people are supposed to be full of hope and energy.