I have information leading to the arrest of shrillbags
Look at me. We are the Occult Elite now.
is this the sign up thread to get paid for not posting?
How's it going federal ugly dudes?
I hate that this makes my peepee hard like a diamond.
please delet all record you have on me and son abdul
This is the future people chose.
I have masterbated 26 times in the past three days. I haven’t left my moms basement in 9 days. I haven’t showered for 8 days. I just ate a piece of little caesar’s pizza that has been sitting on my night stand for two days. I haven’t shit in three days. I have pics of my mom and sister naked. I only own one gun, a hi-point 9mm. I’ve only had one gf when I was in high school (15years ago). She cheated on me with a Mexican. /pol/ is literally my only frens in the world. My mom doesn’t even like me. She goes to her bedroom and locks the door whenever I come upstairs. Should I kms?
she looks a lot like my ex that i still have mixed feelings for. so extra weird.
Go take a shit you fat fuck
I just think it’s a sexy gif, but I absolutely hate that it’s her.
Dear FBI: God bless America!
This is no place for officers.
little ceasers is fucking disgusting after a day
Remember to take periodic breaks to rest your eyes and stretch your limbs, fed bros.
I’m not even fat. I’m 6’2” and 170.
i might actually believe you. naw dont kill yourself. just go shitpost irl and record it.
you've just made the top of the investigation list anon, better not do anything naughty with that hi-point 9mm
Jupiter rains diamonds
it's fucking disgusting after it cools down 10 degrees. tastes like the cardboard it comes in. gotta eat it super fast before the sauce gets all hardened.
A Hi-Point won’t even kill you. It’s going to jam the second you pull the trigger.
The shit never rots, just like McDonald’s. It’s kinda hard to chew but it filled my belly and I don’t have to go outside.
I'd give anything to nail this bitch.
Was Peter Strucke trained in the FBI as a joke?
Sierra 3 Juliet 7 IN THE WILD
>I have masterbated 26 times in the past three days Calling bullshit on that, fapping more than 5 or 6 times in a day is tough.
I am. You're not. Toodles
Betray the Oligarchy and leak everything you can.
>...is tough. u u u u
I haven’t fired it in over a year and I’ve never cleaned it. It would probably blow up in my hand if shot a few rounds out of it. It’s probably rusted cuz I keep it in my bathroom.
Hate fucking is real.
ive honestly had a few days where it was around 25. strange mix of depression of not wanting to play games or do anything and exes nudes available. fapfapfapfap.
I probably wouldn’t like you either if you were my son. No parent wants their child to be a useless loser and burden on society. Uh... maybe start with a shower? I find that a clean body tends to open many opportunities...
Welcome special agent boomer! Come, sit with us and discuss the peaceful act of Mongolian basket weaving.
Hey feds.. remember me.. its been a long time since we talked
Theyve been working with the chans since at least 2007
The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets >The FBI are a bunch of pedo puppets
Is that the real Buddha?
my record is 7 a long time ago. i remember my dick was hurting
You're my hero please don't neutralize me
I’m the only one glowing ITT(actual cop), and I’m still waiting for the day when actual glowniggers show up on my doorstep. That’s going to be really awkward.
Dear feds, police, just generally paid mercenaries for the System: WE KNOW what you did at Waco. WE KNOW what you did at Ruby Ridge. WE KNOW what you did at Rotherham. WE KNOW what you did in Iraq... and in Lybia, and in Syria, and in however many places. WE KNOW what you did on 9/11. WE KNOW what you do with guns that you steal from American patriots at gunpoint. What WE don't know is how you can sleep at night knowing about all the shit that you've done. WE KNOW WE couldn't.
I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard, but it did
nice legs. pls be gf
Glowniggers must hang
No. Even your shitty existence is existence. Take a fucking shower and go on a walk.
If you do please live stream it.
i honestly want to know how efficient or inept they are... if they ever assigned some completely tech illiterate boomer to observe this place and he just sat there adjusting his glasses trying to figure out what fucking hanson code this op is spewing. or if some of them are getting redpilled or ourguys. i always wonder how deep this shit goes.
A modern Buddha for a modern age.™
I have terrible insomnia and I jerk a lot in hopes it will help me fall asleep. My record in a day is fifteen. The last five in that record were blanks and my dik was pretty sore.
When you out live your usefulness they'll dispose of you like they will with any of us. You have the power to remove them and save us, why do you continue to obey them?
X-files was a pretty good show.
I'm pretty sure I could. I normally masturbate 3 times a day. I am now 41, and I have doing that since I was 10 years old. Holy fuck, I just realized that I have masturbated over 34,000 times. There were days where I would fap 5-6 times a day in my prime. No wonder my dick curves to the left.
the political and semi physical manifestion of my ex gf. rage fuck material.
I wonder how the fbi knows of another m@$$ sh000ting that can strike at anytime soon?they couldnt be involved in some way? there's no way they could have knowledge of that past shooting that happened in garland, Tx. no way.. the fbi are the good guys they're our friends
Doubtful we are just numbers for them to manage
Can I ask an FBI anon a question? When we have a bunch of people working in the top levels of our government (in elected positions) that have dual citizenship from another country, isn't that considered spying or an invasion or something? If it were Russia would you guys not be arresting people? But the problem is that they just looked at the main mansion and they didn't search any other buildings on the property. Or the underground areas. @00:35 Notice how the blue and green "garages" are both camoflauged from the sky. From a plane those 2 buildings would look like parking lots. Notice how the underground doors (entrances to the subteranean part of the island) are all painted green camoflauging them into the island from the sea. >https://youtu.be/nK63JAcD8uQ?t=35 That is where the real juicy stuff is. Why else would Epstein have a fake ambulance on his island? >https://youtu.be/Z22um3H_EaM?t=155 They barged it off during disasters to kidnap disaster orphans and barge them back to the Island and drive them up to the truck dock at the green building and unloaded the kids into a secure staging area on that dock where they took them underground to their cells (Notice the green pipes coming from underground in the video, those are obviously air ventilation for the cells. 6 total.) @3:35 >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrFQxqt0Y1I&t=24s They knew what they were looking for and they went directly to it because Epstein told them where it was. They did not search anything else. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLB6r7-wsjc&lc=z22rwfljjmibxl5qx04t1aokgpdc45tjlttusxsdgvbyrk0h00410.1565733666490590
Real answer? There’s a lot of cops that come on here. Myself included. I personally know of 8 other guys in my department that frequent /pol/. We love it. When it comes to actual government agencies though, I would say probably a very small amount of them are actually against online censorship. Most cops fucking hate feds, by the way.
You dont have to be that way. if you didn't actually want this then you would drop it just like you did having responsibility. You're eating your cake and looking for a pity party to go with it though.
And when I say “them”, I mean actual individuals that are fed.
Hi FBI! You are soooo awesome! I am currently unemployed and living in my parents basement. I have an IQ of 141 and need to earn some benjamin's. Hire me! I will help you arrest all these 4Chin faggots. Terrible people
I imagine a huge backup at the pearly gates as devout religous folks reach the gates and see a frog sitting the judging people. They, stall, wondering what is wrong, wondering if everything they've spent their lives doing was a lie............ Then from the back an excited REEEEEEEEEEEEEE! As some fat 35 year old neck beard virgin who died from a heart attack or liver failure waddles past the crowd to embrace Pepe. The gates open and Kek gestures onward with a knowing smile and a nod.
try /fit/ The answer is in the hands of the spirit of ZyZz
FBI agent assigned to me, tell your pedophile boss I said howdy. -TDog
hey guys stop watching my house, you're just wasting your time
thanks for the post officer but it's our juridisction now so we'll take it from here, we'll let you know if we need any help.
Why do yall let america be ruined by corruption when most of you could blow whistles and get a lot of dirt out there. Man the fuck up and help save our country. Instead of letting internet autists expose everything, be called conspiracy theorists and white supremacists.
The FBI is browsing /pol/ but they aren't monitoring this thread. The FBI are only searching every thread for the key words "walmart" So if every Anon makes a thread with the word "walmart" then you will make the Feds job a little bit harder because they will be forced to sift through every thread and read every post. If any Anons do this. Make sure you put "Spurdo" as one of the key words. The agents will have to report to their boss what "spurdo" means.
glad my aching youthful penis gave you a giggle
Yeah yeah, I post here all the time bong. I’m one of the CPD anons.
yeah but post your familys nudes first
Cia and fbi nigger fuckers
So youre saying most of the feds are for censorship? Sad hours.
Dude do you literally live under a fucking rock???
Hey Glowbros.
It's okay to be White and hate Jews because this is America.
and then the neckbeard falls down a long dark hole and lands in a lake of fire. He quickly realizes hes now in hell and screams "WHY?!" A voice whispers inside his head "I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me"
fuuuug i know dude right
Yes, that is what I’m saying. Cops don’t like Feds. Especially here. They think they’re hot shit when they’ve never done a real day of police work in the ghetto in their lives. We look down on them.
Lads, do we like the new AOC comic book?
stahp being bulli, go after MOSSAD instead!
walmarts old news. search keywords like "superbowl" and "subway"
get a high action/ physical job. They usually pay nice cuz peoples is lazy. I've been a metal worker in a factory full of felons and immigrants for over a year now and I haven't been in this good shape since I joined the army right out of high school. You're probably like me and cant stand working out, I hate moving heavy shit with no purpose. But put a couple hundred pounds of steel in front of me and tell me to move it and I'll bust my ass all day no problem. Weird right? Any way, getting a core bit of strength has done wonders for me. I feel like I actually have the power to affect change in my environment again and I'm filled with more self confidence. You have to work on being better than the YOU you were yesterday, not what someone else is today. Even if it's only fapping a few less times per day that's still an improvement. Good luck
Nah, you're living fine. Don't feed the ZOG system and live comfy. You don't need "friends" when you have anons.
Fuck you guys. I hate all of you and I think you're all fucking traitors.
just a glowie after the phrase "rage fuck"
you're here forever faggets
Sure thing christcuck. Keep worshipping the kike on a stick
With Whitey Bulger and Epstein out, who is the mafia going to let the FBI use to manage the child rape blakemail scheme and murder inc?
Hire me! I've been here for years and know everything. My fee is £30,000 per year.
Hi FBI thanks for not locking me up
fool! say "no bid contract."
Suck my dick glow faggots. Same message I posted to them yesterday.
Oh but if I post this thread it gets pruned. FUCK NIGGERS FUCK JEWS FUCK MOOT And most importantly... FUCK JANNIES
>I have pics of my mom and sister naked. >My mom doesn’t even like me. She goes to her bedroom and locks the door whenever I come upstairs. gee i wonder why >the spirit of ZyZz >the spirit of a druggie faggot
There are a surprising amount of FBI cuties, i doubt any of them are good investigators, but i want to quality test their braapers.