Good idea. Tips of advice though. Dont sperg like Atomwaffen. Dont bring attention to yourselves whatsoever. Become close friends with your group, do not allow violent sperg hobbyists to join, important to just have sane friends who think like you
Atomwaffen some 18 year old shot and killed two of the members was suspicous
West Montana reborting
The new york one?
Anyone midwest?
Fuck off retard, how the fuck is organizing making us into reddit?
>Did you seem Muller when he testified? The guy is a senile boomer http://downwithjugears.blogspot.com/2017/12/biol-white-on-fbi-infiltration.html >From 2001 to 2007, I was approached four times by the FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies and asked to work with those security forces to help control the White nationalist movement. Each time I said no; the last time was the straw that broke their back, and ended up with my imprisonment on trumped-up charges. I know numerous other people who have been approached with the same deal, some of whom refused, some accepted. I also ran some of these informants back on their case agents as journalistic sources for years as well, another reason that the FBI hated me. I have personal knowledge of much of what I'm talking about, more than enough to fill in the documents that I have.
Mother effin bump Join clubs, in high school, college, post grad, or after graduating. Something that aligns with your interests. It works wonders anons and allows you to be around like minded people
Yes. Forget the miltia shit. The FBI will do what they did to atomwaffen. Keep it simple, normal bro hangs bro talks. Just a bunch of bros talking dissdent related things, no crazy spergs
This place can be changed by driving a point home repeatedly while backing it up with facts - when I started suggesting this I was always called a glownigger, but by laying out the most common points and counterpoints in the OP you get rid of most of it and you can use the others as punching bags to help the idea advance
theres quite alot of history. you can find documentaries on youtube or see the interviews of the current elders on what went down. "the new york one" isnt a correct answer
Glowniggers literally secretly set up firing squads at Ruby Ridhe with no evidence of crime. Glowniggers murdered that family because they wouldn't get in line with the ZOG government. Im just not dumb enough to think that we can ever organize well irl without glownigger harassment
I've heard them mentioned on 4 and 8 but I've never seen them IRL or heard about them from anyone who met them IRL
midwest is underrated.
NYC here btw
By not bugging out and forming a compound - just be normal people and have friends that you hang out with. We're not get to the point where that can get you blackbagged but if we don't organize then that will ahppen
No, seattle
i have no clue what that is or who ruby is. You dont have to orgnaize just have some bros who think like minded things very simple
Why don't you two drop by our riot gateway or send us an email if you'd prefer? Thenewawakening.org We're working on building multiple self sufficient communities, starting businesses and families.
I just want to be arpund white people and live a simple life.
Anyone want to setup a discord?
I don't reccommend meeting randos on the internet,but it can be done if you're careful and smart. If you're looking for guys, then Patriot Front, IE and TRS have pretty well established networks
>And the fuck do you avoid a Rby Ridge happening By not isolating yourself in the countryside, by not doing blatantly illegal shit with an untrustworth individual you dont know, by not associating yourself with organizations like anything "aryan" that attracts glowniggers like flies and finally by not ignoring warrants that require your appearance before a court for a relatively minor infraction that can be easily dealt with with a semi-decent lawyer and thus giving them an excuse to come after you.
Tbh im a poorfag and dont have much to bring to the table, seems like a group for people with their lives together.
Discord is completely enemy territory and the people that run it will dox you themselves
I denounced my faith to Jewry. I will never be fully white but I denounce my faith. The upper class of Israel pray upon Muslims and white people in America and I can say personally that Israeli upper class could give a fuck less about America if they weren't giving them so much money. Call me a dumb kike, I am sorry I was born into Judaism. I just want to be left alone honestly. Being Jewish is terrible and honestly it's not worth it.
I'll read up on that
Fuck this defeatist, lazy, blackpilling. No, it is not hard to meet a few people on the webs. No it is not hard to join clubs, organizations, etc. People telling you otherwise are glowbois or dumb fucks
Yes, but we are only allowed to exist like this by virtue of law and in case you haven't noticed the law is getting less and less absolute.
Yes indeed I find them interesting, but for all the research I need to do, the black israelites are low in my list - unless you think I should know more?
I dont recommed meeting randos either. how do you reccomeed?
We don't really have an option dude - they can't ruby ridge all of us and if we stay scattered we can't do anything
You just need to be white and have the passion to work hard for your race. We don't want your wallet. You can learn valuable skills with time, plus the PNW is hiring pretty much everywhere.
discord is controlled op do not use it. use telegram use a fake number or something via google voice
riot.im is pretty much equivalent and I think it's decentralized
That's because we take opsec very seriously.
Using a network like TRS, PF, or IE - or even potentially networking with normie cons in a hunting group or something
Team speak. But it's old and shitty. Just use discord.
Please do not use discord - the unicorn riot doxxes proved that discord itself will dox you. Antifa has high level sympathizers within the company, possibly at the top plus the whole company is kept afloat through jew financing and so ultimately they are at the beck and call of the jew
https://www.newsweek.com/fbi-leak-black-identity-extremist-threat-1453362 I have faith that destiny brings in who needs to be brought in. but the article points out how the famine of the word in Amos 8:11 is about to manifest because although everything is happening right now (epstein, mass shootings) me and the people im under are a major threat and we dont even have weapons. niggas dont know how to shoot Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. why else would they be taking our videos down and sending agents to our camps to derail the speaking. if we were just a bunch of niggas we wouldnt be worth their time right?
I always use it. Discord does not scare me.
Interesting, I hadn't heard that you guys were getting shutdown too, but it makes sens - the jews (or those that call themselves jews now) want to destroy anyone that knows them, anyone that might ocme to know them, and anyone that could ever pose a threat to them or their interests They are basically at war with life and truth itself and hate anyone that supports either
>I'll read up on that read up on (pic related) as well: https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-2007-02-15-mhate15-story.html >NEO-NAZO RALLY WAS ORGANIZED BY FBI INFORMANT
Not everyone has dox proofed their life and if you can't grasp that content then you must either be an idiot or a shill trying to lure us into a honeypot - either that or you're only talking about normiecon tier stuff on their
ID: literally "CNN + PIZZA"
I in no way reccommend rallies, charlotteville showed us what happens. Right now we need to focus on simply helping our people survive more than we need to focus on any sort of political action
>I in no way reccommend rallies Need to cool it with that for awhile
i'm a shitskin, btw. can't join up because they'd probably beat my ass. i just come here for the jew jokes.
No, it's just I have nothing honestly to worry about. If discord is a honeypot I dont give a fuck. If you have a opinion, you should be allowed to make a discord about it. If they dox you, so fuckin what? You'll be the bigger man if you can stand against a company and say no. Shill? I am Jewish, renounced my faith. I hate jewry. Sorry if I come off like a shill.
Nigger, Discord is not only run by confirmed trannies and pedos, it also keeps exact records fo EVERTHYING you write or say on there. Literally use anything else, even facbook messenger would be better than tranny central.
This, we need not to be violent, we must first and foremost protect and take care of each other.
I heard there was this Indian Natioanlist discord disguised as a brony discord once kek.
i can smell the nigger on you, you glow in the dark
OP is shilling TRS but there's nothing wrong with organizing or being friends with like-minded nationalists. I usually find polacks and kommandos by dropping dogwhistles IRL.
you are glowing so fucking hard right now
I don't really know of anything for you then except for the remains of the proudboys, I can say though that a majority of WN would be fine with joining up with just about anyone to fight against the jew - hell in America there's even precedent for it when George Lincoln Rockwell gave a speech in front of the Nation of Islam
Anyone wanna rent me some land to set up a yurt and homeatead? I know some you autists live in the comfy ass countryside.
Yeah dude, this isn't about being the better man, this is about survival
TRS is how I found my group, so it's what I know. A friend of mine was in IE and said it was strict but legit, and Patriot Front just does awesome shit - but again that's all I know
European Communists and Leftists would often complain that European Fascists were annoyingly international in their efforts and organization. Hitler was influenced by Mussolini and liked Islam/the Arabs and Japanese. Any group whatever their views, when they face up against the (((Neoliberal Capitalist System))), are going to need all the help they can get. IE is obviously legit but idk about any other group. Just used to follow Casey on Twitter.
Why would the glow want us to expand our networks?
If you organise and are violent you are going to be labelled a terrorist organisation and if you don't organise irregardless if you're violent you're going to die slowly when this site gets taken down by them or you will run into a Walmart and shoot some randoms and get locked up and be of no use to anybody not even yourself. Also nice argument you fucking shill piece of shit
At this point, I would chuck spears side by side with shaka zulu if we were throwing them at jews
>Patriot Front how do they vet?
They shill the FBI infiltration meme to discourage organization. What kind of glownigger is going to devote years of effort into trying to convict a handful of friends with beerhall views of... what? Especially if there's hundreds or thousands of little cells of thought-influencers with normal social lives. No, don't set up a new National Alliance or Aryan Brotherhood. Do find people that casually hate globohomo.
No idea, I never got in touch with anyone from them and none of my friends are involved
Hell, all you really have to do is have some disaster prepper friends who like guns. That's every paranoid American with extra cash. When they notice something seriously wrong with the world, they'll know what to do.
Definitely, the whole "if you talk politics with friends you're going to be blackbagged" is a psyop designed to keep us atomized
>why would nigger cattle herders want more nigger cattle except the glow nigger who makes these threads always shills the biggest honeypots
how did IE vet?
>Group X is a honeypot. Then join group Y faggot Literally in the OP
No idea, I didn't ask specifics
IUIC is a honneypot, so is ISUPK
sage you clearly are lying and jews run the feds and staff them more than ever you clearly are educated and retarded now die
"schizo" aka mossads favorite smear word it describes their janus like multi faced God of death approach to the braovs city...sage
how about neither, go recruit shooters somewhere else
I don't know what either of those are
Would also like to point out that EVERYONE who is against organising is always presenting with a non argument or lowly name calling. I know most of you can be smarter than this..
Staff them with who? None of the shooters have been involved with groups, they've all been lone gus stewing in their own minds and eventually snapped. By building communities we are preventing that from happening because we are giving people a community of people to live and work for
Half of them were also CIA patsies/MKULTRA
what are your thoughts on atomwaffen? Do you know what happened to those guys? I feel the second the leader got arrested they had a possible informant come in and derail the group
>"call them a glownigger, turn 360 and moonwalk away" You would be walking right into them! This board is full of IDIOTS
Atomwaffen never seemed like a thing that any sane person would be involved with. Best case scenario they are sperg larpers and worst case scenario they are glow. That being said, their aesthetics were cool af
You're not thinking big enough. Let's start our own branch of Judaism. If you read into Chabad philosophy, it explains that each individual (yes you) has the God-given power as well as the obligation to conquer the World. (This is obvious from the wording of Genesis 9.) Good luck, anons, and G-d Bless. Israel is the best ethno-state going now: surrounded by walls, controls holy sites (dome of the rock >> Constantinople), mandatory military service, and cucking the entire rest of the world at once. There's even a track record: look at the Branch Davidian flag. That is pure /pol/ kino: a giant sperm on a star of david. One Waco gets Waco'd. 1000 Wacos gets whatever they want. Step 1: memorize the Shema in English. Step 2: read a summary of wisdom from the Talmud, compiled before 1925. Step 3: look into other anons interested in doing a worship service. Need minimum 12 people for service validity per the laws. Note that this would be a worship service: NO racism or violence allowed. Remember, it's about forming our own community and learning the Mediterranean style of ingroup social bonding that works so well in the modern world. If you can't memorize the Shema in English, then your IQ is too low to join. Recite it 4 times a day until you get it right.
What do you recommend? Do nothing ?
i wonder if theyre still a thing such a weird happening >https://archive.org/details/AtomwaffenDivisionVideoArchive/Atomwaffen+Division+-+(1)+Fire+Up+The+Panzers+and+Launch+the+Nukes.mp4
I've made similar threads it's a constitutional right to form militia why I get called gn for it when I was just saying hey why's nobody trying to band together if sgthtf?
It's still hilarious to me that you get nazis and black israelites and all sorts of people on this site to talk together more or less peaceably - I genuinely believe that we could all pretty much get along if it weren't for the jews
>a literal germ
muh stars and stripes and mcdonalds no thanks
Fringe cult + racialism does not seem like a winning PR strategy right now, but that is interesting
I know one of their guys sperged out, converted to islam then murdered two other guys
>I know one of their guys sperged out, converted to islam then murdered two other guys yes i think the group broke up cant find anything new about them
Someone posted what I think was a new video of them sometime in the last month - it looked like larping kids blowing up tannerite in the woods
I was here for the inception of that it was to redpill normies the fact beoble get bissed about it is the redpill of the Jewish psyop existing...
link? cant find. im pretty sure most of the dudes left and glowies now in
It was a webm and I didn't download it
No, they're very much real. I've been on their riot, chatted and talked with them and they seem like cool people. They're very focus on community building, which is cool
>then you have already been neutralized Yes. White men have already been neutralized. You have three options that could save you and NONE of the involve more larping or your bullshit guns. option 1 >hardcore islam + white sharia >white women converted and reigned in by force >white women auctioned off at age 13 >disobedient white women circumcised >white women in burkas >white women with less right than a goat option 2 >take the asian pill >take the eastern pill >disavow everything (((christian))) and (((western))) >help white women self destruct >marry a proper asian women >turn the West into the East >copy everything good about Japan, and ban everything bad (like porn) option 3 >take the warrior, atheist, scientist pill >use data, logic, and history to chart a course for the future >replace white women with sexbots and artificial wombs >male only society >(((christianity))) punished by the death penalty on first offense Pick one, or continue to self destruct. I don't care. I'm white, blue eyes, not Jewish. Go meme somewhere else with your stupid ad-hom attacks.