You’re obviously a woman. If you want a coincidence roasty, here’s one for ya.
What i took from this, men like to drill stuff. I'm retarded.
You must be severely uncoordinated if the motion of the escalator slows you down from running up it.
Would have made more sense as an ableist awareness bit.
Chart is all lies. Women don't outearn men outside that one limited survey. A better argument would be that gender is a meaningless qualifier, unless there's a disparity between equally qualified genders in the same position in the same company.
did i say it slows you down numbskull?
WTF... i always take the fucking stairs, got no patience to stand still in some fucking line of lazy legged people.
To be honest.
Women are just as smart as men... except they're weaker. Of course they get paid less.
The more women keep doing this the more I want women to have less than no rights. They should have negative rights. I haven't defined what 'negative rights' is yet but yeah they should have that.
Negative rights would be things they're obligated to do, rather than allowed to do.
And someone else helping him up.
at the very least voting should be broken up by category. women shouldn't vote for security tier issues.
Negative rights are duties. Not to me confused with "doodies" my street-shitting friend.
What a failed concept, I can get to the top much faster with hardwork using the red stairs, without being stuck behind some hand in pocket freeloading faggot.
Can't run up when you're stuck behind. It's a great metaphor for unionized vs non-unionized work.
This is such bs. Women get hiring preferences at almost every company. It’s so unfair because if you’re a guy without money, your practically worthless by societal standards. Meanwhile, a woman could be a stay-at-home mom or just a gf if she doesn’t want to work. If anything, companies should have a male hiring preference
Imagine if women just stopped being such insufferable solipsistic cunts one day.
Feminists seeking attention again.
Thats because most White woman relate themself to 3rd worlders to be against their own race of man for that sweet sweet retail job.
Does Harvey know about you and his little bunny!
>the female staircase literally just has to exist to be valuable for society >even when the male escalator is broke (and thus as functional as the female staircase), it i just as valuable as the staircase.
This window will never present itself again. This is really the only and perfect time to influence our enemies into fighting the obvious evil. Pic related. A 200+ reply thread was shoah'ed earlier.
nah jewish pussy fire
Link to the 200+ reply thread?
Fuck I bet
The left will do as the media tells them. If there is anyone connection that can be fanaticized they will take it. The best option is simple. To maintain cohesion and continue to research and spread the information. News outlets and independent news journalists come to the board for deeper insight and so their eyes shall see. Let the left do as they do, there is no taming that beast. However, autism can be weaponized. So let it be so. Remember who you are. You are what they fear most. You are the Samurai.
lmao its the JIDF leaf posting. KEEP TRYING SCHLOMO
This is actually true. Good job OP
Lincoln FREED THE FUCKING NIGGERS. You can’t get anymore kiked than that. Imagine being solely responsible for freeing those blood-thirsty savages.
What would happen if we were to give the blacks Liberian passports? >6666 Also, epic digits.
>what if we gave blacks Liberian passports The niggers would refuse to leave, they have it way too good collecting gibs and selling crack
You expect me to believe Hong Kong's government is independent? You a german exchange student or something?
Here, my family's still there
So the chicoms have threatened your family back home? They did that to pro HK students at a Brisbane university recently.
Also, where in the video does she get hit with a slingshot?
No such clip. She was shot in the eye by police bean bag round.
how many times are you going to make this thread, (((weev)))? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/EVERYONE%20NEEDS%20TO%20JOIN%20A%20GROUP%20IRL%20/
we are way more effective if unconnected yet
Everynight until you like it I very much disgagree, if we wait to irganize until we need to BE organized it will be too late - all I am proposing is that all anons find a community/friend group of like minded people. More than political pressure groups, we need mutual aid societies to help our people survive Us organizing, even informally, makes everything we do more effective
We don't win by building political parties from the top down, we win by building genuine communities from the bottom up. There's no need for a guy in Florida to be involved with a guy in Wyoming. In the end, neither will have an effect on one another. Find some friends and build a group together.
Bump. 1000% agree. We need to manifest these ideas into reality. Meet people and make change.
A real group irl is teaching your 3 boys how to shot and gut a deer. Not having icelandic mutts, like Rockwell.
Why? If you want to act IRL, why not keep it anonymous and distributed too? Spread posters (except that IOTBW redneck crap, that was a kike psyop), do whatever has visibility but doesn't require meeting at the same time and at the same place (and doesn't break the law).
I agree, that's exactly what I'm talking about - not political parties first and foremost (or perhaps at all) but mutual aid societies
Part of it is that, certainly, but a community has much more to offer Anonymous and distributed is good to an extent - a random distributed collection of loosely associated nameless friend groups is fine
>kike psyop You're either a retard or a shill. IOTBW was a wildly successful operation that got a lot of whites to openly argue for whiteness, and rustled a lot of leftist jimmies. Universities and colleges spent millions of dollars spreading messages to counter the flyers and run anti-hate speech campaigns on campus.
Yes, Cletus, keep doing this while kikes burn your country to the ground. MAGA and trust the plan.
Fuck off kike, you're a blatant shill
Contact customer support at TRS, Patriot Front, or Identity Europa if you need an idea - I found my group through TRS
I agree with you. All this glowNigger, Cia, Mossad talking prevents us from connecting and actually do something.
it's just a few days after a year since terrys death just wanted to point out he was happy and proud about having popularized the term glow in the dark
It helped spread awareness of CIA subversion and entrapment, so it's good
this. keep it decentralised. most of these "groups" are pozzed at best and honeypots at worst.
Aw man I thought we were starting the RWDS not some tranny militia discord LARP.
Bump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fokKSdlRgqs
The best way forward is to build a fraternal order. What does a fraternal order offer? >Mutual aid among members Homeschooling groups >Financial interdependence Youth organizations similar to the Boy Scouts >Community fitness programs Job placement assistance among members >Mutual social spaces for members Tutors for members >Childcare assistance for members And most importantly >COMMUNITY There are fraternal societies that have built literal towns that only their members can live in fit with schools, fitness centers, libraries, and parks. Everything that we need can be build following these groups. How do you start? Network! Don't want to join a group IRL? Start talking to people and build your own group! Find like minded coworkers or friends and show them the importance of building a genuine white community! In the 1720s Benjamin Franklin started the Leather Apron Club. It was a group of Franklin's acquaintances and coworkers that were focused on mutual improvement. They gathered once a week to discuss things that were going on in their community and how it could be improved. Among other things, each member was asked a series of questions. Things like, "What have you done to help your community lately?" or "What is something that you've witnessed someone do that is harmful to your community?". They would use these questions and member's responses as springboards to influence people within the group. It seems obvious, it seems simple, but these are the first steps to finding people to organize with.
Sorry Agent Faggot, you'll have to find some special ed kids to entrap
Patriot Front does awesome shit
I'm going to add some of your text to my next OP
You think any are from peru? Lmao maybe when I leave
There's a guy who goes by the name of "ZeroSchizo" who does translation work for "The Revolutionary Conservative" and can often be found in the live chat on youtube of "The People's Square" That's all I know though
And a peruvian?? Holy shit im gonna look into this. We whites literally live next to each other basically i prob know him too
It shall be no name, soon as u put a name on something u start attracting glowniggers , next thing u know, u got RICO on ur ass
Now is best time possible to organize and network. White's are starting to realize that the establishment does nothing for them, and are becoming more race conscious, so the number of possible like minded individuals is higher than it's ever been. Beyond that, there are no high level national groups that exist in any significant manner that can cause faction rivalries. NSM, Identity Europa, Identity Dixie, League of the South, and TWP are all dead or dying. They were by far the biggest barrier to being able to effectively organize. When I first started to organize and network there was always some beef between the groups going on. IE wouldn't work with ID, TWP wouldn't be scene with TRS, League wouldn't work with others unless they were in charge, etc. Now that those groups are gone people within the movement can network without factional limitations.
I want to get through uni without sabotage Then I want a job Then I want to progress my carreer All the while I don't want people smearing my friends, family or myself > therideneverends.jpg
I believe that's what he said, he did a show with Eric Striker I believe - I don't know how you'd get in touch. TRS customer support may be able to help, or you can just try spamming the chat for TPS
Then don't join something political, but do join something - just a friend group where everyone agrees that anything political is going to be done outside of the group. The TRS network does this
>TRS network A pension plan?
TheRightStuff.biz - they help people find likeminded friends all around the world
The right stuff sure does have a lot of jews in their ranks.
Oy vey not the purity spiral!
You want some help agents? It was all convincing until the urgency to join >THERE’S NO MORE TIME GO RIGHT NOW Urgency needs to be cut out If you want to lure fags from pol you’ll gonna need more cryptics and more name bashing You’re being too careful not to offend people meaning you are luring or a huge flamming nigger faggot Either way this post is weak and needs some serious upgrades my guy
No they don't - the only people that say that are the SPLC and ADL who say it in order to cause infighting because the SPLC and ADL are literal jewish supremacist organizations
>You're being too urgent Things are fucking urgent my dude - if they cut the internet tomorrow, we would be completely neutralized and we have no way of knowing when they will do that - but it is very likely that it will happen >Curse more or you're a glownigger No
For now that is. It would make sense to establish informal loose connections only to share information in the event this site goes down. Gay shit like protesting or larping as revolutionaries should never be a goal, it attracts glowniggers and is far too easy to subvert. All we need is a few people doing the same they do on this site - shoot the shit and talk about politics together. Nothing more.
There could be wotldwide anonymous deliberations taken into account while building very tiny groups (10 people or so max) irl
Focus on being careful If half your post was about meeting physically the safe way How to go about confirming locations/areas/meet ups without giving yourself away Then it would be successful
Throwing sand at a glass window
Not him, but IOKTBW was great and yields a high rate of return for the investment.
Can I get an rundown on Terry?
Definitely - low investment, low risk, high reward Genius schizo programmer that did amazing computer stuff that I can't really explain because I know nothing about programmers, I know there are a couple videos on him though
I can't do that because all I can talk about is what I know - and all I know right now is that it needs to be done. I just went out and found a group through TRS. If you know about those things then I am genuinely interested in knowing and will add it to the OP next thread
Holy shit Jew BTFO.
Definitely - you were in the thread last night, weren't you?
>Furthermore, glowniggers want you to think that they are cool G-man spooks, in reality they are diversity hire spooks, boomers and literal faggots. The mystique surrounding them is created entirely through their incestuous relationship with Hollyjew >>INB4 Entrapment >Look at the actual cases of people entrapped into terrorism by glowniggers, LITERAL retards and schizos. Glow niggers are stupid and unscrupulous and go after the mentally feeble, unless you are literally retarded you have nothing to fear - if someone asks you to do some illegal or even questionable, call them a glownigger, turn 360 and moonwalk away http://downwithjugears.blogspot.com/2017/12/biol-white-on-fbi-infiltration.html >The FBI cell in the Middle District of Florida which targeted White nationalists was set up as follows: Director Mueller was, according to an internal FBI memo, supervising the entire operation personally on a national level;
Did you seem Muller when he testified? The guy is a senile boomer
Pzz no bully
good post. OP is right. Don't do anything illegal and you won't get in trouble. I have met with anons irl, and I keep in touch. I've converted and/or networked with friends, co-workers and family members. There is no reason not to organize faggots.
kys splc
Yes. I really dont want this place to go, but forming IRL groups that larp as militias or some shit will only end up in the honeypots everyone is afraid of. It needs to be as loose as possible, that is the solution. Lets say a Telegram group. Some risk involved with phone tracking and whatnot and youre sure to have glowniggers on board. But it would be something. And glowniggers do have some restriction, were not yet at the stage where just talking politics gets you arrested.
im already a member of my local "black" hebrew israelite group ill answer questions if you guess which one correctly
Don't form militias. Form social clubs and just hang out and talk shit. It's actually really useful, for the morale alone. If there are idiots and crazies in a group, take the sane members out and form a new group. It's that easy. Do not counter signal organizing. There is no strategical advantage to atomization. We will still be decentralized, even if we form local groups.
I suggest this all the time and all i get is the accusations of glowing, this place is a waste of tine when it comes to irl activism. We would be a real threat to the status quo if we came together under real leadership. No larpshit dress up rallies but instead private gatherings at members homes or friendly bars.
Exactly, small, decentralized, regionally based groups.
I second this, this isnt reddit
What about the new awakening? They have a website too. The use Riot.im and telegram is kiked as fuck
And the fuck do you avoid a Rby Ridge happening to your group? Glowniggers will just kill you if thy fail to infiltrate your group. They don't give a shit if you follow the law or not.