
ag2435's picture
added splits for tree_size=200
history blame
146 kB
"id": "521d6356-2011-46b4-88c0-d5316430f22a",
"question": "Who is the husband of the daughter of the son of the person whose hobby is field hockey ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"husband(Y_6, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_4, Y_6)",
"son(Y_2, Y_4)",
"hobby(Y_2, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "6e363ae1-af2c-4f3b-be5c-93ad566db5f5",
"question": "Who is the husband of the daughter of the sister of the person whose hobby is shogi ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"husband(Y_6, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_4, Y_6)",
"sister(Y_2, Y_4)",
"hobby(Y_2, 'shogi')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "fde691b2-7480-408e-9213-452b7cee5173",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the wife of the brother of the person whose hobby is sea glass collecting ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_4, Y_6)",
"brother(Y_2, Y_4)",
"hobby(Y_2, 'sea glass collecting')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "1e7f512d-7b54-4a72-8892-e770a15cd7ad",
"question": "Who is the sister of the child of the father of the person whose hobby is bowling ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sister(Y_6, Y_8)",
"child(Y_4, Y_6)",
"father(Y_2, Y_4)",
"hobby(Y_2, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "def96f53-1b70-4de5-baaf-3d35b6c576f7",
"question": "Who is the sibling of the sibling of the daughter of the person whose hobby is fishkeeping ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sibling(Y_6, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_4, Y_6)",
"daughter(Y_2, Y_4)",
"hobby(Y_2, 'fishkeeping')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "2022b707-24ab-4e23-94fe-9d8a413ba0c3",
"question": "Who is the child of the wife of the father of the person whose job is pharmacist, community ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"child(Y_6, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_4, Y_6)",
"father(Y_2, Y_4)",
"job(Y_2, 'pharmacist, community')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "902e2876-5a88-4e88-872b-8de54273c331",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the mother of the brother of the person whose hobby is butterfly watching ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_4, Y_6)",
"brother(Y_2, Y_4)",
"hobby(Y_2, 'butterfly watching')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "8b9e08c9-f204-4779-8395-a053c3052474",
"question": "Who is the sister of the sibling of the sister of the person whose hobby is radio-controlled car racing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sister(Y_6, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_4, Y_6)",
"sister(Y_2, Y_4)",
"hobby(Y_2, 'radio-controlled car racing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "47d04045-67c9-4849-a300-d3cb25d5518d",
"question": "Who is the mother of the brother of the sibling of the person whose job is production designer, theatre/television/film ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"mother(Y_6, Y_8)",
"brother(Y_4, Y_6)",
"sibling(Y_2, Y_4)",
"job(Y_2, 'production designer, theatre/television/film')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "47ba7b79-8003-42d7-a71b-6f320b2358af",
"question": "Who is the son of the father of the child of the person whose hobby is rock balancing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son(Y_6, Y_8)",
"father(Y_4, Y_6)",
"child(Y_2, Y_4)",
"hobby(Y_2, 'rock balancing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 0
"id": "9b875428-f9e9-4df2-8951-445cde047af7",
"question": "Who is the husband of the daughter of the son of tianna ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"husband(Y_6, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_4, Y_6)",
"son('tianna', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "cab5dde5-7e21-4acc-ba94-bf2c2c074ffe",
"question": "Who is the father of the daughter of the sister of antionette ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"father(Y_6, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_4, Y_6)",
"sister('antionette', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "c8116700-cc3e-49eb-b313-0232aaba9829",
"question": "Who is the son of the wife of the child of leann ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son(Y_6, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_4, Y_6)",
"child('leann', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "33f9c624-cf7b-4a3d-ad03-b0e9db73160b",
"question": "Who is the sister of the child of the father of lynette ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sister(Y_6, Y_8)",
"child(Y_4, Y_6)",
"father('lynette', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "12b20413-6319-4feb-aa99-2e26fa1a1096",
"question": "Who is the sibling of the sibling of the daughter of dino ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sibling(Y_6, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_4, Y_6)",
"daughter('dino', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "8f32534b-bfea-4457-b25a-e927222f7bca",
"question": "Who is the child of the wife of the father of ramon ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"child(Y_6, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_4, Y_6)",
"father('ramon', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "e127a763-af28-4cca-94f6-145cbde96b98",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the mother of the brother of matt ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_4, Y_6)",
"brother('matt', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "a9d90845-4812-42bf-9733-44dac3db6b06",
"question": "Who is the sister of the sibling of the sister of ella ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sister(Y_6, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_4, Y_6)",
"sister('ella', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "6f312912-dedf-4e1f-9f48-85b0e881bc7f",
"question": "Who is the mother of the brother of the sibling of wilbert ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"mother(Y_6, Y_8)",
"brother(Y_4, Y_6)",
"sibling('wilbert', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "9cebd671-2715-4718-a481-c9032254c272",
"question": "Who is the son of the father of the child of rocco ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son(Y_6, Y_8)",
"father(Y_4, Y_6)",
"child('rocco', Y_4)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 1
"id": "9dc974a3-0e98-450f-9228-7ee3c39c4b69",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the son of the person whose hobby is field hockey ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"son(Y_4, Y_6)",
"hobby(Y_4, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "0426cd01-5f96-4297-858e-8aab59619097",
"question": "Who is the child of the mother of the person whose job is risk manager ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"child(Y_6, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_4, Y_6)",
"job(Y_4, 'risk manager')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "4da72ee7-41c0-4a7c-bc48-6556dcc27471",
"question": "Who is the father of the father of the person whose hobby is magnet fishing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"father(Y_6, Y_8)",
"father(Y_4, Y_6)",
"hobby(Y_4, 'magnet fishing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "1d721067-b4fa-426f-9ce4-0d22d01ace7b",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the father of the person whose job is animal nutritionist ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"father(Y_4, Y_6)",
"job(Y_4, 'animal nutritionist')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "fc92c4c9-11d3-4dc5-802b-7332244e24bf",
"question": "Who is the child of the father of the person whose hobby is bowling ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"child(Y_6, Y_8)",
"father(Y_4, Y_6)",
"hobby(Y_4, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "0d333add-0e9f-497b-85a4-5a8ae89d6e16",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the mother of the person whose hobby is cooking ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_4, Y_6)",
"hobby(Y_4, 'cooking')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "a4a16ad0-3913-43dd-98a6-e4a6a67592da",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the sibling of the person whose job is product designer ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_4, Y_6)",
"job(Y_4, 'product designer')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "2e0f831c-f86e-4ffd-9936-a12715fe74d5",
"question": "Who is the son of the wife of the person whose hobby is publishing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son(Y_6, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_4, Y_6)",
"hobby(Y_4, 'publishing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "13b909d2-00b8-4213-97df-689a37158ace",
"question": "Who is the mother of the brother of the person whose hobby is butterfly watching ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"mother(Y_6, Y_8)",
"brother(Y_4, Y_6)",
"hobby(Y_4, 'butterfly watching')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "85950195-2d5c-4416-937f-a339de26b404",
"question": "Who is the mother of the sibling of the person whose hobby is hobby horsing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"mother(Y_6, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_4, Y_6)",
"hobby(Y_4, 'hobby horsing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 2
"id": "6f8d3702-84a2-46d7-8adb-5873a1ed2253",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the son of tianna ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"son('tianna', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "868485ee-68b6-43c5-825b-db8314301dab",
"question": "Who is the child of the mother of tanner ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"child(Y_6, Y_8)",
"mother('tanner', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "ffd66b5e-831e-4d70-a51f-a0e37f532763",
"question": "Who is the child of the father of maynard ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"child(Y_6, Y_8)",
"father('maynard', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "e83f2a6d-2a21-4374-8573-dbdbb5464787",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the father of marlena ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"father('marlena', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "004f6fcd-801b-418d-b90b-8c66e3d6b990",
"question": "Who is the child of the father of lynette ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"child(Y_6, Y_8)",
"father('lynette', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "44f54a98-4efc-4c39-87eb-854b12b72897",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the mother of ruby ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"mother('ruby', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "c6f8fa0b-2684-4f21-9e27-a5258c7df073",
"question": "Who is the wife of the sibling of crysta ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"wife(Y_6, Y_8)",
"sibling('crysta', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "8b7836e5-2146-4e95-9e80-bda9a31a1101",
"question": "Who is the son of the wife of jay ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son(Y_6, Y_8)",
"wife('jay', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "4e36b03a-259a-4680-9d9d-ae16f49bc92c",
"question": "Who is the mother of the brother of matt ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"mother(Y_6, Y_8)",
"brother('matt', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "7d26acb8-a115-41c6-bdf6-c58d1af119cb",
"question": "Who is the mother of the sibling of kurt ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"mother(Y_6, Y_8)",
"sibling('kurt', Y_6)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 3
"id": "1dd21c1e-e290-48cb-980e-b350303ba617",
"question": "Who is the son of the person whose hobby is field hockey ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son(Y_6, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_6, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "d5a1a5e1-99d6-46e7-bc7f-00efae0d53ab",
"question": "Who is the husband of the person whose job is geophysical data processor ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"husband(Y_6, Y_8)",
"job(Y_6, 'geophysical data processor')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "f38f2b43-9f5c-4cb4-a165-40d5a8e53d25",
"question": "Who is the sister of the person whose hobby is shogi ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sister(Y_6, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_6, 'shogi')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "4e638ddb-6456-4969-8d70-148e4dbf11d3",
"question": "Who is the father of the person whose hobby is magnet fishing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"father(Y_6, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_6, 'magnet fishing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "bbe318c4-c25f-4331-85a6-2988335d4ea7",
"question": "Who is the brother of the person whose hobby is sea glass collecting ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"brother(Y_6, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_6, 'sea glass collecting')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "fe8d414f-1df4-4b23-8c73-4ee38eea2b7e",
"question": "Who is the sister of the person whose hobby is shooting sports ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sister(Y_6, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_6, 'shooting sports')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "bbeb5af7-b5db-4474-af92-0ebb29b3e625",
"question": "Who is the father of the person whose hobby is bowling ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"father(Y_6, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_6, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "1e39eb7a-88bd-42f9-8769-7b93af83701e",
"question": "Who is the son of the person whose job is restaurant manager, fast food ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son(Y_6, Y_8)",
"job(Y_6, 'restaurant manager, fast food')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "70eb44cd-1019-4f24-b061-b94b069c11db",
"question": "Who is the daughter of the person whose hobby is fishkeeping ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter(Y_6, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_6, 'fishkeeping')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "e047aa16-c4b5-4cd3-b405-08fcb84a3f09",
"question": "Who is the sibling of the person whose job is product designer ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sibling(Y_6, Y_8)",
"job(Y_6, 'product designer')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 4
"id": "b1b7497f-194c-44fe-aa05-7df561931f33",
"question": "Who is the son of tianna ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son('tianna', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "4654c3ff-f387-4a51-97bc-ea755abba349",
"question": "Who is the wife of jeff ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"wife('jeff', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "e1c5cdc5-262b-424d-8687-9d26268c3a3a",
"question": "Who is the sister of antionette ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sister('antionette', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "3ae41f25-2cef-4c9c-a756-a9808c4623d8",
"question": "Who is the father of maynard ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"father('maynard', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "5c86c1f2-4248-498b-a73e-b5f7b4a7229a",
"question": "Who is the child of leann ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"child('leann', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "8928b9e3-e014-4d80-ae54-d251ca37a3af",
"question": "Who is the sister of ramon ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sister('ramon', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "1ce3c1cf-e90a-4adc-b4bd-a4fb1adcc10c",
"question": "Who is the father of lynette ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"father('lynette', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "da14fbf1-3bfa-4c53-b5c6-bd3f5dc04cfb",
"question": "Who is the son of lorraine ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"son('lorraine', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "4c4504bf-cb66-4361-845e-fb10b10c6a65",
"question": "Who is the daughter of dino ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"daughter('dino', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "56ff7cd7-ffd3-4a9e-92c5-b1a70fe558f2",
"question": "Who is the sibling of crysta ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"sibling('crysta', Y_8)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"type": 5
"id": "1baa6a64-53cc-4588-a776-79fab692142c",
"question": "Who is the person whose hobby is field hockey ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_8, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "17c9e4b1-2565-4a1d-ad77-6ce5ce834a04",
"question": "Who is the person whose job is psychiatric nurse ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_8, 'psychiatric nurse')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "00a55e59-40e9-4648-80fb-0d6699895b1a",
"question": "Who is the person whose job is geophysical data processor ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_8, 'geophysical data processor')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "104b7c22-24cf-4211-927b-0d23dd2833a1",
"question": "Who is the person whose job is risk manager ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_8, 'risk manager')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "ea717fdf-bb19-4bac-957d-d5fa8e8e4db9",
"question": "Who is the person whose hobby is shogi ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_8, 'shogi')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "b001dc13-02de-4258-bf73-0c87f815ae55",
"question": "Who is the person whose hobby is cricket ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_8, 'cricket')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "08d2d3dd-2699-411b-8f49-0dd2141b8afa",
"question": "Who is the person whose hobby is magnet fishing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_8, 'magnet fishing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "b2e7cdfd-11a3-4ab5-9038-cee9b9a6faf2",
"question": "Who is the person whose hobby is phillumeny ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_8, 'phillumeny')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "21155bb3-3bfb-4f46-b5d9-0d14be6bfdef",
"question": "Who is the person whose hobby is sea glass collecting ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_8, 'sea glass collecting')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "c5ed8edb-10f3-4adf-b403-af59a7f66069",
"question": "Who is the person whose job is animal nutritionist ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_8, 'animal nutritionist')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"Who is",
"the person whose",
"type": 6
"id": "a20a6a14-0bb1-40ee-9244-27305322feb8",
"question": "What is the dob of the husband of the daughter of the son of tianna ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"husband(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter(Y_3, Y_5)",
"son('tianna', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "06306077-b85a-46ff-96e6-00be5861207c",
"question": "What is the dob of the child of the wife of the father of gay ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"wife(Y_3, Y_5)",
"father('gay', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "de9f71ce-564c-4205-8218-0b636bff3040",
"question": "What is the dob of the father of the brother of the sister of ramon ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"brother(Y_3, Y_5)",
"sister('ramon', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "320522f2-7c98-4e22-a62f-d3f0eafd787a",
"question": "What is the dob of the sibling of the daughter of the mother of ruby ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter(Y_3, Y_5)",
"mother('ruby', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "24118f95-618b-4943-bdf7-e1df96e5b463",
"question": "What is the hobby of the child of the wife of the father of ramon ?",
"answer": [
"shooting sports"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"wife(Y_3, Y_5)",
"father('ramon', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "91b19e11-6d0f-4df0-a7c7-1b8f614f2840",
"question": "What is the dob of the sister of the daughter of the son of meagan ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sister(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter(Y_3, Y_5)",
"son('meagan', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "6e03e845-807a-4b7b-b5cf-a37ac3be5bb8",
"question": "What is the job of the child of the father of the sister of ella ?",
"answer": [
"advertising copywriter",
"public house manager"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father(Y_3, Y_5)",
"sister('ella', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "00af7410-3b49-40a3-a864-ccb176dc460e",
"question": "What is the dob of the mother of the sister of the father of roseanna ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister(Y_3, Y_5)",
"father('roseanna', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "c0b11d95-3590-4eb3-91cc-ce661befb88f",
"question": "What is the job of the mother of the sibling of the husband of alisha ?",
"answer": [
"rural practice surveyor"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sibling(Y_3, Y_5)",
"husband('alisha', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "5ae3a113-1b32-4b25-a8c4-76aa3fc6dcfa",
"question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the father of the sibling of vicki ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father(Y_3, Y_5)",
"sibling('vicki', Y_3)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 7
"id": "58358ace-9d06-40cf-923d-e5a95d224da7",
"question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the son of the person whose hobby is field hockey ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"son(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "95a75cea-8b08-47be-8573-242addbd3fd3",
"question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the sister of the person whose hobby is shogi ?",
"answer": [
"scuba diving",
"wikipedia editing"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'shogi')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "f7744f4c-63d5-4971-93da-2520f278b55c",
"question": "What is the job of the wife of the brother of the person whose hobby is sea glass collecting ?",
"answer": [
"pharmacist, hospital"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"brother(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'sea glass collecting')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "70ff3874-f9e8-47c2-bff9-29ef34f9c30a",
"question": "What is the job of the child of the father of the person whose hobby is bowling ?",
"answer": [
"energy manager",
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "a3dab6ad-f347-4b86-b91d-d583bef2568b",
"question": "What is the dob of the sibling of the daughter of the person whose hobby is fishkeeping ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'fishkeeping')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "0b13ab7d-1c89-4c11-930d-586ae7d957cf",
"question": "What is the job of the wife of the father of the person whose job is pharmacist, community ?",
"answer": [
"recruitment consultant"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father(Y_3, Y_5)",
"job(Y_3, 'pharmacist, community')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "705dfce0-8e1b-492e-adef-7cda3d56fa10",
"question": "What is the hobby of the mother of the brother of the person whose hobby is butterfly watching ?",
"answer": [
"sea glass collecting"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"brother(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'butterfly watching')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "e90471a3-ab1b-4cae-92c3-5319dd53fd65",
"question": "What is the job of the sibling of the sister of the person whose hobby is radio-controlled car racing ?",
"answer": [
"advertising copywriter"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'radio-controlled car racing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "2c464d66-ce25-4a9e-a6df-20c0b0b4e751",
"question": "What is the job of the brother of the sibling of the person whose job is production designer, theatre/television/film ?",
"answer": [
"production designer, theatre/television/film"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"brother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sibling(Y_3, Y_5)",
"job(Y_3, 'production designer, theatre/television/film')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "8188ea81-b38c-410d-801b-982844170241",
"question": "What is the dob of the father of the child of the person whose hobby is rock balancing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"child(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'rock balancing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 8
"id": "1b647a68-57b4-46db-8a54-449071470d17",
"question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the son of tianna ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"son('tianna', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "5cd81b43-e68b-46c9-b428-326183c0246f",
"question": "What is the hobby of the daughter of the sister of antionette ?",
"answer": [
"scuba diving"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister('antionette', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "edf33fa3-856c-43b9-b639-faee81b20936",
"question": "What is the job of the wife of the child of leann ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"child('leann', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "23081df7-0f60-447c-adc0-4bc7aa0429b7",
"question": "What is the job of the child of the father of lynette ?",
"answer": [
"energy manager",
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father('lynette', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "575b2f33-0399-4036-9d46-bad27c51dbca",
"question": "What is the dob of the sibling of the daughter of dino ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter('dino', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "0ab3bfa2-4955-43e5-a5d5-c0d5444f085d",
"question": "What is the job of the wife of the father of ramon ?",
"answer": [
"recruitment consultant"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father('ramon', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "796cf780-4c4e-4380-bda5-8872f38260b6",
"question": "What is the hobby of the mother of the brother of matt ?",
"answer": [
"sea glass collecting"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"brother('matt', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "c3132358-1e21-4703-97dd-e188aad307bd",
"question": "What is the job of the sibling of the sister of ella ?",
"answer": [
"advertising copywriter"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister('ella', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "3194aba5-3e1c-4a28-9657-7ce7aad3c171",
"question": "What is the job of the brother of the sibling of wilbert ?",
"answer": [
"production designer, theatre/television/film"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"brother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sibling('wilbert', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "3de6a794-2fa5-44d0-8791-5cfdfc722e03",
"question": "What is the dob of the father of the child of rocco ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"child('rocco', Y_5)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 9
"id": "06836f8d-47b3-4d3a-96d9-f831691d367a",
"question": "What is the hobby of the son of the person whose hobby is field hockey ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"son(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "451786c0-7344-4fd0-9774-068d8e7e4ff1",
"question": "What is the dob of the mother of the person whose job is risk manager ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"job(Y_5, 'risk manager')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "41cf7a92-58aa-4f83-ad23-bc95c6540ff9",
"question": "What is the dob of the father of the person whose hobby is magnet fishing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'magnet fishing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "64b2b757-b6d5-4072-b567-ecc293e8328a",
"question": "What is the job of the father of the person whose job is animal nutritionist ?",
"answer": [
"government social research officer"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"job(Y_5, 'animal nutritionist')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "e57c5578-a71f-4290-ab2f-021500013adc",
"question": "What is the dob of the father of the person whose hobby is bowling ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "2b048fe1-73a3-48e2-8294-acebfc6337f5",
"question": "What is the job of the mother of the person whose hobby is cooking ?",
"answer": [
"theme park manager"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'cooking')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "e064db42-b2be-4e10-9a25-0d17a3fa9184",
"question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of the person whose job is product designer ?",
"answer": [
"whale watching"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"job(Y_5, 'product designer')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "f4f2afd2-a1ee-4ef8-926f-4c830ce868c0",
"question": "What is the job of the wife of the person whose hobby is publishing ?",
"answer": [
"civil engineer, consulting"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'publishing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "446d1e76-98dd-4c51-a248-9a3463fda819",
"question": "What is the job of the brother of the person whose hobby is butterfly watching ?",
"answer": [
"designer, jewellery",
"nutritional therapist"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"brother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'butterfly watching')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "4a880b8a-26dd-4cae-8377-426ccbc0ad43",
"question": "What is the dob of the sibling of the person whose hobby is hobby horsing ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'hobby horsing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 10
"id": "a5d9e8b7-45bd-402c-81a6-da15239e1b8b",
"question": "What is the hobby of the son of tianna ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"son('tianna', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "0789b7e1-d47d-4f9a-8f00-a452af1cb580",
"question": "What is the dob of the mother of tanner ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"mother('tanner', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "b6d21a40-242b-4d10-ba9f-33c970238a40",
"question": "What is the dob of the father of maynard ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father('maynard', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "15d533c0-1a59-43e1-abac-dcc22f1665b4",
"question": "What is the job of the father of marlena ?",
"answer": [
"government social research officer"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father('marlena', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "79fc37d7-7e82-4367-8a61-ee8a1eca64d2",
"question": "What is the dob of the father of lynette ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"father('lynette', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "bd32fcd9-ff9b-42b9-9875-c67183e4847c",
"question": "What is the job of the mother of ruby ?",
"answer": [
"theme park manager"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"mother('ruby', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "495a5e71-7744-44f9-af61-70fd1212b5e7",
"question": "What is the hobby of the sibling of crysta ?",
"answer": [
"whale watching"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling('crysta', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "9fb0f8b9-7e96-401c-aac2-b637fd982fc6",
"question": "What is the job of the wife of jay ?",
"answer": [
"civil engineer, consulting"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"wife('jay', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "5f630ef3-65ad-46d9-9ce6-5040dcd4a774",
"question": "What is the job of the brother of matt ?",
"answer": [
"designer, jewellery",
"nutritional therapist"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"brother('matt', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "8a6ea64e-fd24-44e3-bfd6-7f38e584f0f2",
"question": "What is the dob of the sibling of kurt ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"sibling('kurt', Y_7)"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"type": 11
"id": "7659c65f-8eae-49b6-bd03-4857001c7f05",
"question": "What is the job of the person whose hobby is field hockey ?",
"answer": [
"solicitor, scotland"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "13ebe5ce-2630-4cb7-a302-6a62e72d60fe",
"question": "What is the hobby of the person whose job is geophysical data processor ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"job(Y_7, 'geophysical data processor')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "5801d0c1-552e-4b7e-8da0-ac8d3e614d22",
"question": "What is the dob of the person whose hobby is shogi ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'shogi')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "7ab716a1-4607-482e-9f52-20203fe062fd",
"question": "What is the hobby of the person whose hobby is magnet fishing ?",
"answer": [
"magnet fishing"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'magnet fishing')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "1f2d7915-b5c2-454f-a023-611c6c1ad05a",
"question": "What is the dob of the person whose hobby is sea glass collecting ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'sea glass collecting')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "bab38fe1-bf1f-4f65-94c2-6fea0ac3b8e2",
"question": "What is the job of the person whose hobby is shooting sports ?",
"answer": [
"pharmacist, community"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'shooting sports')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "7e1684f3-8371-471f-8180-c9f0dc4480ef",
"question": "What is the hobby of the person whose hobby is bowling ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"hobby(Y_7, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "5453bc9a-d924-413c-ab3e-f02f361e59ba",
"question": "What is the job of the person whose job is restaurant manager, fast food ?",
"answer": [
"restaurant manager, fast food"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"job(Y_7, 'restaurant manager, fast food')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "d54eb0fb-f8bd-4b91-81f5-6366e0b7f9d3",
"question": "What is the job of the person whose hobby is fishkeeping ?",
"answer": [
"animal technologist",
"sound technician, broadcasting/film/video"
"prolog": {
"query": [
"job(Y_7, Y_8)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'fishkeeping')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "d430b2b5-bf90-456c-8b12-172522992809",
"question": "What is the dob of the person whose job is product designer ?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"dob(Y_7, Y_8)",
"job(Y_7, 'product designer')"
"answer": "Y_8"
"template": [
"What is",
"the person whose",
"type": 12
"id": "4e286d6c-8ae5-44a6-b25e-1ecfc1eeaee7",
"question": "How many siblings does the husband of the daughter of the son of tianna have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"husband(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter(Y_3, Y_5)",
"son('tianna', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "c81c3910-4898-4021-bf76-41961e1026f7",
"question": "How many sisters does the child of the wife of the father of gay have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"wife(Y_3, Y_5)",
"father('gay', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "b18fc957-e2d0-4cf3-9748-b731ce435561",
"question": "How many sisters does the father of the brother of the sister of ramon have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"brother(Y_3, Y_5)",
"sister('ramon', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "81579af4-20f2-49f3-9281-86af4e446a6d",
"question": "How many siblings does the sibling of the daughter of the mother of ruby have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter(Y_3, Y_5)",
"mother('ruby', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "946b0d9f-d942-4c92-8d2c-398950cef0ae",
"question": "How many sons does the child of the wife of the father of ramon have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"wife(Y_3, Y_5)",
"father('ramon', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "c058e47d-0a75-4ae7-b504-a0a1e366d5c0",
"question": "How many sisters does the sister of the daughter of the son of meagan have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sister(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter(Y_3, Y_5)",
"son('meagan', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "32d100c1-dce7-4fbe-9b56-d6a13be5561d",
"question": "How many brothers does the child of the father of the sister of ella have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father(Y_3, Y_5)",
"sister('ella', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "02222612-3524-4e5b-be04-81995d39f575",
"question": "How many sisters does the mother of the sister of the father of roseanna have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister(Y_3, Y_5)",
"father('roseanna', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "52a77a24-e5b0-4a8b-a5c6-3e31b2f49bfc",
"question": "How many brothers does the mother of the sibling of the husband of alisha have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sibling(Y_3, Y_5)",
"husband('alisha', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "df6631e2-1b87-42c1-b70d-d3dd270bd639",
"question": "How many daughters does the daughter of the father of the sibling of vicki have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father(Y_3, Y_5)",
"sibling('vicki', Y_3)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 13
"id": "111ab0a0-baa1-462d-81af-e007aa90f821",
"question": "How many daughters does the daughter of the son of the person whose hobby is field hockey have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"son(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "0010e569-961c-44bb-a5f4-7675fec5d31d",
"question": "How many daughters does the daughter of the sister of the person whose hobby is shogi have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'shogi')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "acaba695-3411-4ff2-a042-4cb67a96d476",
"question": "How many brothers does the wife of the brother of the person whose hobby is sea glass collecting have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"brother(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'sea glass collecting')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "678e8ef8-0039-493d-9d85-910e4bb73c11",
"question": "How many brothers does the child of the father of the person whose hobby is bowling have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "dc394cc7-637f-4f7d-8aff-0bbd9dd3bec2",
"question": "How many siblings does the sibling of the daughter of the person whose hobby is fishkeeping have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'fishkeeping')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "4a8753d4-b3d8-4f36-88b0-18a1ddbb9ee5",
"question": "How many children does the wife of the father of the person whose job is pharmacist, community have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father(Y_3, Y_5)",
"job(Y_3, 'pharmacist, community')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "35ff8b87-d084-4be9-bbac-1fde89dd5886",
"question": "How many sons does the mother of the brother of the person whose hobby is butterfly watching have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"brother(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'butterfly watching')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "29a73e6e-ddb2-44b4-be02-fd9453b94bd4",
"question": "How many brothers does the sibling of the sister of the person whose hobby is radio-controlled car racing have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'radio-controlled car racing')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "af941883-f1a2-470c-bdc0-5083baafc0be",
"question": "How many brothers does the brother of the sibling of the person whose job is production designer, theatre/television/film have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"brother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sibling(Y_3, Y_5)",
"job(Y_3, 'production designer, theatre/television/film')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "f8068b95-f27b-450f-a079-5b20d1243ff0",
"question": "How many sisters does the father of the child of the person whose hobby is rock balancing have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"child(Y_3, Y_5)",
"hobby(Y_3, 'rock balancing')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 14
"id": "f5d88d37-275e-4fc7-ac9d-cfae8ba85704",
"question": "How many daughters does the daughter of the son of tianna have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"son('tianna', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "11cf4b1a-a9f2-4f37-9cb6-b8620385f72c",
"question": "How many daughters does the daughter of the sister of antionette have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"daughter(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister('antionette', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "e25cb356-47f8-49a9-af75-f2cd9ff0415c",
"question": "How many brothers does the wife of the child of leann have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"child('leann', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "c29f3437-c6d8-4745-a24c-f1c52d3a6ec0",
"question": "How many brothers does the child of the father of lynette have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"child(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father('lynette', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "74f9f46e-6bab-4538-a712-5b375aeb48cc",
"question": "How many siblings does the sibling of the daughter of dino have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"daughter('dino', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "63666650-daa8-4304-8a0e-13c3494dc776",
"question": "How many children does the wife of the father of ramon have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"father('ramon', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "7ec91c7b-10d4-4209-8be3-9118e2bf12d9",
"question": "How many sons does the mother of the brother of matt have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"brother('matt', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "ecabe2f1-8235-4ea8-9bea-31fc4f2b1b82",
"question": "How many brothers does the sibling of the sister of ella have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sister('ella', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "c427a3da-42ce-492f-90a3-d10810cb6727",
"question": "How many brothers does the brother of the sibling of wilbert have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"brother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"sibling('wilbert', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "41742ea9-37e2-4a05-a184-c429f06dfa8d",
"question": "How many sisters does the father of the child of rocco have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"child('rocco', Y_5)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 15
"id": "9e05cf49-9ec4-4b5f-a29e-7b285c2832a2",
"question": "How many sons does the son of the person whose hobby is field hockey have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"son(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "a1d6c3ca-9584-4e93-8c5c-b5d33a23edee",
"question": "How many siblings does the mother of the person whose job is risk manager have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"job(Y_5, 'risk manager')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "883a64a5-e914-4476-a6be-bf8f4d2680f8",
"question": "How many sisters does the father of the person whose hobby is magnet fishing have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'magnet fishing')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "7039cd63-0042-43a1-a7f6-fcee2c784ec8",
"question": "How many brothers does the father of the person whose job is animal nutritionist have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"job(Y_5, 'animal nutritionist')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "340dc65f-bca3-4e0b-90d7-038f8f60d3bf",
"question": "How many sisters does the father of the person whose hobby is bowling have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "ef8893ed-0e38-4c77-986c-20666375fefc",
"question": "How many children does the mother of the person whose hobby is cooking have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"mother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'cooking')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "c785ee40-29b9-4537-80ff-dffca9451f96",
"question": "How many daughters does the sibling of the person whose job is product designer have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"job(Y_5, 'product designer')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "4724233f-6a2c-44e7-b93e-eee1935a057a",
"question": "How many children does the wife of the person whose hobby is publishing have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"wife(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'publishing')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "24582c03-bc82-47a2-9609-5d40e2db13a6",
"question": "How many brothers does the brother of the person whose hobby is butterfly watching have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"brother(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'butterfly watching')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "8e395bf8-c272-4f00-8cd6-20bc6da1f112",
"question": "How many sisters does the sibling of the person whose hobby is hobby horsing have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling(Y_5, Y_7)",
"hobby(Y_5, 'hobby horsing')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 16
"id": "f8543227-bc71-43b6-8988-573298e25490",
"question": "How many sons does the son of tianna have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"son('tianna', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "457016b5-bf1b-43bd-9f4c-fc156f66c9ae",
"question": "How many siblings does the mother of tanner have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"mother('tanner', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "aab1d308-ddf7-430d-9d08-9af864cc2c6b",
"question": "How many sisters does the father of maynard have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father('maynard', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "4193d174-591b-49c3-beac-d7f7c701a82e",
"question": "How many brothers does the father of marlena have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father('marlena', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "75dfd297-6883-4663-afb0-8772ea508faf",
"question": "How many sisters does the father of lynette have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"father('lynette', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "d2f4fc79-b8af-4bc3-a4a6-83847c9f2424",
"question": "How many children does the mother of ruby have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"mother('ruby', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "f121d681-3956-4457-b4a7-0e4a47550624",
"question": "How many daughters does the sibling of crysta have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling('crysta', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "e9867c9f-cb1a-481d-8bb8-27c55f31448a",
"question": "How many children does the wife of jay have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"wife('jay', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "c1551790-50a3-402d-876a-cc47c7e931a7",
"question": "How many brothers does the brother of matt have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"brother('matt', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "50b40af6-82e4-429e-9eb7-304507f24038",
"question": "How many sisters does the sibling of kurt have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"sibling('kurt', Y_7)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 17
"id": "b6fb6d5d-1a45-4c26-a0cc-cb5cc0484962",
"question": "How many children does the person whose hobby is field hockey have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'field hockey')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "e0e84e16-c9c1-4e54-83e0-72e8e72d086a",
"question": "How many daughters does the person whose job is geophysical data processor have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"job(Y_7, 'geophysical data processor')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "69e18c46-5750-4721-bed5-77293a1ca046",
"question": "How many siblings does the person whose hobby is shogi have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'shogi')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "9a45ccdb-8d06-484f-b3a9-bc205e03f575",
"question": "How many daughters does the person whose hobby is magnet fishing have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'magnet fishing')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "3a52f28b-fb68-46b4-b63a-3f6e05d23594",
"question": "How many sisters does the person whose hobby is sea glass collecting have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'sea glass collecting')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "64c90f90-3865-4f58-beb5-2f29aa5cbced",
"question": "How many brothers does the person whose hobby is shooting sports have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'shooting sports')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "a6697c37-036c-4488-80a2-8fb779e51596",
"question": "How many sons does the person whose hobby is bowling have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(son(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'bowling')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "ffdd8275-37d4-47bf-950d-872f7f0bacee",
"question": "How many brothers does the person whose job is restaurant manager, fast food have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"job(Y_7, 'restaurant manager, fast food')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "6fe57ca5-33eb-4079-b507-d0117bd8b259",
"question": "How many children does the person whose hobby is fishkeeping have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"hobby(Y_7, 'fishkeeping')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "bc629537-3a53-4316-9d37-4019df83a7ff",
"question": "How many siblings does the person whose job is product designer have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling(Y_7, Y_9)), Count_9)",
"job(Y_7, 'product designer')"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"the person whose",
"type": 18
"id": "df12cfbf-ff9f-437b-8d81-f609a2593bc6",
"question": "How many children does tianna have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child('tianna', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "e322145e-df74-43f5-a47e-1811df2b0a7f",
"question": "How many daughters does jeff have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter('jeff', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "42fffc4f-4658-4579-a361-3bf3ab3d3bee",
"question": "How many siblings does antionette have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling('antionette', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "85dca9dd-eeba-4fde-ac97-d0e30eb6a905",
"question": "How many daughters does maynard have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(daughter('maynard', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "64729ad9-f4d1-490c-bfa3-97074a276251",
"question": "How many sisters does leann have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sister('leann', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "57f027bd-fbfb-408e-b177-10bec4dc2f35",
"question": "How many brothers does ramon have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother('ramon', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "f4c16294-3ccf-4ca9-be1d-23ab6ac001e8",
"question": "How many sons does lynette have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(son('lynette', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "a6b05b69-c81a-4bc6-aec4-166d7acd26bc",
"question": "How many brothers does lorraine have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(brother('lorraine', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "11862563-e3f5-494e-a255-05da541806dc",
"question": "How many children does dino have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(child('dino', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19
"id": "02720430-2f27-468e-8fd5-d8354c4bd9f7",
"question": "How many siblings does crysta have?",
"answer": [
"prolog": {
"query": [
"aggregate_all(count, distinct(sibling('crysta', Y_9)), Count_9)"
"answer": "Count_9"
"template": [
"How many",
"type": 19