:- dynamic term_expansion/2. |
:- multifile term_expansion/2. |
great_grandfather(X, Y) :- |
great_grandparent(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
great_grandchild(X, Y) :- |
great_grandparent(Y, X). |
great_grandparent(X, Y) :- |
grandparent(X, Z), |
parent(Z, Y). |
:- dynamic library_directory/1. |
:- multifile library_directory/1. |
great_grandmother(X, Y) :- |
great_grandparent(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
:- dynamic goal_expansion/4. |
:- multifile goal_expansion/4. |
:- dynamic hobby/2. |
hobby("Abdul Felker", "birdwatching"). |
hobby("Adolph Barbee", "geography"). |
hobby("Alice Lance", "research"). |
hobby("Allie Barbee", "audiophile"). |
hobby("Allison Barbee", "knowledge/word games"). |
hobby("Alvin Lance", "geocaching"). |
hobby("Andres Barbee", "croquet"). |
hobby("Andrew Parkinson", "badminton"). |
hobby("Brooks George", "fossil hunting"). |
hobby("Clint Rahman", "rail transport modelling"). |
hobby("Colette Rahman", "jujitsu"). |
hobby("Courtney Parkinson", "beauty pageants"). |
hobby("Dalton Parkinson", "softball"). |
hobby("Dollie Barbee", "golfing"). |
hobby("Elicia Barbee", "inline skating"). |
hobby("Elyse Barbee", "radio-controlled model collecting"). |
hobby("Emma George", "videography"). |
hobby("Garth Kean", "butterfly watching"). |
hobby("Guadalupe Barbee", "learning"). |
hobby("Jenni Felker", "business"). |
hobby("Karolyn Lance", "curling"). |
hobby("Kelley Barbee", "magnet fishing"). |
hobby("Kenny Barbee", "pickleball"). |
hobby("Kirk Lo", "shuffleboard"). |
hobby("Konstantin Barbee", "geocaching"). |
hobby("Korey Kean", "trade fair visiting"). |
hobby("Krystle Barbee", "lapel pins"). |
hobby("Kurt Parkinson", "rock balancing"). |
hobby("Latosha Rahman", "breakdancing"). |
hobby("Leonila Parkinson", "audiophile"). |
hobby("Lesley Barbee", "dairy farming"). |
hobby("Lyndon Barbee", "research"). |
hobby("Marvin Hope", "mineral collecting"). |
hobby("Merrill Kean", "research"). |
hobby("Mitchel George", "mineral collecting"). |
hobby("Nettie Barbee", "learning"). |
hobby("Rocco Lance", "magnet fishing"). |
hobby("Rory George", "whale watching"). |
hobby("Royce Lo", "research"). |
hobby("Rudy Barbee", "fusilately"). |
hobby("Solomon Rahman", "shortwave listening"). |
hobby("Tracey Kean", "microscopy"). |
hobby("Twyla Parkinson", "life science"). |
hobby("Tyrone Parkinson", "meditation"). |
hobby("Wallace Ragland", "science and technology studies"). |
hobby("Walter Hope", "frisbee"). |
hobby("Wanda Lo", "satellite watching"). |
hobby("Wanita Hope", "chemistry"). |
hobby("Willie Parkinson", "ballet dancing"). |
hobby("Yasmin Ragland", "antiquities"). |
hobby("Ahmad Vansickle", "rock balancing"). |
hobby("Albertine Thrower", "leaves"). |
hobby("Alejandrina Thrower", "table football"). |
hobby("Andre Vansickle", "shogi"). |
hobby("Benny Guay", "learning"). |
hobby("Brain Thrower", "radio-controlled model playing"). |
hobby("Candice Bianchi", "whale watching"). |
hobby("Carmen Bianchi", "sociology"). |
hobby("Cesar Guay", "people-watching"). |
hobby("Chrissy Vansickle", "bowling"). |
hobby("Concepcion Najera", "city trip"). |
hobby("Edgar Bianchi", "ant farming"). |
hobby("Esperanza Bianchi", "whale watching"). |
hobby("Esperanza Ervin", "button collecting"). |
hobby("Eve Ervin", "archaeology"). |
hobby("Georgette Gebhart", "herping"). |
hobby("Gertrude Guay", "audiophile"). |
hobby("Hal Gebhart", "fencing"). |
hobby("Jaime Veilleux", "magnet fishing"). |
hobby("Jim Bianchi", "mineral collecting"). |
hobby("Joshua Ervin", "table tennis"). |
hobby("Kendrick Sherrod", "shortwave listening"). |
hobby("Kristopher Veilleux", "geocaching"). |
hobby("Landon Ervin", "physics"). |
hobby("Laurel Bianchi", "polo"). |
hobby("Laurel Guay", "lotology"). |
hobby("Linwood Thrower", "stone collecting"). |
hobby("Loraine Vansickle", "flower collecting and pressing"). |
hobby("Lucas Bianchi", "research"). |
hobby("Lura Bianchi", "netball"). |
hobby("Maragret Bianchi", "architecture"). |
hobby("Mauricio Vansickle", "bus spotting"). |
hobby("Minerva Pennington", "shortwave listening"). |
hobby("Norris Sherrod", "radio-controlled model playing"). |
hobby("Ollie Bianchi", "archaeology"). |
hobby("Philip Thrower", "geography"). |
hobby("Pricilla Pennington", "audiophile"). |
hobby("Raphael Ervin", "sea glass collecting"). |
hobby("Renea Thrower", "auto audiophilia"). |
hobby("Robby Pennington", "aircraft spotting"). |
hobby("Rosena Veilleux", "stone collecting"). |
hobby("Roxy Guay", "fencing"). |
hobby("Roy Najera", "cribbage"). |
hobby("Sarita Bianchi", "ant-keeping"). |
hobby("Shante Najera", "skateboarding"). |
hobby("Shizuko Veilleux", "herbalism"). |
hobby("Shon Guay", "satellite watching"). |
hobby("Sylvester Sherrod", "airsoft"). |
hobby("Twila Veilleux", "beekeeping"). |
hobby("Winnifred Sherrod", "darts"). |
hobby("Zachary Guay", "photography"). |
hobby("Adella Stites", "bus spotting"). |
hobby("Andrea Stites", "laser tag"). |
hobby("Angel Kress", "geography"). |
hobby("Arthur Stites", "powerboat racing"). |
hobby("Casey Dow", "shortwave listening"). |
hobby("Cherise Darling", "backgammon"). |
hobby("Chris Stites", "disc golf"). |
hobby("Darrick Darling", "nordic skating"). |
hobby("Deirdre Fries", "shopping"). |
hobby("Donnie Turgeon", "auto racing"). |
hobby("Donovan Stites", "benchmarking"). |
hobby("Dwain Stites", "microbiology"). |
hobby("Eddie Darling", "research"). |
hobby("Edmond Abney", "tennis"). |
hobby("Eldon Stites", "surfing"). |
hobby("Evelia Nelms", "sports memorabilia"). |
hobby("Giovanni Stites", "backgammon"). |
hobby("Grant Stites", "meteorology"). |
hobby("Harvey Stites", "whale watching"). |
hobby("Hunter Darling", "beekeeping"). |
hobby("Ione Stites", "entrepreneurship"). |
hobby("Jewel Abney", "railway studies"). |
hobby("Jewell Stites", "mathematics"). |
hobby("Joanne Dow", "leaves"). |
hobby("Joel Fries", "sea glass collecting"). |
hobby("Julio Nelms", "snowboarding"). |
hobby("Kenny Southerland", "trainspotting"). |
hobby("Kent Turgeon", "sea glass collecting"). |
hobby("Kieth Dow", "learning"). |
hobby("Kisha Stites", "meteorology"). |
hobby("Kris Stites", "microscopy"). |
hobby("Ladawn Turgeon", "publishing"). |
hobby("Lawerence Stites", "aircraft spotting"). |
hobby("Leopoldo Stites", "research"). |
hobby("Marcel Abney", "tour skating"). |
hobby("Margaret Turgeon", "science and technology studies"). |
hobby("Maxwell Deming", "cycling"). |
hobby("Mayra Stites", "meditation"). |
hobby("Minnie Darling", "fossil hunting"). |
hobby("Mitchell Darling", "auto audiophilia"). |
hobby("Nada Stites", "antiquities"). |
hobby("Nickolas Deming", "engineering"). |
hobby("Oralia Kress", "butterfly watching"). |
hobby("Pansy Southerland", "ant farming"). |
hobby("Shamika Dow", "fishkeeping"). |
hobby("Shirleen Stites", "knife collecting"). |
hobby("Staci Deming", "sea glass collecting"). |
hobby("Tanya Darling", "auto audiophilia"). |
hobby("Tyrone Deming", "publishing"). |
hobby("Wayne Stites", "vintage cars"). |
hobby("Wilmer Stites", "exhibition drill"). |
hobby("Adella Mcbroom", "microscopy"). |
hobby("Alina Huntley", "insect collecting"). |
hobby("Allyson Brashear", "reading"). |
hobby("Allyson Gorton", "beach volleyball"). |
hobby("Anastacia Grigg", "squash"). |
hobby("Anneliese Brashear", "whale watching"). |
hobby("Audie Dodge", "mineral collecting"). |
hobby("Autumn Brashear", "reading"). |
hobby("Barry Huntley", "table football"). |
hobby("Bess Dodge", "equestrianism"). |
hobby("Booker Grigg", "car riding"). |
hobby("Brooks Huntley", "hobby horsing"). |
hobby("Carmella Huntley", "jujitsu"). |
hobby("Cleveland Mcbroom", "publishing"). |
hobby("Dean Mcbroom", "geocaching"). |
hobby("Demarcus Huntley", "social studies"). |
hobby("Desiree Mcbroom", "shortwave listening"). |
hobby("Dorris Huntley", "birdwatching"). |
hobby("Dudley Dodge", "deltiology"). |
hobby("Ezequiel Gorton", "leaves"). |
hobby("Felipe Brashear", "fishkeeping"). |
hobby("Gwenn Mcbroom", "butterfly watching"). |
hobby("Harvey Mcbroom", "publishing"). |
hobby("Jacquelyn Huntley", "biology"). |
hobby("James Mcbroom", "movie memorabilia collecting"). |
hobby("Jordan Mcbroom", "butterfly watching"). |
hobby("Lissa Mcbroom", "myrmecology"). |
hobby("Lowell Gorton", "seashell collecting"). |
hobby("Maryann Mcbroom", "shoes"). |
hobby("Matt Mcbroom", "research"). |
hobby("Max Gorton", "amateur astronomy"). |
hobby("Melvin Dodge", "bowling"). |
hobby("Mervin Mcbroom", "ant-keeping"). |
hobby("Mike Grigg", "herping"). |
hobby("Morgan Huntley", "shortwave listening"). |
hobby("Nydia Grigg", "aircraft spotting"). |
hobby("Oleta Mcbroom", "lacrosse"). |
hobby("Omar Grigg", "horseshoes"). |
hobby("Orlando Brashear", "seashell collecting"). |
hobby("Randolph Grigg", "flying"). |
hobby("Rena Grigg", "pinball"). |
hobby("Reynaldo Brashear", "crystals"). |
hobby("Sandy Mcbroom", "antiquities"). |
hobby("Shannon Grigg", "shoes"). |
hobby("Shelton Dodge", "association football"). |
hobby("Sue Mcbroom", "horseback riding"). |
hobby("Tamara Mcbroom", "fossil hunting"). |
hobby("Theodore Grigg", "lapel pins"). |
hobby("Tianna Brashear", "transit map collecting"). |
hobby("Windy Gorton", "driving"). |
hobby("Zelma Mcbroom", "larping"). |
hobby("Alejandrina Lanham", "insect collecting"). |
hobby("Annmarie Stoddard", "croquet"). |
hobby("Chau Bridge", "lapel pins"). |
hobby("Craig Arriola", "ant farming"). |
hobby("Dee Stoddard", "skydiving"). |
hobby("Dominick Bridge", "ultimate frisbee"). |
hobby("Elias Lanham", "flying model planes"). |
hobby("Gloria Toomey", "vintage clothing"). |
hobby("Grant Bridge", "linguistics"). |
hobby("Hal Stoddard", "research"). |
hobby("Horacio Lanham", "sailing"). |
hobby("Howard Lanham", "birdwatching"). |
hobby("Jack Bridge", "archaeology"). |
hobby("Jackie Lanham", "web design"). |
hobby("Jerrod Stoddard", "vintage clothing"). |
hobby("Jewel Sawyers", "coin collecting"). |
hobby("Jimmie Lanham", "beauty pageants"). |
hobby("Johanna Stoddard", "leaves"). |
hobby("Joshua Alvarez", "knowledge/word games"). |
hobby("Joshua Stoddard", "meteorology"). |
hobby("Jules Bridge", "meteorology"). |
hobby("Kendrick Bridge", "meteorology"). |
hobby("Kevin Stoddard", "cooking"). |
hobby("Krystal Arriola", "whale watching"). |
hobby("Laurette Bridge", "leaves"). |
hobby("Louann Toomey", "fishkeeping"). |
hobby("Mammie Bridge", "ant-keeping"). |
hobby("Michel Sawyers", "coin collecting"). |
hobby("Michelle Stoddard", "dancing"). |
hobby("Miranda Stoddard", "beach volleyball"). |
hobby("Mose Stoddard", "cartophily"). |
hobby("Myrtle Bridge", "antiquities"). |
hobby("Nakisha Lanham", "powerlifting"). |
hobby("Oma Lanham", "lotology"). |
hobby("Patsy Lanham", "crystals"). |
hobby("Pearlie Lanham", "magnet fishing"). |
hobby("Phylis Alvarez", "inline skating"). |
hobby("Raymond Lanham", "butterfly watching"). |
hobby("Reginald Lanham", "hiking/backpacking"). |
hobby("Roberto Toomey", "element collecting"). |
hobby("Rolf Toomey", "whale watching"). |
hobby("Romelia Sawyers", "compact discs"). |
hobby("Ronald Stoddard", "video gaming"). |
hobby("Silas Stoddard", "ultimate frisbee"). |
hobby("Tammie Stoddard", "beekeeping"). |
hobby("Tawanda Toomey", "fishing"). |
hobby("Tonia Stoddard", "car tuning"). |
hobby("Tony Lanham", "croquet"). |
hobby("Tonya Alvarez", "bus spotting"). |
hobby("Winnifred Arriola", "long-distance running"). |
hobby("Artie Gil", "fencing"). |
hobby("Billye Dias", "figure skating"). |
hobby("Bobbie Biggs", "leaves"). |
hobby("Brendon Gil", "checkers (draughts)"). |
hobby("Briana Gil", "social studies"). |
hobby("Carleen Dias", "antiquities"). |
hobby("Carly Corder", "foraging"). |
hobby("Carmelita Dias", "dolls"). |
hobby("Carmelita Dunbar", "book folding"). |
hobby("Clayton Dias", "sand art"). |
hobby("Cleveland Lalonde", "flower collecting and pressing"). |
hobby("Coretta Dunbar", "fitness"). |
hobby("Cristina Long", "backgammon"). |
hobby("Desmond Nesbitt", "rowing"). |
hobby("Devon Lalonde", "insect collecting"). |
hobby("Ernest Dias", "microscopy"). |
hobby("Esteban Nesbitt", "ant farming"). |
hobby("Eve Lalonde", "animal fancy"). |
hobby("Felix Biggs", "fishkeeping"). |
hobby("Felton Gil", "radio-controlled model playing"). |
hobby("Gabriele Puckett", "shogi"). |
hobby("Gene Biggs", "insect collecting"). |
hobby("Georgine Pence", "research"). |
hobby("Holley Dunbar", "architecture"). |
hobby("Jackson Puckett", "movie memorabilia collecting"). |
hobby("Jacques Gil", "fishkeeping"). |
hobby("Jaime Dunbar", "esports"). |
hobby("Jefferson Long", "boxing"). |
hobby("Joan Dias", "shortwave listening"). |
hobby("Jodi Biggs", "geography"). |
hobby("Kena Long", "meteorology"). |
hobby("Kyle Gil", "amateur astronomy"). |
hobby("Leeann Gil", "fusilately"). |
hobby("Leesa Pence", "microbiology"). |
hobby("Leonard Corder", "horsemanship"). |
hobby("Linwood Dias", "element collecting"). |
hobby("Lou Dias", "lotology"). |
hobby("Lucio Dias", "astronomy"). |
hobby("Nicolle Dias", "fruit picking"). |
hobby("Robin Puckett", "pinball"). |
hobby("Ronnie Pence", "auto audiophilia"). |
hobby("Rubye Nesbitt", "meditation"). |
hobby("Rueben Puckett", "dowsing"). |
hobby("Salley Puckett", "botany"). |
hobby("Sterling Pence", "button collecting"). |
hobby("Tad Dunbar", "research"). |
hobby("Tammy Dias", "reading"). |
hobby("Thomasena Gil", "literature"). |
hobby("Vincenza Dias", "films"). |
hobby("Windy Puckett", "horseshoes"). |
granddaughter(X, Y) :- |
grandchild(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
grandson(X, Y) :- |
grandchild(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
:- dynamic job/2. |
job("Abdul Felker", "police officer"). |
job("Adolph Barbee", "community education officer"). |
job("Alice Lance", "herbalist"). |
job("Allie Barbee", "podiatrist"). |
job("Allison Barbee", "prison officer"). |
job("Alvin Lance", "animal technologist"). |
job("Andres Barbee", "leisure centre manager"). |
job("Andrew Parkinson", "speech and language therapist"). |
job("Brooks George", "dietitian"). |
job("Clint Rahman", "amenity horticulturist"). |
job("Colette Rahman", "theatre stage manager"). |
job("Courtney Parkinson", "hydrologist"). |
job("Dalton Parkinson", "learning mentor"). |
job("Dollie Barbee", "location manager"). |
job("Elicia Barbee", "chartered management accountant"). |
job("Elyse Barbee", "plant breeder"). |
job("Emma George", "advertising account executive"). |
job("Garth Kean", "tourism officer"). |
job("Guadalupe Barbee", "civil service fast streamer"). |
job("Jenni Felker", "designer"). |
job("Karolyn Lance", "development worker"). |
job("Kelley Barbee", "tourist information centre manager"). |
job("Kenny Barbee", "community education officer"). |
job("Kirk Lo", "farm manager"). |
job("Konstantin Barbee", "doctor"). |
job("Korey Kean", "newspaper journalist"). |
job("Krystle Barbee", "customer service manager"). |
job("Kurt Parkinson", "public house manager"). |
job("Latosha Rahman", "exercise physiologist"). |
job("Leonila Parkinson", "early years teacher"). |
job("Lesley Barbee", "chief executive officer"). |
job("Lyndon Barbee", "bookseller"). |
job("Marvin Hope", "physiotherapist"). |
job("Merrill Kean", "occupational hygienist"). |
job("Mitchel George", "advertising copywriter"). |
job("Nettie Barbee", "radiographer"). |
job("Rocco Lance", "mining engineer"). |
job("Rory George", "warden"). |
job("Royce Lo", "regulatory affairs officer"). |
job("Rudy Barbee", "location manager"). |
job("Solomon Rahman", "producer"). |
job("Tracey Kean", "teaching laboratory technician"). |
job("Twyla Parkinson", "orthoptist"). |
job("Tyrone Parkinson", "agricultural consultant"). |
job("Wallace Ragland", "quarry manager"). |
job("Walter Hope", "risk analyst"). |
job("Wanda Lo", "physiological scientist"). |
job("Wanita Hope", "equality and diversity officer"). |
job("Willie Parkinson", "firefighter"). |
job("Yasmin Ragland", "purchasing manager"). |
job("Ahmad Vansickle", "illustrator"). |
job("Albertine Thrower", "press photographer"). |
job("Alejandrina Thrower", "legal executive"). |
job("Andre Vansickle", "neurosurgeon"). |
job("Benny Guay", "IT sales professional"). |
job("Brain Thrower", "quarry manager"). |
job("Candice Bianchi", "veterinary surgeon"). |
job("Carmen Bianchi", "merchandiser"). |
job("Cesar Guay", "clinical scientist"). |
job("Chrissy Vansickle", "equities trader"). |
job("Concepcion Najera", "TEFL teacher"). |
job("Edgar Bianchi", "pension scheme manager"). |
job("Esperanza Bianchi", "outdoor activities manager"). |
job("Esperanza Ervin", "musician"). |
job("Eve Ervin", "artist"). |
job("Georgette Gebhart", "customer service manager"). |
job("Gertrude Guay", "dancer"). |
job("Hal Gebhart", "educational psychologist"). |
job("Jaime Veilleux", "animator"). |
job("Jim Bianchi", "barrister's clerk"). |
job("Joshua Ervin", "oceanographer"). |
job("Kendrick Sherrod", "chemical engineer"). |
job("Kristopher Veilleux", "animator"). |
job("Landon Ervin", "production designer"). |
job("Laurel Bianchi", "surveyor"). |
job("Laurel Guay", "animator"). |
job("Linwood Thrower", "advice worker"). |
job("Loraine Vansickle", "sports coach"). |
job("Lucas Bianchi", "scientific laboratory technician"). |
job("Lura Bianchi", "psychiatric nurse"). |
job("Maragret Bianchi", "water engineer"). |
job("Mauricio Vansickle", "professor emeritus"). |
job("Minerva Pennington", "loss adjuster"). |
job("Norris Sherrod", "sales promotion account executive"). |
job("Ollie Bianchi", "telecommunications researcher"). |
job("Philip Thrower", "music tutor"). |
job("Pricilla Pennington", "software engineer"). |
job("Raphael Ervin", "film editor"). |
job("Renea Thrower", "therapist"). |
job("Robby Pennington", "quarry manager"). |
job("Rosena Veilleux", "bookseller"). |
job("Roxy Guay", "public affairs consultant"). |
job("Roy Najera", "camera operator"). |
job("Sarita Bianchi", "artist"). |
job("Shante Najera", "secondary school teacher"). |
job("Shizuko Veilleux", "sports administrator"). |
job("Shon Guay", "radio producer"). |
job("Sylvester Sherrod", "seismic interpreter"). |
job("Twila Veilleux", "charity fundraiser"). |
job("Winnifred Sherrod", "museum education officer"). |
job("Zachary Guay", "artist"). |
job("Adella Stites", "catering manager"). |
job("Andrea Stites", "cabin crew"). |
job("Angel Kress", "print production planner"). |
job("Arthur Stites", "editorial assistant"). |
job("Casey Dow", "adult guidance worker"). |
job("Cherise Darling", "dance movement psychotherapist"). |
job("Chris Stites", "mechanical engineer"). |
job("Darrick Darling", "software engineer"). |
job("Deirdre Fries", "personnel officer"). |
job("Donnie Turgeon", "quarry manager"). |
job("Donovan Stites", "social worker"). |
job("Dwain Stites", "careers information officer"). |
job("Eddie Darling", "journalist"). |
job("Edmond Abney", "merchandiser"). |
job("Eldon Stites", "arts administrator"). |
job("Evelia Nelms", "careers information officer"). |
job("Giovanni Stites", "child psychotherapist"). |
job("Grant Stites", "chartered loss adjuster"). |
job("Harvey Stites", "corporate investment banker"). |
job("Hunter Darling", "fashion designer"). |
job("Ione Stites", "bonds trader"). |
job("Jewel Abney", "lecturer"). |
job("Jewell Stites", "advertising account planner"). |
job("Joanne Dow", "careers information officer"). |
job("Joel Fries", "translator"). |
job("Julio Nelms", "geochemist"). |
job("Kenny Southerland", "chartered legal executive"). |
job("Kent Turgeon", "therapist"). |
job("Kieth Dow", "medical illustrator"). |
job("Kisha Stites", "programme researcher"). |
job("Kris Stites", "financial controller"). |
job("Ladawn Turgeon", "pathologist"). |
job("Lawerence Stites", "seismic interpreter"). |
job("Leopoldo Stites", "technical author"). |
job("Marcel Abney", "leisure centre manager"). |
job("Margaret Turgeon", "sound technician"). |
job("Maxwell Deming", "pilot"). |
job("Mayra Stites", "IT technical support officer"). |
job("Minnie Darling", "social researcher"). |
job("Mitchell Darling", "video editor"). |
job("Nada Stites", "chief technology officer"). |
job("Nickolas Deming", "clothing technologist"). |
job("Oralia Kress", "analytical chemist"). |
job("Pansy Southerland", "health visitor"). |
job("Shamika Dow", "museum conservator"). |
job("Shirleen Stites", "plant breeder"). |
job("Staci Deming", "curator"). |
job("Tanya Darling", "chartered management accountant"). |
job("Tyrone Deming", "ambulance person"). |
job("Wayne Stites", "brewing technologist"). |
job("Wilmer Stites", "community arts worker"). |
job("Adella Mcbroom", "petroleum engineer"). |
job("Alina Huntley", "rural practice surveyor"). |
job("Allyson Brashear", "petroleum engineer"). |
job("Allyson Gorton", "legal secretary"). |
job("Anastacia Grigg", "herbalist"). |
job("Anneliese Brashear", "private music teacher"). |
job("Audie Dodge", "air broker"). |
job("Autumn Brashear", "chemist"). |
job("Barry Huntley", "therapist"). |
job("Bess Dodge", "minerals surveyor"). |
job("Booker Grigg", "computer games developer"). |
job("Brooks Huntley", "corporate treasurer"). |
job("Carmella Huntley", "textile designer"). |
job("Cleveland Mcbroom", "local government officer"). |
job("Dean Mcbroom", "building services engineer"). |
job("Demarcus Huntley", "surveyor"). |
job("Desiree Mcbroom", "public relations account executive"). |
job("Dorris Huntley", "lawyer"). |
job("Dudley Dodge", "oncologist"). |
job("Ezequiel Gorton", "senior tax professional"). |
job("Felipe Brashear", "textile designer"). |
job("Gwenn Mcbroom", "estate manager"). |
job("Harvey Mcbroom", "chief operating officer"). |
job("Jacquelyn Huntley", "chiropractor"). |
job("James Mcbroom", "chief technology officer"). |
job("Jordan Mcbroom", "herbalist"). |
job("Lissa Mcbroom", "media buyer"). |
job("Lowell Gorton", "secondary school teacher"). |
job("Maryann Mcbroom", "agricultural consultant"). |
job("Matt Mcbroom", "fashion designer"). |
job("Max Gorton", "acupuncturist"). |
job("Melvin Dodge", "clothing technologist"). |
job("Mervin Mcbroom", "building services engineer"). |
job("Mike Grigg", "purchasing manager"). |
job("Morgan Huntley", "medical technical officer"). |
job("Nydia Grigg", "broadcast presenter"). |
job("Oleta Mcbroom", "retail merchandiser"). |
job("Omar Grigg", "nutritional therapist"). |
job("Orlando Brashear", "therapeutic radiographer"). |
job("Randolph Grigg", "geographical information systems officer"). |
job("Rena Grigg", "computer games developer"). |
job("Reynaldo Brashear", "copy"). |
job("Sandy Mcbroom", "embryologist"). |
job("Shannon Grigg", "insurance account manager"). |
job("Shelton Dodge", "education administrator"). |
job("Sue Mcbroom", "maintenance engineer"). |
job("Tamara Mcbroom", "proofreader"). |
job("Theodore Grigg", "financial planner"). |
job("Tianna Brashear", "arts administrator"). |
job("Windy Gorton", "loss adjuster"). |
job("Zelma Mcbroom", "banker"). |
job("Alejandrina Lanham", "television floor manager"). |
job("Annmarie Stoddard", "radio producer"). |
job("Chau Bridge", "sales promotion account executive"). |
job("Craig Arriola", "barrister"). |
job("Dee Stoddard", "agricultural engineer"). |
job("Dominick Bridge", "lexicographer"). |
job("Elias Lanham", "tour manager"). |
job("Gloria Toomey", "diplomatic services operational officer"). |
job("Grant Bridge", "chartered accountant"). |
job("Hal Stoddard", "ranger"). |
job("Horacio Lanham", "land"). |
job("Howard Lanham", "primary school teacher"). |
job("Jack Bridge", "exhibition designer"). |
job("Jackie Lanham", "social worker"). |
job("Jerrod Stoddard", "tourist information centre manager"). |
job("Jewel Sawyers", "chartered accountant"). |
job("Jimmie Lanham", "adult nurse"). |
job("Johanna Stoddard", "private music teacher"). |
job("Joshua Alvarez", "armed forces technical officer"). |
job("Joshua Stoddard", "trading standards officer"). |
job("Jules Bridge", "insurance underwriter"). |
job("Kendrick Bridge", "clinical research associate"). |
job("Kevin Stoddard", "print production planner"). |
job("Krystal Arriola", "herbalist"). |
job("Laurette Bridge", "public house manager"). |
job("Louann Toomey", "special effects artist"). |
job("Mammie Bridge", "community pharmacist"). |
job("Michel Sawyers", "local government officer"). |
job("Michelle Stoddard", "advertising copywriter"). |
job("Miranda Stoddard", "transport planner"). |
job("Mose Stoddard", "ergonomist"). |
job("Myrtle Bridge", "heritage manager"). |
job("Nakisha Lanham", "industrial designer"). |
job("Oma Lanham", "adult nurse"). |
job("Patsy Lanham", "firefighter"). |
job("Pearlie Lanham", "academic librarian"). |
job("Phylis Alvarez", "media planner"). |
job("Raymond Lanham", "TEFL teacher"). |
job("Reginald Lanham", "clinical research associate"). |
job("Roberto Toomey", "merchandiser"). |
job("Rolf Toomey", "industrial buyer"). |
job("Romelia Sawyers", "armed forces operational officer"). |
job("Ronald Stoddard", "social researcher"). |
job("Silas Stoddard", "minerals surveyor"). |
job("Tammie Stoddard", "personnel officer"). |
job("Tawanda Toomey", "health promotion specialist"). |
job("Tonia Stoddard", "clothing technologist"). |
job("Tony Lanham", "field trials officer"). |
job("Tonya Alvarez", "wellsite geologist"). |
job("Winnifred Arriola", "marine scientist"). |
job("Artie Gil", "media buyer"). |
job("Billye Dias", "actuary"). |
job("Bobbie Biggs", "exhibitions officer"). |
job("Brendon Gil", "journalist"). |
job("Briana Gil", "quality manager"). |
job("Carleen Dias", "neurosurgeon"). |
job("Carly Corder", "chemical engineer"). |
job("Carmelita Dias", "music tutor"). |
job("Carmelita Dunbar", "social worker"). |
job("Clayton Dias", "pathologist"). |
job("Cleveland Lalonde", "licensed conveyancer"). |
job("Coretta Dunbar", "commercial surveyor"). |
job("Cristina Long", "occupational hygienist"). |
job("Desmond Nesbitt", "environmental health practitioner"). |
job("Devon Lalonde", "interpreter"). |
job("Ernest Dias", "pathologist"). |
job("Esteban Nesbitt", "operational investment banker"). |
job("Eve Lalonde", "bookseller"). |
job("Felix Biggs", "advertising account executive"). |
job("Felton Gil", "intelligence analyst"). |
job("Gabriele Puckett", "programmer"). |
job("Gene Biggs", "embryologist"). |
job("Georgine Pence", "brewing technologist"). |
job("Holley Dunbar", "clinical scientist"). |
job("Jackson Puckett", "petroleum engineer"). |
job("Jacques Gil", "advertising account executive"). |
job("Jaime Dunbar", "ranger"). |
job("Jefferson Long", "immigration officer"). |
job("Joan Dias", "operations geologist"). |
job("Jodi Biggs", "herpetologist"). |
job("Kena Long", "barrister"). |
job("Kyle Gil", "surgeon"). |
job("Leeann Gil", "geophysicist"). |
job("Leesa Pence", "media buyer"). |
job("Leonard Corder", "sales executive"). |
job("Linwood Dias", "clinical scientist"). |
job("Lou Dias", "fish farm manager"). |
job("Lucio Dias", "engineer"). |
job("Nicolle Dias", "radio producer"). |
job("Robin Puckett", "control and instrumentation engineer"). |
job("Ronnie Pence", "diplomatic services operational officer"). |
job("Rubye Nesbitt", "production engineer"). |
job("Rueben Puckett", "health physicist"). |
job("Salley Puckett", "hydrographic surveyor"). |
job("Sterling Pence", "intelligence analyst"). |
job("Tad Dunbar", "intelligence analyst"). |
job("Tammy Dias", "occupational hygienist"). |
job("Thomasena Gil", "advertising art director"). |
job("Vincenza Dias", "exercise physiologist"). |
job("Windy Puckett", "electrical engineer"). |
great_uncle(X, Y) :- |
grandparent(X, A), |
brother(A, Y). |
:- dynamic save_all_clauses_to_file/1. |
save_all_clauses_to_file(A) :- |
open(A, write, B), |
set_output(B), |
listing, |
close(B). |
:- dynamic term_expansion/4. |
:- multifile term_expansion/4. |
grandchild(X, Y) :- |
grandparent(Y, X). |
:- dynamic dob/2. |
dob("Abdul Felker", "0895-03-24"). |
dob("Adolph Barbee", "0980-08-29"). |
dob("Alice Lance", "0951-04-07"). |
dob("Allie Barbee", "0928-07-23"). |
dob("Allison Barbee", "1005-06-23"). |
dob("Alvin Lance", "0950-05-19"). |
dob("Andres Barbee", "0977-09-16"). |
dob("Andrew Parkinson", "0952-04-16"). |
dob("Brooks George", "1006-06-23"). |
dob("Clint Rahman", "0866-11-02"). |
dob("Colette Rahman", "0861-05-02"). |
dob("Courtney Parkinson", "0954-06-24"). |
dob("Dalton Parkinson", "0984-02-16"). |
dob("Dollie Barbee", "0975-03-08"). |
dob("Elicia Barbee", "1040-03-27"). |
dob("Elyse Barbee", "1033-12-12"). |
dob("Emma George", "0978-10-20"). |
dob("Garth Kean", "0954-09-11"). |
dob("Guadalupe Barbee", "0950-11-19"). |
dob("Jenni Felker", "0896-03-17"). |
dob("Karolyn Lance", "0924-11-06"). |
dob("Kelley Barbee", "0952-08-19"). |
dob("Kenny Barbee", "0953-06-18"). |
dob("Kirk Lo", "1091-03-24"). |
dob("Konstantin Barbee", "1007-05-04"). |
dob("Korey Kean", "0984-12-02"). |
dob("Krystle Barbee", "1008-12-24"). |
dob("Kurt Parkinson", "0924-12-27"). |
dob("Latosha Rahman", "0840-02-22"). |
dob("Leonila Parkinson", "0924-09-18"). |
dob("Lesley Barbee", "1067-06-07"). |
dob("Lyndon Barbee", "1036-01-09"). |
dob("Marvin Hope", "1013-11-28"). |
dob("Merrill Kean", "0981-09-04"). |
dob("Mitchel George", "1007-06-03"). |
dob("Nettie Barbee", "1032-05-15"). |
dob("Rocco Lance", "0924-02-03"). |
dob("Rory George", "0974-12-02"). |
dob("Royce Lo", "1059-07-07"). |
dob("Rudy Barbee", "0927-04-02"). |
dob("Solomon Rahman", "0837-10-06"). |
dob("Tracey Kean", "0956-03-15"). |
dob("Twyla Parkinson", "0949-02-16"). |
dob("Tyrone Parkinson", "0982-10-06"). |
dob("Wallace Ragland", "0951-01-09"). |
dob("Walter Hope", "0980-04-11"). |
dob("Wanda Lo", "1059-03-28"). |
dob("Wanita Hope", "0977-12-27"). |
dob("Willie Parkinson", "0954-09-22"). |
dob("Yasmin Ragland", "0952-10-08"). |
dob("Ahmad Vansickle", "0993-08-22"). |
dob("Albertine Thrower", "0937-11-27"). |
dob("Alejandrina Thrower", "0913-03-27"). |
dob("Andre Vansickle", "1023-01-14"). |
dob("Benny Guay", "0967-12-07"). |
dob("Brain Thrower", "0914-08-21"). |
dob("Candice Bianchi", "0972-05-04"). |
dob("Carmen Bianchi", "0973-07-04"). |
dob("Cesar Guay", "0943-11-10"). |
dob("Chrissy Vansickle", "0996-09-22"). |
dob("Concepcion Najera", "0970-03-15"). |
dob("Edgar Bianchi", "0947-04-06"). |
dob("Esperanza Bianchi", "0894-11-11"). |
dob("Esperanza Ervin", "1005-08-13"). |
dob("Eve Ervin", "0973-09-08"). |
dob("Georgette Gebhart", "0903-01-10"). |
dob("Gertrude Guay", "0915-06-21"). |
dob("Hal Gebhart", "0903-10-03"). |
dob("Jaime Veilleux", "1036-02-05"). |
dob("Jim Bianchi", "0895-10-16"). |
dob("Joshua Ervin", "1003-03-26"). |
dob("Kendrick Sherrod", "1068-05-13"). |
dob("Kristopher Veilleux", "1068-05-01"). |
dob("Landon Ervin", "0975-04-15"). |
dob("Laurel Bianchi", "0974-01-03"). |
dob("Laurel Guay", "0941-08-21"). |
dob("Linwood Thrower", "0965-10-01"). |
dob("Loraine Vansickle", "0960-04-13"). |
dob("Lucas Bianchi", "0923-04-04"). |
dob("Lura Bianchi", "0945-08-20"). |
dob("Maragret Bianchi", "1000-02-09"). |
dob("Mauricio Vansickle", "0965-09-21"). |
dob("Minerva Pennington", "0992-06-19"). |
dob("Norris Sherrod", "1032-06-23"). |
dob("Ollie Bianchi", "0997-04-20"). |
dob("Philip Thrower", "0939-12-12"). |
dob("Pricilla Pennington", "0969-02-09"). |
dob("Raphael Ervin", "1032-04-29"). |
dob("Renea Thrower", "0969-02-09"). |
dob("Robby Pennington", "0968-05-13"). |
dob("Rosena Veilleux", "1039-12-18"). |
dob("Roxy Guay", "0969-01-11"). |
dob("Roy Najera", "0964-10-25"). |
dob("Sarita Bianchi", "0922-07-27"). |
dob("Shante Najera", "0999-05-20"). |
dob("Shizuko Veilleux", "1067-12-01"). |
dob("Shon Guay", "0915-06-10"). |
dob("Sylvester Sherrod", "1067-04-16"). |
dob("Twila Veilleux", "1091-12-30"). |
dob("Winnifred Sherrod", "1038-12-21"). |
dob("Zachary Guay", "0995-11-14"). |
dob("Adella Stites", "0929-11-14"). |
dob("Andrea Stites", "0916-09-15"). |
dob("Angel Kress", "0931-04-27"). |
dob("Arthur Stites", "0985-08-01"). |
dob("Casey Dow", "0844-06-14"). |
dob("Cherise Darling", "0898-01-01"). |
dob("Chris Stites", "1016-12-17"). |
dob("Darrick Darling", "0899-05-10"). |
dob("Deirdre Fries", "0903-02-08"). |
dob("Donnie Turgeon", "0899-05-11"). |
dob("Donovan Stites", "0983-03-13"). |
dob("Dwain Stites", "0957-07-07"). |
dob("Eddie Darling", "0893-11-22"). |
dob("Edmond Abney", "1049-11-07"). |
dob("Eldon Stites", "0896-03-26"). |
dob("Evelia Nelms", "0958-05-17"). |
dob("Giovanni Stites", "0956-06-27"). |
dob("Grant Stites", "0922-06-03"). |
dob("Harvey Stites", "0929-01-08"). |
dob("Hunter Darling", "0844-09-18"). |
dob("Ione Stites", "0954-01-04"). |
dob("Jewel Abney", "1020-02-06"). |
dob("Jewell Stites", "0954-09-29"). |
dob("Joanne Dow", "0845-03-14"). |
dob("Joel Fries", "0902-03-18"). |
dob("Julio Nelms", "0961-08-09"). |
dob("Kenny Southerland", "0989-09-01"). |
dob("Kent Turgeon", "0870-06-09"). |
dob("Kieth Dow", "0871-11-28"). |
dob("Kisha Stites", "0946-05-23"). |
dob("Kris Stites", "0924-02-04"). |
dob("Ladawn Turgeon", "0896-03-04"). |
dob("Lawerence Stites", "0918-07-10"). |
dob("Leopoldo Stites", "0962-05-14"). |
dob("Marcel Abney", "1021-04-07"). |
dob("Margaret Turgeon", "0866-12-20"). |
dob("Maxwell Deming", "1011-04-16"). |
dob("Mayra Stites", "0987-11-25"). |
dob("Minnie Darling", "0872-12-10"). |
dob("Mitchell Darling", "0872-11-25"). |
dob("Nada Stites", "0958-02-11"). |
dob("Nickolas Deming", "0981-11-03"). |
dob("Oralia Kress", "0927-03-20"). |
dob("Pansy Southerland", "0989-04-17"). |
dob("Shamika Dow", "0869-07-23"). |
dob("Shirleen Stites", "0896-03-08"). |
dob("Staci Deming", "0981-08-10"). |
dob("Tanya Darling", "0843-11-16"). |
dob("Tyrone Deming", "1010-05-03"). |
dob("Wayne Stites", "0952-10-12"). |
dob("Wilmer Stites", "0952-09-18"). |
dob("Adella Mcbroom", "0931-03-04"). |
dob("Alina Huntley", "0964-03-21"). |
dob("Allyson Brashear", "0880-07-14"). |
dob("Allyson Gorton", "0911-09-02"). |
dob("Anastacia Grigg", "0859-03-06"). |
dob("Anneliese Brashear", "0847-01-07"). |
dob("Audie Dodge", "0942-07-10"). |
dob("Autumn Brashear", "0907-06-05"). |
dob("Barry Huntley", "0963-10-11"). |
dob("Bess Dodge", "0910-10-09"). |
dob("Booker Grigg", "0887-02-21"). |
dob("Brooks Huntley", "0908-07-08"). |
dob("Carmella Huntley", "0933-02-05"). |
dob("Cleveland Mcbroom", "0904-08-21"). |
dob("Dean Mcbroom", "0853-01-05"). |
dob("Demarcus Huntley", "0934-05-19"). |
dob("Desiree Mcbroom", "0912-04-08"). |
dob("Dorris Huntley", "0995-07-31"). |
dob("Dudley Dodge", "0944-01-05"). |
dob("Ezequiel Gorton", "0909-07-23"). |
dob("Felipe Brashear", "0851-02-01"). |
dob("Gwenn Mcbroom", "0852-11-05"). |
dob("Harvey Mcbroom", "0910-11-20"). |
dob("Jacquelyn Huntley", "0910-09-09"). |
dob("James Mcbroom", "0825-09-17"). |
dob("Jordan Mcbroom", "0913-04-25"). |
dob("Lissa Mcbroom", "0880-12-13"). |
dob("Lowell Gorton", "0936-04-21"). |
dob("Maryann Mcbroom", "0943-10-04"). |
dob("Matt Mcbroom", "0880-05-18"). |
dob("Max Gorton", "0958-04-28"). |
dob("Melvin Dodge", "0909-06-22"). |
dob("Mervin Mcbroom", "0905-08-20"). |
dob("Mike Grigg", "0859-04-26"). |
dob("Morgan Huntley", "0965-08-09"). |
dob("Nydia Grigg", "0884-09-18"). |
dob("Oleta Mcbroom", "0929-05-08"). |
dob("Omar Grigg", "0914-09-09"). |
dob("Orlando Brashear", "0875-03-28"). |
dob("Randolph Grigg", "0967-04-26"). |
dob("Rena Grigg", "0915-02-16"). |
dob("Reynaldo Brashear", "0881-10-03"). |
dob("Sandy Mcbroom", "0904-08-08"). |
dob("Shannon Grigg", "0941-06-17"). |
dob("Shelton Dodge", "0935-02-28"). |
dob("Sue Mcbroom", "0906-05-07"). |
dob("Tamara Mcbroom", "0930-03-14"). |
dob("Theodore Grigg", "0940-05-06"). |
dob("Tianna Brashear", "0910-06-12"). |
dob("Windy Gorton", "0937-07-03"). |
dob("Zelma Mcbroom", "0823-09-13"). |
dob("Alejandrina Lanham", "1011-02-20"). |
dob("Annmarie Stoddard", "0954-08-26"). |
dob("Chau Bridge", "0991-05-12"). |
dob("Craig Arriola", "1008-02-03"). |
dob("Dee Stoddard", "0952-06-30"). |
dob("Dominick Bridge", "0992-09-12"). |
dob("Elias Lanham", "0959-08-19"). |
dob("Gloria Toomey", "0926-01-15"). |
dob("Grant Bridge", "0963-07-25"). |
dob("Hal Stoddard", "0929-03-14"). |
dob("Horacio Lanham", "1014-01-27"). |
dob("Howard Lanham", "1043-01-06"). |
dob("Jack Bridge", "1052-01-09"). |
dob("Jackie Lanham", "1012-01-01"). |
dob("Jerrod Stoddard", "0950-04-23"). |
dob("Jewel Sawyers", "1013-09-13"). |
dob("Jimmie Lanham", "1012-02-17"). |
dob("Johanna Stoddard", "0897-10-14"). |
dob("Joshua Alvarez", "1045-02-09"). |
dob("Joshua Stoddard", "0925-03-20"). |
dob("Jules Bridge", "1019-02-05"). |
dob("Kendrick Bridge", "1017-06-23"). |
dob("Kevin Stoddard", "0932-06-01"). |
dob("Krystal Arriola", "1010-05-03"). |
dob("Laurette Bridge", "1018-10-24"). |
dob("Louann Toomey", "0984-07-18"). |
dob("Mammie Bridge", "1043-06-11"). |
dob("Michel Sawyers", "0984-10-07"). |
dob("Michelle Stoddard", "0872-04-12"). |
dob("Miranda Stoddard", "0982-11-16"). |
dob("Mose Stoddard", "0928-04-10"). |
dob("Myrtle Bridge", "0962-08-24"). |
dob("Nakisha Lanham", "0985-04-24"). |
dob("Oma Lanham", "0959-01-20"). |
dob("Patsy Lanham", "0931-10-25"). |
dob("Pearlie Lanham", "0984-03-11"). |
dob("Phylis Alvarez", "1065-09-07"). |
dob("Raymond Lanham", "1037-09-14"). |
dob("Reginald Lanham", "0929-07-15"). |
dob("Roberto Toomey", "0929-06-11"). |
dob("Rolf Toomey", "0961-02-25"). |
dob("Romelia Sawyers", "0987-12-20"). |
dob("Ronald Stoddard", "0874-07-09"). |
dob("Silas Stoddard", "0900-08-14"). |
dob("Tammie Stoddard", "0929-07-20"). |
dob("Tawanda Toomey", "0961-04-12"). |
dob("Tonia Stoddard", "0897-10-27"). |
dob("Tony Lanham", "0986-09-19"). |
dob("Tonya Alvarez", "1042-11-28"). |
dob("Winnifred Arriola", "1041-03-07"). |
dob("Artie Gil", "1049-06-18"). |
dob("Billye Dias", "0941-02-09"). |
dob("Bobbie Biggs", "0995-06-01"). |
dob("Brendon Gil", "1023-05-07"). |
dob("Briana Gil", "0994-07-18"). |
dob("Carleen Dias", "0994-08-15"). |
dob("Carly Corder", "0905-10-22"). |
dob("Carmelita Dias", "0996-01-08"). |
dob("Carmelita Dunbar", "0967-04-20"). |
dob("Clayton Dias", "0940-12-21"). |
dob("Cleveland Lalonde", "1078-08-17"). |
dob("Coretta Dunbar", "0990-07-11"). |
dob("Cristina Long", "0969-05-29"). |
dob("Desmond Nesbitt", "1081-03-23"). |
dob("Devon Lalonde", "1108-06-10"). |
dob("Ernest Dias", "0972-07-31"). |
dob("Esteban Nesbitt", "1054-01-13"). |
dob("Eve Lalonde", "1078-05-30"). |
dob("Felix Biggs", "0995-11-13"). |
dob("Felton Gil", "1052-12-21"). |
dob("Gabriele Puckett", "0939-11-26"). |
dob("Gene Biggs", "1027-05-13"). |
dob("Georgine Pence", "0993-04-02"). |
dob("Holley Dunbar", "0992-06-09"). |
dob("Jackson Puckett", "0938-07-06"). |
dob("Jacques Gil", "0996-07-15"). |
dob("Jaime Dunbar", "0967-10-05"). |
dob("Jefferson Long", "0970-01-15"). |
dob("Joan Dias", "1025-11-30"). |
dob("Jodi Biggs", "1021-06-24"). |
dob("Kena Long", "0999-10-13"). |
dob("Kyle Gil", "1052-01-30"). |
dob("Leeann Gil", "1054-08-13"). |
dob("Leesa Pence", "1022-01-08"). |
dob("Leonard Corder", "0908-03-10"). |
dob("Linwood Dias", "0966-02-20"). |
dob("Lou Dias", "0970-12-03"). |
dob("Lucio Dias", "0997-04-15"). |
dob("Nicolle Dias", "0969-02-06"). |
dob("Robin Puckett", "0909-04-18"). |
dob("Ronnie Pence", "1019-12-13"). |
dob("Rubye Nesbitt", "1051-01-21"). |
dob("Rueben Puckett", "0967-07-05"). |
dob("Salley Puckett", "0968-10-01"). |
dob("Sterling Pence", "0988-03-28"). |
dob("Tad Dunbar", "0989-05-09"). |
dob("Tammy Dias", "0997-03-24"). |
dob("Thomasena Gil", "1025-04-26"). |
dob("Vincenza Dias", "1023-09-02"). |
dob("Windy Puckett", "0912-06-10"). |
:- dynamic file_search_path/2. |
:- multifile file_search_path/2. |
file_search_path(library, Dir) :- |
library_directory(Dir). |
file_search_path(swi, A) :- |
system:current_prolog_flag(home, A). |
file_search_path(swi, A) :- |
system:current_prolog_flag(shared_home, A). |
file_search_path(library, app_config(lib)). |
file_search_path(library, swi(library)). |
file_search_path(library, swi(library/clp)). |
file_search_path(library, A) :- |
system:'$ext_library_directory'(A). |
file_search_path(foreign, swi(A)) :- |
system: |
( current_prolog_flag(apple_universal_binary, true), |
A='lib/fat-darwin' |
). |
file_search_path(path, A) :- |
system: |
( getenv('PATH', B), |
current_prolog_flag(path_sep, C), |
atomic_list_concat(D, C, B), |
'$member'(A, D) |
). |
file_search_path(user_app_data, A) :- |
system:'$xdg_prolog_directory'(data, A). |
file_search_path(common_app_data, A) :- |
system:'$xdg_prolog_directory'(common_data, A). |
file_search_path(user_app_config, A) :- |
system:'$xdg_prolog_directory'(config, A). |
file_search_path(common_app_config, A) :- |
system:'$xdg_prolog_directory'(common_config, A). |
file_search_path(app_data, user_app_data('.')). |
file_search_path(app_data, common_app_data('.')). |
file_search_path(app_config, user_app_config('.')). |
file_search_path(app_config, common_app_config('.')). |
file_search_path(app_preferences, user_app_config('.')). |
file_search_path(user_profile, app_preferences('.')). |
file_search_path(app, swi(app)). |
file_search_path(app, app_data(app)). |
file_search_path(autoload, swi(library)). |
file_search_path(autoload, pce(prolog/lib)). |
file_search_path(autoload, app_config(lib)). |
file_search_path(autoload, Dir) :- |
'$autoload':'$ext_library_directory'(Dir). |
file_search_path(pack, app_data(pack)). |
file_search_path(library, PackLib) :- |
'$pack':pack_dir(_Name, prolog, PackLib). |
file_search_path(foreign, PackLib) :- |
'$pack':pack_dir(_Name, foreign, PackLib). |
file_search_path(app, AppDir) :- |
'$pack':pack_dir(_Name, app, AppDir). |
:- multifile prolog_list_goal/1. |
:- dynamic type/2. |
type("Abdul Felker", person). |
type("Adolph Barbee", person). |
type("Alice Lance", person). |
type("Allie Barbee", person). |
type("Allison Barbee", person). |
type("Alvin Lance", person). |
type("Andres Barbee", person). |
type("Andrew Parkinson", person). |
type("Brooks George", person). |
type("Clint Rahman", person). |
type("Colette Rahman", person). |
type("Courtney Parkinson", person). |
type("Dalton Parkinson", person). |
type("Dollie Barbee", person). |
type("Elicia Barbee", person). |
type("Elyse Barbee", person). |
type("Emma George", person). |
type("Garth Kean", person). |
type("Guadalupe Barbee", person). |
type("Jenni Felker", person). |
type("Karolyn Lance", person). |
type("Kelley Barbee", person). |
type("Kenny Barbee", person). |
type("Kirk Lo", person). |
type("Konstantin Barbee", person). |
type("Korey Kean", person). |
type("Krystle Barbee", person). |
type("Kurt Parkinson", person). |
type("Latosha Rahman", person). |
type("Leonila Parkinson", person). |
type("Lesley Barbee", person). |
type("Lyndon Barbee", person). |
type("Marvin Hope", person). |
type("Merrill Kean", person). |
type("Mitchel George", person). |
type("Nettie Barbee", person). |
type("Rocco Lance", person). |
type("Rory George", person). |
type("Royce Lo", person). |
type("Rudy Barbee", person). |
type("Solomon Rahman", person). |
type("Tracey Kean", person). |
type("Twyla Parkinson", person). |
type("Tyrone Parkinson", person). |
type("Wallace Ragland", person). |
type("Walter Hope", person). |
type("Wanda Lo", person). |
type("Wanita Hope", person). |
type("Willie Parkinson", person). |
type("Yasmin Ragland", person). |
type("Ahmad Vansickle", person). |
type("Albertine Thrower", person). |
type("Alejandrina Thrower", person). |
type("Andre Vansickle", person). |
type("Benny Guay", person). |
type("Brain Thrower", person). |
type("Candice Bianchi", person). |
type("Carmen Bianchi", person). |
type("Cesar Guay", person). |
type("Chrissy Vansickle", person). |
type("Concepcion Najera", person). |
type("Edgar Bianchi", person). |
type("Esperanza Bianchi", person). |
type("Esperanza Ervin", person). |
type("Eve Ervin", person). |
type("Georgette Gebhart", person). |
type("Gertrude Guay", person). |
type("Hal Gebhart", person). |
type("Jaime Veilleux", person). |
type("Jim Bianchi", person). |
type("Joshua Ervin", person). |
type("Kendrick Sherrod", person). |
type("Kristopher Veilleux", person). |
type("Landon Ervin", person). |
type("Laurel Bianchi", person). |
type("Laurel Guay", person). |
type("Linwood Thrower", person). |
type("Loraine Vansickle", person). |
type("Lucas Bianchi", person). |
type("Lura Bianchi", person). |
type("Maragret Bianchi", person). |
type("Mauricio Vansickle", person). |
type("Minerva Pennington", person). |
type("Norris Sherrod", person). |
type("Ollie Bianchi", person). |
type("Philip Thrower", person). |
type("Pricilla Pennington", person). |
type("Raphael Ervin", person). |
type("Renea Thrower", person). |
type("Robby Pennington", person). |
type("Rosena Veilleux", person). |
type("Roxy Guay", person). |
type("Roy Najera", person). |
type("Sarita Bianchi", person). |
type("Shante Najera", person). |
type("Shizuko Veilleux", person). |
type("Shon Guay", person). |
type("Sylvester Sherrod", person). |
type("Twila Veilleux", person). |
type("Winnifred Sherrod", person). |
type("Zachary Guay", person). |
type("Adella Stites", person). |
type("Andrea Stites", person). |
type("Angel Kress", person). |
type("Arthur Stites", person). |
type("Casey Dow", person). |
type("Cherise Darling", person). |
type("Chris Stites", person). |
type("Darrick Darling", person). |
type("Deirdre Fries", person). |
type("Donnie Turgeon", person). |
type("Donovan Stites", person). |
type("Dwain Stites", person). |
type("Eddie Darling", person). |
type("Edmond Abney", person). |
type("Eldon Stites", person). |
type("Evelia Nelms", person). |
type("Giovanni Stites", person). |
type("Grant Stites", person). |
type("Harvey Stites", person). |
type("Hunter Darling", person). |
type("Ione Stites", person). |
type("Jewel Abney", person). |
type("Jewell Stites", person). |
type("Joanne Dow", person). |
type("Joel Fries", person). |
type("Julio Nelms", person). |
type("Kenny Southerland", person). |
type("Kent Turgeon", person). |
type("Kieth Dow", person). |
type("Kisha Stites", person). |
type("Kris Stites", person). |
type("Ladawn Turgeon", person). |
type("Lawerence Stites", person). |
type("Leopoldo Stites", person). |
type("Marcel Abney", person). |
type("Margaret Turgeon", person). |
type("Maxwell Deming", person). |
type("Mayra Stites", person). |
type("Minnie Darling", person). |
type("Mitchell Darling", person). |
type("Nada Stites", person). |
type("Nickolas Deming", person). |
type("Oralia Kress", person). |
type("Pansy Southerland", person). |
type("Shamika Dow", person). |
type("Shirleen Stites", person). |
type("Staci Deming", person). |
type("Tanya Darling", person). |
type("Tyrone Deming", person). |
type("Wayne Stites", person). |
type("Wilmer Stites", person). |
type("Adella Mcbroom", person). |
type("Alina Huntley", person). |
type("Allyson Brashear", person). |
type("Allyson Gorton", person). |
type("Anastacia Grigg", person). |
type("Anneliese Brashear", person). |
type("Audie Dodge", person). |
type("Autumn Brashear", person). |
type("Barry Huntley", person). |
type("Bess Dodge", person). |
type("Booker Grigg", person). |
type("Brooks Huntley", person). |
type("Carmella Huntley", person). |
type("Cleveland Mcbroom", person). |
type("Dean Mcbroom", person). |
type("Demarcus Huntley", person). |
type("Desiree Mcbroom", person). |
type("Dorris Huntley", person). |
type("Dudley Dodge", person). |
type("Ezequiel Gorton", person). |
type("Felipe Brashear", person). |
type("Gwenn Mcbroom", person). |
type("Harvey Mcbroom", person). |
type("Jacquelyn Huntley", person). |
type("James Mcbroom", person). |
type("Jordan Mcbroom", person). |
type("Lissa Mcbroom", person). |
type("Lowell Gorton", person). |
type("Maryann Mcbroom", person). |
type("Matt Mcbroom", person). |
type("Max Gorton", person). |
type("Melvin Dodge", person). |
type("Mervin Mcbroom", person). |
type("Mike Grigg", person). |
type("Morgan Huntley", person). |
type("Nydia Grigg", person). |
type("Oleta Mcbroom", person). |
type("Omar Grigg", person). |
type("Orlando Brashear", person). |
type("Randolph Grigg", person). |
type("Rena Grigg", person). |
type("Reynaldo Brashear", person). |
type("Sandy Mcbroom", person). |
type("Shannon Grigg", person). |
type("Shelton Dodge", person). |
type("Sue Mcbroom", person). |
type("Tamara Mcbroom", person). |
type("Theodore Grigg", person). |
type("Tianna Brashear", person). |
type("Windy Gorton", person). |
type("Zelma Mcbroom", person). |
type("Alejandrina Lanham", person). |
type("Annmarie Stoddard", person). |
type("Chau Bridge", person). |
type("Craig Arriola", person). |
type("Dee Stoddard", person). |
type("Dominick Bridge", person). |
type("Elias Lanham", person). |
type("Gloria Toomey", person). |
type("Grant Bridge", person). |
type("Hal Stoddard", person). |
type("Horacio Lanham", person). |
type("Howard Lanham", person). |
type("Jack Bridge", person). |
type("Jackie Lanham", person). |
type("Jerrod Stoddard", person). |
type("Jewel Sawyers", person). |
type("Jimmie Lanham", person). |
type("Johanna Stoddard", person). |
type("Joshua Alvarez", person). |
type("Joshua Stoddard", person). |
type("Jules Bridge", person). |
type("Kendrick Bridge", person). |
type("Kevin Stoddard", person). |
type("Krystal Arriola", person). |
type("Laurette Bridge", person). |
type("Louann Toomey", person). |
type("Mammie Bridge", person). |
type("Michel Sawyers", person). |
type("Michelle Stoddard", person). |
type("Miranda Stoddard", person). |
type("Mose Stoddard", person). |
type("Myrtle Bridge", person). |
type("Nakisha Lanham", person). |
type("Oma Lanham", person). |
type("Patsy Lanham", person). |
type("Pearlie Lanham", person). |
type("Phylis Alvarez", person). |
type("Raymond Lanham", person). |
type("Reginald Lanham", person). |
type("Roberto Toomey", person). |
type("Rolf Toomey", person). |
type("Romelia Sawyers", person). |
type("Ronald Stoddard", person). |
type("Silas Stoddard", person). |
type("Tammie Stoddard", person). |
type("Tawanda Toomey", person). |
type("Tonia Stoddard", person). |
type("Tony Lanham", person). |
type("Tonya Alvarez", person). |
type("Winnifred Arriola", person). |
type("Artie Gil", person). |
type("Billye Dias", person). |
type("Bobbie Biggs", person). |
type("Brendon Gil", person). |
type("Briana Gil", person). |
type("Carleen Dias", person). |
type("Carly Corder", person). |
type("Carmelita Dias", person). |
type("Carmelita Dunbar", person). |
type("Clayton Dias", person). |
type("Cleveland Lalonde", person). |
type("Coretta Dunbar", person). |
type("Cristina Long", person). |
type("Desmond Nesbitt", person). |
type("Devon Lalonde", person). |
type("Ernest Dias", person). |
type("Esteban Nesbitt", person). |
type("Eve Lalonde", person). |
type("Felix Biggs", person). |
type("Felton Gil", person). |
type("Gabriele Puckett", person). |
type("Gene Biggs", person). |
type("Georgine Pence", person). |
type("Holley Dunbar", person). |
type("Jackson Puckett", person). |
type("Jacques Gil", person). |
type("Jaime Dunbar", person). |
type("Jefferson Long", person). |
type("Joan Dias", person). |
type("Jodi Biggs", person). |
type("Kena Long", person). |
type("Kyle Gil", person). |
type("Leeann Gil", person). |
type("Leesa Pence", person). |
type("Leonard Corder", person). |
type("Linwood Dias", person). |
type("Lou Dias", person). |
type("Lucio Dias", person). |
type("Nicolle Dias", person). |
type("Robin Puckett", person). |
type("Ronnie Pence", person). |
type("Rubye Nesbitt", person). |
type("Rueben Puckett", person). |
type("Salley Puckett", person). |
type("Sterling Pence", person). |
type("Tad Dunbar", person). |
type("Tammy Dias", person). |
type("Thomasena Gil", person). |
type("Vincenza Dias", person). |
type("Windy Puckett", person). |
grandfather(X, Y) :- |
grandparent(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
:- dynamic expand_query/4. |
:- multifile expand_query/4. |
:- dynamic attribute/1. |
attribute("police officer"). |
attribute("birdwatching"). |
attribute("community education officer"). |
attribute("geography"). |
attribute("herbalist"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("podiatrist"). |
attribute("audiophile"). |
attribute("prison officer"). |
attribute("knowledge/word games"). |
attribute("animal technologist"). |
attribute("geocaching"). |
attribute("leisure centre manager"). |
attribute("croquet"). |
attribute("speech and language therapist"). |
attribute("badminton"). |
attribute("dietitian"). |
attribute("fossil hunting"). |
attribute("amenity horticulturist"). |
attribute("rail transport modelling"). |
attribute("theatre stage manager"). |
attribute("jujitsu"). |
attribute("hydrologist"). |
attribute("beauty pageants"). |
attribute("learning mentor"). |
attribute("softball"). |
attribute("location manager"). |
attribute("golfing"). |
attribute("chartered management accountant"). |
attribute("inline skating"). |
attribute("plant breeder"). |
attribute("radio-controlled model collecting"). |
attribute("advertising account executive"). |
attribute("videography"). |
attribute("tourism officer"). |
attribute("butterfly watching"). |
attribute("civil service fast streamer"). |
attribute("learning"). |
attribute("designer"). |
attribute("business"). |
attribute("development worker"). |
attribute("curling"). |
attribute("tourist information centre manager"). |
attribute("magnet fishing"). |
attribute("community education officer"). |
attribute("pickleball"). |
attribute("farm manager"). |
attribute("shuffleboard"). |
attribute("doctor"). |
attribute("geocaching"). |
attribute("newspaper journalist"). |
attribute("trade fair visiting"). |
attribute("customer service manager"). |
attribute("lapel pins"). |
attribute("public house manager"). |
attribute("rock balancing"). |
attribute("exercise physiologist"). |
attribute("breakdancing"). |
attribute("early years teacher"). |
attribute("audiophile"). |
attribute("chief executive officer"). |
attribute("dairy farming"). |
attribute("bookseller"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("physiotherapist"). |
attribute("mineral collecting"). |
attribute("occupational hygienist"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("advertising copywriter"). |
attribute("mineral collecting"). |
attribute("radiographer"). |
attribute("learning"). |
attribute("mining engineer"). |
attribute("magnet fishing"). |
attribute("warden"). |
attribute("whale watching"). |
attribute("regulatory affairs officer"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("location manager"). |
attribute("fusilately"). |
attribute("producer"). |
attribute("shortwave listening"). |
attribute("teaching laboratory technician"). |
attribute("microscopy"). |
attribute("orthoptist"). |
attribute("life science"). |
attribute("agricultural consultant"). |
attribute("meditation"). |
attribute("quarry manager"). |
attribute("science and technology studies"). |
attribute("risk analyst"). |
attribute("frisbee"). |
attribute("physiological scientist"). |
attribute("satellite watching"). |
attribute("equality and diversity officer"). |
attribute("chemistry"). |
attribute("firefighter"). |
attribute("ballet dancing"). |
attribute("purchasing manager"). |
attribute("antiquities"). |
attribute("illustrator"). |
attribute("rock balancing"). |
attribute("press photographer"). |
attribute("leaves"). |
attribute("legal executive"). |
attribute("table football"). |
attribute("neurosurgeon"). |
attribute("shogi"). |
attribute("IT sales professional"). |
attribute("learning"). |
attribute("quarry manager"). |
attribute("radio-controlled model playing"). |
attribute("veterinary surgeon"). |
attribute("whale watching"). |
attribute("merchandiser"). |
attribute("sociology"). |
attribute("clinical scientist"). |
attribute("people-watching"). |
attribute("equities trader"). |
attribute("bowling"). |
attribute("TEFL teacher"). |
attribute("city trip"). |
attribute("pension scheme manager"). |
attribute("ant farming"). |
attribute("outdoor activities manager"). |
attribute("whale watching"). |
attribute("musician"). |
attribute("button collecting"). |
attribute("artist"). |
attribute("archaeology"). |
attribute("customer service manager"). |
attribute("herping"). |
attribute("dancer"). |
attribute("audiophile"). |
attribute("educational psychologist"). |
attribute("fencing"). |
attribute("animator"). |
attribute("magnet fishing"). |
attribute("barrister's clerk"). |
attribute("mineral collecting"). |
attribute("oceanographer"). |
attribute("table tennis"). |
attribute("chemical engineer"). |
attribute("shortwave listening"). |
attribute("animator"). |
attribute("geocaching"). |
attribute("production designer"). |
attribute("physics"). |
attribute("surveyor"). |
attribute("polo"). |
attribute("animator"). |
attribute("lotology"). |
attribute("advice worker"). |
attribute("stone collecting"). |
attribute("sports coach"). |
attribute("flower collecting and pressing"). |
attribute("scientific laboratory technician"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("psychiatric nurse"). |
attribute("netball"). |
attribute("water engineer"). |
attribute("architecture"). |
attribute("professor emeritus"). |
attribute("bus spotting"). |
attribute("loss adjuster"). |
attribute("shortwave listening"). |
attribute("sales promotion account executive"). |
attribute("radio-controlled model playing"). |
attribute("telecommunications researcher"). |
attribute("archaeology"). |
attribute("music tutor"). |
attribute("geography"). |
attribute("software engineer"). |
attribute("audiophile"). |
attribute("film editor"). |
attribute("sea glass collecting"). |
attribute("therapist"). |
attribute("auto audiophilia"). |
attribute("quarry manager"). |
attribute("aircraft spotting"). |
attribute("bookseller"). |
attribute("stone collecting"). |
attribute("public affairs consultant"). |
attribute("fencing"). |
attribute("camera operator"). |
attribute("cribbage"). |
attribute("artist"). |
attribute("ant-keeping"). |
attribute("secondary school teacher"). |
attribute("skateboarding"). |
attribute("sports administrator"). |
attribute("herbalism"). |
attribute("radio producer"). |
attribute("satellite watching"). |
attribute("seismic interpreter"). |
attribute("airsoft"). |
attribute("charity fundraiser"). |
attribute("beekeeping"). |
attribute("museum education officer"). |
attribute("darts"). |
attribute("artist"). |
attribute("photography"). |
attribute("catering manager"). |
attribute("bus spotting"). |
attribute("cabin crew"). |
attribute("laser tag"). |
attribute("print production planner"). |
attribute("geography"). |
attribute("editorial assistant"). |
attribute("powerboat racing"). |
attribute("adult guidance worker"). |
attribute("shortwave listening"). |
attribute("dance movement psychotherapist"). |
attribute("backgammon"). |
attribute("mechanical engineer"). |
attribute("disc golf"). |
attribute("software engineer"). |
attribute("nordic skating"). |
attribute("personnel officer"). |
attribute("shopping"). |
attribute("quarry manager"). |
attribute("auto racing"). |
attribute("social worker"). |
attribute("benchmarking"). |
attribute("careers information officer"). |
attribute("microbiology"). |
attribute("journalist"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("merchandiser"). |
attribute("tennis"). |
attribute("arts administrator"). |
attribute("surfing"). |
attribute("careers information officer"). |
attribute("sports memorabilia"). |
attribute("child psychotherapist"). |
attribute("backgammon"). |
attribute("chartered loss adjuster"). |
attribute("meteorology"). |
attribute("corporate investment banker"). |
attribute("whale watching"). |
attribute("fashion designer"). |
attribute("beekeeping"). |
attribute("bonds trader"). |
attribute("entrepreneurship"). |
attribute("lecturer"). |
attribute("railway studies"). |
attribute("advertising account planner"). |
attribute("mathematics"). |
attribute("careers information officer"). |
attribute("leaves"). |
attribute("translator"). |
attribute("sea glass collecting"). |
attribute("geochemist"). |
attribute("snowboarding"). |
attribute("chartered legal executive"). |
attribute("trainspotting"). |
attribute("therapist"). |
attribute("sea glass collecting"). |
attribute("medical illustrator"). |
attribute("learning"). |
attribute("programme researcher"). |
attribute("meteorology"). |
attribute("financial controller"). |
attribute("microscopy"). |
attribute("pathologist"). |
attribute("publishing"). |
attribute("seismic interpreter"). |
attribute("aircraft spotting"). |
attribute("technical author"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("leisure centre manager"). |
attribute("tour skating"). |
attribute("sound technician"). |
attribute("science and technology studies"). |
attribute("pilot"). |
attribute("cycling"). |
attribute("IT technical support officer"). |
attribute("meditation"). |
attribute("social researcher"). |
attribute("fossil hunting"). |
attribute("video editor"). |
attribute("auto audiophilia"). |
attribute("chief technology officer"). |
attribute("antiquities"). |
attribute("clothing technologist"). |
attribute("engineering"). |
attribute("analytical chemist"). |
attribute("butterfly watching"). |
attribute("health visitor"). |
attribute("ant farming"). |
attribute("museum conservator"). |
attribute("fishkeeping"). |
attribute("plant breeder"). |
attribute("knife collecting"). |
attribute("curator"). |
attribute("sea glass collecting"). |
attribute("chartered management accountant"). |
attribute("auto audiophilia"). |
attribute("ambulance person"). |
attribute("publishing"). |
attribute("brewing technologist"). |
attribute("vintage cars"). |
attribute("community arts worker"). |
attribute("exhibition drill"). |
attribute("petroleum engineer"). |
attribute("microscopy"). |
attribute("rural practice surveyor"). |
attribute("insect collecting"). |
attribute("petroleum engineer"). |
attribute("reading"). |
attribute("legal secretary"). |
attribute("beach volleyball"). |
attribute("herbalist"). |
attribute("squash"). |
attribute("private music teacher"). |
attribute("whale watching"). |
attribute("air broker"). |
attribute("mineral collecting"). |
attribute("chemist"). |
attribute("reading"). |
attribute("therapist"). |
attribute("table football"). |
attribute("minerals surveyor"). |
attribute("equestrianism"). |
attribute("computer games developer"). |
attribute("car riding"). |
attribute("corporate treasurer"). |
attribute("hobby horsing"). |
attribute("textile designer"). |
attribute("jujitsu"). |
attribute("local government officer"). |
attribute("publishing"). |
attribute("building services engineer"). |
attribute("geocaching"). |
attribute("surveyor"). |
attribute("social studies"). |
attribute("public relations account executive"). |
attribute("shortwave listening"). |
attribute("lawyer"). |
attribute("birdwatching"). |
attribute("oncologist"). |
attribute("deltiology"). |
attribute("senior tax professional"). |
attribute("leaves"). |
attribute("textile designer"). |
attribute("fishkeeping"). |
attribute("estate manager"). |
attribute("butterfly watching"). |
attribute("chief operating officer"). |
attribute("publishing"). |
attribute("chiropractor"). |
attribute("biology"). |
attribute("chief technology officer"). |
attribute("movie memorabilia collecting"). |
attribute("herbalist"). |
attribute("butterfly watching"). |
attribute("media buyer"). |
attribute("myrmecology"). |
attribute("secondary school teacher"). |
attribute("seashell collecting"). |
attribute("agricultural consultant"). |
attribute("shoes"). |
attribute("fashion designer"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("acupuncturist"). |
attribute("amateur astronomy"). |
attribute("clothing technologist"). |
attribute("bowling"). |
attribute("building services engineer"). |
attribute("ant-keeping"). |
attribute("purchasing manager"). |
attribute("herping"). |
attribute("medical technical officer"). |
attribute("shortwave listening"). |
attribute("broadcast presenter"). |
attribute("aircraft spotting"). |
attribute("retail merchandiser"). |
attribute("lacrosse"). |
attribute("nutritional therapist"). |
attribute("horseshoes"). |
attribute("therapeutic radiographer"). |
attribute("seashell collecting"). |
attribute("geographical information systems officer"). |
attribute("flying"). |
attribute("computer games developer"). |
attribute("pinball"). |
attribute("copy"). |
attribute("crystals"). |
attribute("embryologist"). |
attribute("antiquities"). |
attribute("insurance account manager"). |
attribute("shoes"). |
attribute("education administrator"). |
attribute("association football"). |
attribute("maintenance engineer"). |
attribute("horseback riding"). |
attribute("proofreader"). |
attribute("fossil hunting"). |
attribute("financial planner"). |
attribute("lapel pins"). |
attribute("arts administrator"). |
attribute("transit map collecting"). |
attribute("loss adjuster"). |
attribute("driving"). |
attribute("banker"). |
attribute("larping"). |
attribute("television floor manager"). |
attribute("insect collecting"). |
attribute("radio producer"). |
attribute("croquet"). |
attribute("sales promotion account executive"). |
attribute("lapel pins"). |
attribute("barrister"). |
attribute("ant farming"). |
attribute("agricultural engineer"). |
attribute("skydiving"). |
attribute("lexicographer"). |
attribute("ultimate frisbee"). |
attribute("tour manager"). |
attribute("flying model planes"). |
attribute("diplomatic services operational officer"). |
attribute("vintage clothing"). |
attribute("chartered accountant"). |
attribute("linguistics"). |
attribute("ranger"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("land"). |
attribute("sailing"). |
attribute("primary school teacher"). |
attribute("birdwatching"). |
attribute("exhibition designer"). |
attribute("archaeology"). |
attribute("social worker"). |
attribute("web design"). |
attribute("tourist information centre manager"). |
attribute("vintage clothing"). |
attribute("chartered accountant"). |
attribute("coin collecting"). |
attribute("adult nurse"). |
attribute("beauty pageants"). |
attribute("private music teacher"). |
attribute("leaves"). |
attribute("armed forces technical officer"). |
attribute("knowledge/word games"). |
attribute("trading standards officer"). |
attribute("meteorology"). |
attribute("insurance underwriter"). |
attribute("meteorology"). |
attribute("clinical research associate"). |
attribute("meteorology"). |
attribute("print production planner"). |
attribute("cooking"). |
attribute("herbalist"). |
attribute("whale watching"). |
attribute("public house manager"). |
attribute("leaves"). |
attribute("special effects artist"). |
attribute("fishkeeping"). |
attribute("community pharmacist"). |
attribute("ant-keeping"). |
attribute("local government officer"). |
attribute("coin collecting"). |
attribute("advertising copywriter"). |
attribute("dancing"). |
attribute("transport planner"). |
attribute("beach volleyball"). |
attribute("ergonomist"). |
attribute("cartophily"). |
attribute("heritage manager"). |
attribute("antiquities"). |
attribute("industrial designer"). |
attribute("powerlifting"). |
attribute("adult nurse"). |
attribute("lotology"). |
attribute("firefighter"). |
attribute("crystals"). |
attribute("academic librarian"). |
attribute("magnet fishing"). |
attribute("media planner"). |
attribute("inline skating"). |
attribute("TEFL teacher"). |
attribute("butterfly watching"). |
attribute("clinical research associate"). |
attribute("hiking/backpacking"). |
attribute("merchandiser"). |
attribute("element collecting"). |
attribute("industrial buyer"). |
attribute("whale watching"). |
attribute("armed forces operational officer"). |
attribute("compact discs"). |
attribute("social researcher"). |
attribute("video gaming"). |
attribute("minerals surveyor"). |
attribute("ultimate frisbee"). |
attribute("personnel officer"). |
attribute("beekeeping"). |
attribute("health promotion specialist"). |
attribute("fishing"). |
attribute("clothing technologist"). |
attribute("car tuning"). |
attribute("field trials officer"). |
attribute("croquet"). |
attribute("wellsite geologist"). |
attribute("bus spotting"). |
attribute("marine scientist"). |
attribute("long-distance running"). |
attribute("media buyer"). |
attribute("fencing"). |
attribute("actuary"). |
attribute("figure skating"). |
attribute("exhibitions officer"). |
attribute("leaves"). |
attribute("journalist"). |
attribute("checkers (draughts)"). |
attribute("quality manager"). |
attribute("social studies"). |
attribute("neurosurgeon"). |
attribute("antiquities"). |
attribute("chemical engineer"). |
attribute("foraging"). |
attribute("music tutor"). |
attribute("dolls"). |
attribute("social worker"). |
attribute("book folding"). |
attribute("pathologist"). |
attribute("sand art"). |
attribute("licensed conveyancer"). |
attribute("flower collecting and pressing"). |
attribute("commercial surveyor"). |
attribute("fitness"). |
attribute("occupational hygienist"). |
attribute("backgammon"). |
attribute("environmental health practitioner"). |
attribute("rowing"). |
attribute("interpreter"). |
attribute("insect collecting"). |
attribute("pathologist"). |
attribute("microscopy"). |
attribute("operational investment banker"). |
attribute("ant farming"). |
attribute("bookseller"). |
attribute("animal fancy"). |
attribute("advertising account executive"). |
attribute("fishkeeping"). |
attribute("intelligence analyst"). |
attribute("radio-controlled model playing"). |
attribute("programmer"). |
attribute("shogi"). |
attribute("embryologist"). |
attribute("insect collecting"). |
attribute("brewing technologist"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("clinical scientist"). |
attribute("architecture"). |
attribute("petroleum engineer"). |
attribute("movie memorabilia collecting"). |
attribute("advertising account executive"). |
attribute("fishkeeping"). |
attribute("ranger"). |
attribute("esports"). |
attribute("immigration officer"). |
attribute("boxing"). |
attribute("operations geologist"). |
attribute("shortwave listening"). |
attribute("herpetologist"). |
attribute("geography"). |
attribute("barrister"). |
attribute("meteorology"). |
attribute("surgeon"). |
attribute("amateur astronomy"). |
attribute("geophysicist"). |
attribute("fusilately"). |
attribute("media buyer"). |
attribute("microbiology"). |
attribute("sales executive"). |
attribute("horsemanship"). |
attribute("clinical scientist"). |
attribute("element collecting"). |
attribute("fish farm manager"). |
attribute("lotology"). |
attribute("engineer"). |
attribute("astronomy"). |
attribute("radio producer"). |
attribute("fruit picking"). |
attribute("control and instrumentation engineer"). |
attribute("pinball"). |
attribute("diplomatic services operational officer"). |
attribute("auto audiophilia"). |
attribute("production engineer"). |
attribute("meditation"). |
attribute("health physicist"). |
attribute("dowsing"). |
attribute("hydrographic surveyor"). |
attribute("botany"). |
attribute("intelligence analyst"). |
attribute("button collecting"). |
attribute("intelligence analyst"). |
attribute("research"). |
attribute("occupational hygienist"). |
attribute("reading"). |
attribute("advertising art director"). |
attribute("literature"). |
attribute("exercise physiologist"). |
attribute("films"). |
attribute("electrical engineer"). |
attribute("horseshoes"). |
great_aunt(X, Y) :- |
grandparent(X, A), |
sister(A, Y). |
grandparent(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, Z), |
parent(Z, Y). |
grandmother(X, Y) :- |
grandparent(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
:- dynamic friend_/2. |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Jaime Veilleux"). |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Loraine Vansickle"). |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Shizuko Veilleux"). |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Ione Stites"). |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Lowell Gorton"). |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Nydia Grigg"). |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Brendon Gil"). |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Felix Biggs"). |
friend_("Abdul Felker", "Sterling Pence"). |
friend_("Adolph Barbee", "Latosha Rahman"). |
friend_("Adolph Barbee", "Solomon Rahman"). |
friend_("Adolph Barbee", "Eldon Stites"). |
friend_("Adolph Barbee", "Tyrone Deming"). |
friend_("Adolph Barbee", "Audie Dodge"). |
friend_("Alice Lance", "Rosena Veilleux"). |
friend_("Alice Lance", "Artie Gil"). |
friend_("Allie Barbee", "Twila Veilleux"). |
friend_("Allie Barbee", "Arthur Stites"). |
friend_("Allie Barbee", "Anneliese Brashear"). |
friend_("Allie Barbee", "Miranda Stoddard"). |
friend_("Allie Barbee", "Carleen Dias"). |
friend_("Allison Barbee", "Alvin Lance"). |
friend_("Allison Barbee", "Solomon Rahman"). |
friend_("Allison Barbee", "Ahmad Vansickle"). |
friend_("Allison Barbee", "Laurel Bianchi"). |
friend_("Allison Barbee", "Kieth Dow"). |
friend_("Alvin Lance", "Lucas Bianchi"). |
friend_("Alvin Lance", "Eldon Stites"). |
friend_("Alvin Lance", "Robin Puckett"). |
friend_("Alvin Lance", "Ronnie Pence"). |
friend_("Andres Barbee", "Jim Bianchi"). |
friend_("Andres Barbee", "Sandy Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Andrew Parkinson", "Andre Vansickle"). |
friend_("Andrew Parkinson", "Gwenn Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Andrew Parkinson", "Kendrick Bridge"). |
friend_("Andrew Parkinson", "Holley Dunbar"). |
friend_("Brooks George", "Kristopher Veilleux"). |
friend_("Brooks George", "Ladawn Turgeon"). |
friend_("Clint Rahman", "Renea Thrower"). |
friend_("Clint Rahman", "Julio Nelms"). |
friend_("Colette Rahman", "Kendrick Sherrod"). |
friend_("Colette Rahman", "Eldon Stites"). |
friend_("Courtney Parkinson", "Robin Puckett"). |
friend_("Dalton Parkinson", "Marvin Hope"). |
friend_("Dalton Parkinson", "Anneliese Brashear"). |
friend_("Dalton Parkinson", "Windy Gorton"). |
friend_("Dalton Parkinson", "Carleen Dias"). |
friend_("Dollie Barbee", "Karolyn Lance"). |
friend_("Dollie Barbee", "Lesley Barbee"). |
friend_("Dollie Barbee", "Briana Gil"). |
friend_("Dollie Barbee", "Thomasena Gil"). |
friend_("Elicia Barbee", "Shirleen Stites"). |
friend_("Elicia Barbee", "Anneliese Brashear"). |
friend_("Elicia Barbee", "Tonya Alvarez"). |
friend_("Elicia Barbee", "Eve Lalonde"). |
friend_("Elicia Barbee", "Nicolle Dias"). |
friend_("Elyse Barbee", "Landon Ervin"). |
friend_("Elyse Barbee", "Allyson Gorton"). |
friend_("Elyse Barbee", "Rena Grigg"). |
friend_("Elyse Barbee", "Leesa Pence"). |
friend_("Emma George", "Anneliese Brashear"). |
friend_("Garth Kean", "Harvey Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Garth Kean", "Melvin Dodge"). |
friend_("Guadalupe Barbee", "Darrick Darling"). |
friend_("Guadalupe Barbee", "Evelia Nelms"). |
friend_("Guadalupe Barbee", "Maryann Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Guadalupe Barbee", "Melvin Dodge"). |
friend_("Guadalupe Barbee", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
friend_("Guadalupe Barbee", "Salley Puckett"). |
friend_("Jenni Felker", "Nettie Barbee"). |
friend_("Jenni Felker", "Esperanza Bianchi"). |
friend_("Jenni Felker", "Jefferson Long"). |
friend_("Karolyn Lance", "Wallace Ragland"). |
friend_("Karolyn Lance", "Mayra Stites"). |
friend_("Karolyn Lance", "Jackson Puckett"). |
friend_("Kelley Barbee", "Casey Dow"). |
friend_("Kelley Barbee", "Barry Huntley"). |
friend_("Kenny Barbee", "Joshua Ervin"). |
friend_("Kenny Barbee", "Holley Dunbar"). |
friend_("Kirk Lo", "Esperanza Bianchi"). |
friend_("Kirk Lo", "Staci Deming"). |
friend_("Konstantin Barbee", "Krystle Barbee"). |
friend_("Konstantin Barbee", "Cesar Guay"). |
friend_("Korey Kean", "Chris Stites"). |
friend_("Korey Kean", "Michel Sawyers"). |
friend_("Krystle Barbee", "Esperanza Bianchi"). |
friend_("Krystle Barbee", "Autumn Brashear"). |
friend_("Krystle Barbee", "Tad Dunbar"). |
friend_("Kurt Parkinson", "Linwood Dias"). |
friend_("Latosha Rahman", "Desiree Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Lesley Barbee", "Rudy Barbee"). |
friend_("Lesley Barbee", "Audie Dodge"). |
friend_("Lesley Barbee", "Briana Gil"). |
friend_("Lesley Barbee", "Felix Biggs"). |
friend_("Lyndon Barbee", "Lura Bianchi"). |
friend_("Lyndon Barbee", "Nakisha Lanham"). |
friend_("Marvin Hope", "Alejandrina Thrower"). |
friend_("Marvin Hope", "Winnifred Sherrod"). |
friend_("Marvin Hope", "Kent Turgeon"). |
friend_("Marvin Hope", "Tianna Brashear"). |
friend_("Marvin Hope", "Chau Bridge"). |
friend_("Marvin Hope", "Eve Lalonde"). |
friend_("Merrill Kean", "Walter Hope"). |
friend_("Merrill Kean", "Deirdre Fries"). |
friend_("Merrill Kean", "Gwenn Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Merrill Kean", "Ernest Dias"). |
friend_("Merrill Kean", "Kena Long"). |
friend_("Merrill Kean", "Vincenza Dias"). |
friend_("Mitchel George", "Donovan Stites"). |
friend_("Mitchel George", "Autumn Brashear"). |
friend_("Mitchel George", "Hal Stoddard"). |
friend_("Mitchel George", "Kevin Stoddard"). |
friend_("Nettie Barbee", "Kristopher Veilleux"). |
friend_("Nettie Barbee", "Angel Kress"). |
friend_("Nettie Barbee", "Eddie Darling"). |
friend_("Nettie Barbee", "Sue Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Rocco Lance", "Holley Dunbar"). |
friend_("Rory George", "Roxy Guay"). |
friend_("Rory George", "Donnie Turgeon"). |
friend_("Rory George", "Felix Biggs"). |
friend_("Royce Lo", "Shante Najera"). |
friend_("Royce Lo", "Joshua Alvarez"). |
friend_("Royce Lo", "Kena Long"). |
friend_("Rudy Barbee", "Laurel Bianchi"). |
friend_("Rudy Barbee", "Carmella Huntley"). |
friend_("Rudy Barbee", "Rena Grigg"). |
friend_("Rudy Barbee", "Jack Bridge"). |
friend_("Solomon Rahman", "Willie Parkinson"). |
friend_("Solomon Rahman", "Twila Veilleux"). |
friend_("Solomon Rahman", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
friend_("Tracey Kean", "Willie Parkinson"). |
friend_("Tracey Kean", "Mike Grigg"). |
friend_("Tracey Kean", "Clayton Dias"). |
friend_("Twyla Parkinson", "Laurel Bianchi"). |
friend_("Twyla Parkinson", "Audie Dodge"). |
friend_("Twyla Parkinson", "Nakisha Lanham"). |
friend_("Twyla Parkinson", "Tad Dunbar"). |
friend_("Tyrone Parkinson", "Esperanza Ervin"). |
friend_("Tyrone Parkinson", "Randolph Grigg"). |
friend_("Tyrone Parkinson", "Artie Gil"). |
friend_("Tyrone Parkinson", "Nicolle Dias"). |
friend_("Wallace Ragland", "Booker Grigg"). |
friend_("Wallace Ragland", "Jackie Lanham"). |
friend_("Walter Hope", "Chris Stites"). |
friend_("Walter Hope", "Pearlie Lanham"). |
friend_("Wanda Lo", "Anastacia Grigg"). |
friend_("Wanda Lo", "Kena Long"). |
friend_("Wanita Hope", "Edmond Abney"). |
friend_("Wanita Hope", "Bess Dodge"). |
friend_("Wanita Hope", "Kyle Gil"). |
friend_("Wanita Hope", "Rueben Puckett"). |
friend_("Willie Parkinson", "Mervin Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Willie Parkinson", "Billye Dias"). |
friend_("Yasmin Ragland", "Jaime Veilleux"). |
friend_("Yasmin Ragland", "Adella Stites"). |
friend_("Ahmad Vansickle", "Renea Thrower"). |
friend_("Ahmad Vansickle", "Hunter Darling"). |
friend_("Ahmad Vansickle", "Lawerence Stites"). |
friend_("Ahmad Vansickle", "Salley Puckett"). |
friend_("Albertine Thrower", "Jimmie Lanham"). |
friend_("Albertine Thrower", "Silas Stoddard"). |
friend_("Alejandrina Thrower", "Lura Bianchi"). |
friend_("Alejandrina Thrower", "Kris Stites"). |
friend_("Alejandrina Thrower", "Autumn Brashear"). |
friend_("Alejandrina Thrower", "Mervin Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Alejandrina Thrower", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
friend_("Andre Vansickle", "Tanya Darling"). |
friend_("Andre Vansickle", "Wayne Stites"). |
friend_("Andre Vansickle", "Tonya Alvarez"). |
friend_("Benny Guay", "Demarcus Huntley"). |
friend_("Benny Guay", "Dorris Huntley"). |
friend_("Benny Guay", "Carly Corder"). |
friend_("Brain Thrower", "Oralia Kress"). |
friend_("Candice Bianchi", "Philip Thrower"). |
friend_("Candice Bianchi", "Maryann Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Cesar Guay", "Nickolas Deming"). |
friend_("Chrissy Vansickle", "Kent Turgeon"). |
friend_("Chrissy Vansickle", "Jackie Lanham"). |
friend_("Edgar Bianchi", "Oralia Kress"). |
friend_("Edgar Bianchi", "Horacio Lanham"). |
friend_("Edgar Bianchi", "Devon Lalonde"). |
friend_("Esperanza Bianchi", "Jim Bianchi"). |
friend_("Esperanza Bianchi", "Kristopher Veilleux"). |
friend_("Esperanza Bianchi", "Bobbie Biggs"). |
friend_("Esperanza Ervin", "Tyrone Deming"). |
friend_("Esperanza Ervin", "Alejandrina Lanham"). |
friend_("Eve Ervin", "Dominick Bridge"). |
friend_("Eve Ervin", "Joshua Alvarez"). |
friend_("Georgette Gebhart", "Jim Bianchi"). |
friend_("Georgette Gebhart", "Shamika Dow"). |
friend_("Georgette Gebhart", "Cleveland Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Georgette Gebhart", "Jacques Gil"). |
friend_("Georgette Gebhart", "Kyle Gil"). |
friend_("Gertrude Guay", "Tyrone Deming"). |
friend_("Hal Gebhart", "Holley Dunbar"). |
friend_("Jaime Veilleux", "Jaime Dunbar"). |
friend_("Jaime Veilleux", "Nicolle Dias"). |
friend_("Jim Bianchi", "Hal Stoddard"). |
friend_("Jim Bianchi", "Kendrick Bridge"). |
friend_("Jim Bianchi", "Brendon Gil"). |
friend_("Joshua Ervin", "Ladawn Turgeon"). |
friend_("Joshua Ervin", "Jacquelyn Huntley"). |
friend_("Kendrick Sherrod", "Ione Stites"). |
friend_("Kendrick Sherrod", "Dean Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Kristopher Veilleux", "Demarcus Huntley"). |
friend_("Kristopher Veilleux", "Gene Biggs"). |
friend_("Kristopher Veilleux", "Jackson Puckett"). |
friend_("Landon Ervin", "Dominick Bridge"). |
friend_("Landon Ervin", "Joshua Alvarez"). |
friend_("Landon Ervin", "Thomasena Gil"). |
friend_("Laurel Bianchi", "Dean Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Laurel Bianchi", "Tianna Brashear"). |
friend_("Laurel Bianchi", "Carly Corder"). |
friend_("Laurel Bianchi", "Gabriele Puckett"). |
friend_("Linwood Thrower", "Dean Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Linwood Thrower", "Sandy Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Loraine Vansickle", "Cherise Darling"). |
friend_("Loraine Vansickle", "Jacquelyn Huntley"). |
friend_("Loraine Vansickle", "Theodore Grigg"). |
friend_("Loraine Vansickle", "Ronald Stoddard"). |
friend_("Loraine Vansickle", "Billye Dias"). |
friend_("Lucas Bianchi", "Harvey Stites"). |
friend_("Lucas Bianchi", "Ronnie Pence"). |
friend_("Lura Bianchi", "Tawanda Toomey"). |
friend_("Maragret Bianchi", "Dorris Huntley"). |
friend_("Maragret Bianchi", "Billye Dias"). |
friend_("Maragret Bianchi", "Clayton Dias"). |
friend_("Mauricio Vansickle", "Shirleen Stites"). |
friend_("Mauricio Vansickle", "Tammy Dias"). |
friend_("Minerva Pennington", "Roberto Toomey"). |
friend_("Norris Sherrod", "Raphael Ervin"). |
friend_("Norris Sherrod", "Pearlie Lanham"). |
friend_("Ollie Bianchi", "Shon Guay"). |
friend_("Philip Thrower", "Donnie Turgeon"). |
friend_("Philip Thrower", "Nydia Grigg"). |
friend_("Philip Thrower", "Jefferson Long"). |
friend_("Raphael Ervin", "Julio Nelms"). |
friend_("Raphael Ervin", "Bess Dodge"). |
friend_("Renea Thrower", "Shamika Dow"). |
friend_("Renea Thrower", "Gloria Toomey"). |
friend_("Renea Thrower", "Silas Stoddard"). |
friend_("Renea Thrower", "Esteban Nesbitt"). |
friend_("Renea Thrower", "Leonard Corder"). |
friend_("Robby Pennington", "Windy Puckett"). |
friend_("Rosena Veilleux", "Pearlie Lanham"). |
friend_("Rosena Veilleux", "Georgine Pence"). |
friend_("Roxy Guay", "Jewel Sawyers"). |
friend_("Roy Najera", "Dean Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Roy Najera", "Dominick Bridge"). |
friend_("Roy Najera", "Clayton Dias"). |
friend_("Sarita Bianchi", "Arthur Stites"). |
friend_("Sarita Bianchi", "Tyrone Deming"). |
friend_("Sarita Bianchi", "Jimmie Lanham"). |
friend_("Sarita Bianchi", "Patsy Lanham"). |
friend_("Shante Najera", "Roberto Toomey"). |
friend_("Sylvester Sherrod", "Arthur Stites"). |
friend_("Sylvester Sherrod", "Bobbie Biggs"). |
friend_("Sylvester Sherrod", "Ronnie Pence"). |
friend_("Twila Veilleux", "Mitchell Darling"). |
friend_("Twila Veilleux", "Phylis Alvarez"). |
friend_("Winnifred Sherrod", "Booker Grigg"). |
friend_("Winnifred Sherrod", "Tianna Brashear"). |
friend_("Winnifred Sherrod", "Chau Bridge"). |
friend_("Winnifred Sherrod", "Felton Gil"). |
friend_("Zachary Guay", "Marcel Abney"). |
friend_("Zachary Guay", "Krystal Arriola"). |
friend_("Zachary Guay", "Briana Gil"). |
friend_("Adella Stites", "Hunter Darling"). |
friend_("Adella Stites", "Marcel Abney"). |
friend_("Adella Stites", "Minnie Darling"). |
friend_("Adella Stites", "Staci Deming"). |
friend_("Andrea Stites", "Ladawn Turgeon"). |
friend_("Andrea Stites", "Wilmer Stites"). |
friend_("Andrea Stites", "Kendrick Bridge"). |
friend_("Andrea Stites", "Tonia Stoddard"). |
friend_("Arthur Stites", "Harvey Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Arthur Stites", "Nydia Grigg"). |
friend_("Casey Dow", "Felipe Brashear"). |
friend_("Casey Dow", "Joshua Alvarez"). |
friend_("Cherise Darling", "Donovan Stites"). |
friend_("Cherise Darling", "Alejandrina Lanham"). |
friend_("Chris Stites", "Joshua Stoddard"). |
friend_("Darrick Darling", "Jordan Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Deirdre Fries", "Eddie Darling"). |
friend_("Deirdre Fries", "Billye Dias"). |
friend_("Donnie Turgeon", "Joanne Dow"). |
friend_("Donnie Turgeon", "Orlando Brashear"). |
friend_("Donnie Turgeon", "Krystal Arriola"). |
friend_("Donovan Stites", "Carmella Huntley"). |
friend_("Donovan Stites", "Jefferson Long"). |
friend_("Dwain Stites", "Adella Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Eddie Darling", "Tyrone Deming"). |
friend_("Eddie Darling", "Jacquelyn Huntley"). |
friend_("Edmond Abney", "Max Gorton"). |
friend_("Edmond Abney", "Dee Stoddard"). |
friend_("Eldon Stites", "Ezequiel Gorton"). |
friend_("Eldon Stites", "Randolph Grigg"). |
friend_("Eldon Stites", "Laurette Bridge"). |
friend_("Evelia Nelms", "Sandy Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Giovanni Stites", "Silas Stoddard"). |
friend_("Giovanni Stites", "Billye Dias"). |
friend_("Harvey Stites", "Annmarie Stoddard"). |
friend_("Harvey Stites", "Roberto Toomey"). |
friend_("Harvey Stites", "Kena Long"). |
friend_("Hunter Darling", "Margaret Turgeon"). |
friend_("Hunter Darling", "Booker Grigg"). |
friend_("Hunter Darling", "Laurette Bridge"). |
friend_("Ione Stites", "Alina Huntley"). |
friend_("Ione Stites", "Oleta Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Jewel Abney", "Artie Gil"). |
friend_("Jewell Stites", "Krystal Arriola"). |
friend_("Joanne Dow", "Pansy Southerland"). |
friend_("Joanne Dow", "Johanna Stoddard"). |
friend_("Joanne Dow", "Romelia Sawyers"). |
friend_("Joel Fries", "Nada Stites"). |
friend_("Joel Fries", "Mose Stoddard"). |
friend_("Julio Nelms", "Shirleen Stites"). |
friend_("Julio Nelms", "Silas Stoddard"). |
friend_("Kenny Southerland", "Robin Puckett"). |
friend_("Kent Turgeon", "Autumn Brashear"). |
friend_("Kent Turgeon", "Elias Lanham"). |
friend_("Kent Turgeon", "Carmelita Dunbar"). |
friend_("Kieth Dow", "Shannon Grigg"). |
friend_("Kieth Dow", "Patsy Lanham"). |
friend_("Ladawn Turgeon", "Booker Grigg"). |
friend_("Lawerence Stites", "Gene Biggs"). |
friend_("Leopoldo Stites", "Myrtle Bridge"). |
friend_("Marcel Abney", "Carmella Huntley"). |
friend_("Maxwell Deming", "Tony Lanham"). |
friend_("Mayra Stites", "Windy Puckett"). |
friend_("Minnie Darling", "Allyson Brashear"). |
friend_("Minnie Darling", "Gwenn Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Minnie Darling", "Mammie Bridge"). |
friend_("Minnie Darling", "Tawanda Toomey"). |
friend_("Mitchell Darling", "Jackie Lanham"). |
friend_("Nada Stites", "Nickolas Deming"). |
friend_("Nada Stites", "Audie Dodge"). |
friend_("Nada Stites", "Lissa Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Nada Stites", "Dee Stoddard"). |
friend_("Nickolas Deming", "Desiree Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Oralia Kress", "Harvey Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Oralia Kress", "Leeann Gil"). |
friend_("Shamika Dow", "Georgine Pence"). |
friend_("Shirleen Stites", "Barry Huntley"). |
friend_("Staci Deming", "Autumn Brashear"). |
friend_("Tanya Darling", "Laurette Bridge"). |
friend_("Tyrone Deming", "Nakisha Lanham"). |
friend_("Wayne Stites", "Cristina Long"). |
friend_("Adella Mcbroom", "Bess Dodge"). |
friend_("Adella Mcbroom", "Rena Grigg"). |
friend_("Adella Mcbroom", "Jackie Lanham"). |
friend_("Adella Mcbroom", "Jerrod Stoddard"). |
friend_("Alina Huntley", "Elias Lanham"). |
friend_("Alina Huntley", "Gabriele Puckett"). |
friend_("Alina Huntley", "Nicolle Dias"). |
friend_("Allyson Brashear", "Nakisha Lanham"). |
friend_("Allyson Brashear", "Cristina Long"). |
friend_("Allyson Gorton", "Bess Dodge"). |
friend_("Allyson Gorton", "Horacio Lanham"). |
friend_("Allyson Gorton", "Coretta Dunbar"). |
friend_("Anastacia Grigg", "Grant Bridge"). |
friend_("Anastacia Grigg", "Nakisha Lanham"). |
friend_("Anneliese Brashear", "Jackie Lanham"). |
friend_("Anneliese Brashear", "Cleveland Lalonde"). |
friend_("Audie Dodge", "Matt Mcbroom"). |
friend_("Autumn Brashear", "Eve Lalonde"). |
friend_("Barry Huntley", "Silas Stoddard"). |
friend_("Booker Grigg", "Michel Sawyers"). |
friend_("Brooks Huntley", "Randolph Grigg"). |
friend_("Brooks Huntley", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
friend_("Brooks Huntley", "Desmond Nesbitt"). |
friend_("Brooks Huntley", "Lou Dias"). |
friend_("Cleveland Mcbroom", "Jackie Lanham"). |
friend_("Cleveland Mcbroom", "Clayton Dias"). |
friend_("Cleveland Mcbroom", "Jefferson Long"). |
friend_("Dean Mcbroom", "Shelton Dodge"). |
friend_("Desiree Mcbroom", "Shelton Dodge"). |
friend_("Desiree Mcbroom", "Jackson Puckett"). |
friend_("Dorris Huntley", "Max Gorton"). |
friend_("Dorris Huntley", "Myrtle Bridge"). |
friend_("Ezequiel Gorton", "Coretta Dunbar"). |
friend_("Ezequiel Gorton", "Jacques Gil"). |
friend_("Felipe Brashear", "Johanna Stoddard"). |
friend_("Gwenn Mcbroom", "Michel Sawyers"). |
friend_("Jordan Mcbroom", "Jodi Biggs"). |
friend_("Matt Mcbroom", "Gloria Toomey"). |
friend_("Matt Mcbroom", "Leeann Gil"). |
friend_("Mervin Mcbroom", "Gene Biggs"). |
friend_("Morgan Huntley", "Michelle Stoddard"). |
friend_("Morgan Huntley", "Ronald Stoddard"). |
friend_("Nydia Grigg", "Tony Lanham"). |
friend_("Omar Grigg", "Jimmie Lanham"). |
friend_("Orlando Brashear", "Tammy Dias"). |
friend_("Randolph Grigg", "Shelton Dodge"). |
friend_("Randolph Grigg", "Joshua Stoddard"). |
friend_("Rena Grigg", "Cleveland Lalonde"). |
friend_("Reynaldo Brashear", "Cristina Long"). |
friend_("Reynaldo Brashear", "Tad Dunbar"). |
friend_("Sandy Mcbroom", "Mammie Bridge"). |
friend_("Shannon Grigg", "Windy Gorton"). |
friend_("Shannon Grigg", "Jackson Puckett"). |
friend_("Shelton Dodge", "Jackson Puckett"). |
friend_("Tamara Mcbroom", "Billye Dias"). |
friend_("Tamara Mcbroom", "Lucio Dias"). |
friend_("Theodore Grigg", "Myrtle Bridge"). |
friend_("Windy Gorton", "Jaime Dunbar"). |
friend_("Alejandrina Lanham", "Grant Bridge"). |
friend_("Alejandrina Lanham", "Romelia Sawyers"). |
friend_("Chau Bridge", "Leesa Pence"). |
friend_("Craig Arriola", "Billye Dias"). |
friend_("Craig Arriola", "Esteban Nesbitt"). |
friend_("Dee Stoddard", "Mammie Bridge"). |
friend_("Dee Stoddard", "Joan Dias"). |
friend_("Elias Lanham", "Artie Gil"). |
friend_("Gloria Toomey", "Jodi Biggs"). |
friend_("Grant Bridge", "Kevin Stoddard"). |
friend_("Grant Bridge", "Raymond Lanham"). |
friend_("Grant Bridge", "Kyle Gil"). |
friend_("Horacio Lanham", "Kevin Stoddard"). |
friend_("Horacio Lanham", "Rueben Puckett"). |
friend_("Howard Lanham", "Billye Dias"). |
friend_("Jackie Lanham", "Roberto Toomey"). |
friend_("Jerrod Stoddard", "Ronald Stoddard"). |
friend_("Jerrod Stoddard", "Winnifred Arriola"). |
friend_("Jewel Sawyers", "Ernest Dias"). |
friend_("Joshua Alvarez", "Patsy Lanham"). |
friend_("Joshua Stoddard", "Linwood Dias"). |
friend_("Jules Bridge", "Leonard Corder"). |
friend_("Kendrick Bridge", "Tony Lanham"). |
friend_("Kevin Stoddard", "Carly Corder"). |
friend_("Krystal Arriola", "Mammie Bridge"). |
friend_("Krystal Arriola", "Esteban Nesbitt"). |
friend_("Krystal Arriola", "Gene Biggs"). |
friend_("Mammie Bridge", "Jacques Gil"). |
friend_("Mammie Bridge", "Jaime Dunbar"). |
friend_("Mammie Bridge", "Ronnie Pence"). |
friend_("Michel Sawyers", "Georgine Pence"). |
friend_("Myrtle Bridge", "Ronnie Pence"). |
friend_("Patsy Lanham", "Georgine Pence"). |
friend_("Roberto Toomey", "Tonya Alvarez"). |
friend_("Ronald Stoddard", "Holley Dunbar"). |
friend_("Silas Stoddard", "Tawanda Toomey"). |
friend_("Tawanda Toomey", "Jefferson Long"). |
friend_("Winnifred Arriola", "Leesa Pence"). |
friend_("Billye Dias", "Robin Puckett"). |
friend_("Brendon Gil", "Gene Biggs"). |
friend_("Carly Corder", "Gene Biggs"). |
friend_("Cristina Long", "Felton Gil"). |
friend_("Felton Gil", "Jackson Puckett"). |
friend_("Kyle Gil", "Lucio Dias"). |
friend(X, Y) :- |
friend_(X, Y). |
friend(X, Y) :- |
friend_(Y, X). |
niece(X, Y) :- |
sibling(X, A), |
daughter(A, Y). |
nephew(X, Y) :- |
sibling(X, A), |
son(A, Y). |
brother_in_law(X, Y) :- |
married(X, A), |
brother(A, Y). |
:- multifile message_property/2. |
sister_in_law(X, Y) :- |
married(X, A), |
sister(A, Y). |
wife(X, Y) :- |
married(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
husband(X, Y) :- |
married(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
daughter_in_law(X, Y) :- |
child(X, A), |
wife(A, Y). |
son_in_law(X, Y) :- |
child(X, A), |
husband(A, Y). |
son(X, Y) :- |
child(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
female(X) :- |
gender(X, "female"). |
daughter(X, Y) :- |
child(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
father_in_law(X, Y) :- |
married(X, A), |
father(A, Y). |
mother_in_law(X, Y) :- |
married(X, A), |
mother(A, Y). |
father(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
:- multifile prolog_predicate_name/2. |
child(X, Y) :- |
parent(Y, X). |
male_first_cousin_once_removed(X, Y) :- |
cousin(X, A), |
son(A, Y), |
X\=Y. |
:- multifile prolog_clause_name/2. |
:- dynamic expand_answer/2. |
:- multifile expand_answer/2. |
:- dynamic exception/3. |
:- multifile exception/3. |
female_first_cousin_once_removed(X, Y) :- |
cousin(X, A), |
daughter(A, Y), |
X\=Y. |
brother(X, Y) :- |
sibling(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
mother(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
male_second_cousin(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, A), |
parent(Y, B), |
cousin(A, B), |
male(Y), |
X\=Y. |
:- dynamic message_hook/3. |
:- multifile message_hook/3. |
female_second_cousin(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, A), |
parent(Y, B), |
cousin(A, B), |
female(Y), |
X\=Y. |
married(X, Y) :- |
parent(Child, X), |
parent(Child, Y), |
X\=Y. |
male(X) :- |
gender(X, "male"). |
:- dynamic prolog_file_type/2. |
:- multifile prolog_file_type/2. |
prolog_file_type(pl, prolog). |
prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog). |
prolog_file_type(qlf, prolog). |
prolog_file_type(qlf, qlf). |
prolog_file_type(A, executable) :- |
system:current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A). |
prolog_file_type(dylib, executable) :- |
system:current_prolog_flag(apple, true). |
sister(X, Y) :- |
sibling(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
male_cousin(X, Y) :- |
cousin(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
:- dynamic nonbinary/1. |
nonbinary(X) :- |
gender(X, "nonbinary"). |
female_cousin(X, Y) :- |
cousin(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
sibling(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, A), |
parent(Y, A), |
X\=Y. |
:- dynamic portray/1. |
:- multifile portray/1. |
:- dynamic prolog_load_file/2. |
:- multifile prolog_load_file/2. |
:- dynamic goal_expansion/2. |
:- multifile goal_expansion/2. |
:- dynamic parent/2. |
parent("Adolph Barbee", "Kelley Barbee"). |
parent("Adolph Barbee", "Kenny Barbee"). |
parent("Alice Lance", "Karolyn Lance"). |
parent("Alice Lance", "Rocco Lance"). |
parent("Allison Barbee", "Andres Barbee"). |
parent("Allison Barbee", "Dollie Barbee"). |
parent("Alvin Lance", "Karolyn Lance"). |
parent("Alvin Lance", "Rocco Lance"). |
parent("Andres Barbee", "Kelley Barbee"). |
parent("Andres Barbee", "Kenny Barbee"). |
parent("Andrew Parkinson", "Kurt Parkinson"). |
parent("Andrew Parkinson", "Leonila Parkinson"). |
parent("Brooks George", "Emma George"). |
parent("Brooks George", "Rory George"). |
parent("Clint Rahman", "Latosha Rahman"). |
parent("Clint Rahman", "Solomon Rahman"). |
parent("Courtney Parkinson", "Karolyn Lance"). |
parent("Courtney Parkinson", "Rocco Lance"). |
parent("Dalton Parkinson", "Courtney Parkinson"). |
parent("Dalton Parkinson", "Willie Parkinson"). |
parent("Dollie Barbee", "Wallace Ragland"). |
parent("Dollie Barbee", "Yasmin Ragland"). |
parent("Elicia Barbee", "Konstantin Barbee"). |
parent("Elicia Barbee", "Krystle Barbee"). |
parent("Emma George", "Courtney Parkinson"). |
parent("Emma George", "Willie Parkinson"). |
parent("Guadalupe Barbee", "Allie Barbee"). |
parent("Guadalupe Barbee", "Rudy Barbee"). |
parent("Jenni Felker", "Clint Rahman"). |
parent("Jenni Felker", "Colette Rahman"). |
parent("Karolyn Lance", "Abdul Felker"). |
parent("Karolyn Lance", "Jenni Felker"). |
parent("Kelley Barbee", "Karolyn Lance"). |
parent("Kelley Barbee", "Rocco Lance"). |
parent("Kenny Barbee", "Allie Barbee"). |
parent("Kenny Barbee", "Rudy Barbee"). |
parent("Kirk Lo", "Royce Lo"). |
parent("Kirk Lo", "Wanda Lo"). |
parent("Konstantin Barbee", "Andres Barbee"). |
parent("Konstantin Barbee", "Dollie Barbee"). |
parent("Korey Kean", "Garth Kean"). |
parent("Korey Kean", "Tracey Kean"). |
parent("Krystle Barbee", "Walter Hope"). |
parent("Krystle Barbee", "Wanita Hope"). |
parent("Lesley Barbee", "Elyse Barbee"). |
parent("Lesley Barbee", "Lyndon Barbee"). |
parent("Lyndon Barbee", "Konstantin Barbee"). |
parent("Lyndon Barbee", "Krystle Barbee"). |
parent("Marvin Hope", "Walter Hope"). |
parent("Marvin Hope", "Wanita Hope"). |
parent("Merrill Kean", "Garth Kean"). |
parent("Merrill Kean", "Tracey Kean"). |
parent("Mitchel George", "Emma George"). |
parent("Mitchel George", "Rory George"). |
parent("Nettie Barbee", "Konstantin Barbee"). |
parent("Nettie Barbee", "Krystle Barbee"). |
parent("Tracey Kean", "Karolyn Lance"). |
parent("Tracey Kean", "Rocco Lance"). |
parent("Twyla Parkinson", "Kurt Parkinson"). |
parent("Twyla Parkinson", "Leonila Parkinson"). |
parent("Tyrone Parkinson", "Courtney Parkinson"). |
parent("Tyrone Parkinson", "Willie Parkinson"). |
parent("Wanda Lo", "Elyse Barbee"). |
parent("Wanda Lo", "Lyndon Barbee"). |
parent("Willie Parkinson", "Kurt Parkinson"). |
parent("Willie Parkinson", "Leonila Parkinson"). |
parent("Ahmad Vansickle", "Loraine Vansickle"). |
parent("Ahmad Vansickle", "Mauricio Vansickle"). |
parent("Albertine Thrower", "Georgette Gebhart"). |
parent("Albertine Thrower", "Hal Gebhart"). |
parent("Andre Vansickle", "Ahmad Vansickle"). |
parent("Andre Vansickle", "Chrissy Vansickle"). |
parent("Benny Guay", "Cesar Guay"). |
parent("Benny Guay", "Laurel Guay"). |
parent("Candice Bianchi", "Albertine Thrower"). |
parent("Candice Bianchi", "Philip Thrower"). |
parent("Carmen Bianchi", "Edgar Bianchi"). |
parent("Carmen Bianchi", "Lura Bianchi"). |
parent("Cesar Guay", "Gertrude Guay"). |
parent("Cesar Guay", "Shon Guay"). |
parent("Chrissy Vansickle", "Pricilla Pennington"). |
parent("Chrissy Vansickle", "Robby Pennington"). |
parent("Concepcion Najera", "Edgar Bianchi"). |
parent("Concepcion Najera", "Lura Bianchi"). |
parent("Edgar Bianchi", "Lucas Bianchi"). |
parent("Edgar Bianchi", "Sarita Bianchi"). |
parent("Esperanza Ervin", "Candice Bianchi"). |
parent("Esperanza Ervin", "Carmen Bianchi"). |
parent("Joshua Ervin", "Eve Ervin"). |
parent("Joshua Ervin", "Landon Ervin"). |
parent("Kendrick Sherrod", "Norris Sherrod"). |
parent("Kendrick Sherrod", "Winnifred Sherrod"). |
parent("Kristopher Veilleux", "Jaime Veilleux"). |
parent("Kristopher Veilleux", "Rosena Veilleux"). |
parent("Laurel Bianchi", "Edgar Bianchi"). |
parent("Laurel Bianchi", "Lura Bianchi"). |
parent("Linwood Thrower", "Albertine Thrower"). |
parent("Linwood Thrower", "Philip Thrower"). |
parent("Lucas Bianchi", "Esperanza Bianchi"). |
parent("Lucas Bianchi", "Jim Bianchi"). |
parent("Maragret Bianchi", "Candice Bianchi"). |
parent("Maragret Bianchi", "Carmen Bianchi"). |
parent("Minerva Pennington", "Pricilla Pennington"). |
parent("Minerva Pennington", "Robby Pennington"). |
parent("Ollie Bianchi", "Candice Bianchi"). |
parent("Ollie Bianchi", "Carmen Bianchi"). |
parent("Philip Thrower", "Alejandrina Thrower"). |
parent("Philip Thrower", "Brain Thrower"). |
parent("Pricilla Pennington", "Albertine Thrower"). |
parent("Pricilla Pennington", "Philip Thrower"). |
parent("Raphael Ervin", "Esperanza Ervin"). |
parent("Raphael Ervin", "Joshua Ervin"). |
parent("Renea Thrower", "Albertine Thrower"). |
parent("Renea Thrower", "Philip Thrower"). |
parent("Rosena Veilleux", "Esperanza Ervin"). |
parent("Rosena Veilleux", "Joshua Ervin"). |
parent("Roxy Guay", "Albertine Thrower"). |
parent("Roxy Guay", "Philip Thrower"). |
parent("Shante Najera", "Concepcion Najera"). |
parent("Shante Najera", "Roy Najera"). |
parent("Sylvester Sherrod", "Norris Sherrod"). |
parent("Sylvester Sherrod", "Winnifred Sherrod"). |
parent("Twila Veilleux", "Kristopher Veilleux"). |
parent("Twila Veilleux", "Shizuko Veilleux"). |
parent("Winnifred Sherrod", "Esperanza Ervin"). |
parent("Winnifred Sherrod", "Joshua Ervin"). |
parent("Zachary Guay", "Benny Guay"). |
parent("Zachary Guay", "Roxy Guay"). |
parent("Adella Stites", "Deirdre Fries"). |
parent("Adella Stites", "Joel Fries"). |
parent("Arthur Stites", "Dwain Stites"). |
parent("Arthur Stites", "Nada Stites"). |
parent("Cherise Darling", "Minnie Darling"). |
parent("Cherise Darling", "Mitchell Darling"). |
parent("Chris Stites", "Donovan Stites"). |
parent("Chris Stites", "Mayra Stites"). |
parent("Darrick Darling", "Minnie Darling"). |
parent("Darrick Darling", "Mitchell Darling"). |
parent("Donnie Turgeon", "Kent Turgeon"). |
parent("Donnie Turgeon", "Margaret Turgeon"). |
parent("Donovan Stites", "Ione Stites"). |
parent("Donovan Stites", "Wilmer Stites"). |
parent("Dwain Stites", "Adella Stites"). |
parent("Dwain Stites", "Harvey Stites"). |
parent("Eddie Darling", "Minnie Darling"). |
parent("Eddie Darling", "Mitchell Darling"). |
parent("Edmond Abney", "Jewel Abney"). |
parent("Edmond Abney", "Marcel Abney"). |
parent("Evelia Nelms", "Angel Kress"). |
parent("Evelia Nelms", "Oralia Kress"). |
parent("Giovanni Stites", "Adella Stites"). |
parent("Giovanni Stites", "Harvey Stites"). |
parent("Grant Stites", "Eldon Stites"). |
parent("Grant Stites", "Shirleen Stites"). |
parent("Harvey Stites", "Eldon Stites"). |
parent("Harvey Stites", "Shirleen Stites"). |
parent("Jewel Abney", "Kenny Southerland"). |
parent("Jewel Abney", "Pansy Southerland"). |
parent("Jewell Stites", "Adella Stites"). |
parent("Jewell Stites", "Harvey Stites"). |
parent("Kieth Dow", "Casey Dow"). |
parent("Kieth Dow", "Joanne Dow"). |
parent("Kisha Stites", "Andrea Stites"). |
parent("Kisha Stites", "Lawerence Stites"). |
parent("Kris Stites", "Donnie Turgeon"). |
parent("Kris Stites", "Ladawn Turgeon"). |
parent("Ladawn Turgeon", "Kieth Dow"). |
parent("Ladawn Turgeon", "Shamika Dow"). |
parent("Lawerence Stites", "Eldon Stites"). |
parent("Lawerence Stites", "Shirleen Stites"). |
parent("Leopoldo Stites", "Adella Stites"). |
parent("Leopoldo Stites", "Harvey Stites"). |
parent("Maxwell Deming", "Nickolas Deming"). |
parent("Maxwell Deming", "Staci Deming"). |
parent("Mayra Stites", "Evelia Nelms"). |
parent("Mayra Stites", "Julio Nelms"). |
parent("Mitchell Darling", "Hunter Darling"). |
parent("Mitchell Darling", "Tanya Darling"). |
parent("Pansy Southerland", "Dwain Stites"). |
parent("Pansy Southerland", "Nada Stites"). |
parent("Shirleen Stites", "Minnie Darling"). |
parent("Shirleen Stites", "Mitchell Darling"). |
parent("Staci Deming", "Ione Stites"). |
parent("Staci Deming", "Wilmer Stites"). |
parent("Tyrone Deming", "Nickolas Deming"). |
parent("Tyrone Deming", "Staci Deming"). |
parent("Wayne Stites", "Adella Stites"). |
parent("Wayne Stites", "Harvey Stites"). |
parent("Wilmer Stites", "Grant Stites"). |
parent("Wilmer Stites", "Kris Stites"). |
parent("Adella Mcbroom", "Cleveland Mcbroom"). |
parent("Adella Mcbroom", "Sue Mcbroom"). |
parent("Alina Huntley", "Carmella Huntley"). |
parent("Alina Huntley", "Demarcus Huntley"). |
parent("Allyson Gorton", "Allyson Brashear"). |
parent("Allyson Gorton", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
parent("Audie Dodge", "Bess Dodge"). |
parent("Audie Dodge", "Melvin Dodge"). |
parent("Autumn Brashear", "Allyson Brashear"). |
parent("Autumn Brashear", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
parent("Barry Huntley", "Carmella Huntley"). |
parent("Barry Huntley", "Demarcus Huntley"). |
parent("Bess Dodge", "Lissa Mcbroom"). |
parent("Bess Dodge", "Matt Mcbroom"). |
parent("Booker Grigg", "Anastacia Grigg"). |
parent("Booker Grigg", "Mike Grigg"). |
parent("Carmella Huntley", "Cleveland Mcbroom"). |
parent("Carmella Huntley", "Sue Mcbroom"). |
parent("Cleveland Mcbroom", "Lissa Mcbroom"). |
parent("Cleveland Mcbroom", "Matt Mcbroom"). |
parent("Dean Mcbroom", "James Mcbroom"). |
parent("Dean Mcbroom", "Zelma Mcbroom"). |
parent("Demarcus Huntley", "Brooks Huntley"). |
parent("Demarcus Huntley", "Jacquelyn Huntley"). |
parent("Dorris Huntley", "Barry Huntley"). |
parent("Dorris Huntley", "Morgan Huntley"). |
parent("Dudley Dodge", "Bess Dodge"). |
parent("Dudley Dodge", "Melvin Dodge"). |
parent("Harvey Mcbroom", "Lissa Mcbroom"). |
parent("Harvey Mcbroom", "Matt Mcbroom"). |
parent("Jordan Mcbroom", "Lissa Mcbroom"). |
parent("Jordan Mcbroom", "Matt Mcbroom"). |
parent("Lowell Gorton", "Allyson Gorton"). |
parent("Lowell Gorton", "Ezequiel Gorton"). |
parent("Maryann Mcbroom", "Desiree Mcbroom"). |
parent("Maryann Mcbroom", "Jordan Mcbroom"). |
parent("Matt Mcbroom", "Dean Mcbroom"). |
parent("Matt Mcbroom", "Gwenn Mcbroom"). |
parent("Max Gorton", "Lowell Gorton"). |
parent("Max Gorton", "Windy Gorton"). |
parent("Mervin Mcbroom", "Lissa Mcbroom"). |
parent("Mervin Mcbroom", "Matt Mcbroom"). |
parent("Oleta Mcbroom", "Mervin Mcbroom"). |
parent("Oleta Mcbroom", "Sandy Mcbroom"). |
parent("Omar Grigg", "Booker Grigg"). |
parent("Omar Grigg", "Nydia Grigg"). |
parent("Orlando Brashear", "Anneliese Brashear"). |
parent("Orlando Brashear", "Felipe Brashear"). |
parent("Randolph Grigg", "Shannon Grigg"). |
parent("Randolph Grigg", "Theodore Grigg"). |
parent("Rena Grigg", "Allyson Brashear"). |
parent("Rena Grigg", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
parent("Reynaldo Brashear", "Anneliese Brashear"). |
parent("Reynaldo Brashear", "Felipe Brashear"). |
parent("Shelton Dodge", "Bess Dodge"). |
parent("Shelton Dodge", "Melvin Dodge"). |
parent("Sue Mcbroom", "Allyson Brashear"). |
parent("Sue Mcbroom", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
parent("Tamara Mcbroom", "Cleveland Mcbroom"). |
parent("Tamara Mcbroom", "Sue Mcbroom"). |
parent("Theodore Grigg", "Omar Grigg"). |
parent("Theodore Grigg", "Rena Grigg"). |
parent("Tianna Brashear", "Allyson Brashear"). |
parent("Tianna Brashear", "Reynaldo Brashear"). |
parent("Chau Bridge", "Elias Lanham"). |
parent("Chau Bridge", "Oma Lanham"). |
parent("Dee Stoddard", "Hal Stoddard"). |
parent("Dee Stoddard", "Tammie Stoddard"). |
parent("Dominick Bridge", "Grant Bridge"). |
parent("Dominick Bridge", "Myrtle Bridge"). |
parent("Elias Lanham", "Patsy Lanham"). |
parent("Elias Lanham", "Reginald Lanham"). |
parent("Gloria Toomey", "Silas Stoddard"). |
parent("Gloria Toomey", "Tonia Stoddard"). |
parent("Hal Stoddard", "Silas Stoddard"). |
parent("Hal Stoddard", "Tonia Stoddard"). |
parent("Horacio Lanham", "Nakisha Lanham"). |
parent("Horacio Lanham", "Tony Lanham"). |
parent("Howard Lanham", "Alejandrina Lanham"). |
parent("Howard Lanham", "Jimmie Lanham"). |
parent("Jack Bridge", "Kendrick Bridge"). |
parent("Jack Bridge", "Laurette Bridge"). |
parent("Jerrod Stoddard", "Hal Stoddard"). |
parent("Jerrod Stoddard", "Tammie Stoddard"). |
parent("Jewel Sawyers", "Michel Sawyers"). |
parent("Jewel Sawyers", "Romelia Sawyers"). |
parent("Jimmie Lanham", "Nakisha Lanham"). |
parent("Jimmie Lanham", "Tony Lanham"). |
parent("Johanna Stoddard", "Michelle Stoddard"). |
parent("Johanna Stoddard", "Ronald Stoddard"). |
parent("Joshua Stoddard", "Silas Stoddard"). |
parent("Joshua Stoddard", "Tonia Stoddard"). |
parent("Jules Bridge", "Chau Bridge"). |
parent("Jules Bridge", "Dominick Bridge"). |
parent("Kendrick Bridge", "Chau Bridge"). |
parent("Kendrick Bridge", "Dominick Bridge"). |
parent("Kevin Stoddard", "Silas Stoddard"). |
parent("Kevin Stoddard", "Tonia Stoddard"). |
parent("Krystal Arriola", "Nakisha Lanham"). |
parent("Krystal Arriola", "Tony Lanham"). |
parent("Louann Toomey", "Rolf Toomey"). |
parent("Louann Toomey", "Tawanda Toomey"). |
parent("Mammie Bridge", "Kendrick Bridge"). |
parent("Mammie Bridge", "Laurette Bridge"). |
parent("Miranda Stoddard", "Annmarie Stoddard"). |
parent("Miranda Stoddard", "Jerrod Stoddard"). |
parent("Mose Stoddard", "Silas Stoddard"). |
parent("Mose Stoddard", "Tonia Stoddard"). |
parent("Oma Lanham", "Hal Stoddard"). |
parent("Oma Lanham", "Tammie Stoddard"). |
parent("Pearlie Lanham", "Elias Lanham"). |
parent("Pearlie Lanham", "Oma Lanham"). |
parent("Phylis Alvarez", "Joshua Alvarez"). |
parent("Phylis Alvarez", "Tonya Alvarez"). |
parent("Raymond Lanham", "Alejandrina Lanham"). |
parent("Raymond Lanham", "Jimmie Lanham"). |
parent("Rolf Toomey", "Gloria Toomey"). |
parent("Rolf Toomey", "Roberto Toomey"). |
parent("Romelia Sawyers", "Elias Lanham"). |
parent("Romelia Sawyers", "Oma Lanham"). |
parent("Silas Stoddard", "Michelle Stoddard"). |
parent("Silas Stoddard", "Ronald Stoddard"). |
parent("Tony Lanham", "Elias Lanham"). |
parent("Tony Lanham", "Oma Lanham"). |
parent("Tonya Alvarez", "Horacio Lanham"). |
parent("Tonya Alvarez", "Jackie Lanham"). |
parent("Winnifred Arriola", "Craig Arriola"). |
parent("Winnifred Arriola", "Krystal Arriola"). |
parent("Billye Dias", "Carly Corder"). |
parent("Billye Dias", "Leonard Corder"). |
parent("Bobbie Biggs", "Rueben Puckett"). |
parent("Bobbie Biggs", "Salley Puckett"). |
parent("Brendon Gil", "Briana Gil"). |
parent("Brendon Gil", "Jacques Gil"). |
parent("Briana Gil", "Carmelita Dunbar"). |
parent("Briana Gil", "Jaime Dunbar"). |
parent("Carleen Dias", "Linwood Dias"). |
parent("Carleen Dias", "Nicolle Dias"). |
parent("Carmelita Dias", "Ernest Dias"). |
parent("Carmelita Dias", "Lou Dias"). |
parent("Carmelita Dunbar", "Billye Dias"). |
parent("Carmelita Dunbar", "Clayton Dias"). |
parent("Coretta Dunbar", "Carmelita Dunbar"). |
parent("Coretta Dunbar", "Jaime Dunbar"). |
parent("Cristina Long", "Gabriele Puckett"). |
parent("Cristina Long", "Jackson Puckett"). |
parent("Desmond Nesbitt", "Esteban Nesbitt"). |
parent("Desmond Nesbitt", "Rubye Nesbitt"). |
parent("Devon Lalonde", "Cleveland Lalonde"). |
parent("Devon Lalonde", "Eve Lalonde"). |
parent("Ernest Dias", "Billye Dias"). |
parent("Ernest Dias", "Clayton Dias"). |
parent("Eve Lalonde", "Artie Gil"). |
parent("Eve Lalonde", "Kyle Gil"). |
parent("Felton Gil", "Brendon Gil"). |
parent("Felton Gil", "Thomasena Gil"). |
parent("Gene Biggs", "Bobbie Biggs"). |
parent("Gene Biggs", "Felix Biggs"). |
parent("Georgine Pence", "Linwood Dias"). |
parent("Georgine Pence", "Nicolle Dias"). |
parent("Holley Dunbar", "Carmelita Dunbar"). |
parent("Holley Dunbar", "Jaime Dunbar"). |
parent("Jackson Puckett", "Robin Puckett"). |
parent("Jackson Puckett", "Windy Puckett"). |
parent("Joan Dias", "Lucio Dias"). |
parent("Joan Dias", "Tammy Dias"). |
parent("Jodi Biggs", "Bobbie Biggs"). |
parent("Jodi Biggs", "Felix Biggs"). |
parent("Kena Long", "Cristina Long"). |
parent("Kena Long", "Jefferson Long"). |
parent("Kyle Gil", "Brendon Gil"). |
parent("Kyle Gil", "Thomasena Gil"). |
parent("Leeann Gil", "Brendon Gil"). |
parent("Leeann Gil", "Thomasena Gil"). |
parent("Leesa Pence", "Georgine Pence"). |
parent("Leesa Pence", "Sterling Pence"). |
parent("Linwood Dias", "Billye Dias"). |
parent("Linwood Dias", "Clayton Dias"). |
parent("Lucio Dias", "Linwood Dias"). |
parent("Lucio Dias", "Nicolle Dias"). |
parent("Ronnie Pence", "Georgine Pence"). |
parent("Ronnie Pence", "Sterling Pence"). |
parent("Rubye Nesbitt", "Brendon Gil"). |
parent("Rubye Nesbitt", "Thomasena Gil"). |
parent("Rueben Puckett", "Gabriele Puckett"). |
parent("Rueben Puckett", "Jackson Puckett"). |
parent("Salley Puckett", "Billye Dias"). |
parent("Salley Puckett", "Clayton Dias"). |
parent("Tad Dunbar", "Carmelita Dunbar"). |
parent("Tad Dunbar", "Jaime Dunbar"). |
parent("Vincenza Dias", "Lucio Dias"). |
parent("Vincenza Dias", "Tammy Dias"). |
cousin(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, A), |
parent(Y, B), |
sibling(A, B), |
X\=Y. |
uncle(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, A), |
brother(A, Y). |
:- dynamic resource/3. |
:- multifile resource/3. |
:- thread_local thread_message_hook/3. |
:- dynamic thread_message_hook/3. |
:- volatile thread_message_hook/3. |
aunt(X, Y) :- |
parent(X, A), |
sister(A, Y). |
second_uncle(X, Y) :- |
great_grandparent(X, A), |
brother(A, Y). |
:- dynamic gender/2. |
gender("Abdul Felker", "male"). |
gender("Adolph Barbee", "male"). |
gender("Alice Lance", "female"). |
gender("Allie Barbee", "female"). |
gender("Allison Barbee", "female"). |
gender("Alvin Lance", "male"). |
gender("Andres Barbee", "male"). |
gender("Andrew Parkinson", "male"). |
gender("Brooks George", "male"). |
gender("Clint Rahman", "male"). |
gender("Colette Rahman", "female"). |
gender("Courtney Parkinson", "female"). |
gender("Dalton Parkinson", "male"). |
gender("Dollie Barbee", "female"). |
gender("Elicia Barbee", "female"). |
gender("Elyse Barbee", "female"). |
gender("Emma George", "female"). |
gender("Garth Kean", "male"). |
gender("Guadalupe Barbee", "male"). |
gender("Jenni Felker", "female"). |
gender("Karolyn Lance", "female"). |
gender("Kelley Barbee", "female"). |
gender("Kenny Barbee", "male"). |
gender("Kirk Lo", "male"). |
gender("Konstantin Barbee", "male"). |
gender("Korey Kean", "male"). |
gender("Krystle Barbee", "female"). |
gender("Kurt Parkinson", "male"). |
gender("Latosha Rahman", "female"). |
gender("Leonila Parkinson", "female"). |
gender("Lesley Barbee", "male"). |
gender("Lyndon Barbee", "male"). |
gender("Marvin Hope", "male"). |
gender("Merrill Kean", "male"). |
gender("Mitchel George", "male"). |
gender("Nettie Barbee", "female"). |
gender("Rocco Lance", "male"). |
gender("Rory George", "male"). |
gender("Royce Lo", "male"). |
gender("Rudy Barbee", "male"). |
gender("Solomon Rahman", "male"). |
gender("Tracey Kean", "female"). |
gender("Twyla Parkinson", "female"). |
gender("Tyrone Parkinson", "male"). |
gender("Wallace Ragland", "male"). |
gender("Walter Hope", "male"). |
gender("Wanda Lo", "female"). |
gender("Wanita Hope", "female"). |
gender("Willie Parkinson", "male"). |
gender("Yasmin Ragland", "female"). |
gender("Ahmad Vansickle", "male"). |
gender("Albertine Thrower", "female"). |
gender("Alejandrina Thrower", "female"). |
gender("Andre Vansickle", "male"). |
gender("Benny Guay", "male"). |
gender("Brain Thrower", "male"). |
gender("Candice Bianchi", "female"). |
gender("Carmen Bianchi", "male"). |
gender("Cesar Guay", "male"). |
gender("Chrissy Vansickle", "female"). |
gender("Concepcion Najera", "female"). |
gender("Edgar Bianchi", "male"). |
gender("Esperanza Bianchi", "female"). |
gender("Esperanza Ervin", "female"). |
gender("Eve Ervin", "female"). |
gender("Georgette Gebhart", "female"). |
gender("Gertrude Guay", "female"). |
gender("Hal Gebhart", "male"). |
gender("Jaime Veilleux", "male"). |
gender("Jim Bianchi", "male"). |
gender("Joshua Ervin", "male"). |
gender("Kendrick Sherrod", "male"). |
gender("Kristopher Veilleux", "male"). |
gender("Landon Ervin", "male"). |
gender("Laurel Bianchi", "female"). |
gender("Laurel Guay", "female"). |
gender("Linwood Thrower", "male"). |
gender("Loraine Vansickle", "female"). |
gender("Lucas Bianchi", "male"). |
gender("Lura Bianchi", "female"). |
gender("Maragret Bianchi", "female"). |
gender("Mauricio Vansickle", "male"). |
gender("Minerva Pennington", "female"). |
gender("Norris Sherrod", "male"). |
gender("Ollie Bianchi", "female"). |
gender("Philip Thrower", "male"). |
gender("Pricilla Pennington", "female"). |
gender("Raphael Ervin", "male"). |
gender("Renea Thrower", "female"). |
gender("Robby Pennington", "male"). |
gender("Rosena Veilleux", "female"). |
gender("Roxy Guay", "female"). |
gender("Roy Najera", "male"). |
gender("Sarita Bianchi", "female"). |
gender("Shante Najera", "female"). |
gender("Shizuko Veilleux", "female"). |
gender("Shon Guay", "male"). |
gender("Sylvester Sherrod", "male"). |
gender("Twila Veilleux", "female"). |
gender("Winnifred Sherrod", "female"). |
gender("Zachary Guay", "male"). |
gender("Adella Stites", "female"). |
gender("Andrea Stites", "female"). |
gender("Angel Kress", "male"). |
gender("Arthur Stites", "male"). |
gender("Casey Dow", "male"). |
gender("Cherise Darling", "female"). |
gender("Chris Stites", "male"). |
gender("Darrick Darling", "male"). |
gender("Deirdre Fries", "female"). |
gender("Donnie Turgeon", "male"). |
gender("Donovan Stites", "male"). |
gender("Dwain Stites", "male"). |
gender("Eddie Darling", "male"). |
gender("Edmond Abney", "male"). |
gender("Eldon Stites", "male"). |
gender("Evelia Nelms", "female"). |
gender("Giovanni Stites", "male"). |
gender("Grant Stites", "male"). |
gender("Harvey Stites", "male"). |
gender("Hunter Darling", "male"). |
gender("Ione Stites", "female"). |
gender("Jewel Abney", "female"). |
gender("Jewell Stites", "female"). |
gender("Joanne Dow", "female"). |
gender("Joel Fries", "male"). |
gender("Julio Nelms", "male"). |
gender("Kenny Southerland", "male"). |
gender("Kent Turgeon", "male"). |
gender("Kieth Dow", "male"). |
gender("Kisha Stites", "female"). |
gender("Kris Stites", "female"). |
gender("Ladawn Turgeon", "female"). |
gender("Lawerence Stites", "male"). |
gender("Leopoldo Stites", "male"). |
gender("Marcel Abney", "male"). |
gender("Margaret Turgeon", "female"). |
gender("Maxwell Deming", "male"). |
gender("Mayra Stites", "female"). |
gender("Minnie Darling", "female"). |
gender("Mitchell Darling", "male"). |
gender("Nada Stites", "female"). |
gender("Nickolas Deming", "male"). |
gender("Oralia Kress", "female"). |
gender("Pansy Southerland", "female"). |
gender("Shamika Dow", "female"). |
gender("Shirleen Stites", "female"). |
gender("Staci Deming", "female"). |
gender("Tanya Darling", "female"). |
gender("Tyrone Deming", "male"). |
gender("Wayne Stites", "male"). |
gender("Wilmer Stites", "male"). |
gender("Adella Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Alina Huntley", "female"). |
gender("Allyson Brashear", "female"). |
gender("Allyson Gorton", "female"). |
gender("Anastacia Grigg", "female"). |
gender("Anneliese Brashear", "female"). |
gender("Audie Dodge", "female"). |
gender("Autumn Brashear", "female"). |
gender("Barry Huntley", "male"). |
gender("Bess Dodge", "female"). |
gender("Booker Grigg", "male"). |
gender("Brooks Huntley", "male"). |
gender("Carmella Huntley", "female"). |
gender("Cleveland Mcbroom", "male"). |
gender("Dean Mcbroom", "male"). |
gender("Demarcus Huntley", "male"). |
gender("Desiree Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Dorris Huntley", "female"). |
gender("Dudley Dodge", "male"). |
gender("Ezequiel Gorton", "male"). |
gender("Felipe Brashear", "male"). |
gender("Gwenn Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Harvey Mcbroom", "male"). |
gender("Jacquelyn Huntley", "female"). |
gender("James Mcbroom", "male"). |
gender("Jordan Mcbroom", "male"). |
gender("Lissa Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Lowell Gorton", "male"). |
gender("Maryann Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Matt Mcbroom", "male"). |
gender("Max Gorton", "male"). |
gender("Melvin Dodge", "male"). |
gender("Mervin Mcbroom", "male"). |
gender("Mike Grigg", "male"). |
gender("Morgan Huntley", "female"). |
gender("Nydia Grigg", "female"). |
gender("Oleta Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Omar Grigg", "male"). |
gender("Orlando Brashear", "male"). |
gender("Randolph Grigg", "male"). |
gender("Rena Grigg", "female"). |
gender("Reynaldo Brashear", "male"). |
gender("Sandy Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Shannon Grigg", "female"). |
gender("Shelton Dodge", "male"). |
gender("Sue Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Tamara Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Theodore Grigg", "male"). |
gender("Tianna Brashear", "female"). |
gender("Windy Gorton", "female"). |
gender("Zelma Mcbroom", "female"). |
gender("Alejandrina Lanham", "female"). |
gender("Annmarie Stoddard", "female"). |
gender("Chau Bridge", "female"). |
gender("Craig Arriola", "male"). |
gender("Dee Stoddard", "male"). |
gender("Dominick Bridge", "male"). |
gender("Elias Lanham", "male"). |
gender("Gloria Toomey", "female"). |
gender("Grant Bridge", "male"). |
gender("Hal Stoddard", "male"). |
gender("Horacio Lanham", "male"). |
gender("Howard Lanham", "male"). |
gender("Jack Bridge", "male"). |
gender("Jackie Lanham", "female"). |
gender("Jerrod Stoddard", "male"). |
gender("Jewel Sawyers", "female"). |
gender("Jimmie Lanham", "male"). |
gender("Johanna Stoddard", "female"). |
gender("Joshua Alvarez", "male"). |
gender("Joshua Stoddard", "male"). |
gender("Jules Bridge", "male"). |
gender("Kendrick Bridge", "male"). |
gender("Kevin Stoddard", "male"). |
gender("Krystal Arriola", "female"). |
gender("Laurette Bridge", "female"). |
gender("Louann Toomey", "female"). |
gender("Mammie Bridge", "female"). |
gender("Michel Sawyers", "male"). |
gender("Michelle Stoddard", "female"). |
gender("Miranda Stoddard", "female"). |
gender("Mose Stoddard", "male"). |
gender("Myrtle Bridge", "female"). |
gender("Nakisha Lanham", "female"). |
gender("Oma Lanham", "female"). |
gender("Patsy Lanham", "female"). |
gender("Pearlie Lanham", "female"). |
gender("Phylis Alvarez", "female"). |
gender("Raymond Lanham", "male"). |
gender("Reginald Lanham", "male"). |
gender("Roberto Toomey", "male"). |
gender("Rolf Toomey", "male"). |
gender("Romelia Sawyers", "female"). |
gender("Ronald Stoddard", "male"). |
gender("Silas Stoddard", "male"). |
gender("Tammie Stoddard", "female"). |
gender("Tawanda Toomey", "female"). |
gender("Tonia Stoddard", "female"). |
gender("Tony Lanham", "male"). |
gender("Tonya Alvarez", "female"). |
gender("Winnifred Arriola", "female"). |
gender("Artie Gil", "female"). |
gender("Billye Dias", "female"). |
gender("Bobbie Biggs", "female"). |
gender("Brendon Gil", "male"). |
gender("Briana Gil", "female"). |
gender("Carleen Dias", "female"). |
gender("Carly Corder", "female"). |
gender("Carmelita Dias", "female"). |
gender("Carmelita Dunbar", "female"). |
gender("Clayton Dias", "male"). |
gender("Cleveland Lalonde", "male"). |
gender("Coretta Dunbar", "female"). |
gender("Cristina Long", "female"). |
gender("Desmond Nesbitt", "male"). |
gender("Devon Lalonde", "male"). |
gender("Ernest Dias", "male"). |
gender("Esteban Nesbitt", "male"). |
gender("Eve Lalonde", "female"). |
gender("Felix Biggs", "male"). |
gender("Felton Gil", "male"). |
gender("Gabriele Puckett", "female"). |
gender("Gene Biggs", "male"). |
gender("Georgine Pence", "female"). |
gender("Holley Dunbar", "female"). |
gender("Jackson Puckett", "male"). |
gender("Jacques Gil", "male"). |
gender("Jaime Dunbar", "male"). |
gender("Jefferson Long", "male"). |
gender("Joan Dias", "female"). |
gender("Jodi Biggs", "female"). |
gender("Kena Long", "female"). |
gender("Kyle Gil", "male"). |
gender("Leeann Gil", "female"). |
gender("Leesa Pence", "female"). |
gender("Leonard Corder", "male"). |
gender("Linwood Dias", "male"). |
gender("Lou Dias", "female"). |
gender("Lucio Dias", "male"). |
gender("Nicolle Dias", "female"). |
gender("Robin Puckett", "male"). |
gender("Ronnie Pence", "male"). |
gender("Rubye Nesbitt", "female"). |
gender("Rueben Puckett", "male"). |
gender("Salley Puckett", "female"). |
gender("Sterling Pence", "male"). |
gender("Tad Dunbar", "male"). |
gender("Tammy Dias", "female"). |
gender("Thomasena Gil", "female"). |
gender("Vincenza Dias", "female"). |
gender("Windy Puckett", "female"). |
second_aunt(X, Y) :- |
great_grandparent(X, A), |
sister(A, Y). |
great_grandson(X, Y) :- |
great_grandchild(X, Y), |
male(Y). |
:- dynamic pyrun/2. |
pyrun(A, B) :- |
read_term_from_atom(A, C, [variable_names(B)]), |
call(C). |
great_granddaughter(X, Y) :- |
great_grandchild(X, Y), |
female(Y). |
:- dynamic resource/2. |
:- multifile resource/2. |