An Avengers fanfic. CONTAINS SOFT VORE! Don’t like? Don’t read! Also, this is my first fanfic ever so please be gentle~ Although criticisms are greatly appreciated, as well as spelling/grammar errors that I may have made! This story features Clint, aka Hawkeye, and Natasha, aka Black Widow. None of the characters belong to me, but the story does. And uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. ———————————————————————— Honestly, if someone had gone up to him this morning and told him he’d be shrunk and stuck in a giant bowl of ice cream, he would have laughed in their faces. Now, though, he wasn’t laughing. He sputtered, broken out of his current train of thought by something warm and viscous pouring over him. It weighed him down heavily like liquid concrete, yet the smoothness of the syrup and the overpowering smell of chocolate betrayed what it truly was. “Really Nat? Fucking Hershey’s?” He spat, wiping futilely at the thick substance covering his face. “Yes, really.” A soft voice murmured from above him. After clearing his vision a bit he glared up at the large figure who was batting her eyes at him, clearly pleased with herself. The large frame turned away for a moment, only to come back into his field of view with a small dessert spoon. The smallness was relative, of course, as the dip of the spoon was larger than his entire head. “I think I’m going to enjoy this.” She purred. “Yeah, well do ya think you could ‘enjoy’ it a little faster? I can barely feel my toes.” He complained, shifting uncomfortably in the vanilla flavored dessert. She raised an eyebrow at him. “You agreed to this, you know.” A tiny sigh. “Yeah, yeah don’t remind me.” He felt his heart lurch into his throat as the metallic object closed in, swooping down straight for him. He barely managed not to flinch as the spoon dove into the ice cream in front of him, digging down and lifting away a chunk larger than his entire body. He stared, mesmerized, as it lifted higher and higher, eventually approaching the giant face and slipping into her mouth. He watched those plump red lips seal around the spoon, her eyes fluttering shut as she hummed at the flavor. Honestly, he would have typically found this attractive if it weren’t for the fact that he was rapidly losing feeling in the lower half of his body. Natasha didn’t seem to mind, though, and took her sweet time getting to him, taking each bite slowly and clearly enjoying every minute of it. After a while (what seemed far too long for him) he finally saw the metallic glint of the spoon heading for him. It clinked the bottom of the porcelain bowl, coming underneath his feet and lifting up slowly. His legs were numb, though, and at the sudden change in motion he fell through the frozen cream and felt his knees hit the bottom of the spoon and his head plunge under the surface. He scrambled his way up, breaking the surface and gulping in breaths of air. He was beyond cold at this point, his entire body wrecked with shivers and teeth chattering together noisily. Natasha frowned, eyes scanning over his small frame with a hint of worry. “Perhaps ice cream wasn’t the best choice for this.” He snorted. “You think??” After seeing her clear worry, he waved her off (or at least did the best he could, considering he was shaking uncontrollably). “‘S fine, Nat,” he groaned, “just... get on with it.” He did agree to this after all. She sighed, pursing her lips and looking him over one more time before gaining a playful smirk. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to warm you up then.” Before he had a chance to react, her mouth opened wide in front of him, revealing a dark red cavern with pearly white rocks. The spoon lowered towards her gaping maw, carefully maneuvering him behind her teeth, before dipping slightly to the right, causing him to tumble off the spoon and onto the plush tongue. He sprawled out onto her pink tongue, panting and shivering as the muscle underneath him lifted up smoothly to pin him to the roof of her mouth, feeling it ripple around him as the ice cream and chocolate syrup was stripped away from his body. After being slipped around her mouth for what seemed like ages, he finally regained feeling in his feet only to feel them slipping backwards towards her esophagus. He winced as he felt his entire waist enter her throat, followed by his hands (currently pinned to his sides), arms, shoulders and finally his head. He took a big gulp of air before his head disappeared from her mouth, now entirely in her throat and being pulled ever deeper. He squeezed his eyes shut against the pressure, not quite enough to hurt but certainly enough to be uncomfortable, however that discomfort was short lived as he felt his feet enter an open space, followed by his legs and the rest of him. He fell a short distance into something squishy and he grimaced, using the last bit of his strength to crawl up somewhere a bit less... damp. Once he found a good spot his limbs all but gave out, his body thumping into the soft flesh that encased him now. “Clint?” Her voice echoed all around him, reverberating off the slick walls surrounding him. “Yeah, yeah. I’m good. I just...” he searched for the right words, “... need to lay down for a sec.” Natasha frowned, pressing her hand up against her chest, feeling the small form inside of her. Normally she would have reveled in this feeling, but she could feel her partner shivering, despite being inside her. Hypothermia, maybe? She felt a pang of guilt at that, but shook it off; they wouldn’t do ice cream anymore, and Clint would quickly warm up in his new environment. “Of course, Clint. Take it easy and relax; it’s not like you’re going anywhere any time soon.” Clint huffed at that, smirking. He knew she’d let him out eventually, but if he knew her at all, she’d probably settle down for a nap first. He settled down in place, letting the heat around him soak into his body, chasing away the frigid cold. The heat felt good, even a bit overpowering, but he didn’t mind. After slipping and sliding a bit as Natasha moved to get comfortable herself, Clint closed his eyes and relaxed. “Thank you, Clint. This was wonderful.” “M-hm.” He replied. “But next time, it’s my turn.”
 Kyrie was soaring through the air when she spotted something moving in the forest below her. Curious, she circled down to perch on a branch. Kyrie was a harpy, having the body of a human woman, except her arms were replaced with feathered wings. On the forest floor below her a figure tittered about. She was talking to herself, going first one direction, then turning around and going another. Kyrie recognized the figure it was the owl lady s pet human Lix or something She seemed to be lost The harpy licked her lips, then sighed. The lone human would make for an easy snack, but Kyrie had no desire to mess with the infamous owl lady. She spread her wings to take off, but paused, looking back over her shoulder. The human girl was still milling about, oblivious to Kyrie s presence There was no one around for miles, if she quickly gobbled up the girl, no one would ever be the wiser. Anything could have happened to the human. She looked around nervously she hadn t outlived all of her seven sisters by being reckless. But still A voice drifted up from below. SOooh darn it I am completely lost Eda is gonna eat me for sure for being so late this time Kyrie traipsed on the branch in agitation. If the girl was right, this could be the last anyone ever saw of the only human on the Boiling Isles in centuries. And Kyrie would never even have gotten a taste! The thought was nearly intolerable but the harpy s innate wariness still held her in place barely Then the wind shifted and she got a strong whiff of the human s scent Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head in delight and all thoughts of walking away left her mind. Immediately she swooped down, wings tight to her body, streaking like a loosed arrow. The human would be halfway down Kyrie s throat before she even knew anything was off. But the girl, who had appeared completely oblivious a second ago, suddenly dropped, slapping her hand against the ground. A great glyph alighted from under the leaf cover. Several large vines sprung up, rushing to envelop the descending harpy. Kyrie s dive became a desperate scramble to dodge and swerve only her lightning reflexes allowing her to just stay out the plants reach They got so close they brushed against the tips of her feathers multiple times. But then Kyrie was free and frantically flapping her wings to gain altitude. A trap! That sneaky little But it would take more than that to catch a harpyIn seconds she would be miles away and- Kyrie sensed something behind her. She just managed to turn her head far enough to glimpse a flying shape hurtling towards her and a pair of great predatory golden eyes - She slowly came back to her senses to the sound of a voice speaking and groaned. She was laying atop something moving and her chin kept bobbing against something warm and soft. S I am not saying I am surprised it workssometimes Kyrie blinked her eyes open. She was slung over someone s shoulder while they walked her wings and legs hogtied Her chin had been bobbing against a pale breast bigger than her head. S I am saying I can t believe it worksevery time The voice added in a facetious tone P SHello I am a human alone and vulnerable in the middle of nowhere Please eat me it is definitely not a trap There was a sigh ShonestlyI mean Kyrie shot a glare in the direction of the voice. The speaker was the human, who was walking well below the harpy. Apparently, her carrier was several heads taller than the girl. There was a chuckle so close, it might as well have come from inside Kyrie head SYou underestimate just how much of a delicacy you are to us. Once we catch your scent, we go a little crazy and would do just about anything to get you in our belly Kyrie turned her head toward the speaker and paled S Shit The word inadvertently slipped between her lips. She had been caught by Eda the owl lady, the most ravenous witch on all of the Boiling Isles. Said owl lady turned her head at the sound and grinned. SAh you re awake You sure are a quick one for a moment there I didn t thinkgoing we were to get you SNot quick enough Kyrie muttered Eda hefted up her shoulder, making the harpy bounce on it. On the downfall her face sank several inches into the huge breast. She gasped slightly as her head came up. SThere is no shame in getting nabbed by someone higher up the food chain Eda assured her jovially. As true as that might be, Kyrie found it to be little comfort. SAh we are here Kyrie looked ahead, in front of them was the infamous Owl House, last destination of countless witches, demons and otherwise. In fact, the house itself was a prolific predator. SHey guys did you bring me back anything The owl face in the door questioned SSorry Hooty not this time But there is this mouse girl from Thaumaturgy class who is giving off major prey vibes I ll bring her back here soon see if she is goodmaking for owl pellets SYum the house demon cheered opening thePassing door through, Eda knocked her head on the doorframe, eliciting a string of curses. Due to her success as a predator, she had been steadily growing through the years. That has resulted in very generous curves, as well as a paunch that anyone with the slightest prey urges found absolutely gorgeous and incredibly inviting. But it had also increased her strength and overall stature. The front door that used to easily fit her, she now had to stoop under to fit. The witch was still grumbling, rubbing her head with a hand. Inside, Eda laid their winged catch onto the coffee table. The human padded past her to sit on one of the couches, pulled out a book and started reading. The owl lady rubbed her hands together, her mood quickly improving SDinner time! She declared She made eye contact with Kyrie SIf you promise to be a good snack I ll even untie you so you can have some fun inside However if you start making a fuss I ll just hit you with a sleep spell and you can snooze through your digestion SI ll be good Kyrie promised. After scrutinizing her sincerity for a few moments, Eda nodded and untied the harpy. Meanwhile Kyrie s eyes wandered the inside of the house It was rather cozy in its own quirky way Looked nicer than Kyrie s place If it wasn t for the she factwouldn t be leaving it alive she would probably find it pretty comfortable. Her attention returned to her body as she felt her feet being raised, the witch woman putting them to her lips Kyrie watched her wide eyed but didn t Eda resist kept eye contact with her prey, a mischievous glint in her golden orbs She ran her long tongue slowly across the harpy s feet gratuitously tasting and humming with delight. Kyrie couldn t stop a shudder from running through her body at the sensation. The witch soon took things a step further pulling on the harpy s heels making her feet slide inside her mouth. Kyrie was having her first feel of the humid, undulating digestive tract she was about to become intimately familiar with. She wriggled her toes, feeling hot saliva seeping in between them. She would have expected to be grossed out by it. But somehow it felt relaxing, soothing her frayed nerves. She let out a gasp as the owl woman s arms reached out to grasp her by the buttcheeks and used themas a purchase to drag Kyrie further inside. When Eda passed the harpy s knees she grabbed the hips and twisted them degrees in her mouth, so her meal was facing down towards the table. Kyrie wondered what she was doing. But quickly figured it out as she felt a long tongue wriggle in between her legs. The harpy was soon writhing under the treatment. This was clearly not the first time the witch played with a meal this way. Kyrie glimpsed the human peeking over the top of her book, but was too awash in the experience of being consumed to pay it much mind. But it wasn t until Eda suddenly dug in her fang into Kyrie s flushed pink butt, that the bird girl really lost it. She yelped. A sound that turned into a prolonged groan as her climax shook through her body. The owl lady hummed in appreciation as flavor gushed onto her tongue, the vibrations in her throat set off a secondary orgasm for the harpy. After what felt like a small eternity to her, Kyrie went limp, her eyes unfocused. Her prey satisfied and too tuckered out to provide anymore sport, Eda moved up the pace. She slurped down the harpy like a limp noodle with great gulps. Kyrie felt herself entering the moist abyss quickly, but was too wasted by her orgasms to really care at the moment. Just before her head vanished, she had a glimpse of the human and smirked wearily. She knew that look The girl wasn t even pretending to read her book anymore her eyes wide and unblinking on the scene. She chewed her bottom lip and fidgeted with nervous energy. That was the look of someone in the throes of gut slut fever, no doubt about it. It seemed like the girl was getting lost in her own deception as bait Even if she didn t know herself yet she would soon find the pull of a stomach irresistible At least Kyrie could take comfort in that the one tricked her would soon share her fate. She closed her eyes as she sank into the humid darkness. Eda tilted her head back, letting the bird girl slide the rest of the way, her head a descending bulge in the owl lady s throat The witch sank back onto the couch, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. - Kyrie sighed as she settled in the confines of the stomach chamber that was hugging her tightly. The sphincter she had passed through had closed, sealing her inside. The heat was intense and she was already sweating profusely. It wasn t like she hadn t expected it to end like this The boiling isles was one big game of cat and mouse and getting eaten by someone higher on the food chain was how most people met their end. And probably the most fun way to go too. It beat petrification that was for sure. The owl lady had been a more considerate predator than most, untying Kyrie and getting her off before sending her to her acid soak. Far from all predators, she was quite considerate. Kyrie had just hoped to snag some more meals herself first, especially one of the rare delicacies that was humans. Well, no point in crying over spilt appleblood, might as well make the most of it. She started rubbing her crotch urgently with her wings. Feathers were falling out to the groans and churns of the stomach, as the walls rhythmically kneaded her body and the stomach fluids rose up around her shoulders. She would have to be quick. - Luz had been watching from the couch, doing her best not to touch herself It wasn t that she was turned on by watching the witch eat the harpy, they were just both attractive women. Yeah, that was definitely it Luz tried to feign disinterest during Eda s feedings as showing too much attention egged on the witch to tease Luz, treating the girl like she was food herself. That always got the teen all flustered. But when things got steamy, like with this bird woman, and again when the prey started melting into mush, she found it impossible to keep her composure. It was like a trainwreck she couldn t look away A trainwreck of women eating each other. Luz got up and went over to kneel before her mentor. She knew her duty as Eda s apprentice and it was time to fulfill it. She brought her hands to the great flesh dome and started kneading it. Eda hummed contently, folding her hands behind her head. As Luz worked, the content inside felt less and less solid. SFeels like she is smoothening out now Luz commented without stopping Eda wobbled her belly its contents audibly sloshing inside SYeah I can feel her starting to drain into my intestines She o letut a belch, several long feathers emerging from her mouth to flutter to the floor around the kneeling Luz. SMhmmm you have gotten pretty good at that How did I ever make do without you she asked her voice husky. Luz didn t respond only kept massaging and felt the soup the bird lady had turned into, slosh around inside. SThen again am I really hungry today Luz froze as she felt hot breath atop her head, slowly looking up. A yawning pink abyss met her wide eyes. She could still smell the harpy on Eda s breath Was this it Would her adventure end as nothing but another layer of padding on the gluttonous witch? Eda dragged a tongue as big Luz s hand across the girl s cheek thoroughly tasting her and leaving behind a trail of saliva. Luz shuddered, but stayed frozen in place, as that gaping maw loomed closer and closer. Then Eda threw her head back and broke into a fit of laughter. SYou should ve seen your face she snorted Luz blinked in confusion then frowned SThat was just mean she huffed, finally finding the will to push herself away. SI think I ll save you for another time Eda teased and closed her eyes drifting off her stomach now gurgling placidly. Luz sagged in relief, though she grumbled as she wiped the saliva off her cheek. Just another day in the Owl House. -------- Luz Noceda had one day been aimlessly wandering the woods, mulling over what to do with her life. High school was almost over and she was feeling frustratingly apathetic for any of the career paths everyone else was talking about. So, when she happened upon a dilapidated old house, she went inside, mostly looking for a distraction from her moody thoughts. Inside she found a mysterious doorway with a large eye on it. It looked completely out of place, for one, it was in far better condition than anything else in the run-down building. Peeking through it she suddenly found herself in a whole other world with strange skies and alien landscapes. She knew the rational thing would be to go back. That she had no idea what she was getting into. But this was just what she had been yearning for and she might never get another chance. She would just explore a little while and then go back. Close to the doorway was a house, its door ajar. With nothing else in the vicinity, she went and peeked in. SHellooo Anyone here There was no response unable to resist her curiosity she went inside It looked like something out of one of the Azura books she used to read when she was younger. Well, kinda if you ignored how messy it was. Whoever the owner was, they were hardly an obsessive cleaner. Her eyes were drawn to a staff tipped with a carved owl. Something about it called to her and she slowly reached for it Then she heard a door slam She looked around in confusion as none of the house s doors had changed. The doorway outside, somebody had come through! And indeed, Luz heard someone coming. She panicked and swiftly dove into hiding behind the couch. She soon heard the floorboards creaking under heavy footsteps. There was a belch, followed by smacking lips. SThanks for watching the house Owlbert I suddenly got the munchies and just had to popnto i the human world for a snack run Luz peered from behind the couch. The speaker was a woman with a wild mane of grey-white hair and wearing a burgundy dress She wasn t facing Luz s direction and it seemed she had been talking to the staff? She was taller than anyone Luz had ever seen she didn t even think people couldthat get big. And she was sporting a big gut, straining the fabric of her dress. And was her belly moving S and quite a snack you were The amazon chuckled, slapping her bloated gut. There were some faint muffled noises, like it was someone speaking through a thick blanket, S Oof You humans the bestare squirmers but not easy on the digestion The woman huffed Luz s eyes widened It was a person in there she had eaten someone! The woman snapped her fingers and there was a flash of light. Suddenly her dress had been replaced with a loose blouse and a pair of baggy woolen pants. She sighed in comfort as her belly wobbled out, free of constriction. Luz ducked under the couch. The woman was a witch! An actual witch! She had to slap her hands to her mouth to avoid squeeing. Like her books, she had somehow come to some exciting magical world. But her excitement distracted her. A shadow loomed over her and too late she turned her head. The witch lifted her by the waist with one arm, seemingly without effort. SWhat is this Dessert that delivered herself right to my home How thoughtful The witch opened her mouth with an aaah and Luz didn t doubt she was about to join the nameless belly squirmer As the cavernous maw loomed closer Luz blurted out SCan I be your apprentice The witch paused surprised at the nerve of the girl Then shrugged SEh I m ake do SIt can t be easy doing stuff with a full belly I could help you do spells and clean Plus as a human I could help you find more meals Isn t that better than joneust snack Luz was talking fast sensing she didn t have long to make her case The tall woman looked like she was weighing the proposition in her head. Luz held her breath as she awaited the decision. Despite her situation her eyes couldn t help but wander down to the tall woman s bloated midsection. Now that she was up close, she could make out the outlines of a humanoid shape. She started to breathe hard as she watched the belly wobble and shift to barely discernible movements within. SAlright kid you won me over SUh whuh Luz looked up in surprise suddenly realizing she hadn t looked at the woman s face for a good while, SOh the apprentice thing That s great Luz exclaimed Eda had a knowing smirk at the girl s distracted response She setdown her and dumped herself to lounge on the couch SName s Eda Clawthorne But a lot of people just call me the owl lady Here s your first job as an apprentice P Massage your mentor s stomach It really helps make the digestion smoother Her stomach let out a troubled groan as if to illustrate her point. SI but there sperson a in there Luz muttered as she fidgeted. SListen kid I eat people. Pretty much all the time This body didn t happen by accident She straightened, looking down on Luz, despite sitting, and hefted her heavy breasts each bigger than the girl s head, SIf you are going to be my apprentice you re going to have to get used it to or this isn t going to work Luz had to admit she was right. She hesitantly put her hands to the flesh orb. Inside was another human like herself, the only difference between them was chance and circumstance, she could just as easily have been the one on the inside. She felt something move inside, bumping against her hands and gasped. SThey pushed back against me SHmmm Oh yeah my metabolism is kinda sluggish today she should last a couple of hours more at least Eda responded lazily Luz stared at the bulge as it shifted in wide eyed fascination. Then she put earnest effort into it. If this was what it took to be a witch, then she was going to do it, and anything else required. She told herself the growing heat in her core was determination. SIt s Luz by the way She stated quietly SHmm the witch responded halfheartedly SMy name It s Luz Noceda SLet s see if you last a week then I will bother learning your name And so Luz spent her first day on the Boiling Isles massaging a witch s gut,feeling another human collapse into mush within it. -------- Luz had lasted more than a week. And she had quickly proved her value, providing a semblance of order in the eccentric witch s home She alsoshowed a great appetite for learning magic. She had even discovered that humans were actually able to perform magic too, by drawing glyphs on a medium. But where the teen really excelled was in helping the witch hunt. She made for almost irresistible bait for those witches or demons usually too careful to get themselves caught One whiff of Luz s human scent and all that careful self-preservation went out the video. However, Luz had flat out refused to help lure other humans when Eda went to the human world, that was a step too far for her. When she had made her stand, Luz had half expected the witch to abolish their arrangement and eat her on the spot for her brattiness. But Eda had only nodded in acceptance, then left on her own. Though her stand was mostly for the sake of Luz s own conscience Eda veryrarely returned from the human world without a full belly. Relatively speaking, life in the Owl House followed its own quirky routine. But that routine was about to be turned on its head. One night Luz was sleepily making her way to the kitchen for some water, when she heard voices from the living room. Curious, she snuck up to the door. S I must admit I am surprised the girl has lasted this long. I could probably count on my fingers the people you have known for more than a week and not tried to eat And a human no less Luz recognized the voice as Lilith her mentor s sister who was almost as big as Eda herself Luz mainly knew her because she was also Amity s mentor Hoping to hear about the young witch, she snuck closer to listen in. SHeh yeah I guess I have grown attached to the girl she brings a certain liveliness to the house I also kinda like teaching and the kid has some real talent. Give her a decade or two and I suspect she will be a greater witch than either of us SWho are you and what have you done with my sister SHa ha I am more than a stomach on a pair of great legs ya knowI can be deep and emotional and crap But I am going to keep teasing her thoughIt is too much fun watching her squirm SAh now I know you again SSpeaking of which I haven t had anything to eat since lunch And she was only a goblin girl barely half a meal Could you There was a sigh SThere will be no peace from you until I agree will there SNope Eda responded cheerfully SFine give me minute a to prepare the reformation spell But you owe me for this SSuuuure because you won t spend the time inside diddling yourself silly nooo It s only for me SWell someone s sounds too sassy to really be hungry I guess I ll be going- SNo no I m sorry please don t go Eda laughed Luz snuck back up to her room, leaving the burgeoning moans and smacking sounds from the living room behind. She laid staring at the ceiling for a long time, trying to digest this new information. So, Eda was never going to eat her. That was a good thing, right? That meant she could complete her ambition to become a witch herself rather than ending up as merely her mentor s most recent snack What then was this feeling of disappointment she couldn t shake -------- The next morning Luz was listlessly picking at her breakfast. Lilith had left early, freshly reformed, a skip in her steps and humming a cheerful tune. Luz had felt unmistakable sour envy well up inside her as she watched the other woman. As a full witch she could enjoy the experience of being eaten and digested, and still live to tell the tale. If Luz were to be gobbled up, it would be a one-way ticket. She had asked Eda about being able to do such a spell, but had been told only a full blood witch was able to make the glyphs for the reformation spell. So, Luz always had to be on guard when going to town as everyone wanted to eat her. Every prey her mentor devoured played through Luz s mind Though they varied wildly in appearance and demeanor, some resisting to the last, others practically diving down her throat, they had all had one thing in common. Once inside her gut, they writhed and moaned in unrestrained ecstasy. Eda took a peculiar kind pride in getting her prey off as many times as possible, even having attached several spells to her digestive tract that heightened sensations and arousal. The organ even seemed to have a mind of its own sometimes with a lot of attitude Sometimes the witch would even shove Luz s head against her belly so the human could hear the faint moans and sizzles of digestion from within. But Luz would never know the experience of being the one on the inside. Being eaten was still scary to her, but her self-preservation was completely losing out to the alluring desire to stuff herself inside a sweltering gut and let it smush her. Luz came to a decision. To heck with it. Chances were someone would get her sooner or later anyway. She at least wanted to decide who got to enjoy her as their snack. She stood up, moving with determination. She had a plan. Eda would go to the market soon. When she came home, Luz would be waiting for her. -------- The door creaked open. There was a bump, followed by Eda cursing. She ducked under the doorframe grumbling. But that cut off and she froze as her eyes settled on the table. Luz was spread across the table, batting half lidded eyes at her mentor. SOh Eda accidentally I spilled appleblood aaaall over my. Naked. Supple. Body. It is such a shame it will go to waste I should really be punished for my clumsiness She suggestively ran the fingers of a hand across her tan, slick curves. Eda realized she was drooling. Black ichor was creeping into the rims of her eyes and tips of feathers were peaking from her skin. SI gotta go Without another word she turned and rushed out the door Luz blinked in surprise, then huffed in disappointment and started getting off the table. But her hand slipped and with a wail she fell to the floor. Shortly after she was nursing a bruised butt in the bathtub, trying to scrub off the appleblood. SUgh this stuff is ridiculously sticky She muttered bleakly But though it was a nightmare to get out of her hair that wasn t what was really eating her Or rather wasn t What she had expected to be bathing in was the stomach acids of the witch who was surprisingly foxy for a woman her age. But she wasn t giving up Eda would eat her even if Luz had to cram herself down the witch s throat - Hours later Eda returned carrying a snake woman her capture s long tail rolled up like a garden hose. Instead of engaging in the usual pre meal teasing, she unceremoniously stuffed her prey down face first. Soon she was slurping up the long tail, like a giant spaghetti strand. The slurping sounds continued for several minutes before the tip finally vanished between her lips. She always enjoyed the rough texture of the scales against the insides of her gullet. SAaaah that s better Hunger and ichor receded from her eyes intelligence returning to them She patted her gut. The coils of the snake woman showed through her skin SLucky I ran into you snaky it was kinda an emergency Her stomach shifted and there was an unintelligible mumbling from inside. Luz, now redressed, had been watching the whole thing intently. She had often wondered what it was like in the witch s stomach before. But it was the first time she felt envy for the prey in there. That scaly bitch didn t know how lucky she was Eda finally noticed her, having barged in and sat down to eat without a second glance. SHey Luz how about a belly rub I know alwaysyou love feeling the writhing coils inside She patted her belly in invitation. Luz avoided eye contact SSorry Eda I am too busy with my studies She went upstairs without another word. The owl woman looked befuddled after her What in the Titan s balls was up with that girl? -------- During the following week Luz would try anything she could think of to tempt her mentor s appetite SAccidentally spilling the witch s favorite foods and drinks on herself dressing in the skimpy clothes that best showed off her Sassets as a menu item She even tried making food puns about herself, pretending they were unintentional. S Well if you are fed up with me you could always S Now I hope it won t make me seem distasteful but S Trust me I am not that hard to swallow And any other she could think of. But nothing seemed to work, the witch never took the bait, to Luz s rising frustration and unfulfilled prey urges Eda s stomach was also clearly getting increasingly frustrated at being denied the tasty snack that was practically, and unknown to the witch, literally throwing herself at it. Its growls were increasingly discontent and Eda got hungry again even sooner than usual. Tensions kept rising in the Owl House and sooner or later something had to give. -------- Luz waded through the warm shallow waters with a shambling gait and a dull expression on her face. On a nearby rock sat a green haired woman whose bottom half was the tail of a shark. She was singing and beckoning the human closer with a finger, while licking her lips. What the woman didn t know was that her mind control song only affected witches and demons not humans. Giving Luz a chance to get close by only pretending to be enthralled. In an instant Luz straightened, whipped out an ice glyph and activated it, bombarding the aquatic demon with icicles. The woman hissed in shocked anger and dove into the water. A few moments later water exploded upward Eda rose arms wrapped around the shark woman s midriff. The siren writhed like an eel, her slippery skin hard to get a good grip on. Risking only holding on with one arm, Eda drew a swift spell. A net sprang into existence, trussing the trashing aquatic demon up tight. She struggled for a while longer, but it was clear that it was futile. She sighed in resignation and relaxed. SShit Any chance this is a Scatch and release Eda chuckled SSorry I don t fish for sport foodonly Thefor witch turned her head as Luz approached SWhat happened You were supposed to wait until I gave the signal SI thought I saw an opening for a quick catch Luz lied Eda grunted skeptically. Luz had in fact deliberately screwed up the hunt. She had hoped that the lost meal would make Eda hungry enough to replace it with the apprentice who screwed up. Inwardly she fumed at another failed plan. How was it this hard to get yourself eaten by the most voracious witch on the isles? -------- Back at the Owl House, despite the successful hunt, Eda was not happy. SYou have really been off your game lately Luz this one nearly got away I expect more myfrom apprentice She scolded as she unwrapped the siren from the net SWell maybe being your apprentice isn t that great either Luz sullenly replied avoiding eye contact. Eda threw up her hands in exasperation SWhere thisis now coming from? Last week you were crazy about becoming a witch SYou know the siren named Trys interjected S if you two need some privacy I could just slip outside for a minute Eda sighed pinching the bridge of her nose SWould you Thank you that would Hey, w be-ait a minute The siren shrugged with a small smile. SCan t blame a girl for trying Eda smirked SGuess not But I have my own way of getting my apprentice and some myself privacy She looked at Luz SI am going to finish my dinner but then we are going to talk SWhoo can t wait The teen muttered hunching her shoulders Eda shot the girl another reproachful look, before focusing on the siren. Luz knew she was being a brat to her mentor but it only made her mood worse She couldn t overcome her resentment that Eda apparently wanted to eat everyone else but her. Eda started kissing and licking the siren s neck Her thumb started rubbing circles where the humanoid hips met the shark tail. Folds opened like the petals of a flower. The witch hummed with satisfaction and her thumb delved into the moist folds, eliciting little whines from Trys. The owl lady used her fang to nibble on the shark girl s neck making her squeal Eda pulled back slightly. SReady to take the dive sea food The siren looked up She was panting her eyes glazed and it wasn t even clear if she had the presence of mind to comprehend the question. SUnnh dive SI ll take that as a yes With that Eda stuffed the fish woman s head into her mouth Her throat opened for the smaller woman, slowly dragging her deeper with small relishing gulps. When she passed the hips, that was when Luz decided to quit subtlety and go for broke. She would piggyback Eda s current meal while the witch was caught up in her feeding bliss NOW! Luz rushed forward, seizing the tail just as it was starting to vanish inside. It squirmed; its owner surprised by the sudden contact. Luz felt her hands, then head being dragged along into the hot wet mouth. Yes! This is it, I am getting eaten! She started panting as the humid cavern enveloped her, sending her into darkness. But then she felt long fingers wrap around the collar of her shirt. She was abruptly yanked back out into the light, losing her grip. SNooo she complained reaching for the receding mouth She had been so close Eda hauled her squirming apprentice out of her gullet, holding her in front of her face, her eyes blazing with consternation. SMhhpmgghmmuu Her throat full the incensed question came out unintelligible Frowning with annoyance, Eda swallowed deeply, clearing her throat. Luz watched the flopping tail fin vanish with disappointment. SOk what the owl woman took a quick breath S do you think you are doing young lady You have been acting weird for days now so let s have it Luz avoided her eyes. SI heard you tell Lilith you are never going to eat me muttered. She SOh Was Eda s only reply To fill the silence Luz went on SIt was scary when I thought you might do it at any time But when I realized it would never happen, it became clear how exciting it had been too and how addicted to it I had become And it just isn t the same anymore when deep down I always know I am safe That I am never going to slide down that hot and slick Her eyes glazed over and she made a frantic lunge for her mentor s mouth but Eda effortlessly held her apprentice back at arm s length SUgh I was hoping this wouldn t happen Being a human living close to the titan s remains is developing prey urges in you. Witches and demons have had generations to adapt to the effect and even we have a hard time resisting the allure of a dive down a drooling maw sometimes Luz made a frustrated sound SWhy won t you just eat me You sniff me you lick me you talk about how tasty I am all the time. And now that I want it, you refuse her voice turned shrill with frustration. Eda sighed, SShucks kid you are gonna make me say it aren t you Ok I admit I did plan on snacking on you sooner or later. But during our time together I have grown attached and having you around just became more important I would really miss you in my life wiped She a tear from the corner of her eye, STitan s arse look at me getting all sappy She laughed Her words cooled Luz s lusty thoughts enough that she could think about something else than pulsing gullets and tight, sweltering stomach chambers. She stopped her scrambling trying to get into the witch s mouth moved at her mentor s unusually vulnerable show of affection SOk I can understand that She replied quietly SI would miss you too Well not really because you know, dead. But you know what I mean She babbled Then sighed SI would also really like to achieve my goal of being the first human witch before I go But what do we do then? You really want to eat me and I really want to be eaten. Do we just have to constantly suppress our desires forever Eda shook her head SNowhen you are so compelled to be eaten it s going to make you sloppy around predators. Sooner or later one of them is going to get you S What then Eda was quiet for long moments, her face serious, deep in thought.Finally she spoke. SLook I may have a solution so we both get what we want It s a rarely used ritual, that ties a human s soul to the body of a witch essentially branding you as my property Luz blushed slightly at the word Sproperty SInstead of passing on you would reform inside me taking mass from my b ody The girl perked up SWhat really Why haven t you told me sooner SDon t think I haven t thought about it But you humansare so squeamish about the whole Seternal soul thing Eda made air quotes with her fingers, SI mean you swap one guy s soul with a goat s while drunk and suddenly you re doing S the devil s work whatever that means I mean which one are they even talking about There s Beelzebob Leonardcifer Elmo- Luz shifted impatiently SUh Eda the ritual Eda blinked snapping out of it SOh right Your body would get digested but the spell would in effect impregnate me with a clone of you and tie your soul to it Your Sfetus would grow at a hyper accelerated speed reforming in a matter of hours SHowever since the mass for your new body would come from me it will also burn a lot of my body s energy and mass It will leave me with a significant calorie deficitevery time from eating you. So, there are going to be times where you will have to be patient and wait to get reformed slowly, until I find a meal to put some flesh on my bones again S That doesn t sound too bad Luz muttered imagining spending or even daysweeks inside the big witch s gorgeous body Eda made a wry smile SI bet it wouldn t Then she turned serious SI have to tell you that the spell is irreversible so you have to be A sure this is what you want Luz thought for a long time. She knew what she wanted but this wasn t a decision she could rush into. She thought about her future, her mother, what she really wanted out of life. Eventually she reached a decision. SLet s do it She said firmly SThere is only one thing I everthat I wantedfelt more than being eaten by you. And that is to become a witch. This seems like the only way to get both, Luz suddenly had a thought, SWhat happens if you get eaten SIf I don t manage to perform my reformation spell Then your soul would have no anchor to return to and it would be lights out for both of us. Our souls would pass to the unknown, like everyone else Eda sat down on the couch SI ll finish with my most recent Stenant and then we can do the ritual Luz knelt to massage her mentor s belly for the first time since she overheard the Clawthorne sisters. SHurry up and digest in there so I can have my turn She whispered into the stomach --------- The shark girl did in fact end up digesting in record time Apparently Eda s stomach was as impatient as them to get Luz inside it. Eda shook the paunch that was all that remained of the demon, SFeels like I am open for business again Take off your clothes and we can begin the ritual SMy cloth- Well that makes sense I guess Luz mumbled She shyly began undressing Despite all the lewd acts between Eda and her meals she had been witness to, Luz had never been naked before her mentor before. Eventually she stood naked, feeling awkward and struggling not to cover herself with her hands. SRecite after me P SI surrender my soul to the care of Eda Clawthorne Eda instructed Luz repeated the words. SWas that it she asked dubiously Eda nodded SYeah words the themselves aren t magic they just serve to center our intentions for the magic to follow. Like making a groove you want a rolling ball to follow Luz listened intently always eager for any scrap of knowledge that would make her a better witch. Her mentor twirled a finger, SNow turn around I need to apply the brand SBrand Luz repeated in sudden apprehension though she complied SThe brand will attach the spell to your soul and will reform with you no matter how many times you are digested. It will also let everyone know who you belong to and who they are messing with if they eat you without getting my permission first Luz's chest fluttered. The way Eda described it, made her feel more like a slave or livestock than apprentice Which wasn t too far off she had to admit. Also Eda wouldn t the beonly one to eat her? She might let others have Luz too now that it wasn t permanent Eda smirked as she watched her apprentice squirm with increasing intensity, clearly getting more and more excited. The witch drew a circle in the air inches from one of the girl s bouncy buttcheeks There was a searing sound and Luz hissed and gritted her teeth. An emblem shaped like an owl engraved itself on her skin, then instantly cooled. Eda dusted off her hands SThere all done Luz looked over her shoulder. Not what she had planned for if she ever got a tattoo, but what the hay. Eda leaned down to put her face level with Luz s SNothing to do but test it out And I for one have had enough of waiting I have wanted you in my belly since I first saw you Without another word her jaws opened wide. The girl just had time to make an expression of mindless rapture, before her head was shoved into her mentor s mouth Eda dug into her meal, finally giving in and gorging herself on her mouthwatering apprentice, her eyes rolling in delight at the flavor. She wasted no time scarfing down the girl, only just taking time to savor the most flavorful parts Soon Luz s toes were ecstatically wriggling in puddles of saliva atop the broad witch tongue. Inside the throat, Luz heard a deep growl below her. She trembled as she realized it was the stomach, impatiently awaiting her arrival. The gullet pulsated around her, eager to draw her deeper. With a last gulp, Eda sent the feet into her throat, the girl sliding all the way down the throat into the furnace of a stomach. Eda let herself sink back into the couch, rubbing the squirming shape in her belly affectionately. SYou were superb How I resisted gobbling you up this long I have no idea She relaxed as watched her belly wriggle, Luz exploring her new room. It was one Eda intended for the girl to spend a lot of time in. Afterwards the witch knew she had wolfed down her protégé too fast, instead of really savoring the girl. And her stomach evidently felt the same way about finally having the longed for treat inside it. Her digestion was kicking into overdrive and Eda knew it wouldn t be long before her apprentice would be mush But it didn t really matter The future promised plenty more chances to taste and slow melt the succulent girl. Still better not overdo it, having to reform her apprentice too often. She might lose her body s gains from years as an apex predator And instead keep it special rather than just another meal So only at special occasions. And when it would be fun. She sighed happily. SThe only downside to this is that I won t have your belly massages for this Inside Luz was in a state euphoria, finally having her cravings satisfied. The stomach was like a mixture of a sauna and a sleeping bag. She panted lustily in the intense heat and the stomach walls held her in a tight, possessive grip, rhythmically undulating against her. She was in heaven and felt the compulsion to thank Eda for giving her this. At a sudden inspiration, she started to massage Eda s stomach from inside as much as the cramped space allowed. Literally knowing it inside out and which spots to press, even from the unfamiliar angle of being on the inside. Eda let out a little gasp of delight, SOh Oh You clever little yes right there Oh why does it feel so much better when you re doing it from inside she moaned throatily As Luz stewed and rubbed the stomach walls the possibilities flashed through her mind Now she didn t have to be so careful all the time worried about being eaten. She especially had one particular young witch in mind. Luz had never felt in any danger from Amity, as the girl was far too fond of her to lose her just for a meal. But Luz had often noticed her girlfriend staring and hastily wiping drool from her chin. Now they could both indulge in the experience risk free Luz s cheeks darkened at the thought of telling the purplette though. It would be even more intimate than the first time they had sex. She was visited by a mental image of her girlfriend whispering P SOooh I love your taste Luz I can t wait to have you inside me Hermosa. It felt so vivid Luz could swear couldshe feel the witch s hot breath on her ear She cried out; her climax set off without anything but stomach fluids touching between her legs. After she came back down, she simply slumped and panted. That last orgasm had wiped her out. The stomach walls continued to undulate rhythmically against her, rubbing acids into her skin, the sizzling fluids rising around her. Nothing left to do but digest. Luz s eyes rolled as she felt herself starting to come apart Eda had promised she would be reformed but at that moment the girl couldn t care less All that was on her mind was the ecstasy of being kneaded and dissolved by the gurgling stomach. With a happy sigh she passed out. The only sounds were the stomach hard at work liquifying her body. Eda looked down at her settling belly, SFeels like you re already out of steam huh Honestly you lasted longer under the circumstances than I expected Just relax and let mama Eda take it from here She hugged her belly, feeling it slosh around. The stomach contents were mostly fluids by now. She lounged on the couch relishing the afterglow of the intense experience And she probably wouldn t have moved from the spot until morning if it hadn t been for a knock on the door SUh oh Hooty warned SWhat SIt s Amity whatdo I do Eda sat up in alarm SWell don t let her i- The door swung open and the young witch strode through, shooting Hooty a disdainful glance in passing. She paused as her eyes settled on the older woman SOhEda I didn t realize you werewith someone She averted her eyes with a slight blush SUh is Luz here Eda had to fight not to glance down at her own gut. SLuz Eh sorry she is uhout for the night She will be back tomorrow though Ok bye now Eda hastily herded the smaller witch out and closed the door. Amity only just got out P SOut But- before it slammed shut The owl lady leaned her back against it and blew out a breath S Whew That could ve gotten awkward She looked down at herself SWell I don t know about you butwiped I am She yawned, STime for us two to go to bed She waddled up the stairs to her bedroom fell She as much as laid down onto her bed, halfheartedly pulling a blanket around herself. SSee ya in the morning kid With that Eda dozed off her stomach churning long into the night -------- Luz woke to a blinding light and gasped as she was suddenly exposed to what felt like frigid air. It took her scrambled mind a while to make sense of what was happening. It had worked, she was being rebirthed! Eda grunted as she strained with her Sdelivery This went on for a while neither of them talking mostly gasping for breath from the strenuous process. SLuz Is that you Luz looked up in alarm. Amity? Here? Now? She frantically tried to pull the last of her legs free, making Eda yelp. If she could just get free and quickly throw something on, she could- But it was too late the door to Eda s bedroom swung open and Amity walked in SEda said you would be back by now I She trailed off Luz cringed inwardly at the scene in front of her girlfriend She was glossy with fluids still knee deep in her mentor s cooch S Huff Heeey Amity Huff She said with exaggerated nonchalance propping against her chin the palm of her hand, almost slipping on her slick skin. SSooo how is it going she asked as casually as she The couldpurple haired witch simply stood, speechless. With a squelch that seemed deafening in the awkward silence, Eda finally managed to push out the rest of her protégé. Then she flopped onto her back with an unmistakably post orgasmic sigh. After a few moments a content snore could be heard. SEh-he-he so long story Luz chuckled embarrassedly
 Sitro and Ella: First Feast Sitro and Ella were the closest Kobolds you would find in the medieval, magic-rich world they lived in. They often scavenged together, fought together, and on occasion made love together, all while fending off the harsh, unforgiving landscape. Kobolds were not very appreciated in this time, always being discriminated against for their eccentricities, or just because they were different. While Sitro was a bit more on the scrawny side, a long fat snout and goatish horns on his head, Ella was quite padded and a fair deal stronger. It was a wonder how he was ever able to find such a perfect Kobold in his eyes. Both of them seemed to be a perfect team, but they didn't succeed in every quest they went on. On one fateful day, the two were directed to deal with some crazed wizard who was undergoing some shady, inhumane experiments on people from a local village. The pair of yellow Kobolds went to investigate. Ultimately, they failed horribly. The wizard blasted them and teleported them out of this plane of reality. To some it may have seemed like they were obliterated entirely, but in actuality they went to another world, completely devoid of the magic they were familiar with. Appearing on verdant green hills, the two found that they were quite out of their element. Now in a world very unlike our own, they sat out in the middle of a park. They had completely and utterly failed, but life goes on, and they would not let such a setback keep them from living happily. Using the gold coins they had, which ended up being much more valuable here, they managed to get themselves a nice big house where they would live comfortably. 1 Year Later Sitro and Ella have come to discover this world's form of magic, technology and the internet. It was so fantastic to them that they became somewhat addicted. Like pinching precious shiny objects in their previous world, they came to find it quite difficult to not just surf the web and learn new things on a day to day basis. Eventually, they came to discover a stranger side of the internet. One filled withmore questionable content she was somewhat familiar with from her old world. There were people in this world that actually wished to be eaten alive as some crazed Kobolds would do. Some of her own friends let themselves become measles for the dragons they worshipped, and she was somewhat curious to see such a thing existed in this world as well. It was… intriguing… Something that Ella grew quite the fondness of after watching some videos online of people performing the act amongst loved ones. While she was secretly exploring new and fascinating ideas that got her all worked up just thinking about them, Sitro was discovering an arguably more degenerate activity. Playing trading card games. Yugioh to be specific. He had become enamored with the pretty shiny cards you could buy online, and after spending a good amount of his hard-earned, otherworldly gold on the stuff, he had discovered there was an actual game centered around the things! He quickly got into it and approached his Kobold girlfriend with a couple of small boxes. "Ella! Are you busy right now?" The girl was sitting on their cushy couch, wiggling her bottom into the back while holding her phone, letting it rest down on her lap to hide the unsightly images she was browsing through. "Uhh… I suppose not. What are those in your hands? Food?" Sitro snorted a bit and dropped down right next to her, opening the box and showing her his newest obsession. "Hehehahh! Nono not food. Look, it's a game! Wanna play? "Oh, well… I'm sort of busy right now-" Just then, the girl paused, her stomach rumbling hungrily. Having come up with a fun idea that she was sure Sitro would be into, her yellow cheeks flushed red as she looked away to speak. "Actually… Keheh… Wanna make a bet with that game? The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser~" Sitro blushed back, his eyes immediately looking down to her slightly chubby midsection and shapely behind sinking into the cushions. It was clear that the short,3 ft. Kobold girl was growing quite a bit thanks to this world's exquisite food. She can just walk out of their house and run down the street to find the gorgeous golden arches where they give her the tasty, cheesy burgers and salty fries she loves so much. While he does not like the food as much, he loves what it has done to Ella. Swallowing a lump in his throat at the thought of what he would do to her, he nods eagerly, dropping a box of cards into her lap. "Yeah! That sounds fun!" And with that, the two went over to their dining table, climbing up the somewhat oversized chairs and opening their boxes. After briefing Ella on the basic rules of the game, they began. Unfortunately for Sitro, he actually had no idea how to play the game well. He separated both decks from what color they were, so he had nothing but magic cards while Ella had nothing but monsters… Ella takes a good moment to slowly read her cards before placing the five down that formed a big golden man in chains. "Hey… These cards say I win…" Sitro's eyes shot up from his hand, hopping from his chair and running around the table to look. The amateur duelist blushed heavily with embarrassment when he saw it; Exodia the Forbidden One. He slapped his forehead and groaned a bit. Maybe it would not be so bad though. He loved Ella, so whatever she wanted to do, it would definitely be an enjoyable time, if not a bit nerve-wracking as he had no idea what she wanted to do. "I… I guess it does… Heheh… Uh, well… Good job Ella!" She felt so accomplished, pulling the good cards on her first turn, just because her boyfriend was dumb and never asked her to shuffle her deck, leaving the prettiest cards at the top. "Aaa… Thanks, babe! Now, let's get to have some fun~ I'm pretty hungry~" Ella hopes off her seat, giving him a peck on the side of his snout before heading off to her room to get changed. "Uwahh… Wait! What are we gonna do?" "You'll see! I'm sure you'll love it! Meet me in the bedroom!"She called from the hall as she pranced away, her ass bouncing and clapping gently before she disappeared around the corner. Sitro sighed and scratched the back of his scaly head, the anticipation killing him. The Kobold nervously followed her to the nice, extravagant bedroom they had on the second floor of the house, peeking in to see what Ella was doing. Not being able to see the pudgy princess of his, he slipped through the door. Breathing heavily, he freezes in place, feeling a long wet warmth grace the back of his neck. The door is shut as a naked shortstack of a derg makes herself known, hugging him from behind and letting her petite breasts press into his back. She found his taste to be so surprisingly delicious, causing her mouth to water. It rivaled that of the breaded chicken nuggets at McDonald's, one of her favorite foods in this new world they live in. Sitro's underwear grew tight at these feelings, nervously chuckling and looking back at her. "Ahh… Ella… I- Woaah!?" As he started to speak, his lover hugged her more tightly, jumping up onto their large bed and pinning him down to the cushy mattress. Rolling him onto his back, Ella straddled his belly and stared into his eyes longingly. Her belly growled once again, this time more audibly. "So… Ready to get started?" "Uh, yeah yeah!" Under the impression that they were gonna have a simple sexual interaction, he would soon discover her true intentions. As Sitro struggled to pull his shorts and underwear off while she remained on top of him, the starving girl brought up a similar situation as to what they were about to perform. "Sooo… Remember my cousin Elric?" He paused, looking up to her. Now with his 7-inch barbed member stuck between her cheeks, he nervously replied. "Uh… Do you mean the one who sacrificed himself to that one Dragon?"Yeah, Ilima! She was super nice…" Ella said, recalling the kind godly being her cousin worshipped. "I, uh… I remember… W-Why do you ask?" "Well, turns out, people in this world think that that sort of thing is attractive… Some even use it like some sort of sexual ritual! And honestly… I discovered the appeal, keheheh…" She leaned forward and dug her claws into Sitro's clothing, working to tear the casual garb he wore so she would not have to leave her cozy space on his toned belly. The male Kobold made an awkward expression towards her. Elric perished in the belly of a giant silver dragon, and Ella was broken up about it for weeks. She even went as far as to call him a disgrace to her family for committing such an act. Now here she was, alluding to something that he was quite concerned about. "You… You want me to…" Before he could continue, her belly grumbled even louder. Something about her in this position made him grow excited. She sat on top of him and was totally in control of the situation. He lost the bet, so really he had no choice in his eyes. "Won't you? Sitro?" She laid down on top of him, licking his face and hugging him more tenderly. "You know I don't ask for much… and I did beat you fair and square…" "I mean… won't I… y'know… die? Like Elric? You don't want me to die… Do you?" "Oh honey… Of course not… We still have all those scrolls from the old world though. I'm sure we have a couple of revival ones." "What if we need those though?? I don't wanna waste it on something like th-"He was quite suddenly silenced by a long, forced kiss on his snout, her eyes closed as she held his face gently. She remained quiet after pulling herself back, looking down at him with a smile. "Sitro… This world is perfect… There's no situation where we will need those… No giant monsters, no evil archmages… and I know you can protect me from any silly human who tries to fight us…" He blushed deeply, staring up at her after they parted from the kiss. The Kobold sighed heavily, looking up at her with a sincere smile. "Okay… okay… You win. You'll be my big beautiful dragon… Now, uh… How do we start?" Just as he asked, Ella pulled the rest of his tattered clothes off, leaving him completely naked beneath her. She carefully climbed off of him, scooting back to his feet and grabbing him by the ankles. "The videos online usually had the predator devour their prey feet first. You just sit back and enjoy the ride! Now~" Ella opened her mouth, sucking on his bare feet a bit before letting this fully into her mouth. They poked past the back of her throat and suddenly, her body began helping him along. The hungry lizard moaned at the flavor. The texture of his scales felt wonderful against the inside of her wet, hot mouth. Naturally getting pulled in, Sitro looked down at his loved one with a bit of an anxious expression. Her eyes were closed, clearly enjoying this whole experience as it continued along. Never in his life would he think that she could swallow so much at once, and it got him worked up. Seeing the cute derg's face as she accepted the wonderful meal into her slavering maw made a bit of precum dribble down his erect length. "Ah… I'm happy I taste so good, heheheh… Am I better than that greasy stuff at that fast food place?" Ella peeked her eyes open as his feet started making an impression on her throat. She winked at him before sucking him down quicker, eliciting a frightened yelp from the Kobold meat. His legs were being tightly squeezed together, much morequickly getting sent down into the pit that was her stomach. As his clawed toes poked into her guts, her belly began to distend. By this point, she was getting past his knees, needing to slow a bit due to the surprising width of his waist. His own rump was not nearly as phat or plump as Ella's, but it was definitely squeezable, posing a bit of trouble for the girl. After a bit of playful licking, she managed to fight her way up his pelvis, slurping up the tasty cum that was leaking from his throbbing vein. She was so happy to see and taste that he was enjoying this as much as she was. "Mmhhll~" "Ahh… Ella… You're amazing…" As he felt his feet touch the bottom of the stomach, his cock was being pleasantly rubbed up against the tight walls on the way down. Slowly but surely, he was disappearing more and more into her, curling up more and causing her belly to expand further and further. After about 4 minutes, Ella worked up to his chest, slobbering all over him and forcing his arms to the side. He stared into her open, crimson eyes as a stupid smile went across his face. "You look so beautiful babe… Take pictures when you're finished with, uh… dinner? Heheh…" The flushed female nodded and sat on her knees holding her head up and letting his slide down into the warm abyss. Just before Sitro vanished, he gave her snout a loving kiss. "See you later…" Sitro shut his eyes as he slipped further, the newfound predator closing her mouth around his horns and sending him the rest of the way down with one last gulp. She felt her hand against the bulge of his face as he passed down her throat and soon into her belly, curled up and wriggling to get comfortable. "Gllp! Hmmnn~"Sitting back on her butt, she runs her pale belly, feeling some gas work its way up after finishing such a satisfying meal. "Urp- OOUURRRPP! Hahhh! Ahhnn… Sitro… You're the best…" She panted and groaned as she felt so exhausted after putting her body through such intensive exercise to put him in there. Crawling down to the head of her bed, Ella laid on the comfy pillow and laid on her side. She hoped to do some other stuff she saw on the internet with this tummy, but she was too tired to continue. Meanwhile, inside of the belly of the sweet beast, Sitro was feeling super hot and humid. It was slightly uncomfortable at first, but as time went on he started to enjoy it. It was like he was connected more closely to Ella. Feeling and hearing the beat of her heart as he nuzzled against the slick walls of her stomach was so nice and soothing. While the growing pool of acid he sat in stung his skin, it still made the experience worth it. He rubbed his prick as he heard her heart's beat slowing, resting his head against the wall as he felt the chamber shift to her laying. "Hmnn… I love you… Ella…" The walls tightened around him, and hearing her belch again, he was losing air quickly. Sitro's mind grew foggy as he slowly passed out into unconsciousness, submitting to the acids as they swirled and sloshed around him. "BROOURRP! Sitro… Thank you for making dinner foronce, keheheh…" She sunk her hands into her tight belly, feeling his movements slow and eventually stop entirely. The gurgling coming from her belly grew louder, which was expected, but she hoped he would at least get to stick around for a bit longer. Grrrggllle… Sloshsh… "Yaawwwwn… Goodnight Sitro… I'll see you in the morning~" Ella hugged her loved one's pillow as she fell asleep. Overnight, the Kobold within her would slowly get worked down into a fine, sloshy soup. Completely indiscernible to his old self, he was flushed through her intestines, getting absorbed into her as he made his journey through her beautiful body. The next day, bright and early in the morning, the sun shone through her bedroom window, striking her smooth, skin and causing her scales to shine in the daylight.Her stomach was completely empty and her assets were much thicker than before. She went from having almost no breasts at all to holding a pair of D cup jugs on her chest. Her belly retained quite a bit of the fluff given to her by Sitro, and her already beautiful booty got a great deal bigger. If she sat on Sitro right now he could be completely obscured, save for his legs. Her alarm striking 10 AM, the girl yawned loudly, her eyes tearing up a bit as she stretched in place. Sitting up, ber red eyes bugged out when she saw her new tits, groping them and feeling wonderful. "Oh my… Sitro…" Climbing out of bed, she walked over to the wardrobe and got a look at her naked form. Posing and looking at her new body she was sure Sitro would adore it when he returned. "I'm so much… more… Keheheh… He's gonna love it- Wait! Uuugh… Forgot the pictures…" She sighed, rubbing her head as she walked away from the wardrobe and went to their shoe closet to find that resurrection scroll so she may return him to life. Last night was so much fun. It was impossible to think of not ever doing it again with him. Maybe she would need to learn how to spit up her food to make the fun last longer, but she was satisfied with her little experiment. Unfortunately, that scroll would have to wait a moment as her stomach let out an ominous rumble, accompanied by a trumpeting toot from her rear end. "Pffttrrrffbtttt! Ack! Oh dear…" Sitro had enough time in her sweltering insides and he was hammering on her back door to be let out. He had never been so assertive towards her before, so this call to nature was a huge shock to her. Nervously turning and running to the bathroom door, she would find this to be a huge mistake. As she started to speed up, a loud, wet shart escaped her rear, spattering the carpet with a light dew. "BblllffrrFRRTT! Ahh! Oh no… Hnnng-"Ella had no choice but to relieve herself on the spot. Squeezing her belly and squatting down, her short, fat tail lifted up cutely before a veritable avalanche of derg dung escaped her. "SCHLLRBRTT! Ahhnnn~ Sitro…" A perfectly unbroken log of auburn mud evacuated itself from her ass, coiling up on the ground beneath her as a foul stench sullied the air around her. The gunk was speckled with her lover's bone shards, scraping against her pucker pleasantly and causing her to moan out. "Hmnnnn~ This feels so good… Hahh… We are definitely gonna have to do this more often-CHLLLRSSHHRTT!!" So much of Sitro was absorbed into her body that he didn’t actually make as much scat as she assumed, though it was definitely enough to clog the toilet and warrant at least three flushes. At the end of the mile-long rope of rancid butt batter, a bit of blockage arose, causing her great discomfort as she groaned and pushed as hard as she could. It felt like she was laying an egg. "Urrk! Ghhh… Out… Please…" Wiggling her but to try and loosen it some, her cheeks clapped together. Soon a dense skull squeezed out from between them, the horns scraping her donut and causing her to cum on the spot. "A-Ahhhnn!Sshllrrptpt~" A weak, rather anticlimactic toot left her rump after the Kobold skull dropped onto the coil on the ground, leaving Ella trembling from the sensation. All she could really do at this point was hope that the scroll would clean up the muck on the floor. Returning to the closet, the tired shortstack dug through their old world gear, soon finding a crumpled-up scroll that oozed unused magical energy. Dragging herself over to the shit pile, she uttered the incantation written on the paper. Very quickly, a magical light would peak through the cracks of Sitro's skull, lifting it out of the dung and eventually exploding with a blinding ray of light.When Ella opened her eyes, she saw her beloved, sitting on the bed sleepily. The naked Kobold slowly opened his eyes, stretching out like it was any other morning. The precooked down to the feces, seeing that it remained. "Ghhh… Great…" "Hm? Oh! Ella! How did it go? Was it fun?" He asked somewhat excitedly, not receiving much of an enthusiastic reaction. The yellow Kobold girl turned and started leaving the bedroom, her asscheeks appearing stained with shit. "I'll talk about it later hon… Please clean yourself up…" "Huh? What do you mea-...?" The odorous stench hit his nostrils as he spoke, causing him to freeze up for a moment. He nervously looked over the edge of the bed only to find his own manure on the ground. This would not be a pleasant way to start the day he felt.
 New Slime in Town In the wondrous, magic-laden land of Eliana, all manner of odd creatures and races live together in harmony. One of these stanger beings is called the Gelatinfolk, a humanoid creature composed almost entirely of delicious slime. They do not usually occur naturally in nature, as they were created by powerful, and very likely hungry, wizards in order to act as obedient slaves who also make for a good meal. Despite being rather amorphous, they naturally find themselves in a similar shape to their masters. Vronica was one of these slaves at one point. Now though, she has earned her free will after her Dragonborn master’s untimely death at the hands of the unforgiving sea. While traveling by boat to a large port town where they would be taking on a lucrative quest, their boat capsized in a heavy storm. Lucky for Vronica however, she managed to survive and was fished out of the ocean by a group of fishermen from this port town, Anglier. After being taken to the town, she did not know really what she should be doing. She had no purpose in life. All she knew was that whatever it was that she did before the storm, she wanted to avoid. Her amnesia made things pretty hard for her, as the details of her creation or even where she came from were foggy. The only knowledge she retained was that, as a slave, she was used as a source of easily portable food. She was used as a way of disposing of roadside bandits by her master, dumping their unconscious bodies into her goopy, incredibly stretchy maw. Anything she ate would just become extra mass on her delectable, blue body for her master to enjoy. It was a terrifying thought to look back on and she somewhat wished she didn’t have those memories backed into her. Vronica made the mistake of sleeping out in the dark alleyways of Anglier, completely ignorant to the fact that the nightlife of the large town was teeming with rather shady dealings and particularly peckish deviants. “Zzzz… Hmmm,,,” Simply laying against a wall behind a heap of barrels down a shadowy path, a group of thugs came by sniffing the air and looking for a bite to eat.The three lowlifes walked quietly, on the prowl for the next meal. At a glance they did not seem all too horrible, but they were all about reducing helpless townsfolk to slop in their bellies… Well, two of them were. One of them much more enjoyed helping and watching. This individual was the lithe feline man leading them, looking around in the dark and eventually spotting a girl tucked away. A gentle smile crossed his face and turned to address his friends. “You ladies see what I see?” The shortest of the three, a chubby orc girl, squinted in the dark. She was munching on some bread, unable to actually see that well in the lightless alleyway. “Uh… no… You know that. It smells divine though~” The absolute largest of them, a catfolk of immense proportions, leaned over and looked to the blob against the wall. She gave her little kitten a kiss on the cheek and patted his head. “Good boy, Lynus. It looks like we hit the jackpot.” “Mrrr…Ay-Hey! Quit getting all touchy with me! Youknow how I-” His ears folded back as the 8 ft. tall cat girl pressed her massive breasts against the back of his head and scratched his ears, quickly slapping her paw over his mouth to silence him. “Shhh… Be quite~ If this one gets away you’ll be takingher place as dinner~” Her plush tummy lets out a call for something to fill it. In fact, all of them just look at Vronica who was still fast asleep, feeling their greedy organs beg for the delicious looking goop. Grrrnnn~ The free-willed gelatin girl made gentle burbling sounds as she snored softly, her belly being full of a few fish from earlier that she was quietly digesting. Brrbll…Seren, the orc girl, swallowed the rest of her bread and walked past the two. Rubbing her hands together, she decides to get the first taste of the girl. None of them had eaten a gelatinfolk before, so this was something they were all interested in trying out. The green-skinned shortstack gets down on the ground and grabs the slime’s foot, noticing that she was barely reacting at all to the touch. “Gods… It’s so easy it feels almost wrong… Omph~” She clamps her mouth down on Vronica’s shin, accidentally biting down a bit harder than she probably should have. Seren has a bit of trouble with not biting her food super hard, and the act had them all utterly shocked, but still the sleepy slime remained unconscious. The goopy foot came off and filled the orc’s cheeks, tasting like melting ice cream in her mouth. She grabbed her cheeks and swished it around before gulping it all down in one go. It was not a lot, but it was probably the most flavorful piece of anything she’s ever eaten. “Ah… This thing is so good… Like… Catboy, you get a try.” Seren says before scooping a handful of Vronica’s sludgy slime out of her belly, the gap quickly being filled. The foot their designated dessert had lost was already regrown, although the rest of her body had shrunk a little bit to reform it. Before the orc could say anything, she grabbed Lynus by the collar of his garb and shoved her hand into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat to force feed him. The cheetah-patterned, skinny cat boy gagged at Seren’s action. His eyes bulged a bit and watered from her aggressive feeding, but when her hand was free from his mouth he got a better taste of it. Unfortunately he swallowed it without savoring her indescribable sweet flavor. “Ummph!?Gulp! Huff… What the fuck Seren?? Practicallypunched a hole through my neck with that… You know my appetite isn’t like yours...” “Hm-hm~ You two are really funny… You really should get some meat on your bones Lynus. You know I’d love you a whole lot more if your butt looked more like my own~” She spoke, wiggling her wide bottom and creating audibly claps that echoed through the alleyway.Lynun blushed heavily as he licked his lips, getting some of the smeared blue flavor off and finding that it was indeed an amazing taste. “A-Alright Maira…” He says to please his big beautiful friend, getting on his knees and grabbing the leg that had not been tasted yet. “This girl must be exhausted… How is she still asleep?” Shrugging to himself, he shoved her foot in her mouth, sucking on the drippy scented soles and eventually beginning to slurp it down. It went down easy and smooth, like a good drink. It really did taste like he was taking a massive gulp of a fruit smoothie. Slllurrrpp! Loudly slurping up the sleeping slime’s leg, he ends up having to quit. His low-capacity tummy was already distended from Vronica’s full left leg, already beginning to slowly reform. She was not particularly viscous for a gelatinfolk, practically melting into a puddle of herself. Maira rubs his fuzzy, gurgly belly as she get down on her knees right next to him, preparing to get her share of the free meal. She leaned down and licked his lips clean, her rough tongue causing him to quietly purr back. “Oh my! She really is amazing huh? Welp, guess the rest is all mine~” “Oohg… So much… I don’t know how you girls do it... “ He rolls back on his bottom and gently caresses his upset stomach, looking up to his friend with a goofy smile. Suddenly, Seren interjects and pushes the massive cat girl in the shoulder. She felt like she did not get her fair share just yet, and before she could say anything, Maira glared at her with a menacing stare. She already knew what she was gonna say, but Maira was the top predator in these parts. What she says, goes. “Uhh… Enjoy, heheh…” “Oh, thank you darling!” The alpha of the group leaned towards the defenseless snack, getting a grip on her and holding up her shrunken form. She was so cute with her drippy horns and heart-shaped core floating within her translucent chest.GRRRNNN… Her stomach was the loudest of all of them. Despite having quite the hefty meal not too long ago, she was fully ready to devour the remaining 100 lbs of melty jello in her hands. As Maira opened her mouth as wide as she could, the slime girl’s snoring halts, her green eyes creeping open to get a brief look into the fanged maw that stared right back at her. “Huh?” The ferocious feline glomped down on Vronica’s body, encompassing her entire top half. Her arms were pinned to the sides and she weakly swung her legs back and forth, still disoriented from her deep sleep. A loud slurping sound reverberated off the walls of the alleyway, likely being heard from the street as she sent the flavor bomb of an ooze into the cavernous pit of her stomach. “SLLLRRRRRPP!Hmnnngg~” She moaned out and relished her unique taste. It was definitely a shame in her eyes that she was doing away with her so quickly. The moment they found her, it was all over for her. The gelatin partially dissolved and liquified as she was sent away, her muffled shouts quickly coming to an end as the last of her was practically inhaled into Maira’s chops. With a loud, audible gulp, she lets out a satisfied sigh, rubbing her belly happily. Her size and natural plumpness was so immense that the amorphous slime girl barely made a dent in her all. With a powerful slap at her gut, she belched up something shiny. “Hahhhh…OOUURRRPPP! Uurp~” The solid, green core of her meal was ejected from her gob, careening into a nearby barrel filled with stinking garbage. Maira snickered a bit and struggled some to stand up, her two companions simply gazing upon her goddess-like visage. Even for Seren it was hard not to just smile at her satisfied face, no matter how terrified the true Maira could be sometimes. Neither of them even noticed the jade core fly away, and the cat girl did not seem to care for it, thinking it was just avaluable jewel. It could be a nice surprise for some beggar in the morning. She was charitable like that. “That’s music to my ears, heheh…” Lynun said with a smile, shakily standing up and getting pulled into a side hug by his mistress. He could hear the gurgling of the meals she had eaten that day, all stewing away inside of her. Grrrggllee… Sloosh... “So, should we get out of here? The sun’s coming up soon… and you were pretty loud… “ At this point he could not really fight with her about all the teasing and pampering he gets from her. Lynun just accepted it and enjoyed it whole-heartedly. This sort of treatment always disgusted her, but she would not say anything about it. “Yeah… And I still gotta grab dinner… I’m wasting away here because of you…” The short orc grumbled, feeling her rumbly tummy cry out for food. “Oh, I’m sure there’s some more homeless ducks around here that we can scoop right up. Seren you go find yourself something… Me and Lynun are gonna go have some fun.” She spoke while grabbing the back of her little pet’s head and squishing it further into her gut. Seren rolled her eyes and looked to the ground, a puddle of shiny blue gunk resting where she had laid. Looking back to Maira and seeing a similar mess on her clothing, she would pat her cat boy friend’s tummy and smirk over to him. “Guess I’ll do that then… You two fat cat’s better not flake on me tomorrow… We’re going ‘fishing’, yeah?” This was meant to be subtle code for harassing a group of fish people down at the beaches, a fun passtime of theirs. “Oh yes. Wouldn’t miss it for the world~ Goodnight hon.And with that, they dispersed in different directions, Maira dragging her little kitten away to keep and toy with until the break of dawn. Luckily for Vronica, she was not completely devoured. The small gang of eaters missing and leaving her core was all she needed to regain her form, although she was effectively comatose until she could get some water and food. 10 hours later Angier was bustling in the early morning as it usually was. As the sun brightly shined down on the energetic port town, a tall shark girl walks by to drop some stuff in the trash. This fishy lady was one of the fishers who pulled up Vronica in a net only just yesterday. “Yaaawwwn…Guh…” Having eaten a nutritious yellow banana, she goes to toss it into a trash barrel on her way through an alleyway, idly tossing the peel away. Upon dropping it in, she hears a pained groaning sound as it plops in. Turning to look into the receptacle, she gasped in shock at what she saw of the poor cute slime girl. “Uuugh… Hmm…” Vronica was laying at the bottom of a now empty and wide barrel. Her core had absorbed the trash around it to convert into goop so that she may have a form once again, though this had caused her slime to become muted, and her naturally sweet sugary smell was more close to rotting fruit than anything else. Her body was practically pooling up in the bottom of the waste cask, her small petite and vaguely humanoid form melting into it as the low-nutrient trash was not enough to get her up and on her feet. The banana peel was appreciated though, slowly becoming submerged in her goop to be slowly digested like the rest of the garbage. Her shark acquaintance, already having saved her life once, was about to do it again. There was no way she was letting the cute little jelly be reduced to a stinky puddle. Lifting the heavy barrel up, she quickly jogs away to get her some help. “Ghhh! Don’t worry you! Help is on the way!” The muscular shark girl growled out and booked it down the road, the townsfolk either making way for her or getting run down.In a short while, Vronica would awaken in a large bathtub full of water. She fluttered her jade eyes as she looked into the water, a few salmon swimming around with her, as well as a couple wriggling around in her belly. “W-What the…” She felt a bit better, though she still felt pretty sick from the toxic, foul food she was forced to absorb to keep from dying. Her color was back as well as a bit of her size, though she was only around 60 pounds now and was much smaller now. Water was not gonna help her regain her mass. She needed a well balanced diet. As she thought about what happened the night before, she recalled seeing the face of that huge cat and her friends off to the side. As she felt a rage begin to bubble up inside of her. After all she had been through, she did not want to become food for another. Not ever again. All her precious slime was currently in the bellies of some gluttonous nightcrawlers, and she just wanted to shout. “Bruuurp! Oohg…” She rubbed her belly as the energetic fishes inside of her were beginning to create some gas in her. This adorable bout of gas could be heard throughout the house, eliciting the shark girl to come bursting through the door. She stomped and shook the building almost as she practically knocked the door off its hinges as she looked down at her in the oversized tub. “Vronica? Ahh… Thank the gods you’re alright…” The woman felt immense guilt over what had happened to the misfortune little ooze girl. Leaning down to her, she sighed and patted her gooey head, finding that her body was much more sticky and firm to the touch as opposed to the thin and watery. “I should have made you stick around… This town is terrible… It’s a miracle you’re still alive…” Vronica’s horns were becoming a bit twisted and red as she thought about the people who did this to her. She did not even do anything wrong. Why did they have to make a meal of her?“I… I want to get my slime back… I’ll eat them…” She had an annoyed look on her face as she looked to her belly, hoping to have it filled with that fat cat’s sloshy remains at some point. “You can do whatever you want hun, but you’re staying here. No more sleeping out in the street. That’s practically suicide in this town.” The shark noted her angry horns, pointing out as Vronica’s head was beginning to be filled with more and more aggressive thoughts. She chuckled weakly and leaned closer, rubbing her head and smoothing out her horns as she spoke. “Relax, everything will be okay. Rhonda’s here to make sure of it. Now, when you’re done with your, uh… breakfast, hehe… you can come outside. We’ll go fishing!” The goop looked up to her and sighed gently, relaxing to the surprisingly soft touch of her new friend’s hands on her heated horns. Looking to her belly, it had completely stopped jiggling. Her fish meal was slowly dissolving within her, a smile coming across her face. Looking up to Rhonda, she smiled even brighter and nodded. Hopefully catching fish will be good training for her to catch lowlife predators in the future. She was looking forward to her sweet revenge. “Okay. I’ll be quick!” And with that, her fishy friend got up and left the room to prepare herself for work. These twisted thoughts of revenge were pooling up in her fresh mind. Free of the shackles that bound her not too long ago, she hoped to have those roaming predators reimburse her for the wrongfully taken slime by adding to her own mass.
 Happy Birthday Ely! It was a woefully hot day in the massive city of Olivia, a booming metropolis on the coast. It’s population was wonderfully varied in it’s shapes, sizes, and species of those who lived throughout. A prominent practice known among many within the city’s limits is the versatile act of devouring another. It can be sensual, playful, or even fatally painful for the prey involved. With the recent invention of reformation machines that offer to resurrect those who have been completely eaten and reduced to nutrients by another, for a modest fee of course, it has become a more openly accepted activity throughout the region. One of the many residents of Olivia who actively consumed others without care if they had such insurance was Ely. Both easily annoyed and brutally short-tempered and ruthless to her prey, she was not much of a sociable person. Her days consisted of waking up, eating breakfast, going to work, returning home, catching some dinner and then going to sleep with very little variation. This all changed however when she was invited to an office party and was partially obligated to go, given she was offered by one of the nicer girls at the office, a spunky redhead with bear-trap teeth and long bangs. After this party, she got much more well acquainted with people she had been working with for months. Fast forward to the present and we find ourselves at a local cafe where a few friends of Ely have gathered to discuss what they should do for their newer, introverted friend for her upcoming birthday. Dropping down into her seat, the jagged toothed redhead, who first invited the frightening predator into their friend group. She sipped her expensive drink and leaned back in her seat, looking over to the others as she looked at the two. She had yet to actually tell them what they were gathering for their extended lunch break for, knowing they would probably be a bit apprehensive to plan such a thing for such a touchy person like Ely. “So, you guys know what we’re all here for, yeah?” The quiet, anxiety-riddled blonde with her bagels and coffee nibbled at her snack, gulping down a hefty bite so she could speak.“B-Because… I forgot my wallet at home and you said you’d p-pay for my lunch?” The human spoke with a noticeable stutter that was quite hard to ignore. The other girl, an extra short and yellow kobold who was newer to this world than most. Her purple eyes gleamed towards Mabel as she stretched her pudgy body over a bit to snag one of her friend’s bagels. “Oh! You’re paying for lunch today Aimai? That’s so thoughtful of you! Before the small yellow derg could ask for something as well, Aimai would sigh heavily and shake her head. “Nonono, not just that! Don’t you guys know? Mabel? Ella? It’s Ely’s birthday tomorrow! I wanted to throw her a little surprise birthday party, and I can’t do it without you guys.” As the other human of the small group, Mabel, heard her mention of throwing a birthday party for that scary girl, and a surprise one at that, she immediately was not a huge fan of the idea. “E-Ely? I… uhhh… M-Mai, I like her all… She’s definitely misunderstood… b-but… I don’t think she would like a surprise party…” As a fellow introvert, Mabel knew that such a type of get-together could end poorly. “Pffft! C’mon Mabel! Everybody loves surprise parties. I threw that one for you back a couple months ago and you warmed up to it after a little bit. Am I wrong?” “N… No… You’re not… b-but… I’m not… as… uhh… ill-tempered as Ely…” The kobold sat at her seat, munching away at her beautifully seasoned bagel as she watched the two go back and forth about the party. She herself had never had a party for her birthday, but it seemed fun, especially having attended Mabel’s a little bit ago. “I’ll do it! If it’ll be as fun as Mabel’s I’d love to help!” “Welp Mabel, that’s two against one, and we know that Ella’s boytoy is gonna join in and help too, so really it’s three on one. Are you sure you don’t wanna help?” Aimai said with a wide smirk, flashing her teeth as she often did. It was quiteunnatural, like she had a bit of shark genes in her that made her teeth unbelievably sharp and jagged. The accountant heavily sighed and took another sip from her mug, setting it down and reaching for a packet of cream cheese while speaking up. “I guess…” As soon as she said this, Aimai hopped in her seat, her eyes becoming faintly visible as her bangs fluttered. Standing up from her seat, the peppy redhead downed the rest of her drink and nodded to the two of them. “Awesome! I’m gonna head to the store and grab everything we’ll need! I’ll see you two back at work! Love ya both!” And like that, she was dashing across the street and down the road like a maniac. It was a wonder why she was always so willing to put herself out there to help others. Aimai was just like that it seemed. Rarely thinking of herself and always looking to help a friend. Mabel sighed gently while watching her extroverted friend rush off, pulling on her turtleneck collar a bit as she looked back to Ella who was just munching on the bagel she was sharing with her. “I don’t feel to g-good about this… Remember what Ely did to that one guy who just… surprised h-her on our way out of work that one day?” “Mmph? Gulps… Oh yeah! She gobbled that cute fox up and just angrily mumbled at her belly all the way home. She’s pretty mean to her prey, huh?” The girl spoke, her long, fat tail waving around behind her as she continued to munch on her food. “Y-Yeah… Uh… You’ve been w-working long enough here to get vore insurance, r-right?” “Hm? Oh, yeah! It’s super handy. A lot nicer than magic. Technology is so cool!” Ella oozed positivity and it was quite contagious.Mabel grew a bit of a smile, chuckling at her enthusiasm. The kobold was always so strange to her, just because she was almost like an alien. Or was she a time traveler? Either way, she’s from somewhere else and it was always fun to hear her stories about magic and fantasy stuff. “H-Hehe… Yeah… I don’t know h-how it all works… but-” As she started to speak a bit more, her phone alarm would go off, signalling the end of their break. She looked off in the direction Aimai ran and would grow worried, standing up and looking at the shortstack of a friend she had. “It’s time to head back… H-Hopefully Mai returns soon…” Ella nodded along happily and shoved the rest of her bagel into her maw, hopping down from her high seat and already starting her way back to the office. “Gulp… Uwahh… I’m sure she’ll be fine! Have some faith in Aimai, heheh.” Mabel sighed heavily and nodded, quietly munching away at her own last bagel as she walked back to their place of work. “Y-Yeah… Ely is just so s-scary sometimes… I hope she doesn’t d-do anything rash…” “Hon we have insurance! If she ends up eating us, well then that’s her birthday present! Hehehe! I wouldn’t mind seeing what the inside of a belly is like.” “I-It’s… not fun… and Ely is merciless… I don’t think she would go easy on us just because we’re her friends…” She says, unfortunately speaking from experience. The meek office worker was unfortunately always one to find herself filling another predator’s stomach. Mabel remained quiet for the rest of the walk back, feeling the kobold’s small clawed hand pat her thigh. When the pair returned to the office, they ended up running into the soon-to-be birthday girl right outside the building. Mabel was rather anxious at the sight of her, seeing a rather annoyed scowl on her face and some sweat dripping down her forehead as she hefted a massive wriggling gut with her. She clearly ate well for lunch, but she did not seem at all satisfied. Rather, she looked like she normally did when she ate someone for the sole purpose of getting them out of her hair.The short kobold smirked at her friend and waltzed right up to her, waving as they met at the entrance of the workplace. “Heya Ely! Have a fun lunch break? You look extra stuffed! Heheheh! Ely let out a heavy breath as she looked down at the scaly-skinned friend of hers. “No… It was not fun. It’s way too hot out and too many people don’t know a thing about personal space… Uurrp…” She lets out an unapologetic burp before pressing her hand into her filled tummy. It gurgled pleasantly while her food audibly protested, but she paid them no mind. “A-Ahh… Y-Yeah, I know what you mean… Heheh” “Do you, Mabel? You don’t mind the heat like I do. You’re literally wearing a turtleneck…” “Ehh?? W-Well, I… uh…” Flushed and embarrassed, she pulled at her collar a bit and looked away nervously as she had a hard time staying calm around this particular predator. She muttered under her breath, looking down at the ground. “S… Sorry…” Sighing heavily, she walks past Mabel and pats her on the shoulder. Ely was not always a fan of how her rough exterior made her out to those she really cared about, but some days it was hard to just be positive and not feel like everybody was out to get her. Even the small comment from Mabel got her a tad bit heated. Heading into the air conditioned building, she leaves the two as her thin devil tail dragged behind her limply. “Geez…” Mabel quietly exhaled and looked at the short lizard girl who simply watched as the stuffed girl waltzed off. Very soon, the two of them would simply head inside and get back to work, Aimai following closely after making some minor purchases that they would need to prepare for their friend’s surprise party. During the rest of the day, each of the girlsin the office had a bit of trouble trying to keep their excitement for the party hidden, or for others, their anxiety of the impending party under wraps. Ely sat at her computer desk, dutifully typing away while her food had completely become silent for the time, only shifting here and there as the acids within slowly pushed them to become numb to the singeing pain. To her, prey was just meat and nutrients. A past hindrance maybe, but in the end they were just food to fill her empty void of a stomach. Very rarely did she ever use vore as a means to derive pleasure from like many others did. Grrrggllee… Her stomach worked away at her meal over the course of the day, rounding out her belly and leaving certain desk neighbors incredibly distracted by her distinct belly noises and occasional groaning from whatever poor individual who ended up crossing her. By the end of her shift, around 6 in the evening, her stomach was still rather substantial and even still had some movement within. Grumbling out, she leaves work earlier than her friends, not bothering to say goodbye to any of them. While Aimai was a tad upset at this, it was all okay. She knew Ely had bad days from time to time and today just happened to be one of them. The pointy-horned girl would get a party whether she wanted it or not, and she already had all the preparations laid out in her head. Sure, she may have neglected her work to do this, but this was more important to her. “Heheh… See ya later girl~” The girl said to herself, watching Ely leave as her veil-like bangs hung in front of her eyes. Over the next couple of days, everything would pass along mostly as normal. Ely would return from work with a slightly pudgy belly and enhanced assets after dumping the unfortunate soul who bugged her the day prior. When her birthday eventually came, the birthday girl’s closest friends were all missing from work mysteriously. Having called in sick, Ely was left to her owndevices, working like any other day and feeling a bit awkward to not have many people come up to her to chat, even if she did not want to. The people who were still at work were too afraid to speak to her knowing her temperament. The fact that her belly was so flat that day let everyone know that she could eat, and so they steered clear of her, only to occasionally give her a quiet ‘Happy Birthday’ here or there. “Uh… thanks…” The socially awkward girl would mutter back to them before returning to her work. After her long and unremarkable workday, Ely would do as she always did with very little variation. She stopped at the convenience store to grab herself something light for dinner, along with a box of sprinkle donuts to treat herself for her special day. Riding the subway toward her apartment, she simply stared down at the frosted pastries on her lap and listened to her music while others in the same car as her chatted to one another. “....” Occasionally glancing up, she would catch a look at a few predators who were scouting for potential dinner dates, locking eyes with them now and then. Despite her shorter height and appearance, she was not prey and did not wish to spend her birthday in the belly of some whorish crocodile or shark. “Tch…” Eventually making it to her apartment complex, she quietly trudged upstairs. When she reached the top floor and made it to her door, she froze up at the sight of it. The entrance was cracked open. She knew for a fact that her door was closed and locked up when she left for work that morning, so immediately she was on her guard. “Ghh… Stupid fuckin’ robbers…” Mumbling to herself, she clutched her donuts to her belly and felt it rumbling lightly as she inched towards it, her tail writhing behind her. Slowly slipping inside, her eyes gently glowed as she looked around the shadowy interior. There was a bit of whispering, and even some shuffling in the dark. “You motherfucker…” Just as she flicked the lightswitch on, she tensed up at the sight.“SURPRISE!” Aimai, Mabel, Ella and her boyfriend Sitro were all there waiting at the entrance. Confetti rained on the birthday girl as all four of them called out to her, the redhead of the group holding a large birthday cake on it with a couple of candles indicating her age, 23. Ely was still in attack mode though and almost immediately grabbed the closest person to her, dropping the donuts and shoving the unfamiliar derg down her gullet. “Wait wait wai-Mmph!!” Sitro got grappled and lifted up off the ground by the girl who was roughly 2 ft. taller than him. He kicked and dropped the boxed present he had in his hands as his world went dark. “Holy shit, heheh… Having dinner early? Aimai called out happily while grabbing a lighter from her pocket to light the candles in a few moments. Ella snickered a bit, not caring too much about how her boyfriend was currently being devoured before her very eyes. She simply walked up to them and picked the present off the ground as she let the birthday girl eat. “Hm-hm~” “O-Oh dear… Uh…” Mabel on the other hand was the only one other than Sitro displaying any sort of shock. She stared on in amazement, swallowing a lump in her throat as she was afraid of what would come next. “M-Maybe this surprise party was a bad idea… Look how u-upset she is…” Very quickly, the small yellow kobold was gone, shoved down her throat and slurped up with little effort. “Ulp! Bahhh… Huff…Urrp! You… What the hell are youguys doing in my apartment!?” She growled out, grabbing her bloated tummy and glaring at all of them. Elybreathed heavily as she looked like a mad dog for a moment. “Hey, lighten up! It’s your birthday, and we wanna spend it with you. Now come on!” Aimai said before turning and trotting over to the dining room table. Ely was somewhat baffled. They gave up their workday for her and set all this up? Now that she looked around, she noticed her home was not only decorated and more brightly lit than normal, but it was also cleaned. “....” She remained quiet as her stern expression softened up. Ely walked carefully up to the dining room table, taking a seat and feeling incredibly awkward as Ella came up beside her and hugged her bloated belly. “Uh… Sorry… I guess… Do you want me to let him out?” The kobold shook her head and giggled up to her as she gave the birthday girl’s tummy a gentle massage. “No no! It’s okay, heheh… We have insurance. And he loves getting eaten up~” As Ely sat there, she could not help but blush. It felt so weird to be pampered like this by someone else. Not only that, but the kobold she gulped down thinking they were malicious intruders was squirming around and massaging her stomach walls. It felt oddly satisfying. “Uhh… I can tell…” Aimai sat the cake down and lit the candles while Mabel anxiously got a few plates and silverware from the kitchen to use. The jagged-toothed girl snickered at the sight of the blushy Ely getting her tummy rubbed by the kobolds, walking up to her and patting her on the shoulder. “Heheheh… I’m sure you don’t want us singin’ for you, right? We’ve already broken into your house and all to give you a good surprise.” “Uh… right… No song is fine… Wait, howdidyou getinto my apartment?” Right then, she stood up straight and pulled a bobby pin from her hair.“Picked your lock, heheh. Again, sorry… but uh… not sorry. I knew you wouldn’t have gone out with us if we asked, so we came! Hope you enjoy your birthday~” She looked to the others in attendance, Mabel standing by the table while Ella stepped away from her exposed gut and jumped up onto one of the seats, sitting on her knees. “Make a wish, birthday girl!” Ely looked to her friends, sighing heavily and crossing her arms over her belly as she thought to herself. She sat there silently as she looked to the cake, not having had such a birthday treatment in quite a while. It was hard to remember the last time someone bothered to go so far out of their way to make sure she had a nice day like today. “....” Letting out one gentle breath, she leaned forward and puffed out the candles, black smoke billowing from the celebratory glims. “There…” Mabel carefully clapped her hands together and smiled, taking a plate and a knife to cut a few slices of cake for the rest of them. The group would all partake in the german chocolate birthday cake, sitting down and chatting away about the wonderful times they’ve had with the half-devil. In almost no time at all, the delicious cake was pretty much gone, most of it getting gobbled up by Ely herself and coating the wriggling kobold inside of her in the frosted goodness. Washing it all down with a glass of milk, she sighed contently and looked to her friends with a genuine smile. “Thank you all… I… I’m sorry I can be such a bitch sometimes…” “O-Oh! Please don’t say that about yourself… Ely… You’re nice to be around, even when your temper gets a bit… uh… scary, heheh…” Mabel said whilst clasping her hands together. Aimai nodded and patted the anxiety-riddled girl on the back before speaking up herself. “Yeah! You’re fun to be around! Don’t be so hard on yourself. We all have thosedays when we just wanna let loose and junk. Now! Are you ready for your present?” She said with a sly, toothy grin as she stood from the seat. Ella herself smiled widely as well, grabbing her wrapped up box and setting it on the table. A mixture of scents could be smelt coming from the present. “Heheh~” Of course, Ely was a tad bit apprehensive at first, feeling like a present after just giving her company on her special day was enough. “Oh, guys… You really don’t-” “Just open it! You’ll love it~” Aimai cut her off, sliding the present across the table and knocking it up against her bulging stomach. The predator sighs. “Fine…” Cutting the wrapping with her sharp nails and ripping it all apart, she opens the concealed box to find something that left her quite confused. Several bottles of sundae toppings stood out to Ely. Strawberry, caramel and chocolate syrup, nuts and cherries. “Uhhh… huh… Thanks, I guess?” She forced a smile and looked to her friends. Aimai knew such a response would come from her, but that was not the whole present. “You're welcome! Now, ready for dessert?” Ely tilted her head in confusion, looking to Mabel who was biting her lip and blushing as she looked under the table to where the kobold had scurried off to. When the birthday girl looked under she grew similarly flushed as well as she watched her stripping naked, her scaly body on display and clearly visible. The only thing she was wearing was a pair of black panties and she looked up toher with a shocked expression. “Oh! Heheh… I was gonna surprise you…” She stepped out from under the table and stood beside Aimai who started pulling her own shirt off. Ely knew where this was going, looking over to the insanely flustered accountant across the table who just stared at her friends as they got naked in front of them. “You’re… gonna let me eat you?” “Yep! Nothing better than going to sleep with a full belly, right? Well, not Mabel. She’s got stuff to do in the morning, and we aren’t scheduled so we’ll have plenty of time to stew away in your gut~” As Aimai said this, she pulled her tight jeans down, revealing a sizable bulge in her underwear. Her cheeks were also a similar color to her hair and she was looking forward to her first time being prey. “That’s fine with you, right?” Ely just looked on at her willing prey’s bodies, not ever having been put into such a situation before. It was jarring to say the least, but she knew that she could definitely eat more. “Ah… Y-Yeah… That’s fine… Uh… You guys are okay with paying to get reformed? “Mhm! It’s no trouble. You’re worth it! Now, get me covered in syrup and eat me up! I wanna see Sitro, hehehe!” She hopped on over, her massive thick tail wagging about behind her as she stood right up next to her. As Ely took the extra large caramel and chocolate syrup battles, Mabel bit her lip a bit and just sat there, taking deep breaths as she looked on. Realizing that she might have been acting a bit weird, she quickly gets up and starts cleaning up the party. “A-Ahh… I’ll c-clean… You g-guys, uhh… have fun…” Grabbing the dirty plates and silverware, she zooms off to the kitchen to wash up and let them have their privacy.“Oh we will girl, don’t you worry~” Aimai takes the chocolate syrup from the black-haired girl and pulls the ribbon from her hair, letting her long red hair free before squeezing the chocolate liquid and pouring it over her head. It gets in her hair and runs down her head, streaming down to her pale skin and drizzling her breasts in the sweet gooey topping. “Gahh… It’s so cold… And I can’t see now, heheh…” The chocolate coated her bangs and made it nearly impossible to see through them, but she did not mind. Meanwhile, Ely looked on as she started squeezing the golden mixture over top of the kobold’s head. Her mouth watered as she watched the giddy derg stare up at her while the caramel spilled down her face and around her snout. Her petite chest became similarly covered in the sticky substance as the birthday girl went to empty the entire bottle onto her. “God… You guys really smell good…” “Great! I hope I taste as good as I look, hehehe!” The kobold spoke out as she spread the caramel across her scaly body, licking the bits that went past her muzzle. “Mmm… I wish I could eat myself~” Very quickly the bottle would be entirely empty, the carpet beneath the kobold having grown a bit wet and stained from the sugary coatings. Ely did not care about this at the moment however. She just wanted to get her friends in her belly. Reaching down and grabbing her waist, she licked her lips and asked somewhat sheepishly. “Uhh… Can I start now?” “Hehehe~ Go ahead! Happy birthday Ely! We all love you!” The kind hearted lizard girl said gently, glistening in the light. “Right… Heheh… Thank you guys… Welp, bottoms up…Iguess…” And with that, she would lean forward and take Ella into her mouth, slurping her head up and filling her cheeks. The second her head graced her tongue, she beganlicking her face all over. Ely wanted to savor this moment, but Ella seemed to want to get in as quickly as possible. “Hehehe!” The caramel candied kobold shoved her hands into her mouth as well and was trying to slither her way down her throat. Her clawed hands made a clear bulge on her throat as she went and tried forcing herself down. “Hmmph?!” It was such a strange sensation to feel her prey trying to get further into her mouth. Ely would sigh, lifting her off the ground with very little struggle aside from the slipperiness of her food’s hips. Her prey would continue her journey down her esophagus, causing Ely to moan gently at the flavor she spread across her mouth. Not only the caramel, but the otherworldly creature’s natural flavor was simply divine to her. “Mmhhnn…” The small girl took very little time to work down, her ample rear already reaching her lips. Her mouth spread much further to accommodate its size as she gulped her down even further. Meanwhile, Aimai messed with her bangs to get to be able to see, smiling and nodding at the view she had of her good friend clearly enjoying herself. “Wow… Can’t wait to join her~” Inside of her, Ella’s head was entering the predator’s stomach, her nose poking down at her boyfriend's own. “Oh gosh! Hehe… Hey E-Ella… Uhh… So it went well?” His clothes were already completely dissolved and he was resting in a sludgy pool of dissolved cloth and birthday cake. “Yep!” Her arms wrapped around the fellow kobold, pulling him into a tight embrace as she slinked out of the tight sphincter and into the cozy, undulating chamber. “Mmnn… So this is what it feels like to be food… I can see why you like it~”On the outside, Ely was working her way up Ella’s legs, lifting her head up to let her slide the rest of the way down. “Mmnnn~” Aimai stepped over to her, waiting for her turn to hop into the boiling cauldron that was her stomach. “Hmmnn… Too bad Mabel won’t be joining us… That at least means you’ll have someone around to give you belly rubs!” Her eyes were now unveiled. With her bangs matted and brushed to the sides, her aqua eyes were visible to Ely, one of them being tattooed black for whatever reason. She leaned down and patted her growing belly and wiped some of the caramel off that dripped from their tasty friend’s legs. Slurping up the girl’s thick tail, she leaned back in her seat and let out a heavy groan, feeling the two inside of her toss and turn to get comfortable. “Hahhh…OOURRPPP!Hwahhh… Fuck man…Uurrp!Hmnn…” Expelling drops of saliva from her maw after unapologetically belching towards her second snack, she licked her lips of the excess caramel and leaned her head back, smiling gently. “Ooohh… You look happy! Happier than I’ve ever seen you after eating someone.” Bending down and resting both of her chocolate-coated hands on the girl’s taut dome, she smiled devilishly and gave her a good look at her sharp teeth. “You ready for another? Birthday girl? Heheheh… Here, lemme get you a sample~” For a moment, the girl wanted to give her a chocolate kiss, but felt that might be overstepping her boundaries. Maybe next time they can get a bit more intimate, but for now they were just there for Ely to feast on. She sticks her hand into the girl’s mouth. As she did this, Mabel abashedly peeked around the corner and simply watched from a distance. “Mmnngg…” Ely’s eyes popped wide open when she tasted her second morsel’s digits enrich theinside of her mouth. The lingering flavor of her caramel kobold mixed with the human’s sweet chocolate hand. She could not contain herself, immediately grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in head first. “Wahh?! Hehehe! Go ahead! Happy birth-Mmmhh....” Cut off as she went headfirst into the slavering maw, she climbed onto her expanded tummy to help a bit. Ely did not need this help however. The expert predator loudly gulped her down, drool coming out of the corners of her mouth as she pushed her further and further down her throat into her tightly-packed paunch. “Slllrrrp! Gulp! Shllrp!” With terrifying efficiency, Ely sent her down with Ella and Sitro, getting her face coated in chocolate now. Her legs disappeared into the devil girl’s maw, her hands tracing her bulge all the way down until it disappeared behind her breasts. Her stomach took up her lap and it writhed even more with the energetic treats inside. “Ahhh…BWOOUURRPP!Hahh… Huff… Holy shit…” Inside of her stomach, Aimai giggled happily and laid across the top of her other friends, spreading the chocolate across the others as she tried getting comfy. “Hahahah! Man, it’s so…Mmpph-...So tight… Maybewe should make some room? Heheheh…” She licked her chocolate covered lips and looked at Sitro hungrily, her own stomach growling as she got closer to her. “H-Huh?” Sitro looked at her with a confused expression. “What do you mean by that?” Ella simply giggled as her face was smushed up against Aimai’s clothed rear, trying to get herself more comfortable. Cutting back to the party, Mabel would shyly exit the kitchen, looking at the girl as she tried catching her breath. “W-Wow… You look… satisfied… Heheh…”Blushing brightly, she walked up towards Ely and grabbed a few napkins from the table, kneeling down and cleaning the sweet syrups off her tummy. At the same time as she wiped her down, she massaged her gut and gave it gentle kisses, nuzzling her cheek into it. “It’s so… warm… Heheh…” “Y-Yeah… Have you always been so, uh… touchy? Mabel?” She asked, feeling quite awkward in this situation. Ely did not hate the treatment, but it was not something she ever expected Mabel to be doing. Her eyes widened when this was pointed out, stepping up from the ground shakily and dropping the napkin. “A-Ahh! Sorry Ely… I… I like bellies… I’m s-sorry…I know it’s w-weird…” “Ack! Nononono! Mabel, relax… It’s fine… Come on…” Standing up from the chair, she huffed a bit as the weight of all the food inside of her was really pulling her down. “Huff… C-Can you help me to the living room? And, uh… Keep doing what you were doing?” She said, partially wanting to help her friend relax, and also partially because she was really enjoying the way having her belly rub felt. “U-Uhhh…” Mabel’s legs were closed tightly as she stood there, slowly shuffling towards her friend and offering her shoulder to lean on. “Y-Yeah…” She would do as she was asked, helping Ely to the living room couch and letting her down. The well-fed girl flopped down on the couch, sloshing the contents of her stomach and eliciting a few audible yelps from those inside as their world was roughly shaken. “Urrrp!Ahh… Thanks Mabes…” Pulling her jacket off was somewhat of a struggle, but she managed to peel it clean from her, leaving her in a dark grey t-shirt.“Y-Yeah… No problem… Heheh…” Kneeling down on the floor in front of the couch, Mabel lets her amazingly smooth and soft hands brush against the predator’s tight belly, tracing the outlines of her friends inside as they all squirmed inside. She tilted her head a bit, noticing that the impressions of the food inside had become harder to discern. Each of them apart. Three distinct bodies became two. “Huh… Well… We hope you e-enjoyed your birthday… I c-cleaned up a lot before you got here… so… uh… s-sorry if you a-aren’t into that kind of thing…” She kneaded her flesh gently, working the acids into the contents of her stomach to get them soft more quickly. “Eh… Don’t worry about it… I appreciate the help. And yeah, it was… the best, heheh…” Ely rested her head back against a pillow, looking to Mabel’s blushy face as she lounged across the couch. Her eyes were heavy and she yawned out before speaking up once more. “But uh… I guess… you can stay the night and help me with this if you want. Your hands are… nice, heh…” “O-Okay…” The girl mumbled out, pressing her hands into the gut and jostling some more gas from her and tightening her midsection even further. “Uhm… If you need to sleep… you can… I’ll still be here in the morning, heheh…” Ely nodded with an awkward smile, her exposed gut beginning to gurgle more loudly as she rested her hands behind her head. “Gotcha… Thanks Mabel… Goodnight…Yaaawwwn…” Her eyes quickly shut, the exhaustion from her heavy dinner threshing around inside of her weighing heavily on the predator’s head. When all was said and done, Ely slept like a baby on her couch to the soothing melody of her stomach’s pleased grumbles and Mabel’s relaxing rubdown of her greatly stretched out belly. Over the next several hours, her insides would slowwith it’s activity and round out quite a bit, her friends succumbing to the rising acids inside and slowly turning to soup. The three of them became a nutrient-rich slurry of meat and bones inside of her, all so that she could have a wonderful dinner on her special day. The meek girl who elected to remain outside had fallen asleep on Ely’s belly, using it like a cushy pillow as she leaned over her. (CW: Disposal, Bones in scat, farting) By morning, her stomach was completely empty, though her abdomen was still rather bloated. An ominous groaning would rouse Mabel from her slumber, immediately redden at the sight of her active tum. “Hmmnn… Huh? O-Oh… Uhh…” She tiredly stood up from her, rubbing the cheek she had laid on the predator’s warbling oven. Suddenly, to the guest’s surprise, a loud and boisterous thunder would erupt from the newfound 23-year old’s ass, stinking up the area around her almost immediately and awaken her from her slumber. “PPRRFBRTTT!Hmmnng…” She fluttered her eyes as she awoke, sitting up and smelling the familiar scent of sulfur in the air. As Ely winced at the incredible pressure on her insides, she would immediately flinch at the sight of the girl who stood right next to her. “Ack! M-Mabel… Uh… Heheh… Sorry… I’m sure you know how it is…” Standing over her and covering her nose and mouth with watering eyes, she shakily nodded her head. Mabel has been turned into many a bowel movement in the past, but she’s never been around to smell it. She took a few steps back from her and spoke softly through her hand. “Uhh… D-Do you want me to make breakfast? Or… uhm… Go? You sound like you need to go to the r-restroom…” “Ghh… Y-Yeah… Breakfast sounds good… but… I can’t use my own toilet…” Getting up from her couch, she clenches her teeth at the feeling in her intestines. It felt like her pipes were clogged, and simply standing was putting an uncomfortable pressure on them.“Fuck… I’ve never been…Hmmng…BLLRRTT!H-Hahh… so full of shit… My toilet won’t handle it… I gotta shit outside…” “Uhh… G-Good luck…” Mabel muttered before retreating from the stench to the kitchen to get some eggs and bacon simmering. Ely made the arduous journey out her apartment, crop dusting the halls to the elevator with her vile odor to unload her dinner in a safe position. “Prrft- Shlrt- Bllrrfttt!F-Fuckk… Hahh… You guys…have to relax…Ghh… What the fuck am I doing…? Talking to my food like this…” She muttered to herself, feeling foolish as she spoke at her strained bowels. Simply standing in the elevator, she sweat bullets at the feeling of something knocking on her rear exit, clenching her teeth as she took gentle breaths and tried to keep the inevitable from happening too soon. “Hmnnng… Sh-Shit… So close… So close…” Reaching the bottom floor, Ely began speed walking out and into the lobby, eyeing some of the familiar faces who took a look at her gut and decided to leave her be until she got her business dealt with. The girl bolted through the front entrance of the apartment building and immediately made a terrible mistake. With a gentle toot escaping her, so did a heated log of thick dung. She did not take the time to put any pants on, and she surely wished she did at this moment… Her white underwear would immediately have a hefty bulge growing in the back, her movement completely halted as she could not stop her colon from unloading itself. “Gahhh! N-No…BLLRFRSHHLLRTT!” The clean undergarments were quickly stained brown with the mess currently being made. Holding her hands against her belly as it lurched and grumbled, she shakily waddled to the nearest bush and sqautted down behind it out of the sight of passersby. Her panties continued to get filled with a continually growing load of feces getting sandwiched between the tight fabric and her plush ass cheeks. As she squatted, pushing more mushy paste from her expanding donut hole, she pulled her panties down and let it fall, exposing the pile of bone-speckled muck as itcontinued to grow beneath her. “F-Fuck… It f-feels so weird…CHLLRRTBBBLLARTT!Hmnngg…The bones…” Every hard clump of shit had a good amount of shards of ribs scraping against the rim of her asshole. It felt shamefully good every single time, and with so much waste exiting her at once made it feel even better. What did not feel so great was the fact that her ass was trumpeting and pouring out shit in the open. Luckily there were not many people out, though a couple of people across the street did end up staring on. Some others ended up leaving the apartments while she was outside, glancing at her crouched behind the bushes with her face beet red. “F-Fuck… So embarrassing…SHHBLRBRRRCCH!! I w-wannadie… I should have just broken the toilet…” It would not have been the first time she cracked the porcelain throne of her bathroom from the sheer volume of muck she filled it with. It would have been a bit out of her pocket, but it would have saved her the humiliation. With each muddy log that slipped out of her, her belly shrunk a bit more. Her hands began pressing down on the pained abdomen, speeding up the process and stinking up the air around her even more to the point where a visible acrid smog surrounded her and the bush. People who exited the apartment would get hit with a wall of foulness that caused their eyes to water and stomach to turn at the smell. It did not stop for nearly 20 minutes of straight defecation. Bellowing sharts could be heard from down the block as a couple hundred pounds of auburn sludge buried her once white panties behind the bushes. “CHBRSRSTT! Hahh! Huff… S-So close… Wh… Oh… Hnmmn-” She felt a more solid mass in her bowels attempting to escape. Her sweaty brow furrowed as she felt some blockage come about, stopping the flow of amber dough from her spread cheeks. Soon, a soiled, cracked skull would begin to crown from her raw hole, eliciting much discomfort from the predator. This was always her least favorite part, and she had not ever done this before with three skulls in a row… First was fairly easy, Aimai’s smooth skull with unobtrusive jagged teeth adorning the jaw, but the next two were not so easy.“Pbbfrt-Hhuuhhnnn… Fucking E-Ella…” She muttered out as she felt the slightly smaller, horned skulls of her kobold friend and her boyfriend pushing their way out. Her asshole was stretched out further than it had been from anything else she expelled. When she eventually dislodged those obstacles, one final wave of gunk came flowing out, along with a final exuberant bout of gas that ended up causing her expanded rumb’s cheeks to clap. “ChhbbBRFRTTTTLLARTT!! Ahh! Hahh… Fuck… God… damnit…” She shook a bit as she struggled to a standing position, feeling a layer of disposed chyme stuck to her ample behind from having it squished against it thanks to her underwear. Stepping away from the enormous mound she had created, she sighed and uncomfortably walked back into the apartment. Ely would need to get that cleaned up eventually if she did not want to pay a fine… but first, Mabel made breakfast! Despite the discomfort at times, Ely could not lie. This was by far the most enjoyable birthday she has had in a long while. Having returned to her apartment, lacking underwear with an ass caked in shit, she simply took her plate of eggs and bacon with her to the bathroom. “Huff… Thanks Mabes… I’m gonna be in the bathroom for a bit… You can leave whenever…” With a gentle smile, she left to the bathroom, leaving Mabel in a frozen flustered state at seeing her friend in such a position. Ely’s ass clapped gently with every step, Aimai’s body having generously added to its size and cushiness. The girl could not help but gaze upon it as she left. “Uh… O-Okay… Um… S-See ya…” Swallowing a lump in her throat, Mabel looked down at her lap as she sat at the dining room table, feeling her shameful member stiffen at the sight of her friend. Breathing heavily, the anxious girl got up and left as quickly as she could in order to get ready for work, among other things.
 Oh no, it’s 8/8… Ah, August 8th, 8/8. The time of the year where the ravenous predators of the sprawling concrete jungle of Olivia really let loose. For some, it was a time of fun and adultery, really letting off some of the stress and anxiety that the previous year had given them, primarily by doing so through the liberal act of voring those around them for fun. For others though, well… you need prey to eat on 8/8, National Vore Day. While some of course were insured and loved spending the holiday in someone’s gut, others feared for their lives, afraid that some energetic pred would sweep them off their feet and gobble them up just for the sake of the holiday. Everybody celebrated this day differently, just like any holiday, and Mabel was one of those who took more precautions in order to keep herself safe. Calling off work and locking her doors, she cut off all ties to the outside for this day, sometimes even the entire holiday weekend depending on what local festivals were going on at the time. The blonde futa was not unfamiliar with both ends of the pred/prey relationship, having done both a few times in the past, though she has been eaten more times than she’s eaten and she found the feeling of holding an entire person in her gut to digest too painful to bear at times. She had never even fully digested any one person before, having had to spit her food out in fear of vomiting when her meal was all mushed up in her stomach. For Mabel, she was not as worried about getting eaten on her way to or from work. She was used to it at this point, but she was worried about what a certain someone had planned. Aimai, her spunky switch friend with benefits, had been hinting at what she wanted to do, not so subtly saying things like, ‘Get you stuffed,’ and, ‘Make some soup. but like in a sexy way.’ She was not looking to give herself indigestion on her day off. Having eaten a filling breakfast on the morning of August 8th, the girl simply sat down on the couch, looking through her social media while the news played. Shesaw stories online about certain larger figures in the city like the president participating in the event with friends and family. The mayor of Olivia was eaten in the morning by some random civilian who posted the image of her bloated gut online. Normally this would be a horrid offense but since it was a holiday, the mayor said she would not end up pressing charges before she was gurgled away into a fine slurry of the cute shark girl who gobbled her up. It was a bit scary for Mabel to process, but there was not really much to be done about it. “Gosh…” She mutters to herself quietly before putting her phone down, flipping through the channels to find something enjoyable to watch. Suddenly, Mabel would be startled by the alarming sound of rapid footsteps rushing down the hall, then the sound of her doorknob being roughly handled. Her door was locked though, so whoever was there could not get in. Knock-knock-knock! “Mabel! You there?! Open up!! Fuck…” She heard the sound of one of her closest friends at the door, but also the one who so desperately wanted to make a proper pred out of her for Vore Day. Though, what was the issue? Mabel nervously called out to the door, huffing as she assumed it was just some scheme to get into her apartment like it usually is. “Huff…Aimai? I’m not opening up… Shouldn’t you b-beat work…?” “Mabel for real this isn’t a game! You gotta open-ACK! OPEN UP OPEN UP!” She continued hammering away at the door, screaming out in what sounded like genuine panic. Suddenly, a new set of rushing footsteps could be heard through the door. “O-Oh dear…” Mabel ended up giving in, unlocking the door and opening it up for her. As soon as it was wide open, Aimai ran in, her gut expanded a great deal, but a bit ways into digestion. “Hahh…OOURURRP!! H-Heh…”Quickly turning back, she peered out of the door into the hallway, seeing a massive, masculine tiger man sprinting down the hall towards her His striped fur was a bit disheveled and he wore some torn pajamas, likely having just woken up from a deep sleep. Aimai was a bit nervous about her plans for this Vore Day, having got a bit off the rails this year, but it was all for her precious friend’s enjoyment. She slammed the door shut, locking it behind her and just smiling to Mabel, resting her hands on her gut as she leaned back into the door. “Hey Mabes. You uh… having a good Vore Day today?” As she spoke, the door started getting hammered against once again, causing the meek girl to shiver and tremble, her legs bent inward as she looked on in total shock. “A-Aimai! W-What did you do??” “Ooooh, uhh… Just getting some fun preparations ready! Nothing to be too worried about! Heheh…” She did not sound too sure of herself. Not in the slightest. Aimai reached into the bag on her shoulder, pulling out a small orange ball with a metallic appearance. Tossing it Mabel’s way, she rushes behind the couch, burping gently to herself as her gut sloshes with partially digested meat. “Answer the door! Don’t worry! I got some cool stuff…” Watching her friend duck behind the furniture, Mabel shakily looked at the ball that she nearly dropped. Taking a deep breath, she looked to the door, close to just being snapped off its hinges from the sheer force of each powerful knock. “I… I’m coming!” Unlocking the door once more, she opens it up, nervously gazing to the 9 ft. tall individual, hearing him idly growl down at her with tired bags under his eyes. The man’s claws were extended and he was not happy… “The girl… with the red hair… Where is she?!” “Eep! I, uhh… I don’t know who you’re talking a-about…” “Bullshit! I saw her walk straight through that door! Now-” As the man spoke, the orange orb in Mabel’s hands began to beep rapidly,immediately bursting open and filling the area with a dense orange fog. Coughing ensues from the two of them, but before Mabel could resettle herself and wave the gas away, she hears an immense thud, the tiger man’s shouting having halted entirely. When the smoke cleared, sure enough, he was out like a light. THUD!! “Cough-cough! Huff… Huh??” She swallowed a lump in her throat, unable to stand steady as she looked to the unconscious man lying halfway in and out of her apartment, dropping the ball on the ground. “W-What is that Aimai!? Did you plan this??” Mabel did not sound particularly happy as she called back to where Aimai was hiding. Hopping out from behind it, she laughed out loud and grappled her friend from behind, hugging her tightly and smushing her gurgling tummy against her back “Hahah! Of course I planned this! The gas that came from that ball knocks out non-humans! I woulda used it myself but y’know, my mom was a shark, heheh. I ate that guy’s slime girl chick first thing in the morning downstairs in the laundry room, so I guess he wasn’t too happy to see me all bloated and stuff when he went to check on her, heheh…” Having given a decent explanation of what was going on, Aimai was dragging Mabel back to the couch, setting her down and leaning forward, giving her fellow futa a great view of her cleavage and hanging tummy. “And now I’ve got us both breakfast! Are you excited?” Mabel scowled down toward the familiar man in her building. She recalled he was one of the shadier men who lived in the complex with her, so seeing him lying unconscious made her feel in danger with him just being there. Having let her friend pull her back and sit her on the couch, Mabel rubbed the side of her head with her wooden prosthetic. “Aimai… You r-really went through all that to g-get in my apartment… and with breakfast… Why can’t you j-just leave me be?” “On Vore Day!? I want you to love it as much as everybody! Come ooon… Pleasebe happy…” The jagged toothed redhead said, pouting childishly while sitting down next to her. “If you eat your breakfast and digest him all up, I’ll give you a surprise tomorrow! It’ll be fun I swear!” The human girl sighed gently, leaning against her good friend and hugging her. Mabel just felt so bad about not being comfortable “I… I know you think i-it’ll be fun… but…” Aimai’s eyes were ordinarily hidden by her long, veil-like bangs, but she specifically moved them out of the way so she could show her friend some baby doll eyes, her left eye tattoo making it a bit creepier than endearing. “Pleeeeeeaase?” Groaning out once more, Mabel forces a gentle smile on her anxious face as she begrudgingly accepts her friend’s offer. After all, she went through to get this set up, she would feel bad if she just turned it down. If only they could have some more willing prey, but the man clearly was not gonna be too happy when he woke up, and it seems like the woman in Aimai’s gut was already digested partially by her powerful stomach acids. “Fine… but if that surprise is s-something… like… more eating… I’m not gonna be happy…” “Thank you! You won’t regret it!” She squeezes her again, her sloshing, slime-filled organ between them as she hugs Mabel’s front. “But uh… if this surprise did involve eating… heheh… I’m sure you’d still love it… I’ve got some stuff to make eating that big kitty over there more fun! You’ll be a full-fledged predator!” Aimai said with a gleeful smile. Normally the redhead was all about teasing her closest friends, but today was different. She was putting legitimate effort into trying to make her best friend more comfortable with vore as the predator. The girl huffed a bit, blushing as she felt the liquid crashing against the inside of her friend’s stomach walls.“I… L-Let’s just get this over with… but if I end up p-puking again… you’re cleaning it u-up…” And with that, after some more hugging and squeezing from Aimai to Mabel, the two of them head to the unconscious tiger man. The blonde rubbed her prosthetic arm as she looked over his entire body. “....” Grrrn~... The girl’s tummy let out a quiet grumble, anticipating the food soon to be filling it tightly. “You know, I was thinking of just taking you to a vorgy tonight. Just thinking of getting a bunch of those juicy-lookin’ shortstacks fucking inside your belly… Hmm… I knew you’d need alotmore convincing to agreeto that though, hehehe~” As the girl went to the ground to have her breakfast, she tensed up at the very idea. If she had issues eating just one person, then there was no way she could eat an entire group of stacked shorties. The idea of someone else doing it was hot, but she did not want to pop like a balloon. “Huff…O-Okay… Um…” Kneeling before her prey, she looked up to Aimai worriedly, thinking even this man was too much for her to handle. “He’s… big… Um… Do you have anything e-else in your bag to help with this? H-Hehh…” Looking at her nervous companion on the ground, Aimai tried to think for a moment, shaking her head with a big toothy grin. “Nope! I know you can take a dude that size! Just go ahead. I’ll help!” Quickly dropping to the ground, the shark girl grabs the tiger’s paws and pulls him closer to Mabel, holding them to her friend to eat up. “Bon appétit~” Swallowing a lump in her throat, she takes his wrists and gently slides them into her mouth. For whatever reason, he tasted like oranges, likely thanks to whateverwas in that smoke that clouded him. Her mouth was immediately watering, matting his fur as she started pulling his paws further in. While she was trying to take her time, Aimai was grabbing him by the waist and heaving him up, trying to shove him in quicker. “Hah! Come on! Hurry up! This guy would’ve been swimming in his girlfriend’s goop by now if I was eating him.” SHLK! Mabel was shocked by the sudden forcefulness, unable to fight back and feeling his arms and head all slide straight into her throat. She gagged a bit, holding her hands on her bulging neck where his face was currently making a large imprint. Tears were welling up in her eyes from the shock of the situation, blinking them back as she tried to get him down. “Glrrk! Hnnnk-” She held the man’s waist as her friend started working him down further and further, already feeling his hands and arms limply entering her gut. “Very goood~ Keep going girl!” Now holding him entirely upside down, she was lowering him further into Mabel’s stretched open mouth, forcing her to look straight up at the ceiling. Mabel could see nothing but the enormous tiger disappearing before her very eyes, as well as her friend’s big toothy grin. She blinked back tears and just tried swallowing him faster, already down to his chest. Her stomach was bloating out quite a bit, but it would only grow bigger as time went on. Aimai saw that her friend was trying to take the reins in devouring her breakfast, and so she would go ahead and let her finish it all herself. “Oh? You’re doing so well! So much better than last time! Here, no more training wheels!” Letting the man go, he would immediately start getting dragged down by the powerful force of gravity, sliding in with no brakes.“H-Hmmng!?Gllkrrkk! Shllrrlkk!” Her eyes widened when she heard the redhead, feeling the overpowering mass slide straight down into her. She couldn’t stop, and for a moment she felt like she was about to fall back from the unbalanced weight of him, but Aimai had quickly rushed behind her and held her up, only helping by keeping the man from toppling over. “You’ve got this… Keep it up… Not much longer…” She spoke more gently than last time, whispering into her friend’s ear while one hand rested on her back, the other keeping the tiger steady. After a short minute, the last bits of Mabel’s shady neighbor would disappear from the outside world, her mouth still agape as his feet descended into the pit of her stomach. Her belly was massive, pushing up her white turtleneck to reveal its slightly scarred form. The impression he made on her was highly detailed, almost every inch of him recognizable from the outside of her taut, stretched skin. A moment after he completely curled up and settled into her stomach, Mabel rolled back onto the floor, breathing heavily with a sick look on her face. Her cheeks were flushed while her belly lurched and groaned in discontent. She pushed out a weak belch as she laid out on her hardwood floor. “Uwahhh…Uurrp~” Aimai could not be any happier if she tried. She sat down on her knees right next to her, rubbing her own belly as she felt her own meal churning away. “You lookbeautifullike this Mabel. Ah, I wish youate more regularly…” “I’m… Oouurp! Hmmng… I’m g-gonna puke…” Her hands rested on her belly while she felt the man inside of her begin to awaken. The tiger growled out, pushing against the walls with newfound vigor. Aimai was shocked by how quickly he woke up, but she had a plan for that. Reaching for her bag, she grabbed a bottle of pills that she bought for such an occasion. “Oh you won’t puke my little predator… Here.” She took out a green and brown pill, shoving it right into her mouth.Flinching and looking at the hand pressed right against her mouth, she had no choice but to swallow it. With a loud gulp, the rather sizable capsule went down her throat, dropping into the acid that was slowly filling the chamber. After a moment, the pill fizzled and dissolved, her stomach absorbing it’s contents and immediately rumbling in response. The shallow acids that filled her belly quickly started to rise, searing the prey even more and eliciting even more fighting from inside. “A… Ahhh…BWOOURRURPP!Huff… M-Mai… H-He keeps fighting… W-What did you just make me e-eat?” The girl smiled wide once more, scooting closer and resting her hands on her belly, rubbing it gently. “Fast-digestion pill~ He’ll be gone before we know it. He’ll fight hard for a bit, but you can keep him all down~Shhh… Just let your juicestake over~” The muffled roars coming from her unwilling prey grew more panicked. The gastric juices soaked his fur, causing it to come off in clumps while his skin was burned. He was boiling alive, and with that, a ton of gas was being produced. Mabel let out another heavy belch, pushing out the rest of his available air. “BHWWAARRRP!Blehh…” The horrid taste of her own stomach’s chemicals graced her tongue coming up. The roaring man inside of her quickly grew overwhelmed by the terrible pain and lack of oxygen. Very quickly, he passed out, succumbing to her digestive tract. His body was already softening up at this point and already her belly was feeling a lot better. “O-Oohh…” Aimai’s hands practically molded the prey inside to a smoother form, rubbing her hands all across her dome of a gut. “Good shit, right? Heheh… Not cheap, but it’s totally worth it for jackasses like that… Let’s hope he didn’t have insurance.” Of course, those with vore insurance would be quickly returned the next day, though they did not check to see if the couple had any to speak of. This thought did not cross Mabel’s mind at the moment though, as she was enjoying the feeling ofsuch a filling meal for the first time ever. Pushing herself up off the ground, she propped herself up as she looked to her magnificent, round tummy, getting kneaded and almost played with by Aimai. “That… Hahhh… You never g-gave me belly rubs like this… It feels so nice…” For a moment, she stands her knees up on either side of her belly, her thick thighs squeezing the dome and eliciting weak cracking noises from it. It was a familiar sound to her that she always ended up hearing at one point or another while observing her friends eating. She shivered at the sound and feeling of it coming from her, her prey breaking down from her strong legs crushing it. “Gahh…” “Mhm! Rubs always help with indigestion, and that medicine definitely helps with that, heh…” She snickered at the harsh sounds coming from her friend and pulls her hands away. Aimai uses her surprisingly incredible strength to lift Mabel off the ground, huffing a bit as she held her like a bride. “Let’s get you in bed~ If I know you, I’m sure you won’t be able to stand with all that weight.” She said, snickering to herself and heaving her friend to her bedroom. On their way there, Mabel pouted a bit, looking away while she squeezed her tummy a bit. “I probably could… I’m not that weak…” “Oh yeah?” Eventually reaching the room, Aimai goes and tries to let Mabel stand on her own, just beside her large queen size bed. “Stand then!” Being let go, Mabel immediately dropped to the ground, her already wide ass slapping against the carpet as she was anchored to the floor by her several hundred-pound paunch. “Urrp! Ghh… You didn’t warn me…” She speaks meekly before trying to stand, straining herself intensely. Her face was entirely red as she slowly rose to her feet, holding her gut with both hands whileher eyes clamped shut. Her legs bent inwards while she struggled to lift her belly more than a few inches off the ground. “Hmmnnngg! C-Come o- Uwah!?” Aimai was laughing out loud at the sight, quickly sweeping her off her feet and jumping onto the sturdy bed with her. “Hehahaah! You’re so fuckin’ cute it’s unbelievable…” Rolling over her friend’s weighty tummy, she ended up behind her, spooning her for a moment and letting her arms wrap around her friend to reach her belly. “Hmm… He’s so soft… The medicine doesn’t last long…but it was long enough to turn him into a chunky slurry in less than a minute… That’s so fuckin’ hot… Hahh… You’re such a good meat grinder… Hehehh…” Mabel’s face was as red as a tomato as she received such praise, taking a quick moment to detach her prosthetic. Slipping the wood and metal limb out of her sweater sleeve and gently dropping it off the side of her mattress, she cuddled into Aimai’s own sloshing organ behind her. This was so much more pleasant than she ever thought it could be, having a stomach so well-fed. She would not need to eat for a couple of days at least. “Bwuurrop!Hahh… D-Don’t call me a meat g-grinder…I’m not that ruthless… H-Heheh…” “But you aaarre… This was a massive fuckin’ tigerless than an hour ago, and now he’s just gonna be fat on your ass and shit in the dumpster by tomorrow~ Mmmm… Can’t wait for Post-Vore Day~” “M… Me neither…” Aimai smiled brightly at the brief, yet clearly genuine comment from her close friend. Leaning forward, she plants a careful kiss on her cheek before rolling backward away and off the bed. “Welp! Gotta run some errands!” Mabel had the goofiest smile on her face at what her friend was saying about her. It was so shameful to her, but it’s what made it so much better. Before she only likedthe idea of such events happening with her friends, but now she was getting to experience it herself. Though, as soon as Aimai got off the bed after teasing her so well, Mabel was saddened. “H-Huh?” Turning back, she watched Aimai squeeze her gut and chuckle. “I’ll see you later tonight~ I’ve gotta get yoursurpriseall ready. You’re gonna love it, my sexy little pillow~” “A-Ahh… Alright…” She sighed, watching Aimai do a playful spin in place and trot out the door. Mabel took a moment to weakly strip out of her clothes into something comfier, but only having one hand and such a massive globe attached to her front made this a whole lot harder than it needed to be. She heard her front entrance slam shut as Aimai left, and by then Mabel just tired herself out. She couldn’t work her turtleneck off of her while laying down, and her tight black leggings were stuck around her knees, her panty-clad ass free to breathe a little bit. “Guhh… W-Whatever…” Mabel took a deep breath and just turned over onto her side, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Such a hearty breakfast had left her exhausted. Hopefully, it would be at least somewhat more manageable by the time she woke up from her nap, though she was not crossing her fingers. “Hmmm…”
 Kimetsu no Yaiba: Nezuko’s Hunger Ever since Kanao had first met the pink-eyed demon accompanying a fellow Demon Slayer, she was enamored by her. This cute pale-skinned imp refused to attack humans, choosing to retreat instead of facing her head on when the two first met. Initially it was annoying and all she wanted was to cut her down, but as time went on, her curiosity for the cute Nezuko only flourished even further. When Tanjiro and his allies, Zenitsu and Inosuke, were brought to the Butterfly Mansion for Rehabilitation Training, she was told about how the boy with the hanafuda earrings was harboring a demon. As long as she did not harm any human, she was allowed to remain. Taking advantage of the boys’ healing injuries and constant exhaustion after their daily training, Kanao took Tanjiro’s box and went outside the manor when nobody was around to notice her. Letting Nezuko out, she tried speaking with her, but never got any verbal responses. She was so odd, but everything about Nezuko was alluring. Wishing to see her mouth, she somewhat hesitantly removes the bamboo muzzle. With her guard down, a stray demon sneaks through the bushes and charges at her through the brush. If he was quick enough, he could kill the woman and take her away to the forest, though he was not quick enough in the slightest. “Hmmph-” Zipping between Kanao and the minor demon, she grabbed him by the shoulders and felt her belly rumble for the first time in a long while. She did not crave human flesh like all the others of her kind, but rather that of demons. With her muzzle off, she was free to devour the roaming beast, shoving him down her throat with frightening efficiency. His limbs were held down and practically broken on the spot to make it fit, and the whole time it was shrieking and fighting to escape, but to no avail. The whole time Nezuko demonstrated the art of devouring an entire other living creature, Kanao was experiencing a range of emotions. Initially shocked, but slowly, a smile went across her face. She let herself be open like this outside themanor just to see if Nezuko would help defend her, as a test, and she got so much more out of this experiment than she initially bargained for. From this day forth, Kanao made it a point to work a little date with Nezuko into her daily schedule. After her time with Tanjiro and the others, she would spend an extensive period of time with the loyal human loving cutie in the wooden box, seeing the fullest extent of what she was capable of with this previously unseen ability. A couple of weeks after the initial discovery, Kanao went along doing the same thing she had done every couple of nights, carrying Tanjiro’s finely crafted carrying box into the forest to let Nezuko out and let her hunt for her dinner. Cracking the box open, she smiles gently as she watches her patter out of the box onto the grassy terrain, her katana at her side like always. “Hello Nezuko. Are you ready to have some fun again? I want you to give me a good little show, okay?” Nezuko sat there on the ground, slowly rising up to her feet with her arms at her sides. She merely stood and stared at her before approaching to have her muzzle removed. As she came up to her, Kanao admired the growth of her body over the short period of time that she had let her out to do such a thing. Tanjiro up to this point has been quite neglectful of properly feeding her, though it was not quite his fault for not knowing her desired tastes in this new demonic form she now possesses. Having eaten so much, her desirable assets were becoming too large for her nice kimono. Reaching for the muzzle, she jokes lightly and soon pats the girl’s head. “Hm-hm~ I’m gonna need to re-tailor your clothes… Hopefully Zenitsu does not take note of your new diet’s effects on your body. That pervert is already swooning over you I can tell. Hehe…” Receiving the pats, Nezuko gently closes her eyes and nuzzles against the hand, opening them once again once her mouth is freed. “Good girl~ Now, show me those pearly whites.”“Ahhh…” On command, the obedient girl opens her mouth wide, showing off her dangerously sharp teeth, as well as plenty of dripping saliva. She was clearly hungry, and at this point she associates her muzzle coming off with a good meal. “Great, now, let’s go.” Nodding to Kanao, she smells the air briefly and immediately stares to the west, charging forth to nab her easy prey. Grunting as she rushed past trees and other obstacles in her way while Kanao kept up, following through the trees, she left a trail of saliva in her wake. Within a short 10 minutes, a rather unsuspecting demon huddled beside an unfortunate deer. While he was happily feasting, he tensed up and looked over in the direction of the advancing pred, but he was unable to react quick enough to counter her initial attack. “What in the-UWHAH!?” Struck in the face by her sandaled foot, the demon’s head goes careening into a tree and blood paints the grass around them both. The body goes limp for a moment. “Khh…” She grumbles, landing on the ground and licking her lips at the meal. Ignoring the dead animal carcass, she trots along towards the demon’s head and picks it up off the ground. “Hmm…” “Huff… You crazy bitch! What the fuck do you thinkyou’re doing?! I killed that deer fair and square and-... Huh?” Screaming right at her, he was totally taken off guard as she went ahead and licked him chin to forehead. “Bleeh!? Put me down you sick- Woah woah wait!” He saw her opening her maw wide, unhinging her jaw and immediately did not like where this was going. The demon was defenseless, his body still fumbling on the ground, unable to get up on its own. This demon was clearly a fledgling, still tryingto get his bearings, but he would have no chance to flourish as his head was shoved right down her throat. “GLRRK! Hmmn…” She somewhat noisily choked him down, patting her belly through her kimono once it was done. It took little to no effort at all, but now she had her sights on the body, more feverishly crawling towards her. “Hmmph!” Jumping into the air, she lands squarely on his back, eliciting a shrill scream from her belly. Having broken his spine, paralyzing the demon’s headless body, she steps off and lifts it off the ground, overpowering the vulnerable man. Once again, her mouth spreads along her prey, consuming its neck first and slurping him down with her cold eyes shutting to savor the meal. This may have been a fatal mistake, as from the shadows, a pair of additional demons pounce out to ambush her, screaming and aiming their gigantic muscular fists at the person devouring their friend. “Kitagawa! We’ve got ya!” One of them cried out as they extended a fist towards the feeding Nezuko. Unfortunately for them, their attacks would not make their mark, as the instant they got within 10 ft. of her, their arms were suddenly severed from their shoulders. Blood spurting all over the place, the two demons trembled in pain and looked around, eventually noticing the slayer now standing behind their backs. While holding her katana out still, she has a soft smile on her face as she looks at them with her own large eyes. “You all will make wonderful snacks. Nezuko is famished.” “What?!” Both demons say in unison before their legs give out under them. Their bodies flop to the floor, torsos left with no functioning limbs to operate with. “Gahh! You traitor… You’re both sick!” The larger of the two demons shouts out at Nezuko as she finishes slurping up the first prey’s pale, underdeveloped legs.“Says the demon who’s clearly devoured the flesh of humans… You could all be as powerful as Nezuko if you tried hard enough… You have no willpower…” Kanao lectures as she swiftly skewers their fallen arms and legs on her sword like a kebab. Holding the sword in one hand, she stands atop the chest of the weaker, skinnier demon and picks up the heftier one by the hair, dangling his entire head and torso in front of her, offering him up to her little pet. “Here. Eat him up before he finds the strength to fight back.” Nezuko’s mouth laid agape as she stared at the next meal, not sure how to respond to having her prey offered in such a way. After a moment of hesitation, she walks up to him and stares at the grimacing armless, legless thing. Her stomach groaned and was already working on breaking down her first victim, sloshing to and fro as he fought weakly. “Hmmm…” Crouching down, she opens her mouth wide and starts eating him from the bottom first, her slavering maw enveloping his form slowly. Nezuko’s eyes widened a bit at the taste of this one, unable to hold back her urge to slow down some more and sink her teeth into him. “Hmmnn…” With her razor sharp teeth sinking into his finely chiseled abs and other muscles, the demon cried out in pain, wriggling more as he tried to break free. “GYAAHHH! LET GO!” Kanao grumbled a bit at the fighting he was doing, deciding ultimately to just try and push her along. Gripping the top of his head more firmly, she shoved him downwards into her mouth with great force. “Ugh…Nezuko, you mustn't take your time with livelydemons like him… He’s close to regenerating. As blood was leaking out of the corners of her mouth, she flinched at the sudden force of the man going further into her gullet. With a heavy huff out of her nostrils, she obliged, reaching up and grabbing him by the shoulders to force the rest of him down. “GLLP! SHLLRRRK!”“Hahahahh! This can’t happen!” He laughed out loud in disbelief of what was happening to him, losing all composure and sense. Soon, his armless, legless body was sliding down her esophagus, her teeth scraping along his exposed form and filling her mouth with his delicious blood. Sitting on her knees, she winces a little bit as her prey continued to squirm on his way down. Her tongue lapped over his face and head before her lips closed up completely, sending the rest of him down with one last powerful gulp. “GULP! Pwahh…” Nezuko puffs out a gentle breath before letting her stomach rest on the blood-soaked grass. Her nice pink kimono was all dirtied with demon fluids, but she really did not seem to care. She slipped off her knees and sat on her butt, wrapping her legs around her belly and rubbing her hands over them. “Hahh…OOUURURP!” The cute predator belched out loudly, spattering Kanao’s face in some blood, her lips and teeth completely sullied. “Oh dear. You’re such a mess, hehehe~ Here, finish your meal.” She said, keeping herself on top of the paralyzed demon beneath her. He was completely out cold at this point, but the slayer did not care for his wellbeing. She simply took off each flailing limb from her katana and offered it to Nezuko, who graciously took each one and gnawed on them. She chewed through them like soft candies, ignoring the bone entirely. “Mnnn~ Crunch!” Taking huge chunks out of the limbs, they slowly stopped their movements as they were already beginning to dissolve in her acids. Her first prey was fairing rather well compared to the one chopped up by the nichirin-composed blade. The previously imposing demon was now struggling to keep conscious while the much weaker demon’s regenerative ability was fighting against Nezuko’s immensely powerful stomach. Kanao simply watched, looking at the one she ended up using like a cushion to siton. Nezuko finished up the last of her limbs, a withering hand sticking out of her bloodied maw that seemed to be reaching out as if trying to grab onto something before getting slurped down. A large bulge of chewed up meat went to her acidic chamber of churning meat and plopped in. Her gut sloshed with the weak movements of her substantial dinner as she licked her lips. “Hahhh… Hmmm…” Kanao could tell she was satisfied by the look on her face, smiling toward her while she started rubbing her hands on her tum, further coating her dressing in blood. “Heheheh… Here, let us get you out of that…” She said before getting up off the demon and stabbing it in the back to keep it pinned down. Getting behind Nezuko, she took some time to completely remove the kimono, struggling some as the predacious cutie was too satisfied in herself to really care to get up and properly get undressed. “Goodness, this will take ages to get properly cleaned up…” After some time, she finally manages to take it all off, leaving Nezuko completely naked, save for a pink bra and panties. Despite being in her underwear out in the forest, she was totally fixated on her stomach, smiling constantly and looking at the stabbed demon before her. Her hands simply caressed her own now-exposed belly, helping her stomach along in churning her food into a fine slurry. Grrrrrlll… Bllrrbblll… Her stomach noisily broke down her prey, all of which now having since perished in her merciless organ and was now melting into an unrecognizable soup. Over the course of minutes, all definition was lost from the surface of her stomach, which was now receiving ample massages from Kanao as well. The two just did what they normally did at this time, sat in silence and watched the beautiful process of digestion unfold. Demons’ stomachs were more potent and efficient at processing food than normal humans’, and Nezuko’s was on another level. Within a half hour, her stomach was empty, all that was once a pair of human-craving demons now pumping through her intestines.Slrrrsh… Gloorp… “Hmmnng…” With each audible groan that her guts emitted, pushing along and absorbing the nutrients of the forest dwellers, Nezuko would moan out. Another half hour later, Nezuko would have fallen asleep on the ground. “Hahhh…” Kanao left her friend alone in the forest for a short while, knowing for a fact that she would be totally okay on her own. Returning with a bucket of water and a towel, she smiled at the sight of her beloved, a terrified demon now awake and groaning in pain of the solar powered sword he was held down by. “Fuck… Huh…” He seemed rather anxious and kept looking all over the place, seeming to be trying to find some way to get out of this mess. Kanao could not help but smirk at the sight of the pathetic monster who shuddered at the sight of her. Kneeling down beside Nezuko, she shook her shoulder, unable to rouse her from her sleep. She always got like this after an intense fight, or in this case, a hefty meal, though she knew that she would need to awaken soon. The grumbles her much flatter tummy was making were ominous. Was shestillhungry? Grrrnnnn… Taking the towel, she very calmly got it wet in the bucket and started wiping off the sleeping demon’s face and cheeks, getting the cloth stained in blood as she cleaned her face thoroughly. “....” Not saying a word to the foul creature beside them shouted toward her for answers. “Hey! Why the hell have you not killed me yet?! Killme or let me go! I don’t want to die in that sun…” He believed the pain of turning to ash in the morning light was worse than any other. Unfortunately, his fate was being left a secret as Kanao just continued to smile, leaving him in the dark. “Sword through the neck, fucking… eaten by that traitor…anything but the sun!”As he spoke out loud at this, Nezuko’s eyes opened wide all of the sudden, immediately looking towards her fellow nightwalker. “Hmm…” “A-Ack… I-I mean… I don’t really want to be eaten…but… maybe just letting me go is an option?” Such a cowardly demon he was. Backed into a corner and he just pleaded for mercy. “Ah, you’re awake. I see you’re all…Hmm… Done?” She admired the Kamado sister’s body, eyes glancing over her plump breasts, which struggled against her bra having grown a couple sizes large, down to her rear and stomach. She let her hands reach down and squeezed her cheek, giggling at the way her fingers sunk into them. “Tanjiro is definitely going to think something isgoing on… Guess I’ll just have to go extra hard on him during training so he’s too tired to investigate afterwards, heheh~” Looking at her belly, there was a bit of residual fat on it, but it was still rather bloated. Despite how full her bowels must be at this point, she could feel the way it rumbled, hungry for more. “Heh… Goodness… Still hungry. Well, go right ahead~” Slowly getting off the ground and onto her knees, she crawled along towards him with a dull look in her eyes, saliva starting to accumulate as she could already taste him. The demon before them froze up, becoming dead silent as he felt a terrible sense of dread coming on. Was this how his friends felt before they were eaten? Laying belly up with the katana in his belly, he was perfectly in position for what Nezuko had planned next. “O-Oh god, uhh… M-Maybe the sun isn’t so bad, heh…Um…” “Oh, but you already offered. Don’t disappoint us when you’re so close to thegrave already…” Kanao coldly says to him, watching Nezuko from behind as her gorgeous hams wobbled to and fro. She was already looking forward to what would be coming out of those, but for now she’d just enjoy this moment. “Mmm…” Crawling across the ground, she opens her maw wide one final time for this night and simply starts gobbling him up, not caring for the taste this time like she did with the muscular one. “SLLLRRP! GLLRRK! Hmpph…” Little by little, he was gnawed on and ingested, screaming out tiredly as his face smushed up against her throat and was slowly taken down. Kanao smiled as she stood, pulling the bloodied blade out of his torso and watching Nezuko quickly rear up and take her food in with a bit more haste. “GULP! ULP! Hahh…BWOOURRUP!Hmmng…” Again, she was left with a mouth covered in a mix of drool and demon blood, and Kanao could not be happier with it. She admired everything about Nezuko and the way she appeared. Sitting on her knees while licking her lips, she loved the way her weakly wriggly belly looked in the light of the moon above them. Simply stunning. Getting down next to her, she patted her tummy and took her by the hand, leading her to stand up off the ground. “Nezuko, it will be morning soon, so we should return home. You’ll have to stay awake while you digest this one, okay dear?” Nezuko did not say anything, as usual, only responding with the sound of her own stomach gurgling loudly and kicking into overdrive, followed by a loud and prolonged yawn from her. Grrglglglllee~ Bllrrrb~ “Yaawwwn…” With a sigh, Kanao would pull out the demon’s bamboo muzzle and secure it back onto her mouth now that dinner was done. After sheathing her katana, she grabs the neatly folded, soiled clothing of Nezuko’s, using her free hand to clasp her pet’spalm and return home. The two slowly walked back to the mansion, taking her time to wade through the dense forest. After a half hour of walking back to the Butterfly Mansion, Nezuko’s stomach was once again almost entirely flat, her prey this time having given in the instant his skin made contact with the acrid juices inside. As another heap of meat was padding her tits and rear, a part of her that now seemed to clap with every heavy step through the woods, some of that meat was festering at the bottom of her guts with the rest of the demon waste. With no hesitation, Nezuko winces and she lets a bit of gas loose from between those padded hams that Kanao loved so much. “Pfffrrtbt!” The stench wafted through the air around them and immediately had the slayer blushing deeply. Gazing at her paunch, she could tell that she was ready to drop them off. Her hand went from her hand to her tummy, pushing against it and chuckling to herself. “Hmmnn… What an alluring scent…” Nezuko did not react much to this gesture, simply scrunching her face some more as she felt more flatulence staining the inside of her nice, tight underwear. “BLLFFHHTSHRT!” “Ooh~ That one was a dirty one, wasn’t it? Heheh…Let’s get to the outhouse.” And to the nearest outhouse they went. On the outskirts of the manor was a small, functional shed with a hole at the bottom of it, built specifically by Kanao for such an occasion. Arriving there, she opens the door wide and directs the demon inside. Analyzing the hole in the ground, stinking of previous dumps that were starting to fill the hole to a dangerous degree with old, hardened turds, Nezuko enters with the urge to empty herself. After Kanao pulls the panties off of her, she turns around and squats over the hole. First letting another puff of gas slip free, her pucker then opens up, the tip of a rigid turd pushing its way out of her rather slowly. She seemed to be having trouble as indicated by the strained expression on her face. “BLLRRBFT!-Hmmnng-”Kanao had a loving smile on her face as the tremendous log of demon dung started slipping out, visible between her legs as she watched every second of the foul show unfold. The smell was so horrifically putrid, but that’s just what she loved about it. Nezuko’s pinched look on her face faded quickly as the initial stiff blockage plopped out of her, leaving a torrent of thick, softer clumps of sewage to start pouring out into the cavern beneath her assaulting the human’s senses and leaving her a flushed mess. Her favorite part of the demon hunting process had quickly become this exact moment with Nezuko on their joint hunts. “SHLLRRTTFFT~ CLLRRRCHHFF~” A beautiful cacophony of crackling shit and flatulent wind emanated from the adorable demon’s rectum, burying the vile remains of dozens of other demonic souls in a freshly made, greasy mound of mud. “GHBRLGLGSH!” The clumps of auburn mess being evacuated made gentle plapping sounds as it fell into the larger pile, soon filling the hole to the brim after so many bathroom breaks. Kanao was huffing the stench that came from the outhouse, knowing for a fact that her sisters at the Butterfly Mansion would likely disown her if they knew of this sick twisted side of her. The taboo nature of it all just made it all the more arousing to her. “Huff… Sniff… Hmmm… What a healthy stool you havedarling… Very healthy, heheh… Not a single bone to be seen. Your tract is frighteningly effective, heheh…” “Hnn-BLLFFBRRCHRT!” It was true what Kanao said. At this point, nothing that entered her stomach came out recognizable in the slightest. No hints of bone or cloth to be seen. Just rancid sludge. Nezuko did not get into this whole process as much as her human friend however, as this was just nature. Eating and pooping just happened, and if it meant that she had to eat her own kind to get sustenance, then so be it. There was a tiny bit of her that did enjoy this, deep down inside, as she blushed and moaned every now and then at the way it felt to have her exit sphincter spread out so far. “Hmmnhh… Hnng-PFRLRLLPRTTSH!”It just did not stop. The dirty deed continued for nearly 20 minutes, with each festering wad of fudge simply adding to the growing pile. Soon though, the wave of refuse came to a close, her anus gaping wide from the mess she had just made. Before standing back up however, she needed to pee now… Nezuko let out a long, relaxed sigh as her pussy started streaming a golden liquid, Kanao watching with bated breath as it all cascaded down the effluvium-scented sludge. “Pssssssssshh~ Hahh…” Nezuko closed her eyes as she now took some time to empty her bladder, Kanao walking up the demon. Patting her head and squatting down in front of her, she gave her a peck on the cheek, looking to Nezuko’s eyes just casually open and stare right back at her, not reacting much to the kiss. “You’re a treasure… Heh…” With that, the last drop of urine poured out, leaving the shit heap shining beautifully in the light of the moon. She nuzzled back with the hand that pat her, grabbing onto it and standing tall. “Hmmnn…” She was ready for bed, so she started walking towards the box that was left a few hundred yards away, dragging Kanao along by the hand. The two had bonded over such hunting sessions and the slayer just could not be happier if she tried. “Hm-hm~” She simply giggled as she watched Nezuko take her back to her little sleeping box. Not long after that, the half-naked demon crawls in and yawns once more before passing peacefully into sleep. Kanao noted how the box seemed a bit less spacious than before, and the box was a great deal heavier, but she did not mind the extra labor it took to make sure their little dates were kept secret. “Sleep tight~” Nezuko was returned to her room and the night passed as usual, with the boys being awoken to start their training the next day, ignorant of the depraved acts that went on the night prior.
 Predacious Pest Control Salau was having a very mediocre day. Not a common thing for the millipede.. Normally, her days were very relaxed, consisting of munching on leaves, wood, sometimes fruits she found in someone's garden.. Those were a treat for sure.. But the bottom line was, she had a very relaxed and enjoyable life.. Until that damned harpy was pestering her.. The large bird gal had found her wandering about, the almost blind millipede searching for someplace to call home.. And lunch, for the next couple of weeks.. Remembering being snatched up and swallowed by the teasing bird, remembering with a smirk at them taunting her about not even trying to escape.. Then she felt their mouth enclose her long segmented body.. Then the burning and foul-tasting chemical defense kicked in, the harpy spitting them out, and Salau rushing to the closest home, digging her way under until she found the large open space underneath.. Resting for an hour, then beginning to munch away at the wood, despite her very humanoid face.. Her mouth was filled with large flat teeth, perfect for crushing wood and leaves. Sleeping well in the morning, Neb snored loudly with not a single article of clothing on her smooth, fur-covered body. Every inch of her was covered in thick, short fur, making it appear as if her skin was just plain white. "ZZZZZzzzzz... Hmnn..." As her blue nipples glistened in the light coming in through the blinds, Mochimure Sozo, lovingly called Mochi by his roommate, sleepily started his morning as he did every day. He brewed himself a pot of coffee while cooking up a feast for the ravenous cat that slept in his living room to help dissuade her from going out and devouring innocents. Not everybody had insurance for being eaten in Japan since that sort of stuff was more regulated than in other parts of the world, like the US, though Neb didn't care about that. It was Sozo's job to cook a meal more delicious than she finds people to be. "Hahh... Alright... A whole couple of cow's worth of beef steaks... That should keep her good for the day..." He had just woken up recently after a heavy sleep, so he was completely unaware of the vermin that laid beneath his house's foundation.Neb on the other hand was awakening to the smell of raw meat, though she was getting distracted by a different scent. It was annoying her, and she needed to find that smell. "Hmmng... Yaaawwnn... Huh?" Crawling off the couch, she walks towards the kitchen and keeps sniffing around like a dog. "Oh, good morning Neb. Breakfast will be done in about an hour so if you’re patient I’ll- Uhh... Hey, you good?" "Mochi...I smell something..." "It's just the steaks you goofball. Now, go lay back down, and don't go wandering out the house." He waves her off, soliciting some groans from the annoyed feline. She obeys the human and lays on the couch, still trying to decipher what it was she was smelling. It was really getting to her at this point. She let out a soft yawn, hearing the sounds of the commotion above her, and the scent of cooking filling her nose.. The millipede had a superb sense of smell and an even greater sense of hearing.. Listening in on the conversation, annoyed that something already knew about her presence.. Deciding that this place would not be a great idea for a temporary home, she continued her feast.. Her mouth chewing on the damp wood of the foundation as her thousands of legs moved her across silently, her more human arms feeling around in the dark, her eyesight not helping her navigate, but normally it was fairly straightforward.. Walk until you bump your head on wood.. But with so many incidents with loose nails or mousetraps, she tried to stay careful.. As she moved about searching for more wood to munch on, she let out a soft yelp as her hand got cut on a piece of metal.. Annoyed at the feeling.. But she at least found an extra girthy bit of foundation to devour, the house starting to slowly creak at the loss of the ravenous bug.. And while she had no ill intent, not even knowing she caused damage. It never stopped the houses from collapsing on top of her, luckily her thick chitin was great at preventing injuries, alas her more humanoid parts tended to be a common issue.. She hoped no one would hear the sound of her cutting her finger.. But even if they did, she was already hard to eat.. Even if she was vulnerable, her chitin was extremely tough, acids having trouble with it.Nebaid curled up on the couch, sniffing for the possible intruder and looking around the room. Suddenly, as the massive millipedes beneath the house cut her hand and yelped, her ears perked up and she quickly shot back off the couch. Eyes slitted, she was on the prowl now. "Hmm!? Where...?" On all fours, she started crawling towards the noise, hunting for breakfast. She didn't know what the creaking of the house was exactly, but she wasn't worried about that. "Huh? Uuugh... Neb... get some clothes on... I don't wanna be staring at your ass..." He said, having caught a glimpse at her blue pussy while she crawled past the kitchen. Sozo blushed quite a bit, but now he was wondering what exactly she was looking for. Was there actually an intruder? "Huff... How do I get under…? Something is down there..."Just then, Neb had a bright idea. Standing up, she quickly rushed to the front door to the front yard, alarming Sozo quite a bit. "H-Hey! Get clothes on before you go outside! You aren't even allowed out. Young lady!!" She refused to listen, sniffing and listening some more before she found herself beside the house. Getting on her hands and knees, she let out a heavy breath and closed her eyes, causing one of the many black ring patterns on her back to glow. Just as Sozo met her in the back of the house, he was met with her furry ass, growing substantially over time. All he could do was stand back and avert his eyes. As she reached 30 ft tall, she started digging, throwing dirt over the neighbor's fence and excavating for the sounds and smells she sensed. "Come out whatever you are!" She started digging under the house a bit as she was pulling up Earth at an alarmingly quick rate. Neb eventually reached a bit where she found something she had never seen before. A massive pair of bug legs. Instantly, Sozo freaked out, wondering what it was. "Holy shit! What is that???""Breakfast~" Right then, before it could escape, she grabbed it and stood up tall, pulling the invader up slowly from beneath her house. She let out a yelp as she heard the sound of something digging, trying to scuttle away, but feeling the large soft hand grab onto her, and yank her out of the ground.. The Millipede stared at the large girl with a look of shock.. Well, not that she really could tell that she was being held up by anything other than a giant white blur.. Her vision was very blurry, but by the scent of them, they were definitely female.. She dangled in shock for a moment before her very soft and shaky voice rang out, the millipede had a pout on her face, hidden by her thick chitin... "P...Please put me down.. I am sorry if I did something wrong.. I was hungry and.. I wanted some wood and I was sleepy and.." She was obviously very shaken up by her day, the millipede not even struggling, be it because she knew it was useless if something only 17 feet bigger than her was carrying the three-ton arthropod.. Her tits hung as she was held upside down, her skin quite tan for something that spent most of its time underground. "Mrrr... Not a chance. You were invading, and...huh?You were eating Mochi's house?" Huffing, she listened to what the bug girl had to say, sighing at the comment and shaking her head. There's no way she would let someone as big and juicy as this get away after doing such harm to her home. Licking Salau from face to tail, she licks her lips and looks up at the Harpy that was circling over, who ended up simply watching in the distance. Neb was big enough to be seen from a good mile away, so she just watched and hoped the bug would escape again Sozo on the other hand was starting to feel some empathy for the giant scary bug monster girl. If she was just hungry and sleepy then there wasn't much to worry about in his mind. "Man... Alright, fine... It won't cost that much to fix...So I suppose-" Right then he was met with the sight of Neb dangling the bug over her head and slurping up the humanoid top part of it, letting the rest hang free as she walked by and laid out on the road to enjoy her meal. Traffic would get messed with a bit while Neb took her time tasting every inch of Salau, not feeling all too merciful when her stomach was so empty and hungry. “Omph! Hmmn…”"Ugh... Guess I'm not making breakfast..." Sozo went back into the house while Neb took her time to slurp up the rest of the bug, tasting every inch of the delicious thing. Her tongue lapped across her breasts and cleaned all of the dirt off her before swallowing her down, bit by bit. She shuddered and let out a yelp... Feeling her more human parts get sucked down into the hot mouth, the rough tongue exploring her soft body.. It felt nice to be cleaned, but she was really more terrified than anything.. The tongue going from her face to the end of her tail, her legs all wriggling, trying to find traction on the slippery tongue.. Then she felt her head enter the mouth, letting out a soft moan as her soft tits were licked.. But a yelp as she felt them slurp.. She was terrified, pleading while inside the mouth. "P...Please..you can't even digest me, my armor is really thick... Plus it won't feel good coming out... Please don’t swallow me.. I also have really nasty tasting chemicals, and I would hate to use them on someone as cute as you.." She tried to flirt with them.. It had worked in the past but the gurgling of the hungry stomach told her it was probably useless. Neb was paying very little attention to the long, hefty breakfast she was slurping up, though she wasn't afraid of the bug. Not in the slightest. Her stomach has digested entire planets, so some tough chitin wouldn't be any problem for her veteran digestive tract. How good it feels on the way out is a whole other story, but she wasn't thinking of the long-term consequences. She just wanted to eat the invader. "SLRRP! SLLLRK! Hmmnng..." Eventually, she was completely inside of her mouth, now just getting swished around. She giggled here and there at the tickly feeling of all the tiny legs on the inside of her mouth and on her tongue. "Hmm? Nasty chemicals? Let me try em'. I'm not picky, hehehe!" The light peered through her mouth as she spoke with her cheeks full, her speech rather muffled because of it. Neb has eaten and savored the taste of countless planetary bodies, so she was sure some icky juice would taste like candy by comparison. After speaking up, she would toy with her prey, gulping a good portion of her down so that her tail end would be halfway down her throat. She rubbed the bulge of her neck, enjoying the unique eating experience. She let out a yelp as the rest of her was swallowed down.. Feeling her tail slip into her tight throat, the walls undulating around her.. Threatening to pull her down.. Her armsheld onto the tongue in a tight hug, trying not to fall down into the gurgling stomach.. Listening as they spoke, asking for the chemicals.. The Millipede softly speaking, her voice quivering.. "I...I am out of it... But maybe you could try it another time? Just don't swallow me.. I don't want to be eaten.. A bird already tried to eat me and she didn't like me.. How come you have to eat me now, it's not fair.." She felt terrible.. She didn't do anything wrong.. She just wanted to sleep and eat, and now she was going to be fat on the belly of this girl, letting out annoyed yelps as the tongue batted her around, her chitin protecting her from being hurt as she was pushed around.. And despite them talking, she could hear their stomach gurgling so loudly.. It was so hungry, wanting her so badly.. In a way, it almost felt right to be eaten... She was a herbivore, after all, so she must have had that logic deep in her brain.. Always there to console her, yet she still feared it.. Being digested did not seem pleasant. "Please.. Is there anything I can do so you don't eat me.. I don't even have that thing that lets me come back.. No one wants to hire a millipede so I don't have money or insurance.. I just wanted to rest.." She was scared, even if the tone of her voice was flat.. She knew they were not going to change their mind.. Maybe that other person would help her? She doubted it.. Still trying to crawl out, her thousands of legs trying to get a grip on the throat... Neb was a bit confused by the mention of a bird trying to eat her, looking up into the sky and looking toward the Harpy just hovering and watching off in the distance. She seemed to be hoping Neb would spit her out, but they knew who the cat was. Grumbling, said bird flies off to find something else filling while Neb enjoys the spoils. "Bird? Oh... that dumb Maggy... Hmph... Well, you're mine now, not hers. You're lucky I don't chew you up. Mochi makes me brush when I chew, so down the hatch!" Of course, chewing her food leaves her breath insanely horrid when she shrinks back down to go home, especially with how much she snores. Her room smells like literal death. Mochi can't stop her from eating, just asks her to not chew. Rolling onto her back, she completely blocks traffic coming both ways in front of her house, purring as she gulps the rest of Selau down. She ignores the brief honking that occurs every now and then, the very presence of her and the car-sized bulge traveling down her throat being too much for anybody to have the courage to honk at her too much. "GULP! ULP!" If Selau was being too stubborn and managed to hold onto her tongue, she would reach into her own mouth and shove the bug down her slick throat. Eventually, shewould drop down into her empty, groaning stomach, splashing into some hot bubbling acids. The partially blind millipede couldn't hear anything going on outside, her senses completely overtaken by the constant gurgling of her gut and the overbearing beating of her massive heart. "Mmnnnlll...BWOOOURRURP!Uwahh... Heheh... Food tastesthe best when they have it coming~ Serves her right for eating my home..." She takes a moment to lay there for some more time, looking at the surprisingly large bump of her tummy. It was only a single prey, but still it left her fuzz-covered belly so big. It was like she ate a bunch of small people... "Hmm... Uuurrp~... I want more bugs like her, heheh..." She let out a final yell.. feeling herself slip down the throat.. The walls undulating over her, caressing her.. If it was not for the impending stomach, she probably would have liked it.. But alas, she was scared shitless, the poor arthropod wriggling the whole way down, her thousands of legs leaving little bumps on her skin as the three-ton hunk of meat and chitin moved to her tummy.. Landing with a soft splash in the bubbling acids, the stomach already waiting to start breaking her down, and the gurgling sign that the stomach was happy.. She took a moment to look around.. It was so dark, and every time she wanted to raise her head, the stomach pushed her down into the acids, the walls pushing against her skin as it tried to churn her down.. Despite all the churning and gurgling, she could hear their soft playful voice.. albeit it was hard.. Feeling guilt when she heard them speak.. She had it coming? What did she do.. What did she do to deserve being her breakfast.. As she lay in her stomach thinking, she could feel the acids start to bite at her skin.. Feel her chitin start to wear away.. What good was armor if it only covered one part of your body.. And didn't work that well.. She felt the stomach get tighter as it adjusted to its meal.. The scent of acid being replaced by the smell of her body slowly beginning to break down.. It smelled like flowers.. Tears in her eyes as she realized she probably would never see them again.. But as she felt the walls crush and push on her tough body.. She almost felt.. Safe? Like the stomach was giving her a big hug.. Protecting her from the scary world that was reality.. She had never been hugged before, and she thought this might be the closest she would ever get.. Honestly.. The beating of the heart, the lack of oxygen, and their calming voice led her mind to start to really.. Like being in the stomach? She could not explain nor understand it.. She never could have imagined how the lack of fear changed her perception of the stomach.. Beforehand she had seen it as nothing but a volatile, acid-filled chamber,with a purpose none other than breaking down something into nothing but nutrients. But now she saw it as a mix of comfort, peace, and warmth. The walls caressed him, a mix of her arms and the stomach’s natural movements, the thick flowery scent flowing into her nostrils, calming him down and reminding her of days long since passed. Her hands gently pressed against the soft flesh, feeling it push back against him. This.. This is nice.. She thought to himself as she laid there, then hearing the burp echoing around her, blushing softly. She tried moving her body into a more comfortable position, the sounds of wet flesh and muscles flexing and pushing filling her ears, realizing that it was fairly tight, which did make sense. She decided to just stick with it, laying on her side and looking into the blackness, expecting to see something, but only met with a portion of stomach wall gently pushing on his face, leaving behind a bitter-tasting fluid, what she assumed was acid. Then her words rang out once more, the chorus of noise her body produced, from the soft gurgling to the gentle pounding of the heart, began to fade as she focused on her. As she spoke about eating more bugs she blushed.. Almost wishing to be eaten again.. Then she spoke.. She didn't know why she was saying these things.. but she felt the urge to.. Perhaps it was her mind trying to cope with being digested, or maybe it was a newfound feeling inside her.. "Despite the irony, your stomach makes me feel so safe, like nothing could hurt me.. I know it seems strange but.." Her voice trailed off as she listened to her soft breaths, feeling the walls move and adjust as she shifted. "I can't explain it.. I can't understand it either, all I know is that I don't mind staying." She blushed, thinking for a moment before gently kissing the undulating wall closest to her. Accepting her place as food.. Deep down, even if she feared it.. She was prey.. Three tons of armored prey. The otherworldly neko laid out on the ground, listening to the noisy sounds of her own tummy, she giggled at the feeling of Salau tossing and turning in her tummy. It wasn't really struggling though. Confused by the lack of fighting, she pokes her belly a bit, wondering if she had already succumbed, but that was not the case. She flinched at the sound of her talking to her through her belly. "H... Huh? You're okay with staying in there?" She couldn't really feel the meager smooch on her thick stomach walls, but she still felt weird about this new kind of prey she discovered. Shrugging, she rubs her exposed gut, licking her chops a bit before responding. "Well... I guess that's good. Might as well get used to it since you're never leaving. At least, not the same way you went in~ Heheh..."She alluded to the bug's eventual fate as padding and waste, yawning out and closing her eyes as she let her stomach continue working her down. Neb was ready to fall asleep in the road, though she was flinched awake by a car bumping into her thigh and honking loudly, some annoyed driver trying to get to work perhaps. She was full for breakfast, but this person put her back in a sour mood. Rolling back over, pressing her tummy into the ground for a moment, she looks to the tiny man's car and flicks the front of it, caving in the entire front and demolishing the vehicle. Luckily the man was safe, though he wouldn't be getting to work on time. CRASH!!"Ahhg!" "Ugh... Stupid human...Let me sleep..." “Neb! What the hell?!” Suddenly, she hears Sozo shout at her from the door of their nice little home. He was still wearing his apron from when he was making breakfast, but he was clearly unhappy with the property damage he heard and rushed to. He was not happy. Despite Neb's overwhelming power, Sozo was the only thing that could beat her. She respected him, but upsetting him made her feel awful. He was her best friend, but seeing his angry face directed at her left her a bit stunned. With her ears folded back, Neb got off the ground and crawled across the ground toward him. "H... Heheh... I got the bug who was eating the house. Aren'tcha proud of me Mochi-? "Neb...No property damage...That's one of the rules,remember?" "Huh?B...But-" "Ugh... Just go to your room please... I've gotta make a bunch of calls..." Neb sighed, her stomach hanging beneath her limply. Slowly, her body would shrink back down to her smallest 4 ft. size, though as she reached that point, both her and Sozo were a bit shocked to see her stomach still massive with the millipede inside. She was so much sturdier than a group of fleshy people. Neb was left on top of her tummy, anchored down. "OOURP!Hmmng..." “Sigh...Just... take a nap or something... I'll seeyou later..."Sozo leaves, pulling his cell phone out and closing the front door while Neb is stuck on her gurgling stomach, getting a tiny bit of indigestion. Her stomach at this size was much weaker and more susceptible to getting a bit of a tummy ache from stubborn prey, but she was too upset to grow back to a reasonable size to digest Salau, so they'd both be stuck there for a bit. Neb's exhaustion was pulling her through and she just wanted to sleep. "Uurp... Hmmng..." She let out a yelp.. feeling the stomach retract around her, feeling her swollen gut slam onto the ground, shaking her and drenching her in the acids.. The burning feeling of the acids against her skin felt.. Weaker? She was confused to put it lightly, gently wriggling trying to get her head above the pool of digestive juices.. Coughing softly as she heard the conversation outside.. Her hands pushed against the ungodly tight walls, trying to comfort the obviously dismayed girl.. Even if they were digesting her, she had grown attached to them slightly. The bond between predator and prey being a strange one.. She was already destined to become nutrients for her.. Might as well make it pleasant for Neb, even if it was not all too fantastic for her.. "I.. I think that car deserved it.. I have been hit by one a few times.. I don't like them. I.. I was wondering.. What did I do wrong?" The millipede did not really have a large understanding of human customs.. Just like she was food for Neb, wood was food for her.. She never thought about the consequences.. Then she heard the loud belch.. Feeling the walls get even tighter as her air supply thinned.. Luckily the arthropod could survive with little oxygen, it just meant that hug that kept her warm and 'safe' was even tighter.. The feeling of the acid embedding itself in her skin was even more noticeable now that it was up to her chest, the tingling of her skin turning into a light itching.. If she could see she would notice armor plating begin to drift off.. And her skin starting to soften.. Not that the Millipede really minded at this point, her arms moving to give her a massage, and adjust her coils to be in position with what she assumed was the sphincter.. Making sure even if she was digested, the plates would go down easily.. After adjusting she spoke once more.. Her voice was soft, be it from getting exhausted, or her sense of dread.. "Will it hurt…? I'm scared… ” The millipede, even if she accepted her fate, feared it. Neb laid atop her massive belly, naked with her ass facing the road. The pavement was a bit cracked and a tow truck was already there to drag the crumbled mess of a caraway. Nobody wanted to mess with the predator while she was sadly sinking her face into her sloshing gut. "Hmmg..." Hearing Selau speak up some more, her face lifted up off her tum and rolled to the side so her ear was against the tight skin. "Huh? Oh... um...I dunno... He deserved it... butMochi doesn't like it when I do that..." As she asked about what it was she did wrong, Neb mumbled back in an upset tone. "You were eating parts of my home... and I don't like it when other people are trying to ruin my stuff... And... Mochi said if there's ever an intruder I'm allowed to eat them..." Obviously when he said that, he meant burglars, not subterranean monster girls passing by, but Neb still didn't really realize this. As the Millipede was massaging her stomach walls, Neb's eyes drifted shut and she began to purr gently. She felt really bad, just wanting to live happily with Sozo... "Prrr.... Huh? Will what hurt? Being digested? I dunno...I've never been... People always scream and cry when they get eaten... but you aren't screaming or crying..." Sighing out heavily, she looked off in the distance, staring at the neighbor's home as she mumbled in the same sad tone. "Do you want out? I don't think I deserve breakfast..." She listened to her speak.. Feeling bad that what she did was damaging their home... Curling up further as she tried to move her head away from the acids.. Her waist already starting to melt away.. Her skin turned a darker red as she let out a soft grunt of pain.. But quickly the nerves melted away.. leaving a numb sensation instead of any pain.. But as she continued she stayed still.. Tuning out the sounds of the stomach squeezing and churning her.. Her heart beat faster as she spoke.. It was true, she could tell she was being digested.. But all she felt were little stings, realizing she was being rather strange.. Most people probably were more resistant.. But the Millipede had been around long enough to see others get eaten.. Almost get eaten herself.. She knew it was only a natural part of life.. And it was bound to happen to her, at least she was helping someone who seemed like a sweet person.. Instead of some fucking bird.. Her train of thought was quickly cut off by her voice.. Listening to what she said, feeling a pang of guilt.. She didn't know why but.. She was starting to care about her pred.. Listening to them, then taking a moment to respond, albeit the words were hard to say.. "While I don't want to die.. I think someone like you deserves breakfast.. Better me than a bunch of humans.. As long as you are satisfied.. I don't.. well.. I suppose I just.. Its my fault.. and you ate me fair and square.. You deserve to just.. just take a long nap and forget about me.. Besides.. If you did let me out, I wouldn't survive long.. I can feelmy skin melting.. Just.. Just two things before you sleep.. My name is Salau.. I heard yours from that other guy.. Neb.. I like it.. And second.. If I ever come back.. You owe me the biggest pile of leaves and fruits you can find.." She softly laughed, massaging her walls with the thousands of legs.. although she already felt some of them start to melt off.. Neb listened to her giant prey speak of her deserving breakfast. Sniffling some, she opened her arms wide and just patiently listened to her melting meal speak up to her. Where once she lacked mercy, now she just felt super guilty. This prey was so nice... Her wide arms hugged her tummy, trying to give the massive Millipede all the affection she could through the thinly stretched flesh of her belly. "Gosh... You're... really nice... Sniffle... Salau?Okay... I... I won't forget you..." Yawning out loud, she looked forward toward the front door of her house, unable to hear Sozo anymore. He must be in his room making those calls. Neb wished she could go say sorry, but she would have to wait until after her nap when she'll be able to actually move around. "I'll do that... Salau... You... Sniffle... You'rethe tastiest bug I've ever eaten... I hope it doesn't hurt too much in there... Yaaawwnn... Do you want me to... massage you back? Your’s feel really nice..." She felt warmth fill her chest.. Not just the acids.. but that feeling of respect and care the pred was giving.. The millipede sensing the guilt and being quick to try to calm her, pushing against the wall softly and speaking.. "Hey.. Don't feel bad.. I am just a mean ol trespasser.. Besides I am sure I will be ok.. I think that bird is going to want a second shot at me, I would not doubt if she found a way to get me reformed, then I'll kick her ass again." She softly giggled, nudging her head against the wall.. tearing up a bit at what they said next.. Her heart was aching, wishing she had met them under different circumstances.. "And you are probably the nicest pred I have ever seen.. I would love a massage.. Besides, it might help with the inevitable tummy ache my chitin will give you.. Sorry about that.. And.. It does not really hurt all that much.. It just feels weird.. Stings a bit but, I am sure by the time it hurts I will already be long gone.. But don't think about that.. Just think of me as any other snack." She softly smiled, cuddling the walls, wanting to feel every bit of her being embraced by her stomach's warm grip.. "And.. And Neb? I… I wouldn't mind being a part ofyou, even if I don't come back.. Inmy culture.. we get to live on watching over our preds.. It's ironic but, if you manage to get one of us down into your stomach, then we think you deserve it…" She softly smiled, hoping that she would get to watch the antics of the pred.. She let out a soft yawn herself.. Trying to sleepily massage Neb, but soon enough, it all but stopped.. Either the acid had done its job.. or she fell asleep.. Either way, the once softly wriggling mass was on its way to becoming nothing but mush.. The acid took on an almost pink color as her chitin started to dissolve, along with her tender muscle. "I..." Her arms and legs spread back and forth across the tummy's surface to massage her friend, albeit quite amateurishly. Neb huffed as she heard about the Harpy some more, pouting and looking toward where she flew off to. "I'll find that Harpy... I'll beat her and eat her..." Hearing of the tummy ache she's gonna have, she sighed, not really caring about it at this point. She was enjoying this part enough to not mind what'll come later. Neb couldn't help her new friend with the merciless nature of her own digestive tract, but she was happy that she managed to find some peace in her new home. When the Millipede tried to reassure her, suggesting just forgetting about her, she sniffled some more, wiping her eyes and nodding her head. "Right... Yeah, you're just food. Nothing more-" As she said this, Salau spoke of being fine with becoming a part of her. She didn't understand the talk of her culture that much. The sentiment of becoming a part of her made her feel odd... Neb usually just digested her prey as efficiently as possible. It was all nutrients, no fat, though since she started living on Earth she was having some trouble manually managing that. She couldn't keep from producing some form of waste, but she didn't really mind. Earthlings just had a strange effect on her it seemed. That way she could eat a lot and then be good without food for a good few days, but now... she was thinking what she'd do once digestion kicks in... Maybe... a bit less intestinal efficiency wouldn't be too bad... "O-Okay... Hey Salau, um-Huh?" She was about to ask her something, but she felt the movement within her die out. Pressing her ear to her gut, she didn't hear a peep coming from her. All she could do at that point was sigh sadly and close her eyes. Neb didn't want to disappoint her friend... Just take that nap and forget... "Hhmmng... I'm sorry... Salau..." After a good few minutes, she would drift off to sleep, her stomach gurgling even more loudly as it processed the Millipede into a nutrient-rich slurry. Just moments ago, shewas a kind-hearted bug who only wanted the best for her pred, but now she was nothing different than the billions of others who've met their end in the same place. GRRRGGGLLL... BRLLLRLBBBLL~ "ZZZzzzzz.... Hmnng... Sala..." She couldn't just forget about the first prey she'd ever eaten who was happy to be eaten it seemed. While she slept, Sozo looked out the door, seeing her gut rounding out. The bug was gone, and all he could do was watch the fascinating process. Pulling out his phone, he sits on the porch and looks at Neb as she snored loudly. "Neb...Uugh... Why do you have to be so cute..." He can't stay mad at her no matter how hard he tries. Sozo smiled, scrolling through his social media on his phone while she digested her prey. Hours would pass. At the one-hour mark of her digestion, her belly grew so round and sloshy that she lost balance and rolled onto her side, though she was in a deep slumber. SLLLRRUSSHH~ "Zzzz..." The chitinous stew flushed out of her stomach and into her intestines, bloating them up thoroughly. Three tons of bug slush was very slowly getting absorbed into the cat, gradually plumping her up more than she has in a good while. Over the few hours, she rested, her fuzzy rump and chest got padded with Salau's gracious form. Her entire body got quite the boon from the enormous serpent, and after all this time, Neb had finally shrunken down to a point where she could effectively stand on her own. CW: Disposal beyond this point. Sozo, who was watching the whole time, was enamored by the appearance of her cute little friend becoming a stacked cat in mere hours. This was new, as he was used to her never gaining weight. "Goddamn... Neb..." He couldn't help but blush. Though as he started feeling like she was somehow more attractive this way, a gust of putrid wind exited her backside. Ppfffrrtt!"Ugh...Neb! Wake up..." Standing from his spot, he plugs his nose and gets down to her, rubbing her gurgling tummy and trying to wake her. All of Salau was either padding her cute body or filling her bowels thoroughly, and frankly, Sozo was all too familiar with what came next after such a filling meal. "OOUURRUP!Hwahh... Yaawwn... Huh? Oh,heya Mochi!Heheh..." Burping up a hard, bleached piece of chitin from her breakfast, Neb, rolls onto her rotund posterior, feeling a ton of pressure in her guts. "Ooohhg... I need to go... Heh..." Sozo sighed, waving the gas from himself, and grabbed the piece of Salau. He looked it over, hanging onto it. "Yeah yeah... Let's go... Backyard..." Neb nodded, struggling to her feet as her stomach sloshed to and fro. She sunk her hands into her paunch, feeling all the plushness she had gained over her short nap. It was a new feeling, but she liked it. She enjoyed knowing that Salau was a part of her, though the grossness flooding her guts had to go. Grrrrrgggllll~ Frrtt~ "Eheheh... Let's go..."Well... a good portion of Salau was a part of her... The rest of her was either nutrients rushing through her veins or waste resting in her bowels. She waddled to the back, past the massive hole she dug, and to a rather large dumpster. The city was more than happy to buy the extraterrestrial's nutrient-rich fertilizer, ignoring the rather suspect remains littering it from time to time… "Hahh... Okay... Are you gonna watch Mochi?" Sozo sighed. "Why do you always want me to watch you shit?" Neb giggles as she stands by the dumpster, wiggling her fat bottom at him. "Heheheh... I wanna share more intimate moments withyou Mochi..." Sozo sighed, just remaining at the side of the house, leaning against it and electing not to watch the grotesque scene that was about to occur."Ugh... Fine... Meanie..." Climbing up a step ladder, she sits on the edge of the dumpster and relaxes herself. Reaching back, she grabs each plump cheek and spreads them, exposing her hairless asshole and pussy. "O-Okay...Hnnn...PFFBBBSSHHRRLTLT!!Hahhh... Outyou go~" A bassy fart escaped her rear end as she started the painful process of dumping the chitinous waste from her system. Normally it comes out easily, but this time, the waste coming out was speckled with large and small chunks of Salau's shell, scraping her anus as the continuous, thick, unbroken log of kitty litter was expelled. It coiled up at the bottom of the clean, fresh dumpster. "CHHHRRLLBBLLTT!!Ahhhnnn... Salau... You feel somuch nicer coming out than I thought... You’re so nice...BLBBGGRRBLLFFTT!Hahh...Even after you're gone..." It would take the small Neko nearly 30 minutes to pump out every last bit of steaming, odorous muck into the receptacle. The auburn sludge coated the bottom, a good many hundreds of pure manure ready to be shipped out to farms in the area. "FRBBT!!Hahh…” Out popped Salau's skull, a piece that was acting as a plug for a second wave of her own unsightly form to flow out like a running faucet. "SSHHHlllllrrrbbtt~Hahhh... So good..." Disposal Done :) Despite having all-white fur, even on her buttocks, she managed to successfully expel Salau without sullying her bright gorgeous ass. Neb slipped off the dumpster, closing it up and patting her pudgy belly, having lost a lot of heft on her after emptying her guts thoroughly. "Ouurp! Hmmng... That was a nice breakfast..." She skipped away back to the house, trying to obey her friend's wishes of forgetting. Salau was just prey. A delicious breakfast. Meanwhile, as Sozo tried ignoring her roommate's meaty haunches bouncing past her, he just got off a call with the reformation clinic. "Uhh... Neb... Good work, I guess... Um, I'll be back in a bit..." Pocketing the chitin, he walks to the garage, patting Neb on the head. He aimed to go to the nearest reformation clinic to get the bug reformed, if possible."Okay! Mochi!Love yooouu~" Neb flops on the couch, feeling her body. She pouts a bit, unable to ever forget about Salau. Her own assets were a constant reminder. "Thank you... Hmm..." She hugged her tits while Sozo pulled out of the ruined driveway.
 Red Riding Hood 2: The Three Little Meals What a kind-hearted girl Jenny was. She always went out of her way to help those in need, even if that meant going out of her way to do so. She went on a mission recently after hearing about a group of seven children of a rich household who needed protection from a potential serial killer. Only recently had she dispatched a repeat rapist hiding out in a forest around her hometown of Aubury and his cohorts without anybody knowing who it was in the first place. That’s just the kind of girl she was. Not after any sort of recognition from the greater public. Just a good time and maybe something to fill her belly. Nothing more. “Hmnn…” Whilst walking alone towards this neighboring town, a trek that would surely take a few days at least given her slow and steady pace, she thought of all those she met, and subsequently devoured previously. That big grumpy rapist who couldn’t even fight off her immense strength, fearing how apathetic she was of him and his bravado… The pair of sociopathic sisters who helped him, one of which was too slow-witted and scared to fight back while the other became entranced in Jenny’s wide posterior… The woman who got captured by the rapist at 'grandma’s' house who became equally transfixed on her beautiful appearance. She thought about how nice they were to give themselves to her after rescuing them from being violated and potentially murdered by those psychos. Even that caring detective who came into the house the morning after the incident to check up on them allowed himself to become her breakfast. In reality, not a single person she ate during that time wanted to become another part of her gorgeous form, but in her mind, it was the least they could do for her hard work. Just thinking about how that sweet older woman became buried beneath her rump put a smile on her face and left her giggling to herself. “Hehehe~ Hahh…”She was quite proud of herself. So much good was done in such a short time. Aubury would be happy to know that there waws no no terrible evil-doer was lurking in the woods anymore. Still wearing her lovely red hood that mostly obscured her face, though did a poor job of hiding her round and jiggly ass, she continued along the forest. Jenny spotted darkness enveloping the clouds overhead for a while, and before she knew it, it was raining down hard on her. Her hood did little to keep her dry in the torrential downpour and she had to pick up the pace. None of the trees would do her any good in keeping dry beneath them, so she was forced to search for shelter. “Jeez…” Her flooded shoes squished through the mud as she jogged along, and eventually spotted an old, seemingly abandoned house completely made of straw. “Oh! Thank goodness…” She huffed a bit once finally at the front of the house, and knocked politely even though it seemed that nobody had lived there for a good while. ─────────────── 1 ──────────────── Much to Jenny’s surprise, someone answered the door. Gently opening up, a pair of fair-skinned damsels could be seen, equally soaked. One of them seemed to be shivering quite a bit while the other one put a smile on and greeted their guest. “Oh, hello! I take it you’re also looking to dry off?” “Hah… Yes, I am. May I?” “Oh of course! Not like we live here or anything, hehehe.” She stood aside giggling to herself, the taller and more cautious girl standing close to her side as they both moved out of her way.“Carrie and I were both just going for a hike when the rain hit like this. The reports didn’t say anything about a storm like this. Oh yeah, this is Carrie. I’m Trish, and you are?” Trish spoke with a welcoming tone and looked over at her good friend, patting her waist to try and reassure her somewhat. Jenny’s guiltless aura left the more confident of the pair completely trusting of her intentions. “Ah, thank you… I’m Jenny.” Jenny smiled and nodded innocently as she entered, rubbing her shoulders and feeling herself getting especially chilly. Without another word, she decided it would be best for her to take off some of her wet clothes to keep from catching a cold. “It’s so cold… I hope you don’t mind, but I need to peel these off…” “Uuhm…” Carrie just stood beside her shorter friend, also shivering from the cold and now unable to take her eyes off the hooded girl. As Jenny took her hood off, her eyes went wide as she got a better look at her body. Her clothes were so wet that the cloth was sticking to her body, giving both women a look at her assets more clearly. Her thin waist, massive breasts, and wonderfully shaped peach of an ass were tantalizing to say the least. “Hmmn… Miss… You’re quite… pretty..” She muttered, grabbing at her own wet clothes that had her shuddering in place. “Huh? Oh, thanks~” She said with a smile before looking over at a nice dry bed of hay in the corner of the one-room straw house. That gave her a wonderful idea. A way to wait out the storm in warmth and also secure dinner. “You know… We should probably stay close. The rain doesn’t sound like it’ll stop anytime soon.”Given the fact that the hut lacked any windows, she was going purely off the heavy pounding of the numerous drops hitting the roof. Despite its structure, the insides were being kept quite dry, which left the small bright lantern in the corner to properly illuminate the dark interior. “Oh… I see~ Yes that does sound like a good idea.” Trish said while pulling off her clothes. The sexy brunette took her shirt off, leaving her in a bra as she approached Jenny and wrung it dry. “And Carrie was right, you’re so good-looking…” Tossing the shirt to the wall where both girls’ belongings were seated, she let her hands move down to the beautiful blonde woman’s behind, aiming to pull the tight short shorts down. This would prove to be more work than she initially anticipated, as her ass was incredibly tight in them. “Gosh… Heh…” With one tough tug, she freed the pale cheeks from their damp denim prison, letting them fall to her ankles. Right then, Jenny took control of the situation and smirked toward the gorgeous woman after sending her own wet articles to the wall with the rest, her iconic red hood sitting atop the pile. Her own hands went ahead and started feeling all over Trish’s chilly body before leading her to the bed. As the two went down onto the hay pile, they both got right to it without a second thought, swapping spit and making out with one another while the more shy of the two damsels watched. “Mmnn~” The bodies on top of one another started to generate quite a bit of heat, successfully fighting the potential hypothermia they could have gotten. Meanwhile, Carrie just watched for a little bit, unsure how to react in this situation. She wanted to join, but she didn’t want to cut into their fun. It wasn’t like she was asked to participate, but Jenny’s peach-shaped buttocks were making her feel a bit hot and bothered in the cold house of straw. Seeingit totally unclothed and jiggling from idle movement, she just needed to get in on the action. “Huff…” Swallowing a lump in her throat, she started taking off her own clothes as well, leaving them by the rest and got on her hands and knees to crawl up behind them. Licking her lips, she grabbed onto the secret predator’s ass cheeks and squeezed them to get a feel for herself. To her surprise, it really was as pillowy soft as it looked from afar. “Uwahh… So… soft… Hmmm…” Spreading those smooth cheeks apart, she spotted their guest’s wet pussy and felt an uncontrollable urge to have a taste. And so she did, pressing her face in and licked it up and down Jenny’s moist sex. “Mmnnll~” Jenny paused for a brief moment, completely taken aback by the reserved girl’s choice of entry into their little threesome, but she didn’t object, smirking and continuing to get an early taste of Trish. This continued for a good hour or so, the heavy rain pouring down, doing very little to muffle the moans and cries of intense pleasure they were all experiencing. Carrie refused to remove herself from Jenny’s ass, worshipping it and dragging her tongue up and down her clit while Trish was smooched on and occasionally licked by their guest. By the end, they were all mostly spent, Jenny’s little booty admirer was huffing and panting while using her ass like a pillow to rest her face into. Trish was just relaxing within feasting range of the guest. “Hmmn… That was wonderful… Yaaawwn…” She yawned out, laying out on the hay and snuggling up closer to Jenny as she basked in the afterglow of her most recent orgasm.It was at this moment when Jenny felt her need to feed reach its peak, so as any hungry individual would do, she saw to it that her appetite was sated. Licking her lips gently, she looked toward Trish, who had her eyes shut. “Mnnn… Aallhhm~” Opening her mouth wide, she quickly slurps her head up, tightly grabbing her waist and pulling her in, rolling onto her side to make it easier without getting up to gobble her up. “GLRRK! ULP! Hmmm~ Jenny was so amazingly cozy and was already happy to just have her throat stretched out by Trish’s head slithering down it with each heavy gulp. Carrie however ended up slipping off her rump when she turned over. “Uwah? What’s that noise-” From where she laid on the bed of straws, she couldn’t see anything past Jenny’s curvy form, but as she sat up and saw her closest friend halfway down her throat, the girl nearly shrieked out. Rolling a bit off the makeshift bed, she didn’t know what to do, simply sitting and staring at the frightening sight. “Oh my! J...Jenny??” Jenny’s closed eyes opened up when she heard the other girl take notice, not much worrying about what she would do to retaliate. Girls like her were always too afraid for their own well-being to get between a predator and their dinner. Trish was dragged deeper in, and after a few minutes, her now wriggling legs were swallowed all down. “SLLURRRP! GULP! Pwahh~” The space once occupied by the brunette was now taken up by Jenny’s bulbous, writhing gut. She stifled her urge to belch at that moment, covering her mouth and letting out a weaker burp before glancing at the shivering rabbit of a cutie still with her. “Urrp-pwah… Hahh… So warm…”“Y-You… ate… T-Trish??” “Mhm.” She nodded, rolling over and sitting up to look directly at the meek woman before her. Her stomach had brief imprints of hands pushing out against it and muffled whines coming from her friend-turned-food, but the sloshing and groaning it was making made it hard to really make out what was being said. Carrie felt like she should be completely terrified of her, run out of the house and take her chances with the hypothermia-inducing weather outside, but something about Jenny made her not feel so tense. Her face was welcoming, and her belly was so… cushy-looking… just like her bottom. Biting her lip, she crawled across the ground and knelt before her tummy, not saying a word before she laid her palms on the sides and started rubbing. She could feel her friend’s form fighting tiredly against the veteran stomach. “Wow… This is unreal…” She was enamored by the sight, although she would unfortunately not get much more time to admire it. “Hm~ You like the way it looks?” She asked with a somewhat coy expression. With flushed cheeks, the black-haired lass responded with a gentle, calmer tone to her voice. “Ah… a-a bit, heh…” “Let me show you what the inside looks like~” Leaning forward she glomped right down on Carrie’s head, grabbing her shoulders and pulled her up onto her belly to scarf her down. “Mnnhh…”Such a pleasant taste these two girls had. Jenny took her time to taste every inch of her prey’s head before starting to gulp her down, just like she did with Trish. “H-Hey! Gahh- Stop, please? I can’t even see… It’s s-so dark…” She stammered and struggled, but she simply couldn’t fight back. Her arms were pinned to her sides and Jenny’s strength as a predator was overpowering. “GLLRRP! SLLORP!” Inch by inch, Carrie was put away, inflating Jenny’s stomach even further with some lively meat. Once she had gotten to her cheeks, she decided to repay her so graciously, licking all across her pussy and tasting the last vestiges of love from earlier. Carrie was the only one who didn’t get properly played with, so she would play with her bottom a bit, spreading the girl’s own rather impressive cheeks and coaxing out some rather pleasured moans from her stomach. Eventually, a burst of sweetness emerged, leaving her prey stiff for a moment, only to tiredly go limp in her mouth. With all the fighting done and over with, Jenny went on to finish her meal, slurping up her legs and letting out a satisfied sigh once they were all gone. “GULP! Hahhh… Such nice girls~” The good-natured girl said to herself before yawning out and hugging her tummy. Turning to her side, she remained entirely naked, being kept warm by the feeble struggles of her softening prey. The heat of her gut’s processes kept her nice and toasty all throughout the night. ─────────────── 2 ──────────────── By morning, her stomach was completely flattened out, a generous amount of weight had gone to her already ample chest and voluptuous ass. Stretching out on the straw, one of the first things she noticed was how the rain had finally stopped, although the ground beneath her hay bed had become damp.The next thing she noticed was the uncomfortable pressure that had built up in her tummy. “Rain stopped… Great~ U-Urp-” Initially, she thought of remaining in the house for a little while longer, having found her spot to be quite cozy. A few more winks of sleep couldn’t hurt anybody, although the suppressed gas that had built up in her was released all at once, resulting in an ear-shattering belch. “BWWOOOUURRRROOURRP!” Her jowls quivered with that sudden eruption of gas, the strength of which was enough to disturb the structure of the wall she had aimed it towards. “Hwahh… Uurp- Ugh… Shouldn’t hold in gas… Hm? Oh gosh…” Before she could’ve gotten up and dressed herself, the ceiling had caved in, burying her beneath the straw of the house. The small house was demolished, leaving her trapped briefly under a pile of soggy stalks. “Ack! Huff…” Poking her head up from the wreckage, she winced at the immediate rain hitting her face. It was starting again… This was certainly a way to wake herself up. Huffing to herself, she stood her nude self up and rummaged through the debris, grabbing her clothes and sauntering off. She put the hood on, but just couldn’t manage to slip her clothes on with it, having grown too large for her current wardrobe. Trotting along, her feet getting muddied up along the way, she saw a much more structurally sound shack off a few hundred feet from the straw hovel’s location. What a stroke of luck. “Hah! Perfect…” She shouted to herself before bolting towards the house, getting her legs coated in muck before finally reaching the house of wood. Rushing inside, she closed the door quickly and let out a sigh of relief. After a moment, she’d look up and catch sight of a large man seated at the dining room table out of the corner of her eye. He was dumbstruck by what he saw. Some random red-hooded woman had burst through the door of his little home away from home, a shack he builtwith his own hands. It was finely insulated from the cold and well-furnished, but now his polished floor was being dirtied by her muddy feet and dripping wet hair. “Ma’am?” The man questioned as he set his coffee down and stood to his full height. He was preparing to give her some choice words, but as he got closer and Jenny stood up straight, gazing up at him, he noticed her complete lack of clothes and S+ figure. She was like a delicate angel, stacked nicely in every department. “Y-Yes?” Her dainty voice trembled a bit from the cold, but her body immediately started heating up as she made eye contact with the 6’5” lumberjack. He was huge and handsome, just her kind of man. After having devoured those two women from before, she felt her entire body had gotten a great deal more sensitive. Jenny’s cheeks flushed deeply as she moved some of the wet hair from her face to more properly show him her gorgeous visage. “Well… Uhh…” His first instinct was to kick the trespassing woman out of his little home, but as soon as he realized that the woman of his dreams was the one that had barged right in, his tune immediately changed. Clearing his throat, he crossed his arms and gave a cheeky grin down to the shorter, seemingly defenseless woman. “Ahem… Well, you look cold, miss… Would you like a blanket to warm up? Maybe a towel? Heheh~” “O-Oh, uhm…” She started to huff, feeling a sense of heat enveloping her already as she looked him up and down, eventually starting to eye his sizable bulge, visibly twitching in the tight jeans he wore. Biting her lip, Jenny felt a light growling in her tummy before she finally decided she deserved a bit more fun after allof the good she had done recently. The horny girl took her singular article of clothing, her wet hood, right off and hung it up beside what was likely the man’s jacket. Right after, she walked up to him and grabbed onto his hairy, muscular arm, hugging it close as she pressed her breasts up against it. “I’d… like to warm up in a different way… if you don’t mind?” She spoke softly, in a similar manner to how she had when she swooned the women last night, who were now padding the ass and tits that the lumberjack was ogling. The man was utterly stunned by this horny girl’s demeanor. His smile softened as he pulled his arm free from her grasp and reached down, attempting to cup her entire ass cheek with his rough, darkly tanned hand. Amazingly, even his own fingers weren’t large enough to fully palm one part of the amazing hams she had on her. Pulling at her fleshy orbs he released them to hear a satisfying clap as they collided together. Clap~ “Hmmn~ I’m Rufus by the way, heh. And yes little lady, I’m anything if not a gentleman.” The self-proclaimed gentleman always strove to give any beautiful woman some attention if they desired. Thus, Rufus led her to the bed.. It was wonderfully soft, yet on a simple wooden frame that creaked as soon as Rufus sat down on it. The front of his pants had become exceedingly tight, making him groan in discomfort as he sat down, only to feel his zipper rubbing up against it. “Hmmng… Ma’am, would you be a doll and help me with this little… obstruction?” As Jenny climbed up onto the whining bed along with him, she gazed upon the wonderfully tight pants he wore. Nodding gently, she reached forward and took hold of the hem of his pants. With one shockingly powerful tug, she had ripped the denim prison right off of his legs, leaving him in a pair of tidy white underwear. From there, she would continue her dismantlement of hisentire wardrobe. The further she got toward revealing his body, the hotter she became, wanting to see if he could truly satisfy her. Ever since Jenny had started eating people, with the vast majority of her meals having gotten stuck on her as a layer of fat on her ass, she has started finding it hard to meet any man who could satisfy her. The reach one would need to break through her jiggly crack and please her became more and more outrageous, leaving her wanting more and more. Fortunately today, she seemed to have found the dick she longed for. Getting off the bed after having torn off his briefs, Jenny would find herself face to face with a true monster of a shaft flying free and smacking her in the face. Plap! “H-Hahh! Oh my, what a gentleman you are~” She eyed it up and down, reaching down for the hefty set of balls that sat between his thighs while letting her slightly chilly cheek get warmed up against his thick dick. “Hehh… Thanks, I suppose… Though I’ll need to get new clothes thanks to your way of undressing… I hope you’re prepared to pay for it little lady~” Rufus spoke with a soft tone, biting his own lip at the sight of the gorgeous dame who started to tease his shaft with her tongue. “Oh please, call me Jenny, big boy~” She teased while starting to lube up the girthy member with her mouth, a copious amount of saliva having leaked out all over her lips as she started tasting the mouthwatering member. Groping the delicate testicles, she could tell it has been a decent while since he had a lady to let loose with, and she was happy to be that lady. Licking up and down the length of the meaty rod, she eventually went to kiss the tip. “Don’t you finish just yet~” Jenny urged before slurping up his imposing prick with her experienced mouth.“J-Jenny? What a lovely name… I’ll… keep it all in.” He affirmed, rightly assuming that Jenny had wanted every ounce of his milk in her rear as opposed to down her throat. Unfortunately, that may have proved to be more difficult than he had initially anticipated. As soon as her mouth enveloped his head, he started melting right then and there. The way her tongue swirled around his tool had him go stiff, pre dribbling out and slipping down her throat as she effortlessly swallowed the whole thing down. Never in his life had he seen any woman take so much of his meat without even a bit of gagging. He saw the impression it made on the inside of her throat, yet she remained steadfast, coating every inch of him in her slick drool. “H-Hoh fuck, hahh… You’re i-incredible!” Jenny looked up at the struggling man who was gripping the bed sheets, trying so desperately to not cum straight into her stomach. Pulling back, Jenny took a heavy breath once the entire foot and a half-long cock was out, sliding her hands along it as she stood up. “SSLLRK! Hahhhnn… I know~ Thank you for noticing~ Now… Give it all to me!” Jenny’s repressed lust was all let loose as she gazed upon the glistening wet cock before her. A magnum dong for her mammoth cheeks and glorious cunt, a perfect pairing. Practically diving at him, she got him onto his back and sat atop his belly, sliding back a bit and feeling the length rub against her back and in her crack, hotdogging it playfully. “Woah woah! Heheh- It’s all yours babe~” Repositioning himself a bit while letting her ride him, Rufus got comfy on his padded pillow as Jenny finally took the plunge. With a bright smile, Jenny sat right down upon Rufus’ gentlemanly member, feeling it cut right into her dripping lips and dive deep into her. Her tongue lolled out instantly as she moaned loudly, arching her back as a visible bulgeappeared on her belly where it was poking up. He had her skewered on her dick as she took a moment to recollect herself, eventually swallowing a massive lump of saliva in her throat and holding onto him as she rode him. “AHHHNNNG!! O-Ohh! Hahhhnn… S-So good… Yes!” Rufus had a similar reaction to such an immediate attack on his sex, moaning out at the tight pussy squeezing around his cock as she sat atop his lap. “Fffuck- Hahahh… Wow! Fucking fantastic~” Rufus reached behind and gripped both plush handles and forcibly lifted her up by them, soon dropping her back down and hearing a slick, wet slap occur as she landed back down. “Aahh!? W-Wow~” Jenny would persist, riding him happily and drooling all over his chest the whole time. She repeatedly lifted her hips and dropped them, attempting to milk his dick thoroughly. Throughout their rough-fucking, the bed they laid on creaked and groaned loudly. The headboard hit the wall behind it quite violently multiple times, not only causing the frame itself to slowly crack… The wall behind the bed was a rather structurally unsound spot of the entire hovel. It continued for several minutes, and as the damage started becoming more apparent, Rufus started taking note of this. His eyes widened as he looked to the cracking ceiling, trying to get Jenny off, but she refused. “O-Oh shit… Babe, let’s relax a bit.” Jenny was in her own little world, eyes rolled back and tongue hanging free as she continued to pound his cock, uncaring to the world around her. “Hahh! Huff… So good! G-Give me all you have!” Rufus tried pushing her off, but she was heavily anchored as his invasive prick slid in and out of her. She was shockingly strong, overpowering himand refusing to give in. The lumberjack trembled, looking up and groaning. He was so close, and soon, he blew his load right into her wanting pussy. His tightened balls painted her vaginal walls a beautiful shade of white, leaving Jenny totally paralyzed with pleasure. At the same time, however, the final strike of the headboard to the wall caused the frame’s legs to break, leaving the mattress to fall to the ground. C-CRACK! Crraaccklll- The walls began to crack and the homeowner had nothing to do to stop it. He had a hand in causing his little home away from home to crumble and all he could do was look up to the face of the amazingly lustful woman atop of her as the rain started coming in through the cracks, and soon, the entire roof would cave in. “Ahhhnnn! H-Hohh… J-Jenny!” Rufus called out before the roof fell on top of them, burying them in a pile of wooden rubble. Luckily, they didn’t get too hurt by it. Anybody outside of the shack would have heard the incessant banging of the wall from the outside, only to watch it crumble and fall to ruin. Such a nice little home, gone. Within the debris, Jenny’s insides were well filled with his love, but she suddenly craved a bit more than his cock. While remaining beneath the woodpile, she would go right ahead to devour her lover. Rufus may have been exhausted after the ordeal, but not Jenny. Loud slurping and gulping would be heard from outside the shack’s ruins. “GULP! SHLLRK! ULP! Pwah…” And shortly after- “OOURRUPRP!” A loud boisterous belch rang out through the forest. Jenny laid in the bed, satisfied. Another house in shambles and another well-earned meal in her gut. She yawned out and rested beneath the remains of the nice house, snoring whilst being partially safe from the downpour. ─────────────── 3 ──────────────── After a whole day of sleeping in the rain, beneath the poor shack’s wreckage, Jenny gasped out upon awakening. She had been sleeping outside completely nude for several hours, and by that time, the man whose cock she admired so much was completely gone from this world, now only existing as another layer of fat on her desirable assets. Pushing the wood out of her face, she groaned and rubbed her head, looking up to the pouring precipitation that soaked her so thoroughly. “Ghh… Cough! Uugh… Gotta get out of here…” She huffed, climbing from the rubble and managing to find her discarded articles of clothing, all drenched completely. Jenny struggled desperately to force them on, her short shorts tearing a bit against her ballooned cheeks. “Ghhh! C-Come ooon! Hah…” Finally getting them, with a couple of unfortunate tears, she would start looking for a new shelter that would actually stay up for longer than a few hours of her residing within its walls. Warmer and larger. That was her aim. Maybe even with an internal heating and cooling system. That would be nice… Of course, the red hood-wearing girl wouldn’t go unnoticed as she made her way through the forest. While her body jiggled and swayed with every step, a group of three suspicious individuals, lurking off the beaten path and just watched as she trotted along. The one who led the pack, a black-haired woman with a beauty mark on her left cheek, stopped the two larger men behind her. “What the fuck? You guys see that?” “Heh… Of course~ Goddamn…”The men were enamored by the appearance of the mysterious woman running in the rain, although they didn’t immediately think about where she happened to be running. Their leader was ahead of them however. The ginger man holding a large umbrella above all three of them chuckled to himself. “What I wouldn’t give to get a piece of that… You could stand to gain some weight, boss.” Blushing intensely at that remark, she huffed and shoved him roughly. “Don’t talk shit! Look, she’s heading towards the target… She probably lives there or something…” She assumed as she couldn’t think of any reason for a lady to be sprinting through the forest with such ill-fitting clothing. The girl must be heading home. “Didn’t think those geezers had any visitors though… Come on.” The leader whispered whilst continuing forward, the red and blonde-haired men following the attractive miss through the terrible weather. Jenny rushed down the muddy pathway, eventually finding a small cute mailbox set beside a branching path. Looking down the path that cut deeper into the woods, she saw her newest sanctuary, a house of brick! Such a wonderfully resilient home with a nameplate on the front door reading ‘Clark’, likely the name of the homeowners. The lights seemed to be out unfortunately, the only light present being a dwindling candlelight on the porch. “Ahh! Such a pretty house! Thank goodness…” The chilly Jenny took refuge from the rain on the porch, taking a seat on the bench for just a moment to rest after her mad dash. Pulling her mantle off, she started to wring it dry onto the wooden boarded floor in front of her, making her whole gorgeous body more clear to see. She thought about just sitting on the porch for a while until the rain slowed itself, feeling a bitworried about her recent track record of homes she entered collapsing within the forest in the past couple of days. Eventually, the group of criminals quietly snuck up to the house, making sure they avoid making any sudden sploshing noises in the puddles and muddy walkway. The leading woman cleared her throat and waves to Jenny who she spotted on the porch, having directed her friends to stay far back as to not alert her. “Ahem… Heya! Heheh, um… Do you know the couple who lives here, ma’am?” She asked with a rather straight face, leaving the two men behind her to just sit quietly. They didn’t know what she had planned but knew to follow along as it became clear to them. “Oh, uhm… N-No… Heh… How come?” Jenny spoke innocently as she huffed gently, still drying her nice red garment. Her voice sounded shaken from how cold she had become. “Ah, I see… That’s actually good. I’m the daughter of the people who live here and, uh… well… They sorta locked me out, heh…” “Oh gosh… Really?” “Yep, heh… I kind of need to get inside, but they have the door locked to us and I can’t exactly climb through the windows without a bit of… breaking and entering, heheh…” Cleo wasn’t an amazing liar, but the girl seemed naive enough to be able to trick. “Oh? Well… why not just knock and wait for them to answer?”Jenny asked, tilting her head in confusion and slight worry. She did not know what she was getting herself into. “Oh! Well, um… My folks are senile, you see. The last time they saw me they thought I was a complete stranger! Which is, um… not too great of a feeling…” Putting on a saddened face, the men who decided to stand back off the porch seemed a tad bit shocked to hear what she was saying. “Oh dear, that’s terrible. I’m sorry to hear that, but I can help you with this.” Jenny understood her plight. In reality, this trio was a group of criminals looking to rob the house of all it was worth, though their collection of highly valuable jewelry was what they were aiming for, but Jenny did not immediately catch on to this deception. Being the good samaritan she was, she obliged, standing shakily and stretching her arms a bit with a smirk. “I’m Jenny by the way~. So, you just want me to get inside and let you in later?” “Great… I’m Cleo, heh… That’s exactly what I need. Take this phone and call me when they’re asleep so you can let me in.” Cleo spoke with a bit of shakiness in her voice, holding the phone out and wearing a fake smile on her lips. “Oh! And one more thing. I think it would be best if you just… didn’t mention that I’m here, okay?” “Ah, alright then. Cute phone, heheh~ Consider it done, Cleo.” Jenny securely slips the phone into the vast pocket that was her cleavage and winks at her new friend before turning and heading to the door. The burglar got a look up close of her immaculate form as she put the wrinkled hood on and approached the entrance. Her behind idly shook from the shivering she was doing, appearing as though it was ready to break free at any moment.The girl was in on the plan, but Cleo was staring dead at her ass as she turned away. She almost became too entranced in her body to think of the plan at all, but the leader shook herself off and started heading back out to her allies, who were close enough to hear the whole charade. The redhead, Seamus, was awestruck at what he heard from his boss. “C-Cleo! You’re the target’s daughter?!” “What? No of course not! Don’t be stupid…” She whispered to them while dragging them off away from the house to where they would choose to wait for the call. “It was all a lie… I don’t know if they’re senile, and… ugh… I don’t know if they have any kids… but that Jenny girl will help. And if not…” Biting her lip, she chose to not entertain that possibility at that time, simply heading out into the woods with her crew to wait patiently. As the doorbell was rung, the lights in the house flicked on. After some minutes, an older, grey-haired gentleman would enter the door. A bit shorter than Jenny, he smiled up, only to quickly notice her damp body, her hard nipples clearly visible through her wet t-shirt. “Hmm… Yes, may I- Oh dear! You must be freezing, miss… Please, come inside… Alice! Can you get some spare clothes for our guest?” He called back, buttoning up his pajamas to hide his chest from the young lady. “Oh, we have a guest? Yes, give me a moment…” They seemed to have just woken up when Jenny arrived, but they were totally okay with helping a poor girl in need, even so early in the morning. Being led in, she dripped onto the tiled floor and walked through the foyer, heading to where the old man was directing her, the nice cushy living room. Placing her pillowy posterior on the couch, she let out a gentle sigh andleaned back, taking off her wet hood and setting it down onto the coffee table ahead of her. “Hahh… So nice…” Rather quickly, the old man returned with a hot cup of coffee to warm her up, and the woman came with a pretty set of dry clothes. “Here you go, dear… You can have them. They’re older clothes of mine, though I’m sure they’ll fit you well. Wouldn’t want you getting a cold, hmhm~” The hopeful granny smiling down to Jenny while she graciously took the cup and sipped put a smile on her face. Setting it down, she stood tall, a good bit taller than both of the aging people. “Thank you so much…Uhh… Heheh...” Unfortunately, Alice’s estimation was incorrect. Jenny didn’t even need to try them on to know that they would not fit, no matter how hard she tried. Even her relaxed fit shorts were being pushed to their limits with her post-vore weight gain. Giving a soft sigh, she would return the clothes promptly and stand up, looking to the window as she thought of the girl waiting outside. She might be waiting for a good while… Jenny just hoped that she wouldn’t get sick from the wait. “I’m a bit too, uh… hefty for these clothes, heheh…” “Oh? Well, that’s quite alright deary, hmhm~ I can at least take your clothes to have them dry.” “Really? I… don’t have any extra clothes…” “I realized, but it’s okay. We don’t mind a young woman like yourself walking around in her birthday suit… Marty?”Alice held a warm smile as the older gentleman knew that it would be bad for him to see a lady other than his own wife naked, so he left without another word, waving to the two of them before retreating to the second floor. “Just slip on out of them and I’ll rush to get them cleaned up!” “I see… Alright then, thanks.” After a bit of struggling with her shirt and shorts, she finally managed to get herself completely naked, giving the bundle of stretched clothes to the generous granny. “Be careful with them please… Especially the hood. It’s very special to me.” “Ohoho… I understand missy. I’ll get to work getting this all cleaned up for you. While I’m doing it please go take a shower. Your feet are oh so muddy! And you look like you’ve been sleeping in the rain for days… Hmhmhm~ Bathroom is upstairs dear. I’m sure you can handle the rest yourself!” Alice spoke like a concerned mother before heading off, having taken herself through the kitchen and leaving the now hoodless Jenny in the living room, warmed pleasantly by the fireplace. “Huh… Oh man… My feet are dirty...” She muttered out to herself while rubbing her shoulder and realizing how alone she was right now. Reaching between her breasts and pulling out the flip phone granted to her by those who claim to be the kindly old couple’s children, Jenny thinks to herself. The girl smiles weakly before setting it on the couch and trotting up the stairs. “A bath does sound nice~” These people Jenny was staying in the house of seemed so kind. So welcoming and eager to let a stranger into their cozy brick home. She had a hard time believing that people like them would ever lock their own flesh and blood out of the house for any reason. On top of that, they didn’t seem too outof their right mind. Shaking her head, she continued thinking about it, taking her time to soak her aching body. “Hmmnn…” Slipping into the tub where she had drawn herself a hot bath, she rested her weary muscles. The last time she had bathed before then was all the way back after she rid her hometown of the horrid serial killer, so this was definitely welcome. Getting drenched in the rain was not a preferable substitute in Jenny’s eyes, so she took her time to properly clean her body, feeling over her newly plumped-up curves and smirking at them. “Ahhhnn… Such kind people…” Those she had eaten during her time looked and felt so wonderful on her. She was grateful to every person who gave themselves to nourish her. Jenny ended up falling asleep in the bath while feeling herself, snoring gently and spending quite a bit more time soaking than she initially wanted to, but it ended up working out perfectly. After a good many hours of sleeping, there was be a knock on the door from a rather worried-sounding man. “Um… Miss? Your clothes are out here on the floor when you’re ready to come out.” “Hmng… Huh?” Rubbing her eyes, she carefully climbed out and groaned as she felt her pruned fingertips. Wrapping herself in a large, neat towel, she peeks out of the bathroom. Before her was just as the old man said, her clothes all thoroughly cleaned, ironed out and even restitched, the tears having been fixed right up! With a bright smile, she grabs the stack and vanishes back into the bathroom. After a good few minutes, she would emerge, dressed and impressed by the pair’s efforts to keep their guest happy and satisfied. “Hah! Refreshed.” The day continued after this, Jenny talking vaguely to the curious couple about her past, what she did for a living, what she was even out in the forestfor, even going as far to ask how a cute girl like herself could get such a wonderful body. Of course, she didn’t elaborate much on any of the more prying questions thrown to her. They ended up showing her how their home was not only structurally sound, but also secured with locks that would only open for them. Quite handy, yet inconvenient for burglars who weren’t related by blood. After a relaxing day, Jenny sat in the living room beside the fire, sipping some tea and sighing. Before she could get up to ask for a refill, Marty came around, dressed in his striped pajamas as he chuckled to himself. “Alright, Ms. Jenny. The rain is still going so I imagine you’re gonna stay the night?” “Oh, yes sir.” “Good idea, hahaha! Spare blankets are in the closet. I hope you don’t mind sleeping in the living room. We will see you in the morning I hope! We plan on making a delicious breakfast before you get going.” And with that, he left, leaving Jenny alone once again. Looking to the fire, Jenny put it out once her host had left before getting her phone once more to make the call. After a bit of ringing, she got an answer from a trembling voice that was familiar to her, Cleo, chilly and likely sick. “J...Jenny? Jenny! Is the coast clear? Can you finally fucking let me in?” “Oh, uhm… not exactly, heheh… I saw the doors are bolted shut by some hi-tech lock. The chimney will work though. It’s really big!” “Ugh… The chimney… Are you serious?? Fine, fine… Thanks for the help Jen…” Snapping the phone shut, Cleo groaned out and looked to her partners who were sitting with her in a shoddily put-together tent. She didn’t think abouthow poor she would sound speaking in that kind of tone, but she just didn’t care. “Let’s go… Took that bimbo long enough…” She was projecting her anger onto the more well-endowed blonde even though it wasn't her fault it took so long for them to head to bed. Nonetheless, they would return to the brick house, taking some time to scale to the top where the chimney stood tall. Jenny threw the phone into the garbage and looked to the mantel where the criminals would be coming in. Unbeknownst to them, she figured out long ago that she wasn’t the old couple’s children. You’d have to be an idiot to think otherwise. “Finally… Starving…” Sitting on a cushion she placed where firewood would go to keep her ample buttocks from getting sooty, she watched as the dark sky above was blotted out by the silhouette of one of the three. She noticed the group, finding that she would get a whole feast of flagrant house guests. Seamus stared down into the dark chimney, unable to really see to the bottom. “Is this safe, boss? Like… this is something like 50 ft. down, right?” “Don’t worry about that. We have to get in there… I’m gonna freeze to death out here…” The leader grumbled, soaking wet and chilly from the constant drizzle. Nodding to her, the Irishman looked back down and slipped feet first into the stack, sliding right into the darkness. Trying to keep his descent slow, he slipped and fell straight down. “Woah!”Jenny licked her lips deviously and opened her maw wide, feeling his feet fly right in. Where he was expecting a loud crash and possibly a twisted ankle, he instead met her slimy mouth. From the steep fall, he slipped right down her throat, letting a loud slick and wet sound echo through the room. “SLLRRKK! Hmmn~ GULP! Mnng” “Woah woah! Holy shit! What’s-” Before he could shout for help properly, panicking rightfully after falling straight into the belly of the beast, Jenny pushed the rest of him down, grabbing his face and forcing him the rest of the way down her throat. Swallowing Seamus entirely, she returned to her position and stared up, her gut resting on the carpet and between her legs while her appetizer fought angrily. Back outside, the larger man looked down and followed him in, not seeing what befell of him. “See you in there boss…” These were the last words spoken out loud before taking a similar plunge as the redhead, unable to climb down easily due to his more wide frame and falling down. Guy would meet the same fate as his friend, falling feet first into her wide open mouth and getting dragged the rest of the way inside, this time taking some more effort. “Huh!? What the hell?” He realized the situation and immediately turned white, seeing Jenny trying to swallow his torso down, the part of him that didn’t manage to glide in as freely as his legs. Guy tried pushing against her face to fight back, but he was woefully outmatched. His hands were just grabbed and shoved in with the rest of him before getting slurped down all the same. “B... Boss! Cleo!” He yelled up with a distressed tone before he was silenced for good. “GULP! SLRRP! Mnnng… Pwahh…”Moving out from the hearth, she rubbed her distended organ and burped quietly to herself. “What… the fuck?” Grabbing her phone, she tried calling Jenny but got no response. Same for her team. They didn’t pick up… The predator’s stomach didn’t allow for great reception, unfortunately. “What’s going on…” Gazing into the abyss, she couldn't see anything. Shining her flashlight in, there was nothing. For a moment, she thought about just leaving. It was the smartest thing to do, but… Guy and Samus were still her friends, as annoying and stupid as they could be. Sighing, she more expertly scales down the inside of the shaft, whispering out to them. “Guy? Seamus? Huff… You guys are seriously testing my patien-” Having touched the bottom, and before she could finish that thought, she would see a most horrifying sight. A red-hooded monster in the dark; a grotesque silhouette; came in and grabbed her by the feet and just pulled her down to the sooty bottom. “Uwahh!! Oof…” Landing right on her ass, she would rub her head and open her eyes, seeing her feet disappearing into Jenny’s hungry maw. “HUH?! WHAT IS THIS?” Red Riding Jenny much more slowly slurped her up bit by bit, staring right into the silver-tongued witch’s eyes. While the soot and muddy clothes didn’t make them a particularly tasty entree, that didn’t matter. The taste of her meals was unimportant when it came to putting goons like them to justice. “GULP! Sllrrrrpp~ Mhnnnhg…” She put up the guise of really enjoying the experience though, as she wanted to see the terror of Cleo build up as she was dragged further and further into the sloppy, moist abyss of her awaiting stomach.“Fuck… Wh...Why you fucking traitor… Stop! Please, s...seriously… We just wanted money! O-Oh dear God… Let us go!” As her pleas fell on deaf ears, her hips and abdomen getting sucked in, she started getting more and more desperate. She could feel her muddied boots pushing against her friend's kicking to try and get out and further riling up Jenny’s prey. “Okay fine, you can keep them, but let me go! I didn’t do anything wrong!” Again, it was pointless. Minutes went by and the proud predator took her time to savor her meal, having gotten past her breasts and smiling to the anxious Cleo. “Hmhm~ GULP! ULP!” The black-haired boss started breaking down, clenching her teeth and failing to break free as tears started forming. “W...Wahh… Huff… LET ME GO YOU ENGORGED FREAK!” She shrieked out, bawling and swinging at Jenny’s face to try and defeat her foe, though it was a pointless endeavor. Cleo managed to get a few hits in before Jenny got up to her shoulders, forcing her arms up and making it impossible for her to properly fight. “Gh… Hahh… N...No-” Her head was gobbled up by the hungry lass, her arms quickly following as the leader curled up with her bruised friends, thoroughly roughed up by her relentless kicking. Cleo cried out and couldn’t believe the fate she was met with, smacking at the walls feebly. “GULP! Hahhh… BWOOOURRURRP! UURP! Hahh… Serves you right…” Lucky for her, the elderly pair upstairs were sleeping heavily, not wise to the events going on downstairs. Even the house-quaking belch wasn’t enough to rouse them. Jenny brushed off some of the soot from her clothes as she got up, rubbing her writhing belly and smiling down to it. She oh so lovedputting these kinds of people in their place. Even if their offense wasn’t as bad as the likes of her target rapist from Aubury or his cohorts, it still felt good. The world was a better place now with them gone. “Urrp~ Hmmng… Yaaawwn…” Scratching her plush bottom, she lurched her way to the couch and fell right down, smushing her meal between her and the comfy couch, forcing her rear up into the air with the way she laid on it. Jenny quickly fell asleep to gentle tones of her stomach getting to work, gurgling and sloshing pleasantly, as well as to the soothing sounds that came from outside as the rain relentlessly poured. ─────────────── 4 ──────────────── Overnight, just as it had every other night before, Jenny’s dinner would prove to be no match for her powerful digestive acids. Every bit of the trio of fools became another thick layer of meat on her chest, which acted as a pillow for her as she slept, and her asscheeks, which were so tightly hugged by her pants and underwear that it was a wonder they didn’t tear. Slowly awakening, the sunlight shone brightly through the window. Finally, the Sun chose to show itself after so many days of constant downpour After taking her time to get herself all ready, being met by Marty and Alice just before she left early, Jenny smiled at them, returning and giving them both a big, soft hug. “Thanks for everything!” “Oh! It was our pleasure ma’am.” Marty said with a bit of a blush on his face, patting her back politely. He was loyal, but nobody could deny, married or not, that Jenny’s form was one of a kind. Too beautiful to fully ignore.“Yes dear, if you ever need anything else, don’t be afraid to ask!” The short woman said with a bit of a sweat on her brow, having been so smushed up against her admittedly gorgeous tits. She didn’t want to ask in fear of being rude, but she felt like they had gotten bigger since last night. They have yet to make breakfast and she was wondering if she cleared their fridge perhaps… It was a silly thought in her mind and decided not to pursue it. “Mhm! I’ll see you both around!” Letting them both go, she would turn and swing her hips as she walked, taking hold of the doorknob, she felt the pit in her stomach whining. It was empty, and she did recall Marty mentioning them making breakfast last night… Grrrrnnn~ Turning around, she would give her lips a lick. “Well, since you offered!” Cutting back to the bright sunny exterior of the happy brick house, Jenny could be seen a few minutes later, her stomach bloated and filled with some squirming, quite terrified prey as she sauntered down the path. “OOUURRRURP! Hahhh… You two really are the nicest… I appreciate everything you’ve done~” The forest was nicer with all the mud having dried up, the bright sunlight shining down on our hero. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the hood over her head and allowed her journey to continue, kneading her tightly packed tum and feeling the meager struggles from her physically weak breakfast. “Hahhh…” A straw house blown down… A wooden house smashed to bits… A brick house left without any residences… Her footprint was clear, but everything that she had dealt with was behind her. With her destination just barely inview over the horizon, her quest to protect those children was nearing its true beginning!
 Ely’s Valentine’s Curse “Slrrrp! Ughh… Huff…” Ely Valentin, the half-succubus who lives on the third floor of the ‘Southern Creek’ apartment complex, was doing what she always did around this time of the year for the past few years; gulping down coffee to avoid falling asleep. Tomorrow was the lovely day for couples, Valentine’s Day, but for Ely, it was nothing but a day of torment for her. Not because of her lack of a lasting relationship or anything silly like that, but rather something that uniquely plagued her and her step sister who was likely taking her own precautions as well. Looking down at her phone during the commercial break of her TV show, she looks at her job’s group chat, seeing all of her friends and coworkers talk about what they planned on doing after work tomorrow. While some of them were starting to head to sleep and activity slowly died down, Ely didn’t have the luxury of getting a good night’s rest tonight. “Fucking hell…” Unfortunately for her, just like every year, the Valentin blood in her veins fought against her strong will to stay awake as midnight crept ever closer, but a whole day of writing commissions prior to now was starting to take its toll on her. Ely’s vision began to blur as the commercial break ended and horrific visions and lustful thoughts started corrupting her mind. Her heart rate slowed, and soon, the half-succubus would pass out just after sending a text to the group chat. > Ely: I might be late to work tomorrow. The half-succubus’ body would undergo metamorphosis overnight. Her skin turned red, her horns elongated, and her body became a lot curvier. The short brown hair on Ely’s head grew out and shifted to a deep purple. “Hhaannng…” She moaned in her sleep as her entire body became a lot more sensitive, and the tightening clothes on her didn’t help her at all as they squeezed her tits and ass. Eventually, she grew out of them, tearing straight through and leaving her covered in ruined tatters. The only thing she wore were some black socks, and panties,revealing her embarrassing birthmark that glowed gently in the dark. The last that any of her neighbors would hear of Ely that night was her moaning and pained groans, followed by a thunderous screech that echoed through the night. “GYAAHHHHNNNN!!!” The next day, things for Ely’s friends went as they normally did. Right now, Aimai, the redhead with large jagged chompers, walked along the side of the busy streets of Olivia as she made her way to the office she calls her workplace. Love was in the air as she sauntered along the sidewalk, passing by her usual morning food vendor as she simply wished to get to work as quickly as possible. Holding a bouquet of red and yellow roses, she thought about what she was going to say to the woman she looked forward to spending the day with. “Mabel, heh…” Their relationship up to this point has been ‘friends with benefits’ rather than any true romance, but today, Aimai planned on professing her true love to the adorable bombshell futanari that Mabel was. Turning the corner of the building that her office was stationed in and strolling right inside, she finds an especially strange sight. The front desk was unmanned at the moment. “Hm…She did say she would be late…” The demi-human mumbled to herself as she passed by the reception desk. Ely normally called off on these holidays, but she didn’t have any free sick days to use in order to opt out of work unfortunately. Shrugging to herself, she takes the elevator up to Mabel’s department so that she could offer the aromatic flowers. Upon stopping on the accounting floor of the pharmaceuticals company, Aimai’s arms go limp and she freezes in place at what she sees. “W…What the…?” Before her was the somewhat tragic sight of Aimai’s Valentine getting slurped down by an exceptionally curvaceous imp of some kind that she didn’t immediately recognize. It almost looked like Ely’s mom, and if Aimai didn’t know any better, she would have mistook her for the same succubus, but as she quicklyapproached, she realized who it truly was. “E… Ely?” The now full-succubus receptionist opened her piercing red eyes and looked towards the sharkish girl while Mabel’s waist entered her mouth. The blonde was tensing up and whimpering out through the tight skin of her belly as the lust-driven animal teased her expanding bulge in her salivating maw with her thick, long tongue. “Hmm?” Ely’s tail was also a decent bit thicker, and the usual arrowhead-shaped tip was now shaped like a bright red heart, flicking to and fro. On top of all this, the succubus had opted out of clothes and was still wearing the same underwear as last night. “Uhm, what the fuck is this? Let her go.” Dropping the roses, Aimai steps forward into the hallway and out of the lift to grapple onto Mabel’s ankles. As soon as she does this however, Ely’s eyes go wide and she pulls back, forcefully slurping her prey the rest of the way down, bulging her stomach out and causing it to hide the tattoo-esque birthmark on her pelvis. This action dragged Aimai’s hands right into her mouth, threatening to pull her the rest of the way in. “ULP! SLLRRK! Ghhhnnn…” “Uwah!The hell!?” Aimai let her go and pulled her hands free, begrudgingly letting her Valentine go and leaving her to slip the rest of the way into her friend’s glorping, heated gut. “The fuck is your problem, Ely?” For the first time in a decent while, Aimai was showing off an agitated expression to her friend. She always strove to be the cheerful friend to get smiles on everybody’s faces, but now, she looked like she was ready to put her beartrap teeth to use and bite Ely’s head off. Ely looks towards Aimai’s clenched fists and puts a hand over her mouth. As she is about to speak up, her eyes go crossed and she belches up one of Mabel’s shoesand spatters the aggravated coworker’s face with saliva. “BHHRUAAHHPP! Puhuhu…Sorry Mai! Just skipped breakfastand I know Mabel isalwaysmore than willing to curl up in afriend’s belly to keep them from starving. Right?” She asked her gut, smacking it and letting her hand grope her prey’s wonderly cushy assets through her thinly-stretched skin. Mabel simply squirms and whines out, pushing her hand out against the stomach walls and struggling as hard as she could. Wiping the saliva from her face and looking to the discarded shoe “Uhh, no not really. She just doesn’t complain when someone ends up scooping her, but you know company policy. We can’t be eating coworkers on the job and shit. Spit her out before someone notices…” “Hmmm…I didn’t know you were one to be all aboutabiding by the rules and junk, heheh… You know, it’d be super easy for me to just slurp Mabel’s soul right here. Then she wouldn’t even be able to be reformed.” The pompous, naked succubus said whilst leaning in and making kissy lips towards Aimai. “You…Ely, spit her out right now or I’m kicking yourass.” She said, bearing her jagged teeth and pointing her index finger right against her supposed friend’s tummy. “I’ve got plans, and I’ll be damned if you’re gonnaget in the way with this talk of offing Mabel like any old piece of meat.” Ely’s eyes widened in shock, not thinking she had it in her to say such a thing. Crossing her arms and stepping back, she huffs and shakes her head. “It was just a joke… Sheesh… You’re all about thejokes so I thought you’d like that one…” Hugging her belly with one arm, she starts regurgitating her friend, feeling the bulge with her free hand as her stomach walls squeeze and push Mabel up through her throat once more. The unwilling prey’s face pokes out from the succubus’ mouth, gasping for breath and groaning as her pinkened, shiny face slipped from her lips. Very quickly, the rest of her would come loose from Ely, with Aimaistepping up and helping her out. “Hmmng…” The clothes on Mabel’s body had already become deteriorated. Her previously tight, form-fitting leggings were holey and exposed her uncontrollably erect cock. “Ai…mai, hmmg… Can you, g-get me to the bathroom?” “Hwah?” She held Mabel up, letting her lean on her shoulder as she disregarded Ely and started walking away. Ely on the other hand would start walking with them, snickering to herself and getting in close to her flustered, horny prey. “Keheheh…My saliva makes peoplesupersensitive.Her little guy looks like it’s ready to burst.” She teased, wrapping an arm around Mabel and using her pointy tail to poke and prod the veiny, dripping dick of hers. “Kyahh!?” The instant it was touched, it twitched and spurted a bit of thick spunk onto the floor of the hallway, creating a dangerous slipping hazard. “Ely! Back the fuck off, seriously.Let’s go…” Shoving the demoness off, she holds Mabel close, helping her to the nearest bathroom. “Tch…Whatever… I’ll go find someone else to havefun with then…” And with that, Ely sauntered off, heading down the elevator with a devilish look on her face as she got some new ideas of who in the building to go toy with. Meanwhile, Aimai and Mabel would soon be found within the bathroom. As the nearly-digested, meek girl sat on the toilet in one of the stalls, holding back her moans and stroking herself to hopefully relieve the pain she felt from her bloated balls and rock hard cock, Aimai leaned against the wall and tapped her phone. “Ghh…”Aimai didn’t like being so angry, especially on days like today that were supposed to be fun and exciting. She put the smartphone to her ear and listened to it ring. “You doing okay in there? Need a hand? Heh…” “Mnnnh… N-No! I’m… f-fine…” She cried out, biting her lip and gripping her hot rod with one hand, letting her prosthetic appendage reach down and grope her sack. The feeling of all the accumulating seed sloshing around had her practically paralyzed with pleasure. Never again would Mabel want to experience the feeling of succubus saliva coating every inch of her. The clothes she once wore couldn’t even be worn anymore, as they caused her body to tingle. Her only option was to cum and then wait for someone to bring spare clothes. Eventually, Aimai would hear the slightly tired voice of an unenthusiastic receptionist on the other end. “This is In-N-Out, Olivia’s favorite brothel. Unfortunately,we are not accepting reservations at this time—” “Hello? I don’t wanna make a reservation. Can I speak to your manager please?” “Oh. Well uhh, she’s kind of busy right now. Are youokay with talking with her while she’s in the middle of, y’know, work?” “Yeah yeah whatever. Just hurry up!” “Tch… Alrighty. Please hold.” The woman on the other end quickly transfers Aimai, putting her on hold for a moment where she’d hear low-quality music playing that was so poor that she couldn’t even understand the lyrics being spoken. Luckily, she wouldn’t have to wait for long as she hears her desired recipient answer, although there’s quite a bit of background noise. Moans and loud stomach noises could be heard as the manager holds back a burp and speaks to Aimai. “Hurrp…Hello? This is the manager.”“Ah! Ms. Valentin? Maggy?” “That’s my name. Who am I speaking with?” “Aimai! The girl who got in contact with you a bit ago for Christmas and junk. Ely’s friend.” “Oooooohhh! Gimme a sec.Get out of my way…” Right then, Aimai would grimace as she hears some rather grotesque regurgitation sounds. It sounded like Maggy must have been resting in someone else’s gut with a bunch of partners while talking on the phone. After nearly a minute of struggles and wet, slick sounds assaulting the girl’s sense of hearing, the manager would speak up much more clearly than before. “So, Aimai! How are things? Sorry if getting a hold of me was annoying at all. Valentine’s Day is one of my biggest days of the year, heheh.” “No no, it’s fine. So uhh, Ely’s kind of turned into a wacko vorny succubus. Almost like you, but she’s kind of being a bitch…No offense…” “Ooooohh, I see. Yeah, sorry about that dear. That’s just something she’s had to deal with for a bit. You didn’t know?” Ely really wasn’t one to talk about her personal life, so of course Aimai never heard of such a strange ailment. “Uhhhh… no. Can you call her and tell her to chill or something?” “Well, not really, heh… The Valentine’s Curse is just what happens to half-succubi who don’t eat souls often enough.” “Oh…” Aimai’s face went a bit white at that explanation. She looked to the bathroom stall, hearing Mabel’s huffs growing more rapid. Looking to the bare feet of her friend from under the stall’s elevated wall, she could see her toes curling in and she saw a few drops of pre hitting the tile floor between them. “I guess there’s nothing to really do until… y’know, she does that… ThanksMaggy.” She pushed herself off the wall and spoke to the woman on the phone while heading to her friend’s stall. “Hahh… Anytime, dear…” And with that, Aimai ended the call and pocketed her device before leaning against the door of Mabel’s toilet, crossing her arms and sighing heavily whilst talking back to her. “Hey, when you’re done with that, let’s talk to theboss about all this and grab something to eat from the break room, alright.” “Y… Yeah… Hmmm…Ghhaaahahhhh!!” Mabel moans out and lets loose, hitting the stall door ahead of her with her high-pressure load and making quite the mess to clean up as she shot her white hot batter all over the floor. Aimai flinched at the sound, blushing and looking to the pooling goop that sullied her boots. She smirked and stepped away, knowing that the rest of the day would only get better. She just needed to wait for work to end and it would be uphill from here. Somewhere out in the city, Ely had been thrown out of work for her lack of proper work attire and was now more lustfully enraged about her lack of food. Having sprouted wings and taken flight over the sky-scraping buildings of the vast city, she was looking for any easy, yet tasty-looking food that could fill the deepening void in her gut. “Ghhhhh! I should’ve just mulched that blonde bimbointo soup… Huff…” Rubbing her head, she stared intently towards the central park area for some singled-out individual to scoop up and eat without issues, and quickly, she would find her mark. “Gotcha…” Letting her long tongue hang free from her mouth, she breathed heavily and felt her heart beating faster and faster. Despite being nearly a mile away from him, she could see him clearly with her eagle-eye vision.Sighing out, the man in question stepped through the Verdant Park, looking at his phone and feeling sorry for himself. He, just like many poor souls in this world, felt like the holiday existed just to poke fun at him for being alone. All he wanted was someone to call his own, and potentially slurp him up. “Damn…” He looked at pictures of his friends with their lovers doing lewd and romantic things today and he wished he could just sleep and never wake up. Meanwhile, the one woman who wanted him more than anybody else in the world was barreling towards him at 100 miles an hour, leaving a thin trail of saliva as she swooped down like a bird of prey. “MmmmmmmmmMINE!” She howled out grabbing him and tackling him into the ground, rolling over him and skidding into some nearby bushes where nobody would see them. “Gahh!?” Dropping his phone, the man felt something in him crack from the impact as he rolled and slid along the ground behind the greenery. “Uwahh…” His eyes swirled a bit as he was taking some time to refocus, but as he opened them and he could see clearly, he viewed the menacing, shadowy figure of Ely looming over him, digging her nails into his pants and tearing them from him. In the shade of the trees and bushes, he had some trouble seeing most of her features, only clearly seeing her glowing red eyes. “A-Ahh…” “Sshhhhhh… Y…You’re gonna stay put… and I’m gonnagive you a good time, alright?” She said, leaning forward and making her face more clear to him while covering his mouth with her hand. Ely’s long tail slithered over and worked on pulling his underwear down. “I…O-Okay…” The unnamed man laid there, letting his head rest in the grass as he stared up at thecanopy overhead. The feel of another person felt wonderful, even if he had no idea what the crazed woman was going to do to him. “You’re… v-very pretty, miss…” Unfortunately, as she threw his tattered pants and underwear out of the bushes and onto the sidewalk, she was already too busy ogling his unexpectedly large member. “Hmnnn…” Clasping his rod, she kneels between his legs and wraps her prehensile tongue around his girth, lewdly staring towards him. In order to keep attention from coming to them, assuming nobody noticed the screaming succubus crashing into the ground with him already, he bit his lip shut and gripped the grass, practically pulling it up as he leaned his head all the way back. The tragic virgin groaned and muttered out to his captor. “W-Whah… So goood… Th-Thank you, miss…” Her forced partner had already oozed a mouthful of pre into her salvering maw, giving her something to taste as she let his prick go. She crawled forward a bit and gulped the cum down heavily, huffing out and letting him see the inside of her sticky, cum-encrusted mouth. “Please… Call me Ely, you little morsel…” She gives him a long kiss on the lips, forcing their lips to lock as her tail wraps around him and starts squeezing the base of the pent-up erection. After the drawn-out smooch, she pulls back, smirking as their lips remain connected with a string of saliva. “Hehh…” “Y…Yes, Ely…” As Ely returned to her place, the man laid there, wincing at the piercing pain he felt from how tightly his member was being squeezed. He couldn’t cum even if he wanted to. “G-Gyah… That’s kinda… p-painful…” “Don’t worry… It’ll be over soon…” Back between his legs, Ely got on her hands and knees as she deepthroated hisnearly foot long cock, moaning out loud as she felt it penetrate the back of her throat. The way it bulged inside her neck had her wet, and soon, she’d be swallowing down a lot more than his manhood. “Hmmnnhhhppphfhf…” She perpetually moaned as she continued, alerting passersby outside on the main path, but she didn’t care. “E…Ely… I… H-Hoahh…” Despite how massive he was, he lacked stamina, and was already whining for release. Along with this, he felt a certain lightheadedness that he had never felt before. His eyes were rolling into the back of his head as his irises matched Ely’s own glowing red hue. The devilish Ely put a hand on his heart as she loosened the grip on his base, letting the floodgates open and bracing herself. As soon as she does, her chosen prey moans out, practically screaming as not only were the entire contents of his swollen balls unloaded into her throat, but his soul as well. “GAAAHHAHHNN!!” The color drained from his face and body as the spunk drained from his testicles, painting the inside of her stomach white as a blue, glowing mass ejected from his cock and rested inside her mouth. Ely rolled back onto her rear while his dick continued spewing, having gotten what she was after. Her cheeks bulged with the glowing blue globular soul and her body was showered in the last of his delectable man milk. “Hnnf…” Gulping heavily, she winces as the surprisingly stiff orb bulged her throat out and slipped all the way down into her cum-filled gut, causing her to bloat quite a bit and making her almost appear pregnant. “Huff… Delicious…BBFHOORRRURRPP!!Hahhh…” Flopping back in the grass, she briefly forgets about the now lifeless individual she never even got the name of. He wasn’t exactly dead, as he still had a heartbeat and he still functioned, but everything that once made him who he was as a person wasnow floating inside her belly. The man was only nearly conscious as his essence sloshed to and fro within his predator’s stomach. He couldn’t see anything, and all he felt was complete ecstasy. If he had a mouth, he’d probably be crying out in pleasure from the intense acids that stimulated his mind, or at least what was left of it. The withered body of the man was grotesque to Ely now, but of course, it would be remiss of her to not finish her food. She was taught to appreciate the food she was given at an early age. “Hahh… Thanks, whoever you were…” Taking a hold of his ankles, Ely looks across his wrinkled, boney self and grimaces at the sight of his soaked penis, all shriveled up and devoid of life. The flavor had clearly been sapped from him after he ejaculated his soul down her gullet, so she would take no time to savor the flavorless beef jerky stick of a man. The meat she swallowed was tough and the taste made her eyes water, but the lingering flavor of his spirit on her tongue made it a lot easier to choke him down. Within seconds, what was once a lonely, undoubtedly depressed man minding his own business was crammed down her throat, forced to experience perpetual euphoria until he was digested by the succubus’ veteran stomach. “Huurroorrp!Bleh…” The day after Valentine’s Day, Ely’s lustful hunger had been sated. Her gut’s rapid digestion capabilities reduced the virgin’s body to gruel in less than an hour, but his soul was much harder for her guts to deal with. As she sat on her toilet, pushing out thick, football-sized turds and rubbing her glorping belly, she read an article about her exploits the night prior. She couldn’t remember a thing, just like every other time she’s forced to take that hellish form of hers. “Ugh…Blllffshhvvhfrt! So fucking embarrassing…” The girl blushed as she evacuated the compressed, crumbled up remains of the random man. She ended up taking the day off work, sending pictures to her coworkers of the damages. Ely simply didn’t feel comfortable working, knowing that her gut wasfilled with some sex-deprived virgin’s soul that her acids were slowly chipping away at. “Oh well…” Not even thinking about the person’s body she decimated with her colon, she wiped herself clean and stood and strutted out her bathroom, already getting the plumber on the phone as she knew without looking that it was too full to flush without making a mess. “Pffrtt-Carol…? Yeah… It’s Ely again…”
 Starlight’s Plan Goes Awry “There is no revenge you could ever conceive of thatwill come close to what I will exact upon you one day, Starlight Glimmer!” “Hah!” Yelping out to herself, the lilac-colored unicorn, Starlight Glimmer, breathed heavily and wiped the sweat from her brow as she experienced the same recurring nightmare. She looked out towards her window from her simple wooden bed, watching the moon loom overhead as she thought of those final words she was smitten with by the dreaded changeling queen so many months ago. The very idea that something so terrible could end up befalling her shook her to her core. Recalling how her last interaction went, Chrysalis overtook the Mane Six and the queens without issues, and every time Starlight tried thinking of what revenge plans the vile woman had in store left her with a bottomless pit in her stomach. “Oooh, dear…” She felt bad not only for this fear of Chrysalis, but also from the guilt of not managing to reform her with the rest of her subjects. With a heavy sigh, Starlight climbed out of her bed and slowly crept over to her desk, taking a piece of parchment and levitating a quill to write her thoughts down. The pony had her own plans of what to do about Chrysalis brewing for some time, and she needed to relay this to her teacher, Twilight Sparkle, so she could help her put an end to this. Starlight wished to sleep easy without that fear of the unknown lingering. By the next morning, Starlight had slipped the letter underneath the princess’s bedroom door and patiently awaited her approval of her plan, finely written out in excruciating detail. Upon receiving the letter and having looked it over, Twilight met up with her former student to talk with her about these fears she had, having stopped her at thefront entrance of the castle. “Starlight! Wait up!” “Hm?Oh, Twilight… Hey.” Letting the front door gently shut on its own, Starlight Shimmer gently rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof, looking away somewhat awkwardly. “So… you saw my letter, right?” “Yes. And… I agree. We should probably be more proactive with certain threats like her. Actually, Thorax had recently contacted me about how a few of the changelings had disappeared from their kingdom.” Sighing a bit and letting her ears droop as she thought about the possibility of encountering that dreadful queen again, Twilight looked to the ground. Raising her gaze back to Starlight with a gentle smile, she reassuredly spoke to her. “But your plan. It seems kind of simple, but with Discord’s help, I’m sure we could manage to track her down.” The unicorn’s grew a bit of a worried expression upon hearing the tragic disappearance. “Ah, I’m glad you feel the same… I bet she kidnapped them. She couldn’t really be much of a queen without changelings to rule over, I imagine.” “Right. So, let’s go. Today is probably the best day to get the plan going. Discord is actually in town.I just hope he’s willing to helpout…” The two nod to one another and trot out of the castle, heading through the town. The residents of Ponyville greeted the pair as they went about their business, curiously wondering why they seemed so stressed. Eventually, Starlight and Twilight reached the tall treeborn home of Fluttershy. The alicorn stepped ahead and knocked before letting herself in, looking around. “Hey, Discord? Are you he— Ah! Good afternoon you two.” Fluttershy and Discord sat in the center of her living space, sipping tea from small ornate cups and talking amongst themselves, although it seemed as though theyhad been cut off during a rather interesting conversation. While the yellow pegasus was happy to see her friends, Discord seemed somewhat annoyed. “Twilight! Starlight! It’s great to see you two! You needed to speak with Discord?” Seeing that the two of them wouldn’t come down together in such a way for idle chit chat, Fluttershy politely sets her cup down and whispers. “I’ll just see myself out then— Ehh??” “No Fluttershy. You stay.” Setting his teacup down and leaning back in the chair that was way too small for his tall, slender body, he spoke down to the pair. “What is it then? I amtryingto enjoy some qualitytime with the one good pony in this town.” “Hmph… Well…Starlight and I need your help… as muchas we’d rather do this ourselves… Could you give us a hoove in tracking down the whereabouts of Queen Chrysalis? We have reason to believe tha—” And as quickly as they came, they were gone with a snap of the chimera’s fingers. Twilight and Starlight poofed away in a cloud of smoke. “There… You know where she is…Now, where were we?” Discord said with a curling smile as he leaned back down to the extra short table, taking the teacup and sipping it gently. “Goodness… They’ll be okay, right?” The meek, adorable girl asked, looking up to the lanky reality-distorting creature with her big eyes. “Hm? Oh, yeah… sure… Queen Chrysalis doesn’t have any servants. I’m sure those girls with theirmagicwill be able to dealwith her…” Meanwhile, at the furthest reaches of Equestria, the black, holey changeling queen stood atop her newly built tower, looking over a singular changeling she had in her possession. Despite around 5 or so having been reported to be missing, she only had the one. “Keep working.If I’m ever to exact my revenge againstthose blasted mares… I’llneed this new hive to be in working order soon!” “E-Eep!” The multicolored, insect-like creature shuddered as he continued working, building up the roof of her throne room and fluttering high above her new throne. Similar to her old one, which was made of a material that created an antimagic field around this, this new one had a similar property. It shined a brilliant red as Queen Chrysalis flew up the tall seat and relaxed her plump rear upon it. Despite being made of a solid, red stone, the changeling found it to be extremely comfortable to rest upon. “Hahhhh… I could sleep right now if I wasn’t so surethat you wouldn’t try to defect like before…” She muttered out with a weak smile, gazing up at the ceiling that her kidnapped servant was busy tirelessly putting together. Suddenly, before the queen’s very eyes, Twilight and Starlight both appeared in a puff of smoke to the shock of everybody in attendance, including the intruding ponies. “Eep!” The unicorn yelped out, looking around the room she was in and quickly finding her gaze fall upon the terrifying changeling that sat high up on her throne. The hypnotic glow it gave off made the two of them feel rather light-headed for a moment, but quickly that would subside. “Ack!?Twilight Sparkle? And…Ghhh… Starlight Shimmer…You wretched little things! How did you find your way here?!” She howled out, standing up and leaping from the throne to hover above the two. As Twilight stood in shock and confusion of the teleportation situation, Starlight just stared up at her, becoming immediately determined to carry out her own plan to defeat her. “W… We don’t have to tell you anything!Hmm…You’llregret not joining the other changelings…You could’ve been such a good ally…” Instead of going ahead and explaining the process of teleportation they took to gethere, the pony closed her eyes and focused her magic. A green glow emanates from her horn, quickly shifting to a blinding orange hue and spreading across her body. The light shone bright enough to temporarily blind the airborne changeling, covering her eyes for a moment and hovering closer to the ground. “What!? Ghhh…What was that light!?” It appeared she was caught entirely off guard. “Now! Starlight!” Shouted her teacher who seemed to grow slightly flushed at the sight of the special magic just used. She recognized it all too well and was biting her lip, awaiting what was to come next. “Chrysalis!” Starlight cried out as she leaped through the air, opening her mouth wide and just barely clamping her jaws around her holey hind leg. “Omph!” Her eyes widened and sparkled with joy as she saw her plan was working just as she had hoped. As her tongue briefly grazed her prey’s hoof, she was almost in shock at how delicious she tasted for a rotten loveless changeling like herself. “Huh!? Get your slimy mouth off me you disgustinglittle whelp!” She belted out, attempting to fly away with her stuck to her foot, but she couldn’t manage to shake her off. “Why are you so persistent??” As Twilight Sparkle cheered her friend on, the predator takes hold of Chrysalis’ other back hoof with her magic, dragging that into her mouth as well and starts gulping hard, ignoring whatever amazing taste she had and slurping her down mid-flight. “SLLRRP! GULP!” Flinching at the feeling of both her legs getting coated in viscous pony saliva, she starts getting desperate, stopping in the air as she feels her body growing weak from the magic being applied to the predator. Vore magic was a terrifying thingChrysalis was quickly starting to realize. Looking up to where her servant was, all she found was an unfinished hole and no lesser changeling in sight, seeming to have taken the opportunity to flee while he could. “T… Traitorous scum! Get off me!!” As the queen continued to fight and scream on the top of her lungs, she would eventually fall to the ground, her wings giving out and having her land straight against the solid floor with Starlight still gulping her down. With a heavy thud, Chrysalis grew dazed and couldn’t resist anymore. “Yes!Starlight!” As Twilight trotted over to where the two had landed, the queen’s plump rear was already entering the smaller quadruped’s small, yet elastic stomach. The flustered princess snickered, walking beside her former student and brushing her hoove against the growing tummy of hers. “You did it, Starlight Glimmer…” Starlight’s own cheeks went from lavender to a hot red hue as her cheeks were filled out with her prey’s surprisingly meaty form. Working to stand up on all fours, she lifts Chrysalis over her head and lets gravity help out a bit, watching the tired, barely conscious changeling slide down her throat. The woman’s wings scrunched up a bit to fit into her mouth, and quickly, her half-lidded eyes would see the last of the Twilight Sparkle, who sat in front and smirked as she disappeared. Chrysalis’ jagged, irregularly-shaped horn eventually disappears as well. “SLLLRPPP! GUlP! Pwahh… It’s…BBRROUURRP!I-It’s done…” The unicorn lays on her belly, which was now too big for her to be able to walk on her own. While she was happy it was done, she was still rather upset that she was never able to turn Chrysalis over to the side of friendship. The belch had blown Twilight’s multi-colored mane back a bit, causing her face to grow more flustered than before as she sat before her and gave her soothing belly rubs. “It is… I’m so proud of you, Starlight… Now, let’s… uh… Let’s see if we can’t find our way home without the help of Discord. Heheh…”“Yeah… H-Heh…” Starlight mumbled tiredly. As she starts trying to reach her hooves to the floor, she finds something odd happens. As she touches her front pair onto the solid gray floor, she notices it feels kind of squishy. Her hooves sink into it as if it’s made of flesh, and it feels like she was in knee deep hot water. “W… What the…” Twilight’s adoring appearance would slowly disappear from sight, and very quickly, the walls around her would seem to close in. The shining red throne that remained standing in the center of the room would disappear along with her cherished friend as her entire body seemed to become encased in a tough, tight red wall of meat. “Eh!? W… What’s going on?? Twilight!?” Blinking a few times, Starlight would slowly realize what happened. That red glow from the throne. The lightheaded feeling she got. It was all magic… Looking at her tummy, it was as flat as a board. Everything she had just experienced was just an illusion of some kind, and she was in some kind of wet, humid chamber. As soon as she would try to call out again, she’d feel the chamber rattle and tighten around her. “HHOOUURUROORP!Hahh…Wonderful meal you made,StarlightGlimmer…” Queen Chrysalis stood in the center of her throne room, gazing at her magically enchanted throne with a devious grin. “Changelings are unaffected by the magic of this beautiful rock… Anybody near it sees what they wish to see…and now that Starlightis within me… The effects must be weakening… Heh…” Feeling the struggles coming from her prey start to ramp up, she casually walks towards the slimy spot of the wall where her next course remained stuck like a fly wrapped in a spider’s webbing. Twilight Sparkle stared on with her tongue hanging free, a red glow taking up the whites of her eyes every now and then as the magic of her throne persistently affected her, leaving her in a dopey, submissive state. “Hahh… Starlight… is gone? Heheheh… Am I next?”“I’m sure you’d love that, you shameless little princess…Let’s talk about your fate after your friend has been churned into a more useful form…” “Yes, Queen Chrysalis…” She tiredly mumbled out while continuing to stare at the large, darkly-colored gut of hers; the object of her desires. Twilight’s inherent vore-loving nature before this proved to be a terrible thing for her to have with this magic corrupting her mind. Now all she wanted was to be eaten and worship her queen’s bountiful belly. Nodding to her little bound pet, Chrysalis laid on her side, letting her stomach burble and slosh, gazing upon the struggling impressions of Starlight inside. Her pained shouts to be let out turned to despairful cries. “Huurrp… Hahhh… This feeling… Her love melting offher and mixing with the soup… It’s a feeling that can’t be matched…” She whispered to herself as she watched her tummy’s movements slow. The acids within her stretched stomach worked on Starlight’s body quickly, and within 10 minutes, her prey had already passed out. “Hmm…Is that it?” She raised her voice, poking at it and huffing out as she felt the stiff, simmering form slowly turning to mush. “Tch… Completely disappointing… I bet you fought withall your might within your little illusion. Whatever… Yaaawwnn…” Standing from her spot on the ground, she floated up and took off to the center of the room to sleep on her throne. Looking to the chained up changeling in the corner, she sleepily directed to him. “You… Get me the urn… If it’s not here when I wake,you’ll be meeting your brothers on her haunches…” The enslaved servant nods anxiously and watches as his queen drifts asleep. Sighing out loud, he walks over to the small storage containment area where it was held; a tall lavender-colored urn with Starlight’s cutie mark painted on the side. As he held it by a handle on the side, he looked over at his princess, strung up on the wall and entombed in his own sticky green slime, mindlessly gazing at Chrysalis as she slept.“Ohh… T-Twilight…” He had no hope that this would turn out well, simply setting the urn on the ground before his queen’s throne and ragging his hooves back to his spot in the corner. The clattering of his chains echoed off the walls, but as he rested, it was almost completely silent. The only sounds were coming from the gurgling tummy of the apex predator in the room, as well as the panting coming from Twilight. She was in her own little world. Several hours later, the glorping changeling stomach was pretty much empty. Chrysalis’ powerful guts had managed to sap every ounce of love Starlight had in her. She awakens feeling energized, as well as an urge to dump the worthless parts of the foul unicorn. “Hmmn…” Stretching out and looking at the urn neatly placed at the bottom of her magical throne, she smirks and takes hold of it, fluttering over to the alicorn princess who remained awake. “Good evening, Twilight. I’m sure you know what comesnext…” Setting the pastel-colored vase on the floor, Chrysalis lands, turning herself around and positioning her ass above the opening. Twilight’s sleepy eyes widened in excitement as she looked to her new queen’s pucker face directly out to her, yawning open and giving her the brief view of what was to come. “FFBRTTT! CHHHSBBLSRRSSHT!Ahhhnnn… Revenge smellsnice, doesn’t it?” The changeling blasts the hypnotized pony with a gust of rancid wind before her former student starts coming into view. Chrysalis’ anus gaped open as pounds upon pounds of putrid pony grime started plopping into the bottom of the urn, quickly piling up. Shards of broken bone littered the smooth, goopy heaps of fudge, as well as a few whole bones here and there. The queen’s green hole temporarily ceased dumping the brown waste as the first major roadblock came about. “Uughh…BLllllffhht…FfrtTTSSHHBBFFRT!!Hahhhh… Amazing…” Starlight’s dung brown horn poked out the predator’s asshole, and slowly, the rest of the mucked-up skull came pushing out, eventually falling into the container andopening the floodgates to the next short wave of shit to flow like water in front of Twilight’s salivating face. From a distance, the nameless changeling winced and sighed as he listened to the cacophony of boisterous farts fill the echoing throne room. The smell was almost too much to bear, and it was made even worse by the fact that he knew that the smell was coming from his once-treasured savior. Now, Starlight was just a dead pile of auburn sludge filling that urn. The only thing identifying that the mud pile was even Starlight was the cutie mark printed on the urn itself. “Oh man…” As the last vestiges of manure left her rear, the queen let out a heavy sigh, looking back at the good work she’s done. “Awe, that's adorable. Her skull is just as full ofshit now as it was going in. Heh… Her little undigested bits of her pretty little mane.” She teased, as she looked at the squirming, aroused doll that was Twilight. The stinking pot of dirt was going to be a nice gift to Celestia. A show of what was to come in the near future. This new form of magic that she’s found. It was so much more effective at draining the love from things than her old method.
 Usopp and the Upset Catgirl! Usopp, the terrible liar of the Strawhat Pirates, found himself wandering the back roads of a port town he and his crewmate, Sanji, had stopped in to go shopping for the rest of the crew. Unfortunately, the long-nosed sniper was forced to stay on his toes and avoid the currently-enraged chef. “Note to self… The good tomatoes aren’t the soft ones…And it's best to call out to someone you’re tossing food to.” Sighing out loud to himself, the runaway eventually finds a cliffside that drops off into the water, along with a white-haired girl of feline origin. Her ears and limp tail were hard to ignore, and the body language of the catgirl from behind told him that she was a bit down. “Oh dear… Why is she so sad?” Putting down his goggles and putting on a confident face, he walks right up to the girl whose legs hung off the cliff, standing behind her and making his presence known. “Good afternoon, young lady! I am Captain Usopp of the Usopp Pirates!” Her ears stand up quickly, and the fur around her neck that appeared as a fluffy collar stood on end from the shocking proclamation. “Pirates?” The girl’s immediate instinct was that she was gonna get attacked. As soon as she saw his goofy face and holstered slingshot, she stared at him with slitted eyes and extended claw-like nails. The girl was in attack mode, and Usopp realized that announcing himself as such might not get the greatest reaction from some people. He flinches, waving his hands and dropping the confident stance. “Ack! I-I’m not here to fight! Relax!” “Oh…alright then…” Sighing out loud, her ears fall back on her head and her fur returns to normal as shefaces forward once more, looking to the sharp rocks at the water below her. He lets out a relaxed breath, feeling as though he dodged a bullet. Walking beside her, he takes a seat and lets his own legs hang off as he spoke to her. “What’s your name? You look a little down.” The catgirl’s ears flick a bit as he grabs her attention once more. “I’m Neb. But uhm… don’t worry about it. I’m fine…Heh…” Looking back down to the water, she weakly laughs, swinging her feet back and forth. Noting her fixation on the water, Usopp decides that maybe a girl like this might like a story. No matter how fabricated it might be, she seems like she’d enjoy something like that right now. “You know…I am a pirate captain. I’ve seen all cornersof the seas and bested the most terrifying foes in my travels! Would you like to hear a story about my exploits, Neb?” Her cheeks puff out a bit and she looks to him, gripping the edge of the cliff as she speaks up. “This story isn’t gonna be about how you pillageda village and killed a bunch of innocent people, is it?” “N-Nonono! I’m not that kind of pirate! Honest!” He sweats a bit, waving his arms again and trying to defend himself. Neb hasn’t heard a lot about any other kind of pirate, but she was open to hearing about them if this guy wasn’t bad. If he was bad, she’d probably have been pushed off the cliff already. “Oh. Okay!” She smiles, loosening up and looking at him, awaiting a story. “Hmmm… Let’s see.I’ve been on the seas all my life.I have many tales to tell…” He looks up to the sky, scratching his chin and thinking about all the potential stories he could tell.“Oh! How about this one. When I was only 5 years old, I found a gigantic goldfish down in the south pole!” He had her at goldfish. The catgirl loved fish and the mention of a giant one had her lips watering. “Giant?How giant? Like, as big as that boat?” Neb asked, pointing to a massive shipping vessel that was leaving the island. “Even bigger! It was so big, I mistook its poop for solid ground! It was probably bigger than this entire island!” “Wooooooaaahh… Hehehe…I can make myself even biggerthan that! I could eat that goldfish, no problem! You said it was at the south pole?” Her eyes lit up like stars as she stood up from the cliff, appearing excessively enthusiastic about the idea of eating this fictional goldfish. Usopp didn’t have a clue what she meant when she said that she can make herself bigger than that, but her enthusiasm set off some alarms in his head. This lie was getting a bit out of control. He has to let her down without telling the truth. “Uhhh… Oh—You can’t do that actually, not anymore…Heheh…” Even with the dew rag on his head, he was sweating pretty bad as his mind raced, trying to think of explanations or branches for this story to go. “Oh…Why not?” Her ears drooped a bit as she took a seat once more, awaiting the answer. “Because…Because…Ah! Because I ate it already! Can’teat what’s already been eaten. Hahahaha!” Neb’s eyes lit up once again, looking at his body proportions and thinking he could be mistaken for a scarecrow. While anybody else would call him on his bullshit, the silver catgirl bought it immediately. “You must’ve had a really good metabolism as a 5-year-old…” “Eyup! Pirates have big appetites, so a growing boy like me had to eat a lot to stayin shape. After eating that though, I didn’t need to eat for a week, then I was back to eating full-course meals all by myself! I’m better about keeping that appetite down now though. Hahaha!” He laughed out loud, but as soon as he did, he felt a strap of his overalls get tugged on. The phony panicked, as he tried grabbing onto the hand that grabbed him to throw him off into the water, but he was too weak to fight them off. Looking up, he goes limp, letting them take him. “Uwah?! Who in the—Oh…” “Come on,captain…The crew is waiting for us.” Sanji had returned, along with the top of his suit stained red from the large, juicy rotten tomato he was slapped with by Usopp earlier. “Uh… Goodbye, Neb! Remember! Not all pirates are bad!Hehehe… Sorry, Sanji…” He calls out to the catgirl before mumbling to his crewmate in defeat. Neb just sat there quietly, a bit baffled by the end of the story she heard and watching him get dragged away. She waved gently and Usopp gave a wave in return. With her lips still a bit wet with saliva, she looked off into the water, waving her tail around and back in an upbeat mood. “I should become a pirate, heh…”
 Erika’s Struggle, Misty’s Dinner “Hmmn… How long is she going to have me waiting…?” Erika, the nature-loving princess of Celdaon City, sat quietly on her own, patiently waiting for her dinner date to arrive. Perched on the edge of a fountain, she watches as trainers, old and young, pass her by and go about their day, occasionally waving to the children she sees and their adorable Pokémon. She was beloved by all, and while she wasn’t actually any sort of royalty, the love and attention she received by those in her community made her feel like it. Despite how nice it was to just sit and people-watch for an hour, she was starting to become anxious, wondering what was taking so long. Pulling up her kimono’s baggy sleeve and examining the time, she gets caught off guard as she feels an arm wrap around her shoulders, causing her to jump in shock. “E-Eh?!” “Hehehe… How’s it going, bud?” At long last, Misty, the tomboyish mermaid of Cerulean City, had decided to drop by, rather fashionably late. Wearing the clothes she always adorns when she conducts her gym leader business, which exposes her trimed, fit tummy, she sat at her side. One would have trouble reconginzing her as one of the world’s few known vore-capable trainers. Sitting beside her and harshly invading her personal space, she snickers to herself at the way Erika’s head whips around to make eye contact. “Hmf… I… I’d appreciate it if you weren’t late all the time… I had to call ahead and let them know we’d be a bit late… but I don’t know how long they’ll save our spot.” Blushing lightly and pulling away from Misty’s grasp, she stands and looks down the road that leads to the restaurant. “Honestly… I wish you wouldn’t aim to waste my time with these dates…” She mutters as she starts walking away from the fountain. Standing up quickly, the athletic gym leader follows close at her side, continuing togiggle at her shorter friend’s expense. “If you don’t want to do these dates then I suggest winning. You have the advantage in type after all.” A smug grin comes across the orange-haired girl’s face as she plucks off a Poké Ball from her belt and tosses it in the air, containing the star of her anti-Erika battle strategy. Her Starmie did wonders at chilling the Grass-type gym leader’s Pokémon before they have any chance to fight back. “Just stop being late and I won’t be so upset having to pay for your meals…” “Hey, not my fault I got busy with gym business. And, y’know… the walk from Cerulean isn’t exactly short. You ought to call be a taxi next time.” Erika doesn’t respond, rolling her eyes and continuing down the sidewalk. The lack of communication during the rest of the trip annoys the sore winner in Misty, but that didn’t matter too much. She has plenty of time to tease her once they sat down, and she was in for a treat. Her eyes widen at the realization that they were heading for the nicest restaurant in Celadon, ‘Nature’s Bounty’. “Ooooohh… Looking to do some big spending tonight, huh? Heheh…” She quietly sighs and looks up to Misty as they step in through the front doors. “Yes… The people here are hardworking individuals and it happens to be my favorite place to eat in Kanto, so if you could be on your best behavior, I’d appreciate it.” “Mmmm… Yeah yeah…” Misty scratches her inner ear with her pinky and looks at the floral arrangements that decorate the place, not paying much attention. As they sat down at their reserved spot, Erika lets out a gentle breath. The room was full of a beautiful aroma that calmed her nerves, no doubt coming from the Lilligant waitresses that waltz in and out of the kitchen with plates balanced on their flat, leaf-like limbs. “This place is nice, isn’t it, Misty?”Staring off into space toward the kitchen doors, she flinches as she was addressed, wiping a bit of saliva from her lips and looking to her date. “Eh? Oh, right. Yeah, it’s fine.” She shrugs, not caring for the flowery decor, and leans back in her seat, propping her legs up on the table and yawning a bit. Misty scratches her growling belly and flips through her menu to see what kinds of food they have. Erika scoffs at the rude demeanor of her friend who sat directly across from her. Shaking her head, she looks to her menu, feeling rather annoyed by her Misty having completely ignored her request from before. Still, she was somewhat hopeful that tonight wouldn’t be too egregious. After a very short waiting period, their waitress arrives with a supportive Lilligant at her side who sets a basket of rolls for them to snack on. “U-Uhm…” Standing next to the table, she shakily holds her notepad. The lights overhead obscured their view of her eyes as they hit her round-rim glasses just right. “W-Welcome… I’m… J-Nami… H-Heh…” Erika’s eyes widen at the cute new worker they’ve recruited here, giving her a soft smile. Looking over at Misty, she expects her to be destroying the free bread, but much to her surprise, she straightened up and had her menu open, looking through its various options. “What w-will you be having today?” Nami mumbles, clearing her throat and feeling the stress of her first day at work, serving two of Kanto’s most popular gym leaders and hoping not to mess up. “Hmm… Well, Nami…” Misty speaks up, looking over to Erika. “My friend can order first. There’s a lot of tasty-looking pictures here… I need a second to think…” Erika was a bit shocked by the uncharacteristically mature and mannerful responseshe gave. Maybe tonight wouldn’t be all that bad. Nodding back, she gives her order to the newbie waitress and folds up her menu, looking back to the tomboy shortly after. “So, what’ll you be having.” “Hmmmmmmm…” She squints at the menu a bit before sighing out loud, setting it down and standing up from her seat. “E-Ehh? M-Ma’am—” “Oommmph! Hmmgg… GULP! SHHLRRP!” Misty’s choice for dinner tonight was the sheepish waitress. Holding her by the waist, she lifts her over her head and shoves her in with little remorse. The people around them were all shocked, not expecting Kanto’s most well-known predator to actually eat one of the workers. “M-Misty!?” Erika stood up from her seat, feeling the color drain from her face as the poor, squirming girl disappeared from her sight. Her eyes went from Nami’s kicking legs down to the expanding stomach of Misty’s. Shaking in her sandals, she slowly sits back down, biting her lip and looking to the Lilligant that simply stood there, equally as terrified and confused about what to do. Erika wants to help, but she’s always been afraid of possibly getting eaten by her friend, and she wasn’t sure if she should be a hero tonight. Saliva ran down the corners of her mouth as she gropes the girl on the way down, peeling off the grimy work shoes before her feet could pass through her lips. “GULP! Hahh…” With all eyes on her, she rubs her gurgling stomach with one hand, handing the shoes to the Lilligant at her side. Returning to her seat, she looks at the notepad that was dropped on her table. With a smirk, she tosses it toward the shaky plant Pokémon. “Get that to the back, and prioritize my friend’s meal if you don’t want to be joining her. I’m not much for salads, but for you, I can make an exception…”“L…Lilligant!” She takes the notepad and runs as quickly as her little feet can carry her, bumping into tables as the fear of being eaten fueled her drive to work harder. “BWOOURURURP!Pwahh… This place has some good food…I definitely wouldn’t mind coming back again…” Misty picks some dirt out of her teeth with her finger, glaring at the other customers who couldn’t take their eyes off her belly. The princess’ hair was blown back and disheveled from the surprise gust of wind, but she doesn’t go to fix it right away, still in shock at her current situation. “I… I c-can’t believe it… You really just did that…” Her heart was racing, wondering if she’d ever be allowed to eat here again after bringing in a monster like Misty. Erika couldn’t take her eyes off the taut gut of hers, seeing how it wriggled and hearing the gentle whimpers of the food inside as it gurgles and groans audibly. “Mhm. You shoulda taken me to McDonphan’s or something. All these fancy foods on here just don’t do it for me. A few dozen burgers and fries from there though? Mmf… I woulda been all over that. Hahaha—HHOOURUP!Hmmg…” Wincing at the second bout of gas, she waves the stench from her and tries to reason with her. “Misty… You really ought to let that poor girl out… She didn’t do anything wrong…” Erika says with a slightly-irritated look on her face. Trying to stand up for the waitress that was already wasting away within her merciless digestive tract. “Nah, I think I’m fine. She’s gonna be churning away in here unless you wanna take her place?” Erika tenses up, becoming silenced by the comment. “Oooor… Maybe one of your delicious-looking friends?”Misty leans back in her seat and pulls out a cute, green pouch; Erika’s bag for carrying her Grass-type gym Pokémon. The predator plucks one out, licking the surface and watching her friend squirm in her seat. “W-What the… How did you…??” She looks to her side, seeing the bag was indeed missing, and that Misty had managed to swipe it from her when she wasn’t looking at some point. Erika felt so terribly foolish. “M-Misty! I… Please don’t…” She trembles, holding her hand out to her. “Heh…” Dropping the moistened ball back into the sack, she tosses it across the table. “I knew you’d never give up your team for some rando waitress, but I was just kidding around anyway! I wouldn’t do anything so cruel…” She giggles, thinking about that face Erika made in a feeble attempt to intimidate her into spitting up your lunch. “You really are cute when you get all angry and upset like that… Heh…” Tightly holding onto her bag, her face grows intensely flushed as she combs her fingers through her hair, straightening it up and continuing to wait for her meal. After less than 5 minutes of waiting, Erika’s meal is brought out hastily by the same Lilligant from before, bowing nervously and trotting away so she wasn’t within eating range of Misty for long. The predator’s eyes widen and she waves to them as they rush off, sitting up in her seat. “Ah! Your welcome by the way. Restaurants like these always take way too long.” Misty grabs onto the basket of rolls and starts munching on them, letting her softening gut press roughly against the edge of the table. Erika simply sat there and looked to her dish, a large bowl of various greens and a big, juicy rare steak; not something you’d expect a dainty Grass-type trainer like herself to partake in. Taking a deep breath, she tries to take her mind off of the terrible fate of the waitress. As she cuts into her bloody piece of meat, she hears thestomach across from her squelch particularly loudly. Looking between that gut and the meat of hers, imagining the state of the girl at this point, she felt herself grow nauseous. The contents of Misty’s belly lose the strength to fight and sinks into the rising tide of acid as she fills the chamber with bread. Noticing her friend’s sickened state, she leans forward a bit, smushing the stretched organ as she goes to speak. “Bwwohhurp…Hmmg… You look sick. You feeling alright?” “I… Uh… I’m suddenly not too hungry…” “Heh, you have such a weak stomach. Shame though. If you aren’t gonna be eating, then if you don’t miiiind…” She snags the plate from her friend, feeling her mouth water as she looks at the delicious meat. Erika just sits there, allowing Misty to steal and devour her meal without even asking. The only saving grace in all this was that she only had to pay for one meal in the end. Waving a Lilligant waitress over, she requests the bill and ends up paying 300% as a tip, as an apology for what ended up happening to poor Nami. The ravenous predator takes less than a minute to practically inhale the expensive meal, taking a moment to savor the mouthful of steak before gulping it down and letting it splash into the acid pit of her stomach with Nami. Afterward, she would follow Erika out of the restaurant, yawning out loud as she looks at the setting sun on the horizon. “Man… We weren’t there that long, were we?” “No… But you showed up late, so now it’s nighttime.” Erika grumbles and starts heading home, but is quickly stopped by the well-fed friend of hers. “Well… Let me walk you home. It’s kinda late for a cutie like you to be walking home alone.”Feeling Misty’s arm wrap around her shoulder again, she feels a harsh blush come over her from being called cute. With the stomach of dead meat loudly rumbling and sloshing inches from her, she begrudgingly accepts the offer. “Fine…” “Great! And, uh… can I crash on your couch? The route back to Cerulean is pretty sketchy, heh…” As they start walking, Erika rubs the back of her neck, feeling like she should turn her down. Despite her hesitance, however, she ends up allowing it. “I suppose…” With a big smile on her face, Misty escorts Erika back to her house in Celadon, cutting through the dark alleys and getting some rather fearful looks as her belly jutted out prominently ahead of the two them. The shape of her gut quickly rounds out even further, reducing all that Nami ever was to a soupy, glut of meat and nutrients to fill out the swimmer’s body. By the time they got to the Grass gym leader’s house, the contents of Misty’s stomach were completely pumped out, loudly pushing through her intestines and piling up at the bottom of her colon. As soon as they reach her front door and Erika manages to unlock the entrance, the predator allows herself in, stretching her arms and cracking her joints as she makes a beeline for her pantry in the kitchen. “Huff… Misty, if you want to sleep in my guest room, you’re more than welcome.” Returning to the living room where Erika stood, she flopped down onto her couch, arms full of various snacks she raided from the kitchen. “I’m good. The couch suits me better…” Unwrapping a sugary cupcake and tossing the entire thing into her mouth, she hears an ominous groaning coming from her abdomen. After sliding her sandals off and locking her front door, she looks at the girl gorging on her treats. As much as she didn’t want to ask, she still wanted to be a good hostess. “Do you need anything before I turn in for the night?Without a word, Misty sticks another cupcake in her mouth and beckons her to lean down closer to her. “Hm?” Tilting her head, she takes a seat right next to her friend, looking toward the gurgly belly on her lap. She could see the impression of Nami’s bones sticking through her skin, causing her to wince in disgust. “Y-Yes?” “FFHHBHHRRTTSFTT!!Hahhh…” She lifts a leg amd lets loose an abhorrent miasma from her cheeks, assaulting her friend’s nostrils and massaging her potbelly. Erika feels the gust hit her thigh and can almost visibly see the gas as it fills the area around her, causing the flowers on her coffee table to wilt from the toxic smog unleashed from her rancid insides. “Yuck! A-Arceus… Hmmph…" She quickly stands and covers her nose in the sleeve of her kimono, shaking her head and making her way for the stairs. Erika was feeling almost lightheaded from the inhale of gas, feeling the need to get to bed in case the Water-type trainer’s farts made her sick. “Ahhhh…. I was holding that baby in for almost an hour. Goodnight Erikaaa!” She calls out as she stands and starts jogging over to the nearest restroom. That thunderous wave of gas she let out rattled the copious amount of sewage built-up within her and now she needed to clear her bowels, lest she makes a mess on her friend’s nice couch. With Erika upstairs, Misty uses the downstairs lavatory to relieve herself, sliding her booty shorts down with a bit of effort and sitting down on the toilet. She could feel her proportions having inflated a bit since dinner. Sometimes, she hated this predacious gift of hers that urged her to eat others. It made her have to work out harder than the rest of the gym leaders she worked with, but on the bright side, she just couldn’t get enough of big busty snacks like the waitress that begins slidingout of her asshole. “SHSBHRRTTSSHHCHH!!Hmmnn… Fuuuuuckk… Heheh…” Her tongue flops out of her mouth as she feels her pucker stretched out wide to accommodate the meal. Despite only sitting in the organ for a couple of hours, she was already a messy, sloppy coil of shit piling up at the bottom of Erika’s toilet. While Misty uses the restroom, the girl who was thoroughly gassed prepares for bed. While she takes the time to properly remove her kimono, she can hear the terrible cacophony of crackling sharts from downstairs, even feeling the vibrations in the floor as she looked at her petite form in the mirror. “I made a mistake letting her in my house… Hahh…” “CCHSBHHRTTFFRT!!Hahhh… Heheheh… She made a mistakeletting me in her house…” She comments to herself, feeling bones accompany the soft turds that glide roughly out of her. The size of the calcium remnants Nami varies from small shards that tickle her anus to entire unbroken chunks that further stretch her out and cause her to moan out in sick pleasure. “I should… Hmmf…BBHRSHHRTGGHTRT!!Ahh!” The waitress’s cracked skull clogs the flow of feces out her ass as she mutters to herself, puffing her cheeks out to force the blockage out. “CHHRRSCHKKLRCCHH!I… ought to give Erika some freshfertilizer one of these days… as a gift for losing… Heheh… I’m sure… they’d love it over at the Celadon gym…” Misty thinks out loud, finding the prospect of fertilizing the flowers at the Celadon gym with manure made from failed trainers to be amusing. At the end of her noisy dumping session, she feels the prey’s cracked glasses fall out from between her softened, pillowy cheeks, thoroughly caked in mud and getting buried beneath a final torrent of muck. “FFRHSHShhttrcsshh…Fiiiinally… Mmf…” She doesn’t think twice about the girl she mulched to feed herself, simply standing up shakily and wiping her raw asshole clean. The mound that stood high enough to make closing the lid impossible was way too much for the poor porcelain to properly flush, so she doesn’t even try it.Erika hears the shit music end, letting out a heavy sigh as she lays on her bed in her comfortable night gown, yawning out and preparing to flick the lights off. As she reaches for the switch beside her bed, her door swings open, revealing Misty who walks right in without knocking. “Yo, Erika?” “H-Hey!” The girl retreats underneath her blanket to hide her body, despite being fully clothed. “Knock next time… What do you want?” “I just wanted to let you know that the girl I ate, whatever her name was, she’s currently backing up your toilet. She’s not burying the toilet like the last time I ate those shitty trainers who tried jumping us in the forest that one time, but it’s still a lot more than I thought a twig like that would make…” The stench from her poorly-wiped rear wafts into the room, causing Erika’s nose to wrinkle at the scent of Nami. “I… Just go to bed… I’ll call someone in the morning… Thanks for… letting me know… I guess…” “Hey, no prob! Nini.” She makes kissy lips at her friend cutely before slipping away, trotting down the stares with heavy steps. Erika rubs her head, feeling a headache coming on, likely from smelling too much of Misty’s shit and farts. Turning the light off and resting her head against her Cottonee-fluff pillows, she shakes her head, trying to ignore the tragic end of the waitress. Counting Mareep in her mind, she can feel exhaustion take hold of her, but as soon as she finally feels at peace… “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Hmmm…”Misty’s loud snoring could be heard all the way from downstairs, echoing loudly and successfully keeping the hostess awake for a bit longer. Unfortunately, as she was forced to listen to her guest’s horrible snores, she was kept awake further by the terrible realization that she’d need to make breakfast for that monster downstairs. “Arceus… Why me…?”
 Mabel’s Rental Momma Another gorgeous day graces the city of Olivia. This typical Saturday morning was one that Mabel has been looking forward to all week. Slowly rising out of her bed, the busty blonde rubs her arm stump as she awakens, heading off to carry out her standard morning routines. A hot shower across her plump, curvy body, a nice breakfast of eggs and bacon, and then clothing herself and attaching her mechanical prosthetic arm; All of these things were what Mabel loves to do before she starts out her day. Today, she has work off, so she’s happy to relax and spend her birthday in the quiet of her own home. “Wonderful… So nice…” Mabel says to herself, calmly taking a seat in her living room and sipping on some hot chocolate. She was told by her friends who she works with that they weren’t able to get today off from work, so Aimai, her best friend with benefits, was going to be sending over a gift that should be arriving sometime before noon. Sure enough, just as she gets to start watching some cartoons, she hears a buzz. Someone was requesting entry into the apartment building. With a wide-eyed expression, she stands up tall and trots over, letting them in without asking their identity. Mabel had taught herself to be warry of Aimai’s gifts, but this one was supposedly from her whole friend group, so she was a bit more excited than if it was just from her eccentric redheaded shark friend. Waiting by her door anxiously she wonders what the gift could be. “Is it a birthday cake? Hmmm… German chocolate. I’d kill for some of that right about now…” As her mind raced with the possibilities of what could be coming up theapartment’s elevator, she flinches as she hears a knock. “Oh! Heheh…” The girl waits for a few moments, standing beside the door and waiting for the delivery person to walk away. Mabel assumes that her gift would be sat before her door and she doesn’t want to experience the awkwardness of having to interact with them. Taking a deep breath she opens her door, looking down to where she expects the package to be. Unfortunately for her, she doesn’t see a package, but instead, she finds an enormous, thick tail coiled up underneath a well-endowed woman. It was a lamia, sporting fiery hair, golden eyes and some exceptionally large breasts. “Ah, hello dear. Are you the birthday girl?” says the woman with a motherly tone. Instantly, Mabel’s cock bulge twitches in her leggings as she looks up to the woman. Without the green and orange-scaled tail, she was easily a couple feet taller than her. There was no telling how long she actually was just by looking at her, but she was quickly intimidated by her size and attractiveness. “Y…Yes ma’am…” she stammers, stepping back a bit and clearing her throat, “C-Can I help you?” “Ah, well. Your little friend ordered me to be your dinner. I’m a rental momma, but sometimes I like to call myself a momia, heheheh… I’ll be pampering you throughout the day. I understand, you don’t really have a mother?” Mabel was stunned by this information she had. She didn’t know what to say in response, simply shaking her head and looking down at the ground. Aimai gave this escort all she needed to know about the birthday girl. With a gentle smile, the lamia bends forward and slithers into her home, petting the girl on the head and pulling her into a hug.“There there… Aimai told me everything… Your mother was an awful person, but I’m here to fill that void. At least for today, darling.” The birthday girl’s face was deeply flushed red as she let herself be hugged by the curvaceous snake woman, feeling her tail start to coil around her legs a bit. For a moment, she was exasperated by this rather large gift she was given and was already thinking of what she’d say to Aimai when she saw her, but now, she was slowly warming up to it. “Hmmg… I… appreciate it, ma’am…” she says with a slightly muffled tone as her face was buried in the bountiful tit fat of her guest. The lamia easily lifts Mabel off the ground, carrying her to the couch and setting her down. She pats her on the frazzled blonde head while introducing herself. “I’m Amelia by the way, although you can call me whatever you like.” Amelia says with a hushed tone, pecking her on the forehead before slithering off to the kitchen with her large handbag slung over her shoulder. “You stay put now. I’ll get your lunch started.” Mabel sits there in brief silence before piping up, stammering quite a bit. “Y…Yes mom— I-I mean ma’am! A-Amelia…” Sighing out, she sinks into her couch. Amelia turns and chuckles towards her client while heading off into the kitchen. While she prepares lunch, her enormous, girthy tail remains partially inside of the living room. As she rubs her exposed prosthetic arm, feeling endlessly anxious, Mabel looks down to her lap, noticing her shameful pecker twitching within the tight restraints of her leggings. She tries to calm herself, but its been weeks since she’s actually relieved herself. She has been so busy with work and other obligations that she hasn’t really given herself enough time. “Goodness…” she whines, trying to get her boner under control.Sliding out of the kitchen, the towering naga holds a plate of sandwiches. It took almost no time at all for her to put the sandwiches together, which were exactly how Mabel likes them; turkey and salami with cheese on wheat with the crusts cut off. “I hope you’re hungry.” Amelia says as she approaches the girl, eyeing the active member between the girl’s legs. “Hmm… You look like you have a bit of pent up stress, huh? Would you like me to take care of that for you, dear?” she asks whilst setting the plate down onto the coffee table in front of her. The blonde tenses up immediately upon seeing the motherly servant approach. She tries to hide her boner, but isn’t able to before she takes note of it. Her face takes on a pink hue as she shakily takes a sandwich from the plate, looking over it and then to her crotch. “A…Amelia… I d-don’t think that would be… appropriate… Heh… I-I can deal with this m-myself…” “Ahh, nonsense. I can help you with this. It’s the least I can do for you on your special day… You just go ahead and enjoy your lunch while I…” Amelia licks her lips and snakes her fingers underneath her waistband, pulling at her pants and underwear, “...help my baby girl relax…” There was no saying no at this point. Mabel’s thin undergarments were quickly dragged down around her ankles, revealing her enormous, musky cock, standing tall as it is released from her panties. Swallowing a lump in her throat and wincing at the way the cool air of the room felt against her sensitive rod, she starts eating away at her sandwich. The way all the ingredients in the sandwich intermingled perfectly left her mouth salivating as she chews and munches it, all while her rental mom starts servicing her underappreciated cock. “Hmmnnnn… It’s… s-so good…”“Ahhh… I could say the same to you, heheheh… You’re such a big girl…” Amelia teases as she lets her tongue hang free, drooling down onto the head of her penis while massaging it at the base, “Now…” Amelia gets down lower to the ground, resting her chest on Mabel’s thighs and letting her tongue wrap around her shaft. Taking in the smell and taste of her sensitive cock leaves the lamia’s mouth to start watering more and more. Hungry for her meat, she squeezes and constricts her length with her tongue, eventually taking it into her mouth. “Uwahh… Hmmm… Y-Yumm…” Mabel’s eyes cross as she ends up stuffing the rest of the sandwich in her mouth, growing increasingly more shaky, trembling in pleasure. Gulping down the first sandwich heavily, she rests a hand upon Amelia’s head as she grabs another, munching on it and leaning back. Eventually, the light moans from Amelia turns into loud slurping and sloppy slobbering all over the girl’s member, devouring it whole and laying kisses upon the base. Her red lipstick was leaving clear marks on several points on Mabel’s hefty meatstick while she worked hard to milk it for all its worth. Both of her hands reach around and start massaging the sides of her thighs whilst using her tongue to drag in her unattended ballsack. Mabel’s eyes were fixated on the downright intoxicating expression on Amelia’s face while she received the best fillatio she’s probably ever had in her life, all while enjoying a nice lunch with he favorite combination of lunchmeat and cheese. Her breathes become quickened as she feels herself reaching the peak. Looking over her remaining two and a half sandwiches, she grabs onto them and stuffs them down her throat, filling her cheeks so she could finish her meal at the same time as she climaxes. Amelia’s eyes widen for a moment as she looks to the birthday girl’s beet red face devour all the sandwiches at once. With a weak smirk, she closes her eyes, moaning and tightening her throat around the cock in her gullet to finish her off. Just as the lunch drops into her stomach, Mabel’s eyes roll back in her head andshe moans out loud, eliciting neighbors to hammer against the wall. That doesn’t stop her from wailing out in ecstasy while feeding Amelia her viscous baby batter. “Aaaahahhnnn!! M-Mommaaaa!!” With ease, the lamia loudly gulps and slurps down her cum, although she was shocked be the initial burst of it, leaving some white goop to shot out her nostrils at first. Now, she was easily drinking it down, filling her belly with almost a gallon of her seed. “Pwaahahhh… Wow… You were really backed up.” Amelia says while semen drips off her lips and nostrils. She licks her mouth lick, taking the napkins meant for Mabel’s lunch and wipes her nose clean. Mabel lays back and breaths heavily, not realizing what it was she just said at the peak of her orgasm. As her eyes barely remain half open, she jolts upon feeling Amelia pat her now-exposed tummy. Lifting her shirt up, she snickers, kissing her plump abdomen and giving it a gentle rub. “You really liked those sandwiches, huh? Well, I’m sure you’ll need something to wash all that down.” “H…Huh?” Without warning, Amelia peels her top off, exposing her pale breasts directly to Mabel. Straightening herself out, she sits beside her on the couch and pulls her bra off and squeezes one of them, squirting a bit of fresh milk out. “Ahhh… Come here…” Mabel has never been breastfed before, even as a baby, but now that it was being offered to her, she was unsure about taking the drink. While she was hesitant, she again finds that it wasn’t an option as Amelia carefully puts her hand on the back of her head and guides her to the lactating nipple.“That’s it…” Amelia speaks in a whisper as she brings her closer. Now inches away from the F cup globe of milk, Mabel sighs heavily, deciding to resign herself to her primal desires and clasps onto the lamia’s breast. Holding it in her hands like a big jug of milk, she starts sucking, moaning quietly at the feeling of the hardy liquid slipping down her throat. “Mmnnhh… Drink as much as you want… I’ve got plenty…” She is completely drained from her orgasm, though she was still a bit solid. Her lipstick-marked cock twitches as Amelia leans over and takes hold of the shrunken pecker. “Wow… Still have some left in you? Amazing…” Amelia says while her gut gurgles with the vast amount of sperm sloshing about. Her eyes close tightly as she buries her face in the pillowy tit flesh, taking massive gulps. Mabel’s belly slowly bloats bit by bit as she helps herself to the milf’s uniquely sweet brand of lactose-filled liquid, all while moaning every now and then at the teasing her cock recieved. This would continue for almost an hour as Mabel sleepily rested her head against Amelia’s chest, filling herself more and more with the delicious milk without realizing how inflated her stomach was becoming. The lamia carefully dislodges the birthday girl from her boobs, finding she had dropped a couple cup sizes. “You’ve got more of an appetite than I would’ve expected… Such a hungry girl…” Being set back on the couch, Mabel belches out loud, fleks of lamia milk coming out of her mouth as she does. “BWWOOUURURRP!Hmmnng…” “Here…” Amelia whispers, slithering off the couch and laying Mabel across it. “I think a nap is in order… You deserve it after all you’ve done. Enjoy your day off.By the time you wake, dinner will be ready, okay?” “Y-Yes momma…” she says, fluttering her eyes shut, fighting her will to stay awake while her gut sloshed with about a dozen pounds of dairy. With a loving chuckle, she watches as Mabel falls into a deep slumber, rubbing her tummy to help her sleep easier. Several hours later, the sun sets slowly on the beautiful day. The natural light peeking into Mabel’s apartment slowly dies down as she awakens from her extended nap. With a yawn, she sits up on the couch, rubbing her eyes and looking around. As she tries to wake herself up a bit, she hears her voice called from the kitchen. “Mabel, honey. Can you come to the kitchen?” Amelia says, giggling to herself quietly. Mabel had some trouble recalling if the mommy dom from before was just a weird dream she had, but it was indeed true. Her pants were still around her ankles, leaving her flaccid penis exposed. “A-Ack…” Pulling her pants back up, she drags her feet to the kitchen, flinching at the shocking sight. “Hwahh… A-Amelia?” “Happy birthday, Mabel!” cries Aimai, her good friend who was currently sliding down the gullet of the rental mom. She was currently ass deep, hanging out of her mouth and looking at Mabel upside down, naked and snickering to herself. “I hope you liked Amelia. It seems like your birthday was fun.” “W-What are you doing?” questions Mabel, looking to Amelia’s tail which wrapped around the kitchen, seeming to be filled with a number of prey. With a toothy smile, Aimai responds, biting back moans as the lamia teases her nethers with her dexterous tongue. “H-Hhahh… Well, getting your dinner ready, dummy…”“My dinner?” “M-Mhm… Hope you like your double-stuffed noodle momma. Me and the girl’s from the office are taking sick days for you, so you better take pictures to show how we fill you out…” Aimai stammers as her breasts are slurped on. “D…Dinner… All of her? I think… uhhh… This might be a bit much—” She goes ignored as Aimai says her goodbyes. “See you on Tuesday! Heheheh—” “SHHLLRRPP! GULP! Hmmnnn…” Amelia scarfs Aimai up, leaving her chin drenched in her own saliva over how delicious she and the rest of the girls tasted. Mabel could make out her friend’s buxom figure being tightly hugged by the lamia’s throat as she travels down into her cavernous stomach, soon getting pushed down into her tail gut. “Ahhh… Your friends are all so nice… You truly are blessed to have people like them in your life…” Mabel stood, pausing and thinking to herself. “I… guess I am…” she says as a weak smile comes over her face.” As the lamia stifles a few burps, she slithers up to Mabel, patting her on the shoulder. “You don’t sound confident. You are a predator, are you not?” “I am, I guess…” Mabel mumbles, sighing and looking to each of the bulges that was supposedly a friend of hers from the office. Slowly, the imprints became more clear, and with it, she starts to recognize all the people who came for her birthday. Mabel thought she was to spend her birthday alone, but now she sees that all of her friends made time to visit her and to make such a wonderful birthday gift for her. Even if eating big isn’t her favorite thing in the world, she was grateful. “Thank you, guys…” she mutters with a smile, looking up to Amelia. “And thank you, miss…”“Ohoh, dear. You can keep calling me ‘momma’ if you wish. Just because your friends are around doesn’t mean you have to get all modest, hm?” she teases, patting her hip. “A-Ahh… W-Well… Momma… Heh… Can I have my dinner now?” “Of course, darling… Just open wide and I’ll feed it to you…” A wide smile adorns Amelia’s face as she speaks. Nodding her head, she opens her mouth as wide as possible, strands of saliva connecting the roof of her mouth to her tongue. Despite seeming like a reluctant sort of predator, she definitely seemed excited for her special dinner. Quite suddenly, the lamia bends forward, giving her one last embrace while simultaneously sticking her head inside her slavering wet maw, “Love you, honey…” Amelia says, kissing the back of her throat tenderly while holding her position for a brief moment, letting Mabel take in the hug. She was shocked by the sudden gesture, but she accepts it, reciprocating the hug while she feels the predator feeding herself to her. As Amelia lets go off her predator’s waist, she uses her powerful tail to push herself down her gullet. Mabel stands shakily, already feeling herself growing weak as her mouth was stretched beyond what she thought was possible to devour the stacked lamia. She loudly gulps her down as well as she can to help her along, but as she looks beyond Amelia’s shapely ass and sees the rest of her, amounting to 20 feet of lamia meat and her friends tucked inside, she grew much less confident about her ability to keep them all down. Eventually, the futanari decides to just focus on keeping her balance while Amelia slithers her way down into her final resting place. Already however, her belly was beginning to bulge from the lamia’s humanoid top. She could feel the willing preyrubbing the inside of her milk-filled stomach, which causes Mabel to grow increasingly shaky. The flustered birthday girl quietly moans while Amelia’s ass passes through her lips and down her throat. “Hmmphh…” She breathes heavily through her nostrils as the weight resting in her gut starts to become too much for her legs to carry. As the first hump of the lamia’s tail’s contents starts to stretch her mouth out even further, tears well up in Mabel’s eyes and she falls flat on her rear. With a heavy thud, Mabel was momentarily concerned about her dinner, but luckily for her, it continued slithering in without issues. She actually feels a whole lot more comfortable on the kitchen floor like this. As saliva runs out of the corners of her mouth, she stares up at the ceiling, closing her eyes and thinking about the immaculate flavor of the snake end as it drags across her tongue. It tastes like Amelia coated herself in honey or something along those lines to sweeten her birthday dinner. Mabel moans along, letting her arms spread out at her sides and feeling her raging boner get smothered underneath the expanding stomach that slowly filled with the coiling serpent woman. As Mabel accepts this meal and slowly grows more and more accustomed to it, she can’t help but think about her first time eating anybody before. For a moment, her mind wanders, recalling her college years. Getting herself stuffed for the sake of a male friend’s biology project. As much as she wasn’t interested in the idea of eating someone else, she did it for this one cute boy, effectively popping her metaphorical vore cherry and giving herself a permanent undesired taste for flesh that she is unable to shake today. “Ghhmm…” she groans, slowly opening her eyes around 15 minutes later after coming out of her reminiscing trance. She was shocked to come back to was amounted to a literal mountain of lamia resting on top of her, and still she wasn’t even done coiling up inside of her. “Hmph?! GULP! SHHHLLRRRP!” she puts in that extra effort to slurp up the last remaining bits of the sexy snake’s noodle-like body.“Gahhh! Huff… Hmmmg… Holy shit…” she mumbles to herself, rubbing her engorged organ through her tightly-stretched skin. “Huurp—BWOUUURRORUURRP!!Hahh…” Mabel expels a thunderousbelch toward the ceiling, eliciting more annoyed bangs from her neighbors who were getting tired of her constant moaning and gutteral sounds echoing through the walls. “Hmph…” Mabel pants, sweating like crazy after that extensive meal. She can’t see anything past the wriggling gut. “Jeez… I should’ve laid on my bed to eat… Gahh…” she complains, struggling to sit up. She barely manages to roll over, her enormous belly falling to the side and shaking the ground. The birthday girl lets out a relieved sigh, rubbing over her gurgling mass of meat. Inside, Aimai laughs out loud to herself, feeling the way the snake stomach around her relaxes and coils up. Her plan was a success. Mabel got her dinner and they’d all be digested, adding to the shy cutie’s already-plump body. “Hahahah! Awesome… Thanks for helping out with this guys…” Aimai says, reaching between her legs and biting her lip a bit as she starts teasing her own sex. “Ghh… You fuckin’ owe me for this, Aimai…” calls out Ely from the bottom of the stomach, who was getting smushed underneath a pair of coworker’s she barely knew, who were making out and having sex with one another. “Ugh…” Matty and Gordon, a pair of nekos who work in HR at their place of business and are good friends with Aimai, continue making love inches away from Ely, who recoils in discomfort. The squelching and gurgling noises of the stomach around them failed to drown out the noise of their ceaseless passion. “Ooooh come on Ely! Enjoy your first time being food.” said Ella, a small yellowkobold just beyond the wall of furry sex. “If you want, I can sneak back there and keep you company?” Ely groans and curls up, closing her eyes and feeling the stomach walls knead her skin. The naked succubus scratches the back of her head, wishing she hadn’t stuck her neck out to give Mabel a better birthday. “Tch… Wake me when I’m dead…” While the lamia’s stomach gradually worked to processing her prey, Mabel’s own was working hard to grind the hundreds of pounds of meat down into slush. It was going to take quite a bit of time though, so the girl decides to sleep, smiling softly as she thinks about how happy she was to have such good friends. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Digestion and Disposal Beyond this Point ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ And so, the night would pass seamlessly. As Mabel sleeps beside her friends and loved ones, they all get churned up and digested mercilessly by her highly-potent stomach acids. As hesitant she is to ever eat people, it was undeniable that her stomach was more efficient at dissolving food than most. As hours pass, Amelia and the 8 or so others who were cooped up within her stomach were melted and converted into a thick, nutrient-rich mound of meat and sludge. Luckily, they all had the reformation insurance needed to ensure they’d return in a few day’s time, but that doesn’t change the fact that they were currently gumming up Mabel’s digestive tract with hundreds of pounds of dead meat, slowly pushing their way through her intestines to absorb properly. The sounds of her guts gradually pushing the slurry of boney remains through her was audible from outside her apartment in the night, although she sleeps soundly through it all. Come morning, the contents of her stomach have shifted down quite a bit. The parts of them that weren’t melted down and padded her ass, belly and even her dick were sitting heavily in her colon, waiting to be released. Her birthday was over, and now it was time for her friends to find their way home.Unfortunately for Mabel, she has forgotten that she has work today. Thankfully though, she’s awakened by a bout of gas that explodes out her rear. “Ffbhbhrrt!!Wehh?” she whines, slowly awakening onthe cold kitchen floor. Slowly sitting up, she notes the distinct lack of lamia in her tummy, but she could tell there was a major pressure built up in her bowels. She was briefly fooled to think that she still had someone tucked away in her stomach, but rather, the waste built up in her bowels was enough to fill a bathtub. “Oh goodness…Bffllrlrsshh!!Ahhnn… G-Gosh… What doI—” she is cut off by the sound of her phone alarm in the other room. Her eyes widen as she’s reminded of her work. “Ack! Oh no oh no…” She struggles to her feet, being weighed down by a couple hundred pounds of muck gumming up her insides. The added padding to her assets didn’t help with moving around, but at least the weight went to the places where they mattered the most. Her breasts went up a couple cup sizes and her ass had torn through her tight leggings, leaving them as tattered pieces of cloth where she lied on the floor. Much to her dismay, she focuses on getting ready for work before focusing on emptying her guts. She felt like it would take a receptacle larger than her toilet to handle the mess, so she was prepared to hold it until she found a public toilet built for larger asses. Olivia has facilities for people of all sizes, although her apartment doesn’t have any toilet built for a shit as big as what she has cooking. She gets to cleaning her bloated body in the shower, but not before stopping up her stinking hole with a butt plug. While she’s drying herself off afterwards, she remembers to snap a few pictures of herself in the mirror, displaying her belly prominently in each and every one of them. Just for Aimai, she takes a picture of her elongated cock, sending that straight to her phone for when she reforms. “God… I’m such a shameless perv…” she comments to herself while looking atthe pictures while letting loose a waterfall of piss and emptying her bladder. Unable to wear her current-size work uniforms anymore, she clothes herself in some stretchy maternity clothes and sets off for her day at work. As she passes through the kitchen however, she spots a note on the counter. > “Mabel, I hope you had a happy birthday. You are one of the sweetest girls I’ve been hired to be a momma for. If you ever feel lonely, know that I’ll be free for you anytime you need. -Love Amelia Najarala; Momia” After reading that over, her face grows intensely red and her cock springs back to life, now with several inches added to it’s girth and size. She cringes at the tightness in her work pants and tosses the slip away, shuffling out her apartment with her anus clenching as hard as possible. Biting her lip and sweating bullets, Mabel traverses Chernsberg, middle-class borough of Olivia that she calls home. Unfortunately, as she approaches the train station, she realizes that it might take her too long to find a bathroom that can accommodate her dump size. “Oooh, fuck…” she whispers herself while she looks around for a spot to relieve herself. Finally, she spots a fast food restaurant, and those are built with toilets fit to drop her friends off in. Sighing out in relief, she enters the burger joint, passing by everybody who was there for breakfast. “Hahhh… Thank God…” Mabel says as she steps into the largest stall and drops her pants down. She climbs up onto the sizable toilet. It was so big that she could easily fall into it if she wasn’t careful. Pressing her hands into her gut, she puffs her cheeks out until her face turns beet red, pushing to expel the waste. With a loud ‘POP’,the butt plug is launched out of her anus and with it, a deluge of dung and various abhorent smells.“SSHBHBCCHHRRT!!Aahhnnnn! F-Fuck…” she moans outas her asshole is instantly stretched wide to accomodate the thick, stiff turds forcing their way out her ass. Each hunk of shit came with a couple shattered bones stuck within them, scraping her pucker nicely and leaving her blushing in shameful pleasure. Her cock stood tall, twitching with excitement at the sudden stimulation her asshole recieved from the auburn manure that plopped into the high-capacity toilet. After a few minutes, the splashing turned into soft, thuds as the mound grew taller and stunk up the room heavily. The odor was creating a visible smog that left Mabel’s own eyes tearing up. “FFRRBHBSRCCH!!Hnnng…I’m gonna be late… Ahhh… Darn it, Aimai…” Aimai’s plans would lead Mabel to being a bit late for work, as her belly takes its sweet time to squeeze every pound of boney shit out of her system. Slowly, the stiffness of her turds weakened, growing softer and muddier. “BBLLSHRRSFFT!!A-Ack! You guys… Hmmg—” she mutters,feeling the skulls of those she devoured blocking up the flow of feces. Her eyes roll back in her head as she is forced to reach back and physically spread her anus wider, eventually letting the floodgates open and dropping a few skulls right into the towering dirt pile. They clatter against one another, only to get buried in another mudslide right after. “Ccrrckll—CHHHSBHHBRSSHH!!Hahhhnn…You’re all g-gonna split me wide open! Gahhh!” Mabel moans out, inadvertently cumming all over the floor. Mabel is forced to slide forward a bit, standing over the high-rimmed toilet so her cheeks don’t have to graze the towering pile of poop. After a solid hour of torment, Mabel exits the bathroom, rubbing her ass and trailing a nasal-assualting stench as she steps towards the register. With a harsh blush on her flustered face, she swallows a lump in her throat and looks over at the customers in the restaurant who recoil at her putrid odor. “A-Ahh… Are you still serving breakfast…?”Sadly, she had been in the restroom for so long that they switched over to lunch before she could finish. Mabel would leave with a double cheeseburger for breakfast, as well as an intensely embarrassed look on her face after having to tell them about how she clogged their toilet and left a bit of cum on their floor. Mabel tips the poor, underpaid employees handsomely.
 Ash’s Daddy Demon “Hahh… Alright, alright…” Ash stands alone in her living room apartment, having pushed all the furniture to the walls so she could have room to draw out a sizable pentagram on the floor. With bright white candles, drizzling hot wax on the wooden floor as she takes her time to mentally prepare for what she’s about to do, the girl skims through her demonic summoning tome. After sufficiently preparing for her ritual, she closes the blinds in the room, shrouding the place in darkness before she begins reciting the ancient chant to call upon a hellish figure from the underworld. The words coming from the girl’s mouth are in a language even she doesn’t fully understand. As she speaks the last word, she can feel the energy in the room change drastically. The darkness enveloping her is cast away as the pentagram glows a vibrant red and a red, swirling pool of blood appears within it. Black tentacles peer out of it, knocking over a few candles as the demon’s main body rises out. With an oddly-shaped head reminiscent of a certain mouse-headed DJ in her world, the demon shines his jagged red teeth and crosses his burly arms as he looks down at his summoner. “Ah! Great. It worked. Now, sir. You and I are going to see someone. My friends didn’t think I could actually summon someone without their help, but they’ll be eating their words when they see you.” Ash says this whilst grabbing onto one of his large, clawed hands. Instead of obeying the mortal, however, he pulls her back. The tentacles poking out of the portal reach up and entangle themselves around her legs as he speaks to her. “I don’t think I will. You answer to me now,” he says with a deep, bassy voice.“W-What? Let go of me—” her protest is cut short as she looks up at his big red eyes, which become tantalizing, multi-colored windows into his very soul, “W…Wahh…” “What did you say, slut? What’s on your mind?” he says, grinning ear to round fuzzy ear as he uses his claws to rend her clothes and mark her skin with light cuts. The entranced girl winces at the scratches on her skin, but she doesn’t mind, simply leaning against him and rubbing her thigh against his bulging crotch, “Hmmn… Nothing’s on my mind, sir…” “That’s ‘Daddy’ to you, bitch. Now, let’s go have some fun before I turn you into a worthless soup in my guts,” he says with a gruff tone while the tentacles retract from the portal, only to reemerge from his back and keep her close to him. The demonic entity drags his nails across her jeans, ripping the pants off her so he can more effectively feel her soft ass cheeks. His eyes return to their standard scarlet shine after assuring her obedient state of being. “Of course… Daddy…” she says, biting her lip and practically salivating at how much she adores the sensation of his claws groping her tender skin. The pair make their way to her bedroom. Every room the demon is in becomes bright red from the glow being emitted from his eyes. With Ash’s body thoroughly moist with sweat and some of her own blood, the demon takes a seat on her bed, leaning back while his tentacles start teasing her taint. “You want Daddy’s cock more than anything in the world, right?” “Ahhh, yes Daddy… C-Can I have it?” “Worthless whore, heh. Take my pants off and I’ll be more than happy to deliver, you stupid slut,” he says with a smile, watching her get on her knees to pull her pants down.As soon as she touches the hem of his pants, one of his tentacles wraps around her neck roughly, “A-Ack!” “Only use your mouth.” Ash shivers for a moment as the airflow to her lungs is briefly restricted. With a weak nod, she’s freed to do as he says. The girl gets a hold of his pants with her teeth and starts weakly pulling them down bit by bit, getting saliva all over her lips and on his crotch. As she begins to see more of his quivering tool, her cunt drools in return. Once she’s gotten the pants around his thighs, she’s hoisted in the air with the tentacles. “Good girl. Now, just let me play with you. You’re just a disposable toy, after all,” he says while his thick, veiny rod begins to ooze. The tentacle around her neck squeezes a bit as she’s turned around to sit upon his lap, “Y…Y-Yes, D-Daddy—” There’s a hitch in her voice as she feels the tip of his head enters her tight asshole. Her spiral, hypnotized gaze rolls back as she feels her legs spread wide by the tentacles from his back. As her tongue hangs from her mouth, the large hands of her daddy force her to look back to him while she’s eased down on his destructive tool. “Dumb bitch, heh…” he says before roughly forcing her all the way down, invading her anus with his girthy member. Ash’s ass ripples upon making harsh contact with his thighs. Her moans ring out through the apartment, though they become muffled as more tentacles start infiltrating more of her. One shoves itself down her throat, choking her a bit as it causes her throat to bulge. Another slithers into her pussy, thrusting into her alongside his own cock.“Mmmmphhgggh! Dddhhh…” she tries calling out her master’s name, but to no avail. “Shut up,” he says with a strained tone as he glides his hands up and down her pudgy midsection, letting his own tongue hang free. The feeling of his dick being milked by her tight insides has him moaning. He takes one of his blood-soaked claws and tastes her essence. “What a wonderful taste… Hahh… I think I’m gonna have dinner early. You want Daddy to eat you, don’t you?” As he asks this, the tentacle slips from her mouth, moving down to her pussy. Ash’s cunt is stretched wide as several additional tendrils make a home of her uterus, causing her tummy to bulge as at least three thick impressions push out from her insides. Though her privilege to speak is returned, she isn’t actually capable of forming sentences. Ash is way too overstimulated to think straight. “Y… Ye—Aaaahhhnnn… D-Daaddyyy!” she cries out as she reaches climax, though as soon as she feels herself about to cum, something inside her keeps her from being able to achieve orgasm. “You aren’t allowed to cum unless I say so, bitch. Now, get in me.” His massive bear trap jaws open wide and descend upon her. Ash is introduced to a new kind of darkness as the demon devours her very being, still fucking her senseless. Eventually, he cums inside her asshole, gently biting down around her tits and drawing blood. At the same time, she’s allowed to cum with him. The slut’s pussy practically bursts as her fluids squirt all over his lap. Her moans of pure ecstasy are muffled as her head passes down his throat.The demon laps up the blood as he lifts her up above his head and slides her down easily, leaving the tentacles secure within her pussy all the way down. He lets one of his hands feel the squirming mass that Ash makes up as her legs slip the rest of the way down his throat, stretching her belly beyond the limits of his black t-shirt. “GULP! GLRRK!” He pulls his tendrils, which are still fastened to her insides, out of his mouth, slurping the femcum off and licking his lips afterward. “Pahahhh… Perfect little gutslut,” he says while slapping the side of his belly, letting loose some gas,”BWWOUURRP!Hahh…” The acids within his organ singe her skin and leave her begging for more. Her asshole leaks his viscous white fluid and mixes with the blood and digestive fluids. “Daddy… Hmmnnng… It’s… k-kinda hot in here,” she complains, pressing her hands against the thinly-stretched flesh surrounding her. “Yeah, that’s the idea, dumb whore…” he says as his dick gently softens and he pulls out a box of cigarettes from his pocket. Lighting a cigarette and standing from the bed, he pulls his pants up with a tentacle as he makes his way for his pentagram, “It’s been fun, girl, but you’ll be fine. We’ll be having a lot of fun where we’re going. Heheheh. Just simmer for a while—HHRRURORRP!” The second thunderous belch tightens his stomach a decent bit, making her form more visible and restraining her further. With the hypnosis slowly fading, she feels a lingering sense of dread fill her as he makes he stand in the portal. The demon bites his lip at the feeling of her struggles as he stands in the swirling blood portal. He squeezes her through his dome of a tummy as the two of themslowly sink in. “Fight for your life, bitch. Heheh… Hahahahah!”
In The Heart of the Desert Spirit By Emberell A Braviary’s screeching cry echoed across the chilly hills, its warble distorted into a single wavering note by distance. The midday sun illuminated the sparse trees, reflected brightly off the patches of mosses and scraggy grasses with hardly a cloud in the sky to provide the hillsides shade from its bright rays. The sounds of the forest were entirely natural and unmarred by the hum of city life. In the safety of the treetops, the Pidgeotto sang happily and chittering Furret occasionally scampered from rocky nooks over and into the trees. There were faint game trails forged into the gravelly mountainside, but there were no hints of the far-reaching Pokémon rangers imprinted on the foliage and rocks of this far ridge. A spiky haired Pokémon trainer crested the southern hills, but he paused there to scrutinize the area. Liam nodded slightly to himself as he stood on the ridge. The slight breeze whipped through his black hair as though each strand was a blade of wild grass and blew over his dull red vest. He seemed not to notice as his shirt sleeves fluttered, or as the hems of his patched khaki surged like energetic flags at full mast. Then he turned and called over his overstuffed hiker’s backpack, “It’s clear! There are no trainers in this vale!” With puff of rustling leaves, a green blur erupted into the air. An excited feminine cry burst out alongside, "Flygon!” The Flygon pirouetted happily in the air. Her diamond shaped wings hummed slightly as she came to rest beside her partner and chirpily inquired, “Lyy ly gon fly, Yon?” The man responded with a small smile, his voice light, “I don’t know where we are, Sofia.” He began down the rise at a slow pace and his smile widened tenderly in a single glance over at his partner Flygon. As his steps quickened along a slope, he added, “From what I can tell, we’re far past the range of the in the Shinjoh Ruins Pokémon Center.” The tall mountain pines creaked and swayed in the wind around them. The sound of bark against bark grew unnaturally loud in the sudden descent of quiet over the rough terrain. Careful silence surrounded them, broken only by the gentle noise of wind through the boughs and the faint crunch of hiking boots on gravelly ground. The oppressive silence was like an alarm bell the experienced trainer, and Liam raised a hand in a single wordless signal as he stopped with an intent ear. In a low voice, he warned, “Something is coming.” Instinctively, his had reached for his bare belt, but he stopped himself with a clench of his fist. His steely gaze caught Sofia’s concerned one, and his eyes softened. He simply said, “Get ready for battle.” She nodded with a determined twinkle in her lensed eyes before she positioned herself on the balls of her feet. Her green wings twitched slightly as she kept herself ready to fly, her familiar stance ready and waiting. The sound of crashing foliage shattered the anxious silence, an unrestrained woody snap of branches announced the approach of the no longer stealthy hunter, and a moment later a full-grown Ursaring burst from between two pines in a flurry of needles and bark. It reared onto its hind paws and roared a challenging, “Rr saring!” The feral bear wasted no time, and rushed without even waiting for its roar to finish toward the braced Flygon with its paw drawn back. The steady trainer quickly analyzed the situation and issued a simple command before the bear took its fourth step, “U-turn.” Liam carefully studied the battle and his partner as Sofia arced around the Ursaring’s crushing limb, and she gracefully skirted the attack as it impacted the ground with a distinctive smash. In the motion she struck the Ursaring with a solid smack of her fan-like tail. It slid backwards, but not enough to lose its balance. A dangerous glint was the only warning in its eyes before the wild bear spun in a thrashing windmill and knocked the recovering Flygon away into the air with a bellowing, “Ursa!” Sofia quickly stabilized herself in the air with a powerful sweep of her wings, and her eyes narrowed behind her crimson lenses. Beside her, another guiding command colored the air, “Dragon Tail!” His partner nodded once more in understanding. With a quick whip of her body she met the Ursaring’s thrashing paws with a powerful swing of her striped tail. The combined force of their attacks in that single point vaulted the startled mountain bear head-over-tail backwards through the damaged pines it had burst through, and farther down the receding hillside. The frustrated Ursaring growled angrily and bore its fangs, but it made no motion to return. Instead, it turned its nose up defiantly and prowled off in search of easier prey. As though waking from a cold winter the forest hesitantly began to sing again with the sounds of happy birds and chittering of timid foraging Pokémon. Soon the high wood was as though nothing had happened. Even smaller Pidgey fluttered from their perches and among the needles of the trees and twittered tentatively. Sofia her beaming gaze to her partner beaming triumphantly with a happy chirp of her own, “Lygon! Fly!” Liam dropped his serious stance like a bad memory as he approached with a heartfelt smile, and his response was light, ”You won.” His experienced gaze examined his triumphant Flygon as carefully as it had her battlefield, and then he softened with care and concern, “Are you hurt?” He did not wait for an answer. Instead, he unclasped his backpack and set it on the ground to search. “Yy gon, fly ly!” She tried to sooth. Gravel crunched and rustled as she settled beside him. Sofia clasped a green clawed paw to Liam’s back, a soft clasp, but he was not deterred. Liam requested gently, “Let me take a look at your back. That Thrash looked like it hit pretty hard.” Her antennae bobbed as she dipped her head and hesitantly turned her red trimmed wings to him. He traced his carefully hands along their green backs, a light dance of his fingers over the diamonds and then along the small of her back where the Ursaring’s paw had hit. She flinched as he passed over the junction of her wings, and he winced sympathetically. Without wasting another moment he dove back into his backpack and bounced back up with a fat, pear shaped yellow berry that had orange spots. “Here, eat this. It’s about time for lunch, anyhow.” A bit sheepishly, she took the berry. Her insistent counterpart extracted a plump blue berry of his own as he relaxed in the brisk shade of the sunny mountainside forest. The beautiful weather kept them to comfortable in the cool air, and together they enjoyed their impromptu lunch to the serenade of the busy forest Pokémon. They said nothing as they ate. They only exchanged smiles while they concentrated on their berries. Together they finished their small picnic in a flash. Sofia was the first to stand, a quick wing into the air and then elegantly forward along the trail they had been blazing. Liam rose next, but rather than following their trail, a well travelled map crinkled open in front of him. The energetic Flygon pulled up and swung back around to confer, “Flyy gon?” His reply was a quick and distant voice distracted by a mind half-turned to planning, “We need to turn west. The map isn’t specific, but there should be a pass through the mountains. After that, though, we will have gone beyond the edge of the map.” She was equally quick with a confident and smiling announcement, “Yy ly gon!” It was not a question, and she did not wait for an answer. Sofia kicked off the ground like a cork released from a bottle. Left below, her partner watched on with a bemused smile and the sound of her humming flight ringing in his ears as she got zoomed up. The Flygon’s form receded as she rose, her green body smaller and smaller until it was hardly recognizable in the sky. She hovered there earnestly appraising the landscape, before the determined dot dove. The green of her body came back into view quickly. With a single skillful twist, she braced her landing with her dexterous tail. The proud Pokémon reported agreeably, “Ly yygon fly, flygon yy.” “Oh, that's good. Liam’s reply was a soft unconscious exhale. He asked, “Where you able to determine where exactly it is?” Rather than reply with a complicated explanation, Sofia came up beside him and traced a claw gently along their map. The paper made a worrisome dragging noise, but the sturdy map refused to tear. Her paw sketched along the base of the mountain to the west, and then curved up to the north where it met and melded with its neighbor just below the top of the map. It was a clear path, and so without a question she began to turn back with a happy smile, but her trainer caught her green hand in his own and whispered words meant only for her, “Hey. Thanks.” The feminine Flygon hung there for a moment longer to squeeze softly at his hand. It was a brief moment, and then she pulled away with a soft redness to her cheeks. The bright sounds of the forest seemed to return with the wry smile of her trainer as he strode in the direction she had lain out for them. Right behind him, Sofia joined his side as they continued their hike. The remainder of the afternoon flowed over them as gently as they flowed over the terrain. Their hike took them out of the sparse pine trees into a thick birch forest, a lower and smoother incline filled with life. Loud humming sounds from several of the treetops announced each noisome of bug Pokémon, hidden save for the loud trill of their mating call. Among the white boughs, a Pidgeotto hunted the appetising bugs with little success. Above and around them, the temperature began to set with the behind the western mountain. From comfortable to chill, the twilight threatened to drop the shivering chill lower still. They came to rest once at a small clearing, and Liam pulled his pack from his back once more. There had not been any need for words these last few hours, and he did not need to say anything now. Their shared exhaustion spoke for itself, a silent agreement on without need for discussion, and he was quickly at work setting up a cubic tent pulled from the top of his hiking backpack. Sofia flitted around the clearing on her own task as she gathered dry wood and round stones to construct a fire pit. Her well-trained muscles made the process an easy one, and as she finished setting the campfire she glanced over to her trainer who was busy assembling the tent. She held her gaze on him expectantly, but he had lost himself in his project and failed to notice her attention. The Flygon nodded to herself, and vanished into the brush with only a soft crinkle of leaves. Oblivious, Liam continued to work diligently as he pulled several of the tent supports into place. It shaped up to a foundation of its expected shape, but on a turn to the tools stored in his backpack the adventurer came to an unexpected stop. Only now he noticed his companion was no longer in the clearing with him, and his brow furrowed slightly. Her absence paused him there with darting eyes over their impromptu campsite, before they caught the sight on the skillfully set up circle of stones and wood. What worry there was slid from his face and transformed into a half grin. He returned to the partially assembled tent with renewed energy, almost but not quite a skip in his step. In short order, he had cobbled the rest of it up secure against the wind. It fluttered proudly against the sharp cold breeze as a testament t his handiwork. Satisfied, Liam returned to his backpack and retrieved a well-used charcoal briquette from an outer pocket. A single strike stuffed it under the collection of wood and kindling that his partner had kindly gathered and the campfire was ready. All it took was one last twist of his arm, a soft snick of a match, and the fire crackled happily as it took hold. A happy, “Y lyy fly gon!” announced Sofia’s return to the clearing, proudly bearing a collection of three salmon and a Basculin in her paws. Liam's face lit up with the light of her return, and he stood tall from beside the crackling fire. From behind his back, he proffered a frying pan alongside a wry grin. His partner deposited her catch into his pan, all but one one of the salmon that flew a little too far and splattered wetly against his vest. She stuck her tongue out at him teasingly, and Liam grinned all the wider as he settled in between his backpack and the campfire. He was all but a blur as he began to cook. First, he cleaned and gutted each fish, a methodical and quick task on a simple cloth spread over the flat rock ground. Then, he painted them with butter and several pinches of spice, sprinkling excess around and onto the cuts of fish. Finally, he diced them into bite-sized squares and tossed them around in the seasoning, with each toss adding a sprinkle of light breading to the mix, entirely coating each fish-bite and trapping the spices between absorptive bread and nutritious meat. Thus prepared, he let them fall into the pan that was set onto a lightweight metal shelf standing over the low-burning flames. He fell backwards with a happy sigh of relaxation and his back against his supportive Flygon. His partner's twinkling eyes never once left him, and as he fell back against her side she could not help but break out in a brilliant grin of her own. The fishy aroma of cooking salmon and Basculin filled the air with a mouth-watering smell began to fill as spices seeped through the breaded coating. Oil sizzled happily over in the pan, and despite the setting sun behind the mountainside, the fire combined with each other’s company kept any thought of chill far from their minds. Before long, the breaded fish darkened from their light tan coat to a crisp browned sienna. The trainer-turned-chef pulled the frying pan off the fire to test the meat with the cleaned knife. A quick slice into one of the squares was all it took for him to determine that they were ready to eat. With a practiced ease, he expertly split the meal between two plastic plates and produced a fat yellow berry shaped like a top. Another few practiced cuts and it was divided it into six slices for them to share. Liam squeezed the juice from two of the slices onto the fish squares on each plate, then split the other four slices evenly between their plates. Finally, their meal was ready. With a fancy flourish he proffered a plate to Sofia along with a mischievously formal announcement, “Your meal is served." Sofia replied with an equally mischievous and formal, “Yy, Flygon fly Yon.” Her wide grin accompanied those words, fighting their formality with a healthy dose of silliness. There was no hesitation to take her plate, and together the two sat to eat around the fiery coals. The zesty fish squares did not last long at all under their hungry assault. Before long, their plates were almost sparklingly clean once more. Still and luxuriating, the adventurers simply sat there lazily staring beyond the campfire and enjoyed each other’s company. Dark night shadows had completely fallen over their clearing, welcomed by the Kriketune’s songs from their darkened hideaways in the billowing black of the forest. The day’s warmth had almost entirely faded, and with a reluctant motion Liam rose from his recline beside his fellow Flygon. Two sprinkles of dousing sand over the fire pit extinguished the last of the cola. Then, he strode toward the tent while she watched on from beside the embers. He unzipped the door, but paused and asked uncertainly, “It’s going to get incredibly cold tonight. Will you join me in our tent?” She lit up, and seemed to rebound off the ground in a single blurred movement. Sofia’s happy agreement only made it clearer, “Fly lyy!” The uncertainty slid from her trainer’s face like ice melting off a spring tree, heated by the powerful care in his smile. He led the way into the insulated tent. Close behind him, the happy Flygon stooped and folded her wings back to fit through the doorway. Inside the wind-proof room Liam had two sleeping bags set up, one for each of them for the night. His was an average mummy bag, but hers was a custom designed bag that was designed to be nothing but comfortable for a travelling Flygon. Silently, the couple as donned their sleeping bags and lay down together for the night. Liam wormed his way beside Sofia Before they drifted off and snuggled into her caringly. The soft crinkle of insulated padding echoed quietly from the tent walls as she wriggled back into his form with a content coo. Like that, the two partners eased into sleep without any thought of the bitter cold that could not penetrate their sanctuary. Morning broke faster than either of them would have liked, brought to their ears by the tentative chirp of waking birds. The sky was a silvery grey expanse of clouds that snowed a light blanket over the whitened camp. A bright zip of the tent’s zipper revealed first the warmly clothed man, and then his cheery Flygon with a blue scarf about her neck. Although it was cold, they left their campfire unlit. Instead, they simply ate a small breakfast of dried berries and salted nuts. After they tucked away their morning meal, the two quickly as they packed up their camp. The fire pit was scattered and tent collapsed as they worked in tandem to wrap up their campsite. On one end the Flygon undid her previous night's work with a well-placed Sand Attack, while on the other end her handy trainer had only to pull a few strategically placed pins from the tent and it deflated at once. They came together to fold the flattened tent back into a small bundle that easily fit into place on top of Liam’s hiking backpack. He took the pack back up onto his shoulders, and the two considered the clearing with a parting look. It was pristine and almost untouched, natural and green though the mosses and grasses were ruffled. Their stay was evidenced the patch of bared ground in the center of an otherwise snowy meadow. Even that had begun to fill with small dots of snow where the weather had a clear path to fall once again. As one, the partners turned and left the clearing behind them. It faded from their minds like the many places they had stopped before, replaced instead by the meditative thoughts about traversing the trail that they blazed. Warmth lit the sea of gray clouds, the rising sun melting away the edge of the cold. The steely blanket broke apart like the frozen surface of a pond under overpowering bright rays, and with it the light snow left. As the cracks of blue became a pure lake, the wildlife woke. Raticate and Furret scampered about hunting acorns and nuts, while thick-feathered Pidgeot swooped from their nests in turn hunting the foraging Pokémon. Busy with their activities, they were uninterested in the travelling trainer and Flygon, and the two similarly paid them little mind. Sofia’s covered eyes only landed once or twice on a surfacing Pokémon before they returned to their forward journey. The low key wildlife were not the only things out there, they all knew well. Her vigilance paid off when, around a bend in the game trail, they stumbled across a fierce predatory Luxray that was framed by a powerfully raging river. The lion stood at full attention as it focused a dangerous gaze on the emerging human and energetic Flygon. An ominous growl floated over the rushing sound of the rapids, but after a moment of appraisal, it lifted its head disdainfully and slowly stalked off down the bank of the river without a second look back. The adventurers needed a moment longer for them to break their gaze from the rocky banks, but Sofia recovered first. Her bubbling giggle lightly graced the air, breaking the tense moment with a jovial comment, “Fly. Gon ly yyly flygon!” Liam's relieved grin crept into his voice, “Its type disadvantage and your obvious strength were enough to convince it to leave.” His strong gaze considered the cheerfully bubbling river, and he stared past the spot where the Luxray had vanished. His thoughts were no longer on the big cat, rather on the concern he brought to voice, “This river is moving incredibly fast, and there’s no easy way to tell how deep it is along the middle. We’re going to have to find a way to ford it farther up its banks.” “Gon.” Sofia countered confidently. She fluttered deftly between him and the rapids. The river framed her as she leaned forward and beckoned with a roll of her shoulder, “Ly Y goon.” Her trainer's steps were uncertain, and he stopped just behind her. Liam asked caringly, “Are you certain? I don’t –“ “Yy. Flygon.” She cut in, not unkindly. The serious strength in her eyes made it obvious that she would not take no for an answer, and Liam's look of concern fought with a bemused smile. He did not bother arguing with her. Gently, he climbed onto her strong back and grasped his Flygon’s feminine shoulders with a reassuring squeeze as he settled into an old but familiar position. With a musically singing buzz that flowed over the banks of the rushing river, Sofia’s diamond wings hummed to life. A determined furrow scrunched her brow, and with a strong kick off the rocky shore she launched into the air. It was a simple matter of dexterity to hang on to the back of his humming Flygon. However, strain already fought with the tenacious on her face, and she did not waste any time pressing onwards over the clamorous river. Strong muscles worked and tensed as she flew, and there was no need for her to be in the air for very long. Hardly half a minute passed before his strong Flygon landed with a gravelly crunch of riverside beneath her feet and they were safely on the opposite bank of the river. He jumped from her back, but he remained loyally at her side. She caught her breath quickly, a proud sparkle gleaming behind the protective red lenses covering her eyes, and her partner placed a gentle hand on her shoulder with a silent thankful clasp. In an effort to dispel his worry, she gathered herself again and happily chirped, “Fly gon!” This time, Liam nodded. For a moment his hand lingered on her, and Sofia gently embraced it in her own. She simply smiled and took off, filled with new energy onto a faint trail between the trees. Her paw still held tightly onto his hand, and so with a joyful laugh he could not help but trail along behind her down their new path into the mountainous forest. The birch trees began to wane, once more replaced by strong and sturdy pines. The forest thickened as it transitioned from a bright and clean green to white and snow-laden needles as the radiant sun settled directly above them. From the grand river, they had ventured through the deep evergreen forest of the mountainside and across slope after slope before they stumbled again onto the edge of trouble. This time it took the form of three Houndoom feasting on a fresh meal, and the canines broke from it to bare their dangerous fangs. Their growls matched the fearsome looks on their muzzles, but the Houndoom made no move to forfeit their hard-earned meal. Neither the hiking trainer nor his Flygon offered a threat to that previous peace. They respectfully backed out of the clearing in as nonthreatening a manner as they could, a soft bow and drop of their eyes displaying their intent simply to pass by. Their mindful caution saw them away without anything more than the intimidating rolling growls, and soon they had passed around the dangerous den of canines. The collection of canines enjoying their lunch reminded the pair belatedly of their own not-yet lunch. It was already an hour past the sun's zenith, so as soon as they found a particularly smooth and welcoming rock the hungry trainer took their pause. With two familiar clicking snaps, he removed his pack as and Sofia relaxed beside him on the comfortable rock. Liam pulled out a cluster of healthy banana-shaped berries and two servings of dried nuts. His practiced hands once more split the food evenly between himself and his companion. Their lunch was easy and tasty, light enough that they were able to finish in only a few minutes and they did not dawdle. Soon the two were hiking on their way over the steep slopes of the mountainside again. On those challenging slopes, the pair took turns crossing over the thin shelves that overlooked the vales and hills from the cliff side face of the overlooking elder mountain cliffs. Tendrils of melting snow had frozen into the rocky ledges, and at a particularly spider webbed edge the loose ice and grey rock simply crumbled beneath his foot. His eyes widened in that single heart-stopping moment, but Sofia was quick by his side to catch him with a three-fingered paw steadying his shoulder. His hand came over hers, warm with thanks and a world of gratitude expressed soft squeeze of his fingers that said more than any words could to convey of his boundless affection. With a cautious eye on the ground Liam did not dawdle on the spot, and he pressed forward alongside her, though his steps slower and more carefully calculated. Their path curved slowly northwards and bent around the base of the mountain. The afternoon sun's bright rays angled as the day past, offsetting the cool of the arid sky. As the two summated the particularly steep grade and came to a rocky and uneven plane, a dangerous looking sight greeted their eyes. Spiky fractured rocks littered the sloped ground, a collection of small pebbles to sizable boulders and jagged spires. On closer inspection some of the boulders were revealed as curled up Graveller among the camouflaging rocks, but what drew both sets of their eyes were the rust-tinted steel boulders arranged unnaturally straight in a red ridge directly across their path. A loud crunch of rock crashing into the valley floor echoed up from behind them as disturbed rock hit the valley floor, and as one the rusted steel rocks seemed to whir to life in front of them as one. Each boulder rotated in its own direction with a coarse grinding noise as the coils of aged steel reared back and revealed themselves as an imposing Steelix with a singular roar, “Llix!” Neither lost their wits as they took up their battle stances. The dangerous Steelix dove straight at the ground and crashed through a Graveller that had been sidling slowly away with a sickening cracking crunch! Its dive was not even slowed as it shattered the frightened Pokémon like so much glass, a window through which the dangerous Steelix drilled straight into the ground and vanished beneath the surface. For several moments the ground shook with its burrowing, but the Steelix did not resurface, and with it the quakes slowly subsided. For the third time that day, the pair stood lucky and relieved. The shards of the broken Graveller littered the edges of the collapsed tunnel while the rest had almost entirely vanished in their haste to escape the wrath of the ancient titan. Liam had to steady himself against his fierce Flygon in the ensuing silence. She kept her eyes on the disturbed rock face, but the brush of his hand broke her intent stare and she looked curiously over to him. A little nervously, he said, “That was close. This far out, the Pokémon are able to get incredibly strong. It's even comparable to Mt. Silver, but even there… That Steelix looked ancient!” A soft and natural bubbling chime played as she willed herself to relax with a melodic laugh. “Gon fly ylyy, Y lyygon!” She reassured him before she turned back to their path. Sofia asked confidently, “Yy flygon?” Her confidence was a contagious stream of positive energy into Liam. He recovered with a stout nod, and though the first step was not really a step, and with Sofia by his side they were able to move forward together. Above them, the late afternoon sun was fading into fantastic oranges and yellows as twilight aged the light over each rocky bluff. The day’s warmth once more began to wane as the sun threatened to set behind the mountain peaks. The distinct chill put a spring in each step as they looked for another suitable place to set up their camp. The prim Flygon’s sharp eyes spotted a secluded corner carved into the steep mountainside, and she pointed it out to him with a single green claw. It was an otherwise unremarkable rough-shod pocket perfect for setting up their camp. Her partner readily agreed, and made for it with bounding steps inspired by the sharp chill growing in the air. The bare rock face needed no fancy fire pit, so Sofia just collected armfuls of dry boughs while he set his pack nearby. His well-practiced procedure had the unassembled tent off his hiking backpack and spread on the rocky inlet near the steep cliff face in record time, while Sofia danced back and forth from the small pile of firewood and the spruce forest as she prepared their fire. The darkening sky was clear at first, only speckled by brilliantly sparkling stars that were blooming with the onset of dusk. Their cheery work echoed against the solid bark of the trees and stone cliff, the rustling sound of the unfurling waterproof tent cloth resounded brightly with the clattering clunk of each piece of wood added to the fireplace around them dulled slightly by the encroaching trees. A deep grey blanket of clouds surged into the sky above, rapidly blanketing the cold night sky bringing a sudden curtain of hail. A rusty warning bell clanged in the trainers mind to the tune of pattering frozen rain. He stood, and turned his steely blue eyes to the dark forest, and in a single moment of realization they widened with panic. He shouted a desperate warning, “Sofia, roll!” Years of training and instinct guided her. At once she dropped everything and twisted away, unseeing but trusting his urgent command. It was not a moment too soon. A brilliant white broke the air only inches behind her in a single piercing beam directly through the spot where she had been floating, only inches away from her nimble body. She did a quick loop and landed in her battle stance, a defiant challenge to the unseen attacker hidden in the forest, “Yyngon!” A chilling sight emerged from the trees, revealing itself as though answering her challenge with one of its own. A massive Abomasnow broke through the wall of trees with the creaking snap of living branches breaking apart in a flurry of freed needles. It had a furiously greedy look painted all over its as a clear announcement to the partners that this Pokémon was not going to turn away as easily as the others had. Liam’s face tightened and his Flygon lost her bubbling cheery grin. He called without delay, “U-turn, around its ice beam!” With the same skillful wing that she had dodged around the Ursaring’s strong paws, Sofia arced around the predictable ice beam with her charge. The sturdy Abomasnow was ready for her, and it swung a heavy branch-arm to intercept her oncoming U-turn. She flew awkwardly backwards with a pained look on her face, while across their niche frosted tree Pokémon hardly recoiled at all. With a powerful flap of her wings she caught herself and held her ground. From beside her Liam growled at the icy foe and instructed without missing a beat, “Don’t hold back. Stone Edge.” His steadfast partner nodded and struck the rocky ground with an earth-shattering crash. With all the elegance of a ballerina, she twirled up several sharp stones around her, another ice beam deflected with a deftly maneuvered shard, and then she rushed the icy-tree Pokémon head on. It was a powerful impact as she struck the Abomasnow with the full brunt of each jagged rock. Yet, it still stood strong with greedy eyes dancing between the berry-filled hiking pack and the battling Flygon. It struck a glancing blow, a whirlwind spin that knocked away both the cloud of stones and the fierce Sofia. Both of the combatants were breathing deeply, and nursed their bruises. Liam staunchly pressed the opening with an order, “Rock Slide.” His stout and sure voice echoed off the wals of the enclosed hideaway, and for a moment the Abomasnow’s attention split between him and her just long enough for the deft Flygon to land her slide of rocks straight down onto its snowy head. Even with an uncontested hit it simply shook off the attack with a roar of defiance, “Abom!” It still stood worrisomely strong against its opponents. It raised one strong pine arm as it carefully aimed its next attack. Sofia instinctively darted away of the spraying stream of purple needles, but the cleverly angled attack was two pronged. The sharp needles flew beyond past her, and far too late Liam saw that they were flying straight at him! Far too many of the needles punctured straight through his clothes with painful ease, an unsettling snick as needle after needle pierced through. Each one was filled with a burning poison straight that brought him to his knees as his Flygon's elegant curving dodge broke with surprise. All thoughts of battle fled from her mind in a flash, new jagged stones clattering as they fell from her sides, exchanged for a panicked exclamation, “Yon!” She disengaged from the battle to rush to the side of her injured trainer, everything else forgotten behind his importance to her. The underhanded Abomasnow paid no mind to the fact that its worried opponent had disengaged, and cruelly it took aim again. Her path was easy to predict, sliding an avalanche of ice that crashed her straight into the rocky face and stopped her flat in her tracks by her disabled trainer’s side. It roared triumphantly, “Snoww!” With no one else to stand in its way, the frosted tree Pokémon snatched the hiking pack and left the defeated couple where they lay with a vanishing rustle back into the quiet blackness of the forest. With a herculean push, the battered Sofia dug out of the solid icy rocks pinning her to the ground and wavered unsteadily back to her feet. She was in no condition to move, a fact made obvious with each pained and soft wheeze of her injured breath, yet still she limped over to her dear friend given strength from the concern she had for him. His was a dangerously serious injury on its own, despite his hast to remove the toxic needles poison already bit at his extremities. Liam’s face had already drained of its color, the creeping pallor of poison slowly progressing even as she watched him. He spoke before she could say anything, willing his almost crossed eyes open to regard her, “A-ah… are you alright? I’m sorry… I should have seen that attack coming…” She laughed, but her beautiful bubbling laugh was marred by a coughing hurt. She said only, “Yy gon. Gon ly Y fly…” and emphasized her words with a gesture of a paw at the scuffed spot beside the half-built campfire where their supplies had been. His hiking pack was gone, and with it all of the supplies that were nestled inside. Her injured trainer chided, “You’re injured.” He struggled to close the few feet that separated them, but it might have been a thousand miles as his weak limbs collapsed under his own weight. His Flygon did it for him, each slow wincing step masked with worry and taken happily to be by his side. She embraced him in her arms, but he held up a hand before she could muster a reply. His face was full of love and care as his other hand searched beneath his ragged shirt. A fit of pain shot across his wincing face as the poison pulsed powerfully through his veins, and his dear Sofia cooed softly to him as she cradled him close. His fit subsided after a moment into the dull sick twinge on the back of Liam's mind, and he drew his hand out of his shirt with a light jingle. It was the tinkle of a thin beaded metal necklace, but the real interest dangled from its chain. Any trainer might recognize the high-class spray bottle as a full restore, a purifying brew that could heal any injury regardless of its severity. Sofia’s attention was contained entirely on her calming caressing cuddle with her trainer at by her fluttering heart. His motion was not for himself, and rather than direct the salubrious brew down Liam aimed its nozzle at his partner of old. By happenstance, her eyes opened and she caught his intent a moment too late with a dumbfounded, “Yon?” His response was the whoosh of medicinal spray as he pressed the full restore's trigger. Its work was miraculously fast from the moment it touched her, each cracked rib popping back into place as though the avalanche had never even touched her scales. All of the injuries from her battle and even the scuffs from her rough hiking were undone by the surge of dreadful relief through the rapidly recovering Flygon's body. A puncture in her lungs closed, and dangerous internal injuries knitted together under the effects of the powerful curative. She sat strong and straight again, her physical pain forgotten in an instant. Sofia gasped a small gasp of stunned surprise, no words that could even begin to voice everything swirling in her mind. Liam's eyes twinkled with sparkle of wet relief, and he filled the silence with sputtering words, “Ever since that day in Olivine… I’ve kept an emergency full restore on my person. I…” Another rolling surge of pain forced him to stop, a pained groan escaping unbidden from his lungs instead. With a shake of his head he managed to continue in a vain vain to wave her concern away with his thankful words, “I had hoped it would never be needed. I am glad… beyond glad, that I was able to heal you. My love…” His voice trailed off underneath the loving gaze that spoke with indomitable fiery passion. He met her eyes through her red lenses, lost entirely in care for her. For a moment, hope returned to his partner Flygon and her eyes searched over her trainer. His words, however, and his stilled arm dashed that brief moment of hope, and her brow furrowed again with distraught. She did not want to believe her person’s words, she just couldn't! Sofia frisked him with energetic paws, searching as carefully and thoroughly as her eyes had through his shirt and around the empty pants pockets. He tried to comfort her with a laugh as she inadvertently tickled and teased him, but a hacking cough cut him off and brought only more worry to her wide eyes. Sofia refused to give up on him, and so she gently set him down and flitted over to the unlit fireside. The dusty rock face was scuffed where the stolen pack had been dragged off, but nothing had escaped when the greedy wild Pokémon snatched it and ran. Her eyes were wide and plaintive behind her protective red lenses as her mind raced through her options. She could attempt to track the fleeing ice type from the sky and retrieve their supplies, but she knew that finding it was a very slim chance while the toxins in her trainer were only intensified. There could be no telling how long that search would take, and there had been no sign of even discarded seeds from Pecha or Lum berry trees in these remote mountains. Finding one of those blessed trees seemed an even more remote possibility in these cold climes, and so she paused in thorough consideration of everything she knew. From the shady halls of her memory, a single image of a chalkboard hanging in a trainer’s school in Rustboro city years ago stood out to her, and a brilliant idea hatched in her mind. Meanwhile, her stalwart trainer breathed deeply as he did his best to contain the pain. His attention flagged slightly from his partner, though between each thrum of poison his eyes traveled back to her. In soft brush of welcome surprise, her gentle hands met his shoulder as she cradled him again. Her warmth radiated into him through her paws and her loving smile. He welcomed her return with a soft stroke of approval, and as her hands gently guided him onto the ground on his back he only worked to assist her. Liam's gentle hand raised to her dark green forehead as he kept his soft blue eyes locked into her reassuring black ones. Though he did not know what she had planned, he knew above all else that he trusted his Sofia unconditionally. Still, he still could not help but be surprised when she straddled his head and presented to his gaze her soft green underbelly and almost invisible vent that hid her nethers. There were no questions upon his lips, nor any on hers beside the fierce blush that overtook her face. He knew that the comfort and care of his lover’s embrace would spare him from the worst of his pains, the pains that were already all but forgotten in their indomitable burn within the back of his mind. The familiar sight above him quickened his heart, and soon his own weak blush mirrored the fierce one she wore as best it could. Inspired, he worked with her guiding claws to break free of the constricting shell of his clothing, and quickly his was body bare to the cool night air. It would have been cold if her body was not around his, shielding him from the chilly grasp of the night with her protective scales. His hands played across her stomach, each deft finger massaging diligently teasing at her sensitive thighs and belly scales. The coarse drag of her soft sanded scales met his travelling hands, while above him Sophia rumbled an appreciative purr as her blush grew more intense fuelled by the beginnings of arousal. He pressed into her green scales, rubbing over her the creases of her thighs and at the faintest edge of her vent with each explorative and experienced touch. Any other time, his Flygon would have not only allowed the teasing foreplay, but enjoyed and reveled in losing herself in the night-long embracing advances of her trainer, of her mate, but she knew that her man did not have the luxury of that time to spend. Thus, instead of moaning and teasing back, she crouched above him and rubbed her quickly swelling flesh and reddening valley into his lips in a lewd kiss. A soft squishy dampness met the small sound of muffled surprise from his lips, and the vibrations of his muffle turned into a deliberate hum that echoed up and into her depths. Each twinge of electrical pleasure into her encouraged Sofia to grind her vent over his face, and his wide eyes closed slowly as he leaned up and into the kiss with all of the passion that he had for her. His tongue teased out and met with the slick and delicious nectar within her, and the distinct taste of her powerful honey slathered not just over his mouth but quickly his entire face as she ground into him. A stray hand stroked over his Flygon with love, and fondled and petted over her body, grasping and pulling her scales down even as he nosed up and into her flower. He licked across the lips of her vent, and up in between the engorging chasm as he understood her press as a hint to speed up. Still, he delighted over all of her lower folds, he teased at their outer edges and even licked over the soft scales where her thighs met her body. Her taste was a divinely sweet slick of feminine fluids combined with the loveliest aftertaste of strawberries that lingered on his travelling tongue as he applied a combination of pressure and dexterous motion to bring her from the point of faint arousal to a fully blooming red flower. He knew all of the spots to attack, his skillful mouth nipped and grasped carefully at her lips and pulled, then his tongue brushed up and then into her tunnel’s entrance. He knew every way that his dear Pokémon enjoyed to be teased at, he knew all of the areas that drove her completely wild. With a quick motion, he took the edge of her into his lips, kissing into her as he gummed fondly at it. Her growing arousal was now drooling over his face, dripping her delicacies into his thirsty mouth and keeping his face warm with her fluids in ever-growing quantities. The heated blush of her swollen nethers squished solidly into and about Liam’s face as she rocked over him, pressing herself farther and farther over his willing face, and her velvety tight tunnel squeezed and tensed about his nose promisingly. Again and again his tongue dipped into Sofia’s depths and drew along her inner walls as the nuzzle of his nose spreading her tunnel so that he could taste her wonderful and familiar strawberry flavor. He met her motions with the weak but fervent enthusiasm of a man lost in the desert with nothing to drink but her fluids, and he angled the cup of his mouth up and into the nectar drooling flower that slaked his aching thirst. His Flygon’s blush was stuck fast on her closed eyes and her maw that was open in a silent gasp. The flushing flesh of both sets of her lips matched her protective red lenses as well as the red that adorned the diamond edges of her wings, and she still pushed down over his face. Each press was no longer a grind, rather replaced by the thrusting soft rolls of her hips, and each pressed his questing face deeper between her lips. The taste of her pleasure sparkled into his tongue and the scent of her arousal coursed straight into his nose, and each needy clench of her about his face brought a distinct and proud pleasure to his own body and mind as he pleasured her powerful green body with each motion. She pressed farther over him with every twist and every gyration of her hips, and each motion brought her trainer into far more than a simple kiss betwixt the slavering lips of her vent. Hers were gentle thrusts over him, gentle but insistent, and as her tunnel began to grab and pull at his head he began to slowly sink upwards into her needy chasm. Below, Liam experienced the intimate sensation of her opening lower lips crowning over and around his head. Her gate opened wide and welcomed him into her flexing tunnel, each pull a powerful suckle of needy and close flesh. Her juices continued to slick out past his head and continued to douse and mat down his naturally spiky black hair as though he had dipped it into a pure pool of her fluids. Her nectar ran in rivulets out of her and down his dripping locks over his shoulders, and each river was not only lubricant but also as a true example of her pleasure beyond Sofia’s lilting moans and rocking hips. Despite the weakness brought on by the poison he put all of his effort into lapping at his partner with each diligent lick at her dark depths and with each ceaseless rub at her with his hands even as with a single slip her lips contained his entire head within the deep red interior to his Flygon’s most sacred depths. The soft sound of her tunnel squished into his ears in time to the flutter of her heart as her tight passage grasped and pulled indomitably farther over him and her lips squeezed gently closed under the catch of his chin into his neck. She had to work to widen herself using each motion to ease herself down farther and drag her engulfing depths over his neck until the obstruction of his shoulders slowed her advance. Her body rolled against his, her tail rested and pushed gently into the small of his back as her pleasure surged within the undulating passage around him. With a twisting roll first one and then the other shoulder slipped in, and as her trainer began to fill out her passage and wriggle within her she could not suppress a hearty moan. Sophia's encompassing flesh muted and muffled Liam’s noises as it pressed down against his own flesh, further silenced by the powerful surges of fluids that occupied not just his face and head, but his mouth and shoulders now too. He twisted about within her and fervently licked at her even as she guided his supine body in an upwards curve to meet the deep kiss of her southern lips, and not once did he struggle or resist her embrace in the slightest. His trust in Sofia was bulletproof, and the thought of doubting her intentions never crossed his mind. Even within the humid and constrictive embrace of her petals, and though each ripple of the walls and each thrust was accompanied by a clench of her vent and muscles around him in a way that restricted his breath to the perfumes of her aroused flesh and slick wetness, he only strove to bring further pleasure to her needy chasm. His hand outside still stroked over her scales diligently, and he ensured that each motion stretched her inner walls and teased her outer flesh as he rubbed her from both sides at once. There was an unmistakable care in each of his ministrations that without any words at all imparted a message she knew well, I love you, and I trust you, my dearest Flygon. Their eyes were clenched tight under the pleasure of her blush, and her brow furrowed with concentration as her ardor argued with her loving thoughts for her mate and her lover, the man who all that time ago who she chose to be her trainer. They meant more to each other than anything in the world, and despite the pleasure overwhelming her a single tear ran down her cheek. It was lost in the midst of her lust-driven moaning and the gentle bobbing of her hips as they humped down over his shoulders and welcomed the beginnings of his arms into her with a wet slurp. She was determined to keep him safe, to snatch him from the looming jaws of the world that threatened to snuff her mate out, and so she continued unabated. The passionate Sophia used the ground and her own trainer’s push in combination with her tail to aid his body’s penetration. As she lowered herself down his body spread and parted her vent wide as he filled her passage, each small wriggle an inspiration for inspiring her strong and powerful squeezing from the tight tunnel around his body. Each press squelched softly into his flesh as she massaged her sweet strawberry sexual fluids into his arms, his head and shoulders already completely inundated by her lusty brew. He never stopped licking as he passed through her undulating depths, but he did so much more than that as he took her sensitive inner flesh between his lips and suckled over it as it passed by him in the same way that her entire pussy was suckling and drawing him inexorably inwards. With a soft bump, the crown of his head gently teased at the protective barrier of Sofia’s cervix. Below, her vent clenched and crashed softly like the tide itself over his arms and continued until her body claimed his elbows. He was almost halfway engulfed, and as he squirmed and dug his way deeper into her soft vent he flexed his arms outwards and ground them against the outermost edge of her yawning lips. The swell of his bulge was visible along her belly as he continued to spread her wide, and with a sharp inhale, she rose briefly up above him. Her bright voice rang out her pleasure as she came back down with a powerful thrust, and with a singular motion she speared herself with her partner Liam. Sofia’s muscles rippled around him through the silken walls of her sensitive tunnel, each undulation of the walls compressing him tightly together within her in growing fervor as her fiery hot vent claimed more and more of him. Her grand curving buck pushed his head against and through the kissing oculus that was her cervix, the constant press and suckling swallows of her constricting channel a constant pull that drew him inexorably inwards . Her human wriggled and writhed within her, taking strength his desire to bring her pleasure without a second thought to his worrisome condition. He extended his arms and flexed his hands as he diligently worked her thighs and the delicate petals of her blossoming rose. His dexterous limbs danced within and over her body, and pressed at her from as many angles as he could manage against her slick passage’s own all-encompassing press down and into his own body. Each motion was as lovingly insistent as her thrusts, as powerful and full of his own need as the need that he inspired in her clenching tunnel, a need that built higher with the passion of his flesh that was drenched in her hot nectars. Around him, her warmth welcomed his body and her tight depths cradled his flesh gently with each suckling draw that pulled his form farther into his Flygon’s innermost temple. An errant groping grab of her carefully maneuvered paw grazed over his aroused member and combined with a twist of her hips and a curling inward push of her tail worked upon her trainer until his shoulders followed with a wet squelch and vanished up past the dripping scarlet-red of the aroused gate to her womb. The wet sounds of sweltering and dripping chamber welcomed him inwards as the heavy pulsing drum of her heart echoed into his ears, muffled slightly by the sticky fluids but reverberating through the passionate pleasure of ardor in every muscle that was working to devour his entire form. From the simple sound of her life-bringing core, he could tell her pure pleasure. The familiar racing thrum was a welcome sound, a fluttering like the flutter of her wings to keep her and her bliss in rising ever higher. He knew the sound of her heart well from the countless times before that they had been together with his head against her chest, with his gentle and strong arms embracing her loving grasp as they came together, and yet this was a much more intimate embrace than any they had experienced together before. Even her deepest feminine folds tasted of the slightly fruity flavor of strawberries, the scent both aromatic and sticky even as the heady brew drooled in strands off his body from the dripping walls of her vent and the heated mire of her womb. All of the sensations that snug body played over him were a joyous welcome, nothing but a truly welcoming blanket that was made of only his lover and her ardor. Sophia's flushed and swollen vent drug across his body from both sides, and each tender squeeze flexed her tight nethers all about him. Each surge of her muscles and rush of fluids flooded him with her pleasure and soaked him entirely. The pure lustful pleasure was an overwhelming combination to her mind of the wonderful stretching of her sensitive walls and the ceaseless massage of each of her trainer’s diligent actions pressing up against both the top and bottom of her tunnel. She was taking him as her own, her body claimed him with each reflexive undulation and drew the unmistakable bulge of her mate ever inwards as she removed him from the harsh cold of the mountain air. Her womb flexed in welcome around him, each contracting clutch meeting the air with a wet slurp and slosh as her gushing chamber drooled and slathered her strawberry juices over Liam’s entire body. Each glistening rivulet added to the slick and sticky warm sheen that each wave that her body had already slathered over him before, and added to the sticky white of his own drooling precum. Her cervix compressed his body tight, tighter again as his shoulders pushed through that tight ring it clenched in and tightened. Her passionate pleasure rippled over his body like a starving calf trying its hardest to milk its meal from its mother. Her passage flexed and pulsed, fed by the powerful heartbeat and sloppily convulsed over his entire torso with the divine draught of her lubricating fluid. The gentle ferocity of her body as well as her throaty supple moaning rang out for all to see her unmistakable lust and ardor. She gently pushed of her tail at his buttocks and curled of her hand around his sensitive thighs as she engulfed him more, her soft touch belying the care she had that was hidden under the husky overtones of arousal. Rather than tiring and slowing, Sofia's tireless tempo only increased. Her mind was consumed with pleasure, so lost was she as she used the solid ground to invite her trainer in. The soft carpet of grasses were nothing compared to the welcomingly soft blanket of her body. The unforgiving cold clime of the high mountainside danced a shiver across the southern half of his body that still lay outside of her vent. The sharp sound of each soft drip of her intimate fluid met the air as she curved her sleek banded tail and scattered them with a teased of its fanned tip over her trainer’s feet. With single-minded intent she coiled it about his legs and squeezed over him, a playful curl inwards and she tugged powerfully in the same moment that she rolled her hips and thrust powerfully downward. She pulled him irresistibly into her green body while her hands mindlessly rubbed over his vanishing body, teasing over his inundated body and almost accidentally coating her claws in her strawberry flavored fluids as they followed him up against her flushed flower. It was not simply a decoration of their fluids that decorated him, though. Underneath the protective lubricating sheen of Flygon honey, his body sweat the cold sweat of fever and poison that could not be forgotten. She had never once forgotten his plight, the terrible inspiration for this grand pleasure, and so rather than grinding her hips in place and teasingly playing at her mate’s body as though he were nothing but a living toy, she moved and pressed herself ever forwards. Again she bounced up and down, another jumping thrust combined with a sure flex and pull of her tail up as though she was going to use its fan to belatedly shield her nethers from view. It was a mighty combination of gravity, the rolling of her hips, and the blunt thrusting insertion behind her tail all together that pushed, pulled, drug, and suckled him into her with loud squelches of splattering fluids. His hips vanished up into her with a pleasant pop, and at last she had overcome the final hurdle of his body by sheer force of will and pleasure. His toned buttocks and pulsing member both vanished in turn, entirely engulfed within her, as within his own pleasure burned like a candle alighting the enormity of her flaming passion, the same lust that argued with the growing painful poison that only grew. Her massaging kneading flesh, her undulating and drawing body, her powerful heartfelt ministrations all worked together to work all thoughts of the toxic poison from his mind, her tight and silken depths rampant in their ardor. His grasping hands were held to his side, unable to caress at the clenching interior of her vent, but still he did not give up. Even though he was so thoroughly bound by her tight tunnel, he still flexed and spread his arms, wriggled and wormed into her as every passionately caring grasp succeeded in driving the darkness from his mind like her cheer had the same from his heart every day. Liam dauntlessly worked to bring her pleasure, the heady flavors of her sex subsuming him and the heat of her womb enveloped him, and still he buried himself even as she buried him within her pleasure. The points of his elbows caught under each rippling massage of her fluttering tight passage. He was being devoured whole, through the swollen lips of her vent and spreading her sensitive flesh further and teasing it as he pushed and rubbed against her, each luscious rub met with a powerful pleasured contraction that clamped his arms straight back to his sides again. The growing bulge in Sofia's belly continued to increase while what remained outside of her continued to vanish, and each movement of his created a soft lump on green of her belly. She could not help but gasp at each powerful stroke that was muffled by her birthing canal. Any who might have looked would have been able to see where the her trainer was going without question. At his head, the pillowy roof of her womb greeted him in, and almost instinctually Liam curled up as her ravenous rose swallowed more and more of him. Soft red darkness was quickly becoming his world now. His Flygon’s powerful vent walls worked their embrace deeper over him, into him, suckling him deeper as each clenching ripple held him tight within, and her consuming body tethered him to the world with the cords of her love. The sound of wet flesh squelched around him all the while as a defiant reply to the cold air as her tight passage worked him deeper still. Each surge of pleasure through her body wracked her blushing face with a moan and rippled down into the drawing pull of her aroused nether lips. Deeper was the only fathomable word in either of their minds, a word upon her breath in the gentle cries of her species, within each throaty moan fueled by the tiniest of wriggles and the biggest of squirms, and entirely unmarred by the brilliant blush they shared. All around him her body clamped down powerfully. Her passage tightened in against him before relaxing and pulling ever inwards with each inexorable ripple, breaching him further and further past the brink and deeper still into her womb far beyond his shoulders now. It was like forcing the neck of a turtleneck sweater to stretch over a bundle of melons, each stretching it far wider than it had ever been intended to expand until the melon was finally past. At the back of her mind there was the faintest tingle of sparkling pain among the far grander and mind-numbing pleasures of the intimate process, adding to the entire delicacy and building upon the pleasure within the green dragoness’s mind. Her plush walls were a constant rubbing massage over the disappearing trainer, a similar sparkle of painful pleasure that had caught and bitten his mind fought powerlessly against his arousal. Each wide and all-encompassing squeeze of her forgiving tunnel worked to ease the burn from his mind, the veil of luxurious satisfaction that overrode everything with the pure white of overpowering pleasure instead taking hold on all of his senses. Even the faint cold breeze of the mountain air disappeared from his consciousness as the combination of less and less revealed skin and pleasure forgot it. He slid deeper, ever deeper, his body a small mirror of Sofia’s grand and rolling thrusts as he back and forth within her. He bucked gently within her, he ground and humped up and into her. His focus was not just his furiously engorged member but his entire body to guide one last climax to his partner. He had no need to see what he was doing when his entire vision was subsumed by her body, he had no need to aim in any one direction when every single motion spilled out and into her deepest and most sacred depths. All he had to do to bring her arc of pleasure higher was to move. Though the solution to her passage was simple, Liam did more than simply move. Twist and turn, from the outside her pleasure shone crystal clear in every single one of her soft and irresistible thrusts. With satisfyingly wet pop, his hips pushed past her yawning vent while her nether lips squeezed closed around his buttocks and caressed his thighs with a tight embrace like that of a slavering pair of lips welcoming their prey. The sultry drip of the Flygon’s slick honey rolled out in dollops across him in glistening lines of her personal lubrication. Each droplet of her potent strawberry feminine brew was heaviest as it dribbled over his yearning tongue, and even more it was slathered all across his entire body in a sticky and warm mess of gooey juices. His every motion bulged out against her green belly and stretched it slightly, the rounded squirms anything but subtle against the normally smooth green scales. Even the slight motions of his clasped hands held by his sides stretched against her tightening and loosening soft flesh. His motions were visible not just in the portal to her core but squirming bulge that had begun to collect within her womb too, softly shifting as he curled up and never for a moment relented in his quest to bring her pleasure. Most of all his motions were clearly audible within each wordless feminine moan on the dark night that was lit by bursts of white pleasure.. She held his legs in her paws, carefully ensuring that her clawed digits did him no harm even as she held him tightly, and Sofia’s body hunched over and curled forwards as she pushed him through her constricting flesh by both shoving him into her with her arms and rolling him deeper in with every thrust of her hips. She met each needy pull of her paws with a press of her tail against his back, dancing passionately with the dangerous tease of sharp claws that brushed over his flesh. Each press, each grabbing tug played her deft hands up and against her slavering vent for a moment that might have been an eternity, her thumb claw dancing and plunging up and in as she stimulated her most sensitive regions. She teased within her sex between her trainer and the moist walls, each dripping and spreading around him with greater ease now that they had crested over the widest parts of his body. The undulations of her womb pressed and contracted around him in gentler and lighter waves than her swallowing nethers' vice-like clamp that worked over his aroused member and bodily swallowed him into her deepest darkest depths through her tightening cervix. Again there was the faintest tease of pain on her mind, the painful pleasure of a twist that turns ever so roughly against the tide of pleasure and only increases it like a snowball thrown in a pot of boiling water. She twisted and gyrated her hips, twirling about him as she literally screwed herself with his body until her pleasure was met, until her need for him was sated. Her flexing tunnel hungrily drew at him, slurping up his thighs and clutching around his body in the same way it milked and drew at his cock to pull every surge of her mate’s climax straight up and into her temple. This time, it was his entire body that was milked and suckled, all of his form drunk up through the straw of her ravenous birthing canal. Her womb's walls doused Liam with a pure collection of her concentrated honeys and the heady scent her liquor a heady scent that he needed to take in or he would risk drowning utterly in the rising tide of her passion. More and more of her trainer fed into her hot chamber, so much that his body had to curl in and up on itself to fit to the far-too-tight room. The sturdy walls of her womb soft, and yet they flexed with his Flygon’s powerful strength as her muscles worked to compress her trainer into the normally small space. Her pliable walls pushed back against his neck, against his shoulders, up into his back all welcoming him and yet making sure that he do nothing but curl against the unswayably strong muscles. Her passage pulsed unrelentingly around him with wave after wave of her liquid pleasure, each a powerful and crashing tide as her pleasure was climbed closer and closer to the zenith of a magnificent climax. His hips finally passed up and through her protective cervix with an explosively strong buck, and the powerful cervical muscles reflexively clamped and pressed his cock flat against his navel as it was engulfed and her temple fighting to close back around him. He could not help but quiver within her in the same way she quivered around him, his skin twitching in the same way that her scales were shuddering: entirely subsumed in more than just pleasure. All that remained outside of her dripping green flower were his ankles and his twitching and fluttering feet. Even then, they pushed and kicked gently at the air as he used his muscles to worm his body around within her as though he could use the air itself to push himself deeper. He wriggled farther and farther into her even as he was forced to curl up by her squeezing womb. Each small squeeze was like a hug of her strong arms, from every angle rather than two as gave him an embrace with her entire body. All of his ability went to continuing his thrusting and rubbing, and as his hands slid free of the restraining bonds that were her grasping and squeezing tunnel and the constricting barrier of her cervix he added them to his stimulation with a rub over her womb's sweltering depths. He massaged at her from the inside, a weak reciprocal rub as she massaged back at him in a full body press and knead of tight womb walls that inundated him within her deepest reaches. There, the strong Flygon paused. She breathed deeply and powerfully, the faint tire of exertion on the edge of each delicately passionate moan. For a moment she lost herself to the fiery pleasure that was her mate’s entire body wriggling, massaging, and filling out her tunnel. Her heartbeat reverberated within her, it filled the sloshing quarters of her life-giving center and echoed the tempo of her pleasure into his ears. The wretched poison lingered on the edges of their minds, all but forgotten with the grand crescendo of pleasure that welled up within her and readied its howling song. Liam’s body filled with the potent bonfire of pleasure, with fires as bright as the sun, a star of guiding light that blinded him to all but the marvelous passage of lust and arousal around him. Sofia’s pure heat radiated its comfort from all sides behind the warmth of her fluids and the sweltering temperature of her pillowy walls, each pulse of the womb that was his confining destination in time with the pumping of her heart. Then, her climax crashed down on her body like an avalanche, and it almost entirely flattened her with its intensity. Her muscles clenched, her womb surged up around him and began to squeeze powerfully, her abdominal muscles flexed, and her formerly forgiving tunnel became as a rubber bear trap snapping closed around his legs. It seemed to be one ceaseless motion as her body pulled him in, her arms curling up as all of her body's muscles contracted as with all her might and buried her paws into her lips and followed him into her with her fingers with a final wet shlup. Even her neck tensed and curled in then down as her red-lensed eyes closed tight and clenched shut as tightly as her tunnel spasmed, only a part of the earth-shattering quake that rolled through her body. The explosion of her climax burst over him as her muscles grabbed and tugged him singularly up between crushing pillowy walls. It was a slide of rocks, a slide of solid muscles under soft flesh pressing in tight as her tunnel clamped down and echoed white lights of pleasure into her unseeing eyes. Around him, her womb almost churned as it squeezed down. A geyser of her frothy feminine fluid burst out and showered over his feet in a foamy combination of clear honeys and a softer spicier feminine fluid from her bladder. The juices splattered out and doused her hands in sticky heat that she spared not a single care for. She was entirely lost as her womb’s ministrations washed over her, its rolling walls tossing her trainer about within even as he worked his painfully stiff length. A great crescendo inspired his mind and body both, and within her he came. The massaging heat of her climactic blaze was joined by a paltry comparison of his own fluids crashing in a straight on collision of two climaxes in the sacred place where only his seed had been allowed before. Beneath her body a puddle of clear dew had grown, and still grew as more fluids surged out like a waterfall from between her twisting green digits. The echo of lewd wet squishes rebounded through the empty clearing like pure pealing bells. Her hot pleasure melted the hail underneath with steaming fluids, a small dab of diluted white mixed with the pristine and clear waters of her sex. One final squeeze of her muscles, and her trainer’s feet vanished from the walk of her tunnel to the pavilion of her womb. Her electrifying orgasm still coursed through her body. Between her legs her engorged vent flexed and clenched wetly at the open air as it rippled and held on to an imaginary organ, and slowly it began to close around the once more empty space of her passage. Within, the heated fluid roiled and slathered across him as each muscle vibrated and pressed around and into him. Just as slowly, the shuddering suffocating walls began to relax. His Flygon took a deep breath in, a long and delighted gasp, as her double-edged relief came to her. Her lust had been satisfied, and her trainer was entirely contained within her. Yet, as she rested and felt as his motions began to grow softer and softer she was reminded that she could not stop there. Liam was forced to curl up into a fetal position within her. All that met his mouth as he opened it to breathe was an ocean of her sticky sweet strawberry-flavored honeys. Without hesitation he took a mouthful and swallowed only to have it replaced with ever more fluid as his mere presence stimulated her. His hands caressed at her, and as he pushed outwards and stretched at her tight walls, and slowly his lungs began to ache as her heat flowed directly into him. The groan of his lungs was not the only ache that greeted his body as he came down from his pleasure high. Waiting as though it were a serpent in the grass was the panging twinge of poison with fangs that were a soft and dull red that flickered across his vision subsumed by her dark interior. It was nearly completely black within her. Through the pulsing softness of her muscles, her never-ending heat and the familiar beat of the heart of one he loved pushed the fear far from the threat of the poisonous discomfort. His heart synchronized with hers, each beat trying fruitlessly to remind the pain to him. Her fruity ambrosia was a comforting syrup around him even with the looming dark and kept him at ease. He floated within her, held tight and gently by her softly squeezing and welcoming muscles as her heartbeat played out its soothing tune. Even if he were to drown within her, even were he to become lost entirely to her pleasure, it was a fate he welcomed infinitely more than what the toxic poison promised. Thus, not once did he panic or struggle. His motions were each gentle, each willing and full of the love and trust he held for her. The hunger for oxygen began to grow more pronounced within him, and yet he silenced it with a sloshing swish of his head. He was now little more than pregnant-looking bulge in the Flygon's body, sedate, a soft swelling of her green belly that distended when he shifted and angled his body to rub or when her walls reoriented him within her. A brilliantly hot blush burned on Sofia’s cheeks, a blush that tinged them with warm lust and not just a hint of love gleaming in her eyes. Even as her juices flooded his breath, he had nothing but care and trust to give her. Yet, she was not done. True satisfaction could not come to her until her mate was absolutely and unequivocally safe. With a strong flex of her tail she propelled herself up and onto her feet. The jumble of her movement swirled her trainer through the gooey mire of her heated depths. He swished and sloshed around as he turned and tumbled slowly within her, the walls of her womb pressing in against him from every angle. He pushed back against them, his arms cradling her flesh and his legs gently curled to add to the distinct massage against the sensitive internal flesh. Her heart was a drum in these dark deeps, an ethereal noise accompanied by the throb of his own heart as he drifted in a state of semi-consciousness. Both eyes were closed within in the dark warmth, the comfort of Sofia's all-encompassing embrace driving out the twinges of poison like the pleasure before. Outside, her three-clawed paws rubbed over her distinct bulge, a possessive press as she leaned her neck down and closed her eyes once more. It was a reflection of the deep concentration that her climax had colored on her mind, and her green antennae twitched as she exerted muscles that had never before seen use. Words danced across her memory, It’s like being seeded by a true Flygon. Look at him as your own, your dearest, and that is what he will become. You must be sure that is what you want, dear, as it cannot be undone once you see it through. She focused on that thought, on his meaning to her, and the sensation of breeding with a male – her male, her mate – and imagined him with the spirit of her heart, as the spirit of her Flygon that was her trainer. Her soft walls began to twitch around Liam, a stream of pushing and pressing tightening him in against himself. The soft interior squished in against her mate, they compressed around the man who to her mind's eye was a Flygon, and her temple began to pulse with life and activity in time to the distinct thump-thump of her heart. It was more than just the gentle and soft ministrations, it was coming to life around him. He curled inwards as the walls closed in around him and held him, rubbing against every side of his body and compacting him into an even tighter ball. He grunted within her, a sound that was muffled into a small bubble that escaped into the honeys encapsulating him and was lost entirely. Each roll pressed across him tighter and tighter, working her honey right into his naked flesh. Its warmth was simply overwhelming. The soft heat of her body roiled as though the pool of her fiery sauna was under the hottest summer rays. It was a pure and unadulterated heat that flowed straight from her own heart and that was built upon by the massage of her walls as well as his own gentle ceaseless rub, and it only increased as she lost herself deep in concentration. Within his lungs the burn continued to grow, a beg for him to gasp in not air but the relieving torpor of her inundating strawberry tonic. It would be ever so easy to submit, and yet he resisted like a true diving champion. He let the ache drop from his mind as he instead concentrated his mind on the abyssal depths of her warm blackness, the loving massage that was her entire body pressing in and working down over him. The Flygon's bulge shrank as her womb compacted him into a smaller and smaller ball, each contraction forcing sexual fluids from the overfilled chamber. Each spurt from her nethers splashed wetly as it joined the pool of liquid pleasure collecting beneath her, kept warm by each fresh stream of clear strawberry fluid. It glistened in the moonlight, a glitter lost on her closed eyes as she focused on the exceptional pleasure of her overfull womb. Her thoughts were a swirl; he was hers, her trainer, her mate – and now he was her child. He was entirely hers. It was not a new thought. They had been each other’s since the first day they met ages ago in an entirely unlikely encounter in the Kanto safari zone, and from that first sight she knew he was her trainer. When they stood side by side before the Pokémon league for the first time as partners, his entire team following with determined eyes, she had known that to him she was more than a simple Pokémon partner. Their eyes met, and they nodded, and they parted the doors as one. When she pounced upon him and took him in the abandoned basement of a long-burnt tower, she knew then that he would always be her mate. For years they had been together, traveled league after league and participated in each, and although there had only been a single victory among them all the memories were no less sweet. Together they fled from tragedy, they fled from the civilized world and its trappings, and for a time they slept and basked only in the each other's embrace. Liam petted at her from the inside, a caress besotted with the remembrance of her, with love and adoration and not a single thought that was not hers, and though his arms could no longer rub as thoroughly and his entire body was clenched and bundled tightly he still kissed at her inner flesh. The intrusion of slick and sticky-warm honeys bothered him not at all in this delicate and incredibly intimate embrace, her womb holding him far closer than he had ever been to her heart and her core. As his body began to soften and glow with a warmth that was not just pleasure, and as an ethereal euphoria began to bite at his extremities that replaced the dull and crasser sensation of the toxins he could truly wish for no other end. It was just the beginning. Though his body had begun to fail and his marinating form slowly began to drip at the edges as his hair and his outer edges began to melt, lightning bolts of pleasure overrode any worry with strike after intense strike of their thunder across the paths of his nerves. Like a ball of clay, her body began to mush him down and push him in tighter and tighter. It compressed her heated fluids deeper into his body that flowed more freely than it should under the pressure, and each squeeze embraced him deeper and deeper as her womb collected him into an efficient ball. The plush walls of her womb kneaded into him, strong wave after wave of muscles hungrily pressed into him and around him. The ache faded slowly from his joints, followed by the burn of toxins that seeped out from desolidifying flesh and collected in the space between him and her dark pink shield of walls in a fiendish purple cloud. With it, the last of the cold was purged from his form, and his eyes shot open to the wet darkness as pure and unfettered pleasure danced across his entirety. Without the frustrating spikes of pain, the true ardor of pleasure engulfed him entirely like a furious wildfire of burning passion. Her womb met the cloudy toxins with her pure fluid, containing one last trace of the miraculous brew crafted specifically to cure all ailments of any Pokémon great or small. Its design allowed them to fix any problem that she had, and by proxy of her fluids any problems ailing her unborn child. Hope came with the relief, sprang within his chest, even as his body grew mushier and stickier like the hot liquid surrounding him within her womb. A thousand times better, a thousand times improved, and yet he could feel little more than the purity of blinding radiating warmth throughout his body. He knew beyond it all that her design would see him through and that his Flygon’s love would guide him across and never let him perish. Relief, blessed relief coursed through his desolidifying body as the healing tincture worked over him and combined with the twanging pleasures of the bubbling juices as it quenched the burning thirst for oxygen that had threatened to blacken his mind. He had not taken a breath, and the encroaching pulses and lightning bolts of lustful pleasure continued up his folded arms. His mother’s womb continued to press down upon him from every angle, entrapping him within her soft and sturdy flesh, the slow and unstoppable tempo of her heart and her overwhelming warmth bringing a dreadful urge to sleep to the top of his mind. The comfort began to fight the deconstructive pleasure that was claiming his body, the fiery wall of passion only growing in the acetylene hot rain of her honeys that mixed and mingled as his body swirled around within her dark depths. The once solid and stout bulge that displayed his location rounded as he desolidified within, unable to stand up as her powerful muscles and her indomitable womb worked at his body and repurposed it. She could feel him softening, becoming less and less solid within, and her womb absorbed the edges of his strength fuel and fire to its processes. A deep satisfaction washed through her body, flowing like a river through parched farmland from the sensitive flesh encompassing his body and radiating outwards in fulfilling wave after wave even to the tip of her tail. Sofia felt whole, she felt content and happy, she felt full of life and energy – his own gift to her, a return from the healing care she was giving to him. Her jaw tensed, and even though it was locked with heavenly pleasure, it turned up as an unstoppable smile decorated her face. She was glowing joyously, with true relief. It was an ethereal feeling as Liam's body melted together into a soft yet bright jell, and that only increased her womb began to form a soft protective umbrella around him. The surging current that was eroding at his body, pulling him and melting him in coordination with the powerfully undulating womb walls that crashed into his flesh and soaked her strawberry fluids hit the protective covering and like a river that met a dam was guided around him. Her shield surrounded him like her womb had before it, and it formed a soft yet firm shell around his body. Like that, no more of him escaped into the hungry absorption of the sweltering womb, and though her body continued to pour its transformative heat and destructive fluid, and as her womb sloshed and pressed down inwards it no longer found any purchase to capture what had already been captured. In the darkness surrounded by the oppressive heat and powerful energies of her active womb and inundated by liquids and her heartbeat, he finally succumbed to the red-darkness of sleep, a grand and deep sleep as his mind drifted into dreaming slumber. The last sensation before warm darkness overtook him was of the gilded slushy liquid that was his body locking in place against the edge of the hardening protective shell of his egg. In that moment, the Pokémon trainer known as Liam faded as well. The human who had adventured with his Flygon, who had undergone a great many trials and come to love his Sofia was no longer a human. Sofia’s body had entirely encapsulated him and turned him into a Pokémon’s egg, her own egg, and outside her furrowed brow finally relaxed. A deep sigh graced the air, and she opened her eyes. The only thing she was interested in, the only thing that she truly saw was the subtle rise of her pregnant belly, full of the egg she carried within her womb. She could feel her internal muscles finally slow down as they too joined in rest. A great exhaustion struck her mind then, with the seeming return of the weight of gravity on her body and mind. Her eyes drooped just a little, fluttered just a bit, and she knew that she had to find shelter for the night. Not just for her sake, but for her unborn egg's safety as well. A mystical hum broke the meditative silence of the cold clearing with the flutter of her diamond wings. A soft kick and she was in the air, a slight drift to her flight by the gentle weight of her egg. With a quick wing and a decisive eye, she set out on her journey. It was a novel experience, but she knew that the entire way she would never be alone. Epilogue Seasons passed, spring then summer, then autumn and winter. Spring broke again over a region far beyond the known north where the trees grew wild and thick, where the bushes were uncut and entirely untouched by humans. It was in a pristine and floral meadow that a mother Flygon was curled up around an orange and white egg. Her gaze was intently upon the special egg nestled in her blanket of soft grasses. In a moment, it became obvious why it held her rapt attention: the egg rocked, and squeaked excitedly within her embrace. It rumbled back and forth, and her tail tightened protectively around her egg as she watched the baby Pokémon inside began to work at its solid confines. A distinct crick announced as a single crack broke out upon the egg, then another and another until it was all but spider-webbed with cracks. Then it shook once more, a violent rock contained by the motherly tail that held it securely, and finally it burst in a brilliant flash of light that revealed a newborn baby Trapinch. Its vibrant blue eyes were only for its mother, sparkling as she squealed a single call filled with pure joy and collected the Trapinch without hesitation, “Flyyygon!” The wind that blew over the clearing shifted to the east as the two embraced, lost entirely within each other’s arms. The mother and child would go on to live their own adventures together once more, tales of victories and defeats both as they lived together once more. They would have each other, and yet those exploits are a tale for another time.
Sam, Alex, and Clover may have been spies, but more than that, they were teenage girls, and as such could often find their professionalism compromised by rather petty things. This particular petty thing was a boy named Josh, the very embodiment of the total package. Handsome, polite, well-groomed, square-jawed and wealthy. All it took was one smile from him in the direction of the girls, (who were formed into a tight pack, making it impossible to see the target of his little gesture) to begin the bickering. "He was totally looking at me!" Clover said, a distant, dreamy look in her eyes. "Nah-uh, he was looking at me!" Alex replied. "You two are both wrong, everyone knows I'm the prettiest" Sam said. And thus, the conversation continued in a rather circular manner. The conversation didn't reach anything resembling a conclusion until the trio of lovestruck ladies noticed that Josh was long gone. They each shared a glance, before crossing their arms, and turning away from each other. It was a bad time for such a conflict, however, as they had been called on a mission to stop a mysterious villain operating on an island deep in the pacific, who had supposedly mastered the power of mind control. Before long, they were suited up in their skintight outfits, Clover in red, Alex in yellow, and Sam in green. There was no eye contact during the entire jet ride it took to get to the island, a rather small, unassuming piece of land bordered by sandy beaches. "I'd love to take Josh to a place like this" Clover said with a sigh. They looked around, staying in a group but still with an aura of animosity surrounding them. Whenever one of the spies managed to catch a glimpse of the other, they would simply turn their head with a "humph" "Hey, I think I found something!" Alex said, kneeling down, pointing to an odd greyish discoloration underneath the sand. She brushed the sand away, revealing a metal hatch hiding underneath. "See, that's why Josh likes my the best, I'm the smart one" Alex placed her hands on her hips with an arrogant grin. "That wasn't smarts, that was dumb luck" Sam said, pushing Alex aside to get a look at that hatch. She shoved it open with a heavy metalic "clunk" revealing a ladder that plunged into an unknowably deep darkness. "I'll go first" Clover said, pushing her way through the two girls, taking a steady grip of that ladder and climbing down into that murky unknown. Sam and Alex both growled, before going down after her themselves. "Hey Alex, I can totally see your fat ass from here!" Clover teased. Alex gave her a quick little kick, intended only as a warning to her, but due to the high heals on her outfit and her rather extensive marshal arts training, she send Clover flying off the ladder, who landed on the ground with a "thud" "Ugh, you bitch!" she said, dusting herself off, finding that the bottom wasn't terribly far underneath her. Noting this, the other two spies released the ladder, falling to the ground in a far more graceful manner than Clover had. "Where are we?" Sam said, digging around for a way to illuminate the darkness they found themselves in. "Oh, no need, I'll give you all the light you need!" a voice said over the loud-speaks, floodlights snapping on and nearly blinding the poor spies as it illuminated the metal hallways they dwelled in. "I suppose you must be looking for me. It's a shame the government always has to interfere with scientific progress. No matter! This is a good thing! I've been lacking in test subjects!" "You're not going to get away with this" Alex said through gritted teeth. "Ah, there we go!" A hissing sound began to fill the hallways, as a thick green gas leaked in through the walls. It was only moments before each girl took a whiff of this noxious substance, and collapsed in a pile in the hallway. By time they awoke, the found themselves in a circular metal room, like some kind of subterranean stadium. "Good morning, girls" a voice said, belonging to the villain who introduced himself before. He was now fully visible through a sheet of glass several floors above the spies. He was a bespectacled young man with short, well-groomed blond hair, and wearing a lab coat to complete the mad scientist image. Once the girls awoke, they noticed one other thing different. Each was fitted with a thick, puffy diaper, their garments outlined perfectly by their skintight suits. Each girl was groping at their own bulging padding. And all of them felt less...in control at around the same time. In control of their bowels, that is. Sam was the first, the green-suited redhead moaning, clutching her stomach as a sizable load was released into her diapers, causing the bulge in her suit to sag further with her mess. Her uniform now tented out lewdly a few inches behind her as it filled more and more. Next was Alex, seeing what Sam had done and spreading her legs to accommodate the mess to come. And what a mess it was, even more substantial than Sam's, filling her nappy with a load "PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT" She gasped, feeling her diaper fill and droop with all that warm, smelly nastiness, now setting itself as a large pouch between her thighs. "You two smell terrib-" before Clover could finish her sentence, she had begun to experience the largest mess of them all. A powerful fart escaped from her ass, strong enough to take her by surprise and knock her onto her put. "Aaaaaaaah!" she cried, as a mountain of mess erupted from beneath her, building up a pile as she sat and lifting her a few inches off of the ground. She stood up, rubbing that massive bulge, perfectly sealed by her suit. "This is all your fault!" she said to Alex. "If you hadn't kicked me, I wouldn't have fallen, and he wouldn't have heard us coming!" "My fault?" Alex said. "If you hadn't insulted me, I wouldn't have needed to kick you! And if Sam had waited before opening the hatch, we wouldn't be in this mess!" "Me?" Sam growled. "Both of you are the problem! I think we're all better off alone" The girls turned their messy backs to each other, stepping off in a different direction. "Excellent, they're divided" the villain said, having gone ignored all this time. "I suppose now's as good a time as any to try out my mind control" He pressed a button on what looked like a traditional remote control. Waves went to each of the spy's brains, and, left vulnerable by their frustration and lack of unity, found their will broken before long. "Now, let's play a little game" he said to his obedient trio of spies. "You will all attempt to eat each other, and whoever is left will get to leave here alive! Begin!" The spies, having no ability to resist, sprung into action. Sam and Alex faced off first, glaring at each other, their hatred present despite not being in control of their minds. Alex lunged at her, Sam side-stepping her blow, and lifting the girl up with impressive strength. She opened her mouth, drooling with anticipation as she shoved the screaming, squirming Alex into her maw. Sam's throat bulged, while Alex let out a long "Noooooooooooooo!" that was muffled by time her head entered her stomach. Alex's legs jutted from Sam's mouth, only allowing her predator to grab them and use them to cram her further in. Sam's belly bulged out with Alex's wriggling form, imprints of Alex's screaming face appearing briefly on her tight gut. In almost no time at all, Alex was digested away. Sam grunted, pushing a warm load of her former friend into her pampers, causing her already full diaper to sag and bulge even more. Next, Sam turned to Clover, assuming she would be the easiest target given how huge and heavy her diaper was... Until she realized that she didn't see clover. She did, however, feel a pair of hands behind her, as Clover crammed her friend into her mouth, diaper first. The diaper proved the hardest part of her to swallow, being so filled with the shit and bones that once was Alex. But soon that obstacle made its way down Clover's moist throat, along with the rest of Sam's body, the slick suit she was wearing making gulping her down all the simpler. And soon, Sam found herself a massive globular bulge in Clover's gut, just as Alex had hers mere minutes ago. "Please, let me out!" Sam cried, the influence of the mind control wearing off within Clover's stomach. Sam pounded against her gut, her fists appearing as bulges in her friend's belly before she melted away, Clover celebrating her meal with a loud "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP" She patted her belly, as Sam's body and the mess that once was Alex made two large additions to her diaper, now resembling a huge, lumpy, smelly throne beneath her that she towered upon. Her suit was stretched to its utter limits, having to accommodate her bloated gut and diaper filled with two whole humans worth of mess. The villain approached her, clapping slowly. "Very, very impressive! I'm a man of my word, so you may go free" Clover smiled, attempting to stand, or even budge, but finding that the huge load beneath her made that impossible. "Ugh, let me go! I did what you said!" she cried out, still struggling to move with that titanic mess she was carrying around. The mind control wore off, as the realization swept over here that she had just eaten and shat out her friends. She began to whimper and cry softly. "Well, if you can't leave, that means there's nothing stopping me from experimenting with you more. There's a lot of work to be done, and that diaper still has plenty of room!" he said with a twisted smile.
 They each brandished their own weapon, from bows and arrows to spears. The girls appeared to be almost a gradient in terms of hair color, containing one redhead, one blonde, one brunette, and one girl with jet black hair. They each wore light leather clothing, ideal for stealthily stalking prey and protecting from the occasional feral beast that would retaliate. One of the girls had a claw mark across her chest for this very reason. As the girls continued to creep through the foliage, through the lively, yet also eerie and silent forest, one of the girls found her foot brushing against a trap. But this was no ordinary trap, no net that another hunter had set that she'd accidentally stepped on. It was a magic rune, more specifically, an elven rune, one that cast a trap upon any who stumbled upon it. And so, the four girls found themselves trapped in a large, pulsating bubble of magical energy. And before long, they were approached by a pair of elven women. They were very much the picture of what one would expect from an elven woman, tall, slender, long-haired with a pair of long, pointed ears. And they were clearly warriors or guards of some sort, judging by the weapons they brandished, the armor they wore, and of course, the fact that they were using aggressive magic to trap passersby. One of the women pressed their fact right up to the bubble, speaking to the women within. "For years, you have hunted, killing the animals of these woods and tramping all over our flora. Our high priestess has decided to sacrifice you, and allow you to serve as fertilizer to regrow the nature that you so carelessly destroyed" she said, her voice acidic and bitter. And the women all figured out rather quickly what being turned into fertilizer would entail. Naturally, they protested, the black-haired women, the oldest of the group, and a proud, experienced huntress, shoved her spear forwards, attempting to penetrate the bubble that imprisoned them. But elven magic was notoriously powerful, and her spear bounced off as if she had struck a slab of iron. The other, less experienced huntresses made their own attempts to escape, each banging their arms against the walls of their prison, begging for their lives, as the elven women ignored them, dragging the bubble they were trapped in through the forest, no doubt to this high priestess she had mentioned, and then, to their doom. They came to a large, round clearing in the forest. Along the edges of the clearing were houses, no doubt housing the elven tribes who roamed these woods. In the center was what at first appeared to be a large rock, or something similar, was actually a woman. She was completely nude, at first glance. Further examination would show that between her corpulent thighs was a diaper, puffy and white, and currently clean. She was massive, no doubt about that, a stunningly fat creature no doubt swollen from the humans she had turned into fertilizer before. She was elven, clearly, judging by her pointed ears, although, it was hard to focus on her ears when her massive fleshy bust and rosy pink nipples were so clearly in view. She had wonderful, silky blonde hair that flowed from her head, all the way down to her rear, which was, appropriately, absolutely stunning in its enormity. "Consider yourself lucky" one of the elven women said. "Humans make the best fertilizer, you'll no doubt end up as a beautiful collection of flowers" The youngest of the group, the redhead, began to whimper softly. The bubble was taken to the center of the clearing, and placed in front of the priestess, who smiled at her soon-to-be-meals. She licked her lips, trying to decided which one she would eat first. The raven-haired woman stood proudly. "I offer myself" she said, without a hint of hesitation in her voice. The elven women who had captured them nodded, and banished the bubble that kept the women trapped. Of course, they were not unrestrained for long, as a pair of magical chains quickly sprung up from the ground, except for the black-haired one, as she was already in the grip of the massive priestess. She found herself shoved in the moist, gluttonous mouth of the priestess like so many other humans before her, banished to her gurgling, churning stomach to be digested into a pile of manure. The priestess's already enormous belly bulged further to accommodate her new prey. She eyed her next meal, deciding to eat the brunette, who was appealingly plump and stout and would no doubt make a filling meal, and an impressive load of fertilizer later. She too was swallowed, forming a large bulge in the priestess's throat, and then, in her gut. Finally, the blonde met her fate as well, sucked swiftly into the gurgling gut with her three former friends. The girls struggled within this monstress's belly as they had within the bubble they were imprisoned in mere minutes ago. And their efforts were in vain, just as it was then. The priestess's stomach was arguably more powerful than elven magic, their punches and kicks against her stomach lining only causing barely-noticeable bulges barely noticeable underneath her stomach fat. The redhead was left horrified, waiting for the moment when she too would be devoured. But that moment didn't come. Her friends were swiftly digested within the priestess's experienced belly, churned up into nothingness and released as an enormous gassy belch, and an equally repulsive fart. Her gut continued to churn a few moments after, gassy sputters and groans being produced as her meal entered her bowels. Then, they met their final fate, as the priestess's diaper began to swell, bulging and sagging with the massive mess she had made. The diaper was bloated and smelled incredibly foul, filled with the dirty remains of the huntresses, now reduced to a pile of filth, bones, and scraps of clothing. Her diaper was the most swollen in the back, the filth having eventually settled into a round bulge packed up nicely between her thighs. She gave the mess a satisfied pat, a loud squelching sound echoing throughout the clearing. "What about me?" the redhead said, her face red with shock and horror. "We have another fate in mind for you" one of the women said. The redhead found herself stripped down, slender form and modest breasts exposed to the other women, but after what she had already experienced, she hardly cared. "Do your worst!" she hissed. One of the women came behind her, fitting the now-defiant huntress with a diaper, similar to the one the priestess wore, except, naturally, much smaller to accommodate the huntress's must more modest rear. One of the women pressed her hand to the ginger huntress's face. With a few small gestures and a magical incantation, the girl's body and mind were permanently changed. Now, she too would serve as a source of fertilizer for the elven women, evident around the time that she surrendered control of her bowels, and a thick log of shit made its way effortlessly out of her ass and into the padding she now wore. Her diaper sagged down behind her to accommodate the weight of her load. Everything about her current situation disgusted her, from the fate of her friends, to the heavy, warm feeling in her diaper, to that repulsive smell. She couldn't determine the origin of this smell, whether it was from the priestess's diaper, her own, or the stink of her fart that still hung in the air. Either way, she despised it. But she would have to live with it, for the rest of her life watching as the priestess consumed and endless stream of unlucky human victims, while soiling herself, only getting changed when her diaper was absolutely full to bursting, to be used to grow and fertilize the plants that grew all around her.
 Callie represented the more carnivorous side of things, while Marie supported the stinkier team. The contest's unorthodox team also explained the unusual conditions of this Splatfest, where the winning Squid Sister would be allowed to devour the other, and deposit their digested remains in the diapers they were both wearing underneath their usual outfits. "Alright, let's see those results!" Callie said, glancing hungrily at her friend and co-host. "I hope you're ready to become an even more smelly pile of mush than you already are," Marie responded. "Boom!" Callie and Marie said simultaneously, as the results were displayed for both themselves and the audience of Inklings watching below. Marie was immediately disheartened, as Callie's Cannibalistic Cephalopods were declared the winners over her Shitty Squids. "Well, it looks like my sister is finally getting some payback for all those years of teasing me," Callie said, as her stomach began to rumble. Marie, naturally, wasn't to thrilled about the idea of her career as a celebrity ending with her as a stinky load in someone else's diaper, so she darted towards the studio exit in hopes of escaping. Callie and Marie had agreed to lock the doors from the outside beforehand, since they both expected to win, and didn't want their respective prey to get away. Marie turned around, in hopes of finding another exit, but was greeted by the sight of Callie approaching her, rubbing her gurgling stomach in anticipation of a very filling meal. Marie was glad that the theme of the Splatfest allowed her to wear padding, as she was so frightened by the thought of being devoured that she soiled herself right in front of her soon-to-be predator. The room was filled with a shameful BLOOOOOOOOOORT, and a foul smell, as Marie's diaper sagged and bulged between her legs from the weight of her mess. Marie's stinky diaper lump did little to deter her predator, as Callie wrapped her arms firmly around hers, and lifted her into the air. Her mouth opened unnaturally wide, as she lowered her prey down into it, head-first, to put as much distance between her and Marie's mess as possible. Marie was surprisingly easy to gulp down, since Inkling bodies were naturally slick, but that didn't stop Marie from trying her best to put up a fight. She kicked and squirmed, and continued to load her diaper with more mucky mess, which was as much a defense mechanism to discourage Callie from eating her as it was a natural response from fear. Neither Marie's struggles nor her increasingly icky diaper were enough to stop Callie, who slurped her down with a force that far outmatched Marie's attempts to escape. Callie swallowed up to her chest, and then her stomach, as her throat began to bulge with Marie's form. Next, she reached her hips, before she finally found her lips on the edge of Marie's diaper. It was the hardest part of her to eat, simply because of how full it had become, since Marie had been messing herself almost nonstop for the entire process. Callie wasn't about to let a full diaper get in the way of the fuller one she was very much looking forward to having, so with a final, determined gulp, she forced the other Squid Sister into her stomach. Callie's stomach bulged out enormously to accommodate her new meal, forming a pleasant spherical shape that occasionally bulged with the imprint of Marie's hand or face, as she struggled within. Callie let out a proud, long UUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP that rattled the walls of the studio. Callie placed a hand to her belly, rubbing it lovingly. Callie's stomach was quite noisy itself, constantly sloshing and gurgling, or releasing an occasional muffled scream from Marie. "Let me out!" Marie screamed, while Callie pretended she was unable to hear her. "Unfortunately, it'll take this stinker a day or so to digest, so you'll have to wait until next time to see me turn her into diaper mush. Until then, stay fresh, because my diaper definitely won't be!" Marie had already begun digesting, her body softening as her struggles became less frequent. Callie retired to her suite, and plopped herself down on her bed, belly-up, massaging her sloshing stomach, in hopes that it would speed up digestion. As much as she enjoyed feeling her prey squirming around inside of her, Marie's pleas for help were beginning to annoy her, and she made a promise to show everyone the finale by tomorrow. "Don't worry," Callie said teasingly, after a yawn. "You'll get to make one last TV appearance...as a big pile of poo!" Eventually, Callie grew more and more sleepy, and she slipped into a kind of food-coma that comes from having someone roughly the same size as you churning away in your guts. Marie continued to digest while Callie was sleeping. It wasn't long before she was reduced to a pile of mush, to be loaded into Callie's diaper in front of all of Inkopolis. Callie woke up the next morning, and immediately put a hand to her stomach. She smiled when she felt how it had softened, and was delighted by the pressure in her bowels too. She worked off her grogginess as quickly as she could, and arrived at the studio in a matter of minutes. "Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for," Callie said as the cameras began to roll, hoping she could hold it for long enough to build up some dramatic tension in the audience. "My rival's been totally digested by my guts, and soon she'll have to suffer the humiliating fate of being a mess in my diapers!" Callie turned around, showing her rear to the camera, so everyone could see the puffy diapers underneath her dress. They were clean and white, for the time being, but the rumble in Callie's bowels suggested they wouldn't be that way for long. Callie bit her lip, and finally let go, unleashing all the muck in her diapers that her butt had been aching to release for several minutes. Her diaper bulged and sagged from the weight of her titanic mess with the enormous BLaaRRaaAaRrT. "Marie must've been fatter than I remember, this is way more poop than I expected," Callie said, not above teasing her sister, even while she was being loaded into her nappies on live television. Callie's mess was exceptionally large, though, enough to make her diaper bloat out and sag between her thighs. Callie couldn't help but feel incredibly proud. Not only had she defeated Marie in a Splatfest, but she also beat her record for diaper-messing by quite a large margin, and Marie wasn't around anymore to dispute the record either, since she herself had become the mess. There were still a few details that indicated that what was in the bulging diaper used to be Marie. Callie's load was peppered with bones, which Callie's stomach couldn't quite digest, including Marie's skull, which was one of the most difficult parts to push out. Callie wasn't done filling it up just yet, and her diaper continued to droop, until she was finally done, and it settled just below her knees, spreading her legs apart quite drastically with its size. Callie foresaw a lot of waddling in her future. Callie turned around once again, to show the audience her diaper, this time to give them a view of how it looked when it was filled to the brim. Her diaper was sagging the most in the rear, but it was fairly full on all sides, bulging out in every direction. "I didn't think it was possible for Marie to smell any worse than she already did~" Callie teased, after getting a whiff of her own stink. "I guess I'll see you all next Splatfest, when I'll hopefully have a brand new co-host!"
 Despite being consumed by irrational, unstoppable hunger, Kanaya still had her wits about her. She was at least lucid enough to formulate a plan to easily devour her troll friends. She sent out an invitation to her Hive, for a party. Since she knew nobody else had anything to do today, all of the trolls agreed, and said they’d arrive within the hour. Kanaya waited, knitting herself a dress that would hopefully fit her when she was bloated from eating all the other trolls. By time she was done, the trolls had already arrived at her door. "HEY, OPEN UP!“ she heard Karkat shout. The other trolls yelled similar things from behind her door. "Just A Minute,” Kanaya said, as she got up to open the door. When she opened it, to her delight, all 11 trolls she had invited had shown up. "Come In,“ she said. The door was opened, and the trolls all poured in at once. Kanaya got up from her seat, and greeted them at the door, taking care to lock it behind them before she sat back down. "So, what are we doing here, exactly?” Vriska said indignantly. "You’ll See In A Moment,“ Kanaya replied. She was lucky that none of the trolls could’ve possibly expected what she had in store for them, as she was doing very little to conceal her hunger. Her stomach growled and churned uncontrollably. She placed a hand against it delicately to silence it, but it still continued to gurgle. "Excuse Me,” Kanaya said. “I’m Very Hungry, Perhaps I Should Have A Snack.” Kanaya unceremoniously grabbed the nearest troll, who happened to be Sollux. She crammed him forcefully down her throat with extremely impressive strength. She gulped forcefully, sending him through her esophagus and into her starving gut. Her stomach took on a round, bulging shape to accommodate the body of her prey, and Sollux’s protests could be heard underneath the squirming flesh. "Not As Filling As I’d Hoped,“ Kanaya said, drumming her fingers against the taut grey flesh. The other trolls were obviously shocked, and they all immediately ran for the door, only to find it locked tight. "I’m Sorry, But There’s No Escape,” Kanaya said, before moving towards the door and snatching up her next victim. Terezi went down rather easily, and Kanaya silently commended herself, as she apparently had quite a talent for this sort of thing. Of course, Terezi struggled and punched against her stomach walls, but Kanaya’s gut was steely, and it did little more than tickle the jadeblood’s insides. "Hmm, Who’s Next?“ Kanaya asked herself, looking at her former friends as little more than a buffet. She figured if she wasn’t satisfied after devouring two whole trolls, she probably wouldn’t be full until she’d eaten the rest of them, at least. Some of the trolls tried to open the locked doors, while others searched for other exits. Tavros merely stayed in place, frozen with fear, which made him an easy target for Kanaya. With the addition of a third troll, her stomach had become titanic, but Kanaya was still fairly mobile, and Vriska and Gamzee were added to her stomach. Before long, all of her former friends were trapped in her titanic tummy, with the exception of Karkat, who was cowering underneath a nearby table. "I Want To Make It Very Clear,” Kanaya said, addressing the prisoners of her gut. “I Have No Plans To Let You Out, And You Will Most Certainly Be Digested.” The trolls were all terrified by this inevitability, of course, but it was Terezi who suggested that, if they were going to be digested, they might as well have some fun first. It was agreed upon unanimously, and so, and orgy was started inside Kanaya’s hot, wet stomach. Bulges, nooks, mouths, and anuses were intertwined in every conceivable combination, and it mattered little which part belonged to who. The movement from their fucking far surpassed that of their struggling, and Kanaya’s belly became an enormous sphere of flesh that rippled like a pool of water after a stone is thrown into it. Kanaya didn’t mind. In fact, she was glad that her friends were getting some final enjoyment before their digestion, and she adored the feeling of an active belly too. All of the movement, and the heat, and the moaning, forced a great belch from Kanaya’s gut that smelled strongly of indecency. She became unbearably aroused, as her heavy, heaving gut jostled about. Her cheeks turned a shade of dark green, and she sat herself down, huffing, as her own nook became slick and wet. After several more minutes, it seemed as though the trolls had all reached their climax at around the same time. Kanaya’s gut was flooded with a multicolored wave of cum, causing it to suddenly swell to a truly unmanageable size. The movement had seemingly died down, whether from the trolls being exhausted or from digestion setting in. Either way, Kanaya was intensely horny, and in desperate need of a belly rub, but there was no chance of her getting her hands on either her nook or her tummy, due to the size of her stomach. "Karkat, Could You *URP* Be A Good Moirail And Relieve Me, Please?“ Karkat was hesitant, but he didn’t want to defy the orders of someone who was willing and able to devour ten whole trolls with ease. He got out from underneath his hiding spot, comfortable with the knowledge that, if Kanaya was unable to reach her belly or pussy, she probably wouldn’t be able to snatch up and eat him. Karkat looked at the gargantuan, gurgling grey sphere in front of him, not even sure where to start. He didn’t want to keep Kanaya waiting, so he simply pressed his hands against it, rubbing them all over, trying to cover as much of its expansive surface as possible. This was apparently the right thing to do, as Kanaya responded with a moan of utter delight. Karkat continued massaging her tummy, trying to push into the back of his mind the fact that it contained all of his former friends. "HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN I’M DONE?” Karkat said with a huff. "You’ll Know,“ Kanaya said, pausing for a deep breath. Karkat shrugged, and simply kept on rubbing, focusing on the spots that got him the loudest groans from Kanaya. Kanaya finally seemed to get the relief she was hoping for, as a stream of jade-colored liquid erupted from underneath her tummy, dripping all over her chair and staining her panties as she let out a long sigh. Karkat thought it was safe to assume that that was the signal to stop.
“I see you're looking just as plump as ever, Fiona~” “F… Fuck off, Marshall.” Fiona the human grimaced in disgust and discomfort as Marshall Lee, the self-proclaimed Vampire King, glided his stone cold touch along her body. His eyes burned into her, an eerie glint deep within them. Fiona was familiar with this look, and it always meant that her black-haired vampire friend was up to no good. The moon was high in the dark blue sky, casting a dim light across the land of Aaa. And, more specifically, the grassy terrain just outside of the large tree house that belonged her and her close friend and partner, Cake the cat. While she wouldn't normally be out and about at this time, she figured that a nice, long walk beneath the moonlit sky would help her wind down and relax. After all, fighting monsters all day could easily take quite a toll on someone. As soon as the blonde girl stepped outside, she was almost immediately greeted with the black-haired bad boy himself. Much to her dismay. Not because she disliked him in any way, she actually considered him a friend of some kind. But mostly because she was looking forward to spending some time by herself. Though, little did she know, the vampire boy wanted more then to get on her nerves. As a smug grin tugged at his face, he moved his pale gray hands along her feminine sides, stopping once he reached her wide hips and giving the girl quite a bit of unwanted attention. As his grip suddenly tightened on a small bit of pudge hanging loosely from the side, she jolted. “Man,” he chuckled. “You should really cut down on those sweets.” The girl suddenly felt a warm blush overcome her face. As a slight bit of embarrassment stirred inside her, she looked away from her, her chubby face scrunching up in frustration. This resulted in another laugh from the vampire boy. He slowly slid one of his cold, hard hands up her body, stopping once his palm was firmly on one of her cheeks. It was then that he pressed against it, forcing the blonde hero’s gaze to be focused on him. A smug smirk danced along the side of his face. And as much as the girl loathed to admit it, she couldn't help but feel her blush grow as she laid eyes on his face. Despite this, she weakly shifted her head in a sad attempt to break free. With a light chuckle, he brought his face close to the side of her head, brushing any locks of golden hair away. Once his thin lips were only a mere inch away from her ear, he spoke, his voice like syrup as it drizzled into her ear. “You're adorable, Fiona. Hell, I could just eat you up.” Fiona felt a chill creep down her spine, her throat suddenly dry. Although she did find his ‘compliment’ quite cheesy, there was something quite unsettling about his tone. Suddenly, the black-haired vampire gently brought his fangs along the blonde’s neck, resulting in her giving a sharp jolt. The two long, pointed bones tapped against her flesh, each time sending a sudden chill rocketing within her. She did have the urge to attempt to break free, but she feared that in doing so, the two fangs would be sharply lodged inside of her neck. And that was something she definitely didn't want to experience. Then, his tongue snaked out of the depths of his mouth, and the young man promptly ran it along her smooth skin. Fiona was quick to find that he had a rather low temperature. She felt as if someone was sliding a thick ice cube across her neck, a feeling that was obviously quite unpleasant. Soft moans slithered past his throat, his icy breath crashing against the chubby young woman. After what seemed like forever for the girl, his slow licking ceased. However, never in a million years could Fiona predict what was going to happen next. In one swift, sudden movement, her head was lodged right into his mouth, making her squeak in surprise and slight fear. She barely had time to process the situation as it happened, but once it did manage to process, she let out a loud, disgusted yell. Of all the things that could happen this night, out of all the possible outcomes, she never would've expected that being forcibly shoved into his mouth would be one of those things. A sudden wave of thick saliva forced her head into the tight, dark abyss that laid at the back of his mouth. Fleshy, slimy walls pressed against each side of her head, the soft, rhythmic beating of his heart faintly echoing throughout the constricting passage. A soft, masculine moan rumbled out from every side, making it clear that the black-haired boy was enjoying the situation. That fact ultimately made things much worse for her. With yet another disgruntled and disgusted yell, she began to violently thrash her body from side to side in hopes that she would be freed from her less-than-sanitary doom. In response to this, Marshall tightly gripped her sides, restraining her movements. Despite this, Fiona continued to fight with all of her heart and soul. A long, hard gulp from the boy forced her even further down, the soft beating of his heart slowly becoming clearer to her. Breathing was quite difficult for the young hero, since the air left with her was thick and heavy, as well as a tad scarce. Another gulp forced her waist past his lips, and it was then that he quickly tilted his head back, allowing gravity to finish the job. Her legs slithered in at a rapid pace, and before long, her feet joined the rest of her inside of the older teen. One final swallow ushered her feet into the dark, moist abyss. She found the experience quite similar to a water slide: albeit, a fleshy, disgusting one that lacked any of the fun and just felt her totally disgusted. Soon, she was dumped into a tight, fleshy prison: Marshall’s stomach. It was pitch black, making sight practically impossible, but Fiona was sure that having the ability to see her surroundings would only leave her more disgusted. The damp stomach walls pressed against her from all directions, wet squelching filling her ears. And it was quite warm as well, the blonde swordswoman couldn't help but draw a similarity to a sauna of some kind. In a way, it almost felt… nice, as much as she hated to admit it. Still, it didn't cease the burning rage that was building up in her heart. After all, her friend just literally ate her. “Marshall, you douchebag!” She screeched. --- A loud, shaky moan slipped past Marshall Lee’s lips as he ran a hand along the massive, pale globe that bulged out from his torso. His shirt was forced undone, with a majority of the buttons having been snapped off. But he didn't mind in the slightest- he always had spares. Holy hell, his stomach was huge, easily almost as big as his entire body. And she felt so heavy in there too, he was sure he'd have trouble lugging her around. And it felt amazing. It felt so heavenly to have a nice, big stomach to just massage and prod at. Never before had he felt so stuffed, so content, so… amazing. He had swallowed live creatures before: owls, cats, mice. And being a demon, of course he had consumed people before. But Fiona… she was a different story. She was easily much more filling than they were. The pure feeling of euphoria filled his form to the brim as he began to lovingly caress the swollen dome of flesh that hung from his waist. A dreamy expression was etched onto his pale face, his eyes half-lidded and his mouth slightly agape, a small trail of drool spilling down his lower lip. With a growing grin, he poked the side of the huge sphere attached to his form. “Mmm, boy, let me tell you, Fio. You tasted pretty damn fantastic,” he cooed as he gingerly stroked the sides of his gut. “Guess I could say you made a better meal than you did a hero…” Right after saying this, a wet, gassy burp launched past his throat, resulting in a rather loud and crass release. In turn, Fiona’s tight, fleshy prison became significantly tighter. A muffled shout came from within as his stomach began to grow much more animated, bumps forming and disappearing at a rapid pace. Her struggling felt absolutely amazing and made him feel more alive than he ever had. As his tongue snaked out of his maw and traced his lips, he patted his stomach. “Enjoying yourself in there?” It was then that the struggling came to a halt. “Ye… No! I mean no!” The faint voice of his prey came. “It's warm, and soft, and tight, and… and gross! Super gross!’ He rolled his eyes and smirked. As good as a fighter she was, Fiona was never the best liar. “Well, I just hope you enjoy yourself in there. ‘Cause I'm afraid you're gonna be stuck in there for quite a while, Fiona,” he chuckled. “You feel great, so there's no way I'm letting you out anytime soon.” Licking his lips, yet another thick, humid belch slithered past his throat, allowing Fiona’s taste to fill his maw once more.
’s frequent and gruelling physical labor had little impact on his face, which was still handsome and youthful. If not for the light tan over his freckled skin, and his fit, muscular body he wouldn’t look much like a farmer at all. But he was indeed a farmer, and he had been for almost his entire life. Keith’s father once worked the fields and took care of the livestock, but once Keith became a man, he retired, and left the duty of managing his small farm to his son. Keith was happy to take the job it was something he was especially good at, and he loved the job too, despite how difficult it could be at times. And, well, it came with some side benefits. Keith’s farm didn’t have normal livestock. In his world, they simply didn’t exist. Instead, the animals on his farm weren’t animals at all, but humanoids, with several animalistic traits and a feral intelligence to match. In lieu of cows, his farm had several gorgeous women, with bovine horns, ears, and plump, pink udders between their crotches and their navels. Their hair, skin color, and other physical features varied, but there were certain traits that they all had in common, besides their partially-bovine anatomy. They were all chubby to one degree or another, with wide hips and asses that wobbled noticeably when they moved. They also had enormous breasts, large compared to the rest of their body and in proportion to the amount of fat they possessed. These breasts were a second source of milk, with their udders being the first. Since they all had an animalistic mindset, they couldn’t speak, and they walked on all fours, although they could understand language fairly well. When they weren’t grazing in the field, they stayed in a stable, where they could be milked. And, since they had no need for modesty, they were perpetually naked, with their milk-swollen breasts perpetually exposed. "Hey gals" Keith said in his charming southern accent, brushing a loose strand of blonde hair away from his eye as he walked into the stable. The hucows all turned to him, greeting him with an inviting series of enthusiastic moos. Keith walked up to the first hucow. She was among the skinniest of the bunch, and the least busty, although that didn’t mean much, as her breasts were still plump and perky, and were each slightly larger than a grapefruit. "How’s it going, Sally?“ Keith said, placing a polished bucket underneath her breasts. He pulled down on one of her nipples. His touch was delicate, but he needed to put a little muscle into it before the first few droplets of cream began to appear. Sally whimpered. The feeling of having her nipples tugged so lovingly, well, it was as arousing as it would’ve been to any human woman, or perhaps moreso, as hucows had exceptionally sensitive breasts. There was the added relief of no longer being painfully swollen with milk as well. The bucket was about half-full, so Keith placed it beneath her udders. He tugged at her teats, which produced a similarly sultry groan from Sally. Finally, she was drained completely, and the bucket was full to the brim. "Not bad, Sally,” Keith said, lifting the heavy bucket with relative ease, keeping a careful eye on the edge, not wanting to spill a single drop of her previous cream. Sally blushed at the compliment, she was always a bit insecure about her relatively low milk production compared to her sisters. Keith went back to the entrance, and placed the bucket by the door. Then, he picked up a fresh bucket, and repeated the same process for the next cow. He made his way around the room, counterclockwise, filling up bucket after bucket with sweet, busty hucow milk. After a while, there was only one cow left. Her name was Jessie, and she was his favorite of the bunch, although he’d never tell the others that, it’d break their hearts. Jessie was blonde, and the largest of the bunch in almost every way. Her breasts were enormous, so large that they nearly touched the ground, and sometimes, when they were fully enough, they sagged all the way down to the floorboards. She was the fattest too, owing to her exceptional appetite. Jessie was quite the glutton. “Graze” wasn’t the right word for her eating habits, “devour,” or “gorge,” was far more appropriate. "Well, it looks like someone had a lot to eat last night,“ Keith said, slapping his hand playfully against her rounded belly, which sloshed and gurgled happily in response to his touch. "Which means that you’ve got plenty of milk for me, right?” Keith asked. Jessie nodded, pushing her chest forward proudly, to give Keith better access to her bloated breasts. Keith took hold of one of her rigid nipples, causing Jessie to shudder with delight. She made lewd noises throughout the entire process of milking her breasts, that were excessive to the point where Keith wondered if she was doing it on purpose. "There, all done,“ Keith said. Jessie’s breasts looked less unpleasantly swollen, and were less rigid as well. "Does that feel better?” Keith asked, giving one of her hanging tits a squeeze, letting his hands sink into the now-soft skin. Jessie nodded, before gesturing towards her udders, which looked painfully bloated, to the point where it was beginning to develop stretch marks. "See, Jessie? This is what happens when you overeat. I get that a girl’s gotta eat and all that, but you gotta pace yourself or you’ll get too full!“ Jessie simply belched in reply. Keith brought out a second bucket, and a third as the first was filled entirely by the supply in Jessie’s breasts, and he had reason to expect that her udders would produce even more. Keith got underneath her, wrapping his fingers firmly around two of her teats. The udders had an unusual reaction to his touch. They seemed to shift unnaturally, almost as if they were an entirely separate entity to the cowgirl herself. They produced an unusual gurgling sound too. Keith chalked the movement up to the udders being exceptionally full, and he attributed the noise to Jessie’s stomach. Strangely, the udders didn’t seem to be producing any milk. Maybe she was so backed up that the milk simply refused to come out? Keith pulled with all his might, but he couldn’t extract even a single drop from his prized cow. "Well, that’s strange,” Keith said. The udders continued to pulsate unnaturally, in a way that Keith could no longer simply brush off. And then, things got even stranger. One of Jessie’s teats began to move independently, opening up at the end like the mouth of a hungry serpent unhinging its jaw. The opened teat wrapped itself around Keith’s head. The farmer let out a panicked shriek, but the sound was muffled by the fleshy pink tube, and besides, there was nobody there to help him. The teat sucked Keith in like a vacuum. Once it enveloped his entire head, it continued sucking, dragging in his shoulders, and then his chest, and so on, until his entire body was absorbed. Keith struggled to the best of his ability, of course, but even the athletic farmboy was no match for Jessie’s hungry udder. Jessie moaned and gasped with delight, as Keith’s entire body was entrapped completely inside of her. He was brought from her teat, and into the udder itself, which bulged and sagged in a way that was shockingly pleasant for the cowgirl. Keith’s squirming form could be seen within the rubbery udders. An imprint of his face, or a struggling hand could occasionally be seen in the pink flesh, but he was utterly trapped, with no means of escape, inside her cramped, humid udders. "Come on, Jessie! I milk you and feed you every day! Don’t do this to me, gal!“ Jessie heard his cry for help, but she was too driven by her hunger, which surpassed any affection she may have had for her master. Jessie was no stranger to a full, burgeoning stomach, but an udder was something else entirely. It was an unusual feeling, but an undeniably good one. The closest thing she could compare it to was the feeling of stuffing herself with a filling meal, and the sensation of having her breasts played with, but combined into one, and localized to an area just below her navel. Keith’s struggles only added to her mounting pleasure, as his the rough yet warm hands which had tugged at her nipples countless times now pounded desperately against the walls of her udders. Her mouth hung open, and she began to drool onto the floor like the satisfied, shameless animal she was. All the other cowgirls watched in horror, although there was nothing they could do, and they didn’t even understand what they were seeing well enough to react in any meaningful way. Finally, Keith’s struggles began to subside. Jessie’s udders were functioning similar to a stomach, and just like her stomach, they could efficiently digest anything inside. Inside of churning her meal into nutrition and waste like one of her two regular stomachs would, her udders processed her melting victim into thick, creamy milk. Her udders became less misshapen and bulgy, but they were still just as bloated. Keith’s flailing limbs could no longer be seen, instead, her udders were swollen and round, like a water balloon on the verge of bursting. Jessie couldn’t take the amount of pressure, she had never been filled with this much milk before! And, to her misfortune, there was no kindly human around to relieve her anymore either. Fortunately for Jessie, she didn’t need outside intervention to empty her udders. The milk-filled gland reached a breaking point, where it was simply too full, and there was no longer any room for the excess milk to go. So, it gushed out from her teats in four thick, continuous streams of white milk. Jessie was even more visibly stimulated than before. Her cheeks were bright pink, her mouth was forced open with a series of elated moos, and her eyes finally rolled into the back of her head as the pleasure overwhelmed her. Her udders emptied themselves with a final milky eruption, and Jessie collapsed exhaustedly into the white pile underneath her, feeling more full and satisfied than she ever had before.
There were three sounds that one would expect to hear daily in the city of Steelside: the honking of car horns, the distant chugging of factories, and environmental protesters chanting about the previous.     Jessica Waters was one such protester, and a significant one at that. Now, Steelside had numerous problems when it came to pollution, from gas-guzzling cars to the citizens insistence on throwing their trash into unacceptable places, but in Jessica's mine, the most heinous of the environmental crimes were those committed by Sintcorps, a company that made its home in Steelside. The Sintcorp company had a habit of (allegedly, as they were quick to remind people) dumping enormous amounts of an unidentified, but foul-looking green substance into the community's bodies of water.      Today, Jessica found herself at the end of a fairly standard protest that involved her and several others standing in front of one of the city's ruined lakes, holding up signs and shouting until the sun set. At this point, the other protesters had finished their day of defiance, and had gone home, all except Jessica, who stayed behind, packing up snacks and preparing for the next day.     It was fortunate for Jessica that she was always at the head of crowds, for if she wasn't, she would've blended into them. Yes, Jessica was certainly plain looking, brown-haired, scrawny and bespectacled, her most distinguishing feature being that she was a few inches below the average height.     So perhaps, if she wasn't the only person there, the misfortune that befell her would not have happened.     Jessica turned around, to see a pair of shadowy figures walking towards her, large, burly men in dark clothes, eyes hidden behind sunglasses.     "H-hey, g-gentlemen"  she said, adjusting her glasses. "W-was there something you wanted?"     The two men looked at each other, nodded, took one step closer to Jessica, and pushed her at the same time. Jessica, who would have probably weighed more if she was hollowed out and filled with feathers, was sent toppling backwards, and landed into the noxious lake, with a rather limp splash. The two men waited, tapping their feet as minutes passed, before looking at each other, exchanging sinister smiles, and walking off, a job well done.     "Hey, want to play some cards when we get back?"     "You know it."     Night turned to day, and then to night again. It wasn't uncommon for Steelside's putrid lakes to churn and bubble, as they were currently were, but it was unusual for them to be sputtering and growling with the ferocity of an animal.      Just as Aphrodite, the goddess of love and the pinnacle of beauty rose from the foam of the sea, a tall figure rose from the foul, churning depths of the lake, reborn as something not entirely unlike a goddess.           She certainly had the stature of a goddess, being tall enough to dwarf any adult man, with a toned, buff body that would put any bodybuilder to shame. Her skin was a deep, vibrant green, that gave off a slight glow in the dark stillness of the night. Her hair took on a similar green color, although it was dark enough to pass for black hair depending on the lighting. The hair on her head wasn't the only one that lengthened. Her armpits sported sweaty, foul-smelling tufts of coarse, dark-green hair, and her crotch had a similarly dense pubic bush. She was completely nude, of course, exposing a pair of green breasts that managed to be both extremely large, and perfectly round and perky as if they were unaffected by gravity. Her nipples were long, dark green, and seemed to be perpetually erect. She looked down, and noticed that there was a distinct black biohazard symbol on her midriff, perfectly centered around her belly button.     Her physical appearance wasn't the only thing that changed, however. She now radiated a heavy, intense scent, so strong that even she, in her somewhat hazy state, could pick up its distinct odor. It smelled of sweat more than anything, mixed with an indescribable, vague foulness, a hint of flatulence, and an underlying, almost appealing scent underneath it all that was difficult to pinpoint underneath all of the stink. The odor was so powerful that it took a visible, physical form, as a green haze that surrounded her wherever she went. Her breath was rather rotten as well, with her halitosis appearing as whips of dark green air blowing from between her lips.      This was what Jessica had become, and what was Jessica no longer. Her mind had changed, and with it, her identity. She was no longer shy, nervous Jessica. She was the Biohazardess now.      The Biohazardess was filled with a deep, beastly hunger, that made her feel as though she'd need to eat everything in sight to satisfy herself. Her hunger was unspecific at first, but it quickly became clear what she craved. First, she desire to gulp down filth, to consume the rot and waste that had created her. And second, she wanted a big belly full of the two men who had tried to kill her in the first place.     Along with her muscular body and unholy scent, she had gained a new ability as well: enhanced senses. One would think that the essence of the men who had attacked her would be difficult to find, considering the smell radiating around her, but in fact, that made it all the easier. Picking up on their freshly laundered clothes and hair that had recently been recently shampooed was easy among the backdrop of her own horrible musk.     She was about to head off in the direction of her would-be murderers, but she stopped, for just a second. She turned back to the mire that had created her, and scooped her hands into the foul waters, getting two handfuls of nasty waste and refuse. She brought it up to her lips, and gulped down all that thick, delicious filth. She felt herself grow even stronger, muscles bulging out more, senses strengthening, willpower increasing, and her own stench becoming more intense as well.      Apparently, she craved the taste of filth for a good reason. The more foulness she consumed, the stronger she would get. She could clean up Steelside by consuming all of the garbage that plagued it, while getting strong enough herself to stop those who perpetrated its pollution. It was almost too good to be true. She had gone from a passive activist to someone with the power to take an active role in destroying Sintcorps and undoing the damage it had done.     Of course, there was something else she needed in her stomach before she could get to devouring all of Steelside's garbage.     She followed the scent of her would-be assassins, to a series of apartment buildings that had been mostly abandoned, only attracting the occasional tramp or prostitute. But through the smell of cheep booze, urine, and regret, her nose still clearly picking up on those two men she intended to devour. Something caught her eye, and her nose, on the way to the room she suspected they were hiding in.      There was a garbage bag left out in front of one of the apartments, with a hole in it from which the refuse spilled out. She had already eaten so much, surely she could consume a bit of garbage and still have enough room for those two assassins. And besides, it would be irresponsible to the environment to leave all that trash lying around.     She gave into her temptation, scooping up the bag and eating it with the same furtive, guilty look that a housewife might have when sneaking a pint of chocolate ice cream in the middle of the night, while her children are asleep. She practically inhaled the bag, letting it travel down her throat and into her stomach with a thud and a crunching sound. She rubbed her belly, adoring the feeling of all that yummy trash inside her.     Her belly bulged out, rounded by the trash that filled it. She patted her gut proudly, letting out a sour-tasting burp that filled the air with an odor that was somehow more revolting than the garbage it resulted from. To the Biohazardess, it smelled absolutely delicious, and only served to make her hungrier. If she was a mere mortal woman, all this refuse would've made her sick, and quite possibly torn a hole in her gut. But now, all filth and refuse was simply another meal to her.           Her stomach churned and groaned noisily, as her superhuman digestive system made quick work of the supposedly inedible garbage. Metal, plastic, and rotten food were melted into nutrients, to fuel the superheroine's body on her quest for justice. Her stomach shrank noticeably as digestion set in, leaving plenty of room for the two would-be assassins she was still planning to devour.      Her trashy meal had left her quite gassy, so she expelled the excess air out of both ends, letting out a thunderous fart and belch, both of which had distinct odors but were equally foul in their own way. Just as her body odor was strong enough to be visible, her belches and farts came in the form of dark green and brown clouds of gas, respectively.      The assassins heard her eruptions, but were mercifully protected from the smell, at least, for now. They weren't exactly sure what to make of them, however. They never would've assumed that they'd come from a resurrected Jessica, so they simply brushed it off, and resumed the game of cards they were playing on the old wooden floor.     The Biohazardess followed her nose, which was still able to discern her targets, even through a haze of her own stink. She stomped her way up the stairs, which creaked under her considerable weight. The assassins were beginning to get suspicious now. They still had no idea of what was really about to happen, but the sound of heavy footsteps coming towards them was enough to make them nervously draw their firearms.     The green mutant smashed through their door with a single strike from her fists. Her superhuman strength turned the old wooden door into splinters, which went flying across the room.      The sight of the green amazonian woman with a suspicious resemblance to the woman they had just murdered was almost enough to freeze the assassins in place. The literally breathtaking odor she produced was enough to do the rest. Their eyes watered from beneath their mirrored shades, as they got a nostril-burning whiff of the mutant's musk.      "You know, I should thank you," she said. Simply opening her mouth was enough to catapult a cloud of her halitosis across the room, and into the noses of the unwilling assassins. "I'm having a lot more fun like this. Unfortunately, I can't let you go unpunished."     One of the assassins was able to break free from his stink-induced daze, long enough to draw his gun. He pulled wildly against the trigger, sending a volley of bullets towards the heroine, until his clip was empty.      The Biohazardess had every reason to believe that she was bulletproof, but she wanted a chance to show off her abilities. He leaned forward, and opened her mouth, using the gas that was still bubbling away in her guts to unleash a massive eruction in the direction of the gunshots.      *UUUUUUUUUURP*      The bullets collided with the resulting cloud of stink in mid-air.  Apparently, the stinky green mist that her belch produced was foul enough to melt the bullets into liquid metal, which splattered harmlessly against the flooring.      "W-what the hell are you?" he said.      She shrugged. "You know, I'm still not sure."     The bullets had distracted her long enough for his partner to sneak up behind her. Her enhanced senses allowed her to hear him coming, and fortunately for her, her mouth wasn't the only orifice of hers that could produce destructive gasses on command.      Her ass roared, unleashing a dark-brown cloud with a powerful *FFFRRRRRRRT.* Her fart sent the assailant flying backwards, where he smashed against the wall with a loud crack. The force of the blow wasn't enough to knock him unconscious, but the fecal smell of her rear certainly was. She turned towards the other assassin, who was, unfortunately for him, still conscious.      "You know, I just ate, but I'm still feeling pretty hungry," she said, grabbing him by his collar, effortlessly lifting him over her head. "And the one thing I really have an appetite for is garbage. I guess that's why you look so tasty to me right now."     Before he could react, he was shoved into her wet-foul smelling mouth. Her jaw unhinged, and her powerful tongue pushed him deeper, into her throat. A squirming, shifting mass appeared in her gullet, which quickly traveled south, as she forced the assassin into her guts with one last gulp. Her stomach reached its largest size next, jutting out with the thrashing form of a full-grown man.      She was right, his flavor was absolutely delightful, but maybe that was just the taste of sweet revenge. Her guts were tight, cramped, wet, and above all, smelly. The assassin inside was having a rather unpleasant time, as he struggled to break free of the grip of her stomach walls. There was no hope for him, however, as digestion had already set in.      The Biohazardess's digestive system was as efficient as she wanted it to be. She was eager to rid the world of the man who tried to kill her, so she dissolved him rather quickly. It was a mercifully painless death, as he was churned away into nothing, to be absorbed by her body and converted into more gas and fat. Her stomach shrunk, but other parts of her body grew, just slightly. Her muscles, particularly her biceps became a bit more substantial. Her breasts swelled, her hips widened, and her ass became just the slightest bit jigglier. She made a mental note to investigate her assets more thoroughly later.     She let out a celebratory belch to commemorate her first human meal, before turning to her second target, who still appeared to be knocked-out. She leaned close to his face, exhaling a cloud of her breath-stink directly into his nose, which was far more effective at shocking him awake than smellingsalts.      "W-what do you want?" he said, looking around the room for his partner.      "I want to know who you work for," she said, leaning back so he wouldn't have to deal with the foulness of her breath, at least for now.      "Sintcorps. They hired us to kill you. You were the closest to finding out."     "Thanks," she said, nodding.      "S-so, are you going to let me go?"     She shook her head. "If I do that, you'll just go and tell your bosses. And I'd like to maintain the element of surprise, as much as a 9 foot tall green woman with a constant cloud of stink around her can."     "W-what are you going to do to me?"     The Biohazardess was a "show, don't tell" kind of girl, so instead of describing the fate she had in mind, she simply went ahead and did it.      She grabbed her prey, shoving him into the flexing hole between the two muscular green globes that made up her considerably large backside. The odor was overwhelming, a combination of sweat, musk, and, well, the sort of thing one would expect to come out of an ass. The assassin was sucked down the tight turd tunnel by the Biohazardess's powerful muscles, flexing and contracting with the goal of bringing him into her stomach.      The assassin's journey wasn't as mercifully short as his partner's, as she wasn't as experienced in swallowing things with her ass as she was with her mouth. The assassin spent what felt like several eternities in the tight tube, every breath he took reeking of shit. Finally, he was deposited into her stomach. As gross as her gutstink was, it was far more tolerable than what he had to endure in her asshole.      He was digested as thoroughly as his partner. Even his clothes, and the weapons that remained on his person were reduced to nutritious sludge. The Biohazardess chose to punctuate this meal with a dry, ripping fart that echoed through the hallways of the apartment building, and filled the room she was in with an odor that she couldn't get enough of! She took several long sniffs of her own buttstink before she decided it was time to move on.      She knew that Sintcorp was responsible for her assassination, and now, she had the power to take them down. There was one more thing she needed to do before her quest for justice could continue...     She returned to the outside of the building, where she had dined on the garbage bags from before. Her trashy meal, and the two human victims who followed, had left her bowels absolutely packed, and her ass in need of some serious relief. Fortunately, she was already nude, so all she needed to do was squat down in the nearest alleyway, and squeeze.      Her shit came out with surprising ease, her ass muscles forcing it out without much trouble. It would've been quite a sight if anyone had been watching, seeing several turds, each longer and thicker than the average adult man, slide effortlessly out of the asshole of a gargantuan amazonian woman. Her load had several other unusual traits, besides just its size. It had a light radioactive green glow to it, which illuminated the otherwise lightless alleyway she was in. As with all things she produced that carried an odor, the stink manifested itself as visible clouds.      The Biohazardess walked away, leaving the titanic turd-pile to be dealt with by someone else. Her quest for justice would continue, and she had a pretty good idea of who was next...
“Wake up,” a woman’s voice said. Her tone was utterly devoid of emotion, featureless, besides her unmistakable French accent, which Lena recognized almost immediately. She instinctively tried to rub her eyes, but she found that her arms were tied behind her. She looked down, to see that her body was bound to a chair with steel restraints. Her chronal accelerator wasn’t on her chest. She could see its blue glow on a nearby table, one of the only light sources in the otherwise dark room. As Lena’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could see Widowmaker standing in front of her. The thing that immediately caught her attention was Widowmaker’s abdomen. It was bloated, as though she was pregnant...no, it was too saggy and shapeless to be a pregnancy. Based on the *ggggGGloorps* and *grrrrrggg*’s it emitted, she figured that Widowmaker had just finished an enormous meal. Strangely, she wasn’t wearing her usual uniform. Instead, she had an outfit resembling her original Talon costume, with her white top that exposed her midriff, making her burgeoning belly even more conspicuous. Lena was confused. Talon had captured her, Widowmaker had her and her mercy, and her first priority was to binge herself into a food baby? She had a feeling she was about to find out soon, and when she did, it wouldn’t be pleasant. For now, Widowmaker was simply observing her unsettlingly. Finally, Tracer was compelled to speak, simply to break the silence. “What do you want?” she said. “I want information, and to get it, I will torture you.” “Pfff, good luck,” Tracer said, her usual spunky attitude beginning to shine through. “I’ve been trained to resist every kind of torture there is.” “Believe me,” Widowmaker said, leaning in so her pale purple face was inches away from Tracer’s. “Nobody’s prepared you for what I’m about to do.” Widowmaker’s stomach sloshed, in a way that was almost ominous, like the distant cry of some animal about to pounce. Widowmaker’s mouth shot open. *OOOOOOrrrrrrrpppPPPpp* A loud, wet belch exploded from her throat, directly into Tracer’s face. Her cheeks were coated in flecks of saliva, and the rest of her face was treated to a forceful gust of repulsively humid air, as the visible cloud of green gas blew past her. The sensation of Widowmaker’s burp was sickening enough, but the smell was the worst part by far. She couldn’t avoid inhaling it from that range, so she was treated to a noseful of Widowmaker’s absolutely rancid stench. She gagged and sputtered, it was utterly indescribable. She couldn’t imagine what food Widowmaker could’ve eaten to generate such a smell. Judging by the size of her enormous gut, whatever it was, she’d eaten a lot of it. “Ack, bloody hell!” She pushed against her restraints, instinctively wanting to fan her nose to get that awful stink away from her. Unfortunately, she couldn’t, so the green cloud hung around her head for a few more seconds, each breath treating her to another round of that dreadful odor. By time the belch-cloud had fully dissipated, Lena felt like she was about to pass out. Given how unpleasant an experience that was, being unconscious seemed like the best option for her right now. “Maybe you’ll make this easier on yourself, hm?” Widowmaker mocked. The stench of old chicken and cheap wine floated around Tracer’s face. Widowmaker wasn’t wrong when said no one would be prepared for this type of “torture”. This was the first time anyone used their gas in such a disgusting but effective manner. “I find it surprising you’re still clinging to your consciousness after that. I’m impressed. Being allies with Sombra can be...frustrating at times and normally one of those vile smelling eruptions is enough to shut her up for the rest of the day.” Widow leaned in, whispering in Tracer’s ear. “Are you feeling cooperative yet?” “Not a ch-” *BHHOOuurP* Tracer didn’t even get to finish her sentence before being interrupted by another horrid blast to her face. Since her mouth was open, Tracer got a good taste of Widowmaker’s belch, in addition to the already wretched smell. Both of her senses were assaulted at once, leaving Lena utterly overwhelmed. Not wanting to risk having her taste buds tainted by Widowmaker again, Tracer opted to simply shake her head, to show that she still wasn’t going to comply. “Your girlfriend must be worried about you,” Widowmaker said. Tracer felt a chill run through her body. How could she have known about Emily? “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt her, at least, not directly. But if you don’t give me the information I want, you won’t get to leave. And if you don’t, well, you’ll never get to do this again…” Widowmaker leaned forward, and pressed her lips against Tracer’s. Widowmaker’s kiss was oddly mechanical, and dispassionate, but that didn’t stop it from being enjoyable. Her cooling skin contrasted appealingly with her soft, pillowy lips. You’re so stupid, Tracer thought. You should’ve known what was going to happen next. Predictably, Widowmaker’s kiss ended poorly for Tracer. With their lips pressed together, Widowmaker had a perfect opportunity to unleash another belch, which she did, gladly. Tracer’s tongue was coated with the nasty aftertaste of Widowmaker’s last meal. Tracer pulled away from the kiss immediately, but there was no escaping from her belch. It had spread to her nostrils, so her sense of smell wasn’t safe either. “I enjoyed my *URP* diner quite a lot,” she said, patting her stomach. “I imagine it tastes much worse on the way up,” she added. “Yeah...no kidding” Lena visibly spat trying any method she could to rid herself of the purple woman’s disgusting “gift”. Tracer lost all concept of time while being forced to breathe in Widow’s stink. She had no idea how long she’d been here, and didn’t know how much more she’d be able to take. One thing had been clear, Widowmaker’s gas was showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. In fact what used to be controlled bursts of gas, Widow’s tummy seemed to be working overtime. Letting her gross belches spill out slowly, or even in interrupting herself while she spoke. “You seem a bit ill dear, are you not enjoying the leftovers I so graciously decided to share with you?” Widow chuckled. “I mentioned many times that I don’t feel the cold, but *OOURP* my sense of smell isn’t very strong either so I’m afraid you’re the only one who gets to enjoy the lovely aftermath of the *URRP* feast that was prepared earlier this evening.” Even her smaller burps carried a pungent aroma and she made sure Tracer smelled every last one and blew each one into Lena’s face. Lena’s torment wasn’t in big, especially smelly expulsions anymore, but from the constant, inescapable miasma that now hung in the air. She couldn’t take a single breath without exposing herself to at least some amount of stink. She assumed that she’d eventually adjust, but no, every time was just as shockingly repulsive as the first. Widowmaker was still letting out a consistent stream of burps every few seconds, so she was never safe from her gas. “I’m done playing around,” Widowmaker said. “Tell me what I want to know, or things will get much, much worse.” “I’m not sure if that’s even possible,” she replied snappily, regretting her words almost immediately. Widowmaker leaned in close, causing Lena to flinch instinctively. “You have no idea. I still have plenty of *OOORP* gas saved up for you.” Lena’s disgust turned to anger. She was sick of feeling so helpless! Widowmaker was going to continue her assault no matter what, but Tracer wasn’t going to take it without resistance. “Do your worst,” she said. “I always do,” Widowmaker took a deep breath, and released her longest, loudest, and most vile-smelling belch yet. It smelled like it must’ve come from the foulest depths of her stomach, or from the pits of hell itself. It was sickeningly warm, and moist, sticking to her face like water droplets on a cold beer. It was like walking through a cloud of London fog, but worse, much worse. Lena felt like she’d been punched, dizzy from the unfathomable nastiness she’d been exposed to. Despite all that, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, if that’s your worst, I can take it. You’ll never get anything from me.” “Oh, no, that wasn’t my worst,” Widowmaker said. “That was just the appetizer.” Widowmaker pressed a button on her wrist that caused Tracer’s restraints to snap open. Before she could make a run for her Chronal Accelerator, Widowmaker did something that, even after all that had happened before, left Tracer utterly shocked. She opened up her mouth, but instead of belching, as she’d expected, she kept opening it, wider and wider, until her gaping maw looked large enough to swallow Tracer’s entire head. As it turns out, it was. Widowmaker wrapped her lips around the top of Lena’s head, using her tongue to push her towards her throat. Once Tracer’s head was deep enough, she used her esophagus to draw her in even further, until her entire head was trapped in Widow’s body. Lena’s face was thickly covered in a layer of Widowmaker’s saliva, as her head entered her throat, and her neck began to be swallowed. *GLORP* Widowmaker gulped wetly, as Tracer’s neck was consumed. Her shoulders were next; Widowmaker’s maw expanded even more to accommodate them. The rest was easy. She had little difficulty devouring Tracer’s modest breasts, or her slender waist. Tracer’s screams were muffled by Widowmaker’s body. She struggled, but her arms were already almost completely submerged in Widowmaker’s flesh. She kicked her legs, but that did little to deter her predator. If anything, her struggling encouraged her, as she seemed to be eating her even faster. Once Tracer’s hips were consumed, Widowmaker was met with her biggest challenge so far. Tracer’s ass was the largest, and widest part of her body, and as a result, would be the most difficult to devour. Widowmaker let her mouth stretch just a bit more, so she could fit that plump rump into her cavernous maw. Widowmaker took extra time to savor Tracer’s ass. She ran her tongue over it as it descended into her throat, relishing its flavor, its softness, and its appealingly round shape against her tongue. With her ass out of the way, the rest was easy. She slurped down Tracer’s kicking legs without much difficulty. Then, only her feet remained, and then, not a single inch of Tracer existed outside of Widowmaker’s body. With a final gulp, Tracer’s entire body was sent rocketing towards her final destination: Widowmaker’s stomach. Widowmaker’s already considerable belly bulged out even more, to accommodate the full-sized woman inside of it. Her belly could be seen shifting and bulging from the outside, the outline of Tracer’s fists visible as she punched uselessly against her captor’s stomach walls. “There’s no escape,” Widowmaker said, tracing her fingertips over the curve of her titanic tummy. Widowmakers burps were horrid, and Tracer was now trapped in the source of them. Her entire stomach was a dank swamp of mind-meltingly smelly digestive gases. Half of her body was submerged in stomach acids, mixed in with the remains of mostly-digested food. Widowmaker waddled over to Tracer’s chronal accelerator, her belly wobbling from side to side, sloshing with loud *GLURPS* and *BLORTS* She took the Accelerator from the table, and strapped it around her upper body. This way, no matter where she went, Tracer would remain locked in her current position in time, with no way of escaping. Since Tracer couldn’t see this, as she was still in her lightless, wet prison, Widowmaker felt compelled to explain. “You’ll be trapped inside my foul, gassy stomach, until you finally decide to give in. You should do it soon, otherwise I might start to enjoy having you in there.” With one final belch, Widowmaker retired to her chambers, with Tracer still trapped inside of her. Lena’s struggles lulled her to sleep, as she fogged up her room with steamy belches throughout the night.
The Biohazardess’s next target was the CEO of Sintcorps herself: Ms. Elizabeth Hord. Her office was located in Steelside, although it was completely inaccessible to most civilians. It was near the city’s borders, through a barely-noticeable road in a forest. The building itself was surrounded by a barbed wire fence, and nobody was allowed inside without a company ID. Jessica was very familiar with its location, she’d been there numerous times to protest in the past. A fence would be nothing compared to her newfound strength, so, really, there was nothing stopping her from marching into their headquarters, and giving the woman who tried to have her assassinated some well-deserved comeuppance. No matter how thorough their security was, it’d be nothing compared to her. All she needed to do was get from this part of the city to the outskirts, which would’ve been easy, but the Biohazardess wanted to keep a low profile. Sintcorps was still unaware of her existence, and she wanted to preserve the element of surprise. If they knew their chemicals were capable of producing something like her…well, what would stop them from making another Biohazardess? That is, assuming that they hadn’t already. Jessica tried not to think about it. She was still basking in the afterglow of her superpowers, and she wanted to believe that she was utterly invincible, because that’s how she felt. She had a plan: she would go through the alleyways of this less populated part of the city. From there, she would travel into the forest that encircled Steelside, before arriving at the Sintcorp headquarters. She started by moving through the alleyways, as she planned, ducking between buildings, crouching in the shadows to avoid being noticed. Luckily, there didn’t seem to be a single person out today, with the exception of drug addicts and people who’d otherwise been the victims of some kind of misfortune. Even if they saw her, nobody would believe their tales of a nine-foot tall green monster woman emerging from an alley in front of them. Jessica sighed. Getting revenge on Sintcorps was a start, but it wouldn’t do much for these people. Maybe she could expand her heroic goals, so she could somehow help these people instead. Regardless, she needed to get her revenge first. She made her way into the neighboring community, a slightly more upscale area of small, mostly residential buildings packed closely together. There weren’t as many spots for her to hide here, but she had a straight shot to the forest, where she could go completely unseen until she reached the headquarters. Nobody seemed to be out and about, but she put her enhanced smell to use, just in case. It confirmed her suspicions, there would be nobody around to spot her if she went for the forest immediately. She was picking up something else, in the peripheries of her scent. She wasn’t sure how she could identify it, but it was unmistakably the smell of fear, panic, and distress. It wasn’t coming from a single source, either. Whatever was happening was a full-on disaster. Unfortunately, it was happening dead in the middle of one of the city’s more populated areas. If she intervened, there was no way she could remain hidden. She looked over at the path to the woods, and sighed. Saving people had to take priority over her personal vendetta, even if it meant sacrificing the element of surprise. Even if Sintcorp knew about her, they probably couldn’t prepare themselves for her toxic onslaught. Ambush or not, she would take them down easily. “Fine,” she said, dashing away in the opposite direction, her muscular legs carrying her quickly towards the epicenter of the distress. She tried to keep her eyes focused on what was right in front of her, so she wouldn’t see the curious eyes of people watching her, or the flash of their cameras as they took pictures to prove that they weren’t imagining things. She arrived at the district, which was mostly made up of various clothing stores. Most had their windows shattered, their exteriors burned or broken by the impact from some unknown blast. People were running about, trying to escape from their attacker. Most were so terrified that they simply ran past Jessica, as she wasn’t particularly unusual compared to what was attacking them. Jessica could identify the villain right away. He didn’t carry the same stench of terror that the fleeing bystanders did, and his fashion sense wasn’t exactly subtle. He had striking dark blue hair, and a white skintight body suit that bordered on indecent, the way it outlined his bulge. He was young, and handsome, a typical pretty boy, although his smug expression nullified any appeal he might’ve had. That, and the fact that he was currently in the process of incinerating an innocent person with a cerulean beam of light. “Stop!” Jessica said towards the mysterious attacker. He turned towards her, fortunately drawing his attention away from the civilians, so they could escape to safety. The villain tilted his head. He wasn’t exactly sure what to make of the naked green amazon, with the visible haze radiating around her. “So, I’m guessing you’re some kind of superhero, right? You want to stop me and save the day?” “Yeah, something like that.” Jessica replied. “Do you have a name?” “I go by the Biohazardess, mostly.” “Hmm, not bad. Can I call you Bhaz for short?” he replied. Jessica nodded. Her name was a bit of a mouthful. The villain continued. “I go by Rainbow Boy.” “Aren’t you a little old to call yourself boy?” The Rainbow Boy Shrugged. “I’m 21. I don’t think you graduate from ‘boy’ to 'man’ until your 30s.” “That sucks, because you’re not going to live that long.” His grin widened. “Well, I might not, but he definitely will…or him…or him…” Jessica looked around to see what he was referring to. To her utter shock, several near-identical copies of him began to emerge. The only difference between them was their hair color, each a different unnatural shade of the spectrum. “Not only can I create destructive beams of light, but I can also clone myself. Cool, right? Let me give you a demonstration.” The sound of rubber flexing filled the air, as the Rainbow Boy’s suit began to expand. His abdomen began to swell, forming into a rigid, oblong sphere. His suit was tight enough that Jessica could see the outline of his swollen belly button through it. He almost looked…pregnant. Actually, he looked exactly like he was pregnant, except for the fact that his belly was large enough to put the octomom to shame. His tightly packed tummy jutted out several feet from him, and it looked like its weight was making it difficult for him to stand upright. He placed his hand against his latex-encased bump, rubbing his ball belly casually. Jessica was simply too fascinated by what she was seeing to do anything. Besides, the other clones were still present, and she risked being on the receiving end of a laser beam if she took action. She needed a plan. “Give me one more second…ah, there we go.” The Rainbow Boy gave his bulging midsection a final pat, before turning around, so his ass was facing towards Jessica. Jessica had to admit, he had an exceptionally nice ass, plumper and rounder than most men. Hell, it was bigger than hers, at least, before her transformation. The tight casing of the latex made it inert, although Jessica had a feeling that it’d be quite jiggly when freed from its rubber prison. Jessica’s suspicions were confirmed, as he unzipped the back of his outfit, just enough to free those cream-colored bowling balls, letting them jiggle about freely. “The girls must really like you,” Jessica teased, still focused on his rear. Had her transformation increased her sex drive? Jessica wasn’t sure, she’d always lusted after men, especially ones with generous rears. “Or guys. You do call yourself Rainbow Boy, after all.” “Shut up!” he shouted. “I need to focus!” He placed his hands between his cheeks, and spread them apart, exposing the tight, puckered hole between them. Jessica’s eye was obviously drawn to his exposed asshole, which was beginning to open up and expand before her eyes. He wasn’t really going to… The Rainbow Boy grunted and strained, his cheeks turning bright red, as he bit his lip and squeezed. Slowly, a head began to emerge from his ass. It was the fully-sized head of a human male, to be exact, with features identical to those of the boy whose asshole he was being expelled from. The only difference was his indigo hair, which somehow came out perfectly styled. “Hnnnnnnnnng…” He pushed, and pushed, as more of his dobbleganger was exposed to the open air. His torso emerged next, which was somehow clad in the same white latex suit as the rest of the clones. Next came his waist, and then, the most difficult part, his ass and hips. The clone’s butt was just as generous as his creator’s, so the blue-haired boy needed to push especially hard. “Nnnng, hnnng, come on, almost there…” The Rainbow Boy was sweating, his face fully pink. He almost looked cute. With a final heave a pop, and a brief farting noise, the clone was forced fully-formed from his asshole, onto the ground. The clone looked around, brushed himself off, and then stood to his feet as if nothing had happened. Jessica knew she shouldn’t judge, considering her own powerset, but she couldn’t pretend that what she just witnessed wasn’t especially bizarre. The original blue-haired boy zipped his suit back up, and turned around, beaming with pride. His stomach had returned to its original flat, muscular state. “Impressive, right? No matter how many times you defeat me, there’ll always be a clone left over to make more copies of me. You’ll never be able to get all of us at once.” “That does sound like a pain, yeah,” Jessica said, “And I guess that explains why you have such motherly hips…” The Rainbow Boy rolled his eyes. “But I’m just wondering why you have a boner.” Jessica gestured towards the incredibly noticeable tent in the blue Rainbow Boy’s pants. It was hard to judge from this distance, but he looked to be eight inches, at least, with a cumdrip budding from the tip. It was a shame he was evil, because he checked so many of Jessica’s boxes. She did find something strangely appealing about someone so attractive being on the receiving end of her stink, or churning away in her full gut. “Pushing someone out of your ass causes a lot of prostate stimulation, it’s not my fault!” he snapped back. Grumbling, he tried to tuck his boner into the leg hole of his suit. He managed it, eventually, although it was still pretty clear that he was sporting a stiffy. At least it’d be easier to manage in combat now. “Anyways, I think I should give my new clone a chance to prove himself.” The indigo-haired boy nodded, firing a blast from his palm. Jessica could stop bullets, but she was pretty sure she was helpless against an energy wave. She slammed her fist into the ground, and tore up a large chunk of concrete. She placed it in front of herself, where it acted like a shield. It shattered upon the impact of the Rainbow Boy’s attack, but she was left unharmed. She charged towards the blue-haired clone, hoping to close the distant between her and him before he could react. Once she was close enough, she grabbed his head, and immediately shoved it underneath her putrid armpit. The villain was treated to a forest of coarse, sweaty hair, and a miasma of thick, musky stench. He gagged and sputtered, nearly passing out from the stench. Jessica could feel him growing limp under her pits. Once she felt he was sufficiently incapacitated, she lifted up her arm and released him. He inhaled sharply, craving fresh air after the unholy assault his nose just experienced. Jessica didn’t give him time to recover, as she wrapped her hands firmly around his sides. She hoisted him skywards, her mouth opening wider and wider, wide enough to swallow someone whole. The Rainbow Boy didn’t start struggling until it was already too late, as he was still reeling from her mind-melting pit stink. She shoved him into her foul-smelling mouth, using her powerful arms to force him down her throat. She didn’t have time to savor her meal, unfortunately. The indigo-haired clone’s hand was glowing with pulsating energy, as he readied his counter-attack. The blue-haired boy was out of the frying pan and into the fire. After escaping Jessica’s rotten pits, he was subjected to her rank, steamy breath against his face, as he was shoved roughly inside of her. Things got better as he was sucked deeper towards her stomach. Her throat wasn’t nearly as smelly, although it was still moist, lightless, and uncomfortably warm. He grunted, gritting his teeth, trying to throw his body upwards to escape, but her esophageal muscles were overpowering, rendering him almost completely motionless. He couldn’t move anywhere, except downwards, towards her lethal stomach. With a final gulp, the clone was pushed down from her bulging throat, and into what would be his final resting place. The superheroine’s stomach was forced to expand to accommodate her prey. She patted the shifting, pulsating mass that jutted from her midsection, the writing body of the villain outlined by her taut, green skin. Jessica’s stomach was unpleasant, predictably, a stewing, churning cauldron of hot, foul-smelling air, and stinging stomach acids. Fortunately, the Rainbow Boy wouldn’t have to endure it for very long. Jessica didn’t have much time, the other clone’s attack was almost fully charged. Her gut went to work, liquefying her foe in seconds. His entire body, flesh, bones, and clothes, were all reduced to mush before he could realize what was happening. Her stomach shrunk and softened, still noticeably bloated from the sloppy remains of the mostly-digested clone, but small enough to allow for more mobility in combat. She immediately whipped around to face the indigo clone. He raised his hand, and his fully-powered beam began to discharge. She was too far away to punch him, but Jessica did have a few ranged attacks at her disposal. She had plenty of pent-up gas in her guts from her human meal. She pressed her hands tightly to her gut, really sinking them into the squishy skin, the soupy remains of her foe sloshing noisily. *UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP* The Rainbow Boy was sent flying back, as a cloud of putrid digestive gas hit him square in the torso with the force of a cannon. He attempted to fire the beam he’d been charging. However, the force of the blow and the smell that lingered around him in the form of a hovering cloud of green gas had left him dazed. Instead of firing it at his opponent, he launched his attack skywards. A massive pillar of light surged through the clouds, dissipating into scattered, flickering particles without injuring a single living thing. Jessica let out a long sigh of relief, creating a little dark green cloud of her own halitosis that hovered in front of her mouth for a few seconds before it was blown away by the breeze. “Good thing I deflected that in time,” she said. “That blast could’ve fried me.” There were still plenty of Rainbow Boys in the area, and they weren’t happy about seeing their identical twin digested. Jessica charged through a barrage of narrower beams, fired at her from all directions. The Rainbow Boys kept their distance, wanting to spare their noses of the Biohazardess’s various intolerable odors. Jessica wasn’t in a good position to get close to any of them, besides the one she’d already knocked out. The blue haired boy who’d been on the receiving end of her belch landed in a pile of rubble, and from the looks of it, he was barely clinging to consciousness. So, she focused on defeating him next. Her breasts, and her still soft stomach bobbed up and down, feet pounding against the pavement as she rushed towards him with superhuman speed. Once she reached him, she wasted no time devouring him. He had no energy to resist with, so he may as well have been a non-living meal, like a burger or a delicious bag of trash, with the amount of difficulty he gave her on the way down. With a *gulp* a *spissh* a *glorp* and an *UUUUUURP* the Rainbow Boy was banished to the dark swamp of dumpster-scented gasses that was the Biohazardess’s tummy. She immediately turned to the next nearest clone, charging with her belly swinging back and forth between her legs. The clone was digested right before the eyes of his sibling, who was charging up a beam, hoping that the Biohazardess’s meal would encumber her enough to give him a clear shot. By time his beam was fully charged and fired, his clone had been completely digested, leaving Bhaz fully nimble, with a slightly flabby stomach that didn’t impede her movement in the slightest. She let out small (by her standards, at least) involuntary farts as she ran, staining the air with brownish green gas. This made it more difficult for the Rainbow Boy to aim, as Jessica’s skin blended in slightly with her own ass fog. Frustrated, and with the heroine drawing near, the Rainbow Boy fired. Jessica pushed her heels into the asphalt, catapulting herself to the left, out of the trajectory of the beam. The Rainbow Boy’s beams were fast, and deadly, but they were incredibly predictable. Once fired, they traveled in a perfectly straight line from the finger they originated from. If Jessica could stay out of that path, she would be fine. The Rainbow Boy knew he wouldn’t have enough time to fire another beam before he was face-to-face with the Biohazardess, so he simply dropped to his knees, and allowed himself to be eaten. Jessica was almost disappointed, she liked a meal with a bit of fight. However, this wasn’t about her own enjoyment, it was about defeating a dangerous criminal! Now that Jessica had established a solid method for avoiding and then disposing of the Rainbow Boys, she repeated it with each clone she saw. She would charge towards them, out of the path of the other beams, so she would only have to deal with one shot at a time. Then, after dodging their blasts, she would devour them, and then move on to the next, and the next. She became so efficient at this process that she no longer had enough time to fully digest her prey between each meal. Her stomach swelled with her multiple squirming victims, all crammed into their cramped, foul-smelling prison where they awaited their inevitable conversion into nutrients. Her superhuman strength meant that her belly barely slowed her down, and she was so adept at dodging the Rainbow Boy’s attacks that the slight decrease in her speed barely mattered. *GULP* *GULP* *UUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP* The ground trembled as the Biohazardess pattered her enormous gut, which was now several times the size of her own body. The squirming, shifting sphere, about the same size as a fully mature elephant, churned noisily as it struggled to digest the ludicrous amount of prey its owner had crammed it with. The Rainbow Boys within were all at varying stages of digestion. Some were fully churned into mush, some were nearly gone, some felt their skin lightly tingle from the beginning of the process, and some were still fully intact. The latter two pressed their faces and their fists up against the walls of the Biohazardess’s stomach, in a futile attempt at escape. The outline of their limbs and visages could be seen from the outside, outlined in the tightly stretched green skin. Jessica let out belch after belch, each more rotten than the last, sending billowing clouds of vile green gas into the atmosphere. She was aware of the irony, given her position as an environmental crusader, but unlike the smog that factories unleashed into the air, her gasses were perfectly organic, and would dissipate into the air after a while. But, until then, woe betide anyone caught downwind of her lingering belch-clouds. “I think…UUUUURP, that’s the last of them,” Jessica said, patting her swollen stomach, which was becoming less active by the second, as more of the Rainbow Boys dissolved. “Are you sure about that?” a voice said, one that she had become all too familiar with. A green-haired Rainbow Boy emerged from behind a building. And then another…and another. There must have been dozens. She could see some of them spawning new clones before her eyes, only adding to their endless legion. The green-haired one shook his head. “Did you really think you could beat me like that? I’m endless! You can keep eating my clones until you pop, and there’ll still be more of me. I’m invincible!” He was right. He reproduced faster than Jessica could eat. No matter what, he would eventually overwhelm her through sheer numbers. Unless… Up until now, Jessica had been using physical force almost exclusively. But, she was always a brilliant girl as well, perceptive, able to approach problems from different perspectives. So, if simply eating the endless stream of clones wouldn’t work, maybe there was another way. “There must be an original, before all of these clones,” she said to herself. She looked at the Rainbow Boys who surrounded her. Each had their own hair color, distinct and unnatural. It wasn’t until she saw the tens of clones in one place that she realized that there was a color missing: red. Maybe that color belonged exclusively to the original Rainbow Boy. And maybe, if she could defeat and devour him, the other clones would all disappear. It was a logical leap, to be sure, but she didn’t have any other options. She could see the fingers of the Rainbow Boys sparkling, as they charged up their beams, all pointed at the swollen superheroine. Jessica tried to speed up her digestive process, pouring more and more caustic acids onto her prey, but she would still be left with an absurdly overstuffed gut by time the beams all fired. They were coming from every direction…every direction except up! She heard the telltale “pew” of the beams being fired. With all the force her legs could muster, and with the added propulsion of a pent-up fart, Jessica launched herself into the air. The beams intersected, covering the area like a spider web, or a lethal laser light show. If Jessica had been there, she would’ve been diced into tiny green pieces like celery. Instead, she was souring through the air, looking down on the frustrated faces of the clones below her. She used her aerial position to scan the environment below her, hoping to spot the elusive red-haired clone with her enhanced eyesight. Yellow…no…orange…no…ah! Out of the corner of her eye, just outside the perimeter of the urban battlefield she’d been fighting in was a lone Rainbow Boy with unmistakably crimson hair. Jessica had reached the height of the arc of her jump; there was nowhere left to go for her but down. She steered herself in the air, towards the red-haired Rainbow Boy Prime. Her hefty gut send her plummeting towards the earth at an incredible speed, like a meteor with a trail of pungent green gas billowing behind her. “I’ve got you!” she said, as she made impact with the ground, landing directly on top of her fiery-haired prey, gut-first. The Rainbow Boy was not aware of her presence until he was already being smothered underneath a soft, squirming pile of his own half-digested comrades. The impact would’ve flattened any normal human, but the Rainbow Boy’s superhuman biology allowed him to survive. Still, he was utterly stunned by the blast, leaving him unable to react as the Biohazardess got up off of him, standing to her feet, her distended gut jutting out several yards from her torso. Dizzied, left covered in fragments of asphalt in a tummy-shaped crater, the Rainbow Boy was unable to move, but he could still speak. “G-gah! Why can’t you just leave me alone! All I wanted to do was have some fun, and you ruined it!” This was Jessica’s first opportunity to make a truly superheroic speech, and she wasn’t about to waste it. “That’s what a hero does,” she said. “You were hurting innocent people, leaving me no choice but to stop you! I’m an environmentalist, after all, and human beings are a precious, important part of the environment too!” The Rainbow Boy smiled. “You know, there was a second there, when I was in the middle of robbing those people and destroying those buildings…I thought, just for a moment, that I might be the only superhuman in the whole world, that nobody would be able to stop me. But, well, you’ve found me, and you’ve probably figured out that I’m the original, and after you eat me, all my other clones will vanish.” “You’re exactly right!” “Yeah. But seriously, I thought superheroes were supposed to be…you know…not fucking wretched, disgusting slobs like you? I mean, seriously! I share my senses with all of my clones. I can feel what they feel, see what they see. I’ve been smelling your fucking rancid breath and your fetid body odor for the last hour! I’ve felt what it’s like to be digested dozens of times! Can’t you just punch me or vaporize me with laser vision like a normal superhero?” “I don’t think I have laser vision, but I certainly can punch you.” Jessica wound her fist back, and unleashed a brutal right hook that only barely reached past her gut. It collided with the Rainbow Boy’s face, knocking him out cold, and sparring him another round with Jessica’s hot halitosis in his nostrils. She scooped up the unconscious villain, sliding him into her wet maw. She had time to savor her meal now, and so she did. She ran her tongue along his voluptuous body, spending extra time prodding the large semi-erection that lay underneath his skintight suit. His ass took up most of her time. The clones all seemed identical, but she swore that the Prime Rainbow Boy had an especially round and bubbly butt. Maybe it was because she had more time to enjoy the smooth, latex-clad spheres sliding against her tongue and down her throat. He landed atop a pile of goo that was once his army of clones. The Rainbow Boy was still knocked out, so he couldn’t feel Jessica’s acids eating away at him, but even if he could, it would’ve been too brief for him to feel. Jessica made her way back towards the center of the battlefield, just in time to see the other clones withering away into dust, leaving only empty bodysuits behind. “Well, that was…UUUUUUUUURP…one hell of an experience,” she said. This felt like her first outing as a real superheroine, and, in all honesty, she was impressed with herself! Her strength was so destructive, her speed so overwhelming, her mind sharp and decisive, and her smell a fucking force of nature! She was, exhilarated, adrenaline coursing through her body. “Shit!” she said, snapping out of her euphoria. She still had a job to finish, and she needed to get out of there before the media arrived. She darted towards the woods, fading into the trees like a particularly odorous Sasquatch. She still needed to get revenge on Sintcorps. That, and she needed to take a monster shit, and she wasn’t going to leave her dinosaur-sized dump in the middle of a populated area. —- “She bears a resemblance to that protester, doesn’t she?” “Give or take a few feet and a few hundred pounds, sure.” “And we haven’t heard back from those assassins either?” “Correct.” “Then that means…she probably knows who we are, and that we’re the ones who tried to kill her.” “Correct.” “And she appears to be a superpowered mutant giantess as well.” “And what do you think made her that way?” “Well…it must be the chemical waste she was exposed to, right?” “Yes. And if our chemicals could turn her into that…what’s to say they couldn’t turn someone else into something even stronger, something that’s loyal to us? Something that could stop her?” “I like the way you think.”
The Biohazardess’s next target was the CEO of Sintcorps herself: Ms. Elizabeth Hord. Her office was located in Steelside, although it was completely inaccessible to most civilians. It was near the city’s borders, through a barely-noticeable road in a forest. The building itself was surrounded by a barbed wire fence, and nobody was allowed inside without a company ID. Jessica was very familiar with its location, she’d been there numerous times to protest in the past. A fence would be nothing compared to her newfound strength, so, really, there was nothing stopping her from marching into their headquarters, and giving the woman who tried to have her assassinated some well-deserved comeuppance. No matter how thorough their security was, it’d be nothing compared to her. All she needed to do was get from this part of the city to the outskirts, which would’ve been easy, but the Biohazardess wanted to keep a low profile. Sintcorps was still unaware of her existence, and she wanted to preserve the element of surprise. If they knew their chemicals were capable of producing something like her…well, what would stop them from making another Biohazardess? That is, assuming that they hadn’t already. Jessica tried not to think about it. She was still basking in the afterglow of her superpowers, and she wanted to believe that she was utterly invincible, because that’s how she felt. She had a plan: she would go through the alleyways of this less populated part of the city. From there, she would travel into the forest that encircled Steelside, before arriving at the Sintcorp headquarters. She started by moving through the alleyways, as she planned, ducking between buildings, crouching in the shadows to avoid being noticed. Luckily, there didn’t seem to be a single person out today, with the exception of drug addicts and people who’d otherwise been the victims of some kind of misfortune. Even if they saw her, nobody would believe their tales of a nine-foot tall green monster woman emerging from an alley in front of them. Jessica sighed. Getting revenge on Sintcorps was a start, but it wouldn’t do much for these people. Maybe she could expand her heroic goals, so she could somehow help these people instead. Regardless, she needed to get her revenge first. She made her way into the neighboring community, a slightly more upscale area of small, mostly residential buildings packed closely together. There weren’t as many spots for her to hide here, but she had a straight shot to the forest, where she could go completely unseen until she reached the headquarters. Nobody seemed to be out and about, but she put her enhanced smell to use, just in case. It confirmed her suspicions, there would be nobody around to spot her if she went for the forest immediately. She was picking up something else, in the peripheries of her scent. She wasn’t sure how she could identify it, but it was unmistakably the smell of fear, panic, and distress. It wasn’t coming from a single source, either. Whatever was happening was a full-on disaster. Unfortunately, it was happening dead in the middle of one of the city’s more populated areas. If she intervened, there was no way she could remain hidden. She looked over at the path to the woods, and sighed. Saving people had to take priority over her personal vendetta, even if it meant sacrificing the element of surprise. Even if Sintcorp knew about her, they probably couldn’t prepare themselves for her toxic onslaught. Ambush or not, she would take them down easily. “Fine,” she said, dashing away in the opposite direction, her muscular legs carrying her quickly towards the epicenter of the distress. She tried to keep her eyes focused on what was right in front of her, so she wouldn’t see the curious eyes of people watching her, or the flash of their cameras as they took pictures to prove that they weren’t imagining things. She arrived at the district, which was mostly made up of various clothing stores. Most had their windows shattered, their exteriors burned or broken by the impact from some unknown blast. People were running about, trying to escape from their attacker. Most were so terrified that they simply ran past Jessica, as she wasn’t particularly unusual compared to what was attacking them. Jessica could identify the villain right away. He didn’t carry the same stench of terror that the fleeing bystanders did, and his fashion sense wasn’t exactly subtle. He had striking dark blue hair, and a white skintight body suit that bordered on indecent, the way it outlined his bulge. He was young, and handsome, a typical pretty boy, although his smug expression nullified any appeal he might’ve had. That, and the fact that he was currently in the process of incinerating an innocent person with a cerulean beam of light. “Stop!” Jessica said towards the mysterious attacker. He turned towards her, fortunately drawing his attention away from the civilians, so they could escape to safety. The villain tilted his head. He wasn’t exactly sure what to make of the naked green amazon, with the visible haze radiating around her. “So, I’m guessing you’re some kind of superhero, right? You want to stop me and save the day?” “Yeah, something like that.” Jessica replied. “Do you have a name?” “I go by the Biohazardess, mostly.” “Hmm, not bad. Can I call you Bhaz for short?” he replied. Jessica nodded. Her name was a bit of a mouthful. The villain continued. “I go by Rainbow Boy.” “Aren’t you a little old to call yourself boy?” The Rainbow Boy Shrugged. “I’m 21. I don’t think you graduate from ‘boy’ to 'man’ until your 30s.” “That sucks, because you’re not going to live that long.” His grin widened. “Well, I might not, but he definitely will…or him…or him…” Jessica looked around to see what he was referring to. To her utter shock, several near-identical copies of him began to emerge. The only difference between them was their hair color, each a different unnatural shade of the spectrum. “Not only can I create destructive beams of light, but I can also clone myself. Cool, right? Let me give you a demonstration.” The sound of rubber flexing filled the air, as the Rainbow Boy’s suit began to expand. His abdomen began to swell, forming into a rigid, oblong sphere. His suit was tight enough that Jessica could see the outline of his swollen belly button through it. He almost looked…pregnant. Actually, he looked exactly like he was pregnant, except for the fact that his belly was large enough to put the octomom to shame. His tightly packed tummy jutted out several feet from him, and it looked like its weight was making it difficult for him to stand upright. He placed his hand against his latex-encased bump, rubbing his ball belly casually. Jessica was simply too fascinated by what she was seeing to do anything. Besides, the other clones were still present, and she risked being on the receiving end of a laser beam if she took action. She needed a plan. “Give me one more second…ah, there we go.” The Rainbow Boy gave his bulging midsection a final pat, before turning around, so his ass was facing towards Jessica. Jessica had to admit, he had an exceptionally nice ass, plumper and rounder than most men. Hell, it was bigger than hers, at least, before her transformation. The tight casing of the latex made it inert, although Jessica had a feeling that it’d be quite jiggly when freed from its rubber prison. Jessica’s suspicions were confirmed, as he unzipped the back of his outfit, just enough to free those cream-colored bowling balls, letting them jiggle about freely. “The girls must really like you,” Jessica teased, still focused on his rear. Had her transformation increased her sex drive? Jessica wasn’t sure, she’d always lusted after men, especially ones with generous rears. “Or guys. You do call yourself Rainbow Boy, after all.” “Shut up!” he shouted. “I need to focus!” He placed his hands between his cheeks, and spread them apart, exposing the tight, puckered hole between them. Jessica’s eye was obviously drawn to his exposed asshole, which was beginning to open up and expand before her eyes. He wasn’t really going to… The Rainbow Boy grunted and strained, his cheeks turning bright red, as he bit his lip and squeezed. Slowly, a head began to emerge from his ass. It was the fully-sized head of a human male, to be exact, with features identical to those of the boy whose asshole he was being expelled from. The only difference was his indigo hair, which somehow came out perfectly styled. “Hnnnnnnnnng…” He pushed, and pushed, as more of his dobbleganger was exposed to the open air. His torso emerged next, which was somehow clad in the same white latex suit as the rest of the clones. Next came his waist, and then, the most difficult part, his ass and hips. The clone’s butt was just as generous as his creator’s, so the blue-haired boy needed to push especially hard. “Nnnng, hnnng, come on, almost there…” The Rainbow Boy was sweating, his face fully pink. He almost looked cute. With a final heave a pop, and a brief farting noise, the clone was forced fully-formed from his asshole, onto the ground. The clone looked around, brushed himself off, and then stood to his feet as if nothing had happened. Jessica knew she shouldn’t judge, considering her own powerset, but she couldn’t pretend that what she just witnessed wasn’t especially bizarre. The original blue-haired boy zipped his suit back up, and turned around, beaming with pride. His stomach had returned to its original flat, muscular state. “Impressive, right? No matter how many times you defeat me, there’ll always be a clone left over to make more copies of me. You’ll never be able to get all of us at once.” “That does sound like a pain, yeah,” Jessica said, “And I guess that explains why you have such motherly hips…” The Rainbow Boy rolled his eyes. “But I’m just wondering why you have a boner.” Jessica gestured towards the incredibly noticeable tent in the blue Rainbow Boy’s pants. It was hard to judge from this distance, but he looked to be eight inches, at least, with a cumdrip budding from the tip. It was a shame he was evil, because he checked so many of Jessica’s boxes. She did find something strangely appealing about someone so attractive being on the receiving end of her stink, or churning away in her full gut. “Pushing someone out of your ass causes a lot of prostate stimulation, it’s not my fault!” he snapped back. Grumbling, he tried to tuck his boner into the leg hole of his suit. He managed it, eventually, although it was still pretty clear that he was sporting a stiffy. At least it’d be easier to manage in combat now. “Anyways, I think I should give my new clone a chance to prove himself.” The indigo-haired boy nodded, firing a blast from his palm. Jessica could stop bullets, but she was pretty sure she was helpless against an energy wave. She slammed her fist into the ground, and tore up a large chunk of concrete. She placed it in front of herself, where it acted like a shield. It shattered upon the impact of the Rainbow Boy’s attack, but she was left unharmed. She charged towards the blue-haired clone, hoping to close the distant between her and him before he could react. Once she was close enough, she grabbed his head, and immediately shoved it underneath her putrid armpit. The villain was treated to a forest of coarse, sweaty hair, and a miasma of thick, musky stench. He gagged and sputtered, nearly passing out from the stench. Jessica could feel him growing limp under her pits. Once she felt he was sufficiently incapacitated, she lifted up her arm and released him. He inhaled sharply, craving fresh air after the unholy assault his nose just experienced. Jessica didn’t give him time to recover, as she wrapped her hands firmly around his sides. She hoisted him skywards, her mouth opening wider and wider, wide enough to swallow someone whole. The Rainbow Boy didn’t start struggling until it was already too late, as he was still reeling from her mind-melting pit stink. She shoved him into her foul-smelling mouth, using her powerful arms to force him down her throat. She didn’t have time to savor her meal, unfortunately. The indigo-haired clone’s hand was glowing with pulsating energy, as he readied his counter-attack. The blue-haired boy was out of the frying pan and into the fire. After escaping Jessica’s rotten pits, he was subjected to her rank, steamy breath against his face, as he was shoved roughly inside of her. Things got better as he was sucked deeper towards her stomach. Her throat wasn’t nearly as smelly, although it was still moist, lightless, and uncomfortably warm. He grunted, gritting his teeth, trying to throw his body upwards to escape, but her esophageal muscles were overpowering, rendering him almost completely motionless. He couldn’t move anywhere, except downwards, towards her lethal stomach. With a final gulp, the clone was pushed down from her bulging throat, and into what would be his final resting place. The superheroine’s stomach was forced to expand to accommodate her prey. She patted the shifting, pulsating mass that jutted from her midsection, the writing body of the villain outlined by her taut, green skin. Jessica’s stomach was unpleasant, predictably, a stewing, churning cauldron of hot, foul-smelling air, and stinging stomach acids. Fortunately, the Rainbow Boy wouldn’t have to endure it for very long. Jessica didn’t have much time, the other clone’s attack was almost fully charged. Her gut went to work, liquefying her foe in seconds. His entire body, flesh, bones, and clothes, were all reduced to mush before he could realize what was happening. Her stomach shrunk and softened, still noticeably bloated from the sloppy remains of the mostly-digested clone, but small enough to allow for more mobility in combat. She immediately whipped around to face the indigo clone. He raised his hand, and his fully-powered beam began to discharge. She was too far away to punch him, but Jessica did have a few ranged attacks at her disposal. She had plenty of pent-up gas in her guts from her human meal. She pressed her hands tightly to her gut, really sinking them into the squishy skin, the soupy remains of her foe sloshing noisily. *UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP* The Rainbow Boy was sent flying back, as a cloud of putrid digestive gas hit him square in the torso with the force of a cannon. He attempted to fire the beam he’d been charging. However, the force of the blow and the smell that lingered around him in the form of a hovering cloud of green gas had left him dazed. Instead of firing it at his opponent, he launched his attack skywards. A massive pillar of light surged through the clouds, dissipating into scattered, flickering particles without injuring a single living thing. Jessica let out a long sigh of relief, creating a little dark green cloud of her own halitosis that hovered in front of her mouth for a few seconds before it was blown away by the breeze. “Good thing I deflected that in time,” she said. “That blast could’ve fried me.” There were still plenty of Rainbow Boys in the area, and they weren’t happy about seeing their identical twin digested. Jessica charged through a barrage of narrower beams, fired at her from all directions. The Rainbow Boys kept their distance, wanting to spare their noses of the Biohazardess’s various intolerable odors. Jessica wasn’t in a good position to get close to any of them, besides the one she’d already knocked out. The blue haired boy who’d been on the receiving end of her belch landed in a pile of rubble, and from the looks of it, he was barely clinging to consciousness. So, she focused on defeating him next. Her breasts, and her still soft stomach bobbed up and down, feet pounding against the pavement as she rushed towards him with superhuman speed. Once she reached him, she wasted no time devouring him. He had no energy to resist with, so he may as well have been a non-living meal, like a burger or a delicious bag of trash, with the amount of difficulty he gave her on the way down. With a *gulp* a *spissh* a *glorp* and an *UUUUUURP* the Rainbow Boy was banished to the dark swamp of dumpster-scented gasses that was the Biohazardess’s tummy. She immediately turned to the next nearest clone, charging with her belly swinging back and forth between her legs. The clone was digested right before the eyes of his sibling, who was charging up a beam, hoping that the Biohazardess’s meal would encumber her enough to give him a clear shot. By time his beam was fully charged and fired, his clone had been completely digested, leaving Bhaz fully nimble, with a slightly flabby stomach that didn’t impede her movement in the slightest. She let out small (by her standards, at least) involuntary farts as she ran, staining the air with brownish green gas. This made it more difficult for the Rainbow Boy to aim, as Jessica’s skin blended in slightly with her own ass fog. Frustrated, and with the heroine drawing near, the Rainbow Boy fired. Jessica pushed her heels into the asphalt, catapulting herself to the left, out of the trajectory of the beam. The Rainbow Boy’s beams were fast, and deadly, but they were incredibly predictable. Once fired, they traveled in a perfectly straight line from the finger they originated from. If Jessica could stay out of that path, she would be fine. The Rainbow Boy knew he wouldn’t have enough time to fire another beam before he was face-to-face with the Biohazardess, so he simply dropped to his knees, and allowed himself to be eaten. Jessica was almost disappointed, she liked a meal with a bit of fight. However, this wasn’t about her own enjoyment, it was about defeating a dangerous criminal! Now that Jessica had established a solid method for avoiding and then disposing of the Rainbow Boys, she repeated it with each clone she saw. She would charge towards them, out of the path of the other beams, so she would only have to deal with one shot at a time. Then, after dodging their blasts, she would devour them, and then move on to the next, and the next. She became so efficient at this process that she no longer had enough time to fully digest her prey between each meal. Her stomach swelled with her multiple squirming victims, all crammed into their cramped, foul-smelling prison where they awaited their inevitable conversion into nutrients. Her superhuman strength meant that her belly barely slowed her down, and she was so adept at dodging the Rainbow Boy’s attacks that the slight decrease in her speed barely mattered. *GULP* *GULP* *UUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP* The ground trembled as the Biohazardess pattered her enormous gut, which was now several times the size of her own body. The squirming, shifting sphere, about the same size as a fully mature elephant, churned noisily as it struggled to digest the ludicrous amount of prey its owner had crammed it with. The Rainbow Boys within were all at varying stages of digestion. Some were fully churned into mush, some were nearly gone, some felt their skin lightly tingle from the beginning of the process, and some were still fully intact. The latter two pressed their faces and their fists up against the walls of the Biohazardess’s stomach, in a futile attempt at escape. The outline of their limbs and visages could be seen from the outside, outlined in the tightly stretched green skin. Jessica let out belch after belch, each more rotten than the last, sending billowing clouds of vile green gas into the atmosphere. She was aware of the irony, given her position as an environmental crusader, but unlike the smog that factories unleashed into the air, her gasses were perfectly organic, and would dissipate into the air after a while. But, until then, woe betide anyone caught downwind of her lingering belch-clouds. “I think…UUUUURP, that’s the last of them,” Jessica said, patting her swollen stomach, which was becoming less active by the second, as more of the Rainbow Boys dissolved. “Are you sure about that?” a voice said, one that she had become all too familiar with. A green-haired Rainbow Boy emerged from behind a building. And then another…and another. There must have been dozens. She could see some of them spawning new clones before her eyes, only adding to their endless legion. The green-haired one shook his head. “Did you really think you could beat me like that? I’m endless! You can keep eating my clones until you pop, and there’ll still be more of me. I’m invincible!” He was right. He reproduced faster than Jessica could eat. No matter what, he would eventually overwhelm her through sheer numbers. Unless… Up until now, Jessica had been using physical force almost exclusively. But, she was always a brilliant girl as well, perceptive, able to approach problems from different perspectives. So, if simply eating the endless stream of clones wouldn’t work, maybe there was another way. “There must be an original, before all of these clones,” she said to herself. She looked at the Rainbow Boys who surrounded her. Each had their own hair color, distinct and unnatural. It wasn’t until she saw the tens of clones in one place that she realized that there was a color missing: red. Maybe that color belonged exclusively to the original Rainbow Boy. And maybe, if she could defeat and devour him, the other clones would all disappear. It was a logical leap, to be sure, but she didn’t have any other options. She could see the fingers of the Rainbow Boys sparkling, as they charged up their beams, all pointed at the swollen superheroine. Jessica tried to speed up her digestive process, pouring more and more caustic acids onto her prey, but she would still be left with an absurdly overstuffed gut by time the beams all fired. They were coming from every direction…every direction except up! She heard the telltale “pew” of the beams being fired. With all the force her legs could muster, and with the added propulsion of a pent-up fart, Jessica launched herself into the air. The beams intersected, covering the area like a spider web, or a lethal laser light show. If Jessica had been there, she would’ve been diced into tiny green pieces like celery. Instead, she was souring through the air, looking down on the frustrated faces of the clones below her. She used her aerial position to scan the environment below her, hoping to spot the elusive red-haired clone with her enhanced eyesight. Yellow…no…orange…no…ah! Out of the corner of her eye, just outside the perimeter of the urban battlefield she’d been fighting in was a lone Rainbow Boy with unmistakably crimson hair. Jessica had reached the height of the arc of her jump; there was nowhere left to go for her but down. She steered herself in the air, towards the red-haired Rainbow Boy Prime. Her hefty gut send her plummeting towards the earth at an incredible speed, like a meteor with a trail of pungent green gas billowing behind her. “I’ve got you!” she said, as she made impact with the ground, landing directly on top of her fiery-haired prey, gut-first. The Rainbow Boy was not aware of her presence until he was already being smothered underneath a soft, squirming pile of his own half-digested comrades. The impact would’ve flattened any normal human, but the Rainbow Boy’s superhuman biology allowed him to survive. Still, he was utterly stunned by the blast, leaving him unable to react as the Biohazardess got up off of him, standing to her feet, her distended gut jutting out several yards from her torso. Dizzied, left covered in fragments of asphalt in a tummy-shaped crater, the Rainbow Boy was unable to move, but he could still speak. “G-gah! Why can’t you just leave me alone! All I wanted to do was have some fun, and you ruined it!” This was Jessica’s first opportunity to make a truly superheroic speech, and she wasn’t about to waste it. “That’s what a hero does,” she said. “You were hurting innocent people, leaving me no choice but to stop you! I’m an environmentalist, after all, and human beings are a precious, important part of the environment too!” The Rainbow Boy smiled. “You know, there was a second there, when I was in the middle of robbing those people and destroying those buildings…I thought, just for a moment, that I might be the only superhuman in the whole world, that nobody would be able to stop me. But, well, you’ve found me, and you’ve probably figured out that I’m the original, and after you eat me, all my other clones will vanish.” “You’re exactly right!” “Yeah. But seriously, I thought superheroes were supposed to be…you know…not fucking wretched, disgusting slobs like you? I mean, seriously! I share my senses with all of my clones. I can feel what they feel, see what they see. I’ve been smelling your fucking rancid breath and your fetid body odor for the last hour! I’ve felt what it’s like to be digested dozens of times! Can’t you just punch me or vaporize me with laser vision like a normal superhero?” “I don’t think I have laser vision, but I certainly can punch you.” Jessica wound her fist back, and unleashed a brutal right hook that only barely reached past her gut. It collided with the Rainbow Boy’s face, knocking him out cold, and sparring him another round with Jessica’s hot halitosis in his nostrils. She scooped up the unconscious villain, sliding him into her wet maw. She had time to savor her meal now, and so she did. She ran her tongue along his voluptuous body, spending extra time prodding the large semi-erection that lay underneath his skintight suit. His ass took up most of her time. The clones all seemed identical, but she swore that the Prime Rainbow Boy had an especially round and bubbly butt. Maybe it was because she had more time to enjoy the smooth, latex-clad spheres sliding against her tongue and down her throat. He landed atop a pile of goo that was once his army of clones. The Rainbow Boy was still knocked out, so he couldn’t feel Jessica’s acids eating away at him, but even if he could, it would’ve been too brief for him to feel. Jessica made her way back towards the center of the battlefield, just in time to see the other clones withering away into dust, leaving only empty bodysuits behind. “Well, that was…UUUUUUUUURP…one hell of an experience,” she said. This felt like her first outing as a real superheroine, and, in all honesty, she was impressed with herself! Her strength was so destructive, her speed so overwhelming, her mind sharp and decisive, and her smell a fucking force of nature! She was, exhilarated, adrenaline coursing through her body. “Shit!” she said, snapping out of her euphoria. She still had a job to finish, and she needed to get out of there before the media arrived. She darted towards the woods, fading into the trees like a particularly odorous Sasquatch. She still needed to get revenge on Sintcorps. That, and she needed to take a monster shit, and she wasn’t going to leave her dinosaur-sized dump in the middle of a populated area. —- “She bears a resemblance to that protester, doesn’t she?” “Give or take a few feet and a few hundred pounds, sure.” “And we haven’t heard back from those assassins either?” “Correct.” “Then that means…she probably knows who we are, and that we’re the ones who tried to kill her.” “Correct.” “And she appears to be a superpowered mutant giantess as well.” “And what do you think made her that way?” “Well…it must be the chemical waste she was exposed to, right?” “Yes. And if our chemicals could turn her into that…what’s to say they couldn’t turn someone else into something even stronger, something that’s loyal to us? Something that could stop her?” “I like the way you think.”
 "Hmph, you've got to be kidding me," Peach said, her gloved arms crossed over her ample bosom, which was beginning to feel inadequate as she gazed at her doppelganger through the castle window. Bowser had turned into a duplicate of the Mushroom Kingdom's princess through the use of a strange new powerup. The monstrous reptile was now a mirror of the princess herself, only arguably more attractive. She was taller, bustier, and more generously endowed in the rear than the princess herself. Even Peach had to admit that the black dress was absolutely killer on her too. Burning jealousy ran through her bloodstream as she watched her Toads crowd around the transformed tyrant, no doubt heaping praise upon her, vying for her attention. Had they all forgotten that the Koopa King had tried to kill them all mere weeks ago? Was a pretty face all it took to make them forget a rivalry that spanned decades? The worst part was that Bowser was better at being her than she was! It just wasn't fair! The Princess couldn't just huff around in her castle forever. She needed to do something! She paced back and forth, her pink heels clicking angrily against the castle tiles. Ah, she finally had it! If Bowser was going to steal her thing, she would simply steal his! She'd be the best hulking, princess-capturing turtle monster the Mushroom Kingdom had ever seen! After they got a glimpse of her terrifying monstrous form, Bowser would be forgotten forever, supplanted by his superior clone. The only problem was finding a way to perform the transformation itself. If Bowser could turn himself into a princess with a power-up, she would obviously need some kind of special item herself. Bowser was preoccupied with soaking up the adoration of the Toads, so there was nothing stopping Peach from walking right into his castle and calling a meeting with his personal wizard. "I need you to construct a spell for me," Peach said, calmly. Kamek sat across from her. There was a vast, round table of stone between them, with some presumably magical glowing rock in the center. "I am willing to give you anything in return. Name your price." Kamek cackled. His face was partially concealed by the shadow of his hooded robe, making him appear more sinister than usual. "All I request in return for my services is...money." "Oh, well, that seems easy enough." The Princess pulled out her handbag, unzipped it, and turned it upside-down. A cascade of golden coins fell from it, clattering onto the stone table until it was completely covered in currency. "Is that enough?" she asked. She could see the wizened Koopa's beak bopping up and down in agreement from beneath his hood. "So, what do you need?" "I'd like you to construct a power-up for me. Something that will transform me into the image of your king, just as he has been turned into mine." Kamek nodded, stood up, and waddled over to an ascendant room. Peach could hear small explosions, ethereal whispers, and the hissing of smoke from behind that room's stone door. Kamek emerged from it, carefully carrying the newly conjured item in his hands. It was a shell, almost identical to Bowser's, but smaller, about the size of the average Power Mushroom. Like most of the power-ups that existed within the kingdom, it had a pair of cartoonish black eyes. "Thank you," Peach said, taking it from his hands, and carrying it back to her kingdom, taking great care not to activate it prematurely. When she returned to her private chambers, she lowered it into her chest. She could already feel the transformation beginning to take place... The princess's body needed to expand first, to accommodate all the other changes that would come. The princess became significantly taller and broader. Her shoulders widened. Her arms and thighs became thicker, and dense with coiled muscle. She looked upwards, and saw that the familiar ceiling of her bedroom was getting closer and closer. The process wasn't painful in the slightest. In fact, it was lightly pleasant. A tickling sensation ran throughout her body, like a feather was dancing over her bare skin. She had a mirror across from her bed, which she would use to monitor her transformation. She didn't bother looking at it yet, as she already had a pretty good idea of what her appearance would be. She was simply a taller, bulkier version of her usual self. She wasn't similar enough to the Koopa King to steal his thunder, at least, not yet. The princess's body changed in size, but her clothing didn't, which was strange. Usually power-ups would cause the user's clothing to grow with them. Perhaps it was Kamek's way of subtly punishing the princess. If that was his intention, it backfired. The princess didn't have any kind of attachment to this particular dress, she had dozens like it sitting in her closet nearby. Plus, it would be much easier to monitor her body's progress without that puffy thing in the way! Peach gazed into the mirror, examining her body with a strange sort of admiration. As previously mentioned, it was mostly unchanged, but Peach found that the increase in size and musculature suited her quite nicely. Maybe it was just nice to depart from her dainty regal figure for once. Then, other changes began to take place. Her naked breasts swelled, but retained their perkiness. Her nipples grew too, the pale pink tubes standing fully erect and protruding a good six or so inches from the princess's tits. Her hands immediately reached out to grope them. As she brought her hands towards herself to caress her swollen chest, she saw that another transformation had happened without her even realizing it. Her hands had grown larger, her fingers thicker, to match her more muscular arms. At the end of each finger, in place of her fingernails was a curved claw. She looked down, and saw that her feet had gone through a similar morph. She kept her gaze towards the floor, as she felt something stirring in her stomach, indicating that would be where her next change would occur. She was right. Her stomach began to inflate like a water balloon. It become rounder, and swelled outwards like she was watching a pregnancy progress in fast-forward. She was far larger than any pregnant woman, though, even in proportion to her incredibly large body. Her gut wasn't a smooth sphere either. A six pack of abs were visible, stretched out over her burgeoning tummy, along with a tight, muscular navel. She couldn't help but give her new musclegut a firm pat, while letting out a booming, distinctly Bowser-like laugh. Horns sprouted from her head, but that was hardly special, the princessified Bowser had those too. Nor was the change of her hair from blonde to red, although her eyebrows were doing something unexpected. They became thicker and bushier, like the Koopa kings, although they weren't identical. They were thicker, certainly, but not enough that they sacrificed the feminity of Peach's face entirely. The fangs that sprouted from her mouth, and her jaw that pushed outwards into a toothy, slobbering maw also didn't completely abandon the girlishness of Peach's visage, although she was distinctly more monstrous than she was before. She leaned over into the mirror, to admire her face in more detail. Perhaps the power-up had given her some of Bowser's arrogance, or perhaps she just adored her new features that much! She still had her wide, radiant blue eyes, and her soft pink cheeks were mostly unchanged, but her forehead was a bit more dense and masculine, and there was that aforementioned monstrous maw, under which a pool of drool began to accumulate. Peach wasn't sure if she'd call herself prettier than she was before, but there was definitely something attractive about her newfound mix of beastliness and femininity. It was certainly a more nuanced kind of beauty than Bowser's, who had simply stolen her face for his own. The Princess's smooth, hairless armpits gained twin patches of orange hair. She raised her arms to get a better look, and ended up getting a powerful, but not unpleasant whiff of her own musk. She turned around, head over her shoulder to look into the mirror, as she hadn't gotten a good look at her backside yet. Predictably she had impressive back muscles. Her ass had been enhanced. It was tighter than it was before, but larger two. The cheeks were like two pale bowling balls, pushed tightly up together. She couldn't imagine how good they would look in a pair of panties, if they made underwear large enough to fit a monster girl's behind. The tingling that pervaded her body throughout her transformation had mostly dissipated. It seemed like she was finally done transforming, and she had to say, she was rather liking the results! Or maybe not! The tingling hadn't gone away. Instead, it was gathering together around her crotch. Fuck, it felt good, it was like having a vibrator pressed up against her pussy, but she didn't even have to move a muscle for the stimulation! She knew this meant that something was going to happen to her precious pussy, but whatever she was, she was more than ready to embrace it, especially if the process felt this good! Firstly, a dense layer of fiery orange pubes erupted over her neatly groomed cunt. She was afraid that it would obscure the coming transformation, but fortunately, she could see it just fine, and even if she couldn't, the sensation alone would be enough to inform her of what was going on downstairs. Her demure labia was no more, growing into a pair of fat, meaty pussy lips that were almost constantly dripping with her own juices. Her slit stood swollen and erect, twitching, practically begging for stimulation. The pent-up princess was happy to provide. She reached her hands down, burying her finger in those wet, drooping folds. She was too horny to worry about her claws, but even if she was, her fears would've been unfounded. Her talons were just for show, too dull to cause any real pain. In fact, they increased her pleasure if anything. It felt wonderful to scrape them gently against her turgid clit. Normally, when the princess indulged her onanistic desires, she would do it in the most dignified way possible, stopping just short of lighting candles for herself. She would gently stroke her wet pussy, before using a vibrator to gently push herself over the edge into a blissful climax. Not so now. The princess was clawing feverishly at her own fat cunt, panting and drooling, aching to cum as soon as she could. Her fat fingers twitched as she clumsily prodded at herself. The fact that she was so wet wasn't helping. Her body's natural lubricant made her fingers slide around, as if the fact that they were too large to maneuver didn't complicate things enough. "I just want to cuuuuuuuuuum..." she whined. This wasn't working. The princess's monstrous hands were too inelegant to get her off...or perhaps not brutish enough. Peach looked wildly to her left and right, ready and willing to fuck the first thing in her line of sight that looked like it had a remote chance of getting her off. That thing happened to be the post of her own bed. With an animal-like ferocity and determination, she mounded her bedpost and began thrusting her wide, muscular hips back and forth against it. A warm jet of steam drifted lazily out of her maw as she let out a sigh of relief. She was confident that this would bring her to the orgasm that she so desperately desired. And it did. After a few minutes of thrusting, the princess was gifted with the most massive, obscene orgasm she'd ever experienced. The princess was a squirter, occasionally, but "squirt" was too inadequate a verb for the absolute torrent of femcum that erupted from her pussy like a dam busting open. The jet of musky cum splattered against the tile. It soaked her bedpost, and absolutely drenched her sheets. The mattress was probably stained beyond repair, but she couldn't bring herself to care, not even a little. It was nothing compared to the absolute euphoria that was surging through her. She was unable to form words. Her entire body was left twitching and spasming with the aftershocks of her explosive orgasm. It took a few minutes to regain her composure. After that, the first thing she did was towel herself off. The titanic princess exited her castle, exposing her nude body to the cool, gentle breeze of the Mushroom Kingdom. It was interesting, seeing her familiar kingdom from this perspective. It looked so small from this height. Maybe that's why Bowser found it so easy to destroy without a care. The ground shook with her every step, as she marched over to Bowsette. The Toads all took one look at their monstrous monarch and scattered in every direction. Some lingered behind, taking curious glances at their leader's new body from the safety of bushes. "So, you think you can just march in here and pretend to be the princess without any consequences?" Peach said in her new, husky voice. Bowsette wasn't sure how to reply. She also wasn't sure what to make of the nude, beastly princess who was tall enough to block out the sun. "Well, how do you like it?" Peach thrust her body forwards towards Bowsette, who she towered over. She made sure to emphasize the most Bowser-like parts of her new physique. "It's not fun to have your appearance stolen. And you know what else isn't fun? Being kidnapped!" Peach scooped up Bowsette in one of her claws, and began to sprint towards her castle. "Wow, I can't believe how easy this is!" she said, bounding through her home. Her new form wasn't suited to navigating the castle, and she ended up knocking portraits off walls and toppling furniture on her way to her bedroom. She tossed Bowsette onto her bed, turning it into a makeshift cage, with the bars made from shower rods from the adjacent bathroom. Peach gazed upon her captive, letting out a hearty chuckle. "You know, this whole kidnapping thing is pretty fun." Peach said. "I wasn't trying to offend you by turning myself into this. I just wanted to know what it was like to be adored by the people like you are." "Hmmm..." Peach tapped her claw against her chin. "Well, you and me have been doing the same routine for more than thirty years. Maybe we should switch things up for a little bit." "That sounds good. But...are you going to put on some clothes?" "No." "Fine."
Bulma Briefs had always thought about becoming a mother, although she never imagined that the father of her child would be an alien warrior, who not that long ago could've wiped out the entire human race without a second thought. As unlikely as it was, Vegeta had settled down quite a bit. He was still as prideful and stubborn as ever, but he wasn't an active threat to the survival of Earth anymore. Most of his fights involved minor arguments over cleaning out the dishwasher, as opposed to epic battles with alien tyrants. And now, she was eight months into her pregnancy with their half-Saiyan, half-human child. Gohan was a good kid, and Chi-Chi said he was easygoing growing up, so she was confident that their son would turn out just fine, despite the fact that her and Vegeta knew nothing about parenting. Chi-Chi had warned her that carrying a Saiyan baby was especially difficult. In hindsight, Bulma wished she was more specific, as she was completely unprepared for the side effects of her pregnancy. Firstly, her belly was exceptionally large, at a size more appropriate for twins or triplets than a single baby. Bulma reluctantly wore a maternity dress in pubic, but in private she would usually just throw on a lab coat, leaving her bump, and often her breasts exposed. Secondly, her baby was especially active. She liked to imagine that there was a mini Gravity Room in her belly, and her unborn son was training in it, just like her father. That was certainly what it felt like, at least. He would kick frequently, and he was definitely a Saiyan, as his movements came with substantial force. This was inconvenient for Bulma, as she was frequently interrupted by a sudden, forceful impact from the inside of her womb that usually prevented her from continuing whatever she was doing at the moment. When she did this in front of Vegeta, he would smile with pride, and begin speculating out loud about how powerful his son would become. Bulma found the amount of pride he already had in their child to be charming, although she wished he'd help her a bit more. Vegeta wasn't exactly unhelpful, and he was supportive in his own special Vegeta way. This usually meant a gruff, passing comment about how she was still beautiful, or how he would train their son to become a proper successor to the legacy of the Saiyan race, or how impressive it was that a mere human uterus could contain a mighty Saiyan. Vegeta was best at helping her with the third side effect of her pregnancy, which was her appetite. She knew that pregnant mothers got strange cravings, but she wasn't pining for unusual food, as much as she just wanted large amounts of it. Vegeta didn't have any enemies to fight at the moment, so he put his flight and superhuman speed to use by going to the supermarket to pick up things for her to eat. She could wolf down several meals worth of food in minutes, and still be hungry for more. "Ha, looks like carrying a Saiyan child has given you the appetite of a Saiyan as well," Vegeta said, as he dropped a large pile of food he had gotten from the store in front of her. Bulma rested her hand against her belly, which was doubly swollen, partly from her pregnancy, and partly from the tremendous amount of food she'd eaten. "Thanks, Veget-*UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP*" Bulma unleashed a belch loud enough to rattle the windows of the Capsule Corporation building. That was the final side effect of her pregnancy, gas. The gas was definitely a result of her pregnancy, and not the absurd amount of food she was eating, as the gas presented itself before her insatiable appetite did. Still, the amount of food she was eating probably didn't help, and the more she devoured, the gassier she became. At first, she was afraid of what Vegeta would think, so she tried to conceal her outbursts, rushing to her room whenever she felt a gas bubble building up. She couldn't always predict it, however, as a sudden kick from her child was usually enough to dislodge the air from her stomach. Eventually, she reached a point where hiding it was simply impossible. Her farts echoed through the halls of Capsule Corp, and her burps were deep enough to penetrate through the walls, filling every room with the rumbling sound. She was left with no choice but to confess her gassiness to Vegeta. To her surprise, he didn't seem to mind. Apparently, Saiyan women were infamously rude and surely, and not unleashing a gassy belch or thunderous fart after a meal was considered a sign of disrespect. "Not bad," Vegeta said, as Bulma finished her belch, which had persisted for several seconds, growing in force and volume before stopping completely. "Thank you," Bulma said with a smile and a girlish blush, turning her attention back to her food. "Hey, Vegeta, would you mind..." "Giving me a belly rub?" Bulma stuck her arms out as far as she could, to show that she was just barely able to reach the end of her own belly. Vegeta’s eyes lit up. The Saiyan stood up tall, proudly pointing his thumb at his own chest. “Of course! I, Vegeta, the Prince of All Saiyans, will give you the greatest belly rub that anyone has ever experienced!” Bulma giggled warmly. He was always like this. “I’d settle for a simple rub, just to help my indigestion.” “Nonsense!” Vegeta shouted back. “You are my queen! You deserve nothing less than the best!” Bulma sighed. “Well, if you insist...” she certainly wasn’t going to turn down a belly rub, and Vegeta’s enthusiasm did succeed in exciting her. She just didn’t want him to get carried away, like he always did. Vegeta started out in a surprisingly normal way. He removed his gloves, and then rested his bare hands against the curved expanse of Bulma’s bloated belly. He couldn’t help but be impressed at the amount of food she’d packed away. It was impossible to tell how much of her belly’s size came from all the food she’d eaten, and how much was the baby itself. Regardless, Bulma was in need of a stomach massage, and Vegeta was not one to turn away from a challenge. He slowly moved his hands up Bulma’s belly, towards her. Next, he moved back towards the center, and then in opposite directions, each hand rubbing one side of Bulma’s spherical gut. He applied a small amount of pressure, but not too much, just enough for his fingers to sink a centimeter or two into her incredibly taut, creamy skin. Partly, Bulma was surprised at the amount of restraint that Vegeta was displaying. The Prince of All Saiyans was many things, but he was rarely if ever subdued. Mostly, she was just absolutely captivated by Vegeta’s skillful massage. All of the uncomfortable aspects of her current situation melted away, and only the most pleasant sensations remained. The unpleasant bloating was replaced with an overwhelming sense of fullness, from all that delicious food inside of her, stretching out her stomach just enough to be enjoyable. The excess gas in her stomach was forced up into her throat, as Vegeta continued to rub. His hands glided over the entire surface area of her vast stomach; he made sure not to leave a single square inch untouched. He applied more pressure, gradually, as the absence of gas gave Bulma’s belly more slack for him to sink his hands into. All that gas needed to go somewhere, and it couldn’t remain in Bulma’s throat forever. She tried to hold it in, but her husband’s belly rub caused more gas to escape her stomach. It built up until she simply couldn’t hold it in anymore. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP Bulma’s lips flew apart as she belched massively. Vegeta was directly in front of her at the time, so he received the entirety of her burp at point-blank range. The hot gust of gas blew against his face, along with a shower of spittle. Vegeta’s hair was blown back like an explosion had gone off in front of him. She immediately covered her mouth with her hand the moment the belch subsided. Her cheeks turned bright red with shame, as she turned away from Vegeta. She couldn’t bare to see his reaction. He had tolerated her gassiness before, but this was a whole new level of rudeness. She couldn’t imagine him not being completely disgusted by her. She didn’t need to look to gauge his reaction, as Vegeta’s amused chuckle and the words that followed it told her all she needed to know. “Not bad...but I know you can do better than that.” Bulma pulled her hand away, revealing the loving smile that’d formed underneath. She was still blushing, although now it was for an entirely different reason. The cultural differences between her and Vegeta caused plenty of problems, but it came with some advantages as well. She took a moment to thank the women of the Saiyan race for being disgusting enough to make her look dignified by comparison. “Oh really?” she said, her stomach emitting a noisy GLORP against Vegeta’s hand, which was still dutifully rubbing away at her food-stuffed baby bump. She didn’t feel the need to belch at that moment, but she still had some gas to expel. A ripe, humid fart erupted dryly from her plump backside. The smell of her flatulence reached her nose before Vegeta’s. She knew that, generally, people found the smell of their own farts more tolerable than that of other’s. Since it smelled extremely foul to her, she didn’t envy what Vegeta was about to experience. She was less ashamed this time. She knew that no matter how bad it was, Vegeta wasn’t going to reject her outright. Vegeta’s pointed nose wrinkled as the stench made contact with it. It penetrated his nostrils, consuming his surroundings with its stinky miasma, depriving him of any air that wasn’t tainted by his wife’s ass stink. “Gah!” Vegeta shouted, recoiling immediately. He tried to get away from the fart cloud that polluted his surroundings, backing up until he could finally get a lung full of mostly clean air. Vegeta fanned his nose, coughing and sputtering. To Bulma’s surprise, his gagging transformed into laughter. “Well, I said you can do better, and you certainly did. I’m impressed. That was enough to rival the farts of even the gassiest of Saiyan women.” Bulma couldn’t help but blush at the unorthodox compliment. “However,” Vegeta continued. “I still haven’t seen you unleash a truly mighty belch.” “Keep rubbing my belly, and I just might,” Bulma said, resting her hands against her still extremely needy stomach. Vegeta shook his head, smiling playfully. “That won’t be enough. You need to eat more food if you want to compete with the mighty burps of the Saiyan race!” Bulma’s pregnancy frequently caused her feelings to be mixed, tangled together into incomprehensible sensations. Right now, she simultaneously felt like she was about to explode from how stuffed she was, and like she was extremely hungry, and could eat several full meals before she was satisfied. She let her hunger win out, as usual. “Fine,” Bulma said, patting her stomach, which felt as though it was already stretched to its maximum capacity. If Vegeta had taught her anything, it was that someone could break through their own limits. Bulma parted her lips, giving Vegeta enough room to feed her. Vegeta opened the refrigerator, taking out an armful of food and placing it on the nearby table. “Mmmm...” Bulma said, tapping her lip with her finger. “I’m in the mood for something sweet.” Vegeta nodded, and separated the pastries and various other deserts from the pile. Even with the savory foods removed, the pile was still fairly large. He took a single eclair, deposing it gently into Bulma’s open mouth. She devoured it in two bites, followed by a cute, uncharacteristically small belch. “Huh, maybe my gas is getting bett-URP,” she said, unleashing a burp of a more usual size. “Guess not!” she said, opening her mouth again. Vegeta fed her a second eclair, and, expectedly, it went down just as quickly as the first. Vegeta realized that he only needed one hand to feed her. The other was placed on her belly, so he could give her the tummy rubs she enjoyed so much. Vegeta was a trained fighter, so a feat of ambidexterity like feeding and rubbing at the same time was no challenge to him. Vegeta rubbed the side of her stomach in small circles, using the other hand to feed her, with plenty of time provided between each pastry, to allow her to swallow. Bulma moaned. The sweetness of the food, and the feeling of her husband’s hand rubbing firmly against her tight stomach filled her with overwhelming pleasure. She felt like a princess, no, a goddess, being worshiped so lovingly and diligently like this. The pile shrunk, as more and more pastries disappeared down Bulma’s throat. She became increasingly gassy as more food filled her stomach. She could fart freely, and she did, her ass unleashing a warm cloud of stink every few minutes or so. She couldn’t belch with a mouthful of food, though, so Vegeta allowed for longer pauses between each bite, so she could expel some of her pent-up gas. Her burps became deeper, louder, and longer as she got increasingly full. Before long, she was back to releasing powerful, room-shaking belches that caused some of the furniture to tremble. Her farts were more forceful too, making the drapes behind her flutter like they were caught in a windstorm. Fortunately, due to her sugary meal, Bulma’s belches didn’t smell foul in the slightest. If anything, they were pleasant, filling the room with a saccharine smell. The same couldn’t be said of her farts, however. They were just as stinky as ever, and their odor overpowered the scent of her burps. Vegeta’s nose had gotten used to the smell, and while it still affected him a bit, it was manageable, and he was willing to endure it to please Bulma. The feeding process continued, until there was only a small amount of treats left. Bulma’s stomach had swollen significantly, pushing past her knees. It was still incredibly firm and almost perfectly round, with her pointed outie navel sticking out at the end. Bulma figured this was the fullest she’d ever been. She felt sluggish, but pleasantly slow, like she was always on the verge of drifting off into a lovely, peaceful sleep. “Ah, I don’t think I can eat anymore,” Bulma said. She had finally reached her limit, for now, at least. She was sure she’d be hungry again in a few hours. “Amazing,” Vegeta said. “I’ve never seen anyone eat so much before! Even the most ravenous Saiyans couldn’t hold a candle to your appetite.” Bulma tried to thank him, but she ended up burping directly in his face again, blowing his spiky hair back from the force of the gut gust. The pleasant smell from the pastries had partially worn off, so the unexpectedly unpleasant odor took Vegeta by surprise. “Ack!” Vegeta shouted, recoiling out of the range of the smell. “And your burps are quite impressive too. Just try to keep them out of my face from now on.” “I’m not making any promises,” Bulma teased. “I still need you close to me to rub my belly, remember? Speaking of which, I need one last thing from you...” “Oh, and what’s that?” “There’s a bottle of oil in the cabinet in my room. I need you to rub some on my belly, so I can keep my skin shiny and perfect. I did it on my own before, but now I’m too big for my hands to reach. And besides, I think I’m about to fall into a food coma,” she said, yawning into her hand dramatically. Vegeta nodded, returning with a tall bottle of clear oil, which was already about two-thirds empty. “Great! Just pour that all on my bump, it’s almost empty anyways. Make sure it coats everything evenly, and that you cover every inch of my belly. I don’t want to get stretch marks!” Vegeta followed her instructions. He unscrewed the top of the bottle, and turned it upside down, dumping all the oil on the top of her belly at once. It formed a large pool on top of her bump, as it slowly spread in every direction. Vegeta went to work, sinking both of his hands into the oily mess, running them firmly along the massive, football-shaped tummy. He started with the top, coating it evenly in only a few strokes. Then, he moved on to the sides. The oil allowed his hands to glide effortlessly over the taut flesh, making the process even faster, easier, and more enjoyable than usual, for both of the people involved. The oil felt amazing, warming up the parts of her skin that it touched. Vegeta’s hands slided without friction up and down her belly, his fingers tracing along every spot, corner, and curve that wasn’t already covered. Bulma was practically drooling. There was no chance of her getting a stomach ache from her previous binge, her diligent husband made sure of that. Vegeta took a step back to observe his work. He had indeed coated Bulma’s belly perfectly. Every single spot glistened with a thin layer of oil, reflecting the sunlight that came in through the window. Vegeta immediately ran a coarse kitchen towel over his hands. He loved how the oil felt under his hands, the way it heated up Bulma’s already warm skin, but he knew how many things he risked ruining if he were to touch them while still covered in it. He immediately undid his hand cleaning, as he simply couldn’t resist laying his hand against her shiny stomach one last time. The child within her would become a powerful, proud Saiyan warrior, of that he had no doubt. The food within her would become something powerful too. Vegeta had no doubt that he’d be dealing with plenty of gas the following morning. He looked up towards Bulma, and saw that her talk of a food coma wasn’t an idle thread. She had passed out in her chair, mouth half-open. Apparently, her gas didn’t subside, even in her sleep, as farts and even the occasional burp slipped out from her slumbering body. “Vegeta, can you URP take me to bed, please?” she said dreamily, her eyes not even open. “And...I need you to keep me company while I sleep.” Vegeta nodded, scooping her up in his arms. A normal man would’ve struggled to hold Bulma, in her stuffed and extremely pregnant state, but Vegeta could lift her almost effortlessly. He cradled her sideways in his arms, delicately bringing her upstairs to their mutual bedroom. He opened the bedroom door, and laid her down in the bed, making sure that she was underneath as many blankets as possible, with a halo of pillows encircling her sleeping head. Then, he laid down next to her, spooning her, pressed up against her backside. He scooted himself upwards a bit, so the top of Bulma’s head was just underneath his chin. This way, he wouldn’t need to be reminded of his rather below-average height. Her stomach was too distended for him to get his hands all the way around it, so he simply rested his palms on the sides, which still radiated with warmth from the oil. “I love y-” Before Vegeta could finish his sentence, a fart slipped out from Bulma. It was trapped beneath the blankets for a moment, before floating its way up to Vegeta’s nostrils. “Damn you woman!” he said, gagging. He could hear Bulma giggling, as much as she tried to muffle it with her hand. “You said you’d spend the night with me, remember?” Vegeta smiled contently. She was right, a Saiyan always kept his promises.
 McCree's recruitment to Blackwatch wasn't exactly voluntary. He was given an ultimatum: join the shadowy agency as one of its members, or be sent to jail for the crimes he committed while part of the Deadlock Gang. When presented the choice between possible death and guaranteed imprisonment, he chose the former. Of course, Blackwatch couldn't just send him out on a mission by himself. Someone forced into Blackwatch at gunpoint couldn't be trusted to handle such sensitive missions without supervision. So, Gabriel Reyes was chosen to chaperone him, to make sure the cowboy didn't step out of line. If he tried anything, the punishment would be immediate and without mercy. "So, I'm guessing this means you don't trust me?" "It doesn't mean that I don't trust you. It means that Overwatch doesn't trust you." "Oh, so you trust me then?" "No." The mission was straightforward, by Blackwatch standards anyways. There was a terrorist compound containing a dangerous stolen weapon. McCree and Reyes would need to infiltrate the compound and extract the weapon with minimal contact with the enemy. "Minimal" didn't mean that lethal force was off the table, which Reyes demonstrated by blowing the men guarding the front door away with a pair of blasts from his duel-wielded shotguns. "Do you know how to open this?" Reyes said, kneeling in front of the key pad by the door. McCree threw up his hands. "I have no idea." Gabriel snarled as he fumbled with the key pad. The next time he went out on a mission, he would be sure to bring an actual hacker with him. Frustrated, he tore the pad off, and began to tinker with the wires underneath. He was hoping this would be a simple, in-and-out infiltration mission, but it was looking like he would spend far more time with this cowboy wannabe than he wanted to. Or maybe not. While Gabriel was preoccupied with trying to open the door, McCree saw an opportunity to make his escape. He waited a few seconds, and then made his move, turning tail and running as fast as his spurred boots would carry him. McCree began to generate his plan in his head as he ran. After putting enough distance between himself and Reyes, he would move to the nearest town, sell his guns to buy a place to live, get a job, and start a new life, one that involved neither high-stakes crime nor the Overwatch organization. He looked over his shoulder, to see that he'd sprinted so far that Reyes wasn't even visible anymore. Maybe he'd just forgotten about him. Better to finish the mission than jeopardize it chasing after just one man. While McCree was looking behind him, he felt the front of him smash into something, hard. So hard that the cowboy was knocked clean onto his ass. He looked up, to see Gabriel standing over him with a bitter scowl. "I reckon you must be pretty fast, huh," McCree said, wondering how Reyes had managed to get ahead of him without making so much as a sound. It was almost like he'd just appeared in front of him, out of the blue. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" Gabriel said, lifting McCree up by his collar. "Yeah, well, you caught me. I guess this means I'm going back to prison now?" "Oh, no, we can't just release you. Not after you've learned our organization's secrets. I'll have to dispose of you...permanently." McCree gulped, and after lowering him head-first into his expanding jaw, Gabriel did the same. In lieu of stabbing him, or shooting him, Gabriel had opted to swallow the poor cowboy whole. Needless to say, this was not something McRee had prepared for. He tried to struggle against Reyes' grasp, but the man had incredible, perhaps superhuman strength. Despite his wrigglings, he barely even budged. "Fight all you want. There's no escape." This would be the last words Gabriel would say for the time being, as his lips wrapped around McCree's scalp, as his hands slowly lowered the cowboy towards his throat. "What the hell are you doing?" McCree said. At this point, he would prefer a good-old-fashioned execution. At least there was some dignity in that. Mostly he just regretted his choice to run away, although, if Blackwatch employed cannibalistic freaks like Reyes, maybe avoiding them was the right decision. McCree could feel the humid wetness of the inside of Gabriel's maw around his forehead, as he was pushed further down towards the Blackwatch agent's gullet. Further and further he went, his descent aided in equal parts by gravity, by Gabriel's hands slowly pushing his body further in, and by Gabriel's tongue, which lapped against the back of his head to push him towards his throat. With a little more pushing, McCree's head was entirely consumed. He could see nothing but darkness, and feel nothing but wetness from his shoulders up. The only thing he could hear was the moist sucking of Gabriel's cheeks, tongue, and throat, which compelled him deeper towards Reyes' stomach. His shoulders were next, with Reyes's jaw expanding to accommodate them. His maw traveled further down his body, to the upper part of his chest, then further, gulping McCree's midsection. During the whole process, Gabriel let out small growls of satisfaction, something that sounded more appropriate to a hungry animal than a man. Because McCree was inside of his mouth and throat as he was making these sounds, he could feel them reverberating through his body, like a wave of rolling thunder. McCree could feel a wet, tight circle constricting his hips, indicating that Gabriel had just begun to swallow his legs. McCree struggled and fought as best as he could, throwing his body weight against the walls of Gabriel's throat, kicking his legs violently. Deep down, he knew these struggles were in vain. The beastly man who was devouring him didn't budge an inch, or hesitate for a moment, no matter how hard McCree fought. "Please, don't do this..." McCree said, hoping that a plea for mercy, rather than a physical struggle, would be what allowed him to escape. Unfortunately, Reyes just ignored that too. With one final gulp, McCree's legs were sucked inside of his maw, and his entire body was sent downwards into his hot, steaming stomach. McCree landed with a soft splash, into the shallow wading pool of digestive acids that would be his final resting place. From the outside, Gabriel's belly could be seen ballooning outwards, beyond the confines of his suit. His belly was about the size of a beach ball and a half, tan-skinned, and covered in dark hair. His large hands ran over the surface of his burgeoning gut, to ease the tightness caused by the presence of his enormous prey. This compelled some of the gas stewing in his belly to the surface, resulting in a series of powerful, and incredibly rude-sounding belches exploding from his mouth. His lips flapped like flags caught in a rainstorm from the overwhelming power of his eructions. McCree only had a vague sense of what was going on externally, as all sounds were muffled from within his wet, fleshy prison. His senses were becoming increasingly dulled, and whether that be due to the lack of oxygen in his environment, or some special superhuman trait that Gabriel's stomach had, he felt as though he could slip away at any second. He had a vague sense that he was being digested, that the gradually rising acids in Gabriel's stomach were eating away at his flesh, churning his body into nutrient mush. To his surprise, he wasn't in pain. He didn't feel anything, really, just a vague, dreamlike sleepiness. As the acids rose, his eyelids drooped, until he was completely submerged. Gabriel's gut shrunk and softened, but it still remained plenty bloated and distended. With another resounding belch, he headed back towards the facility. He had a job to finish, and his appetite was beginning to grow again...
 Emily never thought her life would turn out in such a way that she would become a janitor for the most evil company on the planet, but here she was, sweeping the floors of the people who were destroying the Earth. At least it paid well. "Greetings, Emily," a voice said, belonging to Sadie, Elizabeth Hord's second in command, and purely by coincidence the second most evil person working at Sintcorps. While Ms. Hord was a threatening presence off in the distance, seen but not felt, Sadie was there every day to torment her for not working hard enough, threatening to dock her already criminally low pay. It wasn't like Emily could quit. Once you worked for an evil corporation illegally dumping toxic waste into the water supply and performing unethical scientific experiments, you were in for life, even if you were just a meager janitor. Unionizing was out of the question too, Sadie was the only employee who wasn't an actual, literal, real-life supervillain, or someone trying to work their way up the corporate ladder to become one. At least they let her listen to music while she worked. "What is it?" Emily said, removing the buds from her ears, which pumped out barely audible pop-punk into the open air of the otherwise silent hallway. Emily was cute, as janitors went, a small, mousy-looking girl with square-rimmed glasses and blonde hair kept in a bun. "I want to offer you a new position. It'll be risky, but you'll be doing the company a huge favor if you accept." "Yeah, no thanks," she said, putting her earbuds back in. "It comes with a raise." The buds came back out. "Alright, I'm listening." ---- Jessica couldn't believe it. Here she was, the Sintcorps headquarters in her view, just on the horizon, over a couple of hills. She had seen this place countless times before, when she picketed in front of it, chanting slogans and holding up signs with a group of like-minded individuals that seemed to get smaller each time. She wouldn't have to rely on an angry mob to make a difference any more; she was the one-woman army who was going to take down Sintcorps singlehandedly. She was confident, and why wouldn't she be? She'd already achieved so much today. Not only had she defeated her first real super villain in the form of the Rainbow Boy, but she also produced what was, without any doubt the largest shit that any creature that ever lived upon the Earth had taken. ---- Several minutes earlier... Small (by Biohazardess standards at least) farts escaped from between Jessica's nude green butt cheeks, as she waddled her bloated self deeper into the woods, until she was sure that no person could see or smell what she was about to do. The squirming in her belly had stopped, indicating that all of the Rainbow Boys in her belly, including the red-haired original, had been fully digested. The cramping in her bowels indicated that they were finally ready to be let out. "Cramping" was perhaps too light a word. The pressure Jessica felt in her colon was immense, like there was an entire bolder trapped within her bowels. She could feel some especially solid objects pressing up against her innards too-perhaps bits of the Rainbow Boy's bones that hadn't been fully digested. She wasn't surprised by how huge her dump was, obviously the dozen or so full-sized humans she digested would lead to an enormous load. And while the fullness in her bowels was overwhelming, it wasn't exactly unpleasant, either, like when her stomach was stretched and bloated. Maybe Jessica had developed a fondness for fullness in general. The enormity of Jessica's brewing shit-load came into perspective when the superheroine realized that the bloat in her midsection wasn't from her stomach, but from her bowels. A finger prodded against her belly confirmed this. Her gut was no longer soft and mushy, like it was when it was filled with the mostly-digested remains of the Rainbow Boys. Now, it was tight, packed to the brim with heavy, dense shit. Her stomach was empty, and her bowels were terribly, terribly full. Her asshole flexed, parting to release the giantess's tremendous turd before Jessica clenched her cheeks to stop it. While her body was desperate to just get this monster shit out of her as quickly as possible, Jessica intended to hold it in until she was in the right position. Jessica backed up into a clearing between the trees. After checking to make sure that there were no animals around, she squatted down, allowed her puckered hole to open up, and started to push. "Holy shit!" The turd was at least as dense as Rainbow Boy's torso had been, meaning that it gave Jessica a considerable stretch. Luckily, one of the many abilities her new body had was a particularly elastic asshole. She had devoured an entire man with it only a day ago, and if it could swallow a man, then logically it could expel a man-sized log. She couldn't resist looking over her shoulder, to get a better look at this beast that was exiting her. She had already pushed out at least a yard of turd, and yet she was still shitting, and her colon still felt absolutely packed. She watched the heavy, dark brown shit-snake fall towards the ground under its own weight, plopping onto the grass and forming into a large, coiled pile. There were bits of bone embedded in the feces: mostly unrecognizable, but some could be discerned as having once been a part of the Rainbow Boy's skull, or a chunk of his considerable hip bone. Remnants of his white latex suit were also visible in the mess, as were strands of multi-colored hair. Jessica's system would've been able to process these things, had she not been in such a hurry to churn up her foe before he could replicate. There was now a dozen or so feet of coiled turd piled up beyond the Biohazardess, and her bowels showed no sign of stopping or even slowing down. Once the floodgates (her puffy green asshole) were opened, there would be no stopping until the deed was done. The air was filled with the smell of fresh manure, mixed in with a morbidly human scent. A slight mist could be seen rising from the turd pile, which was now nearly as tall as the amazonian superheroine herself. She found she process of hyper-shitting her prey's remains to be irresistibly pleasurable despite herself. She was beginning to understand why butt-birthing a clone of himself had left the Rainbow Boy with such a prominent erection. Having something so girthy and firm stretching out her hole, while rubbing so smoothy and at just the right speed against her anal cavity was absolutely divine. Despite how large it was, her body was expelling the shitlog almost effortlessly, meaning that Jessica could simply relax and allow herself to enjoy the process. No longer was she looking behind herself to see her load as it slowly snaked out of her. She kept her eyes firmly shut, so she could focus on the sensation. The bits of bone jutting out gave it some variety in texture. Every time a bit of shin or forearm rubbed against her anus as she passed it, she felt her stomach jolt. Heavy drops of viscous pussy juice were absorbed into her large, spongy pubic bush. The shitpile had become a small, brown hillock. Had it been flattened slightly, and covered in grass, it would've made a fine place for one to set up a tent and go camping, if they could endure the smell. The Biohazardess's ass finally pinched off the log, which had remained unbroken for however long the green giantess had been shitting it (she had lost track herself). She'd also lost track of how many Rainbow Boys she'd eaten during the heat of her melee with him. As she turned around to admire what she had created, she took a second to count up as many of the skull fragments as she could see, to get an estimate of how many had fallen victim to her gut. She only saw about 8 RB's worth of skulls, which seemed rather low. There were certainly more bits of skull trapped deeper in the pile, but she wasn't about to dig through her own shit to find them. Her turd pile had a slight glow to it, as the last one had, but instead of a green, radioactive sort of light, this one radiated with a strobe of alternating rainbow colors. Jessica hoped that the smell in her shit would go inert before some poor hiker wandered upon it, because...jeez. Out of all the stenches her body had produced since her transformation, the odor radiating from Mt. Shit was the worst, hands down. Jessica's bathroom break had been so overwhelming that she'd nearly forgotten where she was, what time it was, or what she was planning on doing next. After a few seconds, it came back to her: she was going to march into Sintcorps Headquarters, find whoever put the hit out on her, and shove them into whichever of her holes was the smelliest at the time. Jessica was beginning to regret taking her shit in that clearing, instead of leaving it on Sintcorp's doorstep, ideally in the world's largest flaming paper bag. It was a short walk back to where she was before. The Sintcorps building was coming into focus, and the first thing she noticed about it was the lack of visible guards in front. There was something blocking her from using her enhanced sense of smell on the inside too, so there could be anything lurking within. On the other hand, there could've just been nothing, and anything or nothing, Jessica was ready to handle it. She marched up to the entrance with renewed confidence, now that her bowels were no longer full to bursting. When she reached the door, she reeled her fist back, aiming to smash the doors open to make a properly grand entrance. To her surprise, the doors opened on its own. Something green and incredibly fast came bursting through the entrance, and hit Jessica square in the face, hard. The giantess went flying backwards into a nearby tree. A normal human would've had most of their bones shattered by the impact, but Jessica didn't have more than a few scratches. While the wounds on her body was minimal, the injury to her pride was severe. She jumped back up to her smelly, unwashed feet, ready to face whoever had dared to strike her. "It's nothing personal," a woman's voice said, distorted as though coming from underwater. "But they promised me a bonus if I killed you." Jessica looked towards the source of the voice, and her foe came into focus. It seemed to be a naked woman, with a body composed entirely of green slime, or perhaps a blob of green slime in the shape of a woman. Either way, it was feminine, gooey, of a lighter shade of green than Jessica herself, jiggling like gelatin and hitting like a truck. With Jessica still stunned from her fall, the slime woman was able to land a follow-up blow. The moment before her punch hit, the woman's body solidified-going from jelly-like to hard as concrete in an instant. Instead of Jessica's face, this attack was aimed squarely at The Biohazardess's gut. The punch caused a belch to erupt from the Biohazardess's throat, giving the slime woman a point-blank whiff of digested Rainbow Boy. A whiff was all she got, though, as the woman shifted her body, causing her nose to vanish, and with it, her sense of smell. "I won't be needing that for the rest of the fight," she said, the noseless slime woman looking decidedly more serpentine without her honker. "In fact, considering that it's you I'm fighting, I think I'll be much better off without it." Jessica snarled. Having recovered completely from both of the woman's punches, she responded with a counterattack of her own. She unleashed the punch that she'd intended to use on the Sintcorps entrance, winding back and arcing her fist downwards. Her fist landed directly in the midpoint of the woman's cleavage, although obviously she wasn't aiming at it. Her strike rippled through the slime's body, causing it to erupt and sending goo flying in every direction. "Well, that was pretty easy," Jessica said, looking at a bit of slime that'd splattered against her finger, and bringing it up to her lips, curious to see if it actually tasted like gelatin. Before she could, the scrap of slime shifted, falling off of her hand and onto the ground. She followed it with her eyes as it moved, crawling along the ground like an inchworm. The rest of her foe's green residue was doing the same, until they all assembled in a single spot, combining and squishing against one another into a reconstituted slime woman. "Take it from me, nothing's ever that easy. And now that you know that you're in for a long fight, I should introduce myself. You can call me Slutge." ---- "So, you want me to just..." "Step into the vat, yes." Emily was standing on what was essentially a diving board, hovering above an industrial-sized vat of bubbling green slime. Sadie, as well as several scientists in lab coats watched from behind a large glass screen. "And you're sure this won't kill me?" The scientists all exchanged glances with one another, before one of them leaned over to whisper something in Sadie's ear. "...yes." Sadie cleared her throat. "That is to say that we, as a company, can say with a reasonable degree of certainty that you will not come under any harm that can be directly attributed to the actions of Sintcorps." "Right. And what will happen if I say no?" "You'll be fired immediately without severance." Emily shrugged. Sintcorps was the only people who would hire her, and if the choice was between unemployment and potentially being dissolved in a vat of toxic sludge...well, at least the second option had the possibility of dental insurance. Emily pinched her nose, tucked in her legs, and did a full-on cannonball into the vat. The chemicals splashed against the glass screen protecting Sadie and the scientists, as it had been installed for this exact reason. With the screen covered by slime, they could no longer see what was going on inside the adjacent room. As Emily regretted her cannonball almost immediately. She hit the surface of the sludge as though it were concrete. The impact was brief, as the slime softened beneath Emily-no, it was the other way around. Emily's flesh softened as it touched the substance, and once she was completely submerged in it, she melted. She didn't burn, she didn't hurt, she just...melted. What was once solid was now liquid. Not just her body, but everything. Her mind, her thoughts, the very essence of her being were all liquid too. And as was often the case with liquids mixing together, it was difficult to tell where one started and where the other began, and soon there was no longer a distinction between Emily and the slime that had consumed her. "Go check on her," Sadie barked at one of the scientists, who put on a hazmat suit and ventured into the room containing the vat. Emily had given the room a pretty thorough coating of chemicals. From the walls to the ceiling, nearly every square inch of the room was dripping with lime-colored sludge. A significant portion was still left bubbling away in the vat. The scientist pulled out his walkie-talkie. "She's not here. It's just slime everywhere." "Well, you're right about the second part..." Emily's voice said. The goo retracted from the walls, floor, and ceiling, swirling together into an Emily-shaped slime. Well, it was Emily-esque, at least. While it retained the woman's general shape and facial features, there was more slime than could be contained by Emily's form. The excess slime was distributed throughout her body, bust mostly to the naughtiest of her parts. Her hips were considerably wider, her ass fatter and jigglier too-partially because of its size, and partially because it was made of goop. Her breasts were solid F-cups, and would be constantly exposed. Emily figured that whatever she was made of probably stained. She was notably taller than her non-slime counterpart too. Her hair, once kept in a bun, was now made up of gooey strands that fell all the way down to her hips. "We were hoping for something more similar to Jessica's mutations, but, well...we can definitely work with this," Sadie said to one of the scientists. Sadie leaned in to the intercom, so she could speak to the newly created mutant. "So, have you decided what you're going to call yourself?" Emily thought about it for a moment. "S-L-U-T-G-E." "...How do you pronounce that, exactly?" ---- "Well, it's a good pun, but it seems hard to pronounce." "At least it isn't five syllables!" she spat back. "Anyways, are you ready to give up now? If you haven't noticed, I'm totally invincible." "Well, I can't punch you, and I can't stink you...those are two of my main ones, but I still have at least one trick left up my sleeve." Jessica lunged at her with her mouth open. Had Slutge retained her sense of smell, she would've gotten a pretty heavy dose of halitosis. The Biohazardess wrapped her mouth around as much of her foe's head as she could. Since Slutge was so slippery, Jessica couldn't simply cram her into her throat using her hands like she normally would with her prey. She was a liquid, not a solid-meaning that Jessica had to slurp rather than shovel. Jessica puckered her lips, and sucked like she was drinking from a straw. This proved to be the exact right move. Slutge's body was drawn in as a continuous stream, past Jessica's lips, into her mouth, down into her throat, and finally into her stomach. Jessica's belly bulged, although, unlike with other prey, there wasn't an outline of a human's body encased in her green flesh, nor was her tummy shifting with her prey's struggles or misshapen due to the shape of her meal. She sported a solid, spherical bulge, looking as though she was pregnant, or like she'd just drank several gallons of water. It made sense, considering that Slutge was a drink rather than a meal, so to speak, although she was no less filling. The curvaceous goo girl swelled Jessica up impressively, although, after being crammed full of nearly a dozen clones, anything would've felt like a step down to the heroine. A wet belch was expelled, sending some saliva-infused flecks of slime flying across the field. "It's a shame that you can't smell," Jessica said, prodding her gut with her finger. "My gut's pretty nasty, and I think you've earned yourself a good, long whiff of my insides." *OUuOOUUuRRrrRRRRRpppPPPp* A particularly powerful belch was forced out of Jessica, as her stomach went from smooth and inert to lumpy and active. Something was shifting inside of her, causing her gut to bulge and shift oddly from the commotion. "Still got some fight in you, huh?" Jessica said. "Don't worry, I'll turn up the heat-my acids will have you digested in a flas-" Jessica was cut off in the middle of her sentence by a stream of slime jetting forcibly out of her mouth. The slime landed on the grass, and quickly formed back into Emily's recognizable form. "So, you can't gross me out with your gas, you can't pummel me into submission, and you can't digest me...it looks like you're all out of options." Jessica launched another punch at her, not because she thought it would be effective, but because it would at least shut her up. The result was painfully predictable was shattered into countless globules, that quickly regenerated back into her feminine form. "My turn!" she said, using the same trick as before-launching herself at Jessica in her swifter slime form, and then quickly hardening herself just before the punch. She went for another gut punch-although she was immune to the foul, acrid smell of Jessica's stomach, she still resented the small, tight organ she'd been contained within enough to want to hit it again. Jessica reeled back from the strike. This one would definitely cause a black-and-blue, or whatever color bruises those with green skin got. Once again, it wasn't enough to cause any severe damage-but she could only take so many more before they would start to cause serious injury. Meanwhile, she could punch the slime mutant until the next morning and be no closer to defeating her than before. There was something that had changed though, something unusual worth taking a mental note of. Although there was more rage behind it, the Slutge's second blow wasn't as fierce as her first-the impact wasn't enough to force out a belch this time. It still hurt like hell, sure, but it was noticeably weaker than the last. Oddly, Slutge seemed to have gained an inch or two in height as well. Jessica wasn't sure what to make of it, but her encounter with Rainbow Boy had taught her that careful observation was the key to winning a fight-in addition to being a fetid cannibal, of course. Jessica had enough time to block Slutge's next attack. She lashed out with her other arm, scattering Slutge to the wind once again. She would recover, but it gave Jessica a few seconds to ponder the oddities she had committed to memory. What could've caused the villainess to suddenly grow and soften slightly? What had happened between her first attack and her second that could've caused this? Jessica had eaten her, but... Ah, of course! When Slutge was in Jessica's stomach, she must've soaked up some of her acids like a sponge. That's what caused her to grow, as well as making her solid form just a bit less solid than before. Maybe if she could make her soak up more liquid, she could dissolve her entirely. Swallowing her again was out of the question though. The Biohazardess didn't want to give Slutge access to her vulnerable insides again. But, the only other abundant source of liquid on her body was... "Did you miss me?" Slutge said as she regenerated. "You know, I've really changed my mind on Sintcorps. They treated me like shit, sure, and they don't care if I live or die, but they did turn me into a smoking hot, unkillable slime girl, so I think I can find it in my heart to forgive them. You, on the other hand..." When Slutge went for her third attack, Jessica was prepared. She waited until the last second, when Slutge's body was fully hardened. Instead of taking the blow or blocking, Jessica countered, wrapping her hand around Slutge's now solid face and shoving her to the ground. With only a few seconds to spare, The Biohazardess took two steps forward, so Slutge's prone body was between her legs. Jessica dug through her dark-green bush, pushing her labia apart with her fingers. As Slutge rose back to her feet, Jessica relieved herself with a sigh. The sound was a bit like a fire hose being blasted against a burning building, if that building had been constructed entirely out of pudding. A torrent of lemonade-colored piss erupted from Jessica's nethers-smelling noticeably foul, despite the fact that she hadn't eaten asparagus in weeks. The Biohazardess's mega-dump had taken up so much of her focus that she'd neglected her bladder entirely. She wouldn't make that mistake again. Her piss would be worthwhile addition to her stink-arsenal, alongside her putrid gas, reeking pits, and stunning halitosis. "What the hell are you doing!?" Slutge said, her voice becoming more and more distorted as The Biohazardess's urine soaked into her slimy skin. She was melting, just like before, although this time, it wasn't a peaceful merging into a new, more powerful mutant body. Now, she was being forcibly dissolved. She had less control over her form as she absorbed more piss, which caused her sense of smell to return. She was spared from the Biohazardess's stink no longer, and she went from a world devoid of any smells to one reeking of unwashed pubic hair and musky piss. Unfortunately, it would be the last smell Slutge would ever experience, with her last sight being that of her opponent's puffy green pussy lips hovering above her. "What a world..." she said, as she was reduced from slime to mush, and mush to liquid that seeped into the ground, never to regenerate into human form again. Just as the barrier between Emily and the slime had been erased, so too had the barrier between Slutge and Jessica's stream of piss. Jessica watched as the last of her foe was reclaimed by the soil. She hoped that the slime would nourish the plants, and that something beautiful would grow where she had once stood. The last of her stream tapered off, and The Biohazardess was forced to come to terms with the fact that she had just defeated a villain by pissing. "I bet Wonder Woman never had to do anything like this," Jessica remarked. "I could've just gotten normal superpowers...but then again, I wouldn't have it any other way." Jessica hoped that this would be the last of the interruptions she would face on her quest. She marched up to the door, and wound up another punch-wincing as she released it, half-expecting to be sucker punched by a mutant again. Fortunately, the blow landed, and the double-doors were sent flying off the hinges, landing at the feet of the reception's desk. The red-haired woman sitting there adjusted her glasses as Jessica walked over to her, leaning over her desk until their faces were centimeters across. "Hey, my name's Jessica. I want to arrange a meeting with your boss." "May I recommend a breath mint first, ma'am?" ---- "I'm sorry, but there was no way to predict how Emily would respond to those chemicals. Luckily, our second experiment seems to be far more powerful than she was already." Sadie nodded. "From what I've heard, this one has quite the appetite?" The scientist nodded. "Good." She snapped her fingers. "Guards, feed him to Subject 2. He needs to learn that success isn't enough to make up for failure." In a facility several floors beneath where Sadie was standing, Subject 2 was smiling.
"This isn’t my first time, you know,“ Austin said, smiling playfully. "Well, it is mine,” Olivia replied. “So you’ll have to be a little patient with me.” "I find that hard to believe,“ he replied. "I mean, my first real time. None of that Middle School amateur stuff. The real deal.” "Well, I’m happy to provide, although I’m not that experienced, you know.“ "Pff, don’t even pretend,” Olivia said dismissively. “I’ve heard the rumors, how people see you with a new girl every week. Not that it’s a bad thing, I like that you know what you’re doing.” "Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll guide you through everything. Just follow my lead.“ Austin was a gorgeous young man in the prime of his life, dark haired, with lively bright blue eyes that complimented the rest of his youthful, handsome face. His most attractive feature, as agreed upon by everyone who knew him, was his abs. Austin had a six pack that looked as though it was chiseled out of stone by god himself, hairless, smooth and pale like cream, with muscles so hard that they could deflect a bullet. The rest of his body was fit, but not noticeably muscular in the same way his midsection was. Olivia on the other hand, was a freckled, red haired ginger-that is to say, a ginger ginger. In contrast to her boyfriend, her midsection was a bit squishy, although not quite at the level of ‘chubby.’ She found her green eyes fixated on Austin’s abdominal muscles the moment he exposed them by lifting up his shirt. She had never really understood the affinity some of the other she knew girls had for men’s abs-that is, until now. With the flawless musculature of a Greek God inches away from her face, she was starting to get it. She had been expecting for Austin to take the lead, but now she found herself pouncing on him, lowering her head to Austin’s stomach so she could rub her cheek against his abs. She could feel the muscles subtly bulging and twitching against her touch. So taut, so powerful… Austin hadn’t expected Olivia to take the initiative, but he wasn’t about to stop her either. In the end, he would still get what he was after, regardless of who made the first move. She turned her head so she was now face-to-face with the Adonis-like abdominals. She could feel an excitement stirring inside of her that made her head dizzy and her heart jump. All her inhibitions flew out the window, as she forced her tongue out through pursed lips so she could run it up and down Austin’s tummy. Austin certainly hadn’t been expecting that, and it was partly the shock of the sensation that compelled him to shudder. This served to encourage Olivia, who took great pleasure in the fact that she was able to make someone as gorgeous and experienced in bed as Austin moan. Up and down, up and down. Olivia savored the slight flexing of his rigid abs against her tongue, which intensified with every lick, until Austin’s entire midsection was shifting like a tumultuous ocean of muscle. All the while he let out little gasps and groans, the sound of which were enhanced by Austin’s naturally smooth, sultry voice. Almost as smooth as the bumps of Austin’s abs themselves, the firm skin tasting subtly of sweat. Olivia savored every taste. Olivia was so lost in the moment that she had no time to react to what happened next. She stopped painting her tongue over the entirety of Austin’s stomach, instead focusing on the single point on it which was the most sensitive-his taut, muscular innie belly button. She swirled her tongue in a circle around it, before jamming it inside as deep as it could go. She felt something odd as she plunged her tongue into Austin’s navel. She wasn’t sure what to make of it at first, and by time she realized what it was, it was already too late. It was suction-as she pushed her tongue into Austin’s stomach, something was pulling back. Soon, the entire length of her tongue was absorbed into his navel-but the sucking didn’t crease. Instead, it seemed to be intensifying. The pulling didn’t stop at Olivia’s tongue. His navel seemed to widen, to accommodate Olivia’s head that was now rapidly sinking into it. "A-Austin, what the hell is happening?” Austin felt comfortable speaking up about his intentions, as Olivia was far part the point where she had any chance of escaping. “How do you think I got abs as sexy as these?” he said, his voice suddenly shifting from sensual to sinister. “Have you ever seen me go to the gym even once?” Austin didn’t wait for a reply to his rhetorical question. Even if Olivia did decide to answer her voice would be too muffled by his stomach to hear. Her entire head was now enveloped, Austin’s navel now sucking up her neck and expanding in preparation for her shoulders. His abs contracted and tensed to help draw Olivia further in. “No, you haven’t. But you have seen me with plenty of girls, and they’re the real reason I have these. Once the two of us are alone, I suck them into me through my belly button. Then they’re churned up, digested, and absorbed into my body, where they’re added to my abs to make them even sexier. You should be honored that you get to contribute to something so beautiful.” Olivia screamed, and flailed with the parts of her body that weren’t entombed by Austin’s belly. He had made short work of her shoulders, and was now moving halfway down her arms. Olivia balled up her fists, but she couldn’t move her arms enough to throw a punch. So instead, she kicked and flailed her legs about. Deep down, she knew it wouldn’t do anything, but she wasn’t just going to sit idly by and let herself be devoured. Even if it was a meaningless act of resistance, it was something. It wasn’t long before Olivia’s legs were immobilized too, as she was dragged deeper into Austin’s muscular depths. With a final tug of his abdominals, Olivia was entombed completely in his stomach. She found herself surrounded on all sides by darkness, and by tight, slimy walls which required the entire force of her body to budge a single centimeter. From the outside, Austin’s gut could be seen swelling immensely with his captured prey. His bloated, person-sized stomach still retained his impressive abs, looking like a mix between a roid gut, a food baby and an incredibly overdue pregnancy, albeit, not as perfectly spherical as that combination would suggest. The asymmetrical bulge of Olivia’s body gave it an unusual shape, which her constant shifting and struggling contributed to. When Olivia landed a particularly forceful blow against his stomach walls, Austin could even see the outline of her fist in his taut, muscular skin. Most of the time, the flesh only gave the vaguest impression of her body shape, as she tumbled about in his belly like a shirt in the wash. “Fight all you want,” he said, patting his stomach with just enough force for Olivia to feel his hand bearing down on her. “There’s no escape. You’ll be churned up and absorbed into my body to give me even sexier abs, which I’m sure will attract the attention of some other cute, tasty snack…” Being reminded of her fate in such stark terms compelled Olivia to fight even harder. All that struggling stirred up quite a bit of gas within Austin, which built and built with Olivia’s every muffled scream or desperate flail. Faint gurgles and sloshes could be heard beneath his skin, drowning out Olivia’s muffled pleas. Having built to a breaking point, the gut gas had nowhere left to go but outwards. *BwwOOooOOOooOOOoOOORrrRrRRPpPP* A truly enormous belch erupted from Austin’s mouth, causing him to unconsciously lower a hand to his stomach, rubbing it to soothe his increasingly gassy gut. He could feel Olivia curling up within him as the belch caused his stomach muscles to clench. “Phew,” he huffed, bringing his other hand to his mouth, successfully stifling another smaller but no less impolite eruction. The glorping and slorping of his stomach magnified, as more digestive fluids filled his gut to speed along the digestive process. Austin leaned back, resting his head against the pillow and letting out a long sigh that transformed into another burp halfway through. *BrrRuuUuuURrRrPpP* With both hands in his stomach, he rubbed his gut, feeling Olivia’s struggles momentarily intensify and then dwindle as she began to melt away. Over the course of the next hour, her squirming ceased entirely. From there, Austin’s stomach shrunk, going from profoundly bloated to completely flat as it had been at the beginning. That wasn’t to say that his midsection was entirely the same as it was when Olivia had first encountered it, though. Everything Austin had said about her enhancing his abs had been true. They were noticeably more defined now, and he had finally graduated from a six pack to an eight. He ran his fingers over his new abdomen intently, familiarizing himself with the newly formed bumps and bulges. A final belch sent Olivia’s tattered, drool-soaked panties flying onto the bed. His stomach once again churned, not from fullness, but from hunger. As lovely as his new abs were, there was always room for improvement.
 Daniel Byrne was of Irish Catholic descent, meaning that his family tree was an ever-expanding fractal of siblings, uncles, and cousins, more than could be counted on two hands plus toes. The Byrne family seldom had family reunions because of this: wrangling the dozens of Byrnes in the same place at the same time was a near-impossible feat of scheduling. Daniel's wife Kelly was up to the task, though, and after months of slaving away at her calendar, she finally found a date that would work for everyone. And so, the Byrnes would meet on the evening of May 18th, in a rented cabin in upstate New York. Everyone would be there, save for a few obscure cousins-thrice-removed who nobody really liked anyways Daniel had the smallest immediate family of all the Byrne clan-he had only himself, his wife, and his two children, a son who had just started college and a daughter who had just finished it. Neither of them were particularly enthusiastic about being taken into the woods to be told uncomfortably racist jokes by their intoxicated great uncles, but Daniel won them over by reminding them that it was his financial generosity that stood between them and crushing student loan debts, and that they did, in fact, owe him one. Their supplies were hastily packed into the trunk of their car: a change of clothes for each member of the family, a single flashlight, the children's phones so their experience wouldn't be too crushingly boring, and lastly, their contribution of food to the family potluck. "Is everyone ready?" Daniel said, receiving semi-enthused grunts from his children that sounded close enough to "yes" for him. "Then let's go!" After about an hour and a half of driving, mixed with some intermittent bathroom breaks and fighting over the radio, they arrived at the campsite. Daniel's family was one of the latest arrivals, as everyone seemed to be there already. Daniel's kids dispersed into the crowd, after giving an obligatory half-hearted greeting to whichever relative was closest. Daniel had neglected to take their phones away before the party, and so on their phones was where they would spent most of their time. Daniel and Kelly, meanwhile, were immediately pulled aside, literally by Daniel's father, his bony hand reaching out and yanking the two close to his winkled face. He smelled a lot like a dusty bookshelf. "Oh, nice to see you, dad," Daniel said, having not seen his father for several years, and for good reason. The old man suffered from an excess of personality, and a single interaction with him was enough to leave one exhausted. "You know what this party really needs?" the elder Byrne said, his voice rich and textured from countless years on this Earth. "Some good firewood. I'm gonna go out and get some." And then the old man got up, and walked into the woods like a Sasquach. Even at his age, the silver-haired man insisted on doing everything himself, as if to show that he could. "Alright, uh, see you dad," he said as he vanished into the trees. Not sure what else to do, Daniel and Kelly wandered throughout the party, sometimes as a pair, and sometimes on their own, conversing with the more pleasant members of their family, and gradually picking away at the food left on the large table. Hours passed, and it wasn't long before the sun began to set. "Hm, I think dad should've been back by now," Daniel remarked to Kelly, who politely declined to see her cousin's vacation photos so she could join back up with her husband. "It is getting late...then again, I wouldn't put it past your father to take three hours to get firewood. Or he could've just gotten distracted. Maybe he's trying to kill a squirrel with a spear he carved out of a branch." "That's definitely possible. Still, I want to make sure that he's okay." "Do you know if he had his cell phone on him?" "What do you think?" "Fine. I'm sure as hell not going in there in the dark." "I don't blame you. I'll go gather up some of the boys and see if we can't find him." Alex Byrne, Daniel's son, was not among those chosen for the Great Grandpa Rescue expedition. In fact, they didn't even bother asking him. Daniel knew his son well enough not to request that he stumble around in a pitch-black forest in search of a relative he didn't even particularly like. Most of the other young men volunteered. Unlike Alex, they didn't have the foresight to bring their phones, and a trek into the woods would be a welcome reprieve from the crushing boredom of this party. Alex, meanwhile, was even more isolated from the party than his sister, who was also going out of her way to avoid human contact as much as she could. The entire party was concentrated around a cabin, which just happened to have several rooms that were well-isolated and cozy, perfect for blocking out the sounds and sights of the familial chaos going on outside. Alex ducked into one of these rooms. It was filled with a pleasant, musty scent, the smell of some kind of rustic wood that he didn't quite know the name of. There were no lights within the room, and with the sun already setting, the room was just barely bright enough for Alex to see what he was going. He immediately threw himself onto the nearby bed, which was softer and larger than any he had had the pleasure of sleeping on before. The softness of the bed, the cool, hazy darkness, the heavy, fragrant air, all of these combined to overwhelm Alex's senses. He had come in here to play on his phone, but it was only a few minutes before he was out cold in the deepest sleep of his life. Alex awoke groggily after what felt like either 10 minutes or 10 hours of sleep. The sun had set, and the cabin was entirely dark, so he must've only been out for a few hours. Then again, it was just as likely that he slept all the way through to the next day. He rubbed his eyes vigorously until the blurring went away, but even after that the darkness left him basically blind. He fumbled around through his pockets, and then the sheets underneath him, groping around until he felt his fingers brush against the cold glass screen of his phone. He yanked it out from underneath the sheets, only to discover that it hadn't been in rest mode, and the battery was nearly dead. It had enough power to serve as a decent flashlight at least, until he could find a more sustainable source of light. It must've been pretty late. He had trouble imagining that the party was still going on, but they wouldn't just leave him here, right? Alex walked through the unfamiliar halls of the cabin, with his phone's glowing screen pointed at the floor, to keep him from tripping over anything. He made his way to the main room, which also served as the cabin's kitchen. Immediately, he began digging through the drawers, knowing that his phone was liable to go out at any moment. Fortunately, one of the drawers had exactly what he was looking for: a flashlight, and one of those heavy black metal ones that felt more like a weapon than anything else. He turned it on, and a good, solid beam of light illuminated the room. Perfect timing, too, as his phone chose that exact moment to flicker out and die. He wandered outside with his flashlight. The first thing he noticed is that there wasn't anyone else around. Out of the dozens of family members who had come to the party, not a single one of them was present anymore. Had they simply left him? No, further investigation revealed that people's backpacks and jackets were left at the site, and that everyone's car was still parked. What the hell was going on? Had they all ventured into the woods to look for his grandfather? Were they all playing some sort of prank on him? If they had gone into the forest, Alex definitely wasn't going to go looking for them. There were around forty of them in total, so it would've been damn difficult for all of them to be lost. So, he would wait a few more hours, to see if they'd return. If they didn't, well, that'd be the time to panic for real. Tired of standing out in the freezing cold, Alex returned to the cabin, sitting himself down on the dining room table. He didn't want to lay on the bed again, lest he fall back asleep. With his phone dead, there wasn't much he could do to entertain himself until his family got back. He was forced to resort to desperate measures to pass the time: producing shadow puppets with his flashlight, and reading all of the instruction manuals he could find in the drawers, cover to cover. He was thoroughly absorbed in these mundane activities when a sudden sound shook him out of his daze, and shocked him so much that he nearly jumped through the ceiling. It was so immediate and powerful that it took Alex's brain a few good seconds to process and identify it, and even after that he still wasn't quite sure what it was. The closest comparison he had was to the sound of a rifle going off, and that frightened him enough to send him running through the hallway before diving underneath the bed. This couldn't really be happening, right? This was something that only happened in horror movies. Someone's truck probably backfired, or one of his idiot uncles misfired a gun while they were doing whatever the hell they were doing in that forest. Then again, Alex wasn't one to take chances. It was better to be safe than sorry, and Alex was willing to make a fool of himself if it meant not being murdered by some deranged rifleman. Alex was hidden underneath the bed, with his flashlight turned off to avoid giving away his position. Even without his light, he wasn't totally blind. There was enough moonlight shining through the window to illuminate the room, at least a little. There was a complete absence of sound, however, as Alex took careful, steady nearly silent breaths to avoid being discovered. He could hear another sound cutting through the silence, one that informed him that his decision to run and hide was a wise one. The door of the cabin creaked open, and the sound of weighty, stumbling footsteps filled Alex's ears. The sound that'd frightened him before immediately followed it. Since it was so much closer, he could finally identify what it was. It wasn't the sound of a gun going off. It was louder, longer, and more powerful than it should've been, but the noise was unmistakably that of flatulence. The footsteps got closer and closer, until someone burst through the door to Alex's room. Alex could now get a good look at the intruder. She looked like...well, she looked like a witch. Alex wasn't sure of any other way to describe her, with the pointed black hat, boots, cloves, and black latex suit that were all unmistakably witch-y. She wasn't ugly like how most witches were depicted, though. She was young, looking only a few years older than Alex at most, with short, straight black hair. She reminded Alex a bit of the goth girls he would see around his college, although it was her body that really set her apart. This 'witch' had a figure that was generally plump and chubby: thick thighs, a large ass, and the like. The majority of her mass was concentrated around her midsection though: her belly, to be precise. She had a prominent, pudgy midsection that looked just as squishy as it was bloated. With the door to the bedroom opened, the smell of the fart she'd unleashed in the entrance room was beginning to leak in, stinging Alex's nose with its awful scent. Alex wasn't sure what to make of what he was seeing, besides that continuing to hide from this witch was probably for the best. "Fuck, I DEFINITELY ate too much," she said with a grunt, pressing a hand to her growling stomach, letting out a thunderous belch that was no more pleasant to smell than what'd come out of her backside. "Hey, wait a second..." she sniffed the air, picking up the distinct scent of human underneath the smell of her own gas. "I think I might've missed one." An icy fear shot through Alex's body. He eyed the door and the window, neither were close enough for him to dash to without attracting her attention. "Where could they be..." she said, opening up a nearby wardrobe, sighting disappointingly when her prey wasn't inside. "Damn..." she said, stumbling over to a closet, another roaring fart erupting from her backside. Either she was pushing out those monster rippers intentionally, or she simply didn't care enough to hold back, even though she suspected that someone might've been watching. Jessie was having trouble staying awake, with that thick, heavy, foul-smelling fog poisoning his air. With the closet investigated the witch moved on to the final hiding spot: beneath the bed frame. A single pale hand reached underneath the bed, grabbing Alex by his collar and yanking him out into the open. "There you are!" the witch said, pulling him into her face, and letting out an explosive belch that must've been deliberate. *BRrrOOoooOOOUuuuuuUUUuuuRrrpPPPp* "I guess all those people must've been your family, huh?" Alex barely had time to process the implications of the witch's words, before he was thrown onto his back, hard. Before he could get back up, two large, shiny, spherical black objects were lowered onto his face, pinning him to the floor. The witch had set on him, trapping him beneath her frequently flatulence ass cheeks. Alex could predict what was going to happen next, but that didn't mean he was prepared for it. *FFfFFFFfFlOOOoOOoORrRRrrrRrrTtttttT* An especially juicy gust of butt wind escaped from between the witch's cheeks, propelled directly into Alex's nose by the force of her asshole. "Phew, that was a big one! Your family gave me so much gas!" she said with a sadistic chuckle, letting out a second that was just as powerful as the first. Alex screamed, of course, and tried to push his assailant off of him, but the witch wouldn't budge no matter how much he squirmed. By time a third fart exploded warmly against his helpless face, he was sure that he was going to pass out. The weight was lifted from his face, and Alex breathed in a lung full of relatively fresh air. "I think I'm just about done playing with you," she said. "Your family's mostly digested, and I'm starting to get hungry again. You look like you'd make a pretty good snack." "Snack...? What are you...?" Before Alex had a chance to react, he was hoisted over the witch's head, and lowered swiftly into her gaping mouth. Saliva covered his head as he was shoved roughly down her throat, forced deeper into the witch's innards by her incredible strength. All it took was one final push, and he was sent down into the acidic, bubbling lake that was her stomach. Alex obviously couldn't see because he was inside of her, but the witch's belly bulged out considerably from its new human occupant. The witch now sported a round, bulgy gut, enhanced slightly but the pudge already present around her middle. Obviously, Alex wasn't going to let himself be swallowed without a fight. He kicked and thrashed and punched against his surroundings, but this accomplished little more than giving the witch more gas. Alex could hear the slightly muffled sound of her belching from the outside, followed by sadistic giggles. "Let me go, you witch!" Alex said. He was putting up a valiant fight, but now, his resolve was starting to fade. Her powerful acids were eating away at his body, making him softer, weaker, less human and more gut sludge. "All done?" the witch said, letting out a belch and a fart in quick succession from her stomach-stimulating meal. "I guess I got the whole family in there now, and it feels like they're just about ready to come out." A series of near-constant farts exploded from her, indicating that her bowels were full and ready to be voided. She spent a few seconds musing on where exactly she'd dispose of her prey. She decided that the cabin toilet would be an ideal location, so she could comically overfill it and crush it beneath the weight of what would no doubt be an enormous load. She stumbled her way into the bathroom, not bothering to shut the door, as she'd likely end up filling the entire room and possibly beyond. She squatted down, pulling the humble strand of latex that covered her asshole aside, which only provided sub-thong protection in the first place. She began to squeeze, and a thick, steaming log emerged from her puckered hole. Fragments of bone, scraps of clothing, and other various bits of refuse were mixed in, indicating that her meal had once been human. At least a few dozen skulls could be seen in the mix, showing that her human victims had been numerous. The toilet was overflowing after only a few seconds. After that, she moved to the sink, which also couldn't contain her output for more than a few moments. Finally, she turned her asshole to the bathtub, but even that couldn't hold all the digested remains of her prey. Finally, she just went directly on the floor, until there was a huge mountain of bone-infused shit piled up behind her, stretching from the floor to the ceiling. She took a moment to admire her work, before wiping her ass with a towel, leaving the witch completely clean. She hummed to herself, wandering back into the woods, hoping that there were still some family members that she'd missed.
Even after devouring several of her friends, Vriska's hungry cock still wasn't sated, not even close. Luckily, there were still a few trolls within her inner circle that she could feed on, and if she was still hungry even after that, she would move on to alternate versions of her friends from different timelines, and if she exhausted them she would simply devour whichever random troll was nearest to her at the time. Her cock didn't discriminate, although there was something extra-satisfying about cock-munching someone she knew. She couldn't help it, she got off on the betrayal. Having eaten Kanaya and Nepeta, Terezi was next on her list, with Aradia and Feferi after her. Terezi, she figured, would be easy to entrap. The teal-blooded troll was always looking for an excuse to hang out with her. If she wanted to lure her into a vulnerable position, all she really needed to do was invite her. AG: Heeeeeeeeey GC: H3Y VR1SK4, WH4TS UP? AG: I can't 8e on for long. AG: 8ut you should come to my hive. AG: I have a special surprise for you there ;;;;) GC: 1ll B3 TH3R3 R1GHT 4W4Y Now all Vriska needed to do was wait, as the appetite in her loins continued to grow. Her fat dick gurgled and growled like a hungry stomach, in anticipation of her awaiting meal. The gurgling stopped once she heard a knock on the door. Now, it wouldn't be much longer until her appetite was sated. "Come right in," Vriska said with a grin. Terezi opened the door, and stepped in, sniffing the air suspiciously. Though she was blind and couldn't see the person-sized dickbulge in Vriska's shorts, Terezi's nose knew a huge cock when she sniffed one, and Vriska's smelled a lot bigger than usual. "H3Y, WH4TS GO1NG ON?" Before Terezi could react, Vriska pounced on her, pinning the poor troll beneath her weight. Specifically, underneath the weight of her great, globular balls, which'd become about the size of Terezi's torso after churning three of her friends into cum. Vriska undid the zipper on her bulging pants, and allowed that serpentine grey monster to flop out into the open air. Her cock hole twitched hungrily, aching to be fed. Terezi struggled underneath the spider bitch's colossal nuts. They were the size of boulders, and they seemed to weigh about as much as them too. The tip of Vriska's engorged wang opened up just enough to suck Terezi's kicking legs inside. "WH4T 4R3 YOU DO1NG?" Terezi shrieked, kicking and flailing to escape her captor's grip. Vriska's cock-suction was too strong though. Terezi was dragged closer to Vriska's churning nuts with each passing second. The pleasure Vriska experienced was indescribable and immense. As much as she enjoyed the feeling of slowly slurping Terezi down her cock-hole, she wanted to feel her nuts swell with her Scourge Sister's squirming form even more. Lucky for her, she wouldn't have to wait much longer. With a plop, Terezi's head, which was the only part of her body left un-absorbed, was sucked into Vriska's shaft. She traveled down Vriska's urethra, squirming as much as she could during her descent. Unfortunately, that wasn't much, as the tight, fleshly tube left her almost totally immobilized. Vriska still relished the little movements she did produce, which sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout her enormous bulge. Finally, Terezi reached the bottom of Vriska's cock-tube, and was deposted into the fat grey nuts that would be her final resting place. Her horrified expression could be seen embedded in the stretched scrotal flesh, as could her wildly thrashing limbs. Vriska's face was very much the opposite of Terezi's terrified grimace. She wore a look of utter pleasure, head back and tongue lolling out from the beyond orgasm sensation of having her shaft and nuts filled. "You feel so f8cking good in there!" Vriska exclaimed, a bead of precum the size of a basketball leaking from her tip. Terezi's simulated struggles began to subside, as her efficient nuts worked away at her flesh, churning the blind troll-girl into nothing more than a load of hot, sticky cum. Vriska wrapped her lips around her own tip in anticipation of the huge cumshot her prey would produce. She was flexible enough to autofellate herself normally, but with a cock this large she could do it effortlessly. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO..." Terezi's muffled voice was heard saying, as she melted into a slurry of semen. Her liquid form wouldn't remain settled in Vriska's balls for long. Terezi's squirming and struggling had aroused her greatly. She was right on the verge of an orgasm, just as her prey breathed her last. All it took was the tiniest push to put her over the edge. A single stroke was what did it, sending the cum load that was once Terezi back up the tube she had slid down from, into Vriska's pursed, waiting mouth. A solid jet of warm white fluid erupted into Vriska's mouth, filling it in seconds. She was left with puffed-out cheeks trying to keep it all in, not wanting to waste a single drop of the precious stuff. It tasted a bit like her cum usually did, and a bit like Terezi herself, which happened to be Vriska's two favorite flavors. She swallowed the cumshot in a single gulp. Her throat bulged as it traveled down into her stomach, which also sported a spherical bulge once it was filled. Vriska belched, filling her mouth with that flavor for one last time. She prodded her squishy, pregnant-looking midsection with her finger, making it slosh and jiggle. Though her stomach was full, she still had some room in her cock, and there was one last troll on her list that needed to be eaten. Vriska stood at the water's edge of an Alternian beach. She was dressed for the occasion, wearing a blue string bikini so skimpy she may as well have been naked. This was especially the case when it came to her bottoms. Her thong couldn't hope to contain her monstrous shaft, which'd grown even larger since digesting Terezi. The garment was tented out comically, looking as though someone had tried to hog-tie a tree trunk with a piece of dental floss. Her breasts were more covered, although just barely. While her nipples weren't exposed, a large portion of her areolas were, meaning that she was still without a doubt violating this beach's dress code. Vriska considered diving into the water and swimming her way into Feferi's abode, but she was pretty sure her weighty meat would make her sink like a stone. So, instead of coming to Feferi, she made Feferi come to her. With her feet still in the sand, she undid her bikini bottoms, letting her titanic bulge flop out, landing in the water with a splash. Vriska's cock wasn't just capable of eating-it could drink too. Since she couldn't go to Feferi, she would make Feferi come to her, along with any other seadwellers who happened to be in the Alternian ocean at the time. *Sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp* Vriska's dick sucked up the seawater like a straw. The grey balloons between her thighs inflated noisily as they were filled. Her testicles became like house-sized aquariums, host to a variety of squirming, helpless aquatic life. Vriska watched as the vast blue ocean shrunk before her, until all that was left was a barren sea bed stretching all the way to the horizon. Her balls had gone from boulder sized to house sized to continent sized, now that her planet's entire water supply was sloshing away in her balls. The vast grey orbs blanketed over about half of Alternia's landmass, stretching so high into the air that Vriska couldn't see over them at all. Needless to say, they could be seen from space too. The living creatures in Vriska's scrotum would be easy to process, but the saltwater not so much. So, she let the sea water erupt out of her cock in a titanic torrent, leaving only the solid matter she had absorbed behind. The water filled the basin where the ocean had once been, until it was restored to how it had been before, more or less, save the for the presence of any edible life in its waters. They all resided in Vriska's sack by the thousands. Her balls had shrunk considerably after they were emptied of water, but they were still huge, about the size of a nation's landmass give or take. With the water gone, Vriska could see the bulging and squirming of the victims embedded in her nut flesh. Since there were so many of them, it was impossible to determine which one was Feferi specifically, but the heiress was definitely in there somewhere, to be processed into nut-butter like the rest of her ocean dwelling kin. Vriska, needless to say, was euphoric. Feeling that legion of trolls writhing inside of her was a feeling so immense she could hardly process it. The devoured trolls were digested rapidly. Every few seconds another one would be dissolved into cum, as the others struggled in horror not wanting to meet the same fate. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do. Vriska's balls swelled with a fresh, oceanic load of cum. Her cock was so large that she could no longer see its head. It was in fact right in the middle of the newly restored ocean, countless miles away from shore, eager to spurt out its newly created load. The load of cum which Vriska unleashed was literally oceanic. The blue water turned white as Vriska's cum defused into it, making the waters swell until it spilled over. Great tsunamis of cum crashed along the Alternian shores, sweeping up countless unlucky trolls in their wake. Vriska looked proudly from the shore, at the new come ocean she'd created. With her friends devoured and most of Alternia flooded with her cum, there was really only one thing left to do. Vriska's cock opened wide enough to accommodate the entire planet. She swallowed the spheroid with her cock in a single gulp, and all the remaining trolls along with it. The round bulge traveled down the length of her shaft before landing in her testicles. With no planet left to stand on, Vriska was left floating in the empty void where her world had once been, a microscopic spec compared to her planet-sized scrotum and continental bulge. The minerals and organic matter that made up her planet were sifting processed by her churning testicles, which'd become quite efficient at dissolving things from her previous meals. All of the trolls who survived Vriska's cum flood were smothered by Vriska's sack flesh, as they and the ground beneath them were melted away into jizz. Vriska ejected her planet-sized load into the void of space, leaving a titanic glob of cum to orbit around the space where Alternia had once been. Vriska's cock gained an impressive addition of size from devouring her planet, becoming long enough to span the circumference of the world she had just eaten, with balls beneath them, each about the size of her former home too. Even after her cosmic-sized meal, Vriska's mind was still focused on what she would eat next. There were always more planets to eat, and other timelines to pilfer as well. She began to wonder if there were Vriska from other universes who'd become as large as her. They'd be quite filling meals indeed. There were in fact other gluttonous Vriskas from other timelines, but unfortuntaely for this Vriska they had the same idea as her. The empty void of space in front of Vriska was filled by two of her counterparts, both as vast as her, though their mass was distributed differently. None of them had cocks as large as Vriska 1's; one had a gut the size of a gas giant, appropriate because of the way it churned and gurgled noisily from all the gas burbling within it. The other had breasts of similarly colossal proportions. Presumably, they had used these enormous organs to devour their friends and eventually their planets in their own respective timelines, and like this Vriska were now in search of new exciting meals. "What are you doing here?" Vriska the first said to her floating counterparts. "We're here to eat you!" the immensely busty one said, and presumably after that, each other. When it came to Spider8itches, there could only be one. The colossal Serkets floated towards her, one with her mouth open and the other with her nipples flaring wide enough to swallow her whole. The Vriska with the phenomenal phallus wasn't going to let herself get eaten that easily though, and more than that, she wasn't going to let herself go without such massive meals. Her cock opened up in response to the other Vriskas' advancing. It enveloped the belly-centric Vriska's head, meaning that her maw was a threat to Dickska no longer. With her main means of swallowing taken away from her, Vriska was free to gulp her down while the 8usty 8a8e continued to drift towards her undeterred. This one was Vriska's most challenging meal yet. Though her upper body went down easy, the width of her gut posed a pretty significant problem for her. She didn't have much time to spare either, as the 8usty one was getting closer with each second, her nipples wide open and ready to eat. With a determined grunt, Vriska managed to force her counterpart's gut inside of her with a single, powerful suck. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" Vriska said. The pleasure of something so enormous entering her cock was so great that her normal pattern of eight consecutive letters was not sufficient to express it. She opted for eight pairs of eight instead, her enraptured obscenity echoing through the empty void of the universe. The bloated Serket was dragged down the remaining length of her bulge, and deposited into her left testicle with a plop. The right was reserved for the chesty one, who was still on the menu and just now drifting into perfect eating position. Vriska started feet first this time, and worked her way up. This Vriska wasn't just topheavy, she was rather voluptuous overall, though her wide hips posed little challenge for her doppelganger, who was on something of a roll at the moment. Vriska cackled with glee as this inferior duplicate was sucked down into her loins. Like the 8ig 8ellied 8itch 8efore her, the expanded part of her anatomy posed a special challenge. Like the last one, this was a challenge that could be overcome, and the reward for overcoming it was indescribable. The 8ig 8reasted Vriska was plopped into the testicle adjacent to the one with the 8urgeoning belly, who had already begun to dissolve. Though the first one had a head start, the two of them were churned and absorbed at about the same time. Vriska was expecting another significant addition to the size of her genitals as well as a solar-sized cumshot. She wasn't entirely wrong, though she wasn't thinking big enough. Since Vriska's prey were duplicates of herself, their contributions to her growth were multiplicative rather than additive, due to cosmic laws that are far too complicated to explain here. Instead of simply having their mass added to her body, Vriska grew rapidly. She expanded beyond the confines of her solar system, until her sun was nothing more than a flickering speck. Her cock expanded otherwards until it was a lightyear long, sucking up every planet, moon, and star in its path to fuel its continued growth. Then Vriska was large enough to see the whole of her galaxy from the vantage of its arm which she had spent most of her life on. Something that was once unimaginably huge to her was now as big as a football field by comparison. After a bit more growing, it wasn't even that, and before long Vriska overcame her galaxy in size. Finally, after becoming just large enough, the swirling spiral of stars was eaten by Vriska as well. Soon cock-gulping a galaxy became a regular occurrence. She even swallowed the one from which her human friends had originated, sending the Milky Way into her balls to be churned into cockmilk. Vriska wasn't just big beyond the wildest imagination, she was also powerful too. Now, whenever something was crammed into her cock, she wasn't just eating the thing itself, but every incarnation of it from every conceivable timeline. As a result, each meal was infinitely more filling, and infinitely more biggening too. If one were to look at the entirety of the universe from the outside, they would see that were there was once a void of darkess there was now grey cockflesh, which extended from one end of the cosmos to the other. Then, they would see the confines of the universe buckle as that titanic member continued to grow until they burst, allowing Vriska access to the unknown that existed outside. "Cool," Vriska said, as she floated through the beyond. Even in this realm where space was meaningless, her dick still managed to look huge. She could see the universe which she had escaped from in front of her. Naturally, she sucked it into herself through her urethra. With the whole of reality now bubbling away in her balls, Vriska had finally eaten literally everything. Vriska drifted through the colorless oblivion that surrounded her on all sides. There was nothing to eat here-there was literally nothing at all besides herself anymore. At least her hunger had finally been satisfied, and she could feel another orgasm building... *SPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH* With a sound louder than the voice of god, a second big bang exploded from Vriska's head. An endless cascade of genetic fluid filled the blank canvas of nonexistence. A new universe was formed-a white, sticky one, filled with boundless potential, with a hung as hell grey goddess to watch over it and forge it in whatever way she pleased. And that new cum-universe would eventually evolve into our own, which I think explains a lot.
Contains bellystuffing, belching, farting, romance and cuddling, body odor and sweat, sexy medical exams, and worst of all, worldbuilding. The term "monster" does not refer to any specific species, nor genus, nor family, nor order, nor class, ect. It is instead used to refer to any creature that exists outside of our current understanding of how biology and evolution is supposed to function: serpents with the torsos of men, wisps of energy that exist without a body, humans who transform into wolves under the light of the full moon... This is why I consider the study of monsters to be the most vital scientific pursuit in this modern age. For how can we understand the laws of this world if we cannot understand the things that defy them? And no creature defies so-called natural law quite like the fearsome lycanthrope... -From Nergus Syvethi's "Introduction to the Study of Monsters Volume 1" "What you don't understand is, people only want to know as much about monsters as it takes to kill them," he said gruffly. "Oh, no, I understand," Norrix retorted. "I just don't think that it's right." "So what, you're going to singehandedly change the entire world's attitude on monsters?" "I can try, can't I?" The landlord scoffed. Shaggy graying hair encircled his face. His apparel was deceptively expensive, the dark yellow robes he wore that appeared to be tattered and old were actually made of a costly and especially comfortable fabric. Norrix's choice of attire was the opposite: while the shiny linen of his blue vest, matching pants, and dark blue undershirt looked expensive, it was actually given to him for free as part of his enrollment to his university. The orange sun patch sown into the right breast of his vest was the symbol of his Alma Mater. The school uniform clung tightly to his lithe form, which was bereft of any visible muscle. The only part of his body with any noticeable width were his hips. His thick head of wavy black hair stopped midway down his neck. While it was clearly freshly washed, it was not neatly kept, allowed to flow and fall as it pleased. Norrix had a rather cute face too: a small, rounded nose, to match his overall soft, rounded features, a subtle, inviting smile as his default expression, handsome, radiant light blue eyes that, along with his eyebrows which seemed to always be raised, gave off a sense of perpetual curiosity with everything around him. His natural charm may have worked on the ladies, but it did little for his frustrated landlord, who was fiddling neurotically with his pen underneath his desk Finally, after the long silence following his dismissive scoff he spoke : "Between this and you claiming you're going to pay your rent on time...well, I think you should focus on one miracle at a time." "I said I'll get you your money by the end of the week, and I still stand by that." "We'll see." ---- Norrix ignored the judgement in his landlord's voice, walking past him and ascending the stairs towards his room. He opened it with the key he had been given. He immediately proceeded to walk briskly across his room, planting his face in his pillow to muffle the scream of primal anguish he needed to unleash. "MMFFFffFfffFf." Norrix's apartment was medium-sized, and he took advantage of every single inch he had been given. Nearly every surface was adorned with something of value-the walls covered in diagrams of monster anatomy, trophies he found while exploring were hung by hooks, loose papers and leather-bound books were scattered about the floor, his diploma proudly displayed in a golden frame. It was useless, all of it. All those hours spent reading about strange creatures, the years it took for him to get his degree in Monster Biology and Behavior-all of it was a waste. It hadn't made him a single cent, and with the last of the money his parents had loaned him dwindling away, he would be kicked out of his apartment. He couldn't imagine what his life would be like then. He would probably be forced to scavenge for food in the woods, like one of those feral monsters he'd wasted his life learning about. What an idiot he was, following the passions of his foolish childhood instead of doing something actually useful. He couldn't even sell the books for money-all the annotations he'd made in the margins would render them worthless. Then again, he did have a week before he'd be kicked out. That could be enough time to learn pick-pocketing... Norrix's entire body felt numb, but that might've just been from the lack of oxygen that came with breathing through a pillow for the last several minutes. The light of the full moon beamed against his back through the window, like the judgmental eye of everyone who told him that his hobby would never amount to anything, that he should just get a real, honest job. Well, they were proven right. Norrix hoped they were happy. Norrix was snapped out of his self-loathing haze by a ferocious, echoing roar that split the silence of the night in two. It was proceeded by the terrified screams of the townspeople, and the sounds of feet pounding against dirt, as they scattered away in all directions. Norrix peered out of his window, but truthfully, he didn't need his eyes to determine what the source of the sound was. Still, he just had to look, partly to confirm, partly out of morbid curiosity, and partly to determine how close the thing was to him. He spotted, through the smudged glass of his window, a black-furred creature, with the snout, ears, and features of a wolf, that stood upon two legs like a human. It was far larger than any human, though. Judging by the way it towered over the terrified townspeople, it must've been at least 10 feet tall. At the end of each long, muscular arm was a hand with an opposable thumb like a human. At the end of each finger was a talon, curved and black like the dark side of the moon. The rather generous breasts, wide hips, and meaty pussy lips partially concealed by hair suggested that the creature was female. Her mouth was brimming with yellowed, drool-slick teeth. The lack of blood on her fangs and swell to her gut suggested that she hadn't actually claimed a victim...yet. She was the kind of creature that Norrix had only read about. The scholar was, from the window of his apartment, only a stone's throw away from an actual, real-life werewolf. A lesser man would've run away. A greater man would've run towards it, sword in hand. Only Norrix would think to walk gently down the stairs on the tips of his toes, his footsteps silent as to not alert the beast of his presence prematurely. Werewolves were hunters, and had very sensitive hearing, as he knew. As he descended the stairwell, the instructions for what to do in case of a werewolf attack echoed in his head over and over like a catchy song. If Norrix was a superstitious man, he would've suspected that he'd conjured this werewolf into existence through sheer force of desire. He couldn't think of a more perfect way to make his monster obsession seem worthwhile than this. Norrix ambled his way to the outside of the apartment, keeping his gaze fixed to the werewolf, not wanting to loose track of her position. The scattering villagers were actually doing a rather good job of dealing with the werewolf already, although not intentionally. Their chaotic, aimless fleeing and panicked screams confused the creature, irritating her enhanced senses. Her body whipped violently around, eyeing each villager individually, trying to determine which would make the easiest meal. Norrix allowed the chaos of the crowd to conceal him, as he circled around the werewolf, towards the butcher's shop across the street. As he drew closer to the creature, his nose began to pick up on what could charitably be described as her potent feminine musk. To put it in less civil terms, she fucking reeked. She radiated with a pungent body odor, like sweat had been trapped in her fur for weeks. If her scent was this powerful from where he was standing, he couldn't imagine what it was like up close. Norrix wouldn't need to wonder for long, if his incredibly reckless plan went the way he hoped. He stood at the door of the butcher shop, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. It seemed like the she-wolf had finally found her prey-her claws tore apart his landlore's linen, as she lifted him up towards her widening, salivating maw, no doubt assaulting him with a hot blast of her dank, meaty breath. Norrix sighed. If only. "Hey girl, over here!" he said, lifting up a stone from the ground. His voice was loud enough to pierce through the ambient noise of the crowd, and the lycanthrope's fiery yellow eyes was fixed upon him. Norrix closed his eyes, reeled his arm back, and released, letting the stone fly through the air. It didn't hit the werewolf-Norrix wasn't that good, but he didn't need to be. The point wasn't to strike her, the point was just to show her that he intended to. That would be more than enough to draw her attention away from her meal. The werewolf released her grip on the landlord, letting him fall towards the dirt-not gently, so at least there was that. The werewolf charged towards him, her hind legs kicking up dirt as she sprinted on all fours. Norrix had just enough time to run around to the rear of the building, open the back door to the butcher's shop, slip inside, and shut the door behind him. The backroom of the butchery was musty, and smelled of old meat-a lot like the monster herself, now that he thought about it. Large slabs of what Norrix assumed was beef were hung from the ceiling by meat hooks. He could hear the talons of the werewolf scraping against the door. She would break through in a matter of seconds, but that didn't matter. In fact, it was exactly what he hoped for. He snatched a chunk of raw meat from the ceiling, trying not to let the texture bother him too much. The dark meat locker was illuminated by a sudden burst of moonlight, as the door was reduced to splinters. The werewolf squeezed through the threshold, her chest rising and falling, and steam expelling from her maw as she breathed heavily. Norrix immediately darted towards the back of the locker, hiding behind one of the hanging slabs of cattle. She picked up on Norrix's scent right away, even through the background noise that was the raw meat's odor. A few lumbering steps, and she was directly on top of the petrified Norrix. She lowered herself down towards the student, her hot, rancid breath against his face, her fangs a few mere inches away from the most vital parts of his anatomy. Her jaw widened, as she lowered herself further. Her jaws were nearly over Norrix's head now. If he waited a single moment longer, it would already be too late. Norrix raised his arms over his head, cramming the slice of meat between the werewolf's jaws. He pulled his arms away as her teeth snapped around it. The piece was rather large, so it took her a few seconds to chew and swallow it completely. This allowed Norrix enough time to snatch up a raw stake, which he hovered in front of the wolf girl's snout once she was finished with her first meal. With his first hand in front of her jaws, he reached his free hand around, to pat the top of her head. "See, I don't want to hurt you?" he said, as he ran his hands through her surprisingly soft, jet-black fur. Despite the fact that this creature could effortlessly swallow him whole or tear him to ribbons, Norrix wasn't even the least bit scared. Why should he be? He knew exactly what he was doing, there were few more qualified to confront this beast than him. "Who's a good girl?" he said in his softest, most patronizing tone. She opened her maw to accept Norrix's offering of meat. He could see her eyes widening, as she began to understand what was happening. The first time he fed her, that could be passed off as an act of desperation. He was just trying to cram some meat in her mouth, so she would be too preoccupied with it to eat him. But this, this was an act of generosity-this piece of meat was a gift, not a method of survival. Norrix continued to rub her head, leaning forward so he could scratch behind her ears. "That's a good girl...everyone out there is afraid of you. They don't seem to understand that you're just hungry. If you had something else to eat, you wouldn't bother with them, right?" The werewolf devoured this slice of meat faster than she had the first, so Norrix didn't have enough time to fetch another. Fortunately, his strategy already seemed to be working. Her posture was less aggressive, more open. He walked to the other side of the room to get her more meat-and she left him, standing perfectly still until he returned, with a stack of raw, bloody beef in his arms. "If you want this, you're going to have to behave," he said. He could feel his knees buckling under the weight of the meat. He was beginning to understand why butchers were always so burly. The werewolf already seemed to be rather obedient; she'd lowered herself down on her knees, mouth open, awaiting her next meaty treat. Norrix fell to his knees as well, leaving all but one of the meat slabs he was carrying on the floor. He had a feeling that a werewolf wouldn't be particularly concerned about sanitation. He dropped the huge beef slab into her maw-the monster tore in into chunks with only a few bites before swallowing it. This piece of meat was quite larger, and between it and the two others she had eaten, the werewolf's belly was beginning to noticeably swell. If she was a human, she would have been sporting a belly large enough to make her look pregnant. Since she was nearly twice the size of the average woman, she only had a small but conspicuous lump. Norrix knew better than to think her appetite was sated, though. "There, very good," he said, taking a second chunk from the pile beside him. "I want you to lay on your back," he said sweetly, lying down with the meat draped over his body to demonstrate. The werewolf understood his miming, and went belly up, her toothy jaws parted, drooling in anticipation of yet another snack. Norrix could see her throat bulging as the second slice entered her stomach. Norrix lowered his hand onto her belly as it swelled, rubbing his fingers against the curved hillock of black-furred flesh. He could feel her skin stretching beneath his hand. He could even feel the gurgling and churning of her gut, like mini earthquakes against his fingertips. "See? When you lay down, it's easier for me to do this." The monster's tongue lolled out of her mouth in ecstasy. All the food within her stomach, along with Norrix's rub, summoned a bubble of gas up from her stomach and out of her throat. *GrRrRRuuUUUUUURrrRrrrRrPppPP* A bubbling belch erupted from the creature's jaws. Norrix had taken care to stay out of the range of the werewolf's bad breath, but her belch expanded the radius of her mouth-stink significantly. Norrix was treated to a nose full of vile digestive gas, that stung his nostrils and made his eyes water. And yet, if he couldn't help but find the action cute. With the werewolf in an ideal position, Norrix was free to go back and forth, feeding her the remaining slabs of meat at his leisure. Her stomach expanded like a balloon-now she looked proportionally pregnant, a huge, spherical lump protruding from her midsection, churning audibly with the 70 or so pounds of meat trapped within. Norrix continued rubbing her gut, which would unavoidably lead to more vile belches spewing from her maw. Her mouth wasn't the only source of foul-smelling gasses, though. Her ass got in on the action too, producing deep, bassy bursts of flatulence. Unlike her belches, which at least had a scent that was reminiscent of her breath, her farts were a different beast entirely. Her pungent ass-stench was something truly horrendous, and yet, once again, Norrix struggled to find it anything other than cute. Her flatulence brought his gaze over to her rear, and from there, he could see that there was some...activity around her genital area. Dried femcum clung to the dark hairs around her puffy pussy. Through the tangle of jet black fur, her oversized, bright-pink clit could clearly be seen, standing fully erect. This werewolf was very blatantly aroused. How indecent. Norrix wasn't sure if he should consider this apparent fetish an undiscovered aspect of werewolf behavior, or just a quirk of this particular lycanthrope. With the meat gone, and the werewolf subdued, all that was left to do was keep her in a relaxed state until sunrise. Norrix found himself beginning to feel woozy. At first, he attributed it to the various forms of stink the werewolf woman had been assaulting him with for the last hour or so. Once he began to think about how long he had been interacting with her for, he realized the true cause of his dizziness-it was the dead of night, and he hadn't slept a wink. At least the werewolf seemed to be exhausted too, her eyes fluttering, as she struggled to stay awake in spite of an oncoming food coma. "Don't fight it," Norrix said, his sentence punctuated by a yawn. "Go to sleep, and when you wake up tomorrow, everything will be fine." Norrix rose to his feet, and headed towards the exit of the butcher shop, where the door had once been. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright? Try not to cause any trouble while I'm gone." He turned around, but before he could walk away, he heard a soft whimper. "Are you serious?" he said with a smile, turning around to see the prone, round-bellied werewolf looking up at him with such longing. "Fine. I guess it would be pretty irresponsible to leave you unattended through the night." Irresponsible to the townspeople, or irresponsible towards the werewolf herself, to abandon her without any comfort? Norrix laid himself down next to the girl, who shifted over from her back to her side, a non-verbal way to indicate that she wanted him to spoon her. Norrix did just that-he wrapped his hands around her midsection as best he could. There was no way he could fit them all the way around with her belly so swollen, but from this position, he could easily rub it at his own leisure. The werewolf's eyes shut quickly, as she rapidly drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep. Norrix felt himself growing drowsy as well. The softness and warmth of the woman's body almost completely made up for the cold, rigid wood floor of the butchery. The room was silent, save for the werewolf's slow, deep breathing, and the gentle rumbling of her gut. The combined sounds were just soft and rhythmic enough to soothe Norrix to sleep like a lullaby. He could only hope that the girl had let out the last of her gas, he didn't want any booming belches or farts disturbing his peaceful slumber. ---- Norrix awoke to find his vision blocked out completely by an expanse of blackness. He pulled head head back, and discovered that his eyesight was being obscured by a mass of black hair, attached to the slumbering woman whose torso his arms were wrapped around. It could be safely assumed that this was the lycanthrope from the night before. If there was any remaining doubt, the familiar feminine musk she produced would've been enough to squash it. Even in her human form, the wolfess was exceptionally large, about a full head taller than Norrix. She possessed a head of long, black hair as previously described, which was wild and uncombed and fell all the way to the middle of her back. She was not just tall, but broad, with the sort of thick, dense muscles usually sported by women of battle or who toiled in the fields with their bare hands. Norrix gently prodded her cheek with his finger, muttering "wake up" into her ear, hoping to arouse her without startling her. She opened her eyes slowly, before a quick wave of panic set in, as she realized that she wasn't where she was supposed to be. It left as soon as it came, though, as she recalled the events of the previous night that brought her to where she was now. She thought about the caress of the strange man's hand against her swollen gut, the soft, delicate way he looked at and spoke to her, as if he wasn't afraid, as if she wasn't a monster, the way his loving touch guided her so powerfully as to override the frenzy that'd taken hold of her mind. In that moment, she realized that she was naked, and still sporting a considerably bulge on her belly from the massive amount of meat she had consumed last night. It seemed that her arousal hadn't gone away either, or perhaps she'd become wet again upon waking. "Oh, good morning!" Norrix said, releasing his grip around her body, and rising to his feet. The absence of his warmth made her aware of the cold, uncomfortable floor she was laying on, and this discomfort compelled her to stand as well. She noticed right away how flustered Norrix was, his cheeks ablaze, his eyes wandering about the room, trying to focus on anything but her nude form. "Relax," she said, flashing him a smile that showed off her prominent canines. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked before. Sure, I was covered in fur, but I think it still counts..." And like that, Norrix's nerves were relieved in an instant, his luminous blue eyes aligning with the nude woman's (something) greens, as though this was the most normal thing in the world. "Of course, how silly of me," he said, returning her smile. "Ah, I should introduce myself! My name is Norrix." "Keena. I should really thank you for what you did last night. If it wasn't for you, there's no telling what I could've done..." Keena was appreciative of Norrix's actions for other reasons, but she chose to keep those to herself for now. "It was nothing, really. I was just doing my job," he said, realizing how ironic a statement that was coming from the unemployed. "And what kind of job would that be, that involves someone like you charging straight into the jaws of a werewolf?" Norrix's eyes lit up, as they did when anyone asked him a question about his area of interest. "I study monsters!" Keena nodded. That explained things a bit, although it seemed to her like an oceanographer diving straight into a whirlpool. There was a difference between studying something and being able to confront it. "And, well, werewolves aren't nearly as dangerous as people think they are! If you're trying to fight one, sure, but people make the mistake of assuming that they're malicious. They're driven by a need-hunger, and if that need can be satisfied then they don't pose a threat to anyone. Most of the problems created by monsters are really just caused by humans dealing with them improperly." Keena wanted to argue with him, but considering that Norrix wasn't being churned in her stomach, he must've been either right or very, very lucky. "Well, I don't know about any of that, but seriously, thanks. Is there anything I can do in return?" Keena made this offer for selfish reasons. She hoped that Norrix would request some sort of sex as his reward, so that she could satisfy the arousal that had stuck with her since last night. Norrix thought about it for a moment, tapping his chin. "Well, I've never had an opportunity to study a lycanthrope up close, and if I'm right in my assumption you might be an especially rare variety too. I would love to perform a full examination on you, if you don't mind." Keena meant to nod, but instead she was given a powerful reminder that her gastrointestinal problems from the previous night hadn't been resolved. Her bare butt cheeks birthed a thick, noisy bubble of flatulence, that exploded out of her so quickly that she couldn't clench her cheeks to contain it. *FRrrRoOooORrRoOORRrPpp* It was noticeably smaller than the absolutely monstrous farts she produced back when she was, well, absolutely monstrous, but it was still quite an impressive thing to behold. The forced seemed to rattle the walls, and the sound seemed to echo from them for several seconds after her blast subsided. "Phew, excuse me," she said, fanning her nose as the stench of her own ass penetrated her nostrils. She wasn't particularly bothered of it, having built up a familiarity with her own flatulence, as most people tended to, but she wanted to acknowledge how badly it stunk for Norrix's sake. Norrix didn't need to be told, the burning of his nostrils was all the proof he needed of how vile Keena's fart was. The scent of hot ass and meat violated his nose, making it wrinkle in an attempt to keep the horrid odor out. "You're...ungh, excused," Norrix said, taking a few steps back until he was well outside of the blast radius. Keena couldn't help but smile. He looked so cute, all flustered with his nose scrunched up like that. A part of her did feel genuinely bad though, having assaulted someone who'd selflessly helped her with her rancid ass stench. Then again, it was kind of his fault for feeding her all that meat. If he really knew so much about monsters, he should've known how gassy it could make her. "Anyways, you were saying something about an exam?" Keena said, filling the awkward silence that followed her booming fart. "Yeah, I'd be up for that." "Excellent," Norrix said, taking a step forwards after he was certain that the smell had dissipated. "My apartment isn't far from here, and I'm sure the butcher would appreciate us leaving his property as soon as possible. My apartment isn't far from here, I'll lead the way." Not wanting Keena to have to make the trek nude, he removed his vest and pants, leaving him only in his undershirt and undergarments. Keena put them on, or at least she tried to, before realizing that they were several sizes too small for her large body. Instead, she simply wrapped the vest over her chest, and the pants around her crotch like a sash. While it looked ridiculous, it did its job of covering up the indecent parts of Keena's anatomy. "Are you really going outside in your underwear?" she said, finding herself fixated on the way the fabric clung to Norrix's shapely ass. "Well, it's better than doing it naked, wouldn't you say?" Once again, Keena found herself unable to argue. They exited the butcher's shop the way they had come in, through the back door, making their way around the building and towards the center of town. Their journey to Norrix's apartment was cut short, as the path through the center of town was blocked, by just about every citizen of the town standing in a single huddled mass. They stared at the nearly-naked monstress and scholar, before Norrix's landlord, who was at the front of the crowd, opened his mouth to speak. Both Norrix and Keena were convinced that he would shout something along the lines of "get them!" before the villagers all descended upon them and dragged them into the dungeons. What he said instead was "Thank you." "You saved my life," he continued. "There's no telling what would've happened if you weren't there." Norrix felt the a rush of pure joy surge through his body, the kind only validation could provide. "Me and the other townspeople did some deliberating," another man in the crowd said. It took Norrix a few seconds to recognize him as the mayor of this village by his official garb, since he was rarely seen outside of his office. "We decided that you deserve a reward for your bravery. All the rent you owe will be waived. Additionally, you'll receive a significant sum of gold, as well as a carriage ride to a location of your choosing, for yourself and...any other individuals you might wish to take with you." The subtext was clear, and Norrix picked up on it right away. They wanted him to leave, and to take Keena with him. Still, it was a pretty generous offer, and not one unwanted by Norrix either. He'd been wanting to leave this town desperately every since he got there, and with a free ride to another village and enough money to get a new place, maybe in a big city with more demand for a monster expert, this could be the opportunity to make a name for himself. Norrix looked over his shoulder at Keena, who didn't seem to have any visible reaction to what was being said. "Well, what do you think?" he asked. "Would you go with me?" Keena shrugged. "Can we talk about this back at your apartment? I don't make the best choices when my ass is hanging out in front of everyone." Norrix turned back to the mayor. "Alright, I'll take my reward after me and Keena make our decision." The mayor nodded. "See me at my office when you're ready." Keena and Norrix made their way to the apartment building hastily, Keena's comment having reminded them of their public indecency. Keena followed closely behind Norrix, assuming that he knew the way better than her. Through the door they went, then up the stairs, and finally through the door to Norrix's apartment which was slammed forcefully behind them. "Sorry, I know it's a mess in here," Norrix said, as Keena tiptoed around the scattered papers on the floor, not wanting to step on them in case they were important. "Let me just..." Norrix bent over, and scooped as many papers as he could into his arms, leaving them in a mess pile in the corner. This left enough room for Keena to comfortably maneuver through the room. Norrix sat himself at the edge of his bed, and Keena sat herself beside him, the frame creaking audibly beneath her weight. Their closeness meant that Norrix got a good whiff of Keena's musk. It was similar to the body odor she has as a werewolf, but a bit less potent, and different in some subtle ways. It was more...human, for lack of a better term, smelling more of unwashed flesh than unwashed fur. "So yeah," Keena said, exhaling. Norrix tried not to let the warm cloud of dank breath that she blasted into the area around his face distract him from what she was saying. "Listen, if you want to leave this town, don't let me get in the way of that, alright?" Norrix nodded. "Of course, you're free to stay if you want." "That's the thing!" Keena said, exasperated. "I don't *want* to stay, but I have to." Norrix cocked his head. "You don't have to. I'll have more than enough money for the two of us." "It's not about the money," she said. "Do you know how I ended up here in the first place?" Norrix thought about it for a moment. He was so focused on the fact that there was a werewolf attacking his town, he hadn't payed much thought to where she had come from. He was disappointed in himself, something like that should've occurred to a scholar like himself. Did she even live in this town at all? Norrix hadn't lived there long, and spent most of his time inside studying. Maybe she had been there the whole time and he simply hadn't noticed. Then again, a woman like Keena wasn't easy to ignore. Keena took a deep breath. "Well, the short version is: I've spent most of my life moving from town to town, getting kicked out for, well, obvious reasons. Anyways, eventually I got tired of getting thrown out of places, so I made a deal with the mayor of this town. I spent most of my time living in a camp in the woods just outside of here, and when it's a full moon I lock myself in a chamber underneath the village until sunrise. It's supposed to keep me chained up so I don't escape and hurt anyone. I don't know what happened, I've never broken out before...Anyways, unless the place you're planning on taking me to also has a specially designed werewolf cage, it's not gonna work, sorry." Norrix knew it was selfish to feel this way, but he couldn't help but be offended by Keena's story. Had it not occurred to the villagers to tell the monster expert about the werewolf that was living underneath them? He forced himself to get over it, as Keena was the one whose problems most needed addressing. "What makes you think you need to lock yourself up?" Norrix asked. "The part where I turn into a giant wolf monster that tries to eats people?" "I don't remember you eating anyone last night," Norrix said. Keena looked down. "Listen, I really appreciate you helping me out, but what happened last night was a fluke. The only reason why I didn't maul you is because you put me into a food coma." "I guess I'll just have to put you into a food coma every time there's a full moon then." Keena bit her lip. Norrix's unwavering magnanimousness was incredibly frustrating. The fact that he was so clearly sincere made it worse. Why couldn't he just agree that it was hopeless and move on? "Do you...do you really think you could do what you did last night again. I mean, if you make one mistake..." "I promise, as long as you're with me, you won't give anyone a single scratch. I've spent years studying how to deal with monsters, and we have at least one example of my methods working. You shouldn't be forced to live away from people, or be locked in a cage. If you want to leave, to live a normal life...I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen." Keena's feelings were like a tangled ball of yarn, all jumbled up together and difficult to unravel. It took her a while, but she realized that what she was feeling was fear. Not of failure, but of success. What if Norrix was right? What if she could start a new chapter in her life. There would be no more running, no more worrying about hurting the people around her, no more dreading that one day every month when the full moon rises. There were a few seconds of silence before Keena finally spoke. Her voice, normally boisterous, was reduced to barely a whisper. "When I transform, it's like...it's like a nightmare. I'm still aware of everything around me...but it's not like I'm being possessed or puppeted. I'm still in control, it's just that my mind is different. The thoughts that I have...you have no idea how awful it feels to become someone else to want to do those things. I spend so much time trying to be a good person, and then I'm just...turned into something evil and cruel because of something I can't control. But the one time...the one time I felt like myself again was when I was with you. It was like you took control of me, and that gave me control over myself again. You reminded me that I wasn't a monster. I can't thank you enough for that, and if you say you can do it again then I believe you." Once again there was silence, and it was up to Keena to break it. "Is it alright if I kiss you?" Keena finally said. Norrix smiled and nodded. Keena yanked him close so their chests touched, pressing her lips against his. It was a brief kiss, though a passionate one, though the fact that Norrix was left sputtering from her gross doggy breath lessened the romance somewhat. "Oh, sorry," Keena said, catching a whiff of her own breath and realizing how unpleasant it'd be for someone not acclimated to it. "No worries," Norrix said. "With all the time we'll be spending together, I'm sure I'll get used to it. Anyways, I should get packing. Is there anything from your camp that you want to take with you?" "Nah," Keena said. "Though...didn't you say that you wanted to examine me first?" "Oh, I almost forgot!" Norrix said, diving towards the stack of journals he'd created. "Give me one second..." He leafed through the pages of the leather bound notebooks until he found one that was completely blank, a clean book for the brand new chapter of he and Keena's lives that was about to begin. "Now," he said, tucking the journal underneath his arm. "The exam I want to perform requires some contact with some of the more, uh, intimate parts of your body. Is that something you're comfortable with?" Keena felt that his formal question deserved an equally formal answer, and yet she found herself saying "Oh, I'm more than comfortable." Norrix smiled, but his grin was more sweet than shy, so Keena wasn't sure if he'd picked up on her innuendo. "To start, could you open your mouth, please? I'd like to get a closer look at your teeth." Keena did as she was told, opening her jaw an impressive amount with an "aaaaaaah." Norrix wisely chose to take a deep breath and hold it before he got any closer, knowing that he would get an unpleasant whiff of Keena's unwashed breath otherwise. Luckily, he wouldn't need to hold his breath for long, as the notable features of Keena's maw were obvious. He inserted both of his hands into her mouth confidently, stretching her lips and cheeks out with his fingers to get a better look at her teeth. Her canines were deserving of the name-though smaller than they were in her Lycanthrope form, they were as sharp and pronounced as any feral wolf's. All of her teeth were exceptionally long and pointed. Though they were stained with neglect, there weren't any visible cavities or decay as far as Norrix could see. In addition to being viscous, and ideal for tearing meat from bone, her teeth were exceptionally numerous too; Keena seemed to have four or five more teeth on each side than a normal human would. "That'll be all, you can close your mouth now," Norrix said, finally releasing his pent-up breath with a sigh and withdrawing his fingers. It took a forceful tug or two to finally yank his index finger from her lips, which'd formed a stubborn seal around them as they closed. He caught a brief whiff of Keena's halitosis as she shut her jaws, but it wasn't anything he couldn't tolerate by this point. "Alright, what's next?" "Well, uh, it involves your, uh, rear, so if you don't mind..." before Norrix could finish his sentence, Keena was bent over before him, with her thick rear up in the air and pointed towards him. She did it in a way that was so casual that it couldn't even be interpreted as sexual, she simply thrust her well-padded ass and muscular thighs upwards as though it were no big deal. Norrix gulped. "I'll also need to undress you." "Go right ahead," Keena said. Norrix's clothes already covered her so scantily that he barely needed to remove them. Still, he undid the knots that were just barely holding them in place, tossing the outfit to the other side of the room. That particular set of clothes would need to be retired, as he wouldn't be able to undo the way that Keena had stretched them, nor wash out the stink she had no doubt rubbed into it. Luckily, he had a half dozen identical pairs in his closet. Norrix placed his hand just above Keena's bare, fleshy bottom, on the small of her back. He applied some pressure to the area, feeling around until he found what he was looking for. There was a bulge there, far more pronounced than an ordinary human's tailbone, the sort of thing that only a creature that actually possessed a tail should have. "I'd like to ask you some questions as well," Norrix said, as he traced his fingers upwards, along the length of her spine. "Yeah, sure. What do you wanna know?" "Did you experience puberty a few years earlier than your peers?" "Yeah, how did you know?" Keena said, shuddering as Norrix traced his hands back down to where they had started. "I have a theory about you, and everything new I learn seems to confirm it. Did your growth spurt make you significantly larger than the other girls as well?" Norrix moved his hands up her spine one last time, before burying them in her hair. He wasn't surprised that it was coarse from dirt, but even discounting that it had an unusual texture. "You see how big I am now, right?" she said. "Of course. When was the last time you got a haircut?" he said, trying to sound like a professional medical examiner rather than a judgemental parent. "A few weeks ago, why?" Norrix looked down at the hair in his hands, a messy tangle of semi-straight black strands that reached all the way down to her exposed behind. "Do you find that your body hair grows rapidly as well?" Norrix could see that Keena's legs were mostly hairless, though the welts and scraps that covered them from top to bottom indicated that they had been shaved by an unskilled hand. If he looked closely enough, he could see the new, coarse follicles of dark hair budding up through the skin. "You have no idea. When I don't shave my legs I can't wear pants without getting crazy sweaty." Norrix took his hands off of her for a moment. "You can stand," he said. Keena got off her knees and turned to face him. She couldn't help but feel charmed by the polite way he instructed her. Had he not asked so nicely, she might not have been so compliant. Norrix did his best to maintain eye contact rather than letting his vision drift lower, though their comparative heights made this difficult. "And that brings myself to my next question, do you perspire frequently and excessively?" "Take a whiff, does that answer your question?" she said, raising an arm to expose the sweat soaked tuft of fur lurking beneath her armpit and the steamy musk that came with it. A simple yes or no would've sufficed, but getting a smell of Keena's body odor was certainly illuminating. "And how about an increased appetite, thirst, faster and more efficient digestion, perhaps the need to ingest certain things that would otherwise be undigestable." "Well, you know the answers to those first few already," Keena said, tilting herself forwards, as though she was trying to force her naked breasts into Norrix's field of vision. The slight, teasing smile which she was trying and failing to wipe from her face suggested this was the case. This gave him a look at her belly too, still bulging slightly from either built-up gas or still yet undigested meat from the previous night. "And as for that last one, I did eat someone's leather shoes when I was younger." "And how about, uh, more frequent and larger eructions, flatulence, and bowel movements, even in proportion to the amount you eat." Luckily, Keena chose not to give a demonstration like she had with her sweat, instead flashing Norrix a look that told him that the answer was obvious. "So, what are all these questions and all this fondling supposed to prove, exactly?" she asked. "Well," Norrix said, his eyes lighting up at the opportunity to talk about his interest. Keena couldn't help but admire his visible passion, and leaned forward with intrigue. "There are two ways a Lycanthrope can be created. The first, and most common, is when another werewolf chooses to bite a human rather than eating or killing them. The bitten human will be transformed into a werewolf every time there's a full moon. On all other days, they will be completely indistinguishable from their fellow man. That's what makes them so dangerous, often they don't even know that they've been infected at first." "I don't remember getting bitten," she said. "Well, that gets me to the second kind. Rather than being infected by Lycanthropy when bitten, they are instead born with it. This only occurs when a werewolf impregnates a human, or is impregnated by one while they're transformed. Instead of being the same as any other human except when transformed, this type has certain distinguishing features and attributes as a result of their unusual conception. They are extremely rare, but the traits that have been documented include a larger stature, certain lupine mannerisms or features, accelerated puberty and increased hair growth, a craving for meat and a larger appetite overall, all of which you have. They transform during the full moon just like the first type, though they tend to be larger and fiercer when transformed." "You're damn right I was large and fierce," she said with a toothy smile, taking every one of the traits Norrix listed as though it was the sweetest compliment. She knew she was huge, hungry, and hairy, and she liked being reminded of it. "So, you think I'm the kind that was born like this?" "I'm almost certain. I'd like to perform some further examinations on you at a later date. It's been so long since a Lycanthrope of your type was able to be observed at length, there's no telling how much I could learn." "Fine by me," she said. "Oh, and you don't have to feel weird about telling me that my mom fucked a werewolf," she said. "I already figured she'd done something like that. The way she talked about her first husband, I figured he was at least an ogre or something. Anyways, got all the info you need?" "Well, there is one more question I didn't ask, but since I'm already certain of my conclusion I don't think it's worth asking." Norrix bit his tongue. He had a good reason for not asking that last question, and now Keena wasn't going to let him get away with not telling her. "Oh, what is it?" "It's not important. We really should get going. I'll need some time to gather my papers before we go..." "Come oooooon, tell me." "Fine," Norrix said, gulping, knowing that she wasn't going to back down.. The last few inquiries on his mental checklist were the most salacious yet. "Well, the last question was if you possess, uh, increased libido, uh, what you could call a 'hair trigger' sexual arousal, and an unusually large, errr...*gulp*" "Why don't you see for yourself?" Keena said, grabbing Norrix's head and forcing him to look down at her fat, meaty pussy. Even with her dense pubic bush in the way, he could still see her puffy, exposed labia folds, the wetness that had accumulated both on her crotch and in a puddle beneath her, and finally her engorged, throbbing clitoris, with an erection to match Norrix's own. "Don't get too cocky, this isn't all from just now," she said. Like every other part of her body where sweat and hair were allowed to accumulate uncontrollably, Keena's cunt had its own unique and powerful musk, by far the most intoxicating she had to offer. "I'm still all pent up from last night...I don't know what it is, but being stuffed to the brim with meat and having my stomach rubbed got me fucking soaked. I know you've already done so much for me, so I shouldn't be demanding any favors...but I'd really appreciate it if you finished what you started." Keena's innuendos and subtle flirting made Norrix stammer and blush, but somehow her direct proposition elicited nothing but confidence from him. "I disagree. I think I do owe you. Not just for leaving you pent up, but for giving my an opportunity to put my studies to the test not once but twice. Last night I got to use my knowledge of behavior...now let's see if I remember what I learned in anatomy class." Keena throw herself backwards onto the bed, legs spread just wide enough to give Norrix the access he needed. "You strike me as someone who did well on tests," she said, Norrix crawling onto the bed and then onto Keena, straddling himself over her chest with his smooth, scrawny thighs, as pale as porcelain. Norrix looked down at her and nodded. "I know some students who knew everything there was to know, but when the time came to actually take a test they got nervous and cracked." "And you?" Keena said. Norrix could feel her quickening heartbeat underneath him, and Keena could feel the throbbing of Norrix's erection which tented his boxers above her. "It was when I was at my most confident." Though Norrix hadn't intended it at the time, his exam had given him a good idea of where Keena was the most sensitive. He reached underneath her, gently tracing his finger down her back in the way that'd made her shudder before. Instead of starting at the bottom and moving upwards, he started at her neck, then went down to the small of her back, and beyond, cupping his hand around a fleshly cheek. He squeezed it as hard as he could, enough to feel the solid muscle that was underneath that generous layer of ass fat. Norrix could feel Keena's chest rapidly rising and falling as she panted. She looked into Norrix's ice blue eyes, and saw something in them that she hadn't before. Though they were always lively, they were now filled with a passion of a different sort-passion in the traditional sense, a look of pure, enraptured lust. Keena imagined that her eyes gave off a similar energy, and she also figured it wouldn't be long until they were rolling back into her head. While Keena's breaths were fast and shallow, Norrix took deep, deliberate ones. Norrix leaned forwards, running his hands through the brunet jungle on her head. The way he touched her tangled locks was so different now than it was before when he was trying to get the information he needed. Norrix's examination certainly hadn't been a ruse, an excuse to get his hands on Keena. That was a medical exam, this was a different beast entirely. Norrix searched his brain for anything else that Keena had responded well to in the past. He recalled her positive reaction to being called a "good girl" during her rampage, and he figured she could use a reminder. "I want you to touch yourself for me," he said. Keena's hand reached down for her loins almost instinctively. She ran her finger slowly and subtly between her folds, not wanting to make herself climax before Norrix could get his chance. The scholar looked down at her and smiled. "You're such a good girl," he said as he ran her fingers through her hair, undoing some of the knots that had accumulated there, perhaps deliberately, perhaps not. Keena opened her mouth, wanting to say something flirty in reply, but she found herself at a loss for words. Norrix's touch may have thrilled her, but his words left her entirely disarmed. That utterance of "good girl," was the trigger, and the accumulated weight of everything that'd happened over the last night and a half was dropped on her at once. From their initial encounter, to his kindness towards her in the face of danger, to the way he rubbed her stomach as she gorged herself, his arms around her as she drifted off to sleep, his smaller but supportive body still around her when she woke, their kiss, that intimate exam, the way he was touching her just moments ago, and finally to those two simple words, to his ability to command, so subtle, and so kind, so powerful that it could exist in someone as shy and slight as him, and enrapture someone as huge and powerful as her. He could make her do anything, not because he wanted her to, but because he could make her want it. Because doing it would make her a good girl. She was pushed over the edge from simple arousal, into a dreamlike state where she was both keenly aware of every one of the pleasures that surged through her body, from the subtle pressure behind her ears while he caressed her hair to the tingling tautness of her gut to the throbbing ache of her pussy left painfully unsatisfied by her own touch, and yet, she was also profoundly unaware of her surroundings, her thoughts strewn into a million pieces and scattered to the wind, until she no longer had thoughts but pure sensation. "That's enough," Norrix said, and Keena removed her hand. He dismounted from her chest, and crawled over to the edge of the bed. One hand was laid against her swollen stomach, the other on her clit, both rigid, engorged, and in desperate need of relief. And for a few seconds, all his hands did was lay there. "Wait," Norrix said. "Not yet. I want you to beg for it. Good girls beg." "Pleaaaaaase..." Keena whined. She could barely recall the most basic of words in her current state, but she was willing to move mountains if it meant getting relief. "I want to cum, please. I'm a good girl, just let me cum." "Very good," Norrix said. His left hand rubbed small circles around Keena's stomach, while the pointer finger of his right slipped easily into her due to the abundant presence of natural lubrication. Norrix's earlier remark about anatomy lessons had just been a joke. He hadn't actually taken any classes on how best to make a werewolf cum, at least, not from what he could remember. Keena wasn't exactly hard to crack, though. He could determine what was best by the buckling of her hips, the clenching of her chest, or the audible moans that his touch elicited, which sometimes turned into belches because of the pressure he was putting on her stomach. Both his belly rubs and his upward rubbing with his crooked finger sent a tingle to her navel. The two sensations built off one another, growing until they finally erupted into an climax that pushed Keena deeper into her dreamstate of pure sense until her orgasm finally subsided and she permitted herself to return to reality, panting, sweaty, and utterly satisfied. She wasn't sure if Norrix had been touching her for eons or an instant, but however long it was she wanted to live in that feeling forever. "Remember earlier when you asked if I could get you under control again? Is that enough proof for you." "Yeah...phew, I think you proved your point," she replied, collapsing into her pillow. Her head shot up again as she recalled that she had squirted violently during her climax. "Oh shit," she said, looking in horror over Norrix's shoulders at the papers laid at the feet of his bed which were now thoroughly soaked in her fluids. She watched, disheartened, as the ink ran off the pages and dissolved in a translucent puddle of girlcum. "It's fine," Norrix said reassuringly. "I'll have plenty of time to make new notes while we're on our journey." "Oh right, almost forgot about that...but in my defense, you made me almost forget my own name too. Did we ever decide where we're actually going? I'm fine with just about anywhere, I just want a change of scenery." "Well, there are large regions of the Salmor forest which haven't been properly explored, there could be plenty of interesting things to study or discover there. It's not terribly far from my parents village either if we need a place to sleep. Then again, going to another forest isn't exactly a change of scenery for you." "That, and I'm definitely not letting you move back into your parents. You're given a once in a lifetime opportunity to make something of yourself with the skills everyone's told you are useless, and that would just be wasting it, even if you are still running around in a forest looking for rare goblins or whatever. This has to be a totally new phase of your life, like it is for me." "Well, how about your parent's place then? I don't think I've ever been there before." Keena rolled her eyes. "Even if you are being serious, they're in Midroux. Do you have any idea how far that is from here?" "No farther than it is from anywhere else," he said. "Besides, I've always wanted to visit Midroux. And if you want to talk about places where you can start a new life..." Keena's eyes suddenly lit up. "Shit, I can't believe I haven't told you this before." "What?" "You're not the first, uh, monster guy or whatever I met. Back in Midroux, there was this man...I hadn't transformed yet up to that point, I'm not sure why. Anyways, I was walking by, and he just walked up to me, and said he could tell that I was a werewolf at a glance, that he knew because he'd spent his whole life studying monsters. He said that it wouldn't be long before I started transforming, but that it wasn't the end of the world, that I could still life a normal life. I thought he was just a crazy old man, but it turns out he was right. Maybe he was crazy, and just got a lucky guess. Then he started talking about how he was doing all this crazy research on werewolves, how he thought he might've even found out where they originated from. So yeah, I guess he was just insane." Norrix brushed his finger underneath his chin "Do you remember what he looked like?" "Yeah. He had really long hair, ghost white. And his eyes were green, but like, bright green, like an orc with a sunburn or something." Norrix's own eyes seemed to brighten. "Did he mention his name?" "Maybe, if he did I don't really remember it." "Would you remember if I told you? Was it Nergus Syvethi by any chance?" "Yeah, that sounds familiar." Norrix looked so elated that Keena was afraid he was going to burst into flames. "I'm guessing you know who that is?" Norrix jumped off the bed, and started digging through the books that weren't covered in Keena's ejaculate until he found one titled "Introduction to the Study of Monsters Volume 1 by Nergus Syvethi." "Nergus is the greatest living man to ever study and write about monsters," Norrix said breathlessly. "Maybe the best who ever lived. We used his textbooks in all of my classes, at least, until he was discredited." That last word exited Norrix’s mouth with a bitterness that Keena wasn’t used to hearing from him. “What happened?” “Well, another researcher noticed that an unusual number of half-human half-monster hybrids shared Nergus’s distinct green eyes. It was later discovered that he had, in fact, been sleeping with a large portion of the monsters he had been studying. It was all willing of course, but the accusation was that his intimate relationship with his subjects made him biased, and all of his decades of research were thrown out, and his textbooks replaced with inferior ones. I protested his removal from the curriculum, I even wrote a scathing critique of his expulsion from academia in my Junior Year. It’s the only failing grade I’ve ever received.” “Wow...” Keena said. “That’s uh, something.” “Right, sorry. My point is, after he was exposed he didn’t just disappear from college textbooks, he vanished off the face of the Earth. Nobody’s seen him since, except...if he’s in Midroux, and he’s really close to finding out where the werewolf infection originated...we have to find him.” Keena sighed. “Well, I haven’t written to my mom in a while, should probably let her know that I’m still alive.” Was Norrix right about all this? And if Nergus was close to finding out where werewolves came from, maybe he was close to finding a cure too. Even if Norrix could pacify her every time, she would rather be free from her condition entirely. She would still need to find an excuse for him to cram meat into her mouth until she passed out once a month though. “Great. It’s settled then. To Midroux?” “To Midroux.” Norrix packed up his journal, as well as his spare school uniforms and some necessary toiletries. His textbook was placed in the satchel with them as well, so he could get it autographed when he finally met his idol. Lastly, countless pencils and pens were hurled into the bag, to help him fill the journal during their adventures. Keena didn’t have much at her campsite worth taking with her, save for the only actual outfit she owned. Since Norrix was understandably unwilling to loan Keena his clothes again, the naked young woman snuck into her temporary home in the woods, and emerged in a cleavage baring wooly jacket, wooly pants that showed off the musculature of her legs, a pair of hiking boots and a belt loosely tied. It smelled like it hadn’t been washed even once. The duo appeared at the mayor’s office promptly afterwords. He handed Norrix a fat sack of gold, and pointed out the window to their horses which were waiting out back. Keena mounted her steed, a massive Clydesdale with a muscular torso thicker than a tree trunk, and Norrix mounted his, a humble show horse with a shiny mane. The villagers let out a collective sigh of relief, as the two most irritating members of their town rode into the sunset. Norrix opened his map, and saw that Midroux was indeed farther away than he had thought. He had already made a commitment though, and he wasn’t about to back down from it. “Let’s see...the quickest way is through this forest. Then we can stop at the city of Thern...” “Do you think we’ll get attacked by monsters on our way there?” Keena asked. “We can only hope.”
The demon Demigra felt compelled to laugh. There he was, inside of the Time Nest, with the Supreme Kai of Time herself at his mercy. Seeing her in person, he was amazed that she'd managed to cause him so much trouble. She was diminutive, pathetic, and so very, very frightened by his presence. He could tell by the droplets of sweat running down her pink skin, and she tried in vain to run away from him. How foolish was she, to think that running could save her from someone with mastery of dark magic? While she attempted to flee, Demigra simply opened a portal, appearing directly in front of the terrified so-called goddess, who stopped dead in her tracks. "Hey, so, I'm really sorry about sealing you away for all those years," she said, continuing to sweat, hand nervously scratching the back of her head. "But, uh, I'm really, really sorry! So can we just call this even, and move on?" "Ah, if only it were that easy," Demigra said. "I could chose to forgive you...but that wouldn't undo the eons I spent imprisoned, would it?" "Well, hey, you shouldn't dwell on the past? Life's about moving forward, hehe? I mean, you're immortal, so there's no shortage of time you can use to make up for what you've lost..." "You're right!" Demigra said, the crimson-haired demon's lips turning into a smile. "And I'm going to make the best use of all the free time I've been given, starting by killing you!" The Supreme Kai of Time gulped. Demigra would soon be gulping as well, although, for a very different reason. Before her eyes, she witnessed Demigra transform into his true form. His relatively humanoid visage was no more. He was now a massive, hulking beast. He most closely resembled a dragon, with long, pointed ears and two black horns protruding from his head and shoulders. His skin was primarily blue, with a white underbelly, and a huge mane of red hair cascading down from his head. The lithe figure he once had, which suited a wizard, was replaced by bulging, rippling muscles befitting a monster. He ran his long tongue over his maw, lined with drooling teeth, as he took a lumbering step towards the terrified kai. "You know what the worst part about being trapped in that time rift was?" he said, his voice low and booming like the rumble of thunder. "N-no..." The Supreme Kai of Time said, backing away, only to find that she had been pushed into a corner. "I was so...very...hungry!" Demigra wrapped one of his huge, monstrous hands around the kai. He only needed the one, as his palm alone was nearly the size of her entire body. She struggled and strained against his grip, but not a single one of his fingers budged. The Supreme Kai of Time had impressive control over, well, time, but her physical strength was lacking. When it came to raw power, she wasn't much more of a threat to Demigra than an ordinary human. Demigra brought his hand and the struggling god within it closer and closer to his salivating maw. The Supreme Kai of Time could feel the hotness of his breath against her cheek, and she could feel the churning of his monstrous stomach, which hadn't been filled in eons. She tried everything she could to escape the steely grasp. She thrashed her body around. She tried sinking her teeth and fingernails into Demigra's skin, hoping to cause enough pain for him to release her. She even fires small blasts of energy inside the limited amount of space she had available. None of these succeeded in doing more than tickling the great demon's skin. She was forced to come to terms with the hopelessness of her situation, as the dragonic demon's mouth opened wider, wide enough to swallow her whole... Demigra deposited her into the wet, steaming cave that was his maw, his fangs blocking her exit like the bars of a cage as he shut his mouth. His long, prehensile tongue wrapped around the Kai's body, forcing her down into his throat. From the outside, his gullet could be seen bulging with the Kai's squirming form, descending down his throat, and towards the final destination that was his stomach. With another gulp, she landed in his stomach with a splash. She could feel the acids rising, as digestion began to take place. Kais were ageless, but not immortal, so there was nothing that could protect the Supreme Kai of Time from her fate. Still, she wasn't going out without a fight! The feisty goddess squirmed and thrashed, throwing all of her negligible weight against the walls of the beast's stomach with all her might. This accomplished little more than making Demigra's already swollen gut bulge and shift unnaturally with the outline of the Kai's thrashing form. Perhaps it delayed her digestion slightly, but it could not prevent it. "Hey, settle down in there!" Demigra said, giving his gut a forceful smack. This sent the Kai flying against the back of his stomach, stunning her temporarily. "There, that's better. Just relax, and digest, this will all be over soon..." She didn't have much of a choice. Demigra's acids were slowly, steadily melting her down. The Demon's belly went from rigid and bloated to soft and drooping, as the Kai was churned into fat and nutrients for his body. She would no doubt make a significant contribution of power to the demon king. What remained of the Kai made its way through Demigra's intestines and into his bowels. His stomach cramped, and his asshole flexed. His body was trying to tell him something, and that something was that the Supreme Kai of Time, or what was left of her, was ready to be released. The beastly demon squatted down, spreading his muscular thighs, to allow enough room for what he was about to push out. With a monstrous grunt, he squeezed. Something quite solid, and oddly shaped was making its way out of his asshole! He had no idea what the hell this thing was, but judging by the feel it gave as it exited his asshole, it definitely wasn't an ordinary turd! It landed on the grass with a plop. Demigra turned around, to see what it was that had just exited him. Well, it was definitely shit, although it wasn't a solid, dense log like he would expect to see. Instead, it was a chunk of shit nearly exactly the same size and shape of the Supreme Kai of Time herself. Apparently, something strange had happened in his bowels had that caused him to expel a perfect shit-statue of the Supreme Kai. He couldn't help but smile. Being immortalized in filth was the most appropriate fate for Chronoa that he could think of. And besides, it was much easier to keep her as a trophy this way, and all who saw the shit-statue would know what exactly had happened to the Supreme Kai of Time and who had done it to her. It would be the first part of his new kingdom in Toki Toki city, a warning to those who would oppose him. He could already feel the Supreme Kai of Time's power rippling through his body. With her strength absorbed, he could take revenge against the other gods. The Gods of Destruction, the Angels, perhaps the Grand Minister himself! Demigra gave his once again flat stomach a pat. It gurgled in response. Soon, his appetite would be sated, his power would know no bounds, and his garden would be filled with statues of his enemies.
 The receptionist with the cherry red hair fanned her nose, as the hulking green giantess glared at her, assaulting her nostrils with her putrid breath. Jessica had smashed her way into the Sintcorps building after defeating the goo girl they had guarding their entrance. Now that she was inside, she could finally arrange a one-on-one meeting between herself and the CEO, the one responsible for the attempt on her live that'd mutated her in the first place. "Let's see..." the receptionist said, typing away at her computer. "I can squeeze you in between 1:30 and 2...over my dead body!" The receptionist threw a smoke bomb in Jessica's face, temporarily blinding the atrocious amazon. The receptionist vaulted over her desk, stripping off her pantsuit in a flash, revealing the skintight crimson bodysuit she wore underneath. In one hand she held a glimmering short steel sword, in the other, a fan of throwing knives between her fingers. "Even the receptionist? Seriously?" Jessica rubbed her eyes until her vision returned, but by time she recovered, the receptionist was already gone, having vanished in the cloud of smoke. The burning scent of the smoke grenade temporarily numbed Jessica's sense of smell, allowing the ninja to sneak up behind her, blade drawn. This would prove to be a serious error on the reception's part. Unlike foes she had fought in the past, Jessica's backside was not synonymous with her most vulnerable side-far from it. Having guessed that the receptionist would try for a rear assault by the fact that she was a ninja, Jessica retaliated with a well-timed fart. Since she had such precise control over her bodily functions, Jessica opted for a soft but particularly smelly fart as opposed to a forceful one, leaving her stunned and gagging instead of flying across the room. This was a wise choice, as the best way to combat such a nimble opponent was to make sure they always remained within reach. A thick, dark green cloud emerged from Jessica's nude cheeks, with a particularly wet and rumbling sound. *BWwWwwWooOOoOOORrrRtTt* The receptionist thought that Jessica's breath was putrid, but it was a gentle lavender breeze compared to what her ass had to offer. The dark green smog clung to her, hovering around her head like a swarm of flies, refusing to give her even a second's respite from Jessica's unholy bowel odor. The ninja's primal, instinctive reaction of disgust overrid her combat training, leaving her sputtering, dazed, and therefore vulnerable. Although Jessica was facing away from her, she could tell that her opponent was open to an attack by her wheezing. Jessica whipped around in an instant, hitting her opponent in the the head with a spinning clothesline and knocking her clean on her ass. She pushed herself back to her feet with her hands, dropping another smoke bomb and and sprinting away until there was a good few feet of distance between herself and Jessica. She'd come to the same realization that The Biohazardess did-she was at a disadvantage when she was at close range, that is to say, at smelling distance of the putrid green beast of a woman. Before the smoke cleared, the receptionist hurled five of her knives through the cloud, so Jessica couldn't see them arcing through the air until it was too late. The blades emerged from the puff of gray smoke, burying themselves a few centimeters deep; two in her left shoulder, one on her right, one in her thigh and one on her stomach. The wounds stung, but they weren't too serious. Jessica took note of her injuries, this would be a good indication of her durability that she could use going forward. She pulled the knives out of her body, clenching them angrily in her fist. She let out a hot, smelly breath on them out of spite, reducing the ninja's presumably expensive weapons into melted metal sludge. The smoke cleared, but the receptionist had already changed her position. Jessica let out a sneaky squeaker of a fart, or at least, a squeaker compared to the bombastic blasts she usually ripped, to make sure that her opponent wasn't trying to sneak up behind her again. Then, she scanned around the room, trying to see where her nimble foe was lurking. She looked just about everywhere but above her, which was, unfortunately, where the woman was actually hiding. She dropped down from the ceiling, blade drawn, ready to slice this woman's head off, no matter how many cuts it would take. Jessica instinctively raised her arms to protect her neck, which was a wise move. The slice meant to decapitate her instead struck her forearms-once again leaving a rather discomforting would, but nothing close to fatal or disabling. The receptionist's ceiling strike was ingenious. One of the few places that Jessica couldn't easily or immediately send a blast of stink was upwards. In the time it would take for a fart to float up towards the ceiling, her enemy would already be gone, preparing her next attack. Jessica's stink may have been her strongest asset, but it wasn't her only one. Although it wasn't quite as fun to use, her superhuman strength was still plenty effective. With the ninjaess still clinging to her head, readying a follow-up blow, Jessica bent her knees, and launched herself skywards with an incredible leap. The receptionist was still attached to her, so she was slammed against the ceiling as Jessica soured upwards. The ceiling held, but just barely, cracking and raining down fragments of plaster onto the floor below. If only they still had a janitor. "Gah!" the ninja screamed out in a decidedly un-stealthy way, the blow to her head giving her whiplash and making her see stars, and not the kind she liked to see, which were throwing stars, burrowing into her opponent's vital organs. Instead, she was dazed, releasing her grip on Jessica's head, once again landing flat on her butt in a rather humiliating fashion. Jessica fell back to earth with a thud. The scratches and cuts in her skin still hurt like hell, feeling almost exactly like a paper cut, only spread out over a larger area. That wasn't the receptionist's intent, of course. She was aiming to main Jessica, not cause her discomfort, but the green giantess still would've rather gone without then. "Ah, shit, ow..." she said, her hand going from wound to wound, rubbing them in an attempt to soothe the pain, when in reality she was just making it worse. Remembering that she still had a fight to win, she turned around. Predictably, the receptionist had already vanished. The fact that she should've seen it coming just made it all the more frustrating. Jessica was tired of this back and forth the two had going, one where Jessica was failing to do any real damage to her foe. If things continued like this, Jessica was in for a death by a thousand cuts, literally. Unfortunately for Jessica, her gas, which was primary weapon was a limited resource. Sure, she could force out a pretty potent belch or fart at any time, but a real room rattler took fuel to produce. Instead of looking around for her ninja opponent, Jessica scanned the room for anything she could eat (though, technically the receptionist was also something she could eat). She spotted two garbage cans, one beside the receptionist's desk and the other against the wall. They were both filled to the brim, probably because there was no longer a janitor to empty them. Jessica approached the one by the receptionist's desk, full of all sorts of refuse that would be inedible to anyone but the filthy superheroine. There was quite a bit of recyclables mixed in with the trash, which made Jessica all the more determined to do away with this villainess. Jessica lifted the trashcan above her head, wanting to devour the contents as fast as she could, before the receptionist could attack again. Perhaps she was a bit too hasty, as she ended up swallowing the entire square plastic can in addition to the detritus inside of it. With a wet gulp, all the discarded food, plastic, and rubber was sent down her throat, landing in the stewing sewer of stomach acid that was her stomach. Her belly bulged out unnaturally; the square edge of the garbage can could be seen jutting out of her green flesh. While it looked as though it should've been painful, it didn't bother Jessica in the slightest. It had been a while since she had eaten trash, and she'd forgotten how delicious it could be! It had definitely supplanted avocados as her all time favorite food. She was so distracted by the lovely flavor of the trash, and the curious but enjoyable feeling of her gut being stretched that she forgot that there was a deadly ninja lurking in the shadows. It wasn't long before the receptionist lunged from her hiding spot again, her blade making a hissing sound as it cut through the air. "Don't interrupt me while I'm eating!" Jessica said, swatting at her with her free hand. Jessica's attack was not particularly deft, so it didn't actually make contact with the woman, but it was enough to block the path of her attack. So, she retreated back into the shadows until she could find a more advantageous angle, while Jessica looked for her next meal. Sintcorps didn't have time to fully brief her on the Biohazardess's powers before Jessica was already tearing down their door, so the receptionist didn't know that she should've been trying to prevent her from eating at all costs. The trash that Jessica consumed was being processed by her stomach already, the plastic, rubber, metals, and half-eaten food all being churned into digestive sludge. Jessica could feel a bubble of gas building, getting ready to rise up her throat, but she wisely chose to hold it down, wanting to store up as much gas as possible before she finally unleashed it. She made her way towards the second trash can, well aware of the fact that the receptionist could strike at any moment. If she attacked again from a less opportune angle, Jessica knew she wouldn't be able to deflect the blow. Luckily, Jessica could be quite the speedy eater when she put her mind to it. When she reached the second can, she didn't even bother pouring its contents into her mouth. Instead, she crammed the entire can into her maw, sending it down into her stomach with a single gulp. She'd eaten entire humans before, so a single trash can wasn't much of a struggle. Her stomach became even more asymmetrical and angular with the new addition. Jessica looked as though she should be in immense pain, but the only thing her stomach felt as full and satisfied. Her flesh may have been vulnerable to the receptionist's blade, but her stomach of steel wouldn't be, and that gave Jessica an idea. When the receptionist darted towards her once again, too fast for her to dodge, Jessica turned so her jutting gut was in the path of her blade. Instead of cutting through the green skin, her blade bounced off of it, deflected by both her seemingly invulnerable stomach and the solid matter just underneath it. Her sword went flying out of her hand and across the room. The receptionist scuttled after it, throwing a smoke bomb so Jessica couldn't attack her while she retrieved it. "It doesn't matter if your disgusting stomach is unbreakable. Next time I'll just aim for your head," she spat from behind a barrier of concealing fog. The receptionist hardly needed to bother with the smoke bomb. Jessica wasn't interested in retaliating against her until her supply of gas was replenished. With two trash cans worth of delicious refuse bulging out her guts, all she needed to do was wait for her system to boil them into gas so she could unleash them. With a digestive system as efficient as hers, she wouldn't have to wait much longer, although there was no telling how many more times her opponent would try to attack her this time. Her stomach blocking move could only work so many times. Luckily, she wouldn't have to wait long to unleash the other trick up her sleeve, and she was sure this one would work. Jessica's belly rounded and shrunk slightly, the jagged bulges turning into smooth curves. Loud gurgles and grunts were emitted from Jessica's stomach, as the churned-up trash was converted into clouds of smelly gas that attempted to bubble to the surface. Jessica kept her lips and ass clenched tight, wanting to save the pent-up burps and farts for one single explosion. She got an aftertaste of the trash she had eaten as her belch fumes drifted over her tongue. To any normal person, it would've been foul, but to Jessica it was delectable. After she was done with this assassin, she would definitely make it a point to eat from every last trash can in this building. Luckily, she wouldn't have to wait very long for the receptionist to be out of her hair. The result of her clever plan was currently pressing against her anus from the inside, desperate to get out. "I've had it with you hiding from me, throwing smoke bombs. I think it's about time you had a taste of your own medicine. Actually, make that a smell of it." Jessica opened the floodgates, and a characteristically huge and putrid fart erupted from her backside with a sound like a whale's mating call. BLLLLLLOOUUUURRRRRPPPPPPAAARPRPRPRPBBBLLRSSRRRRPPPPT In addition to the wet, bassy sound of Jessica's expulsion, there was also the meaty sound of her cheeks slapping together for the duration of the fart and for a few seconds immediately following it. From between Jessica's pulsating cheeks came a dark-green smog that spread throughout the space until it filled the entire room. The airtight doors that kept the reception area separate from the rest of the building to stop intruders was working against the receptionist now. The gas had nowhere to escape to, so it just lingered and drifted about, tainting the air with Jessica's awful ass funk. Jessica's ass gas was wretched under normal circumstances, but since this fart came from the aftermath of digested garbage its stink was magnified significantly. There was Jessica's usual blend of swamp ass and shit stink, now combined with the smell of burning plastic and the sour odor of trash. The receptionist stumbled out of her hiding spot coughing and sputtering. The mask covering her face did nothing to protect her nose from the stink. Every breath was agony, but she consisted through the dense cloud of fart fumes. She was more determined to kill Jessica than ever, now that the beastly woman had forced her to inhale her fetid gas. She was just doing her job before, but now it was personal. Unfortunately for her, defeating Jessica had just gotten a whole lot more difficult. It was difficult to concentrate or even move with her nostrils burning and pure stink invading her airways every time she inhaled. Her persistent gagging would make stealth difficult too. Worst of all, between the thick green fog filling the room, and her eyes watering from the stench, she was almost completely blind. She looked around the room for Jessica through a watery haze of fart fumes, but the heroine was nowhere to be seen. Using a stink bomb instead of a smoke bomb, Jessica had managed to turn the tables on her completely. Somehow the gassy green giantess was the one doing the silent, stealthy hunting, and the highly trained ninja was her vulnerable prey. All the receptionist could do was wander through the smoke, in the hopes that she could find Jessica before she found her. Little did she know that Jessica hadn't lost track of her for a second. Though Jessica wasn't nose-blind to her own flatulence, she wasn't repulsed or debilitated by it like her enemy was, and she had no trouble seeing through the lingering fumes either. She had a smile on her face as she watched the receptionist stumble across the room, one hand holding her sword and the other pinching her nose. Jessica could've taken her out at any moment, but it wasn't like the receptionist was going anywhere. She wanted to wait for the perfect moment, to give her a defeat that would be humiliating for her and amusing for Jessica. Though the Biohazardess's stink hadn't become any less potent for the minute or so it had spent lingering in the air, Jessica still felt like it could use a little freshening. Besides, she had started to fill with more hot methane from her meal, and was starting to cramp. BLLOOOUUURRPPPPTSHHHRRPT A slightly smaller but no less rancid fart came surging from her flexing anus. The vapors from this new fart cloud mingled with the old one, creating the mixture of the two that was darker, smellier, and more impenetrably thick. "There you are!" the receptionist said, lunging towards the sound of Jessica's sputtering fart with her blade drawn. Her bloodshot eyes matched the crimson of her hair, and the right one had developed a habit of twitching every few seconds. The pure disgust the receptionist was feeling made it harder for her to focus, and her movements were slower and less graceful as a result. Had her nose not been bombarded with the foulest thing she had smelt in her life, perhaps her sword would've collided with Jessica's flesh instead of the empty air. Jessica didn't even have to dodge. She simply remained in place, snickering as the ninja realized that her target wasn't there. "Where are you?" she roared. "You're getting warmer," Jessica said, positioning herself so she was directly in path of the stumbling receptionist, facing away from her. A few more lurching steps through the sickly smog, and the receptionist found her face stuck between the fat, sweaty green cheeks that had produced this rancid miasma in the first place. "Whoops, should've watched where you were going!" Jessica teased. The receptionist tried to wrench her head from the reeking trap, which smelled as though Jessica had neither washed nor wiped in weeks. Jessica's cheeks were like a vice, keeping her held in place no matter how much she struggled. Jessica could feel another fart bubbling in her bowels. As immodest as ever, Jess made no effort to restrain her gas. The horrible gale exploded out of her ass with the force of a shotgun, sustaining itself for five seconds before tapering off. The receptionist was treated to a continuous assault of Jessica's feted fumes, which were apparently even worse coming straight from the source. The receptionist screamed, pressing against Jessica's thighs, hoping to use them as leverage to push her out of her putrid prison. Jessica's glutes were just as superhumanly strong as the rest of her though. No matter how desperately the receptionist wanted to free herself from the sweat and shit scented cavern her face was sandwiched in, she was entirely at The Biohazardess's mercy. Not only was she unable to liberate herself from Jessica's ass, but she found herself pulled deeper into the crevice as time went on. It wasn't until Jessica's anus opened up to swallow her that she realized the superheroine was eating her alive with her ass! This prompted another scream from the receptionist, which was muffled as her head was enveloped by The Biohazardess's yawning asshole. The muscles of her sphincter pulled the ninja deeper, until she was shoulder-deep in Jessica's innards. Things got worse for the receptionist as she was pulled deeper into her foe's ass. Between the heat, the lack of oxygen and the pervasive smell of shit, she felt as though she'd been locked into a portapotty on the hottest day in July. There were also the constricting walls of Jessica's ass, which tensed and pulsated around her, dragging her closer to the final destination she was desperately dreading. A few more shrieks echoed through the hellish tunnel that was Jess's ass, but with how far in the receptionist had been sucked they were practically inaudible. "Mmmmf, you can't really beat eating the old fashioned way," Jessica said, gaining enough of her composure to finally speak after gasping and groaning for several seconds. "But I find that, hmph, sucking a snack in through the back end can be a fun change of pace...and besides, it's easier to tease your food when your mouth isn't full." Much to her dismay, the receptionist could still hear Jessica's voice through the turd-scented tube of flesh she was entombed inside. With her entire torso now inside Jessica's ass, and only her flailing legs left on the outside, her changes of escape had gone from unlikely to impossible. "Hnnng, I can feel another one coming. You might want to hold your breath." A fart blasted down Jessica's anus, but its journey was stopped prematurely. The receptionist was acting like a living buttplug, keeping Jessica's asshole sealed so her gas couldn't escape. Instead, it simply lingered in the air, making the smell inside Jessica's anal abyss even worse, which the receptionist hadn't thought possible. Never in her life had she experienced such pure, unbearable stink. Unfortunately, it would be the last thing she experienced as well. To make things worse, every second brought her even closer to the source of all that sickening gas, her foul-smelling final resting place. With a sound like a champagne cork being popped, the receptionist's legs were absorbed into Jessica's butt with a single suck. Jessica let out a sigh of relief, proudly patting her engorged stomach. The receptionist had experienced a typical turd's journey in reverse. Having been eaten by Jessica's ravenous butthole, she now found herself in Jessica's stomach awaiting digestion. She wouldn't have to wait very long either. Having thoroughly tormented the assassin with her ass, Jessica now just wanted her gone. Between her masterful control over her own digestion, and the fact that the receptionist was a scrawny, insubstantial woman, her body was annihilated in just over twenty seconds. Jessica watched as her stomach swelled, and then shrunk, and then inflated again as it filled with pent-up gas. With a huff, Jessica bent over and let it rip. *BRrRrRrrRRRRRrRRrRoOOoOOooOOoOOooOOOoOOOoooOoOOOOOOOooOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOoooooooOOooooOOOOOOooooorrrrPppppppPPPPpppp* Jessica's cheeks rippled and the walls shook as Jessica's ass erupted. Jessica let out a single continuous moan as gas poured from her ass in an unbroken stream. Her round stomach deflated like a balloon, its contents pushed out into the room through Jessica's anus. A pillar of dark greenish-brown smog from her rear like the trail of a rocket. Not a single piece of the receptionist's body nor scrap of clothing had been spared by Jessica's thorough stomach. Every bit of her had been churned into the stinky green gas that now spewed from Jessica like a volcano. Since Jessica had eaten the receptionist in a novel way, she wanted to dispose of her in an equally unusual manner, churning her body into a cloud of flatulence instead of a solid turd. She couldn't think of a more appropriate fate for her foe than ending up as one of the farts she had found so repulsive when she was alive. The fact that this fart had once been a human being was apparent in its size-Jessica had released many farts during her transformation, but this was her largest and loudest yet. The smells of Jessica's previous farts were all layered on top of each other with the odor of this new one into a mixture that she found absolutely intoxicating. Her recent fart's stench still had notes of the garbage she had devoured before, but they were overpowered by the stink of shit and the morbid smell of death that her belches contained right after she ate someone. If only the receptionist were still around to smell the putrid gas she had become. The stream of steam continued to flow with a brassy, sputtering sound, finally tapering off as Jessica's stomach flattened. "Phew," she said, fanning her nose. Jessica's anal assault had left the reception room in complete disarray. The paint on the walls was peeling, and a large crack had been left in the one that her ass had been aimed towards. The receptionist's steel chair had been reduced to a pile of melted metal, and all the wooden furniture was reduced to splinters by being blown around the room. Jess wanted to linger in the aftermath of her awfulness a little longer, but she had a job to do. She felt a twinge of regret when she opened the airlocked door out of the reception area, the accumulated stench dissipating as it rushed into the new space to fill it. She didn't spend too long despairing. There would be plenty more opportunities to enjoy her own gas as she devoured her way to Sintcorps CEO. The door out of the reception area lead to a hallway, and at the end of that was a trio of elevators. The only button she could choose was the "up" one, as she was at the bottom floor, so she pressed it and waited for the elevator to arrive. It stopped on her floor with a "ding," and the doors parted to let her inside. She was half-expecting another mutant to ambush her as soon as the doors opened, but instead she was greeted only by empty space, wood paneling and smooth jazz. Jessica stepped inside, taking a moment to look at the directory of floors. The boss's office was on the top floor, so that was the button she selected. This whole quest for revenge thing was turning out to be a lot easier than she thought. She had taken a few bad beatings and gotten some scratches, sure, but she had been at it for less than a day and already she was close to confronting the woman who had sentenced her to death. She wondered what she would do after her mission was achieved. Would she retire to civilian life, all stinky and gluttonous and green? Would she search for a way to reverse her transformation? Maybe she could start a broader campaign to protect the environment, churning up landfills in her stomach, shoving poachers into her smelly pits... Instead of ascending Jessica towards her destination, the elevator lurched downwards instead. The weight limit said 2000, and although Jessica had gained quite a bit of mass from her transformation and subsequent meals, she was still pretty sure she was still under a ton. Jessica was certain it wasn't her doing after the lights on the elevator started flickering chaotically. She cursed herself for thinking this would be easy. The kind of company that hired ninja assassins to work their desks wouldn't just let someone take an elevator straight to their CEO. Jessica felt the floor drop from under her as the elevator jerked again before plummeting downwards at a frightening speed. Jessica felt like she was on the world's worst rollercoaster as she made her rapid descent, the metallic screeching of the elevator scraping against the walls drowning out the soothing muzak. Jessica wondered how deep this thing went. It only took her a few seconds to find her answer, as the elevator slammed into the ground with a great crash and the clattering of metal. The elevator was left utterly annihilated, the dented doors open just wide enough for Jessica to squeeze through them. Had the Biohazardess been an ordinary human, the impact would've reduced her to a puddle. Instead, it merely knocked the wind out of her and left her with a few dark green bruises. After stumbling out of the shattered elevator, the first thing Jessica did was survey her surroundings. Her sight didn't do her much good. The remaining light from the elevator wreckage was only enough to illuminate the grey concrete ground immediately in front of her. Everything else was just an expanse of darkness in every direction, with no way to tell how far it went or what could be lurking in those shadows. Since her eyes weren't any help, Jessica put her nose to work instead. It only took a few sniffs for her to pick up on something unusual wafting through the air. It didn't reek like she did, but the smell wasn't exactly pleasant either. It smelled a bit like a parking lot immediately after it rained, mixed with the heat that came out of the back of an overworked computer. Whatever it was, it mostly just made her sad. Jessica covered her eyes as huge industrial lights came to life, illuminating the dark room in an instant. Once Jessica's eyes adjusted, she could see the contours of her environment more clearly. She was in what looked to be a subterranean warehouse that stretched the length of a football field. Despite how vast the space was, most of it was filled by cubicles. At each desk was a lone, hunched individual, their sullen grey faces illuminated by the glow of their computer screens. "What is this place?" Jessica said aloud. "This place is the largest job creator in Steelside," a voice said, belonging to a figure that emerged from between the rows of cubicles. Unlike the zombified workers that surrounded her, her crimson eyes were lively and filled with fury. Her flesh wasn't sagging and grey, but taught and porcelain, complimenting her short, neat, jet-black hair. Like Jessica, she seemed to have no compunction about nudity, though she appeared to be clothed at first due to the black tattooed that snaked across her body. Her most distinct feature were the two fangs that jutted out from her mouth. To make sure that Jessica didn't have any lingering questions about her nature, she sunk her teeth into the neck of one of the office workers as she approached. His flesh became more sunken as she drunk from him, until a skeletal corpse laid back in his chair. "Note to self, find a replacement for 572," she said to herself after belching. "Taking the whole corporate bloodsucker thing a bit too literally, huh?" Jessica said, readying herself for combat. It seemed like the gauntlet of murderous Sintcorp employees wasn't going to end any time soon. She scoffed. "Please, I'm far more thorough in my consumption than any mythical vampire. I don't let a single drop, nor a single form of fluid go to waste. By time I'm doing with you, you'll be missing far more than just your blood." "Are you going to tell me what I should call you? I want to know what I should write on your grave, after I'm done burying the pile of shit I'm about to turn you into." "After my mutation the Sintcorps scientists simply called me Subject 2. Since I was the manager of human resources...you can call me the HRorror." "Cute name, but you're still just a snack to me." Having already fought three supervillains in a row, and with more no doubt on the way, Jessica wasn't about to waste any time on this one. With a ferocious bad-breathed battle cry, she charged at the HRorror with her fist raised. The HRorror stood, motionless, a smirk on her face as the green giantess barreled towards her. Just as Jessica reeled her fist back to wallop her, the HRorror opened her mouth and belched a glob of something sticky and white right into Jessica's face. The blinded giantess released her punch, missing her target by a considerable distance. "What the hell is this?" she said, trying to peel away the substance that clung to her face and gunked up her hair. The vampiress responded with a haughty laugh. "Haven't you had someone cum on your face before?" This was the last place Jessica was expecting to be reminded of her college boyfriend.
Kara, otherwise known as Power Girl, was in an extremely lucky position. She was a Kryptonian, meaning that she had both extraordinary powers when exposed to the Earth's sun, but those powers would persist no matter what condition her body was in. In other words, she would be able to fly just as fast, and punch just as hard massively fat as she would when fit. Which is exactly why Kara chose to let herself go, to indulge in the most greasy and fattening of Earth's foods, because there was really no reason not to. She scanned the planet with her superhuman hearing, until she managed to pick up on a pair of women in Metropolis complaining that a particular food item would ruin their figure. "Perfect" she said to herself, launching off into the sky and landing at her destination, a humble hotdog cart, in a matter of seconds. The women, as well as the owner of the hotdog cart, stood in awe, stunned by the power and beauty of the tall, busty heroine. Kara herself seemed rather casual, taking a good whiff of the food as her toned stomach rumbled hungrily. "How much will it be for all of your hotdogs?" she asked. "For you, no charge" the owner replied. He wasn't able to charge a hero like her any amount of money, especially not one so beautiful. "Oh, thank you" she said, lifting the cart into the air, above her head, and giving it a gentle squeeze with her superhuman strength. It crumpled in her grasp, squeezing out all of the hotdogs so they were free to descend into Kara's hungry mouth below. She downed all of the dogs in a few bites, her toned stomach now noticeably flabby and round, stretching her suit slightly and making her look pregnant to any onlooker who wasn't aware of what her belly was really filled with. "Thank you!" she said, rocketing off into the sky to see if there wasn't another food joint she could plunder. The hot dogs were delicious, but they hadn't satisfied her, and she could certainly afford to eat a lot more. She scanned the whole of Metropolis again, to see if there was somewhere that could provide a more substantial amount of food to her. Her next destination was one of Metropolis's more popular burger places, a restaurant with an old-fashioned kind of feel to it, and the thickest, juiciest burgers in the whole city. Power Girl was surprised by how well the place had recovered since Bizarro punched a hole through it. She strolled right in, and was greeted by several enthusiastic fans of hers. Many were young man sheepishly asking for her to sign their books. Others were women dressed in cheap Halloween-costume versions of her breast-baring outfit, sticking their cleavage out to her and asking if she could sign it so they could show it to the other girls at their sorority. Yet others didn't approach her, and simply stared at her enticing cleavage while they enjoyed their meals. Everyone near her was slightly puzzled by the size of her belly, however, and rumors began to develop that the famous Power Girl might be a mother-to-be. Power Girl smiled, and made use of her superhuman speed, signing everything that was presented to her in the blink of an eye, and reducing the pen to a steaming, dripping nub from the force of her speed. She tossed the ruined pen into the garbage, as the crowd dispersed to brag to their friends that they added another superhero's name to their collection of autographs. Power Girl inhaled the delicious scent of burgers and fries that filled the place as she approached the counter, taking a seat on a stool that creaked slightly underneath her weight. Her distended belly pressed up against the underside of the counter too, making it difficult for Power Girl to squeeze in without simply shattering the counter into pieces. "Hey, can I get one Superman Special?" Kara said to the man behind the counter. as she glanced briefly at the menu to decide what she wanted to order. The man was kindly and old, with a round face and a heavy grey beard. He nodded, and sent her order to the kitchen, reminding the staff that they were serving a superhero, and should do their best to make a good impression on her. The Superman Special was the largest burger on the menu, and was big enough to serve a family of four and still have some left over for the next night. Kara was hoping to eat it all herself, though. Only a superhumanly proportioned burger could satisfy her superhuman appetite. After waiting for several minutes, and drumming her fingers disinterestedly on the counter, Kara's meal finally arrived. The burger was carried out by four waiters, in an attempt to distribute the burger's staggering weight. "I'll take that for you" Kara said, sliding her hand underneath the burger and bringing it to a nearby table with ease. She licked her lips as she took a seat in the booth, or at least, attempted to. Her stomach got in the way once again, and instead of trying to suck in her gut, she used her strength to uproot the table, tearing it up from the floor it was bolted to and moving it to the side until there was enough room for Kara to sit with her expanded stomach. "Sorry about that" Kara said, hoping her previous heroic deeds would be enough to let a little property damage slide. She felt increasingly bad about letting her reputation get her another free meal, though. She sent out a message to the Justice League, requesting some funds to pay for property damage and some more food, if she was still hungry. She hadn't forgotten what she came here for, though, as her gaze became fixed to the burger. It was just as enormous as advertised, with the approximate diameter of a large pizza, and standing at a towering three feet high. There were three thick, succulent patties with various vegetables and condiments sandwiched between them, and Kara could only imagine they were harvested from some kind of enormous mutant cow. She had a difficult time getting her hands around it, and with every second she held it, the condiments and juices of the meat would drip onto her uniform, so she decided to cram it into her mouth as quickly as possible. Her cheeks puffed out comically, like a squirrel, as the legendarily big burger passed her lips. She used all of her Kryptonian strength to swallow it without chewing, and it landed in her stomach with an audible plop. Her stomach doubled in size, and she could no longer be mistaken for pregnant, as the hotdogs she had previously eaten contributed some very noticeable bits of fat to her body. She was beginning to grow a second chin, and her cheeks were noticeably puffier too. Her thighs had thickened as well. Her stomach was no longer a tight, stuffed gut, and now took the form of a wobbly, flabby stomach that churned and sloshed. She was apparently a bit of a messy eater, too, as her white costume was stained slightly with the hamburger juices that dripped onto it, and her mouth was covered in a ring of sauce too. Fortunately, the fat she had gained hadn't neglected her breasts, and her famously large tits had grown an entire cup size. Needless to say, her uniform was stretched, and her chest seemed dangerously close to popping out of her infamous "boob window" She belched, patting her stomach with pride, as she was the first person in the restaurant's history to down a Superman Special all by themselves. The man at the counter rushed over to congratulate the bloated heroine, assuring her that the burger was free of charge, but she would still need to pay for breaking their table. At that very moment, Batman slipped inside, and handed the man a fistful of cash, before grumbling and vanishing in a cloud of smoke before he could even be thanked. Kara's stomach gurgled ominously, and before she could stop herself, she let out an *UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP* that shook made the walls of the diner shake. "Excuse me" she said, blushing. She decided it would be best to leave before her gassiness caused any real damage, so she flew off into the sky, floating high above Metropolis. Her body had gained a satisfying amount of flab, but she still wasn't quite satisfied with her size. She decided to rule out any more restaurants for her next destination, as she imagined her size would soon cause more trouble than Bruce would be willing to pay for. She finally discovered the ideal spot, though, in Gotham City. There was a factory that produced pastries and snack cakes and things of that nature, that had been long abandoned, but was still filled to the brim with abandoned products. The cakes never expired, and the factory was set to be demolished anyways, so if anything, it would be a service to the people of Gotham if she were to, say, fly in there, eat everything in sight and knock the building down with her resulting belches. She soared towards the factory in question, with her enlarged stomach and breasts wobbling as she flew, occasionally slapping against her. The enormous burger had finally been processed into fat too, and her body had gained another layer of pudge to display. Her stomach wasn't a large, round sphere of fat anymore, as it now sported several fat rolls that were clearly visible under her increasingly tight suit. Her breasts had finally grown too big for her top as well, and were free to wobble about outside of her suit. She wasn't very concerned, though, as she the place she was headed to was extremely private. She landed in front of the factory, with the ground splintering underneath her as she did. She stared up at it, and immediately knew it was from Gotham, with the gloomy, Gothic architecture. Of course, she knew that the buildings appearance was misleading, she was greeted by the sight of delicious, individually wrapped cakes as she entered. The machinery that produced and packaged them had been long abandoned, but the sweets still remained, piled from floor to ceiling, completely free for Kara to devour. She went to work, tearing the wrappers off of the cakes and cramming them into her mouth with superhuman speed, reducing hundreds of them into a sizable lump on her belly, and the crumbs and frosting stains that now covered her face and outfit. She stopped to belch between sessions of stuffing herself with cakes. Her burps seemed to be getting stronger as she fuller, and the old walls of the factory creaked eerily. Of course, Kara wasn't worried. This building was supposed to be destroyed, after all, and she was Power Girl after all, the entire building could fall on her and she wouldn't get so much as a scratch. After stuffing herself with another innumerable amount of cakes, something did eventually break, although it wasn't the building that surrounded her. Her suit itself was unable to withstand the pressure that Kara's increasingly fat form was putting on it, and it simply ripped open, allowing her belly to flop out and jiggle freely. Kara wasn't bothered in the least. In fact, she decided to help the process along, tearing off what remained of her suit and discarding it along with the wrappers she left behind. She was totally nude now, with nothing covering her incredibly obese form, which was looking increasingly like a huge blob of fat. Kara chuckled briefly as she imagined changing her heroic identity from "Power Girl" to something like "Blob Woman" Eventually, she finished the entire factory's inventory, and her hunger was finally sated. She had truly become a blob now, with ripping layers of fat jutting out from all sides, and all parts of her body so flabby and large that it was difficult to tell where one ended and the other began. She had neglected any sort of hygiene or manners during her binge, as she was covered in crumbs and frosting, and belched sloppily throughout, occasionally letting a bit of drool slip out of her mouth. Her stomach gave one last gurgle, as she could feel her final burp coming on. She made no effort to hold it back, opening her mouth proudly and letting the Herculean belch out into the open. The building crumbled from the sonic boom that Kara released. The walls split apart, and the ceiling cracked open. Bits of rumble rained onto Kara, but bounced off of her soft, fleshy body. Kara's meal had left her exhausted, and she laid lazily in the building's remains, naked and reduced to an enormous pile of naked fat. Kara couldn't be happier.
 Cia ran her hands over her taut, mocha-colored belly, which bulged and shifted visibly as the Hero of Hyrule struggled inside of it. His every slightest movement thrilled her, sending waves of pleasure that started in her stomach and moved to envelop the rest of her body. "Ah, Link," she said, her voice cracking, each word coming between a series of unrestrained moans. "I've waited so long for this, for us to be so close." He had tasted so unbelievably good, his flavor was beyond Cia's wildest expectations. He fought as he slid down her throat, but Cia knew that he was ultimately helpless against her lust, and her appetite. Despite his struggles, he entered her stomach. Her gut bulged out from her midriff-baring outfit, making her look as though she was massively pregnant. She couldn't keep her hands off of her belly, not only did it feel amazing to soothe her tight, stretched skin, but she could feel her precious hero's movements underneath her fingertips. The white-haired witch savored the feeling of fullness that he provided, she felt so gloriously bloated, so endlessly satisfied. Not only that, but the love of her life was a part of her now, and he could never leave her. Link wouldn't be digested, Cia couldn't stand the thought of being without her hero. No, she wanted him to be a part of her forever, struggling eternally within her guts. He would remain inside her stomach, and she would perpetually feel like she had just eaten the most delicious, satisfying meal of her entire existence. Link's struggles didn't subside, which was unsurprising. He was a valiant hero, so it made sense that he would fight her with every last ounce of his stamina. Cia's stomach was dank, compact, and above all, dark, so there wasn't much he could do besides thrash around chaotically in the enclosed space. It was hopeless, there was no way for Link to escape. Cia's stomach was empowered by her magic, making it unbreakable and inescapable. Well...perhaps not entirely. The power of the Master Sword posed a risk to her dark magic, but the sword was hidden away, deep in her lair. Since Link was alive, and to be trapped endlessly inside of her, he wouldn't be able to retrieve it, nor would he be able to reincarnate so another hero could come along and take it. In other words, he had lost completely, and there was no hope. Link's struggling wasn't entirely without result, however. In addition to giving his predator tremendous satisfaction, it also gave her quite a bit of gas. Link could feel the bubbles building up in her stomach, as one floated up towards her throat, resulting in a loud, wet belch from the witch. *Uuuuurrraaapp* She didn't bother excusing herself, despite how rude-sounding her belch was. She was preoccupied with the burp itself, as her eruction filled her mouth with Link's unforgettable flavor, giving her a second taste of the delicious hero. "Ah, so delectable," she said, coming to the realization that, if her gas persisted, she would never have to be without the Hylian Hero's taste. "Please, keep struggling," she said, practically begging as her fingers glided along her stomach, starting at the top and following the curve of her belly all the way down to her popped navel. Link didn't need to be told, as he was still flailing about. He had a better layout of Cia's stomach walls, now that he'd been in them for so long, so he could make enough room for himself to unleash full-on punches and kicks. Cia's stomach bulged visibly with the outline of his fists. Instead of pain, his attacks only granted her more satisfaction. Not only did she have the hero inside of her, but she had complete power over him too. Even his attempts at hurting her only added to her pleasure. He'd have no choice but to love her. Link's more forceful assault caused her gas to come on more suddenly than before, and with more force as well. A ripe belch ripped its way from deep in her guts to out of her plump lips in a matter of seconds. The hero's taste was even more potent now. She licked her lips, trying to savor every second that it remained on her tongue. Nothing lasts forever, and it was only a few minutes before the hero had bubbled away completely in her guts. The bubbling paste that was all that remained of him was absorbed into her body, adding a pleasant layer of fat to all of her feminine assets. The two of them were united forever now-Link would be with her for eternity in the form of her enlarged breasts and the pudge on her exposed midsection. As intimate an experience as churning the hero had been, her meal had failed to fully satisfy her. Luckily, there was a buffet of Links to devour across all of the timelines, and she had only just begun to sample them. ---- Link's journey was just beginning, and it was already about to come to an end. The Elven adventurer had received a green tunic, humble but functional sword and a sturdy wooden shield for his eighteenth birthday. They had both belonged to an ancestor of his, inheriting them meant that he had become a man and was ready to follow in his footsteps. "Be careful out there," his mother said. Round-eared and brown haired, she clearly wasn't related to him by blood, though she raised him as one of her own while still teaching him in the old ways of his Hylian people. He responded with a firm, self assured nod, as if to say "I've got this." His mother returned the silent gesture, and with that, Link left. Sword in one hand, shield in the other, and satchel at his hip, the green-clad young man ventured into the dense woods that surrounded the village. He hadn't left this place for as long as he could remember, and he couldn't wait to see what was out there. The glow of his village faded behind him, and the towering trees and ominous darkness of the forest surrounded him. Link kept a firm grip on his sword, but only because he'd been trained to do so. He wasn't that worried, what's the worst thing that could've been lurking in a forest like this? The "worst thing" arrived with a whirring sound and a flash of light that made Link jump. A portal appeared, and from it emerged something so unusual in shape. that it took Link a few moments to realize it was a person. It was indeed humanoid, if not human, and a woman as well. She wore a robe that looked like it may have fit her once, but was now unable to contain the waves of flesh that spilled out over it. Her breasts were enormous, each one easily larger than Link's entire head. Because her top was insufficient to conceal them, Link could see their prominent dark brown nipples as clear as day. All of the most womanly aspects of her figure seemed to be excessively large. Wide, voluptuous hips led to thighs as thick as an average woman's torso. Her ass cheeks were obscenely huge-round and wobbly, any piece of clothing she tried to put on it would've looked like a thong in comparison to its size. Her curves may have been exceptional, but her belly was by far her most outstanding feature. It wasn't exactly fatty. Oblong and entirely smooth, the oval shaped mass of flesh protruded about two yards out from her torso. At the end of her vast gut was a popped, swollen navel, making her look as though she was pregnant with a small army of full-grown adults. However, the low grumbles her stomach occasionally emitted suggested that this was the result of food rather than fertility. Her size wasn't all that made her unique though. White haired, brown skinned, red eyed, and radiating with a peculiar energy she was unlike anyone Link had encountered before. Something deep within him told him that he should be afraid of her. Link drew his sword and held his shield in front of him. He opted not to strike, as she didn't seem outwardly hostile, and Link didn't want to attack her on gut instinct alone. He glanced at her suspiciously from behind the protection of his shield. "We've met many times before," she clarified. "Though this is the first time you and I have seen each other." Link cocked his head. Was this some kind of riddle? The strange woman chuckled into her hand. "There are many versions of you across countless timelines. You just happen to be the last on my list." Timelines? What was she talking about?" "The truth is Link, I adore you. I simply couldn't get enough of you. So I devoured every last one of you, one by one, and now you're the only one left." Something about the way she talked made Link believe her. That, and the huge gut she was sporting made her look like she had indeed devoured an entire legion of his duplicates. If that were true, could it be that her exceptional curves were the result of his digested counterparts too? "Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you like the others," she said. "You're the last Link in existence, it'd be such a waste." Link had no reason to trust her, and even if she wasn't going to devour him, she made it sound like whatever else she had in mind was just as bad. Lowering his shield and raising his sword, Link jumped through the air, bringing his blade down on her in an arcing motion. He couldn't imagine she was very mobile with that enormous belly, which is why he was shocked when his blade didn't make contact. It all happened so fast that it took him a moment to realize why. She hadn't gotten out of the way; it was Link who had stopped moving. Link looked down to see that he was suspended in mid air, his body frozen in the moment right before he would've struck her. "My magic grows stronger with each Link I devour," she said. "You stand no chance of defeating me now, especially not-BOUR-HOOOOOURPH" Cia was interrupted mid-sentence by a resounding belch that shook the ground made the nearby trees shed some of their leaves. "You must forgive me," she said with a chuckle. "I'm still a bit gassy from the last one of you I ate. I'm not sure if he's fully settled yet." Link's eyes were immediately drawn to her vast, expansive stomach. She seemed to be right about her last meal. Link watched as a lump began to distend from a portion of her otherwise smooth, symmetrical belly. Looking closer, he discerned by its shape that it was an arm, being punched desperately against the walls of her stomach by someone trapped inside. He watched as the fist of her prey stretched out her gut several more times. He even saw the outline of a foot jutting out from her belly once or twice. The last thing he saw before the struggles subsided was a screaming face embedded in the round, tan flesh. Though it wasn't identical to his, the shape of the eyes, nose, and pointed ears of the prey's face confirmed that it was another Link. Now there was no more reason to doubt Cia's claims any more, and plenty of reasons to fear her. Cia pointed her finger downwards, causing Link to gentle float towards the ground, though his body was still frozen in place. She soon released her magic grip on him too, but before he could make another attempt to strike her he felt the sword vanish from his hand. "How pathetic. You haven't even found your Master Sword yet...though many BOoOOuuuRrrP of the other Links had, and it didn't seem to help them much." Hopelessly overpowered and without a weapon, Link considered making a run for it. Just as in every timeline, this Link's courage was unshakeable. Even in the face of impossible odds it compelled him to stay. "You have no reason to be afraid," Cia said. "I don't want to hurt you. I love you. Every time I devoured you, it was because I wanted us to be closer together. And it worked. We've become so very, very close...absorbed into my body, with me forever as fat on the most...intimate areas of my body." Cia clutched her breasts as they spilled fully out of her top. "Look at how big you made them," she said, squeezing and kneading the enormous orbs in her hand. "And now they're all yours. Since you're the last one left, you have the privilege of worshiping all the curves you helped create. Come, feel them." Link shook his head bitterly. Cia snarled. There was hatred in her eyes, burning hotter than the fires of Death Mountain. "Ungrateful...fine. It must be that princess, clouding your thoughts, turning you against me...I'll just have to break her spell over you. Then you'll learn to love me. Come here!" Cia restrained Link with her magic again. Instead of leaving him suspended, she yanked her immobilized body towards herself so his head landed in her cleavage. He was trapped between those fleshy mounds. The morbid fact that they were filled with all that remained of his counterparts never left his mind, even as Cia pushed them together with her hands, smothering him in pillowy breast flesh. "See? Aren't these so much better than Zelda's? Even before I started eating Links, I was still much bigger than that flattie..." Cia's cackles drowned out Link's muffled screams as he struggled to suck in air. Just when he was sure he would suffocate, Cia finally released him from his chesty prison. "See how lovely my breasts are? Don't you want to spend eternity worshiping my body?" Needless to say Cia hadn't won him over. Cia wasn't one to give up though. If Link wasn't going to worship her, and if convincing him wasn't working, the only thing left was force. Too furious to bother with magic, she wrapped her hand around the back of Link's head and shoved him against her churning gut. "There," Cia said breathlessly. "Worship my huge gut, or become part of it like the others!" Seeing no other option, Link did as she said. He ran his hands over Cia's stomach. It was surprisingly firm, but not quite rigid, with smooth skin and just a slight amount of give that let his fingers sink into the curved flesh. He was pretty sure he could still feel the other Link's faint struggles somewhere in that vast gut of hers. He tried his best to ignore it. If he was still in there, there was nothing he could do. BWwwOooOOOoooOOOoooOOOooORrrrPpppp "Oh, Link, your hands are so gentle, such a loving touch," she cooed after she was done unleashing the belch that Link's belly rubs had prompted. The scent of her gas was chillingly reminiscent to that of his own tunic. As if to drive the point home, a pointed green cap came flying out of Cia's mouth. The saliva-covered hat landed on the grass with a splat. "Excuse me!" she said, covering her mouth. "How rude of me to act so impolite in front of my lover." Link knew better than to think that Cia's sudden change in attitude would last, so he continued rubbing across the surface of her belly. He tried to move from one area to the other as he caressed it, not staying in the same place very long since there was so much ground to cover. He began to wonder how recently his alternate selves had been digested. She had eaten at least one Link almost immediately before coming to him. Could the wet squelching that Cia's stomach emitted as he rubbed it be the shifting and churning of the other Links' liquefied remains? He tried not to think about it. He avoided looking at Cia's face, focusing instead on her belly, which was large enough to occupy his entire field of vision with an expanse of brown. He could still hear her thunderous belches from above, and he could even feel the resulting flecks of spittle raining down on his head. "If only the other Links had been so obedient..." she said. "Maybe I wouldn't have eaten them. Though...you're doing such a good job that I don't need anyone else. We're going to have so much fun together...before you leave, why don't you give my belly a kiss." Link shuddered, leaning down and planting a kiss against her stomach. He swore he could feel the pulpy mush that was once the other Hylian heroes shifting around underneath. Cia shuddered too, but out of pleasure instead of horror. More than satisfied with her new slave's performance, she opened a portal that brought the two of them out of this timeline and to Cia's palace. The way the castle was decorated made Cia's obsession obvious. The walls were adorned with portraits of Link, and statues to the Hyrule of Hyrule were spread throughout the castle grounds. These were the last remaining evidence of these Links' existence besides Cia's curves. "Welcome to your new home!" the sorceress said cheerily. "I hope you like it, because we're going to have an eternity of fun here..."
 Bag made from genuine shedded naga skin. Stretchiest material and highest capacity you can find on the market!     -Sign outside of a merchant's shop. The forest became denser as the duo and their horses ventured deeper and the sun sank into the horizon. The shapes of the trees were more eerie and hostile, silhouetted branches hanging overhead like the grasping claws of some terrifying monster. Neither were particularly frightened. Norrix was too rational, and Keena too strong to let such things get to them. Their horses had neither the boy's knowledge nor the girl's power though, so they planted their hooves firmly in the mud and refused to go one step further until sunrise. "We should find a place to sleep," Keena said, dismounting from her steed. Norrix did the same. "Forget the horses, it's late and we both need to rest." Norrix nodded in agreement. "You're the expert on camping. What should we do?" Keena looked around. "Shit. Should've brought my camping supplies. There's no way I'm getting any sleep laying in dirt, and it's too late to go back and get them." "Maybe we could keep walking, and see if we find anything?" Keena shrugged. "Only thing we can do, I guess. Gimme one second..." Keena's nostrils flared as the sniffed the air, in all directions at first, and then favoring the east. "I'm getting something this way," she said, gesturing towards it. "Not too far from here. Not sure what it is, but it can't hurt to check. *GrrrrRRrrrrrrrLL* Keena laid a hand against her stomach, which had finally settled from a bloated food baby back to smooth, flat abs, and was now aching to be stuffed again. "And uh, hopefully there'll be some food there too. I was really starting to like you, it'd be a shame if I was forced to eat you already." "Please," Norrix replied. "There's not nearly enough meat on my bones to fill you. You'd be hungry again in minutes." The two exchanged a brief smile, before going deeper into the trees, letting Keena's nose by their guide. Though she couldn't put her finger on it at first, it became easier to discern the source of the smell the closer to it she got. There was an aroma of fur and dust, though an incredibly faint one. It was a scent that Keena typically associated with a heavy hunting jacket that hadn't been worn for ages. There were notes of sawdust and peeling paint too. When combined together, they formed a clear picture in Keena's mind, which is why she wasn't nearly as surprised as Norrix to see an abandoned cabin emerge from between the trees. "See? Not bad, huh." "I never doubted you for a second. Are you sure it's safe, though?" Keena took a series of rapid sniffs just to be sure. "Yeah, doesn't smell like anyone's been here for a while. The owner probably realized that living in the woods sucks and decided to move back to civilization. Can't blame them for that." Norrix whistled, summoning their horses from the treeline. Luckily, the cabin was surrounded by a fence which he could hitch them on. Meanwhile, Keena pushed open the cabin door, which had a lock, but one that was rendered useless by rust and neglect. Though Keena had given the place a thorough sniffing, she still half-expected to be pounced on by some fearsome creature as soon as she opened the door. She could take it in a fight, sure, but she still wasn't fond of being startled. Fortunately, the interior of the cabin was exactly as Keena expected it to be. The room was lightless, and the candles that once illuminated it had been reduced to puddles of melted wax in their sconces long ago. There was indeed a musty, fur-lined hunting jacket hanging up on the wall, but besides that the home was almost completely bare. The only furniture that remained was either nailed down or too heavy to lift. Perhaps it'd been picked clean by bandits, or the original owner had taken everything with them before they abandoned it. Keena peeked into the adjacent room and confirmed that there was at least a bed, which is all she and Norrix really needed. "Looks good to me," she bellowed to Norrix, who had just finished hitching their horses. He stepped inside, and took a look at the interior himself. At the very least, it was better than sleeping on the forest floor. "Did you find any food?" Norrix asked, as his companion's stomach emitted another guttural gurgle. "Hmph, doesn't look like it," she said, opening every last cabinet only to find them all empty. "Dammit," she snarled. "You could always eat one of the horses," he suggested sarcastically. "Don't give me any ideas," she retorted. "Are you telling me that you're not hungry too?" "A bit," Norrix said, resting a hand to his stomach. "I should be fine until we get to Thern, though." "Well, you haven't eaten since we left. I'm going to go out hunting, see if I can't find enough for the both of us. You should try to get a fire going while I'm gone, I figure you aren't as fond of raw meat as I am." Norrix nodded, not wanting to admit that he had no clue how to make one. He was, as he said, not terribly hungry, and if he was by time Keena returned the fact that the meat was raw would not be enough to deter him. "Alright, I'll try to be back in an hour or so. And uh, don't waste any time worrying about me, alright? I'm the most dangerous thing in this forest, it's all those tasty animals that should be afraid of me." Norrix smiled. "Have fun!" "Oh, I will," As soon as Keena left the cabin and shut the door behind her, Norrix could feel the bed beckoning him from the nearby room. Keena had made a request to him though and although it was outside of his skillset he figured he owed it to her to at least try. He stood hunched over the fireplace, one of the few notable things that remained in the otherwise featureless room. Norrix had read about fires being made in stories, and he was pretty sure he'd even seen it done a few times. He remembered something to do with striking two stones together, or was it sticks? Norrix stared cluelessly at the fireplace for a few more seconds. The fire was supposed to be for his benefit, not Keena's, so as long as he was the only one affected by it he could forgive himself for not doing it. Besides, considering Keena's appetite there probably wouldn't be enough meat left to cook after she was done with it. The swirling fatigue that clouded Norrix's head was because he was up unusually late for the second night in a row, not because he was hungry. It made the most sense to address the most severe problem first. He was sure Keena would understand. So, he threw himself onto the bed face-first, burying his head in the pillow. He was so sleepy, and the were sheets so soft that he was unconscious in a matter of minutes. Norrix would usually spend at least an hour downloading the events of his day, letting his thoughts buzz in his head like a swarm of bees before he finally drifted off, but not tonight. He was out cold, at least until an unexpected voice snapped him out of his slumber in a panic. "What are you doing here?" an unfamiliar male voice said, whispered and with a subtle lisp. The room was pitch black, and on top of that Norrix's vision was still hazy, so he couldn't make out the source of it, but the immense weight on his legs indicated that they were directly on top of him. "I just, uh," Norrix rubbed his eyes until they adjusted to the darkness. How long had he been asleep for? Should Keena have been back by now? "Me and my friend needed a place to sleep, and we figured this place was abandoned..." Norrix tried to wriggle out from underneath him, but the stranger's weight kept him pinned to the bed. If he intended to do Norrix harm, there was nothing he could do about it. "And you think that, *nnng*, gives you the right to just barge in here?" "I'm very sorry for intruding. Once my friend gets back here, I'll leave right away..." As Norrix's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see the figure that stood over him more clearly. His face was the first thing that came into view. He looked to be about Norrix's age, though he didn't seem to be as averse to sunlight since he sported a healthy tan. He had a pair of fangs that sprouted over his bottom lip that glimmered like polished silver. His feathered hair midway down his neck. Her eyes were yellow and his pupils slitted like a reptile's. His cheeks were dotted with what appeared to be freckles at first glance. They were actually small, iridescent scales that changed their tint depending on which angle they were viewed at. Norrix glazed over the stranger's midsection which was still shrouded in shadow, choosing to focus on his lower body instead. He had a good reason for doing so. From his waist down, the stranger had a snake's tail in place of legs. It was of an identical coloration to the scales on his face. At its widest point, it was about as thick as a tree trunk. His hips, where his scales and flesh met were quite generous in their width as well. This seemed to be where most of the weight that was keeping Norrix pinned in place originated. He watched as his tail tensed and his muscles grinded in tandem with his wincing. "You think I'm just going to let you leave?" he hissed. Unlike werewolves, the protocols for dealing with a naga were almost identical to the ones you would use for a hostile human. Unfortunately, those mostly involved fighting back, and that wasn't something Norrix was good at. The tip of the naga's tail slipped underneath the sheets, and began to wrap itself around Norrix's legs. "If you do anything to me...when my friend gets back, she'll tear you to pieces," Norrix said. He knew that he stood no chance of breaking the naga's constricting grip, but his instincts compelled him to kick his legs anyways. "I'll be long gone by time she gets here," he said. "And so will you. The next time she's gonna see you is as an *ungh* giant pile of shit on the floor..." The naga had winced in sudden pain twice now, and this time it was accompanied by a low, muted gurgle from his stomach. Norrix's attention was drawn to the naga's stomach which he had ignored before. He squinted, peering through the darkness until his torso came into view. The naga had an athletic physique, with broad, well-defined shoulders and toned but slender arms. Like his face, the uppermost part of his chest was speckled with small, reflective serpentine scales. None of that was as interesting as his abdomen. Beneath his lean pectorals was the rounded bulge that jutted out of the lowest part of his stomach. He had seen Keena engorged enough times to know that this wasn't quite the same. His navel had popped from the distension, and the bulge was slightly lumpy and misshapen rather than smooth. The bloating had made his breaths shallow and hurried, his belly having taken up most of the room his lungs would've used to expand. It took Norrix a few moments to put it together. "Wait! I would seriously advise against eating me. For your sake, not mine." "Oh, and why's that?" he said. His tail continued to wrap around Norrix's legs, ascending its way up towards his torso. "I don't think you want the waste from a digested human in your bowels in your current state." "What are you talking about?" Norrix's fear-induced paralysis began to life. He leaned forward, reaching out to prod the serpent's belly with his hand. Norrix's fingers pressed down on the taut flesh. He could feel the substance shifting underneath his skin as a result of his touch. It was dense, but slightly soft and malleable, with a texture not unlike that of clay. "When was the last time you had a bowel movement?" Norrix asked with clinical confidence. "What kind of question is that?" The skin surrounding the shimmering scales on his cheeks could be seen turning scarlet. "One that you're apparently unwilling to answer. You're free to eat the only person who can help you, of course. You'll be doing both of us in, and I'm not sure which is worse-being digested or having your innards rupture..." "Let's...let's say I haven't had on in a while," he said, his grip around Norrix's legs beginning to loosen. "I suspect you may have some sort of obstruction," Norrix said. "Can you *gnnh* fix it?" "While I'm being squeezed to death? No." The naga withdrew his tail from Norrix's legs and slithered his way off of the bed and into a pool of moonlight so the human could examine him more clearly. As comfortable as it was, it was a relief to finally get up from that bed. Norrix knelt in front of the naga, and kneaded his stomach with both hands. "I'll ask again. When was the last time you had a bowel movement?" The naga's blush had persisted since the last time Norrix asked. The second time made it flush an even darker shade of crimson, or perhaps that was because of the way Norrix was massaging his shit-swollen stomach. "Two weeks, maybe even three," he said. Norrix's rubs helped soothe the pain, but it'd just as often cause it as well. Even after a particularly firm press from Norrix caused a dull ache to shoot through his lower body, he allowed the human to continue. "You're lucky that naga skin is so stretchy. If you were a human you'd be doubled over in pain. It's a good thing you found me when you did, though." "Have you attempted to defecate at all during those three weeks? Has anything come out?" The naga's blush may have worsened, Norrix couldn't tell because his hands were clasped over his face in embarrassment. "Yeah. A few times. I can still...feel something in there, but nothing comes out." Norrix nodded. "It seems as though you have some kind of blockage. Luckily, it's not hard to fix. All I need to do is to reach up there and remove it..." "Up...there?" he said, shaking his head. "Fine, fine, just do it." Norrix knelt in front of his scaled backside. He wasn't all snake below the waist-though his rear was covered completely in scales, it still had the familiar rounded shape of human buttocks. In this case, a particularly large, shapely pair of human buttocks. The naga's eyes were shut tightly, and he could feel the heat from his cheeks radiating against the palms that covered them. "I'm going to need you to relax," Norrix said, for himself as much as for the naga. "Can you tell me your name?" he asked, hoping a bit of casual conversation would help make things a bit less uncomfortable. "Virian," he said. "I usually go by Viri." "Norrix," he replied, slipping a single finger into the puckering hole between those smooth, mountainous cheeks. A small yelp slipped from the naga's lips, but he quickly put his hand over his mouth to silence it. It had been weeks since something had exited his ass, and he'd gone an entire lifetime without feeling something enter it. The sensation of Norrix's finger inside of him was entirely unfamiliar. Worse still, it wasn't just strange, it was pleasurable too. Viri felt a stirring in his cock, which he could see emerging from his slit through the cracks in his fingers. He desperately hoped that it would subside before Norrix took notice. The human had told him to relax, but under the circumstances he wasn't doing the best job of that. The serpent's sphincter was clenched tightly around Norrix's finger, making it difficult to pull it out or push it in any deeper. "So, how did you end up living here?" Norrix asked, gradually sliding the digit further in one millimeter at a time. Talking could help keep Viri's mind off of things, and Norrix was always interested in hearing people talk. "I know nagas usually don't have homes, but I think most of us would if we had the choice. I found this place when it was abandoned, and I figured it was better than sleeping in trees," he said. Despite his best efforts the anal stimulation was making his voice quaver. "And if I understand correctly, the previous owner would be justified in eating you, yes?" Norrix said playfully, but still with a bit of bitterness underneath. "I...nng, I'm sorry that I threatened you. I wouldn't have done that if I didn't have the worst cramps of my life. I haven't even *hrrrg* eaten anyone before." "No worries," he said. "I wouldn't be in the best mood if I wasn't able to defecate for almost a month." Norrix wriggled his finger around, loosening Viri's cavern enough to slip a second finger inside. Up to that point Viri's cock had been gradually emerging from its burrow, but that caused it to emerge from his slit all at once. At least his distended stomach made it so he couldn't see his dick when he looked down, though he could still feel it throbbing and pulsing as Norrix's two fingers ventured deeper inside. "H-how long is this going to take?" he said. "Sorry, I'm going to have to loosen you up before I can get deep enough to remove the blockage. Luckily nagas have especially elastic rectums, so it shouldn't take me too much longer." Norrix's finger prompted another involuntary noise to leave the naga's lips. Instead of a small yelp of surprise, it was a prolonged moan that was undeniably sensual. Norrix wasn't sure if it'd be better to acknowledge or ignore it. His compulsion to speak as often as possible won out in the end. "It's not uncommon to uh, experience involuntary arousal as a result of this kind of anal stimulation," he said, his own voice beginning to quake. The room was so silent that Viri could hear his spurt of precum splattering against the floor. Norrix had apparently finished 'loosening him up,' as his entire hand was now plunged into Viri's ass down to the wrist. Viri's hasty breathing got even quicker. His cheeks felt like they were on fire. Maybe it would've been better to eat Norrix after all. Norrix's breathing was calm and steady. He rolled up his sleeve with his other hand, knowing that he would need his entire arm to get the length he needed. It wasn't like he wasn't embarrassed too. The fact that Viri's ass was covered in scales didn't make it any less plump and round, and he had begun to notice the way it wobbled in response to his movements. He could only imagine how it would tremble after a firm slap from an open palm...then there was the way his ass sucked at his fingers...hungrily, as though it wanted them, wanted them deeper. Norrix forced himself to speak, no longer able to stand the silence. "I'm going to go as slow and gently as possible. Tell me if you experience any discomfort, alright?" Another bead of pre dribbed from Viri's shaft. "Fine, just get this over with." Viri could actually feel Norrix's hand as it worked its way through his insides. The slick walls of Viri's ass gave Norrix just enough leeway to push deeper, until his entire forearm was now entombed by ass. "Are you doing alright?" Norrix said sweetly. Viri nodded hastily, sinking his own fangs into his bottom lip. Right now all of his concentration was diverted to telling himself over and over again that he wasn't actually enjoying this, that he wasn't going to cum, that this would be the last time he would ever allow something in his ass. Norrix's elbow sent a shockwave of pleasure through him that started at his prostate and made its way through the length of his shaft. His fangs pierced his lip, sending a trickle of blood down his chin. "I think you're getting close," Viri said through gritted teeth and gnawing fangs. Norrix gave one final push, forcing his arm in just a few inches further until he was elbow-deep in cute snake boy ass. Norrix could feel something solid scraping against his fingertips, but it was just barely out of his reach. "I think I found it...just a little bit further..." The pleasured moans that Viri had tried so hard to contain now poured out of him uncontrollably. Having a finger or two wriggling around in his asshole was one thing, but having something so thick, so substantial occupying every last inch of his ass, stretching it out... "Fuck...Norrix, I'm sorry. I-I don't think I can hold it in any longer. I'm gonna cum..." Norrix was so close, if only he could push himself just a little deeper. He stretched his fingers as far as they could go, just barely managing to wrap them around the edges of whatever this rigid obstruction was. "I got it!" Norrix said. His arm felt like it was going to tear out of its socket. He pulled his arm out of Viri's ass in a single, swift motion, and the offending object along with it. He turned over his shit-scented hand, to look at what he was clutching inside. It was a skull, belonging to an animal that he couldn't instantly identify. It was cracked in some places, lumpy and misshapen in others, likely from the immense pressure it would've been under. Parts of it were stained dark brown, for obvious reasons. "There, you should be all bett-" As smart as he was, Norrix hadn't accounted for what happened next. Neither did Viri, though he felt it just early enough to try and fail to stop it. The pent-up pressure from Viri's shit was immense. With the only thing holding it back removed, and his asshole already loosened, the contents of his bowels came rushing out at him all at once like water from a broken dam. A dark brown log about as thick as Norrix's arm had been came surging out of Viri's gaping asshole with enough force to knock the student over. As it continued to flow, it coiled up into a stinking pile on Norrix's torso until it was too heavy for him to stand. He was forced to lay prone as the shit mound continued to grow on top of him. Viri's asshole crackled and sputtered wetly, and the naga himself filled the air with as many apologies as he could fit between his moans. The shit was dense and weighty from having been packed together for so long. The skull wasn't the only undigested object in Viri's ass. There were cracked bits of bone embedded in his load. It looked like they had come from several different animals too. "S-sorry!" Viri said. His hands were clutched around his stomach; he could feel it shrinking as he buried his helpful friend underneath his uncontrollable mudslide. It was all too much-the pleasure that had already built, combined with the overwhelming relief as his bowels emptied, and the stimulation from those thick logs stretching him out... Viri's cock erupted as suddenly and explosively as his ass did. It was nearly as pent up too. Viri hadn't cum since shortly after his constipation began, and it showed by the size of the hot, sticky blob of cum that came oozing out of his cockhead. The continued flow of heavy logs from his ass prolonged his pleasure, until his forked tongue was lolling out of his mouth. "F-fuck, that feels so good." Meanwhile, Norrix was buried under the naga's stinking mudpile. Its weight kept him pinned to the floor, so he was helpless to do anything but watch it built as its earthy fumes invaded his nostrils. He took note of the fact that the stink of a naga boy's ass was noticeably different from the smell of werewolf girl ass that he'd become so familiar with. That wasn't to say that it didn't stink though, or that he wanted it piling up on his chest until the whole of his vision was occupied by a dark brown wall with bleached white bits sprinkled in. Viri quite literally "came" to his senses. As his orgasm tapered off around the same time that his shitting did, he realized that Norrix had been in the path of his ass barrage this whole time. He turned around to see his worst fears confirmed. Beneath the mountain of feces he'd created was Norrix, groaning miserably from beneath the pile of turds. Viri tried to think of what to say, but no amount of 'I'm sorry's' would be sufficient. "I...I didn't mean-" Viri was correct, but only because Norrix didn't expect him to apologize even once. The moans beneath the steaming pile of fresh naga dung turned to laughter. "Don't worry. It's my fault for not getting out of the way," Norrix said. Luckily his face and mouth were one of the few parts of his body that weren't covered. "Are you sure?" "Well...if you let me and my friend stay here for the rest of the night, we'll call it even." ---- "Hey, don't worry about not making that fire. I couldn't control myself, ended up *BwwooOorrp* eating all the good meat anyways." Keena said as she headed towards the bedroom. The noisy way she slurped and chomped at the thigh bone covered in raw flesh in her hand combined with the constant churning of her gut made even her sensitive ears deaf to all the moaning. "I picked some berries and shit, figured that would probably be enough-" While Keena's ears were occupied, there was nothing to mask the smell of fresh cum and fresher shit that pierced her nostrils. The first thing she focused on when she turned the corner was the snake with his cock out. It took her a few seconds to notice Norrix, since he was so thoroughly buried under the mountain of shit that also masked his scent. The snake panicked at the sight of the stranger, clasping his hands to conceal the dripping cock protruding from his slit. "Lot happened while I was gone, huh?" she said, taking another hearty bite of meat and belching. "This is Viri," Norrix said, beginning to lean forwards, causing a large mound of the shit to fall onto his lap. "He was apparently squatting here before us. He was a bit hostile at first, but he became incredibly friendly after I err, manually removed his bowel blockage..." "Mhm," Keena said, tearing the last of the meat from the bone and tossing it carelessly behind her. "Seems like you have a knack for ending up with your hands in the holes of monsters that are trying to kill you. Nice to meet you, Viri. I'm Keena. I was the one stinking up this cutie before you. And if you're that sensitive about people seeing your junk, you should probably try wearing pants." "They don't make pants for nagas," he said. "Actually, they do, though they're not widely distributed. They sell them in Midroux, which is where we're headed." "Oh, you're going to Midroux?" Viri asked. "What are you doing there?" "We're uh, looking to meet with an old friend," Norrix said, finally standing up. The shit slid off his body and landed on the floor with a wet plop. Since the naga's turds were so dense and dry from being trapped in his system for so long, they didn't leave much of a stain on his uniform. Regardless, this particular set of clothes needed to be burned. "He said we could stay the night, by the way," he said to Keena. "Sounds good," she said, throwing herself face-first onto the bed. Norrix took off the clothes he was wearing including his undergarments and chuckled them out the window. The nude Norrix excused himself to go bathe, leaving the two monsters to talk among themselves. Keena shifted around in the sheets. While the bed was comfortable, she wanted to make sure that she found the *most* comfortable position. Viri stood in awkward silence, slithering towards her to put some distance between himself and the shit pile he'd created. "I can, uh, clean this up if you want..." "Nah, don't bother," Keena said. "Norrix is used to sniffing my ass all night. Probably won't bother him too much. Besides, it doesn't even smell that bad." Viri gulped. "I'm deeply sorry if you two had some kind of relationship that I, uh, intruded on..." he said, his tail wriggling nervously. There was no way she hadn't noticed the obvious cum stain on the floor. "He was just trying to help me out, it's my fault for getting so, uh, excited..." "Hey, don't worry about it. It's not like I blame you, the guy's got magic hands." Keena finally found a position she liked, laying on her back with her hands behind her head, staring up at the ceiling. "And even if it was more than that I wouldn't really mind. Cute guy like you? I could hardly blame him." Viri wasn't sure what Keena's response would be, but flattery was the last thing he'd expected. "If that's the case, then I wouldn't mind, uh, trying something with him again." "Ask him when he comes back. I've got no problem with it, as long as he saves enough for me." Norrix returned, wearing a new uniform. He smelled fresh, and decidedly unlike snake shit. Having eaten the berries that Keena had left in the central room, his appetite was sated enough to get him to the next morning. He promised himself that he would eat something more substantial before his journey continued. Many late nights spent studying had taught him that starving himself was a bad idea. "Ready for bed?" Norrix said, sliding next to Keena, tucking himself beneath the sheets, knowing that they'd be saturated with farts by the morning. "Yeah, but I think your friend needs a little help with something first." "Oh?" Norrix said, turning to Viri. "Is that true?" Viri nodded. "And if things between you two escalate...you have my permission to do whatever you want with each other." Now all three of them were blushing, some worse than others. "I think we should take somewhere more private," Viri said. Norrix agreed, and the two of them walked and slithered their way out of the bedroom. "So, what issue are you having?" Norrix asked. Where to begin. "Well, relieving myself kind of did a number on my, uh, anus,"" Viri said, feeling compelled to use more clinical language in front of Norrix. "Can I see?" Norrix asked. As always, it was difficult to tell if he was being calmly professional or brazenly flirtatious. Viri nodded, pulling his fat green cheeks apart to reveal his pucker, red and slightly swollen from use. "How bad is it?" he asked, as Norrix knelt down to get a better look. "It's nothing serious. You're lucky nagas are such flexible creatures. You should be alright in a day or two, but I'm guessing that isn't what you wanted to hear. I have some salve in my bag that should help the irritation go down." Norrix reached into his satchel, and pulled out a jar filled with a milky cream. "Keep it held open just like that," Norrix said, placing a dollop of the substance on his fingertip. He then ran his finger around the exterior of the naga's raw, sensitive rim. The naga shuddered, clenching his teeth and hissing. Norrix withdrew his hand immediately, knowing this was a sign of distress. "I'm sorry, are you okay?" he said, most of the cream still on his finger. "Yeah, sorry. Wasn't expecting it to sting that much." "Hmmm...unfortunately I was being as gentle as I could. Unless...there is one thing softer than my finger I could use to apply it." Viri knew what he meant immediately. "Do it." Norrix licked up a decent-sized glob of the cream, letting it rest on the tip of his tongue. Neither of them exchanged a word as Norrix leaned forwards, burying his face into Viri's ass crack as deep as it could go. He wrapped his arms around Viri's waist to steady himself. He had a better appreciation for the feel of the naga's ass. As lovely as their appearance was, shapely and perky, he found himself enjoying the slick, smooth texture of his scales, or the way he sunk slowly into his cheeks, fat but firm but with just the right amount of give. He tore his attention away from the naga's cheeks and towards the poor, overworked hole he was supposed to be focusing on. He ran his tongue over the whole effected area, slathering it in a thick coating of salve and saliva. The naga shuddered once again, though his reaction was decidedly more positive this time. "How's that?" Norrix asked, able to speak now that he didn't have a huge glob of cream on his tongue, though his voice was still muffled by the monster boy's plump cheeks. "Mmm...much better," Viri replied. Norrix's tongue was soft, wet, and gentle, and barely triggered his soreness in the way his finger did. The cream provided relief the moment it touched him, dampening the stinging sensation in his rump almost immediately. Norrix's job wasn't done though. He couldn't just leave the cream globbed on to his hole like that. It was at its most effective when rubbed into the skin. Norrix continued with his tongue, lapping across his crack from top to bottom and back again. Not wanting to disturb the slumbering wolfess in the next room, Viri stifled his moans to a mere whimper. He didn't have nearly as much control over his cock, which was once again emerging from his slit, still sticky and slick from the last time. Unlike before, he wasn't fighting not to cum. Now he was free to truly relish the tingling of Norrix's tongue gently caressing his ass. Having applied the cream thoroughly, Norrix was now making sure that it was properly rubbed into the skin. Instead of licking up and down the entire cleft of his ass, he focused only on Viri's puckered hole, swirling the tip of his tongue around it in small circular motions. "You have such a nice ass," Norrix said. For some reason, Norrix being up front made Viri much less embarrassed than when he was coy. “Mmmf...thanks,” he said. Norrix had broken the barrier of silence, and now Viri was ready to be vocal about his desires too. “Your tongue feels so good...please, make me cum.” Norrix hardly needed to be told. He continued circling the naga’s rim, feeling the way it twitched, trembled, and pulsated needily. Wanting to mix it up, Norrix varied the motions of his tongue and sped them up as well. The naga was pushed even closer towards his climax. He was finally pushed over the edge by something Norrix promised he wouldn’t do. Caught in the heat of the moment, he jammed his tongue into the naga’s asshole, just enough to get a good taste of what had been left behind from Viri’s mega-shit. At least Viri seemed to be enjoying it. The cream had already dulled the soreness of his ass significantly, leaving only pleasure as Norrix’s tongue invaded him. While it wasn’t nearly as thick nor as far inside of him as Norrix’s arm had been, it was softer, wetter, and more exact in the way it rubbed up against his most sensitive spots. Viri’s second cumshot was smaller than his last, but that was only because their first encounter had left his balls so drained. The meager spurt was paired with a shattering orgasm that made Viri’s entire body shudder, except for the tip of his tail which wriggled in delight. Norrix waited until the naga’s asshole stopped spasming to pull out his tongue and wipe it on his sleeve. Viri’s satisfied cock retreated pack into its slit, its owner left panting in the afterglow. “Did that help?” Norrix asked with a shit-eating grin. “Yeah, I think I’m ready to head to bed.” The two returned to the bedroom. Keena had buried herself underneath the sheets, pretending like she hadn’t heard the whole thing. Even without her enhanced hearing, the boys weren’t making much of an effort to keep quiet. Norrix laid himself beside Keena. Viri simply watched them, standing awkwardly in the center of the room until Norrix patted the empty space on the bed beside him. “Come on in. It’s your bed, isn’t it?” “Well, it’s not really my bed, but...” Viri slithered his way underneath the sheets. Between the three of them, there wasn’t a single centimeter on the bed left unoccupied by someone’s warm body. “Do you mind if I, uh, wrap my tail around your body?” Viri asked. “I just don’t like to sleep with my tail hanging off the bed.” “Of course,” Norrix said. “Naga’s muscles relax in their sleep, so you don’t need to worry about accidentally suffocating me.” “I wasn’t until you brought it up,” Viri said, encircling Norrix’s legs and torso with his tail. It felt like receiving an especially tight full body hug. It was even more comfortable than the blankets, to Norrix’s surprise. Not wanting to be left out, Keena embraced him from the front, wrapping her arms around the gaps Viri had left in his tail. The two were at eye level, so Norrix could feel Keena’s hot breath against his face. Needless to say, he could smell it too. “You know, I still owe you from yesterday,” she said. “And I would like very much to have you in my debt.” “If you owe me every time I make you cum, and I owe you every time you make me cum, won’t we just be going back and forth forever?” “Damn, you figured out my plan. I guess we’ll just have to fuck each other constantly to make sure everything stays balanced.” “Doesn’t that mean I owe him too?” Viri added. “I guess so. I think this cutie’s earned a little two-on-one action.” Norrix’s tone went from lightly flirtatious to serious. “I really don’t want you to do this just because you feel like you have some kind of debt to me.” Norrix said. “What if it’s because I really, really want to see what that cute face of yours looks like when you cum?” Norrix’s playfulness returned almost immediately. “That sounds like a pretty good reason to me.” “I can’t exactly see your face from this angle...” Viri added. “But I would really like to feel you wriggling around in my tail.” Keena Norrix’s cock from his pants, already half-hard just from their talking. A few loving strokes from Keena got it to full-mast. Not wanting to be left out, Viri wrapped the tip of his tail around the human’s shaft. Having almost complete control over the prehensile appendage, he was able to make it contract in such a way to tug at Norrix’s cock. Silent except for his heavied breathing, Norrix reached out his hand to caress Keena’s hair. The gesture encouraged her stroking, as she rubbed her cheek against his touch with a low growl. With both of her arms now slid underneath the sheets, she continued to rub Norrix’s cock with one hand while cupping his balls with the other. Viri’s squeezing was like a slow vibrating against his cock, adding to and magnifying the stimulation from Keena’s strokes. She pulled her hand out from the sheets for a moment, just to hack up an aromatic glob of spit onto it for lubrication before diving back under again. The slick saliva allowed her stroking to be more graceful, rubbing as far down Norrix’s shaft as Viri’s tail would allow her, then back to the top and down again in a single smooth motion. “That’s a good girl,” Norrix cooed, those words sending a chill down Keena’s spine as they always did. Norrix on the other hand was being tickled beyond what mere words could provide. Between the two monsters doing their best to stimulate him, it wasn’t long before he finally achieved his climax. Keena’s hand, Viri’s tail and Norrix’s cock all clenched simultaneously. Both monsters got what they wanted. Keena saw Norrix’s lids close tight over those pretty blue eyes as he came. That mouth no longer had any knowledge to provide, letting out only a brief whimper before hanging open with ecstasy. The way Norrix writhed about in Viri’s tail reminded him of how his prey would struggle in his grasp. Only Norrix’s movements were of orgasmic bliss rather than terrified desperation, and they felt all the better for it. After a few seconds the scholar was silent and still, and Keena was left with a glob of cum in her palm that she brought up to her face to taste. Norrix gave Keena a drowsy but sweet kiss on the cheek. Unable to turn around to do the same for Viri, he gave a segment of his tail a firm approving pat instead. With the boys in a state of post-orgasm exhaustion and Keena just plain old fucking tired, the three of them drifted off around the same time. They all woke up simultaneously too, but only because they had all been startled out of their rest by the same thing. Keena had spent most of the night farting away in her sleep because of the meaty meal she’d had, but the one she’d released after dawn was particularly large. The boys were awoken by the way it made the bed rumble underneath them, in addition to the sound like the roar of thunder and an odor more potent than any smelling salts. Keena was startled by the sheer force of the warm blast erupting out of her. “Phew, sorry about that guys,” she said, fanning her nose as her own as-stench drifted lazily into her nostrils. “Hell of a thing to wake up to.” Norrix figured it was something he would have to get used to if he was going to continue journeying with Keena, and Viri didn’t exactly have any stones to throw when it came to unleashing an anal assault. “And good morning to the two of you,” Norrix said. He forced himself off the bed and onto his feet to escape the radius of Keena’s fart, only to find himself in the blast zone of the shitpile the naga had created last night. Viri followed behind him. His nose had a higher tolerance for his own stench than the wolf girl’s foreign fumes. Keena wasn’t as keen to hop out of bed right away, so she turned over in the sheets and let out another bubbling blast. “Well, it was...very nice spending time with you,” Norrix said. “But me and Keena have a journey we must be getting back to, and I’m afraid we must be departing as soon as possible. You’re welcome to come along if you want.” “No thanks,” Viri said. “I’ve made a nice little home for myself here. If you ever find yourself in this forest again, you can come visit me any time. Hopefully that pile will be gone by then...” Viri’s words drew Norrix’s attention to his shit mound, and then at the skull lying near it. He turned it over in his hand, taking out his notebook and humming curiously. Now that he could see the bone in the light of day, it became clear that its deformities weren’t caused by being lodged and squeezed in Viri’s colon. It was had asymmetrical bulges that were unlike any creature he was familiar with. “Do you recall what you last ate before your constipation began?” Norrix asked. “There wasn’t any ‘last thing’ really,” Viri replied. “I have a pretty big appetite, I probably ate a lot of stuff that night...” “I could tell,” Norrix said. “By the amount of shit I had inside of me?” “That, and the thickness of your, errr, tail. Nagas deposit fat starting at the base of their tail, then from there it gradually rises further up their body. If you don’t want to lose that flat belly, you might want to change your diet.” Viri put his hands on his hips and huffed. Unfortunately this reminded him of how wide they were. “Sorry, that’s not gonna happen.” “I guess I’ll just have to deal with a squishier snake next time I visit...not that that’s a bad thing.” Viri gave him a fanged grin. Not wanting to leave Norrix with a useless answer, he wracked his brain for a few more seconds. “I had some mice for breakfast, I remember that...oh, I had some deer for dinner. It was dark so I couldn’t exactly see them, but the one I ate was pretty big. I can’t remember the last time I was that full.” Norrix gave the skull another look. With that new information in mind, it did indeed look like the skull of a dear, albeit one twisted almost completely beyond recognition. Given its size, it was no wonder Viri had difficulty passing it. Intrigued by the object, but not wanting to carry the ass-scented thing with him, Norrix made a sketch of it in his notebook, along with assorted observations to mull over later. Keena had finally shake off her drowsiness, letting out a yawn and stretching as she greeted the morning sun. “Alright, let’s get going,” Keena said. “Thern shouldn’t be too far from here.” “Oh, before you leave,” Viri said. “There’s a pouch of coins hidden under that floorboard. I don’t have any need for them since I hunt my own food, so you can help yourself. I’m gonna head out and get some breakfast.” “Thank you,” Norrix said graciously. “Hmm, seems like it’s stuck in there pretty tight,” he said as he tried to yank out the board. “Let me try,” Keena said, hunching over. All of a sudden, they heard the panicked cry of one of their horses. The two immediately rushed outside. Viri had already gotten his breakfast it seemed, and he didn’t have to go very far. His stomach was swollen, far larger than it had been before. Instead of being smooth and spherical, it was asymmetrical and uneven, the flesh pulled tightly over the equine outline of Norrix’s horse. “What are you doing?” Norrix said. “I said I was going to get breakfast, didn’t I?” Viri replied, patting his shifting stomach and letting a belch so huge that Norrix swore he saw it shake leaves from the trees. “That’s my horse!” “Oh, it was BOOOUUUURRRRRHP yours? I just thought it was some wild horse.” “It was tied to a post, wasn’t it? It had a saddle on!” “Sorry! I don’t know what you humans do with your horses.” “Well, if you get constipated again, don’t ask me for help,” Norrix said. He was pretty sure Viri was telling the truth, and it was just an honest mistake, so he couldn’t get too angry. “Don’t UURP worry. This thing’s way smaller than the deer I ate.” At least he had left Keena’s horse alone, the one that looked big enough to carry both of them. Keena didn’t bother to ask if he could spit the horse up. She knew from experience that he had already passed that very short window. The two exchanged a sigh, and saddled up on their remaining horse, who didn’t seem to have much of a problem with Norrix’s added weight. “Well, thanks anyways!” Norrix said. “Hey, what about these?” Viri said, chucking a bag of coins into Norrix’s lap. With all the talk there had been of debts, Norrix wasn’t sure if this was enough to make them even, but he accepted it all the same. Rested and well fed, though not as well as the serpent shrinking into the distance behind them, the two continued their journey deeper into the woods. “So, think deep do you think you could get your arm into my ass?” Keena asked. “We’ll have to wait until we reach Thern to find out,” Norrix replied.
 Interdimensional crises were common occurrences in both the Marvel and DC multiverses. Sometimes these incidents would lead to the universes overlapping, allowing heroes from both realms to interact. Some ended up fighting, but some, like Jennifer Walters and Diana Prince ended up getting along quite well, at least at first. They were conversing on a couch in Stark Tower, Jennifer wearing a professional lawyerly pantsuit and Diana wearing her full armor with her glowing lasso at her hip. "So, what's Superman like?" She-Hulk asked. Both women were exceptionally tall and muscular, though Jennifer had Diana beat, at least where height was concerned. "About as nice as you would expect, but very down to earth. It's easy to forget who he is sometimes." "You're lucky. Tony Stark can be a huge pain in my green behind." "Being in the Justice League isn't easy either. You have to set an example, and you're under attention constantly. I accidentally burped in the middle of an interview once, and it ended up making international news for weeks." "I didn't think you were the type," she said with a smile. "It's a side-effect of my amazonian upbringing," Diana replied. "We were taught not to hide our bodily functions from one another, and mine could be...especially powerful." "You have no idea," Jennifer said. "Gamma radiation has all sorts of effects on my digestive system. It's a good thing that house was abandoned, otherwise I might've been kicked off the team," she continued, with a subtly braggadocios tone. "Oh really?" Wonder Woman said. "Well, I'm no stranger to collapsing buildings either. I once toppled a tower in Themyscira, much larger and sturdier than an ordinary house." There was no mistaking it, the two were definitely trying to one-up each other now. "You think you can out-belch me, the gassy green giantess?" Jennifer teased. "I never said that." "Well, how about we found out for sure? I think a little burping contest is in order, what do you say?" Diana smiled. An amazon never backed down from a friendly competition. ---- The rules of the contest were simple: the two would stand on either end of a fighting stage, and take turns unleashing their burps on one another. Whoever managed to knock the other off with their belches would be declared the winner. If either of them passed out as a result of the smell, they would be automatically disqualified. Both girls were allowed to stuff themselves for an hour before the contest to fuel their superhuman eructions. She-Hulk gorged herself on New York pizza, going from restaurant to restaurant, completely depleting each one before moving on to another. Her stomach was absolutely massive, a green, football-shaped rigid bulge that jutted out several yards from her midriff. She-Hulk's mutations gave her an exceptionally efficient digestive system, so she was able to churn her turgid pizza tummy into a soft, squishy belly in a matter of minutes. The solid food was converted into radioactive gas, ready to be expelled by the superheroine whenever she pleased. Wonder Woman, meanwhile, took a trip to Paradise Island. Her sisters prepared a banquet for her, an enormous spread of delicious fresh meats and vegetables. All amazons were allowed to join in the meal, but they respectfully allowed Diana to consume the most. Priestesses surrounded Diana, chanting blessings, praying for the gods to support her in her coming battle. Her powerful digestive system made short work of the delicious meats, churning them into a powerful, greasy mixture of gasses that bubbled inside her stomach. She could feel the warm, pressurized gas at the bottom of her throat, desperate for release. Diana was tempted to release the belch that was gurgling inside of her in a single, proud belch like she tended to do after Amazonian feasts, but she stopped herself. She would save it for later, so she could expel it directly into her opponent's face. Now, the two women stood across from one another on the circular fighting stage, each sporting their own distended belly. The fight took place in a large coliseum in Themyscira. Though there were countless seats, there wasn't a single person in the audience. The amazons knew better than to be within range of Diana's belches, and the same could be assumed of the green-skinned foreigner's burps as well. She-Hulk's spherical green gut churned noisily, like a volcano threatening to erupt. She was wearing an outfit that showed off her midsection, hoping to intimidate her opponent with the sight of her enormous gamma gut. "Think you can handle my gamma-powered burps?" Jennifer Walters said, patting her stomach proudly. The impact produced a sloshing sound, like waves slapping against the side of a boat. She snapped her plump green lips shut, catching a burp before it could force its way out. Jennifer didn't want to waste any of her gas. As confident as she was, she had a feeling that her opponent would push her to her absolute limits. Wonder Woman smiled confidently. "The amazons hosted many burping contests back in my homeland of Themyscira, and I was always the victor." Wonder Woman was similarly bloated, although her stomach was noticeably smaller, due to the fact that She-Hulk was larger than her. "Well, I bet none of your sisters could belch as hard as me," Jennifer retorted. "You may be right," Diana replied. "But that still doesn't mean that you'll win." "We'll see about that," she said. "Are you ready? I'll let you go first. You should get a chance to show off before I knock you off in one shot." Diana nodded, taking a deep breath, her chest swelling as she did. She didn't so much push her burp out, as she allowed it to exit her. A steamy, light-brown cloud of gas soured from between her lips, rocketing towards her opponent. UuuuuuurRrrrrAAaaaaaPpppP The blast struck Jennifer head-on, hitting her with enough force to test her superhuman strength. She crossed her arms in front of her, shielding herself from the impact of the gas cloud, although it did nothing to protect her from the smell. The scent was primarily greasy, with heavy hints of exotic meats and spices. The slightly appealing parts of the odor didn't make up for the overall meaty staleness of her stink. Jennifer was pushed back a few inches, but she remained a safe distance away from the edge of the fighting stage. The belch subsided, and the hazy cloud of stench dissipated. Jennifer lowered her arms, and smiled confidently. "Not bad for your first burp, but it's nothing compared to what I'm brewing in here," she said, giving her groaning gut a boastful smack that almost forced out a burp prematurely. Jennifer took her turn, forcing out her belch using her powerful abs and throat muscles. She-Hulk's eruction sounded like a bomb being detonated, as her open mouth sent a torrent of gas towards her enemy with a deep, thunderous OoooooOoorrRRrrAaaaappp She-Hulk's gas had a green, radioactive glow to it. Wonder Woman widened her stance, and put up her hands in preparation. She wasn't allowed to bring her defensive bracelets into the match, but she felt that her natural strength would be enough. "Ugh!" Diana said, as the utterly wretched scent of the heroine's gas penetrated her nostrils. The odor was simply indescribable; the stench didn't have any resemblance to any kind of food that Diana could identify, it was a unique smell that was still undeniably repulsive. "I warned you! The gamma radiation in my body supercharges my burps, to make them extra smelly." Diana allowed the stink to distract her, lowering her arms so she could fan away that awful smell. Unfortunately, this left her vulnerable to the force of the belch, and cost her a few precious inches as she was pushed closer to the edge. Her fanning wasn't even particularly effective, as the neon-green cloud still hung around her. She coughed and sputtered, unable to conceal her raw disgust. She had focused too much on the power of her burps, and had completely neglected the smell aspect. She hoped that this oversight wouldn't cost her the match. She simply wasn't sure if she could handle another round of her opponent's gamma gas without fainting. Even now, she was beginning to feel lightheaded. She summoned up all the remaining strength she had, clapping her hands forcefully together. The resulting impact created a shockwave, that scattered She-Hulk's stunning gas to the wind, allowing her to inhale a lungful of precious, untainted fresh air. "You'll have to do better than that," Wonder Woman taunted. She retaliated with a belch of her own, sending a thick cloud towards She-Hulk that smelled like roasted lamb. BHOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUURRRPP The blast pushed her back a few inches, but the smell was fairly tolerable at least. She definitely had Diana beat where odor was concerned. To make sure that the amazon knew it, she opened her mouth and blasted a gutful of toxic fog at her opponent. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRPPP Diana managed to absorb most of the force with her bracelets, but there wasn't a single item in her arsenal that could protect her from the smell. Even though the impact from She-Hulk's belch barely made her budge, the smell caused her to stumble backwards, costing her a precious few inches and bringing her that much closer to the edge. "Can your delicate nose not handle my gamma-stink?" the gassy green girl said, readying another belch that promised to be just as vile as the last. Diana's stuffed stomach gurgled as she did the same. The heroines ended up releasing their burps simultaneously. The two expulsions of gas collided in mid-air, creating a shockwave that knocked both competitors back and filled the arena with the combined aroma of their gas. They were both dangerously close to the edge. A single strong belch could cost either of them the match. Diana knew she would lose if she let Jennifer's smell distract her, so she fought through the stench even as her nostrils burned and her eyes watered. She rested a hand to her stomach, and felt it gurgle and churn as it processed all that digested meat. That bubbling gas rose to the surface, pushing its way up Diana's throat. With She-Hulk still on the back foot, this was her best and perhaps last chance to win this. She opened her mouth, letting loose all that gas that was so desperate to escape. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRP Like the mythical bag of winds, a terrifying eruption exploded from Diana's mouth with the force of a hurricane. Instead of a single blast, this belch was a sustained stream of gas that billowed from Diana's jaws and made her lips flutter. Spittle spewed from her mouth uncontrollably, and the odor became so concentrated that it was even starting to bother She-Hulk's resilient nostrils. Prior to this the smell of meat was almost appetizing. Perhaps this gas had been dredged up from a deeper, fouler part of Diana's guts, as now it just simply reeked. Jennifer crossed her arms over her chest and dug in her heels, but there was only so much she could do against the airy assault. Diana showed no signs of stopping, and every second was another inch She-Hulk was pushed closer to the edge. A few more seconds with the gassy gale blowing in her face and Jennifer was all out of arena. She felt her heel sink into the soft sand that was the out-of-bounds area, and she knew that she had lost. Not wanting to torment her opponent unnecessarily, Diana clamped her lips shut the moment she was sure she had won. "Phew, not bad," She-Hulk said with a smile, fanning her nose. "I didn't think a princess would have something like that in you." "I may be a princess," Diana replied with a smile of her own. "But more importantly, I am an amazon."
 Zenyatta was once a simple omnic monk, who strived to achieve peace and enlightenment. Until the day when It found him. Zenyatta was deep in meditation, existing within his own mind, immune to outside stimulus. He was free to mull over his own thoughts, in a state of uninterrupted peace. And then something happened that should not have been. Meditation put Zenyatta in a state of ultimate isolation, and yet…there was something in there with him. Something formless, and unknowably vast, with evil and darkness that could not be contained in Zenyatta’s own mind. Zenyatta tried to push this creature away, but even his concentration, honed over years of practice, was enough to banish the Eldritch beast. His mind was filled with images of destruction, of the expanse of the cosmos, and of the deepest, stygian depths of the sea, where oily nightmarish creatures appeared for an instant before darting out of sight. A place where no light existed…and where It lurked, waiting to be summoned. Zenyatta was now aware of reality, more than he had ever been. The path to enlightenment wasn’t peace and meditation. It was through subservience to the Thing that lurked at the bottom of the sea, at the deepest point of all things. His eldritch master, a darkness beyond knowledge. He opened his mind, opening himself to the voice of the Deep. And from the abyss it spoke, with an ancient tongue that transcended words and sound, a language of pure meaning. It instructed him to create a cult in Its name, to gather worshippers, and ultimately, to bring forth a physical form through the womb of a willing human woman. In return, Zenyatta would be given a share of Its transcendent power. Zenyatta humbly agreed. Zenyatta’s transformation was immediate, as abyssal energy filled his body. His mechanical body was converted to organic, cephalopod flesh, as luminous tendrils spawned from his face. His orbs of destruction now sported several reptilian eyes each, which his Master could look through to observe the world above. Zenyatta could feel the power of the deep searching through him. His Master was immeasurably powerful, as reality itself was subservient to Its will. Even the small portion of power Zenyatta had been granted made him terrifyingly strong. It instructed him to journey to the forests of Switzerland. There, he would find inductees for his cult of worshippers, and a witch who would be willing to impregnate herself with Its spawn. Zenyatta didn’t need to make the journey himself, for It was not bound by the constraints of space, he was everywhere and nowhere at once. All he simply needed to do was appear in the forest, as he was already there all along. "Greetings, Witch,“ Zenyatta said. "What brings you here?” the Witch said, turning around to face the tentacle-faced stranger, her tone almost accusatory. The Witch was no stranger to many varieties of dark magic, but the power that radiated from Zenyatta was alien even to her. "I have come with an offer,“ Zenyatta gurgled, his voice like the deep sea. "My Master wishes to bring his spawn into this world, and he has chosen you as a suitable host.” "And what will you offer me in return?“ "I have nothing to offer, I am but a humble servant of a greater power. However, my Master offers you a portion of his strength and magic..and pleasure unimaginable.” "Well, in that case,“ the Witch said with a sly smile. "I accept.” "I thank you,“ Zenyatta said. "I suggest you prepare yourself for what comes next.” Tendrils erupted from the ground, splitting the earth apart and causing nearby animals to scatter in terror. The Witch remanined calm, however. She knew exactly what those tentacles were for, and their size and strength only served to excite her. "Well, go ahead,“ she said, disrobing, banishing her outfit to some pocket dimension in a shower of shimmering magic, with the exception of her hat. She was large-breasted, and wide-hipped, a figure already suited to motherhood. Zenyatta did not want to keep his Master’s eager host waiting, and so, the first tentacle entered her slick, drooling pussy. The tentacle was lubricated, and pleasantly phallic. The Witch let out a gasp, that quickly transformed into a delighted moan. It wasn’t just the pleasure of the tentacle entering her, and stretching her out, although that was certainly part of it. It was also the blatant indecency of what she was doing, and the promise of power afterwords that thrilled her. The tentacle pulsated gently as it pushed its way deeper inside of her. She could feel the first of many eggs entering her, stretching out her womb. She could see it swelling and bulging from the outside as it filled her. A second tentacle slid inside of her, while the first continued pushing out a seemingly endless supply of eggs. The way the eggs stretched her out, the way they rubbed against her clit…the Witch was in a state of unrestrained, shameless sexual bliss. She drooled, mouth open, tongue out, eyes rolling into the back of her head. Her stomach continued to expand, far beyond the size of a normal full-term pregnancy. The shape of her belly was equally unusual. She lacked the round smoothness of an ordinary pregnancy, instead, her belly was lumpy, although ot entirely shapeless, as her womb stretched to fit the dozens of large oval eggs within. "Ah, fuck, keep going!” she moaned. Her cunt was sopping wet, and she wanted to be like this forever. Being fucked by an endless series of tentacles, filled to the point of bursting… It wasn’t just the penetration itself putting her into a state of absolute euphoria. It was the feeling of fullness too, of being stretched out and swollen, pushed to an inhuman level of fertility. She felt like she was constantly on the verge of bursting, but it turned out that she had more room to grow every time. She could hardly believe how large she was getting. There was no earthly pregnancy she could compare this to, her gut put even octuplets to shame. Her navel had popped, going from a cute, fit innie to a bulging, rigid outie. And things only got more intense, as more tentacles pushed their way into her, bringing more streams of eggs along with them. Some tentacles didn’t even enter her, instead, they wrapped themselves around her breasts, squeezing them tightly and teasing her nipples. Her breasts erupted into twin streams of creamy milk. She was surprised to see herself lactate, but then again, she was pregnant. Eventually, her belly overshadowed the rest of her body, and felt extremely heavy, but it retained its shape, protruding out forwards from the Witch’s body instead of sagging towards the ground. The Witch gasped, as the tentacles withdrew from her pussy. She fell backwards towards the ground, landing in the soft grass. Her belly was pointed upwards, reaching all the way from her midsection to the tops of the trees. She was awash with pleasure. Even without the tentacles inside of her, she experienced non-stop, periodic orgasms. "Now, you must birth my Master’s spawn, and bring his power into the physical realm.“ Mercy expected the birthing process to be painful. Instead, it turned out to be just as delightful as anything else. The eggs were fairly large, but just small enough for her to push out without any kind of difficulty. The sensation was new to her; it felt a bit like being penetrated in reverse, as the slick, round eggs rubbed against her clit and the walls of her pussy on their way out. The eggs pilled up in front of her, forming into a neat stack. Mercy’s belly shrunk, finally returning to a relatively normal size, although she was still noticeably bloated from the experience. She took a deep breath, as the orgasms finally subsided, and she was able to have clarity of thought again. She was laying in a quite literal puddle of her own sexual juices, with the mountain of eggs still in front of her. The pile began to vibrate noisily, as the eggs started to hatch. One by one, small, green-skinned cephalopods emerged from the eggs. They grew to full-size in a matter of seconds, transforming into large, human-like squid creatures which averaged around seven feet of height. The Witch was filled with a strange sense of maternal pride as she watched the aquatic eldritch homunculi disperse into the darkness of the forest. Sure, she had clearly summoned unfathomable evil into the mortal realm, but she was a witch, so that was basically part of her job description. "Thank you,” Zenyatta said. “My Master appreciates your dedication to his cause. He has kept his word, and provided you with a share of his dark power.” "You’re welcome,“ the Witch replied. "Since I have the power of your Master as well, does that mean I can summon those tentacles myself.” "Yes, of course.“ "Well, in that case, I’m going to have a lot of fun~”
 "You will inflict your twisted whims upon this land no longer!" The knight's blade cleaved through the wizard's Seltheer's body in a single stroke. It was a gruesome death, but no more than she deserved. As powerful as her magic was, her flesh was still ordinary. However, for a magician of her strength, the end of her body wasn't necessarily the end of her. Mella was a brown-eyed woman with brown curls that fell playfully to her shoulders. She had soft, rounded features, and looked her age of thirty-six. She was thick from bottom to top, from a lifetime of light but still substantial manual labor and a hearty diet that may have bordered on excessive. Her generous chest put her top under constant duress, and her girthy ass and hips did the same for her bottoms. She had led the humble, unremarkable life of a peasant. She wasn't particularly ambitious, and she was more than content to live her simple, quiet life in the exact manner she'd been living it for the past several decades. That wasn't to say that her life was perfect. She could do with a few improvements: a nice, strong husband so she wouldn't have to do all the yardwork by herself would be nice, and perhaps a child to inherit the life she had made for herself. The spirit of Seltheer hurdled towards the air like an asteroid in search of a body it could use to rebuilt itself. "She's perfect!" Seltheer hissed as Mella came into view. "Those wide birthing hips, those milky breasts...what a perfect, fertile specimen!" Mella's husband was still but a fantasy, but her second wish was about to come true in the worst way possible. The sorceress's spirit collided with the peasant woman's body. The impact was immense, and accompanied by an explosion of green light. It was short lived however, and the chaos ceased almost as soon as it had started, leaving Mella to wonder what if anything had happened. There was at least one piece of evidence that remained, which Mella saw when she looked down. Her round, swollen stomach resembled that of a pregnant woman, only she was far larger than any mother-to-be she'd seen before. It was as if she was carrying a fully grown person in her womb rather than a child. She stared quizzically at this new protrusion, profoundly confused and wondering if she was dreaming. Peasants like her were unaware of the existence of magic, so she had no way to explain what had happened to her. "Oh-oh my, that's quite strange," was all she could think to say. Perhaps the gods had heard her silent prayers for a child, and chose to grant her one? If that was the case, the gods were a bit too literal for her tastes, but she was thankful for their interventions nonetheless. Unfortunately, the origins of this baby-bump were demonic rather than divine. The sorceress had used her magic to create a body within Mella's womb for her soul to occupy. Since her defeat had left her magic so depleted, the most she could manage was a featureless, half-formed homunculus, a mannequin of flesh with a vaguely feminine shape as its only defining feature. It was suitable for now, but it neither had the power nor the assets that came with a proper body. That was where Mella came in. Any nutrients her body absorbed would be shared with the sorceress within her womb, giving her body the material it needed to grow. She would also be able to absorb specific traits from other people, granting them to Seltheer instead. The sorceress took her new body as an opportunity to make herself even more beautiful and powerful before, assembling a flawless new form from the bits and pieces of the people she would compel her host to devour. Yes, Seltheer intended to make Mella devour her fellow humans whole, so their nutrients and features could be granted to Seltheer's new body. Turning a humble, motherly peasant woman into a voracious man-eater wasn't as hard as it sounded. She had enough magic left to affect Mella's mind, filling her with a hunger that could only be sated by the most sinful of foods. Mella's stomach released a sharp gurgle. While her womb was full, her stomach was empty, so she went off in search of something to fill it. Seltheer's mind magic had also changed her perception of her own impregnation, which she no longer regarded as anything unusual. As far as she was concerned, she had always been this way, and regardless it didn't matter nearly as much as getting something to eat. She waddled into her house, digging through the cabinets in search of something to fill her stomach. Unfortunately, nothing looked appetizing to her in the slightest. This was by design, as Seltheer had sway over her appetite. Since she wanted her new body to absorb the traits of some beautiful woman rather than a slab of salted pork, she made it so Mella's hunger could only be satisfied by gulping some poor person down whole. Mella was only barely aware of her surroundings. The spell had rendered her incapable of feeling almost anything but the hunger that seized her gut, so she wandered in a dreamlike state towards the nearby village. Though Seltheer was trapped inside Mella's womb, and the body she currently occupied was even eyeless, her magic still granted her sigh of her surroundings. She kept a keen lookout for any passersby on the way to the village who could make a suitable contribution to her reincarnated form. It wasn't long before she encountered one. Sletheer knew she was the one the moment she laid eyes on her, and Mella felt the same. The brunette peasant was certain this traveler would be the thing to satisfy her overwhelming appetite. She was a short, portly redhead, likely near Mella's age with a fierce, freckled face. What Seltheer was most interested in was her body, which sported a pair of assets that the sorceress desperately longed to possess for herself. She was a peasant like Mella, and while voluptuous she wasn't quite as curvy as her. This woman was top rather than bottom heavy however, and had a pair of enormous bosoms that only a working woman could possibly possess. The mounds of flesh heaved mightily with each step she took, rippling more than the buckets of water she had slung over her back. They sagged a bit with age, though they showed an impressive resistance to gravity's effects. With their firmness and the impressive distance they jutted from the ginger's chest, they looked like they could make a rather adequate shelf as well. And Seltheer wanted them all for herself. Just the thought of trying to squeeze her new, busty chest into some cleavage-baring dress filled her blackened soul with delight. "Aye, how's it going?" the peasant asked as her and Mella got closer. With Mella's mind so thoroughly overwhelmed by Seltheer's magic, all she could respond with was a mindless sound like a "guuuuuuh." The redhead was visibly put off by this and glared at Mella judgmentally. "Well...alright then. See ya around." To the ginger's surprise, the pregnant stranger didn't simply wander off. Instead, she charged towards her, grabbing her and hoisting the poor woman over her head! "Oi? What the hell do you think you're doing?" she said as the ground disappeared beneath her. Mella made that wet, drooling noise again as her mouth opened up just wide enough to accommodate her girthy prey. She lowered her into her hungry, salivating maw feet-first. The peasant girl's well-worn leather shoes made their way past Mella's lips, before being drawn further down her throat by the force of gravity. Mella's behavior had gone from off-putting to weird to downright terrifying, and the redhead wasn't having any of it. She struggled against Mella's grasp, but the other woman was simply too strong, and the suction of her throat kept her legs held in place. She sank further and further down the woman's wet esophagus, until Mella had swallowed her up to her knees. Seltheer observed from the safety of Mella's womb, utterly delighted with what she was seeing. In addition to melding Mella's mind, she had granted her the ability to swallow her fellow humans whole. Seltheer was extremely satisfied with how Mella was putting this gift to use. The redhead was dragged deeper into her host's body with each passing second. It wouldn't be much longer before those amazing breasts were finally hers. "Let me go!" she squealed, continuing to squirm and thrash to no avail. Her entire lower body had now been sucked down by Mella's throat, and her slightly chubby midsection was about to follow suit. *GULP* Now only her head and breasts remained uneaten, but her chest would be the most difficult part of her to swallow by far. With a forceful and determined gulp, the ginger's tits passed Mella's lips with a pop. A single gulp was all it took to finish off her head, and with that the woman's entire body was trapped in Mella's throat. The redhead's face could be seen outlined in the flesh of her bulging gullet, but she would only remain in her throat for a few seconds longer. One final swallow and the woman was sent into Mella's stomach. The plump prey caused her already huge belly to swell even further. By time it was done expanding, she truly looked like she was carrying two whole humans in her body, with a great oval-shaped stomach that was beginning to sag under its own immense weight. Her clothes had become inadequate to contain it, and so her dress rid up until the shifting, gurgling protrusion was left completely exposed. She patted her exposed gut, letting out a resounding belch to signal how satisfied she was with her meal. That busty redhead had really hit the spot, and for the time being Mella's burning appetite had been sated. From within Mella's womb, Seltheer could feel Mella's new prey pressing against her. The way she squirmed and wriggled in Mella's belly gave her a sadistic thrill. Her muffled cries for help made her even more delighted. Mella watched as her prey squirmed about from the outside too, making her belly bulge and shift with her movements. Her prey wouldn't be fighting for much longer, as Seltheer's adjustments to Mella's body had also sent Mella's digestive system into overdrive. The redhead's thrashing subsided as Mella's stomach acids ate away at her. She was broken down into gas, that was expelled from Mella's mouth in the form of rattling belches, and a nutritious sludge that was pumped into the body within Mella's womb. This influx of nutrients caused the sorceress's body to develop. It became noticeably larger, and its musculature and facial features became less abstract and more defined. While it was still far from human, it was still a decent start. The digested woman's essence strengthened Seltheer's magic too. The remains of her body were so thoroughly absorbed that there was no waste to expel, which would save Mella the trouble of finding a place to dispose of her prey's remains. Last but not least, her tremendous breasts were magically absorbed and added to Mella's new body. When the sorceress was finally birthed, she would greet the world anew with a proud pair of H-cups dangling from her chest. She could hardly wait, though there was still plenty of progress that still needed to be made before her form was finalized, and other parts of her anatomy she wished to enhance. So, the entranced peasant continued her journey into town in search of new meals for the sorceress. The village was bustling at this time of day. Merchants shouted about their wares from the market, and peasants a steady stream of peasants ran back and forth across the town's dirt roads, leaving barely enough room to maneuver. Mella's enormous belly earned her a few strange looks from the people she passed, and a few curses from the ones who were bumped out of the way by it. Though they found her unusual, nobody saw Mella as anything more than an exceptionally pregnant woman. Mella on the other hand saw this town's scattered denizens as a buffet, and Seltheer saw them as a banquet of body parts she could potentially acquire. There were all sorts of lovely bits on display for the wicked woman to choose from. Bountiful buttocks, tummies both tight and tubby, eyes of every conceivable color, hair of every shape, shade, and style. Seltheer wanted to get her figure settled before anything else, so she kept an eye out for butts and bellies that would suit her new form. Since she had given herself such a substantial chest, she felt it was only reasonable that she pair it with an equally bodacious bottom. Seltheer's heart fluttered as she watched the ideal candidate walk by, girthy bottom swaying rhythmically behind her. "She's perfect!" Seltheer said. Meanwhile, Mella's hunger was beginning to rise once again. She fixated on the passing fat-bottomed girl. Just like the chesty redhead she had eaten before, she knew that the bottom-heavy blonde was the only thing that could possibly satisfy her. Of course, she couldn't just gobble her up out in the open, not with so many other people around. She needed some way to quickly isolate her. Since Mella couldn't talk in her magic-manipulated state, she simply grabbed the woman by the arm and yanked her into the nearby alleyway. She tried to scream, but she found her cries for help muffled by the thick, smothering flesh of Mella's belly. Mella emerged several seconds later, belching and patting her swollen gut. None of the other peasants had been paying enough attention to put together what had happened, so the buxom blonde vanished without anyone noticing. Mella's stomach processed her even more swiftly than she had her previous prey. With more of her magic restored, Seltheer was able to enhance her host's digestive system even further. It only took a few minutes for the blonde to be melted down. Her nutrients were absorbed, further restoring Seltheer's body, strengthening her magic, and adding a fat ass to the sorceress's developing form. Mella's belly shrunk after her prey was digested, and then swelled slightly again because of the new addition of mass to her occupant's rear. Her appetite was momentarily sated, but only for a few seconds, for that's how long it took Seltheer to spot another stranger whose assets she wished to acquire. "Them!" Seltheer hissed as a pair of women approached. It was clear by their clothing that they weren't mere peasants. Their elegant lacy dresses could only belong to someone of fabulous wealth. They appeared to be close, with the way they remained separated as they moved to the crowd, and refused to stop chatting with one another for a single moment. The one on the right had long, silky back hair suited for a sorceress. The one on the left had electric green eyes that would match that hair perfectly. Seltheer took advantage of her enhanced magic, and used it to make Mella's hunger stronger than it had ever been before. One whole human would no longer be enough to sate her. Two entire high-class women might just do the trick though... It wouldn't be as simple as swallowing them though. Like her last prey, she would need to find a way to devour them without getting discovered. This was further complicated by the fact that there were two of them. If Mella didn't do this right, she could leave the other one free to run away and call for help. So, she waited, keeping a careful eye on the women as they moved their way to the crowd. It was unlikely that they had come to this dusty village just to take an afternoon stroll. They must have been there for a reason. Mella followed them as they walked with purpose, keeping a deliberate distance so they wouldn't notice that she was stalking them. They broke off from the crowd and headed down a path away from the main road. Had this area been just a bit more secluded it would've been a perfect spot for Mella to eat them. People thinned the further down the side road they went, until finally they reached a building at the end of the path. It took Mella few moments to realize that these women had been headed to a brothel. The women exchanged a playful giggle, bashfully covering their mouths with their gloved hands, and then entered through the swinging door of the establishment. "Follow them!" Seltheer commanded. While Mella's appearance would obviously draw some attention, it would be easier for the brother's occupants to believe that she was a heavily pregnant woman with some trouble getting laid rather than the cannibalistic puppet of an evil sorceress. "Ah, always nice to see you two," the white-haired woman who seemed to be the manager of this establishment said. "We have some especially fine fellows for you today. Take your pick." Five men stood up and presented themselves before the noblewomen, each one a different kind of perfection. They were nude save for their loincloths, which because of the size of their endowments did little to cover them. The women looked them up and down, prodding at their mostly nude bodies to make sure they were up to their standards. "Yes, I think he will do," they finally agreed, choosing the man in the middle of the pack. Their selected escort follow them into the chambers in the back while the others were dismissed. "I don't believe I've seen you before," the hostess said, turning to Mella. She only glanced at the woman's gravid belly for a moment or two. She had certainly seen stranger things in her line of work. "What is it you're looking for?" Obviously Seltheer couldn't just respond to the woman from within Mella's womb, and Mella's mind was too addled by magic to speak properly. Several seconds of awkward silence followed before Mella finally spoke up. "I want to....eat" she growled, through a mouth muffled by hungry saliva. "Oh, why didn't you just say so? That will be thirty silver pieces. I will call my girls down at once..." "N-no!" Mella snarled back. She shoved the woman out of the way, and made a beeline for the chambers behind her. Her stomach snarled, aching to be filled with those two noblewomen. Nothing else would do! "What are you doing you idiot?" Seltheer snapped. "You're going to get us caught!" Through Mella's womb, she could hear the white-haired women shouting for security. Mella continued to charge towards her prey, surprisingly mobile given how large and heavy her stomach was. She arrived in the back, a long hallway with a series of curtain-covered bedrooms on either side from which all manner of moaning and lewd utterances could be heard. She didn't know which room her desired prey was in, so she simply checked them all one by one. Workers and their clients shrieked when they saw the strange woman's head popping through the curtains. Sheets were clutched and pulled over naked bodies in a hurried attempt to conceal them. Mella wasn't bothered much by the way they shouted "get out" at her, but Seltheer was. The more witnesses Mella created as a result of her actions, the more complicated the situation would become. The solution wouldn't be as simple as returning her mind to normal or implanting her brain with a new, more specific set of directives. All she could do was wait within her womb, and hope that her host wouldn't do anything too extreme. At least she still had a fair amount of magic stored up from her previous meals, which she could use if the situation demanded it. Finally Mella found the bedroom where her designated prey resided. They greeted her presence with as much friendliness as the other clients Mella had interrupted-that is to say, not much at all. "What are you doing here?" the raven-haired woman shouted. "Leave at once!" Apparently the women were still in the foreplay stage, as they were still mostly clothed. The male accompanying them had no intentions of fighting with what he thought to be a pregnant woman, so he simply approached her and addressed her sternly. "Ma'am, you really should be on your way," he said in a voice that was sweet and smooth, but still firm and commanding. It was no wonder that he had gotten this job. Mella ignored him, pushing past the man and shoving him to the ground to get to the women on the bed behind him. The noblewomen had gone from perplexed by Mella presence to terrified. Her open, salivating mouth and the low, hungry rumble from her stomach indicated her intentions. They were beginning to suspect that her belly wasn't huge because she was with child. "Hungry...I need...to eat," she said, clearing up any remaining confusion they may have had about what she was going to do to them. "Please, leave us alone!" the green-eyed one said, scrambling to free herself from the sheets. "We'll give you anything you want! Here!" She chucked a bag of gold at Mella. The woman made no attempt to catch it, simply allowing it to bounce off of her body and letting the coins clatter to the floor. The black-haired one saw only one way out of this situation, scrambling to her feet and making a beeline for the exit. Mella used her width to block the woman's path, and she ended up smacking face-first into her belly. She bounced off with some force, and her skinny buttocks didn't do much to cushion her fall. She looked up with horror as Mella lowered herself towards her, salivating maw opening wider and wider. Her friend's green eyes widened with horror as she watched Mella devour the other woman in front of her. The most chilling part was how fast it happened. With the experience gained from her last two meals, Mella had become adept at the art of swallowing her fellow humans. It was as though the woman spent a split second outside of her body, and then another instant as a bulge in her throat before she was banished into the peasant's stomach, making it swell. She simply couldn't believe what she was seeing. She couldn't recall having taken intoxicants, but even her hallucinations were never this twisted. She watched her friend's horrified visage bulge from the brunette's stomach, and the outline of her arms and legs as she fought a losing battle to escape. The predator's booming belch snapped her out of her daze and forced her back into reality. What she was witnessing was indeed real, and by the way Mella approached her it seemed as though she would be next. Despite seeing how badly it went for her friend, she decided to make a run for the exit as well. It went about as well for her. She was deflected by Mella's body in a nearly identical way and fell onto the hardwood floor ass-first. She wasn't sure why she expected anything else to happen. There was fear in those bright green eyes as she looked up at the predator. Her belly, now swollen with the squirming form of her bed friend cast a long shadow over her. She screamed as Mella's salivating maw descended upon her, knowing she would be wriggling away in that gut too. Her green eyes snapped shut as the hungry woman's lips enveloped her scalp. Mella's tongue worked in tandem with her hands to help push her prey deeper into her body. Once she reached her throat, her esophageal muscles joined in, speeding up the woman's journey towards the bubbling cauldron of acid that her friend was currently melting away in. A few firm pushes and determined gulps and Mella's stomach gained a second occupant. From the outside, her gut swelled from the presence of the additional prey. Between her stomach and her womb, Mella was carrying three fulled-sized women inside of her, and it showed. Her stomach made her dress ride up until the only part of her body it covered was her shoulders and breasts, leaving her entire lower half completely exposed. With her mind addled by magic, this didn't bother Mella too much. The size of her stomach was becoming an inconvenience though. It jutted out from her nearly as far as she was tall, and the sagging orb was so heavy that it pushed her legs apart. If she wanted to get anywhere between now and when her prey fully digested, she would have to waddle. "Well, I suppose that could've gone better," Seltheer remarked, as Mella pawed mindlessly at her shifting stomach. "We'll need to get out of this whorehouse, and perhaps out of this village, but I'm just about ready to be reborn..." Seltheer's relief was short-lived. The man who Mella had shoved to the ground had bumped his head on the way down, and was just now beginning to recover. He clutched his head as he glared at Mella. It only took him a few seconds to recall that this was the woman who'd assaulted him. His clients had vanished, and he couldn't remember the strange woman being quite so large before, but then again he was probably suffering from some mild head trauma. At the very least, he was going to report this woman to security for bowling him over. "You can't let him get away!" Seltheer said as the man headed for the curtains. In a panic, Seltheer bombarded her host with another series of hunger-inducing spells. Because she casted them so hastily, they weren't nearly as precise as the ones she had used before. She didn't have much of a choice though, if she wanted this witness out of the way before he could ask for help. The satisfaction Mella had gained from her prey vanished in an instant, and was replaced with a gnawing but unspecific hunger. Experience had taught her that swallowing humans whole usually did the trick, so she hoisted the handsome escort above her head and began to lower him into her mouth. She started with his head, which had the convenient side-effect of muffling his screams. Her mouth slurped down his entire smooth, muscular body, sending him down into her stomach to join her other two prey. He was as close to his clients as he could possibly be, although it was difficult for them to appreciate this fact under the circumstances. Having three victims wriggling around in her gut meant that her belly was in near-constant motion. Because of this, not a single second passed where Mella wasn't expelling a huge, rude belch from her throat. Needless to say this ruined the mood for the patrons trying to get it on in the adjacent rooms. If only they knew what was really going on. Having multiple prey in her stomach slowed down the digestion process, but it still proceeded at a rather impressive rate. Though they held on for longer than her previous victims, the tasty trio's squirms subsided in a matter of minutes, leaving Mella with a softened gut filled with formerly human pulp. The two women's hair and eyes were bestowed onto the sorceress. She was beginning to wish she had brought a mirror into the peasant woman's womb, but she felt safe in assuming that she looked absolutely stunning. Their essence fueled her body's growth, until she was left with a fully developed form, even gaining an additional inch or two in height. Unfortunately, she couldn't simply separate out the male escort from the two noblewomen. Absorbing any traits from the mushy pile that was once Mella's three victims meant absorbing all of them. She looked beneath her breasts and watched in shock as a huge, flaccid cock sprouted from between her thick thighs. It was nearly eight inches in length, and about as thick as her forearm. She could only imagine how big this monster would get when it was hard. Seltheer gasped in shock. Her endowment would make finding a suitable dress even harder, one that wouldn't display her massive bulge to the world. "What have you done to me?" she shrieked at her host, who remained silent. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She did let out a belch powerful enough to rattle the walls, but when it came to actual words she had nothing to say. "Whatever, we need to leave right this second," Seltheer said. Mella agreed, and exited the room through the curtains, heading towards the building's back exit in hopes of making a relatively stealthy escape. Unfortunately for Seltheer, things would not be that easy The owner's security had finally located the intruder, Mella's belches having led them right to her. They flooded into the hallway leaving the path to the exit blocked. Unlike the man whom Mella had just finished churning, the owner's guards weren't pretty-boys with glamour muscles. They were genuine brutes save for the lone female among them, an amazonian woman with long, curly black hair who looked just as tough as the rest of them. Why did everything have to be so complicated? The sorceress's last few evil plans had gone so much smoother. At least she had an abundance of magic energy in reserve. She wasn't quite strong enough to say, summon a ball of fire that could incinerate the guards, but she did have enough to turn Mella into an eating machine that could dispose of them for her. She cast her most potent hunger spell on the peasant. Like the last one, it provided Mella with no specific target, but this time it was by design. She didn't want to waste time casting another spell of some additional guards happened to appear. She enhanced Mella's stomach as well, so she'd be able to contain four extra-large victims without issue. Mella drooled, and snarled like a starving animal. Her stomach's additional capacity meant that she was hungrier than ever before, and it would take more than ever to fill it. Lucky for her, there were some beefy guards just across the hall that could do the trick. The guards readied themselves to charge at Mella, but were stunned into stillness when the woman started waddling towards them instead. The other guards watched in horror as one of them was hoisted over the head of a woman half his size, and then crammed down her throat like he was a mere hunk of meat. Too stunned to react, the second was crammed down Mella's throat as soon as the first landed in her stomach. The third had enough time to recover from the horror of watching Mella swallow his comrades to move, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference. Mella plucked him off the ground as he charged at her, and devoured him with little difficulty. Now, only the amazon remained. Her olive-skinned, muscular legs could be seen kicking as they stuck straight up from Mella's mouth, with the upper half of her body residing in her throat. A final swallow and Mella was now sporting a gut larger than her own body, so weighty that it dragged against the floor. Seltheer was beginning to feel a bit cramped on Mella's womb, now that her stomach was occupying so much of the available space. The guards put up a much stronger fight than Mella's other prey. Not only did their numbers and size make them more difficult to digest, but their strength meant that they put up a much better fight as well. Their powerful punches made Mella's gut bulge with the outline of their fists, and their forceful squirming gave her the worst gas she'd had so far. Her belches seemed to shake the establishment down to its very foundation. Her longest one lasted for more than thirty seconds, and made anyone nearby wonder if there was an earthquake and a thunderstorm occurring simultaneously. After putting up an admirable fight, the guards were finally churned to mush. Seltheer gulped, as she realized that she had to acquire a trait from each of these four freaks of nature. For the first guard she chose to inherent his balls, giving herself a fat, weighty scrotum to match her new shaft. The second wasn't nearly as easy a choice, but after a few seconds of contemplation she settled on taking the pale nord's skin tone. On her, the snow white flesh looked properly witchy. The third guard was the hardest decision of all. She had no interest in his cumbersome body mass, nor his gnarled, calloused hands. Gulping, she rather reluctantly selected his body hair as the thing she would take. Thick bushes of jet-black hair sprouted beneath her armpits and between her legs, concealing the base of her cock under a thicket of dark coils. Although it wasn't optimal, it was the best choice she could've made given the circumstances. At the very least, it was something she could remove once she got back to her lair. Finally there was the amazon, and the fact that they shared a sex didn't make her choice any easier. Most of the parts she was willing to acquire was already spoken for, and the amazon's muscular, athletic figure wasn't suited for a sorceress, especially since she'd become larger from absorbing Mella's prey anyways. After an epiphany, she realized that the amazon's facial features would be a perfect fit. Fairly androgynous, the amazon's large, sturdy nose, well-defined jaw and pouty lips looked decidedly witch-y when paired with her other features. She cringed as the nutrients from Mella's prey filled her, causing her to grow. At least it added mostly to her height, leaving her body relatively lithe, just the way she liked it. Though she had faced some...complications to say the least, ultimately Seltheer had ended up with a body she was satisfied with. She could even get used to the cock, once she learned to use it properly. If only it were that easy. Seltheer had been foolish, and used her magic improperly. Using so many hunger spells on a single person, one after another was bound to have some unintended side effects. In Mella's case, her mind had essentially been broken, leaving her with a craving for flesh that lingered even after it had served the sorceress's purpose. Mella exited the back door as Seltheer had wanted her to (though her belly made getting through somewhat difficult). Instead of making a run for Seltheer's lair so she could birth the sorceress into her new body, she waddled her way back to the village square. "Where are you going?" Seltheer said. "We have to leave before someone else catches us!" Nothing Seltheer could say would be enough to slow her companion down. Panicking, she attempted to cast another spell on Mella, only to find herself helplessly chanting magic words and waving her arms around like a fool to no effect. Though the activity in the town square had died down somewhat, there were still plenty of people left. Without Seltheer's input to guide her hunger, Mella simply snatched up the first person she saw. Luckily, Mella's choice in prey wasn't particularly offensive to Seltheer. She was female at least, and had a beauty mark on her cheek that Seltheer thought would look quite nice on her. Perhaps Seltheer's desires were still steering her after all. It only took a few seconds for Seltheer's hopes to be crushed. After witnessing the fat-gutted woman gobble up that poor girl in front of them the townspeople scattered. The slower ones ended up on Mella's menu, and a chestnut-haired peasant fellow was her next victim. After the beauty mark sprouted from her cheek, Mella had no idea what she wanted to take from this young man. That is until she realized that he was packing a considerable shaft as well. In fact, it looked to be exactly as large as the one she was sporting now. She recalled the man at the brother having the same hair color too. Perhaps they both came from the same incredibly blessed family. With no other choices, she convinced herself that having two cocks wasn't that much different than having one. Her current cock was pushed slightly to the left, to make room for the second phallus that appeared beside it. Her self-deception was short lived. She watched her twin cocks bound up and down as Mella waddled her way towards her next meal. "Stop eating, you dumb sow!" Seltheer said. "I'm not going to sit idly by and watch you turn me into a freak!" Unfortunately that was all Seltheer could do at the moment. Another woman went plummeting into Mella's stomach. At this point, Seltheer was struggling to think of new body parts. This prey's eyelashes were fairly plump, perhaps she could take those? Seltheer felt a slight tickle around her eyes as her lashes grew a centimeter or two longer. It was only a matter of time before Mella devoured someone that would cause some truly irreversible damage to Seltheer's new body, and she wasn't about to let that happen. Her magic had finally become strong enough to effect the world outside of Mella's womb. Before she could seize her next victim, Mella was teleported along with the woman inside of her. Seltheer's magic was still limited, so she could only teleport them to a location a few miles away from where they currently stood. The portal spat them out at a nearby farm, which was the first place without a concentration of people that Seltheer could think of. Now that she didn't need to worry about Mella eating any more people, Seltheer had enough time to start repairing Mella's shattered mind. Or perhaps she could make the beastly woman birth her then and there, so she could start the process of adjusting to her new body. While there were indeed no people on the farm, that didn't mean there was nothing to eat. Seltheer felt her stomach clutch in panic as she watched the brunette eye a grazing cow nearby. "No, she wouldn't." A panicked moo cut through the silent air. Mella patted her engorged belly with delight. The single cow was enough to make it larger than it had been when she swallowed the four guards. Hoof prints could be seen bulging out from the elastic flesh of her belly allowing with the cow's snout and horns. Its moos were muffled by a beefy belch leaving Mella's throat. It was so powerful that Seltheer swore she saw it make the weather vane on the farmhouse spin. What on earth could she take from a cow? Could she even transfer a beast's body parts to hers? She was about to find out, as Mella's stomach had just finished bubbling away the creature into nothingness. Tired of having to spend time pondering these ridiculous decisions, she chose in a split-second to take the cow's most iconic feature-its udders. A perfectly circular area around her navel turned from snow white to rose pink, and began to swell until she had a round pink mound sticking out of her otherwise flat stomach. Four more smaller bumps appeared on the protrusion, forming the teats from which her milk would spew. Before she could perform any further actions to stop her, Mella had already spotted another appetizing animal. This time it was a horse, and a stallion too, because the gods of fate were conspiring to make Seltheer's life as difficult as possible. Like the cow the creature fought and thrashed to escape Mella's belly, and like the fated bovine its struggles were all in vein. The horse was thoroughly digested, and Seltheer was forced to choose which part of a horse she found the least offensive to make part of her own body. Perhaps out of spite, Seltheer chose the worst possible option. "Asshole! Give me a horse's asshole for all I care!" she shouted. Her wish was granted. Her butthole swelled from between her fat, wobbling cheeks, turning into a fat, puffy donut that was significantly darker than the rest of her and perpetually covered in a layer of grease. At least she got some fairly pleasant anal stimulation out of the process, something she could not recall having experienced before. Perhaps growing those cocks had come with a prostate as well. The last few humans and the animals had made a major contribution to Seltheer's height, and the womb was beginning to become a bit cramped. Seltheer sighed, as she waited for Mella to gobble up a pig, or a rooster, or whatever she chose to cram into her bottomless stomach next. For the first time in a while, Seltheer was granted a boon from the fates, and something pleasantly unexpected happened instead. "Huh? Where am I?" Mella said, lowering a hand to her enormous stomach. What on earth had she eaten to make herself so full. So, it wasn't her stomach that was swollen. Had she been impregnated by a dragon and forgotten about it? "I understand you're probably confused," Seltheer said from Mella's belly. "I'll explain it to you on the way back to my castle. I'm not exactly trained in midwifery, but I'll do my best to walk you through the process of, errrr, birthing me." ---- Seltheer stared at herself in the long mirror. She stood at about eight feet tall, with broad shoulders, large breasts, motherly hips and a generous rear being the widest parts of her otherwise lithe body. Her tight black dress hugged closely to her curves, outlining the cleft of her fat ass cheeks and the roundness of her melon-sized breasts with their long, stiff nipples. Her breasts weren't the only endowments that the clingy fabric revealed. Both of her cocks, as well as the bulging ballsack beneath them could be seen bulging from the crotch of her attire. Above them was what would've looked like the rounded swell of a bloated belly, if her four tenting teats didn't make it clear that it was an udder. She looked up towards her face. With her silky skin, plump lips painted her favorite shade of black, strong jawbones, a solid Roman nose, thick eyelashes and beauty mark like a black island in a sea of pallor, she had a nice mixture of masculine and feminine features. Appropriate considering what she was sporting between her legs. Her long black hair paired as well with her chalk-white skin as she had hoped, and her electric green eyes made her look truly unearthly. She turned around to get a better look at her rear. Once again her dress left little to the imagination. It was was so taut over her body that she could even make out the individual bumps of the cellulite on her ass. Her outfit's tightness kept her buttocks in place, at least somewhat, but there wasn't a single force on the earth or in the heavens that could stop it from wobbling entirely. In between those two fleshy globes was the puffy ring that was her anus, puffy and smelling faintly of musk. The diphallic porcelain-skinned uddered amazon took another thorough examination of her form, from top to bottom and them back again. "Yes, I do believe I can make this work," she said.
"Eating" was an inadequate description of what Vera was doing to the slice of pizza she held in her hands. Demolishing or annihilating would've been more accurate, although not quite right either. Punishing, maybe, as though the pizza had wronged her some way and she was enacting her revenge. Regardless of what verb was most appropriate, she had utterly captivated the attention of a nerdy cyclops as he made his way to his seat. He stopped dead in his tracks, his single eye focused on the gorgon as she savagely gobbled her slice. This cyclops belonged to a particular class of perverts, the kind that got their kicks by envisioning beautiful women devouring them whole. The monocular man couldn't imagine a more appropriate object for his fantasies than this gluttonous gorgon, and so his mind was filled with images of her gut being swelled with his squirming form. It soon occurred to him that, since gorgons were a type of serpent, these images may not need to remain mere fantasy. She clearly had an appetite, what would the harm be in actually asking her? He gulped, taking one step forwards so he was close enough that only Vera would be able to hear him. There was nobody else at her table, of course, as none of the other monsters could tolerate the sight of her sloppy chewing. "Uh, hey!" he said, unsure of how else to kick things off. "Wfhat?" Vera said snappily, her mouth still quite full of pizza. She did gulp it down wetly immediately afterwords, but this wasn't out of respect for the cyclops. Instead, she simply wanted to fill her poor stomach which had been left so tragically empty. "I just wanted to ask, uh, do you think you could maybe, uh, swallow another monster whole? I was just curious about..." "No," she replied. "Oh, well..." "No, I don't think I can, because I know I can," she said. The cyclops felt his spirits lifting. "And I also know a freak when I see one. Let me guess, you're asking because you want me to gobble you up, right?" Feeling incredibly called out, all the cyclops could do was nod. "Right. Well, I am pretty hungry, so I'll do it, but it'll cost you, and I'm not just talking about your life, although it'll cost you that too." "You mean, like money?" Vera nodded. "Yeah. It's not like you'll need it anymore where you're going." The cyclops enjoyed this when it was a simple fantasy, but now that it was rapidly becoming his reality he was beginning to have some doubts. He hadn't had a change of heart entirely, but he was reconsidering if it was worth getting digested over a fetish. Already, he was beginning to realize that Vera wasn't the type who took no for an answer. "So, how much money do you have?" Vera asked, reaching for a second slice. "And I mean all of it. Savings, checking, everything." The cyclops thought about it for a moment. "Uuhh, maybe 2000?" Vera scoffed. "I'll take it, I guess, but you really should be giving me more." The cyclops felt his cheeks heat up. Was he really going to give all of his money and his life to this woman? On the other hand, if he would do something like that for anyone, it would definitely be her. She tore into the second slice with just as much vigor as the first, her every chew and wet lip smack echoing through the cafeteria, putting the other students off their lunch somewhat. She made unbroken eye contact with the cyclops as she ate, as if to say "this could be you." "Thifth coulf be youf if you paith me," she said, once again with her mouth full of food, making the subtext of what she was doing unmistakably clear. Her words were effective too, as the cyclops was indeed quite jealous of that pizza. Still, it wasn't quite enough to overcome the ambivalence he had at the prospect of giving his life away. After swallowing, an enormous belch erupted from her throat, which should've been unsurprising given her general lack of table manners. It was forceful enough for the greasy smell to drift over to the cyclops. If he were to allow himself to be devoured by the serpentess, this would be the odor that awaited him within her guts. "Like that?" she said, subtly fanning the smell towards him with her hand. "There'll be a lot more where that came from if you let me eat you. I bet all your struggling and gasping will give me tons of gas." The smell is sickening, obviously, but also oddly alluring, like the olfactory equivalent of a gorey car crash that one cannot look away from. Something about the prospect of making her immensely gassy stimulated the cyclopean degenerate as well. She reached for her third slice, giving him a look that indicated that she'd just about had it with his hesitating. "Don't worry, there'll still be plenty of room for you," she said, sinking her teeth into the third slice. She decided it would be a good idea to use this particular slice of pizza for a more detailed explanation of what the cyclops could expect during his digestive journey. "Alright, imagine you're this slice of pizza." The cyclops found that neither difficult nor unpleasant to do. "First, you'll go in my mouth like this..." she said, cramming the slice of pizza into her maw with the sloppiness and savagery that the cyclops had come to expect. "Doshnt werthy," she said as she chewed and then swallowed. "You won't have to worry about me chewing on you...unless you want that." The cyclops shook his head. If he were to be swallowed, he'd rather it be without any teeth involved. "Suit yourself. Next, you'll travel down my throat..." she traced her finger down her neck, stopping at her navel, vaguely following the path that the descending pizza was taking. "Then you'll end up in my stomach. It'll be much bigger with you in there, of course," she said, holding her arm out to approximate what her full belly's size would be. "And finally, you'll end up as one of these," she said, leaning across the table and unleashing a belch directly into the cyclops's face. While Vera was busy forcing gas out of her mouth, another gust of hot, stinky air managed to slip out through her ass with a sputtering sound. "Or maybe one of those," she said, fanning her nose. As wretched as her fart was, it still holds some sort of strange sway over you, just like all of her other disgusting habits. "You see, anyone could just devour you for free," she said. "But nobody will be as cruel about it as me. You're nothing more than a meal to me, and some numbers on my bank account-the only difference between you and this slice of pizza is that you're more filling, and you're the one paying me instead." He shudders. To be devoured in such a callous, careless way, treated as no more than food was indeed an essential part of his fantasy. "But if you want, I can lie and say I'll remember you-but it'll cost you extra." The cyclops shakes his head. "Well, I was wanting to put my acting skills to use, but, if you insist, I guess it is easier not to pretend like you're anything more than a snack to me." The cyclop's legs shifted uncomfortably beneath the lunchroom table. "So, to review...you want me to devour you whole, treating you like you're no different from any other food, then churn you up into tons of gas...and then shit you out into the nearest toilet." The cyclops nods in agreement. "Alright..." Vera looked off for a moment, as though she was calculating this all in her head. "Lucky for you, that particular package adds up to exactly the worth of all the money in your bank account and your worldly possessions. Good thing you won't need them where you're going." The cyclops hesitated. As irrational as it was, giving away his life and all his earnings to her felt like a bigger sacrifice than simply giving his life, even though his money would obviously be useless to him as a churned-up turd and clouds of gorgon gas. Ultimately, the choice was between being eaten and not being eaten, and Vera's callous and oh-so-sexy disregard for him and his well being is what pushed him over the edge. It would be an honor to offer himself to a predator who was so utterly repulsive both morally and in the traditional sense, with the way she so carelessly hurled putrid clouds of her own gas into the air. "So, what do you say, big guy?" she asked, signing a contract across the table. The cyclops didn't even need to read it to know what it said. He took a pen out of his pocket, signing on the line and handing it back to her. He knew that there was no going back anymore. She owned him-his body, his money, everything. "Good, good," she said, folding up the contract and placing it back in her pocket. The cyclops wasn't as focused on the implications of what he'd done as much as the logistics. "So, are we going to do this in a bathroom stall, or..." "Oh, I'll end up in a bathroom stall eventually, but it'll be long after you've been churned completely. The swallowing part happens right here, right now." The cyclops wasn't sure what to say. It wasn't too unreasonable, considering how much casual homicide occurred in the halls of this school. Still, all it would take was one self-righteous asshole who thought he wanted saving to completely ruin the mood. Vera seemed pretty confident that she wouldn't be disturbed though, so the cyclops decided to believe her. "Alright, I'm ready," he said. The cyclops barely got the words out of his mouth before Vera reached across the table, grabbing him by his collar and dragging him over to her side, towards her opening mouth. He could see her purple lips parting, to reveal her fangs and forked tongue. He was hit with a humid wave of stale breath that smelled heavily of pizza grease. "Aaaaaaaaah-" She unhinged her jaw like a snake, appropriately enough, until her mouth was wide enough to swallow say, an entire cyclops. Her breath became more pungent the closer to her mouth he got, peaking as she dragged his entire head into her maw, enveloping him all the way down to the base of his neck. All his single eye could see was blackness. All that he could feel, above his shoulders anyways, was sickening wetness and humidity. He could even feel Vera's forked tongue licking up and down his face to taste him. A vibratious moan from her throat confirmed that she enjoyed his flavor. Though muffled, he could hear the muttering of the other students in the cafeteria. The footsteps indicated that they were beginning to crowd around him, forming a circle around his table so they could watch this poor fool get eaten. Although he couldn't make out any specific words, the exclamations from the audience seemed to run the gamut from fascinated to disgusted. The only attitudes that didn't seem to be present were concern or outrage. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately for him, the cyclops wouldn't be experiencing any interruptions on his road to Vera's stomach. Vera's mouth and throat were forced to expand to accommodate the added width of the cyclops's shoulders. After she did this, the rest of the cyclops's body was smooth sailing. She swallowed past his shoulders, and then down his torso, until only half of his body was left uneaten. The other students watched as her throat bulged out enormously, an outline of the cyclops's upper body appearing in her pale green skin. Meanwhile, the unpleasantness of Vera's smells were reduced for the cyclops as his head went from her mouth to her throat. However, they began to intensify again as he neared her stomach. The odor was caustic, gross, and indeed heavily reminiscent of the pizza belches he'd been forced to inhale earlier. She took a strong, wet gulp, forcing the cyclops's body a few inches deeper. A second gulp pushed him down further, and a third even further than that. With one last, massive swallow, the cyclops was sent careening down into her stomach. The other students watched with a mix of fascination and horror as her gut surged out into an enormous, bloated sphere. Her new belly bulge stretched the fabric of her dress to its absolute limits, to the point where it was translucent, and the taut green skin underneath could be seen. This also caused her skirt to ride up rather indecently, though nobody was willing to call her out for her dress code violation. "Delicious," she said, resting her hands against her swollen, spherical stomach. The cyclops writhed within her gut, making her tummy bulge and shift and causing a bubble of gas to rise to the surface. *HOooOOOoOOOooooooOOoooRrrPpp* The belch erupted from her mouth with a truly hideous sound, and a smell that was even worse. The eruption was so large that, instead of being localized to the area around her table, her putrid gut gas spread to fill the entire cafeteria. The reeking, acrid scent of partially-digested cheese and grease was enough to drive many of the students into the hallways. Quite a few still remained, wanting to see the the cyclops's fate firsthand for one reason or another. Their ranks were further depleted though, when Vera followed up her belch with a booming, brassy fart. *FrrRrAaAAaaaAaaaaaaaAaaOoOOoooooRrrttttt* It was as good at filling the room as her belch was, and even better at clearing it. The ones who were able to tolerate the smell of her burp found themselves unable to handle her flatulence. They fled the room with their noses pinched, leaving only the most dedicated perverts and those monsters lucky enough not to have olfactory organs behind. Vera was in a state of absolute bliss. There was the immediate pleasure of having a live, squirming, and satisfyingly large meal bulging out her gut, and having booming blasts of warm gas erupting from between her cheeks. Then, on top of that there was the anticipation of all the wonderful things she could spend her dumb prey's money on. She couldn't believe what an idiot he was, spending all the money he had just to be a meal for her. Whatever he was experiencing within her gut couldn't feel half as good as what she was getting on the outside. The cyclops was having the time of his life in this period shortly before the time of his death. He was submerged in a bubbling puddle of caustic stomach acid, surrounded on all sides by mounds of partially-digested pizza. The piles of food around him reminded him that he was no different than them. Pizza or person, in the end they would both be melted into an indistinguishable slurry and absorbed into Vera's body. Once she was done disposing of it, they would be even harder to tell apart. The squishy, constricting walls of her stomach clenched wetly around him every time she forced out an eruption of gas. Speaking of gas, her innards produced the same unpleasant odor as her breath and her belches, only significantly worse. This was partly due to the fact that it was much more concentrated here, and straight from the source, and partly because there was no fresh air to give him reprieve. Every breath he took was tainted with her rotten gut gas, and the temperature was positively sweltering too. He wasn't sure if the droplets pouring down his face were from Vera's stomach fluids or his own sweat. In other words, Vera's stomach was hot, sticky, foul-smelling, hostile, and overall unpleasant, that was to say, exactly the sort of place he wanted to be. He'd longed to be enveloped by a woman's disgusting innards, and Vera's were more repulsive than he could've hoped for. That's not to say he wasn't still terrified, though. He was keenly aware that every second he spent inside of her was one step closer to being melted into sludge. He could feel it happening at this very moment, and even in the darkness of Vera's stomach he could still look down and see his skin beginning to dissolve. Still, what a way to go. He began to struggle and writhe within her belly. The cyclops didn't think this would avert his fate, nor did he want it to. He figured Vera would enjoy her meal more if it put up a fight, as though he hadn't already done enough for her. Meanwhile, on the outside, Vera was still letting torrents of gas fly from either end without shame, the cyclops's struggles kicking her intestine's gas production into overdrive The entire cafeteria was blanketed in her stench. Soon, the students in the hallways weren't even safe from her odor. She wasn't just letting her gas slip out of her carelessly either. She was clearly going out of her way to push it out, scrunching her face and lifting her leg before each fart, grinning and cackling before and after every brassy belch. Clearly, she took great delight in tainting the air with her fumes. The punched noses, disgusted expressions and wheezing coughs of the few remaining students filled her heart with joy. She was indeed enjoying the way her rapidly liquefying prey squirmed within her gut. She had no way of knowing if he was just doing it for her sake, or out of instinct, or if he'd actually changed his mind and wanted out. It didn't matter much to Vera either way; her services were non-refundable. She patted and rubbed her engorged gut, feeling the way her stomach bulged and shifted whenever her prey made a feeble attempt to fight back. She swore her stomach was softening, and indeed it was. Having consumed countless meals over her lifetime, her guts had become quite efficient at processing them. The cyclops was experiencing this first hand. He looked down at his body and saw his already softened flesh liquefying and bubbling before his very eye. It wasn't long before he was turned into something barely distinguishable from the melted pizza that swam about in her gut. The cyclops's body had been dissolved into a semi-solid sludge that came apart when Vera prodded her shrunken belly with her finger. "I can't believe you spent all that money just melt after a few hours," she said, slapping her softened stomach, jostling the soupy mixture within, and summoning a particularly rancid belch from her throat. "If it makes you feel any better, you'll get to spend forever as a giant pile of my shit!" The melted remains of the cyclops were already being absorbed and processed by her body. Some of him was distributed throughout her body in the forms of fat. Her skirt was sucked into the crack of her newly expanded ass, with a pair of plump light-green thighs beneath it. Her top was similarly stressed by her breasts, which had gone up an entire cup size, and her belly which'd gone from bloated and spherical to slightly rounded and flabby. Overall, Vera was quite pleased with these changes. The parts of the cyclops's digested form that couldn't be added to her assets were sent on a journey towards her colon. Vera felt a pressure in her bowels, of a sort she had become very familiar with. She clenched her ass cheeks and ripped a fart that smelled even worse than usual (yes, such a thing was possible) indicating that it was time for whatever was left of her prey to be released. "Fuck, this one feels like it's gonna be huge," she said while clutching her stomach. She got up from her seat and headed straight towards the bathroom, hands still rested against her swollen, gurgling belly. She let out a series of pungent and airy pre-shit farts behind her as she ambles towards the lavatory, like an airplane leaves behind a vapor trail. Any students in her path got out of the way as soon as they could. They wanted neither to breathe in the clouds of stinking air she produced everywhere she went, nor to attract Vera's ire by getting in her way. She arrived at the door to the girl's bathroom, and pushed open the door with such force that it seemed like she was trying to knock it off its hinges. The loud slam made the other girls in the bathroom jump. The sudden noise wasn't nearly as frightening as Vera's presence however. They couldn't see the gorgon from inside the stalls, but they could still tell that she was there. No other girl in the school could produce farts as loud as the ones Vera was ripping, and her grunting and huffing gave away that it was her as well. Vera charged into the nearest unoccupied stall, yanking her panties down to her ankles and planting her green ass right on the seat. She had made it just in time, as her turd had already begun budding the moment before she planted herself on the toilet. Vera was no stranger to passing logs thicker than her forearm after digesting a meal, but she still had to strain to force this turd out, at least at first. "Grrrr, come on!" she grunted, her green face turning scarlet as she squeezed. Eventually she managed to push a foot-long log of bone-riddled shit into the bowl where it landed with a splash. Unfortunately, she was just getting started, and there was still plenty of pushing she would have to do before her bowels were properly emptied. The area around Vera was filled with an awful scent that quickly spread to the adjacent stalls. After getting one whiff of it the girls beside her finished their business as quickly as they could, and ran out of the bathroom with their noses pinched like they were trying to escape a burning building. She had managed to work another turd out of her flexing green asshole. It was a good start, but she was still a long way for her to go if she wanted relief. If the smell hadn't been enough to compel the other girls to leave, then her constant grunting would've done it instead. Some more pushing and a second log of stinking ex-cyclops landed in the bowl with a splash. She let out a loud, juicy fart between her second and third shits. From there, she alternated between pushing airy blasts and solid chunks of turd out of her rectum. After a few minutes, not only had she filled her stall and the stalls beside her with her stench, she'd managed to turn the entire women's restroom into an exclusion zone. There wasn't a single corner nor crevice in the entire room that wasn't tainted by her reeking miasma. A few more gurgling farts and her stench even began to seep underneath the door and into the bathroom outside. Luckily for Vera, the more she excreted, the easier it became for her to pass her waste. Eventually she no longer needed to strain to force out and pinch off individual logs. Now her shit simply extruded from her anus in one long, continuous stream, that formed a coiled pile on top of the waste that had already settled in the bowl. She still let out shameless, semi-involuntary noises while she shit, but now they were long sighs of relief instead of frustrated grunts. Her stomach shrunk and softened, though it was still a bit larger than it was before she'd devoured her prey. Her bowels still hadn't been entirely emptied, and she had gained a layer of pudge from her digested meal as well. She squeezed and pinched her newfound chub between her fingertips as the last of her waste slithered out of her. She was forced to struggle and squeeze one last time in order to force the cyclops' partially shattered skull out of her ass, the browned bone sitting atop the pile of shit she had created. She wiped herself thoroughly, pulled her panties back up, and then turned around to admire her work. As was typical for her after disposing of one of her meals, she had managed to fill the entire bowl to the brim with her shit, leaving the toilet completely and utterly clogged. She belched quickly, recalling the taste of her prey to her tongue. Though her bowels had been emptied, it would be hours before she was fully relieved of her gas. "Hmm, you tasted alright," she said, licking her lips. "I've had better." She exited the stall, not bothering to close it behind her, allowing the smell to further seep into the space. She headed towards the mirror, so she could examine the changes her body had undergone. "...but you did do wonders for my figure," she said as she admired herself in the mirror. Her prey had added about sixty or so pounds to her body overall, distributed rather evenly to her breasts, rear, and stomach, with whatever remained padding out her thighs. Her breasts had gone up an entire cup size, straining her dress and leaving her green cleavage exposed. Her inadequately sized bra could now be seen beneath the fabric, stretched to the point of translucency. Her skirt was put under similar duress, made to ride up until her newly-expanded buttocks were exposed too. The middle of her dress wasn't spared either. The taut material showed off the new rolls and curves of her fat-padded belly. She sighed as she finished lustily examining her newfound curves. Now that her prey had been digested, he meant nothing to her, nothing more than any other meal at least. He only existed to her as fat on her hips, a number in her bank account, a lingering flavor on her tongue, gas bubbling up from both ends, and a cooling pile of shit in the toilet. She could neither recall his name, nor recall if he had even given it to her in the first place. She didn't care much either way. He was just food to her-the only thing that differentiated him from the pizza she'd eaten before was his size and the fact that he payed her. It wouldn't be long before she devoured and drained the bank account of some other sucker, who would be discarded just as casually and forgotten just as quickly.
 Sales of so-called 'fairy dust' were banned, and all supplies recalled after the true nature of the substance became widely known... -The Adaford Chronicles Why mince words? They stopped selling it 'cause they found out it was fairy cum. -Anonymous Adaford Citizen Minus a horse but plus a good night's sleep and a full stomach, Norrix and Keena continued their journey deeper into the woods towards Thern. If their map was to be believed they were about halfway to their destination. They stopped only once to cook and eat a pair of rabbits that Keena had hunted for their breakfast, which Keena took as an opportunity to show Norrix how to start a fire. They trotted along uninterrupted from there until another problem suddenly reared its head. Keena fell from their horse, clutching her head with a low pitched growl. "Keena, are you alright?" Norrix asked, immediately dismounting and kneeling beside her. "Grrr, what the fuck is that noise!" she snarled. "I don't hear anything," Norrix said. "It must be too high-pitched...can you tell where it's coming from?" "No, fuck! It feels like it's coming from everywhere." Her answer wasn't much help, but Norrix couldn't exactly blame her for that. There was a short list of things that living in the forest that could produce such a sound. In fact, there was really only one. "I'm sorry, there's not much I can do about this right now," he said. "I'll try and find what's causing it and put a stop to it. Just hold tight, alright?" "Yeah, hrrk...whatever it is, just be sure to give it a good ass kicking on my behalf." Norrix quickly glanced around the surrounding area until he found what he was looking for-a small patch of white-capped mushrooms clustered in front of a tree. "I'll be right back, I promise," he said, laying his hand to his forehead. It wouldn't actually soothe her pain, but it didn't feel right to just leave her lying there. Staying at her side would just prolong the problem, so he tore himself away from her and headed towards the mushrooms. Then, he looked until he spotted another patch and headed towards those. He did this several more times, bringing himself deeper and deeper into the forest until he finally found what he was really looking for. Scattered across the forest floor was a fine, glimmering powder, its shine standing out against the dirt and drying leaves. It was exactly as Norrix thought: fairies, of the most common woodland variety. While they weren't particularly threatening creatures, the high-pitched sounds they produced could be torture for someone with ears as sensitive as Keena's. Though, since it wasn't mating season, there was no good reason for them to produce their shrieks this time of year. The path created by the fairy dust was almost a completely straight line, leading Norrix right up to the mouth of a grotto. The darkness kept him from peering too deep into the cave, but the mouth was adorned with more mushrooms and a scattering of glittering dust. There was a strong draft coming from the cave's mouth, indicating that it must've lead somewhere. Norrix took a deep breath to steady himself as he stepped into the darkness, with only the small shine of the dust at his feet to illuminate his path. He couldn't understand why he felt such a gripping fear in his chest. It was only fairies after all, how bad could it be? Beyond the grotto was a clearing encircled by trees, where the fairies had carved out a little town for themselves. The buildings were small, naturally, as their occupants didn't take up too much space. Even the largest among them were barely a foot tall. They were all carved from wood taken from the surrounding trees, and decorated with leaves, mushrooms, and whatever other pieces of colorful detritus they could find on the forest floor. The fairies themselves were typical for this region. About three inches tall on average, the fairies had bodies of a loosely humanoid shape. It was as though someone had sanded away all the sharp edges of their form, leaving only a smooth and rounded figure without any curves or joins, as though were made out of dough. Their chests were flat, their torsos without navels, and there wasn't so much as a single nipple to be found. Their facial features were just as amorphous, androgynous with small pointed noises, long ears, simple, lipless mouths like you'd see on a crudely drawn smiley-face, and tiny eyeballs that were just perfectly rounded orbs sticking out from their skull, without the more ovular shape of a human's eye. Between their thighs was a single sexless orifice, more akin to say, the space between two pillows stacked on top of one another in terms of appearance and function than any reproductive organ. They were kept along by shimmering wings upon their back, which due to the speed of their flapping and their translucence was difficult to see when in motion. Pale of skin and with short hair of a greenish tint, the fairies looked like a doll that had been created by a toymaker who wasn't particularly dedicated to his craft. There was a good reason for this. Besides their shape, fairies shared more in common with the white-capped mushrooms that surrounded their home than they did humanity. The generally accepted theory is that they originated as a type of fungus with some form of intelligence and some degree of control over their own forms. After encountering mankind, they decided to imitate them, transforming into humanoid creatures and imitating human behavior, perhaps as a form of mockery. Though they reproduce asexually, they still have seasonal mating rituals in which they perform approximations of human sex acts while scattering their fairy dust to the wind. While said to have magical properties, in reality the so-called 'fairy dust' is actually the creature's reproductive spores. What Norrix had walked into wasn't an ordinary fairy village though. He no longer had to speculate about why the fairies were being so noisy. The sounds that assailed Keena's ears were not in fact the fairies' mating cries, but their shrill, terrified screams. The fairies were under assault by a giant creature whose size surpassed theirs by tenfold. The fairies' homes were reduced to splinters beneath its feet. The feeling fae were snatched up in its grasp and crammed into either of the beast's hungering orifices: either sent into its maw and swallowed down its throat or crammed into the hole between its legs. Both actions resulted in its stomach swelling. One could see the dozens of fairies squirming helplessly within its rounded belly. There were two important things about this giant creature that should be noted. Firstly, it appeared to be a fairy itself, albeit one of incredible size. Secondly, it was only a giant when compared to the size of its kin. While to the fairies it trampled over it was a giant of unfathomable size, to Norrix it was only came up to his navel. It had proportions similar to that of an adult human, but contained within at most three feet of height. It had similarly vague, doll-like features to the creatures it was reducing to paste beneath its wriggling toes, but with a bit more definition, perhaps owed to the fact that its size made it easier to examine in detail. It was easier to discern its fungal origins as well, its skin having the sort of dusty texture certain kinds of mushrooms did when viewed from up close. Its wider hips made it look more womanly, though the crevice between its legs was still lacking the various nuances of a humanoid vagina. Its eyes even had some expressiveness rather than being two unmoving fixed points, though the only thing they expressed at the moment was a frenzied hunger and lust for destruction. Norrix watched as it crammed another handful of fairies into its mouth, and then belched up a glimmering cloud of fairy dust from its throat. His first instinct was to pull his journal out of the satchel on his hip, and write down a flurry of observations about this unique creature as well as a quick sketch of its likeness. It wasn't exactly the most heroic thing he could've done, but Norrix didn't feel particularly compelled to intervene. Though the fleeing fairies looked as though they were in distress, Norrix knew better than to take their ear-rending cries at face value. Fairies could not, in fact, experience pain, and they did not value the little houses they had made for themselves nor even their own lives. Even the most grievous of injuries would result in a fairy being reduced to a puddle of spores, from which a new body could be regrown. The giant fae posed no real threat to them. The only reason why they panicked and screamed is because it was what the humans they had modeled themselves after would do. Unfortunately, none of information was of any use to Keena, whose ears would be assaulted by their shrill cries regardless of whether or not their terror was genuine. The only way to relieve his companion of her auditory agony was to get rid of the rampaging creature, which wasn't something Norrix knew how to do. This giant fairy was an utterly unique creature that had never been observed before, so there was no clear protocol on how to deal with it. He considered simply walking up to the beast and socking it in the face. Even if Norrix could deal a knockout blow, it wouldn't accomplish much. It would only be a matter of time before the creature got up again and resumed its rampage. The only way to deal with it permanently would be to annihilate it completely, to reduce it to the component spores it was made of, and then scatter those to the wind so they could grow into regular-sized fairies again. That was not something that Norrix could do with his bare hands. There was only one instrument he had access to that could achieve such a thing, and it was the last thing Norrix wanted to use at this point. Norrix rushed out of the grotto and returned to Keena, who hadn't acclimated to the sound much since he last saw her. "Hey, are you almost *hnnng* done?" she asked, hands clasped around her aching ears. "Unfortunately no," he said. "I did discover the source of the problem though. There's a small grotto of fairies just past here, under attack from the largest fairy I've ever seen. Their cries have been the think causing you all that pain. The only way to get them to stop screaming is to eliminate the giant, and I'm afraid that's not something I can do without your help." "You want me to get *grrrr* closer to the thing that's making me feel like my skull's about to explode?" "Yes. There's no other way." "Gah! What is it you need me to do?" "I'm going to need you to eat the large fairy that's behind all this. Based on its size it should fit in your stomach without much issue." "If you haven't noticed I have a bit of a *fuck* issue about eating people. You know, because of the whole *grrr* werewolf thing?" "I know," Norrix said. "But you won't be killing it. Your stomach acids will break down its large body into its component spores. Then you'll, uh, excrete them, where they'll form into a new generation of fairies." "Fine. Even with my *hhhrrrg* moral opposition out of the way, I still don't really want to get any *gggrrrnn* closer to that fucking ear poison." "I understand, it must not be an easy thing for you to do," he said. "But what if I could find a way to make the whole experience more...pleasant to make up for it?" "Alright, I'm *hrrk* listening." Norrix sat himself on the ground a few inches away from Keena, legs crossed. "Would you mind sitting yourself on my lap?" he asked. Keena pulled herself up, pushing her body into Norrix's lap so her back was facing towards him. Keena knew exactly what Norrix was trying to do: this was meant to prove that she could still move even while under the effect of the fairies' cries. "You really seem to enjoy having a full stomach," Norrix said, tracing his fingers over her abs. He wasn't wrong, she could really go for a gut stuffed with something right about now. "Well, imagine how full you'll be after this. You should have enough room, but it'll really push the limits of your capacity. I can hardly imagine how stuffed you'll be. It's a good thing I'll be there, massaging your belly the whole time so you don't get indigestion." Once again Keena knew exactly what he was doing, and once again it was working. "That doesn't sound...like the worst thing in the world." Norrix smiled, now rubbing her midsection more forcefully with both hands. It seemed like he had convinced her, but he still wanted to try another track just to be sure. "You are a good girl, aren't you?" he said. She shuddered. "I'd...*herrrg* I'd like to think so..." "Well, imagine you're a houndess and I'm your master. A good, obedient dog would happily devour whoever her mastered siced her on, wouldn't she?" "Mmmf...I guess she would." "Well, don't you want to be a good puppy for me? Don't you want to give yourself a full, squirming belly for your master to rub and caress just like he wants you to?" Keena could feel a wetness gathering between her legs. For just a moment she forgot about the ear-splitting pain she was in. It sounded amazing, being Norrix's loyal, obedient attack dog, glutting herself at his command, letting her master's tender touch roll over her swollen tummy. It was enough to make enduring a barrage of fairy screams worth it. "I do...I really do." "Very good," Norrix said, withdrawing his hands from her stomach. "The grotto is only a few yards from here, and I can show you the way. Do you think you could make it that far?" "Yeah, I think so," Keena nodded, forcing herself off of Norrix's lap and onto her feet. "It's gonna hurt like hell, but I think I can do it." She wasn't sure if it was best to push her lewd thoughts out of her mind so she could focus on the task ahead, or if she should let them flourish so her arousal would overwhelm the pain. It didn't seem like she had much of a choice, since her fantasies simply refused to go away. "So, it's master now, huh?" Keena said, turning to Norrix with her eyebrow cocked playfully. "Only if you want it to be." ---- Norrix marched Keena along the mushroom-laden path, his hands over hers, with both pairs of hands covering her ears. Between the two of them the sound was reduced to a level that was just barely tolerable, though that didn't last as they got closer to the grotto. "Do you still think you can do this?" he asked. He bit his tongue, realizing that he made it sound like he was doubting her. He had complete faith in her ability to pull this off. Everything else aside, he had concluded in locker-room conversations with his fellow students that werewolf beat fairy, every time. "Because I know you can." Keena smiled. "There's no way I'm turning back at this point. I really want to give those *gggrrrhh* fairy fuckers a piece of my mind." They arrived at the mouth of the grotto, where the screaming was at its penultimate intensity. "You can let go of me now," Keena said. "I can't eat properly with your hands attached to me...at least, not to that part of me." Norrix did as she asked, removing his hands slowly as not to bombard her with sound all at once. Unfortunately, she was hit with a wave of shrill shrieking anyways. She fell to her knee, but managed to force herself back to her feet again. "I got this," she said as she pushed her way to the end of the grotto. "I'll try and put on a good show for you, master." She intended her remark to be sarcastic, but calling Norrix by that title still caused something to stir within her. She glimpsed the thing that Norrix intended for her to devour as she emerged from the cave. It was an oversized fairy which was trampling and terrorizing its kin. Admittedly, it was pretty comical to see the fairies running away in fear from something that barely rose to her knees. She supposed that what constituted a giant, terrifying monster was relative. Though if the large fairy was enough to frighten them Keena must've looked like an absolutely nightmare to them. Norrix was exactly right in his estimation, it seemed as though the giant fairy would fit perfectly in Keena's stomach, given the proper encouragement and incentives of course. "Hey, over here!" she shouted at the fae, hoping to make it come to her. She didn't want to risk stepping on the fairy's houses while approaching it, lest the fairies consider her an enemy as well. Luckily her strategy seemed to work just fine. The fairy swiveled its head over to look at her, and the two monsters caught each other's black-eyed gaze. The fairy began marching towards her, trampling its fellow fairies on its way. It wasn't just carelessly pulverizing the ones that got in its path-it was going out of its way to crush as much of the tiny creatures as it could. Norrix exited the cave soon after she did, standing near her but giving her enough distance with which to operate. He didn't want to get in her way, but he didn't want to abandon her either. Besides, he knew that she would want his encouragement. Keena tried to hold steady as the fairy approached, even though the screams of its tiny kin were still like a weight pressing against her skull from all sides. "Come on, just a little closer," she snarled with a wince. "After that I can finally get some peace and fucking quiet..." The fairies' cries grew even louder as more of their homes were reduced to rubble. "Fuck, that's too much! I can't take it anymore!" Keena said, falling to her knees with her aching head in her hands. The giant fairy seemed to reconsider fighting the werewolfess, since it looked like she had already been subdued. Norrix took that as his cue to intervene. He came up from behind her, knees sinking into the rain-softened mud and wrapping his hands around her waist. "Don't focus on anything else," he said softly. "Just listen to the sound of my voice." Keena took a deep breath, and tried to separate Norrix's speech from the background of fairy screams. "If there's anything I can say for sure about you, it's that you're the toughest person I know and you have the biggest appetite I've ever seen. If anyone can do this, it's you." Keena steadied her breathing, and pushed herself back to her feet. Norrix rose behind her, arms still gingerly encircling her body. With his one hand he caressed her slightly convex, muscular stomach. "Imagine how much better this will feel when you're all nice and full," he said. "All you need to do is this one thing. Then no more screaming, nothing to worry about, just belly rubs and kisses for as long as you want. And I promise, I'll be with you the whole time. My hands won't leave your belly once from the moment it starts to swell to when it's completely flat from digestion. How does that sound?" "Heh...that sounds pretty good, master," Keena said. The excited pounding of blood behind her ears was starting to dampen all the wailing, as was the dizziness that rattled all of her senses. The fairies were still unleashing their bitter screams into the forest air, but that was happening somewhere else. Right now she was in Norrix's arms, and everything else was so very, very far away. Everything except for her target, which had grown bored with her, turning its back in search of some more fairies to stuff inside of itself. "Hey asshole, come back over here!" she said, with a grinning Norrix still attached to her at the hip. "You don't just get to walk away from me! We haven't even started yet!" Just in case it didn't get it, Keena bared her fangs and growled at it. Despite having no connections to canines, the fairy still recognized this universal sign of aggression. As fairies were wont to do, it imitated it, forcing out an airy gurgle from its mouth that was somewhat akin to a snarl, pushing out its two small fangs which were the closest thing to teeth that lay beneath its lipless mouth. Then, it charged. Norrix's words may have helped soothe Keena's migraine, but it also distracted her from the battle at hand. Because of this the fairy was able to get in the first blow, reeling back its fist and delivering a running punch to the werewolf with its full might. Keena looked down at the creature to confirm that its fist had indeed collided with her body. There it was, with its fist against Keena's knee just as she had suspected. She had to check because she had barely felt it. Even the most powerful blow from the fairy's spongy fist could be mistaken for a stiff breeze. "That all you got?" Keena asked. The fairy looked up at her wordlessly. "Alright, my turn." She snagged the fairy in her hand, hoisting the half-sized creature above her head. With an 'aaaaaah' she opened her mouth, revealing a maw full of slobbering teeth and a tongue eager to taste fairy flesh. She released her grip on the fairy, causing it to float gently down into her mouth feet-first. Because of the creature's size, it only took three gulps to get it from her mouth to her throat. The first sucked in the fairy's torso, pushing its legs into her esophagus where they would kick about helplessly. The second forced the fairy's midsection down her gullet, so only its head remained unswallowed, trapped in her mouth with a terrifying expanse of razor-sharp teeth on either side of it. Though the fairy's simplistic facial features made its emotions difficult to distinguish, it was wearing what looked to be an expression of utter terror. Keena wasn't sure if fairies had a sense of smell, but she sincerely hoped that they did, and that the fairy was being tormented by her hot, reeking breath. With the third and final gulp the fairy's entire body was trapped in Keena's gullet, creating a bulge that was visible from the outside. Norrix watched intently, with a fascination that was about half scientific and half morbid. Keena didn't need to bother swallowing another time. Her esophageal muscles were doing a fine job of pushing the squirming fae down towards her stomach entirely on their own. It only took a few seconds for the fairy to land in Keena's gut, where a bubbling puddle of foul-smelling acid was there to greet it. Because Norrix's arms were wrapped tightly around Keena's stomach, he could feel it expanding beneath him in real time. The bulge started as a modest-sized bulge on the upper portion of her midsection, before swelling into a ballooning potbelly on her lower abdomen, which is how it would remain until her prey was digested. "Good girl," Norrix said, running a hand up and down the swell of her belly the moment her prey had settled. "You did a good job hunting for your master and filling up your belly just like he asked. I think you earned yourself a reward." Keena felt plenty rewarded already, between her satisfyingly full stomach, the knowledge that the irritating creature was being boiled alive in her putrid stomach juices, and most of all the fact that her ears were no longer being assaulted by the shrill cries of her prey's victim. Regardless, she wasn't going to refuse a 'reward' from Norrix on top of that. "Mmm, what kind of reward?" she cooed. "Well, first you should get comfortable," Norrix said, both hands now clasped over her churning gut and massaging it. Keena scanned the environment to see if there was some place where she could lie down and have her belly rubbed. Something else caught her attention though. All of the surviving fairies emerged from their homes and hiding spots now that it was finally safe. They took to the skies with their shimmering wings, beady black eyes widening at the sight of Keena, their savior. Their featureless mouths opened up to sing her praises, a sound that was only slightly less irritating than their cries for help. "Hey, Norrix?" Keena said, her tone more direct, indicating a break from their little master and pet roleplay. "Hm?" Norrix said. He stopped rubbing her belly, but kept his grip on her waist as he didn't wish to go against his word. "As much as I want that reward...and trust me, I really, really do...there's something I want to take care of first." Norrix nodded and released her, taking a step back. Keena turned to him and flashed him a fanged smile. Then, in a motion almost too fast for him to follow, she whipped her body back around and snatched up a handful of fairies from the air. "You think I'm going to forgive you just like that?" she roared. "I didn't eat that stupid giant to save you, I did it so you'd all shut up! You're the ones I had a problem with...so if the big one ends up in my stomach then you do too!" Keena crammed the fistful of fairies into her mouth, so carelessly that a few of them fell out of the sides of her mouth. The rest were not so lucky, and were pushed to the back of her throat by her tongue. They slid into her stomach effortlessly, despite the fact that she had swallowed at least six of them. They landed on top of the larger one, who wasn't interested in tormenting them anymore now that it had bigger things to worry about. Norrix simply watched. The suddenness of Keena's actions had left him slightly stunned, and besides, there wasn't any real reason to intervene. Devouring the smaller fairies was no more objectionable than doing the same to the larger one, and she seemed to be enjoying herself... "You thought that big fairy was scary? How about this?" Keena said, before silencing herself with another mouthful of fae. She made sure to trample their little houses underfoot too. The fairies scattered in fear, but they were no more able to escape Keena than they were their previous assailant. Keena grabbed them from the ground and air with little effort, shoveling them into her mouth one, sometimes two fistfuls at a time. She gorged herself to the point where her stomach started to expand visibly again. Not every fairy's fate was identical. Some she opted not to eat, instead choosing to crush them to glimmering paste beneath her feet or in her grip. "Where do you think you're going?" she said, snatching by the wings a fairy that'd almost managed to make it to the grotto. She brought it inches away from her mouth, but instead of eating it, she unleashed a point-blank burp right onto the creature's tiny body. BAAAROOOOUURAAPH! The gust of stale, meaty air arrived with enough force to blow the fae's body apart. A cloud of sparkling fairy dust rained down upon the forest ground, tainted by the stench of Keena's gut gas. As soon as her belch tapered off Keena fell to one knee, clutching her stomach. Her belly let out a particularly deep, wet gurgle. Norrix had become familiar enough with the various growls and glurps that Keena's stomach produced to know that this one was different and worthy of concern. The struggling of the fairies had seemingly subsided, as Keena's stomach had made short work of their small bodies. That wasn't to say that her stomach was idle though, as it visibly clenched with discomfort before Norrix's very eyes. Loud and frothy churning sounds were produced by her burbling gut. Every few seconds they would bubble to the surface in the form of a belch or a fart, sometimes both. When she belched, a cloud of fairy dust would be launched from her mouth like confetti. Their shiny multicolored glimmer was in stark contrast to the rank odor that accompanied Keena's belch. "Fuck...what's in these things?" Keena said, pawing at her own aching gut. "Well, fairies are made of fungus..." "Ugh, why didn't you tell me that before?" Keena said, as a wet, sickly fart erupted from her backside. "Mushrooms give me the worst gas." "As opposed to everything else you eat?" Norrix teased, as another moist ffFFLLRBBbbsshHhHHLLRBBBTT!! bubbled out of Keena's ass. "This isn't funny! You have to *hOrp* do something about this!" Norrix sighed. "Well, I did promise you belly rubs." Norrix knelt in front of Keena's stomach, and lowered his hands onto the shifting lump. Now that he was closer, he could see that, while the normal fairies had been mostly churned, the giant fairy still had a bit of fight left. Every few seconds it would punch sluggishly against the walls of Keena's stomach, creating a small but visible lump on the outside. He began to caress her belly. He couldn't help but be morbidly fascinated by the feeling of her prey struggling beneath her skin. "I'm sorry about this," Norrix said, running his hands along the side of her tummy in long, slow arcs. "I'll be sure to ask about your sensitivities next time." "Nah, don't *HuuUUrrrrpPp* worry about it," Keena said. Norrix's touch was as lovely as ever. Though she still felt a bit sick, her discomfort was overwhelmed by another sensation. She recalled Norrix's words from earlier. Eating the fairy had indeed made her feel like a gluttonous predator, and the internal squirming of her prey helped reinforce this. This feeling was not a dominant one though, quite the opposite. Because she had done this at Norrix's command, and because of the way he praised her and gently massaged her stomach, she felt not like a feral huntress but like a domestic beast, no less ferocious or hungry but utterly loyal to and lavished with praise by her master. She had done the wild animal thing for a while, and between that and domestication she was starting to prefer the latter. "You did a good job," Norrix said, waiting for Keena's noisy gas to subside so he could speak uninterrupted. "I want you to know that. This couldn't have been easy for you." "Nah, it was *BwwEeeeoOurrrp* nothing," Keena said. "I only did this so I could stop hearing those fairies screaming. Save it for when I go out of my way to save your ass, alright?" Norrix chuckled. His hands had not left her belly nor stopped rubbing it once this whole time. "Well, can I say that I'm impressed by your stomach? I knew you had an appetite, but swallowing something that big whole is something else..." "Yeah. Feels like my stomach's just about done with it. You said I need to let the dust out so it can grow new fairies, right? How do I do that, *UuuOoorrrp* exactly?" "It seems like you're doing it already," Norrix said, as a cloud of stale air and fairy dust blew across his face. "Mmf, well that's good," Keena said. The two watched as the dust was captured by the breeze, and swept away to spawn life anew. The forest was quiet and peaceful. The air smelled like Keena's ass. ---- After expelling what seemed to be all the remaining fairy dust from her system, Keena and Norrix mounted their shared horse, and began to rode off towards Thern, which was now but a few miles away. It would take then only an hour or two to arrive there, assuming that there were no other interruptions. "So what *hic* was that all about?" Keena asked. "I've never heard of fairies getting that big before." "Me neither," Norrix said. "The fairies in the west are a bit bulkier, but this was something else. Between this and the deer that Viri mentioned, it seems like there's a pattern of things being larger than they're supposed to be." "So you don't think it's just a coincidence?" Norrix shook his head. "It's worth looking into at least, but we still have a mission to complete. We can't afford any more distractions." Keena nodded firmly in agreement. "Right. We're so close, I can't imagine us running into any more problems between here and Thern..."
Kanaya woke up slowly, stretching out her arms and releasing a yawn that eventually transformed into a belch, tainted with the scent of her dinner from yesterday. Kanaya had fallen victim to boundless gluttony many sweeps ago, and had been indulging her unending hunger almost nonstop ever since. There wasn’t a single moment that went by from the emergence of Kanaya’s hunger to now when she wasn’t shoving some kind of food in her mouth, usually something especially greasy and fattening. This constant stream of food caused Kanaya to become increasingly large, naturally. It started with just her belly, becoming round and stretching out the fabric of her favorite dress. The rest of her body followed suit, until she sported fatty arms, thick thighs, cankles, visible back rolls, chubby cheeks and a multitude of chins. Eventually, it reached a point where Kanaya was simply unable to move, so massive was the weight of her body. Fortunately, Kanaya was directly in front of her fridge when she became immobile, so she was able to continue stuffing herself on leftovers for a while. With her immobility came a steep decline in hygiene. The once proper troll could no longer shower, and her body was thick with a musky, sweaty odor. Her elegant clothes were now covered in dense food stains, as were her pursed black lips. She didn’t care anymore, though, as her carefully preserved refinement gave way to her ever-present hunger. Things continued like this for a while, until Kanaya became larger than her Hive, and larger still, becoming a huge blubbery blob around the size of an average mountain. Her breasts were enormous and saggy, and almost impossible to distinguish from the countless rolls of fat on her body, if not for the perpetually erect jade-colored nipples they sported. Her clothes had been shredded to ribbons long ago, so her nude, corpulent body was constantly visible on the horizon, but Kanaya had given up on shame a long time ago. Plus, many of the trolls who lived near her had long since vacated, as they got sick of being downwind of Kanaya’s near constant belches and farts. Even without her gas, her body still reeked with the scent of the grease trapped between her rolls. Once she was fully awake, and had let out all of her morning gas in the form of rancid, ripping farts, Kanaya ran her fat hands lazily over her belly, which made up most of her massive body. Now, normally, by this point, Kanaya’s gluttony would be on decline, as she was simply too huge to feed herself anymore. However, Kanaya had a partner-in-crime, so to speak, and that partner was her ancestor, known only as The Dolorosa. The Dolorosa was quite tall, although still fairly diminutive compared to her enormous descendant, and her body was voluptuous rather than blob-like. Still, she shared Kanaya’s maternal nature, and taking care of a famished Kanaya who couldn’t feed herself was a particularly enjoyable challenge for her. The Dolorosa slung a significant supply of food over her shoulder, most of it for Kanaya, with some of it reserved for herself, as the journey up Kanaya’s mountainous body could be a long one. Kanaya was easier to climb than the average mountain, though, as her soft, blubbery body provided many excellent footholds for any would-be climber. The Rosa’s quest would still prove challenging, though, as the hungrier Kanaya was, the more her stomach would rumble. Its gurgles were fierce, and forced The Dolorosa to sink her hands into Kanaya’s grey flesh and hold on for dear life, to avoid being knocked off The Dolorosa did make it to the top, eventually. It took a few minutes of searching to locate Kanaya’s face, as it was surrounded by chins that were otherwise indistinguishable from the rest of her body’s seemingly unlimited flab. The hot, powerful burp it unleashed gave away its location. The Rosa stood by her mouth, and began to lovingly feed her the meal she had brought with her, mostly consisting of incredibly large and greasy burgers which Kanaya swallowed greedily, one after the other. Kanaya thanked her with a burp, as the Dolorosa prepared to leave, running a napkin over Kanaya’s lips in hopes of wiping away at least some of the food stains they had accumulated. Kanaya was now satisfied again, and began to fall asleep, ripping one last fart from between her building-sized, cellulite-riddled asscheeks before she nodded off.
 Maddy had spent weeks collecting helpless, unwilling tinies, so she could have some fun with them all at once. Sure, she could've just slurped them down the moment she found them, or done way with them in some equally obscene way, but toying with a single shrunken person just wasn't as much fun for her anymore. Tormenting a whole bunch of them at once, now that was real entertainment. Not only did she have a collection of unwilling tinies that loathed and feared her, but she had also stumbled upon a small tribe of them who worshiped her like a goddess, and were more than willing to serve her every whim. Maddy could never decide if she liked willing or unwilling tinies better, and this way she didn't have to choose. It took Maddy a bit of preparation to get everything in order. First, she got the necessary materials: a condom and a fresh, juicy burger were the only things she really required. Then, she stripped herself completely naked, exposing her cock which was already erect with excitement, and her pudgy belly that was about to get a whole lot pudgier after she finished digesting her prey. With that settled, she grabbed her captured tinies in her hands, while the worshipful ones looked up at her awestruck and awaiting their goddess's command. While she spent a few seconds thinking of what her orders would be, she dumped a few of the squirming tinies in her hand down her throat, causing her to belch. The smell lazily drifted over to the other tinies trapped in her grasp, giving them a chilling indication of their coming fate. "Hmmm...how about you guys go and worship my balls?" The willing tinies jumped into action almost immediately, crawling up her legs so they could lovingly massage their goddess's testicles. Those little guys were pretty good with their hands, and their pleasant touch caused Maddy's stiffy to swell. Meanwhile she dropped more tinies into her growing stomach until her right hand was empty. Then, she reached over to grab the burger she had been saving, and shoved all of the tinies in her left hand inside of it. Once again Maddy was getting the best of both worlds. Burgers and squirming, helpless tinies were neck-in-neck for her favorite food, and this way she could have both! She took a big, hearty bite out of the burger while the other tinies continued to massage her sack. This was paradise. "How about you *hurp* rub my tits too?" she said, committing the twin social sins of talking with her mouth full and belching while talking. Her worshipers didn't seem to mind their goddess's awful manners that much, swiftly making their way up to her cleavage. Some rubbed her stiffened, rose-pink nipples, while others simply let themselves sink into her cleavage so they could massage the flesh of the breast itself. The unwilling tinies were having a much less pleasant experience, as they were trapped in Maddy's mashing mouth with partially-chewed burger slop, just narrowly avoiding being masticated themselves. Maddy finished off the last bite of her burger with a hearty belch, which all the occupants of her mouth got a good, strong whiff of. The other tinies massages were bringing Maddy to the brink of orgasm, just as she noticed a sauce-covered tiny on the floor that had managed to slip free of her burger. "Whoops, guess I missed one,? Maddy said, leaning down to pick him up. She wiped him off, and then dropped him in the orange condom she had brought before stretching it out over her erection with the tiny still inside. "Keep rubbing my balls, just like that," she commanded breathily. The ball-worshiping tinies took notice, and massaged her scrotum with twice as much vigor as before. Precum poured from the tip of Maddy's dick, as she alternated between moans and sloppy belches. Meanwhile, the tinies in her stomach were awash in a foul sea of liquefied burger and caustic acids. They scrambled to escape her stomach walls, but they were helpless to do anything but wait as the stomach acids rose to consume their bodies. The tinies were digested quickly and gruesomely, flesh stripped from bone and processed into slop to be absorbed by Maddy's body. Her stomach had bulged from both the big burger and her victims, giving her a slight but noticeably potbelly. If one looked closely, they could make out the remaining tinies squirming against the flesh that imprisoned them, even letting out the occasional high-pitched, muffled scream. The tinies ball rubs had pushed her to climax, and a healthy load of jizz spurted out of her cockhead to fill the reservoir tip of her condom. The lone tiny was trapped in the ballooning bulge at the tip of her rubber, unable to do anything as he was smothered by a pool of rising cum. At least he was having a better time than his kin, the last of which were bubbling away in Maddy's stomach acids until their screams and squirming subsided. Maddy's gas got even more serve than before, and her mouth wasn't the only orifice getting in on the action. Though she was still releasing plenty of bassy, burger-smelling belches, her backside started releasing some bubbling gas too. Any tinies standing behind her found themselves blasted away by her stinking windstorm, though they were honored to experience their goddess's divine scent. "You give me pretty bad gas for just tiny guys...heh."
The waves lapped gently against the shore of the beach. Just a few yards away, they crashed thunderously against the jetty. Beneath the blue-green waves there was a shadowy blob of movement, so dark and ill-defined that it could easily be dismissed as nothing. June Rosales certainly didn't notice it. She was too preoccupied with her newfound feeling of freedom. No more classes to worry about, miles away from anyone who could demand anything from her, she practically had no choice but to enjoy her vacation. And enjoy it she did. Between the warm sun, the cooling sea breeze, and the calming sound of the waves filling what was otherwise peaceful silence, June felt like she was in paradise. There was nobody else around, which just added to her feeling of serenity. She would rather not have any swimsuit-clad hooligans running around and ruining this scenic perfection. She was more than happy just sitting her butt down in the sand, and watching the waves come in until nightfall. Her plans were interrupted rather suddenly. An usually large wave formed before her very eyes and crashed into the shore, leaving something behind on the shore after it vanished as soon as it had appeared. That 'something' caught June's attention immediately, because of the ways that its shape was human, and because of the ways it wasn't. From the waist up the stranger seemed like a rather ordinary (that is to say, not noticeably unusual, he was still extraordinarily good-looking, with a handsome youthful face and lively green eyes) golden-haired male roughly the same age as June. Below his waist was where the strangeness started, as it so often did. Beginning just below his navel was a fish's tail, covered in shimmering blue scales and of a thickness to match his torso. June should've been shocked to see such a mythical creature appearing before her, but she found that overridden by an immediate sense of sympathy towards the being. "Oh dear, are you okay?" she asked, running towards him with a hand outstretched. The merman muttered something into the sand, indicating that he was alive at the very least. He seemed relatively unharmed for the most part; there was only a small bruise on his hip around where his scales and skin met. It seemed like his biggest problem was simply that he'd washed ashore. "I've been better," he said, flopping around until he was able to make himself face-up. June felt bad about not offering him any assistance with that, but she was still a bit stunned by her remarkable situation. "What, have you never seen a mermaid before?" he teased, dusting the sand out of his black hair. "N-no, I don't believe I have," June replied. "Well, I'm Adryus," he said, extending a still-dripping hand to June. She grasped it, and shook it for perhaps a bit too long. "I'm June," she said. "I'm probably not the first human you've met." "You are pretty hard to avoid sometimes," he said with a grin. "If it's not too much to ask, would you mind helping me back into the ocean? I can breath air just fine, but I'll dry out if I'm left in the sun too long. Plus, it's much harder to find food on land." The more clear the reality of June's situation became to her, the more difficult it was to believe. Here she was, being asked for help by a handsome mermaid washed ashore. It was like the plot of some cheap romance novel, and here she was, living it. She wasn't optimistic enough to think that rescuing him would be the start of some whirlwind romance where she was swept off her feet by the finned stranger and made the queen of the mermaids or something. Helping Adryus was simply the right thing to do, and if it turned out there were some other rewards on the side, well, so be it. She scooped her arms under Adryus, one beneath his midsection and one beneath his rear. She was taken aback by how, well, human-shaped his ass was. She expected that part of his body to be smooth and featureless like a fish, but she found her forearms rubbing up against something that was distinctly rounded like a person's buttocks, though it was still covered in scale. She tried to ignore her embarrassment, focusing instead on using all her strength to hoist the merman off the ground. June was surprisingly strong for someone of her height, and Adryus unexpectedly light. June was able to carry him with relative ease, as she took cautious steps towards the ocean, taking care not to drop him like he was a puppy. In her fantasies, it was always the handsome stranger who she imagined carrying her, but this way was pretty nice too. "Almost...there," she said with a huff. Adryus's weight had been manageable at first, but now her arms were beginning to grow sore. "Sorry!" she said, as she felt the waves lapping at her ankles. She released her grip on the mermaid, letting him fall into water that was perhaps just a bit too shallow. "It's fine!" Adryus said, using his tail to push himself just a bit further out until the water was deep enough for him to swim in. "I seriously can't thank you enough," he said with a smile. "Oh, it's no big deal!" June replied with a nervous chuckle. "I was just doing the right thing! I promise I won't tell anyone about this either! I'm guessing you want to keep the whole mermaid thing secret." "I wasn't worried about you telling anyone," Adryus said with a sly grin. "Before you go...I think you deserve a reward for your troubles." June's face turned bright crimson. "Oh, no, you don't have to do anything!" "Oh, but I insist." "Well, if you insist..." June said, as though she didn't desperately want whatever the mermaid was offering. Based on his tone, it sounded like something fun was in store for her. "Just come a little closer," he said, extending a beckoning hand. "But..." June hadn't brought her swim clothes, but was she really going to let that get in the way of a smooch (or perhaps something more) from a hunky mermaid? She waded through the water, and although she did not regret her decision, she couldn't help but cringe as the chilling seawater soaked into her pants and underwear. She and Adryus were face to face, and she found him to be even more gorgeous up close, if such a thing were possible. His moist, smooth skin reflected the sunlight, as did his tail which she could see glimmering underneath the waves. His pretty blue eyes weren't sky blue or ocean blue, but a deep, vibrant blue that had an almost hypnotic pull. Fuck, he even smelled pretty good, especially compared to his fishy kin. He draped his arms over her shoulders, pulling her close. June closed her eyes and puckered her leaps, leaning in for a kiss. Meanwhile, Adryus's eyes and jaw widened until his mouth was open enough to envelop June's head. June could feel something warm and wet sucking at her scalp, which was her first indication that something was going wrong. She opened her eyes, only to find that she was still in darkness. The humid breath against her face and the faint swallowing sounds still gave her some indication of what was happening. She didn't want to believe it, but she had allowed herself to be tricked, and now she was about to pay the price for her generosity. She could now feel Adryus's lips pressed against her shoulders. That, combined with the tightening muscles around her head suggested that Adryus had gulped his way down to her shoulders. She tried to struggle against the suction, though she knew it was hopeless. Her flailing arms did little to stop or even slow the merman's progress. Now she had been swallowed up to her torso, and only her legs remained to kick about uselessly as they were slurped down. She landed in Adryus's gut with a splash, and already the acids were beginning to rise like the ocean at high tide. The caustic juices made her skin burn on contact, and indicated that Adryus did indeed intend to digest her. She pounded against the walls of Adryus's gut, though it was too dark for her to actually see them. Adryus's torso was still above the water, though the increased weight of his belly was making it difficult for him to stay afloat, as buoyant as the beach-ball sized sphere may have looked. June's squirming made his tummy shift up and down and side to side, splashing it against the ocean's surface and causing the water around him to ripple. "Please! You can't eat me! Not after I helped you!" she said. Her eyes were beginning to water, though she wasn't sure if it was because she felt so betrayed, or because of the sting of his acrid gut. Adryus forced out a yawn to show how little he cared, but the activity in his stomach turned it into a watery belch instead. "You think you're the first girl who's begged for her life?" he said, resting his hands against his own belly. June could identify that this was happening based on the pressure from the outside, prompting her to launch a flurry of furious punches against Adryus's palms. June's struggling didn't accomplish much besides making him gassier, and a few more burps were expelled noisily from his throat. "You're a jerk!" June shouted, unable to come up with a more severe insult under the circumstances. "I'm just doing what's in my nature," he said, licking his lips to get some of June's lingering flavor. "It's your fault you got eaten. You human girls keep falling for the same trick over and over. All it takes is a handsome, mysterious guy asking for help, and you just drop all of your defenses..." June could feel her body softening, her flesh becoming spongy, rendering her already useless punches even less impactful than before. Adryus could see that her struggles were subsiding, so he submerged himself beneath the waves, heading towards his cave where he could sleep off his post-meal food coma. Even with his massive belly encumbering him, Adryus was an incredibly fast swimmer. June could feel her world shifting around her. Not only were Adryus's stomach walls still constricting against her, but now the pressure of the ocean's depths was bearing down on her too. Beyond the obvious feelings of fear and betrayal that filled her, June was downright furious at her situation. She had done the right thing and been punished for it. In a just world, she would've been rewarded for her actions and gone off to live in an undersea palace with her mer-boyfriend, instead of dissolving into sludge in his fishy guts. At least she could use her fantasy of what could have been occupy her mind in the last few moments before she was reduced to a pile of gut-slop. Adryus was still plenty gassy from his meal. The underwater belches he released came in the form of silent bubbles that floated upwards, only unleashing the expected burp-sound when they finally reached the surface and popped. The hovering seagulls were scattered in terror as the sudden *BwwooOooorrrppPs* shocked them. Adryus finally arrived at his cave, a cozy little nook decorated with the bleached-white bones that were the remnants of his previous victims. With a hand rested against his softened gut, he closed his eyes. By morning, he would have another skull to add to his collection.
 "You know, you look pretty tasty," Marshall said, running his forked tongue over Raven's cheek. She shuddered as the line of saliva was traced across her face. "Usually I only eat red..." he teased, his hot breath against her face. "But right now I could go for some grey." Raven tried to push herself away, but it was already too late. The vampire bared his fangs, opening his jaw until there was enough space in his mouth for Raven's head to fit inside. He enveloped her with his lips, using his tongue (and his throat muscles once she got a bit deeper) to force her towards his stomach. Since Marshall was a shapeshifter, he could make his mouth and esophagus as spacious as they needed to be to accommodate Raven's body. Marshall moaned as Raven screamed and begged for help. Marshall's insides muffled her voice to the point where she could no longer cast spells properly. She was helpless to do anything but squirm, which seemed to amuse her predator more than anything else. Marshall adored her flavor. Rarely did he get to sample the taste of a fellow demon, so he would make sure to savor this one as much as possible. Raven's entire torso had now been sucked into Marshall's depths, with her head finally passing through the sphincter that lead to his stomach. Already the smell was putrid, and even in the low light she could see several morbid remnants of Marshall's last meal. It wouldn't be long before she found herself landing in them with a splash as the last of her body was gobbled up. She was surrounded on all sides by a pulpy mass that had once been human, and some fibrous bits of white and sky blue fabric that his stomach had apparently been unable to fully digest. Worst of all were the bones, embedded in the piles of mush. Some were fragmented, and others, like his previous victim's buck-toothed skull were still mostly intact. Raven had a feeling that she would suffer the same fate, and be turned into a meaty pulp and half-digested bones herself. Marshall actually had a different fate in mind of her, though it still wasn't a pleasant one. Raven wasn't aware of this at the time, as the walls of his hot, stinking stomach still constricted around her, and the sour-smelling acids still rose to submerge her as though he planned on simply digesting her. Marshall had as much control over his stomach as he did the shape of his body, so he was able to produce a particular kind of acid that would only dissolve Raven's clothes and nothing else. It would give her a good scare, and then leave her nude and humiliated, but she would still end up unharmed. Of course, Raven wasn't aware of this at the time, and she still fought and squirmed within his gut as though her life was in mortal danger. Marshall looked down at his own gut. The spherical lump had caused the bottom few buttons on his shirt to pop, and was so far distended that he could no longer see his own feet. It shifted along with Raven's squirms; he could even see the occasional outline of a fist or Raven's face embedded in the pale flesh. Raven's struggling had a second side effect. "Ugh, stop moving around so much," Marshall said, clutching his gut. "You're starting to give me major gas." Marshall was right. A wet, noisy belch erupted from his mouth. Almost immediately after that expulsion tapered off, an equally powerful fart tore its way through the seat of his jeans. "You stink," Marshall said teasingly, pinching his nostrils shut. "Good thing I won't have to deal with you for much longer." It wouldn't have occurred to Raven to notice that Marshall's stomach juices were only dissolving the dark blue fabric of her robes. She hadn't noticed that, after rendering her completely nude and exposing her grey flesh and naked breasts, that the acids only barely tickled her bare skin. She assumed, justifiably, that Marshall intended to simply churn her into mush completely. It wasn't until she felt herself moving out of his stomach that she realized the vampire had something else in mind. She was pushed out of Marshall's stomach by powerful, constricting muscles. It felt a bit like when she had first been swallowed, with her body being dragged down some tight, fleshy tube. The unmistakable scent of shit that filled her nostrils as she made her descent was an indication of where her journey would take her. She was to make a full trip through Marshall's digestive system. Instead of being pushed out of Marshall's ass in the form of waste, she would do it undigested and fully conscious, able to smell and feel everything as she made her way down the stinking tube. Marshall could be heard grunting and straining from the outside, legs squatted and spread apart to make it easier for his prey to pass, both hands pressed hard against his stomach to help force her out. It was still quite the struggle though. Passing a thick log of ex-girl was one thing, but forcing out a whole undigested woman was something else entirely. The thought of the humiliation Raven would face was enough to compel him to continue. Raven was indeed feeling truly debased by what was happening. Stripped completely naked, being forced down the vampire's anal tract with agonizing slowness, the smell of his unclean ass in her nose. Finally it seemed like Raven had reached the light at the end of her tunnel. She felt denim brushing against her toes, as she exited Marshall's anus and was deposited into his jeans feet-first. A few more labored squeezes from the red-cheeked vampire boy and Raven found trapped inside Marshall's pants, sandwiched between the seat of his jeans and the grey ass cheeks and flexing pucker that she had just escaped from. Even now she wasn't free of Marshall's ass-stink, as the smell still wafted off her own naked body, and from the cheeks that she found herself pressed up against. It was as though the bulge from Marshall's belly had been transferred to his pants, as they now swelled with the imprint of Raven's body just as his stomach had minutes ago. Raven squirmed and writhed within Marshall's pants, not thrilled about being trapped in another hot, smelly place after having just escaped from one. Marshall's bulging jeans seemed just as inescapable as the walls of his stomach, and no matter how much Raven punched and struggled she could not break free. Though Raven was no longer trapped in Marshall's stomach and bowels, the gas that her struggling had produced still remained. It was a good thing Marshall had a squirming fart-cushion in his bottoms that he could inflict them on. A ripe gust of rancid air blew across Raven's face. Because of her proximity to Marshall's ass, she had no choice but to take the thing point-blank. Not even holding her breath could protect her from the stink, as it forced its way up her nostrils. Worse still, because Marshall's pants were so constrictive and nearly airtight, there was nowhere for Marshall's gas to go. His farts simply lingered in the small space, rendering the only air that Raven could breath stinky and humid. "Let me out!" Raven said, the hot stench and lack of proper oxygen making her dizzy. Marshall's only responses to her pleas were a smug chuckle and a second fart that was much stronger than the first. It lasted for several seconds, and had enough force to blow back her hair. The stale humid gust swept across her naked body, and made the environment in Marshall's musky jeans even more sultry and inhospitable. The odor of his combined farts was almost unbearable, and Marshall seemed intent to continue filling it with his foul farts. Marshall continued blasting her nude body with his flatulence until Raven felt like she was about to pass out. At this point that would be a mercy, if it meant not having to huff any more vampire stink. "You should get used to this," Marshall said, giving the seat of his bulging jeans a firm smack. "I'm gonna be keeping you in there for a long time..."
 Harley Quinn was currently hanging out with her good friend and bad girl Poison Ivy. Out of the many villains who plagued Gotham City, Pamela was her favorite, save for her beloved Puddin' of course. Poison Ivy's current abode was an abandoned chemical factory. Her 'babies' had consumed the building, its walls now covered in an impenetrable layer of vines that kept out anyone who Pamela didn't approve of. In this private, secluded location, Pamela had all the time in the world to create the twisted chemicals she planned to release on Gotham's populace. Because Poison Ivy was so dedicated to nature, and so disconnected from humanity, she no longer saw the need for clothing. The entirety of her buxom body was exposed to Harley, from her apple-shaped rear to her dark green nipples, to her flat, well-toned tummy. Complete nudity was the only thing that could make Harley Quinn's skintight take on the classic harlequin outfit look modest or subtle. Her porcelain white face-paint and domino mask were rather garish as well. Like her green-skinned partner in crime she had a knockout figure, though she was a bit more slender than her friend. "Lookin' good, Red!" Harley said, teasingly wolf-whistling at Poison Ivy's bare form, since she knew how much she hated it when men did that to her. "Thank you," she said, smiling faintly at Harley's antics. "You're looking quite good yourself." "Awwww, thanks!" the villainess said, batting her eyelashes. "So, growin' anything special, Red?" Harley asked. She looked around at all the exotic plants and colorful chemical vials that surrounding her. She wondered what kind of fantastical effects they could have, and whether or not they could be used to brutally murder someone. Poison Ivy nodded. "Yes. I just finished growing something very special that I've been wanting to show you," she said, while leading Harley into the next room. "What, are you comin' onto me or something?" "No," Pamela said, trying not to let Harley distract her. "I wanted you to see this." She gestured towards a small group of trees sprouting from the floor at the far end of the room. The were around the same height as Harley and Ivy themselves, and each of its many branches had a heavy, juicy-looking piece of red fruit at the end. "I grew these myself. They're supposed to make whoever eats it significantly stronger, physically. It's not quite perfected yet, but I'm sure your, errr, 'puddin' could use some stronger henchmen powerful henchmen. I was hoping that he could give me some resources to help nourish my plants in retur-" The moment before Pamela could finish her sentence, Harley snatched a fruit from the end of one of the branches, and popped the whole thing into her mouth. She chewed it noisily, letting the sweet juices dribble from the sides of her puffed-out cheeks. "It tasthes pwetty goord, Reth," Harley said through a mouthful of chewed-up fruit pulp. "Don't eat that! I haven't perfected the plant yet, there's no telling what it could do to-" "Too late!" Harley said, gulping the fruit down with a grin. She gave her stomach a pat and belched cutely. Poison Ivy silently cursed herself for her lack of foresight. She'd been friends with Harley for years now; she should've seen something like this coming. She groaned, burying her head in her hands. Harley looked at her with a quizzical expression, as if she didn't know why she was upset. Pamela sighed. "You know, I was planning on doing other things with my day. I still have some plants that need watering. Now, because of you, I have to spent the rest of my day figuring out how to reverse whatever's about to happen to you." "You're overreacting, Red. Don't you think Mista J would love it if his best girl could crush Batsy's head with one punch?" "I don't think the Joker would like it if you ruined your figure, Harley." "What are you talking about?" Harley said. She looked down and gasped. Her midsection began to bloat before her eyes, going from taut and toned to flabby and round. The fabric of her outfit stretched noisily as it struggled to contain Harley's rapidly swelling form. "Are you sure that wasn't one of those sticks a' gum from those Willy Wonka movies?" Harley asked. Ivy let out a long, exhausted sigh. Being friends with a psychotic wild-card had its upsides, but it also meant that things like this could happen. Harley's stomach finally stopped expanding, leaving her with about thirty extra pounds of flab jutting out from her midsection. The tightness of her suit meant that every roll and crease of her bulgy belly was visible to the both of them. "Hey, do you smell something?" Harley said, her nose scrunching up as something unpleasant drifted into her nostrils. Her stomach swelling wasn't the only unusual effect of Ivy's fruit. Her body was also beginning to produce a distinct musk, a sort of sour, sweaty smell that hung around her like a dense fog. "Huh, I swear I took a shower yesterday," she said, sniffing under her armpit and then recoiling with exaggerated disgust. Pamela was now wide-eyed. What on Mother Earth had she caused? Harley's reaction to her sudden transformation was simply to laugh. "I guess you were right about that thing being dangerous Red! Guess I should've listened to ya." Pamela sighed. "No, it's my fault. I should've known this would happen. "Don't worry about it Red. A nice bubble bath and a few hours at the gym and I'll be back to normal..." Harley was interrupted by a low, gurgling growl from her stomach. "Hey Red, got anything to eat?" she said, laying a hand against her new, fatty stomach. Though her bloated belly made her look overfed, she was actually starving. "Of course. My children bare many delicious, nourishing fruits," Pamela said. "But if you'll forgive me saying this...I don't think you should be eating anything at the moment." she said, staring directly at Harley's belly. "Just because I look like a big fat pig doesn't mean I don't need to eat!" Harley said, pouting and puffing out her cheeks. "In fact, I think being a porker is just makin' me hungrier!" Poison Ivy sighed for what must've been the seventh time that day. She waved her arm and summoned a vine from the ceiling that bore a single ripe, red fruit. Unlike the last one Harley ate, this fruit had no special effects. It was simply overgrown and ripe, hopefully making it a filling snack for the famished clown girl. Harley stood on the tips of her toes so she could snatch it from the vine. She crammed it greedily into her mouth, chewing it even more sloppy than last time, and swallowing it with an even noisier belch. "Hmmm...sorry Red, still hungry. I think I'm cravin' something meatier, ya know?" "There's obviously no meat in my lab, Harley. The only thing made out of meat here is you." "Can't you just, I dunno, rob a grocery store or somethin'? Mistah Jay once killed three people to get me a bag of chips." Poison Ivy shook her head. She couldn't risk being beat up by the Batman over some stolen pork rinds. Harley looked like she was deep in thought. "Hmm, how about people? I always thought about giving that whole cannibalism thing a try." "What?" Poison Ivy said in shock. Normally she would just assume that Harley was joking, but something about her tone convinced her that she was serious. "I kinda feel like I could, you know, just grab a guy and gobble him up. Or a gal, whichever's easier. I swing both ways." "Are you serious?" Pamela asked. "Do I look like I'm joking?" the clown woman said. Pamela was certainly shocked, but she wasn't opposed to the idea either. She fed humans to her mutated venus fly trap plants all the time. Why was letting Harley do it any different? It was just one other way she could help get rid of the human menace. Plus, after she finished digesting them, their remains could make good manure for her plants... "Alright," she said after mulling it over. "I'll lure a few victims here for you to eat. I just want to ask...are you sure about this??" Harley nodded excitedly, and her stomach growled with just as much enthusiasm. "Thanks Red! You're the best." "You're welcome Harley," Poison Ivy said. She wasn't even sure what she had just agreed to. Pamela didn't need to decide for herself, however, as a seemingly ordinary woman who was a stranger to the both of them simply walked into the room they were both in, eyes wide open and jaw slack like she was in a trance. "Wow, you work fast!" Harley said. "It's not me," she replied, as he drew closer. Harley took a good whiff of herself, and got a nose full of the unbelievably thick, pungent musk that permeated her body after her weight gain. "Maybe she likes my smell," Harley said. "Perhaps," Ivy said. She seemed to be unaffected by Harley's musk herself. This wasn't too much of a surprise, as she was already immune to the toxins her plants produced. Harley's theory was proven true as the woman drew closer and inhaled deeply, drooling at the scent. This woman looked appetizing, and she had presented herself to Harley in such a convenient way. How could she resist opening her mouth and allowing her inside? The woman stumbled towards Harley's open mouth, allowing the villainess to suck her down into her esophagus with a single wet gulp. She made a quick journey down her moist throat which ended in Harley's stomach. From the outside, the clown's already pudgy stomach became rigid and bulging, with her soft fat still padding out the taut rounded flesh. Harley's gut churned and gurgled wetly, indicating that digestion was already beginning to set in. Pamela was impressed-hell, she was downright jealous of how easily Harley had managed to devoured her prey. "She was pretty good!" Harley said with a belch. She leaned against a nearby wall for balance as she waited for her prey to digest, running her hands over her belly to soothe it. "Feels kinda funny, having her wriggle around in there," Harley said, utterly fixated on the movements of her belly as her prey shifted around inside of her. "And I don't mean ha-ha funny either." Poison Ivy was just as captivated by her wriggling gut. HOooOOoOUuuuuuRrrPppP The woman's movements caused gas to build up in Harley's belly, which eventually bubbled up to the surface in the form of a huge, noisy belch. The burp shot out from her throat uncontrollably. Unfortunately for Ivy, it was blasted directly into her face because of how close she was to Harley at the same. "Phew, excuse me Red!" Harley said, fanning the smell of her unpleasant expulsion away from her nose. Ivy gagged, turning her head and pinching her nose to protect herself from the stench. "So, how much *URP* longer is it gonna take for this gal to digest?" Harley asked. Her prey seemed to be a bit less active. Her struggles had become weaker, and slowed down as well. That didn't make Harley any less gassy. In fact, her gas seemed to get worse and worse! Ivy had the good sense to step back after getting hit in the face with her first belch, so she avoided getting directly blasted with her friend's next few explosive expulsions. Unfortunately, they were so strong that even distance wasn't enough to protect Pamela from their smell entirely, and the stink eventually drifted over to where she was standing. Worse still, the gas was no longer just being expelled through her mouth. Her ass got in on the action, blasting a wet, stinking fart into the air. "It shouldn't be...*cough* much longer," Pamela said, choking through her friend's gas. Poison Ivy was right. The two watched as the woman melted away in Harley's stomach before their very eyes. The bulges and bumps in her belly that the woman's squirming form had created started to fade, leaving her with a smooth, squishy stomach instead. Harley gave her newly softened belly a poke, causing another fart to squeak from her rear. "Huh, so now what happens?" Harley asked. "You've eaten before, haven't you?" Pamela replied. "You'll finish processing her, and then what's left of him will...come out of your ass." Harley giggled. "Oh Red, you have such a way with words." Harley released another fart, this one bubbly and reeking strongly of shit, paired with some serious cramps in her lower stomach. "Ugh, I think she's ready to come out," Harley said, clutching her stomach. "You wouldn't happen to have a ladies room in here, wouldja?" Harley asked. Poison Ivy gestured to a room across the hall from them. "Just...try not to do too much damage, okay?" she asked, though she knew it was futile. Harley waddled towards the bathroom, still cradling her cramping stomach in her hands. She left a trail of toots behind her as she moved, each one threatening to be the one that made all her shit start to spill out. "Cmon Harls, you're almost there..." she said to herself, with butt cheeks clenched tightly in desperation. Harley was stopped right as she approached the door to the bathroom, the pressure in her abdomen making her double over. "Come on, these are my favorite panties!" she whined. That didn't seem to matter much to her bowels, which were already forcing their tightly-packed contents out through her rectum. The pressure built to a point where she could no longer contain it. Thick brown logs of chunk ex-girl poured out of Harley's flexing asshole and into the seat of her underwear. Her panties sagged under the weight of her shit. The fabric bulged with the outline of Harley's lumpy shit, as well as the jagged fragments of bone that Harley's stomach wasn't able to fully digest. Her panties continued to swell and descend, until she was left with a bulge the size of a cantaloupe that sank midway down her thighs, with the visible outline of the woman's bones serving as a morbid reminder of what her shit used to be. The relief Harley felt was immense, and was accompanied by a great satisfied sigh. "Phew," Harley said, looking down at her thoroughly soiled panties. Not only were they stained with shit, but her mess had left them irreversibly stretched too. "Well, at least I'm not crampin' like it's that time a' the month anymore..." she said while clutching her stomach. She could feel how much fatter her prey had made her. Generous additions of pudge were made to her hips, ass, thighs, and breasts, but most of her new weight was concentrated in her flabby belly. Though she didn't have a mirror on hand so she couldn't check, she imagined that her face had gotten a bit fattier too, with puffy cheeks and perhaps an additional chin. Her fat seemed to be having several side-effects on her hygiene as well. Dark, blobby patches could be seen covering her suit, with particularly large ones underneath her armpits and crotch, and around her ass crack. She wasn't too surprised seeing herself this sweaty, considering how she smelled. There was another puddle of liquid just underneath her chin, but Harley couldn't tell if it was sweat, drool, or both. "What *cough* happened?" Pamela asked, stumbling towards Harley with a hand clasped over her face to protect herself from her friend's stink. Harley didn't answer right away, but she didn't need to. The contents of Harley's panties were all the explanation she needed. "Sorry Red, couldn't quite make it," Harley said, scratching the back of her head. "It's...alright," she responded. In a way, this was better than the alternative. At least Harley wouldn't be destroying the only toilet she had. "That girl did a pretty good job a' BOOOOOOORP filling me. How many more ladies do you think are gonna offer themselves to me 'cause a' my sexy scent?" After an hour Harley got her answer. It was about twenty, give or take. More girls were lured in by Harley's scent, and then promptly devoured by the villainess. Each woman she digested made her figure fattier and her musk more potent. Her strengthened stink brought more prey to her doorstep, which in turn made her bigger and smellier, and so the cycle continued. Each prey she digested meant more fat added to her body, until Harley's size was truly something to behold. She had thighs as thick as a tree trunk, and a belly several times larger than her entire body had been, even when empty. Atop her flabby stomach was a pair of sagging, weighty breasts.Needless to say, her ass was absurdly huge too, a pair of cellulite-covered bounders sticking out from her backside. Her clingy suit was tighter than ever, highlighting her every bulge, roll, and dimple in the red-and-black checkered fabric. It had become difficult for her to move given her newfound weight, but she barely needed to since her food seemed eager to come to her. Because she was almost immobile, she had even more of an excuse not to bother with the toilet. She continued to dispose of her prey straight into her panties, until they were filled with a shitmound made up of twenty girls worth of waste. The bulge in her panties was a bit smaller than her gut was, and with a similarly lumpy shape. Somehow her underwear managed to hold, even with over a hundred pounds of shit weighing down on it. Though it looked like they wouldn't stay that way for much longer. Tears began to appear in the fabric, allowing more of the shit-stink to leak out. It seemed like one more snack would push her panties over the edge, and it looked as though that next meal was already on her way. "What the hell is that smell?" Selina said, pinching her wrinkled nose. Even from the rooftop, Harley's stench was still palpable. It was a mixture between unwashed body odor and fresh shit. Even for someone who grew up on the streets of Gotham it was an unbearable stink. She knew that this lab belonged to Poison Ivy, so she assumed that it had either come from one of Ivy's plants or the fertilizer she was using to nourish them. In both cases, she wasn't too far off the mark. She wasn't about to let some awful smell get between her and her mission though. Her client was paying her far too much for her to turn back now. Apparently Poison Ivy had some special plant that the man who hired her desperately wanted to get his hands on. She could care less about his motivation, so long as she got her money. She took what would be her last breath of clean air before slinking into the lab through an open window. The interior of the facility smelled even worse than it did on the outside. Though Selina wasn't aware of it, Harley was several floors below her, and yet her stench had managed to spread all the way to the building's top floor. Paradoxically, because her smell was so much worse, it actually became more pleasant. Now that Selina had been exposed to a greater intensity of Harley's stink, she began to find herself enraptured by it, just as Harley's previous meals had been. She had forgotten about the plant she came there to steal immediately, as Harley's pheromones took over her mind, corrupting and then emptying it. The only thing she wanted to do anymore was get closer to the source of that sexy scent. She followed her nose, letting it lead her deeper into the facility, down the stairs towards the room where the obese Harley resided. Harley's fumes had smelled like shit and body odor to her before, but now every time she inhaled she was treated to the aroma of fresh strawberries. Every step she took towards Harley made the lovely smell intensify, until finally she was face-to-face with the corpulent clown. "Here kitty-kitty," the fat-faced Harley said as Selina drew closer. She found herself craving Selina with greater intensity than she had for her other prey. The other girls she had swallowed were just random Gothamites, but this was the infamous Catwoman herself! Plus, Selina's curvy figured suggested that she would be a filling meal, and would make a generous contribution to Harley's growing body too. Ivy was standing beside Harley, trying her best to ignore the smell. Though her special biology made her immune to the hypnotic effects of Harley's smell, and resistant to her odor, her human friend still smelled, as Harley would probably put it, "like a sorority bathroom after bad Mexican food." Grossness aside, she was pretty satisfied with the results of Harley's transformation so far. Not only had she gotten rid of a fair amount of the pesky humans she loathed so much, but she was about to do away with Catwoman as well. Though Selina had been an ally to her in the past, she was a thorn in Ivy's side just as often. Selina took a few more steps forward, until finally she was close enough for Harley to snatch her up in her fat, jiggling arms. "Gotcha!" Harley said, opening her slobbering maw and shoving Selina inside. Harley was a pretty experienced predator at this point, which was a good thing, given that Selina was to be her most challenging meal yet. Harley lowered Catwoman into her mouth head-first, so it wasn't long before she found herself confronted by her first obstacle. Selina was a busty girl, and Harley was having some trouble getting her bodacious leather-glad tits past her lips. "Uuufff, Resdh, canth I getsh shum helsh?" she said. Ivy sighed. She wrapped her hands around Selina's ankles, just above her black heals, and gave a forceful push. With a sound a bit like a champagne cork being popped, Selina's breasts made it past Harley's lips and into her wet, hungry maw. Ivy released her grip on Selina, as her midsection stood no chance against Harley's mouth. Catwoman's taut, narrow waist was sucked into the jester's throat in seconds. Harley still wasn't done just yet. There was still one voluptuous part of Selina's body that needed to be overcome. This time, it was her wide hips and bubble-butt that kept her stuck in place. Wider than even her generous chest, Harley just couldn't gulp her down no matter how hard she tried. Ivy rolled her eyes, as it seemed she would once again have to intervene. She shoved against Selina with all her might. With the combined force of Ivy pushing her forwards and Harley's tongue and throat pushing her back, Selina's entire body was finally forced into Harley's gullet, causing it to bulge like a startled frog. Everything from there was smooth sailing, and Harley sent Catwoman into her stomach just as easily as she had her last twenty prey. She landed in Harley's gut with a splash. Because of her curvaceousness, she was able to make Harley's already massive, fatty belly swell noticeably. HOOOOOOOOUUUUURP Harley belched rudely, sending a shower of spittle and a cloud that smelled like burning leather in Pamela's direction. Fanning her nose in disgust, Ivy would not make the mistake of standing in front of, behind, or indeed anywhere near her friend after her meals. Selina snapped out of her pheromone-induced trance shortly after landing in the bubbling pool of acid within Harley's stomach. She could no longer smell the mind-melting aroma that Harley produced from the outside, only the acrid reek of the bubbling acids that resided within her. Now aware of the danger she was in, she fought against the confines of her fleshy prison as they contracted around her, scratching and kicking against Harley's stomach walls. "Heh, that *BWwOOooRrrp* tickles," Harley said, watching her fat, bubbling gut shift and stretch as her prey struggled within. Poison Ivy couldn't help but watch her turbulent gut with a kind of morbid fascination. She swore she could even see the outline of Catwoman's terrified face embedded in the fatty flesh. "Let me out of here!" Catwoman said. Her claws couldn't even put the slightest scratch on Harley's stomach, which had been reinforced by Pamela's plant and further strengthened with each girl she digested. Running out of options, she started simply pounding against Harley's stomach with her fists. This didn't accomplish much besides giving Harley some gas, which bubbled out of her noisily from both ends. Pamela was trying to stay out of range of her expulsions, but it seemed like Harley's gas got more powerful each time she unleashed in, in terms of both force and smell. No matter how many steps she took away from her friend, she always seemed to be in the blast radius. "'Scuse me Red," Harley said as a particularly nasty one rippled its way out of her backside through the pounds upon pounds of shit in her panties. The explosive blast filled the space in seconds, tainting the entire room with the smell of fresh shit. "It's fine," Pamela said, pinching her nostrils shut. If she wanted to continue in Harley's development, this was something she would have to learn to put up with. She walked over to a nearby potted plant, and picked a flower from it, bringing the sweet-smelling thing to her nose. It barely masked the scent, but it would make a decent localized air-freshener for now. Harley's gas became more severe as Selina's struggles became more desperate, until she was unleashing a belch or fart every few seconds that seemed to shake the entire building down to its very foundation. Pamela was finding it difficult to stand upright, but she wasn't sure if that was because of the ground trembling underneath her or the smell making her head spin. Finally Selina's squirming seemed to subside, though that didn't seem to make Harley any less gassy. If anything it got even worse, fart after explosive fart erupted from her backside, as Selina's churned-up remains made their way to her colon to be shat out into the villainess's panties. Her gas wasn't entirely as-based though. Plenty of boisterous belches still burst from her jaws. One even sent Catwoman's drool soaked glasses flying across the room. Despite all of her struggling, Selina ultimately didn't last much longer than the other girls before she was digested. She made Harley gain more weight than any of her previous meals; Selina's assets made a generous addition to Harley's own breasts and butt, though her gut and face received plenty of plumping up as well. With her body digested and absorbed, it was time for the rest of Selina to be let out. Ivy watched as Harley grunted and strained, pushing out a thick load of stinking former Catwoman into her underwear. "Phew, smells like someone needs their litterbox cleaned," she remarked, fanning her nose. Her panties had finally had enough, splitting open with a noisy rip after Harley's latest load pushed them beyond their capacity. Hundreds of pounds of bone-filled shit came pouring out the rear of Harley's skintight suit, leaving a massive hole through which her obscenely fat ass was totally exposed. The smell somehow became even worse, without even the thin barrier of fabric to keep it contained. "Whoopsie..." Harley said. "I knew I'd be ripping a lot of ass after this one, but I didn't think it'd be like this." Harley was now profoundly obese. It was difficult to tell where one part of her began and where one ended, as it was all just an undifferentiated mass of pale-white, greasy, sweat-shined blubber. She must have been closing in on a half ton at this point. Although her panties were the first to snap, it seemed like the rest of her suit was about to follow. Indeed, it was only a few seconds before Harley's advancing fat caused her entire outfit to split open all at once, leaving only a red and black tatters scattered around her massive body and draped over her corpulent flesh. Pamela wasn't particularly shocked by the sight of her friend in the nude. It wasn't anything she hadn't seen before, though obviously she hadn't been *this* unspeakably large at the time. Harley made a token attempt to cover herself, but her hands weren't nearly large enough to hide the entirety of her pancake-sized areola. "Red, quick! Get to the plus-sized section of the elephant store before anyone sees me in my birthday suit!" Pamela rolled her eyes. Meanwhile, the disgusting duo were once again being stalked by a black-clad figure from the rooftops. "Bruce definitely wouldn't approve of this..." Barbara Gordon muttered to herself. Even if she succeeded, she would still get chewed out for diving into danger without backup or even telling him first. The Batgirl simply couldn't let herself stand idly by after the reports she had heard though, and if doing the right thing would get her a lecture from Batman then so be it. She was aware of the possibility that this could be a trap-the report had come from an unknown source after all, and was strangely detailed, with some of the claims being downright absurd. This was why the rest of the Bat-Family decided not to pursue it until more information could be gathered. That was fine for them, but Barbara wanted to strike as quickly as possible in case the message turned out to be true. It wasn't like she was completely unprepared. She still had the usual gadgets, batarangs and grabbling hooks on her belt, in addition to something that was needed for this mission specifically. The message had specified that the pheromones Harley produced had hypnotic effects, so she wore a respirator over her face to shield herself from having her mind tampered with. She took in a deep breath, filling her lungs with filtered air. Then, she made the plunge. The respirator only protected her from the hypnotic effects of Harley's fumes, but not from the smell of the woman's awful body odor itself. Meaning that breathing didn't carry the risk of turning her into mindless prey, it did fill her lungs with putrid stench. Bruce's training had prepared her for a great many things, but this pure, unadulterated reek had not been one of them. She was only a few steps into the facility, and already she was gagging and starting to feel lightheaded. She stumbled her way down the hallway, but she realized that the smell would only get more intense the closer she got to Harley. She would have to just power through though. She couldn't let something like this get between her and bringing a villain to justice, though there was a part of her that wanted to just give up and shove her head out of the window so she could get some fresh air. She forced herself to persist. She traveled down the stairway, the stink getting more potent the further she descended, indicating that Harley was close. For once, Batgirl didn't need to bother being stealthy. All the other information she had been given so far had been accurate, so assuming that their description of Harley's current state. was also correct, it would be very difficult for Barbara not to get the drop on her. "Come on Babs, you can do this," she whispered in order to steady herself, before kicking open the door that stood between her and Harley. Though she had been informed about Harley's obesity beforehand, that was not enough to prepare her for just how massive Harley actually was. Nor did it prepare her for the smell that came towards her in waves as soon as she opened that door. The putrid fumes of Harley's body odor, shit, and her belches and farts swirled together to form a single unbelievable odor that hit Barbara harder than a punch to the face. She sacrificed the element of surprise as an involuntary "oh my god" slipped out of her mouth. The huge blob of naked flesh known as Harley Quinn looked like she weighed at least a ton. At least Batgirl didn't need to worry about Harley making a run for it. If anyone would be sprinting away from the scene, it would be Barbara Gordon herself. "Stop right there!" she said, taking an electrically charged batarang and readying herself to throw it. She wasn't sure how much that would actually help. What was the point in incapacitating someone who was already immobile? And once Harley was defeated, how exactly would she transport the weighty woman from here to Arkham? Those were all valid concerns, but she still needed to do something, so she let her batarang fly through the air, crackling with blue sparks. "Hey Red, would ya mind *HooorrrP* helping me out? I'm not exactly as quick as I used ta be." Ivy nodded. Barbara had been so preoccupied with the blobbish Harley that she had almost failed to notice Poison Ivy entirely. Pamela split the floor beneath her, causing a vine to erupt from the ground. The vine swatted Barbara's batarang out of the air, causing the projectile to fall to the ground with a clatter as it uselessly discharged its last few sparks. As frustrating as this was, at least it allowed Barbara to get her priorities straight. She would need to deal with Pamela before she could even think about taking out Harley. After Poison Ivy was defeated, she would have all the time in the world to figure out how to dispose of the immobile blob that she was protecting. Ironically it was Pamela herself who'd sent the message that brought Barbara here in the first place. Had she become so disgusted by her former friend that she betrayed her to the only people who stood a chance of stopping her? Or was this her way of getting Harley another meal while also disposing of the biggest potential threat to their schemes? Either way, it wasn't something she was about to tell Harley about. Barbara hurled a flurry of batarangs at Ivy, but they were all deflected by second and third vines that the villainess conjured. If only she had known Ivy was going to be there, she would've come better prepared. Frustrated with the lack of results, Barbara did something reckless that she would soon come to regret. She launched herself at Pamela with a flying kick, only to vine a vine wrapped around her ankle, trapping her in place before the moment of impact. She squirmed against the plant's grip. Just a few more inches, and her boot would be right in Ivy's smug, grinning face. No matter how hard she struggled though, she simply couldn't make it break. "Catch," Ivy said. The vine hurled Barbara up into the air. She came down in an arc, the endpoint of which was Harley's hungry open mouth. Barbara may have been a tough girl, but she was a slender one nonetheless, so Harley had little trouble gulping her down. The real difficulty came as Barbara started her descent. The Batgirl simply refused to give up, punching and kicking and struggling and squirming during every single inch of her journey down to Harley's stomach. "Seems like she's putting up a good fight," Poison Ivy remarked, as she watched Barbara's fists bulging out from her friend's throat. "It's a shame it won't do her any good." Indeed, no matter how much Barbara struggled, she ended up trapped in Harley's fat, suffocating gut just like the others. Harley's gut was so large that Barbara's presence barely made a noticeable difference, though one could still see the faded outline of Barbara's cowl jutting out from Harley's fat if they looked closely enough. Her struggling did accomplish one thing, which was giving Harley her worst case of indigestion yet. Her belches made the entire building tremble, and her farts were earth-shattering. Her gut produced near-constant noise between its loud gurgling and Barbara's muffled cries for help. "Ugh, she just won't sit still!" Harley whined, reaching down to caress what was ultimately a very small portion of her stomach with her hands. "Hey Red...would ya mind giving me a tummy rub?" Harley said. Pamela was hesitant, but she figured it was wise to be as nice as possible to Harley, so she wouldn't suspect that she was the one who leaked that information to Batgirl. Poison Ivy ambled over to her profoundly obese friend, in no rush to get any closer to her awful stink. Eventually she had to stop dragging her feet, so she stood in front of her friend, hand hovering over that vast, shifting gut. It was a terrifying thing to behold. Harley's stomach was larger than Ivy's entire body, in height and especially in width. It didn't help that Pamela knew for a fact that she could fit within it several times over. She inhaled deeply, an action which she came to regret almost immediately. Trying not to visible gag, she pressed her hand on Harley's stomach and began to rub. Her fatty gut was covered in a thin layer of grease, a combination made mostly from accumulated drool and sweat. Between the two of them, Harley and Ivy were able to rub their hands over something approaching the entirety of Harley's belly. Just as Poison Ivy realized that she was in the 'danger zone' for Harley's gas, it was already too late. Her gut massage summoned a belch from Harley's throat, and the enormous, acrid-smelling thing was fired straight into Ivy's face with enough force to blow her red hair back. That was simply too much for her, and Poison Ivy staggered backwards until she had escaped the eructation's smelly radius. "Scuse me," Harley said, covering her mouth with a fat, sausage-fingered hand. "At least ya helped my digestion along...shouldn't be much longer before that Bat-Brat is a big pile of guano." Harley's estimation was right on the money. Though Barbara's armored helped her last longer than the other girls, Harley's stomach made short work of her after her suit was finally dissolved. From there, it was a short journey into Harley's colon, and then an even shorter trip out of her ass and into a steaming pile on the floor. There were fragments of bones lodged in her turds as usual, but the shit was also embedded with jet-black fragments of Barbara's suit that Harley's stomach was unable to fully digest. "Phew," Harley said, wiping her forehead. Barbara's struggling had left her exhausted, and she was sweating more than usual. Barbara had added just a bit more fat to Harley's frame, which finally pushed her over the edge into immobility. No matter how hard she tried, she could not make her legs, which were hidden beneath layers and layers of flab, move her corpulent body forward even a single inch. "Looks like I won't be winning the hundred yard dash any time soon," Harley said. "Eh, it's no biggie," she added dismissively. "I just need ta wait for my food to come to me." "Perhaps. Or I could help bring them to you instead." Ivy still wanted to earn her friend's favor, and this seemed like a good way of going about it without exposing herself to Harley's stench-point blank. "Awwww, Red, you're the best!" Harley said as a fart bubbled its way noisily out of her behind. She gave her fat gut a slap, empty once again after its latest occupant had been churned. "You better get me a lot though, Harley's hungry!" Ivy would not make the mistake of underestimating Harley's appetite. She went out into the city, kidnapping Gotham's most tasty-looking citizens. Instead of bringing them straight to Harley, she would leave them just close enough to the building where she resided, so they could get a whiff of Harley's scent. From there, they would march straight to Harley in their hypnotic trance and feed themselves to the massive woman on their own. It was a good system, and one that spared Poison Ivy from getting too close to her friend. Still, it seemed like the radius of Harley's pheromones expanded with every person she devoured. Poison Ivy watched several people who she had not kidnapped walking towards her lab in a daze. It seemed like Harley had quite a number of people since Ivy departed, so she felt it was about time that she check in on her friend. Pamela made her way back to her lab, only to find that it was no longer there. Harley, fatter and more putrid than ever was sitting where it once stood, surrounded by rubble on all sides, with her fat rolls beginning to drape over the hillside and a pile of shit behind her ass that was beginning to approach ten feet in height. "I may have gone a bit *HOOoOOOoOOoOOOoooOOOoOOOOooooOuuuuurrrrrPppppP* overboard," Harley said, unleashing a wet belch that could be heard for miles around. Poison Ivy was standing several yards away from her, and was downwind, but that still wasn't enough to spare her from the smell. "How many people have you eaten?" she asked. "I dunno," Harley said, shrugging her shoulders as a turd as thick as a man's torso casually slid out of her ass. "Maybe a hundred or somethin'" Pamela could barely believe her eyes. Her friend had gone from impossibly fat to building-sized in under an hour. "And I assume you're still hungry?" Ivy asked. "Ya know it!" Harley said. ---- Pamela didn't need to bother seeking out prey for Harley any longer. Her stench was carried for miles by the wind, drawing in countless victims from the surrounding areas. They would present themselves to Harley, climbing up her fat stomach and hopping straight into her open mouth since her hands could no longer reach beyond her gut. From there Harley grew even more corpulent, which caused her pheromones to spread further, which meant more helplessly ensnared Gotham citizens to gorge herself upon. Pamela was running out of places where she was safe from Harley's stench, as her musk began to blanket the entirety of Gotham. Every belch or fart she let out had the radius of a bomb going off. Luckily, her hypnotized prey were unable to perceive its true foulness. As Harley grew, even the hill she was sitting on was dwarfed by her flesh. She had gone from the size of a single building to bigger than a warehouse, and she was still growing with no signs of stopping. The shit pile beneath her grew too, until there was a mountain of bone-filled feces behind her that was the closest thing to a burial her victims would receive. It wasn't long before Harley's body blanketed over the entirely of Gotham City. Skyscrapers were buried underneath mountains of sweaty flab. Her farts and belched now registered on the richter scale, and their smell was simply immeasurable. Even though it seemed like Harley couldn't possibly get any bigger, but if Harley had proved anything over the last few days it was that her size had no ceiling. She continued to devour Gotham's citizens by the hundreds, the sound of flatulence and laughter carried to the surrounding cities by the wind.
 21 had just finished digesting her last meal, which consisted of the population of an entire city converted into snacks. Having eaten more ordinary candies than she could count, she was beginning to crave something a bit more exotic. Why waste time turning hundreds of humans into snacks, when a single, fattened up human would fill her up just as much? That's where you came in. You were an unremarkable citizen of one of the cities that Android 21 was ravaging, your only sin was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She spotted you among the hundreds of other fleeing humans, and decided somewhat arbitrarily that you would be her next meal. You were not a Saiyan, an android, or even a martial artist. You were merely an ordinary human, with only a single digit power level. The only thing exceptional about you was that Android 21 had singled you out to be her meal. You were unaware of this at the time, though. You only knew that she was a threat, thus you running away from her as fast as you could. You found your escape route blocked by Android 21 herself, who appeared before you in a flash. "Mmm, hello~" she said, leaning forwards until you could feel her sugary smelling, humid breath against your face. "I've chosen you for a very special purpose," she continues. "Everyone else here is going to be a snack, but you, you're going to be my meal." This threat makes you more terrified of the android than you already were, if such a thing was possible. You try to turn and run, but you find yourself stopped by a long, pink tail wrapping itself around your leg and holding you in place. "Not so fast," she said, yanking you closer with the prehensile limb. "Where do you think you're going? We haven't even gotten to the fun part!" You didn't want to find out what that "fun part" was, but it didn't seem like the android was giving you much of a choice. "First, we should take this somewhere more private," she muses. In a flash, the two of you are taken to somewhere that is indeed pretty secluded. It was large, grey, and windowless. The walls were covered in humming machines with flickering multicolored lights and tanks that appeared to have something humanoid within them. You weren't sure what to make of it, but the pink-skinned woman was a more immediate concern than your surroundings. "Now that it's just the two of us, we can really have some fun," she said. You backed away from her, looking around the room to see if there was any kind of exit. You didn't make it very far before you found yourself tripping and landing flat on your face. You looked down to see the android's pink tail coiled around your leg. The same trick had worked on you twice. "Where are you going?" she said, retracting her tail and dragging you closer to her. "We haven't even gotten started." You are forced to come to terms with the fact that, whether you like it or not, you're going to have to participate in whatever Android 21 has in store for you. "Let's see, what's first," she said, tapping her chin. You're still on the floor looking up at her, with her tail wrapped tightly around your calf. "I guess I should make the food first," she finally proclaimed after a few seconds of thinking. A sort of pink electricity gathered on the tip of her finger as she swirled it in the air in front of her. She traced out a circular pattern, stopping and letting a jolt of that pink energy shoot from her fingertip. The energy exploded against the featureless tile, causing a multicolored pile of candies, pastries, and other sweets to appear where they had been just empty space a moment ago. In a moment you go from terrified to profoundly confused, eventually settling somewhere in the middle. You had seen her turn your fellow man into candy and devour them before, but what was the point in conjuring a pile of sweets? "Why do you look so confused?" the Android said, tilting her head. "Don't you know? This is all for you!" That doesn't do much to alleviate your confusion, so she clarifies. "You humans aren't very filling when I turn you into candy. Even when I don't you still leave plenty of room to fill...that's why I want to make you as big as possible before I gobble you up!" You figured that understanding the android's intentions would help lessen your fear, but her words had the exact opposite effect. There was no room for interpretation she intended to fatten you up before eating you like a witch from some children's fairy tale. Needless to say, you weren't going to be a willing participant, but 21 had taken your potential defiance into account. Her tail remains wrapped around your legs, immobilizing your lower body. She takes two fistfuls of the sugary treats from the pile into each hand as she approaches you. "Eat up!" she chimes, her voice as saccharine as the candy that she forcibly crams into your mouth. You try to resist, but there is only so much you can do against someone who is incalculably stronger than you. Her hand holds your jaws open, and you are made to chew and swallow the sweets against your will. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" In truth, it wasn't actually that painful. The candy was tasty, as candy tended to be; it was more the part where she intended to eat you afterwords that was bothering you. "Well, I hope you like it, because there's plenty more where that came from!" She wasn't kidding. You looked back at the pile of sweets, and saw that the huge pile of candy she had shoved into your mouth had barely put a dent in it. You had a hard time imaging that all that was going to fit inside of you, but the android didn't seem to be nearly as concerned. "Come on, open wide! You'll never finish it all at this rate!" You aren't sure if you want to finish, or if you're even able to, but the android isn't going to give you much of a choice. Another fistful of candy is crammed down your throat, and you realize there isn't much you can do to stop this. "Very good!" she says cheerily as you swallow reluctantly. You can't imagine her reacting well if you were to spit it out. "See, you're getting bigger already!" You look down to see your shirt stretched by a flabby muffin top. The candy must've had some kind of special property. Instead of lingering in your stomach, it seemed to digest almost immediately, absorbing and adding to your body in the form of fat. "I can't wait to see how big you'll be by the end of this!" she clasped her cheeks in her hands, her mouth hanging open hungrily, stopping just short of drooling. "You'll fill me up so much...I can't wait!" The feeding continues, and you are as helpless as ever to do anything about it. It seems like your captor is getting impatient. No longer is she content with stuffing you two large fistfuls at a time. Instead, she raises her hand, using some sort of psychic power to levitate the candies directly into your mouth. You're impressed by your ability to swallow it all, and so is Android 21 it seems. "I made the right choice, picking you to be my dinner," she said cheerily. "You should be proud, you're going to be the best meal I've ever had!" You aren't proud though. You'd rather achieve something that doesn't involve being devoured, but 21 isn't going to give you that chance. The candy continues to flow into your mouth like a river. You can't help but look down to see your stomach steadily swelling. Instead of a mere muffin top you now have a big, flabby belly that tests the limits of the buttons on your shirt as it continues to grow. Though it's where most of your new weight is concentrated, your stomach isn't the only thing that's gotten fattier. Your hips widen, your ass expands, and your thighs become sort and thick, putting the button on your pants under significant strain as well. Your arms are puffier and flabbier too, and although you have no way of checking, you imagine that you're sporting some puffy cheeks and perhaps an extra chin as well. Even after gaining what looks to be over one hundred pounds the candy continues to flow relentlessly. You have to be swallowing constantly just to keep up. The android cackles and grins in delight, and you can see the growing hunger in her eyes. The candy stream actually seems to speed up with each passing second, and it isn't long before the size of your body finally surpasses the resolve of your clothes. Your shirt is the first to go. The fabric tears with a noisy ripping sound before the buttons burst from the pressure of your advancing fat. Your buttons pop off and go flying across the room like bullets. Your shirt splits open, exposing your new enormous fleshy gut and hefty man boobs. Android 21 licks her lips at the sight of that delicious, filling fat. She can hardly wait, but she wants to make sure you're as big as possible before she finally allows herself to reap the rewards of her labor. A few seconds after your shirt erupts your pants are the next to go. Just like your shirt, the fabric rips open, allowing your fat to spill out like mounds of dough. Then, your button liberates itself from your pants and goes soaring across the room with a whizzing sound. This prompts a cry of elation from the android followed by a hungry gurgle from her stomach. "Mmm, you're still not quite big enough..." she mused. "But it's taking so much effort not to just swallow you up right now!" Without your clothes in the way, your body is able to expand freely. You look down, and are no longer able to see your toes. The stash of candy is beginning to dwindle too. Most of the sweets that were there at the beginning now resided inside your stomach. "Awwww..." the android whined. "I'm almost out of candy, and you're barely half as big as I wanted you to be..." she said, as the last few bits of food flew into your mouth. You were unbelievably large in your current state, so you could hardly imagine what you'd look like twice as big. "Good thing candy isn't the only sweet, fattening thing I can make..." she said, reaching a hand into her puffy white pants. From them she pulled something that made your eyes bulge with shock. Her cock, as thick as a tree trunk and as pink as her skin flopped out from her pants, along with a pair of melon-sized testicles burgeoning with cum. "Doesn't it just look delicious?" she said. Her flaccid monster began to stiffen, becoming even more enormous before your eyes. She didn't intend to put that beast inside of you, did she? "Why do you look so frightened? It's just a cock. You have one too, don't you?" she teased, beginning to stroke her mammoth shaft, a task that required both of her hands. She continued to pump until she climaxed. She was utterly unashamed about it too. Not only was she willing to masturbate in front of you, but she let her eyes roll into the back of her head and her tongue loll out of her mouth in a display of unrestrained pleasure. "Open wide!" she says sweetly. She climaxes, and an enormous jet of slightly pinkish cum arcs through the air, landing in your mouth. It tastes almost exactly like frosting, and it has the same texture too. You find yourself compelled to gulp it down just as you were with the sweets. And just like with the sweets, it doesn't spent too much time in your stomach. Instead, it is quickly converted into even more fat, contributing to your already mountainous form. You are now so fat that it is difficult to tell where one part of you begins and where one ends. You have become an indistinct, nearly immobile blob of fat, but apparently the android still thinks you need to be bigger. Or maybe she just wanted an excuse to cum a second time. Whatever her reasoning was, she did indeed shoot another glob of cum into your mouth. You were once again made to swallow it, and just like last time it made your body swell with added fat. Android 21 stopped pumping her cock, apparently satisfied with your size at last. You gulped, because that could only mean one thing. "You look delicious!" she exclaimed. "It was definitely worth the wait to get you this big. Now I can finally fill my belly. I've been wanting so long!" You expected the android to have difficulty moving you around considering your size. Her power far exceeds your expectations, and she is able to hoist you effortlessly above her head. You see her mouth open as she begins to lower you towards her salivating maw. You feet her lips wrapping around your feet, and her wet tongue slurping over your toes. She doesn't just want to eat you, she wants to savor your taste. She likes your flavor, if the little moans she lets out while swallowing you are any indication. Your obesity makes it almost impossible for you to move enough to struggle. Even if you could you can't imagine it'd make much of a difference. Android 21's moans become more muffled as she pushes your body further. Now she has swallowed you up to her knees, and you can feel the wet tunnel that is her throat tightening around your feet. It isn't just her hands pushing you down, or the sucking of her throat that's dragging your body deeper into her body. Gravity is also doing much of the work of pushing you towards her stomach. Even your own body is working against you now, and it seems like there is nothing you can do. Her mouth makes it all the way up to your stomach. Its girth gives her some difficulty, but its size only makes her more excited, imagining the way it'll fill her up when it reaches her belly. Her stomach wasn't the only part of her body that was excited to eat you. Even after cumming twice her cock was still rod-stiff and throbbing. With your stomach out of the way the rest of you goes down easy. She swallows up your man boobs, and then your shoulders, and then finally your head. You spend a brief moment in her throat, before a powerful swallow sends your entire body down into her stomach. You find yourself in a hot, dark environment, surrounded by stomach walls with the consistency of bubblegum and an air that smells strongly of sugar. "Mmm, you were the best meal I ever had!" you hear from the outside, muffled by her belly.
 There wasn’t much left standing between Zamasu and his goal of mortal extinction. While Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks were still alive, they unconscious and recovering from their injuries. Bulma meanwhile, was left helpless as the vengeful Supreme Kai and his possessed partner stood in front of her. A blade of violet light appeared around Zamasu’s hand, as he raised it above his head, ready to strike. “H-hey, wait a second! Please don’t hurt me! I-I have something I could offer you!” Bulma said, wincing in anticipation of the Supreme Kai’s attack. She undid a few of the top buttons on her labcoat, leaving her considerable cleavage exposed. Although Jaco liked to tease her for being saggy, in actuality Bulma was still remarkably perky for a woman in her forties. Hell, she could put a girl half her age to shame. Though Bulma had worn her azure hair in countless styles over the years, she was keeping it cut short at the moment. While her coat showed off her breasts, her jeans clung tightly to her wide hips and ass, made large and shapely by a combination of pregnancy and several years of fine-wine style aging. Zamasu seemed unimpressed, but he lowered his energy blade, curious to see where this was going. Though he wasn't exactly Bulma's type, the Supreme Kai was rather attractive himself. He had a handsome, youthful face, with features that looked almost elven, especially so if one took his pointed ears into account. His hair was white and spiky, and shaped in such a way that it only covered one half of his head. He didn't have the sort of body one would expect from a fighter, the deity sporting a slender rather than muscular frame. If not for his megalomania he would be the sort of guy that young girls swoon over. “Being the last man in the universe would get pretty lonely, right? Maybe I could be your queen. How about it, big boy?” she said, giving her generous chest a shake. “Can you believe this mortal woman?” Zamasu said, looking over at Goku Black. “She thinks that I’d be interested in a disgusting creature like her.” “Hey! I am not disgusting!” she said, giving him a stern prod in the chest. “All mortal creatures are repulsive compared to my divinity,” he said. “Now, step aside. I no longer have any interest in killing you for the time being. After I’ve finished off those Saiyans, I will be free to destroy you, along with the rest of the mortal scourge on this beautiful universe.” “Wait!” Bulma said. She wasn't a fighter, and she wasn't delusional enough to think that that she could take on the guy who beat Goku and Vegeta in combat, but she had to do something to buy the injured Saiyans enough time to recover. “I want to make you a different offer,” Bulma said. Zamasu didn’t even turn around to look at her. “I’m not interested.” “You think that gods are better than humans at everything, right? Would you be willing to test that theory?” Zamasu and Goku Black turned around. “Hm...speak, mortal, you have my attention.” “Well, if you gods really are superior, a mortal wouldn’t be able to beat you at anything, right?” Zamasu nodded. “Correct, and you cannot.” “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I challenge you to an eating contest!” Bulma didn’t know much about the gods, but from what she picked up from Goku and Vegeta’s conversations, she knew that Supreme Kais didn't seem to have much of an appetite, unlike the Gods of Destruction and one purple feline in particular. Bulma, on the other hand, knew how to put away a pretty impressive amount of food when she put her mind to it. Bulma had read Zamasu perfectly. The Supreme Kai had a need to prove himself the best at anything, and Bulma’s challenge had struck a nerve. He wasn’t going to back down, but he had a way of participating in the contest while also killing the Saiyans at the same time. “Hmph. I’ll accept your challenge. Goku Black, please indulge this woman’s nonsense, I have work to do.” “Hey, green guy, I challenged you, not him.” “And why should that matter?” “Well, the whole point of this is to prove that mortals can beat the gods at something. If you’re using a mortal’s body, you’re not proving anything! Anyone can win an eating contest with a Saiyan's stomach.” Zamasu winced. He knew she was playing him, and yet, he couldn’t resist. He would never forgive himself if he exterminated the universe’s mortal population without proving definitively that he was superior. “Fine.” “That’s not all. This contest comes with some prizes too.” “I’m not going to abandon my Zero Mortals Plan just because you defeated me in an eating contest, if that’s what you’re about to suggest.” “Nope. If I win, you have to give Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks enough time to recover. If I lose, I’ll tell you where all of the remaining humans are hiding. And you’re not allowed to send Goku Black after them during the contest either!” “Fine. I agree to your conditions.” Zamasu briefly entertained the idea that he could actually lose. He had never eaten once during his long lifetime, and this human woman must’ve been doing it since she was born. No, he was being foolish. Mortals were infinitely superior to the divine in every way. He couldn’t possibly lose. “What are the rules of this contest?” he asked. “We start by putting...let’s say ten minutes on the clock. Both of us will be given a huge pile of food, with each of us getting an exactly even amount. Whoever eats the most when time runs out wins.” Zamasu didn’t bother asking where she’d get the food. Creating food was well within his godly powers of creation. “Let the contest begin, then. You’re only delaying the inevitable. Black, can you create an arena for us?” Black nodded. He had been itching with the need for violence for the past several minutes. If he was going to be kept from murdering the Saiyans until this stupid contest was over, at least he could cause some kind of destruction in the meantime. “Stand back,” Zamasu said. Goku Black raised his arms into the air, creating a huge explosion of energy around him in a spherical shape. Everything within the sphere was completely annihilated, leaving only a clean, flat ring for the contest to take place in behind. Bulma took a capsule out of her pocket and chucked it towards the center of the arena. In a cloud of smoke, it exploded into a clock, with 10:00 on the display. The two competitors stood at either side of the arena, glaring at one another. Bulma couldn’t believe that the fate of the human race was resting on her appetite. It was a good thing she skipped breakfast that morning! Zamasu pointed his finger towards both sides of the arena. A beam of white light shot from his fingertips, creating two identical piles of food from thin air. Both contestants had an almost literal mountain of food in front of them, piled high above their heads. There was a plate underneath them, of course, to keep the food at the bottom from being dirtied by the ground. For someone so evil, Zamasu wasn’t half bad at cooking, the food looked fresh and smelled absolutely delightful. Goku Black swooped in, scooping up the clock in his arms. He levitated himself above the peaks of the food mountains, with the clock raised over his head, so both contestants could see it. “Are you ready?” Bulma said, her voice brimming with confidence. “Yes. Let us begin.” Goku Black pressed a button on the clock, which began to count down, either to humanity’s salvation of its end. Bulma tore into the pile of food, snatching up a rather large, meat-filled dumpling. She plopped it into her mouth, swallowing the whole thing in only a few bites! She wasn’t nearly full yet, so she grabbed another, and another, and another. Before she knew it, she’d eaten a half-dozen dumplings in only a few seconds! She could see her stomach stretching out slightly, the buttons on her labcoat straining, but she wasn’t discouraged. She still didn’t feel like she was full, and the growling belch that she released helped free up some more room in her belly. GrrRrrRUuuuuuuuRrrrpPp While had never done it himself, Zamasu had a basic grasp of how eating worked. First, you take the edible item in question, and place it in your mouth. Then, you chew it, and swallow it, and it enters your stomach, where it remains until the digestive process completes. In truth, Zamasu wasn’t even sure if he had a proper digestive system, although, he had a mouth and throat, so it could be assumed that he possessed one. Not wanting to waste and more time contemplating his own anatomy, he reached his hand into the pile, pulling out what a human would’ve recognized to be a freshly grilled steak. Zamasu had created all of this food, and yet, he had no idea what any of it was. He reminded himself again that he had no time to waist hesitating. Seeing how efficiently Bulma had devoured the dumplings, he imitated her method of eating by cramming the slab of meat into his mouth and gulping it down, barely chewing it at all. The sensation of eating was so incredibly alien. Feeling the stake entering his throat, traveling down it, and landing in his stomach felt like his body was being invaded by some foreign entity. While it was strange, there was at least one part of it that wasn't unpleasant, and that was the taste of the food itself. The steak had incredible flavor, and this new feeling of fullness was rather pleasing. He identified the food item as having originated from a bovine creature of some sort. Mortals may have been filthy, destructive creatures, but they did have at least one use in the form of food. They were also quite good at eating, as Bulma was demonstrating. The dumplings were just the beginning, she was in the zone now, not even paying attention to what she was eating, just taking handfuls of whatever was nearest and cramming it into her maw. Her chewing became sloppier, as bits of her meal fell out of her mouth, and food stains began to coat her clothes. Zamasu wondered what those loud, gaseous emissions she kept producing from her mouth were, and if they had anything to do with what she was eating. If they did, that meant that… OoOouUUuuuuuOoOOOuuuuurrrrrRrrrrpppp Zamasu’s lips parted, as the first belch of his life exploded out of him. While the feeling of eating was merely unusual, this sudden expulsion of hot air from his guts was shocking. The warmth and force of the air rushing out of his mouth, the renewed flavor of the food against his tongue, it was all so strange, and rather unpleasant too. "What in Zeno's name was that?" Zamasu said. His attention was taken away from the competition, as he was left stunned in the aftermath of his own eruption. "It's *Schlurp* called a *BWwOoRrpp* burp. We humans do them pretty *Gnarr* often after we *OuUUuRRrpp* eat. If you want to *Nomfch* win, you should get used to *BwWwWoooOOoORrRRTtttT* them." Unlike Zamasu, Bulma didn't allow herself to get distracted. Even while speaking, she was either cramming, chewing, or swallowing her food, or letting out an enormous belch to make more room. Zamasu was absolutely horrified. How could mortals stand this vulgar occurrence day after day? This newfound discovery as well as Bulma's gluttonous display solidified Zamasu's belief that humanity needed to be wiped out. As horrific as all this eating and belching business was, he was still confident that the gods were superior to mortals in it. Realizing that he was trailing behind, Zamasu crammed two handfuls of food into his green, puffed-out cheeks in order to prove just that. He could feel his stomach clenching around the massive amount of food he had stuffed into it. He began to feel sluggish, as though his entire body were being weighed down, but his gut especially. Bulma seemed to experience no such difficulties. If anything, her binging seemed to energize her, using the calories from whatever she had eaten before to fuel her continued gluttony. Judging by the noticeable disparity in the size of their bellies, Bulma had taken a respectable lead. Bulma had to unbutton her lab coat to accommodate her advancing gut, and her undershirt was proving insufficient to contain it as well. It rode up, covering only her breasts and leaving her bloated, food-stained tummy completely exposed. Bulma had been nine months pregnant, and yet this was the biggest her stomach had ever been. Zamasu was sporting quite the food baby himself. Though his green gut still had yet to free itself from the confines of his clothes, he did have to unbutton the sash around his waist in order to allow it more room to grow. The more Bulma ate, the bigger her appetite seemed to grow. Each bite was faster and more frenzied than the last, as she crammed dozens of food items into her maw at once. The fullness and immense size of her stomach served as a reminder of how far she had come. And if she could push herself this far, she could push herself further still! Meanwhile, Zamasu was having difficulty maintaining his pace. He could still, say, dump an entire bowl of noodles into his mouth, but unlike his competitor he could not force it all down in a single, immediate gulp. Though his eating had slowed, his stomach was still expanding at a continuous rate. Zamasu bit his tongue as he forced a slab of pork down his throat. Appropriate, since he felt like an utter pig. "What are you doing?" Goku Black snarled, as he watched his alternate self struggling. "Are you really going to let that human woman win?" Black was right. Failing this eating contest would mean putting Zamasu's plan at risk, and although he would never admit it, it would call into question his beliefs about mortal inferiority as well. With renewed motivation, the god set his sights on a plate of rice balls. He finished off the dish quickly, by using one hand to shove it into his mouth while he readied the second ball in his other. Even after eating about a dozen of them consecutively, the sensation of swallowing them became no less unusual. It wasn't just the feeling of food traveling down his throat that sickened him. Feeling it settle in his stomach was even worse. Swallowing was a momentary pain, but every bit of food he had eaten since the start of their contest still lingered in his gut. He swore he could feel the individual food items pressing against his stomach walls. He could even discern which dish they had come from. And the sound. Oh that awful, slimy, squelching sound that his stomach emitted without pause. It seemed to grow louder with each bite he took. The wet gurgling alone would've been poison to his ears, but the fact that the dreadful sound was coming from his own body made it truly insufferable. He despised listening to the human woman's gut growls, but it made sense that a lowly creature like her would make something so foul. He was a god! His divine form should not have been able to produce anything that crude. As Zamasu's stomach grew louder, it became larger as well. It was bit of roasted fish that sent him over the edge. The creaking of his overtaxed outfit had been drowned out by Zamasu's stomach noises and Bulma's sloppy mastication, but the sound of his shirt finally snapping was too loud to be ignored. A vertical seam was torn through Zamasu's tunic as his gut swelled by one centimeter too many. His growing belly surged through the opening, leaving the taut, lime green bulge exposed for everyone to see. Goku Black tried his best to ignore the other Zamasu's beach-ball sized belly; the sight of it was embarrassing even to him. "I see you finally *homph* broke out of your clothes," Bulma taunted as she gnawed on a leg of turkey. "Maybe now you'll start catching up to me." Bulma's bulbous belly put Zamasu's to shame, as did the ceaseless roar of her overstuffed stomach. If the contest continued like this, Zamasu would stand no chance of winning. "That's it!" Zamasu said, wincing as he threw down the half-eaten burger in his hands. "I can't stand another second of this! A god should not have to subject himself to such disgusting bodily processes..." Zamasu forced his eyes shut, for he did not want to see his own shamefully swollen gut as he lowered his head. "...nor defile his own divine figure." "You *homph* complain too much," Bulma said as she took a hearty bite. Though it seemed like Zamasu was about to forfeit, she still continued stuffing herself. It would be a terrible shame to let all this delicious food go to waste. "I have no idea how you beat Goku and Vegeta with such a whiny attitude." "And you!" Zamasu spat, forcing himself to his feet and waddling over to Bulma while his round tummy bounced up and down cartoonishly. "You are by far the most repulsive mortal I have encountered in this universe," he said. He tried to get in Bulma's face, but the bulbous bellies that bulged out of their midsections forced him to keep his distance. He continued to spew his hatred at Bulma with an increasingly deranged look in his silver eyes, as their respective gurgling guts mashed up against one another. "Your shameless gluttony sickens me to my very core!" "Oh *nomf* yeah?" Bulma said, giving Zamasu's gut a sharp poke. "You're one to talk, fatass." "How dare you touch me, mortal!" Zamasu fumed. "You...you..." BWAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUR-REEEEEEEEEYEEEEEELCH! Before Zamasu could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Bulma launching a belch directly into his face. His features were further twisted as his nose wrinkled in disgust from the raw, meaty scent that violated his nostrils. "Excuse me!" Bulma said, covering her mouth cutely with a playfully girlish giggle. Zamasu seemed far less amused. The god was at a loss for words, shouting and sputtering as he recoiled from the lingering cloud of gut stink that Bulma had unleashed. "That's it!" Zamasu said, shouting so his words could be heard over the volume of his own churning gut. "You win! I forfeit your foolish contest. All it's done is solidified my belief that you disgusting humans need to be eliminated, starting with you! Black, annihilate this creature!" Black nodded, raising his hand towards Bulma as a sinister pink beam of energy began to build... "I won't let you lay a hand on her!" roared the familiar voice of the Saiyan prince. His fist collided with Goku Black's cheek, sending the possessed Saiyan flying into a nearby building. Vegeta's wounds had healed, his godly blue aura had reignited, and he looked ready to get back in the fight. Goku followed behind him, who had made quite the recovery as well. "Huff, what took you so long?" Bulma said, arms crossed over her massive stomach. "I'll admit, I didn't think your plan would work," Vegeta said. "I'll never make the mistake of underestimating your cleverness...or your appetite ever again." "Well, it's nice to see you guys again. Now, go kick Zamasu's green ass!" Goku and Vegeta hardly needed to be told. They turned towards the overfed Kai, who despite his current condition still seemed intent on fighting. "Fools. I defeated you before and I can...*huff* do it again." Zamasu tried to charge towards the two Saiyans, but his stomach reduced his movement to a comical waddle. He huffed, gasped, and belched, as the energy blade he had been charging in his hand dissipated from his exhaustion. "Give me...a moment," Zamasu said as he fell to his knees and panted. I...just...HURP" Goku and Vegeta weren't about to show Zamasu mercy. His eyes widened with fear as he watched the two Saiyans charging towards him with burning auras, as his bloated belly rendered him unable to get out of the way. "Yeah, that's right!" Bulma said. She couldn't do much besides cheer from the sidelines, as her tummy had immobilized her as well. "We can have a nice victory dinner with all this food after you finish beating him..." she said, plucking a burger from the pile. "If there's any left..."
 Samus sighed, drumming her fingers against her pregnant belly. The swollen sphere was encased tightly within the rubber of her blue Zero Suit, exposing every curve pf her belly, in addition to her popped navel. At least she was on her ship, so there was no chance of unexpected alien attacks to make things even more difficult. Samus Aran was pregnant, and to make things more difficult, she wasn't entirely sure how. She went from no belly to one that surpassed a third trimester tummy by quite a bit. There were several possibilities, and most of them involved Samus being accidentally impregnated by some form of strange alien life she came into contact with. It could've been some spores she inhaled, some plant that she ate, some eggs that made their way inside her womb. Her ship didn't have the proper systems to tell her exactly what she was carrying inside of her womb, but they were enough to assure her that it was mostly harmless, and at least somewhat possible to birth. Her Chozo DNA was a major benefit in this case, her body's natural flexibility meant that her womb and midsection could expand far beyond the capacity of a normal human. Samus's pregnancy came with the usual side-effects, widened hips, swollen breasts that threatened to leak milk at any second, and, of course, a womb swollen enough to make movement difficult and wearing her power armor impossible. Her appetite was greatly increased too, she reduced her ship's supply of food by a significant amount in a matter of hours. She wasn't sure if her pregnancy was continuing to expand, or if she was simply bloated by all she had eaten. Samus's pregnancy came with another, unexpected effect. She was constantly, uncontrollably gassy. Her frequent binges weren't the source of this, as this started before that, but they certainly didn't help. The gas came from both ends, although the burps were far more frequent. They were surprisingly loud for how suddenly they happened, Samus would be casually performing a check-up of her ship's systems before a tremendous, thunderous belch erupted from between he lips. Fortunately, she was alone on her ship, so her gassiness wouldn't ruin her reputation. Samus waddled to her ship's storage, her appetite having flared up again. A wet, noisy fart slipped out between her cheeks, which while once tight and toned had become round and flabby due to her pregnancy. The sound echoed through the empty halls of Samus's ship, and filled the same area with a powerful stench. Samus's unrelenting belches and farts had already enveloped every corner of her ship with a powerful odor. She didnt mind much, it was her stink after all, it wasnt as though she was unfamiliar with it. Samus opened up her ships refrigerator, glancing at what she had left. Most of the food she kept was for practicality, not flavor, and most of her meals were flavorless, but filling. Samus felt a sharp movement inside her womb, like a kick, or something shifting rapidly within her. The sudden movement forced a belch from her mouth. This was her loudest one yet, rattling the walls of her ship. The belch persisted for several seconds, with the guttural BHooOOOOooOUUuuRrrpp sound lasting even longer as it echoed through the storage room. "Excuse me," Samus said, leaning forwards to get a closer look at her meal options. She must've picked up something tasty from one of her adventures. There had to be an exotic meat or strange alien fruit to stimulate her taste buds. Her pregnant belly descended from her midsection to below her knees, making it difficult for her to lean forwards. Several more farts escaped from Samus, and a series of belches burst out of her mouth. They had a significant amount of force behind them, enough to cause the items in the fridge to visibly wobble. Samus sighed. There wasn't anything interesting in there after all. She was still hungry, so she removed a bottle of a protein-rich drink, gulping it down in seconds. At least it was enough to sate her appetite. All of a sudden, Samus felt a sharp sensation inside of her. Between the constant activity of her stomach and womb, she wasn't sure where it was coming from. For a moment she feared that she was going into labor, but once the tension began to localize in her bowels rather than her womb she realize that this couldn't be the case. Even if she wasn't giving birth, she would still have to force something uncomfortably large out of her system. Wanting to make things as easy on herself as possible, she laid down on the floor, belly-up, with her legs held behind her head. This position was ideal for letting loose, though the ever-growing pressure made Samus concerned that posture alone wouldn't be enough to spare her from severe gastrointestinal discomfort. Samus had farted many times before, and she'd been incredibly bloated too, but this was something else. She watched her stomach swell up in front of her like a balloon. It even made a similar sound until it expanded before her, becoming so large that it took up almost her entire field of vision. Samus grunted, her cheeks turning red with frustration. Usually her gas would just erupt out of her without warning, not even giving her a chance to hold it in. What was happening now was the exact opposite. Samus was trying to force out the stubborn gas bubble that was making her cramp, but no matter how hard she pushed not even a single squeak could pass through her ass. All the while, her stomach continued to get bigger and bigger. While she wasn't sure exactly what the maximum capacity of her belly was, she was pretty sure that it couldn't stretch indefinitely without popping. Increasingly desperate, Samus let go of her legs, and started to press her palms into her bloating stomach. She was careful not to apply too much pressure, lest she harm whatever was inside her womb-or compel it to harm her. It wasn't until she started pressing down on her stomach that she realized just how swollen it was. Sure, her midsection was cramping, and she could see its enormous size plainly in front of her, but touching it with her hands truly conveyed just how taut her skin had become. It really did feel so much like a balloon, down to the way she could actually feel the gas trapped underneath her increasingly thin Zero Suit. The fact that the suit was made of a latex-like material only added to the comparison. "Come on..." Samus growled through gritted teeth. Even as she continued to apply more and more pressure, the stubborn fart-bubble still refused to budge. At this point she was running out of options. At this point, she was willing to try anything. Though Samus herself couldn't push her gas out, there was something inside of her that could. Whenever the creature inside her kicked, she was almost always compelled to release a belch or fart. Hopefully that would still be the case, even with this immovable bowel blockage. Stirring the thing in her womb wouldn't be hard, she already had a pretty good idea of how to do it. Still, she paused for a moment, as she wondered how prepared she was for what would happen next. She gave a firm, meaningful slap to her belly, hoping that the shockwave could be felt in her uterus even with that pillow of gas in the way. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately it did. The dormant creature stirred, and its first instinct upon its awakening was to struggle and thrash about inside of her. This had the desired result, and a particularly forceful strike from the creature was enough to knock loose that built-up bubble of flatulence. Samus had tried to prepare herself for the inevitable release, but there was nothing she could've done that would've readied her for this. BBBBbllLLLLLRRRRRRRRRrrrRRaAaAABBBbbbBBFFRRRBBBNNLLLllLLlllRRRRRLLLFFFPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!! The entirety of the bubble was pushed out of her at once, emerging from between her rubble-clad butt cheeks in a single tremendous eruption. Forcing that large bubble of gas out of her tight asshole felt like giving birth, ironically enough, though the process was mercifully short. In an instant, her bowels were emptied of their gaseous content. It seemed as though the entire ship was shaken by her outbust, though that may very well have been Samus's mind playing tricks on her. What was undeniably real was the smell. Samus's gas was never pleasant, but this particular batch was especially stale, perhaps because it had spent so much time brewing inside of her. Though the bounty hunter's nose wrinkled in revulsion of her own stench, her disgust was vastly overwhelmed by her relief. The cramping in her bowels eased almost immediately, though her womb was still plenty sore from the creature's kicking. Her stomach had deflated visibly huge. With all the gas evacuated, her stomach was empty, though her uterus was still profoundly full, leaving her with a belly that was merely huge rather than enormous. Samus discovered, as she waddled over to fetch another protein drink, that there was not a single square inch of her spacecraft which her monstrously massive fart had not tainted. Unfortunately she would be dealing with the stench for the immediate future. In space, you cannot crack a window.
 Vampires were usually known for subsisting exclusively on blood. Alice had a palette that was a bit more broad than her fellow creatures of the night, though that wasn't to say that it was sophisticated. "Mmmmf, this is pretshy gooth," she said, speaking through the mass of burger meat that she'd crudely crammed into her maw just seconds before. Using the hand opposite of the one she was using to stuff herself, Alice traced her fingers over the swell of her grease-covered gut. She was in a state of pure, gluttonous self indulgence, and she couldn't be happier. She continued to make her way through the fattening food she had left out for herself, cramming all of the burgers and pizza slices within arms reach into her hungering maw. With each bite, she understood the dietary choices of her kin less and less. Why bother with blood when this stuff was so much more fulfilling? It should be clarified that Alice's opposition to blood was not a moral one. She had no problem with murdering an innocent human if it meant satisfying her hunger. In fact, she had a young man tied up and thrown in with the pile of fast food before her, and the way she would devour him would be much more cruel and painful than simply draining him dry. He listened to each each slimy chomp the vampiress took, knowing it would only be a matter of time before those fangs were tearing apart his own flesh with as much vigor as she gnawed that pizza to pieces. His name was Mike, and though a sane person would've found such a fate horrifying, he was overjoyed by the prospect of ending up in the vampire girl's stomach. He wanted nothing more than to be a filling, suitable snack to her, and he was eager to please. Alice groped in front of her, hoping to snatch another bit of delicious greasy food. She found herself grasping at the empty air instead. Most of her dinner had been depleted, it seems, save for Mike, the bespectacled human with an all-too-eager smile on his face. She waddled over to her prey, her vast, food-filled gut heaving up and down with each step she took. Each step she took prompted a bassy gust of stinking air to erupt from her fat rear which Mike found himself downwind of. He saved the smell of her every flatulent expulsion, knowing that he would soon be one of her sloppy vampire farts himself. The enormous vampiress bent over, brought Mike to her mouth, and began to chew away at him, starting from his feet. Her teeth tore through flesh and bone alike with little resistance, sending his lower legs down her throat in a single chomp. That alone wasn't enough to satisfy her now blood-stained maw. She continued to ascent through Mike's body, each gnaw from her fangs sending another large hunk of bloodied meat into her gut. Even while she was eating, she couldn't keep herself from belching between every bite. Mike was treated to the rank scent of partially-digested pizza in addition to the agony of having his flesh ripped to shreds by the vampiress's cruel teeth. It was heavenly. Somehow, Mike had managed to survive even as she had eaten all the way up to his torso. She bit his arms off individually, and then crammed the whole rest of him into her mouth, which at this point considered of a dismembered midsection and his head. Her lips, naked bosom, and the top of her jutting belly were stained with blood from her gory meal. Mike's bloody body began to digest inside of her, along with all the other mashed up food. The eviscerated body and junk foot gave her terrible gas when combined. Though the smell of her gas was awful before, Mike's digesting body made it positively unholy. Her belches were rank and carried with them the morbid scent of death, and her blood-farts were sloppy and stunk like raw sewage. Alice usually had a pretty high tolerance for her own stink, but these malevolent fumes compelled even her to fan her nose in disgust. As the last few bits of Mike sputtered out of her ass in the form of wet, sloppy farts, Alice couldn't help but feel bad for the human. Not because she had brutally devoured him, for that she had no regrets. It was just a shame that he wasn't around to huff the dreadful gas that he had helped to produce and see the profoundly swollen, fat gut she now sported.
 "Please, I'm sorry! I know I said I'd stop seeing Gohan, but..." Videl said, whimpering as the older woman backed her into a corner. "It's too late for that," Chi-Chi said. "I told you that you weren't good enough to deserve my precious Gohan, but you wouldn't listen. Now, you need to be punished." "W-what are you going to do to me?" the terrified Videl said, eyes darting around the room, looking for some means of escape that wasn't there. Chi-Chi wasted no time on explanations, simply pouncing on the poor, helpless girl, using her superior weight to pin her to the ground! Apparently she hadn't lost the muscle mass from her martial artist days, as she was able to restrain and lift Videl above her head easily. It may have been years since she actually fought, but once someone becomes a fighter, their skills never leave them entirely. Chi-Chi opened up her mouth disturbingly wide, pushing Videl's squirming body down towards her salivating maw. Chi-Chi always seemed a bit strange when Videl had met her in the past. Gohan had told quite a few stories about how strict and pushy she could be too. But was she really crazy enough to do something like...this? Unfortunately for Videl, the answer was yes. The martial artist was shoved unceremoniously into the mother's salivating maw. "No, please!" Videl said, kicking and squirming, unable to break Chi-Chi's grasp. "You can't do this to me! What would Gohan think if he found out?" "Gohan's never going to find out," she said before Videl's toes entered her throat. "I'll tell him that you broke up with him...he'll be sad for a while, but soon he won't even remember you." Her arms and her esophagus worked in tandem, to suck Videl down further into her body, towards her stomach! Videl screamed as loud as she could, hoping that someone would come rescue her, but there was nobody else around, just her and the woman who was devouring her! Now she'd been swallowed up to her knees, then her waist, then her chest, as her breasts popped past Chi-Chi's lips and into her throat. With one final swallow, the girl was consumed entirely. Chi-Chi's throat bulged out like a frog. Videl's horrified face could be seen imprinted in the stretched flesh. Her throat muscles forced her even further down, out of her gullet and into her stomach. She landed in the dank, dim cavern, her shoulders pressed up against the cramped walls of her stomach, and most of her lower body submerged in stomach acid. From the outside, Chi-Chi's stomach could be seen swelling immensely, far larger than it had during either of her pregnancies. She gave her gut a satisfied pat, allowing her to feel Videl shifting and struggling under her fingers. Not that she couldn't tell that Videl was putting up a fight just by looking at her gut, which morphed and stretched as Videl made her pathetic attempts at resistance by thrashing around against her stomach walls. It was fortunate that Chi-Chi's dress was loose-fitting, otherwise her swollen belly would've tore it right open. BOoOOUuuuuuuOooooooooRrrrP All that activity in Chi-Chi's stomach forced out a rather enormous burp! Her lips trembled for several seconds as the eruction exploded out of her, and droplets of spittle were sent flying across the room. "Excuse me," Chi-Chi said, covering her mouth politely with her hand. Videl was a fighter, and so she did what any warrior would do in this situation: she fought. Though she was still an amateur, she put every last once of strength she had into breaking free from Chi-Chi's gut, pounding and kicking against her constricting stomach walls, and causing the housewife's bloated gut to bulge and shift visibly on the outside. Her vigorous squirming created and dislodged another large bubble of gas, which rose up through Chi-Chi's throat and erupted out of her in the form of a thundering belch. BHhhhhHAaaaaaUuuuuuuuuuuRrrrrrPpPppppppppppp Chi-Chi huffed, not even bothering to excuse herself this time. Why should she? I wasn't her fault; the blame for he gas could be laid entirely at the feet of Videl's insistence that she keep fighting back, despite the hopelessness of her situation. "You're just as loud and disgusting on the inside as you were out," Chi-Chi said, crossing her arms over the chest that would be gaining a generous addition of fat after Videl was finally dissolved. "Gohan should thank me for getting rid of you. If only you had a more responsible mother like me, maybe you wouldn't have turned into such an rotten girl." "You're insane!" Videl said, delivering a particularly vicious punch to the inside of Chi-Chi's gut. "Stop that!" Chi-Chi said, as the impact of the blow caused her to lurch forwards involuntarily. Tired of having her gut assaulted, she launched a counter-attack at her prey, delivering a smack to her belly that she hoped would shut up the girl inside "Ow!" Videl said as she felt Chi-Chi's hand collide with her forehead. The thick layer of flesh between her and her predator did little to soften the blow. Chi-Chi's attack didn't discourage Videl from struggling though. If anything, it made her all the more motivated to fight back. The closer she got to digestion, the more desperate she became. Her clothes had already started melting off of her in pieces, and she could feel her skin tingling as the acid nibbled against her flesh. It was now or never, if she wanted to get out of her insane would-be mother-in-law's gurgling cauldron of a gut. "Take this!" Videl said as she launched a forward kick, with all of her body weight put behind of it, using as much space as the cramped confines of Chi-Chi's sweltering gut would allow. Videl expected to feel her world shifting around her, as Chi-Chi was knocked clean off the ground by her internal punch. Instead, her predator didn't seem to budge a single inch. Videl looked down at her own leg, and though it was hard to see with the limited light of Chi-Chi's stomach, she could see that the limb had been almost completely melted into sludge. Had she been so preoccupied with fighting that she didn't notice that she was already mostly digested? "It doesn't feel like there's much of you left," Chi-Chi said, prodding her stomach with her finger, which had begun to soften along with Videl's flesh. "Good, that means I'm almost done with you. Then maybe Gohan can find a nice, decent girl to marry..." Another massive belch from Chi-Chi forced most of the remaining oxygen from her stomach, leaving what was left of Videl to swelter and suffocate in her gut as she dissolved into nutritious gunk. Part of the sludge that was once Videl's body was absorbed into Chi-Chi's form, plumping up her body which'd already been made motherly and voluptuous by her two pregnancies. Her dress felt a good bit tighter, with breasts that had swelled by a cup size, and the few inches that had been added to her butt and waist. Her belly had a noticeable bit of paunch to it too, in addition to the bloating that Videl's remains were causing her. A few hours pass... Though Videl was gone in the sense that she perished within Chi-Chi's guts, the remains of her body were still present in the body of the Son family matriarch, in the form of the waste that bloated out her bowels. In order to complete the process of devouring and digesting her, she would need to dispose of her, preferably in a discreet spot where her remains could be neither discovered nor identified. Based on the immense pressure Chi-Chi felt in her colon, she couldn't simply shit out what was left of Videl into her toilet and call it a day. It felt big enough to clog the porcelain bowl, and Chi-Chi had no alibi for why a partially digested skull would be stuck in her plumping. Luckily, she wouldn't have to travel far for a decent spot to dispose of her prey's remains. The forest just behind her house would do nicely. Chi-Chi waddled into the woods, with a hand laid over her bloated, cramping gut, which reduced her movement to an awkward waddle. She was eager to finally rid herself of this girl, who was just as annoying now as she had been in life. Deeper into the forest she ventured, until she found a spot that looked ideal for dumping her prey. She squatted behind a nearby bush, and began to strain, causing a vein to bulge on her forehead, the same one that usually only made an appearance when she was at her most angry. Passing a fat, thick log of ex-girl wouldn't be easy, but neither was devouring Videl in the first place. With a few more grunts a fat log of dense, solid shit began to emerge from Chi-Chi's flexing asshole, of about the same width as her arm. The turd fell onto the forest floor, where it formed into a coiled pile, with only a few fragments of bone and bits of clothing and hair inside of it to indicate that it had once been human. Chi-Chi emerged from the bush, fanning her nose. Even for shit, Videl smelled pretty bad, which was to be expected, considering what a rotten girl she was. Chi-Chi walked back to her home, rehearsing her story about how Videl had decided to leave him over and over again in her head. Hopefully she could find Gohan a nice, intelligent scholary girl to marry instead. And if not, she could always go for another meal.
 Needless to say, though they call themselves 'queens' the authority of these woodland-dwelling monsters will not be recognized as though they are a formal monarchy. -The 27th degree of King Viseth III of Adaford Norrix and Keena were but a few miles away from the city of Thern, which would be the first stop of what was shaping up to be a grand journey. Their stomachs had once again begun to growl with hunger (one notably louder than the other) but if they could just push on a little further they could get some actual food as opposed to berries (though the fresh meat had suited Keena just fine). The wolfess's stomach still hadn't fully recovered from the fairies. Although it wasn't quite as severe as before, she was still just as liable to backfire at a moment's notice than the horse they were riding on. The two had promised not to let anything else distract them between here and their destination, and yet Norrix still couldn't help but wonder about those unusual and seemingly connected incidents. He wouldn't be able to keep himself from investigating further, but he could at least hold it together until they got settled in Thern. Keena's nose began to twitch, as it began picking up a whiff of something unusual. "Wait," she said, the horse slowing to a stop. "What is it?" Norrix asked. She sniffed deeply to confirm. "Smells like...honey. Ah, shit." The smell seemed to be getting closer, and there was a buzzing that accompanied it too. It got to the point where even Norrix could pick up on it with his human senses. "Hm? Is something the matter?" Norrix asked. "Yeah. You know the Bee Girls that live in this forest?" "The Apia? Yes, I'm familiar, why?" "Well, I kind of stole from them while I was living here. Like a lot. And I'm pretty sure they're pissed about it." "What did you take from them?" "Honey. I don't eat that shit myself, way too sweet and it gets all in my hair, but people in town were willing to buy it for a pretty good price. It was the only way I could make a living." "And why do you think they're just confronting you about this now?" "They never noticed before. I was pretty good at covering my tracks, but I guess they must've finally found out." Keena scoffed. "It's not like I'm too worried though. I could beat up a hundred of those weak-ass bug girls if I wanted to." The consistent buzzing of beating wings was only a few feet away. The Apia emerged from the treeline, though they were not as Keena had described them. Though there were only two of them, though from a distance they had sounded like a swarm. They still had the typical distinguishing features of an Apia, namely a pair of antenna sticking out from their foreheads, and bulbous black-and-yellow fuzzed bee behinds jutting from their rears. Just about everything else about them was noticeably atypical though. The wings upon their backs were larger than they should have been, but asymmetrical and oddly shaped as well. They were tall, broad, and muscular to a degree that was rare to see in human women and unheard of to the typically round, pudgy Apia. Because of their nudity, their muscles well on full display. They weren't as bulky as Keena, displaying instead a more slim, athletic sort of strength, though they were still far from slender. Thick, gnarled clits throbbed indecently between their muscular thighs. "Looks like you girls did some working out since I last saw you, huh?" Keena said. Internally, her and Norrix were thinking the exact same thing: that whatever had transformed that deer and that fairy had also done the same to these women. "These look like the ones, sister," the one said to the other, with a husky, gravely voice. "Are you guys really still mad about the honey thing?" she asked. The two Apia exchanged a quizzical glance. "What is she talking about, sister?" the one asked the other. "I do not know," the other replied. "We are here to bring you to our Queen," the first one said. "The one will provide much nourishment to our queen, and the other will make a fine incubator for our children," she said, addressing Keena and Norrix respectively. "Yeah, not gonna happen," Keena said, dismounting her horse and cracking her knuckles purposefully. They may have been stronger, but that wasn't the same thing as being strong. "What are you waiting for, sister? Capture her so we may savor the honey that she will become." The second girl stepped forwards, looking ready for a fight. Keena was unprepared for her fist attack, as it was launched with unexpected speed. The Apia cut across Keena's cheek with the side of her hand, hard enough to draw blood. Though the Apia were more fit than before, they still looked like they weren't accustom to fighting. The Apia's fist strike left her off balance, giving Keena plenty of time to respond with a counterattack. Keena responded with a haymaker that had her entire body's weight behind it. The Apia was sent stumbling backwards before crumbling into a pile on the forest floor. "Think you can last longer than that?" Keena said, turning to the other one, only to find that she had disappeared in the heat of battle. Before she had time to sniff the air to locate her, the Apia had already wrapped herself herself around Keena's torso so her arms stayed pinned at her sides. Keena could actually feel the woman's engorged clit throbbing against her backside. She figured she probably could've broken her opponent's grip with her own strength, but that gave her a more fun idea instead. "Don't you know that you're not supposed to fight with a boner?" Keena snarled, kicking back so the heel of her boot struck the woman's clit. A swift strike to the pussy wasn't nearly as effective as a good kick to the balls, except in this case, where she had a larger target to aim for. The Apia recoiled in pain. Keena finished her off by whipping around and kicking her right in the side of the head, causing her to join her sister in the dirt. Keena knew better than to think that was the end of it. The buzzing grew louder until it began to sting her ears. If the two Apia had sounded like a swarm, then this was an army, and not one of bees but of stomping soldiers trudging their way through mud. Keena watched as dozens more Apia emerged from the trees, all of them just as large if not more as their sisters who lay unconscious at Keena's feet. Keena's confidence began to crack. Though she still wasn't afraid, she was less certain of her victory than she was but a few seconds ago. She had nothing to taunt the Apia with, so she simply let them make their move. These ones must've been more experienced, or perhaps they'd just wised up quickly. Instead of trying to attack Keena one by one, they charged in unison. The combined weight of their buff bodies seemed to make the trees around them shake. Though their wings could no longer support their enlarged bodies for sustained flight, they could keep them hovering for several seconds as they soared through the air towards Keena, arms outstretched to tackle her. They piled on top of the Lycanthrope, smothering her underneath what must have been over a ton of bee-woman combined. The saccharine scent of smell made it difficult for her to focus, as did the countless clits all throbbing against just about every part of her body. Trying to fight her way out of the pile was like swimming through honey, appropriately enough. As she acclimated to heavy smell of sugar and womanly musk that surrounded her, she remembered that she had forgotten something in the heat of battle. "Norrix?" she shouted, hoping her voice was loud enough to reach him. She concentrated, and she couldn't recall seeing her companion since the first Apia launched her opening blow. "Shit, I'm coming," she said. A punch or a kick was enough to dislodge a single Apia from the pile-on, but every time she knocked one away another would immediately come to replace her. Luckily, Keena had a secret weapon that she hadn't even been aware of. It had been a while since she last broke wind, and her stomach was just about ready to unleash a fairy-fueled fart. The noise was akin to the creaking of a bed, if that bed were underwater and the volume was magnified tenfold. The gas rushed to fill the small space created by the Bee Girl's bodies, giving them all a good, strong whiff of Keena's reek. The hideous smell cut clean through the Apia's own honeylike scent, overcoming it and replacing it with fresh wolfgirl methane. Keena laid a hand against the seat of her pants to make sure that she hadn't soiled herself, so wet was the noise and so potent the smell of shit. Her trousers were indeed dry, but right now that was the least of her concerns. The Apia recoiled in disgust, allowing Keena to push just enough of them away to form a gap that she could use to escape. She emerged from the insectoid dogpile and immediately began searching the area around her for Norrix. The human was nowhere to be found. All hope was not lost, as she could pick up on his scent now that she wasn't being smothered under a smell like a sweets shop combined with a women's locker room. Her ears perked up as she heard his cries for help in the distance. She went to go mount her horse, before realizing that it had vanished along with him. Sharp teeth grinded together as Keena trudged in the direction of Norrix's scent. Fists clenched at her sides, she was ready to kick some Bee-Girls right in their fuzzy asses. Norrix's voice and scent were drowned out by a chaotic blanket of sounds and smells, but Keena was pretty sure she was at the right place. She stood before what appeared to be an beehive, appropriately enough. Erected between two giant trees, it looked large enough to house several human-sized persons. She had difficulty discerning what was going on inside with all the cacophony, but she could make out enough to know that it wasn't anything good. Based on the smell and the overwhelming scent of honey wafting off of the hive, she figured it would be a good idea to take off her clothes, lest they be made sticky. She left them in a messy pile by the entrance. She took a moment to admire her body, as if to say "you're enough to get me through this" to her own naked musculature. Keena was right. Just about every surface of the hive was slathered in a thick layer of honey, especially the floor. Keena's feet sunk into the honey down to her ankles, with a sound not unlike the ones her ass was known to produce. The goings-on in the hive were indeed as chaotic as Keena's ears had lead her to believe. She was confronted with so many shocking sights upon her entrance that she wasn't sure which to focus on first. Directly in front of her, just a yard or two away from her feet was a dozen or so Apia, all piled up on top of each other with their bodies untangled, not unlike what Keena had been trapped beneath a few minutes ago. This time the purpose of the pile was not combat, but pleasure. The bee girls all writhed against one another with a primal, almost animal-like lust. Hands groped whatever was within reach, and sensitive parts rubbed against anything that stood a chance of stimulating them. Some of the Apia jammed their mini-cocks into another's open, moaning mouth. Others opted for more traditional forms of penetration, shoving their clits inside another. Others still frotted their engorged genitals together, and some simply pumped their stiffened shafts themselves. It was as though they were still adjusting to their new endowments and were still unsure of how best to get themselves off. Regardless of the method they used to get off, their movements were all wild, frenzied, and even somewhat clumsy as they let out masculine moans and grunts in their orgiastic bliss. On the far left of the hive was Norrix, surrounded on all sides by muscular Apia who blocked his escape. His uniform had been torn, leaving vulnerable flesh exposed for the bee girls to pinch and prod at. "I think he will make a fine breeder for our hive," one of them said, pushing him towards another Apia who looked down on him with a worrying look in her eye. "Yes sister, I agree," she replied. "Hey, get your hands off of him!" Keena roared, barreling towards them as fast as the thick, sticky honey would allow her. One of the Apia turned around to face Keena, but she was already too late. The wolfess had already sunk her fangs into her shoulder, drawing blue blood from the woman's wounds. She screamed out in pain, loud enough to alert the other Apia who was tossing Norrix around, as well as the other sisters in the center whose bodies were intertwined. It was already too late for the closer one though. By time the first Apia started to crumble to the ground in pain, Keena had already thrown herself at at the second. The bee girl looked up at the ferocious werewolf who had her pinned beneath her body weight, her teeth still blued from her companion's blood. A good, strong headbutt was enough to knock her unconscious. "You alright?" she said, turning to the half-nude Norrix. "Mhm. This isn't the first time I've been tossed around by a couple of monsters," he said while dusting himself off. He was more frustrated that his uniform had been destroyed than anything else. "I thought you had gotten pretty good at avoiding that. Did you even offer to finger them?" "Unfortunately they weren't as receptive." The two exchanged a quick, flirty smirk before the reality of their situation dawned on them. The lustful Apia managed to tear themselves out of their orgiastic frenzy, and were now marching towards the duo with vengeance in their eyes. Keena had been dealing with the Apia fairly well so far, but she wasn't sure how confident she was in her ability to take on all of them at once. The Apia in the hive were noticeably burlier than the ones she had fought on the outside, and she had to deal with being bogged down by honey as well. "Norrix. Make a run for it," Keena said. "I'm not just going to abandon you," he replied, taking a fighting stance that carefully mirrored Keena's own. "You won't be. I'm about to start running too." Norrix let out a soft 'ah," and the two turned around and headed for the exit. They stopped dead in their tracks, as the watched the hive door close shut in front of them. Keena turned back towards the Apia who were angrily approaching. Their anger towards her was magnified, since she had interrupted them before they could climax. Keena faced a sea of beefed-up bee girls with obscene and unsatisfied clitoral erections, all intent on pounding her and her human partner into submission, in both senses of the word. Then, she turned back to Norrix. "Come on, you must have some kinda obscure fact that can get us out of this." Norrix shook his head without even a moment's pause. "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. But I will fight with you, though I can't promise I'll be much help." "Hah. The small human will fall even sooner than his companion." "You will not *hhhhuuuuurrrp* cause the human to suffer any harm," a voice said from the far side of the hive. The Apia stopped their advancing, and parted to allow Norrix and Keena to see who was speaking. It was none other than the queen herself. She had been the largest Apia in her hive before whatever mutation they had undergone, and the same was still true after. She towered over her sisters, her size rivaling that of Keena's in her transformed state. Her muscles were enormous, unnaturally so; her biceps in particular were so distended and veiny that they looked painful just to possess. She was black of hair like all Apia, but her deep purple eyes distinguished her from her kin. She possessed the same sort of bee-bottom as well, which was just as oversized as the more humanoid rump beneath it. Her face was disarmingly gorgeous, with a beauty that was usually reserved for queens of the humanoid realm, rather than the monarch of some small hive of bulging bee-girls. She even had a beauty mark upon her pale, angular cheek. The queen's vulva was fat, puffy and reddened, perhaps as a result of her mutations, or the countless births she needed to perform as part of her duty to her hive. She had gone beyond simply having an enlarged clit however. She was now sporting what was almost indistinguishable from a fully formed cock, sans balls. The long, turgid thing was pressed up against her swollen stomach, which squirmed and bulged with a frighteningly familiar face. The unmistakable outline of hooves and panicked neighs from inside of her enormous gut indicated that this was what had become of Keena's steed. "We may be changed, but we have not yet been reduced to behaving like animals, have we?" she said, lowering a hand to caress her active stomach. Already Keena was preparing to fight her, though none of the scenarios she went over in her head seemed to end in her favor. "We will not descend upon our captive like savages. Instead, it is only fair that we give her an opportunity to save herself." "Oh yeah? What kinda opportunity?" Keena had gone from simulating a realistic potential battle between her and the queen in her head. Instead, she started to fantasize about beating her into a pulp, which she found far more motivating. "I challenge you to single combat. If you are victorious, you and your friend will be allowed to leave. If I prevail, you will be devoured, and the human will be taken as our breeding slave. It's a far more proper, dignified way to go about things, and will spare me a few injuries to my subjects..." "Bullshit," Keena said. "You want to prove you're stronger than me, because you're afraid you might not be the top bitch in this room," Keena said. "Well, I accept your offer. Saves me the trouble of having to beat up your minions before I kick your ass." "It's a deal then. If you would, allow me a moment to digest my meal. I wish not to fight on a full stomach." There was a heavy, sludgey noise as juices flooded into the queen's stomach, further dissolving the equine which her stomach had already thoroughly eaten away at. Keena watched as her mount's struggles subsided. After what couldn't have been more than a minute, the creature had liquefied entirely, and the queen was left with a softened but still pudgy belly. Norrix placed his hand against Keena's shoulder. "Unfortunately they never taught me if a werewolf could beat a mutant Apia in a fight..." he said. "It might be unscientific but...I fully believe that you can d-" Before Norrix could finish, he was yanked away by a pair of burly bee-girls, and dragged away into the corner of the hive, where he would remain until the fight was settled. It seemed as though the queen had finished processing her meal, but there was still one step in the digestive process that she hadn't undertaken. "Forgive me, but I don't want my bowels impeding my ability to fight either. Now, my sisters, come and partake in my bounty." The queen's puffy asshole parted, and from it flowed a dense, tube-shaped log of honey. Though it was excreted in a similar manner, at least it didn't smell like waste, having a sickly sweet aroma instead. Bits of bones were embedded in the log of golden sludge. Some looked as though they had come from their horse, and some clearly hadn't. The other Apia knelt down before their queen, lowering their hands beneath the sticky flow, and then cramming globs of it into their mouths greedily. The Apia pushed and shoved and scratched at each other, each one wanting exclusive access to their queen's sweet nectar. The Apia continued grunting and moaning as they stuffed themselves, until finally her anus snapped shut. The remaining unfed Apia were left to fight among each other for the rest of the queen's filth which had coiled up on the floor. For a few moments, Keena was silent. "Wow, I'm really glad I never ate that honey myself." She turned to Norrix. "So is every monster product just shit or cum?" It took Norrix a second. "I suppose some of it is urine," he replied with a grin. The pair exchanged a look of gratitude, as that moment of levity had given them temporary reprieve from how dire their situation was. The Apia at the queen's feet scattered, save for one, who swirled her tongue around her ruler's anus and up and down her crack until all the honey stuck to it had been wiped away. She couldn't leave her asshole uncleaned like some commoner after all. "Now that that's over, your highness, I think you have a fight you should be getting to," Keena said. "Indeed," she replied, rising from her throne, and stepping forward to meet Keena in the center of her hive. Keena could now see that she only came up to the queen's chest. "So, how are we doing this?" Keena asked, assuming a fighting stance with her legs spread. "Traditional rules or Midroux style?" "I can't say I'm familiar with the latter," the queen said, refusing to change from her upright posture. This indicated either confidence or inexperience. Whichever one it was, Keena was prepared to make her pay for it. "It's where we keep going until one of us can't stand." "Yes, I do believe I like that one better." "Then let's do this, your majesty." Keena had spent her time in the hive getting used to moving with her feet stuck in honey. While it still slowed her down, it now did so in a way she could account for. She made the opening move, which was consciously a reckless one. She threw the entire weight of her body at the queen, wanting to get a feel for how tough she actually was. Unfortunately, the results of her little experiment were worse than she feared. The queen barely budged as a result of Keena's attack, and the girl had now been left completely vulnerable. The queen responded with a brutal backhand. Were it not for the honey keeping Keena's feet stuck to the ground, she would have been knocked back. Instead, she was only slightly staggered, but left with a stinging pain and red mark on her cheek. Meanwhile, Norrix could do little more than watch, as the Apia holding him back whispered taunting words into his ears. A hand was clasped over his mouth, so his screaming could not interrupt the fight. "Your friend is nothing compared to our queen," said the one. "She will make a fine snack for our ruler, and we will dine graciously on the resulting honey." "Yes, my sister. And then we will fill this one with our young." The near-audible throbbing of his captor's clits indicated that they had more than reproduction on the mind. Snarling, Keena forced herself not to clutch her aching cheek, lest she be down a hand in fight she was already losing. She allowed the queen to launch a follow-up attack, which came in the force of a straight punch. The queen's inexperience showed-Keena was left with plenty of time to prepare herself, and had her arms crossed over her chest to guard herself long before the blow reached her. The queen's immense strength more than made up for her lack of skill though. Even though Keena was able to dampen the blow's impact, it still sent a shockwave through her body that made her teeth rattle. Norrix tried to struggle against the grasp of his captors, but his lithe body could not make them budge even a centimeter. There had to be something he could do. Ideas buzzed in his head like a swarm of angry bees. He would only have one change at this, so he would have to make it count. Norrix opened his jaws, and sank his teeth into the hand that covered his mouth. Though he didn't have the fangs of a canine, he'd still done sufficient damage if the Apia's scream of pain was anything to go by. "Her abdomen!" Norrix shouted after hastily sucking in a breath of fresh air. "It's the most sensitive part of her..." Norrix was cut off before he had time to finish his sentence. He was wrestled to the ground by the other Apia, who ensured that he would remain silent by burying him into the honey face-first. He was still able to breath, just barely, but only by inhaling through his nose. Still, he had succeeded in delivering Keena his message. "Gotcha," Keena said, as she sustained another devastating blow. Even though she was blocking, it would only be a matter of time before the queen left her with broken ribs. "The abdomen means the stomach, right?" Keena said, glancing over at the queen's pudgy belly. It did seem like the only part of her body not covered in a thick layer of muscle. With Norrix unresponsive, she had no choice but to trust her gut on this one. The queen may have been strong, but her attacks were predictable. All Keena needed to do was bait one out, and then... Keena launched a blow at the monarch, in such a way that even an amateur fighter like her would see it as a perfect opportunity to counter-attack. The queen acted exactly as Keena had hoped, and responded with a punch of her own after Keena's fist slammed uselessly against her sturdy chest. Because Keena had seen this exact thing coming, she was able to counter the counter. She leaned out of the way of the royal's attack, her first sailing harmlessly over Keena's shoulder. She had put herself in a position that left her stomach totally exposed, so this would be Keena's perfect chance. With a roar, the wolf-girl launched a single punch towards the queen's midsection with all the strength she had left. A brutal "crack" echoed through the hive. If that wasn't enough to prove that Keena's blow had landed true, then the way the queen's body collapsed and spasmed around her clutched fist was. The queen's mouth opened to release an exclamation that would shake the hive down to its very foundation. It was not, however, a shriek of pain like Keena had expected. Instead, it was a groan of pure sexual bliss. The queen's twitching was not the shuddering that came with a crippling strike, but tremors of orgasmic pleasure that seized the queen's entire massive body. "Oh, so that's what he meant by most sensitive part," Keena said as she withdrew her fist. She watched the queen collapse onto the honeyed floor with a wet squish, trying and failing to catch her breath. After a few more seconds, the queen actually managed to regain her composure, rising to her feet and lunging at Keena again as though nothing had happened. Keena wasn't particularly concerned, and implemented her seemingly winning strategy again. For the second time she angled a swift counterpunch to strike at the queen's abdomen, and with the exact same result. The queen was overcome with a raw wave of pure physical pleasure that surged through her loins uncontrollably. Her phallus twitched with involuntary delight. Were that part of her anatomy more developed, it would've spurted a generous dew of precum from its head. The fluid was provided by her pussy beneath it instead, which drooled with a substance more sweet and precious than royal jelly. "O-oh," the queen said, clutching herself as she fell to her knees. With her abdomen still clenching orgasmically, Keena had plenty of time to launch a follow up attack without fear of reciprocation. Keena preferred to defeat her opponents through pain rather than pleasure, but if that's what it took to win... Keena delivered her fist into the queen's midsection, plunging it as far into her squishy stomach as it could go, pulling it back out before the queen's clenching abdominal muscles could hold them in place. She started to get into something of a rhythm from there, shoving her fist in and out of the royal's tummy in a way that was rather penetrative. An indecent observer might remark that she was essentially fisting the queen's chubby stomach repeatedly. The queen's reaction was certainly worthy of such a lewd comparison, as her heavenly moaning and gasping filled her hive. The drones were enraptured by what was happening to their queen, unsure if they should be offended by seeing their leader in such a compromised position, or overjoyed that she was being wracked with such incomparable pleasure. Either way, they would not be allowed to intervene. Meanwhile, the queen's body had gone from merely imitating an orgasm to actually achieving one. The nerves in her oversensitive stomach as well as the ones in her loins exploded electrically in tandem, bringing the Apia to a climax that infused the honey beneath her with another sort of bodily fluid. "Please, more!" she begged between hurried breaths. Luckily for her, Keena still had plenty of punches to give. The queen had cum, sure, but she had neither given a formal surrender nor been reduced to a position where she would be unable to give them. Until then, Keena would contain to rain stimulating blows down upon her. The queen had no time to recover from her initial orgasm before Keena's ceaseless strikes pushed her to a second, and then a third. Each climax rattled her brain as surely as Keena's blows rattled her body. She had forgotten her challenge to the lycanthrope completely, or even the fact that she was queen. She could scarcely do anything besides anticipate her next climax and then experience it, until she was too euphoric for even that. "Oooohoooooo!" the queen said, as her final cum caused her to fall belly-up into the honey. Eyes closed and breathing steady, without so much as a single peep uttered, if the queen was not sleeping then she was in a state indistinguishable from it. "I think that counts as a win," Keena said, as she backed up from the queen's slumbering, orgasm-wrecked body. "Now let me friend go, unless you want me to gut-punch all of you too. I can't promise it'll feel nearly as good as it did for your queen." The Apia didn't respond to her words at first, for they were still reeling from seeing their infallible queen reduced to unconsciousness. But the burly bee-girls abided, and released the captive human from their grasp. Norrix immediately ran towards his victorious friend and embraced her. "Nice job," he said, as Keena knelt down so she could nuzzle his chest. "Nah, it was nothing. Now let's get out of here before they realize that they don't actually have to let us go." "Actually," Norrix said. "I'd like to get a sample from the queen first. Whatever happened to this Apia, it has to be connected to the fairies, and to the deer that Naga ate as well." "What kind of sample?" Keena said. "A honey sample, directly from the source, unfortunately. Don't worry, I just need you to press down on her stomach slightly. I'll do the, errr, dirty work." Keena nodded, and pressed her palm against the queen's gut, while Norrix took a class jar from his bag and angled it over the queen's anus. A fresh bit of honey was extruded from it, which Norrix sealed in his jar for later study. "Excellent. Now we can-" "Wait!" the queen said, awaking with a start after finally recovering from the aftershocks. She spoke quickly, as to get her point across before Keena clocked her in the head, which she looked poised to do. "You," she said, addressing the lupine woman. "I want to thank you. I've always resented my role as queen. Unlike you humans, that title is not one of authority, but of subservience. My position is not to rule, but of having my womb swell ceaselessly with new drones. After my transformation, I wanted to escape that position, to be a ruler without compromise or any other responsibilities. That's why they captured your friend, so he could become the new spawner from our young, so I could shirk those responsibilities forever, and become a new sort of queen, one at the top of a hierarchy from which I rule without question. And yet, before that pyramid of rule could even be properly formed, you had already knocked me off of its peak. And yet...I have never felt more fulfilled then when I was beneath you, conquered by a stronger woman helpless against the tidal waves of pleasure you brought to my shore. The responsibility of a leader are not what I truly desire. I desire to make my subjects more powerful so that they shall dominate me as you have. I will not become a stronger woman, but create them. My role as breeder will not be rejected, but embraced, and savored. I am a queen, and that word is to be synonymous with with fuckslut and brood-whore. They are my subjects, which will come to mean queen-fucker and womb-filler. My final decree with my authority shall be to relinquish my authority entirely. So commands your queen." "Ugh, please tell me that's not what I sound like," Keena said. She and Norrix departed as the Apia contemplated their queen's words. After a few moments of deliberation, they pounced upon her, smothering their ruler beneath their muscular bodies as they fought to be the first to shove their engorged clits into their ruler's orgasm exhausted holes. "Oh, yes!" the queen shouted. "Fuck me! Knock me up! Make me your slut, for that is what it means to be queen!" ---- "So is this what it's like to be you?" Keena said as she shoved her outfit into Norrix's bag, not wanting to re-dress herself until the coating of honey had been removed from her body. "Making monsters cum their way into self discovery?" "That aspect of my life was a more recent development," Norrix said, as he placed his sample from the queen's beside it. His outfit would need to be discarded, for it was too thoroughly infused with honey to be worn properly again "And I don't know if it's happened frequently enough to call it a pattern just yet. What is definitely a pattern is the creatures in this forest becoming physically overdeveloped out of nowhere. I don't have a theory quite yet, but with this sample I should-" Keena reached over and pinched Norrix's lips shut with a honey covered hand. "You can worry about that later. We have no horse and it's almost dark. We can wash up and head to Thern tomorrow, but right now, it seems like everyone's gotten off except for the two of us, and I don't think that's fair." Norrix couldn't disagree. He pushed his bag aside, so it would not be an obstacle for their forthcoming action. And then, the two collapsed upon each other, and made sweet honeyed sex until sundown, when they fell asleep in each other's embrace. They spent the first few minutes of that following morning trying to unstick themselves from each other as the coating of nectar that covered their bodies had hardened like concrete overnight.
 "come on porrim, can wve talk about this?" Cronus said, as a bead of panicked sweat rolled down his forehead. "Yo+ur window of fo+rgiveness clo+sed abo+ut thirty pickup lines ago+," Porrim said as she drew closer. Her mouth opened to reveal a pair of fangs, dripping with drool, and a tongue that traced eagerly around her jet-black lips. "This isn't just abo+ut me. All o+f the o+ther tro+lls agreed that it was finally time to get rid of you. I was just given the privilege of actually doing the deed. As a Rainbowdrinker, I could give you a fate as painful and humiliating as you deserve." "come on, it wvas just some flirting. is it really wvorth killing me ovwer?" "In yo+ur case, yes, I wo+uld say that it is," Porrim said. She now stood over Cronus, who remained frozen to the spot. "We have to spend an eternity in these Dreambubbles. Killing you is less cruel than subjecting everyo+ne to your ass grabbing and innuendo+s for the rest o+f time." Porrim lunged at Cronus, so quickly that he barely had time to scream. Her salivating maw remained open, unhinging wide enough to suck the seadweller's head inside. "wvhat the hell are you doing?" Cronus said. He had spent the last few seconds going over all the ways Porrim could murder him in his head, and having her swallow him alive like a snake was definitely not one of them. Porrim wanted to lash back at him, to taunt him for his entire journey to her stomach, but unfortunately she couldn't speak with a mouthful of violet-blooded asshole. Cronus's flavor was as unpleasant as his personality. The seadweller tasted like salt and cheap cologne, and the grease in his hair gave him a petroleum aftertaste. Because of this, and because Porrim didn't want to give him the chance to escape, she forced him down her throat as hastily as she could. She wrapped her hands around his legs and pushed them down towards her stomach, while her throat muscles pulled him steadily in the same direction. The highblood didn't face his devouring with dignity. His muffled begs could be heard echoing from Porrim's bulging throat as he fought and flailed and squirmed. All of it was for nothing. Cronus's struggles postponed his fate by a few seconds at most, landing in Porrim's stomach with a splash all the same. It was awful in there, with no light to be found. Cronus could not see Porrim's slimy stomach walls, though the way they constricted his flesh indicated that they could not be more than a few centimeters away from his face. The air was acrid and foul smelling, in addition to being humid and damp. Combined, these factors made Cronus's every inhalation a challenge. Porrim's experience on the outside was much less unpleasant, though that wasn't to say it was without its difficulties. She watched as her stomach surged out before her, stretching out her flesh along with the tattoos that had been drawn upon them. Her gut was fairly round, but far from perfectly spherical. Her flesh would bulge whenever Cronus punched or kicked against the walls of her stomach, creating a brief tent-shaped protrusion and causing her entire stomach to shift. It was fortunate that Porrim had created a midriff-baring dress for the occasion. Any other outfit of hers would've been torn clean open by her burgeoning gut. "Any O+O+O+O+O+UUURRPP last words?" Porrim said, covering her mouth as she belched enormously. Cronus sighed. "at least im finally inside of you." "Eugh. You're already giving me indigestion..." Though Cronus's struggles weren't going to make him escape, they did accomplish at least one thing, and that was causing his predator great distress. A great number of huge, watery belches bubbled up from Porrim's throat. Just a minute of those rattling, Dreambubble-shaking burps were enough to completely collapse Porrim's self-image as a refined lady of class. At least those burps caused Cronus's air supply to dwindle, his struggles becoming less noticeable as he slowly suffocated inside her gut. It shut him up too, now that he needed to conserve his oxygen and could no longer afford to waste it screaming and begging for his life. As Cronus continued to stew in her stomach, her mouth was no longer the only orifice from which raunchy digestive gasses spewed. Dry, sputtering farts that sounded a bit like crackling fireworks erupted from betwixt her tattooed cheeks. Like her belches, they could be attributed directly to Cronus's movement. Her dress seemed to filter out the smell, and kept it trapped inside, but only for a few seconds was she spared the rank odor of her own brew. After a moment or two, it drifted up into her nose which wrinkled instinctively. Her pierced tongue stuck out of her mouth as she winced in revulsion. Though Porrim was a classy lady, she did, in fact, still have a digestive system, meaning even she was known to release the occasional fart. Like most people and trolls, she had become accustomed to her own brand, and built up something of a resistance to it. The smell of these fumes were unfamiliar to her. Rank, acrid, and with slightly salty, almost fishy undertone, this distinct stink could definitely be explained by the presence of Cronus within her gut. She could even pick up notes of cigarette ash and Cronus's shitty cologne. "Ugh, that's reprehensible," She said as she fanned her nose. If the stench got caught in the fabric of her dress and lingered, then it would definitely need to be burned. At least Cronus's struggles had seemingly subsided completely, though it was hard to tell at first. Cronus had upset her stomach so much that it still flipped and shifted as though the seadweller were still writhing about inside of it. "O+h!" Porrim clasped both her hands around her softened stomach, as a particularly nasty cramp caused her to double over. Sour fumes erupted from both ends; from her mouth came a series of large but somewhat brief belches, and from her ass a single, unbroken fart. At least she felt some relief as her flatulence reached its apex and tapered off, leaving her noticeably less bloated than she was before. She released her grip over her stomach, and stood upright, giving her belly a forceful prod with her finger. The poke caused a distinctly liquid noise to occur. That, along with the changed shape and texture of Porrim's gut suggested that Cronus had been mostly, if not completely digested. Her stomach had gone from a rigid, oblong sphere that changed its form with Cronus's struggle to a smaller, flabbier potbelly without much of a defined shape. The great flirtatious scourge of the Dreambubbles had been slain. Porrim's digestive system had melted him into gunk. The only thing left was for her body to process what was left of him, to decide what of him would be absorbed and what would be expelled. "Farewell," Porrim said, as she drummed her fingers over the curve of her swollen gut. "I can't imagine yo+u'll be missed. Well, perhaps Kankri will mo+urn yo+u, but he'll kno+w better than to co+mplain abo+ut o+ur decisio+n." Porrim's stomach let out a series of deep, guttural gurgles that seemed to originate from the very deepest depths of her gut. With Cronus done, and her stomach seemingly doing its job just fine, the bloated jadeblood made her way back to her hive. Once Cronus completed his journey through her system, she would dispose of what was left of him in her bathroom there. Little did Porrim know that she had a ticking time bomb stewing in her intestines, nor did she know that her load gaper would not be sufficient for what was about to happen next. Porrim sat down on her sofa, letting out a long, exhausted sigh that transformed into a bubbling belch halfway through. This wasn't surprising, she had been belching almost non-stop since Cronus perished inside of her, each eructation coating her tongue and throat with an unpleasant fishy aftertaste. Her breathing was measured, and she only exhaled when she needed to, lest she be forced to smell an unnecessary amount of her own fishy breath. At least Cronus was gone, and the worst of her gas seemed to be over. Her hive would need a heavy bombardment of air freshener, and she herself would require plenty of Porrim's ass didn't erupt as much as it did unload. The overtaxed sphincter, tired of holding back all that hot, pressurized air, releasing its gaseous contents in the form of intolerable fumes. They felt much worse for the jadeblood to release in almost every conceivable way. They were wetter, in such a way that Porrim felt urged to check the seat of her dress to make sure that she hadn't soiled herself. The sheer force of them made her anus ache just to push out too. Then there was the smell. As the damp gust of flatulence erupted from Porrim's rump like a volcano, the air in her hive was tainted by a stale, fishy smell with the powerful overtone of a toilet that hadn't been flushed. Porrim didn't like to think of herself as conceited, but frankly it was difficult for her to comprehend her own body producing something so dreadful. Then again, the odor wasn't her fault, but Cronus's. It was the pulpy remains of his body that occupied her bowels and forced hew to produce those heinous fumes. Porrim gagged, desperately wanting to escape to a different part of her hive, but her cramped belly rendered her too sluggish to move, as did the gas whose stench left her dizzy. Besides, with the volume and power of her outburst, it was safe to assume that there wasn't a single corner of her residence that hadn't been tainted by the rotten scent. So Porrim did nothing. She simply sat there, and waited for her body's next expulsion to bubble up to the surface. She didn't have to wait long, as she erupted with a second fart that smelled like it had been dredged up from the bowels of the underworld. Cronus had been a rotten troll in life, but it was nothing compared to how foul he was in his afterlife as the jadeblood's farts. The fishy fog that permeated her hive became denser, the smell even more concentrated. Every inhalation filled her nose with the unholy odor, and each exhalation threatened to turn into a belch, which could fill the air as well as her mouth with an air just as sour. Porrim almost wished that she hadn't devoured the seadweller. An eternity of his flirtation seemed almost tolerable compared to just this few minutes of chum-scented gas. She supposed that she should've seen this coming. Of course a troll as obnoxious as Cronus wouldn't go down easy, would rot her gut for days. Smell aside, the simple feeling in her stomach was dreadful, like a rattling washing machine, an erupting volcano and a tsunami were battling for dominance within her intestines. "HO+O+O+O+RP...I sho+uld never have let them talk me into+ this. The o+ther tro+lls must've kno+wn that this wo+uld happen, that's why they insisted that I eat him myself. BLO+O+O+O+RT...dammit." Porrim rested a hand to her aching gut, as she began to resign herself to her fate. This was her fault after all. She was the one who made the mistake of letting Cronus inside of her. ---- After a few more hours of intestinal distress, it was finally time for Porrim to rid herself of this scourge upon her digestive system. She could not dispose of this pile of ex-Cronus slop into her toilet, no. Something as dreadful as the seadweller's remains needed to be treated like toxic waste or some cursed artifact, and it could be argued that it was both. She ventured into the woods behind her hive, and kept walking until she was satisfied that the smell could not be carried downwind back to her home, releasing farts and belches both small and large for the entirety of her journey. Not a single second passed where she wasn't spewing stinking, rotten fumes from either end, nor was there a moment when her bowels weren't clenching and churning with wet muddy noises. Though she was in no condition for physical labor, Porrim forced herself to dig a small hole in the soft dirt with her hands. Though it wasn't easy for her to bend over and dig with her cramping gut in the way, the pain this would save herself and others in the future was enough to motivate her to push past it. And push she did. After a great deal of grunting and straining, the floodgates were open, and a fountain of liquid shit poured from her aching, overtaxed asshole. The reeking diuretic spray was infused with bits of undigested bones, and hair follicles still shiny with grease even after passing through Porrim's entire digestive system. Most of the shit-spray made it into the hole, but not all of it, as the eruption was difficult to aim for obvious reasons. Porrim removed her dress, balled it up, and wiped her ass with it as though it were toilet paper, since the outfit was unsalvageable anyways. Then, she buried it along with as much of her mess as she could beneath a mound of fresh dirt, hoping that the rest would be absorbed by the ground, never to be seen again. The Jadeblood waddled back to her hive, naked and with her nostrils still burning. ---- "No+w that I'm past the mo+st....difficult part, I must say that getting rid o+f Cro+nus was wo+rth it after all." "yeah, its nice to have a little gubbling piece and quiet for once," Meenah replied. "water you gonna do about all those alternate versions of cro though?" "Alternate versio+ns!?"
 "Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" Whis said to his feline companion. "Yes, I'll be fine," Beerus replied, waving his hand dismissively. "You've been by my side for thousands of years, I think you've earned yourself a break." "Well, as much as I enjoy your company, a bit of a vacation would be nice..." "Don't worry," said Bulma Briefs. "I'll keep a close eye on him. If he does anything wrong, I'll contact you right away." Whis nodded. "Lord Beerus, please try to avoid destroying the planet while I'm gone." "You have nothing to worry about," Beerus said. "Now, Bulma, you said one of the Saiyans wanted to train with me, right...?" Bulma and Beerus walked off towards the Capsule Corporation, leaving Whis with 24 hours of free time, to use however he wanted. "Hmm, now, what to do," Whis said, tapping his chin. He had an entire universe to play around in, but he decided to stick with Earth, as he wanted to remain close, in case Beerus's temper got out of hand. Being an Angel, he never had a chance to truly experience mortal civilization before. At least, not without a homicidal deity by his side, threatening everyone and making their godly nature known to everyone within earshot. He had gotten a taste of such a thing briefly, on Bulma's cruise ship, and he was interested in trying again. He decided he would spent the rest of the day as a mortal would, without the expectations and responsibilities that were usually placed upon him. Despite his appearance, he would have little difficulty blending in with the Eartlings. Sure, his outfit may have been unusual, his white hair may have been in an eye-catching style, sticking up almost a foot in the air, and his skin may have been blue, but among humans he wasn't that conspicuous. There were plenty of anthropomorphic animals mixed in with the human population, and most were at least somewhat aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life. He could probably go out into the city without attracting too much attention to himself. He would need to refrain from using his angelic abilities, however. He left his staff at the Capsule Corporation. If he needed it, he could summon it in an instant. Whis warped himself in a column of blue light to the outskirts of a nearby city, a cosmopolitan place with an interesting mix of food, activities and people. He immediately inserted himself into the nearest crowd, as not to draw attention. He couldn't help but wonder if these humans were even slightly aware that a being of unfathomable power was walking beside them. Whis looked from side to side, making a mental checklist of the restaurants he passed. The options were overwhelming, so many delicious establishments, he would have a hard time deciding between them all. All the time he was spending trying to make a decision was time he could be using to relax, so he forced himself to choose. A sushi place was what was closest to him at the time, so that's where he went. He walked in the front door, and sat himself down at the counter. Without a crowd to conceal him, Whis's unusual attention drew the gaze of nearly everyone in the establishment, leaving them to wonder what the deal was with the blue-skinned, white-haired fellow who insisted on carrying a staff with him into a restaurant. Whis picked up the menu, looking at it for a few seconds, while the man at the counter looked at him for several more. How much hair gel would someone have to use it get it to stay like that? "I'll have the spider roll, please!" Whis said, after brief deliberation. He made his order quickly, not wanting to get stuck in a cycle of indecision again. The man wanted to be polite, but he simply couldn't hold his tongue. He had to know what this stranger's deal was. "...are you new here?" was the nicest way he could think to phrase it. The tray of sushi was presented in front of Whis. He popped one into his mouth with his chopsticks, letting out a moan that was fairly inappropriate for such a public setting. After chewing and swallowing, Whis answered. "Mhm!" "Well, what brings a guy like you to a place like this?" "Curiosity mostly! I want to enjoy all of the flavors and people this town has to offer!" Whis replied with a wink. Ah, that explains it, the man thought to himself, as Whis's appearance and flamboyant attitude began to make sense. "You might be better off at The Boy Box downtown." "Oh? It sounds like an interesting place." "It sure is, especially for someone like you." "I'll be sure to give it a look then!" Whis finished his sushi, politely dabbing his purple lips with a napkin. Then, he did exactly as he said he would and headed downtown to the location that the man had mentioned. After a bit of walking, he did indeed discover a building with a neon side reading "The Boy Box," which cast a sky-blue light on the rather shady looking and disheveled buildings beside it. Downtown looked seedy compared to the upscale area that Whis had just been to, but what reason did the man at the sushi restaurant have to lie? Whis could hear pounding music emanating from within. He knocked on the large, black, featureless door. He could feel the eyes of someone gazing at him through the peephole. They didn't look for long before the door swung open to allow him inside. Whis's senses were immediately assaulted with a combination of loud music and bright lights. At the farthest end of the large room was a bar, but most of the space was taken up by the dance floor in the center. A quick scanning of the club's occupants revealed that they were elusively male-how curious. The crowd on the dance floor was made up of men that were overwhelmingly young and attractive. In fact, Whis struggled to find a single ugly face in the bunch. Some were so girlish as to nearly make Whis look manly by comparison, emphasizing their femininity with lipstick and dresses. Some were more masculine, with toned or muscular figures, but were still well-groomed and sharply dressed. They seemed to assemble in pairs, sometimes trios, and sometimes more. The ones who were dancing with one another were doing so indecently, with plenty of grinding and groping going on. Some made no effort to seem like they were dancing at all, and simply fondled one another for all to see. Whis wasn't sure what to make of all this! Between all the male on male passion and the drinks being offered at the far side of the room, it was almost as though he was in some sort of tavern of homosexuality, or perhaps an androphilic pub, or, dare he say, a taphouse of same-sex affection. Overwhelmed by everything that was occurring, he made his way over to the bar. A slender young man with pretty green eyes was serving drinks. Between his mesh shirt and his fishnet stockings, one wondered why he bothered wearing clothing at all. "And what would you like to drink, handsome?" he said in a voice whose silky smoothness was only matched by Whis himself. "Well, I was really just looking for a something to eat. I've been craving some kind of meat, if you know what I mean." "Oh, I know what you mean," he said with a wink. "If that's what you're after, you'll find it in the back." Whis got up from the stool and turned towards where the bartender was pointing, but was stopped as his eyes met the gaze of the man sitting behind him. He had long, wild hair and a pair of scars on his face, one over his eye and another across his cheek. Whis could see the panic in his eyes as they widened, a crimson blush spreading across his cheeks. "You have to promise not to tell anyone about this," he said, grabbing Whis by the collar. "It's the anniversary of me and Bulma's break up, and I was feeling really desperate. I don't usually do this. This isn't me, okay! I just wanted to feel like I was wanted for once. Seriously, you can't tell any of the other fighters, they'll never let me hear the end of it." Whis brushed his hand off and smoothed out the wrinkles he'd created on his tunic. "I'm sorry, do I know you? I don't believe we've met before." "Uh, yeah, you're right," he said, burying his head in his hands. With that odd interruption dealt with, Whis made his way into the back rooms that the bartender had described. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be any, only a pair of bathroom doors, both leading to the same men's room. Shrugging his shoulders, he decided to enter regardless, pushing through the door and heading towards the nearest stall. Perhaps the bartender was right, and he was simply mistaken. This place was in need of a renovation, clearly. Not only was the stall filthy and covered in obscene graffiti, but there was an enormous hole in the side of it too. Someone could easily look through it to see the person relieving themselves in the adjacent stall. How terribly indecent, the managers of this establish should've been ashamed of themselves. Whis could sense that there was someone using the stall next to him, and he felt that it was his duty to inform them of the indecent opening. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, sir," Whis said, knocking on the wall between them. "I should inform you that there's a hole in the stall here. You have my word that I will respect your privacy, but...oh, oh my." Whis was cut short as something emerged from the hole that made his cheeks turn dark blue. It was a cock, no doubt about it, and a fat, uncut one too, just wide enough to fill the hole completely. Whis was stunned, so the erection was simply left there to linger in the open air of the stall. "Aren't you going to suck it?" the male voice on the other side of the stall said. Whis's blush intensified! Unfamiliar with human culture as he was, he wasn't aware that such an obligation existed! But if he was obliged to suck the shaft of the man in the adjacent stall, then it would be terribly rude to refuse. He might even end up giving away his inhuman origins! So, Whis did the only sensible thing he could do in this situation. He took the throbbing phallus into his mouth and began to suck. Wet and lewd slurping sounds echoed through his own stalls, just as pleasured moans did in the stall next to him. Whis took the whole thing down his throat, an impressive feat given its considerable size, before letting it back out and then gulping it down again. All the while, he worked it over with his tongue, not leaving a single inch of the exposed shaft un-licked. Whis was normally a well-mannered eater, but he found drool dripping down his cheeks and onto the bathroom floor as though he were some uncultured, gluttonous slob. He didn't mind though, for he was too committed to his task. "How are you this good at sucking dick?" the voice said. Whis answered, both because he couldn't speak with a mouthful of cock, and because he wasn't sure himself. He had never performed such an act before. Perhaps his experience with eating for almost an eternity had made him something of an oral expert, or perhaps it was his innate Ultra Instinct, which made his every gulp and lick perfectly timed without having to think about it. Whis wasn't on autopilot though. He took great delight in what he was doing, savoring every inch of the cock from top to bottom. He just couldn't get enough of the musky taste, it was addictive. And the way it made the back of his throat tingle when he slurped it down as far as it could go. He kept going until the man on the other side of the hole climaxed, filling Whis's mouth with the creamy filling from this savory treat. "Oh, how delightful!" Whis said, waiting until the man had finished spurting his load before gulping it all down, not letting a single drop go to waste. Then he withdrew his mouth from around his shaft, leaving only a thin strand of drool between them. As satisfied as Whis was with the taste and texture of this man's cum, the man was even more satisfied with Whis's performance. He left the stall feeling more satisfied than he had in ages, as Whis licked the last few bits of cum from his plump purple lips. "What a delightful treat. That man was right about coming here, this place is just perfect! Though, it's a shame that there isn't any more. I don't feel full just yet!" As if on cue, a second man entered the stall across from Whis's. The first man would've come back for seconds, had the angel's skilled mouth not left him in a refractory period that he would take a while to escape. Still, he didn't want to let such eager lips go unfed, so he immediately told one of his friends about the heavenly experience that awaited him on the other side of that glory hole. Just as Whis finished licking the remainder of the man's sweet cock nectar from his lips, a second shaft emerged through the hole, throbbing and eager to be sucked. Whis could tell that this one belonged to someone else, due to the difference in size and skin tone. "It looks like my complaint was premature," Whis mused. Whis took a single deep breath through his nose, and then leaned in for seconds. Just as a Saiyan's skills in combat were always improving, so was Whis's talent for pleasing cocks. It took him a minute or two to bring the first guy to climax. The second took only a few seconds. Whis put the some of the superhuman speed that his incalculable power level gave him to use, and sucked the man's shaft from bottom to top several dozen times over in less time than it'd take an ordinary man to take a single suck. The blowjob recipient came so fast his brain could hardly process it, but when the feeling finally did hit it was incredible. Whis was rewarded for his exceptional performance with another substantial dribbling of cum into his eager mouth, which he let linger on his tongue for a few seconds before swallowing. Word spread throughout the club quickly, about the stranger on the other side of that bathroom stall who could give unparalleled head. It wasn't long before there was a line around the corner of men awaiting Whis's service. Some did a better job of keeping their intentions on the down low than others, but all were there for the same reason. They wouldn't have to beg in order to get exactly what they wanted. Whis was more than happy to give it to them, free of charge. Every cock that emerged through that gloryhole was lovingly serviced to completion. The only reward Whis needed was a mouthful of fresh cum, which luckily he received every time without fail. Liters upon liters of seed filled his stomach, until something resembling a food baby began to swell from the angel's midsection beneath his robes. Whis hardly noticed though. He was too preoccupied with the banquet before him to notice the effect it was having on his body. Like any proper glutton, all he wanted to do was feast, consequences to his figure be damned. However, not all of the men in the club were polite enough to spurt their fluids directly down the angel's throat. Some simply let their gooey spunk splatter against Whis's pale blue face. Sometimes several of them would do it one after the other, leaving him absolutely caked in the white gunk! Luckily Whis was able to greedily lick it off of his face, meaning that their delicious seed could make it into his stomach regardless. It wasn't long before his mouth had satisfied just about every interested person in the club. Fortunately, by time he ran out of fresh strangers to suck, the ones who he had blown initially had begun to exit their refractory periods, and were back and ready to give Whis seconds. The angel was more than happy to double dip, so long as their cocks were still stiff and could still spurt their lovely loads into his mouth. The effects of all that swallowed cum were becoming more and more noticeable, as an increasing amount of spooge settled in Whis's stomach. He had begun to look truly pregnant, which was appropriate, because he was quite full of life at this point. The way his body moved as he bobbed his head back and forth caused the contents of his stomach to slosh around noisily as his heaving cumgut shifted from side to side. Word of Whis's oral prowess had spread beyond the bar, and now people were flocking from the outside simply to have themselves treated to the attendant's attentive lips. "It seems like I may have overindulged," Whis said, resting a hand against his gut which sank into the squishy flesh, producing a sound like someone stomping on a sponge. "Mmm, it's a good thing I still have plenty of room." With a brief cum-flavored belch, Whis returned to the task at hand, leaning forwards for the next cock that was presented for him. His hand remained pressed to his cumgut, so he could keep track of the way it ballooned as he went. And balloon it did. Most individual loads weren't big enough to make a noticeable difference to the swell of Whis's stomach. However, with how many there were, and how quickly Whis was able to take care of them, his belly still expanded at a remarkable rate. He looked as though he were smuggling an overinflated beach ball beneath his robe. The bulge of his navel could even be seen through the fabric, having popped from the amount of pressure that was now against it. However, all good things must come to an end. Though the supply of cum to Whis's eager mouth seemed limitless, like any delicious treat there was only a finite amount. Whis had drained everyone's balls so thoroughly that they had nothing left to give, and left their cocks so sore that they could not stand any more stimulation. At least Whis could still savor the taste from his belches, or from the flavor that still lingered on his tongue. Whis's cum stuffed belly was now nearly as large as the whole rest of his body. Since there stall was rather compact, it was forced up against the side. "Mmm, what a lovely dinner," Whis mused to himself, as he began to slip into a food coma. "I should really *yawn* ask Beerus about more vacation days..."
Mary was a vampire, and self-evidently so. She had all of the features that denoted a creature of the night in popular culture, with her pale skin and pointed fangs being the most obvious examples. Unlike most of her vampiric kin, Mary was bitten in the modern age, and is therefore one of the few vampires created within this century. Most of the other surviving vamps were converted back in an era before easy access to photography and mass media. Mary was rather aloof towards her condition. It didn’t bother her much. As a matter of fact, the immortality part sounded pretty sweet, and if she had to drain her fellow man of blood every once in a while to sustain it then so be it. She didn’t have much of an affinity towards her fellow man anyways, so the thought of devouring them didn’t bother her much. Unfortunately she soon discovered that the vampire life wasn’t all eternal life and gothic fashion. Vampires had weaknesses too, and just like in the books, Mary found herself unable to go out in sunlight, lest her skin be burned and she risk being reduced to a pile of ash. Now, most vampires dealt with this problem by becoming nocturnal like the bats they could famously turn into. Mary wasn’t exactly keen on sleeping in a coffin though, and no matter how much she tried she couldn’t readjust from her regular sleep schedule. She still woke up in the morning and slept through the night, just like anyone else. Since it seemed like this couldn’t change, she had no choice but to except it. No amount of sun screen or umbrellas could protect her from the sun’s harmful light during the day. The only thing that could shield her reliably were the walls and curtains of her own home. So, she opted to stay in the dark of her basement for as long as the sun was out, and then rest as soon as it set. Luckily there was still plenty to be had within Mary’s four walls. She’d built up quite the collection of video games, and had excellent internet access, so she would never be bored no matter how much time she spent there. Naturally Mary’s life became rather sedentary as a result of her never leaving her house. She spent most of her waking hours watching TV, playing video games, fucking around on the internet, or eating. Her slender figure was gone in a matter of months, leaving her with a sweaty muffin top that spilled out over the jeans that had become too tight for her flabby hips a while ago. At least she had gained some addition of breast mass too, though it only served to further tax the shirt that threatened to burst at any moment. The underside of her eyes were baggy just as her clothes wouldn’t, two dark circles that made her look as though she was always wearing eye shadow. Though not intentional, they did suit the vampiress nicely. Her shoulder-length black hair was a mess of tangled tendrils, and had been neither washed nor combed since Mary’s initial transformation. That isn’t to say that she didn’t put any effort into appearance. She wore appropriately gothic makeup, mainly black lipstick in her thin mouth and black nail polish at the end of each of her fat sausage fingers. Re-applying these cosmetics were the only form of personal upkeep she performed. Mary was left pale, pudgy, and raven-haired, with her exposed gut and the corners of her mouth stained with food at all times. Why bother with hygiene, if she was never going to leave the house? Where there weren’t food stains in her clothes, there were stains of a different kind; dark, soggy patches of sweat whose smell was putrid, but which Mary had long become immune to. The vampiress had been reduced to a fat, smelly, lazy NEET, and she couldn’t be happier. The tips of Mary’s long, pale fingers vigorously mashed against the buttons spread throughout her controller, the sound of constant clacking and clicking blending with the ruthless barrage of noises that pounded out of her television’s speakers. The vampire’s body was half-heartedly sprawled out along her couch’s cushions, her generously nourished frame forcing them to contort under her weight. She was clad in not much more than a black T-shirt boasting the logo of one particular game franchise on the chest - one that glaringly failed to conceal the rounded paunch that protruded from her midriff, leaving the brunt of it exposed - and a pair of modest boyshorts that wrapped her thick thighs and heavy rump in a tight embrace. With her scant attire, very little was left to the imagination. The flashing images and vibrant colors that danced across the screen before her engrossed her completely, as if the world around her didn’t exist. Mary paid no mind to the dull, ambient buzzing of the fan that sat atop a table near her couch, ushering a cool, constant breeze against her bare skin, nor did she pay attention to the crackling of the countless bags and wrappers that littered her apartment floor as they were disturbed by the fan’s gusts, and she most certainly didn’t notice the thick, sour smell that filled every inch of the room. A visceral stench that was only a natural byproduct of her overwhelming sloth and negligence. Layers upon layers of thick sweat, grime, and dirt coated Mary’s near chalk-white skin, having amassed over the duration of several long months - no doubt a result of her tendency to favor screen time over of basic hygienic needs, as well as general laziness. After all, it took a great deal of effort to heave yourself off of the couch and amble to the bathroom - constantly fiddling with the taps to make sure the water was just the right temperature, slinking out of your clothes one-by-one until you were stark naked, taking the time to squeeze out a handful of soap and lather every inch of your body with the stuff. That wasn’t even mentioning the challenge of picking out what soaps and shampoos to use. The vampire found it significantly more convenient to avoid such a painstaking process altogether; hygiene, presentability, and self-respect be damned. “Come on, you stupid fucking prick,” Mary hissed, her scorn directed at the unassuming player that ran along her screen, passing her own heavily damaged character. “What are you doing? I’m over here, you blind dipshit! God, don’t even bother playing Lifeline if you can’t heal for shit.” The only thing that succeeded to snap her out of her intense gaming session was a hearty, rapping knock that sounded out throughout her apartment. Luckily, she had just wrapped up her latest round, so she didn’t object to heaving her weight off of the couch and (begrudgingly) drag her feet across the floor as she drew near to the door. Her long fingers, caked in several layers of grease and mire, seized the doorknob and swung the slate of wood open, preparing to give whoever dared interrupt her a piece of her mind. There, a fairly average young man stood - he boasted a masculine frame with a fair bit of muscle spread out throughout his body, emphasised by a close-fitting outfit consisting of a short-sleeved red shirt and a pair of long, black pants. The man’s face was strong and fair-skinned, with freckles dotting his thin cheeks and short chestnut hair spilling out from beneath a bright red cap. This was, of course, a particularly jarring contrast to the vampire girl before him, who was practically monochrome and had a cold air about her. She was about to question his appearance, before her dull eyes drifted downward, where she caught a glimpse of the large cardboard box that he supported with his palms. Printed onto the front of the box was a typical red logo boasting a cartoon mascot, bold text surrounding the drawing; “The Doughbie Brothers Pizzeria.” The annoyance she felt towards the unknown man melted away in moments as she was reminded of why he was here - pizza did make for quite the perfect gaming snack, after all, which made it her go-to more often than not. Looking back up at the freckled-face young man, she came to notice his face had twisted into one of stifled disgust, likely attempting to keep his discomfort hidden in the name of formality and professionalism. Now that she got a good look at him, she came to notice the finer details of his physique; deep blue eyes that radiated a certain warmth, loose bangs that framed his strong cheeks, and the sturdy collarbones revealed by the low v-neck of his top. He was good-looking, she had to admit. Handsome, almost. The vampiric side of her was especially drawn to him; such a meaty, bulky, and attractive specimen. She couldn’t help but wonder what the blood rushing through his veins tasted like. Even better, the flesh that coated every inch of his being, with the thin layer of sweat that had gathered along his skin. And such a large frame would certainly prove filling. She made up her mind; pizza wasn’t the only thing she was having for lunch today. “Um,” he began. “A large double pepperoni-and-cheese - onions, peppers, and bacon, but no olives… For one Ms. Valentine.” “Yeah, that’s me,” Mary cut in, snapping out of her trance of sorts. “I, uh, have the cash inside.” With a brief gesture of the hand, signalling for him to follow, the vamp slinked back into the belly of her apartment, with the delivery guy promptly following suit. With him inside, she pressed a palm to the door and made sure to close it completely, lest she wanted her prey to escape her clutches. There, the unfortunate man was left to gawk at the sheer mess that had been made of the place - a sea of empty wrappers and containers swarmed the floor, to the point where the original carpeting was only visible in brief, occasional patches. Stray game cases were also liberally sprawled out before him, some even appearing to miss their respective disks, and the couch that was backed against the wall was covered in a variety of stains and splatters, with the cushions it supported having been flattened considerably. The room was ominously dark as well, with the only light sources being the flickering television and what little natural light seeped out of the blinds that obscured her windows. That, of course, wasn’t mentioning the sheer smell of such a place. Very much akin the ripe dumpster that sat in the back of the pizzeria, the stench of stale foods reigned high in the air, melting together into a musty, stagnant miasma that simply refused to leave his nostrils alone. But he was only here to drop off a pizza. He’d just take the money and run, and hopefully he’d never have to set foot in such an awful place again. He made sure to set the pizza down onto the nearest table, having to push against what clutter occupied it to make it fit. “Over here,” Mary called out, waving a hand. “It’s just 20 bucks, right?” “Ah, y-yeah…” The pizza guy muttered, gaze still focused on the unsightly mess that cluttered around his shoes. As he approached, he attempted to step carefully around the garbage on the floor, aiming for the spots where the original carpeting wasn’t obscured. Soon enough, he found himself close enough to the black-haired girl, preparing to receive his payment and make a run for it. “Alright, I’ll just take the - woah!” He was caught off guard as she seized his wrist, wrapping her long, cold fingers around it and keeping it in a tight grip. She staggered backwards, steadily moving towards the couch, as the pizza guy desperately tried to tug free. His feet were forced to waft through the sea of garbage that gathered below him, with his frantic kicks sending the various debris flying. Once she drew near enough, she wasted no time and collapsed onto the beaten cushions of her couch, once again forcing the cushions below her to distort. Before he could begin to protest, Mary suddenly forced his hand past her thin lips. Immediately, a thick chill and apparent moistness engulfed it completely, almost as if he had stuck his hand in some kind of fleshy, claustrophobic freezer - he couldn’t help but shiver as the cool surface of her tongue eagerly glazed along his bare flesh, coating it in globs of thick, gooey saliva. As she began to noisily slurp her way along the length of his arm, the unfortunate pizza guy was continuously pricked by what seemed to be two elongated points, certainly not making his situation any more comfortable. As much as he vigorously tugged and pulled, his initial confusion now melting into a fit of pure panic, he couldn’t quite free himself. Unlike most vampires, who opted to seize their prey and suck every drop of blood they had to spare, Mary preferred a more unconventional approach - as her waistline expanded, as did her gluttony, and she soon came to the conclusion blood wasn't enough to satisfy her. She knew for a fact corpses were particularly hard to dispose of, especially with the risk of being caught and question, and she figured it wasn’t worth the effort. Thankfully, the alternative took care of both issues. It was only a matter of time before her greasy lips had crawled up the length of the nameless pizza guy’s entire arm, locking it in her gullet’s tight, constricting embrace. It was an alien sensation to be sure; the moist, fleshy walls of her innards constantly pulsing and contracting around the limb, further lathering it in thick fluids. Noticeably, her gullet was warmer than the air that filled her maw, and that wasn’t much of a comfort. As he had begun to descend into panicked yelling and desperate pleas, they wouldn’t be audible for long as she pushed a palm against the back of his head and ushered it into her maw, all at once. Darkness consumed his vision completely, as did the unbearable, potent stench of her hellish breath. Unlike the smell that filled her room, being musty and evidently old as a result of a lack of care that occurred over the course of several months, this was ripe, sour, and directly from the source. It was enough to result in a series of throaty gags strewn along the man’s horrified yelling and begging. That wasn’t even mentioning the overwhelming, cold atmosphere and the intensely claustrophobic, constricting environment her maw proved to be. Eyes perpetually half-lidded with disinterest, Mary moved her dull gaze to the screen before her, making sure to retrieve her controller as she aimed to resume her gaming while she worked away at her meal, issuing lazy, half-hearted gulps as she shifted her position to get comfortable. Unfortunately, Mary’s meal was turning out to be more of a pain in the ass than she’d anticipated. She had no trouble swallowing him, nor did his struggles lessen the speed at which she could swallow him nor cause his predator any degree of discomfort. No, the problem that the pizza boy caused were twofold. Firstly, the delivery boy’s scrawny legs stuck straight up out of her mouth, blocking her view of the glowing screen that illuminated the dark room with eerie blue light. Secondly, he simply refused to shut up, gagging, sputtering, and screaming for his life like that would do him any good. His yelping drowned out the audio to her game, and though she had a pair of headphones, she wasn’t about to waddle across the room with a meal halfway down her gut to fetch them. All she could do was continue swallowing him, and hope that her gut melted him into sludge as painfully as possible as penance for interrupting her game. “Get down there already!” she said, or at least she attempted to. Slob that she was, Mary had no problem with talking with a mouthful of food, but that didn’t mean she’d be able to be understood. Since getting frustrated with the delivery man wouldn’t make his journey through her digestive system any faster or slower, she decided to focus on her game as best as she could. After a few minutes, she found herself reabsorbed in her activity again. Psch, she was worrying about having her view obstructed too much. She could beat this game with her eyes closed, a pair of skinny legs kicking in front of the screen was nothing. She had almost forgotten that she was swallowing him in the first place. Though her conscious brain wasn’t paying much attention to him, she was still taking steady gulps of the boy’s body every few seconds, bringing him closer and closer to that rotten, junk-food filled cauldron of a gut that would be his final resting place. With a final greedy gulp, the young man was sent plummeting into her putrid stomach. Though the plump vamp’s stomach was more roomy than most, it was still plenty constrictive, leaving the delivery boy with minimal room to squirm and thrash around in. What little air that there was was humid and stinking to the point where each breath was unpleasant, and there was less and less of it to be found with each brassy belch the vampiress expelled from her fanged mouth. Meanwhile, Mary’s already large gut could be seen swelling from its new addition. Her gut was rigid and spherical instead of soft and flabby, when it wasn’t shifting and bulging unnaturally from her prey’s ceaseless movement. “Settle down in there,” Mary huffed. She couldn’t complain too much though. It was still surprisingly easy to focus on her game even with her prey writhing about within her. At least his damn legs weren’t blocking her screen anymore. With a sigh and a belch, she used her bloating stomach like a table, resting her arms upon it with controller in hand. It only took a few minutes of clicking away for her to be completely reabsorbed back into her game, just as the pizza guy was being steadily absorbed by her body. As loud and foul as they were, reeking of junk food with a morbid undertone of human flesh, Mary’s near-constant onslaught of belches did little to distract her from her gaming session. Nor did the pizza boy’s struggles, which were so weak as to not even be an inconvenience. The force of his struggles could barely penetrate through the layer of greasy fat that covered her smothering belly. It wasn’t long before Mary had forgotten about her victim entirely, eyes glued to the screen, not paying her melting victim a single thought. She didn’t pay attention to when his struggles were happening, nor when they slowed down, nor when they ceased entirely as he was turned into a slurry indistinguishable from the rest of the junk food that swelled her fat, gassy gut. It wasn’t until a few hours after his complete digestion that he was forced back into the forefront of her thoughts. Mary had successfully gamed through the entire digestive process without paying him any mind, but now that his remains had entered her colon she was forced to pay attention again. “Shit!” she said, appropriately, as she felt a sharp cramping in her bowels. “Fuck, totally forgot that I ate that guy. Feels like it’s *hng* time for him to come out.” Mary waddled over to her basement’s bathroom. Each step caused her chubby thighs to rub together, and made her pale tummy audibly heave and slosh. She was more aggravated that her gaming session had been interrupted by anything else. Truly, she was just looking to have this over and done with as soon as possible. Sluggishly, she forced her fat ass up onto the toilet that was far too small for her, with some of her cellulite-ridden ass flesh spilling out over the sides. Not wanting to let too much time pass without her face in a screen, she pulled out her phone, and began to mess about on social media as nature took its course. Though the load that resulted from the pizza boy was immense, it didn’t take much effort for Mary to expel it. She simply waited, ass planted on her seat as she scrolled through her phone, letting the fat, dense log of bone-infused shit steadily slide out of her asshole and coil in the bottom of the bowl. Just to be safe, she took a few extra squeezes to ensure that she had gotten everything out. Instead of solid shit, she pushed out a pair of puffy farts, suggesting that her bowels had been emptied entirely. Without taking her face out of her phone, she stood up from the toilet to flush. Perhaps if she had taken a moment to look at the bowl, she would’ve realized that her steaming shit pile was too big to flush down, and her toilet wouldn’t have rejected it with a sputtering sound. “Huh?” she said, looking up at her phone to see a bowl filled to the brim with deep brown shit, with a few fragments of the former human’s skeleton and clothes sprinkled in. “Come on,” she huffed, pressing down on the handle again. The second attempt to flush it was no more successful than the first, so she simply shrugged her shoulders and left. Her basement was a stinking pig sty anyways. Having a load of ex-pizza boy cooling in her toilet bowl couldn’t possibly make the smell much worse than it already was. Besides, she had spent enough time from her game already. She planted her ass firmly back on her couch, not noticing that it had become softer and wider as a result of the added fat from her digested meal. Her breasts and belly had become pudgier too, bringing that sweat-stained shirt that one step closer to finally tearing. A few minutes into her restarted gameplay and Mary’s stomach let out a sharp grumble. She wondered if the pizza place still delivered at this time of night.
"I'm old enough to remember a time when bathing was considered a privilege. Now you can do it but you just choose not to?" -Unnamed to Keena Rinnel, date unknown "At least we're in walking distance of Thern," Norrix said, crystallized honey still clinging to his naked flesh. "Still, shame about the horse. We'll have to get a new one when we're in town. But first, we really should wash off." The honey was of particular frustration to her, being the hairier of the two. Even so, she shook her head. "No way. It'll fall off on its own. We should focus on moving as soon as possible. "Well, even if it weren't for the honey, I would still urge you to bathe," Norrix felt compelled to add. "What's that supposed to mean? I thought you'd be more tolerant of my natural smell at this point." "It's not myself I'm concerned about. We're about to enter a town full of people, and I'd rather you not be quite so...ripe on arrival." "I've been to Thern before, you haven't. Nobody in that garbage town cares whether or not I bathe." "And if I recall correctly, you got kicked out of there, yes?" "No. I got kicked out of the town I was in before Thern. I left Thern on my own because it was a shithole." Norrix sighed. "And I was going to offer to bathe you. If you don't want my hands running over your slippery, naked body then I suppose that's fine. I'll just go clean myself off..." "Fine," Keena said exhaustedly. "But I'm telling you, I smell even worse when I'm wet." "I find that hard to believe." ---- If Keena had to be bathed, she knew of a spot that would be the least unpleasant to do it in. There was a warm lake just south of here, whose waters were warmed by the sun above it Their goods were laid at the shore, and then Keena dove into the water cannonball style, as to make the biggest splash possible. "I thought you hated the water," Norrix said, sliding himself in after testing the temperature with his toe. "I do, but if I'm gonna be in it I might as well have some fun with it." Whispy, amber-colored streams flowed from Norrix's body, as the hardened honey that coated it was dissolved by the waters. Likewise with Keena, though her streams were of a darker hue, as the honey on her body had fused with a week's worth of the wolf girl's caked on filth. Keena dove underneath the water, only to reemerge when the gunk had been washed from her long, massive hair. "So, you offered to bathe me, right?" "Mm, thanks for reminding me," Norrix said, wading over to Keena's spot. Perhaps he should've taken her warning more seriously, as she did indeed radiate with the scent of wet dog. He went through with washing her regardless, starting with that huge mop of black hair. He ran his hands through it, combing out any stray pieces of hardened honey with his fingers. The relief Keena felt from having her hair untangled was immeasurable. "Mmmm, I appreciate the hair wash, but there are some parts that are extra dirty that could do with some thorough scrubbing, if you know what I mean," she said, pairing her not-at-all-subtle remark with a playful smile. Norrix didn't have to be a genius to pick up on her innuendo, and so he let his hands venture further down so he could clutch and caress her bare breasts. A stiffening red nipple was worked between Norrix's fingers, and the resulting moans from Keena could be heard for miles around. Keena's groaning had a result that should've been predictable but went unforeseen by the both of them, as it began to draw unwanted attention to their location. The native occupants of this lake were fascinated by these strange sounds, and drew closer to investigate. Dark, curious eyes watched them from the shoreline, just a few feet away from where they were wading. Keena did not pick up on their scent, for the odors that their bodies produced were almost identical to that of the trees from which they emerged, and which they would ossify into in their old age. They were dryads, creature of the wood, not dissimilar from fairies in terms of their humanoid appearance and non-mammalian origin though not in stature. They were tall, slender, and feminine, with limbs that seemed to be out of proportion by just an inch or two. Their skin had the color and texture of wood pulp, and their eyes were large and brown like a doe's. They had some parts that would've been vestigial on such a creature just as they, their smooth, modestly sized and perpetually bare breasts without so much as a nipple in sight were such an example. This suggested some sort of imitation as with fairies, or that they had perhaps been humans at one point themselves. Regardless of their origins, they watched the pair from the shoreline, cupping their spindly hands over their mouths and craning their long necks over each other's slender shoulders so they could whisper among themselves. Though this was certainly not the first couple they had seen getting intimate in the lake beside their home, they enjoyed exchanging gossip or lewd jokes about the subject whenever the opportunity arose in a language only they could understand. Some of them even dove into the lake in hopes of catching a closer peak at something lewd. "It seems we have company," Norrix said, unclasping Keena's nipple. He did this to help her snap back in attention, as her eyes would no longer be closed so she could indulge in her pleasure without the obtrusion of any unnecessary senses, and because he didn't want to continue without getting Keena's reaction to the update in their situation first. "Whazzat?" Keena said sleepily, the absence of stimulation dragging her back to reality rather rapidly. "Oh, shit." "Mm, seems like we've been set upon by Dryads." "Ugh, I hate them! They're so nosy, and I swear one of them stole my food one time. They don't even eat meat, right?" Keena was hoping for a swift and expert answer from Norrix which would help fuel her frustration, but the sort of hesitant "well, we aren't exactly sure, but..." she received dampened her rage somewhat. "Well, whatever. I definitely don't want them watching me bathe. Give me a second, I know how to get rid of them." Keena's digestive system had recovered from the fairy she'd eaten earlier, but her guts were still quite active even in their most regular state. It didn't take much effort to summon and then force out a fart of impressive size, which emerged from her cheeks in the form of plump bubbles that rapidly rose upwards with an appropriately bubbly noise. A relieved sigh exited Keena as her gas did, tapering off as the bubbles of methane rose to the lake's surface with a bassy burbling and then popped. Keena couldn't help but feel a strange sort of pride, in being able to produce a fart that large on an empty surface. Flatulent sounds echoed through the trees as the bubbles ruptured and released the noises and smells that had been kept trapped inside. Norrix was wise enough to plug his nose the moment he saw the jet of bubbles ejected from his lupine lover's ass. The Dryads possessed no such foresight, and as a result were hit with the brunt of the stench as the wind brought the earthy smell of ass to their shore. Because she had released it on an empty stomach, Keena's fart had no particular undertones, though it was far from odorless. It simply smelled exclusively of methane and indeed shit, without the meaty base that Keena's food fueled flatulence usually had. The Dryads clasped their hands over their flat noses with their slight nostrils, and then retreated from the shore into the deeper parts of the forest where more breathable air resided. The ones who lurked underwater soon followed, not wanting to be hit with a follow-up blast while they were closer to the source. "Seems like that did the trick," Keena said proudly. "You're disgusting," Norrix said. Despite the fingers clasped around his nostrils rendering his voice noisily, it was impossible to mask the affectionate tone with which it was said. ---- Figuring that they had reached a reasonable level of cleanliness, the two swam ashore, Keena putting on her clothes from earlier and Norrix fitting himself with a fresh uniform unsoiled by honey. The feeling of fresh, crisp clothing against his newly clean, dried skin was among the many lovely, rare pleasures he'd gotten to experience over the past few days. And with that, they headed to Thern, which was so close to where they stood that there couldn't possibly be any more interruptions on their way there. ---- Thern was the sort of place that could only be truly experienced under the cover of darkness. The lamps that dotted its wooden walkways and jutted out from the uneven ramshackle homes that lined them had a distinct orange-yellow glow that was just as essential part of the town's character as the trash-strewn marsh beneath its stilted houses and walkways, or its reputation as a place of unrestrained vice. Luckily, it was nearly impossible to view the city in the light, as even during the day it was shrouded by the treetops above it, with leaves so thick as to nearly completely blot out the sky, as though to shield the sins of the city below from the watchful eyes of the gods. And oh was there sin. Even Thern's dubious reputation couldn't prepare one for just how flagrant the people of the town were with acts that in any other place in Adaford would have them thrown into a dungeon. All manner of sex was offered by workers whose outfits made their occupations unmistakable. A particularly busty wood-elf with fiery orange hair down to her waist opted to wear nothing at all, to better show off the freckles that clustered around her generous bosom. In any other city, peddlers of outlawed substances would've lurked in the dark spaces between buildings with hoods pulled over their eyes, keeping their wares in unlabeled containers so their customers would have to take their word on what was inside. Here, they lived in unassuming buildings with storefronts that advertised their illegal wares carelessly, and wore ordinary clothes, though some of them chose more extravagant dress to show off their wealth, and some dressed particularly eccentrically to suggest that they were mad wizards or practitioners or forbidden exotic medicines with presumably miraculous effects. Some storefronts sold more typical fare, although the scattershot nature of their products indicated that they were likely fences and that their wares had all been stolen. "I told you this place wasn't worth bathing for," Keena said, a walkway creaking underneath her feet, threatening to break and send her tumbling into the filthy marsh water below. Even Norrix's more modest weight made the planks groan worryingly, though in reality the wood was deceptively strong and could easily support the two of them. "What was it like here? Back when you were living there, I mean," Norrix asked, wondering if they had passed Keena's old home as they made their way towards the center square in search of an inn. "You must have some interesting stories." Keena shrugged. "The whole sex and drugs and crime thing gets pretty annoying after a while. It seems like it'd be fun and dangerous, but after a while it just boils down to a place where everyone's trying to sell you something." Indeed, every brothel and store that Norrix and Keena passed had someone standing at the front door bellowing and beckoning for them to come inside. "You can only see so many drunken brawls over who owes who fifty gold coins before it stops being funny. Actually, I take that back. Those are still pretty funny." "Do you prefer living in the woods to the city?" he asked, as the square came into view. Keena shrugged. "I can't say I've found any living situation that I like yet. It's why I'm always moving. Though, if I do end up finding one, I have a feeling it'll be because you're there." Norrix stood on the tips of his toes so he could peck her on the cheek. "Alright, the inn should be there, third building on the right," Keena said. The scattered walkways of Thern and its disparate buildings all led to the town's center, a large, flat plank of wood, around the edges of which were the city's most central buildings. Essentially it was like the town square of any other village, only erected on stilts and hovering a few feet above a bubbling marsh. The square was home to the densest crowds of Thern, its most frequented brothers, its potion sellers with the loftiest promises. And Thern's most roomy inn, one with an air of professionalism, rather than the other hotels on the outskirts of the city which were little more than a rented-out spare bedroom. "Just stay quiet, I know how to talk to these people," Keena said, as the two of them entered the inn, which smelled of musty wood and was cast with an orangey light as was the rest of the city. "Oh, are you giving the orders now?" Norrix teased. "Mmm, you're right, that was out of turn," Keena said, with just as much playfulness in her voice. "You can punish me for it when we get up to our bedroom." Keena then leaned over the receptionist's counter, and put her apparent communication skills to use. First, she belched. Bhaaaaooourp "Sup. I need a room for two, three nights." Keena then threw the necessary amount of coins onto the desk, and accepted the key which the receptionist slipped across to her. "Know where I could buy a horse? I, uh," Keena bit her tongue before elaborating on how exactly they'd lost their two previous horses. That was much too long of a story to tell for the time being. The receptionist took a moment to recover from the fact that she had just been belched at. "You should talk to Osk at Legrino's. I think he mentioned something about a shipment of horses." "Legrino's?" Norrix asked. "Legrino's Lair. It's a strip club not too far from here. I know Osk, not a bad guy." Keena paused. "Not like I was a regular club or anything. He has his hand in a lot of the stuff that goes on in Thern. Used to see him around a lot..." Norrix chuckled. "I wouldn't judge you if you were." "Let's just make this quick, alright? ---- Lengrino's Lair was neither hard to find nor particularly shy about what kind of business it was. There was a wooden sign over its doorway, a picture of a dark-haired woman with a wreathe around her head befitting a druid or perhaps a goddess baring her naked breasts with a shameless look on her face. This was a reference to the myth after which the establishment was named, in which a mortal convinced a deity to expose herself to him. Though the content was crude and the style more caricature than anything else, it was still rather impressive work, though the paint had faded with time exposing the wood underneath. A sort of jaunty tune emanated from the doorway, played with a fiddle or some similar instrument. It had a very solid, predictable rhythm to it, which made it ideal for shaking one's naked body along to. The doorway was too narrow for the pair to fit through together, and there was a constant flow of people in and out, so Norrix and Keena had to push and shuffle awkwardly through a sea of stumbling strangers until finally they were both inside. It wasn't much easier to maneuver inside the building than it was through the doorway. Perhaps Norrix and Keena had made the mistake of coming at peek hours, or perhaps there wasn't a single time of day when the club was sparsely occupied. Either way, they had to push some people around just to get to one another; making their way to Osk would be a challenge on its own. Besides its population, the club was loosely put together and made mostly out of musty smelling wood lit with golden light like many of Thern's other structures. The dancers all stood atop raised platforms so they could be seen above the crowd, with metal poles that rose from floor to ceiling. Apparently they had failed to read the sign out front advertising the club's special night, because all of the dancers currently working shared a special trait. All of them seemed to be women with a more uncommon sort of endowment, their cocks just as eager to bound in sync with their sensual dancing as their heaving breasts. Nearly every species in the content was represented, and some from lands across the seas. Shafts of every conceivable color and shape could be seen in various states of erectness, wreathed with every hue of pubic hair including many that were simply bare. In the upper right corner a dark-haired Elven man with a dark goatee could be seen playing with his fiddle vigorously while stamping his feet in time with the music (and the motions of the dancer's various assets), an impressive feat given how red-faced drunk he was. The pair tried not to pay too much attention to the dancers, not out of prudishness but because if they were to affix their gaze to anything besides the space immediately in front of them they risked getting trampled by the drunken patrons. Fortunately for Keena, she had an extra sense she could use to navigate by, and one that would save them the trouble of locating their target as well. Though it was hard to pick up through the wafting waves of booze and body oil, she could pick up the sort of ashy smell that she remembered Osk having during her days in Thern. "He's this way," Keena said, gesturing towards the backroom with what little space her arms had to maneuver. After several minutes of shuffling their way through the beast that was the crowd, they were spat out into a relatively open area in the club's rear, with a pair of doors, one leading to the bathroom and one leading to the office in which Osk resided. "Open up!" Keena said, smacking her large hand flatly onto the door so she couldn't be ignored over the sound of the music. The door swung open, though they could not see who was inside, as the entire office seemed to be illuminated by a lone candle which wasn't particularly good at its job. Osk was an older gentleman, though his bright blue eyes had the sort of vibrancy that was usually only seen in much younger men. His beard was colored an inconsistent sort of grey, with flecks of lighter and darker shades and some that were still jet black. So too was the case with his hair which fell to his shoulders, made of strands that spanned every hue of the ashen pallet. His face seemed to suggest that he once had the sort of delicate, feminine handsomeness that Norrix now possessed, which had not left him entirely as he aged. His smile had gotten no less charming over the years at least, as his white-toothed grin that he greeted Norrix and Keena with left the pair disarmed, with nothing to say for the first few seconds after entering his office. "Can I help you?" he said, his voice as rich and dusty as the fine fabrics he did not wear so much as he had draped over his body. "Ah, Keena, I remember you!" he said, rising out of his chair to greet the Lycanthrope with an enthusiastic handshake. Even the super-humanly strong wolf woman found his grip a bit too tight. "Changed your mind about Thern, have you? I recall you saying that this place was cursed last time you were here." "Nah, your city still sucks," she said dismissively. "Me and my friend are just passing through on our way to Middroux. We wanted to buy some horses from you, actually." Osk was silent, turning to Norrix, and then back to Keena again. "Nice looking guy you've got there," he finally said. "Student of the academy too. You know how to pick 'em." Keena felt an instinctual desire to deny her and Norrix's relationship, though she wasn't sure why. "Anyways, I have a shipment of steeds on their way, should arrive within a day or two. I won't make you pay in advance, in case one of my, err, business rivals manage to snag them first. In the meantime, why don't you two go back outside and take a seat. I'll fetch you something to drink, on me." Norrix nodded, taking out his calendar from his satchel, and making a note to return to the club within the next day or two next to all his other scribbled reminders. Norrix thanked him, but before he could turn to leave, he saw the man cup his hand over his mouth as though he was hiding a smile, which compelled him to stay. "Sorry, it's just...do you know how Keena and I know each other?" Norrix shook his head. "Well, me and her had a little arrangement. She was allowed to eat the scraps out of the trash out back, and in return, well, I didn't have to bother paying a garbage man anymore." Norrix looked up at Keena incredulously. "He's not lying," she said after a moment's silence. "It was more of an, uh, formalization of what had been going on anyways since she arrived here. Now go, have a seat. We've got some really special girls on stage tonight." Exiting the office and entering the stumbling mass of humanity that filled the rest of the club, Norrix and Keena sat themselves upon the two nearest chairs that were surrounded by the least amount of sweaty bodies. A man soon arrived to deliver their drinks, a pint of ale for Keena, and for Norrix a glass of milk. They switched. "You know, maybe this place isn't so bad," Keena said, wiping the white residue from her upper lip and belching, the sound making a nearby stripper recoil with disgust. "I mean, most people leave Thern because of all the crime, and it's not like I have to worry about that. One-on-one with anyone in this town, and I guarantee I'll kick their ass." Norrix had no doubt about that, but given the pervasive nature of crime in Thern, the question wasn't if she could fight anyone, it was if she could fight everyone. Norrix found himself looking upwards as he lowered his lips to the rim of his drink, whereupon seeing the dancer above him made him put his drink straight back down. A modest cock swung between a pair of pale, creamy thighs, bobbing in time with hip's gyrations, swirling side to side with a palpable consistency. Like a cloth caught in gentle, steady wind Up from the swinging hips flowed, straight, well kept hair, tucked neatly behind pointed ears Strands of near-colorless blonde draped over bare melon-sized breasts like curtains Not nearly thick enough to conceal blush-pink areola Nor the layer of glossy pink over pursed lips enough to make them any less familiar. "Hm? Something wrong?" she said, nudging Norrix. She knew him well enough to recognize his stillness as something unusual. She looked up at the dancer mere inches from where they sat as well, wondering what about them she was missing. "I...I think I know him." Norrix said. "Wait, him?" Keena replied. Though the dancer could not make out Norrix's words exactly, his muttering was enough to draw the stripper's attention to him. Glossy lips were parted in disbelief. "Norrix?" said a melodious male voice. "It's meeeeeeeee!" came the gravely voice of an unfamiliar woman. The entrance swung open, and a sweat-glazed cock at least a foot in length, with a base surrounded by a bramble of coarse fire-orange hair entered the club. A few second later, the goblin girl which it was attached to followed. Her presence was attention-grabbing enough to draw the eyes of every patron and performer. Even the fiddler ceased his song, as they all watched rapt as a bead of sweat descended down the length of the goblin's shaft, and then fell to the floor from her drooping phimotic foreskin. Her unwashed and uncut slimerod of a shaft (the smell of which permeated the whole of the club in seconds, overcoming the body odor of even the most over-exerted sweat soaked stripper) was not the only weapon she brandished, however. In her hand she held a club, embedded with bits of jagged tooth, no doubt taken from some the maw of some nightmarish creature from the wastelands of the west. A crude weapon to be sure, but a dangerous one, especially with the way she swung it recklessly around her head. "Osk!" she shouted, her slurred voice just as stumbling as her clumsy drunken movements. "Come on out and fight me, coward!" Keena wiped an accumulated strip of milk from her upper lip. "You see this? This kind of shit is why I left." ---- The dusty wood paneled room was illuminated by a heavy orange light, but just barely. The dark-haired elf had a handsome face that'd helped him charm many a mark during his career as a cunning criminal, but it could only get him so far. Now he was here, tied to a chair, with hot, sinister breath against his cheek. The parts of the room that weren't shrouded in shadow were covered by a thick cloud of smoke. Some of it came from the cigar that the silhouetted figure on the far side of the room took generous puffs from, but not all of it. The only thing he could make out was the face immediately in front of him, the tanned visage of a beautiful woman with an elegant swoop of dark makeup around each of her yellow eyes. She spoke in a tongue he was unfamiliar with, as her drooling tongue familiarized itself with his face. "Petar al-kili hemu nas." "I-I don't understand!" he stammered, pushing uselessly against his restraints. "Look, I'm sorry! I would've never taken his money if I knew he worked for you, I swear!" "Shush. It's too late for apologies. You may as well have taken that money directly out of my pocket, and I don't take kindly to thieves." The cat-eyed woman took a particularly long drag across his face, savoring not just his flavor but the way he squirmed. "Setok aki?" the woman asked, turning to the figure in the darkness. The smoker let out a hearty chuckle. "Go ahead, ask him." “Dayak sulifar, il nos Petra Hepu-da. Nos Peris Auku-Hoom," she said. "W-what is she saying? Listen, I can get you the money back. Hell, I can work for you. You could use someone like me. Let's-let's work something out. You don't have to do this!" The swaying light at the end of the cigar indicated that the shadowy figure was shaking their head. "Sorry kid, wrong answer. Neffy, show him what happens to dirty thieves who cross Momma Jugeth." "Tekum," she said with a grin. It was not just her tongue the elf felt against his face, but the entirety of her wet, steaming maw, which expanded before him like a great chasm until finally it was large enough to envelop his entire head. The elf let out a panicked scream, but found his cry muffled, echoing uselessly through the woman's throat, unable to reach anyone who could possibly help him. The woman cut the elf's restraints with a curved, clawed fingernail, as there was no chance of him escaping anymore. Then, she pressed that same hand against his body, pushing against it to force him deeper down her throat. Her hand pushed him from behind, while her throat muscles sucked at him from the front. The two combined forces overpowered his struggling easily, and despite his screaming and flailing, he found himself steadily drawn deeper into the woman's smothering body. A few more forceful gulps and his desperately kicking legs were sucked down into her throat, leaving the entirety of his body trapped in her bulging gullet. GLORPH The woman ran her hands over the taut, tanned sphere that was her swollen gut, savoring the every squirm and scream from her prey that made her stomach shift and shudder. A morbid, hazy outline of the elf's screaming face could be seen protruding from the predator's gut as he cried out for help that would never come. Oh, how satisfied she was, as she traced her fingernail over the engorged swell of her stomach. So satisfied and so very, very full. BAAAAUURAP! What was left of the elf could be found in a coiled pile in an otherwise unremarkable part of the vast mashes surrounding Thern, indistinguishable from the other muck around it, save for a stray shard of undigested clothing or sun-bleached bone. Come morning the steaming mound was reabsorbed completely into the soft, wet earth.
 'Brash' and 'crass' were the two words that best described Haruko Haruhara, and those adjectives extended to the girl's eating habits as well. She stuck to three meals a day, and that was just about the only ordinary thing about her diet. When she did eat, she would gorge herself beyond what would satisfy a reasonable person, devouring in front of her until her stomach was full to bursting, and she could not stand to take a single other bite. Since her gut had more capacity than average, it took quite a bit of eating to get her to this point. The amount that she ate wasn't the only thing of relevance however. The content of her diet contributes rather heavily to this story's events as well. Haruko refused to eat anything but the greasiest, fattiest foods imaginable. A gustatory hedonist, she wouldn't eat anything if it wasn't salty, unhealthy as all hell and delicious. Anything she ate that didn't fall under the category of 'fast food' were meals of the gas causing sort, chili and burritos and the like. Naturally, these two factors combined meant that Haruko had some dangerous bowels. Indeed, a few hours after any meal she would find herself a walking biohazard, ready to spew lethal gas from either end at a moment's notice. Since Haruko was so shamelessly unladylike, she had no qualms about ripping ass in mixed company. Her friends knew it was best to avoid her when her stomach was visibly swollen after a meal, lest they be subjected to the worst smelling farts imaginable. There was only so much they could do when Haruko seemed dead set on butt-bombing them no matter what, going out of her way to rip a fart while standing next to them and then cackling maniacally as they gagged and sputtered from the stench. Haruko was currently enjoying a typical lunch, a thick burger with a side of chili cheese fries which would no doubt have devastating flatulent consequences later down the line. Haruko wasn't concerned about that though. She worried herself only with the here and now, and how damn good this all tasted! "Mmf!" she moaned happily as she took a big, juicy bite out of the bun, letting the meat juice drip down her cheek. She washed it down with a hearty swig of soda, which contributed to the ticking time bomb that was the gas bubble brewing in her gut. "Aaaaah, nothing better than a nice, big lunch," she said, patting her food baby proudly, while digging a chunk of meat out from between her cheeks with a toothpick. "This is the life," she sighed, taking a few more bites before slipping into a full on food coma. She wasn't sure what time it was when she awoke. Since the sun was still in the sky, she had either taken a brief nap or slept all the way through to the next day. Her first instinct was to look down at her gut, and since it was still bulgy and bloated she could assume it was the former. Enough time had passed for digestion to start to set in at least. The food in her stomach gurgled and churned, converted by her body into pockets of gas to be released later down the line. Usually her stomach shrank after it started digesting though, but it seemed like Haruko's belly had gotten even bigger since she fell asleep. "Huh, that's strange," Haruko said, giving her gut a curious prod. It didn't feel like it was stuffed with solid food, nor was it soft and squishy like when it was filled with half-digested mush. It felt like a balloon, like her belly had been inflated by a bicycle pump or something. Haruko knew better than to assume that it was mere air that was making her gut swell. The gas trapped in her stomach was without a doubt of a smellier variety. Haruko had eaten enough gas-inducing foods to turn herself into a big, bulgy fart balloon. As much as she wanted to store all this gas for later, so she could release it right in front of some poor, unsuspecting stranger, who would watch in horror as a hurricane of flatulence erupted from the backside of some cute girl, her bowels were starting to cramp, and she really just wanted to get this all out of herself as soon as possible. "Alright, just gotta push..." Haruko said, squeezing and clenching with all her might. But no matter how much she grunted and strained, not a single big of gas could pass through her anus, not the smallest squeaker nor the tiniest toot. "That's weird," Haruko said, giving her gut a slap, watching the fat, bloated thing wobble about from her touch. Another round of squeezing had the same result, that is to say, accomplishing nothing besides making Haruko's cheeks a bit red. "Come on!" Haruko said, placing both hands down on her beach ball sized belly and gradually applying pressure. And still, nothing. The thick fart bubble trapped in her stomach refused to budge. Another round of pushing and frustrated grunts had the same result. Haruko was well and truly constipated, and her bubble belly wasn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future. She obviously couldn't just wait around to pass this thing. She would have to go on with her day, monstrous fart brewing in her belly or not. And if she happened to let it slip while she was out and about, well, that wouldn't be anything she hadn't done countless times before. Anyone unfortunate enough to be in the radius of her monster butt-blast would have a terrible time, sure, but when did she ever care about them? So, she would simply go about her day as usual, with that ticking time bomb festering away in her guts. Actually, she wouldn't just have a normal afternoon as though she wasn't primed to erupt in a hurricane of farts at any moment. She would go out of her way to show her bulging fart-baby off to anyone who was willing to look. Of course, she wouldn't tell them the truth about it, and would simply insist that she was actually pregnant instead. It would be hilarious to watch them congratulate her on her child to be, not knowing that it was actually a big bubble of flatulence that was bulging out her belly. At least, they wouldn't know until it was finally too late. "Hey everyone, I have an announcement to make!" Haruko said, standing atop a desk with her ballooning belly bobbing up and down. It rarely remained still for more than a second. Whenever Haruko moved, it moved along with her, and sometimes a bit of stomach activity would cause it to move entirely on its own. All eyes were on Haruko, wondering what exactly she had to declare, and how it related to the watermelon sized belly bulge that was stretching out her pink undershirt. Haruko didn't need a megaphone for her voice to reach every corner of the classroom and beyond. Her volume and the harsh tone of her voice was enough to ensure that even the students in the hallway came rushing in to see what was going on. "I'm having a baby!" Haruko said, thrusting her hips forwards to proudly put her tummy on display. "That's right, I'm pregnant!" she rested a hand atop her swollen stomach, as the students gazed at her belly wide-eyed. If they were able to touch it, they would've realized that something was wrong, that Haruko's belly had a strange balloon-like texture, and that those were bubbles of gas and not kicks that were making her stomach gurgle and shift. Or perhaps not. Few of them had felt a real pregnant woman's stomach after all. Some of their fellow college freshman had gotten pregnant during the year, but they were less cavalier about exposing their baby bumps to the touch of strangers than Haruko was. For all they knew the texture of Haruko's tummy was perfectly ordinary, as they all ran up from their seats to the font of the room, hands outstretched so they could feel the "baby" "kick" "Wow, that's so cool!" one of them said, as he prodded Haruko's stomach with fascination, causing her belly bubble to bob. Haruko had to admit, she liked being the center of attention, even if it was for a pregnancy that didn't really exist, and was actually just a massive fart brewing in her guts. "That's right, you'll all get a turn," she said, as everyone came all at once to get a feel. "When's the baby due?" another asked. Haruko chuckled knowingly at the question. "It should be pretty soon," she said, caressing the sides of her belly while the student rubbed the front. "I feel like I'm ready to pop." She looked like it too. Her shirt and the flesh underneath it were stretched nearly to their absolute limit. Every few seconds her belly would grumble and then shake as if it had a mind of its own, threatening to erupt in an explosion of gas at any moment. All of the hands prodding and massaging her gut certainly weren't helping either, and each curious hand threatened to push Haruko over the edge once and for all, and blanket the room under a wave of smelly farts. "Who's the father?" came another curious voice. Haruko froze, as she realized that she hadn't put enough thought into her fake pregnancy narrative. "That's none of your business!" she said, hoping that her indignant tone would dissuade anyone from inquiring further. Luckily, that seemed to shut up that line of questioning for the time being. Unfortunately, she couldn't stop the other endless barrage of questions that risked piercing through the facade she had created, inquiries about if she'd chosen a name, or if she knew it if was to be a boy or a girl. Nor could she prevent all the curious touching and rubbing of her belly. While she still appreciated all the attention, things were starting to feel genuinely risky, like one stray poke could push her over the edge and cause her to erupt in front of the entire class. And then she remembered that she didn't really care, and that she had basically set out to butt-bomb this group of students in the first place. With a knowing smile on her face, she gleefully answered all of their questions with the quickest lies she could come up with. She tried to avoid dismissing their inquiries entirely. That might discourage them from asking more questions, and more questions meant more curious students walking up to her to let their curiosities be known, bringing more unknowing victims into the blast radius. "That's it, just a little more..." she said. Little did they know that every time they lovingly caressed Haruko's 'baby bump' letting out little "awwws" and congratulating her on her baby to be, they were actually bringing themselves closer to inhaling a greasy butt barrage from the crude pink-haired girl. It was impossible to know whose hand it was that did it, but one particular poke caused Haruko's intestines to release an especially wet gurgle, so loud and so deep that it could be heard clearly over the commotion and scattered chatter that filled the classroom. "Ung, huff...I think my water just broke," Haruko said, strategically turning her head away from the crowd so they couldn't see her huge, toothy grin. "Are you *ngh* ready to witness the miracle of birth?" The students were wide-eyed. Some stayed close to Haruko, eagerly anticipating what was about to happen. Others fled to the farther parts of the classroom, trying their best not to look but still occasionally stealing a glance. Tellingly, there were very few who simply left outright. Haruko assumed a traditional birthing position, laying on her back with her legs spread apart, with that soon-to-erupt belly sticking straight up in the air. "Uuff, it's coming!" Haruko said. Just as her fart-filled gut was difficult to distinguish from an actual baby bump, her straining to force out a stubborn bubble of gas had a lot in common with the actual birthing process. Plenty of strained grunts were heard as Haruko clenched and squeezed. Beads of sweat accumulated above her brow, and her cheeks began to turn bright red, but not much progress seemed to be made. The bubble that bloated out Haruko's gut refused to budge. If anything, the swelling became even more severe. More gas began to built in her pent-up gut, causing her belly to swell by a centimeter or two every few seconds. It wasn't really noticeable until it had happened several times, and Haruko was left with a stomach visibly larger than before. It became especially noticeable when the belt across her midsection, which had been struggling up to that point finally snapped with an audible sound. Originally she just wanted to unleash her bubbling fart storm as a way of messing with these unsuspecting college kids, but now she was worried that she might explode if she didn't get this thing out of her as quickly as possible. "Come on, push!" came an encouraging voice from the crowd that had built up around her. Some similar cheers followed, urging Haruko to keep going. "Ungh, you think I'm not trying?" she snapped. The terrible cramping in her gut had shortened her temper significantly. Her guttural grunts were only matched by the deep, strained gurgles of her stomach which echoed through the white walls of the classroom. An ominous and resounding bLLlrggBblllRbgg! was emitted from the deepest part of her gurgling guts. "Gah, fuck!" she said. She was squeezing and straining as much as she could, but it seems like all she was accomplishing was making herself even more backed up. It was becoming clear that she couldn't keep up the ruse that she was pregnant and pass this massive pent-up fart. Sighing, she assumed a position more conducive to what she was trying to accomplish, hoping that she wouldn't lose her audience of potential victims in the process. Leaping up from the desk, Haruko bent over with her ass sticking outwards towards the students. This raised some suspicion, but it wasn't until her butt and her stomach started rumbling in tandem that it became clear to the class that she wasn't pregnant after all. plPprrBbPT! A long sigh of relief followed the protracted fart that escaped Haruko's ass which sounded suspiciously similar to a balloon deflating. While it was only a small fraction of all gas that was still trapped in her midsection, allowing just that little bit to slip out helped with her cramps immensely. It wouldn't be long before her guts brewed up some new gas to replace that which had been lost, so she would have to keep straining and squeezing just to keep up. Plus, she still needed to get that whole big bubble out of her eventually. Letting out that gut full of air one toot at a time simply wouldn't do. A wave of realization washed across the classroom, as they became aware that they'd been prodding a fart-filled stomach instead of a womb full of life. There was a silence that followed, and then the cheering resumed. Apparently, they were almost as enthused about Haruko passing this fart baby as they were before, though they did put some distance between themselves and the gassy girl after catching a whiff of the greasy gas that came from her tainted gut. "Come on, you can do it!" came a voice from the crowd. It seemed like their encouraging words were actually helping, and each cheer made it that much easier for Haruko to push. BbrRrggGGfBBPPTTT! Another gurgly toot slipped out of her ass. This one was a bit longer than the last, and the force seemed to make her cheeks ripple and vibrate. It was still just a prelude of what was to come, and all her subsequent farts were just build up to what would surely be an explosive finale. BbrRBbllRFFbBPT! BBrrRooMmBFBT! PPplllLLLRrRFFTtTTT! A new booming, earthy gust of flatulence would escape Haruko's hindquarters every fifteen seconds or so, so long as she continued to steadily push and squeeze. Her and the crowd had gotten into a sort of rhythm. She would succeed in letting a bit of gas leak out, resulting in some encouragement from the crowd, which would compel her to keep squeezing out even more farts. ggGGrROooorrbbLllrgggGFFgGG! "Ugh, I'm getting close," Haruko said, as her stomach let out something less like a gurgle and more like a roar. "Almost there..." The crowd began counting down from three as the pink-haired girl's explosive, gassy climax drew near. ggGGrROooorrbbLllrgggGFFgGG! "Three..." frGgllLLrrrbbBgbbbGggGggGGGG! "Two..." ggrRRrglLglLLGGrrbBBBBBG!! "One!" "Gggggaaaaaaah!" BBBBbllLLLLLRRRRRRRRRrrrRRaAaAABBBbbbBBFFRRRBBBNNLLLllLLlllRRRRRLLLFFFPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! Haruko's fart stopped just short of ripping a hole clean through her pants, but its force was enough to turn the rest of the room into a disaster area. With a deep, bassy sound, the eruption of butt-smog blew through the room like a hurricane, with enough power to knock pencils clean off of desks, and blow back the hair of anyone unfortunate enough to be standing close to its point of origin. Over the bubbling, ripping cacophony of Haruko's butt a long, euphoric sigh of relief could be heard, as a near stomach-popping amount of pressure came rushing out of her all at once. The satisfaction was so great that she almost neglected to drink in the delicious disgust of all the students foolish enough to stay in the same room as her. Almost. Though their coughing and sputtering was drowned out by the bassy boom of Haruko's butt along with all other sounds in the vicinity, the repulsion on their face was still palpable. Their eyes watered and their nostrils stung as the rotting smell of ass and digested greasy food was blasted at them with such force that pinching their noses shut would not have been enough to protect them. Their reactions weren't the only testament to just how nasty Haruko's gas was, though. The environment itself reacted to her gale-force butt blast. The windows of the class room were fogged up, and narrow strips of white paint began to peel from the walls. By time the booming blast finally tapered off into a humble sputter and then went silent completely, it looked as though the classroom had been set upon by a rampaging wildebeest. "Phew!" Haruko said, fanning her nose. Normally she was pretty resistant to her stink, but this was a bit much, even for her. "So, what do you think I should name it?" she said with a grin.
 "Wake up," came a woman's voice, harsh and impatient. Tiven's mind was still hazy, but he was lucid enough to know that this wasn't his bedroom. "Where am I?" he finally managed to stammer out of a dry, wheezing mouth. "That should be the least of your concerns," she continued. As Tiven's vision returned, he was greeted with the sharpening outline of a tall, pale woman whose mere presence was powerful and unsettling. Her name was Ezma. She was a witch, and she was hungry. In terms of witchiness all she was missing was the hat. She was a gorgeous woman instead of a hideous old crone, but that certainly wasn't unheard of when it came to female practitioners of the dark arts. Her features were sharp and well-defined, with a distinctive dark beauty mark on her otherwise pale cheek. Her hair was white, neat, and fell to just below her shoulders. In any other circumstance, she was the sort of woman that Tiven would find himself instantly infatuated with. She had almost the textbook example of an hourglass figure, which her clingy black dress did a good job of hugging and highlighting. That wasn't all that the skintight witch's grown outlined though. There was a distinct bulge protruding from her waist, as though she were wearing an extremely bulky undergarment. Further examination would reveal that this was exactly the case, and furthermore that it was unmistakably a diaper which lurked beneath her sultry dress. If the distinct bulge it created in the fabric wasn't enough evidence, the distinctive crinkle she produced as she swayed her hips deliberately with each step was more than enough to confirm those suspicions. There still remained the question of why the witch would wear a piece of clothing so...well, to call it unusual would be a drastic understatement. Tiven had some suspicions about how her diaper was to be used, ones that he dared not dwell on for the terrifying implications they had on their potential fate. He didn't know much about witches, but he knew enough to know that his captor was certainly one, and the sorts of things they tended to do with their victims. With any luck, Tiven would be able to escape before he'd have to discover the padding's purpose. That would be easier said than done however. Tiven was restrained in place, not by conventional ropes or chains which could conceivably be picked, cut, or broken. No, these bindings were magical in nature, and far beyond his ability to escape. Then again, regular rope would've probably been more than the scrawny blond could handle as well. Still, he struggled and writhed against his bindings all the same, a chilling preview of what he would find himself doing in an even more terrifying, restricting space in a matter of mere minutes. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to go wandering into the woods at night?" she said. Her tone was cruel and teasing, of course, but there was some indication that she might've been genuinely exasperated by his foolishness. Tiven remained silent. Truthfully, if he hadn't needed to empty his bladder after a long night at the tavern, he would've never made the mistake of stumbling into the forest like that. His desperation and drunkenness had caused him to make a stupid decision, one that was seeming more and more like it could cost him his life. The witch casually sauntered over to the bound peasant as though she had all the time in the world. And why wouldn't she act like she did? It wasn't like her prey was going anywhere, not when even his most viscous thrashing failed to make his magical bonds even budge. Once she got closer, she looked him up and down, tapping her cheek with her index finger as she hummed. "Hmmm..." she said. "Scrawny, I can't imagine you'll be very filling." She spoke past Tiven as though he wasn't in the room, or like he wasn't important enough to acknowledge. Tiven wished that Ezma would go back to ignoring him after the woman stuck out her tongue and dragged it across the young man's face, starting at his forehead and traveling all the way down to his exposed collarbone, leaving behind a thin, shimmering trail of drool. "Mm, but you don't taste half bad. Yes, I think you'll make for a decent meal." "M-meal?" Tiven stammered. He had his suspicions, sure, but having them confirmed still left him chilled. Ezma didn't bother licking him again, and why would she? There would be plenty of time to savor his flavor as she devoured him, and his squirming, helpless body traveled down her throat and towards her roiling stomach. Tiven let out a muffled yell that reverberated through Ezma's throat, but ultimately failed to reach the ear of anyone who could hope to help him. Tiven's inevitable fate chilled him to his core. He wasn't just to be made into this witch's meal; he would be reduced to a steaming, stinking pile sagging down the seat of her diaper as well. He couldn't have asked for a more humiliating end. He tried to fight against the powerful esophageal muscles that brought him closer to packing the witch's padding with each passing second. Whether the witch's swallowing skills were magically enhanced, whether she had become adept at this after devouring countless prey before him, or if Tiven was simply a weakling, he was unable to slow down his steady descent much less stop it. His magical bonds had dissipated, as the witch's smothering, fleshy gullet was now all she needed to keep her pathetic prey held in place. It wasn't just the fact that Ezma was eating Tiven that terrified him. No, it was the way she went about it. She didn't force him down with strong, greedy gulps, but a steady series of strong swallows, done so casually as to suggest that this was effortless to her, and more chillingly, that she had done this countless times before. Tiven was just a single meal among many, just as easily forgotten as the slab of salted pork he could just barely remember having eaten the previous night. It wouldn't be much longer until he was just a single soiled diaper among many as well... Ezma's lips had reached his torso now, and the witch didn't seem to be slowing down. All Tiven could see was the darkness of the cruel woman's insides, so the rest of his senses became sharper to compensate. Unfortunately, this meant that he could feel the wetness of her throat and smell the acrid vapors wafting up from the stomach beneath him that much more acutely. Tiven kicked his legs furiously, though he knew it was futile. The reek of the witch's stomach grew with each passing second, until she finished him off with a final gulp. He went sliding into her stomach and landed in a pool of stinging acids with a splash. In here, every single breath was tainted with thick, humid smog, and his every movement served to remind him that his flesh was gradually softening. Tiven wasn't much of a warrior, and he understandably didn't have much hope left, but he still didn't intend to give up without a fight. He tried to push out of his mind all the other of Ezma victims who probably felt the same spark of bravery shortly before they were reduced to steaming witch waste in a drooping diaper. Ezma looked down at her own stomach, which had distended far past even her generous bust. The fabric of her dress still clung to her person sized gut, just as it had been designed to do. The witch had tailored her outfit to accommodate a swollen stomach or a soiled diaper, as she often found herself with both. She lowered a hand to her stomach, and felt how both the fabric and the flesh beneath it were equally taut. She watched a small dome-shaped bulge emerge from her gut for a few seconds before vanishing, presumably from Tiven trying to strike at her stomach walls. She let out a meager belch and then sighed. If Tiven expected his struggles to accomplish anything other than giving the witch a bit of gas, he would be sorely disappointed. Her black clad over inflated beach ball of a gut bobbed in front of her, producing a bassy slosh with each step she took. Casually, she returned to the potion she'd been brewing before her victim had woken up, stirring her bubbling cauldron as though she didn't have a full sized person writhing within her swollen gut. She liked to avoid having her prey disturb her work as much as possible, which was one of the reasons for the diaper beneath her dress. It allowed her to digest her prey, devour, and then dispose of them without wasting any time on bathroom breaks. And so Ezma continued, her bulging gut and her glowing cauldron releasing bubbling burbles in unison. All the while Tiven writhed about in her gut, but again the most his struggles and screams resulted in was the occasional hiccup. Ezma had done this so many times that the ceaseless motion of her stomach beneath her dress wasn't enough to distract her, and she remained laser-focused on her brew, though still keenly aware that Tiven's form was rapidly degrading. Indeed, the human was having trouble within the hostile environment. Each breath was heavy and harsh against his nostrils, and his struggles became weaker as his flesh became less solid. Ezma watched her stomach soften and shrink from the outside, knowing it wouldn't be long before her victim met his crinkly final destination. The witch continued to attend to her brew, as the last remnants of Tiven continued to dwindle inside of her gut. What wasn't absorbed into her body made its way towards her bowels in the form of densely packed waste. ---- Ezma wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed before Tiven's remains started yearning to make their reappearance. The witch did what she always did, and simply idly allowed nature to take its course. Something that wanted so desperately to come out of her as evidence by the immense pressure within her bowels wouldn't require much intervention on her part to release. Some initial pressure was released by a loud, booming fart, the sound made muffled and plasticy by the thick padding it billowed against. This indicated that Tiven was ready to come out, and gave an indication of the smell she could expect to be filling her chamber in a matter of minutes. All she would need to do was wait. Still, she found herself remarking "Ugh, you're a lot bigger than I expected you'd be..." as a particularly particularly stubborn log of bone-infused turd plopped right into the seat of her diapers. The back of her dress distended outwards, as the garment sagged under the weight of her victim's stinking remains. Still, she remained attentive to her potion, stirring the pot as her asshole casually pushed more loads of brown, stinking former human into her padding. "You smell as bad as I thought you would, though," the sorceress added, wrinkling her nose in revulsion at the stench that wafted up from the bulging padding. Dense logs of bone and waste continued to flow at a consistent rate, causing the lumpy bulge underneath her dress to steadily expand. And expand it did. After only about thirty seconds of relatively effortless squeezing, the lump in Ezma's diaper had expanded from the size of an orange to that of a ripe grapefruit, and there was still plenty of digested Tiven to go. As the logs grew thicker, they required a bit more of an active effort on Ezma's part to expel, although not enough to distract her from her potion work. That remained her main focus, stirring her boiling pot as her diaper steadily expanded underneath her. The logs went from an inch or two in diameter to about as thick as Ezma's own forearm. What were once shattered fragments of bone were now large unbroken chunks of her former prey, intact to the point where one could tell which part of the poor human's body they had come from. Her drooping diaper was now as big as an overgrown watermelon, and about as overstuffed with churned-up Tiven as her stomach had been mere minutes ago. Bones protruding at odd angles from beneath her tight dress, creating morbid bulges in her padding and the black fabric that covered it that could be recognized as the young man's shin or skull by their shape. A few of the bones from his extremities could be seen jutting out from her waistband, half submerged in the steaming mire of filth that settled in the seat of her diaper below. With a free hand she casually reached behind herself to push the protruding bones back in so her padding could more neatly contain them. She had a veritable graveyard beneath her clingy dress now, for all the bones and filth contained in the weighty, saggy thing wrapped around her waist. Even her best efforts to poke and prod the load in her diaper into a manageable form still left her with a boulder-shaped bulge with bones jutting out asymmetrically. Her load felt heavy, almost as heavy as the boy's body had been. Her free hand groped against her bulging backside confirmed that her load was indeed as substantial as it felt. She had eaten countless victims over her long life, but it had been a while since one of them resulted in a diaper filled this thoroughly. Eventually the flow of shit finally tapered off into a few sputtering farts before Ezma's ass finally shut completely. She was left with a bulge in the shit-sack around her waist that was just a bit smaller than Tiven himself had been. The stretched black fabric of her dress outlined every last lump, bulge, and bone protrusion of her diaper. Ezma hadn't stopped attending to her potion all the while, and it was finally time to add the final ingredient. Using her magic she conjured several disembodied hands from shimmering purple energy. These hands floated underneath her dress. Two of them deftly undid the tape of her overburdened diaper, filled with short of one hundred pounds of pure human waste. A third, fourth, and fifth cupped themselves underneath the swollen garment after it was detached from Ezma's waist, carrying it out from underneath her skirt and depositing it into the witch's open hand, carefully as to not spill any of its contents. Next, a pair ventured underneath her dress once again, wiping clean all the waste that had accumulated around her naked crotch with a damp rag. Finally, a lone hand fitted her with a fresh, clean diaper for her next prey to fill. "And now, the final ingredient: the essence of a human," she said, hoisting the bone and shit filled sack above her cauldron, so heavy that she was forced to use both hands. Then, she dropped it into the bubbling mixture, causing the liquid to rise to the brim of the cauldron and intensifying the heat that already radiated so powerfully from it. A few more steady stirs and her brew was finally complete. The bubbling finally settled, and the potion turned a bright, glowing shade of green. With a fresh, crisp diaper bulging beneath her skirt, Ezma headed towards her chambers to retire. She had managed to squeeze in a finished potion and a filling meal in the same day; she had earned herself a peaceful sleep. Tomorrow she would make use of the potion she'd created. Her nail polish wasn't going to remove itself.
 "And you!" the goblin snarled, turning to the busty and apparently male elf who seemed to recognize her almost immediately. "You're gonna get it too!" Osk sighed. "I should've known better than to think you'd take your firing lying down," Osk said. "But coming back here and threatening people is a bit much, even for you." "S-shut up!" she snapped back. The way she slurred her words gave away how intoxicated she was. "You had no right to fire me! And especially not to replace me with that elven slut! He's not even a lady!" "Well, I seem to recall you showing up late to work every day, drunk, refusing to wash, driving away my customers with your stench, all of which Marrenn here has yet to do." "Please don't drag me into this," the elf said, exasperated. "No way! You're not getting out of here without tasting the business end of my club!" Pep said, stumbling forwards. With each step she took the reeking musk of her cock intensified, and there was still a good few yards of distance between her and the elf. Marrenn had no desire to learn what the smell was like point-blank. Getting beaten silly with her club would almost be a mercy at that point. "I'm not going to let you hurt him," Norrix said, putting himself between the elf and Pep, and getting quite the whiff of cockstink himself. "Unless you have some kinda tidbit of knowledge that'll let you knock a goblin out cold...which I'm not doubting, you're better off letting me handle this, master." "Right," Norrix said, allowing Keena to step in front of him and do her thing. "Listen here, Pepsqueak," Keena said, lifting the goblin up off the ground. Because Pep was nude, Keena had to grab her by a bit of loose skin on the back of her neck like a cat. "People like you are the exact reason why I couldn't stand this town. And I am so, so not in the mood for this kinda shit today." Despite having an especially acute sense of smell and being closer to Pep than anyone, Keena was able to power through her smell. That wasn't to say that it didn't bother her, and she found herself taking quick breaths to avoid it as much as possible, but after basking in her own odors for her entire life there was only so much damage the goblin's particular brand could do. "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do to me?" the fire-haired goblin said, flailing her little legs about and swinging her club clumsily. She did manage to smack Keena in the cheek, but that wouldn't cause much more than a bruise, and only really succeeded in making the wolf girl even more pissed off. "Well, let's think about this in terms of size," Keena said, keeping her grip around the back of the goblin's neck, and lowering her so her green face was forced up against her muscular stomach. "I'm what, three, four times bigger than you? I'm not the best at math, but just eyeballing it, and based on some prior experience swallowing really short, annoying things, I think I could probably fit you in my stomach. Your disgusting, sweaty green body is probably gonna give me indigestion, sure, but that won't stop me from turning you into a steaming pile of something that smells slightly better than you do right now. So unless you want that to happen, leave me, Osk, and everyone else here alone." Before dropping the goblin back to the ground to let her scamper off, Keena let out a hot, gurgly belch right into her face which lasted for several seconds, just to give her a taste of what she could expect to turn into if she messed with Keena again. With that, Pep left the strip club grumbling to herself, with her tail metaphorically tucked between her legs and her fat, smelly green cock literally bobbing between them. Besides Keena herself, everyone else in the club was left disgusted but slightly impressed. "Heh, not bad," Osk said with a smoky chuckle. "That'll keep her off my back for a while." "So, you gonna introduce me?" Keena said, turning back to Norrix and then to the elf who he apparently had some prior relationship with. "This is Marrenn," Norrix said. "As for how we know each other, I think I'll let him explain that himself." "No, please, I insist," Marrenn said. "You're a much better storyteller than I. In the meantime, I'll be tucked away in some remaining corner of the bar that doesn't reek of goblin cock." The elf then turned around and strolled in the opposite direction to do just that. "Marrenn was my roommate from back in the academy," Norrix continued. "We dated as well," he said without any reservation, as he knew Keena not to be the jealous type. "I ended up losing touch with him after graduation, I had no idea that we still lived so close to each other. Would you mind explaining how you ended up here Marrenn? I think the smell's dissipated by now?" Marrenn sighed, and returned to his original position with his bosom heaving mightily with each step. "That's all true, yes," he said. "After I left the academy, I had some...difficulty finding employment in my desired field, and quite a bit of debt hanging over me. I was too proud to ask my father for money, so I ended up here to help pay off my debts. Who would've thought that the one dance class I took on a whim would end up defining my future career, and not those countless courses on governance. I never tried to contact you again because, well, frankly I was ashamed of the path I had taken." "You really thought I'd judge you for being a stripper?" Norrix said, trying not to sound too dismissive. "After all the stuff we did together?" Marrenn's cheeks turned scarlet in an instant. "I'd rather you not discuss or even allude to such things in mixed company. I know that's an odd request considering my employ, but nonetheless..." "Hey, don't worry about it," Keena said, extending a hand for Marrenn to shake. "My name's Keena, and I'm the one doing all that stuff with him now." Keena took a good look at the elegant, effeminate elf before her. "Guess you can't say Norrix has much of a type, huh?" "Indeed," he remarked. "I was expecting he'd find someone new, but you...aren't exactly what I pictured." Marrenn's nose wrinkled. "Ugh, what's that smell? That goblin's stench can't still be permeating through this establishment, could it?" "Nah, that's me," Keena said. "Took a bath earlier, but that goblin got me working up a sweat again." "Ah, well, if that's the case, I'll be returning to my corner again." "Wait!" Keena said. She had a burning question, and one that was almost certain to offend him, but she just had to know. "What's with the, uh, you know," she said, gesturing towards her own chest. "I can explain that," Norrix said, mercifully allowing his ex-boyfriend to step out of the radius of his current girlfriend's stink. "Marrenn comes from a particular tribe of Northern elves in which, for reasons that are still speculated upon, the males all have overdeveloped breasts." "Well, if you're done catching up," Osk said. "I gotta say, I was pretty impressed with the way you dealt with Pep. With the type of rabble that comes to this place, I could always use another bouncer. It'll be a temporary job of course, just a way to earn some extra cash before the shipment of horses arrives." "Might as well," Keena said. Though they had a pretty large sack of gold to sustain them for their journey, it couldn't hurt to make some extra money on the side. "But on one condition: you gotta give Norrix a job too." Osk turned to the boy. "Well, obviously you aren't built to be a bouncer," he said. "But I bet that body isn't bad for dancing. I'm sure all the girls would go wild for you." Norrix's throat felt a bit dry. "Well, sure! I could give it a try I suppose." "Great," Osk said with a grin. "I'll pick out an outfit for you, and get you up on one of our polls so you can give me a little demonstration of your skills." Norrix nodded, but first, he still had a bit more to say to his chesty elven friend. "Hey, Marrenn?" Norrix said, approaching the elf in the relatively stink-free corner of the establishment he'd tucked himself into. "I've been struggling to find a job after the academy too. I know how it feels, and well...if you want to leave with me and Keena on our journey to Midroux you're more than welcome to. We've got a pretty big sack of gold we could share with you, and it'd be nice to catch up." "Is Keena always so, errr..." "Yeah, she's pretty much always like this." "I'll...consider it, I suppose." he said pensively. "We'll be leaving town once the shipment of horses arrives. You'll have until then to decide." "Here, I think this'll look good on ya," Osk said, interrupting their exchange by tossing some clothes at Norrix, a silky veil and some billowing parachute pants to be precise. Quickly Norrix disrobed. He was surprised by how little shame he felt undressing while everyone was watching. It wasn't anything Keena or Marrenn hadn't seen before though, and Osk had probably seen more nudity than the three of them combined. The flowing clothes made Norrix look even more feminine than usual, leaving his slender upper body completely exposed. He was having some trouble getting the pants to stay up, but he supposed that made sense since they were made to be removed. "That pole's open," Osk said with a gesture. "Show me what you got, pretty boy." Norrix leaned against the pole, and swayed his hips back and forth, or at least, that's what he tried to do. His inexperience led to him jerking his hips side-to-side awkwardly instead. Keena and Marrenn weren't exactly sure what to make of this display, though Osk seemed to be observing it intently. After a few more seconds of awkward dancing, Norrix figured that it was about time he remove an article of clothing. At least, he was pretty sure, he didn't know if there were any unwritten rules on when the best time to actually start stripping was. So, he finally let those billowing pants drop to his ankles, as they'd been trying to do for the past several minutes. He then stepped out of them, and pushed them off the stage with his feet, in a way that was decidedly unsexy. At least it put Norrix's appealing lower half on display, with his lithe, athletic legs, thighs that were a bit noticeably thicker than a man of his weight should've been, and two shapely butt cheeks that were appealingly firm yet just soft enough to have a bit of pleasant jiggle to them. Of course, having a cute butt didn't mean much. Presentation was everything, and Norrix simply stood there awkwardly, clad in nothing but his veil, looking as though a family member had just walked in on him changing. Realizing that he should probably but a little extra omph into his bodily display, he decided to imitate a move that he'd seen Marrenn perform himself. This turned out to be a mistake, as Norrix was an amateur, and the elf a seasoned expert. Norrix climbed up the pole, and then allowed gravity to drag him back down while grinding the metal rod between his cheeks. At least, that was the intention. Norrix struggled to sandwich the pole between his cheeks while he slid down uncontrollably, clutching onto it for dear life to keep from losing any ground. When he did finally allow himself to slide down while grinding the pole with his buttocks, the only thing he really accomplished was giving himself a mean friction burn in the form of a long, linear rash that started midway down his back before disappearing into his buttcrack like a wagon vanishing into a tunnel. Everyone was left feeling embarrassed. That wasn't to say that there wasn't some horniness mixed in, but the predominant feeling which permeated the room was shame. Osk sighed. "You're cute, kid, but I don't think you're cut out to be a dancer." Norrix couldn't disagree. He added stripper to the mental list of jobs he was apparently too incompetent to perform. "We still had a deal," Keena chimed in. "I'll only work here if he does. There's gotta be some position open for him, right?" Osk shrugged. "Guess we could use a janitor. You know how to sweep a floor?" "Yes," Norrix lied. "Good. Just come here by the end of the day and sweep up the mess everyone left. You don't have to worry about keeping this place spotless. This is Thurn, it's gonna reek like shit no matter what." Norrix exchanged his stripper outfit for a broom. He'd spent so much time looking for a job, any job, outside of the one necessitated by his degree which seemed like less and less of a possibility each day. Even though he finally had a use for his knowledge, he still wanted to prove to himself that he could hold down a regular job, at least for a little while. "I'll do my best!" Norrix said with the biggest grin he could manage. "Sure you will," Osk replied. ---- Keena did her job admirably, and Marrenn continued to do his as well as he'd been. Even the drunkest patrons knew better than to cause a fuss with the lycanthrope watching over them. The big, raspy farts she ripped at regular intervals did a pretty good job of keeping everyone at bay as well. Norrix popped in and out of the club throughout the day, since his shift didn't start until after his friend's were over. The rest of the day was spent at the inn, where he went over his notes. The mystery they'd encountered back in the forest was still weighing on his mind, and they weren't any closer to solving it than before. He desperately hoped he would get his answer before they'd have to leave Thern. No matter how many times he looked at the misshapen skull or the sample of honey, he couldn't discern anything beyond that something was making things larger than they should have been. What that something could be he hadn't a clue. He continued to think on it though, in hopes that some spark of inspiration would come to him, until Norrix watched the last drunken dregs stumble out of the strip club, and he knew it was time for him to pick up his broom and head out. The floor of the club was cleaner than he'd expected, no doubt due to Keena flashing her fangs at anyone who was about to litter, and eating any of the food that ended up on the ground herself, contributing to the monstrous farts she'd released throughout the night that still lingered in the air. It didn't make the bar smell much worse than usual as much as it simply filled it with a different kind of awful stench, so Osk didn't bother scolding Keena for stinking up his joint. There was still a good deal of refuse and dust that Norrix was in charge of cleaning up though, and so he got to work. The only problem was, Norrix wasn't exactly sure how to sweep. He understood the basics of course, but the broader nuances of the task were lost on him. Should he start with the corners? Begin in the center and then move out to sweep the edges? Was it best to sweep everything into one giant pile, or should he make several smaller piles and then combine then into one? This ate up several minutes that could've been better spent sweeping, so Norrix finally committed to placing his broom to the floor. Everything else could be figured out later. Norrix would come to regret his hastiness, as he soon became keenly aware of just how tedious the task ahead of him would be. By time he finished sweeping up this small bit of dust into a humble pile, Norrix expected to see the sun beginning to crest over the horizon. Instead, it seemed to have taken him a minute at most, and he still had many minutes to go before his shift was finally over. Norrix couldn't help but feel a sense of dread, as this was exactly how all of his previous jobs had ended up. Norrix wasn't an elitist, he didn't think that menial labour was too good for him or anything. Far from it. He didn't have the discipline to invest his attention in something that didn't interest him, without the minutes feeling like hours and the hours feeling like centuries. It was a flaw that he desperately wanted to overcome, but it seemed as though he would never be free, would never get a normal job after all. Norrix continued to try and push himself to sweep for a few minutes longer, but after a while he simply couldn't take it anymore. He would never be able to get a real job after all. He was an academic to the core, with no skills besides burying his head in a book, of no use to anyone. The boredom combined with his frustration at himself made him feel like he was going to jump out of his skin. He needed some fresh air and some time to clean his head, so he threw his broom to the ground, and headed towards the marshes of Thern, whose mysteries had been weighing on his mind for his entire shift. He couldn't bare to stand there and sweep, not when the answer behind all that mysterious growth could've been hiding just a few yards away from him. As disgusted with himself as he was for giving up, he just had to see, and so he ventured into the dark stillness with a heavy coating of dust still on the strip club floor. ---- Norrix wasn't sure exactly what he expected to find in the swampy wilderness outside of Thern, he just knew it had to be something. He was filled with a mix of irrepressible curiosity, and disgust at himself for giving up so easily. But why shouldn't he give up? He had nothing to offer the world, no abilities beyond his single, self-indulgent field that he would never make a single scrap of gold from for the rest of his life. Keena was a fool for tagging along with him, Marrenn too. They both did their jobs fine, Marrenn had been doing his for years, despite it being well outside his intended career path, and yet Norrix couldn't even manage to sweep for a single shift. The marshes seemed devoid of life, monstrous or otherwise. Well, there were plants that emerged from the muck, but they didn't help soothe Norrix's self-doubts nor bring him any closer to the answer he was looking for. He wasn't special. Anyone could've helped Keena that night. She made a mistake of attaching herself to him, of joining him on his self-indulgent journey that wouldn't lead either of them anywhere. He would never find Nergus, the sack of gold would run out, and he would be left destitute because he spent all of his time studying a useless field and couldn't hold a broom for five single minutes. The next morning, he would tell Keena and Marrenn to go on without him, and return to the town where he'd come from to live off what was left of his parent's money. Norrix was so lost in thought that he ended up stumbling upon something he would've known to avoid were he more aware of his surroundings. Unfortunately, it was already too late, and a voice that was both gruff and high-pitched started to bark at him from below. "Hey, watch where you're going!" it said, as a strange, small creature began to pull itself up from the muck. It was a mandrake, a plant creature whose roots were shaped like and could move similarly to that of an extremely small human. It had a winkled, grouchy little face which looked like it'd been carved into it. It's eyes narrowed, and its odd slit-like mouth curled into a scowl of displeasure. "Oh, I'm sorry," Norrix said. Mandrakes tempers were known for being as short as their stubby bodies were, and judging by the way this one was raising its pale, pointed root-arms into the air, it didn't seem to differ in temperament from its kin. "Don't give me none of that," it said. "You humans think you can just do whatever you want. I was having a nice dream you know, before you went and stepped on my head." "I promise, it won't happen again," Norrix said, turning his head back towards the club, ready to make a run for it. "Nuh-uh. I'm not just going to let you walk away. Not until I've taught you a lesson." Norrix tried to sprint, but the muck kept his feet glued to the ground. The mandrake had no problem moving through its environment, and before long it had wadded through the muck and was now climbing up Norrix's pantleg. Norrix tried to shake it off, but his foot was still immobilized by the mud. He could do nothing but watch as the creature ascended his body, before reaching his head and forcing his jaws open with unexpected strength. "Open wide!" it said, before popping itself into Norrix's mouth and wriggling its way down his throat. It was just barely big enough to fit, though it created a sizable bulge. This bulge traveled downwards as the mandrake did, before settling in Norrix's belly. Norrix was left looking pregnant, as his uniform rode up to expose his bulging belly. Norrix's intestines felt incredibly unsettled, and it wasn't just because the mandrake was writhing about within him, causing the spherical bulge of flesh to shift and distort. It might've seemed like an odd choice for a creature wanting revenge on Norrix to feed itself to him, but both he and the mandrake knew exactly what they were doing. Mandrakes were known to cause hallucinations when consumed, even in relatively small amounts. There was no telling what a whole root would do to Norrix, but he knew he was in for one hell of a bad trip. A chemical-smelling belch emerged from Norrix's throat, as the scholar tried to calm himself down, which just ended up making him even more nervous. He tried to make himself vomit, but the mandrake seemed insistent on staying exactly where it was. That wasn't to say that it was immobile though, as it still squirmed enough to earn a modest belch from the boy every few seconds. "Calm down, calm down," he repeated to himself. "Everything's going to be fine..." Despite his reassurances, he still watched as reality started to morph and distort before his very eyes. It was too late. Norrix strapped in, and prepared himself for whatever it was his addled brain was going to show him.
A Queen’s Exotic Tastes How John even got here was a mystery to him. One day in the normal human world full of normal sized humans, living normal lives and working normal jobs just like him. The next? In this world of pastel horses with only a pair of shorts on, ones that spoke his language and looked like cartoons, with large eyes, marks on their flanks, and everything. Of course… they were also giants. He wasn’t ant sized, but he certainly wasn’t going to be visible to most of these ponies either. Also of note, was the fact that the sun never did seem to set here either. It would get close, but not quite. It was as if night didn’t exist. His life went from going to work to exploring his giant environment, which by the looks of it, seemed to be a castle, and a very grandiose one at that, with golden statues of an alicorn known as “Nightmare Star” being littered throughout, and flags with red suns on them in every hallway. Some places here even seemed to have entire hallways made of pure gold. He would deduce that this Nightmare Star was the leader (and more specifically, queen) of some kind of country, and this was her palace. Not like he would ever get to meet her. He had never seen her in person yet, after all. Meeting the queen was not his concern however. For the most part, he kept to himself, and hid when he could. He had been here for a few weeks, and quickly learned the best hiding spots, places to find food, and when and where it was best to go out in the open. John had pondered perhaps trying to get ponies to notice him, but every time he thought of it, he would decide against it, due to the possibility one might not have the best intentions for him. And there was no way he could fight back, nor would anyone come to his aid if such a thing did happen. Speaking of which, his stomach was calling now for satisfaction. Looking around, he saw no pony, not even a guard, in sight. Therefore, he would make his way to the “Private Pantry”, where the tastiest food was, at least to him. It was all vegetarian, at least the stuff he could reach. Not like it mattered though, food was food. And there was sometimes even cake to eat! The door was locked, but he would find his way under a crack in the door, with natural sunlight illuminating the place as per usual. He would hang by the wall, before deciding he would go for something quick, that being cereal. Specifically that oats and strawberry yogurt one he liked. Him being so small in this world did come with some advantages. Climbing was much easier, and falling didn’t hurt nearly as much, thanks to his apparently much lower mass. He could just jump down if he really needed to. He didn’t have to work as hard to scale tall objects, like the shelf that the cereal was on. He’d use various objects and nooks where he could place his feet and hands that were on the shelf and the counter next to it to make his way up to where the boxes were. He idly wondered how good he would be at parkour should he ever make it back home. After a few minutes of climbing and various acrobatic tricks, he would find himself at his destination, standing in front of the cereal box that he was going to take only the yogurt pieces out of and leave the not as tasty oats, to the chagrin of it’s owner. As he was figuring out a way to scale this box, and get into it’s contents, he heard the door behind him start to unlock. He put the thoughts aside from now. John would run between the cereal boxes, and hide behind them. He knew little of Equestria (or rather, the Solar Empire,) but he knew who he was looking at. “Nightmare Star...” he would whisper to himself. She was a goddess, put it simply. She was stronger and taller than all the other ponies he’d ever seen, whom were already skyscraper sized to him. She was also adorned in gold and amethyst, with an elaborate chest plate, several necklaces, armor going across her back, and a crown with golden horns to top it off. This would leave no question that she, and she alone, was in charge. After all, she was the queen… and for good reason. She was responsible for raising the sun after all! And he was locked in a room with her now. He just never thought he’d see her. Of course, Star also had keen eyes. She would immediately spot the motion between the boxes of cereal in her periphery, and would trace it to the box that he was now behind. His heart would beat faster as he heard the golden shoes of hers tap and shuffle towards him. There would be a momentary pause, just long enough for him to think that maybe, just maybe, she didn’t see him. Of course, this was a ploy by Star, to get him into a false sense of security. And then like the Red Sea, the cereal boxes would part. The sudden movement and noise would startle the human, and make him fall over with a gasp. He felt light hitting his eyelids, and would open them to a sight he was hoping not to see. The shelf had turned into a stage, the cereal boxes forming it’s walls to his right and left. And both forming the sole member of his newfound audience, and the stage lights, Nightmare Star and her aurora like mane would fill most of his view. With her violet, slit eyes both focused right on him. It was a truly magnificent, but terrifying sight. Perhaps he did wish to meet Nightmare Star someday… but not like this. Star’s eyes would scan the creature she had just discovered. It was no mouse, nor rat. Too small to be either, firstly. In fact, looking into the creature’s eyes, they would suggest that it possessed sentience and intelligence. The creature appeared to be a small monkey of some kind… but it was hairless, aside from on the head. And monkeys certainly didn’t live anywhere near here nor were they inches tall… “Looking for something to eat are you?” she said, spinning the key around in her magic. His reaction to her voice would only confirm that he was intelligent, and not just some other pest. For him, her voice was low, breathy, smooth, but most importantly, loud. Not enough to hurt the ears, perhaps just on the cusp of it… but enough to dominate his sense of hearing whilst she talked. Like a seductress… or dominatrix, more like. Of course, it would take a second to register that the gigantic queen before him had just asked him a simple question. Responding to her wasn’t an easy task either, as all he could do is stammer at the sight before him. “Well?” she would press. “Y-y-yes...” he would blurt out suddenly, confirming to Star his intelligence, and the fact that he would understand her words. “You could have gone for something more nutritious than cereal.” she would comment with a laugh, as their eyes continued to be locked, for perhaps a little too long. Such a giant pair of eyes fixed on him would only make him feel much smaller. Let alone the fact they were the eyes of the Queen herself. “Yes, little one… I know I have lovely eyes, but are you going to stare at them all day? Surely there’s something else about me that’s interesting to look at.” she said with a smirk, before she would lean in to observe him even closer. “Care to tell me what you are? It’s quite clear to me you’re not the usual fare of creatures you would find hiding in the pantry.” He would swallow before responding again. “Uh-uh… h-human-n…?” he would again stammer. How his tiny voice was able to be heard by Star, he wasn’t sure. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact she was an alicorn. His statement would result in Nightmare Star’s smile growing, causing him to back up against the back of the shelf. Which would then cause Star to laugh at him. “Must you be anxious at my every action beyond blinking?” she’d comment. Of course, Star was enjoying this. She did take pleasure in being large and in charge, after all. Now just more than usual. “Humans are mystical creatures here, you realize. I never thought I’d meet one… let alone a few inches tall and hiding in a pantry like a mouse. Aren’t you supposed to be taller?” she would ask. That was a question he couldn’t answer. His mind was temporarily taken away from the giantess in front of him and more to the consideration that humans here were like unicorns from where he was from. Another chuckle would come and demand his attention once more, however. “As the Queen of the Solar Empire, I give you permission to speak, human.” she would tell him. “Though, that was a rhetorical question anyway.” she would add. “Care to tell me your name?” “J-John...” he said, feeling almost defeated by the dominating presence of hers alone. Perhaps that wasn’t his name, but he didn’t feel like talking too much… especially now that his body wasn’t touching the shelf. Indeed, he was levitating above it, surrounded in some strange tingly orange glow that Star’s horn was also producing. The shelf would retreat before him, before long he would see the ground that Star herself stood on. The sheer scale of the mare and the height would make his heart skip a beat, feeling like he was hundreds of feet in the air. Looking back at Star wouldn’t help either, with the violet eyes of her’s now dominating his vision. “Just getting a closer look at you is all…” she said, as her pupils and eyes narrowed on him. “Honestly I would have expected you to have more fur on you… more than zero anyway.” He really didn’t know how to respond to that. Before long, he’d be turned around in the magic, now facing the shelf instead of Star. Feeling like he was being levitated between two skyscrapers. “Mmmmm… none on your back either… there’s some more on your head of course.” she would say. Hearing her voice behind him would still make him tense up, of course. It was like being in a movie theater. Of course though, Star remembered why she was in here in the first place. Him facing away from her, he couldn’t see the evil little grin forming on her face. Star would lean forward and give him a peck across the back, followed by a “Mwah~” and a shiver on his part. “Even my kisses make you tense up… its honestly adorable.” Hearing Star talk behind him was enough to make him feel smaller than he actually was. The next feeling though, would feel alien to him. Across his back, John would feel another sudden feeling, one of something squishy, slimy, warm, and velvety press against him, and begin moving upwards. All the while, hot humid and peach smelling air would surround and blow past him. It was completely unexpected, and would cause him to shiver and close his eyes at the strange, unknown feeling. Star’s magic would ensure he couldn’t turn around easily to see what it was either. The feeling seemed to last for a minute to him, before subsiding, and leaving his back feeling wet and drippy, and the air would start to feel much colder there as well. The feeling would return temporarily, as the squishy thing would press into him again for a second, before pulling away. He heard what sounded like someone loudly licking their lips behind him… and then he figured it out. Nightmare Star had just tasted him. The revelation would make him shiver once more, especially as he was turned around to face her again. Star was harder to look at now, after all, know she knew what he tasted like. And she was more than capable of devouring him if she felt so inclined. “Why little human… you taste so wonderful...” she said, with a smile, full of those dangerous teeth. As if being eaten by a monolithic alicorn queen wasn’t scary enough. There was no way he could fight her either way. His thoughts would pause for a second, as he saw Nightmare Star’s head coming closer to him, mouth slightly agape and tongue outstretched, presumably coming in for another lick. He would tense up and his breathing would quicken. Just before the tongue made contact with him, it would stop just feet from his face, and the member would retreat back into the cave it originated from, with a loud slurp, and a low laugh from the queen it belonged to. “Aren’t we going to have so much fun together~” She would smile once again, nice and wide, exposing her teeth to him in all their glory, forming a wicked expression that would send shivers down his spine. Each one of them was a pearly white spire, one that by itself could end him, let alone a row of them. However, this wouldn’t be the only sight he would the human would see of her maw, as the teeth would themselves begin to part, with strands of saliva connecting a few of them breaking as she opened nice and wide for him. Being hit with a wave of peach smelling breath (not unpleasant actually), the human would turn away, before looking back. The sight would not make him shiver, rather, his eyes would become just as wide as the maw before him, as his breath would quicken as he started into the cave that had opened before him, with an “Ahhhhh~” announcing it. The mouth to him, was a gigantic cavern. Her sharp teeth would adorn her mouth’s edges, spotless, white and wickedly sharp. In the back, there lie the portal into the rest of the goddess’ body, her throat, with her uvula there hanging just in front of it. A portal of flesh of it was, reddish and lightly pulsating, the source of the humid, peach smelling breath that would once again waft past him. The rest of the flesh in her maw would take on a similar color. The centerpiece of her mouth, her tongue, laid casually at the floor of her mouth. It was a massive ocean of flesh, eager to welcome it’s new guest, which he knew in the back of his mind, was to be him. It moved lightly, quivering slightly in anticipation. All of this, generously coated in thick, glistening saliva. It dripped from the roof, uvula and her teeth, and covered the walls and throat. On her tongue, it formed small pools, and more than generously covered her tongue in it. One could even see evidence of a larger pool of it just under her tongue. Perhaps a mesmerizing, but terrifying sight to such a small man like himself.And he was slowly heading toward it. Once he discovered this fact, he would turn around in her magic, and desperately kick and struggle in her grasp, swimming in the air, causing Star to chuckle at his fruitless fight against her. As she was pulling him in, she was lowering him at the same time. Gradually, her teeth and the rest of her maw would come into his view once again, but this time, they would be framing the outside, causing him to struggle even more feverishly and breath even faster. It would all be for naught though, as he knew his fight was lost the moment he felt something warm and very slick come into contact with his body, and for the tingly magic to release him, right in the center of her tongue, and the center of the cave that was now to be his prison. As John was released, the unstable ground would ensure that he would fall and lay down on top of it. Still, he hoped Star would come to her senses. Grab him with her magic, pull him out of here, and let him be, or do something else with him. Maybe even apologize. Of course, that fantasy was not to be, as Star’s jaws would shut around him, the sound of which would muffle his cry. If this were any other pony’s mouth, perhaps it would be shrouded in pitch blackness, but even that was a luxury he wished he had. Her mouth was just light enough to see inside of it. The source of the light? On the bottom of his list of concerns. The fact that he could see in her maw, the wall of sharp teeth, and the massive tongue he was on only amplified the feeling of helpless terror. He didn’t dare look behind him, he didn’t feel like staring at another beast yet. While he was getting his bearings though, the part of his mind less filled with fear would notice something. Her tongue was very, very soft. Exquisitely soft even. He was sunken deeply into it’s flesh, his body looking to be a foot below the ocean’s surface. And it was slick, absolutely covered in her saliva. And it was warm. Actually, the whole place was warm, hot even, and humid. It would of course, also be filled with sound. The sounds of dripping and moving saliva, her breathing and nearly every movement of the flesh in her throat and tongue would dominate his hearing. Her maw was the size of a sports venue to him, but for all he was concerned, he was in a completely different world. One entirely contained inside of the solar regent, one where she controlled every aspect, voluntarily or not. John wouldn’t get much more time to mull over his situation, however. Star wasn’t going to just let him sit in her maw all day, after all. Well, not without playing with him. The ocean of flesh beneath him would begin to stir, him feeling like he was riding waves on top of it. It began to roll him around like he was but a candy. As he slid and slid over it’s slick, smooth surface, he would get covered in more and more thick saliva, and let out a shiver as he felt the fine texture of her tongue pass by his exposed skin, everywhere, time and time again. He tried to struggle against it, but Star would continue playing with him anyway, his struggles again fruitless. Suddenly, it would all stop, her tongue flattening out, and him landing on his face near the edge, by her teeth. He would peel his face off her tongue, it and everything else of his drenched by saliva, and find himself looking straight at one of her many sharp teeth. The sight made him instinctively back away from it, but even that proved to be a challenge. Star’s tongue was too soft, every movement of his would sink deeply into the warm flesh of hers, and the thick, sticky saliva wasn’t helping at all. He would, with effort, back away towards the center of her tongue, with the realization that Star was tasting him. She wasn’t done yet though. Star would begin to toss him around in her mouth, starting with a laugh. Just to seal the deal. Her tongue became more violent in it’s actions, at least to him, her jaws parting to give it some more room. He felt he was on a squishy roller coaster now. In reality, Star wasn’t going much harder than she was earlier, but for the tiny man, any swerve of her tongue felt like riding a giant wave, lubricated by her saliva. Saliva would rush in as her tongue was driven mad with the exotic flavor of the human’s skin. Occasionally, he would find himself pinned up against the slimy flesh of her cheeks. It was as if he was a piece of butter in a hot pan. Her tongue would be everywhere he was, and he would always land back in it’s embrace, for the process to start anew, until of course Star got bored of it. She’d shut her jaws, and let her tongue settle down where it was. As he realized the ride was over, he looked again, and found that he was once again faced with teeth, even closer than last time. And this tooth was the tallest looking one; it was one of her fangs. The sight of the white spire would make him back up once more. Of course, Star would have a plan though. As he backed away from her teeth, the tongue would rise up, and pin him up against the roof of her mouth. Forcing him to lay face down again, and making him feel awfully claustrophobic. As the tongue would squeeze him up against the roof, he would be squished further into it, giving him little room to breathe or struggle. Her tongue had no such restrictions, and as a result, moved freely, back and forth, dragging what felt like a mile of soft, wet velvet across his tiny body, back and forth. She was suckling on him, like a candy. She would let out an “Mmmmm...” like a cat purring as it plays with it’s toy, sending vibrations through her tongue, and a shiver up his spine. Perhaps not one of fear, however. Star did have a nice voice, but that’s not what it was. Still, she wasn’t done with him, far from it. She would let him go, her tongue dropping down suddenly. The saliva would leave him stuck to the roof of her maw for longer, and he would peel off the roof and fall back onto her tongue with a wet splat, her tongue softening any blow he could have received from it. He would look behind himself and see that the tip of Star’s tongue was curling back, rising like a giant wave. He tried to flee from it, only for the back of Star’s tongue to rise and make him slide right toward it again. He was forced into a hug from her tongue, a very slimy, very warm, soft and extremely awkward hug. One that would of course, taste him all over, and make him shiver at the alien, but pleasurable feeling. Perhaps what he feared most now that he wasn’t fearing what was going on, at least right now. This was the gentlest she’d ever been so far. Star’s tongue was soft and warm, the best part of the experience. Star’s tongue would suddenly shift then. He didn’t much care for when it would lurch and swerve around, of course. He would hug her tongue, perhaps to hold on to something rather than go everywhere again. The hug would become tighter, before she’d release him, and her tongue would fold lengthwise, making him lay in a valley of warm, dripping flesh. He didn’t really know what she was doing at this point, so he waited for her to do something else. Perhaps even let him out. Seconds later, one his wishes would be granted, as her tongue would cup him, surrounding him even more by her tongue. Star was trying to figure out if he was enjoying it, the hug cluing her off. And he would indeed, do it again. Again to hold on in case of any sudden movements, and partially to perhaps signal to her to stop. Maybe a mix of both. “So… you enjoy it, human?” she would say, her smooth voice echoing throughout the cavern, him feeling every movement of her tongue as she spoke. She would open her maw wide once more, letting light in, causing him to open his eyes. Framed by her teeth, an image of Star could be seen, mouth agape, slit, violet eyes looking straight down at him. Her head framed by her fire and aurora like mane, her head framing her maw and every detail inside of it. Every droplet of saliva, to the throat that might as well be a portal to another world, looming just behind him. And the tiny human inside of it. He would realize then, that Star was looking in a mirror, his entire form only a small detail in the cavernous maw of hers, which Star would be looking down at. Another shiver would issue down his spine at the sight, equally terrifying as mesmerizing. John was in the maw of a monolithic goddess, the size of a candy to her, her face an evil smile that he himself was a part of. The world would go off balance again, as she spoke once more. “The shiver doesn’t answer my question, human.” she said. The feeling of her just talking was almost overwhelming, with the hot air, filled with the sound of her voice, and tongue dancing intricately underneath him. And perhaps, pleasurable too. A thought would enter his head, and redness would flush his face, at the thought of Star holding him for hours, talking to him all the while. Once it had settled down, he was still looking at Star’s mirror image, which was still looking at him back. After a pause, a short laugh would emanate from her throat behind him. “Well, I do believe I have the answer I was looking for~” she stated. Star knew. “I wonder what it could be that you enjoy just so… could it be the sharp teeth?” she said, closing her mouth suddenly, in a biting motion, before opening up again. He didn’t need to be reminded of the ever present threat. “… soft, warm flesh...” she continued. He could see what was coming next, as Star’s thick tongue would cup him, and curl back a bit, only forcing him deeper into that plush tongue of hers, and causing another shiver on his part. Such a strong, gigantic muscle caressing him ever so softly, being pressed into it’s warm, moist embrace. It would come to end not long after, going back once again to the mirror image. The smile would grow a bit, before Star spoke again. “Or perhaps it’s my voice you enjoy so much.” she would say, before her maw would close again. Her tongue would once again cup and embrace him, even lightly rock him, and Star would begin to hum as she did so. Her deep singing would fill the peach smelling mouth with sounds and vibrations, that he could feel in the warm tongue once again embracing and tasting him. This proved to be a near overload for all his senses, causing the most powerful shiver yet to run down his spine, and for him to close his eyes to hug and embrace the sodden, soft warmth underneath him. The man absolutely enjoyed this experience, no doubt about it. He didn’t care that it was taking place in her maw, he didn’t want it to end. Perhaps being at the mercy of this goddess wasn’t so bad after all. However, as all things do, it all would indeed come to an end, as Star would cease humming, and let her tongue once again rest in a casual state. She wouldn’t open her maw wide again, however, simply letting out another dark laugh. “Very well then. I suppose I can keep you in here.” she said. “In fact, I think you will be sleeping in here tonight, little one.” she added, in an assertive tone, that left no doubt about what she intended for him. Of course, the idea of sleeping inside the very maw of this queen would send another shiver down his spine. The very idea of resting upon her tongue, and waking up to it… It would brew a cocktail of feelings in his stomach, with pleasure and terror being the main ingredients. Perhaps pleasure was the dominant one however, because her tongue was the best bed he could ever ask for. He wouldn’t mind sleeping in here, even it came with saliva instead of blankets. And then it would all begin again. Star knew exactly what she had to do to get to him now, something which she would gleefully take advantage of. The cuddling and rocking with her tongue, the humming and everything would start again, once again overloading his senses, once again making him shiver, and even moan a little bit. He would even rub her tongue with his hands, doing what little he could to pay back Nightmare Star for her time. Naturally though, this kind of overwhelming treatment would become tiring after an extended period of time, combined with the anxiety of meeting her and what he had been doing earlier in the day. Star would be doing this for what felt like an eternity, but in reality lasted only 30 minutes while she did other things. She had accomplished her mission of finding something to eat, after all. After so long, he began to feel very tired, and it wouldn’t be long before Star would sense him relaxing, and his own movement cease, leading him to fall into a deep, restful sleep. Star would cease what she was doing to him as she felt it, there was no need to continue if he wasn’t even awake for it. When he would wake up again, he would still feel tired. He didn’t know how long he had been out for… but sure wasn’t a good night’s sleep either. Three hours maybe? He would be torn from this train of thought when he opened his eyes to see the cage of sharp teeth in front of him. He would quickly pinch himself, thinking he was still dreaming, hoping that waking up inside a giant mouth was merely a figment of his imagination. Alas, the pinch indeed hurt… and the mouth he was in was as real as it was cavernous and slick. He would back away from the teeth in his tired stupor. However, this would only grab the attention of the beast whose drooling maw he was a guest in. “Up early I see, human.” she would say. Again, the strange feeling of her talking while inside of this place would make him shiver, as he put the last piece together. He was in Nightmare Star’s mouth! And he slept in it! Now he was ashamed and terrified. How could he have slept in the maw of a queen like this… well, the answer was she managed to lull him to sleep. He wasn’t sure how to think of it… now as he was beginning to remember what was happening towards the end. Hugging her tongue? What was he even thinking? His thoughts would drift to how to escape this place… And immediately be taken away by Star, whom would resume playing with him in her mouth, starting by talking to him. “I really could do this all day you know. You taste delightful. And I know you enjoy it.” she said, stressing the last part. He felt blood rushing to his cheeks, at both the feeling of Star talking and what she actually said. “You never did answer my earlier question of why you enjoyed it, by the way. Could it be the soft tongue of mine? Or my lovely voice… mmmmm...” she would say, adding vibrations to her maw. Now she was teasing him! He had to admit though… her voice did sound lovely, especially with the surround sound… and softness of her tongue. Making his cheeks only become more red. Especially since Nightmare Star wasn’t just another pony… To his thoughts, Star was oblivious, and even if she wasn’t, she wouldn’t care anyway. “You weren’t out for too long anyway… perhaps you should go back to sleep little human. Inside of me, of course.” she would say, as she began to gently and slowly, roll him around inside of her mouth… again. Naturally, being toyed with like this would send yet another shiver down his spine, but in a good way. Being in the mouth of a goddess certainly had its pros… and perhaps the domination aspect too. Especially since Star wasn’t so… outgoing with it. Like this was normal, and should expected from her. Once Star had hit a lull in her motions, he would roll over to lay on his back. “Or perhaps it’s my breath.” she would say, cupping him with her tongue again, using the tip to manipulate him, and giving him yet another blanketing of sticky, thick saliva. With another “Ahhhh...”, Star would open her mouth, and simply breath on him, letting her warm breath wash over him like waves on a beach. It wasn’t at all an unpleasant feeling… what was unpleasant to him was that he was actively enjoying it. Speaking in a whisper, Star would tease “You know you love this. Little mint...” Combining the breath and talking sensations, and what she was saying all at once. Which wouldn’t help his case at all, of course. Star would then continue play with him. She did notice that the human did feel a little more… wrinkly on the hands and feet, but she didn’t really care. Again, he would find himself pinned up against the roof of her mouth, pinned just hard enough that he couldn’t move much, where she would begin suckling on him again. Just like a mint. Only, much slower than last time. It felt like she was dragging endless miles of velvet and soft and warm across his back, back and forth. He managed to muster the strength to roll over, where it would feel just as delightful as it did on his back. Slowly then, he would begin to fall back asleep again. Star was absolutely right about him enjoying it. It was so warm and relaxing… He might never look at a maw the same way again. Or at least hers. However, Star didn’t intend to keep him in her maw this time. As he was showing signs of drifting off to sleep, her tongue would release him from her palate, and her head would begin to tip back, the man inside too tired to know what was going on. He would slowly slide down the member, where he would wake up just a little as he fell off the back of her tongue. Then wake up a little more as a loud, wet GLRSSHHH sound would sound around him. Things would return to normalcy however, as he felt more flesh moving past him, and all the wet sounds it was making. Though this felt a bit more smooth and tight… Star would watch as the bump he made went down her long, slender neck. He made a dent, but just barely. Only barely larger than the bulge created by her taking a bite of anything else. Soon, the bump would disappear from her neck, but that didn’t mean his journey down was over. After all, being such a tall pony meant it would be a noticeably longer journey into her body, going this way. The human inside was still too close to sleep to notice anything was wrong, of course. Soon, the feeling would stop, and John would find himself on something equally slimy and warm, but odd and wrinkly. It was still soft, though not quite like the tongue of hers. He would open his eyes… and find himself looking at what looked like one of the maps NASA produced of the Sun’s surface, and found that it would compose both the walls and floor he stood on. On one end of the place, would be a pool of some thick looking liquid. The sounds around him consisted of more sounds of liquid, her heart beating and her breathing. If he wasn’t tired at this point, he would realize that he was in fact, inside of Nightmare Star’s stomach, and probably panic again. His concern was more getting back to sleep at this point however, so he made his way over to the nearest wall, and found a fold to embed himself into, eliciting a purr from the alicorn he was inside of, especially as he would be rubbing and shuffling in the flesh to get himself in there. Once he groggily found his place in there, his movement would cease entirely, and he would fall asleep once more inside of his goddess.
Xenoblade 2 (Torna: The Golden Country) - Fuelling an Aegis by: EndercreeperMugen ---------------------------------------------- It had been a very long journey for Lora and her friends what once was a simple meet-up with the hero Addam had turned into a combined effort to stop the Aegis, Malos, with even Prince Hugo of Mor Ardain now being within their party. Travelling across the deserts of the Dannagh region, they finally found themselves at their destination: Auresco, the Capital of Torna and Malos’s next target according to his former driver, Quaestor Amalthus. Lora wiped the sweat from her brow as her party stepped into the grand city, “Whew! We really should’ve listened to what those villagers told us, those monsters were much tougher than I expected!” “I don’t know what you mean, Lora.” Mythra added, “They weren’t any match for me and my powers.” Addam chuckles as he puts a hand on Mythra’s shoulder, “That’s not completely true, and you know it yourself. That overgrown Caterpile really tired you out.” He gives her head a friendly pat, “If it weren’t for Minoth jumping-in, you’d likely have been done for.” “What?!” the blonde Aegis girl folds her arms and pouts, “I was low on fuel, you can’t blame me for that!” “Mythra, it doesn’t matter. We all made it here together, alive and well. That’s what matters most.” “Hmph… I guess so.” Mythra looks to Addam, “When are we meant to be meeting this Tornan King? We’re warning him about Malos’s arrival, should we go right now?” “I get the urgency, Mythra, but look at how late it is. Even royals need to sleep, you know.” Mythra chortles a bit, “Trust me, I’m well aware with how loud you snore.” “Haha! I’ll take that as a compliment.” Addam turns his attention to Hugo, “Hugo? Would you say our best bet is to rest at the inn until morning?” “It would certainly be a wise move. Best to explain the situation to the king once we’re well-rested.” Hugo replies, “He must be aware of just how dire things are. Even a small slip on our end would be bad.” A small groan is heard for Addam’s side as Milton pouts, “But Mik an’ I want to explore some! We just got ‘ere an’ all!” Mikhail sighs as he quietly speaks-up, “…I guess.” “Oh, you do?” Mythra smirks as she tries to hold back a giggle, “I’d be glad to take you boys around for a while, if you’re on your best behavior.” “Would you really? Thanks, Mythra!” Addam smiles happily. Mythra’s eyes go wide with surprise, “W-Wait, no no no! I wasn’t being serious!” “Ah well, master Addam said it was fine. So quit being stubborn an’ take us for exploration already!” “Grrr… quiet, Milton!” Mythra pouts at Addam, “Addam! You better not make me do this!” He chuckles and shrugs, “Hey, you offered. It was awful nice of you to do so, too.” Milton hugs onto Mythra’s arm and starts dragging her off toward the shopping district, “Bye-bye, master Addam! We’ll be back before it gets too late, we promise!” “HEY! Let go of me, little brat!” Mythra scowls, “ADDAM!!!” The rest of the group watch as Milton drags Mythra off, Mikhail innocently and quietly following them. Once they were practically out of view Jin turned to Addam, “Master Addam, I must ask why you let Milton drag Mythra away with him. It’s late the children really should get all the rest they need.” “You see, Jin, Milton is very much full of energy. All the time. Letting him tire himself out is harmless enough, no?” Addam scratches the side of his head and nervously laughs, “Besides, now we won’t have to put up with Mythra’s… err, unique cooking.” “…fair enough, master Addam. I shall take charge of the cooking tonight, then.” Jin looks over to Aegeaon, “Unless you had plans already, Aegeaon?” “Not at all, Jin. More of your home cooking would be marvelous.” “Right. Then let’s get settled at the inn before I sort out what’s for dinner tonight.” “MILTON!! You’d better unhand me right now!” Mythra’s protests could be heard by all nearby, though most of them just though she was ridiculous for telling off a little boy who seemingly had control over her. “Quit ya whining, we just wanna explore fer a bit!” Milton exclaims with excitement, finally releasing his grip on Mythra. “What about Mikhail, huh? You just dragged him into your dumb little plan as you always do!” “Mik wanted to come along! I didn’t force ‘im!” Milton looks to Mikhail, “Tell ‘er, Mik! Tell ‘er!” Mikhail shrugs slightly, “…I dunno, seemed interesting.” “Ugh! Well, whatever. I’m now a part of this mess, too. Better I just get it over with so I can finally get a night’s sleep.” “Jeez…” Milton rolls his eyes at the Aegis girl, “With how much ya make your jaw work, I’m surprised ya ain’t hungry yet.” “HEY! Shut your mouth, you-“ Mythra stops as Milton’s words give her an idea, a small smirk spreading across her face, “Y’know Milton, you’re right. I am feeling hungry~” “Oh, dear Architect... Please don’t tell us yer cookin’ the dinner.” “For one, my cooking is great. There’s no denying that. For two, don’t fret. I’ll be the one eating, not you boys.” Milton gives a bit of a confused look, “Yer not gonna do what I think, are y-” Mythra proudly holds her hands to her hips, “I’m doing PRECISELY what you’re thinking, dear little Milton!” “Hm?” Mik looks over to Milton, “…what exactly does she mean?” “It’s, uhhh… pr-probably best ya didn’t find out. Mythra, don’t y-” the gormotti boy’s eyes widen with shock as he saw Mythra run off further into the city and soon out of his sight, “Oi! Mythra, get back here! Addam will be really mad if ya do this again!” The boys ran off after Mythra who they assumed couldn’t have gone far, and they were right… although, that was rather unfortunate as they turned the corner, the boys laid witness to the Aegis girl with multiple pairs of flailing legs slowly disappearing down her throat and into her already large and actively squirming stomach. “MY-MYTHRA!!” Milton shouted, “You’re a right ol’ pig, you know!” Mik sighed as he looked down at the ground with an annoyed expression, “Here we go…” Mythra gave Milton a sly look as she swallowed the last of her feast, covering her mouth as she belched, “Buuurppp!~ Pardon me. Humans are always tasty,” she pats her massive out-in-the-open stomach, “shame none of them realize it’s an honor to fuel the Aegis, right?~” “Ugh!” Milton gives Mythra an angry glare, “Maybe they don’t like it because most people don’t wanna be food fer a gluttonous monster!” “Hey! I’ve already told you, I’m an Aegis and I need to fuel myself somehow!” Mythra folds her arms and pouts, “Sometimes normal food just doesn’t cut it, alright?!” “You just ate like… a lot of people in less than a minute!” Mythra smugly giggles, “If you want to be specific, it was six lovely and delectable people~ Almost a nopon, too, but she ran off after watching me devour her customers.” “SIX?! Architect almighty, good you get anymore piggish?!” Milton soon after found himself lifted-up by Mythra, now given a close-up view of her smug grin. “Hey! Put me down, Mythra!” Milton kicked like the child he was, trying to get out of Mythra’s grip. “What? You asked if I could get anymore piggish. And this is my answer to that… a seventh morsel~” after a small lick of her lips Mythra began to open her mouth and bring Milton closer and closer, until… “Mythra! Just what are you doing?!” Looking in the direction of the familiar voice, Mythra panicked upon seeing Jin staring her down. In an instant, she shut her mouth and hugged Milton close. “O-Oh, Jin! I was, uhh… giving Milton a nice little hug, a-as he asked!” Milton blushed as his head was cushioned against Mythra’s large rack, “No you weren’t, liar! I was on a one-way trip to yer stomach!” his words were rather muffled as he struggled to escape Mythra’s tight hug. Mythra sighed with defeat as she continued to confront Jin, “…how long have you been standing there?” “Since you mentioned having a ‘seventh morsel’.” Jin responded as he approached the gorged Aegis, “By the looks of this stomach, you don’t need anymore. Not that you should’ve eaten any of these poor souls to begin with!” “Well, sorry for needing to keep myself fueled…” Mythra pouted. Jin pulled Milton out from Mythra’s grip and held onto his hand, “I’m willing to let it slide this one time if you let me take these two back with me for dinner. You can… stay here, and get rid of…” he pointed at Mythra’s squirming stomach, “…that. Got it?” Mythra’s content smile quickly returned, “Sure thing, Jin! Just tell Addam I’m sightseeing and we’ll have no quarrel at all, OK?” “Understood. If I ever find out you’ve done this again, though, I’ll be telling master Addam no matter what.” “Oh, have some faith in me! I’ll restrain myself from here on out, promise!” “Very well, then.” Jin turned and took hold of Mik’s hand, “We’ll meet you back at the inn when we’re done. We’re in the room furthest down the hall.” Mythra waited until Jin and the boys were completely out of sight before smirking to herself now that she was all alone, she could freely get as much “dessert” as she wanted to go with her dinner. Most of her meal had already gone soft, and she would love to have the feeling of squirming meat from within her stomach once again. Turning behind her, she set sights on the palace and royal gardens. She whispered to herself as she pat her squishy stomach, “Might as well try some royal cuisine whilst I’m here~”
A flash of lightning slammed down outside the window, failing to distract the only occupant of the room as she read a magazine, sitting comfortably on a thick chair. Next to her was an open door that she could glance out of if need be, a reception desk directly in sight while next to her sat two monitors on a desk, both of them showing the reception area not immediately visible. A soft hum escaped her lips as she un-crossed her legs and sat up, gently placing the magazine down and standing up. “Another stormy day...” she said quietly as she left the room, taking a stand at the reception desk and calmly resting her arms on it. Dressed in a warm red suit, with long brown hair down her back matching her eyes that softly glanced at the front door of the building, she allowed a smile to drift onto her face while waiting patiently for someone to come in. Her name was Juliet Swallow, current owner of the Flightless Swallow Inn and a very well-liked woman in the town that surrounded the large, three-story building. The building was built over one hundred years ago around the mid-point between two distant major cities by her great-grandfather, and with the support of people he had connected with the inn had grown in popularity and eventually became a frequent location for many patrons attempting to cross from one city to the other during rainfall periods. Around the time of her grandfather, he had agreed to allow several people to build houses around the inn, which had turned the building from a lone location into a small town that was hit with storms and rainfall now and then, most often during the spring and summer months and occasionally during the middle of autumn. The town known to the city dwellers as Midway due to its location became well-known for its farmland and fertile ground, often having visitors from the cities to make cheaper purchases. “Miss Swallow?” a voice caught her attention, bringing her out of her musings. Standing next to the reception desk was one of the employees, a young adult several months short of turning twenty. “All three rooms on the second floor have been fully cleaned.” He announced, dressed in a pair of navy blue jeans and a long sleeved black t-shirt. “Thank you Adam.” She replied warmly, the teenager smiling in response. “The windows are open to air the room are they?” Adam responded with a gentle nod. “Then that will be all.” Adam bowed politely, a trait installed into him by his parents, before taking his leave and leaving Juliet alone with her thoughts. Although she was in her early forties, Juliet had only married once to a man some twenty years prior, and had been blessed with a son no more than a year later. She thought that her life could not get any better after inheriting her father’s inn, with her son growing up into a handsome young man and her husband working hard to bring in extra income. Sadly, it was not to be as she had lost her husband and son one day, when the power plant a good deal out of the city had a meltdown during a ‘bring your child to work’ day event. The resulting news had made her horribly numb to the world for well over a few months before she began to get better with frequent support from both her family and the townspeople who knew her. Since that day Juliet had devoted herself to the inn, cutting off contact with any of the men or women who showed an interest in her romantically, making sure every room was thoroughly cleaned for anyone who wished to stay. Very few men or women had tried to show an interest in her romantically, and she had told them rather bluntly that she wasn’t looking for any form of love right now. Thankfully those who did show an interest in her had never returned to the inn. Shaking her head and snapping out of her thoughts Juliet turned to look at the wall of keys she had behind her, the colour-coding of the rooms letting her know which rooms were available and which were occupied or being changed up. “Nine and ten are in need of a repair, twelve is being fixed tomorrow...” she muttered, eyeing up the other floors. “Fifteen is being renovated and eighteen has a damaged window.” Turning away from the wall of keys her attention was caught by the opening of the front door, a teenage girl no older than eighteen poking her head inside. “I’m looking for the local inn. Is this the building?” she asked politely, her soaked, blonde hair doing nothing to help her. “This is the inn, come inside.” Juliet replied warmly as the girl’s expression changed to a relieved one before entering, a slight frown coming onto Juliet’s face as she stood there lightly shivering, dress in a simple long sleeved t-shirt and jeans. “Is anyone else with you?” “Yeah, my twin sister, my mum and uncle will be here in a minute. They’re just sorting out the car.” Juliet gave a simple nod before grabbing a warm and dry towel from under the counter, slipping out from behind it and handing it to her. “Is the weather always like this here?” “Very often.” confirmed Juliet with a small smile, walking back to the reception desk at the sounds of voices approaching and slipping behind it as she saw the rest of the family come into view. The other sister of the teenage girl was almost the exact same except for one key difference, both girls shared Heterochromia in opposing eyes, and the girl with the towel had long hair while the other had short hair. Watching as the other teenager grabbed the towel and used it to dry her hair off; Juliet turned her attention to the woman who approached the reception desk. Messed up make-up coated her face, ruined by the rain outside, with her hair soaked and a disgruntled expression on her face did little to boost Juliet’s immediate opinion of her. “I would like a room. Please.” She said, with the last word sounding a little forced. “A bedroom for four?” replied Juliet pleasantly, the woman responding with a single nod. “Your total will be seventy-five pounds, everything included.” Juliet watched as the woman took out her purse from her bag and took out her purse, handing over the correct notes to pay for the night. “Thank you. Let me get you your key...” quickly turning around as she slid the money into the register she grabbed a key for the third floor and removed it from its hook. “Thank you.” The man said as he took the key from her. “Will it be possible to have our clothes cleaned tonight for the morning time?” “Bring down the lining basket with your clothes in and I will have them washed and cleaned by tomorrow morning.” Juliet informed them, knowing she could do that herself and have Adam prepare their dinner and breakfast. “There is a menu as to what you would like by the front door of your room. Tell one of the employees your meal requests and they will see to it.” “Thank you.” The man replied warmly, his smile slightly hidden by his moustache and beard. He looked quite similar to the woman, having the same eyes and hair colour, but he was much more muscular and was dressed casually over smartly like the woman was dressed. “Come on kids, let’s go to our rooms and get settled.” “Okay Uncle!” they both replied with a smile, looking much drier as the long-haired teen returned the towel to Juliet, thanking her before the four were gone up the stairs to their bedroom. Juliet watched them go with a soft smile before walking into the back room, placing the towel into a basket there with a large bag in to be washed later. Leaving immediately after the dark-haired woman made her way to the staff room, located on the same floor but exactly opposite the stairs that lead up to the upper floors, and was a frequent location by the employees when no-one was around and there were no jobs to be done. “Adam!” Juliet called out as she entered the room, the twenty-year-old pausing from the desk he was at to look at her. “We have guests staying at room fourteen, a mother, her twin girls and her brother. They paid for dinner and breakfast, and would need their clothes washed. I’ll take care of the clothes and you take care of the cooking.” “On it.” said the young man as he got to his feet, placing down the pencil in his hand. Quickly passing by her and disappearing out the door to get to work Juliet felt a smile drift onto her face, as there was hardly anything to do around here when the stormy weather came rolling in and even doing someone’s simple chores was more fun than doing nothing. Taking her leave of the room before her thoughts began to wander Juliet made her way to the washing room, named as such for the fair amount of machines ready to be used to clean a staying customer’s clothes. The room was divided into four sections, the washing machines to the back-left, the tumble dryers to the back-right, ironing boards to Juliet’s left and a fairly sized hanging area with hangars sat to her right. Walking quickly over to the washing machine she pressed a few buttons on two of the machines, setting each machine up for a different temperature cleaning, and pouring in some cleaning powder and a bit of fabric conditioner to help clean and freshen the clothes up. Juliet had no problems with staying up late, she was a light sleeper and a hard worker, so staying up until a silly time in the morning was relatively normal for her. Preparing the tumble dryers after was simple enough, setting them for a good hour-long spin that would easily dry anything inside them while an ironing board was already set-up to get rid of any creases. “Now I just have to wait until the washing basket is brought down.” Juliet said softly, letting a smile come onto her lips. Sure enough, after a good fifteen minutes of waiting, there was a knocking on the door that prompted her to go answer, and standing outside were both teenage girls wearing a dry change of simple clothes with the washing basket between them. “Come on in.” She told them both, moving out of the way to give them space to enter. “Our mum made us do this.” The short-haired sister told the older woman. “We got a little restless in our room.” “Do you mind if we go for a walk around the hotel?” the older haired sister asked politely. “Feel free to explore, however!” Her words brought smiles to both of their faces before they faded a little. “Just avoid going into the kitchen, Adam dislikes distractions when he’s cooking.” Both teens fervently nodded and quickly shot out the door, leaving Juliet with a soaked basket of washing. “Well then, time to get this underway.” A few hours later Juliet yawned softly as she stretched her arms, having just finished ironing out the last piece of attire brought down, a white shirt that was long-sleeved and stainless. Quickly grabbing a nearby hangar she slid it into the sleeved shirt and lifted it up by the top, walking over to the hanging area and neatly placing it on a bar. “All finished.” She said pleasantly, looking happy that the job was done. Placing her hands on her hips she took a moment to admire her work, the clothing hanging there looking perfectly neat and tidy without a single crease anywhere in sight. The underwear, bras and socks were sitting on a unique rack designed to hold them, with small clippers tied to a metal bar while the clothes were given their individual hangars, all of them hanging on a nearby bar that had a small gust of wind blowing upwards to get rid of any odours or smells. “Now then, time to go and get some rest.” She said to herself, removing her hands from her hips and making her way to the door. Grabbing the keys to the room she pulled open the door and slipped out, turning and locking the door afterwards to prevent anyone from trying to sneak in and steal anything. “Those girls might be awake still...” she mused, a little thoughtful as she began walking back towards the reception desk. Walking past it and down the small hallway right next to the stairs Juliet heard Adam’s soft voice come from the staff room, surprise etching onto her face as a female voice came after his, followed by another that confirmed both girls were still awake. Walking to the door and carefully pushing it open, she saw both girls had taken a seat on the couch while Adam was sitting at his desk, facing them while relaxed. “Oh! Juliet!” Adam spoke in surprise, immediately standing up. “The girls couldn’t sleep and came to seek me out since I wasn’t doing anything.” “Don’t worry Adam.” said woman replied warmly. “You should go and get some rest, it’s gotten late.” The young man gave a nod and bid farewell to the teenage girls before disappearing out of the door. “So, neither of you could sleep?” “Not really.” The short-haired sister replied. “Especially not with our mum in the room.” added the long-haired sister. “Do you not get on with your mum?” Juliet asked, a small amount of curiosity seeping into her tone as she sat down in Adam’s chair. “We don’t.” Short-hair admitted, sharing a glance with her twin. “She’s turned into a real... bitch, to say the least.” “She expects us to do all the chores in the house because we’re ‘of age’ to be doing things.” Long-hair added, sounding a little angry. “And she sits around all day, not helping or throwing snide and snarky remarks at us.” “That’s not right.” Juliet confessed, sounding very displeased. “That’s nothing like the family I...” her words trailed off as she realized she had almost said something she didn’t wish to bring up, and shook her head softly in response. “Memories?” asked the long-haired sister, making Juliet nod. “We won’t ask if you don’t wish to say.” It took Juliet a moment to compose herself before she exhaled a breath of air. “My family...” she began. “I had a loving husband and a son. Seven years old. My husband was working in the Power Plant some miles out of the town, and brought along our son to work on a family day.” She gripped the edges of the chair, doing her best to stay composed which wasn’t working as well as she’d have liked. “While they were there... an incident occurred which took their lives and... many of the plant workers and their children.” She finally told them after a moment, her control slipping as her eyes became misty. “We’re sorry to bring up bad memories.” Spoke one of the girls as Juliet stood up, walking over to the other desk to grab a bit of tissue. “It was insensitive of us.” “It’s not your fault.” Juliet said as she composed herself, feeling as though a weight had come off of her shoulders while walking back to her seat. “I’ve... not had the chance to talk about it...” “Would you like to?” short-hair asked her. “We don’t mind listening.” Juliet felt her heart somewhat skip a beat, as she’d never had the chance to fully open up about it to anyone, not even Adam. “I’d like that.” She told them with a gentle but warm smile, feeling a small amount of warmth for the first time in many years spread through her. And so Juliet began recalling her tale, starting from the beginning as to how she and her deceased husband had met. She told both girls about his frequent visits and how he had captivated her with his kind-heartedness and charismatic words, and had shared a few laughs and jokes with them both as the tale went into the humorous parts. As the tale moved into her pregnancy both girls couldn’t stop smiling warmly as Juliet described each moment she had felt, including the day when her son had come into the world. The wedding tugged on Juliet’s heart strings the most, but she told the girls about it and they were fantastic listeners, making her laugh a few times with a few comments and remarks about a couple of the people there. Moving on from the happiest day of her life, Juliet had continued the story about the day-to-day activities leading up to the eventual Power Plant situation that had taken her family. “Ever since I recovered, I turned my attention purely to the inn and keeping it running.” She finished, both girls softly nodding in understanding. “Thank you both for listening to me.” “We’re happy to have helped.” Both girls spoke in unison, beaming warmly which Juliet returned, feeling as though a huge weight on her shoulders had been lifted. For a brief moment, none of them spoke as Juliet couldn’t help but feel so much better. “I guess we should go back to our room before our mum gets any ideas.” The long-haired sister spoke, looking towards her twin who nodded in a dejected manner. As the two girls stood up Juliet did so as well, her mind made up. “Girls, it wouldn’t be a good idea to disturb your mother at this time.” She told them. “Why don’t you stay with me tonight?” Both of them shared a glance before the older sister spoke. “Are you sure? We don’t mean to impose...” she replied a little bashfully, the older woman waving it off. “Well... okay.” Juliet couldn’t suppress the light grin on her face as they stood up and left, locking the room behind them before walking back towards the reception area. Both girls were slightly surprised as they walked back the desk and down the easily miss-able hallway right next to the stairs, hidden well by the wallpaper that almost gave the illusion there wasn’t a route there. Opening the door and beckoning both girls inside Juliet followed them in, closing the door after with a warm smile. “This is my bedroom.” She told them as they glanced around, a large bed before them with a wardrobe to the left and a door to the right. “Only one bed?” the short-haired sister asked, looking at Juliet puzzled. “It’s much larger than the ones we’ve slept in...” “I have a question for you both.” The two girls turned to face Juliet, looking mildly curious. “How would you like to become my children?” Both girls froze at that question, completely taken off-guard by what Juliet had just asked. “Excuse us?” the short-haired sister replied in a shocked tone, disbelief written all over her face. “Become your... children?” “My family has a special... skill, of sorts.” Juliet began as she calmly walked over to the wardrobe, taking off her jacket and slipping it tidily onto a hangar. “We can pull someone within our womb and de-age them back to unborn babies.” She told them, turning to face them as she slowly unbuttoned her shirt. “But... I won’t do it if you’re unwilling.” “We would love to be your daughters.” The long-haired sister told Juliet who felt her heart skip a beat. “Just tell us what we have to do.” Very carefully Juliet began to unbutton the women’s shirt she wore, slowly letting it slide off and reveal her upper body in its full form, her chest being a little larger than average for a woman of her age. “Firstly... you have to strip.” She told them as she began undoing her trousers, dropping them to the floor to reveal her white knickers that covered her womanly area. Both twins felt heat flush into their cheeks as they looked up and down Juliet’s body, partially mesmerized by her athletic frame and her toned body. Attempting to blink away their blushes they began to carefully undress, removing their matching white t-shirts first to reveal their thin but lightly athletic frames, their chest covered by a bra that matched the t-shirts they wore before they was removed, revealing their average-sized breasts to the older woman. “This is... a little embarrassing...” the short-haired sister admitted, her face getting redder by the moment as she slowly undid her jeans, letting them drop to the floor with her sister’s trousers doing the same. “We’ve never...” “Stripped in front of someone?” Juliet finished as she teasingly began to remove her knickers, making both girls blush even harder as she dropped them. The two could only respond with a nod as they slowly started to remove their knickers, trying their hardest to calm their blushes as they stood nude in front of her seconds later, covering themselves with their hands to keep what little dignity they had from being lost. “If I am to pull you into my body, I have to be at the... height, of pleasure.” Juliet added, looking a little embarrassed as their faces turned bright crimson. “So we... need to...” the short haired sister’s words died in her throat as she looked at Juliet’s waist, mentally wondering how that was going to happen. “Um...” “Sis, let me... start.” The long haired sister said as she walked towards Juliet, stopping in front of her before leaning forward and capturing the woman’s lips with her own, her hands immediately sliding onto her hips. Juliet was caught by surprise for a second before she began to return the soft kiss, lightly tasting her lips and slowly slipping her arms around her, bringing her close so they were touching body-to-body. Within seconds their hands had begun to gently explore each other’s body, Juliet’s hands finding the teenage girl’s butt and giving it a good and pleasurable squeeze while the teenager had found Juliet’s breasts, and was softly beginning to massage and play with them while they continued to kiss. Any initial embarrassment the long-haired sister had was now gone, and the warm feeling that was spreading through her at the thought of becoming this woman’s daughter was driving her to do absolutely anything for her, regardless of what she was doing or had to do to cause that to happen. Slowly her hands left Juliet’s breasts and slid around to grab her butt firmly, hearing a soft but pleasant moan from the woman before she broke the kiss for a breath of air. “That was... amazing...” she breathed before Juliet did the same, inhaling a much needed breath of air. “Keep going...” Juliet’s words compelled her to kiss her on the cheek before trailing a line of them down to her neck, softly tackling the skin there with her tongue and getting a soft but pleasurable moan from the woman as she did so. “Oh... yes..!” she heard as her tongue continued to pleasingly attack her neck, a moan escaping from her own lips as she felt her butt be squeezed firmly in response. The short-haired sister could only watch as her twin slowly began to move down Juliet’s body, planting kisses and soft licks down the older woman’s skin that continued to turn the woman on, if her expression of pure bliss on her face was anything to go by. One hand slipped into her twin’s hair as she passed by Juliet’s belly button, another moan of uncontrolled arousal making herself feel warm from within, semi-torn between joining in and letting her sister have all the fun first. “Oh! Mm...” came Juliet’s moan as the long-haired twin arrived at her womanhood and began to slowly lick it, one hand sliding around to just above her behind while the other slid to her thighs, gentle caresses nearly making the older woman’s knees weak. The long-haired sister wasted no time in attending to Juliet’s vagina, her tongue softly teasing it with tip-touches before she softly licked her clit, a gasp of surprise making the older woman begin breathing hard. Trying her hardest to control her climax from coming so quickly Juliet grabbed a handful of the long-haired teenager’s hair as she kept going, finding it increasingly tougher to resist as the teen’s tongue pushed inside of her slightly. “I’m... close..!” she managed to breathe out as she could feel her body beginning to shift, her birth canal already beginning to slowly expand to swallow the teen up. Juliet groaned in pure pleasure as she finally climaxed all over the girl’s face, soaking her face and a bit of her hair with her cum as her vagina started to slowly expand, her hand on the teen’s head lightly pushing her towards it in preparation to be pulled in and reborn as her daughter. Bucking her hips forward as her climax finished she felt the sensation of the teen’s head slip into her easily, her body ready to accommodate its new occupant as her head vanished from view, bulging out her lower gut. The short-haired sister watched, stuck somewhere between amazement and arousal, as her twin sister’s nude form slowly began to be pulled up into the older woman. Her neck disappeared seconds after her head vanished and, with a little moving of Juliet’s legs, her shoulders slowly began to slip inside as she saw the bulge of her sister’s head push out a space she immediately knew was her womb. “Mm...” was all Juliet could say as her vagina continued to suck the girl up into her womb, feeling her shoulders begin to slide up her birth canal. A soft but pleasurable moan echoed from within her womb, and she placed a soft hand on the growing bulge as more of the long-haired teenager was drawn in, her arms and fairly sized boobs slowly disappeared into her, bulging out her gut little by little as more was engulfed. The long-haired teenager loved every second of the warm depths she was being pulled into, and was offering no resistance as she slipped in deeper. A warm blush had crept up onto her face as she felt Juliet’s hand softly rub against her head, giving her just that small comfort that everything would be okay and nothing was going to go wrong. A smile came over her face as her arms slipped inside, and to her brief surprise the feeling of being loved and cherished swept through her, something she hadn’t felt for a good few years which had forced her to grow and mature. Juliet watched as the short-haired sister could only watch in awe, her twin continuing to be sucked into her womb and bulge out her gut more, going far past the simple appearance of pregnancy. “You’ll be joining her soon...” teased the older woman, which snapped the short-haired sister out of her trance before she blinked several times rapidly, her face turning crimson in embarrassment again as she saw her twin’s hips finally vanish into Juliet and left her legs hanging outside. The short-haired sister continued to watch in fascination as her twin’s legs were slowly slurped up, Juliet’s bulging belly going far past twins and becoming equivalent to triplets or more. Inhaling a breath as the expanded gut hid her sister’s feet from view, Juliet’s warm moan of delight told her that her sister was finally inside her and comfortable. “I believe it’s your turn.” She said with a dreamy and pleasant smile. “Could I... do it from behind you?” the short-haired teen asked, knowing she’d have no way of keeping that gut above her. “Of course.” Was Juliet’s reply as she carefully waded over to her desk, being big enough for her to lean over with ease. Gently bending over and showing her clean pucker and soaked vagina the teenager calmly walked up to her and bent down, getting onto her knees softly to prevent herself from getting uncomfortable. Gently placing her hands onto the older woman’s firm butt she gave it a soft squeeze and leant forward, gently beginning to lick out her soaked vagina and taste her juices, which were rather nice-tasting in her opinion. Hearing a soft moan from the older woman she continued her soft attack on her womanhood, easily touching her clit with her tongue which only served to rekindle the woman’s dropping arousal. Juliet couldn’t resist the soft moans that were continuing to escape from her throat, the heavy arousal she had felt before un-birthing the first twin and during so was beginning to return to her. A light blush crept up her face as she felt the short-haired girl’s tongue penetrate past her vagina lips and attack within, sending brief sparks of pleasure through her that did nothing to tame the arousal from coming back in full force. “You taste... delicious...” the short-haired twin whispered just loud enough for Juliet to hear, making her blush even harder as she began moving slightly forwards and backwards, trying her best to draw out the pleasure before she pulled the girl into her to join her twin. Another moan echoed from her throat as she felt her butt be playfully slapped, each cheek receiving a firm whack followed by a good groping from the teenager’s hands that only helped her with getting closer and closer to climaxing a second time. Already having felt her body shift some to accept another occupant Juliet’s second climax hit no longer than a moment later, her birth canal and vagina opening up just enough for her to accept the second twin, who lapped up as much of the juices splashed onto her face as she could before pushing her head forward and into her, bulging out Juliet’s lower body slightly as she began slipping inside. In contrast to the first sister who went in relatively slow, the second sister was a good bit quicker to be pulled into her, the thought of being reborn as this woman’s daughter only serving to make her smile happily as she was swallowed up by her hungry vagina. Beaming happily as her twin was already curled up and fast asleep, her eyes noticed a fleshy cable that had automatically connected to her twin’s belly button, telling her that she was most likely already in the process of having her body de-aged back to infanthood. “Thank you, Miss Swallow.” Juliet heard the short-haired twin say as she felt her hips slide up her vagina, the warm feeling of having a family again keeping a happy smile on her face that would probably not go away until the next morning. “Just sleep my children.” The woman replied as she rubbed her larger gut, which had now expanded well past triplets and was hitting quadruplets if not quintuplets while keeping one hand on the desk for balance, not that she needed it with her gut hanging low to the ground and stopping her from moving anywhere else. “Just rest...” Letting out a soft moan a moment later as Juliet felt her vagina close up as the second twin’s feet slipped inside, she remained there for a few more seconds before slowly standing up from her bent over position. Carefully taking a step back from the desk she glanced at herself in the mirror and beamed at her nude form, already seeing her gut beginning to go to work on de-aging the twins within back to newborns. Releasing a breath of relief she didn’t know she had Juliet carefully and slowly made her way to the bed, lifting up the quilt and sliding underneath cautiously. “Now how am I going to stay warm?” she questioned, giggling to herself as she tried to, and failed, place the quilt over her swollen gut that was slightly beginning to shrink. “I can manage.” Drawing the quilt up to cover her legs she bit back a groan at having to change the sheets the next morning, but right now she was too tired to care, and closing her eyes sleep came very quickly to her. The next morning Juliet awoke with a smile as she felt soft sunlight beam through the windows, the memories of the night before hitting her as her hand shot to her gut instantly, realising it had shrunk down to the right size for twins. “I am... really a mother again.” She said to no-one in particular, the warm and content feeling spreading through her that she could not resist. Carefully getting out of bed she walked over to the wardrobe and took out her pregnancy work-clothes she had hand-made for her from the local tailor, which served to be similar to her work clothes, however the jacket lacked any buttons and the shirt covered only her chest and arms. “I can shower tonight.” She said to herself before taking her leave of her room, bumping almost immediately into Adam. “Wow Juliet!” he exclaimed in surprise and a little awe. He knew about her ability and had nothing against it, but would never tell anyone about it unless Juliet told them first. “Congratulations!” “Thank you Adam.” She smiled warmly to him. “Would you take care of this morning?” he nodded almost on reflex and took off at a speed she’d never seen before, biting back the giggle threatening to escape her throat as he was gone before walking calmly to her reception chair to take it easy for the day. Within moments of sitting down she heard footsteps come down the stairs, her eyes glancing to see the Uncle of the family walk over. “I happen to be looking for my nieces.” He told her, his tone sounding even and calm. “And I know you know where they are.” “They are right here as my children.” Juliet replied, her pleasant tone doing little to calm the man down. “They told me the story of their father.” “Their father was a cheat and a liar who ran off with another woman and came crawling back to us.” The man explained with his eyes narrowed. “And both of my nieces I had every intention of getting them away from their mother.” “And they have gotten away and become my children.” Juliet reasoned. “Isn’t it best for them to have a new life? One where they’re happy or happier than they would’ve been?” the man didn’t respond, giving a slow nod of agreement. “I would have liked to be notified or told before something like this happens.” His response made Juliet lightly raise an eyebrow, a small expression of understanding on her face. “I have lost my own family in the past and I cannot bear to lose any more of what is important to me.” Juliet opened her mouth to speak but paused, opting to avoid the confrontation before it got out of hand. “I will not mind you coming to visit them once in a while.” she told him, feeling a slight kick from her womb that she couldn’t help but smile more at. “That is... more than I was hoping for.” He said looking a little relieved and a fair bit happier. “I was known to the girls as Uncle Ross.” “And you will still be their Uncle Ross as long as you visit from time to time.” The man nodded in gentle agreement and acceptance, a look of happiness on his face that Juliet knew was one he couldn’t fake. “You go back to your bedroom and I’ll send Adam up with breakfast.” “I shall. And you have my sincere thanks.” He said before returning to the stairs and disappearing from view, leaving Juliet alone with her bulge she couldn’t resist softly rubbing. “Oh you girls...” she whispered happily. “You make me the happiest woman alive.”
Jenny and the Cheerleaders Jenny walked down the school corridor. She held her books close to her ribs. Her velvet globes squished into her chest. Her lovely red hair hanged down in a long tidy ponytail. All the guys watched her bounce slowly as she walked past, she wasn't bothered or even interested in them for she was a lesbian and proud to admit it. Every now and then she'd flash her green eyes and smile beautifully at an open jawed guy just to make them turn away and wish she wasn't a lesbian. Once jenny had reached her locker, she opened it and put her books away and picked her biology book out for her next lesson. She laid it on the floor. Jenny quickly tied her loose shoelace as well before closing her locker. Leaning at the side of her was her best friend, Rudi. Jenny and him had been friends since Pre School, Rudi didn't care that Jenny was a lesbian, he actually defended her on many occasions when she was first admitting it. They were all quickly silenced and strangely disappeared when jenny invited them over to her house so they could apologise. Jenny always seemed happier and bustier the next day. Rudi of course knew what had happened to them for it was his idea. Jenny was in an excellent mood again, she also had to leave her bra at home as well. It was yet again too small for her lovely boobs. She swept the fluff off her stretched v neck top and sorted out her skirt. She picked her assets up in her hands and sorted them out making them look pretty and presentable for the head cheerleader yoke who she sat next to in biology. Rudi watched as Jenny did all this and then finally spoke. "So, how was last night?" Rudi laughed to himself quietly, jenny just smiled. "Excellent. Jake and Lacy certainly didn't know what hit them. It felt great. Look how big they've grown". Jenny lifted her boobs up and basically shoved Rudi's head in the never ending cleavage. He finally lifted his head from the velvet pillows. "Lovely and soft, milk filled as well. Does a body good" Jenny sorted her boobs out again. "You know, you really should come and watch one day. It’s an amazing sight seeing their faces and hearing their plea’s." Rudi thought to himself and then answered. "I might just do that" The bell rang and everyone started to rush to their next lessons. Rudi waved goodbye and said he'd meet round Jenny's house later. Jenny took a deep breath and readied herself for biology. If she wanted to impress yoke, she would have to be as calm and beautiful as possible. Yoko wasn't one of the nicest of people, but damm was she pretty. Lovely long brunette hair, killer smile, shining eyes, a pair of breasts even Jenny wished she had and a curvy ass to finish the beauty. Jenny like most of the boys had a serious crush on her and would give anything just to be friends with her. But Yoko had been really mean to Jenny in the past even before she revealed she was a lesbian .Yoko obviously wasn't a lesbian but it didn't mean she wasn't bisexual and Jenny was positive she could prove it. Jenny was the last in the class, she quickly took her seat next to yoke who was wearing her uniform. The teacher quickly walked in, Mrs Thatch. It was quite funny really, Mrs Thatch was teaching the class about sex and pregnancy and she was pregnant. She said she got knocked up on a one night stand, not that anyone really believed her though, she was a bit strange. Mrs Thatch unpacked her books and started to write on the board, she wrote only one word, Sex. She quickly sat down and put her hands on her big belly. "Okay class, Sex. What is it?" It was really stupid, she was teaching a class where nearly every single member had had sex before, they weren't seven they were nearly 20.Ashly the blonde bimbo put her hand up, she was also a cheerleader and very pretty, but very very dumb. "Yes Ashley?" She stood up and smiled. "I know what the answer is" Mrs Thatch put her hand on her head. "Go on then" Ashley quickly brushed her uniform off. "Sex is great" She quickly gave a wave to her lover mar while the class sniggered at her answer. Some nodded in agreement. Mrs Thatch stood up, again placing her hands on her belly. "Yes it may be great, but what shouldn't you do?" Yoko put her hand up this time and stood up quickly. Jenny just stared at Yoko’s stretched jersey. "You shouldn't get drunk and get up the duff on a one night stand miss" Mrs Thatch didn't look happy. "Sit down Yoko, I’ll see you after class.” Jenny didn't like that for that was when she was going to ask yoke if she needed help with her biology essay and therefore earn Yoko’s trust. Yoko also didn't like that. "Oh c'mon miss, take a joke." Mrs Thatch had made up her mind. "Seems not, you’re staying." About halfway through the lesson, Mrs Thatch noticed that Jenny's eyes almost never stopped staring at yoke, she smiled and thought to herself. "Jenny, see me after class as well. I need to speak to you" That didn't bother Jenny, she was smart so had no reason to worry. Mrs Thatch liked Jenny anyway for they were related. Jenny’s teacher was also her aunt. Jenny still kept staring at yoke until she was finally caught by Ashley who was putting on make up. "Quit staring yoke you queer." Jenny quickly looked away and pretended she hadn't done anything. Yoko sat there with her mouth open quite shocked. "What?, Oh my god. The queer has a crush on me oh my god." Jenny started to look quite embarrassed and upset as the class laughed. Mrs Thatch quickly stepped in as she was walking around the room. She stopped at Yoko’s desk. "Knock it off yoko" Yoko stared at the belly of her teacher, it seemed to move but not like a baby's movement, something else. After a minute or two she thought nothing of it. Jenny was still upset about what the two cheerleaders had said. Finally the end bell rang and everyone ran out except Jenny, Yoko and their teacher. Ashley was the last to leave. "Have fun with the queer yoko" The teacher again intervened. "Go home Ashley" She quickly ran off to catch Mark. Mrs Thatch stared at the two girls. There was silence for a couple of minutes as she looked at them both, then she spoke. "Now Yoko, your grades have been slipping. If this next essay isn't good enough you will fail. Yoko was not at all pleased. "Oh my god, that’s not fair. If I don't pass this i can't be a Professional model, which is so like not right." Mrs Thatch just continued. "I was thinking that you might need some help. Jenny could help you with your essay, you might even pass. "Why the queer and not someone else?" "Knock it of Yoko. Anyway, Jenny is the smartest in the class I’m sure she'll help you." Jenny nodded in agreement. "Yeah of course" Yoko thought for a second. "Okay but on one condition, that we do it round her house and the cheerleader squad can get help as well." "That depends on what Jenny say's" The cheerleader squad, that meant eight of the most popular and prettiest girl's around Jenny's house. They weren't a big fan of queers and jenny knew it would probably end with either tears or missing people posters. But she decided it was the only chance she would get. She could always dispose of the rest of the squad anyway. "Yeah sure, that’s fine. My parent's are away for the weekend, we could do it then." Yoko said fine and was allowed to go. Jenny stared at her big bellied aunt who smiled wickedly at jenny. She like Rudi knew Jenny's secret. But Jenny also knew about her Aunt's gift which Rudi didn't. "Thanks for the help Aunt Natalie, I was waiting for an opportunity like that." "Glad I could help, what are you going to do about the rest of the girls?" Jenny had to think. "Well, if things get out of control I’ll just have to turn them into meals. It’s not just my boobs that are deadly" Jenny licked her lips and quickly rubbed her sex. "There's more than one way to dispose of them, speaking of which how’s Robby doing?" Jenny poked her aunt's belly and watched it squirm. "He’s doing fine, certainly a feisty one but he'll make a nice baby" Rudi walked in suddenly as he saw Jenny poke her Aunt's belly repeatedly. "Hi Mrs Thatch, hey Jenny" Mrs Thatch shook her head. "I told you to call me Natalie, Rudi. You’re basically family. It’s alright. Rudi smiled and rubbed his spiky hair. "Sorry, I just keep forgetting, Ready Jenny?" "Yeah i'll just grab my books." Natalie reminded Jenny not to forget to tell Rudi about the plan for he was going to be the one which made sure things didn't go out of control.....again. "We don't want another accident like when Janice the math's teacher disappeared." That certainly was hard to cover up when Jenny came into school with a big belly and had to pretend she was pregnant. It confused a lot of people when the belly disappeared after a couple of days. Jenny had to lie again and said she was only wearing a maternity jacket to show what it's like to be pregnant, most people bought the lie but Ashley didn’t. There was a good reason for that for she ran into Jenny's belly and heard the strange gurgling sounds that echoed inside it. It took Ashley a while to work it out but she figured it eventually. Luckily for Jenny, she kept quiet. "Well i'll try to be more careful this time in case anything goes wrong Aunt Natalie" Rudi and Jenny left the big bellied Natalie to clear up. "Your aunt's pregnancy sure is developing fast, when’s he due?" Jenny stopped for a minute "How did you know it was a he? "I was listening, it doesn't matter. I had a feeling your family had some more tricks up their sleeves. You know how good i am with keeping secrets" Rudi winked. It was true, he was good at keeping secrets. He’d kept Jenny's breast skill a secret for a long time. It’s a good job as well because Jenny didn't want to have to take care of Rudi, she liked him to much to turn him into breast flesh. The two walked down the now quiet corridor and discussed the plan. Rudi would visit Jenny on the Saturday morning and stay over night. When the cheerleaders came that same Saturday he would stay out of sight until he heard Jenny in distress where he'd make sure no one escaped or struggled when Jenny was taking care of them. Rudi would have his phone To call Natalie just in case things got really out of hand. Hopefully Rudi and Jenny would be able to take care of the eight of them. There was only one day till the weekend which meant Jenny had to fast herself for the time until the cheerleaders first started to arrive. There would be snacks luckily if everything went fine and dandy. Jenny had a serious feeling it wouldn't though. Which meant she would have to devour the one she had a crush on along with the other seven.This would be difficult for Jenny only really focused on increasing the size of her breasts. She rarely swallowed anyone and it was an even rarer occasion when she unbirthed someone and saved them for another time, but she wouldn't have much choice because there was no way seven busty cheerleaders would fit in her velvet girls even over a period of time. There would be too much milk and her mammaries would be more of a burden than delight. Jenny went to bed as soon as she got home. She’d need a lot of strength for the big day in case anything went wrong, she really wished nothing bad would happen. She put her pink nighty on. It barely fit now, she would hate to see what would happen if she had to take care of the cheerleader squad. Quickly she clambered into bed and closed her eyes. Instantly she could see pictures of herself. Pictures of her with really big boobs and a huge wriggly belly. As beautiful as it looked, it scared Jenny. Although she loved to send those that had been nasty to her through her body and grow prettier from their expense, she didn't want to devour Yoko. Jenny really did love her and it wasn't just a simple crush, she really meant it. Jenny would just have to look on the bright side, Yoko would either be with Jenny as a lover or as part of her body. For Jenny it really was a win win situation even if she didn't wish to admit it. Jenny awoke to rudi staring over her figure. She was shocked but this wasn't the first time he'd done it, he had the spare key anyway. "Hi Jen, get ready for school. You’ve got P.E today" Jenny quickly got ready. P.E was her favourite lesson, not because of al the sport but it was when the cheerleaders practiced in their gym uniforms. It was indeed a nice sight especially for someone like Jenny. She skipped a shower, Jenny would just shower with the rest of the girls at school. Quickly Jenny grabbed one of her mum's bras, luckily it just fit. Rudi threw Jenny a top and her jeans to wear. He dashed out the room while she dressed, they were good friends but not good enough to dress in front of each other. Rudi respected Jenny's lust for privacy. Jenny put her red thong, denim jeans and constricting top on and grabbed her bag from Rudi's hand when she walked out the door. The two quickly stepped into conversation. "So Jen, you ready for tomorrow?" "Think so, snacks are all made up for tomorrow. It was hard not eating anything though. I’m really hungry" Rudi smiled "That’s good, if the whores give you any trouble you'll be in the right mood to take care of them" "I guess you're right Rudi" Jenny thought about Rudi's relationship with the cheerleaders. "You want them taken care of, don’t you rudi?" "Hell yeah, they deserve it. They treated me really badly when we were younger, they kept calling me lard lad" "Well you were bigger then Rudi, still at least they can't call you that now" Rudi luckily wasn't chubby anymore. He actually worked out a lot and tried to shove it in the cheerleaders face at any given opportunity. "Times have changed Jen. Just remember though, I’ll be there if you can't handle it or you need help, anyway i wouldn't miss something like this". Rudi laughed to himself. Jenny still hoped she wouldn't have to devour the seven girl squad. Seven was a big number. The two madly rushed to school and parted. Rudi had a history final to do. So Jenny was on her own for the rest of the day. She made her way to the gym hall where most of the girls already were. The Squad was also there. She smiled and walked past them, they just stuck their noses up and looked away. Jenny was starting to like the idea of devouring some of them if not all of them. Yoko spoke to Jenny in her usual attitude. "So, queer, you ready for tomorrow?" Jenny looked none to happy at Yoko’s remark. "Oh yeah, everything’s ready. Don’t forget to in the evening. We can all have dinner round mine" Yoko smiled "Good, make sure it's salad though. Can’t mess up this glorious figure now can I?" Jenny smiled even though she didn't mean it. "Let me worry about dinner i'll get everything sorted out for your arrival" The cheerleaders walked off and changed into their uniforms as did the rest of the class. The lesson went as well as could have been expected. Jenny just stared at the cheerleader squad, mostly at Yoko. She was fantasising about the two being lovers but that quickly changed when Yoko pushed her over purposely. The lesson seemed to fly by and the girl readied for the showers. Luckily the showers were split into smaller sections so that there was more privacy. All the cheerleaders showered together. Only one other girl showered with Jenny and that was Cassie. Cassie want the biggest of students, she was more of a stick and a real book worm. She also wasn't one of the most popular girls in the school, her only real friend was Jenny. "I heard the cheerleading squad were studying round your house tomorrow. Bit dangerous isn't it? "What do you mean, Cass? "Well....They're not exactly nice to you are they?" "Oh I’ve got something special planned for them, it’ll be all right." Cassie smiled "What, you going to eat them or something?" Jenny didn't say something and tried to change the subject but Cassie was persistent. "You are aren't you. You’re going to try and eat them, that’s not possible or right" Cassie turned off her shower and started to walk past Jenny in disgust of the idea. Jenny knowing that Cassie would blab quickly Jenny reacted and grabbed Cassie. She put her hand over Cassie's mouth so not to alarm the others. "Sorry Cassie, but I know you'll just tell everyone and i can’t let you do that" Jenny quickly removed her hand and engulfed Cassie's head. Cassie wriggled but she couldn't do anything about it, she was pretty weak. Jenny’s eyes twitched from left to right making sure no one was coming. Her lips slowly creeped over Cassie's wet figure, her small breast's quickly passed Jenny's lips followed by her bare sex and then her legs. Cassie’s figure barely made an imprint in Jenny's throat, just a little bulge here and a wriggle there. Cassie’s feet flicked up and down but Jenny quickly swallowed them. Jenny’s meal rested in her stomach. Cassie didn't make a huge bulge but it was noticeable, especially seeing as it was jiggling around on its own. "Well there goes my idea of fasting, sorry Cassie but at least you know swallowing someone else is possible" Jenny's belly wriggled in protest. She heard the other showers start to turn off and knew she couldn't let anyone see her in this condition. Jenny ran for one of the toilet cubicles, her boobs flailed around nearly hitting her in the face and Jenny's belly bounced around uncontrollably. Cassie sure was having a ride. Jenny made it just in time. She slammed the door behind her. Miss Edmunds the P.E teacher heard the bang and went to investigate. "Jenny are you alright in there?" Jenny quickly locked the door and placed her hands on her bulge trying to stop it from wriggling. It was hard because Cassie was feisty for she knew what would follow, digestion. "Yeah, uhh, I’m fine I’ve just got a, ooooh, bad tummy that's all, aaahh" Miss Edmunds was convinced even though the sounds Jenny made sounded more pleasant than painful. "Well if you're sure, stay in there for a while and if you still feel ill go home." Cassie kept kicking Jenny from the inside, Jenny had to quiet her noises and hold the pleasure in. "Okay, Miss Ooohhhhh" Jenny was left alone as the rest of the girls got dressed and left the gym. Jenny sat on the toilet seat and rubbed her belly. Her sex started to drip with juices from Cassie's movement. Jenny breathed heavily, still soaking wet from the shower and now very turned on. It wasn't long before Jenny let out a gush of juices and bucked from the pleasure. She sat there exhausted and dripping wet, her belly still jiggled from Cassie. "This is not good, how am i supposed to explain this bulge to the whole school?" Jenny had only one option and that was to speed up her digestion. Her hands rubbed the wriggly bulge hoping to speed it up. Cassie slowly stopped moving as acids seeped into the her squishy prison, then the fear really kicked in.Cassie struggled as much as possible but the lack of fresh air and the now stinging acids was taking it's toll on her. Jenny still decided that digestion wasn't happening fast enough. Even though she didn't feel too happy about herself for eating her friend she was glad she had food in her belly. Jenny started to jump up and down hopefully to cover Cassie with digestive juices and increase the rate of digestion, she didn't have any other ideas. Jenny’s boobs bounced up and down as did her belly. The sounds of sloshing could be heard from her breasts as well as her belly which now finally stopped squirming. Cassie had slipped into consciousness never to wake up. Jenny secretly thought she was a lesbian as well and only wanted a piece of Jenny, seems like Jenny was the one to get something. Jenny placed her hands on her now squishy gurgling stomach. There was no movement from the prisoner. "Sorry Cassie but i couldn't let you tell everyone about my special secrets. It’s a girl eat girl world." Jenny still wasn't happy with the bulge and decided to jump up and down more to hopefully break down her stomach's contents. Luckily it worked and the remains of Cassie worked their way into Jenny's digestive tract. Her belly finally started to look smaller even though there was still a bit of a bulge. "Finally, maybe i can get home and get everything ready" Jenny quickly dried off and put her clothes on, her slight bulge of a belly was barely noticeable, barely. She ran from the Gym to meet up with Rudi who was patiently waiting at the gates. He noticed Jenny's wet hair. "What happened to you?, I’ve been waiting for ages." Jenny put her hand on her slight bulge and looked to the ground "I had a bit of a problem in the showers, that’s all." Rudi noticed the slight bulge. "Alright, who did you eat?" "Cassie, she was going to tell everyone about my secrets" "Hey it's a girl eat girl world, it was either you or her." "I know but she was my friend, it doesn't make me feel any better" Rudi tried to think of a good answer. "At least your body's ready for some big meals" "It might not lead to that" "You know it will Jen" The two of them didn't speak until the Saturday morning Jenny awoke early to rid her body of the remains of Cassie, she shed a slight tear as the toilet flushed but it quickly ended when the doorbell rang. Jenny rushed down the stairs as fast as possible, again her velvet globes nearly knocked her out. She quickly opened the door but found it was only rudi. "Expecting someone Jen?" "Don't fool around Rudi, this is important" Rudi shook his head "You know it's going to end up with the whole squad pleading for their lives as one by one they disappear" "I have to make an effort, I don't want to devour Yoko. No matter how pretty she is and how nice she'd taste" Jenny started to lick her lips in delight but quickly came back to reality. "You know you want to Jen, you can't deny it" It seemed Jenny really wanted Yoko inside her completely. It seemed ever more likely this is what would happen. "I brought a couple of school books to make it look like I’m going to be studying" "Like you study Rudi" Rudi laid down on Jenny's couch and smiled. "Hey, there’s a first for everything" Jenny shook her head joyfully and went to make the two of them a couple of milkshakes, the perfect drink to get the breast milk flowing. The day seemed to slowly pass. The two of them just watched Jenny's TV and joked around. Jenny’s belly rumbled loudly, she instantly put her hands to her belly "I'm really hungry Rudi, I need foooooooood" Suddenly the doorbell rang "Sounds like your wish came true Jen" Rudi jumped to his feet, grabbed the school books, threw them to the floor and quickly ran to grab the snacks from the fridge. Jenny sat there for a couple of seconds and didn't think to positively. "Oh oh, I’m starving and eight busty cheerleaders are coming round. Not good, I won't be able to resist." She quickly ran to the door and opened it to let the seven whores anywhere was the right word. Each was dressed sluttier than the next. The skirts seemed to get shorter and the tops seemed to shrink and torture the eight sets of boobs.There were nipples her and bare sexs there. Jenny liked what she saw, she really liked what she saw, that could be seen from the slight drool dripping from her open mouth. "Stop it Jenny, nasty thoughts" The squad walked in and instantly made themselves at home. One of the cheerleaders, Danni, noticed Rudi's books on the floor. "Who else is here?" "Oh just Rudi, no one else." Another of the girls spoke "Rudi, oh my god. What’s he doing here?” "He’s my friend and he's going to help us with the studying" "Whatever, I only need to pass biology so I can get into the playboy mansion. You have to at least fake you’re smart see" Jenny really hated the girl’s attitude, maybe she'd have to take a trip through Jenny's boobs. One cheerleader wouldn't hurt, would it? Rudi walked in with the snacks, salad like Yoko said. He tried to smile and talk politely even through he detested every single one of the cheerleaders. "Here you go ladies, some snacks to tide you over" The girls just replied with hateful names and sarcastic comments. "Whatever reject. At least you can be a butler when you flunk school" Rudi gave a quick glance at Jenny when he put the snacks down. His eyes basically said hurry up and get rid of them. Jenny tried to ask the squad what they needed help with. "So, what do you need help on?, the environment, evolution, sex and reproduction......." The girls laughed. "God Jenny, like we need help with sex, we’re cheerleaders. Guys practically beg us for it." Jenny was really starting to get annoyed, not to mention very hungry. The girls started to take some of the salad and crackers. Jade took a couple of bites from a cracker and shivered from the taste. "Yuck, what are these?" "Just normal crackers that’s all" "I need to wash my mouth out, where’s your bathroom queer?" Jenny's face was a picture of pure hatred for Jade. She tried to keep her cool. "It's upstairs, let me show you Jade" Jenny stood up and started to walk up the stairs the skimpy dressed slut slowly followed. Jenny was just thinking to herself, one won't hurt, she isn't that well liked after all, one won't hurt. Jenny had made up her mind, Jade was going in Jenny's velvet sphere's and that was final. "There it is Jade" Jenny spoke nicely through her teeth and pointed to the bathroom door. Luckily it was a big bathroom. Jade walked in and Jenny quickly sneaked in as well without her prey seeing. Jade only noticed when she peered into the mirror did she know that Jenny stood behind her. "Oh my god, what are you doing you queer?" Jenny smiled evilly. "Something is should have done a long time ago you slut" Jade was shocked and about to leave, Jenny quickly grabbed her and locked the door. "I don't think so baby" Jenny pushed Jade into the bath and ripped her clothes off, then she took her own sweater off revealing her bare globes. Jenny grabbed the now bare Jade and before she could speak was engulfed by the smooth cleavage owned by Jenny. "This is for all the pain you've caused me and Rudi, no one liked you anyway. Not even Yoko" Jade wriggled to try and get free but she was rapidly losing air. "Now now baby, no one will miss you, just think you're going to a better place" With that final sentence Jenny pushed Jade's head into her left nipple, her head disappeared from sight. Jade’s body immediately spasmed from the warm cosy feeling. Jenny’s milk covered her face and ran down her throat. Breast milk was a very potent mixture, especially Jenny's milk. Jade’s breasts began to visibly swell due to the white warm liquid. Her nipples hardened and her sex leaked. Jade’s body still spasmed from the feeling of warmth and comfort. Jenny grabbed her curvy ass and pushed Jade further into her awaiting home. With a big push and some milky lubrication, Jade’s boobs disappeared through Jenny's nipple with a pop. The hard part was over. Jade’s legs and arms flailed everywhere. Jenny’s face went red with pleasure as Jade gradually disappeared from the outside world, her breasts still growing from the beautiful tasting milk. Her imprint could now be seen from inside Jenny's breast. Jade’s sex now slowly disappeared from view, it reacted quickly to the warm milk. Jade was quickly running out of energy, the milk had taken its toll on her as well as her body. Jade’s legs quickly followed her sex and finally her little feet disappeared. Jenny held her wriggly boob and rubbed it. "Now you calm down and turn into milk like a good girl" Jade's sex filled with Jenny's milk, the feeling was over powering. Her orgasm was building up rapidly, aided by her beach ball boobs and milk filled sex.Her hands darted all around splashing at the milk and pure feeling of pleasure from the experience. Then it happened, Jade released her final orgasm. Jenny’s boob nearly imploded from the movement. Jade wriggled with her final feeling of pleasure, it was a thousand times better than anything her Jock boyfriend could deal out. She gasped from the ordeal as her body finally became numb and slowly turned into the milk that had pleasured her so. Jenny’s breast slowly shrunk and sloshed as it moved. The two globes soon equalled out. Jenny held her breasts in her hands, they sloshed with milk that was once jade. "'Let's hope she's the only one that gets on my bad side today or I’ll be putting on a lot of weight." Jenny left Jade's clothes in the bath, she’d dispose of them later or get Rudi to do it, it depended on what would happen. She quickly put her sweater on and ran down the stairs, her new bigger and milkier breasts sloshing and jiggling slowly. To make it look like Jade had left the house, Jenny quietly opened the door while the others were distracted by Rudi. Jenny closed with a slight bang after shouting bye to the imaginative Jade. Jenny walked back to where the group was, Ashley spoke up. "Where did Jade go, queer?" "The crackers didn't agree with her and she went home and please don't call me queer" Ashley smiled "Alright queer" Jenny thought to herself, no one will miss two, another won't hurt it is just Ashley after all. "I'm just going to get a drink, anyone want one?" Most of the girls put their hands up, Rudi came to help make them. The two walked into the kitchen. Rudi was curious. "So, Jade.....any good?" "Well I can't complain, but there's been better." Rudi poked Jenny's breasts, they sloshed with the poke. "Nice and milky then, so who's next?" Jenny knew it was wrong to get rid of another of the squad but she wouldn’t mind adding a bit more milk to her boobs. "Ashley, she’s next" Rudi smiled "Good, the blonde bimbo can finally learn what biology's all about." Jenny forced a weak smile, she was doubtful the bimbo would fit in her milky boobs but she'd damm well try. The two hurriedly took the drinks through to the girls. Jenny waited for the right opportunity. When everyone had finished the drinks she asked Ashley to help her take the glasses through by bribing her to do her biology work. It worked, but that was to be expected from a girl who had an IQ lower than a glass of water. The two walked into the kitchen, Jenny closed the kitchen door behind her and silently locked it. She turned to Ashley, a wicked smile on her face. "Ash, how long have we known each other?" It took a while for the blonde to answer "Like since nursery, Queer" "Well Ash, you’re still as dumb as you were then and you there is only one way you'll get smarter" "And what’s that queer?" "Becoming milk in my breasts" "What the hell does that mean Que......." Ashley was cut off as Jenny silently and stealthily grabbed Ashley covered her mouth and pulled her sweater off. Ashley was shocked and tried to wriggle free but like Jade wasn't strong enough. Jenny whispered into her next victim’s ear. "You're going the same place as Jade, you won't be missed either. But at least I’ll look better than you" Ashley wriggled but still she could not break free. Jenny aimed her nipple over Jade's head and within a matter of milliseconds, her head was gone. Ash’s body wriggled from the ordeal. Like Jade the milk rushed down the throat of the victim, instantly the cheerleader’s already big bust expanded with milky goodness. Jenny reached down and pulled Ashley's clothes off, a slight rip was heard but that was it. Ashley gasped from within the velvet milk filled dome, her breasts increased in size rapidly. It was a good job Jenny ripped her clothes off or there could have been serious problems. Milk started to drip from the huge boobs, a small puddle soon appeared on the floor. Jenny slowly pushed the quivering female into her breast. Ashley tired to wriggle and escape but her pitiful attempts only aided in her body disappearing faster. It was not long before the pink painted nails of Ashley disappeared from sight. Jenny’s boob wriggled and jiggled furiously. Ashley could not hold the feeling of pure pleasure in any longer as her body slowly started to turn into milk. With a matter of seconds Ashley's build up of pleasure was released in one huge gush of juices. It was a good job Jenny's breasts were thick and soundproofed or the game would be up. Jenny’s face turned bright red as Ashley slowly gasped heavily and slipped into darkness. Jenny rubbed her swollen breast, Ashley’s figure soon turned to milk thanks to Jenny's fondling of her own breast. She held the two globes in her hands, they were much better than before. A drop of milk eased its way out of Jenny's nipple, she quickly licked it up. "Lovely flavour, tastes like cheerleader juices" She gave a slight giggle and pulled her sweater on again, it only just fitted but the strain caused her milk to leak and two wet patches formed where her nipples were. Jenny unlocked the door and walked back to the group. They all stared at the two wet rings on her sweater. Danni spoke up again. "Uhhh, where is Ashley? "She's gone to get some milk from down the road, Yeah. She went out the back door" The girls looked at Jenny at bit suspiciously, Ashley wouldn't do that she was just too dumb. Something was wrong. Two girls gone without saying to any of the others, strange. Still life went on. Another of the girls spoke up, Melissa. "You Lesbian, where’s the bathroom?" Jenny didn't decide to dispose of her, she had enough milk as it is. "Up the stairs, first door on the right, you can't miss it" "Whatever" Melissa got up and headed for the bathroom, suddenly it hit Jenny. Jade’s clothes were in the bath, Melissa would surely blab. Quickly she ran after Melissa after saying she needed the bathroom to the rest of the group, Rudi was left to deal with the remaining 5 cheerleaders, Yoko, Danni, Trish, Rita and Jodie. He hated every single one of them but it made him feel good that two had already bit the dust and another was soon on the way. Jenny slowly creeped up the stairs hoping to catch Mel off guard but it didn't work. Mel was leaning against the bathroom door holding Jade's skimpy clothes in her hand. "Where is she?, thought you said she went home?" Jenny had to think "I gave her some clothes cos she felt cold" Mel didn't buy it "Yeah right, where is she really?" "I'll tell you Mel but first I’ve got something to show you in my room" Jenny quickly led Mel into her room, she had only one option left. "So what do you want to show me then, lezzy?" Jenny pulled her sweater off and revealed her two velvet globes to Mel. "This is where Jade is" Jenny held up one of her boobs "And this is where Ashley is" Jenny held the other squishy sphere up" Mel looked a bit confused "Right, so where am I going?" "Well how about my belly?" "Wait, what the hell is wrong with you?" Jenny winked and gave a wicked smile. "There's nothing wrong with me, it’s you that’s the problem you just look to good a meal to miss" Mel started to walk back but could only walk so far back, Jenny’s room was small and would soon seem a lot smaller. "Don't worry Mel, it’ll be fine. You’ll love it in here." Jenny rubbed her belly beckoning Melissa. The victim just stared onwards pressed against the wall, overcome by fear she said nothing. Jenny slowly approached and with quick movement grabbed the cheerleader’s slutty clothes and ripped them from her body. Mel stood there naked, her eyes only focused on Jenny's. Jenny caught Mel off guard and lunged at her, the two fell to the ground. Mel hit her head on the cabinet and was knocked out, it was the perfect opportunity for Jenny for it meant she could take her time on the latest and hopefully the last victim for the night. Downstairs Rudi heard the bang and quickly ran upstairs to see if everything was alright. He peered into Jenny's room to see her mouth over Mel's feet. Rudi pushed the door open and watched. Jenny heard the creek the door made and smiled when she saw Rudi. She beckoned him to come closer and get a front row seat. Rudi laid on her bed and watched with open eyes. Jenny's lips slowly moved over Mel’s ankles and soon her knees. The victim’s legs made a bulge in Jenny's throat more than what Cassie had done. Slowly less and less of Mel was seen from the outside world. Jenny’s lips creeped over Mel’s bare sex,the cheerleader gave a shudder when saliva and sensitivity met. Jenny continued devouring the poor girl slowly. Her throat stretched to it's limits as Mel’s hips made their descent down Jenny's throat. Now it was Jenny's favourite part, the breasts. Her tongue licked and stroked the smooth globes but only for a minute or two, Jenny’s lips slowly moved over the two melons of flesh with difficulty but soon the two globes were off to a better place along with the hard nipples at the end of each. The two like Mel's hips made a bulge in Jenny's throat. Mel soon entered Jenny's stomach, it started to stretch and bulge accepting it's new prisoner. Finally Jenny's lips closed over her victim, Mel started her descent to her final resting place. Jenny licked her lips as Mel finally rested in her belly, she soon woke up from her sticky surroundings and panicked. Jenny held her belly and quietly spoke soothing words to it. "There there baby, it’ll be alright. You won't suffer for long" A negative response was all that followed, her belly jolted and bounced as much as possible but Mel was doomed. Rudi jumped from the bed and looked at the big bellied Jenny. He laughed slightly. "Bet that feels nice Jen" Jen nodded in agreement. Rudi prodded Jenny's belly gently, it was like she was pregnant and could feel the baby moving. Rudi heard footsteps approaching, quickly he ran for the door, closed it behind him and tried to stop whoever it was from coming up. Danni watched as Rudi tried to stand at the top of the stairs casually. Out of the eight of the cheerleaders, Danni was the smartest and she knew something was up, Danni was also the one Rudi had a crush on when they were younger and it hadn't really gone away. Danni blushed her eyes seductively at rudi. "What are you hiding baby? Rudi eyes looked left and right "Umm nothing, why?" "I know you Rudi, you’ve always been a bad liar" His eyes kept twitching towards Jenny's room. "What’s in that room, Rudi?" "Just Jens room, that’s all" Danni slowly made her way up the stairs and pushed through Rudi and stopped right outside Jenny's closed room. "Are you sure you don't want to tell me what’s happening?" Rudi shook his head "You wouldn't believe me if I told you" Danni ignored what Rudi said and opened Jenny's door. Rudi was waiting for the scream of horror but it didn't come.Danni looked around and saw nothing, then as quick as a flash, Danni’s upper half disappeared down the gullet of Jenny. Danni struggled from what had happened, her legs flailed everywhere. Jenny held her victim tight in her mouth. Danni’s clothes soon became drenched from Jenny's saliva. Jenny swallowed as quick as possible for she knew Rudi was having difficulty watching. Jenny quickly sucked up Danni's arms, then her hips and finally her legs and feet, Danni was pushed into her final home with the scared Mel. The two screamed and wriggled in fear but it did them little good, it only helped their digestion as the acids seeped in. jenny placed her hands on her massive belly. Rudi forced a weak smile. "I'm sorry rudi but you said it yourself, it’s a girl eat girl world." "I know Jen, she just seemed the nicest out of the group, still at least she won't bother anyone again except maybe your digestive system." The two laughed, Jenny’s belly wriggled from what Rudi had said. "So there's four left, whose next?" "I'm hoping there won't be a next" Rudi looked disappointed "It's going to be hard covering up the disappearances of four girls, if you take them all out no one will say anything." "True, but I’m getting a little full, where would I put them?" "There is that little safe haven in between your legs, I’m sure a couple could go up there, I guess another could go up your butt. Don’t know about the last though" Jenny had no plans on devouring all of the girls, she wouldn't take care of Yoko, at least not straight away. The two had to think of how they could pull it off, Jenny couldn't just walk downstairs and show the remaining girls where their friends had gone. Rudi would have to lure the girls into Jenny's room and then it would be up to Jenny. But first it was Rudi’s job. He walked to the top of the stairs and called to Trish and Jodie. "Hey Trish, Jodie can you come upstairs for a minute, Jenny needs some help bringing something down and Mel and Danni can't do it on their own." The two girls slowly walked up the stairs hoping to see Danni and Mel, they would but it wouldn't be how they imagined it. Rudi smiled at the two, he seemed very smug with himself. Rudi just couldn't believe it was so easy to get rid of the cheerleader squad. Rudi pointed to Jenny's room. "Their in there, you can't miss them" The two girls opened the door and to their surprise saw the bulging belly of Jenny, she smiled wickedly. Jenny lay in front of them completely bare of clothing. Rudi pushed the two girls in to Jenny's room and held one back as Jenny grabbed the other. "Let me show you where you'll be going in a minute Jodie" Jenny pushed Trish to her knees and placed her head near Jenny's sex. Trish wriggled but she could not move. Jenny slowly pushed Trish's head into her awaiting slit. Trish bucked from the ordeal as juices sprayed her face. Jenny smiled with pleasure as Trish moved further into Jenny's body. Her clothes soaked with juices stuck to Trish's skin. Jenny gasped slightly as Trish's breasts disappeared through her sixthly rubbed the inside of Jenny's birth canal, the feeling was exotic. Trish’s hips soon squeezed through Jenny's hole, Trish exploded with pleasure as her sex touched the inside of Jenny’s. Her victim was worn out from the pure feeling of pleasure, Trish laid there slowly disappearing into the warm and wet cavern. Jenny’s quivering lips soon closed over her prey's delicate feet. Trish was pushed into her captor’s womb, she slowly drifted to sleep from the calming beat of Jenny's heart. Jenny lay there, her sex squirting juices as she became accustomed to her new girth and stretched womb. Jodie looked on in sheer terror, she had just see one of her closet friends disappear into the sex of another woman, she was aware that two of her friends also rested in the now still belly of Jenny. Jodie knew she was next and there was nothing she could do about it. The squad had been reduced to three, soon it would be two and then only one. Rudi pushed Jodie forward and down to her knees ready to enter Jenny the same way Trish had. Jenny pushed herself forward as much as possible to grab Jodie from Rudi. He quickly left the room to keep an eye on the final two. Jenny slowly raised herself up from the ground and pushed Jodie to the floor. Jenny held her belly as she steadily balanced over the cowering Jodie. Jodie looked up to her captor, tears leaked down her blossom cheeks. Her eyes were filled with pure fear and sadness. Jenny laughed under her breath. "This is for the grief you have caused so many, you and your pack of skanks deserve everything you get" Jenny grabbed Jodie and shoved her whole head up Jenny's dripping sex,the female wriggled and bucked to get away but Jenny clenched and Jodie slowly stopped moving, the pressure caused Jodie to black out. "At least you won't have to worry anymore, you won't remember anything when you're my baby" Jenny eased Jodie’s still body further into her sex, clothes and all. Every now and then there was a twitch from Jodie, the warmth was taking its toll on her. Jenny eased over her breasts, like with Trish they rubbed the inside of Jenny's canal. Jodie had very wide hips, this proved a problem for Jenny as she struggled to get them through but eventually they pushed through. Jenny quickly Sucked up Jodie's legs and feet and sent yet another cheerleader to her final resting place. Jodie snuggled up beside Trish. The two slowly forget everything they had once known as they became Jenny's babies. Jenny stood up slowly, her belly and breasts wobbled as she tried to balance. She looked at herself in the mirror. "God, I’m as big as a cow, cheerleaders really do have serious effects on a woman’s body" Jenny giggled slightly and waited for the next victim, Rita. Rudi watched the two cheerleaders as they quietly talked about the latest cosmetics and who on the football team was the best in bed. He heard a slight bang that was the sign that Jenny was finished. "Hey,Rita......" Rita stood up and looked at Rudi "What ? Loser" "Jenny want's you to go upstairs, she’s got a surprise for you. "Great, I so love surprises" Rita dashed up the stairs and flew into Jenny's room that was waiting. Yoko and Rudi were left alone downstairs. "Rudi, why don't you come and keep me company?" Rudi walked over and sat by Yoko. "You know Rudi, you actually look quite nice, I bet you'd love to get a taste of me" Rudi tried to look away.......... Rita flew into Jenny's room only to be grabbed by the waiting Jenny. She compressed Rita with a huge hug and then dropped her. Rita fell to the ground, she tried to catch her bearings from the hug. Jenny smiled. "There is only one place you're going Rita" Jenny stood over Rita and crouched down, only just being able to balance. Her butt hovered over Rita's head and with one quick push, Rita’s head disappeared into the small hole. It wasn't the nicest of places to go but Jenny had run out of options. Rita tried to pull her head out of Jenny's ass but without luck, Jenny sucked up the girl, her face went bright red with strain. Rita was slowly pushed into Jenny's body and out of sight, it was taking its toll on Jenny but she knew it would be worth it. Rita’s breasts soon disappeared along with her hips. Jenny had never done this before and the feeling was ecstatic for her, Rita was feeling a lot different. She was being compressed and pushed into Jenny's digestive tract and then forced into her belly. Jenny had to stop and gasp for air, Rita wriggled as her legs flailed and hands swayed about. Jenny took a deep breath and continued with her meal. Rita’s hands soon disappeared along with most of her legs. Jenny gave one final deep breath and Rita was sucked completely in, she slowly moved through Jenny's intestines to be reunited with Mel and Danni. Jenny lay there gasping for air as she felt Rita move. "Wow....that was..... Amazing" Jenny agreed she'd have to do that a lot more often. Jenny lay on her floor for a while adjusting to her new feeling. Her hands moved all around her body, she touched her big milky boobs and stroked her huge still belly. Yoko was all that was left, Jenny would give Yoko a choice. Either be her lover or her slave, either way Jenny won. She sighed with joy and satisfiment. Jenny would look pretty damm fine when she'd finished digesting, her babies would look beautiful as well thanks to all the milk they would be getting. Half an hour passed and Rudi didn't come check up on Jenny. She heard Yoko shout up to her which got her attention quickly. "Jenny, come downstairs. I want to tell you something" Yoko's voice sounded sincere and regretful. Jenny thought Yoko was going to finally admit that she loved Jenny. In the sudden rush of joy, Jenny quickly got up and forgot about her appearance, she carefully descended down the stairs and walked into the living room. Yoko was sitting down with her back to Jenny. "Hello, Jen. Did you have fun?" Jenny looked confused. "What do you mean?" Yoko stood up and faced Jenny, Jenny was taken back form what she saw. Yoko stood there naked, her hands rubbed her belly which was bulgy and big. She smiled wickedly. "Did you really think you were special?" "Where's Rudi, Yoko?" Yoko shook her head "Are you really that stupid?" Yoko bounced her big belly and stroked the imprint of her victim. "He's right here, he just couldn't resist trying to get a taste of me. I got a taste of him instead and boy was it nice. But you didn't starve either, did you Jenny?" Jenny shed a tear, her best friend lay in the belly of the one she loved. "Thanks to you Jenny, I’ll have to get a whole new cheerleading squad" Jenny just stared at Yoko's belly and cried, it slowly stopped moving before her eyes. "Oh,there goes Rudi, don’t be sad Jen you can always join him, no in fact you will join him" Jenny looked at Yoko's face. Yoko licked her lips and walked towards Jenny. Jenny didn't move, she had lost all faith. Her best friend gone in the belly of her hoped lover she just didn't care anymore. Yoko on the other hand did, she wanted a meal and Jenny was more than suited for the job. "Don’t worry Jenny, you’ll be reunited with Rudi soon enough, you’ll be together forever" Yoko grabbed Jenny gently and slowly lowered her to the ground. Yoko stretched her mouth wide and aimed it over Jenny's head. She breathed deeply and swallowed Jenny's head. Jenny didn't struggle, she just wanted to be with Rudi. Yoko’s lips slowly seeped over Jenny's naked body. Her first challenge was Jenny's breasts where two of her former squad rested once. Yoko’s lips edged over the two huge velvet globes, slowly the two popped into her mouth. Yoko’s cheeks stretched to accommodate the two spheres, they would soon stretch Yoko's throat dramatically not to mention increase her own bust tenfold. The next challenge was Jenny's huge belly, it would be like swallowing a cow whole, Yoko liked that idea. Her lips edged over the huge sphere, it seemed to take forever, the strain was so much that Yoko was sweating. An hour passed and Yoko only just reached Jenny's belly button. Every now and then Jenny would move her legs just to show she was still alive and in distress, Yoko just ignored this. Another half hour passed and Yoko's lips finally reached the edge of Jenny's belly. Her mouth and throat was pushed to their limits as the huge bulge moved down her throat and into Yoko's stomach. She let out a gasp of relief for she was grateful that the hard part was over. From now on it was easy sailing. Yoko waited for a couple of minutes, Jenny’s legs started to flail around. She started to panic but was also in a state of pleasure from the warmth. Her sex released juices one last time before Yoko swallowed it up. Yoko sucked Jenny's hips and legs down like noodles. She lay there resting on her huge wriggly sphere as the rest of Jenny reached her belly. Yoko lay on the floor of Jenny's home for a couple of hours breathing heavily and releasing juices. A puddle soon formed around her legs. She eventually decided to stand up but this was easier said than done. After two three attempts Yoko finally stood up with difficulty. She stopped her now still belly from wobbling around by putting her hands on it, just for fun she bounced it like a basketball up and down. She soon stopped when she found out it would give her indigestion. Slowly and carefully Yoko walked over to where she put her uniform, she held it up and looked in the big mirror on the wall. "I guess I’m going to need a new uniform and bigger bra’s. Oh well" She walked back over to the couch where she had eaten Rudi and sat down. Yoko patted her belly with satisfaction. "You know Jen, I secretly did like you, still i like you better in me, now we'll always stay together forever"
Revenge is Bitter Sweet A thin coating of mist slowly hovered above the small yet deep lake in the middle of nowhere, the rays of the orange sun glimmered across the calm water on that cold winters morning. Shallow whistling echoed through the emptiness as a young child merrily skipped down a dirt path towards Laysu Lake, a hastily made fishing rod clenched tightly in their hands. the rod was nothing more than a strong stick, a piece of yarn and a rusty hook, the perfect tool for a child who wished to do nothing more than waste a day by the calm refreshing water. Young Aelita stopped suddenly and looked around in fear that eyes were upon her. Carefully she stared at and past the many large green trees while her hands brushed at her crimson dress, for a moment all was quiet spare the chirping of a little bird hidden from sight. Aelita decided all was well and continued merrily towards Laysu lake. The lake was within sight, Aelita gave a slight smile and increased her pace. Almost skipping, Aelita was there in no time at all. The young girl carefully walked along a little wooden pier which stretched out into the bowl like lake and picked up a small stone which rested on one of the planks. Aelita peered over the edge and smiled at her blurry reflection in the lake water, the reflection disappeared as Aelita dropped the little stone into the lake. The water rippled from impact of the stone and spread out across the lake before eventually disappearing. Aelita smiled as the water was still once more. Slowly she lowered the unbaited hook into the water and waited patiently, she had no intentions in catching a fish but simply just to wait time. Her shallow whistling once again echoed throughout the land. Time slowly passed in Ostellion while Aelita merrily dipped her toes in the refreshing water, the water gently rippled around her delicate little digits. Aelita's feet though were not the only objects which were causing ripples in the water Unknown to the little girl, a mysterious red fin sliced through the water at increasing speed towards Aelita. When Aelita finally spied the red fin, it entranced her forcing the young maiden to stay focused as it cut quickly through the water. Just three feet from Aelita's position did the red fin disappear from sight under the water, Aelita pulled her feet from the water and backed away slightly. A few seconds later the makeshift rod was pulled from Aelita's hands and disappeared into the deep. Aelita stood well away from the edge of the lake, slowly moving further into the middle of the pier. The young girl had been warned by her mother many a time that strange and unusual creatures lurked within Laysu Lake and wouldn't waste a second in dragging a poor child in the watery depths only to end up in a pool of digestive juices. For a moment the lake was calm once again, no ripples flowed atop the water. Aelita continued to sit within the middle of the pier, she knew the creatures were crafty and oh so very hungry. The pier shook suddenly as if something had hit it with some force. A couple of nails which held the planks of the pier in place were knocked loose. As innocence took hold, Aelita tried to force the nails back into the planks with her hands, though she had little success. Once again the pier shook, this time with so much force that one of the planks came loose and fell into the lake. Aelita waited for another mighty force to strike the pier but it didn't come, instead the water slowly returned to it's normal state. Aelita continued to sit in the middle of the small pier, her hands clenched tightly together through fear. The water was once again still, the plank that had fallen rested calmly atop the water. Aelita was startled to hear a feminine voice. "What you doing?" the voice echoed from an unknown position. Aelita looked around hoping to see someone but there was no one in sight. "Where are you?" Aelita blurted out "I'm......close" was the calm reply Aelita again looked around as well as above and down through the cracks in the pier. Only after seeing the fiery red eyes peering up at her through the cracks did Aelita realise how close. The fiery eyes quickly disappeared into the water leaving Aelita slightly shaken. The voice echoed again. "I mean you no harm" the voice was calm "Then why did you pull my rod into the lake and then attack the pier?" Aelita said sternly "Well I’m.....playful" the voice echoed after a short pause "Show yourself" Aelita once again spoke sternly After a few minutes the owner of the voice did show themselves, slowly but surely. Aelita was stunned as a webbed but human hand gripped hold of part of the pier, it was soon followed by another webbed hand. Aelita backed away to a safe distance, she was taking no chances. A head soon appeared from the end of the pier as the lake dweller struggled to pull themselves onto the pier. The lake dweller had short shoulder length yet beautiful hair, a dark and blood red colour. The eyes Aelita had already seen, fiery red and seemingly dangerous. The lips on the other hand were very new to Aelita, seemingly smooth and a beautiful light shade of pink. The structure of the creatures face was seemingly feminine, beautiful and seductive. The creature continued to pull its figure up onto the pier gradually showing more and more of its body. The Lake dwellers torso was amazingly crafted, perky bare breasts which rose and fell each time the creature exhaled. They were neither to large or to small. The creature's bareness though was not what caught Aelita's attention, as the creature revealed its waist Aelita was stunned. There were not legs but rather an unusual tail much like that of an eel's. Covered in crimson red scales which glimmered in the sunlight, its owner huffed with exhaustion. Aelita quickly spoke. "You're a mermaid?” There was a sense of glee in Aelita's voice The fiery red eyes stared at the young child. "I guess you could say that, yeah I’m a mermaid" The creature smiled "My names Meru" Aelita wasn't as pleasant. "Why do you live in the lake?" her voice was powerful yet again "That’s my home" Meru spoke taken aback slightly” I was born there" "Where is your family?" Aelita seemed to look down at Meru "All gone, hunters took them away. They were more than likely cooked and eaten. I'm all that’s left" "I'm sorry, I can relate to your situation. My father was also taken from me” her voice no longer sharp and hurtful” My names Aelita. Meru smiled slowly. "Well hello Aelita. Its very nice to meet a nice human such as yourself" Aelita smiled but slowly raised herself from the pier and turned away from Meru. "I must go now, my mother is expecting me" Meru pleaded for her not to leave. "Please stay a little longer, I’m very alone here. “Meru stared into the lake” All i have to keep me company are the little fish which live here with me" Aelita turned once again and stared into Meru's fiery red eyes, she remembered what her mother said. "I have heard stories about mermaids, they are crafty and always hungry" "My dear child, why would I want to eat you when i have plenty of fish to eat” Meru replied quickly” Anyway I don't think my belly would be able to accommodate something as big as you" Aelita stared for a moment before answering "Are you sure?" Meru sighed, slowly she slid into the lake and stared up at Aelita. "How about I make you a deal, young Aelita. I gorge myself with fish from the lake until my belly is full and ready to burst showing I have no chances in eating such a wonderful child like you and in return, you join me in the lake where we can swim together for the rest of the day” Meru’s eyes continued to stare” Do we have a deal?" Aelita crossed her arms and though for a moment, if the mermaid did indeed stuff herself with fish, Aelita would get the dream of a lifetime, to swim with an actual mermaid. "Very well but you must gorge yourself first and then show me you are full, i wish to see proof" Meru nodded in agreement. "Very well, i shall feast upon the fish and then reveal my bloated belly to you when I’m done. Excuse me for one moment" Meru disappeared under the waves and searched the depths for any shoals of fish. The mermaid quickly spied a large bundle of small silver fish hiding near the pier and sped forth with her mouth agape. Using her tail to guide the fish into her mouth, Meru's cheeks bulged as the shoal was bundled into her open maw. Her throat was alive as the wriggling shoal of fish were pushed down the mermaids oesophagus by strong constricting muscles. After a moment or two the shoal had been completely forced down Meru's throat spare a couple of lucky stragglers. A tail of an unlucky fish was sticking out of Meru's lips, it flicked gently before disappearing past the pink bows. The mermaid gave one hard swallow before staring at her belly, it curved slightly from its original flat position but not enough to convince Aelita that Meru was full. Meru gently ran a webbed hand across her slightly squirming fish filled belly as she scowered the lake for another source to fill her belly. Meru could spy very little worth eating within the lake, many of the shoals of fish still left within the lake were to small and few in numbers, they would do very little to bloat her belly and were to much of an effort to chase through the water. Meru sighed unhappily as the water siphoned through her gills. That was when a large carp delicately glided by Meru's long eel like tail. It's golden scales shimmered as the sun broke through the water. Meru gave a smile, the carp would most certainly make her belly bulge and even in the slightest chance that it did not, they were always very tasty. The carp was too sluggish and large for Meru to guide the carp straight into her mouth with the use of her tail. Instead the cunning mermaid used another strategy and swam her fastest towards the sluggish fish. Attacking with her mouth as wide as possible, the carp's caudal fin along with half of its torso disappeared down the mermaids throat. The rest of the carp was stuck between the perky lips of the mermaid, Meru's small but pointy teeth anchoring the fish in place. Meru calmly floated in the lake as the large carp tried to escape but with little success, the mermaid tactically waited as the carp struggled to escape only succeeding in tiring itself out. Aelita waited patiently above on the pier, she was curious as to what the mermaid was doing. Every now and then, the young girl could spy a shadow but as soon as she spied it had disappeared. The carp had finally tired itself out much to Meru's joy. Carefully using both hands, she forcefully shoved the entire carp into her mouth and down her throat. Meru's throat bulged out beyond anything imaginable as the carp slowly wriggled down her tight throat. With one large gulp the poor unfortunate fish was forced into the mermaids stomach. Meru gave an exhausted gasp as her belly bulged out slowly from its new occupant. After a moment or two of resting letting the calm water carry her figure, Meru finally decided her belly was full. Running a webbed hand across its soft curve, her belly bulged slightly from the occupants within. With a twist of her tail, Meru slowly glided back to the surface calmly where Aelita was waiting patiently. The young girl peered into the calm lake waiting for the mermaid to reappear. A dark shadow slowly formed within the lake gradually increasing in size until Meru broke the tip of the water and peered up at Aelita. "Well I have kept my part of the deal Aelita" Meru spoke confidently The mermaid struggled to pull herself onto the pier once more, this time harder due to her full stomach. Finally succeeding with a little help from Aelita, Meru was sitting on the pier, her webbed hands atop her large sphere of a belly. Aelita watched as the mermaid stroked her full belly, Meru seemed very happy that she was so full. "Very well then Meru, I shall swim with you and keep you company" Meru smiled and rolled herself off the pier and back into the lake with a splash. She happily swam around in a circle waiting for Aelita to jump in. Aelita slowly walked to the edge of the pier, her hands brushed some dust of the crimson dress. Suddenly she jumped in fully clothed, the warm water encased her quickly. A moment later, Aelita appeared at the surface and gasped for air. Meru swam next to the young girl and smiled. "Doesn't the water feel wonderful?" Aelita brushed the wet hair from her face and nodded. "My father used to take me swimming in the river before he disappeared. “ Aelita spoke sadly Meru stared for a moment before curiosity got the better of her "What happened to your father?" Aelita turned to face the mermaid beside her. "We were swimming in the river not to far from here. The water was calm and slow moving. We were laughing, trying to see who could hold their breath for the longest. We both ducked under with our eyes closed but when I came back up to the surface, he wasn't there. I waited and waited but he didn't appear, I waited until the water turned cold but nothing." Meru turned away aware of what had happened to her father. "It sounds as if your father fell prey to a water creature, likely a mermaid or siren" Aelita stared at Meru for a moment, her expression was no longer sad but rather judging as if she blamed Meru for the disappearance of her loving father. "And I assume you would know all about disappearing humans" Aelita spoke very sternly and justified her words by pointing at Meru's engorged stomach. Meru was shocked to hear such words from a human and found it hard to respond. "I'll.....I'll have you know that i have not once dined on one of your species in my entire three hundred years of living" Aelita was quick to respond "How can I trust something such as you. Mermaids are deceptive and hate everything land dwellers hold dear. For all I know, you ate my father" Aelita stared harshly at the distraught mermaid, never had she been so accused before. Slowly Meru looked away from the young human and muttered quiet words. "I ask that you leave now Aelita for I fear you may force me to do unspeakable things. Please just go" Aelita readied herself to speak but was cut off. "LEAVE" Meru's outburst was short lived as she disappeared below the surface and away from sight. Aelita felt no guilt for how she had made Meru feel. Quickly she departed the lake and left down the dirt path towards her home where her mother waited. Meru covered her body with her long tail and silently cradled herself. The lake was quiet, she being the only mermaid there was no shoulder for her to cry on. Never had she been so affected by simple words, insults she could take but to be blamed for another creatures actions was her limit. For once in her lifetime, Meru questioned why she had never feasted on a human before, why when Aelita first peered over the pier she did not grab her and consume the girl. Then she finally realised, Meru had respect for the two legged creatures who wanted nothing more than to survive. But after witnessing what a human was indeed capable of, well Meru decided that survival was just too good for them. Finally Meru realised the words her kin had spoken to her. Humans are nothing but wicked, easy meals but very dangerous to turn your back on them. Every word was true. Meru uncurled herself and calmly swam to the surface, her head peered out the lake. "Revenge is a powerful tool, revenge is mine" The fiery red eyes of the mermaid constantly stared at the dirt path which seemingly led to Aelita's home or settlement. Meru was limited to how far she could travel because of her bonds with water but her quest for revenge would conquer all fear. Meru waited for the right time but as time passed it never approached. It was suicide to leave the lake and travel in daylight, the heat would must surely kill her. Meru's only choice was to wait until it rained, but as weeks passed there was still no sign of rain. Filled with revenge and with only one goal, Meru waited once again. Starving herself not caring to move, she simply waited. Ostellion was facing a serious drought, for five months it had not rained once. Meru still wished for revenge not caring whether she was forgotten by the being tormented her so. Five months of fasting had almost driven the unfortunate mermaid insane, her stomach had retracted and her once curvy body was no more. Meru hoped it would rain, every day she asked the gods and every day like the day before it, no rain fell. One more month passed and Meru's prayers were finally answered, the sky was awash with dark clouds which burst and released their soothing tears. The time was right for the mermaid. Not caring about what could or would happen, Meru jumped for the pier and pulled her entire figure up in one go showing the full force of adrenaline she was feeling. With no legs to carry her, Meru dragged her body along the pier and up the dirt path. As the different textures scraped against her scaled body, the pain she felt was simply ignored. Aware of the tingling sensation that her body was slowly feeling, Meru simply ignored the pain and dragged herself further. Time passed around Meru as the water creature dragged herself across the land and further down the dirt path. Still fuelled with revenge, she carried on her hectic journey across the wet land. Water dripped from her body slowly as the mermaid continued to move, fuelled by hunger and revenge. Thunder bellowed all around and lighting brightly crackled in the dark sky. The light glimmered off of the mermaids fiery red scales and eyes. Meru's eyes never flinched or faltered, continually they stared ahead ready to peer over the next obstacle or hill. The mermaid had already dragged herself over three hills and another was just ahead of her. Like the other times, her webbed hands forcefully pulled her entire figure up the mound of dirt and then slowly allowed her to descend. To Meru's relief, lights flickered on the horizon. In a haste to impel her revenge on the wicked, the mermaid quickened her crawling pace. Almost foaming at the mouth with hunger, Meru soon reached where the lights rested. As Meru approached the lights, they seemed to break away from a singular group and move further from one another. Meru realised that she had reached not a settlement but a scattering of small homes. The mermaid's bow shaped lips curved slightly in a wicked smile, Meru was faced with the perfect opportunity. Both the distance between homes as well as the growing storm would limit any noise produced by her victims as her quest for revenge was under way. Meru paused for a moment and made the decision on what home to approach first. It mattered not which home Aelita's was, her turn would come. The first home was very small, presumably the home of only one individual. The perfect choice to start her journey of revenge. Carefully Meru dragged herself to the small wooden door and pushed it gently open, calmly with a slight squeak the door moved. Making as little noise as possible, Meru entered. Instantly the mermaid spied a candle, the flame dancing in the calm breeze which echoed though the window. The candle lead the way to a small room, most likely a bedroom. Meru was correct, it was indeed a bedroom. Another candle lit the room brightly, which was not difficult for it was indeed very small. A bed was pushed tightly against the wall, its occupant fast asleep and covered by a white sheet. Meru could tell that it was a middle aged woman, the curved yet large figure justified this. There was no husband in sight and yet a gold ring shimmered on the woman's wrinkled hand which also led the conclusion that the woman was a widow probably due to the hunger of a feral creature of Ostellion. Meru once again smiled, the woman would soon join her departed husband in the afterlife. Calmly and slowly the out of water mermaid closed the wooden door to the bedroom and blew out the candle which lit the room. Left in darkness, Meru started her quest for revenge. Sounds of rustling and a murmur escaped the room, the sounds were soon followed by a slight moan as the widow stirred in her sleep .Unaware of what was happening, the widow slowly awoke. "Huh, what's going on?" The widow's body warm and moist for some reason unknown to her. "What's happening?" a webbed hand caressed the widow's smooth cheek before her entire body was encased with warmth. The door to the bedroom creaked open and Meru pulled her body into the hallway. The candlelight glimmered off her scaly body. The mermaid ran a webbed hand along her scaled midsection. A streamlined bulge now pressed against her scales, the figure of the widow clearly seen through the mermaids body. "So delectable and the taste lingers for so long. I curse myself for never trying this sooner" Meru's midsection wiggled slightly from its panicked occupant. Meru smiled from the movement, the wonderful feeling continued. "I can only hope that they are half as enjoyable as you my dear. Rest now my prisoner, digestion is a slow and painful process, struggling will only hasten your death and do not worry that the darkness consumes your figure, you will not be alone for much longer." Meru sniggered and calmly blew out the single candle left in the hallway. The small house was dark and now empty. The mermaid pulled herself from the small home and onto the dirt path. Still rain continued to fall from the heavens, very refreshing for a mermaid out of water. Meru carefully searched through the storm for the closest house to her position, it was slightly to the east and atop a hill. Sighing slightly, the mermaid started to drag herself to her next target. Slowly but through sheer perseverance and the lust to taste yet more human on her lips, Meru dragged herself up the large hill to the house atop the mound of dirt. Exhausted, the mermaid panted as she reached the wooden house. Much larger than the first indicating more would be meals within its walls. Meru between breaths talked to the bulge within her body. Though still, the widow was still alive for Meru could feel her shallow heartbeat. "Don't worry my darling, in only a few minutes you shall have some room mates" It was clear that the widow was still much alive as a faint muffled scream echoed from within the fleshy stomach walls. Meru placed a webbed hand on the small bulge which seemed to be the widow's head, careful strokes calmed the screaming. With a wicked smile spread across her face, the mermaid calmly pushed the wooden door aside and dragged her crimson body inside. The second house was indeed very different, very spacious and well looked after. Meru guessed it was the home of the neighbouring watcher among the lands, an individual chosen to govern and protect his fellow humans. Already the Watcher had failed his duties, Meru was living proof after all. The mermaid slowly explored the home, there was little light within the house spare the occasional lighting bolt leaving the wooden abode dark. Exploring the dark home was dangerous, Meru was aware of this for the darkness could conceal both friend and foe alike. Carefully advancing towards a room, the mermaid continually scowered the darkness. Upon reaching the door, Meru realised that it was bolted shot from the inside after carefully turning the knob. With a sigh, Meru decided to explore another room a few feet from the first. The unlike the first was not locked and so Meru entered. The mermaid was surprisingly stunned at the decor of the room, Meru thought the room would be filled with velvet material and shiny gold items whereas it was in fact quite the opposite. Judging from who rested in the bed, it was clear that the room belonged to a servant of the Watcher. Meru cared not, the servant’s position in the chain of command would not affect their taste one bit and so decided to devour the unfortunate victim sooner rather than later. Quickly dragging herself to the side of the small wooden bed, our revenge stricken mermaid carefully pulled the leather sheet from the figure resting within the bed. A smile once again crept across Meru's face after realising that the servant was both female and naked. The woman was considerably younger than Meru's first meal, barely out of her twenties. Meru carefully placed a fiery webbed hand on one of the young woman's legs and gently stroked her smooth skin. The woman's body was soft and yet well built, her legs were indeed quite muscular a clear indication the young woman had been well worked. Her arms were also well built as was her midsection. It was fortunate the servant was asleep for she would have most surely put up a fight when faced with Meru's gullet and digestive system. Calmly and carefully Meru positioned her body as she prepared to dine. Slowly raising the woman's feet to her mouth she began her second meal. The servant released a slight whimper in her slumber as the moist feeling around her ankles travelled slowly up her body. Meru enjoyed the taste of yet another human on her lips, sweat mixed with innocence was the perfect garnish. Meru continually watched the servants ever changing face as more and more of the young maiden disappeared down the mermaids gullet. Meru slowly swallowed past the young maidens knees and up to her waist. Another whimper escaped the maidens mouth, this time louder. If the mermaid had been able to laugh, she would have. Humans become aroused by the strangest of things. Meru's lips started to creep across the young woman’s washboard like stomach, the mermaid knew her stomach would never be as muscular not thanks to all the humans adding to her girth. Strong throat muscles pushed against the servants figure within covering the muscular figure with saliva. As more and more of the servant disappeared down the mermaids gullet, her descent quickened. Meru's lips quickly passed the maidens small breasts and shoulders. The maiden quickly stirred, her eyes opened revealing two blue spheres. Meru could see from the corner of her eye how they glimmered in the candle light. The maiden prepared to scream after realising her body had been completely devoured but Meru quickly silenced the servant by placing a webbed hand across her mouth. Knowing full well, her latest victim would not be able to escape, Meru toyed with the servant girl. The mermaid stroked her prisoners figure with her other webbed hand, probing her own body to simply panic the servant girl. The young maiden struggled with all her strength as Meru toyed with the girls neck, furiously licking her in hopes her quest for revenge would be satisfied, it wasn't. Meru quickly swallowed the servant girls head and ended her suffering only to begin her torture. Meru gulped one final time to push her latest meal into their final resting place, her stomach. Meru gasped and pushed a few strands of hair into her mouth sealing the fate of the servant once and for all. The mermaid watched as her stomach expanded with its latest occupant, carefully she stroked it. Meru's hunger had finally disappeared but her quest for revenge had not, she needed more. Ignoring the constant struggling within her body, the mermaid dragged herself out of the servants quarters and into the hallway. Before leaving the servants quarters, Meru found a small bronze key, likely the key to the other room. The mermaid quickly grabbed it and dragged herself to the locked door. Carefully Meru placed the small key into the lock and turned. Slowly the door opened and Meru was met with a surprise. The room was beautiful compared to every other in the house. Silken banners and fur rugs were plentiful and a large bed covered with expensive hand woven sheets was placed within the middle of the room. Two figures were covered under the sheets. Very likely that the occupants within the bed were the local Watcher and his wife, a suit of armour laid out in the corner of the room strengthened this thought. Meru thought to herself for a moment deciding her next move. Her biggest risk was indeed the Watcher himself, likely trained in how to wield a sword. His wife on the other hand would likely be defenceless and untrained. It was clear what Meru had to do. Carefully pulling her wriggling girth to one side of the bed, the mermaid grasped hold of the hand woven sheets and pulled gently revealing the couple to the world. Unlike their servant, these two humans were clothed. Their bodies covered in expensive silk like the rest of their home, they would indeed be an expensive meal but Meru had no ideas in paying. Staring for a moment at the sleeping couple, the mermaid smiled. Asleep, Humans seemed so innocent but Meru was not a fool not any more at least. Rejecting any merciful thoughts from her mind, Meru turned instinctive and quickly began to devour the Watcher head first. The Watcher's body jerked as the strong constricting throat muscles pulsated around his face and neck. Unable to react quick enough, Meru had already pinned his body to the bed. A muffled scream of anger escaped the Watcher's throat, he knew himself to be better than this and not simple fish food. Unfortunately the situation said other wise as the revenge stricken mermaid carefully guided her smooth lips over his silk covered body. Moments later Meru gently pushed the poor Watchers feet down her gullet and sighed. Too late did she realise that the Watchers wife had witnessed the entire ordeal. The voluptuous and slightly plump woman had her mouth covered in shock at what had just occurred. There was an odd moment where the two females locked eyes seemingly wondering each others thoughts. The two continued to stare at one another unaware of what to do. Surprisingly it was the Watchers wife to break the silence. Stuttering slightly she spoke. "What are you going to do to me, already have you devoured my husband, what more can you take from me?" Meru tilted her head slightly "I can take your life madam, my belly may be bloated and still wriggling but there shall always be room for one more. You could just as easily be that individual" The woman tried to back away but was unable to, Meru's glaring eyes seemed to paralyse her every movement. "Please....."Utter fear in the woman’s voice crept through her words. “ Please leave me be and I’ll tell you anything you wish and give you anything you want" Meru pulled her large figure from the bed and caressed the large bulge of her stomach, namely the imprint of the Watcher making sure his poor wife was watching. The mermaid thought to herself for a moment realising her control over the woman's future. "Tell me where Aelita lives" Meru spoke sternly. The woman simply stared quietly at the mermaid for a moment before finally answering. "What do you want with Aelita?" "My reasons are my own human, now tell me where she is or you shall have only one further destination in your meaningless life" The woman sighed before finally answering. "Aelita and her mother live at the far side of the settlement, her home is near the forest to the West. You'll find it easily for a candle is always lit at night." Meru nodded and was ready to drag herself from the house before the woman spoke again. "Please spare the child, she is young and has not yet had a life" Only moments later would the woman wish she had simply let the mermaid leave with nothing further said. Meru slowly turned to face the woman, her face was lightly flushed and angered. "That little human is the reason why I have eaten three of your kind this night. Correction, make that four" Meru quickly lunged for the woman who reacted slowly. Mermaid impacted with human and both tumbled to the ground. The full weight of Meru and her large wriggling gut pressed against the woman squeezing the air from her lungs. Unable to move her arms or legs, the woman simply waited for the inevitable knowing all resistance was useless. Even though the woman was the biggest meal Meru had been faced with so far, she knew it was possible. Wasting no time, Meru quickly consumed the woman's head while holding her arms. The weak human tried to scream but her attempts were reduced to muffled whimpers as throat muscles pulsated around her face. Warm air brushed gently against the woman's cheeks as her descent quickened. The silken pyjama's became moist from Meru's saliva as the clothing passed her lips. Quicker and quicker the plump woman disappeared down the mermaids gullet seemingly never stopping. Her large smooth breasts vanished from sight as Meru's red lips quickly passed over the tasty globes. The woman panicked even though the warm feeling all around her body aroused her so, gasping slightly as Meru's lips passed her thighs and only seconds later her knee's. Giving one final push with her hands, Meru consumed the plump woman's feet and finally sealed her fate. Gulping hard, the mermaid pushed her latest meal into her already very large gullet. Between gasps Meru spoke to her victims not caring whether they were all alive. "My actions are justified and my will is just. I will not be stopped until my quest has finished" Meru quickly fled the home that once belonged to the Watcher and dragged herself to her final destination, the home of Aelita and her mother. The plump woman had not lied, the house was indeed by the forest and a lone candle flickered by the window. Meru stroked her large streamlined bulge of a stomach, faint movement still quivering within. The mermaid's belly gave a large gurgle as Meru calmly stroked it. "Be still by stomach, more food will fill you in due time but not before I have had my revenge." Meru quickened her pace across the land and through a grass field, thanking the gods every step of the way as rain continued to fall from the sky. By the time Meru had finally reached the final home, the sky started to brighten and though it still rained the clouds were fewer and rays of sun started to peer through cracks of the white sky. This caught Meru's attention but her quest wasn't over, not yet. Quickly pushing the door aside, the mermaid's red eyes scanned the house for any signs of life, nothing. Dragging herself to the nearest room, carefully Meru entered and to her joy Aelita was sound asleep in her bed. Closing in slowly, Meru let her guard down and was struck from behind. In a matter of seconds Meru had regained her guard and used her powerful tail as a coil to wrap around the unknown assailant that had struck her so. Aelita had awoken from the noise but remained in her bed simply watching with shock at who rested before her. Meru stared into the eyes of a young woman who looked very similar to Aelita, her mother. From the corner of her eye, Meru realised Aelita was awake, a crooked smile peered across the mermaids face. "You remember me Aelita?" Meru's voice was calm and soft. "I had never eaten a human before, my word was true but because of you and what you said to me that horrible day, well I wanted revenge. I have devoured four humans this night including that one which would protect you, the so called Watcher. Every house is now empty spare this one but I can change that." Aelita tried to apologise but her words were silent "No apology will make me leave Aelita, I have one final thing to do and I want you to witness it" Turning her attention back to Aelita's mother she ended her quest. Quickly the mermaid devoured the poor woman in plain sight of her daughter. Showing no remorse or guilt, the woman was shoved down the gullet of the mermaid and into her stomach where her life would end. With one large swallow, the woman's fate was sealed just like the four others before her. With a gasp and a pat of her stomach, Meru turned her attention to the young grief stricken girl that stared onwards. "I Have done to you what was done to me. Everyone you know are now gone and you are left alone. I hope you cope better with loneliness than I did. My grief has been passed to you and it is now your burden." Meru's eyes watered with sorrow from what she had done and turned away to exit the house. Before leaving, Meru spoke one final time. "Aelita, Revenge is better sweet, do not forget that." With that said, Meru left leaving the lone child to suffer just as she had been made to suffer. The mermaid was faced with a long journey ahead but she had known since she left the water that she would never return. Her life was over. The mermaid dragged herself through the fields and over the hills as the sun bared down upon her without mercy. A calm wind brushed through the world as an old man covered in leather clothing walked down the dirt path towards the small lake. With a walking stick calmly gripped in his hands, he whistled merrily to himself not caring about the dangers around. The old man's strained eyes spotted something not far ahead, quickening his pace he was shocked at what he spied. No less than ten feet from the edge of the lake was a mermaid, the most beautiful shade of red laid still upon the dirt road. Carefully, the old man crouched beside the mermaid and examined the poor beast. Its stomach swollen and bulging, clearly very full. The old man put an ear to the stomach and listened for any sign of movement. Nothing but a slight gurgle as the enzymes within continued to digest the meal long after their host had passed on. Standing up the old man wiped sweat from his forehead and stared again. "So close but yet so far, such a determined creature" With that said the old man continued on his way not giving one more thought about what had happened to the mermaid or why it had happened, he did not care for he had his own stories to tell just as everyone did. His head hanged slightly, the old man muttered to himself. "Revenge is bitter sweet"
Laura was the most popular girl on the campus and this was for a number of reasons,one was because Laura just so happened to be the head cheerleader. Another reason might just be because she was also the record holder for having the largest breasts at the college,A record Jane the Art teacher was not too pleased about. Jane used to be the record holder for being the bustiest and she had planned to keep the record after learning that she was due to become a mother,it was common sense that pregnancy enhanced the body especially in the chest region,A fact Jane was excited to learn. But as Laura arrived on Campus all of Jane's dreams seemed to disappear,seeing Laura's breasts covered by a constricitng cheerleader top was somewhat of A dream crusher for Jane who now felt self concious about the size of her boobs. Even as Jane's belly started to curve over a series of weeks and her breasts started to bloat with sweet white nectar the changes were not enough to compete with the endowned cheerleader much to Jane's dismay. Jane thankfully had A secret up her sleeve,one which would help Jane reclaim her title as biggest breasts on campus as well as deal with Laura for good.Recently Jane had discovered that she had certain powers involving her sensitive nether regions,too put the story short Jane used to have A sister but now her sister was living within her as her child. Unbirthing was A wonderful gift and Jane was glad to have it,though new to her new powers she planned to practice further on Laura's buxom figure. Jane would confront Laura at the end of class,she had been slacking in her studies after all. The lesson passed swiftly much to Jane's delight which meant she would soon have her chance to do away with Laura once and for all but first she had to seperate the busty cheerleader from the rest of the class,simple enough. "Class,many of you have done so well ths term and I would like to congratulate each and every one of you personally. As a special treat all of you can skip your next few lessons,all except Laura who has done so poorly that I shall be teaching privately for the next day or so" There was a slight mumble and A snigger from the other students but that soon died down after Laura sent them all A rather chilling glare,soon after Jane excused the rest of the class leaving her and the buxom cheerleader alone much to Jane's happiness. "Well well well Miss never ending cleavage,Now that were alone I think it's time to punish you for stealing away my title." Laura looked on blankly as her teacher slowly walked towards her,the teacher's constant rubbing of her curved belly unnerved Laura somewhat as if it was her intended destination. How right she would be. Jane now standing next to her busty student ripped the white blouse from her body allowing full view of her curved belly,Laura unable to look away saw the action from within the fleshy dome as it's occupant wriggled uncontrollably. Laura knew that wasn't normal but she had little time to think about that for Jane removed the red bra which had constricted her own milk filled breasts. The student was hypnotised for Jane's breasts were just a picture of perfection. "I see you like them,well they used to be the biggest on the campus until you arrived. I must say it was quite a shock to me but I now have the perfect solution." Jane calmly moved A hand across Laura's back before gently working her fingers into the collar of Laura's uniform,with one swift movement Jane ripped the uniform from her student's lightly tanned figure. Unfortunately for Laura she was bare of anything underneath which was rather unwise considering what would soon happen to her body. "Now just sit still Laura,this will be over in a matter of minutes. At least for you anyway,the feeling will stay with me for many days to come" Jane carefully pulled herself onto Laura's desk,thankfully it held her weight rather well. Removing her own underwear the pregnant teacher allowed her student to glance straight into her sensitive nether regions,working A hand towards the back of Laura's head Jane drew her face close. There was A brief pause before Jane pushed Laura's face forcefully into her sensitive lips,with A gasp the teacher pushed again quickly pushing her lips over Laura's head. Laura wriggled but could do nothing for Jane was simply to strong,forced to stand Laura could not escape as more of her body was lovingly sucked into Jane's body. It wasn't long before Laura's firm breasts were resting just outside Jane's wet lips,with one powerful suck the two large globes disappeared with a loud wet pop. The rest was easy,in a matter of ten minutes Laura's body was sucked in inch by inch until finally Jane's lips returned to their norm. Jane was left standing in the nude,lovingly she strucked her wriggling gut as Laura struggled within her wet chamber. Her body was forced tightly against Jane's womb wall,this was evident upon witnessing the very obvious imprint of a woman's figure. Jane ran A hand across the figure detail's paying special attention to the two large mounds located to the side of her belly,Her breasts were once more the largest on the campus. The desk Jane had been standing on could no longer hold the weight of her new girth and caved in on itself leaving the big bellied teacher to cuddle her gut alone in the empty classroom. Jane was not alone though for there was A witness,A very powerful authority figure of the school and she just so happened to be related to Laura. The authority figure was none other than Denise the Head Mistress and Laura just so happened to be her daughter,she had witnessed everything including her daughter's descent into Jane's fleshy regions. Denise was not best pleased and was quick to reveal herself upon seeing Jane was now immobile. "What an outstanding performance by both you and my daughter" At that moment Denise poked one of the mounds in Jane's gut if only to see her daughter wriggle. "What you don't understand though that if you really wished to have the biggest breasts on campus you simply had to eat her." Jane looked on in disbelief,she had never heard of such a thing. "Your expression shows me you know nothing of that talent,well unfortunately i'm lucky enough to be A carrier of the gift and I intend to show you" The moment Denise finished her sentence she jumped for Jane quickly consuming the teacher's muscular legs in a matter of seconds,Jane bewildered by the incident simply laid there in shock. Even as Denise' lips pased over the imprint of her own daughter she never strayed from her task,feeling Jane's large breasts rub against her face Denise realised this might actually become a challenge but after A quick squeeze of soft flesh here and there Denise managed to push the two fleshy globes into her mouth. From then on it was easy and Jane's fate was sealed with one final big gulp. Densie belched as her busty meal settled in her new home,tight and constricitng Jane struggled to move but was left with no option but to cradle her own gut in the belly of the one who had swallowed her. She too made A rather wonderous imprint,very feminine,very curvy,very very Busty. Denise now rested in the place where Jane had sat only moments earlier,she laughed for A moment. It was quite ironic,by the time Jane had digested Denise would be the bustiest babe on campus,Irony was bliss.
 Jack had always been a boob type of guy and of course as he wandered across the dance floor to the bar he caught sight of a beautiful woman, Mary from the necklace around her neck. As she sat at the bar however it wasn't the shimmering necklace that had caught Jack's attention but rather the cavernous cleavage an inch or so beneath it, Mary just so happened to be gifted with a large bust and as Jack watched the two orbs sway ever so slightly in the tight tube top he couldn't help but imagine ripping the top from her chest in a fit of passion with the beautiful woman, in a barrage of kisses shared between the two of them he could imagine his hands sliding up her back to unhook the little clasps of her bra, he knew it was tight from the way her flesh seemed to spill from the tube top. Biting his lip slightly Jack approached and sat beside Mary in an attempt to get her attention, it worked because before her knew it Mary's hand was gently rubbing the inside of his leg and with each stroke it grew closer and closer to his crotch, it was obvious he was eager and so was she. Without a word said to one another Mary grabbed Jack by the hand and led him away out of the club and down the street to a small apartment building, her apartment. Jack could only smile knowing what was about to come, Mary smiled as well but for an entirely different reason. There was a sudden click as Mary unlocked the door and pulled Jack in, a faint slam of the door left the two alone to enjoy the company of one another and neither one of them wasted any time. Jack was stripped in a matter of seconds exposing his form to the beautiful woman he didn't even know by name, a slight flush of her cheeks showed she was eager and before long she had removed her top exposing her wonderfully full breasts in the tight crimson bra, Jack had been right for she was practically bursting from it. Jack moved close and placed his hand upon the soft mass of one of the woman's breasts, he squeezed and instantly felt himself grow hard with desire, this Mary noticed for her hand moved to his crotch. Grabbing hold she pulled him close and squeezed forcing the man to moan with pleasure, slowly she moved close and licked the tip teasing the man she had only just met. The teasing lasted only for a brief moment for their eye's met, without a word muttered both moved in for a kiss. Jack closed his eyes expecting a make out session that would lead to much more, it was all happening like his dream. His hands moved to the clasp upon her back and skilfully unhooked one of the clasps before their lips met, it was all going to plan.....and then suddenly it all changed. Mary giggled slightly before suddenly lunging forth, her beautifully plump lips parted wide to reveal her cavernous mouth, Jack didn't see his impending doom but quickly felt it as Mary's lips rushed over his head and clamped around his neck. Before Jack could react Mary had shot her hand forward once again grabbing his throbbing shaft, she squeezed stopping his squirms as she quickly began to swallow her meal. Jack could do nothing but shiver lightly as his body was devoured alive, Mary's hand rubbed back and forth his length keeping him pleasured and just on the edge as her lips moved over his shoulders and across his chest, her speed showed that it had not been the first time she had done such a thing. Wasting no time Mary swallowed more and more until Jack's form was forced from the ground, curving her neck back lightly the predatory woman gulped and swallowed until her lips came within reach of his throbbing shaft, releasing it her tongue lapped at it's length skilfully and with care before there was a sudden spasm. Jack, unable to hold it any longer came spurting warm seed across Mary's jiggling breasts. Satisfied the predatory brunette swallowed his shaft after a good lick and sent it down her throat, the rest of Jack's limp body disappeared quickly until finally his toes slipped from view. There was a pleasant and pleasure filled moan as Jack was forced into Mary's belly, it had grown into a large and bountiful orb that swayed and jiggled much like the woman's breasts. Saying nothing spare the odd moan or gasp Mary rubbed her belly before it suddenly jostled and swayed, suddenly it began to shrink. Shaking lightly as if on the verge of a wonderful orgasm Mary closed her eyes and focused as her belly grew smaller and less defined, as it shrank her breasts grew, the remains of Jack suddenly flooding to her twins as fat. Finally Mary shuddered as her belly returned to its' flat and toned shape. The predator looked down at her larger breasts, the bra looked ready to give up at any moment, she could only grin knowing that anther man had ended up on her breasts. There was a sudden TWANG as the final hook of her bra gave way releasing her contained breasts, with delight on her face Mary watched as her large, full orbs jiggled and bounced before her hands moved up to clasp them. Squeezing them tight Mary giggled as she felt what Jack had become before scooping up a little of the sticky mess clinging to her skin to lick it from her finger, he really was a boob type of guy now.
Digesting the Temp Georgia could feel her boss’s eyes on her. She could always feel when her boss had her eyes on her. It was a necessary ‘survival’ skill she had developed working at this marketing company. She had learned quickly that whenever her boss was looking at her, It usually ended up with Georgia in a place she had no desire to be. Georgia was, unfortunately, only a temp at the office. When it came to importance, Georgia guessed that she could maybe rival the 10-year-old copier that was broken 50% of the time, but most days it was a toss-up. She would have quit months ago, but she needed this job and it paid better than any other temp job. The boss, Dana Richardson, had even promised her an amazing reference letter for when her contract was over if not a full-time position. She had been so naive not to have figured it out why no other temp was interested in this job. She had learned very quickly why it paid so much better than other temp jobs... The same reason her boss was staring at her right now. The staff meeting had just ended, and people were gathering their laptops, and papers as they exited the meeting room. Georgia quickly collected the papers in front of her, still not looking at her boss. She had learned by now, that when she felt Ms. Richardson’s eyes on her, not to look back at her. It was best to get out of her vicinity as soon as possible otherwise…. Georgia shuddered. She did not want to go back in… there. She only had to get her papers and get out of the office without drawing attention to herself, and maybe she would get lucky this time. She hastily grabbed her stuff and started following the rest of the staff out of the meeting room. She had almost made it out the door when Ms. Richardson called out. “Great Meeting everyone, I’m sure that our marketing plan for Weston Sentries will have them exceeding their margins in no time!” Georgia huffed in relief. Few! So it wasn’t about her! ...“Oh, and Miss Shepherd, if you would meet me in my office in 10 minutes, I have a few more thoughts to… discuss… with you about today’s meeting.” The people around Georgia all looked at her. Some smirked, and some looked apologetically at her. Everyone knew that Ms. Richardson had no intention of discussing anything about business with Georgia. They were all fully aware of why Ms. Richardson hired a temp, and it had nothing to do with work. Georgia tried not to grimace as she turned around to look at her boss who was watching her with a smirk. She nodded. “Yes, Ms. Richardson.” Damnit. Looks like there go her plans for the next few days. Georgia took the next 10 minutes to cram food in her face, and drink water. If she was going to spend the rest of the next 3 days in her boss’s stomach until she was digested and eventually reformed, she might at least be comfortable. She felt more annoyed that Ms. Richardson was doing this today than anything. Georgia had plans with her friends tomorrow night, and not only that but she had only been reformed like 3 days ago from her last trip through her boss’s digestive tract. She had assumed that she would at least have a week before the next time… but she should have known better. When Ms. Richardson wanted something, she got what she wanted, when she wanted it. It just so happened that what Ms. Richardson wanted all the time, was Georgia, as a meal. Ms. Richardson was a tall dominating woman in her early forties. She always wore classy business attire, her dark-rimmed glasses, and her hair in a neat low bun. She had green eyes and easily the curviest and fullest body Georgia had ever seen. They were testaments to her… unusual diet. Georgia swore that every time she reformed and saw her boss, her boss’s assets were even fuller than they had been before. Georgia was always uncomfortable realizing that it has been her own nutritious body that had done it to her, but her boss never seemed to care about what Georgia was comfortable with. She always pushed the boundaries with her. Twice she had even found herself being stuffed up the larger woman’s womb, that had been an experience… at least it had been more pleasant than going up her ass. But if she had to go in her boss’s belly, Georgia preferred the normal way, which was what she was hoping for today. Georgia’s last minute of freedom went by way too fast. She made sure that she had taken off her indigestible jewelry, and had left her desk in a neat state. No need to give the boss any other reason to consume her as soon as she was reformed. Georgia felt the eyes of her co-workers on her as she sulked to the door of Ms. Richardson’s office. She took a deep breath in and knocked. “Come in.” came the sultry voice of her boss. Georgia opened the door and stepped in. Closing it behind her. Ms. Richardson was sitting at her desk at the other end of the room. “Ah, Georgia. Perfect, just in time.” She smiled and Georgia nodded her head in acknowledgment. “Close the blinds.” Georgia closed the blinds in the office and walked towards her boss, not bothering to sit down.” “You know the drill. Take your clothes off.” She smiled and Georgia tried not to roll her eyes. Unfortunately, Georgia did know the drill. She took off her white button-down shirt and black pants and stared at the ground, waiting for what would happen next. Ms Richardson fumbled in her desk and pulled out two bottles. She took out two pills, one from each bottle. Georgia knew them well. The green one took away the pain from being digested alive, and the blue one was for saving her genetic information to be reformed after she had been digested and expelled. Her boss handed her the pills and a glass of water. Georgia took them and set the glass back down on the table. “You’re a quiet one today.” Ms. Richardson said silkily. “Yeah.” It was true. Georgia didn’t really have anything to say. She knew exactly what was going to happen, and there was nothing she could do about it anyway, so what was the point in delaying the inevitable. Ms. Richardson just laughed. “Not what you were hoping to do today?”At this, Georgia looked up, surprised. Mrs. Richardson never cared about what Georgia wanted. “Well, not exactly...” “I see.” She cut her off and smiled, moving on to the business at hand. “Well, no point keeping my belly waiting. I am starving. I have been waiting for you all day. By the end of that staff meeting, I had half a mind to eat you right on the spot in front of everyone! Fufu.” Georgia gave a half-laugh. “So… uh how do you want me today?” Georgia looked into the vibrant green eyes of her boss who considered her. Ms. Richardson looked up and down Georgia’s body, and her stomach gave a rumble of excitement. Georgia looked at it warily. “Well, I would say the ‘rear entrance,’ It’s been a while since I’ve had you in there, but I wasn’t kidding with how hungry I am. So for today, I want to you feet first.” Georgia gave a secret sigh of relief. If she had to be eaten, that was the most comfortable way to go down, and curl up in a stomach. “Sit on my desk, and give me your legs.” Ms. Richardson ordered. Georgia walked around to the other side of the desk and sat down, her warm ass on the cool surface. She leaned back and put both hands behind her. She lifted her legs and her boss, still seated at her desk, took hold of her ankles. Georgia watched as her boss licked her foot, and moaned in delight. Georgia had guessed that she tasted great, but really who cared. Ms. Richardson seemed to care as with a huge bite, both of Georgia’s feet were already in the boss’s mouth. She felt the tongue slide over her as Ms. Richardson hastily swallowed and Georgia’s shins were engulfed in the stretching mouth that was steadily devouring her. It was warm and wet. This part of the whole situation was probably the best. There was an eagerness in Ms. Richardson’s pace, her boss hadn’t been kidding, she really was hungry. Soon Georgia felt her feet pop into a wider space from the tight confines of the esophagus. A moan of pleasure vibrated around her upper legs as another swallow pulled her ass into her boss’s mouth. Georgia couldn’t get back out at this point even if she tried. With Georgia beginning to enter the stomach, Ms. Richardson leaned back, picking Georgia off the table, to use gravity to help get the rest of her down. Georgia looked down into the face of the woman devouring her. She wasn’t surprised to see the flush and small smile on her boss’s face. She had known from the very first time Ms. Richardson had called her into her office for a ‘meeting,’ that her appetite was not only an appetite but a turn on too. She guessed at the sultry look on her boss’s face and the wink she had just given her that she might be in for another ‘rough digestion’. Georgia had experienced the woman pleasure herself from the inside, and it felt hot. Literally, the stomach got so much warmer that it made Georgia’s digestion go faster! So Georgia didn’t mind when she masturbated to having been eaten anymore. It was humiliating at first, but now, it just helped her reform faster. Whatever helped get her through the digestive tract quicker was alright. Another slurp rang out and Georgia felt herself slide deeper into her boss’s belly. Her ass joined the rest of her in the throat and Georgia felt her middle being sucked on and tasted. Ms. Richardson grabbed her hands and maneuvered them inside her mouth. Georgia didn’t mind. It made her easier to swallow, and more comfortable when she was in her stomach. Another moan of pleasure rang out around Georgia’s body and Georgia watched as her boss closed her eyes in pleasure. Did she really taste that good? Another swallow claimed her torso and Georgia’s chest was practically in her boss’s mouth. The eager wet tongue lathered itself over her breasts. Georgia knew this was her boss’s favorite part of her body. She felt the woman suck and savor her. After what felt like a few minutes of breast sucking, Ms Richardson moaned again as she swallowed. Georgia had one last look at daylight before her head entered the dark wet and warm mouth of the boss. Lips closed around her head and the tongue that had been eagerly tasting every part of her body left no part of her face untouched. Finally, with one last big swallow, Georgia was sent into the tight throat and then to join the rest of her body already curling up in Ms. Richardson’s belly. As Georgia settled into her new home for the next few days, she took in her familiar surroundings. It smelled bad, and digestive juices had already started to pool beneath her. The walls of the stomach pressed around her, already starting to knead, eager to digest her. Ms. Richardson was actually this hungry? Georgia hear a belch from above, and her boss rested a hand over Georgia's head. At this rate, Georgia guessed she would be fully digested and reformed much quicker than usual! That would be awesome! The quicker she was out of here the better! She would be free and maybe even make some of her plans! But until then, Georgia just had to wait. Digestion never hurt, because of the green pill, but it took her a while before she fell asleep. She sighed and closed her eyes, ready for a long day of digestion. … “Simply divine!” Dana Richardson swallowed the last of her temp. And now, she was completely turned on. There was nothing in the world that gave her greater pleasure than eating her employees, especially the temp, Georgia, who she had so much power over. She loved every part of the process. From having Georgia meet her in her office, knowing full well what Dana was going to do to her, to having her take off her clothes and feed herself to her. It was simply divine. The girl was so submissive. Dana was convinced that was why the girl tasted so good, and why she ate her so often. Dana honestly thought a few times that she should eat her temp less, she had no idea how good the girl actually did at her job… but that didn’t matter. Dana would give her a full-time position for her taste alone! Now though, she had to release her pent-up excitement. She would not be able to go back to doing her work until she had. Dana reached her hand around her massive belly filled with Georgia and touched her clit under her pants, moving her fingers around in a circle as she sat in her work chair. She knew it wouldn’t take much, she was already so close. In less than a minute her breathing was shallow, and her face hot. She felt the girl she had devoured move inside her stomach and it was electric. Waves of pleasure rippled through her. Her core tightened and squished her meal even tighter into her body. Dana gasped for air. She let her body relax as she caught her breath. Simply amazing. Now that that was done, she had business to attend to. Another meeting. Dana stood up, held up her full belly, and walked out of her office. She heard her meal make a small noise as she walked. The moment she left her office, she felt her staff looking at her. Some were smirking, others looked away. Dana could care less about what they thought of her. They were her employees after all. It just so happened that she had a favorite employee to eat, but that could change, and they knew that. So no one ever said anything. “Meeting for this month's budget starts in 5.” … Georgia listened in on the meeting as the contents of her boss’s stomach. She had been in Ms. Richardson’s stomach for probably only an hour now, but her boss’s stomach had been going to town on her! It had not been pleasant. Usually by now the stomach was only just starting to digest her, but this time, she was already feeling herself melt and get tired! Ms.Richardson had not been kidding, she was hungry! All the better for Georgia though, the sooner she was digested, the sooner she could reform. She listened to Ms. Richardson do her work. There were phone calls and paperwork. At one point she heard the boss almost fire someone who had messed up some form or something. She didn’t know, her world was melting. A little while later coffee spilled onto her head as her devourer sipped a cup. Georgia felt herself grow tired. At this rate, she was probably already entering her boss’s intestines! A few hours later, Ms. Richardson addressed her. She poked Georgia in her belly. “My my, you certainly went soft fast! Guess I really was hungry. You still awake?” She laughed. But Georgia was too tired to respond. She shifted a little, letting her boss know she was still awake. “Wow! Can’t talk? This has to be a record. I guess I will be seeing you again sooner than I thought fufu. I’m feeling quite energized already.” Georgia smiled. Yes, she would be reforming a lot sooner than she thought too! This was great! Soon she would be free, and not have to worry about being eaten for at least a few days, Ms. Richardson never did that to her. With that, she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep. … (Scat Warning) The next day, Dana Richardson woke up after a long night of digesting and was shocked at how flat her stomach was. The temp had been completely digested overnight and soon would need to be let out! After getting ready for the day, and heading to work, Dana was in another meeting when she had felt the pressure build in her bowels. It seemed her eager temp really was wanting to be let out.. and right now! Dana quickly excused herself from the meeting, grabbed her phone, and went to her own private bathroom. Immediately she let out a fart as she locked the door to her bathroom. PFFFFTTTTT “Okay Georgia, I know, you want out! Give me a moment!” Dana pulled down her pants and sat on the toilet. It took hardly any effort as the smooth logs of her temp splat out of her ass hole right away. It felt amazing. Georgia was almost as good going out as she was going in! Wet logs continued to slip out of her. They had no trace of the girl in her stool. Her digestion had been absolutely complete! A few more smooth brown logs fell into the toilet and Dana felt that what was left of her temp was completely out. She wiped her ass and pulled up her thong and pants. She turned and looked at the pile of poop in the toilet. There even wasn’t much there! Had she absorbed that much of the girl? Dana let out a laugh of surprise as she looked at herself. Her breasts had gone up at least three cup sizes, and her ass was significantly more shapely! “Woah! Georgia, you went to all the right places!” With that Dana smiled and used her phone to scan the pile in the toilet. It scanned the blue pill that had not been digested, and Dana opened up the information on Georgia. She sent it to the reformation station in the basement of her work building. Georgia would be reformed and back at work in 2 hours! Dana laughed. This was easily the fasted digestion she had ever done! Almost within 24 hours! Soon Georgia would be back at work after having been eaten, digested, shit out, and reformed! Dana flushed the toilet and washed her hands. She was definitely going to have to give this temp a full-time position! Maybe even eat her again… tonight… and the next day… and the day after that…after all, she was loving her new and improved assets, and Georgia always went to the right places! She was about to head back to the meeting when a thought hit her. Actually… why not! She might wait for her temp to reform. Dana was already feeling a little hungry, and Georgia couldn’t say no to her anyway… Dana smiled. It was great being the boss. The End
A Lawyer’s ‘Willing’ Meal Jane was walking home from a long day at court. She worked as a lawyer for the city of Greywater as a prosecutor. She could have driven her Lexus to work earlier in the morning, but the weather had been nice, so she had decided to walk. But now that she was walking home, she regretted her decision. She was tired and hungry and all she wanted to do was sit on her sofa and relax with a glass of wine. The day had been a good one though. Jane had successfully helped convict a woman who had committed the crime of swallowing a young woman who had not given consent to be a meal. It had been an easy case to convict, and Jane had taken pleasure in watching the woman receive her just punishment from the judge. It was always pleasing to feel superior over the idiots who had been so foolish to not get some form of consent from those that they ate. Jane was a predator herself, and she had always found it easy to get her prey to be “willing”. She knew that being a tall dominating, and powerful woman, with dark long hair, glasses, and green eyes, and fully curvy with amazing assets, helped, but she was also smarter than the other predators. She knew the law well, and even if she pushed the boundaries, she never technically did anything wrong. Yet, if Jane was honest, there was a very fine line that differentiated herself from the woman she had helped convict only hours ago and who was now stewing in the judge's gut. She was only a few blocks away from her place when suddenly, her stomach grumbled. She looked down at her midsection and placed a hand over her stomach as it grumbled again, this time even angrier. She only just realized that she was not simply hungry, but absolutely starving! Jane pressed her hand in on her belly to quell the sounds. She had been so preoccupied with the case today that she had forgotten to eat! “Damn.” Jane said to herself. She was more than a little annoyed that she hadn’t thought to charm some jury member back at court or pre-arrange a meet-up with someone for dinner. Jane huffed and changed directions to stop at the grocery store on her way home. She was just walking by the local park, grumbling to herself about having to make ‘normal’ food, when she noticed a young woman lying in the grass beside a flower bed, reading a book under the lamplight. Just as she had been hit with hunger a moment ago, Jane was enamored by the sight of the girl. The young woman, maybe 19 or 20, looked utterly delicious. She had long wavy blonde hair, vibrant big blue eyes, and surprisingly large breasts for her smaller figure. Jane was utterly transfixed. She thought it was probably because of her hunger, but there was also something about the girl that just made her look soooo appetizing. Jane had unknowingly stopped walking and had turned to fully stare at the girl. Her eyes roamed the girl's supple body and she felt saliva pool in her mouth. For some reason, Jane could even smell her! She took a breath in through her nose and closed her eyes. The girl smelled sweet, savory, and flowery all at the same time! The tantalizing smell made her mouth water even more. It was completely intoxicating! Jane felt her predatory nature kick into high gear. She needed to eat this girl, and she had full intention to. Trying to gather her composure back, Jane fluffed out her business skirt and started towards the girl who was still nose deep in the book. Luckily the beautiful young woman hadn’t noticed Jane’s abrupt ogling from the sidewalk. Jane’s hunger had seemed to take over her feet and soon she was next to her. Being even closer now, Jane felt overwhelmed by her need for the girl to be in her stomach. She gave the girl a hungry look up and down her body and took another deep breath in of the girl’s flowery scent. It was too good. Jane was hit with a sudden desire to just stuff the girl in her mouth, clothes and all! But common sense quickly snapped her out of that thought. She knew the law. Eating a person who had not given consent and therefore had not given up their human rights to become food was a crime that could land even her stewing in a judge’s stomach, just as the woman she had helped convict today now was. She couldn't eat the blonde while she still had her human rights status. She was going to have to get consent... well, some kind of consent. Jane smiled. Being a lawyer, she also knew the fine print. Getting any kind of consent was easy. “Hello,” Jane said to her sweetly. The girl perked up in surprise and finally looked away from her book, only just noticing Jane standing a few feet from where she was laying in the grass. She sat up and looked a little frightened. “Oh, um hello.” She shifted nervously. “I’m sorry if this seems like I’m coming on too strong, but you are very pretty. I saw you as I was walking home and was struck by your beauty, I just had to come say hi. My name is Jane.” flattery was always a good way to start charming her food. “Oh. uh Thanks. I'm Hannah.” She looked a little uncomfortable, but Jane didn’t care. Getting some kind of consent was a process. She just needed an in. “Of course. Lovely to meet you, Hannah. Can I ask, what is it that you are reading? You hardly even noticed me walk up to you. Fufu.” The girl silently showed her the cover. The book was “IT” by Stephen King. “Ah, I see. A Stephen King fan? I haven't read much of his work but have heard lots of good things. I’ve actually been wanting to read more novels but I’m not quite sure where to start Any recommendations for a new reader?” The girl’s demeanor changed dramatically. She looked overjoyed at the question. Jackpot! An in. “AHH, there is too many to recommend! I love them all! I've read almost every single one of his books! They are so thrilling! I feel so captivated by his stories that I love them all! I can’t even pick one to recommend!” Hannah laughed joyfully and Jane’s heart melted with need even more. This girl looked too tasty for her own good. Jane smiled back at her, hiding her predatory intentions well. “So you enjoy a thrill?” Jane gave a soft smile. “Haha I guess so, why? Have any recommendations for me??” She laughed. Jane knew she meant book recommendation, but Jane also knew the fine print for the law of vore consent… This could work in her favor. “Well maybe, I think I know something that could be even more thrilling than that book…” “OOh! Really?? What is it!” “Well… i can show it to you if you want. But you need to tell me that I have permission.” “Yeah yeah, sure! Just show me!” She was eager. BINGO!!! Jane smiled wide at the girl peering up at her in curiosity. Under the law, Hannah had just given a form of consent. YES! Another willing prey would soon be in her belly! “Great!” In one motion Jane bent down and scooped up the young woman around her waist and flung her over her shoulder. Hannah flailed, a little stunned and confused, not having expected to be picked up, let alone picked up that easily. “let's get you back to my place. I need you in my belly soon. I’m famished!” “Wait what??” Jane couldn’t see her food’s face, but she could hear the fear in Hannah's voice. It didn’t matter anyway. Jane had gotten consent. “You can’t eat me! I haven’t given you consent! I still have my human rights!” “Fufu you just did, silly.” Jane just laughed. “And I quote you said: ‘Yeah, yeah sure! Just show me’” Jane continued to laugh as the girl took a sharp intake of breath realizing what she had said. “But… but that doesn’t count!!” She sounded afraid. “I.. I didn’t mean to! I… I didn’t realize that was what you meant! You weren’t clear at all!” Hannah sounded desperate. “Doesn’t matter. You gave up your rights and now i am going to take you back to my house, and eat you up!” Her stomach gave a loud grumble and Hannah gasped at the sound, which made Jane laugh. “Just in time too, I am pretty hungry. I had half a mind to eat you here in the park. But I think we’ll have enough time to go back and maybe even have some fun before I get you tucked away in here! Fufu.” Jane patted her stomach with her free hand. “Wait! No! This is Illegal! You can’t eat me if I say you can’t! I know the law!” The girl was squirming trying to wiggle free, desperate to run away. But Jane had a good grip on her. She was much stronger than the adorable book nerd. And no way she was letting her getaway. “Actually… I can. Want to know a secret?” Jane said it softly that the girl actually quieted down to listen to her. “ Well. I work as a prosecutor for the city and guess what.. truth is there is a lot of grey area in that law. All I need to legally eat you is consent of any kind. You giving me consent to show you something. And that enough to pass as consent for vore under the eyes of the law. You have given up your human rights.” Hannah gasped again and Jane laughed. “So now…you are food. And tonight I am going to eat you.” Jane smirked. “Mmmh and maybe if you are good, I’ll play with you first! Mmm I can’t wait! I bet you are going to be absolutely delicious.” Jane laughed and licked the side of girls waist. This only made the girl squeal and continue to squirm with even more fervour while demanding to be released immediately. Jane simply ignored her food for a little and kept walking as the girl continued to flail over her shoulder raging about how that was not how consent worked. They had already made it a few blocks like this and Jane was close to her house. When the girl started pleading. “Please! I’ll do anything! Please don’t eat me! There must be something you would be willing to trade me for? What if i made you a different meal! I’ll buy your groceries and cook for you! You don’t need to eat me!” Jane considered for only a second, but she already knew what she wanted. “Sorry, sweetie. But you're not getting away. You are going in my belly! I knew i was going to eat you the second I laid eyes on you. You looked too tasty to leave for someone else to come by and gobble up. But that is a lovely offer <3.” Hannah sagged. Finally, they were at Jane’s house. Jane walked up to the front door and unlocked it, easily managing Hannah who was still over her shoulder. Jane walked in, locking the door behind her without setting the girl down. She headed straight into the kitchen and put her head down on the counter, forcing her to lie down. The girl was whimpering now. She had stopped wiggling so much now that she had been taken into Jane’s kitchen. Jane just smiled at her and bent close to whisper silkily in her ear. “You know… I’m sure my appetite could wait, just a little If you let me play with you…” Hannah’s eyes went wide and Jane watched her in pleasure as tears ran down her food’s face. “Take off your clothes for me.” “No… No I.. I won’t!” She was trembling. “Are you sure you want to say that? I could eat you now if that is what you would prefer? I do take consent very seriously after all.” Jane smirked at the fearful look on her meal’s face. She leaned down and licked the girl over her face, purposefully smothering Hannah's lips and cheek in saliva. MMMH! She did taste delicious! Jane wouldn't be opposed to eating her now, but she did like to play with her food at least a little. Hannah still hadn’t answered. “Okay then. Your choice… say goodbye to daylight!” Jane opened her mouth and leaned over her food’s face. Hannah frantically shook her head. “NO!… Wait!” “No?” Jane pulled away and smirked. “Then do as I say. Take off your clothes.” Jane poured herself a glass of wine and watched as Hannah sat up on the counter and began taking her clothes off. Silent tears were falling from Hannah’s eyes as the girl set her clothes down and repositioned to sit on the kitchen counter naked. She had attempted to hide her breasts and sex from Jane’s view. It was cute. Jane set down her wine glass and walked back over to the girl. She picked up the girl’s clothes and slid them into the garbage. Hannah wouldn’t be needing them anymore, and they were much too small for Jane anyway. Hannah flinched as Jane walked back and ran a hand down the smooth skin of Hannah’s back and through her long blonde hair. “Wonderful,” Jane whispered and held Hannah's face in one hand and looked at her lips with both hunger and lust. “Lie back down on the counter.” Tears were still flowing down her eyes, but this time, Hannah obeyed. She re-positioned herself back on the kitchen counter and Jane studied the blonde’s body, pulling the girl’s hands away from hiding her favorite parts. She was absolutely gorgeous. Jane was starting to feel a little giddy at having such a wonderful meal to play with. Jane ran her hand down Hannah’s body and hovered over her blonde curls. Jane looked Hannah in the eye, whose tears were still flowing, and spoke softly. “Tonight I am making you mine.” And with that, she plunged two fingers into Hannah while rubbing her clit aggressively with her thumb. Hannah gasped and twitched and Jane kept going. Jane watched her meal’s ecstasy build as she continued to have her way with her. In and out, in and out. Hannah moaned and Jane leaned over her face and bit Hannah’s lip just as Hannah’s body went rigid and she came all over Jane’s fingers. But Jane wasn’t letting up yet. A wicked grin spread across her face as she continued stimulating Hannah. It was too much for the girl and Hannah pleaded with her to stop the overstimulation. But Jane only sped up and kept going until Hannah’s core tightened even more and her breathing became mere huffs desperate for oxygen. With a loud cry, Hannah came again as pleasure shot through her body. Her body went limp and Jane tasted Hannah’s pleasure from her fingers. Delicious. Jane backed away leaning against the other counter. She grabbed her glass of wine and sipped it while she observed her dinner attempt to recover from the blasting orgasms and over stimulation. It was so cute. Hannah slumped and gasped for air. That was probably enough playing. As if mirroring her thoughts, Jane’s stomach gave a loud grumble. Yes, now it was her turn to get what she wanted. As if remembering why she was lying naked on a woman's kitchen counter, she whipped her head around and stared at Jane. Hannah had heard Jane’s stomach grumble. Jane smirked at her. “Ahh… I guess you have realized what comes next?” “W… Wait… don’t you want that… for you? I can…?” Hannah eyed Jane warily. “Hmmm I think, I know exactly what I want from you.” Jane took another sip of wine and set her glass down while approaching Hannah. She took a hold of Hannah’s hand and placed it on her stomach just as it made another grumble. “I think I’m hungry.” Hannah looked up from where her hand rested on Jane’s stomach just in time to see Jane’s smiling face descend on her. Jane was too hungry to wait. Jane wouldn’t have let her food touch her anyway. Meals were for her to play with and eat! In a swift motion, Jane lunged down and her mouth engulfed Hannah’s head. Flavor exploded on Jane’s tongue and she was in heaven. The girl tasted simply amazing! Hannah squirmed and was making muffled sounds trying desperately to escape Jane’s hot wet mouth, but Jane didn’t care. Making sure to leave no part of Hannah’s face untasted. She was so delicious that Jane could have tasted her forever, but her stomach was practically yelling for Jane to get the girl inside already. She was too hungry. She gripped the girl at her side and lifted more of her into her eager mouth and with a deep swallow, Hannah’s head entered her throat. Jane continued to taste the girl, enjoying every bit of soft skin and every squirm of protest. She savored the girl's chest and plump breasts. Jane continued to swipe her tongue over Hannah’s body as she swallowed her down, and soon she felt the girl start to enter her eager stomach. Hannah’s ass and legs were hanging out of her mouth. This was her favorite part. Jane swallowed again, and her mouth stretched to accommodate the wide ass-meat. Jane moaned in delight. Such flavor and supple skin. Wow. It was almost too bad this was a one-time thing! She tried to savor Hannah’s ass for as long as she could, but her stomach was calling for more of the girl, not satisfied with only Hannah’s upper body that had been deposited inside so far. So she swallowed. Hannah’s shapely ass made her eyes water as she did, but it felt amazing! Tilting her head back and using her hands to hold Hannah’s legs above her, the rest of Hannah’s went down easy and with little struggle. Hannah had seemed to give up after her head had entered Jane’s stomach. She had already begun to curl up in Jane’s stomach like the good meal she was. Jane could only hear her muffled sobs. A few more swallows and Jane’s lips closed over Hannah’s feet. She savored the last of her as much as she could before Hannah would be gone. With one last swallow, Jane closed her eyes as Hannah’s feet joined the rest of her in Jane’s stomach. Jane felt the girl’s body move around and curl up as her stomach tightened and prepared to digest her. Hannah’s fate as a meal was sealed. Jane took a deep breath in and sighed. Finally satisfied with a belly full of ‘willing’ girl. Hannah had been utterly delicious. Jane leaned back on her kitchen counter, closing her eyes while she felt her prey squirm. It felt so good. Jane really was in heaven. She had easily overpowered her ‘willing’ prey. She loved the heady rush of power it gave her knowing she had completely made the girl her own, in a… kind of legal manner... It was intoxicating. Walking to the sofa, Jane held up her active belly. Her digestive system would take care of Hannah overnight. By tomorrow, there would be almost nothing left of her except another layer on Jane’s breasts and ass, and whatever Jane hadn’t absorbed and would need to shit out. Oh it was so nice knowing the law. Jane chuckled. … Hannah was shocked. She had been eaten! Against her will! A woman had tricked her, taken her and now… Oh God! She was going to be digested! It was all over! She looked around her, able to just make out the slimy pink walls that were oozing digestive juices, eager to melt her into mush. The walls were already pulsing around her, kneading her naked body. No. This could not be happening! This was… Illegal! Hannah moved around, desperate to get out. Just then, the woman who had played with her and then devoured her moved. Hannah felt the woman's hands press under her and lift her up as the woman began to walk. It was the most frightening sensation… being the contents of another person’s stomach when they walked… Hannah felt every sway of her hips. Digestive juices splashed around her as her predator let go of her and plopped her down clearly in a resting position. Hannah was just readjusting to the new position when the woman spoke to her. It was muffled, but she could understand exactly what she was saying. The woman was… mocking her!? “How’s it feel in there, food?” “LET ME OUT!” Hannah was both fearful and angry. She squirmed a lot. “Fufu. Don’t waste your breath. You are where you belong.” “LET ME OUT! THIS IS ILLEGAL!” Jane laughed for real this time. “Eh… Maybe… but honey, I’ve been doing this for years. I’ve never gotten into trouble for it? In fact, I still have my job as a prosecutor… isn’t that… delicious.” “They should send you to be put on trial you evil…” “And you know what?” She talked over Hannah. “Tomorrow, I’m working on another case. So sad, a young woman, eaten against her will. The predator will surely be found guilty, and he too will be digested… and you… ” Hannah listened with wide eyes. “... will be nothing more than more of me, and a pile of shit waiting to be released. I might even need to relieve myself of you at court tomorrow.” She laughed. Hannah took in the weight of her words. She would be unlawfully digested by a woman paid by the city to avenge those, who like Hannah, had been unlawfully digested. It was too horrible to think about. No… This couldn’t be happening. “Please… I don’t want to be digested.” “Oh shush. You're already digesting. Now settle down and be quiet.” At that, Hannah looked down at herself. Sure enough, she was. Her body was soft, and she only just noticed that she was sitting in a much larger pool of digestive juices than before. She was being digested! And soon... She would be completely digested. Tears fell from her eyes, and she became suddenly very tired. Like she wanted to sleep and never wake up. Hannah slumped in her flesh prison. Distantly she could hear the sound of a laugh track. Was Jane watching a late-night show? Was Hannah not worth paying attention to as food? Probably not. She hear Jane laugh and as the muscles around her tighten, it splashed more digestive juices on Hannah. It was all too much. Having been eaten. Being digested in a lawyer who was supposed to prevent things like this from happening…She was so tired. Maybe if she just closed her eyes, she would wake up and this would have all been a bad dream… Hannah closed her eyes and let herself go. … (Scat Warning) The next day, Jane woke up from a long night of digesting her delicious meal. She looked at her belly. It looked as if she was a little pregnant, but it wasn’t too noticeable. Nothing she couldn’t hide or maybe even dump before work. She got up and looked in the mirror. Damn, she looked good! Jane cupped her now even more shapely breasts and ass. Wonderful! Uhg! She loved eating people! She quickly got dressed, her clothes were a little tighter than she had liked, but whatever. Soon she was out the door and headed out to court. She hadn’t been kidding about the case today… she really was helping convict a predator who had eaten a girl who had not given consent. Jane chuckled. The irony was not lost on her that she was almost finished digesting a girl who had also not been the most willing, and now she was going to convict someone for doing practically the same thing. The only difference between them was that Jane was smooth, and legally she wouldn’t be lying if she was questioned about the girl’s disappearance… Hannah had given consent! Well… some kind of consent. The workday seemed to fly by. This time it was a male predator who she was helping convict. He had basically confessed to the crime, and it was surely going to be easy to find him guilty. Currently, the court was at a recess. Jane was pleasantly surprised that family and friends of the victim who had been devoured had come and thanked her. Praising her for her work. They had hugged Jane and one aunt had even asked to take a photo with her. The break was almost over when Jane felt a familiar pressure build in her ass. Hannah, or what was left of Hannah, was ready to come out! Jane excused herself from some associates and the victim's relatives and went to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her as she let out a short fart. PFFTT. WHooo it stank. Hannah was in rough shape! Jane pulled down her pants and thong underwear and sat on the toilet. In hardly anytime smooth logs were pushing out of her asshole. It felt good! Jane had to suppress a moan. The girl kept on coming! Another smooth and long log fell and splashed into the bowl. Her asshole puckered as more came. Another splash and Jane felt fully relieved of the girl. She wiped, and stood up, looking down at the toilet. Damn her gut had done well! Nothing even remotely recognizable was left of her. Jane smiled, flushed and washed her hands. Time to go back to work! Got to seal that criminal away! Wouldn’t want any more prey being eaten against their will! The End
28th December, 2019, Saturday 7:45p.m. Dear diary, Today has certainly been ‘interesting’ you could say, I guess. Honestly forgot I had this diary, at least with how chaotic things have been in the apartment of late since… Eric errmmm… Eric left Ben. A few days after my very… sensual vore entry (which to be honest I have gone back to since finding this thing, I should really be mindful where I put my stacks of paperwork) he’d texted Ben something along the lines of ‘Ben, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and… this isn’t going to work. Me and you. I wish you all the best (yarda, yarda, yarda) and hope there’s no bad blood between us.’ (and I swear to God I can’t actually believe he used this) ‘it’s not you, its me.’ the cunt didn’t even specify why exactly, which personally I think is a dick move and I would never treat an ex like that but, hey - everyone’s different. Ben doesn’t seem to realise that though, he hasn’t lost a shred of love for him, even after all these months. Which, yeah - is really fucking annoying. Like - has Eric gotten to stew away in Ben’s gut? Writhing and wriggling, causing him so much pleasure he cums nearly instantly? I don’t think so. Has Eric had to massage Ben’s still (very active) vore-belly till the prey’s violent protests die down into the sounds of a tummy doing its job? Has he? Has he had to order pizza, only to watch the delivery men themselves get swallowed whole by him? Longing and wishing it was THEM instead? In that tight, humid, gurgling chamber of flesh? No. The son of a bitch hasn’t. He’s the reason for it all! Ben’s completely let himself go… stopped going gym, sweaty and dirty from not showering as often, drinking entire fridge-worths of beer and on top of eating at least 5 people per week? He’s turned into a complete slob these passing months… I guess I should be thankful… with how Ben’s been acting recently, falling asleep whenever I’m paying my ‘rent’. I’ve come close to being digested by him, the acids seeping in from around he, rubbing with my skin as he lazily rolled in bed, on more occasions I’m willing to admit. Other people filling my spot sure has spared me a… somewhat orgasmic fate. I’m not sure he has the restraint to NOT just straight-up digest me if he was actually in one of his horngry moments (and believe me you don’t want to see them) I dunno what to do… I hope Paddy’s Pizza Place has a good supply of pizza… and boys…
Aya sat on the bed, waiting. Where was she? Lightning was supposed to be here a few minutes ago. Aya was already afraid of what would happen if anyone found out, but the longer it took for Lightning to show up, the more worried she got. The room was that of a basic hotel, a window, which Aya had pulled the blinds down on, tacky carpet, bad wall paper, small television screen, double bed. There was a small bathroom attached along to the room too, with a shower bath hybrid, toliet, and sink with a mirror. Aya sighed, and fidgeted with her bracelet, feeling rather insecure. She heard the door open and jumped, but when she saw Lightning walk in she smiled, and sat back down. Lightning was here. Finally. Lightning smiled, and sat down next to Aya. "Sorry for being late. Traffic was pretty bad “She said, smiling. Lightning had done her best to be fast, but had taken her sweet time. Best to be prepared. Aya smiling and Hugged Lightning, squeezing and not letting her go. "Don't do that again, it scared me Lightning “She said, looking Lightning in the eyes. “I won't Aya. never again “Lightning said, smiling as she stared into Aya's eyes. She leaned in and gave Aya a kiss. Aya let her shoulders droop down after this, and smiled. Lightning was at least kind enough to reassure her that it'd be okay. Lightning gently hugged Aya back and gave her forehead a kiss, and then slowly slid her hands down Aya's shirt. Lightning rested her hands on Aya's belt, gently touching her panties. She'd tease Aya a little before the main event. Aya’s Cheeks went a gentle red, as one would expect. She knew it was going to happen again, like always, but still. It always made Aya blush, which Lightning knew very well. Lightning slowly pushed Aya to the bed, pushing her against it. Aya looked up into Lightning's eyes, like she always did. Aya rested against the bed, as Lighting adjusted herself to a position she liked more. Lighting slowly brought her legs up to Aya's hips, and pinned Aya to the bed by holding her arms against the bed with her hands. Lightning smiled as she pushed Aya's legs open and sat down between them. Aya gave a little Laugh and Lighting leaned in again, giving Aya a tender kiss. Aya smiled and waited for Lighting to give her another kiss, which came rather fast. Then another kiss and another. Then Lightning's hands moved from their constraining position and to Aya's shirt buttons, gently playing with them. Aya gently got up and wrapped her arms around Lighting, who rather quickly used one hand to unbutton Aya's shirt as she continued to make out with Aya. Lighting gently removed Aya's shirt, and her free hand reached for Aya's Bra. Lighting found the clip and undid it, the Bra gently falling into Aya's Lap. Aya threw it off the bed with her shirt, and gently reached around Lighting. Aya undid the belt around Lighting's waist, then moved to her front and undid the coat. Lighting threw her coat with the other clothes, and smiled. Aya was getting better at undoing her clothes. Aya’s nimble hands moved again, undoing Lightning's turtleneck and throwing it into the clothes pile. Aya smiled and relaxed a little more, giving a sigh or relief.so far so good. Lightning smiling and put her hand it Aya's hair, then moved it back and forth, fluffing it slightly. Aya giggled and Lightning did too, enjoying the moment. Lightning gently pushed Aya to the bed again, and put her hands on Aya's breasts. Aya smiling and then let out a soft moan as Lightning started to kneed her breasts. Aya's moans got a little deeper as Lightning Played with her nipples, and then occasionally licked or bit at her breasts. Lightning continued to do this, repeating the same steps. Bite one, lick other, and fondle both, repeat to the opposite breast. Aya seemed to enjoy it, and Lightning enjoyed playing with Aya's large breasts. After a few Minutes, Lightning stopped, and pulled Aya up, gently resting her against Lightning's body. Their nude bodies had contact, and Aya gently rested against Lighting. Lightning's Hands moved down onto Aya's Ass, and gently massaged it. Aya let out another little moan, and knew what would happen. Aya relaxed as Lightning gently slid off Aya's blue ripped jeans, leaving only her panties. Aya closed her eyes and rested as Lightning fondled her ass. It felt nice, and Aya let out the occasional little "ah...” as it relaxed her. Lightning gently let go of Aya, and stood up. Lightning then undid her shorts, and pulled them off, smiling. Lightning remembered she was still wearing a bra, and removed her own, then reached for her own panties. Lightning smiled and pulled them off, and flung them into the clothes pile. Lightning then grabbed Aya's Panties and pulled them off, adding them to the rather large pile too. Aya opened her eyes at this and looked up. Lightning had such a nice body, and Aya was obviously impressed. Lightning sat down on the bed again, and smiled. Tonight was the night. Lightning lay down atop of Aya, the two girl's breasts pushing against each other as Lightning forced her tongue into Aya's mouth. As the two French kissed, Lightning moved her hands closer to Aya's nether regions, deepening the kiss the closer she got. Aya continued to accept the kisses as she moved her hands onto Lightning's posterior, gently massaging it like Lightning had done for her. Lightning felt very content with how everything was going, but was ready to take it that extra step. Lightning slowly moved her hands closer, to Aya's nether regions. Aya felt Lightning's gentle hands slowly start to massage around her clitoris, and she gently started to moan in the kisses given to her. Lightning slowly moved in a circular manner, pushing a little harder each time, and a little closer, then moving back and repeating. Aya slowly started moaning louder and her gentle touch on Lightning's butt became rougher until she was gripping it. After several minutes of making Aya somewhat pleasured, Lightning started her circle again. But this time, she moved closer and closer, not backing up. Lightning got closer and closer, until she had her fingers in Aya's pussy. Aya let out a deep moan, and stopped making out. Lightning now focused only on Aya's Nether regions, and put a second finger into Aya. Aya let out another moan, and felt like she was in heaven as Lighting slowly started to push her fingers in, pull out, then repeat. Aya moaned as Lightning pleased her, her moans getting deeper as she got closer to climax. After a few minutes of this, Aya let out a higher moan and climaxed. Lightning stopped thrusting and took her fingers out, and licked them. She smiled as Aya lay back and moaned, exhausted. Lighting got a bit of Aya's juices and put them on her lips, and gave Aya a kiss. Aya smiled and happily kissed Lightning back enjoying the taste of herself. Lighting gently lay atop of Aya, who closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Thank you...Lightning...”Aya said between breaths, seeming very happy. Lightning gave her another kiss and said "well...maybe you'd like to try pleasing me?” Aya opened her eyes and looked at Lightning. "Should she? Why not? Aya gave a nod of approval. Lightning gave her nod of approval, and rolled over, pulling Aya on top of her. Aya smiled and moved her hand near Lightning's Nether regions. Lightning smiled and said "Go ahead Aya. Let’s see what you've got". Aya nodded, and moved her hands in the same pattern Lightning had used on her, to which she got a few gentle moans from Lightning. It seemed she was doing it correctly. Aya smiled and pushed a finger up into Lightning, to which she got a loud moan. Aya started to pull her hand out, but found it to be stuck. Aya pulled again, but found her fist going deeper, to which she got rather worried. Aya furiously started trying to pull her hand out, but found herself getting pulled into Lightning's Pussy. "Lightning!" Aya screamed, afraid. Lightning let out a moan and laughed. "Get ready to be inside me" Lightning said, getting up and smiling as Aya's arm was pulled completely inside. Aya started trying to struggle, but that made it happen faster along with making Lightning moan louder. Aya looked up, and stopped struggling. Her entire arm was inside Lightning, and it was slowly pulling her head towards it. "Lightning. Please don't...”Aya said, to which she got the reply "I've alwalys wanted a child.” Lightning's moans got louder as Aya's head gently brushed against Lightning's pussy, and was slowly pulled inside. Aya's head slowly passed into Lightning, watching in horror as her head was sucked in. Lightning let out a deep moan and gently held onto Aya's legs. Now it was time to finish this. Lightning gently started pushing, moaning as Aya's other arm entered her, and as her pussy gently surrounded Aya's shoulders. With a little "Plop!" Aya's shoulders slid in, and she continued to enter at an even faster pace. Lightning's moans got deeper and more frenzied, as Aya's small body went in bit by bit, first her torso, then her ass, and lastly her legs. One by one they slid in, and then Lightning finished it off by pushing Aya's feet it. Lightning smiled and gently patted her now bulging belly, to which she knew Aya would be in for a while. Lightning got under the covers and went to sleep. Best to let Aya have some time to think. Aya was afraid and scared; this wasn’t what she had been expecting. She watched as fluids surrounded her, and a small cord slowly attached to her belly. She felt so odd, and slowly, she lost her memory. Aya's body slowly started to change, going from the age of around thirty to a teen, and slowly to a child. Aya gently closed her eyes, her mind shifting from distress to joy. She was in mommy, and mommy was going to take good care of her. Aya fell asleep and was content, happy to think about what her mother would do with her when she woke up again.
Naminé walked along Kairi. The beach was so pleasant, and Naminé was finally meeting Kairi. Kairi smiled and held Nadine’s hand, smiling as the two walked down the beach. The two talked about Sora, about Roxas, anything they could think about. They giggled and smiled, happy to have company. After several minutes, they came to a secluded little cove, and Kairi’s smirk got even bigger. Naminé blushed, thinking she knew what was on Kairi’s mind. Kairi gently grabbed Naminé’s left bun, smiling as Nadine’s blush got even deeper. Naminé tried to ask for Kairi to stop, but all that came out was “Make me want it..” Naminé felt herself pushed against the warm sand, the sand surrounding her as Kairi’s tender lips pushed against hers, those oh so soft lips, so kind and sweet. Kairi smiled after the first few, and added her tongue, slowly exploring all of Nadine’s mouth, every crack and corner, as Kairi’s hands slowly found their way onto the back of Nadine’s dress. Naminé moved her hands onto Kairi’s shirt, not entirely sure what she was supposed to do. If they were going that far, how were they supposed to do it? Kairi’s soft gentle hands found Nadine’s dress zipper, and pulled it down. As the two girl’s kissed, Naminé couldn’t help but feel alive like never before. Naminé found the edge of Kairi’s shirt, and pulled up, taking off Kairi’s top with one pull. Kairi smiled as she looked down at Naminé, only a bra covering her breasts. Naminé felt Kairi’s hands on her back now, pulling her dress off, gently depositing it around her waist like a skirt. Kairi got up, leaving Naminé against the sand for a moment, and pulled her own skirt off, smiling as she showed Naminé her panties. “So, like what you see?” Kairi asked Naminé, gently running a hand over her smooth skin, teasing Naminé. Naminé got up off the sand, and looked at herself. The dress was still around her waist, and Naminé didn’t want to be stood up. Naminé pulled her dress off, and smiled. “I like what I see” Naminé said. Naminé’s cool tender hands ran across Kairi’s happily feeling its curves. Kairi smiled, happy to see Naminé enjoying herself. Kairi’s hands slowly moved down towards Naminé’s panties, which were a gentle white. Kairi’s hands moved to the sides, and gently pulled them down. Naminé blushed, and the panties fell down to Naminé’s legs. Kairi’s next action was to undo Naminé’s bra. It fell to Naminé’s feet, and Kairi smiled. Kairi kissed Naminé’s lips, starting to make out with her, as Naminé’s hands undid Kairi’s bra strap, and Naminé watched it fall to the ground. Naminé grabbed the edges of Kairi’s panties and pulled them down, the Panties falling down to Naminé’s ankles. Kairi smiled and pushed Naminé down against the sand again, raised above Naminé by about a foot. Kairi moved her hands onto Naminé’s breasts and squeezed them, as she made out with Naminé. Naminé moaned in the kisses, happy to finally be stimulated. Naminé twitched gently as Kairi’s hands fondled the lower half of her breasts, pushing them every which way, up down, side to side and together. Naminé closed her eyes as Kairi did this, as Naminé slowly moved her hands onto Kairi’s ass. Naminé had never felt another girl’s ass, and the squishy buns made her more than happy. Naminé’s tender hands brought it closer to her, and Naminé spread her legs out. Kairi let out a moan as the two girl’s nether regions touched, and as Naminé’s soft hands groped Kairi’s ass. Kairi continued to fondle Naminé’s breasts, as the two continued to make out and enjoy each other’s company. Naminé was the next to make a move, as she gently started to pull Kairi’s ass across her pussy, moaning loudly as she did so. Kairi started to moan too, and without Naminé’s help started to hump Naminé’s pussy. Both girl’s moans got louder and louder, as the two fondled and played with each other’s bodies, happy to explore each other and find out what it was like to love the same sex. Naminé fondled harder and harder, as Kairi fondled and humped faster and faster, getting the two to a lust driven state. After several minutes, both girl’s moaned even louder and climaxed onto each other, moaning loudly as Kairi fell atop Naminé, her head going in-between Naminé’s breasts. Both moaned, but seemed to want more. Kairi smiled and kissed Namine, and then decided to have some more fun. Kairi’s left hand moved down between her legs, and close to Namine’s clitoris. Namine let out a little moan, and Kairi moved her hand closer, going to high up and then to low down, to Namine’s displeasure. After a few times of this, Kairi thrust her finger in, getting a deep moan from Namine. Kairi added another finger into Namine’s clit, and then started to pull it out and then push it in. Namine moaned deeply, enjoying the second fucking. After a few more minutes, Namine moaned deeply like before, and climaxed a second time. Namine lay there, moaning as she closed her eyes again and rested. Kairi smiled and moved around, spreading her legs into a V and putting them against Namine’s head. Namine smiled and tilted her head backards, her tounge gently touching Kairi’s clitoris. Kairi let out a soft moan, and smiled. She got above Namine, and the girl started to lick her clit intently. Kairi moaned, and enjoyed the wet tongue licking her clitoris. After a few minutes, Kairi moaned deeply and climaxed onto Namine’s face, to which Namine happily licked up the cum. Kairi sat back, her legs still around Namine’s head, as she took a series of deep breaths. Kairi smiled and stroked Namine’s long hair, how pretty it was. The two stayed there, in silence, seeming rather content with each other. After what seemed like forever, Kairi asked “So Namine..have you ever wondered what it’s like to become part of what you were made from? Return to the source?”. Namine sighed and tilted her head back again. “Sometimes. I think I’d just merge, become food for the body. Nothing special.” Namine said, looking out at the beach. How pretty it was tonight. Kairi smiled, and stood on her knees again. “Not now Kairi, I don’t want to suck it again” Namine said, giggling. Kairi smiled. “No, it’s time to return to your source.” Kairi said, pushing her head down atop Namine. Namine’s head went right in, and Kairi grabbed her feet, slowly pushing the girl in. Kairi moaned as the girl entered her body, first her torso, then her lower body, and last her legs and feet. As Namine’s feet entered, Kairi smiled. “I hope you enjoy becoming part of me again..” Kairi said, smiling as she sat down and rubbed her now large tummy. Now it was time to digest, happily and quietly.Kairi watched as her stomach slowly resided, the budge retreated and disappeared. Kairi smiled, only one thing had happened, she could tell. Namine was now cum for her, and had made her super horny. And since she was super horny, she may as well masturbate on this secluded beach. Kairi happily thrust her own fingers into her pussy, moaning as she pushed them in and pulled them out. In and out, in and out, it made her more horny and ready to climax. Kairi moaned loudly and climaxed, a giant load of cum coming out and sinking into the beach sand. Kairi smiled and got up. She used her old clothes as a towel to get rid of the cum, and then put on Naimine’s old clothes. How well they fit, she must have been her nobody. Kairi got up and walked off, happy with herself. Now to find Xion, return another to it’s source.
Tsukasa felt completely hollow. Like a shell with nothing but dread inside, he felt numb to the progression of his life. Ever since he entered the first semester of college he couldn't help but wish to die during Summer Break. Was this going to be the way things are? Just move from one class to the next and hopefully your grades improve so you can get your dream job? He had been struggling to get assistance from his peers but they were so stand-offish and he was so meek that he couldn't bring up the nerve to even make a basic acquaintence. Even his roommate, Ryuseki, -who was absent from his dorm most of the time- made no effort to talk casually to him. His trust in mankind was dwindling as fast as his motivation to keep up his academic career. It's not like he was bad looking either, he just didn't know how to present himself. Shoulder length amethyst hair was tied into a loose ponytail with most of it disheveled in a crisscross mop over his crown. Pale skin gleamed within the light, with a thin body that didn't develop muscles as easily as others did; thus he never broached sports or working out with as much desire as those in his youth's demographic. Oddly enough, his hips had been gathering fats during his more emotional binging on fatty foods when his mood had officially soured during the latter end of Spring. They were proportionately thick enough that he swore that during his mart runs he was mistaken as a girl from behind -mostly because guys tried to approach him until their eyes met-. His red eyes were a genetic curiosity as much as an attraction but the way they settled into his made it more or less apparent of his sex compared to his sister, who got her mother's face whereas his own was a mishmash of both parents. With a smaller button nose, rounded chin and a soft face bereft of most facial hair possible, he felt like he got the downgrade of masculinity compared to his own father. So, lying in bed, he kept his face buried into a pillow and deciding to not move for the determined future. Seconds ticked around dozens of times, soon to be hundreds as hours passed him by. He was all but apathetic, wishing to remain still and turn to dust by the time everything had rotted beside him. Then, his phone vibrated. Idly he pulled out from beneath his pillow that he was currently smothering his face into. Tilting his face around so one crimson eye peeked out, he'd lazily tap the screen on. There, the text read as followed: -Hey! I moved into my boyfriend's complex recently and it turns out we're not far from your college! Wanna come by and visit???! ;) Groaning, the depressed freshman began to tap on his phone and replied lethargically: -Sorry, can't. Nice to hear, doe. Seconds later, his phone buzzed and much to his chagrin, his sister didn't take it well: -Wow, that was rude. I haven't heard from you since New Year's. What's eating you? Closing his eye he flopped his face into his cushion, grunting as he tried to ignore it. Several buzzes later, and he looked at the screen, causing him to flinch: -HEY!!! -I'm talking to you -.- -You better not put me off or I swear I'll come over and bother you in person! Hastily, Tsukasa began to tap out an explanation that'd satiate the wrath that was his sibling's current demeanor: -I don't feel great, that's all. I'm not trying to be mean to you... She replied a minute later, seeming to have more consideration to the context of his words: -What do you mean? Are you sick? Are you in pain? Closing his eyes, the amethyst haired college student groaned at having to put his feelings into words. Not that it'd be any better saying it out loud, he might as well attempt to do it the least painful route. Typing it out, he'd send off his message in as concise of a manner so she'd understand what he's going through; even if he didn't understand it himself: -No, it's not that. It's just...I'm having second thoughts of what I want to be in this college. I know it's only been a semester but I practically feel isolated from all forms of socializing, not to mention everyone keeps confusing me for a girl. The moment they realize it, they practically distance themselves from me in public and the guys at university don't give me the time of day. Not even my roommate wants to talk to me! I don't know what came over me, thinking I'd be fine on my own in college. Maybe I should just skip this whole thing and just choose a career that doesn't involve this bullshit... Once he sent it, he felt relief wash over him. Rolling over he'd look up at the ceiling and find some semblance of warmth return to his chest. Maybe, for now, with someone understanding his plight he could find a way to get out of this funk. It couldn't be the end, right? There had to be more to life than this rut he was stuck inside of? He had almost forgotten about his sister, Tsuko, replying at all until the defining ring of his phone trying to convey a call was going off. Rolling over to rest on his elbow, he used his other hand to pick it up and stare at the screen. The profile pic was of them this new year's; he had a clear brush of hair, his face smiling side by side with hers, a cherub visage with a slightly longer nose and more accented cheekbones with longer hair. They were a match, and he forgotten how much he longed for her company. Clicking it, he held the phone up to the side of his head, beginning with a slightly enthusiastic chirp to his voice, "Hi, Tsuko! I didn't think you'd call." "Of course I'd call! Why wouldn't I?~" She began, asking almost in a rhetorical fashion. "Anyways, I want you to come by Kensei's apartment in a few hours. I'll give you the address and you can make it through a ten minute train ride by your college. It'll just be the two of us so you won't have to explain why you're coming over." "Uh...sure," He replied, only slightly hesitant about the invitation. He had known Kensei for the better part of the last couple of years while he was still a 1st Year in high school. So even if he was clued in on the whole ordeal, he'd only be slightly anxious about a second person knowing why he didn't want to come by. But he knew his sister. Something was a bit...rushed(?)...in the way she instructed him. Like, she had to go somewhere now and that's why he couldn't show up immediately despite how conveniently located she was. "Are you busy at the moment?" Tsukasa asked. "Just a bit, just running some errands!~" She replied in a bubbly manner, her voice as sing-song as she always had been. "Don't worry about a thing. I'll help you get yourself out of that funk you're in and we'll be pushing you into a new direction in life!~" "Alright," The college boy replied with a smile. "How does after four sound?" "Sure! Just make sure to clean yourself up before you come by; you tend to be a mess when you don't prepare ahead of time!~" "What are you now, my mother?" Tsukasa groaned halfheartedly, a smile still on his face. "I don't need that much babying." "Clearly you need some maternal love with the way you bemoaned a simple visit! Honestly, where would you be without me?~" "An honestly bored brother," He replied with good humor. "Alright, I'll see you after four." "See ya then!~" She sang, hanging up. __________________________ Tsukasa had been restless since his time spent talking to his sister. He hadn't expected her to call at all, let alone interrupt his brooding. What exactly was she planning to do, take him out drinking? Not only was this not a holiday, he wasn't 21 yet. If it wasn't that, what could she possibly do other than talk him into feeling better? Regardless, he showed up on the top floor of a complex, knocking near the middle of a view of the highway adjacent to the structure's placement. "Come in!~" He heard a distant cry from inside of the apartment. Sighing, Tsukasa turned the door handle while shaking his head. "Tsuko, you've got to open the door to greet guests," The freshman chided, stepping in while kicking off his shoes on the placemat. "Whatever would our parents think about your sloppy hospitality?" "Sorry!~" He heard from around the corner within the narrow hall that'd lead into the manilla painted walls of his sibling's abode. "I thought to brew some coffee before you came. I almost thought to bring out some alcohol but then I remembered how well you took the shot I stole for you on New Year's." "I was only slightly tipsy," He corrected as he put his indoor shoes on, treading in to find his sibling. Entering the dining room he saw as he turned the corner of the hall the whole apartment opened up to him. Immediately to the left was a hall that went straight to several rooms -currently closed- that he assumed were the bedrooms and bathrooms. Ahead was the TV room with a low table for them to sit on a deep red colored carpet, with a television hanging on the far wall. Near the end of the complex he saw was a part-office, part-storage with books stored on cabinets flanking a single rolling chair where a desktop computer was situated where the floor had turned into lacquered wood. And, to his forward left he saw the kitchen, opened up by beads where it once was just a plain manilla walled opening to the room itself. Parting through the beads of multiple shades in kaleidoscope design that flickered when she passed through them was his sister. She was wearing a deep black with a few streaks of dark red that formed striped patterns akin to liquid that shifted into bold jagged angles like lightning in alternating angles on the front. Her waist was situated with a three-layered frill pink skirt that swayed with every move of her knee high black stockings with cute slip-on pink sandals. Her longer amethyst hair was braided in a plait, resting over one shoulder while she held a mug of coffee in each hand. "Hey, Tsu!~" She spoke endearingly, her smile spread across her face ear to ear. "It's good to see you've come." "Haha! I knew better than to earn your ire," Tsukasa replied with a nervous chuckle. "I was already nervous enough when you got angry over the text I sent you." "I was more worried than mad," She assured him, nodding over to the low-table. "Come on. Let's drink and we can talk about how to improve yourself." Shrugging, he was dubious as to how but decided to play along. It was just nice to spend time with her anyways. Walking over to the table he saw facing the kitchen entry with his back to the wall and suspended TV while she sat across from him. Placing his coffee on a scooter she slid it across the table, causing it to make not such a smooth sound as it came to Tsukasa's wincing person. "Woops!" She slapped her head, sticking her tongue out while winking at him. "Just don't tell Kensei I did that. I know I was much more relaxed at home with my manners but I forgot he was pretty meticulous about everything." "I'm surprised he wanted you to move in. He didn't seem like a glass half full kind of person," The younger brother stated with surprise, raising his mug up to sip carefully. "Well, we just want to make this move before I finish getting settled up with my own job. After all, marriage will likely happen in the next year if everything goes well with his job," She explained, a smile resting as she looked down at her steaming mug with contemplation. "You two *have* been seeing each other for over a couple of years," Tsukasa mentioned, putting his mug back down on the scooter with a brighter expression as he described his sister and her boyfriend with endearment. "I know it's not terribly long but he feels like family at this point. I just wish you guys would do it sooner." "We will! Life just needs to be arranged in a way so it makes sense to do it," She exclaimed with exuberance, sipping her coffee before meeting her brother's eyes. "Which is why I've come up with a solution to get you out of your funk so you can go back to college with a fresh perspective on things." "And how is that?" He inquired, taking a sip of his coffee innocently. "I'm going to turn you into a girl!~" She sang. At this moment, Tsukasa nearly died. Hacking on the brown, sweetened liquid he had almost spat out, he coughed violently as tears formed around his eyes. He felt his sister scurry around to pat him on the back, helping coax him to regain his air. Once he had felt himself breach from the point of no return, he took deep raspy breaths before turning to look incredulously at his older sibling. "Maybe I should've clarified it before spilling that on you?" She questioned with a sheepish expression on her face. "Sis, you're so blunt you could walk into a phone store and somehow cause everything to break," The Freshman intoned with a oblong expression of blank rebuttal. "Also, that plan of yours will have the opposite effect on my social problems. I'd be mocked as a otoko no ko! I might even be expelled for misconduct of dress code!" "You don't *need* to dress like that in classes, if you really don't wanna," Tsuko clarified, placing a hand on his shoulder while smiling towards his face with a bend of her waist and back. "Besides, even though you dress poorly to begin with, you have the makings of something truly sexy. I always thought that, even though we're five years apart, we have a lot of visual features in common that could easily make you prime sex appeal. Hell, I can see how you fill out those pants in all the right ways. All you'd really need is the right clothes and the right make-up!" "I don't want people to think I'm a girl, though!" He rejected with a glare up at his sister. "Then what do you want?" She asked with a few blinks of curiosity. "I..." He faltered. Tsukasa truly was at a crossroads in his life and, before this point, he almost felt like dying. Even if he could somehow improve his image it'd be unlikely that he could gain muscle if he tried or simply dress in trendy clothes that wouldn't be acceptable for him to wear in school. Even out of school he didn't think he had the confidence to pull off being socially fluent that people could find him acceptable as an equal, let alone as an acquaintence. "I...just want people to accept me," He confessed, his face dour as he looked away from his sibling, his hands gripping over the hem of his jeans he barely fit in. "I don't want to go through this period of life just floating by barely while not existing. I just want something, anything, to lift me up the way things seem to do it for you." "I'm not saying there's no risks to my idea, Tsu," She cooed, lowering herself down to wrap an arm around him to place a hand over his opposite shoulder. Rubbing him, she leaned her head against his, smiling as she quietly said. "But the reward is that you'll experience life in such a new lens that you'll know, right away, if this is the path you want to take. I've already prepared everything so all you need to do is say the word and I'll commit the rest of this afternoon making you as beautiful as I can. How does that sound?" He felt like he made this trip into a bizarre quest. This wasn't what he had in mind but he didn't expect life could be patched up through a simple visit anyways. His older sister was putting everything forward for his sake, right? Why turn down a helping hand even if it wasn't in the way you wanted it to be? Still, the dress up and look like a girl? It was a thought that only crossed his mind slightly in the past. He had always been disappointed that, when people in public made passes at him, that either he was visually appealing or that they believed he was worth makign a connection. But after so many denials, he was unsure if being confused for the opposite sex would be remedied by fully embracing that projected image others have mistaken him for. Would he even love the new him; or rather, the new *her?* Inhaling deeply, he exhaled, sitting upright and turning to smile at his sister with a ever-so reluctant smile, "Okay, Tsuko. I'll trust you." Her eyes lit up like someone had delivered her a Christmas present. Squealing aloud, she pulled him into a tight hug that he hesitantly returned, if only because of the oddity of this arrangement. Once she stood up, she hauled him to his feet through her hands and pulled him away. "I've got everything in my room. We'll make a new you that you're going to love, that I promise you!~" "Whatever you say," He said, dragged along his feet towards her room, unsure of what to expect the moment he entered. ________________________ Tsukasa was stunned. It had all but taken a little over an hour and a half but his sister had done it. Among a slew of beautified products came a host of potential clothes to try on, items to wear, and even hair-extensions. She had really thought this through while she was out and about. It was likely she came to this conclusion while he waited for her call back on campus; he didn't know whether to feel flattered or concerned for his sister's trek to dolling him up. His amethyst hair was now resting over his shoulders and gliding to the middle of his back. Tied up into a braided ponytail, it was just the first of the changes made to his person. His face was applied with a softening agent, a foundation, to bring out the milky texture of his complexion. His lips was added a thin sheen of gloss, but no lipstick -much to his surprise- as she said his mouth was pert enough without needing to overdo it. Adding thin eyeliner with a hint of mascara, he felt a bit of a blush come on as he was being pampered so diligently by his sibling. Then, he was given a selection of clothes to try on to help extenuate his 'natural feminine appeal' as she put it. They were all nicely colored and had some nice trendy designs. Tsukasa always believed his sister was the artist for a reason and had a knack for finding visually stunning to obscurely nifty looking clothes he'd never believed to exist. The one he settled on was something he once saw a girl wear in a Manga he read before College. First he put on a pair of gloved sleeves of a smooth black textured cloth. A shoulder-strapped sleeveless shirt was placed over that with red accents and a white striped grey shirt that touched his waist. He wore a pair of short-shorts that he felt almost didn't fit given the state of his thighs and ass, but somehow they did, making them almost jut out embarrassingly-much to his sister's delight-. From there he put on nylon stockings that stretched up to just in the middle of his legs, leaving bare skin that was only teased by the next article. A three-layered red mini-skirt -he figured that Tsuko bought several of the same kind given she was wearing one earlier- that felt redundant to him but his sibling insisted he wear it. Last moment changes were a pair of black bows to clip on either side of his head -to match with the braided end of his extensions' ponytail-, and most strangely, a black choker to collar his neck. Once he was given a look through his sister's mirror, he was shocked. He angled himself to look at himself from particular sides, wondering if anything truly stood out. He could recognize his face but only by squinting; he looked more endearing and soft, open and adorable. He had become an ideally female version of himself and he felt himself blush at the sight and his heart pound; worse he felt the tight shorts strain around the groin. "Wow! You look so gorgeous!" His sister gleefully giggled with pride and joy. Tsukasa was still stunned. It was hard for him to process just how much a little make-up, clothes and hair extensions could do to make him look completely like someone else. He knew now why people paid a fortune for plastic surgeries, because such a feat was completely viable. This wasn't that extreme but he felt it might as been with how pretty he felt. Yes, pretty. It wasn't even just that, he was beautiful. He felt a swirl of butterflies clog his belly as he felt confused yet aroused by his own feminine image. His face swelled with heat and his eyes just blinked rapidly at this mirror shaped double of him on the other side. But still, he had a tinge of doubt. "Are you sure people would believe this?" Tsukasa inquired, his voice the same soft melodic tone it always had been with a bit of gravel in his hesitation. "As long as you make sure to relax, your natural voice should easily complement your new transformation," Tsuko reassured him with a smiling wink. "How can I be sure?" Tsukasa asked, fiddling with his nail polished fingers with anxiety. "I have the perfect methods," His sister said, leaning forward till she whispered eye to eye with him. "We take you to the bar." His effeminate face drew into a blank stare, and he made no attempt to sound cute as he retorted to her, "Tsuko, I can't drink. I'm still a freshman." "You don't need to go to drink! I know how you take your alcohol," She snickered with a shake of her head. "No, you just need to go there. Chill out and see if you get positive vibes from people. If you make a friend, great. If nothing happens, that's fine too. This is just a test run, to help you feel more comfortable in your new skin; more or less." "Well...I've already come this far," He belabored, smiling with renewed confidence in his eyes as he stared back with a pretty smile that rivaled his own sibling's. "Let's try it." "Great! This will be so much fun! I promise I won't get in your way, just go out and see how you feel," She insisted, herding him out of her new home and ushering the two to wear their outdoor shoes. Departing, the two didn't have to go far. A twenty minute walk in public was nothing, given the slew of people that lived in the densely packed city. No one really batted an eye, with only the occasional head turn that Tsukasa was used to having before this transformation. But once he reached the pub that Tsuko had recommended, he felt a bit jittery. He had to be coaxed in, and the sister said she'd watch from a distance since she didn't want to baby him. Wanting to prove that this wasn't something he needed his handle held he entered the establishment and smelled a light fragrance that was put up to douse the scent of smokers that often inhabited the business. Light orange lighting in half-made wall-mounted laps lit up the place, with televisions mounted across the far wall where tables scattered in the immediate vicinity from left to right. Once he made it to the bar counter, he had a much more mouth watering scent of food beyond the sight of alcohol taps splayed just out of arm's reach of his seat. A friendly enough man with a balding spot and a dark apron walked up, rubbing his hand with a towel as he nodded to him. He smiled sheepishly back, causing him to chuckle as he stood attentively in front of him. "Good afternoon, Miss. What can I get you?" He inquired. "I'll just have a quarter pounder burger," The female disguised student replied with a sparkling grin. "Sure thing," The man replied, pulling out a notepad from behind the counter and wrote it down with a pen attached to it. "Just as is, right? Anything to drink?" "I'll just take water if you please-" "That won't do!" He was startled when someone cut off his order. The bartender looked over, almost annoyed at the sight of someone that Tsukasa recognized. His dark hair was combed back with frayed bangs giving him a disheveled look over straight brows and murky eyes with a slight shadowing over a nicely angled face. Wearing a dark red jacket over a white sleeveless muscle shirt that already had freshly dark marks of alcohol stains with a studded belt pair of black jeans, he was looking straight at him. The man who didn't give two glances when he was his roommate was now smiling crookedly with a drunken glaze masking his grey-black eyes. "*Why did he have to be in the one bar I decided to test this out on?!*" Tsukasa thought incredulously as his eyes widened and his face paled at the sight of his dorm roommate being present. "Bartender!" Ryuseki crowed out, raising a half filled bubbly cup of what the female dressed Tsukasa surmised as strong alchohol. "Get me whatever she wants and a refill for me!" "Sure, as long as she's okay with it," The man behind the counter replied, trying to be receptive to his customer despite visibly showing a begrudging look on his face. Looking more receptively to Tsukasa, his eyes darted back and forth across the establishment, almost threatening to look over to call for Tsuko. But, this was his time to shine. He might as well make the most of it, even if this was not the circumstances he'd like to show himself to his college roommate. Opening his eyes, he'd flash his lashes and smile in a sincerely embarassed look, "Okay, but just make sure it's something light. I don't handle my alcohol well." "Whatever you say, Miss," The bartender replied cordially, casting a look akin to a sneer at Ryuseki before disappearing behind the kitchen door to help arrange 'her' order. Already, Tsukasa felt a very noticeable difference in how he was treated. Not only was the man more polite but someone he had barebones connections back at college was already making passes at him. Not to mention, with just cursory glances around the place, he saw a lot of long-winded stares -some leering while others in awe- and some even did doubletakes in an amusing fashion. He wanted to thank Tsuko for doing such miracle work in such a small amount of time but he was quite far from done with this experimental time out. Hearing his roommate approach him with a sudden plop of his ass onto the chair next to his left, he looked over with wide blinks while not fully turning towards him. He fully expected it'd come to this, the moment he acquiesced to the offer, but he felt it'd be far worse if he rejected it. Or, did he want attention in such a predictably intimate way? "So, gorgeous," He heard Ryuseki say, causing goosebumps to crawl up his glove-covered arms and his heart to beat a few seconds faster than before. "I don't think I've seen you before. You come by the pub often, or are you new here in town?" "I-I," Tsukasa began to waver, feeling his voice hitch a little higher than he was used to. Realizing he shouldn't talk like he normally did, he played it off with as controlled of a tone as he could, sounding more desirable as he blinked his eyes at him and smiled halfheartedly. "I'm sorry, I normally don't go to bars. You know, because I can't handle drinks very well." "It's fine," The dark haired man said, sweeping a hand confidently through his bangs to reveal his glazed, smoky eyes that stared hard into 'hers'. "If you can't handle it, I'll call a cab for us both. I could even let you sleep it off at my place; I'm sure my roommate won't mind." '*You asshole! You don't do jackshit and now you want me to let someone in?! You've gotta a lot of nerve!*'...is what he thought he'd feel like. But, in actuality this person who was practically a stranger for the past semester was making an actual attempt to seduce 'her'. His face swelled with heat, his eyes glittering and mouth held open for a whole few seconds of almost oblong staring at him from the side. A guy was hitting on him because he looked like a hot chick; he wondered just how much of a shock it'd be to him if he'd find out he was not only a dude, but his roommate he barely speaks to? "T-That's very t-thoughtful of you," He bashfully spoke, his face turning away as he tried to suppress his face from becoming anymore beet red. "But I j-just stopped by to get s-something to eat and s-stop for awhile." "What do you know? Same here!" Ryuseki exclaimed jovially, arms stretched and body almost tipping the chair backwards. Righting himself, he leaned on the counter while holding his sake cup, the smell of his breath causing part revulsion and part something else to swirl within Tsukasa as he inhaled it. Eyeing the disguised student up and down, he widened his smolder and leveled his eyes with a nod towards her. "Come on. You sure you want to be alone today?" "I-It's just a bit sudden-ah!" Tsukasa tried to insist, feeling a jolt of electricity drawl up his arm and down his spine. Looking over he saw him gently brush the back of his hand up his gloved arm, coasting his curled digits till the tips of his fingers swept the top of his knuckles before pulling off with a bit of flourish. Turning to look back at him, he chuckled lowly, causing his heart to beat more and his groin to grow cramped amidst his hormone induced confusion. Fortunately, he was saved by the peripheral sight of the bartender coming out a sparkling wine cup and another cup of sake in the other hand. Having noticed this, Ryuseki leaned more upright and downed the rest of his current cup before taking the other in hand. Once the glass was set in front of Tsukasa, the man broadly grinned with a raise glass towards her. "To us," He proposed, his attempt of a toast slightly muddled by reddish pigment that spread across his face; a clear sign he was starting to lose himself to intoxication. "May we find happiness today in each other's company!" Attempting to be cordial, 'she' grabbed the stem of 'her' glass and tipped it to his college roommate's cup with his own more substantial drink. As the man began sipping more alcohol, Tsukasa gingerly tasted it, finding the sudsy bubbling liquid to be quite sweet to 'her' tongue. Pouring more into his mouth, he let it sit and delicately swallowed portions at a time. Ingesting it made him realize how little it took to get him shaken up. Already his head felt a tingle that sprout from his spine up his neck. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle but he knew he'd have to savor the glass if he was to manage himself. The last thing he wanted was to be more drunk than his roommate who was already attempting to initiate sexual contact. "So," Tsukasa began to initiate more conversation, trying to not let the air sink back into being too close for his comfort. "What brought you here?" "Oh me? I'm jussssst here for sssssssome down time on my off day isssss all," He partially slurred, taking another sip of his alcohol before putting the glass down onto the counter. "It'sssss not a bad place to fine company eitherrrrr." "Ah, so you don't have anyone else you hang out with?" He pried, trying to find out more about this man who found vested interest in his company. "Naw. College'ssss full of p-p-prickssss!" He enunciated with visible irritation, waving his free hand around with exclaimation. "I say ffffffffuck 'em! They think they're sssssso cool, but they're not! What do they know about me, huh?!" "I-I see," 'She' nodded, trying to entertain him while empathizing his point of view. He had no idea someone else felt the same way about his peers in the college. Why was it though? It couldn't be the same reason, right? "Yeah, you get me!" Ryuseki smiled with a sloppy smile, sipping some more sake as he leaned back on his chair seat. "I've got only 'nother c-couple of yearssssss before I'm done with them. Then I c-can get m-my job d-doing t-tele...t-tele..." "Telemarketing?" "Yes, that's it!" He shouted, causing a few leering glances from behind the counter and around several nearby tables. As if with a sudden bout of self awareness, he placed a finger up to his lips and shushed himself aloud, smiling apologetically at everybody. Laughing at himself, he looked over to Tsukasa, scraping his bangs away as he leaned on the counter with a complacent look over his face. "Yeah. Got'ssss no one to really c-chill with. It'd be niccccce if I met a babe like you sooner. C-College'sssss been a drrrrrrrraaaaaag." "I'm happy you think of me that way," 'She' replied sincerely, feeling at once appreciated for the first time in awhile. "Y-You gonna drink more?" The jacketed man questioned, eyeing up and down 'her' cup. "I'm just pacing myself," He admitted, taking another slurping swallow to show he wasn't trying to be rude. Again, the warming buzz leaped up his spine and rattled his head only seconds after ingestion. It wasn't strong, like he remembered at New Year's, so he thanked the Bartender it wasn't so bad. "You look ssssssexy when you drink." Tsukasa almost coughed. Sputtering aloud he looked almost wide-eyed as his face flushed along with the conditioner that brought out the color in his visage. The man was sloppily drunk now, easily permeating the stench of his choice in drink from the seat he was leaned over from. Thankfully, the smell of a nicely proportioned burger brought him looking over at the bartender bringing in a piping hot plate of protein, cheese and other rich smelling sauces. He almost forgotten himself as he picked up the burger and bit wholly a good chunk of the large sesame seeded bun straight through the myriad of flavors of tomato, pickle, onion and cheese straight into the meat. He practically moaned with eyes rolled back, chewing it without thought as his roommate looked at him with a hunger of his own. "Even watching you eat isssssss hot," He growled, leaning over as 'she' swallowed. His drunken face got too close so he leaned back. Unfortunately, that also meant he had copped a feel of his ass through his tight shorts beneath the skirt. With his hands occupied with the sandwitch, he was starting to feel a lot more nervous and the beating in his chest was now echoing in his head. Swimming around, dizzying, the man growled with a lustful edge as he moved in to further brush his hands up his back and over his waist. It made him hot, scared, nauseous and- "Hey you!" The bartender finally snapped, slapping a wringed towel straight across the countertop so loudly everyone in the joint pricked up. The man was a jovial sort, and very courteous from what Tsukasa learned but at that moment, his face was red and eyes a mean dark glare. Even the drunken addled Ryuseki looked over with startled bewilderment. "I keep warning you, hands to yourself when you're in my joint! If you don't listen-" "Pisssssssofffffff," Tsukasa's roommate slurred out, his eyes staring back with blank indifference once his intoxicated head heard enough shouting. "Can't ya sheeeee that I'm tryin' ta' get ssssssssssssssssooooome tailllllll?" It was all too much for 'her' to handle. The anger of being caught with the man trying to lure him back to *his* dorm at the expense of *his* privacy for the sake of getting grotuitous sex to solve his personal desires wasn't fun anymore. He was only entertained by the idea that he was being treated in a more fetching manner and he wanted to know more about him. But he's seen enough! Dropping the burger into the plate, amethyst haired effeminate student turned around using his left hand to push get a grip of his leather collar. He apparently thought that was a signal to kiss as his face leaned in close- -only for a small but solid set of knuckles to crash straight into his jaw, knocking him off his chair and land flat on his back. The man banged his head, his body awkwardly writhing on the floor with confusion. Taking a look at Tsukasa almost incredulously his eyes rolled back and he collaped flat unconscious. Breathing heavily, he looked around, realizing all of the eyes that were staring at the two of them was now on 'her'. He struggled to think, but the heat was crawling up his neck and blushing all over his face up to his ears. Even as he began to shrink in embarassment, he heard someone clap in the back. He couldn't make it out but soon the applause carried itself all through the establishment, including the man walking around the counter. "I'm incredibly sorry about that, Miss," He said with a bow to her, looking over at the man with nothing but venom in his eyes. "He had been drinking almost all afternoon, trying to make passes at young women at various tables. I thought he was finally settled down until now, but..." "It's fine, really," Tsukasa answered with a meek voice, sitting himself back onto his chair to the best of his ability. "Don't worry about payment this time, Miss," The bartender assured 'her', giving him a wink as he bent down and began to haul the disoriented Ryuseki to lean over one of his stout shoulders with one limp arm. "This one will be on me." "T-Thank you," He stuttered with thankful surprise, watching the man drag the delirious man out before tossing him straight outside. He'd see that he pulled out a phone and began dialing, most likely the authorities. Not wanting to stick around he began to wolf down the burger and -without thinking- drinking the rest of the sparkling drink before walking hastily out. "Please come again-!" He was out before he heard the whole of the man's insistence to return. He didn't think he wanted to do this again. This entire outing was a mistake, he just knew it. "Hey, Tsukasa! Wait up!" He stopped, realizing his sister must have been the one clapping after he punched Ryuseki. His knuckles still tingled and he knew he likely bruised them. Turning around, he felt emotion well up inside of him as he looked at his concerned sibling. Without expressing it in words, he wrapped his arms around his older sister, who only returned it just as emphatically. "I-I don't want to do this again!" He blurted out, his hands clenching her shoulders as she rubbed soothingly along his back. "I knew him and he...he was awful...and he tried to-to-" "It's okay, it's over now," She assured him. "I didn't know that was going to happen, you have to believe me." "C-Can we just go home? I-I just want to lay down and just cry for a bit-" "I'll help you get through this, okay?" He didn't know if he was just tipsy emotional because of the alcohol or if he was still deflating from landing a punch on someone he had so much pent-up issues with. For now, he trusted his older sibling, knowing she never did anything to inherently cause him harm. Still, he probably wasn't ready to open himself up to the tongue waggling people of a bar. Not that he disliked the touching in of itself. Being caressed and talked to like that was, in a way, exciting and sensuous. The last time he had felt those kinds of feelings was when he was in his first ever relationship in high school. It broke his heart when his girlfriend cheated on him and ended it on such a sour note that he felt awful for allowing it to happen like that. But, Ryuseki wasn't bad looking, it was how he was coming onto him that was scared. He had no way of retreating, no form of resistance. It was thrilling and scary, all at once, but this wasn't the way he'd want it to happen. His mind was still racing, even as he was led back home at the apartment. He asked if he could be alone in her room, if that was alright and she obliged. By the time he entered he took another look at the full length mirror. His mascara got a little muddied, much to his chagrin and some of the conditioner on his face got stained from his tears. He wanted to fix it but he knew he'd probably make it worse. So, he called his older sister back in and she happily obliged in touching him back up. As she dabbled with it, he began to get a look on his face; or supposedly, it was a cue for his older sibling to pick his brain. "So, how did it feel?" "How'd what feel?" He asked with feigned ignorance. "Don't give me that, Tsu," She chided with a smile, touching up his face a bit more as her eyes connected with his. "I know what he did was wrong. But, I'm sure you've never been touched that way before. What did it make you feel?" "Scared, anxious-" "And?" Biting his lip, his eyes looked away as he whispered under his breath, "Hot." "Really?" She asked, now purposefully acting coy, much to *his* chagrin. "Yeah. I don't know why but, when he was talking to me and looking at me in that way, I knew he was just being a filthy drunk. But, at the same time, he really thought I was sexy. I couldn't help but think what it'd be like with him on top of me, holding me and, ngh!" He closed his eyes, his sister finally leaving his face in the same condition as it was when they left. "Do you think you like boys?" She inquired, now being serious. "I dunno. Maybe?" He turned to look up at her with a pained expression. "I mean, I still think girls are sexy and all but...when I look like this...I *feel* like a girl. And, that part of me, likes the fantasy of being the one...you know...fucked and held, and..." "A bit much of TMI, Tsu, but I get what you mean," Tsuko teased, flashing him a smile and a wink. "If this is just a way to help relieve stress, and this isn't just a permanent life style for you, I don't see any harm in it." "Really? You don't think I'm, gross or weird, thinking that?" "I've seen guys with much more disturbing fetishes than you, Tsu. Trust me, this is *tame* by comparison," She snorted with memory of said individuals. "But, tell me. What if I could give you a first class try at doing it with a guy?" Now Tsukasa blanched. "Hear me out!" She immediately cut him off, knowing he was about to shout incredulous rejections. Lowering her hand, she placed one on a hip and gestured with the other nonchalantly. "I think our problem is that you didn't build enough confidence in seclusion with someone you trust. We threw you out into a lake without you knowing how to swim, you should at least learn how to paddle first before trying something that risky." "How? Dial up Brazzers?" He snorted with disbelieving humor. "No, even better," Tsuko intoned with a twirl of a finger. "I'll get Kensei to bang you." "KENSEI?!" Tsukasa shrieked, suddenly going beet red at the dozens of sexual images flying by his mind's eye. "N-No! He's your boyfriend and I'm...and he's...no, why would you say that?!" "As your big sister, there's no one I'd trust more to give you the time of your life and give you the experience of being treated like a woman in bed than my Kensei. Trust me, I can convince him to do it for you," She assured him, much to his throbbing heart's dismay. Leaning over, she did fascitiously grin and raise a brow at his nervous face. "You do think he's sexy, right?" "I mean, yeah," He shrugged weakly with a pathetic smile. "He's much more manly than I am, and more confident. But, he's like a member of the family-!" "And I trust family. At any point you don't want to do it anymore, you can stop," She insisted, swinging her hands around with emphatic inquiry. "What do you say, Tsu? Want to give this a try, or forget I said anything?" "I..." He didn't know what to say. He liked the social pleasures of being an attractive woman, and he also thought it was erotically satisfying to be the one approached, felt up, or bated over. Now this offer was something he had felt iffy over, and now that it was handed to him by his sister, he wondered if this was a morally right thing to do. Then again, he dressed as a woman to get more attention and make himself feel better so he figured he was in such a gray zone that asking that kind of question would feel redundant. "I'll try it," He finally spoke, putting on as much of a brave that Tsukasa could manage. Needless to say, Tsuko was ecstatic. Before he knew it, she was calling up her boyfriend and talking to him over the phone. He swore that he could hear Kensei yelling out of the receiver, even when she had moved to the living room. Still, after what felt like hours which translated only to twenty minutes, she returned shortly and gave him a thumbs up. Waiting for him to come home and help do the deed was nerve wracking. He had made his decision but he wished he could've been there, right away. Then again, if he was, he might have had an anxiety attack. But, when he did arrive, he was taken aback by how truly stunning of a man Tsuko's boyfriend was. He possessed an angular jawline with strong cheekbones but softly light complexioned skin. Black hair rested messily over his head as he was likely done doing something pertaining his job from earlier. He wore spectacles, giving him an endearing quality to him that only enhanced darker purple eyes compared to Tsuko and Tsukasa's brighter amethysts. Tsuko said she'd excuse herself, wanting to not get in the way of the experience and said she trusted Kensei to show Tsukasa what it was like to be pleased in the way she liked it. Departing, the two were now alone in the bedroom, with Kensei and Tsukasa trading glances, nervously fidgeting in place. "Ummm," Tsukasa finally spoke, gripping the hem of his short skirt, brushing his hand through his extended locks while giving Kensei an awkward blushing stare. "Should I uh, undress?" "No," He affirmed, his voice a smooth bass, his hands already raised up to brush his palms over the student's bare shoulders. His voice hitched and 'her' skin warmed instantly to his touch. Slowly he hooked his fingers on the stylish pair of sleeves, pulling them downwards. Once he unfastened them off 'her' fingers, he sighed, looking up at the now proximate older man. Smiling, Kensei took hold of the freshman's chin and huskily whispered to him, "I'll take over from here. Don't worry about anything." "O-Okay," Tsu replied, watching the man deftly brush over his shoulders to push the straps of the shirt aside. Pulling them down with the rest of the padded undergarments with the darker colored top. As he did so, he leaned in and planted a moist kiss within the crook of his neck. Tsukasa gasped, finding his hands twitching at his sides and his toes scrunching up beneath his knee socks. Guided by instinct his arms maneuvered to grasp at the neck and head, kneading his scalp with his fingers as he felt a hot tongue make contact with pleasure receptors. His body coiled on the inside, bursting with butterflies in his stomach while his pants were painfully tight. Kissing around the neck and suckling his ear lobe brought him to make a cute whine that the student had never made before. Even as he was being pleasured unnaturally, he felt his hands rub around his chest and belly in a soothing caress that both tickled and excited. Pulling the top down to his waist, his hands shifted down to begin unbuttoning his shorts undo them while leaving the skirt hang around his waist. "S-So hot!" Tsukasa gasped, clenching onto Kensei as he swayed on his heels, urging the sensation to continue. "Ungh! Why is this so hot?!" "I see you're sensitive like your sister," He teased much to 'her' dismay. "My pants are tight," He groaned, biting his lip as his eyes met Kensei's. "Can you help me?" "Of course," The darker haired man replied, pulling the shorts down with one hand down while coaxing the rest of 'her' garments down to pile around his ankles. Once they were kicked away, Tsukasa found his mouth captured in a steaming kiss. His eyes widened before closing, hugging the man close to him as he felt his first taste of masculine lips and tongue wrestling against his. The brain buzzed with endorphins and his skin lit up like electricity was coursing through his veins. Everything tingled, and he wanted this pleasure to continue onwards. Pulling apart, Kensei inquired with a smile and a whisper, "Have you ever got a blowjob before?" "Uh...well...yeah," He admitted sheepishly, his hands tensing in his hold over the darker haired man. "Back when I was in high school." "Ever thought of giving one?" "...yeah," He confessed with teeth biting into his lower lip. "Want to try that out right now?" Nodding his head, he looked over at Kensei and pulled him insistently to kiss once more. They swayed on their feet in the bedroom, stopping only to slide over onto the bed. Their lips mingled and separated, tongues dancing openly as Tsukasa took his own initiative to disrobe him. Picking away at buttons on his dark collared long-sleeved shirt, he pulled them off his arms while holding his oral dance with him. Feeling up his muscles down his abdomen he'd then find his pants, undoing his belt in quick haste before finding a bulge erect in his underwear. Pulling back with a squelch of tongue and lips, he gasped with wide eyes at how big it was. Lowering down, he felt gravitated to it like he hadn't thought possible. The veiny girth was warm but soft to the touch. He even kept his groin shaven, giving him a pleasantly smooth sensation to his fingers and palms. Rubbing his thumb over the leaking precum, he heard Kensei groan, and he looked up to see a sign of approval in his darker violet orbs. Licking his lips, Tsukasa bent down on his knees while shirking off the rest of his garments from his legs, leaving him pretty much bare. Holding its clean cut head up, he opened his mouth and gave it a bit of a smooch. Tasting the texture, he was oddly pleased how it didn't have anything foul for him to flavor. Grinning despite himself, he took the head into his mouth and began to suck it lightly, knowing full well to take care not to place his teeth close to the sensitive flesh. "Mmmmmm," Tsukasa moaned around Tsuko's boyfriend's meat. Inhaling the musky scent he rose up and down, taking more of the staff deeper into his oral cavity. Swishing his tongue around the base, he gulped around its head when it touched his throat. Batting his eyes up at Kensei, he began to pull back with a slurping motion that ended with him popping it free before he swirled his tongue around the soft erection. "You're doing good, Tsu," He cooed, calling Tsukasa by his pet name his sister referred to him as. It brought a tingle around his ears being called by such a precious title. Humming around it, the dark haired man convulsed in place, feeling rapturous pleasure coil around his pelvis and stir within his gut. "Oh...oh god! Ah!" "Hmmmmmmmmm," 'She' purred, continuing to bestow pleasure on the man's erection with repeated inhalations and exhalations over the appendage. Twisting his head back and forth, he tried to different angles, wondering if it was possible to lick up the penis in different varieties. He knew he only had so much time before he burst, but he was more concerned of how he can make his first time count. "Nnnnnngh," Kensei groaned, his hands balling up into gripping fists over the sheets of his girlfriend's bed. "Oh fuck yeah! Keep sucking my cock! That's it! Mmmmmf!" "Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmmmmm!" Tsukasa moaned in intervals, hastening his oral massage of Kensei's meat. The salty taste and the leaking of precum only served to elicit more excitement within his erotically charged mind. He hadn't realized how deprived of sex he had been until he had been brought into the bedroom with Kensei. Now tasting this delicious tool was awakening a libido within him he had long thought buried with the absence of his ex. But, just as he felt he was going to achieve climax, Kensei halted his eager oral massage with both hands. He jerked to a halt, and he looked up inquisitively as he was pulled back till the cock came out with strings of saliva leaving his mouth over the throbbing penis. Even as he looked up, he could see that he wasn't having second thoughts, but looked more turned on than before. Pulling him up, his mouth was excavated for juices with Kensei's tongue, causing Tsu to roll his eyes and reciprocate in sharing naughty liquids with him. Clawing at his chest while he rubbed his back, he felt more turned on by this particular break from a blowjob than he conceived. Each new moment was surprising him, and his skin was practically glowing from the naughtiness he was feeling about doing it; not just as a girl, but with Kensei of all people. "Have you," He began to ask, separating their amply moist mouths apart with lines of saliva separating their lips. "Ever been rimmed?" "N-No?" 'She' cocked 'her' head to the side, blinking his long lashes with inquiry towards him. "What's that?" Grinning lustfully, Kensei told him to lay on the bed halfway. Complying he nervously looked back as he saw the darker haired man bend down and grab his skirt framed ass. Pulling away the thin fabric of the panties to reveal his puckered hole, Kensei sniffed in his scent, making Tsukasa blush with embarassment. Then, he stuck his tongue out- -and pressed it inside of his hole. The immediate sensation was weird, wet, and invasive in a way he was shocked to feel. His head jerked away to stare at the colorful wall of his sister's bedroom, his hands clenching tightly on her mattress sheets as he let out a hoarse squeal. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn!!!~" "Mmmmmmm," He felt Kensei hum against his posterior, swirling within his rectum with his broad tongue that he was kissing minutes ago. Digging into him deep, he was surprised just how far it could reach. His legs flailed, feet scrunching up in reflex and his hands scratched at the bed as his upper body bent up and down in response. "Haaah! Haaah! Haaah!" Tsu breathed out loud in labored breaths, feeling his body sweat in palpable amounts than it was than at the session's start. It felt like a bundle of nerves was being pircked each time the tongue swirled in a circle. Right there, it'd make a spark of electricity swim up his spine, jitter his pelvis and burst around his stomach. It made his head dizzy as a smile spread across his face, his mouth drooling as he continued to be pressed into from behind. He attempted to push back, hearing Kensei groan in a carnal way that vibrated his peforated hole. Looking over his shoulder, he began to whine and squeal, feeling himself give completely over to his lust as he rolled his hips around against the handsome face that was eating him out. It was so bad yet it felt so good. He loved doing this on his sister's bed with his sister's boyfriend. "Oh man," He thought, his tongue hanging out as his eyes watered from the overwhelming surge of pleasure warming, electrifying and sweating his body out with. "I think I might go crazy from this...!~" Pulling back from his ass, Kensei looked ravished in the face, reddened and covered in his own spit. Smiling toothily, he pulled his smudged glasses off while taking his painfully erect yet still lubricated cock up towards the thick buttocks. Grinding it in between his broad nether cheeks, he looked over at the slutty expression Tsukasa had and inquired in ever-so a coy manner. "Want me to put this in you? Give you this big cock that only Tsuko ever had?" "Y-Y-Yessssssssssss," He slurred out, his mouth leaking profusely along with his eyes. "Yes what?" He teased, continuing to grind the staff of erogenous flesh against his twitching yet widened boy pussy. "F-Fuck me! Fuck me in my ass!" He begged aloud, smiling as he arched his neck over to stare deeply into Kensei's burning purple orbs. "Make me yours!" "As long as you know what you're getting," He began to intone, his cock pressing into the wrinkled anal lips; then shoving all the way in as he shouted with gusto. "INTO!" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!~" Tsukasa screamed feeling the whole of the meat stretch him three times more widely and even farther than his tongue ever did. The teased nerves within his rectum were jabbed full force, making his body spasm and his eyes spark with spots. Bowing his body with the first impalement he ever felt, he gripped at the sheets as he felt it throb deep inside of himself. Feeling strong hands grip his skirt covered hips, he then felt it withdraw slowly before ramming mercilessly back in. "HHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNGH!~" Tsu screamed between covered lips, his face a mixture of anguish and ecstasy. The light between brutality and pleasure was lost on his mind. He might as well be a pile of mush with how his body was gifted with things he never thought he'd ever receive. Throttled back and forth, the rod of Kensei began to ram into him with a fervor that accelerated the more times he did it. He tried pushing back against the cock as it rammed into him, feeling his pelvis slam into his ass with louder claps of skin than previously. He could feel it jab farther in as he did it, bringing more bursts of warmth within his guts. Due to the ferocity of Kensei's ramming he couldn't twist his hips like before, but that soon wouldn't matter. Twisted over onto his side, one leg was left to hang over the side of the bed while the other lied onto the right shoulder. This left Tsukasa in a position where he could see Kensei a bit more clearly without straining his neck. With his hands pressed against the bed, he mewled and whined in rapid bursts, finding that his thrusting slowly turned into a grinding swirl within his ass. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" He moaned between teeth and his lower lip, finding the cock jabbing his sensitive nerves within his rectum expertly. The virulent lovemaking was something that was searing into his mind as much as his body, becoming a lifechanging experience. He swore he could see his belly bump with the outline of something piercing it from the inside, but his brain was in such a haze, he probably was fantasizing it in the middle of his intense sex. "Ooooooh fuck you have a great ass, Tsu!" Kensei endeared, twisting him over to lie on his back. Hauling his legs till they were hanging over his shoulders he began to rhythmically piston his body into 'hers', watching 'her' make cute expressions as he continued to drive himself with twisted excitement. The more he looked at him, the more he saw a girly boy version of his girlfriend, and that only added to the taboo of what he was doing. "Ngh! Ahn! K-Kensei! Mmmf! It feels-ahn! It feels so good!" He mewled out, panting and shouting in between every few thrusts. Chewing his lip, he squinting one eye before blinking with the other. His palms were trying to drive deep into the matress, toes wriggling and his abdomen rose up and down with excited pants. He could feel a warm ball of pleasure mounting within his pelvis, stemming from his excited gut. "I-I'm going to explode! Keep fucking me! Fuck me hard!" "I'm going to breed you good," Kensei growled, watching Tsukasa squirm and spasm with impending release. He had been trying to hold back himself from unloading ever since he felt how deliciously soft and tight the inside of Tsu's girly ass felt on his throbbing cock. But now, seeing how he was pleasured by his first time as a girly boy, he wanted to endow all of his energy into bringing them both the pleasure they deserved. "Unh! Unh! Unh! Unh!" The freshman grunted repeatedly, feeling his now exposed dick wave with impending release, the panties cupping his balls that throbbed with imminent leakage. "Fuck! Mmm! Yes! Ngh!" Kensei huskily exhaled, swearing aloud as he continued to piston himself into Tsukasa's bottom. Every moist slap brought him inches closer. Another step further, and then... In that moment, they both climaxed as once. "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH!" They both moaned aloud, Tsukasa's jism squirting out of his slender cock onto his chest and puddling over his waist. Deep inside he felt a warmth splurge within his innards, Kensei pumping repeatedly into his body all of his seed. He'd be marked, carrying a load of his seed, and in that moment, he was bound to Kensei as being a piece of meat to be bred at his discretion. Letting his knee socked legs brush over his legs and then clench from behind to keep him embedded in his boi pussy, Tsukasa raised his arms up to cup around his head and pull him down into a deep kiss. The pair moaned as they shared tongue and saliva, uncaring of how sweaty or the cum that stuck between their chests. At that moment, their perverted lovemaking was now carrying them into a deep, solid bliss. And Tsukasa knew from now on, there was no turning back to his old life.~
 Martin stirred fretfully in his bed before coming to his senses and sitting up slowly. He'd dreamt about her again... Over and over, the scene played out in his mind, as it had for the past year. A year already? Where had the time gone? So clearly he could recall what happened, in such detail. No matter how Martin tried to distract himself, his mind kept running in that circular path, constantly returning to the day that the naga had devoured his lovely Sasha. During work, during meals, when he was with his friends- he became flushed and aroused, as the thoughts crept unbidden into his head. His friends did their best to be compassionate but there were always the whispers from strangers, as his condition was often embarassingly obvious- he was Naga-touched, and ever since that day he had been filled with a longing that rendered him incomplete. He had slept through most of the afternoon, it was becoming harder and harder to maintain interest in most things, and far easier just to sleep the time away. The only things about him that weren't broken were his hunger and his sex drive- both were raging more than ever, Martin knew it was all part of his condition. He poked around in his pantry for a breakfast but there wasn't anything really substantial inside. After munching on the remains of a slightly stale pastry, he poked at his continually grumbling stomach. Someday, when he saw the naga again, he'd be fattened up and ready to go with as much eating he'd been having to do. But with this thought, he was stabbed with pangs of guilt. His friends had risked everything to save him. Had there been another naga nearby their efforts would have been in vain, and they would have been devoured too. But would that have been so bad? Martin shook his head, no, why couldn't they just have realized that it was too late to save him? Why couldn't they have stumbled upon the scene then backed away quietly in defeat? He was now left to live a cursed half-life. He sighed, licking the last crumbs of the pastry from his lips and decided it was time to pay a visit to Barry, who'd been his friend since childhood. Barry would have a proper dinner ready for sure, and perhaps some sympathy too. Of course, Barry had never experienced the naga like Martin had, though he had been one of the friends who had saved him. Still, of anyone he'd ever met, Barry seemed the most understanding of Martin's plight. Barry lived nearby, a blessing since Martin ended up here so many nights in the past several months. Martin found himself at his friend's front step before half an hour had passed. Smelling the delicious aroma of dinner in the air, his spirits rose and he knocked a quirky rhythm into the door. It swung inward almost immediately. "Hey, Martin!" Barry stepped aside to let his friend in. "I had a feeling you'd be here, so Lena and I made a little extra stew," he said, gesturing in the direction of the kitchen. "Ah, wonderful," Martin smiled. "You guys are always so thoughtful." "We've already eaten and Lena is out back, relaxing, but I'll pull up a chair with you, I know you didn't just show up for the food," Barry chuckled. "Is it that obvious?" Martin stepped inside, slipping off his shoes. "I've just been losing track of everything lately," he admitted with a lame smile. "Its been getting worse and worse." "Indeed," murmured Barry, as he led his friend down the hall into the kitchen. "But I know for now, a meal will make it all better." "Truly, my friend," Martin replied. "You know me all too well!" The friends made small talk, as Martin downed one, two, and three bowls of stew. Inevitably, the conversation swung towards the naga before too long. "You know, I had a dream about one the other night, m'self" Barry confessed. Martin's heart skipped a beat. "Is that so?" "Yeah," Barry murmured. "Look. I've had a weight on my heart lately. I've been thinking. Lena and I have been watching you. This is the third time this week you've come here, and you look a wreck-" Martin's tufted ears drooped with dismay. "Ok, I get it. I'm really sorry. I know I'm not the same anymore, its just been real bad lately being the anniversary of it happening and all, I won't come around if its just too weird for you guys-" "-I stopped by your house the other day," Barry continued, "and you were too fast asleep to come to the door. But I did peer inside. Martin, your house is a wreck like I've never seen it, and by the way you're acting and how you're eating, you haven't been into town for weeks, not for groceries or anything, I'd dare say." Martin looked down at his hands. "You know I hate it there. I can't take it anymore. People treat me like I'm a ghost. I can't take their pity." His face twisted in agony. "They just don't understand! How could they? These feelings, they've never felt them." Martin licked his lips. "I'm jealous of Sasha. Not mourning her. You see?" Martin was actually almost chilled by the strange look that appeared briefly in Barry's eyes. They echoed the feelings Martin saw in his own gaze every time he bothered to look into a mirror. Distraction. Conflict. Hunger. "Martin," he sighed quietly. "I know things are only getting worse for you. I want to help. I've always wanted to help! I care about you a lot, you know fhat's why I tried to save you in the first place. But damn it all! It breaks my heart, breaks Lena's heart to see you like this! I had the dream I mentioned the other night, a naga that spoke with Sasha's voice. She called for you and it chilled me to the bone! But it wasn't nearly as gripping as the longings I felt myself." Martin raised an eyebrow. "That's similar to the dreams I have all the time. That naga must have her. And she's waiting for me." Martin closed his eyes and shivered with delight. "I was sure of it," nodded Barry. "I've been realizing something... I know in my heart I have done the wrong thing. I interfered in something most primal and sacred. And soon it will begin to haunt me too, more and more, I fear." "Things just happened the way they did," Martin said quietly. "Sasha and I didn't choose to encounter the naga, we just did, and it was irresistable! Please don't feel so badly, I'm feeling guilty enough as it is, dammit! You acted as a friend should have, you had no idea how it would be." Martin stood up. "Look Barry, I'm feeling worse and I don't want to drag you even deeper into this, I'll just go home and stay there." Barry stood up as well and grabbed Martin's arm. "Before you go. Just listen, dammit. Please. Let me say this. I don't want you to feel guilty anymore. You can't live with this, I can't live with this. I think you need to do what you most desperately need to do." Martin's eyes widened. "Barry..." Barry pulled his old friend into a stout embrace. "I will miss you, but you have to be where you... belong. I can't be selfish about it. There's nothing I can do to fix it, anyways." Martin's mouth was dry and he felt his stomach flip-flopping. "You... want me to lose myself to the naga?" He backed away from his tearful friend, looking off into the distance. A strange excitement began to bloom inside of his heart. The only thing stopping him from meeting the naga again over the past year was his friends, and here his closest buddy was saying he was free to go, with his blessings! "You know the old spring-house. The abandoned one," Barry suggested. "You could go there, that's where they say her lair is. The naga." Martin nodded. Many people in town knew to avoid the old, abandoned resort by Klea springs. It was determined to be near the heart of the naga's domain. As it was the first landmark slightly off the road to town, quite a few ignorant travellers had disappeared down that path. Martin resisted a strong urge to start sprinting towards the place. Instead, he asked his friend for one last favor. It would be rude to do anything else, no matter how great his need was. "Hey, can I stay here tonight? I... don't think I want to go back to my house. it's further from the springs, anyway." "Of course," said Barry with a small, understanding smile. Much later that night after dessert and some more idle chat, as Martin tried to get some sleep in the guest room, Barry lay awake next to his dozing wife, Lena. He had lied, lied horribly, for such a long time. The moment that he had come across his old friend wrapped in naga coils, and saw Martin's wife, Sasha, sliding down the gullet of the lusty beast- it had been one of the most breathtaking moments of his life. He knew without a doubt, that if he hadn't arranged for others to follow and assist him that both he and his friend would have been a sexy meal long ago and things wouldn't be this way. No, Barry had not been suffering like Martin, as he hadn't actually felt the touch of the naga, but he knew all too well how exotic and erotic the notion was, the willingness, the eagerness, to belong entirely to the strange serpent, even if he had only felt it for a moment! Fantasies came pouring into Barry's head, as they did, more and more often these days. But after some time he rolled over and drifted to sleep. And he dreamed his dream again, yet he had lied about this too the naga had not been calling out for Martin. She was calling out for him. Barry. And it was a call he helplessly obeyed, every time, waking up just before the seemingly infinite pink maw descended upon him. *** For once, Martin was up early. And once again, he resisted an urge to just leave and contented himself with the idea that everything might be settled before the sun had set. Fortunately, Barry was up before too long, which was unusual for him. Yawning, he met Martin in the dining room, with a couple of cups of some orange juice. "You know how it is, Lena's still sawing logs," Barry grinned, but became a little more serious. "She has no idea what we talked about last night. I just figured you would be up, and you'd like some company." "Yeah, its been difficult, I'm... ready to go. Its hard to sit still." admitted Martin with a sheepish grin. "Well, I'm glad you haven't left yet" said Barry. "Because I want to accompany you there. Just to make sure things go right for you this time." Martin nearly slammed his glass down upon the table. "Barry, that's incredibly foolish of you, I thought you've always taken me seriously about this- if she so much as touches you, gets to work her pheremones on you, you're as doomed as me! You'll never stop thinking about it, at best." "I know, I'll be careful! But how can I let you face this by yourself? Barry countered. "I know the risks involved. Besides, I'd have to be willing to let her get near me. I can be out of there way before she's finished with you." Martin felt strange about this, but how could he deny this of the friend that had done so much for him? "Don't worry," Barry assured Martin. "Lena's asleep and I really don't want you to look for the naga alone. Let's go now." The sun had not been up for long, and the grass was full of dew as they headed out to the springs. They were silent as they walked, each lost in their own thoughts. Martin was nearly giddy, thinking of the naga though the feeling was tinged with apprehension and worry for his friend, who he felt was taking a very silly risk. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world to be drawn into the embrace of a naga. But it truly meant leaving the rest of your life behind. Martin knew how dearly Barry adored his wife, surely he wouldn't want to take the chance of leaving her? Martin thought of running away from Barry, but where would he go? They both knew the naga would be at the springs. And Martin simply couldn't bear the thought of delaying his fate even one more day, or longer, waiting for Barry to forget about him. It was a brief journey into the woods, and before long they had arrived at a clearing. There stood a beautiful but decrepit structure perched on a knoll, over a deep, clear pool of water. Long ago, people came here to relax, until the disappearances began. That was probably when the naga made the area part of her domain, and the area was vacated. The two walked around in the wet grass, and around some massive berry bushes, not entirely sure how one announced their presence to a naga. Martin took a good long look at the building, but was sure she wasn't lounging inside. "I don't think she's here," Martin said, crestfallen. "She has quite a distinct smell." Barry sniffed the air for good measure. "Well then, I guess we wait," he said, stroking his chin anxiously. They reclined upon a smooth, flat boulder near the water, partially shaded from the morning light by a cluster of trees. Barry unwrapped a bit of breakfast he had brought along and shared it with his friend. Martin accepted it, studying his friend carefully. Barry's face looked so strange as he ate his meal and looked out over the water. Worried perhaps? Sad about having to say goodbye despite the fact that Martin had not been the same person this past year? "You know, Barry, you can probably go now." Martin urged quietly. "I'm here, and its nice, and I don't think I'll be going anywhere. I know she'll be here eventually. I feel it. In any case, there's berries here for me to eat, and plenty of fresh water. And the season's nice, I'll be ok, she's bound to be here before too long. So please. Get back to Lena. Before she wakes up and wonders where you've gone." There was silence for a while. Barry met Martin's eyes briefly, then looked away. "I haven't been entirely truthful with you, man." "What do you mean?" frowned Martin. "I-" Barry stammered, becoming incredibly flustered, still looking away. "I want to watch." "Huh?" Martin boggled. "You... no way, man!!" Barry sighed. "My dream. It wasn't about you. It was about me. The naga was calling for me. Ever since the day I saw that creature, I too, have had a lot on my mind." Martin's heart was racing. He couldn't believe it! His friend was truly in danger now. "Barry, you IDIOT! You really shouldn't be here then! The temptation, you must have some idea of what it's like! The naga uses her resources like a wedge, even if you're a -little- willing, she'll get you too, you know!" Martin was all too aware of the excitement in his own voice, the strange glee he felt that his friend was making this admission. "If she catches us off-guard... there will be no escape for you!" "Yeah, I know," mumbled Barry in a strange voice. Suddenly Martin was all too aware of a glorious nectarine aroma wafting through the air. Both men inhaled deeply. Martin was thinking he would pass out from the butterflies raging in his stomach, he could hardly stand it. "Dammit, get the hell out of here, I'm about to lose my senses, Barry! She's close! Hide or something at least!" A sharp feminine voice cut across the clearing. "Barry? Martin? What the hell is going on?!!" "Lena?" Barry croaked, finally shaking off his daze. Blinking a few times, he finally looked into Martin's desperate eyes and nodded. "You're right, friend. I should be leaving." Martin nodded once in reply. As much as the idea of watching his friend fall under the wiles of the naga tantalized him, he could hardly see him taken him from Lena. "I know why you two came here, but please, let's go home," pleaded Lena, as she walked closer to the friends. "Let's have some breakfast and talk about things some more." But Barry and Martin had frozen in place, eyes wide and mouths open in half-gapes. Lena looked over her shoulder and jumped. There it was, large, sinister, and undeniably sexy, slithering between a gap in the trees, the naga of Klea springs! Oh, no, thought Martin, his stomach flip-flopping with despair. Its going to be like last time... Lena will run for help, but it will be too late for Barry... and I'll be "saved" again. But Lena seemed as paralyzed as the guys were. Martin was sure she would bolt at any moment. He realized that next to him, Barry was whispering "yes...", his tail swishing with what could be excitement. Lena turned toward the naga, breathless, and began walking slowly towards the creature, drawn to her, a desire welling up inside that she didn't think she had. Martin's jaw dropped to his chest as Barry's wife willingly placed herself within reach of the glimmering coils, shedding her boots, her robe, her undergarments. Martin felt the blood rushing to his face, a mix of bashfulness and the deepest arousal. He looked over at his friend, almost afraid of what expression he might behold, but Barry didn't seem to mind the predicament of his wife at all. Barry's face seemed exultant, even, his ears at full perk. Deeply transfixed by the scene, the two friends remained on their rock, as the naga closed the gap and wrapped her tail gently around Lena. The girl gasped at the touch, as the soft scaly coils pased between her legs, rubbing against her most tender spots. She fell limp with pure pleasure as the serpent clutched her to her scaly breast, exhaling sweet, pheremone-laden breath upon her. Lena found her face pressed upon a generous breast and took it into her mouth eagerly, drinking deeply of the creature's nectar. "Ye gods..." whispered Barry breathlessly after a few more minutes of helpless watching. There were sounds of fibers ripping and seams giving way as he vigorously pulled himself out of his clothing and leapt off the rock. The naga looked up from Lena and winked an eye at Barry. She slipped Lena away from her breast, coils gently manipulating the girl into an offering position. "Ohh," Lena gasped, turning her face towards her husband. She wants you to do the honors, hon." Barry made his way to his wife and hungrily fingered her fully exposed nether bits for just a moment, before whimpering with apologetic need and clambering upon her from behind, humping her with great gusto. At first, Martin felt like he should turn his head away modestly, but the couple didn't really seem to care at all, and he really did not want to miss what would inevitably happen next. He shrugged out of his own clothing, for his own arousal was making itself painfully known in his pants. The very last of his shyness was eclipsed by a wave of intense horniness, and he unabashedly grasped his penis, completely indulging himself as a voyeur. It did not take long for Lena to attain a very noisy, very wet orgasm. Barry murred appreciatively, singlemindedly keeping up with the lovemaking. Martin was the only one to notice that the naga was slowly tilting the girl until she was standing upright, and her long ears were nearly brushing the tip og the naga's muzzle. A long, muscular tongue licked out and under the girl's chin, bringing her face to face with a gaping maw. It closed neatly over her head and neck, and Barry gasped as he realized what was happening, but still couldn't stop himself. He could feel the naga's mouth working around the girl with every movement and it only made him hornier. There was a clicking noise as the naga's jaws unhinged, and more of Lena disappeared inside the serpent as she began to be swallowed, jaws walking gently over her pleasure-riddled body. Barry reached out and tenderly caressed the shapes his wife was making underneath the skin of the serpent's neck. The naga slipped her forked tonuge out again, licking at the place where Barry met Lena, squeezing between cunny lips, curling around the thrusting cockbase teasingly. Barry let out a small shout, and thrusted into Lena hard as it was his turn to orgasm. The naga didn't stop licking though, and Lena came once more with a muffled moan, legs kicking spasmodically. A powerful swallow then took Lena's hips and poofy bobtail into the gullet, pulling her off of her lover with a wet "schlorp!". Barry fell back into a pile of coils, panting hard, and realized his erection wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. The naga's own cunny loomed in front of him like a plump, delicious fruit, dripping slightly. He leapt up, clinging to the naga, and slipped his cock inside. The coils followed him, supporting his body as he thrusted, slower now. Up above, the serpent tilted her head to the sky, and gravity assisted Lena's descent, until nothing was visible but her footpaws. Barry looked up to see the mouth yawning wider than ever, then lunging forward to envelop Lena's toes. Both Martin and Barry paused in what they were doing and sighed longingly at this sight, wishing so deeply that they were the ones to be eaten right then and there! The naga clenched her cunny around Barry, reminding him of what he had begun to do, and he resumed pleasuring her with renewed vigor, though his bits felt insignificant among the naga's deep folds. This changed, however, as peristalsis pushed Lena down and past the naga's "hips." Suddenly there seemed to be a lot less space, as the bulge of the meal began to press against the cunny walls. Barry hugged the naga tightly, savoring the feel of his mate passing under the soft, scaly flesh, squirming slightly, and he entered the throes of passion once more, shouting with wild abandon. The naga seemed to be losing her own compusure too, and with a mighty roar, came as well, liberally drenching Barry with sweet, sticky cum. Her coils loosened, though they were still looped around Barry, who was pretty tired by now and still frustratingly horny. The naga sighed, and turned towards Martin, beckoning to him. He slid off the rock, approaching her as if in a dream, almost feeling like he was gliding. She hooked the tip of her tail around his waist and guided him to sit beside her. Martin put his head against the naga's side, taking in the sounds of Lena making her way to the stomach, noting the occasional muffled pleasured noises she made as the naga's body gurgled around her. Martin shivered with delight and a large scaly, feminine hand stroked him tenderly. Anyone who was witness to the scene could hardly deny that there was the thick, sweet smell of sex in the air. Barry groaned. "Oh, dammit, it won't go away," he whined, poking at his stubborn boner. "S'ok" chuckled Martin. "Mine won't either." "Don't get me wrong," said Barry. "I'm still fucking ready to go. I just... had no idea" "Told you so!" snorted Martin. The naga hissed with amusement at the banter of her prey. They all relaxed for just a little while, enjoying the sight and sensation of Lena moving down the length of the serpent. Barry wrapped his arms around the mass as it had moved close to him. "Oh, Lena," he murmured, nuzzling the vague shape of his wife. "That's gotta feel wonderful in there... I'm so glad you didn't run away." I'm glad too, Martin thought. All of the sudden, Barry felt a whoosh of breath in his ear and the brush of a flickering tongue. The naga looked down her snout at him, tasting his face tantalizingly. "Ah!" exclaimed Barry. He glanced over at Martin, who wore a lazy grin and winked at him. Barry reached forth, tracing the wet edges of the naga's mouth. He thought he would positively burst with longing any moment now. She slowly opened her jaws, just a little, and he reached inside, hands brushing against her wet and slimy tongue. Barry let forth a little moan as his dreams became reality, the dripping, insatiable snakemouth dominating his vision. He leaned forward, offering himself to the hot, dark wetness opening up before him. The naga drooled copiously all over his already sticky body. She was definitely ready for a bit of dessert. Her mouth wrapped around him, and he found himself being pushed into her throat, the beast using the ground as leverage, as she slipped over his trembling form. The first swallow gripped his forearms, and the second, strongest swallow pulled the tight ring of her muscular throat past his chest. As she swallowed a third time, Barry let himself be completely lost in the amazing feeling of being sucked down a tube of hungry, muscular flesh. More of him disappeared, and the naga deftly tucked his cock into her mouth and was rewarded with another orgasm from her prey as he rubbed against her undulating tongue. She lifted him from the ground, her espophagus could now handle the rest easily. He kicked feebly a few times, then his legs hung limply, he was all tuckered out. Martin quivered with need as he watched the naga finish off his friend, the legs and feet sinking ever deeper, the raccoon's bushy tail vanishing stripe by stripe. Vicarious thrills shot up and down his spine. Once again, she stretched her maw over the last of her meal, and there was a final click as her jaw re-hinged itself. Martin ran his hands all over the lumps that made up Barry's shape jealously, as his friend made the inexorable trip downwards, to join his beloved. He watched, fascinated, as the naga squinted with slight discomfort. Barry was apparently being squeezed into the same stomach that Lena was wrapped in. Martin was sure he heard a delighted squeal from inside as the two bulges became one very large one. There was quite a bit of squirming as the couple situated themselves in what must be the most intimate environment imaginable. The naga made a funny face and let out a substantial burp, as her stomach situated itself as well. "You lucky bastards," sighed Martin wistfully. The naga seemed to "tsk" at his jealousy, as she made her way to lie on the boulder, flicking Martin and Barry's discarded clothes away. The spot was completely bathed in sun now, a perfect place for a snake to relax and digest such an enourmous meal. She gestured for Martin to come stand before her but there was no hungry maw for him. Instead, she lifted him slightly and lapped her expert tongue upon his still-erect cock, wrapping around it, pulling on it with wet hungry noises until he could take it no more, and came. He suddenly felt very sleeply, and very content to sleep on the bed of soft coils she offered him. She lay down as well, holding him close to her swollen stomach. There was still movement inside, and Martin's ears were filled with the funny grunkles, soothing gurgles and strange burbling that meant that digestion had begun in earnest. With a sigh more content than any other he had uttered in the past year, he let himself be lulled off to sleep. Several hours later, Martin was roused by a belch rumbling from the naga, far louder than the first one she'd had. She turned over and resumed her nap, but Martin remained awake, aroused by the bulge pressed against him. It was a lot softer and squishier now, and far more pliable. Though it had shrunk just a little bit, it was still almost engulfing him, having lost much of its definition and firmness, and he found himself humping it sleepily as it cupped and pressed against his bits delightfully, making sloshing noises with every movement. He kneaded the bulge, savoring the fact that his friends were truly just food now, and had loved every bit of it. And he was to be next... hopefully. He drifted back to sleep before he could finish what he had started though, and dreamt about what the naga might have in store for him. *** He awoke to a tasty wetness on his face, far sweeter than any dream, and a hunger in his belly. Remembering the events of the previous day, and realizing it was the naga's cunny pressed against his face like some soggy, laden flower, he fell upon it lustily, licking it, nuzzling it, slurping down all the sweet nectar it could provide. His captor hissed appreciatively and began massaging her breasts, agitated, searching for some sort of release. Her tail, which was also just a little fatter than he recalled, wrapped around him firmly and picked him up, rubbing him up and down and around, and over her bits which were rapidly swelling with excitement from the stimulation. Martin was certainly enjoying himself, especially now with her aphrodesiac cunny juices multiplying his sensitivity, but his stomach protested loudly, reminding them both of his own hunger. She offered him a firm, glistening nipple, which he greedily suckled upon, gulping down the thick liquid as fast as he could. He had drained one breast and began to work on the other before he realized in an offhand way that the stuff he was drinking so eagerly was probably some of the goo his friends had been converted into. But for some reason, that thought only spurred him to drink deeper of the stuff. I am, or will be, what I eat, his pleasure-overloaded mind jested as he licked the last drops from her nipples. Martin's furry stomach was so full from his gluttony that it was nearly distended, but his deed had paid off, the naga seemed a lot less cranky, back to her graceful self now that she had been relieved of the abundance in her breasts. And Martin was quivering intensely, awash in her pheremones. Once more, his face was buried in cunny lips and he sucked upon them, and they sucked in return. He tantalized the clit on top that had to be the size of his big toe, hoping perhaps, that he could get her to succumb to hunger and hastily pull him helplessly into the deep, succulent cleft. But she had other ideas. She placed him down upon a pile of coils, flipping him onto his belly and lifted his feet just a little, inserting them into that ravenous "second mouth". She leaned forward, pinning him gently, arms to his sides. Martin hastily tucked his stubby lynx tail out of the way. She worked herself up to his waist, then pulled out again. She hissed excitedly and began to rock even more eagerly, her breasts swaying far above him. He was just a living toy to her! Her depths seemed infinite and Martin began to wonder how her appetite this morning could ever be sated! Hypersensitive as he was feeling, the tingling he felt wasn't just confined to his cock, his entire lower body felt like it was going to cum. Her thrusts became more powerful, and each one was working its way further up his body now. She slithered forward, until Martin found himself in an upright position, the cunny that was wrapped around him no longer pressing him against her coils. She then held him firmly by the shoulders as she trembled mightily, and suddenly her orgasm was thundering all around him! Sweet cum squirted out over his protruding body, and the massive labia contracted squishily around his trapped arms and torso . He unleashed with a mind-blowing spasm of his own, his cries echoing off the tall trees that towered all around them. Breathing heavily, but having more control over her cunny now, the naga released her grip on Martin's shoulders and was able to simply hold him in place where he was, hands-free, as she caught her breath. How silly I must look, he thought idly. And perhaps he did. He was held, helpless, his head and top of his chest jutting from the naga as she enjoyed a long yawn and stretch. Every movement of her labia lapped over his painfully sensitive nipples, and her exquisite inner walls squelched against his squirming, soggy body. He was dripping with her fluids and completely, totally, intoxicated with her pheremones. Iwas everything he had longed for over the past year, and then some. Yet, there was the last, most important thing that still needed to happen, and so he squirmed still, filled with anxiety. Just one more push! He pleaded silently. Almost as if she had forgotten, and then remembered where Martin had been lodged, she hissed amusedly to see him there, and then began to massage his shoulders with her massive yet somehow dainty hands. Each rub pushed him deeper, and deeper, until she was almost reaching inside herself. The wet cunny was almost like a dripping hood over Martin's head now, and she placed one hand upon the top of Martin, and pushed, finally obliging his silent plea. Then a deep down sphincter beneath his toes opened up, and he was powerless as the inner muscles set to work all around him, pulling his body ever deeper to the recesses he had ached to fill for such a long time now. The naga's cunny throbbed as the last of its meal slipped through, labia meeting firmly, sealing Martin completely inside. He moaned inside as he passed through and down, squeezed and sucked to his final destination. There was a brief amount of resistance upon his toes, then he found himself being expelled into a very squishy, and slightly looser place, it had to be one of her stomachs. As this second ring of muscle passed over his body, he came once more, and the naga was almost impressed by the passion in his jubilant spasms. Martin continued to tremble inside her, glorious waves of pleasure washing over his body as her highly adapted stomach began its work. It wasn't long before the chamber was soaking with goo, and Martin quickly became suffused with it. A sensation of gentle kneading began, stomach folds thoroughly pressing into every spot they could, wet sounds all around and inside him. After some time, he would begin to become as fluid as the creamy stuff he was being bathed in. Martin smiled a sticky grin, happy that everything had worked out so perfectly, thinking distantly about Sasha and his friends enjoying such a delicious fate. He sensed that they were all somewhere near, and he let forth a bubby, contented sigh before surrendering to his steamy surroundings. The naga murred with satisfaction as her meal settled. She was most pleased that he had found her again, and how he was thoughtful enough to bring extra servings! She stroked her lengthy body, now quite a bit fatter indeed with all the stockpiled juices and nourishment her meals had become, and it had yet to grow with the bulk Martin would provide. She wouldn't have to eat for a year maybe, but she certainly wouldn't turn down a meal if she came across one. Which she figured she might. As she held the essences of her prey within her, she could discern that Barry and Lena had been fairly popular amongst the townsfolk, and people might be foolhardy enough to go looking for the pair alone, or in a group small enough for her to claim. Her inner capacity was nigh infinite, given just a little time, and her appetites depthless. Perhaps other meals that had been snatched away from her would return someday too, and she would gladly lavish upon them the pleasure, the release promised to them so long ago. There was truly no escape from one such as her!
You continue your night walk, enjoying the lush flora and gentle breeze of Route 5. This place always resonated with you, especially at nighttime, as the soft sounds of the local pokemon and beautiful scenery were a joy to see when you first found this place. But of course, nostalgia wasn’t your reason for coming here. At least, not your main one. You were planning on training up some of your weaker pokemon on the local wildlife. Perhaps even some trainers, but you doubted you’d find that many people walking around here at night. You begin the training session by having your Trumbeak duke it out against the local wildlife. He recently learnt a new move, Pluck, and you wanted him to perfect it before he started using it in important battles. He has an easy time, thanks to his opponents largely consisting of bugs and rodents. You smile as Trumbeak shows off his coordination skills, tracking down Yungoos and Fomantis and strategically striking them with his beak. This goes on for a good half-hour. With a more powerful bird under your disposal, you’re satisfied with Trumbeak’s training, and hand him a few Pokebeans as congratulations before sending him back into his Pokeball. Next up on the chopping block was arguably your weakest pokemon: Wimpod. The cowardly Bug-Type Pokemon was not the best fighter, and was willing to retreat from battle after so much as a scratch. You’re hoping that a couple of fights with some wild Pokemon will toughen it up. You have Wimpod begin fighting wild Pokemon, and as expected, the little bugger has commitment issues trying to fend off fellow Bug-Types. You sigh, watching as a Rattata chases Wimpod, who scrambles away in terror. It’s likely gonna be a long night. Before you can get far into training Wimpod, you notice another trainer. Looks like someone else is training at this time after all. As Wimpod is trying to deal with the Rattata (and barely winning), you decide to take a moment to analyze them. It’s a girl, seemingly a young adult. She has short, brown hair with a light blue cap on top, which matches her long, light-blue sweater dress. Wearing some leggings as opposed to shorts or pants, her legs were exposed to the chill breeze, which doesn't seem to affect her. Her Pokemon appears to be a Goomy, a rare Dragon-type pokemon with the potential to evolve into the mighty Goodra. The goopy slime pokemon was in the process of battling against a few Fomantis at once. You’re pretty sure she’s a ‘Ace Trainer’, as she’s wearing the stereotypical clothes and carrying around a rare pokemon. Ace Trainers are often known for being strong trainers who know how to wreck their opponents. Having never seen her before, you decide to see if she’s worthy of the Ace Trainer title. You’ve never really lost any battles before, and so far, none of your pokemon have ever fallen to the guts of an enemy pokemon. As your Wimpod finally finishes off his opponent, you send him back into his Pokeball before making your way towards the trainer. She spots you before you get to her, and smirks. She calls her Goomy to her side, likely anticipating a battle. “Well, well.” the Ace Trainer says. “Didn’t expect to see another trainer at this time of day. ‘Suppose you’re planning to challenge me?” As you eye her down, you can notice that she has a small amount of chub on her stomach. Maybe she had recently eaten a Pokemon? You feel a bit worried, but calm down. It was probably just some wild Caterpie she swallowed for shits and giggles. Despite a minor sense of dread starting to grow within you, you ignore it and trust your primal instincts-challenging her to a battle. The lady puts her hand over her mouth, seemingly holding in a laugh. You give her an annoyed look, wanting to be taken seriously. You figured the average Ace Trainer was a little big-headed based on your previous encounters with them, but you’d never expect to find one looking down on you. “Sure, sure. But if I end up being a little too… intense for you, that’s on you!” She grabs a second Pokeball and puts it in her belt. “I’m using two, no items. How about you?” You feel a bit of relief. With only two Pokemon, you don’t see how she’ll prove too much of a treat to your team of six. Granted, most of those six were still weak and needed training… you felt the dread in your heart grow, but you continue to try to ignore it. You show your six Pokeballs, each containing one of your pocket monsters. She shrugs before pointing at her Goomy. “Alright Goomy, you’re up!” Goomy lets out a glorp, or a gloop, or whatever noise those things make. In response, you send out your Butterfree, starting the battle. Butterfree was a bit more inexperienced, but had access to useful moves such as Roost, Psybeam and Signal Beam. You were hoping it could take on the Goomy with minimal damage taken to take on whatever the second Pokemon was. You make the first move by commanding your Butterfree to attack with a Signal Beam. Butterfree manifests a beam of energy, releasing it towards the Goomy. The attack hits Goomy directly, and you hope that the attack did a decent amount of damage. However, the attack seems to barely phase Goomy, who shows no major signs of injury. “Alright, my turn.” The Ace Trainer responds. “Goomy, retaliate with a Dragon Breath!” Upon hearing the words, you’re shocked. You figured Goomy would have access to some sort of Dragon-type move, but not something as powerful as Dragon Breath! Goomy breathes out paralyzing flames towards his butterfly foe. The attack hits Butterfree directly, who seems moderately hurt. Sweating a bit, you command Butterfree to keep its distance, and attack with a Psybeam. Nodding, Butterfree attacks the pile of goop with a psychic beam of pink psychedelics. You pray for the attack to confuse Goomy, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. Goomy is decently damaged, but far from knocked out. The Ace Trainer commands it to fire another Dragon Breath, and Goomy once again prepares to attack. You try to command Butterfree to move out of the way, but you realize too late that the first Dragon Breath must of paralyzed Butterfree, preventing him from moving. He gets hit by the attack, taking significant damage. Deciding to recover Butterfree’s health, you have it use Roost. Butterfree lands on the ground to nest, recovering a bit of health over time. This way, you’ll be able to keep Butterfree out for a bit longer. You start to see the errors in your plan as Goomy rushes towards the resting Bug Pokemon as fast as his non-existent legs can get him. “Now, this is where things get fun.” says the Ace Trainer, with a devious smile on her face. “Thanks for the meal in advance.” You ignore her remarks, and try to keep your attention on the fight. Goomy approaches Butterfree, who attempts to enter flight again, but is interrupted by Goomy shooting goop at him, slowing him down. You can only watch in horror as Goomy begins the process of consuming your Pokemon. Goomy starts by slowly absorbing Butterfree into it. You don’t know if he’s savoring Butterfree’s taste or whatever, but you can tell he’s enjoying it based on his cheerful chirps. Butterfree panics as he tries to flap away, to no avail. By now, Goomy has covered about half of Butterfree’s body. You try to command Butterfree to use a move, anything, but he’s too panicked to listen. Eventually, Goomy seems to get tired of the playing and fully consumes Butterfree, who is now visible inside of him. You’re too shocked to move. You hadn’t had any trouble with practically any of the trainers or pokemon you’ve faced thus far, and now some random lady was able to catch one of your mons as a snack. You scramble to remember the official trainer rules. If your current pokemon is consumed, you’re allowed to send out another pokemon in its place. If you have a pokemon out, and another one of your pokemon is released from an opponent’s guts, you must choose one of them to send back to their Pokeballs. Not all trainers follow the rules, but Ace Trainers are generally major rule lawyers. If you play this well, you can save Butterfree before he bites the dust. Ace Trainer girl interrupts you from your memories. “Hey, are you gonna send out your next Pokemon, or what? If you’re planning on stopping now though, I won’t mind.. I do appreciate the free meal, though.” she taunts, patting her Goomy on the head. In a fit of anger, you fumble around with your remaining Pokeballs before sending out Basculin. He’s powerful thanks to his strong jaws and biting attacks, but can be hard to control at times. You order the aggressive fish Pokemon to attack with a Bite. You would’ve gone for Aqua Tail if it were not for Goomy being resistant to Water-type attacks. Basculin rams into Goomy, biting down on the soft Pokemon’s body. The attack appears to be effective, as Goomy appears pretty damaged from that attack. A smile forms on your face. You’re one step closer to saving Butterfree. As if she was reading your mind, the Ace Trainer suddenly swaps out Goomy, who is still churning up Butterfree. Based on how most trainers you’ve fought so far who didn’t comprehend the basics of switching out a Pokemon, you were almost genuinely surprised by this. You’ve read that the digestion process is extremely slow while in a Pokeball, and you pray those tips were true and not fake facts used to boost the morale of amateur trainers. Just need to get through her second pokemon, and you’ll finish off Goomy and recover Butterfree. Right? Her next and last Pokemon was Sylveon, a Fairy-type evolution of Eevee. You notice that your team is not built well for fairy types, and the twisting of your stomach continues. Perhaps you should just forfeit? Give her prize money, and run off? You’d only be missing a single Butterfree… But you can’t just do that! You think of the battles you’ve gone through, and how you’ve won every single one of them. You’re not gonna let your insecurities get you now! Pridefully, you decide to continue fighting. You begin by having your Basculin attack with a powerful Aqua Tail. His tail covered in water, Basculin slaps Sylveon with his tail, ramming into her. Sylveon counters with a Swift, which knocks Basculin to the ground. Nervously, you order Basculin to get back up, and before Sylveon can attack with a melee attack, your fishy friend gets up and dodges the attack. Based on what happened with Goomy and Butterfree, you were sure Sylveon was planning to have some sushi for a late-night snack. You and the Ace Trainer’s Pokemon continue to trade hits, dodging each other’s attacks to the best of their ability. Realizing Basculin is going nowhere, you send him back to his Pokeball, and try out another team member: Trumbeak. You order the Trumbeak to Pluck at his opponent, and Trumbeak prepares to attack, flying towards Sylveon. “Now now, Sylvie. You know what to do!” Only now realizing your massive mistake, you cry out to Trumbeak. But it’s too late. Sylveon opens her mouth wide open, and when Trumbeak gets close, she manages to swallow Trumbeak’s head and neck! You panic once more. You can’t afford to lose two Pokemon. Not like this. You order Trumbeak to try and Pluck Sylveon’s insides, desperately hoping he can escape. Trumbeak tries and flails, with Sylveon seemingly taking noticeable damage from this. Sylveon turns her head back, trying to swallow the rest of her feathery foe. Slowly but surely, she’s swallowing more and more of Trumbeak. “Honestly, did you really think you could waltz up to an Ace Trainer and throw out such garbage pokemon? I almost want to thank you, though. They seem like great meals for my lil’ Sylvie!” The Ace Trainer is taunting you again. Trying as hard as possible to ignore her, you continue to try to command Trumbeak. By now, you’re not sure if he can hear you. Sylveon has swallowed Trumbeak’s middle section, now only dealing with the bird’s legs and tail. You can see a bulge starting to form on Sylveon’s stomach. By now, Trumbeak is likely getting a tour of his opponent’s stomach. It isn’t long before Sylveon has completely consumed Trumbeak, who has fully entered the former’s stomach, thrashing around in a desperate yet futile attempt to escape. Sylveon lets out a little burp as she sits down and massages her belly. You try to hide the tears forming in your eyes. This can’t be happening. You’ve let two of your Pokemon get swallowed, and based on the strength of the Ace Trainer’s Pokemon, you could very well lose more. Furious, you send out your ace: Torracat. The Fire-type cat Pokemon has been with you since the beginning of your adventure, having proven it’s worth to you countless times. Torracat snorts at his opponents, seeming to share your fury at the Sylveon in the process of digesting one of his teammates. You order Torracat to use a Fire Fang. Torracat creates flames within his mouth, and runs up to bite Sylveon. Sylveon is unable to dodge due to the slowness caused by her prey. The attack seems to do decent damage, but the Ace Trainer speaks up. “Alright, Sylveon. It’s clear we need to step up our game.” Sylveon, in response, nods in agreement. “Prepare a Swift!” You went on edge. Swift was a move that couldn’t be dodged, making Torracat’s decent speed irrelevant. Stars of light invaded your furry friend, dealing unavoidable damage. In response, you order your Torracat to attack with another Fire Fang. Torracat attacks once again, but Sylveon is prepared this time. The Fairy-type Pokemon uses her belly to absorb a bit of the damage, with most likely also damaged Trumbeak as well. You wince, realizing you likely sped up Trumbeak’s demise. Before Torracat can back up, Sylveon attacks during a moment of weakness with another Swift, which manages to knock Torracat off his feet. Before you can order him to do an attack, or anything for that matter, Sylveon jumps towards Torracat, and begins to consume him. You scream for Torracat to dodge the attack, but it’s too late. Sylveon hurriedly swallows Torracat’s tail, making extremely quick progress on his mid section within a couple of seconds. You watch in a mixture of awe, fury, and terror as Torracat is quickly swallowed up. With two of your friends fighting for their lives within the Fairy-Type’s guts, Sylveon lets out another burp, though this one is much larger. Torracat struggles around the belly, trying his hardest to escape. Meanwhile, Trumbeak’s flails have started to decline. You fear that he doesn’t have much time left. “Please, do continue. My sylveon won’t have to eat for days after this!” the Ace Trainer says, continuing to taunt you. You stop trying to ignore her taunts. You’re pissed off now. Fumbling around with your Pokeball, you send out your final ace in the hole. Persian. Persian has been with you for a while now, and has arguably been a better team member than Torracat. She can shrug off hits easily, and has easily made a meal of quite a few pokemon. You just really, really hope that Sylveon doesn’t have a Fairy-type move. Based on the sadistic smile on the Ace Trainer’s face, you weren’t very confident, but you had to try. You order Persian to attack with a Swift of her own, which deals considerable damage to Sylveon. Being very immobile at this point, Sylveon can’t do much to dodge. Things are looking up! You order another Swift, and then… “Sylvie! Use Quick Attack and wreck her ass!” You hadn’t thought of the possibility of Sylveon having Quick Attack. This greatly increased her mobility options, despite the ‘mons churning in her guts. Though slower than the average Quick Attack, Sylveon moves towards Persian as if she was performing a Breakneck Blitz. Upon close contact with the cat Pokemon, Sylveon follows up with Draining Kiss, a Fairy-Type move, and your worst dreams have come true. Sylveon kisses her opponent, draining Persian’s life essence. Due to Persian’s Dark typing, the attack was extremely effective, and most of the wounds on Sylveon are completely healed.Turning the kiss into a bite, Sylveon begins to swallow up Persian. The cat Pokemon hisses and scratches at her foe, to no avail. Sylveon starts with the head, and moves on to the legs quickly. She looks directly at you, seeming to taunt you alongside her trainer. Persian’s body disappears from your vision more and more, with Sylveon quickly and efficiently swallowing the fat cat’s body. Before long, Persian joins her teammates in Sylveon’s stomach. Trumbeak has completely stopped struggling, with his friends still kicking. Tears are coming out of your eyes, blinding your vision. You look at your remaining options. Sending out Basculin, you order him to attack with Aqua Tail. Trying his hardest, Basculin flings itself at the Fairy-type Pokemon, but Sylveon blocks the attack with her now big, bulging belly. She counters by using another Quick Attack to push your fishy friend to the ground, proceeding to gulp up the fish pokemon with a single swallow. With four different ‘mons in her stomach, she lets out a loud, voracious burp that shook the nearby flora. You clench your fists. You look at your last pokemon, and shivers are sent up your spine as you see your final pokemon: Wimpod. Dead inside, you send out Wimpod, who looks up at his Fairy-type foe in fear. The Ace Trainer looks down at the wimpy bug, almost in pity. “I would finish you off right here and right now, but I don’t think it’s fair for one gal to get all of the food.” Surprisingly, the Ace Trainer switches out her Sylveon and sends Goomy back in. The ‘digestion halted in Pokeballs’ thing appears to be true, as Butterfree is still kicking and alive inside of the living ball of goop. You desperately order Wimpod to attack with a Sand Attack to blind the slimy beast. Wimpod tries to spray sand at Goomy’s face, but the sand particles don’t seem to faze it one bit. “Did you think that sand would work against a ball of slime? Man, now I’m wondering how you got this far.” You angrily yell at her to shut up. As you grumble under your breath, you start to realize. Throughout the match, that girl kept making fun of you, enraging you. That wasn’t just trash talk. It was a strategy to upset you to the point of making irrational decisions. As you remember the events of the battle taking place, you start to realize your mistakes. If you had whittled Sylveon down with your weaker pokemon, saving Torracat for later, you could have defeated her while she was low on health. You could have used an item at any time, which could’ve been the difference between surviving and losing a Pokemon to Sylveon’s guts. You even could’ve forfeited to minimize loses, but you were too distracted by your opponent’s verbal assault. The Ace Trainer’s strategy was to attack both physically and mentally. As you think about your mistakes, a cry from Wimpod brings you away from your thoughts. You realize your incompetence, and can only watch in horror as Wimpod is completely absorbed by Goomy. “Well, that’s all six pokemon. Looks like you lost.” The Ace Trainer said casually. You can’t help but look at the ground, tears running down your face and dripping onto the ground. You’ve lost all six members of your team. You should’ve trained them in a weaker area. The Ace Trainer walks up to you and holds out a hand. You realize she is expecting prize money. You furiously take out a wad of cash without even counting it. You start to put the money into her hands, when she suddenly grabs you. You realize too late it was a trap. You plead with her to stop, but none of your whining can stop her. Goomy uses some of it’s goop to cover your shoes with the sticky substance, limiting your movement. “Sorry, but a girl’s gotta eat.” she says, in a way that sounds like she’s not sorry whatsoever. “You probably don’t have many pokemon left anyway. You’d probably just be a meal for the Totem Pokemon at Brooklet Hill.” If you weren’t absorbing the fact that this girl was going to eat and digest you, you likely would have countered with the fact that you have a A and B team’s worth of mons in your box, and that you’ve already beaten Totem Araquanid. Holding your torso with both arms, she starts by licking your cheek a bit. You blush angrily. “Don’t mind me. Just having a quick preview taste.” the Ace Trainer says. Then, click! She starts to open her mouth impossibly wide. You gaze in shock. You’re still not that used to the trainers themselves swallowing things, and you’ve rarely seen a trainer with such flexible jaws. You can see her teeth containing instances of uneaten food, sticky saliva hanging off the walls of her mouth, and her wet, slimy tongue. Her bad breath assaults your nose hairs, and you swear you can detect a scent of Malasada in there. The Ace Trainer starts bringing you into her maw. You start to panic. You try to push around, but her grip combined with Goomy’s slime is too strong. Your head starts to get a more in-depth view of her mouth, getting covered in saliva. You cringe as your head is fully engulfed. She starts to work towards getting the rest of your upper body inside, making an inch of progress every few seconds. Your head starts to move towards the esophagus, and by now your vision is nothing but the inside of her mouth, with less and less light. Finally, she reaches the halfway point, and you reach the esophagus. At this point, you’re forcefully pulled out of your shoes, which stay stuck in Goomy’s slime. You yelp as your upper body starts to slide down the esophagus, making Ace Trainer Girl’s job much easier. With that, the rest of your body easily slides into her mouth. You slide headfirst through the girl’s body tubes, and the experience ends as quickly as it begins. You’ve reached your final destination-the stomach. You can barely hear anything outside now. Your hearing is nothing but the grumbling of the girl’s stomach. The stench is getting worse, and you gag as you struggle around in the guts of your captor. It’s almost completely dark, but you can make out red everywhere around you. A puddle of acidic liquid is at the bottom of the stomach-turned jail-cell, and it splashes around, covering you as you try to escape. It makes you feel a little numb. You look for the esophagus, in an attempt to leave the way you came, but by now you’re unable to find it. You kick and push at the girl’s insides, trying your hardest to bust out, or maybe convince her that you’re not worth the trouble. As you launch a kick at the walls of flesh, the girl lets out a massive burp that even you can hear, followed by a giggle. It’s getting a little hard to breathe. You control yourself enough to sit on your butt, but you lose your balance as the lady sits down. “What a shame… another island challenger down the drain… or should I say throat?” she chuckles at her own little joke. You plead with her, desperately clawing at the walls of flesh, but she either can’t hear you or doesn’t care. Likely the second one. You hear the sound of a Pokeball opening, which you assume is Sylveon. You can faintly hear the sounds of your Pokemon crying out for help. You cry and scream and push, but you can’t do anything to save yourself or your Pokemon. As you thrash around, you can hear unwrapping noises from outside. You pause for a moment. Is that…? Your questions are answered as pieces of chocolate start to enter the stomach alongside you, the brown snacks pelting you. The chocolate starts to combine with the stomach acids, creating a soup of acid, chocolate, and of course, you. You whimper as you continue bashing on the stomach walls, with still no success. By now, the digestion process is starting to take place. You start to feel the walls closing in on you. You try pushing against them, even though you already know it won’t work. You notice that the acid is starting to hurt. You feel burns starting to spread over your body. You once again try to scream, but no one hears you. At least, no one who cares. Your body feels like it’s melting. Scratch that-it is melting. You start to feel dizzy. You can’t go on for much longer. You’ve stopped trying to push the walls at this point. The acid is burning more and more. Hopefully, you won’t be awake for the worst of it. Before you fall asleep for the last time, you hear the Ace Trainer talking. “Sylvie, look! It’s another trainer. Nice hat… neat bag… and a rare-looking pokemon. I don’t think she’ll mind if I…” You don’t hear the rest. You pass out. GAME OVER Time: 13:05 Route 5
Gideon had been patiently awaiting his next opportunity to meet with Anya again, the orange-furred tiger's huge frame striding easily through the trees. They'd first met, the tiny human girl and he, several months prior when he had been ranging about the woods and stumbled across her. Curiously she'd not just run away in sheer panic, and after a time they became acqaintances, and later on good friends. That was saying something considering his massive size compared to her, and he stayed mostly in the forests and woods away from the smaller human communities. They may get bad ideas about 'monster felines' in the area if he went too close too often. But little Anya and he had made meetings work on a regular basis, usually meeting in a place outside the human town where he was out of sight and usually carry her the rest of the way back to his den, or to some other spot to visit. The other wonderful part of their visits was the food stuffs she'd bring. She couldn't take anything TOO big along with her, but the various items she'd gifted to him were intriguing to say the least. He always looked forward to what she'd bring along with her next. Today was no different as he loped his way along, almost to the clearing. Even though it was wintertime, the weather had held out nicely, a pleasant crispness to the air. It had been rainy for nearly the last week, and the inclement weather had delayed their scheduled meeting. Today, though a bit muddy and wet, the sun shone and lent a pleasant warm light to the morning. Gideon entered into the clearing where they normally met and smelled a hint of human. Then he spotted Anya just arriving on the other side, pulling and heaving something along with her. The tiger chuffed a greeting to her and strode over, his massive footpaws making soft thuds on firmer ground, and little squelches on the muddier places. Pushing a rickety wheelbarrow ahead of her, the cloaked form of little Anya pushed through the final leg of her journey. Her booted feet trudge through half-frozen puddles and mud, spattering her already-caked attire with more filth. But at least she's relatively warm, both from the pleasant exertion of the hike, and being bundled up in her thick wool leggings and sturdy blouse and coat. Arriving for their tryst in the wilderness, Anya walks into the clearing, relieved by its open sky and improved terrain. It has been a hike of a half hour to meet him there, far enough from her quaint village that Gideon wasn't likely to be spotted. No need to alarm her brethren unnecessarily. She finds the journey to be always well worth it! Seeing him on the far side and hearing his chuff, she sets the barrow down long enough to wave in greeting. That same hand pulls down the hood of her cloak to reveal the cheerful visage of her golden eyes and bright smiling face. Lush locks of brown hair complete the picture of a young lass out on a fine excursion to visit an exotic friend. "Hail Lord Gideon!" she calls reverently, approaching with the wheelbarrow in front. In it lies a bundle wrapped in wax paper, thus protecting it from the squalor of the journey. The scene is fruity and sweet, similar to Anya's own aroma of feminine fertility, which is laced with scents of civilization such as baked bread, hickory wood- smoke and pungent goat cheese. Setting down the barrow, the lively lady perks her hands on her hips, elbows out, looking up at your orange feline grandeur with rosy cheeks and impish grin."Oh come now, little one, I've told you before theres no need for such formality, not when it's just us. We know each other well enough to be beyond that, surely." He grinned down to her, lips tugging back from his ivory teeth. "You've had quite the journey getting out here, haven't you?" He asked, looking pointedly at her splattered and muddy garments. "And with quite the load to carry as well. what did you manage to find this time?" He eased himself down lower, but didn't quite lay down, trying to keep some of the muddiness off of his white underbelly. His broad nose nearly brushed against the cart as he gave it a few questioning sniffs, trying to place the scent. He wasn't having much luck there, and swung his head over to take in the scent of Anya. That one he recognized, and certainly appreciated, along with all the other curiosities of smell that came along with her from the village. "It is wonderful to see you again. I'm glad you were able to make it out here." "You deserve respect and reverence, great one!" she explains brightly after his admonishment. Seeing his smile bloom widens her own in sympathy, her heart rising beyond the frigid wilderness, soaring to the sunlit sky. Admittedly her brown eyes flick briefly to the perilous daggers of his slimy teeth; but her jubilance seems undiminished; possibly even enhanced. She nods at your analysis. "A journey well worth it!" she assures. As he sniffs the new arrival and her package, his nose knows there's something fruity in that wax-wrapped package. But the flavor is apparently a medley of things and thus difficult for a wilderness creature to pin down. The young woman chuckles as he sniffs at her, reaching out to rub the velvet fur on top of his nose. "And it's wonderful to see you as well, dear Gideon!" She steps forward to lightly embrace his muzzle-tip, being careful not to smear him with any of her journey's detritus. "Well, Its good your trip went well so far. How about I carry you the rest of the way back to my den though? the weather's been wet everywhere, and it stays just as muddy as this the rest of the way back. Besides, it's more rocky up there, and you can clean off at the spring nearby." He nuzzled his cold nose against her small form anyway, the short fur feeling much warmer to her touch. Her exuberance wasn't lost on the tiger, and was part of the reason he appreciated her company as much as he did. When many fled the presence of a huge predator in terror, or gave him a wide berth to begin with, it was always nice to have her around, who seemed almost to revel being near and around him. "You always carry the most interesting odors with you. Though I can't seem to place what it is you brought in your cart." He lifted his head back from her, thinking on how to take the cart along with them. She could climb on his back or head, but carrying her wheeled device would be different. "I can easily lift your cart in my teeth and take it with us... if a bit of saliva won't damage the goods that is. I can't do terribly much to control that once my jaws get going." He chuckled deep in his throat, his striped tail swirling about behind him cheerfully. "Splendid idea on all counts!" she enthuses, having been hoping for a warmer place to get cleaned up a bit. On the other hand, getting messy is also one of Anya's secret cravings. It's a love/hate thing for her when it comes to filth.She giggles at the feline nuzzling, leaning in to embrace your snout and pressing her smooth cheek to the top of your nose. Raising her head, she peers into the glistening depths of your left eye. "I'm looking forward to being in your den again, Gideon. As for this cart, we could leave it behind here. I could pick it up later. As for what's inside it, that's a flame-roasted, honey-glazed apple for you. We could have you eat it now to get it out of the way. That's one easy way to 'carry' something." She grins and giggles. "Or I could keep it steady aboard your neck or back." Her right hand caresses the warm wet pliancy of his lip, affirming that she isn't offended by the predatory breath or slippery drool. Perhaps quite the contrary. "M-hm..." Gideon hummed in interest at her description of the specially roasted fruit. "That's not something I can find out here everyday! I might just take your offer on that, and ah.... relieve you of the burden of carrying it around right here." He licked his lips, glistening pink tongue swirling out between parted teeth and back over his lips. The combination of smells from earlier clicked into place, now that he knew better what it was. "How about you get that treat out for me? It'll give me something to snack on before we head off again. YOU get a ride on my shoulders, but I still have to trudge through wet woodland to get us back home." He huffed with his jaws slightly agape, the corners still tugged up in a grin. Anya's comely face beams with pride when he expresses the desire for her gift. Gideon's bestial chop-licking pulls her gaze down to his lips and tongue. Boldly she reaches out to caress the protruding pink muscle before its raspy surface slithers back between oozing black lips. "It's a deal!" she chirps brightly. She steps back to the cart, proceeding to unwrap the succulent-looking roasted apple. The fruity desert is caked with thickened honey, cunningly contrived to cling to the fruit even after a jostling ride. The apple itself is a standard-sized green variety, sure to provide a sharp contrast of sour and sweet against your discerning palate. Of course, the fruit is sized for you not for her. In fact, the world in general is sized for creatures of your stature. It is Anya and her people who are the oddity. "Hehe, someone's certainly eager to feed their feline. If I didn't know any better..." he let it hang , more a comical statement than anything too serious. His green eyes brightened intently as she peeled away the paper covering from the (to her) large apple. Even as large as it was, it was an easy fit for the whole apple between his jaws. The size of a good ripe strawberry to an average human. He shuffled his broad paws to move himself closer to her fruit gift, bringing his nose down right to it, and then he lolled out the tip of his tongue, the wet surface splaying over the entire side of the apple, dragging up the side and softening the caramelized honey coating. A couple more licks and he had almost gone through the sweet coating, and he suckled on his own tongue to savor the flavors. Several rivulets of saliva ran down the side of the apple into her cart, as the warmth slowly softened through more of the honey coating. "Mmm... this is remarkable!" He said, returning his head back down to lick again, a bit more vigorously now. If he wasn't careful, he'd almost knock the sumptuous fruit out of the cart onto the muddy grass.Anya snorts mirthfully at your seductive comment. Immediately afterward the pink chill in her cheeks darkens to crimson ardor. Rather than looking at the apple while you lick it, she peers into your well-toothed jaws, catching glimpses of the oozing apparatus of flesh and fang within. Felines certainly have eating equipment to rival anything in the animal kingdom! The admirer's sparkling eyes rise to look into his right eye. Taking a risk, she reaches a bold hand into his slime- curtained maw, there smearing some of the lathered honey more evenly over your bumpy tongue. To Anya, the sudden heat rising from her blouse makes it feel like a summer day as she imagines what it would feel like to be inside the claustrophobic confines of the spittle-soaked mouth. Now with quick reflexes, she whips her hands down to the side of the cart, steadying the contraption. "Whoa!" she warns with a giggle. Looking up and smiling, she says, "I'm pleased that you like it, Gideon. I baked it myself. It's also sweetened on the inside; but it's bound to be a little tart in places. Sweet and sour! A gustatory adventure!" He glanced aside at Anya when she approaches his tasting licks, and he slowed a bit as she reached over to feel his lips, and even reaching in onto his tongue. It surged back and forth, quivering with almost a life of it's own, as it continued it's hot and slobbery work of getting the sweet off of the fruit's skin. Her touch added a bit of spicy, or perhaps salty, to mix in with the honey. Gideon could just about purr, in the back of his throat, and he let her feel her hand about in the sweet sticky mess. The blush of her cheeks spread even down her neck and surely lower, though garments worn against the crisp air kept him from seeing any of that. When he paused his licks, his black lips closed over her hand and slowly drew back, rubbing off most of the liquid, though her hand was left rather sticky nonetheless. "Whoops!" He let up on his tongue's attack to let the wheelbarrow stabilize, before going back to it, easier this time. He'd almost completely washed one side clean of it's honey and decided it was time to work on the rest of the sweet treat. He parted his jaws and gently closed his teeth around the apple, and had it inside and rolling on his tongue with a pair of easy tugs. He swished it about behind closed lips for several moments before parting his jaws again at Anya's head level, showing off the dripping jowls and melting honey from the apple perched in the groove of his tongue. Then he bit into the apple, finally piercing into it's own sweetness and mashing out the flavor of the inside to meld with the honeyed outside, quickly turning the fruit into a sweet mash covering his tongue. He didn't close his lips entirely, purely to titillate Anya as she looked on, periodically opening his teeth enough for a glance inside to the pale mess of the fruit on his tongue. Finally he started to work it along to the rise on the back of his tongue, about to swallow it down. Pleased that he doesn't mind her hand in his maw, Anya enjoys the ebb and flow of the lubricated barbs lining the thick feline tongue. As his mouth clamps softly around her wrist and strips the excess honey from her skin, tickled laughter shudders through her shoulders. In the process you also get more tangy hints of her flavors, which are similar in rustic panorama to her scents. Stepping back a little, she beholds him grab the succulent apple, eyes widening in awe as jaws engulf the entire fruit. The dessert is easily as big as she would be if she crouched. "So sexy to see you toy with smooth objects," she teases sheepishly and giddily. "Especially the tasty kind!" Noticing how much saliva is being produced is the highest complement an amateur baker like her could ever hope for. As he bit into the baked delicacy, its thick syrupy interior begins to spill out onto hia tongue, as succulent as divine nectar. Apparently Anya cunningly contrived to replace the core with a mixture of caramel and honey. Beholding the apple's fate in your feline chompers, the panting woman fidgets her fingers, her aroused breath fogging more fiercely in the winter air as it plumes from her quivering lips. She watches as ivory incisors slice the tender apple into cloven chunks, which are then rapidly pulverized into caramel-slathered applesauce by the burred tongue and deliberately voyeuristic mastication. Seeing the slush that was once her gift slide up and over the dribble-soaked hillock of his tongue, Anya steps forward to embrace the plush chest. Here she lingers, cheek pressed against the throat, stroking her fingers through the plush coat to coax the tiger into a lurid gulp. Gideon tried to hold his jaws and throat steady as Anya went forward and embraced his neck, but she managed to hit a ticklish spot which triggered a hard gulp, reflex to clear his throat for breath and laughter. And just that fast, with a slosh and a slurp, his tongue and throat surged their patterns, sucking down the sweet apple slop with scarcely a second's notice. The gullet's contents made scarcely a bulge, but the rippling muscles of his neck flexed and rippled out against the little human clinging to his fur and flesh. A couple more lighter swallows after that cleared most of the treat from his maw, sending it on its way to the sauna of his stomach. "Oh, that was a marvel of a sweet, Anya, you did a wonderful job with your talents in the kitchen. I think I'll keep you around for a while longer." he murmured in a sultry tone. "You're a singularly intriguing little girl, most would find my eating habits a bit... off-putting, but you've always really liked it. You know, you're rather tasty yourself. Might even be able to compete with your apple in that respect!" He gave out an inquisitive little growl. "I might just have to test that this evening- a hot tongue-bath could do you some good, and get all those village-scents cleaned off." The visceral "glurk" that sounds from his fluffy throat enchants the young primate admirer as she presses into his pelt. She shivers as her mind's eye beholds the slushy bolus of sweet succulence pulsing down the long feline throat. "Into the unfathomable mysteries of the mighty tiger! Into the belly of the beast!" she cheers, her voice slipping into a playful growl toward the end. At his bantering tease, she giggles and hugs tighter, siphoning heat and comfort from the luxurious winter coat. "Ah dear kitty," she ripostes in turn, "don't let anyone see you eating apples. It might sully your reputation as a ravaging carnivore!" Upon hearing your offer, she leans back to look into your nearest eye. The corners of her lips curl up to almost touch her blushing dimples as she nods. "I'd very much enjoy that, dear Gideon!" Giving your jowl a hearty scrub with her fingers, she adds, "You know how much I adore your tongue. And every other part of your shapely figure!"Gideon shook his head and neck, more rotating and tossing his ears side-to-side then swinging his head back and forth. It always felt good, and had a curious effect of sloshing his throat about, and he could often use it to make some rather lewd-sounding noises in this gullet. "Then I'll just have to tear the apples apart with more violence and mess whenever somebeast is watching then, won't I?" He responded at her retort against his possible fruit-not-meat eating habits "Now that the snack is out of the way, it would seem we should get on our way back to the den. It's still a good walk there, and it seems we might both have some nice things to look forward to there." He stretched out a long forelimb at a gentle angle for her to clamber up and get onto his shoulders or neck. "Climb aboard! Last call for the Tiger Express Cab." With shimmering merriment dancing in her eyes, Anya watches his reactions to the inner sensations of food passing into his body. The way feline ears animate with a life of their own add to all the other subtle animal mannerisms. 'So endearing. Such a beast!' she thinks with a smile. 'And a charming one!' Anya giggles at the comment about rivals and scandals. "Indeed, dear Gideon." She hugs his chest again, luxuriating in warmth, hearing the distant thud of his heart. No doubt the apple slush is hearing that heartbeat even closer right now! She pulls back and nods at the invitation. "A perch fit for a princess!" she enthuses. With youthful nimbleness, she climbs up the offered foreleg, then clambers along his stout shoulders, and finally finds a secure seat in the cozy fluff of his nape. Getting to ride the beautiful orange tiger is always one of the highlights of these wild trysts! Gideon held himself relaxed as Anya climbed onto him. "I can't see behind my ears too well, I hope there's not a dent in my fur from you sitting up there so much." he inquires of her with mock seriousness. "It'd be a real shame if I went through the rest of life with a hollow spot in my head's fluff." Once she'd settled in though, he took off at a smooth, loping pace away from the village and her little cart. WIld creatures gave them a broad berth, though one would still spot some of the braver birds and beasts that wouldn't turn tail until they SAW him coming past. And so they continued for another quarter hour, the great feline taking his small human deeper and deeper into the wild woods. It would be many hours of travel for Anya, to escape and make it back to her village... if she could ascertain the correct route right off the bat. Out in the middle of nature was an interesting intersection of publicity and privacy. Animals, insects, and life could be sensed all around oneself, while still having a sense of privacy. Perhaps it was the relative distance away from other sentient life. In Gideon's home, he and Anya were the only two such beings for miles. She must trust him terribly, for she was at the mercy of nature and of anything he may decide to do with her. The Tiger's head bobbed and wove as he moved, though nothing so serious as to dislodge his passenger provided she kept a snug grip upon his fur. Once their jaunt was near it's completion, the muddy ground turned to dense ground vegetation, which then gave way to rockier surfaces covered in moss. The coursing of a small stream could be heard a short ways off, and Gideon came to a stop near the entrance to a small cave. The elevation and rockiness kept mud away from the immediate surroundings and trees blocking the wind made it seem somewhat warmer. He settled down onto his belly, offering her another leg to slide down. "Your destination is to the left!" He called out, as a convoy leader or travel assistant might. Before their departure, she replies on the subject of your feline appearance, "I'm a bit muddy too. That plus any indentation I leave might need tending. And some places your tongue just can't reach. We'll get you groomed properly, even if I'll need a rake to do it!" During the ride, she holds onto his scruff tightly, enjoying the flex of vertebrae and sinews, which move in miniature mimicry of the long stretch of joints and thews that propel his athletic form through the wilderness. The heaving and pitching lavished on her by his mighty stride is cushioned by the plush pelt and the cartilage molded around his bones. The young woman's heart thrills at the swiftly- passing terrain and foliage as his trot covers ground in a tiny fraction of the time it would take her miniature legs. All the while, her hands, thighs and ankles press and grip against the luxurious nape. Upon arrival, she chuckles at his cordial welcome. "Another wonderful transit, Gideon!" she praises. With nimble precision, she shimmies down your shoulder, completing her descent via a fine-frictioned slide down a foreleg. Here she stands upon a broad paw, lingering; looking up at her benefactor with a loving smile. "The lair of the beast," she teases, often using primal or brutish words to describe her admired cat, even though she knows he has a soul gentle enough to rival those of genteel upbringing. "Try not to mind any bones you may run across up here," he bantered back to her as she regained her footing. "I don't survive on just the snacks you bring me, but you understand. I'm glad I chose this place as where to make my den, It's always well above the dirt and mess in the lower regions, particularly in the rain." He looked about proudly at his area, many plants still sparkled with gleaming rivulets of water. He kneaded his toes against the thick moss under Anya's feet. "I suppose we ought to get on with cleaning you up for the day, shouldn't we? I can never let myself stay dirtied for too long. And after that, I may even have some other scraps around here that you just might be able to help feed to me." His grin was genuine, he knew how fascinated she could be with his eating habits. "You can hear the stream from here, unless..." he trailed off. "Well, if that's something you deem necessary." She chuckles at that, stepping off his paw. "Bones have juicy marrow. But you probably get all your nutritional needs met from a fine carnivorous diet. Along with a treat now and then." As he talks about the area, she casts her gaze about to drink in its natural splendor. "So lush and scenic; very fragrant with growing things of all kinds. It's a fine oasis to call home, Gideon." She turns toward the sound of the stream, which to her might be more like a raging river. "Well, that could do in a pinch. It might be rather chilly. I can think of something else wet that would be a lot warmer!" A blush warms her already-rosy cheeks as she smiles up at you."Oh?" He asked inquisitively, trying to keep an amused smile of his face. Rather, he did his best at playing wide- eyed feline innocence. "I suppose that water would be a bit cold for you. You humans aren't blessed with all the fur that we tigers have." He rolled his eyes up skyward, and crossed one foreleg over the other, reminiscent of a man crossing his arms when thinking. "Hmm... I've never been able to make the fire that you use to heat water and food... and the sun won't warm much down here..." Finally he couldn't keep it up anymore, particularly with his blushing and increasingly impatient friend smiling up at him. "Oh, thats riiiight! I had promised you a tongue-bath earlier hadn't I? And here I had almost forgotten about it. It'll have to be a more thorough washing than usual though," He spoke teasingly. "You've got more to clean off this time. I'll just have to give you the proper long version...." He dropped his chin down onto a paw. "How about this time... you go ahead and get those clothes out of the way? They don't taste all that interesting for me anyway, and that's where most of the mud is." Gideon's playful tease is awarded with Anya's musical giggling. She wraps her arms around herself and twists back and forth, exuding desire or anticipation. While gazing up into his gold-brown eyes, she nods quickly. "We're so far from prying eyes that it is an easy thing to do. As for your eyes, mischievous monster, I rather like them on me!" A randy grin lights her face. She proceeds to disrobe, first doffing her muddy cloak and now her somewhat less muddy outer attire. His observation of the display carried some interest in the procedure, and she slowed it down into a more sultry strip-tease. But it's more friendly and flirtatious than directly intended to seduce. At last the young lady stands naked of skin, nude of breast and bare of loins. She's a lithe and shapely specimen indeed, though goosebumps rising on her fair flesh suggest she might soon begin to shiver. Even though he was tiger, he had grown fond of Anya, and in his own way he did appreciate her beauty. She was a constituent of the fairer sex after all, and when she was delighted, or excited, she could positively glow. Deep rumbles of powerful purrs vibrate about in his chest with her titillating little performance, and before long there was a tidy little heap of woven cloth beside her. She was lovely to see, now bare, though his observation of humans' lack of fur was becoming increasingly apparent as the chill air started in against her flesh, and she quickly started turning from pale to pink, cheeks already blushed into a deeper scarlet. "I'm glad you approve of my contemplations. Now, how about we get you warmed up and cleaned off again? Here, come lie on my paw, it must surely be a more pleasing cushion than the moss you're standing in." He waited for her to approach and perch atop his paw. There was even enough room for her to lay spread out, and take up whatever position she felt comfortable baring to his scrutiny. Every step closer, his panting breaths warmed the air around her, the humid heat easily buffering against the elements' chill. Once she'd settled down, he flicked out the tip of his tongue, teasing it across her skin. It's surface was less barbed than most, the fleshy appendages giving a curious sensation moreso than raspy stings. Then it drew back between his lips, where one could hear it slurping and sliding about inside. Then his jaws opened fully, stringing saliva from tooth to lip, stretching, snapping, and dripping down across his paw as his pink tongue slithered forth through the center of it all, splaying out in a series of long, slimy licks, befitting of a hungry predator. Although still outdoors -- perhaps lounging just outside the den proper -- this peaceful place feels secluded enough to be a sanctuary; a glade of verdant repose and wet fecundity. This is apt ambiance for reflection and mutual discovery between two very different creatures. Even so, their souls might share a resonant kinship that transcends the stark contrast of sizes and shapes. Basking in trust and awe, the shapely sculpture of Anya's naked form stands within the heady plume of carnivorous tiger breath. She breathes in that heady aroma, soaking up its steamy warmth like standing under the exhalation of a volcanic vent in which a pool of liquid beckons bathers to enter. Eagerly she accepts the offer, lying on her back on his great paw. "So velvety and warm!" she enthuses, enjoying its carnal comfort. She reaches up to scrub at his jowl. "And I've always loved your breath, Gideon. As vibrant and alive as you!" Now as the tongue grooms the supple savor of his admirer's pliant skin, an "ah" of ravishment tilts back her head and lids her eyes. Soon her whole body is arching into the sensual slathering. In tactile celebration, her hands reach up to knead and claw gently at the slimy organ, hoping to return some fraction of the bliss now singing through her nerves. The tiger growled out his pleasure at her taste. He panted heavily, the wet exhalations following between the great strokes of his tongue, keeping her in a cloud of his heady breath. As his jowls worked, opening and closing directly above her, the teeth slid and locked together in exposition of the his predatorial status. When the jaws closed to give the writhing girl a moment's peace, and for him to wet his tongue again, she was graced with the full view of his face, fluffy cheeks and broad muzzle taking most of her view, and surmounted with his amused eyes. She was becoming thorougly soaked in his thick saliva. Though the tiger's drool was thin enough to run like sugarwater, it still left behind a slick sheen to her skin, which made her flesh still rather slippery. If left long enough it would likely start to dry off and begin to turn sticky, but while his tonguebath continued, it was a pleasant world of slimy, frictionless bliss. As good as any masseuse, the tongue pressed firmly down, with the velvety paw supporting her from behind. Some of his series of licks would drive her near an edge, like a cub being tickled, who tries to push away even though it's enjoyable. But under his ministrations, there was no way to push him away, the relentless tongue smothering her down, and sometimes laying draped heavily across her, so she could wriggle about or rub across her own wet form below the blanket of muscle. He stayed busy at her frontside for nearly a quarter of an hour, the flesh turning pink from blood flow in pleasure, rather than the alternative pinkness from the chill air. At last he drew his head away, licking his lips and cleaning off the wetness that had formed about his lips and jaws. "Mmm~... I think I've cleaned off all the village flavors from your frontside now. Quite lovely all the little things you humans can pick up and carry about on your skin. So, how was that for a bath so far? As pleasing as one might have imagined?" Like an oiled hedonist basking by a palace fire pit, Anya pants and arches under the sultry grooming. She also breathes deeply of his breath. "The air from your mouth is so sumptuous, lovely tiger. As wet as the rainforest. As heated as the dew simmered by the noonday sun." Her pert nipples firm up, rising to rigid rapture. Her flavor there is more succulent. Similarly the brine-honeyed lubricant leaking from her curvaceous loins might tantalize an appetite, both for meat and perhaps other things. "So thick and long and luxurious," she praises, eyes having slipped shut to attain full immersion in the tactile storm of rubbing and syrupy drool. Her soul, like thrumming strings being caressed by a violinist's bow, rises toward ravishment. "Oh Gideon!" she moans at last. "This is more potent than a hot soak in the bath house!" By the end of the fine feline bath, oily slobber has slathered into her pores like melted butter into the nooks and crannies of bread. In return, her many flavors have saturated the taste buds nested between bumpy papillae: her flesh speaks of tangy wood-smoke acquired from her stint baking this morning; and honey in her palms and fingertips, originating from making the yummy apple, now pulverized and stewing pleasantly in the predatorial gut. And infused with it all rises the unique briny savor and musky melody of a human female; a woman nearing her prime, and perhaps also rising into the peak of her mating cycle. Gideon chuffed, pleased at the great appreciation his small friend had, even of this messy, slimy mess he was making of her. The other scents and flavors had begun to emerge in ever greater intensity, as the salivating muscle continued to tease out these new levels of excitement. He slurred his tongue around behind his lips, rubbing the flavors about, and enjoying their wondrous side-effect of a great bath. At their sizes, his tongue and maw were the most appropriate places in which these passionate throbs within the human's body could be satisfied. And it was almost certain they would be, perhaps multiple times, before the afternoon was over. It was just about then that a great gurgling rumble also churned its way around within his belly, its hot, subtle convulsions hidden under the mass of white fur, making for a potentially cuddly looking exterior, but hiding the tight, moiling miles of digestive gut that performed their task of feeding the massive tiger's frame without cease. That rumble worked its way up into a small unanticipated belch of steamy sweet air, carrying the scents of his deepest insides, and still the honeyed scents of apple. His eyes flicked wide, but then grinned in mirth. "Erhem.... you must excuse my belly. It's just trying to express it's appreciation for you, you know." Anya basks in the humid heat of her beloved orange tiger's breath. As the white furred expanse of his trim belly gurgles, she answers it with a musical giggle. She's always been delighted by the machinery of nature. And her feline friend has been an obvious source of study and delight during their times together. "From the sound of it, that honeyed apple might be about fully processed by now," the gooey girl muses mirthfully. "After all, a tiger's tummy would make short work of one of that feline's favorite foods." Now the beast's belch warms her too, possibly sprinkling her a bit with gastric residue. But this curious and amorous maiden leans into the vapors, breathing them in to savor the inner mysteries of her huge host. Well, huge to her anyway. "It's hard to resist a sojourn in those slimy and sexy jaws of yours, Gideon. But by climbing inside, I'd make it rather difficult for you to speak! Still, as wet as I am now, your tigery warmth might be my best bet to chase this chill away for good! I doubt your lair, yonder, is much warmer than out here, after all." "Your sweet apple is certainly well on it's way there, surely buried quite deep down by now." The tiger tilted his head to the side a bit. "I knew you were enjoying your bathing here apart from my jaws- you know I can't really speak while my tongue is busy even if you're just upon my paw. But I don't have to always be speaking, and actions can often speak for themselves... Awh, is my little admirer getting a chill again, now that i've stopped? You do look to be getting a bit more sticky now." He chuckled at the sloppy girl still splayed upon his also soaked paw. "Im quite certain my maw would be warmer than my empty den. And other parts of me even more sweltering too, though surely you'd be less than comfortable in that," but he licked his lips nonetheless, smearing away and back into his jaws some dribbles of saliva that still lingered on his black lips. "You would certainly be a nice small fit- but you might not want to get too excited exploring, or I might just accidentally swallow you... and once my throat gets it's grasp upon you, you'd be sucked down just as deep as any prey..." About the first part, she teases gigglingly, "Pumped out of the gurgling gut of a tiger. Rawr!" As to the next part, she speaks more seriously, "Aye, great one. Your purr soothes the virtuous. Your roar sends fear clawing down the spines of the wicked And your endearing meow would surely win over the coldest heart!" While laughing, she eases her shivering by crouching for warmth upon the furred carpet of his spittle-soaked paw. Now she catches on to the meaning behind his teasing innuendo. "A tiger's stomach is certain to be a cozy nest as well, especially now that it's becoming clear of that troublesome honey-apple slush. But what brave lass could you find to delve into that carnivorous pit?" Clearly enjoying her alimentary banter, she answers his last tease, "Very tempting, Gideon!" She plants her wet hands upon his lower lip and jaw as if ready to clamber into his toothy maw should he be done speaking, and should the tiger wish to indulge his guest in such a perilous pursuit. "A courageous maiden it would take indeed, to make such a journey. It might even be a tantalizing experience, for a time, as you say. But the deep of a predator isn't a healthy place for living flesh. You're small enough to get sucked down, and quite readily lost amidst all the folds of flesh and muscle. Once you were down the throat, I'd scarcely be able to find you within... and become lost amidst the absolute blackness." His lips had been bouncing about under her eager hands pressing upon it, And after speaking, the tongue squelched forward, giving a little lick, and surging out a hot little waterfall of saliva that oozed swiftly over his lower lip and down her frontside. "That plunge is one that I would not be able to extract you from... you'd be drawn in and stay sealed inside of me until squeezed away like any other meal. But if I've found one so brave and, mayhap even as foolhardy, as to take pleasure in indulging such a carnal attraction..." He raised an eyebrow, as such an eventual undertaking was not entirely alien to his thoughts. One that many would vie to avoid, but for those of interested mind would be the sensation and adventure of a lifetime.While watching him speak, Anya ogles his golden eyes and the toothy cavern of his predatory jaws. She's enchanted by the dance of his textured tongue against the slimy ridges of his pink palate; and the interplay of tongue among his beautiful fangs and lovely lips. "I want to see all of you, beautiful Gideon," the delighted damsel assures. "To feel your flesh all around me, to enjoy the beat of your heart pulsing so intimately against my skin." She listens raptly to his playful description of his dangerous depths. "Ah, to be enveloped by the living core of your feline appetite, my friend." She giggles at his gelatinous lick. "So slimy and warm, wonderful tiger. If it feels this good near your mouth, how much better might it be inside? Even deeply so..." She sighs dreamily, fondling his lip and kneading the tip of his tongue. "Trapped forever." Unwittingly she now echoes his exact thoughts, confirming her to be a kindred spirit: "The ultimate living adventure! I can't think of anyone I want to explore more than you, dear heart. Some other predator is likely to get me sooner or later; I'd much rather it be you!" Hugging his snout-tip, she croons. "But don't feel pressured, my friend. I wouldn't want you to feel guilty or sad afterward." "Well, it would seem that we've discovered that thrillseeking young lady then..." He grinned, pulling his head back a bit from her. "I hunt and eat to survive, and consuming those struggling prey gives me little pause. How can I refuse one that asks for the experience so intently? You'll have a firsthand look at the slobbery doom that awaits all my prey!" Gideon yawned his jaws open, as she stood, still upon his paw, dribbles and strands of saliva still sticking to her. His lips pulled back in a snarl, and a rumbling growl burst up from his jaws, pink throat stretching wide, and the exhalations sending small bits of spittle flying. THIS was the true view that food would have before him. The noise soon faded and ceased, but left no time to sit in wonder as the head and jaws loomed forward and dropped down completely over Anya's standing form. His muzzle dropped until his lips rested upon his paw, afore and behind the small human. The jaws were gaped just enough apart that she could have stretched out her arms in both directions and tickled the tongue and palate. And above her head loomed the dark edge and ring of pulsing muscles to his throat, where she might just be able to reach if she were to leap with all her might. These sights weren't left long either, as a gurgle emanated from the throat, and the tongue surged again, a much larger occupant within the bars of his teeth. Pushing forward, his maw closed around her, the tongue pressing her sodden form against his pallette as he raised his head high, completely reversing her position and whirling her upside down, and even rolling his head side to side, keeping her held firmly and gently within his jaws. At last he rested his head naturally forward, and parted the teeth, enough that she could sit up upon his tongue and collect her bearings, light streaming back in and glistening all across his tongue and rippling gullet. Anya giggles at the first comment. "Joining you... on the inside!" she cheers and agrees softly. "Oh! You want to grant me this!" Surprise and delight pour into her cheeks as a flush of pink passion. The young lady is immensely pleased at Gideon's compliance, having been afraid he would refuse. On the other hand, she was also almost as scared that he would grant her foolish flight of fancy! At his mock-ferocious growl, her heart stumbles and skips a beat or two. That was an effective bit of foreplay for this daring gastronaut. And the first phase of her adventure arrives now as she's entirely engulfed by the orange cat's mighty maw. Inside her friend's sultry mouth, she's not cold anymore! Yet still she trembles, now from a chill far more visceral and exhilarating than the outer wind. As Gideon's jaws gently compress her, she revels in the sponginess of his bristle-coated tongue. Her salty-sweat taste of fear and desire sinks into his undulating taste buds. Then she squeals in frightful delight as he upends his mighty skull, with her abruptly contemplating the prospect of a sudden headfirst plunge into her carnivorous companion's gooey gullet. Fortunately she isn't condemned to that plight quite yet, though the fact that he could have so effortlessly done so fills her belly with tingly butterflies. Within the sumptuous heat of the hunter's mirthful maw, Anya rubs the fleshy anchors of his mighty teeth, knowing them to be sensitive, perhaps even erogenous for the big cat. Playfully she leans through the parted mesh of his side fangs, pressing against each of his inner cheeks in turn. At last as things settle down within the steamy cramped cave, she sits upon his pulsing tongue, perched there in lubricated excitement. She reports. "You're so warm inside! This is the pinnacle of feline luxury! It's what I always dreamed of." If Anya had any qualms about the predicament she was about to wind up in, she could complain, but likely would have little say from there on in regards to her fate. Things had begun, and they were very likely to continue. Gideon was tempted, if only for a moment, to do just what could have happened- a swift gulp and a plunge. But that would have been just too fast, and would not have given his maw's occupant or he, as much entertainment. Throughout his rocking she was secure, and she seemed intrigued by it all. He began to speak, to try to speak, and jostled his tongue about underneath her, tossing and sliding her bare form and spread legs across his tongue. Thinking better of that, he instead started a deep rumbling half-purr, that vibrated up and into his thick jowls and tongue. He still surged it back and forth under her, teasing her along in the pleasureable luxury of his maw. Yawning and clenching his jaws, he gently tossed her around, mouthing her like a succulent candy, as thick saliva pooled there, allowing her to so easily slide dangerously close to his throat... just to get tossed back to the tip of his tongue, sometimes even splayed on her back against his foreteeth, while the immensely soft underside of his tongue massaged against her frontside, sliding against every curve of her bosom and legs, the whole enclosure a sauna of slobber, and rumbling with the tiger's mastery over his prey. Anya giggles as Gideon tries to speak, playfully wrapping her arms and bosom around his tongue to interfere with the formation of coherent syllables. Now the tiger's primal growl-purr quakes into her bones like a volcanic massage. The sound tickles her tummy with tremors from his vocal chords, which lurk not far below his thick tongue where she perches precariously. The lanky lass cooperates with her friend's tasting and toying of her, grinding the briny sweetness of her leaking loins against the quilled carpet of his luxuriously-squishy tongue. Enchanted and aroused by being engulfed within the slimy cage of her feline friend's gusty maw. The thought ofhow much more sensual and confining it might be in the churning pit of the creature's stomach intensifies her giddy lust. Indeed, these compelling urges set her heart to hammering against her breasts, and bring her breath into hot huffing, panting over her drooling tongue. Too fired up to think rationally, much less ponder the consequences of their shared runaway train, she implores "Oh, do devour me, Gideon! Bring me into the belly of the beast!" If he complies with this reckless request (maybe he intended to claim her anyway), she jubilantly imagines herself soon to be wearing the orange tiger like an enormous, oversize fur coat. Tucked down into the core of his living appetite. The fact that Gideon wants her inside of him as much as she craves to be consumed only amplifies her ardent plea; her yearning to belong utterly and completely to her predatory paramour. Aiding their mutual merging is the great cat's copious drool, which has Anya greased up head-to-toe now. Awestruck by the unique view, she peers out through the scissoring ivory gates of her captor's teeth, most of which curve backward toward his glistening gullet. Similarly the tickling barbs of his heaving tongue angle that way too, making it harder for prey -- for food! -- to escape his personal conveyor belt. To be shuttled down a slimy chute, into the gooey, claustrophobic bliss of digestive doom. The tiger could taste all the flavors of the female within, as she slid about, spreading such interesting flavors along his taste buds. It was quite the environment for one of her size, and his teeth could even pick up the powerful pounding of her blood coursing under her skin. She sounded quite exuberant in her cries, though they were perhaps somewhat biased now, while her body approached its throes of pleasure. And all the while, was actively being smothered in the gooey wash of saliva and massage of soft and firm muscles, rocked around inside. Every roll and toss of the feline's jaws emanated even more sultry sounds, the wet thudding, squishing, and slurping noises as he messily toyed with his newest snack. She sounded so desperate for more, but he wasn't quite done with her yet. He wondered curiously if she'd reach one of those human climaxes while still being tossed around in his jaws... or if she would struggle to hold such a thing off until she was being forced down the funnel of his throat. As she could even observe herself, the whole structure of his great maw was made for guiding food ever deeper within him, until it was slurped and gulped down into his core. So the predator carried on in his own sloppy ministrations, happily tossing his head about and ceaselessly working his jaws about, rolling the hot, and surely sweating, little form of Anya about his tongue. Often he'd roll her underneath it entirely, letting it's weight press down onto her, and sinking her into a veritable pool of foamy drool, completely sealing her within soft flesh and hot liquid for several moments, before rolling her back up and allowing another breath. Eventually, deciding she might be getting somewhat exhausted from all his toying, he wanted to get a look at her... and possibly send her to deeper explorations rather soon as well. Looming his head downward, he cupped her in his tongue, jaws parting enough for a paw to reach up and grasp a leg betwixt his digits, dragging her slowly off the edge of his tongue and dangling the dripping morsel in front of him, gooey strands still stretching to his lips. He looked her over thoughtfully. She was a bright pink, glistening mess, hair clinging in messy ropes downward or plastered across her forehead and shoulders, still oozing thick warm saliva. "From tongue baths through a fully enclosed massage... getting tired yet? I would like to be able to feel you slipping down my throat, seeing as I WILL eat you..." He grinned, washing his tongue over his lips again. While still jailed in the jaws of the great cat, Anya savors and participates vigorously in the fleshy carnival ride delivered by Gideon's talented tongue. 'Tasted by a tiger!' she enthuses inwardly. And not just any feline: her beloved orange Gideon! At times she hugs his textured taster, relishing its friction against her skin even while the male's taste buds come alive with the briny flavor seeping from the ravished woman's pores, and the syrupy nectar oozing from her lust-swollen vulva. Although her huge friend is careful not to use his teeth on her, still the slimy strata of his palate overhead conspires with his pliant tongue below to squeeze her joints and knead her supple loins and belly in all kinds of delightful angles and pressures. Despite being instruments of fanged destruction that could so easily destroy her, within these jaws Anya revels in their undulating squeezes as though being embraced on all sides by her tiger soulmate. Sweating and thirsty from her carnal thrill-ride, she even drinks of her friend's succulent drool; for it is a wholesome and hearty concoction, even slightly flavored of honey and apple -- as well as her own tangy tastes. While buried beneath the hunter's weighty tongue, the furless primate lithely luxuriates in Gideon's great heat and the pulse of his mighty heart. At last her carnivorous lover drags her forth from his cavorting cave, dangling her from his sturdy paw. There she giggles, or tries to, finding insufficient breath to express her joy. Indeed, her entire bipedal body quivers in rapture, heaving in breath after breath while her gelatinous coating dribbles along her pink-flushed skin like a newborn. Although she is lean due to her daily labors, her shapely female physique is muscled and well- developed enough to serve an animal Gideon's size as a snack. "A little tired!" she wheezes at last, grinning ear-to-ear. "But still frisky enough to squirm within you, should you wish more playtime, beautiful tiger." Arching forward from her inverted dangling, she hugs the tip of his nose and plants an adoring kiss there. "It felt truly divine inside you. I'm tingling all over!" Although she doesn't say it, it's written all over her face of how much more ravishing it might be within the taut, oozing sac of the hunter's gastric gorge. "Oh, you know us cats, we're always ready for some play of one kind or another... Glad to hear I've not completely worn you out. Wouldn't want you to miss any part of your fate beyond my jaws..." He chuffed happily at her small embrace and kiss. Then he swung her dangling body a little, just to tease his soon-to-be snack, as he raised up his paw and rolled over onto his back, looking straight up at his dripping friend. "I think... this... might be more like what you'd really been looking for though..." And he yawned open his maw, wider than she'd ever seen it yet, tongue bunched up in the back of his throat, quivering about as he worked a thick morass of saliva in the back, a veritable pool to his companion. Then with a fast surge, the muslces of his throat relaxed and opened, and for a split second she could see fully into the tunnel of his throat, as the liquid fell away. Quickly squeezed tightly by the tongue's rising and the gullet's clenching, A loud glurk sent the ripple down his throat. He smacked his lips and reopened them, letting his tongue loll out it's full incredible length, a soggy red carpet inviting her down over the hillock in the back, and into his waiting depths. And that was when he let her go, to plummet in a short freefall onto the tip of his tongue, inclined at such a steep angle that she had little purchase to slow her headlong slide, right towards the thick pulsing muscles in the back of his jaws, and the darkness beyond. They closed while she was sliding, and her face would squelch right into the creases and folds between them, arms or head perhaps even slipping in and between the slimy pink bulges, and a hint of the throat that was about to claim her. "Beyond...!" Anya echoes his words reverently. Her panting now can't be because she's out of breath; there must be unbridled arousal fueling the fire of her excitement. When Gideon rolls onto his back, she delights in the realization that gravity is now the tiger's conspirator. Looking down into his eyes, she giggles at his playful and slightly undignified posture. "Oh!" Her laughter cuts off abruptly as he gapes his toothy maw. "Oh yes!" she praises, admiring his carnivorous display, especially his skillful open-mouthed gulp of his gooey drool. How easily that could have been her! she thinks, her heart palpitating against her ribs. That cardiac muscle pounds so fiercely that it might even jiggle her petite breasts, each with a nipple perked in arousal. Based on her feline friend's randy teasing and frisky behavior, Anya might soon be following that wad of foamy saliva: flowing from the toothy trap of his jaws, guided down a long sexy throat, sliding on a toboggan ride toward the furred predator's tummy! "Cute kitty," she croons gigglingly, clasping her hands together in gesture of endearing infatuation. But her amusement halts abruptly; the nude squirrel-sized female squeals as she's suddenly released, plopping onto the thoughtful cushion of Gideon's tongue, then gliding into the upended crevasse of his drool-drenched maw. Gasping, she holds her breath, flinging her hands out in front of her scalp to ward off collision. Not even his rough tongue slows her slide since its carpet of papillae is smooth in the direction of his hunger. Fortunately, her friend squeezes together his tongue and soft palate, and clenches other gooey musculature, thereby shrinking the aperture of his gullet enough that she doesn't plop into it like a slimy fish. Instead. she squirms about on his tongue, using his back teeth as leverage for her hands and feet. In his fashion, she turns her sputtering, hyperventilating face back to the top of the spike-lined, wet pit of her friend's mouth. "You rascals!" she calls breathlessly, giggling and collapsing into a fetal ball within the luxurious hammock of the feline's mouth. "Quite a view from in here!" she calls. Indeed, the young woman's soggy form wallows in awe within the fleshy funnel of Gideon's carnivorous pit. Upon her slipping, slithering slide down into the deepest end of his maw, it was not unlike a massive warm water slide. He could breathe through his nose, but the longer she lay there in the crook of his tongue and jaw, the more her own hindqarters and torso would be slowly sinking back into the mucousy muscles of his throat. From that point, with scarcely anything to push off of, and teeth too far away, it was only the constriction of the tiger's tongue and throat that held her aloft over the tunnel leading down his neck. And ever increasing amounts of warm drool were starting to drip down from his fangs, or ooze their way over the top, or out from under the folds of his tongue, filling up around her, just as the last thick bolus saliva had started. But now she was right in the midst of it all! Another gurgling echo, perhaps a menacing sound to some, emanated it's way up the tiger's throat. Though the girl's view from there must have been an incredible one, it was not one that would last for long. Hopefully she was enjoying her last glimpses of light, sky, and the surrounding flesh, as there would be the absolute blackest of realms beyond, within the feline's gut. Then the burble of air from the tiger's stomach reached his jaws, and the throat was pressed open with the exhalation. As the muscles relaxed and spread, Anya's head and shoulders, nearest the center, slid back fully over the tongue now, as it's base turned smooth and pappilae gave way to thicker fluids coating the flesh. Swiftly Inverted, gravity pulling her upside down, plunging her face right into the warm slime, her body curved and legs followed suit, feet just barely clearing the edge of the tongue as Gideon was forced to reflexively swallow- his throat's attempt to dislodge the morsel of food that was still there. The tongue arched high, and Gideon closed his jaws this time, all combining to fully seal away any last bit of air and light. With the press of his tongue, Anya's smooth and slippery form was easily pressed into the first embrace of the gullet, where the rapid contractions took hold of her entire body, dragging it deeper. Before her face, the muscles parted and smeared tightly past, as contractions about her shoulders, hips, and feet all pushed and massaged ceaslessly upon her, guiding her down the neck... just a small bulge in the feline's pale furred throat, until it slipped away into his chest where no motion was to even be seen. [END OF PART 1]############################################################################ At first sitting upon her heated haunches, Anya slumps and cuddles cozily in the luxurious fleshy crevice of her friend's undulating maw. What a view! Not yet knowing the immediacy of his carnivorous intentions, she reaches up to grasp some of his back teeth. But they're too slimy to get a reliable grip upon. She'd meant to haul herself up, using his fangs as a ladder. That might relieve what could be making Gideon uncomfortable. But everything is just too slick with the beast's admittedly-delightful drool. Increasingly the panting primate's plight resembles living quicksand. Indeed, with each passing heartbeat, she sinks deeper into the hunter's digestive tract. What lies below her is a very slick chute; and once entered, whether accidentally or intentionally, he has said he wouldn't be able to rescue her. Ah, but if feels so carnal and pleasant! Why worry? she soothes herself. Instead Anya slips shut her eyes, bathing like a hedonist in the soupy luxury of the tiger's sensuous spittle. She loves the stuff: the clinging sensation against her most intimate parts, and the way it keeps her skin flush with the heat, all provided by her lover's long feline body. On some level the female senses that she is soon to be engulfed, then to be taken down into his innermost sanctum. It simply feels so good here that she craves to take that very plunge, to discover what it's like to have him all around her. And with the tiger's abrupt belch, her wish is fulfilled! As the acrid air gusts up past her, she sinks abruptly deeper; the cat's tongue transitions into smoother texture as she plops into the region behind his great prehensile piston. Instinctively she reaches for the tongue-spurs above her, but as many other prey have discovered, these small barbs are pointed the wrong way, and her fingers simply slip off them. Good heavens! He's going to eat her! Her last glimpse of light winks out as the great cat meshes his slimy fangs together. Now he has become her world: a biological realm of touch and sound. Unseen, his gooey tongue rises and his gullet stretches wide to accommodate its meaty cargo. Yes! she exults. Guided by yearning, Anya rolls over, diving headfirst into the carnivorous canal of her beloved Gideon.Peristalsis guides this still-living morsel in a path that parallels the predator's interlocking vertebrae. The perilous slide she'd been dreaming about ever since she'd met the amazing tiger has now become her reality, her fate, her destiny!. She is to become one with her feline idol! At once climax crashes upon Anya, awarding Gideon with the squirming convulsions from his feisty bolus, even as the food passes through the isthmus between his electrified spine and his quaking heart. As his first strongest gulp sent her on her way, several pulsing smaller ones immediately followed, ensuring that her descent was certain and final. Gideon laid his head back, relaxing and straightening his neck as he felt the writhing form of the girl as she was smoothly compressed down past his collarbones. Her pleasured wriggling and muffled cries that barely passed through the flesh and fur between his forelimbs was ample evidence that she was already enjoying herself very much. His lips parted and he could take a few breaths again, as she had been squeezed down beyond his windpipe by then. It was a fairly straight path now, that she would be more slowly massaged through on the trip into his belly. It was utter blackness for her inside, and claustrophobic like no other. The flesh pressed so close about her head and face as to be like a living helmet, even making it feel that her body itself was in a separate chamber following immediately behind. Eyes open or shut, it would make no difference, as her entire world was reduced to the immensely close gurgling and slimy noises sounding around her. But other sounds started to come in as well. The thudding beat of the feline's huge heart, and the steady whoosh of air into and out of his lungs. She could hear these too. Any movement to resist the steady grip of the gullet was futile. One might dream of stories of creatures fighting their way out of the throat and jaws of some fairy tale monster, but the reality was much more assured... in the confines of something such as this, there was no fighting it. her arms were tightly pinned, though she could still struggle enough to rove them about her frontside if she desired to. Or reach above her head to feel the oncoming expanses of the throat as it continued its fierce contractions around her, kneading her body ever deeper. The air was definitely much more stale now, and simmering scents of past meats, and recent sweets all filled her nostrils. Gripped by ever-moving bands of oiled muscle, Anya is similarly gripped in the throes of her soul-wrenching climax. To have been swallowed alive and irrevocably by her amazing feline friend is the pinnacle of pleasure and her ultimate fantasy come to life. An amused part of her mind hears Gideon repeatedly gulping, Oh he wants her! And his craving to consume her amplifies her volcanic afterglow as his gullet squeezes her toward the beast's belly. Into a living tiger! Claimed by a carnivore! Or in her friend's case, an endearing omnivore, whose greedy gut would still know just what to do with this skin-wrapped bundle of female meat. The animal's stomach might even make shorter work of her than it had of the honey-baked apple. He is bigger within than she'd realized; her fur-coat analogy is less apt, for it is less than she is wearing him like a living coat than she is simply wrapped in the one-way embrace of his gurgling gastric caravan: a series of organs, all crowded by the many other organs around them that support this amazing tiger machine.Wheezing for breath and feeling ahead of her with her slimy hands, the meaty morsel savors the seismic thuds of the great cat's beating heart. His pulse is perhaps quickened by his excitement of taking this amazing odyssey to its harrowing finale. That her feline captor is her favorite friend thrills her, as does his status as a delightfully virile male specimen in his prime. These joys complement the hunter's luxurious peristalsis, which has already driven her to her first rapture. And now as she nears her ultimate destination, the kneading, full-body massage threatens to catapult her into ecstasy again! The slimy sounds generated within while Gideon is feeding upon his cooperative prey fill her slime-clogged ears with reverberation of slaps and slides from goop-laden flesh, and the movements ahead and behind of pockets of air shifting to accommodate the passage of a single hapless food item. Joining the arousing beat of the creature's heart is the primal whoosh of his breathing. The pressure around her slightly increases as his lungs expand, conversely making it harder for her to breathe until he exhales. Indeed, the orange stalker's lungs sandwich her within his esophagus. But that would end upon meeting the embrace of the tiger's belly. Fortunately for Anya, she revels in claustrophobia, having always enjoyed cramped places since she was little, much like the cat who has claimed. And her plight now is the ultimate prison: one whose chains are gripping muscle and whose coffin-close walls are those of the animal's organs. Buried alive inside a living organism! And it won't be much longer now until her fate his sealed. The ominous aroma and steamy heat from ahead herald a stomach awaiting its latest meaty pilgrim! The slow and firm whooshing and compressions of his lungs steady out somewhat, as his breathing turned into rumbling purrs that vibrated through the very flesh encapsulating her. At last, her small body squeezed and slithering through the last lengths of his esophagus, Gideon pushed his way up with his forepaws, until his was sitting high on his haunches. Gravity quickly changed around the girl, as she had been massaged horizontally towards his roiling gut. Now however, the last seconds of her slimy journey were expedited with the help of his posture, as she momentarily bumped into the tight sphincter that sealed entry to his stomach. It was relaxed enough that her head poked through, and was finally greeted by a relief from the pressure of muscles around it, as his belly was large enough to have some small wiggle room and a pocket of stale air. Upside down, her shoulders kept her from falling in all at once. The massive feline had lifted up the paw that the human girl had been groomed upon some long minutes prior, and was busy away at grooming the fur down, cleaning himself. The extra licks and swallows from that process continued to send down washes of saliva, and build up in some pressure behind the meal of his friend. She was not stranded there for long, as soon the sphincter flexed open enough to allow a surge of fluids to cascade down and around her head, and she dropped out of the linearly confining throat and into the stomach of the beast. She landed in a thick sludge of slime, likely what remnants still remained of her apple offering from before. The stomach wasn't quite one simple sphere of a sac, but it was slightly jostling around with the tiger's movements and her own wriggles of exploration, and attempts to get her bearings. The slick organ's walls slid her around back and forth, as the bottom easily gave way in any and all directions. It was like hanging in a loose, hot, hammock, which provided for very little purchase. She had only been exposed to this organ for a minute or less, and enclosed in absolute blackness. If she had even an inkling of instinct to find a way out, the location of the sphincter that had allowed her entry was as lost as a stone dropped off a ship and into the deep ocean. That gurgling, tingling organ was her world now, sealed so deep inside the abdomen of a great predator. Anyone viewing him from outside would have had no idea that under the layers of fur and muscle, a pink and breathless human was gasping for air and experiencing the thrill of a lifetime, which would be soon ending. Gideon finished his grooming, and glanced down at his sides. It was hard to feel much from inside himself, but he assumed Anya had finally reached her destination. He let out a small belch of air, and did his best to huff and swallow a breath more, to pass down to the girl inside. But he could still have some fun with her, and flopped over heavily onto his side, suredly tossing her, and the messy contents of his stomach all over the place. He laid one paw upon his white furred belly, pressing and massaging around to squish against his prey even more. "Well, my little friend, this was certainly an entertaining repast to follow after such a sweet dessert as you brought for me. I presume you have some space and air down there, for a time at least." He did his best to speak up, and perhaps she'd be able to make out his words. Just before being squeezed into the belly of the beast, Anya's afterglow-drenched body writhes within the groping grip of the animal's needy peristalsis. The slimy lass fetally curls at times, simply savoring her beloved tiger's alimentary undulations. But upon reaching the clenched gastric orifice, she stretched out, unintentionally shoving her fists through the knot of muscle head. She wriggled her buxom bust and swivels her shapely hips in the cocoon of flesh that has escorted her so urgently and carnally to her dark destination. The susurrus of her orange friend's blood fills her ears as it rushes through a weave of his predatory arteries and veins. It's all choreographed by the bone-jarring thuds of his mammalian heart, now high above her, beating like a dirge for the damned. As if commanded, her heart keeps pace with it, but delivers two giddy beats for each one of her master's. Hearing Gideon's pulsing gulps, Anya wonders if he's drinking or feeding... or grooming! Yes, she realizes. Such a cute cat, she giggles. And he is always so comely and well-mannered -- at least on the outside. The inside is a whole different kettle of fish! But that's hardly his doing. It's just the nature of his carnivore body, the very tangle of hungry flesh she yearned to embrace her. And this perilous wish is brought one step closer to fulfillment by some splashes of saliva from behind, which grease the gullet and help compress her downward. The final straw is the lurch of her jailor hoisting up his forequarters, which enlists gravity to coax her down into doom. At once the slimy sphincter peels up her arms, plops over her shoulders, and squelchingly squeezes her into the squalid stomach like a thick meaty vintage through the tight throat of a wineskin. Another orgasm crashes into the devoured debutante as she tumbles pell-mell into the gastric gorge's grip. Like a girl reborn, she splats into a sprawl into the dark squalor at the bottom of Gideon's stomach. Here entombed, she squirms amid sensual slimes and digestives. Sputtering like a half-drowned castaway, she gasps in a lungful of steamy miasma. Panting, she tries to get her bearings in the steamy sac. Gideon's innards, although more solid than the masticated cargo they cradle, still provide a delightfully gelatinous texture to her fondling fingers. And a bouncy elasticity beneath the soles of her feet, one of which has sunk up to her calf into a mucus-laden crevice or fold.The hammock-like shock-absorption has at least one big advantage: it helps her endure her feline's friend's sudden motions, which might have otherwise bruised his euphoric damsel. Yet more cushioning is provided by what she now laughingly recognizes as the liquefied remnants of her culinary creation. Its sweetness is now complemented by something new and meaty -- a spelunking snack that might tide the large carnivore over an hour or so before he would hunger again. Until then, Anya hopes that she will suffice. But for the great cat's appetite to be even slightly sated, he'd need every muscle and organ in her curvaceous physique! Suspecting he can feel her, the gooey gastronaut strives to stand up; but laughs as she slips and falls into a heap. Even if she'd had an interest in escaping, she knows she's utterly sealed inside. The hunter's belly, more than a herbivore's gut, is a tight tomb whenever its amused owner isn't belching or feeding. Speaking of which... BRAHP! She giggles at Gideon's belch, though her inner ears compress from the sudden change in pressure. Fortunately they pop pleasantly again as more air pumps in from above. The considerate cat is helping to keep her conscious for her upcoming finale! The quadruped's roll to his flank tumbles her crouched form cocooned within his abdomen. She careens amid the splashing maelstrom like a passenger lost overboard into the sultry waves of a stormy sea. She wheezes mirthfully as the tiger mischievously paws and kneads her prison, which jostles his gastric folds that are clinging to her like a wet web. Hearing his voice, Anya sputters and tries to gulp in enough muggy air to render a proper shout. "It's wonderful! You're amazing!" she assures. She rakes his wrinkled walls with her fingernails, finding the fleshy organ to be sludgy and acrid. Indeed, the whole chamber is getting quite caustic; and she soon might be sizzling. Hopefully it'll be a pleasant or at least tolerable sendoff; but time would tell. Gideon remained on his back, tossing and rolling himself about a bit, to keep things interesting for the tiny human now wrapped within his gut. he continued his kneading and pressing with his forepaws, his hindpaws kicking into the air periodically, as he was also enjoying himself. Her small form would not sustain as long as a bellyful of the viscera torn from other prey, but she was appreciated immensely more than any of those other creatures. The motions kept squeezing and sliding Anya about relentlessly, and oftentimes the kneading would compress the elastic stomach into interesting folds, often feeling to cover and cling at all her limbs in separate little chambers. But then they'd quickly slurp away as the hot sauna of his belly squelched in new directions. The smells within the depths of this predator were heavy and thick, but as her journey slowly progressed her further within, they were not as sharp as they could have seemed. With no light to see by, her other senses seemed heightened. Touch, sound, smell, and even taste, as she was very much awash in the thick morass of the fluids within him. It was so hot too. No breeze, or wind from breath, or any motion of air existed to give her relief, and her body would be pouring sweat in a vain attempt to cool her off. But even that salty liquid would go unnoticed amidst the mucous and saliva covering everything within the tiger's belly. The temperature was uncomfortably hot, but it did seem to cover up some of the other hot tingles that would be racing across her skin and more sensitive areas. The stomach of a beast such as he was built for one thing, and it would be happening soon.Her dark prison shrank again, leaving almost no air for her, as the sac compressed almost to the point of being wholly filled with it's fluid and still living occupant. Gideon had expunged the souring air, and swallowed more again for her. This time though, was much less than before. It was still enough for the girl to keep her head out of the slime. Buried alive beneath constricting muscles, flexing blood vessels and her friend's beautiful orange hide, Anya rejoins in intimate nearness to the core of Gideon's beastly body. Indeed, while tucked away in his glorping gut, she's also amorously close to his fertile loins. Breathless elation rains as laughter from her slimy lips as the great cat paws and pokes his athletic abdomen. This rewards the soaked simian with a thrilling sleigh-ride as if the clinging cocoon of his gurgling gut is bucking like a bronco. Giggling but with increasingly wheezing breath, Anya calls, "It's like being sloshed about in hot surging surf of mud!" Indeed, the tiger's kneading amplifies the heaving massage of his autonomic system's gastric contractions, and augments the incessant pulsations of heartbeats drumming from his body into the consumed lady's elated organs and quivering marrow. [Light Digestion to follow]##################################################################### With the increasingly flooded stomach clinging to her like a soggy sock, Anya moans and tries to hug and rut with the ravishing folds of molesting flesh. She juggles this yearning with her increasing difficulty keeping her gasping nostrils and sputtering mouth above the creature's gastric goop. She can't help but swallow some of the surrounding slime, but also gulps some of it deliberately: savoring the liquor-like burn it leaves in its wake down her undulating throat and past the panicked spasms of her faltering heart. Although sweat pours from her disintegrating pores, the brine is lost immediately in the heated morass of the tiger's churning appetite. She might as well be a toy boat tossed whimsically around inside a stormy sea-cave! "Yes tiger! Feast upon me!" she urges with the last of her breath and coherency. Taking a last gulp of air, The svelte woman's weakly-flailing form submerges entirely into the digestive sludge as if it's heated quicksand. Yet still more of the same gruel seeps from the gorge's gooey ridges with each of Gideon's playful pawings. Feeling the limbs still writhing and poking against his abdomen, though growing steadily weaker, the great feline released a victorious gurgling growl, rumbling out through his teeth, and even down to his core. The girl within was soon to be his entirely. Her hard breaths, and perhaps even wheezy moans went unheard from outside, but her shouts were still audible to those with fair ears. He slowed and relaxed his paws' extra churning to better let her breathe and speak. The slimy depths of the tiger were now about to become her fate, and she was enjoying her lingering moments within. Gideon would not suffer her to experience a tortuous ending, but a finale must come at some point. His belly could not remain a relative haven forever, and it was time to seal his prey permanently. After her final calls, Gideon gave his belly another good knead, and a last small belch of the remaining air as he rolled over onto his stomach. The organ that had been seemingly spacious after the esophogal slide, now had the weight of the entire feline pressing down upon it. And with no bouncy pocket of air, it became a constricting cocoon of flesh, with nowhere left to breathe. Anya would be unconscious within moments, and the rest of the flesh- softening digestive processes would go unfelt. If Gideon were to speak, she would not likely hear his words, now fully submerged. But he began to purr and croon once more, as the vibrations would certainly carry through to his prey's slime-filled ears. Just a few moments was all it would take, panicked though they may be, with bodily instinct fully taking over- though all subconscious actions of one's body would be in vain. [THE END]
Victims of the Club Co-authors: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mischeviousfin/ https://www.furaffinity.net/user/exiled-tiger Part 1 - Demi Some of the Cities in Faelien had a darker underground than most realized. The sacrifices on the wall were one thing, those were natural predators in their environment and prey that were criminals from the city, and destined to a punishment. Some would say it was befitting the crime, others would say being eaten and digested alive was per- haps excessive. But as crowded as the cities were, most knew that it was a benefit to those remaining. But beyond that, there was a place in particular, the Underground Thrill Club, a place spoken about in hush- ed voices by those "in the know", a taboo spot for anyone that had perhaps gone to see too many sacrifices, and felt the tickle of that strange fascination in the back of their mind with what they were seeing. Many of the lionesses made a sensual erotic show of swallowing their prey. It didn't help that said criminal prey were always dangled out- side in the nude, or very close to it. Wasn't sensible to waste so many clothes after all. But this club offered promises to anyone able to pay, to get up close and personal with a captive lioness, who'd been raised there under the city since she was a cub! There were restraints and sedatives for her, to put the faint of heart at ease. Making it seem there was little risk to come close and touch, pet, or even have her jaws held open to see and feel inside! At least, that was the legend. In truth, the Lioness and the organizer of the club simply collaborated in their shows. The restraints were real enough, but not anything the lioness couldnt break from if she desired. And the sed- atives were simple colored concoctions, and it was easy to pretend to be unconscious. On the other end of the spectrum, any that were brave enough to take the full dive, and get the same experi- ence as prey they'd seen countless times could offer themselves, take up a long lifeline, and throw themselves from scaffolding into the waiting jaws of a fully conscious and hungry lioness! The experience was guaranteed *hours* of being played with by the hot tongue and slobbery jaws of the powerful feline, before eventually being swallowed whole. The lifeline promised a way back out from her gurgling guts... if you could pay. This also assumed that no... accidents would happen. Which they did, from time to time. The good part was, any visitors that had that sort of bad experience werent around the next day to share any negative reviews. But there was yet another sort of visitor to the club. Those that couldn't pay in money, or perhaps were too nervous to offer their own selves to the vorish pleasures. Instead, one could bring another person with them as the "food" for the lioness. They were free to watch and interact however they desired with the food along the way, but by the end of the evening, that prey was always sent (wriggling and orgasming) straight into the lioness' belly. The club visitor got a show, and the Lioness got a snack in payment. And for those that couldn't trick, seduce, or force someone with them to the club as a food offering, could opt to pay for one of a few kidnapped and captive persons that The Organizer of the club kept in locked quarters. Any one or more could be chosen to be brought out, and fed to the Lioness in any way desired. But, these prey were valuable for repeat business and were always brought back alive in the end. Though, even they weren't completelysafe. Accidents could always happen... a rope get snagged or wear through, or a harness or a knot not cinched as tightly as it should... and some visitors of a more perverse interest could request to see the real thing. Pay The Or- ganizer a sufficient quantity, and one of her captive preys could be fed in the "natural" way to the Lioness. No life- line, no ropes, no way back... swallowed alive as true food, and to be digested as such in the end. This was the environment that Fin found himself in, waking up from an unfortunate kidnapping, in one small apartment-like room with a barred door. Adjacent to his room and across a hallway were more similar rooms. There were three neighbors, two mice and a bunny, all females. The room included some small barred windows as well. The structure was like a small house built under- ground, and looking outside revealed most of the rest of the club, with various contraptions and scaffolding here and there, and currently quiet with no visitors. Fin awoke with a start, head snapping from one side to the other in an attempt to scan his surroundings. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust. He was sitting in the corner of a small barred cell, propped up against the back wall. It was quiet for now, with no visible people around him. The mouse took a deep breath and leaned into his ana- lytical mind as it seemed a better use of his energy then screaming or carrying on before having a grasp on his full situation. One thing was for sure; his body ached terribly. Stretching one arm and then the other the mouse shook his head, trying to remember what exactly happened, but all he got were fragments; as if the night before had been filled with heavy drink and bad decisions. Focus he whispered to himself. With the rodents mind racing he caught glimpses of a dark alley, a shortcut? A dark figure asked for the time He looked down and everything had gone black The mouse opened his eyes once more, grunting a bit as he got to his feet. Taking in his surroundings; aside from the obvious fact he had been kidnapped, by whom and for what remained a mystery. For now he was naked and looking around there didnt seem to be much to cover up with. He was not the most conservative individual by any means but waking up naked in a cell did hurt his pride a bit. Fin glanced down at himself, mainly looking for any wounds he may have incurred while unconscious. Chilly in here he remarked casually before freezing where he stood. Eyes shooting forward, he couldve sworn he heard a giggle Taking a few cautious steps toward the bars of his cell the rodent leaned for- ward as much as he could, attempting to peer into one of the other cells across from him until his gaze settled on an- other mouse. She looked shorter than him, with brown fur, blue eyes and a rather cute nose. She immediately had his attention. They shared a moment of eye contact before she turned away attempting to cover her face with both hands, and this very shy movement gave Fin the time to realize that she was also similarly naked. With a flash of red across his face he averted his gaze to allow what little privacy he could, and in doing so his eyes rested on the other cells. One had what looked to be another mouse in the fetal position on the ground, giving him a pretty clear view of her rear end. Eyes jumping to the next cell in line there was another woman; a bunny, leaning against the back wall of her prison, but she had an odd, almost rough look to her. Staring at the ground in front of her like it had stolen her purse or something. Fin shivered, turning his attention back to the only other relatively sane individual in the area. Hey He whispered, unsure if it was safe to talk at full volume, My names Fin Can I ask yours?... Do you know where we are? Why I am here? I think I may have been kidnapped and judging from what I can see, I dont think I am the only one. Her blue eyes peered through her hands toward the white mouse speaking to her, and after a brief awkward silence between them she muttered, The The underground thrill club I think?... She hadnt been there to long herself, but she had over- heard a conversation between the other two prisoners, though she had been too shy to ask for details and simply pre- tended to still be asleep at the time. And Amelia My name is Amelia Fin raised an eyebrow, luckily for him he had exceptional hearing, otherwise it may have been difficult to understand the womans hushed whispers, Well Amelia. It is a pleasure Even under the current circum- stance Underground Thrill club? A friend told him of such a place before as they watched a sacrifice on the wallone day, though the mouse didnt actually think it was a real place. Idly glancing outward he began to notice the var- ious contraptions and scaffolding out in the open; He had heard that this Club had captured and raised its very own Lioness, though not only did he not see any lioness, the rodent couldnt see anyone outside of the cells. The thought of being eaten alive was grotesque to many, a terrifying punishment to criminal behavior to others. But to some like Fin... It was a morbid curio. A dream that would be deadly if fulfilled. While Fin understood the fear and sheer terror such a thing could bring; Deep down, buried under layer after layer of common sense The mouse wanted to try it. He had considered searching for such a thrill club after hearing rumors but ultimately gave up, as- suming it was a myth. Grasping the bars of his cell the mouses heart began to race, his chest filled with fear. Was this really the place he had heard about? And if it was. What was to become of him? A door at the end of the hallway clicked and creaked as it opened wide. There were slightly heavy paw- steps coming closer towards their cell doors. The hallways were large, come to think of it. And so were the doors to their cells. Nothing incredibly huge for the general scale of the city, mice were generally shorter than the other spe- cies that lived behind those walls. But momentarily it was clear why this little building was crafted with such high ceilings. A Jackal, with tall pointed ears and fur as black as onyx. She wore a thin silk garment, something like a small dress, but the cut of it wasn't formal by any means. More... sensual. It was a fitting and imposing look for her. This woman had to be The Organizer of the place, the one that ran the club and had raised (or so everyone said) the Lioness cub that was now the heart of the place. Best of luck to all but the biggest visitors, if they tried to run off without paying for their time. A Lioness could be avoided by scampering into any small corners where she couldn't reach. But a canine like The Organizer... good luck escaping her, if one attempted. She came to the cell doors, and looked in at the bunny, then Amelia, then the second mousegirl curled up on the floor. And finally turned to look at little Fin. "Ah... you must be our newest option! Welcome to my humble Club. I'm sure you have lots of questions and concerns but don't be worried. I take special care of all my helpers here. You'll not be wanting for food, and our entertainments are frequent. I'm known as "The Organizer" to most, but if you like, you may call me Korsima." She was giving Fin a good looking-over, admiring the bare fur and nude form of his. "I think you'll do quite well, here!" She winked. "But, for now I have need of one of you..." she trailed off, slowly turning in a circle and tapping one claw to her chin. Settling on the curled up mousegirl in the cell beside Amelia, she easily undid the door's lock, and ducked low to step inside. Suddenly with a bit of rope in her paws, she rolled the mousegirl over and bound her wrists together in front of her with just a few deft motions. She stood, bringing the mousegirl upright with her. The short bit of small rope was almost like a leash, but tied to wrists rather than one's neck. "Your turn today! I think you'll be a great fit for what the customer had in mind. Come along!" She sing- songed, stepping back to the hallway, and starting to make her way out of the building. At the back of the club, there had been some soft thudding noises. Soft enough that the activity with Korsima had been a distraction. But now, out the small windows of their rooms, there was another spectacular sight. It was the Lioness, coming to the forefront of the club, from somewhere deep in the back of the underground space. She must have just been quiet, or in some cor- ner, unnoticed until now, as she approached. As far as Lionesses go, she was attractive... beautiful even. A perfect specimen of the feline and feminine grace, at least for a quadrupedal creature. And one large enough to swallow any citizen whole. The mouses attention snapped to the end of the hallway just as the door opened. His eyes settling on the Jackal that slipped through, with surprising elegance he might add; for one so large. Fin took a deep breath, trying to keep his calm, not to give away the fear that crept up his back as she drew closer. The rodent took a step back as she stopped in front of his cell; with her so close he could smell her perfume on the air. Subconsciously his hands shifted to cover his flaccid member as her eyes scanned his form like he was a piece of meat on display. The mouse ex- changed a worried look with Amelia as the organizer turned her back to decide which of them she would cart off to god-knows-where. It wasnt long before she settled on the seemingly traumatized girl on the floor and as she began to dexterously wrap her prisoners hands. Fin was ashamed; ashamed to feel his chest fill with relief that it was nei- ther him, nor Amelia. He hadnt known her long but something about the look in her eyes made him want to protect her. Watching the Jackal stride down the hall with the third mouse in tow, Fin whispered her name, Korsima As if to commit it to memory. While the encounter had been short, it did confirm not only where he was, but why he was there: To be a Helper. In an Underground Thrill club? Wouldnt it make more sense to simply hire helpers rather than kidnap people off the street? The mouse blinked, what was the job of a helper anyway? To serve customers? It seemed as though the other mouse had been chosen according to a customers taste Could it be pros- titution? He had assumed the Club only offered a close up experience with a Lioness but maybe they had other offer- ings? Amelia could hear the lioness approach, deep down she knew what was coming, and yet even still; as the massive feline revealed herself, the girls legs began to quiver. She did all she could to avert her gaze, instead choos- ing to focus on the newcomer. His back was turned. He could see the same thing she could and yet had no problem staying on his feet. It was then that Amelia began to envy his courage. The mouse, who had been lost in thought, snapped back to reality. His attention turned to an ominous thud- ding noise outside his cell, stepping up to the small window in the back the curious Fin peered out as a massive lion- ess came into view. Eyes wide, ears tucked, jaw slack with awe; the mouse let out a squeak before he knew it. Sim- ply overwhelmed by the presence before him. He had seen a lioness before, but never from this close, nor any that held such wild beauty. His eyes slowly drifted across her comparably gargantuan form, from tail to muzzle his gaze lingered, and the longer it did the harder he got. She was huge, so huge that he doubted he would even be a suf- ficient snack. Wait- Was that why he was here?... Fins stomach lightened; Was he here to feed such a creature in place of the Customer? The rodent stumbled back a bit. He had to run Right? But even if he managed to get free, then what? What about Amelia? He clicked his tongue. He knew nothing about the layout of the club, if he did get out he would surely be caught, then there was no doubt in his head that he would end up food. His only hope was to stay captive for now, play along and all the while be on the lookout for a chance at freedom. Fin wasn't far off the mark in his assumptions of what a "helper" would be in the club. The place was a ta- boo enough spot that Korsima would hardly be one to openly hire in the city. It didn't fit well with the mysterious and titillating nature of what she did there. Captive prey like themselves were just that - captive and prey. There could be any number of uses for them, whatever a customer might request to see or do, Korsima and her Lioness were happy to oblige. As long as they were sufficiently compensated for the activities involved. She was loath to give up any of the club's prey to a permanent death by digestion. Especially those that were popular, and brought many patrons paying a regular sum to see them be fed to the Lioness. But... if their popularity waned or when a large enough payment was offered, she had no moral concerns over the matter. And if her business concerns were satisfied, then the chosen prey that day was guaranteed to face their final ingestion - and little hope of being brought back that time. Of course, Fin was new there. But Amelia, the bunny, and the third traumatized looking mousegirl had already seen such things before. It was actually part of the reason Fin was there now. There was only one way that a holding room like his became... vacant. Outside though, across the club, those brave enough to watch had a clear view of all the goings on to their fellow 'helpers'. There was scaffolding on the opposite side of the space, its highest platforms just above the Lioness' head level, though it was easily accessible if she wanted to swipe someone down from there. It was far enough away though, that it wasn't clear who that day's patron was. They seemed just slightly nervous, following along closely behind Korsima, up a tight staircase to the top of the scaffold. Korsima was easy to spot, however. Twice the height of anyone else inside the Club. Once they got to the top, Fin could probably hear their voices. It was quiet at a distance but in a cavern like that, sound would carry. At the scaffolding though, Korsima led along the young fox visitor. This was his second time to come, the first being a simple visit to see the Lioness Mbali while she was "drugged" and bound down, able to touch and feel. They ended that visit with her waking up, and having some well-distanced introductions. That got him over most of his nerves, but it was still somewhat scary and thrilling to see her walking freely, and coming right up to the platform they were on. But he had a strong desire to experience a feeding up close, so he stayed near Korsi- ma, and the little mouse. He felt a little bad about her situation, especially as scared as she looked. But he knew that the plan was to have her tied to a rope, so as to pull her out later on. She'd be alive... if a bit singed, short of breath, or worst case unconscious from lack of air. Once to a good spot, and centered on the platform, Korsima hoisted up the rope binding the Mouse girl's wrists. That opened and exposed her chest to the fox, who was left blushing and observing her. She was rather cute, he had to admit. Korsima had the short lead tied firmly to another line now though, which was attached to some- thing like a rotating crane's arm, which could raise or lower the rope that held her wrists. "This is going to be our little preything's lifeline today. Once she goes down - this is her only link back to the world outside Mbali's belly." Korsima explained to the fox, before turning to the mouse, standing precipitously at the edge. "But don't worry Demi, this one is just here to watch you get eaten. I'll try to remember to come pull you back out later~!" She teased, before nudging her off-balance over the edge. She dropped only a couple feet before the rope pulled taught and the crane swung out, dangling her some 60 feet over the ground. Mbali was close already, and stepped up with a predatory smirk, slopping out her tongue's whole length, letting the mouse 'slap' against it, stopping her swinging about. The lioness murmured in appreciation of the naked flavor, slurping her tongue up. Making eye-contact with the fox at the edge of the platform, watching, she expertly used the tip of her tongue to tug the mouse completely into her jaws, with a wide Yaaaawnnn of her jaws, showing off the pink cavern to him. It clamped shut around the squealing mouse, the rope trailing out between her lips. There was a thick, wet sloshing sound as she swirled the girl around inside, before lowering her head. Keeping her lips pursed, the mouse was dragged out through the ebony lips until she was free again, her hair and fur matted with thick saliva, and more of it slowly oozing off her footpaws and tail. Fin stole a quick peak at Amelia amidst his inner ramblings, surprised to see that she was sitting, facing the wall opposite the view of the lioness with legs that shivered as if they were bare in the brisk winter. Not too surpris- ing, she had been there longer than him and if all the information he had gathered so far held true it was probably akin to a hell hole for normal people. It was only his morbid desires under the surface that kept him relatively calm. The mouse turned his attention back to the nearby lioness, eyes scanning the scaffolding for movement until they found the familiarly terrifying visage of Korsima, with the Helper she had selected moments before in tow, as well as A Canine? Fox? It was difficult for Fin to determine from his position. The three figures made their way to the edge and as they spoke the mouse listened carefully. He could quickly surmise Korsimas intent, the nameless mouse girl was to be live bait of sorts for the cus- tomers viewing pleasure. Would this happen to him? The only thing keeping the bait from becoming a meal was a thin, flimsy rope. Not to mention he doubted it would take much effort on the felines part to snap the rope. Fin leaned forward, inhaling sharply as the organizer casually pushed her tied up helper off the edge, directly into the jaws of the lioness who began to toy with her prey? This was good. Very good. If the captive lioness was well trained then it was unlikely any harm would come to the mouse girl right? Not only that. If he could figure out a way to communicate with the predator, or even please her No that would be to risky. Creating a bond strong enough to break the lioness instinct to see him as food would take to long. Time he didnt have. As his thoughts raced, the little mouses eyes were fixed on the scene unfolding in front of him, subconsciously; while watching the mouse girl be toyed with by the massive cat, he could feel the throbbing of his excited cock below, not daring to look down. The mouse let out a drawn out sigh and averted his gaze as the nameless helper slid from those ebony lips. He didnt dare watch any more, otherwise he didnt know if he could control his urges. Instead choosing to turn back to Amelia, sitting in front of the bars that faced her cage, cross-legged and covering his excitement in a way he thought was not immediately obvious. Amelia He whispered, trying to get her attention. Her ear twitched, then slowly but surely her head turned, pale blue eyes fixated on him with a curious look. Listen. He continued, I am sorry for asking too many questions, I see now it must not be easy being here- Fin was interrupted by a snide grunt from the bunny in the cell next to them. Rolling his eyes he pulled the conversation back on track, But. Do you know how long we can expect to be here? How many times must we go through... That. He nodded at the scene behind him. And furthermore do either of you know a possible way out? I know its a long shot but with enough info I might be able to find a way to get you both out. He paused for a mo- ment, analyzing his own words. Why did he not include himself in a supposed escape?... He shook his head and looked back toward Amelia. The mouse looked the newcomer in the eye as he spoke, he really was interesting if not weird, maybe even a little excited. She did not detect the one feeling that should be in his golden eyes; Fear. He did not seem scared at all. Umm W-Well I am not sure. The only one that was here longer than Sin over there was Ryan And you are sitting in his cell Amelia glanced down, nervously fiddling with the tip of her tail. I dont really know of a way out Though I am not sure if that cavern Mbali comes out of is a dead end, I hear wind howling sometimes in the dead of night and if we were in a closed in space there wouldnt be such a sound, right? the mouse girl glanced back up; first to Fin then the bunny, Sin Do you know anything? The black rabbit raised her head after hearing her name, stepping forward and glaring down at the seated newcomer, even if he was standing she was taller by several feet, not counting her ears. Listen. I know you mice are easy to break. But if you want to stay alive; not take the final dive. Listen up: Do as the organizer says and put on a show. If you make it entertaining enough you will gain popularity, bringing more customers in and making yourself more valuable in Korsimas eyes. As far as escape goes; better not to consider it, you would get caught long before you made it out. Now if youll excuse me I am going to try and get some rest. Youll find out soon enough how exhausting this life can be. And with that, Sin sat, laying back against the wall of her cell and closing her eyes. Korsima stood and watched with a slight smile. This was her business, but she really enjoyed it as well. She had as much of a fascination with the felines and their eating habits as any patron of the club. It was also always fun to have new visitors, getting to see their first show up close, like this fox. Mbali gets a plaything and a snack, Korsima can enjoy teasing a new visitor, and the visitor gets to have an arousing show. It was just the small mouse- girl that had the short end of the stick, until she (perhaps) learned to enjoy the experience. The center of attention, but subject to the whims of all the predators and voyeurs surrounding her. "Any... special requests, Mr. Fox?" Korsima asked her patron, as the murine swung slowly, the slime al- ready making her whole body glisten. "Mbali and I are happy to oblige any particular things you may want to see or hear. Or even feel during the show. It's an audience interactive experience, after all!" she sing-songed. The fox was flushed red already. Embarrassed to keep watching the nude mousegirl, but too fascinated to look away. This was what he paid for, after all. He thought, and bit his lip. "Sometimes, at... at the wall, things go really quick. Can Mbali keep from swallowing her for a little while? Maybe make her... cum... first? Then swallow once she's tired?" Korsima chuckled. It was such an innocent, tame request. Compared to the tastes and desires of some visi- tors to this club, anyway. "Oh, that's Mbali's favorite. It's all but guaranteed that'll happen at least once before she's gulped down. She leaned out a little bit, "Mbali dear? Lets make sure our guest has a good view of your girl when you think she's getting close, hmm?" She winked at the dangling mouse and then stepped back to where she was, giving Mbali the floor. The lioness nodded in agreement. "I'll make sure of it!" She confirmed, her voice even more sultry than Korsima's. She went back to her grooming then, nosing at the dangling mousegirl. Her pink tongue slurped out, lick- ing up her hindquarters, or bosom, or slowly up one side of her face. Sometimes curling around her tail, or one leg at a time, pulling it in to suckle on it before letting it go. All these little tastings were interspersed with a bit of "com- forting" assurances. "Don't be afraid little one, I'll make sure this feels just as good for you as it does for me... When you can't hold back anymore, just let it all out! Don't worry about making a mess. I don't spit... I ~swallow~." The last bit she said with a knowing wink to the Fox as she continued licking, eventually slurping the mousegirl completely inside as she'd done before. This time keeping her in much longer, as she swirled her tongue around, thick slimy noises making it clear she was being suckled along with a few washtub's worth of drool, which was periodically gulped wetly. Demi had been through this not one, not two, but four times before; and each time was just as terrifying as the last. She had never been one to think twice about the criminals on the walls or their fates because she herself would never commit a crime worthy of such punishment, nor would she stray from the safety of her home. This was her first mistake. The second was trusting that someone needed help in that dark alley and the third, final mistake was not fighting hard enough to escape her bonds. She had no idea why such a club existed and yet found herself as the main show yet again. As she hung there by her wrists, 60 feet off the ground, she could hear Korsima and her new leering customer talking above her and while her fear of heights kept her from looking down, she knew what dwelled just out of sight as she dripped with still warm drool from her pre-show for the fox. W-Wait! Her head swung back just in time to see the Jackal peer over the edge to address Mbali. The mouse struggled against her restraints reluctantly, knowing what was coming; The lioness sultry, taunting voice re-verberating from below. With each lick came a high pitched squeak, Demi closed her eyes tight, clenching her teeth in anticipation; her heart was racing, not because she was scared of getting eaten, but because with every lick she be- came more aroused, the course flesh dragging across her chest, then her hindquarters. With time a glistening string of the innocent girls excitement had made its way down her thigh, the pleasure co-mingling with fear, the thought of falling from such a height was actually less appealing than being consumed by the predator in front of her. After a deep breath and a bead of silence, a chill setting into her soaked fur as the mouse hung there, she opened her eyes; right in time to see those ebony lips press against her waist, trapping her lower half in the heated feline maw below. Letting out another squeak Demi glanced up, and for a moment, just before being slurped up entirely, she made eye contact with the fox. Time seemed to blur, darkness flashed with light, the air hot, humid, it was as though she was completely surrounded by slick rolling flesh, eager to taste every inch of her. Breathing heavy, coughing up spit which was not her own. Lost in the moment; Demis body subconsciously began to grind into the muscle below her. Squeaks be- came moans and before she knew it her body began to quiver, not even able to tell which direction was up anymore, the hypnotic *GLP* of saliva being filtered out reverberated through her body. The mousegirl couldnt take it any- more, she fell forward, pressing her chest into the lioness tongue below, legs quivering as her nethers gushed. Eyes closed again, for a brief moment Demi didnt care about anything, not where she was, not who could see, not what would come after; for now simply lost in the throes of her orgasm. The fox patron was on his paws and knees at the edge of the scaffolding, trying to be that little bit closer to the view (as if it wasn't all huge enough already). Or perhaps it was just his knees that couldn't take the lewd sights and sounds of the squirming Demi being slobbered on like a dangling piece of candy. Her squeaks were like so many tiny pleas for help, struggling against the treatment she was forced to endure. Though as much as she was dis- gusted and terrified of the process, the Fox couldn't bring himself to stop watching. He knew she was going to be okay in the end... right? That's what the lifelines were for down here, why she was tied up. His leggings were grow- ing tight, his own arousal starting to emerge with the sensual show. His ears flattened in shock the first time Mbali gulped a mouthful of saliva, expecting Demi to have been claimed early, but no. She was still being tossed around within the maw. Mbali was closer to the platform, with Demi inside now. Giving just enough slack for the girl to squirm around and be sloshed into all corners of the jaws. Finally sensing that she was at a climax, Mbali yawned her muz- zle wide, curling her tongue, the small mouse in the groove of the tongue. She was covered in thick foamy spittle, clinging to her fur. As her orgasm shuddered through her body, thick strands of it laced between her own body parts, as well as the tongue. Her fur was swirled around at all odd angles from the suckling tonguebath, all of which had been going a long ways towards wearing her out. The fox hearkened back to just before Demi was sucked inside, her eyes meeting his for a pleading mo- ment. She was a pretty sight, even here with the mussed up fur, dripping wet, laid out on that tongue with her head towards them, and her footpaws towards the rippling gullet. His attention roved backwards along the tongue, seeing where it fell away in the back, giving way to the tunnel of flesh that led deep into the Lioness' body, eventually to her hungry stomach. Mbali in the meantime smirked, closing her mouth and tugging back on the rope, letting it drag Demi along her tongue inside, until her arms and shoulders, head and breasts popped out through her lips. The pink tonguetip slid out under her as he maw yawned wide again, unfurling her tongue to its full length. It lolled almost as far past her lips as her mouth was long. And laid right on the tip of it, was Demi. Mbali expertly angled her head upward, tongue making a long gently sloping slide, the tip just inches from the Fox, putting him within touching distance of Demi, if he dared. He was blushing and glanced at Korsima, who just nodded with a slight smile. Leaning down, the fox put one hand on Demi's cheek before stealing a soft, gentle kiss right on her lips. Her once soft, proudly groomed grey fur was a slobber covered mess as she lay there on the felines tongue, completely naked in all meanings of the word, still quivering from the throes of her orgasm. The darkness closed around the poor dazed girl who took a deep breath as she realized what was coming; the moment of life or death, quite literally her life was reliant on a happy enough customer. The rope around her wrists pulled taut, dragging her limp form forward and partially free of the hungry maw. Squinting at the sudden light, her eyes re-focused on thefox she was being presented to. The corner of her mouth twitched, she had to make sure he was happy if she wanted to stay alive But then again did she want this to happen again? Wouldnt it be a relief if this was the last time? The mouses heart raced in her chest, the fox leaning forward; before she could think anymore her instinct took hold, and she leaned forward into the kiss, pushing her tongue into the vulpine mouth, trading saliva; some of which was not her own. Enjoy she whispered as their lips parted, staring straight into his eyes as her silhouette slid down the worlds deadliest slide toward the dark innards of the lioness. She was pulled away after a moment by Gravity itself, however. The laws of nature taking its course and slowly making her slide down the slippery pink slope. Mbali's throat gurgled hungrily at the bottom of that slide, giving the prey and the viewer a perfect view deep into the tunnel, with how her head was angled. Soon the Mouse- girl slid right over that edge and pulled the rope taught, her lower half hidden behind the tongue. Mbali gave a cou- ple test gulps, tongue squishing back hard, and throat *GLP*-ing against the girl, the rope straining tight to hold her in place. The tongue when gulping like that was lung-crushingly tight. Korsima guided the fox's paw to a lever then. "Just pull this, and there'll be plenty of slack in the rope for her to get swallowed," she murmured in his ear. He flushed red again, the power put into his hands to send this show to completion. He met Demi's eyes again, squished in all the hot flesh so deep already... and threw the lever. Mbali let out a teasing growl, and gave an- other strong gulp, this one sucking Demi down off the tongue and down her throat. The rope was tugged away at a suprisingly speed, quickly letting out, longer and longer... as the Lioness continued her swallows, any sounds from the mousegirl growing quieter and more muffled the deeper she went. And the rope just kept lengthening, sending another twinge into the Fox's loins, letting him know just how deep into the predator's body her stomach really was. Demi kept eye contact as long as she could, until she slid back into the tight embrace of the predators throat, letting out a high pitched squeak. The momentary feeling of weightlessness overshadowed by the sudden on- set of pain from her wrists as the rope lifeline bore her weight. With every crushing gulp the rope seemed to loosen slightly, leaving the squirming mouse a few inches deeper every time, until peering over the edge of the massive tongue in front of her; Demi watched the foxs hand push the lever that kept her from the abyss below. All at once; the lioness deafening growl rang in her ears, the rope gave way, and the poor girl disappeared into the abyss below, her scream quickly muffled by the thick flesh around her, her hands grasping at the now loose rope, hoping to slow her decent even slightly. The slick flesh rippled, tugging her down like it undoubtedly did many morsels before, an eternity in freefall accompanied by the growing pounding of the giants heart. Finally, the small mouse was deposited into a comparably large chamber, incomparably hot, the air thick as if she were in a sauna yet rancid with the smell of past meals. Demi quickly righted herself as best she could, hold- ing the rope up and away from the small puddles of fluid around her, attempting to keep it safe from any possible damage. While the air was horrid, she had been through this before; quickly slowing her breathing down and trying not to cough to much. She had passed out the first time she had been dumped here after hyperventilating for a little less than a minute. Ignoring the slime and goop that coated her form, Demi desperately tried to keep her composure as the flesh around her moved, throwing her to her side, or pressing her down. Mbali toying with her further was nothing new. Focus. Focus. Just breathe. Survive. She repeated in her own head. It was an impossible distance to fight ones way out of. Without that lifeline, nobody would be able to come back from inside there. Mbali sat back, pressing a paw to her paunch to slosh around its contents. The mousegirl was just too small to make any sort of bulge, and she definitely wasn't fighting very hard. The only evidence now if someone walked in, would be the lifeline leading out through Mbalis lips. And only the faintest squeaks of distress from inside, if they got close to the felines paunch. The fox stayed on and talked to Korsima some more, while admiring Mbali licking her lips clean, and play- ing with her belly and the snack inside. Eventually he and Korsima left the platform, Korsima returning alone a short time later. She worked a few things on the crane, Mbali standing up, and the rope came taught, retracting, and inch by inch starting to drag the mousegirl out of the belly. Finally emerging back to the maw, she came with a wash of thick slime and bits of stomach chyme. Her orgasms and afterglow had passed, leaving her just tingly all over, breathless, and sweating profusely. Not that the sweat could be noticed amidst all the slime. A fifth feeding was successfully finished. Demi couldnt tell how much time had passed, the whole ordeal left her disoriented. It was only as her skin began to tingle, the ominous fluid and slime of the predators stomach having soaked into her fur; did she feel a slight tug on the rope in her paws. Immediately her attention shifted back the way she came as inch by inch she was pulled back, back to freedom. Sliding back into the tight tunnel that had sent her down, Demi began to cry; both from opening her eyes in the thick atmosphere of the chamber below but the relief that flooded her whole body at the realization that she would live another day. Once free and standing on shaky legs the girl glanced back, watching Mbali curl up behind her. It felt so good to leave that sight behind her once more and looking at the ground, whis- pered, Thank you just loud enough that Korsima could hear. Mbali laid down in the middle of the club to relax quietly, while Korsima brought the mousegirl back to the others. She was still dripping with warm slime, and smelling like the innards of a carnivore. Returned to her room, there was at least a small showering space in the back of each space with flowing water and an ability to keep one- self clean. Korsima stood by for a short time, if anyone were to speak up with questions or needs. She did care about those helpers after all. Just maybe not so much to let them free. It was Well it was something he had never witnessed before. Fin watched every second of the show as best he could from his vantage point. By this point Sin had fallen asleep in her cell and Amelia was attempting to do the same; leaving the ever curious Fin to watch his fellow mouse be toyed with in this clubs cruel, exhilarating game of cat and mouse. If he knew the extent of this place before there was no doubt in his mind that he would have been a regular customer. A particular moment caught his attention; the kiss, she leaned into it Fin hadnt thought the terrified girl that had left her cell shaking was the type to No. He knew why she did it, and it only cemented in his mind that if put in the same position he had to do the same or better! The focus could not remain on his own pleas- ure, whoever the customer was had to be satisfied first The mouse took a deep breath, calming himself as the bulge disappeared down the lioness neck and merged into her gargantuan form. Fin watched as Demi and Korsima returned, the mouse girl stumbling back into her cell and beginning to wash herself under the Jackals watchful gaze. Covering his member with one hand and leaning on the bars with the other he waited until Korsimas eyes met his; and with a determined look he nodded at Demi, How do I keep from finding my permanent end here? No Let me rephrase: If I obey If I please you. Will you eventually let me go free? The door was locked again behind Demi, but she had the basics she needed all within her "room". She was certainly glad to be back after another plunge, though it seemed that no matter how many times she'd experience it, she'd never get used to it. And that was an appropriate emotion. Any time COULD be their last, if a special custom- er request was made, or an unrecoverable accident occurred. It was unfortunate, but happened sometimes. And in the case of Demi, she was sometimes requested for just that reason. It wasn't ever an act, it was true raw emotions of fear and pleasure from her, every time she was fed to the Lioness. Always a great show, and she didn't have to force- fully pretend anything. For her it was natural! Korsima took notice of the newest mouse, and smirked somewhat seeing his attempts at modesty and cov- ering himself. Once he asked his real question though, she let out a hearty laugh. "Let you go? If you do well here and make the club that much more successful, for what reason would I let you go? This place is something of a taboo secret to the city. Nobody openly talks about visiting here, its hushed word of mouth that gets the word around. Or sometimes I'll bring in new patrons myself, when I can tell its someone that WANTS to find a place like this. But for all of you? I can't just let my best helpers leave. Or risk you all ratting about the place to anyone that may care enough to shut it down. The cities are over populous anyway, a few less denizens once in a while... Its practically a service to the rest of the city, don't you think?" She turned and crouched down in front of the door, putting her own face, and bosom, right at his eye level. "But don't let that dissuade you from being good help here. The better you do, the more valuable you are, the more likely you'll be able to stick around. Despite what some might say, life's not priceless - its just expensive. And like any market, some are worth more than others. And the less your worth... the more likely that my customers with more extreme tastes may pay your price. And shows like those, well... It's the reason that YOU have this room now,and not our other late friend." She let her words sink in, She wasn't being mean about her explanations, but just telling it like it was. Even though all those rules were purely up to her. She glanced down to his paws still trying to cover himself. A single paw wasn't the best for the job, and she could tell he wasn't completely flaccid. "You don't have to try to hide yourself around here. We all know each other, and being prey here is always a very... erotic experience. No need to feel ashamed of enjoying a show... that's what we're all about down here, after all. Enjoying a show and satisfying certain desires. Even myself, on some nights." She whispered the last part, be- fore standing up and striding out of the small building. "That's all for today, though, everyone. See you in the morning!" She sing-songed, before closing the door behind her. That left the rest of the evening and night for Demi to clean up, and any more private talking between Fin and the other captives there. The next day Korsima returned, providing food and water for everyone. She came also with news. Continued in Part 2...
I have been dragged along to a college party, someone throught I should relax and have some fun. I'm now stuck at this college party, not really enjoying being there. I noticed a girl, or rather a dragoness, green scales and black hair. I can't tell her eyecolor because she always looks away whenever I catch her looking at me. I smile and look over myself. my white fur, and vulpine body, dressed in an old green T-shirt and a pair of faded pants, my light blue hair hanging down behind me. I don't see what she sees in me but I like the attention. she finally gets enough courage to at least look at me. I smile back and she waves a hand at me, signaling me to follow her, before walking into another room. I stand back smiling as I watch her walk out, she can't be walking like that normally, it has got to be for me. I follow her into the adjacent room. The first thing I notice is that she's not wearing her T'shirt anymore, and she seems to have some trouble with her bra, getting it off her, mostly. I smile, stepping closer, as I ask, "it was me you were expecting, right?" She smiles and nods, "yeah, sweetie" as she turns around, and, still struggling with her bra, "say sweetie, could you help me get this off?" I nod stepping closer and help her get her bra off. After that I smile and looks at her before looking down at her breasts, noticing a drop of milk dropping from her left nipple. I look up at her, she's blushing, she noticed that too. I smile up at her and, with a smile, drop to my knees before slowly leaning in against her, my hands slowly resting on her hips. She smiles down at me as she grabs my head gently and pulls my muzzle in against her nipple. I gently let my tongue slide over it, getting her taste before leting my lips close around her nipple, my hands slide up and in against the back of her shoulders for support. Once I start feeding, I feel her taste, it has a full taste, a bit sweet and quite delicious. after having my fill from the left one, I keep sucking and nothing more comes out, I move on to her right one, she smiles down at me, gently stroking my hair as she whispers "that's a good boy, drink out. Get your fill." after feeding on that one for a little while I look up at her, she smiles back down at me. after feeding I slowly get up and smiles at her, "thanks, I really enjoyed that" I say, looking her in the eyes, "I'm fairlyn by the way." she looks at me, her lips forming a shy smile, "I'm Jade, nice to met you, Fairlyn." I smile leaning in against her, "Jade? a fitting name for such an angel as yourself." before quickly, with a blush, leans in and kisses her directly on her lips before pulling away, trying to read her expression. Jade grabs me and pulls me in against her, kissing me deeply and hungrily. After Jade pulled away I smile back at her and asks, "anything I can do for you, Jade?" Jade blushes and looks away, mumbling something. guessing I know what she wants, I slowly slide my hands down her sides, slowly making my way down her hips until I can slide my thumps under her skirt and slowly pull it down, revealing a pair of black panties. I smile up at her, "I'm on the right track?" Jade, still blushing, nods and smiles at me encouragingly. I smile up at her, "seems like I'm overdressed for this party?" Jade looks down at me and nods. I get back up and start pulling off my T-shirt. I stop for a second, thinking I feel a breeze in my nethers. Thinking it's nothing, I continue dragging the T-shirt over my head and drops it on the bed and looks down. my pants and underwear are currently hanging around my feet. Jade is sitting on her knees and seem rather interested in my white fur and other parts of me. I sit down opposite her, and with a flashing smile, "you with a nude willing male, is it giving you any ideas?" Jade just smiles back at me, blushing a bit. I smile back and reaches out, picking up her glasses and places them on the table next to us as I say, "just in case you decide we want to get rough." Jade smiles as she gets up on her knees, her hands on my shoulders as she leans forward, pushing me back down on my back. Jade smiles and lean down against me as she whispers, "let's see how rough we can get before I break you." I smile up at her, hoping she's not serious about breaking me, "uh, just remember I'm not a dragon, ok?" Jade smiles down at me, she seems quite lustful and just a tad dangerous at this point, might be her comment about breaking me. I try to smile back at her, managing a weak smile as I wrap my arms around her, pulling her down against me. Jade smiles, letting her fingers run down my fur as she whispers, "so soft." I smile up at her, "and for the next while, I'm all yours" Jade smiles back and say, "I know, hun, and I'm keeping you" I nod and smiles back at her, "sounds good, sweetie" before gently pulling her head down and kissing her. Then I point up at the bed, "you think it would be better up there? I think it does". Jade smiles and grabs me and, before I get a chance to say anything, I'm suddenly flying before ending up on the bed. I barely has time to realize where I am now before Jade is on top of me, pushing me back down into the bed, her body pushing me down as I feel and her getting ready to mount me, I think that's hat she's doing, can't really be much other when she's rubbing against my erect shaft. I grab er hips and, with a lot of help from her, gets it inside her. Jade moans as she slowly places her hands on my chest and slowly, carefully gets up in a sitting position. I smile at her at her and is just about asking her if she shouldn't, you know, start thrusting or something.. I never get further than opening my mouth when she forces herself down over my shaft as hard as she can. My words gets showed aside as I'm forced to howl out from that one thrust. Jade smiles and leans down, her muzzle pushing against my ear, her tongue tickling the inside of my ear as she whispers, "you're this close to orgasming already, I'm not even warmed up yet." I smile up at her, "seems like you have much better stamina than me, make me cum and I'll repay you, ok?" Jade smiles, lifting herself up again, her netherlips pushing against the tip of my foxhood, and, before I get a chance to say anything, Jade once again forces her netherlips down over my shaft, taking it all in, causing me to let out another very loud moan. Jade smiles down at me, looking more amused than anything. I just look back at her, trying my best to hold my orgasm at bay. Jade starts pulling up again slowly, still smiling, and seemingly not even close to orgasming. Jade lowers herself with a thriumphant roar. I join in with a drawnout howl as I finally orgasm, unable to hold back anymore. Jade smiles and leans down against me. I smile back at her, still moaning. "see, was that so hard, Fairlyn?" I smile and try to stop panting. A few minutes later I can finally say, "I cummed, you didn't". Jade smiles, "and you plan to fix that?" I nod as she starts climbing off me, "looking forward to it". I smile back and start guiding her down on her back before running my hands down her tail, feeling her scales under my fingers. My hands then slide long her legs, spreading them before I lean down, rubbing my muzzle against her slit, my tongue poking in gently. Jade moans a bit, her legs spread out to allow me easy access to her inner treasures. I poke a bit deeper, my muzzle slipping past her netherlips, my tongue sliding into her depths. it feels a bit rougher as I let m tongue push in against those parts. Jade howls out, her walls pushing in against me, slowly pushing me out. I grab her hips and pushes back in against her, my muzzle pushing back inside her. My eyes are closed at this point, focusing on her taste and thre feeling of my muzzle pushing around inside her. Jade moans out, louder than before, and louder than I have heard her so far. My muzzle pushes against her rough spot. Jade howls out, her inner walls letting go of me for just a second, but it's enough time for me to get my muzzle deeper inside. I heep pushing in against her, my muzzle oushing in against her rough spot, helping her built up an orgasm until she can no longer hold it back, and, with quite a howl, finally get her orgasm, my muzzle suddenly covered in her lovejuices. Jade grabs my head and, as her orgasm hits again, laying down, her hands still om the back of my head. I feel as her netherlips opens up and murrs, feeling great, as Jade slowly pushes my head into her. Her netherlips suddenly pushes in around my neck, my tail waves from side to side as I try to push back out softly. realizing that won't work, I try to push further inside, but I can't do that either. My hands slide over to my neck and start massaging her netherlips, trying yo get her to relax, as my muzzle pushes around inside her again. I can hear her breathing increasing as I push up against a specific point inside her. Her breathing keeps increasing until her inner walls suddenly pushes in against me for a few seconds. I do what I always do in those circumstances, I push my shoulders in against me, trying to be as squeezed together as I can, that makes it easier for me to get inside her. Jade's netherlips suddenly opens wide, her inner walls sucking me deeper inside. I don't realize what's going on until I feel her netherlips closing around my elbows, sucking them in. Jade is once again orgasming hard, my head and upper body getting absolutely soaked by the torrent of her lovejuices, my muzzle and head already wet from her earlier orgasm, but is now completely soaked in her juices, my chest and arms are just somewhat covered in it. I dig my hind paws into the mattress, pushing farther inside Jade slowly, my shoulder pushing in against her rough spot. Jade moans softly, her hands running down over her belly, trying to feel me through her flesh. My shoulder pushing against her rough spot again. My shoulders pulled up under me. Jade howls out and her inner walls returns my rubbing by pulling me further inside, my knees and lower belly getting sucked inside her. my muzzle pushed up against her cervix. Jade's body is continuing pulling me in, whetver I want to or not, as I have passed the point of no return quite a while ago. Jade howls out even louder than before, her inner walls sucking me in still. My feet and tail is the only things currently sticking out between her netherlips, and it's starting to feel cramped inside. I finally get sucked inside and, trying to move around, realize I really can't move. I push against her cervix as hard as I can, my back arcing up in the process, my back pushing in against her rough spot again. Jade howls out, her claws digging into the mattress, ripping it in the process as she's once again hit by a powerful orgasm. her walls suddenly feels very wet and slippery as I suddenly start rotating around until I'm layingg on my back, still inside her. Her body is not letting go of this piece of treasure it just got. Jade is back to moaning softly, pulling herself up in a sitting position, both hands on the bulge on her lower regions, murring happily, trying to persuade her body to push me the last of the way. I'm lying inside her, her juices pushing in over me, my head lifted up just barely keeping the tip of my muzzle over her juices, my body fully submerged in her fluids and every inch of my fur is completely soaked. Jade's cervix finally opens, letting me into her womb. Jade let her hands follow my body as it moves into her womb. we both feel it as Jade hooks herself up to me with an umbilical cord and rubs her pregnant belly lovingly. "you feel great in there, Fairlyn, you know that?" I push back against her hands softly, not wanting to break the membrane her womb is creating around me. I whisper, "I think I heard it once or twice before" before yawning softly. Jade giggles, "sleep, little guy, I'll watch over you." I nod, curling together and slowly falling asleep inside her, neither of us realizing how much she wants a pregnancy. A littler while later Jade gets up, rubs her belly before getting dressed, her clothes too small to cover her bigger belly. A few of the others smile knowingly as she steps out of the door, thinking they knew what was going on in there. Jade smiles back, petting her belly. Feeling me shift just a bit in my sleep. Another female, a redscaled dragon slipping out behinn Jade, smiling, placing a paw on Jade's shoulder as she smiles, "Jade, haven't seen you in ages.. How have you been.." Jade turns around, looking at the other dragon before saying, "Ruby? I haven't seen you in ages." Both girls hugs eachother, Ruby looking down when she feels Cade having gotten bigger, smiles vider as she says, "Jade, you're pregnant?" Jade smiles, she's blushing just a bit, "you noticed the arctic fox that was here earlier?" Ruby nods, "is he your mate?" Jade smiles, "not exactly.. he looked out of place here and.." Jade triled off, before rubbing her belly again. Ruby loooks at Jade's belly, "and you decided to give him a place to relax?" Jade nodded and Ruby sits down in front of jade and runs her hands over her belly as she says, "I think he likes it." Ruby nods, "I think you're right .. want to go somewhere I can sit down? he's kinda getting heavy" Jade nods and gets up, looking around before pointing tot eh corner, "over there? the couch is unoccupied." Jade nods and they both head over there, sitting down in the couch before Ruby leans over and asks, "so, how was it? feeling him sliding in, I mean" Jade blushes and nods again, her tingue running over lips as she thinks back, "I don't know how he did it but it was wonderful." Ruby nods and smiles, both hands running over Jade's belly again, "I wonder.." and a few minutes later she finishes, "let's talk it over once you get your little friend in there out of you.." Next morning Jade wakes up slowly, letting her hands run over her belly, still liking feeling me inside her. Except something's feeling wrong. Jade gets up, looking at her much smaller belly, "what happened to you, Fairlyn?" She slowly gets up, standing in front of her full body mirror, studying her belly, "at least it's back to my usual flat belly. You're still in there, right Fairlyn?" She feels something, it seems to be telling her to relax abd calm down, almost like a little voice in the back of her head that whispers, "Relax, Jade, everything is going according to plan, and you're still pregnant." one week later and Jade is nice and calm, enjoying her life as it is at the moment, her belly has stopped shrinking and is currently slowly growing big again, just like a real pregnancy. It knocks on the door and Jade gets up, opening the door. Ruby is standing outside, smiling vide, holding up a bag, "can I stay here for a few days?" Jade nods, "but of course course you can", as she steps away from the door, letting her friend inside. Ruby smiles and asks, "so, you finally let him go, huh?" Jade looks away, blushing, "not exactly.." Ruby smiles vider, pulling her T-shirt up and placing her hands on Jade's belly. Looking up at Ruby she says, "you're pregnant, I can feel him inside.." about 9 months later. Ruby has all but moved in, staying aroubnd and helping Jade with her pregnancy. Jade, still lying in her bed, suddenly look over at Ruby, "I think he's about to come out" Ruby looks over at Jade as she gets up, nodding, "any moment now, right?" Jade nods and smiles back, but she doesn't get a chance to say anything as she suddenly feels wet between her legs. Ruby looks at her, "Jade, your water just broke", Before grabbing her legs and spreading them as much as possible, "now, just keep pushing, he'll be out in no time.." Jade nods and pushes, and pushes. Ruby smiles and says, "I think I see something coming out now." A few minutes later and Ruby says, "I see something in there, I think.." A fewe seconds later she runs a hand down towards Ruby's netherlips. My muzzle is slowly pushing out, the tip of my muzzle sticking out between her spread netherlips. Ruby keeps pushing and I'm slowly pushed out, my head and arms slips out as Ruby smiles and says, "that's strange.." Jade looked up, looking at Ruby, "what's strange?" Ruby smiled back, looking at my upper body sticking out of him, "oh, it's nothing to be worried about, just focus on pushing your kid out, ok?" Jade looked at her, "he's newborn? I get a little one to watch over?" Ruby smiled back, "yes, and yes. I'll stay and help you get used to not being alone... and get back to pushing." Jade nods and keeps pushing, her body finally letting go of my body. Ruby smiled, picking me up, my tail slipping out of Ruby. Jade smiled, holding me, a newborn arctic fox kit, in her arms. Ruby nodded, "he's adorable." Jade smiled and placed me in Ruby's lap. Ruby wrap her arms around me, acting as if she wants to shield me from the world outside. I do the first thing, I fibnd natural, letting my lips clse around her nipple and start feeding.
I'm outside, in the backyard. I have decided to try something new. I got some buckets with raspberry flavored gel and is currently in the process of modeling myself an anthro vixen with said gel. Process is coming along nicely and I'm enjoying the process immensely, always nice to be able to kick back and just be silly. I'm too caught up in sculpting and doen't hear Rawhyde until she's suddenly standing beside me. She looks down at my attempt at modeling before smiling back up at me, "you want a hand with your modeling?" She doesn't wait for me to say anything before walking over and scooping up some of the gel and start modeling her face. I can already tell that she's better at this than me, my models face looks so much better already.. I smile and start working on her legs while looking over at Rawhyde, "so, who have you got in there now?" Rawhyde smiles back at me "right now? I'll give you three guesses" I smile, "Riannah" "good guess, but no.." Rawhyde replies, "I want her inside me some time, preferably soon" "not Riannah.. I can't see Magicka aggreeing to let you use her, and you know Melanie is off limits" I reply. Rawhyde smiles "Magicka helped me back to life, she gave me something to run on.." I just look at her, "o..k" Rawhyde smiles and continues, "she filled me with your dirty laundry and called me back to life" she drops the gel and pulls me into an embrace as she smiles at me, "don't worry, they don't satisfy me the same way you do.." I look at her, trying to decide on the best course of action before deciding on wrappijng my arms arouind her, pulling her in against me, "I prefer being pushed in against you like this.." Rawhyde smiles back, pulling me in against her even harder, my shirtless chest pushed in against her leathery skin. I smile back at her, blushing quite a bit at this point, "Rawhyde.." I start saying, falling silent for a few seconds before continuint, "you are a wonderful woman, but I really want to see this little project done" Rawhyde smmiles, not letting me go just yet. I blush and is about to stammer something as I feel her hands sliding along my back, one making it's way down onto my butt as the other one pulls against my head. I'm about to say something when she pulls me in against her and forces my lips suddenly locked in against hers in quite an intimate kiss. The first thing I think is, "oh, god, she's going to eat me." The second one is, "hey, this is kinda nice, and she smells really nice" my third and final thought is, "stop thinking and just enjoy the kiss". I do this, pulling her in against me, wanting the kiss to go on at some level. I finally pull away when I realize I'm starting to have trouble breathing. Rawhyde slowly let me go, I send her a smile and says, "don't worry, I liked this as much as you did, We'll continue after we're done with the goo girl, ok?" Rawhyde niods and starts workiing on her breasts as sghe smiles at me again, "I know how you like them" I smile and reply, sure you do.." She smiles and imitates my voice, "not to big and not too small, that's how I like them" I simply blush and resumes working, not looking her way.. Rawhyde giggles as she starts working seriously again. a few moments læater and she's standing at my side, having modelled the upper part of our vixen to perfection, her arms are once again securely wrapped around me as she looks at the gel vixen's legs, "as far as I can see it, you have 2 choices, go with the usual two legs, like most of us, or you could give her a serpent tail" I look back at Rawhyde, "I was considering a serpent tail quite a bit, what do you think.." Rawhyde looks up at me, "I think you should go with whatever you feel would look right on her" "serpent tail" I reply as I start to model out her hips, Rawhyde start fleshing out her tail as she says, "I'll let you handle her labia, you know how that looks, I'm sure" before laughing, "you're just so fun to tease" "I know" I say as I run a hand down her back. Rawhyde does her best to try not to show what it does to her but I can feel let heat and pleasure from that little touch, I wonder what would happen if I let her have me, how would she act. I have to consider this later, I think to myself as I finish modeling her female parts and, thinking to myself, "I wonder of Rawhyde needs help". I look down and see a very l8ifelike serpent tail running from her hips, and Rawhyde is standing down at the end, looking very proud. I smile and say, "thanks, she looks wonderful.." Rawhyde smiles back and, I think it's the first time I have seen this, and she is blushing, I'm not sure how she's doing it but she is.. She smiles and turns me around before whispering, "close your eyes and wait, I have something I want to try" I nod, sitting down and closing my eyes. A bit later I can hear Rawhyde whispering something, but I try my hardest to ignore it. a little while later I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders, I look up as I say, "hello, Raw...hyde?" as I don't see Rawhyde when I look up but instead I see my raspberry flavored Gelnaga smiling down at me. we look at each other for a few seconds before I simply say, "hello?" She doesn't get a chance to respond as Rawhyde is suddenøly standing behind her. I don't get a chance to do anything before I'm suddenly on my back in the grass, the gelgirl on top of me, Rawhyde in her back as she forces us even closer together as she whispers, "kiss, and seal the deal." I'm suddenly feeling someone's hands on my face before I'm pulled into a kiss. I close my eyes and simply enjoy her taste, she tastes like raspberries. I murr, my eyes closed as I just enjoy her attention and her kiss. I finally notice Rawhyde has been busy undressing me as I feel my shaft getting guided up into something nice, warm, and tight. I open my eyes and sees the Naga blushing and Nasga starting to roll us around, helping the naga getting me wrapped nice and tightly in her coils. She relaxes and happily lets Rawhyde guide her hip movements. I moan softly as my shaft gets pulled in and out of her, her tail wrapping itself around my legs even tighter, I think it's because she's really enjouing this and don't want me to stop whatever it is I'm doing anytime soon, not that I planned to let go of her anytime soon. I smile, kissing back, which is surprisingly easy as she's busy rubbing her muzzle against mine and I barely have time to move my head before she's locking her lips against mine in a kiss yet again. I decide to do one thing she can't help me with, I let my hands slide down her front, down and pushing over her breasts. They feeel great in my hands, just like the rest of her. I finally notice she's not sticky, which I would have expected from her. she's nice and firm, and so is her breasts. I'm once again proved wrong as she forces her breasts gown against my chest, my hands trapped between my chest and her breasts, she pushes harder, her breasts pushing down against them, I push back, hetting a few cm's back upå before giving them a long hard squeeze, both to show her that I want her to keep her breasts there, and because I think she deserved it. she returns the favor by howling out as she forces me down into the grassm her body pushing in against me, her hips pushing in against mine as she orgasms. her howl just keep going as the smell of raspberries grows stronger, it's fitting the location and my partner, and it's a really nice smell too. She finally rides off her orgasm and pants softly. Rawhyde grabs her hips and continues thrusting them up and down, telling the naga that her lovemaking session is far from done. I try spreading my legs, she unwraps her tail and let me stretch them. I nod and stretch them out as Rawhyde gets up so I can roll around. I grab a good hold of the naga and rolls around, so she's lying under me, I smile and slowly starts pulling out of her. Her expression changes and I can read it well enough, she's dissapointed because she thinks I'm already done. I place my hands on her belly and slowly moves them up towards her breasts. My hands squeeze her breasts asI force my shaft all the way back inside her and I lock my lips against hers again. Her expression has changed to one of pleasure and she's murring softly now. Rawhyde crawls on top of her, her hips pushing against mine as she forces me down against the naga again and says, "don't worry, hun, I'll make sure he doesn't go before he's all done." The naga nods softly, not wanting to break up our kiss. Rawhyde smiles and grabs my shoulders, pushing me down against her as she massages them. I wrap my arms around the naga's chest, my legs locked around her tail as I slowly pull in and out of her, just enjoying being this close to her. Rawhyde, having decided the naga need something special for this occasion, crawls off me and grabs my legs, slowly forcing them up under me before reaching down and slowly guiding my feet into the naga's tight yet slippery hole. I stretch out, my leet and lower legs disappearing into her. Naga moans softly before whispering, "you feel just wonderful in there." Rawhyde smiles and pushes my butt down as she looks at the naga, my lepgs disappearing inside the naga's labia. Rawhyde smiles and pushes my hips and belly inside. the naga's inner walls, pushijng in against me, and they are feeling very smooth and slippery at this point. Rawhyde smiles and she pushes my muzzle against the naga's breasts and whisper, "feed, feed and please her even more" I nod and start feeding from her nipple. Her milk taste sweet and with a hint of raspberries, and it's very filling. Rawhyde smiles and pulls my head away from the naga before guiding my muzzle in between her netherlips, her walls feels funny after having felt the naga for so long , and her smell is much different. Where Naga is all about Raspberries Rawhyde has a more leathery smell, with an undercurrent of something sweeter. Rawhyde guide her hands back over the back of my head before spreading her legs even more before slowly pushing my head all the way inside her leathery birthchannel. it's a bit rougher than what I'm used to but it actually feels quite nice. The naga can sense what Rawhyde is up to and slowly pulls herself closer to the black vixen, forcing me deeper into both of them in the process. My arms getting forced in against my side as my chest disappears into Rawhyde's nethers and Naga pulls in my belly. at this point I'm completely hidden by both females. the naga is laying on her back. Rawhyde is sitting on top of her, hwer hands running up along the naga's hips and slowly up towards her belly, caressing her strange body, slowly making her way to the Naga's breasts while pushing me even out of her and back into the Naga's womb. I realize I can't move and can just lean back and enjoy the trip as I'm slowly forced back out of Rawhyde's leathery interior and deeper into the Naga. My chest gets forced deeper inside, easily passing the Naga's netherlips, my shoulders easily following inside herRawhyde murrs as she forces my head out of her, and slowly pulls away, leaving my muzzle poking out of her netherlips. Rahyde crawls off and rolls the Naga over on her front before crawling back up on her. Rawhyde's legs locked in against the base of the naga's tail , her hands running over Naga's belly as Rawhyde licks her neck softly. A few seconds later Rawhyyde whispers, "did you like what he did before?" The naga murrs and nods, smiling widely, as she remembers what she felt before. Rawhyde smiles and whispers, "you're gonna love this" before running her hands over Naga's belly, one running down towards her slit and my muzzle as the other hand runs up towards her breasts. Naga moans out pretty loud as Rawhyde's hands reaches their destinations. One of her hands start playing with the naga's breasts, her thumb gently massaging her nipple, as her other hand slides down to the snake part of her partner. Rawhyde's fingers skillfully run over Naga's netherlips and my exposed muzzle. She keeps Naga on the brink of an orgasm for a few moments, just enjoying her smell, her moans and the way her body reacts to her touch. Rawhyde kisses the naga's neck and asks, "has he passed your cervix yet?" Naga shakes her head and whispers, "not yet" A few minutes later Rawhyde grabs Naga really close and whispers, "you have been a good girl" as she grabs my muzzle with one hand, pushing very gently just to make sure Naga is still almost orgasming, the fluids running out along my muzzle show's that she indeed is. Rawhyde smiles and grabbing my muzzle, forcing me all the way inside. Naga's body reacts by hitting another powerful orgasm. Her body pushes itsenf in against Rawhyde, not trying to push her off but just trying to prolong the orgasm for as long as she can. Rawhyde murrs, holding the naga still for as long as she can, her legs wrapped securely around the naga's tail. I'm realizing the walls around me are getting very snuggly as I'm really getting squeezed now, the smell of raspberries are getting much stronger inside her. pushing in against her walls I can feel as they go from being damp to unleashing a torrent of fluid. The fluid has a soft red glow, it might be because the gel does let some light through. The naga moans softly as her orgasm slowly passes and her cervix starts opening. Rawqhyde is at this point lying on her side, the naga pushed in against her as she gejntly massages the naga's lower regions, helping her womb take in it's passenger. Both of them are murring softly, The naga is feeling very spent at this point. I'm laying in her womb now and watching as her cervix closes after me, somehow I know I'm not about to leave her anytime soon. A little while later and Rawhyde is apparently happy witl just laying in spoon with the exhausted naga, her hands stroking her pregnant sized belly as she asks, "so, naga, what are we going to call you?" I add from inside her womb, "yeah, we can't just start calling you Naga, right?" She nods slowly, "but, what do you want to call me?"
I'm out with Riannah. I got a choice, I could either join her at a trip to the adult toy store, either that or get tied up and pulled down there.. I choose the boring version, I agreed to go down and try something on for once so here we are, down in an adult toy store. Riannah feels right at home, acting if she's out shopping for some new clothes and is really enjoying herself while I'm blushing quite a bit, not really feeling comfortable surrounded by this many toys and assorted fetish assorties. Riannah smiles as she grabs my hand and pulls me over to the other end of the shop as she says, "I have found just the right thing for you, hun". I send her a nervous smile, "uh?" Riannah smiles even vider, her eyes reflecting her passion and the ideas I'm about to get dragged into when she persuades me to agree to try whatever she has planned. Riannah miles as she places me in front of a black fullbody suit, I step closer and examines it a bit closer, it seems to made of leather and seems strangly hot to the touch. I turn around and smile back at Riannah, "I was expecting something worse than this, an oversized dildo or something". Riannah smiles at me as she gently grabs my muzzle and slowly rubs it as she says, "I don't need a dildo as long as I got this, especially this part of you.." she smiles and turns around as she whispers, "besides I picked up some dildos when I was down here with Melanie last night". I didn't pick up that last part and turns back to the suit as I ask, "so I guess you want me to try it on?" Riannah smiles and lick her lips watching me as she says, "that's the idea, yeah. I'll be right back, got something I need to pick up while we're here". I turn around and ask, "what do you need to pick up?" Riannah smiles and scratches my back as she says, "don't worry, just get the suit on, I'll be right back". I nod and smile at her as I pull down the suit and studies it, it opens in the front. I pull it on, legs first, the suit's feeling strangely warm against my fur. I decide to pull my legs out of it so I can make my way to one of the changing rooms and undresses, feeling the suit is watching me as I do so. Afterwards I step back into the suit, it feels even tighter than before. I lift it up, the suit snuggling in against my legs and my belly as I push my arms down the arms of the suit. The leather feels warn and very nice against my fur now, strangely enough. I decide to go find Riannah before pulling on the head. I talk out of the changing room and someone grabs the head of the suit, forcing it down over my head, I turn around and sees Riannah standing there, looking innocent as she smiles at me. I open my mouth, wanting to ask if she found what she was looking for. I never get the chance to ask her because as soon as I open my mouth Riannah forces the ball part of a ballgag into my mouth, quickly tying it fast to my head. I look at her, relaxing and letting her do what she wants to do with me, hoping no one can tell that it's me inside that suit. Riannah smiles and looks over my leatherclad body, smiling vider when she looks at my chest, sayinng, "hey, you picked the female version of the suit? it looks great on you love." I smile back at her, wanting to say I like being called "love" but unable to say anything due to the ballgag in my mouth. Riannah smiles and drops to her knees, and slowly starts rubbing my thighs. at this point I hear a voice whispering inside me, "we like this" as I feel Riannah's hands on the suit, as if she was rubbing my fur directly. I moan, trying to tell her that I think something's wrong. Riannah totally misunderstands me as she gets up and start playing with the suit's breasts, I can feel that too, as she says, "don't worry, I still like you the way you are, I just like experimenting." I smile at her as the kvoice from before whispers, "don't worry, I want to play too, just like your love there.." Riannah smiles and grabs my hand drsagging me over and paying for the suit and the ballgag before dragging me, and the suit, back home. I ask the suit it it has a name, "Rawhyde" is the thing I get in return, "Rawhyde? that's a nice name" I say, trying to befriend whoever I'm currently dominated by. the voice laughs, "and what's your name, foxboy?" I reply, "I'm fairlyn, sorry about my lack of manners" I suddenly feel like I'm getting a hug from someone, but the only one that's near me is Riannah, she's holding my hand, leading me home. I ask Rawhyde, "was that you?" She responds, "yeah, give me a good sexual experience and I won't consume you, ok?" "sure" I respond, a bit confused, trying not to think about what she could have meant with "consume". Riannah noticing I seem a bit out of it, gives my hand a squeeze as she says, "don't worry, I know you don't like showing off but we're almost home, and I can't wait to show you off for Melanie". I smile and nod to Riannah, showing her that I wouldn't mind letting her do that before turning my attention back to Rawhyde, "what did you mean when you talked about consuming me?" I feel as Rawhyde hugs me again as she says, with a laugh, "you sure you want to know? Besides I don't like spoiling the surprise for you, hun." I sound a bit scared as I say, "I don't think I want to find out what's consumed means, if that's ok with you, Rawhyde?" "you afraid your girlfriend's not up for the task, foxboy?" a few seconds later she continues, "know what? keep me company and don't tell her about me and we'll call it even, ok?" I nod slightly, smiling at Riannah as I say, "ok". Riannah opens the door and smiles as she pushes me in. Magicka smiles at all three of us as she says, "welcome back, and I see you brought a friend along." Riannah looks at her and points at me, "this is Fairlyn". Magicka nods and says, "I know, and he got company in there, right, hun?" she says as she rubs the suit's muzzle slowly and gently before unhooking the ballgag and asking us both, "now, who's your new friend in there?" I and Rawhyde agrees to tell all about her, Magicka already knows mot of it, anyway. I suddenly feel Rawhyde borrow control of me and hear myself say, "I'm Rawhyde, sorry about borrowing Fairlyn like this". Magicka smiles and slowly rubs the back of her head and neck as she says, "I'm Magicka and your friend here is Riannah. I'm watching over all of them." Rawhyde nods and smiles at her, "nice to meet you. Say, would any of you be lesbian or bi? I'm quite horny." She adds, with a laugh, "might be because I'm a sex toy..". Magicka smiles and says, "you're awfully docile for a sextoy, if you know what I mean?" As Riannah sneaks up behind Rawhyde and pushes herself up against her her hand pushing against Rawhyde's leatherclad breast as hr other hand makes it way down her belly and crotch, trying to find out if the suit has a pair of netherlips. Rawhyde smiles at her and whispers, "a bit lower". Riannah does as she says and her fingers slides over what feels liek a pair of netherlips made out of leather. Magicka has been watching wheir little warm up and she finally says, "Rawhyde, I'm gonna send this girl up into the bedroom with you" before turning to Riannah, "Riannah make sure our horny friend feels at home, and make sure neither of you leaves the bed before she lets go of Fairlyn." Riannah nods and leads her up to the bedroom as she smiles and says, "you look like someone that knows how to have fun, and I'm always looking for new playmates.." I add mentally, "and I'm sure you'll quickly become a favorite if you keep using me as filling, I'm her favorite but she prefers females.." Rawhyde nods and smiles at Riannah, "so, with you, I'll be like a female version of you?" I smile and says, "yep." Riannah hasd meanwhile gotten Rawhyde into the bedroom where she grabs her and throws her up on the bed. Rawhyde ends up on the bed on her back and barely has time to look at Riannah before she jumps up, nailing Rawhyde to the bed as she smiles down at her, "you ready to get started?" Rawhyde smiled back, feeling quite turned on, wraps her legs around Riannah, pulling herv down on top of her, rubbing Riannah's body against her leathery exterior, her hands running over, grabbing Riannah's Butt, giving it a good squeeze as she moans out alongside Riannah. Riannah smiled, whispering, "you aren't leaving the bed until I'm satisfied after that" as she let her hands grab Rawhyde's breasts, rubbing them. Rawhyde looks back at her, smiling, "the suit doesn't have any nipples.." Riannah smiles back, whispering, "it's ok" her hand rubbing alongside Rawhyde's netherlips. "This is what I want to play with" before giving her a kiss. Rawhyde smiles back at her, "you like me? I mean, you like playing with my suit?" Riannah smiles back, leaning down against her head, whispering, "I like your leather, it has a salty taste and feels wonderful against my skin." She kisses her neck before continuing, "and I like what you did with my boyfriend" squeezing her breasts "I always wished he was a female" they just smile at each other for a few moments, Riannah looking at her new playmate. Rawhyde just being happy for being accepted and wanted for who she is.. Riannah finally moves down Rawhyde's body, placing herself down between Rawhyde's legs, slowly opening her labia, her netherlips spreading to let Riannah get a good look at her insides. Leaning in closer she mumbles to herself, "how deep do this hole go?" not really expecting an answer as she forces her hands inside Rawhyde's netherlips. Rawhyde let me take control, somewhat. She let's me be the one moaning as Riannah is busy exploring my new labia, I both hope and fear that she's gonna try unbirth with me, neither of us really sure what's up with the suit. Riannah doewsn't hear anything other that someone moaning when she lets part of her arms slide into my tunnel, the rest of her arms following inside at which point she starts pushing against my Cervix, surprising both me and Riannah. Riannah, wondering if there's anything on the other side of that cervix. It slowly opens, Riannah letting her fingers slide inside asking, "I think there's a bigger room in here, want to see if I can fit inside?" I'm about to say something when Rawhyde takes control and says, "sure, sounds like fun" before whispeing to me, "hold still, I want to see how good a fit we are. Riannah slowly spushes her arms in against Rawhyde's inner walls, slowly opening her as she pushes her muzzle inside. Riannah's head slowly slides in as Rawhyde is slowly letting go of the control again, "I like you", not bothering to tell em why she likes me. Riannah is meanwhiole in the process of pushing her shoulders inside Rawhyde moaning softly as she pushes herself further inside, her shoulders slowly slipping inside as she holds her arms in against her, her upper body easily sliding in as her head pushes past Rawhyde's cervix. Riannah says, "I'm surprised that there's this much room inside you, Fairlyn and Rawhyde." Rawhyde pets her helly and replies, "it surprised us too." Riannah keeps pushing her whisperslegs closing in on Rawhyde's netherlips as Roannah's upper body starts entering her womb. Riannah reaches out and pulls her legs in, Rawhyde moaning loud, almost orgasming, letting me take control in the process. I look down at my bulging belly, slowly letting my hand rub it. it's a strange feeling, I can feel Riannah's weight pulling me down, And I can hear her heartbeat. I close my eyes and says to Rawhyde, "it's a strange sensation". Rawhyde smiles and replies "you like it?" I nod and says, "yeah, you can get her out, right?" Rawhyde smiles, placing her hands just over her belly before slowly pushing down against her belly. a few moments later and Riannah is sitting down between her legs, looking pretty confused as she looks back at me. I grab the head, slowly pulling the head off before saying the last thing Rawhyde said to me, "I want to play again". Riannah smiles, grabbing the head, pulling it down on me again and I say hello to Rawhyde again. She asks, "how long was I out?" I reply, "for about 30 seconds". Rawhyde nods and I lean back, letting her have some welldeserved fun with Riannah.
I'm out walking by myself, heading into a backalley. I still haven't realiced I'm being followed. I keep walking for a bit, stopping in front of a door as I mumble to myself, "haven't I just passed this door.." I keep walking and suddenly I'm standing at that door again, I look at ity, not noticing a someone sneaking up at me slowly. She's very careful, making sure I don't realize I'm about to be surprised. She slowly places a paw on my shoulder, and laughs as I fly up about a half meter with a very girly scream.. She smiles as I finally realices who she is. Looking her over, her coal black fur, her vulpine features and the five tails floating behind her. I smile and whisper "Darkie". Just as she literally sweeps me off my feet. One of her tails wraps itself around my left ancle and pulls away, forcing me to fall in against her. Darkie smiles and wraps her arms and all five tails around me as she smiles down at me. My head pushed in against her black orbs, my chins a light red as I stammer something. Darkie smiles even wider, "I can see you still like my breasts.. I'm glad I decided to undress before catching you" she says as she runs a finger down my spine, still holding me in against her. I try to get up, squte unsuccessful as she realizes what I'm trying to do and takes a step back as she smiles, "go on, try doing that again and I will sit on you.. knowing you, I'm sure you would love it.." I smile up at her as I grab her shoulders and try pulling me up. Darkie krabs my sides and roll me over as she say, "oh no, you don't" sounding playful. I find myswelf sitting on the asphyalt as Darkie smiles and runs a finger down my muzzle and says, "let's get you ready for some fun" she holds out her arm as she says a few words and suddenly she's holding my cothes. I realize that as it's kinda drafty and looking down, and all I see is my white fur covering me. she looks down a bit worried, "you cold, hun?" I nod, and Darkie grabs me gently, one hand around my muzzle and the other one around the back of my head. Her tails are still wrapped securely around me, to an onlooker it would look like I'm wrapped in a black fuzzy blanket from my chest down. Darkie smiles and guides my head down her belly. I can feel her pushing the tip of my muzzle against her belly button softly, I respond my opening my mouth slightly and pushing my tongue inside and gently pushing around in her little hole. Darkie murrs as I keep licking and after a few minutes Darkie guides me further down as she whispers, "good boy, let's see what you will do with this", my muzzle stopping when it's poking against Darkie's netherlips. Darkie murrs a bit as I slowly pushes my tongue inside, spreading her netherlips and pushing in against her soft inner walls. Darkie murrs louder and gently pushes me harder in against her netherlips, urging me to continue deeper into her. I do as she wishes and gently pushes my muzzle inside her, her netherlips and inner walls easily opening for me, allowing me access to her deeper parts. She apparently still haven't bounced back from her pregnancy just yet. My muzzle easily slides in and so do the rest of my head. I murr and keep pushing into her, not considering why you might not surrender yourself to a kitsune as I'm already too deep in her web. Darkie moans softly, spreading her legs as she starts lowering herself over my shoulders. Her inner walls are already slippery and there is a strange smell in the air, I can't place it but she smells exotic, or at least her inner walls do. Darkie keeps lowering herself as her tails slowly force me up and stand, I'm happy to help her and as such we get my chest into her easily. Darkie starts pushing her hips from side to side, causing her to start moaning rather heavily as there starts floating juices out alongside my head, it feels strangely nice. Darkie suddenly howls out before forcing her body downwards, her netherlips sliding down over my belly, leaving a thick sticky white fluid in my fur as she does so. She reached down, her tails pulling down, to just over my knees, her hands running down my belly until she reached my shaft. Her experienced fingers quickly grabbing a hold of my shaft. My moans can be heard from within Her already big belly as she slowly pull her hands back, exposing my shaft's head to her experienced hands. any resistance I might have had is already far gone as Darkie run her hinders along the head before pushing it in against my belly and slowly pushing her netherlips down, taking in my shaft and my butt, her tails pulling off me slowly. I try my best to stretch out my legs as Darkie continues her bending, my knees and legs dissapearing into her, at this point very wet, insides. Darkie's inner walls are eagerly sucking the rest of me in, my feet disappering with a wet sounding belch. Her inner walls closes in against me, holding me still as Darkie tries her best to keep her orgasm at bay, but it's proving rather difficult.. Ecpecially when she has a fox crammed up her birth channel, and when said fox is doing all he can to help her get that orgasm. My muzzle is rubbing against her Cervix as my tail keeps rubbing against her rough spot. Darkie moans out softly, part of her wanting to squueze me and force me into give her the orgasm her body so desires. Another part wanting wanting to share her catch with her mate. She drops to all four, her eys closed as she focuses solely on pushing back her body's want to release. A few minutes later she rtelaxes a bit, stretching out softly, trying to figure out if it has passed. unfortunately, for part of her at least, I decide to use that point to stretch out. My tails sommehow making it's way out of her netherlips, my feet pushing in against her, digging into the rough part of her inner walls. Darkie lays down on the ground, pulling her legs in under her, her arms wrapped over her muzzle, her eyes closed, and her five tails wrapped around her as she once again tries her best to get her building orgasm under control. I decide to show my appreciation for her playing with me, and so I push my rough canine tongue slowly over her still closed cervix, leaving a thin layer of my drool behind. She has a sweet taste with a bit of a spicy aftertaste. Now Darkie can't keep her orgasm at bay any more, my lick is too much and her orgasm takes over. She lays down by her side and with a howl, let it swallow her. I hear the familiar howl of an orgasming vixen, and then notice her inner walls are suddenly becoming very wet. Darkie's walls suddenly puishes in against me, holding me hard enough for me not to be able to move my muzzle at all, much less able to move my legs. Darkie is still curled up in a ball, whimpering softly as her climax is dragging out that what she would prefer to justlet it take her over and get her to climax faster than she is right now. I'm really getting squeezed now, her walls really pushing in against me now, it's a bit rougher than what I usually expect from a massage, but it's quite nice either way. I don't realize it, but Darkie is slowly pulling me around so, I'm laying on my front. Her juices have been flowing nicely for a while now and I'm slowly getting soaked in her juices. Darkie let out another howl, a bit deeper and longer this time, as her juices go from being a slow drip to something much closer to a torrent of white fluid and the space I'm currently occupying is filling much faster now than before and now I have to fight to keep my muzzle over the fluidline. Darkie slowly gets herself over her powerful orgasm and she's now just laying still, waiting for her orgasm to pass over. Her hands running down over her belly and down between as she just wants to find out where her passenger has gone. She's quite surtprised that I'm still not even close to entering her womb. And then, as if on cue, her cervix opens and I'm instantly pushed into it. My head and shoulders pushing into the little room that is her womb, it's slowly expanding as her inner walls pushes my chest, belly, and hips inside. My legs and feet gets pulled into her expanded womb and Darkie runs her hands down over her belly, liking feeling my form under her skin and the feeling of carrying someone inside her. Oh how she has missed this wonderful feeling. I'm trying my best to be comfortable, which proves to pretty easy, she's nice and soft on the inside, and being in my current location has proven to have a caming effect on me. If I didn't know better I would swear Darkie was doing it to me. A little while later, Darkie finally gets up and starts stretching out. I'm not sure what this says about me, but I can tell when a female is doing aerobics, her womb is moving in a very specific way. And Darkie's womb is currently moving like that. I do my best to yell out, getting muffled by all the layers between me and her. Darkie stops for just a second, and starts petting my head through her belly, as she asks, "what's up, little Foxy? you don't want me doing my workout routine?" I could feel har hands digging into my body, it felt a bit strange in the beginning but it was soon feeling very nice. I closed my eyes and started murring, losing myself in her movements. Darkie smiles and keep up her massage for a sew seconds before petting her belly and saying, "I'm almost done with my workout, just a few more minutes." I don't respond, barely hearing her as I'm still under the spell her massage put me under, and currently not grasping what her words mean. I can feel as she starts working out again but I'm way too comfortable to even be annoyed at that. Darkie smiled as she didn't get a response, sounding amused as she said, "Oh, Fairlyn, I had forgot how easy you were to hypnotice.." she runs her hands down her belly, pushing her hands down along my back, pushing me as far under her control as I can come before asking, in her most seductive voice, "Fairlyn, murr if you don't mind letting me really play rough with you" I murr louder, as I think that's what she wants to hear, not realicing what I just got myself into. Darkie smiled and rewarded me by really driving her fingers into me as she slowly rans them down my back. I murr even higher, really liking it. Darkie keeps it up, her fingers really going at it now. She whispers, "this is what I really like about you, you know. Thanks for showing me I still got it..." The only response she gets in my combined snoring and murring. I fell asleep from the way she was playing me. Darkie smiled and hugs ber belly as she whispers, "sleep tight Foxy, you're going to need all the energy you can get later on.." A bit later on and Darkie is waking me up by hitting her belly softly as she asks, "you awake in there." I sound a bit groggy as I respond, "yeah, I am now." she smiles and goes back to rubbing her bigger belly softly, asking in a caring voice, "you ready to come out?" I yawn before responding, "nahh, I'm fine in here, thanks for asking tho." she playfully slaps me before saying, "That's not what I wanted to hear. You are ready and looking forward to come out, capiche?" I suddenly feel rrestlest and start pushing in against her wall as I ask, "Darkie?" She smiles,"yes?" "I need to stretch my legs, can I come out?" I ask as I start to puish down against her Cervix. Darkie murrs and lays down on her back and start pushing me out of her. My muzzle pushing out of her slowly opening cervix. It's slowly opening, almost like her body doesn't want to let go of me. A bit later and my head's poking out between her netherlips. Another fox is looking back out at me. He's a light blue, something close to Azure. He only have one tail but I know he's a kitsune, which he is showing of for me by pulling pieces of ice out of thin air and playing with them. He looks over at Darkie and finally notices me, as he smiles and says, "hello Fairlyn" I nod back and finally manage to get a hand out of her. Swinging it in Azure's general direction with a smile, as I say, "I would offer you a handshake but I think your mate wants me out first." Darkier yells something at us in what I presume is japanese but I can't understand it, but I get what she wants, and so do Azure as he grabs my hand and starts pulling. Darkie's body finally let go of me, and, with a very wetsounding noise, I slip out of her and crashing into Azure. Azure is lying on his back with me on laying halfway on top of him. We look at each other for a moment before Darkie, giggling, says, "I didn't know you were that eager to get started Fairlyn." I just blush and start to stammer something as Azure just laughts and wraps both arms around me. Darkie smiled wider while I just look back at the bluefurred kitsune that's suddenly being very friendly. I look down at Azure, wondering what he's up to. Azure just smiles back at me. Darkie notices my hesistance and smiles as she suggests, "Fairlyn, why don't you relax and hug back Azure?" I nod and push in against Azure, resting my head on his chest as I wrap my arms around him. Azure smiles and murrs back at me, his hands slowly pulling down over my back before finally digging into my butt. Azure then slowly pulls me up on top of him, lips slightly spread beforte he let his hands make the journey up to the back of my head before suddenly åushing his lips against mine. Darkie squeals in delight as I try my best to push away from her mate. She already expects me to be all kinds of fun. I'm mostly surprised as I try pushing him off me, I didn't expect to be kissed by him. Darkie is suddenly sitting on top of me, pushing me down and back into Azure's embrace. She murrs softly as she pushes her hands against the back of my shoulders, her head next to mine. She pushes her muzzle against my ear and whispers, "be a good boy and keep returning Azure's affection." I suddenly feel like I need to show Azure just how much I care about his friendship. I smile before slowly push my muzzle down and running it along his neck slowly before returning up and looking at him. We look at eachother for a few seconds beforte I slowly run my bands up and grab the back of his head, I then lean down and gently push my lips against his in a kiss. Darkie murrs and runs back hands down myt spine, somehow sending of wave of some kind of very pleasurable warmth through my body. That in return, causes me to close my eyes, murring as I push harder down against Azure, his erection pushing back up against my belly. I force my muzzle down against his muzzle, my tongue pushing out of my mouth and into his open mouth. Darkie smiles and rreawches down, bruubing Azure's ears softly as she whispers, "I'll get to you afterwards, I just have a few things I want to try with Fairlyn first, Mate" Azure nods softly to show that he understands and agrees but that he doewn't want to break up the kiss right now. Darkie suddenly disappears from my back. I break up the kiss and looks around. Darkie is sitting a few metrers away, her back against the wall as she smiles back at me, she whispers "Fairlyn, come over here. I really want to feel you pushing against me." She pushes one hand against her shoulder, running it down, cupping her breast, cupping it before giving it a light squeeze. Her eyes never leaving me as she whispers, "Fairlyn, I remember you loving doing this to me". Her hands continunue their journey over her belly and down between her legs, holding her netherlips open with two fingers. Letting me see her already moist inner walls. At this point I totally ignore Azure and is crawling over towards Darkie, the only thing on my mind is, how loud can I make her scream out in pleasure. Darkie lifts her hand when I'm halfway there. She whispers a few words in japanese and I suddenly can't move. Darkie smiles and whispers, "I promised Azure a bit of workout before I'll let you loose on me, Fairlyn" I can't nod in aggreement since I can't move, but I quickly realize I don't really have a say in the matter. I feel something pushing against my buttocks. I realize it's Azure as I can hear him just over me, saying, "don't worry, you're gonna like this." I moan out softly as he forces his shaft deeper into my anus. His hands locked around my wrists as Darkie lowers her hand, allowing me to move again. Azure immediately pulls both my hands forward, forcing me down, my head and chest is now pushing against the floor, my butt still lifted, and Azure is making sure I can't get up, while slowly pushing his shaft in and out of we both moan, both of us liking it. Azure speeds up his pounding of my butt as Darkie slowly moves closer, smiling at me as I poke out from under her mate. I feel as Azure's shaft grows to it's biggest size and he speeds up again. Now he's pushing it all the way in his hips pushing in against my butt with every thrust, and I'm howling out, my howls rising every time he hilts me and slowly sinking again as he pulls out. Darkie leans over and whispers, "and here comes the big Final Thrust", as she runs her hands down along my muzzle. Azure pulls out, further than he has before, moaning softly. Me and Azure both howl out as loud as he forces his shaft deep inside of me. I feel Azure cumming, his seed spreading out deep inside of me. Azure finally collapses on me, forcing me all the way down against the cold floor. Darkie smiles at us, clearly having enjoyed that little show. A few minutes later and Azure is finally ready to let me up. I smile as I start to get up and look over at Darkie. She's smiling back, clearly enjoying herself. I keep looking back, wondering what she wants me to do with her now. Darkie smiles back, her hands running down her legs before rolling over on her side. Her tails are slowly lifting up in the air before signalling me to move closer. Her hands still very busy showing me her curves. I start crawling closer to her. Azure is still lying on the floor behind me, he's not moving but he is watching me with a smile. I smile and place a hand on Darkie's hip before slowly running it down her leg. Darkie murrs in approval and I run a hand down her leg again. This time she hrabs my hand and pull me in closer, then she grabs my upper arm with her other hand. Darkie then roll over on her back, before, with a fast tug, pulling me in against her. I don't get a chance to do much else before Darkie has her arms around me, one hand on my butt, the other one pushing in against the back of my head. I just look at her, unable to do anything else, as she got me wrapped in pretty good. Darkie rolls over on her back as she pulls me in against her her, slowly pulling my body down over her, pulling my head down into her amble cleavage. Darkie looks over at Azure, "you remember how you get your toy to return for another playdate?" Azure nods and look at Darkie and me. Darkie is currently holding my head still, my muzzle is pushed in against her breast. My eyes are closed and my lips are locked around her nipple. Azure smiles at us both before saying, "you make sure you do something that you know your toy likes, and don't drive him too hard in the beginning, everyone loves a good build up" Darkie nods "and where are we at the moment?" Acure continues, "you are busy pleasing your toy, and I think you should let him mount you, that should be all the pleasing he's going to need" Darkie nods and smiles down at me, "Fairlyn, you heard that?" I look up at her, murring softly, as I let her breastfeed me. I like that a lot. Darkie seems rather interested in getting on with the show. I'm suddenly lying on my back, Darkie sitting on top of me. Her hands running up my belly, her legs pushing in against my sides. I murr softly as I lookm up at her, not really sure what else to do right now. Darkie, happy with taking the lead, lifts her butt before slowly bringing it down, taking in my shaft as she does so. I close my eyes and murr softly, letting her do what she want to do with me as this is something I'm enjoying too. Darkie murrs as she slowly pushes her hips down against my hips, letting out a low moan. her moan is soon joined by a low whimper coming from me. It's a mix of pleasure and a worry that I won't be able to satisfy her. Darkie smiles down at me as she leans forward, her paws pushing down against my chest. She leans forward, I can feel her breath against my ear as she whispers, "don't worry, Fairlyn, you'll do fine." I nod but I'm still looking a bit nervous. Darkie smiles, apparently deciding that she needs to take the lead if she wants any action at all, before speeding up again. She lifts her hips as she pushes her breasts in against my chest. Smiling widely down at me as she suddenly forces her hips down against me. I force my head back and let out a low moan. Darkie smiles as she lifts her hips again, smiling down at me, "I like that sound, make it again." before forcing her hips down again, harder than before. I can't do anything but moan out loud again, the same way I just did it. Darkie sounds very amused as she says, "yeah, that's the one." A few seconds later and Darkie slowly pulls back up, she's very wet now and I feel like I'm about to explode already. Darkie pushes her legs in against my hips, holding me in place under her, reminding me that she's the one in control, again. She then slowly lowers herself over me, taking my shaft in again, both of us expecting this to be the the final thrust we need. I wrap both arms Darkie and holds on to her as hard as I can as I bury my muzzle against her neck and let out a long drawn out moan as I finally cum, spreading my seed deep within her. Darkie relaxes and pulls me in against her, holding my soft furry body in against her as we both rock our way through the orgasm. A little while later and Darkie is sitting up. I'm laying in against her, my head against her chest, my muzzle closed around her nipple once again. I'm murring softly as Darkie softly pets the back of my head, as she softly whispers, "keep drinking all you want, if this is all it takes to keep you happy.." I just murr in response, as I close my eyes, halfway lost in her smell. I feel Azure grabbing my hind paws and start to softly rub them but I don't look up at him, I'm too comfortable where I am now. Azure's hands work their way up my legs as my feet gets wrapped in something pretty tight. I feel as my legs gets wrapped in and Azure is digging his hands gently into my buttocks. Darkie smiles and guides my head away from her nipple and makes sure I can see what her and Azure have been up to. I see that my lower half is currently inside Azure's shaft, but some strange reason I just don't care. I wrap both arms around Darkie and pull her breast over towards my muzzle. I manage to get my lips closed around her nipple and start feeding again. Murring with my eyes closed once again. I can now feel the tightness around my shoulders and slowly moving up along my neck. Dartkie smiles and gently grabs my muzzle and pushes it away from her. With a smile, she says, "I don't think we can postpone this any longer.." Darkie then slowly pushes my muzzle back towards Azure. His shaft moving over the back of my head and slowly continues taking me in until only my muzzle is sticking out. Darkie gently rubs it before pulling it up and kissing me and then, finally, placing her pand ahainst the tip and pushing me all the way inside Azure. A bit after and I'm floating around in some milky white stuff and it feels good but also a bit strange, like I'm not all here. I lift my arm, my fur is soaked and it looks like I'm melting. I lower my arm and instead try to lift my leg, wanting to see how it looks, but I can't find my legs down there. I can't feel them and they seem to be gone. I decide to ignore that and instead just lay down, letting the milky fluid cover me. I'm still here, a bit later, I just can't feel any part of my legs but I can somehow feel what Azure's doing. I can hear both Azure and Darkie moaning softly, they sound like theyr heads are very close to each other. Darkie's saying, "I want you to deliver him to me". I think Darkie is lying on her back now, with Azure on top of her. going by Darkie's demand and Azure's movements, the fluid I'm now part of is sloshing forward and back, I'm pretty sure they are back to mating. A bit later and I'm suddenly pushed back out of a somewhat tight tunnel, before hitting a somwwhat wider tunnel and at last, coming to rest in a bigger room. Both of them is panting softly and the one I'm currently in is murring softly. I realize I'm back inside Darkie as I can hear azure's voice and it's moving away from my current location. Azure returns a few moments later, he's murring and I feel as I get forced back into my feral form, but it feels different than what I'm used to. like it's not my usual feral form. I feel as Darkie is once again pushing me back out of her, her walls feeling very strange against my smaller body, it feels better than I'm used to and better than I expected it to be. I see Azure when I get my head back out of Darkie. I realized it was her womb when I saw her netherlips opening around my muzzle. Azure smiles and grabs my muzzle and yanks me out, it doesn't hurt me at all, it feels rather nice. Azure lifts me up and smiles over at Darkie, "I know he liked plushies, and now he's one himself." Darkie smiles and holds up a mirror so I can see what she has done to me. I see a feral arctic fox smiling back out at me. Azure nods and hands back overt to darkie. She smiles and gaabs giving me a tight squeeze before placing me against her breasts and wrapping both arms around me, forcing me into a tight hug. Darkie smiles and look over at Azure, "I changed his plushie self just a bit, now he really likes getting hugged. I changed it so getting hugged and squeezed feels great for him," she smiles down at me, "and I know his girls love plushies just as mush as he do." a bit later, they have both been taking turns hugging the new me. Darkie murrs softly as she looks over at Azure, "I'm more than satisfied, what about you?" Azure smiles and reaches over running a hand down my back as he says, "I agree. this was the most fun I've had in a while" I just look back up at them, my current form not really built for moving around. Darkie smiles and lift me up, rubbing my nose against hers before, with a smile, telling me, "you are the most adorable thing I have ever seen, you know that?" I nod softly, even an action like that is hard for me right now. Darkie smiles, "well, I better get you back to your mistress. I don't want to piss off Rayne." A few minutes later and Darkie is standing outside my front door, holdiong me under one arm as she waits for someone to open the door. a few minutes later and the door finally opens and a tired renamon looks back out at the kitsune before finally asking, "Darkie, it's the middle of the night! what are you doing here, you crazy kitsune?" Darkie is about to hand me over when a sizable white wolf walks up beside the renamon and look over at Darkie. The wolfess has a few red markings on her, one of them is a circle on her forehead, along some swirls on her sides. "oh, hello, Ammy" Darkie says and nods at the wolf before nodding at the renamon, "and hello to you too, Rayne." she lifts me over towards Rayne as she says, "I just wanted to give you this.." Rayne grabs me and holds me up before muttering, "a plushie? you woke me up to give me a *bleeping* plushie?!?" Darkie smiles and look back at Rayne, "yeah, I won't keep you up any longer, go back to sleep, and do keep him close." before waving and smiling, "good night, you two." Rayne and Ammy nods and Rayne says, "well, thanks. I think. And sleep well" before closing the door. Darkie niods and smiles as Rayne closes the door, mutting something under her breath. The kitsune smiles and shakes her head as she catches up to her mate. Azure smiles and says, "did she like it?" "nope, but I'm sure she will like the surprise I left for her once she realizes what it is." Darkie smiles and pulls Azure in against her as she whispers, "and now, a little something for the one that means the most for me", before wrapping both arms around her fellow kitsune and pulling him into a quick but passionate kiss. After that little show of affection they head home, hand in hand, both of them murring softly. Back inside and Rayne is still busy checking out the small plush fox she had just gotten from Darkie. She's busy looking it over, it even has a smaller copy of my collar, and in the same color as the one she had gotten me when I became her pet. A few minutes later and she hands the plush over the white wolf. Ammy is already laying down as she grabs the smaller plush and start licking it softly, already having realized what Darkie's trick is. A few minutes later and the plushie is snuggled in against her front, and it seems to have moved just a bit. Ammy's still busy cleaning it and it looks like it might be purring softly. A bit later and Rayne's just checking in on Ammy and the plushie. Rayne sits down in front of ammy and looks down at the plushie, it looks like a real live arctic fox, one that looks surprisingly much like one of her pets. I yawn softly and Rayne reaches in and grabs me, holding me up as she smiles, "Fairlyn, you were a plushie?" I look up at her, "I guess I were, but snuggling like that felt great," before yawning again. Rayne gives me a quick squeeze before placing me down between Ammy's forelegs again. Ammy gently grabs me and pushes me back in under her. My head is just poking out under her front when she lays down on top of me again, liking knowing where she has me.
I'm out on the beach with Melanie. It's just the two of us. I yawn and smile at the bluefurred female that's with me. I'm lying on a tovel, getting ready to enjoy a little sun. Melanie smiles and says, "I'm going to look for shells, try not to get eaten by the local wildlife while I'm gone" I nod and look at her, she's cute when she laughts, which she's doing right now. "I'll do my best" I say before I lay down on my front again. "I'll be back in a bit" Melanie replies with a smile as she goes looking for her shells. A little bit later and I'm lying on my front stil. I notice someone is blocking out the sun, and, still with my eyes closed, I say, "Melanie, you're blocking the sun." I don't get a responce so I ask, "you want to snuggle?" as I roll around and open my eyes, expecting to see Melanie. I don't see Melanie, instead I see some massive white breasts looking back at me. I whisper, "I didn't know they made them this big" as I let my eyes look up at the owner. It looks like a smooth version of a fish's head, it's black with a white lower jaw. She's smiling back at me, letting me take my time studying her. I follow her body down, past her breasts, they're still surprisingly huge, and they look real enough from this close up. I'm slowly sitting up, raising my paw up towards her and I'm not sure where I'm planning to place my hand. I just hold it up in front of her as I keep looking her over. She has a very flat belly and I'm pretty sure I can see her muscles under her skin, and, trailing down her legs, and I can see she has some very nice, and pretty muscular legs too. I trail back up and look at her hips, they're surprisingly vide and I reach over and run a hand down her left hip. She feels soft to the touch, soft and a bit moist. I look back up at her, she's still smiling back at me. I keep on rubbing her hip softly as I say, "you're wet", sounding surprised at that. She giggles as she looks back at me, "I just went for a swim before I found you." I just nod slowly and pull my hand back from her hip. she smiles and, having desided that I won't mind. walks closer over to me and place hers her legs on either side of my towel. I'm lying down and looking up at her, and I finally realizes she's not wearing anything, and that's because I can see her netherlips, they're slightly open and seem to be dripping just a bit. she smiles as she settles down on top of me, her hips pushing against the lowest part of my belly as she leans forward and whispers, "you're the one that offered to snuggle." I nod softly and smile up at her. I have already realized that she's the one in control here, and we are snuggling since that what she wants to do with her newly caught fox. she smiles and slowly opens her mouth, she smells like fish, and whispers, "I want to feel you inside me." I smile up at her and asks, "right here? what if someone sees us?" "who would see us, foxie?" She replies with a smile, "it's just the two of us here." I nod as I look up up at her, "but still.." she smiles and pulls herself down on top of me before bringing her mouth up to my ear before whispering, "I could hide you under me." She smiles suggestively as she gets comfortable on top of of me before slowly moves me in position under her. I interrupt her by saying, "I really wish we could do it somewhere else." She smiles amd rolls oer, her back resting on the warm sand as she smiles up at me. I'm resting on her smooth skin and not really sure what she's up to. She smiles and grabs the towel before placing it on top of me, nicely covering me up. my head and feet are barely poking out from under the towel. She smiles and wrap both arms around me and the towel, forcing me closer in against her, as she asks, "would this be any better?" "I'm still kinda worried that we're going to be disturbed.." I say before sending her a smile as I whisper, "sorry" She smiles and slowly sits up, still holding me in against her. I'øm clushing just a bit as I pull the towel around me, suddenly remembering I'm naked and doing that I can to hide my lower parts for her, for a bit at least.. she smiles and places one hand on the side of my head before slowly pushing my head in against her breasts. I blush a bit deeper but doesn't move and instead I just let her guide me in against her. I close my eyes and focus on the feeling of her body, her smeel and her heartbeat, it's calming me down a bit. Her soft breast pushing in against my head and muzzle, her hands, one on the side of my head, the other one resting on the lower part of my back. She smiles and start scratching my back as she start rubbbing my muzzle over her breasts, letting it run over her nipple again and again. I murr softly and let her play with me, my eyes still closed. I'm really enjoying this. The next time I feel her nipple pass my lips, I open my mouth slightly and quickly suck it in, holding it between my lips gently. She murrs and holds my head still as she very gently pushes my muzzle in against her nipple. I murr louder and start sucking on it, trying to feed from her. I can feel her shiver softly before wrapping her arms closer around me and pulling me closer in against her soft and warm form, as if she wants to keep me safe. I suddenly taste something, it's thickflowing and has a sweet taste, with an aftertaste that reminds me of the sea somehow. She murrs softly, still holding me in against her. I can tell she's not used to breastfeeding but that she enjoys it. She smiles and whispers, "I'm Trish." I try to pull away, wanting to tell who I am. Trish wrap her arms harder in against me, forcing me to keep my current position as she whispers, "you're a friend, that's all that matters to me." I nod softly and grabs a bit better hold of her before going back to focusing on feeding again, really liking my current position. A bit later and we still haven't been disturbed. I'm lying in her lap and smiling up at her, I'm already feeling much calmer. Trish smiles and lifts me up, pushing my head in against her neck as she whisper, "I'm still horny.." I smile and push myself away so I can look at her, "I guess I could have a go.." Trish smiled and wraps both arms around me before whispering, "that would be wonderful, sweetie." I nod, not sure I can complete the act at all, but I'm going to try my best, she deserves it after she let me rest and feed from her. Trish smiles as she gets down on her back and wraps her arms around my small body, as she says, "I'm ready so you might want to get started on me." I nod and smile at her as I let myself slide over her body, trying to get myself placed in the right way for what she wants. I finally get far enpough down that I can try pushing my shaft into her netherlips. we both moan softly as I somehow manage to squeeze my tip into her depths. I close my eyes and ignore the fact that we're doing it out on the beach, out in the open and that someone could be stepping in on us and moment now. She wraps her arms harder in against me, her hands holding on to my back and sides as her legs wrap themselves around my legs, as if she would want to hide me from any trespassers that could be coming our way. I keep pushing in and out of her, a bit slower than usual and we can both tell that I'm not really into doing it here on the beach. Trish smiles and unwrap her legs from around me. I notice but doesn't really think about it. I close my eyes and try to keep pushing in and out of her, as I still want to give her what she wants. I can feel the orca moving under me as she places one hand on my upper back and her other hand on my butt. Trish murrs as she buries my head in her cleavage, ber breasts closing in around my head, hiding that part of me from view, while cutting off my view. I don't notice what she's up to until I feel my tail getting soaked. I push my hands into her breasts before slowly pushing my head back out of her cleavage, it's unsurprisingly hard for me to get back out from in between them. Trish smiles up at me. that's the first thing I notice, the second thing I notice is that we're out swimming. Or rather that Trish is out swimming with me on top. She smiles as she whispers, "I know a nice little cave where we can relax and get back to what we are trying to do." I look around and she's right, there is a little cave a few meters from us, and she's heading over there, And she's a pretty fast swimmer too.. A bit later and I'm being dragged up on a small strip of sand by her. She gently places me on my back before crawling up on top of me, pushing down against me. She hasnt noticed the bluefurred fox that slipped up after us, but I have noticed Melanie crawling up and see her settling against a rock, her arms resting on top of the rock, and her muzzle resting on top of her arms. She's smiling as she keeps watching Trish still trying to get a raise out of me, a bit uncuccessful, I have to add. I smile at her, just to show that I have noticed her being there, before focusing my attention on Trish again. I gently push my muzzle against her neck, softly kissing her. Trish responds by sliding her crotch downn my belly and down over my crotch, trying, and succeding in getting my shaft into her slit. She keeps pushing, somehow managing to get my shaft all the way into her. I let out a moan as she start pushing me back out of her. I put up a pained expression, it's kinda hurt doing it like this, but Trish doesn't notice. it's kinda hard for her to see what I do, as my head is buried between her breasts yet again. Melanie shakes her head and crawls over slowly, not wanting to startle the orca. She slowly makes her way over in front of Trish before whispering, "you know, he needs to be on top to really work his magic on you.." Trish look up at Melanie as she stops her thrusting, my shaft all the way in her nethers. She slowly lift her upper body up, just a bit so she can look down at me. I'm panting softly, and mostly just happy to see Melanie there. Melanie smiles as she says, "roll over" as she steps over beside Trish. Trish rolls over, still holding me on top of her, as she looks back up at Melanie. Melanie nods and crawls up on top of me as she says, "I'm Melanie by the way. I'll help you milk Fairlyn for all he's worth." Trish smiles back up at the bluefurred fax as she says, "I'm trish, and that sounds wonderful." Melanie nods and smiles as she whispers, "I can tell you're eager to get started". Melanie's hands run over my butt as she says that. Trish doesn't get a chance to respond as Melanie grabs my hips and pulls out before forcing me in against her again. my shaft slipping into her dephts again. I moan softly as I'm finally feeling a rise in those parts of my body. Trish let out a long drawnout howl as she feels me sliding into her. Her body finally building up for that orgasm she has been wanting for the last few hours. Melanie smiles down at us both, her hands running down the soft fur on my back as she asks trish, "how was that?" I just place my hands on Trish's breasts, my thumps drawing circles around her nipples before I push in and runs my thumps in over them. Trish murrs and is about to respond to Melanie when Melanie once again pushes my shaft into her depths again. causing Trish to howl outy again. The orca sounds like she's already close to hitting her first orgasm. I keep murring as I pull one of my hands off Trish's breasts and instead start licking her nipple. Melanie smiles and pull me back out slowly, keeping Trish on the edge of her orgasm. I close my lips down on her nipple and start sucking on her nipple softly. Melanie smiles and listens for the usual signs that I'm about to start feeding. I start murring louder and Melanie pushes my butt in against Trish, forcing my shaft all the the way into Trish again. Sending Trish all the way into an orgasm as, with perfect timing, I manage to get some milk out out of Trish's nipple. Trish gets hit by her orgasm as her milk start flowing, giving both me and Trish some very needed pleasure from this. I keep pushing in and out of Trish. Melanie has removed her hands and is nw slowly settling in beside me on top of Trish as she smiles at the large orca. Trish is just continuosly howling out, one orgasm after another rocking through her large frame. I keep going at it for a bit later, by orgasm building quickly as Trish's inner walls is really starting to get wet. Trish is still howling out as she's shaking slightly from the orgasm that's rushing through her. Melanie is smiling down at the orca as I finally come. I let out a massive howl as I spread my seed deep within her slick walls. A bit afterrwards after Trish is finally coming down from her orgasmic high and I'm back to just panting softly. Melanie smiles and runs a hand down my back as she looks at Trish, "so, what do you want to do with him now, Trish?" The orca blushes and looks up at us both, "well.. there was something.." Melanie smiles, "you ever wondered what it's like to be carrying twins?" Trish blushes quite a bit redder as she nods softly. Melanie pulls me down between Trish's legs as she says, "Fairlyn goes first, I'll follow after him, ok?" Trish is about to say, "ok", but she ends up saying "oooohhhh" instead as Memalie forces my muzzle, and the rest of my head, into Trish's netherlips. Melanie smiles and runs a hand down my back as she says, "I just want to make sure you don't get an orgasm before I got this fox all the way into you." Trish just murrs softly in response. her eyes are closed and she's really enjoying this already. I'm murring softly from my current position. I can feel her netherlips locked in around my neck, her wet inner walls pushing in against my head, leaving strings of her juices in my fur. A few minutes pass and Melanie smiles up at Trish as she keeps pushing me further inside. My arms and chest easile making it's way, but by now Trish's juices is starting to push out. I'm murring still, my muzzle rubbing against her cervix. It doesn't really want to open just yet for some reason. And I realize that my rubbing is helping her with another building orgasm as her walls start pushing in against me, and they are really getting wet now. Melanie smiles and showes my my legs in alongside my butt, the tip of my tail is now the only thing still outside of the orca. Melanie smiles as she runs her hands down over the lover parts of Trish's belly. Feeling my lithe body pushing in under her skin. Melanie smiles up at Trish, "you ready to let him all the way into you?" Trish nods softly. Melanie smiles and runs her fingers down towards Trish's still spread netherlips as she says, "we need to open your cervix for him then." Melanie smiles as she slides her hands down over Trish netherlips. Trish moans softly as the vulpine's hands help her slowly build up to another orgasm, it seems she knows exactly what she's doing. I'm lying inside Trish, jher inner walls gently pushing in against me, my head is pushed in against her cervix still. Melanie smiles up at the orca, "you'll give me free hands to do whatever it takes to get you pregnant with twins?" Trish nods softly as she says, "sure, as long as it doesn't hurt too much." Nelanie smiles down at her as she nods softly, "it'll feel great, I promise." She slowly pushes her fingers intio the orca's netherlips and opens her. Melanie then brings in her muzzle and very gently rubs her tongue over the nub. Trish moans and wrap her legs around Melanie's head, and pushes her muzzle in over Trish's little nub. Trish moans softly again as her juices start floating out of her open petals and down on the bed. I'm feeling as trish inner walls is closed in against me, leaving me unable to move at all. Melanie closes her lips around the little nub and then she sucks on it as hard as she can. Trish is suddenly forced back into the depths of another orgasm, this one's deeper than the other one. Trish howls out as my current champer starts getting covered in a sticky white fluid. Her cervix seems rather intereted in keeping me where I currently am, rather than letting me move into her womb. Trish howls out even louder as her legs lock in against Melanie's head and starts forcing the smaller vixen into her her wide open netherlips. Melanie's upper jaw just isn't in the right place, it's currently pushing into Trish's netherlips, it's pushing against her crotch instead, and Trish's not letting her push out again. She feels too good in her and Trish want her all the way inside of her. Melanie fixes that little problem by forcing her head to transform into water and letting Trish pull her head and chest inside of her without a struggle. Her Cervix opens out and very quickly pulls me into her womb.It feels very huge and I think it can easily fit two people. I barely get a chance to finish that throught before I feel something pushing in against my belly. I looks down and see a bluefurred vixen smiling back up at me. I barely have time to smile up at her before she's pushing in against me. Trish's cervix closes after us but I don't notice as I'm too busy enjoying the feeling of her lips locked in against mine. It's quite a while later, probably a few months at least. Trish has been enjoying her bigger belly but she feels it's time to let us out. She rubs her belly as she asks, "kids. You ready to come out yet?" I snuggle up against Melanie, not wanting to feel separated from her, nor from my new resting place. Melanie replies, "nope. We like staying right where we are. It's too nice in here." Trish smiles and rubs her belly a bit harder, "I'm glad you like me that much but I really need to get back to my slim self, for a few hours at least." Me and Melanie looks at each other, "you promise to let us back in after a few hours?" Trish smiles and says, "of course" as she starts pushing us out. I get pushed out first, it's a long and pretty hard trip for me but at least my head is pushing out of her labia. A bit more pushing and I can get my arms out and help pushing myself the rest of my way out of her. I settle down by her legs and wait for her to push Melanie out to me. A bit later and Melanie's head is pushing out. She looks a bit different. ishe looks like an orca instead of her usual vulpine self. I grab her head and gently help Trish pushing her out. Melanie is looking like a blueskinned anthro orca. She looks like a smaller version of Trish, except for her light and dark blue color where Trish is white and black. She smiles at me as Trish sits up and just stared at Melanie in amazement before finally saying, "I did that?" Melanie smiles and nods before saying, "you did help me, but don't worry about it, I like it" Trish smiles and nods, "I like it too" Melanie smiles and nods before slowly shifting back into her fox form as I say, "I like both her forms." Trish gets up and stretches out as I say, "remember to get us back inside in a few hours, right Trish?" Trish smiles and kisses me on my forehead before replying, "I'll be sure to get by pregnant belly back in a few hours" I smile as I and Melanie both nods. "Sounds great mother" we both say with a vide grin, already looking forward to giong back to snuggling inside her womb again.
I'm sitting in the couch and just watching tv. Magicka walks up behind and places her hands on my shoulders and start massaging me softly. I smile up at her, taking in her form. She is a red fox with round and very generous curves in all the right places. I look up just a bit, taking in her head. She's smiling back at me, her green hair hanging loosely down her back and the sides of her head. I smile up at her, "hey, magicka." She smiles and slides her hands down my shoulders and back down to my chest as she whispers, "I bet I can distract you from whatever it is you're watching." I smile up at her as I say, "no deal. I know you can easily distract me, and besides it's not really that interesting." She leans down and whisper, "turn off the television and I'll promise you won't be bored for the rest of the day." Her muzzle pushing against my ear as she does so. She finishes of by being teasing and running her tongue over the inside of my ear. I murr softly in approval as I turn off the television and say, "you sure? it's still early." She smiles and says, "I'm sure, I have a few things I really want to try with you" I smile up at her still, "oh? that sounds very interesting.." she smiles and leans down, rubbing her muzzle against my neck a few times as she whispers, "meet me in the bedroom in a few minutes?" I nod and smiles as I watch her leave. Her very shapely butt shaking from side to side, she knows I like watching it and she's doing it for me. A few minutes later and I'm opening the door to her bedroom. She's laying on her bed, on her side. She's smiling, as she's showing off her shapely body, one hand resting on the top of her top hip, the other one is holding her head up. she smiles as she waves me closer. I nod and close the door before stepping over next to her. Magicka smiles back up at me as she murrs softly, "I'm so going to enjoy playing with you, Fairlyn." she gets up and I'm feeling very distracted by her dark green Bra and Panties. She smiles as she wraps her arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace. I murr softly and place my hands on her bra. Magicka smiles as she says, "I can tell you still like my breasts, huh? I want you to to remove my bra." I smile and let my hands slide over and try to open her bra. Magicka smiles and pulls her bra off her. I smile as I watch her breasts with interest. The are big, covered in a soft layer of white fur and I can see a bit of milk drip from one of her nipples already. Magicka smiles and leans in as she whisper, "just a second" before pulling my T-shirt off. After that she reaches down and pull my pants off, quickly followed by my boxers. I smile and look her over as I whisper, "you seem to be overdressed for what I'm currently wearing." Magicka smiles and grabs my hands before guiding them them on to her panties as she whispers, "I'll let you undress me then." I nod and slowly pull down her panties as I sit down and look at her netherlips. Magicka smiles and rubs me between my ears as she says, "you'll get ample chance to play with that part of me later on, but first my breasts really want some attention." I nod and get up again, looking up at her very eagerly. Magicka smiles and rubs my head as she whispers, "mind showing me your feral form?" I smile and grab her hands, placing them under my shoulders before shifting into the form of an arctic fox. Magicka smiles and hugs my smaller form in against her as if she wants to hold me warm and safe. I murr softly and nuzzles in against her soft and warm fur. Magicka smiles and murrs softly in return to my murring. She hugs me tightly as she scratches me between my ears. I close my eyes and settles in, happily to let her treat me this way. She smiles and runs a hand along my muzzle as she whispers, "aren't you hungry, little one?" I shake my head as I whisper, "not really", but my belly lets out a growl at the possility of getting some food, proving me wrong in the process. She smiles and rubs my muzzle against her nipple as she asks me, "you sure you don't want to make me happy, and get your hunger sated while doing so?" I smile and rub my muzzle along her breast and then slowly and gently close my lips around her nipple. Magicka smiles and pulls one arm around me, holding me in place as she settles in against the wall and whisper, "keep feeding Faitlyn, you know how much I like it." I nod and start to suck on it softly, listening to Magicka's heartbeat and her happy murring. Her milk starts floating out of her nipple and into my mouth pretty quickly. I think she really had been building her milk depots for a while. Magicka smiles and whispers, "you have no idea how much I like doing this with you." I murr louder in return and close my eyes, focusing only on Magicka's milk, love and warmth. Magicka look up as the door slowly opens and Melanie sneaks in, letting the door stay open after her. I'm too busy focusing on Magicka and doesn't notice a thing. Melanie crawls up in the bed abd smiles at Magicka. Magicka smiles and nods softly, showing Melanie that she's glad to see her, and don't mind having her here. Melanie finally shows me that she's in the bed with us. She pushes her muzzle down between my ears and nuzzles her way down my neck and back before finally nibble on my tail playfully. I feel a shiver running down my spine before I realize my tail is feeling strangely wet. I let go of Magicka's nipple and turn my head, seeing my tail laying inside a buefurred vixen's mouth, her lips closed just behind the base of my tail. Her long green hair hanging free down the side of her head. I shake my head as I smile at her, "melanie..", sounding more humored than anything. Melanie smiles and runs a hand along her head, pushing her hair down past her shoulder and let it run down her back as she let go of my tail. Magicka smile and guides my muzzle back against her nipple as she smiles at Melanie, "you think I could get another pup to care for, girl?" Melanuie smiles and nods, "I can't see why not." as she crawls up on top of me, pushing ne in against Magicka. Melanie rubs her muzzle against Magicka's neck as she asks, "you mind getting another hungry pup?" Magicka smiles and shakes my her head as she whispers, "not at all, I got a full breast for it, if it would be interested." Magicka's muzzle resting against Melanie's ear. I'm back to feeding again. I'm getting pushed in against soft fur from all sides, my muzzle barely visible from under Melanie and Melanie's breast pushing down against my back. Melanie smiles and settles in on top of me before she suddenly starts shrinking and turn into a regular fox with dark blue fur instead of the usual red fur on a fox. Magicka grabs the bluefurred fox and places her against me before guiding melanie's muzzle over and rubbing it against her other nipple as she whispers, "here you go girl, get your fill". Melanie murrs and smiles at me before she grabs Magicka's nipple with her muzzle and start feeding too. Magicka smiles and runs her hands down our backs as she says, "I'm glad I got you two pups to care about." a bit alter and both me and Melanie has ben satisfied and I'm laying in her lap, asleep and snoring lightly. Melanie is resting in against me, her head resting on my neck and she's sleeping too. Magicka is smiling down at us both as she runs her hands down our backs gently, making sure not to wake any of us up. Magicka hears the door close and look up. Another vixen is approaching the bed, this one is a regular red fox, a bit on the slim side, and quite athletic. Magicka smiles and points down on the two sleeping ferals in her lap as she whispers, "Riannah, be silent, please? I don't want you to wake them up." Riannah nods and smiles as she crawls up into the bed. Riannah smiles and settled down against Magicka and smiles as she run a hand down Magicka's belly before reaching up and rubbing Magicka's nipple. Magicka blushes and shakes her head as she whispers, "sorry Riannah, but I don't want to wake them up." Riannah nods and smiles as she leans in, rubbing her muzzle along Magicka's neck before whispering, "it's fine, girl." Magicka smiles and nods softly, "thank you, Riannah. I know you want to keep experimentating and push my limits, but I have something I really want to try with all three of you." Riannah smiles and looks at magicka, "is it anything sexual?" Magicka nods and is about to explain when Riannah grabs her muzzle, forcing her to remain silent, and whisper, "I don't want to know, I want to be surprised by it, ok?" Magicka nods softly and start petting me and Melanie again. Riannah smiles at Magicka as she asks, "you want a third pet?" Magicka smiles and rubs Riannah between the ears as she nods softly, "yes, please. I need all three of you in your feral form for what I have planned." Riannah nods and shifts into a regular feral. Magicka smiles as she pull Riannah out of her clothes and places her beside me. I'm now laying on top of Magicka's belly, Riannah snuggled in against one side of me, and Melanie snuggled in against my other side. I yawn and look around, seeing I'm snuggled in against two adorable females and resting on top of the third one. Melanie yawns and wakes up too, smilins over at Riannah before sliding one front paw up around my neck and slowly crawling up halfway on top of me and settling down. Riannah does the same and smiles, rubbing her muzzle against Melanie's muzzle. Magicka smiles and rubs Melanie and Riannah along their backs as she says, "seems like you caught yourself a male, you want to play with him before I take my turn with all of you?" Riannah looks over at Melanie before looking back up at Magicka, "we wold like to play with him a bit, Right, Melanie?" Melanie smiles and nods before whispering, "yeah", before looking over at Riannah, "so what do you think we should do with him?". Riannah leans close and whisper, "I know how you like orgasms, just like me. You want to try a double feral unbirth?" Melanie giggles and nods eagerly, her paws pushed in against my ears so I can't hear what they are planning for me. Riannah smiles and nods at Melanie before looking up at Magicka, "you don't mind, right?" Magicka smiles and Rubs Riannah along her muzzle as she says, "of course I don't, I just want to watch while you do it." Riannah smiles and nods, "with pleasure." Melanie smiles and nods softly. Magicka smiles and lifts all three of us up before spreading her legs and gently placing all three of us between her legs. I yawn and look over at Riannah and Melanie, looking a bit confused as I say, "I know you got something planned, what is it?" Riannah smiles and lifts her tail up before backing up towards my muzzle, "wait and see". Melanie lifts her tail and starts backing up against my tail. I look over at Riannah's netherlips, they are looking nice and healthy, and very inviting. I swallow softly before reaching over and holding my front paws against her hind legs as I start rubbing my muzzle against her netherlips. Melanie spreads her legs, her netherlips vide open, and then she looks at my tail. It's resting on the bed, a few inches from her netherlips but she can't get my tail into her without help. Melanie looks up at Magicka with pleading eyes. Magicka looks back at Melanie, noticing Melanie is looking from my tail and up to her. She realizes what Melanie is trying to do, and so Magicka gently grab my tail and guide it in between Melanie's netherlips. The bluefurred feral murred in approval and started pulling my tail in with her powerful inner muscles. I'm started licking Riannah's netherlips softly, liking her taste and listening to her moans every time my tongue slips in just a bit, barely past her netherlips. Riannah moans and murrs before whispering, "this is for being such a tease." Riannah then spread her legs as much as she can before pushing back in against me as hard as she could, my muzzle getting forced into her wet nethers, her juices slowly pushing back in against it. I place my front paws on Riannah's butt and pushes my muzzle back out of her. I look over and then realizes what Melanie has been up to. Melanie is busy pushing my hind legs into her netherlips,and she slows down, murring happily as I watch my hind paws and my backside disappearing into her wet nethers. Magicka grabs my head and pushes my muzzle down against 'Riannah's netherlips as she says, "now, push in again Riannah, he's in position." Riannah nods and pushes back, taking in my muzzle again. I can see her open netherlips in front of my eyes, and I can feel Melanie has stopped, waiting for Riannah to take in my front. Magicka smiles and grabs me again, pushing my front paws in against Riannah's netherlips before lifting up Riannah and then, very slowly pushing Riannah down over me, pushing Riannah's nethers in against Melanie's nethers as I disappear into both females. Riannah and Melaie both howl out in pure bliss. I look around, realizing I'm once again trapped somewhere that, for me at least, feels great. very nice, soft and it gives me a feeling of safety. Magicka smiles down at Riannah and Melanie. Riannah murrs and rolls over on her side and wraps her tail around Melanie's tail. Melanie snuggles up against Riannah, their tails wrapped tightly around each other and Melanie is rubbing her muzzle against Riannah's muzzle. Their bellies pushed in against each other and I'm still completely hidden inside both of them. I can feel Riannah's muscles starting to grind in against my head and shoulders, her orgasm building quickly. Riannah howls out, her small feral body getting shaken by a powerful orgasm. Melanie joins Riannah's howl with a lower howl but telling of a more powerful orgasm. I'm feeling as their walls pushes in against me, harder and harder until I'm starting to really get squished in there. Magicka looks down at Riannah and Melanie as she asks, "you want to keep playing or can I move over to the main act now?" Riannah keeps moaning out, before looking up at Magicka, "wait till .. after ... the orgasm, ok?" somehow managing to force the words out between her moans. Melanie is too far gone, her head pushing in against Riannah's neck as she keeps moaning out, her orgasm almost flooding over her already. Magicka smiles and lifts them both up before holding them in against her belly, "of course, I'll let you two orgasm as much as you want to, and then I'll do what I want to do with all of you." Riannah simply nods softly before going back to using Melanie to satisfy herself. it's starting to really get wet inside where I am, and I'm starting to gently push around inside of them. I start pushing harder in against them when I realize that they howl out even louder and get really wet when I poke around inside of them. Riannah and melanie both howls out as they bury their heads in Magicka's fur, their orgasms finally hitting, and they hit hard, I'm feeling as I suddenly can't move at all, I can just lay still and feels both females shaking as I start getting soaked in their juices. Riannah and Melanie both lay still, panting and smiling at each other. A smile that said they they had to catch me and do this again sometime. a bit later and my playmates has finally gotten enough rest to start thinking about getting me out from inside them. They slowly pull away from each other, leaving my dripping self lay on the bed, panting and shivering as I'm suddenly feeling very cold, my soaked fur doing nothing to keep me warm at all. Magicka, looking concerned, picks me up and says, "oh my, you're really cold, Fairlyn. That's not good at all, I better keep you warm." Magicka then proceeds to get up on her knees before slowly pushing me, head first as always, in between her netherlips. She moans softly but she doesn't appear to be doing it for the sexual part. She seems to want to keep me warm. I murr softly as my tailtip disappears into her netherlips, leaving her slightly bigger belly as the only sign of me inside of her. I curl up and close my eyes, feeling very relaxed as I can feel Magicka's warmth and her heartbeat. Melanie smiles up at Magicka as she asks, "so, Magicka. What is the main event?" Magicka smiles down at the girls as she says, "I want you two to join Fairlyn" Menaie nods and asks, "so, who of us goes first?" Riannah smiles and walks over, pushing Melanie in front of her, forcing Melanie up towards Magicka. Magicka smiles and slowly guides Melanie's muzzle up against her netherlips, "seems like you go first, Melanie." Melanie nods before forcing her way inside Magicka's netherlips, her head and front paws easily slipping in. Riannah proceeds to push the rest of the bluefurred feral into Magicka, before grabbing Melanie's tail between her jaws and letting Magicka pull her inside. I'm still curled up, eyes closed and my tail resting up on top of my muzzle. I look up when I feel something snuggle up against my sides. All I see is something white, the white fur on the bellies of two feral ladies that decided to show me their nipples, apparently. I pull away from them both, before crawling back in and settling down between them both. They both smile in return and nuzzles in against me, their muzzles rubbing along mine. I yawn and close my eyes, feeling them pushing in against me sa I can hear their yawns too. A few minutes later and the three of us is sleeping curled up in a big pile, none of our heads nor paws visible anywhere. Magicka smiles and settles down on the bed as she says, "I'm going to really enjoy my pregnancy, thank you, all three of you." Melanie smiles happily, she don't seem to mind at all. Riannah looks at me, "pregnant? what do she mean pregnant?" I smile back at her, "well, I think she wants to be pregnant, and we need to help her." I smile and nuzzles in against her neck softly, "and besides, aren't you the one that told me that I'm supposed to try everything at least once?" Riannah looks back at me, "I know, you promise it won't hurt?" I smile at her, "I promise, and I'm going to make it up to you afterwards, ok?" She nods and smiles at me, "ok, I'll try it then." It's about two weeks and Magicka's belly is back to looking like it hasn't got anything in it, much less three ferals. A knock on the door is heard and Magicka gets up and opens the door. outside is a whitefurred vixen, long white hair and seven tails floating behind her. She's wearing a white dress that seems to be made out of snow and ice. Magicka smiles and opens the door widely as she says, "come on in, Aurora." The kitsune smiles and steps in as she says, "thanks Magicka." Magicka smiles and closes the door after Aurora. Turning to face the kitsune as she asks, "can I get you anything from the kitchen?" Aurora smiles and nods, "just a glass of whatever you're having, ok?" Magicka nods and smiles as she says, "go get somfortable in the living room, ok? I'll be right there." a few minutes later and magicka is returning to the living room with two glasses filled with orange juice. Aurora has really gotten comfortable in the living room. She's laying on her back in the couch, completely naked. Her dress in nowhere to be seen. She smiles at Magicka, "can I get a nude snuggle?" Magicka steps closer and smiles back at her, "it's not like I have a choice, but either way, I could really use some company." She slips out of the bathrope and steps over to the couch Aurora is laying in. Aurora smiles and murrs, opening her arms for Magicka. Magicka smiles and crawls up, letting Aurora wrap her arms around her. Aurora smiles and wraps her arms and tails around Magicka, forcing Magicka's head down against her breasts. Magicka smiles and murrs softly, "you have no idea how much I needed a hug." _As she uses the kitsubne's breasts as a pair of pillows. Aurora smiles and pull Magicka closer in against her, "I'm here for the next few months, or at least until you have given birth." Magicka looks up at Aurora in surprise, "you know?" Aurora smiles and rubs Magicka behind one ear, "you surprised I figured it out already?" she smiles and slides her hand down Magicka's back as she continues, "Fairlyn, Riannah and Melanie is gone, and you are running around with triplets.." Magicka smiles and murrs softly. Aurora smiles and says, "and I'll help convince Fairlyn that knocking you up is a great idea. I know you're gonna be a great mother." Magicka blushes and just look up at her. Aurora smiles in return and holds her a bit closer. Magicka smiles up at her, "I just don't know, Fairlyn really like taking the place that a newborn would take for me." Aurora nods softly, "I know, sweetie, but what do you want?" "WEll" she says and looks up at the kitsune, "I want someone I can care for, someone I know needs me." Aurora smiles and pets Magicka's head softly, "so basically you want what Fairlyn and Melanie is giving to you?" Magicka smiles and nods softly, "yep, and I'm going to enjoy this pregnancy as much as possible." Aurora smiles and nods, "that's the spirit, and you might have a few kids on your hands afterwards, if Fairlyn and Melanie are ok with it." Magicka nods and giggles, "I know they would be ok with it, Riannah, not so much.." Aurora nods and smiles, running a hand down through Magicka's hair, "you are a good girl, you know that?" Magicka smiles and nods softly, "I know, Fairlyn keeps telling me that too." Aurora smiles and leans forward, smiling at Magicka before asking, "mind if we sleep in the samne bed?" "nahh, that's ok" Magicka replies with a smile, "I'm kinda used to having someone to snuggle up with." Aurora smiles and kisses magicka very gently, "you want to turn in for the night?" Magicka nods and smiles softly, "that does sound ather tempting" a few months later and Aurora wakes up first. She she smiles at the sleeping fox next to her before very gently running a hand down over Magicka's pregnant belly, feeling the heartbeat from the three cups she's holding inside of her. Magicka wakes up a few minutes later and snuggles up against Aurora, Magicka's back pushing in against Aurora's front. Aurora smiles and runs her muzzle in against Magicka's neck as both her hands slide down and start rubbing her huge belly, feeling the three of us inside of it. She rubs her muzzle against Magicka's ear before whispering, "can I borrow Fairlyn after you give birth to him?" Magicka falls silent before saying, "I dunno, I kinda like having him around me, ecpially I just gave birth to him." Aurora smiles and pulled Magicka in against her a bit harder, before wrapping her tails and legs around the pregnant fox, "can I borrow him for a few hours then?" Magicka nods, "for a few hours at most then." It's a few months later and Magicka has really gotten herself a huge belly now, so huge that she's about to go into labour. Aurora is smiling and rubbing Magicka's belly as she looks over at her, "now we only have to wait for your water to break" Magicka nods up at her, "yeah, I'm hoping it's soon tho." Aurora smiles and sits down beside Magicka, "I guess you realized how big a belly triplets give you?" Magicka nods softly, "yeah, I mean, I love feeling them kicking around in there, I just wist the belly was just a bit smaller." Aurora smiles and runs a hand down her muzzle as she says, "I know, I had triplets of my own too." Magicka looks up and interrupts her as she says, "I think my water just broke." Aurora looks down between Magicka's legs and says, "yep, your water just broke, girl, and I'm ready to help your newborns out." Magicka nods and starts pushing as she can feel her womb starting to close, and push the rest of us out again. Aurora smiles and reaches down towards Magicka's netherlips, "I think I see the muzzle of the first one." Magicka nods and keeps pushing as she starts making some pained noices. Aurora smiles and holds her hand down, helping the first one of them out. A few minutes later and Aurora is holding up a red and whitefurred cub. Magicka smiles and pulls the small pub down against her, guiding the cub's muzzle down against her nipple. Aurora smiles and holds up a bluefurred feral. She places it on Magicka's belly before pushing its muzzle against Magicka's other nipple. Magicka smiles and rubs her two cubs gently and very lovely. Both ferals focusing solely on feeding, not even considering what was going on around them. Aurora sits down beside Magicka and smiles, holding a whitefurred feral in against her. She smiles at Magicka, "you mind letting me play with Fairlyn here for a bit?" Magicka smiles and nods at her, "you mind breastfeeding him for me?" Aurora smiles and holds me a bit tighter as she guides my muzzle over to her nipple. I close my lips around it and start hungrily feeding from it. I can't remember what it tasted like, just thart it sated my hunger. Aurora smiles and rubs my small body gently as she looks over at Magicka, "you're happy with your cubs, girl?" Magicka smiles and holds the two cubs feeding from her, a bit tighter, "I'm very happy to be able to do this with them. And they are just adorable." Aurora smiles and look at Magicka, "can I borrow Fairlyn here for a few hours?" Magicka smiles and nods, "just be sure to have him back by dinnertime, ok?" Aurora nods and smiles, "sure thing, Magicka" before she disappears in a white cloud. She appears in a small bedroom, dominated by a big bed. Aurora smiles at me as she says, "I want an adult partner" before placing a hand on my head and just smiling. I feel as I'm quickly growing and I'm soon back to my full grown feral form. Aurora smiled and placed me on her bed before saying "you're nice, but still too small for me." I look up at her, not sure what to say or do. Aurora has no such problem in deciding what to do. She lifts me up and places her muzzle against my ear as she whisper, "grow, pet. Grow." I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, but I can feel as I start growing, still a feral but slowly growing bigger. Aurora smiles wider and says, "perfect, Fairlyn. You're perfect now." I look at myself, I looks to be about her size, perhaps a bit bigger than her. Aurora smiles and runs a hand down my back as she smiles, placing herself in front of me. I push my muzzle in against her belly, sniffing. Something smells very nice about her. I push my muzzle closer in against her, working my way down towards her netherlips. Aurora giggles as I push my muzzle in against her netherlips and take a sniff, a good long sniff. I finally realize whst's up with the way she smells, she's in heat. I smile up at her, slowly moving closer in against her. Aurora just smiles back at me, "you see something you like?" I just look up at her, pretty much taken by my feral side at this point. I push my muzzle in under her tails and rubs my muzzle in against her buttocks and sniffs again. Aurora giggles and moans just a bit, I'm apparently starting to get her going now. Aurora just pushes foward a bit, pushing away from me. I look up at her, she's standing in front of me, smelling very nicely now, even nicer than before, and her back is turned to me. I sneak closer and get up on my hind legs before letting myself fall in against her. my head crahing in against her shoulders, forcing her down on all four, with me on top of her. Aurora smiles and pushes her tails out of the way as she asks, "so, you finally realized what I want from you, Fairlyn?" I can't respond, my body only considering that there's a willing female under me, and as such, I must mate with her. Aurora murrs softly and wraps her tails around my hips and pushes me in against her. I murr softly as I push my shaft all the way into her netherlips. Aurora moans out loud in return, pushing herself back in against me. I murr and forces my shaft all the way into her. Aurora howls out pretty loud, her fingers digging into the mattress as the smell of her causes me to not being able to focus on anything but keeping up my mating session with her. I pull out of her, until my tip is barely in her. I hold still for just a few seconds before grabbing a tighter hold of her and forcing my shaft all the way into her. Aurora orgasms hard, letting out a long howl as her juices ran out of her, pushing against my shaft. my muzzle rubs agaist her neck lovingly as I pull out of her slowly. Aurora pants softly, collapsing on the bed, her head and chest pushing in against the mattress. I smile and murr as I suddenly force my shaft all the way into her wet netherlips. Aurora howls out again, louder than before as I cause another orgasm to take her over. I hold my shaft inside her, moaning. I can feel an orgasm finally hitting me, I collapse on top of her, my knot building, locking us together as I can't pull out of her again, even if I wanted to. Aurora smiles and reach up, running a hand along my muzzle as she whispers, "thank you, Fairlyn, I needed that." I murr and rub my muzzle against her hand in return. it's a little while later and my knot is slowly shrinking inside her. Aurora smiles and murrs halfway asleep under me. I'm still lying on top of her, my muzzle pushed in against her neck. Aurora smiles and pulls both her legs in under her, before gently rolling around, very carefully, to not pull me out and to make sure she didn't accidentally hurt me. Aurora rolls around and pushes her front in against my front. I murr and pushes my front paws in against her breasts. Aurora smiles and nuzzles inn against me as she says, "I can tell you're returning to normal, Fairlyn" I nod and smile at her. she wraps her arms arouhnd my shoulders before rolling around, forcing me down on my back, with her on top of me. She smiles as she looks down on me, "just like old days, huh?" I smile and nod softly back up at her. Aurora leans forward, placing a kiss on my muzzle before saying, "I think you should save this form. I think I know a few girls that would just love it. and I want to give you a little something too." I can feel her tails wrapping themselves around my hind legs before teasingly slow pulling them in between her netherlips. I murr softly, just smiling at her, having no idea what's she doing to me. Aurora smiles and rubs my head as my belly disappears into her womb. a few minutes later and she smiles as she slowly pushes my muzzle in between her netherlips and out of sight. Aurora smiles ad rubs her giant belly, "I'm going to keep you in there for a long time, Fairlyn." Magicka is still laying on the couch, the two feral cubs curled up and sleeping on her belly. Aurora pops in, still naked, as she walks over to Magicka. Magicka smiles up at her, "you're back already?" Aurora smiles and sits down beside Magicka as she holds up a two tailed fox cub for her. The cub has completely white fur. Magicka smiles and picks me up, "so what did you to do him? Other than give him a second tail?" Aurora smiles and runs a hand down my back, "he's a kitsune, I hope you can handle a kitsune cub." Magicka smiles and holds me in against her, "I'm sure that won't be a problem, besides you're here to help, right?" Aurora smiles and runs a hand down the back of the sleeping females, "always". it's a few days later and Magicka is out in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for herself, Riannah and Aurora. Riannah is sitting at the table, smiling. Aurora is standing behind Riannah, smiling over at Magicka too. Me and Melanie are still feral pups, and we're sitting on the table, looking around, looking like we're about to pounce one of them. Aurora grabs us and hands us to Magicka as she says, "you feed the pups, I'll prepare something for the rest of us, ok?" Magicka nods thankfully, sitting down and letting me and Melanie get to her nipples. Riannah smiles down at us, "why aren't you changing them back?" Magicka smiles and rubs our backs, "it's because they want to stay like this. I tried to get them back their old selves, but they don't want to." Riannah smiles and nods, "sounds like a good idea, give Melaine a taste of what a real family is like. and some memories she can cherish, the girl really needs it." Magicka nods and smiles, "we're one happy family."
I'm out in the backyard, leaned up against a tree, and asleep. Or, I was until I'm suddenly soaked. I look up in the direction of the water and I see a bluefurred vixen smiling back at me, she's smiling widely. She has blue fur, dark blue and a lighter blue down her belly, on her breasts and lower jaw. She's wearing a dark violet bikini. The bikini is soaked but her fur is surprisingly dry. and looking out from behind her is what I would say is another fox. This one seems to be a bit shy. the first thing I notice is how close to Melanie her furcolor is. Melanie just doesn't seem to be covered in scales the way her new friend is. I look up at her head and she seems to have three small fins going out from her head and I just can't help but stare. She notices this and her her fins raises to it's full length before bending down, almost out of view. I smile and look further down, realizing she's naked before her tail gets my attention. Or rather, the tailfin gets my attention. it's located on the tip of her tail, and it's quite big, considering her size. She's still smiling but I can tell she's shy. Melanie smiles and turns before hugging the other female close as she says, "This is Sapphire, and she's a vaporeon." I smile and watch the vaporeon, she looks a bit uncertain. Melanie smiles and walks closer, pulling the vaporeon with her as she says, "I kinda told Sapphire about you.." I smile up at the vaporeon, trying to show her that I'm not scary or dangerous, as I ask Melanie, "And what did you tell Sapphire about me?" Melanie nods as she continues, "how awesome you were" Sapphire adds, "Melanie told me that you're gentle, kind and caring." She smiles and adds, "and so totally out of my league" sounding sad over her observation. She turns to leave and Send Melanie a sad smile. She just doesn't get that far. I smile at her as she turns around. My hands holding on to her tail tightly. I smile and pull her back towards me very gently, mostly just a gently tug on her tail. "Sapphire" I say with a smile, "you introduce yourself and then you tell me I'm out of your league without even trying to prove yourself wrong.." Melanie smiles and grabs Sapphire, pulling her closer over to me. I smile and pull Sahhpire in against me as I whisper, "I'll prove you wrong.." Sapphire smiles and nods, "if you say so..", not sounding convinced. I smile and push the vaporeon in against me, "I'll just have to prove it to you, won't I?" Melanie smiles down at me and the flustered vaporeon. Sapphire is looking more confused than anything at this point. She smiles over at me and tries getting up. I smile and push her down against me softly, I can tell she doesn't really want to leave, she just thinks I don't really want her. she looks at me, "but.. but.. but.." before finally saying, "but you aren't supposed to like me, I'm not worthy of you.." I smile and sit up, holding her head in against my chest as I whisper, "I don't care that you're not worthy. I think you're cute, and I can tell you feel the samer way about me. That's all that matters to me." Sapphire opens her mouth and starts to say, "but.." and I make sure she doesn't get a chance to finish what she's saying. I smile and slide a hand up behind her head before pulling her into a kiss. A quick kiss before I pull away and smile at her. she looks even more confused than before. i smile and place my hands on the side of her head before bringine my muzzle in against hers in a deeper and longer, more drawnout, kiss. I can feel her relax and actually start leaning into the kiss, trying to enjoy it. a few minutes later and I pull away and smile at her, still holding her in against me. She's smiling and pushing herself down against me, I smile and wrap both arms around her before rolling over, pinning the vaporeon under me. she murrs and smiles up at me, her fins is slowly opening up again and she starts to murr a bit louder. I smile down at her and then up at Melanie before saying, "looks like you got yourself a new playmate." Melanie smiles and Vaporeon is looking up at me playfully. Melanie says, "and you got yourself a new girl it looks like.." I don't get a chance to respond as I'm suddenly tipped over on my back and the vaporeon is smiling down at me. I smile in return and asks, "you want to move in for a few days, see if you like this lifestyle?" She doesn't respond but instead runs her hands down over my still wet fur before finally reaching my jeans. She murrs sofly as she unbuttons them. Melanie sits down behind Sapphire and smiles as she says, "lift your legs for a moment, Sapphire?" Sapphire does at Melanie asks and smiles as she notices Melanie is pulling my pants off me. Melanie smiles and carefully folds my pants and places them beside us. I smile up at them both before looking down myself. I'm only wearing my boxers now.. I smile up at them as I say, "ladies, would you happen to know what had happened to my clothes?" Sapphire blushes and looks away. Melanie smiles vider as she says, "they were wet and needed to be dried" "ahh yeah, and I seem to remember someone made sure my clothes ended up very wet." Melanie smiled and slowly reaches down and yanks my boxers off as she says, "I need to make sure those are dry too." Sapphire is just smiling softly, still blushing a dark red. I blush a dark red, partly because I'm suddenly nude, and partly because I can feel my shaft poking in against Sapphire's front. I look up at Melanie. She's giggling and showing my boxers, keeping them out of my reach. I blush even deeper and look up at them both.. Melanie smiles and says to Sapphire, "don't worry, he likes those kinds of playing." Sapphire nods and looks down at me, still blushing, but not as much as I am currently. Melanie smiles and gets up, still holding on to my boxers. I wrap both arms around Sapphire and holds her in against me as I ask, "you want to help me catch Melanie?" Sapphire smiles and asks, "what are you going to do with her?" I smile and say, "undress her and probably remind her why she's staying with me.." Melanie smiles, she's staying a few meters away as she says, "he's going to fool around with me, remind me how good he is." I smile and nods. Sapphire smiles and looks at me before nodding and saying, "with pleasure." I smile and let go of her as I say, "it seems like we have a fox to hunt." I start to slowly walk over towards Melanie. Saphire smiles and follows me. Melanie giggles and takes off around the house. Sapphire and I chase her, Sapphire is giggling. I smile back at her as I whisper, "I'll chase her and you'll go around the other way and cut her off, ok?" Sapphire nods and runs the other way around. A few minutes later and I get all the way around the house and now I can't find either of them. I keep looking around, not noticing that someone is sneaking up on me. I'm suddenly hearing someone sneaking up on me. I turn around and then both of them, Melanie and Sapphire, smiling back at me. I don't get a chance to move before I'm forced down on my back by them both. I'm quickly forced down on my back before Melanie pushes Sapphire in against me. Sapphire is smiling widely and is slowly bringing in her muzzle closer to my muzzle. I blush and smile up at the vaporeon before saying, "uh? you want to kiss me?" Sapphire blushes and look at me before nodding softly. I smile softly and reach up before pushing my lips against hers very gently and softly. Sapphire murrs softly as she forces her lips down against mine, her mouth open and her tongue pushing against my lips, wanting to let it play with mine. I open my mouth and and let her tongue slide in between my lips and start exploring the inside of my mouth. Sapphire murrs happily and pushes herself down against me. I smile up at her as I whisper, "sapphire, you are a great kisser, you want to see what else you're great at?" she looks over at Melanie, her cheeks bluching a deep red. Melanie looks back at the flustered vaporeon as she says, "Sapphire, what else do you want to do with Fairlyn?" as she settles down beside her. Sapphire looks over at the grass a little to the left of my head as she whispers something. I can't hear it but Melanie did. Melanie nods and smiles, "I think we can get you that." I look up at them, having no idea what Sapphire wants. Melanie smiles and whispers, "can you keep an eye on him for a few minutes? I'm going to get a little something for him." Sapphire nods and settles down on top of me, murring softly. It's a little bit later and Melanie is walking over to me and Sapphire, holding something hidden behind her back. Sapphire is sitting on top of me, murring happily as she watches me. I smile back up at her, my hands pushed in around her breasts, squeezing them softly. Melanie smiles and crawl up on top of Sapphire, gently forcing her down on top of me as she whisper, "hold his muzzle." Sapphire smiles and nods, her hands around my muzzle, keeping me still. I relax and smile up at her, letting her and Melanie do what they want to do to me. Melanie smiles and says, "keeps his mouth open." I open my mouth as much as I can. Melanie smiles at Sapphire as she forces a ballgag in between my jaws and fastens it around my head gently. Sapphire smiles and runs a hand down my muzzle as Melanie moves down and grabs the vaporeon's waist. Vaporeon nuzzles in against me, as she starts to lick my neck softly, "ohh, you taste nice, Fairlyn." I nod and moan into the gag. Melanie pulls Sapphire down over me, my shaft getting forced in between her slightly open netherlips. me and Sapphire both moan out in return my moan is not that loud as I'm moaning into my ballgag. Sapphire moans softly as she tries pulling away from me but Melanie grabs her once again and pushes her hips down against mine again, forcing my shaft all the way into her. Melanie pushes her muzzle over against the moaning Vaporeon's ear and whispers, "you want it this way, right?" Sapphire moans and nods at her as she whispers, "yes, yes, I like it this way." Melanie nods before lifting Sapphire up and forcing her down along my shaft, causing me and Sapphire to howl out. I hit an orgasm, spreading my juices inside her as she locks my shaft in place with her inner muscles, and she's just about to orgasm too. Melanie smiles and kisses Sapphire's neck as her hands run down and start playing with her breasts. Sapphire howls out as me and Melanie finally causes her to get her orgasm, soaking my shaft and my fur in the process. Melanie smiles and guides Sapphire down, helping her snuggle in against me as she whisper, "you like it?" she murrs and pushes her muzzle down against mine as she whispers, "I loved it." I rub my muzzle against hers as I nod and whisper, "I loved it too." Melanie smiles and snuggles in against us as she whispers "I'm glad you two like eachother that much." Sapphire smiles and looks down at me. I smile up at her as I say, "you're staying." Melanie leans down over Sapphire, her muzzle against ther vaporeon's ear as she whispers, "I told you he would love you." Sapphire smiles down at me, blushing a dark red yet again. I smile and wrap my arms around her chest as I say, "hold on tight" before rolling around, trapping her under me. Sapphire smiles up at me, blushing a dark red still. She seems a bit nervous now, being under me and all. I smile down at her softly as I whisper, "try to relax, I want you to enjoy this." She look over at Melanie. Melanie nods and smiles, "I promise you'll like this. I know I did" she smiles up at me, taking a deep breath and relaxes noticably. I smile and rub a hand up and along her muzzle, feeling her scales under my hand, before moving them towards the back of her head, feeling how thin and frail her head fins are. She smiles back up at me softly, she seems to be trusting me a bit more now than earlier as she's not looking up at Melanie for support. I smile down at her, my hands rubbing her neck as I ask, "mind if I keep going south?" sge smiles and giggles just a bit, "no, feel free to keep exploring." I nod and smile at her, one hand running back up to the back of her head, my other hand sliding down her back. I murr softly and pull her in against me. I finally roll over on my back, keeping her on top of me before I start licking her neck softly. Sapphire smiles over at Melanie as she asks, "I like this, but what what am I supposed to do in return for him?" Melanie smiles and crawls over to Sapphire before running a hand down the vaporeon's head as she whispers, "all you need to do is to relax and enjoy it." Sapphire nods and smiles down at me again, "I think I can do that." I smile up at her before moving down and start licking her chest, working my way down her chest. Sapphire murrs and smiles, very gently wrapping her arms around me. I close my eyes and start licking her breasts. She has a strange taste, I can't tell what her taste actually is, just that it reminds me of the deep blue sea, and the beach on a hot summer day. Sapphire looks over at Melanie and is about to ask, "what is he.." but she don't get her question out as I close my mouth around one of her nipples and start sucking. Sapphire goes from her question into letting out a long drawnout moan, "ooohhhh." I murr out happily, partly because I realized she is a mammal, and because I just realized that she is in fact lactating. Melanie smiles and runs a hand down sapphire's back as she whispers, "Fairlyn likes doing this a lot, and I can tell you think it feels good." Sapphire nods and moans out, "Oooohh, This feels soo good." I smile and keep on feeding from her, her milk tasting like you would expect, it tastes like milk. a few minutes later and I finally pull away from her. 'we has somehow ended up with sapphire on her back, and me on top of her. Sapphire is smiling back up at me, "you like it?" I smile and nod down at her, "I loved it. and now it's treasure hunting time, unless you want to play hide and seek with me instead?" Sapphire looks utterly confused as she looks up at Melanie. Melanie smiles down at me, "Fairlyn, go look for treasure before playing hide and seek with Sapphire." I nod and smile, running my tongue down over Sapphire's belly, and poking it into her bellybutton gently. Sapphire looks up once, "you finding any treasure yet?" I smile up at her, "not yet. I think I'll have to dig somewhere else." Before reaching down and grabbing her butt, "this looks like a nice place to dig." I smile and rub my muzzle against her netherlips, "mind if I dig in here?" she smiles and pets my head, "sure, go dig all you want to, Fairlyn." I nod as I reach up and open her netherlips with my fingers as I say, "I think I see my treasure in here." Sapphire murrs as she says, "can you reach it?" I smile up at her as I say, "just a sec, I'm not sure, I have to find out." I push my lips against her netherlips as I slowly force my tongue into her, spreading her netherlips. Sapphire moans and reaches up, rubbing her hands over her nipples. I push my tongue deeper into her, and letting it exploring the insides of the moist and moaning vaporeon. I finally find a spot inside og her that I like. I find a rough spot that really causes her to moan out as I slide my tongue over it. I pull out and smile up at her. Sapphire smiles at me, panting softly, "you .. feel ... great." I smile up at her, "I think I found a piece of treasure, want me to go try getting it?" she nods at me softly, "that would be great." I push my tongue back into her netherlips and starts to really pushing into her rough spot again. Sapphire howls out happily, moaning, "yes, oh god, yes." sounding like she's really enjoying it. Melanie smiles down at Sapphire, the vaporeon's head laying in her lap, "I can tell you like his exploring." Sapphire nods up at Melanie, "yeah, I really am." I'm down between her legs still, my tongue really pushing in against her rough spot. Sapphire is quickly getting really wet now, and she's still howling out happily. She is finally about to hit an orgasm. I push my lips against hers netherlips as I prepare to get a nice helping of her lovejuices. she howls out so very loud as she orgasms, her inner walls pushing in against my tongue, trapping it as she's starting to let go of her torrent of juices. I hold my muzzle against her slit, pushing it just a bit inside of her. Sapphire howls out, her eyes closed, as she finally let go of her torrent of juices, flooding my tongue and mouth completely. I gulp as much as I can but Sapphire is really letting loose now, her juices is entering my mouth faster than I can swallow it. Sapphire pants heavily as she smiles up at Melanie. Melanie smiles and pets Sapphire's breasts as she whispers, "I can tell you love his hunt for treasure." I realise Sapphire is finally done orgasming, and just keep swallowing her juices, finally starting to empty her out. Melanie grabs my head and pull me out before asking, "you want to see a little trick?" I smile up at her, "sure." Melanie and sapphire pulls away just a bit before they start melting. they're turning into water. A pool of water is quickly gathering as both girls complete their turning into water. I look over at the pool, wondering what I'm going to see now. a few seconds later and I can see a female figure getting up in the pool, taking all of the water with her. I look up at her eyes, she has melanie's blue eyes. She also has long green hair, just like melanie's. But she has the scales of sapphire in Melanie's usual color. I let my eyes trail down her body, she still has nice breasts and a shapely figure. I trail down her legs and notice the fish fin on the end of her tail. I nod approvingly *ohh, I like a lot.* She smiles and settles down beside me, "I'm glad to hear it." I smile and rub her belly, it feels just like Sapphire did. she smiles at me, "you can call me melanire, ok?" I nod softly "sure, Melanire." she smiles and nods, "and now, we're going to play hide and seek." I look up at her, "uh, ok?" Melanire smiles and run a hand along my muzzle, "good boy." I nod and reach up, rubbing her breasts as I murr softly. They are the size of Melanie's but they are scaley like Sapphire's is. She smiles and rubs me between the ears before grabbing my head and pushing it in against her as she whispers, "I want to feel you pushing in against me." I nod and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling myself in against her, Murring softly. Melanire smiles and pushes me downward as she says, "it's time for me to hide you." I look up at her, my muzzle pushed in against her belly. She gets up on her knees as she keeps pushing me down, my muzzle running down past her belly and down against her netherlips. I look up at her, then at her netherlips, and finally up at her again, "seems like a really tight fit to me." She smiles and pushes a bit harder as she says, "we'll just have to see, won't we?" I gulp and smile up at her softly, "I guess we do." She smiles wider as she pushes me in against her a bit harder as she slowly pushes my muzzle in between her netherlips. It's already a pretty tight fit, and I believe it's going to be all kinds of fun once I get further into her. she smiles and moans out softly, her already tight walls starting to push in against me gently. I look at her netherlips, they are opening wide, as if they're getting ready to take in my head, and I can see her muscles pushing in against my muzzle. She murrs as she grab the back of my head, her muscles opening up just a bit, giving me a look deeper into her. I don't get a chance to say or do anything before she has pushed me into her, her netherlips closed securely around my neck. She slowly gets up before pushing down against my shoulders, forcing them in against my chest as her, now slick, walls, is pushing in against my arms and chest, slowly soaking my fur in her juices. I'm not completely unable to move, I'm on my knees and her netherlips is slowly crawling down over my belly. And my head is pushed in against her Cervix, not painfully hard yet. She murrs louder and pull her legs up so she can slide down,. taking all of me into her. My head is really pushing in against her cervix at this point. Melanire murrs happily as she forces her way down over my legs, forcing me to curl up inside her birth channel. My feet disappear into her as her cervix finally opens, letting me slip inside of her, into her womb. I curl up inside as Melanire sits down and rubs her belly, smiling at the tip of my tail that's just visible out of her netherlips as she says, "just like the good old days."
I'm sitting on the floor, eyes closed and my attention focused solely on trying to meditate and reach the meditative stance. I was having trouble and because of that I tried my best to ignore whoever was walking up beside me. The state of mind just refuses to come for some reason. I can feel as someone forces my jaws open and something gets stuffed into my mouth. I swallow instinctively. And then it feels like I get hit by a freight train. I slowly come to my senses. The first thing I realize is I'm not where I was a few seconds ago. I'm sitting up against a tree and looking out at a very serene looking lake, it's surrounded by pine trees. I finally realize just where I am. I whisper to myself, "it worked. I found my quiet little place again." I hear someone responding, "you sure did." Turmimg around, I see a young looking coyote grinning back at me happily. the two things I quickly note is that she has silvercolored hair, and that she's completely nude, she's not even wearing any panties. She smiles, stepping closer, a light sway in her hips as if she doesn't even mind being nude, either that or she's not aware she's completely nude. I gulp softly and stammer something, feeling the heat in my chins as I blush a dark red. She slowly steps closer to me, and I have to look up to see her, I realize. I think to myself, she's either very big, or I'm very small yet again. I look down at myself, and instead of seeing my chest and arms, I see a pair of whitefurred canine forelegs followed by the rest of the body of a feral arctix fox. I gasp and don't really have time to get used to appearing like this before I'm picked up and held up against her chest. She whispers, "just relax, I'm sure you like this form.." I nod softly as I yawn, pretending to be tired already, before leaning in against her, my muzzle accidentally pushing in against her breasts. That's what I hope she thinks at least. she smiles, rubbing my neck softly as her other hand slips down past my back, round my butt and start rubbing me between my hind legs. I can't help but moan out softly, feeling a different kind of heat from down between my legs. I decide to ignore it for now, it feels good, but I'm snuggled in against a nude female, and she smells really good for some strange reason. She smiles and rubs my lower jaw lovingly, "I can tell you want something. I think you should take what you want!" I grin and reach over, licking her nipple a few times, enjoying her taste and to see how she reacts to my showing of affection. She smiles and holds me a bit tighter, seemingly enjoying it. I murr softly, closing my eyes as I lean in, my muzzle pushed in against her breast and my lips closed around her nipple. I let her cradle me in her arms protectively as I started feeding, her milk feeling thick and tasty, like a floating river of honey. She smiled down at me softly, the little fox lying on it's back and snuggled in against her belly and breasts. She's happy that I'm lying in her arms and letting her do with me what she wants at the moment. A bit later and I'm just resting in her arms halfway asleep. She has settled down against the tree I appeared up against in the beginning. I smile and look up at her softly, "thanks for everything Silvara." she smiles down at me softly "oh, you're awake?" I yawn and smile up at her softly, "I guess I am." she smiles and rubs my belly softly "good girl." I smile up at her softly, ignoring her good girl comment, she's probably just teasing me again, she loves teasing me for some reason. I smile up at her softly. She simply smiles back at me softly, "oh, and Fairlyn? We have company." and places me down beside her. I look around, not seeing anything new, but I can feel someone's muzzle pushing up against my butt, and that strange but wonderful feeling of warmth from down between my legs again, and it's getting stronger this time. I look behind me, it's a grey fox male feral, he's kinda cute and for whatever reason I like the way he smells. He smiles and places both front paws on my back before pulling himself up on top of me and he says, "relax, I know what you need, Fairlyn. And I'll happily give it to you." I'm just about to ask what me means when I can feel him crawl all the way up on top of me and I can feel something thick and warm pushing into that warm place down between my hind legs. I finally realize I'm a female feral but I don't care right now. It feels way too good to even worry about such thinsg right now. the silver fox pushes himself up on top of me before pushing his shaft deeper into my warm and wet nethers, apparently really enjoying the arctic fox under him, perhaps even liking the fact that she's in heat right now. I surrender completely, dropping my chest and head down against the grass, moaning as I can feel him pinning me, making sure I can't move until he's done with me. I don't really mind that at all. He let out a moan as he pushes his shaft as deep inbto me as he can, howling out as he, I assume by his howling and the feeling of something growing inside of me now, is busy knotting with me, and still fully in control of me. I can feel him moan out and sometihng is flowing out of him and into me. My body reacts to that. I can feel my heat spreading from my nethers and into the rest of my body. It feels wonderful, nice and warm. The warmth seeps out of me slowly, leaving me feeling like I'm wrapped in cotton candy. A bit later still and I still feel like I'm wrapped in cotton candy and the silver fox is murring softly, his knot locking us together still, and making sure either of us ain't moving any time soon. Silvara smiles and moves in closer to us, rubbing my muzzle softly as she says, "you two are so adorable, so soft." She smiles, pulling us both closer in towards her nethers, "and so about to become part of me." I eep and try to get up, but my body refuses to react. The silver fox seems to like the idea as I can feel his teeth sinking into my neck, reminding me that I'm under his control and I can smell his arousal, it's getting stronger. Silvara smiles and slowly pull us both in against her, my muzzle slowly pushing her netherlips open as it got showed inside by the coyote. She really isn't wasting any time, her hand down and pushing my frontpaws in between her netherlips before pushing my head the rest of the way into her nethers. The grey fox refuses to let go of me and so he gets pulled in alongside me. He didn't seem to be minding getting pulled inside at all, in fact, he's murrling louder than before. He's actually enjoying getting swallowed by her netherlips. She smiles, getting a better grib on my butt and proceeds stuffing me into her. I can feel her netherlips closing around my tail, and my lover's butt before pulling us both inside, finally trapping me and the grey fox in her womb. He doesn't seem to mind at all, But he is finally pulling out of me. I soon realize he's still horny as he pushes his shaft in between my netherlips agaion, and, unfortunately for me, Silvara's womb is too tight for me to even consider moving. I can feel my heat returning, threatening to leave me as a feral, but my partner doesn't seem to stop anytime soon..
it's a lazy weekend, I'm just sitting and watching tv. it's the usual so there's not anything interesting in tv. Someone slips over behind me. I don't reaize it until I hear someone giggling. I look up, and I just m,anage to see a yellow blur before I hear someone giggling while turning off the tv. I look back in the direction of the tv. Once again catching a view of that strange yellow blur. I sigh and smile, "ok, stop stand still, you two." Immediately the yellow flashes stops moving and I see two jolteons in front of me, both of them completely nude. Just like all the other pokemon, I have seen arouns here. I think to myself with a smile. they are both kinda short. Athletic and one of them is really slim with small breasts, flat belly and a small and cute butt. That one is called Blitz. Her partner is about half a head higher, quite a bit bigger breasts, a slightly round belly and a very nice and firm looking butt. She's called Jolt. They both smile at me softly, neither of them saying anything. I smile back at them softly, "you two are bored I suspect.. am I right?" They smile and nod softly, "we're really bored. You angry because we turned off the tv?" I smile and shake my head, "not at all. You just have to entertain me, you know.." they look at each other, "And how would we do that..?" The way they smile tells me that they have a few ideas already. I slowly sit up as I smiling at them both, "you know what a feral is, right?" Blitz looks up at her partner, "a feral?" she falls silent, trying to think back to remember what it is. She finally continues, "isn't it someone that either has the mind or the body of an animal?" I smile and nod, holding up two bottles with a clear liquid in each of them, "you two want to guess what's in those bottles?" Blits grabs one and Jolt grabs the other one as she says, "I bet it's something that turns us into ferals." She smiles at me as she yanks open the bottle and empties it in one go. Blitz looks at Jolt before looking down at the bottle in her hand. She finally smiles at me softly, "I'll just watch her transformation, ok?" I smile softly, "sure, but you are drinking it afterwards, even if I have to gag you and force it down your throat." I sent her a playfully smile, letting her know I'm currently treating her as a disobedient pet, and far frong serious with her. She smiles back at me softly before we both goes over to watching Jolt. She's dropping down to all four as her hands and feet are getting turned into front and hind paws respectively. It isn't painful at all, it's mostly like feeling a warmth flowing through your body. I speak from experience here and the funniest thing is that your new form feels more natural you than your old form does after a bit. Her arms and legs shift into that of a feral jolteon as her neck gets pulled in against her shoulders. Leaving a feral jolteon with me and Blitz. I smile at Blitz, "now it's your turn." she looks at me, "you promise it won't hurt?" "I promise" I reply with a soft smile as I grab the feral jolteon and pull her into a very tight hug, her butt pushed in between my legs her chest pushed in against my chest and her muzzle push in against the side of my head, she's murring softly, clearly enjoying this. Blitz whines as she looks over at me, suddenly feeling very left out. She takes a snap decision and empties the bottle. I smile and have her pushed in against me in a really tight hug before she even gets a chance to swallow the liquid. I hug her tight as I whisper, "you don't have to swallow it if you don't want to, you know.." She smiles at me as shew swallows it and settles in against me, letting the change rush in over her, leaving me with two feral jolteons pushed in against me. I smile down at them both. "So, how are my girls here enjoying themselves now?" They both grin up at me and I can feel someone's paw rubbing against my shaft as they both reply, "yeah, we really are enjoying ourselves. Fairlyn. This feels so much better than first expected" I smile and shake my head softly, "which one of you is it I need to make sure gets screwed?" Blitz has a bit of blush as she stops her teasing. I smile and place them both on the bed before asking the other jolteon, "you want to just snuggle with me, yes?" She smiles and nods, "that sounds wonderful, my alpha." I smile and gets up on all four before crawling up on top of Blitz, "I seem to remember you wanting a bit of attention?" Blitz blushes a dark red but she does spread her hind legs. I smile and grab Jolt's hips and pull her down in front of Blitz, "you two ready for a bit of entertainment?" Blitz nods very eagerly, "YES!" her partner just nods and smiles up at me, "I am ready for a bit of fun." I nod and crawl forward, my shaft pushing it's way into Blitz's nethers as I grab jolt's hind legs and start pulling them both in under me. Blitz moans happily, her legs spread apart to give me full access to her nethers. Jolt it also spreading her legs and lifting her tail, letting me and Blitz get a good look at her nethers. They are both looking very wet and pretty loose. I grab Blitz's muzzle with one hand, and Jolt's back gently before i start pulling them in against eachother. "are my girls here liking each other?" They smile at each other before looking back at me, sending me a smile, "we sure are." I smile and lay back before turning Blitz around so we are facing eachother and then I slowly ease her down over my shaft again. Blitz moans happily as I can feel her juices running down my shaft. I smile and run a hand down Blitz's back softly, feeling her spiky fur pushing in againsty my fingers. I then call Jolt over, and lifts her up. Blitz looks up, wondering what I'm up to. I smile as I hold Jolt up and slowly push her down towards my shaft, Jolt's nethers opening up and taking Blitz's muzzle inside her. Jolt moans happily, her tongue hanging out of her mouth and her juices running down Blitz's muzzle and head at the moment. Blitz is looking surprised but she seems to really enjoy this, being stuck between my shaft and Jolt's nethers. I smile and nod at Jolt as I force Blitz's head all the way into Jolt's nethers. Blitz push her front paws up towards Jolt's netherlips. At first I think She's about to try to pull herself out of Jolt's nethers. But Blitz slowly pushes her front paws into Jolt's now very wet nethers. Jolt's nethers are now looking a bit tighter, her juices running down Blitz's neck and front paws, slowly soaking her fur in the other jolteon's lovejuices. I smile at Jolt "is she good?" she moans, nodding eagerly. I smile a bit wider, "you want to feel her pushing around all the way inside you?" Jolt nods eagerly, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. I push up into Blitz's nethers as I push Jolt down, Jolt's nethers are really lose and her juices are really running down Blitz's fur now, soaking her completely. I keep on pushing until Blitz is completely contained inside of Jolt's nethers. I then reach down, rubbing jolt between her hind legs and feeling as blitz gets pushed in throught her birth channel and into her womb as her netherlips is finally letting go of my shaft. I smile and rub Jolt's pregnant belly softly. "so, how is it?" Jolt smiles and snuggles in against me, "it really feels great, thanks for showing us, Fairlyn."
it was getting late one evening. It was already dark outside and the shadows were already growing longer. I'm sitting with a book. Busy reading and not noticing anything. The shadows are getting thicker and they seem to be swallowing the room slowly, working their way up towards the chair I'm sitting in and the small lamp beside me. I finally realize that something's going on when the shadows completely engulfs the lamp, rendering the room in complete darkness. I shake my head and look around, seeing nothing. I slowly get up, but end up pushing in against something soft, warm and fuzzy before something showed me back into the chair forcefully. Looking up, I see a pair of green eyes and a smile, showing off some very white and very sharp looking teeth. I do the only sensible thing in such a situation. I scream like a little girl while trying to claw my way out through the back of the chair. A few seconds later and the lights comes back on and I see a black vixen smile back at me. She has 5 tails hovering behind her and it seems the shadows is trailing her tails. I just stare back at her, not sure how to react to her just yet. She steps closer and I realize she's one of those females that finds clothing a bother, something you just shouldn't bother with at all. She's completely nude. She has some nice looking breasts, flat belly and nice round hips. I gulp and smile back at her softly, "hi Darkie." she grins "You remember me!" She steps closer, the sway in her hips helping her distrract me from her predatory smile. I look at her, seeing nothing over her breasts and nothig lover under her upper legs, and I really like what I see. I murr approvingly as she steps closer and run one of her legs up along mine before she starts crawling up into the chair with me. I lean forward, feeling very intriqued by the two white and fuzzy orbs hovering just in front of me. Darkie smiles sloftly, still grinning just a bit as she runs her hand down my chest and push me into the chair again. I murr happily, my eyes still on her breasts as I reach out, my arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her breast in against my muzzle. I love breasts, and those looks just wonderful from up this close. Darkie smiles and leans forward, her breasts ending up resting on my muzzle as she teasingly asks "you like those, fairlyn?" I nod eagerly and rub my muzzle against her breasts. Darkie grins as she grabs the back of my head, "you want to feel them really close?" Having no idea what she's hinting at, I nod eagerly. Darkie grins and pushes me into her chest. I don't get stuffed into her breasts. I can feel my muzzle siding in along something tight and wet and I can feel some kind of fluid pushing out along my muzzle. I try to pull away weakly, wondering where she was trying to stuff me now. I see her right breast in front of me, her right nipple looking bigger and in the process of swallowing my muzzle. Darkie gring even happier, smiling wider as she grabs the back of my head and, with one nice push, forces my head and chest into her breast. "ah, ahh ah. You aren't getting away from me this time." Sounding very playful. I eep and try to pull away again, but too late, she already have one hand on my butt, and the other hand locked around my wrists, making sure I couldn't even try to escape from her. Darkie took her time, but a few minutes later she stuffed my feet into her nipple, leaving the tip of my tail outside her now much smaller nipple. Darkie smiles, rubbing her much bigger breasts as she heads out, looking for some more fun. a bit later. It could be 5 minutes or it could be a few days later, knowing Darkie I suspect it's the latter. I can feel myself getting pushed out of Darkie's breast, my muzzle just pushing out of her nipple so I can see a bit. I can see another blackfurred kitsune looking at me. She's grinning and getting closer to my muzzle. She looks a bit like Darkie, just younger, a bit more athletic looking with a bit smaller breasts. I already know she's Voia, Darkie's daughter. Voia grins and grabs my muzzle with one hand, her other hand rubbing along my muzzle as she looks up at her mother, "can I have him?" "Sure thing, hun!" Darkie grins back at her daughter. Voia grins even wider as she slowly forces my muzzle back into Darkie's breast, trapping me in her again, "mother needs you in there to prepare you for me." I can't do anything in there, it's too tight abnd I'm getting squeezed into a ball, unable to do anything but to let her carry me. I can feel her milk starting to rise and cover me completely. It feels strange against my fur, almost like I can't feel the parts of me her milk has covered. I finally realize she's turning me into more of her milk. A bit later and Darkie is sitting down, Voia pulled in against her. Her daughter's head pushed in against the breast that's currently safekeeping me. Voia smiles and leans in closer, her lips slowly closing around Darkie's nipple and start feeding from her breast. Her hands wrapping around Darkie's chest tightly. Darkie smiles, pulling Voia in against her tightly. her muzzle reaching down and rubbing her daughter between the ears, getting in a few gentle licks too. I can feel as my now liquified body gets forced out of Darkie's breast, past her nipple, and into Voia's waiting mouth. Voia is very eager. She swallows just as soon as she can taste just a bit of me on her tongue. She's more interested in dominating and keeping me inside of her than she is in tasting me. A few moments later and Voia is snuggled in against her mother happily. Both kitsunes has their hands on Voia's bigger belly. Darkie smiles, rubbing her daughters belly as she asks, "Daughter. You got someone in your belly you are planning to play with, how would you go about getting him ready to be your playtoy?" Voia smiles and closes here eyes, "reform him, preferably somewhere I can keep him under control, and make sure he can't escape until you're ready to handle him. Somewhere like my womb, I would think..." Darkie nods and smiles "that sounds like quite an idea." I can feel myself reforming inside a wet and tight room, and I can't really move around that easily. The room starts getting even tighter and I end up squeezed in against something wet and fleshy, I'm pretty sure it's her cervix, it feels like it is at least. I keep getting squeezed, at this point it feels like my legs are trying to become part of my chest and belly, when it finally opens, and I get showed out and into her tight birth channel. Voia is halfway laying back, her head pushed in between her mother's breasts and her upper back pushed in against Darkie's belly. Darkie is holding both hands on her daughters belly as she keeps whispering softly "it's ok, he's almost out now!" I keep getting pushed out, my waist is currently getting squeezed by her cervix, almost as if her body isn't ready to let go of me yet. I do the only thing I can think off. I show her how grateful I am of being in the current situation. I dig my hands in against her inner walls, making sure I'm stuck, as I reach up and start licking her inner walls, looking for that magic spot I know she has. Darkie, sensing what I'm up to. It's probably kind of easy to figure out what is going on when someone is moaning and howling, and just sounding like they are about to orgasm. She places both hands on her daughters big belly and whispers a few words in an old language. Immediately Voia's expression changed from one of pain to someone that's really enjoying herself, her moans getting a bit louder and more insistent. I'm suddenly getting squeezed tighter, and, to my big surprise, she's just holding me tight, refusing to let go. I go back to doing what I was planning on all along. I return to licking her sweet spot. Her reaction is her inner walls getting even tighter and a bit moister now. Darkie smiles, her hands down and playing with her daughters nipples as she whispers, "give in and let your orgasm envelop and swallow you both. That's what he's working towards.." Voia nodded and finally gave in to her more sexual desires. The young kitsune let out a deep howl, filled with her fullfilled desires and pleasures. Her legs pushing in againsrt each other tightly, not wantting to let the source of her pleasure escape from her now. I can't hear what Darkie's telling Voia, I can just feel Voia's inner walls squeeze me tightly, making sure I can't move. Her juices was creating a little pool around my lower body. After Her orgasm hit said pool is getting filled surpringly fast, my lower parts already fully submerged in her juices and my head and chest was slowly but surely getting soaked and covered in her juices. A few moments later and I'm just barely holding my muzzle out of her juces as I hope she'll do something with me pretty soon. Darkie is still feeling Voia up. Her hands still on her breasts and her tails pushing in against her nethers playfully as she whispers, "you have to decide if you're keeping him or letting him go now, hun." Voia moans, her hands down and ruybbing her belly "he's a keeper!" Darkie nods an giggles, "then pull him back in, sweetie." Voia nods, blushing and looking a bit eager. I suddenly gets pulled back into her womb, her cervix closing extramely quickly, I just have time to pull my hands in next to the rest of me before her cervix closes tightly, trapping me in her womb again. Darkie smiles and places a hand on her daughters now very pregnant looking belly, "I'm going to do this part for you, hun. It's the first time and I don't think you want to screw this part up." Voia nods, letting Darkie take care of this part and focusing on what she's doing. Darkie places both hands on her daughters belly and whispers a few words. I feel something pushing me in against her. I push back out and realize her walls are closing in on me pretty tightly. I'm suddenly feeling a strange warmth spreading from my belly and out, engulfing the rest of my body. It makes me so very sleepy for some reason. Darkie smiles and hugs her daughter closely, "congratulations, hun. Enbjoy your pregnancy." Voia smiles and rubs her already much smaller belly, "thanks, mom." Darkie giggles, holding her daughter in against her tightly, "I'm so proud, hun!" Voia smiles and leans into her mother's embrace, "thanks for showing me how to do this, mom! I'm going to enjoy fairlyn like this too!" Darkie smiles and rubs Voia's ears softly, "I'm sure Fairlyn would be very happy to hear that, if he wasn't already part of you."
I'm out camping by myself. Needed a bit of time away from it all, just me and the big open forest. I'm busy collecting firewood for a small campfire when I see someone walking past out there, They are walking like they don't really know where they are headed at the moment. I get up and call out, "hello, you know where you are going.. You seem rather lost.." She turns her head looks over at me, looking pretty lost. She's a red fox with long dark red hair that turns to black towards the tip. Her violet eyes looking me over and then looking to the right of me, like she won't look at me for some reason. I walk closer over to her, dropping my firewood and looking her over, she's pretty cute and she has her tail wrapped around her for some reason. It just makes her look even more vulnerable. I smile at her softly, "I'm Fairlyn, And you are?" She looks back, looking at me and smiling a bit before looking away again, "I'm kemi." I smile and step closer to her, she's just as adorable up close. "I got a tent and a campfire not far from here, can I offer you a bit to eat or drink?" She smiles at me, looking happy yet confused, "I.. I would love to.." I smile and pick up the firewood with one hand before taking her hand with my other hand, "It's right over here." before leading her over towards my tent and smiling at her softly, "so, Kemi. I hope you're hungry.." she smiles and shakes her head, "not that much, nope." her growling belly telling me she's just a bit hungrier than she said. I smile and pull her in against me before wrapping an arms around her tightly, "you don't mind a bit of bodily contact, right?" she blushes a dark red as she stammers something before finally just shaking and settle in against me a bit harder. I smile and rub her arm softly, "I take that as I can just continue." she smiles just a bit as she looks at me again. I smile, pointing at the tent and fireplace, "you just settle down and watch the fire and I'll prepare something for us both." She smiles and nods, "watch the fire? I can do that." I smile and place the firewood next to her, "sounds good to me." Before slipping into the tent. She smiles, watching the fire, and just doing her best to keep it going. A few minutes later and I walk out, holding a small frying pan. I settle down and start heating it while still watching her with a smile. She's still very shy. She's clearly not sure how to deal with me. I smile and go back to focusing to what I'm cooking. A bit later and I'm done cooking. I pour up into two bowls and settle down beside her and offers her one of them. She smiles, finally meeting my gaze for a moment before looking away as she takes the bowl I offered her. We eat in silence, she's still too shy to really look up at me. After dinner and I'm slowly moving in against her again. she smiles softly and, realizing what I'm up to, slowly moves in against me. It seems she's used to people doing this with her after all.. I murr softly as I settle in against her, running one hand down her leg as I smile at her softly, "what are a girl like you doing in a forest like this?" She smiles at me softly, and she seems to wondering how to respond. She finally just looks up at me and smiles softly, "I'm out camping." I grin, happy to have her be able to be joking a bit at least, and run my hand up her legs a bit, "have you met any interesting people out here yet?" she giggles a bit, seemingly content with my little roleplay here, "I met this strange kitsune. he has pure white fur." she smiles and leans in against me, not close enough to touch me but close enough that I can take in her scent, "And his eyes.. They can't decide if they're green or blue.." I smile and lift my hand from her leg and start rubbing her side instead, "and what do you think of this kitsune, Kemi?" she smiles and places a hand on my hand, seemingly happy with letting me take my time, "he seemed kinda cute, and I think he likes me.." she smiles and looks at me, "and I like he treats me as an equal and not as a sex toy.." I nod and smile, "sounds like a nice guy to me.." before leaning in and pushing my lips against hers ever so softly, just want to push myself on her a bit and see how she reacts to it. She closes here eyes and murrs softly, not really pulling me deeper into the kiss, but she's not pull away either, which is a good thing. I smile and push in against her as I open my mouth slightly and tilt my head, pulling her deeper into my kiss, and showing her what I think about her. She murrs and finally wraps her arms around me. I keep the kiss going for a bit longer before pulling away. I smile at her lovingly, "say.. is it just me or is it getting cold out here?" She smiles and nods, having no problem seeing what I'm trying to do, and deciding to play along.. She figures I won't push her into something she's not comfortable with, at least going from the way I'm currently acting. "It is getting kinda chilly out here" She says as she sends me a smile. I smile and look over at my tent, "I got a nice and warm sleeping bag in there. Unfortunately, I only got one, so we would have to share.." before looking back at her, a light blush visible. She smiles and looks me over, "I guess I could share a sleeping bag with you for one night." I nod and get up, setting down inside the test and start undressing as I say, "oh, and I usually sleep in the nude.." She smiles but doesn't respond, just rustling around outside the tent. I figure she just needs a few minutes to get used to that little idea. A few minutes later, I'm in the process of pulling off my boxers when she steps into the tent to me. I slowly turn around as I say, "I hope you're still ok with me sleeping in the nude?" O just never get a chance to ask her as I realize, when I turn around. She's nude and sitting beside me, and if I lean in a few inches more, I'd have my muzzle buried in her cleavage. I really would't mind that, but I want to save it for when we both get into the sleeping bag. I smile and open the bag as I smile up at her, "you want to join me in bed?" She smiles, still blushing, her tail wrapped around her waist tightly, and it doesn't really cover anything, especially not her slightly open netherlips or that very cute looking butt. She's standing and I'm sitting, and I have to wonder if I should tell her she's really flashing me and that her tail really isn't helping her hide anything from me. I end up settling for petting the sleeping bag next to me with a smile, "come and sit down, ok?" She smiles and settles down beside me, "you seen me, you still want to share your sleeping bag with me?" I smile at her softly, "after seeing you like this. I really want to see you in my sleeping bag when I turn in for the night." I grin and lean in towards her. "You know, seeing you sending me a teasing smile. Telling me I'm going to be doing more than just sleep that night." she smiles back at me a bit uncertain. I smile and lean in against her, "we could take it slow, start with a hug and a kiss, and see how far you're willing to take it?" She smiles and starts sliding her feet into the sleeping bag, her legs following easily. I can't help but admire how slender her legs is. She smiles, stretching out, as she pets the place beside me, "now it's your turn, sweetie." I nod and giggle, as I slide my legs in beside hers, accidentally rubbing my legs against hers. she smiles back at me softly, not really sure what to do right now. she still want me, but she doesn't want to push me. I smiley as I lean in against her. she smiles, pulling in against me but she's still acting a bit shy. I murr softly as I place a hand on her left breast, squeezing it gently, as I lean in and kissing her directly on her lips. She murrs softly as she leans into the kiss. One of her hands suddenly run down my back before she very gently pull me in against her. I smile and giggle softly before pulling her all the way into the sleeping bag with me, and just running my hands down her back. She smiles up at me, "so, what do you want to do?" I smile down at her softly, "I think I want to just get to know you better now.." Before running a hand down over her breast. She smiles and reach up, rubbing my muzzle before reaching up and starting to play with my ears, apparently liking how soft they feel. I murr softly and pull in against her, pushing my muzzle in and licking her neck softly as my hands run down her back. she lets out some very happy moans as she digs her fingers into my back. I smile and lean in, nibbling on her neck softly as I grab her breasts,m and really dig my hands into them. She howls out loudly and happily, her fingers really digging into my back now. I smile and murr, moving down and running my tongue over her shoulder and further down until I'm rubbing my muzzle against her nipple. She lets out some happy moans, her hands grabbing the back of my head and my upper back, holding me in against her tightly. She apparently really likes feeling me doing this with her. I murr in return and keep rubbing my muzzle against her nipple. I grin happily as I can feel my muzzle getting wet. I got a nude girl in my bed, well technically it's a sleeping bag, and she's lactating. I murr softly in return as I close my lips around her nipple and start sucking on it. She murrs and reached down, rubbing my muzzle lovingly. I don't realize what she's triggering within me, as I'm too busy feeding from her. a strange warmth spread out from my belly and out into the rest of my body. it's a nice and familiar kind of warmth, and I'm not really paying attention to it. I murr and pull myself into a fetal position as the heat slowly gets stronger. Kemi smiles and holds me in against her tighter, her hands running down and digging into my fur as she comments, "oh my, you look just adorable now, Fairlyn." I raise my head and look down at myself, wondering what she's talking about. I see the body of a small feral, his three tails wrapped around him securely. That little arctic fox is me, and she likes petting me. She grins and push me into her soft fur as says, "you're surprisingly soft and adorable, you know that? I could just gobble you all up, you know.." I tilt my head, looking up at her, "I actually have something I want to try, if it's ok with you?" She lifts me up, kissing my forehead before placing me back down on her belly, "as long as it means you stay like that, then sure!" I nod and murr happily as I make my way down her belly and poke my head down between her legs. She giggles, having lifted the sleeping bag so she can see just what I'm up to. "hey, what are you up to down there, little guy?" I murr and grin up at her before crawling down and looking closer at her netherlips. They look nice, slightly open and they look so very inviting. Like they are almost begging me to make my way in there. I place my front paws on her netherlips and slowly opens her before sliding my muzzle into her nethers. They are as expected, feeling nice and tight, and just a bit moist. she giggles and moans out softly as she spreads her legs for me, and says. "Hey, what are you doing there little guy, are you sure that's supposed to go in there?" I push in deeper, both because I really like her smell, and the way her inner muscles closes around me. I get my muzzle and my head into her. She moans and wraps her tail around me tightly before she starts cramming me even deeper into her, her earlier worries suddenly forgotten. I barely have time to pull my front legs in against me before her hungry inner walls swallow me. My muzzle up against her cervix shortly as her inner walls start crushing me tightly before slowly pulling me deeper into her, my chest and belly disappearing into her. I can't stop her nether region from swallowing me, even if I wanted to, but I really don't want to stop her from swallowing me. I like the place I'm heading to too much to even try fighting it. My hind legs and tail disappears up into her as my head and from paws finally pushes out into her womb. Kemi places her hand on her growing belly and start rubbing softly, liking this strange new feeling. I pull my hind legs into her womb before curling up, wrapping my tail around my small fuzzy body as I watches her cervix closing, trapping me inside of her. I murr softly and settle in, really getting comfy now. "Are you enjoying this as much as I am?" she smiled, feeling and rubbing her big belly happily, "Is this how is it to be pregnant?" I smile and rub out against her belly, "almost, you want to feel what it's like to be pregnant?" She smiles and nods happily, "oh, sure! does it feel this good?" I nod and smile, "I bet it does." And close my eyes as I can feel an umbilical cord link us both together.
it's late one night. I'm outside, lying down and looking up at the full moon, and absolutely not paying attention to anything going on around me at all. And as such, I don't hear the sounds of someone pretty big and on four paws slowly sneaking up on me. Finally I realize I'm not alone as I see something hovering just barely in my field of vision and asking, "uhh.. Hello?" I look over in that direction at whoever was talking to me. It's some kind of small foxlike doll, and it's wearing a mask too.. It's looking a bit nervous. I'm not sure how a plush, and it's wearing to boot, can look worried, but it is.. I smile at it softly, looking at the grey fur coming out from under it, it seems it's sitting on a greyfurred tail. "hey, why are you so worried?" It smiles and pulls in closer, resting it paws on my muzzle, "worried, who's worried? I'm not worried." I smile and nod, still lying down and looking at it, "ok, you're not worried then." I hear another voice say, "he is worried, he just don't want to show it.." It looks like another doll, almost identical to the first one, this one is just wearing a green mask where the first one is wearing a red mask. The first one glares at the second one of them, "I'm not scared!" The other one smiles back, "sure you aren't.." The first one nods, not noticing the other plush is being sarcastic. I sit up and smile at them both, "ok, what are you guys out here for?" They both move in, hovering ion front of my muzzle, "can we request something from you" the first one asks. The second one clarifying, "we just want to get you to stand up." I nod and get up, smiling at them both, "ok, I'm standing up, anything else?" I don't get a response, but I can suddenly feel someone pushing in against my back. I turn around, and the first thing I see is a few more of those strange puppets, the second thing I see is a fox, feral, grey fur, and she's wearing a mask too. I smile at her softly, "hey Ninetails, I figured those were yours.." as I point at the puppets. she smiles and nods softly, "yeah, it's just me, nothing to be afraid of, nothing at all.." I smile and nod softly, "sure.." looking around as I suspect she's up to something. Ninetails just smiles back at me, letting out a small giggle as I feel some kind of fluid land on my muzzle, "try looking up, Fairlyn?" I'm stretching out just as she says it. I can feel my hands slide into something moist, slippery and strangely warm. I do as she says and look up. I quickly realize the moist thing my hands was pushed into was Ninetails's nethers, as her netherlips is slowly running down, swallowing my hands. I eep and is just about to pull back, trying to get my hands out of Ninetails love channel. Unfortunately, if you really didn't like unbirth, I suppose. Ninetails is faster, and she simply sits down. I'm suddenly surrounded by her pulsing wet inner walls, and I can feel her muscles working undeath it. My fur getting drenched and soaked as her inner muscles is keeping me completely still, she's so much stronger than me, and there's already too little space to really move around. Ninetails gets up, murring softly as my feet and tails gets swallowed by her nethers, and soon only Ninetails know I'm in her. I of course try to move around a bit, but I soon stop when I realize my prison is getting quite a bit wetter, tighter, and warmer with every move I make. Ninetails gets up, stretching, squeezing me tightly in the process and getting a small moan out of me. She then smiles and whispers, "thanks for distracting him, guys." her tails smile and nod back, "no problem." Ninetails smiles and lets out some soft murrs as she starts heading over to wherever it is she's going to play with me. a bit later and I have drifted off, the tight and warm walls have finally left me exhausted enough to to easily fall asleep. I get awoken as I slowly get pushed out of her again, almost as if she really didn't want to let me out of her at all. Not that I really wanted to leave her now, she was way to comfy, and just nice feeling for me to want to leave her. But alas, in the end I get pushed out of her, out into the cold air surrounding us. I look around,m it seems to be an ornate bedroom, with a huge oldfahioned bed in the middle, taking up most of the room. It's a surprisingly comfy looking bed and Ninetails winks at me before slowly crawling up in bed and settling down. She's lying so I can see her slightly spread nethers and all four pair of nipples. I'm, sure she's doing it to lure me closer, but I don't care about that, I see a girl, and the first thing I think is that I must join her. she smiles and giggles, watching me as I turn around and start sliding my soaked pants off before pulling my T-shirt off. my boxers soon join them before I crawl up into bed with the bigger feral. my fur still a bit moist from the way she carried me here, but I figure she can keep me warm, among other things. Ninetails smiles and watches, just letting me crawl closer at my own speed. I mile and crawl up, snuggling in against her belly, sending her a smile before moving down and rubbing my muzzle against her nipple a few times, while waiting for her reaction. she smiles and slides a paw under me, before pulling my head in against her belly. I take that as a positive sign and close my lips around her nipple and start feeding. She smiles down at me softly, not sure how she's supposed to react to my show of trust and affection. A bit later and I'm done feeding, her milk was nice and pretty tasty, just with a strange aftertaste, not bad, just strange. I give her nipple a quick but passionate kiss before crawling down towards her hind legs, my fingers running through her fur, feeling her nipples before finally sliding my hands in between her hind legs and down, running my fingers down her netherlips, feeling she's still very moist down there, and pretty tight. I smile back at her, seeing her smile back at me. "You ready to go back in, Fairlyn?" I smile back at her as I slowly slide my hands into her wet and tight nethers. Feeling her juices rushing out and flooding in against my hands and upper arms, soaking them. I smile back at her again before crawling up, sliding my hands back out and then slowly pushing in and running my tongue over her netherlips slowly, teasingly. Tasting her and feeling her muscles working under my tongue. Her netherlips opening wide, giving me a very good look at her wet and pretty tight looking love tunnel. I smile and murr softly as I push myself a bit further down, and a bit closer to her netherlips before pushing my head in close, her scent is really strong this up close, she smells like a vixen in heat.. Before I finally start sliding my muzzle in between her open netherlips. Ninetails smiles down at me, seemingly happy that I'm finally deciding to head into her again. She seems like she's pondering forcing me into her again, one of her tails float in close and look at her. She smiles, still looking down at me, "what do you think? should I just push him back into me again?" her tail shakes it’s head, "nah, he seems really eager to get back into you, mistress. I think you should just let him tire himself out, that should mean he's going to stay around for so much longer.." Ninetails smiles and pulls her legs a bit further apart, causing her netherlips and lovetunnel to open up even wider. And that results in my muzzle suddenly hovering inside of the start of her love tunnel, as she's suddenly that much more open. She smiles and giggles softly, "seems you have to push in deeper, Fairlyn, dear." I nod softly, showing I have heard her, before pushing in deeper. her love tunnel finally closes around my muzzle tightly against when I can feel my shoulders pushing in against her netherlips. She smiles and shakes her head, "oh my, I was more open than I thought I was.." I pull a bit deeper in, my arms and hands running up over her inner walls, just feeling her wet and warm, pulsing muscles making sure I get in deeper, and kept warm. A bit later and I pull my belly and butt into her. Her walls closed around me, and keeping me inside her securely, making sure I can't get out again. The only way for me is deeper into her. I keep crawling deeper in, until my legs finally slide into her. Ninetails inner walls hugs me tightly, and as soon as my feet slip into her she howls out as she finally closes in on an orgasm. I suddenly can't move around as her walls are closed around me really tightly. I figure I can either just wait until her heat pass, or I can push her over the edge, causing her to orgasm. I know which one I'm going for. I grin and grind my body in against her inner walls, as I rub and lick around me. her inner walls feeling warmer and tighter and I can now feel her juices running down my muzzle, head and body, before settling in against my front. Her heartrate picking up as I can hear her moaning and breathing faster. And I know it's working now. I smile and murr happily, liking the feeling of me getting mashed and covered in her juices as she's surely reaching her orgasm. Ninetails is still moaning softly, a blush visible on her mask as she's just enjoying what I'm doing to her. One of her tails smiles and whispers, "isn't it better letting him do it, mistress?" Ninetails moans again as she nods, and pants softly now, too exhausted to even considering talking. I get rewarded for my hard work as Ninetails's orgasm floods over her and over me, literally. Her love tunnel starts getting flooded by her juices. I can't really do anything as her walls are hugging me tightly and really grinding in against me now. I can't help but let out a moan as her inner walls are massaging her juices, and her scent, into me, fur and a bit deeper too. I'm really feeling spent now, as I slowly get fed into her womb, my tail sliding in between her netherlips, and finally hiding me inside of her. I curl up into her womb, yawning, as I'm really feeling spent. Placing my tails over my muzzle as I prepare for a long stay. Ninetails settles down, and curls up around her belly before rubbing it with her muzzle. Her tails smiles, watching her. None of them saying anything, but they apparently like how she's acting and feeling now. Ninetails smiles and rubs her belly as she's apparently feeling different as she says, looking at her big belly, "I.. Think I'm pregnant.."
it's late one night. I'm outside, lying down and looking up at the full moon, and absolutely not paying attention to anything going on around me at all. And as such, I don't hear the sounds of someone pretty big and on four paws slowly sneaking up on me. Finally I realize I'm not alone as I see something hovering just barely in my field of vision and asking, "uhh.. Hello?" I look over in that direction at whoever was talking to me. It's some kind of small foxlike doll, and it's wearing a mask too.. It's looking a bit nervous. I'm not sure how a plush, and it's wearing to boot, can look worried, but it is.. I smile at it softly, looking at the grey fur coming out from under it, it seems it's sitting on a greyfurred tail. "hey, why are you so worried?" It smiles and pulls in closer, resting it paws on my muzzle, "worried, who's worried? I'm not worried." I smile and nod, still lying down and looking at it, "ok, you're not worried then." I hear another voice say, "he is worried, he just don't want to show it.." It looks like another doll, almost identical to the first one, this one is just wearing a green mask where the first one is wearing a red mask. The first one glares at the second one of them, "I'm not scared!" The other one smiles back, "sure you aren't.." The first one nods, not noticing the other plush is being sarcastic. I sit up and smile at them both, "ok, what are you guys out here for?" They both move in, hovering ion front of my muzzle, "can we request something from you" the first one asks. The second one clarifying, "we just want to get you to stand up." I nod and get up, smiling at them both, "ok, I'm standing up, anything else?" I don't get a response, but I can suddenly feel someone pushing in against my back. I turn around, and the first thing I see is a few more of those strange puppets, the second thing I see is a fox, feral, grey fur, and she's wearing a mask too. I smile at her softly, "hey Ninetails, I figured those were yours.." as I point at the puppets. she smiles and nods softly, "yeah, it's just me, nothing to be afraid of, nothing at all.." I smile and nod softly, "sure.." looking around as I suspect she's up to something. Ninetails just smiles back at me, letting out a small giggle as I feel some kind of fluid land on my muzzle, "try looking up, Fairlyn?" I'm stretching out just as she says it. I can feel my hands slide into something moist, slippery and strangely warm. I do as she says and look up. I quickly realize the moist thing my hands was pushed into was Ninetails's nethers, as her netherlips is slowly running down, swallowing my hands. I eep and is just about to pull back, trying to get my hands out of Ninetails love channel. Unfortunately, if you really didn't like unbirth, I suppose. Ninetails is faster, and she simply sits down. I'm suddenly surrounded by her pulsing wet inner walls, and I can feel her muscles working undeath it. My fur getting drenched and soaked as her inner muscles is keeping me completely still, she's so much stronger than me, and there's already too little space to really move around. Ninetails gets up, murring softly as my feet and tails gets swallowed by her nethers, and soon only Ninetails know I'm in her. I of course try to move around a bit, but I soon stop when I realize my prison is getting quite a bit wetter, tighter, and warmer with every move I make. Ninetails gets up, stretching, squeezing me tightly in the process and getting a small moan out of me. She then smiles and whispers, "thanks for distracting him, guys." her tails smile and nod back, "no problem." Ninetails smiles and lets out some soft murrs as she starts heading over to wherever it is she's going to play with me. a bit later and I have drifted off, the tight and warm walls have finally left me exhausted enough to to easily fall asleep. I get awoken as I slowly get pushed out of her again, almost as if she really didn't want to let me out of her at all. Not that I really wanted to leave her now, she was way to comfy, and just nice feeling for me to want to leave her. But alas, in the end I get pushed out of her, out into the cold air surrounding us. I look around,m it seems to be an ornate bedroom, with a huge oldfahioned bed in the middle, taking up most of the room. It's a surprisingly comfy looking bed and Ninetails winks at me before slowly crawling up in bed and settling down. She's lying so I can see her slightly spread nethers and all four pair of nipples. I'm, sure she's doing it to lure me closer, but I don't care about that, I see a girl, and the first thing I think is that I must join her. she smiles and giggles, watching me as I turn around and start sliding my soaked pants off before pulling my T-shirt off. my boxers soon join them before I crawl up into bed with the bigger feral. my fur still a bit moist from the way she carried me here, but I figure she can keep me warm, among other things. Ninetails smiles and watches, just letting me crawl closer at my own speed. I mile and crawl up, snuggling in against her belly, sending her a smile before moving down and rubbing my muzzle against her nipple a few times, while waiting for her reaction. she smiles and slides a paw under me, before pulling my head in against her belly. I take that as a positive sign and close my lips around her nipple and start feeding. She smiles down at me softly, not sure how she's supposed to react to my show of trust and affection. A bit later and I'm done feeding, her milk was nice and pretty tasty, just with a strange aftertaste, not bad, just strange. I give her nipple a quick but passionate kiss before crawling down towards her hind legs, my fingers running through her fur, feeling her nipples before finally sliding my hands in between her hind legs and down, running my fingers down her netherlips, feeling she's still very moist down there, and pretty tight. I smile back at her, seeing her smile back at me. "You ready to go back in, Fairlyn?" I smile back at her as I slowly slide my hands into her wet and tight nethers. Feeling her juices rushing out and flooding in against my hands and upper arms, soaking them. I smile back at her again before crawling up, sliding my hands back out and then slowly pushing in and running my tongue over her netherlips slowly, teasingly. Tasting her and feeling her muscles working under my tongue. Her netherlips opening wide, giving me a very good look at her wet and pretty tight looking love tunnel. I smile and murr softly as I push myself a bit further down, and a bit closer to her netherlips before pushing my head in close, her scent is really strong this up close, she smells like a vixen in heat.. Before I finally start sliding my muzzle in between her open netherlips. Ninetails smiles down at me, seemingly happy that I'm finally deciding to head into her again. She seems like she's pondering forcing me into her again, one of her tails float in close and look at her. She smiles, still looking down at me, "what do you think? should I just push him back into me again?" her tail shakes it’s head, "nah, he seems really eager to get back into you, mistress. I think you should just let him tire himself out, that should mean he's going to stay around for so much longer.." Ninetails smiles and pulls her legs a bit further apart, causing her netherlips and lovetunnel to open up even wider. And that results in my muzzle suddenly hovering inside of the start of her love tunnel, as she's suddenly that much more open. She smiles and giggles softly, "seems you have to push in deeper, Fairlyn, dear." I nod softly, showing I have heard her, before pushing in deeper. her love tunnel finally closes around my muzzle tightly against when I can feel my shoulders pushing in against her netherlips. She smiles and shakes her head, "oh my, I was more open than I thought I was.." I pull a bit deeper in, my arms and hands running up over her inner walls, just feeling her wet and warm, pulsing muscles making sure I get in deeper, and kept warm. A bit later and I pull my belly and butt into her. Her walls closed around me, and keeping me inside her securely, making sure I can't get out again. The only way for me is deeper into her. I keep crawling deeper in, until my legs finally slide into her. Ninetails inner walls hugs me tightly, and as soon as my feet slip into her she howls out as she finally closes in on an orgasm. I suddenly can't move around as her walls are closed around me really tightly. I figure I can either just wait until her heat pass, or I can push her over the edge, causing her to orgasm. I know which one I'm going for. I grin and grind my body in against her inner walls, as I rub and lick around me. her inner walls feeling warmer and tighter and I can now feel her juices running down my muzzle, head and body, before settling in against my front. Her heartrate picking up as I can hear her moaning and breathing faster. And I know it's working now. I smile and murr happily, liking the feeling of me getting mashed and covered in her juices as she's surely reaching her orgasm. Ninetails is still moaning softly, a blush visible on her mask as she's just enjoying what I'm doing to her. One of her tails smiles and whispers, "isn't it better letting him do it, mistress?" Ninetails moans again as she nods, and pants softly now, too exhausted to even considering talking. I get rewarded for my hard work as Ninetails's orgasm floods over her and over me, literally. Her love tunnel starts getting flooded by her juices. I can't really do anything as her walls are hugging me tightly and really grinding in against me now. I can't help but let out a moan as her inner walls are massaging her juices, and her scent, into me, fur and a bit deeper too. I'm really feeling spent now, as I slowly get fed into her womb, my tail sliding in between her netherlips, and finally hiding me inside of her. I curl up into her womb, yawning, as I'm really feeling spent. Placing my tails over my muzzle as I prepare for a long stay. Ninetails settles down, and curls up around her belly before rubbing it with her muzzle. Her tails smiles, watching her. None of them saying anything, but they apparently like how she's acting and feeling now. Ninetails smiles and rubs her belly as she's apparently feeling different as she says, looking at her big belly, "I.. Think I'm pregnant.."
Krystal is sitting out in a tree and just looking out, enjoying the nice weather and the moment's peace she has right now. But she knew her partner would be chasing her prey close by soon. I'm out running, trying to keep Luca from getting on top on me again. Luca the Lucario is out, really enjoying chasing em around, and leading me over towards Krystal. I keep running forward, not realizing that Krystal has dropped down in front of me. I realize it when I run into her. I was too busy looking behind me to notice her, and my head is suddenly pushed in against her breasts. Krystal smiles at me, "look what I caught!" I eep and back away, somehow managing to fall backwards on my butt and start crawling away from her. Luca smiles and stops behind me, watching me crawl away from Krystal. I realize Luca has caught up to me when I feel my back pushing in against her legs. I look up and see her smile, her small cute breasts and her slightly spread netherlips. Luca smiles down at me as she bends over just a bit, "I know what you want.." Krystal smiles and steps over. She's prefers the tribal look again, and it looks very good on her. Even if it covers up her more interesting parts. I can't help but wonder how Krystal would look like with a pregnant belly. Luca picks up on that as she sits down, wrapping her arms around me as she grins up at Krystal, "He wonders what you would look like with a pregnant belly, you want to show him?" Krystal smiles and nods, stepping over towards us both, lifting up in the loincloth so I can see she's not wearing any panties. I surrender, leaning in against Luca, letting her do what she wants with me as I look up at Krystal, and her slightly spread nethers. Luca smiles and pulls my T-shirt off before licking my neck and rubbing my chest, just getting me to relax for her and Krystal. Krystal spreads her legs before slowly lowering herself down. Luca smiles, grabbing my muzzle before guiding it up in between Krystal's nethers. Krystal moans out softly before dropping down to her knees, my head and shoulders slipping into her wet and tight inner walls. Krystal's inner walls grab me, pulsing and dripping with juices. Making sure her juices gets massaged into my fur. Luca smiles and lifts me up just a bit before getting up and starting to rub Krystal's belly, "is he good?" Krystal moans and nods, "oohh yeah! He's wonderful!" Luca smiles and nods, "I'm going to help you get him all the way up into you!" before she slides her hands down Krystal's sides and pulls her loincloth off her. Krystal smiles and blushes a bit, smiling back at Luca. She's not used to this kind of attention, and not really sure how to react to it. Luca smiles at her, wrapping both arms around Krystal as she whispers, "just relax, ok?" Krystal nods and relaxes as best as she can. I can feel her inner walls relaxing and slowly letting go of me, leaving my soaked body ready to get pushed out even deeper into her warm, wet and tight nethers. Luca wastes no time in getting their trapped kitsune pushed up into her friend, as her reward for a hunt gone well. She grabs a tighter hold of Krystal and then slowly pull her forwards, her hungry nethers slipping down over my chest as my muzzle starts rubbing in against her still, annoyingly enough closed, cervix. Luca doesn't see me being unable to go any further as a problem, she just pushes harder. That results in my belly and part of my legs slipping up into Krystal, joining the rest of my soaked self in her wet cavern. Krystal moans out softly as she looks down at her growing belly, not sure how she's supposed to feel about this. Luca smiles at her softly, "stand up, hun, you're almost done now.." The bluefurred vixen nods and slowly gets up, my legs hanging out between her legs. Luca grins and sits down, grabbing my legs, rubbing and feeling me up before smiling at Krystal again, "relax hun." Krystal nods and relaxes. I can feel her walls loosens up around me just a bit, and her cervix opening right in front of me. Luca smiles and nods, "good girl!" before grabbing my feet and quickly showing the rest of me up into Krystal. My legs slipping up as my tails is the only thing poking out of her now. I pu8sh my head and chest up into Krystal's womb before managing to force my chest and belly up there too. Then it's just about to roll over on my back and pull my legs in against me, and watch as her cervix closes around my tail. 5 minutes later and it still hasn't closed around my tail so I decide to help her along. I reach down and start massaging it, trying top persuade it that what it really want is to close tightly around my tails. They finally agreed and closes around my ails, leaving enough space that I can pull my tails in of I want to, but not enough space for me to come back out. Luca smiles at Krystal, "so, how is he?" Krystal smiles back at the Lucario, a blush visible on her chins, "he's nice.. Are you sure he's enjoying it too?" Luca smiles and pushes in against Krystal, helping her getting the piece of cloth off that's hiding her breasts as she looks up at her, "how is he in there?" Krystal smiles back at her softly, looking like she had no idea what Luca was trying to tell her, "he's still.. I can feel his breathing.." Luca nods and smiles at her reassuringly, "and how would you describe said breathing?" Krystal smiles softly, "relaxed, he feels relaxed.." Luca smiles and nods, "and tell me what do you feel" as she gently takes Krystal's hands and places them on her big round belly. Krystal smiles softly, "he's.. Murring, I think.." Luca smiles and nods, "and what does that tell you about him?" Krystal smiles, sitting down and rubbing her belly, "that he likes staying in my womb and that he doesn't want to leave it.." Luca smiles and nods, sitting down and settling in against Krystal, "I think we had a very successful hunt!" Krystal smiles and nods, pushing Luca in against her, "I agree fully."
it's morning and I get woken up by someone crawling up and settling down on top of me. I yawn and slowly opening my eyes and is met by a pair of red eyes, surrounded by yellowing white fur, spreading out into that of a vixen. More specifically, that of a Ninetales. Flare smiles, kissing my forehead before crawling forward until I'm looking up between her legs. She has some nice netherlips and a cute little tail hole. She then lifts up in the sheets and pulls in under them alongside me. Her nude body pushing in alongside mine. This is one of those times I'm glad 'I sleep nude, for obvious reasons I should believe. Flare smiles and nods, settling in and just watching me. I look back at her for a few seconds before I finally realize I have a nude girl with me in bed. I smile and murr as I wrap my arms around her waist and shoulders, whispering, "come here you!" she giggles as she gets pulled in against me tighter, her breasts pushing in against my chest as she relaxes and lets me have my way with her. I smile and kiss her neck as I roll over, pinning her under me. I then slowly kiss my way down her shoulders and over her breasts, taking a quick break to let her regain her breath after the moans I just made her give off. A bit later and I pull her in against me, "there's something I want to try with you.." she smiles and murrs softly, shifting from her feral and back to her anthro form before stretching out, "mmhmm, I'll be right along I just need a shower first." I mile and murr, admiring her form and thinking back at what we just did as I see her slip out of the room. A bit later, I can hear the water running so I know I got a bit of time. I slip out of bed and pull on a loose T-shirt and a pair of boxers before heading out back. I see the big and greyfurred sleeping form of Ninetails lying leaned in against the wall and she appears to be asleep. You can never know with her. you Think she's asleep but when you look back at her you realize she's been watching you from behind that mask. This time she's watching, both her and the dolls on her tails. Don't ask me how they do it, they just do.. she smiles and nods as she sees me, "Hi Fairlyn." I smile, stepping closer and running a hand over her flank, "hey there, you big girl." she smiles and giggles, still watching me, her tails too.. I step closer, my muzzle inches from hers when I finally stop and smile nat her again. She's big enough to swallow me in one mouthful, which she has done on more than one occasion. she smiles, sitting still and watching me. I finally just lean in, my hands on either side of her head as I simply pull her into a kiss. she murrs as she suddenly pushes forward, pushing my down on my back as I locks me into the kiss, making sure I can't get up. I smile, grabbing her harder and really enjoying the kiss. A bit later and she pulls away, smiling at me softly, "still a great kisser I see.." I smile and nod softly, "you know it!" before pulling up so I'm standing up and leaning in against her, "say, mind pretending to be asleep when I get out here with Flare?" She smiles at me, "sure.. Want to tell me why?" I shake my head, "nahh, it's a surprise.." She nods and smiles, settling down and closing her eyes again. A bit later and Flare steps out back and heads over to me, whispering as she can see the sleeping feral beside me, "hey, you wanted to do what with me?" I smile at her before crawling in and lifting Ninetails tails before crawling over to her butt. Flare drops down and crawls after me. I smile, over at her, my hands slowly opening the bigger feral's netherlips slowly, "say, you're ready to try this with me?" she smiles, looking a bit uncertain, "you'll be there with me, right?" I smile and nod, "I'll be there, pushing my body in against yours when we both slip out of view, ok?" she smiles and nods, crawling up and settling down on top of me, "can we go in like this?" I smile and nod, before pushing her off, "sure, I just want to be nude then." she smiles and nods, reaching up and pulling off her bra, wanting to be nude when she's this up close against my nude body. I murr and watch her as I pull off my clothes. We're soon both nude and she's settling down on top of me again. My hands pushing up into the larger feral's nethers as I smile at Flare. Flare smiles back, settling in and wrapping her legs and all 9 of her tails around my legs as she slowly eases my shaft up between her nethers. I murr, kissing her softly before asking, "ready to slip in?" she nods and smiles, burying her head in my hair and wrapping her arms around me tighter, "I am now!" I smile and nod softly, "good" before slowly pulling us both up and easing or heads into her open love tunnel. It's pretty hard when you got your partner with you, and you can't use your feet. Our predatory feral moans softly as her inner walls start feeling just a tad moist. I smile, feeling Flare hugging me a bit tighter and shivering just a bit, she's still nervous about it all. I smile, kissing her neck softly before pulling up, getting our shoulders up and into her love tunnel, our chests and bellies quickly following after. Ninetails moans softly as she gets up, her inner walls closing around us and slowly pulling us both deeper inet her. I smile at Flare, "just relax and let her take care of the rest." She smiles back at me, nodding softly, "anything we can do to speed it up?" I smile and nod, sliding my hands down and rubbing her breasts as I push my muzzle against her in a kiss. Flare quickly picks up on what I'm doing as she pushes in against me, her tongue pushing into my mouth as she pulls my shaft deeper into her cavern. I murr and moan softly as I gently push into her nethers, forcing her backside up into the wet wall surrounding us. A few seconds later I pull away and look over at her, "how was that?" she smiles back at me, "it felt nice.. I could feel her walls push me back in against you softly, like she wants us to remain being interlocked like this too." I smile at her softly, "kiss me, then close your eyes, focusing on the sense of touch only. And we are going to take turns thrusting into the walls now too.." she smiles and nods, pulling me into a tight kiss before closing her eyes and pushing me into the soft fleshy walls surrounding us. Ninetails moans out softly as her inner walls pulls the rest of us into her love tunnel. Her netherlips closing tightly to keep us both trapped inside of her. Neither of us actually minds that at all, we are both too busy loving each other. Taking turns pushing the other one into the wet walls surrounding us, helping her close in on an orgasm again. The walls surrounding us was slowly but surely getting tighter, warmer and pretty wet to the touch now. I slam Flare into the walls one last time before feeling us all hit our orgasms. both e and Flare howl out as we suddenly cum together. And the bigger feral joins on it too, her inner walls closing around us tightly and pushing her lovejuices in against our bodies as we both got fed into her womb. I smile and nod softly at Flare as the cervix closes, locking us inside of her womb. "so, what do you think about this?" Flare smiled and murred, still holding me tightly. She didn't seem bothered to be soaked in lovejuices. She seemed to be enjoying it actually. "I love it, I love being this close to you, and knowing I got you all for myself, just you and me. My little fox!" I murr and smile, silently sending Ninetails and thanks, and a hope for her to keep us in here for a while at least..
I grin and crawl up behind ninetails, pushing her tails out of the way before ending up at her nethers. And what a glorious sight that was.. Her netherlips was slightly open, a bit moist looking with the juices slowly running down the parts of her inner walls I could see from my current location. Her walls shivering softly as I drop down and crawl closer. My muzzle was currently in the same height as her nethers, giving me a very good look at her inner parts, the way her walls shake and her nethers slowly open as she backs up. She knows I'm here.. I start backing up, shifting into my feral form as I do so. it's smaler and should have a harder time getting stuck in ther bushes or on the way up into a lady.. Ninetails just backs up furthewr, her spread nethers coming really up close to my muzzle now. I can smell her heat and feel the warmth hitting my muzzle and face now. part of me wants to shift back to anthro and try to mount her. It's harder than it sounds, she's a big girl and those 9 tails of her are just in the wrong space when you try to get up on top of her. The other half of me wants to push my way up into her wet and tight looking love tunnel. I keep backing up, not sure what else I can do. Ninetails keeps backing up, slowly and taking her time, enjoying this part of the hunt. I can feel something soft and fluffy as I keep backing up. Looking back I see it's one of her tails, and it's making sure I can't get any further backwards. I look back up, wanting to see how far her nethers was from my muzzle. As soon as I tuurnb my head I hear a wet splotch as she backs up again, her nethers pushing down alongh my muzzle, then over my head, forcing my ears back in against me before slowing down as her netherlips slide over my shoulders. I was wrong, her lovetunnel isn't moist. it's drooling wet, her juices are running down the sides and pooæing down in the middle. And that means, due to my current position, that my muzzle is slowly getting submerged in her lovejuices. I try to push either back out or at least deeper into her. Going out means IO donø't have to worry about getting submerged in her juices. Deeper into her means I can lift my muzzle up with the help of my front legs and paws. My struggling means I get pushed ibn deeper. I should have guessed I was going deeper into her, no way I'm gettiong away from her this har up into her. Ninetails was murring and really enjoying feeling my small body slowly push up deeper into her, and just fill her love tunnel up very nicely. She yips out in pleasure as her inner walls start sucking me in deeper, they appear to be getting tighter around me. I moan and murr as I start getting squished and pretty close to getting crushed by her, thank god she knows exactly how much I can take without breaking. Her wealls slowly relaxes before she settles down,. her chest resting on the grass and her hind legs still beeping her butt, and me, up in the air. That results in my small body slowly siding down deeper into her. Her wet walls giving me no chance to slow myself down, and ablolutely no chance of getting out of her now. I can only slide deeper into her, my hind legs sliding in after the rest of me as she startsa moaning louder. I think she's closing in on an orgasm now. I can only yelp out as her walls suddenly close around me tightly, making sure I'm not going anywhere as she starts whimpering. It starts slow with just a bit more seed running down her walls and against my fur. She gets very warm to the touch as she keeps squeeziung adn crushing me tighter and tighter, my tail looking puffy, the part of it you can see from outside at least. She finallæy cums, her warm walls closed around me tightly as she howls out. I get pushed into her womb as her orgasm slips over in the afterglow for her. I just have enough energy to surlk up in a ball and go to sleep. Not worrying about what's going to happen when when her cervi closes,m nor how I'm going to get out of here as I'm simply too tired..
Dusk, a long and slim black furred vixen with a shape that attracts looks form others, was out looking for something to do. I was out in my feral form, looking like an ordinary arctic fox with greenish blue eyes. I was out and just enjoying stretching out and being in this smaller form. Dusk was leaning in against the wall, her hands slowly running down her belly. She is completely nude and not bothered by it. Seems to be thinking of in a “I'm gorgeous why should I bother hiding that at all?” Kind of way. She lazily eyeing me as her hand slides down between her legs and starts rubbing along her nethers softly. "I wonder.." I'm looking over in the other direction, not really paying attention to her. I don't see her as anything to be afraid of. Dusk flashes a predatory grin before sitting down and smiling at me softly, making sure she's looking trustworthy. "Hey little guy, want to come closer so I can pet you?" I look up at her, deciding she's not looking that scary before happily padding over and looking up at her, my tail lifted high to show her how gorgeous and thick furred I was. She smiles and holds out her hand, showing me she's not dangerous and quite friendly. I sniff it, she smells nice, before moving in closer and rubbing my muzzle against her inner leg softly, trying to get closer to her. She murrs, stroking me before picking me up and holding me in against her breasts softly, pretending to let them swallow me. "Aren't you just the cutest little thing ever,?" I push my muzzle up, managing to get it up and poking out of her cleavage, trying to show her I liked the petting, and the place I was currently resting in against. she grins and whispers, "and I think you're just the right size!" I look up at her, having no idea what she means with that. She smiles and places me down between her legs and slowly, teasingly running my muzzle up along her netherlips, "you know what to do with those, don'tcha?" I look up at her before nodding eagerly and moving in, starting to lick her nethers softly and slowly. She moans and murrs softly as she leans in, panting a bit. "OOoohh, that's what I just needed, you're a real lifesaver, little guy!" I murr and look up at her, looking like I'm trying to ask her if there's anything else I can do to help her out. She nods and smiles, leaning down and opening her netherlips for me, "go inside and please a lady?" I nod, moving in closer and slowly pushing my tongue up into her. She smiles, picking my frontpaws up, "not exactly what I meant" before slowly pushing my head, front legs and chest up into her. I look around, wondering what I was supposed to do now. She relaxes and settles down, "ahh, I was right.. You are a great fit for a horny girl!" I just relax and feel her inner walls close in around me. She smiles, looking down at me for a few moments before reaching down and rubbing her nethers softly. Her walls grow moister as they start to close in around me and helping me really start to get wet now. She moans and nods softly, "that helped a lot!" before sliding her finger in and rubbing her clitoris softly. I can just feel as her inner walls grow so much tighter before starting to pull me in deeper, her juices slowly running down my fur and soaking me in the process. she smiles, pulling her legs in against eachother as she let out a long and pleasurable howl. My legs gets swallowed by her hungry sex before her inner walls close around me in a very loving, and extremely tight, hug. making sure I can't move at all. It's quite nice, actually. She finally howls out as she orgasms, her inner walls close around me tightly and stuffs me up into her womb and leaves her panting. She smiles, looking down at her bigger belly, "you feel great in there , hun! I'm going to keep you for a while in there!"
Blitz and Jolt, the jolteon twins were lying in bed, very close and snuggled in against each others nude bodies pretty tightly, tighter then just normal friends would be. Blitz smiles at her bigger sister, "want to fool around a bit?" Jolt nods softly, "well, want to go get our favorite feral first?" Blitz grins at her sister, she was hoping for that suggestion. "sounds like a wonderful idea, sis!" Jolt smiles and giggles as she pushes her sister out from under the sheets, "go and get him, I'll keep the bed warm for us.." Blitz nods and smiles naughtily as she, completely nude, sneaks over to the door and looks around outside. I'm outside. I'm an arctic fox anthro. One moment I¨m yawning, the next moment I'm down on my front with a very eager jolteon sitting on on my back Blitz settles in, her legs wrapped around mine tightly to make sure I couldn't move as she grabs my muzzle and very eagerly starts rubbing my muzzle. I eep and smile up at her. I can already feel my magic kicking in and forcing me to shift down to a cute little feral. Blitz smiles, standing up and holding me tightly as she whispers, "me and Sis are really going to play with you, our cute little feral.." I murr and look up at her, looking happy to be this close to a nude girl, and not really paying attention to what she's saying to me. She smiles at me, "we know where you'll fit in just right.." I nod. I think I know what they are talking about, and I suspect it could be pretty funny to try that with them. Jolt smiles at us as Blitz carries me into their room, "I got our feral!" She says proudly as she crawls up next to her sister. Jolt nods and smiles, "so.. who gets his front and who gets his back?" Her hands down and running over my body, "And I think he's just the right size. Just a tad bigger than our last experiment.." Blitz smiles and nods, "want to check, just to see how much bigger he is?" Jolt nods and murrs softly, picking me up and placing me between her legs, knowing fully that her nude body would keep me distracted enough. Blitz smiles and holds up a dildo. It's big and dark purple. And it looks like it has a knot on the middle of it. Blitz holds it down beside me, "he looks a bit bigger than it.. I'm looking forward to breaking him in with you.." Jolt grins and nods, "me too!" One of her hands is down and slowly guiding my muzzle and frontpaws up into her slightly open netherlips. Blitz settles down and starts playing with my tail. I eep out surpirsed and push my muzzle back out of Jolt. I manage to barely get it out, and in the process I can feel my butt slide up into something that's feeling wet and strangely warm. I glance back and see Blitz slowly pushing my butt up and into her nethers. Jolt grabs my muzzle, "you're going in me, I'll make sure of it!" before slowly pushing my muzzle up into her nethers. Her hands quickly grabbing my front paws and pushing them in beside my muzzle. I wriggle around weakly. their inner walls are slowly starting to feel pretty moist against my fur. The twins, having me exactly where they want me, grab eachothers legs and slowly pull in against each others bodies. They murr and smile happily as my small furry form slides out of view and their netherlips closes in against each other. I soon get pulled out of view as their nethers close in against each other in a wet slurping kiss, leaving me buried in their warm sex. I'm trapped inside the two ladies, their inner walls vibrating around me and they keep pushing juices out, soaking me and slowly filling the cavern I'm trapped in. Blitz moans out softly as she looks down at Jolt. Jolt smiles back at her little sister, "he's good?" Blitz moans and nods softly and a bit tiredly, "he's feeling great! I can feel his tail poking around in me!" Jolt smiles back, looking very pleased, "I can feel his breath hitting my inner parts, and it feels really amazing!" Blitz and jolt just looks at each other, both of them letting out a soft moan as they can feel me settle in inside of them. Jolt smiles at Blitz, "you want to make sure he stays for a bit?" Blitz Grins back and nods, "oohh, can we make sure he stays in us? Please?" Jolt wraps her legs around her sister's waistline tightly, "like this? to start at least!" Blitz nods, wrapping her legs around her sister's waistline too, "ok sis! I love the way you think!" Jolt smiles and nods, looking down at their bump, "want to help me get him to move around more, I doubt he's exhausted already?" Blitz nods as she lets out another soft moan, "he's feeling amazing so far! I bet he can feel even better tho.." Jolt grins and nods, slowly siding her hand down and rubbing her sister's nethers teasingly, "let's do this.. I bet we're going to hit one heck of an orgasm with him in there.." Blitz just leans back, releasing her legs from her sister a bit as she howls out loudly and hitting a high pitch. A few sparks is running over the Jolteon's fur. A clear sign she's close to orgasming now. Her inner walls are really warm and wet around me now. And they're closing around me tightly before slowly trying to pull me into her, like she wants to claim my small form for herself. Jolt clenches her inner walls around my chest as she grins at her sister, "come on sis, let me feel how much you want to feel him poking around in that most sacred of places!" Blitz howls out again louder now than before, her sparks getting more and more numerous now. Her cervix is opened and my tail is already inside her womb and my butt is slowly getting pulled in past her cervix now. Jolt giggles and relaxes, her inner walls letting go of me as she says, "you win Sis, enjoy your present!" I'm suddenly getting pulled back into the very wet cavern, past her cervix and pushed into her womb before her cervix closes after me tightly. Blitz pants and murrs softly, riding the remains of her orgasm and just enjoying feeling her full womb. Jolt smiles at her sister softly, pulling off before crawling up and settling down beside her, "how does he feel?" One hand rubbing her bigger belly. Blitz moans and murrs softly as she snuggles up against her sister, "I.. I love having him in me like this!" Jolt smiles and nods, "I think you should keep him secure and safe in your womb for a few days then.. And congratulations on the pregnancy hun!" Blitz blushes at the comment, she hadn't considered that but she really liked the idea of it. "you.. You think he would give himself over to me like that?" Jolt smiles and nods, pulling her in closer, "what is it he usually says about it.." Blitz closes her eyes and thinks for a moment, "that he loves unbirth." Jolt nods and grins, "and that he belongs to whoever has him in the womb, and he'll happily let anyone play mother for him.. Gratz again, hun!" Blitz murrs and nods, slowly rubbing her belly, "I.. I really like the idea of that!"
Magicka sits down on the bed and smiles at me, "Fairlyn, I want to chat for a bit, and then I have something I really want to try with you afterwards.." I nod and gulp as I whisper softly, "I forgot just how cute you look, my adorable lady." she smiles back at me softly as she pets the bed beside me, "come over here an sit down, Fairlyn." I nod, dropping down beside her with a smile, "ok, Magicka, what's on your mind?" she smiles, slowly running a hand up my back, "well, to get you out of those clothes for a start.." I smile back at her, "as long as I can get out of your clothes too.." she nods and smiles at me, "should I undress or should you undress first?" I smile at her, "we'll both undress at the same time, ok?" she nods and pulls her tanktop off, "that's a great idea." I nod and pull my pants off, "so, what was it you wanted to talk about, Magicka?" she smiles, pulling her bra off and looking back at me, "well, what do you think about your new friend?" I look over at her as I drop my pants beside the bed, "the succubus? she's adorable and she's a great gal.." Magicka smiles at me, "would you say she's a keeper?" I look over at her with a soft smile, "you are you asking, you like her?" Magicka smiles back at me as she pulls down her skirt, "yeah, and she has nowhere to stay.." she looks over at me, "I'm not going to send her back to where we saved you from.." I smile at Magicka as I pull off my shirt, "so she's staying with us?" Magicka pulls her panties off before helping me undress too. Riannah leans in and slowly runs her hands down over the succubus' belly and down towards her nethers, "hmm, I'm a big fan of females... females and Fairlyn." The succubus smiles back at her, "I really like Fairlyn too." before reaching up, pulling Riannah down beside her, "and I like you too.." Riannah nods and smiles running her hands up and over the succubus's breasts with a grin, "I wanna play with those..." The succubus nods, crawling over, pushing Riannah down on her back before sitting down on her hips, and leaning forward "play with them then.." Riannah nods and murrs softly, reaching up and running her fingers over her breasts, "nice!" Magicka sits down and relaxes as I settle in against her, my head resting in against her breasts. I'm just smiling up at her, "Magicka? what was it you wanted to try with me?" She leans in closer, her hand resting on my leg as she whispers, "I just realized how much you mean to me, Fairlyn. I couldn't think about anything but getting you back once I had lost you, Fairlyn." I nod, wrapping my arms around her and just pulling her in closer to me and settles down beside her before slowly running my tongue up along her neck. Magicka murrs wrapping her arms and legs around me tighter. And Placing a kiss on my forehead softly. The succubus has dropped down to all four, her chest pushed in against the bed and her butt lifted up into the air, her legs spread and her tail lifted as she smiles back at Riannah, "you had my breasts, now take my sex too." Riannah grins crawling in closer, "with pleasure." before running her hands up her partner's legs, her thumps opening her nethers up like a flow before the vixen leans in, her tongue teasingly slow running up and poking into the succubus's nethers. The succubus lets out a loud howl full of pleasure. I smile at Magicka softly, "seems Riannah and the succubus is loving each other quite a lot.." Magicka smiles at me, "yeah, Riannah seems to like her.. You ok with that?" I smile at her as the succubus moans again, "that those two are going at it? Sure, I do want you guys to play with each other too.." before pulling Magicka in against me, and rubbing my muzzle in against her breasts, "but I do like those times like these.." Magicka smiles down at me softly, "times with you and my nude breasts, right?" before wrapping her arms around my head and pulling me into a tight hug. Showing me that she is enjoying my attention to her body as much as I do. I murr softly, wrapping my arms around her body, my hands running down and rubbing her buttocks softly, "Magicka?" She smiles down at me softly, "yes?" I smile, sliding a hand up and along her nethers, "I think I'm ready... It feels like the right thing to do!" she smiles down at me, keeping one arm wrapped around my head as she reaches out and grabs something with her other hand, "that's great, Fairlyn." she smiles down at me as she holds up a piece of rubber, "want me to slide this on you?" I nod laying back and smiling at her, "ok, we can do this!" she nods, crawling up and runs her hands over my sheath, trying to get me erect. I murr, reaching up spreading her nethers with my fingers as I let my tongue slide in between her lips and in, feeling her warmth and sweetness land on my tongue. Magicka moans softly, "oohh, Fairlyn!" I murr back softly, "my loving vixen." as I can feel her sliding the rubber down over my member, "there we are!" before settling down and kissing me, "I'm ready when you are, Fairlyn." I nod, smiling softly as I slide my hands up her sides before slowly and carefully pushing my shaft up into her tight warm and wet nethers with a soft moan. Magicka shivers as she can feel me pushing into her, her walls relaxing and letting me come in deeper. I reach up, pulling her in against me tightly as I bury my shaft all the way up into her warm and welcoming sex. Magicka moans softly, holding me in against her and just murring softly. Magicka murrs softly, just enjoying the afterglow as she smiles up at me, "Fairlyn, there's something else I really want to try with you.." I look up at her, "show me what you want me to do with you?" Magicka nods and murrs softly, "as you wish, but in a minute.." Riannah smiles, crawling up on top of the succubus and running her muzzle against hers, "so.. what am I going to call you? I want to know what I should be moaning when you go over me." the succubus smiles back at Riannah, "hmm, well.. how about Lilith?" Riannah smiles up at her, "well, it is a pretty nice name, but you seem nicer than someone I would expect to be called Lilith.." the succubus smiles back at her, "well.. can I sleep on it?" Riannah nods, "sure, maybe Magicka got an idea.." Magicka smiles and pulls me in against her again, "first, you should drink this." Before holding up a small bottle with some kind of liquid in it. I smile at her before emptying the bottle. Magicka smiles as I start shrinking. Magicka smiles and lifts me up, "you are even cuter like this, Fairlyn." I look over myself, and I'm now looking like a cute little feral arctic fox. Magicka smiles, wrapping both arms around me tightly as she holds me in against her belly, my head pushed in against her breasts once again, "oh, Fairlyn. I really like your new form.." I look up at her before running my muzzle into her cleavage, "I can see some very nice things about this form too.." Magicka smiles back at me softly, "there's something else I really want to try too.." I look up at her and tilt my head, "and that would be?" Magicka smiles and places me down on the bed, "relax and look upwards." I do as she says and look up. Magicka gets down on her knees, her nethers above me. I get up, spreading her nethers open with my front paws before murring as I run my tongue up between her nethers. Magicka murrs softly, grabbing my muzzle and sliding it up into her wet nethers as she says, "oohh, you are feeling great like this, Fairlyn!" I murr and nod softly, liking this too. Magicka murrs and relaxes, sitting down and pinning me under her as her nethers relax and opens up, sucking my head and neck up into her warm and moist nethers. She reaches down and slowly pushes my front paws up alongside my head as she murrs louder, "oohh, keep going up, Fairlyn." I murr softly, wanting to please her as I slowly run my paws up deeper into her warm and tight tunnel., my tongue coming out and slowly licking around inside her her, tasting her juices as I just push myself in deeper. Magicka murrs softly, sitting down and letting her inner walls pull the rest of my small feral body up into her warm, wet and oh so tight nethers. Magicka reaches down, pushing my tail up into her nethers before running her hands up and caressing her now much bigger belly. I curl up inside her womb, letting her cervix close after me, just relaxing and letting Magicka carry me like this, since she really wants to after all. Magicka knocks on the door to Riannah as she asks, "how are you two doing in there?" she hears someone moan softly before Riannah answers, "exhausted!" Magicka opens the door and looks in, "you two had fun?" The succubus is lying on her back and smiling up at Magicka. Riannah settled in against her side with her head resting on the succubus' breasts. Magicka steps in and smiles at them as she sits down on the bed. Riannh looks up at her, "you.. I know what that smile means, you and Fairlyn finally did it. Was he any good?" Magicka smiles back at her as she rubs her big belly, "mmhmm.. he is great!" The succubus smiles up at her before looking at her belly, "you pregnant already?" Riannah looks at the belly too, "Magicka?" Magicka smiles back at them both, "you like it, I got it with Fairlyn's help.." Riannah reaches over, running a hand over her belly, "maybe you should consider sitting down on all your candy? there's no way this is.." she stops talking when she feels something kicking against her hand. Magicka smiles at her softly, "what do you think?" Riannah and her lover both comes closer and feels up her belly as Riannah asks, "but, how.." Magicka smiles at her softly, "easy.. I shrunk Farilyn down and pushed him into my womb. He likes it in there.." Riannah grins and pets her belly, "oohh, and the pregnant look really suits you.." Magicka smiles back, "thanks, I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon then.." Rinnah nods and smiles at the succubus, "we had a problem I bet you could help us with.." The succubus nods and looks up at her, "Riannah insists that I should have a name.." Magicka looks closer at her, "you don't have a name?" The succubus shakes her head, "nope, I never needed one before now.." Magicka smiles and pulls the succubus in against her and lifts her muzzle up and looks her into her eyes, "tell me, hun. What is your favorite gem?" The succubus smiles at her, "well, I always had a thing for rubies." Magicka nods and smiles at her, "follow me, I got something for you, hun." The succubus nods, pulling Riannah up alongside her as she gets up, "we want to see what it is, right Riannah?" Riannah nods and smiles at her, "that we do, cutie." Magicka smiles at them both, "follow me then" before walking downstairs and going through her drawer. Riannah and the succubus steps over and looks at her, "what are you looking for, Magicka?" Magicka smiles and turns around, holding up a tiara. It's a golden tiara with a ruby in the middle of it. Magicka places it on the succubus head and smiles at her, "it suits you, Ruby!" Riannah smiles and wraps her arms around the succubus and smiles, "what do you think about your new name, Ruby?" The succubus smiles, pulling Riannah in against her and smiling at Riannah, "I love it." Magicka smiles at the succubus, "here we are, now we just need to get you dressed.." Riannah smiles at her, "you can borrow my clothes." Magicka nods, "good idea. And Ruby. you should rewmember to get dressed if you don't want to get felt up by Riannah or Fairlyn. a bra and panties should be enough." Ruby smiles up at her, "oohh, nice! I'll remember that.." Riannah nods and pulls her upstairs again, "follow me then!" Ruby nods and smiles at her, "will do, lover!" Riannah holds out a dark red bra and a dark red pair of panties. Ruby smiles, sliding them on and posing for Riannah, "how do I look?" her chest pushed forward and her hand rest on her hip. She's showing off for Riannah and she's doing great. Riannah smiles, opening her arms and smiling at her, "come closer and I'll tell you!" Ruby does as suggested and settles in against Riannah, "show me what you think of me?" Riannah nods, wrapping her arms around the succubus and kissing her again, "I bet Fairlyn would find you just irresistible like that.." Ruby smiles at her, "you sure?" Riannah nods, "I am sure." as she runs her hands down and gropes Ruby breasts, "he would just love those two beauties.."
It's late evening, it's getting dark and I'm out on a night time trip. Riannah is following me on the rooftops, but making sure I'm not noticing her. I told her earlier I wanted to go for a walk by myself, but after what happened with me earlier, neither Riannah nor Magicka was that big a fan of that.. I'm walking around, just enjoying the good weather and the way the city changes when it turns to night. I see a bluefurred fox sitting in a corner, huddled in between two buildings. She has green hair and green eyes, and she looks up at me scared, "don't.. don't hurt me, please.." I stop up before walking just a bit closer and looking her over as I sit down. She pulls up against the walls still looking at me scared with big hurtful eyes, "don't.." before whispering something halfheartedly. I lean in closer, trying to look as friendly as I can, "what did you say, sweetie?" she looks up at me, still looking really scared, "don't.. don't hurt me.." I reach an arm out, wanting to support her and just to try showing her I am good guy. she pulls in against the wall, looking like she wants to slip in and out of the other side of the wall. I look over my shoulder as I hear someone approach. It's a young wolf, he seems to be dressed casually, but there's just something about him that I don't trust. That and he looks greasy somehow. he nonchalantly walks past me before stopping in front of Melanie and looking down at her before saying, "Melanie, don't just sit there. Get up." She back s away as far as she can before just looking up at him and whispering, "don't.. don't hurt me.." he glares down at her before sending me a sign saying, "stay out of this!" She just looks up at him, looking even more frightened than before. he looks over at me before saying, "no one's going to stop me.." and as to prove his point, he kicks her. Melanie let's a rather painful and pitiful sound. I get up, grabbing and yelling, "what the fuck do you think you are doing?" he looks back at me, "you going to stop me? no one did anything the last times I did her." My mind quickly realize what he's hinting at, and I feel sick, thinking about that pitiful creature and him forcing himself on her. I snap. I don't realize what's going on until I get brought back by a sickening crunch followed by a very painful sounding yowl. I shake my head, trying to clear the shadows out of my brain. Riannah is watching me from a nearby rooftop, she was planning to give me backup, but she's too busy trying to figure out what could have triggered this rage inside of me. I realize I have been banging his head into the wall with quite a bit of force, and without even realizing it. I take a step back and shake my head, once again trying to get rid of those clouds descending down over my mind, and promising to sweep me away again. I don't see the shadow suddenly jumping up from the ground and wrapping my legs and feet as I grab my head and bend down. He takes the chance to move in closer and grabbing a knife, "you'll pay for this." I get up, or rather whatever has takes me over gets up. My fur having turned from my usual white and into coal black fur and a pair of red eyes instead of my greenishblue eyes. he stands up and stretches up and I can almost hear him whisper, "freedom, at last!" the wolf just looks up at him, "what the, what the hell are you?" he walks closer, seemingly not seeing the other one as something to even bother with, "I am your worst nightmare. *I am the monster under your bed, I am shadow you caught moving out of your eye." The shadows seems to shift over his body as he walks closer, driving the other guy up against the wall. Riannah looks down at me, "man you have got to show me that trick someday, Fairlyn.." a bit later, could have been minutes could have been hours. I just can't remember anything from the time the other thing took over and drove the sleazy wolf up against the wall. it's just pitch black from then. and I have a terrible taste in my mouth. Melanie, the bluefurred girl is still sitting in her corner, this time she's just leaning in towards me, her mouth agape like it's slowly sinking in what just happened. She whispers, "you.. you saved me.." and I'm glad that's the part of it that made an impression on her, and not the whole transformation thing. I sit down, looking down over my familiar whitefurred body. Melanie leans forward before crawling just a tad closer, "how.. how did you do that?" I smile back at her, "what part?" she looks back at me "you saving me, and why did you do it?" I sit down and pet the ground beside me, "I saved you because you looked like you needed to be saved.." she nods and crawls just a bit closer, "yeah, thanks.. just don't hope for too many favors, ok?" I nod and smile at her as I pet the ground again, "come closer and sit down, so we can talk it over?" she sighs and drops down beside me before starting to pull her shirt up and off. I look at her before reaching out and pulling her shirt down over her chest and belly again, "Melanie, please keep your clothes on, ok?" she looks up at me confused, "ok, but why? isn't this why you saved me?" I looks back at her, a slight blush visible as I say, "I do want to see you nude, but it's not some kind of reward.." she looks at me, "But.. Reward.." I smile and lean in closer, "Melanie, the only reward I want to is to bring you home, give you a bath and some new clothes, ok?" she looks up at me, looking like it's a reward she could look forward to too. Riannah smiles and nods softly, "good boy!" as I lift Melanie up gently and start carrying her home. back home and Riannah has gotten home and quickly changed into her indoor clothes, shorts and tanktop. I slowly carry Melanie up toward the house as Magicka opens the door and looks out at me and Melanie, "oh my goodness Fairlyn, where have you found this poor little creature?" before leaning in and looking over Melanie, "we have got to get you cleaned up and fed, girl." Melanie looks up at Magicka as she hugs me tighter, really not wanting to let me go. Magicka smiles at me softly, "she's a treasure, Fairlyn. Be sure to take real good care of her." before looking upstairs, "Riannah is upstairs preparing a shower for her.." I nod, placing Melanie down and just holding my arms around her, "what do you think Melanie, want a warm bath?" she nods and smiles up at me, "yes, master!" I look over at Magicka before smiling back at Melanie, "Melanie, I'm not your master. I'm Fairlyn" points at Magicka, "and this is Magicka. We want to be your friends." Melanie looks up at me and Magicka, I can see she wants to believe me, but it's hard. I smile, pointing up towards the bedroom, "what about a nice shower, girl?" She nods and smiles at me, "that does sound nice.." before letting me lead her up there. Magicka pushes me out and closes the bathroom door after having said, "sorry Fairlyn,. but I think she needs her privacy.." I have returned downstairs, helping Riannah warm some soup for Melanie once she gets out of her shower as I hear Magicka call, "Fairlyn! I need your help up here.." I look over at Riannah and I'm about to ask as she points, "go, she needs you." I open the door and look into the bedroom. Melanie is sitting in the bathtup, she's nude but she's at least covered in soap bubbles so I can't see her nipples. Magicka is sitting beside the bathtup looking over at me, "hey Fairlyn. Melanie refuses to let me wash her hair." Melanie looks up at me, "yeah, I want you.. to be here and to do it for me.." I smile at Magicka softly, "that's ok with you?" She smiles at me softly, "yeah, you better undress and crawl up to her." I look over at Melanie. She’s standing up in the bathtup. the soap bubbles are covering her breasts and crotch and Magicka smiles at her, "what do you think? should Fairlyn join you in the bath?" Melanie smiles at her softly, please. Magicka smiles at me, "Fairlyn, undress and crawl up in the tub with her." I nod, undressing also dropping my boxers after Magicka said, "all clothes off, Fairlyn!" Mealnei murrs softly and smiles, really enjoying watching this. She knows it's different from her other times. I finally finish undressing and settles down in the tub as I look over at Melanie, "want to join me, hun?" I don't really have time to readjust before Melanie drops down on top of me with a grin, "come here, cutie!" before simply wrapping her arms around me tightly. I smile, pulling her in against me tighter and wrap my arms around her back, "good girl." Magicka slowly walks closer and sits down beside me and Melanie again. Melanie smiles at her before pushing her head up under mine, letting me watch over her as Magicka start washing her hair. I spend the time, just holding Melanie close and make sure she don't struggle as Magicka gets her hair cleaned out. Magicka smiles, getting up and looking Melanie over with a smile, "you look much better now!" before opening the door, "Fairlyn. I left a dress for her alongside a towel, make sure she's dry and dressed, ok?" I nod, turning Melanie over and pulling her in against me, her back in against my front as I wrap my arms around her belly, "right, sweetie?" Melanie nods, murring softly as she settles in against me, "you betcha!" Magicka nods and smiles as she closes the door after her. Magicka comes downstairs and smiles at Riannah, "she seems rather fond of our Fairlyn so far." Riannah nods and smiles back at her softly, "indeed, but it's still a long hard journey for them both.." Magicka nods and paces some dishes on the table, "yeah, and we are here to make sure they both get out of this successfully and in the best way possible." and adding, "jet's just say Melanie deserves it.." Magicka doesn't get a chance to answer as they both hear my footsteps approach. I stand in the door. Melanie, now wearing a dark blue dress, a few shades darker than her fur. She's grinning and nuzzling into me. I got my arms in under her knees and to support her in the back as I smile at her softly. Riannah grins, "you two look like a couple of newlyweds on their wedding day." Magicka smiles and nods, "yep, and you two look really cute together like that!" Melanie blushes and buried her head in against my neck, which causes Riannah to giggle. "Adorable!" Magicka nods and smiles at us both, "yeah, you are adorable, you two." I nod, sitting down, Melanie sitting in my lap still and smiling at Magicka, "thanks again, mom!" Magicka smiles at her softly, "I like the name, but why did you figure you could call me mom?" Melanie smiles at her, "you just look like a mommy to me.." Magicka smiles and nods, running a hand in between Melanie's ears and pets the other vixen slowly. "That's ok hun, you can call me mom if you want to.." before placing a bowl of soup in front of Melanie, "and eat up, you need to be well fed for what is to come." Melanie looks up at her as she starts to eat, "what are you pondering, mommy?" Magicka smiles at her, "don't worry, just relax and enjoy yourself, ok?" Melanie nods and smiles at her as she starts eating again. Later and we are heading to bed, Melanie still holding me close and murring softly as she smiles up at me, "Fairlyn?" I smile back at her as I open the door to my bedroom, "mm, yes dear?" She smiles up at me softly, "I.. I prefer sleeping in the nude.." I look back at her, suddenly blushing a dark red, "you.. you do?" she nods and smiles at me softly, something in her eyes telling me she really likes the reaction she just got out of me. Melanie smiles, grabbing my hands and pulls me along onto the bed, letting herself fall down on front on the bed, her legs spread. I land on top of her and Melanie lets out a soft moan as she can feel my crotch push in just above her buttocks, and my shaft push over it, even if I am still wearing pants. I blush a dark red and stammers, "Melanie.. please.. please stop this." she nods, letting me slide down and looking at me, her tail still lifted and her legs still spread, "what's wrong, master, don't you like me?" I grab her legs and pull her down into my lap before wrapping my arms around her belly and kissing her neck softly. I say "of course I love you, Melanie. But I want you to love me back, and not just offer yourself like that because that's what you are used to.." she nods and smiles up at me, "I think I understand, master." I lean in and whisper, "keep calling me master and I'll start calling you mistress.." She blushes and murrs softly, apparently liking that idea a bit. I murr back softly before whispering. "Melanie, tell me, what do you think of small furry animals?" she murrs and closes her eyes as she says, "you know I always wished for my own little pet.. you know, and cute little something I could hug tightly.." I smile down at her as I once again wonder if she's smarter that I have been giving her credit for, does she know something about my feral form already? I decide to not worry about it and instead kisses her between her ears and whispers, "say.. want to see a little trick of mine?" she nods and squeals. "I would love to!" before crawling over and smiling at me, and I'm once against remembering just how adorable she is. Melanie murrs softly, "show me?" I nod and smile back, "close your eyes first, hun." she nods and closes them tight, "there! now show me." I giggle as I shift into my own feral for, just looking over myself to make sure it's all good and that, it's the first time I have transformed without outside help after all. I look back at Melanie and I see she has a little trick on her own she decided to show off too... Melanie is still sitting there and grinning back at me, she's just in the form of a bluefurred fox and she's a bit smaller than me, "like it?" I murr as I get up and walk over and rubs my muzzle up her flank and nods, "I love it!" Melanie smiles up at me as she wiggles in under me and spread her legs again, her tail pushing up under my belly. I murr softly, getting positioned and lick her between her ears as I push my front paws around her chest as I whisper, "I really want to give you what you beg for.." she nods and pushes back, rubbing her nethers in against my sheath, "then just give in and let me have it, please?" I shift a bit as I look down at her, "but.." she smiles up at me, "Fairlyn! I know you love me, and I know this is different from the other times.. But I'm in heat and it's starting to get uncomfortable for me.." I nod and rub my sheath against her nethers, "can't I just push my muzzle in and start licking you instead?" she smiles at me and shakes her head, "nope, you need to do it with me.." I nod, grabbing a better hold of her as I start pushing y shaft up into her warm and wet tunnel, listening to her moans and the way her body is reacting to this. She's relaxers and moaning, and she seems to be really enjoying herself. Magicka knocks on my door before opening and saying "goodnight you two!" I look up at from Melanie's back, my frontpaws wrapped around her chest and my muzzle resting between her ears. "Magicka, can you help me and Melanie get into a warm and comfortable place to nap?" Magicka sits down on the bed and smiles at us softly, "and where would you two want to nap at?" I reach up and pet her belly, "in here?" Melanie nods and look up at Magicka, "can we, mom?" Magicka smiles and nods, blushing as she pulls down her panties and crawls up on the bed, "can you two get in by yourselves?" Magicka drops down on all four, spreading her legs as she lifts her tail. Melanie nods and murrs softly as she crawls closer and rubs her front paws against the nethers of the bigger vixen, causing them to open up for us. Melanie murrs softly as she slides her front paws up into her nethers as she murrs softly, "oohh, so warm and you smell so nice, mom!" I nod and murr softly, rubbing my muzzle against her neck softly, "thst's it, just let us slide in nice and slowly." Melanie nods and smiles at me before slowly pushing her head into Magicka's nethers. A few seconds later and me and Melanie are slowly getting fed into Magicka's womb, out tails are the only thing still in here. Melanie has her tail wrapped around mine tightly. Magcika murrs and rubs her bigger belly as we are pushed the rest of the way up into Magicka's womb. I murr softly, running my tongue over Melanie’s muzzle, licking Magicka's lovejuices off her slowly. Melanie murrs back and slowly runs her tongue up along my muzzle in return. Magicka smiles, petting her belly, "good kids.. You have to stay for a bit." Melanie smiles up at me, "sounds like we have a lot of time with each other then.." I nod and smile down at her, "sure seems like it!" It's a few days later, Melanie has gotten used to having me around. And the others have gotten used to having Melanie around too. I'm sitting under a tree, reading in a book. Melanie is lying beside me, her head resting in against my chest and she's murring softly, seemingly asleep. Riannah walks over towards me and Melanie, a new girl beside her. The new girl is a coyote she has brown eyes and long silvercolored hair. she and Riannah are chatting with each other and laughing. The coyote smiles and drops down beside me, "hey. You are Fairlyn, I suspect.." I nod and smile back at her, "yeah, and you would be?" she smiles and leans in closer, "I'm Silvara. And it's very nice to meet you, Fairlyn." I nod, smiling down at Melanie, "I would get up and hug you, but I'm kinda pinned at the moment." Silvara nods and crawls in, settling in on top of me as she smiles, "hmm.. now you can hug us both, huh?" I nod and smile at her, "clever coyote.." as I wrap my arms around her and Melanie. Silvara smiles up at me, "mhm, we coyotes are pretty clever.." before rubbing her muzzle against my neck softly, "oohh, cutie foxy.." I smile back at her as I slide my hand down and run it up her tail, "back at you, Silvara, you are really cute too." she nods and smiles up at me teasingly, "afraid of sliding your hand any further down?" I smile at her, "it just wouldn't be a good idea to do that with a girl you just met.." she nods, "good boy!" before grinning as she grabs my head and pushes her lips in against mine, her tongue snaking her way into my mouth and runs it along my tongue before slowly pull away and whispers, "there, we are closer now than before, you can slide your hand down further now." I nod, reaching down and rubbing her butt softly as I ask, "Riannah put you up to this?" she murrs and smiles softly, "maybe.." and Melanie lets out a soft yawn before asking, "who are you?" looking at Silvara. Silvara smiles at Melanie softly, "I'm a friend!" Melanie looks at her before looking up at me, as if to telling her that I'm supposed to be focusing on her and not the newcomer. Silvara has no problem reading Melanie and leans in wrapping an arm around her before whispering, "relax, I'm not going to steal him from you.." and then she surprises Melanie by pulling her in closer, pushing her lips in against Melanie's in a kiss. Going by Melanie's surprised expression shows that Silvara is giving her the same tongue kiss she gave me earlier, and this one seems to be going on longer. Not that I'm envious about the cute coyote is kissing Melanie passionately longer than she did me. not at all, no sir. Silvara smiles and pulls away from Melanie before looking up at me again. "Melanie?" Melanie looks up at her, "yeah?" Silvara smiles, grabbing Melanie and pulling her in on top of me as she whispers, "can I see how you two kiss?" Melanie nods and murrs softly, "with pleasure" as she wraps her legs around mine, and her hands against the back of my head, grabbing me. I smile, grabbing her chest and pulls her in against me. Melanie pulls me into a kiss, as she locks her muzzle in against mine and murrs softly, her mouth open and her tongue pushing into my mouth now. Silvara settles in against Melanie's back as she whispers, "that's a good kiss, just be sure to keep it going.." I nod and close my eyes as I wrap my tongue around hers and we start playing tug of war. I lose, I always lose. It's a rule, I always lose when doing something with my girls.. And it's always worth it in the end. Silvara pushes Melanie's body in against mine as she wraps her arms around both mine and Melanie's head, making sure we are keeping the kiss going as she whispers, "you two reminds me of the star constellation called the lovers.." before kissing Melanie’s forehead and whispering, "I'll be right back, keep kissing until I'm back, ok?" Melanie nods and pulls me in against her a bit tighter. Back inside the kitchen and Silvara waves at Magicka, "hey girl!" before opening the fridge and grabbing a can. "You want one too, Mag?" Magicka shakes her head, "nahh, I'm good. And I didn't expect to see you around already.." Silvara smiles back at her as she opens her arms, "can I get a hug for old times sake?"Magicka nods and smiles back softly, "sure, but no fun stuff.." Silvara smiles and nods, "fair enough" before pulling the vixen in against her in a hug. Magicka smiles hugging her back. Silvara slides a hand up and rests it in against her Magicka's neck as she gives the fox a rather quick yet passionate kiss. Magicka smiles and nods, breaking up the kiss but still holding her close, "how have you been, Silv?" The coyote smiles, glancing out the window, "good, really good. And I have to admit you have gotten yourself quite a catch.." Magicka smiles at her before looking out the window, "you talking about Fairlyn or Melanie?" Silvara murrs softly, "both, but mostly Fairlyn.. He's just so.. what do I say?" Magicka grins softly, "innocent?" Silvara nods and smiles at her, "yep!" before looking over towards the door, "Riannah?" Ruby pops her head out and smiles, "nope, I'm Ruby. nice to meet you." Silvara smiles at Magicka, "you didn't tell me you had a succubus living with you.." Magicka smiles at her, "would you have believed me if I told you?" before looking over at Ruby, "Ruby, say hello to Silvara." Silvara smiles and steps over tot he succubus, "hey there, hun. are you a well behaved girl?" Ruby nods and smiles, "Magicka keeps telling me I am!" before pulling Silvara in against her tightly. Silvara smiles back as she wraps her arms around Ruby's back and slides one hand up to the back of the head and pulls the succubus into a kiss. Ruby reacts the way she always downs when she gets kissed, taking the kiss as an invitation to move a bit further. She slides a hand down her back, past her tail. And then sliding it into her pants and rubbing against Silvara's buttocks. Magicka leans in and whisper, "I'm sure she would love to join you in bed.." Silvara smiles, pulling out of the kiss before smiling at the succubus, "Say Ruby?" She smiles and leans in closer to Silvara, "yes? And I wouldn’t mind finding myself in a bed with you.." Silvara nods and leans in closer, kissing her nose softly, "deal, just get Fairlyn into the same bed as us then.." Ruby looks over at Magicka, "are.. Are we allowed to do that?" before looking over at Silvara, "you are moving in, right? The other girls that arrived here did move in.." Silvara smiles at her softly before looking at Magicka, "that is a great question, actually. Hey mag, you think I could get a room here for a few weeks at least?" Magicka smiles at her, "sure you can." Ruby smiles, wrapping her arms around Silvara and just holding her close before looking over at Magicka, "Magicka? are we allowed to try to bed Fairlyn?" Magicka smiles and nods, before stepping up and hugging both Silvara and Ruby, catching the succubus between them, "Ruby, you have been bedding Fairlyn, right?" The subbubus blushes slightly as she looks up at Magicka, "no.. I didn't think I was allowed to.." Magicka smiles, grabbing Ruby and holding her head in against her amble bosom as she runs a hand down between the succubus horns and in between her ears, "oh hun.. Of course you are allowed to bed him.. I fully expected you to bed him in one of the first nights you spent here.." the succubus looks up at Magicka before glancing outside as if wondering if she could go and get me right now, she really wants to, apparently. Magicka smiles at Silvara, "Ruby, why don't you show Silvara her new bedroom, I'll send Fairlyn up to you." and she adds with a smile, "and Ruby, don't use a condom.. I know about your species, and you need that to stay healthy." The succubus nods and smiles at her, looking impressed by the thinks Magicka knows about her species. Silvara slides her hands up, placing them on the succubus's breasts as she whispers, "let's retreat upstairs and get you ready for your sexual encounter with Fairlyn." the succubus grins and nods, leaning in against Silvara as she murrs happily, one hand down and rubbing against her panties, apparently already imagining my touch. Magicka leans in and whispers softly, "Ruby, get up on your bed and start undressing, I'll send Fairlyn up to see you.." The succubus nods and smiles at her, "can I surprise him?" Magicka nods and heads for the back door, "sure, but get upstairs, both of you.." Ruby nods eagerly and grins as she drags Silvara after her, "you are coming with me!" Magicka smiles at the two before stepping outside. I'm still engaged in the kiss with Melanie. We have started to drool a bit as it is quite a long kiss we have going now. Magicka smiles as she steps over and smiles down at us, "I'm glad to see you two are enjoying each other’s company quite this much.." me and Melanie nods and slowly breaks up the kiss before looking up at her. I nod and say, "hey Magicka, what's up?" She sits down and smiles at us, "Melanie, can I borrow Fairlyn for a few hours? he has some things he has been neglecting.." Melanie nods and smiles at her, "can I spend some time with you instead then, mom?" Magicka nods and smiles, pulling Melanie in against her and letting her head resting in against her bosom as she smiles down at her, "good girl." I get up and smiles softly and looking a tad confused, "what have I been neglecting?" Magicka smiles at me softly and teasingly, "go see Ruby, she'll show you.." before leaning in closer, "and Fairlyn, let her and Silvara do to you as they wish.. They got mine and Riannah's blessing for it.." I make my way upstairs as I wonder what Magicka had given her blessing for. I figure it's just kissing and fondling, maybe pushing my tongue in between her netherlips, but nothing more than that. I open the door into Ruby's bedroom, Magicka told me she's waiting for me in here. Ruby and Silvara are sitting Ruby's bed, back against back, completely nude and grinning at me, "come closer, Fairlyn!" Ruby requests. Silvara adding, "yeah, we don't bite." I nod stepping in, I get the feeling that this is going to mean a lot to them both. Ruby gets up and walks over, smiling at me, "Fairlyn.. I've wanted to do this with you since the first time I saw you.." and pulls in tighter against me, her chest pushed in against mine as she pushes her lips agaisnt mine in a needingly kiss. Silvara gets up and sneaks up behind me before starting to unbutton my pants and pull them down alongside my boxers. Ruby leans in closer, her hands sliding down and pulling my shirt off, and using the distraction to move down and start kissing at my neck instead. I murr, wrapping my arms around Ruby tightly and being her in against me tighter before burying my muzzle in her neck and licking her softly. I quickly realize her smell is really turning me on and I find that I'm ok with that.. Magicka has given her blessing, and she told me to just ler her do what she wants to do with me, and she wants sex with me. I slide my hands down Ruby's body before resting them on her hips and whisper, "ready, girl?" Ruby nods and squeez happily before yelling, "yes, he's going to do me!" I nod, lifting her up before slamming her down against my sheath with a soft moan. She can tell I'm just as eager as her, I just have no idea on how to do this.. Ruby comes to my rescue by wrapping her legs around my waistline and slowly lowering her nethers down over my shaft as she whispers, "just relax fairlyn, relax and let the succubus show you what great loving feels like.." Silvara nods and leans in, running her hands up my back before whispering, "just give in and let her have you.." I look back at Silvara and smiles as I'm about to say, "I am!" before Ruby grabs my head and pulls me into a tight kiss as she pushes her walls in against my shaft tightly helping me get so much closer to my orgasm. Ruby murrs happily as she just holds me tightly, slowly pushing me in closer to my orgasm. I reach out digging my hands into her breasts as I feel my knot spring, trapping me in against her tightly. Ruby moans and wraps her wings around me as she whispers, "good boy, just relax for now.." before pulling me over alongside her on the bed. She ends up on her back with me on top. I look to be half asleep and resting my head in against her breasts. Ruby smiles over at Silvara, "sorry, I think I got just a bit too eager.. And I got him to cum three times." Silvara crawls up beside the succubus as she rubs my neck softly and asks, "he will be ok, right?" Ruby nods and smiles back softly, "of course, he's fine. he just needs to sleep it off for now." before spreading her wings, "want to help keep him warm?" Silvara nods and smiles back at her softly, "I would love to!" before carefully crawling up and settling down on top of me, her muzzle resting between my ears and her legs resting in against mine. Ruby smiles at her softly, "just lay still!" before slowly wrapping her wings around me and the coyote, holding us tightly, "like snuggling like this?" the coyote nods, "I love it!" before leaning in and rubbing her muzzle in against my neck, "he's adorable.." Ruby nods and smiles at my sleeping form, "he really is!" Meanwhile far away in a shadowy room. There a guy sitting in a chair and glaring at a message he had just gotten, seems he really doesn’t like what the message is telling him. He glares at the girl standing on the other side of the table, "so.. She quit?" not really asking a question, and adding, before the girl gets a chance to answer, "no one QUITS!" yelling out the last word. The secretary looks back at him, "what are you going to do about her, sir?" He looks back at her before sitting down and leaning back in the chair, "we'll show her what happens when you quit the company.." before leaning in and looking at her, "put a bounty on her head. 2 millions should do it.." she nods, "as you wish, sir." he lifts up the rapport and flips through it before stopping at a picture of Riannah, "your luck have just run out, girl.." Somewhere up in the sky a portal opens and an arctic fox walks through before looking around. he's wearing simple clothes under a red cape. The cape looks expensive and it looks like it's from some kind of animal. He looks around as he lifts his hand, letting lightning run along it, "I will find you and get your power for myself, Fairlyn!" The undead is putting the finishing touches on a ritual, resurrecting some giant kind of creature, it looks like the skeletal remains of a dragon. The bat peeks in and looks at him, "master, did the spell work?" the undead looks back at her, and the bone dragon does the same. It’s only bones and it got red glowing eyes. He nods, "it did Adrianna, and it should be capable of getting my artifact back.." Towards the edge of town an armored guy is walking around, looking around, looking for something only he knows what is. He mumbles, "to find and eradicate evil, no matter where it is.." Another armored fighter joins up with him, asking, "You seeing anything out of the ordinary?" the other one shakes his head, "not yet. Let’s check out the rest of this town. Never know where evil might be lurking.." in a laboratory somewhere two lab assistants is busy preparing the newest robot for a test. the boss is standing behind them and looking expectively, "you better do better this time, guys.." One of the lab assistants nods and looks back at him, "we will, boss, just you watch." The boss, an arctic fox in an expensive looking business suit crosses his arms and looks at them, "you better." His secretary. A big breasted blonde vixen is just standing beside him, not moving nor saying anything. The lab assistants turn on the robot before walking back to one of the walls. The boss looks at his secretary, "you check how strong it is, Eve." She nods and hands him her jacket, "hold this, I really like it." before walking in towards the robot. The assistants looks out at her, "please be careful, miss." Eve just smiles back at them, "boys, you better make sure not to hold back, or I might just crush your can there." as she walks up in front of the robot. It reaches out, grabbing her hands with it claws before pulling her in closer, meaning to head butt her. Eve drops down, evading the head butt and grabbing it claws and throwing it into a wall. the robot crumbles down as it start smoking. Eve walks over, getting her jacket before following the boss out of the testing area as she says, "better luck next time, boys." The assistants look at each other, "it weighted 4 tons.." the other one adding, "and yet she throws it around that easily.." the boss hands Eve a dossier with the name "Melanie" on the front cover as he says, "the location of this escaped lab experiment has become known to me a few days ago, and I want you to go get her." before he looks at her, "and Eve, be careful, she has abilities that should prove most effective against yours, if she finds out how to use them.." Alchemy, the pantheress, walks back into another part of town as she holds up the black glass orb with some kind of smoke in it, "well, I'll keep you since no one else wants you.."
it's a few days after Magicka introduced me to unbirth, and my feral form. Riannah and Melanie are sitting in bed, smiling at each other. Riannah smiles at her, "I'm still surprised Magicka managed to squeeze Fairlyn up there.." Melanie nods and murrs softly, "yeah, what I wouldn’t give to try feeling him sliding up into me, I bet it would feel great!" Riannah nods and murrs back softly, "I bet he's so much better than my usual toys.." Melanie nods and smiles back at her, "Riannah you remember when we shared that toy." Riannah murrs and smiles at her, "yeah, want another go with the toy?" Melanie smiles and moves in closer to her, "sure, if you by toy mean Fairlyn.." Riannah smiles, pulling Melanie in against her, "oohh, you naughty girl!" Melanie crawls up and settles in against Riannah, her hand resting on Riannah's breasts as she murrs softly, "and you love that about me.." Riannah nods and murrs softly, "oh yes, you know me too well.." Melanie nods and murrs softly, "want to see if Fairlyn wants to play?" Riannah smiles back at her softly, "of course he wants to play.. why wouldn't he want to play with two lovely ladies as us two.." Melanie nods and murrs softly, "point taken, let's go find him." I'm curled up on the couch, fast asleep,. completely nude and in my new feral form at the moment. Magicka suggested that I get used to it, as a smaller form could be a great help in the long run. That and the fact that the other girls found me irresistible cute of course helped a bit too, just a bit. I don't notice anything before Melanie literally sits down on top of me. I suddenly see her legs on either side of my head and looking up I can see her belly, flat and her big breasts a bit higher up. Melanie murrs softly as she slides both hands down and grabs my muzzle, whispering, "we are going to have so much fun, just the three of us." I look up at her. I would have asked what she meant by "the three of us" but she has a pretty good hold on my muzzle, and I can feel something wet running down over my back now, seems Melanie is really eager.. I look up at her before starting to wriggle, I can't get anywhere, but it's probably the only way I'm going to find out what exactly she has planned. Melanie murrs softly as she grabs my muzzle, sliding forward just a bit before slowly running my muzzle up against her nethers teasingly, "oohh, Fairlyn is going exploring.." I just look up at her as I'm pinned down really effectively at the moment. she slowly slides her hands down over my muzzle and up grabbing my chest and my front paws before slowly guiding my muzzle up into her, her juices already running out of her nethers. I can smell Melanie’s heat, it's nice, warm and wet. her juices pushing in and meeting my small form, pushing and soaking me in her lovejuices. Melanie keeps pushing in, letting my head slide in before her nethers closes tightly around my neck as she hits her first orgasm. hew warm walls closes around me as they start pulsating and just coat me in her juices as it gets massaged into me. Riannah crawls over and runs her fingers over my tail as she whispers, "can I join in now, Melanie?" The bluefurred girl moans and nods, her juices still slowly running down my neck and over my shoulders. Riannah nods, crawling up and slowly pushing my tail up into her warm moist nethers. Melanie murrs, smiling back at Riannah as her walls closes tightly around my head and neck, refusing to let me go, but she isn't pulling me in any deeper at the moment. Riannah, while sliding my butt up into her nethers with one hand, leans in, grabbing my front paws and slides them up alongside my head into Melanie as she says, "there, girl. you don't want to break any part of him.." Melanie nods and smiles back at her, "thanks, girl!" before settling in and slowly letting my chest slide up into her wet and eager tunnel. Riannah murrs, slowly letting my belly and hind legs slide up into her now drooling wet tunnel. both girls are slowly pushing in deeper to each other, their nethers almost touching now, and I'm almost pushed out of view.. Melanie reaches down, grabbing Riannah's legs before letting their nethers push up against each other. Riannah moans and smiles at Melanie, "he.." moans out loudly as she shivers, "he's so wonderful." Melanie nods and opens her mouth to say something, but as I suddenly push my paws in her sweet spot, forcing her into another more powerful orgasm. her walls hugging me tightly, trying to pull me deeper out of Riannah and into her as she howls out loudly, her juices running out and down, covering me and starting to pool down around my chest. Riannah moans, pulling me back into her, my chest starting to get pushed up into her as she moans, "mel, don't hug him all for yourself like that.." Melanie moans and smiles back at at Riannah as she just keeps moaning, enjoying her afterglow too much to bother with Riannah's complaining. But her walls close around my head, pulling me back into her warm and wet inner walls. I relax and slowly start rubbing my front paws over Melanie's sweet spot, feeling her breath getting out faster as she gets wetter and her inner walls hugging me back tightly. I realize getting hugged like that feels just wonderful, and I want to feel myself getting hugged like that all over. I do the only thing I can think of. I start digging my hind paws around the insides of Riannah, trying to find a spot I can push them in against to get her to orgasm. I quickly find the sweet spot and end up repeatedly driving my pawn into those places in both girls, getting their nethers to close around me in a tight hug as the juices really start flowing. I jus keep grinding my paws into those spots, really liking them warm and wet tightness surrounding my whole small body. the quickened heartbeats and the howls of pure pleasure from both girls. Riannah and Melanie looks at each other, both of them blushing and every time they open their mouths to try to say something all that comes out is a howl of pure bliss. They just look at each other, and neither of them has the energy to move anywhere. and the look in the eyes shows that all they want is to keep laying still like this and just let one orgasm after another rush over them. They definitely need to do this again at some point, I am so much better than any of Riannah's sextoys. a bit later, neither of us have any idea how much time has passed, but it's probably a few hours at least. Riannah murrs softly and relaxes, smiling at Melanie softly, "hey girl. You ready to get your price?" Melanie looks back at her, "price?" Riannah nods, "your price." as her inner walls start feeding me the rest of the way up into Melanie. Melanie murrs softly, as she pulls me up into her womb and her cervix closes after me, trapping me and keeping me warm and safe. Melanie and Riannah both moves in and start petting Melanie’s bigger belly as Melanie murrs happily, "oohh, he feels great in there.. I can feel his heartbeat and everything.." Riannah nods and pets her belly, "sleep well, Fairlyn. you deserve it."