Side Story 11 Part 10 – The Coming Storm The next day, Melody was up bright and early to rouse her pets from their sleeping pods. None of the girls wanted to stay in their pods once they learned it was morning as they were too excited over getting to meet a new member of the group. After introduces were made, Augusta, the wind princess, was quick to ask to go back inside the special chamber inside Melody. When the others insisted on it too, including the assassin, Melody raised her hands in defeat as she was out numbered five to one. With all the girls inside her, she once again felt so alive and was just about to rush out the door to go have some fun when Gray appeared with a job assignment. Taking the job assignment happily, Melody went outside and after leaping into the air, using Augusta power to increase her jumping capability, she then used Brandi's power to propel herself faster through the air. Gray watched with a glad smile, knowing that somehow Melody would make everything right. For while Melody was out on assignments, the clans were doing everything wrong. While gathering the other princess' did take the Legion a week, they still managed to steal them away. When Melody returned from her latest mission, she was approached by Gray for a different reason. While she went to the court meeting, Melody made certain Jackie and the others were at all the locations where the captured princess' were. Entering the court house, Melody was confused when she instructed to head straight towards the speakers podium. Once there, she could see that all the clan leaders were in very somber moods, then the light clan head stood up and admitted to Melody, “They've beaten us, just like you said they would, and not just us, but the schools too. Every master sent in to eradicate them was defeated.... and easily. We should have seen this coming....” Standing before the crowd, Melody made a startling admission, “Every power, no matter how great, has a weakness. Look no further than me. I was born without the ability to use magic and could actually absorb energy out of all other living things. I will not go into detail, but as it stands right now, I am probably the only thing in this world that has what you would call, absolute power. However, I was born into this world for a reason and at first, I thought that is was to purge my school of recruiters, but after I finished that.... I felt like there was something more... some bigger festering in this world. Loki's Legion is but a symptom of that problem, which is corruption. You clans are a major contributor to this corruption.” This sent the clans, but not their leaders, into a frenzy until Melody silenced them with her Presence, and continued on, “Think what you like, but you have been using Psychics to manipulate this world for generations and not just students at the academies. By manipulating the government of this town, you have shown that those who control magic, control this cities future. If you really wanted to get students to join your clans, you should make your clans be appealing to them. For example, in the past the fire clan tried to recruit a certain fire Mage, but was unable to get her to listen to their proposal until they used that Mage's sister to convince her to go, promising the young girl a place in their clan as well. Then when the younger of the siblings was found to be much weaker than her sister was, the little girl was tossed out. Years later, she has probably surpassed her sister who has done nothing but rot in her forced lifestyle of being a trophy wife. What kind of hatred... and corruption do you think that kind of tactic fills people with?” Conversing amongst themselves for a moment, each clan had their own dark history which had been swept away and then Melody continued, “I gave you a chance to try and help yourselves by trusting me with this worlds future and you turned your noses up at me. Maybe not as a whole, but none the less, my offer was not accepted unconditionally. Now that I am taking control of this world's future, I plan on scrubbing this world free of corruption and those that spread it. First, however, I shall reclaim this world's future from the blight known as Loki's Legion and then I shall scour them from this world. Hopefully by then you can clean up your acts, otherwise...” Facing the crowd as she unleashed the full power of her Presence, Melody said threateningly, “I shall clean it, and you, up.” Suddenly, Melody was just gone along with her Presence, much to the shock of all watching. Knowing what they needed to do in order to avoid facing Melody's wrath most of the clans dispersed quickly to carry out her orders. The fire clan, however, was much slower in leaving, with their leader confronting Gray as the headmaster left. Facing the other woman with a worried expression, the fire clan leader asked, “Do you really think she can manage to take this group down? I mean, all the way take it down?” Not turning to face the clan leader, Gray held her hands together behind her and replied, “I raised her the best I could to fight the corruption in my school. As you well know, she managed that very easily. This Loki's Legion and all the rest of this world's corruption shall be child's play for her now. Like before, Melody will take her time in preparing before taking the fight straight to the source of the corruption. By the time they feel it necessary to use their full strength to stop her, it will already be far too late.” Her worried expression changed to a different kind of worry as clan head mused, “I heard my sister was captured... do you think they.... I mean do you think she's gone.... to their side? That is to say, what do you think would happen to my sister if she were fight against Melody?” Letting out a scoffing laugh, Gray turned toward the clan leader and answered, “That blockhead? Pfft, like she'd ever crack, hell they could use all the pretty ladies they wanted and all the manage to do is cause her to melt her restraints. She is way to brutish to be controlled by those fools and not to mention... she has such a hatred for recruiters that just feeling one them trying to work their claws into her is enough to send her into a rage... And that's why she respects Melody. Unlike other Psychics, Melody did not see your sister as just another person to tame... like she demonstrated back there... we are all just food.” Heading to a rambunctious bar in a shady part of town, Melody walked right in and sat down amid the silent stares she was receiving and asked, “Say, anyone here know anything about this girl being taken from a mansion near here? No? Then maybe this will jog your memories... she was called the 'princess of water', ring any bells?” When the bar patrons started surrounding her in an easy going fashion, Melody began grinning and said, “Hey now, you can save yourselves a trip to the hospital if you were to just kindly tell me where she is, since it's obvious you know where she is being kept, unless you want to take me on? But, you might wanna call a few of your friends over to help ya, just in case.” The bartender came over with a magically charged electric baton and said menacingly, “The Loki's Legionnaires don't like having people poking around in their business, I suggest you leave unless-” A clone suddenly appeared behind the bartender and slammed a fist down on her head, while the sitting down Melody commented in an amused tone, “Don't look now, friends, but I think your a little out numbered now.” Turning around, the crowd of ruffians were shocked when they found themselves surrounded by hundreds of Melody clones, all wanting to fight. Know when to leave, the roughnecks tried to flee, but were quickly incapacitated by the army. As she sucked up the bartender, Melody gave Jackie and her crew the rights to the rest of the hooligans while she made her way towards the secret entrance to the lower part of the base. Invisibly, Melody went around and swallowed every person in the underground base, leaving illusionary copies in their places. Eventually she found herself at the prison section of the base, where Jackie's gang members had already taken the liberty of eating the guards and clearing the way. Making her way back into a special prison, Melody opened the door to the driest prison cell she had ever been in. Making her way over to a girl curled up in the girl, the water princess barely managed to look up at Melody as she asked weakly, “Are you here to take me a wet place now?” Smiling kindly down at the girl as she sat her up, Melody replied, “This may seem a bit weird, but I'm going to send you to a very wet and safe place, okay.” Nodding her head as she had a surge of strength, the girl tried to stand up but quickly found her head being stuffed inside Melody's pussy. At first the girl was shocked she could fit into Melody, then was afraid she would die inside her rescuer, but calmed down when she realized that this was the wet and safe Melody had mentioned. Closing her eyes as she enjoyed being fulling engulfed by wet confines of the vagina, the princess of water wanted the sensation to last forever, but the end came all to quickly for her. Finding herself plopping out into a partially submerged room, the girl just let herself drift along in the soothing waters as she felt her body be replenished. Then she felt herself being positioned standing up in a spread apart position by tendrils, but once they began to fuck and pump her full of the warm, soothing liquid, all her cares melted away. As she walked away from the bar, Melody made certain Umi was comfortable in her new home and was pleased to find the princess of water content with the way she was being treated. Heading towards her next destination, Melody and her crew easily took control of the warehouse where the princess of earth was being kept. Finding her way towards the cell where the girl was being kept, Melody suddenly began hearing high and low notes in random sequences being played. Opening the door to the room, Melody was sad to see the trembling girl inside jump with every unpredictable note. When the girl looked over at Melody, her movements were very jerky, but she relaxed a bit when she saw Melody was not the normal people she saw come into her room and pleaded with her, “Please! Put a stop to the noise.... I can't.....they won't allow to center myself as they know the moment I do I can use me powers to their fullest.... I just need a quiet and peaceful peaceful place...to rest in..” Hugging to the girl tight, Melody pressed her head into her cleavage and said, “The place I'm going to send you to might not be the quietest, but I'm certain you'll be at peace.” Before she could react, the girl was quickly cocooned by Melody's breasts, and she could notice a strange quiet around her. After she was pulled in and placed into a strange room, the princess of earth was strangely relieved when she began hearing other rhythmic noises in the room, instead of the ear splitting screeches outside and dropped asleep with a peaceful look on her face. Once Melody plugged in Rumba, the princess of earth, she was quick to speak with her mentally over her current treatment. All she got in a response was several annoyed princess' telling her to quit worrying and let them enjoy their fun in peace. Smiling as she was happy the girls were enjoying themselves, Melody went off towards the final stop for the final princess or so she thought. Finding herself in a toy factory, of all places, Melody was heading towards where the princess of light was being held when she passed a room and a familiar voice called out, “'Bout damn time you got here..... Lazy... you're just lazy, you know that? I've been here for a few days now thanks to them bastards being complete failures at twisting me to their side.” Walking into the room, Melody freed the fire master and then helped her towards the door and asked, “I'm more surprised they managed to catch you... By the way, how did you get beaten?” Scoffing irritably as she though about the day she was captured, “They knew my weaknesses.... Hey, when you go after these bastard's bosses, would you keep an eye out for my pupil.... I don't know what happened to her. Oh and hey, ever hear about the, heh, princess of darkness?” Looking at the fire master in surprise, Melody said in wonder, “The princess of darkness......” Laughing as she stood on her own, the fire master pointed all the way to the end of the hallway and said, “ Yeah, she down at the end of the hallway. Apparently they've had her for a while and that's how they manage to ensnare a bunch of the Psychics... apparently they created a way to gain complete control of so many people and that's how they ended up getting what constitutes for the dark clan on their side as well as the Psychics. Don't underestimate these guys, they've got some serious power behind them, and I'm not just speaking about their bosses. I'll see myself out, I was conscious enough when they brought me in that I should be able to find my way out.” Passing by the room to the light princess, Melody was more curious to see the kind of prison they could have set up for the dark heir. Not finding the secret door, or caring enough to find it, Melody just thrust her palm into the door and blew the entire wall into the next room. As she looked inside, her jaw dropped as Melody saw miles of endless stuffed animals, each one of which was just as cute as the one next to it. The most corny and sappy song was also playing in a loop, which even Melody had to admit would drive her nuts after so long. Finding the music player, Melody smashed the device, effectively ending the song and messing with the lighting that had been displaying very friendly colors. Out from the shadows between two large stuffed animals, a trembling girl appeared and when Melody called out sweetly too her, the princess grew very hostile, releasing her Presence as she said, “You're just acting cute to get to me... just like my other tormentors.” As she readied some spells, Melody stood up and gazed down at the girl in a very terrifying manner, releasing her own Presence as she asked, “What did you call me, child?” Losing all strength in here body, the girl scurried back into her hiding place as Melody said, “Now then, let's try this again. Princess, please tell me your name.” Still trembling in fear in between the stuffed animals, the girl replied, “My... my name is Neh'hro.... That's with an 'H' on both parts of the name. Why do you ask, what do you want with me?” Walking over to where she was hiding, Melody held out her hand and said, “Well Neh'hro, I'm here to take you to a special place where you'll never need to worry about seeing another cute thing.” Jumping out her hiding spot, the girl hugged Melody and bounced with excited as she asked, “Really? Do you mean it? E-even back at my home, my classmates always thought it was funny to watch me squirm when they placed cute things near me in class. I hate cute things...” Chuckling as she reached to pick up the girl, Melody told her, “Well then I guess it's a good thing I'm only cute on the outside then isn't it?” Before she reply, Neh'hro found herself staring down into the black abyss in Melody's throat before she was completely engulfed by it. Struggling a bit at first as mortal terror over took her, Neh'hro eventually calmed down when she realized the darkness she had yearned for was right in front of her. After her journey in complete darkness was over, Neh'hro found herself in a wide chamber and heard sounds of things she didn't even want to imagine happening on the room. Then she felt herself being grabbed and dragged by something unseen and let out a scream as she was moved into her position. Feeling herself forced into a standing position, the dark princess figured this prison was probably the best she had been so far. Then she began to feel things crawling over her body and began to shudder as she began to imagine the kinds of horrid tortures she'd go through. Before she able to wonder if she'd be able to survive through the pain, Neh'hro convulsed as she a sudden shock of pleasure surged through her as she was penetrated by the thick tendrils. Crying out as she had never felt such pleasure before, Neh'hro was pleasantly surprised when a tentacle slide down her throat while two more began to suck and fondle her breasts. Wandering over to the other princess' chamber, Melody had a good idea what awaited her, but what she was saw far worse. The room had only a small light in the middle which cast a ring just large enough for a terrified girl to sit within, but the light was not strong enough for her to use in attacks since the light was produced by one small candle. All around the outside of the room, were hard toys and crates with terrifying designs on them. Add to that the creepy dull dark gray lighting in the room along with a skipping old record and you had very terrifying place for someone raised by the light clan. When Melody turned off the music, the girl seemed to take notice of her, but all she saw was yet another dark form into her nightmare and said, “Oh good, you must be here to change the candle.... it started to grow dim. I-I've been behaving as of late.... could you hurry before it goes out? I-I'm terrified of the dark....” Walking over, Melody snuffed out the candle and when the girl began crying out fearfully, Melody touched the girl's face, saying, “Don't worry, sweetie. I'm here to take you away from this dark place, alright? I'm going to open up a bright place for you to crawl into, and all you have to do is go in, okay?” Feeling the girl nod against her hand, Melody felt sorry for the frightened girl when the princess began to whimper and reach out after her hand when Melody pulled away. Leaning down in front of the girl, Melody stretched open her anal cavity so that the girl could so what awaited her within. To the girl's eyes, a wonderland of Light and pillow like surroundings awaited her and after a second, began to hastily trying to escape her nightmare. Shifting positions so that the girl could have an easier time crawling inside, Melody hugged and squeezed the girl tight as the princess slide up into her anus. Once she felt the opening close behind her, the princess of light finally relaxed and fell right to sleep in between the soft confines of her new playroom. Walking out into the main assembly room after the others had already left, Melody was confronted by a person, who said, “Seems we overlooked you for too long. Hmph, we thought we would have more time before you made a move against us and were focusing on recruiting more soldiers to assist in the fight against you.” Regarding the opposing individual curiously, Melody made no attempt to try and hide herself as she knew the top brass would know how to detect her, so instead chose to ask, “So you mean I went through all the trouble of bringing my helpers for nothing? Ah man, no wonder things went so smoothly.” Thinking for a moment, the darkly dressed individual asked in curious tone, “Your helpers...? Ah, they must be those girls from that gang you recruited which started this little.... game, I believe is the word you used to refer to your fight against us? Why don't you just give up and hand the princess' over to us? We could certainly use a strong Psychic like you on our side, or we could just leave you alone as we go about our business.” Melody eyes began to glow faintly as the air around her rumbled with her barely controlled power as she replied in an incredulous tone, “Give up? Join you? What the hell are you going on about? Whether I had started this little game or not, I would have still opposed you. This little game was for my own amusement and nothing more. Soon it shall come to an end, which means that I'm going to consume you and your organization.” Waving her hands up in front of her face, the person said in a nervous tone, “Whoa, whoa, easy there, Melody. I'd just like to talk a bit more, if you please.” Relaxing her body, but not her eyes, Melody stared straight at the dark individual and growled, “Talk.” Sensing she getting into hot water, the mysterious person asked, “Do you truly believe you have the strength to take on our boss as you are? My boss has been around for a very long time and has learned many secrets to magic. You must truly be insane to think you fight a monster like him.” Laughing manically for a few moments, Melody flashed a look at the figure which made even the strange person flinch as she replied, “A monster, you say? How very... interesting.... You remember that old saying... about fighting fire with fire? Well, if he is one fire, then I most certainly am the other, for you see, I'm a monster too.” Melody said the last part softly which made the darkly dressed individual chuckle as she asked, 'You? A monster? Don't kid yourself, no monster would take the time to rescue four defenseless girls from our care. No monster would be able to slip into society and blend in like your have. How can you possibly be a monster?” Gazing at the individual curiously, Melody posed her own question, “You are... a none magically aligned human being are you not?” Nodding her head to say that she was, the strange figure moved her head slowly as she inquired, “Mhm, but what does that have to do with any..... thing.....” Her words trailed off as she felt a sickening aura pass over her, trembling as an unknown fear wormed it's way into her heart. A fear she had felt once before, when she had once dared to challenge her master. Then, when Melody's Presence came out, the darkly dressed person suddenly felt her soul draw towards the gaping mouths as they inhaled deeply. Even though she knew this was only as illusion, the person could swear she was feeling the wind caused by the creature taking a breath and could smell it's stench as she floated into it's mouth. Then when the creature's jaws closed around her, the trance was broken and the strange figure found herself standing exactly where she had been, only now she was drenched in sweat. Thinking to herself, “ How can a Presence from a Mage effect me... and how was able to experience those things so vividly?” Smiling like the monster she was, Melody's power surged forth again and she was surrounded by seven swirling orbs as she said, “I want you to relay a message to your master. That is that she only has until tomorrow evening to gather all her forces before I bring mine to wipe her out. If she doesn't believe you, then why don't you tell her what you just felt, saw, smelled and experienced. Then tell her that I, a monster like herself, is coming to consume her!” With that said, Melody vanished altogether, making the person look around in surprise. Doing her best to try and sense her opponent, using the knowledge she had been given by her master, but could see nothing. Her reinforcements arrived just then and demanded to know where Melody was. Turning to leave, the person said nothing until one of the others asked her again where Melody was and so she replied, “Melody has once again evaded our sights. I... I don't know how she did it... A merely copy of herself was able to perform her Presence spell... I let my guard down and now I will pay for it when I return to our master.” Returning home, Melody released all her playmates and told them that they would have close to a day to enjoy themselves however they pleased. Melody then spent the rest of day touring the city with her girls before they retired to bed, only this night, all the girls squeezed onto her bed. The next morning, Melody finished up having fun with her pets before going home for some real fun.
The Master of the Deck Chapter Two – The War's End When the Kings learned that the Deckmaster was incapable of even the most basic communication magic despite her other impressive abilities, they quickly assigned her a liaison so that she could communicate even while on the move. After traveling to her designated conflict zone, the Deckmaster was quickly put to work trying to find a way to break the line. Rather than come up with some complex move as everyone at the battle site was expecting, the Deckmaster just told them to leave it to her. Then she walked right out into plain sight without fear, despite the force commander yelling at her about archers. An arrow was instantly shot at the Deckmaster, but when it touched her cloak, the arrow simply disappeared. Seeing the barrage that followed, the Deckmaster grinned and leaned forward like she was bowing, but instead this was a defensive gesture as the arrows were just absorbed by the fabric like it was made out ink. Stopping at the halfway point, the Deckmaster just put her hands up to her mouth and called, “Hey, if you guys over there want to live, then I suggest you pull back and regroup. Otherwise I'm going to take your position by force, okay? If you want, I'd even be willing to duel your commanding officer one on one if that would convince you to retreat without bloodshed.” In answer, the opposing side launched a fireball straight at the Deckmaster's face, but after blocking the spell with an elegant swish of one of her arms, the Deckmaster said while holding up two cards, “Very well, have it your way! 'Asharie, Queen of the Angels' and your sister 'Adarie, Queen of the Succubus' come forth and eat your fill!” On one side, a beautiful Angel rose, completely naked, but since she was a modest creature, Asharie did not show her nipples or gender. Adarie, a Succubus who arose on the other side, was less concealing as she swished her tail playfully. Taking off towards their enemies, the pair used their wings to shield themselves from projectiles and spells. While they went about stuffing themselves full of the enemy forces, the Deckmaster returned to her side and began to set up her tent. When her liaison came over to pass on praise from the Kings over the stunning victory she had made, the Deckmaster simply ordered the girl away to tell the other heroes to advance on their fronts. Then as she sat in her tent tracking what her subordinates were up to, the Deckmaster was interrupted when a girl nervously walked inside her tent. Barely moving as she addressed her, the Deckmaster asked, “What are you doing here, you delicate little flower? Shouldn't you be at home... or at least off the front lines? Unless of course your a message runner, then you should be going to find the commander.....” While the Deckmaster continued her musings mindlessly, the girl bowed her head and announced, “Deckmaster! I-I want to join your deck.” For a moment, the Deckmaster froze in silence as she tried to understand if she had heard the girl right, then scoffed while looking to side before saying, “Go home, little one. The battle field is not a place for the likes of you. You need not sully yourself with war-” Trembling as she clutched her hands, the girl interrupted the Deckmaster by shouting, “No! I won't have you telling me the same thing as my mother.... I'm not some dainty little flower that will get hurt from fighting in this war.... Cause I've already seen what happens in this war and have lost everything because of that damnable Tyrant King. I lost my mother to the war and my mama.... my mama was taken one night when our village was attacked... Because she was so beautiful, the woman that took her said that the captain would use her as a pet before handing her over to their King.... I want to fight and I know your deck can train me to do so.... I heard what you said to that martial artist yesterday.” Placing her head in one of her hands, the Deckmaster sighed and replied, “My deck isn't something you can just join for a time and leave when your done training. Once your in, your in until I leave this world and I don't just mean when I die. And even if you were to become good enough for me to use you, I can't guarantee I'll draw you... I use the card which is most appropriate for the situation.... do you understand? If you really want to fight, then you should try joining the army or a Mages school.” Starting to shake as she was growing more irritated, the girl stomped her foot as she angrily said, “No! No! No! You're just like all the others.... telling me I'm too weak or dainty to be on the battle field.... I don't care if I have to become apart of your deck for eternity or whatever, I just want to be able to fight.... I don't.... I can't be weak anymore... Those soldiers that took my mama away... they left me behind because I was too young... too weak...” Seeing the girl's aura shifting constantly between growing corrupt and pure, the Deckmaster went over and placed a hand on the girl's face, responding, “Forgive me, I didn't not mean to insult you, child. I just wanted you to be certain of the fate awaiting you... Of course, I still will not make you apart of my deck for I must defeat you in order to make apart of my deck and I just couldn't bring myself to attack you.... It would be very...... well you know what I mean, I have my code and I live by it.” Gulping nervously as she braced herself to bring out her trump card, the girl asked in a dark tone, “You mean like what you did with that girl back at the castle? That assassin girl who tried to knife you in the back? I wouldn't consider that defeating her exactly, would you?” Pausing as she realized her gut had been right, the Deckmaster sighed and admitted, “Alright, ya got me, but ask yourself this. Didn't I already beat her earlier? And if that was true, then did I need to beat her again? Hmph, go ahead, run to whomever you want and start talking, but I'm certain they'll just sweep you under the carpet as they wouldn't want to chase away such a powerful 'hero' like me.” There was silence for a bit until the girl acting as the Deckmaster's liaison came over and reported about the success the other fronts were having since all the enemies reinforcements had been sent after the two Queens. While there was no confirmation, the girl sounded very confident when she said that the Queens were still holding their own and that the other heroes would have plenty of time to gain ground before setting up defensible positions. Holding her hands out in the direction from where the liaison's voice had come from, the Deckmaster inquired, “See that, I don't think you're voice will be heard if you tried to expose what I had done.... but that's not why you brought that up, now is it?” Slumping her shoulders forward, the girl countered with, “Do you know what is like to be seen as weak by everyone around you? No, no of course not, your the Deckmaster, you wield the awesome might of your deck and can't be matched by anyone.... You're right, I had no intention of telling anyone about what you did to the assassin... I only brought that up in the hopes that you take me into your deck by force to keep me quiet...” Feeling bad now, the Deckmaster replied, “Look... it's not very simple for me to just suck you into my deck and turn you into some awesome monster capable of crushing my enemies with a single blow, okay? There is a reason behind my insistence to fight my opponents before adding them to my deck. If I know what they are capable of, I can keep them in their human forms without changing who them are.... You saw my 'Unending Legionnaires' card right? All those people had once been like you and because I just added them to my deck by force or out of necessity, they turned out as something completely different from when I entered them. I don't want to add you because I'm afraid you might end up apart of this card.” Flipping out card that hard a bunch of half shaped almost zombie like creatures on it, the Deckmaster held it out so that the girl could see for herself. The card was called 'Swarming Shamblers' and the description below the picture said that the Shamblers were just the mindless shells of corrupt or weak souls. Holding out a second card, the Deckmaster showed the card a single Shambler and the girl was surprised at how low of the Shambler was given as opposed to the 'Swarming Shamblers' one. Tucking the two cards away, the Deckmaster pulled out a third card, only this one was blank when she showed it to the girl and then before the young lady could ask, she answered, “This will be your card if you are truly determined to become apart of my deck. Place your hands on it and let your mind drift. The card will search through you to find what it is you truly seek or in other words, the desire hidden deep in your soul.” Placing both on her hands on the card, the girl closed her eyes as she began to feel something warm spreading out through her body. First her thoughts turned towards her parents, but the girl quickly dismissed the them as she already knew her parents were both dead to her. Shifting too the people who had been responsible for her mama's kidnapping, then enslavement and the death of her mother, the girl was quick to dismiss revenge as her desire. This was a relief to the Deckmaster as she had been afraid the girl might be consumed by her lust for revenge and would in turn be consumed by the deck, being turned into a mindless Shambler. Then the girl's thoughts began to grow dark as she was surrounded by eyes and whispering voices calling her weak or a dainty little flower, among other references. Gritting her teeth as she opened her eyes, the little girl said with conviction, “I want to become strong... but not in just physical strength. I want to become strong like you.... so strong that no one could ever look at me like I was weak again.” Smiling happily as a glow from began to emanate from the card, the Deckmaster replied, “Welcome to my family.” Before the girl could question the odd way the Deckmaster referred to her deck, the girl found herself being pulled into her card. Watching as the card finished forming, the Deckmaster was not surprised when the card became black lined almost immediately. Reading the name to herself, the Deckmaster smiled sadly when the name read, 'Anne the Weak' and promised the girl she would not remain weak for long. To her shock, Anne's card suddenly became white as the girl grew into a full grown lady, who was comically glaring up at the Deckmaster. Chuckling as she tucked the card away, the Deckmaster promised the girl an opportunity to fight soon. Heading back out of her tent, the Deckmaster began to pack up without even needing to hear the commanders order to do so. Against her liaison's wishes, the Deckmaster insisted upon carrying her own belongings and headed out across the line of the former line of fire. The rest of the troops waited for their replacements while the Deckmaster went over to see how her two Queens were doing. Adarie was playfully having girl's stuff themselves into her pussy to become Succubi Daughters while stuffing herself full of the woman in the reinforcements. Asharie, on the other hand, was carelessly dancing around the blades of girls who were strong enough to resister her and her sister's charm, while also sliding down a mesmerized woman or two every now and again. When the Deckmaster walked up, those who were still fighting recognized her by the description given to them by the distress call and attacked. Planning on just having the girl's weapons get absorbed by her cloak, the Deckmaster made little effort to move out of the way. Then something jumped out of her cloak and quickly knocked each the girl's back with ease. Placing her face in her hand, the Deckmaster thanked Anne for ruining her fun and the girl just smiled back deviously in response. As she was carrying two of the unconscious girls over to Asharie, Anne spotted a girl cowering behind some ruble and was about to attack when the Deckmaster stopped her. As Anne went back to delivering her presents to each of the Queens, the Deckmaster went over to the terrified girl and asked, “What are you doing still out here if you don't have the will to fight? No one would blame you if you had just run away or had surrendered. Now, since you're not the current plaything of either of my girls, how about you deliver a message to your master for me? Tell her...” A few hours later, the girl was returning to the Tyrant King's and when she was granted an audience with her ruler was about to speak when something strange happened. A black goo began to cover her body, making the girl panic for she did not understand what was going on. Once the sludge had completely covered the girl's, the gunk morphed into a ball for a moment. Then a much more attractive girl broke free from the bubble, with the dark matter eerily merging into her skin. While the person was stunning in her beauty, the odd thing was that her face was completely obscured by some strange force. Rubbing her belly for a moment, the person spoke to it like the her belly was alive and after a moment, everyone realized she was speaking to girl she had formed around, saying, I know what my mommy said and I'm sorry, but orders are orders. Don't worry though, you'll end up receiving much better care with my mommy than you would with your master!” Facing the Tyrant King, the girl suddenly grew clothing and her very presence seemed to change to something much more terrifying as the person said, “You who opened the way for me to come here, shall soon have all that you have struggled for destroyed by my hand. Struggle as you may, fight as you might, but you shall never stop me from purging you and all your corrupt fellow Noblemen from this world.” Flinching at the way the figure addressed her, the Tyrant King got up and demanded, “What did you just call me, heathen?” Chuckling before she replied, the mysterious figure said, “You Vaticant scum always do make the same mistakes, but I guess you can't help it. But then again, if you did then I wouldn't be able to fill my belly anymore so I guess it is good if you can't learn from the past!” Laughing confidently, the strange figure returned to her card form and then drifted away as it disappeared. Trembling, though her servants could not tell whether that was from rage or fear, the Tyrant King began to bark out orders to have all her forces retreat to the capitol. Not wanting to face their master's wrath, the messengers quickly set about their tasks delivering the order to pull back to all commanders. The orders combined with the rumors circulating about a new darkly dressed hero fighting for the coalition forces made the retreating forcing move even faster. Walking with her troop, the Deckmaster was barely even phased when stronghold after stronghold was found to be completely empty. Even choke points and set ambush sites were completely vacant which began to worry the commanders as they did know to expect. When they drew close to the Tyrant Kings capitol, however, they found a very different surprise waiting for them. All the Evil King's forces were all barricaded inside the city, with Mages and archers guarding against anything trying to approach the city. In an effort to demonstrate their reach, the Mages had already scorched the ground as far as they could reach, not to mention gave the archers clear view of any approaching enemies. This forced all the nation's heroes to gather to discuss there next move. Knowing they would need to form a strategy quickly, one of the heroes suddenly became worried and asked the Deckmaster's liaison, “Hey, can't they.... I don't know, somehow intercept these communications we are making with our leaders?” Shaking her head before responding, the girl answered, “No, they cannot intercept these transmissions because by the time they sense the message being sent, the information they seek to intercept would be too far away. There is another communication method that I know of which they should easily be able to intercept.” An idea popped into the Deckmaster's head and after explaining the idea to both the other heroes along with the three Kings, they began to prepare for their little play. After making certain everyone knew their lines, the Deckmaster had her liaison begin the less secure method of communication spell. Almost instantly, the girl reported feeling someone attaching themselves to the conversation, just as the Deckmaster planned. Once the image of the three Kings came into view, the play was and began with: “So, how are things looking on your end?” One of the Kings asked a matter a fact tone. “Not good, looks like they brought their entire army back and have sealed themselves inside their fortress. We'll need something strong if we intend to break their lines this time.” A hero replied in a worried tone. “Hm.... What about a sneak attack? Surely you heroes could get past the lines?” The more aggressive of the three Kings inquired. “No, that wouldn't work either... and besides, if we all go in to try and assassinate the Tyrant King, there's no guarantee we'll succeed. That will leave our forces out here vulnerable and if we are converted to the Evil King's side, then this war will truly be lost.” Answered the Deckmaster who shook her head in dismay. “Guess there is no helping it then, tonight you will need to go all out and try to force your way in. We are having some Mages port some more square shields to the front so that you can withstand the arrows. The real problem will be dealing with the defenders on the ramparts, but then again... if you can't even reach the walls then that would be pointless to worry about. It is your hands now, reinforcements will be on the way soon.” The more level-headed King said with a sigh of resignation. After the communication spell was over, one of the more cocky heroes asked the Deckmaster in a sarcastic tone, “Well now, oh great leader of ours, how do you intend for us to participate in this all out attack and sneak in to kill the Tyrant King?” Pulling out a large number of identical cards, the Deckmaster replied, “With these, come forth my “Masked Ones' and sow confusion amongst our enemies.” Masked Ones numbering the same amount as heroes present then appeared and each selected a different hero to stand in front off. Leaning forward and bending their backs inhumanly, the odd black being touched a finger to each of the heroes heads before shivering as they replicated their their targets movements, plus all their quirky mannerisms. Putting a finger to her forehead, the Deckmaster seemed in thought for a few moments and completely ignored the others. When they pried at what her thought were about, the Deckmaster gave in and said in musing tone, “Now all we really need is a way to blind the archers and Mages up on the ramparts.... I don't mean trying to actually blind them like with magic or anything, as I'm certain they have protection against those sorts of things, but we need something bright for the archers to aim at that will cause them to be blind when they look into the darkness if they detect us.” Slapping her fist down on her hand, a summoner heroes exclaimed, “Oh! I know, we can use some giant fire elementals I had initially planned on using in the assault for that. And I just so happen to a certain wood they just love to eat that makes them burn especially bright, plus makes them stronger with their attacks. Not only will that sell the idea of the all-out attack, but it will greatly increase our odds of getting in.” Patting the younger hero on the back, the others praised her for the brilliant idea, making her blush bright crimson. As she went to work on gathering the elementals and promising them the wood to eat as a treat if they helped make the attack seem more authentic. The sight of the special wood made the elementals start to drool, but the hero summoner was quick to remind them that they would need to wait till later that evening and then started to herd the fire elementals into special cauldrons. Meanwhile, the Deckmaster began calling out a few of her cards to help make her own doppelganger seem more real. When Myrrh was called out, she was willing to accept her instructions, but strongly objected to leaning the Deckmaster's side by saying, “But I need to be with you in case anything goes wrong and if you're going into the final enemy stronghold, then you must know something is bound to go wrong.” Pulling out a newly Gray lined card, the Deckmaster showed Myrrh the card while saying, “Don't worry, I have Anne here in case things grow hectic. She's grown quite a bit since our first meeting wouldn't you say?” Flinching as she saw the new Anne, Myrrh was more interested in the description for the which read, “She started out with only a strong will, but now her spirit shows on both the inside and on the outside. For those who face her with anything less than an equal strength of spirit, only helpless awaits them like that which once held tightly onto this girl.” Nodding as she accepted the responsibility of helping her mistress from the outside, Myrrh eagerly awaited that evening as that would be when the fun began.
The Master of the Deck Chapter Three – The Tyrant's Fall Groaning as the night dragged on with the out of sync drumming constantly jolting her awake, an archer asked the person next to her, “Do you really think they are going to go for an all out attack? It just seems way too foolish...!” Suddenly, from within the forest, dozens of gigantic fire roared to life and then the three King's forces slowly to creep out of the trees. Spaced evenly between the front line were gigantic fire elementals that seemed much more terrifying than normal for some reason. This was due to the special wood the summoner had given them to burn as the tree was one grown right out of still burning ashes. This wood temporarily gave the fire elementals near god-like powers and transformed them into terrible embodiments of rage and destruction. In unison, all the fire lords hurled their strongest spells at the walls of the Tyrant's Kings castle and not even ice spells stood a chance of stopping the mighty fire blasts. When all the fire orbs collided with the barrier protecting the castle walls from such attacks, the shield held for a moment before cracking and then shattering altogether. The defenders on the walls were stunned by the might they were facing, but were quickly brought back to reality as the fire lords started to rain down fiery destruction upon them. The archers then began to launch volleys of arrows down onto the encroaching army, but they were rendered ineffective by the square shields the three King's forces were carrying. Then, a couple defenders could have sworn that something dashed past them, but sadly, they were almost instantly wiped out by an enormous fire blast. Breathing a sigh a of relief when they finally reached inside the castle the other heroes took a moment to rest as the girl who had cloaked their entrance was very tired, but still had enough energy to ask slyly, “So where is that bitch who said she didn't need my cloak of darkness to enter? Ha, I bet she's-” Without warning, the Deckmaster simple appeared in front of the other heroes, causing them to jump in fright as she said in a sly tone, “Right in front of you. Glad to see you were able to get here without incident as well. Sorry about being a little behind, I got... sidetracked.” As the stealth hero punch the Deckmaster in the shoulder out of annoyance, one of the weapon-master heroes demanded, “Quiet! We don't need the whole castle knowing we're here before we even get inside... Though I don't know if we'll be able to perform a quiet mission with all the guards around here. Someone will need to act as a distraction, but that'll greatly decrease our chances of getting to the King successfully...” Chuckling as she pulled out a very special card, the Deckmaster proudly displayed the shiny card and said, “Oh don't worry, this one will do a perfect job of distracting the King's forces. Right now, I can guarantee you that that Evil King is quaking on his throne because she worries about something she summoned getting to her. I sent a message to her earlier which might have rattled her cage a bit too much, however, her paranoia will now work in our favor. Come forth, 'Anne the Strength Render'!” Reeling back in fear at the creature brought forth, a light blessed hero commented fearfully, “Well now, that's not at all like the creatures you normally summon... I don't know if we should be using her, she might cause more trouble than good.” Anne stood tall, completely bare with only a devil mask hiding her face as bowed to the Deckmaster. Standing at least seven feet tall, Anne was very oppressive as it was, but add to that the vicious looking razors that were her fingers and the former helpless little girl looked like something straight out of a slasher movie. Then add to all of that her drop dead gorgeous body and a vicious scythe tipped tail, Anne definitely was not someone you wanted to mess with. Thankfully, instead of running off to exact her revenge as the Deckmaster had feared, Anne waited patiently for the order to attack to be given. The Deckmaster began to pet Anne and much to the other heroes surprise, the creature suddenly began acting like a little child as her master said in a reassuring tone, “Don't worry, she is really just a little girl at heart. I recruited her near the beginning of my involvement in the war and she really has grown in leaps and bounds. And all this is just for looks, you know, something to strike fear into her enemies that don't have the strength to face something like her. Also, her claws can't cut flesh, they just rend the strength out of a person and add that strength to her own. Now then, my little devil girl, why don't you go out and say hi?” With all the other watching her, Anne calmly walked out into the middle of the room, taking on the appearance of a little girl crying. One of the guards quickly took notice of her and called for others before going to see what was the matter with the 'little' girl. While Anne cried, the guard began to wonder where she had come from and what she was doing in such a dangerous place. As the other guards came along, Anne suddenly stopped crying and after giggling eerily for a few moments glared up at the guard near her, demanding, “Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself, miss guard? There are all kinds of demons loose these days, but some are even more deadlier than the rest and I'm no exception.” Without warning, Anne returned to her normal form and swung one of her clawed hands viciously at the guard. Some of the heroes cringed as they still thought that Anne was going to kill the guard, but when they looked back up, all the heroes blushed in embarrassment as they saw the guard was completely naked. The guard stumbled uncertainly as she tried to regain her balance, but as the strength left her boy, she toppled over onto the ground. Anne then picked up the paralyzed woman and gulped her down greedily before looking at the rest of the guards with hunger clear in her eyes. As her body digested the guard in her stomach, Anne began to grow larger and more muscular, but the guards were more concerned with the terrifying stare she was giving them. Running down a side passage as Anne performed her role spectacularly, one of the other heroes said to the Deckmaster irritably, “You really are a pervert aren't you?” Instead of countering the other heroes comment, the Deckmaster turned to leap off down another hallway and called back to her comrades, “You go on ahead, I have something else I need to take care of.... alone.” Now free to do as she pleased, the Deckmaster made her way quickly the first of her targets, a charm casting girl. When she kicked down the door to the girl's quarters, the Deckmaster let out a relieved sigh as she strode into the room. Shocked at first, the girl quickly recognized the Deckmaster and ordered her slaves to protect her. She then boasted about her powers being a gift from powerful Succubus and could not matched by anyone. Taking her up on that bet, the Deckmaster pulled out one card and said, “I'll take that bet, but your gonna regret making a challenge like that against who I've got in store to face you. Play time 'Adarie, Queen of the Succubus'! Show this little girl how a true charmer works her magic.” Popping into existence, just Adarie's appearance alone was enough to break some of the girl's slave to her will and then the voluptuous Succubus Queen said playfully her eyes glowed, “Hmph, so you only have the power to attract the opposite sex? Pathetic, if you really had the gift of a Succubus then you would be able to make anyone your slave, regardless of sex or age.” Unable to break the demon's gaze, the girl joined the rest of her slaves in going over to offer themselves up to the hungry Succubus. Leaving Adarie to her feast, the Deckmaster also tossed out Asharie so the Angel Queen wouldn't get jealous and then moved onto her next target. After her master was gone, Adarie quickly stuffed the little charmer into her pussy and moaned happily as she began working on converting the girl into one of her sisters. Heading into a very lavishly adorned room, the Deckmaster brightened when she laid eyes on a girl shacked to a bed and exclaimed, “Ah, there you are, Hierarch! I've been looking for ya for a little while. My, my, your master certainly takes good care of her favorites doesn't she?” Dashing out of the shadows, six girls the Deckmaster recognized as being members of the Sisters of Light revealed themselves and then their leader commanded, “Halt right there, vermin! You will not lay a hand on our mistress, nor do you possess the strength to mat-” Right then, Anne burst through one wall, looking much larger and more intimidating than ever. As she looked about the room and focused in on the Sister's of Light, the Deckmaster said slyly, “You know.... I think you have bigger worries right about now, girls. Why don't you go play with my little demon here and I'll go have a little chat with your mistress?” In response, the Sister's of Light tried to charge the Deckmaster, but where knocked out of the room completely by Anne's tail. Taking off after the Sister's of Light and the guards which were still trying to quell her, Anne flashed a pleasant smile down at the terrified girl on the bed. Jumping when she felt someone sit down on the bed, the Hierarch whirled around to face the Deckmaster, fear palpable in her eyes. When the Deckmaster reached out towards her, the Hierarch flinched fearfully as she was expecting to be smacked or grabbed roughly and threatened, what she received was far different. Stroking the girl's head affectionately, the Deckmaster smiled happily the young lady started purring in response and then said kindly, “There, there, kitten. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to free you in the hopes that you will return the favor by helping me and my friends end the Tyrant King's reign.” Pulling away abruptly, the girl spat in return, “My name is Cat, not kitten! And even if you free me from this chain, you cannot free from the King. Until you do that, I am as powerless as every other girl in her army.... I am sorry for that.” Leaning in close, the Deckmaster smiled warmly as she said, “Don't worry, kitten, I plan on not only breaking your collar, but your master's hold on you.” Then before Cat could become indignant over being called 'kitten' again, the Deckmaster pulled her into a kiss and held her fast. While the kiss only lasted only a few moments, time seemed to drag on forever in Cat's mind as nothing the Tyrant King had ever done to her had felt so good. With the Hierarch distracted, the Deckmaster slide a tentacle out of her cloak and up into the girl's pussy. Once the tendril found the glowing brand inside Cat's womb, the tip released a white fluid which sought out of the magical rune and destroyed it. When the kiss finally ended, Cat blinked for a moment as she held her head, before exclaiming, “I'm free! Oh thank you, thank you so much!” Smiling happily as Cat embraced her, the Deckmaster replied, “Well now, kitten, how about you come with me and return the favor? I'm certain by now my colleges are at the throne room battling the Evil King's forces.” Shoving the Deckmaster off the bed roughly for calling her by that silly nickname again, Cat pulled off her collar, which had never been locked in the first place, and grumbled, “Fine, but I'm only doing this so I can reclaim my kingdom from that monster. This has nothing to do with you!” Standing up, the Deckmaster smiled happily as she snapped her fingers and shouted, “Oh Anne! The Hierarch here could use a lift to the throne room!” Before Cat even had time to react, Anne's tail whipped into the room, wrapped around her chest before picking her up and pulling her out of her chambers. Screaming at the Deckmaster angrily as Anne dragged her along through every doorway towards the throne room, Cat was grateful when she noticed Anne being careful about swishing her tail too much. The Deckmaster just smiled up at the irate Hierarch as she followed behind Anne's trail of destruction. Right after parting ways with the Deckmaster, the group of heroes forced their way into the throne room. After a standard face off with the Tyrant King, the heroes began to fight their way through hordes of honor guards. Reaching the final set of guards, the heroes found themselves hitting a brick wall as they were evening matched with the final bodyguards. That was when the Tyrant King began to commend the heroes for making it as far as they did and for using her fears against her. For a moment the heroes had to think about what the King meant, then they realized that she was speaking about Anne and they began to have hope once more when they realized the Deckmaster could still tip the scale. Once more, they all tried to attack the converted heroes from their lands, but the fight was pointless as they were no match for their well rested opponents. Whispering to their leader, the stealth hero asked in an annoyed tone, 'Where is that perverted imbecile? She just breaks away off on some other mission when we need her here now... If I ever get my hands on her.... grinning.... face....” Every pause in the girl's statement coincided with a loud thump coming from behind the heroes. Their leader panicked as she suddenly realized what was happening and shoved part of the group to one side before diving off to the other side. Immediately after they were out of the way, Anne came thundering through the elegant doors to the throne room and after releasing her passenger, charged forward at the corrupted heroes. Twirling around, Anne took them all out in one swing of her tail, to the utter disbelief of everyone in the room. As her tail traveled in an arc towards the last remaining armed figure next to the King, Anne was shocked when the girl stopped her tail, even though the lady skidded for a few feet. Raising back one of her claws to continue her attack, Anne froze when the Deckmaster commanded her to halt and then the Deckmaster said, “Anne, unless you want to lose that arm, I suggest you busy yourself with all the guards rushing in behind us.” Quaking in fear as she looked back at the girl up on the stage, Anne trotted off like a lion as the Deckmaster asked the girl she was carrying, “Would you please do the honors, kitten?” Smacking the Deckmaster upside the head in irritation, Cat was about to say something when the Tyrant King said boastfully, “You fool! What can you possibly hope to accomplish by bringing my pet here? You might have defeated the heroes that I converted, but if even your demon there was no match for my guard captain, what hope do any of you stand in defeating me?” Picking up a rock, Cat chucked it straight into the Kings helm and after everyone chuckled at the comical way the Tyrant toppled from a simple rock, the Hierarch replied in a very commanding tone, “I am no longer your pet, Nobleman and neither is this nation! Drayne, I hereby order you to stand down and not impede these heroes from their duty.” Tensing at the direct order, Drayne, the guard who had blocked Anne's tail, bowed respectfully and back away while the Tyrant King demanded, “What are you doing, Drayne? You serve me, I order you to protect me!” Ripping off the emblem of the Tyrant King from her uniform, Drayne hurled the hunk of metal at the woman and shouted in response, “I NEVER SERVED YOU! Nor would I had it not been for my lady, Cat, asking me to protect you. Now that her initial order has been rescinded, I no longer have any obligation to you. I serve the Vaticant and I always will.” Taking advantage of the opportunity, one of the female heroes charged up and impaled the Tyrant King on her sword. For a moment, the Tyrant King just looked at the sword jutting out her chest in shock before falling to the ground. Taking her rightful place on the throne, Cat activated the magics embedded into the chair to broadcast her voice to all Vaticant soldiers within the city. She told them to lay down their arms and cease the pointless war as the Tyrant King was dead, then released all converts from service to the country. After that, she demanded that the army of the three Kings leave her country at once so that she could begin the rebuilding process. A week later, after working out with the other three kingdoms to keep their boundaries the same, Cat began to make apologies for the actions her country was forced to take under the control of the King. She then turned to commend the brave group of heroes that had been vital to ending the Evil King's reign and apologized to the heroes who had been converted for the atrocities they had to endure while under the control of the Tyrant. When Cat looked to try and find the hero responsible for her freedom, she was startled to find the Deckmaster was walking out of the courthouse. Pleading with the darkly dressed hero to wait, Cat implored the Deckmaster to come and be her personal guardian to prevent another 'Evil King' from arising, but this was met with strong opposition from the other countries. Turning back to face all the country leaders, the Deckmaster made this statement, “I have no intention of belonging to any of you. I was commissioned by my client to do one thing and that was to end the war and return peace to this world. Now that I have done just that, I have no intention of staying around any longer.... you mortals try my nerves every time you open your mouths. Sorry, Cat, but I cannot accept your offer, for to do so would be to rekindle the fires of war I worked so hard to trample down into embers.” Just as she predicted, the moment she turned her back to the Kings, they all ordered their heroes to attack the Deckmaster. Knowing anything short of their best would not even phase the godlike hero, the champions gave their all when they struck at the Deckmaster. To the shock and utter horror, the Deckmaster didn't even budge, or flinch as their blades tore into her, spraying her blood across the room. Staring down at the Deckmaster in disbelief, none of the heroes could even comprehend what had just happened. Coming down out of her seat in an hysterical manner, Cat rushed over to the Deckmaster's side, crying in agony over seeing the broken corpse. One of the heroes finally worked up the courage to walk over to the Deckmaster and was reaching to to remove the fallen heroes hood when she say and eerie grin stretched across the Deckmaster's face. Then steam began to rise from the hero's body, as well as from her blood patches around the room and the mist began to swirl up into the air. A few moments later the Deckmaster's body began to glow and fade away as an object started to take form in the cloud. After the fallen hero's corpse vanished completely, a card dropped down into Cat's hands. Holding up the card with tears streaming down her face, Cat entire world froze as she spotted a figure completely shrouded in shadows walking away and then screamed at the other Kings, “Are you satisfied now, you bastards? Because of you..... she's dead, the Deckmaster died because none of you could accept her walking away from you! Don't any of you understand.... what would have happened had she chose any of us? Oh god... she was just trying to prevent another war.... I can only hope that her client will be forgiving...” Standing up and collecting herself, Cat hardened herself and stormed out of the building, shouting, “You all can keep your support now, my country does not need hand-outs to rebuild. I hope that you never come crawling to my doorstep when the Deckmaster's client comes after you, for I shall not give you the slightest regard.” As she road in the carriage home, Cat sat in silence as she read the description on the Deckmaster's card, “Wielder of a mysterious deck that allows her to summon mighty beast of terrible power. Such power did not come at a cost, but only she knows exactly what was given up in return for being granted the mighty power.” The rank on the card was undefined and the Deckmaster's card sparkled without even being moved. When Cat returned home, she placed the card in a small shrine inside the castle as it was being rebuilt. No one other than Cat was allowed to see the shrine and most days the card was not inside it's case as Cat had it with her in bed as she wept for the lose of her savior. While many questioned her attachment to the card, Cat always felt better when she had 'The Deckmaster' close. Drayne was very distraught over her ruler's condition, but she could understand why Cat felt so strongly about the person that had freed her from the nightmare she had been placed in. That did not, however, stop her from making plans on a way to cheer her mistress up.
The Master of the Deck Chapter Three – Another Beginning A few years later, when Razor was just beginning to go to school, Disturbing rumors began to surface about a strange string of disappearances of homeless in many cities. Some stories told of a god turning them into her minions for some great war in the making, others thought that it was just some sex slave scam. The nation's rulers, however, began to think there was more to what was happening, but without any actual sightings of the attacks, little could be done. One thing that kept coming up, however, was the strange way in which the individuals were reportedly dressed. Thankfully, the disappearances were only really noticed when large groups of homeless were attacked and the surviving members of the homeless gang brought the attacks to the governments eyes, but most governments thought little of it. That is, until Cat brought up the topic in court during one of their meetings over trade routes and that was when all the nations learned that the disappearances were not just isolated to one country or another. Then when the countries began to compare reports of the attacks, they began to see differences in the attacks. Pairs of countries had reports of the same people in either black or red colored suits being responsible for the attacks, but when they all went further, the Kings and Cat found another odd difference in their attackers. While they debated over what the differences meant, a sudden sound of a deck being flicked from one hand to another drew their attention to Melody as she said, “You don't get it do you? These attacks are all linked because these people belong to a deck. The Vaticant nation is being attacked the Clubs, one of four suits involved in a common playing card deck. Each of you other three nations suffer from the suits of Hearts, Diamonds and Spades, which means that someone is playing a card game against you. I only know this because I've been doing some personal research of my own into these attacks. I have begun to notice that there have been attacks on gangs and bands of thieves too, though as you should already be able to guess, those kinds of people would not report such attacks. I'd say these people are trying to something that involves amassing a large of people, but the fact that they are targeting homeless and thugs that were once in the military of each country, means that they are trying to do more than amass an army.” Pulling out a paper with a few odd stories written down on it, one of the Kings asked, “What do you make of these rumors about there being a god behind this group? Have you found anything in your investigation that could validate these nonsensical claims?” Putting the deck of cards down, Melody replied, “In this deck, there are only the cards I have seen while out investigating in it. Some cards are missing, but it may just be that I have not seen them myself, however, this group appears to be much more organized than just some radical religious group. The King and Queen of each of the suits are a pair, guarded by the Jack of their suits. Each suit's royalty hands out orders from time to time to the numbered cards, but in between handing out assignments, the royalty are no where to be found. From what I have seen, it may be possible that there is some sort of 'god' or being of unimaginable power that is guiding them, however, this creature seems to very reclusive.” Thinking for a moment, one of the Kings asked curiously, “Wait, how is that you were able to see these kinds of interactions where as our spies and investigators have seen nothing? And what of the other cards? If the royalty of each suit is giving orders... whether they come from another or not, then what is the purpose of each of the numbered cards?” Picking back her deck, Melody laid all the cards out in a tower formation for each suit, then began by saying, “As you already know, the royalty of each deck, meaning the King, Queen and Jack, have a controlling purpose for their suit. I do not know if each King and Queen pair are separate or if they all congregate to receive orders from this god they follow. The god figure could just be something the royalty created to give their words more meaning and power over their fellow card members, but I do not know. From two to ten, those cards are merely foot soldiers that carry out the royalties orders. Their combat skills are largely unknown to me since there is always something that obscures any fights they are in with the homes or the bandits. From what I have heard, however, the higher the value in the cards number, the more 'battle' experience they seem to have. The reason why I said battle experience, is because the lower numbered cards seem to have more difficulty handling multiple attackers than the hired value cards, but that is not to say the lower numbers are weaker. They just seem to have a harder time using their strength to their advantage.” Enthralled by what Melody was telling them, Cat realized something and asked, “Wait a second Melody, you only mentioned two through ten.... What about Aces? Where do they fit in the picture?” Hesitantly, Melody pulled out four aces, and answered, “Aces... I have not seen any of them in all my studies of the cards, but that leads me to a theory. When you look at an Ace, you would think they would rank lower than a two card because their value is one, but I think that in fact, the Aces might even be higher than the royalty. This is only stab in the dark, but I think that the Aces should be seen as such, instead of valuing one, which means that they rank higher than the Kings. Now then, if you were take their value into account, along with the fact that they have not been seen, this leads me to believe that the Aces are the guards of this 'god' that rumors suggest exists. Now before you ask about the Jokers, I haven't seen them either, but all that could mean is that the Jokers have not yet been recruited. Now if you look at the suits, you'll see that they are not all filled out, which might explain why they are abducting homeless. It could be that they are trying to complete their deck for some grand purpose, but one can only wonder what that purpose might be.” Picking up the Aces, Melody rearranged the cards so that the kings could see the gaps in the deck more clearly, then one of the Kings muttered in a thoughtful tone, “So it seems that whomever is in control of this group is trying to accumulate a full deck to play with, but I guess now the question is what kind of game is the leader planning on playing and with whom. Now that I think about it... I wonder what happens to all those people who are found 'unworthy' of becoming a card, but still vanish? Any thoughts Melody?” Pulling out a very old and faded deck of cards, Melody laid out the entire deck below the others and posed a set of rhetorical questions in response, “What is a King without a countrymen to rule over? What is a god without followers to worship it? Why do you think this god is taking the homeless, the disillusioned, and the desperate into it's army?” While the rulers thought over the questions, Melody picked up the faded deck and set down the missing cards from the other deck before saying, “While I do not know what truly happens to those who are not made into cards, I do not think they are just killed. I think the leader of this army is amassing those who do not follow any country or ruler and is turning them into followers. This god is also probably trying to find 'strong' followers to make into these cards, although when I say strong I do not mean physically.” Laughing confidently as she stood up to face Melody, one King replied with conviction, “This god or leader of this gang can gather all the forces she wants, but that will do her no good against all of us! Even apart we are more than a match for any upstart and each day our nations grow stronger as new fighters and magicians are being trained even now.” Looking darkly over at the King, Melody asked rhetorically as she left, “But how well would you be able to face an enemy that knows your strategies? What if you your enemy was you, knew you and your every move before you could even plan your next strategy?” Later that day at home, Melody walked into her little girl's room and asked slyly, “So, how many more have you gathered today?” Jumping as she had been lost in thought, Razor blushed as she realized her Mother was watching her, then replied nervously, “It's not.... I only ate two females today... They were mocking a girl because of something said in class about her family... They were also part of the group that had been making fun of me by pulling on my hair because of long it is. I'm just grateful I was able to control myself until they were the bathroom together... otherwise you'd have another incident to hear about...” Chuckling as she sat down to comfort her little girl, Melody said, “Don't worry about it, sweety. I've caused my fair share of trouble in my lifetime, you know? I actually think being known as the 'Hair Witch' might have been good for you since no one would dare make fun of you again.” Rubbing her belly unhappily, Razor asked, “Mom, have you ever had people try to take advantage of your reputation? Like trying to befriend you only for the purpose of using the fear your name inspires to make them more powerful?” Sitting down on her Daughter's bed, Melody placed an arm around her child and answered, “You should already know the answer to that one, my little devil! But yes, I have had numerous sorcerers and even nations try to make use of my reputation and the fact that I am 'on their side' to make themselves a more powerful force in the world.” Twiddling her fingers nervously, Razor asked, “Wha-what do you think I should do, mom? If I send them away then won't they just come back to try and control me once again?” Chuckling as she had been expecting the question, Melody replied, “If they are smart, then they should be able to understand when you tell them to leave you alone. However, there are two kinds of people that will come back to you, 'masters' and 'servants'. Masters are the kinds of people I enjoy swallowing and showing my true colors too, cause even then some of them try to master you. Servants, or in another word friends, are only interested in staying close to you because of the protection being close to you affords them. People like them are ones I enjoy showing my true self to and then allowing them to decide what happens next. I'm certain you'll be able to tell the difference come tomorrow, sweety, so don't worry so much. Just remember to be gently with those you feel are servants, for after you reveal yourself, they will become very fragile and pushing them too much can shatter them completely.” Shuddering as she realized her Mother already knew what had happened that day, Razor thought back to her fight today with her companions. As she slept, Razor went over those in her little party, most of whom she knew would turn out to be masters. Closing her eyes, Razor really hoped she might make a friend come tomorrow, but knew that would be difficult since most girls were terrified of just her human form and would be even more frightened of her 'real self'. At school the next day, Razor's school day went very normally, like when she had first arrived. All of her supposed friends kept their distances after she ordered them to leave her alone and surprisingly, Razor was actually bored without their constant chatter to keep her entertained. Not that she wanted to deal with the leeches anymore after she found out they had been using her name to threaten other students. Now more than ever, she regretted earning the nickname the 'Hair Witch' over how she used her extremely long hair to pummel a group of bullies that had been annoying her ever since she started coming to school. While the truth was that she had actually swallowed those in the group with her hair, Razor had made it look like she had beaten them up since that was still entirely possibly for her two do with her hair. After school was let out, however, Razor's activities truly began when she was confronted by her old companions. As Razor had been expecting, each of her old companions turned out to be masters and in a fit of rage, she transformed into her Daughter form. Her former comrades had brought friends with them, and a few were training to be Noblemen, while the rest were just muscle. That only increased Razor's anger as she understood what her former colleges had been planning to do with her. When none of her opponents even flinched at her true form, Razor figured that her former friends had prepared those helping them for what to expect when going up against a special class of magic user. Unfortunately for them, she had more than magic at her disposal and made quick work of her attackers, then sat down to enjoy herself. Feeling that someone was watching her, Razor snaked her tail over around a corner and snatched another girl from one of her classes, who begged her pitifully, “P-please don't hurt me, Razor... I swear I won't say anything about what I've seen... honest...” Moaning as she sucked one the trainee Noblemen into her womb, Razor reached and swallowed one of her former friends before glancing at the girl she had her tail wrapped about before asking, “So then, tell me why it is that you followed me? I can only hope you're like the rest of these friends of mine, cause my stomach has been growling at me all day.” Trembling in fear, the girl struggled to keep from wetting herself as she watched two more females disappear into Razor's womb and pleaded for her life, “I'm sorry, Razor.... I... well today you looked so bored in class after you told off your friends so I thought I might accompany you home and try to get to know you better... Uh, heh, well that kinda seems like a foolish dream now... I had thought you were just another brat like those girls that you've been.... Ah, sorry, this all a bit much for me. Uh, say... is this what happened to the people you beat up too? I mean I know their still in school, but anything is possible with magic right?” Seeing how the girl's legs were hanging limply while the rest of her body was trembling, Razor set the girl on the ground and released her with a sigh before answering, “No, when I dealt with those fools I did used my hair to deal with them. However, what you see in school is not them anymore. They are just illusions that act just like the real deal, most of those people have long since been digested after staying in my stomach for so long.” Kneeling on the ground since that's how she ended up when Razor set her down, the girl's watched curiously as Razor's tail became the Daughter's hair and then asked, “Uh, would you mind showing me how you do it? Uh, w-with your hair I mean... I really admire the way your hair always stayed perfectly groomed, even though it is double your body length.... I mean my hair only goes down to my shoulder blades and I have trouble just keeping it clean, much less have as gorgeous as yours.” Watching the girl ramble on nervously, Razor remembered her Mother's advice from the night before, so when one of the females who had attacked her recovered, Razor caught the young woman and said, “Alright, if you really want to see what I do then I'll show you, but just know that I'm a predator and I don't like carrying around useless companions.” Watching Razor cocoon the woman in her hair and swallow the other student, the girl was obviously enamored by the Daughter's ability. Clenching her hands, the girl began to focus and to Razor's amazement, the young lady's hair started to move about. As Razor continued to watch the girl demonstrate her magic, Razor was amazed how the girl was able to replicate the same fists of hair that the Daughter had used in the illusion of what had happened with her bullies. Seeing how fascinated Razor was with her abilities made the girl start to giggle happily as she continued demonstrating her skills. Sitting back down as she started breathing hard for a moment, the girl said, “That's about all I can do right now with my magic... Boy... I don't know how you can do that so easily or fight with it...” Holding up one of her hands, Razor made a fist of hair in a third of the time it took for the girl to accomplish the same, then replied, “Well, truth is, this isn't magic. I'm actually manipulating my body and am able to change my body at will, though right now I'm in my normal human form which requires less energy. That other form you say me in takes much more energy to maintain, but as you undoubtedly saw, my other form has it's uses.” Throwing her hands out excitedly, the girl exclaimed, “Not to mention you look so beautiful like that... I mean you put even my sister to shame and I always though of her as the pinnacle of what could be achieved as far as beauty, but you just blew her away completely. But what do you mean that you're not using magic? How is it possible to do those things without magic?” Giggling as she smiled mischievously, Razor replied while holding her hand out, “Come with me and I will show you that anything is possible when your dealing with my Mother.” Taking the girl home, Razor quickly disappeared into her room after saying high to her mama and the guards keeping an eye on Rose. In her room, Razor changed into her Daughter form, much to the delight of her companion. While the girl began to gently explore her body, much to Razor's delight, she ordered the girl to get undressed. When her companion looked at her in wonder and asked what she needed to do that for, Razor replied as she opened up her tail's mouth, “Well unless you want your clothing to disappear when I swallow you with my tail, get undressed. And don't worry, I'm just putting you in my mouth... so to speak, and I will let you out when we get to where I'm taking you.” As she hurried to pull off her clothing, the girl asked curiously, “Huh, where are we going that I have to be inside you?” Smiling as she lowered her tail over the girl trembling body, Razor answered, “I'm taking to my Mother's lair so that you can truly understand what I do.” Taking great care to only allow her friend to slide into her tail a few inches, Razor phased into the floor of her room and passed through the ground underneath the house. When she landed down in the nest resting right underneath Melody's house, Razor quickly spat out the girl as she returned to her human form. Both girls just gaped in awe at the size and complexity of the nest for a few minutes. Nudging Razor while she gave the Daughter a funny look, the girl asked, “Haven't you been here before? I mean this is your home too isn't it?” Shaking her head, Razor replied, “My Mother told me about the nest when I was still really little, but I've been more concerned with being a 'good little girl' for the Hierarch's guardian to come down here before... No matter how many times I see places like this... I'm still in awe at my mom's power...” Blinking a few times as what Razor said sunk in, the girl exclaimed, “Eh! You mean to tell me that you really are the daughter of Melody? B-but she has no magical powers... and Rose, your mama, doesn't seem to have all that much magical ability either... Wait, if your mother can do all this... then she must really be a monster in disguise!” Looking around in a cautious manner, Razor shouted, “Don't touch her! She's with me so you have no reason to even think about coming near her!” Cringing as a swarm of tendrils and other forms surged towards her, the girl was surprised when the things attacking her stopped, then retreated at Razor's command. Watching the tendrils slither away and disappear the girl hugged onto Razor fearfully as she comforted the panicked little girl. Razor then explained that Rose did not have any magical energy to be sensed since she was always giving her energy to Melody. Then she walked through the strange world with the girl, watching things shift and change while they traveled with child like curiosity. As they walked through town, Razor introduced the girl to all sorts of fantastic creatures that the girl could have only dreamed about meeting before. From Succubi to Liamas and even a few human looking creatures that were called Shamblers. While the girl didn't quite understand why the creatures treated her or Razor so kindly, it was only when she met the leader of the underground city that she realized just who she had become friends with. Trembling to the point where she almost lost strength in her knees, when the girl finally saw Melody, or The Mother, she almost gave into disbelief when The Mother said, “Ah, Razor! I'm so glad you came down finally. Have you taken care of that problem you having at school? Oh, you didn't tell me you were bringing a guest, I would have been more proper for her arrival.” Watching as The Mother separated herself from a large flower like opening in the nest ground that seemed to control everything going on down in the nest, the girl's mouth was agape as Razor replied, “Well, she was kinda a last minute encounter.... heh. But yes, I've dealt with the problem and sadly they were all masters, though I did manage to find a friend in the aftermath!” Staring in in disbelief as the woman she had admired since she had first heard Melody was walking over to her, the girl flinched when she realized Melody was naked and bowed respectfully as she blushed, hesitantly saying, “Uh, it is an honor to meet you, Melody.... Uh, I have great admiration for all that you have done for the Vaticant and for your daughter.” Leaning down, Melody patted the girl on the head as the little lady looked up her nervously and replied encouragingly, “Heh, well it's nice to meet you too, little one. Glad someone managed to get close to my little sweetheart without ending up inside her stomach.” As Razor screamed at her indignantly, Melody suddenly realized she was standing in front of the young girl naked and snapped her fingers. In an instant, the bustling nest disappeared and the girl found herself inside black dome even though everything was still in plain sight. Suddenly, the girl noticed that she and everyone else was wearing clothing and when she touched the fabric, it seemed very real to the touch. Then the floor underneath her feet started to writhe as if alive and then hard tile took form as a small diner seemed to slowly take form around the girl. She could only dart her eyes around in amazement as the walls seemed to grow out the black dome, taking on more distinct features as the seconds passed. If that wasn't enough, the diner slowly became populated with various creatures she had seen on her way over, all clothed very properly. Hearing her name called by Razor, the girl rushed over to join her in entering a private room and happily sat next to Razor at the table where Melody was waiting for them. While they all sat at the table, Melody noticed the girl had not even bothered touching the tea set out for her and mused in a curious tone, “Seems you have something pressing on your mind that you want to ask since you haven't even thought about touching your tea and I'm curious as to what that might be.” Realizing she was being impolite by not trying the tea, the girl quickly took a sip before replying, “Wow, this tea is tastes wonderful, Melody, thank you! Uh, but about my question.... Well, I was wondering that since Razor is your daughter and all, would you be willing to teach me how to do the things she can with my hair?” Smiling as she could now understand why Razor had brought the girl into the nest, Melody put down her cup and answered, “Unfortunately, no I cannot. You are wanting to learn magic from me and while I probably could instruct on how to reinforce your hair with your affinity for air magic, that would not be what your asking. If you want to be able to do the things my Daughter does, then your going to have to become like Razor. However, before you start agreeing to anything, you should know the cost of your decision. If you become like my Daughter, then you truly will be able to use your hair in the way that Razor does, but you will have to give up your human life completely. This means no growing old with a lover, no giving birth to a family and your family will never get to see you again.” Laughing in an almost cruel tone, the girl replied, “How could I have a family when even my own parents do not see me? I'm just the failure daughter they no longer care about since my sister has become so popular. Even with my meager magic abilities, my parents still only see my sister since she's bringing honor to our family since she has the eye of so many Noblemen.... Heh, I thought that when Razor gave up her friendship with all those other girls that I might be able to become someone important by becoming friends with the daughter of the great Melody, but now that I think about it, my parents probably wouldn't even see me then.” Smacking the girl over the back of the head, Razor gave her a stern look before looking over at Melody, who was straining over something, before saying to the girl in a chiding tone, “Hey! Leave that nonsense out of this discussion will ya? The more you drown in those kinds of thoughts, the harder it is for my Mother to restrain her body from trying to feed on you. Strong emotions, corrupting thoughts like trying to change yourself for another person like you are trying to do... those are the kinds of things that my Mother feeds on and what do you think happens when there is nothing left? Just don't... ruin the mood anymore, sheesh!” Realizing that Razor was right, the girl apologized to Melody before going on, “Well I have always found great discomfort in returning to my family after school each day, so I would actually be kind of happy to cut those ties. I really just want to be strong like Razor... cause I've been in her position before because of my weak magical skill, and unlike her, just endured the bullying. I was actually kind of grateful when she took care of the bullies in the way that she did, cause I worried that if they could torment her they wouldn't return to me.” Realizing that the girl was the one who had been mocked in class the day before, Razor gave Melody a sharp look before the woman said, “Well any friend of my Daughter's is welcome in my family. I take in all kinds and I would love to have you along to keep my little girl out of trouble.” Razor shot her Mother a hateful glare before getting up to lead the girl to another part of the nest. When they left the diner, the girl was somewhat dismayed when her dress disappeared and let out a short scream when a black ooze rose up around her. Razor sternly informed the ooze that it was only to form into the dress the girl had been wearing and nothing more as the black gunk began to spread over the girl's body. Twirling around for a moment in the dress the Suit had formed into, the girl was delighted with the way the Child mimicked actual clothing. Standing in front of a gigantic pussy, Razor faced the girl and said, “All you have to do is going inside there and you will be added to the family.... but unless you really have a strong desire you won't survive the process completely intact. If you want... there are other processes to be converted through, but even they have risks involved with them...” Hugging Razor for a moment, the girl stood back and said, “Don't worry, I promise I will make it through just fine, cause how else will I remain your friend? By the way, in all that has happened, I never got a chance to properly introduce myself, I am Akita and it is a pleasure to be your friend.” A few days later, Akita pushed her way out of the vagina with a gasp as she was not expecting to come out so suddenly and flopped onto the ground. Getting up slowly as she had grown so used to floating around like she was in water, Akita was a little unsteady on her feet as she stood up. Looking around trying to regain a sense of her surroundings, Akita was shocked to find Razor sound asleep next the the pussy she had entered. Just as she was going over to wake up her friend, Akita noticed that Razor had a strange outfit on and was startled when she heard, or rather felt, someone come up behind her. Whirling around quickly, Akita calmed down when she spotted Melody approaching her, then when the woman patted her head affectionately, Akita gasped as she was suddenly wearing a similar out to Razor's as Melody explained, “You and Razor are going to be my Trump cards, cause having an ace in the hole is one thing, but having multiple trump cards is even better.” Giving Melody a funny look, Akita was shocked when Razor suddenly jumped over and kicked Melody before saying to Akita, “Don't listen to a word a she says, you'll only get the wrong idea. Basically she's just saying your going to be playing the same role in this little game she's going to be playing so you can spend time with me.” Meanwhile, during the time Akita had been out of the action while being changed into a Daughter, things took a change for the worse in one of the nations. A brawl had started in tavern for off duty soldiers, but that wasn't the interesting part, for who was responsible for the fight was more eye catching. The aggressor was a lady in a white outfit that had the number ten embossed above her right breast and had heart shapes tattooed across her body. When the fight began, it had started with one drunken woman wanting to take the girl someplace private so she could show the pretty lass her 'battle scars', but after being refused by the girl, the war veteran grew violent. Normally, Ten of Hearts would have just quietly silenced knocked out the woman, but instead knocked the drunk across the bar, shouting, “Anyone else want a piece of me?” In their drunken state the off duty guards did not even notice who the attacker was, but just reacted to try and take down the girl. As the alarm was raised and more guards were called in, the news of an attack by one of the mysterious card figures exploded through the town. While the guards created a perimeter around the bar and demanded the girl come out, the sounds of the continuing fighting slowly became silent. Shuffling a deck between her hands in a magical manner, Ten came out and tossed her cards up into the air. Suddenly, where there had only been one enemy, a small army of fifty-two came into view and began a clash with the city guards. While the guards fought against her minions, Ten just sat atop the entrance to the bar laughing at the poor show the guards of her former country were performing now that peace had ruled the lands for a few years. A few hours later, after the message had been sent to the nations, Ten of Hearts was at home with the others when they heard someone approaching and some of them demanded, 'Who's there?!” Upon seeing who it was all the cards instantly relaxed their guards and apologized to Melody as she came into sight before the woman said, “Ah, well maybe I should have come dressed appropriately so you wouldn't have mistaken me.” Morphing down into a young girl, Melody took on the guise of her new role and all the cards said in unison, “Hail Infinity!” Giggling over the manner they greeted her with, Infinity asked, “Has everything been set in motion, Ten of Hearts?” When Ten nodded her head quickly in response, Infinity looked up at the stars and murmured, “Hm, well I guess it is about time I go searching for the last of the cards in my deck. The rest of you should make certain that you have filled out your own decks with those you like.... For the war shall begin soon.”
Short Story The Circus of Mystique As the weekend drew close and the temperature began dropping outside, a strange wind began to blow through the capitol city of a small continent of Kabalana. Accompanying this wind was a sense of excitement which was only increased as fliers announcing a certain even began to appear in the streets. Like every year around this time, the capitol city saw an influx of visitors from the out of town increase sharply in preparation for the Circus of Mystique. Each year the circus came to town for a one night performance that drew large crowds to see what sort of spectacular talents the carnival would bring that year. One of the most interesting thing about the circus was that admission was free for everyone, which led people to choose the circus over other activities for Halloween. Unknown to most of the populace, however, was that the circus had a dark reputation linked to it's departure and the wondrous creatures displayed in the carnival. While only speculation, many high in the government blamed the Circus of Mystique for hundreds of disappearances that occurred each year. Something else that raised the alarm about the Circus was the way those who went barely remembered anything, but would adamantly profess that they had a wonderful time. Not even agents sent into the circus for the purpose of uncovering the strange dealings going on at the carnival returned with their memories intact, usually not remembering much after entering the circus grounds. Even though the government has chosen to ignore the circus, they still send agents each year in an attempt to learn what happens at the circus and to try and discover if the carnies are linked to the disappearances that happen after the circus leaves. Posing as a teacher, one agent tried her best to keep the children in line while in line to get in, hoping that no one would notice her. Once inside the carnival area, she began to calm down as she walked through the brightly colored tents with her girls. Then all of sudden, a hand clamped over her mouth and someone incredibly strong dragged the agent into the shadows. Before she could even think to fight back, the agent could feel something almost like water oozing around her body, having already swallowed her arms and legs. By the time she even began to struggle, most of her body was already inside the belly of whomever had dragged her into the shadows. After she was completely submerged in the liquid like being, the agent began to frantically struggle as she was worried about air, but then the liquid she was in began to force itself inside her, pushing out the air in her lungs. Struggling only for a few more moments, the agent passed out as an unbelievable pleasurable sensation coursed through her body. Wandering over into the shadows, one of the little girls the agent had been escorting spotted a clown with a bulging belly and trotted over happily, asking in a cheerful tone, “Hey! Say, miss clown, did you happen to see our teacher? She was with our group until a moment ago and now I can't find her.” Thinking for a moment, the clown smiled down pleasantly at the girl and replied, “Sorry there little one, I haven't seen anyone since I got finished with preparing for the show. Oh, would you and your friends like to come see how we carnies get ready for our acts? I'm certain there are some others still in the changing room if you hurry.” The little girl's face lit up with delight as she rushed off to tell her friends about the offer, then came back and followed the clown to the changing rooms. Once inside, the clown drew the attention of the other entertainers in the tent and introduced the excited children to each of the preparing performers. Each performer would then chose a couple of the children to have help with their preparation, until there was only one four left. In pairs, the remaining kids went to different entertainers while the clown that had brought them there went out to mingle with the crowd. Most of the girls ended up sliding down the throat of their assigned clown, adding a cute bulge to their belly as the Suits were keeping the girls inside them as hosts, since The Mother did not allow such young minds to simply be absorbed. Of the four last girls, two of them were sent giggling into one Suit's butt cheeks while the other two were shocked when the clown they were watching turned around and asked, “Hey, would you two mind helping empty my breasts? They feel a little heavy and off balance and I would really appreciate it if you two could help me while I do my make-up.” At first the girls were a little hesitant, but then their pupils dilated and they began to climb up into the clown's lap eagerly. Both girls clamped down on one of the lady's breasts, giggling as they drew a pleased groan from the clown as they started sucking on her nipples. Completely enthralled now, the girls continued to ravenously drink the lady's breast milk even after she asked them to stop. Eventually the lady pulled the girls away from her breast, but only after most of her breast milk had been drained and when the girl's recovered from their daze, they began to apologize for ruining the clown's look. Smiling happily as she hugged the girls close to console them, the clown said with a playful tone, “Oh don't worry girls, I'm just happy you enjoyed your drink, but if you really liked my milk so much why didn't you say something earlier? I would been happy to let you soak inside my breasts for the show! Hm... now that I think about it, you two are the perfect size to fill my breasts back to their normal bouncy sizes, so what do ya say?” All the girls had to do was nod yes for the clown to start enveloping the pair in her boobs. Once the girls were completely inside, the Suit plumped up her breasts with a little extra milk so they were the size she wanted and then finished forming the rest of her appearance. Going outside the tent, the Suit performed several somersaults to the delight of those around her as they gawked at her curvaceous body, but the clown was more interested in the way her breasts barely seemed to bounce despite how much she hoped around. Pouting as she thought about having to relinquish her new fillers at the end of the show, the Suit was shocked and delighted when The Mother gave her permission to ask the two kids to stay with her after the show was over. Elsewhere, a group of government agents were with their families enjoying the sights and sounds of the carnival when subtle signal was given. Each gave excuses to their families before heading towards the designated meeting area. Noticing they were a few members short, the group assumed the other members had been caught and detained by the carnies in some way. Moving ahead to carry out their mission, the agents headed towards the stables where they were going to try and take DNA samples from some of the animals used in the acts. While there was magic in the world, some of the creatures reportedly used in the performances were something even the most power magicians still living in the modern aged world couldn't even possibly imagine creating. Wandering into the tent, the team was startled by the stranger sights inside the tent, while other creatures seemed more normal, like the Liamas and Nekomatas. Some other creatures were more unnerving as the team came across boa constrictors and anacondas easily the size of full-sized school buses that could easily swallow a human whole. Then the agents spotted some truly unique specimens that looked like elephants, but the animals were very different than their normal sisters. The females had tendrils that protruded from their backs and a large snake for a tail, while the girls had tendrils coming out of the bellies along with human-like breasts that were big enough to fit a whole human inside of. Even more curious was the fact that all the elephants had two trunks and seemed completely fine with that fact. When the agents split up to do some tests on some of the slumbering creatures, they were shocked when suddenly the animals woke up and were startled when a voice said, “Ah, wonderful! You've arrived just in time, thank you so much for volunteering to keep my pets comfortable until the performance! I was just about to go see about rustling up some volunteers to come play with them for a bit, but since you just happened to be around, I guess they can just play with you. These poor animals get very nervous as they wait to go on and having a human or two around to suck on always calms them down. Be gentle with them now, my pets.” As the ringmaster left the tent, the agents found themselves being handed over to the elephants, which seemed to be the only animal interested in 'playing' with them. Once they had the entire team constrained with one of their trunks, the elephants would clamp one of their noses on their agent's faces and then groped their crotches with their other trunk. Elephants that did not get a toy would go over to one that had a human and would attach their noses to the agent's breasts hard, but not to the point where it was painful. Slowly, all the agents could feel themselves growing tired, but before they all fell asleep, they got to experience the horrifying sensation of being sucked into the trunk of the elephant holding onto them. With all of the agents now accounted for, The Mother began moving forward with the festivities by sending out her offspring to mingle with the crowd and take their pick before the big show. This was also when she opened the recruitment tents, which allowed for people that came to the circus to actually join the performance for the night either temporarily if they were kids, or permanently if they were above the age of sixteen. Hurrying over to her station, The Mother was in charge of making certain the Suits gave full control over to the kids they were being worn by. Many children came back to the circus year after year just to experience being part of the show again, some even coming back after they became adults. While the Suits were always unhappy about giving up their delicious hosts, The Mother was adamant about not taking someone away from their normal life if they were happy or did not wish to disappear. One of the biggest attractions in the recruitment area was the succubus tent since all the girls that usually fell into stripping and bar tending dreamed of having the fantastic bodies the lovely demons had. Sometimes there even couples that came to be recruited, with the female choosing to be an Angel if their mate was a Succubus since the two airborne beings had a joint performance. Those who were poor or at rock bottom usually chose to go to Ink's tent to just become clowns as many of them just wanted to bring happiness to someone else. For those who liked to dance with fire, they normally went to the tent were Kat and Lily awaited since the fire show performed by the Nekomatas was something of legend. Like any normal carnival, there were all sorts of sideshow performers demonstrating their unique skills, and scantily clad acrobatics were a common sight after the circus filled up with guests. One ride that was especially popular was a kiddy ride where children would be given swim suits and then with the help of a watery guide, would dive down deep into a pool where an actual sunken ship was. The coolest part about the ride was the fact that there was actual gold inside the ship, but to make the ride more fun, the carnies would always hide the pieces of money in cramped spaces. What no one knew about, was the fact that the Water Elementals swimming with the kids actually swallowed them and that the swim suits were actual Suits. Kids were allowed three minutes to search through the wreckage, but could only retrieve a max of three coins. This game was more popular with the less fortunate folks as those kids who had rich parents rarely found any gold, but no one really seemed to care since there were always more games to try out. This year, however, a daughter of a particularly nasty pair of company shareholders timidly approached the swim suit counter. Even though she knew the games reputation, she still hoped that she could make her parents accept her if she could find even one piece of gold. After putting on her swimsuit, the little girl gleefully hoped into the arms of the awaiting Water Elemental and dove underwater quickly to start her search. Once she was under the surface however, the girl realized she was going to have to waste so much time constantly coming back up for air since she couldn't hold her breath for to long. Then she felt a weird sensation and suddenly realized she was inside the Water Elemental that was acting as her guide, then looked around to see the other children were happily swimming around inside their own guides. Taking a few moments to get the hang of swimming from inside the Water Elemental, the little girl took off towards the ship with a smile as she actively searched every place she could possibly fit into. Unfortunately, her timer ran out before she could find any coins and her parents could instantly tell by the look on her face when she emerged from the depths. When her parent turned away without even helping her get out, the girl knew she was going to get a lecture at home later that night. After changing, the little girl was surprised when somebody stopped her as she went to chase after her parent and handed her something while saying, “Hey there, don't feel bad about not winning the game, it's probably just that you got in there right before we refilled the ship.” Looking up to see the ringmaster herself was giving her the consolation prize, the girl was a little shocked, but then her parent shouted for her to hurry up. Thanking the ringmaster, the little girl ran off with a happy smile, but was quick to hide the consolation prize when she got close to her parents. When one of the Water Elementals asked her if what she had done was right, The Mother replied that she was just testing the girl's heart to see the little lady would chose a heart of gold over something that could only bring her temporary acceptance. After stopping to eat something, the little girl opened up her consolation prize which was a small purse and was stunned when inside were three gold coins, her mind racing as she thought, “I don't believe it... She actually gave me three gold coins, now mama and mother will be so proud... No, they'll just call me pitiful for having to accept charity from someone they feel is beneath them... Then they'll just take the coins and go buy something nice for themselves while I'm stuck in my room for being a failure again.” Getting up, the little girl told her parents she needed to return something and sped off towards the diving game, then when she arrived handed over the purse to the ringmaster, saying, “Thank you for the thought, but I can't accept these coins... cause I didn't find them. Maybe next year my luck will change!” Pulling the three coins out of the purse, The Mother smiled down at the girl as she handed the purse back replying, “I'm glad you feel that way, your parents could learn a lot from you. Rather than trying to fill their pockets with things, they should try investing in happiness like your doing, but I know as well as you do that they will never do that. I hope you will enjoy the rest of the carnival and try your best not to let your parents greed sneak it's way into your heart, otherwise you might just become lost the next time you com here.” Running along to meet up with her parents, the little girl couldn't resist peaking inside once more and was startled to find a miniature living Water Elemental in the purse and pulled out a small note that read, “Your happiness might be small right now, but here is a friend to help it blossom! Take good care of her and she will return your feelings tenfold.” Once in the big top, the girl secretly pulled out the little Water Elemental and held her secretly as she asked quietly, “Hey, would you like to watch the show with me?” The little Water Elemental nodded her head yes and then leaped up onto the girl's shoulder, using the little lady's hair to hide herself from prying eyes. Then with a bang, the ringmaster appeared in the center of the tent and drew all eyes to herself. After welcoming everyone, the ringmaster snapped her fingers and ten enormous balls appeared above her and slammed down around her. This caused the crowd to gasp in shock as the balls seemed to come down hard and had them worried for the ringmaster's sake. Above the worried chatter growing in volume around the tent, the ringmaster voice shouted, “Hey! You guys almost hit me! Get out there are perform, earn your pay!” Everyone then started to laugh comically at the well planned performance as the ringmaster easily kicked away each of the balls. As they flew out towards the crowd, the balls magically changed into elephants, which stood up on their hide legs to reveal their bloated breasts. The crowd began to lean back as the milk jugs start to expand and then cried out as the boobs all popped at the same time. Surprised when confetti came flying at them, the crowd swooned as dozens of well endowed ladies flipped gracefully through the air, apparently having come out of the fake breasts on the elephants. Then while the pachyderms lumbered away slowly, the groups of acrobatics began to climb up poles the elephants had landed near and started to swing nimbly across a network of trapezes that hung down from the top of the tent. After some amazing tricks and close collisions, the acrobatics all released their holds on their trapeze, landing safely down on a safety net no one even knew was a place. Upon bouncing once into the air, the safety net was suddenly cut loose, but as they fell, the acrobats formed themselves into the shape of a small palace, much to the delight of the crowd. While the acrobatics dragged away the safety net and bowed out of sight, the ringmaster came back to the center ring. She then proceeded to fire people up for the next act, all the while, tendrils slowly worked their way towards the people in the crowd. They invisibly attached themselves to the crowds erogenous zones and proceeded to suck out the crowds energy slowly. The next performance was by the fierce looking Nekomata who performed a beautiful dance all while maintaining twirling fire batons in either their hands or feet. Some parts of the resembled dueling with a staff, but the movements were much more elegant and beautiful in form than normal martial arts. To end their performance on a high note, the Nekomatas then ate the fire they had been dancing with and then all at once exhaled it in a fantastic display of fire-breathing. Taking their leave, the ringmaster took center stage once again as a sweet smelling smoke started to drift into the air. Pretending to smell like she had only just noticed the smoke, the ringmaster shouted excitedly, “ Oh no, I smell smoke! Is there a fire somewhere, oh but wait... this smoke is sweet. I guess that means we're about to be visited by some Angels and Demons!” As the ringmaster pointed up towards the top of the tent, a swarm of Angels and Succubus gracefully flew into sight, leaving behind twirling smoke vapors in their wake as they gracefully danced through the air. Then they all began to circle quickly, creating a hurricane of smoke which they would periodically dive into, using their wings to actually slice and carve the smoke into a new shape. Reversing the direction for a few laps, the winged creatures brought the column of smoke to a stand still and revealed a very accurate smoke sculpture of a well known mayor that had made the capitol city a much better place to live in during her time. After waiting a few moments, the Angels and Succubus started circling again, reshaping the cloud into something new, but also smaller. They continued this routine until their was not enough smoke left to make anything out of, then they all flapped their wings hard at their final sculpture, creating a bunch of air waves that when collided caused the smoke in the tent to blow away in a fantastic gust of wind. By now, most of the crowd was asleep or barely conscious, so the ringmaster sent out the numberless clowns to help the rest of the crowd pass out. Then when the last guest fell asleep,the entire circus just up and vanished into thin air, like in the years previous. No one knew what happened to the carnival or the carnies that worked there, but everyone knew that before they disappeared completely, the entertainers from the circus would put on one grand finale for the entire capitol city. This was by dancing and playing all across town in what appeared to be a random fashion, but in reality, the entertainers were just returning the guests to their homes, or the hotel rooms they were staying in. At an orphanage where two little girls were supposed to be returned home, a very voluptuous lady entered with two slumbering bundles in her arms. After waiting until the kids woke up, the lady introduced herself as the clown they had met earlier and asked if they would like to stay with her permanently as her boob buddies. The answer was an immediate yes from both girls, which made the Suit very happy as she went to find the matron of the orphanage to properly adopt the two girls. At the government building where the government officials were awaiting feedback from their agents, a alarming discovery was made. Every single one of the agents sent into the circus was laying fast asleep inside infirmary at their headquarters. On the leader was a little card with a smiley face sticking it's tongue out on the front and on the back was the smiley face's butt being shaken in a taunting gesture. Inside the card was a little note asking for the agency to try again next year and to teach their agents to be a little more stealthy. Having already gotten used to failing year after year, the bosses of the beaten agents still couldn't tolerate the humiliating taunts on the card. Up at a ritzy mansion, The Mother made certain to tuck into bed a certain little girl with the purse containing her Daughter in the child's hand before saying gently, “Time to wake up!~” Bolting awake, the little girl looked around quickly before realizing she was in her room and for a moment though that everything had been a dream until she noticed something was in her hand. Cautiously opening the penny purse, the young girl was surprised when a little bit bigger, but still small, Water Elemental leaped out and hugged her neck as best as the Water Elemental could manage. Looking around for a place for her new pet to sleep in, the little girl spotted an empty fish bowl she still kept filled with water even though the fish had been flushed by her parents. Dropping the Water Elemental inside, the girl watched the creature happily surge around in her new home for a moment before rolling back over to go to bed. Once she was certain the girl was asleep, the Water Elemental quietly slipped out of the fish bowl and hoped onto the girls bed. Slipping down underneath the covers, the Daughter careful made her way down towards the little lady's privates. Sliding underneath the girl's underwear, the Water Elemental froze when she heard the girl stir, but relaxed when she heard the girl's breathing return to normal. Carefully, the Water Elemental worked her way into the girl's pussy and then into the girls womb where she curled up happily with a smile.
Halloween Special 3 Another Sort of Candy Collecting Dashing around the portal fields excitedly, Sinclair only looked for the portals created for Halloween, but all that she found were quickly dismissed. Then she found one that managed to catch her interest for more than a few seconds. This one showed a group of older girls laying down a tied up little girl into the circle of safety of a summoning circle. Smiling as she finally found the perfect opportunity, Sinclair claimed the portal for herself as The Mother's body had been in the process of creating a clone to answer the summoning. Once the older girls had been claimed at the tribute and the portal opened, Sinclair quickly dove through. On the other side, Sinclair waited patiently for the magical glow of the ring to fade before stringing up the girl like a marionette and setting the little girl about the task of drawing a different summoning circle. In her demonic home, Dollista was enjoying watching Cassy dart about with wings she had gained from absorbing a thieving flying imp. To match her dark wings, Dollista had found an adorable goth outfit for Cassy that truly brought out the small girl's doll like qualities, while not giving her an innocent appearance. As she was watching Cassy twirl gracefully through the air, Dollista noticed yet another portal with the smell of Halloween wafting in through it and was about to ignore the summons when she noticed Cassy was acting strange. Trembling in what looked like fear, Cassy suddenly darted towards the portal gleefully crying, “It's Sinclair!” Rushing over to the portal, Dollista could easily tell the summoner was human and a weak one at that, which made her ask, “Are you certain Cassy? I don't see any indication of this being her other than the fact that the person knows my exact name...” Zipping behind Dollista, Cassy started to push the big demon towards the portal while answering in an insistent tone, “I know it's her or have you forgotten who the person responsible for my creation is?” Giving in and wandering through, Dollista materialized in the summoning circle, towering over the mage calling upon her. Seeing that the summoner was a child and extremely cute at that, Dollista couldn't stop herself from reaching down and picking the witch up to kiss her. Only after she finished changing the child did Dollista even think about the fact that she might have just turned her former companion into part of her collection, but then she noticed a strand of hair leading away from her newest doll. Following the strand down to the source, Dollista was delighted to find an ever familiar young female beaming happily up at her. Shrinking down to the size of a normal human, Dollista smiled deviously at the shocked expression on Sinclair's face as she told the little Daughter, “I've been learning quite a lot due to my new status, but that's beside the point. How have you been and what's The Mother up to these days? Speaking of which... why are you summoning out here on Halloween of all days? Shouldn't you be out trick-or-treating as a human?” Pretending to pout at the last question, Sinclair replied, “Well I was going to, but my Mother forbade me from going out on my own and I didn't know where else to turn to.” Sighing irritably at the sight of Sinclair's pleading eyes, Dollista said, “Sorry, kiddo, but right now I'm bound to this girl for the duration of the summon, but since I haven't exactly made a contract with her, I'm probably going to be sent back home very soon.” Smiling deviously Sinclair pointed up at the little girl and asked, “Oh you mean that little puppet? I was just using her to bring you here in your real body, so truthfully, you're not bound to form a contract with her. But if you're really determined to make some sort of contract, then how about this, you must spend the night trick-or-treating with me or else I'll take away that little doll you got there.” Giving Sinclair an 'evil eye' glare, Dollista smiled and played along, saying in a dramatic way, “Well if I must... I guess I can suffer through being your parental guardian for one night.” Suddenly a series of portals opened up behind Sinclair and as tendrils oozed through, the little Daughter said deviously, “Well then, since that's all taken care of, how about we get you all suited up and ready for some fun? Cause when I said trick-or-treating, I wasn't referring to the mundane task of asking for candy. We are going to collecting our special kinds of candy tonight.” Grinning deviously as she knew exactly what Sinclair meant, Dollista surrendered herself once more to The Mother's embrace. A few minutes later, the pair was jumping across rooftops looking for their first potential treats and both were shocked to find the world to be filled with magically attuned people. Then the sound of a child screaming in fear drew Dollista like a hawk and when they found where the little child was, both Daughters were annoyed when they saw a group of teenagers making fun of the youngster. Even more infuriating was the fact that the group's leader was the little child's older sister. Sitting back while three of her maid dolls emerged from her body, Sinclair watched as Dollista landed solidly in between the little girl and the older sister, saying in a somewhat annoyed tone, “If this is how you treat all children, then I don't think I can allow you to continue babysitting your sister. Furthermore, nasty girls like you always seem to taste the best.” While Dollista busied herself with charming the child, she opened up her tail and had it start to chomp down on the older sibling. Reacting the only way they could, the older sister's friends turned to run, but were met by Sinclair's maids. Pausing for a second too long, each of the girls found themselves caught in the vice like grip of one of the maids and were quickly stuffed into the maid's bellies. Once she had finished changing the little girl into a doll, Dollista turned her attention to the older sister and effortlessly sucked up the teen's long legs. Moaning happily as she felt the girl struggle inside her tail, Dollista had forgotten just how good absorbing someone as a Daughter felt. Finding a Halloween party, Dollista acted like Sinclair's guardian just long enough for the little Dollmancer to get in, then left for her own hunt. Sinclair had disguised herself as an actual 'witch', but when people noticed she had little magical energy to speak of, they just thought of her as just another child enjoying the party. Going around the party quickly, Sinclair started to hand out regular dolls to all the other children at the party and while the kids were busy watching the doll's clothing change at their mere thought, Sinclair went off to find her own 'toys' to play with. Walking around over where the older girls were, Sinclair began to discretely attach strings to the heads of the selected girls. Once she had a sizable group under her control, Sinclair guided them all into the girl's bathroom, had them strip and then asked deviously, “So which of you want to become my dolls and who wants to become my slaves?” Allowing the girls only control of their mouths, Sinclair would then wait for one to give her an answer before dragging them into a stall. Anyone else that entered into the bathroom was quickly paralyzed by Sinclair with a string to their forehead and then were given the same question to think over. The girls that chose the slave option where quickly guided into a doggy position before being fucked by Sinclair until they were hopelessly broken, then the girls were gulped down Sinclair and stored away so they could be passed around when the Dollmancer returned home. For those who chose to become Sinclair's dolls, they were forced to swallow a generous amount of cum and then were left alone as they bodies were melted down by the cum their bodies could not absorb. Meanwhile, the girls out in the party continued to play with their dolls, without noticing that they had basically given up all other activities to mess with their new toys. Slowly, each of the girls passed out after their energy was completely drained by the dolls they were given, and only after they were sound asleep did the dolls grow into their adult sizes. Each of the dolls then changed their outfits into a very plain maid outfit and then swallowed each of their 'owners' before heading after another target. After eating two or three more party goers, the maids would then return to Sinclair to drop off their load of 'treats' before heading out for more. Dollista, on the other hand, wasn't having as much luck, ending up eating more humans than actually collecting dolls. As she went from meal to meal, Dollista continuously had to keep compressing her body down to a normal human size. Thankfully, Dollista had learned a way to transport her dolls to her home through the use a teleportation spell so she wouldn't have to carry them all around and worry about dropping any of them. Slowly, Dollista managed to work her way up into a very rich neighborhood and found herself absorbing even more annoying brats. Then Dollista noticed a teenager standing out on a balcony connected to a huge mansion that seemed to be hosting a party. Flying up onto the roof above where the teen was, Dollista leaned down over the edge, letting her tail and wings sag like they were fake as she asked, “Hey there, what's a lovely little dumpling like you doing all alone out here? Isn't there a party going on in there?” As Dollista flipped down onto the balcony, the teenager rolled her eyes and replied, “Humph, don't let the music fool ya, that is not a party, but a 'philosophical gathering' that my mother puts on each year in the hopes of distracting me from what's going on outside my little world.” Tilting her head sideways, Dollista looked at the teenager confused until the rich teen explained, “I'm the heir to my family... even though I'm the youngest. My two older siblings had once been in a competition for the position until I came along... As the only female daughter in my family, it is my duty to carry on the family name... Due to that, I'm locked in this place, receiving personal tutoring for my entire life while having the fun sucked right out of me... Like how you're supposed to suck out the souls of mortals when you visit them in their dreams...” Laughing at the notion, Dollista waved her hand dismissively and said, “Oh no, I'm not one of those Succubus. I usually end up being summoned as a familiar for witches and warlocks, with them trading me little children in return for my services. I simply love turning those cute little children into my dolls....” There was an awkward silence as what Dollista sank in, then the female jumped back suddenly as she realized Dollista was a real demon and exclaimed, “Gah! What do you want from me? Is this because I refused to marry that girl last week? I didn't think she would actually send a Succubus after me!” Then out of the blue, a different Succubus poked her head out from behind the door leading into the mansion, drawing the the attention of the both the heir and Dollista. Even though this new Succubus came from a different hell, she could easily tell by the markings on Dollista's body that she was out classed and tried to make excuses while ducking back inside. Phasing her tail in through the door, Dollista snapped up the minor demon with ease and before she could even start to retract her tail, she had completely absorbed the Succubus. Laying out on the railing so that her boobs squished in a playful manner, Dollista wrapped her tail about the terrified young woman and while pulling her forward muttered in an almost aimless tone, “So if that was the Succubus that girl intended to send after you, then just who am I... And why do you think that prissy little soul stealer was so terrified of me.... So curious isn't it.... Now, why don't you continue telling me about how you're stuck in this doll house, and have to play dress up for your mother every chance she gets to show you off?” By now, the young woman was trembling violently, and it took Dollista several minutes, plus a few charming words to calm down the female enough for her to be able reply, “Uh, well ever since I was born, my mother has been grooming me for success and to take over family business. While I've never not shown any interest in this life, this is all I know... I've always wanted to see the world outside of what my mother allows me to see on the way to instructional meetings. I've also heard... s-stories from my sisters about how wonderful their sex lives were going and have always secretly sought to find someone to be with myself... However, my mother won't let me see any girls other than ones which would offer financial or business agreements to our family company.” Smiling deviously as she leaned up to kiss the now blushing woman, Dollista pulled back and said while the female passed out, “Well don't you worry, soon you'll be my little sex doll!” Carrying the heir in her arms, Dollista flew back towards where Sinclair was with a huge grin her face. On the way back, it seemed more than just Dollista's spirits were up as she found dozens of cute little children in adorable outfits to swoop down and pick up with her tail. Then after turning them into dolls, Dollista would send each home before eagerly looking for the next one. Finding Sinclair at an entirely different Halloween party, Dollista smiled slyly as she noticed the building was completely empty. When Sinclair was confused over the fact that she had brought a teenager back with her, Dollista hastily asked, “Hey, would you mind turning this young woman into a doll and sending her home with me when the night is over? I've kinda taken a liking to her oddly and I've kinda been getting lots of pressure to bring back a pet or two... The Succubus Overlord of the territory I live in has started to threaten to demote me if I don't bring at least one human pet back without turning them into dolls...” Giving Dollista an understanding smile, Sinclair then let out a sigh as she accepted the still unconscious female and replied somewhat sadly, “I would love to do that for you, but I am required by Mother to ask before just turning people into dolls if I want them to retain any of their former memories. If she is willing then of course I will do that, but if on the other hand she is not one hundred percent certain, then there will be no guarantees.” Nodding her understanding of the conditions, Dollista flew off to find some more kids as well as some more tasty mages to absorb so that she would be even stronger when she returned home this time. Waiting until the woman woke up, Sinclair giggled slightly when the female jumped at the sight of her, then asked if the heir wanted to become one of her dolls. At first, the woman, who eventually introduced herself as Rosa, was confused since Dollista had said that the woman would become a doll for the demon. Then Sinclair explained, in a tone that contrasted with her age, “No, no, no, you are going to become one of my dolls and after tonight I will free you from being bound to me so that you may freely serve Dollista back in her home. Oh, and don't worry about having your soul sucked out by Dollista, once you become my doll that will no longer be a concern. Not like she would try to do that anyways, but I thought I'd mention that to you so you would not worry. Although, I will warn you right now, you're going to be trading one doll house for another.” Chuckling over the reference to her home, Rosa replied, “Don't worry, I think I will enjoy this new doll house more than my old one... So...how is this going to work? You turning me into a doll, I mean.” Feeling a familiar sleepy sensation overtaking her, Rosa made certain to angle her fall to the side as Sinclair answered, “Oh you don't need to concern yourself with those kinds of details, Rosa, 'cause you'll be sleeping the entire time!” When Rosa woke up next, she felt extremely weird, then heard Sinclair say mentally through the hive mind link, “You are free to do as you please until the night end. Enjoy your first and only taste of freedom, because I doubt you will be coming back into the real world for a long time. Oh and don't forget that you can change your outward appearance by thought. That way you can go about and play around in some of the parties.” Several hours later, after the stroke of midnight, Sinclair and Dollista reconvened at the place where they were both brought into the world. There Dollista was once again returned to normal and was shocked when her body returned to normal, but was able to catch herself in time and shrink her body back down thanks to a size alteration spell she had learned from other higher rank Succubi. When the door back home was opened up by The Mother, Dollista was a little sad that Rosa wasn't there, but didn't ask Sinclair about the woman. Instead she just thanked the little Dollmancer for the fun night out and then walked into her home. Dollista immediately noticed several shadowy forms zip away from her home, which looked like it had seen better days. Just before she could get out from under the portal, Sinclair called through, “Oh hey, Dollista! I think ya forgot something!” Before Dollista knew what was happening, she found something smacking into the back of her head, causing her to topple forward. Recovering quickly after she landed, Dollista shot a hateful glare back at Sinclair who was just smiling with childish glee as the port closed shut. Standing back up, Dollista began to tap her foot irritably as she shrank, but at first it was more like she was creating thunder. Looking around her home, Dollista commanded angrily, “Alright, all of you come out! I haven't even been gone a day and you are already trying to steal my dolls... don't make me come after you!” Suddenly a surprising bunch of Succubus with some small imps scurried out into sight and after wrapping up the imps, she chomping them down, Dollista looked back at Rosa, saying, “You can have you way with them, Rosa, and don't bother being gentle. Then when you get done come inside and we can have a little fun.” While the Succubi outside thought that they were actually getting a reward, Dollista began to tear up as the sexy demons had all been one that had come to play with her dolls. When she came inside, Dollista found herself being jumped at by a much larger Cassy. Then the girl hugged her happy, but jumped when Rosa entered the home. Looking up at Dollista with teary eyes, Cassy asked in a pleading voice, “you're not replacing me, are you Dollista? I-I've only grown a little bit and that's only cause of how many of those little bastards kept trying to get in! I even caught a few Succubi trying to creep in too...” Conking Cassy on the head, Dollista pried the girl off her chest and shoved her up into her pussy while demanding, “So you think I can't handle you cause you bigger and that I was replacing you? As if, now you can make me feel even better from in their while your new sister takes my other hole, or have you forgotten I have an ass already?” Both Cassy and Rosa started to giggle as Dollista was yelling down at her belly when speaking to Cassy. Then Dollista glared in mock irritation at Rosa and roughly wrapped her tail around the woman's neck before dragging Rosa right up behind her. After that she ordered for Rosa to begin and that was when she noticed that Rosa was now a little female, which caused to squeal with delight. Suddenly Rosa found herself in a bear hug as Dollista squeezed her tightly, then she started pounding Dollista's ass until she eventually decided to just crawl inside. Dollista spent a few hours moaning in bliss as she squeezed her two favorite dolls inside her body, then she began to organize her new dolls into their proper places in her collection.
Treat Hunting Halloween was a much anticipated holiday in the Human country, but elsewhere the holiday was also celebrated, but the costumes were not as convincing. Of course, this holiday was also the perfect opportunity for some Anthros to sneak into the Human capitol and scarf down some trick-or-treaters since they could easily blend in with the crowd of costumed children. Unfortunately for them, Rael was not along this year as Sa'Cree and Roxy had been recruited to help seek out the various Anthros who sought to ruin the festivities. While Rael and Roxy worked together, Sa'Cree was on her own, but was under strict orders to not eat any humans, although the sly Naga had found a way around the orders. As she was chasing after the latest Anthro scent she had picked up, she noticed that the Canine she was following was in the company of some little girls and knew her mistress would be very interested in the pair. Doing her best to catch up, Sa'Cree noticed the girls become aware that they were in danger and cursed when one ran off. Surging in quickly, Sa'Cree quickly wrapped herself lower half around the distracted Canine, squeezing hard of the Anthro's neck to discourage any further attempts of swallowing the little girl. With the end of her tail, Sa'Cree pulled the limp girl's body out of the Canine and quickly checked for a pulse. Finding one she let out a sigh of relief as the Canine started trying to reason with her about releasing the mutt since the little girl was still alive. Rubbing her belly as her stomach growled, Sa'Cree grinned evilly as she replied, “Ah, but you see, my mistress ordered me not to harm any humans, she didn't say anything about mongrels like you!” Opening wide, Sa'Cree chomped down hard, injecting the Canine with a special venom that Kendra had modified the Naga's body to produce. Almost instantly, Sa'Cree could feel the Canine relax and so took her time gobbling the Anthro down. When she finished enjoying the feeling of the pitiful Canine sliding down into her stomach, Sa'Cree picked up the still unconscious little girl and had one last moment of doubt before stuffing the small girl into her pussy. As she slithered away, the city guards came back with the little girl who was wailing about her sister, but all they found was a symbol that Rael used to mark places where she intervened. Doing their best to console the girl for doing all that she could have in the situation, the guards knew better than to hope the girl's sister was still alive. Elsewhere, Rael was just finishing tracking down a ravenous Fox girl with Roxy's help, when she heard a girl crying out in the next alley over. Leaping up onto the building, Rael was a little suspicious about the incident when Roxy didn't alert to anything, but went over to check anyways. For a moment, Rael worried that Sa'Cree may have started to disobey her commands since she was allowed to move about without her collar on, since Rael had made a copy of the key to the collar. When she reached the next alleyway, Rael was embarrassed over the way she had thought about Sa'Cree as she watched a bratty teenage girl pick on someone else from her age group. Choosing to stick around just in case all the noise attracted another predator, Rael had to restrain herself several times from going down and pummeling the bully. When the brat finally finished, she walked out of sight of the other girl, but not out of Rael's sight and that's when Rael saw the brat be grabbed by someone. Dashing down quickly only to find the girl's legs sticking up out of Sa'Cree's pussy, Rael dropped her head down into one her hands and sighed irritably as she asked her pet, “So how many is this, Sa'Cree?” At first the Naga was terrified that she had been found out, but when she saw the amused smile on Rael's face she calmed down and replied, “This is my fifth one, mistress... three teenagers and two girls. But I haven't eaten any of them, I swear! I've only eaten Anthros... I'm sorry, I just thought that maybe you would be pleased if I brought you some treats a-and some of the bad humans...” Groaning, Rael folded her arms and said sternly, “I'll allow you to eat that last human cause this city probably would be better off without her, but the others I want you to take to a hospital so they can be properly checked for injuries. And please, don't worry about collecting me any treats... I've already had my fair share while trying to stop rogue Anthros... While my bosses are okay with a few human casualties due to the number of Anthros that sneak in, don't eat a human just because they were like that girl just now. I must be there to see what the human is doing myself, okay? On the other hand... feel free to stuff as many naughty girl's into your pussy as you please, just so long as you let them out eventually. Maybe some of those naughty girls will be scared out of their bad ways.” Happily squeezing the latest addition to her growing collection out, Sa'Cree picked up the drenched girl and handed her over to a confused Rael before saying, “Remember, I won't eat anything that you don't give me, mistress.” Sighing and shaking her head, Rael tossed the girl up and as Sa'Cree happily chomped her down, Rael repeated, “Just take those other girls to a hospital and let them out! I already alerted them to be expecting you, Roxy or myself with people we've rescued.” A sudden beeping told Rael that Roxy needed her help and she dashed off to see what was up. When she arrived where Roxy was, Rael was shocked to find a pile of three Anthros from the Mice country all bruised and beaten unconscious. Smiling as she flexed her muscles, Roxy told Rael she wasn't completely helpless, especially when it came to fighting Mice. Noticing a bulge in Roxy's belly, Rael was about to ask who that might be when a little kid leading her parent came over exclaiming excitedly, “See, that's her mommy! She's the one that saved me from those ugly Rat Anthros and she was so pretty as she fought all four of them off! Thank you foxy lady!” Smiling over at Roxy, Rael poked her belly playfully and asked, “So I'm guessing that used to be number four?” While the Fox girl just blushes and looked away bashfully, Rael contacted the Human authorities with details on where the subdued Anthros were. Then the purple lizard-girl followed Roxy as she chased down the next scent trail. This time the intruders were two stuffed cat girls, one of which was quickly attacked by Roxy, while the other simply fell down in fear at the sight of Rael. As she stalked up close to the Neko, Rael could feel her erection growing and by the time she was close enough to grab the frightened girl, her cock had already split open. Stuffing the cat girl in feet first, Rael enjoyed feeling the girl struggling desperately to keep from being pulled in completely. By the time the Neko had completely exhausted herself and had succumbed to her fate, Roxy had just finished beating the fight out of the other kitty. Rael then used the second cat girl to relieve herself as Roxy tracked down another mark, then Rael gulped down the cat girl full of cum and followed the Fox girl. Later that night, after the trick-or-treaters had started to head home, Rael and her two pets finally managed to find Kendra, who was being chaperoned by Rachael. After nearly giving the stripper a near heart-attack, Rael handed over Kendra's sack of candy and asked her pets to return home. Then she steered the other two into a nearby alley, with Rachael already growing red in the face as she knew what was coming. Needing only a little provocation, Rael had already been partially erect from a run in with some little candy thieves. After Kendra had been dragged inside her sack, Rael then turned her attention towards Rachael. Making certain that Rael would pay for her days of missed work since she would need to take some time off to give birth to Kendra for the umpteenth time, Rachael surrendered to her fate. For close to an hour, Rachael enjoyed her own 'treat' for the night with the 'trick' being that she would have to carry Kendra again. Later night, Rael tied up Sa'Cree in the usual fashion, only a little looser as a reward for all her hard work during the night and Roxy on the other hand, got to sleep peacefully inside her favorite hole, only without any vibrators so she could go to sleep quickly. While the majority of the Anthros caught that evening would be sentenced to death the next day in court, a few of the ones that suited Rael's tastes were sent over to her that night for a reward for her efforts during the night. Rael spent a few hours fucking and converting most of the girls sent over into cum, but sent the last three girls into her belly after emptying her sack, then quickly succumbed to a sleep coma as her belly occasionally shifted as her stomach worked hard on the three girls inside.
Hallows End The stench of stink bombs in Stormwind heralded the start of Hallows End as Rose walked off the boat from Rut'Theran Village. After going through process of completing a round of clean-up in Stormwind and dropping off stinks bombs in the Undercity, Rose split off from her family to spend some time with her friends Nallaah and Noblorf. With them, Razorrose went through the yearly ritual of killing the Headless Horseman day after day in the hopes that she would find his mount in her goodie bag taken from his body. In the down time between runs, Razorrose kept herself busy by ferrying Nallaah around Azeroth to hit all the candy buckets while Noblorf stayed in the Auction House to play the gem market to his advantage. Knowing that Bubbles would insist on coming with her, Rose and Noin had given her the responsibility to look after the two little girls while they went trick-or-treating. Jade had made her own blue robes so that she could go around as a young Frost Mage with Bubbles as her Water Elemental. Luce, on the other hand, had chosen to go with a Warrior outfit, wielding a small toy blade that Noin had bought for her. Bubbles changed her appearance so that she looked more like a regular Water Elemental minion that Frost Mages had only she walked on the ground. To explain Bubbles appearance, Jade just said she had remade her minion to be more terrifying for the holiday so that the Horde wouldn't bother her and Luce. With Nausi and Azure as backup, the two tiny terrors went off to trick-or-treat gleefully. Noin spent a few hours collecting Tricky Treats until she had enough to get a Magic Broom. After that, she spent the rest of her time trick-or-treating flying about with Vicky on the broom with her and Melanie lazily drifting along behind them. Any Horde members that dare intruded on their quiet flight were certainly in for a shock when Noin didn't drop off her broom, but rather levitated safely to the ground before unleashing hell upon them. Melanie would always take care to catch Vicky and then retreat to a safe distance before Noin went all out. For those that managed to survive the onslaught an even worse fate awaited them as Melanie would charm them right into her stomach if they were female and would suck out their souls if they were males. If a survivor were to try and take Vicky hostage, they received an even greater shock from the fire witch as they were incinerated from the inside out. Eventually, the Horde just strayed away when they saw them overheard, not wanting to face the wrath of either woman flying through the sky. Firstfate declined to join the festivities, saying that she was going to hunt her own special 'treat' this year since she didn't have anything left to do for the holiday. Dimensional was quick to leave Orgrimmar before she could be pulled into a trick-or-treating party by people she knew and went along her normal routine to hit the candy buckets. After making it to two towns with ease, she was on her way up to Ashenvale when suddenly she froze and toppled off her mount as she was struck by a fear spell. Using her Cloak of Shadows to break the spell, Dimensional felt something heavy slam into her. When she started to wake up a few seconds later, Dimensional saw a very familiar shape along with the sound of a Succubus snapping her whip as Firstfate said, “Remember my delightful little snack, you are free game so long as you aren't in any Horde city or outpost and I haven't had any treats yet so I'm a little ravenous.” Giggling as she felt her body be lifted up before the Warlock's mouth, Dimensional replied, “I hope you stocked up on plenty of elixirs to help you see me while stealthed, otherwise you might go hungry. After I come back let's continue this little game of hide and seek, but remember, I can plead for help when I'm in town.” While Dimensional curled up happily inside Firstfate's belly, Lana was being dragged along by Milti and Xena to act as their healer. Knowing she wouldn't be able to see Bubbles until after the holiday ended, Lana reluctantly decided to join Milti's group in going around. Unfortunately, instead of actually trick-or-treating, Milti just seemed like she wanted to battle with any Alliance members she came across, usually with the inexperienced Alliance dogs going to get their stronger companions. This only seemed to drive Milti on as she never stopped poking Alliance members, getting into bigger and bigger battles. After spending about half the holiday flying about Rose and Nallaah had finished up their trick-or-treating. Choosing to stick around Stormwind to continue going after the Headless Horseman, Rose set herself up in one of the inns around town. With Nallaah and Noblorf deciding to spend the rest of the holiday together enjoying the spoils of Nallaah's worldwide trick-or-treating trip, Rose spent the rest of her attempts at killing the Horseman moving from group to group. Come the evening of the twenty-fourth, however, Rose was startled when after she was finished undressing she heard she had a guest and whirled around quickly thinking her guest was Bubbles. Instead, Noin emerged from the shadows completely naked and gently pushed Rose down on the bed in the room, saying, “I was starting to grow bored, you know? I was starting to think you might not come back and I'd have to chase you all the way home... but now that you're here....” As Noin leaned down to kiss Rose, the Draenei noticed a luminous blue glow in the dark being's eyes and smiled deviously in anticipation of what was to come. For a few minutes, the pair just kissed, their hands roving all over each other's bodies. Seeing Noin tremble as her cock formed, Rose smiled as her breath turned frosty and reached down with one hand as her index figure began to glow. Slowing stroking Noin's shaft underneath the girl's balls, Rose giggled as Noin arced her back instantly in response. Rubbing both of her hands all over Noin's trembling body, Rose grinned as Noin moaned sharply when she pinched the girl's nipples gently. No longer able to hold back, Noin rammed her cock into Rose, gasping as her shaft was enveloped in Rose's frosty nether-regions. Crying out suddenly when Rose pinched her butt, Noin jumped a little before giving the Draenei an annoyed look and leaning forward against Rose's body. Reaching her hands around Rose's waist, Noin eventually made her way down to the Draenei butt and chuckled when she said, “Too bad I can't get the same reaction out of you when I pinch your frosty ass.” From then on, words were lost to the two and the melted together in each others arms, enjoying the night with only an occasional moan escaping from them. In the morning, the pair were still hugging each other tight when they finally woke up. Groaning unhappily as she sat up, Noin was quick to ask what was the matter as she joined Rose in washing and getting dressed. Once she was fully dressed, Rose let out another sigh before saying, “Bubbles is going to make us both pay for having fun without her and while we're both supposed to be 'enjoying' the holiday...” Hugging Rose from behind, Noin began to giggles childishly as she replied, “Oh well what she doesn't know won't hurt her one bit and don't worry, neither Melanie nor Vicky is in a position to rat us out.” Still nervous about the whole thing, Rose asked Noin not to be near her during the day, just in case Bubbles came around cause she didn't want to hurt Bubbles' feelings. Bowing to Rose's wishes, Noin still maintained that there was no way that Bubbles would find out about the duo's night of fun or the ones to come. Knowing there was no way she could stop Noin, even if she said no, Rose just exited her room with a feeling of dread she couldn't shake. Unbeknownst to both of them, there was a small peephole like portal in the shadows of one of the room's corners, which winked closed after Rose left the room. Come the end of the holiday, Rose and Nallaah once again had a candy eating competition, but in the end, both of the girls' stomachs gave out at the same time. Then on the boat ride home with Nallaah and Noblorf, the boat from Stormwind to Rut'Theran Village was suddenly attacked by a group of Rogues, with reinforcements in the air on the way. Noticing the Rogue all use Vanish, Rose counted to five then cast Hungering Cold, freezing all the Rogues on board. In unison with Nallaah, Rose brought out her army of ghouls and then began to dispatch the Rogues before they could recover. With Noblorf healing them the best he could while tanking the first wave of attackers, Rose and Nallaah quickly shredded through a Fury Warrior, continuing on to a pair of Blood Elves. Racial prejudice aside, the two Death Knights still have plenty of reasons to coldly deal with the two Elves and then moved onto a terrified Troll Mage, which they cut down like he was made of paper. After making landfall, Noblorf offered to heal Rose's injuries, but she refused, stating, “Oh I'll heal up at home, don't worry about me. You just make certain to take good care of Nallaah so that she won't be sore when Pilgrim's Bounty and Winter Veil come around! Plus, I'd better not keep my house guests waiting or else I'll really get in trouble. I bet they've got all sorts stories they're dying to share with me.” Breaking off from Nallaah and Noblorf, Rose got on board the ship to Azuremist Isle before falling asleep in her room. A few hours later, Rose was wandering into her home, having recovered enough from her wounds to walk normally. Thankfully, people she passed by thought she was just in costume pretending to be a battle scarred Warrior or Death Knight and paid her no mind. Somewhat exhausted when she finally arrived home as her whole body ached, Rose wasn't concerned when only Jade and Luce ran out to greet her when she got home. As she went into her room slowly stripping off her armor, Rose looked into the treasure room and was confused when Bubbles wasn't lunging to snap her up, then asked Jade, “Is Bubbles with Noin right now or is your mother busy with Vicky and Melanie?” Once down to her underwear, Rose chucked her armor into her room, not wanting to deal with it at the moment as Jade replied, “A little of both right now.... heh, heh, heh. Hey, why don't you come out and see the gigantic pumpkin we found! We put all our treats inside of it and everyone else is waiting inside!” Walking out to see an enormous Pumpkin resting in the room, Rose turned her attention towards Jade as a frown appeared on her face as she asked, “How did you manage to get that in here, Jade? Or better yet how did you hollow it out and fit... everyone... inside...” Rose began to tremble as limbs began to sprout from the pumpkin while it's skin became very translucent as Bubbles said, “Well not everyone is inside yet, I have one naughty Draenei and two little girls to fit in here.” Lowering her head, in shame, Rose tried to apologize, but Bubbles just chomped down on her upper body. After sucking in Rose's legs and hips, Bubbles let the two little girls strip before pressing them into her breasts. Sticking her tail up into her pussy, Bubbles fished around inside her womb until she found the girl she was seeking, then dragged out a drenched Noin. Holding Noin upside down in front of her face, Bubbles continued to chew on Rose while her tail wrapped about the girl's body, hugging all her erogenous areas. Pushing Rose into one of her cheeks, Bubbles gave Noin a scolding glare before grumbling, “So... what I don't know won't hurt me, eh? I could understand that you wanted someone to play with during the blue moon, but that made it sound like you were trying to steal time from me! You're going to be my personal toy for each and every night you spent with Rose! She, on the other hand, will only receive a light punishment since she knew what she was doing was wrong, but knew there was no point in resisting you. I hope in the future you'll ask rather than just take, cause I'm pretty good at taking too, ya know?” With that, Bubbles wrapped Noin's entire body, save for her nose, meanwhile, Rose could tell she was in for her punishment for breaking the promise she had made to Bubbles. Once she was turned around properly, Rose felt her legs sliding down into Bubbles throat up to her hips. Groaning as she felt the ever thick tongues of Bubbles slide right up into her and then Rose felt the rest of her body be wrapped up by even more tongues. While her breasts and holes were being played with, the extra tongues began to gently lick her all over. Then, much faster than normal, Rose felt herself sliding down into Bubbles belly and braced herself for a long stay. A few hours later, Bubbles had returned to her normal coloration as all the Tricky Treats Jade and Luce had feed her were being completely absorbed. Kneeling down on her knee and elbows, Bubbles started to groan as she forced out all her guests from her womb. Then as the others were recovering, Bubbles walked over to the girls' room and dropped them off into their beds, tucking them in before returning to the living room. Shaking Melanie awake, Bubbles dragged the Succubus into Rose's bedroom by the tail, with the demon making a fuss the entire way. Once inside, Bubbles released a very much recovered Razorrose onto the bed, then whispered softly into the demon's ear while swishing her tail playfully. Seconds later, while everyone else was still waking up, Bubbles roughly kicked Melanie out after the demon asked to join her mistress. While Rose slowly woke up, she felt the familiar grasp of Bubbles tentacle like cocks as the gooey Tauren said, “I know about how you weren't entirely in to going behind my back for some fun and that Noin wouldn't have listened even if you had asked, but you could have said something more. For that reason, you're punishment will be helping me milk myself back down to normal size since I also was a little naughty this past holiday. Not all my 'treats' came from the girls or were attacking them.” Smiling happily as she was cocooned completely inside the swarm of cocks that Bubbles had spawned, Rose just closed her eyes and accepted her punishment. Oddly, Bubbles was not as wild with milking herself as Rose had expected, and found the entire punishment to be rather enjoyable. After Noin had served her punishment, she had expected to be kicked out just Melanie had been, but when she tried to leave of her own free will, Noin found herself being picked up by Bubbles' tail. Holding Noin above the swarming mass of cocks she had created, Bubbles grinned deviously as she opened up the cocoon while asking, “Now where do you think you're going? You may have done your time for stealing Rose during our no sex promise, but that doesn't mean your free to go. I'm certain Rose would enjoy some help milking me since at this rate, I won't be done till next week. Can't have that now can we?” Feeling the coils of Bubbles' tail relax, Noin had a momentary thought to try and escape, but before she could do anything, the gooey Tauren's cocks had already seized her body and were slamming into her. Unable to properly think, Noin just surrendered herself to Bubbles and just closed her eyes as the first of many loads of cum sprayed into her. Laying down on Rose's bed as the cocoon of cocks flattened out into a medium sized pouch, Bubbles feel asleep with a blissful smile on her face as the space where Rose and Noin were whited out as the chamber filled to capacity with cum.
The Vampire Variant Chapter 6 – The New Escorts In the weeks after the rumors about her being willing to accept more pets, Melody was finally able to relax and spend an evening with her two favorites. While Melody never minded spending nights with other girls, the only ones that never left her alone were Cat and Rose. They were also the only ones left after Melody had breakfast and wound up being stuffed to their limits with cum before being pulled inside into their mistress for some more fun. Of course, with the news of Melody's successful attack on the Vaticant, many organizations wished to capture Melody for their own use. There was never a day when Melody wasn't attacked by some unnamed band of thugs, which soon ceased to exist as she would make certain to wipe out the rest of the gang after the initial attack failed. Then one morning, Melody was met by something new and this encounter proved to be very beneficial. After dealing with a group of mercenaries sent after her, Melody noticed that there were two figures behind her and turned around quickly only to find a pleasantly dressed maid with a small girl hiding behind her, so she demanded, “What do you want with me? It's clear you have no intention of attacking me, otherwise you would have already. However, I'll tell you right now, that kid of yours will probably want to go find an orphanage to stay at unless she wants to be consumed by me as well.” When the girl tried to charge forward at Melody, the older girl stopped her and after calming the little child down, addressed Melody, “I ask you to forgive her, Trueblood... she gets... testy when people belittle her. We both came here recently after our village was attacked by bandits. Even though we were sold as slaves, none of the vampires here want us because we are too weak... If you would be willing... we are desperate for mistress and while we may not be able to protect you now, we would really be happy if you were to accept us.” Giving the pair a fierce glare, Melody was slightly pleased when they just flinched and inquired, “Well frankly without fighting you, I can't say for certain whether or not your strong, but answer me this. Are you just wanting to serve the Trueblood or me, cause if your just wanting to serve the Trueblood, then you won't last a day with me.” Unwilling to remain quiet any longer the little girl broke free from the maid and shouted, “We aren't weak, Melody! Also I'm tired of everyone just taking one look at me and dismissing me because I'm a child! I'll take you on right now if I have too! I may be little and I don't have much strength, but don't call either of us weak!” The maid quickly tried to shush the girl, bowing respectfully as Melody replied, “Quite a lot of spirit for one so young...” Cringing as she felt Melody put a hand on her, the little girl thought she was going to be killed for the way she had spoken out, but instead Melody just patted her on the head and continued, “I just had breakfast and was planning on taking on a bath. If you really want to make yourself useful to me, then why don't you come help make my bath more enjoyable... I'm not used to having maids so I will be a little awkward around you at first.” Later in the bathroom, Melody was having a little tussle with the little girl, whose name was Anne, when Myrrh, the older maid came over to break them apart. This shower was just as wonderful as with her two mates, but in a different way and both of the girls were shocked when Melody changed into her older form. After a few moment of awkwardness because of Melody being naked in plain view, Anne climbed up onto Melody's shoulders and began to vigorously scrub the woman's hair. Meanwhile, Myrrh did her best not to get distracted as she continued washing Melody's body, blushing brightly whenever she found herself pressed up against Melody. After washing off, Melody sighed somewhat unhappily, which made Anne ask in a somewhat annoyed tone, “Eh, didn't you enjoy your bath or are you so much of a pervert that you can't enjoy yourself unless your hammering some witless slut all the time?” While Myrrh was tried to hush any further outburst from Anne, Melody started to chuckle before she admitted, “Nah, it's nothing like that, neither of you is making this fun for me, that's all.” Both Anne and Myrrh froze in fear as they both wondered what Melody was going on about, until Myrrh finally worked up the courage to ask, “What do you mean... did we do something wrong?” Barking out a sharp laughed, Melody turned to face the two terrified girls and answered, “Wrong? Sure you did lots of things wrong! First off, you haven't started calling me mistress like all those other witless sluts that beg for the honor to serve me. Secondly, you haven't even tried anything sexual to seduce me into having sex with you, even after I changed into my older body. Ugh, neither of you are any fun, but I guess that's why you're my servants.” Realizing Melody was actually praising them, both girls grew very happy until Melody came over towards them with a hungry look and Myrrh quickly said, “Anne... you should probably leave..” When Anne refused to leave, Melody commented dryly, “Oh don't worry, I don't plan to let either of you get out of this. Consider this your initiation as my servants and if after this your still content to be my servants instead of my sex slaves, then I will never again bother you. Although, Anne, I'd like to have some private time with Myrrh, so I'll need you to go in here!” With that Melody forced Anne's head up into her pussy, which was really only visible in her adult form, and quickly pulled the girl inside her body. Then Melody pinned Myrrh against the wall of the bathroom, and despite her protests, began to fuck the pretty maid. When the girl would not just be silent and enjoy herself, Melody told her that what Myrrh was going through would prepare her for joining Melody on her jobs. Calming down after Melody promised her that she would not become a mindless sex slave, Myrrh started to enjoy herself and could feel her body changing. She could only imagine what Anne was going through inside of Melody's womb, but knew that the little girl would be safe regardless. A few weeks later, early in the morning, two maids entered Melody's room and cheerful announced, “Time to get up, mistress Melody, the council has a job for you today and are just waiting on you to begin the meeting!” Grumbling unhappily as she had been enjoying a shared dream with Cat and Rose, Melody finally got up after her maids pulled down the covers and mumbled, “I was better off without you two...” Giggling happily as they helped Melody after she reabsorbed her mates, Myrrh replied, “Well without us, the council would have to schedule these meetings after you wake up during the day and despite what you say, we know you love us both!” Later at the meeting, the council was approached by a trio of darkly dressed figures, the first of which explained the job, “We are a guild that specializes in espionage and stealth missions, but recently our grandmaster's was stolen away by a vampire, or more specifically, a wild vampire.” When the way the leader referred to the problem vampire drew scowls from the council, the leader hesitantly corrected herself by saying, “Oh, please forgive me, I meant no disrespect. It is that this vampire is like nothing we've ever seen before and unlike what most people think when they hear 'wild' vampire, this one is very intelligent.” Scoffing at the notion, Melody said in an unimpressed tone, “All that means is that your hunters trying to face off against a predator. This vampire sounds like a Pureblood or a Convert that has had plenty of time learning in the military before being changed. Seems to me that we should just stay out of this, I'd hate to go after the vampire if the girl was truly in love with her.” One of the other members took offense to that idea and charged right up in front of Melody before screaming, “What do you know of Apple, monster? She was in love with me and that bastard stole her away from me in the night! I know she does not love that monster, for she put up a fight before being captured. We've also tracked the beast to it's lair and we know that vampire has more than one girl being held captive up there. That thing doesn't even keep them to feed it's hunger, it's just hording them for it's collection!” When the others from the group approached to pull the third member away, Melody paralyzed them with her aura, then said to the person in front of her, “Looks like I've found someone with some teeth. Not many can manage to stand up to me when I'm like this, so you've peaked my interest... woman.” The darkly dressed group seemed to brighten at Melody's acceptance of the deal, but as the leader started to say she would guide a group to assist her in hunting down the vampire, Melody interrupted by growling, “I don't need frightened kittens to aid in finding this vampire, I'll just take her.” Seeing Melody pointing at the woman who had stood up to her, the leader hesitantly requested, “I know that you may have good reasons, but Valerie here is a very young recruit and our grandmaster would prefer it if you had experienced members with you.” Blasting the group with another menacing glare, Melody countered, “I don't need any hunters that can only catch prey by ambushing them alone planned routes. This isn't some unsuspecting assassination target we are talking about, this is a vampire, one who knows she possesses something you want dearly. Valerie was it? She is the only one that might possibly stand a chance of keeping pace with me, let alone being of any use in a fight against this vampire. Unless you feel you can match Valerie in standing up to me, then don't even think about trying to fight this wild vampire.” Shifting nervously, the leader hesitantly admitted, “Well, I have fought against Purebloods from the Vampire nat-” Suddenly Melody was surrounded by a sickly aura that even caused the Elders to flinch as Melody growled fiercely, Don't you dare put me on the same level of these domesticated leeches! All the do is sit in their homes, drinking the blood of prisoners and whores they've collected, none of them have the fangs that a wild vampire has!” When one of the Elders opened her mouth to object, the High Elder silenced her quickly as Melody continued, “A wild vampire is a completely different animal to the vampires of this nation. They, like you, are hunters. All they do is go out and track down prey in easy to catch areas, use their abilities to mesmerize or knockout their prey before dragging them home reap their bounty..... Wild vampires... they are predators that track down humans, even in broad daylight, and kill their prey before anyone even notices. If you are lucky... then your grandmaster's daughter may only be charmed and has not been turned into a ghoul... yet.” Bearing Melody's aura with ease, Valerie asked curiously, “Um, I mean no offense in asking this, Melody, but where do you fit in?” Smiling sinisterly, so much so that the other members backed away in fear, Melody replied, “Why I the predator that hunts other predators and all the lambs. I consume all that I touch, slowly but surely. I am the top of the food chain in this world and if you don't like that, I'll just eat ya and then you want have anymore issues! I'll be waiting outside for you Valerie!” After watching the young girl skip playfully outside the meeting area, the leader gritted her teeth, but before she could say anything, the High Elder said, “You would be wise to take her advice, she has been hunting down wild vampires for a while now and has not even come back with even the slightest scratch. She may seem childish, but don't be fooled, underneath that playful exterior lies a truly monstrous being that does not know limits. Don't worry though, she knows her mission so your grandmaster's daughter won't come to any harm, although Valerie, if she takes a liking to you, I suggest you keep your distance. I don't think she will go after you because you are a client, but she has a tendency to eat anyone that gets to close to her. However... it is clear you hold some attachment to the target so I would suggest you watch what Melody does in order to become better at taking down vampires on your own.” As the darkly dressed group left, the Elder that had tried to speak during Melody's tirade finally demanded, “How could you just let her say that about us?” Chuckling in an ironic tone, the High Elder answered, “It is the truth, though it may hurt. We are much more civilized than our wild sisters, but at the same time we have grown domesticated in our easy life, never having to hunt each day to sate our thirst.” Growing very irate, the Elder who spoke up asked, “Well isn't she the same as us? We feed her each day using the throw out slaves or those who agree to her little bargain. I don't see why she's so different.” Cackling cruelly for a moment, the High Elder became very serious when she replied, “Oh really? Do you fight against your meals each and every day, with all of them aiming for your deaths? I hardly doubt it since most of us have gallons of human blood preserved so we can savor whatever flavor we are in the mood for. She fights and consumes most of her meals, tracking down better meals every time she leaves our protective gaze, yet the only reason she does that is so she doesn't consume us all. So no, Melody is nothing like us and that is the way it should be.” A day later during the night, Melody was the first to arrive at the vampire's home, with Valerie trailing a few seconds, who asked breathlessly, “Sheesh and here I thought I was guide, but your the one that practically lead me here. Why did you bring your maids and not any of the other members if you didn't even need me to guide you here?” Giving Valerie a playful grin, Melody replied, “Why? Hmph, well I knew those fools would not allow me to come here without a babysitter, so I chose the only one that wouldn't end up like those fools down in front of the doorway. I brought these two along because they are my escorts are very persistent in following me everywhere since they want to protect me. Valerie, I want you to stay in the shadows, I'm going to go in and introduce myself.” Before Valerie could stop her, Melody leaped off the top of the building with a childish squeal and was joined by her maids in front of the house. When the guards out front moved in to block her from entering, Melody held up her hand and asked sweetly if she could see their mistress. Thrown off by the sudden request, one of the guards excused herself before going inside to speak with her mistress and when she returned, the guards escorted Melody inside. Valerie followed behind them, using shadows to disguise her movements as she crept through the house, doing her best to follow where Melody was going. Entering a room that very much resembled that of a doll house, only much larger, Melody was addressed by another young female, “Hmph, well I guess you do have good tastes in dolls, but why do you want to play with me at this hour, Melody the Trueblood of the Vampire nation.” Without even the slightest pause, Melody replied, “Well I'm out on a job right now, but I got bored of it and smelled you over here, so I thought I'd pop on by to play!” Regarding Melody in a suspicious manner, the young child said, “Well, while I still find it suspicious your here, I guess I ought to introduce myself, I am Sinclair, a minor Pureblood in rank as I don't so much have a magical power, but more of a trick. One that works on both human and vampire..” Chuckling in a pleasant mood, like she had not heard the threat at all, Melody replied without opening her eye as her aura flared to life, “There's no need for threats, little lamb. For it is you who is in the most danger right now. However, I just thought I'd come over and play for a little bit, but if you don't want to then I'll just-” When Melody turned around, she was met by a wall of Sinclair's servants, but rather than another threat, Sinclair said in a pleading tone, “Please don't leave... your the only one to ever come here to play with me... the rest I have force to come here.... What a minute... I smell something ugly.” Thinking for a moment, Melody realized Sinclair was talking about Valerie and responding quickly, “Oh don't pay any attention to her, she's with me and means you know harm, right Valerie? She's just one of the dogs the council sends after me whenever I decide to go out adventuring on my own.” Not fooled by the excuse, Sinclair quickly called all her dolls to her, although Melody noticed curiously that the grandmaster's daughter was no where to be seen as Sinclair countered, “Don't bother, I know that smell anywhere. That means you're not here to play with me at all... you are just here to kill me so that the clan can have back their master's daughter, right?” In an instant, Anne and Myrrh were standing before Sinclair with blessed wooden spikes in their hands as Melody said, “Now, now, I am here to play Sinclair, but it is up to you to decide what kind of game we play. I was kinda of hoping we could play with your dolls, they look very pretty, but unlike mine, they are but fragile things. It is true that I'm here to retrieve the grandmaster's daughter for her clan, but regardless I am here to play.” Snapping her fingers to recall her servants, Melody let out her full presence, causing Sinclair to tremble fearfully as she said a cold tone, “However, what we play is up to you. If you are not up to playing with dolls, then I can always play 'tag'. A good game of tag always is fun... for me, most everyone is too afraid to play properly and end up being eliminated far too soon. Then there is always hide and seek, but I'm afraid I've got your scent so it wouldn't be much of a game. Hm... maybe we could have our dolls battle and the loser has to change masters, how about that, would that be more fun?” Getting over her fear, Sinclair's aura changed as she growled, “Sorry, but I'm afraid once I put my doll mark on a human, it cannot be removed, even if they die. I could still manipulate their corpse, even severed limbs so long as my mark is on their body. If I were die, then those girls would be forever trapped in their bodies as lifeless dolls and I don't take too kindly to threats in my own home.” Suddenly, Sinclair rushed forward at Melody and noticed that Melody's servants did not even flinch as she thrust out a hand. Hitting Melody squarely on the chest, Sinclair felt she was safe until Melody grabbed her wrist and slammed Sinclair with an uppercut. Releasing Sinclair's wrist, Melody kicked her hard in the gut, sending the wild vampire flying into her dolls. When Sinclair looked up at her in disbelief, Melody said triumphantly, “Sorry, but I feed on energy as a Trueblood, so that little mark of yours doesn't even tingle.” Looking down at her hand for a moment, Sinclair seemed somewhat relieved as she called out Apple, looking over at Melody as she apologized, “I-I'm sorry for taking her. I just get fixated on girls that I think resemble what I see as the perfect build. I had no idea who she was, or the trouble it would cause, I only found out afterwards when I asked the other members from the clan. If you could remove my mark from her, then she would be free from me, otherwise... there is little I can do.” After shooing Sinclair away, Melody touched the mark on Apple's forehead and then after the girl collapsed to the ground, said to Valerie, “She all yours, but when you go back to report to the council, tell 'em I'll be staying here for a little while. I'm going to be playing with Sinclair for a little bit.” Nodding her acknowledgement, Valerie took off with Apple and disappeared while Melody grabbed Sinclair's head, pulling the girl forward as she growled unhappily, “Now then for you! For actually trying to subject me, I'm going to take four of your dolls you no longer have any interest in and then I'm going to punish you by sucking you dry for a few days.” At first Sinclair was terrified of the second part of the punishment, but after taking her pick of Sinclair's discarded dolls, Melody showed Sinclair exactly what her punishment would be. For a few days Melody forced Sinclair to have sex with her in her older form, sucking out the little female's energy until Sinclair collapsed from exhaustion. When Sinclair's servants tried to interfere, Melody would then turn her attention towards them and mercilessly rape them to the point that they could not move anymore. A few days after her return home, Melody was enjoying a wonderful nap when suddenly, her two maids burst into the room, urging her to wake up, to which she replied grouchily, “Alright, alright, I'm up... what is it this time?” While Myrrh began pulling out a pair of clothing for Melody to wear, Anne answered, “We don't know exact details, but someone is currently fighting against the councils guards... and they are demanding to speak with you!” Grumbling as she pulled both her playmates into her body, Melody shot wide awake when she heard the attackers were calling for her directly. Soaring out of her home while her maids dashed across the city below her, Melody made a beeline for the combat sight. After shoving the Elders out of the way, Melody strode out to meet this mysterious attacker and upon seeing who it was, her jaw dropped. Waving happily over at Melody when she came into view, Sinclair called out happily, “Oh hey there, Melody! I was wondering if we could 'play' again! Uh, sorry for causing such a commotion, I didn't realize they saw all 'wild' vampires as enemies. Guess it was a good thing I brought my good dolls with me along with my fun ones!” Shortly thereafter, Valerie also paid Melody another visit, only she was asking to become Melody's vassal in the hopes of becoming a better predator. For a few months, Melody was little more than a regular child when she was at home and even more terrifying out in the field. Every now and again, Melody would bring home a girl or two for Sinclair to take home as a doll, with both little girls having weekly duels between their servants. Unfortunately, Anne and Myrrh always were victorious, but Melody didn't want to steal away Sinclair's protectors, using the fights as a way to strengthen both their servants. However, while Melody's life brightened, the shadows created from that light began to draw closer to her, slowly infecting those they came into contact.
The Vampire Variant 2 Chapter 5 – A Somewhat Familiar Feeling While Melody was off rounding up the remaining vampires when the council discovered one and Sinclair was busy with her own business, Dollista wandered aimlessly through town trying to find a place where she'd have easy access to children. Unfortunately, Dollista had attracted the eyes of various Noblemen and whenever she tried to apply for a job anywhere, she was usually told that the position had just been filled or that she wasn't the type they were looking for. In response to making her life hard, Dollista began driving the Noblemen crazy by sometimes pretending to fall for their charms before disappearing the moment their backs were turned. Other times she would just let them think they had cornered her, only to her phase through a wall in her way and escape their clutches. This eventually led those Noblemen to try and request permission to fabricate charges against Dollista so the armed forces would apprehend her, but Melody was quick to speak against the motion, grumbling, “You just can't stand the sight of a beautiful girl being out of your reach can you? I think she ought to be commended for her accomplishments, rather than be disciplined. From what I have been hearing, this Dollista girl is actually looking for a job dealing with caring for or being around children. Say... now that I think about it... didn't the nanny you all employed to watch over your little girls mysteriously vanish after coming under scrutiny of working with a Noblemen to try and kidnap another Nobleman's child? If this girl is as elusive as you say, wouldn't she be the perfect replacement?” For a moment there was absolute silence as yet again, Melody astounded the entire council of Noblemen with her knowledge of the goings on in town, then she added, “And how about this, if she does in fact get caught by one of you, then she will become your slave? Of course, you won't be allowed to try anything when she is with any of the children, but when she is alone and vulnerable, what's there to stop you from trying to offer her some companionship? Of course, to claim her, you will need to mark her and have her display that before the council and to make things interesting, you must be able to lure her away secretly. That way whomever gets her will truly be the best Nobleman among you?” There was even more silence as the council thought over what Melody said, then one of the Councilmen replied, “You put us all to shame with your underhanded tactics Melody.... and here I thought you were just a vampire slayer... No wonder you can keep those three ladies of yours happy all at the same time.” Grinning like a demon, Melody replied mischievously, “I've learned to pick things up from watching others when I was young. That is what makes me so effective against vampires and why I can 'put you to shame' as you so eloquently put it. I've spent my time watching people... learning how they think and react to different situations. You fools always think that you can force people to jump into your arms by making them look dirty so you can purify them, however, this Dollista girl would probably end up escaping from here and running off to another town, where you wouldn't find her again. Vampires, on the other hand, use this sort of tactic when their prey is stubborn. Rather than foolishly continuing to try and force their prey to submit, they would make the prey walk into their midst. Why do you think it is that people willingly came to this town to be turned into blood banks or slaves for those leeches? The vampires knew that they could entice humans to walk right into their clutches with offers of greater power and promised people that if they gave enough good blood, then they would be turned into vampires. Most of those people grew old and died without ever gaining the immortality and power they sought... sad really...” Later, in their private meeting room, the Councilmen gathered and without needing to wait for the subject to be brought up, the conversation started. “Seems her story checks out even more now, since as a person of considerable wealth, she most likely visited the Vampire nation.” One Councilman stated. “I still have my doubts, though from our reports, the Trueblood had little to no interactions with those outside of the council that took care of her.... unless they were her prey.” A different Councilman grumbled darkly. “But that information was gathered only after we were aware of her existence, the Trueblood may have discovered all of that before we started tracking her movements. Melody could still be her in disguise, though the fact that none of the surviving filth from the Vampire nation have come to try and reunite with her casts shadows on my doubts.” Another Councilman said in an unsure tone. “Regardless, I for one am happy not to have to deal with complaints from the armed forces over being used as a recruiting tool for this girl, Dollista. Who knows, she might be the perfect one to watch over those fools children during the day and all without having a huge argument over who she might be secretly be in league with... Melody certainly does know how to put even us to shame. I move we leave Melody alone, because it's thanks to her we don't have deal with our ever loving General Gray. Not to mention, she managed to find a way to keep the others preoccupied so we can have some peace and quiet.” The eldest of the Councilmen said and not one of the others were in disagreement with her. Walking through the halls with her senses on high alert even though she herself was calm, Dollista smiled happily when she saw Melody waiting for her. To the Noblemen watching her every movement, Dollista seemed to just be having a normal conversation with Melody about how grateful she was for the nanny job. In truth, Dollista was conferring with Melody on how she should make the children of the Noblemen disappear and at what rate. Melody told Dollista to play nice until she was away, but to pay attention to the internal politics of the Vaticant so that when Melody was out of town, Dollista could spark conflict between the Noblemen. Dollista was also encouraged to make any servants she was unhappy with or that angered her disappear, but to try and string them along with children's thefts to rile up the Noblemen even more. Suddenly, a small girl ran up to Dollista, but when she saw Melody, the little girl hide behind her nanny fearfully until Dollista said in a gentle tone, “Oh no need to fear her, Akita. Melody is a vampire slayer, not a Nobleman, so she won't hurt ya... well, unless of course your consorting with those dark blood suckers.” Even though Dollista spoke to her in a clearly joking manner, Akita clung onto Dollista tighter and cried, “I would never even speak with those foul creatures! They stole away my mama and I never want to meet them again.” Holding out her hand with a friendly smile, Melody asked, “Well if you happen to know anything about those vampires that took your mama, I'd be happy to go hunt them down for you.” Suddenly, Akita became very sullen as she replied, “My mama was taken in place of me when I was little, but my mother sent our troops to hound those vampires to the very grave. In the end, we found my mama... but she had been turned into a half-blood so my mother ordered her to be put to rest. Don't worry, I know what really happened, although I'm just sad that my mama died... but now I have Dollista! She takes wonderful care of me... wait you're the one that helped her get hired aren't you? Oh thank you so much!” Going from sad to overjoyed, the little girl leaped over and hugged Melody around the neck suddenly, then darted back behind Dollista while Melody stood, saying in a serious tone, “Well if you see anymore of those bad blood suckers, you let me know alright? I'll make certain no one has to watch their mama die because of the ineptitude of the guards around here.” Taking Akita up into her arms, Dollista walked back to the nursery with the little girl hugging her protectively, while glaring threateningly at the Noblemen they passed. While Dollista had been forbidden from talking about the specifics of her employment, the other Noblemen knew that Akita always seemed to learn secrets from listening to her mother secretly. Later that evening, Akita returned home from a day with Dollista and found her mother to be in an unhappy mood. Already knowing about why her mother was in a bad mood, Akita nervously came forward and asked about how much trouble she was in for overhearing. Her mother just simply laughed, much to the surprise of Dollista, who was secretly observing this meeting. Lifting Akita up onto her lap, the Nobleman patted her daughter on the head and said, “Akita, you're not in any trouble. I should know better than to be spouting nonsense at home, but it is good that you have a pair of good ears on your head. Someday I'm no longer going to be in a position to protect you from the others and when that day comes, having a good pair of ears on ya will keep you well out of their reach!” Hugging her mother affectionately, Akita mumbled absentmindedly, “Well if you had a few girls around like the other Noblemen, you wouldn't have the chance to mutter to yourself where I can listen, now would you?” Wrapping her arms around her daughter with an aggressive roar, the Nobleman began to tickle Akita mercilessly, then while they both recovered from the sudden movement, the woman replied, “Well if I were to do that, how would I ever be able to manage being your parent? Not... that I'm doing the best of jobs as it stands since I'm hardly ever around you. I just want you to promise me you'll stay close to Dollista from now on and that's not just cause I want you to protect her from the others, ya hear me?” As Akita ran off to get into bed, her mother went outside onto a balcony and just simply looked up at the sky while muttering as if to no one, “It'd be a real shame if something were to happen to me and no one was there to protect Akita... I used to be like the rest of them skirt-chasers, but after I met my wife I no longer had a desire for anyone else. Then she was just snatched away from me by those light accursed vampires. I tried to deal with them to get her back, but the only thing those blood suckers would accept was my daughters life in exchange for hers. The moment I received the slightest hint of their whereabouts I sent every soldiers I had under my control and all my marked servants to destroy those monsters... In the end I lost all but a few soldiers and for what... to find my wife had been bitten and changed into one of the very creatures I swore to hunt when I became a Nobleman... Even when the cleric that I brought with me said she might be saved, I knew that there was no way I could save my face with the others if it was found out that I had shown mercy to a vampire. So I slew her, cut her head clean off to protect myself... but it was not until later that I found a hidden note tucked away on her body. That note was from my wife and in it she was begging me to kill her cause she knew what the vampires planned to do with her even if she were returned, but more than that, she asked me to protect Akita. She is still little, but Akita has always been my little ray of sunshine and I have made a lot of powerful enemies refusing to hand her off in marriage to other Noblemen's brats. I don't think I could live with myself if I were to have watch her grow up as the plaything of another Nobleman... Killing my wife made me realize that I had truly loved her, not just as a favorite pet or anything, but truly loved her and that there was no other lady in this world that could fill her void.... Heh, look at me... still rambling off aimlessly when there is no one around to talk to.” Turning back into her home, the Nobleman didn't see or didn't pay attention to the claw marks in the walls next to her balcony as she entered the home. Leaving the room after locking up, the Nobleman walked calmly towards a local bar she traveled to every night to enjoy a few drinks and gambled a bit. As she walked along, the woman seemed to favor dark paths to walk down, rather than trying to stay to the busier or more brightly lit streets. Finally when walking down alleyway, the Nobleman was blocked off by two veiled figures, but to their surprise, she just simply smiled and asked, “What took ya so long? I'd have figured you would killed me at any of the other dark places I've walked through on the way to here... I was starting to grow bored of this game.” Then everything went black as the Nobleman was struck from behind, overhead of this all, a lonely figure figure flew. A little while later, the Nobleman woke up as she was being dragged somewhere and without even needing to bother moving, she knew that her limbs were bound together. Remaining silent as she tried to gain her bearings, the Nobleman barely even flinched when a certain opponent of her on the council took a seat in front of her. Looking over her with disgust, the other Nobleman said in a dry tone, “You look like hell compared to our other meetings in the past. Always had that combed and curled look about you, like you were better than the rest of us. Even now, that look hasn't left your eyes, which I'm guessing means you still won't give your daughter to one of my own children?” Barely even looking at the other woman, Jill's mother spat venomously, “You'll never get her, Akita will never be yours.” Suddenly a barrel was carried in by two of the other Nobleman's subordinates, which had a banging coming from within as a little girl screamed angrily as the woman asked slyly, “Oh I won't will I? I'd say she's already in my clutches and once my eldest has placed her mark on her, she'll be a wonderful tool to help my daughter claim a seat in the council... Only problem is, there aren't any seats available right now... so I will give you choice, your seat or your life? Give up your seat to my child willingly, and I'll arrange things so that my daughter rescues your little spitfire from the thugs that frequent this place so she can live on happily without having to bear my daughter's brand. Otherwise, I'll just have my servants here kill you and then leave your daughter here for the thugs later.” Up on a walkway, Dollista stood with her hands starting to crush the railing she was holding onto as The Mother said repeatedly in her mind, “Patience, my dear Daughter. Things have not reached the point for you to interfere just yet. You must be patient a little while longer, she has yet to have her own desire to be fulfilled. Wait, the moment for you to strike will soon be at hand.” While Dollista just barely reined herself in, Akita's mother said absentmindedly, “You know, back when I went to rescue my wife, I told you all she had been slain by the vampires, but that wasn't the truth at all. I never had some dying discussion with her or anything like that. By the time I found her, she was little more than a rabid half-blood, so starved for blood she couldn't differentiate between her captors and her rescuers... but when I stood before her, she was oddly calm. When I looked into her eyes, I could only see love and sorrow... That's when I realized that even though she was a blood thirsty vampire she was still my wife, but because of my oath to the Vaticant, I was bound to end her life... But on that day, I realized something, all you Noblemen every do is care about yourselves and your own legacy living on... but you never even stop to see the people around you to be your children. They are just tools to you people and that's how you raise them.... like mindless tools. The reason why I always look down upon you all is because my daughter truly is better... stronger than all of your children combined. They see you as the ruler of their lives, not as parents... heck, I bet all of your children are quietly contemplating ways to kill you even now, but the only reason they can't do that, is because there's guarantee that they'd inherit your seat of power, so they just wait. My daughter never had to worry about that, because I don't care about those stupid things anymore... The only reason I remained a Nobleman was to protect my daughter from scum like you, but it seems I can't even do that... I doubt you can even comprehend what I'm saying since none of you care about anything other than yourselves... I refuse to hand over my seat to you or any of those other fools the council has tried to use to fill my shoes since I became a failure in your eyes... The only reason why I fail in your blind eyes is because I care... I care about my daughter and my wife!” Making a slitting gesture across her neck, the Noblemen shouted, “Well if you care so damn much about them, then I'll send you to your wife right now! And as a bonus, I'll even send your damn daughter to you after I get your seat for my child!” Suddenly, time seemed to stop for Akita's mother as an almost angelic white haired girl with blood red eyes simply appeared before her, asking, “If you could wish for one thing right now, what would that be? Come now, don't be shy, even if your voice is weak, there are always those who hear. Would you like to be saved yourself? That is entirely within my power, but the longer you wait the less chance there is to keep your life from draining from your body. Or perhaps you would seek salvation for your daughter? Even if it's the both you, I could save you both, but as with everything, there would be a price to pay. Would you still wish to be rescued... even if it meant become something worse than the vampires ever were?” Seeing hope once again, Akita's mother screamed, “PLEASE JUST SAVE MY DAUGHTER! I don't deserve to live after taking my wife's life.” While the other Nobleman just looked down at Akita's mother like she was truly mad, The Mother looked up at Dollista and said with a toothy grin, “You heard her... Save her daughter, but leave the girl alone for now. You should already know she was not destined to be yours from the moment you first embraced her. The others... I could care less... however, I am going to make this place look very messy so please don't hold back on my account... The leash is off...” As if a switch had been flipped, Dollista went completely ballistic on the small storage shed where the confrontation had taken place. First thing she did, was smash her tail through the wall behind her to suck up the girl standing watch out there. That, of course, brought the other guards outside streaking inside as Dollista stomped her way down through the walkway she had been standing on. When four guards tried to jump her, Dollista quickly coiled her tail around them, squeezing them together a little to tightly at first, then sucked them all up into her tail quickly. While the group was slowly churned up inside her tail and as Dollista grew a little bigger, the Nobleman pointed at her and trembled in fear while calling out, “Slay the demon you fools! I will not allow this all to go to waste!” Unfortunately, while all of the Nobleman's servants were looking at her, Dollista took advantage of the situation to spray webbing at all the servants. While they struggled on the ground, Dollista stared at the Nobleman while her eyes began to glow, then slowly walked over to embrace the woman. Allowing the woman to be aware of what was happening to her, but still completely to helpless to stop it, Dollista never broke the Nobleman's petrified stare. Kissing the Nobleman, Dollista took her time, slowly sucking out the woman's soul so that the Nobleman could feel all the terror Akita experienced while being locked up the barrel. When she was finished turning the Nobleman into a doll, the Succubus calmly fed to motionless figure to her tail, then turned her focus towards the still struggling girls on the floor. With a leer, Dollista took the first of the girls and started to shove the girl into her pussy feet first, while she said, “Don't think that I've forgotten about you little pests. I'm going enjoy your struggles for a little while until your as helpless as your master was against me, then I'm going to drop you off at a friends place where you will be able to continue serving the Noblemen's perverted wishes.” After stuffing her belly full, Dollista used her tail to lift up the barrel containing Akita and carried the girl outside. Setting the barrel down just outside, Dollista flew off towards Sinclair's shop to drop off her load of 'to be manufactured' dolls. Then she returned a few hours later in her human form to where the warehouse was, and thankfully, when she got close to the barrel where Akita was imprisoned, the little girl began making a ruckus. Along with a troop of soldiers that she had brought along after receiving a dire warning, Dollista broke Akita free while the soldiers worked on making heads or tails of what happened inside the warehouse. Many rushed out with either pale faces or hands covering their mouths as they ran away to empty their stomachs. When Akita tried to go look inside, Dollista held her close, whispering, “Your mother asked me if I would protect you. in her absence. from everything. Please, don't go in there... you really don't need to see what happened...” Taking Dollista's request seriously, Akita allowed herself to be carried home, but still tried to sneak a peak at what was inside the warehouse. Even though she only saw a glimpse of the inside, Akita shivered at the amount of blood she saw plastered over not only the floors, but the walls too. The Mother had used Dollista's rampage to construct a very gruesome murder of Akita's mother, the Nobleman and all the other woman's bodyguards. While none of the scene was real, everyone who went in thought everything was very real. A day later, Akita was suddenly torn from Dollista's embrace in the bed they had chosen to share and was forced before the council where she fearfully asked, “What's going on? Why am I here all of a sudden? Where is Dollista?” Viewing the girl with little remorse, one of the Councilmen replied, “You are here under suspicion of being involved in your mother's death and the death of another Nobleman. Dollista has been revoked access to this hearing because of her attachment to you.” Looking absolutely dumbstruck over what was being said, Akita screamed in response, “How in hell could I have been connected to their deaths when I was the one captured inside a wooden crate?” Another Councilman stood up and said, “We know recently that your mother has been making enemies, and that when you started going about defending Dollista from being pursued by other Nobleman, that drew even more scorn her way. I have no doubt that she would have disciplined you for that and that you could have arranged for your abduction because you thought your mother was giving your hand away in marriage to another Nobleman's child. You have always been a bright child, so I am not so inclined to believe you had no involvement as I'm certain you know your mother was the one who killed your mama after she was turned into a vampire.” Akita was absolutely dumbfounded by the accusations coming at her, but before she could say anything in her defense, the doors to the council room were suddenly kicked open. Dollista then rushed in to Akita's side, hugging the girl protectively as another figure stomped into the room. In an apparent bad mood, Melody dragged in two unconscious guards and tossed them down before the council as she cracked her neck. Looking up at the frozen council, Melody demanded in an unamused tone, “Hey, hey, what's with you locking the doors on me all of a sudden? Can't a woman even walk into her own home without useless idiots like these trying to stop me? Sheesh, and here I thought you'd all be overjoyed to know I just took out another vampire nest?” One of the Councilmen glared down at Melody and said angrily, “We were in the middle of a hearing Melody! While your accomplishments are always welcome news, this takes precedence over your reports. This girl has been accused of murdering her own mother and another Nobleman, so if your done making a scene, please sit down so that we may continue!” Blinking in confusion as she turned around when she realized there was someone else in the room, Melody suddenly burst out laughing before turning to face the council with a dangerous glare as her aura flared, “You are all a bunch of fools, you know that? The only blood in here that I smell, comes from your hands, not hers. Akita's mother cared deeply for that little girl your now trying to pin blame on since there's no one else to frame for this. What's to say that Akita's mother wasn't dragged to that warehouse by the other Nobleman's guards after she had repeatedly refused the offer of marriage that other woman was offering? What's to say that the other Nobleman didn't order her guards to slay Akita's mother? And what would the odds be off a vampire just so happening to be close enough to smell the blood, thus sending it into a blood craze that resulted in the scene in that warehouse, hm? There is all kinds of evil that walks through this city, you know, and to blame it all upon one innocent girl is.... oh, I don't even know where to begin... Or perhaps... this was just some convoluted scheme of yours to fill the empty seats with allies so that one of you could control the votes in here?” Trembling as she realized what Melody was saying, Akita pulled away from Dollista and defiantly the council, screaming, “IS THAT WHAT ALL THIS IS ABOUT? My mother hasn't even been dead for a day and you're already trying to replace her? Ugh, I don't even understand any of this... I'm just a child for crying out loud! Just take my mother's position and give it to whomever, I don't really care so long as I can stay with Dollista....” A Nobleman stood up and with a dark smile said, “Well since you are the daughter of a dead Nobleman, you will no longer be under Dollista's care. In fact, you normally would have been placed in an orphanage by now, but in all the chaos created by that grisly scene that was put to the side with the need to fill the openings. However... if you were too-” Suddenly, Melody stepped in front of Akita, and glared so maliciously at the Nobleman that the words froze in the woman's throat as Melody said, “I'll be taking Akita into my care from now on. I have a little girl about her age that she would make a wonderful playmate for.” One of the Councilman gave Melody a questioning look and asked, “You have a daughter? I hardly see you to be the type...” Glaring intently at not just the Councilman, but the entire council, Melody let out her aura while replying, “I'm also not the type who wants to have their family messed with, so wouldn't you say keeping my little bundle of joy out of your sights was a prudent measure? I'm gone so often that I fear for her safety with all you snakes about, but I guess since the cats out of the bag I ought to tell you. My little girl is a chip off the ole block, so if you even dare go near her, she'll rip you to shreds. Of course, that's only if you actually manage to sneak past my maids, which I have also ordered to make anyone I have not given permission to ahead of time to enter my estate, disappear. Now then, if this is all settled, then I'll just be taking Akita off your hands so you can continue to bicker about who going to get those empty seats while I wait for you to send me my next job. You know just how much I hate getting involved with the politics of the Vaticant, right?” As Melody left with Akita and Dollista in tow, one of the Councilmen asked the eldest of their number, “She was lying right there wasn't she? I mean, Melody has always managed so beautifully when it comes to manipulating the council to get what she wants hasn't she?” Chuckling in an amused tone at the questions, the elder Councilmen replied, “And that is exactly why she hates getting involved so much. Getting involved with the council arguments is the only way that she shows how superior of a Nobleman she is to us and that's what she hates. Although... I'm certain she'll be back to cause trouble tomorrow when we have not made up our minds, as she knows the only way to get her jobs coming again is to settle our disputes...” All the Councilmen had been listening to the elder's response and they all got a good laugh out of it. At her home, Melody left Akita and Dollista at the entrance with her maids as she pretended to go upstairs to rouse her family. Then a pair of little feet came rushing down the stairs as a little girl with extraordinarily long hair came down to meet her new friend. Stumbling halfway down the last set of stairs, Razor instinctively used her hair to help her flip gracefully down to the bottom of the stairs, realizing her mistake only after she landed. As Melody came down with her Wives, Razor laughed nervously and introduced herself before Akita asked, “Hey, how did you do that with your hair? Is that why it's so long? Do you use it to fight with? I wonder if I could use my magic to do the same?” While the two girls began to chat about Razor ability to control her hair with the other ladies watching curiously as Akita tried to form a fist out her hair with wind magic, Melody went over and said to Dollista, “I know you feel like it's your responsibility to look after Akita, but right now she is out of your jurisdiction. Anne and Myrrh won't let any of those Noblemen get their slimy paws on her though, not to mention my own little girl will give them a good sound beating if they try to take her playmate.” Trembling nervously as she watched Akita laugh and giggle with Razor, Dollista asked, “But... will Razor allow her to stay with her? I-I mean she doesn't really have any desire for 'playmates' so..” Hugging Dollista to her side, The Mother lead Dollista away, saying, “My little girl has never had anyone to play with, or even talk to that she did not already perceive as food so this will be a good experience for her. Even when she is working down at Sinclair's shop she rarely 'sees' anyone in the shop. To her they are just food... Akita, however, is different. Even though she saw Razor's power, she is more curious than afraid or disgusted by her power. Razor really has never had much opportunity to befriend any other children, be they the daughters of Noblemen or otherwise. Plus... she doesn't have any need to go to school so there goes another opportunity right there. Who knows... maybe there might be another hair mage around here soon enough that can keep my little girl happy.” Saying her good byes to Akita and the others, Dollista returned to her nursery to tend to the other children that would be arriving there soon.
The Vampire Variant 2 Chapter 6 – What goes up... As the Councilmen prepared to elect two new Noblemen to replace the two previously lost, they tossed a series of jobs at Melody to keep her out of the way. This seemed to suit Melody greatly and before she left, she ordered for her offspring to begin trying to collect all girls able to be saved before she began taking apart the Vaticant hometown. Then she gave some specific orders to her two doll makers and made her way towards the first of her jobs. Oddly more than one chapel a good distance away from the capitol city had not been reporting in and the Councilmen only now felt an investigation was necessary since they had just thought bandit troubles were the cause of the lack of reports. Melody just assumed that she was being sent in to deal with a nest of vampires that the Councilmen had allowed to grow so that Melody might fail to purge it. What Melody found was very different from what she expected, as when she arrived at the first of the three connected towns, there was no scent of vampires ever being in the town. Even the chapels which the Vaticant had constructed in the towns were still standing without even the slightest sign of damage, but all traces of the Vaticant had been removed from the churches and had been replaced with another religion altogether. From a few days of research, Melody had learned that the religion being practiced in the towns now had been in the three towns before the Vaticant showed up. After a quick dispute the group which believed they were supposed to be responsible for the salvation of the world defeated the Vaticant and the towns returned to normal. People of each town all believed that they would become a holy army under the leadership of an angel born into the world, but they all knew that the demons would try to interfere. This came to pass when the last oracle of the faith claimed to have seen the angel be born from a pair of twins, with the other twin being a demon set to stop the angel from fulfilling her role. Melody found the claim to be very fishy since in the days before the last oracle's retirement, she had come under scrutiny of giving false readings. However, the people seemed to have fallen completely for the false vision, but before they could get their hands on the children, the twins parents had ran away. With help from the new oracle the villages had been able to to find the parents several years later, but the twins had already parted ways by then. Heading into the main chapel in the guise of a elderly woman, Melody got in line to see the honorable oracle. People were a little thrown off by Melody's gray robes and pet birds, but once they started talking with her, they found Melody to be a kind old soul. Eventually she was led into the chamber where the high priest explained how the oracle worked depending on their request. After a little while Melody was led in to see the partially blind oracle and was eager to learn more about the spiritual leader of the religious group. To her utter disbelief, the oracle was a young girl and Melody started to get the idea that the cult was just using the girl to fuel the faith of the misguided fools that followed the belief blindly. Unfortunately, before Melody could talk with the oracle, a pair of mercenaries forced their way into the chamber, dragging a pair of sisters in forcefully. Taking one look at the captives, Melody began to laugh, and when the bounty hunter leader demanded what was so funny, she replied, “You shouldn't even need the oracle to tell you that you fools have brought the wrong siblings in. Just taking one look, I can already tell those two are not twins and what's more, they don't even match the descriptions of the twins your looking. The female is supposed to have blond hair and the girl is supposed to be black haired. The sexes are completely wrong on those girls and the age too, both of the twins should appear to be the same age, not three years apart.... or maybe they're five years apart... my old eyes aren't what they used to be.” When the oracle looked up, she froze in fear as she laid eyes on Melody and then looked over at the girls and shook her head, much to the dismay of the bounty hunters. Once the priests and bounty hunters were outside, the oracle began to tremble visibly as she stared past Melody. What the oracle saw behind Melody was a colossal representation of Melody's body, made up of the thousands of people she had eaten, with several of people still alive as they were ravaged while slowly being merged into her body. On the images shoulders, rather than birds, the oracle saw Raven and Crow in their Harpy forms smiling curiously at her. Unable to bring words out of her mouth, the oracle jumped when Melody spoke suddenly, breaking her trance by asking, “What's the matter child? You look like you've seen a ghost... or rather a monster... I wonder... How many lies have you seen through in this religion of yours? Enough to perhaps... hide some certain individuals from the high priests? Oh, and don't worry, you can speak freely here... none of those fools can hear or see our true conversation... One of the perks of being a monster... normal people can only can see the surface or what I allow them to see.” Still shaking, the girl seemed relieved that Melody didn't seem to be after her, but more so that she could speak freely when she replied, “I've 'seen' through everything by now, but... all I have the power to do is provide them with food... I keep sending those fools to far away towns under the false impression of seeing those two, but I can't really do anything to protect them. Why are you here? I mean really... you can't just be here to ask me about my friends or my faith.” The image of Melody suddenly smiled, while the real Melody remained calm which threw off the girl as Melody answered, “I was sent here by the Vaticant council to check up on the churches here, but I see I have wasted my time... Don't worry, I won't be the one to destroy your faith, I'm just passing on through. It's been a pleasure... child.” Having the illusion of the older woman walked out of the temple and hitch a ride on a wagon, Melody took up post around the back of temple. Several times Raven and Crow attempted to bring food to her, but Melody didn't even acknowledge the treats the girls brought to her as her attention was focused solidly on the back door of the temple. Eventually, the sun set and a small form slipped out quietly, moving through the back streets quickly. Following the oracle to where a small shack was set up in the streets, Melody smiled happily when she saw a blond female and dark haired girl come out to greet the little oracle. Hearing more so than feeling a terrible aura behind her, the oracle turned around quickly and searched around for the presence she had felt, but was unable to spot anything. Much later, after the oracle had returned to the temple, the pair inside the shack heard a knock on their door and opened up the makeshift door to hear, “What is it that you desire?” Back at the Vaticant capitol, Dollista was walking towards the nursery where the other girls were sleeping with Akita holding her hand and walking next to the voluptuous nanny. News of Melody's investigation into a trio of towns had finally made it's way home and the Councilmen were a little upset when Melody simply told them the town was lost to them, but that since there was no vampire involvement in the incident, she was just going to move onto her next job. Of course, the Councilmen ordered their troops to move out towards the cities to reclaim them by force, but when the troops arrived, the three towns were in shambles. Of the few survivors that could say anything more than incoherent ramblings, all the Vaticant learned was that the demon and angel from the villages' faith had joined forces to exact their vengeance for the way they had been treated as kids by the townsfolk. When the Councilmen asked Melody about what had happened, she played coy by telling the the entire council that she had found the 'angel' and 'demon' the people had believed had been born to be nothing more than two normal girls caught up in the zealots blind faith. A few steps away from the entrance to the nursery, a Nobleman stepped up behind Dollista and said slyly, “Don't even try to use Akita there as a shield this time, she's no longer a Nobleman's daughter so she doesn't count towards the agreement. In fact....” When Dollista turned around, the Nobleman twitched when she saw the glowering form of Razor laying against Dollista's chest, demanding, “Hey! What the hell do I look like to you? Chopped liver? How about you disappear, you pest, before I wake up from my nap and throw a temper tantrum? Cause I can guarantee you that my mother is nothing when compared to my fits!” Taking the opportunity to retreat quickly, Razor flopped unhappily against Dollista and asked, “Do I have to go and interact with the other Noblemen's children? I usually spend my days napping with my mama you know?” Shifting Razor roughly so the little girl had to sit up, Dollista replied, “Well excuse me for trying to do my job in taking care of all the Noblemen children, but I also wanted to get to see Akita again. Not to mention, this might be a good opportunity for you to meet some potential targets.” Growling unhappily, Razor flopped against Dollista's chest and folded her arms as she began to pout while muttering, “Oh right... your targets you mean... Well I guess some fresh air should do me some good since I've done nothing but stay in that stuffy house while Mother went out and played all the time. Though I did do some hunting every so often at night...” When Dollista set Razor down in the nursery, all the other girls instantly flocked over to her to touch her long and elegant hair. Razor acted like she was being tortured the entire time and then one of the girls reached up to grab a comb, knocking a glass off the counter in the process. Before any of the other girls could even react, Razor shot out a thick clump of her hair and caught the falling glass, much to the delight of everyone in the nursery. With that, Razor was forced to demonstrate her hair manipulation skills until she mentioned that Akita had also learned the same techniques and suddenly the attention of the room shifted to Akita. This allowed Razor to find a soft spot to lay down as Akita handled the sudden attention much better than Razor could since she was originally a human. While Akita kept the others entertained, Dollista took the opportunity to sit down in her favorite rocking chair. Noticing that, a pair of twins crawled up onto her lap and curled right up, using Dollista's breasts like pillows as they fell asleep quickly. Like with Akita, the twins were always ridiculed by the others when they were around for their closeness to Dollista. Keeping a careful eye out for the girls participating in that practice, Dollista made mental notes about them with Razor and Akita as the two young Daughters were helping out Dollista with removing the rest of the children discreetly. Later that night, at a banquet held in honor the two newest Noblemen to earn the honor of being permanent residents in the capitol and being allowed to sit in on the council meetings, Dollista had been placed in charge of keeping the children preoccupied while the adults enjoyed themselves. The twins had the unfortunate position of being the children of one of the new Noblemen and were surrounded by the others on the council who wanted to see the two girls in their adorable outfits. Seeing that the twins were very uncomfortable, Dollista went out and offered to remove them to the nursery since the introduction ceremony was over. Thankfully, the twin's parents saw their children as annoyances that were stealing their attention and didn't even need to be charmed into allowing Dollista ferry them to the safety of the nursery area. When Dollista parted the crowd of Noblemen adoring them, the twins were visibly relieved to see her and rushed into her arms. Having had one too many drinks, several of the gathered Noblemen angrily demanded to know why Dollista thought she was privileged enough to hold the girls. Twisting her head around with a terrifying look in her eyes that made even the intoxicated Nobleman back away in fright, Dollista informed them that she was the girls nanny and further more had permission from the twin's parent to remove the girls from the gathering. Suddenly realizing who they were speaking to, the drunken Noblemen jumped back in fright. In returning to the nursery, Dollista was glad to see the others were already sleeping peacefully, but when she tried to lay the twins down together on a free bed, they clung desperately onto her and pleaded with her, “Can we sleep with you, Dollista? We really like being close to you... you're like the mama we've always dreamed of having.” Sighing in defeat as she knew there would be no way she could refuse the girls' request because of the puppy eyes they were giving her, Dollista set the girls down on the ground and replied, “Oh alright, I was planning on dozing off in my favorite chair anyways since this party won't be over for a few hours. Go get changed into some pajama's and I'll be waiting for ya!” Bounding over to get changed, the girls made certain to scrub off all the make-up their real mama had forced them to wear so they wouldn't bring shame to their mother. Once they were changed, the twins crawled right up into Dollista's naps and were fast asleep before very long. As Dollista sat rocking back and forth with the twins, she noticed that while they were hugging her as they unknowingly had began to kiss her nipples. Reaching out of the nursery with her tail, Dollista snapped up a random waitress wandering around the dance floor and used the girl to overfill her breasts with milk. Pulling back her dress so the twins could reach her nipples, Dollista moaned happily as the pair drank heavily from her breasts. While the girls suckled, Dollista began to feel their memories seep into her and she began to feel sorry for the girls as she understood now why they had been so uncomfortable out in the party. Taking care not to wake the girls up, Dollista then sucked them into her breasts, careful not to make them into her next batch of milk. Squeezing her breasts gently, Dollista smiled as her cheeks grew red while she pulled her dress back over her bosom. Much later, after all the other children had been removed by their parents, the twins parents came in, and Dollista asked, “Um say, these two really seemed exhausted after I put them down, so would you mind if I carried them to their rooms?” Seeing no problem with that, the Nobleman went over and picked up the girls neatly folded clothing, handing them over to a servant while signaling for Dollista to follow the maid. Going with the maid to the girls' room, Dollista was annoyed to see the mounds of toys stacked in the room, most having never been used. Releasing the girls very reluctantly, Dollista gave Razor and Akita the green light to go after all the other children they had flagged earlier. When they asked her what she was going to be up to, Dollista just replied that she had baggage she would need to pick up that night and wasn't interested in any of the other children. After tucking the twins in bed, Dollista returned to her makeshift nursery she had made for the celebration and moved everything back to her actual nursery. Then after losing a few Noblemen, returned to her room and locked the door shut before stripping off her nanny dress. With a sigh, Dollista spread her wings and took off out of the window in her room. Flying around for a bit, Dollista began thinking about what she might say depending on how the girls reacted to her, when all hell was raised after Razor and Akita started taking children, she drifted down to the twins room. The noise from the alarmed soldiers was enough to get the girls up to ask what was going on, but they were quickly shooed into their room and told to lock the door. Sitting on their beds as they debated over what was happening, the twins screamed and ducked away when something crashed through the window of their room. Seeing the way the girls were cowering in fear at the sight of her real form, Dollista stood like she normally would when chiding a naughty child and asked in a sly tone, “Oh come on now girls, don't tell me you don't recognize me without all my make-up on?” Hearing her voice was all it took to make the girls rush to her sides happily and then they started leading Dollista towards one of the beds, asking with childish excitement, “Is this really what you look like Dollista? Don't worry about the window, we can always come up with some excuse... our parent probably wouldn't care even if we were to disappear... Would you let us sleep with you again? We really doubt our parents would mind since we really don't spend any time with them anyways.” Smiling as she hugged the girls to her chest, Dollista leaned down so her head was even with the twins as she asked, “What would you two say to becoming my private cuddle buddies? I'll be certain your always near me, even during the day.... but... you won't be able to be seen by anyone else anymore.” Flopping against Dollista, the twins buried their faces into her breasts while hugging the blue Succubus, then mumbled dreamily, “You're the only one who actually 'sees' us as it stands, Dollista. Please take us with you.” Pulling away out of shock when Dollista's nipples sucked down around their faces, the twins started to relax as the demon's warm milk washed up against their faces. Bracing herself by placing her hands on the bed behind her, Dollista focused on sucking the girls all the way inside her boobs. Crying out pleasantly when the girls began kicking their legs after the rest of their bodies had disappeared inside her nipples, Dollista blushed as she felt how wet she had grown. Staying seated even as a maid outside started to make a commotion over hearing a sound coming from within the room, Dollista's breasts conformed around the girl's bodies, the empty spaces being filled up with milk. Then as she stood up, Dollista puffed out her boobs so that they looked just naturally plump, hiding the girls inside withing a cushion of milk. As Dollista strutted towards the shattered window, the door was broken down and then she made a show of displaying a pair of illusionary dolls that resembled the twins, saying, “A little late there, I've already enjoyed those to little ones in here. Their souls will keep me full for a while now, but now that I'm thinking about it... I've already got plenty of cute dolls at home...” Holding the dolls up over her tail, Dollista let the two dolls go and snapped them up in her tail before turning around and leaping out the window, saying cryptically, “Those who can't learn from their past mistakes are doomed to repeat them.” The next day, when Melody returned home, the entire capitol was in an uproar over the recent string of disappearances that extended well beyond the families of the Noblemen on the council. In a single night, hundreds of kids, ranging from small children to teenagers just simply vanished without any trace. More concerning than the number of disappearances was the fact that there was no alerts from the magical detection array covering the capitol even though there was a demon actually sighted. Many people sought to leave the capitol before the fireworks started, but the Councilmen ordered for the citizens to remain calm and stay in the capitol while they conducted investigations to how the abductors could have evaded the magic. In the meeting involving all the Noblemen a few days later, Melody waited patiently while several of the Noblemen argued over pointless details. “How can we be meeting here with assassins capable of sneaking in past our sentry field still lurking about.” A Nobleman from outside of the capitol demanded from one side of the room. “What are you talking about? Our children and many aspiring youths have been stolen from us, we should be working together in this matter. How do we know that anyone in this room is innocent? This could have just clever plotting by those of you outside of the city to get yourselves promoted so you can steal our seats!” One of the Noblemen living in the capitol shouted back in an accusatory tone. The debate broke down from that point on, with accusations being thrown all around as those living in the city believed the Noblemen outside the capitol were trying to worm their ways in. Even the Councilmen were dragged into the argument and before too long every Nobleman in the room was shouting at the tops of their lungs, save for one. Melody just sat leaning forward as she watched the chaos spiral out of control, just enjoying the show until it was her turn to do some crowd control. Seeing her sitting quietly, the Councilmen were eventually able to bring order and asked her, “You've been awfully quiet there Melody... Would you care to share your thoughts?” Shifting like she was unhappy about being called out, Melody calmed down her crows as she stood up and then said, “In the few days of free time I had while waiting for this noisy group to assemble, I went around to each of the rooms and buildings where people disappeared from. The students that disappeared were gone a long time ago, but have only now 'disappeared' along with the children. While I can't speak for the students, I can guarantee you that the children are still very much alive-” The mother of the twins scoffed at the claim and demanded, “Oh really? Then how would figure my two daughters are still alive after one of my maids watched some blue fiend destroy my two girls? Cause I'm fairly certain being eaten by a demon is the same as dying.” Listening to the parent with disinterest, when the woman finished her tirade, Melody shot a scary look her way and replied, “Oh really? Did you actually hold their dead bodies in your arms or see their souls ascend to the afterlife? No, 'course not, you never really cared about your twins in the first place right? What's to say that you didn't just have that whole incident fabricated so you could dump your own children off someplace so you wouldn't have to spend money on them?” Even the Councilmen flinched at the stabbing remark as Melody went on, “Likewise the opposite could very well be true too, but I still don't believe your children are gone. You said that it was a 'blue fiend' that stole away your girls, but I talked with the servant who witnessed that Succubus and I'm certain I've read about her somewhere in my travels. While the Succubus' name slips my mind, I know for a fact that she loves children... to the point of obsession, and for her to actually allow herself to be seen 'killing' your two girls suggests to me that the Succubus just wanted to throw you off her trail so she could have your two girls all to herself. Looking at the way you've basically forgotten your children and already converted their room into slaves quarters, I can see that this demon was not far off from her mark.” While Melody continued to berate the Noblemen over the way they simply jumped to conclusions when they couldn't just blame their woes on vampires, over at the nursery, Dollista was beside herself with joy. This was because after the incident the night before, the girls she cared for, which were left over, were so terrified that they had all run to her nursery after the alarm had sounded. When she returned to her room, a pair of guards had just started knocking on her door and after answering was informed that she would be required to watch over the remaining children all the time. With some 'help' from Melody, Dollista had obtained a very large and very comfortable chair that she could snuggle with all the remaining children, save for Razor, who said she would protect herself. No one doubted that, of course, considering she was Melody's progeny. What no one knew was that the 'chair' was actually just a mindless Glutton that had been reshaped by Melody so that the girls could get in and out with ease. Dollista loved the face that she could merge with the Glutton and take control of it's body to make it appear that she cuddling with each girl separately. The young girls didn't ask questions about the chair as they were just happy to be safely in the grasp of their ever protective nanny. When the girls wanted out to play, Dollista would always watch over them like a hawk while rocking gently in her chair. No one seemed to notice how she now had a habit of hugging herself as she sat in the chair, but to the girls in the nursery, they knew that Dollista was mourning the lose of the twins without realizing the girls were still snuggling with her. While the girls napped with her in the new cozy chair, Dollista would sometimes pull the Glutton inside her belly so that she could take the girls for 'walks'. All people would see was Dollista leading around a troop of little girls, but they were just illusions which Dollista linked straight to the girls minds so that they would remember everything that happened on the walk, without ever actually leaving her grasp. Dollista had to be very careful about reining in the childlike Glutton so that it did not try to attempt to trap the girls inside of it's body. Feeling bored while Melody worked her magic in the council meeting, Dollista left the image of her sleeping with the girls behind in the nursery and took flight. Flying over the chaotic city, daily witch hunts were common place as the villagers were taking any and every excuse they could find to point their fingers at neighbors or anyone else suspicious they saw. Seeing a child running away from slavers trying to take advantage of all the chaos, Dollista's maternal nature kicked into high gear. After knocking out all the kidnappers, Dollista was busy sucking them up into her tail when she noticed the small child watching her fearfully. Using a small charm on the girl to calm her down, Dollista crouched down so as not to be as threatening and held out her while she said in a gentle tone, “You're okay now, little one. The bad people won't be able to bother you anymore once I'm through with them. Come here and I'll take you to a much safer place where you won't have to worry about being chased again.” Once the little child finally came over, Dollista quickly hugged her close, forcing the girl's head between her breasts, smothering her with a sleeping perfume. When the girl woke up a few minutes later, she jumped when she expected to find herself in a cage, but was confused when she was still in the alleyway with Dollista working on cleaning her up. Seeing she was awake now, Dollista began to wipe off the dirt on her face, smiling at the still somewhat terrified girl. After she was done cleaning up the girl, Dollista leaned in close saying, “I'm going to put you to sleep again, little one, but this time when you wake up, you'll be in a much safe place with lots of friends!” Pulling the girl into a gentle kiss, the child tensed for a moment, but then she relaxed as Dollista's kiss went to work. With the edges of her vision growing black, the girl could feel herself being drawn out of her body, but as she passed through Dollista's lips, the girl's fear vanished as she found herself in a warm place in more than just temperature. Curling up as she felt something close around her, the girl fell asleep as all the horrible memories of her life trickled out of her. Holding the little ragdoll which was the girl's body, Dollista hugged the doll tightly before placing it on her belt and taking flight. Flying a short distance, Dollista landed near an abandoned home and upon hearing someone rummaging through the stuff inside, she phased through the wall with a sly grin on her face as she asked, “Now, would this be considered breaking and entering or just theft there little girl?” Rolling her eyes as she stood up with a very worn doll Sinclair looked over at Dollista with an annoyed look, muttering sarcastically, “Of please, unlike you, I'm not stealing anything. This doll was the most precious thing to a little girl who used to live here and recently she was thrown into jail for her suspicious activities when she went to play it. I'm just going this little guy the power to rescue it's owner, cause it's still before The Mother's deadline.” Suddenly remembering why she had come to see Sinclair, Dollista crawled over playfully towards where Sinclair was kneeling on the ground, saying, “Speaking of the deadline, I have something I needed to deliver to you. I hope you'll take good care of her, she's had a rough day.” Using her tail to nudge Sinclair forward, Dollista kissed Sinclair for a few second, before pushing herself off the floor and phasing back through the wall of the home. Smiling as she licked her lips, Sinclair pouted as she scolded Dollista over leaving nothing for her to enjoy. Then Sinclair held out her hand and a smaller doll form of the little girl Dollista had recently encountered rose up out of her skin. When the little girl freaked out upon seeing her, Sinclair giggled a little bit before assuring the girl she would be safe with her. Holding up the old doll she had found in the home, Sinclair asked if the little girl would like to help her rescue another frightened girl. A few minutes later, an odd looking lady walked up to the guards in front of the jail, claiming she thought she had seen a little girl practicing dark magic, but wanted to see if she could identify locate the girl among the already captured. All to happy to aid in the odd person in identifying potential guilty prisoners, the guards escorted the lady inside. Going inside, the guards showed her several young children, but unfortunately the one she was looking for was not among the number. Then spotting the girl coming out of a questioning room, the guards were dismayed when the lady didn't even acknowledge the girl. When the Nobleman conducting the interrogation came out and demanded what was going on, the lady replied, “I came here to try and locate a little girl I had seen using magic, but none of these girls here are even close to what I saw. You could save yourself a lot of time by just releasing them now, they are innocent.” Shaking her head as she smiled in a dark manner, the Nobleman replied, “I cannot do that on the word of one person when I have crowds of other people that also claim to have seen these children performing strange spells and speaking to themselves.” Slapping one hand to her face, the lady pulled out a bulging sack and said challenging, “Very well then, since you won't listen to reason, I'll relay my mistress' message. In this bag there are boxes for each of the girls you have imprisoned here and inside there is a magic which will react to the truth of these girls actions. If they were trying to cause harm to this city, then what is in the boxes will kill them instantly, but since they are innocent, the boxes will reveal the truth behind their actions.” Unable to back down from a challenge, the Nobleman had the presents dispersed around to the children. Immediately all the young children tore into their presents, showing that they held no fear of dying to what was in the boxes. To the Nobleman's dismay, none of the children's 'truths' were lethal and each of the kids pulled out stuffed animals. When the Nobleman demanded an explanation of what the toys meant, the lady simply replied, “Exactly what you see. These supposed witches and warlocks are nothing more than children who like to play with their toys. The accusations that were brought against these children are nothing more than jealous rivals taking revenge on them for something childish. People are just panicking over every little thing they see and fabricating stories off of hearsay.” Smiling slyly, the Nobleman folded her arms and said, “I don't believe any of this. Your mistress could have easily found these toys and gave you that phony story to tell me in an attempt to free these children. By the way... who is your mistress?” Turning away and walking out, the lady replied, “My mistress says that your order will be arriving on time, Nobleman, but she strongly advises you release those innocent children since she took the time to find all those toys that meant so much to those children. Sinclair is hoping that you will reconsider tomorrow.” That night, the children slept contently with the favorite toys, not noticing when their favorite dolls started to grow. In the morning, the Nobleman came down to the interrogation room as usual, but oddly ordered the release of every prisoner on the basis of the charges being nothing more than hearsay. While the adults quickly dispersed upon being freed and returned to their abandoned homes, all the children oddly stayed together. Walking together in the direction of a certain shop, once out of sight, the little children suddenly turned into human sized versions of their favorite dolls with bulging bellies. When the arrived at their destination, Sinclair was overjoyed to see them and escorted the dolls down beneath her shop where a hidden basement resided. Inside the children were spit up by their dolls and when they kids woke up, they found their dolls to be normal sized once again. Drawing their attention, Sinclair told them that they were safe and free of the charges placed on them, then told the children, “You are free to go home if you want, but I encourage you to stay here in my private doll house and play to your hearts content. In here those special dolls of yours will be able to move and interact with you as all the other dolls I have collected here can.” Without a single complaint, the children rushed off towards the large house in the distance, gleefully joining all the other kids in the doll house. Each of whom had their own special doll they carried around with them everywhere. Upstairs, Sinclair saw an ordered doll returning and thanked her for doing as asked of her. The doll waved away the thanks, commenting dryly on how she had wished the Nobleman hadn't of been so nasty tasting and took her place among the vast collection of dolls down below the store.
The Vampire Variant 2 Chapter 7 – True Enlightenment After a day of bashing the Noblemen, Melody had finally convinced them all to calm down and act orderly so that the people of the town would not turn into savages. Then she reminded them of that the 'Day of Enlightenment' celebration was fast approaching and the Noblemen should be focusing their efforts to calming the masses so that the city wouldn't turn into a warzone when all the followers of the Vaticant came to join in the celebration. Seeing the logic behind what Melody was saying, the Noblemen lifted the travel ban, but had all travelers carefully monitored and searched if they were acting suspiciously. Preparations for the Vaticant's founding day where started up immediately and a sense of peace washed over the city in the wake of all the chaos. All around the city, gigantic lamps where being erected and filled with holy magic so that they would be able to bath the entire city in light for the entire Day of Enlightenment. This was done in order to replicate the epiphany the first priest of the Vaticant order claimed to have received on that day. Slowly, pilgrims from all over trickled into the city preparing for the glorious celebration and the Noblemen had to restrain themselves so they did go out chasing skirts before the day when the ladies would come to them to receive 'enlightenment'. That along with the fact that Melody had disappeared to go about protecting the celebration put all the Noblemen into a good mood as the Day of Enlightenment slowly arrived. Melody, on the other hand, was also feverishly preparing for the coming celebration, only in her own way. Far below the city and all of it's glamor, Melody sat in the center of her nest, slowly creating a bowl with her body that encompassed the entire city, with her nest being a puddle of water on the bottom. When all was ready for the day of celebration, she extended tendrils up towards the drainage grates of the city to collect the free floating energy drifting around the city thanks to the charging process of lamps. As she sat down in her home away from home, Melody reveled in the energy crackling through her body as she anxiously awaited the Day of Enlightenment. After the celebration was truly underway, with the lamps blazing, the leader of the Councilmen came forward to address everyone in town through the use of magical projections screens, “Today, we celebrate yet another year where the light of faith has once more remained strong. Years ago, our nation was under siege by all manner of creature of darkness, but thanks in no small part to our armies efforts, but in these past months, our great strides in purifying the world is due to a certain individual... who seems to be absent. Oh well, thanks to Melody's efforts, we have taken even greater steps towards purifying this entire world of darkness and corruption brought about by the demons we vanquished so long ago.” Suddenly, there was an earthquake that shook the entire town, and then the servants operating the magical lens focused in on Melody, who appeared out of nowhere, speaking in a voice that seemed like it was coming from everywhere, “I'm sorry to correct you, but thanks to me, this world has almost been completely purged of all corruption, but.... it seems that the only place left that reeks of corrupt individuals is here. Even more curious, is the fact that there no longer appear to be any more vampires... save for one.” As Melody continued to walk towards the gathered Noblemen, she passed through on of the few shadows in the city and the crowd was stunned by what happened. The moment Melody passed into the darkness, her entire body changed to that of a striking little girl with white hair and blood red eyes. When she walked back into the light of the lamps, she went back to normal, then the next time she stepped into the shadows, Melody took on her older version of her body when she had been playing as the Trueblood, which caused the Noblemen to become visible stricken with fear. Even more unnerving was that a crowd of people started to follow Melody, going through similar changes when they entered the shadows. Stopping a short distance away from the terrified crowd and the Noblemen, Melody made certain she was in the light as she said, “A few years ago, you knew me Melody the Trueblood and in recent times you have come to know me as Melody the vampire hunter, but neither of those names are quite correct you see. Those names are just like my various appearances... they are just costumes I use to walk among you mortals in the light or in the darkness. You may now call me by my true name, I am The Mother.” As the news sunk in, another earthquake shook the city as a gigantic dome slowly rose up around the city and as the sunlight was slowly cut off from the town, Melody continued, “When I was the the Trueblood, I loved to play games with my prey and as a Nobleman I enjoyed stalking my prey out in plain sight without them suspecting a thing. So we are going to play a little game of hide and seek. In the light or in the dark, anywhere can serve as a hiding stop if you know how to behave. I and my friends are going to be 'it' and our goal is to capture or swallow all of you. Now don't think I'm doing this out of hate, cause the only people that have earned my ire are those pompous fools pretending to be guiding you all to 'enlightenment', which by the way, means that they want to rape and brand you so you'll be their sex slaves for life.” The news hit a lot of the light blinded girls hard as they had dreamed of being purified or enlightened by the Noblemen for years, then Melody went on, “However, I am not an unfair sportsman. I will be participating in this game too and if I am defeated then I will just take those I have captured and scurry back into the dark recess I crawled out of. Likewise, if there are any servants of the Noblemen out there that do not wish to serve their masters, this is your opportunity at freedom. I have the power to completely erase those pesky brands and give you a truly wonderful life that can or can not be all about sex depending on what you desire. If I win, then I will give everyone, save for those who call themselves Noblemen, the choice of whether to come with me, or be sent to the afterlife painlessly and I do mean that. Just remember, in the darkness you will see my, and my colleagues, true forms, but for those of you that don't want to have nightmares, you may be wiser to just stay in the light and be blind to your fate.” Suddenly, various shadows began to appear as things flying above the city came into sight and upon seeing one shadow, a Councilman shouted cockily at Melody, “Ha! Looks like the angels of heaven have come to smite you, monster! Even if you can hide in the light, the angels will find you!” Looking up as a pair of winged creature came down before her, the crowd was stunned when Melody addressed the Angel and Succubus warmly, “Ah, Asharie, Adarie, how wonderful it is to see you two again! Glad to see you finally came over to join the party... Oh ho, is that the little oracle I see hiding behind you two? I'm happy to see you three together again.” After the two hugged Melody briefly, the pair flew up into the air with a joyous squeal from a little girl they held up between them as Melody grinned deviously over at the Noblemen, saying, “Oh, hey... you remember that trinity of towns you sent me too that I said wasn't of any concern to me since there was no vampiric presence there? Well ya see, the people there had a crazy belief that an angel would be born and that they would become that angel's army as it purged the world of evil. Unfortunately, that never happened, so when those twins were born, an old oracle of their town claimed that one was an angel in human form, with the other being a demon. Well when I heard about that, I thought I'd just step in and ah.... help things along for that faith by giving them an Angel and a Succubus. However, that cult couldn't believe that an Angel could be friendly towards a Succubus and drew the wrath of those sisters. Once this game begins, they will periodically fly down to capture people they find attractive, so be careful when you see a shadow around you, cause you might just end up being a 'heavenly' being's lunch.” When a horde of Angels and Succubus dove towards the Noblemen's stands, they were suddenly driven away by arrows as Gray declared, “I always knew there was something off about you, Melody! I just didn't know how different you were. I really hope you don't hold this against me, but if you're going to attack the Vaticant, well I'll just have to get in your way since that's what my job is!” Oddly, rather than be furious, Melody was actually happy when she replied, “Ah General! I was wondering when you'd finally show those teeth of yours. Glad to see you'll be participating in the game as well.... although....” Suddenly the screams coming from other gatherings reached the main celebration area and then Melody continued slyly, “I think you might have bitten off more than you can chew since I'm attacking the entire city.” Chuckling as Melody's expression changed, Gray looked right back at Melody with a devious grin of her own as she countered, “Oh really? Well I think you're the one underestimating me! Oh, but don't worry, I'm not here to guard these fools behind me, I thought that those angels and demons were dive-bombing the crowd and took advantage of the perfect opportunity to... announce my presence.” Sending a heavy crossbow bolt flying towards Melody, Gray was not surprised when Raven, Crow, Anne and Myrrh all attacked it as Melody said, “Glad to hear it, Gray... I do look forward to seeing what your students are capable of.” With that, Melody literally melted back into the crowd along with her bodyguards as the others began to walking forward. In an instant, the people in the main square dispersed in panic, with the Noblemen retreating to their homes where all their bodyguards were awaiting them. Gray and her forces spread out to try to protect the citizens as they fled from the initial wave of attackers. Oddly, the forces Melody had brought with her were easily cut down, but then Gray noticed the remains of the fallen enemies would liquefy and retreat down into the sewers. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Gray muttered, “This is going to be one hell of a day... and here I was hoping to get to the festival before going to take a nice long nap after the lights go out. Alright, all of you follow me! When you rescue people make damn certain you walk them through some shadows before you take them to a safe area! I don't need to have any of those things being let into the safe zones!” Heading towards one of the churches, Gray was shocked to find the doors already barricaded shut by some snobby rich folk who refused to open the door for anyone other than those who could pay them obscene amounts of money. As Gray led the group of city folk away in search of a place to hide in the ground started to rumble beneath them. Suddenly, the ground beneath the church gave way as an enormous maw emerged to swallow the chapel whole. Spotting a lady that had been caught on some unsteady ground, Gray rushed over to try and catch her, but just barely missed her hand, watching as she fell down into the awaiting pool of acid below. Then all of a sudden, another figure emerged from somewhere, grabbed the falling girl and carried her out, handing her over while apologizing nervously, “Ah, forgive us, we didn't realize you were still in the danger zone when we started the collapse... Oh, and Melody says not worry about this happening to every place you take refuge in. We were only dropping that chapel and several others because of who was inside... some people seem to think that this is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of people.... Ehe... Melody isn't really a bad person... but her hunger is so great that she eats everything when hungry. Um... well... even if you get eaten I'm certain you'll find being her stomach to very enjoyable and.... well that's really all I had to say.” With that, the person's body reverted to the normal form of a tentacle and dove down into the gaping maw as it closed. Leading the people away from the hole, Gray began to get a better understanding of what Melody was actually doing in attacking the city. Even so, Gray was determined to be a thorn in Melody's side until she finally came out for a direct confrontation. Taking refuge in a small store, Gray contacted her lieutenants about the situation around town and was dismayed by the reports. For after the initial scare, Gray's forces suddenly came under assault by much stronger followers from Melody's side, with others being picked off the angels, demons and some even reported a pair of Harpies. Plus, beyond the winged creatures, other strange beings had started appearing in the city and these new breeds seemed to much more powerful than the rank and file drudges that had been seen at the start. Gray just ordered her forces to bunker down somewhere with only one entrance and take precautions against intrusion by sealing off windows. Almost right after Gray ended the conversation, the head of something attacking the city smashed through one of the walls of the store and then the being said in a playful, almost childlike tone, “Found you!” With that pandemonium quickly spread through the people in the store, and Gray quickly stepped out of the way as a rush of frighten people and soldiers alike fled outside. As the crowd ran away, Gray looked back to see the lumbering smash through the main doorway of the building and turn into what looked like a very pregnant lady in the light. On the other side of town, Melody was just finishing up gulping down a street whore she had attracted with her perfume when the next girl in line stepped up to begin sucking on Melody's cock. Seeing the rest of the girls starting to grow impatient, Melody sprouted several more tentacled cocks and used them to swarm the other girls. Smiling as she saw what the Glutton chasing after Gray group had done, and thought about how long it had been since she had experienced such joy on such a scale from her offspring. Taking notice of a girl sitting down curled up into a ball a short distance away, Melody willed her perfume over to her and was intrigued when the gas had no effect. Having grown tired of the pleasure driven girls she was playing with, Melody sucked then all into her cocks and waited until they were all inside her balls before getting up. Walking over as the girls were slowly churned into cum, Melody made her balls shrink down to a more comfortable size as she stood in front of the cowering young lady. Oddly the girl just squeezed her body tighter as she started to tremble while repeating she wasn't like the others. Turning around, Melody leaned down over the girl, spreading open her pussy while she said, “Don't worry, I already know that, child, however that doesn't mean I won't capture you. But don't worry, you won't end up being treated like those other girls... oh no, sweet girls like you are to be savored gently.” Pulling the girl up into her womb, Melody patted the bulge representing the girl gently as she headed out into the streets. Finding a Shambler aimlessly wandering around, Melody separated the girl from her body in a shell of her bodymass and handed her over to Shambler. Accepting the girl graciously, the Shambler swallowed the container and then playfully started running towards one of the open maws so she could go play with her new friend. Jumping into the opening without fear, the Shambler splashed into the fluid at the bottom and emerged in a completely different place. Spitting up the girl, the Shambler watched her with a blank expression until she woke up then smiled happily while holding out a ball to the girl. Reaching out fearfully to the ball, the girl was shocked when she suddenly began hearing thoughts coming from the Shambler as it asked her mentally, “Want to play ball? Mother said to keep you preoccupied until she leaves so you're kinda stuck here until then.. Oh hey, we have lots of other things we can play if you don't want to play ball... let's see.. well... no we can't do that....” Pulling the ball away with a mischievous grin the girl ran a little ways away from the Shambler and gently tossed the ball back to her. For a while the pair played for a bit and with each toss, the Shambler caught more and more memories of the girl's sister as they had played ball when they were little. Slowly, the Shambler began taking on the appearance of the girl's sister and when she commented on that, the Shambler jumped in fear. The Shambler then tried to explain that she wasn't the girl's sister, but more just a replication to help the girl be at ease. Suddenly, even more Shamblers arrived on the field where the girl was gleefully playing, releasing other people into the strange place. Some people were couples and the Shambler that brought them took on the appearance of small child for the parents to play with, while other small children were accompanied by either lost relatives or friends they had lost. Looking around at how happy the people were, the girl asked her Shambler if she was in heaven. Rather than the Shambler answering, Melody's voice came from the 'sky' of the room, saying, “No, you are not in heaven, you are just in a chamber inside my body for the duration of my game. I'm sorry for the inconvenience I may have caused you by involving you in my battle against the Vaticant, but the moment I'm finished with them, I will release all of you if you wish to return to your real lives.” With that, the people went back to enjoying a truly 'enlightening' experience as they got to learn the truth about the current Vaticant as opposed to what the Vaticant was when first formed. Slowly, everyone in the room began to understand what Melody was doing and actually came to agree with the purge of the current Vaticant leadership. When some of the people asked to go back out and help with Melody fight, she notified them all that they were already helping her by simply playing inside her body since she fed off of their energy, plus their emotions. After posting a few Legionnaires to help others that joined later understand what was happening to them, Melody returned her focus to battle taking place up above in the city. Finding herself before the council chamber where the Noblemen had chosen to hide in, Melody dismissed her other guards and went in alone. Stepping into the center of the council chamber as the Trueblood, Melody wasn't the slightest bit phased when she saw the numbers of servants that the Noblemen had arrayed against her. Looking up at the slaves of the Noblemen with kind eyes, Melody asked, “So would any of you like to be freed or have your masters forbidden you from speaking to me?” The sorrow in the girl's eyes were all that Melody needed to see to know the answer to her question, then one of the Councilmen drew her attention by saying, “Don't bother Melody, our servants and playmates are very much under our complete control, unlike yours... but I guess that is why you never took any-” Suddenly, the Councilman stopped speaking as a tentacle revealed itself to be connected her forehead. A single bulge traveled up the length of the tendril and when the fluid reached the Councilman's mind, the woman eyes went out of focus as Melody easily picked the woman up off the ground. Setting the woman down right next to her, Melody pulled back the tendril and then snapped her fingers, bringing the Councilman's eyes back into focus as she straightened. Glaring up at the council of appalled Noblemen, Melody grumbled back while crossing her arms, “Oh trust me, if I had wanted to be like you fools, I could have easily had this entire town begging to kiss my dick like it was the most holy of relics. Plus, unlike you Noblemen, I can make even females into my mindless slaves. But I don't care about making any of you into my slaves... I only want to erase you from this world.” After Melody reached out and absorbed the mind-controlled Councilmen, the rest of the Noblemen ordered their servants to attack Melody. First round of attacks were all melee, which didn't even leave any scars behind on Melody as her body healed almost immediately from the cuts, even those that severed limbs. Then came a massive barrage of magic attacks and even then, Melody didn't even flinch as the attacks crashed into her. Some of the attacks where aimed off in case she tried to avoid the barrage and they kicked a cloud of dust while those that hit Melody were absorbed with ease. As they waited for the dust to settle, the Noblemen were shocked when Melody demanded, “Is that it? Is this the best you can muster with all these bodyguards? I shouldn't be surprised since none of them actually want to hurt me... You fools may be able to forcibly control their actions, but you'll never be able to control their spirits... That is what my specialty is...” Suddenly, a swarm of tentacles surged out of the dust, most of which wrapped around the girls, spreading them out in embarrassing position. Then even more tendrils reached up and tore off the armor all the girls were wearing, revealing the brands on the abdomens to be glowing fiercely as the Noblemen were forcing their control of the girls actions. Once all the girls were naked, a swarm of large tentacle cocks each with their own empty sacks rose up above each of the Nobleman as Melody said, “Do any of you remember what I said when I met you in that old council chamber so many years ago? I'll tell you, I said should you come and destroy my home there would not be anywhere far enough to run to escape my kind of justice. Now I am going to fulfill that promise I made to you and also I'm going to use your bodies to produce the cum necessary to free every one of your slaves.” Before the Noblemen could plead for their lives, they each had the upper parts of their bodies stuffed into the cocks when they slammed down over top of the Noblemen. The rest of their bodies were quickly sucked up into the balls of the tentacled cocks, then after a few moments, their struggles ceased inside the sacks as they were converted into cum. With that, the branded girls all relaxed as the Noblemen's direct control of them faded, but since they were still branded, they were unable to speak with Melody. Then, one by one, the girls were penetrated deeply and received a belly full of cum which melted away their brands. After they were freed, the girls were gently set on the ground as they trembled from the brief but immense pleasure they had experienced. Once all the girls had recovered, Melody sprouted even more tentacled cocks as a unsettling aura erupted from her as she asked, “So... should I give you a ten second head start to run away or just start 'capturing' you all now?” Grinning all the girls pretended to run past her, with some stopping to hug her briefly, while other kissed her momentarily, until she suddenly turned towards them and said deviously, “Your ten seconds are up!” With that the girls barely had a second to react before they were caught by various tentacles and dragged back into the council chamber. The sounds of the girl's blissful could be heard emanating from the chambers for a little while before there was absolute silence. Then a group of much more well endowed ladies flocked out of the room, gleefully jumping and leaping through the alleyways as they searched for their own first meal. Walking slowly while she watched her new Daughters go about their business, Melody turned her attention back towards the town to see what was left from the slim pickings after she had spent so much time eating the Noblemen and converting their servants.
VV2 Chapter 7 Extra #3 Worms Cursing at life itself, Elissa would have smacked the back of her head if she were capable, but being inside a gigantic Worm monstrosity certainly made that hard. The day had started out okay for her as she walked around with her parents enjoying the sights of the the festival. Even though she was out of high school and had started working at a tailoring business in town, Elissa just enjoyed living with her parents. She barely even listened to the announcement made by the Councilmen as she heard the same speak for several years at that time and had been more interested in shopping for some sweets. Then everything went to hell as the ground started to shake and things straight out of her worst nightmares started showing up. Staying inside the shop during the initial confusion, Elissa watched as seemingly regular people ate others in the crowd and saw things that looked like snakes in the light start attacking people. Only after she escaped from the candy shop did she see one of those 'snakes' in the shadows and realized they looked more like over-sized worms with cock tips for heads. She got to watch as people, ranging from little kids to full blown adults, were attacked by those Worms and were taken over. The people didn't just have their bodies taken, but their minds as well, so she did the only thing she could think and that was run to a church. That was where her current predicament began, for as she tried to get into the church, she found the place had been taken over by Noblemen and learned the truth behind their 'enlightenment'. Before the branded guards could grab her, Elissa fled from the church, right before an earthquake knocked her off her feet, along with the guards behind her thankfully. The church which had always symbolized protection for Elissa was then dropped down into an enormous mouth that literally opened up right underneath the chapel. Then she saw swarms coming out of the hole and once again was on the run for her life. Right then, she made the absolute worst decision of her life, in that she chose to try and hide in a barrel the moment she was out of sight of the swarm following her. They all swarmed down over top of her and the only thought in her mind was how she did not want to end up like the others she had seen. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened as Elissa found herself being squished and squeezed in the gut of the Worm. Oddly, she could see everything around her,including her lack of clothing, although she somewhat preferred being able to see the pinkish insides of the Worm compared to the pitch black darkness she had been expecting. At first she had been worried about running out of air, but then some strange tube rammed down into her throat and actually filled her lungs with fluid that somehow made breathing easier than normal. While she hated to admit it, every time the stomach contracted around her body, Elissa felt like she was being kissed all over, even in her privates which was very enjoyable. Every now and again she would hear other people terrified cries as they slide down into the Worm's gut, but oddly, none of them ever managed to reach her. This meant that every time someone new was swallowed by the Worm, she would get bathed in a milky substance that she could only imagine was what was left over of the other people swallowed by the Worm. Thankfully the fluid didn't smell like that of a dead human and was quickly absorbed by the Worm's body, but she still had to wonder why she had not ended up like them. After so long she blacked out due to exhaustion and when Elissa woke up later, she found herself in the ruins of a home, laying on a mostly clean bed. Getting up, Elissa was too terrified to move as she expected the Worm to come out of nowhere and gobble her up again or for this to just be some dream she was having after being finally digested by the Worm. After a while Elissa convinced herself she was outside the Worm and found a blanket in the room to wrap around herself. Looking out at the lamps pouring magical light down upon the city, Elissa thought back to what she had seen in the church, but oddly didn't feel the terror she had before. Then she heard something crawling nearby and pushed herself back against the wall behind her as she waited. Suddenly a gigantic snake head peered into the house and even after the snake seemed to smile at her, Elissa just began to scream bloody murder. Flinching as something coil around her, Elissa began thinking about being crushed till she died or being bitted and then something touched her face. Feeling a calm sensation wash over her, Elissa looked over to find she was being kissed by a giant version of the Worms she had tried to run away from. Watching as the head lifted up over her head, when the tip opened up, Elissa realized what the Worm was up to and why it had coiled around her. Screamed as she was once against sucked inside, Elissa could do little as her head and shoulders were engulfed. Shivering uncomfortably as she felt the Worm start to suck or slide down around her body, Elissa tried her best to hinder the Worm, but failed miserably. Somehow, Elissa was able to pass into the Worm's stomach safely and got turned around during the process without even feeling her body get bent. This time when she slide into the Worm's stomach, however, there was someone else already in there. With surprising ease, the Worm squeezed her down in along side a little girl that had probably been crying when the Worm found her. When the little girl felt someone else was with her, she reached around to hug Elissa desperately as she began to sob. Consoling the girl as best as she could, Elissa promised the girl she would be fine inside the Worm since she had made it down into the storage chamber, or whatever the place they were in was called. Despite the fact that she calmed down, the little girl continued to hug Elissa around the waist and tried to pull herself up. Laughing as the girl strained to pull herself up, Elissa told her, “You might want to give that up, the confines of this room are pretty tight so I don't think you'll be able to pull yourself up without help from the creature we are in.” Pouting a little bit, the girl looked up at Elissa with pleading eyes and replied, “I want to get up so I can try to find my sister. Even though she always mean to me and takes my stuff all the time, I'd still like to know if she alright. We were both eaten after my sister tried to offer me up to this... thing...” Gasping in dismay at the actions of the little girl's sister, Elissa said, “Well I don't think you'll be able to find your sister if you were the only one that made it down here when you two were swallowed. Um, there wasn't a bunch of white fluid in here when you arrived, was there?” Thinking back, the girl gasped and started to cry again as she realized that white stuff had been her sister with Elissa trying to console her by continuing, “Oh hey, hey, I wasn't trying to make you cry. If you want, I could be your new big sister. I've never had a sister before cause my parents were happy with just me for some reason.” Giggling happily the little girl squeezed Elissa tight and they slowly fell asleep hugging each other close. Next thing she knew, Elissa was waking up outside the Worm in a different bed from the last one, tucked in under the blankets along with her new little sister. Squeezing the cute little girl next to her tightly, Elissa waited until the little girl woke up and then started to play with her. A little while later, the Worm returned and Elissa could instantly tell the Child was unhappy. Crawling out of bed, Elissa went over to the sulking Worm and asked, “What's the matter? Didn't find anyone else to add to your little collection?” Tensing at the word collection, the Worm began looking about nervously, trying to think of way to speak with the girls, then suddenly, the Child began to change. Even though they were in the shadows, the Worms lower body began to take on the quality of snake scales, much to the little girls fascination. Then the upper part of the Worm's body began to take on a vaguely human shape that slowly grew more defined. Oddly, rather than hair, the Worm developed a cobra like hood that reached down to the point where her snake half began. When the transformation was complete, the Worm had grown into a Liama with very large breasts and an odd pink coloration of her scales. Letting a gleeful squeal that started Elissa and the little girl, the former Worm suddenly hugged them tight, twirling them around as she coiled around on the ground. Remembering she was hugging humans, the Liama stopped and set the dizzy girls down on the ground, looking then over in a worried, motherly fashion as she inquired, “Oh! Did I hurt you two? I'm so sorry, I was just so excited over becoming a Daughter.. Eh, I can talk too! Oh I so many questions for you now as I'm certain you have many for me as well. Oh happy day!” Watching the Liama dance around then like a hyper little child for a little while, Elissa finally asked her when she calmed down a bit, “Um... what's going to happen to us now that you're a Daughter?” Leering over at the girls hungrily, the Liama opened her mouth and hung her tongue in a hungry fashion as she replied, “I'm gonna eat ya!” Elissa just flinched while the little girl let out a shrill scream that made the Liama bite her tongue and after looking at her tongue in confusion for a moment, she smiled over at the girls and said, “Ah, I'm just kidding, though I do intend to keep you two around.” Slithering up behind the girls, the Liama led them back inside and had a long chat with them over what she really was. At the same time, the Liama also listened to the girls talk about themselves with childlike curiosity and would sometimes comment on situations based her odd thought processes. That would always make the girls giggle as only the Liama would have thought to say something like that since most time her comments involved eating a bully or unfaithful mate. The more they talked, the more Elissa noticed the Liama was learning about human interactions and how to respond when either of the girls were sad, angry or happy over something they were talking about. After a while the Liama got up and stretched before picking up the two girls, but when the young girl asked if they were going to be eaten again, the Liama just snickered before saying, “My belly is no longer a place where either of you can survive... however, now that I'm a Daughter, I have other places to stick ya.” Both Elissa and the little girl blushed as they already knew exactly where they were going to stuffed into, but while they new it was pointless to resist, they still made the Liama have to work to get them inside her pussy. Several times the girls caused the Liama to cum, making her pass out momentarily before she would try again. Of course, this made the pair work up a little game where they would bolt upon being released and then would hide separately so that the Liama had to come hunt them both down before she could try again. This went on for several hours as the girls had learned all the sweet spots in the Liama's pussy and could hit them repeatedly as they were stuffed inside. Eventually, the Liama succeeded in cramming the girls in fast enough that they couldn't make her cum and laid down to relax as she groaned happily as they girls squirmed inside her as they knew their movements made the Liama feel good. Finding a quiet bed, the Liama coiled up on top and fell asleep as she enjoyed having her playmates inside her. A little while later, the Liama woke up and noticed that the girls had stopped moving. Panicking over the thought of losing them, the Liama quickly forced the two girls out of her and tried to shake them awake. Now completely hysterical, the Liama began to rush about looking for something to wake the girls up when she was told by some nearby Shamblers that she had been played for a fool. Crushing whatever she had in her hands at the time, the Liama tore out of the building and chased down her mates, starting a another round of their little game. At first she had been angry, but soon enough, the Liama was enjoying herself once again as she enjoyed the thrill of chasing down her mischievous mates while also gobbling down anyone else that she managed to come across.
VV2 Chapter 7 Extra #4 Dollista While the other Succubus all flew high in the sky with their Angel partners siphoning the energy slowly out of the lamps as they circled playfully, Dollista chose to remain by herself and close to the ground. The others had done a perfect job in creating a bunch of panicked children, which Dollista would slowly seek out. Even though she would always remain in the light when she was around humans and moved more humanly than the Shamblers, the people in hiding with the children were so terrified they threated to kill her if she came to close. Not that she minded what the adults said to her since she could care less about them, for Dollista only concern was the children. Thankfully, her time as the nanny for the Noblemen's children had gained her a lot of fame around town in the children's eyes so whenever she beckoned them to her, she didn't even need to charm them into coming to her. Even if the children's parents were right behind them, the kids always flocked right to her. This choice became even less difficult for the children when they watched Dollista scare off Shamblers with only a stern glare. Unfortunately, some parents would run after their children trying to take them back, only to be swooped off the ground by a pair of winged creatures. Dollista would always shield the children from seeing what happened to the adults and this only endeared her to the children more. Even more surprisingly, was when children that displayed signs of being picked up by Harpies started to appear around corners that Dollista would come across. Having her children hide inside buildings nearby, Dollista would go over to check on the children, sometimes bringing them back or disappearing for a few moments and then returning with a sad look on her face. None of the children noticed that whenever Dollista returned with a sad look on her face, she had another doll on her belt. As even more word spread about her, children actually began to seek Dollista out and would form little groups with any others they passed by on the way. This became a problem as Dollista began losing track of the children she had gathered as she knew some of the females were either going to school to become or were the offspring of Noblemen. On top of that, Dollista began to hear warnings from Shamblers about someone following Dollista that they could not capture for some reason. While on the outside, Dollista was calm, on the inside her emotions were raging as she worried over what this person following her wanted or intended to do to the children she had gathered as she had a sneaking suspicion she was being followed by one of the several trainee Noblemen still running about the city. Unfortunately, while walking past a street shrouded in shadows, a voice called out to Dollista all of a sudden, saying slyly, “Well look at what we have here, the ever infamous Noblemen nanny, and oh my, look at all those young minds reading to be instructed in the ways of the Vaticant. I can't seem to thank you enough for gathering them all from their parents, they can make things so messy you know? Now why don't you be a good girl and come over here so that I might enlighten you in ways those old fools never could. You should already know that you no longer have the protection of that bargain you struck with the council since they are no longer among the living.” Most of the children hid behind Dollista fearfully as even though the person speaking was a trainee and Dollista actually smiled while patting some of the children gently while she said to them, “Don't worry little ones, I'm not going to allow this scum anywhere near you.... however, that will mean that I must walk into the shadows. I want you to take a good look at me and then decided for yourself who the real monster is.” Walking away from the kids as they tried to reach out for her desperately, Dollista didn't even look back when she heard the shocked gasped from the children as they saw her change from a caring nanny into a sexy Succubus as she continued on, speaking to the trainee now, “If you truly think I needed the protection of some bargain to remain safe from the Noblemen you're sorely mistaken. For as you can see, I could have handled them myself, but Melody... you know, the one who suggested the bargain in the first place? She wanted me to be happy taking care of children while also remaining safe from the Noblemen cause even you where drawn to my human form weren't you? Well, whether or not you want me now, I want you!” When the Noblemen's servants charged towards Dollista, she easily sucked two into her tail while tossing the other up into the air right into the clutches of a Succubus. Then while the girls where flown away, the Angels flying with the demons came in close and began to fuck the girls while the Succubus slide her tail up into the girls' butts. Walking over to the petrified Nobleman trainee, Dollista quickly placed the female under her control and then began leading her into a dark alleyway before she stopped. Turning around to face the children, Dollista's eyes became very gentle as she said, “Please do not follow me children, this is not something you should see until you've grown up quite a bit.” As she looked back, Dollista was relieved to find most of the children she had doubts about had fled, while the others just watched her like with mixed emotions. Vanishing from sight, Dollista had her pet strip down then, began to have the mesmerized trainee have sex with her, slowly drawing out the female's soul. Once she was done, Dollista thought for a moment, before choosing to walk out of the alleyway behind the children so that she would appear in her human form. Without needing to check, Dollista knew that any child that ran from her little group would have already been set upon by the Children lurking about and was a little overjoyed to find the other children still waiting for her where she left them. Coming up behind them silently, she embraced them all in a hug, causing frightened screams out of them until they realized she was a demon anymore, then she asked them, “So, tell me... why is it that you chose to stay here when all the others ran away?” Most of the children couldn't find the words to respond with, but then one of the spoke up, “Um... we all just feel safe with you... I guess. Most of us have been living in town for a long while and we've all dreaded growing up because when any of our siblings showed any kind of... development... the Noblemen would always come and take them away. We... we never got to see our sisters again and when we asked our parents about them, they just said that our sisters were dead to us... Could you please keep up safe? We don't care if you look like those demons flying in the sky when you are in the shadows... we know who the real monsters are.” Pulling the children close as she placed a sleeping charm on them, Dollista said lovingly while they all closed their eyes, “Don't worry, I'll make certain you all have a place in my personal daycare, but on the other hand, I'm going to introduce you all to your new family very soon.” One by one, Dollista would pulled the sleeping children into a hug, kissing them on the foreheads as they were slowly turned into ragdolls. Rummaging through a house nearby, Dollista brought out a bag and stuffed all the dolls inside before heading off towards one of the closed maws dotted around town rubbing her bulging belly full of souls happily. Kicking the mouth angrily when it didn't open up when she got close, Dollista grumbled about having some 'lost' souls to drop off. After opening up, a tendril reached up out of the maw and poked into her belly, then started to siphon out the souls of the kids she had turned into dolls. After the transfer was complete, Dollista waved good bye to the children as they were integrated into The Mother's body as a Shambler slide into the mouth in a defeated pile of ooze, before reforming and saying in a wary tone, “That person is still following you and is a stone's throw away... She hits pretty hard just so ya know.” Having the illusion of her human self walking away, Dollista flew up behind the person watching her copy leave and asked the armed forces soldier, “So... why have you continued to follow me after most certainly seeing my real form when I took care of that trainee Nobleman?” Jumping so badly she lost her hold on her sword briefly, the girl took a few moments to calm herself before answering, “Uh, forgive me for spying... I was more concerned with making certain that you and the kids were safe... from the trainees.... General Gray ordered us to see that the citizens were guarded from the creatures attacking this place and the Noblemen because she knew exactly what would happen if the Noblemen were left unchecked... Ah... seems you didn't really need me though... Um, I've always admired you for the way you were able to watch over the Noblemen's children without succumbing to their charms... I've had a few bad run-ins with those trainees myself... Oh, sorry, I'm getting off track... uh, could I join that personal daycare you spoke about earlier? I had always wanted to join you in taking care of the Noblemen's children, but we armed forces weren't allowed to intrude on the Noblemen's lives...” Instead of responding, Dollista just opened wide and chomped down on the girl's upper body. Lifting the girl's body up as she flailed her legs in fear, Dollista sucked her all the way down into her gut and waited for a few minutes. Inside Dollista, the armed forces soldier was in full blow panic as she could only imagine being digested in the cramped quarters of the demon's stomach. Instead, she found Dollista's belly to be quite roomy and comfortable as she curled up inside. Not even when the stomach juices started flowing did she begin to worry, because rather than feeling her body get burned, the girl felt like she was actually in a massaging hot tub. Once the girl had calmed down completely, Dollista wryly grumbled, “Hm, could have done without all the armor and clothing... but other than that I'd give you a seven on a scale of ten in taste.” Scoffing at the low rating, the armed forces girl kicked out one of her legs irritably and demanded, “Oh who gave you the right to call me disgusting?” Chuckling as she clenched her stomachs muscles in response to the kick, Dollista fired back, “And just who do you think you're kicking hm? Be grateful I let my stomach stretch out for you cause I can always make it very tight in there!” Flying up into the sky, Dollista enjoyed the euphoria the girl was experiencing as she felt the weightlessness of being in the air as well. Many of the other Succubus that noticed her bulging belly came over to poke at her curiously while asking who Dollista had inside her. Shocked to find that Dollista was carrying one of the armed forces girls in her belly, a lot of the Succubus and Angel pairs each sought out their own playmate from the remaining armed forces battling in the streets. Taking turns having sex and swallowing their girls, the pairs were always seen with one having a large belly. Eventually Dollista went to find Sinclair so that her three new playmates could truly remain part of her collection eternally. Sinclair was all to happy to start working on making the three girls into dolls. The twins, Hannah and Anna, were overjoyed when they heard they would be able to stay with Dollista even after the demoness returned to her home. Jilly was more excited that she'd still be able to stay in Dollista's belly without fear and be able to protect Dollista in the case that she was attacked by an extremely powerful demon. With her new friends being made into dolls she could play with eternally, Dollista took the skies again to help in the hunter for more trainees, having already eaten her fill. Even so, whenever she saw a child, Dollista would swoop down to scoop them up before turning them into dolls and dropping their souls off at one of the gaping maws around town.
Bree the Collector Part 2 – Stocking Up The next day, after taking a wonderful shower with her mate, Bree found herself home alone and though that this would be the perfect time to work on a hiding spot for a nest. Thankfully Ink was able to arrive without too long a delay and helped Bree to dig a small cave underneath the cabin. Ink even brought a few filler girls she managed to nab on the way over to keep the nest from needing to search for it's own food, but she warned Bree that the filler girl's would not last long. With the ground work for her nest formed, Bree was wondering how she would be able to sneak the girls up to the cabin from in town without raising suspicion, when there was a knock on the door. Opening the door to find none other than the woman that her mate had been previously aiming for Bree was about to ask what was going on when suddenly the woman shouted, “You're a real piece of work aren't ya? Not only did you steal away my admirer, but also my playmate! The others may accept ya, but your just trying to get cozy so you can steal all my girls aren't ya?” Before Bree could respond, the woman was hit on the back of the head by an empty beer mug as the the girl who had left said in an irritated tone, “Now just who are you calling your girls, hm? I only had interest in you temporarily, like all my love interests and after you stopped being interesting, I figured it was time to upgrade. Now why don't you run along to town to pick one of your fan girls?” That sent the woman scurrying away fear and once she was out of sight, the girl, along with a few friends, walked up to Bree as their leader went on to say, “Listen here, Bree. I don't know why you took a fascination in Essa, but I have an offer to make you. I want you to drop Essa, drop her like a rock, then my friends and I will see to it that you never have another lonely night.” Bree then replied as if she were continuing the leader's thought, “Until, of course, Essa finds a new lover, then we'll just forget about you and move onto the next one. Isn't that about about right? But what none of you see or could ever understand, is that I'm bonded to Essa... in a way you'll never be to any of the 'temporary' lovers you take.” Drawing their weapons and preparing some spells, the girls started smiling sinisterly as their leader retorted, “Well since you're so 'bonded' that I can't steal you away, I guess the only thing left to do is burn that bond your so proud of, but since you're the first one not to fall to our charm, I'll ask one last time. Will you leave Essa or will I have to kill you and tell her you left her after your gone?” Suddenly, Bree began to laugh, but the tone with which she was laughing started to make the girls nervous and then when Bree returned her gaze towards them, the girls were frozen as the only thing they saw in the Daughter's eyes was hunger, but this hunger wasn't for food as Bree started asking rhetorical questions, “So you think you can just kill me and ruin Essa's happiness, right? You think that you're stronger than me because you have numbers and magic on your side? Did you really expect me to just turn tail and scamper away like that other idiot? Do you really think you can sever a bond of true love so simply?” While the hunger in Bree's eyes stayed the same, a burning fury suddenly appeared as she continued in a furious tone, “I hate those who try to destroy true love for their own satisfaction.... Whores like you should be working in some run down bar where the only people you see are the dumb and desperate. You probably don't understand why Essa had me assigned the job of an information gatherer, do you? That's because she knows I can handle myself in any situation, especially against the likes of YOU!” As Bree stalked closer she began to sprout Worms from her body, but kept them invisible. Recovering from their fear, the group of magi unleashed their attacks at Bree, but to their utter disbelief, each of their spells was actually negated when the attacks reached so close to Bree. In a frenzy, the girls launched of spells, culminating with their most powerful spell, but no matter how many or how powerful the attacks they used, all were absorbed by the invisible Worms. When Bree smiled triumphantly after the girl's most powerful spells were eaten, the leader scowled angrily as she declared, “Don't think you've won yet, we are battle magi, so we don't rely just on our spells to defeat our enemies! Let's see you cancel out our spells at point blank range!” All at once, the group of magi charged forward at Bree and at that moment, the Breeder noticed a different kind of magic effect her body, but told the Worms to ignore the that caster since the spell didn't seem to be one designed to harm her. Then as if dancing, Bree weaved and ducked her way out of the initial all around attack, having the Worms eat the stray magic blasts so there would be no collateral damage to make Essa worry. When any of the girls would get to close, Bree never attacked them, but would instead just shove them away harmlessly. Then when she pushed two of the girls away, Bree realized her mistake all to late as their leader was right behind them and had already prepared a very powerful spell. When the girl punched at her target, however, her fist hit Bree, but the spell withing her palm disappeared all of a sudden. Suddenly, the leader's arm was jerked up into the air, causing her to dangle off the ground as the other girls were also picked up off the ground as Bree smiled deviously and said in a mocking tone, “I thought you said wanted to see me 'cancel out your spells at at point blank range'... but I guess you never expected me to actually be able to do it. Too bad for all of you that my 'power' is not the ability to cancel out spells, but rather absorb them. In the same sense, my ability allows me to suck not the magic, but energy out of a person, to the point that you'll be unconscious for hours, but don't worry, I'll make it so you recuperate your magic very quickly, cause how else will you be able to perform your roles as cows? Enjoy this last look at daylight girls, cause after this you're going to be nothing more than mindless cows for me to milk for the rest of your lives. As Bree walked into the cabin carrying in her quarry, she allowed them to see what was truly holding onto them, and the girls were horrified to find themselves in the clutches of the offspring of The Mother. Inside her small nest, Bree had the girls held up by the Worms already inside, and while the Children began preparing the girls for their duties of feeding the entire nest, Bree gave the girls their only batch of Children to speed up the breaking process. Humorously, by the time she had finished filling up the girls, they had already been completely broken by the Worms, simply from being milked after being forced to lactate. Handing the girls over completely to the nest, Bree left the nest as the girls were slowly drawn down deeper inside the fleshy mass. Heading down towards town, Bree wondered about who had cast that beneficial spell on her, but soon dismissed the thought as she did her best to convince herself that Essa had been the caster. Once in the town a few hours walk away from the academy, Bree started to release the Worms, which had helped her against Essa's rivals, into erotic bars so they could recruit some more girls to act as cows up at the nest. After unloading all the Children she had brought with her, Bree headed towards the high school in town. Bree was easily able to get inside with the clever use of a few illusions and the fact that she was still young enough to pass off as a high schooler, plus the fact that she turned the principal of the school into her slave didn't hurt matters. Bree had called herself a returning student and with the principals backing, none of the teachers even bothered her. This worked to her advantage as she was able to go into classrooms and place the entire class under her control through the use of perfume, which allowed for her to collect numerous samples while also impregnating some of the more enthralled students with Children. The Children were under orders to only pilot the students to the nest and not to consume their hosts. Of course, Bree also took this opportunity to snack on all the various students she encountered and found herself having to hide herself entirely in an illusion since she had grown well past the age of a high school student. One time, while in one of the female bathrooms and after finishing with a couple of girl students, Bree was confronted by a female student who asked, “Um, are you one of those creatures that has all the magi in an uproar? My master had been so terrified when she started hearing the rumors that she disbanded the little school I belonged to merely out of fear of being discovered... I've kinda been watching you since you came here to the school... sorry.” Knowing full well that the bathroom was still filled with her perfume, Bree was amazed that the woman had any sense left and replied, “Yes, I am a Daughter of The Mother, but I'm not one of the creatures you've heard of in the rumors, those were probably created by my sisters from Marilyn's academy, but don't think that they are too farfetched. I am... curious as to why you've approached me after having suspicions of what I am, considering your master was so fearful of our kind.” Rubbing her fingers together nervously for a moment, the woman brought up a very large spell and sent the attack flying at Bree, but when the spell was simply absorbed on contact, the female was very happy as she exclaimed, “It's true, I can't harm you! Oh I'm so happy... you see, my power deals with air, but more specifically, I control the air around me and... create a void so to speak... Then when I attack, no matter how small, I remove the air from the blast radius which then causes my opponents to suffocate. Not to mention, without air molecules around you to heat up to area around you, my opponents, and anyone near me, are in danger of freezing to death... Would you please eat me? I really don't want to hurt anyone else around me...” Hiding away her penis and balls, Bree made herself naked as she walked closer to the magi with an understanding smile as she asked, “I would love to eat you, but from that little attack of yours, I know that is not what you really desire from me... is it?” The woman's face turned bright red as she stared at Bree's now girlish figure and did not resist as the Daughter stripped her naked. Bree then led the trembling magi to a stall, where she climbed up on the toilet seat and knelt down on her knees while she spread apart her pussy for the woman to plainly see. Needing little more prodding since she had only just been resisting the effects of the perfume, the woman quickly stepped up behind the Breeder and began to fuck her hard. Not wanting to let this perfectly good situation end to quickly, Bree sprouted a tendril and injected the woman with something that made her body burn up her magic in order to mass produce cum. When Bree felt the first load shoot into her womb, she could feel her own body start to heat up as the magi fed her not only the normal energy she would gain from having sex with a human, but also the magi's powerful magic as well. Eventually though, the woman ran out of steam, and she stood in front of the trembling magi, Bree pulled open her pussy, saying deviously, “Don't worry, I have no intention of cutting out relationship short, I've taken quite a liking to you and just like all my sisters, my hunger is unending.” After stuffing the woman inside her pussy and returning her cock to the appropriate place, Bree slapped her forehead, groaning unhappily as she thought, “Oh, Essa is gonna kill me for doing this...” Putting back on her clothing, Bree continued to enjoy the plentiful energy in the school, while the Children she impregnated took control of their hosts. All was going well until after school when Bree had just finished up with some higher class girls outside school. That was when she was suddenly attacked from behind, but instead of taking the blow like it was nothing, Bree pretended to be knocked unconscious and told the other Children nearby not to interfere. The reason for that was because when she was hit, Bree didn't feel that the people abducting her were wanting to kill her and was curious to see what this would lead her towards. Not to mention, she also got a chuckle out of the people trying to lift her and commenting on how she felt like two people. A few minutes later, Bree felt a bucket of water tossed onto her and when she just opened her eyes and glared at her captors, the one holding the bucket grumbled, “Well damn, there goes all my fun. The least you could of done was jump a little when you got splashed with water, you know! What's the point in me hauling the water here to splash you with if you don't even react to it?” Bree's look didn't even budge when before she could reply, someone else said what was exactly going through her mind, “Well it certainly made you look like a fool and gave us a good laugh anyways so I guess there was some reason behind your actions.” When the the person tossed the bucket at the heckler, Bree drew her attention by saying in a somewhat flat tone, “You must really be a fool to be so easily distracted, which means you're not the boss around here. I'm guessing the lady behind me is the one calling the shots around here. So why don't you go sit down like an obedient dog and behave while your boss and I have a civil chat.” The woman in front of Bree began to try and form a comeback, but the lady behind Bree simply snapped a whip before growling in a threatening tone, “You've had your fun and your chance, back off, dog. I'll be taking care of this one since my workers were the ones who brought her in.” Biting her tongue as a torrent of harsh remarks were threatening to erupt out of her, the woman sat down as the lady spun Bree about while saying, “Although, I'll let you know right now, I'm not the boss around here, I'm second in command.” Smiling mischievously, Bree said in a matter of fact tone, “Basically you're the pet of the boss around here and are trying to use me to get back in her good graces because of something you've done or because someone you're in a competition with has gotten the lead on you, right?” Bree could tell she hit the bullseye when the people behind the lady started backing away and then braced herself for what was to come. Thankfully, the sounds of the door to the building they were inside opening up was enough of a distraction to cause the lady to forget her anger. Like a little girl, she skipped over to the real boss as she turned Bree around to face the new guests. Bree could easily tell she wasn't involved in any sort of magi group since everyone in the room had very low traces of magic in their bodies, but the most telling fact was all the way all the people carried weapons of some sort. Getting the sense that something was off when the boss of the group seemed to be angry at the lady who captured her, Bree decided to see what she could learn from the group before utterly destroying it. When Bree did not even flinch when someone walked over with a knife out to cut the ropes binding her, the boss commented thoughtfully, “Curious, I'd have thought you would at least react to the sight of a weapon, but you weren't even phased... Why is that?” Remaining seated as she did not want to upset her captor anymore, Bree replied, “Ah well, I'm just not good at showing fear... I guess I was just born without that emotion.” Suddenly, the boss surged forward in an attempt to slash Bree, but to everyone's amazement, Bree easily stepped out of the attack, which caused the boss to point her weapon at Bree and demand, “Who are you and where did you get your training? Only the most skilled of fighters would have been able to predict that attack so accurately as to know exactly how far back to step without needing to jump completely out of the way.” Grabbing the boss' blade, Bree squeezed it between her fingers and to everyone's shock, the blade acted like a liquid in Bree's grasp as she replied in a curious tone, “Training? I've never had any training in my entire life. I'm just really good at reading people and predicting what is on their mind. Now then, unless you have anymore questions, I have a mate to return to.” When the lady responsible for her capture tried to snap her whip at Bree, she was shocked when Bree caught the magically enchanted weapon with ease. Bree then yanked the weapon out of the stunned lady's hands and then made it look like she turned the weapon into liquid, when she really absorbed it into her skin. Bree then glanced over at the lady with a slight smile, while letting her hunger fill her eyes, which caused the girl to flinch and cower away. This caused the boss to start laughing, which made Bree wary until the woman said, “Now there's a first! I don't think I've seen anyone who was able to make her heel with a simple glance... usually takes a glare and a shout from me to make her back down. Now don't tell me, you were able to do that because you could 'read' her too? I can understand the fact that you didn't flinch at our attacks being something you could be born with, but you seem to have some training from somewhere. I could use a person like you as a subordinate, you seem to be much more capable than that piece of garbage.” Everyone in the room was shocked when Bree suddenly twitched at the way the boss referred to the lady who had captured her and then Bree glared angrily over at the boss, demanding, “Is that really how you view someone who is willing to give their all for you? But then again, I guess someone who surrounds herself with snakes wouldn't have any interest in a loyal puppy, now would you?” While the girls around her cowered away at Bree gaze, the boss seemed almost excited by it as she replied, “Now there's some eyes I like... They got a real nice fire in them and with a little training, you could become a very fine 'snake', but I doubt you will be that easy to catch hmph? I guess I was right to suspect there was something off about you when I heard from this trash about there being someone inside the school having a little fun with every girl they got their hands on. And for your information, I don't like completely tamed girls as my bitches, I prefer to sell girls like that. However, due to the services rendered by her, I figured just throwing her out to some buyer would be a waste so I left her in control of this motley crew thinking she might find me some good recruits and it seems I was right on the money.” Suddenly, a small army of thugs burst into the warehouse, but all this did was cause Bree to laugh and then she smiled with a wild look on her face as she declared, “Oh I'm gonna enjoy raping each and everyone of your subordinates, but I really do hope you have at least one person here that can leave a scratch on me. Otherwise, I might get bored and call a few friends over to help speed up the process... Op, too late for that, they're already on their way here. I'm going to enjoy turning you all into my slaves...” Thinking Bree had truly lost her mind, the boss ordered the thugs to capture her alive, but for them to feel free to break as much of her body was necessary. Standing still as all the thugs charged towards her, Bree made some attempt to avoid the attacks, but into the end, one of her legs was hit by a metal rod and she fell down. Then the thugs started to pound her arms and legs with their weapons in an attempt to completely incapacitate her. Only afterwards did they realize that a bunch of oddly moving whores had entered the building. Laughing as she saw the weak looking girls, the boss looked down upon Bree's broken body and asked, “So are these little girls your reinforcements? Do you really think a bunch of girls you managed to scrape off the ground of this city will be able to help you? Here and I had such high hopes for you, Bree, but I guess your just another weakling that depends on those much weaker than yourself to act powerful. Guess you were right about being able to read people earlier, but even if you can read attacks, once enough come your way, your bound to mess up on one of them. Don't worry, I'll have you taken to the best healer I know and you'll soon be able to walk and serve me.” Suddenly, Bree shot all her limbs up into the air, causing those near her to jump back in fear as her body didn't show any signs of the attacks she had received, not even her clothing were torn as she replied in a sly tone, “Now what was that you were saying about me needing to be healed to stand up? I think you've been in power a little too long, my friend... for you seem to have forgotten that everyone is weak when they born and that those who work together are normally the strongest. If you don't believe me, then ask yourself this, how is that I could have known how you were going to attack me without having seen you or someone similar attack before? The answer to that question is really simple, I have never seen an attack like yours, but a lot of my siblings already know your style and have been working with me to read your attacks. And despite what you think, I could have continued to dodge this mob's attacks, but I saw no reason to since my siblings had arrived.” Interrupting Bree, the boss demanded to know, “How on earth can all these girls be related to one another? I've seen several of these whores in the local bars and I know none of them are from the same family.” Shaking her head as she started to laugh, Bree absorbed her clothing into her skin as the Children revealed themselves around their hosts and then Bree answered, “Oh, I wasn't talking about these girls being my siblings you fool. I was talking about all those cute little Worms working with the girls from inside their bodies. For you see, my kind is very weak at birth, but they're almost powerless until they get inside a human body. Then those little buggers start to grow and take over the girls minds most times, but these girls were happy to help the Worms in return for a never-ending orgasm. Right now as it stands, I'm the one with the most power here and since you refused to allow me to walk away and have seen all this, I'm afraid that I will have to take you all my slaves.” When the thugs turned to face the new threat, they quickly found themselves overpowered by the seemingly superhuman girls. The boss then order her escorts and the motley crew members to attack, but was shocked when the deadly vixens she had brought along were swatted away like flies. When the boss saw Bree walking her way, she chucked her partially melted blade at the Breeder, but to her horror, the weapon simply disappeared as it entered Bree's body. Stopping after walking through a storm of weapons thrown by the boss, Bree picked up the trembling woman and said in a sinister tone, “Don't worry, I have no intention of just killing you. That would be far too lenient for one who tramples on the love of others. You're going to spend a very long time feeding my siblings and me, just like everyone else that has attacked us today.” Bree then turned the boss around and rammed her cock up into the woman's asshole, causing the human to gasp in shock. Starting to fuck the woman, Bree was slightly amused by the way the female was trying not to enjoy getting anally fucked. With each thrust, Bree forced her cock deeper into the woman's bowels, and when she pulled back, her shaft would stretch a little further every time. When Bree finally entered the woman's stomach, she groaned happily as she released a large amount of cum, as well as a Suit, into the belly of the boss. Then Bree started fucking the woman some more, stretching her penis up into the boss' cranium, but only put the woman to sleep since she knew the growing Suit would want the fun of breaking the woman itself. Turning around, Bree found herself facing the lady who was the leader of the subsection of the slave trading group and remained silent as the girl nervously muttered, “Um, I heard what you said to the boss about making everyone that attack you into your slaves... and even though I never actually attacked you I still belong to this group and-!” Before she could continue, the girl found her mouth being forced down onto Bree still erect cock and was shocked when she felt her cheeks puff out as her mouth was filled with cum. Almost as if by instinct, the girl's legs gave out, causing to sit down on her feet with her hands between her spread apart knees. For a moment, the girl enjoyed the wonderful taste of Bree's cum before reluctantly swallowing the hot fluid. Then rather than leaping forward for more, like Bree was expecting, the lady remained seated like an obedient pet. Sighing as she looked down into the pleading eyes of the girl. Bree said, “Look, I really don't care what you've done or had planned on doing to me after you caught me, I was just trying to mind my own business... I really didn't have any clue about the slaving ring active in this city. However, now that I've attacked your boss and taken all the other sub division leaders under my control, I guess I'm going to have take care of the entire gang, but since you're a little different from the rest I'll leave it up to you whether or not you become another one of my slaves. But before you answer... I'm not good with words and I prefer actions instead...” Thinking for a moment, the girl turned around and leaned forward as she pulled down her pants, then her underwear. When Bree sighed in response, the girl began trying to think of what she had done wrong until she felt hands grab her hips, then gasped happily as she felt something thick slammed into both her pussy and ass. Crying out pleasantly as she felt Bree's cum shoot into her womb, the girl trembled when she saw a pair of feet step in front of her. Looking up, she saw that one of the Worm controlled girl's was stroking it's cock while the girl smiled suggestively. Without needing to be commanded, the lady pushed herself up, slowly so as not to disturb Bree, and then began to give the Worm a blowjob. A few moments later after her belly was starting to bulge out with cum, two more Worms walked up next to the girl with their hosts on either side. The lady risked a nervous glance back at Bree, but then froze as she felt the heads of the Worms suck around her breasts. While she was enthralled by the treatment, Bree leaned down close to the girl and whispered in a playful voice, “If you think that feels good, just wait till they make your breasts start producing milk, then the real fun will begin.” Before the lady could even begin to wonder, she began to feel her breasts start to grow, then started to moan as the Worms started to suck milk out of her nipples. As she slowly started to black out, the lady began to feel something else fill her belly and figured that they were more Worms which would grow up and take care of her like the other girls around her. This made her happy as the lady had seen how all the girls didn't have the subdued look all the slaves she had seen before did, so she knew there was a chance for her to end up happy like them. Once the lady had gone limp, the Worms were about to pick her up when Bree said, “No, leave this one to me, I'll carry her home myself, the rest of you hurry up to transport the rest of these thugs home. Tell the Children at the nest that they are free to break them as they please, but to remember that some of them will need to become cows for the nest to feed on, while the rest are free game.” While the Children ran off to join the others in packing the captives home, Bree stuffed the pregnant girl into her womb along with female magi. Then she realized that Essa was now going to be even more furious with her when the girl found out what the Breeder had been up to, but hoped that she could smooth things over later that night. When Essa finally arrived at the cabin later that evening after a successful job, she was surprised when she found two strangers completely naked sitting on the couch. Thinking for a moment that some strange couple must have broken into the house, Essa was startled when she heard Bree exit the room and could instantly tell something was up when Bree looked very nervous. Going to sit down when Bree beckoned her over, Essa remained silent even though there was a thousand questions racing through her mind as Bree said, “Um, Essa... I'd like to explain things to you if you'd allow me too.” Letting out a small relieved sigh, Essa shook her head and replied, “There's no need, Bree. I already know that you're something from Marilyn's academy and that doesn't bother me one bit... I am curious, however, about those two over there.” Laughing nervously about the response, Bree scratched her head and explained, “Truthfully, I am not certain I am from Marilyn's academy... even though yes I am an offspring of The Mother... I was actually born from you at that camp where you woke up... I think you may have mixed me up with someone considering you think I had sex with you twice at the camp... These two, on the other hand, are my mates... like you are.” Thinking for a moment, Bree became worried and was about to say more when Essa just smiled and said, “You dummy, I had already figured something like that had happened since earlier today I started remembering things that someone started telling me about you... that person was probably the one I remember from that first time in the tent... but that doesn't mean I don't love you! You did save me from those people, so I owe a lot more than just my life. Oh, and don't worry about me being angry about those two, I'm just happy you found some people to keep you fed while I'm away... I had been worried all day about coming home to find you near death because I asked you to always be here waiting for me...” When Essa went over and hugged Bree, the Daughter realized just how worried the girl had been about her, then replied, “Well... you won't need to worry anymore... Cause, um, there something else I need to show you.” Twitching, Essa gave Bree a dangerous glance as she demanded, “Is this about my rivals?” Smiling nervously, Bree hurried Essa into their bedroom and then phased into the middle of bed before dropping down a tunnel that led to the nest. Essa was a little frightened at first when she saw the nest, but then she saw all the happy Children bounding up to her with their hosts and felt proud that she had given birth to most of them. Then she was lead into where the 'cows' were and was surprised to find several females were in along with the girls. When she saw her rivals where down there, she seemed to grow vindictive as she said that they had finally gotten what they deserved for trying to steal her happiness. Later, after learning her body had actually been conditioned to act as a vessel for several Children, Essa made a vow to always take a couple of Worms with her on every mission so she could help keep the nest filled with fuel and maybe find a few good hosts. After explaining the difference between the hosts and mates Bree had upstairs, Essa was willing to allow them both to join in their nightly sex, on the condition that she could stay in Bree's womb during her days off.
A New 'Widow' Chapter 2 – A Forceful Summoning As Dollista continued to mope in her home, in another world, a young girl was standing before an enormous summoning circle channeling every ounce of her strength into the summoning ritual along with her servants as she called, “Dollista, maker of dolls and thief of children, answer my call! Appear before me now, I command of you!” Before Dollista could react, her body was pulled out of her world and she found herself lying on the ground in a magical circle. Groaning as she stood up unsteadily, Dollista began to shake as she realized all her favorite dolls were still inside her. Right away, her mind turned to her dolls at home and tears began to stream down Dollista's face she began to worry over what would happen to her precious collection now that no one was guarding it. Flopping down on her knees as she broke down completely, Dollista started to beg to be sent back to her home. Obscuring the view of the tired little girl one of the females involved in her summon shouted, “Damn worthless demon, you aren't even worth the effort to send you back... and after all it took to bring you here in your real form so you would be at full power...” Jolting at the mention of being in her real body as she had been hoping it was a mistake that the others had come out with her, Dollista stood up and screamed, “How dare you summon my real form to answer your pitiful request! I only answer one girl's call when I come out in my real body.... and for you to force me to come here is a grave insult.” Struggling to come forward, the little girl tried to explain things to Dollista, but was just slapped away by one of the others, who shouted at the young lady, “Oh shut up! We'll be taking over from now on. If this demon is half of what she's supposed to be, then maybe she might survive the taming process, otherwise she won't need to worry about going back anymore.” Suddenly Dollista began to screech loudly after seeing the way the girl was handled, her power causing the barrier around the summoning circle to tremble. Now interested in obtaining Dollista's service, the others around the ring began to cast binding spells on her, but Dollista's snapped them like they were dry, thin twigs. Of course, the people around the barrier did not worry as they had been prepared for such an event and began to call more helpers which they had in reserve. With the reinforcements, the summoners began to chant a spell for an incredibly powerful sealing spell. During the preparation for the spell, Dollista had been smashing her fists, feet, tail and whatever else she could against the barrier to no avail. When the binding spell got off, the summoners went over to the little girl, thinking they had subdued Dollista, but oddly the girl was still terrified of the Succubus. From within the sealing spell, Dollista saw the girl's fear and in her blind fury, thought the fear was directed at the others. This caused her to become so angrily she actually seemed calm. Then the almighty binding spell was just crushed and shattered to pieces as Dollista screamed in fury. Seeing this, the others down in the summoning area took up whips designed specifically to hurt demons and charged in. The barrier did not stop them front entering, but it also didn't them stop from leaving the circle as Dollista now had an outlet for her rage. Those that were not knocked out were instead charmed and turned into dolls while Dollista continued to hold off the demon tamers. While the tamers were recovering, Dollista went back to pounding at the barrier with wild abandon. Inside Dollista, however, her favorite dolls were started to have trouble controlling their bodies as Dollista's lust to be free overwhelmed them, with them apologizing to Dollista before they began to convert her body. Oddly, Dollista didn't even seem to notice as she once became a Daughter and once she was completely changed, the Succubus once more stood up. This time, however, when Dollista slammed into the barrier, the magical field was drawn right into her body all if a sudden. For a moment, Dollista was confused, but then she no longer cared why, so long as she was free to do as she pleased. Noticing Dollista's eyes begin to glow, the young summoner ducked her head down in an almost bowing position as everyone else in the room was instantly charmed by Dollista. As she knelt on the floor trembling, the girl began to hear as Dollista ate everyone or sucked them into her tail. Daring to look up after a few moments, the girl's blood froze in her veins as she saw that Dollista had become larger and was continuing to grow as she consumed more of the girl's helpers. Once she finishes off the rest of her slaves, Dollista takes notice of the little girl and thunders over towards the cowering form. Picking up the little girl, Dollista was going to make her into a doll when she realizes the girl is completely terrified of her. Releasing the girl suddenly as she was shocked out of her berserk mindset by the fear in the child's eyes and then shrank down to the size a regular human. As she did so, Dollista noticed the girl had a strange glow about her and happily realized that the girl could end up being like Cassy. Without realizing she was a Daughter and no longer needed to, Dollista roughly picked up the little girl, putting on her best angry demon act as she demanded, “Alright, who's smart idea was it to summon me here? Cause since I haven't been forced back to my home to face the wrath of the demon overlords, I guess that the person responsible for me being here is still alive.” With tears welling up her eyes, the little girl began to wail fearfully as she tried to answer, “I-I summoned you here.... Dollista... I didn't mean to make you angry.... If you spare me, I'll send you home right away...” When Dollista's eyes never changed, the girl just broke down and began to cry as she pleaded for her life pitifully. Groaning unhappily as the girl didn't calm down even when dropped onto the ground, Dollista turned away to gather her thoughts for a moment. Only then did she realize not all her thoughts were not her own and flinches when Cassy tells her in a sorrowful tone that she is a Daughter now. With her mind racing, Dollista began to flip out as she began to fear falling into madness because of her hunger, but the others assured her she would be perfectly fine because of all the humans she had recently eaten. Then a thought hit Dollista and that was that she wouldn't need to make a pact with the girl anymore since she was a Daughter, but she also knew if she didn't at least hear out the little girl, she'd end up in trouble. Seeing no alternative, Dollista crammed the little girl up into her pussy and sat down to relax until the child had completely calmed. Upon releasing the girl, Dollista was relieved to find her still terrified of her, as that indicated that the girl had not become her witless slave and so she said in a gently tone, “Hey now, I'm no longer angry with you and in fact I never really was...... I had some... issues... back home and I kinda carried my bad mood out here... Not that those other people were making things any better, but I wasn't angry with you...” Greatly relieved that Dollista was not mad at her, the girl leaned over to hug her while saying, “Um, I am Krystal, Dollista.... and I summoned you because I need a partner for an upcoming tournament.... You see, this championship is to determine which warlock clan is going to rule over the entire country and I was unfortunately picked to compete for my family cause I was the most popular of the aspiring summoners in the family... Bad part about this is that those who lose in the tournament usually end up dead.” Pretending to think for a moment, Dollista replied, “Very well, but if I help you win this tournament, then you will come with me when I return home.” Overjoyed at the chance to gain Dollista's strength, Krystal exclaimed, “I accept! If you help me win this tournament, then I will gladly become yours.” Thinking darkly to herself as Krystal looked out across the room, “It's not like I can really summon another high class demon worthy of competing in the championship without the aid of all those helpers...” Suddenly feeling Dollista grab onto her head, Krystal demanded in confusion, “What are you do-” Before she could finish her sentence, Krystal found her face being planted inside Dollista's pussy and then despite her protests, the Succubus stuffed her all the way back inside. Only once she was squished back inside of Dollista's soft womb did the girl realize why Dollista had stuffed her back inside and curled up tight as the walls of flesh around her began to squeeze her gently. Walking up out of the temple like structure she was in, Dollista was surprised when a huge crowd awaited her outside. After the crowd swooned over her body for a few seconds, they realized that Krystal was not with Dollista and began to strike out at her in a misguided attempt to get vengeance. More annoyed at the fact they thought she would hurt Krystal than that they were attacking, Dollista pulverized anyone that came close to her before she shouted, “Oh call down! All of you! Krystal is perfectly safe!” To prove that, Dollista starts to poke her belly and when the crowd saw Dollista's belly shifting with each jab, someone in the crowd demanded, “Hey! That's your mistress you got tucked away in you, release her at once!” Shooting a terrifying glare that made the crowd back away in fear, Dollista countered with, “Where is Krystal's bedroom?” Caught off-guard by the question, someone in crowd asks Dollista why she wants to know where Krystal sleeps and Dollista replies in a surly tone, “Well unless you want to see your honorable tournament competitor running around the grounds completely naked, then I strongly suggest you take me to her room!” After being led to the room, Dollista goes in and closes the door before locking it shut and saying loudly, “Alright, I'm going to take a nice little nap with my mistress, so don't any funny ideas of disturbing me or that will be your last mistake!” That drew a round of angry protests until she flexed a bit of her power, which immediately sent everyone outside running away. Grumbling over finally having some peace and quiet, Dollista lays out of Krystal's bed and is quickly asleep. An hour or two later, someone used a very subtle magic that cut through the locking mechanism on the door and a much older girl stepped into the room. Walking over to find Dollista sound asleep on the bed with Krystal still in her belly, the teenager hissed with disgust. Pulling out a long dagger, the girl muttered darkly, “To think I'm a runner up to a child that can't even properly control a single demon she's summoned. It would have been better if Dollista would have just turned you into a doll and took you home with her Krystal. Seems like I'll-” Suddenly, Dollista popped her neck as she set her eyes on the girl raising the dagger high above her head and asked in a frightening tone, “And just what might you think you are doing, hm?” Jumping back in terror, the girl screamed for her demon to come aid her and Dollista was surprised when a Shivarra came bursting through the door. As the demon slashed towards the bed, Dollista simply dashed around behind the other demon without either of her attackers seeing her move. Then before they could react, Dollista clamped her tail down over the demons head and started to suck the minion up while charming the teenager. Pulling the girl into a tender embrace, Dollista allowed the girl to be aware of what was happening to her as she started to suck out her soul and after turning the girl into a Barbie doll, snapped up the toy with her tail as well. That was right as some high ranking members of the family rushed over demanding what was going and Dollista told them, “Oh don't worry, I was just protecting my mistress from a jealous runner up that tried to get rid of Krystal so she could compete in my mistress' place. Now then, I'm going to return to my nap and hopefully I won't receive any more interruptions... will I?” Unsettled by the dangerous aura emanating from Dollista, the others quickly rushed off to inform the rest of the family of what happened. They also warned the others not to go near Dollista until after she exited the room on her own. Curling up on the bed again, Dollista began to hum a lullaby to help Krystal go back to sleep as her sudden movements had woken up the little girl.
A New 'Widow' Chapter 3 – Gearing Up The next day, after bathing off with her mistress, Dollista watched the little girl go through her morning spell practice and various evasive movements to be used in combat. Krystal was able to create small creature like dolls with her magic, ranging from birds to insects. Birds were used like simple magical projectiles and could be imbued with different elements for different types of attacks. Steel could be used to make the birds razor sharp cutting projectiles, while fire or lightning could be used to make the birds magical explosives either on contact or on command. Small animals like squirrels and rats could be used in the same way, only they traveled on the ground and could be imbued with different poisons so that they could bite then explode for a double punch against an opponent. Then there were insects like centipedes and spiders that the girl could use to bind or restrict her opponents movements with, as well as create magical circles on the ground for the girl to use as traps or to spawn even more dolls. Along with her dolls, Krystal was also able to cast minor magical bolts to harass her opponents further while her dolls got close. Krystal's dolls were simple minded constructs and on a basic level like her magic, but Krystal more than made up for their low rank by the speed at which she could produce them. Krystal did know some higher class spells, but they required her to form magical ritual circles for her to be able to cast them and most times took far too long to be cast when fighting alone. All the same, Dollista was impressed with the young girl's skill in magic and felt that Krystal could have easily managed to fight on her own. As if she jinxed herself, Dollista's thoughts seemed to summon the family leaders, who announced that the rest of the runner ups had come to challenge Krystal for the right to enter the tournament. All them were either fully grown or in their teens much to Dollista's displeasure as she had been hoping to find some more cute children like Krystal. Now that Dollista was a Daughter, the others could no longer sense her immense reserves of magical energy and began to look down on her. Wanting to display her power to the family, Dollista came forward and placed forth her own challenge which was quite simply a free for all match with all the other contenders against her alone. When the family authority asked if she was mad, Dollista replied flippantly, “Oh... I'm 'mad' alright and I think I'm gonna use all those wimpy little demons over there as my punching bags while I burn off some steam! If they can't even match me, then what right do they have to challenge Krystal?” The head of the family smiled with an understanding look in her eyes as she realized what Dollista was hoping to accomplish, she inquired, “Are you certain you wish to put forth this challenge? You do realize that you are going to fight multiple opponents, all of whole wish to see you killed, and without the aid of your mist-” Suddenly, the whole room was filled with an unnerving presence as Dollista glared very angrily at the family authority while what appeared to be a black widow danged down on an imaginary web that also materialized behind Dollista as she growled, “I was brought here in my real body... I'm not dependent on my owner to be effective in battle. And right now, I'm not in a very nice mood, much like when I was brought into this world... I'm certain you all remember what happened to the fools in the temple?” Even the head of the family backed away from Dollista as she bowed her head slightly and replied in a submissive tone, “Very well... I authorize this challenge.” Almost immediately, all the other contenders sent their demons to attack Dollista, but she just simply looked down on them with disgust as she grumbled, “Worms... all of you!” To the eyes of the family, they saw Dollista whip out her hands with blinding speed, sending all the demons flying away with fatal wounds. The other demons quickly fell to their wounds and were consumed much in the manner most demons were upon dying in their real bodies. In reality, every demon that Dollista touched was tossed up into the air and sucked down into her tail without an resistance. Noticing Krystal's reaction to the deaths of the other demons, Dollista decided to change her plans for the owners. Standing out before them all while they hastily tried to complete their attacks, Dollista waved dismissively at them and said in a cocky tone, “Oh don't mind me, go right on ahead and finish those attacks of yours. I'm in no hurry to end this fight and welcome you to take your best shots!” Even the family authority was shaken by the insult Dollista had made by saying that the other summoners were beneath her notice, even as they charged up some very powerful attacks. Now more than irritated with Dollista, all the other owners immediately stopped their current casts and chose to begin preparing their most devastating attacks they knew. Worried about what would happen when all those spells went off at once, the family authority ordered for a containment field to be cast around the dueling area. Laughing as the enemy summoners finished their spells, Dollista taunted them by pointing to where her heart was and daring them to burn a whole right through her. With that last taunt, the enemy summoners all shot their spells right to where Dollista had dared them too. To Krystal horror, she saw everyone of the spells tear right through her partner's chest and explode forward, but then the oddest thing happened. Instead of blowing apart Dollista, the spells began to be sucked through the hole in her chest and into Dollista's tail. After sucking in all the magic from the attacks, Dollista's body lurched forward as the bulge of magic slide into her body, then her chest was regenerated as she demanded in a terrifying tone, “Is that everything you puny mortals can muster? I barely even felt that.... heck, that even might have tickled a little bit. Let me tell you something right now, none of you have what it takes to win that tournament... cause all you want to do is just get in that tournament... which I would gladly take you too... on my hips!” Before any of the enemy summoners could make sense of what Dollista said, she had them all under her spell. Then with her tail, Dollista sucked up each of the summoners with barely even pausing between to finish absorbing them completely. Glaring up at the family authority, Dollista dared them to say anything before she turned away and returned to Krystal's side. With that stunning display of power, no one in Krystal's family wished to challenge either of them in open combat. A few days later, Dollista was laying down in a private carriage as Krystal slumbered in her womb and barely made a move when they entered the main city. The maids that opened the door to escort her and Krystal to their rooms were surprised when only Dollista exited the wagon, but more so by her appearance. Most demonic minions wore some kind of clothing to announce their rank or to honor the family they were fighting for, but Dollista was completely naked, save for a belt she used to carry any dolls she made and various tattoos on her body which marked her as being a very high ranking Succubus. After going into their room, Dollista released Krystal out into a warm bath and then helps to clean the disorientated little girl so she could make her presence known. Once ready, Krystal looked at herself in a mirror before seeing an image of her impending fate, but that image was banished when Dollista touched her shoulder and then while leading Dollista to their observation platform, Krystal thought worriedly, “Oh what am I going to do... either way, by the end of this tournament... I'll be dead or worse... Oh... and what if Dollista... allows me to get hurt and then still claims me as hers? The others were right, I am bad at controlling creatures with half a mind to argue with me...” As an elected contender for the family, Krystal automatically had her position in the line up for the championship, but there were thirty-two spots open in total. While those of the main family usually were the victors, commoners and members of lower rank family branches were able to join the tournament as 'free' agents. Free agents were competitors that the ruling families could try and gain the favor of so the extra competitors would fight for their family. This allowed for families to sometimes overwhelm the others with sheer numbers of competitors, but at the same time many free agents just chose to stick with their own families so as not to cause internal problems. However, this year, Krystal's family was under fire for choosing such a young contender when there were several older summoners in the running for the honor. Being dragged to yet another recruiting effort, the family was hopeful they would finally gain another fighter in the line up since the girl was of their family, but when they approached her, she just scornfully replied, “I won't fight for a family that trusts such a high responsibility to a child because her mother is one of the most influential members of the leading body of the family. I'm fighting for our rivals just to show how wrong you were to go with her.” When Krystal heard that, she was quick to ask the head of the family when they were back in their private viewing room, “What she said was a lie, isn't it? I-I earned the right to participate as the family's contender didn't I? I've gotten nothing but flawless grades and passed every test you gave me with flying colors! Are you saying all of that was meaningless since my mother used her influence to make you pick me over the others?” Krystal was on the verge of a meltdown when one of the harsher members of the family authority replied, “Of course you performed perfectly.... just like all those dolls you create. Your mother made certain to make key people in our family see your remarkable progress over the years up to this tournament to secure their votes for you to be granted the honor of fighting for the family. To say she just used her influence to get you into this position is an understatement, but most of us figured you would be killed when you tried to summon a powerful companion... heh, heh, heh, we even went as far as too give more than enough servants to summon the most powerful of creatures in the hopes that one would kill you for summoning them. Then you had to go and summon this miserable wretch and throw all our carefully laid plans out the window when she killed all of the other runner ups.” With that, Krystal just wailed loudly as she started to cry, then she rushed off to her room in tears as the head of the family tried her best to comfort her. Then the family head, along with the rest of the family authority, turned to glare at the lady who had broke Krystal's heart. The arrogant lady just rolled her eyes and demanded to know why the rest of them were angry over her telling Krystal the truth since they all felt the same way after having their own children die to a child. Seeing Dollista walk over to her, the prideful lady just looked up at the blue demon and demanded arrogantly, “And just what are you still doing here, demon? Shouldn't you be protecting your mistress or is it because you've eaten all those who would want to assassinate her? Who do you think you're glaring at you worthless demon?! I am-” Without a lick of remorse, Dollista kicked the lady right through the viewing window and well out into the dueling ring where she was torn apart during a clash between two entertaining demons. The crowd was immediately shocked by the incident, but as the demons continued their brawl, they quickly forgot all about the 'powerful' lady who fell to her death. Dollista glared harshly at the others in the room, daring them to even speak out against her as she turned to leave. In her rage, Dollista just smashed open the door leading out of the room with a single kick and stormed away. Eventually finding Krystal by smell rather than knowing where she was, Dollista was saddened to find her master brooding inside a steaming bath as she continued to cry and asked kindly, “May I join you mistress?” Acting like Dollista had actually insulted her, Krystal turned away and demanded, “You can stop calling me mistress, you know? I know very well I have no command over you and that the only reason you haven't turned me into a doll is because I've promised to become one at the end of this tournament... I don't even understand why you bothered to answer my call considering how weak I am...” Slithering her tail around Krystal's chest, Dollista pulled the little girl up before her and with her eyes gleaming menacingly, she began to ask rhetorical questions, “Oh really, then tell me, who was it that brought me to this world, in my real body? Was it your mother's influence? Or perhaps you think I felt pity for you because of how weak you are?” Cringing down as she was expecting another biting revelation like the one from the authority lady, but instead, Dollista raised her head up and looked at Krystal with a tender look while saying, “I don't answer summons that are attempting to bring me into the world in my real body unless they are from a girl named Sinclair. You managed to drag me here while I was not in the mood to even act as someone's familiar, and on top of that, you were able to contain me even while I was so angry I was beyond reasoning. That is not something some weakling could accomplish... heck, not even full powered warlocks can make me come when they call if I really don't want to... yet you somehow managed to drag me here.” Giggling as she thought about the way Dollista had been when she was first summoned, Krystal continued Dollista's sentence in a wry tone, “Kicking and screaming the whole way...” Scowling at Krystal with an unamused twinkle in her eyes, Dollista quickly stuffed the little girl up into her womb countering slyly, “Oh you mean like that?” Growling in mock irritation as she tried to push herself back out of Dollista, Krystal eventually was forced to curl up inside of Dollista and asked curiously, “Hey... why did my barrier fail all of sudden when you smashed it that one time, Dollista? A-and how am I able to stay alive inside your womb.... aren't Succubus normally supposed to normally absorb anyone they eat or stuff inside their bodies?” Yawning sleepily as she laid out in the bath, Dollista replied cryptically, “All in good time, Krystal, but I will tell you this. I'm no longer the same demon you summoned and that is why I can have you inside me without harming you. Also.... when I said that you would belong to me after winning the championship... I never mentioned turning you into a doll.... Now, I'm going to take a long nap before the matches start tomorrow so you get comfortable.” Hugging her knees to her chest as the walls of Dollista's womb relaxed, Krystal though to herself, “Huh, I guess being Dollista's 'child' for a little while won't be so bad... better than staying here anyways... even if we are to win.” Waking up the next morning to find herself feeling empty, Dollista had a moment of panic until she heard Krystal up and about. Going out to see her mistress curiously, she was relieved to find Krystal doing some warm up exercises in a seemingly normal mood. Slipping out of the bathroom quietly, Dollista sat down and watched Krystal go about her exercises with a content smile on her face at the thought of having Krystal all to herself very soon. Jumping a little when she finally noticed Dollista was watching, Krystal took a moment to recover before a roaring fire erupted in her eyes as she said, “Dollista... I'm going to win this tournament, but not to of duty to my family. I want to show.... everyone that I didn't just get my position in the tournament because of my mother. I want everyone to know my name and fear it from now on!” In Dollista's eyes, the faint aura surrounding Krystal that she seen on the first day suddenly surged forth and she grinned happily as she replied, “There isn't a summoner alive who will be able to defeat us.”
A New 'Widow' Chapter 4 – Reaching New Heights Whether ingenuous planning or cruel fate, Dollista and Krystal's first match was the kick off fight for the entire tournament. As the pair walked into the arena, the announcers were going on about how this first match would determine how far Krystal would be able to go in the tournament. Facing off against their opponents, Krystal whispered to Dollista something about ducking down the moment the duel started. The woman and Shivarra that were facing them were heavily armored, bearing many ornate weapons. Dollista could easily tell the opposing pair depended on their appearance to intimidate opponents into being reluctant to attack first. The crowd seemed to be in a frenzy over seeing which of the summoners who got in on their parents influence would make it further into the tournament. When the signal to go was given, the crowd was dead silent as they were anticipating a long bloody battle. What they got was far different as immediately, Dollista ducked down as Krystal quickly conjured a steel bird and launched it on a deadly trajectory. Not only did the bird decapitate the Shivarra as she foolishly rushed straight forward, but the razor sharp projectile also cut off the head of the opposing summoner before the woman could begin casting any spells. As both bodies fell to the ground, Krystal did not bother staying around to hear the announcement and Dollista was right behind her. Even the announcers were stunned by the display and then suddenly the crowd was in an uproar over the lack of action in the first round. Seeing the family authority coming over to congratulate her, Krystal gave them a glare before grumbling, “Let's see if you can blame that on my mother's influence...” Dollista could tell that Krystal had hit a very sour chord as the family authority actually cringed at the comment. Following right behind Krystal, Dollista was ready to pull the girl into a tender embrace when she finally let out a relived sigh in the privacy of their room. Spending the rest of the day sitting in Dollista's lap as she watched the rest of the duels taking place, Krystal made certain not to even acknowledge the family authority's presence, even when they called out to her. When she was called out for the next round, Krystal found herself up against a stone elemental summoner. Sighing irritably as she knew attacking the enemy summoner with her spells would be next to pointless, Dollista smiled deviously down at her and said in a playful tone, “Guess it's my turn to have a little fun huh?” When the signal to start was given, Dollista charged straight for the stone golem which had been summoned against her. Effortlessly, she charged right through the lifeless construct, absorbing a hole right through it as she made a beeline straight for the enemy summoner. This scared the enemy summoner so much that she gave up on trying to send her own minion after Krystal and focused on defending herself. Seeing the golem move right underneath her by merging with the ground, Dollista growled irritably when the construct formed itself into a wall, then while thrusting her arm through it's body, shouted, “You'll never learn will ya!” Yanking the enemy summoner through the opening, Dollista held the girl out as her tail opened up. In a futile attempt to save herself, the enemy summoner ordered her construct to try and capture Krystal, but watched in despair as her golem was blown apart by a flurry of exploding birds from Dollista's mistress. Giving into her fate, the enemy summoner stopped struggling and allowed herself to be swallowed up by Dollista's tail. The next fight was against a necromancer and while Dollista entertained the dead minions summoned against her, Krystal played with the the enemy caster. While the necromancer thought she was keeping Krystal on the defensive with her quick cast dark bolts, she found out all to late that she had been too focused on one thing. This was because the necromancer found herself under assault by a swarm of tiny biting critters sent by Krystal, before finding herself to be the recipient of two explosive fire barrages. One was in the form of the tiny critters and the second was from a quickly barrage of birds from Krystal. Nothing but charred remains were left of the necromancer and with her death, so too went her undead minions. For the semi-finals, Krystal was up against a summoner of a similar magical class in that she also summoned soulless constructs to fight for her, but before the duel was started, Krystal's opponent asked, “Hey, Krystal.... I can't already tell that my minion wouldn't win against yours, so how about a contest of strength between just us? We both summon constructs, so how about we summon our most powerful monsters? Then they can fight it out until one wins and whomever pet wins gets to move on?” Even with all the family authority telling her to refuse, Krystal accepted, much to delight of the summoner, who said boastfully, “Ha! Now you shall face the might of my dragon! Nothing can match my monster's fiery disposition!” When the battle was started, Krystal just sat down as she had a swarm of centipedes go about preparing the circles for her summons. Realizing she was already done before her opponent was even close to halfway done, Krystal began to tweak her own summon. By the time the other summoner was halfway done, Krystal already had two sets of magical circles prepared. Finishing her cast, Krystal's opponent was breathing hard as she demanded, “So have you finished that summons of yours yet? I've been done for a few minutes now so I guess I'll go first!” Summoning up a realistic sized fire dragon construct, the enemy summoner looked down to find Krystal ignoring her and shouted, “Hey! If you don't hurry up, I'm gonna have my dragon incinerate you!” Glaring up at the girl, Krystal began to laugh at the crudely created dragon as she began to power up her summoning spell and replied mockingly, “You call that a dragon? I'm surprised you managed to even summon it considering how winded you were from just forming the spell... Let me show you what a real dragon looks like! I only took so long because I wanted it to be gorgeous, but I guess even a half-assed dragon of mine will put yours to shame.” Suddenly, a towering monstrosity of a dragon rose up with Krystal on it's head and as the construct came into existence, it's scales actually took on a life like quality. Unlike the hastily formed dragon of her opponent, Krystal's dragon had clear arms, legs, wings and a tail. It's eyes glowed with the massive power storied inside it and suddenly it began to inhale. As Krystal's dragon held it's breath and puffed out it's chest, the creature looked like some kind of dragon straight out of mythical stories as flames raged just out of sight in it's nostrils. Then when the dragon exhaled, it's breath was a mix of poison fumes, dragon fire, and shadow magic that made the creature look like a monster straight out of hell. Krystal's opponent just opened her mouth in shock as her own dragon was destroyed just from the intensity of the breath from Krystal's dragon, even though the breath never touched the other construct. Kneeling on the ground in shame and fear, the enemy summoner said in a very humble tone, “I-I submit... It is clear I do not possess the skills to match you in way, Krystal.... Do with me as you see fit.” As her dragon sank back into the ground, Krystal just waved dismissively at the girl and said, “Just go home already.... come back when you have actually matured those skills of yours. Maybe next time, you'll have sharpened those skills of your so that no one can match you.” As Krystal walked away from the ring, the crowd was in an uproar over how lenient Krystal was being, considering her opponent had initiated the challenge. Despite the raging crowd, neither Krystal nor Dollista looked back at their opponents as they returned to their room. Watching the next match closely, Krystal was surprised by how only the demon of dominating pair was fighting, with the summoner just watching. The most unsettling thing was, the dominating pair was the girl from her family which had accused her of getting in only because of her parents influence. Even stranger was the fact that the demon the other summoner was using was a standard devil with blood red skin and ram's horns. When the two pairs finally met in the ring, Dollista was oddly evenly matched against the enemy demon and as they struggled with each other, Krystal was having trouble with the enemy summoner. Any creature she summoned was immediately destroyed and when she tried using just regular spells, she had even less successful. Krystal couldn't even bring out bugs underground to make summoning circles without them being destroyed. Then she made the absolutely worst mistake she could have possibly made in that she moved to where her opponent was guiding her. Stepping right onto a binding trap, Krystal lets out a horrified gasp as she is completely immobile as her opponent starts off in a chiding, “Like a fly in a spiders web.... and I'm the spider. You always were far to dependent on those little bugs of yours.... thankfully, my abilities are the perfect counter to yours. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since you're only a child, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to make an example out of you! There is a reason why none of the other families allow children to become full-fledged summoners!” Watching as Krystal's body was twisted painfully and listening to all the demeaning things said was more than Dollista could take. A massive aura erupted from Dollista as she trembled with rage, which caused the enemy demon to back away fearfully. Everyone in the crowd grew deathly quiet as Dollista's presence began to take shape as she began exhale think blue smoke. Both enemy demon and summoner quickly backed off to their side of the arena as the side where their opponents were quickly became enshrouded by the smoke. From somewhere in the smoke, Dollista called out mockingly, “So you think you're a spider, mortal? Well if you are a spider, then that makes me a widow and I don't take too kindly to anyone who hurts my children!” Feeling something bad was coming, the enemy summoner looked her demon and commanded, “Kill Krystal, now!” Reacting instantly, the enemy demon surged towards where they could just barely make out Krystal, who was still in the binding. When the demon struck, however, she was only met by air as the smoke cleared away. Even more shocking than the fact that Dollista was simply gone, was the fact that the entire dueling field was now covered in thick webbing. Then Dollista's voice came again, only this time from a distinct direction as she mockingly asked in an inviting tone, “Now then, why don't you step into my web?” Following the voice towards a shadowy corner of the fighting area, the crowd was startled to find Krystal danging in the air and being held up spider webbing. Then they looked up the length of web to see Dollista barely concealed body peeking out from the shadows and were dumbstruck by what they were seeing. Now with the lower body of a spider, Dollista could no longer be seen as just a Succubus. While from her lower abdomen up she looked normal, Dollista's pussy was now extremely large and was easily able to accommodate Krystal's small form. Everyone shuddered an looked away at the noises made by Dollista's as she sucked her mistress deep inside her. Laughing at the sight oddly, the enemy caster began to say, “Ha, ha, ha, what a fool... couldn't even control her own summoned demon! Well I guess that serves that rich brat right for trying to do something she clearly does not have the skill to do! That means that I've-” Chuckling evilly as she shook her head slowly, Dollista replied, “You are a complete fool. Krystal is perfectly safe inside of me and now I plan to finish this duel on my own!” Looking up at the judge, the enemy summoner raised an eyebrow questioning and in response the judge said, “You cannot claim victory until one side has either been killed, completely defeated in every way or has surrendered. From the looks of it, Dollista has more than enough fight in her to make up for the lack of her mistress.... who I can still feel is alive inside of Dollista remarkably.” Turning her attention back towards Dollista with an irritated sigh, the enemy summoner began to try to reason with the other demon by asking, “Do you really intend to fight against the both of us? I mean a little while ago you could just barely hold out against my demon alone.... I think you're a little outmatch-” Suddenly, the enemy demon was yanked towards Dollista as her body had been wrapped up in the webbing Dollista could shoot out with her horns. Before the other demon's master could even react, Dollista was rapidly spinning the opposing demon, using her hind legs to attach even more webbing from the strands around the arena as she quickly spun a cocoon. Holding up the cocooned demon in her original arms, Dollista greedily starts to chomp her meal down while the crowd just watches in absolute shock. Then, all of a sudden, one of Dollista's horns is blasted right off, causing her to pause with half the cocoon still sticking out of her mouth. Laughing sharply after watching the horn skidded for a few feet, the enemy summoner shouted breathlessly, “Ha! I've won.... even if Krystal is still alive, there is nothing she can do to save you now! With one of your horns broken off you're going die slowly and once your body has burned away, I'm going to take great pleasure in... gutting... her...” The summoner's words trailed off as Dollista inhaled the rest of the cocoon without any difficulty. Then even the crowd was shocked when Dollista's broken horn regenerated before the enemy demon had even settled in her stomach. Looking down at the shattered shard of Dollista's horn, the summoner was shocked to find that piece of horn had actually deteriorated down into webbing. With her remaining opponent staring up at her dumbfounded, Dollista laughed evilly before asking, “Did you really think it would be as simple as blowing off one of my horns? My mistress may have been trying to summon a demon.... but I'm far more than that now... For you see, I'm not just some demon that could be killed by simply having one of her horns removed, I am a Daughter... of The Mother!” That was all that was needed to be said for the entire arena to burst into an uproar at the mere mention of The Mother's name. Even some of the more stone-faced members of the crowd were visibly stricken by the name and trembled as they watched Dollista smile gleefully up in her corner. Dollista then began to laugh not out crazed bloodlust or insanity like they were expecting, but rather out of amusement. Waiting until the crowd calmed down, Dollista looked right up the viewing room belonging to Krystal's family and revealed, “Krystal did indeed summon me, but she summoned me as a demon. Now, before you all start running for the hills, The Mother is not in this world... only I, her Daughter, am here and I was summoned to answer my mistress' request. That request was to win this tournament and nothing more. As a Daughter of The Mother, I only fulfill my summoner's desire and nothing more.” In a flash, Dollista dashes down towards the enemy summon, chomping down on the girl's upper half before anyone could even follow her movements. Then Dollista ever so slowly gulped down the girl's legs, leaning back comfortably as the crowd saw her belly bulge out as her stomach accepted the summoner into it. After watching the bulge representing the enemy summoner vanish completely, the crowd waited a few moments for Dollista to start coming after them, but when she turned to walk out of the ring, they began to roar enthusiastically over her victory. On the way back to her shared room, Dollista was confronted by Krystal's family, who demanded, “Release Krystal at once, demon! You have fulfilled your job to help her win this tournament and can now return to where ever your creator is!” When Dollista shook her head no and returned to her normal form, the family leader demanded to know why, to which Dollista replied in a chiding tone, “Because of the terms of our agreement, you fools. When Krystal summoned me here, I truly was a demon and would have been bound to either accept or decline her bargain. However, haven't any of you found it odd that I can keep Krystal inside my body without killing her or absorbing her into my being? I will not go into the details of how, but after I became a Daughter once more, I made a pact with Krystal. In return for helping her to win the tournament, she would willingly give herself over to me when I returned home shortly after the fighting was over. I did not charm her into making the pact, she chose for herself to accept the bargain and has already come to terms with her fate.” Suddenly, the family authority, with the exception of the family head, threatened Dollista while charging their most powerful spells, but this only amused Dollista as she inquired, “What are you all so angry about? Hasn't Krystal fulfilled all that she was born to do... all that she was raised to do? Plus, by the time the next tournament comes around.... won't you have already found a better contender than a small child with affluent and influential parents?” Unable to accept what they were hearing, the family authority persisted in their demands until Dollista asked them with a sly grin as she returned to her Widow form, “Do you really think you're desires are stronger than mine? Stronger than the child that could summon me without being killed like all those other fools that were with her? What do you think the odds are of you defeating me and my mistress' desires together are when I'm the one holding all cards?” Faltering under the terrifying presence being released by Dollista, the family head then asked, “Is it truly Krystal's desire to go with you now that you've won the tournament with her? Could I hear those words come from her mouth, instead of the mouth of one known for their lies?” Suddenly Dollista blushed and began to tremble as Krystal's upper body poked out of her pussy, with the little summoner demanding, “Leave Dollista alone, all of you! I really no longer care about the pact I made with Dollista... I want to go home with her now! I mean, do you have any idea how much scorn I would receive after this? Despite the fact that I 'won', everyone would just blame my victory on my mother's influence since I was fighting with someone from our family! Either that or else they will just claim that the only reason I won was because I had Dollista here helping me... and that I had an unfair advantage in that I was using a Daughter of The Mother.” Sucking Krystal back inside her before she spit the girl out completely as she was about to cum, Dollista shifted back to her Succubus form and flew away, leaving behind some very shaken family authority figures. Back in the temple where they had first met, Dollista released Krystal and then began to shudder as she returned to being her normal demon self. Even from so far away, everyone in the arena could feel as Dollista now even more incredible magic power roared back into existence. Even the leader of Krystal's family began to tremble as the sheer magnitude of Krystal's might was unprecedented. Right then, no one in the world could doubt either Dollista's might or the skill of Krystal for managing to summon such a mighty demon and then control Dollista without dying in the process. Krystal watched curiously a series of bulges developed in Dollista's body and then Dollista said, “These are my favorite dolls and they are ones that can survive being inside my body even when I'm a normal demon. This unfortunately means I won't be able to carry you around inside me when we are at home, but don't think that means I won't be 'carrying' you! You are now one of my 'dolls' so you will be sleeping, bathing, and playing with me each and every day!” Giggling at the mock stern tone Dollista was speaking to her in, Krystal was a little confused when Dollista walked over to her while drawing a magical rune in the air. Then Dollista touched one finger to Krystal's wrist, which caused a demonically runed bracelet to appear on her skin. After that, Dollista explained that the bracelet not only marked Krystal as belonging to her, but would allow Krystal to survive alone in Dollista's home or outside if she was with Dollista. When Krystal asked why the bracelet wasn't around her neck as a collar, Dollista said that the band was being placed around her wrist so that she had the option to remove it and end her service. Upon hearing that, Krystal ripped the bracelet off her wrist and held it up to her neck, then said to Dollista, “You are my mistress now and don't think you'll get rid of me that easily!” With that taken care off, Dollista opened the way to her home and stepped through with Krystal at her side.
“Eye” Candy Steelfeather Blackscale After returning from another successful rescue mission, Janus was about to leave after turning in the small child she rescued when a call came in. Oddly, instead of sending Janus away, Kathrine asked her to stay put and Janus soon realized why when a familiar face appeared on the video screen. Seeing Janus, the toy maker let out a sigh of relief and asked Kathrine, “So will you approve of my request?” Pointing towards Janus, Kathrine answered, “Now that she is here, you can ask her. While I will handle the payment as per the agreement, a job of this nature will be up to Janus to accept or decline.” Unable to contain her curiosity any more, Janus demanded, “Okay, what the hell is going on? What have you two been discussing behind my back?” While neither Kathrine or the toy maker said anything right off the bat, an ever familiar little girl in the back ground cried through the door to the room where the man was sitting, asking, “Grandpa! Have you made contact with Blackscale yet? I'm sorry I can't find anyone close to her in the actors you've brought in, but I want the cartoon to be true to my protector.... not just some fake replication.” Janus just dropped her head into one of her hands and grumbled, “So she still hasn't forgotten me? Why am I not surprised...” Holding his hands up to calm Janus down, the toy maker said, “Look, I never told my granddaughter that you are the 'Blackscale' she always dreamed about. I've always told her that you were just someone I hired to rescue her and she understands that... but to her you are still her 'Blackscale' regardless of what you truly are. I have tried my best to recreate your image in costumes, but my granddaughter is very insistent on having the Blackscale that rescued her come to the set. The video producers are also interested in documenting your movements, because from what they've heard from my little girl, there would be no way for an actor to replicate what you can do.” After Janus agreed to come to the studio and the payment was agreed upon, Kathrine shut off the communication, then said to Janus, “Be on your utmost guard, Janus. I hold no illusions that the Arcane College will just leave this opportunity alone once rumors start to circulate. I'm not concerned for your well being, mind you, but the college is willing to do anything in order to try to locate me or get their hands on a Chimera I've kept here.” After Janus had left, Kathrine was surprised when a four armed boy leaped out of the shadows and asked slyly, “So.... should I go try to protect her, or should I just go get mother instead?” A few hours later, Ghost was driving Janus towards the studio where she was going to be recorded fighting so that the cartoon makers could accurately recreate her movements. The cartoonists had always found it funny how the toy maker's granddaughter had insisted on Blackscale using her indestructible underwear as a shield for people she was trying to protect. When they finally met Blackscale, however, all those jokes were forgotten as they could finally understand why the little girl had been so adamant. Once introductions had been made, Janus began to put on a show of her fighting skills and spells. The cartoonists were very interested in the way that Janus' Dark Bursts acted like punches more than actual magic blasts. When asked if there was any other 'unique' abilities that Janus possessed, she showed them her stomach tendrils, but called them her extra tongues so as not to freak them out. Then she explained how she could control her stomach to some extent, Janus sent the cartoonists into a frenzy as they began working her stomach into their stories. When they had finished, Blackscale had become a sort of mutant superhero that used her invincible body to bring justice to the world where she lived. When rescuing people, they had Blackscale tucking them into her 'pants' as they said so that people wouldn't think the children she was rescuing were pressed up against her privates directly. Those that she was trying to capture were then dragged down into her gut where they were completely neutralized and could be spat back out in prison later on. Then they had Janus records several sentences and different favorite phrases so that the cartoonists could properly replicate her voice. After all that was done and over with, Janus went to go relax in her private make-up room while the cartoonists finished working on the rough sketches, drawings and actions scenes which would be viewed later by her with the granddaughter. Suddenly, a video screen in the room came on and showed a darkened character which said in a male voice, “I hope you all aren't too busy, cause I've got one heck of a show for all of you! For right now, lets just say your cartoon is going to get a few new characters added to it, so pay attention, this is one show that isn't fake.” Forgetting the drawings they had been working on, the cartoonists' attention was glued to the screen as the camera changed to right behind Janus as she went into her room and was addressed by some robed figures holding the granddaughter captive, “Unless you want to see this cute little girl in a world of pain, I suggest you come along quietly, Chimera.” Folding her arms behind her as her tail twitched violently, Janus secretly began to draw a rune behind her back and replied, “And you should know that the moment you hurt her that I will no longer be able to restrain myself, correct?” Without hesitation, the mage holding the granddaughter captive charged her hands with a magic glow and held her hands close to the terrified little girl while demanding, “You will come quietly, monster and you will tell us where your maker is!” Finishing the rune, Janus closed her eyes as she cast Ethrius Portus behind her and then reached one arm through as she replied while shaking her head in dismay, “You fail to understand the position you're in right now, fools! You talk like I can't touch you, but unfortunately for you.... there is nowhere for you to hide from my reach!” Feeling Janus' hand touch her, the mage holding the granddaughter captive turned around in shock, making the others take their eyes off Janus as well. When they saw the portal behind them, all the mages gasped in horror as the woman holding the girl captive was caught in Janus elongated tail. Without hesitation, the other two mages in the room conjured up spells to attack the Chimera they had been sent to capture, but suddenly, another figure dropped down from the ceiling. Glaring at one of the mages as her charm robbed the man of his will, Candy stabbed her tail into the other mage, sucking the idiot up after the mage turned into a sack of fluid. The girl had watched everything and once she was free, she quickly rushed over to Janus, oddly grabbing onto and smelling Janus' underwear before giggling happily, saying, “I knew you'd come to rescue me if I was in danger, Blackscale!” Squeezing the mage she had caught tightly as she comforted the little girl, Janus growled up at her captive, “The deal is off and now that you no longer have a shield, I'm going to put you in a place where you will never again hurt any little girls.” Pressing the granddaughter's face into her underwear and covering the little girl's ears, Janus lifted her captive up over her mouth. Opening wide, Janus used her stomach tendrils to drag the mage down inside her without the granddaughter having to listen to her actually eating someone. Once the mage was tucked safely inside her belly, Janus put a halt to the digestion process so that the tendrils in her stomach could make the woman regret ever threatening the granddaughter. After making certain the girl was alright, Janus began to look around and asked where the rest of the mages were as she had been certain the college would have sent more after her, to which Candy replied, “Oh don't worry about them, my little boy has already taken care of them, and if you don't mind, I'll be removing them so that we can have a little fun later on.” Janus guided the girl out of the room and headed up to the cartoonists studio as Candy started to eat all the other unconscious mages, but kept a few around for other purposes. Right after she was done, however, Janus returned with the cartoonists and the granddaughter as they all wanted to add Candy into the cartoon as well. Candy's character was made into a temping vixen that always had Blackscale's back and used her charms too keep them both safe from authorities that were hunting them. Even Wrex was added in, despite his protests, as superhero that Candy had charmed into being her messenger boy and the cartoonists were happy to find Wrex had his own unique powers. A few long hours later, Candy was trudging with Janus into their little sanctum and were pleased to find Wrex laying down with Lola. When Janus noticed a few of the mages involved in the kidnapping attempt sitting in the sanctum as well, she was confused until Candy whispered to her what she was supposed to do with them. While Janus sucked the mages down into her balls, she had to calm the tendrils in her stomach down as they were quivering with anticipation. Turning around, Janus smiled as she saw Wrex and Lola had disappeared, then walked over to where Candy was entertaining her two kittens. When they noticed Janus come over, the two kittens began to growl unhappily over being taken away from Candy's breasts, but when Janus' erupted out of her anus, she warned them, “I wouldn't be doing that if I were you two... these little suckers haven't had a chance to get out a play with their candy in while so their not in the mood to be denied anymore.” Jumping at the aggressiveness of the tendrils, the kitten ducked behind Candy as Janus strode closer. Laying down on top of Candy, Janus wasted no time in flipping her over and starting to pound Candy's pussy. A pair of larger tendrils quickly sought out Candy's nipples and clamped down over her nipples, sucking vigorously on the milk jugs. The tendrils that did not get positions on Candy's body instinctively sought out the kittens, wrapping them up before they could even try to scramble away. Eventually, a few tendrils slid up into Candy's ass, to play with the kids snuggling inside and then Janus intertwined her tail with Candy's, pulling gently on it. Elsewhere, Kathrine was just finishing speaking with the toy maker, assuring him that she was no angry over the attack and was just happy the granddaughter was alright, before making contact with a representative of the Arcane College, demanding very threateningly, “So... should I start releasing all the dirt I have on you fools along with the recording of your agents trying to use a defenseless little girl to capture one of my children, or should I just add this footage to the pile?” Looking ever so arrogant, the representative replied, “We know you have nothing concrete, Kathrine or else you would have have already exposed everything you possess. As to this more recent video, we have already played down the reports from the toy maker as just one of our enemies trying to make us look bad so go ahead and try post that footage, we'll just use it to track you down.” Smiling deviously as she brought up a second video screen with the video of the attack in the studio on it, Kathrine asked mockingly, “Oh you mean this footage? Oh the attack is only the best part of the film, you really should watch it from the start.” Rewinding the recording all the way to the start, the representative was horrified to see a recording of the Arcane College's leadership ordering the woman seen holding the granddaughter hostage to use the girl as a hostage to insure Janus' cooperation. Holding up other video screens, Kathrine showed the representative recordings of similar meetings over shady actions taken by the college. The reaction from the representative was almost immediate as she began to shake and glower angrily at Kathrine. Bringing up even more video screens, Kathrine asked the representative, “Should I start showing all the recordings of failed magic experiments you've covered up by making those mages into your 'enemies' or will you quit the innocent act already?” Glaring angrily at Kathrine, the representative demanded, “So what is it you're after? Recognition? Money? Your life as a mage back?” Laughing at the representative, Kathrine pushed away all the video screens and replied, “I already make more money than you would be willing to offer me, so funds is not something I care about, especially when that money comes from you people. I also don't need recognition or my life as a mage back because in doing so, I would be surrendering my precious children and my magical talent to you power hungry morons. I just wanted you to know what would happen when you tried to steal away one of my children and I don't mean all the other Chimera's you taken from their owners. My children are the ones that live with me and if you even dare try to take one of them again, I will send all that information to all the people you've hurt or ruined through your actions, as well as numerous media outlets that don't have kind views of you people and then I will just sit back and laugh as your reputation crumbles to the ground.” Disconnecting the communication, the representative found himself being executed while the top official of the Arcane College cursed angrily, “Damn that woman... If we make any move against her... we will only bring about our own destruction... I just wish the others had not been so intent on gaining her power, for then I would trace Kathrine down myself and eradicate her completely.”
“Eye” Candy Steelfeather Mission 6 – The Deadly Duo Knowing a mission was right around the corner due to the fact that she and the other two kittens received no milk the night before, Sam slept curled up next to Candy's feet. Like always, Candy had her tail wrapped snugly around Sam's body, but this time, when the guards came in to help move Candy to the briefing room, they called for Sam too. Most times Sam came anyways with Wrex if he wasn't going with Candy as well, but this seemed different since she could tell Candy was confused as well. Even more perplexing was how Candy seemed to grow happy when she saw the client on the view screen. Able to walk on her own because of the excitement she was feeling, Candy walked over into sight with a big grin on her face and asked, “So how is your daughter? Did she manage to wring the details of her rescue out of you?” The crime boss glared at Candy with a unamused scowl on his face as he replied, “Ha, ha, very funny. Thanks to you, I had to tell her everything otherwise she wouldn't have let me rest in peace! Speaking of my daughter... seems I'm having some more trouble involving her again. Don't worry though, this time it's not a sex club owner that has her... One of my lieutenants is holding her in order to force my hand on an agreement he is pushing for. Thankfully, my daughter is just playing along for now, knowing full well I'm going to send you in after her. For now, I'm just doing my best to stall this agreement because I know just how disastrous it will be.” Folding her arms across her chest, Candy seemed worried as she asked, “But won't sending me in be a little too obvious since I had been the one who rescued the girls from Caren?” Grinning slyly, the crime boss answered, “Oh I wouldn't worry too much about that. You see... all those girls you rescued mysteriously thought that their rescuer was someone that they knew and trusted, even though those people could never have come to their rescue in the first place. My own daughter even told the other bosses a lie about one of my Chimera's having rescued her... I would think that one of the other Chimera living with you in the monastery would have been responsible for that, but I've never heard tale of one that can manipulate minds so well as you. Either way, none of the girls exposed you and oddly, all the cameras at the club seemed to be missing the footage of when the 'incident' occurred so no one really knows who the guardian angel that rescued all the kids from Caren is...” Smiling happily, Candy inquired, “Speaking of which, how is Caren doing? Has she finally kicked the bucket or is she still 'paying' for her crimes?” Chuckling over the question, the crime boss replied, “Oh don't worry, none of us had any intention of allowing Caren to get off easy and as far as I know, she is still alive as a whore for the boss that won her. I didn't really care about her, I just wanted my daughter back... that's all.” Closing off the communication, Kathrine brought up details of the party Candy and Sam were going to attend as dancers. Then when Ghost brought out the girls outfits, Candy heart dropped when she saw an all to familiar gown held out to her. Glaring angrily at Ghost, Candy began to put on the same dress she had used on her first mission with Janus and then looked over at Sam's outfit. Most of Sam's outfit was a velvety black fabric that hugged her curves, with a long sash wrapped snugly around her waist, with the extra attach to her tail. Sam's crotch and butt were covered by long slips of fabric, but her hips were in plain view and no matter how she bent her body, Sam's privates were always covered. A simple black ribbon was tied around Sam's chest, causing her boobs to squish together and appear larger than they normally were. Oddly, Candy noticed how the black fur covering Sam's hands and feet looked like gloves thanks to the rest of the outfit, making Sam seem very cute in the way she appeared to be dressed. Once both were finished dressing, Kathrine drew their attention to a view screen and said to Sam, “Your target is the lieutenant. Our client wants his death to be public, unlike those that Candy is known for. You'll need to wait until your target goes off alone, which I'm certain will happen quickly since our client is a known flirt. At that time, Candy will create a distraction by mesmerizing the party guests and then once you have found where the lieutenant is, make a bloody mess of him.” Turning then to Candy, Kathrine continued by saying, “You will be responsible for safely extracting the daughter once Sam is busy taking of the target. There are also a few people to keep an eye out for, since the client is absolutely certain there was inside help in the abduction of his daughter. If you see these people, they are to be eliminated discretely because they should not be at the party since the crime boss ordered that. Even if one of these people was not responsible for the abduction, the client wants to make certain that no one will question his decisions after this.” Taking care to memorize the faces of the extra targets, Candy and Sam join Ghost in heading out to the transport vehicle. Once at the party, they quickly began to dazzle the crowd with their moves, keeping a sharp eye on the main target so they knew when to take action. All the while, Candy had the crowd mesmerized to think that she and Sam were just normal dancers. When Candy spotted the target leading another entertainer off, she tapped Sam with her tail and then charmed the crowd to think that Sam had not left. Spying two of the extra targets watching from the back, Candy made the crowd think she was still dancing on stage while she went over to speak with the traitors. Meanwhile, Sam had just finished tracking down her target and walked in on the couple kissing, but oddly, when she tried to back out of the room like she had made a mistake, the target said, “Oh don't worry, another girl won't make a different to me.” Coming in without hesitation, Sam got a little satisfaction out of the shock on the lieutenant's face when he saw her body. Without wasting a second, Sam dashed forward, slamming the date out of the way and then turned towards the target and slashed him with a cross gesture of her hands. For a moment the target was confused over what had happened, then when Sam backed away, blood burst out of his cuts as his body started to come apart. Thankfully, the date had been hit so hard by Sam that she had knocked herself unconscious when she smacked into a nearby wall. Sam didn't even hesitate before stripping her down and gulping the girl down, but as she was leaving, another two extra targets came bursting in demanding to know if everything was alright. Not wasting a moment, Sam stepped in front of the two girls and jabbed each one through the chest with one of her claws. There was a moment of shock on the girl's face as they saw what had happened to the lieutenant, then over the fact that they had been stabbed, before they collapsed to the ground as blood burst from their wounds. Letting the girls fall down onto their sides, Sam pulled out some some short military daggers that acted very similar to her claws when going through clothing. Placing them down by the girls' hands, Sam made it look like the pair had killed the lieutenant before turning on one another. Out on the dance floor, the two traitors that Candy spotted were talking with one another when she drew there attention and asked, “Say, you two wouldn't happen to know a very private place where we might have some fun and talk a bit?” Using a subtle charm to make the pair want nothing more than to chain her up someplace quiet where her screams wouldn't be heard, Candy was a little surprise when the suggestion took hold. That right there told her that the pair were involved with the daughter's abduction and Candy quietly followed them as they lead her to where a heavily reinforced room was. Without meaning to, Candy charmed the crime lord's daughter and just went with the way things were progressing by pretending to fight against the men dragging her into the room. Once the door was shut, however, she quiet playing with them, and stung them both before sucking them up with her tail. Seeing this, the other girl in the room was suddenly able to see through the illusion and exclaimed excitedly, “It's you! Oh I knew my father would send you to rescue me again! We need to hurry and get out of here, the guards will be around to feed me again in a few minutes.” Releasing the girl from her shackles, Candy stopped her from rushing out of the room and when the girl gave her a questioning look, Candy told her, “Now I can't have you going out there and ruining the set up we are trying place here... Listen, I'm going to put you under a suggestion and keep you very safe until I can properly return you home, okay?” Looking confused at Candy, the girl asked, “But wait... if you're telling me what you're going to do... won't that make the suggestion fail?” Scoffing while pouting her lips pridefully, Candy replied, “Just who do you take me for, child? I'm not some amateur hypnotist, you know? Now then, look at me... you have just escaped from this room on your own... the guards are frantically looking for you and just when they are about to find you... you look to your side and see...” Suddenly, the world around the girl rippled and changed to where she found herself in a familiar corridor where she had once tried to escape in. For a moment, the girl thought about how real the illusion seemed, then all those thoughts were forgotten when she heard some guards getting closer and panic started to take over. Then just as Candy had said, she turned to one side and saw a ventilation shaft. Quickly ripping off the grating, the girl's heart was racing as she struggled to push her body inside the small shaft. Pushing herself in, the girl began to grow very frightened when she heard the guards getting closer, then once she was all the way inside the shaft, the girl began to panic when she felt the walls press in around her, restricting her movements. Suddenly, the girl heard a familiar voice tell her that she was safe and that everything would be okay. Just as the voice said, the girl began to hear the guards get further away and then in her relief, the girl dropped off to sleep with only a few lingering thoughts about where Candy had put her. Standing up as she squeezed closed her asshole around her package, Candy turned to face some guards opening the door, and charmed them into thinking she was one of the males she had sucked up earlier, saying angrily, “You fools, she's escaped again! I already sent my friend to find that little bitch, but if she actually escapes, all of our heads are going to roll!” Right as the guards sounded the alarm over the radio, Sam had just finished up setting up the scene on her end. Candy then joined Sam in exiting the building through a back entrance, rubbing Sam's bulging belly. Just when Candy was getting jealous, another set of panicked guards encountered them and Candy was quick to seduce them before chomping them both down. Now with her own belly stuffed full, they both went out to the meeting point to wait for Ghost, who was currently taking care of other business. After the alarm was raised, Ghost was walking into the security control room where all the camera's were and said to the guard currently scanning the feeds, “Hey why don't you take a break? I'll take over for ya.” Once the guard was gone, Ghost quickly began to go through the footage, replacing the recording of Sam and Candy in the party with a fake recording. Thankfully, Candy had given the techs a preview of what she would like during the party along with Sam so that nothing would seem out of place. While she was scrubbing all trace of the two Chimeras from the security footage, something else caught Ghost's eye. Staring at a camera watching a private room in disbelief, Ghost set up everything so the rewriting program would continue uninterrupted and then devoured her host's soul before leaving the guard's motionless body behind. Hoping from one body to another as she moved through the party floor, Ghost used some knowledge she had stolen from the guards mind to move to where the room she wanted to enter was. Passing up through the floor, Ghost was grateful when her target was sound asleep and drifted over slowly to make certain of who she was stalking. Barely needing a moment to look over the girl to be certain that she was looking at none other than Caren. Overshadowing the woman, Ghost sent Caren into a perpetual dream of delight as she scoured the woman's mind for clues as to why she was at the party. This was a new trick that Ghost had learned after she figured out how to eat souls and the ability paid off in more ways than she could have possibly imagined. Later at the meeting point, Candy and Sam were chatting about the mission when the transport car pulled up. Without any warning or explanation, Candy jumped over to the driver's side of the vehicle, tore off the door with her tail and then pulled out the driver. Sam was surprised when an unfamiliar lady was lifted up by Candy, but then noticed Ghost's main host was slumped over in the passengers seat. Struggling against Candy's grip, the woman struggled out, “Candy, stop... It's me... it's Ghost!” Seeing Candy about to sting the woman, Sam quickly dove over and grabbed Candy's tail before saying, “I think she's telling the truth, mistress! No one outside of our organization would have known to use Ghost's name, nor would they have found the car with Ghost's original body in it.” Calming down as she looked in to see what Sam was saying was true, Candy demanded, “Come out of her Ghost... just so I can be certain....” Without hesitation, Ghost drifted up out of Caren and then returned inside the body, saying, “Come on, Candy... there is a lot you need to hear... I also have a little test for Sam.” A few hours later, Candy was releasing the girl from her anus into a warm shower and while the girl started to wake up, Lola began to help Candy in washing the girl while saying, “Just hold still and try not to move to much... You'll probably be a little dazed at first after staying in mistress Candy for so long... I know I was after my first time!” As the blood started to circulate through her again, the girl stood up on shaky legs and enjoyed the warm shower as Candy scrubbed her hair clean. Then Lola returned as Candy was toweling off the crime boss' daughter and presented her with some clean clothing, which the girl quickly identified as coming from her father. Once she was dressed, Candy led her into the briefing room where her father was currently talking to Ghost. When the daughter noticed Caren sitting next to Ghost, she began to tremble, but Candy placed a hand on her reassuringly. When the girl's father saw her, he let out a large pent up sigh of relief and asked her how she was treated by the lieutenant. After they were finished conversing, Ghost drew the crime boss' attention and asked, “So, since this time Caren was involved in only your daughter's abduction, what do you want to happen to her?” Thinking for a moment, the man's expression grew dark before replying, “I want her to do nothing but suffer, even in the afterlife... but I don't foresee that happening anytime soon.” Cupping the girl's ears so she couldn't hear anything, despite her protests, Candy offered, “I might not be able to make her afterlife painful, but I can take that 'life' away from her if you'd like.” Nodding his consent, the crime boss flinched when he received a glare from his daughter, which indicated what would be happening when she got home. With that, Candy put the girl to sleep again and handed her over to Ghost while Kathrine finished up settling on a price for the mission in light of the new developments. At first, when the crime boss' daughter had gone missing, he had initially suspected that Kathrine might have had a hand in the whole ordeal as all paranoid parents would, but after Caren was revealed to be free, he was able to understand how things all fell together. Even the betrayal of the other underground lord was understandable since he was the one who had won Caren and was the one the client was going to be forced to make an agreement with. A few hours later, with his daughter on his lap, the crime boss brought up what had happened to his daughter and all the other information Ghost had provided him with after invading Caren's mind. Even the other crime lords couldn't dispute the evidence he was providing and turned their attention to the traitor in their midst, but not surprisingly, the other boss was absent from the meeting. Then, one of the traitor's lieutenants brought up a communication request and joined the communication with dire news about her boss. Bringing up a picture, the group of crime lords were shocked by the death photo depicting a single long cut across the traitor's throat that went halfway through the man's neck. With that revelation, the discussion turned to the fate of the traitor's gang and territory. In the end, the lieutenant was granted the leadership role over the traitor's gang and only a small portion of territory was handed over to the victim gang. Days later, after the shuffle of power was over and the murders, while there was no evidence pertaining to it, were accepted to have been caused by the victim crime boss' Chimera, Kathrine answered a call to hear a familiar man demand, “So... am I to assume that the death of the late crime boss of the downtown district to be Sam's handiwork?” Smiling sweetly, Kathrine replied, “Why whatever gave you that idea?” Looking at Kathrine suspiciously, the crime boss asked pointedly, “Did you kill him to cover up any involvement from your Chimeras in the abduction of my little girl?” Returning the man's look with a glare of her own, Kathrine answered in a serious tone, “You heard from Caren yourself that she had used her old agents in your gang to get your daughter at the behest of her old master in order to gain him a more advantageous position at the bargaining table. Think of the death of Caren's master as us fixing our old mistake of not insuring that she died, since that mistake led you to contact us with another mission request. Oh and I wouldn't worry about the new downtown district leader... I had Ghost check in on her, along with doing some background checking. She may be dirty like a gang leader, but she is not dirty like her old boss.” Tapping on her keyboard, the crime boss then returned his focus to Kathrine and said, “Thank you for taking those extra measures... I should have known better than to doubt you... but I've become more than a little paranoid after the first incident with Caren. I'm going to be sending you another contribution as an apology and to say thank you for taking care of things more efficiently than I would have been able too.” Kathrine thanked the boss for the payment and warned her to use the information recovered from Caren to clean out the rest of the traitors in his ranks, then cut off communication and turned towards Sam, who had been standing right behind her, and said, “You performed wonderfully Sam, and I feel that you are more than qualified to start going on group missions with other veteran Chimeras so that when you year probation period is up, you'll have plenty of field experience.” Clapping her paws together happily, Sam asked Kathrine, “Would it be too much trouble to ask that I be allowed to group with either Candy or Janus depending on what the mission requirements are? E-even after my probation period ends....” Nodding her head yes, Sam dashed out of the briefing room to tell her mistress the good news, then got pulled into that night's orgy. Before that, however, Candy rewarded Sam with a large bowl of milk for the wonderful work she had done during the mission. Wrex happily accepted Sam as his rival in getting into missions and once more tried to interest Sam in catnip. While the other two kittens flipped out with the catnip they were given, a small bit of the plant dropped onto a candle that had been brought in for some light in the cave. The catnip caught fire and burn up slowly, releasing a smoke that eventually reached Sam. From the moment she first inhaled the smoke, Sam began to tremble as the catnip finally entered her bloodstream. Seeing this, Wrex quickly burned up the extra catnip he had been trying to entice Sam with and not only did the kittens grow more frantic, but Sam to began to race around the cave with them. When Candy and Janus settled down eventually, Sam was still under the effects of the catnip so she needed only little convincing to join in.
“Eye” Candy Steelfeather Mission 7 – The Steely Heir The day before Wrex began his trip to Mr. Steel's mansion, Candy, Janus and Sam all returned from their mission's at the same time. While Candy and Sam turned in the mission, Janus went down to check on Wrex since the last he had been, Wrex had still been brooding. When Janus reached the sanctuary, she quickly noticed that several things were missing, besides the two most obvious things that were Wrex and Lola. Rushing back to the briefing room, Janus told Candy of what she had been seen, causing Kathrine to curse quietly to herself. When Candy demanding to know what had happened to Wrex and, more importantly, Lola, Kathrine let out a long sigh before answering, “Don't worry about those two... I can guarantee you that they are perfectly safe and that Wrex's problems in the monastery will be taken care of very soon.” Not willing to be satisfied with the response, Candy stormed up to Kathrine, but respectfully kept her hands off her maker as she demanded, “Where is my son?!” Knowing Candy was a fraction of a sec away from smashing something other than her, Kathrine replied hastily, “Do you really want to spend your time yelling at me or would you like to hear why I sent your son out with Ghost?” Hearing Ghost's name extinguished the raging fury inside of Candy, and after she bashfully apologized, Kathrine continued on to say, “Right now, I'm having Wrex perform a reconnaissance mission with Ghost to see whether or not your next mission will even be ordered. At the same time, I am also giving him a chance at securing a new life for him and Lola that is outside of the monastery so there won't be any fights in the future... The position I am placing Wrex in will also allow him to be constantly tested so that in the distant future he will have a very solid position in human society. Once the mission is over and his life has settled down, you will be free to visit him at night whenever you please. Now then, onto your mission, for right now, you only need to be on stand by at the potential targets' homes and once Wrex has completed his side of the mission, you will move in or not.” With that, Candy, Janus and Sam were flown to their potential target's home, with orders to wait to move in until they were given the green light. Meanwhile, fast forwarding to the party, Wrex waited out of sight anxiously as the party got under way. Then surprisingly, Mrs. Steel, or Ghost came in to see him and in stark contrast to how she acted out in public, Ghost seemed to be handling the woman's body quite well. Going over what would be happening once more, Ghost tried to coach Wrex over what to do in case of unforeseen circumstances. After that, Ghost returned to her seat outside as Mr. Steel threw the festivities into full swing by starting the big announcement. When he was called out, Wrex strode out of the waiting room with Lola clutching the outer coat of his tuxedo like she was usually seen doing when she followed him around in public. The room was dead silent as the likeness in Wrex's looks almost seemed to mirror Mr. Steel's appearance, even in his old age. Then the first round of questions came about him actually being a blood relative of either Mr. or Mrs. Steel and Mr. Steel was quick to display a DNA test comparing Wrex to what the crowd truly believed was Mrs. Steel. After that, some people began to question whether or not Wrex truly was Mr. Steel's real son and not just some illegitimate baby born out of a one night fling. To that, Mr. Steel just grinned as he showed a second DNA test, comparing Wrex to himself and the crowd was stunned by the closeness of the two, until Mr. Steel said slyly, “Now, before you all go thinking that Wrex is my son, I would like to remind you that my family tree is enormous. Why I could have brothers in this very room without even knowing them, so it is not that much of a stretch to think that my wife ran into one of my younger brothers without knowing it and had a little fun. Heck, I'd always thought myself to be the only surviving member of my siblings since they all chose to take part in the family business of demon hunting, but I guess one managed to survive long enough to procreate I guess.” The blood in Wrex's veins froze when he heard of the occupation all of Mr. Steel's sibling chose to take up, but then buried those thoughts to regain his composure quickly a member of the Steel family demanded, “But does he have our family trait? Being of our flesh and blood gets you only so far in life, if he does not have any power, then he is useless to the family.” Mrs. Steel trembled a bit as she looked down at Wrex, fearing he might blow his cover with a childish out burst, but instead, Wrex just looked up at the family member with a confident smile and replied in a threatening tone, “Why don't you come down here and say that to my face so I can show you just how mighty I am?” For a few minutes, there was silence in the room, until the leader of the Steel family stood up and ordered one of his personal maids to go down to test Wrex's strength. Without hesitation, the maid leaped down straight at Wrex, but with little effort, Wrex caught the kick and stopped the girl solidly before tossing her away. Once she landed, the maid leaped forward once more and engaged Wrex with a dazzling display of martial arts prowess. Wrex made it look like he was having trouble keeping up with the girl's movements, but all the while avoiding most of her attacks and blocking only those he 'saw' or needed to. After the pair stepped away, Wrex tore of his outer coat, to reveal no wounds on his body and then with a yawn put his hands in his pockets, mumbling sleepily, “Alright, the gloves are off... so to speak, so if you've got any hidden powers I've yet to see, now would be the time to use them... cause once I put my hands in my pockets, I've given up using my hands and have switched over to my power.” Without hesitation, the girl fired a large fireball at Wrex, but once the spell was just reaching arms length away from him, the fireball seemed to collide with an invisible force field and harmlessly detonated with it's explosion being blasted away from Wrex. Taking one hand out to cover up a yawn, Wrex commented dryly about speeding things up as he had been up since early in the morning and had grown tired over the course of the ride to Mr. Steel's home. Suddenly, with startling agility, Wrex dodged to the side as a thrown dagger shot past his neck, then in a gust of wind, the blade was returned to the maid's shoulder and she was thrown back more from the wind the wind than the dagger. Signaling to his other maids, the family head was more than willing to grant Wrex's request, but the sight of more opponents only seemed to excite Wrex even more. Leaning forward while grinning maliciously, Wrex held his hands out open with his fingers curled like claws as a strange wind seemed to engulf his body. As the crowd watched, Wrex began to chuckle as the floor around him was sheered away by the orb of wind that was forming around his body. Taking up a martial arts stance, Wrex made an illusion of his other two sets of arms show up as shadows for a moment before he said, “What you saw in the air around me is my field of influence. Anything within my field or that comes into contact with it is mine to do with as I see fit. This is why I was always alone... no one liked that quirk about me and quite frankly that suited me just fine, cause so long as I have my little sister, I don't really need anyone else in my life. I only came here to humor a request I received in the mail from that old geezer. I am Wrex Steelfeather, it a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” For a moment, Ghost feared that Wrex might have blown his cover, but oddly, the family head seemed to accept Wrex's declaration of his different name in stride, figuring the change to the name was done to hide him from Mr. Steel. With that, the new maids charged in for the attack, but the moment they, or any of their attacks entered Wrex's zone, they were deftly smashed and tossed away. Leaving all the girls with at least one broken bone, Wrex glared up at the family head challengingly to see if anyone else wanted to test his power. Not one to let a challenge go unanswered, the family head's eyes shifted over to Lola as he asked, “Earlier... you said that so long as you have your little sister over there, you'll be happy... Correct me if I'm not mistaken, but isn't the same as telling all your enemies your one weakness?” Laughing very evilly in response, Wrex suddenly tore off the rest of his suit as he reverted to his normal form, much to Ghost's dismay, but before she could try to do some crowd control, Wrex made a very clear demonstration of his extra arms, then replied, “You know how people sometimes say they have a demon inside them that makes them do bad things? I can release my inner demon when I want to, but once I do, I no longer give a damn about controlling my strength anymore and have a tendency to wreck everyone and anything that angers me. So if any of you even dare to think about stealing my little sister away from me....” With his eyes flashing, Wrex turned his attention towards the rest of the people at the party and as his body grew more terrifying, he finished, “I will drag you to the gates of hell before I destroy you completely!” Then with a blink of his eyes, Wrex returned to normal,leaving the whole crowd wondering if what they had just seen was real or not. Ghost seemed to loose all tension in her body as she let out a huge sigh of relief over the way Wrex used not only his real body, but his illusionary powers to leave an unforgettable image of his power in the minds of everyone in the crowd. The head of the family was clearly impressed with the demonstration Wrex had given, but Mr. Steel noticed a few family members were still reluctant to accept Wrex. Stepping forward to draw attention to himself, Mr. Steel grinned mischievously as he played his final trump card by saying, “If you still will not accept Wrex to be my heir, illegitimate or otherwise, then I can always have him marry my adopted daughter to make him part of the family...cause I'm certain having his power in the family would be very advantageous, don't you think?” Almost immediately, the three other families that Mr. Steel was suspicious of trying to kidnap Daisy, flinched at the mention of losing two opportunities to weasel their way into the Steel family, with one of them saying, “I think the DNA test and the testimony from Mrs. Steel should be enough to convince you that Wrex is an illegitimate heir... the real question should be if Mr. Steel accepts him as a son.” Seeing that others of the Steel family get looks on their faces that said their hands were now tied, Mr. Steel gave Wrex a goofy grin and asked him, “So what do say to me calling you son from now on, Wrex?” Rolling his eyes, Wrex shook his head before muttering in reply jokingly, “You can call me whatever you want, old man, but I'm still calling myself a Steelfeather.” Wrex's reply brought a round of laughter from crowd as Lola trotted out to Wrex with a blanket in her hands. Tossing it over Wrex's mostly naked body, she childishly scolded him over being indecent in public while leading him away to put on an spare tuxedo. That only seemed to raise the roar of the crowd by a few decibels as the once mighty Wrex was now being led away by an adorable little girl. After that, Wrex went out to mingle with the party guests, keeping a special eye on the daughters of the three families he saw acting oddly. One by one, Wrex made his way over to the girls and used his wings to rape them discretely while plying them for their family secrets. When the daughters were less than forth coming, he stopped playing with them until their lips started to loosen. Once he had the information he needed from each of the girls, he drained them spiritually so that they collapsed from exhaustion, then left them to rest. After visiting the last of the girls, Wrex made his was over to Ghost, who immediately after hearing who was involved or planning to kidnap Daisy in the different families, had Mrs. Steel fall back into her coma out of relief her 'illegitimate' son had been accepted by the family. Thankfully this happened when the party was getting close to the tail end of the celebration, so without the Mrs, Mr. Steel put an end to the celebration while Mrs. Steel was carried out of the room. To the Steel family this was a normal occurrence since Ghost had done that many times before at parties for people Mrs. Steel cared deeply about. Later at the home of one of the targets, the father was caring his still sleeping daughter into the girl's room, when suddenly he was hit from behind. The only thing the father remembered seeing was the vague outline of a catlike creature staring down at him, then only darkness. Sitting in the room, cradling her bulging belly, Sam contemplated eating the girl too before she asked Ghost her opinion. Ghost replied that Sam had better get first dibs while she still could since if she let the girl live, then daughter would go back to Wrex and he would eat the girl. Happily scarfing the girl down, Sam heard footsteps and quickly dashed out the bedroom window with the lower half of the girl's legs dangling out of her mouth. Over at the second target home, Janus waited for her target to come into the room before drawing a large Ethrius Portus rune on the floor. Much to her delight, there were several other children aside from the daughter of the rival in the family that were in on the scheme to try and get either Wrex or Daisy. Once her spell was activated, Janus sent a swarm of her stomach tendrils through the opening quickly to prevent anyone in the room from raising the alarm. Allowing her tendrils to drag all the adults down into her belly, Janus took a moment to steady herself, before pulling open her waistband. With the children still firmly in her tendril's grasp, Janus began to have them stuff the little children down into her cock one at time, growing harder with each squirming child sent down into her sack. For a moment, Janus contemplated where to send the last girl, before footsteps made her decide to just tuck the sleeping girl into her sack so she could decide what to do with the daughter later. Once she had been told the entire family of her target home were involved in some way, Candy had started going around charming everyone that worked for the family. Then when the family finally arrived home, they were curious when all their servants were sitting close to the entrance and didn't even acknowledge them as the workers were all to busy staring off at something else. After the entire family came into the home, Candy walked out into sight, dragging her tail across the ground in an attempt to draw everyone's attention to her. When she had accomplished that, she placed the family members under her spell as well and then sat down. Having the males stand off to one side, Candy began to sting them one by one and sucked them up just as quickly. Candy ordered the girls to crawl into her anus, while the young children present were commanded to squeeze into her pussy. With that, the older ladies were told to line up behind Candy's head and afterwords they were sucked down one by one after Candy sucked on their pussies for a few moments. She then groaned uncomfortably as she lay on her back with her churning belly working hard to digest the massive meal she had eaten. Over at the Mr. Steel's home, Wrex was showering with Lola, taking advantage of them being alone to have a little fun with her. After hearing about Wrex being in the show, Daisy nervously came in, convincing herself she was just going to offer to help him bath as a way of apologizing for the way she acted when she met him earlier. When she got into the bathroom, the sounds of Lola made Daisy somewhat hesitant to go closer, but then she summoned up her courage. Pulling back the curtain, her cheeks immediately turned bright crimson as she saw Wrex having sex with Lola, but as she tried to run away, something grabbed onto her and jerked her back towards the shower. For a few moment, Wrex grunted and then he pulled her into shower despite her protests of not wanting to intrude. Once she was in the stall, Daisy was confused when she didn't see Lola, but Wrex assured her that Lola was already out of the shower. Unfortunately, that was far from the truth, but thankfully Lola had brought her breathing mask into the shower, knowing where she might end up before the shower was over. Wrex kept the real size of his balls hidden from Daisy, who was trying her best not to be to distracted with his slim body. Not needing to or wanting to wait, Wrex pinned Daisy against one of the walls in the shower stall and when she tried to tell him she was just there to help him shower off, Wrex asked her pointedly, “Is that really why you came here, or were you just using that to convince yourself to come here, knowing full well where that would lead?” When Daisy began to blush, Wrex cut off any other protests by kissing her briskly before she pushed him away and demanded, “How can you possibly think this is alright... I mean... we are brother and sister now aren't we? A-and what about Lola? Isn't she your sister as well?” Smiling deviously, Wrex leaned close to one side of Daisy's head and answered, “The truth about Lola is that she is just a servant my mother sent me for one of my birthdays. That's why she's so close to me, I've been all she's had for a few years so for her and I, this is nothing. Kinda explains why she's so close to me, now doesn't it? As for you and me, even if we are siblings, we aren't blood relatives, so in the eyes of the world, our relationship won't be that wrong. Plus, since we are going to be living together, I'd say the less secrets and barriers we have between us the better.” Before Daisy could argue, Wrex locked lips with her again, and she drifted off as pleasure coursed through her body. This was made even more intense when Wrex began to fuck her, but thankfully, he began drilling her ass. Once Daisy was drunk on pleasure, Wrex began to use his wings to double penetrate her pussy, make her tremble with delight as she taken to new heights of bliss. Only allowing himself to feed on Daisy to the point of exhaustion, Wrex made certain to undo the excitement charm he had placed on her so that she wouldn't have any strange dreams, then dried her off and wrapped her in the towel on the floor of the bathroom. Using another folded towel as a pillow, Wrex kissed Daisy's forehead with a charm designed to give her a sweet dream. Then Wrex trembled for a few moments while he squeezed Lola back out and proceeded to play with her for a few moments, before finishing his shower. When he was done, Wrex carried Daisy on his shoulder and Lola, who was fast asleep as well, in his sack after the girl was to tired from all the excitement to make it back to the room. After dropping Daisy off and reaching his own room, Wrex released Lola, then curled up with her bed before drifting off to sleep himself.
The Big Catch Chapter Three – Preparation After finally reaching a high enough rank to go after Starlia, Yin-yang had been expecting to have to wait a few years and make some friends before she would be able to go after the sea hag, but there had already been a group forming over the past couple of years that only needed one more member. Unfortunately, the other members were all on assignments, but were currently being called on for the witch hunt. While heading towards the meeting place herself, Yin-yang was assigned an easy F-rank request to complete on the way. On the way to where her request would take place, Yin-yang began to go through information about Starlia, that had been provided by the mainframe wizards, in an attempt to understand what might be the sea hag's desire. From what little of Starlia's past that was known, she had started out early on in a pirate crew, doing what little chores a young girl could manage. Then during a violent clash with a notorious pirate gang, Starlia's ship had been destroyed, but in return, Starlia's power manifested and using her incredible control of water, she laid waste to the enemy ship single-handedly. After she had finished drowning all the crew belonging to the enemy ship, another boat bearing the same colors arrived and had a dozens of guns which the captain of the new ship promised to use if Starlia even blinked threateningly. Then the woman asked Starlia to join her crew since she had shown much strength in spirit than any of those who she drown. Knowing she wouldn't be able to make it back to land on her own, or make a life for herself since she was a known pirate crew member, Starlia agreed to join the new pirate captain. Under the command of the other captain, Starlia went on to become one of the most sea hags on the high seas, until one day she just up and quit the pirate's life, taking up permanent residence on land. Despite the fact that Starlia had never moved to form a bandit gang or any other kind of nefarious business group, she was still a target as many seaside town's had high bounties on the crew she belonged too. Then by herself, Starlia managed to work herself up onto the general highest ranking bounties board within a year of being on dry land, skyrocketing her bounty by nearly triple. Several countries wanted her to be captured alive, most likely to use her against raiders, but many bounty hunters were just after money and were willing to settle for her being dead. This was a well known predisposition, despite the fact that Starlia only able to use salt water to attack and had no control over fresh water. While only rumors, many bounty hunters had a few stories circulating about Starlia's sudden retirement from being a pirate. Skipping over many of the rumors, one in particular caught Yin-yang's attention and it seemed to be something that would spark an intense desire. The rumor stated how some water mages became reportedly weak during pregnancy and many thought that may be why Starlia quit being a pirate since she had become 'weak' right before she quit. Then with her child to protect, she had become even more dangerous after she gave birth and had most likely been surviving due to her old pirate friends. Then there was her age, which while she may be a 'retired' pirate, Starlia was no where near being called old. Reaching her first destination, Yin-yang was met by a group of natives, the leader of which explained the request more in depth, “Ah, you must be the bounty hunter who took our request this year! Thank you, thank you very much. Um, very few bounty hunters dare to accept our request just because there has always been a dark fate that has befallen those that accept our request. Aside from clearing the temple of monsters, there is a relic that we will need you to acquire from within the holy chamber so we perform our yearly ritual. Ah, we always know when it is time to perform the ritual when the monsters start to take over the temple as the relic seems to draw the dark beasts to it.” Hiding the slight tremble shaking her entire body, Yin-yang began to pant as she did her best to control herself. The reason for this was the dark swirling corruption that had infested all the villagers drew out to her like candy to children. As she walked towards the temple Yin-yang grew even more convinced something was up with the village as a dark corrupting energy oozed out of and permeated the entire temple. Stepping into the old stone building, The Mother let out a painful sigh as she relaxed completely, allowing her body to start spreading throughout the temple. Doing her best to rein in her body, The Mother instead made her body extend out tendrils with sucker tips to inhale the corruption since it was even in the air inside of the temple. Stumbling upon a group of the 'monsters' in the temple, The Mother almost had to laugh at how pathetic the creatures were. Little more than mutated rats, she found it curious how the parts of the rat's real body seemed to be very old, but that the corrupt parts of the creatures seemed to have been remade entirely out of magic. Without even going near the creatures, they seemed to fear her, which told The Mother that the creatures still controlled their bodies to some degree, even though they were taken over by magic. Then she saw one of the poor creatures scurry towards the entrance and when the rat exited the temple, it's body dropped out of the magic and a magical replica of the creature rose up from the quickly rotting away body. After hovering in the air for a moment, the soul zipped in past The Mother and headed deeper into the temple. Coming across several other skeletal remains, The Mother noticed the weapons near the remains and realized that they were the leftovers of previous attempts to remove the relic from the temple, but even more curious was that the clothing around the skeletons were of the tribe. Jolted out of her thoughts by a scurrying noise, The Mother sighed as she looked back to see a swarm of rats bearing down on her and with great disinterest she maneuvered her tendrils into position to intercept the rodents. As they were being sucked up, The Mother didn't even notice as a magical aura surrounded the skeletons behind her and began to make them move. Jumping slightly when she felt the weapons of the skeletons jab into her skin, she turned around and smiled as the skeletons looked at their partially melted weapons, saying, “Sorry, but I'm not made out of flesh... or bones... so this little trap of yours doesn't work on me since I am eternal. Not even your pathetic guardian creatures will stop me...” Suddenly, a ghostly cackle began to emanate from the skeletons and then a strange voice said, “So you say, but all age within my home... even you... and even if you reach me, you will not escape me... I will consume you eventually... all I need is time.” Grinning so hungrily that even the skeletons flinched in fear, The Mother replied as her body grew a little wilder, “How interesting.... you sound a lot like me, but unfortunately for you, I eat all forms of magic I come across. The curse you have placed over this temple has no effect on me. I look forward to seeing who shall consume who!” With an angrily hiss, the skeletons charged towards The Mother, but with a single finger to the skeleton's foreheads, she grew out the magic animating them and asked loudly in a challenging tone, “Is this all you have to throw at me? Old rats and rotting skeletons? If you really seek to consume me, I would suggest you wake up everything you've enslaved here and bring them against me.” Seeing a rat peer into the room from hallway The Mother was heading towards, she wasn't very surprised when the animal replied, “As you wish... I relish a chance to finally stretch the limits of my strength!” A chorus of bestial and human screams emanated out from deep within the temple, much to The Mother's surprise, but at the same time, she began to smile. Sprouting even more tendrils, The Mother had them all sucking up the magic in the air and scrubbing the magic off the walls, with orders to clean the temple of everything. While The Mother knew getting rid of the magic in the air was a pointless gesture, she didn't wish to leave anything behind that could be reanimated later on to annoy her once she had the relic. What The Mother didn't know, was that the thing she was fighting against and the thing she was seeking were one and the same. Heading through waves of rats, humans, and all other manner of simple opponents, The Mother entered a large antechamber. When she entered, The Mother was surprised when the room was completely empty, but smiled as she knew she was walking into a trap. Speaking out loud to herself, The Mother basically taunted the person she was facing to spring the trap already as she stood right inside the entrance. Suddenly, from no where the voice grumbled, “Quit stalling will you and play along?” Smiling as she chuckled to herself, The Mother shrugged and started to turn to leave the room, when the doorway she had entered through was closed off with a stone slab. Rolling her eyes, The Mother turned one of her tendrils into a fist and punched through the 'door' and shattered the stone slab completely. Then she began to walk backwards into the room like she was trying to watch her back, but the whole time, The Mother could feel whomever she was facing off against was glaring angrily at her. Once she was in the middle of the room, several chutes slide open around the room, but oddly nothing seemed to be happening at first. Not fooled, The Mother continued to stay in the center of the room rather than make a run for the other door, which she knew would be slamming shut any second. As she thought, the other door slammed shut as a large load of bones dropped down into the room through the chutes. Then as the bones began to reanimate, hordes of rats so big that they covered the walls of the room poured out of the chutes. Finally, zombies began to stumble in through the door The Mother had broken, but even then, The Mother's expression didn't change. Sprouting more tendrils, The Mother sighed and asked, “Really? Is this really all you have to send after me? And here you went to all the trouble of trying to frighten me with that terrifying roar earlier only to give me this? I've eat weak magic creatures like them for snacks.... as a matter a fact... I think that's all I've been doing since I came here.” When the number of little creatures increased sharply, The Mother dropped her head into one hand and started to shake her head in dismay, which prompted the being she was playing with to ask in a mocking tone, “So you've finally given up, have you? And here I was thinking you were going to try and eat-” Opening up the mouths of her tendrils, The Mother began to have them inhale so strongly that everything around her began to fly into the gaping mouths and then The Mother demanded, “How about you send me a meal now... cause I'm starting to get a little annoyed with all these appetizers...” Growling in frustration, the voice sounded different as four large stone statues in the room began to glow with the dark magic and move, the being shouted, “Well then, lets see if you can handle all four of these at once! Normally I only activate one at a time to give the adventurers a chance, but for you, I no longer care about playing nice.” Sighing as she lowered her head, the being was about to start another tirade over The Mother finally giving up when The Mother started to laugh, cutting off her opponent by saying, “ You sound so much like me... so desperate to feed... to keep inside your safe little home. What are you so afraid off? What awaits you back at the village I wonder?” Suddenly, the tendrils around The Mother turned into spikes which she used to pierce the golem's bodies in several areas. When the being started to say that she would need to do more than that to stop the creatures, The Mother grinned as the golem's bodies began to change to a fleshy color. Once they were completely absorbed, The Mother turned her attention to the still closed doors and smashed them, plus a small portion of the wall, down to reveal the inner sanctum where the relic sat. Entering the room, The Mother stopped only on step inside and asked, “Why don't you just show yourself already, guardian of the relic? I'd like to get this over with so I can get rid of the curse surrounding this temple.” Glowing magically, a more human voice then emanated from the relic, replying in wonder, “What are talking about... I'm no guardian... I am the relic you seek.” Not stepping further into the room, The Mother began to slither her tendrils around the room to check for traps until the relic cried, “Just stop! There are no traps in here... and I have no more monsters to send at out... you... removed them from the playing field.” Having her tendrils continue the search of the room, The Mother asked in an unconvinced tone, “Oh, and how do I know your not in league with the villagers that sent me in here? You could just be dark spirit that they constantly keep sealed away in this temple to prevent your taint from spreading and are now needing to perform a cleansing ritual on you to keep you from growing so powerful that you could escape from your imprisonment.” For a moment there was silence, then the relic demanded, “Why did you use the term 'cleansing' when referring to the ritual? No bounty hunter that has been sent here has ever been told that and from the insects I sent to watch you as you arrived, I know they didn't tell you that. What could you possibly know about what is going on in this village? I was placed in this temple by the village so I can feed... and they constantly perform the draining ritual on me so that I never get full so I continuously keep them strong.” Grinning as she heard what the relic said, The Mother said, “So they keep you hungry so that they keep you under control.... desperate to feed so that you can't even think of escaping. I can't tell you how many times I've played this game from your position in the past.... ah those were the good times. Just lure them in with promise of great power or riches beyond their wildest dreams and the lambs will run right up to you to be slaughtered.... Isn't that right? Only... in my case, when the people finally reached me, I in turn ate them or used them to escape my imprisonment... I'm curious... what exactly happens to the triumphant adventurers that retrieve you from this temple?” Answering after a moment a moment of silence, the relic's voice was a little shaky as it said, “The villagers have them place me on the ritual altar.... where I then try to devour them completely... Depending on whether or not I'm still full or not, I sometimes leave the bounty hunters still alive, but severely aged. They are quick to pass away on the road home, or sometimes don't even make it to the road before they perish. The villagers then-” Holding up her hand to halt the being from continuing, The Mother replied, “I'm afraid that you won't be able to make back to village this time... unless you have a strong desire...” The Mother could almost feel the spirit of the relic frowning as she repeated inquisitively, “A strong desire?” Smiling deviously as she stepped closer to the relic, she asked in a sly tone, “Let me get you started... What I want to do when I free from this abominable prison is?” The anger in the spirit's voice was as palpable as the corruption in the air as it finished, “Devour the fools that have been living off of me from the time of my creation... but... that isn't really a desire... is it. No... a desire... is something you want to do with your life... Oh, I have so many people's lives inside of me... I can't... find my own desire.” Smiling as she picked up the relic in her hands, The Mother lifted herself up with her tendrils and turned herself around as she sat down in the relic's resting spot with the orb in her hands while saying, “Do not worry, you will have plenty of time to think while I remove this filthy spell from this place.” A few days later, a much older version of the village's leader entered into the closest bounty hunter pub and tried to put in another request for assistance with clearing the temple, but oddly the mainframe wizard on duty said, “I'm sorry, but I cannot put your quest back into circulation while a bounty hunter is currently deployed on the request.” Stifling a surprised gasp, the village elder asked, “How can that be... she's been in there for three days now... most people succumb to the c-... I mean beasts of that place in the first day, if not the first few hours.” Closing it's eyes for a moment, the mainframe wizard replied, “I can confirm with great certainty that bounty hunter Yin-yang is still very much alive and in the depths of the temple even as we speak. I'm sorry, but I cannot provide you with any more information than that at this time. I have been trying to contact her in order to remind her of another request she had accepted joining the group for as she is going to be late in getting to the meeting point now.” Heading back to his village quickly, a day after the leader's return to the village, Yin-yang, looking very much well nourished, returned to the village with the orb in hand. When the villagers asked her to place the orb into the ritual, she walked over and set the orb in it's place without hesitation, then walked away. At first the villagers feared the orb was broken, but then a dark air began to emanate from the orb. A collective sigh of relief sounded from the village as the leader asked Yin-yang to stay and watch the ritual. Knowing exactly what the villagers were planning to do to her after the ritual was complete, Yin-yang still accepted the invitation as she wished to see her efforts would reward her with since she had spent the past few days purging the entire area of the corruption spread by the old orb. Standing in their normal places for the ritual, the village leader announced that a few youngsters would join in the ritual for the first time. When the group around the orb began to chant, the dark air from the orb began to spread out amongst them. Then oddly, the dark air started to creep out into the rest of the village, to the horror of the villagers. Before they could do anything, they were embraced by the dark air and lifted off the ground, paralyzed as they were intoxicated with the strangely sweet smelling perfume. Looking down to see Yin-yang smiling like a pleased snake, the village leader demanded angrily, “What have you done to our relic?!” Playing innocent, Yin-yang asked sweetly, “What ever do you mean? All I did was go in and retrieve the relic like you asked... but I might have discovered your dirty little secret in the process. After I found your 'relic' she and I had a nice little chat over what's been going on and with a little advice from me, she has not only changed her hunger, but found a new way to feed it.” Suddenly, tendrils reached out from the orb as it turned a smoky gray, along with the air and tendrils. Then all the villagers were held up in a spread apart manner as the tentacles began to slowly undress everyone from the village. Once they were all naked, the tendril's tips changed into various forms ranging from cocks to lips and started to bury themselves into the villager's bodies. Lifting up off the ritual stone in the center of the village, the orb began to grow and morph into a vaguely humanoid shape as the villagers just watched in wonder. Once she was fully formed, a young girl with a flat chest and indistinct facial features stood in the middle of the village, then after crossing her arms declared, “There is going to be a new ritual, one which shall be performed each and every day. From now on, I will be feeding on you, keeping you young and youthful until you tire out, then you will become one with me, to serve me for eternity. If you do not wish this life for you, then I am more than happy to just eat you now and send your souls to whatever afterlife awaits you!” Most in the village were more than happy to agree to the new bargain as they were already far too brainwashed to oppose, but when the villagers that had been the founders of the first ritual began to muffle out their protests, the orb grinned deviously and pulled them close before saying, “Oh I was hoping to hear that from all of you... I'm going to enjoy digesting you all for centuries...” Leaving the village behind as the orb started to eat her tormentors and prison guards, Yin-yang put a little extra strength into her legs as she began to dash towards the nearest town. When she arrived, the bounty hunters in the pub were shocked by how well endowed and strong Yin-yang appeared. Going over to report her success on her mission and to apologize for taking so long, on her way out though, she was asked to wait by the on duty mainframe wizard. Once the others assembled and saw that Yin-yang was perfectly fine in comparison to all the others who had successfully returned from that mission, the mainframe wizards asked, “Would you happen to be able to tell us the truth behind this 'curse' the villagers always mention being the cause the deaths caused by there request?” Smiling as she noticed all other conversation in the pub die down, Yin-yang replied confidently, “The curse never existed, what happened to those bounty hunters was no accident. The village created a twisted magic that trapped a human soul inside an orb charged with an immense amount of magical energy which used dark magic to suck out the youth of anything sent into that temple which gets 'taken over' by monsters. Those monsters, in fact, are victims of the orb as well, as they are mutated and taken control of by the orb's magic. Once the orb had been charged up enough, the villagers would send for brave 'adventurers' to come retrieve their precious 'holy' relic from the temple so that they could drain the youth from the orb to prolong their own lives.” When the others in the pub moved to get up with their hands on their weapons, Yin-yang said without turning to face, “Oh sit down already... don't you think I already took care of the villagers? I wouldn't go anywhere near that place from now on...” Wringing their hands nervously, the mainframe wizards asked, 'Um, w-what exactly did you do to the village, Yin-yang? Considering recent events you have brought to life.... you could be spared getting branded a renegade for slaughtering the village, but-” Giving the mainframe wizards a cross look, Yin-yang replied curtly, “I didn't kill the villagers... but I didn't save them either. When I found that magical orb and found out what it was doing... I did the only thing I knew how to... I smashed that dark thing into dust.... Unfortunately... I might have released the very angry soul that had been trapped within it... Eh ,heh, heh, heh. Like I said earlier, going near that village would probably be a very, very, bad idea.” With that, the bounty hunters and mainframe wizards went back to their original positions, content with what had befallen the village of dark magicians as Yin-yang exited the pub. Cursing as she remembered she was late for the meeting, Yin-yang put extra strength down into her legs and took off like a rocket towards the meeting place. Using her increased strength to her advantage, Yin-yang continued to run at top speed all the way to where she was supposed to have met up with the other bounty hunters two days ago in a few hours, rather than days. When she arrived at the meeting place, Yin-yang had managed to burn off her extra muscle, but managed to retain her increased sex appeal. Right after she walked into camp and joined in the conversation, one of the others posed this question, “Hey, if you had one wish before you died what would it be?” One of the other females smiled perversely over at Yin-yang and replied in a joking tone, “I'd like of piece of that fine young lass... if she wouldn't mind?” When all the others looked over at her expectantly, The Mother would have just cackled at her good fortune, but instead Yin-yang just answered, “I personally wouldn't mind having some fun before tomorrow, heh, cause even if we survive fighting Starlia... we may not come back in a condition to enjoy our reward for getting her. Oh, and if any of you others would like to join, nothing's stopping ya, save your own judgment.” Very quickly, the entire party was in a single tent, needing only little invitation from The Mother's perfume before they were clamoring for a position on her body. One female began to drill her pussy, while the other one entertained her mouth. Two ladies were quick to start sucking on her breasts, while a the third girl started to like and finger Yin-yang's ass. Once all her playmates were well under her domination, Yin-yang started by sucking the third girl into her ass, leaving the girl intact inside in her stomach. Then she pressed on the backs of the other two ladies' heads as she began to work them into her breasts, before jumping as she felt the woman fucking her pussy start to like her privates. Wrapping her legs around the woman's chest, Yin-yang stretched open her pussy and began to force the woman inside her womb. Standing up then, she still looked very luscious even with her bulging belly and breasts, then Yin-yang pulled the woman forward as if she was going to kiss the last member of the group, but instead she just opened her mouth. After swallowing the last woman, Yin-yang laid down on her back and closed her eyes with a pleased look on her face. The couple in her belly were quick to continue their fun, still drunk on The Mother's aphrodisiacs, but were quickly set upon by tendrils as Yin-yang's belly contracted and stretched out around them. As for the two in her breasts, they had Yin-yang's breast milk squeezed into and out of their every orifice for hours until they finally melted down into milk themselves. Down in Yin-yang's womb, the other woman had a tendril sucking hard on her cock, slowly sucking the woman's balls dry, then moved onto to sucking up the woman's body as she was churned into cum slowly.
Emily the Slimegirl Chapter Two – Fortunate Accidents Somewhere inside a military base that is stationed near a large town, a scientist was going over the specimen brought back from a recent military strike. Taking a small sample out of the jar carefully, she looked at it under a microscope and was shocked to find whatever the fluid in the jar was a living being. Then to scare her even more, the small sample she scooped out of the jar leaped off the glass slide she had been using to look at it. Once the sample was back inside the jar the startled scientist quickly replaced the lid and went to tell her colleges of her discovery. A few weeks later, a military official walked into the observation area where scientists where watching their new specimen and demanded, “Alright, what have you been doing with specimen we recovered for you? I wanted you to analyze what it was so we could determine whether or not to evaporate it. Instead I come here to find you've turned it into one of your pets!” Looking up at the official as she jumped in fright, the scientist replied angrily, “You told us to analyze it and we have. This specimen you brought back for us is a living creature, and as such, has a right to live. And no, we have not turned it into our pet! We are just testing to see how it reacts to different types of stimuli and are trying to see what exactly it is.” Putting her hands on her hips and raising an eyebrow, the official fired back, “Well then tell me. What the HELL is that thing and how fast do I need to blow it to hell?” Rolling her eyes, the scientist sighed in exasperation and answered, “You don't need to worry, sir, I doubt this slime creature has the energy to move more than ten percent of her body mass more than a foot, much less attack anyone. Although, when compared to the other slime samples you brought us, this one seems to be more human.... It is almost like this Samantha found a way to completely remake human DNA into the slime material, but this one seems to be more human than the others. From reports you gave us, the others seemed much less intelligent forms of this poor soul, although I really don't know if she has one..... however we do know there is mind inside that jar. This creature is able to recognize many different types of objects that we have placed before her. From cooking utensils to pots and pans, she is able to vaguely understand what the objects are used for. Sometimes when we give her lots of different items, she will organize them for us....oh the first time she did that we celebrated since we actually had a test subject that could think properly.” Folding her arms in front of her chest, unconvinced, the official inquired, “You said this...thing could move, does it eat also?” Adjusting her glasses nervously, the scientist replied, “Um, well....she has eaten all the food that we have sent into her, however, we have yet to try anything living. When she does eat something, she gains a small mass increase, but that quickly disappears and she returns to her normal volume. I'm certain she would need a large meal, maybe more for her to grow to her full size, but the way her body is metabolizing what we feed her indicates that something is wrong with her body. The reports you gave me on the others indicate that they would hunt on a weekly basis and near the end of Sam's experimentation days, they began to go a full month without needing to hunt down meals. I wonder if her current state is the cause of this change in her metabolism rate. It is like her body was sent into overdrive, but at the same time, her consumption was not keeping up with her needs and she began to digest herself.” Sighing in relief, the officer seemed the relax, but then straightened and ordered, “That is good news, however, I'm afraid more pressing research must take the front of your schedule. Put this specimen in the cooler as we know for a fact that cold temperatures will keep her from moving too far if she manages to free herself from that container.” So there Emily sat, for a month, in the facilities cooler until the time when bring your daughter to work day was announced. One of the receptionist girls brought her spoiled little girl with her too work, but after a few minutes her daughter's whining began to annoy her. Giving her little girl her identification badge, the lady sent her child away to bother someone else. Wandering around the facility, the little girl was adored by those that she walked by until she walked so far into the labs that she ended up at the cooler. Not realizing what would be inside, the little girl mumbled about wanting some ice-cream and opened the door up using her mama's identification badge. Inside, the little girl began to shiver as the cool temperatures began to chill her, and after walking past several unmarked white containers of various things, she laid eyes on something that caught her attention. Rushing over to a clear jar, the little girl gazed at what she thought was a sweet treat and wondered, “Why would they put caramel in here without any ice-cream! Oh well, at least this is something sweet.” Grabbing the unmarked jar, the little girl ran out of the cooler and closed the door. Looking around to make sure no one would try to take away her treat, the girl sped away into the printing room. Finding it deserted since it was during lunch break, the little girl squeezed behind a large printer and sat down with her prize. Popping open the lid, the girl began to lick her lips as she reached down to take her first handful. Then, right after she touched the caramel's surface, the gooey liquid shot up towards the girl's mouth and began to force itself down inside the girl. Not quite knowing what to make of the strange occurrence, the girl began to rub her stuffed tummy happily. Without warning, the girl's cheeks became flush and her whole body began to tremble as she started to pant. Laying down behind the printer as she was overcome with endless waves of pleasure, the girl hardly noticed when her belly started to gurgle and groan while at the same time flattening out. While the girl was still enthralled by the unending waves of ecstasy coursing through her body, she received another surprise when her pussy was suddenly violated by the same wonderful caramel she had eaten. Once her pussy had been filled to the brim, the caramel coating began to work it's way up her chest and spine. Twitching in bliss, the girl's moans were interrupted when she began to gag as more fluid pushed up out of her mouth. Spreading only to the point at which it covered her lips, the girl's mouth was clamped shut as her moans began a new. The portions of the caramel coating working up the girl's chest finally reached her breasts and quickly encased them, giving the girl the appearance of wearing a sex suit underneath her clothing. As her nipples were violated and sucked dry of what little milk was in them, the slime continued to inch up the back of her neck. After reaching the base of the girl's skull, the slime spread out in two directions and slide up into the girl's ears. By now, the girl's eyes were rolling back up into her head as she was close to passing out from her intense arousal. Then after a few seconds, then girl calmed down and she stood up as if she were guided by some unseen hand. Guided back out to the office, the girl began to look around at all the workers until she spotted a particularly plump lady. Waiting until she got up and left her desk, the little girl darted underneath the lady's desk. While she huddled down under the desk the girl began to feel herself become fully enveloped by the caramel coating, and once fully engulfed, was quickly digested by the caramel slime. Remaining underneath the desk until the lady returned, the slime waited until the unsuspecting girl resumed her work. Now the size of a small child, Emily knew she needed a host to stand a chance of getting out of where she was. Gently pulling aside the girl's underwear, Emily pushed her body inside the girl's pussy, leaving a thin coating inside the girl's vagina while the rest of her body squeezed into the lady's womb. There she began to excite the lady, savoring every bit of cum she managed to force out the girl like it was her last meal. Finally noticing how good she felt, the lady decided to go into the bathroom to pee and finish pleasing herself. Inside the bathroom, the girl began to moan loudly as she was now fully enthralled by Emily's touch. She began to finger her pussy as she tried to calm herself by forcing herself to release her pent up cum, but all she did was help Emily feed. Like with the little girl, Emily started out by inserting her body into the girl's other hole, then slowly worked her way up the girl's body. Once she had managed to wrap herself around the girl's breasts, Emily dug into the warm milk contained inside them with a ravenous hunger. At that time, the girl gave up on trying to relieve herself and just enjoyed the euphoria she was experiencing. Soon, Emily was inside the lady's cranium, but instead of making the girl a completely docile slave, she just made the girl more willing to accept Emily into her life. Then, somewhat nervously, Emily broadcast her thoughts to what would hopefully be her new host and introduced herself. After first the girl began to look around, trying to figure out who was speaking to her, then Emily told her where she was. When the girl looked down at the lips of her pussy as saw the caramel colored fluid that covered them and other parts of her body, she quickly realized Emily was also responsible for her non-stop sexual high. She then asked if Emily would be able to give her break so that she could work and in response, Emily shut down some of the girl's pleasure center in her brain which also relaxed the girl to the point she her shoulders slumped. Thinking she had somehow killed the girl, Emily began to call out to frantically, but the girl just laughed and said she was just tired from the unending climax she had just experienced. As the lady made her way back to her desk, Emily pulled her body back inside her so that the slimegirl would not be noticed by anyone that looked at the girl. All the time the girl continued to work, Emily continued to feed and grow, but always was careful not to extend any further than the girl's clothing. Later, after the girl had left work and was in her car, Emily relaxed and spread out over her host's body as far as she could reach. Seeing that almost her entire body was engulfed by Emily, the lady asked nervously what would happen to her when Emily was able to fully encase her body. Emily replied that the girl would then 'sleep' inside her body while continuously experiencing a state of mind-numbing bliss. Then in a warning tone, Emily added that the girl would only have to worry about being digested if she stayed inside Emily for long periods of time without rest. To which the lady asked Emily if she could be released when she went to work. Emily was more than happy to agree to that arrangement as it would give her time to hunt down some more meals. Back at her home, the lady introduced herself finally as Alice and quickly showed Emily around her small home. With Emily almost fully encasing her body, Alice asked her new friend to return her state of bliss to her. Then the slimegirl went and put something much more sexy on, then told her host she was just going to wonder around until someone decided to fuck her. Concerned over the idea, Emily told Alice not to worry since she would be able to feed of anyone that tried to rape Alice, not to mention that the young lady would not have to worry about getting pregnant. Out on the streets, Alice wandered around aimlessly, with a glazed over look in her eyes as she swayed slightly from side to side. By the time Alice got to more populated areas, Emily had just begun to fully encase her body, giving her a sexy caramel skin tone. Finally after what seemed like hours, a woman finally took notice of Alice's dreamy state and asked her if she needed a place to sleep off her drunkenness. Taking Alice by the shoulder and leading off into an alleyway, the female was quick to pull down her panties. Then while drilling Alice's pussy, the woman began to grope her breasts, snickering over her apparent luck. Unbeknownst to the female, however, was the fact that Emily was quickly spreading over her body. Once she had control of the female, Emily left Alice's body completely and switched to her new toy. While Alice breathed heavily after being released, Emily began working on sucking the woman dry. First, Emily turned the female's body into a sex fiend, needing little prodding to cum, then slowly worked her way throughout the woman's body. After she had exhausted the woman, Emily began to digest her and to her surprise was finally able to take on her more human form. Hugging Alice tightly, Emily thanked her numerous times for helping her regain her body, then offered to take her host home. Glad to have a break, Alice accepted the offer and quickly found herself stripped down by Emily. Then Emily pushed her hands into her host's mouth and slowly slide back inside Alice. Emily then quickly engulfed Alice inside her body, taking control over their movements and then made her way discretely back to her host's home. After putting Alice to bed, Emily went back out into the night. Walking around, she quickly found herself at a loud party. Everyone at the party was clearly drunk and offered little resistance to Emily when she began to pull some of them inside of her. Too drunk to notice and too sleepy to care, most of the party goers viewed Emily as some sort of hallucination. Once she had filled her belly, Emily noticed a snack table and ventured over while her prey digested. Noticing a bunch of brown blocks on one of the trays, Emily decided to pick one up and popped it into her mouth. Even while her body was still absorbing the sweet tasting block, Emily pressed her hands down on the plate and pulled the rest of the candy inside her hungrily. Pulling aside one of the party guests, Emily demanded to know what the cubes were and where they had come from. Taking a moment to realize what she was talking about, the drunken girl told her the candy she had eaten was caramel and that she could get more from the local candy store. Making certain to get proper directions from the young lady, Emily treated the girl to having her body slowly enveloped as her sex drive was thrown into overdrive. Heading to the candy store quickly, Emily forced herself through the front door and began her search for more caramel. Finding the stores of caramel the shop had in stock, Emily ravenously dug in, no longer remaining in her human form as she oozed all over the delicious treat. Only afterwords did she realize her error and began to think of ways she could pay back the owner of the shop for her snack. Leaving the building, Emily began to go over ways to repay the owner, when her belly began to grumble angrily at her and that's when inspiration hit her. For the rest of the night, Emily gorged herself upon anyone she could find in the alleys and backstreets. As she did so, she would always take the money out of her meal's wallets since they would no longer need it once they were churning away inside her body. Early in the morning, Emily was returning to the candy store with a purse full of money and loose change when she realized someone was inside. Peering in through the window, she realized the person inside was the owner and she began to panic. Sneaking inside quietly, Emily got to listen to the shop owner curse about the loss of all her caramel and the profits she could have gotten from them, which only made the slimegirl sink lower to the ground. Then, while the owner was in the back checking on the rest of the caramel which Emily had eaten, she moved up and deposited the money she had collected. Leaving behind a short note she had written with the help of one of her previous meals, Emily exited the store, making certain to create enough noise to cause the owner to rush out. Seeing the pile of cash and the note, the own curiously read it. The note was short and to the point about how sorry Emily was for stealing the caramel from the owner. In the note she stated that she hoped the money she had gathered would be enough to pay for all the trouble she caused and looked forward to the next shipment of caramel. Looking over the pile cash, the owner could easier tell she had made nearly triple what she would have gotten otherwise from selling the caramel. On her way home, Emily walked by an open window and heard some promising noises coming from within. Stretching her way up into the room, Emily found a young couple making love to one another. Sliding into the room, Emily first stretched around the female and found some joy from feeling the woman pound her cock into the girl. With the female completely inside her, Emily took over fucking the girl while the woman began to realize what had happened to her. Without the girl suspecting anything wrong, Emily was able to squish her body around the girl as well. Once the couple had come to realize their predicament, they began to struggle against Emily even though their efforts were useless. Feeling somewhat sorry for ruining the lovely moment the couple was having, Emily began to reorient the couple inside her. Once the couple was facing each other again, Emily forced the woman's cock into the girl's pussy, then used the churning movement of her belly to make the pair have sex again. A mix between the warmth, the pleasure and the pulsating walls of slime around them made the couple forget where they were. Soon they only cared about enjoying each others company in their last moments. Taking a few moments to elevate the couple's experience to the next level, Emily enjoyed the taste of the combined fluids she was draining from them as she made her way slowly back to Alice's house. When she reached her destination, the couple was little more than another layer of fat on Emily's belly. Not really liking the way her belly was bulging out due to the fat, she shifted her weight somewhere else. Adding the fat to her hair, Emily smiled with glee as her hair grew down to her rump. Climbing into bed with Alice, Emily tried reshaping her body once more, and found to her delight she could change to having a cock instead of a pussy. She then proceeded to fuck Alice as she slowly surrounded the girl. After she was finished, Emily retreated inside Alice's body, giving the young lady a pregnant look as they both rested. In the morning, Alice got up and let out a long sigh before groaning to get up with Emily in tow. Walking awkwardly over to her shower, Alice started her shower and before too long she felt her partner come out to play. For the rest of the shower, Emily showed Alice her new ability and then they both discovered something else Emily had learned without knowing it. For as Emily climaxed inside Alice, the two began stuck together as the slimegirl's cum had turned into a sticky caramel. Smiling sheepishly, Emily told Alice she only knew of one way she could 'free' the girl. Rolling her eyes, Alice told her new house guest to prepare her breakfast since Emily would be already getting her own breakfast.
Emily the Slimegirl Chapter Ten – New Life Waking up someplace unfamiliar, Emily bolted awake and looked around quickly until she set eyes on Shirley. Letting out a huge sigh of relief, Emily's body sagged a bit she was so relieved, then she got up out of bed to look around where she was. Slipping out of her room, Emily slowly sneaked around the complex she was in and made certain to allow no one to see her. Once in a safe place, Emily began to think about how empty she was and that's when she realized that she no longer had the baby Sam had impregnated her with. Panicking she began to scour the building she was at until she heard an alarmed raised over her disappearance from her room. Following the alarmed members to where ever they were rushing off to, Emily was curious about how all the girls at the compound seemed to be happy despite numerous scares or bruises. Reaching the office of the person in charge, Emily slipped in as the panicked maids notified their leader that they had gone in to check on the native girl under their charge and had found her missing. Figuring the maids were speaking about another girl, or rather hoping they were, Emily contented herself to wait until the maids went away to find out what happened to her child by asking the leader of the complex. After listening to the maids tale, the leader told them that everything was alright, oddly, and sent them away before getting up with a huge pregnant looking belly, before saying to no one in particular, “I know your there and that you're very frightened right now. You were brought here last night after a mutual friend of ours called in a favor I owed her. She told me that you were a special case, but if I only I had know earlier how special of a case you were, I'd have told our friend to stuff the favor I owed her someplace painful. Oh, and before I forget, your child was delivered successfully on the way here. I am currently playing 'host' to her as I was instructed to do by the feisty girl that accompanied you here. Come on out, Alice, your mama is here to meet you!” Watching the lady pat her belly gently as she reformed slowly, Emily was startled when she saw something white start to poor out of the lady's body. Clenching her fists as she thought she was going to be facing Sam for some reason, Emily was confused when she saw blue eyes instead of Samantha's sinister green ones. While the leader of the compound flopped down in the chair where the lady had been sitting initially, the other slimegirl shook her head and yelped as she suddenly started to melt down into a puddle. Focusing for a moment to solidify her body again, the girl muttered about needing to get the hang of something, then she looked over at Emily and her face lit up with joy as she screamed in an unmistakable voice, “EMILY! Oh my word, I never thought I'd get to see you again after that bitch Samantha messed with me! This is so wonderful! I didn't believe it at first, but somehow you must have given birth to me after Samantha did... whatever with me when she sucked me into her balls....” As the white slimegirl rushed over and knocked Emily over when trying to hug her, Emily could only stare in disbelief as she mumbled in confusion, “Alice? Is that really you, Alice? What.... what happened to you? I mean, how did you become a slime being like me if you met Samantha?” Squeezing Emily tightly, Alice replied with uncontainable excitement, “I don't know... she did something to my head and I suddenly wanted to do whatever she commanded, then she sucked me into her cock, which felt totally weird. Then once I was inside her balls I was pulled in deeper and in the second chamber I just felt everything white out, and not just because her body color is white. Then for the longest of time, it felt like I was drifting or like I was asleep... then the next thing I knew, I was waking up in a strange car with your legs around my body. After that, everything is just a blur with some crazy girl screaming at her that she needed to act my host since she was well nourished or something... I didn't really understand. But now I understand why you loved being inside me, oh... it feels so wonderful!” Sighing loudly to break up the happy reunion, the lady at the desk said in a grumpy tone, “Look, I'd love to sit here and listen to all the fascinating stories of how it feels to stay inside my own womb, but you two need make yourselves scarce. You... the mama, you need to go back to your room and use the clothing I have placed in there get away from here. And you, ya little orgasm monster, you need to hide inside your mama there and join her in making trails from this place. I don't need the organization breathing down my neck again and if you are the same thing as Shi'rah is now, I can only guess you are somehow linked to are an interest of the organization. Oh and don't worry, I know better than to start rumors about impossible things walking amongst us.” Following the girl's orders, Emily was about swallow Alice when she slipped quickly up into Emily's pussy. Heading back to her room without being seen, Emily was quick to put on the clothing provided for her by the leader of the compound. Noticing that Shirley had changed her blond hair to a lovely shade of red, Emily was half tempted to slurp her down quickly, but then she remembered what had happened and turned away tearfully. Just when she was about to head out, Shirley woke up and asked, “Hey where ya going so urgently, Emily?” Trembling as she looked over at Shirley, Emily replied in a wounded tone, “I'm surprised you can still address me in that tone after what you've been through...” Rolling her eyes as she got up out of bed and began to get dressed, Shirley said in a matter of fact tone, “Oh please... I got to listen to Sam's big speech about trying to use me to break you down into her personal baby factory.... That is when I remembered how even after you learned I was no longer under your mind.... alteration, I guess... you never looked at me the same way Sam did. And no matter how hard I try to think otherwise, you did save me from those two expelled students back when we first met. After thinking about it for a moment, I kinda understand why you waited until the students attacked me to intervene. You were just trying to make me see you differently... weren't you? Rather than see a monster I would scream at, you wanted me to see you as a sort of protector...” Shaking her concealed head side to side, Emily corrected Shirley by saying, “No, I didn't want to be seen as your protector or some kind of super hero, I just wanted you to see me as a friend.... I wanted someone I could trust and that I could have fun with....without having to worry about being ratted out to the police the whole time.” Hugging Emily and patting the slimegirl's back comfortingly, Shirley replied, “Well I think I can manage that, but I'm fairly certain you're going to need more than me to sat that hunger of yours and that of your daughters. For now, though, I think we'd best just leave this place.... I'm certain people saw me on the road and I'm certain my face had been plastered all over the news by now. The lady that brought us here has asked that we leave discretely and told me the way to take to get out of her without being seen for the most part. “ While Emily and Shirley worked on finding a new home, the organization was still attempting to track down Samantha. Starting with the most obvious of leads, the investigation team was quick to contact the owner of the warehouse and were quickly pointed in the direction of the Slave's Pub. There they picked up on the appearance of the two Zentia dressed patrons, but due to a strict privacy policy, they were unable to get permission to bring the pair in, nor access to the club unless they went in without their badges. After several failed attempts to track the two Zentia artists, the investigation team decided to come at the problem from a different direction. Doing a search for anything strange in town, the investigation team's attention was set firmly on Breaking Boundaries Gen. The main reason was for the fact that the company started a second business in the town where Emily had been sent to be studied, right after the attack on Alice's apartment. Even more curious was the ambiguity of the company leader's identity and how the company had suddenly lost all female employees not to long before the expansion. Many investigators were befuddled by the companies choice to start another facility in a small town, rather than a few miles away where a large town with plenty of tourism lay. When the investigation team went to talk with the BBG CEO, they were stopped at the counter by some very insistent receptionists until they just pushed their way in, with one of the receptionists calling over the intercom, “Master, some military forces just forced their way into the main office!” For a moment, there was silence, then Sam replied, “Do not worry, everything is in hand.” Finally barging their way into the CEO's office, the investigation team, especially Shi'rah who was in a full body disguise, when a very much human lady turned to greet them, saying, “Ah, you must be the military forces that were making such a fuss. I must apologize to you, but our CEO does not meet with anyone.” Suddenly, a glamorously dressed woman stepped into the office through a hidden door with her face hidden with a mask as she announced, “Well, I guess I can make an exception for these folks, you may leave.” After the public relation's manager left, the CEO turned her focus towards the investigation team and said, “So, what will it take for you to leave this place at once so we can all forget this ever happened?” For a few minutes, the investigators interrogated the CEO without learning anything insightful, but just as they were about to leave, Shi'rah asked a strange question, “Pardon me for asking, but do you happen to a full bodied white spandex suit in your possession?” Thinking for a moment, the CEO turned away from the group and removed her mask, then turned around to reveal she was already wearing the Zentia outfit before she replied, “You mean like the one I chose to wear at all times to feel normal? Yes, yes I do. Now then, you've learned my dark little secret about why I remain out of the limelight, so will please leave me so I can return to my pets?” Folding her arms, Shi'rah asked another pointed question, “Have you by chance ever been to a place called the Slave's pub? It's a real nice joint for those who love to dominate others or wish to be dominated by others.” Putting back on her mask as she started to chuckle, the CEO said, “Regardless of my answer, you will never get anything to stick. Any girls I could supposedly meet by going there have the choice to consent to my touch or not. And everything that happens behind closed doors is off limits... even to the police... or whatever you folks are.” Walking away from the office, before the leader of the team could even ask, Shi'rah answered, “This whole place is fishy.... the CEO was to cooperative... more than just wanting to get us out the door fast cooperative. And the whole way she exposed her face and told us about the suit and her fetish... something is going on here. I don't know if it's Sam or something else, but we need to pay close attention to this corporation's actions” About one hundred miles away, Emily had gotten so hungry that the slimegirl asked Shirley to allow herself to be eaten. Shirley made certain Emily wouldn't try to brainwash her again before she even started to undress, then was a little nervous about letting herself be eaten as she was nagged by horrid thoughts of Emily digesting her to sate her hunger. Slipping into a large town, Emily had no idea that Sam already had sent a large number of her slaves over to the town once she tracked down where Emily had gone to after breaking free. Finding a safe place to put Shirley and Alice, Emily went out to search for some people to eat, even though she knew Shirley would not approve. Unbeknownst to her, Alice had swallowed Shirley up almost immediately and began to follow Emily as she ate numerous thieves among other criminal types in the city. Tracking down a few drug dealers in one alley, Emily had no clue that more than one pair of eyes were watching her intently.
Emily the Slimegirl Chapter Twelve – Finding A Home A few days after the rescue of the slaves, Shirley was in a fast food restaurant again. To keep from being recognized, Shirley had Sah'tea wrapped around her thighs and belly to give her a very over weight look. This was also done so people wouldn't ask questions when she ordered enough to feed seven people. Once she was outside, Shirley left her food sitting on a bench outside a park bathroom, where the bags of hot food were quickly seized by hands from the bushes. Then Shirley walked outside without Sah'tea or the big clothes she had been wearing on and left the park like nothing had happened. Walking over to a less used play ground, Shirley climbed into one of the closed off rooms that had plenty of noisy things for kids to play with. When she got close, the other rescued slaves rushed out to hug her, with unopened burgers clutched in their hands as they thanked her for bravely going out to order the food. Trying to play off her willingness to go out on the fact that she had Sah'tea to protect her if things had gone wrong, Shirley wasn't able to fool the other girls. As they all munched on their meal, the girls chatted excitedly with each other, where as before they had been dead silent. Quietly, Shirley was extremely grateful that Emily had rescued the girls and had given them back the life that had been wrung out of them while they were imprisoned. After quickly downing her meal one of the girls, who was called Ariel, asked Shirley, “Hey? Do you think I c-could join you the next time you go to order, Shirley? I-I think it's a little unfair that your always the one sticking your neck out for us...” Following a few of the other bobbed their heads in agreement, Shirley replied, “Alright, but we will need to get you girls some kind of head disguise so your faces won't be recognized since I know you six have been registered as missing. I am just grateful that my abduction case has not reached this place... not that Emily was the one who abducted me.” Giggling over the way Shirley quickly corrected herself, one of the other girls said dismissively, “Oh stop worrying, Shirley. We know exactly how much Emily cares about you and us. By the way, what did happen between you and Emily that got you labeled as a hostage or kidnapping victim?” Spending a few hours telling the girls the way she and Emily had first met, Shirley made certain to speak loud enough so Emily's children could listen from their guard posts. Emily on the other hand was busy tracking down drug addicts and their dealers, pocketing the money from them to pay for the food that her family's playmates consume daily. Many times, Emily had wished to go back to the joyful existence she had before, but then she remembered what happened at the end of that joyful existence, with all the members of the study group meeting their ends in Sam's belly and dismisses returning to the happy-go-lucky lifestyle she had before. Returning to the park a few hours later with her belly full for the moment, Emily sighed unhappily as the thought that she was no better than the people she was eating hit her again, but then she was swarmed her children and playmates, then after seeing Shirley with sheepish grin on her face, Emily asked, “Alright... what did you tell them this time, Shirley?” Looking up at the sky with a feigned look of innocence, Shirley replied, “Oh nothing big really. I just told them how we first met and what happened between us and Samantha.” Feeling Trinity squeeze her especially tight from behind, Emily looked over to see Trinity was sobbing and asked what was wrong, to which Trinity answered, “I... we were all there the day you were forced to give birth to Alice... in the warehouse I mean. The others and I were Sam's personal sex slaves... but I wasn't forced to obey Sam unlike the other three. I willingly chose to serve her... that monster... I'm sorry.” Looking down at Sah'tea, Berry and Coco in alarm, Emily's eyes cleared showed the fear building up in her until the girls cried, “We haven't told Sam where we are... honest! Ask any of the others, we've always been at your side or theirs and have never gone near any communication devices! Actually... once we were born again in you, our... affections... for Sam evaporated and we realized what a monster she truly was. All four of us were enslaved by Sam at a sex club known for allowing those who wish to be masters to meet those who are willing to be their slaves and that's how we ran into Sam. We had no idea what she was doing to you when we were in the warehouse! Sam kept us in her private 'playpen', as she called it, and the only time we were let out of that room was when we were in Sam's balls... Then right before we woke up in the warehouse where we met the other girls, Sam sucked in one last time and said she was going to use us as material to make more beings like her, but we are nothing like her!” Still distrustful of the others because of their connection, Emily broke free from their embrace and muttered darkly as she handed over the cash to Shirley, “We need to find a better hiding spot than this park... Sam or those other people are going to find us eventually like this.... I won't allow Sam to use me or anyone else I care about like her possessions.” Trinity and the other slimegirls followed Emily with sad expressions on their faces until Shirley whispered to them low enough that Emily couldn't hear, “That might not have been the right time to make that admission, but I guess it's better to get the cat out of the bag now rather than later if Sam were to find us. Just give her some time and I'm certain Emily will come to see you as her loving children once more, okay?” After moving to another park, Emily went out to hunt again while Shirley went with a few girls to get some dinner. Thankfully a storm had blown in, which gave the girls and Shirley a reason to wear hats they had purchased from local stores. The hats combined with the makeup they had applied made the girls even less recognizable, or so they hoped. To their relief, Shirley's story about them being her daughters along with her plump belly made the cashiers not even bother looking at them other than to smile. Once they had their meal, the girls had to fight the urge to run out of the fast food restaurant, but after they reached their designated hiding spot, the girls all let out a sigh of relief. That is, until a voice called out, making Ariel shudder as a woman said, “Ah, thought that was you I spied in there, Ariel. I must say I was a little worried about you when you suddenly disappeared from the audition center. Is this your new movie agent, by chance? She's got quite the look about her. Oh and look at what we have here, the entire gang all in one place. Say, Ariel, mind telling me what you did with my partners back at the audition center?” With Ariel and the other six girls staring at the human traffickers fearfully, suddenly someone tapped the leader on the shoulder, with Alice saying with a touch of satisfaction in her tone, “Uh, actually, you might wanna turn around if your looking for who offed your partners, you bastard!” Without hesitation, the human traffickers whirled around, striking and shooting through the strange people standing behind them as Emily knocked the leader flying while saying in a very angry tone, “You know... I kinda needed that!” While the other women tried to understand how Emily and the others could have survived being shot, Emily grabbed the other four traffickers by their heads. Lifting them up off the ground like they were ragdolls, Emily smashed their heads together to knock them out, then tossed the gang members to her children to snack on. As Alice went over to snag the leader of the group and made certain to take a long time in digesting the woman, Emily began to hurry the girls to eat on the move. Once a safe distance away from where the shooting had taken place, Emily waited until the girls had finished their meals before starting to gulp them down to move on to a safe area. When Emily reached down for Ariel, the girl said with tears in her eyes, “Oh this is all my fault... if I hadn't of gone in we wouldn't have been discovered by them... I wish I had listened to my mother and just stayed home. I doubt she would take me back even if I were to ask.” Tensing at the mention of the girls parents, Emily replied, “Oh no, sweety, I'm certain they would be overjoyed if you were to return to them! D-do you know where your home was? I'd be more than happy to take you there... and maybe your parents might be willing to let us stay with you as well? Or at least take care of the other girls... I'm certain you all are getting tired of being used as my personal sex slaves...” Slapping Emily across the face all of a sudden, Ariel glared angrily up at a shocked Emily as she screamed indignantly, “Are you really going to just abandon us like you did with Alice?! What have we done to make you hate us, or for that matter, what have your own children done to make you despise them? If they had wanted to return to Sam don't you think they would have done so the moment they were born? I don't know or understand what exactly happened between you and this Sam person, but what ever made your children serve her so willingly when they were human is no longer affecting them!” After listening to Ariel's outburst while facing the ground, Emily asked in a very stubborn sounding tone, “Where are your parents? I know they will be missing you very much as I did when I left Alice behind.... If you can't make things up with your parents, then I'll be more than happy to take you back... I just... don't want to see you die in me with a smile on your face.” Shirley then came up behind Ariel and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, nodding to Ariel before she answered, “My mother left when my mama grew pregnant with me... she now runs a less scrupulous massage and spa center.” When Emily didn't show signs of giving up on returning Ariel home, the girl finally gave in and told Emily where to go. Much later, Emily chuckled as she looked up at the big red neon sign naming the business as the 'Erotic Massage and Spa treatment center'. On the outside, it looked just like the erotic part of the spa was in the way the girls there dressed, but Emily got the feeling there was more than that to the services provided by the workers for their special costumers. Waiting until the business was starting to close down, Emily made Ariel fall asleep so she wouldn't create a scene when Emily dropped her off. After dressing the girl herself, Emily had Alice slip under the door to keep the bell from ringing when she brought Ariel in. When she left however, Emily wanted to bell to ring so that the workers would come out to find Ariel safe and sound. Oddly, instead of rushing to get away like the others expected, Emily instead just walked over into a dead end alleyway where she had the others hide inside a dumpster while she waited outside. Inside the sex spa, Ariel's mama walked out and was overcome with relief when she found Ariel collapsed on the floor of the entrance area. Bursting into tears as she held Ariel close, when the girl woke up, she exclaimed joyfully, “Oh Ariel! I thought you had been taken from me! Oh, I should have known better than to let you go to that obviously fake movie audition... I should have known something was up. Oh my baby girl.... I'm so happy to have you back.” Looking around in confusion, Ariel got up breaking free from her mother's embrace as tears began to flow down her cheeks while she asked, “Wait, wasn't there someone that brought me back? Did you see someone, anyone leave, mama?” Not understanding the desperation in her daughter's voice, Ariel's mama answered, “No, I'm sorry sweety, but I was in the back when they came in to drop you off. They were probably watching me until I let the front desk to come in... Why? Who was it that rescued you?” With her shoulders sagging as she began to cry, Ariel ran her hands down her pant legs and noticed there was something in one of her pockets. Digging into her pocket and pulling out a hastily folded piece of paper, Ariel opened the note, then read it with her mama. The note was a simple apology over taking so long to return Ariel home and asked to meet with Ariel's mama to discuss something privately. At first, Ariel's mama though to call the police as she thought the note was some sort of trap, at the behest of her daughter, she placed her trust in the supposed rescuer. Going to the alleyway where Emily was waiting, Ariel saw a heavily clothed figure sitting next to a blanket with some other unconscious girls on it, which made Ariel's mama very suspicious as she demanded, “Who are you? What are you doing here with those girls and why did you return my daughter freely? Is this some kind of-” Pausing when the figure held up one hand, Ariel's mama began to shake fearfully as the figure said in a voice that made Ariel smile, “Please do not worry, I am not a human trafficker. I, and... some... friends of mine, took care of the people holding your daughter captive, along with their leader. I did not know who your daughter was and I may have taken advantage of her predicament as a captured slave... but not in the way you think! I want to return her and these other girls, but I don't know where they belong or who to trust..... I'm not what you'd call a 'hero'. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I ask you to turn these girls over to the police? I really just want to return them home to their families and remain out of sight...” Storming forward away from her mama, Ariel tore off part of Emily's disguise and shouted, “You don't need to hide yourself from us, Emily, nor are you just going to dump me and the other girls like we are used up toys!” When Ariel's mama saw what was underneath the clothing she let out a terrified scream and tried to run away, but was stopped when Emily's children leaped out of the dumpster to bar her way. Thinking she was going to be killed, Ariel's mama just collapsed to the ground in a fit of hysteria until Emily pulled the lady into her belly. Without saying a word to Ariel, Emily picked up the rest of the girls and carried them over to the sex spa with her children following her. Going into a back room, Emily laid out the other girls on massage tables and then pulled out Ariel's mama who had passed out while saying sternly to Ariel, “There was a reason why I had a disguise on... I'm sorry, but I had to mess with your mama's mind so she wouldn't report this sighting to the police... I can't have the authorities alerted to my existence here, or I will have to run to another city after taking a plane ride away from here.... I have people, other than Sam, hunting me down at the moment. That's why I was trying to get you to return to your old life so you wouldn't be pulled into the same kind of nightmare that Shirley went through...” Hugging Emily from behind, Ariel said stubbornly, “Well if you won't stay with me, then I will join those other people hunting you down in order to keep you safe from Sam! Plus, think about this! If you stay here and help take care of the patrons here in this business, you'll be able to feed on people without them realizing it while helping my mama's business to flourish! Maybe my mama can't protect herself from you or Sam, but you should see her when it comes to taking on street thugs with her bare hands! If there are humans hunting you, my mama and her skills can make them think twice about coming here again!” Still strongly opposed to the idea, Emily was overruled when Alice and the others supported the idea of staying at the spa. When Ariel's mama woke up, she was still a little freaked out,but when she saw Emily sitting with her daughter and noticed the joyful look in Ariel's eyes, the lady calmed down. Still a bit freaked out by whole liquid people creatures she was seeing, Ariel's mama cautiously came over to meet her daughter's rescuer. Immediately, Emily confessed what she did to the lady, which impressed Ariel's mama, but then she asked if the same had been done to Ariel or any of the other girls. That's when Emily reminded the lady of how she said she taken advantage of the girls' situation and then Ariel's mama understood what Emily had meant. Standing up, Ariel's mama dusted herself off and said, “Well, I guess it's a good thing this sex spa is so private. Unfortunately, due to the way I advertise my services, I usually chase off a lot of business, but I manage to make enough to get by with the few loyal customers I have managed to keep. For that reason, I'd be more than happy to open my doors to you so that you have a place to live. It's the least I can do for returning my daughter to me... plus, with you around here, my little flower will have a reason to stay here from now on.” Ariel gave her mama an indignant response over the comment, then looked up at Emily with the rest of the rescued girls and asked, “So.... will you stay? Please? I know we could figure out a way to keep people from taking notice of you and your children here!” Sighing in defeat, Emily lowered her head down on top of Ariel's and answered, “I guess I can stay here... but you need to go to the police and turn yourselves in! I can't stand the thought of keeping the rest of you from your families.... and since I'm staying here, you all can come visit me whenever you need to!” Hastily agreeing to the bargain in order to keep their connection to Emily alive, Ariel's mama began to try to think of ways Emily and her kin could help out while Ariel placed a call into the police. When the officers arrived, they were quick to identify the other missing girls and began to send out orders to contact the other missing girls' parents. During the entire investigation process, Emily and her children kept a very close eye on all the girls to be certain nothing strange happened to them. Most of the girls had been disowned by their parents since secretly each of the girl's parents had been involved in the abductions, but since the girls were old enough to live on their own, they were let go on their own after Ariel's mama offered to care for the girls. When the officers asked if the girls had jobs, Ariel explained the spa she owned and while the officers were a little hesitant to release the girls, when the young ladies brought up the fact that they were old enough to make decisions for themselves again, the officers realized their hands were truly tied on the matter. At the sex spa a few days later, a regular customer came in and asked Ariel's mama, “Hey, Karen! I heard you recently adopted a few new kinds of spa treatments... Care if be the first to try them out?” Rubbing the underside of the woman's chin sensually, Karen tucked her index finger underneath the woman's jaw bone and gently lead her into the back while replying, “Most certainly. Oh, and you'll be happy to know that I have some new girls working here now... but the same rules apply! Now, as for the new bath options, you already know about the rosemary and mud baths, but now we have a caramel mixture for you to lose yourself in.” After undressing, the woman joined Karen in slipping down into the smooth caramel bath and for a few minutes, Karen entertained the customer until the woman fell asleep. Then she got up out of the bath, with the liquid oddly peeling right off her body without leaving any trace of the bath on her skin. Setting a small timer on the outside of the tub, Karen looked back at the water and grumbled about remembering to leave the customer able to walk out on their own. Rising up out of the bath with the customer curled up happily in her belly, Emily smiled happily over at the other two tubs as Alice rose up out of the rosemary tub and Sah'tea formed in the mud bath tub. Over in another part of the building, Karen continued a lesson on proper massage techniques with the rescued slaves, since they were going to eventually start working in the spa. While at first the girls were a little reluctant to be so intimate with the customers, once Karen told them that they would only be required to have sex with a customer if they ordered a bath, they began to take to their training with great enthusiasm. This was because once they were in the spa tub, Emily or one her children would make certain that even if the customers cummed into the girls, that they would not become pregnant. Eventually, Karen added two more bath options to the customers choices as Berry and Coco 'overindulged' on their favorite types of milk. While the customers that came in were told that the baths were just water mixed with chocolate or strawberry extracts to make them smell sweet when they came out, the truth was far different. Trinity chose to just remain inside of Emily's belly for the most part as she just felt more secure in there. When Karen was closing up shop, she felt someone grab her from behind while the girls were already in the car and just on instinct she whirled around and put the person in submission hold, picking some very sensitive nerves until she realized the person was a police officer, then she released her grip, exclaiming remorsefully, “Oh no, I'm so sorry. I didn't know who it was and...” Working the pain out of her arm, the officer gave Karen a perverse smile as she replied, “Oh, I should know better than to try and approach you from behind considering how many purse snatchers and thugs you've put in the hospital for doing exactly the same.” Blushing at the thought of all the past interactions she had with the officer, Karen massaged the place she had grabbed while the officer asked, “So, have you gotten any trouble from the people that took your daughter and the others? We followed up on the leads your daughter provided us and while those bastards indeed had abducted them... we can't find any trace of them... like they just vanished into thin air.” Chuckling at the way the officer mentioned the disappearances of the human traffickers, Karen said in a somewhat guarded fashion, “While I can only hope they got what they deserved and worse for what they've done, I wouldn't suggest you look to hard for them... If they haven't attacked me by now, then do you really think they are going to bother with six girls when they have plenty of other shipments to move?” Giving Karen a concerned look, the officer grumbled in a stubborn tone, “Well if you see anything strange or out of the ordinary, you call me immediately. I won't let those bastards get their slimy paws on those girls again if I can help it.” Unbeknownst to many people in the town, several groups of missing girls had recently started to turn up police stations with the only problem being with their memory. The most of what they could remember was that they were rescued by someone who had claimed to be buyer, but instead came to fight off the girls captors and then did something to put them to sleep while the person rescued them. Other than sketchy descriptions of the various fully clothed outfits the person was wearing, all the girls could remember was seeing flashes of pink after they had been knocked out. Many police officers believed that Ariel's group was the start of this vigilante's spree, but the only problem with that theory is that Ariel reported seeing flashes of brown, not the pink that the new girls reported seeing. While Emily and the others went to sleep, Trinity was just waking up. After slipping out of Emily without waking up her mama, Trinity slipped off into the night with a different disguise that evening. Carrying an empty suitcase, like those that someone coming to purchase the kidnapped girl would, Trinity went out to continue her work, knowing her mistress would be very pleased with what she was doing. Even though Trinity knew that Emily didn't enjoy being called her mistress, that was how Trinity saw Emily even though in truth Emily was just her new mama. Going to the storehouse under suspicion by the police, Trinity played her part as a buyer perfectly since she had a few days to learn the proper phrases from other buyers she had captured while out at night. Once down where she could view the wares, Trinity turned on the traffickers, knocking them out before they could even react. Sucking them into her cock, Trinity groaned happily as she churned the sellers into cum and smiled happily as she truly did love her body now. Like her own mistress, Trinity was determined to rid the world of bad people or those who tried to force people into slavery and got a certain sense of satisfaction out of turning them into cum which she would feed to her mistress later. Walking over to the room that housed the girls, Trinity displayed the control device to the dog collars that the girls were wearing and said to them, “Listen to me and please remain calm. I want you all take off a piece of your clothing and tie it securely around your eyes. Then you are to put your head down between your legs and remain that way until I tell you to lift it up.” After making certain the girls complied with her wishes, Trinity entered the room and one by one, removed the dog collar and shackles the girls were wearing. What they didn't know, was that as she was freeing them, Trinity slipped into the heads and put the girls to sleep. After all the girls were sound asleep and free, she started to swallow them while taking off her disguise. With all the girls safely inside her belly, Trinity left the cage and grabbed one of the guns the traffickers had been wearing. Firing off one round to alert police that were undoubtedly watching the place, Trinity climbed out of the basement through a window and disappeared off into the night as the police stormed the house. Finding a place to sit unseen close by a police station, Trinity began to clean the girls sloshing around in her belly. Thankfully, none of the girls were pregnant, even though they showed signs of repeatedly being raped by their captors. After cleaning out their pussies and wombs, Trinity cleaned out their bowels before heading up into their stomach. Squeezing out a generous amount of her cum into the girls' bellies, Trinity knew that her cum would help to keep the girls content during their long interviews with the police. Knowing the traffickers had drugged the girls to keep them under control, Trinity went into their minds and completely turned the girls away from drugs of any kind so that, hopefully, they could avoid this kind of predicament in the future. Placing all the girls out onto a wheeled dolly, Trinity then pushed them out towards the front of the police building as some officers came in from a patrol. Returning home, Trinity gently slide her cock up into Emily's stomach, where she emptied the contents of her bladder into her mama. While Trinity had an idea of what her bladder was actually used for, she preferred using her bladder to store extra cum she made during her nightly excursions so she didn't have the trouble Sam had in carrying about her enormous sack. Then she slide back up into Emily's womb, not noticed the smile that stretched across her mama's face afterwords.
Emily the Slimegirl Chapter Fourteen – Leveling The Playing Field One day, while everyone was at the massage and spa center, Trinity lucky stumbled across Shirley in a back room completely alone, which prompted her to ask, “Um... hey Shirley.... could I talk with you for a moment?” Jumping in shock, more so over the fact that Trinity was actually talking to her for the first time, Shirley put down what she had been working on and replied, “Sure... what's up? Are you hungry?” Shaking her head no as her face started grow a deeper shade of pink, Trinity answered, “No, no, this has nothing to do with my hunger, believe me. Ahem, actually I was wondering... how would you feel about becoming one us?” Twitching slightly as she knew exactly what Trinity meant by 'us', Shirley turned back to pulling out some mineral paste she had been asked to bring out by Karen and replied, “That would mean having to go find Sam and strike up a bargain with her to make me into a... larva, I guess? Thanks, but no thanks, I don't want Emily to have to do anything for that bitch ever again.” Snuggling right up behind Shirley, Trinity made a point to press her cock into the lady's back before reminding Shirley a little sarcastically, “Samantha isn't the only female slime being, now is she?” Feeling Shirley's body tense up, Trinity was quick to back off and hastily muttered, “Oh well, sorry, I just thought I'd mention that... uh, sorry... um, I was kinda wanting to know if I could.... you know... do it like her. Uh... just forget I said anything, I hope this doesn't make things weird between us.” A few hours later, this time when Shirley stumbled onto Trinity alone, she asked, “What did you mean by you wanted to see if you could make children like Sam? Don't you know how to do it?” Holding her hands together as she started to tremble, Trinity replied, “Well... Sam either doesn't chose to or know how to... digest people in her balls, but I can do that with no problem. At the same time, I can control my stomach as I'm certain that Sam can too, but she always digests anyone humans she swallows.... So that all being said, I'm afraid that my refusal to acknowledge that I am a woman might have rendered me incapable of.... you know....” Holding one of her arms nervously, Shirley came forward and inquired about something else, “Why me? Why ask me if I want to become a slime creature like you, Emily and the others? I'm certain you could ask any of the others and they'd be happy to help... wouldn't they?” Smiling somewhat sadly, Trinity answered, “I'm certain they would jump at the chance to become one of our kind, but I truly think you've earn the opportunity more than the other girls. I mean, you stuck with my mama even after everything that's happened.... you could have just walked away after the encounter with Sam and even now you could always walk away, but you don't. Then... then there is this. You.. are very important to my mistress... and I think having to watch you grow old and die would hurt her just as bad, if not more than seeing you die smiling in her belly. That's mainly why I wanted to give you the chance to become one of us first.... if you're willing take the risk that I might turn you into cum on accident.” Still a little apprehensive about the whole thing, Shirley started to undress, but then demanded stubbornly while giving Trinity an evil look, “If I get turned into cum, you'd better make certain every last drop of me goes into Emily, got that?” Nodding her head in agreement, Trinity waited until Shirley was completely undressed, then started with Shirley's feet. Going slowly at first, Trinity would periodically tell Shirley that she could always call off the whole thing while she was still outside of her balls, but once she was inside there was no more turning back. Shivering as she felt more and more of her body being engulfed by Trinity's cock, Shirley compared what she was feeling to that of what people still conscious experienced when getting eaten by large snakes and would always respond irritably when Trinity reminded her that she could get out at any time up to a point. Giving Shirley one last chance, Trinity then stretched her cock's tip up around Shirley's head, then forced Shirley down into her balls. Making certain to prevent Shirley from being turned into cum, Trinity began to pant and moan as she started to squeeze Shirley's balled up form into her bladder. Feeling Shirley squish up deeper into her body, Trinity groaned in delight as Shirley's body caused her belly to bulge out as Trinity's body forced Shirley in tighter while Trinity's bladder opening squeezed tight around the girl. Hearing a squishing noise, Trinity looked down at her belly in alarm thinking she was going to have to watch Shirley get turned into cum. Oddly, rather than turn white, Shirley's body slowly melted together into a single mass, turning the same shade of pink as Trinity's body. Trembling with excitement, Trinity rushed off to go find Emily, holding the slight bulge in her belly gleefully. Thankfully, the spa was still only catering to few clients, so Emily was chatting with the other goo girls in the bathing room when Trinity burst into the room happily exclaiming as she rushed over behind Emily, “Oh I have something wonderful to give you, mistress! B-but I can't tell you what it is.... it's going to be a surprise.” Yelping as suddenly Trinity penetrated all the way into her womb, Emily groaned blissfully as she felt a familiar sized lump slide up into her, when Trinity pulled away, she flipped over onto her back and asked curiously, “Now just who was that, Trinity?” Swallowing nervously as Trinity realized that Emily already knew what had gone into her, the gooey woman shifted awkwardly as she answered evasively, “It will probably be for the best if you don't know, mistress.... it'll ruin the surprise.” Smiling as a playful demeanor over came Emily, Trinity was quick to leap away as Emily lunged towards her. Hours later, Karen and the girls anxiously awaited for Emily's latest child to be born, whispering curiously about who it would be while also wondering where Shirley was in the middle of the celebration. While the other goo girls rubbed Emily's belly to help guide their new sister towards the exit, Karen, Ariel and the other young ladies reached into Emily's pussy to try and grab hold of the emerging child. Eventually succeeding in encouraging the newborn out of Emily, the goo girl shook her head and held her forehead as she said in an unmistakeable voice, “Oh.... what a trip... That had to be worse than what I went through when those two delinquents knocked me out.” Leaning forward to stare at her new child in disbelief, Emily hesitantly asked in a confused tone, “Sh-Shirley? Is that you?” Jumping at how close Emily when she turned to face her new mama, Shirley rubbed the back of her head as she glanced over at a smiling Trinity and said in wonder, “Guess it worked, Trinity...” Whirling around to face Trinity, Emily demanded with growing anger clear in her voice, “Why?” Jumping back in fear, Trinity tried to explain she had only wanted to test whether or not she possessed the ability to create larva from humans, but Shirley stopped Trinity by saying, “Calm down, Emily. This was my choice and Trinity felt she was doing something nice for you by making it so that I can be by your side for eternity....or-” Placing a finger across Shirley lips as the rest of the girls slapped their hands over her mouth quickly, Emily replied, “Please don't say that... I don't even want to consider that even being a possibility and I understand what you did now, Trinity.... but next time please let me know if you wish to convert someone... I don't want anyone like Sam to gain bodies like ours.” While everyone else nodded their agreement, Shirley was too busy thinking and when Emily asked what was wrong, she replied, “Oh, I was just thinking about how Trinity pushed me up into her body or into her bladder to turn me into a larva or hatching slimegirl and then had to impregnate you with me for the process to be complete. Have you by chance ever sucked someone into your pussy, Emily?” Thinking for a moment, Emily shook her head and said, “Nope, I've only ever gone into the pussies of other people... Other that than that, people normally just end up in my stomach either through my belly, mouth or butt.” Tilting her head as she though of what the possibilities might be, Shirley eventually just gave up and said with an exasperated sigh, “Well who knows, maybe sticking a human up into your womb would just be a safer way to feed on someone since you won't have to worry about them getting digested.” When Ariel raised a hand to volunteer, Emily gave her a sharp look before saying, “I'm fine with Shirley being remade since she is technically still 'kidnapped' and would cause trouble if she were spotted, but as for the rest of you. Don't you remember how public your rescue was? If any of you disappear for any reason, then the police would pitch a fit and would probably take the rest of you away from Karen for your own protection! Maybe... I'll find someone else I think would make a good addition to my family.” Later that evening, around closing time at the store, Emily was out hunting when she came across a group of homeless people being bullied. A few thugs from a local gang were demanding a cut of the money that some of them had earned through panhandling. When the leader of the homeless band was unable to provide the amount the thugs were demanding, the boss of the thug group grabbed a pretty young lady nearby and said that she was going to be sold to make up the difference. Even with the lady pleading for help, it looked like none of the others were going to help, until one lady with black skin stormed out a broken lamp in her hands. With the thug boss asking in a cocky tone what she intended to do with the light in her hands, the lady viciously smashed the lamp against the boss' head, then turned her fists towards the other thugs. Suddenly hearing the click of a gun, the lady shot an angry look back at the leader who was holding a gun unsteadily in her direction as the woman got up, spit out some blood and then said in the same cocky tone, “Now that might have actually hurt a little, but only cause I let a scrawny bitch like you hit me! Now then, unless you want me to put a bullet through the girl you so desperately tried to save, why don't you take off those clothes and let me see what you got to offer?” Facing the boss of the thugs stubbornly, the lady cried out to the others, “What are you all waiting for? We don't have to constantly bow down to these scumbags! If you would show a little backbone, maybe these bastards wouldn't come demanding money they know we don't have! They are just using us to make a quick b-” Smacking the lady on the side of the face, the boss said a little irritably, “That was payback for before, ya little wench. Now get ta stripping off them clothes of yours or else I'm gonna start getting a little trigger happy. Oh and I wouldn't bother trying to get these fools to move, I've been working them since long before your sassy ass joined up with them, so I know they won't do anything.” Taking off her far too large clothing, the lady stunned the gang members with her smoking hot body and then the boss commented greedily, “Well now, a jewel in the rough like you would be a waste to be sold on the market for dirt cheap. How about this, you become my personal bitch and I'll leave this band of losers alone for a little while, or I can just sell you to the highest bidder, with that money determining how long I'll leave them alone.” Turning her head to the side, the lady replied gruffly, “I will not degrade myself for you for any reason.” Laughing as she waved for her subordinates to grab the girl, the boss wandered away and Emily was about to give chase when she head one of the homeless say, “Hey, shouldn't we... you know.. try to help in some way?” When the others looked at the first lady the thug boss had grabbed, she raised her arms to signify she wasn't going to get involved as she replied, “Hey, don't look at me. I'm grateful she tried to save me and all, but trying to go up against them with a simple lamp was next signing her death warrant... Besides... she'll get more money than I would anyways....” Seeing the cold way the others were reacting to the thought of going to rescue the lady that stood up to the thugs, even the initial person that tried to rally support for her just disregarded all thought of trying to help the lady. Sneaking down to grab the lady's clothing while the other laid down to sleep, Emily charged off after the group of thugs. Finding some other discarded clothing, Emily fully clothed herself and shrouded her face with a hood before finishing with tracking down the street thugs. With her thugs chuckling as they watched, the boss held the lady's arms up so she had to bend over on top of some trash cans while the woman said perversely, “Now then, I guess I ought to test out my wares before I put them on the market.” Hearing a scuffle behind her, the woman turned around to find her thugs gone, then gasped when the lady drove her heel up into her balls. Clutching her privates as the lady took off running, the woman looked up suddenly as a snow boot stomped down near her head. Seeing a heavily clothed person looking down at her, the thug demanded to know what the shrouded person was looking at and who they thought they were looking down on. Just as she was stating which gang she was affiliated with, the other person knelt down, picked up the boss by the shoulders and then proceeded to eat her. Wiping her mouth on her arm, Emily muttered in response to the boss' declarations, “All you were was just another disgusting human that can't stand to have people looking down on them... that's all.” Tracking the homeless lady down, Emily got close in time to hear her finish sobbing and say sadly, “Starting all over from nothing again.... hmph, more like absolutely nothing this time. Heh, last time I at least had the clothes on my back when that fucking gang took everything away from me. If only I could have had something from my old apartment.... I'd have broken all their jaws in an instant.” Leaning noisily up against a trash bin the lady was sitting next to, Emily continued on from the girl's thoughts, “Then the entire gang would have come back for revenge, most likely killing the entire homeless group you were with or just you and then making the rest of that group's life even harder than it is now. Oh! Here, I picked these up for you.” Holding out the girl's clothes with one arm, the girl reached out for them and quickly pulled back as she stared warily at Emily and demanded, “Who are you? Did you... distract those thugs back there? …Why did you do that?” Pushing herself off the dumpster, Emily turned her concealed face towards the girl and said jokingly, “I could ask you the very same questions... eh, excluding the middle one that is.” Pulling on her shirt first, the lady answered while putting on her pants, “Cear, My name is Cear. Who are you, now?” Smiling, but keep her face mostly hidden, Emily answered, “You may call me Emily and yes I... took care of those thugs back there.... Now then, I am curious to know why you fought for that one girl, no doubt you already knew that the others wouldn't back you up in any event and yet you still stuck your neck out for her.” Putting on her shoes while sitting down on the ground, Cear hugged her legs close and said, “I used to attend a self defense class and one day I saw a gang drug dealer selling goods right outside the building where the classes were held and I told her off, using my skills to make her regret pulling a knife on me. When I returned home that night, my apartment was up in smoke and all I had left was the clothes I'm wearing and what little money I had in my bank account. But after that incident, my employer fired me, my car was stolen and my bank account was drained dry. Been on the streets ever since... so why do you think I stood up to those thickheaded imbeciles...” Taking a gamble, Emily started to undress while asking Cear, “So are you really going to try and start over again? The gang you just ran from is most likely going to hunt you down after they find out about their members going missing. You might be able to escape them for a few days, but what if you could start a new life? One where you are the predator and those thugs are the prey?” Flinching as she realized what Emily was, Cear cringed away fearfully and asked, “What.... what are you and what do you mean by a new life as a predator?” Tapping Cear on the forehead, Emily answered playfully, “No~, I am not a figment of your imagination, I am very real, Cear. Just like my offer to make you like me. This town is full of crooks and thugs like those gang members, but even more so by people like those other homeless people. They are just witless lambs who are willing to go along with what ever life throws at them so long as they 'survive'. I hunt down people crooked like them and give them a short stay in my belly, but at the same, I can also keep people alive inside of me without harming them. I'll give you the choice of what your new life will be. Your first choice is the one you've already been thinking about... constantly having to run from the gang out of fear of being killed and having no one to turn to. Next would be to become one of my playmates that I feed off of, but I know from your answer to the boss of thugs that you won't make that choice. Lastly, you could become one of my kind and live with me plus my family... and just so you know, not all of my family are slime beings like me.” Thinking for a few moments, the girl stood up with renewed hope in her eyes as she said with conviction, “I want to become like you, I want to be able to make those affiliated with gangs fear treading outside at night!” Placing her hands on Cear shoulders to calm the fired up girl down a bit, Emily said in a warning tone, “Now, wait just a minute. I'm not going to make you into a bigger evil than the one oppressing you right now, Cear. I only hunt when I need to store up more fat since my body is constantly burning up my mass at a higher rate than any of my children. If you want to hunt down some crooks that's fine, but I will only allow you to do when I'm out hunting. I won't allow your lust for vengeance to endanger my family... there are people actively hunting for me and my family. Creating a mass amount of disappearances would be like turning on a beacon to tell them 'WE ARE HERE' in big letters.” Realizing just how close she had come to becoming exactly what she hated, Cear began to tremble and weep as she promised to Emily, “I swear I will never become like those bastards... I won't abuse the power you give me, nor will I do anything that would endanger you or anyone else in your family.” Emily looked Cear directly in the eyes for a few moments before smiling and saying, “Okay, now... um, here is the strange part of this deal. You see, I've never placed a human inside of my pussy before, normally I just pull them into my stomach, and so with your permission, I'd like to find out what will happen if I do stuffed a human into my nether regions. I mean, all I feel will happen is that you'll squished inside my womb where I will be able to feed off of you harmlessly, but at the same time, I could..... turn you into cum just the same....” When Cear asked what the other method for conversion was, she blushed as Emily explained in great detail what Trinity would do with her, then said, “Well... if this method doesn't work then I guess I could suffer through being eaten by a woman's cock... Uwah, just the thought gives me the chills... I mean, it's probably not as bad as I'm making it out to be, but it's not the most welcoming image when I think about it.” With Emily sitting down with her legs spread open, Cear stripped off all her clothing and began to push her hands into the slimegirl's wet pussy. When Emily jumped after Cear pushed her hands in, she jerked her arms back out in fright, but started once more when Emily informed her everything was alright. As Cear made a second attempt, she began to hear Emily gasp blissfully and moan pleasantly, so Cear began to do her best to wiggle her way in to make the process more enjoyable for them both. Once in up to her hips, Cear began to have trouble going in any further, but then Emily began to help by pushing her in deeper. After a little bit, Emily gave up pushing on Cear's body and just began to contract her pussy to force the rest of Cear into her. After she was all the way inside, Cear felt the opening to Emily's pussy squeeze completely shut and then could no longer feel the scrunched shut opening either. As she began to panic, thinking something was going wrong, Cear began to feel and hear Emily panicking as well. Knowing she would run out of air soon, Cear yelped as she was suddenly penetrated by two thick tendrils. Then she felt suction cups clamp down over her nipples along with a long tub forcing it's way down into her neck. Twitching as she felt both immense delight and fear at the same time, Cear suddenly felt her nostrils be blocked, then tried to inhale through her mouth as a mask slowly crept across her face. When Cear tried to take a deep breath through her mouth, she suddenly found herself able to breath and after she calmed down, Emily called out to her, “Hey! Cear, if you can hear me, punch out against my belly with your fist if you're alright, but use your leg if your if there is something wrong and I will try to pull you out.” Using her fist to respond, Cear felt completely fine other than for the fact she was a little cramped, but then Emily asked, “Are you comfortable in there? Use your fist if everything is fine or your foot if it's too cramped, okay?” Kicking out with her foot, Cear began to hear Emily straining as she tried to stretch out her pussy, but then suddenly the space around Cear began to squeeze in around her tightly. Struggling the best she could to try and let Emily know something was wrong, Cear was quickly able to figure that Emily already knew something was going wrong by the way Emily was talking frantically to herself. Then Cear began to feel the chamber around her fill with fluid and expand much larger than it was originally. However, when Cear tried to stretch out, she found her entire body was covered in a sticky substance that held her fast. Suddenly, something grabbed onto Cear from out of nowhere, making her let out a muffled scream until Cear began to hear Emily voice, but could only make out the consoling tone in which Emily was speaking to her in. Recognizing the feeling of Emily's hands, Cear calmed down as Emily began to push and fold Cear's body into a more comfortable fettle position. Then after Emily's hands were gone, Cear began to feel something warm get pumped into her and began to moan as the warm fluid filled her womb to the brink. The she started to feel her belly swell as it too was filled, then noticed that even her guts were starting to feel bloated, but all the same, Cear was in bliss. Noticing that Cear was quiet and calm, Emily took off for home gleefully as she could wait to tell the others what happened. As the days passed, Emily would periodically reach in to check on Cear, while the others just dove right in to keep an eye on their new sibling. Slowly, Cear began to change into a larval state as even without the harden caramel cum coating around her, she was still encased in another sort of tight membrane that contained her changing body. One time, Trinity dove in with a light to see what had become of Cear when she stopped breathing and when the gooey woman came out she reported, “Cear should have completed the metamorphosis into a slime now, her body is completely melted down and has been changed into a sphere of liquid. Even the umbilical cords or whatever those were that had been inserted into her body had disappeared. Shouldn't be too long now until we have a black colored sister!” When Emily felt the opening to her pussy stretch back open to it's normal size, she placed a large metal bucket under her pussy to keep any traces of fluid from escaping down the drain. For some reason, Emily was a little paranoid about how if any of the conversion solution inside her were to be detected by the people hunting her down, she would have to move away. Unlike her normal cum, when Emily was pushing Cear out of her, she began to leak pure white fluid until finally Cear plopped out into the other's awaiting arms. After she was towel dried off, Cear got up and began to sniff about as she asked curiously, “Hey, what smells so good?” Wandering over to the metal bucket, Cear buried her face in the white gunk and came up with mouthful, then after swallowing, she said enthusiastically, “Hey, you all should come try this stuff, it tastes wonderful!” One by one, all the others, plus even Emily, tried a mouthful of the strange fluid, with Karen and the other girls dipping their fingers in for a cautious taste. After everyone found the fluid to be simply divine, they all grabbed some cups from the cupboards and celebrated the birth of a new slimegirl. Later after the metal bucket had been completely drained and all the playmates had found their way into one of Emily's daughters' belly, Cear was cleaning up out of habit when she looked over at the door. Pausing for a moment as she looked out into the city and contemplated going out to seek revenge against the woman that had made her life a living hell, Cear eventually dismissed the thoughts. After she finished cleaning up, Cear went over to snuggle up next to Emily, since Trinity had already reclaimed Emily's womb after she had been born. Jumping when she felt Emily wrap an arm around her, Cear listened quietly as Emily said in a grateful tone, “Thank you for obeying my wishes, Cear. Tomorrow I promise I will take you out hunting with me and if you still want to, I will be more than happy to let you hunt down the person that ruined your life.” Hugging Emily back, Cear buried the side of her face into her new mama's chest as she muttered in response, “I've kinda of already forgiven that woman... cause if she had not turned my life upside down... I'd have never run into you and may have turned out like all the other witless lambs in the city.” Chuckling as she clutched her new daughter tightly, Emily kissed Cear on the forehead and said jokingly, “Well then, I won't force you to come hunting with me, but if I happen to come across her...” Cear shot a hateful glare up at Emily before snapping in a feigned irritated tone, “She will end up as fat on my belly, cause I still want to make this city safer, you know?” Squeezing her daughter partially into her daughter for a moment, Emily chuckled with Cear as the pair slowly drifted off to sleep.
Emily the Slimegirl Chapter Fifteen – Returning To The Roots After three weeks of no sightings of Sam at the Slaver's Pub, or anywhere else in the city, Shi'rah brought up her concerns with the leadership, “We have continued to see a lack of any kind of activity from Samantha and have completely lost track of subject one. On the bright side, we do know that the two of them are not in league... although... I do have something troubling to report. It seems that Sam no longer has any interest in catching subject one anymore, but as too why, I can only begin to assume. However, there has been no sudden spike in disappearances so we can rule out that Sam is mass producing slime soldiers in an attempt to recreate her transformation again.” Shaking her head for a moment, another leader of the organization asked in a confused tone, “Wait, wait, wait, just a second here... how did you learn that Sam has no interest in subject one? I thought you said you were not going to have any contact with her?” Standing tall, Shi'rah suddenly shifted her body into the Zentia appearance she used in the club, then said, “I'm fairly certain you now understand who Sam is and how she has been finding meals without being detected, correct? I took advantage of the fact that I can make myself appear similar to her to get into the Slaver's Pub in an attempt to speak with Sam. As you can see, I managed quite well in blending like she has, only since I do not wear a badge, I am free to go after Sam as I please, where ever I please. Now then... back to the topic at hand. I have a sneaking suspicion that Sam is up to something and that it has to do with an alternative way of creating a fertile mate for her to breed with. To that end, I took the liberty of planting some wireless cameras inside a private lab I discovered, but I was not able to automatically activate them because Sam has taken precautions against such devices and will detect them the moment I activate the cameras.” This shocked the the council of leaders, but Death was quick to recover and then she ordered, “Activate them, now!” Flipping on the strategically placed cameras, they all flipped on to show Sam and A'nora standing in front of a group of girls working for the pharmaceutical company, while others showed the lab Shi'rah had mentioned was being taken apart by many girls that had been reported missing. The only reason the investigation team knew they were missing girls was because they had tracked down all girls that had gone missing from the Slave's Pub since BBG came to town. Sam was busy with instructing the girls on what to do should the investigators come back and ask to see the CEO when an alarm went off. Shutting down the cameras quickly, Shi'rah turned to get ready for the assault while the leader of the team sent one of the recorded camera feeds to both the military base and police groups, stating who the girls where, plus where they were recorded at. In the message sent to the military group, the leader lied by telling them that Sam was their missing experiment in the hopes of spurring the military into action. The ruse worked very well, but when the combined forces entered the building, there was no one inside. All computer systems in the building had been ruined beyond recovery, so the military group worked to clear the entire compound, while the police set up a blockade, all as Shi'rah and the investigation team stormed into private lab in the hopes that there might be something for them to find. Oddly, when they entered the laboratory, the place had been scrubbed clean and all the lab tables had been removed, save for one with two computer like contraptions on the table. Humorously, one was labeled for the 'fools that fight against that which they cannot possibly hope to defeat' and the other simply for 'my purple friend'. Taking the one she knew was for her, Shi'rah handed the other over to the leader of the investigation team, just as a hidden compartment under the table slide open. Looking in to find a very large and destructive bomb with thirty seconds on the countdown, the investigation team signaled for her group to retreat, while ordering over the radio, “All units, get out now! I repeat, GET OUT NOW! We have a large C-4 and blasting putty bomb set to go off in twenty-five seconds in the main lab!” Getting outside, pulling back to outside the one square block quarantine zone, the combined forces watched as the bomb went off and, in a spectacular display, completely demolished the BBG building. As the military forces grumbled over having to cover up the explosion somehow, a police officer came over with a broadcast of the breaking news on the evening news on a laptop. In the middle of the breaking news coverage, the news anchor suddenly announced that there was a message from the BBG CEO and played the message for all to see. Shi'rah was very surprised by the fact that Sam was allowing her stand in CEO do the message as the woman said, “It deeply grieves me that this disaster has occurred. I only just recently ordered the evacuation of the second BBG office when a toxic build up of fumes was detected into the facility. We were in the process of expelling the gas from the building safely when there was the sudden intrusion by the armed forces into the building. I am overjoyed that they were all able to get out before the explosion and will work harder in the future to keep this kind of problem from occurring again.” With that, the investigation team knew that Sam had them as now they wouldn't be able to chase after her until they could prove that a bomb blew up the building, but then turned their attention to recorded message for the military forces, and it oddly showed the old Professor Samantha in the lab they broke into, saying like a raving lunatic, “Wonderful job on destroying this base, but you'll never find me and even if you were, I have already succeeded in my greatest achievement. Even now, I am mass producing my super soldiers who will easily topple your puny countries with ease! This is but the start of the roots that I have infested your world with!” As the group returned to base, there was another breaking news story and oddly it had to do with the BBG CEO. The woman had been found dead in her private jet after it made an emergency stop halfway to the home town of the company. There was a suicide note that talked about the woman only being able to see, smell, taste, hear only white and how she wished to enter an eternal white world in her mind. A pill bottle at the scene indicated how the woman had died as the chemicals in the pills would have cause almost immediate death upon being ingested. Returning to their base in the city, the investigation team called up their leaders so that they could see too as they watched the first of two messages, the first of which showed a much younger Professor Samantha in a very disheveled hair style saying, “Alright.... I-I'm gonna try to record this message to the.... FUCKING BASTARDS THAT RUINED ME PREVIOUS RESEARCH! YOU GOD DAMN FOOLS... ALL THAT RESEARCH... WASTED... AHHHHH! FUCK, FUCK, FUCKING SHITHEADS!” The video showed Samantha hysterical rant continue for a few minutes, then everything went black for a few moments, then Samantha popped up again, looking much better with the starts of her swamp lab behind her as she said, “Okay, let's try this again. To all you bastards that ruined the perfectly good cult I had constructed to perform my research with, I want you all to know that I will never stop researching way to break the boundaries of human evolution. I will one day create the next step on the evolutionary chain for humans and I will use that next step to crush humanity beneath my feet as I rule this world that threw me out as a lunatic! Whether or not I can join my creations in their wondrous evolution, just know that even if you were to stop me, you would never be able to stop my work! Nothing will stop my super soldiers as they ravage the world!” Suddenly the video ended and the second video popped up to show the newly evolved Sam in all her slimy glory as she said, “I never got to thank you all... for pushing me so hard to find a way to evolve from my human limitations. If you had not of stopped my zombie research, I very well could have died to my own creations and never ascended from my human form. Oh, and thanks for showing me the weakness of my unstable slime soldier prototypes, that electric weapon of yours really does a number on them... save for your little pet agent you set after me... I must say, I really am curious to know how it is she survived that blast she received from the military soldiers, but in truth, I don't care. No matter what you do now, you cannot stop me, for you see...” Holding out her arm, a poisonous green slimegirl walked over obediently into her embrace as Sam continued, “I already have my breeding queen and this one is much more obedient than Emily could ever be. Her name is Venom and I found her at a very enjoyable place called the Slave's Pub. And just like many of the girls I plan to warp into my obedient slaves, she is completely under my command. Like another certain faithful servant I have never properly introduced to you all. Come on, A'nora, don't be shy now.” Walking out into sight, A'nora clung protectively to Sam as the woman went on to say, “Like her? She's the last loyal one of my first batch of soldiers and like Venom now is, she is completely obedient to me and you will never break from my control. Unfortunately, like all my original slime soldiers, A'nora here is still susceptible to those nasty electric shock rifle you developed to counter her kind, but myself and Venom, plus all of Venom's offspring, are unaffected by your puny shock weapons.” There was a blip in the screen and then suddenly Sam was by herself as she said, “I am like a weed and over the years you have torn up the plant, but you have always missed the roots. Every time you tried to pull me out I have always returned to my roots before coming back even stronger. Only this time, when I come back, I will have an army.... no, A NATION, of hybrid slime soldiers that are completely obedient to me and only me. Then I am going to return to spread across the entire globe, thus replacing humans on top of the food chain. All of humanity will then become my slaves, those who are viewed as good stock will be used as breeders to keep a steady supply of witless slaves ready to jump into the mouths of my kind. Who knows, maybe I'll keep some of you pathetic humans as my slaves until I find better looking ones and if your a really good slave I'll even make you into the unstable version of my kind.... Heh, heh, heh, Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! There is a new world order coming soon, so I suggest you get with the program now before I come a knocking to blow your door down!” After the recording ended, Shi'rah turned to face the leaders of the organization and asked, “Seems your unique specimens are no longer unique.... Your orders?” Slamming her fist down in rage, the Adulteress finally showed a startling amount of anger as she said, “Destroy her.... destroy Samantha and any other of those filthy creatures she spawned this instant! All I want is subject one for my collection.... I don't care about the cost, I just want to have her as she is still the original hybrid slime being!” Shouting in a very rare show of anger as Shi'rah said, “SHE HAS A NAME! She is not just some damn test tube experiment... she is a normal girl named Emily and is just trying to find a place in this horrid world for her to live in peace!” While the others where just stunned by the outburst, Adulteress seemed almost shaken and when Shi'rah saw this, she bowed quickly before apologizing and saying, “Please forgive my harsh words... Emily is nothing like Sam... I mean certainly she has eaten people, but of the few humans we know she had consumed, most were people that were what you would not call shiny examples of the goodness in humanity. Plus... there seems to be something wrong with her as well. When I.... rescued her from Sam at the warehouse... she seemed fine while she was frozen... but the moment I held her inside of me and started to warm her up, Emily started to shrink inside of me and I learned from a girl that Emily had befriended that Emily can't survive without a host or eating several meals a multiple times a day. I think it would be for the best if we just let her-” Seeing a dismissive gesture from Inquisitor, Shi'rah stopped speaking as her boss said in her defense, “While I may have suspected Shi'rah of aiding Emily get away from Sam, I do feel she made the most prudent decision at the time. We have been a little over zealous in trying to obtain a fertile living specimen that we did not take into account that the specimen was a living creature with certain needs both physically and emotionally. While I fully intend to track down Emily so that she can be monitored so that we can be alerted to any sudden changes in her demeanor, we need to focus on putting an end to Sam's madness once and for all!” Suddenly seeming distracted as she started to tap on her personal computer that Inquisitor kept on her so she had access to her vast stores of knowledge, Death clenched a fist while saying, “Yes, we need to hunt that little rat to where ever she's run off to... but where could she have gone? Inquisitor? What are you doing over there all of a sudden? Forget where you placed your offshore accounts?” Rolling her eyes and groaning over the poor joke, Inquisitor gasped as she suddenly found what she had been searching for and then brought up a picture of a very young version of Samantha meeting a very rich lady, then proceeded to bring up even more information as she said, “Her name is Drea. No real idea how, but she seemed to be closely connected to Sam. Once Sam was dismissed from the scientific community, she went to Drea for help with continuing her research to breach the human limitations. Drea then became a very influential member of a certain cult we destroyed in an attempt to chase Sam out into the open. Then.... ah, here it is! This is a tax right off on some donations she made to a group trying to preserve some swamplands which just so happened to be where Samantha's second base was located. Now we roll onto the present where not to far away from the original BBG building we have....” Pulling up a picture that showed Drea's mansion out of the country along with a map showing how close it was to the first BBG office and finished, “Her retirement home... which also just so happens to be a stone throw away from the ruins of a certain cult temple. That mansion....that lady.... she has to be the 'roots' that Sam mentioned in her videos.” Impressed by how quickly Inquisitor figured out the clue none of them had even picked up on, Death pointed to Shi'rah and ordered, “You have your target, my forces will be in the air in five. Shi'rah, you'll need to bring a temperature suit since I've concocted a new ice grenade to deal with any slime soldiers you encounter at the mansion. I know from Sam's first attempt to catch Emily that the cold works very well against both types of slime soldiers. Oh, and I'll be instructing my soldiers on how to 'up' the power of my puny electric weapons.” Grinning up slyly at Death, Shi'rah said, “You certainly do how to stock only the best weaponry in your armory Death.” Chuckling confidently, Death crossed her arms and said proudly, “If it ain't in my inventory, it's not even worth your time to check the price tag if your looking to kill something with it!” A few hours later at the mansion, Shi'rah and her forces were slowly closing in from all sides. On cue, the soldiers shot several RPG's, using Death's special frost grenades as the explosive, into the windows of the house. After the grenades popped, the soldiers rushed into the home, shooting any of the maids they found without question. Reporting that the first floor of the house was clear, Shi'rah rushed up onto the second floor where she spotted a maid hiding with a gun held at the ready. Using her gooey body to her advantage, Shi'rah extended her upper half over to where the girl was, and when the girl tried to pop out to shoot at the approaching soldiers, she found her face bumping into some purple. Before the girl could pull back, Shi'rah wrapped her arms around the girl's head, forcing the girl into her cleavage that had been cut open in the suit especially for that purpose. Once the girl was secured, Shi'rah moved in to swallow the second girl before digesting them both. Seeing the heavy double doors that the girls had been trying to protect, Shi'rah listened closely to hear a girl's voice say, “We need to hurry up an escape master! If we don't they will get in soon and will kill you!” Taking an ice grenade from one of the commandos with her, Shi'rah gave a countdown signal and when she was done, Shi'rah kicked open the doors. Immediately, two commandos rushed into the room tossing ice grenades into A'nora and Venom before either could react. While they were turned into ice sculptures, Shi'rah surged forward and hurled the grenade she had at Sam after cooking it for a few seconds. Seeing the grenade, Sam tried to jump back, but she was still within the blast radius so was frozen through her chest, with her arms, legs and head badly chilled. Watching without emotion as Venom was electrocuted while screaming her name, Sam looked almost sad when A'nora received the same treatment, then glared up at Shi'rah and grumbling, “This is.. too bad. I was hoping that you would go on a wild goose chase after Emily when I left behind the weed I had grown this time, but you caught on much faster than I thought you would.” Folding her arms across her chest as two electric gun toting commandos came up behind her, Shi'rah signaled them to hold off as she said, “It's over Sam, your dreams of world conquest and the evolution of humanity is over!” Letting out a coughing laugh, Sam suddenly got a very devious look in her eyes as she replied, “Emily is still alive! With her... all my hopes and dreams.... for the evolution of humanity.... will live on.. ha!” Smiling confidently, Shi'rah scoffed at the notion and responded with, “You'd just love to believe that wouldn't you? However, you are wrong about Emily. She won't follow your mad scheme for world conquest-” Suddenly a pinning noise from a computer on the desk that Sam had been at drew everyone's attention for a moment until Sam suddenly started to cackle like the mad woman she was until Shi'rah demanded to know what was going on and then same got an almost sorrowful look on her face as she said, “When you break into Drea's panic room... would you please spare her? She has nothing to do with my madness.... YOU PEOPLE DO! It started with those fools of the scientific community... they just couldn't let me conduct my research in peace! Then you fucking people came along.... hounding me at every turn! Do you have any idea what it's like to be hunted like a fucking wild animal? I spent the past ten year running away.... fearing I would be captured and slaughtered like some wild animal while I was still human! Now Emily is in my shoes... I just uploaded all my research and the knowledge of Emily online to chat rooms where other like minded scientists go. If they do not capture Emily or any of the children I sired with her to use for their own mad schemes, them they will drive her to become a wild animal... just like me!” Looking down at the sad mess of a former human being, Shi'rah just signaled for the commandos to fry Sam and get this business over with. Getting called down to help crack open Drea's safe room, Shi'rah left the smoldering remains of the three slime beings in the room without a second thought. Unbeknownst to them all, a small blob of A'nora somehow survived the electrocution perfectly intact, if not a bit small. Making her way over to Venom's remains, A'nora sucked up her rival and grew to the size of a small child. Going over to remains of her own body, she reabsorbed what remained of her body, not knowing exactly what she was now carrying inside her. Hearing someone coming up stairs, A'nora panicked and hid underneath the desk in the room. Stomping up the stairs, a commando carrying a few jars grumbled over her job, muttering, “Great, I get the job of picking up the shit so the eggheads back home can try to zap it back to life... just perfect.” Walking into the room and finding only Sam's puddle remaining, the commando thought to herself for a moment, then muttered uncaringly, “Those two musta just evaporated they were so fried. Oh well, guess collecting the remains of the one the boss' have wanted for so long will be good enough.” Unbeknownst to the soldier, while she worked on scooping Sam's remains into the jar, A'nora slipped in under her battle gear in the hopes of reclaiming her master, but when the commando went to Shi'rah, A'nora received news that almost caused her to lose her grip as Shi'rah muttered in disbelief, “I don't fucking believe it... that bitch is still alive and trying to reform... Unbelievable! Alright, just put a cap on her and take her out the fridge so we can keep her from regenerating anymore than she has.” Looking down at the still roiling mess of white goo, the commando said, “Uh, hope you don't mind me saying, but from what it looks like, this one.... it's almost like she trying to regenerate, but not everything is there... I don't know, maybe the eggheads back at base can figure out what's going.” Having to restrain herself from jumping out to grab her master, A'nora didn't give a damn if her master was unable to reform, she'd take care of Sam even if she had force feed humans to her master. Waiting until the officer was about to place Sam in the cooler, A'nora smashed the woman's head against the wall of the vehicle they were in. As the soldier dropped unconscious, A'nora leaped desperately to catch the jar containing her master. Hugging it to her chest for a moment, A'nora heard other commandos coming over to check on the unconscious soldier and began to panic. Reaching over to eat the soldier, A'nora also closed and locked the fridge before ducking back out of sight. When the commandos saw nothing amiss, they returned to their conversation and walked away. Pulling open the jar for a moment, A'nora's first urge was to stick Sam inside her for safety and ease of movement, but she hesitated because she didn't trust herself to keep from digesting her master since Sam was a woman. Jumping as she realized she had two 'storage' areas she could use for Sam, A'nora began to hastily pull Sam's body into her pussy and squeezed Sam up into her womb. Before she could even think to move once she finished securing her master, however, A'nora suddenly gasped in pain as she felt something close to a hundred needles jab into the lining of her womb. Looking down to see what was happening, A'nora was confused when she saw lines of white being etched all across her body. What A'nora didn't understand, was that over the years she had literally absorbed so much of Sam's sperm that she was in essence half her master and half herself. Combine that with the DNA she had added to herself when she ate Venom, A'nora had all the building materials Sam would need to reconstruct her body. Gasping as she suddenly woke up after being asleep like back when she became a slime hybrid, Sam looked around in confusion at where she was and called, “A'nora? Venom? Where the heck am I and what happened-” Suddenly the urgent struggles of someone in her abdomen made Sam look down at her belly in horror to see A'nora desperately struggling to inside of her bladder while the black slimegirl's entire body began to turn white. Seeing her pet die before her at the hands of others had not moved Sam as much as seeing A'nora die right inside of her with her powerless to stop the process. Crying out angrily as Sam felt her pet's struggles die down, Sam placed her face in her hands and began to weep as she thought about how Emily must have felt to see watch someone she had probably formed a bond with die in her stomach, while smiling no less. Finally understanding why Emily had hated her so much for the way she treated Shirley like an object instead of a living being, Sam placed a hand on her belly as she continued to weep. Then her eyes bolted open wide as she squeezed the bulge in her belly to see that A'nora had been turned into a large sperm cell and suddenly Sam's eyes were full of hope again. Realizing she needed to find Emily, Sam stood up with a fire burning in her eyes the likes of which had been gone for years, she muttered while patting her belly softly, “Don't you worry, A'nora, I will bring you back if it's the last thing I do with this damnable body!” While same hurried off to the now closed off original BBG building, Sam knew that all the computers and tech she had put in a secret vault there should still be active. Meanwhile, back in the mansion, the soldier were struggling to budge the locked door to Drea's safe house. Finally having had enough, Shi'rah began to strip off her temperature suit and ordered the soldiers trying to breach the door to stand back. One of the lieutenants under her command on this mission put a hand on Shi'rah's shoulder and said while shaking her head, “It's no use, commander, that door is sealed tight so that not even smoke can enter.” Roughly placing the environment suit against the soldier's chest, causing the woman to step back from the force, Shi'rah stretched her body a bit before saying in a harsh tone, “I'm not smoke, soldier, and I've gotten into air-sealed safes before, just so ya know for future reference.” Walking over to the door, Shi'rah closed her eyes for a moment as she pushed her fingers against the bottom of the sealed doors. At first the commandos thought her efforts where in vain, but then they noticed that Shi'rah's fingers were ever so slowly sliding underneath the door. On the inside, Drea sat in the far corner cuddled up with a blanket she had brought along, breathing heavily through an air mask as she listened to the sounds of the soldiers outside cheering someone on. Then she spotted a pair of gooey fingers sliding in, but could instantly tell by their color that the slime soldier was not friendly. Suddenly, Shi'rah rose right out of the fingers that were poking in, and after yanking her foot free, Drea cringed down, starting to shake as she screamed fearfully, “PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I-I'm unarmed... I won't fight back at all I promise... just please don't kill me!” Stretching an arm over to pick Drea up off the ground, Shi'rah sighed irritably as she pulled the hysterical lady over to her and said loudly, “Calm down! Don't worry, thanks to a last request from Sam, we have chosen to take you in for conspiring with a known mad scientist, plus, aiding and abiding a wanted criminal.” Drea tearfully nodded to each charge and then on her own typed in the code to open the door. After noticing that there was some kind of fluid running down Drea's legs, Shi'rah suddenly realized the reason behind Drea lack of dress. Lifting up the girl quickly, Shi'rah stuffed her down into her belly with Drea flipping out on the way down. When asked why she swallowed the captive, Shi'rah said that she didn't want Drea to get any funny ideas on the ride home, while in reality the act was an attempt to preserve the lady's dignity. When it was found out that Sam was missing from the fridge truck, along with a guard, the organization's leadership blamed a lack of loyalty than Shi'rah for the incident. Honoring Sam's dying wish for Drea to remain alive, Inquisitor spent several days asking Drea all sorts of questions about her involvement and reasons for supporting Sam the whole time. Apparently Drea was truly in love with Sam and had been trying her best to support Sam every time she came to her with problems. Even if Professor Samantha didn't ask for it, Drea had always used her fortune to support Sam's endeavors on the small promise that when Sam finished her research, she and Sam would go start a new life together. After finishing their questions of Drea, the organization made certain that Drea would be well taken care of in a high security prison and kept safe from the others in the prison. Seeing a news report of that while she was scouring all kinds of information for any trace of Emily, Sam ran her fingers across Drea's face and said in a sad tone, “Very soon... very soon we will be together again... and this time I will never leave you behind again! I just have a small bit of business to take care of before you then... I'm sorry Drea.”
Final Day Growing bored during the wait, Jade, Sakura, and Stan all met somewhere in the dueling grounds to chat while they rested. Acting like she was going to throw up while the other two talked, Stan eventually rolled his eyes and demanded, “Okay, Jade, what the heck are you trying to do? Cough up something you ate?” Burping up a mouthful of flames as she began to chuckle, Jade groaned unhappily before turned and glaring at Stan while answering, “For your information, I'm trying to get the hang of a certain Mage spell I've always thought looked cool. My mama showed it to me one time and even Firstfate has something similar to it in her own set of spells. The Mage form is called Dragon's Breath and the Warlock version was called... Shadow Breath... anyways, I just wanted to see if I could show you guys the way it looked so that way you two could try to... replicate it with your own specializations.” Trying one last time since she had her siblings' attention, Jade finally succeeded in breathing fire and burped up a puff of smoke at the end to the amusement of her crowd. Now having the way the spell was supposed to look clearly in their minds, Sakura and Stan both started giving their own attempts at the spell. When Stan finally succeeded in getting something to fly out of his mouth, he was disappointed when he coughed up a pile of dry snow that quickly melted. Sakura's first attempt was no less spectacular either as an arc of lightning sparked between her lips, causing to clap her hands over her mouth and roll on the ground in pain. For a moment, the other snickered at the way Sakura was reacting to getting shocked, then when Stan and Sakura gave their second attempts, the results were much more impressive. Now excited over having learned a new power, the three siblings looked at each other deviously before Jade began to count, “3, 2, 1, Go!” All three of them used their own breath attacks at each other and to their audience, it looked like they were all equally matched until suddenly, a massive explosion of wild energy tore apart the chuck of rock they had been standing on. Stan was quick to form a sheet of ice for him to stand on and looked around in panic for his sisters, knowing his mothers, plus his aunts, would never forgive him for losing his sisters. Sighing in relief, Stan saw Sakura walking up to him a little wobbly because of the lose of the large magnetic field, then turned his attention towards locating Jade. Thankfully, Jade had begun to use her portals to safely traverse the constantly shifting rubble and was slowly making her way over to the other two. Once they all had stable standing platforms, Jade said unhappily, “Seems like we are all equal in power.... hmph, I was kinda hoping one of us could be shown to be stronger with that little exchange...” Grinning as he pushed himself back away from the girls, Stan replied slyly, “Oh come now, Jade, there is strength and then there is power. Having a lot of strength means you punch your opponent and they will feel it. Power, on the other hand, determines how many opponents you can punch hard before your strength starts to wain..... So now, who's up for another round to see who has the most power tucked away in them?” As the trio grinned deviously at each other while they charged up their breath attacks once more, the wounded Eredar Lord, along with the rest of the audience, just stared at the shattered remains of the dueling grounds while he thought, “I...I can't believe I let a being capable of siring creatures like THEM slip through my fingers!” Seeing the trio ready another barrage of breath spells, all the minor demons braced themselves for the shockwave of power, but oddly there was one figure that didn't even seem shaken by the raw power being unleashed before her. Walking forward despite the forceful shock wave rushing past her, the figure shimmered the moment the shock wave would have hit her, seeming to walk back and forth faster than one could blink an eye while the shockwave passed. Watching the trio unloading all their strength at each other, the aged figure watched with kind smile as she stood up on a cliff. Seeing the catastrophic energy ball being formed from the combined breath attacks give way, the aging old lady didn't even flinch as a wave of it's growing power slashed towards where she was. Even while trying to flee, all the demons, minor or not, were vaporized even before the wave of energy crashed through the places where they had been watching. When the wave reached the lady, however, she suddenly slide back to where she had been when she was walking towards the cliff, then just as quickly returned to her original position after the wave once again caught up to her. Looking about at all the carnage, the old lady sighed irritably before tapping her staff solidly on the ground, while muttering, “Darn those brats! Can't they even control their power enough to prevent their audience from dying? It'd be a shame if there was no one to report on the new strength of my family....” In response to the tap of the lady's staff, all the ground around her seemed to return to normal, with even the demons returning to life and while they wondered what had happened before returning to watching the clash while the old lady said thoughtfully, “If those youngsters wanted a place to continue fighting forever, then they shouldn't have picked such a crowed section of the Twisting Nether. I swear, kids these days... Well.... I guess I can help them a little.... not like anyone will mind if I pause things for a bit...” Smiling as she began to twirl her staff around, a large imaginary clock appeared before her, with it's hands spinning around just as quickly as her staff while the old crone mumbled, “Oh it's been such a long time since I've done this.... I wonder if these old bones of mine will be able to handle it?” Suddenly, the 'old' lady moon-walked back in time to her thirties and sighed in relief before saying, “Ah, much better, now then, how about we stop things for a bit so the kiddies can have their fun....” Unbeknownst to the trio, a large sphere began to take form around them, with clocks at each of the poles. Stopping her staff suddenly, the whole world around the lady took on a gray quality as everything seemed to just stop. Straining for a moment, the lady trembled as her power spread through the whole of the Twisting Nether, Outland, and even through Azeroth, stopping everything in their tracks at once. As the power of the lady spread across the worlds, in their manor, Milti was surprised when Black Moon suddenly burst in blurting, “Matron! I've felt it!” Looking at Black Moon strangely for a moment, Milti had never seen her so flustered and so asked, “Felt what? Why are you so afraid Black Moon?” Trembling as she touched her face in fear, Black Moon began to tremble as she answered, “The Ancient..... an Elder.... so old that no one even remembers her name anymore.... but she should have been dead... All Ancients from the first order should have died in the first cleansing..... I was not alive back then, but I heard from own mother that to feel an Ancient was to feel one with the power to bend the laws of life and death itself....” When Milti still did not see the cause for alarm, Black Moon continued, “The first matron of our family was close to Nozdormu in power... perhaps equal even! She could see the future of everyone she saw and any child born that would not grow up to be strong was... unwritten.... ripped apart in the time stream by our first matron's hands.... Ironically enough.... she wasn't able to foresee her own demise for some reason... even though the one to kill her was always at her side.... Our first matron had but one daughter.... however she has been reported dead for years.... how could she still be alive....” While Black Moon wouldn't say out loud why she feared the arrival of the Ancient, Milti figured she was just frightened of the old Elder seeking revenge and stated, “If she intends to attack the family, I will try to make her see reason, but if she cannot be reasoned with, then we will fight. Whomever is the strongest will live on to carry on our family name.” After the time freeze was in full effect, the Ancient sat down to enjoy watching the trio fight, curious to see far Noin's children would grow. In the middle of the time sphere, Jade, Sakura and Stan continued to release their power with their breaths, trying desperately to exhaust their own power reserves the slowest. What none of them knew, was that in their desire to keep drawing out more power from themselves, they were drawing close to their first advancement, Burnstones style. Suddenly, all three stopped using their breath and seemed to begin to draw in the expelled energy from the air around them. Stan was the first to change, becoming encased fully in an ice shard and for a moment nothing seemed to happen, but then Stan's dark form inside the ice began to shift. Now with his body as nothing more than black flames inside a crystalline shell, Stan started to reshape the ice into a new body. Keeping his old head, the rest of Stan's body was turned into a thick armed, more masculine form of his old body, with hooves instead of the icy lizard feet he normally formed out of ice. Sprouting a pair of wings out of his back, the dark flames inside of Stan quickly spread throughout his new body as if it was blood. His palms, hooves, horns, eyes and the tip of his tail were all engulfed in his black flames. Focusing for a moment, the ice making up Stan's body took on a blue sheen, signifying that Stan had hardened it to the point that nothing, but his will could cause the ice to break or bend. Jade, on the other hand, was engulfed in darkness and out of the swirling mass, she solidified a new body. While at first glance you'd think her body was little more than shadows, in truth, Jade's body was made out of liquid darkness that could become ethereal at her command. When she opened her mouth to marvel at her new form, Jade quickly clamped her mouth shut when she noticed some flames leaking out. Stretching open a hole where her belly was, Jade was started to find that the inside of her body was completely hollow with a raging furnace of fire burning white hot inside of her. Belching out some flames onto a nearby rock, Jade was shocked to see the chunk of rock completely consumed by the fire until nothing remained. Looking over her body for a moment, Jade flexed her fingers into jagged claws which she could shoot flames out of if she so chose to. Looking over at a nearby rock, Jade experimentally slashed at it and froze as she heard shards of rocks dropping behind her. Looking behind her, Jade was amazed to find that she could actually trace her slice through rocks she was certain she didn't touch. While she continued to experiment with her shadow slicing ability, Sakura was freaking out as her body was engulfed in the brilliant fire of a phoenix. When she tried to pat the flames out with her arms, that only served to set Sakura's hands on fire. Eventually getting over her terror, Sakura began to notice that the flames didn't hurt at all and seemed to actually feel right to her. Turning into a flaming version of herself, Sakura was amazed when she tried to conjure up a large Phoenix Fire Blast and the spell was actually formed out of the flames that made up her body. Crying out in fright when she suddenly saw the bones of her fingers through her flaming hands, Sakura noticed that her entire skeleton had been preserved and expanded with her new form. All around her body, Sakura noticed bony protrusions poking up out of her body, then watched curiously as arcs of lighting began to race between the bones, only adding to her warmth. Looking at each other happily, Stan quickly formed larger versions of his swords, and then while making the rest of his body look like a porcupine, said, “Now this is getting interesting..... I wonder what other heights we can soar to together?” Joining Stan in making weapons, Jade used the stone around them to make her weapons feel solid, while Sakura pulled a perfectly symmetrical bone from somewhere in her body. Readying their weapons against Stan, the girls sighed irritably when they saw Stan lean forward and bring his tail up. The reason for this was that Stan's tail looked like a scythe now and had a much longer length to it now. Shrugging as he smiled sheepishly, Stan asked, “What? Oh come on now, don't tell me your going to make it against the rules to use a part of my body to fight you with?” Giving Stan looks that said they weren't amused by his attempt at humor, Jade replied, “Well I guess it'll make things more interesting, cause now it's almost like there are four people fighting here.” Sitting off in the distance, the Ancient watched the trio change with childlike wonder and in fact, she had reversed her age to the point that she was now the same age as Jade or Stan were when out of demonic energy rich environments. Sitting with her staff planted firmly between her legs, the Ancient just sat in wonder at the power of Noin's children. Smiling happily as she sat and watched the trio continue their power struggle for what would have been days had time been passing normally, the Ancient muttered to herself with a mixture of joy and sadness, “You were right.... mother.... Noin certainly would become something great if I followed your instructions.... I just wish I could have reversed time for you back then..... but I wasn't strong enough. Now I only wish I knew where your remains were, but I will never know that unless I return home... but I'm afraid. If only you could have seen a way to prevent or fake your death, then you could be here to enjoy this as well! Maybe if I.....” After what could have actually been a century, Jade, Sakura and Stan finally relaxed against what was left of their former battlefield when Jade suddenly realized, “Oh no!, how long have we been fighting? I-if we don't hurry home, Sakura..... oh I don't even want to think of the consequences.....” Not even noticing the time sphere get released from around them as they opened a portal home. Quickly peering through to make certain there was no one in the room, Jade was about beckon to Sakura when a hand shot through and grabbed onto her. As Jade froze in the strange hand's grasp, Stan and Sakura were also grabbed by something shadowy and where pulled through the portal to Azeroth. Sitting inside their room with bashful looks on their faces, Noin glared down at her children irritably and demanded, “So just where have you three been together all this time, hm?” Knowing they were already caught red handed, Jade tried to explain by answering, “We were just playing together mother-” Jade stopped talking when Noin raised an eyebrow as she focused her glare in on Jade and said, “Well then, I'm guessing all that rubble behind you in that place you came from was just my imagination, then? What about those fist, spell or weapons marks all over those fragments? Were they just my imagination as well?” Opening his mouth to speak, Stan clamped his mouth shut when Noin turned her glare in his direction before she said angrily, “And why shouldn't I be surprised to find you entangled in this mess... Don't you get to fight enough with the demons trying to force the Burnstones family to obey the Burning Legion? You all should know better than to go to someplace out in the middle of nowhere to fight each other and that's especially after what happened last time!” Tired of having to be silent, Jade blurted out, “But mother! Thanks to us fighting against each other for so long, we all were able to unlock a new form for ourselves! Shouldn't that count for something?” Giving Jade an evil eye glare, Noin demanded in a very motherly and overbearing manner, “And just what would you three have done if while out prancing about, you attracted the attention of someone stronger than the three of you in you new forms? How do you know that you haven't just broadcast the way to our home just now?” When her three children started cringe down at her tone, Noin let out one long drawn out sigh, before holding out her hand and getting a bottle from one of the other three figures standing behind the children in the room while she said, “You know... if you really wanted to gain a new form, you would have been better off just sitting tight and growing up a little bit. I mean, technically, Stan, you and Jade aren't even out of diapers yet. Sakura.... you should be setting a better example for your younger siblings, you know! But now I know you're all probably sick and tired of hearing me talk so I'll skip the long boring lecture and get straight to you punishment.” Splashing the bottle of Chibi potion onto Sakura, Noin continued as the children realized all their mamas were standing behind them, “Now then, each of you is going to spend a time out inside Rose, Vicky and Holly. You will be spending days equal to how long you've been gone and will only be let for meals. Sakura, Jade, I'm speaking to you two directly when I say, if you try to escape from your punishment, I will be adding a week while also resetting the number of days for your initial week.” Eager to get their punishment underway and escape from Noin's wrathful gaze, all three children turned to head over to their own mama's when Noin asked in a devious tone, “Now who said anything about you getting to spend your punishment in your mama's womb?” A day later a breakfast, Stan sat up to the table, panting heavily as he continued to shake from how hard his heart was pumping and looked over at Jade before muttering, “I have.... no idea how you..... how you could possibly have stood being in.... inside Vicky for.... oh jeez... it's like a furnace in there...” Twitching uncomfortably as she tried to remain still enough to eat something, Jade gave Stan a funny look before glancing over at Sakura and responding, “Well be grateful your not in Holly.... ugh, I'm pro- guh, I'll be twitching like this for weeks after this punishment gets over.... this is worse than a-ah... You got nothing on your mama's womb Sakura.... There' nothing you can do to prep... prepare you for the shocks.” Sitting in her chair shivering so violently she couldn't even reach out for her fork, Sakura replied in an ironic tone, “Well at least now I can understand why Stan is so cold now... brr, and not just temperature wise either. I-I-I-I couldn't even try to ignite myself in there it was so cold.... I must say, I am more amazed now than before that you actually managed to survive in Rose until you were born.” After, the trio shared a laugh before trying to eat some more, but each child had their own difficulties with eating.
Another Kind of 'Suck'ubus Intro Somewhere in a medieval age town, a female was dragging her companion along while saying excitedly, “Come on, hurry up! I have something really amazing to show you!” Once inside a partially filled warehouse, the girl noticed what appeared to be the beginning of a summoning circle and asked with a sigh, “Is this really what you have to show me? You do realize that you could just go down town and put in a request for a demon don't you?” Holding up what had been an aged tome, the female excitedly showed the girl the pages the book was opened to while replying, “Oh no, this is no mere demon I'll be summoning. Come look and see for yourself! There is no demonic energy emanating from this book, and while some of the runes and creatures within the book may certainly 'look' demonic, I can guarantee you that I'm not summoning any ole demon.” While her companion went to begin preparing the circle, the girl held the book and was amazed when the raggedy book her friend handed over to her became almost completely new in her hands. After looking over the ritual diagram for a few moments, the girl went over and began to aid the female in scribing the runes in between the two rings the young woman had drawn. Then when they were done, the pair got into an argument over one small detail and that was where they were supposed to stand. The female felt that the they could stand anywhere and be safe, while the girl adamantly felt that there was only one place they were supposed to stand. After a few moments of bickering, the woman threw up her hands in defeat and told her companion to stay in the circle if she wanted and went over to read aloud from the old tome. One last time, the girl tried to convince her companion to get into the small ring between the two other circles by saying questioningly, “Don't you think it is a bit odd for a complex ritual circle like this one to have a simple circle in the middle of all the runes? I mean sure, it could just be some kind of space filler, but there has to be a reason why the book mentions to make it large enough for a human to stand comfortably inside of it without risking falling out when chanting the summoning spell!” Ignoring her pleas, the female began the ritual by saying, “Oh great Deity of Desire, Devourer of Corruption and Eater of Worlds! Come forth at my command and grant me my heart's desire!” The moment the female finished speaking, the magic ritual flared to life, but instead of a massive being phasing into existence like they were expecting, strange flesh like tendrils emerged from the inner circle, causing the female to ask worriedly, “What's going on? There is no mention of this in the book! Get out of there!” When the girl tried to jump back fright in an attempt to escape the tentacles, she oddly found herself hitting a magical barrier and shouted in a panicked tone, “Oh no.... GET IN HERE NOW! I think this barrier is supposed to protect us from those things!” Unfortunately, when the young woman leaped forward to get into the circle where her friend was, she found herself being repelled by the very same shield keeping her friend locked within the circle. Then before she could turn to try and run away, the female was set upon by the tendrils and disappeared into their liquid flesh. Watching in fear the entire time, the girl shivered as the tentacles slide back down into the inner circle and something else rose up out of the middle of the ritual. Cringing down in fear, the girl screamed in pure terror, “Please don't kill me! I'm sorry for summoning you...” Appearing not to have heard the girl, The Mother leaned down towards her trembling form and asked, “And just why do you think I intend to that, little one? I am only here to grant your desires.... would you care to share what it is you want with me?” Looking over to find that The Mother looked almost human save for being over seven feet tall, the girl relaxed a bit and answered, “Well.... could you make me into a demon? That is if it's not to much trouble for you..” Shifting into her Succubus form, The Mother smiled down at the girl and asked, “Is this something along the lines of what you seek, mortal? I must confess that I've never actually had someone summon me to become a demon.” Standing up excitedly at the sight of The Mother's new body, the girl replied happily, “Oh that would be wonderful! My.... oh that's right.... she's dead now.” Thinking foe a moment, The Mother's eyes widened with realization for a moment before she asked with a sigh of exasperation, “Let me guess.... you had a friend bring you down here with the promise of making you into a demon and told you to stand in that circle right?” Shaking her head no vehemently, the girl replied sorrowfully, “No! I was the one that stood in the circle on my own, but my friend didn't join me because she thought that we could stand anywhere and be safe.” Smiling tenderly, The Mother said in a reassuring tone, “Well don't worry, your friend is still very much alive.” When the girl quickly asked if The Mother could bring the female back into the world, The Mother said unhappily, “Unfortunately, no. She is now apart of my body and is residing in my home permanently... or until she grows tired of her new life.” Relieved to find her friend was still alive, the girl gazed up at The Mother inquisitively and asked, “Why do you find it odd that I want to be a demon? Don't you live in this world yourself?” Chuckling at the question, The Mother shook her head no and replied, “No, child, I live in my very own dimension, free from the interference of all mortals.... and others. Would you mind telling me a little bit about your world? Like why demons seem to common place to you where as in most worlds I visit they are seen as harbingers of doom?” Thinking for a moment, since she had never been asked such a question before, the girl answered, “Well, in my world, demons are seen.... with... great respect and most who live here see becoming a demon as the highest honor one can aspire to. While humans do out number the demons ten to one, we all see them as our..... rulers so to speak, but the demons haven't conquered us or anything like that ! We just have great reverence for them.... that's all.” Thinking for a moment, The Mother asked curiously, “So what about the people that don't agree with everyone else on how to view demons? What happens to them?” Rolling her eyes and groaning in annoyance, the girl replied, “Ugh! Oh you mean the Vaticant? They are just a bunch of religious nuts that everyone steers clear of because thanks to the demons we know exactly how 'pure' the Vaticant is.... or more specifically, the Noblemen. That doesn't mean that the demons openly wage war against the Vaticant though.... however, if a Vaticant member or Nobleman attacks some demons, they are quickly routed and made to pay for their transgressions.” Staring off into space for a few moments, The Mother had a thoughtful expression on her face before she jolted as if remembering something and then said, “Oh there I go, getting off topic again. I know I'll have plenty of time to learn more of your world later, but for now... how about we get down to granting that desire of yours.” When The Mother reached down for her, the girl was surprised when The Mother's hand passed unimpeded through where the barrier should have been, then as she was lifted up towards The Mother's face, the girl asked curiously, “So.... will this process hurt?” Smiling slyly, The Mother just opened her mouth and started to stuff the girl in, but when the young lady began to freak out, she said calmly, “Oh calm down, your going to be just fine now.” Doing her best to keep her feet from sliding down into The Mother's throat, the girl tried to reply but instead found herself being sucked down into The Mother's belly and after coming to rest inside of The Mother's stomach, cried out angrily, “Liar! If you continue this false practice, then no one will ever ask you to grant their desires!” Suddenly feeling herself shake as The Mother laughed in response to her angry outburst, the girl was surprised when The Mother replied, “Now who said you were going to stay in there, little one? If you really want me to make you into a demon, then I need to rid you of that mortal shell of yours. After that, it is a simple matter of your desire to begin your new life against my hunger.” A few minutes later, still slick with The Mother's stomach juices, the girl found herself plopping out onto the floor of the warehouse and was shocked to find herself looking up at The Mother's anus before she rushed over to hug her mistress while exclaiming, “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me! Oh I can't wait to tell my friends about this! Did you know that Succubus are seen as the party makers? You can't have a party without a Succubus around to liven things up. One of my friends has a deal with a Succubus and holds parties regularly with that demon. She always tells me that you can't have a party without a sexy devil around to spice things up!” Pausing suddenly when she realized she was keeping The Mother from going out of the warehouse, the newly born Succubus Daughter fluttered away and began to apologize to her new mistress until The Mother asked her about how the girl was addressing her, to which the girl happily explained, “Oh, well since you are the one that made me into a demon, you are now my mistress. I will serve you until my debt is paid in full.... which is kind of why getting turned into a demon is such a high honor these days. Most demons in the world already have hundreds of slaves all indebted to them, so to get one of those demons to convert you is rare occurrence.... Oh, so many of my friends would love to meet you if you'd be willing to stay?” Placing a hand over her flat belly, The Mother said deviously, “Oh don't worry, I think I've got more than a little room in here for your friends... and others...” Becoming nervous all of a sudden, the Succubus asked curiously, “Um, mistress.... will everyone you eat become a demon like me?” Smiling hungrily at the question, The Mother replied, “Oh no, my dear, I can control what happens to the people I eat to a certain degree. People like you, who have a strong desire to become a demon will become what they desire without question. However, if someone just simply wants to have sex... well I'm certain they can enjoy themselves inside my belly for a very long time.” A few hours later, another girl was answering her door when she heard someone knocking and froze when she saw who was at the door while The Mother asked, “Say, I heard you were having a party.... Mind if I join in the fun?” Stammering for a few seconds, the girl waved The Mother inside, then stood out of the way as the large demoness passed by, then she spotted the Succubus following The Mother and cried out happily, “Oh I'm so happy for you! I'm glad you finally found a mistress willing to take you in. Oh, and looks like someone got a little upgrading done to her body, hm? I wonder how many years that added onto your service requirement?” Laughing over the implication, the Succubus replied, “Oh don't worry, I just have to help her fill her belly, but don't worry, she's new to our world, so not everyone that plays with her will end up her belly... though most will.” Chuckling nervously, the girl asked worriedly, “She's not a... pain mistress by any chance, is she?” Rolling her eyes and scoffing at the thought, the Daughter replied, “Oh please, she takes the term 'pleasure demon' to whole new level.” Frowning curiously at the statement, the girl asked what the conversion process was like and when the Daughter explained how she was converted, the other girl asked in alarm, “She ate you! Didn't it hurt being digested in her belly?” Poking her tail up into her friend's anus, the Daughter giggled over the way the other girl moaned in delight at the sudden violation, then replied, “Think of it this way, being in her belly is like being an enclosed hot spring's bath. One you just curl up and fall asleep in..... whether you wake up or not is dependent on you. Luckily, I was one of those that woke up.” While the two girl's parted company, The Mother had sat down right in the middle of the party and was releasing her perfume when a woman came in front of her, but as the female was preparing to fuck her pussy, The Mother placed a finger of the woman's cock, then said warningly, “If you chose to fuck me there, then I can't guarantee that I won't suck your soul out.” Scoffing at the warning, the woman rammed her cock in and replied challengingly, “Oh I'd love to see you try.” As the woman began to fuck The Mother's pussy, another girl slide in front of The Mother on her hands and feet. She began to groped the demoness' large ass while licking The Mother's anus gently. Two more girls snuggled up next to The Mother and began to hungrily suck on her nipples, delighting in the milk they were getting for their efforts. While the other three moved into their positions, The Mother lifted a fourth girl up in front of her mouth and began to open wide hungrily. Before she could bite down, however, the girl asked curiously which hole she would choose, but as the girl reached to play with herself, The Mother chomped down on both of the girl's holes. For a few minutes, The Mother enjoyed herself, until the woman pounding her pussy began to slow. Despite feeling tired and a gaunt look on her body, the woman continued to pound away at The Mother until people suddenly saw something that looked magical shoot out of the woman's body. When the softly glowing orb entered The Mother's womb, the woman's body became almost like ash and was quickly sucked into The Mother's pussy. Opening her mouth wider, The Mother started to suck the girl she was playing with her tongue into her mouth. Once the girl was helplessly stuck in her mouth, The Mother moved down to the pair of girl's sucking on her breasts and gently forced their heads into her nipples. Grabbing both of them by their pussy, The Mother continuing lifting the confused girls up into her breasts and after a few minutes the girls calmed down, accepting their fates while only squirming to get comfortable once all the way inside. Meanwhile, the girl playing with The Mother's ass found her pussy being invaded by The Mother's tail, then watched as the demoness' anus stretched open wide enough to fit her head. Knowing where she was going to end up anyways, the girl pushed her hands up into The Mother's ass and with some help from the demoness' tail, crammed herself up inside the The Mother's anal cavity in no time. Waiting a moment for her body to process the girl in her ass, The Mother then stood up with her now even more plump ass and flipped over onto her belly while asking invitingly, “Now then, who would like to be next to sample my alluring body?” While people gathered around her to fill her positions, one girl asked curiously, “Say, can you... change your sex?” Turning over to face the girl, The Mother smiled deviously while she sprouted a cock, then said slyly, “Oh I can do you one better. Instead of just changing my sex...” Flipping over again, The Mother proudly displayed her crotch and finished, “I can just add a cock to my body and leave my pussy for those who would to explore it's depths. Oh, and there is more than enough room for all of you inside me.” The girl who had made the request then crawled under The Mother's body and zoned out while being fucked into a blissful state. While others took up their positions around The Mother, with two females taking her mouth and anus, a group of girls began to curiously touch her pussy. After getting the sense that they were curious about how many she could fit in her, The Mother stretched open her pussy invitingly and began to nudge the girls closer with her tail. When they were still reluctant to go exploring, The Mother released a burst of perfume that overwhelmed the girl's fear and soon they were pushing each other in an attempt to get in the Mother themselves. Off a few feet, The Mother's new Daughter was watching her in awe over the way she had seized control of the entire party until someone rammed their cock into her pussy and said confidently, “Now you don't have any reason to refuse me!” Knowing exactly who was invading her, the Succubus causally wrapped her tail around the annoying woman's waist and then hurled the woman away while saying, “If you really want me to suck out your soul, then go ahead and try fucking my pussy again! I'm just like my mistress and you saw what happened to the other fool who had tried to challenge her.” As the Succubus walked away, the woman snapped her fingers and her gang surrounded the Daughter as she said, “Well, unlike that other fool over their, I haven't been fucking every girl I meet, so I have plenty of cum for ya. Not to mention, I happen to know when to stop.” Knowing she wasn't going to convince the foolish woman otherwise, the Daughter just knelt down and displayed her ass to the female while saying, “Don't come crying to when you end up in my belly, because I did warn you.” The moment the woman slide into her this time, the Succubus was shocked to find the woman cumming in her already and just shook her head in annoyance. While she did enjoy the woman's delicious cum, the Daughter knew the woman would not last long, so turned her attention to the other two females standing before her. Chomping down gently on their cock tips, the Succubus began to stroke their shafts while they quickly filled her mouth full of their sperm. Pausing a moment to swallow, she went back in for more as she felt two sets of lips clamp down on her nipples. Not long after, she felt the woman drilling her pussy turn to ash and shrugged uncaringly as she continued to entertain the other two. After a few moments, someone else took up position behind the Succubus and opposite to what she was expecting, a pair of lips sucked down over her pussy this time. Enjoying the treatment for a little while, the Daughter began to feel herself growing hungry again and thought she'd try something she had heard about from some other Succubus she had spoken with. Relaxing her groin muscles, she used her tail to encourage the head of the person playing with her pussy inside her vagina. Not surprisingly, the girl didn't bother to fight against the Succubus as her body was slowly engulfed and forced inside the Daughter's womb. The pair sucking on her breasts playfully poked at her belly as they saw their friend squirming inside. Noticing the two women in front of her were growing tired, the Succubus gestured for one to come down close, while slithering her tail out behind the other one unnoticed. Thinking the Daughter was wanting a kiss, the woman knelt down and leaned in towards the demoness' face, until she found herself looking down into the depths of the Succubus' throat. As she struggled for a moment to start the first woman on the way into her belly, the Daughter noticed the other one turn to run away and quickly coiled her tail around the fleeing female. Shifting her tail tip into a pair of lips, the Succubus sucked on both females again, until the first was in her belly, then started in on the second one. When she was done with the women, the Daughter sat back on her heels with a groan as the remaining girls looked at her belly in fascination as the females struggled inside. Then she invited the other two close and before either could react, shoved their heads into her sagging breasts. Neither girl fought against her and surrendered to becoming her breast milk, but when she digested the pair of girls, the Succubus felt the third girl in her womb also melting down. After trembling for a few moments, the Succubus marveled in awe at her new more adult body and the new additions to her assets. Wandering over to The Mother, who had already swallowed a good number of the party guests, creating a few more Succubi in the process, the Daughter said nervously, “Uh, mistress. I have some females for you to eat if you'd like.... I had one more, but she ended up being added to my body.... I'm sorry.” Smiling over at her timid Daughter, The Mother rammed her tail up into the Succubus' ass and started to suck out the the souls of her prey while saying, “Oh don't worry about it sweety. You are already helping me by spreading the news about me being a new demon in this world. However, I will take those two sloshing around in your belly so you can go fill up on others if you wish.” After sucking the two females out and sending her Daughter out to join the others in enjoying the party, The Mother was approached by a nervous woman who asked, “Say... I know you're are new in our world in all, but I can't help but notice you have only chosen girl's as your subjects....” Rather than dispute the claim, The Mother remained silent as for some reason the woman had the smell of a desire to become a Queen that had not been present when she had chosen to come to the world, so the woman cautiously continued, “So would you be interested in having a female subject? I mean, I don't know how you would go about making me into your kind, but if it is possible, I'd would trade a lifetime of service to you.” Smiling wryly at the offer and making the woman tremble fearfully, The Mother turned over to display her wide open pussy, then said ominously, “If you want something so badly that you'd trade your life for it, then perhaps you can enter me without being lost like most of the others...” Taking the invitation for what it was, the woman eagerly shoved her body into The Mother's awaiting pussy. As The Mother continued to play with the party guests, the woman felt herself fall deeper into The Mother's body. Damion then woke up to find herself someplace that felt familiar to her for some reason and when walked out of the corner she had found herself in, the woman understood why. Then, as if by cue, a group of Succubus appeared around a few years younger version of Damion and she watched as the conversation played out the same way in everyone of her nightmares. An inky darkness then began to surround Damion as old feelings of hatred and self-loathing crept into her mind. Without even seeing it clearly, she reached out desperately towards a small light that seemed to float just out of reach. Suddenly, Damion found herself being forced up out of a lake of black water and looked around fearfully only to find nothing awaiting her, then shouted out angrily, “What is the point of all this? Why are you showing me things from my memories? Didn't you say that if I wanted something badly enough I'd be able to get it?” Appearing before Damion in her human form, The Mother hovered just above the water's surface and said in an admonishing tone, “No, I said that if you wanted something badly enough, you would be able to enter me without being lost like all the others...” Seeing The Mother pointing to her feet, Damion looked down beneath her and gasped in shock at the sight of all the other party guests she had seen The Mother swallow, then demanded, “What did you do to them?” Smiling as she chuckled in an almost sad tone, the Mother replied, “I have done nothing to them, save for give them what they want and all they wish to do is drown in pleasure for the rest of their natural lives, which is exactly what they will receive from me until their bodies naturally break down. You asked me why I was showing you all this, well to put it simply so your mortal mind can understand, I am throwing you into a pool of water like all the others.... whether you sink or swim is up to you. Sink and you will never again have to worry about being undesirable by ladies... whether they are human or demon. Swim and you will be thrust back into the world that left so many scars on you, both physically and mentally. As for your desire, that will dictate what you come out of me as. You could simply emerge as a human once more, to become my sex slave for all eternity, or you could figure out what it is exactly that you desire and then become that when you leave. Personally, though, I very little experience with turning females into demons... most I just end up changing into girls and then making them into Succubus demons..... but that isn't what you want, now is it?” After that, The Mother blinked her eyes a few times as she returned from inside of her body and found a very annoyed Succubus glaring at her, who upon seeing The Mother become aware of her surroundings, muttered, “While I should have you executed for invading my territory, I can see that you are new here and probably don't have any idea where you are exactly, correct?” Calling her Daughters to her quickly, The Mother forced out the people who had been enjoying themselves in her womb and said apologetically, “Please forgive my intrusion, I had no intention of infringing on another predator's hunting grounds.... but I was a little hungry from my journey here, so I have filled my belly with more than a few of your lambs.” Waving away the apology, the Succubus flipped her tail in irritation and replied, “Oh don't worry, I've already collected my payment for hosting this party, please feel free to eat those party guests as well. Ugh, now I'm going to have to go before the council... and explain things to them...” Cautiously reaching out to touch the demon on the shoulder in a comforting way, The Mother was relieved to find the Succubus was in her real body and asked, “Well, is there anything that I can do to help you in this matter?” Reacting oddly to The Mother's touch because of how good it felt, the demon answered, “Just come with me and try not to anger the Overseers.... they can be very annoying when angered.”
Another Kind of 'Suck'ubus Chapter 1 – Seizing Control Standing quietly with her Daughters as the Succubus from the party went through the process of explaining the situation to a group of demons that were apparently the Overseers, The Mother waited until the discussion turned towards who she would serve before stepping forward and saying, “Forgive me for interrupting your engaging argument, but I believe I can settle this entire dispute right now.” One of the Succubi Overseers looked down expectantly at The Mother along with the others and inquired, “Oh really? Then I take you already know who you'd like to serve?” Rolling her eyes in exasperation, The Mother replied in a very annoyed tone, “I don't plan on serving any of you and if you really want try and subject me to your command, then get down here. If you can beat me in single combat, then I'll become your servant, but if you lose, then by demon law, I gain your position and all the territory you own.” A Succubus with pale pink skin then leaped down in front of The Mother and shouted arrogantly, “Well if you are going to make that kind of challenge, then you must face me and all my servants alone. Are you still willing to fight-” Even as the Overseer's servants were teleporting into the meeting room, The Mother split her tail more times than could counted and began to capture the smaller demons with ease. As they all were cocooned and swallowed by her, The Mother used one of her tails to interrupt the Overseer by changing the tip into a large pair of lips, which she used to begin sucking up the larger Succubus' body. All the other Overseers just watched the demonstration in shock as The Mother effortlessly overcame an entire clan of demons without even moving her entire body. When she was done, The Mother glared up at the rest of the demon Overseers and demanded, “Now, should I prove to you again how much I am deserving of being one of you or can we just skip all the red tape?” All the other Overseer's quickly nodded their heads yes to The Mother's demands, as another female demon came down to present The Mother with something as one Overseer said, “No, no I think you made it fairly clear that none of us can challenge you... alone or with the rest of your clan. However, I am curious as to how you protect all the territory you just took away from your predecessor, unless you have more servants hidden elsewhere?” Chuckling at the question, The Mother gazed up at the other Overseers while accepting a mantle that marked her as an Overseer and replied, “If I really wanted to, I could easily open a portal to my home where I have more servants than humans on this planet and the just as easily as I overthrew one of you, I could easily take over this entire world. But, if you give me a day, I'll easily have more than enough servants to keep you from invading my home.” Oddly, that response made the rest of the Overseers laugh and then the one that had questioned The Mother's ability to defend her territory said, “Oh don't worry, heh, you don't have to worry about us invading your territory, we have enough trouble just guarding what little area is under our control. Your focus would be best turned towards the Vaticant, cause they will take any excuse they can to capture more ladies for their Noblemen leaders to brand into service.” Grinning at what the other Overseer said, The Mother replied, “I see.... well I am indeed still hungry even after that last meal, and I do so enjoy messing with the Vaticant, however, I will follow the rules on attacking them.... At least, as far as you will ever know.” While The Mother worked with the other Overseers to plot out her territory, back in the town where she had first arrived, a young woman was walking to school while muttering to herself, “If only I was bigger, then I'd be able to get her away from that bastard. It has been close to a month now and even though we had so much fun, she still won't speak to me anymore. Probably because she was punished for seeing someone other than her master.” As she walked along, a another voice accompanied by the sound of flapping wings said, “Well maybe I can help!” Later at school, a pair of voluptuous girls were walking towards a bathroom they routinely used with other girls who enjoyed making fun of certain women in school when they heard a familiar voice ask them, “Hey, do either of you know where Tina is?” Without turning around, the one of the girls said hurtfully, “I really doubt she wants to see you or that little twig you call a penis right now.” Then when they didn't hear the footsteps behind them stop, the pair paused and whirled around as the other continued, “If you really that desperate for some action why don't you go and put in a request for a lover at the devil's board? I'm certain there's a Succubus who would be willing.... to.... take …. your soul...” While the pair turned around, they froze in shock as they saw the huge floppy cock that was draped over a some large balls that hung snuggling from the woman's naked crotch. Then they noticed the oddly purple tint to the woman's skin as they looked up at the much taller female they used to make fun of for being so small. To seal the transformation, the girl's noticed a pair of demon wings folded against the Incubus' back and were quickly seized by the Daughter's bewitching eyes. A few moments later, in one of the larger girl's bathroom in the school, the bullies of the school were preparing their make up for a morning of ridiculing their favorite targets when the last two of their squad entered. Then behind them entered a sight none of them ever thought they'd see as an Incubus a few feet taller then the girls strolled in. They all quickly noticed the familiar face and hair style, but once they looked below the neckline, everything was very strange. Before any of them knew what was going on, they were all undressing themselves and rubbing they bodies against the demon, intoxicating themselves even more with the Incubus' scent. Picking up the first of the girls, the Incubus' cock straightened as the girl was lowered down towards it's tip, with the girl worrying about the fit the entire time. Reassuring the girls that her cock would fit, the group of bullies were amazed when the demon's cock squeezed right into the pussy of the girl being held up. Unfortunately, the girl was only able to take in half of the demon's long cock, much to her humiliation, but once the Incubus started to thrust into her, the girl forgot everything else. As the Incubus began to fill the first girl up, two girls began to fondle demon's balls while a third began to rub her breasts around the exposed shaft of the Incubus. When the girl being fucked filled up, the excess cum began to spurt out of her and onto the others, but they couldn't care less. Another girl took up position behind the Incubus and began to rub her hands over the demon's butt cheeks while burying her face in the Incubus' anus. Lifting up the girl she was fucking, the Incubus was so excited she accidentally sprayed a load out over the girl she was holding and coated the other three in front of her with another layer, making them all giggle happily. While the Incubus began to pump into the first girl's butt, the other three girls did their best to gather the warm cum in their hands or between their breasts and then began to drink the thick fluid down. Then all three girls began to clean the Incubus' cock and balls, lapping up as much of the demon's cum as they could manage. Using her tail, the Incubus picked up one of the other girls and set that girl down in her mouth, which she slowly swallowed while probing with her tongue. None of the girl's seemed the least bit alarmed when the saw the Incubus' belly bulge out with their friend and began to ask to be next. Once she had finished filling the first girl, the Incubus held her up and muttered hungrily, “Stuffed full... just the way I like my treats!” As the Incubus gulped the girl down, small amounts of cum were squeezed out of her motionless body. Then a pair of girls wandered into the bathroom, drawn in by the tantalizing sounds coming from within. When they entered, they were both seized by the presence of the Incubus, but one was quickly snatched up by the demon before she could even begin to undress. The demon then changed her tail tip into a sucker tip and planted the end against the girl's pussy. For a few moments, the girl moaned blissfully until her entire fell limp as a vaguely human shape slide through the Incubus' tail. After absorbing the girl's energy and soul, the demon maneuvered the girl over top of her cock, then began to suck the girl down inside. After letting the bullies watch the soulless girl be turned into cum, the Incubus asked curiously, “So who wants to be the first to receive the newest batch of my cum?” Most of the girls fell over themselves to be the next to have sex with the demon, and after choosing her next pet, everyone froze when an angry voice bellowed, “Hey, you in there! I know you may have made this bathroom into your clubhouse, but club activities are to be performed outside the bathrooms, do you.... understand...” When the teacher stormed into the bathroom expecting to find the girls tormenting a female student, she was shocked to find a demon standing in the middle of a group of stark naked girls, but was quickly affected by the demon's charm. Once the lady was undressed, the demon had the teacher wrapped up with her tail and was fucking the lady's ass relentlessly. Feeling one of the girl's burying their face in her butt again, the Incubus smiled playfully as she leaned down, forcing the girl into her anus with clever tail positioning. As she worked her way through the rest of the girls, the Incubus began to add more and more of her former tormentors to her growing sack until she spotted one girl in particular. Realizing she had caught the woman's attention, Tina made an attempt to turn around, but before she could, the Incubus had her caught in it's tail. Before she could get a word in, Tina felt the Incubus' cock ram up into her pussy and was immediately lost in bliss. In the glimpses of the others she caught while being bounced up and down on the demon's cock, Tina noticed the others were steadily dwindling even as she was being filled by the demon. Finally, with her entire body pumped full of cum, Tina felt herself fall gently to the ground and looked up to see the Incubus smiling down at her, but then she said glumly, “No, Willa.... I can't... be your mate.” Looking sad as she knelt down, her oversized cock resting on the ground as she asked, “Why, Tina? What is it that you don't like now? I-I'm a demon, and I have a cock probably ten times as large as I had before.... Don't remember how much fun we had before.... when I was still small...” Smiling joyfully as she remembered her first time with Willa, Tina didn't realize what had happened at first as she replied, “It's because I can't be with you, I mean I really can't be with you..... I haven't told or shown anyone, but I have this mark on my abdomen.....!” When both Tina and Willa looked at where the girl was pointing, they both noticed a lack of any kind of mark, which made Tina began to shake as she exclaimed, “ It's gone! I-I don't understand.... how did this happen? Oh who cares, this is so wonderful!” Shoving her tail up into Tina's pussy, Willa began to suck out all of the cum sloshing around into of Tina while saying, “Well then I guess I'd better empty you before we have some more fun... I kinda have a feeling that my current condition is temporary.” Misunderstanding what Willa hinting at, Tina asked curiously, “Oh wait, before you eat me, would you allow me to go tell off that bastard once and for all? I can't even begin to tell you how much I've wanted to do that!” Finishing with cleaning out Tina, Willa nodded as she lifted the girl up and stretched open her cock, which made Tina demanded in alarm, “What are you doing, Willa? I thought you were going to let me-” Kissing Tina with her tail to silence the girl's protests and then WIlla said, “I would never eat you or otherwise dispose of you, Tina, but I don't think you should be running around school naked if you want this to be private meeting between you and your former master. In my lack of control earlier I think I might have ruined yours and every other girls' clothing.” Realizing Willa was right, Tina placed her trust that Willa would not churn her in cum and only shivered nervously as she disappeared into the woman's cock. Inside Willa's balls, Tina tried to keep her head up in the air pocket, but noticed the opening was slowly dwindling and began to panic until she remembered what Willa said about not disposing of her. As she held her breath, Tina trembled as she tried to hold her breath, then suddenly she gasped as a great pressure crushed around her. Then she began to feel Willa's cum be forced into her body like she were breathing it as she began to pass out, but a few moments later, Tina found she could in fact breath again, despite the fact that her lungs were filled with Willa's cum. A little while later, Tina found herself being ejected out out Willa's balls and then after cleaning herself off, went into the clubroom that was being used as a private room for a certain woman. Willa now understood after sucking out her cum from Tina what had happened to the girl and how the woman that had marked Tina wasn't exactly a Nobleman, but all the same used their brands. When Tina went in completely naked, the woman was most certainly surprised, but was not alarmed until she noticed the brand was gone from Tina's body. Despite all the emotions raging in her, Tina just simply said goodbye to the female student, saying in a stinging tone that she had never truly enjoyed being with the woman. When Tina refused to tell the woman how she was freed, the female ordered the rest of her slaves to attack Tina, but they stopped when suddenly Willa appeared behind Tina and said, “If you really wanna know how she was freed, then look no further. I was the one who freed Tina when I fucked her not more than five minutes ago. She now belongs to me and as a demon, I have the right to do so.” When the other woman just looked dumbfounded at the revelation, Willa continued on to say, “And if any of you other girls wish to be free, all you need to do is ask.” Before any of the other enslaved girls could respond, their master ordered them into silence, then asked of Willa, “Do you really think that I am just going to stand for you stealing my Tina or attempting to steal any of my other girls?” Instead of responding, Willa leaped up in front of the woman, her mere presence incapacitating the other slaves as she said to the other student, “Whether you stand up or remain sitting, it's not going to make any difference to me or my cock.” Before the woman could ask what she meant, Willa had half of the female's body already inside of her cock, then while the woman's body slide down into her balls, Willa asked the other girls, “So, would any of you girls like to have a small portion of your former master to keep inside you forever?” Since the question was different from Willa's first question, and add to that the lack of their master to silence them, all the girls gave their consent. Then Willa went around to fuck each of the girls until their brands vanished and then turned to Tina to ask if she wanted some. When the other girls clamored around Willa and begged to taken along with Tina as her mates, Willa seemed a little unwilling which aroused Tina's curiosity. As Willa tried to explain things to the others, Tina demanded, “Hey, didn't you say to me that one time you'd be more than happy to take in the other girls along with me? What's changed since that time, Willa?” Trying to find the words to explain what was going on, Willa suddenly began to gasp and tremble as a portion of skin on her back began to pull away from her. For a moment, Tina thought that whatever was pulling away from Willa was going to return her to normal, but from the way Willa was so frightened, Tina began to understand that what was happening was going to destroy the woman. Then oddly, Willa just shrank down to her normal human size, but retained her demonic traits as another lifeform formed out of the swirling mass of flesh that left Willa's body. While hovering at about the height of where Willa's head had been, Damion blinked sleepily as she looked around at all the girls staring up at her, then took notice of the smaller Willa and smiled happily as she said gratefully, “Oh thank goodness, you survived! Thanks for the wonderful and filling nap, Willa. I hope you'll enjoy your new life with all these wonderful girls you've found.” Looking at the childlike demon flying above her, Willa asked, “Wait.... what happened? I thought you said I would get to enjoy being a demon for so long before you were going to eat me?” Cocking her head sideways for a moment as she stayed almost in the exact same height, Damion muttered in response, “Hrm, I don't know what to tell ya, Willa. Most of the females I've tried converting end up being absorbed by me once I take my body back..... you're the first to survive the process... Oh, and by the way, I technically have eaten you.... or at least the old you. I guess like me, you didn't sink like all the others who were just driven by the desire of sex.... Oh well, I'm off to find another new recruit, please make your way to our mistress, she will have further instructions for you.” Trying to process what was happening, Tina eventually gave up and walked over to Damion and demanded, “Alright, what the hell is going on here? First Willa shows up as a demon that stands taller a mortal, and now you rip yourself out of her body and she returns to her normal size.... well mostly.” Looking down at Willa cock for a moment, Tina quickly looks away as her face turns bright red as Damion tried to explain what had happened, “Look, I... am really new to this.... uh, where to begin... I guess it's best to tell you that I'm an Incubus which was created by another powerful Succubus, so Willa's debt belongs to my master. Don't worry, though, my mistress does not take those who belong to others... especially when she knows who people belong to. What I do is I find women with a single strong desire, regardless of what that is, then I possess their bodies, turning them into that larger version you witnessed earlier. I then hand control over to the person I am inhabiting so that I can consume their body while they get to enjoy the full freedom of using the larger form. Most times when I have tried to pull away from women I have possessed, the result is that the woman is pulled into my body completely, adding to my already out of control lustful presence, which you all have undoubtedly experienced. Willa here, is my first successful attempt at creating an Incubus, which I am very thankful to her for.” Bowing awkwardly in the air, Damion continued, “Now, for the moment you are disconnected from the connection that I share with our mistress and all the others she had spawned, but when you meet her, she will plug you in so that you can receive her commands at all times.” After giving instructions to Willa over where she needed to go, Damion waved happily to her first sister and flew off to see if she couldn't find another student to convert. Willa on the other hand, quickly snuggled up behind Tina and gave the girl another round of mind wiping sex before slurping up all of her mates into her balls. With them bathing happily in her cum, Willa turned herself invisible and then flew out of the school and headed towards where The Mother awaited.
Another Kind of 'Suck'ubus Chapter 2 – Growing Strength Still joyful over her first successful conversion, Damion fluttered about the school invisibly in an attempt to find another student like Willa. Eventually, the Incubus Queen found another woman in the school who was being mocked by some girls, but instead of being made fun for her size, the female student was being ridiculed over her lack of attractive qualities. Following the woman until she was out of sight, Damion finally moved in and offered her assistance to the woman. She barely even got through her offer before the woman eagerly accepted Damion's offer as the student knew that as a demon, no girl in the school would refuse having sex with the female. Flying over behind the woman, Damion quickly rammed her cock into the woman's ass, much to the surprise of the student, then as the female was about to demand what was going on, the student collapsed to the ground. Moaning happily as an oddly colored fleshy coating enveloped her, the woman could do little as she was warped into a much taller, demonic form of herself. Taking a moment to look over her new body, the woman jumped in surprise as she noticed the size of her new cock and cautiously squeezed her new limb experimentally before grinning deviously. Knowing exactly where the girls who had ridiculed her were going to be, the woman charged off towards the girl's locker room. Throwing open the door to the locker room, the student's lustful desires was so powerful that all of the girls in the bathroom were immediately affected by her presence. Walking over to the first shower stall, the woman quickly pulled the first girl into a tender embrace while stuffing the entire length of her cock up into the girl's trembling pussy. As the girl gasped in shock with the bulging out of her belly in response to the invasion, the woman pulled her quickly into a kiss while slithering her tail up into the girls ass. After fucking the girl senseless, the woman causally tossed the girl aside and didn't even notice when her tail stretched over to suck the girl inside. Repeating the process for the second, third, fourth and fifth girls in the room, the woman was quickly whipped into a sexual frenzy as she went along. After having finished off all her tormentors, the woman began to calm down for a moment, but then she spotted a very well endowed girl in the next stall and was instantly lost to her lust. Pulling back the shower curtain to find the girl was masturbating to try and lessen the effects of the Incubus' presence only served to excite the woman even more. When the girl noticed the female student watching her, she cried out in surprise until she realized she was looking at a demon and was about to calm down until the woman began to act strangely. Seeing something trying to pull away from the demon's back, the girl watched in terror as the woman appeared to terror apart and be pulled into a smaller form trying to escape the larger demon. When the process ended, the woman was gone and Damion floated in the air disorientated until she heard the girl move and turned around to find the girl displaying her privates while pleading, “Please take me as your slave.... I-I will do my best to provide with all the entertainment I can manage!” Yawning sleepily as being outside of a host body in her Queen form was very taxing, Damion said wearily, “I'm not really interested in taking slaves at this time, but I wouldn't mind taking a nap inside that lovely pussy of yours...” Not quite understanding what Damion was saying to her, the girl just bent over lower and pulled open her pussy invitingly. Drifting up behind the girl, the Incubus Queen thrust into the girl, much to the young lady's delight, then seemed to melt into the girl's pussy and that only seemed to increase the euphoria the student was experiencing. After a few moments, the girl gasped in bliss as she felt something force it's way out of her vagina and when she looked down at her crotch, she was shocked to find her genitalia had been switched to that of a woman. Very cautiously, the girl began to stroke her new appendage, stiffening as she slide her hands down over her plump cock. As she moaned and ejaculated a large load of cum into the shower, she was amazed by how wonderful the experience had felt. Then she began to smile wildly as she looked over at the other occupied showers and finished what the female student had started. After the newly possessed girl had churned all the other girls into cum, she sat immobile until the class bell rang, then oddly the young lady was sucked down into her own balls and after a moment of sloshing noises, Damion jolted awake on the floor of the room and looked around groggily before muttering, “Hmm, guess she wasn't the right one for me..... ugh, now I need to go find someone else to sleep in...” Loren then walked in and sighed irritably as she was once again going to gym class, but before she could even begin to complain about being the only girl in her class, she jumped in fright over seeing Damion sitting on the floor, then quickly apologized by saying, “Oh forgive me, I-I didn't see you there.... Please excuse me if I insulted you... I just didn't expect any demon to come in here during my class since I'm the only girl in my class.” Perking up at the mention of Loren being the only girl in her class, Damion wandered over to her unsteadily as Loren began to undress and asked curiously, “Hey? Would you mind if I took a nap inside you? I'm really tired from the last person I tried to nap in.... I probably caused her to lose control of her senses and she went on a sexual rampage.... eh-heh.” Looking down at the childlike demon like she was crazy, Loren asked in a confused tone, “Wait... why are you asking me that? Can't you just... oh I don't know... hypnotize me into being your slave or something? I'd have figured you have already pounced on me the moment I entered the room.” Opening her eyes in shock as she realized what the girl she was talking was saying, Damion thought aloud in wonder, “You know.... your right. Normally humans are driven to seek out viable sexual gratification when in my presence... both girls and females..... I wonder why you.... ugh, to tired to think...” While Loren was pulling down her skirt, she received a surprise when she felt Damion yank down her underwear and forced Loren down into a kneeling position. Then before Loren could protest the way she was being treated, Damion rammed into the girl's pussy, causing Loren to black out briefly and collapse from the rush of euphoria she experienced. When Loren woke up, the gym teacher was shaking her awake and asking what had happened. After Loren explained the odd encounter with Damion and what she remembered happening, her instructor advised her to get changed and just rest on the side of gymnasium. More than happy to comply, Loren was grateful for not only an excuse to skip out on class, but also the perverted remarks and touches of her classmates. Strangely, as she watched her classmates go through the paces of gym class, Loren began to feel herself become aroused when some of her classmates came close to her and thought that was merely a side-effect of her encounter with Damion. Eventually, class ended and Loren was grateful to be able to disappear into the locker room to change. Unfortunately, when Loren dressed down this time, she received a very unwelcome sight in that she now had a large bulge between her legs and she didn't have to think very hard as to what that bulge might be or what caused it to appear. When she pulled out her panties so she could just make certain of what she thought had happened, Loren received yet another shock when she saw that they cock that had developed in place of her pussy was the same shade of purple as Damion's skin, rather than matching her natural brown color. Disregarding the discovery, Loren just thought she was losing her mind like the previous person that Damion had taken a 'nap' inside of and put on her normal clothing, hoping the bulge between her legs wouldn't be too noticeable. Thankfully, no one noticed the change to her body during break, but Loren most certainly noticed her heightened sensitivity to being around women. Taking refuge over at her lady friends, Loren did her best to act normally despite the sudden spikes in her arousal whenever a woman passed by close to her. Eventually, one woman passed by her, and Loren suddenly found herself being drawn to the female student. After telling her friends she would talk with them later, Loren tracked down the woman she had been attracted to. Even though every fiber of her body was screaming for her to rush in after the woman when the student went into a restroom, Loren somehow managed to keep herself under control until her target exited the bathroom. Then she quickly intercepted the woman and demanded to have the female come with her someplace private. Once in a clubroom that was not being used at that time, Loren gasped in relief as she stopped resisting the urges welling up inside her and was shocked to find her body being coated in a thin layer of purple skin. When the woman finished closing the door and turned towards Loren, she was already feeling the effects of the sexual aura being released by Loren, then quickly fell under Loren's command when the girl demanded, “Undress, turn around and bend over.” For a moment, Loren feared the woman would just laugh at her and leave the room to spread rumors about her, but oddly, the female followed her instructions like an obedient slave. Then once the woman was bent over, Loren's body almost seemed to go on autopilot, however, she could feel there was still some control in her hands. Hoping that by giving control over to whatever was manipulating her until she sated the burning passions in her, she could regain control of her body, Loren just patiently waited for a moment to seize back control. The moment she began to fuck the woman anally, however, all thoughts of resisting were wiped from Loren's mind as she once blacked out in bliss. A few minutes later, Loren woke up, then upon noticing she felt oddly empty, quickly checked her crotch and let out a sigh of relief when she felt nothing out the ordinary as she muttered, “It's finally over.....” Later that day, when Loren was walking home, she suddenly noticed a familiar sensation in the air and whirled around expecting to find Damion trying to sneak up on her, but oddly found no one behind her, then shouted angrily, “Oh come out already! I can feel that you're close by.... your presence is making my skin crawl....” Fluttering out into sight from around a fence in front Loren, Damion had a sly grin on her face as she asked curiously, “Are you certain of that or are you just unfamiliar to truly feeling pleasure? You really seemed to be enjoying yourself earlier when you where pounding that woman.... who, thanks to your careful selection, has successfully become one of my kin.” Noticing oddly that Damion looked wide awake unlike before, Loren took a step back fearfully as she demanded, “Well what do you want from me now, I paid you for the fun you forced upon me by helping find a new recruit correct?” Smiling happily at the way Loren was speaking to her, Damion danced around the answer by saying, “Glad to see you can still hold an intellectual conversation with me despite being within my presence. Many can't even form proper sentences this close to me, much less when I'm within arms reach of them.” Rolling her eyes, Loren played along by responding with, “Yeah, well I have other things on my mind than trying to gain the favor of some demon and either get made into one or be turned into one of their pets.... Now, what do you want from me?” Damion's eyes glowed for a moment as the Incubus shifted into her human form, taking on the figure of a high school student before answering, “How about becoming my mate, cause I know you are not the type to be leashed. As I am right now, no one would confuse me with being a demon, I even have normal human eyes to make it more convincing. However... if you do accept me as your mate, that won't exempt you from being feed upon, but in this form I require less energy so you won't be exhausted so quickly.” Knowing she wouldn't be able to get away from Damion now that the demon had so opening professed love for her, Loren sighed in defeat before saying sharply, “I'll give you one night, just one! If you try anything weird with me like.... whatever you did with me at school I will kick you out faster than you flash those bewitching eyes of yours at me!” Holding her hands up in surrender, Damion came over and placed an arm around Loren's back while walking with the girl before admitting, “Well, I don't plan on doing that to you tonight, but come tomorrow I will need a place to nap in.... And, if you don't want to carry me around all day, then all you need to do is find me someone else to sleep in, like you did earlier. You seem much better at finding proper candidates for conversion than I am... and I would appreciate your help...” Growling angrily at the mention of having to carry Damion again, Loren glared up at Damion and demanded, “Well since I know trying to stop you will be pointless, how about you tone it done tomorrow so I can actually function in class?” Laughing nervously, Damion explained how new she was to being a demon, much less being in an actual relationship. While Loren was understanding that Damion was still trying to get used to her new body, the girl was still adamant over Damion doing something about the nearly uncontrollable urges Loren had to endure while playing host to the Incubus. When the pair reached Loren's home, she had been worried over how her parents would react to her bringing Damion home, but instead, they were actually happy that their daughter had finally found someone to be intimate with. Once they were alone, Damion was very happy to show Loren that despite her change height, she was no less smaller down below.
Another Kind of 'Suck'ubus Chapter 3 – Mastering Recruiting After spending a night inside of Damion's balls, Loren was surprised to find herself spilling out of them and was even more shocked when she felt water start to rain down on her when Damion asked cheerfully, “Did you enjoy yourself last night? I know I certainly did, but you'd better hurry up, school is only about an hour or two away.” Getting up in the shower, Loren slide up next to Damion enticingly and said, “Well since it only takes me ten minutes or so to walk to school, I say we have plenty of time before I need to go. All I need is around ten more minutes to prepare myself for school, which leaves plenty of time for-” Before Loren could finish, Damion pulled her into a kiss, leaving her sentence unfinished as the Incubus began to thrust into Loren. About an hour later, Damion was laying in the tub with Loren while the water cascaded down over them when there was a pounding on the door. Not even needing to listen to her mother to know what was up, Loren told her mother that she and Damion would be getting out very soon. A few minutes later, the couple walking out of bathroom wrapped up together in a large towel with Loren's mother scowling angrily at them. Smiling playfully at her mother, Loren said in a reassuring tone, “Oh don't worry, there's still enough hot water for you and mama to take your own hour long hot shower together.” Rolling her eyes at the comment, Loren's mother waved the couple out of the way and fired back, “Your mama already took her shower and I'm hoping that this won't become a daily occurrence.” Giggling mischievously, Loren replied sarcastically, “Oh no, don't worry, mother. Tomorrow we'll only take a half an hour shower together.” Heading into her room with her mother still glaring at her back, Loren began to prepare herself for school while Damion simply formed clothing from her body. On the way to school, Damion pulled Loren into a side-alley and after returning to her Queen form, squished up into Loren's pussy. Later, at school, Loren was pleased with the fact that the arousal she felt when passing by female students felt more like an uncomfortable itch, rather than a debilitating heat between her legs. As she made her way to the cafeteria to talk with her friends since there was still about fifteen minutes before the first bell rang, Loren suddenly began to twitch when she passed by a woman in the halls. Feeling something creep up her back, Loren did her best to go over to a water fountain to get drink so she could keep an eye on the student that had affected her so as Damion asked, “Why aren't you going after her? Didn't she peak your interest, Loren?” Getting up to continue walking to the cafeteria, Loren replied in a dismissive tone, “Yes she did, but I know that one.... she is nothing more than a pervert, plus she didn't feel anything like the other woman yesterday. She felt... scattered... like there was more than one thing drawing her attention. The other woman had a single focus. By the way.... how are you able to talk with me now?” Trembling suddenly as she felt something wrap around her chest, Loren didn't her best to stifle a moan as something latched onto her nipples and started to suck on them as Damion replied, “I have stretched a portion of my body up into your ears and mind. Therefore, I can speak directly with you and am able to hear your thoughts so you don't actually need to speak to me. I know I said I wanted to use your judgment in tracking down viable women to be converted, but I'm also still learning how to determine if people are proper candidates. If you don't mind, I want to try to convert that woman, if only to familiarize myself with the way her desire feels so I can properly select more candidates in the future.” Taking the cue to disappear into a girl's bathroom, Loren closed herself off in a stall while saying, “Oh, I don't know how I will ever manage without you lighting a raging fire between my legs every time I get close to a female student.... Just try not to make too much of a commotion when you chase after that student.... just the sight of a demon in the school would probably cause a stampede of girls all trying to gain your attention.” Exiting Loren's body smoothly, Damion drifted up into the air and kissed Loren briefly before saying, “Oh don't worry about me, You are the only person that can see me at all times, everyone else only notices my presence when I go by, but other than that they can't see me.” Darting through school in search of the pervert Loren had passed by earlier, Damion eventually found the woman masturbating inside the stall of female bathroom. Waiting until the room was empty save for the pervert, Damion began to think of how she would present herself to the pervert. Releasing her aura to max so that the woman would feel it's full effects, Damion made everything else around the woman fade into darkness while phasing through the stall door. When the woman turned around noticed Damion, she cried out in fright and became fearful over having done something wrong until Damion asked her, “How would you like to be able to take those fantasies of yours and make them real?” Seeing the way the woman began to tremble, Damion drifted around behind the woman and shoved her cock up into the students anus. Closing her eyes, the student shivered as she felt her body being enveloped by something and then when the strange feeling went away, the pervert began to look over her body. Noticing the huge purple colored dong she was now sporting, the woman rushed out of the stall to look at herself in the mirror and stared at herself in disbelief as she now looked like a demon. After touching her face in wonder for a few seconds, the woman finally reassured herself she had truly changed and then rushed out of the bathroom to head towards the gym locker rooms. Slipping into the girl's locker room cautiously out of habit since this would not be the first time the woman entered the forbidden territory to female students. Spying a few girls still showering up, the newly made Incubus quickly stalked over towards them, her presence quickly overwhelming the girls. The first of the girls found herself being sucked into the woman's cock while the other two were judged to be beautiful enough to be played with. While fucking one of the remaining two, the Incubus pushed the other girl behind her thinking to play with the young ladies pussy with her tail. As the Incubus began to suck out the girl's soul, the one behind the Incubus began to grope and lick the woman's ass while she was steadily drained of her energy. By the time the girl's soul had been sucked out, the Incubus had finished filling the girl in front of her. Gulping down the filled girl without much hesitation, the Incubus unknowingly sucked the soulless girl's body into her tail and then sat down contently as her belly worked to digest both. Then the woman began to tremble as Damion tried to separate from her and after the process was finished, Damion found the separation to have been a failure, to which she muttered, “Seems Loren was right about that one.... Now I'd better go find someone else quickly before I end falling asleep, 'cause then everyone will be able to see me...” Shuddering at the thought of what would happen if she were to be found unconscious, Damion hurried out of the locker room in an attempt to find a suitable host or candidate for conversion. Heading out in the hallways, Damion stumbled across a confrontation between a woman and a group of girls which seemed interesting. Thinking she had found another group of bullies ridiculing a female for one of various reasons, Damion was surprised when she heard the woman was being refused the right to speak with one young lady in the group of girls. Watching the way the couple involved in the dispute reacted to what the other girls were saying, Damion knew that there was something very different going on between the two than just a simple case of popularity difference. Following the woman to her locker, Damion was relieved to find there wasn't a shrine in her locker to her current infatuation and felt strongly this student was very similar to Willa. Hearing the bell ring jolted Damion out of her thoughts as she drifted up above the wave of students rushing to class and followed the woman she was targeting into the bathroom where she asked the woman, “Do you really want to be with her?” Thinking she was just hearing her own nagging thoughts because of the way Damion had spoken to her, the student just looked at herself in the mirror and said, “One time was all it took for me to realize she needed someone who could see her and not her family. I knew from the get go that I wouldn't be able to court her unless I was demon because of the family she was born into, but I thought that perhaps I could at least make her feel normal at school.” Understanding why she had not felt a very strong desire from the student before since the woman had basically accepted her inability to seek the girl's hand in a relationship, Damion grinned deviously as she floated up behind the student and said slyly, “Well if all it takes is becoming a demon to get the girl you desire, then perhaps I can help you, but just know nothing comes without a price... or risk. For now though, just go and get her, before her heart is walled off to you.... and anyone else that could make her feel human.” Before the woman could realize what was happening, Damion had violated her and in the rush of excitement that followed, the student passed out. Damion manipulated the woman's new body underneath the sink where she protected the newly born Incubus from being seen by cloaking her in an illusion that made the student disappear. As Damion worked on converting the woman's actual body, she was amazed by the way this female tasted as opposed to the pervert Damion had possessed earlier. Taking her time to savor every little bit of the woman, Damion now understood why The Mother had instructed her to 'track' her prey to see if they will be a fulfilling meal rather than just eating every little mortal she came across. A little while later, the student came to and after getting to her feet unsteadily, she looked at herself in the mirror. Screaming in fright at first, the female cautiously leaned close to the mirror and touched her face experimentally to check if what she was seeing was real. Hearing someone coming into the bathroom to check if everything was okay, the student panicked over being seen in her new demon form, but when the person came into the room they oddly didn't see anyone. Calming down, the student cautiously ventured out into the hallways and noticed nearly half the day had already passed while she had been unconscious in the bathroom. Thinking for a moment, the student remembered where the girl she had been pursuing usually was at this hour and headed over to the clubroom. The only the reason the student knew where the group of girls were going to be was because she was the cause of them skipping the only class she shared with the girl the woman was infatuated with. Trying to go slow so she could think about how she would approach the girls in her new form, the more she thought about the impending confrontation, the more the woman thought about how she could just rape all the other girls until only the one she sought was left. By the time she reached the place where the girls were staying, the student was completely overwhelmed by the lust that came with her new body. Once she entered the room, every other girl in the room was quickly thrown into an aroused state as the Incubus drew closer. Before any of the girls even took notice of the Incubus, they were all already undressed and were enthralled even more by the sight of the demon's massive cock. The sight of all the naked girls was more than enough to drive out any remaining conscious thoughts from the student as she began to fuck them all one at a time, while sucking the souls out of others. As the number of girls began to dwindle, the bell for lunch period sounded and just then, the demon looked over at the only girl to remain partially dressed. In response to gaining the Incubus' attention, the girl turned around and pulled down her underwear, saying nervously, “I submit to you, great one.... but I wish for you to know that I have already been claimed by another that I wish to be with.... and that I hope you will be willing to allow me to remain alive.” After finishing gulping down the latest girl to be filled, the Incubus chuckled before announcing, “Oh I already know that and I'm happy to hear that you do have feelings for me... unlike what the others were proclaiming for you.” Jumping visibly as she recognized the voice the Incubus was using, the girl turned around and broke out in tears as she realized who the demon was, then said sorrowfully, “Oh my word! Please forgive me... I-I did not even recognize you. I am deeply sorry for the way the others had treated you, I truly did enjoy that one class we worked together in.... you were so kind to me and treated me like I was just another classmate, rather than the heir to an affluent family. M-my Parents did not agree with our interaction and sent my retainers to remove me from the class and 'protect' me from you as they said. If you can find it in you to forgive-!” Before she could finished, the Incubus shoved the girl's mouth over her cock, and pumped a load of cum into the girl's mouth before replying, “Do not cry because of me.... I knew from the moment I saw you in class that you were out of my reach... I just could tell you were tired of being treated like another kind of human by the others and I only wanted to make you feel happy. You don't need to seek my forgiveness.” Doing her best to gulp down as much of the Incubus' cum, the girl started to remove the remainder of her clothing when she found they had already melted away when she heard the Incubus started to groan and struggle against something, to which she pleaded, “What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?” Unable to respond, the Incubus steadily began to grow smaller as something pulled away an outer layer of flesh off her and then after reforming, Damion said to her new sibling, “Enjoy your new life with her, for I can guarantee that you two will be together for a very long time. Oh and don't worry, mortal, your mate here never held any ill will towards ya.... it's just that when I possess humans they tend to be driven mad by the excitement I grant them... whether or not they sate their lustful desires. I'd better be on my way so you two can enjoy each other properly without my influence.” Leaving the couple behind to enjoy each other to the fullest extent without her presence affecting either of their emotions, Damion headed out to find another fulfilling meal like the woman she had just found. As the day wore on, Damion found no other success in the school, tiring herself out several other failed conversion attempts. While looking around for Loren at the end of the day, Damion overheard a group of girls talking about hitting some clubs that evening and decided to take possession of the sexiest one of the bunch. Walking outside school nervously since she had not run into Damion before she left, Loren was about to held back into school when she was suddenly pulled into an alleyway and violated from behind as a velvety voice said, “Our master says that she will meet up with you later, probably tomorrow morning as she is a little exhausted from her converting efforts today. Oh and that reminds me, she also said to tell you that you were right about the first woman she went after today...” After the person let go of her, Loren turned around to see who was talking to her and was a little surprised to find herself looking at a well known party girl, rather than a female going through the conversion process. She also noted how a few moments after she finished relaying her message, the girl's eyes glazed over as she began to grow flush in the cheeks and then the girl merely began to wander away like she was off in another world. Watching the girl as she walked away, Loren was somewhat relieved to find that the girl didn't have any purple skin covering anything further than an inch around her pussy and that even that skin was quickly retreating into the girl's body. As Loren headed home alone, Damion's host staggered over towards the red-light district of the town.
Another Kind of 'Suck'ubus Chapter 5 – The Final Test Waking up the next morning to the gentle pitter-patter of water drops against her skin, Loren was about to stretch when suddenly she felt someone hug her from behind. Jumping slightly at the unexpected touch, Loren calmed down when she felt Damion's familiar touch as the woman began to gently wash her body. Then she noticed the log wedged tightly up into her ass and relaxed as Damion continued to wash her body in a loving way. When Loren tried to get up and dislodge Damion thick rod from her ass, the woman just hugged her tight before Damion said slyly, “Oh don't worry, I made certain your mother got her shower before taking you in here. She is already on her way to work and we still have about a half an hour of free time to enjoy ourselves, plus the house all to ourselves.” Giggling as she flipped herself over, Loren spent the entire shower being hammered by Damion while the woman washed her body slowly. Later on the way to school, Loren could tell something was bothering Damion, even though the Incubus was doing her best to hide her uneasy feelings. Then Loren followed her partner's gaze and finally spotted what was bothering Damion, which didn't surprise her very much since Damion was a demon in disguise. Leaning close to Loren's head, Damion whispered while making it look like she had a playful grin on her face to those watching her, “I don't know why the Vaticant is following us, nor do I know if they've found out who I am, just act normally. When we split ways I'm going to try and lose them before coming to the school.” At the same alleyway where Damion usually slipped inside Loren, the Incubus instead remained in her human form and walked away from Loren, but not before saying, “I'll see you after school, sweety!” What neither of them knew was that The Mother added something onto the end of Damion sentence, “I'll be late again tonight because I have some demons to take care of again.” Once safely away from Loren, Damion could tell the Vaticant were closing in and after making certain she left the vision of all her pursuers, simply made herself vanish. Shifting into her Queen form, Damion flew up out of reach, and maintained her invisibility as the Vaticant agents swarmed the side alley she had turned into. Ditching the Vaticant agents and flying away to the school, Damion made certain to alert The Mother of their location as she made her way towards her favorite hunting grounds. While Damion had been told she wouldn't need to continue recruiting as much as she had been in days past, The Mother had not quite exactly told her to 'stop' recruiting. Finding school was already in progress Damion chose to wait outside of Loren's first period, until she heard some students passing by in the hallway chatting: “Did you hear her in there?” Asked the taller of the two students. “Of course, she always tries to be subtle, but once she gets going you can hear her through the wall separating the bathrooms.” Responded the female student of the pair. “Heh, try being in the same bathroom as her... Diana certainly earned her nickname.” The girl replied in a scoffing tone. “Diana the demon... it certainly fits. I've heard stories from some friends of mine who spent a night with her. She was unsatisfiable, always lusting for more no matter how many women drilled her. I'm really surprised she hasn't been picked up by a Nobleman yet, she certainly fits the bill that they look for when hunting for slaves.” Muttered the woman in an incredulous tone. Flying back the way the students had been walking, Damion eventually passed by a bathroom where some very passionate sounds were coming from. Thinking back to the first time she had used Loren to locate a suitable candidate and remembered how for just a few moments she had formed a body around the girl. While Damion knew she would be able to do so again due to her experience at the Nobleman's club, what she was really interested in now is whether or not converting girls into Incubi was possible. Remembering how Loren expressed her anger over having to endure nearly uncontrollable sexual urges while being possessed by Damion, the Incubus was hoping that Diana would be able to withstand the initial excitement the girl would be forced to endure. Just having finished masturbating for the second time, Diana was in the process of calming down when she began to mutter, “If only I didn't have to do this in public... I'm so sick and tired of being mocked because I am constantly in heat.” Drifting into the stall quietly, Damion revealed herself and said slyly, “Well perhaps I could help you with that problem.” Before Diana could cry out in fright she found her mouth being stuffed full with the tip of Damion's cock and about passed out when she felt the demon dump a load down her throat. Then while she was still swallowing the leftovers in her mouth, Damion rammed into her pussy and while Diana shuddered before passing out, the Incubus slide right into her womb. A few minutes later, Diana woke up to find herself feeling strange, but still somewhat satisfied after her latest self-pleasuring session. Returning to class, Diana ignored all the perverted stares she received from the rest of the class as she went to her seat. Thankfully, the teacher of the class was understanding of her problem, so Diana never had to deal with her instructor asking her why she had been in the bathroom so long. As expected, the relief she had been feeling in the bathroom didn't last very long and soon the heat between her legs began to build up yet again. Leaning down on her desk as she fought to keep control of herself, Diana wanted nothing more than to get the help that the demon she had met in the bathroom had promised her. Unknown to Diana, as she continued to struggle with her lustful urges, a soft purple skin was starting to creep out of her pussy and expanded over her butt. Then she began to daydream about sex and the many parties she had been to where a Succubus had come by to whip the women into sex induced frenzies. In the past, such parties had only provided Diana with temporary relief, but as of late when a Succubus came a party, things weren't just spiced up, they were set on high. As Diana's mind wandered, so too did a pair of tendrils that slithered out of her pussy that made their way over to the girls sitting on either side of Diana. Both girls were easily penetrated and were at the mercy of the tendrils before either could gasp in shock. For a while, the pleasure and satisfaction she shared with the pair was enough to keep her calm enough to participate in class, but Diana knew the relief would only be temporary. Before too long she was again struggling against her body's needs and started to dream about some of the wilder parties she had been at. That was when Diana remembered how a pair of girls had sated her lusts with their tongues and she once again began to long for that same feeling. This caused the purple skin around her crotch to grow a little more and a tail then emerged from her backside in response to her new desire. No one in the class, no even Diana could see what was happening as her constant fear of being mocked if she were to publicly masturbate kept what was happening hidden from them. Even when the girl sitting in front of Diana was driven to stand up and crawl under her desk to lick her pussy, no one was any the wiser as an illusion of the mesmerized girl was put in place of the mind controlled girl. The girl sitting behind Diana was also drugged by a wonderful smelling perfume being released from her nether regions, only the girl behind Diana was dragged forward by her tail. Then with both girls having buried their faces into her privates, she was finally able to relax finally and slowly drifted off to sleep. While Diana slept, the girl behind her was sucked into the purple flesh covering her ass and was churned into her new more bouncy butt along with adding an inch to the spread of the skin around her body. The girl in front of Diana was slowly enveloped in a poorly formed slong, but after being churned into cum inside the penis, the cock slide back up into Diana's pussy. The same happened to the other two girls once they had passed out from being drained of their energy and then added only a few more inches to the purple skin coating Diana's body. Next period was gym, but thankfully, the help she had received, as Diana thought of how she felt during class, lasted through the class. For once, Diana was able to display her true level of fitness to her teacher as she was not being constantly harassed by her barely contained urges. Once she got into the locker room to shower off and laid eyes on one of the other girls' naked body, Diana shuddered as she felt something rip through her gym shorts. Looking down at the foreign object between her legs for a few moments, Diana curiously touched her newly formed cock to make certain it was real and then she dashed over into the closest occupied stall. Before the girl inside could even react to the sudden intrusion, Diana was drilling the other student in the ass hard. As she did the girl more, the other student began to relax and enjoy the sexual encounter. Then when Diana was preparing to switch to fucking the girl's pussy, her cock's tip opened up and a set of four tendrils reached up outside of her cock. While Diana continued to thrust forward, the tendrils began to drag the girl down into her balls, with Diana drowning in bliss the entire time. With the first girl sloshing around in her balls, Diana could tell she would need more if she was going to satisfy her now whetted sexual appetite. Right after her gym class was a water aerobics class that Diana had been recommended to take each year she was in school since the swimming class was supposed to help her feel relaxed when moving she wouldn't need to feel embarrassed over wetting herself in class. Unfortunately, seeing everyone else in her class in the school issued swimsuits didn't help Diana with her problem either. Thankfully, Diana was able to slip into the pool before her swimsuit was torn open to accommodate her new appendage. Once class began Diana felt her body calm down and began to go through the daily exercises with ease. Under the surface of the pool, however, Diana's cock was stretching all over and was sucking the rest of the class underneath. No one took notice of this because an illusion of the eaten girls was always quick to replace them. When Diana went in to change again, she began to relax as she finally felt a sense of relief, but that relaxed state of mind only lasted until she passed by a mirror in the changing room. Seeing purple rather the blue of her school swimsuit out of the corner of her eye made Diana's heart skip a beat as she turned to face herself. Gasping at the demonic reflection that greeted her, the barely formed Incubus rubbed her hands all over her body in disbelief, hardly able to make sense of what she was seeing. Thinking that she would be ridiculed by anyone that saw her in school the way she was currently, Diana rushed out of school before the class bell could ring. As she flew away, Diana thoughts raced as she went over her options, “Oh what am I going to do now? If anyone where to find out about me becoming a demon, they'd probably just laugh at me and think I was just faking the transformation somehow. I-I can't go home either as my parents would probably joke about my new body as well....” Eventually, Diana's thoughts were overwhelmed by a strange sense of hunger and an ever familiar burning sensation between her legs. What Diana didn't know, was that an illusionary copy of herself was now walking through school, taking her classes as if nothing had changed. Flying aimlessly through town, Diana did her best to remain out of sight, fearing contact with anyone, while at the same time looking for some kind of release. Some time later, Diana found herself at the back door of a club and was inevitably drawn inside. Due to the strange lighting of the club, Diana was easily able to walk around the dance floor without attracting attention to herself. Slipping into a private room and praying the room was empty, Diana was greatly dismayed to find the room was occupied. Oddly, the people in the room didn't regard her strangely and it wasn't until Diana was escorted into a small room with a mirror that she realized why. Apparently, she had been moving around town invisibly the entire time and to the people in the room she appeared her normal self. Unfortunately, when Diana emerged from the side room, she had relaxed to the point that her real body showed up and when she realized that she tried to leave until one of the other girls in the room stopped her while asking, “Hey, where are you running off to? Come on, join our little party? No sense in running away before you've had any fun, right?” When she looked over at the gathering naked girls, she began to blush as she felt her erection grow, much to the delight of the other girls in the room, as Diana said nervously, “S-sorry.... I'm a little new to being a demon and am a little shy-” Before she could continue, the girls in the room had Diana pinned to the ground and were pleasing her in every way they could. Doing her best to please the girls in return, Diana suddenly began to open up, filling girl after girl to the point their bellies bulged out. While sucking on one girl's pussy, Diana finally got a taste of the girl's cum and before she could stop herself, found herself gobbling the girl down. That quickly killed the mood of the party, as the parties feared they had somehow angered Diana. Standing up finally since the girls holding her down had backed away, Diana finally felt how empty her balls were and looked over at the other woman in the party hungrily. As the tendrils in her cock stretched out to drag the women into her sack, Diana told the other girls in the room, “Unless you want to end up like them, I suggest you go out and find me some more snacks, cause I'm suddenly feeling like a little bit hungry. And not just for some more fine asses like yours.” Splitting into two groups, four girls chose to go out and recruit some more entertainment in the hopes of pleasing their now hungry mistress. The rest of the girls chose to remain behind to continue playing with Diana, hoping to gain her favor in that way. To aid the girls going out to recruit more tasty snacks, Diana molded the cum already inside of their bodies so that each girl had a white colored cock replacing their pussies, which was accompanied with a sack full of cum. Scurrying out of the room quickly as Diana set upon the rest of the girls, the four that were sent out began to go about looking for other club patrons to bring back for their mistress. Out of the four, one in particular took her time in searching girls to take back to Diana and made certain the girls she recruited was very well endowed. When she found the one she was looking, Bannia moved in and politely asked the girl to come with her for a moment. Once they were safely out of sight of the girl's friends, Bannia made her move and rammed her cock up into the girl's pussy. Almost immediately, the girl was paralyzed by pleasure and did not resist as Bannia's cock swallowed her whole. Once the girl's body was inside her cock, Bannia could only shudder in shock as the girl slide ever so gracefully into her womb. Holding her belly for a moment for fear of bursting, Bannia eventually recovered enough to go collect another two girls, with one being inside her balls. When she returned to Diana, Bannia saw one of the other recruiter's feet slide down Diana's throat and cautiously came forward to offer two of the girls she had recruited while saying hesitantly, “Mistress... I have another girl to offer you, but I don't know how to... remove her from my body....” Before Bannia could react, Diana's tail stabbed into her cock, causing an explosion of pleasure to shoot through her. Then she groaned blissfully as she felt Diana extracting the third girl from her body and then laid still on the ground as Diana sampled the girls she had brought back. Seeing Diana slither her tail over towards her made Bannia tremble fearfully as she began to see herself being dropped into Diana's gaping maw, but those worries were quickly banished when Bannia felt her mistress' cock ram into her pussy. After refilling her servant's pussy, Diana said to Bannia slyly as she slide into the trembling girl's butt, “As a reward for your wonderful treats, I'm going to give you more room to carry girls, just be certain to bring back more like those three, they tasted wonderful.” Bowing awkwardly as she felt Diana's cum doing something strange to her anal cavity, Bannia took what her mistress said as a dismissal and happily scurried away. Heading back out onto the dance floor to locate some more girls that would be proper meals for Diana, Bannia took her time so as not to displease Diana with less than adequate meals. The first girl went to her womb, like before, with the second girl being sucked down into her balls and then Bannia found her cock swallowing yet another girl and for a second worried that her sack would burst. After taking a moment to settle herself, Bannia then went after more girls, wondering what Diana had meant in saying she would have more storage space. Finding another voluptuous girl dancing alone, Bannia strode right up behind the girl, penetrating into the girl's pussy without second thought, dragging the paralyzed girl over to a booth with no one even batting an eyelash in her direction. Once the girl was completely under her control, Bannia was a little surprised when the girl quickly knelt down and sought out her anus. Then she was in for the latest surprise of her life when the young lady stood up into her ass and did her best to relax so the girl could slide in more easily. After the upper half of her body was deep inside Bannia, the girl brought her knees up into Bannia's butt and soon only the girl's crotch was visible, along with her toes. Bannia then squeezed her anus shut, forcing the girl to ball up inside her ass, further stretching out her already bulging belly. She then rested a moment to make certain she would not burst before heading out to find some more girls. This time when she returned, Bannia saw another recruiter was in line to be eaten by the now slightly larger Diana and she began to tremble fearfully as she waited to present her latest acquisition to her mistress. After having Diana dig the girl out of her womb, Bannia trembled with anticipation as she turned around to present her ass to her mistress. Knowing full well that she could have forced the girl in her ass out without any help from Diana, Bannia wanted to enjoy her last moments of life as much as she could before she was forced into her mistress' hungry maw. As she lay gasping on the floor, Bannia felt Diana pick her up and while she began to shake fearfully, her mistress said playfully, “Oh come on now, if I had really wanted to eat you, then I would have done so before sending you out the first time. The others willingly chose to be eaten like the others, since they have had their lust for sex fulfilled to the fullest. You, on the other hand, I plan to keep since I simply love the way girls drenched in your cum taste.” Wringing her hands nervously as she didn't know if she would get in trouble for correcting her mistress, Bannia quickly summoned the courage to ask, “ What do you mean by my cum? Are they not being soaked in your cum, mistress?” Setting Bannia down as she slurped down some more girls in the room, Diana smiled pleasantly as she replied, “Well, I don't quite understand how it happens, but when I pump my cum into you, my cum seems to absorb your flavor so in essence, my cum is turned into your cum so, no, the girls you bring me are not soaked in my cum.” After sucking the rest of the treats in the room into her cock, Diana was just laying back to relax as her body churned up the girls when she began to shudder. Upon hearing her mistress in distress, Bannia went to Diana's side in an attempt to help the massive Incubus. Not knowing what to do, Bannia watched curiously as part of Diana's body began to pull away from her and the girl could do little more than wait helplessly as the good majority of Diana's body ripped away from her. Reforming into her older form again, Damion was surprised when she found that she could not easily revert to her smaller size, then addressed Diana cheerfully, saying, “Oh, good you are awake. Thank you for the most wondrous and fulfilling nap. I see you also found a mate in the process as well, that is good. Uh, before you start swearing loyalty to me or anything, please know that I serve my own mistress and that you are to report to her.” After leaving Diana and the club behind, Damion struggled for a moment, but then was able to manage turning into her human form. Feeling oddly empowered and satisfied unlike before when she pulled away from a converted Daughter, Damion just smiled as she thought about what she planned to do with Loren now that she had free reign of her territory. As she headed towards Loren's home, Damion began to get the feeling she was being followed yet again. Even more curious, was that when she tried to ask the other Daughters nearby if they knew what was going on, she only received silence or remarks about the others being preoccupied with something. Suddenly, Damion was surrounded by figures cloaked in white and froze as one of the hooded figures said, “Greetings, Damion, would you perhaps have a moment or two that we could speak to you about something?”
Another Kind of 'Suck'ubus Chapter 5 – In the Shadows Somewhere in The Mother's territory lay her nest and at the center of the massive underground fortress, The Mother was laying out on a soft pad. “Mother.” a petite voice sad softly. “Mother.” the voice cried again, a little louder. When Adarie took in a breath to scream at The Mother loudly, the black skinned Succubus found a hand that rose up out of the floor clamping down over her mouth as The Mother grumbled with her eyes still closed, “Adarie.... you know that I do not actually sleep in here, so if you have something to ask, then please do so.” Blushing as she she began to tap her index fingers together nervously, she waited until the hand retreated before asking, “Are you going to.... replace me, Mother?” Opening her eyes to stare at the Succubus Queen for a moment, The Mother let out a sigh as she smiled and answered, “No, of course not, honey. Damion is by no means your replacement and you should know that. She just wanted to become a demon and I made her into the image she had burning in her mind. Think of her as an addition to you and Asharie's sisterhoods, because both of you have a habit of eating females rather than trying to convert them, so with Damion, you can now convert both sexes into Daughters. Also, I know how you hate females with power because of the cult that was hunting you, so I'm certain you'd enjoy watching a Nobleman or two be given the body of an Incubus only to have it taken away when Damion finishes consuming their bodies.” Grinning as she watched the Queen's tail twitch curiously, Adarie bounced up and down insistently as the Succubus asked, “Wait, how does she convert them by giving them the body of an Incubus.... and for that matter, how can she eat them if they are already an Incubus? Tell me, Mother!” Suddenly a white winged figure dropped down through the floor and wrapped Adarie up in a bear hug as the Succubus squealed with delight, before Asharie replied slyly, “How about we go watch it for ourselves, sis? I finally solidified my position as a Nobleman so I'll be needing a sex slave to make things look more convincing.” Giggling as her sister held her tightly, Adarie commented in an excited tone, “Ooo, and I bet those Noblemen will fall at your feet when you show your commitment by branding me.” Sitting up and drawing the sister Queens' attention, The Mother said in a stern tone, “Just remember, the Sisters of Light are off limits, especially Drayne. If you can get to her, then the Hierarch is free game. I already found Cat, but if either of you see Rose, keep your distance! Don't need the alarm being sounded early now do we?” Nodding their acknowledgment quickly, the pair of Queens took flight and headed back to the Vaticant lands. Passing through the magical barrier that would normally alert the Vaticant to the presence of demons, Adarie and Asharie playfully twirled through air as they made their way towards Damion home. Damion was a little shocked to see the pair land and was even more startled when they didn't just cloak themselves to appear human, but rather changed into humans, so as they were going into the home asked, “So can I take it that the both of you are Queens as well?” Freezing as they were about to take a step, both sisters were trying to come up with some kind of explanation when suddenly all three overheard the Daughters inside the home say in unison, “Busted!” Each of the Queens shot an annoyed glare at the others inside, then burst out laughing over the whole ordeal before heading inside. Damion was very excited to learn about Asharie and Adarie, but when she picked up on the Succubus Queen worry over being replaced, Damion was quick to assure Adarie she had no intention of doing so. Unable to contain her curiosity, Adarie eventually blurted out that she wanted to know how Damion was able to convert females into Daughters. More than happy to explain, Damion spoke of how she would take possession of a human of either sex and would pull the human into her body where they were able to experience the joys of being a demon until the conversion process was complete. When Damion asked about the other two conversion methods, Adarie explained how she was suck mortals into her womb and reconstruct their bodies in her womb, while Asharie gave the short version of her conversion method by saying that she just impregnated girls with Angels. That was when Damion remembered about how she could leave behind a load of cum which would eventually develop into a young Succubus. To demonstrate that, Damion called in Blitza, who with some difficulty managed to convince her partner to come out. Asharie got a chuckle out of the way the tiny Incubus squeaked upon seeing her. After talking with the little tyke for a bit, Blitza took the Daughter and left to resume her duties, which prompted Asharie to ask, “Speaking of duty, what would you have us do, Damion? We may be of the same rank, but right now we are in your house and are at your disposal.” Thinking for a moment, Damion replied, “Uh... well Adarie should probably stay here and protect the home with Diana unless she wishes to go out in public with you, Asharie. You, on the other hand... we probably should go out and keep up our appearances as Noblemen, but try not to hunt too many people. If possible, I'd like too keep the building up the Hierarch's trust so that perhaps we can remove all the Noblemen from the Vaticant and return this country to the way it was when the Noblemen were still noble. If things start to look bad, we can always take her to The Mother until things cool off, then we can bring her back when we get done.” Just when Damion was going to say more, a young lady turned around the corner and looked into the room happily as she said, “Oh there you two are! I had heard you were both here and- Oh! Am I i-interrupting something? I can come back if you want.” Shaking her head no, Damion invited Aurora to come in and then left the two Queens with their mate as she left to conduct some business elsewhere. Now that Damion was a fully acknowledged Nobleman, Blitza had taken to accompanying her everywhere, especially after the abduction incident. Unfortunately, that didn't stop Damion from coming under assault by charmed girls that thought she was evil for no apparent reason. While Blitza was always quick to knock some sense into the girls, Damion knew the attacks wouldn't stop until she dealt with the Nobleman responsible for the abduction of the Hierarch. When knowledge of the demon's presence at the small clearing where the kidnappers had congregated at was found out by the Nobleman, the woman had the audacity of using that information to twist the truth so that it looked like The Mother had charmed the trainees into bringing the Hierarch to her. While the Hierarch, Drayne and Damion all knew better than to believe that lie, the Hierarch didn't dispute the claim since she had no real evidence to prove otherwise. Unfortunately, the only time Damion saw the other Nobleman was at court hearings and any other time, the Nobleman flat out refused to speak with her, giving the same excuse about not having time for the prattle of an inexperienced Nobleman. Today, however, Damion had become fed up with the other woman's actions against her and decided to take a more aggressive approach. Riding over to the Nobleman's home, Damion tried at first to request an audience with the woman, but when that proved futile, Damion just strode right into the mansion grounds with the guards hot on her trail. Blitza made certain that neither guardsmen touched Damion and then quickly followed the Incubus Queen. When Damion tried to convince one of the maids in the house to take her to the Nobleman, the girl adamantly refused, mentioning something about the master of the house being busy with pressing matters at that time, to which Damion responded with, “Listen, everyone has skeletons in their closets and I really don't give a damn about the ones in your master's closet. All I want is to speak with her and you know damn well that regardless of what I see here, I won't be able to pin anything on her.” Oddly the girl just bowed and told Damion, “Follow me, I-I will take you to my master.... but please do not do anything to anger her... she very scary when angry.” Following the maid to the master bedroom of the mansion, Damion was shocked when the maid opened up a secret door and led the way down. While Blitza was opposed to it, she eventually agreed to stay up in the room at the request of Damion since the maid would not allow her to endanger the Nobleman in the hidden chamber. Going down a long staircase, Damion absentmindedly began to calculate the distance they were descending and found it curious that they were going down below where the basement of the mansion would be if there was one. At the bottom, Damion noticed the maid grow frightened and said she could stay there if she did not want to go any further. The maid gratefully accepted the offer and then Damion literally opened the door to the belly of the beast. Inside, she found herself in a dungeon that housed various girls, all heavy restrained with thick chains that kept them immobile. At the end of the stuffy chamber, Damion found the Nobleman overseeing the training of a pretty girl, who was being repeatedly fucked by two women that Damion figured were the Nobleman's apprentices. When she began to walk down into the room, the three women down below immediately became aware of her, watching with a mixture of anger and fear in their eyes. Coming down with her hands behind her back, Damion came down into the room with a stone faced look as she looked over at the Nobleman without even glancing at the trainees or the girl and said, “Sorry to intrude on your personal business, but I felt I had no other choice to get a chance to speak with you.” Looking intently at Damion for a moment, the Nobleman replied, “You are being very foolish by coming down here. Even if you have your bodyguard with you here, I have more than enough girls at my disposal to-” Raising her hand up while swinging her other hand out into view to show she was unarmed, Damion said in an unsettling and friendly tone, “I mean you no harm in coming down here and I'm very certain that you can rewire the opening mechanism to the secret entrance down to here so I'm not going to even bother trying to bring this place to the attention of the Hierarch. All I'm here to do is calm the waters between us, because I'm getting rather tired of your students sending every drunk or weak-minded girl they come across at me. As you can plainly see, their efforts are only a minor inconvenience to me and their efforts would most likely be better spent elsewhere.” Walking over in front of Damion arrogantly, the Nobleman smiled like a coiled snake as she replied, “Well, if you truly intend to calm the waters between us, what say you use the trust you've built up with the Hierarch to get her alone for me? I almost had her thanks to you before, but that damnable demon interfered.” Even The Mother was startled by the nearly untamed fury that rippled through Damion's mind for a split second, then Damion answered as calm as ever, “I can see reconciling with you is impossible, so I will take my leave. It was a pleasure talking with you.” Without ever cracking her emotionless expression on her face, despite knowing the illusion around her would have prevented the other from seeing her true emotions, Damion trembled violently as she walked away. Despite her feeling no arousal at all, Damion found herself growing very erect as the unformed Incubus in her balls wanting nothing more than to consume the Nobleman behind Damion. As she walked along, one of the prisoners near the front of the dungeon called out to her in a whisper and when Damion turned towards her, she was surprised to see a badly beaten lady hanging limply from her chains. Standing in front of the cage, Damion listed as the girl begged to her, “You are a Nobleman right?.... Well even if you aren't, you look like you need to relieve yourself badly. Don't try to hide it, I can see the bulge in your pants and the way your trembling.... I want you do me... then perhaps I can enjoy having sex one last time and maybe even get pregnant.” Holding position outside the door, Damion looked at the girl and saw a startling fire still in her eyes unlike the other who had lost hope, then asked, “What good would being pregnant do you? Plus, why would you be willing to take me as your master over the woman holding you here? How do you know I'm not like her?” Scoffing laughter was all that met Damion's demands and after a few moments, the girl recovered enough to answered, “Because if you were like her, then you wouldn't have left this place with anything left in ya. Plus, I kinda overheard your conversation.... only bits and pieces mind you, but I could tell your no ally of that bitch. Whether I carry your child or become your pet.... it would beat being stuck down here until I dragged over to be rapped endlessly. As to me getting pregnant, being pregnant means your untouchable by a Nobleman.... heh, just thinking of what her face would be like when she found me pregnant in here... oh that would be priceless. She would have to let me go or risk the Hierarch's wrath.... or she could just kill me and either way I go free.” Placing a barrier around the cell so that no one else could see or hear what went on, Damion made it look like she opened the door and entered the cell when really she pressed her body right through several pairs of bars, before changing into her Queen form, then asked, “Would you still be interested in giving birth to one of my children? Even if that meant giving birth to a monster?” The lady was terrified at first, but then a different kind of fire ignited in her eyes as she asked, “Would that monster be willing to kill me and that bitch?” Smiling deviously, Damion answered, “The Daughter you would be giving birth to will do whatever it is you desire. If that is to perish, then the baby will eat you upon birth and if you want the Nobleman to perish, then once the baby has been born, she will share in your desire... though I will say that taking out the Nobleman would probably already be instilled into the baby already.” Doing her best to lift herself up, the lady was shocked when Damion penetrated her, moaning dreamily as she felt her belly fill with Damion's warm cum. Leaving the lady behind with a belly so full of cum that she looked heavily pregnant already, Damion left the dungeon with a satisfied grin under her illusion. When she left the mansion, Blitza could tell things did not go as planned because of the way her partner had acted up when Damion's temper flared, but when asked, Damion only gave her a devious response that everything was taken care of. After that, Damion went straight to the Hierarch's chambers and informed her of what had happened at the Nobleman's manor, leaving out certain details, so the Hierarch would not be alarmed over Damion being offered an alliance over her. Sitting in her cell down below the Nobleman's mansion, the lady just hanged tiredly from her chains as for some reason she felt even weaker than normal. What she didn't know was that Damion had taken Asharie reproduction idea to give the girl an actual baby rather than just a liquified version of an Incubus to give birth to. All that meant was the the lady got to wait for days, rather than hours, for the Incubus to be born, with her belly growing a little bit each day. The other girls in the dungeon thought that Damion had only teased her and the lady felt that was for the best since the Nobleman might discover the child before it was born otherwise. Eventually, the lady went into labor and started to push the baby Incubus out of her, then when the little demon plopped out of her, she couldn't help but adore it's cuteness before telling it, “Hey! Hurry up and eat me already..... I don't know when that bitch is going to come back, so if you don't hurry....” Getting up, the young Incubus rushed over and hugged the lady's belly smiling happily until her mama started talking about her eating the lady, then she spoke up, “No! I don't want to eat you... and you don't want me to you either.... right?” Suddenly feeling the chains around her arms melt away, the lady fell to the ground on top of the little demon before trying to get up quickly out of fear of harming the child, but found she couldn't move as the Incubus said sweetly, “Don't worry, mama, I'm alright.... Um... I am hungry though... do you mind if I...” Trailing off as she reached up to touch the lady's nipples, the Incubus was dismayed to find her mama's breasts empty as the lady replied, “I would love for you to.... but as you can tell, someone beat you to my milk. Just look at me... I'm in no condition to be an effective mama to you, so if you would... please put me out of my misery, then go get the bitch that put me here.” Still looking stubborn over not eating her mama, the Incubus grumbled, “If I eat you, then you can't disappear, mama!” Not understanding what the demon was talking about, the lady gave the best sappy remark she could think of in saying, “Oh don't worry, so long as you remember me, I will always be in you, right here.” Touching the demon's chest where her heart would be, the lady put on the most convincing smile manageable. Still unwilling to go along, the Incubus was about to say something when her eyes dilated and her mouth just hung open for a moment. In the moments that followed, The Mother spoke with the Incubus, explaining how the Daughter's mama desired to live happily and that by eating her mama the demon would be helping the lady to find peace. As her mouth hung open, the lady heard her start to sniffle as the Incubus worried that if her mama found happiness inside her that the lady would cease to exist since her mama's desire would be granted. In response, The Mother said that the Incubus' mama cared enough about the Daughter to offer her life up to feed the Incubus growing appetite and that alone meant she cared deeply about the Incubus, thus would never leave the Daughter alone. When her eyes returned to normal, the Incubus collapsed to her knees as she was still struggling with eating her parent, then looked to her mama and asked, “Would you name me before I eat you mama? It'd mean a lot to get a name from you.” Finding that a little odd, the lady smiled kindly at the childish demon and said, “How does Reava sound?” Clapping her hands excitedly at the name, the Incubus became glum again as she replied, “Thank you, mama.... I'm sorry to do this to you....” With surprising strength, the Incubus lifted the lady up and for a moment, she had regrets about giving herself up to the demon as she looked down into the black abyss of the Incubus' throat. Then she felt her child bite down on her head and shoulders and all those thoughts went away as she began to think of everything the Nobleman had done to her. When her child chomped down on her nipples, she groaned blissfully and shuddered as an odd feeling of pleasure surged through her. That was when the lady realized that whatever the Nobleman had done to her that had restricted her from feeling pleasure was gone and then she regretted not having the Incubus eat her feet first since she wouldn't get a chance to ask her child to free the others, then give the same treatment. All those regrets were quickly wiped away as the Incubus reached her crotch and chomped down hungrily on her butt while driving her crazy with it's tongue in her pussy. After cumming more than she had in the past two months, the lady began to feel her legs start to slide down the demon's throat as her body began to curl up. Closing her eyes as she prepared to embrace oblivion for siding with a demon, the lady was pleasantly surprised when she felt good as the demon digested her. Oddly, rather than feel or see her spirit descend to hell, the lady felt all her senses connect to her child as her body was lit on fire with excitement and she was lost in a flood of pleasure. As she floated in the mind-numbing bliss, the lady heard her child's voice remind her that she promised not to disappear and suddenly everything around her snapped into focus. Realizing that she was now fused with her child, the lady was amazed when she began to see everything all around the Incubus and laughed excitedly as she reassured the Incubus she wasn't going anywhere. Then she began to feel odd as her mind moved through the Incubus' body, she suddenly found her perspective changing to where she was looking at her child's fine new ass and realized her body was now the demon's tail. Wanting nothing more than to hug her child, the lady was just as surprised as her child when she suddenly morphed the tail she was inhabiting into a replica of her upper body, which caused the Incubus to jump back in fright and ask, “How are you doing that, mama?!” Looking at her body for a moment, the lady was about to respond when an entirely new voice answered in her mind, “She is now a part of your body, Reava, which means that so long as she retains her own mind, she can control your body just as well as you can. Which means that now you two can be together for as long as you desire.” Feeling the presence that came with the voice diminish, Jeana looked over at Reava and said sternly, “When we find the bitch that put me in here, I'm going to be the one that eats her, got that!” Swatting her mama on the head with her original tail, Reava stuck her tongue out and replied mischievously, “Not if I wrap my lips around her first!” For a moment Jeana was going to box her child's ears, but then she heard the others whimpering and said urgently, “We need to hide... then after whoever is coming down here leaves I'd like to free the others and... let them enjoy what I experienced.... if that's not to much trouble...” Shaking her head no, Reava crept over to the bars of the cell despite Jeana's protests and waited for one of the trainees to pass by, then reached out quickly to pull the unsuspecting woman into a kiss. Taking control of Jeana's body, Reava turned her until a large bell like mouth and manipulated Reava down underneath the trainee. Lifting up the trainee's legs, Reava lowered them into the opening of Jeana's mouth, then slowly stuffed the rest of the woman's body into Jeana's mouth while urging her mama to start swallowing. Slowly, Jeana working the trainee down into her mouth completely and got a little enjoyment out of the trainee's struggles once the charm from Reava's kiss went away. Jeana then began to really enjoy her body churning the trainee up and just about wet herself before noticing that Reava was feeling the same way. Joking with the Incubus about being to weak to stomach seeing someone else die in her, Reava knew that she now shared the same feelings and sensations with her child. Once the trainee had been fulling digested in plain view of the other girls in the cell block, Reava pushed the metal bars right out of place and stood out in full view of the other captives, then while they gasped in shock, Reava offered the girls two options, “You can either become another tail for me or you can become my sex slaves... but either way you all are going to come with me.” As many of the girls just stared in silence, one of the other girls asked, “Are you going to go after the Nobleman? Will... can one of us be the one to eat her.” Nodding yes to the first question, Reava flinched at the second question then answered, “Uh, sorry, Jeana already has dibs...” All the girls in the cell block immediately groaned unhappily but all the same were happy to become Reava's tails. When she done snacking, Reava had ten tails in total and confidently strode up the stairwell, with all the girls in her tails trembling with joy at finally being free from their dungeon. Hearing someone busy having fun in the next room, Reava could tell the woman in the room was the Nobleman by the way her tails arced up angrily. Not one to be subtle, Reava just raised up one foot and kicked the sliding display case away from in front of the sliding doorway. Much to her satisfaction and that of all the other girls, the wooden case plowed the Nobleman into the far wall with a satisfying crash. When the servant the Nobleman had been fucking got up to go check on her master, five of Reava's tails shot out towards her, latching into all of the girl's erogenous zones. As the maid was wrapped up by her tails and brought closer to her, Reava slowly walked over to the Nobleman, but not before barricading the doorway. With the maid shuddering as every sensitive part of her body was stimulated at once, Reava used her other tails and one arm to throw the display case off the Nobleman. Picking the woman up with one arm, Reava was somewhat disappointed that the terrifying woman she had imagined from the way the other girls had thought of the Nobleman was so feeble. Feeling the maid stop moving, Reava lowered the girl down over her dick, with the others asking why she wanted to fuck the maid then and instead of answering, Reava just began to suck the girl down into her balls. Eventually, the Nobleman woke up to the sounds of her servants pounding on the barricaded door and upon seeing that Reava was holding her off the bellowed, “Foul demon! Do what you will with me, but just know that my servants will make quick work of you regardless of whether you kill me or not.” Not paying attention to the Nobleman's crazed ranting and raving, Reava was talking with Jeana, since her mama had started to get cold feet, “So now you don't want to eat her.... why?” Grumbling nervously for a moment, Jeana answered, “Oh I don't know... when it was just me that had become your tail, sure, I would have loved to feel that bitch squirm inside of me, but now... I just don't want to rob the others of the experience since I'm certain they've all dreamed up worse fates for that woman and her apprentices.” Thinking for a moment, Reava smiled deviously as she pulled all the girl's back into her body and allowed them to see everything around her. They all then got to watch the fear and horror on the Nobleman's face as the woman was slowly swallowed whole. To make it a real show, Reava allowed for the Nobleman to see herself in Reava's stomach so that the woman would witness her body being digested. Then to really stick it to the Nobleman, Reava made it so that she could see the ghostly souls of the prisoner girls watching her demise play out. From the way her belly felt like there were at least a dozen or so butterflies fluttering about, Reava knew she had made all the girls very, very happy. As the door was broken down, Reava turned to face the entire household of servants and the Nobleman's apprentices as she released her presence, then asked her tails, “So..... who wants to eat whom? I'd also like to know if any of the apprentices where not involved in the enslavement training as well.” With that, the feast began and after making a large exit hole in the wall, Reava made herself look like one of the apprentices that had not been involved with the dirty business of torturing the girls that would not submit. Hiding someplace in the room, Reava put on a great act when she was eventually discovered a day later. She told her rescuers that all she heard was a loud crash from her master's room and then after coming to see what happened, couldn't remember much. When asked what made the whole in the wall, Reava put on her best terrified act as she screamed that a demon had and then broke down sobbing so that the Sister's of Light present escorted her away.
A New Mask Chapter 4 – Something Best Left Unsaid Laying quietly in bed, Ani was overcome with fear as she began to think about what she had seen happen in her last nightmare, but then she remembered what Firestar had said and mumbled as she snuggled against her pillow, “Yeah... what is the worst that could happen up here in space....” With both girls sound asleep, a white gunk began to gurgle out of Ani's mouth and once more she was transformed into the Grey Mask. Even though Firestar's breathing was audible, the Grey Mask didn't even acknowledge her presence and instead melted down into the floor. Moving through the metal plating of the space station, she didn't trip a single alarm as she slide around the dorm section of the training facility. Finding a particular room eventually, the Grey Mask slipped into the room before reforming. In the room, the group of girls that had threatened Ani and tormented Firestar slept peacefully as the Grey Mask drew closer to them. Walking over to the first bunk bed, the Grey Mask walked over to where the bottom girl's head was and carefully sat down on top of the girl face. Even though the girl woke up almost immediately, when she took in a deep breath in preparation to scream out in terror, all the trainee got was a mouthful of the Grey Mask's perfume. With that, the girl the Grey Mask was sitting on calmed down quickly and began to help the Grey Mask squeeze the girl's head up into her ass. Leaning against the wall that the girl's pillows had been propped up against, the Grey Mask aligned her body to make it easier for the girl to slide up into her anal cavity, then wrapped her tail around the girl's body to begin pulling the young lady further into her. While she enjoyed the occasional wiggle from her intoxicated pet, the Grey Mask then turn her attention to the girl up in the top bunk. Opening her mouth wide, the Grey Mask extended her tongue up towards the top bunk, phasing right through the mattress and coiling her slender tongue around the girl's upper body. When her tongue reached the girl's crotch, the Grey Mask slide her tongue past the trainee's pussy and dug into her anus. Slowly fucking the girl's ass with her tongue while continuing to rub her prey's pussy, the Grey Mask gently pulled the girl down and began to ease the young lady into her mouth. Unable to resist, she was only able to wait until the girl's bouncy breasts were in her mouth before the Grey Mask chomped down greedily, biting down with her upper jaw on the girl's vulnerable nipples. Much to her delight, the girl in the Grey Mask's mouth was instantly jolted awake and began to struggle vigorously. Leaving her second prey with a clear mind, the Grey Mask smiled hungrily and dribbled some saliva as she sucked more of the two girls into her stomach. Once the pair was safely tucked away in her gut, the Grey Mask released the first girl from her perfume and grinned sinisterly as the pair began to beat against the sides of her stomach. Walking over to the other bunk, the Grey Mask sought to punish the pair in her stomach by allowing them to remain alive in her for the time being. Noticing the top bunk and the fifth bed in the slightly larger dorm room were empty, the Grey Mask grinned happily to see the trio asleep on the bottom bunk. As she dropped onto the bed to jostle the remaining three awake, the Grey Mask began to release her perfume in large amounts. By the time the trio was awake enough to realize there was someone unfamiliar on the bed, they were helplessly under the Grey Mask's control. Reaching over for two of the girls, the Grey Mask pressed their lips against her breasts so that they would get a mouthful of her milk. Once they tasted the sweet nectar, the pair of girls quickly sat up on their knees to continue feeding on the Grey Mask's breast milk. Looking over to see the third girl pouting, the Grey Mask reached down to pat her pussy with an inviting smile on her face and the third girl was quick to crawl over to her. Grabbing onto the Grey Mask's thighs gently, the last girl gently spread apart the Grey Mask's legs before burying her face in the strange being's pussy. While the third girl diligently attended to her pussy, the Grey Mask in return used her tail to attend to the girl's own nether regions, curling her tail up through the girl's legs so that her thrusts allowed for her tail to rub the outside of the girl's anus. For a few minutes, the Grey Mask groaned pleasantly as the trio played with her, but eventually she had to end their fun by sucking the two girls at her sides into her luscious milk jugs, while the third girl found herself being given a very personal view of the Grey Mask's womb. Once she had them all inside of her, the Grey Mask allowed for all the girls to return to their normal states of mind and thoroughly enjoyed their struggles. To make things worse for the five girls, the Grey Mask allowed for their voices to reach the others trapped in her as they began to feel the others struggling to get free as well. Then the Grey Mask merged back into the floor and quickly darted towards the outside of the station where she dove out towards the earth, propelling herself forward with her levitation capabilities. As she traveled to the surface, the Grey Mask began to grin as she felt the efforts of the girls trapped within her intensify as they all began to notice their bodies were being digested. Making certain her entrance back into the planet's atmosphere would not be seen, the Grey Mask aimed herself so that she would touch down in a park lake. Once on shore, the Grey Mask was quick to make herself scarce so that she could start searching for some more food. After making certain she was safely hidden in the shadows, the Grey Mask just stopped, standing still as a statue as she listened to her surrounding. Various cars passed by where the Grey Mask was hiding, but none of them attracted her attention because the cars were fast and out in the open and for some reason the Grey Mask felt the need to keep her presence hidden . Suddenly, the Grey Mask's attention was drawn to a large bus that stopped close by as she feared she had been discovered, but then the bus moved on as she was creeping close to prepare for an attack and heard a group of passengers that got off say, “So we only need to go two blocks to get to the club right? Oh~ I can't wait till we get there!” Following the group stealthily, the Grey Mask got ahead of the group as soon as the club they were traveling to came into view. Then she released her perfume and sent it towards the group, all of whom were deeply intoxicated by the time they passed by the alley where the Grey Mask was waiting. When they passed the alleyway, the girls insistently begged their partners for a little fun since they could no longer wait anymore. As the friends detoured into the alleyway and were in the process of getting cozy, they suddenly noticed they were not alone. When the Grey Mask came into sight and displayed her gorgeous curves to the group of aroused teens, none of them were able to resist when she beckoned to them with one finger. Reaching down to pick up one of the three girls, the Grey Mask gently slide down over her cock, tucking the girl's legs around behind her so that the girl could fuck herself. Now with her arms free once more, the Grey Mask wrapped her arms around the other two girls, cupping their butts with her hands so her fingers could prob the girl's pussy while allowing the girls to nurse on her breasts. Hearing the females arguing behind her over who would get to go first at her ass, the Grey Mask shook her head in annoyance and bent forward to display her stretched open pussy while she used her tail to get the attention of the women. Seeing that there was now room for them both, each female walked up behind the the Grey Mask on either side of her tail and then began to ram their erect cocks into her holes. The first to disappear were the girls that were sucking on her breasts and the Grey Mask was quick to turn them into milk. Next to go was the girl being impaled with her cock as the young lady's pussy was already leaking cum and so the Grey Mask used the girl to fill out her balls again. Finally the two women found themselves being wrapped up in the Grey Mask's tail and then were forced into her asshole. With them churning away in her belly, she leaped up onto the club's roof and then the Grey Mask phased into the building. Locating the ventilation fans, the Grey Mask began to feed her perfume into the air-ducts and did not stop until the room she was in was saturated with the aroma. Dropping down into the club floor, the Grey Mask continued to release her perfume into the air as she wandered about looking for a suitable meal. In the murky air, distinguishing shapes was hard for the patrons, but the Grey Mask had no difficulty, which she constantly demonstrated when she stuffed random waitresses into her cock and ass without even registering their presence. Walking around with a bulging belly and a sagging sack between her legs, the Grey Mask was looking around for some fresh bodies to add to her collections since all the others had long since passed out. Finding a large group of girls, the Grey Mask decided to have a little fun and allowed the girls to take notice of her presence rather than just suck them all up instantly. Seeing that one of the girls was on her hands and knees trying to find some kind of relief for the raging fire between her legs, the Grey Mask was quick to penetrate her pussy, filling the girl up instantly. Pulling out and ramming into the girls ass, the Grey Mask kept the girl pinned to the ground as she slowly thrust into the girl. While doing that, the Grey Mask lifted up her tail to invite the girls closer, then stretched open her pussy and ass to invite the girl in. As some of their group started to slide themselves into the Grey Mask's body, others went around to gather more girls to fill the Grey Mask with. Noticing that a line was starting to form, the Grey Mask extended her tail out behind one girl that had begun to look around for another place to have fun. Stabbing her tail up into the girl's ass, the girl immediately cummed as the Grey Mask's tail slide deeper into her body. The entire time, the girl did nothing but cum as she overwhelmed with pleasure, until the tip of the tail poked out of her mouth. Then the girl's body began to turn the same shade of gray as the tail was and slowly melted into the Grey Mask's tail. Despite that, the girl had a euphoric smile on her face the entire time and continued to cum until she was completely absorbed. After that, the Grey Mask used her tail to absorb the cum that had drenched the carpet under the girl before pointing the tip towards some girls that had been watching, then she twirled her tail's tip once. Understanding the wordless instruction completely, the girls watching all turned around so that they could each receive the same treatment. A few hours later, the Grey Mask was panting as she rested with her belly slowly shrinking back to normal as the club patron inside were steadily digested and absorbed. That was when she noticed the time on a nearby clock and struggled to get up for a moment, then leaped up out of the club, phasing through the ceiling so her exit would not be noticed. As her belly continued to churn her guests, the Grey Mask hurried away from the club as the air inside returned to normal. Finding her way back to the park where she landed, the Grey Mask's belly had almost returned to normal, but the sky was already fairly bright so she couldn't wait for her meal to completely digest. Leaping high up into the air with such force, the Grey Mask left behind a crater in her wake, but thankfully the lake next to the crater was starting to fill up the hole. When she felt her body's momentum begin to slow, the Grey Mask created a platform underneath her and launched herself higher into the sky, using her levitation ability to increase the distance she traveled with each leap. The Grey Mask eventually broke free of the atmosphere and was finally able to fly with greater ease. Making her way to the side of the space station, the Grey Mask hurriedly merged into the metal as her body was starting to melt away. Streaking through the metal of the station, the Grey Mask came to realize that she would not be able to make it back to bed and made herself invisible as she merged up out of the floor in front of the door to Firestar's room. As Ani's body began to take form from within the melting gray fluid, the Grey Mask leaned back against the door so that the camera's wouldn't see her and relaxed. To the heroes watching the camera's, the only disturbance that night was when one of the others on the night-shift brought in some snacks.
A New Mask 2 Chapter 3 – The Other 'Monster'... Entering a large room filled with various large computer screens, Firestar was shocked by the gusto that everyone in the room moved with as they scanned every image they had on the screens carefully. At several desks spread about the room, the Hammers were combing through every page with words from the book they felt was the key to understanding the Grey Mask with fine toothed combs. Waiting patiently to be noticed since she didn't want to interrupt the research going on, Firestar began to look around at the pictures up on the screens and read through some discarded copies of the deciphered words. Eventually taking a break to rest her eyes, Espio noticed Firestar looking over at a picture and smiled deviously as she teleported Firestar right next to her, causing the girl to cry out in start as Espio said cheerfully, “Glad to see you finally made it down here!” Steadying herself as the other Hammers looked up from the papers they had been studying, Firestar gave Espio an unamused scowl before replying, “Yeah, sorry about that, but my mother has been creating a lot of trouble all over the place... and we still don't know what she is up to.... And those strange power outages have started up again...” Chuckling over the report, Despion stood up with a stretch and said, “Well we haven't met with much success here either... Although we have found mention of The Mother in the words that were mixed into the description of the Grey Mask in the book we first learned of her with, but there is no indication of whether they are enemies, friends or even if they are two sides of the same being like how Ani and the Grey Mask are now together as one being...” Looking nervously around at all the others in the room, Firestar asked, “So have you discovered anything that might lead to the existence of another creature like the Grey Mask?” All the Hammers lowered their heads in shame as one of them said, “We've found nothing and we checked the cities close to the areas where Ani told us she felt the presence of this other being and there was nothing out of the ordinary... Though if this other person is anything like Ani... well I don't think there is any doubt that they would be able to blend in with society is there?” All the other Hammers and Firestar nodded their heads in agreement as they all had not even suspected what Ani was, though in Firestar's case, she knew about what Ani had been doing, but casting those thoughts aside, Firestar wondered out loud curiously, “Hm, you know... I wonder what this other creature's name is? What do you all think? What would you call yourself if you were a monster capable of eating everyone around you?” “Razor.” A voice called out softly. “RAZOR!” The voice called again louder this time. Opening her eyes to being shaken by another girl, Razor pouted her lips out and muttered, “What? What is it already, Akita?” Placing her hands on her hips indignantly, Akita glared angrily at Razor as she replied with a touch of annoyance in her voice, “Class is over, miss moneybags, should I carry you to your car?” Rolling her eyes as she sat up, Razor smiled over at Akita as she began to write down the homework for that night. Getting up out of her seat, Razor walked out of the elementary school with Akita hot on her tail. The pair walked away from the school together chatting happily now that Razor was wide awake unlike in school. As they walked through town, a pair of superheroes zoomed by, much to Akita delight as the dynamic duo were the city's mascots. Razor just regarded the heroes in her normal uninterested manner, just like how she viewed everything around her other than Akita. Heading home, Razor was met by her head maid, Bertha, who greeted both girls warmly, “Ah, mistress, Akita, glad to see you both in good health! I'll have the girls start making snacks if your staying around?” Smiling, Razor replied, “Yes, we have homework tonight so we'll be staying to complete it.” Going inside the richly decorated mansion, Akita and and Razor were both warmly greeted by all the maids that were working inside. The pair of girls quickly made their way towards one of the many unoccupied room in the mansion to work on their homework. Like always, Razor was able to zip through the homework and then laid down to rest as Akita worked on hers. As she rested partially awake the entire time, Razor thought back to how she had arrived into the world, right after she went through the portal... Looking around her at the wild colors as she crossed between dimensions, Razor was overcome by the beauty as the colors would sometimes form into images. Unfortunately, the beauty was also accompanied by a deafening silence, but soon a solid color began to rush towards Razor and she found herself slamming into the ground, hard. Reverting to her human state, Razor's last thoughts were over how humiliating it would be when someone found her naked since she thought she had landed in some kind of park. A little while later, Razor found herself being shaken gently by someone and her first instinct was to attack, but Bertha easily caught her punch, but was still pushed back from the force behind Razor's punch, then commented after chuckling, “Well now, not every day I find someone able to push big ole Bertha around! Master! I think I found something you should come see!” Surprised by the way the lady was treating her, Razor was about to run away when she found a vice like hand gripping her shoulder as Bertha wrapped her up in a medium sized apron and said forcefully, “Now, now, no running off! I don't think my master would appreciate it if you were go streaking across her property buck naked.” Just when Razor was thinking of changing into her Daughter form, a well dressed couple flanked by at least a dozen or so maids walked into sight, with the lady gasping in delight over Razor while the woman responded with shock, “Well now... can't say this is what I was expecting to see when you called me...” As the lady came over to hug her, Razor tried to pull away, but Bertha held her fast while saying, “Well she's not what I was expecting to find when I saw something lying in the grass, master!” After Bertha carried her into the home, Razor had just clammed up as the couple tried to find out more about her, so Bertha dragged her into the closest bathroom and forced Razor into a warm shower while grumbling in an authoritative tone, “My master and mistress are just trying to make you feel welcome here, I don't understand why you are making things so difficult!” Struggling with Bertha for a moment, Razor eventually had enough and turned her hair into two huge fists, one of which was swung quickly at Bertha. Unfortunately, Bertha had been prepared for Razor to fight back against her and jumped back out of the way, although the maid was still shocked to see Razor's hair turn into weapons. With her other fist, Razor was about to smash through one of the walls of the bathroom when the couple came over to see the commotion and looked at Razor in wonder. Remembering something her Mother had told her, Razor relaxed for a moment, then her hair fused into her back to the point that her hair only reached down to her neck. Growing to the size of an adult, Razor's body matured at the same rate and then a strange brown liquid like fur began to spread across her body. Razor's feet lengthened a bit longer than normal and she stood on the front's of her as if preparing to jump. Then to complete her transformation, a long tail stretched out behind Razor, making her start to really resemble a kangaroo, but the tip of her tail looked like it had been cut into three sections. Looking over at the couple, Razor asked them pointedly, “Now that you know I'm a monster, are you so interested in learning who I am?” Bertha took a defensive posture while standing just out from in between Razor and her master until her mistress said joyfully, You don't look like a monster to me, you look more like a scared little kitten trying to puff herself up so that we will toss you out.” Glaring at the lady, Razor slowly returned to normal as she replied in a scoffing tone, “Ha, ha, very funny. I'm supposed to look like a kangaroo, or so I've been told...” Now that she wasn't as aggressive as before, the rest of the maids came in and joined Bertha in giving Razor a good scrub down, despite Razor's protests of not needing a bath. When they finished, the maids were shocked to see how much her hair had grown as Razor grumbled at them over now having to hold her hair up. Even more curious was the way that Razor seemed to dry right off after she exited the water, which made the maids holding towels sad. After that, Bertha wrapped her up a blanket and escorted Razor to where the owners of the mansion were. Suddenly, Razor found herself being woken up out of her reminiscing by Bertha, who told Razor, “Mistress, Akita has returned to her home and did not want to disturb you since you seemed so peaceful, however, it is getting late and I know how you like to go out and exercise in the evening air.” Getting up with a stretch, Razor got out of the chair she was sitting in and walked over to a doorway leading outside as she changed to her Daughter form, then asked, “Bertha? Have you been able to continue keeping tabs on Garganta after she vanished from prison last week?” Perking up at the mention of the supervillain's name, Bertha handed a slip of paper to Razor and answered, “I'd be doing my late master and mistress' memory a huge dishonor if I wasn't. Are you finally going to make yourself known?” Smiling hungrily as her belly grumbled, Razor replied, “Yes, I've begun to feel my real Mother's eyes fall upon me and I think it is finally time to tell her where I am. Not to mention, I have a serious bone to pick with Garganta over the way she dealt with my foster parents....” Heading over to the villain's hideout, Razor noticed that the group inside were gearing up for something and decided to remain hidden as Garganta bellowed, “Alright, let's move out, there's a very large shipment of diamonds being moved into a jewelry seller's safe tonight and I want some new rocks for the sweethearts I'm going to be wooing once I purchase my new home.” A few minutes later, Garganta and her crew were just breaking into the diamond selling company's building when a group of heroes were teleported right in front of them as the media began to set up while the leader of the squad shouted, “Give up, Garganta! There are no diamonds here for you to steal, so why don't you come quietly and not make a scene for the late night news broadcasters, cause there's nothing to make you big in front of the cameras.” Laughing as the heroes thought they had figured out her power to gain size and strength from minerals, Garganta smashed her hand down into the floor, picking up a tile as she shouted, “I don't need diamonds to make me big! Heck I don't even need to eat this piece of tasty marble right here! Cause you know what? EVERYTHING is BIG about ME!” When she put the emphasis on her words, Garganta's voice became so loud that it created sonic booms that shoved the heroes against the wall behind them as the supervillain stalked towards them saying, “And even if the rumored diamond shipment isn't here, there are plenty of other precious rocks I can take to lavish upon the- what the hell?” Just then, Garganta noticed a shadow dart past her since the front of the building was covered in glass panels and was looking up as something was illuminated by the lights blazing on the top of the building. The news crews as well spotted the brown figure leaping up above the building's roof since Razor had brazenly walked right through the police line and across the road. Crashing in through the ceiling, Razor landed hard on the ground, creating a depression in the solid bedrock underneath the marble. Looking very feral in the way she landed, when Razor stood up, all the female superheroes, Garganta and the villain's crew all whistled at her godlike beauty. Smiling happily at Razor, Garganta dropped the tile fragment she was holding and asked, “Now what is a delight like you doing here? Come for the diamonds as well? Sorry to be the one to tell you this sweetheart, but there is no diamond shipment to be had here, although I fairly certain there are plenty of other precious rocks around here for us to share... if you want that is.” Stretching her neck, Razor's eyes suddenly fixated on Garganta in a way that made even the villain jump back as Razor replied, “Three years ago you killed two very wonderful people because you thought that they were looking down upon you, despite the fact that you stood at least a foot over them.... Do you remember what you did to them?” Grinning as she laughed, Garganta pretended to think while she answered, “Hm, three years back is long way to think... but I do remember spattering a couple a few years back because they just pissed me off for some reason. Why? What were they to you?” Rather than answer, Razor just leaped in front of Garganta in the blink of an eye and then smashed the woman's smiling face with her tail as she replied in a strangely calm tone, “That's none of your business, you piece of trash.” Everyone watching the fight was stunned to see the way that Garganta was taken down with ease by the very slender and weak appearing person that appeared out of nowhere. When Garganta's crew charged at Razor, she effortlessly jumped high into the air, twisting around in the air right before landing with such force on one of the minions that the woman was shoved straight down into the floor. Thankfully the woman was known for armor power that rendered her immune to all brute force attacks, but that did little to help the fact that now she couldn't budge an inch. At the same time as she shoved one of her opponents into the ground, Razor also landed so that another villain right behind the one she landed on would be forced into her pussy and as the rest of Garganta's crew watched their mate squirm in her, one demanded in alarm, “What the hell are you? What kind of freak did you come out of?” As the villain in her womb was churned up and absorbed, Razor casually flipped her tail while answering playfully, “Why isn't it obvious? I'm the Daughter of the Grey Mask!” While the people watching the broadcast just reacted with confusion over the declaration, the heroes both in the building and up in the deployment fortresses jumped in alarm as Despion barked, “I want any and all heroes outside the medic bay prepared for transport this instant!” Turning towards Espio, Despion said in a tone that left no room for arguments, “Get everyone to that building right now, before I start throwing people there!” While Espio gathered her strength, the villains in the stand-off against Razor said, “Yeah right, you may look like her physically, but there no way that Ani gave birth to you since she been locked up in the cube for the better half of her life!” When Razor was about to reply, Garganta suddenly appeared behind Razor with a very pissed off look on her face as she snapped Razor's neck in two while shouting, “And besides, what does being the Grey Mask's daughter really mean when your DEAD!” As Garganta tossed Razor's motionless body away, Despion and every other hero just stared in disbelief as the villains began to move forward with their plans as Garganta grumbled, “Hurry up! Stuff whatever you can find into your bags while I dig-” Garganta cut off as she heard the muffled cries coming from the villain that Razor burrowed into the ground and whirled around just into time to see a large bulge slide up Razor's tail as Razor snapped her neck into proper alignment while saying, “That was very rude, Garganta, but I'm not as frail as the couple you did that exact same thing to three years ago!” Shouting by the end of her statement, Razor jumped at Garganta, performing a spinning kick that sent the towering villain through the wall where the heroes were recuperating. When the remaining members of Garganta's crew came charging out again at her, Razor just shook her head and sighed while mumbling, “You never learn do you... time to clean up the trash.” As the first villain jumped at her to tackle Razor to the ground, the woman found Razor's tail moving into position to catch the villain and could do nothing to escape the trap. Without a second wasted, Razor swung her tail around behind her and plunged the villain headfirst into her pussy while preparing to square off with the next fool. When the next one took a swing at her, Razor dodged to the left while pulling the woman forward with her right arm. Before the woman could even make sense of her actions, Razor's tail was clamping down over the villain's head and slowly swallowed the woman whole. Looking at the remaining villain with a sly smile, Razor beckoned the woman to come at her, but when the villain chose to run away instead, Razor plucked out one strand of her and threw the hair like a heavy dagger at her target. Amazingly, the strand of hair flew forward like it weighed as much as a normal throwing dagger and stabbed into the back of the villain's head. Then the part of the strand that remained outside the woman's body split into three pieces, with two wrapping around the villain's head and the third reaching up over her head. When the three pieces of the hair strand met at the front of the woman's skull, they formed back together into a single strand and then stabbed into the villain's forehead. For a moment the woman seemed to falter, then she turned around and obediently walked towards Razor when called to. Without any proud proclamations or anything else that truly evil villains would normally do when having a helpless opponent before them, Razor just smiled at her slave, then slammed her tail down onto the woman's head. As the last of her crew disappeared steadily into Razor's tail, Garganta slowly stepped out of the hole her body had created when she was sent flying by the kick Razor dealt her, she rubbed her neck and demanded, “So what now? You've clearly taken care of my subordinates and ruined any opportunity I had at making a decent score here, so what do you plan to do now? Try to stuff into that tail or yours? I don't think it's quite big enough to-” Garganta's words froze her throat as Razor pointed her tail forward and stretched it open to the size of a family dining table, then Razor smiled playfully as she answered, “Actually, I have different plans for you, but why don't we go someplace private, hm? This place is starting to get to crowded...” Looking around in confusion, Garganta's mouth dropped open as she saw all the costumed forms shuffling around outside the building as several of the heroes demanded, “Surrender, both of you! There is no place to run!” Cocking her head sideways as her tail slithered over and coiled around Garganta, surprising the woman as Razor got a childlike look on her face as she replied, “Run? Why would I want to run? Can't you fools see that I'm kangaroo themed? Geez! You people make me laugh when I think about why Garganta here isn't locked away forever without a key like my Mother! Oh well, time to hop away, and play another day!” The way Razor said 'play' made the gathered heroes nervous over what she meant and then they all charged forward to try and stop her from escaping. Then right before the eyes of every hero, Razor simply jumped backwards with enough force to cause the floor to crack and passed right through the walls leading further into the compound. With all the heroes in hot pursuit, Razor emerged from the other side like she was passing through a liquid rather than a solid with Garganta still in tow and took off across the rooftops. With the heroes and news copters following closely, Razor charged through town, using everything from the sides of buildings to moving cars and even a person from time to time to leap off of. Oddly enough, Razor never even knocked down the people she jumped off of, leaving them dazed as they wondered about what just happened to them. Eventually Razor managed to get a solid lead on her pursuers and gave them all the slip, then carried Garganta away to someplace private as the supervillain demanded, “So what do you want from me? Do you want to say I'm sorry for killing those two? Or is this something more personal? A-and anyways, how the hell do you even know those two?” Tossing Garganta into her bedroom angrily, Razor stomped after her while Garganta saw all the pictures around her room, but the supervillain still didn't connect two and two as she inquired, “Did that kid those rich folk have put you up to this? Is she the one that wants an apology? I figured she would just be grateful I left her alive since she was there too.... What the?!” Watching as Razor began to shrink down to normal, Garganta's eyes shot open as she realized that she was looking at the kid in the pictures and then Razor said deviously, “Just so you know, even if you had tried to kill me back them, I'd have still taken you apart in my stomach! The only thing you did for me by sparing my life was allow me to remain under the radar until now!” Digging her hand into the floor, Garganta tore up some of the floor boards and was about to take a bit when she noticed that her arms could no longer move. Looking down at her body, the woman was shocked to find strands of brown hair coiling around her entire body and forcing her body into a cocoon as Razor came closer. Smiling playfully, Razor said with a hint of irony in her tone, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall. You built yourself up to be some unstoppable, big name super villain, but now all you are is just another meal for me!” After staring into Garganta's eyes until she was completely cocooned, Razor let out a sigh as the villain's body shrank down inside her hair and was sucked into her stomach, then she nearly jumped out of her skin when Akita said in a tearful voice, “So you really did care about your parents this entire time....” Realizing the person at the door was her friend, Razor flopped down onto the floor in relief and then pleaded with Akita, “You can't tell anyone about this, alright?” Nodding her head yes, Akita smiled deviously as she tackled Razor flat on the floor and replied, “Okay, but you have to show me how you did it!” Grinning as she encased herself and Akita in a hairball, Razor said happily, “Oh I'm going to do you one better, Akita. Just you wait and see.” Looking around as the hair wrapped tighter about her with a mix of intrigue and fear, Akita cried out when Razor vanished from underneath her, then pleaded in a panicky tone, “I won't say anything to anyone, Razor, I promise! Please don't kill me! You can trust me, you know that, right?” Patting her hair as she shifted into her Daughter form and transferred Akita to her womb, Razor replied, “Of course I know that, Akita, and after tonight, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together!” When she saw Bertha at the door, Razor returned to her normal uncaring self and said, “Quit worrying, Akita is going to be just fine... though I wish I could say the same about my room... Would you mind fixing it up without calling someone in to fix the floor and the wall?” Smiling kindly when she didn't see Razor's belly returning to normal at all, Bertha replied, “As you wish, mistress.”
A New Mask 2 Chapter 4 – Searching For The Truth Pouring over the news broadcast of the incident with Garganta, the Hammers were a lose of what to make of the self declared daughter of the Grey Mask. Staring at a side by side comparison of footage snapshots of both the brown superpowered girl and Ani as the Grey Mask, Espio eventually groaned unhappily and said in a defeated voice, “They look similar I'll give her that, but other than their physical appearance and their.... well you know...” Leaving the end of her sentence unsaid, everyone in the room understood clearly what Espio was trying to say and then Despion pulled up footage of the chase that ensued after the mystery girl kidnapped Garganta and asked out loud, “That may be true, but then what was her reason for so publicly taking on Garganta? Why take Garganta with her when escaping? Why didn't she just suck her up while still at the gem building since she clearly displayed her tail's ability to stretch wide enough to eat the villain.....” Crackling with energy as she reached up to enlarge the initial confrontation, Hammer Toni watched the exchange again, but only the video from the news teams were available since the defeated heroes were still knocked out, then she replied, “I think she might have had a grudge against Garganta, for after she made her appearance, the girl asked Garganta about something. If I remember right, one of the people from the first group sent in remember hearing Garganta mention something about a couple she had killed a while back, but can't remember anything more than that since her ears were still ringing from the sonic blast Garganta dealt them. So it's a safe bet to declare Garganta as being deceased now, since I'm certain you all saw how easily her captor was not only able to defeat and restrain her, but also escape our pursuit without ever losing possession of Garganta. Then there is the fact that she gave even the media the... I swear all those journalists have superpowers they hide from us so that they can keep up with us....” All the other Hammers in the room chuckled over the comment as they all had their own doubts, but then Firestar came into the discussion and said, “No, you all have just gotten to accustomed to thinking of regular humans as being unable to match you, but there are wonders to be found with the mechanical breakthroughs of this day and age. “ Jumping at the sudden intrusion, Despion turned to Firestar and asked, “So you have heard what has happened, I take it?” Walking into the room, Firestar remained standing even though there was an open chair for her since she was not qualified as a Hammer and answered, “Yes, I got a earful from several dozen friends of mine when I returned... Any credibility in this girl's claims?” Allowing Firestar access to everything they had been reviewing, Espio replied, “We believe that her powers do lend some credit to her claim... not to mention there the small matter of this girl having her neck broken by Garganta and still she did not die.” Watching the video up to the point where Garganta killed the kangaroo themed hero, Firestar closed down the videos and began to look at where the city was located in correspondence with coordinates that Ani had given to the Hammers over where she felt the other being like herself. Then using a representation of how the planet was orientated in real time, Firestar rewound the rotation of the world and said nothing as at each of the times where they had Ani point to where she thought she felt the other being the city lined up exactly with the area designated. All the Hammers watched in silence as each time was perfectly timed with the location of the city at all times, not even blinking as they watched in shock. Folding her arms, Firestar looked down at a still showing picture of the brown superpowered girl with great concern in her eyes as she reported, “Ani told me something last night right before we went to bed... which was about a half an hour before the jewelry heist. She said that the other being she felt was wanting to draw attention to herself, but that she only cared about Ani seeing she was there... I'm beginning to think that this might have been a challenge... to Ani, from this mystery girl to come try and catch her. If possible, I'd like to keep Ani from meeting this other girl....” Seeing that Firestar looked more a little upset, Despion pulled her aside and asked, “What's wrong? I've never seen this nervous before... I'm more used to the you that screams and smashes things, if you get my meaning...” Tapping her fingertips together with worry etched into her face, Firestar replied, “I'm worried.... I fear that if Ani and this other girl were to meet, I'd lose Ani... I mean, I know this sounds crazy, but whenever I see Ani change into the Grey Mask... I see a little change in her eyes, like she has become a different person entirely...” Understanding the worry Firestar was expressing, Despion inquired further, “What are you getting at, Firestar?” Growing even more worried as she thought about how to respond, Firestar eventually managed to answer with, “I-I think that Ani might just be a fake personality that was developed by the Grey Mask after she forced her way in here. I think that perhaps the Grey Mask is still lurking somewhere deep within Ani and starting to wake up.... and when that finally does happen, I worry that Ani might get obliterated in the process... Which would mean that we would have no way to stop the Grey Mask should she turn out to an enemy. At the same time, we don't who this Mother person is and if The Mother is connected somehow to this second being or if The Mother is even an ally to either of them... There is so much we don't know and there is nothing for Ani to tell since she doesn't remember anything from before she was born... I-I just really don't want to lose her.... I feel like she is my little sister, as odd as that sounds...” Patting Firestar on the back, Despion smiled kindly and replied, “Don't worry, I understand completely... Having a mother that is a psychopath and not having a mama around would make anyone cling desperately to anyone who they saw as family. I can only hope that Ani feels the same way just as strongly, because if she does then perhaps even if she overwhelmed by the Grey Mask's mind, that small piece of her could remain. Of course, that is just you worrying to much I think, so please just calm down and try not to set everyone off... As plausible as those ideas of yours sound, I think that as long as you are with her, Ani will remain the same prankster we've all come to hate and love.” An alarm then started to go off and Toni pulled up the alert message, then said in a breathless fashion, “It's her.... and she not alone this time...” Stepping over quickly to see for herself, Despion listened intently as Toni went on to say, “The pair is attacking a group of villains that escaped after managing to steal some tech that allowed them to incapacitate the town's protectors. They are now on route to try and stall the pair, but they will need reinforcements after what we saw happen last night.” Turning around to order Firestar to get ready for deployment, Despion's words froze in her mouth when Firestar was nowhere to be seen. Despion then returned her focus to selecting the rest of the heroes to be sent to the fight as Espio began to gather her strength. In the hideout, Razor and Akita were just finishing up when the town's mascots smashed into the building through the ceiling. Looking at each other, Akita smiling innocently at Razor and said a touch unhappily as her hair finished devouring two villains, “Well, looks like playtime is over...” Scoffing at the notion, Razor mumbled in response, “Ha, I wouldn't call what we did with these idiots to be 'playtime' I hardly even broke a sweat...” While the pair giggled over Razor's comment, their enjoyment was cut off when a large group of reinforcements appeared in the hideout, but when Razor noticed one of the heroes in group, she murmured, “My Mother's keeper... we meet at last.” Stepping forward as she knew Razor was addressing her, Firestar smashed her fists together and demanded, “Yeah, yeah, what's it to you?” Stalking forward as her tail was seen to be gulping down the feet of another villain, Razor replied, “Well I had hoped that my Mother would come down and see me, though I have to wonder whether it is you who are keeping her imprisoned, or if it her who is allowing herself to kept? Mother always did love to play harmless when she goes to worlds, makes things more fun for her.” Irritated by what Razor was implicating her of, Firestar fired back as fiery orbs blazed to life in her gloved hands, “For your information, Ani has agreed that staying away from those who would seek to use her is for the best! She just wants to be able to live normally, but so long as people in this world think she is some kind of object they can control and manipulate, that won't happen! Now what do you want with her since you seemed so keen to draw her attention last night?” Smiling somewhat sadly, Razor answered, “Why I'm here to give my Mother back something she lost when she forced her way into this world... I'm certain you already know just how much of a handful she can be at times, especially when she is hungry... Have you been feeding her well? I have to find that hard to believe since you spend a good majority of your time here on the ground while she is up in space.” All of the heroes grew very alarmed as Razor somehow knew where Ani was, but before Firestar could say anything, Razor went on to say, “Either way, it won't matter, a desire for power, a wish for control of the world, or even something as just a baser lust for her is all it takes to draw out my Mother, but it seems that she has yet to start overeating... which is very good for all of you. 'Cause you see, once she starts overeating, there is no stopping her... once the engine is started, she cannot stop it until she has filled her 'tank' so to speak, but I guess with you around, Firestar, my Mother doesn't have a whole lot to worry about when it comes to food.” Stepping forward threateningly, Firestar had grown livid over the way Razor had been talking about Ani like she was some mindless monster and demanded, “Who are you, and what is it that you intend to give to Ani?” Looking up into the sky at an odd angle, Firestar had a sneaking suspicion that Razor was looking up at where Ani was as she said, completely ignoring Firestar's questions, “You know, normally my Mother comes into worlds and blends in with the society establish on the world. Seems here she had to go through the process of being born again, which means she doesn't remember who she is... Why I bet if she could have remembered who she was, you people would never have even heard of the Grey Mask's existence on this world... She probably could have continued to play out her role as 'Ani' while secretly filling her belly.... Why I remember how when she first met... oh wait... I probably shouldn't be speaking about things like that... It would take away from my Mother's enjoyment when she reveals things to you... I am surprised though, I truly would have thought that she would have ended up in the clutches of a corrupt villain after she was born here... I guess the family she was born into took good care of her.. just like the family that found me when I crash landed here. I really do have to wonder though... when is it all going to come crashing down?” Giving Razor and Akita wary looks, Firestar took the bait and asked, “What are talking about? When what is going to crash down?” Turning her gaze towards Firestar, Razor smiled deviously as she answered, “Why everything she has developed in this world. Don't tell me you can't see it coming as well, hm? I'm certain you've noticed a certain... edge... in my Mother's eyes in the recent trips she's made down here, which is why I can feel her now and why she feels me. She is slowly waking back up to her hunger, but without any purpose, her hunger will continue to remain dormant for now... I just have to wonder how much longer everything will hold together until things come falling down? This isn't the first time a 'heroic' group has tried to protect my Mother from the evil forces trying to use her powers... heh, heh, heh, but I doubt anyone truly realizes the power of The Mother...” In a frenzy, Firestar lunged forward at Razor while at the same time Akita jumped forward to confront the heroes while Firestar screamed, “What do you know of The Mother? What is she to the Grey Mask? Why do you know so much about them both?” Letting Firestar's lung carry the both of them away from the other superheroes, Razor used her tail to propel them both through the wall on the far side of the hideout and after passing the wall somehow managed to land on top of Firestar, then whispered softly, “Now that would telling, Firestar, and I would so hate for my Mother to be upset with me when she comes back to her senses and finds everything to have already been revealed...” With a sudden burst of rage, Firestar slammed her elbows into the ground, using the force of the rebound to loosen Razor's grip on her arms so that she could squash Razor's head with her fists. Then without pausing, Firestar charged up two more powered punches and slammed both of her fists up into Razor's gut, sending the other superpowered girl flying off of her. Getting up slowly as she had landed hard on her back, Firestar was rubbing the backside of her elbows when she heard Razor step towards her. Looking over at her, Firestar watched as Razor's body regenerated with her head popping back out to normal much in the same fashion as Ani did, then Razor smiled over at Firestar and said in a gently tone, “Yes, you did actually hurt me, Firestar, but like my Mother, I am not something that can die through normal means... In fact, you might say that my Mother and I are truly immortal, but that when we are starved we can become greatly weakened... When, not if, when things go wrong, don't worry to much about my Mother if she ends up in the hands of any of the various evil groups seeking to use her. You have already made certain that she will not help those groups and most likely will end up devouring them all before returning to you. The others she has no doubt detected... are nothing to worry about either, they are just servants, most mindless, who only seek to take care of my Mother, much like how you only care about making her comfortable up there in the cube. For that, I thank you, but I'm certain you realize that eventually something is going to go wrong... However... Akita! Playtime is over, come on, I need to go take a nice long nap.” A moment later, Akita came back-flipping through the wall and landed next to Razor and said indignantly, “Just remember you said we could go out hunting tonight!” With that, Razor just smiled, looked back over at Firestar and then simply vanished right before Firestar's eyes. A few seconds later, the wall where Akita had jumped through was blown apart as a battered group of heroes staggered through and were relieved to find Firestar alright. When asked what happened to the deadly duo, Firestar just simply said that they got away and requested to be returned along with the others to their assigned deployment fortresses. When she got back, Firestar was not surprised when she was requested to go see the Hammers and upon entering the meeting room, cut off any questions the others may have asked her by saying simply, “I don't know how, but that girl truly is the daughter of the Grey Mask... or at least some sort of relation...” Sharing a worried look, Aedi asked Firestar curiously, “Do you think that Ani somehow could have conceived her?” That drew a withering glare from Firestar who replied angrily, “When she was younger, Ani only slept with other girls at night and I really doubt her own mother would have raped her! And before you start thinking that she may have gotten pregnant during one of her nightmares... let me remind you that it was Ani or more specifically, the Grey Mask that doing the fucking during those times! Then she's spent over half her life locked away inside a box without any doors, with only me and Myrrh for companionship! I'd really like to understand how any of you could possibly think she had the time or opportunity to have a child, I mean really! Oh whatever... we can now confirm that the girl from the incident with Garganta is in fact related to Ani and the Grey Mask somehow... but right now I'm going to go take some quality time to rest and recuperate with Ani.” Taking her leave, Aedi waited until after Firestar was out of earshot to ask if she had said something wrong and Despion gave Aedi an annoyed look before asking, “Did you ever see Ani with a pregnant belly? I have to agree with Firestar on that note... there was no way that Ani conceived this other being here, so that means this kangaroo gal entered this world along with the Grey Mask... but now the question should be who is her companion? She was able to trounce over ten skilled heroes without receiving so much as a cut and then jumped right through a solid brick wall like nothing was there... Now while this brown kangaroo girl seems to know of the Grey Mask, that other girl with the hair powers, she seems to be more like the first girl's bodyguard or something... That leads me to this, how many more creatures are there out in the world that are like the brown girl and can they make new beings just like them? We need to find those two and figure out what the hell is going on... I'm starting to get tired of being in the dark.”
A God's Ascension 2 Chapter 2 – Another Set Of Problems Sitting in her private sanctum, Luxura was suddenly contacted by group of Lightbound devotees she had sent to watch the roads between Regina's and Reya's temples who said, “Almighty, the Goddess of the Hunt's village is on the move... but Reya herself seems to be missing.” Annoyed by the betrayal, Luxura replied in an ice cold tone, “Eradicate them... and let the villagers serve as examples to the other gods as to what will happen should they join those traitors!” Seeing a shadow stretch into a small alcove in the room, Luxura waved a hand dismissively while saying, “I have no time for your concerns, sister, and yes, I am well aware that my past actions are coming back to haunt me... Should have known that old bastard would find a way to last long enough to speak with her apprentice!” Only appearing as part of the shadows in the alcove, Nightingale responded in a worried fashion, “But what if you having all of Reya's followers massacred only serves to make the others want to join up with Reya?” Smiling cruelly as she touched her fingers together before her face, Luxura replied in an arrogant manner, “Those old fools would never willingly leave their homes since they are at their strongest when near their temples... Reya is an exception since she and her followers gain strength from merely being in the woods and open fields... but the roads are another matter. Not even the Goddess of the Earth would be so inclined to leave her home or help the others get away secretly... she is stubborn in that way which is why I don't need to worry. Reya is a young god and has not grown complacent like the others... For a long while I had truly thought she was on my side, but then when Regina began to oppose me I saw a spark of hope in her eyes, the same spark that was in her predecessor’s eyes... I will not allow anyone else to betray me, even if it means I must destroy another god and all of their followers!” While they were traveling, Reya's followers noticed a group of cloaked figures waiting for them on the road and brought out their weapons until they drew close enough for one of the figures to order, “Halt in the name of the Almighty and put your weapons down! You stand in the presence of Luxura's Lightbound and you should remember to show us the proper respect!” Not budging to put away they weapons, Reya's unofficial Priest declared in response, “Oh really? Forgive me if I don't believe you, but there have been lots of rumors about people being attacked on this road by bandits and I'm not see inclined to believe your words.” Bring out their hands, the Lightbound ignited their hands with the gift of Luxura and the leader of the bunch stepped forward to grab the tip of the spear Reya's Priest was holding, then as the metal melted, asked, “Does this put your doubts to rest, heathen? Now put your weapons down before we take offense and kill you where you stand.” Turning to nod to the others the Priest let go of her spear, but stood resolute before the Lightbound and asked, “So what do you want with us, Lightbound? Can't you see that we are moving to search for plentiful hunting grounds so that we can continue to hunt enough meat to send to your God and meet her demands?” Realizing the bluff was a long shot, the Priest could tell it was not working when the Lightbound leader looked over at the wagons and replied, “Awful lot of meat on those wagons as is, and it doesn't really appear that you have any real hunting equipment with you... though I guess you primitives prefer to use 'nature' as your weapons. Where is your Goddess I wonder, hm? Shouldn't she be the one leading the hunters to their prey? Can I safely assume that she is no where in sight because she realizes that Luxura knows she is trying to contact Regina and has run away in fear like always?” A series of solid thunks then rang out as rocks smacked into the backs of the Lightbound helmets and then to the joy of Reya's followers, she demanded irately, “Why don't you turn around and find out whether I'm running away or not, dumbass!?” Whirling around in fury to see that Reya was standing not more than a few feet away tossing some small rocks in her palm up, everyone was startled by Reya's transformation, but the leader of the Lightbound just scoffed as she asked, “Hmph, so you are leading them I take it? And just where are you going, I wonder? Haven't you already left your hunting grounds-” Cutting off as one of the small pebbles slammed into the front of her helmet hard enough to send the Lightbound leader toppling over onto her backside, Reya answered in an amused tone, “Oh now what kind of lies has my Priest been feeding you fools? And here I was under the impression that I was leading them in an exodus to Regina's home with the hopes of joining her in the fight against Luxura?” Sitting up quickly as she held the front of her helmet, the Lightbound leader shouted angrily as all the hunters dashed out of sight, “So you admit it! Wha? Ah blast, looks like we'll just have to deal with you first, Reya, then we'll go about hunting down the rest of your followers.” Tilting her head to the side as she balled up her fists, Reya looked so angry that even the Lightbound leader was terrified of her as Reya's tail began to divide while she fired back, “Excuse me? Do you really think that you can take on the Goddess of the Hunt?! Even out here in the open I am now more of a match for you pitiful mortals, even before my most recent change. I've just been swallowing my pride, anger and hatred up until now, but I'll be more than happy to demonstrate to you just why I earned the right to be called the Goddess of the Hunt!” In mere moments the sounds of fighting ended and Reya's followers cautiously creeped out into sight as Reya was just finishing up returning to her human form. Immediately all of her followers gathered around her and were in awe of her new body, with the female hunters trying their best not to admire Reya's luscious curves out of fear of reprisal from their wives. Then one of the younger hunters began to admire Reya's fluffy tail, hugging it to her body gleefully and then, to everyone's horror, the girl began to be pulled into Reya's tail. When even their Goddess was alarmed by the development, the hunters cautiously backed away when Reya began pant and blush in response to her tail starting to undulate. After her tail stopped moving, the girl plopped out of her tail alive and well, only now the young hunter looked similar to Reya. Almost immediately, all the other hunters began to ask to receive the same blessing and with some reluctance, Reya began to convert all of her followers into Kitsunes. Once they were all finished with being transformed, the female hunters were startled to find that they had been turned into ladies and where even more startled to find that they could hear the thoughts of everyone else. Groaning now that all the excitement was over, Reya held her tummy as it was stretched past it's limit. She then threw up three of the Lightbound, who were now completely naked as they lay in a pool of Reya's stomach juices. Not knowing what to do now that the Lightbound were free from her belly, Reya was stunned when three of her followers moved in quickly and swallowed the slowly recovering Lightbound. Thinking for a moment afterwords, Reya went over and set the horses loose from one of the wagons, then picked the carriage up with ease while saying, “If Regina is like us, then I think we ought to spread this food to villages that can actually use it. I'm certain she'll be very pleased when we bring her our other 'quarry'.” Smiling as they instantly knew who Reya was talking about, the hunters followed her example in releasing the horses from the other wagons and then picked up the rest of the caravan. Then Reya began to go around to smaller villages that close by on the way to Regina's temple and distributed the meat from the wagons discretely. In a few of the villages, Reya found that there were agents of Luxura hanging around making trouble for those who did not erect properly sized shrines to the Sun God. One of the times a Kitsunes was baiting a follower of Luxura close, the Daughter wagged her tail in front of the Lightbound's face in an attempt to make the zealot angry, but found instead that doing so only put the follower of Luxura asleep. From then on, Reya would port her sisters into towns close to where Luxura's devoted followers were so that all her followers could fill their bellies for when they went to see Regina. In her home, Regina was just closing the door to her private sanctum, where Malla and Florris were resting, when Valerie came up behind her asking, “I'm guessing you felt our dear Mother reenter this world as well, I take it?” Turning around to smile warmly at Valerie, Regina was quickly surrounded by four Royals as even more barricaded the entrance to her private resting place, while the Harvest Goddess answered, “Yes, I did notice that she came back again for a brief time.... Why? What are you thinking was the cause?” Narrowing her eyes, Valerie hissed irritably before replying, “I don't know, I was making certain that there enough of my followers spread out across the continent to keep tabs on Luxura's movements when I felt her entry. Other that, I can only say that there was something she was after, since my sisters and I could feel a predatory surge coming from her... She came here after something, though I couldn't say what that something is.” Suddenly both Queens became on edge as a Drone sent them a message about an odd group approaching the village. Going out to see what was going on, Valerie and Regina both assumed their human forms since the Drones reported the group appeared to be a group of hunters. Regina just figured that they were coming to pay their respects before hunting in the her lands, though Regina was skeptical about that being the reason the followers of Reya would come to her lands. As the group got closer, her doubt only increased as she and everyone else began to notice that the hunters were not altogether human anymore. Then when Reya was spotted leading the group of hunters, both Valerie and Regina were thrown for a loop. Stopping a respectable distance from the entrance of Regina's home, Reya could tell the others were surprised by her outward appearance and more as Valerie commented dryly, “Looks like someone has certainly gone through some changes over the past few days... Are you really Reya, the meek Goddess of the Hunt that scurries about with her pack of hounds at her tail?” Reya gave Valerie an annoyed look as she bowed to Regina and said, “I have come to pledge my aid to you in order to bring down that bitch I know all three of us here despise greatly for our own reasons. I also bring a message from our shared Mother for you Regina. She tells you to prepare for the coming storm as she fears my choice to join you will only cause greater trouble for our lands...” Smiling deviously as she knew that kind of vague message would have most certainly come from The Mother, Regina looked curiously at Reya and asked, “Would you care to show me and everyone else your other form? I can only guess that if you've encountered our Mother as you say that she must have... empowered you.” Returning Regina's smile in turn, Reya replied in a joyous tone, “I'd thought you never ask, but rather than just show you what I look like, I'll do you one better... Ah, right on time.” Turning to follow Reya's gaze, Regina groaned unhappily as Valerie sighed irritably at the sight of yet another attack force from Luxura. With Reya's followers backing off, Reya began to tremble as her body started to grow to the height of seven feet. Then while Reya's tail divided into seven separate copies, her body began to be covered by a vibrant orange fur as her hands and feet turned into paws like that of a fox. Once she was done changing, Reya speed off like a bullet towards the approaching army of zealots. Seeing her heading their way, the Lightbound immediately began to shoot balls of light at Reya as she was dodging arrows from the archers in the group. That was when Reya's tails began to lash out all around her like whips, tearing open small portals before any of the light orbs that were sent at her, regardless of whether they were going to hit her or not. Both Regina and Valerie jumped when they began to feel the orbs of magic crashing into the insides of their stomachs, but after getting over their surprise just enjoyed the tasty treats. As she drew closer to the attack force, the Lightbound commander shouted angrily while charging up a large sphere of light, “Eat this, you demon corrupted filth!” When the orb was sent her way, Reya just opened her mouth and crushed the spell between her jaws much to the shock of the attack group, then while stalking up to the commander, Reya demanded angrily, “Now just who are you calling corrupted? I've never felt so clean in my entire life as I do right now... though being in your presence does give me a sickly feeling. I guess I ought to make you disappear...” Turning to flee for their lives as Reya's body began to glow, the attack force suddenly found themselves falling as Reya opened a huge portal underneath them, then as the portal slide shut, Reya jumped when Valerie muttered glumly, “Ah... you didn't leave any of them left for the rest of us....” Blinking in confusion for a moment, Reya apologized quickly when she realized what Valerie was talking about and then offered, “If you're hungry I can always cough up a few for ya or just send them over to your belly like I did with the energy balls...” Waving away the offer, Reya turned to Regina and was shocked to see the Harvest Goddess' Queen form, then asked sheepishly, “Uh, hey, is there someplace I can let these fools out of my belly for you to deal with? I'm not so big on digesting my quarry... I'm more of a catch and release hunter...” Blinking in confusion for a moment, Regina asked, “Well you can relax now, my Stingers report that there are no more soldiers around and I'll show you where to put that filth in your belly so that they can be put to proper use.” Laughing nervously as she scratched behind one ear, Reya replied, “Well, unless you want to spit up all those soldiers out here, I'd better not 'relax'. My normal form can only hold up to three people in my belly for some reason, but I guess that just means I'll really have to pick my targets!” Returning into the privacy of Regina's now complete hive, Reya was amazed how even though the top of the town was completely covered by the hive's outer layer, light was still able to pass through the material. Despite the completion of the outer shell, Regina's Drones continued to work tirelessly to build up the inside, creating many different levels with different purposes. The top most layer was turned into a relaxation center where the Daughters in the hive could go up and bask in the warm sunlight during the day or play with the people that had chosen to serve Regina as humans. Below that was the new living quarters for Regina's still human followers and while the houses may not have been extravagant, the Harvest Goddess followers were more happy to have her protecting them than anything else. Then there was the ground level that housed all the farms in the town as well as Regina's ever modest temple shrine. Below ground level was where the honey that Regina produced was stored along with extra milk, though there was not as much of that around. Showing Reya first to her temple, Regina asked for the Kitsune Queen and her sisters to empty their stomachs into the central milk chamber, then took Reya aside, saying, “Come on, I'm certain your still hungry after your journey here and I'd like to give you your first sample of my specialty.” Going down into the store rooms, Regina asked for a sample of honey to be brought out for Reya and while the Goddess of the Hunt enjoyed the sweet treat, Regina ordered, “Valerie, Reya, come here! I have something special I'd like to show you.” Taking the other two Queens back to a much smaller honeycomb that was more or less hidden out of the way, where Regina opened the top to the container and said, “This honey here is the type I make from my my two Priestess every now and again, though I don't do it very often since the process drains them much faster than normal. I've been saving this for a special occasion and I couldn't think of a better reason to enjoy it than with us joining forces to overthrow Luxura!” Reaching down for handfuls of the much lighter colored honey, all three gods then sucked their hands dry with Valerie mumbling in a dreamy tone, “Oh my... If this is how those two girls of yours taste all the time, then I just might have to steal those two for myself one of these times...” Jumping when suddenly her neck bulged out, Valerie blushed as Regina and Reya both laughed while Regina replied, “Hm, seems like your eyes are saying 'yes', but your gut is telling you 'no'!” All three laughed for a while over how Valerie's mates had protested against her swallowing Regina's mates for a little while.
A God's Ascension 2 Chapter 7 – Harvesting the Sun In the days leading up to the return of her followers, Luxura had begun to experimentally push at the Storm God's clouds and realized she would need to gather her strength for one huge push. The Storm God realized what she was up to and alerted Regina to what was happening. Oddly that only seemed to please the Harvest Goddess and when she explained why, even the Wind God had to smile at what Regina was planning. As Luxura continued to build up her, her Priestess came in with dire news, “Luxura! I think the demons are preparing to move in!” Frowning as she knew that Regina was not going to use demons to attack her with, Luxura asked, “What do you mean, what's going on?” Going out with the terrified girl, Luxura realized that the clouds were slowly creeping forward over her town, causing her followers to panic. To make matters worse, an inky darkness had begun to creep around the outside of Luxura's city that made seeing outside the column of light impossible. Knowing she recognized that darkness from somewhere, Luxura put those thoughts aside as she ascended to the highest point of her temple and the highest place on the continent. There she began to radiate energy as she began to unleash a massive illumination spell, but right before she finished, Regina's voice called to her surprisingly clearly, “Hey! Luxura! If you really wanted all the clouds to go away, why didn't you just ask the Storm God to clear the skies for ya?” Falling for the taunt, Luxura replied in a high, childish tone, “Because the Storm God is allied with you! Why would she listen to me if I asked her to clear away the storm clouds?” Laughing at the sound of Luxura's tone, Regina answered, “Because all I did was ask her to cloud your vision for a little while so I could help the people living peacefully in our world get to safety before the fireworks started. Now while I couldn't have predicted what would happen when the sky darkened, since all the mortals are safe tucked away inside the temple cities of the other gods and out of your reach, I guess we no longer need the clouds. Yo! Clear the skies and let there be light!” Suddenly, the clouds blew away with some help from the Wind God and then both of the gods pulled back into their temples to watch the show. Staring outside her city where the murky darkness was dissipating in the sunlight, Luxura was stunned by what awaited her outside the city. Drones and Milkys by the thousands all dotted the fields for a few yards around the outside of the Sun God's city. Then behind then stood a good five hundred or more Liamas with Valerie at the lead, with a field of Kitsunes behind the Liamas and with them was Reya in her Queen form. Mouth agape at the number of forces that Regina had, Luxura began to look around the arrayed forces before her for Regina, then demanded, “Alright, Regina... where are you hiding?!” Trembling slightly when she heard something land behind her, Luxura whirled around to find Regina in her human form standing across the peak of her temple and then Regina answered, “Now why would I need to hide from you, Luxura? I've just been waiting patiently in my home while my crops have grown and, unlike you, I have waited very patiently until the right time to harvest!” Encasing herself with fire as she turned into a fiery phoenix, Luxura declared challengingly, “You dare to suggest that you can beat me? On my hollowed ground? I think not, Regina! You are just a lesser god who got dreams of grandeur after stealing a body for your vessel! I doubt you even know how to fuse yourself with your aspect to reach your full power, cause unlike Valerie and Reya who became gods, you were born as a Weak...Harvest...Goddess...” As Luxura was finishing her tirade, Regina began to change into her Queen form, then she smiled contently and asked, “Oh you mean that I can't become like this? Ha! This form is simple to me actually... turning back into my human form is actually the challenge.... but I guess that that tells you just how much power I have to pack into that small weak little form... Now then, shall we finally get this over with so that this world can continue on without our feud destroying all life? Oh, ahem, and if you still want to have a war, my followers could always use some entertainment to play with while we settle out little differences.” Now seething with fury once more, Luxura bellowed to all her followers, “Burn them! Burn them all! Leave nothing but ashes in your wake my loyal followers and once you have finished with the bees, take your fires to the hive as well!” Smiling as she jumped off the platform backwards, Regina sat down on her two mates before leaping away from Luxura's temple with Luxura hot on her trail. With that, Ruphi signaled the charge and like a swarm of ants, Regina's forces surged into Luxura's city. Like with the bandits, the Drones picked up the Royals and flew them into the city, then dove in to grab distracted Lightbound to be stuffed into their balls. The Royals began to make quick work of any followers of Luxura on their way to temple, without making it too obvious where they were heading. Making their way behind the fighting, the Milkys began to draw out any people whose hearts were gripped by Luxura's ideals, while leaving those who just worshiped the Sun God alone. Stingers worked along with the Milkys to catch those who were enthralled by Luxura's lust for converting everyone to worshiping her, only the Stingers focused mainly on leaving the devotees in saliva cocoons. Above the city, Regina playfully dodged Luxura's fiery blasts while the mad with anger Sun God demanded, “What happened to all that talk about the power you had so much trouble containing in your human form, Regina? Why are just running away from me?” Stopping and dashing right in front of Luxura, Regina used her wings to beat back the flames encasing Luxura's head, then while caressing the little females face, answered, “What are talking about, who's running away? I'm just out for a little flight with my Priestess and unless you can guess where they are, I'm not telling ya! And besides, I'm waiting for my forces to finish their harvest so that you'll be perfectly ripe for me to pluck out of the sky!” To really annoy Luxura, Regina rubbed her nose against the Sun God's and then zipped away with Luxura screeching furiously behind her. Splitting off from her own followers, Valerie ordered them to continue hunting down Lightbound while she slithered off towards Luxura's temple. Having already sent her own forces in through her portals during the initial charge, Reya followed Regina's instructions carefully while also flicking a few Lightbound through portals that sent them into the bellies of Milkys. When she reached the entrance to the prison below Luxura's temple, Reya had picked up a couple of Stingers and was just slicing apart the door when a few guards came out swinging swords. Fortunately, the Stingers were ready for them and after stinging them were kind enough to offer the guards to Reya to eat, but she declined the offer graciously. Deeper into the prison, Reya found cells full of malnourished followers of Regina, Valerie and some of her own. While the Stingers melted the hinges of the doors to the cells, Reya laid down and concentrated to open up a portal for the followers to take to go back to Regina's hive. Once they had all gone through, Reya sent the Stingers back out to help the others, then she was about leave when something hit her. Pretending to fall unconscious, Reya returned to her human form as a cowardly torturer came out. Unable to believe her luck, the woman quickly pulled down her pants and positioned Reya so that she could reach Reya's pussy. When the torturer thrust into Reya, she suddenly found herself thrusting into her ass and jumped in fright. After checking to make certain Reya was still out, the torturer went in for another try with the same result, only this time she reached down to inspect Reya's pussy. Leaving Reya in the kneeling position she fell into, the torturer was about to try again when Reya suddenly gripped the woman's chest with her powerful legs and growled, “I can understand why you got sent down here to hurt those innocent people... Once you get an idea in your head you never quite learn that you might be wrong... and you know what, just once I think I will kill my quarry.” When the torturer began to flip out, thinking she would crushed, she found Reya's tail wrapping around her body. For a moment the woman began to sigh as the soft furry was pressed against her body, then she began to scream as she felt her body melting into Reya's tail. Standing up and brushing herself off as her tail digested the torturer, Reya began to tremble as she found out what Luxura had been doing to the people she had caught and charged with 'treason'. Flying high above the city still, Luxura was continuing to try and incinerate Regina, but for all of her efforts, she had only succeeded in setting parts of her town on fire without realizing it while she asked, “What's the point of this, Regina? The longer this fight drags out, the stronger I am becoming!” Smiling as she chuckled deviously, Regina replied after stopping, “That's the point silly, or haven't you been paying attention? Your forces are losing down below, but with each one that is lost, a little portion of your power is returned to you. I can't beat you at half strength, that will never do and you know it. If I defeat you at anything less than your full power, do you know what's going to happen?” Shaking her head no as she began to calm down, Regina answered her own question saying, “If I beat you at anything less than your full power, then you will just complain for eternity about it, but at full strength, you won't have any reason to complain about losing. Not to mention, it'd make me look bad in front of the other gods.... you do know that they are all watching us right?” For a moment the flames around Luxura seemed to freeze, then they burst out wildly as Luxura cried, “YOU LITTLE BITCH! IF YOU WANT ME AT FULL POWER, THEN THAT IS WHAT YOU'LL GET!” For a moment nothing happened, but then small fires from all around the city began to shoot up towards Luxura. Once she had reabsorbed her gifts to her devoted followers, Luxura's phoenix body grew to double the size of Regina's. Then Luxura began to absorb the power she had expelled to keep her temple city illuminated and grew a little larger. After all of that, Luxura then turned towards the sun and began to draw in even more power, growing more massive. Looking very unimpressed, Regina copied Luxura's growth and then grew even larger before returning to normal while saying in a bored tone, “So you can make yourself bigger... not all that hard. I'd be more impressed if you could actually hit me, in fact, I dare you to hit me with everything you've got!” All of the gods who were watching along with their followers were stunned by the dare and thought that Regina had lost her mind as well while Luxura just balled up all the energy she could spare and screamed, “FINE THEN, JUST HOLD STILL AND BURN!” With that, Luxura just unleashed everything she had at Regina, searing a black ring on the ground behind the Harvest Goddess. Not budging an inch like Gray had when Luxura had tried to convert her, Regina mimicked Gray's stance while waiting for Luxura's blast. Then she was completely engulfed by the ray and began to scream in agony, but everyone other than Luxura could tell there was something off in the cries of agony. After a few seconds the screams turned to laughter as Regina beat her wings hard once to send all the power that Luxura was throwing at her right back at the Sun God. Unfortunately, Luxura just reclaimed the power of her attack and then looked at Regina in disbelief as the Harvest Goddess didn't even look red from being so close to so much solar energy. Flipping her hair behind her back with a bored sigh, Regina just smiled when Luxura surged forward to grab her throat, then snatched the little woman up in her own hand and said, “Oh please, Luxura, even alone I'm more than a match for you, but today I'm getting more than a little help from my friends, for I have my Priestesses and mates with me. Now then, why don't we take this fight down to earth shall we?” With that, Regina shoved Luxura downward, flying along with the Sun God and keeping a firm grip of the female's throat. Down below in the temple, in a hidden room close to the main chamber, Malgenji was nervously listening to the sounds of the combat ending and went over to a magically enchanted box. Opening up the lid, the wail of countless souls emanated from within just as Regina and Luxura slammed down into the main chamber. Reaching into the box quickly, Malgenji trembled as something surged up into her arm, then she sat down for a moment clutching her hand into a fist so hard that her hand began to bleed. Out in the main chamber, Luxura was coughing as she lay on the ground in the middle of a crater created from the force of the landing. Looking up at Regina, she was infuriated to find that the Harvest Goddess looked completely unharmed. Rolling backwards, Luxura held out her hand and called her blazing sword to her grasp and then raised the weapon high as the blade ignited. Suddenly, Luxura found herself being halted and then her sword was ripped out of her hands as she fell forward as the Nature Goddess said in an admonishing tone, “Enough, Luxura! You have already been beaten by Regina and even with your full power, you could not harm her. Stop this foolishness at once!” Getting up quickly as a raging inferno surrounded her, Luxura shouted, “NO! I CANNOT BE BEATEN! I AM THE ALMIGHTY! I will burn everything in my sight if I have to in order to fulfill my destiny!” Regina suddenly became nervous as the Harvest Goddess realized that in her insanity, Luxura could end up killing the only remaining true worshipers of her, Regina was about to try to stop Luxura when out of no where a hand clamped around the Sun God's next, startling everyone in the room as The Mother came into existence and asked irritably, “Now that, would be a huge waste of your energy don't you think, Luxura?” Then just as everyone was calmly down, a metal hand suddenly ripped through The Mother chest as Malgenji appeared behind her and said, “I agree, that would be such a terrible waste of power, child. I'll be needing that power when I take your place as the Sun God and then gather all the power I'll need to earn my way back into heaven!” Now resting on the ground since The Mother's arm had gone limp, Luxura looked over at her Lightbound general and demanded, “What are talking about Malgenji? I thought you said you were an angel sent from heaven to help me become strong enough to take my place as a God of Creation?” Laughing cruelly at Luxura's outburst, Malgenji finally removed her helmet to reveal demonic brands all over her angelic face as she replied with a psychotic rant, “You? Become a God of Creation? HA! I only said that I would help you so that you come to trust my every word! You know those 'Lightbound' I had you create? Those people weren't turned into your followers, they were turned into my soulless puppets! The power they used was actually my power, not yours. I just had you put your 'gifts' in them so that you would think that your power was being taken by the other gods who began to oppose you! They were beginning to understand that something wrong was going on and so I needed to get them out of the way... and thankfully you performed your role perfectly... Oh and remember how I said those followers of your become my soulless minions, well I actually captured their souls so that I could turn them into the perfect weapon against this vile creature right here! Then all I had to do was make you cause enough trouble and I knew she would come crawling in here looking for a meal! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Now not only have I killed heaven's greatest enemy, soon I will become a god in my own right and then I shall have my own heaven to rule! I just can't believe you never figured it out... I literally named myself what I was! Malgenji is really just a combined form of two words from another language, Mali Genii, which means EVIL ANGEL, fool!” Having been staring at The Mother the whole time, Regina began to grin slyly, which prompted Malgenji to ask threateningly, “What are you smiling about, filth? Why don't you run on home, unless you'd rather I kill you like your leader?!” Suddenly, The Mother's flopped forward head twisted and then The Mother leaned towards Malgenji's face as she demanded in a scary tone, “Didn't I tell you RUN?” For a moment no one moved in the room as Malgenji just stared with a completely horrified look on her face, then a huge and monstrous maw emerged from the hole in The Mother's back. Malgenji looked sick to her stomach as the jaws snapped shut about her as she was drawn into The Mother's body. Then she did the same to Luxura and after that, The Mother began to walk towards the entrance of the temple. When The Mother was standing before the now trembling Goddess of Nature, The Mother just smiled kindly and then asked in a serious tone, “Would you please get out of my way?” Dropping Luxura's sword, the Goddess of Nature fled back into the flower she arrived in as Regina asked, “Wait, Mother! What are you going to do?” Inhaling deeply with her eyes closed, The Mother answered, “I can still smell the taint of that vile fallen angel in this place and I am going to get rid of it.” All of a sudden, The Mother's chest burst forward as a flood of tendrils rushed out towards the city and began to consume all the glorious decorations, homes and even a good majority of the temple of the Sun. Then The Mother's body washed outside the city, scouring away the failing farms and superfluous mansions. In their places, lush forests sprang up where once there were the bad farms and verdant fields returned to where the mansions had been, signaling that the area had been returned to it's original state. Coming back out of the flower, the Nature Goddess crept over to watch in wonder as what she thought would take years to do was done in mere seconds. Then just as quickly as her body had shot out, The Mother's body reeled back in, leaving lots of terrified and dazed Sun God worshipers in her wake. Looking around them, the people were horrified that the shelter they had run to was now gone, then The Mother called out to them, “What is the matter? You are still alive, which means that you can easily rebuild what was tainted by evil. While Luxura will regrettably not be returning to you, I am certain that-” Suddenly The Mother convulsed forward as she threw up a small fiery egg that quickly rose up and came to rest down in Luxura's Priestess' hands, with the girl quickly stammering, “W-what is this? I-I can't be the next Sun God.... There's no way...” Wiping her mouth as she stood up, The Mother smiled and replied, “That was Luxura's last conscious decision before she was consumed completely by my body... It is unfortunate, but there was very little left in her that had not been corrupted by Malgenji... you were one of those things...” As the egg burst in the Priestess' hands as she was surrounded by a warm glow, The Mother walked back into temple, she placed a hand gently on the Nature Goddess' shoulder and said, “Oh hey, new Sun Goddess! If you need any pointers, look no further than her. I'm certain she'd be willing to even help you rebuild this town, only without all the unnecessary additions, mansions and all that other crap choking the true reason people are supposed to come to the temple of a god....” After that, Reya opened a portal so that they could all return to Regina's temple, since The Mother had collected all of the Children and Daughters at the Sun temple city. There the three gods were celebrated for finally bringing down Luxura, with The Mother staying out of the limelight since she was supposed to have been staying out of the world. Then Regina called for an aspect council once more and once all the gods were assembled, Regina said, “I am sorry to report that my war with Luxura had so many casualties, but that is the cost of war. When this meeting is over I and my colleagues shall be relinquishing our positions as gods since we shall be leaving the world. I can only hope that you will treat the new Sun Goddess and our replacements with more respect than you treated us with...” As the other gods chuckled at the last comment, suddenly everyone's attention was drawn over to The Mother, who came into the meeting asking, “So, ah, is this a private party or can anyone with the ability to project their minds join?” Immediately, the other gods that had not been at temple to witness what had happened inside or the following that happened outside all began to prepare to strike out at the intruder until Regina stopped them by saying, “I wouldn't do that if I were you... cause who do you think is responsible for me becoming so powerful...” Walking over to the now fearful gods, The Mother smiled friendly and said, “Don't worry, I'm not here to cause anymore trouble, in fact, quite the opposite. However, before I take my new offspring and get out of your hair, I thought that I might share a little advice with you. If you seek to prevent something like this from happening again, what with one god turning power crazy, then I suggest you listen up. You should all follow Gray's example in the way she constructed her city. While all your homes would remain devoted to yourselves and your worship, every other city that is founded should have a main temple built in them where all gods are worshiped. Now while the mortals will war, that is just what they do, but that should not affect you gods. As for your blessing, you should grant your blessing in equal amounts to the cities regardless of how big their tributes are, which means that you should all agree on what would constitute for a proper tribute to all of you. Then if a town were to stop paying tribute to you as much or at all, you can lessen or remove your blessing altogether, but never increase your blessing in return for a larger tribute. Then if the people living out in the 'neutral' grounds wishes to come serve one god, then they must prove to the one they wish to serve that they are willing to devote themselves completely. To those people you should give the greatest blessing you can manage to since they will in fact be depending on that blessing to survive. However, you will have to make it so that if your devoted followers leave your territory, they will have to go without your increased blessing to prevent them from trying to join in wars that affect their original homelands. I know you might think that to be annoying or a hindrance, but just remember, it is only a suggestion from a being that has been around for more lifetimes that even the God's that rule over the heavens and the earth. I have seen many worlds like this one and many more that have more who are infested by demons and those who worship the god in heaven... Even worlds like that are not free from corruption, regardless of whether the righteous believers win against the demons or not.” With that, The Mother left the meeting and then the other gods said that they would take what The Mother into consideration, but that they would need to wait until after Regina, Valerie and and Reya chose their replacements. After leaving the meeting, all three Queens then released their godly powers and watched as their aspects chose proper candidates. Regina's tiny bee landed in the hands of a young girl who squealed with delight to be found worthy of becoming the new Harvest Goddess. Doubtful that her aspect would find anyone, Valerie was pleasantly surprised when her aspect chose one of the followers of Reya that had been rescued from the prison at the Sun temple. Then everyone watched as Reya's little fox aspect darted about quickly, sniffing around for a few moments before jumping into the hands of a hunter that had been rescued during the bandit uproar. With their replacements chosen, the three Queens then returned home with The Mother, who was speaking with Nightingale when the Goddess of the Night said, “Thank you so much for giving my sister the peace she so deserved... I could see what was happening to her, but I was powerless to stop her....” Touching the young Goddess' face tenderly, The Mother replied mischievously, “Don't be too hard on yourself, Nightingale, for while it may have been Regina's desire that drew me here, it was desire to help your sister that allowed me to come and go as I pleased, so in a way you did help your sister to find peace... albeit only by causing her to grow even more unstable, but in the end, she is quite happy.” Ruffling the girl's hair, The Mother then walked through the portal too her home and closed the door permanently as she returned to the embrace of her Wives. Smiling as Regina and Reya were inundated with questions by her offspring that were meeting them for the first time, The Mother went off to be alone, glad to not be the one playing twenty questions for once in a long while.
E and L Angels Chapter 11 - Joyful Reunions and Tearful Farewells Having come back to the church bored after the latest Chaos Herald had only required a single low power Air Blade to defeat, Eiress and Looka were about to go to bed when Saint Mary ordered, “Don't even bother getting undressed girls... seems your playmates want to go for another round. Be on your toes girls, they will be bringing the spider girl along with them.” The two Angels had looked very bored until Saint Mary mentioned the former Fallen Angel and then they were very serious as Looka asked curiously, “Hey wait, if there's a General coming here-” Without it even needing to be said, the statue of the God of Heaven began to glow as a squad of four Angels and Angelissa appeared in the main chapel. Seeing that the others looked ready for a battle, Eiress and Looka both changed into her their angelic forms, surprising the other Angels since no one had really noticed they had two extra sets of wings up in Heaven. Putting that aside, the squad of Angels followed Angelissa outside as a series of Chaos Heralds started sprouting up in town. Looking to the squad that accompanied her, Angelissa commanded, “You three Rank two Angels need to go and quell these Chaos Heralds. You with the rank one will act as support for whoever you feel needs it and please try not to get into any dangerous situations... I don't know what I would do if any of you were captured...” As the other four headed off, Angelissa turned to see Eiress and Looka looking at her expectantly, which made her sigh before she announced, “Hey, I ain't yo mamma! I don't think I even need to tell you what we are going to be doing to a certain few demons!” Pounding her fist into her palm, Eiress' hands ignited as she replied, “Yeah, show em exactly what we can do even without our weapon!” For a moment, Angelissa considered offering the two girls the weapons she had been handed by Virgil, but dismissed the thought after Looka cried enthusiastically, “Yeah! And if push comes to shove, we can always fuse together and really show 'em what we're made of!” With them charging out to challenge the Emissaries along with the General joining the two demons, Alitas and the White Knights rushing off to assist in slaying the Chaos Heralds, Saint Mary just placed a hand on Blair's head as she said to the rest of the fellowship, “Stay here and be ready to heal any Angels who come back wounded. Also, should any more Angels be sent down to help, please direct them to aid the removal Chaos Heralds from the city. Blair and I will be going out to see if we can offer any assistance during the fights, but will most likely remain out of sight.” After walking into the city, Saint Mary was not surprised when she walked around a corner and saw Shadowclaw simply materialize out of the shadows, but when she noticed that the Werecat had a pair of daggers, Saint Mary asked slyly, “Now just where in the world did you find those pretty toys, Shadowclaw?” Tensing as she knew she had been caught, Shadowclaw pulled out the weapons and announced, “These are just some things I happened to find.... while lurking about in Fusilid Co's castle. Don't worry, I did my research on these two and I found them to be perfectly suited to me. As a bonus, they already have the soul of the holy man, turned murderer in them and we've become very good friends. I doubt Fusilid Co will notice they are missing since these two daggers had been locked away because they reportedly drove demons mad with their constant whispering. Ha! It was more like the human inside them trying to turn the demons wielding these daggers off a destructive path that I'm certain you're all to familiar with. They are called the Fangs of the Nightwing, for the way the dragon Chaos Herald they were made from seemed to simply vanish against the night sky. Now I can literally move through the shadows when I am using them and at night, or basically anywhere that sunlight does not reach, I can camouflage myself against anything. Heh, I may be a feral demon by appearance, but I am a spy first foremost and an assassin second.” Impressed that Shadowclaw could sneak into a Demon Lord's castle without being detected, Saint Mary still said, “You should be cautious from now on then, for once Fusilid Co learns of the thieft I'm certain she'll send hunters to reclaim them.” Finding the market square where Angelissa, along with the other two had flown off to, Bloody Mary, Blair, and Shadowclaw took up an observatory position as Shadowclaw replied, “Let them come, for I shall use them to hone my skills as a demon.” Waiting patiently in the square, the trio of Angels did not wait long for soon their opponents arrived, with Esta Liga and Malarcum wielding the two younger Angels' weapons as Eroexa spun her Widowmaker in one hand as she said in a musing tone, “I must say I was surprised when I heard that you two had been keeping the Chaos Heralds down even without your weapons, although, I guess after your little display the day you lost them, I shouldn't be that surprised.” Both girls grew agitated at the sight of their weapons, but then it was Eiress who said in an almost uncaring tone, “You think I need a weapon to come over there and dropkick yer ass into next week? I may have liked the feel of Scourge in my hands, but I preferred it's other uses... it is quite a long stick you know? Besides, I don't need a weapon to do my job, but I would very much like to take my weapon back and jam it so far down your throat THAT YOU'L L HAVE TO EAT WITH YER ASS!” Thrown off a little by the outburst from the normally calm and unfeeling Angel, Eroexa replied in a happy tone, “Well you're gonna get the chance to do that, cause you see, you're going to get to fight with us for the right to your weapons. If you can beat us and take back your weapons, then they are yours until we claim them from you yet again.” With Eiress growing menacingly as her rage boiled out of her in the form of raging flames, Looka replied arrogantly, “Ha! Like one of you demons could actually wield a weapon made by an Angel! That'll be the day-” Cutting off as Angelissa whispered about how it would be possible for a demon to use an angelic weapon if the soul of the Chaos Herald the weapon was made from was put back in, Eroexa cried out proudly, “That's right! If a Chaos Herald's soul is put into the weapon created from it, becomes a weapon able to be commanded by either side! Now then, before things get started, I would like to announce that my master shall be observing this battle.” Right then, up in the air, a portal was ripped open with a pair of fiery eyes peering out and when Angelissa began to prepare to assault the Demon Lord, Fusilid pushed out one hand to stop her before saying, “Do not worry, Angelissa, I am not here to interfere. I merely wish to witness a grudge match between Angels and demons, for so rarely does Heaven permanently station Angels on worlds, especially after what they've gone through. I would have figured those two would have been deported to Heaven to spend a few centuries on latrine duty or something else demeaning. I just wish to enjoy a good match and am intrigued as to how it will end.” Smiling deviously as she looked over at the Angels, Eroexa activated her weapon and said, “Now you all know my Widowmaker, but I must say, I am curious to see what will happen when they activate your weaponry.” In unison, Malarcum and Esta Liga declared, “Ignite, Scourge of Flames! Dance, Lover of Magic!” For a moment, everything seemed fine, but then, Esta Liga was set on fire as a very familiar voice emanated from Scourge, who bellowed, “YOU DO NOT HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO WIELD ME! Your heart is filled with hatred and a thirst for vengeance, but there is hardly any anger that fills you! Away with you foul demon! I already said once that I would NEVER serve a demon! Especially one that bears loyalty to you, Fusilid Co!” Everyone, especially the mighty Demon Lord jumped back in shock when the weapon spoke her name, then they looked at Malarcum, who cried out in pain as vicious winds began to slice at her body before the Lover of Magic drifted away and declared, “You do not have the proper figure to dance with me! Your hips are too wide, your body to big and your breasts would most likely cause you to become unbalanced from even the simplest of pirouettes. I will refuse to be your partner, especially when it appears you already have one.” While Fusilid Co sounded like she was rolling over with laughter, everyone else was just stunned by what had been said, but none so much as Malarcum, who demanded angrily, “Ray! Get me that weapon this instant so I can tear it apart for insulting me so!” When Ray jumped up to retrieve the Lover of Magic, a very scary looking Looka caught her hand and then the Dark Angel screamed in pain as she was electrocuted. Oddly, the electric current flowed down the leash Ray was wearing and so Malarcum was shocked as well. Releasing Ray, Looka brought her hands back quickly, holding them together, with her fingertips touching the bottom the other hand, as she quickly charged up a ball of air before palm thrusting forward in a very elegant way at Ray's stomach. The full force Air Blast then rocketed Ray and, because of the leash connecting the two, Malarcum away into the wall of a nearby building. Upon seeing neither of the two move, Looka was surprised when the Lover of Magic drifted in front of her and then held out her hands as the spirit within said, “Now that was more grace than I thought I'd ever see from those damn demons. For all their all their insistence upon not wanting armor so they would have more freedom to move... not a lick of grace in any of them that I ever saw. I would be honored to dance with you.... again?” Giggling as she held the Lover of Magic tight, when Looka saw Malarcum getting up, she zipped over in front of the Succubus and demanded, “Now what was that you were saying over tearing my darling Lover of Magic to shreds? I think someone needs a few lessons in having grace under fire.” With the Lover of Magic swirling with furious air currents, Looka sent Malarcum and Ray flying as Angelissa came up behind her and said, “Here, this is a gift from Virgil....” As Esta Liga continued to hold onto Scourge of Flames as best as she could, she suddenly found that Eiress was standing in front of her and when the Angel cracked her knuckles threateningly, Liga spat, “I don't need a weapon that refuses to heed my command! I'll tear you-” Hitting the ground hard after Eiress socked her in the face, Liga finally let go of Scourge as it said, “Damn.... heh, guess I did get what I was wishing for.... Thank you, but don't think this means I'll be warming up to ya! I've seen more than enough of you Angels in Hell to know that yer no better than-” Grabbing on Scourge with one hand, Eiress glared angrily at the weapon as she growled, “I swing and you make people hurt, got that?!” Taking Scourge in two hands as she glared over at Eroexa, who was currently holding off Angelissa's spell with shadow Scythes, and suddenly she found herself standing before a huge fiery dragon, who asked, “So you want to hurt the jester just as much as I still do? Wonderful, let us see how far your fury can take you against her.” Walking over towards Eroexa as Liga was slowly waking up, Eiress shouted over to Angelissa, “Hey! Switch me punching bags, cause I have a little payback to deal out to Eroexa here!” Flying down by Eiress, Angelissa dropped something into her hands and said, “This is a gift from Virgil, it's called the Armband of the Vengeful Valkyrie and is activated by the keyword 'Strike'. I know you probably don't want to use it-” Cutting off as Eiress slapped on the bracelet and activated it, Angelissa headed over to deal with Liga who was now standing back up. Seeing Angelissa heading her way, Liga spit out some webbing that helped her to leap away as she sucked back in a good majority of the webbing. Looking over to find Looka keeping just one step ahead of Malarcum as Ray tried to slice her with the Collarer of Ladies, Angelissa got an inventive idea that made Regar groan unhappily. Hearing Angelissa cry out the command 'Shape' Ray flinched as she remembered what happened last time. Then she saw a dome of ice falling down on her and didn't move as she was trapped inside, thinking she could break her way out with ease. That was before she saw what was all over the inside of the igloo and when she saw herself surrounded with a bunch of puffed out butts, even though only some were dragon butts, Ray was still traumatized by the sight. Falling to the ground inside the hut, Ray screamed in terror before she just remained on the ground trembling, unwilling to get up. Knowing something was up when Ray didn't bother to get up and break out immediately, Malarcum was about to let loose an arrow to shatter the cage, when something stopped her. Looking to her side to find that Looka was holding onto her hand that had the string of the bow drawn back, Malarcum's eyes widened to see that the Angel was holding hands with the electric gauntlet that Angelissa had given Looka. Before she could even curse, Malarcum found herself being shocked by an electric attack three times as strong as the first one she had endured of the battle. Letting Malarcum fall to the ground as she swung Lover to clean cut the demon's horns, Looka said proudly, “This gauntlet is pretty neat 'cause it allows me to multiply the power of my lightning spells in exchange for a small portion of my physical strength, which I can easily restore using a restorative spell I have inscribed on Lover here.” Looking up at Fusilid Co, Looka glared angrily as she called out to the Demon Lord, “Hey! Mrs. Glowing Eyes! You want me to send her back the easy way or the hard way?” Going with the easy way, Fusilid was impressed with how Looka simply cut off Malarcum's head to turn the Succubus into ash. Then after Malarcum had been dealt with, Looka went over to deal with Ray, but when she broke open the top of the cage, Ray didn't move. Waiting for a moment, Looka eventually grew bored and melted the entire igloo with her electric gauntlet before walking over to a softly sobbing Ray. Not even bothering to get up off the ground, Ray said in a sorrowful tone, “Take my horns, and my wings if you must, but I'm begging you to take my life... I cannot face my mistress after this... not after letting her die.” Slicing off Ray's horns, Looka picked up the Dark Angel and replied unhappily, “You think that I'd kill you and end your suffering just like that? Fat chance! Yo, Mrs. Burning Eyes! Incoming!” Getting out of the way just as Looka pushed Ray towards the portal she was using to observe the fight, the mighty Demon Lord waited till after the Dark Angel had toppled through before shouting angrily at Looka, “My NAME is Fusilid Co! I expect you to use it when you are-” Being interrupted when Looka delivered her a painful shock to her face, Fusilid Co glared fiercely at the obstinate Angel only to find her glare had no effect on Looka when the lovely Angel just replied in an uncaring tone, “Blah, blah, blah, that's all I'm here from you, Mrs. Burning Eyes. Just sit back and enjoy your show... tsk, I should probably just keep hitting you until you close that portal, but I have better things to be hitting...” As Looka went over to join Eiress in fighting, Fusilid Co just glared intently after her, somehow greatly annoyed by the fact the the Angel had the arrogance to not only strike her, but to also interrupt her. While she sat upon her throne watching the battle taking place, fires burst to life in Fusilid Co's eyes, much to terror of the servants in the room. Even Ray fell to the ground and covered her head in fear of drawing the Demon Lord's wrathful gaze, since the last demon to do so while Fusilid Co was that angry was incinerated instantly, the demon's soul along with it's body. After having taken care of Ray, Angelissa turned her attention back towards Esta Liga, who was hiding on the front of the building when suddenly, a voice called out, “Commander Angelissa! We've finished up with the Chaos Heralds and are here to help-” Seeing that the other Angels had been heading over where Esta Liga lay in wait, Angelissa could only watch in wide eyed horror as the Angels assigned to her flew to their doom. Thankfully, the rank one Angel was very alert because of her low power and noticed the alarm in Angelissa's eyes. That allowed her to be just out of range when Esta Liga flipped up into sight and reversed her body so that now her legs were her arms. Before the others could even react, Esta Liga tore deep gashes into the chests of the rank two Angels and spat some webbing to pin the rank one Angel to the ground. Stabbing each of the other Angels through the chests to assure that they were dead, Esta Liga turned her attention to the last one remaining. Having completely lost awareness of everything else around her, Esta Liga's mouth hung open wide as she stalked over the webbed Angel. As she saw her doom approaching, the Angel couldn't help but pray that the demon coming to finish her off would eat her whole and alive . Unfortunately, as Esta Liga stormed over towards her, she screeched, “I'm gonna enjoy cutting you up and eating ya piece by-” Halting as an impossibly strong hand latched onto the back of her head, even the rank one Angel squeaked with fear at the look Angelissa had on her face as she jerked Liga's head back and growled, “It's not polite to play with your food before eating it, especially in the way you were thinking of! If you're going to eat a helpless meal, there is no need to mutilate it!” Snapping out of her fear, Liga leered sinisterly as she said slyly, “But you aren't helpless!” Having anticipated that Liga would try to attack her still, Angelissa cried out as fires raged in her eyes, “CONFLAGRATION!” Instantly, Liga burst into flames and began to scream in pain as Angelissa sliced off the numerous horns that were growing out of Liga's back. As Liga continued to writhe in pain, Angelissa went over to free the trembling rank one Angel from the webbing. After that, Angelissa ordered her to go hide at a safe distance and turned back to the still smoldering, but healing Liga. Standing over top of Esta Liga with a scary look in her eyes yet again, Angelissa's hands glowed with an odd green aura as she said in a grim tone, “It's unfortunate that my conflagration spell did not end you, for I prefer not to use spells like it because of the pain they inflict upon people... like this next spell I'm going to use, but in your case, I'll make an exception. Vitriolic Sphere!” A large green bubble then grew into existence over Esta Liga and when the sphere descended upon the demon General, she began to scream in pain as her body was slowly being melted away while still in the process of regenerating, but then Angelissa stood over Liga with a hammer looking weapon as she said with an unkind smile, “Don't worry, I'm not going have suffer for long.... but since you are not a Chaos Herald, I can use whatever weapon I please.” Holding the hammer up with both hands, Angelissa cast Raigeki and sent a bolt of lightning to vaporize Esta Liga. Awakening in Hell, in a building next to the Soul Fountain where sinner's souls appeared when sent to Hell, Esta Liga continued to cry out in pain as a good majority of the Vitriolic Sphere had returned with her. Thankfully, she was able to regenerate in Hell much faster so the pain was kept to a minimum as some Succubus skilled with dispelling magic worked to cancel out the rest of Angelissa's spell. Looking over to find Malarcum rubbing a scar on her neck where her head had been cut off, the pair shared a solemn look before they muttered together, “Angelissa....” Turning her attention towards where Eroexa was fighting against Eiress and Looka, Angelissa sat back as the duo finished the fight themselves. Before Looka had joined in, Eiress had just been exchanging blows with Eroexa, dodging the shadow Scythes. Eroexa was fighting against Eiress, doing her best to block the Angel's seemingly frenzied, but planned attacks as Eiress whirled and twirled in the air. Widowmaker and Scourge were also in the combat as Scourge would sometimes personally control where his 'tail' flew to counter Widowmaker's shadow Scythes. The tie breaker was Eiress' Armband of the Vengeful Valkyrie, since the armband was able to generate a blade of pure light that shredded through the shadow Scythes like they were wet tissue paper. After Looka joined in, the battle turned into a stalemate yet again, even with the two girls tag teaming for attacks. Eroexa used her rings too keep Looka's spells at bay while using her Widowmaker in one hand to ward off Eiress. Unfortunately, neither side could make any real headway as neither was really using up any power in the combat. Eventually there was a pause in combat with all three adversaries exuding immense power, but when Shadowclaw made a move to join in, Saint Mary held her back while saying, “Not now, they are still in this fight and if they were to get into trouble, although that is very unlikely, I know Angelissa will step in. Let's wait and watch to see how much the girls can grow....” Suddenly, the power raging out of the three dimmed for a moment as their eyes zoned out, then their power returned with even greater force as they all called out at once, “Marry me, Widowmaker! Infuse me, Scourge of Flames! Surround me, Lover of Magic!” That was when the all the other weapons in the area gasped as they realized what had been commanded as the trio's magic power began to mix with their weapons. Looka was engulfed in raging raging winds up to her stomach and looked very much a genie. While Eiress, on the other hand, was completely covered with flames from head to toe, with a dragon's body being superimposed over her own, even down to her tail. Eroexa had a somewhat similar change to Eiress, only her head remained uncovered as her body was coated in shadows. The five shadow Scythes turned into the claws bottoms of her feet and one arm, with her actual Widowmaker becoming the claw of her last hand. Looking at each other for a moment, Looka groaned in a musing fashion as Eiress said what was on both of their minds, “Now how exactly are we going to determine who gets to kill her for stealing our weapons... among other insults she has delivered us?” With the pair sharing a deviously grin, Eroexa flinched as she whispered the name of the spell the girls were planning on using and they both said, in complete unison oddly, “You read my mind.” When Eroexa was about to shout she would never allow them to complete the spell, Angelissa came out of nowhere and coldcocked the Emissary before saying to the girls, “Do it!” Reaching out to grasp the hand of the other, both girls said in complete harmony, “Ex duobus fit unum Excoquuntur in et corpus et spiritus Sit claustra qui nos separabit cadere Et coniunctionis nostrae esse aeternum.” Crying out 'Polymerization' at the same time, the girls were engulfed in a large white sphere this time because the spell was cast properly. The body the pair had taken to referring as Ka'Ress appeared into being just as quickly, much to Fusilid Co's continued amazement. Unlike before, their armor merged together in an instant and quite shockingly, so did Scourge and Lover. Holding the fused pair of weapons up to look at them, Ka'Ress was intrigued by the Lover had grown to gigantic proportions and was attached to middle of Scourge's shaft, with a small opening in the middle so that the girls could hold onto Scourge's shaft in the middle. As expected, their other two angelic armaments remained apart, but that was kinda expected since they were not possessed by the souls of the Chaos Heralds they were made out of. When Eroexa got up, she reentered her command 'Marry' state and cursed at her luck until Fusilid Co shouted, “Catch! A little reward for such entertainment as this.” Adding the sixth ring of the Apocalypse to the rest of her rings, Eroexa was startled when she suddenly saw her servant standing by her side and demanded, “Cacula! What do you think you doing out here?” Pointing to her back where four small crystalline spikes poked out of her back, Cacula spun a staff with a foot long axe blade on one end with great confidence before saying, “Your master made certain that I could be of proper use to you, although my weapon is powerless unlike yours, but I hope to one day to earn a proper one befitting of someone who serves you.” Taking an aggressive step forward, the fused girls' body flared to life, with their legs and lower body sharing Looka's command 'Surround' state, while everything above was engulfed in flames by Eiress' command 'Infuse', as Ka'Ress declared grumpily, “Do you really think that just one slave is going to make any different in the long run? Well, I guess there is only one way to find out...” With the Valkyrie and the Fist of the Tonantem active again, the girls' arms charged with magic along with all their wings, Ka'Ress swung the fan of the Lover of Magic at the two demons. A burning Air Blade shot forth, with the fused girls being quick to dash behind and when their enemies tried splitting apart to evade her reach, she showed them just how wrong they were. Reaching out towards Eroexa with their gloved hand, Ka'Ress fired off a Lightning Bolt that sent the Emissary flying. Then as Cacula tried to turn to strike at them while they were supposedly distracted, the Succubus was surprised to find the chain Scythe wrapping around her body and cried out in pain when the blade dug into her back. Turning towards Fusilid with a toothy grin, Ka'Ress said slyly, “Incoming-” Pausing as they heard the faintest sound of an incantation coming from behind them, Ka'Ress turned around and viciously slammed a foot into Cacula's gut. Then after letting her fly so far away, stopping letting out the chain and flung the Succubus forward towards the portal. Crying out as the sudden change in direction caused the blade in her back to slide through her skin, Cacula was somewhat relieved to have the burning blade removed from her body, but gulped fearfully as she found herself flying towards Fusilid Co's burning gaze. Spreading out her wings and crying out in agony because the movement irritated the wound in her back, Cacula managed to just barely stop herself from plowing through the portal into the Demon Lord's face. Then suddenly her head jerked back as her belly was forced forward from a second kick from Ka'Ress as they shouted in annoyance, “No more pets allowed!” Pushing back quickly as Fusilid Co reached an arm through the portal to take an angry swing at them, Ka'Ress turned their attention towards Eroexa as the Emissary returned to sight. When they looked at Eroexa, however, the girls were stunned by what they saw as a pair of black angelic wings formed from the dark energy surrounding the demon. Even Angelissa was stunned by that since she had thought that Eroexa was a full demon and most certainly did not have the appearance of a Gargoyle. Virgil and the rest of the Angels watching in Heaven had nothing to say as they could only imagine how Eroexa was given those wings. Charging forward, Ka'Ress rushed straight into the swarm shadow Scythes that Eroexa was able to create from each of her legs, with the girls saying in their own voice, “Roar, Scourge of Flames! Shout, Lover of Magic!” When the girls pulled back their fused weapon, spiritual representations of both spirits appeared behind Ka'Ress. Then as the shadow Scythes began to close around the girls, they swung their fused weapon and both of the spiritual manifestations of their weapons opened their mouths as if to yelling. A column of flame, surrounded by a viciously spinning spiral of air shot out before the girls and just from the air pressure alone, Eroexa's shadow Scythes were obliterated. Activating her new ring, Eroexa felt the power in her black angelic wings disappear as a bubble of energy surrounded her real body, just as the combined attack from Ka'Ress washed away her dark energy form. Seeing their attack be negated by the ring stunned Ka'Ress, but then their bodies separated as Looka took a step back and Eiress went forward, with both Angels saying, “Wha...?” While Looka tried to understand what had happened, Eiress put aside her confusion and pushed forward as Eroexa as the demon's shield timed out. Taking a horizontal swing at the demon, Eiress was not surprised when Eroexa reacted in time, but thankfully had swung low enough to clip the Emissary's horns for the first time. Instead of getting angry over the miss, Eiress continued her spin and took off Eroexa's head with the next swing, much to Scourge's delight. As the demon's body turned to ash, Angelissa and Looka came to stand before the portal that Fusilid Co peered out from. The Demon Lord's eyes never wavered, not even to show any emotion until Eiress got impatient and demanded, “So do you want to just keep staring at us, or are you going to come to play?” Chuckling at the challenge, Fusilid Co pushed her head through the portal and said in a serious tone, “In order to do that, I would require the construction of a very special portal grounds, not unlike that which our former Demon King used, to be fully brought into a world. Fortunately for you three, I have some servants of mine to teach the price of returning to me as a failures. Hopefully you won't grow to fat and lazy in their absence, for I do intend to send them back after you again!” When the portal finally closed, all of Heaven let out a sigh of relief as the Demon Lord officially retreated from the battlefield. Angelissa congratulated the pair on another successful fusion attempt and then they all let out a long pent up sigh they had been holding onto. With the battle over and Eroexa having been more than just defeated, Shadowclaw left the area with a smile on her face as Saint Mary and Blair went over to congratulate the Angels. Of course, after Blair cried out excitedly to the Angels, she tripped over her robes and fell flat on the ground, much to amusement of everyone that saw her. Coming over to help Blair get up, Looka smiled down at Blair as the little disciple cried happily, “You were awesome out there, sister Looka! I'm so happy you were reunited with your weapon! I was so mad when I heard that demon stole it from you! Oh and big sister Angelissa was so cool when she blasted that annoying spider demon back to Hell with that green lightning spell! You gotta teach me that one of these days when you're not too busy up in Heaven! Oh look!” Turning around behind them to see what Blair had noticed, Angelissa was shocked to find the three rank two Angels that had supposedly been killed were flying down to join the celebration. One of the higher rank squad mates was carrying a very exhausted looking rank one Angel that looked like she was just barely awake. After they landed, Angelissa went over to check on the exhausted Angel while Blair and Saint Mary began to help her recover her power so she wouldn't bottom out. When asked how they were still alive after what Esta Liga had put them through, one of the rank two Angels replied, “It was her... damn insane for a rank one Angel if you ask me. Somehow she was able to heal all of us from the brink of death after you blasted that demon General... Ugh, I am so ashamed that I walked right up to where she was waiting without even realizing it... This world is so full of ambient magical energy and way too many demons... it messes with my senses.” Thinking for a moment, Angelissa said in a thoughtful tone, “Hm, sounds like the perfect hiding spot.... for demons, of course.” Adding in the last part when Saint Mary care her a cautionary glance, Angelissa then announced, “Well hey, now since we have have squashed the spiders, if you'll excuse the pun, I think it's high time we go and have that little girls' night out I promised the two of ya!” Gasping with delight, Eiress and Looka began to urge everyone to hurry up in heading home as they couldn't wait to get changed for some fun. When they got back to the church, however, Saint Mary ordered for the pair to hand over Scourge and Lover so that Saint Mary could seal them away in containers of holy water. As predictable as ever, both the girls and their weapon protested the command, but then Saint Mary threateningly held up her prayer book, which forced the girls to hand over their weapons. While the other two rushed off to prepare for their trip to town with Angelissa and the squad of Angels prepared to head back to Heaven, Saint Mary was walking with the two weapons towards where the well of holy water was when Scourge asked, “Why does your touch feel familiar? I do not remember you... at least not very well.... Do I know you?” Shaking her head sadly, Saint Mary replied, “No, no you don't. I just want you both to rest now, you expended a lot of effort today and I would hate for you two to run out of steam in the middle of a battle. Plus, with your power now known, I can tell that Demon Lords of Hell will be trying to claim you for themselves. Just do your best to protect those girls when they are using you... or having a demon touching you will be the least of your worries...” After putting the two weapons in a tightly sealed case that was filled with holy water and protected by the markings of the God of Heaven, Saint Mary was startled when Angelissa asked, “Hey, would you be willing to store my weapon away like those two for me? I'd feel better if Regar was here where he could be used in case something else goes wrong.” Looking at Angelissa in confusion, Saint Mary replied, “But wait, without Regar you can no longer safely slay..... You're leaving aren't you? Humph, I should have seen this coming when you offered to take to girls out for some fun... When are you going to tell them that you are going to be leaving?” Leaning back against one side of the entryway into the room, Angelissa asked in response with worry in her eyes, “When are you going to tell them what they need to know... Rosemary?” Pausing for a moment as she was preparing to plunge Regar the Frost Jotun into a container of holy water, Saint Mary began to chuckle in a cold tone before answering with, “Now there's a name I haven't heard in a lifetime... I'm sorry to say this, but Rosemary died a very long ago when she was defeated by an Emissary. She has not existed since then and never shall again... Whatever you may have read about this Rosemary is just a farce that the Angels put into the archive to serve as a lesson to all young aspiring Angels...” Folding her arms with an unconvinced look upon her face, Angelissa replied insistently, “Why? Why cannot you not accept the fact that you are capable of doing good? Just look at Eiress and Looka, under your guidance, they've become fine examples of Heaven's agents. You've helped them to grow so much... can't you trust them a little?” After storing away the container for Regar, Saint Mary's shoulders sagged as she replied, “Trust is for the foolish... people only follow respect and to trust is to open yourself up to betrayal... That was something I learned during my early years as a Dark Angel while I was in Hell... Vescus all but burned that message into my mind as she used my old companions trust in me to fool them into thinking that I had somehow removed my horn to lure them into her grasp. That was when I swore I would never follow any Demon Lord and strove to find my own home... Then there was the hounds...they hunted me like I was an animal for years until I finally left Hell. Even in mortal worlds though, the hounds of Hell had my scent. I eventually lost them when I came here.... I don't know why you're leaving this weapon here, it's not like you can just...” Saint Mary shot Angelissa a suspicious glance as Eiress and Looka came rushing into the room, with Looka saying happily, “Hey, Angelissa, that Angel you saved, Cuarray, is going to be coming along with us! She got permission from Heaven to join us so long as we don't get into any trouble. Come on, let's go!” Shooing the girls away, Saint Mary said in a fake cranky mood, “Hey you! Get out of here! I'll send Angelissa along just as soon I get done speaking with her.” Oddly, Saint Mary brought a bucket of holy water with her into the private office and didn't say a word. When they entered the room, Angelissa could tell something was up, but hoped that Saint Mary wasn't upset over her bringing up the Dark Angel's former name. Then Saint Mary went over to a wall at the back of the room and opened a different concealed compartment, one which Angelissa could see was meant to keep something in, rather than out. Once the seal broke, Angelissa could feel a great evil lurking inside the concealed chamber and was a little surprised when Saint Mary pulled out a blackened demon horn, like the one she wore. Holding the horn for Angelissa to see, Saint Mary said in a somewhat fearful tone, “This is the first horn I ever cut from head... and is the one I cut off when I tried to convince Heaven that I was still on their side. Even though I cut off the original black horn, a new black one grew right up in it's place thanks to the healing power of being in Heaven. As you can see, this horn still possesses the vile evil of the demon I took it from...” Not understanding what Saint Mary meant in showing her the horn, Angelissa was about to asked why Saint Mary was showing her the horn when the Dark Angel dropped it into the bucket of holy water. There was a violent reaction as the holy water seemed to almost boil from contact with the horn. Then after a few seconds the waters became calm and dark as Saint Mary reached into to pull out a perfectly pristine white demon horn. Handing the horn to Angelissa, Saint Mary said, “I want you to have this and I am sorry for my outburst earlier.. when you were asking about why I had taken the horn upon myself. I want you too keep this as a reminder that no matter what color someone wears, there is still evil in them.” Smiling as she put a hand on Saint Mary's shoulder, Angelissa held the purified horn tenderly as she replied, “That's what it means to live as a human and in truth, even as an Angel, you still had the propensity for great evil if you allowed your heart to be corrupted...” Swatting away Angelissa hand, Saint Mary changed into her Dark Angel form, then closed her eyes as she turned into a Blackwing, and said, “You don't understand... but now I am ready to speak with you about it... to speak with someone about it. For so long I have been deluding myself with the lie that I had chosen to take the horn to save my friends, but on that day, I did not care about my friends. I was angry, at myself for being too weak, but also at the demon for mocking me when I could do nothing to even save myself. I chose right then to plunge this horn into my head because I needed just a little power in order to finally defeat that bastard... Upon implanting that horn you now hold, I used the magic stored within it to cast a spell that revived all my wings to full strength, but the cost was the lose of all the magic in the horn. That was acceptable to me because I knew that I only needed the power in my wings to defeat the Emissary. It just so happened to be that I saved my companions from being thrown to the demons....I forever tainted myself that day and nothing I can ever do will make up for that... however, that will not stop me from helping others now, even if it only lessens the pain I feel each day.” When Saint Mary was quiet for a few seconds, Angelissa tried to touch the Dark Angel in a reassuring way, but knew that Saint Mary would just brush her hand away and so replied, “Thank you for sharing a little more of yourself with me. I can only hope that by doing so you can find a way to forgive yourself and move on. Just because you wear something other beings who are bad wear, it does not mean that you are bad yourself. T-take Eiress, Looka and myself for example, we eat people, just like demons do, and yet we remain pure despite that. You may look bad, but that doesn't mean you have to be bad... all the time. You can also chose who you are bad too as well.” Leaving Saint Mary to brood, Angelissa went outside to see where the three young Angels she was supposed to be going off with were and after she left Blair came in to see Bloody Mary standing in the office, which made her exclaimed, “Oh no, we need to get you to the holy water well right now!” When Blair tried to pull her away from the window, the young disciple was surprised when Bloody Mary remained still and then heard her say in a whisper, “It doesn't hurt anymore... I no longer hurt anymore....” Outside, Angelissa was met with two very unhappy Angels and before she could ask what was the matter, Eiress cried out unhappily, “I can't believe you're leaving us and you didn't say anything!” Looking surprised that the girl found out, the third Angel in the trio, Cuarray, said nervously, “Sorry, Angelissa.... I let it slip that I wanted to join you on your last hunting trip here... and they kinda put things together...” Taking the girls into the chapel, Angelissa sat down before the holly statue of the God of Heaven and after a few moments announced, “There! Now after I go home this one time, all you need to do is call out for me from here and I will hear you. I may not be able to come right away, but the moment I am able I will return here to this chapel!. Of course, when I do come back here, I will be leaving in someone's belly.” Poking at Eiress and Looka suggestively, the pair giggled over the thought of getting to eat Angelissa, then Looka declared happily, “Alright then! Let this farewell afternoon of fun commence!” Going out into town, Angelissa was thinking they might have some difficulties attracting some proper meals, but after walking for so long they entered the daemon district. Immediately, the four Angels in disguise were swarmed by eager daemons all of whom wished to recruit the girls for sex clubs or bars they supposedly owned. Taking four daemons they knew where lying about ownership in order to get some free sex, everyone had a partner save for Cuarray, who's partner ended up being sucked back into having sex by the insatiable Looka. The four daemons were quick to lead the four 'victims' to a bar where they were less likely to be recognized, with one of them paying for the room while the rest lead the girls up into the room. While the others were all ready to get started the moment they entered the room, Angelissa was a little less willing since she felt like she was allowing herself be raped in return for a meal that would give her a bad taste in her mouth. Then Cuarray whispered something into Angelissa's ear that made her suddenly get very into tiring out her partner so that Looka would knock the daemons out. Once all the daemons were out cold, Looka went around quickly to remove the daemon's brands, with all four Angel's noticing that every cloud that Looka burped up turned into a different brand from Fusilid Co's mark. Upon finishing, Angelissa took control of the situation and said, “Alright now, I first want each of you to try stuffing one of these sleeping beauties into your womb, by yourself since you won't always be around each other when hunting.” First up was Looka, who easily used her wind magic to quickly force her daemon into her womb and sat back to watch as Eiress got started. Leaning her first meal up against the frame of the bed in the room, Eiress logically chose to use gravity to aid her since fire magic wouldn't do much, other than wake the woman up. Trembling for a moment as she tried to mentally prepare herself, Eiress just sat down hard on top of the woman, stuffing almost the entire upper body of the female into her. Crying out blissfully as she remained crouched down for a few moments, Eiress eventually stood back up and orientated herself properly for a second round, which pushed all but the feet of the woman into her. A few contractions later and Eiress was patting her belly happily as she had successfully accomplished what Angelissa had tasked her too do by herself. With Cuarray rubbing their bellies affectionately, Angelissa said, much to the confusion of both girls, “Alright now, I'd like to see if you two can eat with your tails, Eiress, you can have my meal either way.” Tilting her head to the side as Cuarray began to undress, Eiress asked curiously, “Wait a minute... What will you be eating then?” Patting Cuarray on the head as the young looking Angel hopped over towards her, Angelissa replied deviously, “Oh don't worry, I'll be having a little snack to tide me over for the trip home.” While the two girls puzzled over how they would began to eat with their tails, Angelissa began to instruct Cuarray on how she was to properly fold her wings so that they would no get in Angelissa's way. Then with Cuarray sitting on the couch with her, Angelissa leaned forward while tilting Cuarray's head forward as well. Starting with the Cuarray's head, she made certain to lathe up the young Angel well with her tongue, delighting in the softness of her meal's skin. Leaning forward to take her first gulp, Angelissa smirked at the way Cuarray flinched when she grabbed the girl's hips. Making certain to lick the girl for an easy journey down into her belly, Angelissa began to drool when Cuarray's double D's touched her lips for the first time. Opening wide to pull both the luscious orbs, Angelissa made certain to give them both special treatment, much to Cuarray's delight as the girl cooed pleasantly. Sighing as she stuffed both of the mounds of meat into her throat, Angelissa quickly slurped up Cuarray's chest and arms, drooling once more as she saw the twin peaks of her meal's butt. Tilting her head back to allow Cuarray to be more comfortable, but mainly so nothing would be spilled, Angelissa struck at the young Angel's tense pussy. Hearing Cuarray moan loudly, Angelissa could feel her cheeks starting to fill with more than her meal's hips until finally she tasted Cuarray's sweet honey for the first. Having to gulp the golden fluid down along with her saliva to prevent her mouth from overflowing, Angelissa was a bit unhappy over not getting to savor the flavor longer, but when in for more. Managing to make Cuarray cum three more times, Angelissa could feel that her meal was getting a little tired of being upside down and patted Cuarray's hip as if if to say farewell. Then Angelissa began to suck down Cuarray's long legs after reluctantly swallowing her juicy hindquarters. Patting her belly as Cuarray curled up comfortably inside her, Angelissa said happily, “You made an excellent meal, my friend, and I hope I'll get to enjoy your mouth watering taste again sometime soon! I just hope I didn't annoy you for keeping you in my mouth so long.” Shifting a little so she could speak easier, Cuarray replied enthusiastically, “Oh no, I enjoyed myself so much! I was just at the end of my rope... that's all... I hope my body will give you plenty of energy for your trip home! I'll hopefully see you back up in Heaven though!” Looking over to see both Eiress and Looka had nearly swallowed the remaining women in the room, Angelissa squeezed out what little air remained in her stomach, then announced proudly, “You both make for wonderful voracious Angels! I doubt either of will have any trouble finding anything to eat here since apparently there are still plenty of daemons being allowed to wander about opening... despite the fact that I told that anally obsessed Succubus about what would happen to them from now on. Now if only we had someone for Looka to try out swallowing someone through her cleavage on...” As if summoned, there was a knock on the door as a feminine voice called out a name most likely belonging to one of the female daemons the girl had eaten. Opening the door to find a lovely daemon lady standing outside asking to join in the fun, Looka smiled hungrily at her. Noticing a lack of customers in the room and the moving bulges in the three Angels looking at her, the daemon waitress was about to nervously back out when Looka happily reached out to hug her. Making it sound like she was welcoming the daemon to have a little fun, Looka was quick to stuff the daemon's face in between her breasts. While the daemon girl tried to figure out what was going on, Looka grabbed onto the only thing she could and gave the waitress an atomic wedgie in order to pull the girl's upper body into her belly. With her latest victim struggling desperately to get free, Looka began to remove the daemon's skirt, underwear, shoes and socks before gently sliding the lady the rest of the way inside. Groaning as she flopped down onto the bed in the room with the girl in her belly, Looka sighed happily as she said, “Ah, I'm stuffed! I could probably sleep for hours with as full as I am... Hey, Angelissa? Would you mind sleeping with us one last time before you go? And would you stay with us until we wake up?” Squeezing in between the girls on the bed because her belly was much smaller, Angelissa held the girls close and replied in a somewhat sad tone, “Of course I'll stay with you till you wake up, but I just want you two to remember that if you need me I am merely a prayer away! I do not like leaving anymore than you two do... this world is very... unique and I haven't had so much fun eating with friends in a little while, and it has been a long time since I've had new friends to mess around with!” Doing their best not to fall off the bed, Eiress and Looka both turned towards Angelissa, then placed a hand on her belly. To Angelissa's delight, both of the girls were rubbing her belly, with Eiress using her fire magic to gently warm her hand. A few hours later, the three girls were leaping out the window of the room since they really didn't want anyone to see they down in the pub area, then they returned to the church. To everyone's dismay, Angelissa could not be swayed into staying, but Saint Mary was glad to see Angelissa still holding her purified first horn. Before Angelissa could run off, however, Saint Mary advised her quietly, “If you want to, you can actually place that horn onto a pet of yours, which would turn them immortal in return for being detected as a demon from them on... But the important thing is that if you do that, you can have a constant supply of horns that you can either use to make armor or just simply grind them up to make a very wonderful tea. What you do with that horn, however, is up to you.” Up in Heaven, Angelissa was saying farewell to all the Angels in Heaven, most who had been her pupils, when Virgil brought out something covered with a table cloth. When the cloth was removed, a full suit of armor lay on the table that had been hovered out into sight. As she inspected the armor, Angelissa thought it humorous how the armor was made to be stretchy out front and down in the back, which meant that Angelissa had room to 'grow' in her new armor. Even more intriguing was all the yellow crystal inlays that were, not surprisingly, shaped as lightning bolts. All around the outside edge of the armor was an electric looking yellow lining that glinted differently depending on the angle of light hitting it and at the corners of the armor pieces there more crystal lightning bolts. All around the helmet, however, there were actually thunderclouds where lighting was striking down from all the way to the bottom of the helmet. Looking at the exquisite armor, Angelissa was in love it at first sight, but asked, “You do know you didn't have to go to such great lengths to make me armor? I mean, you knew I wasn't going to stick around... so I don't feel I can accept this.” Shaking his head, Virgil smiled slyly and replied, “Our former forge master was the blacksmith to our former Lord and as such was gifted with certain abilities. He actually predicted your arrival, and made this armor for 'one who wields the power of a god and possesses the power to change into the most fearsome of beasts'.... Personally, I think that you little lightning display at the world you entered our dimension on should have been enough, but after you turned in a dragon, the most feared of all Chaos Heralds... that settled it. I am sorry that I am only getting it you now, but there has quite the mess of activity since you came sprawling into our dimension! By the way, Angelissa, might I speak to you in private?” Going into the observation center, Angelissa was surprised when she saw old recordings of Eiress and Looka, then listened as Virgil said in a musing tone while looking at the observation orb currently focused on the present, “They've come quite a long way haven't they? Those two... they used to be little more than spoiled brats, but now they actually seem to be getting better... almost as if living as humans is completing them somehow... Although, I do seem to remember them having only one pair of wings when I sentenced them to live on New Nede. Would you happen to have any idea as to how they gained those extra wings? Not that I'm upset, I'm just a little curious, that's all.” Having a good 'hunch' as to how they got the extra wings, Angelissa replied truthfully, “I have no idea really as to how they got those extra wings... but I know they're not just trying to accumulate more power. If they were only interested in strength, then they would have already used the thirteen... make that more, horns they've collected to boost their power. They are just focused on completing their punishment so that they can move on, although personally, I would keep those two together... you've seen then fuse together properly twice now, correct?” Chuckling at the mention of the, now twice, successfully cast Polymerization spell, Virgil replied, “Yes, I can see that they are indeed only focused on accomplishing their task, but that they've come to understand the demons making those Chaos Heralds are that much more dangerous than what they were assigned to kill. You also seem to have had a wondrous effect on them, for now I have seen them flying about proudly with their tails out for everyone to see.... I still can't believe that demon bore the wings of an Angel, but that is our concern now. I wish you luck with your own duties in the dimension you come from, but if you ever happen to stumble your way into our world again, the gates to our Heaven will always be open to you.” While walking out of the chamber, Virgil began to rub his chin as he asked curiously, “So how did your research into Rosemary end for you? Did you so happen to meet the living legend?” Knowing that Virgil probably already knew about Saint Mary, Angelissa still replied truthfully, “No, sorry, she died a long time ago when she fell in combat to an Emissary. She still blames herself for the fact that she was just too weak to defeat the demon...” Once safely through the portal to Felarya, Angelissa was just getting ready to take flight to go home when she smacked herself on the forehead as she groaned, “Ah~ man! I forgot to ask Saint Mary about whether it matters what kind of a creature I put this horn on or not when it comes to the taste of the tea the horns make!”
Aspects of Reality Epilogue As the years passed by slowly after the world reset on Kizak, the older Aspects slowly began to adjust to the presence of their ‘neutral’ counterparts, with many new religions sprouting up around them, in addition to Judge’s old tried-and-true religion… In the wake of his confrontation with the Aspect of Humanity, the Aspect of Destruction suddenly became interested in playing along with King and the other Dark Divines. They all became deities that were worshiped all across Kizak along with the true Divines, but whenever any congregations or cults founded around their worship became too radical in their activities, the Gods of Kizak would be swift to smite those fools. Despite that, all of the Aspects knew to respect their counterparts and that if they decided to become more directly involved with a radical sect of their worshipers, then they would most likely get their toes stepped on. Each Aspect had a different ‘boon’ that they could grant to those who fervently worshiped them, but because their ‘boon’ more so affected a mortal’s ‘mental’ state, the ‘followers’ of the Gods of Kizak were always more than a match for them… The Gods of Kizak quickly became deeply rooted in the ‘recreated’ human society and were constantly on the lookout for anyone trying to ‘take over’ their domains…. For the God of Life, she quickly became accepted by the population of Kizak and was prayed too constantly by pretty much any mortal alive. Even though mortals eventually adopted her as the God of Heaven, the God of Life never actually forced that upon her followers and did not think too much of that fact, since all who died still went up to Tepe to be judged. The God of Life eventually gravitated more towards Tepe and Krea, using her mentor’s plans for Kizak to help her with shaping the progression of life on the world. With the God of Death, however, he tried to remain more grounded in the middle, since his station was to oversee the deaths of mortals and usher them out of Aradaki, but Destruction was always his constant companion. Eventually accepted as the God of the Underworld and the oversee of the dead, he was more payed homage too by those seeking a certain kind of death, however, there were always those who sought to worship him by spreading death. To him, however, how mortals worshiped him did not matter, in the end all mortals came to him and were ushered into the afterlife to be judged in Tepe by Judge. Whenever the Demons circumvented his authority to drag souls down into Hell without allowing him to guide them to the afterlife first, however, THEN there would be trouble… The same also held true for the God of Life and whenever either side interfered with their domains, the Gods of Kizak would exact a heavy price upon those who intruded. To that end, the God of Death began to raise certain mortals as deathless Wraiths like him, to help him ensure that any soul who lost it’s life would be carried on into the afterlife properly. Where as the God of Life chose to use the tools, with which she nurtured new life, at her disposal to make her anger known as she eventually was given the nickname Mother Nature. Then there was the God of ‘Magic’, or Energy as some chose to worship her as… She did not become quite as well known as the other two Gods, but the God of Magic still made her presence known by using her power to transform some of the life that Mother Nature had helped to create in order to make a whole menagerie of magical creatures. Allowing mortals to study her handiwork and learn from her pets, soon magic of all kinds was running rampant across the world. Those who were blessed with her gift at birth did not ignore her, for instead they chose to worship her as the God of Energy, since even a normal mortal needed to have the drive to get up each day and she was more than happy to grant those who prayed to her with the energy to face each new day head-on. Finally, there was the most elusive ‘God’ of them all, although the Aspect of Humanity was really only known to members of it’s own ‘kind’… True to what he had said to Ginger numerous times, the Aspect of Humanity slowly became known only as monster that devoured other living things just to survive…. Oddly, even though it may have been viewed as a monster, the Aspect of Humanity had it’s own sects of worshipers, although they never actually benefited from their worship. Instead, those who were willing to look past the monstrous reputation the God of Kizak had, took to the ideals of their God and chose to live of the lives of others. This caused numerous cannibalistic tribes to pop up worshiping the God of Kizak, but the God of Death had no qualms about putting those fools tribes out of their misery. Due to the way mortals chose to worship the Aspect of Humanity in the beginning, the God of Death soon began to despise whoever was ‘teaching’ mortals to live only by taking the life of another person or animal… This caused the God of Death and the Aspect of Destruction to become closely bonded over their hunt for the Aspect of Humanity. Thankfully, the pair were able to keep their hunt from causing the God of Life from getting entangled in the mess and oddly she had no problem with the God of Kizak. The Aspect of Destruction just contributed that to Krea influencing the God of Life towards being kind towards her child and decided that leaving the other neutral Aspect alone was for the best. Several times, the pair would succeed in tracking down the Aspect of Humanity, but strangely, only the God of Death was able to ‘confront’ the Aspect of Humanity…. When confronted by the God of Death, however, the Aspect of Humanity would all but ignore the God’s attempts to harm it, but the moment that the God of Death called out to the Aspect of Destruction, the Death God would suddenly find himself paralyzed by a strange sense of guilt that he could not shake. By the time he was able to recover from the sensation, the God of Death could no longer locate the Aspect of Humanity and would usually come across a destroyed body that had been setup to be identified as the Aspect of Humanity, although the God of Death could tell precisely who the body belonged too. Much to the Death God’s continuing frustration, despite the fact that he had the power to bring about the death of whomever he so desired, the Aspect of Humanity seemed all but immune to his powers and that only served to anger the God of Death even more. One time, after chasing the Aspect of Humanity into a corner, the God of Death decided that ‘he’ would finally deal with the annoyance in his existence… alone… Even as the God of Death was striking the Aspect of Humanity, the undying monstrosity seemed to be almost ignoring any damage that was done to it and seemed more focused on trying to figure out where it was going to move too next. Eventually growing so annoyed with being treated like he did not exist again, the God of Death decided to go straight for a killing blow, despite the warnings from the Aspect of Destruction. As he watched the head of the Aspect of Humanity fly off into the air, the God of Death was shocked to see the body of the being he just killed collapse forward into a pile of dust. More surprising than the way the body immediately decomposed, was the way that a ‘brand-new’ Aspect of Humanity was just suddenly right ‘there’ glaring up at the Aspect of Death…. Not understanding ‘how’ something that ‘existed’ in Aradaki could so effortlessly shrug aside his power, the God of Death was just ‘stunned’ at this development… After glaring at the God of Death for a few moments, the Aspect of Humanity just turned away from the God and grumbled unhappily, “Great… now I have to go find someplace new to live where my apparent age won’t cause any issues with my habits… Ugh, such an annoyance. Oh, and Mr. Dark God… you really should find someone better to spend your time with… Destruction cares naught for your duties and will actually be working to end those duties should he ever get his hands on me. If you really want to keep your life and continue to survive as I do… then maybe you ought to look into the real plans of your new friend.” Strangely, despite how things may have appeared on the surface, the God of Death already ‘suspected’ the intentions of the Aspect of Destruction and had only been going along with things so that he could put an end to those thinking that they could become ‘immune’ to death just like the Aspect of Humanity… From that encounter with the Aspect of Humanity, the God of Death learned something that greatly perplexed him and so secretly sought out the council of the Aspect of Creation… During his meeting with her, the God of Death questioned her plans for the cannibalistic mortals that seemed to pop up from time to time in her plans and as to what purpose they could serve. The Aspect of Creation calmly answered his concerns by telling the God of Death that those mortals were not, in fact, following her plans anymore. When Death asked why Krea would allow such individuals exist to make a mess out of her plans for other mortals and why she did not have her Executors come down to remove the problem, she answered him in a very profound manner by saying that doing so was not her responsibility. Then the God of Death moved onto his next question, about whether or not she actually intended to grant the cannibals immunity from death; like the misguided mortals believed, but instead of answering that question, Krea instead chose to answer the true question bothering the God of Death, “The Aspect of Humanity is just that… because no matter what they do to one another, they always survive to fight another day. Like their Aspect, mortals are always trying to struggle just to survive another day, but the denizens of both Tepe and Altaki have a way of influencing the way mortals survive.” As Krea prattled on about how now the duty of protecting Aradaki now fell to the Gods therein, she suddenly began to smile and faced the God of Death squarely as she said, “My child does not have the same power as you do, cannot influence mortals as you do. The Aspect of Humanity is just that… the perfect embodiment of mortals and the way that every mortal can be either good or bad… and sometimes both. The Aspect of Humanity has no intentions for mortals, other than to use the mortals to further it’s own survival. Those who are mislead by the stories told about the monster you made the Aspect of Humanity into are only interested in one thing they like about my child… if they were understand the kind of pain my child goes through constantly, then maybe they would be far more interested in gaining immortality through other means.” After having his curiosity sated, the God of Death was just about to ask something else, when Krea cut him off to give him the answers he was seeking, “Destruction seeks to end the existence of Aradaki and all who dwell within. To that end, he hunts for my child; with the belief that obtaining my child will allow him to enact his plans and achieve his goals, but what he does not understand about the Aspect Humanity will be his undoing. My child does not seek to join the war between Tepe and Altaki, in fact, the Aspect of Humanity would be much happier if the rest of us were to just leave it alone to live out each day in peace. Like mortals, my child is happy to live out it’s existence oblivious to war that rages about it and will only become involved when someone threatens it’s existence. Didn’t you ever wonder why my baby only attacked you whenever you threatened to bring Destruction’s attention upon it?” Seizing up at that moment, the God of Death dared not move out of fear of being ‘unmade’ for his transgressions, but Krea just smiled at him and dismissed him from her presence…. Now that he knew what the Aspect of Destruction was about, the God of Death now knew better than to join in the hunt for the Aspect of Humanity, but all the same he still took ‘offense’ to any mortal seeking ‘immortality’ by following in the footsteps of the Aspect of Humanity…. Despite how the God of Death may have acted outwardly towards the misguided cannibals, he found their hunger for life to be a curiosity and sought to harness that hunger for his own ends. To that end, he began to approach the deranged followers of the Aspect of Humanity and began to offer them a way to truly become immune to death itself by turning their worship towards him. After several failed attempts resulting with the God of Death being forced to put down the nearly feral devout followers of the Aspect of Humanity, he finally managed to come across those who believed more loosely in the ideals of the cannibals. These strange folks lived by the ‘codes’ of their chosen ‘deity’ and would fill their bellies with something they had spent time ‘growing’ before the inevitable slaughter…. The farming village that sprouted up from these worshipers of the Aspect of Humanity was not above using fresh kills for their nourishment, but would not go out of their way to kill mortals. They even ate foods grown in gardens because; according to their understanding of the Aspect of Humanity, consuming life was not as important as the way in the life was harvested only at the peak condition for harvest. Even more strange than the villagers odd ideals, was the fact that there were paired shrines for the worship of an Angelic and Demonic being dotted around the village. Studying these people for a while, the God of Death eventually spotted a ‘gathering’ starting around the main shrine in the village…. Curious to understand what purpose the shrines held to the villagers and ‘who’ held more sway over the people of village, the God of Death observed as a peculiar ritual was performed… Watching from far outside the village, the God of Death watched as the villagers actually summoned two otherworldly beings from opposing realms without an all-out battle erupting between the two. Even more curious was the way that the Confessor Angel and Succubus Demon were able to be almost friendly towards one another, despite being polar opposites from different realms. Waiting to see what would would happen as the pair interacted with the villagers, the God of Death was surprised to learn that the villagers had taken both creatures to be messiahs to them about the Aspect of Humanity. Waiting until the villagers had finished listening to the pair, the God of Death ‘calmly’ made his way into the town gathering… The moment that one of the villagers took notice of him, however, pandemonium broke loose as everyone in the village believed that the God of Death had come to ‘silence’ them…. Instead of saying a word, the God of Death just marched up to the Angel and Demon to wait for their approval, then once they had stepped down, he turned to ask the villagers, “Do any of you seek immortality?” To the surprise of the Death God, not a ‘single’ villager spoke up to answer him and most were filled with confusion over what he was offering them… That was when one of the visitors, the angelic one, chose to speak to the God of Death and said worriedly, “None of these villagers believe the lies being spread about by the Destroyer and his agents… A-and we have taken great measures to instill the proper image of the Aspect of Humanity in their minds. We have taught them that the only way to truly be everlasting is to ensure that no one ever forgets them….” Smiling when he heard that, the God of Death turned back towards the villagers after listening to the Angel and asked in a softer manner, “Then~ who among you would like to help me in teaching your misguided brethren about their false ideals in regards to your shared Deity?” This time, the demonic guest was the way to address the God of Death by quickly stating in a frantic manner, “No one! We have taught to them steer clear of the wars of others! They know exactly where such paths lead because of the examples set forth by their misguided brethren that you seek to use them against! It is not the way of the Aspect of Humanity to bring war upon others!” For a moment, the God of Death’s skeletal form could be seen smirking under his hood, though how such an expression could be possible for a being like him was a mystery indeed, then the God of Death turned back towards the crowd of engrossed villagers and posed his third question to them, “But what if, by trying to ignore the other tribes worshiping the same Deity you do, you end becoming involved in their wars? The world would only see you as they see the others! Would you really wish your story to end with you being wiped out because of the actions of the other tribes?” Hearing that certainly had an effect on the tribe; since without verbal histories, they would all die forever, and so the God of Death produced a single sword empowered by his touch as he said kindly, “Would it not fall under the ideals of the Aspect of Humanity to defend against those who would bring harm upon him? Wouldn’t you like for you to be remembered by more than just those you see next to you and protect them with that very same story?” For the longest time, the people of the village seemed to still be frightened of the ‘God’ standing inside their village, but once the God of Death planted his blade in the ground, one person strode forth from the rest of the village… The young man who had come forward took hold of Death’s blade and drew for the sword as he said, “Even if I am banished from this village for doing so, I will see to it that my home will be able to stand for ages to come and that we will be remembered for how we lived and not for who we choose to worship!” With that, the ‘first’ of Death’s ‘sworn’ servants was created and the ‘warrior’ that the young man grew into saw too the ‘destruction’ of the cannibalistic tribes sullying the name of his Deity…. As the God of Death took a more ‘active’ in seeing to the ‘control’ of the cannibalistic tribes popping up around the world, he soon learned that the Aspect of Destruction truly was behind the formation of the cannibals… Despite coming to realize that the Aspect of Destruction had engineered the reason behind his need to hunt down the Aspect of Humanity, the God of Death inexplicably found his power linked to the Aspect of Destruction. This inevitably caused the world of Kizak to be slowly shaped by two revolving ages; the first being the Age of Creation and the following age being that of Destruction. These two ages would subtly alter the surface of Kizak over the ages, but no matter how long the Age of Destruction lasted, humanity would always seem to survive until the next new golden era. Unbeknownst to all but a few mortals; those who were of the inner council to the Gods, the Divines of Tepe and Dark Divines of Altaki placed ‘crucial’ roles in how the ages turned…. But, while the ages came and went, one constant would always remain a powerful presence upon the realm of Aradaki, ‘specifically’ on Kizak… Yawning tiredly as she woke up from a good night’s rest, the Aspect of Humanity got up out of bed and went about her daily life. Despite there already being telltale signs of Destruction’s agents moving around in town, the Aspect of Humanity remained perfectly calm as she went about her daily life. Even when one such agent brushed right past in the busy streets of the current human city she was living in, the Aspect of Humanity treated the agent of Destruction like any other mortal. Sadly, one week later… Without warning, the forces of Hell suddenly began to besiege the town where the Aspect of Humanity was living, but this was not the first time that the Aspect of Destruction had found her and most certainly would not be the last. After faking her own death and taking only what she needed from her old life, the Aspect of Humanity shed her old life to walk forward in his new identity. Leaving the town quickly in the manner befitting of a predator, the Aspect of Humanity kept out of notice by sticking to less traveled pathways and never walking out in plane sight. Back in town, however, Ginger was ‘desperately’ leading a squad of Executor Angels against the ‘Destroyed’ forces of the Aspect of Destruction… Finding her way towards the home of an individual she ‘strongly’ suspected of being the Aspect of Humanity in disguise, Ginger was ‘dismayed’ to only come upon the ‘destroyed’ remains of yet another ‘identity’ for her old friend… Before Ginger was able to react, however, she was suddenly ambushed by a series of Destroyed Demons and her bodyguards were just as swiftly overwhelmed when they came bursting in to answer her cries of terror. As the Destroyed versions of Succubus Demons clamored around her, Ginger began to shake as she listened to maddening chatter among the psychotic devils. Even though she knew that they were all beyond saving in this state, Ginger still couldn’t help but pray that their torment would end soon. Little did she knew that her ‘prayer’ was about to be answered, but not because that certain someone heard her ‘prayer’…. As the Destroyed Demons were in the process of celebrating her capture, like oh so many before them, suddenly an outside wall just erupted inwards and the Destroyed Demons had only a few seconds to recover from their surprise before they started to fall in droves. Grateful to have been still conscious for this rescue, Ginger had a front-row seat to the Aspect of Humanity decimating the ranks of Demons responsible for her capture. Unlike the Frank she was accustomed to seeing, the Aspect of Humanity who was guarding her now was very different looking. Encased in a soft looking pale colored skin, the Aspect of humanity could almost had passed for a very old mortal were it not for the layers of muscles encasing his majestic form. He also possessed the wings of both Angels and Demons; with the feathered wings coming away from his back in between his shoulder-blades, while his leathery demonic wings emerged from the base of his spine. While his eyes had the same magical glow they always did, the Aspect of Humanity sported a pair of large bull horns that curved around the angelic Halo hovering above his head, while his tail stretched away from his backside like a serpent ready to strike at anything foolish enough to come close to him. No mere demon stood any chance against the Aspect of Humanity on the best of days, but once riled up, any creature that was deemed an enemy by him would be assaulted by such intense feelings of guilt that none could even stand to look him in the eyes, lest they have their entire being shattered for such a travesty. Those demons who were fortunate merely wound up passing down into his furnace of stomach; to become the latest batch of fuel to be processed therein, while any who had truly earned his ire would be forced to face his intense gaze and would be reduced to a mindless state where they might not even exist anymore. Any who were lucky enough to be able to lash out against him were quickly sent back to Hell to face the wrath of both their master and that of King; for returning without any souls to offer as tribute to the Aspect of Condemnation. On the other side of things, Hazel also her share of run-ins with the Destroyed Demons that the Aspect of Destruction now sent out against the world of mortals… Not even her position as King’s spy in the mortal world could protect her from the deranged Destroyed Demons and usually they pursued her because of her position. The question always on the lips of the Destroyed was as to the current location of the Aspect of Humanity, but not even Ginger could be certain as to where the Aspect of Humanity was at any given time, which meant that Hazel was less than forth coming with answers. Thankfully, Hazel was only ever captured outside of Altaki and out from under King’s watchful gaze, but she did not care about the fact that she was beyond her master’s reach; for there was someone a little more powerful than King watching over her in the human lands. One of Hazel’s favorite responses to the Destroyed Demons after they had hurt her during their interrogations would be that the Aspect of Humanity was ‘closer’ than they ‘suspected’…. Usually her giving the Destroyed Demons such an answer was followed by Hazel being sent home with even more power under her control… Despite the power that both Ginger and Hazel had gained over the course of their lives, both of them remained the same pacifists they had been before the Third coming of the Aspect of Destruction. While members of their own sides continuously gave them hard times over their positions on the war between Heaven and Hell, neither one was willing to make themselves an enemy to the Aspect of Humanity. To only further validate their point, when the agents of Destruction began to cause chaos upon the mortal world near where the Aspect of Humanity was suspected of being, Angels who caused trouble for Ginger were usually caught up in the crossfire and removed from existence until they could used in the creation of a new soul by Krea. With the Demons who harassed Hazel, however, a far more ‘terrifying’ fate awaited them as ‘replacements’ for Destruction’s forces and King had learned just how much worse off his subjects were under Destruction’s care, so he did not miss those few as much…. In later centuries, after mortals had progressed past simple minded tribes and had begun to develop fully functioning feudal nations, once things had calmed down between ‘Death’ and ‘Humanity’… Walking around in a new Witch Hunting era, Ginger made certain to keep herself hidden from view to prevent any mortals from mistaking her unearthly beauty for that of a witch. Growing sad as she walked through the Medieval village and saw more and more lost souls in need of redemption, Ginger just focused on her lifelong objective to keep moving forward. Oddly, the closer that Ginger walked towards her destination, the less darkness she saw encroaching upon Humanity and that sight alone filled with hope for what she might find within. Taking notice of a couple ‘earth-bound’ Angels squaring off with some ‘mortal-bound’ Demons, Ginger was very tempted to step in to prevent their squabble from ‘disturbing’ the tranquil peace that filled the very ‘air’ around her… Suddenly, however, Ginger ‘froze’ when she began to hear an eerie ‘tapping’ noise; like that of someone taking steps rhythmically, and turned towards the sound… As the Angels and Demons bound to the plane of Aradaki continued their little squabble, Ginger’s attention was turned towards a figure in a long dress with her face partially obscured from sight with a nun’s shawl. The most notable feature about this figure was not in the way she was dressed or with the way her eyes were a shiny golden brown in the mid-afternoon light, but rather the uncharacteristically large wood staff she just so happened to be tapping against her free hand. Watching as the figure went over to where the squabble was happening and broke up the little spat with little more than a stern glance, Ginger began to doubt whether or not she was right about this location being the home of the Aspect of Humanity. Later, inside her ‘destination’… Watching a dozens of children rough-housed and played with one another inside the orphanage she was visiting, Ginger was a little startled when all the children immediately stopped making a fuss to start cleaning each other up. Then the Matron of the orphanage walked out into sight, and Ginger felt a cold sweat break out on the back of her neck as the imposing figure from before walked up to greet her. The Matron was even still carrying about the disciplinary stick Ginger had seen her with out in the streets, although, the way the children seemed more afraid of her empty hand made Ginger feel that the stick was just an unnecessary decoration that the Matron used to dissuade any would-be attackers. Seeming to ‘suddenly’ remember that she was still carrying around the disciplinarian stick in one hand, the Matron quickly placed the wooden rod up out of reach of the children, even though Ginger strongly doubted any child would have the courage to pick that tool up for their own use… Coming up over to Ginger with a warm smile on her face, the Matron of the orphanage welcomed Ginger inside and asked, “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company today, young miss?” Having been watching the way the Matron was acting, Ginger flinched when the Matron called out to her a bit firmer and then answered after having the question repeated to her, “Oh, forgive me, I was still thinking of that little encounter I watched you break up outside while on my way here. I am just here by order of the Pope to see about investigating some rumors about children disappearing from this place.” Chuckling in an elderly woman sort of manner, the Matron continued leading Ginger up to her office and replied without a shred of hesitation, “Ah~ so that is why I am being graced by an emissary of the Pope today? Good, I had been worried that you were here to close down my orphanage and I do believe that my worries had started to affect the people surrounding my little home for wayward children. It is good to hear that I will be able to continue providing for these young ones after today.” Even though the Matron ‘seemed’ to be all smiles, Ginger had felt a ‘familiar’ invisible ‘hand’ reach out to grab hold of her chest when the Matron mentioned the ‘shut-down’ of the ‘orphanage’… Looking around to see who all was watching her, Ginger was a little confused over not finding any ‘young’ faces peering at her from around any of the corners she had passed by, since she knew only a ‘year’ had passed since the last ‘hunt’ for the Aspect of Humanity had been performed by the Aspect of Destruction… Sitting down in the office of the Matron, Ginger tried to keep her excitement contained, since she did not truly know if she had finally managed to find the Aspect of Humanity before Destruction had. Most times, Ginger was just starting to get an idea of where the Aspect of Humanity was when Destruction came up to wreck the town where the Aspect of Humanity was currently living. Taking a moment to compose herself before trying to take on who she saw as the new Frankie, Ginger suddenly realized that she had completely forgotten to introduce herself. After giving her own introduction, Ginger’s breath was taken away when the Matron removed her shawl to reveal her dull blonde hair and replied with a keen intelligence in her eyes, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ginger, you may call me Frankie or Matron Frankie if you feel like following proper etiquette, but I find such titles to be an annoying creation by mortals with the need to feel superior.” Unable to see anything other than the spitting image of ‘Frankie’ from her old high school life, Ginger could feel her heart skipping in her chest from excitement… However, instead of rushing forward to hug her ‘friend’; like she more than just wanted too, Ginger remembered just ‘who’ she was speaking too and just ‘how’ committed ‘Frankie’ could be to her ‘identities’… Taking a moment to organize herself and her thoughts, while the Matron made herself comfortable in her chair, Ginger eventually asked in a respectful manner, “Could you tell me when the disappearances started? Also, have you noticed any… patterns in which children have been getting taken? Boy, Girl, tall, short, skinny, fat, fair-skinned, dark-skinned, or any details of that nature would really help me with my investigation.” Leaning forward onto one hand, Matron Frankie had a very haggard look on her face as she gazed over at Ginger with eyes filled with intelligence and said with more energy than she looked to possess, “So~ many questions… The last couple of investigators I have been graced with meeting didn’t have nearly as much determination as you do… I just have to wonder… will you be able to find the monster taking away these children or will you just do as they do and make this just sound like the work of just another demon, so that you can thrust off the responsibility of this case onto someone else?” As if she were struck by a lightning bolt, Ginger suddenly knew ‘exactly’ who she was speaking with and started to grow excited again, but quickly reined herself in so she did not give up on the little game that she knew ‘Frankie’ just loved playing… Sitting back in her seat, Ginger took up a contemplative posture and replied in a curious manner, “Why do you think that it is a monster taking children away from your home, instead of a demon? Aren’t all demons the same thing as the monsters in the stories told to children to make them behave? Plus… if this has been such a persistent problem, then why haven’t you tried to convince the other investigators about this monster?” Giving Ginger a cross look over the girl’s last question, Matron Frankie let out a heated growl in one breath and then took in a calming second breath before answering with, “You don’t think I have? Well let me ask you this, would you rather cause a massive panic by telling the townsfolk that there is a wild monster around that you cannot find or just tell them that a mythical monster has come to town and that you will be sending reinforcements to come deal with the demonic threat?” Smiling as she could already see the telltale signs that ‘Matron Frankie’ just wanted her to take the easy way out and be on her way, Ginger was not about to be turned away from her ‘friend’ without getting ‘answers’ to the question of whether or not ‘Frankie’ was still ‘her’ Frankie… Getting up out of her chair and leaning up against Matron Frankie’s desk on both of her hands, Ginger continued to smile as she replied happily, “Now just why would I need to cause any kind of panic with telling the populace anything… when the monster I have been hunting for is right in front of me?” For a moment, Matron Frankie just stared towards her in disbelief until Ginger let out an exasperated sigh and revealed her ‘angelic’ form… Instead of getting a ‘wide-eyed’ look of surprise from Matron Frankie, all Ginger got was a ‘slightly’ more annoyed look from the Matron… Raising up one hand and dismissively waving away Ginger, Matron Frankie then brought that same hand up to touch her forehead in annoyance as she growled unhappily, “You may have well as just lit up a flare telling everyone that I am here… ya know?” Shivering when, all of a sudden, ‘Matron’ Frankie’s voice started to sound exactly like that of the ‘high school’ girl that Ginger remembered so fondly as her ‘older sister’, Ginger sat back down in her ‘human’ guise in tears… Blinking emotionlessly when she noticed Ginger’s tears, Matron Frankie reached over to grab a tissue and thrust her arm over at Ginger, before saying in a calculated manner, “Oh come on now, it hasn’t been that long since we’ve seen one another… what’s a couple centuries to immortal beings like us?” Unable to keep from laughing at Frankie’s attempt at humor, Ginger took the tissue and wiped off her face as she began to smile joyfully… Smiling herself now, Matron Frankie seemed to magically become more lively looking and said in a content manner, “Now that is the little angel I remember so fondly… however, you are aware how such an encounter like this is supposed to end in the eyes of those watching you?” Giggling mischievously when Matron Frankie got up to go prepare some snacks from a small cupboard in the room, Ginger replied in an overly dramatic voice, “It is supposed to end with me, the fair damsel crying out in distress as the monster hiding in sheep’s wool comes to slaughter me for sniffing it out...” Bobbing and shaking her slightly to signify that she had just rolled her eyes, Matron Frankie returned to her desk with a small tray filled with some cold milk and some ‘suspiciously’ familiar looking brown looking balls… Popping one of the treats into her mouth, Ginger shuddered when the taste of caramel gushed out from within the shell of chocolate and moaned happily as Matron Frankie commented dryly, “Sadly, they have yet to discover white chocolate, so I forced to contend with just caramel filled chocolate balls for now, but I have found someone who makes the best tasting milk chocolate and brought them some particularly creamy caramel I found I enjoyed.” After enjoying the sweet treat and washing down the sugar with the cold milk also provided by Frankie, she added in a somewhat sad manner, “Unfortunately, I am not the same monster you knew back before the end of the world... I learned my lesson.” Ginger became absolutely ‘still’ when she heard Frankie’s comment and then her hands started to tremble as the Angel started to become ‘sad’ once more… Clearing her throat, Matron Frankie waited until Ginger looked up into her eyes and then said sadly, “The first time I was forced to learn this lesson… it cost the Angel trying to help me her life. This time… learning the same lesson cost an entire civilization it’s life… I can’t even begin to imagine what the cost for me to learn the same lesson for a third time will be… but as you should well be aware of, I am a slow learner.” Twitching when she heard that there was the possibility of getting to live with Frankie again, Ginger quickly had the stary-eyed look on her face wiped away when Matron Frankie asked in a no-nonsense tone, “Now then, investigator, do you require anything else to conclude your investigation or are we done here?” Quickly realizing that her reunion was now over, Ginger went back to be the Pope’s investigator and asked, “Why have you been killing the children here? Aren’t you just doing the same thing that you were doing when I found you before?” Giving Ginger an all-knowing smirk, Frankie then returned to being the Matron as she replied in confusion, “Really now? Here and I was under the impression that all I was doing was allowing these young mortals to make up their own damn minds as to where they would end up and then taking it upon myself to expedite their journey before either the vixens of Heaven or Hell could try to change their minds? Would you believe that some of the children I have sent on their way actually come back to me? Such fools… returning to the one who destroyed any chance of them having lives...” Listening to what the ‘Matron’ said and hearing her words from the perspective of one who ‘understood’ what the Aspect of Humanity had to go through constantly in it’s eternal existence, Ginger then quickly excused herself to go ‘report’ to her superiors… But, before Ginger could ‘safely’ get away from the ‘Monster’… Just as she turned her back to the Matron, Ginger suddenly felt the gaze of the Monster fall upon her and felt like there was an immense weight upon her shoulders as the Monster said the one thing that had been bothering her from the beginning of the second age of man, “Would you like to know why I have been hiding from you?” Slowly turning around, Ginger was quietly praying that Frankie would just be ‘Frank’ instead of some ‘other’ kind of monstrosity, but instead of anything Ginger was thinking of, the Angel just saw the True Aspect of Humanity standing behind her… Trembling as she fought the urge to rush over and hug the Monster that had saved not only her, but all of existence, Ginger just satisfied for quietly asking, “Is this the real you? T-the real monster that has been always lurking within you?” Chuckling as it held up one of it’s smooth gray skinned hands, the Monster experimentally clenched it’s hands before saying in an oddly candid manner, “Ho, ho, ho, so you think that this is the real monster inside me? You have so much to learn my dear Muse… yes, I know how you are regarded by both Demons and Angels, the God of Death and I share wonderful conversations when he comes by to take the souls of my meals up to where they belong. Thanks in no small part to your actions, and that of my demonic Muse, I have grown to have a sociable relationship with the Grim Reapers now lurking about the world, even if the God of Death still finds my presence to be an annoyance to him.” Lowering it’s hand back to it’s side, the Monster raised it’s gaze up towards Ginger and said quietly, “If you want to know the truth, then it is actually the human forms I take on that are the real MONSTERS in me… For if I could, then I would use this form to live among humans and help guide them towards the future, but we all know what will happen if I were to be discovered now. So instead, I was forced to create new bodies for me to live in, but when I create something….” As the Monster trailed off, Ginger picked right up where it left off by saying in a sad tone, “You will be forced to wreak just as much destruction sometime in the future. A life for a life, year for year, because since you cannot belong to one side or another, you are forced to maintain this neutral existence of yours any way you can find.” Nodding in confirmation of Ginger just said, the Aspect of Humanity spoke in a voice filled with rage all of sudden as he added, “And if you ANGELS and DEMONS would just LEAVE ME ALONE, I would barely even be a FOOTNOTE in this grand WAR of yours...” Letting out a heated sigh, the Aspect of Humanity quickly regained it’s composure as it sucked in another breath of air, “Unfortunately, it would seem that my existence will now be fueling the war between Creation and Destruction, since my very existence provides both with the necessary power to wage war with one another.” Frowning in confusion as she looked back at what she could only think of as Frank, Ginger asked worriedly, “Is that what you believe? How can that even be? You are a separate entity from both the Aspect of Creation and the Dark Aspect of Destruction… How can you believe that to be true?” Chuckling with a tone of irony coming from it, the Aspect of Humanity just sadly replied, “Believe? Oh no, no, not believed to be true… I KNOW IT! Destruction himself told me that while he was recovering in Hell, he could feel power coming to him from my every action! You should also know that I do not promote belief in myself. He also told me that humans also provided him with little bits of power, but what they provided him with could barely hold a candle to what I could provide him with some of my actions...” Knowing that trying to talk down Frank would be all but impossible, Ginger instead asked curiously, “So how does this setup provide you with an appropriate setting and outlet for your needs?” Looking around at the room around him, Frank replied softly and almost sounded happy when he said, “I have created a home for the parent-less children of this world… and I am able to create new futures for those children who cannot make up their damn minds over where they wish to end up in the end. Likewise, I also am able to destroy the futures of those who are able to make up their minds and keep my destruction too a minimum… all nicely contained within these walls of which I have created.” Just as Ginger was about to voice her concern, she suddenly began to feel a kind of guilt that made her feel like running in terror and finding someplace safe to hide, as Matron Frankie came back into sight, only with a wooden fence post clenched in one hand, to say threateningly, “And if ANYONE is fool enough to come trying to BREAK DOWN these walls of MINE...” Hearing a ‘howl’ like no ‘demon’ could ever make, Ginger was just about to flip out and bolt from the room as fast as she could move when everything suddenly returned to ‘normal’… Breathing hard and slick with sweat from the intense emotional outburst she had just ‘felt’ coming from Frankie, Ginger suddenly understood why Frankie had tried to choose ‘lives’ where she could ‘ghost’ through her existence without much ‘turbulence’ along the way… Flinching when she felt someone wrapping their arms around her, Ginger felt her whole world come to a stand-still when the old Frankie said in a loving manner, “I look forward to the day when I can once again have you as a member of my family, but it might be a while before I forget that certain lesson I mentioned oh so long ago...” Visibly trembling as she exited the Matron’s office, Ginger eventually was forced to stop beside an open window when she broke down into tears… As she did so, however, all of the eyes watching the Muse of Humanity took off to report her apparent failure to find the Aspect of Humanity to their masters. The God of Death, however, watched Ginger with a sly smirk on his face as he watched over the souls wandering about the house of the Monster with anticipation over just who he would be guiding to the afterlife next. Despite how much he might have hated the fact that the Aspect of Humanity was above his power, the God of Death had a certain amount of respect for his nemesis for not doing what other tormented Aspects had in forcing the curse of eternal existence upon other souls. Back inside the orphanage, Ginger was crying over the fact that ‘despite’ everything that had happened to Frankie, the Aspect of Humanity still wanted to be her ‘friend’… Then, just within earshot of her, Ginger heard a little child ask something very profound, “How much longer do you think Matron Avery will be in her office? I want to ask if we can have a snack!” That was when Ginger’s mind turned towards figuring out some way for her to ‘help’ Frankie retain that ‘connection’ with her, then she just so happened to look out the window and saw a ‘young’ Angel playing with ‘other’ children at the orphanage… As Ginger hurried back to the Pope to report her findings and then rushed back up to Heaven to find a sisterhood among the Angels, Krea just gazed down upon where her child supposedly was with a mischievous smile on her face. Even without Seer’s knowledge and long before a horde of Angels surged into her workshop, she was already hard at work creating new lives for those lonely souls. Knowing that her child might find her actions to be annoying, Krea still felt that it was her responsibility; as Frank’s mother, to provide her baby with other children close to his age to play with. While the Aspect of Creation worked feverishly up in her workshop, night had fallen upon the town where Matron ‘Avery’ lived and with the darkening shadows the ‘predators’ of the night started coming out… Inside of a new vessel, Hazel was just quietly making her way towards the same destination that the other Muse of Humanity had ventured into earlier in the day. While Hazel did not give much thought towards the belief that demons were stronger at night, she did know that every time that she had met with Frank, it was always dark out. Plus, there was just something about the dark that comforted her and Hazel knew that her master would always be watching her from the shadows. Thankful for her time as a ‘slut’ for the Setani Mafia, Hazel had developed a kind of ‘sixth sense’ towards the ‘presence’ of predators and so was able to navigate her way ‘around’ such hunting grounds…. However, the ‘moment’ she walked in the ‘area’ where Ginger had started to ‘feel’ less darkness encroaching from all around, Hazel suddenly ‘felt’ that she had just walked into the ‘territory’ of a very predatory monster … Starting to tremble with excitement, since Hazel remembered this sensation from before, she was suddenly caught off-guard when a man’s voice cried out to her, “Hey there, what’s a cutie like you doing out here all alone at night?” Even without turning towards the ‘voice’, Hazel immediately knew that she had drawn the attention of a particularly ‘nasty’ predator and was confused when she still could not ‘sense’ him as she turned towards him… When Hazel set her eyes on what she ‘feared’ was a Destroyed Demon in a flesh shell, she was actually a little surprised when the ‘mortal’ she was possessing actually ‘recognized’ the shadowy figure approaching them… Then Hazel heard the name of who her vessel thought was coming for them and she too began to fear the Ripper. The gentleman then stepped out of the shadows and stood in the moonlight without any fear, smiling down at her the whole time, as Hazel was frozen in terror. Taking her by the arm, the gentleman pulled her to his side and began to lead back towards the shadows, while promising to be taking her someplace safe. Half tempted to emerge from her vessel to make this ‘mortal’ think twice about ‘viewing’ her like she was ‘his’ prey, Hazel sudden felt a ‘shiver’ rattle her ‘soul’ and she ‘quickly’ remembered just ‘whose’ territory she was trespassing upon… Just~ before Hazel could be half-dragged into the ‘domain’ of the predator with his claws currently wrapped around her vessel, Hazel suddenly felt a ‘hand’ reach out to hold of her ‘soul’ and trembled as she remembered that ‘hand’…. Crying out as he was hauled up off the ground, the gentleman trying to guide Hazel into his hovel inexplicably went still when an alluring voice calmly asked Hazel, “Was this little cretin bothering you, young miss?” Pouting a little, on the ‘inside’, over not getting to be ‘rescued’ by Frank decking the mortal bothering her, Hazel looked back at her rescuer and was dismayed to see yet ‘another’ mortal … Then, Hazel got a good look at the eyes of her rescuer and she immediately knew who was protecting her yet again. Unable to say a word to her rescuer, Hazel eventually heard the other man tell her to follow him if she wished to stay the night someplace safe and continue her search in the morning. Immediately thrown off by the fact that the man seemed to know that she was searching for something, when Hazel made her uneasiness known, the unknown man just calmly told her that she was not dressed like someone from the town and that visitors usually knew better than to stray from the main trading routes of the village. Walking along behind her rescuer, Hazel began to notice that were ‘other’ gentlemen, cut-purses and night rogues lurking about the side streets, but once her escort’s ‘presence’ was noticed, the others ‘wisely’ vanished from sight…. Eventually winding up at a large building, Hazel could immediately see the ‘presence’ of children in the way of scattered toys around the big yards surrounding the house… Following her rescuer inside, Hazel was a little dismayed to be told that she had arrived too late to speak with the Matron; who oversaw the surrounding area, and would have to wait until morning like all good little girls had too. Making a comment about the man obviously not knowing her too well, Hazel almost immediately wished to swallow back her statement as the man glared over at her intensely. When Hazel just cringed down fearfully of him, rather than trying to attack him as he intimidated her, the aged man just smirked with an amused chuckle. Growing indignant over the way she was being treated, Hazel demanded to know what was so funny about the way she reacted to the man being ‘mean’ to her… With his smirk stretching out into a flow-blown smile, the man turned to face Hazel fully and said in a voice filled with amusement, “Bad little girls usually react with hostility when I start to make them feel guilty over their actions and choices in life… the good ones know better than to strike a superior.” Rolling her eyes, Hazel couldn’t stop an amused smirk from creeping onto her face as she spat back playfully, “And just who died and made you my superior?” Narrowing his eyes over at Hazel, the man fired back in a snappy manner, “Would you prefer I toss you back out there with all those gentlemen, who would rather use, rob, or rape you instead of aid you with your search?” Blanching at the thought of going back outside with the night predators lurking about, Hazel and her host both shook their heads no in unison, before Hazel curiously asked, “Um, why can I not speak with the Matron right now? I had hoped that I would be arriving here early enough that she would not be in bed just yet.” Some of the other girls hiding out at the orphanage then began to snicker while glancing over at Hazel in amusement and when Hazel glared over at them, she was ‘shocked’ to learn that the vast majority of the girls taking ‘shelter’ were demons very much like how she was when still a ‘whore’ for the Setani Mafia… Coming between the girls before any fighting could be started, the kind man lead Hazel away from the other girls to answer her questions in private… Looking around expectantly as she entered the room she was being guided towards, Hazel was somewhat hopeful that Frank would come jumping out at her ready for some fun, but then the human with her turned around to gruffly announce, “The Frank you are looking for no longer exists… I am the Frank you’re going to have to contend with from now on.” Shifting into his Aspect of Humanity form, ‘Frank’ towered above Hazel by a few good feet and still carried with him the same terrifying aura he always possessed… Keeping her eyes fixed on Frank’s, rather than letting them wander someplace else, Hazel curiously asked, “Will our relationship also change now? You know that-,” Hazel tried to quickly say in an attempt to keep her link to Frank alive, but she was quickly cut off when a chill entered the room. A Grim Reaper then respectfully approached Frank and waited ‘behind’ him for the souls inside Frank’s gut to finally be forced out, then started to drag those ‘unfortunate’ souls up to Tepe for judgment … Becoming quite unhappy at that sight, Hazel was about to turn away from Frank when she suddenly felt his tail come down on her right shoulder to prevent her from leaving as he said in a dead serious tone, “Good little girls don’t go out after dark….” Turning towards Frank with more than a little bitterness in her eyes, Hazel snapped angrily as she shrugged away Frank’s tail, “Well I’m not one of them! You should already know that… I just don’t have any problems with staying out of the way of bigger predators!” Looking away from Frank unhappily, Hazel began to walk away before stopping at the door to look back at him… Some small part of her still wanted to walk away from him, to make him come crawling over to her, but she knew that Frank was ‘above’ such tricks and so she just turned away shaking her head sadly…. As Hazel was leaving, she was in suck a sorry mood that she did not even notice the wall of a man standing before her until she bumped headlong into his chest, then he asked in an amused tone, “No luck, Muse? An’ here I woulda thought you had found a winner, what with the way he so valiantly came to your defense.” Just like the mere ‘mention’ of him was ‘taboo’, ‘Frank’ suddenly came back out of the orphanage’s half-way house; presumably to continue on with his rounds, and came over to where the ensuing confrontation was taking place…. Not even looking up at the murderer threatening Hazel, Frank just quietly came over to her and asked in a monotonous manner, “Is this gentlemen bothering you, young miss?” Without any warning, the Destroyed Demon swung ‘down’ into Frank’s face and sent Frank flying away with a powerful punch…. Blinking in shock as he watched Frank go cartwheeling away, the Destroyed Demon just let out an annoyed snarl before muttering unhappily, “Gah, damn it… I woulda thought that should have done it, guess that fool ain’t the Frank your looking for, eh Muse?” Turning back towards Hazel with a cruel looking toothy smirk on his face, the Destroyed Demon slowly began to reach out towards her as he mumbled in a more upbeat manner, “Oh well, hows about you and I have a little chat, Muse, an’ see just what other Frank’s you have found out in the world.” Hazel had been so taken off-guard by the Destroyed Demon ‘killing’ the ‘Frank’ she had identified, that she did not even hear what the other demon had said, that is, until he wrapped a hand around her hair…. Even though her every instinct SCREAMED for her to rip off the Destroyed Demon’s head, as she very well could at her current power level, Hazel still had that ‘nerve-wracking’ feeling creeping into her chest and ‘that’ was when she realized that Frank was still around…. Just as she was starting to struggle against the grip of the Destroyed Demon, however, Hazel suddenly let out a shrill shriek of terror and then, all of a sudden, the hand pulling on her hair just vanished and Hazel heard the ever-familiar voice of Frank ask her in a very pissed off manner, “You know just how much I hate to hear you scream like that… give me a few moments to take care of this trash before we talk….” Turning towards the Destroyed Demon with murder in his eyes, Frank’s glowing eyes began to sparkle eerily as everything within a hundred yards began to feel his gaze. Unlike the Frank that Hazel grew up knowing, the Aspect of Humanity did not consume those attacking her and instead just balled up his fists as he took off after every Destroyed Demon tainting the area with their mere presence. As Frank wound up for the first punch, however, the Destroyed Demon that had been bothering Hazel saw four more arms be created by the Aspect of Humanity and just slide his eyes shut before the pain could begin. Unleashing his RAGE, the Aspect of Humanity had centuries of fury to fuel his blows and did not stop pummeling any Destroyed Demon until their ‘presence’ left his sight…. Once he had calmed back down, the Aspect of Humanity ‘destroyed’ the extra additions to his body and let out a heated sigh as he returned to normal…. Coming over to pick up Hazel, the Aspect of Humanity used both pairs of his wings to propel himself up into the air and far out of sight faster than any of the eyes watching him could follow. Going over to a quiet little hideaway he had discovered by chance one night while out exploring as Frank, the Aspect of Humanity made certain that he and Hazel were out of sight before setting the starstruck demoness down. Closing his eyes for a moment, the Aspect of Humanity returned to the created form of Frank and that caused a joyful squeal to erupt from Hazel as she rushed over to hug Frank. Surprisingly, even Hazel’s current host was delighted to have a more ‘normal’ person to interact with, as opposed to scary monsters like Destroyed Demons or the terrifying form of the Aspect of Humanity…. Unable to properly form her thoughts into sentences, Hazel just remained in Frank’s embrace, until she heard him sigh unhappily and pushed herself back from his chest to hear him say sadly, “Despite how this may seem to you, Hazel… I can no longer share the same relationship with you that I was blessed with before.” As Frank pushed back from her, Hazel had an expression of befuddlement on her face, until Frank changed into the Aspect of Humanity once more and she saw the truth for herself. In place of any gender indicating organs or orifices, a smooth flat patch of skin covered over Frank’s crotch and gave him an almost proper appearance, despite the fact that he was obviously naked in his alternate form. Still unable to properly form sentences as Frank returned to his male human appearance, she hesitantly went over to him and slide her hand down the man’s pants, only to close her eyes in sadness when she found that Frank was still genderless. After seeing the way Hazel reacted to the revelation about his new form, Frank sadly watched Hazel leave, before suddenly coming up with something to say… “I did enjoy our relationship before… but right now I am just trying to survive. Sex does not get me anywhere in that regards, nor does having an appealing form at this point and time. Maybe somewhere down the road… I’ll forget about what happened after I became involved with you and will get into a lifestyle where I will be required to find a sexual outlet… but right now I do not need a whore visiting me nightly, I do have a reputation to stand behind.” Was what Frank said in the hopes of lifting Hazel’s spirits, but when what he said only survived to further darken Hazel’s demeanor, Frank added quietly, “I never said I had no need for you.” Pausing when she heard that, Hazel just bite down on her lower-lip as she resisted the urge to demand Frank make a dick to fuck her brains out with, but then she felt Frank place a hand down on her shoulder, as he stated firmly, “Right now, I have no need for sex… but I don’t have the first clue as to how I would be able to interact with you at this time without our relationship being sexual… Give me some time… a few decades perhaps and I will hopefully move into another life that will leave the door open for you.” Giving Frank a sullen nod, Hazel left the hideaway looking dejected and very much like she had been unsuccessful at finding Frank when she returned home… Back in Hell, the Aspect of Destruction watched as Hazel gave her report to King and growled unhappily since he had just lost out on a perfectly good opportunity to get his hands on the Aspect of Humanity, due to the fact that his forces had ‘spooked’ Frank… Once she was done giving her report on Frank, King called for the Aspect of Deceit and was in the process of requesting a new vessel for Hazel when Crowley uncharacteristically responded in an almost hostile manner as he growled, “Yeah, yeah… new body for your little pet… Come along, Hazel, better get you suited in a new flesh-bag so you can continue your fruitless search for that jerk!” Immediately knowing that something was up with Crowley the moment the Aspect of Deceit spoke up, King just figured that Crowley ‘knew’ of a ‘lie’ pertaining to the Aspect of Humanity and was just trying to make things seem like ‘business as usual’ for the eyes belonging to the Aspect of Destruction… Crowley then leads Hazel ‘out’ of Hell, presumably to where her next host waited, and Hazel is simply blown away by where she ends up… Looking all around the inside of the inventor’s workshop in wonder, Hazel had the look of a child in a candy story as she glanced all around. Crowley tried his best to lead the Succubus to their destination, but occasionally had to snap at Hazel irritably when she tried to touch one of the displays in the workshop. Then the two demons came upon the inventor and Hazel was stunned by who was standing there with the inventor, before quickly bouncing over to say hello to her mirror image. At first glance, Ginger looked about ready to flip-out over the sight of two ‘demons’ entering the chamber where she was waiting, but then she noticed ‘who’ the Succubus was and became all smiles towards Hazel… After seeing Hazel to the meeting area, Crowley just smiled ‘happily’ over at the inventor and then simply ‘nodded’ in confirmation of ‘something’ before seeing himself out through a portal back to Altaki… Once their reunion was done, Ginger looked over at the inventor and grumbled in annoyance, “Alright, Krea, what is that you just had to show me and Hazel here?” As a brilliant smile stretched upon her face, the Aspect of Creation went over to a nearby table and pulled off a sheet; revealing two perfect children bodies. While Hazel looked completely lost as she stared down at the table, Ginger was starting to put the pieces together. The pair then went over to inspect the two bodies curiously and were confused to find that both bodies were actually alive, but without souls to give them true life. When Ginger looked over at Krea to give her a prying stare, the Aspect of Creation just simply smiled and replied in a tender manner, “A mother always sees to it that her child’s needs are met, do they not?” That immediately caused Ginger’s eyes to shoot wide open as her eyes darted back down at the body; which looked ‘eerily’ like a ‘younger’ version of the model she had used in high-school… Hazel, still upset over having lost her favorite ‘lover’, looked away from the body next to her and looked over at Krea with tears streaming down her face… In a hurt sounding tone, Hazel harshly demanded from Krea, “How can you stand there and pretend to care about your child when you don’t seem to care what was lost while Frank was saving your existence?!” Smiling in a devious manner as she returned Hazel’s glower, Krea instead replied with a question of her own, “Do you really believe that I would so carelessly abandon the only child I have ever carried in myself? Don’t you think that I would give up my own life just to see my little baby happy one more? Sadly, such a thing right now; as my child is at this moment, would only serve to harm my baby more. My child is not the same being as the one you first met… my child has now reverted to the way it was at birth.” Letting out a heavy sigh, all of a sudden, Krea actually looked tired for a moment before returning to normal as she said in a sad manner, “The only thing I regret about what I had done for my child before being killed by King… was that I had been unable to set up my child with some friends of similar nature to it...” As Krea trailed off, both Hazel and Ginger looked over at her; expecting more from Krea, until she strangely asked them, “Would you two care to know why you were created and from whom I chose to create you from? It involves a very interesting tale about an angel who befriends a monster, only to wind up sacrificing her existence to that friend; unknowingly mind you, in an attempt to help her friend become a better person.” Ginger’s eyes widened at what Krea was hinting at, while Hazel just looked ‘lost’ about what was being said… Before Krea could go on about how she had created both of the girl’s from the essence of the only other Angel to befriend the Aspect of Humanity, Hazel unhappily proclaimed, “You still haven’t told us how any of this is supposed to help fulfill the needs of your child! I thought I was supposed to be getting a new body, but now I’m here and I don’t even understand where here is!” After taking in a few calming breaths, Hazel whimpered out in a very vulnerable sounding voice, “I just want to be with Frank again…” Smiling kindly, as she could understand why Hazel had become so attached to the person who had rescued her from being just another whore in the shadows, Krea gestured towards the two children bodies before her and said, “Then look no further… I specially crafted these bodies to be able to hold the two of you and keep you from being noticed by anyone, but still allowing you to retain your abilities that you most likely have come to rely upon in your day to day life. In this way, you both can be reborn without losing who you were before getting reborn and be able to remain under the radar, just like my little darling.” Looking down at the little child’s body that looked vaguely like Zuri, Hazel’s eyes were filled with tears over the way Zuri had pretty much already known that she was being lied to, but had still accepted Hazel into her body, while the Succubus muttered in a pouting tone, “Doesn’t matter what I look like… Frank doesn’t need me anymore.” Painfully tapping Hazel on the head with one knuckle, Krea glared down at a very shocked and hurt looking Hazel, as she placed her hands on her hips to put more emphasis on what she said next, “Now don’t you go crying on me just because my baby has not lived long enough to be interested in sex again! You know how much my baby hates it when you get upset and I seriously don’t need him charging in here to comfort you! And just so we are clear, my child never said that he did not need you anymore… in fact, I believe that my child had tried to leave that door still open, but you were too heartbroken to hear anything other than the fact that you wouldn’t get to spend anymore time with him. Now then, if you both are willing, I will place you inside these new bodies so that you can go keep my little brat company while he grows-a-pair again!” Ginger couldn’t stop herself from breaking down in hysterical giggles, while Hazel’s shot open wide over the thought of getting to be right ‘there’ to keep Frank company until ‘he’ was ready again for her… A few days later, and Matron Avery was coming out of her orphanage to a very strange sight as a pair of unconscious girls were carried over towards her by a burly women…. Behind the woman was a lithe figure that Matron Avery was certain she remembered from somewhere, but could not quite remember the figure, as the lady said in a relieved manner, “Oh good, you are here, Matron Avery. My name is Krea the Inventor, and I have a shop setup a few days ride from here, but that is not important. These two wonderful little girls were the children of a very sadistic magic user who was recently executed for their crimes and were about to take their own lives to be with their mama always, but thankfully I managed to prevent them from committing suicide. Right now they are in a deep sleep and I used a little magic on their minds to make them believe that everything was all one big nightmare, so that when they next wake up… the first person they see will… uh, become their new mother. I was told to bring them to you, since you are reportedly the best Matron in the surrounding area, so I can only hope you will be willing to accept these two.” Smiling and giving her consent to accepting the pair, Matron Avery figured that having the two girls around as her ‘babies’ couldn’t be the ‘worst’ thing to happen to her… Krea then snapped her fingers with a very audible magic touch to them and the pair of girl’s woke up almost immediately. Once they had fully woken up, both girls looked over at Matron Avery; as the lady greeted them with a warm smile and open arms, which caused the pair to immediately lunge over at her to hug her desperately. Wrapping her arms up underneath the butts of both girls, Matron Avery lowered her chin down low enough to be resting gently on the tops of the girl’s heads as they both rested their faces against her collar bones. When Avery looked up to thank the couple for bringing the pair to her, she was shocked when there actually was no trace of the wagon that brought the pair or the couple she had seen… Worriedly heading back inside her home, Avery tried her best to put her nagging thoughts to rest, but there was just something bothering her about Krea… The next few days were quite the bother for Avery, for the two girls seemed to be almost glued to her sides constantly, unless they were eating, but they hated being out of sight of her no matter what. Unfortunately, Avery was forced to lock the girls inside their rooms so that she could go out and take care of some business that required her to be alone. When she returned, however, Avery was surprised when she did not hear any crying coming from the girls, but then she grew extremely terrified that the girls had killed themselves again and rushed to their rooms as fast as she could move. When she opened the door, however, Avery was instantly relieved as she felt two little forms rush forward to hug her sides, as two very tearful tones cried out in unison, “Mama!” Going to bed that night, with the two girls ‘forcing’ their way into bed with her yet again, Avery gently caressed both of their heads as she began to think about a ‘way’ to keep both girls with her at all times, but without ‘consuming’ the pair because she had actually become attached to the girls as well… In her mind, she played back through some of most ‘cherished’ moments with two ‘very’ similar looking girls back in ‘another’ world from the way things around them looked… Unfortunately, all the methods that Avery was able to remember usually ended with whoever she put inside her body being destroyed in some form or another. That was when Avery felt herself drift off to sleep and begin to dream, or so Avery believed, as a spectral entity invaded her private sanctum to deliver a dream specially created for her. In that dream, Avery remembered how the girl’s had wished they could go back inside their mama’s belly so that they could be her little babies all over again and no longer be in their mama’s way. Snapping awake suddenly, as the dream ended, Matron Avery quickly comforted the girls since she had startled them awake when she jolted awake… Once the girls had gotten back to sleep again, Matron Avery thought wishfully, “Be nice if I could actually stick you in my belly, but I’m afraid that you wouldn’t be able to breath in there… be nice to have… a full feeling whenever I want… instead of only when I… eat.” Drifting off as she finished her thought, Matron Avery fell asleep as her body began to glow magically as the God of Magic imparted a small portion of her own magic into the Aspect of Humanity and then the Matron’s body began to slowly change as the hours passed… The next morning, Matron Avery woke up and felt uncharacteristically ‘hungry’, but still trudged into the bathroom to wash-up as her morning routine demanded… As her little girls rushed about to bring her a washcloth and some soap, Matron Avery started the water and sat down to start washing up when she noticed her little girls were preoccupied with something. Asking what was was wrong, Matron was shocked when one of the girls reached out towards her crotch and stroked something foreign in her private area. Blushing as her entire body stiffened at the gentle touch, both girl’s giggled and commented on finding their Mama’s happy spot. Playing off the whole incident, Matron Avery began to scrub her devious little girls as they tried to keep making her happy and then spent the whole day thinking about the implications of what had happened to her… Later that day, with her girls fast asleep on her lap while she watched over the rest of her children… Seeking something to keep herself preoccupied with, Matron Avery’s eyes glanced over at the book shelf and she grumbled to herself irritably, “Well, it’s not like I can just will a book over into my hands...” To the disbelief of all the children, a book from one of the shelves actually slide off the shelf and floated lazily over in front of Matron Avery… Gasping in excitement over what they just saw, Matron Avery suddenly announced that she would be having story-time early that day, much to the joy of all the children… Little did the children suspect that Matron Avery had other plans for gathering them all before her and sat down to listen to her words hastily. As she began the story, however, all of the children began to feel their eyelids starting to grow heavy and their bodies growing tired, but fought against sleep until they began to feel happier the closer they came to nodding off. Getting up once all the little kids were asleep, Matron Avery woke up her other two girls and had them help her wrap blankets around the other children. Telling the other girls to go get undressed for a bath, the girl’s initially were upset over having to wash-up again, but when Avery said she had not mentioned washing-up during this bath, the girls all but vanished in a puff of smoke. Starting the fires to warm up some water to fill the tub with, Avery waited for her little girls to come scampering back to her and then began filling up the tub. Easing down into the steaming hot water, Avery allowed the girl’s time to adjust to the water’s temperature before pulling them to her sides. Squeezing the girls close, Avery began to hum softly to the girls and began to cast her gaze upon them to make them feel more at ease…. Once the girl’s were fast asleep, Avery stood up in the water and began to clench her hands anxiously as she mentally prepared herself for what ‘might’ happen in the next few minutes… Taking one of the little girls in her hands, Avery gently pressed the girl’s face up into her pussy and did her best to endure the euphoric experience as her body’s muscle memory took over. With one of the girls safely tucked away, Avery quickly pushed the second the girl and squatted down in the tub as the second child slide effortlessly inside her tummy. Moaning pleasantly as her body squeezed around the pair inside her body, Avery focused her mind on making her womb breathable for the two girls and then waited for any telltale signs of the children suffocating as she remained in the tub. Inside her pussy, Avery’s body was gently massaging the girls and harmlessly absorbing each girl’s ‘aura’ from within them… Strangely, at first both girls were releasing an ‘angelic’ like aura, but that was swiftly exhausted and then ‘new’ auras began to be pulled from the girls; with only one being angelic… Slowly waking up inside a dark moist place, Hazel and Ginger began to feel around them worriedly, then started to panic as they feared that they were inside someone’s stomach. Suddenly, just as they were about to start screaming, both girls felt a hand press up against their backs as a calming voice began to emanate from all around them. Even though they could not make out any of the words being spoken to them, both girls immediately felt an immeasurable amount of relief overcome them. As the girls calmed back down and just squirmed into a more comfortable position, Matron Avery carefully stood up and drained the tub… Avery then spent the rest of her day with the pair in her tummy, but was careful to hide the bulge in her tummy with a magical illusion… When she eventually released the two girls to have a midnight snack with her, Avery was caught off guard as one of the girl’s rushed over to hug her desperately while crying out, “Frankie!” It took only half a second for Avery to put two and two together, then she turned her attention towards the other child that seemed to ‘vaguely’ recognize her as well… Squatting down and holding out one arm welcomingly, Avery said the one thing that she knew Hazel would understand, “I never said that I do not have room for you in my life...” Hazel’s lower lip trembled slightly before she rushed over to Avery’s side and smiled joyfully as she was wrapped up in Avery’s free arm… After fixing up something for them all to enjoy, much to the surprise of the girls, Avery announced that it was bed time and unsurprisingly, both girls followed her into her bedroom like they knew they were allowed too… Sitting up on her bed in such a manner that her crotch was clearly visible, Avery allowed the pair to take in the sight, before mischievously asking, “Now then, would you two care to join me in bed or would you like to go back into my tummy for the night?” Without a second’s hesitation, both girl’s pointed right at Avery’s crotch, and Avery gladly helped both girls slide up into her tummy, then ‘tucked’ the pair into bed with her… Watching quietly, the Aspect of Dreams couldn’t resist smiling when she saw the ‘thousands’ of joyful little dreams threatening to burst open in the minds of the girls… Harvesting all of those dreams, the Aspect of Dreams replaced all those little dreams with the only kind of dream the little girls should have been having and that was of being held by Avery from then on. Inhaling the dreams of the girls, Jelly moaned gleefully as her belly quickly filled out and kept growing, even as she rapidly churned up all the fresh energy in her belly. As she was preoccupied with her feast, however, Jelly was caught off guard when a hand suddenly latched onto her body out of nowhere. Developing a very familiar gut twisting sensation in her tummy, even though in her current form she was little more than a gas cloud, Jelly whipped her eyes around at the one holding onto her, as the Aspect of Humanity growled in annoyance, “Some of us are trying to sleep at this godforsaken hour, ya know?” Even though it should have been impossible, Jelly could feel her body becoming paler, as she heard the Aspect of Humanity demand irritably, “So… who’s side are you on now that I have the chance to speak with you?” As the question was posed, Jelly could have sworn that she heard a ‘bestial’ snarl ripple out of the Aspect of Humanity and started feeling like an animal caught in the claws of a hungry predator… Not answering for a few seconds, as she was too terrified too, Jelly eventually calmed down enough to sputter, “No one! I side with no one… I merely influence dreams… whether for good or ill.” Tightening his grip on Jelly further, the Aspect of Humanity asked with a dangerous sounding tone, “Then why do I smell that vile monstrosity on you?” Knowing she was about two seconds from certain destruction, the Aspect of Dreams roughly pulled herself free of the hand holding onto her and snapped back, “Because I influence dreams! Dreams of creation, dreams of destruction, and even dreams pertaining to life or death! I cannot choose what mortals decide to dream off, I can only ensure such dreams reach the correct Aspect so that their influence is able to help influence such thoughts. Much like you… I am merely a survivor… nothing more.” Chuckling at the sound of Jelly comparing herself to him, the Aspect of Humanity just reached out to pull Jelly close and growled hostilely, “Is that so… then why are you constantly running around like some obedient bitch and groveling to your master? You control dreams! Don’t you understand that means… if you really wanted too, you could devour the dreams of whoever you wanted and rob them of that part of their life! Think about what would happen to your master without you around to keep his dreams alive and then break that damn leash of yours if you really want to become a survivor! Cause right now… all I see is a little dog scampering about at the commands of a master!” Hurling the Aspect of Dreams out of his home, the Aspect of Humanity created a ‘hostile’ aura that surrounded his home until he eventually calmed down and returned to being the Matron… Taking a moment to soothe the two freaked out girls in her tummy, Matron Avery said pleasantly, “Don’t worry girls, I’m right here… and I always will be! Let’s go to bed now so that we can get up tomorrow and be ready for the day!” Ginger and Hazel nodded in agreement, as they fell to sleep together while embracing each other… Jelly, on the other hand, drifted away as she thought about what the Aspect of Humanity had said… Knowing that Destruction would not take too kindly to her disappearing on him, Jelly quickly shook her heard as she thought about what the Aspect of Humanity had said too, then snarled angrily to herself, “Yeah… Let’s just see how far Destruction could get without my power aiding him! He always treats me my like trash because I don’t just help only him, but the same dream over and over again just gets stall. I think it’s time I branch out my menu… Heh, Heh, Heh...” Pausing all of a sudden, Jelly whipped her attention towards the rising sun and cursed her luck as she quickly sought out the refuge of a shadowy cave…. No matter if she may have been the Aspect of Dreams, Jelly was no more resilient to sunlight than the Dream Demons she had occasionally created at the request of King. Even when she was staying up in Tepe, Jelly always found her power being sapped by the light of day and that was always why she returned to her darker roots, since Destruction’s dreams had always given her the most strength. Shaking her head right then, Jelly quickly reminded herself that even if Destruction was her biggest power-source, Krea was actually the one who had paved the way for her creation. As she glared out at the rising sunshine and despising it’s power over her, Jelly began to wonder why she could not just walk out in the sunlight without fear, since that was one of the ‘dreams’ that she quietly held onto… Without any warning whatsoever, Seer suddenly appeared behind Jelly inside the cave and upon seeing her cried out happily, “Ah! Good, you are here! I was worried I might have missed the right date...” Turning around to stare at Seer in shock, Jelly then listened to Seer mutter to himself, “Alright, I’m here now… You’ve no doubt been… which would mean you… and I’m supposed to say...” Watching curiously as Seer rapidly tried to work through the vision he had of that day, Jelly quite simply froze in place when Seer announced right out of the blue, “If you truly wish to be free, then dream a better dream for yourself. Even if you can only manipulate the dreams of others… yours can be made into reality… just dream big and give it form...” With that, Seer left Jelly to her thoughts and when he returned to Tepe, began to smile when he noticed some of the ‘shadows’ lurking below on the planet were wiped away… Back down in the cave… Realizing that Seer was right about everything and that she had just been too terrified to try and earn her freedom from Destruction’s might, Jelly suddenly began to glow as she kicked her power into high gear; burning through eons of power that she had collected, cackling evilly the whole time...
Godhood Reincarnation Ashton Chapter 15 – Pressing Issues After receiving a summons from the Allmin Guild Outpost to attend a memorial for his Uncle, Jackson was obligated to go pay his respects to Guild Representative Cameron, but timed his arrival so that he would arrive just after the ceremony started… While Jackson was on his way to the Capitol, back in Giant’s Forest… Coming across another group of Adventurers, that had come to Arteni early to scope out where the best hunting spots would be, Asher smiled with delight as she flew up on them quietly in Hive King Ashton’s body. The small group of Adventurers were comprised of a small Hob-Goblin Priest, Light Elf Paladin, Canine Beastkin Hunter. Using her pheromones to make the beating of her wings appear completely silent, Asher flew right up over top of the Hob-Goblin Priest and dropped down on top of the healer with her bee-butt stretched wide open. Squishing down her bee-butt on top of the Hob-Goblin, forcing the tiny Priest almost all the way up into her stomach, Asher then lifted herself up in the air with her wings and used the forward momentum from squeezing her bee-butt tightly around the Hob-Goblin to propel herself towards her next target… Thankfully, the Light Elf Paladin was not wearing a metal helmet of any kind and instead had chosen to go with a magically enchanted circlet that allowed her to sense demonic beings, but not the nature creature about to take a seat on her head. While Asher may have had no idea what the circlet’s intended use was, she was very grateful not to have to deal with anything metal poking her in the butt as she dropped her asshole down right on top of the Paladin’s head. Smiling with pleasure, as her asshole inhaled the Light Elf down to her slender hips, Asher put down her feet gently to stand up with her two captives helpless against her slowly drawing them up into her stomach. As she stood up, with the kicking legs of the Light Elf slowly sliding up into her asshole, Asher to a moment to start sucking the Hob-Goblin into her belly as well by lifting up her stomach… Right at that moment, however, the Canine Beastkin Hunter signaled for a stop and began to glance all around, before saying quietly in a worried manner, “Heads up back there, we may have just stumbled upon something big… I can no longer hear or smell any animals in the area. We may need to back track quickly depending on what we have found-!” “Don’t you mean you might need retreat from what has already found you three?” Interjected a strange voice, accompanied by the sounds of almost delighted buzzing, coming from behind the Beastkin. Turning around with a startled gasp, the Hunter was expecting to find the monster emerging from the woods behind the group and was terrified to find the creature almost standing right on top of her. Then she was distracted by the sound of struggling that she could suddenly hear all of a sudden and as the Hunter took notice of the Light Elf’s kicking feet, along with the bulges poking out from behind the Bee-girl’s body, but by then she was already too late to escape her fate. As she was in the process of taking a terrified step back, while turning to run from the terrifying being her party had been discovered by, the Hunter suddenly felt something grab hold of her shoulders as a disgustingly moist tunnel dropped down over top of her body. Stuffing the Beastkin deep into her throat before closing her jaws around the Hunter’s crotch, Asher swiftly cut off all chance of escaping by lifting up her head and limited the Beastkin’s only direction of escaping her hungry maw to being down into stomach… Moaning happily as she stood upright and just allowed the Hunter to be slowly carried down into her stomach by gravity, Asher focused more of her attention towards sucking the other two up to join their Beastkin companion in her stomach… Once all three had been thoroughly humiliated by the fact that they each had been swallowed by different means; with some being much more demeaning than others, Asher gave the trio a moment to discuss what had been done to them. Then one of the Adventurers began to punch out against Asher’s belly and from the feeling of metal poking the inside of her stomach lining, she could very easily guess which one was the most upset about being sat upon. Upon hearing nothing but anger and hatred coming from the Adventurers in her belly, Asher just sighed unhappily as she squeezed out all the air in her belly in the form of a belch. Normally, Asher would have just allowed her meals to tire themselves out, but these Adventurers had left Arteni against Jackson’s wishes, so they were also acting upon their own greed and that meant they were not acting as Adventurers out on a request… Once the trio had stopped moving, Asher tummy quickly began to roil and churn around the three deceased Adventurers within her. Making certain to safeguard the souls of the three Adventurers so that they could be resurrected by Ash later on, Asher just enjoyed the feeling of her body hungrily absorbing the soupy mess her stomach made from all the Adventurer’s bodies. Then came the slightly unpleasant task of evacuating her body off all the Adventurer’s gear and Asher took responsibility of performing that task, rather than leaving the process up to Hive King Ashton. Summoning Ash over to her, Asher made certain to ask the Flower Fairy to bring a “bag” with her for all the Adventurer’s gear… While Ash was heading over to her, however, Asher knelt down to inspect the gear of the Adventurers; merely curious to see how they had prepared themselves to venture into the forest, only to discover that she had actually destroyed all of the Adventurer’s gear. Growing even more curious than before, Asher carefully inspected all of the armor and weapons she had digested. Finding that all the gear was merely broken and could probably be easily repaired, Asher suddenly began to chuckle when she discovered the enchanted Circlet of Demon Detecting that the Paladin had wearing. Sending Ash away with the souls of the Adventurers, their gear and a “warning” to obey the rules set in place by those with “power” over them, Asher suddenly felt a growing sense of “alarm” from among the newly born fairies within the forest… Leaving Hive King Ashton in charge of ensuring that all Adventurers obeyed the wishes of Guild-master Jackson, Asher journeyed through the woods as a spectral wisp like entity and went over to see what was alarming the fairies… Eventually running into one of the panicking fairies, Asher was pleased when the mere sight of her was enough to calm down the frantic fairy and then listened as the tiny being began to sputter in a panicky manner, “Two-legs! T-t-two-legs! One with two-legs is hunting us down! I don’t want to have my wings ripped off!” Suddenly, a noise from within the forest sent the tiny fairy screaming away in terror, but Asher just figured that the “fear” was natural for the Nature Fairies since she could not sense any presence of a Nightmare Being upon the minds of the fairies… Sending out a request to Ashen, Asher was quite surprised to find that the Fairy King was actually sleeping, but the still sleepy Ascended Fairy grumpily explained telepathically, “No disrespect to you, my liege, but some of us still require sleep to function properly for the duties we have been assigned. I had forgotten what it was like to be inside a living body and now I am having to learn how to properly acquire the necessary sleep to remain active during the day…” Chuckling over how tired Ashen sounded, Asher replied in a kind manner, “Well I am sorry for disturbing you, but there does seem to be something alarming your subjects.” Suddenly feeling the terror spread among the fairies under her care, Fairy King Ashen quickly got up in an enraged manner, before Asher’s calm voice extinguished her wrathful fires, “Calm down, Ashen… I think that the terror your kind harbors towards all those who walk upon two legs is getting the better of them. Take a moment to calm them down before coming out to greet the one who is no doubt merely trying to attract your attention… I have not felt any of the Fairies being attacked by whoever is hunting for them...” Taking a moment to gather her wits about her, Fairy King Ashen did as her Master had said too and was able to quickly sooth the terror causing the other fairies to freak out… With an entourage of Fairies following her, both Nature and Flower fairies, Fairy King Ashen then made her way towards the two-legged “interloper” with almost regal procession joining her as she moved through the forest… On the other side of the situation, Ardryll was desperately searching high and low for any fairy he could find within the woods. Completely unarmed, since he knew that Ash would protect him in the event that he was actually attacked and killed, Ardryll tried his best to appear friendly to any Fairy he came across, but the mere sight of him was enough to cause every fairy he encountered so far to flee in terror. Now with no more fairies in sight of him within the section of forest he was currently in, Ardryll had no other choice than to just wait until the fairies eventually calmed down and returned to the forest. Suddenly, however, a bright light began to shine from within the shaded woods and that caused Ardryll to stand up quickly as the Fairy he was seeking walked out into sight… Smiling with child-like wonder, as he walked out into the radiant presence of the Fairy King, Ardryll quickly bowed his head in reverence to the creature before him… Keeping back twenty feet from the Forest Elf seeking an audience with her, Fairy King Ashen shocked both Asher and Ardryll by speaking in the same coarse manner that Asher had used when inhabiting the Fairy’s body a few days prior, “Why do you seek out my kin, mortal? Did I not make my views towards those like you clear mere days ago?” Trembling as the gaze of the fabled “Ashen Fairy Tyrant” fell upon him, Ardryll froze up with fear completely and just counted the few precious remaining moments of his life… Quickly taking physical form inside a hastily constructed Astral Body, Asher took on an almost “mystical” human appearance without even intending too, as “he” stepped out to prevent Ashen from harming an “ally”… Suddenly finding himself cast into the shadow of another being, Ardryll did not dare to raise his head out of fear of being struck down for his insolence, but then the Forest Elf heard the familiar voice of the Forest’s Demigod say in a pointed manner, “Ashen, King Andrew is no where near here… there is no longer a reason for you to keep up the act I put on for him.” Trembling upon realizing that the Master of the Forest and of her new body was now standing before her, Ashen quickly went from towering Tyrant to just another frightened fairy of the woods, as she quickly grew flustered by the presence of Asher. Looking very much like a child caught in the act of doing something, wrong, Fairy King Ashen eventually glanced down at Ardryll and telepathically warned the Forest Elf about what would happen if the Elf so much as thought about betraying Asher’s faith in him. When Asher caught onto that, she quickly admonished Ashen for treating an ally of the Forest in such an unkind manner. Looking away as her Master tried to correct her manner of thinking, Ashen just became flustered again and then hesitantly said to Asher, “Master… please do not think of me as being ungrateful in any way for this new body and life you have granted me, but there are a few things you should know… When you asked for a soul to come to your aid from the Endless Fields, one which would be able to handle the role of an Ascended Being, I did not answer your call because of that reason… I answered your call because of your intent to claim vengeance for what had been done to a Fairy under your care… Also, while you were trying to create my physical body, I-I contributed my own thoughts to the ideas you having towards how to make the body I would come to inhabit look! Please do not think that I am unhappy with the way I appear… for while I may have… suggested certain things about my appearance, your mind and will were the ones that determined how those ideas were interpreted and then incorporated into my body.” Taking in what Fairy King Ashen was saying in silence, Asher began to realize that what Ashen was saying actually rang true, but that she had never really had the opportunity to actually think about where the idea for creating a Fairy King to take credit for rescuing Divine Guardian Ash had come from, even as Ashen then continued on to say, “Also… I had never thought to use solar energy to create this crown like band around my head to signify the power in my command… I am truly grateful that you did not recreate the image of myself as a Monster Fairy King… Back then, my fairy wings had been turned black from the hatred I felt towards all who walked upon two legs and the brilliant light of the sun radiated from below my jawline, casting my face in an unsettling light. All these symbols you made upon my body… they were originally just painted on me with the blood of all the fairies I had failed to protect from the two-legged monsters who wore friendly faces!” Shuddering with chills when she got a mental image of the previous image the Fairy King had taken, Asher felt almost compelled to ask, “But then… how… why did you change to become such a violent being? I don’t think you had been afflicted by the Nightmare back then, so...” Calling attention to himself, politely, Ardryll first sought permission before happily explaining the reason why the Fairy King had been turned into a Tyrant, “Ah, excuse me… with your permission, Ashen Fairy King, perhaps I could explain things to Forest Demigod Asher and relieve the sins of my people towards you?” Growing happy when he received permission to speak from the Fairy King, Ardryll quickly explained what had lead to the Fairy Tyrant’s birth, “A long time ago, uh, thousands of years ago; to be precise, a group of Forest Elves sought the favor of High Elves. Those High Elves had a preference in demonic creatures and those demons could only be conjured forth into the physical realm by using a regent made from the dust of ground up Nature Fairy Wings. In order to harvest those wings without arousing suspicion, the Forest Elves would befriend fairies and would lead them out of the forests; away from the watchful eyes of Forest Spirits, to where dark caves were. The Forest Elves would then capture the fairies using hooks infused with demonic energy, but in such a way that the elves did not have to worry about such energy traces being left upon them after handling the devices. The demonic infused hooks were then used to securely hold the fairies captive while the Forest Elves cut away their wings repeatedly until the bodies of the fairies could no longer hold up anymore and they crumbled away into dust themselves.” Stopping, even though was plenty more to be said, Ardryll suddenly noticed that Asher had gone from being “curious” about the Fairy King’s past to outraged towards the actions of the Forest Elves and quickly fell to the ground for fear of his life… Hoping to spare at least himself from the fury of the wrathful Demigod, Ardryll declared in a loud manner that almost made him appear to be shrieking with terror, “Ashen Fairy King, I humbly pledge myself to the defense of you and your kind! I only wish to help ensure that you do not abandon this great forest! You do not know how happy it makes me to once again see you walking among the trees!” Folding her arms in response, Ashen could sense Ardryll’s earnest feelings towards wishing to protect the fairies of Giant’s Forest, but simply could not let go of what happened in the past and calls back at Ardryll, “Do not believe that gaining the knowledge of where I have hidden my Mana Well will be so easy, Forest Elf! I know how your kind sees me and fairies like me, but I also know how many of your kind also seeks to use and abuse my species!” Flinching fearfully when the hatred the Fairy King felt towards Forest Elves was made palpable in the words of the angry Fairy King, Ardryll once again pressed his forehead into the ground and cried out in desperation, “You’re WRONG! I do not seek to make use of your fairies or the waters in your Mana Well! I have no need for such things as an Adventurer! I hold no affiliation to any of the Great or Lesser Households and by no means would I ever betray the trust of the Forest Demigod Asher! I treasure this forest and each new day that I am granted within it! I just… I just wish to make up for the mistakes of the past… We Forest Elves have been paying for the mistakes of those few for generations now… we have severed the connection we once held to the spirits of our ancestors!” Sighing, when she truly felt that Ardryll was being truthful with her, Ashen was still unable to shake her feelings towards creatures walking upon two legs and those towards the Forest Elves that betrayed Nature itself, but then she began to weave a special spell while saying in a benevolent manner, “From now on, Forest Elf, you shall refer to me as the Fairy King Ashen, for the old Ashen Fairy Tyrant perished when I was finally able to return to the Endless Fields.” Finishing her spell and sending the magic over at Ardryll, an ashen pair of fairy wings then appeared on the Forest Elf’s left cheek while the Fairy King added, “With this mark, you shall forever be able to find me, no matter where I am currently living. Just remember to abide by the rules of Giant’s Forest and those which govern you as an Adventurer! Do that and I will personally come find you should you perish outside these woods!” Raising his head to check out the marking on his cheek, Ardryll suddenly burst out into joyful tears, as he began to tremble happily and cried in gratitude, “Thank You! Thank you so much for your blessing, Fairy King Ashen! If you ever have need of my bow, then you have but to ask! I shall gladly put down my life to protect you and your fairies!” Getting up quickly and bowing once to each of the powerful Beings before him, Ardryll then politely excused himself to begin his return to Arteni… Waiting until she was certain Ardryll was well out of hearing range, even for an Elf, Asher turned to face Ashen… Smiling when she saw the Fairy King tending to the still panic-stricken fairies around the King, Asher eventually pursed her lips and asked nervously, “Um, Ashen, are you upset about me waking you up from your eternal rest within the Endless Fields?” Blinking in confusion when she was addressed by her Master for such a pointless question, Ashen let out a drawn-out sigh and seemed to go back to being a normal fairy, before answering with, “Of course not, Master, I am overjoyed to be awake once more! You have no idea just how long~ I was asleep, after discarding my original physical body. Why I doubt that I could have awoken on my own, I had been resting within the Endless Fields for such a long time that I might of even forgotten what it means to be awake at one point.” Becoming nervous, all of a sudden, Ashen was reluctant to continue speaking until the other creatures in the Forest began to give her their support and then said, “I doubt that I would have been able to convince myself to get up again, Master, for despite the numerous attempts that the High Elves made to call me forth from within the Endless Fields, the only summons that ever made me stir was the one you made. This is because of a grave Taboo I committed upon learning of the actions made by those Forest Elves! The Taboo of which I speak was me taking from Nature that which not mine even mine to begin with… I absorbed the waters within the Mana Well I had been helping to fill.” When Asher’s only reaction was to cross her arms and develop a curious frown upon her face, Ashen felt like a terrible weight had just been lifted from the Fairy’s chest and Ashen began to further explain things to Asher… “We fairies are meant to be collectors of magical energies and are supposed to gather all the collected energy within our mystical Mana Wells in the form of Mana Water. Nature Fairies know from birth that they are to be collecting the necessary energy to fill up our designated Mana Well and we do this in order to attract a Dryad from the Endless Fields to come up for a drink. When this happens, every fairy responsible for helping to fill that Mana Well will then happily dive into the waters in order to be ferried into the spiritual realm of the Endless Fields ourselves. In the process, we will be giving up our material forms, or earthly bodies, to the Dryad that swallows us up. In doing so, we are then able to fly about and play within the Endless Fields for the rest of eternity, as is the fate of all Forest Elves who become fairies in death. By taking from Nature in order to make myself stronger and allowing myself to be consumed with righteous fury, I had become the physical embodiment of Nature’s Wrath; a Wrathful King of all Fairies within the Forest’s of my birthplace. But, in my unrestrained fury, I not only severed myself from the tranquility required to enter the Endless Fields, but I also began to fly around smiting all who walked upon the ground with two legs; even some who were completely innocent of the crime which caused me to take action. In time, however, I began to gather a following of fairies; all who were eager to be safe from our two-legged and multi-legged predators. This caused me to become a Divine Guardian to all Fairies who came to worship and revere me as their King, causing me to become known as the Ashen Fairy King for the way I turned any who threatened MY Fairies to ash with the radiant power of Nature’s Wrath. Eventually, I was able to grow calm enough that I could actually take time to sleep, thus allowing two-legged individuals to enter my domain and become mana slaves to my kin, but I would always chase away any two-legged invaders whenever I awoke. This is because of the fact that I was still being denied entrance to the peaceful Endless Fields and would be haunted by what I had seen within those dark caves while I closed my eyes. When the Mana Well was finally filled up, I just looked on as the rest of my subjects eagerly threw themselves into the swirling whirlpool to be washed away into the Endless Fields. I was so afraid of being rejected entry into the Endless Fields, yet again, that I found myself being overpowered by a Manifestation of Nightmare. As my followers all entered into the Endless Fields, I slowly felt my powers growing weaker and weaker, while the grip of the Nightmare Manifestation grew ever stronger. Thankfully, upon finishing up with consuming the vast quantity of water within the Mana Well, the Ascended Treant Forest Spirit called up to the well took pity upon me and blasted away the Nightmare Manifestation with her own power. She then asked me if I had anything to offer as payment for my entrance into the Endless Fields and after thinking about what more I had to offer; now that the Mana Well was empty, I suddenly realized something... I still had the energies I had taken from Nature within my own body. Once I realized that the only thing holding me back from entering the Endless Fields was the physical body I had been clinging onto in life, I somehow found it within myself to leave my own living body and was able to summon up the will to kick my old corporeal body down into the Mana Well. I watched in silence as the Treat Forest Spirit consumed my body and could not even begin to imagine just how much energy my single body was providing her with, plus all of the extra energy now inside my Ascended form. Once she had finished accepting my payment, however, I suddenly felt my sins be erased from my very soul and then she welcomed me into the Endless Fields. I eagerly fell into her mouth and entered into the blissful Endless Fields… where I slept forever more, that is, until I heard someone requesting the aid of an Ascended Soul willing to avenge the death of a Fairy. With such a summons like that… there was no choice in the matter for me… I was going to avenge the wrong doings committed upon fairy kind once again!” After listening to the trials and tribulations that Ashen the Fairy King had gone through, Asher then curiously asked, “So then… do you agree with my will?” Getting a freaked-out look upon her face, Ashen quickly bowed to Asher and replied with great reverence within her voice, “Of course! I am overjoyed to be allowed to act as I please while operating as King of Fairy kind here in your domain! Please do not worry for those who walk on two legs, these… Adventurers, I will treat them as I would treat any other mortal before I hand them off to my dearly beloved Queen to be returned to Arteni. I have no intentions of… reducing them to ash anymore… my anger and thirst for vengeance has long since been sated.” Breaking out into one of her signature eery smiles, Asher then playfully corrected the Fairy’s manner of thinking, “Oh really? Are you certain that you can just allow things to rest as they are? While I may be willing to allow the Adventurer’s certain freedoms, I have no doubt that there will be certain members, within certain households, who will seek to take advantage of there being Nature Fairies outside their normal habitats. So if I were you, Ashen, I would keep that temper of yours handy, just in case some Adventurers decide to become a little too greedy towards easy money.” As what Asher was insinuating entered into her mind, Ashen’s hands curled up into tight fists, but then Asher said with a more kind smile, “However, if Adventurers come out to collect Fairy Wings as a request and do only that, without allowing greed to cause them to take more than what they need, I would ask that you allow them to get off with merely a small scare about the monsters lurking out here.” All of sudden, Ashen’s very soul fused into Asher’s own being and the Fairy King began to bear one of Asher’s unsettling smiles as what her Master was asking of her truly sank in… Knowing that Ashen would be much happier knowing that even “if” Adventurers hunted fairies properly, that the Fairy King could still “punish” them, Asher then moved onto her next issue… Waving her hands and casting her Transcendent Magic upon the Fairy King’s body, Asher then quickly explained what she had just done, “I have made your stomach capable of supporting the lives of the Adventurers you swallow from now on, so that you will simply render them into an unconscious state of being as you absorb their experience slowly within your stomach. That will allow you to punish any who would hunt fairies, but without doing any damage to them or their belongings. Now as for those who come hunting fairies merely out of greed or for nefarious purposes, I would suggest you stick them down in your balls and turn them into your own special brand of Mana Water; much like what I used to do when making King’s Nectar as a Hive King. I know a certain Forest Spirit here in Giant’s Forest, who would practically beat down a path to reach you for even a mouthful!” While all the fairies and King Ashen all smiled gleefully at the mention of Chlori’s thirst for “water”, Asher suddenly noticed how when she had just used “transcendent” magic, the energy flowing within the forest itself had temporarily dimished… Noticing that Asher was worried over something, Fairy King Ashen quickly inquired as to what could possibly be troubling the Forest Demigod and quite nearly floored when Asher expressed what was really bothering her, “Say, Ashen, you said that taking away from Nature is considered Taboo for Fairies, right? So then what does it mean for someone like me to be drawing upon Nature when casting magic?” Sputtering in alarm over even being compared to such a creature as Asher, Fairy King Ashen hurriedly clarified about what she meant in saying that she had committed taboo among her kind, “What are you even talking about, Master? You command… er, own this land underneath our very feet! Every creature in this forest would gladly… willingly give you their very lives if that is what you needed to cast a spell! I am but a lowly Fairy! I am not even considered a monster to most other creatures of the Forest, just a bothersome gnat to be swatted away like common flies! You cannot even put me in the same class of monster as yourself! Fairies are considered lesser beings… food if you will, by all other Greater Beings! Why do you think it is that we fairies are required to feed ourselves to Greater Forest Spirits to gain entry into the Endless Fields! I may be an Ascended Being because I am able to project my soul from my body, but that is all! We live only to aid the Forest Spirits and can only use minor Nature Magic to allow us to blend in among the forests! I only became as powerful as I did because I consumed all of the power stored within the Mana Well and that power was not even a drop in the ocean of power that you now have dancing at your fingertips each waking moment! The only reason I even have any power at all right now… is because you have granted me such power!” Thinking for a moment, Asher then asked curiously, “Then if that is what I am… a Greater Being in terms of being a monster, where do you lesser creatures go when you are not safe out here? Surely you have some kind of refuge to take shelter in when you get attacked?” Nodding, Ashen quickly stated, “Yes, yes! We can transition to a place called the Shaded Evergreen Forest! Um, but only we can freely travel into and out of that area. It is a place where the lost souls of the forests come to gather and eventually get reborn into the world. Sometimes there are those who do not return there… like the poor fairies harvested to death by others. We do not know where they go, but they were not in the Endless Fields when I finally entered. All places of Nature are connected to the Shaded Evergreen Forest, as it is a magical place for lesser beings of Nature who are not strong enough to enter the Endless Fields on their own, but fairies only stay there until they sense the creation of a Mana Well… which means that soon we shall have new fairies flocking to this place because of the presence of the Mana Well.” Contemplating that for a moment, Asher then asked curiously, “You said that Forest Elves turn into Fairies and then Fairies in turn attempt to enter the Nature Afterlife by collecting enough Mana to draw a Forest Spirit from within the Endless Fields forth to end their lives so that their souls can forever play within the Endless Fields… I think I just had a wonderful idea for a new Dungeon! If you and Chlori were to work together, you two could create a Mana Well that would need to be filled in order to create a reason why Adventurer’s would enter. The Adventurers would come for water from the Mana Well for their own reasons, while Chlori does her best to prevent the Adventurers from stealing from her cup, so to speak. If things go according to plan, Chlori will be able to finish her drink before the Adventurers reach the Mana Well and will then have to face a Boss created from all of her slain children. I’m guessing that the creature created from that kind of spawn would at least be a Dryad or Treant type of Forest Spirit, which mean that Chlori would have an easier time collecting more energy for producing apples.” Noticing that Ashen was confused over her role in the Dungeon, Asher just smiled and said, “Well, if the Adventurers can make it to Chlori before she finishes, she will just turn the body she had manifested within the Dungeon into the Boss the Adventurer’s face. If Adventurer’s can beat Chlori, then any remaining Mana Water would be claimable by them for completing the Dungeon. Defeating the Boss spawned from Chlori’s children would also reward the Adventurer’s with a small amount of Mana Water, but more could be obtained if they can scare off Chlori. However, where you come in, Ashen, will be if the Adventurer’s stop Chlori from drinking all the water and defeat her, cause without a Forest Spirit to dive into, there would be leftover fairies in the dungeons. I am going to try to have the Fairies at the Flower Field Nest to be viewed as friendly creatures, which would only be hunted if the Adventurers have a request for that, so that Adventurers learn to just leave the friendly little fairies alone! That way, if the Adventurers in the Flower Fields choose to hunt for fairies, you will be able to spawn an Astral Body of your own in order to be a hidden Boss of the nesting grounds. You will also then become an optional Boss inside this new Dungeon I am thinking of, but the only way to get you to come out will be for Adventurers to start hunting down the remaining Fairies within the Dungeon after completing it the normal way. If they do defeat you, then unfortunately… they will be able to collect your wings, but I want you to fight them with everything at your disposal! The same goes for all of the smaller fairies, I want them to fight back and make those Adventurers regret thinking that they are just harmless friendly little fairies!” All of the fairies grew very excited upon learning that they could fight and defend themselves in the same way that Ashen once had… Watching in wonder as all the little fairies around her began to launch little balls of solar energy at each other in play, Ashen just began to laugh merrily as some of the playful attacks actually landed and a series of painful yelps rang out… Gathering up her followers and telepathically sharing all of the knowledge she had as a Nature Fairy with them, Ashen eventually looked back over at Asher; with tears streaming down the sides of her face, as she said in an extremely grateful manner, “Thank you so~ much for giving us permission to fight back… but how will we replenish our strength?” Merely holding out a hand, Asher suddenly felt an apple drop into her outstretched hand and then turned to smile over at where Chlori had decided to pop out of the ground, before saying to the fairies, “Just as you give back to Nature, so to shall Nature give unto thee! From now on, if you ever find yourself feeling weak after a battle against Adventurers, just fly around until you can find one these apples. I’m sure that they will curb your appetites and replenish all your strength!” Tossing the apple into the air over at the Fairies, Asher and Ashen watched in amusement as the small fairies became a swarm of hungry maws around the apple… As the seeds from the apple fell to the ground, Chlori swooped over to pick them up and handed them over to Ashen, with a delighted smile, as she asked gleefully, “You plant? Make happy-strong new me to provide for your bad-hungry friends?” Closing her hands around the seeds and nodded solemnly, Ashen then turned to look over at Asher, before saying sternly, “I hope you do not expect me to be able to wield the strength of this Forest Spirit as you once did in me, Master… because that is not the way a Nature Fairy battles.” Tilting her head off to one side, Asher then straightened her head and thought for a moment, before suddenly realizing something, “Your right! Now that I think about it… I don’t think that I have ever learned to properly fight with any of my forms… Do you… Could you teach me how to properly act as a Fairy?” Suddenly, a “presence” filled the air and caused Ashen to become slightly freaked out, as a familiar pair of arms wrapped around Asher’s neck… Staring over at Asher in disbelief, as an enormously powerful presence suddenly embraced the Demigod of the Forest, Fairy King Ashen quickly sheltered her fairies from the overwhelming presence of the all-mighty being next to Asher… Looking over in shock at the way that Ashen was reacting to the presence of Alyse, Asher just looked as confused as all the little fairies were; as they could not even perceive that anything had come into the area, while Alyse giggled playfully and said with amusement, “So you wish to learn how to be a Fairy, do you, Ashton? Well while I could help you to do that easily with your divine power, I would rather have you go to the Endless Fields and seek guidance from there… You might also walk away with a better understanding of Nature itself...” When Alyse disappeared right after that, Asher was not surprised when a greatly shaken Ashen nervously asked, “What was that, Master? I have never even felt such a being as that...” Smiling over at Ashen, the Demigod of the Forest just looked up into the skies after the Goddess of the world she was on and said in an amused manner, “She is nothing you need to be concerned about, Ashen, she is just a little lonely in this big ole world here and is just doing her best to ensure that she will have someone to speak with in the near future… Now then, back to what I was saying… I think I am going to go pay a visit to the Endless Fields and see what I can learn about myself from there… care to join me, Ashen?” Growing hesitant about agreeing to join Asher in going to the Endless Fields, Ashen was just about to tell her Master that her Mana Well was not yet full enough, when Asher simply waved one hand and opened a portal to the spiritual realm, before the Demigod said in amusement, “Hmph, go figure… Apparently as the owner of this part of the Forest, I can go in between realms as I please… I guess what she said about the Endless Fields being a great place for napping undisturbed was correct… Think you can walk the distance, Ashen?” Getting an annoyed scowl on her face in response, the annoyed Fairy King puffed out the corners of her mouth as she stomped her way over through the portal; as all the other fairies snickered in amusement at how Ashen had been so easily humiliated by Asher… Over in the Human Capitol city of Allmin, a lavish ceremony was being held for the fallen Human Representative to the Adventurer’s Guild, Cameron… While the décor and food being offered at the ceremony were a representation of Cameron’s stature within the city, the actual burial rites were the same as any other slain human. As tradition dictated, the body of a deceased Human was burned to ash inside a special furnace that required several Fire Mages to channel raging flames into a specially constructed kiln. The body would then be reduced to ashes completely, even the bones would get destroyed by the special kind of flames being channeled by these skilled mages. The spell being used by the mages was an ancient secret that the Human Nation kept in strict confidence after the great cataclysms and only began to use the magic after they began to discover that the bodies of humans would become undead monstrosities if left unattended… Sadly, the price for a cremation of a deceased body was staggeringly high for most common citizenry and so most people would be burned within their own graves, in the hopes of preventing the body from rising again… Despite their best efforts, only the Flames of Ockran were sufficient enough to put the bodies of Humans to rest permanently, since that was part of the Human Nation’s belief. Any other flames used to burn up a human corpse before burial would only serve to weaken the undead spawned forth from the body, which suited the commoners just fine. Skeletons were hardly that much of a threat to a village that boasted a Guild Hall and Human Adventurers were quite skilled at defeating such undead monsters. Normally, the spawning of Undead creatures was viewed as part of life outside the Capitol City and the towns under the sworn protection of Lords in service to the King… Only when a “powerful” Human died without a proper burial was there cause for worry, since they would then spawn ever Greater Undead monsters, but those kinds of deaths were very rare in this day an age… Thankfully, Cameron’s body was not left to rot or even in any need to be cremated, for he now served as King Andrew’s new Divine Protector of the Throne. Despite that fact, King Andrew knew that he could not just sweep Cameron’s disappearance under the rugs, so he instead went through a lot of effort and expense to make certain that no one would suspect what the wicked King had actually done with Cameron. Using the ashes of a soldier, who had also died alongside Cameron, as a substitute for creating the ashes which filled a burial urn dedicated to Cameron, King Andrew felt his cover story would hold up to most scrutiny. The only loose string was Jackson; since King Andrew was relying upon the gullible nature of the other Adventurers to avoid needing to deal with them as well, because the Guild-master of Arteni had a family connection with the issue… Entering the memorial service with a long cloak and hood drawn around him, Jackson was able to easily blend in among all of the fanciful mages present at the memorial service. Thankfully, the memorial service was open to all, so Jackson did not have to give away his identity at the entrance to the service. Quickly making his way up to the casket, Jackson stared down at the burial urn and all of the mementos being supposedly buried with his Uncle to prevent Cameron from having any reason to return to the living world, before adding his own memento out of familial obligation. Turning away to quickly walk out of the memorial service after doing that, Jackson knew he needed to make tracks quickly now that he had gone up to present a memento and basically told everyone that he had a “family” connection with the deceased… As the people at the gathering began to gossip about the stranger who had wished to remain anonymous when presenting a memento to such a highly regarded citizen such as Cameron, a couple of the guards loyal to King Andrew became curious. When they saw the Guild-master’s ceremonial weapons laying in the casket, they quickly ran off to alert the rest of the guards about Jackson’s presence within the city. Knowing of no other way to get out of the town safely, Jackson headed straight towards the Adventurer’s Guild Outpost in Allmin, because the area around the Outpost was considered neutral ground and so Jackson would be safe from the King Andrew’s forces within. Thankfully, there was no swarm of guards waiting for him outside the Guild Outpost and Jackson was able to walk right up without issue from any of the Guild’s guards posted outside the entrance… When the guards at the entryway gave him a suspicious look, however, Jackson just flashed his “official” Guild-master rank badge at them and they quickly grew tense before turning to “ignore” the cloaked stranger ghosting into the Guild Outpost… When the guards loyal to King Andrew rushed up over to them not more than ten seconds after Jackson passed them by, the Guild Guards just smiled knowingly. Playing coy when the King’s guards began to ask them if they had seen anyone strange entering the Guild Outpost, the Guild Guards had a roaring good time telling the King’s guards about all of the strange people they had seen going into the Guild Outpost that day alone. Once the game had been started by the two at the front of the entrance, the other Guild Guards began to come over to join in the fun and were soon all laughing heartily at some of the stranger sights they had seen walking through the town. Having darted over next to the entrance to hide from the guards when he heard them approach the entrance immediately after he got in, Jackson just smiled and let out a sigh of relief as the Guild Guards began to immediately do their “job” by preventing the City guards from entering the Outpost without reason… Jumping in fright when a hand suddenly dropped down on his shoulder, Jackson quickly almost had a heart-attack, until he heard a familiar female voice say sweetly, “Hey Brother, what’s got you all so jumpy today?” Blushing in embarrassment over the way he reacted to his sister merely coming over to greet him, Jackson then began to laugh with her merrily, before Jackson’s sister suddenly turned serious when the gate guards started to make a ruckus… Stomping over to the doorway, Jackson’s spitfire of a sister, Jessica, suddenly hollered incredibly loudly, “HEY! Get back to work, lazy louts! Save that kind of noise for when you get off-duty and are in the Lazy Susan Pub getting drunk off yer asses!” As the Guild Guards quickly returned to their posts and their regular duties, Jessica then turned her annoyed glare towards the source of the problem, where she angrily demands of the guards, “Oh what do you want? Did another Adventurer cause a ruckus in town? Just tell me their name and rank, I’ll go make sure their butts are in too much pain to be able to cause any trouble, you have my word!” Looking like merchants caught by blood-thirsty bandits, the Captain of the guards strode forward and firmly announced, “We are here on orders from his majesty, King Andrew. Has your Brother, Guild-master Jackson, been seen entering the premises of this Guild Outpost, Outpost-master Jessica?” Letting out a heated sigh, Jessica replied with her normal fire spitting, “Now look here, don’t you be bothering my High and Mighty brother when or if he ever decides to grace this wonderful Guild Outpost of mine with his presence! He works very hard to keep Arteni and his Guild Hall out there in Giant’s Forest safe, or should I say that he works harder than you lot! Now scram, Jackson ain’t here and there would have to be a pretty big emergency for him to ever need to come pay me a visit here! Most times, I can barely manage to get to report in on time!” Getting the hint that they would get nothing more out of her, the Guard Captain bade her good day and quickly lead his troop of soldiers away from the entrance to the Guild Outpost… Heading back inside and taking Jackson by the shoulder, Jessica had a great big smile on her face as she lead him away, while saying in an ominous manner, “Now then, big brother, let’s you and me go talk about why King Andrew’s lackeys were looking for ya!” Swallowing nervously, Jackson just chuckled nervously as he thought about what all he would be willing to say to his little sister as they headed towards her private Outpost-master chambers to talk… Back over in Giant’s Forest, after crossing over into the Endless Fields in their physical forms… Looking at her body to find that she still had a vaguely human appearance to herself, Asher suddenly realized that she had somehow become a he once more. Examining his new form curiously, Asher was displeased when he found the body only looked like a male, since the vital parts were missing. Shrugging after a moment of displeasure upon discovering he was technically an it, Asher began to walk forward towards the edge of his domain. Suddenly, the realm around him shifted and Asher quickly found himself standing on the outside of his domain… Quickly looking around in confusion, Asher was in for quite the shock when she turned around to look back at her domain and found the “section” of Giant’s Forest under her control to be thousands of miles high up in the air… Joined by Ashen a few moments, the Fairy King was quite confused by the way Asher was so freaked out, but upon turning around herself, quickly developed a look of disbelief when she saw how high up Asher’s domain had been lifted, before whispering quietly, “Um, did you ask Chlori to do that?” Shaking his wordlessly, with his jaw hanging open and eyes stretched wide open, Asher had no clue as to what was really going on, until a childlike spiritual representation of Chlori sprouted up before the pair while declaring proudly, “Nope, Master Asher not know I do this! I make home happy-protected! Now enemy not easily make sleepers attack home!” Just looking confused and shocked about what was going on, Asher was very grateful when Ashen explained in an exasperated manner, “What she means, Master, is that she elevated your domain from the surface of the Spiritual World to prevent anyone from summoning anything from this realm to fight you… not there is anything to be summoned from here that could actually do battle with you upon your domain and stand a chance of winning. Not with everyone and thing in your domain bowing to your will… Not even another Forest Spirit, like Chlori here, could manage to do anything more than try to slap you with their hands… Plus, because you are both physically and spiritually connected to the land, thanks in no small part to Chlori here… Master, you can basically take command over any spiritual being brought into your lands through your will alone. If they do not wish to serve you, then you can quite literally throw them out of your lands through sheer force of will. This, this is entirely unnecessary!” Pouting and drooping to the ground of the Endless Fields, Chlori looked like a little child pouting as Asher knelt down to say to her, “Thank you, for trying to protect my land from outsiders, but you don’t need to try to prohibit others from entering my lands… cause what if they want to join you, Leah, Ashen and everyone else in Giant’s Forest? I want my lands to be known for being a safe haven, where those within can play, have fun, get hurt and still be able to come back the next day to have that same fun all over again! So… would you please return my domain to it’s original position here in the Endless Fields and stop trying to scare off everyone, okay? I want to build bridges, not foreboding towers… say, that’s actually not a half-bad idea for a name of a Dungeon… I’ll have to try to work on that sometime...” Giggling happily over getting attention and praise from her Master, Chlori reluctantly put down Asher’s domain, while retracting all of the roots she had grown out around the landmass to ward off any spirits trying to sneak in… As the giant landmass was returning to the ground slowly, Asher suddenly became very worried about something, but then Ashen said; as if reading her Master’s thoughts, “Don’t worry, no one in the living world will even notice the shift… I’d be more worried about the… spies coming from this place. Even while I slept, I would occasionally sense spirits coming to look for me, but by that time I had grown so tuned in with the peaceful slumber that calls to every creature here that I was all but invisible to all other creatures hunting for me. I know that more than one set of eyes was watching me when I rose up to answer your call… The others here may not know you to be a Demigod of anywhere, but I am certain they noticed you acting through me while outside your domain. You will need to watch out for any Elves who become interested in meeting with you from now on… Not that I think they will be a threat to you, by any measure, but I would hate for one of them to try their luck with subjugating you to their will...” Upon hearing that and then having a very unpleasant thought flicker through her mind all of sudden, Asher suddenly exploded right out of her Astral Body… With the image of all creatures under her care being harvested; just like the fairies in Ashen’s haunting past were, filling her mind with a murderous fury, Asher suddenly transformed into a menacing wraith-like Nature Spirit… As her unbridled fury pulsated out from her as a warning to any who could hear her anger, Asher struggled for a moment, before slowly bringing her fury back inside her and wrapping herself back up with her exploded Astral Body. Both Ashen and Chlori looked absolutely terrified of what Asher had become, if but only for a moment, before quickly sharing a look as they telepathically swore to each other that they would never allow anything to happen to Asher to make their Master revert to such a hateful state. After taking a moment to gather her marbles and put them all in the right places again, Asher took a moment to apologize for frightening the other two with her outburst. Chlori hesitated before rushing over to hug Asher’s leg out of desperation to be comforted by the kind Master that had raised her from such a small flower into the beautiful Ascended Forest Spirit she now was. Reaching down to rub Chlori’s back gently, Asher was a little disheartened by the way Chlori actually trembled at his touch, but then he knelt down to look her in the face and smiled kindly over at her. When Chlori seemed unable to decide what she should do, Asher reached out and wrapped Chlori in a big hug; in an effort to show the little Forest Spirit that he was still the same kind person that befriended her so many months ago. Breaking out into a peaceful smile as she reached around to return her Master’s gentle hug, Chlori still shivered occasionally as the image of her Master growing uncontrollably angry appeared in her mind periodically… After sending Chlori back to her domain to watch over the forest in her absence, Asher looked over at the still freaked-out looking Ashen and asked playfully, “do you need a hug too?” Quickly thrusting her fists down at her sides, down from where she had been holding them underneath her chin fearfully, Ashen got a frustrated pout on her face, before she grumpily replied, “Do I look like I need a hug?!” Once her quick fiery outburst ended, the Fairy King quickly took hold of her elbows and shuddered slightly before saying in an uneasy manner, “I have never seen a creature look like that when angry… or even a creature capable of becoming that angry while within the peaceful realm of the Endless Fields… You shouldn’t even be able to grow angry like that here. Not to mention, the fact that you were not ejected from this place when you grew angry enough to change the appearance of your spirit… I would very much hate to see what would happen to you if anything ever dug their claws into you...” Coming over and trapping Ashen in a hug, Asher held the flustered Fairy King in his arms as he said gently, “Don’t worry, I am very much grounded in the way that I am… What you saw there was just simply me letting off some steam… so to speak. I honestly can’t say why I was allowed to remain inside this realm while like that, but I guess maybe since I was already here, I could not be rejected from entering this place. Either way, it’s done, the moment has passed and I am ready to begin trying to attune myself with the various natural being here.” Eventually breaking lose from Asher, the annoyed Fairy King just stomped off in a certain direction and growled for Asher to follow along… Walking up to what looked to be the remains of a temple structure some time later, Ashen pointed for Asher to enter, while saying uneasily, “This place has always been a sort of gathering ground for powerful spirits of the Endless Fields… but I have never been strong enough to enter this place… It almost reminds me of being in the presence of that Entity you were so casually speaking too… I’ll be here outside waiting...” Turning towards the overgrown entry archway, Asher walked into the strangely mortal-made looking structure… On the inside, several of the more powerful Entities within the Endless Fields all began to watch in amusement as a small mortal shaped being attempted to enter their sacred palace… To the utter shock and disbelief of all who dwelt within the Overgrown Temple, Asher was allowed entrance into the very heart of the Endless Fields without even so much as a fraction of hesitation from the natural energy field repelling any creature weaker than Demigod status from entering. Scrambling back in fright from the seemingly harmless looking being entering into their midst, the ancient and powerful creatures inhabiting the Overgrown Temple gazed down upon Asher with terror filled eyes. Choosing to ignore the other inhabitants for a moment, Asher began to go around and inspect the structure around him and began to notice the obvious signs that this structure was not constructed through natural means. Eventually growing tired of all the fearful looks he was getting, Asher faced towards the assembly of petrified Nature creatures and said in a painfully loud tone, “STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE I AM GOING TO KILL YOU AT A MOMENT’S NOTICE!” Having become so accustomed to the quiet serenity of the Endless Fields and the occasional rustling of grassy plains, to be suddenly bombarded by such a “loud” voice was more than enough to cause the ancient creatures to pass out completely… Appearing suddenly, as if summoned by the noisy outburst, a very freaked out looking Alyse magically took form within the center of the temple and upon seeing the passed out Demigods of the Nature Heaven on one side of the building, Alyse let out a frustrated sounding sigh as she turned towards Asher and muttered telepathically, “Oh of all the stupid things…. You cannot raise your voice in here… This is a spiritual plane… you must communicate through thought and will, not through VOLUME! These creatures have been here for an incredibly long time and have not even spoken one single word among themselves! The most they can do is just loiter around my damn temple because it’s the only hiding place they could find here… It is pitiful really, they used to be most powerful spiritual beings here, but after mortals began to slay all those who worshiped them, they retreated to here where no one could ever find them. These are all my children, so please, be gentle with them. They have only ever known hatred and anger while in the physical plane, here they just seek to dwell in peace… bunch a freeloaders!” Opening his mouth to speak, Asher quickly realized his mistake and sent his Astral Body back out into reality, before speaking telepathically with Alyse, “Sorry about that… kinda new with the whole being a Demigod thing… or have you already forgotten that this is only my second time here?” Suddenly breaking out into joyous laughter, the sound of Alyse laughing began to reverberate throughout the entire spiritual realm… As the other Demigods slowly roused from their unconscious states, Alyse turned over towards Asher with a pleased smile and said, “That is why I brought insisted you come here… I wanted you to see what happened to the servants I made from my very own soul… So that you could learn exactly why I want you to become a God as fast as you can so I can have some company!” With that, Alyse vanished from the realm and the rest of the Demigods all gasped in shock as they woke up just in time to see their Mistress retreat from the realm… Looking around at each other in a bewildered manner, since they had not seen their Mistress in ages, the other beings who attained Demigod status suddenly froze when someone from not among them telepathically cleared her throat… When all attention fell upon her again, Asher was sitting cross-legged, with her eyes closed and was smiling like a Cheshire cat, as she calmly asked telepathically, “Can we start over again? I have the feeling that we got off on the wrong foot… I am Asher, Demigod of a place called Giant’s Forest.” Looking around in confusion, one of the other creatures, a massive Bear Spirit, lumbered forward and said in great reverence, “I humbly greet you, Asher of Giant’s Forest… sadly I no longer remember my own name or region I once protected… For what reason have you come here? From the way you so brazenly walked in here while still wearing a living shell… I would have guessed that you still held ties to the physical plane.” Smiling over at the Bear Demigod, Asher inclined her head respectfully and responded kindly, “You guess correct, I do still have very strong ties with the physical plane, but it is because of those ties that I have been guided to this place. I seek advice on how to better fight in forms similar to yours.” Hearing that Asher sought knowledge with which to “fight” caused an alarmed outcry from all the other Demigod Spirits for a few moments… Understanding why they would be so upset over her seeking to wage battle with anyone and in any form, Asher held up her hands to settle down the agitated spirits, before saying very calmly, “I do not intend to start any wars that might upset your dearly beloved creator, instead I seek this knowledge so that I may better fight as the creatures of my home. You see, I seek to create a place of peace within the living world, where creatures such as yourself can live, eat and sleep in tranquility… until, of course, such a time as some unlucky Adventurers decide to poke their noses where they do not belong. All creatures within my domain can living happy with the knowledge that they are being watched over by me and know that when they perish I shall use my power to give birth to them anew in brand new bodies so that they might once more live. I also have created special locations where the creatures I have under my protection can give into their unending hatred for mortal species and fight without causing your Goddess to become upset with them. As for the Adventurers, they can come and go as they please within my domain, but they must accept the fact that they could very easily become lunch for any creatures under my watch.” As Asher shared her reasoning for seeking an audience with the great Demigods of old, the ancient spirits began to actually see what Asher had done with the area of Giant’s Forest she controlled… Suddenly shivering with renewed vigor and excitement, the Bear Demigod said with great enthusiasm, “Your home sounds truly wonderful! I wish that I could benefit from the home you have made, but alas… there cannot be two beings of the same power in a single location… One must be stronger than the other, so that the hierarchy can remain intact… so that all those within a domain remain loyal to only one...” Smiling when she heard that little tidbit, Asher’s spiritual representation suddenly developed an unsettling smile and began to warp out of the serene collection of spiritual energy in the form of a mortal body, until suddenly her body snapped back into it’s original form, while Asher said ominously, “That won’t be a problem very soon… for you see, I intend to become a God!” When all of the Demigod Spirits became frozen with shock over the declaration and started to cower in fear of their Mistress’ wrath, Asher’s unsettling grin quickly returned as she continued on in a manner that made her seem to have gone completely mad, “What’s the matter? Afraid your big, bad mommy is going to come back down here to chastise me? Heh, heh, funny thing about that, who do you think is GUIDING me to become a GOD?” Trembling when they began to feel the raw power emanating from the being appearing as a mortal before them, the Demigods all began to grow worried for themselves… Standing up and walking over into the center of the temple, Asher declared proudly, as she allowed her will to wash over the other Demigods, “You may be content to just sleep away all of existence in here, but while you sleep, peacefully, the rest of your kind; of all creatures with an affinity for Nature, are suffering constantly because of your negligence! When I come back here, very soon I might add, I will be coming back here as a God and do not think that I will just allow you to waste away here in the Spiritual Realm! If you want to rest after I become GOD, then you will have to work for that rest!” As they began to feel the strength of Asher’s willpower and spiritual strength, all the other Demigods slowly began to start to bow to her, but… Upon noticing the way the other Demigods were trying to bow in submission to her, Asher suddenly screamed telepathically, “DON’T!” Getting forced to sit upright and becoming very alarmed by the fact that Asher already had the power to do so, the Demigods just stared over at her with terrified eyes once more, as she growled in annoyance, “Do not bow your heads to me and please, for the love of god, stop looking at me like I am the only MONSTER here! I said that I would be back to take my place as God of this realm, so hold your heads up high and keep your damn vows of subservience to yourselves!” Unknowingly transmitted what she “feared” would happen to her if she were to become a “God” right then, the other Demigods all tried their best not to laugh over the absurd image of Asher being unable to stop her physical body from spewing out endless volumes of cum into the awaiting pussies of her wives… Taking in a deep breath and inhaling all of the agitated energy in the entire area, before breathing out a wave of utter tranquility, Asher began to breath in the energy of the Endless Fields rhythmically, as she once asked, “Would you please teach me how to better act like each of you, so that when; in the near future, I call upon you to act as my corporeal forms, I will be able to make full use of your bodies and powers...” Now getting a better understanding of what the future God of Nature wished to learn, the Demigods all nodded their heads and began to establish their own connections with Asher’s mind to prepare the way for when they merged into her very soul upon attaining the status of a God… Heading back over to the capitol city of Allmin, in the privacy of the Outpost-master’s private quarters, Jackson and Jessie were discussing the current state of affairs which brought them together after many years… After the both of them had taken the time to get comfy and Jessica had poured both of them drinks from a bottle she had bought specifically for this sort of occasion, but before either them decided to take a drink, Jessica started off the discussion by asking curiously, “So… can I take it that the little scene out front was your way of declining becoming the next Human Representative of the Adventurer’s Guild?” Getting a dark look on his face, Jackson just peered down into his cup, before answering in a sour manner, “Do you really think that was why King Andrew personally sent one of his own guard squads to drag me before him for such a reason?” Tensing in the process of lifting up her own cup to her mouth, Jessica suddenly set aside the cup and became very interested in what Jackson was insinuating, before inquiring for more info, “So then… are the rumors being whispered about in every dark corner true then? Did Uncle actually betray the Nation of Eplor?” Holding up a hand to stop his sister right there, Jackson just let out an annoyed sigh, before saying ominously, “I do not even know what is being spread about Uncle Cameron’s death right now! I barely had the time to go present my own memento before I had to rush over here soon as people starting to recognize me. You saw it yourself… if I had been even a couple seconds slow on getting over here… King Andrew would have had me in the palm of his greedy hands.” Letting out a frustrated sigh, Jackson took in a deep breath and put on his game-face as he added seriously, “Before I go on any further with what I know, I need to know what you have been told about this whole incident with Uncle Cameron… I am only aware of what went on before and the results that came about because of what happened when Uncle Cameron arranged a meeting between King Andrew and the Divine Guardian of Giant’s Forest.” Spitting out what little of her drink she had managed to suck down while Jackson had been recovering his senses, Jessica had been completely unprepared for the bombshell her brother just dropped on her lap… Blinking several times over at Jackson, with wide eyes and a slack-jawed expression on her face, Jessica had to take a moment to address the very important bit of information Jackson had just revealed to her, “Giant’s Forest has a Divine Guardian!?! Why didn’t you… wait… is that why Uncle Cameron came flying out of the communication’s center like a Demon King was after him? No wonder he went straight to the King after that… I had no clue what had went on, but he told me not to worry about you anymore when I tried to see what was up that day. I did not have any chance to see him again after that, since that very same day he packed up with the King to go see something miraculous that had just been reported to him. Guess I now know what had him in such a frenzy… Let me guess, King Andrew probably royally pissed of your new Divine Guardian and had his guards tried to subdue the creature, which then lead him to sending out the Throne’s Divine Guardian?” Smiling when his sister put things together from just a tiny bit of information, Jackson just kindly reminded her that he was still in the dark and so Jessica said in a grumpy manner, “Oh… right. Well, according to King Andrew, after following Uncle Cameron’s instructions to whatever miraculous happening had just occurred within the Eplor, they were attacked by an unidentified force. Before they even knew what was going on, a good majority of the guards King Andrew brought with him were slain and the King was forced to call upon the aid of Henry Sweeney, the Divine Guardian of the Throne. Then, according to King Andrew, the enemy brought forth a Being of even greater power than that of a Divine Guardian and that caused Henry’s physical form to be destroyed. Uncle Cameron then rushed out to defend the King and threw Henry’s Oath sword back at King Andrew, before urging the King to retreat. We both know how good of a fighter Uncle Cameron is without his Legendary Armor on, so you can assume how the fight went from that point on. King Andrew was able to retreat back to the Capitol and claims that Uncle Cameron gave him permission to use that Legendary Armor; which Uncle Cameron has never felt could be trusted in the hands of anyone else, to make a new body for Henry to inhabit.” Listening to the whole story with a placid face, Jackson eventually swore something foul, before declaring angrily, “Bullshit! I won’t go into much detail about what actually happened over at Giant’s Forest, but I will tell you this much. King Andrew’s guards never engaged with anything and there was no ambush. The one being ambushed was the Divine Guardian I personally had escorted out of the forest to meet with King Andrew on more neutral grounds… Have you ever had to stand idly by as one of the most beautiful creatures you have ever had the honor of seeing in the flesh was decapitated for merely telling a spoiled brat the word NO!? I should have stopped that fight before it even began… but...” Watching Jackson’s body language the entire time, Jessica could tell that something was wrong when her normally expressive brother suddenly refused to budge an inch; other than to tremble with pent up emotions, so asked tenderly, “What happened, Jackson? Did the King say something to you that made you hold your tongue or something?” Getting a haunted look in his eyes, Jackson just turned his gaze towards the ground and said while continuing to hold his hands together in front of him, “The King is not the one I am most upset with… cause while I may wish to go up to him and give him a good sound smack to the face… an even stronger being made certain to give King Andrew a humbling experience in what having real power and complete command over that power is like. No, I am more upset over the way Uncle Cameron casually instructed me to just… abandon Arteni when I tried to convince the King to stop trying to steal away the Divine Guardian of Giant’s Forest. How could he tell me that… I have invested so much of my life to protecting that place and making it safe… how could he just tell me to so effortlessly abandon that place because I am an Adventurer...” Immediately getting a red flag flying in her mind, Jessica began to grow worried until Jackson suddenly looked up at her with a very dangerous sheen over his darkened eyes and then froze when she heard the one thing she had always wished to hear Jackson say to her, “I am refusing my position as rightful successor to Uncle Cameron’s position… because if being a politician of the Adventurer’s Guild makes someone willing to just abandon a few for the benefit of the MANY… I will never allow my values to be compromised like that! I want to offer you a deal, Jessica, one that can benefit us both if you play your cards just~ right.” Now completely enraptured by what Jackson was saying, Jessica listened carefully as Jackson laid out a carefully thought out plan to get him removed from the line of succession and get her skyrocketed to the top of that list… About an hour after being spotted entering her offices, Jessica was seen leading the same hooded stranger over towards the Lazy Susan pub… Once inside, Jessica made her way over to the bar, greeting the regulars of the tavern with her typical demeanor, while the shady hooded character just followed along behind her in silence. While Jessica was doing her job of keeping the others at ease inside the tavern, Jackson was taking advantage of having his face hidden within his hood to observe as spies took up position around the room discretely. After sitting down at the counter, Jessica ordered a couple of strong drinks as she sat down with the stranger accompanying her and acted as if nothing was amiss. As the bartender, a lady affectionately called Susan after the name of Pub, came over with their drinks, Jackson pulled off his hood and caused all eyes watching the pair to grow wide with alarm… Before either of them had even touched their mugs, Jessica and Jackson turned to side when the loud voice of a seasoned veteran Adventurer called out happily, “Jackson! You old dog! I thought you hated being inside big cities like this fine place right here? Didn’t you always say that you’d rather be out fighting than rusting away with a drink in hand?” With the finesse that only a few could attain, Jackson somehow managed to draw one of his swords in his left hand without giving away his movement and fired back in a fiery manner, “You saying I’m rusty, Braker? I’d hope you know, by now, that them’s fightin’ words!” Raising up his hands in surrender, with a lopsided smirk on his face, the Dwarf then quickly retorted in a joking manner, “And what do you expect me to do against ye? If memory serves me right, the last time we had a scuffle and I put even so much as a scratch on yer wee little noggin, I got me arse tossed out by that there fine lass sitting right next to ya!” Leaning back in her seat and giving Braker a devilish glare, Jessica then broke out into a smile and growled threateningly, “And I would do it again, Braker, provided you haven’t put on too much of a beer gut since that time!” The whole tavern roared in amusement and returned to being it’s noisy self, providing a much needed sound barrier… As Braker turned around to take a swig off his mug, the keen-eyed Adventurer began to notice all of the wide-eyes staring over at Jackson and Braker began to smile a little as he started to get at what the pair were up too by coming to the Tavern in such a strange manner… Having to quite literally jump up onto the seat right next to Jackson, Braker called out in a boisterous manner, “Oi! Lazy Susan! I’d like to get a fresh round for everyone here! We need to have a toast to the return of Jackson the Swashbuckler! ‘Cause I know fer certain he should be neck deep in troubles over at Giant’s Forest and he still made time to come visit us!” That caused another joyous cheer to erupt from the patrons of the Pub and drew in even more people to see what all the commotion was about… Nodding his gratitude to Braker, Jackson then spun around on his seat and took the lighter drink that Braker had ordered for everyone… As Jackson got up to make a toast, the whole tavern grew eerily quiet, as they had been expecting Braker to be the one to initiate the toast, until he suddenly announced, “I wish to hold a toast in honor of my late Uncle Cameron! Despite what nasty rumors may have been started, he was an Adventurer through and through! And for that reason, I wish to publicly announce my resignation from the line of succession to his post!” Everyone in the Pub all remembered what kind of person Jackson was and so they all respectfully raised their mugs to his declaration, before joining him in taking a drink… Raising up his mug again, however, Jackson then gestured for his sister to come forward and then said rather amusingly, “Now then, with that out of the way, I wanna express my support for this fiery little tart right here next to me! While I have never had any intention of being a politician, my sister here could make all of your heads spin with some of the legal jargon she’s picked up from my Uncle! To my sister, Jessica, as the new Human Representative of the Adventurer’s Guild!” With that taken care of and in one the most public manners, Jessica looked out into the crowd and focused on specific Adventurers until they returned her gaze… Gesturing for those Adventurers to follow them, Jessica then took Jackson towards one of the backrooms inside the Pub, where those who preferred to drink in privacy could be alone… When they entered what they thought to be an empty room, however, a startled voice sputtered out, amid chocking sounds, “Jackson! The hell you doing back here...” Turning towards the voice who had called out to him and breaking out into a wide smirk, Jackson went over to another seasoned veteran Adventurer, while saying in a friendly manner, “Vance, hey, long time no see! How’s one of the only Human Warlocks doing?” Crying out in disgust and spitting into his cup, Vance set aside the drink now that his mouth had become soured to it’s taste, then answered in a grumpy manner, “Still having to deal with the occasional upstart Dark Elf Adventurer coming around to curse my name! Thankfully, I just have to hold up an orb of Balefire and they go squealing away from me! Say, how’s my little cousin Zelin doing at your place in Arteni?” Chuckling happily over the comment Vance made about how the Warlock scared off obstinate Dark Elves, Jackson just sat down next to one of his old adventuring buddies and said tiredly, “Zelin is still the same Summoner he was when you sent him over my way… It’s just too bad that you’re stuck here in Allmin, what on account of you subjugating a Demon that was in the process of being summoned into the world by that Demon Worshiper cult. Oh, I hope you don’t mind that we are about to bring in a lot of company into here?” Tensing when Jackson mentioned “more” people coming, Vance quickly pulled up his cowl and pulled a face mask that had been resting down around his neck… Thankfully, Vance just finished putting on his “game-face” just as the others following Jessica and Jackson started to file into the room… Once everyone in the room was gathered, Jackson took a seat on the opposite side of the table where his sister Jessica was sitting and announced to all of the witnesses, “I’m guessing most of you can probably guess what I had been up too out there in the Pub, but right now I want all of you to stand witness to me signing over my rights as the next in line successor to my Uncle’s position as Guild Rep to the Human Nation.” Taking out a piece of paper and writing out that he was bequeathing his position in the line-of-succession to Jessica, Jackson then signed the paper himself before sliding the slip of paper over to his sister… Jessica then penned her name to the piece of paper, before having everyone else behind her come over to sign themselves as witnesses to the exchange. Then Jessica had one of her assistants bring over a very official looking stamp and an ink well in order to make the document an official declaration of Jackson willingly signing over the position as successor to the position of Guild Rep. All of the Adventurers in the room knew both of the siblings and so understood that Jackson was only doing this sort of thing in private so that he could avoid having to stay in Allmin any longer than he needed too. Once the signing was legalized and sent in to be registered by the Adventurer’s Guild Ministry, the others in the room all began to head back out to take advantage of the drinks that Braker had bought earlier… Before she could get up to leave, however, Jessica was surprised when Jackson took hold of her sleeve and gave her a “look” to signify that there was something else he wanted to make “official”… Waiting until the others had all left, even Vance, Jackson pulled out another rolled up piece of paper and said, “I can’t tell you everything about what went on over at Giant’s Forest and you probably think that I am just trying to protect you, but I’m not. Jessica… have you ever faced an Ascended Being?” Blinking in confusion, Jessica just laughed in a relieved manner, before saying with a smile, “Well I have been to the Elven Lands before...” Quickly shaking his head, Jackson had an almost wild-eyed look about him when he said in a more serious manner, “No… I’m not talking about those ancestors that the Elves spend generations of their own species to make stronger… I am speaking about a wild Ascended Being, one who has attained that power and rank all by themselves.” Growing pale when the implications of what Jackson was asking her about finally sunk in, Jessica quickly then asked, “Wait, is that why you were unable to make a report for so long? Is there really a threat that strong in Giant’s Forest?” Breaking out in laughter over the idea of there being an Ascended Level threat in Giant’s Forest, Jackson then said, “I’m going to guess that King Andrew confiscated all of the papers in Uncle Cameron’s office when the charges of Betrayal were stuck to him, but I am pretty certain that King Andrew only wished to control what kind of information you would stand to obtain after taking over his position. King Andrew seeks to gain control over me because of what I saw during the battle that he started at Giant’s Forest and too keep me in check with the threat of doing the same thing to me as what he did to Uncle Cameron. Gasping when everything finally clicked into place, Jessica was horrified when she learned the truth behind their Uncle’s Armor being used as the new body for Henry Sweeney, but before she could utter a single word, Jackson firmly said, “Keep that to yourself! No one else can know what King Andrew did… he is capable of terrible things in the name of keeping the sanctity of his throne secured and I do not want to hear about you suddenly betraying the King too. Instead, I am going to give you this: a sworn oath of secrecy. With it, I want you to force our dearly beloved King Andrew to help me with setting up an Outpost inside Giant’s Forest. I won’t explain why I need an Outpost there, but I will say this… Giant’s Forest is starting to wake up and that means I am going to need more than a handful of garrisoned Adventurers to help me deal with the problems that are going to be popping up this next spring… I will need the funding to start constructing Training Grounds, a full-size Barracks for those in trainer positions, and I’ll also need to turn my Guild Hall into a Tavern the size of the Lazy Susan Pub. If you can agree to do that, then I will give you this pledge to secrecy and you can then use this pledge as leverage against King Andrew!” Drafting up a writ of agreement, Jessica made the bargain official and sent that away to the Adventurer’s Guild Ministry as well, then graciously accepted the piece of paper guaranteeing the silence of “Arteni” on the subject of King Andrew’s visit to Giant’s Forest… A few days later, after ensuring Jackson got out of the city covertly, Jessica entered the King’s chambers with all the rest of Uncle Cameron’s relatives to stake her claim for his position… The majority of her relatives believed that they had an advantage over her, since Jessica was only part of the family and not related by blood to Uncle Cameron, while the rest felt the backing of their high-ranking supporters would win them the day. Sadly, when Guild Rep Cameron’s final will and testament was read out loud, the others were alarmed to learn that out of all of them, only Jessica was mentioned by name in the will. Still thinking they had a chance to contest her for the position, since Jackson was the only written in as a direct successor; with Jessica only being a candidate if Jackson were to refuse. That was the moment when Jessica presented the officially recognized document from the Adventurer’s Guild that legitimately named her as Jackson “replacement” for being the successor of Cameron’s position… When she offered to bring in all of the witnesses who had signed the piece of paper and witnessed the handing over of the right to succession, the rest of Cameron’s relatives all quickly admitted defeat by turning to leave the chambers… Waiting until after the others had all left the room, Jessica was in the process of pulling out her leverage against the King, when he then curiously asked, “Speaking of Jackson… where is he? I was under the impression that he had come to Allmin to pay his respects to your dearly departed Uncle Cameron, but when I sent some guards to fetch him so that this reading of Cameron’s last testament could be taken care of quickly, they returned to tell me that they lost sight of him...” Holding out the rolled up piece of paper, Jessica unfurled the piece of paper both she and Jackson signed, before reading out loud in a calm precise voice, “In my place, I leave this piece of paper in the hands of my sister, Jessica, in order to guarantee the silence of myself and those Adventurers who joined me during the incident that occurred at the edge of Giant’s Forest when King Andrew came to meet with the Divine Guardian of Arteni.” All of sudden, the cool calm face of King Andrew gave way to one filled with a mixture of nervousness and outrage over what was being done against him right then… Quickly ordering the room to be cleared out, King Andrew had the looked of a trapped animal trying to chew off it’s own leg to escape, as he escorted Jessica into the some more private rooms… Once inside the private chamber, King Andrew activated some magical wards to prevent anyone from spying on what was being discussed within, before getting a dark look to his eyes as he demanded of Jessica, “Give me one reason why I should not just have you killed for being a conspirator of Cameron’s…” Pulling out another slip of paper and holding up for the King to peruse, Jessica's face was soon covered with a smug look of satisfaction as the King read the second private agreement that Jackson made with only her, before saying in a very manipulative manner, “Oh trust me, my liege, you want me as your Kingdom’s Guild Rep or else the truth about what you did over at Giant’s Forest and the actions you took thereafter will be the talk of all the Nobles. I’m certain that they all have their suspicions, since it is well known that my Uncle Cameron would never willingly gift his precious Legendary Armor to anyone who he did not see fit to wear it. Not to mention, I do believe that Uncle Cameron made his armor as part of his original final will and testament! So… unless you want to have your great name dragged through the mud and have this entire Kingdom turned against you, I would highly suggest you listen to me right now.” Even though ever fiber of his being was screaming at him to have this cheeky woman, who thought she could actually blackmail him, executed by the very person who caused the mess he was now trying to cover up, King Andrew just soothed his fury and asked in a very serious manner, “What do you want, Guild Rep Jessica?” Feeling ever so confident, now that she had the King by his proverbial balls, Jessica just smiled in a shrewd manner and replied with, “It is not what I want that you should be concerned with, King Andrew, for I have already attained everything I was hoping to. With the position of Guild Rep for the Kingdom of Eplor now mine, I must uphold my end of the bargain made to my brother Jackson in return for his sighed vow for the silence of Arteni in this terrible matter. What Jackson wants from you, King Andrew, is the funding and resources to turn that measly Guild Hall he has in Arteni into a full-sized Guild Outpost!” Grunting in shock over what Jackson was demanding from him, King Andrew was about to scream that what Jackson was asking for was ridiculous, but then Jessica silenced him by saying in a very quiet and very unnerving manner, “You already know of the terrors waking up within Giant’s Forest, your majesty, so don’t think that Jackson’s request is quite rather appropriate from what I am certain to find within the last couple of reports made by my Uncle Cameron before his rather untimely demise here in the capitol?” Clenching his hands into fists and trembling in frustration as all his quick thinking was back-firing upon him, King Andrew felt that his back was up against a wall… Before he could do anything rash, Jessica then playfully told King Andrew as she ever so confidently sashayed her way outside of the private room, “Don’t think of this as being blackmailed, King Andrew, think of this as a way to keep Jackson so~ busy that no one will be able to talk to him about anything that does not have to do with his new Outpost. By the time everything is finished, everyone will have forgotten all about my Uncle Cameron and will be whispering about whatever new mistake you have made.” Flinching upon hearing that and then taking the time to think through what Jessica was saying, King Andrew suddenly realized that what she was saying was correct… Heading out of the private chambers, King Andrew summoned up all of his advisers and began to discuss with them about how quickly he would be able to funnel resources over into Arteni to transform the city into a final bastion against the monsters now lurking within Giant’s Forest. Days later, King Andrew would address the Lords and Ladies loyal to his crown; asking them each for a contribution towards the Guild Outpost he was planning on constructing inside Giant’s Forest to combat the threats popping up with. Of course, there was some cause for concern about the necessity of a Guild Outpost in such a location, but King Andrew already knew how to win over the officials of his kingdom. As King Andrew quickly worked his silver tongue over the Lords and Ladies of the lands, Jessica was quickly moving into her new post as Guild Rep of Eplor… Once she had access to all the information her Uncle had and learned about the threats that Jackson had only lightly touched base on, Jessica went to have a serious talk with her brother. When she learned that something strong enough to create Dungeons to lock away the more violent monsters had appeared within Giant’s Forest, Jessica immediately began to send out calls for aid to every Guild-master who would listen to her. Going to a meeting between Guild Reps, Jessica was quick to bring up the troubles brewing within Giant’s Forest, but then she learned that the Human Kingdom was not the only kingdom to have the birth of an unimaginably strong monster to deal with. Thankfully, when she brought up the fact that the problems in Giant’s Forest were just in need of more bodies to keep the Dungeons cleared out of problematic monsters, Jessica found herself overwhelmed with offers from the other Representatives to have their “younglings” sent over to the Giant’s Forest to help further Jackson’s agenda… While all that had been going on in the waking world, one certain Demigod was just waking back up from deep within the Endless Fields and left the Temple of Peace with a newly attained “connection” to all things of Nature causing the very fabric of the Nature Heaven to weave around her very “will”…
Godhood Reincarnation General Information These are merely just some of my notes, taken straight from my notebooks, so please understand that not all details may be there, since half of my story is in the written form and the rest is safely kept secret in my the vast labyrinth of my mind... Nymph > Dryad > Treant > Forest Spirit (female) Malboro > Alraune > Ent > Forest Spirit (male) In general, Forest Spirits are what these creatures are called, quite literally living spirits of Nature itself and by becoming one with Nature in the physical world, they are able to progress naturally along their progression. Forest Spirits are considered Greater Beings of Nature because they can only be born from Highborn Elves who possess a stronger affinity towards the power of Nature, or rarely from a Forest Elf that has become so devoted to Nature that the gates to the Endless Fields are opened up to them at the end of their lives. As Greater Beings, they typically start out as Spirit Protectors and progress into Divine Guardians when they develop into their second stages, before finally becoming Ascended beings when they reach the level of an Ascended Being. Their progression along their growth tree is directly tied to their progression as spiritual beings, but there are some who do not progress past being Divine Guardians, despite progressing into their third state. Even before most of the mighty Nature Creatures retreated into the Endless Fields to avoid persecution, actual Forest Spirits were such a rarity that they were believed to exist only in myths and legends. Drone > Worker Drone > Harvester > Gardener > Florist Drone > Locust > Builder > Architect Drone > Handmaiden > Hive Queen Drone > Hunter > Predator > Head Hunter Drone > Merchant Drone > Drone King > Hive King Drone > Hive-caster > Pheromancer Drone > Guardian > Commander > Bladewing > Supreme Commander Bee-girls, or Drones, typically only came in one of seven variants until Hive King Ashton began to shake things up with new ideas from outside the collective of a Hive-mind. Also, by granting names to members of these new breeds, Ashton also succeeded in creating brand new Commander Rank members within the Hive to help manage and support all the different types of Drones, reliving some of the stress that Hive Queen Constance would have stood to face in organizing the Hive. A Hive Queen's primary responsibility, aside from giving birth to new members of their respective Hives, is to maintain the Hive-mind connection within their Hives and provide instructions for all those who are underneath her command. Within other Hives, Drones are inspected upon birth and then inducted fully into the Hive-mind by a Commander; acting as the inspector, after their purpose has been discovered from close inspection of particular body features. Unlike what happened in the past, Hive Kings should have been able to unite the various Queens and establish territories for them to provide protection for the plant creatures they relied upon to produce honey to subside on, but the war-like nature of mortals sadly corrupted the past Hive Kings. Known Hive Queens within Giant's Forest: North – Eira Northeast - ??? Northwest - ??? South – Hive was destroyed by Adventurers and split into two other Hives. Southwest – Harriet Southeast – Priscilla West – Talathiel East - ??? Center – Constance’s Other Known Hive Queens: Hive Queen Evelyn – Deceased Nightmare Creature Ranks: Embodiment – Formless masses of dark thoughts which come to life into the form of black mist-like beings. These entities are able to then feed upon whichever kind of thoughts gave life to them, which include but are not limited too; Fear, Hatred, Doubt, Despair, Anger, Pride, Violence, and Insanity/Madness. Any experience gained by someone that an Embodiment has latched onto is absorbed into the Nightmarish Being when the abomination leaves it's current host. Embodiments are beings comprised entirely of the mind and therefore are not actually supposed to be able to stay out in the waking world. They are able to circumvent this restriction by quickly locating a living host for them to feed off of and will whisper into the dreams of their host to incite the kind of thoughts they wish to feed upon. Manifestations are comparable to Spirit Protectors in power, but are only able to overpower other creatures when they sleep outside their established domains or by carefully reaching out to minds from within one of their two established homes and establishing a connection to the minds of creatures who are experiencing a bout of intense emotional distress. Manifestation – This is what Embodiments become after surviving long enough in the waking world to lay claim to flesh for themselves. In the waking world, the Sleeping Swamp and the Twisting Nightmare, all Manifestations appear to be little more than unstable masses of flesh mixed in with sinew. In the dreams and eyes of those they are feeding upon, however, a Manifestation is able to take on the form of whatever flesh they have claimed for themselves. This allows for Manifestations to choose what kind of creatures they wish to specialize in feeding upon for later and the more minds they consume fully, the more they learn about the species they have selected. These Creatures of Nightmare can be compared to Divine Guardians in strength, but since they are physically weak, they rely upon trickery and guile to fool their prey into thinking that the Manifestations are something to be trusted. Old One – A Creature of Nightmare that has existed for a very long time and has devoured enough minds in order to be able to stabilize their physical form through thought alone. Despite what kind of species they may have taken their flesh from, Old One's usually appear in the form of gigantic leviathans when within a mortal's dreams, the Sleeping Swamp or the Twisting Nightmare, but are revealed to be no more than tiny squid-like beings when called forth into the waking world by summoners. Old Ones are on the same playing field as Ascended Beings and can easily force their ways into another being's territory before tricking their target into believing that they are an ally to be trusted. Due to their solid physical bodies, they are able to fight physically, but prefer to use their incredible mental prowess to overpower their targets when their prey is in a weakened state. Ancient One – ??? ??? – ??? All Nightmare Creatures instinctively act upon the need to feed upon the minds of those weaker to them and so for them to fight a being on equal terms with them in power is very rare, but not unheard of. Sadly, they can only gain experience from those typically one rank below them, but food is food to these hungry creatures, so unless a creature are helping them to find more food, they'll happily devour any mind until little of the mind's original self remains. Those who are devoured by Nightmare Creatures slowly become more and more erratic, as they slowly degenerate into psychopaths who only act upon the whispers echoing in their minds. The worst part about Creatures of the Nightmare, however, is that unless they are removed from their host, the host slowly becomes incapable of functioning without the commands of their nightmarish masters. This makes those who are fed upon by Creatures of Nightmare for too long very vulnerable to manipulation by another monstrosity from either the Sleeping Swamp or the Twisting Nightmare. Strangely, despite their overwhelming power to subjugate the minds of the weak, the Creatures of Nightmare do not actually hold that much power in the waking world of Drazan and only rarely does one of these monstrosities gain a solid foothold within Drazan when they are fortunate enough to make contact with a desperate enough mortal who summons them. No one really knows what is preventing the forces of the Twisting Nightmare from trying to take over the waking world, but the Gnomes who have joined the reclusive order known as the Mages of the Mind claim responsibility for keeping the Nightmare constantly at bay. Twisting Nightmare – ??? Sleeping Swamp – The home of the ??? and is located within the lands of the uh'enythh (Beasts). The lloiggshogg hh' slumber mgep bogs cahf uh'enythh ph' nnn ahnythor mgsyha'h ah awakened, lest mgehye befall shuggog (the horrors which slumber beneath the bogs that the beasts watch over should never be awakened, lest ruin befall the world) Spirit Protector > Divine Guardian > Ascended Being > Demigod > God > ??? > ??? While this classification of monster type can be applied to all monsters, even Demons strangely, some species of monsters have their own special ranking systems due to the mortals who worshiped the Gods that the monsters were spawned by originally. Spirit Protector would equate to the leader of a pack of animals, usually a King of said pack, but to be a Spiritual Protector of a species requires such a creature to be recognized by the pack and the surrounding monsters as such a being. This kind of recognition can sometimes promote the use of magic in a creature, but always brings a change in size and overall power. Another way to become a spiritually connected being is to gain the respect and recognition of a more powerful Spiritual Being, thus allowing the powerful creature to effectively deputize the one seeking to reach higher heights. Spirit Protector – The protector of a small group of it's own species, usually a pack or Hive of similar creatures. Being a spiritually connected being means that the group following such a creature contributes their own spiritual strength to the one now defending them. This link is what allows such creatures to learn how to make use of their own magic, even if that magic is only the power to grow stronger by becoming more enraged; like Uroks and Ogres do. That link also serves to protect the minds and souls of those who share in the connection, as well as allow the Spirit Protector to know when someone in their following is under attack. Spirit Protectors can also be summoned creatures (Dryads, Demons, Angels, Elementals, Dragons, Undead, etc.) who protect mortal worshipers, but they are limited in how far away from their home that they can protect their followers. Divine Guardian – Unlike Spirit Protectors, who are limited to a single group or species of followers, Divine Guardians protect all living beings within their domain and from that pledge they grow very connected with all living things in their territory. From this connection, the Divine Guardians gain unrestricted vision or omniscient knowledge of what is going on within their domain. Divine Guardians are also able to lay down laws upon those benefiting from their protection and the more their followers agree with their terms, the more power a Divine Guardian stands to gain from their worshipers. Sadly, most creatures are unable to overcome their inherent hatred for other elemental affinity based creatures and mortals races alike, so many only become Spirit Protectors, but that only means that when a Divine Guardian is discovered that does not discriminate against mortals, every ruling nation wants to obtain the loyalties of such a creature before anyone else can. Divine Guardians can also send out their mind in an Astral Projection form to places within their territory that draw their attention, but in doing so place their bodies in a vulnerable state while their mind is outside their body and away from their soul. Ascended Being – Becoming an Ascended Being requires one thing, which is for a creature to be so connected to their territory that they become able to separate their very souls from their bodies and remain in the living world without being pulled into the afterlife. They also become so attached to the lands they protect that they can manifest physical bodies around their projected souls to have physical forms where ever they have journeyed too within their territory. As they become stronger and thus their connection to their territory grows, Ascended Beings can learn how to place Dummy Souls within their Astral Bodies to prevent themselves from suffering any damage while they are exploring their domain in spirit form and then will dismiss the soul back to the afterlife when they are done. Demigod – These are beings who have learned how to not only create separate Astral Bodies, but have been able to understand how to give life to these bodies and the Dummy Souls placed within. Demigods are able to quite literally spawn their own Spirit Protectors, Divine Guardians and Ascended Beings to help them watch over their ever expanding territory, but they can also join forces with other living spiritual being as well. In addition to being able to give life to their Astral Bodies, Demigods become so spiritually connected to their own Afterlives that they can use Transcendent or Godlike magic in order to actually prevent the deaths of their worshipers, but doing so burns up a lot of power, experience or essence of their elemental affinity. Thankfully, due to Demigods being the quite literal owners of spiritual realms, they can use vast amounts of power from these spiritual locations without drawback. On the same note, Demigods typically also have territories fully capable of producing and returning the energy that they draw upon to cast such powerful works of magic. God – A being that has come into command of both lesser and greater beings of their elemental affinity, or, in other words, have become the Demigod to multiple spiritual planes. This means that to become the God of Darkness, Nature or Light, a spiritual being would have to become recognized as the rulers of both spiritual realms connected to that specific element. Sadly, there has only ever been one God living upon Drazan and that was the God of Peace, Alyse, who was created by all mortal races, so had that many different elements under her protection. In becoming a God of an elemental affinity, one ceases to be worried about trivial things, such as eating, interacting with others, or fighting, as such things are best left to their servants. Due to this mentality, Alyse was able to distance herself from mortals and monsters alike, turning a deaf ear to their pleas once she felt that she accomplished her duty as God of Peace to the mortals. ??? - ??? ??? - ??? When battling a spiritually powered creature, one must take into account the strength of a creature, for Spirit Protectors require a Green Weapon at the very least to be able to even affect them. The requirement for each rank of spiritual creature goes up by one quality rank for weapons, which means to combat Demigods, you would need a Mythical weapon and Gods could only be harmed by weapons manufactured by other Gods and so on. The same also applies when two spiritually powerful beings enter into combat, for if one creature were to be an Ascended Being and the other a Spirit Protector, then the Spirit Protector would be unable to even touch the Ascended Being; while also suffering even more damage from the attacks of the greater being. The way to circumvent such a difference in power, however, is for the weaker creature to possess a more powerful weapon than what their enemy is ranked as. Likewise, when two Divine Guardians battle, the one with the larger area of influence would be able to eventually overpower the one with a smaller territory, but again gear can play a major role in the deciding factor between spiritual beings. Thankfully, most spiritual beings of the same elemental affinity have a mutual respect for one another and so fighting between them is restricted to heated debates or size comparison. Once a being reaches the level of being a God, however, they cease needing to worry about the mundane efforts of the insects skittering beneath them and just merely need to surround themselves with capable servants to defend themselves. Once creatures become so powerful as spiritual beings, the only real way of defeating them is to take away their supply of power or destroy their fellowship and also lure them outside their territory to further weaken their power. Sadly, some spiritual beings can create such strong bonds with their followers that not even death can sever the ties that connect a Master to their servants, but when all of the servants of a powerful creature perish recently, that brief moment in time when those beings are waiting to be returned to their Afterlives is when their Master is weakened. Boss > Area Boss > Location Boss > Regional Boss > Field Boss > Territory Boss > ??? Bosses refer to strong monsters that have established domains, which more often than not are Spiritual Beings, but the Boss Ranking is a more accurate of stating the magnitude of a spiritual being's power base. Likewise, there are also just simply monsters born strong for various reasons, which exert their strength to carve out a place for them to live in and not be bothered by other animals. Those kinds of creatures would not have any power as a spiritual being, but they would still be called the Boss of where ever they are currently living. In the same sense, Tyrant monsters are also to be considered Bosses, but since they are created from wanton slaughter of their own species, they rarely grow their spiritual powers, unless they so happen to run into other Kings and take over more territory, thus forcing the followers of a King into accepting the Tyrant as their ruler. Thankfully, most Tyrants that survive being spawned by mortals were typically hunted down by even larger forces of mighty Adventurers to prevent the Tyrant's from going too powerful, but sometimes a Tyrant is unable to be put down for good and merely kept under control by Adventurers. Boss – A newly accepted King or recently born Tyrant. These creatures do not typically have territory they rule over and merely roam freely in search of food to eat. Kings typically avoid fighting others and merely try to find a suitable place for their followers to live in, while Tyrants usually just keep charging forward through any obstacles they encounter until something actually stops them from doing as they please. The minimum requirement for fighting Bosses is being fully equipped with Regular or White gear for Adventurers and would require a group of five Adventurers in the first Rank to even apply for such a request. Requirements for fighting Bosses become lower the more powerful your gear becomes, but Adventurers eventually no longer have anything to gain from fighting just regular ole' Boss monsters. Area Boss – This is a King or Tyrant monster that has claimed a den to rest in, like a small cave or thicket of bushes, which means that any Adventurers seeking to challenge the Area Boss only needs to wait near the area for the Boss to return home to rest. When such places are claimed by powerful monsters, if there are any nearby mortal inhabitants, then that Boss is usually identified and a request is posted in an Adventurer's Guild Hall shortly afterwords. This kind of Boss monster requires Enchanted gear or Adventurers of the second rank and would require five appropriately ranked Adventurers for such a request to even be possible. A lot of monsters of this Boss Rank are usually Spirit Protectors, since when some Bosses move into an Area, other creatures of the same species will congregate around such a powerful creature for protection. Location Boss – Creatures who have claimed a specific place on a map, like an abandoned mine, a watering hole in the forest, or place of magical attunement. In other words, these kinds of bosses have a very specific location on a map as their home, but when they are hungry they will leave in search of whatever their home cannot provide for them. Other locations that could host a Boss ranked creature could locations where mass slaughters have occurred in the past, graveyards, abandoned shrines, underground caverns, and other small locations that occupy a single point on a map of a much larger area. Must be taken down by a group of five third rank Adventurers or higher. These creatures are usually of the Divine Guardian rank of spiritual being, but not always, as some monsters wish to left alone; even by members of their own species. Regional Boss – These monsters control a specific portion or an area of the map that would most likely contain numerous locations. Meaning that instead of a single location, they would instead control an area that is named; such as the Whispering Cliffs, or the Eastern side of a specific valley. Which would mean that when trying to hunt down such a Boss, a large group of about ten Adventurers is sent in to remove such a monster; with each Adventurer being of the fourth rank or higher among Adventurers. Against such monsters, Adventurers of any lower ranks would just be in the way and more of a distraction for their superiors. Normally have to become Ascended Beings in order to keep control over such massive areas, but can also be of a lesser spiritual rank depending on the location and type of monster. Field Boss – Such monsters are a rarity on Drazan in current years, since once monsters reach the rank of Regional Boss, the country where such a Boss is located will put out a request to have the dangerous beast put down. Field bosses control an area with numerous regions within it, like the entirety of Giant's Forest and usually have all other Bosses inside their domains well under their thumbs. Usually creatures who reach this rank have been Ascended Beings for a very long time and are quite confident in their abilities, but they can also just be exceptionally powerful monsters with no spiritual strength. These Boss monsters typically require the efforts of twenty-five Adventurers ranging from seasoned fourth rank Adventurers all the way to the extremely rare and talented sixth rank Adventurers. Territory Boss – An existence such as this is not something seen upon Drazan since the time of the previous Gods and essentially require a monster to be in control of such a massive amount of land as to be able to found their own nation. The power of such a being could not be accurately put into words or even be gauged by mortal means and would be so overwhelmingly powerful that any mortal should know better than to get on the wrong side of a such a monster. As such, only a creature able to consider itself a Demigod would even be able to assert itself as a Territory Boss, but most monsters with the capacity to become such beings are hunted long before they can amass such power. Unlike with Spiritual Beings, who create connections in order to bolster themselves with energy from others who come to worship them, some Boss rank creatures were simply exceptional people or monsters in their previous life and as such, have been reincarnated into even more powerful forms. Rarely do such Bosses appear upon Drazan in it's current day and age, as most beings who would have the potential to become mighty Bosses retreat to the Afterlife they are connected too in order to hide from the mortals constantly seeking to hunt them down. This is why many Bosses have just quite simply disappeared upon gaining access to an Afterlife and refuse to leave such places as the Endless Fields or any of the other elemental Afterlives. Creatures who belong to the Demonic Veil or the Heavenly Realm, on the other hand, are constantly seeking to return to Drazan to enforce their views upon the mortals living below their respective Afterlives and seek to bring ever more soldiers to their sides to join their endless conflict against one another. The various mortal races, both before and after the Cataclysm which bring about the more monstrous sentient races, have all banded together to form alliances with those they share a close bond too; choosing to remain tentatively at peace with one another due to the constant threat of monsters keeping their armies in check. Humans – Dwarves – Gnomes: Sharing the same ancestry has caused these three kingdoms to unify into a single force to help each other better defend against the encroachment of monsters born from their own species. Sadly, in more recent years, with the populations of all three nations reaching the point where they do not need the assistance of each other to defend their own homes, these three nations have begun to grow distance from each other. Various internal conflicts have also erupted violently after being swept under the rug for so many generations, causing rifts to form between the once great allies. Despite that, none of the other alliances have any doubts about whether or not the three estranged nations would be able to put aside their differences and unite to face a foe so great that merely one of their mighty armies would be insufficient. Highborn – Forest Elves – Dark Elves – Light Elves: Despite the religious clashes and constant battlefield surrounding the home of the proud Highborn Elves, all Elves would loyally gather under the command of their one true King if there were ever a need for such an alliance. Thankfully, the Elves never need to worry about overpopulation; despite their great longevity, due to the fact their homes are constant war-zones for the three different affinities of monsters that are most prevalent within their kingdoms. Likewise, the lesser Elves are constantly invading each others lands and constantly providing monsters with fresh bodies to inhabit nearly every day. Unlike the vast majority of races; who view death as an end to things, the lesser Elves all believe that when they die, they will be reborn into Fairies of their racial affinity and will be given a second chance to live among their descendants before attempting to earn their way into their elementally attuned Afterlife. Highborn, on the other hand, do not necessarily fear death, but also prefer not to become involved with anything that would end their lives early and thus prevent them from attaining enough prestige to allow them to pass effortlessly into the Greater Afterlives that they spend their lives attuning themselves too. Mountain Tribes – Air Tribes – Water Tribes – Forest Tribes: Originally, only three species of Beastkin exist; the Canine, Avian and Salamander tribes, but after the Great Cataclysm which brought about the various races of sentient monsters, they were forced to accept the other species into their tribal ways after the lloiggshogg hh' slumber mgep bogs l' mgepbug fhtagn (the horrors which slumber beneath the bogs went to sleep). Now the Beastkin nation is comprised of the Mountain Tribe (members include Canines, Nekomata and Kitsunes), the Air Tribe (Harpy, Siren, Moonfolk), the Water Tribe(Salamander, Naga, and various other species who have taken to calling themselves Merfolk), and finally the Forest Tribe comprised of entirely new species of Beastkin (Ratfolk, Gaul, Centaur, Akiko, Viera, and Darkwing). While the four separate tribes may not be on friendly terms with one another and actively wage tribal wars against each other in honor of old traditions, all of the Tribes know that they must keep the peace when they are living around the Sleeping Swamp located in the marshy zone in the middle of the Forest Tribe's declared territory. The other three primary tribes still act out age old traditions from the time when their ancestral Spirits governed their ways, while the relatively newer Forest Tribes have made it their duty to make certain nothing ever awakens the horrors lurking beneath the placid waters of the Sleeping Swamp. The Tribes have a system setup to allow members of the smaller tribes to earn their way up through the ranks among the tribes until they join the Greater Territorial Tribes and spend their twilight years watching over the Sleeping Swamp with the rest of the Greater Tribes. Giants – Orcs – Hobgoblin: These three nations are comprised entirely out of monster races turned into sentient mortals and because of that, they specifically worship the Goddess of Drazan now, but sadly none of them actually know the name of their Goddess. Orcs are the muscle of the Alliance and boast some of the best weapon forges, which are only rivaled by the armors produced by the Dwarves. Hobgoblins handle all trade agreements and handling of money, but they do not limit themselves specifically to their own alliance, instead offering their services to other nations at price, but in doing so the Hobgoblins made themselves an integral part of the world trading system that slowly developed after they were created. Giants were originally hulking Ogres and were mainly known for their monstrous strength, but upon becoming fully sentient mortal beings, Giants began to develop their newest muscle: their brains. So while the Orcs only cared about increasing their martial skills and the Hobgoblins gave into their insatiable greed, Giants dedicated themselves to learning the arts of Magic, swiftly becoming masters in the arts of Arcane Magic and developing an arrogance to rival that of the Highborn Elves. The Kerten: Unlike the other Alliances, the Kerten are made up by their entire species and only later after their transformation; following the death of Ockran, did they start to discover the differences between the members of their species. Having long separated themselves from the rest of the human alliance, the Kerten had long since come to believe that they were an entirely different race; even before their God transformed them into the Kerten, becoming an entirely self-sufficient species all their own. Not until the Great Cataclysm, which brought about the Giants, Orcs, Hobgoblins and various new Beastkin Tribes, had there ever been anything more than a species separation among the Kerten. Afterwords, however, the Kerten suddenly found themselves being imbued with different elemental affinities, as opposed to the Fire only affinity they had been born with from their initial transformation. First and foremost among the Kerten are the mystical Dragans, who possess the breath and unearthly elemental affinity that true Dragons possess; making them natural leaders among their people. Next are the Drakes, who possess a secondary pair of arms with leathery wings attached; very much like what the Dragons they take after possess, making them naturally more dexterous and agile. Finally, there are the Lizardmen and despite normally being given grunt work to take care off, are the prized warriors of the Kerten. While the other species of Kerten have attributes from Dragons that are easily recognized, the Lizardmen typically are just much more hardy members of the Kerten race, but when in trouble are able to call upon the full benefits of their Draconian Ancestry to their resistance to all forms of damage; both magical and physical, while still retaining their ability to move around. Despite each alliance having their enemies, all mortals living upon Drazan know and fear the wrath of their patron Goddess, although most have actually forgotten her name. All nations play nice with each other once a year, during a lengthy meeting of the Kingdoms, to discuss how they are faring in the grand scheme of things. For nations with shorter lifespans, this is also a way for the next in line as rulers to meet with and speak to the other world leaders, but mainly to introduce replacements to the nearly ageless Elven rulers. This meeting is also where the nations are able to bring up major topics, like where monsters have been seen massing and if any grave threats have resurfaced. The meeting takes place upon the neutral grounds of the Adventurer Guild's home base and any who are guilty of bringing violence upon this sacred meeting are cursed with even greater threats from monsters spawning within their kingdoms. Therefore, every ruler is very careful to act with proper decorum and try their best to remain civil, since during the first council held by the original alliances, the Great Cataclysm that spawned the newer mortal races upon Drazan occurred. Moving onto Adventurer based information... Weapons come in a variety of qualities and grow stronger with each upgrade in quality, however, all weapons require a certain degree of skill from their wielder to be used to their fullest potential. Therefore, a newly accepted Adventurer cannot wield something beyond their current strength, where as a veteran Adventurer will find weaker equipment unable to take the strain when in use by them. As such, all who call themselves Adventurers must be willing and able to adapt to new gear when their old stuff ends up breaking down. Thankfully, once items are upgraded to possess magical traits, they no longer deteriorate completely and just simply fall apart on Adventurers, allowing repairs to be made easily for a few Brass coins. Shoddy – Gray Quality gear that anyone with an Adventurer's Rank should feel bad about wearing. The worst quality of gear one can possess, but also the first quality of gear anyone hopping to be an Adventurer is forced to wear. Sadly, most retired Adventurers end up selling all of their gear to help finance their retirement and so their children end up without any family heirlooms to take with them. Normal – White Quality or regular weaponry produced by any smith worth his weight and can come in a variety of metals. Smart Adventurers quickly progress to possessing this kind of gear, although some will wait until they are able to obtain gear made from specific materials before they attempt to upgrade their gear with magical properties. Once an Adventurer starts upgrading a piece of gear to have magical properties, they are effectively declaring that they will be using that single piece of gear for the rest of their lives. Enchanted – Green Quality gear possessing varying magical traits based on how the wielder intends to use said item. Some examples of magical traits would be weapons that create wounds that do not stop bleeding on their own, or gear that possesses the trait that prevents any noise from being made from movement. Each mortal race upon Drazan has their own unique magical traits they can imbue into weaponry, but there are also generic enchantment traits provided by the Adventurer's Guild. Typically, most Adventurers stick with enchantments from their own specific race, as those enchantments are specifically designed to aid those of the same race against the monsters prevalent around that race of mortals. Meaning that a Dwarf would never get a weapon enchanted with a human enchantment against Undead creatures, since around where Dwarves live, they run into more Uroks and wild Earth Elementals. Sadly, this limits where Adventurers are able to safely operate; due to the effects on their equipment, but thankfully one of the Cataclysms brought about by Alyse herself scattered the various monster species around the world, thus allowing different races to gather up reagents for other race specific enchantments. Enhanced – Blue Quality gear, in addition to possessing a unique magical trait, has a blessing from one of the Gods worshiped by the varying races of Drazan. Each God offers a different blessing and some are harder to obtain than others, but only because some races do not approve of giving out their Gods' blessings to those who not of their race. * Jord, the Earth God, grants increased Stamina and increases how effective armor/weapons block damage. * Ockran, the Fire God, grants increased power towards any damage inflicted and helps those with his blessing to resist or break through crowd control effects meant to prevent mortals from fighting. * Bey mo, the Arcane/Psychic God, grants those using his blessing the ability to cast spells faster and suffer less from being interrupted during spell casts. * Sharm, the God of Light, grants increased accuracy when attacking or using skills and allows those bearing her blessing to be healed for more from magic, as well as being able to heal for more with their own magic. * Karm, the Dark God, grants increased critical strike chance and also is able to bless all gear with the ability to used absolutely silently; making him a favorite among Assassins and Deadeye Adventurers. * Maple, the Nature God, grants increased regeneration of health at all times and then also allows those benefiting from her blessing to quickly recover from near fatal damage if they can escape combat for a moment to relax. * Lody, the Ice Spirit, grants the ability to penetrate through the armor or thick hide of enemies and also allows those holding his blessing to passively reduce a small percentage of damage taken from any blow. * Woda, the Water Spirit, grants increased mana regeneration and reduces the cost of all spells/abilities, making her quite the favorite among all manner of magic users, as well as being favored by more than a few melee fighters. * Odeck, the Wind Spirit, grants increased move and attack speed, as well as allowing for easier evasive actions, making him a must for all Adventurers seeking to enchant their footwear. * Haragen, the Storm Spirit, grants those with her blessing the ability to reflect damage back upon those who strike them physically and magically to a certain degree, but more importantly she allows those with her blessing to utilize her own ability to strike quickly and without warning. To those who have come to rely upon her blessing, they call this blessing Flash Step; because this blessing allows one to attack a foe from range before being pulled back to their starting position. The only problem with the ability is how noisy using Flash Step is, but that is only a problem for those who prefer to sneak about and get rid of targets silently. * Alyse, the Goddess of Peace, grants the few to call upon her blessing the ability to ignore effects that would otherwise remove an individual's ability to control their own actions; such as mind control, curses, and especially anger. This blessing alone makes Alyse the favored God of choice among the Orcs, who's primary strength comes from their inherent fury and bloodlust. Unknown to all, however, is that Alyse's blessing also increases the rate in which one can gain experience, but that is only because Orcs have always been quick to pick up battle skills and abilities; even without Alyse's blessing, so no one even knows about this effect. Legendary – Purple Quality gear which grant the wielder abilities that do not belong to the class that the user belongs too, which may mean that some abilities turn out utterly useless. An example of this would be a Holy Paladin with a weapon that could raise a small force of skeletons from around him; clearly a Necromancy spell, but because the ability is tied to his weapon, the Paladin would be allowed to use such an ability, but would no doubt be looked down upon by his brethren. What that means for Legendary weaponry, is that they grant the users abilities from other classes and can be used a varying amount of times depending on the skill of the person performing the upgrade on the armor, as well as upon what kind of skill is being imbued into the weapon. Some Legendary equipment may recharge in a matter of seconds, or be as long as a week depending on how much energy is needed for that spell. Mythical – These are not so much gear, as they are Artifacts and Family Heirlooms to be passed down into the hands of the worthy when the time is right. Most gear of this Quality have either meant so much to the original wielder or have come to be worshiped and given a name, thus drawing a living spirit into the weapon. When in regards to a mortal soul, that soul usually ends up becoming a mentor to the next generational wielder and will grow more powerful as the one holding the item gains strength. Some Mythical gear, however, do not hold the spirits of past users, but rather they hold fragments of the Gods who are connected to such an item, granting these weapons immense power. The price for such power, however, is that these items choose who will wield them and to force such an item to accept a person as their owner would likely damn the person to die in a crucial battle; where the item's power is absolutely necessary for victory. These weapons are a rarity, even among the long lived family generations of the Elves, for none wish to become the slave of their weaker descendants when they could instead become mighty Greater Beings in the afterlife. Now while Adventurers can easily gain more powerful items by slaying monsters and acquiring reagents, monsters, on the other hand, have a much rougher time gaining better equipment. Likewise, some monsters do not even use equipment in battle and prefer to fight with their claws, talons or other natural armaments. A lot of monsters, however, do know how to create primitive weaponry to hunt and fight with; like a Goblin crafting a wooden spear to hunt wild pigs with, but they cannot easily upgrade their equipment. Sometimes, monsters are lucky and they succeed in capturing or killing an Adventurer, thus gaining the sometimes more powerful equipment the Adventurer possesses, but they are very unlikely to find anything usable. Usually, monsters end up breaking down captured equipment or discarding the items altogether due to weight, but then there are the monsters that have higher intelligence; like Demons, Angels, Uroks, Driders, Bee-girls, who are more humanoid in shape, thus allowing them to make use of equipment taken from mortals. Monsters with powerful equipment thus become capable of killing higher rank monsters, simply because they possess a weapon capable of harming a more powerful creature. When an Adventurer fights a monster, both the Adventurer's strength and their gear is put to the test by the monsters. Shoddy and regular weapons are good for fighting regular monsters, as well as, low rank monsters without any spiritual presence. From killing those monsters, Adventurers are able to gain Enchanted weapons and thus are able to fight against Spirit Protectors, which are the weakest level of Higher Rank monster. From there, they progress towards having Enhanced gear and that allows them to go up against Divine Guardian and rank two higher class monsters. Legendary is equal to the power Ascended Beings possess, with Mythical gear being nearly impossible to obtain because the Ascended being necessary to create them are very hard to find and slay, but also because by the time an Adventurer reaches Purple Quality gear, they are usually too old to be able to fight against the near god-like Ascended Beings anymore. Monsters gain more powerful gear in numerous ways; Nature creatures can actually grow weaponry for them to use, even bows and sword, but doing so requires a being of Nature to invest Life Essence into whatever is being used to grow the weapon with. As such, a powerful being of Nature will actually grow offspring to be used as both shield and sword against would be attackers and those powerful beings are typically Forest Spirits. With Demons, they capture, subjugate and harvest souls to build up their power, but they can also become linked to willing followers, who willingly offer up their strength to their Masters in return for safety when they are reborn as demons. Angels in the Heavenly Realm gain strength by fostering faith, both among mortals and among their own kind, becoming increasingly more powerful based on how much faith they have amassed. All higher rank monsters can also use their overflowing powers to imbue arms and weapons with their very own essence in order to create mighty weapons for them to wield into combat later, but they can only improve weapons based on their power. Thus a Nature Spirit could never create a weapon with a Dark Blessing with their own lifeforce, which means that they are stuck with what they have to make use of from their Nature affinity. In addition to magical upgrades, the material gear is made out of is also very important... Brass – The lowest material metal gear can be made of and most often breaks apart if used to fight anymore than low rank animals. Thankfully, it is among the easiest armor to make, so the cost is extremely cheap for those Adventurers who start out with limited budgets. Iron – More durable than Brass, but because Iron is used in a lot of things, most Adventurers don't bother with Iron gear, unless they need a quick replacement for something that has broken or is currently being repaired. Also make for great back-up weapons when in a pinch, so almost every Adventurer worth their weight carries around an iron dagger or sword. Steel – Steel gear is what most people set as the standard for regular gear items when in regards to metal armor and weaponry. Once Adventurers can earn enough money to afford doing so, they usually swap out anything made of Iron for Steel, for not only does Steel outlast Iron, but also is more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Mythril – Typically, Mythril armor and weapons are what the guards in most Capitol Cities wear, with only higher ranked captains possessing something made from blessed materials for both ceremony and actual combat against dangerous threats. Most times, cities are attacked by mindless monsters or animals, making equipping guardsmen with anything more than Mythril being too costly. This would also be the metal of choice for Adventurers coming from wealthy families who could afford such gear. Adamantite – One step below the best materials for armor and weapons, Adamantite is known for being nearly indestructible, but that is only because weapons made from this material do not lose their sharp edges after only a couple battles, making Adamantite a highly preferred metal for those wishing for a weapon that will last them in combat. One thing about Adamantite armor is that those wearing that kind of armor are able swing about their bodies and move their limbs with greater freedom, than if they were be wearing a more bulkier tight of armor like Mythril or Steel. This makes Adamantite a highly sought after armor material for those who prefer to be on the move while standing in the middle of a group of Adventurers. Blessed metals – These are a wide ranging set of materials that different races can harvest or acquire by slaying high rank monsters from within their homelands. Not all races possess a type of Blessed Metal, since not all Gods are the same, but thankfully some of the mortal Alliances have begun to share their armor types with their allies, allowing other races to make use of their blessed materials. Unlike most races, however, the Forest Elves made their own Heavy Armor from wood taken from fallen Treants and Ents, granting them self-repairing heavy armor, but unlike with Metal Heavy Armor, the wooden armor of the Forest Elves is extremely vulnerable to Fire damage. Next... Fur – Anything made from the pets of low class monsters and wild animals. For all intents and purposes, this kind of armor is made simply to keep the wearer warm or clothed. Defensively, Fur armor does not really protect much, but does allow for easier movement and evasion. As such, most agile classes of Adventurers prefer to start out with Fur armor to allow them to quickly dart about the field of combat without wearing themselves out. Leather – Made from animal fur that has been tanned and treated by craftsmen to make armors made from the material stand up better in short fights. While Leather is stronger is than Fur, unless treated properly can easily become worn out by being exposed to the elements and so most only Leather gear when their Fur gear has finally worn out. Chitin – Unlike Fur or Leather, which comes from wild animals, Chitin is made from the exoskeletons of insects; Monster Spiders, Monster Bees and Bee-girls. This material is harvested from lesser creatures, where as the materials attained from high-rank monsters is actually considered Blessed Materials. Studded Leather – Armor implanted with tiny metal studs to help reinforce the strength of Leather alone. The studs are typically made from Iron to reduce the weight of the armor, but some have Steel studs put on this kind of armor. This is the preferred armor for those who use medium armor and expect to be fighting in close quarters. Chain Mail – While this kind of armor is made out of Steel, the way this Chain Mail is produced identifies this kind of armor as a medium armor. Hunters especially like the way that the armor moves with them and will sometimes even double up on two types of armor, with Chain Mail typically being worn underneath something crafted out of Blessed Materials. This is the highest tier of non-Blessed Material made Medium Armor and so low ranking Adventurers all try to earn enough money to afford a set of Chain Mail before trying to start farming materials to have something crafted out of a Blessed Material made. Blessed Materials – Unlike Blessed Metals, which can be harvested from natural deposits found in some of the more dangerous sites in the world, Blessed Leather materials for making Medium Armor are instead farmed from high-tier monsters, which leads to hunting parties looking for both blessed ore and leather in some of the more dangerous regions. Forest Elves use the Bark from Treants and Ents to craft their own Medium Armor, thus allowing them to bring the strength of the forest with them everywhere they go. Finally... Linen – The type of cloth that even farmers possess and any reputable magic-user would not. Cotton – Considered to be the starting type of light or cloth armor. Wool – This is what most magic-users consider to be normal rank cloth armor. Silk – Top of the line cloth armor that most magic-users wear for life and will sometimes be worn underneath more advanced cloth outfits crafted out of Blessed Materials. By stacking the two, magic-users can have both a defensively enchanted underwear and then an offensively enchanted outerwear, this making them quite formidable if they can rise up in the ranks. Blessed Materials – For Cloth armor, any material used to make cloth that was imbued with magical energies is considered to a Blessed Material and robes made those kinds of materials all start out with powerful magical traits, which empower the type of magic used by the wearer. Most cloth armor is produced by infusing magical energy into silk thread, but then there is the Drider Silk vestments made by the Dark Elves. Unlike normal cloth made from silk, a garment made from Drider Silk can be empowered with Chaotic Energies to improve Demonic spells, as well as being able to be imbued with Light energies to increased the same kind of magic. Most other races just simply infuse normal silk with their own elemental affinities to create their own Blessed Materials for making cloth armor, while the Forest Elves actually use woven plant fibers to make their own cloth armors. No matter what kind of armor an Adventurer possesses, all items can be fully upgraded into Mythical items, but the cost and time required to do so is such that most Adventurers will only bother to upgrade their equipment once they have obtained gear crafted from Blessed Materials. That is the part where most Adventurers retire and go home to become a regular citizen of their home nation or they will try to become a Garrisoned Adventurer around where they have spent most of their lives Adventuring. Blessed Materials are as follows: * Ebony Ore – A Heavy Armor ore that can only be found in the pitch dark caves that are favored dwellings for Driders. No Adventurer would be fool enough to go hunting for Ebony Ore without a group of ten able bodied Adventurers of either the fourth or higher rank Adventurers, for anything less would be a death march. * Drider Chitin – A Medium Armor material that can only be gathered from slaying the very deadly Driders that commonly show up within the Dark Elven kingdom. These creatures dwell within pitch black cave systems and only venture outside when they are hungry, which makes trying to take them on when they are outside their dens extremely deadly. Most Drider hunters know better than to try to attack a hungry monster on the prowl and will instead try their luck during the daylight hours, when Driders have normally filled up; making them extremely sluggish in combat. * Drider Silk – Only a handful of Dark Elves have the ability to produce such material and only because they have succeeded in being able to summon a Drider as their familiar. Sadly, Driders do not offer up their spider silk willingly, so they must be bribed with food to provide them with the nutrients necessary to produce more after they return home. * Sun-Tanned Leather – This is not something that can be hunted, but rather can only be produced by Light Elves who have a very strong connection to Light Magic, as well as any Elf capable of summoning the denizens of the Heavenly Realm. * Magic-Infused Cloth – Any fabric that has been treated with a specific magical essence, which then allows Enchanted clothing to be produced automatically and these robes will always benefit those who use the corresponding magic. Any magician with sufficient power and time can actually produce this kind of fabric, but the more skilled a magician is or the more time that is spent enriching the cloth, the more powerful the Enchanted effect will be. * Bone – While not a very often used form of Blessed Materials, those who are proficient in Necromancy will usually craft armor for themselves using the bones of powerful living beings that they have slain. If not merely to show off what they have the power to kill, then this armor can also serve as to hold the powerful souls the bones belong too, forcing the spirit into submission. Unfortunately, in doing so the Necromancy effectively create cursed equipment that will possess and kill anyone who is not skilled in the art of Necromancy. Bones are also commonly used to make trinkets, rings, necklaces and small interesting baubles to show off, which can then upgraded to hold various effects that their owners can use when needed. * Dragonsteel – A special type of steel that is created by mixing in Dragon-scales when smelting the steel, allowing for the metal to take on the power of which type of scales were used. When used by Kerten, this armor boosts their inherent Draconian traits and an elemental resistance that can be stacked to turn the Kerten into nearly unstoppable Warriors and Tanks. If another species wears these items, then they merely are granted more powerful variants of the God's Enchantments and Enhancements. * Dragonscale – Comprised entirely of hundreds of Dragon-scales, this kind of armor is very similar to Chain Mail, but because they come from the direct Children of the Gods, Dragonscale Armor is a Blessed Material that acts the same as Dragonsteel. * Dwarven – Any Armor made by a Dwarf can be considered to be blessed by the God of Earth, Jord, but that is only the hands of other Dwarves. This is due to the close connection the Dwarves originally had with the God of Earth and allows the Dwarves to hold quite a bit of clout when in combat. Now for Adventurer Ranks themselves... Non-ranked – Young children usually bearing Gray Quality weapons and gear. Spend their time helping out in cities, doing more chore-like job requests; slaying rodents, squashing bugs, delivering goods, carrying letters, and other relatively simple tasks. Usually, these children will have some idea of what kind of Adventurer they want to be, but usually are just eager young children without hardly any idea of how to properly hold a weapon. Rank 1 (Blue-Badge) - Adventurers who at least have all Normal Quality gear and have selected a specific class as an Adventurer. They are encouraged to try to pickup a skill to perform on the side, since more Adventurers retire before becoming a Legend. These Adventurers have permission to go on Hunting Requests for villages in need of food and will usually turn in any salvageable materials off their kills, since they typically are trying to learn their class abilities over furthering their knowledge in a selected skill or profession. Jokingly or mockingly referred to as Blue-berries because of the color of their badges and tendency to become snacks for monsters. Rank 2 (Red-Badge) - Adventurers who have gathered up Enchanted gear specific to monsters in their home nations. Typically these Adventurers have begun to invest more time into their profession skills in order to make money and only take specific requests dealing with the materials they require for their skills. This need for crafting materials usually determines what kind of enchantments Adventurers have on their gear. Those who become Adventurers with roots in a religious sect will typically obtain enchants from their religious group and use those enchantments to hunt down the profane abominations their religion requests of them. In other words, Adventurers of this rank have mastered the beginner skills of their class and are now just hunting for materials to make enough money off of to further improve their gear. Rank 3 (Green Badge) - Adventurers who not only are skilled in a set profession, but who are also capable of securing their own resources. They also are in the process of learning more advanced skills for their class, proudly sporting full sets of Enhanced gear uniquely tailored to their strengths and help boost their capabilities in combat. This is the point where Adventurers usually get stuck, since most of the monsters they need to hunt to further improve their gear have all either been hunted to extinction or have retired from the living world. Usually Adventurers retire after being stuck at this rank for many years and return to their homes. Some Adventurers of this rank become so desperate to become stronger or richer that they wind up as Bandits, or end up joining any one of the more nefarious Factions; Desolate Cults, Demon Worshipers, Necrolytes Covens, Green Ear Groves, Holy Inquisition, Mages of the Mind or become part of the mad Whispering Heretics. Rank 4 (Gold Badge) Adventurers who have completed learning all of the abilities for their class and are quite proficient in using all of them. They are required to possess at least four separate pieces of Legendary gear and to have participated in the slaying of numerous Location Bosses; like Demon Kings who have taken over Dark Elf cities, Virtuous Entities who have become blinded by the need to purge all evilness from the world, Old Gods who have somehow been called forth from the Twisting Nightmare, Elemental Spirits unleashed by cults, mighty Undead Scourges created by Necrolytes, or Forest Spirits called forth by Green Ears. At this point, Adventurers who decide to retire after reaching this rank are usually hired by the Adventurer's Guild to be instructors or to be deployed to regions where villages are in constant need of protection. Rank 5 (Purple-Badge) Usually, Adventurers of this rank have the majority of their gear improved to Legendary Quality, in order to give themselves an edge against the absolute terrors they are usually summoned to combat by the Guild. The main requirement for becoming recognized as a top-tier Adventurer is being able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of one's own ability limitations and understanding of their Racial/Family traits/abilities. Then if they can demonstrate such knowledge, the other half of the requirement for this rank is for Adventurers to start adding new abilities from other classes into their main class, turning them into Hybrid classes with all sorts of nasty surprises in store for their enemies. Rank 6 (Orange-Badge) This rank is exclusively for those Adventurers who either created, obtained or inherited Mythical quality items, but just possessing such equipment is not enough to attain this rank, Adventurers in possession of Mythical gear must still rise through the first five ranks before they are eligible to receive this prestigious rank. Rank 6 Adventurers are viewed as the Heroes of their races. Role TypeR0R1R2R3 Melee DPSFighterBruiserGladiatorWarrior TankFighterTankDefenderProtector Melee DPSFighterSwordsmanMyrmidonBlade Master Melee DPSScoundrelThiefRogueAssassin Ranged DPSArcherLongbowSniperDeadeye Melee DPS/TankBrawlerPugilistBoxerMonk Magic DPS/SupportPractitionerSummonerInvokerConjurer Support/HealerSpirit ManipulatorSpirit ChannelerWitch DoctorShaman Healer/SupportInitiateApostleClericPriest Support/Magic DPSPractitionerWizardAbjuristEnchanter Magic DPS/SupportPractitionerWizardMageArchmage Support/ Magic DPSPractitionerForest MagiDruidArch Druid SupportScoundrelGypsyMinstrelBard In addition to these basic classes, there are numerous Hybrid classes that Adventurers can choose to become by mixing two different classes together, with each having their own unique purpose: Spell Blade (Assassin-Mage) - These are Assassins who have taken to practicing the magical arts to boost their already deadly set of abilities, vastly increasing the number of tricks these stealthy Adventurers can pull on their targets. Also, when a non-magical class chooses to try learning magical skills, they are able to choose from all magic spells of the appropriate element, which means there may very well be a Shadow Blade; out there right now, capable of using summoning magic in addition to dark magic spells. Battle Mage (Mage-Melee DPS) - Perfect example of these are Giants who take to learning Magic first, before later choosing to fine tune their immense strength to pummel their enemies. Ta'Og would be a prime example of what a Battle Mage class of Adventurer could be, but she has the added bonus of her inherent Giant's Strength to aid her with this Hybrid classification. Most magical Ogres choose this pathway, even if they have taken up the mantle of a healing class. Other races are also able to choose the Hybrid class as well, but none are more so renowned as Giants who are capable of blasting groups of enemies with barely more than a whisper, then turn around to punch the ground in order to blast away enemies circling in close. Ranger (Assassin-Archer) - These are Assassins who have taken up ranged weaponry to pick off their targets from afar, preferring to sneak in and kill their target, before vanishing into the shadows before anyone is the wiser about their presence. Hunter (Archer-Assassin) - Unlike the Rangers, who are basically just ranged Assassins, a Hunter is a full on tracker with the preference to deal with their targets at range; utilizing various traps, snares, poisons, or pitfalls to hamper their targets ability to close the distance between them. Where they really shine, however, is when an enemy draws into melee range and a Hunter is able to go from a useless Archer into a deadly melee combatant; who is no doubt holding any number of nasty surprises in their free hand to be tossed at their opponent at a moment's notice. Magic Artillery (Mage-Archery) - Take a Mage, give them a way to precisely control where their, usually, explosive spells land and that is the terror known as a Magical Artillery. They can even learn to restrain or control when their spells go off, allowing them to not only bombard enemies from a distance, but also lay traps for unwary fools to stumble upon. This class is a Dwarven specialty. Paladin (Warrior, Blade Master or Tank- Light Magic) - Mostly preferred by Light Elves, there is also a specific breed of Kerten; who bear white scales, who also become devout Paladins. Basically are your standard Warrior, give them the ability to buff/heal themselves or others and you have a Paladin. Very devoted to the Light and all creatures who bear that affinity, but are ruthless destroyers to everything else that goes against their beliefs. Alchemist (Gnome) - A lot of people do not think highly of the short in stature Gnomes or their infinitely more annoying contraptions created to solve simple everyday problems, but when a Gnome becomes an Alchemist, take cover. Usually have packs filled with all sorts of caustic reagents that can either create big booms or massive pain for anything unlucky enough to be a test subject for these crazy mixologists. Tinker (Gnome) - While not all Tinkers make for great fighters, Gnomes that do master the art of creating fancy or simple contraptions to aid them in combat are something to be feared. While the vast majority of mortal races take to the worship of Gods to make up for their lack in strength, Gnomes invent solutions for their lack in strength, but sadly most of these contraptions can only be used by Gnomes due to their specifically calculated height and build. Berserker (Orc or Kerten) - While most commonly raised from among the ranks of Orcs, more than a few Kerten still carry the spark of Ockran within their chests and learn how to care for that tiny flame until the Fury of Ockran once more fills their veins. Orcs, on the other hand, have gained their mindless fury from darker roots and must seek to keep their murderous tendencies under control at all times, lest they lose themselves to the fury constantly raging with them. Once properly trained, however, a Berserker is truly a sight to behold upon the battlefield; able to finish one fight while also landing the first blow of their next battle, as they sometimes slaughter entire armies just to sate their bloodlust. Sadly, a great deal of Berserkers have lost themselves to their own power and become monsters of terrifying strength. Gambler (???) - ??? (More to be added as I create them) By combining classes, Adventurers are able to figure out ways to make themselves stronger or more resilient against the enemies they stand to face after reaching a certain Rank. Other times, an Adventurer will just grow bored with the way they are constantly doing things when out on requests and will wish to pick up some extra skills to spice things up. Thankfully, the Adventurer's Guild has had many years to document what combinations of skills benefit which classes the most and against what kind of monsters a specific Adventurer prefers to face off against. This allows Adventurers to actually get tutoring on what classes to combine and then they are free to pick from their options. In addition to class abilities, each Race comes with their own special traits for Adventurers to master as well, although some are more useful to certain classes than others... Humans – Have the innate ability to use their own souls to cast magic or abilities when they should otherwise be unable to. Abusing this trait without allowing their spirit to recover can prove fatal and destroy the soul of a Human, immediately starting their transformation into an Undead Monster. Those with an affinity for magic are then able to learn how to use their own souls to conjure up magical familiars and later can use the souls of the dead to summon even more powerful minions to protect themselves. Dwarves – Have the power to encase their bodies with stone and temporarily become immune to most damage. The trade off is that they cannot breath while in stone-form and can die if they do not release their stone-form. Magic that affects the mind or spirit can still affect a Dwarf in stone-form. When the other elemental Golems are accepted by the Dwarves, variants of their passive traits become available to them. Fire Dwarves can encase themselves in flames and later can burn away anything afflicting them. Lava Dwarves can coat themselves in magma, but have to be careful not to fully coat their entire bodies or rick permanent dismemberment or even death. Frost Dwarves can encase themselves in ice strong enough to stop most attacks against them, but must be careful of getting frostbite. Nature Dwarves get access to a Bark-skin that can even resist fire damage up to a certain point. High Elves – Possess a spiritual connection from birth, allowing them to innately cast higher tier summing magic and most times are able to skip having to live a second life as a Fairy in order to reach the Greater Afterlives of their magical affinity. Light Elves – Can innately use good magic, most commonly healing magic, to the point that they can even overwhelm enemies with good thoughts and pacify their foes. Dark Elves – Are born with dark-sight and increased awareness in dark places. Can learn to shroud themselves in think darkness to blind and disorientate enemies, which later can be used to hide themselves or allies from sight altogether. Forest Elves – Can call upon Nature itself to arm themselves with primitive weapons in their time of need. Forest Elf spell-casters can even draw upon the energy in plants to cast magic when in dire need, but most never do in order to respect Nature. Gnomes – Possess highly intelligent minds capable of uniquely being able to solve complex problems with very simple solutions, while, at the same time, making them go to great lengths to find ways to accomplish the most simple of tasks. They make for excellent mages, while those without magical affinities tend to become more along the line of tinkering inventors or alchemic madmen. Giants – All Giants possess incredible strength, even when choosing classes that rely upon intellect; making any Giant Mage, Priest or Summoner a natural when trying to become a Battle-class magic-user. Some are also born with two separate heads and can learn how to control themselves differently with each head. This only further increases their ability to be Battle-classes; able to chant spells with one head, while also fending off enemies in melee with the other head. Melee class Giants can also learn to handle multiple enemies with just their duo heads and are one of the few species that can dual-wield two-handed weapons, but Giants do not need to specially train their bodies to be able to accomplish exactly that. Orcs – Automatically enter a battle frenzy the longer they fight, allowing them to attack with greater ferocity and speed. Only problem is that they sometimes enter a Blood-Rage and can lose themselves to battle-lust, but only until they can calm back down. Typically, Orcs cannot become Adventurers until they learn to control their natural tendency to enter a blood-rage. Seasoned Orcish Adventurers can even learn to control themselves while in a blood-rage and become powerful Berserkers; a Hybrid class of a Warrior created by combining their innate battle-fury with their strict martial training. Hob-goblin – Opposed to the way Gnomes are inherently brilliant, the members of the Hob-goblin race all have inherently more cunning minds; making them shrewd businessmen, stealthy Assassins, Rangers or quite nimble fighters in comparison to the more brute-force Giants and Orcs who also make up their alliance. Kerten – All of them have specific elemental resistances to one magical affinity depending on what type of Dragon's Blood flows in their veins; Light, Dark, Fire, Wind, Water, Storm and Ice. From there they have the Lizardmen with the ability to call upon the full benefits of their dragon's blood, thus greatly increasing their defense against all types of magic and physical damage; while still retaining their ability to act. Drakes who have a set of wings attached to a secondary set of arms and give them great mobility upon the battlefield; also allows Drakes to glide and sometimes even fly short distances. Dragans are Kerten who are gifted with the racial trait allowing them to unleash elemental breaths. In the case of Luminous, or Light based, Dragans, they instead release beams of pure light energy and that odd quirk applies to the Dusk, or Dark Dragans, as well. For instead of flames, a Dark Dragan instead is able to exhale a kind of chocking darkness upon their enemies and thanks to their built in resistance to dark magic attacks, Dark Dragans can still fight while in the midst of the chocking darkness they breath out. Canine – These Beastmen have the ability to commune with their ancestors and have gained the ability to chill those that they strike with tooth or nail. As they become older, their Icy Fang slowly grows strong enough that they can numb, if not completely freeze up an enemy's limbs with a few bites or claw attacks. Those who focus on strengthening their connection with their ancestral spirits are able to learn how to transform themselves to be more like Frost Wolves by sprouting more fur from their bodies and some can even learn to metamorphosis into the form of a great Direwolf; which further increases their ferocity and ability to use Icy Fang. Salamander – Innately have the ability to sense and manipulate water, allowing them to easily keep hydrated; while also leading their parties to safe sources of fresh water. After so long, they can learn to control the liquid inside of bodies, allowing for them to trip up or distract enemies by forcing an enemy's body to start moving on it's own. Later on, they can learn to control the blood of others and can become skilled healers or fighters; who are capable of stopping even the most fatal of bleeding wounds. They also are able to control their own bodies through water bending and that allows them to keep fighting after being paralyzed or attacked in such a way that parts of their body become immobile due to muscle damage. Using this sort of self-puppetry, however, is very difficult to learn and even harder to master, which leads to this sort of ability being a last resort for Salamanders. Harpy – These Beastkin all innately learn to sense the flows of the air around them, which aids them in flying easily around their homes. Those without magic can simply learn how to move through the air, moving about gracefully without any friction from their wings. Those with magic can learn to use the very air as a weapon, throwing punches of air or creating blades of air by merely swinging their wings. More will come as I create innate traits for the rest of the Beastkin, as I had never really intended for their to be more species, but my imagination( of course) had other plans instead... Now for some more creatures/ religious factions and their progression trees for their species, more will come as I work upon this story... (Angels) - Angel > Archangel > Seraphim > Virtuous Entity (Special Monster) - Living Armor > Death Knight > Dullahan > Living Weapon (Vampire) - Ghoul > Blood-Drinker > Manipulator > Nosferatu (Vampire) - Ghoul > Blood-Drinker > Low-born > Elite > Elder > Master > Royal (Vampire) - Ghoul > Blood-Drinker > Blood Beast > Hybrid (Fire Elemental) - Fire Spirit > Flame Spark > Desolate Flame > Fire Soul (Drider male) - Drider > Ambusher > Stalker > Silencer > Shadow Stalker (Drider female) - Drider > Broodmother > Broodmancer > Shadowmancer > Shadow Weaver (Goblin) - Goblin > Veteran Goblin (Class) > Goblin Champion > Goblin King (Death Worshiper) - Practitioner > Acolyte > Necrolyte > Necromancer (Lich) - Necromancer > Lich > Greater Lich > Skeletal Lich > Undying Lich (Skeleton) - Skeleton > Skeleton (Class) > Skeleton Champion > Skeleton King (Undead) - Risen > Zombie > Ghoul > Revenant (Undead Dragons) - Shambling > Zombie > Skeletal > Dracolich (Mimics) - Lesser > Greater > Impersonator > Doppelganger (Dark Elemental) - Dark Spirit > Dark Specter > Shadow Wraith > Shadow Soul (Skaven) - Skaven > Veteran Skaven (Class) > Skaven Champion > Skaven King (Bat) - Bat > Monstrous Bat > Nefarious Bat > Vampire Bat (Gargoyle) - Living Statue > Unshackled Monstrosity > Stonebound > Unbound (Rat) - Rat > Monstrous Rat > Swarm Caller > Plague Rat (Wolf) - Cub > Predator > Hunter > Alpha (Werewolf) - Cub > Savage > Predator > Alpha (Nature Fairy) - Pixie > Brownie > Fairy > King (Spider) - Spider > Monstrous Spider > Giant Spider > Dark Arachnid (Dark Slime) - Gohl > Devourer > Copycat > Deceiver (Ogre) - Ogre > Greater Ogre (Class) > Ogre Champion > Ogre King (Ogre) - Ettin > Greater Ettin (Class) > Ettin Champion > Ettin King (Ogre) - Cyclops > Greater Cyclops (Class) > Cyclops Champion > Cyclops King (Ghosts) - Ghost > Apparition > Specter > Poltergeist (Holy Inquisition) - Interrogator > Inquisitor > Crusader > Master Crusader > Grand Crusader (Holy Inquisition) - Sister > Mother > Grand Mother > Great Mother > Matron (Holy Inquisition) - Initiate > Pastor > Priest > Bishop > Archbishop (Green Ear) - Wisp > Spite > Druid > Sanitarian > Archdruid (Demon Worshipers) - Practitioner > Worshiper > Warlock > Master Warlock > Grand Warlock (Whispering Heretic) - Practitioner > Void Touched > Whispering Heretic > Consumed One Now onto the more "unfriendly" factions of mortals within the world of Drazan... While they may be called nefarious factions by most of the world, some of these groups are more along the lines of being religious extremists in the world of Drazan. Others merely have fallen into the thralls of misguided individuals or mighty Spiritual Beings who seek to jump start the age old wars by causing the awakening of the fallen Gods of their world. Further still, some merely have fallen under the sway of truly evil beings who are hellbent on destroying the world of Drazan, one way or another. Thankfully, Alyse ensures that people with those kinds of extremist views are kept in check by both the ruling governments and the Adventurer's Guild, while also making certain that those kinds of people become ostracized within their own communities so they go seek out like-minded individuals to further their radical goals. The Desolate Cults – These are groups of people who are fanatical in their beliefs towards the more elemental Gods; such as Jord, Ockran, Lody, Woda, Odeck and Haragen. Unlike some other groups, which also focus around firm belief in their racial Gods, these Cults recruit any foolish enough to buy into their end goal. That means that these cults are usually mixed in race, coming from all over the world, with one central figurehead directing the efforts of the cultists. Unlike most religious fanatics, these cultists care not for the Elemental Beings they call upon and force to do their bidding; treating the elementals as their personal slave force. Occasionally, one of these groups will attempt to summon a creature that is far too powerful for them to enslave and are in turn enslaved by the very creature they called forth. Sadly, this does not make these cults any safer and usually puts them on the warpath to obtain whatever their Elemental Master needs to further it's growth as an Elemental Being. Regardless of what has happened to the cults, they will always have a singular goal in mind and that is the complete and utter destruction of the world of Drazan in it's current state; by way of elemental take over. Meaning, that every Desolate Cult in the world is working towards drowning the world in whatever element the seek to use in order to force the reawakening of their God and Savior. Adventurers with compatible classes will sometimes join these cults in order to gain new knowledge or abilities, but a lot get caught up in the cult mentality and choose to stick around permanently or become leaders of their own cults. Demon Worshipers – One of the more religious extremist groups at work on Drazan, but when within the borders of the Dark Elven Kingdom, they are actually highly respected members of the Dark Elven society. All are either learning too or already have summoned and bound demons into their service, but are forced to act according to the rules established by the Dark Elven Empress. Outside the Dark Elven Kingdom, these vile demon worshipers are typically viewed with thinly veiled suspicion and usually become problems for Adventurers to wipe out. Unlike the other two elven religious groups, the Demon Worships actually welcome any who wish to join them, but when a new Practitioner does not show any promise, those failures are typically sacrificed to bring forth new demons for others to bind into service. Unlike the Desolate Cults, the demon worshipers merely wish to serve their demonic masters and earn ever greater power by being of service to their masters or by collecting more souls to be sent to the Demonic Veil. Necrolyte Covens – These groups are mainly built up of humans seeking to learn the secrets of life and death, but sadly they do so through profane research or experimentation upon human corpses; recently created human corpses. In such covens, you either have the master's favor and are allowed to continue working towards whatever project you are working on or you do not have such favor and become one of the projects worked upon by the cult. The greatest honor a member of one of these cults can earn is to be risen from death as a Lich, but not all of these groups have masters capable of such acts. They are not so much a religious group as they are a bunch of people who only care about prolonging their own lives, even at the expense of other lives. As such, they are typically viewed as unnerving researchers and are usually left alone by villages, since Necrolyte Covens do not care where their corpses come from. That sometimes leads these covens to unintentionally protect villages from the undead constantly rising up from their graves, but all citizens know to be wary of those who practice the vile ways of Necromancy. Green Ear Groves – This is the Forest Elven religious group and from the outside they appear to be merely harmless caretakers of the forest, but these Elves care little for the forests they maintain power over. Thanks in no small part due to the efforts of these Druids, the forests around the Forest Elven Capitol remain a fairly safe place to live, but occasionally Dark Creatures and Angelic Beings cause trouble. Outside the Forest Elven Kingdom, however, these Elves are seen as harbingers of doom to anyone who has ever harmed a weed in their gardens, for the Green Ears will see any action against Nature as an act of war against them. Green Ears do not have any trouble trampling a farming village into the dirt, for in doing so they can gain the allegiance of and sometimes even create their own powerful familiars to take home with them. For that reason, Green Ears are kept under close watch outside their home country, but they still always manage to stir up trouble. Holy Inquisition – The final of the three elven religious groups and one of the more vain groups. Only the most luminous of their members are allowed to rise up through the ranks, since those with such qualities are viewed as having the potential of becoming Virtuous Entities. After much quarreling, however, the Holy Inquisition reluctantly allowed the Luminous Kerten to join their ranks and after a few years of contention, the Light Elves came to appreciate the presence of their tough new allies. While the Luminous Kerten may never rise up as far in the ranks as Light Elves can, that just means the Kerten get to fight more and stand around less; which suits them just fine. The Holy Inquisition is kept under a firm hand by the Light Elven Empress and that is because anything that deviates from their views is usually destroyed by the Holy Inquisition. That means anything related to Nature or Demonic worship is tracked down with a religious fervor that no other such extremist faction can boast and any who get in the way of their sacred duty are purged as well. For that reason, the Light Elves rarely have anything to do with outsiders, even the Hob-goblins know better than to bother with the arrogant Light Elves. Mages of the Mind – Not so much a nefarious faction, but this group of primarily Gnomes are the first to rush to areas where the corruption of the Nightmare is discovered within their Alliance's control. While they may not be an evil organization, they have little concern for the well-being of others, especially when the possibility of another Nightmare outbreak is possible and are not above forcing other citizens to bend to their wills in order to discover where the presence of Nightmare fanatics are located. They directly oppose the Whispering Heretics and the forces of the Twisting Nightmare, but due to their zealous nature in routing such unseen forces, the Mages of Mind are always treated with disdain and contempt by outsiders to their order. Whispering Heretics – They are not a faction, so to speak, but more so victims of the creatures of Nightmare. All who are touched by creatures of the Nightmare have the potential to become just another mind-broken drudge in a cult lead by Whispering Heretics, but a few manage to seek the aid of the Mages of the Mind and are able to recover from their close encounter. Those who don't will develop severe psychological problems and will eventually be driven mad by the whispers that slowly creep into their skulls. Up until they actively begin to listen to the whispers from the Twisting Nightmare or Sleeping Swamp, a mortal can be saved, but once a mortal turns their ear towards those whispering voices, they cease to be mortals and become little more than slaves to their hungry unspeakable masters. Whispering Heretics are to be feared and avoided like the plague, or else they will spread their madness to you as you listen to their faint conversations with Masters not of the living world. Even worse, however, is the fact that the Whispering Heretics are not even the worst members of these nefarious groups. Among these broken slaves are ones who have had their minds completely consumed by the things whispering from beyond the veil of reality and they become avatars for their twisted masters, spreading madness any time they open their mouths. Unlike all the other factions, the Whispering Heretics are the one purely evil faction on the world of Drazan and they must operate in secret, lest they become targets for a subjugation squad of Adventurers. If these fools were to ever create any kind of stronghold upon the world of Drazan, may Alyse have mercy upon the souls of whomever lives close by and may she smite them into her loving embrace before the ??? Ones reach out to grasp them. Now for the currency system I will be using for my world and please note that the dollar values of the coins used in my world are merely for comparative purposes; so you can get a better understanding of the value of each type of currency used... Coin denominations are in Brass, Copper, Silver and Gold. The sizes that the coins come in are as follows: Quarter (Metal) Pennies, Half (Metal) Coins, Tri (Metal) Coins and finally Full (Metal) Moons. Each coin type is worth the same as these following currencies from the world that all five main characters come from: Pennies (Quarter-Pennies) Nickels (Half-Coins), Dimes (Tri-Coins) and finally Quarters (Full Coins). The actual values of each coin, however, is determined by the type of metal they are minted in and lower value metals can be converted into higher value coins of equal value. Brass: These coins are equal to single digits, with the worth going as follows: 1, 20, 50 and 100 in value. That means to make a Half Brass Coin, one would need to collect twenty Quarter Brass Pennies and so on. Typically used among peasants and low rank Adventurers, along with bartering for goods, so a lot of haggling is done before the exact value of something being purchased can be confirmed. Copper: The value of Copper Coins is equal to five times the value of how many Full Brass Coins they equal: 5, 10, 25 and 50. In dollar amounts, however, these coins would actually be valued at 5$, 10$, 25$ and 50$, since one Quarter Copper Penny is worth five Full Brass Coins; which the Full Brass Coins are technically valued at 100 pennies in the world the five main characters come from. Silver: Going from Copper to Silver means a jump in value by a multiplier of two, meaning that two Full Copper Coins are equal to one Quarter Silver Penny. In actual dollar amounts, the value of Silver Coins is as follows: 100$, 200$, 500$ and finally a whopping 1000$ when holding even a single Full Silver Moon. Gold: These coins are then valued at an astronomical 2 times the value of a Full Silver Coin, which means: 2000$, 4000$, 10000$ and finally 20000$. While all of these value are purely fictional representations of a currency that does not exist, the values attached to each type of coin are only meant to provide a basis for the understanding of the difference between those who's value can be calculate in the amount of Brass coins, as opposed to the Kings, Lords and Nobles; whose value can range from Silver to Gold of various denominations. Likewise, Gold Coins do not actually exist, only because Gold is used to adorn the decorations within the houses of Rulers, effectively stating just how much wealth they possess to have obtained such a prized ore. Silver and Gold are also primarily used to accentuate the value of Mythical Items, as well as things like Family Crests, Coat of Arms, and other decorations that any King, Emperor or other type of Ruler would want to possess.
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 1 – Small Steps “So what would be describe me… A Hoarder, plain and simple” As the bright light that had enveloped him faded away, the Hoarder known as Bobby found himself floating in spiritual form and found himself just drifting endlessly in what could only be described as infinite space… “Hello there, Bobby, I am sorry to inform you that you will not be able to enter into my world in the form originally intended for you based on what you believe yourself to be...” A disembodied voice that seemed slightly familiar called out to him. Having to think for a moment about what was really going on around him, Bobby came up blank and just looked around in disorientation, until the voice called out to him in a calm and reassuring voice, “Please do not worry, I have already picked out another form for you to enter into my world as, but the only problem with that will be that you will most likely lose your ability to think and act as a living being until you gather up enough experience in order to become a strong enough creature that you will regain your ability to think. Is this acceptable?” Smiling in response to what he was being told, Bobby just interpreted what he understood about what was being said to him, “So… basically all I have to do is go around living in this new body of mine and slowly I’ll regain my ability to think like a regular human being? Cool! But will I be able to collect stuff in my degraded form?” Silence reined in the infinite space surrounding him, until the voice finally replied in the form of a curious question, “Is that what would like to make as your inherited trait? If all you wish is to be allowed to collect whatever you view as valuable, then that is well within your limits for reincarnation. In the beginning, you may not be able to collect certain things due to your physical limitations, but fear not for you will have my blessing!” Strangely, as the mysterious voice continued to speak with him, Bobby found himself being enveloped in the same kind of light that transported him to the strange place and oddly felt like he was being put to sleep… Slowly waking up within a foreign place, a newly born creature began to slowly take inventory of what was around it’s center of awareness… Finding itself within a small closed space, the creature looked next to where it felt it’s body was resting and found a box filled with a curious substance. Looking over at the black rocks next to it, the creature slowly attempted to reach out and suddenly felt a portion of it’s body stretching away from it’s center of awareness. After slowly getting used to the feeling of muscle stretching away from it’s very being, the creature was finally able to reach out and touch the strange looking rocks. The moment that it’s outstretched body came into contact with the strange rocks, however, an EXPLOSION of “taste” suddenly rattled the creature’s entire body… After settling down a little bit, the creature quickly wrapped up one of the rocks with the outstretched part of it’s body and quickly reeled the tasty treat back inside of it’s body. For a moment, the creature pondered about why it could not close it’s mouth to chew on the treat, but then it’s body began to release digestive enzymes. The initial taste caused the creature to twitch with disgust, but once the rock began to be dissolved by it’s digestive fluids, the creature quickly relaxed as the delicious rock was absorbed into it’s body steadily. Suddenly, however, the creature heard a noise and not one that made it feel very safe right at that moment… Quickly trying to think of how to move or hide away from whatever was making the unsettling noises and was steadily growing closer, the creature suddenly found it’s center of “awareness” shifting… Entering into the forge, a Dark Elf Blacksmith was still muttering under his breath after having finished chewing out a merchant for being unable to fill his order. Coming over by the smelter to get the fires going so he could hammer out his frustrations on some metal, Urenil was suddenly distracted when he noticed the spittoon over by a crate of Ebony Ore was teetering strangely. Crying out unhappily when the jug tipped over and spilled out it’s contents on the floor, Urenil grabbed a rag from nearby to clean up the mess before the spill began to smell something foul. Upon walking over to where the spittoon was, however, Urenil made quite the curious discovery… Instead of finding a disgusting mess waiting for him the clean up, Urenil instead found a small pile of dust that had poured out from within the spittoon. Carefully picking up the jug to prevent anymore of the power from spilling out, Urenil reached out to pick the spilled dust in the fingers of his right hand and rubbed the fine dust between his fingers curiously. Not sensing anything amiss, Urenil moved his dust covered fingers up to his face and curiously smelled the power to see what the dust might have come from. Amazed to discover the powder to be Ebony Ore, Urenil tapped his fingers against his tongue and was astounded to taste nothing but his own body oils on the dust. Finding himself growing ever curious about why there was powdered Ebony Ore inside his spittoon and over just how someone could scrub the spittoon so clean that there was no residue from inside on the dust. Gently swirling the jug with his left hand, Urenil got up quickly and headed inside to find another container for the powdered Ebony, but not before having to suppress the urge to use the spittoon before he emptied it. As Urenil made plans to have the powdered Ebony prepared with magical enchantments to aid with Demon Summoning rituals, the creature responsible for the creation of the powder was silently drifting about in the darkness covering the city it was in… Ghostly along as an immaterial soul, the creature just looked all around itself in wonder at all of the tasty objects around it. Eventually settling inside of a store that looked to have lots of junk to eat and taking possession of one of the toys within, the creature then hungrily looked around at all of the other objects around it. Suddenly, however, the creature quickly found itself bound within the object it had taken possession of and struggled unhappily within it’s new body in an attempt to start eating. Sadly, the creature knocked itself off the shelf it’s assumed body had been resting upon and the noise it made while falling woke up the residents within the toy shop… Once more abandoning the body it was in, the creature moved on yet again, but was slightly annoyed now… Finding itself a new hunting place within another toy store, only with wooden toys instead of fabric dolls, the creature took it’s time in selecting it’s body this time. Thinking about the first body it had and the problems with the second one, the creature squealed gleefully when it laid eyes upon a wooden toy chest. Zooming quickly towards it’s intended body, the creature quickly stopped when a light suddenly shone out from further inside the store and screeched in alarm while quickly hiding from the deadly light. The Toy Store’s Owner then emerged from the back of the shop, where he lived, to carefully scan the inside of the shop with a gently glowing light crystal held out in one hand… Once he was satisfied that there was no one creeping around his shop trying to steal from him, the shopkeeper turned around to return to sleep and shrouded the light crystal in a thick cloth bandanna… Waiting until it heard the soft snoring of the sleeping shop keeper, the creature eagerly slithered over into it’s future body. Instead of rushing inside the container and winding up in a similar predicament as over at the doll shop, the creature slowly took possession of the toy box. While it had only taken possession of the body it had inhabited over at the doll shop, the creature took it’s time this time around and absorbed the toy chest into it’s being. Infusing the toy chest with it’s spectral being, the creature was then able to convert the wooden chest into a physical body for now official Mimic… Quietly celebrating it’s success, the Mimic hungrily forced open the lid of it’s body and then began to stretch out what it now thought of as it’s tongue. Grabbing the closest wooden toy, the Mimic hungrily reeled in it’s treat and hungrily closed it’s lid to secure it’s treat. Immediately after doing that, the Mimic turned it’s attention towards the bedroom where the shop keeper had come from, but thankfully the tired owner was still soundly snoring. Feeling a bit more secure now, the Mimic turned it’s focus upon all the “toys” to collect within it’s stomach and once more opened it’s mouth… The next morning, the owner of the store woke up to the rising sun and tiredly got up to begin his day… After freshening up and getting dressed, the Dark Elf then exited the backside of his shop, where he immediately stopped to scream in alarm, “AHHHHH! Thieves! I’ve been robbed!” Quickly rushing over to where he kept his earnings, the toy shop owner was quickly relieved when he found there to be nothing missing from his hard earned savings… Returning his money to his hidden lock-box, the shopkeeper quickly went around to investigate his shop for any signs of break-in and was confused when he could find nothing. Suddenly hearing the sounds of a stomach settling, the Dark Elf whirled around in alarm immediately and began to look around for the possible monster lurking in his shop. Despite the Mimic’s best efforts, however, the shop keeper was able to quickly recognize the telltale signs upon noticing the toy chest where the Mimic’s dark soul was currently resting. Feeling a cold bead of sweat roll down the back of his neck, the shop keeper covered up his mouth and slowly made his way to the front of his store very slowly… Despite seeing no signs of movement, the shopkeeper could just “feel” the hungry stare of the Mimic following him the entire time and did not relax until he had successfully exited the shop… Back inside the toy shop, the Mimic was also relaxing happily over having avoided being attacked by the shopkeeper since; while it did not doubt the sturdiness of the wooden chest it was inside of, the Mimic held no doubts over whether the shopkeeper would have been able to destroy the chest it was inside of. Now that the Dark Elf was gone, however, the Mimic suddenly began to leer all around itself at all of the wood just hanging around it. Having felt itself growing stronger with each mouthful of toys it had gurgled away the night before, the Mimic was suddenly finding itself feeling ravenous yet again. Throwing open it’s mouth, the Mimic was now able to form ten tongues and used those tongues to rip apart the inside of the store to drag any remaining pieces of wood down into it’s hungry maw… When Tardaar; the toy shop owner and resident carpenter, returned to his shop some time later with the city guards, they were horrified by the scene they found inside the shop… Everything within the shop area of the building had been stripped barren, with the wooden paneling on the walls even being stripped off. Strangely, all metal objects within the room had been tossed through the door in the back leading to Tardaar’s home and were relatively undamaged. Quickly checking the back of his house, Tardaar was greatly relieved when he found that the Mimic had not caused any damage beyond the storefront, but then the guards began asking him questions. Doing his best to answer the cranky guards, Tardaar was grateful when he was not charged for calling the guards away from their posts for a supposedly “false” alarm; especially when the “evidence” spoke of the grave danger lurking within the city… After having finished up devouring all of the wood within the toy shop and completely absorbing the wooden crate into it’s being, the Mimic returned to it’s spiritual form to hunt for a new place to eat… Discovering, much to it’s alarm, that merely attempting to enter sunlight would prove fatal to it’s incorporeal form, the Mimic became increasingly worried for itself as morning dragged on. Knowing the early morning shadows would not protect it forever, the Mimic started to grow frantic to find a place to hide and eventually began to slowly grow more paranoid as more Dark Elves began to wake up. Eventually spotting something within the shadows being cast by a statue a few feet away from where it currently was, the Mimic had no choice but to dart between the moving shadows being cast by the citizens of the town in order to reach what it could see waiting for it within the darkness stretching out before the statue. Unknowingly entering a place called the Shadowed Cleft, the Mimic only went in far enough that it felt safe from the sunlight making it’s very soul tremble with unease… Whether it was intending too or not, the Mimic slowly fell asleep as it rested within the entryway it had called forth to the Shadowed Cleft and while it was relaxing… Taking notice of the Mimic being within the Shadowed Cleft without her even needing to guide the weak creature there herself, Alyse curiously went over to see how the Mimic was doing. Sadly taking note of the way that the Mimic was still too weak to be able to progress along with it’s growth and become more capable as a monster, Alyse was impressed by the knowledge that the Mimic had already discovered on it’s own without even needing to ask for aid. Thinking about how she might be able to aid the Mimic in developing more on it’s own without needing to directly influence her possible future ally, Alyse gasped happily when she came up with an idea. Casting her power over the slumbering Mimic, Alyse setup some primitive dreams for the Mimic to enter into whenever it rested to allow for the creature to steadily unlock it’s own abilities without her influence… Having been sleeping peacefully, the Mimic suddenly trembled as it felt the “awareness” of it’s surroundings slowly be sucked inside it’s own being… Becoming aware once more, the Mimic found itself trapped within it’s body and was just about to become worried that it had just fallen into the trap of something more deadly than it, but then a portal showing it's peacefully resting spirit appeared behind the Mimic. Growing relieved upon finding itself safe and sound still, the next thing that Mimic focused on was the brilliant glow of daylight shining through the exit from the dark sanctum it had found. Quickly putting together a few things and coming to an understanding that all it needed to do was exit through the portal once the sun went down to hunt something more to eat, the Mimic suddenly jumped when it’s body began to groan in a strange manner. Looking around in alarm, thinking that something was wrong, the Mimic then noticed a gauge pop up on one of the walls nearby… Moving closer to the display, even though the Mimic could tell that it did not really even need to move around within it’s own mind. Finding that the gauge showed the amount of objects it had eaten and gave different amounts of value to each item, the Mimic began to wonder what the strange rumbling within it’s body meant. That caused another display to appear and showed the Mimic what it would later come to acknowledge as it’s current status. Current status of Lesser Mimic Strength: 4 Agility: 2 Intellect: 1+2 Constitution: N/A Wisdom:2+5 Luck: 2 Upon seeing it’s traits broken down to their simplest format, the Mimic grew annoyed with how “little” information there was about itself and began to glare at the second display… Amused by the reaction from the Mimic towards seeing it’s stats, Alyse watched curiously as she waited to see what the Mimic would choose to do next… While in the process of attempting to will more information to appear, the Mimic began to realize something strange about itself. When it had first woken up, it’s intelligence must have been so low that it could not have even had any sophisticated thoughts and it remembered only being able to think about food for the longest time. Realizing that it’s random encounters with the citizens from the village it woke up in were responsible for it’s wisdom and intelligence having increased slightly. As the Mimic continued to think, it suddenly realized the bonus to it’s intelligence stat went up by one and all of a sudden a bunch of the toys it had absorbed were removed from the other display… With that additional point into intelligence, the Mimic’s mind grew just that much stronger and it became able to utilize more of it’s wisdom at the same time. Coming to the realization that what it had been eating was being stored away within it’s body until the food could be used to strengthen it’s body, the Mimic suddenly looked back up at it’s status display. Reaching out mentally to tap the intelligence stat, the Mimic trembled happily when the bonus was added permanently to it’s actual stat value and then proceeded to do the same with it’s wisdom stat. Spurred on by this success, the Mimic began to use it’s newfound intelligence to plan out what it would need to be able to survive better… Much to Alyse’s confusion, rather than increase it’s intelligence; as would be the logical decision, the Mimic instead choose to dump all it’s obtained experience into the Luck stat… Leaving the Goddess completely baffled by it’s choices, the Mimic just proudly watched as it’s wisdom was actually increased on it’s own and began to smile maliciously. Despite knowing that it could no doubt have an easier time with things if it made itself smarter right away, the Mimic also knew that doing so would forever remove it from being free to simply act on impulse. That is why the Mimic chose to go with luck, reasoning that it increased it’s natural luck, then the Mimic might get into more dicey situations where it would be forced to think it’s way out. Cackling evilly as it made plans to slowly gather it’s wits while focusing on feeding itself, the Mimic checked on the status of the outside world quickly before returning to exploring it’s inner mind… Dismissing the status display and stomach contents display, the Mimic instead willed an understanding of it’s capabilities as a living creature to be shown. Celebrating upon successfully calling up such a display, the Mimic eagerly went over to inspect what it could really do in case of an emergency. As it went over to read up on it’s own abilities, the Mimic suddenly realized what it actually was and that self-awareness caused it’s intelligence to increase by one suddenly. Capabilities of Lesser Mimic * Heat Sense: Grants the ability to sense heat, but not what the heat originates from. * Spit Mucus: Grants the ability to produce and project a sticky bile from ingested materials. * Possess Object: Grants the ability to enter non-living objects and allows user to manipulate the object as if a living form. * Unnatural Flesh: Grants the ability to produce sensitive skin like material within an occupied body. * Incorporeal: A Trait that allows the bearer to exist in a ghost-like state while within one’s own element. * Grapple: A Skill that allows for the restraint of targets and can be used to pick up objects. * Stretch: A Skill that allows for the manipulation of muscle and body mass to produce Tendrils. Smiling upon reading it’s capabilities and using what it learned to “understand” more about how it’s body functioned, the Mimic’s smile only widened as it “felt” it’s Wisdom grow yet again… Looking off to the side of it’s capabilities display, the Mimic’s eyes narrowed as it focused on seeing something rather “important” to it’s own survival… Vulnerabilities of Lesser Mimic * Fire * Light: Can destroy incorporeal form and can bring blindness to physical forms, to be avoided at all costs. * Nature * Dark: Takes no damage from the Dark Element and can safely exist as an incorporeal form within any places shielded from direct light. * Water * Earth * Air * Arcane * Ice * Lightning Staring at the list of “weaknesses and strengths” stubbornly for a little while, the Mimic eventually realized that everything it was able to see about itself were things that “it” already knew about itself… Feeling itself growing both “smarter” and “wiser” when that understanding came over it, the Mimic just began smiling evilly once more… Eventually hearing it’s belly grumbling, the Mimic looked out towards the exit and was startled to find the sun setting already. Hurrying over to the exit portal, the Mimic eagerly headed outside of it’s little sanctuary and returned to the world of the living hungrily. Quickly heading over to the toy shop it had hunted in before, the Mimic was upset over the way that the hunting grounds had not yet re-spawned and began drifting around town curiously. At some point finding it’s way back towards the doll shop, the Mimic was more careful in it’s selection of a body and took over another chest… With a hungry zeal, the Mimic dragged all of the toys inside it’s belly and crooned happily as they were all slowly digested within it’s belly. Turning it’s attention towards the inside of the store hungrily, the Mimic suddenly stopped itself when it realized that destroying the hunting ground would render the spot unavailable for a longer amount of time, or indefinitely in some cases, the Mimic waited patiently for it’s stomach to process all of the dolls it had eaten. Smiling as it felt the material capacity building up within it again, the Mimic also could feel that somehow it’s intelligence and wisdom had gone up again, but could not return to it’s inner mind at that time. Once done with the doll shop, the Mimic headed out once more into the night; hungry for more… Eventually finding it’s way back over to where it had first woken up, the Mimic quickly went over all of the turns it had made to get there again and felt it’s mind be “expanded” yet again; only in a larger way than before… Surveying the Forge slowly before moving in, the Mimic spotted the black rocks from before and quickly darted over to take possession of the crate that the rocks rested within. Sad to find itself without a way to close it’s jaws again, the Mimic was about to begin digesting the rocks when it noticed the smelter not more than a few feet away. Quickly darting over into the smelter and slowly reaching to take over the entire device, the Mimic was greatly surprised when it found itself suddenly within it’s inner mind all of a sudden. While in there, the Mimic felt it’s attention drawn over towards it’s Ability display… Finding a new ability lit up, the Mimic froze stiff when it learned it now possessed a production ability related to ore. Looking outside of it’s body and finding that it still had control over it’s body, the Mimic quickly reached over to drag the box of ore over towards it. Unknowingly causing a tremendous amount of noise with the way it was screeching gleefully and scrapping the ground with the wooden crate, the Mimic was too excited to try out it’s new ability. Hearing the commotion again, Urenil suddenly bolted upright in bed; as the frightful tale from Tardaar had left him with a bad gut feeling about the Ebony powder he had discovered the evening before, and he shot out to his Forge with his hammer in hand… Freezing upon seeing the sight of a MIMIC in the form of his smelter, Urenil let out a ferocious yell and charged towards the monster seeking to destroy his way of life… Hearing the Dark Elf yell, but still in the process of smelting the Ebony ore, the Mimic just lashed out at Urenil in frustration over being interrupted. Grunting as he was smacked roughly away, Urenil landed hard on the ground and looked over at the Mimic in fright; fully expecting to be dragged into the flaming mouth of the monster. Instead, however, Urenil found the Mimic only being concerned with the blacksmithing hammer and could only watch in confusion as the creature began to examine the hammer with great curiosity. Seeing the monster suddenly twitching, before seeming to lock onto him, Urenil knew better than to stick around anymore and scrambled up to his feet in order to flee to safety… Growling unhappily when the Dark Elf ran off, the Mimic wanted to try explaining things to the Elf in the hopes that the person might be willing to get them some more ore… The reason why the Mimic felt that it could even convince the Dark Elf to do such a thing, was because the Mimic could feel that it was not absorbing the materials it was using for it’s production ability; while at the same time it could feel itself growing full of something else. Sadly, the Mimic could not see what was filling up it’s stomach because it had only been brought into it’s inner mind to see that it had unlocked a new ability. After finishing up with producing the Ebony ore into Ebony bars, the Mimic pulled out the finished product and was pleased with the way that all the materials used had been safely used without bringing harm to the material. Getting dragged back inside it’s mind, yet again, the Mimic was drawn towards it’s ability display once more… Finding it’s focus set squarely upon the Production skill of Smelting, the Mimic suddenly felt that it could actually improve on the already awesome skill and without any hesitation did so. Sadly, when the Mimic tried to power up it's production skill, the Mimic was suddenly struck down by a powerful migraine and that quickly told the Mimic that it needed to get smarter in order to be able to learn the more powerful version of it’s production skill. With that in mind the Mimic set down the Ebony bars, rather than eat and waste them, since it remembered the reaction of the Dark Elf. Sadly, the Mimic was now smart enough to know that when it was “eating”, it was actually “stealing” from the people of the town… Even worse, however, was when the Mimic attempted to leave the smelter and discovered that it’s production skill was actually tied to possessing the smelter either as a physical form or as something it had absorbed fully into it’s body… Making a difficult choice, the Mimic absorbed the smelter into it’s body and then looked over at all of the untouched ore laying about. Hearing the guards off in the distance, the Mimic quickly took off and made plans to pay back the Dark Elf somehow. Heading off into the night, the Mimic looked down at the city below as it rose higher into the air and began to craft a mental map of the city using certain land marks it could easily recognize in the night. As that mental map grew ever larger, the Mimic felt it’s mind being forced to grow larger to accommodate the map of the region it was making… Spying a very large house within the city, the Mimic felt itself growing hungry as it imagined all of the “stuff” the rich inhabitant must surely possess… Despite knowing that it was stealing, the Mimic reasoned with itself over the fact that it was a monster and therefore could do as it pleased so long as it could either fight or escape any battles it encountered. Heading into the lavish estate, the Mimic could tell that the owner had plenty of money so would hardly miss anything that it ate. Upon heading inside, the mimic found a large metal chest that looked to be quite valuable and dove into it eagerly. Taking over the chest and finding a small stash of cloth linens inside, the Mimic was surprised when it found itself being made hungry by cloth, but then it’s mind began churning as it realized that “materials” for making items, gear and weapons were “tasty” to it… Opening it’s awareness to what was around it, the Mimic suddenly found it’s mouth overflowing with saliva and quickly reached out to grab anything it could fit into it’s mouth. Decorative armor sets, displayed weapons, knickknacks by the hundreds, and even the marble floor tiles; no matter what the Mimic came across, if the object fit into the Mimic’s mouth, then that item was as good as food. In it’s feeding frenzy, the Mimic wound up drawing quite a bit of attention from the residents and servants in the manor. With quick efficiency, the Mimic glued anyone to come across it to a nearby wall with it’s projectile mucus… Those who were stuck were quickly stripped of all clothing and apparel, much to some of their horror, by the ravenous binge-eating Mimic. Ignoring the sacks of meat, the Mimic was more concerned with devouring enough tasty objects to be able to grow smart enough to repay the blacksmith for a reason that had become lost within it’s insatiable need to eat more. Consuming nearly the entire mansion, the Mimic left the walls standing, at least, as it fully absorbed it’s physical body and disappeared into the night. Strangely, the night still had a few hours left and so the Mimic headed back towards the Forge… Ghosting inside the house, the Mimic found where the Dark Elf was and took possession of a nearby chest inside the room… Just as the Mimic was about to reach out to the Dark Elf Blacksmith, Urenil slammed his fist down against the table he was sitting at and yelled angrily, before saying in a frustrated manner, “Damn it! Even though the guards were kind enough to excuse me distracting them when that stuffy High Elf’s home was ransacked… I’m certain to be run out of town for sure. Despite the fact that thing devoured my smelter and I am now for sure out of business until I can get a new smelter… Maybe I ought to just to move on from this town. DAMN IT! I really thought my luck had turned around when I found that finely ground Ebony powder, but for all I know… that was just the damn Mimic getting a taste for my ore…” Even though none of what the Dark Elf was saying made any sense to the Mimic, it could easily tell that the man was not in the mood to be visited by it… Not wanting to lose sight of the Dark Elf, however, the Mimic left the chest it had temporarily inhabited and headed over to where there was a closed box… Entering the box, but not taking complete possession of the container, the Mimic just merely wanted to have a safe place to rest that was close to the Dark Elf. Once inside, however, the Mimic found itself automatically traveling to it’s dark little sanctuary and sadly slinked off into the darkness to think. Wanting nothing more than to figure out a way to pay back the blacksmith, the Mimic strangely felt nothing towards the others it had harmed during it’s eating, since none of them had actually confronted it. Entering it’s inner mind to continue it’s brooding, out in the waking world… After making up his mind, Urenil got up from the table he had been sitting at and completely forgot about going back to sleep. Going around to gather up everything of value within his house over the course of the early morning hours, Urenil went over to pay for a wagon and horses after the sun was about a quarter of the way across the sky. Loading up all of his belongings, the Dark Elf eventually went over to pack up what was left at the Forge. In doing so, Urenil discovered the perfectly formed Ebony Ingots and was greatly shocked by their lustrous quality… Quickly setting them aside for another time, Urenil quickly gathered up everything and continued to pack when he heard a voice call out to him in a friendly manner, “So I see word of what happened up at the manor has already reached you, Urenil?” Turning over towards one of the guards that he had dragged over to deal with the Mimic at his Forge, Urenil just looked to the ground unhappily and said gruffly, “I’m sorry about last night… I shouldn’t have bothered you guards with my trivial problems when the Mayor needed you more-!” Cutting off when he got lightly smacked upside the head, Urenil gave the guard a cross look, but rather than anger being upon the guards face, all Urenil could see was great amusement in the other Dark Elf’s expression, while the guard replied with a chuckle, “Don’t be, heh, you actually probably did every guard you called over here a huge favor!” When Urenil just looked completely confused, especially after the way the guards had been so irritated the night before, the Dark Elf guard just smiled and happily explained, “I guess you haven’t heard the news then. Apparently after devouring your smelter, that damned Mimic decided to go make a snack out of everything… and I do mean everything, that Lord Falroon had up there in his mansion… even the very clothes of his back! I can’t even begin to explain what it was like to be cutting down our prestigious Mayor from where he had been stuck to one of the few untouched sections of wall left, only to discover the man was stark naked! No one up at the manner had been left untouched… for the moment that monster spotted them they were as good as a wall decoration and were swiftly relieved of all manner of clothing them had on them. I kinda want to believe that the Mimic you faced off with here at your forge was a different one, but I think we both know that most of the Mimics you find had already stopped with the ghost act. It’s a good thing that Mimic was not a man-eater yet… I dread the day that happens.” Suddenly realizing that he had been attacked by a Lesser Mimic the night before, Urenil lost a lot of the tension in his body as he came to understand just how “lucky” he truly was… When he began to laugh in a crazed manner and the guard asked what had gotten into him, Urenil replied with, “I tried to strike that thing with my hammer, but it just ever so effortlessly slapped me away… I thought for certain I would die to that thing, but instead it just disregarded me like I was the useless slag I’m constantly digging out of that ole smelter of mine. It was almost like it was more interested in whatever it had been doing since taking over my smelter...” Suddenly hearing the horses whinnying and looking over at the wagon, the guard flinched worriedly and turned to ask nervously, “You aren’t thinking of leaving are you, Urenil? Lord Falroon...” Trailing off when Urenil just glared up over at him, the guard quickly began to realize just why Urenil wanted to leave town fast as the Dark Elf Blacksmith snapped angrily, “Will most likely come to blame me for everything that happened to him last night and will undoubtedly demand that I remake every piece of tacky armor and weapon he lost last night in return for getting me a new smelter. I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t just throw me into a dungeon I help him construct afterwords, but more than likely Lord Falroon will just hold this incident over my head for the rest of my life, in order to get me to craft whatever he damn well desires for free! I’m getting out while I still have the opportunity and will try to get back on my feet in another city before I even dare to setup my own Forge again...” Nodding to Urenil, the guard wished him well on his travels and head back to work… As Urenil set out to find work in a new town, inside the quiet tranquility of the Shadowed Cleft, the Mimic was steadily processing everything it had consumed from the house of the High Elf… Current Status of Lesser Mimic Strength: 20 Agility: 12 Intellect: 12 Constitution: N/A Wisdom: 15 Luck: 30 Despite the huge jump it had made with some of it’s stats, the Mimic still felt fairly full and was delighted to see just how much more room for growth it had… Heading over to the display showing it’s Abilities and Vulnerabilities again… Capabilities of Lesser Mimic * Heat Sense: Grants the ability to sense sources of heat, but can only determine that something putting off warmth is nearby due to the lack of sensory input. * Spit Mucus: Grants the ability to produce and project a sticky bile from ingested materials. Can be used as a projectile attack to restrict movement of targets or stick objects to any immediate surfaces. * Possess Object: Grants the ability to enter non-living objects and allows user to manipulate the object as if a living form. Also allows the user to enter objects for the purpose of seeking shelter when conditions are not appropriate for movement outside a physical shell. Currently limited to making use of objects as they are and cannot manipulate an objects form into a more desirable body. * Unnatural Flesh: Grants the ability to produce sensitive skin like material within an occupied body. This both protects the object being used for a body from absorption, as well as, allows for the formation of body mass to interact with the world through. * Incorporeal: A Trait that allows the bearer to exist in a ghost-like state while within one’s own element. Cannot interact or be affected by physical objects, but things that are of opposing nature to the user’s element may be used to wound spirit. * Grapple: A Skill that allows for the restraint of targets and can be used to pick up objects. Dependent on the user’s strength and can be used to kill weaker targets or destroy some objects once user’s strength has exceeded normal limitations. * Stretch: A Skill that allows for the manipulation of muscle and body mass to produce Tendrils. These tendrils act as an extension of user’s body tissue, thus allowing near perfect control over how they move, but also forces the user to taste whatever is in contact with said tendrils. Quickly touching the displays for Possess Object, Unnatural Flesh, and Stretch, the Mimic used a little of it’s absorbed food to improve upon these abilities… Possess Object became renamed as Improved Object Possession and now allowed the Mimic to fully manipulate whatever object it was using for it’s body. Smiling as it came to fully comprehend what this new form of Possess Object would mean in the future, the Mimic’s smile turned malicious as it remembered what had happened when it tried to Mimic a doll for the first time and it began to imagine all the fun it would be having in the future. As the ability was fully upgraded, however, the Mimic learned that it’s ability to manipulate it’s assumed body would be reliant upon it’s own knowledge and available materials of similar substance to what object it was possessing. As for Unnatural Flesh, when the Mimic improved the ability, it suddenly grew capable of being able to spread it’s flesh over much larger areas and even to objects outside of it’s own body. Freezing when it realized what exactly it now had the ability to do, the Mimic cackled evilly as it began to imagine how it would be able to fuse multiple objects into a single form in the future and started to think about the possibilities for some of the bodies it could possess in the future. Finally, however, the Mimic learned that it could now instantly absorb objects that came into contact with it’s skin and store them away for later use either as food or parts to be used for other things. Grinning happily, the Mimic quickly realized that it now had an “inventory” to place certain items within and began to envision all of the items it could collect for the future now… The changes to Stretch were more simple to understand and excited the Mimic greatly, as the ability was renamed into Manifest Appendages. Even though having the ability to manifest actual arms was overwhelming, the Mimic was stunned when Manifest Appendages merged with Unnatural Flesh to become renamed as Unnatural Manifestation. While Unnatural Flesh remained as one of it’s abilities, Unnatural Manifestation allowed the Mimic not only to form varying limbs, but even manifest objects it had absorbed from within it’s body now. Thinking about all the fun it could have with forming physical bodies now, the Mimic was suddenly dumbfounded when it’s thoughts turned towards how it might even be able to “copy” a full-sized building… Feeling it’s entire being trembling with excitement, the Mimic’s entire mind suddenly reorganized itself to show the Mimic an entirely new display devoted towards it’s new production skill… Without any hesitation, the Mimic once more attempted to upgrade it’s production skill, but felt it’s mind seizing up from the attempt and just grit it’s teeth as it began to pour it’s all into increasing it’s stats to allow for it to comprehend it’s new skill. Slowly, the Mimic’s stash of junk items from the manor steadily dwindled to nothing as it’s Intellect and Wisdom grew by large amounts. Eventually reaching the point to where it could comprehend it’s new profession, the Mimic kept on focusing as all of the knowledge of it’s new profession came pouring into it’s mind. Slowly, a complete understanding of what it could now do slowly entered it’s mind and the Mimic just froze as something broke open within it’s very soul… Watching as another version of himself went around gathering things of value only to him, the Mimic watched sadly as his old life slowly fell apart as his collection grew. Sadly, his parents had encouraged him to collect things at a young age, but when they tried to get him to stop later on in life, the former person the Mimic had been refused to take his parents advice. Growing sad over the way that he had completely stopped living altogether as his collection grew more expansive, Bobby could only watch with tears in his eyes as he began to understand the disappointment in the eyes of his parents. In his past life, Bobby had been so consumed with his collection that he had never really spared any time for anyone else, unless they just so happened to “help” him with collecting stuff in some small way… Becoming consumed with the burning desire to change his ways, Bobby absorbed that small portion of experience from his past life and used that knowledge about himself to make him less selfish in his new life. That is when he became overwhelmed with the knowledge of all the people he had harmed in his own selfishness. Convulsing mentally when he realized just how many crimes he had committed, Bobby felt almost suicidal when he realized just how many lives he must have just ruined. Sensing those dangerous thoughts within Bobby and growing alarmed by the fact that he had become so smart so quickly all of a sudden, especially considering his earlier choices, Alyse moved quick to rescue Bobby from the pits of despair that the Mimic was collapsing into… Knowing that she could not interact with Bobby in the same ways that she had done so with Ashton, since Bobby was not yet a spiritually connected individual, Alyse was forced to mess with the dreams Bobby was having. Stopping, momentarily, when she realized that interfering with Bobby’s growth could hurt him later on down the line, Alyse quickly backed off and took some time to think about how she could better help Bobby. Eventually realizing that Bobby’s inner mind was the key to helping him, Alyse began to send the Mimic a few notifications. Sensing those “messages” entering into his mind, Bobby curiously went over to see what was going on and was stunned by what he was seeing… The first message read as followed, “Due to increasing Intellect and Wisdom, knowledge of Good and Evil has been obtained. Would you like to set your alignment?” After that another message read, “By increasing your skill in the production of improved materials and items, you now are able to learn the profession of Recycler, would you like to take this second profession?” Then Bobby’s eyes grew wider when, upon taking up the secondary profession, he received another message that read, “You now possess sufficient skills to become an Item Connoisseur, would you like to learn how to better identify items and materials through ingesting them?” Quickly accepting the new title, Bobby’s mind suddenly exploded as details about every item or object he had ever consumed were downloaded into his very soul. As his mind exploded with knowledge, Bobby felt the vast stores of food in his stomach dwindling as his mind was forced to expand with such knowledge as well. Bobby just spent a few days absorbing all of the new knowledge he was gaining about the items he had eaten and how he could now use his new professions to make the best use out of all the garbage he would be eating in the future. As Bobby the Mimic went through an “enlightening” process, Urenil was slowly making his way towards the neutral city of Gisslestad… On his way through the front gates, however, Urenil found himself being stopped by the city guards all of a sudden… Upon seeing the frightened look on his face, the captain of the guards called up to him in a reassuring tone, “Say there, friend… you don’t look like one of the citizens of Gisslestad, so I must ask if you are aware of the changes around here.” Quickly shaking his head in response, Urenil found himself growing relieved when he found out about the real reason why he had been stopped, “Well then, allow me to explain things then. Gisslestad is now under the protection of the Divine Guardian Battle-Demon Kacath and as such, those who are visitors or who are not yet recognized as citizens of Gisslestad, must now take up residence in one of the three smaller villages surrounding the city. This is done at the request of Lord Vendran to help appease Divine Guardian Kacath and to retain the Demon's services in regards to the protection of this city. If you need directions to the Dark Elven village, you simply need to turn around and take a right from the entrance to the city gate.” Quickly thanking the guard for helping him to understand the changes to Gisslestad, Urenil then asked curiously, “Um, would you happen to know if Gisslestad is in need of any Blacksmiths or if any of the Blacksmiths in the city need any apprentices? I was hoping to quickly set myself up either on my own or in the service to another more respected Blacksmith after some rather nasty business at my last home caused me to have to leave rather suddenly.” Not needing to think hard about what would cause an older looking Dark Elf to flee from another city, the Guard Captain happily replied, “Not to worry, Gisslestad’s Master-Smith is always on the lookout for new potential among the blacksmiths traveling around in search of a safe place to call home! He’s been here since before Kacath came lording around here and I know that stubborn ole bastard will keep swinging that hammer of his long after the next Divine Guardian is replaced by the next! You’ll just need to create something note-worthy by the time that the next choosing ceremony happens. That is when artisans, such as yourself, are able to bring forth their works and attempt to gain the favor of one our city’s Professional Masters in order to gain full citizenship, along with full-time employment as an apprentice to one of them! You might be hard pressed for time right now, since you only have two weeks till the next ceremony, but so long as you put your full effort into whatever you make, I’m certain you will at least catch the eye of the Master-Smith!” Nodding his gratitude to the guards, Urenil turned his wagon around and headed back outside the city limits, grumbling unhappily about how fickle some Divine Guardians could be… Once outside the city, Urenil quickly rented a room and a temporary space to setup his Forge at in order to try to make “something” worth showing to a Master-Smith… As Urenil was unpacking, however, he fortuitously opened the crate of ore that Bobby was sleeping in and caused the Mimic to wake back up in a hurry. Upon realizing that Urenil was unpacking into a new home, Bobby began to look around quickly to try and figure out where the Dark Elf was now, but Bobby slowly realized that he would be unable to simply memorize the sprawling Dark Elf settlement and the other towns connected to the large city. Thinking curiously about something he had been wondering about, Bobby darted away using the shadows around him, before concentrating on returning to the crate that had ferried him along with Urenil to this new city. Upon figuring out how he could “return” home, Bobby quickly set out to hunt around the shadowy city of the Dark Elves… Finding numerous building where people were constantly practicing the art of making things, Bobby hungrily took over anything that was being used to dispose of failures and slowly began to fill up his stomach. One of those times, Bobby tried to see if he could move between objects he could possess with items stored within him and was not surprised to see that those items were forcefully expelled from his generated flesh upon choosing to leave a claimed body. Keeping that in mind, Bobby made certain to digest an absorb all of the trash he was eating and began to smile as his belly filled up. While he was out an about, however, Bobby couldn’t resist eating items to allow him to take on each of the professions he was exposed to… Becoming a Blacksmith, Weaver, Seamstress, Carpenter, Toy Maker, Doll Maker, and learning much about the items required to make things for each profession, Bobby just grinned maliciously as he absorbed all of the information effortlessly. Increasing his skill with each profession so that he was equally knowledgeable about every kind of artisan profession he knew of, Bobby suddenly found all of his professions combining into one profession, which was simply called the Item Profession. Chuckling when he realized what had just done, Bobby suddenly could not wait to begin collecting materials to make his own collectibles. Before he became too inflated with his ego, however, Bobby quickly remembered Urenil and hurried on to continue hunting for materials… Unfortunately, Bobby’s hunt for materials took him into the territory of Divine Guardian Kacath and that caused him to draw the attention of the mighty Battle-Demon… Having just arrived at the Forge of the large city, Bobby was just possessing an empty ore crate to begin swallowing the reject weaponry that was being set off to the side, he suddenly found his body being crushed as a loud rough sounding voice cried out, “Pathetic Mimic! Did you really think that I would not sense your soul?” Stunned, for a moment, in his ghostly form, Bobby had to take a moment to realize what had just happened to him… Turning around towards the towering muscle-bound hulk of a monstrosity, Bobby was quickly reminded of a few bullies from his past life and hissed defiantly back at the Battle-Demon… Jumping back in shock over being hissed at by a lesser creature of darkness, Kacath suddenly chuckled happily and beckoned eagerly, “Come then, little one, allow me to show you what it means to challenge the likes of Kacath the Ravager!” Clenching his meaty fists tightly, Kacath honestly wished to see what the Mimic had to show him, since little else of interest had happened within Gisslestad as of late… Coming over to the Forge, huffing and puffing hard, Lord Vendran sought to get control over his pet Divine Guardian before Kacath wreaked untold havoc upon his city in search of something worthy of the Demon's attention… Quickly darting over into another chest, Bobby took completely control and opened his mouth to roar ferociously over at Kacath. When the Battle-Demon looked unimpressed by his little display, Bobby formed some actually humanoid looked hands and slammed them down against some weapons that had been knocked down onto the floor. Despite detesting the way the dirt on the ground tasted, Bobby was so angry now, that the disgusting taste of the ground was easily dismissible. Absorbing the weapons into his body quickly, Bobby then merged them into his body and roared at Kacath again as his fingers turned into blades, while his teeth were replaced with the tips of daggers… Chuckling intently, Kacath stepped forward to clash with the first interesting opponent, who was not the least bit intimidated by him. Grappling with the Mimic happily, Kacath was surprised by the strength of the Mimic, but felt he could easily handle a mindless monster. Groaning hard as he swung the Mimic up off the ground, Kacath hurled the Mimic’s body against the side of a nearby building and was a little dismayed to see the creature’s body easily shattered against the wall. Looking over to his summoner, Kacath cried out in annoyance, “Hey, Ven, would you do me a favor and catch this little Mimic’s soul for me? I wanna add it to my collection of minions! Who knows, maybe this little guy will become something worthy in a few centuries!” Not exactly understanding what was going on, Bobby was getting very annoyed with the way he was being pushed around by a bully and did not like the way that Kacath was looking at him… Then Bobby felt something take “hold” of his spiritual form and suddenly began to panic as whatever grabbed hold of him began pulling him out from within the shadows he had been thrown into… Sensing Bobby’s panic and quickly searching for her precious little Mimic, Alyse simply froze upon coming across where Bobby currently was. Wanting nothing more than to smite the little insect who dared to try and claim someone who rightfully belonged to her, all of Alyse’s fury quickly subsided when she realized that Bobby’s soul did not truly belong to her or ever would belong to her. Trying to think of a way for Bobby to somehow overcome this challenge on his own, Alyse suddenly realized that if she had become so angry over someone trying to steal one of her possessions, then just what would Bobby’s reaction to learning that someone wanted to collect him be. Suddenly feeling himself drawn inside his mind, Bobby’s focus was quickly pulled over to where the notifications were displayed… Dismissing the past notifications, Bobby’s entire train of thought came crashing to a halt when he read, “You have been captured by dark magic designed to collect your soul for your opponent. Would you like to learn to resist dark magic?” Instead of answering the prompt, Bobby slammed a mental fist through the prompt and began to glow darkly as he started to convert some of the materials he had consumed into whatever allowed him to upgrade his resistance towards Dark Energy altogether… Slowly, Bobby’s resistance to Dark Energy rose until he maxed out the stat, but Bobby was not satisfied and began to wonder if he could break through the limits of merely being able to “resist” Dark Magic in order to learn how to consume Dark Energy… Smiling as she heard that thought enter into Bobby’s mind, Alyse waved one of her hands and said with an evil grin, “Ask and ye shall receive, my little abomination! Now then, show those pitiful fools the error of their ways in thinking that they could collect you like some kind of item!” Out in reality, Kacath and Vendran had been watching as a collection of dark energy slowly moved towards them, but grew nervous when the ball of energy suddenly stopped… As he grew strong enough to fully resist the magic clutching onto his soul, Bobby was able to stop his soul from being moved by Vendran’s magic and then after gaining the ability to absorb dark energy, thought spitefully, “So… you think I’m some little pushover who will just roll over and bow down to you after getting the snot beat out me...” Suddenly, all of the dark energy around Bobby’s soul was sucked into the invisible soul and then the very shadows surrounding Bobby began to slightly “warp” around him as he continued to consume the raw dark energy from the air surrounding him… While Kacath just looked confused by what was going on, when the Divine Guardian looked back over at his summoner to question Vendran, Kacath grew alarmed by the pale-faced expression of horror plastered to Vendran’s face… Reaching out all around him, Bobby merely thought of all the items that he wanted to use to make his new body out of and all around him shadowy portals were ripped open in a second. No longer caring about right or wrong, Bobby was so furious towards the two who attacked him; while he was just cleaning up the trash around the city, that he no longer could think straight. Inside his inner mind, a new notification popped up suddenly, but Bobby was no longer intelligent enough to understand the message. Dropping down into a chest constructed completely out of Ebony ingots, Bobby suddenly sprouted dozens of fleshy tendrils and began to pull together all of the items he had summoned to him. Finally reaching over to the smelter at the Forge next to him, Bobby dragged the painfully hot object over into his growing mass of flesh. Bobby’s flesh then churned up all the items inside his flesh and began to merge all those items into him in a specific manner to allow him to take on Kacath for real. Using four stone pillars for his legs, Bobby covered up the flesh filling in the gap where a knee joint should have been with some black drapes. One arm was a combination of a sturdy oak column and a cannon as his forearm, while the other seemed to be made from flesh covered in sturdy metal plating from nearby chimneys; with his hand made almost exclusively out of sharp bladed objects. While the Ebony chest made up Bobby’s head, the most impressive part of his body was the smelter he had turned into his chest and seemed to be fully functioning for it’s intended purpose… Having been watching Bobby take form with a dumbfounded expression on his face, Kacath only had one thing say as a comment about what he had just witnessed, “Well… this is new.” After finishing up making his body, Bobby was suddenly surrounding by a malevolent black aura as he let out a bellow that shook the very ground around him and caused a gout of flame to erupt out of the opening of the smelter built into his chest… On the other side of things, Bobby could no longer even “think” cognitively and was no longer able to perceive anything other than the vague colorless shapes of his enemies… After Bobby’s roar ceased to shake the area around them, Kacath suddenly realized that his body was trembling in a mixture of anticipation and awe for the mighty Mimic he had just discovered, which made him say with renewed vigor, “Okay then, time to see what you can DO!” Charging over at Bobby with one fist drawn back, Kacath flinched when he suddenly found himself staring into the end of a literal loaded cannon as Bobby quickly shifted over to the right. Aiming his left arm at Kacath and bracing his body to absorb the shock of the cannon firing, Bobby let out a pleased sounding hiss as he saw the expression of alarm appear on Kacath’s face. Feeling his entire body lurch back from the force of the explosion, Bobby hurled out a sphere of ore that he had quickly forged in the smelter making up his chest. Overexerting himself right before the cannon went off, Kacath tensed his back muscles and caused his body to lurch back out of the way, narrowing dodging the projectile launched out of Bobby’s left arm… Despite avoiding the nearly fatal blast from the cannon, Kacath was blown away by the sheer force of the explosion going off from the cannon and after quickly flipping back to his feet, called out happily, “You know what… I think I might just offer to make you one of my servants after this! Come on, now, show me some more!” With a tremendous battle roar, Kacath rushed back in and drove one of his fists through the Mimic’s right leg with a victorious smile… Surprised by the fact that the Demon had somehow avoided his cannon shot, Bobby really had not thought about what would happen if he missed and so was caught off guard when Kacath smashed right through his leg… Whirling around to see what the Mimic would do now that one of it’s legs had been broken, Kacath was stunned to see the Mimic actually repairing it’s legs and then further improving upon the material making up the stone pillar. Now more than a little annoyed by the demon, Bobby took the time to upgrade all of his body parts, not really caring or even understanding the effects placed on each Enchanted body part he made. Leveling his cannon over at Kacath, Bobby fired off a rapid far salvo of cannon balls and was annoyed when Kacath effortlessly dodged around them. Unfortunately, the cannon balls flew threw a nearby building that was shading the area where Bobby was fighting and when the sunlight touched him, he suddenly cried out in agony… Becoming very confused when he saw the Mimic’s reaction to being in sunlight, Kacath’s eyes narrowed and he muttered to himself in a suspicious manner, “Am I really fighting with a Lesser Mimic right now? No… no, that can’t be! No mere lesser Mimic could hold it’s own against me… unless…” Glancing over at the Mimic’s steaming body, Kacath looked very intently at the dark monster’s body parts in an attempt to confirm his suspicions… Unable to confirm anything on his own, Kacath instead rushed over to take advantage of the recovering Mimic’s vulnerability right then and attempted to smash the Mimic’s leg yet again. Only when he broke the Mimic’s leg this time around, Kacath suddenly froze when he felt the bones in his arm suddenly fracture and break apart. Holding his limply hanging arm as he retreated back away from the Mimic, Kacath suddenly let out a cry of agony expressed his pain over having his arm shattered. Demanding Vendran come attend to his injury, Kacath worriedly looked over at the Mimic and was frustrated to see that his blow to the monster had barely even hurt the stone column making up it’s leg… Having noticed the way Kacath had injured himself, from merely attacking the stone pillar making up his left leg, Bobby reached down to flick the same leg with one finger from his right hand… Jumping when they heard the Mimic cry out suddenly, both Kacath and Vendran looked over at the Mimic in a bewildered fashion until they noticed the cut on the Mimic’s index finger. Turning his attention towards the Mimic’s left leg, Kacath easily made out the cut mark in the stone pillar and immediately realized what was going on. Without really understanding how it was possible, Kacath now understood that the Mimic’s stone leg had somehow become upgraded with Reflective Armor enchantment; which could reflect varying degrees of damage based on the skill of the enchanter. Once Vendran had healed his arm up, Kacath stood up eagerly to face off against the Mimic, now more eager than ever to get his hands upon the marvelous creature… Flinching when he saw the Mimic raise up it’s cannon hand, Kacath quickly realized that Vendran would be dead if the monster were to fire in his direction and quickly hissed at the High Elf to get out of sight. With his summoner now safely out of sight, Kacath returned his focus to the Mimic just in time to see the creature fire off three more cannonballs. When the smoke cleared, however, everyone watching the battle, even Alyse, were simply dumbfounded when the cannonballs were just motionless hovering in the air above where the Mimics arm was positioned. Not knowing what to make of the strange sight, Kacath then watched worriedly as the Mimic reached up to tap one of the Cannonballs with it’s right hand… Due to the angle of Bobby’s body in regards to Kacath, the cannonball touched by Bobby’s finger was sent flying away from Kacath to the northwest. Reaching up to tap the outside of his Ebony head, Bobby used the cannon on the end of his left hand to tap the second cannonball and sent that one harmlessly flying up over Kacath’s head. Bring both of his hands together in front of his face, Bobby just calmly waited for a moment and then the third cannonball took off in the direction it had been shot originally. After having watched that all unfold, with a very alarmed expression on his face, Kacath noticed the attention of the Mimic turn towards him and he cursed under his breath, “Ah, shit, well this just got a little more interesting! Vendran! Undo my binding… I think I am going to have to fight at full power for this one!” Trembling at the mention of undoing the binding on Kacath’s power, Vendran timidly replied, “But doing so will leave you in a weakened state… what will happen-!” “IF YOU DO NOT DO AS I SAY, THEN YOU MAY CONSIDER OUR PACT BROKEN! This thing may not be that much a threat because of it’s rank in comparison to me, but I’ll be damned if doesn’t have any more tricks hidden up it’s sleeve!” Roared Kacath in a violent manner. Quickly casting the spell to undo the seal on Kacath’s power, Vendran just prayed that he would not come to regret this decision… Knowing exactly why Vendran was hesitant to unleash him fully into the world, Kacath was not about to allow himself to lose to a damnable creature of Darkness and could not even imagine what would happen to his reputation in the Demonic Veil if world reached there that he had lost to a lesser creature of Darkness… Groaning and grunting happily as his full power was released into the world, Kacath’s black skin suddenly turned a violent red, with dark lines drawing out violent looking tattoos all over his hulking form. Going from an impressive height of ten feet to eighteen over the course of a few seconds, Kacath also sprouted spikes from his shoulders and back at the ends of the lines tattooed into his skin, making the lines seem to extend beyond his body. Still only wearing the same loincloth he had been wearing from the beginning, Kacath’s whole appearance only seemed to change color and size, but much more was at play for the unbound Divine Guardian. On the other side of things, Bobby just burned some more of his meal in order to further improve upon his body, causing the parts of his body to become “randomly” Enhanced… Chuckling when he felt the power coming off the Mimic’s body grow stronger, Kacath just happily cried, “Ho, ho, ho, ho… so you can grow stronger as well, eh? Can’t wait to see what you can do once I get my hands-!” Cutting off when the Mimic suddenly spun around, Kacath’s confident expression became one of trepidation when he suddenly heard the cannon going off more times than he wished to hear… When the smoke cleared from around the Mimic, Kacath’s jaw tightened slightly at the sight of the barrage of cannonballs slowly drifting around his opponent. Bobby couldn’t resist cackling evilly, especially as he sprouted a swarm of fleshy tendrils and began to weave those tendrils all around the lazily drifting metal balls around him. Suddenly, a piece of the earlier destroyed building crumbled away and the light shining through the new opening cast Bobby into an eery light as he began to vibrate his tendrils. Kacath hurled himself into action right after that and did his best to dart around the barrage of cannon balls, but at some point felt his left arm get blast right off his body… Thankfully, in his unbound state, Kacath was able to resist the pain caused by the lose of his arm and charged right up at the Mimic to try to deal a finishing blow with one hit… Roaring angrily as he pulled back his right arm, Kacath paid the Mimic back for his own missing arm by smashing off the Mimic’s own right limb. While spinning around from the momentum of his vicious attack, Kacath grunted suddenly when the Mimic’s cannon arm suddenly slammed into his gut, but the Daemon prevented himself from being knocked away by quickly reaching around to take hold of part of the cannon’s mounting bracket. Quickly realizing his mistake, Kacath flexed his right arm to drag his body out from in front of the cannon’s muzzle and narrowly avoided a cannon blast that would have surely torn him in half. Pulling his body in a way that would line him up parallel to the Mimic’s chest region, Kacath thrust himself away from the cannon and yelled violently as he smashed his right fist into the Mimic’s chest region… Hearing the Mimic cry out as he smashed the flimsy body that it had cobbled together, Kacath suddenly felt alive once more and let a victorious bellow as he flexed his right arm to one side… Then, to the horror of all watching the battle take place, Kacath was suddenly grabbed by the Mimic’s fleshy tendrils and the Daemon began to cry out in pain as he was squeezed painfully by the angry creature. Unable to do much with only one arm, Kacath quickly realized he had been foolish to think the Mimic would just roll over at he had take apart it’s body so easily; especially after all the spunk that the weak Mimic had displayed earlier. Chuckling, all of a sudden, Kacath seemed to have completely lost his mind, but the truth was that he was coming to realize that from the very beginning he had probably been underestimating the Mimic’s true strength. Crying out suddenly when the Mimic painfully squeezed his chest, Kacath glared over at where the head of the beast now lay and screamed in anger, “Finish it! I do not deserve to be treated like some toy for you to mangle! END ME before I regain the strength to END YOU!” While Bobby could not exactly understand what the Daemon was saying, due to his lowered intellect, he was at least still wise enough to understand that he was being “threatened” by the creature he now held securely within his tentacles… That was when something strange crept into Bobby’s mind and eventually he realized that he was now able to “taste” the prize he now held with his numerous tongues… Hearing a strange gurgling sound emanating from within the Mimic’s true body, Kacath was suddenly hit with a surge of adrenaline and screamed madly, “Good! That’s what you’re supposed to do with enemies you’ve beaten! Never give them the chance to come back! Show ‘em what happens when they mess with you and fail to beat you!” Strangely, as Bobby was pulling the demon closer to him, he began to become confused as he grew oddly calm and began to regain his intelligence… Realizing that something strange was going on with the Mimic, Kacath did not want to miss out on the opportunity he was being presented with and so bit one of the Mimic’s tendrils, before screaming wildly, “Hurry up! DO IT! End me! Before I recover enough to do the same to you! Don’t forget that you are still just an inferior maggot still clinging to your life here on Drazan! I am a superior being and I will not tolerate being treated merciful by the likes of you!” Smiling when he heard an aggressive snarl ripple out of the Mimic, Kacath began to chuckle as he pulled forward again and saw the mouth of the Mimic begin to open up… Chuckling evilly, all of a sudden, Kacath waited until right when the Mimic fully opened his mouth and he was hovering above the entrance to it’s deathly stomach, before saying victoriously, “That’s right, just open right up for me… so I blast you right where your gag reflex is located!” Gathering up all the energy he could muster in his weakened and exhausted state, Kacath cast the only demonic spell he knew and blasted the back part of the Mimic’s mouth where the top and bottom jaws met with all of his might… Roaring in a mixture of surprise and pain, the Ebony chest making up the Mimic’s main body was suddenly blown apart in a violent manner, which caused Kacath to shout upon being freed, “Vendran! Quick! Grab this things soul before it can escape!” Drifting up in an almost unconscious state, Bobby was only vaguely aware of the sound being made by the demon, but strangely did not feel like he was dead… Instead Bobby only felt tired… very tired, so tired that he began to feel his soul being sucked away into that safe place he had found earlier… Too tired to care about being defeated anymore, Bobby just wanted to close his eyes and rest for a good long while. Not even noticing the attempts being made by Vendran to capture his soul, Bobby just slowly gathered up his essence into a ball and moved through the shadowy portal pulling him to safety. Embracing the darkness that opened up to welcome him home, Bobby strangely felt like he was just returning home to his old life and walking into his home where his collection was so massive that the windows to his house were blocked completely. As Bobby left the living world and returned home to the Shadowed Cleft, Kacath trembled when he sensed the enemy within his domain leave completely from his senses… Turning towards Vendran, Kacath got a vindictive look on his face and stomped over angrily towards the High Elf, as he snarled angrily, “You had better of captured that Mimic’s soul or so help me...” Visibly shaking as a very belligerent looking Kacath stomped up in front of him, Vendran got down on his hands and knees to reply remorsefully, “Forgive me! I was unable to even touch that thing with my magic after my initial success! I don’t understand why that is… I was certain I had it that first time, but then… my magic just disappeared… Please, understand that I tried my best to catch the Mimic’s soul for you!” Looking down upon the groveling elf with disgust, Kacath turned away from Vendran and snarled, “One month… you will not summon me for ONE MONTH, Vendran… you can rely upon the others you have in your services.” Growing alarmed by what he was hearing, Vendran got up and grew indignant as he exclaimed in a worried manner, “What! Kacath… you can’t do that! I followed your commands and did as you asked! You would already be incapable of heeding my calls for a week simply from having your restraints released… did you really use up that much energy fighting that thing?” Having been staring over at the remains of the Mimic’s body, since with the disappearance of the Mimic’s soul, all of the body parts were returning to their original states; even the smelter that Kacath had smashed to pieces, but upon hearing Vendran question his ability to fight against a mere Mimic, the Daemon felt the need to clarify a few things, “First off, you are not going to summon me for a month, because if you do I will crush you for failing to catch that Mimic’s soul! The only reason that you are still alive right now, is because of how much fun that mere lesser creature gave me! If you ever find yourself in a position to catch that creature, then you will do so for me! Otherwise, just make certain to keep an eye out for it from now on… I am no longer really even certain, but if that was indeed a Lesser Mimic, then you can bet your life on the fact that it will remember this battle and will come back for you again once it has regained it’s strength… That thing was far superior to any Shapeshifter I have ever seen after a Mimic is recruited by a Demon Lord… Now then, I grow tired of breathing what you mortals consider to be air and wish to return home.” Quickly performing the spell to send Kacath back home to the Demonic Veil, before the kindness of the demon ran out, Vendran suddenly began to tremble as he began to feel a thousand sets of eyes watching him from all over… Over in the Demonic Veil, however, Kacath was kneeling before his own Master; even as his arm was steadily regrowing… Waiting to be addressed by his Master, Kacath did not even try to hide what had happened to him and said, “Forgive me for showing myself in front of you in such a weakened state, my Lord, I found a creature upon Drazan with a surprisingly sharp set of teeth and firm guts to match.” Blinking in surprise upon hearing that Kacath had lost an arm to a creature from the mortal realm, the Battle-Demon's Master asked with an incredulous tone, “What in the world could possibly leave you in such a state without leaving you so angry you cannot stand still?” Coughing uneasily at the question, Kacath looked off to the side nervously, before announcing in a very serious manner, “A Lesser Mimic, my Lord.” The silence in the room was so oppressive, that even the Demon Lord couldn’t help being affected by the ringing in their ears… Clearing their throat after a few moments of awkward silence, the Demon Lord stumbled over their words as they asked in disbelief, “Ahem, a Mimic… you say?” Understanding his Master’s disbelief, Kacath then said with an expression that displayed his own disbelief of things, “Exactly as I said, Master, a Lesser Mimic; who was incapable of standing out in sunlight, took off my arm in battle. To be fair, I probably underestimated the damn thing at first, but how could I not, Mimics are creatures beneath the notice of Demons, especially those of the lesser variety. However, upon sensing the little bugger within my domain upon Drazan, I quickly established my dominance by crushing the object it had selected for a body with my foot. I tried to scare the little insect off with my usual scare tactics, but instead of scurrying away like a good little Mimic should, the damn thing reared back and HISSED at me! ME!” Unable to remain serious while hearing Kacath’s recounting of his initial interaction with the Mimic, the Demon Lord swiftly forgot all anger towards Kacath’s failure when the Daemon continued on to say, “Then, in the complete opposite of what you would expect from a Lesser Mimic, the damn thing darts away right into another chest and roars at me… What the hell do you expect of me when I hear, what constitutes for a kitten in our neck of the woods, hissing at me? I egged it on and watched it form two fully functioning arms, then proceeded to taunt it again and watch as it absorbed weapons that just so happened to be lying around into it’s body to augment it’s hands. Oh, right, I forgot to mention that I caught the thing over at the Forge of a town I am watching over… So after it… arms itself, I proceeded to do the only right thing in my mind and crush the little monster again.” No one could not laugh at Kacath’s pun in regards to the Mimic, not even the Demon Lord… Doing his best to act out what happened, since he knew his Master actually enjoyed a good story more than results sometimes, Kacath continued on, “After that, I found the little spitfire to be so amusing that I had my summoner attempt to capture it’s soul, but somehow the Mimic not only escapes, but somehow managed to summon up the materials to make a brand new body out of. Oh, and get this, my Lord, the Mimic used a cannon, four stone pillars, the Forge’s smelter, an Ebony chest, and who knows how many bladed objects to assemble some kind of weird ass body for itself.” Doing his best to relay the events that had unfolded once the Mimic had turned into genuine “Junk” Golem, Kacath tried to explain that the Mimic he had fought was not of the “average” variety… Growing interested after hearing about the Mimic’s ability to upgrade the objects it had used for it’s body, the Demon Lord was about to ask something, when Kacath hastily answered the question, “Forgive me, Master, but I was unable to secure the Mimic’s soul! I tried to get my summoner to perform the act for me, since I am very poorly skilled in the use of magic, but the fool could not get a hold of the Mimic again!” Closing their mouth, the Demon Lord thought for a moment before saying, “If you encounter this Mimic again, then please do your utmost best to convince it to serve me. Such a unique creature would be a great boon to my authority here in the Demonic Veil.” Unbeknownst to the Demons, Alyse was currently giving them a death glare from her position within her own realm and tossing around a bunch of different punishments she could have in store for any demon foolish enough to mess with her prized pet… Over within the Shadowed Cleft, however, Bobby was recovering steadily within the shadowy realm, but was completely unaware of what was around him within that alternate dimension… Inside his mind, Bobby was finally able to view the notifications he had received during the fight with Kacath, which read, “Warning, due to increased anger, you have entered an Enraged state. While Enraged you lose part of your intelligence in return for doubled speed and strength.” The second message read as, “Entering Berserker State, while in this state of mind, one is incapable of higher thought and receives high tolerance towards any pain from damage inflicted, allowing for much greater exertions when attacking.” Starting to understand why most of the fight was just a blurry memory filled with rage, Bobby vaguely remembered having such episodes back in his previous life, but didn’t have as much trouble remember the stupid actions he had performed while being so angry… Taking inventory of what he had left inside him, Bobby was disheartened when he learned that all of the “stuff” he had eaten earlier before the fight had been consumed to upgrade his body parts during the fight, which he then lost when he was destroyed at the end… That was when a strange loud noise caused Bobby to instantly return to Urenil’s temporary Forge and when Bobby found the Dark Elf, Urenil was angrily muttering to himself, “Won’t matter what I do now… Just a week left… What can I make with the materials I have available to me… DAMN IT!” Wanting to do something to help the Blacksmith, since Bobby strangely felt personally responsible for the mess that the Dark Elf was in, he carefully went back over to where Urenil’s temporary Forge had been set up…
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 2 – Stocking the Fires After listening to Urenil scream angrily for a few moments, Bobby headed out and immediately moved into the smelter that had been hastily assembled in the Forge… Feeling rather unhappy with the measly smelter that Urenil had been trying to use to melt down the ore that the Dark Elf Blacksmith was trying to use, Bobby reached out to grab hold of some materials. Devouring all of the failures that Urenil had laying around, Bobby hungrily gobbled up all of the metal and whatever else he could find that he did not think the Elf would mind if he ate. Crooning happily as all of the objects he had eaten were melted down within his tummy, Bobby then began to expand his body and added all the materials he had just eaten to the smelter to make it more impressive. Back inside his small temporary home, Urenil suddenly began to hear some strange noises coming from outside and hastily grabbed his hammer before rushing outside… Freezing immediately upon catching sight of the Mimic lurking out in his workshop, Urenil darted out of sight quickly and then began to watch curiously as the Mimic went about eating all of his failed attempts at making an impressive sword… Getting a shocked expression on his face when he watched the Mimic take his primitive looking smelter and turned the object into something worthy of a Grand Master-Smith. Leaving his hiding stop slowly, Urenil slowly walked out into sight and loudly set his hammer down in order to draw the attention of the Mimic over to him. Much to his relief, after letting out a startled snarl, the Mimic almost seemed to become happy at the sight of him. Noticing how terrified the Dark Elf appeared to be of him, Bobby did the only thing he could “logically” think of and created a tendril to “wave” over at Urenil while trying to “smile” in a lackadaisical manner… Walking over towards the Mimic, since the darn thing seemed friendly enough, Urenil did the only thing he could think to do in this situation and began to just vent his frustrations, “Ugh, what are you doing here? Haven’t you caused me enough trouble already? You do realize that you’re half the reason I am stuck here and had been using your previously shabby looking body to try and make something...” After rambling on for so long about his woes, Urenil eventually just gave up trying to speak to the Mimic and walked over to get his hammer… Coming back over and holding out his hammer to the Mimic, Urenil asked in a joking manner, “Still hungry?” Unable to understand Urenil still, Bobby took Urenil brandishing the hammer to be a sign that the Blacksmith wanted to work… Getting a confused look on his face when the Mimic snapped shut it’s mouth, Urenil just watched in a slightly worried manner as the Mimic seemed to start to chew on something. Then the Mimic brought over a sword form that it had absorbed into it’s body and tilted the smelter portion of it’s body forward to spill out the molten hot metal from inside it’s belly. Watching all that in disbelief, Urenil just stared at the Mimic in disbelief as the sword blank slowly cooled down enough for the Mimic to safely pick up with metal tongs that were not part of it’s body. Observing the way that the Mimic seemed to almost act like a sentient creature in the way it moved the sword blank over to the anvil, Urenil jumped when he felt the Mimic tap him with a tendril, then realized that the Mimic wanted him to take hold of the metal tongs… Taking hold of the tongs and starting to work on the sword blank, Urenil couldn’t help watching the Mimic out of the corner of his eye. Sadly, that distraction caused him to break the sword blank, but while Urenil grumbled unhappily over his mistake, the Mimic just eagerly picked up the broken pieces and stuck them back in it’s mouth. Watching in disbelief as the creature happily melted down the sword blank and spat out a brand new one for him to work on, Urenil slowly felt his guard lowering around the odd creature. Slowly getting comfortable with the Mimic around, Urenil noticed the way that the Mimic actually began to grow more “friendly” with him, but always made certain to respect his boundaries… Upon tiring himself out, Urenil eventually went off to bed and just prayed that the Mimic would still be there the next day… Once Bobby was certain that Urenil had gone to bed, he quickly left the smelter and was relieved when the object remained the way he had upgraded the smelter. Heading out into the Dark Elven city, Bobby hungrily ghosted around all the places he had visited earlier and cleared out those places of all trash. Setting out to the other two outside villages, Bobby made very certain to give the big city a wide berth so as to avoid drawing the attention of the Daemon again. After spending the night eating his fill at specific locations in each of the villages, Bobby happily returned home with his bounty… As Bobby waited for Urenil to wake up, he went into his inner mind and began to inspect what he had gathered up… In total, Bobby had gathered up around a hundred shoddy weapons that were not even fit to be sold by the Forges that created them. Having chosen to leave any higher grade weaponry alone, so as not to alarm the other villages, Bobby then turned his attention towards the scraps he had collected from other profession workshops. He was not all that concerned with the scraps belonging to any profession other than Blacksmithing and so set them aside to be used for other things later. Finding out he had at least forty Brass ingots, twenty Iron ingots, a whopping sixty Steel ingots, and only five Mythril ingots, Bobby was pleased with his haul… Waking up and getting ready for another day of futilely trying to make a sword worth a damn, Urenil exited from his house and was actually a little surprised to find the Mimic still hanging around… Snickering at the way the Mimic seemed to almost be saying good morning to him as he walked over to it, Urenil began to say, despite knowing the Mimic couldn’t understand him, “Sorry to say, little fella, but I think I will need to go get some more ore before we get started today.” Flinching when he felt the Mimic take hold of his right wrist as he was turning away, Urenil quickly forgot his terror of being betrayed by the Mimic as it spewed out enough metal for a sword blank… Staring down at the Mythril metal blank, Urenil looked over at the Mimic suspiciously and demanded in an amused manner, “And now just where did you obtain the metal to make this?” Despite Urenil just speaking gibberish to him, Bobby was able to use the tone Urenil was using and several clues from the Dark Elf’s body language to figure out what Urenil was speaking of. Quickly raising up a couple of tendrils to signify that he not done anything too illegal to obtain the metal, Bobby quickly reached inside it’s mouth and pulled out a failure from within it’s stomach. Watching Urenil react with confusion, Bobby quickly reached in to pull out some other metal scrap he had absorbed the night before. Observing what the Mimic was doing curiously, Urenil reached down to inspect the broken pieces of swords and other excess material that “he” would have quickly thrown away himself… Quickly coming to the realization that the Mimic must have spent last night gathering garbage from other Forges to gather up enough material to produce enough metal for the Mythril sword blank, Urenil suddenly became unsure of how he could properly ask the Mimic something. Eventually getting an idea, Urenil held up three fingers, tapped the sword blank and then held up different numbers of fingers trying to get the Mimic to understand that he was asking how many pieces of refuse had gone into making the sword blank. Upon seeing the way Urenil was attempting to communicate through math, Bobby’s now brilliant mind suddenly began to churn out new ways for him to speak to Urenil. Shooing Urenil away, the Mimic spat out a sheet of paper it had eaten and had to stare at the paper in confusion, for a moment, because of the fact that the tossed out piece of paper was now “blank”… Eventually scribbling something on the piece of paper, Bobby did his best to depict that he had used three pieces of broken blades to make the Mythril Sword blank. Upon seeing that the Mimic was actually trying to communicate with him, Urenil suddenly became ecstatic as he set the piece of paper aside. He then began to hold different values of fingers while saying the word for each number in Dark Elven tongue. Listening to what Urenil was saying and actually learning to “associate” specific sounds with certain numbers, Bobby slowly began to learn the Dark Elf language… Trembling with excitement, Bobby quickly sprouted a swarm of tentacles and began to grab all manner of items from around the Forge to present them to Urenil… Bobby was intelligent enough to know what most items were used for and was able to identify them from the knowledge he had obtained when learning his professions, but strangely could not put actual words to such objects. Urenil just began to name each item one at a time as the Mimic held them before him and suddenly began to smile earnestly in the presence of the Mimic. Once Urenil had named out all the items presented to him, Urenil began to wonder what else the Mimic wanted to know. Sadly, the written language was not so easy for Bobby to learn from Urenil, but he could “easily” draw out exactly what he was thinking for Urenil to interpret… When the Mimic held out a very detailed picture of him expressing his frustrations over the challenge, Urenil became slightly unnerved by the fact that the Mimic had been “watching” him for so long… Then the Mimic made another picture and after looking at it, Urenil said in a shocked manner, “What? You are trying to repay me for… oh...” Suddenly realizing that the Mimic was actually trying to “help” him in return for it “eating” his old smelter and causing him to feel compelled to move away from his old home, Urenil suddenly remembered something that caused him to rush inside his home… Coming out a moment later with a box filled with Ebony Ingots that he had salvaged from his previous home, Urenil dropped the bucket before the Mimic in an excited manner… When the Mimic seemed reluctant to touch the metal, Urenil exclaimed happily, “Well, go on! Eat up! I know you are the one who made these back at my old home and I apologize for the way I acted towards ya… In my mind, you were just some vile monster that was trying to eat my lively hood… but I now know you’re more than that!” Upon hearing that Urenil actually understood what he was trying to do, Bobby quickly reached out to stuff the Ebony ingots into his mouth… Chuckling as he watched the Mimic hastily stuff all the metal into his mouth, Urenil muttered out loud, “Now if only I were able to get a hold of the materials to properly increase the quality of that Ebony… then I could really wow the Master-Smith of this town...” Trailing off when the Mimic suddenly held up some tendrils and began to shift around oddly, like it was looking around for something, Urenil backed off quickly when the Mimic suddenly began to emanate a dark aura… Inside his mind, Bobby had quickly started to look through his inventory of items to see if there was anything he could “use” to upgrade the quality of them metal inside his mouth… Summoned up by his intent, Bobby found a prompt asking if he wished to attempt to upgrade the quality of the metal to maximum and quickly tapped the display with every intent to hit the yes option. Much to Bobby’s dismay, a bunch of error messages then showed up and caused him to growl with frustration, until he noticed a message about what was missing from his inventory. Confused over what the message meant in saying he did not possess any appropriate souls for the manufacturing of Mythical quality metal, Bobby quickly became confused again about the qualities of metal in the world. As if hearing him, a display for his profession screen lit up and he watched as he was directed to a certain display that showed him the varying qualities of metals, as well as the requirements to produce such types of metal… Metal Quality * Primitive – Anything broken or damaged in quality, as well as items crafted by creature of lesser intelligence. Tribal items also falls under this classification, since there is normally very little effort made in order to fashion a pointy stick to poke things with. * Normal – Any item made by the hands of a sentient being, typically through the usage of tools and knowledge passed down in generations. * Enchanted – Items of this quality require the use of components typically acquired from lesser species of monsters in order to craft, with effects widely ranging depending on the items used. There are methods to ensure certain kinds of effects are more likely, but to ensure a specific enchantment requires certain religious knowledge. * Enhanced – Items of this quality are made with components from mid-low tier monsters and carry the blessing of known Gods in order to boost certain characteristics of the item’s holder. Requires religious knowledge to perform this kind of upgrade. * Legendary – Items of this quality can only be crafted using parts of mid-high tier monsters which carry that creature’s unique essence. Grants the user a special ability based off the monster used for the upgrade. * Mythical – Items of this quality are considered to be Family Heirlooms, which typically carrying inside the soul of a being that is related to the weapon in some way. A past wielder, the souls of higher tier monsters and even sometimes even a fragment of a known God can be imbued into items to make them into this quality. Requires an affinity for Soul Magic to make. Growling over the fact that everything was either dependent on “religious” or “magical” knowledge he did not posses, Bobby began to remember something involving certain collectibles from his previous life… Up in her home, Alyse sensed Bobby growing frustrations and took a peek over at what was bothering him, before commenting in a motherly tone, with a sweet smile on her face, “Poor baby, too bad you can’t do that random… wait… luck-of-the-draw… oh my, how amusing… seems Bobby has already been a step ahead of me this whole time!” Eventually smiling deviously as she sent behind a little gift down to Bobby, Alyse could not wait to see what Bobby would do with her little present… Still frustrated over his inability to do what Urenil was wanting, Bobby jumped when a new message suddenly popped up in front of him… This message read as follows, “You have met the conditions to learn a Unique Skill. Would you like to learn to use Luck-of-the-Draw when seeking to create new items?” Simply dumbfounded by the message, Bobby just stared down at the message for the longest before breaking out into hysterical laughter and thrusting one hand through the message to accept the thing he had just been thinking about… Quickly absorbing all the knowledge involved with Luck-of-the-Draw, Bobby was excited to learn that this system of upgrading quality used a “random” reward system in return for “unlocking” the knowledge requirement for certain things… Having been watching the various emotional outbursts from the Mimic, Urenil really had no clue what to make of the creature until, all of a sudden, the Mimic moved the sword blank form over in front of it and spewed out some liquefied Ebony that quite simply radiated with power. Looking at the Mimic with a speechless expression on his face, Urenil watched as the Mimic held up a broken weapon along with one tendril while shaking it’s mouth from side to side. Doing the same for two tendrils and the normal Mythril sword blank that had become cooled, Urenil’s mouth then dropped as the Mimic passed by two more numbers of tendrils before chuckling in an excited manner while holding five tendrils. Already getting the message when the Mimic held up a crappy weapon with one tendril, Urenil could not even believe that the Ebony sword blank consisted of Legendary quality metal… Gingerly taking the tongs from the Mimic, when the creature moved the sword blank over onto the anvil, Urenil ever so carefully worked the sword blank into a finished form. After having the Mimic bit the bottom end of the sword in a manner that would allow for a hilt to be made to fit the tang of the sword blank, Urenil was just about to get to work carving a hilt for the blade when the Mimic ever so kindly presented him with such a thing. Giving the Mimic a narrow-eyed look, Urenil eventually just broke out into a smile and took hold of the Legendary quality Hickory wood handle. After completing the weapon, which demonstrated his “skills” at making a sword, Urenil then moved over to his whetstone wheel to sharpen the edge of the weapon… Days later, after continuing to develop his relationship with the Mimic, Urenil was entering the city of Gisslestad to present his work before the Master-Smith of the town… Master-Smith Ferath sighed rather unhappily when he saw the all-to-familiar faces of those still seeking to earn his favor after being repeatedly turned down for trying to pass off half-assed weapons as works of art worthy of his name. Then he laid eyes on an unfamiliar face and paused a moment to stare at the newcomer before dismissing the Dark Elf Blacksmith as just another youngin hoping to benefit from his good name. Sitting down where he was supposed to during the ceremony and waiting until his profession was called out. When the time for him to address the mass of eager young Blacksmiths came, Master-Smith Ferath just sighed unhappily as he got up to address the miscreants before him… Passing a critical eye over all the youngsters standing nervously before him, Master-Smith Ferath said in a tired manner, “I still have all the apprentices I require to fulfill my responsibilities to the Master of this city, but should any of you believe that you have something to best what my apprentices have to offer this city, step forward!” Most of the hopeful apprentices standing before Ferath quickly backed down and turned to walk away in dejected manners, but one among them stood resolute… Coming forward in rather plain looking armor that looked to have the touch of an experienced Blacksmith upon them, Urenil certainly caught Ferath’s attention with just his demeanor alone, but then Urenil unveiled the sword he had been keeping wrapped up in a sheet of cloth. Gasping when he looked upon the Master-craft Ebony sword, Ferath’s attention quickly shifted towards the potential that could be felt from within the blade. Turning towards his apprentices, Ferath had a series of tests brought out for the blade to be tested up against. Making quick work of every sharpness test presented before him with a single effortless swing of the blade, Urenil could already tell that he had Ferath’s attention from the get go and inwardly grew ever more pleased with the way the Master-Smith continued to grow more impressed with his sword’s capabilities… The final test came in the form of a chunk of magically enchanted Ebony ore that had been made so strong by the enchantment that it could not be forged into a weapon. A prompter then instructed Urenil to strike the chunk of Ebony with his weapon to let the song of the sword prove his worth as a Weapon-smith. Chuckling as the assistant played up the act the crowd by speaking of how a properly forged sword would have a beautiful ringing tone played when struck up against the enchanted piece of Ebony, Urenil calmly walked forward with his sword held in a relaxed position at his side. Thinking that he was about to witness another foolhardy Blacksmith break a perfectly good weapon in an attempt to prove it’s strength, Ferath just let out an unhappy sigh and lowered his gaze to the ground… When the sound of a beautiful ringing suddenly reached his ears, however, the gruff old Master-Smith just gasped in shock and whipped his head over at Urenil in shock… Laughing at the reaction of Ferath to him merely tapping the flat edge of his sword against the top of the rock to create to tone, Urenil then turned to glare threateningly over at the prompter as he said with a slight growl showing his true emotions that were hidden behind a pleased smile, “A true Blacksmith would never waste a weapon by striking a similar or harder substance with the blade of a weapon! You might need to work on your wording there, boy, or else you may continue to annoy your Master in the future.” Looking over at Urenil in shock, Ferath was very surprised that such a knowledgeable Blacksmith would be seeking an apprenticeship under him, but when Urenil seemed to be more interested in showing off his weapon to the excited onlookers, Ferath began to understand that Urenil may be there for another motive… Asking Urenil to come back to the city after gathering up his belongings, Ferath looked almost “excited” over getting to welcome a new Blacksmith to the city and watched Urenil leave… Returning to his temporary residence and thanking the owner for allowing him to use the setup, Urenil paid for a small fee to cover up any expenses the owner had to deal with after he left. Heading over to his home and starting to pack up anything he had brought out of his wagon during his brief stay in the rented home, Urenil was so preoccupied with packing up that he completely ignored the Mimic’s attempts to inquire about how things turned out. Slowly becoming worried that things had gone wrong and that Urenil was having to leave because of him again, Bobby jumped when the Blacksmith suddenly tapped his body with a hammer. Smiling down at the Mimic when it freaked out in response to him trying to get it’s attention, Urenil just asked in an excited manner, “So~ are ya gonna give me a hand with packing you up or do I have lug you’re heavy ass around by myself?” Sprouting a pair of “arms” to thrust down against his non-existent hips, Bobby thrust out a red-hot looking tongue from inside his mouth at Urenil playfully… Laughing at the Mimic’s sassy response to his question, Urenil was stopped when he noticed the Mimic was drawing something up. Taking a look at the message that the Mimic created, Urenil happily informed the Mimic that yes they would be entering the big city surrounding by the three little villages; although he was a little confused over the fact that the Mimic even knew about the other two small villages. That caused the Mimic to furiously scribble out something else and when Urenil took at look at the new message, his happy smile turned an expression of worry. Looking down at the Mimic for confirmation, Urenil said sadly, “So… I’m guessing you got hungry and wandered into the city, huh? I doubt Gisslestad’s Divine Guardian was too kind towards an invader… I wish that I could explain things, but if the Guardian of this city has already deemed you an enemy… I doubt that they or their Master will take too kindly to my input. Oh, but don’t worry, I have a plan to allow us to keep working together, but I won’t ruin the surprise just yet! I’ll tell you later if you decide to stick around, okay? So you should probably just pack away this smelter of yours and go hide someplace safe, alright? I promise I won’t take too long.” Watching as Urenil turned around to pick up something that looked well-used, Bobby grew alarmed when he heard the Blacksmith say sadly, “Gonna miss having my own mark, would be such a shame to dispose of this brand though...” Without any warning, Urenil jumped back when a fleshy tendril snatched the brand away from him and then watched in alarm as the Mimic melded the brand into it’s very flesh, but then Urenil gasped when he realized what the creature was up too, as he said in excitement, “Hey! That’s a great idea! If you use that to identify yourself, then I can claim you as something I own so that no one can think of you as a monster! Don’t get me wrong, though, I know that you are here of your own choice, but I will have to make the others think of you as my pet so they won’t bar you from joining me where I intend to go!” Greatly worried that he would lose Urenil, as the Dark Elf hurried off to finish things up, Bobby quickly deconstructed his assumed body and absorbed the smelter back into him for later use… Heading over into Urenil’s wagon for a moment, Bobby quickly made a return point for him and then turned his attention towards the “real” problem keeping him from being able to enter the city with Urenil… Despite having already been intending to go battle with the demon and the wizard working with it, Bobby now had a real reason to go pick a fight with the competitor for the city grounds. Flying over into Gisslestad without any fear, Bobby flew up high over the city in the hopes of avoiding notice and much to his surprise, nothing came out to attack him. Unbeknownst to Bobby, Kacath’s domain only extended up as high as the city walls and he was flying well above that elevation. Once over the most lavish building and seeing the “value” of everything on the outside of the home, Bobby hungrily dove down towards the all-you-can-eat buffet… Inside the home of Lord Vendran, Bobby quickly found himself in the trophy room of his enemy and quickly sought out a chest for a body. Taking over the body, Body rapidly formed some limbs and began to drag in everything inside the room into his mouth. Rapidly absorbing all of the weapons and decorative suits of armor, Bobby used everything he could grab to wrap himself up in an armored body that sported an Ebony chest at it’s center. Sprouting weapons from it’s hands, Bobby had been expecting to find Kacath trying to stomp him out of existence already and anxiously awaited his opponent for a few moments… Slowly, Bobby’s anger rose and before he could catch himself, he had gone into a full-blown berserker rage as he howled in a bestial manner… Lord Vendran jumped with fright the moment he heard that familiar sound and quickly summoned ever spiritual familiar he possess. Having to rein in the quarrelsome spirits, with not all fights breaking out between spirits of opposing elements, Vendran quickly split them up and ordered them all to search around his home to find out what is going on. Before too long, he heard from his imps and his worst fears were realized when he learned that the Mimic had come back for vengeance. Sneaking out of his home after ordering the spiritual familiars to do their best to hinder the Mimic, Lord Vendran hurried over to the Guild Hall of Gisslestad… Neither seeing, nor caring about the spiritual familiars, Bobby actually just found the way certain objects would come flying towards him to be quite amusing. The spiritual familiars did not know what they were supposed to exactly do against the Mimic, but they continued to do their best. From the Demonic Veil, the Imps that Vendran had summoned tried to throw things at Bobby to pester the Mimic, while the Angels from the Heavenly Realm tried using rays of light to light things on fire so the Imps could assault the Mimic with them, with the Forest Nymphs simply making use of any plants inside the house to harass their enemy. Learning how to use his tendrils to create strong enough air movement to extinguish the flames being thrown at him, Bobby then grabbed all the items being manipulated towards him and consumed them all… When he began to come across plants that seemed to have a life of their own, Bobby happily tossed the objects into his mouth and was shocked by what he absorbed from them. Upon sensing all of the useful materials gained from eating merely one of the plants, Bobby began to hunt down any living plants in a ravenous fury. Collecting the materials needed to upgrade items to the Enchanted quality hungrily, Bobby was overjoyed to actually be able to find such materials on his own without needing religious knowledge. Calming down for a few moments, Bobby remained motionless as he took inventory of what he now had in his possession… From the soil, to the plants themselves, everything that had come from the living plants was considering to be Enchanted Quality materials and Bobby couldn’t resist testing out his new materials by making the Ebony chest he was using for his body into an Enchanted item. Sadly, before Bobby could figure out what kind of Enchantment he had gained, the constant thumping of items against the outside of his body cause him to become enraged yet again. Yelling in rage, until something flaming was thrown inside his mouth, Bobby hit berserker rage yet again and with unnatural speed, whipped out a tendril to catch the burning item thrown at him. Trembling as he glared down at the flaming item in his grasp, Bobby remembered what had happened when Kacath had attacked him with fire in a brief, flash of memory; which then pushed Bobby over the edge… As Bobby was thrown into a berserk rampage, Lord Vendran was just finishing up with explaining his problem to the Guild-master… Having already heard the story of this particular Mimic having the strength to match a Daemon blow for blow, the Guild-master of Gisslestad said in no uncertain terms, “Unless you are willing to throw some silver out as a reward, I doubt you will be able to get the attention of any Adventurers capable of taking on a beast like that one. So what are you expecting from me, hm? Don’t forget that the Adventurer’s Guild is neutral, so I do not owe you anything!” Backing off when the Guild-master began to raise their voice, Vendran just kindly asked, “Look, I know we are not on the best of terms, but I am just looking for a little advice on how to kill this thing so that it will not come back after me again! Kacath already killed it once and wanted to catch it’s soul, but my magic can’t affect it anymore.” Laughing at Vendran, the Guild-master could not believe what they were hearing and after enjoying the moment, finally answered Vendran with, “You’ll be forced to burn down your entire house, but even then I don’t know if this Mimic will go down that easily. Fire and Light are the only things a Mimic fears, with the later being quite literal poison to a Mimic’s actual body, but depending on whether or not you are you are dealing with a Man-eater Mimic, you may have some trouble with actually hurting it with anything so long as it remains inside a physical body.” Smiling when he learned all that he needed to put this certain Mimic to rest permanently, Vendran quickly hurried back home. Contacting his familiars to explain what he was going to do, the High Elf was horrified to learn that the Mimic had become enraged by his familiar’s attempts to attack the monster that it was now devouring anything inside his home. Holding out one hand, with his fingers tensed in an aggressive manner, Vendran created a small black tinged flame in his hand before quickly hurrying back to his house. After making certain his familiars were safely out of his home, Vendran touched his hand to the outside of his home and closed his eyes… Using shadow-flame to create a magical circle surrounding his home, Vendran just smiled vindictively as he cried, “Let’s see how you like the taste of Hellfire, monster!” Opening up a portal to the Demonic Veil, Vendran asked the being on the other side to unleash his fury through the opening… Smiling happily when he felt the massive offering of energy being presented to him, the King of Hellfire happily released some of the agonizing flames constantly searing his form at the request of the summoner. Sighing with relief as he unleashed the raging flames constantly tormenting his soul, the King of Hellfire could only smile in delight as he imagined the pain and suffering he had just now inflicted upon another being. When the portal closed, the King of Hellfire just grit his teeth in annoyance and trembled as the flames burning his flesh returned to annoy him after the moment’s relief ended. Turning his attention towards the little portals belonging to Warlocks and Summoners who were calling for his aid, the King of Hellfire continued feeding his flames through the magic circles conjured by the magic-users to slightly lessen his own suffering… Back in Drazan, Bobby had no clue what was going on when he suddenly stopped being assaulted by objects he believed the High Elf to be using magic on… Slowly calming down in the eery silence, Bobby began to think suddenly when his mind returned to a normal state and that was right when a pillar of Hellfire erupted upwards from the Demonic Veil. Screaming in agony as the ferocious flames engulfed him, but thankfully Bobby was slightly protected within his Enchanted Ebony Chest of Flame Resistance. Unfortunately, the power of a Demigod overpowered the measly enchantment that Bobby had managed to place over his body, but miraculously, the Ebony chest was not completely destroyed. Having to turn away when the eruption of Hellfire burst into the world, in the silence that followed, Lord Vendran was able to hear the pitiful cries of the Mimic still within his home… Crying out in pain as he looked around for someplace to get away from the fires, Bobby could not find anywhere that was not either in flames still or that had not been reduced to burning hot ashes, but then Bobby heard an elven voice cry out, “That’s right, you monster, BURN! This is what you get for messing with a High Elf!” As people quickly rushed over to see what happened at Lord Vendran’s house, with even the Guild-master hurrying over upon seeing the pillar of Hellfire shoot forth into the sky, Lord Vendran continued to taunt the Mimic proudly… Snarling in anger upon hearing the voice of the Elf he had come to challenge taunting him, especially now that he could understand the pompous fool, Bobby attempted to open his mouth to spit over in the Elf’s direction, but the moment he tried opening the lid of the chest protecting him from the intense fires, Bobby flinched in alarm. Quickly closing his body in terror, Bobby began to panic as he looked all around at the bright fires around him and then noticed how the blast of Hellfire had destroyed the vast majority of the rooftop protecting him from daylight. Trembling as he realized that he was doomed, since the moment he left the Ebony chest, Bobby knew the safety within it would be quickly destroyed by all the heat surrounding him; since he still had no idea about the magical trait he placed on the Ebony chest. Unfortunately, before Bobby could take the time to think calmly and assess his current situation, he began to hear the Elf calling out to him, causing Bobby to become enraged again as Vendran cried mockingly, “If you don’t wanna die, you can always offer up your soul to me! I’m certain that Kacath would be more than happy to accept you into his collection of servants!” Becoming berserk yet again, Bobby lost all conscious thought and even the ability to comprehend pain as he was overwhelmed by the need to hurt whoever was talking to him… Suddenly, as if summoned by his will, Bobby found a shadowy portal opening up before him and showing him the target of his wrath. Thankful to find the distance of the portal to be far enough away that Lord Vendran would not be able to see him back through it, Bobby opened his mouth slowly and welcomed the sunlight into his vulnerable stomach, as he drew out a spear he had quickly brought up to Legendary Quality in a hasty manner. Even though he could feel himself swiftly dying to the intense heat and daylight battering his vulnerable insides, Bobby was too angry to care as he hurled the spear with all of his might. In the process of throwing the weapon, Bobby’s formed appendage passed through some open flames and caught his “flesh” on fire, much to his alarm… Thankfully, Bobby was able to see the spear pass through the shadowy portal before his life ended and then just let go as his soul was burned free of his physical form… When Bobby spectral form rose up out from within the destroyed Ebony chest, however, he suddenly began to feel the sunlight burning away his very soul and cried out as he perished. Feeling his existence come to an end, Bobby could feel nothing but sorrow over losing to a bastard, like the High Elf, he should have been able to crush with ease. In the process of being destroyed, however, Bobby was suddenly reminded of something from his past life and suddenly he began trying to summon up the strength to fight for his life, but the power of sunlight against his dark soul was too great. On the other side of Bobby’s demise… Having heard the dying screech of the Mimic, Lord Vendran laughed victoriously just as a the spear that Bobby hurled pierced through his left knee. Gasping from the shock of feeling something pierce through his body, Vendran just looked down at the spear lodged in his knee in a shaky manner and reached over to touch the weapon in disbelief. Then the pain of the attack slammed into his mind and Lord Vendran toppled over onto the ground, screaming in agony as his body finally realized that he had just been attacked. As the citizens of Gisslestad rushed to his side to begin treatment, back inside the destroyed remains of Vendran’s mansion… Coming back to his senses as he was dying, Bobby did the only thing he could think of and forced his way into his inner mind. Dismissing all of the alerts dealing with his condition, Bobby was shocked when he felt his very soul convulse and then began to feel all of the stuff he had digested coming back up. Strangely, while spitting out all the items he had ingested, Bobby strangely began to feel himself automatically upgrading all of the items with the available materials he had. Going over towards the display showing what was he had available within his stomach, Bobby found himself curious about the only bar not being depleted… Reaching out to touch the display, Bobby was surprised when the description of the stuff currently filling up his belly read as follows, “Experience, Magical Essence, the building blocks of all life on the world of Drazan. A mysterious substance created by the almighty Goddess protecting the fragile peace of the world, used by all living things to grow stronger and consumed in order to allow for the progression of monster evolution. Sentient Beings can accumulate this essence through their daily actions and by battling against Monsters. Conversely, Monster obtain their own experience by consuming Sentient Beings and through various manners specific to each monster breed. By fighting and living, creatures are able to story up experience to allow them to be reborn as stronger beings in their next life.” Growing happy when he saw his experience bar growing bigger as each moment passed, Bobby suddenly felt his connection to the shadows over in Urenil’s wagon break apart to be “added” to the experience he had accumulated through living as a Mimic… Then Bobby felt a very important object leave his being and suddenly grew very alarmed as he returned to being outside his mind… Staring out at the brand that served as Urenil’s maker’s mark, Bobby suddenly surged with power as he forced an arm of flesh to materialize around his soul and growled even as his flesh slowly burned away, “I will not lose this!” Sadly, the forces at play denied all attempts made by Bobby to recover the brand, despite how much “luck” he currently possessed and Bobby’s soul passed on into the afterlife filled with regret… Growing alarmed when she felt such powerful “emotions” coming from Bobby, Alyse had been distracted by the other four men she was helping with their new lives and looked towards Bobby just in time to watch his soul be burned out of the living world… Despite knowing that she wanted Bobby to develop on his own, without her influence affecting him too much, she was not about to lose one of precious new friends. Reaching out to take hold of Bobby’s soul, Alyse was quickly worried about the writhing emotions swirling with Bobby and took him away from where the targets of his emotions lay in order to hopefully prevent him from becoming so monstrous that he could not become the type of monster Alyse had originally planned to use for his rebirth. Now understanding Bobby a little better by his actions as a Mimic, Alyse carried his soul over towards the lands of the Hob-Goblin species she had created from the monster race of Goblins. Still unable to actually “perceive” Alyse, Bobby only new that a strong force had taken hold over his soul and he was afraid that someone like Vendran had taken hold of him… Even as Alyse was gently bearing him towards his new home, Bobby was desperately trying to break free from her grasp as he could tell that he was leaving the place he come to know as his home. Still hoping to be able to reclaim Urenil’s brand so that he could identify himself as a friend of the Dark Elf, Bobby’s fragile tumultuous emotions slowly became ever more violent. For a single moment, Bobby became so determined to uphold his promise to stay with Urenil that he became a spiritually connected being for just a moment. Upon feeling the connection to his portal in Urenil’s wagon flare back to life, Bobby suddenly erupted with a dark fury that shocked Alyse so much that she lost her grip upon Bobby’s soul… Sadly, upon freeing himself and relaxing, Bobby suddenly lost the power he had momentarily gained… Watching as Bobby burst into tears, Alyse reached out to touch Bobby’s mind and grew horrified over learning she had just made a terrible mistake by ripping him away from the place where Bobby had actually begun to develop the way that Alyse was wanting. Attempting to reach out towards him once more, Alyse quickly held herself back when she realized that in her attempt to aid Bobby, she had only made matters worse for him. Watching as his dark soul flew down towards a Hob-Goblin village, Alyse wanted to do something to help Bobby, but she forced herself to stop since Bobby was not even capable of hearing her at that moment in time. As Bobby desperately tried to reach out towards the land he had come from, over at Gisslestad… Upon coming in to earn his citizenship, a day after Bobby attacked Lord Vendran’s house, Urenil was startled to learn that a Mimic, just like the one back in his previous home, had destroyed the house of the High Elf protecting the village. Even though he had a gut feeling that the Mimic he had befriended might have been behind such an attack, especially because of the way the friendly Mimic had spoke about trying to enter the city, Urenil could still not view the creature he had encountered as a mere monster. He knew the creature he met was more than just some mindless Mimic and Urenil suddenly found the resolve to put the plan he had come up with into motion. Approaching Lord Vendran when called out too, Urenil did his best not to notice the bandages holding the High Elf’s leg together and instead called out pleasantly, “Lord Vendran, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to become a citizen of your wonderful town, but I am afraid that I had other motives for coming here and displaying my skills as a Blacksmith. Master-Smith Ferath, I am honored that you find me worthy of working within your Forge, but I would not feel right knowing that my place among your apprentices came at the cost of someone else being forced to leave. Instead of earning citizenship here in Gisslestad, I would instead like to request for a Writ of Introduction from Master-Smith Ferath so that where ever I go next I will not be forced to go through such trials just to prove my worth as a Blacksmith.” Thankfully, both Ferath and Lord Vendran found his proposition to be acceptable… A few hours after Urenil had left with the Writ of Introduction, Lord Vendran was being helped back into the temporary residence he had been given to stay in by the townsfolk… Using the spear that had caused his injury as a walking stick to help him move about on his own, Vendran froze up upon entry into his bed-chambers when he heard a familiar voice ask him, “So… you managed to survive the vengeance of that Mimic…” Whirling over towards Kacath in alarm, Vendran was very alarmed to find that Kacath looked fully healed after only a short rest, but his thoughts were quickly put on the back-burner when Kacath demanded pointedly, “Does this mean you have a certain soul for me to take back to my Master? I should warn you that I am not in the mood for any other answer than yes!” Swallowing nervously, Vendran suddenly straightened up and regained his vigor as he replied, “No, no I do not have the soul of that Mimic for you take back to your Master, Kacath, and would you like to know why?” Holding off his own outburst of anger, Kacath suddenly took notice of the state that Vendran was in and then listened in alarm as he was informed, “That thing decided to come into my home and attack me here! I tried to use my other summons, but they were little more than bothersome gnats to that thing! My home is now gone and not just because I called forth Hellfire to incinerate my entire house… or what was left after that Mimic was done eating everything I possessed! I am lucky that I have not yet been attacked again or else you would already be out of my contract with you! You wanna know the best part… I called out to that thing and offered to save it if only it allowed me to collect it’s soul. In response, that spiteful little monster threw THIS spear right through my knee and then left after coughing up all of it’s valuables inside my home where they were quickly rendered garbage!” Looking over at the weapon being used as a crutch by Vendran, Kacath shuddered as he felt the sheer power imbued into that weapon and suddenly approached the High Elf… Backing away fearfully when Kacath approached him, Vendran knew he was in trouble since he was not responsible for bringing Kacath into the living realm, but then Kacath reached to take away the spear and said ominously to Vendran, “Do not worry, my summoner, I will not be taking your life for this little blunder of yours, but only because I will be using this weapon here to present my Master with something of worth in place of you. Pray that my Master approves of this weapon, or you may yet find me coming back to claim your soul for my Master if he no longer sees any reason to continue allowing you remain in this life.” Returning to the Demonic Veil after that, Kacath held onto the Legendary Spear in his hands firmly and had a grim look as he went to report to his Master… After explaining what had happened with the creature he had discovered and presented the spear to his Master, Kacath anxiously awaited his Master’s judgment… Getting up off his throne and coming over to inspect the Legendary Spear, the Demon Lord said thoughtfully, “A spear with the enchantment to pierce through armor is not anything to be impressed by, but this spear… somehow has been enchanted to be able to penetrate all defenses… You might not think that worrying until you consider just how powerful this weapon currently is… With this spear in my hands, I could go up against any King here and be able to overcome their mighty hides with a mere jab from this weapon. Wonderful!” Upon hearing what his Master had said about the spear, Kacath flinched upon realizing what he had just offered to his Master unknowingly, as the Demon Lord continued on to say, “How amusing, this spear has been enhanced with the power of Ockran, rather than the preferred Wind Spirit Odeck. However, if you consider the enchantment; in addition to the enhancement, suddenly you have a spear designed to pierce through any creature’s defensive capabilities…” Chuckling as they pulled back the spear and motioned like they were going to throw the weapon, but instead holding onto the spear instead, the Demon Lord grunted in an impressed manner when a shadow clone of the spear slammed into the wall they had aimed for, before muttering in amusement, “Well now, consider me impressed. An Air enchantment, mixed with the Fire God’s blessing, and finally the ability to cast Shadow Projection when swung like a melee weapon. This weapon is truly a marvel! You said that this was used by the Mimic to attack that pathetic fool who retains your services? I guess that creature must have been very desperate to hurt you summoner to throw away such a powerful weapons as this… or else it must have possessed even more powerful weapons within it already… Was there anything else recovered from it’s death?” Shaking his head and quickly explaining that Vendran had called upon the aid of the King of Hellfire to destroy the Mimic, Kacath could tell his Master was displeased to learn that nothing else had been recoverable… Before Kacath could grovel before him anymore, however, the Demon Lord commanded of Kacath, “You are to go to this city that you have been contracted to defend and you will stay there until you either locate this Mimic or can drag it before me! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?” Quickly nodding his head, Kacath took his Master’s command to be a dismissal and quickly vanished from the Demonic Veil… While Kacath returned to Vendran to relay his Master’s orders in a manner befitting of a powerful Daemon, Urenil was currently heading towards the home of the Dark Elves… Eventually reaching the capitol city, Urenil quickly used his Writ of Introduction to gain an audience with the Dark Elf Empress. The Empress was pleased to find such a highly recognized Blacksmith in her courts; as the name of Ferath was very well known among the Elves, so she was quick to offer Urenil a position under her kingdom’s Grand Master-Smith. Gratefully accepting the high honor of being recruited to work for the royal family of the Dark Elf Nation, Urenil followed the servant he was instructed to. A few days later, after getting moved in to his new home and bringing his equipment over to the Forge he would be working in from then on, Urenil made certain to keep a careful eye out for his peculiar friend the whole time… In the process of unloading his ore, however, Urenil came across a strangely empty box and curiously opened it… Looking in to find that the inside of the box had been clawed up, like Urenil had stuck a baby monster Cat-girl inside, Urenil just scratched his head in confusion and set aside the box carefully. Putting the lid back on top of the box, Urenil just prayed that perhaps the Mimic had tried to return to that box at some point, but had been prevented from doing so and that resulted in the near destruction of the box. Returning to unpacking things, Urenil eventually pulled out the Ebony Sword that he had made with the help of the Mimic he had befriended and sighed sadly upon seeing it. As he stared at his own face within the reflective flat side of the blade, Urenil suddenly caught sight of something behind him inside the Forge that took away his breath… Whirling around at the sight of a Mimic being inside the Forge, Urenil could hardly believe his eyes and slowly walked over towards the creature in wonder… Calling out to the Mimic hesitantly, Urenil could immediately tell that he was not dealing with the same Mimic as from before, but he couldn’t contain his curiosity. Setting down the sword in his hands quickly, Urenil did his best to seem friendly as he approached the seemingly peaceful monster and hastily grabbed some ore from one of his crates. Offering the ore like a treat to the Mimic, Urenil was overjoyed when the Mimic hungrily reached out to take the piece of ore, but in a manner that almost seemed to be gentle. Both of them jumped when, all of a sudden, the door to the Forge was slammed open and the Grand Master-smith immediately froze upon seeing his new apprentice right next to his Mimic… Before he could bellow at Urenil to leave his pet alone, however, Felifar noticed the way that Urenil was completely unarmed and that cause him to chuckle before asking pointedly, “So~ seems you not unfamiliar with having a Mimic lurking around your Forge… Care to explain, my new apprentice?” Doing his very best to explain his own experience with a “friendly” Mimic and what had happened back at Gisslestad, Urenil eventually had nothing else to really say… A very awkward silence then dragged on, with only the grunting of the Mimic being the only thing to break the silence; as it attempted to fill it’s mouth with the materials it thought Felifar would want to use. On his side of things, Felifar was still processing all that Urenil had told him about the Mimic the other Blacksmith had befriended and felt himself growing slightly alarmed by what he was hearing. Eventually grunting in a specific manner over at his Mimic, Felifar just smiled over Urenil when the other Blacksmith looked shocked to find that Felifar had developed his own language for his Mimic. As his Mimic quickly began to unload it’s mouth, since it had yet to start melting down the ore it had put inside itself, Felifar said while looking over at his pet, “What you just described to me… sounds like you just narrowly dodged becoming the first meal of a Man-eater Mimic… In the terms of an adventurer, however, those are just called Greater Mimics, but lots of people prefer to call them Man-eaters because that’s pretty much what they focus on doing when you encounter them… Nasty beasts them, could easily stuff an adventurer halfway into their mouth before anyone even realizes what is happening and have their victim bitten in half before anyone could react to it.” Flinching upon hearing that, Urenil looked over at the Mimic possessing Felifar’s smelter and said uneasily, “I doubt that mine was on it’s way to becoming that kind of Mimic… it was smarter and seemed to actually be able to understand certain things… like right and wrong… as if it actually had a conscience.” Chuckling in response to what Urenil said about the Mimic the other Blacksmith had encountered, Felifar leaned towards his new apprentice and asked pointedly, “Are you certain about that? Cause from what I’ve heard, this thing that you encountered may have had a great deal of intellect, but it’s moral compass seemed to be a little bit off… Sure it helped you, but what about those other two people it had gotten a snack from in your original town? What about that snobby High Elf from your original home? Do you really believe that it was just some other Mimic that attacked those places… Mimics are not a common species of Monster anymore, cause Adventurers have quite nearly hunted them to extinction from what I have heard over the course of my nearly eight hundred years of life…” Looking down at the floor with uncertainty, Urenil then glanced over at the Mimic in Felifar’s smelter and said sadly, “I… want to believe that there had been some other Mimic tearing up those other stores… I cannot conceived of the idea that the Mimic I taught our language too… It couldn’t have been responsible...” Snickering over the way Urenil was having such difficulty accepting the fickle nature of a Mimic, Felifar jerked his thumb over his own pet Mimic and said, “See her… I like to think of her that way because of the way she is constantly cleaning up after me and eats anything I am not happy with. I eventually named her Delilah after my deceased daughter and am actually quite happy with believing that my little girl came back to me in the form of a Mimic… rather than accepting the fact that she had her soul devoured by a Demon Lord she went off to face. You might think that she is all nice and friendly, but just you wait until the Daemon Church comes poking their heads around here again. Mimics may not be that intelligent, at least in comparison to you and me, but they can remember those who have wronged them. Delilah has a bad habit of throwing a temper tantrum whenever those idiots start poking around, so I can always tell when they are lurking about by how fussy she can sometimes get. That Mimic of yours… sounds like it has an even worse temper than Delilah here ever has… Not to mention, that for your Mimic to have had some kind of fight with a Daemon, much less any kind of demon… well now that is cause for concern. Most Mimics and other lesser creatures of Darkness won’t have anything to do with fighting against demons of any kind. So for your Mimic to not only have a battle with a demon, but to be able to fight on even terms with the likes of a Divine Guardian… makes my skin crawl to think of what could have happened if that thing had followed you here.” Blinking in a confused manner over what Felifar had just said, Urenil went over to pick up the Ebony blade he had made with the other Mimic’s help and brought it near Delilah curiously. Much to the shock of both Dark Elves, Delilah began to whine in an almost fearful manner as she sensed the touch of the other Mimic upon the blade. After some coaxing from Felifar, Delilah timidly stretched out a tendril to touch the blade and then suddenly began to purring with delight as she happily embraced the weapon. Watching that display with a freaked out look on his face, Felifar remarked in an incredulous tone, “Well I’ll be… looks like Delilah might actually want to meet this friend of yours… you wouldn’t happen to know where that thing is, would you? The Daemon Church does not like it when there are free roaming wild monsters loose upon the city… I would hate for your Mimic too-” “Don’t worry about it… cause despite my own beliefs… I’m quite certain that my Mimic has perished...” Urenil injected quickly when he realized what Felifar was worried about. Flinching when he realized that he might have just brought up a touchy subject, Felifar kindly offered that Urenil could just forget what he had said… Instead, Urenil told Felifar about what he had heard about going on in Gisslestad the day he had parted ways with his Mimic… Growing very alarmed by what he had just heard, Felifar looked uncertain for a moment, before quietly asking, “So then… to your knowledge, has the Mimic that you befriended ever killed a person? Not like with what happened to that idiot Lord Vendran, but I mean do you know of anyone that was physically harmed by that monster?” Thinking hard about all the stores he had heard in regards to the attacks by the only Mimic that had been around him, since Urenil had been forced to accept that there had only ever been one Mimic involved with him, eventually he replied with a joyful smile, “No… no, in fact… I remember hearing about how in my original home… when the Mimic attacked the home of the High Elf ruling the city as the Mayor, it just glued everyone to the walls around it and then proceeded to strip them of their clothing! Even more amusing than that, I heard that the Mimic stripped away everything within the house, floor, walls, furniture, weapons, armor, and anything else inside… You name it and I’m pretty certain it ended up within the belly of that beast!” As Urenil laughed over how amusing it had been to learn that the vicious Mimic that assaulted a High Elf had only been hungry for the Elf’s belongings, Felifar considered what Urenil said with a dark look on his face, before commenting ominously, “That is not normal behavior for Mimics… Certainly I have seen places where they have become Wardrobes and sometimes even disguised themselves as a bed, but that is only so they could catch an unaware Adventurer off-guard in order to surprise attack their unlucky victim. You said that thing ate everything, right? Most Mimics cannot stomach the taste of stone or even dirt, but metallic ore, on the other hand, is like candy those little monsters.” Coming to realize what an odd ball of a creature he must have encountered, Urenil suddenly remembered something and asked curiously, “Oh hey, Master Felifar, do you know if Delilah can… upgrade the quality of metals she ingests?” Whipping his head over at Urenil rapidly, Felifar just blinked in complete shock, before asking in an incredulous manner, “WHAT!?! Y-y-y-you-you’re telling me you had a MIMIC capable of doing THAT!!!! And you just parted ways with it… oh...” Growing annoyed by what Felifar was insinuating, Urenil said a touch more hostility than he intended to when he responded, “I did not try to abandon that creature! I only… I was hoping that I might be able to convince Lord Vendran and Divine Daemon Kacath to allow the Mimic to stay with me, provided that they grant it permission to eat from certain locations, but when I learned that the Mimic was already at odds with Kacath… I instead changed my plans to ask for the Writ of Introduction so that I might take it home with me and try to introduce the creature to the Empress once I built up my reputation… When I learned what had happened to Lord Vendran, however, I knew that I needed to take the Mimic away from Gisslestad if I wanted to make it an ally of mine. I mean, I was just about to toss out my old Maker’s Mark brand, but then it absorbed that brand into it’s body so that I could identify it later on… Is it wrong that I’m sad it’s dead?” Coming over to place a hand on Urenil’s shoulder, Felifar tried to smile in an understanding manner, but then Urenil lunged forward to hug him desperately, causing Felifar to come to understand just how much of a “connection” Urenil must have felt towards his own Mimic… Having been watching that interaction very curiously, Alyse gasped joyfully when she realized that there was still “hope” for Bobby and quickly waved her hand over the view of the two embracing Dark Elves as she worked her magic to send Urenil a message… As they continued to embrace one another over the lose of the Mimic that Urenil had befriended, a suddenly clanking sound caused both Dark Elves to jump in alarm. Quickly backing away from each other, Urenil didn’t really know what to say after possibly overstepping his boundaries with his new Master, but then his attention was inexplicably turned towards the spittoon he had brought with him from his original home. Squinting over at the jug suspiciously, Urenil noticed the way that the spittoon was swaying ever so slightly and that caused him to rush over to the jug in an urgent manner. Watching in confusion as his new Apprentice began reaching into an aged looking spittoon, Felifar froze when he heard something “metallic” be dragged out by Urenil… Turning over the slightly melted piece of metal slag, Urenil went rigid as he saw what was on the bottom of the metal brand stamp and when Felifar asked him what was wrong, Urenil replied in a breathless manner, “This… this is my original Maker’s Mark brand… This is the one that the Mimic I befriended absorbed into it’s body… but how… what does it mean when something a Mimic has absorbed is freed from within it’s body?” Growing pale at the question posed by his apprentice, Felifar could tell from Urenil’s changing expression that his own reaction had already given away the terrible answer, but then Felifar quickly stated, “Hey, hey, don’t let this get you down… You said it yourself… that Mimic of yours was something special… so that could mean it’s still out there… ya know? Maybe when it was destroyed by Lord Vendran back in Gisslestad your Mimic just returned to the Shadowed Cleft to recover and then it will come back? I mean...” Even though he really didn’t know what else to say in regards to the fate of the Mimic, Felifar just watched in uncomfortable silence as Urenil sought out a specific box… Pulling open the top of the box, Urenil allowed Felifar to see inside and then said, “This box contained some leftover Ebony ore I had discovered while packing up from my original home… It was Ebony ore that allowed me to realize that the Mimic wasn’t a mindless monster and that was the thing that I had it make into the sword that earned me that Writ of Introduction that got me this position here… Also, I remember finding some powdered Ebony ore within my spittoon and I have always suspected that it was created by the Mimic I befriended, but I never had time to ask it about that… I wish I had taken the time to tell it what I had planned… maybe then it would not have gone on a rampage...” Trailing off when Felifar suddenly burst out laughing, Urenil glared over at Felifar over thinking that his Master was laughing over him making a mistake that caused the Mimic to go on the rampage that ended with it’s death, but then Felifar said in a voice oozing with amusement, “So you think what that Mimic did to those two High Elves was a rampage? Oh my dear foolish apprentice… you have no idea what it means for a Mimic to throw a temper-tantrum! I’d say at most, your Mimic probably was just at the level of being so upset that it could no longer think straight and was merely acting on it’s natural instinct to need to eat in order to help you with something. You said that the Mimic eventually told you that it felt guilty for stealing away your smelter and causing you to move, right? I think it’s first little binge eating fit was just it trying to grow strong enough to help you out, since I’m certain most of what it ate from that first High Elf house was digested and turned into fat for it to burn.” Getting a confused look on his face when he heard what Felifar was implying, Urenil then grew more and more horrified as his Master went on to say, “The second time it attacked the house of a High Elf was probably out a need to get revenge for it being hurt first by that Daemon, Kacath. Cause from the way you made it sound, that creature was intelligent enough to figure out that you probably had some other kind of plans and it probably just wanted to settle the score between it and Kacath. For a Mimic to really go on a rampage… heh, I doubt even a demon like that Kacath would be a match for that thing at that point… Mimics are quite scary when they go on the rampage and start throwing a temper tantrum, just ask the Church about it one time they come to visit… Delilah got so worked up one time when the those idiots from the Daemon Church came over and forced me out of the forge so they could inspect her without me around to interfere… Let’s just say that the Church knows better than to come near Delilah without my supervision from now on.” Trembling fearfully as he watched Felifar reach over to rub Delilah lovingly, Urenil suddenly came to believe that he might have played a part in causing his own Mimic to seek “revenge” on Lord Vendran by making it appear like the High Elf was going to come between them… Over in Hob-Goblin territory, Bobby was finally coming to a rest within the dark serenity of a large underground cavern that the Hob-Goblins had turned into a sprawling city… Completely disorientated by his sudden journey over there, Bobby’s last waking thought was over a need to find a nice dark place to sleep. As he completely lost awareness of what was happening to him, Bobby’s soul was suddenly pulled within the Shadowed Cleft. Making certain to be very gentle with Bobby this time around, Alyse made certain her Dark Astral Projection would be capable of handling any sudden outbursts from the dark little soul. Once Bobby was back within the safety of the Shadowed Cleft, Alyse began to process of healing Bobby’s soul and returning him to the form of a Lesser Mimic, leaving him with a message that would hopefully explain things once he grew intelligent enough to enter his inner mind once more…
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 3 – Berserking Tantrum As Bobby was being healed by Alyse, his mind wandered through his memories… Once more being reminded of all the people he had hurt and were innocent of trying to harm him, Bobby pledged to try to find some way to pay them back in the future. Then he began to see his old life and watched as he had done exactly what he was attempting to do with his current life, but found things to be so much simpler in his past life. Unfortunately, Bobby’s mind then dredged up the pact that he had made with friends from his old life and that made him think of his debt to Urenil, which made Bobby jolt back to life all of a sudden. Emerging from the Shadowed Cleft to find himself in an entirely new area, Bobby woefully drifted down through the Hob-Goblin town in search of clues about where he was… Much to his dismay, Bobby could not recognize anything he saw around him; from architecture to weaponry, as all seemed to be from a foreign culture in comparison to what he was familiar with. Even the people of the town were strange looking to Bobby; with green skin, pointy teeth, stubby limbs, and yellow tinged eyes, were nothing like the Elves he was accustomed to interacting with. In desperation, Bobby reached out to the shadows he knew would allow him to travel away from his current location, but no matter how far he reached with his current limit for portal creation, Bobby was unable to find the place he wished to return too. Slowly drifting down towards the city, Bobby was inconsolable as he dropped down into a locked chest sitting outside a house and right next to a merchant’s stall… Despite his mouth being locked shut, Bobby was too upset to care anymore about finding a proper body and just wanted to be able to cry… Drawn out from within his home by the sound of movement and hearing that someone was crying outside his doorstep while he was trying to sleep, the Hob-Goblin Merchant that Bobby was disturbing opened the door to his home to locate the noisemaker. As he turned over towards his stall, where the noise seemed to be originating from, the Hob-Goblin had to quickly swallow all the harsh words he had been about to scream when he recognized what was making all the noise. Bolting away from the sobbing Mimic, the Hob-Goblin Merchant only had one thought in his mind and that was to get as far away from danger as possible. After getting away from the possible danger, the Hob-Goblin suddenly gasps when he realizes that he forgot to grab all of his “wealth” from his home and quickly hurries over to the Guild Hall to alert the Adventurers there in of the potential fortune to be gained from slaying the Mimic… While that went on unbeknownst to him, Bobby continued to weep over the lose of his “home” and Dark Elf friend; who “accepted” him despite being a thieving monster… A few minutes later, Bobby suddenly heard movement approaching him again and really did not pay much attention to what was going on; as he just thought another harmless Goblin was coming over to see what was making noise. Snarling hatefully when he was suddenly assaulted by something, however, Bobby growled angrily as he began to shift his body around aggressively towards the person that struck him. When he suddenly found himself surrounded by a horde of Goblins, however, Bobby quickly became fearful towards what the creatures intended to do to him, since he could obviously tell that they were not friendly towards him. Hearing the gibbering noises that a couple of Goblins were making, Bobby began to see the way they were “celebrating” and interpreted their words as them cheering for the one that hit him… Then Bobby noticed all the “greedy” expressions he was able to perceive through the various shadows he was somehow able to look through to actually “perceive” his enemies with… That quickly shifted Bobby from trembling in fear to shaking with fury towards the thieves gathered around him. When he suddenly began to snarl hatefully, Bobby caused some of the Goblins to back off fearfully, which only infuriated Bobby more since the creatures attacking him were just a bunch of cowards who could only pick on those weaker than themselves. Breaking the lock holding his mouth shut, Bobby suddenly released a powerful roar, as a series of shadowy portals were ripped open to drop down a strange assortment of objects. Spreading out to add all of the chests, wardrobes and smelters to his body, Bobby turned into a glowing mass of darkness as he organized everything he was combining into a massive box like object… Staring up at the one-story tall box that the Mimic had created to serve as it’s body, the Hob-Goblins all cried out in terror when a front hatch fell open to reveal that the “inside” of the box had been turned into a flaming “hell” from all the smelter’s it had absorbed… As the lower-ranked Hob-Goblin Adventurers fled in terror, some of the higher ranked Adventurers charged forward and unleashed their most powerful attacks. Despite how big the Mimic had become, the higher rank Adventurers were relieved to find that the Mimic was still just a bottom-tier monster. Pouring on the effort when they saw their attacks making getting favorable results, the high rank Adventurers inspired the low rank ones to jump back into the fray to defeat the monster. Feeling each hit against his possessed body, but strangely not experiencing the same kind of pain as well he was hit by the Hellfire spell cast by Vendran, Bobby just roared in anger… Inside Bobby’s inner mind, a message popped up that read, “Warning, you have entered into an Enraged state, Intelligence will be reduced in return for doubled Strength and Agility.” As the lower-rank Adventurers came back to keep pestering Bobby, he suddenly began to wildly swing all around him with some hastily formed tentacles and caused the Hob-Goblins to scatter in fear… When they saw some of the lower rank Adventurers get smacked away with crushed skulls or shattered bones, the higher ranking Adventurers called for the weaker fighters to fall back. With the Guild-master adding her own voice to the mix, she quickly reorganized the ranks of the magic users and ordered those with fire magic to attack the Mimic. Much to their shock, however, when the Hob-Goblins began to launch waves of Fire based spells over at the Mimic, it quickly responded by spewing out it’s own flames from within the furnace blazing within it’s belly. Quickly realizing that this Mimic was not just some ordinary creature to be slain for a chance at a rare loot lurking within the critter, the Guild-master called upon one of the garrisoned Light Elves of her Guild Hall… Coming forward happily, Light Elf Priestess Ellewen conjured up an orb of light and cried out forcefully as she thrust her hand forward, “Burn in Heaven’s radiance you vile creature of Darkness!” Quickly closing up his mouth and trying his best to avoid getting hit by the spell blast by turning one of his less damaged sides towards the oncoming attack, Bobby cried out in pain as some of the lethal Light magic penetrated his shell… In the aftermath of the bright attack, the Hob-Goblin Guild-master was just getting her vision cleared up when she heard a sound come from the Mimic; which reminded her of some of more brutish Adventurers hawking a loogie, and that caused her jump over at the standing proud Light Elf Priestess, as she screamed urgently, “Get down!” Right after the pair went down to the ground together, a wad of sticky slime went flying right past where Ellewen had been standing… Getting back up quickly to reorganize the Adventurers, the Guild-master had those confident in their defenses go to the front line to hold off the Mimic’s multitudes of dangerous tendrils. Telling the mages to call upon any magics that could make defensive walls to defend against possible mucus blasts, the Guild-master instructed those without Fire spells to protect those with those kinds of spells and especially Ellewen. Those who were not capable of battling the Mimic due to their limited skills or capabilities, the Guild-master instructed them to start finding objects that could be lit on fire and thrown against the monster. When the little gremlins did not relent, Bobby began to emit a dark aura as another message popped up within his inner mind, “Warning, Now entering Berserk Mode, logically thinking will be reduced, while pain tolerance and physical limitations of attacks are increased.” The Hob-Goblins trying to fend off the mighty monster could only watch in horror as the tendrils being spawned by the Mimic suddenly doubled in size and strength… Clearing out when the Mimic began to rip apart buildings in an attempt to crush the weaker Hob-Goblins, even the stronger higher-rank Adventurers found themselves being pushed around now by the monster… Quickly realizing that something was wrong with the Mimic, since normally such creatures were not so strong or as dangerous as this one was, the Guild-master turned towards Ellewen with growing alarm etched into her face, as she called out, “Ellewen! We need you to call upon the Heavenly Ones!” Growing unhappy, Ellewen just nodded and said in an annoyed manner, “They will not be pleased about this, but they will have no choice but to come when they see the dark monstrosity attacking us!” Gathering up her energy, Ellewen called forth a being of Heaven, an Angel of Light… Descending into the mortal plane, the Angel of Light quickly served her surroundings, before saying telepathically to her summoner, “Couldn’t you have picked a more pleasant place to call for me… one less overflowing with filthy creatures-!” Getting interrupted when a loud monster suddenly screamed in rage, the Angel of Light focused her attention over on the Mimic and her eyes grew very wide as she set her eyes upon the dark being… Whipping her head back over at her summoner, the Angel of Light was no longer the arrogant Heavenly Being when she spoke to her summoner telepathically this time around, “You should leave, I do not know if I can vanquish such a mighty creature… but I will try to call down the wrath of the Heaven’s upon it!” Nodding to her summoned creature, Ellewen closed her hands and began to channel her magical energies over into the Angel, as she said fervently, “Please do and take my assistance. I pray that you are sufficient to vanquish this creature, but be warned… it is not just a normal monster of darkness.” Chuckling over the warning, the Angel did not need to be warned of the danger the Mimic posed for she could “see” the dark power radiating away from the malevolent creature… Using the much appreciated energy infusion from Ellewen, the Angel of Light stretched her sword up to the Heavens and called upon her Angelic Ruler for aid… Up in Heaven, the Virtuous Entity of Sunlight heard the request of it’s servant and felt the prayers of Ellewen be offered up to it as payment for it’s aid. Gazing down upon where it was being called too, the Virtuous Entity found a creature of such darkness lurking about that even the supreme Angel was unsettled. Razing up one hand to call upon it’s radiant energies, the Virtuous Entity then hurled a scouring ray of sunshine down at the dark creature opposing it’s servants. Even though Bobby could not think logically, his “instincts” were wholly untouched by the effects of his current state and he immediately “felt” what was coming at him from the “opposing” elemental power… Becoming even more angry over the fact that he was about to be destroyed yet again, Bobby roared defiantly as he desperately sought to defend himself from what was coming. From that desire, Bobby suddenly began consuming the items he had digested in the process of creating his new body and his Resistance versus Light Elemental magic suddenly shot up to max. Then, in addition to a notification about his newly obtained resistance towards Light Energy, Bobby received another status change message. The first message about his newly obtained defense against Light went as follows, “Congratulations, you have completely mastered the trait of Light Resistance, but despite becoming so highly attuned to the opposing element of Darkness, you are unable to become completely immune to damage from Light energy based attacks. Instead, Light energy can no longer be fatal to you, provided that you have something to protect your exposed flesh.” After that, the warning about what was happening to Bobby’s mind read, “Warning, due to extreme emotional distress, you have now begun to use Tantrum. While in this state, you cannot benefit from either Intellect or Wisdom gained naturally and will not be able to return to a normal state of mind until your are either soothed, destroyed, or your Tantrum has run it’s course. You will gain the ability to restore your physical form while rampaging and will keep bonuses from other fury effects. Also, while you may not benefit from your Intellect or Wisdom, those lost stat points will be combined, then added to your Strength and Agility at double the combined value...” Over where Bobby’s current stats were being displayed, they currently stood at… Current Status of Lesser Mimic Strength: 30(x2) Agility: 20(x2) Intellect: 54 Constitution: N/A Wisdom: 69 Luck: 80 Alyse had taken the liberty to change Bobby’s stats when bringing him back to life in order to prevent him from having to start all over yet again… As the effects of Tantrum kicked in, however, the numbers suddenly drastically changed… Current Status of Lesser Mimic Strength: 30+206(x2) Agility: 20+206(x2) Intellect: N/A Constitution: N/A Wisdom: N/A Luck: 80 Then Bobby’s stomach began to grumble unhappily as he began to burn up anything within his belly to fuel his regeneration… Feeling the attack coming towards him rapidly, Bobby quickly reached out at everything within reach; trash, gardens, piles of wood, and even entire buildings, in order to fill his hungering stomach. Unbeknownst to Bobby, however, the bodies of the Hob-Goblins he had killed were also dragged into his stomach, but considering how he was only acting on instinct, those bodies were just objects in his mind. As he was reaching out for food, any Hob-Goblin foolish enough to attack Bobby; in an attempt to get him to stop eating their homes, were instantly killed by Bobby’s unimaginable might. Even though he would actually cause damage to his own body in the process, Bobby was long since past the point of even “registering” pain and would instantly regenerate from any damage he inflicted upon himself… Then, as the surviving citizens were fleeing from the town in a panic, the ceiling of the cavern over top of the area where the village had once sat began to tremble ominously… After the entire area was shook for a few seconds, the Wrath of Heaven’s Might came crashing down on top of the ruined remains of the city. Thankfully, Bobby had just finished filling his gut with the entirety of the Hob-Goblin village and was happily digesting everything when the column of pure Light came crashing down on top of him. Slowly, the outside layer of wood was burned away to reveal a layer of bricks underneath and when the stone was slowly turned to slag, a metal box was revealed on the inside of Bobby’s body. This Metal box was made entirely out of Ebony and had been upgraded by Bobby to the Legendary Quality and it’s Enchantment was that of Indestructibility… Thankfully, unlike when Bobby had suffered the wrath of the Hellfire King, his current physical body was high enough in quality to be able to resist the overwhelming attack being made the Virtuous Entity… Once the ferocious attack ended, the survivors from the village just stared over at the gigantic hole carved through the very ceiling, but while Ellewen attempted to apologize for destroying the home of the Hob-Goblins in an attempt to protect the area, the Guild-master eventually turned the Light Elf’s face towards the crater, while saying in a horrified tone, “It’s not dead yet… it’s not dead...” Ellewen’s eyes just flew open wide, as her face was stricken with a mixture of emotions, with her summoned Angel of Light just staring over at the Dark Mimic; her mouth completely agape with disbelief… Quickly calling for the attention of the citizens, the Guild-master hurriedly stated, “This town is lost! We never stood a chance against a monster like that… All of you need to flee to the closest village outside this cavern, while I go to report to the Merchant King. He… he will want to know of what happened here and will need to be informed that his holding within this cave was destroyed...” Breaking down into tears, the Guild-master was not alone in weeping over the destruction of the town and lead the citizens towards safety… While the survivors from the village scurried away, Bobby was just huddled up inside his little box and was too afraid to even look around him, since all he could sense was “heat” everywhere… Upon repairing his physical shell to it’s original state, with a triple layer of protection from damage, Bobby suddenly found himself crammed within a tiny little box no larger than a full-sized chest. Shrinking his body mass to match his new physical body, Bobby slowly regained his senses as he calmed down slowly. Looking around himself cautiously, Bobby was able to determine that he was no longer under attack and tried to reach out with tendrils to drag himself away from where he was. Suddenly feeling immense pain from his extended limbs, Bobby could only watch in horror as his extended limbs were slowly burned away by the sunlight now pouring down through the hole cut in the ceiling… Tolerating the pain until the extensions of his body had been completely burned away, Bobby found the way he did not feel like he was being “hurt” to be very strange… Suddenly remembering the fact that he did not even possess a value to his Constitution stat, Bobby became very curious about something and entered into his Inner Mind. Sadly, upon entering the chamber, Bobby was assaulted by so many alerts, messages, and pop-up notifications that he hastily dismissed them all without reading any of them. With that dealt with, unfortunately, Bobby turned his attention over towards the display showing his stats and he slowly began to wonder about why he did not possess any Constitution still. As he thought through the problem slowly, since he had not much else to do while the Sun was still in the sky, Bobby began to consider all of his abilities slowly… Disregarding his Enrage, Berserk, and Tantrum traits, Bobby focused upon the one that seemed to have the most to do with his body; which was the ability called Unnatural Flesh. Understanding that he could use this ability to create a flesh like coating within a possessed Object to create a pseudo body like flesh coating the inside of a claimed object, Bobby was curious to learn if he could use his ability to produce flesh to create an actual body of his own. Even as the idea took form in his mind, Bobby felt an explosion of energy course through his being and watched excitedly as a brand new ability was created by fusing together Unnatural Flesh and Unnatural Manifestation into a new Trait called Unnatural Body. Without even taking the time to read up on the ability, Bobby exited his inner mind and hurriedly attempted to create a physical body made out of flesh… Unbeknownst to Bobby, all of the Hob-Goblin corpses he had consumed as “materials” were suddenly used up and he was suddenly spitting out a chest made completely out of “flesh” he had consumed… Remarkably, the fleshy body he had just created acted like normal tissue in the sunlight and that caused Bobby to pull the newly made body inside his current one through the shadow his new body was casting. Gasping when he came to realize something, Bobby tried to materialize tendrils underneath his body, but quickly regretted that choice and screamed in disgust as the taste of dirt filled his entire being. Quickly remembering something that he had gained from upgrading Stretch into Unnatural Manifestation, Bobby did his best to tolerate the taste of the ground as he manifested some hastily made metal poles. Slowly rising up on his stilts, Bobby just laughed maniacally as he regained his mobility and hastily charged off into the cool shade no more than twenty yards away from him… Once over in the safety of the shadows, Bobby was finally able to relax and once more spat out the fleshy chest like body he had created… After fully absorbing the body he was possessing, Bobby quickly darted over into his new flesh and sighed happily as he entered a living body once more. Once inside the body, however, Bobby was intrigued when he began to feel the body changing and expanding to fit his needs, with the bones inside of the sinew aiding him in reorganizing the flesh around him. Then, just as Bobby was sighing happily, he suddenly found the outside of his body changing to mimic the appearance of a normal chest. Crying out happily and celebrating his success, Bobby suddenly stopped as a worrying thought entered into his mind… Upon realizing that, now since he had living flesh wrapped around him, he was even more vulnerable to attack, Bobby began to try to come up with a way to protect himself. Unlike most Greater Mimics, who would merely find a nice place to hide out and wait for an unaware treat to come walking by, Bobby wanted to ensure that his new body would be well-protected in future battles. Shutting his sensitive eyes, Bobby took a moment to realize that he now had functioning eyes, before attempting to enter his inner mind. Unfortunately, one of the side affects of becoming a flesh-bound Mimic was that he could no longer become a ghostly spirit and that prevented him from being able to enter into the dream like trance Alyse had granted Bobby… Despite that, Bobby began to think about all the things he had been wanting to try to make for him to try adorning his body with and then he suddenly found himself spitting out a side panel for an Ebony chest. Quickly picturing in his mind what he wanted to create, Bobby felt his tummy churning strangely as his body produced what he was wishing to make and found the whole process to be very unsettling. In the end, however, Bobby somehow managed to produce enough Ebony plates to completely cover himself with the metal. Closing his eyes, Bobby thought hard about wanting to see an “inventory” of what was still absorbed inside his body and gasped in shock when something miraculous happened… Suddenly finding out exactly what he wanted to know, Bobby quickly coughed out some Light Crystal bindings for holding together the metal box he wanted to equip to the outside of his fleshy body, a single long Dragonsteel hinge and decorative panels to spruce up the outside of his body made from the wood harvested from a Treant. Trembling with excitement as he looked down upon all of the shiny new equipment he had, Bobby closed his eyes and checked his inventory for the next stage of his plans. When Bobby’s eyes opened up again, he had a look of determination that could have intimidated even a creature such as Kacath. Swallowing all of his armor pieces yet again, Bobby worked quickly to place powerful enchantments upon his new gear, using up all of his resources in the process… For the four Ebony side panels, lid and bottom panel of the metal box he intended to wear, Bobby placed elemental protection Enchantments for six elements; Dark, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water, and Wind, in order to make his armor capable of standing up to any attack. Then he enhanced those pieces of gear with the Godly Blessing of each elemental God, matching the Enhancement to the corresponding Enchantment, granting him nearly one hundred in every stat he could possibly require. Finally, he imbued each piece of metal with the ability to use a protection shield against each element of power, giving him the power to passively neutralize all the corresponding elements at will; due only to the fact that his skill had become so high from the stat buff he just received. Moving onto the Light Crystal Bindings, he performed the same upgrading process for the element of Light Energy, granting his armored shell complete immunity to that kind of attack. Giving the Dragonsteel hinge the upgrades for Lightning protection, Bobby then used the two smaller wooden side decorations to gain protection against Nature and Arcane powers. The design on the wooden side panels then changed to match the elements they were upgraded against, with the rest of Bobby’s armor adopting a combined pale white glow from the fact that he did not focus on only one type of protection. As for the front panel, Bobby used his Luck-of-the-Draw to determine what would happen with it… Much to his shock, Bobby was able to visualize a spinning slot machine as he waited for the results of his attempt to randomly upgrade his final armor piece. Then, as he watched the tumblers stop of jackpots, Bobby found his final armor adornment being upgraded with the blessings from a God he knew next to nothing about and was intrigued by the name of the God. As he read what the effects that a God called Alyse granted his piece of armor, Bobby was blown away when he discovered just what he had created. The Legendary Adornment of Alyse granted Bobby the Legendary ability of Reincarnation, while the Enhancement gave him a regeneration stat, and the Enchantment gave him the trait called Inner Peace; which allowed Bobby to retain his mind no matter what “status” he was under… Bobby could not even begin to understand what he had just created for himself and for once he actually felt “safe” enough to sleep outside his shadowy sanctuary… As sleep called to him finally, Bobby gave in and went limp from relief as his mind drifted off peacefully. In his dreams, however, he was visited by memories from his past life about how whenever he had finished collecting one set of objects, yet another would show up for him to hunt for. Laughing at his old self for relying upon others to make objects for him to collect, Bobby eagerly looked forward to waking up and starting to make his own collectibles. Sadly, those pleasant memories eventually gave way to those painful memories in regards to the family he had left behind in his past life, the old friends he desperately wished to meet again for some reason, and Urenil… Those thoughts caused Bobby’s body to begin whimpering sadly, even though his mind was completely asleep… While Bobby continued to dream, however, the survivors of his tantrum had managed to reach the capitol city of the Hob-Goblin nation. The Guild-master approached the Merchant King humbly and informed the King of what had happened to the city she was supposed to watching over. Greatly alarmed by the presence of a creature that was so powerful as to be able to destroy an entire town and be able to survive a critically effective attack used against it, the Merchant King rallied his forces to dispatch the terrible monster. While Bobby enjoyed the first “restful” slumber he had experienced in a “living” body after coming to the new world, the Merchant King lead an army of not only the “strongest” retired Hob-Goblin Adventurers, but a multitude of Adventurers who had asked for a second chance at killing this super powerful Mimic… In order to encourage the forces following him to fight harder, the Merchant King only asked that they leave ninety percent of the money released by killing this rare spawn Mimic… As they entered into the cavern, the army was forced to stop and stare up at the gaping hole carved into the ceiling during the first battle against the Mimic, but then the Merchant King asked curiously after hearing a strange noise, “Is that… whimpering I am hearing? What… READY YOURSELVES!” Turning around to look at the Merchant King in confusion, all of the assembled forces then swiveled their heads to follow the gaze of their leader and flinched upon laying eyes upon the “whimpering” Mimic… Quickly readying themselves, the front line warriors and fighters waited patiently as they were buffed up by the support class spell-casters, before letting out a tremendous battle-shout… Having already been slightly awake from the feeling of new heat signatures near him, when Bobby suddenly heard the battle cries coming from those heat signatures, he quickly woke up in a foul mood. As with all battles, Alyse found herself drawn towards the conflict to make certain the battle did not go against her will and was horrified by what she saw. Feeling helpless as she watched the army of Adventurers charge over at Bobby, Alyse wanted nothing more than to summon up some aid for her favored creature and help him to escape, but then she noticed that Bobby was not afraid in the slightest. Using his eyes and connection to shadows, Bobby began to see all of the “hungry” looks in the eyes of the mortals charging towards him… Knowing immediately what they were “hungry” for, Bobby let out a tremendous roar; shaking the cavern in the process, before going into a full-blown Tantrum right away… Able to feel his strength increasing to astronomic proportions this time around, Bobby was amazed by the power he was able to wield and became very excited to test out his new strength. Seeing a Giant leap over at him, Bobby remembered vaguely struggling to hurt similar creatures the last time he fought within the cavern and wanted to see what he could do now that he had control over his rampaging state-of-mind. Merely flicking one of his tendrils out at the Giant, Bobby was stunned by how his merely swatting at an annoying gnat was enough to instantly kill the Adventurer flying over at him. Grinning happily, as the dead Giant went flying away, Bobby turned his frustrations upon all who would dare try to kill him and steal HIS items… Over on the side of the battlefield where the Merchant King stood, the Hob-Goblin Guild-master that had lead the struggle against Bobby before quickly rushed over to notify her King of something alarming that she had just noticed… The Merchant King was greatly alarmed when he learned that the Mimic was acting with more cunning than the last time it was fought and began to sweat profusely when he realized that he was no longer just leading the extermination of a wandering monster. As the Merchant King and his council turned their attentions back towards the battle taking place, they were horrified to see the way that the Mimic wasn’t just a rampaging monster anymore; seemingly using great guile to plan out it’s every movement. Then some Hob-Goblin ambushing classes tried to attack the Mimic by launching themselves out of the shadows from behind the Mimic, but were immediately caught and crushed by the monster, even while the Mimic continued to attack the front line Adventurers. Seeing the body lose being incurred, the Merchant King quickly called for a retreat and a horn to signify that command was sounded quickly… On his side of the battle, Bobby had already taken notice of how the Giant he killed first had returned to the battlefield and that caused him to quickly realize that there must be healers supporting the melee fighters… That caused him to stop smacking away any of the people attacking him and caused him to instead just crush them when grabbing their bodies. Once he had killed them and rendered them lifeless objects to be collected, Bobby quickly began to stuff his mouth full of their bodies. Seeing how that act caused all of the Adventurers to flee from him, Bobby felt like he might finally be safe yet again, but then he began to sense that ever so unsettling tingle of Magic being cast against him. Smiling as he instinctively withdrew all of his manifested limbs, Bobby suddenly clamped his mouth shut and eagerly awaited to spring his new “surprise” upon the foolish Adventurers trying to kill him… Despite seeing that reaction from the Mimic and knowing what that might signify, the Merchant King just urged all the spell-casters present to give their all to bring down the mighty creature with their magic… Alyse could only watch in horror as she saw all of the magic being brought against Bobby and for the briefest of moments wanted to cause all of the magic being used to fail, but then she heard what Bobby was thinking, “Come on… hurry it up already! I can’t wait to show you what I got in store for you bastards from now on!” Dumbfounded by the way Bobby seemed to be encouraging the Adventurers to hit him with both Fire and Light magic, Alyse had been too distracted to see the battle that had already taken place within the cavern; as she had been under the impression that the battle before was merely the Adventurers fending off a monster swarm that had come out of the deeper parts of the cave system… But, as a myriad of magical attacks were directed over at Bobby, he suddenly became surrounded by a “mystical” bubble of sorts and then was shrouded from sight as all of the attacks slammed down against him all at once… Sighing in relief upon seeing that the Mimic had not tried to flee from the massive barrage of attacks, the Merchant King waited for the cataclysmic eruption of magical energy to subside, before turning to say towards the Guild-master who had brought up the monster to his attention, “As a reward for coming to me with this problem, rather than seeking out help from the Adventurer’s Guild, you shall be granted...” Trailing off in announcing the reward he was going to give the Guild-master, when he noticed the horrified expression on her face while looking over where the Mimic should had been seen as dead, the Merchant King then turned his gaze towards what was bugging her… Turning towards the direction that the broken body of the Mimic should have been, the Merchant King suddenly got chills throughout his entire body when he saw the Mimic “completely” unharmed by the massive barrage of attack spells… Starting out making what sounded like a whimpering noise again, the Mimic eventually just threw open it’s mouth and began to truly laugh over the failed efforts by the Adventurers to destroy it. Then the laughter took on a more violent quality and the Adventurers realized that the Mimic must be entering it’s Tantrum state yet again, causing them to edge away from the absolute monster before them. That was when the Mimic began to display some very unsettling abilities, as it began to manifest limbs yet again; only this time the Mimic started to lift it’s body up with some of it’s tentacles. Then, from the tips of each tendril, the Mimic began to sprout metallic objects and organized the tentacles underneath it’s body so that it had eight legs like a spider had… Wanting to pound the message home that he was not to be FUCKED with from then on, Bobby began to use all the “materials” he had gained to increase the size of his actual body… By some miracle, the armor that Bobby had crafted for himself to wear also grew to match his new body proportions and soon he stood as large as a desk. Add to that the numerous fleshy tendrils he had to walk steadily upon and he painted a very unsettling picture for the Adventurers to remember. Then Bobby did something that truly frightened the Adventurer by stepping out into the opening that allowed sunlight to enter into cavern without suffering any damage. As they stared over at the Mimic, the army watched in complete disbelief as the Mimic formed even more tendrils without them being burned away and that was when they realized that the Mimic had coated it’s limbs in “armor”… After staring over at the Mimic in a daze for several minutes, the Merchant King suddenly realized that everyone was looking at him for instruction and he frantically screamed for them to run away… Alyse just looked down at Bobby had managed to do in the short time that she had taken her attention off him and just began to giggle happily as she watched him become worthy of the title of King of the Mimics. Of course, such a title would be very misleading, since all Mimics were to be considered Kings in their own rights; due to the fact that Mimic were solitary creatures. Because of this, for a Mimic to be considered the King of it’s race meant that there was no other Mimic of it’s class that could take it on. Unfortunately, Alyse knew that Bobby would never be able to be accepted as such until he returned to the Shadowed Cleft, but she knew that Greater Mimics had no need to return to the Dark Afterlife in order to rest and so she knew she would need to wait until later when Bobby became a spiritual being… Back down upon the world below her, Alyse watched with amusement as Bobby chased off the army that had come to destroy it and laughed as Merchant King began to take count of the “cost” messing with the Mimic had taken from him… Days later, after returning to his home and explaining that the cavern known as Loct’s Claim had been lost to a monstrous Mimic that he had dubbed the Whimpering Man-eater. Warning his nation to steer clear of the dangerous location, the Merchant King instead turned his focus towards building back up his wealth after paying his forces back for the damages inflicted by fighting the Mimic at his command. The Merchant King also needed to focus on preparing for the King’s Gambling Tournament, which is what was used to determine which Hob-Goblin Trade Prince would ascend to the throne as Merchant King. Over at the Adventure’s Guild Outpost in the Hob-Goblin’s capitol city, the Guild-masters from all over the nation were assembling for a hastily called gathering… The Guild-master formerly of Loct’s Claim then came forward and announced her forced retirement, before announcing to the rest of the Guild-masters, “I do not know if you have heard the news yet, but a very powerful Greater Mimic has been discovered within Loct’s Claim and is responsible for destroying the city that had been built within. While I do not know any details about the creature, what I witnessed was that thing taking a full on blast from the Wrath of the Heavens the first time I fought with it and surviving. This latest battle gave me further insight on this creature’s strengths and it is no longer even damaged by magical attacks… not even the element of Light can hurt it anymore. If you send people into Loct’s Claim, just know beforehand that this Mimic is beyond the capabilities of any Adventurer under the fifth rank.” Upon hearing that said about a mere Mimic, the gathering of Guild-masters became quite alarmed and began to whisper between themselves with a myriad of emotions towards what they had just heard, but then former Guild-master added on to what she had said, “I know that it may be hard to accept, but what I have just said is true. This Whimpering Man-eater, as his majesty calls the creature, has complete immunity towards all magic types and is immensely strong, without becoming a mindless rampaging monster like most Mimics do when they are repeated hurt. We need to let any Adventurers going to Loct’s Claim know that they cannot face this Mimic alone or even with a skilled party… this thing is just that powerful and that is only it’s physical strength. While it has not displayed any magical aptitude when it was fighting, I do remember seeing it summon objects to build a massive body out of when it first appeared in town and we began to fight with it. Be very cautious when sending Adventurers into Loct’s Claim from now on, that Mimic is capable of walking out in daylight without being hurt.” When that caused an uproar among the other Hob-Goblins assembled, with some doubting her word since she couldn’t have possibly gotten away from an “enraged” Mimic if it could pursue it’s prey out into the light, but then she explained to them what had happened after the Merchant King called for a complete retreat… Upon seeing the army moving to escape from him, Bobby charged after them in a ferocious display and chased them all the way to the exit from the caves. Mere moments after the chasing them out from within the place he now viewed as his home, Bobby came to a sudden halt and was uncertain whether or not to continue giving chase. As he thought about what he should do, Bobby watched as the army of Adventurers disappeared into the distance and began to see very a strange environment outside the cave. Fearful of losing his precious sanctuary, Bobby quickly turned to retreat back into his home and ignored the retreating army… But, as Bobby’s rage diminished and he truly calmed back down enough to think over what he had just done, he was suddenly thrown into a depressed state-of-mind as he realized what he had just done… Ripping off his armor, Bobby suddenly began to scream in frustration over the fact that he had just attacked and eaten living creatures, like Urenil, which meant that now he could never again become friends with living creatures for fear of them turning on him in an attempt to protect themselves from his hunger. As Bobby removed all of his armor, however, the protection he had gained from Alyse’s blessed armor suddenly went away and Bobby suddenly seemed to lose his mind. Upon sensing this, an Embodiment of Nightmare suddenly lashed out and bit into Bobby’s mind, hungrily feeding upon his despair. Slowly draining Bobby of all sane thoughts, the Nightmare Embodiment slowly manipulated Bobby towards “self-destruction” and began to grow very eager when Bobby’s attention fell upon the sunlight shinning into the cave… Having watched all of this go on in horror, Alyse was brought to tears when she saw Bobby starting to heading towards the beam of sunlight to commit suicide and just knew that the creature of Nightmare was trying to devour Bobby whole… Not about to allow that to happen, Alyse knew of only one thing that might bring Bobby back from the brink of suicide and reached out through shadows and darkness to retrieve a specific item. Then she cast that item down towards the earth, within the safety of the shadows cast inside the cavern Bobby was in and just prayed that Bobby would go over to it. When the hammer slammed into the ground, Bobby turned over to look at it and Alyse forced Bobby to become aware of a very special brand that had been burned into the wooden handle of the hammer. So out of his mind by this point, when Bobby saw that glowing brand brought to his attention, he was instantly reminded of Urenil and frantically began to drag himself across the ground to reach the gently glowing object… Not about to be denied it’s meal, the Nightmare Embodiment just screeched angrily and began to tear at Bobby’s mind in a desperate attempt to put him back on the path to suicide… As Bobby was reaching out to touch the Hammer and traced his tendrils upon the magically glowing brand that he was being forced to perceive, Bobby slowly began to remember all of the times he had seen Urenil watching him fearfully. Lowering his tendril as those memories tore at his sanity once more, Bobby was then forced to remember how he had constantly freaked out Urenil with some of his actions and how Urenil had only seemed to grow to tolerate him because of what he had to offer. Then he remembered how the Dark Elf had went into the city to become a citizen even despite hearing that Bobby was not welcome within the city and Bobby reached out to grab the Blacksmith’s hammer in anger. But, as the Nightmare Embodiment manipulated Bobby to throw away the only thing keeping him from killing himself, something MUCH stronger than a measly Embodiment of Nightmare reached out to smite the little leech… In her fury, Alyse not only removed the Nightmare Embodiment from Bobby’s mind, but she even destroyed the Nightmare Creature in it’s entirety while it was in the process of returning to it’s home in the Twisting Void… As if she had just light off a flare, the entirety of the Twisting Void pulled away from Bobby in terror of the big fish guarding his mind and turned their attention elsewhere. Growling in anger and seething with unbridled fury, Alyse caused reality itself to become unstable as she stood over Bobby in an attempt to show the others not to bother her little pet ever again. Across all of Drazan; creatures big and small, Demigod or Spirit Protector, and regardless of elemental affinity, they all knew that the One they should all grateful to for each minute of their continued existences for was now the protector of the Mimic within Loct’s Claim. Unaware of that was going in within the “spiritual” side of the world, Bobby was still holding up Urenil’s hammer as the insanity brought upon by the Nightmare Embodiment slowly dissipated… Now unfettered by the Spiritual Entity’s attempt to focus on only the negative, Bobby began to feel the “hope” of finding Urenil once again filling him again… With Alyse watching him curiously, Bobby quickly reassembled his armor and focused his mind on the brand burned into the hammer. Tensing his entire being, Bobby sought out the brand itself and was dismayed when he was unable to lock onto one specific item with the mark on it. Even worse than the fact that there were now several items all bearing Urenil’s Maker’s Mark, Bobby could tell somehow that all the items were far out of his ability to reach through his ability to travel through the shadows. Growing depressed again, knowing that Urenil had most likely moved on from him, Bobby just tossed aside the hammer he was holding in a disheartened manner and began to slowly drag himself away into the shadows… Thinking that Bobby probably needed some time to recover from the attack by the Nightmare Embodiment, Alyse just let him go off to be alone and returned to her rightful place in the world… A few days later, Alyse was curious to see if Bobby was better and so guided some Adventurers into Bobby’s home in order to see if he might develop into a spiritual being by taking ownership over the cave. Despite the way Alyse seemed to be trying to guide Bobby’s enemies towards him, all she really wanted to do was help Bobby to declare the cave to be his own territory, since after she had defended him the denizens of the Shadowed Cleft were eagerly waiting to see if Bobby would claim the cavern for himself or for Darkness. Instead, Bobby was just depressed over what he had done and was frustrated by how his temper had cost him one of his only friends, since had Bobby not gone to go settle the score with Kacath and Vendran, then he might still be over where Urenil was… Then, the Adventurers stumbled upon his dark little corner within the cave and all a sudden, Bobby’s anger erupted out of him… Word quickly spread that the Whimpering Mimic was still lurking within Loct’s Claim, but Adventurers were overjoyed to find out that they could safely enter the cavern and would only need to watch out for the random Boss they could encounter within. With that settled, the denizens of the Shadowed Cleft quickly learned that the cavern was free game and happily began to emerge from the darkness to lay claim to their own spots. This turned Loct’s Claim into a goldmine for Adventurers, as all kinds of dark creatures took up residence within the sprawling cavern. As the months past by slowly, Bobby slowly found himself needing to drag himself ever deeper into his cavernous home, since every time he was discovered by Adventurers he would find himself swarmed with eager treasure hunters… Watching unhappily as Bobby continued to ignore her attempts to get him back in the game of growing stronger, Alyse eventually was forced to give up on him for the time being, since she had other issues to worry about, like Ashton’s swift rise to power as a spiritual being…
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 4 – Dark Relations While Bobby continued to suffer from his bout of depression and continued to journey ever further into the dark depths of Loct’s Claim, over in the nation of the Dark Elves… Unlike how they are represented to the rest of the world, Dark Elves actually do not have very much to do with Demons or their worship, only the Demonic Church and it’s followers are given permission to call upon the spiritual ancestors of their kind. Unlike with the High Elves, however, the Dark Elves are only ever allowed to summon spiritual demons and grant them physical form through the expenditure of magical energy. On the other hand, the vast majority of Dark Elves learn to use Dark Magic and can easily conjure up dark monsters to fight for them. Typical creatures summoned by Dark Elves are monstrous spiders and other simple minded animals of darkness; like direwolves, nefarious bats, shadow fey and gigantic rats. Only those who have reached the highest ranks in their training dare to summon the stronger creatures of the Dark; like Driders, Werewolves, Gargoyles, Dark Fairies and Skaven. Regardless of strength, these creatures are often believed as inferior to the Greater creatures of Darkness known simply as Demons, but demons come in all shapes and sizes like the races who become them in death. Demons belonged to the mystical dimension known as the Demonic Veil, but opposed to how most mortals interpreted the home of Demons, the Demonic Veil was not just some recreation of Drazan, but it’s own completely separate world… When Karm had sought to create a safe refuge for his new subjects to return to when they perished, both to safeguard and horde the souls placed under the control of his power, he had reached out into great darkness stretching beyond the world his mortal worshipers existed upon. Out there he found earth cast forever into the darkness of space, doomed to wonder endlessly out in the furthest reaches of existence and gathered them together to create a special place for his subjects to live upon. Creating a flat chunk of rock for his worshipers to live upon, Karm linked the souls of those who worshiped him to that floating chunk of space rock and then hide his resting place within the shadows of Drazan itself. This protected his home from the Light of Sharm and kept his world within close proximity to the fount from where all demon souls came from… Later on, when the Dark Elves changed their beliefs of where their souls ended up, after Alyse had finally established a tentative peace between mortal races and monsters, their belief created the magical place which later became the Heaven of all Dark Souls; the Shadowed Cleft… With this belief and the creation of lesser of Dark magic, it was well established within the world that beings of Darkness could never possibly hope to stand up to Greater Beings of Darkness from the Demonic Veil, but that was an incorrect way of thinking; at least according to Alyse. Despite the mistake of the belief of greater and lesser beings from the same element, Alyse found nothing to be causing any disturbances within the peace she had established over the world, so allowed the misconception to continue. In truth, most creatures in the lesser elemental domains were just readying themselves to become the reportedly Greater elemental beings and so were turned into more bestial monsters as a result. Sadly, most creatures; both sentient races and monster alike, had no idea about the truth and so misconception that Demons were greater than Creatures of Darkness continued to spread, until the other Elven cultures adopted the same mentality towards their own belief systems… What no monster was aware of is that if a creature from the Darkness Afterlife were to become a spiritual being on their own, without the need for assistance from an already “spiritually” inclined entity, then that Darkness Creature would in fact be able to grow strong enough to equal the strength of a demon… Of course, with the way that the Demonic Veil was governed by those with power, those leaders were always on the look out for new rising stars for them to recruit into their ranks. Due to this early recruitment tendency from all of the Greater Monster species, most creatures from the earthbound afterlives were recruited into the service of much stronger spiritually-connected monsters that were in need of more supplicants. Primarily, however, this was common among Demons and the Darkness creatures, as Demons were constantly on the hunt for more souls; while the Dark creatures merely sought a permanent home where they could live without constantly being hunted down sentient races. Smiling up within her own domain, as she looked down upon Bobby with glee, Alyse thought to herself in a wicked manner, “Of course, there are always those strange abominations that choose to seek power on their own, rather than falling prey to the lure of an easy life… now if only my little variant could quite being so damn DEPRESSED all the time...” Trailing off as yet another Adventurer band came across Bobby, Alyse sighed unhappily when the encounter just ended the same way as always; a meal for the Mimic and the need to migrate to a new temporary dark corner… To make matters worse, since Bobby was not actively asserting his power, many of the creatures coming to lurk in the shadows began to make attempts to dislodge from the top position within the cavern’s pecking order… Regardless of whether it was the Driders, Goblins, or even the fearsome Ogre who came to bother him, Bobby just threw a temper-tantrum and that was the end for everything that came near him. Even a few demon worshiping fellowships came to seek him out at the behest of their demonic masters, but Alyse could not be too upset over the way Bobby greeted those fools. Sadly, there was nothing strong enough to face Bobby when he was throwing a temper tantrum and that seemed to be his only reaction to being disturbed by Adventurers. Having to remove her attention from Bobby, since the other four needed her aid as well, Alyse was forced to just wait until “something” happened to change things for Bobby… Even as she set her mind to wait, however, Alyse suddenly found a set of dice appearing over her window towards where Bobby was and watched as the dice were rolled out continuously, before saying in a musing manner, “Fascinating… To think an aspect of his power would have already become so strong as to be able to manifest physically… Well, at least now I know that the universe is also trying to help Bobby out!” What Alyse did not realize, however, was that the “universe” was actually representing her attempts to bring peace to Bobby and help him to become a spiritual being capable of “hearing” the voice of the Goddess of Peace… Turning her gaze over towards one of the other “pieces” to Bobby’s life, Alyse just smiled happily over finding Urenil actually finding happiness within the capitol city of the Dark Elves… For while all of the lesser Elven Nations typically lived in environments that were the perfect places for spiritual beings of their element to take up residence, they rarely even saw such beings unless a high-ranking member of their Kingdom’s religion came to live in town. Those were usually religious High Elf zealots who had gained the service of a powerful spiritual being and they would normally demand a certain percentage of the city worship their Spirit Protector in order to increase the strength of that creature. This allowed the High Elven Society to rid themselves of their religious zealots and gave the lesser Elven Nations a way to defend themselves. Of course, once the “lesser” afterlives for Darkness, Light and Nature creatures had been created, however, the other Elven Nations suddenly began to discover that they had “power” of their own to call upon… To prevent wars from happening between them, the High Elven Emperor made a law that forced the lesser Elven Nations have to be ruled over by an “Empress” and had the consorts to the Empress be the male religious zealots sent out to each Kingdom… For a while this worked, but then the dark elves began to complain about not being able to earn the right to mate with their Empress due to the fact that the High Elf Warlocks could command stronger demonic creatures than them. Realizing that he could not just make a rule to fit all three of the Kingdoms, the High Elven Emperor then handed off control over to the Empresses and gave them the power to organize their own Kingdoms power structure. In doing that, the High Elf Emperor not only allowed each lesser elven kingdom have certain freedoms underneath his rule, but also ensured that the Empresses would remain ever loyal to him in order to retain that freedom of choice. This then allowed for each Empress to organize their own nations in response to each countries own views and gave each Empress the power to choose who would even be “considered” in the running if they were ever feel the need to give birth to another child… Turning towards the Dark Elven Nation, lead by Empress Briziah, where power ruled… In the Dark Elf Kingdom, the Empress was decided not by birthright, but through power and not just any power. Only those who delved into the Shadowed Cleft were allowed to rule the Dark Elf Kingdom and that normally cost the lives of any who dared to try to claim the Empress’ throne. Even if they were successful in claiming the power of a mighty shadow creature, the daughters of the Empress rarely managed to find anything stronger than the monster that the Empress had at her command. And due to the long life of all elven kind, control over any elven throne rarely changed hands… In an attempt to encourage the Dark Elves to explore their own birthright, however, the Empress made a rule that stated only those who used the powers of Darkness were eligible to take the throne and that those who used the power of Demons were only fit to help her safeguard the souls of her people. This causes the majority of male Dark Elves to seek the power of Demons, in order to become consorts to the Empress, while females prefer to learn to control the powers of Darkness in order to become eligible for making a challenge towards the Empress for control of the throne. Despite which power they worship, any Dark Elf who has a magical affinity will usually spend their entire lives researching and seeking ever greater magical power through pacts with dark aligned creatures. Adventurers typically only have access to beginner level summoning for Demons and Dark creatures, with only Dark Elves being allowed free access to the higher knowledge when they show the appropriate skill in summoning creatures… There are some Adventurers who travel to Dark Elf lands and go through lengthy trials to prove themselves worthy of being recognized as Warlock, but most don’t bother with the hassle. Especially since most Adventurers only need to use the magic of the Dark Elves and don’t need to bother with the danger involved with invoking either type of dark creatures. This is because most dark creatures are to be considered evil in that they would kill their summoner if they were able to break free from their summoner’s control and some even possess the power to harvest living souls. But, just like with the Dark Elven Kingdom, there are those who are involved with battle, magic or those simply who prefer their own professions… Now turning towards Urenil and Master-smith Felifar, the same rules applied also to those who were skilled with their hands… While power may not have been a factor in who leads a Forge or other profession based business, their skill level is most definitely a determining factor. In terms of metalworkers, an Armor-smith and Weapon-smith are those who grown beyond just being an apprentice, but they are not very highly regarded due to the fact that they are only skilled in making one type of weaponry or armor type. When they become Weapon or Armor smiths, however, that title means that they are proficient in all materials, as well as, all forms in which they can forge those metals into. This scale of skill level is spread throughout the lands, but each race has their own different requirements for what makes the different ranks of metalworker… Metalworker Ranks Apprentice: Beginner level Dark Elves who typically are asked to repair farming tools and wagon parts. Once they learn how to handle metal properly and without breaking what they are working on, the apprentices will start being allowed to train in how to make weapons or gear. They will remain apprentices under their master, which can be any rank of smith higher than they are, until they have learned everything that the can from their masters. Weapon-smith: This is the secondary level of Dark Elf metalworker, which can be applied to a single type of weapon that the smiths can make and indicates what they have specialized in for what they can make. As they master how to craft each type of weapon, they must gain the recognition of their master to before starting work on mastering the next type of weapon. At this level, smiths can repair weapons already crafted, but are still learning to make their own properly. Armor-smith: Once a smith had learned how to craft all types of weapons, they will then move onto learning to make the different types of armor. In addition to learning how craft the basic shapes for armor pieces, Armor-smiths must also learn to consider who they are making the armor for and will tailor the size of the metal accordingly. This also allows for Armor-smiths to start repairing armor brought to the forge they are learning at and in some cases allows them to see armor forged from around the world. Metal-smith: To be considered a smith in regards to a specific metal means that a Dark Elf metalworker has mastered how to make all forms of their craft in a specified metal. After being recognized for their skill in making gear from a specific metal, a smith will then take on the next type of metal they have to learn until they have learned to forge all kinds of metal into their preferred item type. For some metals mastery can be attained within a few weeks, while others: like blessed metals, take much longer to even learn of. Upon gaining the approval of the smith in charge of their Forge, the Metal-smiths can earn the right to sell their crafted gear pieces after receiving the Maker’s Mark of the Forge. Blacksmith: This rank is only achievable by those have learned to make items with all types of metal and gear, which entitles a smith to actually possess their own Maker’s Mark. Upon gaining this kind of recognition, Blacksmiths will strike out on their own to hone their skills and become in charge of their own Forge. Highly sought after in towns that are just starting out and Blacksmiths are usually looking to build up their reputations, so they no doubt will go out seeking a village without a smith. Due to that, Blacksmiths are usually able to pull in lots of profit from all the work they gain upon moving in, thus making getting all set up with good equipment a very minor inconvenience. Some towns will even pool together their resources to offer a Blacksmith a huge reward for moving into their village and that reward is usually enough for a Blacksmith to purchase most of the items they will need to start out. Others merely train up and replace the aging Blacksmith of their town, allowing the aging Blacksmith to move on to a city in need of a trainer, rather than a worker. Master-smith: Only those with the magical skills necessary for upgrading the quality of their items can achieve this rank. Most Blacksmiths are stuck at that level and will merely recruit someone with the necessary skills needed to upgrade gear to their Forge. Ironically, this is usually what leads to marriages between a Blacksmith and an Enchantress, thus allowing for new generations of smiths to be born into the world; with a very small number having the necessary magic to become Enchanters. Master-smiths tend to prefer to live inside big cities where they can easily recruit numerous apprentices to help them with filling lesser work orders for repairs, while handling crafting gear themselves. This allows them to keep progressing their skills with upgrading gear quality. Grand Master-smith: This rank is only granted to a single smith per Kingdom and is only given to one who is recognized as having the best skills of all other Master-smiths in the nation. Attaining this rank is the highest honor a smith can ever hope to achieve, but to earn such a rank, a smith must learn to craft all kinds of gear, in all types of metal flawlessly and be capable of upgrading weapons to Legendary status. Sadly, to make Mythical quality gear requires outside aid and such knowledge is kept sealed within the libraries of certain religious factions. On the bright side, Grand Master-smiths are typically the ones to be commissioned when such weapons are in the works, but Mythical quality gear are extremely hard to come by due to the scarcity of materials. For that reason alone, the world senate allows the religious groups within all nations to exist, for should the need ever arise again, it would fall upon those factions to come up with a way to fashion such items to face off against such enemies of the mortal races… However, for Urenil, things were odd for him as he was already a Blacksmith, but now was just an “apprentice” to a Master-smith… After finishing up with delivering the latest batch of weapons ordered by the Daemon Church, Urenil was just heading home and came in upon Felifar trying to chat up Delilah by making a series of different grunting noises. Closing the door to the forge just loud enough to announce his presence, Urenil flinched upon seeing how much Felifar jumped, before noticing the slight blush on the face of the Master-smith. Quickly apologizing to his Master for startling the other Dark Elf, Felifar just sighed in frustration and told Urenil to forget about it. Hoping to smooth things over by asking Felifar if he had any success in communicating with Delilah, Urenil was worried he had done the wrong thing, until Felifar said, “Remember how I told you that I like to think of her as merely my daughter… well, truth be told, she actually is my daughter...” Growing wide-eyed when he heard that, Urenil glanced over at Delilah and then looked back to his Master for answers, but all Felifar had to say on the matter was, “You should know that the requirement for becoming a Master-smith is to know how to place enchantments on your own damn gear, rather than relying upon an Enchanter or Enchantress… or some religious nut, to do it for ya… right, Urenil? Well, when I tried my hand at summoning to demonstrate my mastery of Dark Magic, I tried summoning the soul of my deceased daughter. What I called forth, however, was this Mimic here… and I am still confused over whether or not she is my daughter, but she has yet to try to eat me, so that must count for something, right?” The whole time, Delilah just twitched every now and again to see if she would need to get some metal ready for forging… Grunting something out and watching as Delilah eagerly reached over to fill her mouth up with Ebony ore, Felifar said with tears in his eyes, “She used to love to help me around my forge while I was still learning to enchant weapons from my wife… Got to the point where I didn’t even need to talk to her and all I needed to do was simply look over at her for her to know what was going through my mind.” Becoming upset all of a sudden, Felifar could no longer hold back his tears and just leaned back against one of the anvils in the forge, while saying in a frustrated manner, “After hearing about what you said in regards to the Mimic you befriended… I guess it was too much to hope that my little girl would be able to come back to me, right?” Suddenly, Felifar felt something patting his head and looked over towards Delilah in disbelief, only to find the Mimic focused on the weapon form she was filling… Coming up behind his Master respectfully, Urenil said softly, “I think you know, as well as Delilah knows… exactly what would happen if she were to become anything more than a smelter to you…” Tensing upon hearing that, Felifar took hold of his hammer so tightly that his hand began to tremble and then just broke down into pitiful sobbing when Delilah presented him with the readied sword blank… Unbeknownst to both Dark Elves, however, a Greater Imp flew up next to one of the windows of Felifar’s forge to spy on what was happening within… Immediately sensing the little vermin, Delilah suddenly focused on the little demon and briefly flexed her might as the self-proclaimed Spiritual Protector of her father’s forge. Even though the Greater Imp might have been stronger than Delilah, as she was a Lesser Mimic, the demon had no spiritual presence and so was instantly vaporized by her power. Letting out a grumpy huff, Delilah just as quickly went back to her daddy’s little helper and kept up her little act she had started after the first time the forge had been attacked for the way she had started trying to hug her father. Watching Delilah blast the pesky Greater Imp away with great amusement, Alyse watched curiously as Urenil went over to her… Despite Urenil not really being under her “protection”, Delilah actually found the other Dark Elf to be a very kind individual and so had not tried to scare him off from the start… Reaching over to take hold of the other Dark Elf’s Maker’s Mark, Delilah just held onto the object reverently, as she could sense the presence of this other Mimic and could actually feel the power of this other Mimic through the traces still left on the brand. Quickly returning the brand to it’s resting spot when Urenil looked up from the sword he had been working on, Delilah did not want him to become angry with her over touching his precious object. Knowing full well what Delilah was doing, Urenil was actually happy that Delilah was willing to accept the objects touched by his Mimic and was not reacting aggressively towards them. Bringing the sword he had just finished over to Felifar for inspection, Urenil was surprised when his Master went over to pick up his old brand… Noticing the confusion on Urenil’s face, Felifar just held out the brand to his apprentice and said, “I think we both know that you do not need my approval for the weapons you make, Urenil. Not to say I do not appreciate having an extra set of hands to help out around here, mind you, nor do I think that Delilah is unhappy about having some more company around, but I want you to start spreading your name around town. From now on, unless you are working on an order for my forge, I want you to start using your own mark on the weapons you make. Course, you’ll probably need to wait till you can make a new brand, this one is a little mangled from whatever it went through to get here.” Looking over at the slightly melted brand that Felifar was holding out, Urenil just shook his head and said sadly, “No… I can no longer use that brand anymore. I abandoned the city where I took up that brand, which is why I had been intending to throw it away and try to start out fresh here, but my friend decided to keep it. Probably wanted to have my brand and to use it like an identification badge… too bad things didn’t work out.” Even though Urenil tried to keep a smile on his face while speaking about the Mimic he had befriended, Felifar knew all-to-well just how attached Urenil had become to the Mimic the Blacksmith had found… Up in her domain, Alyse just smiled sadly as she promised to one day reunite Bobby with Urenil, before turning her gaze over towards the Hob-Goblin Nation with annoyance… Sometimes referred to as simply Goblins by some outsiders, Hob-Goblins don’t really mind since more than a few of their species have devolved back into Goblins on occasion. Usually, Hob-Goblins just play along and crack jokes about being referred to as monsters, which would either lighten the mood or wind up with making the situation very tense. Thankfully, Goblins typically steered clear of nations that looked down upon dark creatures, but to those willing to look past their similarities with their monstrous cousins, Hob-Goblins were usually a welcome sight. That is because Hob-Goblins usually can spot the signs of actual Goblin activity very easily and will alert people close to those signs of the danger present. This has put them on good standing with most nations, but Hob-Goblins prefer to stick to their homeland and the nation of Dark Elves; who they share a wonderful relationship with. The reason behind the alliance between Giants, Orcs, Hob-Goblins and Dark Elves is because they can all identify themselves as being connected with creatures of darkness. Thanks to this, and the fact that a lot of nations are actually tolerable towards Hob-Goblins, they had built themselves up as a nation of “merchants”… Similarly, where the Dark Elves are ruled by the one with the most “power”, the Hob-Goblin Kingdom is ruled by the one with the most money… Specifically, the Hob-Goblin Kingdom is ruled by whoever has the most worth, which is determined through various things. A Hob-Goblin’s worth breaks down to what they currently own and the profits they can rely upon regularly, but not just their profits however. To truly reign as the Merchant King, one must know how to make deals and spread profits between their supporters. To that end, Merchant Kings and Trade Princes will work out deals with numerous suppliers to bring in valuable items to sell at reasonable prices for the rest of the world. This means that if a Kingdom wishes to obtain a weapon from another Kingdom; one which does not like the other, then both parties would have to go through the Hob-Goblins to broker a deal. Once a deal is struck, both Kingdoms will then pay the Trade Prince, or the Merchant King himself, to ensure that their trade is handed without issue. Hob-Goblins will then take care of the trade without fail and have spent the entirety of their nation’s existence figuring out the safest routes to take for trading, as well as training themselves to ensure the safety of the delivery… One might grow concerned that the Hob-Goblins might back-stab the other nations and steal all the goods for themselves, but that greedy action may very well doom a Hob-Goblin to a life as a monstrous Goblin. To that end, Hob-Goblins have to become very strict upon themselves and keep control over their greed or else they risk falling to corruption. For this reason, many countries now trust the Hob-Goblins as a neutral trade entity and are willing to do business with them so long as the price is right. That is why the Hob-Goblins will not accept payment until they have completed their task, in order to keep themselves focused on the profit to be made, rather than the profit being carried. As for the Merchant King themselves, they usually do not have much to do with brokering deals between companies and leave that to their constituents… The Merchant Kings instead oversee the day to day upkeep of the Kingdom and make certain that all cities within their nation remain profitable. They also have to make certain that those supporting them continue to find new sources of revenue and that means the Merchant King will usually guarantee first access to newly discovered resources to their supporters. Due to the favoritism, other Trade Princes go into self-imposed exile in order to seek their fortune elsewhere and typically have towns specifically for the trading of rare goods setup in the various Kingdoms. Those cities are considered to be neutral ground by all members of the World Senate are usually places where deals are struck between two rival nations. The process will begin when someone from one Kingdom sends out a request for good, which first goes to the Merchant King and then will be sent out to the Trade Prince that can best obtain the item. Once the request is received, whether Merchant King or one of their constituents, the haggling will begin almost right away and will only end once both sides agree on what is being traded. Each of Trade Princes have their own prices for protection, but in order to compete with the Merchant King’s prices, they usually have to lower their own fees in order to keep customers from choosing to look elsewhere… Of course, as all Goblins are so skillful at, there is always a chance for a different Trade Prince to send in their own forces to disrupt the trade agreement. When this happens, the one who is interfering with the trade will then become the one holding all the cards and is then able to charge whatever price they want for their goods on the open auction. While such acts are frowned upon, no one is dissuaded from ensuring that more coin reaches the pockets of the Hob-Goblin Nation and for this reason those who use the Hob-Goblins to trade items will usually pay for the highest protection they can afford in order to deter this behavior. Regardless, the more money a trade agreement brings to the Hob-Goblin Nation the better, but this is not just for greed, the Hob-Goblin Nation needs the money for many reasons… The first and most obvious reason being that the Hob-Goblins need money to buy goods and food to help them survive winter due to the lands they make their homes in. Second reason is for all the requests that Hob-Goblins receive from Adventurers for specific weapons that are difficult to impossible to obtain for certain reasons such as; rival nations, religious differences or simply because an Adventurer has been bared entry from the place they could obtain what they seek. Adventurers will sometimes spend their entire lives trying to earn enough money to pay off the debt they have racked up with Trade Princes and the interest on such debts can quickly crush foolish Adventurers. Any gear not paid for by Adventurers will eventually be placed on the open market for a price usually high enough to allow the Trade Prince to break even from what has already been paid on the original value of the item, but some items will bring in high amounts of money due to rarity or the scarcity of materials to make such items… Then come the last and final reason why Hob-Goblins can never earn enough money in their entire lives… In the early months of spring, just as the flowers begin to bloom across the whole of the world, the Hob-Goblins gather at a small town at the very tip of their Kingdom; a small town that is surrounded by nature. While the rest of the Hob-Goblin Kingdom is covered with infertile soil and littered with cracks in the very earth from when titanic Golems once roamed the planet, this once city is surrounded by lush fields. As the jewel of the Hob-Goblin Nation, the town bears the odd name of Reach and joking referred to as the Palm of the Merchant King. The reason behind the strange name was really just because Reach was the farthest any Merchant King could reach with their authority, but it’s nickname comes from the event held yearly at the city when spring brings vibrant color to surrounding fields around the city. This is because Merchant King Gambling Tournament is held there every spring and the tournament is a way for each Hob-Goblin to earn enough money to become the Merchant King. Of course, such dreams are usually quickly squashed by the bigger players at the Tournament, but even a simple merchant has the chance; however slim, to become the Merchant King if they are lucky enough to beat every other player at the tournament. To make things more interesting, after the first Merchant King’s Gambling Tournament went so well, the next Merchant King opened the doors to the festival to all races and even went as far to promise all races a fare chance at becoming the “King” of the Hob-Goblins… In truth, that offer was just a ruse to draw more “money” to the gambling tournament and usually those from outside the Hob-Goblin Kingdom were swindled for all of their money, but the Hob-Goblins are very crafty… Too prevent outsiders from becoming too upset over losing everything, the Hob-Goblins made a limit on the amount of money outsiders could bring to the table in order to make it seem less like the Hob-Goblins only intended to take all the money that the outsiders had. Some outsiders even manage to get lucky and walk away with more money than they arrived with, but those cases are highly regulated to prevent unrest. Over the many years that the Tournament had been in use, rules were added, changed, removed and added back in as new Merchant Kings rose to power. As was typical of any position that granted it’s wielder tremendous power, however, the one who was Merchant King became incredibly corrupt, but only in the way that rulers of nations became and so there has never been a single Merchant King to become a monstrous Goblin; unless said corrupt Merchant King were to be dethroned… Politics among the Trade Princes were unstable at best and smoking powder-keg at worst, but they did their best to keep to the shadows with their actions to avoid angering the Great Goddess that had elevated their kind from their previous mindless states. This leads to a lot of Hob-Goblins into becoming stealthy Assassins in order to become the hired hands of Trade Princes that act in silence and shadow to enact the will of their Prince. To make up their visible guards, the Hob-Goblins usually hire Orcs or Giants as bodyguards or henchmen, but usually hire those who primary description is brutish. Every Hob-Goblin Adventurer dreams of finding some hidden or lost Mythical heirloom and becoming a Trade Prince merely from that sale alone, but most quickly realize just how much trouble trying to earn enough “worth” to become recognized as a Trade Prince truly is, so they trade their dream of becoming a Trade Prince for working besides one… But not all Hob-Goblins lose that ambition and in order to demonstrate that become Merchants as their designated profession while still rising through the ranks as an Adventurer… Having been drawn in by the promise of plentiful hunting and easy profit, a fledgling group of Hob-Goblin Adventurers seeking to become a new Trade Prince conglomerate came to the town of Ukima; which was only a short twelve hour ride walk away from the Loct’s Claim. The trio was made up of a foreboding Shadow Priest, Sniper, and Dark Invoker, each bearing a rank four Adventurer’s badge. They made their way up to the front counter of Ukima’s Guild Hall and were quickly asked if they wished to post a new group for delving into Loct’s Claim. After making the necessary arrangements, the group found themselves a table to sit down at and ordered some food to eat after their long journey there… Some time later, with the Sniper up getting some rest, the other two were approached by a gruff looking Orc Gladiator and were slightly disappointed by his low rank… Taking notice of their dissatisfaction, the Gladiator, an Orc named Zlog, just smiled in a friendly manner and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not here to eat into your profits, Goblins… I just need some more practice with my weapon so I can pass my next examination and can earn the right to call myself a Warrior!” Smiling when he noticed the “rapid” change in the Hob-Goblin’s demeanor towards him, Zlog just chuckled to himself over how “easy” a Goblin’s mind could be changed when talking about money… After waking their other companion, the group was excited to find that they only needed one more member to be able to set out… Celebrating the addition of their fourth member and the possibility of getting to hire Zlog as their first bodyguard after becoming a Trade Prince conglomerate, their cheers were cut short when a voice suddenly called from no where, “Gonna need a wagon if you intend to bring back what you find in Loct’s Claim without being waylaid by all the bandits in the area… if you catch my meaning.” Flinching upon hearing the voice, as if the speaker were leaning right over their shoulders, the three Hob-Goblins quickly turned to glare over at the person they knew had just spoken with them through the use of shadow magic; each figuring out who had spoken in their own ways… While Zlog just looked around in confusion, the three Hob-Goblin Adventurers stiffened when they laid eyes on the other person. Rising up from her seat, Saazzi had a pleased look to her eyes; since the rest of her face was hidden underneath a purple colored fabric scarf, as she turned towards the others. Unable to resist snickering when Saazzi saw the reactions from the other Hob-goblins, she elegantly slide down into a seat at the table the other three had claimed with an unnaturally quiet grace. Zlog was quick to pick up her movement and paled when he laid eyes upon the Assassin joining them… Pulling out one of her darkly shimmering daggers, Saazzi absentmindedly picked at something underneath one of her fingernails, while talking as if to herself, “If you intend to seek your fortune in Loct’s Claim, then having a wagon to hide your goods would be a very wise choice. The bandits prowling on the roads are less likely to try to pick a fight with you if they cannot see what they stand to gain from attacking you and especially if they do not know your numbers. Not to mention, I have my wagon specially enchanted to allow it to become invisible at my command when inside a shaded area. Very handy in preventing thieves from coming to steal your profits… both inside and outside Loct’s Claim because; in case you have not heard, there are a lot Goblins lurking in that cavern now.” Knowing they were playing with “fire” quite literally, since the Shadowblade across from them would most assuredly tip off the other thieves in the area if they did not agree to bring her along… Smiling when she noticed the fear the others were regarding her with now, Saazzi pulled off her veil and revealed her nearly flawless skin; a sign of purity among all Goblins, then moved onto her offer to the other three, “I am only interested in obtaining any weapons we come across within the caves. I am not interested in the materials you are seeking to harvest from the creatures in the caverns, but I do know that a lot of Adventurers have lost their lives to what lurks within that cave and I am merely interesting in finding what has been left behind by them.” Contemplating Saazzi’s offer for a moment, the other three knew that they would be able to use the skills of a stealthy Shadowblade within Loct’s Claim and figured in that Saazzi would be willing to bargain over any upgraded weapons they discovered, so the trio agreed to bring her on board… After gathering the necessary provisions to stay at the cave for several days, the group headed over to where Saazzi’s wagon waited and were confused when they saw no horses to pull the wagon… Bursting out laughing when Zlog commented about having no intention to drag them all to the caverns, Saazzi just reached into one of her many hidden pockets and produced a wooden whistle, as she said politely, “While I have no doubts that you could get us there, Zlog, I don’t think that you would be able to get us back here fast enough to out run the bandits lurking about the roads to Loct’s Claim. Have no fear, though, I do not rely upon beasts of burden that can easily be killed to pull my wagon.” Blowing upon the wooden whistle, Saazzi just smiled when she heard the startled reactions to the sound of birds chirping coming out from within the whistle… A gateway to the Shaded Evergreen Forest then opened up and two animal spirits were pulled out from within at the beckoning of the whistle… Those spirits then drew sticks and leaves together to form wicker-like bodies, before sprouting roots from their very bodies to connect to the wagon they would be pulling. Smiling in a proud manner over at the other four, Saazzi got great enjoyment out of the awestruck faces they had on their faces. Quickly coming to realize that their Shadowblade companion had a lot more worth to her than they ever possibly could gain from this excursion to Loct’s Claim, the other Hob-Goblin Adventurers learned they had a long way to go before they could attain their dreams. Once everything was loaded up, Saazzi took the reins and set a rapid pace to make the journey to Loct’s Claim last less than four hours… After the wagon came to a stop inside the large entry chamber, where a Hob-goblin village had once stood, the Adventurer group climbed out and were amazed once again when the wagon turned invisible upon a command word from Saazzi… Walking over next to where the wagon was, the Hob-Goblin Invoker, Jiekzesb, cried out as a massive surge of dark energy surrounded him, “I seek one to guard this shadow, come forth Shadow Spider!” In response to his summons, a portal to the Shadowed Cleft was opened and from within a shadowy spider crawled up out, before skittering underneath Saazzi’s wagon… Thanking Jiekzesb for the added protective measure, Saazzi turned towards the numerous pathways leading into the caverns… Listening carefully as they approached each of the pathways, Saazzi eventually pointed towards the one that had the most noises coming out from within, which prompted Zlog to ask curiously, “Um… why go this way? Surely you don’t want to have fight whatever is making that racket?” Smiling deviously, as she wrapped her head up in her scarf, Saazzi seemed to suddenly vanish completely and then she called out ominously, “Well, would you rather enter a cave where you can hear your enemies before they creep up behind you, or be the one announcing you position by entering a place as quiet as a graveyard ought to be? If we use the cacophony being created by the Goblins in this direction, then we will be able to sneak in with greater ease. Plus, I do not very much like the feeling I am getting from the pathway coated with webbing and I do not relish the thought of encountering a Drider within these twisting tunnels… do you? Lastly, let me be the one to open any chests… there is a Mimic lurking in these tunnels… one with a name! Let’s not be foolish and poke the Whimpering Man-eater, okay? I’d like to continue living for at least forty more years!” Chuckling at Saazzi’s comment about wanting to live for longer, Zlog took the lead, with Saazzi right behind him and the other three huddled together in the back… Starting their exploration, the Adventurers had no clue about the dangers they had just avoided thanks to Saazzi keen instincts and went on to slaughter a few packs of Goblins… Down one of the other pathways lurked a den of Driders, while another web coated pathway lead to a den of Giant Spider monsters, but the most quiet of pathways remained free of any signs of recent activity by the denizens of the cavern. If they had gone with Zlog’s gut and had gone down that tunnel, then they would have found slim pickings indeed, for that was the tunnel that Bobby was currently staying in. Thankfully, most Adventurer groups had learned to avoid the tunnel that was dead silent and instead usually went to battle with the Goblins where; upon filling their arms with all the loot they could carry, they would leave happy with whatever the Goblins had managed to scrounge up from around the cave. Right after the first group of Adventurers, however, a second group entered into the caverns; only this one was comprised almost entirely of Dark Elves, being guided by a very nervous looking Hob-Goblin… The rank five Scout class Adventurer fearfully pointed out which tunnel the Mimic was in, the one that the group of Dark Elves were currently hunting for, before fearfully demanding payment for doing as requested. Reaching out to catch the quarter silver penny, the Hob-goblin quickly bit into the coin, before happily rushing out of the cavern with the easiest money he had ever made in hand. Ignoring the lesser being after that moment, the leader of the Dark Elf group smiled happily as he lead his coven over towards the tunnel leading to where their target lay. Unlike with the group before, the moment that the Dark Elves drew close to Bobby’s tunnel, all manner of hissing and screeching noises began to emanate out from within the two spider filled tunnels… Ignoring the noise from the “lesser” creatures of darkness, the High Elf Warlock leading the band Demon Worshipers continuing heading towards his destination without fear… Even before one of his worshipers cried out in alarm, the Warlock thrust out one hand in the direction of the Drider flying towards him and wordlessly created an orb of Hellfire on his own. Sending the dark creature screaming back into the dark abyss, the now Master Warlock just smiled cruelly and held up the same hand he had just cast his previous spell with as another orb of Balefire burst to life from his will alone. Pleased when the sight of his power caused the dark creatures in the tunnels to back off fearfully, the High Elf Warlock then turned his blazing eyes back towards his followers and he ordered them to pick up the pace. Falling in line behind their Master quickly, none of the worshipers wished to have to face their Master’s wrath, as they had seen what happened to mortals burned by Balefire… Heading down the deathly quiet tunnel, the Dark Elves were initially on alert for any hidden ambushes, but they quickly got the message that they had just entered the lair of a truly fearsome beast… As he too came to notice the way that all the creatures of the Shadowed Cleft had all pulled back and seemed actually fearful of what lay within the quiet tunnel, the High Elf Warlock said in a pleased manner, “Seems we are heading in the right direction, prepare yourselves, seems this Mimic believes itself to be a match for Demons and has already slaughtered several other Covens seeking to capture it for their own Masters. Fear not, for where they all failed before us, we shall succeed! The one who I owe a favor too has seen to it that I am prepared for whatever this puny little monster has to throw our way.” Taking heart in what their leader was saying, just like all the other fools who had come before, the Demon Worshipers all began to prepare themselves for battle… Having already been aware of what was going on, Bobby just watched the intruders coming his way through the shadows and just grew exasperated over the thought of having to deal with another group of annoying Dark Elves… Coming out before the Mimic and smiling upon seeing that the creature was waiting for them, the High Elf Warlock spoke in a commanding tone, as he said firmly, “I am Saucano, Warlock leader of this coven! I have been sent here at the behest of the Faceless Lord of the Flaming Cliffs! Will you choose to submit yourself to the will of my Master or will you choose to resist?” Surprisingly, the Mimic seemed to actually understand what Saucano was saying and had held up one of numerous flesh-like tendrils in the form of a pair of lips constantly “flapping”… Doing his best to restrain his temper when he noticed how the Mimic was mocking him, Saucano couldn’t quite prevent his impressive magical prowess from manifesting around him in the form of a scary aura, as he grumbled vindictively, “Very well, have it your way, monster! The rest of you are to protect my while I summon aid, do not allow-!” Growing tense as he heard the sound of the Mimic mockingly “laughing” at him, Saucano stopped speaking and began to wrestle with his rage as his thoughts turned towards just incinerating the annoying little pest… Strangely, when the Mimic noticed how angry he was, it began to make placating waving motions two manifested tendrils, before giving Saucano a gesture to tell the High Elf to carry on. Finding the way that the Mimic seemed willing to allow him the time to summon aid to be very strange, but Saucano was not about to complain over being allowed to work in peace. He had been involved with other Monster Hunts and knew that most Dark Creatures could not even be spoken too without having the presence of a powerful Demon to keep the monster in check. Summoning the Imp he had been instructed to, Saucano was pleased to find that the Imp had everything already assembled everything needed for the calling upon the Demon meant to aid him in capturing this Mimic… Quickly performing the ritual, Saucano was horrified to find himself standing in the presence of a Noble Destroyer Shapeshifter Demon and shied back away from black-skinned horror from the Demonic Veil. Despite the height of the Dark Elven body used as a vessel for the creature, the Destroyer stood a good nine feet tall and had hardened bone-like spikes acting as it’s fingers. The Noble Shapeshifter had no eyes, ears, hair, nose, or any other recognizable facial features; just a mouth full of jagged teeth. Despite not having eyes, when the Destroyer shifted it’s body ever slightly towards the group of Elves, they all swallowed nervously… The Destroyer’s sphincter like mouth stretched open into the vague shape of a smile, but the drool dropping out from within warned the Elves of how the Demon was regarding them, before the Destroyer snarled telepathically, “Just know that I will not hesitate to slaughter and devour any of you who does not meet my expectations for you! The only thing preventing that is the fact that I have been ordered by my King to bring this lesser creature back with me when I return! Remember that!” As all the Elves quickly nodded their acknowledgment, the Destroyer suddenly began to hear a strange sound and turned around to find that the lesser creature it had been sent to capture was now laughing in it’s general direction. Growling angrily as it turned to face off against the Mimic, the Destroyer was baffled when the Mimic tried to excuse the way it had been acting towards the Demon and was quickly confused by the strange gestures that the Mimic was making. Turning towards the Dark Elves, the Destroyer demanded that one of them figure out what the damned creature was saying so that it would know whether to stomp the Mimic where it stood or try to approach the creature diplomatically. Quickly reaching into his mouth, Bobby quickly pulled out a quill, some paper to write on and an inkwell filled with some kind of liquid to write in… Sadly, Bobby could only write in Dark Elven tongue and so one of the Dark Elves stepped forward to read what Bobby had scribbled out… Doing her best to read what the Mimic had scribbled out, the Dark Elf was surprised when the Dark creature fearlessly brought out a candle to illuminate the words and then did her best to read, “So… the Mimic is trying to say… oh… I’m afraid that you will not like what the creature has to say in regards to your presence here...” Glaring down at the Dark Elf, the Destroyer just wordlessly raised up one hand and smashed the unfortunate girl into a bloody mess upon the ground, before turning it’s head towards the others while telepathically growling, “I do not seek to hear excuses! I wish to know the thoughts of this animal so that I might best choose my next course of action. Do not forget that you all are expendable!” The next Dark Elf to step forward quickly read off from the second piece of paper that the Mimic was holding out first, then continued onto the second afterwords, “The Mimic wishes you to know that it feels that your actions towards the Dark Elf you crushed were entirely unnecessary and only served to weaken your side in the coming conflict. Oh, now I see… Um, the Mimic is greatly amused by the fact that we would bring only one Demon to face off against it, when others in the past have summoned upwards of twenty… It, um, it is asking what good you will be against i-AH!” Crying out in terror before being crushed as well, the second Dark Elf Worshiper to step forward did not put up much resistance against the strength of the Destroyer… Noticing the Mimic writing something else out, the Destroyer suddenly let out a frustrated scream and bellowed, “No more of these games, either submit your soul to my Master or I will collect your soul myself and present you to my Master only after I have taken out my frustrations upon you!” In response, the Mimic just chuckled before opening it’s mouth in an aggressive manner as it made a taunting gesture, while holding up a message to read a loud, “I’d just love to see you come over here and try, weakling!” Going into a blood-frenzy, the Destroyer let out a furious bellow and charged forward at the Mimic in a belligerent manner… The moment that the fight was started, all the Elves began to frantically conjure up some of the more powerful spells at their disposal and sent them flying over at the Mimic… Watching the impressive spells go flying past it, the Destroyer smiled cruelly as it saw the results from terrifying the mortals behind him into giving their all. After all the spells had slammed into the Mimic’s body, obscuring the creature in a cloud of dust, the Destroyer charged one of it’s fists with chaotic energies and brought it’s fist down hard on top of the Mimic’s body. Feeling itself hit something, the Destroyer was initially pleased with itself, but as the dust cloud was cleared away from the impact of it’s fist against the top of the Mimic’s chest body, the Destroyer’s jubilation came to a crashing halt. Even the Elves were stunned to find their strongest spells had no effect on the Mimic, but the Destroyer found it’s body coated in cold sweat when it saw not even a dent in the top of the Mimic’s metallic body… Then, to horrify it’s enemies even further, the Mimic used a “single” tendril to remove the Destroyer’s fist from the top of it’s body and then took a moment to “repair” the microscopic gouge mark that the Demon had made in it’s Ebony lid… Without putting forth any visible effort, Bobby then proceeded to back-hand the Demon away from his body by flicking one of his tendrils at the monster. The Destroyer was stunned when it found itself flying away from Bobby as a result of the almost halfhearted flick of his proverbial wrist. After the Demon had been sent away, Bobby was suddenly struck by a second barrage of magic spells, but when the dust cleared away this time, all of Bobby’s opponents were able to see the shimmering barrier he had protected himself with. Staring over at the mere Mimic in disbelief, Saucano cried out in protest, “No… NO~! This cannot be! How can this pitiful creature possibly stand up to the likes of my greater Demonic spells?! There is no… this does not make sense!” Sensing the Destroyer standing up and turning around to see how furious the Demon was now, Saucano made a fateful decision to strike down the Destroyer with his magic… Despite the Destroyer being more of a melee class demon, it could still sense the amount of power put in Saucano’s spell and felt the spell posed no threat, since the magical blast had no more power than the last… When the blast of chaotic energies slammed into it’s body, however, everyone was stunned to hear how much damage Saucano caused by how loud the Destroyer roared in pain. Upon getting back up, the Destroyer was now past the point of being negotiated with and cried out in fury as it stalked over towards the tasty souls waiting to be harvested. Before the Destroyer could kill any of the Dark Elf Worshipers, however, Saucano reached out to seize control of the demon with his magic and was able to force the Destroyer to come to a halt. Redirecting it’s attention back over towards the Mimic, Saucano then screamed at the brutish demon, “I just proved that we all just used our full strength against that creature! You felt for yourself what I was capable of! So tell me, demon, do you still think that you have any right to punish any of us for failing to do as you commanded?” Quickly calming down as the words of the one who was responsible for it’s summoning wracked it’s mind, the Destroyer slowly reached up to touch the gaping hole in it’s chest, before saying in acknowledgment, “Yes, I understand your point now, summoner… Forgive me, I was still upset over having been swatted away like a fly by that lesser creature… However, should you ever strike me again, there will be nothing to stop me from coming back to kill you after having someone else call me to this world! Never forget that!” Nodding his understanding, Saucano released his hold on the Destroyer and then turned around in alarm; only to find the Mimic had not even budged an inch. After turning to see what had it’s summoner so freaked out, even the Destroyer had to admit that it was a little unsettled by the way that the Mimic seemed to be just ignoring them. Now that it was not enraged anymore, however, the Destroyer was able to realize that things may not go in it’s favor and so the Destroyer knelt down to beseech it’s own Master. Shuddering when he felt the “presence” of the Destroyer’s Master enter the cave, Saucano whirled around in shock, before quickly falling to his knees in terror along with the rest of the Coven… Appearing before it’s servant as a pair of glowing eyes inside a circle of chaotic energies, the Faceless Lord of the Flaming Cliffs quickly surveyed the situation and upon seeing the damage it’s servant had taken, chuckled as it telepathically asked the Destroyer, “So… can I take it that you are having difficulties with capturing one measly lesser creature and that is the reason you are contacting me?” Trembling at the mention of it’s wounds, the Destroyer turned it’s attention towards Saucano and glared at the High Elf, before replying telepathically in a humble manner, “Your servant and I had a minor disagreement, which resulted in my injuries, but as a result I was able to come back to my sense and had the presence of mind to make the decision to contact you over the problem I am faced with… I gave my all in an attempt to strike this lesser creature down and make it see reason, just as all these servants behind me did, but for all our efforts… we only succeeded in amusing that… thing!” Coming to understand what was going on, since it had chosen to send out the Destroyer specifically to ensure that Saucano did not grow lazy, the Faceless Lord of the Flaming Cliffs announced to it’s servant calmly, “Very well, I shall be there in a moment to see if your claims about this creature are true and then we shall decide what your punishment shall be...” While none of the Elves could hear what was being discussed, since none of them have sworn their eternal souls to the Faceless Lord of the Flaming Cliffs, they could tell that something “bad” must had been said based on the way the Destroyer’s entire body began to tremble in what appeared to be fear… Turning towards the Elves when the eyes of it’s Master vanished from the window into the Demonic Veil, the Destroyer frantically hissed in a dangerous tone, “YOU WILL REMAIN BOWED! MY MASTER IS ON THE WAY TO US AS WE SPEAK! DO NOT TRY HIS PATIENCE OR YOU SHALL FACE MY FURY!” Immediately, all of the Elves took up bowing postures with their foreheads touching the ground and their hands spread out next to their heads… Despite that, Saucano was too terrified to think straight and so opened up a connection with the Destroyer to fearfully ask, “Why has the Lord of the Flaming Cliffs deemed it necessary to make an appearance here?” Knowing exactly why Saucano was so terrified, the Destroyer wished to prevent the frantic Elves from doing anything foolish, so the Destroyer calmly stated telepathically to the entire coven, “My Master now comes to test the might of this lesser creature and to determine what our punishment will be if my claims are found to be false… do not move against my Master’s wishes unless you wish your soul to be devoured!” Quickly coming to realize just what the Destroyer had most likely reported to it’s Master, Saucano quietly reassured the others to keep them calm… Behind them all, Bobby was practically geeking out over how this whole situation seemed like a scenario ripped right out of one of the shows he used to collect memorabilia for… Stepping out into the cave through the portal, that grew to accommodate the Demon Lord’s impressive size, the Faceless Lord of the Burning Cliffs had a constantly smoldering appearance about it. Nodding towards it’s servant, the slightly smaller Demon Lord only stood about eight feet tall, but as a powerful shape-shifting Demon Lord, no one had any doubts over whether it could make itself larger. Walking forward with it’s servant walking alongside, only one respectful step behind, the Demon Lord all but ignored the groveling Elves and kept it’s gaze squarely upon the reason for it’s visit to the physical world. Still geeking out internally over the fact he just got to witness an actual Demon walk into the living world, Bobby was quickly drawn out of his thoughts when the strange looking Demon walked past the bowing Dark Elves and noticed the way that the Demon’s attention was squarely set upon him… After being informed by the Destroyer about the Mimic’s speech issue, the Faceless Lord appeared to be clearing it’s throat, before suddenly speaking in a friendly manner with a very fluent Dark Elf accent, “I greet you, little Dark Mimic, as Lord of the Flaming Cliffs.” Tensing when it felt amusement coming from the Mimic and thrusting out a hand to calm the Destroyer after hearing the creature laughing at it, the Demon Lord tried to remain friendly, but could not keep a frustrated growl from entering it’s tone, “Apparently you have little knowledge of the hierarchy of demons… so I shall endeavor to enlighten...” Trailing off when the Mimic started to make a dismissing gesture towards having the society of demons explained to it, the Faceless Lord then watched the Mimic furiously scribble out something on a piece of paper… Upon reading what the Mimic had scribbled out, the Faceless Lord just began to blink it’s eyes repeatedly, before calling out to the Elves, “One of you! Come here and read this so that I can be certain that my eyes are not playing tricks on me...” One of the Dark Elves quickly jolted upright and hurried over off to the left side of the Faceless Lord with her head down fearfully… Only lifting her head to read what was on the piece of paper the Mimic was holding up to the Demon Lord, the Dark Elf fearfully said in a shaky voice, “The Mimic says… ah… I have no need to understand… your rank, such information has no meaning to me… as I have already bested thirty self-proclaimed Battle-Knights, ten Battle-Lords, and a single Annihilator. I have also… ugh, eaten numerous Succubus who have… sought to seduce with me with their lovely curves… I always like the way they scream when they realize that their charms have no effect on me...” Trailing off to compose herself, the Dark Elf had to resist numerous attempts to empty her stomach as she continued to read what the Mimic held up next, “Your Elven friends are just about as threatening as the numerous Daemons I have had the displeasure to face off against… The Mimic wishes to know if the name Kacath means anything to you, my Lord.” Watching as the Demons both shook their heads in regards to his request about Kacath, Bobby was annoyed to learn that his old enemy had nothing to do with these Demons hunting him… When the Demon Lord attempted to make the Mimic an offer in regards to Kacath, Bobby just angrily jotted something down and then held up his message for the Dark Elf to read, “The Mimic is saying… oh my… the Mimic is quite upset, so please understand that I am only reading exactly what it has written, my Lord. Ahem, I have no need for your help, Demon, nor do I care for your fanciful titles, they are meaningless to me. You can keep sending more minions after me all you want, I am always in need of more… food. Any offers you might think of to try and trick me into your service are moot and will not work on me. I am a collector of things and I am not above… collecting… bodies.” Reaching over to calm the distraught Dark Elf, the Faceless Lord sent the mortal scurrying back to safety and out of reach of the Destroyer, before it turned to face the Mimic… Suddenly showing emotion on it’s featureless face, the Faceless Lord looked to be quite annoyed based on the way it’s flesh was wrinkling, the Demon Lord growled in a very hostile manner, “You would be unwise to try my patience-!” Unable to say anymore, as the Demon Lord’s head simply disappeared all of a sudden, everyone else in the room simply just stared up in pure terror as the body of the Demon Lord slumped over onto the ground… Having already been angry towards the coven for disturbing his peace and quiet, Bobby had been bumped up to a Berserk state when the Destroyer pounded down on top of his head, but when the Demon Lord tried to “manipulate” him, Bobby finally hit Tantrum level of anger… Bobby had been hoping that the civil speaking Demon might be smart enough to know when Bobby had been fed up with the bullshit that he was being fed by the demons, but when the Demon Lord moved right along into threatening him, that was the moment the gloves came off. No longer carrying about playing around or having some fun with his enemy and their pitiful attempts to hurt him, Bobby chose to strike first by removing the head of the snake coiling up to strike him again. After quite literally pounding the Demon Lord’s head into a bloody pulp, Bobby reached down to pick up the Faceless Demon’s body and promptly gobble it up. When the rest of the group coming to disturb him made no moves to leave his presence, Bobby just growled in a frustrated manner and reached out lightning fast to take hold of the Destroyer… Without ceremony or flare, Bobby then proceeded to rip the Destroyer apart and then slowly fed those pieces of flesh into his mouth in an attempt to convince the Elves to flee. Sadly, instead of instilling fear and panic, Bobby filled the coven with desperation and hysteria; causing all the Elves to begin launching magic spells at him as rapidly as they could chant their spells. Sighing unhappily and shaking his head internally, Bobby just began to shoot out his tentacles at his enemies one at a time; killing each Elf with a single shot through either the heart or head. With only Saucano was left, Bobby suddenly felt very vengeful towards the Elf that had paved the way for both annoying Demons to reach him and wrapped a tendril around Saucano’s neck… Gagging as he was hauled up into the air above the Mimic, Saucano’s vision began to blur as the Mimic’s grip ever tighter. Slowly being dragged down inside the Mimic’s gaping mouth, along with the dead bodies of his Coven, Saucano was still trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened when the sting of acid began to burn around his feet. Quickly jolting back to reality, Saucano quickly remembered a trick he had learned from one of the hunts involving a Mimics and thrust one hand to launch a ball of hellflame against the hinge at the back of the Mimic’s mouth. Feeling his body come to a stop, Saucano let out a strained laugh over how such a simple thing was able to save him and then began trying to remove the Mimic’s tendril from around his throat… On the other side of the situation, Bobby was less stunned by the blast and instead was just trying to process how utterly stupid the High Elf was to think that such a thing could hurt him… After growing frustrated yet again, while still trying to think of some way he could impress upon the Elf just how hopeless of the situation the Warlock was now in, Bobby just tightened his grip on Saucano’s neck until Saucano’s neck suddenly jerked off the right in an unnatural manner. Now with yet another lifeless body in his grasp, Bobby just let go of the High Elf and added yet another lifeless corpse to his collection of flesh. Upon completely consuming the Coven, along with any items left lying around, Bobby lifted up his body on metal stilts he had made and began to move his body through the use of eight stilt tipped tentacles. Watching as Bobby slowly moved himself through the cave system of Loct’s Claim, Alyse was once more frustrated by the way he refused to do anything more than laze about and began thinking about how she might be able to get Bobby to come out of his shell… Taking notice of the other group delving into the depths of Loct’s Claim, Alyse began to think about what the “odds” of them being able to bring Bobby out of his stupor would be… Suddenly, Alyse took notice of the very same visual display that Bobby had seen when using Luck-of-the-Draw and grew very curious about the sound she was hearing. Seeing the display over Bobby was constantly landing on mixed results, Alyse eventually realized that she was actually seeing the way Bobby was feeling on the inside and began to grow curious over why Bobby felt like a loser. Learning that Bobby thought that he had lost his only friend in Urenil when he had made the poor choice to go fight with Kacath and ended up dying, Alyse started to wonder about what she could do revive Bobby’s spirits. That was when, inside her own domain, Alyse found a set of Dice mysteriously appearing and curiously went over to look at what had just shown up… Picking up each of the dice one at a time, Alyse was confused over the way each of the cubes were blank on all sides, but when she had filled her left hand with all the dice, Alyse suddenly flinched as understanding of each cubes purpose entered into her mind. Without even realizing why, Alyse started to rattle the Dice inside her hand and began learning more about Bobby’s previous life as a human. Quickly coming to understand that this was Bobby unconsciously asking for help, Alyse smiled like a little girl with a new toy to try out and began to wonder about what she could do with the dice. Quickly wondering why Bobby wasn’t able to do anything more than just wonder about Loct’s Claim and attack anyone who disturbed him… Without any warning, Alyse felt something strange overcome her hands and quickly let go of the dice in alarm, thinking they were trying to hurt her; like how Bobby had when she had been trying to ferry him safely away from danger… After releasing the dice, however, Alyse found that there was no danger to her hand and that the dice had only reacted to her thoughts. As the dice all clattered out before her, Alyse saw different values on the tops of all the dice and became curious over what they meant, but nothing else happened Alyse walked over to pick up all the dice. While picking up the dice, Alyse found it strange that the values that showed up on the dice stayed on them, even after she had placed them back into her palm. Once she had placed all of the dice back into her hand, however… Suddenly overwhelmed by an immense sense of sadness, Alyse did have to think hard to realize that what she was currently experiencing were the feelings that were crushing Bobby. Next she felt completely lost and immediately knew that was from Bobby, since she was within her own transcended plane. Then Alyse felt the terrible rage that Bobby felt towards being uprooted from his home and flung into some random dark corner of the world, but grew hopeful that she could repair things between them when Bobby did not understand what happened to him. Now that she understood what was troubling Bobby currently, Alyse now knew what she needed to do and thought to herself about what she needed to do to help Bobby overcome his depression… Much to her surprise, Alyse felt no urge to release to dice in hand and after waiting for a few moments, Alyse eventually released the dice on her own. The dice just clattered out before her without there being any values showing up on them and this only further confused Alyse. Getting a helpless expression on her face after she picked back all the dice without feeling anything from Bobby, Alyse did not where the go from there. Eventually trying to ask a different question or variation of her previous questions, Alyse was so confused when nothing she asked received a response from the dice… After throwing away the dice in frustration, Alyse began to think hard about why she could not “help” Bobby and that was when she suddenly thought of something… Growing wide-eyed when she finally realized that her help was the source of Bobby’s depression, Alyse flopped down onto her knees when she realized why the dice were not working for her questions. Bursting into tears and whimpering pitifully when she realized in her zeal to help she had just broken things yet again, just like when she had tried to force the mortals to accept her definition of peace causing the creation of an unending monster horde. Going over to pick up the dice, Alyse’s cheeks were still wet with tears and she found herself becoming angry towards the dice that had hurt her so. Thinking that this was somehow Bobby’s way of “attacking” her in response for taking him away from his home, Alyse’s entire body just trembled as her own anger got the best of her… Thrusting her hand out to her side, Alyse just screamed in frustration, “OH GIVE ME A BREAK! YOU THINK IT’S EASY BEING A GOD TO AN ENTIRE WORLD? WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT GETTING RID OF DEPRESSION!” As if to spite her, Alyse felt something happening with the dice as they lit up in flashing lights with a strange word that she did really know the meaning of… Going over to pick up the dice, Alyse was trembling as she nervously set down the last cube into her left hand… Tensing up as she began to witness all of the times that Bobby had been hit with depression over the course of his life, Alyse paled a little as she came to understand that depression was something that Bobby had to deal with his entire previous life. Then Alyse began to learn of all the different ways that a mere mortal had overcome something that not even a God knew how to: drugs, strenuous exercise, sleep, eating properly, being social, and simply having a reason not to live in a depressed state. Some of the cures were not applicable, while others simply would not work for Bobby due to the circumstance he now faced, but there was one thing that Alyse realized about Bobby. Now with a better picture of Bobby in mind, Alyse said as joyful tears began to pour down her cheeks, “He just needs a friend… so that’s why he was so upset over losing his connection to Urenil… I’ll need to make certain to help him fix that problem, but first… Can I do anything to help Bobby make a friend?” Opposed to how she had come to feel towards the dice, there was actually an answer waiting for her and so Alyse let them fly… But, upon picking up the “wailing” dice this time around, Alyse was horrified to learn how Bobby’s parents had in fact tried to set him up with dates and friends that were children of other couples they knew with disastrous results… With that in mind, Alyse sadly said to no one but herself, “Guess I will just have to leave Bobby alone and let his luck decide his fate from now on… Parents usually do make a mess of their children’s lives...” Suddenly, a set of three spinning disks materialize within her domain, Alyse then watched as the dice flew into and were absorbed by the wheels; as if to say that Bobby’s depression was linked to those spinning wheels. Smiling as she sat back down within her favorite perch, Alyse was content to let luck choose when Bobby’s fate turned around and went back to aiding the others she had chosen to bring over to her world. Little did she know how temperamental luck could be, going from good to bad just as easily as a certain Mimic goes from sad to mad at the flip of a switch.
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 10 – Return of the Junk Collector After the first attack by the Merchant King, the rest of Saazzi's return to Loct's Claim was relatively peaceful and she able to make her way Ukima without issue... Before anything else, Saazzi went to a wood-shop to see if she could not fix her wagon up properly... Having the owner of the store take a quick look at her wagon, Saazzi was shocked when the Hob-Goblin carpenter asked her suspiciously, "Are you pulling my leg right now, missy? There's nothing wrong with this wagon." Quickly explaining that she had some trouble on the road during the trip to Ukima, Saazzi then explained how she had asked the forest spirits pulling her wagon to repair the damages for her and how they had managed that. Flinching in shock when he realized that Saazzi indeed had forest spirits pulling her wagon, the Carpenter went back and looked over the handiwork of the creatures. Letting out an impressed whistle after finishing his inspection, the Hob-goblin carpenter immediately told Saazzi that there was nothing that he could see that needed repair on the undercarriage and informed her to treasure those spirits she had acquired. Lovingly reached out to run a hand along the flank of one of the spiritual horses, Saazzi flicked the Carpenter a Half-Brass coin for his troubles and moved on... Heading over to the Guild Hall after that, Saazzi was met with looks of shock by those who recognized her... Giving a quick explanation of what had happened to the other group and apologizing for not first reporting in to the smaller Guild Hall, when she was asked how much money she made off the trip, Saazzi's expression darkened. As Saazzi looked out into the crowd interested in hearing of her success, all she could see looking back at her were the agents of the Merchant King and so told the rest of the Adventurers to mind their own pockets, rather than peeking into others. Once they heard that, no one tried to bother the marked Shadowblade again and went about their own business again. Having heard the commotion stirred up by Saazzi's return, the Ukima Guild-master walked out to hear Saazzi harshly telling the others to leave her alone and asked Saazzi to come up to speak with him... After entering the office and sitting down opposite to Guild-master Frulk, Saazzi still had the look of a caged rat, so Frulk just kindly asked, "So... is this about what happened in Loct's Claim, or in response to having gained the attention of dearly beloved greedy Merchant King?" When all he got in return was a dangerous glare, Frulk just chuckled as he understood what Saazzi was going through and just asked, "So then, tell me, how did you manage to escape the clutches of our King?" Snickering when Saazzi replied that she had not escaped the Merchant King's minions and had been attacked on the way to Ukima, Frulk just brought his hands together in front of his face, then leaned forward onto his desk, as he asked pointedly, "I was not asking about how you evaded his notice, Saazzi, I'm asking how you escaped his hands as they reached out to snatch away everything you hold dear..." Becoming nervous over that specific question, Saazzi suddenly became wide-eyed when she felt a ghostly hand pat the back of her head gently and shivered as the raspy voice, which she had come to know to belong to the new Garbage Eater, whispered into her ears alone, "Remember, only you have my permission to summon me by that name you gave to me... Also, I am tired of hiding my presence and just praying that people will leave me be, so you have my permission to tell him everything." As the dark presence faded from the room, Saazzi's eyes darted over to the now horrified looking Frulk sat across from her... Unable to put into words what he had just witnessed, Saazzi just quietly replied, "That was how I escaped... I have made a pact with something from the shadows that should not be upset... And right now, I need to get back into Loct's Claim to uphold my end of the pact I made to it." Trembling still over the sight he had just witnessed, Frulk could not believe his eyes and then frantically asked Saazzi, "What in the world was THAT, Saazzi?! That was no mere summon you have made a pact with! Just what did you find in that cave?" Still shivering slightly over the fact that the Garbage Eater was actually watching her right then, Saazzi faced Frulk and said in a frightened manner, "That is what I have come to call the Garbage Eater... Originally, my party had met with great success in Loct's Claim and were able to amass quite the fortune from the massive Goblin Camp that had sprung up within, but the next day we had a run in with the spiders swarming into the now empty chamber that the Goblins had occupied. We were chased into one of the dead end tunnels and thought we were going to overwhelmed by both spiders and Driders that had joined the chase, but the monsters never came after us once we entered the final chamber of the tunnel..." When Saazzi trailed off, Frulk did not have to think hard over what was awaiting Saazzi's group in the final chamber of the tunnel and said in a tone that made him sound like he was swearing, "The Whimpering Man-eater..." Nodding her head, Saazzi quickly explained what happened to each of her party members and then explained what happened with her, "From the beginning, I had known that there was something wrong with the way the Spiders and Driders refused to enter the chamber, but the others refused to listen to me... Greed and overconfidence was all they had, which made Zlog attack the Mimic's armored shell. He died after letting his guard down and thinking everything was safe. The other three with me died after wasting their efforts trying to hurt the Mimic and it consumed all of them before turning towards me. I was already worried by the way the Driders had joined forces with the Spiders, so when I saw that thing effortlessly kill the others, I only had one thought in my mind and that was to run away." Giving Saazzi an understanding look, Frulk was about to say that Saazzi was not to blame for the stupidity of the others, but she continued on before he could a word out, "I tried distracting the thing with a valuable item I had found at the Goblin Camp, since the others and I had already come to terms on who got what from the camp, but instead of running away... I just suddenly was overwhelmed by the need to hide. Completely forgot about the fact that Mimics can sense heat, but when the creature came after me... it was no longer hostile. I don't really know how else to explain what happened, but the Whimpering Man-eater is highly intelligent for a Mimic and somehow already knew the Dark Elf tongue. At first, I thought it was just trying to lure me out, so that it could kill me, but then it began trying to speak to me and before too long I had agreed to trade it garbage for the items it began to pull out from it's body... Frulk, it can create weapons with the Enchantments more powerful than what even the Elves can currently make!" Hearing what the Whimpering Man-eater could do made Frulk's eyes shoot open wide, but more so in alarm than in surprise, as he exclaimed worriedly, "No wonder the Merchant King is after you! If you sold something like that..." As Frulk tried to calculate the minimum value of such an item, Saazzi just shook her head and replied, "I didn't sell it though! I traded it to the Open Trade Market for a bunch of their trash items... I thought maybe I could avoid the Merchant King's notice if I only traded the items I got from the Garbage Eater for trash, but I found out all too late that I was wrong..." Quickly catching onto something, Frulk looked over at Saazzi seriously and asked, "What kind of pact did you make with the Whimpering Man-eater?" Realizing that she had skipped over that part, Saazzi quickly returned to her accurate recount of what happened in Loct's Claim, "I didn't bargain for anything I did not own! I offered it all the trash that I had collected from the Goblin Camp and it traded me items that it saw as trash... Of course, when I returned to my cart, I came under attack by a new Goblin Horde developing from the leftovers of the Goblin Camp, but the Mimic followed after me for some reason... probably to make certain that I was going to uphold my end of our bargain and not run away. When the Mimic saw me under attack, it went into a fury and began to crush the Goblins, but not before walking into sunlight without any problems!" Upon hearing that little bit of information about the Whimpering Man-eater, Frulk suddenly turned around to look behind him and froze in terror to find the spectral Shadow Wraith staring down at him. Saazzi eventually noticed the presence of the shadowy being and jumped in fright, but when neither of the Hob-Goblins found themselves being attacked, turned away from the terror. Not knowing what else to do, Saazzi continued to explain how she had become a go-between for the now remaining Goblins in Loct's Claim and the Garbage Eater. After hearing everything, Frulk turned around and pointed asked the shadowy wraith, "So... is the Whimpering Man-eater gone now..." Jumping when she heard the question, Alyse had been engrossed with the conversation going on and quickly darted down to tell Bobby something important... Before Alyse could arrive though, Bobby instead answered in the way that Alyse had been about to ask him too, "Perhaps... Perhaps not... All depends on who is bothering me and for what reason they disturb the peace of my home!" Tensing up when he heard the voice of the shadowy creature, as well as Saazzi, Frulk quickly got the message that the creature observing the conversation was NOT to be taken lightly... Snickering when it saw the way Frulk reacted to hearing it's voice, the Shadow Wraith developed a sinister grin on it's mouth and said deviously, "I am only the Garbage Eater to Saazzi, to everyone else I am still this Whimpering Man-eater you seem to have taken a liking to calling me. A word of caution, however, I am far beyond the capabilities of you mortals to face and I do not take kindly to being disturbed. If you wish to meet with the Garbage Eater, then you will have to speak with my Oracle over there..." With that, the shadowy wraith dispersed from the room and Frulk turned over in the direction the spirit had pointed in to look over at Saazzi... After just shaking in silence for a few moments, Frulk quietly asked, "What do you do to appease the Garbage Eater? Do you need anything to summon it? What are your limits..." Trailing off as he tried to think of what else he would need to know in order to stay on the good side of the Garbage Eater, Frulk trembled slightly when Saazzi began to answer his questions, "If you wish to please the Garbage Eater then do not attack it under any circumstances... doing so will result in your death, but only your death. If one person attacks the Garbage Eater, while the rest leave it alone, only the attacker will face the punishment. Otherwise, if you possess anything that you view as garbage, offering those things to it will grant you it's favor, but do not do this out of greed... or else you will anger the Garbage Eater. As for summoning it, I do not really know if there are any objects I require, all I need is to create a proper summoning circle for the dark realm and then invoke my pact with the Garbage Eater to call it forth. In regards to limits... well..." Thinking for a moment, while Frulk frantically scribbled out all the details she had just given him, Saazzi eventually said, "I do not believe that there were any limits set on the number of summons I have, but I am only supposed to call upon the Garbage Eater when I am in danger and in return for answering my summons... all of my enemies and their gear belong to the Garbage Eater." Freezing when he heard that, Frulk looked over at Saazzi with wide-eyes over the pact she now possessed with the unimaginably powerful creature, a raspy voice suddenly interjected upon the conversation, "Actually, I would like to make a slight change to the price for summoning me. I can only assume that you will now be needing to call upon me outside of combat from now on, so all will ask is that you have a this chest filled with garbage for me when I appear..." Both Hob-Goblins then whirled around to look over in the direction from where the voice had come from and were greatly shocked to find an ornate looking Mythril chest, with what looked to be decoration made from a regular type of wood... Getting up and going over to inspect the chest, Saazzi quickly jumped back when she found the chest to be an actual Mimic, but then the voice of the Garbage Eater whispered in amusement, "Do not be afraid, this is my child, which I now entrust to you, Saazzi Olvuth! Not only can you use this child of mine to call me forth, but you may also use this child to defend yourself from greedy thieves. A word of warning, however, if someone were to manage to slay this child of mine, I will be coming for the corpse of that fool!" Trembling as she realized what the Garbage Eater was "actually" giving her, Saazzi thanked her guardian for the reward and then returned over to her seat... Even though he was none too happy to have a Mimic in his office, Frulk knew better than to think of the creature as a mere Mimic and so held out the piece of paper he had been writing on and asked, "Do you know of anything else I should add to the description of the Garbage Eater? I think that it will be for the best if we have the Whimpering Man-eater renamed to avoid any kind of confusion..." Trailing off when the quill he had been using suddenly began to raise up all on it's own, Frulk just froze in pure terror as he began to make out the ghostly outline of the shadow wraith picking up the physical object, while still remaining a spectral entity... A little shocked himself when he found that he could interact with objects while in his projected spiritual form, Bobby then gently took the paper from Saazzi and began to add something as he whispered in a thoughtful manner, "I think that would be for the best as well, but you should be made aware of the lands I have claimed as my own... Hm, now that's an amusing idea... I think I shall give the name of the Whimpering Man-eater to my child over there. Hm, hm, hm... just have to wonder how that foolish King of yours will react to learning that you are carrying around the Whimpering Man-eater where ever you go from now on." Unbeknownst to the other three, when Bobby declared his "child" to be the new Whimpering Man-eater, the lesser Mimic; that Bobby had placed in the chest he made for Saazzi to summon him with, suddenly evolved into a Greater Mimic and also became the spiritual protector of Saazzi Olvuth... After helping Frulk finalize the new notification for the monster now known as the Garbage Eater, Saazzi was about to leave when Frulk called her attention back to him... Knowing that Saazzi probably wanted to be on her way quickly, Frulk did not intend to hold her up for long and instead just asked, "Would you like the assistance of my Garrison? Hopefully they will be able to deter any other forces that the Merchant King might send your way." Nodding and smiling in a gracious manner, Saazzi said in a relieved manner, "Yes, I would very much appreciate that! I may even be able to reward them for helping me out if they are willing to help me with feeding the Garbage Eater." Laughing uneasily, Frulk followed Saazzi in walking out of the office and quickly went down to post notification of the Garbage Eater on a board reserved for the dangerous monsters lurking close to Ukima... Materializing for just long enough to study the posts about the other monsters in the area, Bobby smiled when he saw the notice for Aranussa in the mix and began to study the others while Frulk went over to address his Garrisoned Adventurers... After asking them if they were currently planning any excursions, Frulk frowned when the Hob-Goblin Bard of the group popped off with, "Well, I was planning on taking a peek over in Loct's Cavern, but now~ I have to wait for a group to form..." Glaring down at the Bard, who went by the name Klot, Frulk just clenched his jaw, until Klot said mischievously, "Don't worry, Boss, I didn't eavesdrop this time... couldn't even if I tried, since there was something up there with ya that prevented my familiars from even wanting to go near the door." Stiffening when Klot just about blabbed to the whole tavern about what was there, Frulk because very angry, until Mogi, the one-headed Giant Warrior garrisoned at Ukima, said in an unnerved manner, "Peace, Frulk, no secrets about the Dark One over there." Tensing up as he followed Mogi's finger over to where the Garbage Eater's spectral form could be seen peering up at the board displaying all the most dangerous threats in the area, Frulk became very worried for a moment... Wringing her hands in an uneasy manner, the Elf Warlock sitting at the table just quietly whispered in a frightened voice, "I think it will be best if I do not leave this spot, Frulk... I might die if I move an inch right now..." Just coming over to the table where Frulk was, Saazzi both heard what the Warlock was saying and could feel the hateful glare that the Garbage Eater was directing towards the demon summoner... Coming up over behind the terrified Warlock, Saazzi placed a hand gently on the Elf's shaking shoulder and did her best to smooth things over by saying, "Please do not think badly of the Garbage Eater... I know that it has died in the past when it was weaker and while this may only be a guess, I am fairly certain that it died to a demon at some point..." The garrisoned Adventurers then watched as Saazzi went rigid for moment, then listened as she said in a frightened manner, "Actually... scratch that... the Garbage Eater has a... vendetta against one such demon and has told me that you may come with us, but by no means are you to allow any demons to see him... otherwise he will devour their souls." Upon hearing that little bit of information about what the Garbage Eater was capable of doing, Nenith curtly nodded her head and then exhaled in relief over finding the monster's gaze being focused elsewhere... Now understanding that they were dealing with a literal walking calamity, the garrisoned Adventurers all agreed to protect Saazzi on her way to Loct's Claim and swore they would stop anyone from getting in the way... Loading up everyone into her wagon, despite having a full load, Saazzi signaled to the spiritual horses to start moving and apologized for the cramped seating arrangement that the other were forced to deal with. Mogi just laughed at the apology and declared that Saazzi's wagon was actually the most spacious wagon he had ever rode in, since he could sit upright without having to crouch down to avoid putting his head through the fabric covering the top. Nenith just sat quietly with Saazzi on the driver's seat and was just grateful to be far away from the presence lurking in the back of the wagon. For the most part, the trip over was uneventful, but as Saazzi's wagon was pulled down the homestretch, a swarm of bandits suddenly poured out from the forests surrounding the entrance to the Loct's Claim... Hoping that she could just make her way into the cavern, Saazzi cried out in alarm when she found a second group of thugs charging out from within the entrance... Pulling her wagon to a stop, Saazzi was a little surprised when the spirits did not flee to the safety of their home and watched in disbelief as the animal spirits darted back into her wagon. Quickly realizing that the wagon would be safe from harm now, Saazzi ordered for everyone to get out and stay near the wagon. Mogi was delighted to get out and slammed down with his weapons out, while the others followed him in coming out to fight. Klot quickly began to play all the songs he knew to buff the others, while Nenith just called forth balls of hellflame into her hands... An Orc Monk raised up his Legendary Oricalcum gauntlets and began to chant defensive enchantments upon himself, while the Hob-Goblin Deadeye just put his foot against the tailgate of the wagon as he took aim... Mudagog, the Orc Monk, then finished preparing his defenses from the enchanting spells he had learned for his second class and surged forward to blast away a line of bandits with a powerful palm thrust. Mogi just roared happily as he began to carve through the bandits with ease thanks to his immense strength and displayed his own magic by stomping to create earthen walls to defend himself from counterattack. Stok, the Hob-goblin Deadeye, just began to rapidly fire off lethal shots from his bow, felling any bandits who tried to approach the wagon from behind. Over in front of the wagon... Nenith was just happily roasting anyone who came too close and as she continued to call upon the aid of the King of Hellfire, the Demon began to realize that she would need his aid continuously for a little while and just roared happily as he flooded his supplicant with his flames. Feeling the power that the demon was offering up to her, Nenith gladly accepted the offer and returned the Demon King's favor by providing him with a massive chunk of her mana. Holding out her palms as she prepared to channel the fury of the Hellfire King, Nenith suddenly began to spew forth hellfire from her hands and roasted scores of bandits to death in seconds. In the Demonic Veil, the King of Hellfire smiled happily as he sent his constant torment over through the portals leading to where ever Nenith's hands were pointed... On her side of the front of the wagon, Saazzi was frantically darting about leaving nothing but pain in her wake... For those who tried to strike her, one of two fates awaited them depending on which of Saazzi's familiars came out to protect her. If Whiskers stepped up, he would try to distract the attackers either by biting their ankles himself or sending out his pack of rats to bite down on their ears. On the other hand, if one of Saazzi's spiritual steeds came to defend her, the bandits would find blades of grass growing up at them rapidly and would sometimes pull away with only painful cuts from where the edges of the grass slide across their skin, but others were not so fortunate. Observing how things were going, after being notified that the wagon he was seeking had arrived at the trap he had set for it, the Merchant King was quite upset to see how his forces were being defeated... Turning to the Elf Warlock standing at his side, the Merchant King held out a Full Silver coin and said angrily, "Send them in!" Smiling eerily as he took hold of the coin, the Elf Warlock then placed his hand upon the orb that was allowing him to see what his Imp familiar was currently seeing... Commanding his minion which demons he wished to summon, the Warlock waited patiently as the Imp worked quickly to burn the summoning circles into the ground. Once all the summoning circles were complete, the Elf Warlock just flexed a mere fraction of magical might and called forth numerous Battle type Demons from the Demonic Veil. When the Demons suddenly found themselves being forced to appear, they quickly looked around for their summoner, but in the absence of their target, the Demons took notice of the battle taking place and smiled at all the souls to harvest. While still in combat with the bandits, the Adventurers suddenly found themselves set upon by Demons and were horrified when the Battle-masters began to attack even the bandits... Retreating back to Saazzi's wagon, while the Bandits quickly tried to escape from being slaughtered by the demons, the Adventurers quickly took count of their injuries and quickly realized they were in a hopeless situation against three Battle-master class demons... After the Battle-masters finished off the bandits, the Demons slowly came around to face the only ones left living, while Saazzi mentally asked the Garbage Eater, "Are you still hungry enough to face demons?" Going rigid as the shadow of the Garbage Eater stretched out before her, Saazzi quickly realized that it had never left her side this whole time, as the ravenous voice of the creature echoed into her head, "ALWAYS!" Realizing that the Garbage Eater had merely been waiting her call, Saazzi quickly drew out her summoning dagger... Before she could use the dagger, however, the Garbage Eater suddenly took hold of the hand holding the dagger and said in a tired manner, "You do not need to go that far... I am already here... I was just wanting to wait until you called... because there is a certain someone watching us... All the Adventurers turned to look in the direction that the Shadow Wraith was pointing in and they all noticed the Imp watching them from behind a fallen tree in the distance... Thankfully, the Imp did not notice the fact that the Adventurers had taken notice of it and Stok instinctively reached out to grab one of his last remaining arrow, while nodding encouragingly to Saazzi... While they still had every intention of killing everyone near where they were summoned, the Battle-masters had taken notice of the way that the Adventurers had been fighting against the rabble they had just slaughtered, so one of them asked in a nasty manner, "So, do any of you wish to try fighting back against us, or shall we just-!" "Come Forth, Garbage Eater!" Was what one of the little mortals screamed in a desperate sounding manner and that caused the Demons to step back into aggressive stances. As they were getting ready for whatever the Adventurers were trying to pull against them, all of the Battle-masters heard the twang of a bowstring and turned to follow the direction that the arrow flew past them in... Locking onto the Imp watching them, the Battle-masters quickly realized that they had just been duped into doing someone's dirty work, but they put finding the person responsible for pulling them out of the Demonic Veil aside for the time being; as they had other souls to harvest... As the Demons turned to face back towards the Adventurers, however, their attention was suddenly drawn down to something stretching forth from their shadows. Flinching in fear when they saw the hunched over form of the shadow wraith leering back at them, the Battle-masters had no clue just what they were seeing and that alone made them worried. Each of them took an uneasy step back from the malevolent looking creature and tightened their grips on their weapons nervously. In response, the hissing expression on the Shadow Wraith's face suddenly shifted into a very sinister smile and then the creature opened up a portal that it immediately began to crawl down into; while something else was rising up from the ground... Watching as the ever familiar "armor" of the Garbage Eater rose up from the shadowy portal, Saazzi suddenly realized why that other chest had mysteriously vanished from her wagon earlier, even though at the time she had been relieved not to have to worry about someone sitting on the Garbage Eater by mistake... Looking over at the chest and sensing the shadowy creature move into the box, the Battle-masters suddenly became extremely relieved upon seeing that the Adventurers had only summoned a weak Mimic to battle them with. Bursting into hysterical laughter at the sight of the weaker creature, the Demon all shared looks with one another in order to ensure that none of them would dare speak of how they were almost afraid of facing a creature of darkness. That was when the Mimic suddenly decided to hiss at them in a hostile manner and merely from making that sound, the Demons suddenly found themselves being repelled away from the Mimic. Unable to believe what they just experienced, the Battle-masters all had dumbstruck expressions on their faces, until one of them quickly stomped forward and angrily declared, "It is but a mere Mimic, brothers, let us crush this pitiful creature so that we might teach it where it belongs... by tormenting it's soul!" As if they had just said the "magic word", all of sudden the Battle-masters began to get an "eery" feeling coming from the Mimic... Becoming infuriated by the gall of the demons, Bobby wanted to make a display out of them and so called for the attention of the dark dimension... Watching her Mistress from inside the entrance of the cavern, Aranussa crawled forward until she was watching from above the entry tunnel into the caverns and then spoke telepathically in a worried voice, "Be careful, Mistress... these are no ordinary demons you face" Broadcasting to all those watching, Bobby telepathically cried in a loud manner, "WATCH NOW, as I demonstrate to you ALL the full extents of my power!" Once word spread that the Garbage Eater was facing off against three demons of substantial strength, ALL within the Dark Realm put down whatever they had been doing previously and turned their attention towards the actions of the Demigod of the Realm... After waiting until he felt the attention of his audience fall upon him, Bobby calmed down and dispersed the aura of dark energy around it... Reaching into his weapons collection, Bobby was both surprised and delighted at what he found awaiting him within his Mythical collection. Raising up one tendril, the Garbage Eater slowly formed the tendril into a functioning arm and caused a blade-less sword to emerge from his skin. At first, none of the demons were very impressed by the weapon, that is, until they felt the soul dwelling within that weapon. As the spirit of the weapon realized that there was a battle to be had, all of sudden, a blade made out of "pure" flame erupted into existence from the hilt... Staring at that weapon in disbelief, the Demons then noticed how the Mimic's arms began to look it had an "illusion" cast around it and became greatly alarmed when their enemy's arm suddenly divided into a total of eleven limbs... In the hand of each arm, a different Mythical quality sword with all of the elemental powers represented could be seen. Not satisfied with merely flexing his might, Bobby then sprouted another arm and perform the same dividing trick, only with Axes this time. Seeing only worry in the eyes of the Demons, Bobby wanted them to be defeated when they looked upon the might he had to wield and suddenly spewed out an infinite number of arms; each with their own unique Mythical item. All eyes watching Bobby display not only his strength, but overwhelming power, grew wide when they realized that he not only had a weapon to counter any enemy he faced from them on, but an ARSENAL at his command and the ability to wield it all into combat... Rising up from the middle of the mass of tentacles, Bobby slowly shifted his tongue between all of the varied races he now understood and made every creature watching realize that there would be no hiding from the Dark God of the Shadowed Cleft. The Demons, on the other hand, all realized that they were no longer dealing with a mere Mimic, but rather something on the level of Demon Kings and began to slowly slide their feet away in fear. As the Demons were weighing their odds of getting out of reach of the terrifying Mimic, they all flinched in alarm when they felt something slam down against the ground and then watched in horror as the Mimic rose up on legs tipped with Ebony. To really drive the point home about him, Bobby then trembled slightly as an outer layer of skin began to wrap around all of his limbs... Bobby's audience suddenly had no more doubts in their minds about whether or not Bobby was fit to rule them and that was when all the "scared" creatures hiding out in the Shadowed Cleft began come crawling out hiding from the demons hunting them... Stomping down one foot, as he moved towards the Demons, Bobby called out a violent manner, "Run while you can, because once I catch you... THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT TO RETURN TO YOUR MASTERS!" Right then, all three Battle-master turned to bolt in terror of the dark monstrosity looking at them, like they were little more than appetizers, but by the time they had turned around, they were already dead... All the group of Adventurers could see from their position was the Battle-master demons being reduced to a fine red mist and they all began to understand just why Saazzi had seemed so scared back at Ukima. Nenith, however, was the only one to be aware of the fact that the Garbage Eater not only killed the demons, but also devoured their souls as well. Dropping to her knees in horror of what she had just felt, Nenith seemed to lose all strength to her body as she imagined what would happen if someone were to ever anger such a monstrosity. After his message was done, Bobby cut the connection to the dark realm and retracted all of his limbs, as he returned to appearing to be just a "Greater" Mimic once more... As he walked past all of the corpses strewn across the battlefield, Bobby was surprised when Saazzi suddenly called out to him about whether or not he wanted to claim the spoils of the battle or not... Looking over all the garbage littering the front of his home, the Garbage Eater replied to the Adventurers by saying telepathically, "Have you already forgotten my terms, Saazzi? I can only claim what I kill, the rest of the garbage will be left for my minions to collect... Speaking of which, I think that the Goblins are already eagerly awaiting your arrival by now, my dear Oracle... As the Garbage Eater walked into the cavern entrance, Saazzi suddenly realized what a golden opportunity she was being presented with and drew the attention of the other Adventurers, before frantically saying, "Get those corpses! Quickly! You can use them as an offering to the Garbage Eater in return for a reward!" Kinda put off by the thought of picking up corpses, Saazzi just glared over at them and demanded, "Would you rather they become undead or worse? Besides, you won't be getting anything crafted from the flesh of mortals, everything the Garbage Eater is genuine and made with only the finest materials it produces from all of the junk it eats." Shrugging, Mogi began to go around picking up the bodies of bandits; who were Orcs, and easily carried them into the cavern... While the others began going around to help clean up the bodies, Saazzi turned to look over to where Nenith was collapsed and tried to ask what was wrong, which made Nenith whisper in a shaken tone, "I have stared into the face of the King of Hellfire and was not afraid... faced the Emperor of my race without any fear... but what I have witnessed here shall haunt me for the rest of my days. How is it possible for a creature like that to still exist?" Laughing nervously, Saazzi looked over towards where the blood of the demons was still visible and said offhandedly, "Well... while I doubt it will make you feel any better... the Garbage Eater only appeared over here about a month ago and I only encountered the creature about five days ago. It was fully capable of withstanding the might that the Merchant King had to call upon even back then, so in truth... I guess you could consider the Garbage Eater still an infant in terms of reputation in the dark realm. I think it might have been trying to show off by doing whatever has you so freaked out... I have no idea about the politics involved with the Demons, but in the Realm of Darkness, you must either be so strong that no one dares to bother you or have nothing of value to attract others. The Garbage Eater just wants to be left alone, but I think that you could at least be on friendly terms with it so long as you respect it's rules." Flinching upon hearing that the Garbage Eater had rules, Nenith turned her head towards Saazzi quickly with bewildered look on her face, as Saazzi said, "The first rule is, do not disturb or attack the Garbage Eater while it resting. The second rule is more of a guideline for you to live by and that is merely that you must collect garbage to give to the Garbage Eater if you end up disturbing it, that way you may leave safely." Gasping when she thought of something, Nenith quickly reached into her pack and pulled out something she had collected a long time ago. Hurrying inside the cave, Nenith hoped that what she had to offer would at least make the Garbage Eater less hostile towards her. As she entered the cave, however, Nenith froze when she heard the hostile hiss of a Drider nearby and looked straight up into one of the most powerful Driders near Ukima. Thankfully, as Nenith sank to the ground in terror, Aranussa was suddenly distracted by her Mistress, when the Garbage Eater called out to her telepathically, "She is here on my permission, so please stop frightening her. As long as she follows my rule about not summoning demons in my presence, she is allowed to be here, understand." Letting out an annoyed hiss, Aranussa crawled away from the Elf she had mistaken for being the summoner of the three Demons her Mistress had eradicated and returned to her tunnel to observe what was going on out in the main chamber... As the Adventurers that joined her continued to carry in the "garbage" created by the Battle-masters, Saazzi drove her wagon inside the entry chamber of the cavern and quickly had her business setup for the Goblins to bring her their trash... While worried at first, the rest of the Adventurers began to understand that the Goblins there in Loct's Claim were not ordinary creatures and watched what Saazzi was doing curiously. Eventually, they returned to gathering up their own offering for the mighty Mimic and eventually were able to gather up everything. Not really knowing what to do after that, the Adventurers just waited patiently for Saazzi to finish up buying all the trash off the Goblins. Then Saazzi asked the other Adventurers to help her with unloading all of the "stuff" filling up her wagon and they were quite surprised by some of the things she had labeled as "trash"... When she presented the Legendary Bow first to the Garbage Eater, Saazzi quickly used the bow to demonstrate why it was trash and then asked, "Do you think you could possibly make a better version of this bow for Stok? I'm certain I have enough garbage here to at least make this thing more useful..." Taking the bow from Saazzi curiously, Bobby dropped the item into his mouth and then grabbed a couple crates of wood scrap. After emptying those crates into his mouth, Bobby closed his lid and activated his Luck-of-the-Draw skill to see what kind of luck he might have with the bow. The first time the dice landed, Bobby growled in annoyance when the only thing to happen was for the Bow to remade out higher quality materials and then angrily hurled the dice again in his mind. Noticing the way everyone reacted to his angry snarl, the Garbage Eater announced telepathically, "Luck can be such a fickle thing at times... Lets see if I can do better this time..." Trailing off when he felt the results this time around, Bobby then spat out a Mythical quality version of the bow... When Stok went over to pick up the bow and experimentally draw it, the Garbage Eater happily announced, "While I may not be able to get rid of that thing's ability to fire harmless flowers, you should be able to do something about that now that there is a Dryad's spirit in there!" Suddenly, Stok tensed up and after a moment, reached forward towards the place where his arrow was supposed to rest... To the surprise of those watching, Stok was able to pull a flower stem back and as the stem grew longer, an arrow's shaft slowly took form. Fletching then grew out from the end being held by Stok and as he drew back the arrow, a pretty flower blossom popped out from the arrow's other end. Drawing the bowstring back to full strength, everyone was shocked when the blossom closed up and was transformed into a natural arrowhead. Loosing the arrow after it was fully formed, even Bobby was surprised when the arrow suddenly gathered up nature energy as it started moving and watched in shock as Forest Nymph went flying away from him... As the Nymph flew through the air, it looked like she was in a diving position; with her hands shaped into a point, but when she hit the ground, everyone was shocked at what happened next. For instead of returning to being an arrow on impact, the Nymph instead took root and began to look around aggressively for something to attack within her range. After a few seconds of not being able to attack anything, the Nymph returned back to being a lifeless arrow. Watching as Stok suddenly rushed over to pick up the flower stem, the other Adventurers were confused until they saw him pull out a seed that he pressed back up against the middle section of his bow... Coming back over with an excited expression on his face, Stok was beside himself with joy, as he cried, "This thing is amazing! Ah, s-so long as I can retrieve that seed you saw me go grab, I can use that Nymph summoning shot indefinitely! Plus, even if I am unable to retrieve the seed, I can still use the bow to fire arrows, I just won't be able to create anymore Nymphs from my arrows! I just can't believe it... I'm going to treasure this bow for life!" Hearing the Garbage Eater let out a nervous chuckle, all of the Adventurers looked towards it in confusion, until it pulled out it's own Mythical quality Heartwood Bow and fired off an arrow... Unlike what Stok could do with his bow, the Garbage Eater's version used Heartwood to form it's arrows and when the arrow landed, a full grown Treant was spawned. When the Treant was going to time out, however, rather than return to being an arrow, the Treat actually uprooted itself and surged back towards the Garbage Eater. After getting close enough, the forest creature jumped into the air and was magically drawn back into the Garbage Eater's bow. While Stok just stared over at where the Treant had been spawned in complete disbelief, the Garbage Eater said uneasily, "Sorry... but compared to this one... that one is garbage... Um, please do not think that I am being stingy with my rewards... I was limited with what I could do to improve upon the upgrades already placed upon that weapon..." Quickly shaking his head, Stok just smiled as he looked over at the Mimic and said in a jovial manner, "Ah, don't worry about it! Now I just have a reason to go collecting more bows for ya to eat!" Snickering in a happy manner, the Garbage Eater looked over at Stok and said eagerly, "I look forward to your next offering then!" Crying out in celebration as he thrust his new bow up into the air, Stok could hardly believe what he had just received and knew that one day he would obtain a bow just as spectacular as the Garbage Eater... When none of the other Adventurers were willing to take a chance on possibly getting a Mythical version of their own Legendary weapons, since if they lost out they would lose their only weapon, the Garbage Eater just asked them to present their offerings... After consuming all of the bandit corpses, the Garbage Eater spat out rewards for each of the Adventurers. Mudagog received a Legendary trinket in the form of a Beer Keg that he could fill with water and then use his enchanting magic upon the liquid to fill the item with a magical brew that would grant him whatever magical effect he used upon it. Unable to resist trying out his new item, Mudagog filled the keg with water and after enchanting it with some magical effect, the Orc took a long drink from the brew within. Emptying the beer keg, Mudagog suddenly became drunk off the brew and passed out with a blissful smile on his face... After spending a couple seconds just laughing at Mudagog, the next to step up for their reward was Mogi... Upon receiving his reward, Mogi happily put on his new helmet and acted like a little child, before trying out the ability that the Garbage Eater told him the item had. Touching the Adamantite metal making up one of his swords, Mogi just close his eyes as he felt his skin turn into metal. Having to adjust to the new weight of his body for a moment, once he had gotten used to that, Mogi was running all about and doing handstands. Even when he smacked into the ground hard after one of his handstands, Mogi just burst out laughing and exclaimed he didn't feel any pain... Next came Klot and while his reward may not have had an impressive appearance, when he began to play the new lute he had been rewarded, Klot began to cry as he listened to the melodic notes coming from it. Then he heard the Legendary ability of the instrument and Klot immediately played an invigorating tune and suddenly roared with great vigor as the magic of his music suddenly was able to affect him as well. Thanking the Garbage Collector numerous times for such a wonderful gift, Klot began to try out the various buffs he knew how to cast and was very overwhelmed by the feeling that each some invoked in him. Last was Nenith and when she fearfully approached, Bobby was quick to get on Aranussa for intimidating the Warlock again... Presenting the Garbage Eater with a toy from her childhood, Nenith ask in a desperate sounding manner, "Would you be able to do something with this? I do not care if you cannot make it into something like the others have... I know that you do not care for my presence here... but it would mean a lot if you could do something with it." Taking the small, handmade fabric doll, Bobby suddenly began to give off an unnerving aura as he dropped the treasure into his belly happily... Grabbing a crate of garbage from a tailoring business, Bobby added those materials to the mix and then curiously rolled the dice... Suddenly seizing up when he felt how much energy eating the doll had earned him, Bobby took that energy and reinvested that power back into the doll itself. As he was working on seeing what he could do with the doll for Nenith, Bobby strangely began to hear a sobbing noise from everywhere. Causing everyone to back off when he began to shift about erratically, Bobby eventually realized that the noise was coming from the Dark Afterlife and crossed over without saying a word. Crying out in alarm when she saw that, Nenith immediately looked over towards the tunnel where she could see multiple sets of eyes glaring at her, Nenith whispered to herself in terror, "I didn't do anything... I swear! I just wanted to have a reason to play with my dolly again..." As the other garrisoned Adventurers came over to comfort her over the lose of her prized possession, Nenith began to grow ever more fearful for her life, but thankfully she was within the domain of a "spiritual" being that had accepted her presence or else she would have been attacked by the Nightmare right then... Over in the Shadowed Cleft, Bobby was looking around where he had arrived, since he had not just simply crossed over into the Dark Realm where his domain was... Suddenly, Bobby felt something take notice of him and at first he felt threatened by the other creature, but just as quickly as the feeling arose, the threatening presence went away. Looking around for the source of the terrifying presence, Bobby suddenly found himself face to face with a small dark wraith. Without even needing to ask, Bobby somehow knew that the little dark spirit in front of her was the soul of a child that had been offered up to summon a demon, but had been refused because she was too weak. Listening as the child cried pitifully, Bobby was about to ask why the child had called out to him, when the little girl said in response to his questions, "I just wanna find a mommy to take good care of me... but all the ones I found turned about to just like the one that sent me here... I don't wanna be abandoned anymore..." As he listened to the child, Bobby began to relive some of the experiences of the child and was saddened when the little girl was so desperate to have a mommy that she would sometimes even kill little girls to open up a body for her to inhabit, only to be discovered by the parents she was living with... Feeling a sort of kinship with the little spirit when he saw what happened when her new parents betrayed her, Bobby just reached out of his physical body and embraced the child... Gasping in shock when she felt someone embrace her, the child looked up at Bobby's ghostly body in tears and asked, "Will you take care you? Or will you abandon me like all the others!" Moving one arm to flick the child on the forehead, Bobby then returned his arm to hugging the girl and said, "Sadly, I'm no longer in a position to be caring for anyone, but~ I do happen to know someone who will!" As the child looked up at him in joy, Bobby pulled out the doll he had been given by Nenith and slowly stuffed the little girl into her new body, before rolling the dice to see what would happen next... When the Garbage Eater suddenly returned to reality, all of the Adventurers jumped back in surprise, but then Nenith came forward and looked up at the Garbage Eater with hopeful eyes... Holding out the now darkly glowing doll to Nenith, but pulling the doll away when Nenith desperately reached out to reclaim her doll, the Garbage Eater waited until Nenith gave him an inquisitive look before saying ominously, "I must warn you... this item is cursed... If you ever throw away this item or even if you only mistakenly misplace her, then the curse will activate and you will find yourself being hunted down by your precious treasure... Will you still accept this cursed object?" Reaching out to take hold of the doll quickly, Nenith nuzzled the precious toy and then said, "I will gladly accept any curse that possessing this gives me... I don't ever want to lose her again!" Jumping in fright and pulling the doll away from her, Nenith had an alarmed expression on her face as she gazed down upon the living doll reaching out to hug her again desperately... Eventually getting over her fear and gently squeezing the toy to her chest, Nenith was so overcome with emotion that she lost the strength in her legs, but then Bobby said in a serious manner, "Just know that the curse this items carries is one that involves the dark soul I put into that item. She desires to have a mommy to care for her again, but has been unable to find one because she always tried to replace the daughters of other parents by killing the original child. If you ever abandon her, then she will hunt you down to take revenge on you." Trembling when she heard that part about the curse, Nenith jumped in fright when there was a magical explosion released from the doll, but when the cloud dissipated, Nenith suddenly found herself being hugged by an almost lifesize version of her doll. Quickly thinking that she now had a Dark Creature living in her doll, Nenith just squeezed the doll to her chest and swore that she would never abandon the child ever. Gasping when she heard that promise, the little girl inside Nenith's doll suddenly pushed the Warlock over while screaming for her new mommy and then began to nuzzle the Warlock's chest affectionately. Then, the doll suddenly noticed that "someone" was threatening her mommy and let out an inhuman screech as she transformed into a Dark Wraith... Moving rapidly in short bursts towards what was scaring her mommy, the doll looked nothing like it had previously as she twitched erratically after taking each series of steps. For while it had been in it's more humanoid form, the spirit inside the doll had become superimposed over the outwards appearance of the doll and had actually looked almost like a living human child. After the transformation, however, the creature that the doll had become looked like a physical version of the way Bobby's soul looked when not contained within a physical form. When Aranussa and the rest of the Driders saw THAT monstrosity charging towards them, they all quickly skittered off in terror and disappeared into the shadows of their nest... Coming right to the edge of Aranussa's domain, the Dark Soul just stood there twitching erratically and shrieked in an inhuman manner, while telepathically screaming for the monsters to leave her mommy alone. After the Dark Soul had vented her anger towards the terrors frightening her mommy, she suddenly cried out in alarm over being separated from her mommy and rushed back over to Nenith's side. Quite frightened by the true nature of what was inside the doll now, Nenith just flinched in fear when the little girl nuzzled up next to her side and began hugging her again. Making certain that Aranussa understood that she should stop pestering the Warlock, the Garbage Eater turned towards Nenith and said, "Now you understand what I mean when I said that this item bears a curse, but so long as you do not abandon her... I'm certain that she will gladly be of service to you... even if you must ask her to fight for you." No one could resist the adorableness of the sight of the little girl nodded her face to what the Garbage Eater said about her being willing to fight for her mommy, even while she continued to nuzzle Nenith's side... Placing a hand down upon the doll's head lovingly, Nenith said with a gentle smile, "Well I guess I now have no reason to continue relying upon demons anymore... Hee, in fact, I only used Demons because everything I had been taught while growing up said that Demons were stronger than Creatures of Darkness." Chuckling in a deep tone, the Garbage Eater asked Nenith in a sassy sounding tone, "And what do you believe now?" Hugging her new guardian happily, Nenith replied in amusement, "I believe that the High Elves are wrong about the creatures of darkness... I will start to pay my respects to the creatures of darkness and I can only hope that you will allow me to call upon your aid if I were to need it?" Thinking for a moment, the Garbage Eater eventually summoned a lesser Mimic and said, "From now on, I will grant you permission to summon any of the lesser Mimics under my command, but you must call to them by using the name Whimpering Man-eater or else you risk calling upon a wild Mimic." Quickly nodding her agreement to the Garbage Eater's offer, Nenith shuddered as she felt the dark pact take effect... Getting up with a grateful smile on her face, Nenith bowed respectfully to the Garbage Eater and then moved over to where the others were. After rewarding the Adventurers, however, the Garbage Eater politely asked if they would return back to Ukima and when asked why they had to leave, the Mimic just pointed off towards the tunnel that was filled back up with Driders. Promising Saazzi's safety when the Adventurers still seemed uncertain about leaving, the Garbage Eater then said that he would ensure that Saazzi stopped by Ukima when she left this time. After the others had finally left, Saazzi became worried about something, before calling out to the Garbage Eater, "I don't think I will be able to continue upholding my end of our bargain... I have drawn the attention of the Merchant King and I doubt that he will just allow me to enter the capitol city again after this. I know that I could get garbage from other places, but with the Merchant King after my life... I don't think I will be able to go anywhere without being in danger." Frowning and asking why the Merchant King would be after Saazzi's life, Bobby grew very annoyed when Saazzi informed him, "The Merchant King is greedy and is trying to ensure that he will remain King until he dies... To do that, he has to keep a close watch on the finances of the Kingdom and when he finds someone taking away too much money from his coffers, he starts to apply pressure to them in order to force them to either give up their coin or become yet another one of his supporters. While his tactics may be dirty, he has yet to turn into a Goblin himself so there is nothing we can do to oppose him, since he is our King and thus he has more than enough money to throw around at all of his problems. The only hope anyone has of opposing him is during the Merchant King Gambling Tournament, but he usually has so much money that no one can beat him..." Becoming silent when she noticed that the Garbage Eater was becoming angry, Saazzi was about to ask what she could do to help calm him down, but instead, the Garbage Eater just let out an annoyed sigh and grumbled, "Then I guess that I will have to send the King a message the next time you go back to the capitol... but that can wait until later... you have some new customers to greet." Flinching when she heard that, Saazzi turned quickly towards the Drider tunnel and felt her heart drop as a swarm of spiders poured out from within the tunnel... Unlike what Saazzi had been expecting, however, the Driders actually seemed to be almost docile in outward demeanor, but that did not mean that Saazzi relaxed just yet... Surprised when the dark creatures turned towards the Garbage Eater, Saazzi opened her mouth to say something, but quickly choose to became quiet when she received an uneasy feeling all of a sudden. Aranussa then presented the first offering from her species to their Master, but was confused when the Garbage Eater asked if she knew what she was doing. Uncertain as to how to answer, Aranussa's uneasiness quickly spread to the rest of the creatures that served under her, as they continued to bring out more offering to their ruler. Letting out an exasperated sigh, the Garbage Eater then pointed over towards Saazzi and said for everyone to hear, "I believe that I have told you about my Oracle, but in case I forgot to mention her, Saazzi is the one who accepts all offerings to me and will present you with equal compensation; with which you shall be able to purchase from the garbage that I return to her from what I make out of your garbage." Having quickly bowed to her Master upon hearing the Garbage Eater express it's annoyance, Aranussa just glanced back at the other Driders to get them to start moving over all of their offerings to Saazzi, before nervously expressing something that had been troubling her, "Forgive me for saying this if it out line, but I must ask you this. Why do you not accept our offerings? We give them to you because you are the most powerful creature in the area and therefore we, as your servants, have a responsibility to uphold your commands..." Rising up out of her body, the Garbage Eater took on the appearance of a female Dark Elf and said mischievously, "This may be how things worked in your homeland and how you believe you are to act, but I am not tied to those beliefs! That is why I can defeat Demons, as well as, why I allow other Dark Creatures within my home, even though I am a Mimic. Plus, the reason why I have you sell your offerings to Saazzi before having you purchase the items I make from your offerings, is because that is part of my pact with her." Trembling when she realized that, Aranussa quickly lowered her head in submission to her Master's will, but strangely that caused yet another unsatisfied sigh to escape the Garbage Eater's lips, before the Garbage Eater unhappily expressed what was bothering the ruler of the cave, "Aranussa... I do not need docile servants who are too afraid of me to even speak! We have both taken measure of each others power and we have both concluded that working together for the mutual benefit of both our kinds is necessary to defend ourselves from our enemies. I protect you from Demons and you help me by giving Adventurers another reason to be wary of stomping about my home! I want you to see yourself; maybe not as my equal, rather as my emissary to the Driders! As I have said to Maynard, I do not understand all that needs to be done among your kind and so I must rely upon you to take care of things among your people. I am the defender of this cave and all lands that fall under my command, but how can I know what is going through the minds of all living within my territory at one time? I have my own desires, my own wants and therefore I do not need to be bothered by the constant whining of all the insects cowering within my shadow! If something were to happen that requires my attention, then you need only to bring it to my attention and I will do my best to see that the issue is addressed if I see the problem as something needing to be fixed!" Flinching as she heard what her Master was asking of her, Aranussa immediately opened her mouth to warn her Master of placing "trust" in other dark creatures, but then Aranussa was reminded of what happened the last time her Master was betrayed and realized that there was no point in reminding her Master of such a thing... Bowing elegantly to the Garbage Eater, Aranussa respectfully smiled and said, "Then I would be honored to become your adviser and will do my best to provide you with wisdom when needed... Speaking of advice... Master, have you thought to try to learn how to use your vast powers of darkness in this form of yours? I think that you could better make use of your substantial dark energy if you too..." Seeing Aranussa tense up, Bobby just shifted her attention off to one side and a little surprised to see Alyse laid out right next to her tongue; inside Bobby's chest like body... Smiling when her mere presence was enough to cause the conversation to come to a halt, Alyse just smiled in a pleased manner and said telepathically to only Bobby, "While she may not be the best at giving you advice just yet, Bobby, the spider does have a point. You have not been thinking straight after gaining your new Imitate ability... For while yes, Dark Magic may come to you more easily in your Drider Form, your Mimic Form has it's own special variety of Shadow Magic and I think it's time you start learning how to better use those portals of yours. That, however, can wait until after you deal with all the supplicants coming to bear offerings to you..." Having been trembling the entire time she watched her Master ever so casually look upon the supreme ruler of all monster kind without flinching, Aranussa found herself being humbled by the respect her Master commanded from even such a mighty being as a God... When the spiritual manifestation of the Ruler of Monsters vanished, Aranussa was about to ask something when she noticed an alarmed look on her Master's face, right before the Garbage Eater called out to Saazzi, "I hope you do not have any intention of leaving here anytime soon, Saazzi... seems my previous actions have had consequences that I am about to pay for..." Wanting to know what was bothering her Master, Aranussa unknowingly progressed towards being a Divine Guardian and in response to their Matriarch's desire, thousands of spiderlings all connected themselves to Aranussa through nearly invisible threads of silk... Trembling as she felt those spiderlings spread out to search the areas outside the cavern, that fell under her Master's domain, Aranussa felt her awareness of the surrounding areas expand exponentially and began to have her spiderlings created webs that displayed magical runes... Using those runes to cast a spell granting her sight through those magic symbols, Aranussa's eyes turned completely black as she was granted sight beyond the norm and then she smiled happily, as she turned to inform her Master of what was really going on, "Worry not, Master! When you were... displaying the costs of betrayal, I felt that the others watching were confused over what they were supposed to do in order to ensure their survival, so I told them what they were supposed to do in order to gain your blessing! They must have... felt that you were ready to accept their offerings and so have come to pay tribute to your greatness!" Now understanding what was going on, Bobby grew more relaxed as all manner of other dark creature fearfully entered his domain... Wanting to make a big statement about himself, Bobby moved his chest like body out into the center of the gaping opening in the ceiling and sat down in the direct sunlight... While no one coming to pay tribute to the Garbage Eater doubted that they would never be able to escape the vengeful fury of the Mimic, upon seeing the absolute monster sitting happily out in the sunlight with it's mouth open, all remaining doubts were erased. When the Garbage Eater gave instructions on how the presentation of their offerings would be carried out, no creature coming to grovel before the Garbage Eater had a single word in protest to utter. Not even the Urok clans coming to pay tribute were upset over having to give away their offerings to an inferior creature in their eyes, nor were they aggressive towards any of the other weaker creatures around them. That was because all Creatures of Darkness knew they were comparable to dustmites before the power of their new Master and wanted to do nothing to anger their new Dark Lord... When the Urok eventually came forward, however, they brought with them offerings of coin and ore... Upon seeing the ore being brought, Bobby thought about bringing the Forge Mimic he had created for the Goblins to make use of and in response to that thought of his, Bobby suddenly remembered how he had created that Mimic. Reaching out one hand into the Shadowed Cleft, Bobby telepathically asked the spiritual realm for the assistance of one who would like to become the helper of the Forge Mimic. Opposed to what happened the first time, Bobby found himself in the possession of a purely elemental Dark Spirit and was a little confused until he realized that only Dark Elves became dark fairies in death. Keeping his hand wrapped around the soul to protect it from the sunlight he was in, Bobby then summoned up a chest to place the soul in... But, as Bobby was reaching out to create a new Mimic, he was shocked when Alyse suddenly burst into existence beside him and was confused when she was staring down at his clenched hand in alarm... Quickly realizing that her own alarm was causing unrest among the rest of the Monsters gathered around Bobby, Alyse did her best to soothe her concern by saying worriedly to Bobby, "You should not continue to gather souls in this place... or else you will attract-!" "Demons?" Injecting Bobby quickly, before laughing in amusement and continuing to speak with Alyse telepathically so as not to freakout the other Monsters by talking to himself, "You make it sound like I should be afraid of them, but you are wrong... it is THEY who should fear me now!" Wanting nothing more than to scream at Bobby for being foolish, Alyse quickly pressed down her raised hackles and said fearfully, "You are not yet strong enough to oppose the Masters of the Demonic Veil, but I have an idea of how you could be and this will also allow you to go searching for Urenil..." Trailing off when she felt how focused Bobby had become on what she was saying, Alyse just shook her head slowly and took hold of Bobby closed hand, as she said in a placating manner, "Not yet... Focus on building up your following among these monsters first... Then we shall discuss what you shall be going to say before the that foolish Merchant King!" All creatures in the cavern suddenly began to shudder uneasily, with even Saazzi realizing that something unnerving was happening, as they began to sense an eery sense of "amusement" from all shadows everywhere...
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 11 – Dark God Rising After discussing with Alyse about what he would need to do in order to become strong enough to battle with all Demons, Bobby continued reaching out towards the chest he had summoned up... Realizing what Bobby intended to do, Alyse perked up quickly as she remembered something, "You don't need to turn that soul into a Mimic! You can actually leave it as a ghost and have it haunt that chest in order to allow it to carry the ore placed with it back to that Forge Mimic you made! Also, since you are here, you can even open up a portal inside that chest and have what passes into that portal wind up back in the Forge Mimic's body! You can then use the spirit there as the controller of that portal so you do not need to be constantly maintaining the spell yourself!" Flinching upon hearing about that, Bobby looked down at the soul in his hands and asked if it would be willing to take on such a responsibility... Even though the spirit could not speak or even possessed the ability to communicate telepathically, Bobby could "feel" that the soul he was holding onto was overjoyed to be allowed to remain as it were... Moving the Dark Spirit out of the sunlight and then releasing the spirit, Bobby was delighted when the elemental being of darkness quickly possessed the chest. Then, as opposed to how Bobby was going to set things up, the Possessed Chest suddenly levitated right over next to Saazzi and dropped down right next to the Hob-Goblin without a care. Saazzi was quite curious over the possessed object, since she had only ever known Mimics to take over chests, but after Bobby explained what she was to use the Possessed Chest for, Saazzi was quite happy to purchase all the ore that the Uroks brought with them. When they offered her the coin they had brought with them, Saazzi asked the Urok to hold onto their coin until after the Garbage Eater had produced the rewards that they could buy... Strangely, when the Urok were instructed to keep the coin for later, they suddenly began to act in a very nervous manner... Taking notice of their strange behavior, the Garbage Eater stretched out her body over to where the Urok were and quickly noticed a Hob-Goblin seal printed upon the bags holding the coin, which made her telepathically ask the Uroks, "Let me guess... you just so happened to be roaming in the area when you came upon a caravan of traders and one of your number, no doubt a very trusted member of your clan, signaled the attack upon the caravan." All the Uroks could do is nod their heads quickly in response and then fearfully await judgment as the Garbage Eater continued on to say, "I can only assume that this trusted clan member has up and abandoned you by now, after seeing what I did to another who was pledged to the service of Trade Prince Prysea?" Seeing the Uroks swallow nervously, as the Garbage Eater seemed to be able to read their minds, they were about ready to throw themselves down upon the ground to beg for a chance to prove their loyalties, but were stopped when the Garbage Eater said, "Then you have nothing to fear, for without the spy lurking in your midst, now you have a chance to free yourself from the shackles of service you had been forced into. Now then..." Trailing off as she returned to where her body was out in the center of the sunbeam, the Garbage Eater opened up her conversation to include any who were within her domain, "If any of you do not wished to be shackled to my will, then all that I ask is to be left alone. Do that and I can promise that there shall be no quarrel between us, but you shall still be required to contribute to the offerings of trash presented to me when my Oracle returns from her journeys! In doing so, you shall guarantee your position here in my lands, but should you choose otherwise... well I'm certainly not going to stop any of my allies from adding YOU to their trash collection! By participating in the offering of trash to me, you will be rewarded with the opportunity to acquire armaments for your respective groups to make yourselves stronger, but you do so at the risk of attracting unwanted attention to yourselves." As all within the Garbage Eater's domain accepted the requirements to gain permission to live within her domain; along with the benefits from their involvement in giving offerings to their Master, and the dire consequences should they oppose the Garbage Eater, she then continued on to add, "For those of you seeking increased protection from outside aggression or from the clutches of Demons, you need only to move yourselves into my humble cave and aid me in collecting the trash that so eagerly enters my home to plunder it's riches! You will also be required to offer up any captives and corpses you collect while living in my cave so that I might make use of them to create my own children. If you choose to live within the cave and cannot produce your own trash to offer up to me, then you only need to look outside for your sources of trash. Any who do not pay homage to me are free game and if you must travel outside my domain to gather trash, then you do so at your own risk! I will destroy those who invade my home when I find them, but I will not abandon my home to protect those who only offer tribute to me for permission to live safely within my territory." Sensing "understanding" from all those she had reached out to speak telepathically with, the Garbage Eater slumped down in her chest and seemed to go to sleep, but there no creature alive in that cavern who was foolish to believe that; even for a second, they could approach the Garbage Eater safely... Once all the creatures understood how they were supposed to behave under the Garbage Eater's rules, Saazzi got down to business... Buying up everything; from broken armor bits, to old rotten teeth, even a few things she would rather not feed to the Garbage Eater, Saazzi did her best to offer the best deal she could for those items. When she ran out of money to use to buy trash with, she would immediately offer the groups with all her money a look at her selection of weaponry she still had in her wagon. While a lot of the weapons would be useless to the monsters, Saazzi did her best to explain that she was just trading them something of equal value to be sold back to her at a later time. While a lot of the creatures were confused by what she was doing, Saazzi began to pick out the monsters with higher intelligence and the ability to grow smarter... When Saazzi began to confuse the others on what she was trying to do, she would immediately turn towards the more intelligent members of the species and have them intermediate for her... Usually those who were smarter than the average monster were those who looked to be older than the other monsters, while some just had more awareness in their eyes as they watched Saazzi bargain and trade. Then there the creatures like Driders, who were already full capable of sentient thought and only became smarter from actually needing to exercise their minds. With those creatures Saazzi had a much easier time discussing the value of certain things and in turn the more evolved creatures were able to learn that there things they could do in order create more valuable things to sell to the Hob-Goblin merchant. Once she had traded everything, Saazzi had an enormous pile of garbage and had deposited several crates worth of ore into the possessed chest; which the spirit was able to transport quickly to the Forge Mimic by connecting the shadows within the chest to the shadows inside the Forge Mimic's body... Getting up and turning around to present the offering to the Garbage Eater, Saazzi was a little surprised when the pile of trash started to slowly sink down into the ground, but then she heard the sounds of the Garbage Eater gorging on the plentiful offerings... All of the monsters watched in shock as the Garbage Eater quickly devoured everything they had brought in offering to it and then began cheering as they watched mighty weapons started to be spat out from within their new Master. Despite some seeing weapons they simply had to have for themselves, no monster was foolish enough to tread upon the domain of their Master, but then one who was not a creature of darkness brashly strode out into the light. Ignoring all of the shocked gasps and wide-eyed stares she was receiving, Saazzi quickly went around to pick up all of the freshly made weapons; as was her duty. Bringing all the weapons back over to where she had been sitting, Saazzi organized the weapons by type so she could easily retrieve the ones that her customers were waiting... When all of the monsters seemed to be nervous about stepping forward first, without the explicit permission of their new Master, Saazzi took charge of the situation by calling out the "first" species to bring forth their offering and when the others seemed to become indignant, Saazzi just reminded them who had the "majority" of the money to be used to purchase weapons with... Coming forward with the coin he had received, Goblin King Maynard sat down to negotiate with an air of confidence that confused most other monsters. Without even talking price, Maynard merely stated what his group needed and asked how much he needed to obtain what he was after. The more experienced members of the other groups watched closely as Maynard and Saazzi haggled over the value of what the Goblin King sought to purchase, with the items used as placeholders for certain amounts of coin suddenly coming back into the picture. Even though Maynard was unable to obtain all the items he sought to purchase; due to inventory shortages, the crafty Goblin King remembered what he had seen his Master do when the other Adventurers had come to receive payment for guarding the Garbage Eater's Oracle. Once all of his coin had been spent and Maynard was left with five placeholder items in his possession, he slide those items across the table, as he asked deviously, "If our Master is feeling... charitable~ would I be able see if these items could not be made more useful for my kind?" Popping up out of her chest, the Garbage Eater just smiled in approving manner and waited patiently for Saazzi to bring the items in question over to her... Swallowing the items and dropping back down in her chest, the Garbage Eater thought to play things up for the monsters by having her chest rattle about as the sound of dice being rolled emanated from within her body... Spitting out the items after finishing up with her little show, the Garbage Eater looked slightly unhappy as she muttered, "Sorry, Maynard, but your luck is against you today. Three out of five successes." Gladly accepting all of the items back after Saazzi retrieved them, Maynard separated out the duds and was about to ask Saazzi what he could trade the duds for, but the Garbage Eater quickly interjected, "You can also just keep them if you want and wait until the next offering is called for to see what your luck is like, but you can only try your luck once per offering... Gotta maintain my figure somehow!" While speaking both verbally and telepathically for those who did not understand the Goblin dialect, the Garbage Eater received quite a few laughs for her comment about maintaining her "weight", since that was how many races interpreted the word their Master tried to use... Deciding to keep the dud items instead, Maynard was about to get up when Saazzi quickly added, "Just don't forget how much those items were valued at! I-I might forget between visits..." That caused all of the "smarter" creatures of darkness to tense slightly, as they realized that Saazzi had just given up a golden opportunity to take advantage of them and that caused Saazzi to become more "trusted" among those specific creatures... Following suit after Maynard, one of the Urok clans sent forward their wisest warrior and prayed for his success... Without even realizing what they had just done, the Urok clan then watched as the one shouldering the burden of their entire tribe suddenly began to display a magical aura and after a short freakout, the newly recognized Urok Shaman came over to sit down with Saazzi after calming down. Doing his best to speak with Saazzi, while doing his best to ignore the whispers now assaulting his ears, the Shaman eventually had to walk away from Saazzi to get things under control. While Saazzi did not know exactly what was going on, she could tell that the Urok she was speaking too was being bothered by something to do with his sudden magical growth. Eventually calming down the frightened voices crying out to him in warning towards something close to him, the Urok Shaman eventually came back over to sit down, as Saazzi said calmly, "You are now the pillar that supports your tribe, Urok... I don't know how things will work for you, but you must take care from now. You possess magic now and that magic can be quite destructive in response to your emotions..." Displaying a little of her own magic to the Urok Shaman, that caused him to look down at his hand and then he created a fist as he began to concentrate... Much to shock of the Urok clan he belonged too, the Shaman suddenly caused a large boulder to be ripped up out of the ground beside him and then after looking at his new ability, the Shaman hurled the boulder by thrusting out his arm towards the ceiling... Thankfully, the Urok Shaman aimed the manipulated boulder so that the falling debris would not hurt anyone and after nodding his thanks to Saazzi, brought out the items being used for placeholders for his clan. Selling back the ones that did not suit his clan, the Urok Shaman then used the money he had recouped to begin negotiations for weapons his clan had wanted. Without very much fuss, he was able to acquire at least half the weapons he had been seeking, but only because of how much coin his clan was able to gather from their hastily assembled offering to their new Master. Even with his clan begging him to get rid of the other placeholder items, the Urok Shaman remained firm in his choices and then respectfully requested to have the same thing applied to the leftover placeholder items. The Garbage Eater carefully watched the way that the other Uroks reacted to the choices of the Shaman and quickly realized that the Shaman was trying to make the kept placeholders into items that could be used by the Uroks who had become attached to them. Eating the items and starting up her Luck-of-the-Draw display, the Garbage Eater decided to show a little favor towards the Urok Shaman for displaying such intelligence. Rather than actually using Luck-of-the-Draw to determine what, if anything, happened to the placeholder items, the Garbage Eater used up some of the excess experience she felt laying about inside her to improve the items themselves... Then, the Garbage Eater used Luck-of-the-Draw to determine what kind of "effects" would be on each item... When the Garbage Eater spat out the three items, the Urok Shaman could immediately sense the power imbued into each of the items and was shaking as he graciously accepted them back from Saazzi. Taking the first item, a necklace made out wolf teeth, the Urok Shaman quickly presented that item to the Chieftain of his tribe and the Urok Chieftain excited placed the now Legendary Wolf Tooth Necklace down around his neck. Suddenly, a great power surged into the Urok Chieftain and he howled with vigor as the fortitude of Jord swelled his physique, but then he began to feel the other abilities granted to him by the item. Clenching his fist experimentally, the Urok Chieftain cried out for joy when he found his fist encased in a "glove" of rock and trembled excitedly as he discovered the Legendary ability granted to him the necklace; as just knowing that he could never be without a "weapon" at his disposal greatly reinvigorated him... Both of the Urok Chieftain's sons understood the significance of what their Father had just obtained and broke out into joyful tears over not ever needing to see their father fall into despair again over losing a weapon... Then the two sons found the other two re-rolled placeholder items being offered to them and happily accepted them. For the firstborn son, he was offered a simple looking blue rock, but as he held the smooth pebble in his hands, an immense sense of peace overcame him as the blessing of Woda embraced him gently. Despite that sensation overcoming him, the firstborn son could still feel the fury inside him waiting to be unleashed and then he discovered the magical trait of his stone to be that he could cause the trinket to release water. Happily raising the pebble up over his mouth, the Urok happily guzzled down the water and satisfied his parched throat... When the rock suddenly stopped producing water, however, the firstborn son was about to throw away the item, but then the voice of the Garbage Eater filled his mind with a warning, "DO NOT THROW AWAY THIS GIFT I HAVE GRANTED YOU! If you do, then I will curse you to never again be able to drink until your body has turned to dust! Also, numskull, if you wait for a little while, I am certain that you will be able to call upon that pebble to create more water in a little bit. Make certain you have something to collect all that water so none goes to waste..." Going pale when he heard the "consequences" of losing the precious item he had just obtained, the firstborn son gasped in shock when he heard the advice of the Garbage Eater and bowed his head quickly in gratitude to his new Master... Twitching slightly when he felt the "fervent" pledge from the Urok Warchief suddenly cause a painful "pop" within his body, Bobby was surprised by how much more power he could feel himself now gaining from "one" Urok... After hearing the warning directed towards his older brother, the younger of the two brothers fearfully accepted the item being gifted to him and tightly took hold of wolf-skin cloak he was being offered. Twirling the cloak around behind him quickly, the second son of the Urok Chieftain closed his eyes as the blessing of Odeck granted him swifter reflexes and the allowed him the keen hearing of a wolf by simply pulling up his hood. Looking around in wonder, as he began to pick up on the faint skittering sounds of the spiders left behind in the home of the Driders, the second son was then blown away when he began to hear the ringing of the Forge Mimic's hammer. Slowly, the rest of the Urok clan sent forth their own representatives, but strangely, not all the Uroks sent forth became Shaman and even those who did become Shaman would in turn use different elemental powers... After finishing up dealing with an Urok Dark Seer, Saazzi was just about to ask for the next customer, when something skittered up before her silently, causing her to cry out in surprise, as Aranussa started to ask, "Um... oops, sorry... I forget that there are those around me now that do not sense me constantly... Uh, would I be able to do anything with this?" Setting down a wooden rod covered in a cocoon of webbing, Saazzi took a look at the "spider-thread" and then looked over at the Garbage Eater curiously... Reaching over to pick up the spindle of spiderwebs, the Garbage Eater just looked down at the thread curiously and could just feel the power radiating off the "material" in her hands... Smiling as she set the crafting material back down, the Garbage Eater chuckled when that response caused the Driders to become disheartened and then said, "It may not be garbage, but whenever have I said that my tastes were limited to only garbage? I only prefer to eat garbage because it is less likely to be missed and draw negative attention to me, but if you put it before me... I will devour anything... even demons!" The entire crowd grew worried when the Garbage Eater reminded them that they were dealing with a ravenous Mimic, but let out a joyful cheer when she mentioned that not even demons were off the menu... Having Aranussa add the special spiderweb spindle to the placeholder items that the Drider wished to test her luck with, Saazzi continued on with her business as usual... Choosing only to use the spiderweb spindle as the item she wished to try her luck with, Aranussa waited anxiously to see what would happen and what the Garbage Eater spat out did not disappoint. Struggling for a moment to gather up the entire dress without allowing any of the fabric to touch the ground, Saazzi brought over the dress to Aranussa and apologized for wadding up the dress. Instead of being angry, Aranussa just smiled and thanked Saazzi for not allowing her new dress to touch the floor, before unfolding the dress with a wave of her arms. Pulling on the dress over her upper torso, Aranussa was delighted with how the dress reached all the down the front of her body and had extra fabric in the skirt to allow the bottom of the dress to remain loose around the front of her body... Not even concerned with the abilities granted by the Legendary dress, Aranussa was just overjoyed to have something resembling clothing covering her skin once again... After finishing up with her business and packing away the valuable items left over from the offering to the Garbage Eater, Saazzi flinched worriedly when she heard the Garbage Eater come down behind her, but her worry was quickly dissipated when the Garbage Eater said, "I noticed that you were having some trouble with being able to keep up with the amount of garbage you were needing to purchase... Could we discuss something to help you overcome that issue?" Quickly shaking her head, Saazzi quickly got a vulnerable look about her, as she called for Whiskers to stash away all of her money, before saying in a nervous manner, "Actually... it'd probably be for the best if I kept the amount of coin I have on me very low... I'd be less likely to be mugged while in a town and away from my wagon. The Merchant King has many people working under him and now that I have fallen into his sights... no where is safe anymore." Hearing a guttural snarl from behind her, Saazzi trembled fearfully as she turned around to find the Garbage Eater glowing darkly... Having retreated inside his armor, Bobby did not to cause the other creatures to become frightened by his furious outburst, but he still found the way that the Merchant King was standing in his way to be so infuriating... Having been drawn over by the violent sounds coming from within her Master, Aranussa knew that something other than Saazzi was angering him, so kindly asked the frightened Hob-Goblin, "Um, would you know why the Garbage Eater is trying so hard to hide the feelings that we can all feel coming from her right now?" Not knowing what else to do, Saazzi was grateful for someone to talk to right then and quickly opened up to the Drider, "The Garbage Eater is angry over the fact that the King of my kind is going to be preventing me from upholding my end of my pact... I would happily go anywhere else to collect garbage for the Garbage Eater, but now that I drew the Merchant King's attention... no where is safe..." Upon hearing that from Saazzi, suddenly Aranussa was the one becoming riled up and as she did, so too were her offspring enraged, but then she hissed spitefully, "Mortals should never be the ones to cause others to be afraid to even leave their homes! That task falls upon us!" As word was spread around about what was being said, the rest of the creatures of darkness began to grow riled up; even the clans of Urok that were being guided by a spiritual leader not aligned with darkness, as they shared in Aranussa's annoyance towards the pitiful Merchant King... Suddenly, however, a voice was heard while the Mimic was clearing it's throat, as the Garbage Eater rose up from within her chest and announced in annoyance, "And just how do you expect me to protect you all if you go tromping off at the first sign of a mortal being more terrifying than you? Also, while I choose to protect you, I have not given you permission to go running off to challenge anything that would only serve to attract more demons to my domain!" While that was quick to extinguish the fires burning in the chest of most, Aranussa was not about to just let things be and begged of her Master, "No~ I am tired of hiding, tired of being afraid! I want to be able to go out and wreak havoc as I please when I so please, not just when my summoner decides to call me out!" Looking over at Aranussa specifically, the Garbage Eater spoke both verbally and telepathically as she said very firmly, "No! You will not be the ones going to give that bloated and greedy Merchant King a message in terror! I shall be the one to do so and I shall only be accompanied by my offspring! I want the rest of you to return to your homes and stay safe... because once I give my message... I shall be claiming this entire kingdom as my domain! Which means that you'll have plenty of sources to get garbage from!" Feeling a lot more than those in her home smiling at the prospect of their being a "dark sanctuary" for them to go play in, the Garbage Eater suddenly realized that there were hordes of dark creatures all just hiding out in the Shadowed Cleft because they could not feel safe enough to even step outside of the shadows... As that collective feeling of terror began to pour into him, Bobby suddenly flinched as a blur of memories from his old life slowly began to choke the life right out of him; forcing him to remember all those times he had been "too afraid" to act, and that ignited another emotion that Bobby had constantly kept all bottled up inside of him... Unlike before, when Bobby was frustrated by something, he did not begin to immediately transform into a Drider; as he was not feeling a destructive kind of anger this time. Then, the restraint he had put around his other feelings broke and his armor burst away from around him, but did not go flying away eerily. As the armor slowly changed shape to fit to his new form in the form of bracelets, Bobby became a Shadow Wraith once more, but his form was wild and unstable due to the raging emotions rampaging within him. Then, like they were "shackles" binding him to the physical plane, Bobby's armor snapped back into around his wrists, ankles, waist and forehead... As the last piece of armor returned to place around his soul, Bobby's ethereal body suddenly rose up from the ground and he became a three-dimensional shadow, but the most shocking part about his transformation was the "shadow" that stretched away from Bobby as he became a physical shadowy being... Letting out a heated hissing breath, Bobby had no idea just what had happened to him, but he could feel that; while the transformation was permanent, he could still return to looking like a Shadow Wraith. Flexing the hands of his spiritual manifestation, Bobby took in a long breath slowly and suddenly felt like he had just ripped off a huge weight laying against his chest. Glancing back into his shadow, Bobby could somehow feel a horde of hands reaching out towards him desperately for his protection, but Bobby turned away from them out of fear that his current power would not be able to defend the multitudes of souls reaching out towards him. Feeling something ghost up behind him, Bobby flinched in embarrassment when he felt a woman's bosom press up against his back and then grew stiff as a board when he felt the hands belonging to the chest start to grope his body lovingly... When the other being just wrapped him up in a tender hug, Bobby looked back over to find that he could actually see what Alyse looked like; instead of just seeing her as a pure dark energy given form, while she just happily purred, "You've done it, you've finally done it! The last chain holding you back has finally been broken and you are now ready... hee, hee, hee, ready to take back the souls of darkness!" Glancing down at the souls reaching out to him from within his shadow, Bobby seemed to be at a lose of what to say, but then Alyse said quickly in an urgent manner, "Not yet, not yet... first, you have a foolish King to go give a stern talking too about interfering with your pacts! And I like the idea of you claiming this entire Kingdom as your domain, it shall help you to defend the creatures of darkness certain to come flocking over here soon enough. For now, you should remain focused on creating a safe place for all beings of darkness to hide in, then you can go pay a visit to the source of fear among the creatures of Darkness." Becoming focused upon Alyse when she mentioned there being something responsible for the way that all creatures of the dark felt, Bobby was halted in his tracks when Alyse said before he could even demand, "Demons... they are what cause all simple-minded creatures of the dark to be afraid to draw too much attention to themselves. The reason why is very simple... Long ago, when this world was still in the midst of great turmoil, there was a Dark God. That God was worshiped only by the Dark Elves or rather... the Elves worshiping him became what they are known to be today. Seeking to protect his followers from the wrath of his enemy, the Dark God created an entirely separate plane of existence; called the Demonic Veil, to keep his worshipers safe from the constantly moving light of his enemy. Hiding this other world inside the biggest shadow he could find, the Dark God used the ever moving shadow as an anchor point to keep his precious Demonic Heaven linked to this world." Bobby's eyes grew wide, when he quickly realized the only shadow large enough to hold another world was that of the planet the Demonic Veil was linked too, but then Alyse continued on, "Originally, only demons existed as beings of darkness, but as the Demons began to enslave and harvest souls for their Dark Master, he soon found himself with minions of shadow... These dark spirits were used to give birth to the dark monsters which serve you this day, but when only their physical bodies were destroyed, they would return to him as they originally were. Demons loved to use dark creatures to do their dirty work and the dark creatures became extremely adept at scaring the mortals their demonic masters were after. This relationship remained the same, until I changed the way that the world worked and thus changed the way things were set up for the Demons. They suddenly began to find themselves in need of souls bound to them eternally and instead of turning towards their once allies for help, they chose to stab those who were weaker than them in the back, thus forcing all dark spirits to become their eternal minions. Darkness did not take to well to this act, as I am certain you are no doubt aware, but the beliefs of this world states that Dark Creatures are weaker than Demonic Creatures. This caused a lot of Dark Creatures to simply retreat into the Shadows and never step back out for fear of being forced to serve a Demon in the Demonic Veil for all of eternity." As Bobby continued to listen, the monsters staring at him in shock of his transformation were horrified to see Bobby developing a wrath-like visage, while the souls within his shadows merely hissed their approval... Tightening her grip on Bobby to prevent him from rushing away before he could hear the whole story, Alyse whispered to him fervently, "You are not strong enough yet to be able to take on any demon that hunts you while outside your territory... Why do you think it is that you always remained within this cave and rarely even went out into this area while you were upset? Fear is something that governs Dark Creatures and the fear of demons is something that all those who belong to darkness feel, even if they are not of Elven origin. If you wish to erase that fear, then you must become a GOD yourself and not just one of a puny little cave! You need to become the God of a Kingdom! Then and only then, can you dare to step outside your territory and wield the power equal to the rulers of the Demonic Veil when they come to claim you. You already possess the gear necessary to make any demon flee in terror, you just need to become spiritually strong enough to challenge anything in your way! Do this for me and I will show you exactly how to make that ELF that killed you squirm when you appear right in his study! I will even show you the way to Urenil, but only if you are strong enough to fight any battles that may come your way!" Still in "wraith" form, Bobby's expression of anger suddenly gave way to a different kind of emotion and Bobby suddenly became the Shadow of VENGEANCE in the eyes of all creatures of the dark realm... Turning towards Saazzi, the Shadow of Vengeance gestured for the Hob-Goblin to approach him and then began to explain his plans with her about how he would punish the Merchant King for daring to stand in her way... As the Garbage Eater spoke with it's Oracle, the other monsters eventually calmed down when they began to feel the wild hatred within their Master calm down enough to be focused on something, rather than everything around him. Sticking around just in case their Master needed something, the Spirit Protectors began to distribute the items they had gained from the Garbage Eater and quickly put an end to any quarrels brought about by jealously. When the Oracle began to pack up and head back towards the capitol, some of other monster leaders asked if they needed to watch over her, but the Garbage Eater declined their offers. Making mention that the Oracle had all the protection she could ever need, the Garbage Eater returned to being a Greater Mimic and sent all of the monsters home with instructions to only "gather" for another offering when their Master sent a summons for them... Even though Bobby had only meant to say he would send a telepathic message to them all for when they were to gather, Alyse began to smile as she realized something very devious... Drifting over so she could rest against the top of Bobby's Mimic body, Alyse got a chuckle over the way that Bobby flinched at the feeling of her spiritual breasts resting against what would constitute a head for a Mimic, but then said enthusiastically, "You do know that you actually could summon them all to you at a mere request, right? Now that you have the entire Realm of Darkness bowing before you, Bobby, you are no longer restricted in traveling through that dimension and those you summon move through there at your command, so no one is going to interfere with them either. I know you have no intention of using them to fight, but this summoning is not limited only to the living! You are now considered to be a Demigod of Darkness within this cave and your domain, which means that you do not even need to create bodies for your minions to inhabit anymore... The Realm of Darkness is now at your command!" Thinking about that and about all the souls still reaching out towards him from within his shadow, Bobby began to grow excited as he imagined all the "fun" he would be having with the Merchant King when he arrived finally... Getting distracted when the some of the Uroks began to nervously gather close by, Bobby did not even have to concentrate to "know" what was bothering them... Looking over to where the Urok Chieftains were beginning to boast about their own actions, Bobby could almost feel the heightened tensions in the air and said in a grumbling manner, "Let me guess... none of them can come to a decision on who to elect the supreme leader of all the clans..." All of the spiritual guides of the clans tensed up when the Garbage Eater easily guessed the exact problem they were faced with, but then the Earthen Shaman came forward and said worriedly, "I am afraid that they will not cease bickering with one another until they can decide who will be the Warlord under your command, I am afraid. Even if you were to command them to walk away from each other, that would only serve to stop the problem for now. They will no longer listen to us, so we now ask you for your assistance in this matter." Chuckling in response, the Garbage Eater began to radiate a massive amount of dark energy and then telepathically reached out into the Shadowed Cleft to ask, "Would there be one among you, who would have both the strength and temperance to withstand keeping these louts out here in line?" As the voice of the Garbage Eater rang out across the dark realm, several spirits rose up to see what the commotion was about, but they all just as quickly just settled back down in the depths where they rested... One spirit, however, was not so easily dissuaded from the summons and rose up from the mass of shadows he had been resting in to answer the call... Once the Garbage Eater began to gather up it's energy, the Chieftains all quickly backed away from each other and realized that even their non-aggressive dispute had caused their Master to become upset with them. Thankfully, rather than being annihilated for their insolence when the Garbage Eater unleashed the built up magical energy, a gaping hole straight into the Shadowed Cleft was ripped open by their Master. Uncertain what they were supposed to do, the Chieftains all looked towards the spiritual guides of their clans and grew more worried when they saw the looks of horror upon the faces of their advisers. Then, from within the Shadowed Cleft, a "being" of such magnitude; that even the brutish Uroks could recognize it's unmatched strength, rose up into the physical realm... Having accepted the request from the Master of the Dark Realm, the soul was then granted a physical form fitting to his new existence... Unlike what Bobby had been expecting to call forth, the Urok-Kai that was summoned forth exuded an extremely powerful presence; both physically and spiritually, as he merely took a single breath. Without any hesitation at all, the buck naked Urok-Kai stormed over to where the mere Veteran ranked Uroks were arguing and in quick succession began to beat them all down by slapping them with all of his strength. To the complete shock of the Urok Chieftains, anyone of them assaulted by the Urok-Kai Champion was quickly thrown away a good ten feet and were unable to get up for several seconds while they recovered. After that, the Urok-Kai turned towards the Spiritual Guides and merely flexed his terrible might to force them all into bowing humbly before him... Only after he had checked to see that the Chieftains had learned their place did the Urok-Kai return to his Master and kneel down submissively to the Garbage Eater... Leaving his physical form behind, Bobby stood before his new subordinate in the form of a Shadow Soul and caused his shadow to fall upon his new ally, as he said, "I now name you Warlord of all Urok clans serving my name! Rise now, Maximus, and accept the responsibility for all Uroks who come to serve my name!" Suddenly, Bobby began to feel a chunk of the experience his body contained get poured into the being he had just named and could only watch in wonder as Maximus grew powerful enough to fit the role that Bobby had just granted him... Spitting out a pair of Legendary gauntlets, Bobby tailor made the gloves to fit the way that Maximus had used his open hand to smack down all the other Urok Chieftains... Reaching down to pick up the gloves, Maximus marveled at their design for a moment, before pulling on the gift from his Master. Each glove was constructed from Oricalcum plates melded into a loose metal mesh made from the same metal, but on the inside of the palms and fingers were triangular spikes. All of the spikes were positioned in such a manner that they were able to lock against each other when Maximus clenched his fists and did not impede his ability to make a fist, rather the metal spikes formed solid masses within his hands that reinforced his fists. Even though he understood the real reason why his Master created such cruel gloves for him to use in combat, Maximus swore that he would only use his open hands when someone either insulted or angered his Master from then on... Thankfully, Bobby did not need to do the same with the other monsters groups, since all the Driders all quickly submitted themselves to Aranussa and no Goblin Chieftain wished to even try to challenge Maynard... That was when the representative from the Ogres drawn in by Bobby's display of fury came forward and respectfully bowed to his Master, before telepathically communicating to all spiritually connected creatures in Bobby's home, "Not speak good, ashamed... Will keep others from trouble, no worries! Be back next offering, Master, home too small... apologies." Nodding over to the Ogre representative, Bobby returned to his own body and then telepathically said, "You may all go home for now, when I have need of you, I shall summon for you through the realm of shadow, but for now return to where you live and enjoy your rewards. I shall look forward to your next tribute when my Oracle returns." Despite their own misgivings, since most were at least aware of the force aimed towards Saazzi currently, none of the other creatures spoke out against their Master's proclamation.... After his home was vacated of the rabble, Bobby was left only with Aranussa, her brood, Maximus, Maynard and his Goblin Horde, so he happily went to rest up for when Saazzi called for him... As he lay resting, however, Bobby rose up from within his physical body and rested upon the top of his now slumbering physical body, as he called out to no one in particular, "Are you still there?" Ghosting up behind Bobby and groping him playfully, Alyse just smiled at the way he tensed up from her sudden invasion of his privacy, before saying quietly, "I am always just a prayer away, Bobby, but just know that I have four others I am also keeping track of even now... Ashton and the others are doing well, just so you know... most have hit Demigod status by now, but for some reason, Ashton seems to be hesitating to become a God of her home, but I can understand her reasoning. She can't just burn off energy as easily as you can Bobby. How many Mythical items do you now possess?" Hearing Alyse's last question caused a devious smirk to show up on Bobby's face and he manipulated his physical body to show off some of his collection, as he replied mischievously, "One of each color, element, power level, and even metal... Don't even get me started on the number of armor pieces I also possess... it is quite staggering..." Laughing merrily over the way Bobby was being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of Mythical gear pieces he now possessed, Alyse eventually just patted the Mimic's armor underneath her and said pleasantly, "And yet, nothing you have to come possess after hitting Demigod status even comes close to the armor you made for yourself, correct?" Chuckling as he thought over what his Mimic armor granted him, Bobby remembered something from when he had transformed into a living shadow and asked Alyse curiously, "Are there any limits on what a person can wear in terms of armor?" Smiling in a malicious manner, Alyse replied in an evil tone, "The only limit is the one placed upon you by your body! Otherwise... you can feel free to slice and dice as many demons as you wish without any consequences... As a Mimic you can create as many arms as you need to wield all of your Mythical weapons, but in some of your other forms... well, you only have two arms as a Drider, do you not?" Snickering when he heard what Alyse said about his Drider Form, Bobby fired back just as evilly, "But I have eight legs, right? Which means I get to equip four sets of boots after I manipulate their form properly, yes?" Smirking in amusement, as Bobby quickly caught on to what she was hinting at, Alyse replied mischievously, "Yes, you are a creature of darkness... There is no limit to the amount of cheating to be had by you... only a limit on the amount of cheats you can fit upon your body before you cease being able to move..." Continuing to laugh at the mental image of any of his bodies being so overburdened with gear that he could not move, Bobby eventually began to think over something and asked Alyse, "What about magic? You have told me that you would teach me how to reach Urenil and my Prey, but what about other types of magic? It seems that my various bodies all have their own specific types of magic~ to use, but what if I wanted to use the shadows to relocate myself as a Drider, or some other type of Dark Magic I have yet to encounter..." Looking very pleased when Bobby began to ask all of the right questions, Alyse turned towards him with a gentle looking smile and asked in a devious manner, "Wanna try your luck?" Tensing when he heard her response, Bobby suddenly realized that he already possessed a "boundary-breaking" ability and began to cast Luck-of-the-Draw multiple times to see where the dice would land... Alyse could only watch in awe as Bobby gained full mastery over all forms of Dark Energy and became capable of using any dark magic he pleased in whatever form he was in... Suddenly noticing that Bobby was merely shuffling a pair of dice around in between his spiritual fingers, Alyse looked over at him curiously and prompted him to ask, "I know that I can safely swallow people and stick them in the Shadowed Cleft to keep them safe from dangers out here in the real world, but what if I were to want to collect people?" Grinning, as she knew exactly where the conversation would be heading, Alyse just turned the question back around on Bobby, "Now whenever have I told you that you could not collect people? Only problem with doing so would be keeping them from suffocating within you, since I doubt you have even noticed that you do not require air to live as a Mimic..." Trailing off as Bobby began to truly put some thought towards that specific problem, Alyse waited patiently until he asked curiously, "Couldn't I just... link the shadows inside my stomach... to like... my own shadow? That way air would be able to flow into and out of my belly?" Thinking about what Bobby was suggesting, Alyse eventually just sighed unhappily and replied unhappily, "You could, but that would defeat the purpose of you hiding as a chest or lurking within the shadows... correct?" Instead of Bobby becoming defeated by the problem, he instead turned the problem into the very solution he needed by stating deviously, "Not if my enemies do not know which shadow the sounds of their captured allies are coming from! Just as I can use all shadows within my control to travel too... so too can I use all shadows to call out from!" Shivering as she thought about how quickly Bobby had come up with the solution to his problem, Alyse could tell that Bobby would make one dastardly Dark God and could only wait anxiously to see what he would do from then on... Getting up from on top of his chest, Bobby began to look all around at his "well-lit" resting place and began to growl unhappily over his "living conditions"... Going out to the entrance of the tunnel he was using for his home, Bobby cast a shadow gateway over the entrance to make Adventurers think that all light stopped at the entrance to his home. Then he went along the pathway leading towards where he rested and cover all entrances to each chamber with shadow gateways to give each area an eery feeling. He then began to link the shadow gates to one another in a seemingly random manner, but in truth Bobby was just trying to make navigating to his chamber more difficult. As a finishing touch, Bobby made the way "back" to the entrance be the only portal where a dim light would come through the gateways, but only far enough to illuminate the only object of curiosity within each of the chambers... Leaving a single chest located in the center of the room, Bobby specially enchanted each chest with his Luck-of-the-Draw ability and made each chest have a magical crystal on the front that would display when the ability had been triggered, as well as the results of the ability. Quickly going around to each of the monster groups that were under his command, Bobby informed them of the new maze he had created in his home and then created shadow gateways at each of the homes belonging to the forces under his command. By each gateway, the Garbage Eater placed a chest containing a Mimic-girl that spoke and resembled each of the races in order to call out who needed to pass through the gates, but left the order in which the creatures under his command charged through up to them. When the question of what would happen to those who died came up, however... Making certain that he had the attention of all those he was speaking too, the Garbage Eater then explained how those who came to fight at his request would be reborn, but only at the beginning level for those monsters. That caused a little unrest, but then the Garbage Eater explained how those who died would in turn lose all the items they had gained from the their Master and that his displeasure would be felt by those who did so. Quickly understanding the reason why the Garbage Eater was making them go back to the way they were after becoming fully grown, all the monsters were extremely grateful when their Master told them that they could regain the items they had lost if they could obtain a piece of garbage of similar nature to what they lost and then collected enough garbage to feed their Master with to earn that item back. That took the frightened groups of monsters merely serving the whims of an extremely deadly creature to survive and turned them all into devout followers of the Garbage Collector... After each visit, Bobby would be forced to return home so that his body could adjust to the increasing power he was being granted by those now coming to accept and worship him as the God of Darkness he was soon to become... While Bobby was going around securing his foothold in the Hob-Goblin Kingdom, Saazzi had returned to Ukima and after reporting in her success to the Guild-Master, took off towards the capitol. Despite having her misgivings about returning to the capitol, Saazzi started coming across ambush sights that were completely abandoned and slowly she began to realize that the Garbage Eater's protection was real. Coming to understand that she was now untouchable by the minions of the Merchant King, Saazzi grew much more confident as she headed towards the capitol to square off against the Boss of her own life.
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 12 – Claiming Shadows Saazzi made certain to draw her cloak closed as she drew closer to the Jeweled City, capitol of the Hob-Goblin Kingdom... Thankfully, the disguise that the Garbage Eater had told her to wear worked perfectly against the guards at the front gates and she was able to slip into town without any problem... Entering into town from the gate opposite to where the Guild Outpost was located, Saazzi made all the guards she passed think she was just a loyal minion of the Merchant King, but then right at the last moment, she turned towards the Outpost. Before any of the guards had time to react to that change, Saazzi was safely within the neutral grounds of the Guild Outpost and was untouchable to the guards. Not like she intended to remain within the Outpost for long, Saazzi only hoped that Kruq was not at the Guild Outpost, as she needed to hurry over to the Merchant King's palace while the majority of the guards were still gathered around the Outpost. Hurrying along a special roadway that connected the Outpost to the Merchant King's Palace, Saazzi just prayed that her luck would hold out... Little did Saazzi know that the Garbage Eater had already rolled out the results of what she was currently doing and that they had been a "jackpot" result... The only thing Saazzi had in her hands was the Whimpering Man-eater Mimic that the Garbage Eater had gifted her with, only the Mimic was now the size of a jewelry box, as opposed to the large Mythril chest it had previously been. Even more amazing than the ability of the Mimic to change size, was how the creature was able to hold all of the items that Saazzi had received from the Garbage Eater without growing any heavier. Making certain to collect any garbage she came across on her way over to the palace, Saazzi was relieved when she was able to fill up the mouth of the Mimic with all the garbage and then hurried over to the chambers of the Merchant King. Sneaking past or distracting the guards in her way, Saazzi eventually reached the doors to the throne room and was faced with a pair of Orc Warriors that could not be easily distracted by her normal tricks... Calmly walking out into sight, Saazzi approached the doors like she was expected by the Merchant King, but when the Orc guards moved to block her path, Saazzi told them in a very dangerous tone, "I am here to speak with the Merchant King over something that he is currently interested in... move aside!" All of sudden, the Orc guards suddenly found their necks between two mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth and nervously made way for the frightening little Hob-Goblin... Entering into the throne room, Saazzi was a little shocked to find that Kruq was actually in there berating the Merchant King over something already and quietly walked up behind the Outpost-master to wait her turn... Both the Merchant King and Outpost-master looked back at who was intruding upon their discussion, but when the shrouded Hob-Goblin did not say a word, Kruq immediately returned to the issue at hand, "I have word that you sent bandits to attack a group of Adventurers from Ukima, your Majesty, and this is something I cannot allow you to have slip by unnoticed! If you do not have any excuse that I am willing to believe, then you will be fined for this act of aggression!" Pretending to ponder the accusation that Kruq was placing against him, the Merchant King eventually replied in a very manipulative manner, "I have no idea as to what you have heard, Kruq, all I have done is order my forces to help me catch a thieving Merchant who went to the Open Trade Market and then fled the city without paying any taxes for the items they sold there! There is nothing against stopping me from enforcing my tax laws..." Trailing off when someone began to laugh at what he was saying, the Merchant King fixated his furious glare upon the shrouded guest in his throne room... Knowing that what the Merchant King was saying utter nonsense, even before hearing the amused laughter from the person behind him, Kruq eventually replied, "Unless you were trying to levy that tax against an Adventurer who was merely trying to offload some weapons they had most recently found in a cave! You do not have the authority to charge tax against those who are Adventurers and you know that!" Scoffing at what Kruq was saying, the Merchant King just snapped back in response, "Only on the neutral grounds of your OUTPOST! Once an Adventurer steps off those grounds, they are subject to my laws while making use of my facilities!" "But only if the Adventurers are making coin from their interactions with your facilities!" Cried out a feminine voice, as the shrouded figure sitting behind Kruq removed her shroud. In response, the Orc guards in the chamber all began acting aggressively towards the person who spoke out against the Merchant King... Upon seeing just "who" had spoken against him within his own court, the Merchant King grew pale when he found the source of his troubles staring him down and quickly settled down his guards... Looking behind him to find Saazzi revealing herself within the court of the Merchant King, Kruq's first instinct was to think that she had lost her mind, but then he noticed a strange absence of fear in Saazzi dangerous eyes. When asked to step aside, now that his issue was currently standing in the room; alive and well, Kruq did not complain as he wished to hear what Saazzi intended to say. Smiling up at the Merchant King in gratitude, Saazzi got up off the chest she had been using as a seat and surprised the whole crowd by having the chest shrink down when she reached to pick the container up. Watching closely as Saazzi carried the chest forward and then set down the Mythril chest, the Merchant King flinched when the chest returned to normal size, which prompted him to ask slyly, "Quite the expensive chest you have there... how much did it cost?" Giggling as she reached up to rest a hand on top of the chest resting next to her, Saazzi just smiled challengingly up at the Merchant King as her Whimpering Man-eater suddenly expanded in size, as she explained calmly, "Not a single Quarter-Brass Penny, your majesty!" Coughing in shock over hearing the price of the expensive looking chest, the Merchant King immediately expressed his disbelief by saying, "Impossible! That chest looks to be made from Mythril! That should have at least cost you two Full-Copper coins, at least, more since you have had it enchanted!" Laughing at the Merchant King once more, only in much more superior sounding manner, Saazzi tapped on the Mimic twice to tell it to reveal itself, as she replied, "Looks can be deceiving, my King, and I really doubt you wanna be trying to break open this chest! Also, I would like to request that you tell your goons, who are currently trying to sneak into the Guild Outpost to ransack my wagon, to lay off my possessions, cause everything of worth that I currently possess is sitting right~ here!" Patting the Mimic sitting calmly next to her, Saazzi just smiled as all the people in the room reacted in varying degrees of horror over what she was saying... This time, the Merchant King was the one who laughed and after hysterically chuckling for several minutes, he suddenly blinked in shock as he asked in an incredulous tone, "You're serious? Oh my... heh, and here I thought I was silly for putting value upon all the Demonic Beasts I have caged up in my personal beast pens... Well, I guess that this is your way of protecting what is valuable to you, but, did you really think I would allow such a creature to remain in my presence!" As the Merchant King signaled to his guards, Saazzi just politely stepped away from the Mimic and calmly stated, "I would rethink your course of action, if I were you, cause I do not think you want to waste all the money you put into hiring and gearing up these lunkheads you consider guards..." Scoffing at her advice, the Merchant King could only see the payday he would be able to lawfully "claim" once his shoulders dispatched the "dangerous" creature sitting in his courts... But, as the guards charged in to slay the monster, the Mimic strangely retreated back inside it's body and closed up it's mouth to brace itself for the attack... Crying out happily as all the weapons slammed into the Mimic all at once, the Merchant King was just eagerly awaiting the release of all Saazzi valuables, but then an eerily familiar sound began to ring out in the silence following the attack, a sound which caused the Merchant King to scream after gasping in alarm, "THE WHIMPERING MAN-EATER!" None of the guards had any opportunity to react to what the Merchant King had just cried, for as they turned to look back at their screaming employer, every guard was suddenly wrapped up in the tendrils of the Mimic and were crushed to death in mere seconds. As pandemonium broke out within the courts of the Merchant King, Kruq turned to look over at Saazzi; as if to condemn her for being insane for bringing a Mimic into the throne room, but as he stared over at her, Kruq eerily got the feeling that Saazzi had everything under her control. The throne room was then quickly cleared out of all the petitioners and regular guards, as the more valuable retired Adventurers started pouring in shortly after word reached them of the danger. Saazzi waited patiently off to one side, as the Whimpering Man-eater began to eat all the bodies of the now dead guards, before eventually walking over in front of the monster with a confident smile... Quickly realizing that Saazzi wanted to "negotiate", the Merchant King held back all of his hired thugs and was quite confused when the Whimpering Man-eater went right back to sleep once there was no more danger present... Pointing up behind her at the Mimic resting peacefully behind her, Saazzi said in a cocky manner, "Best to just leave that one alone, your Majesty, no good will come from riling up the Whimpering Man-eater inside your own city, now will it?" Swallowing nervously as he understood the grave threat that Saazzi had just issued towards him, the Merchant King ever so secretly passed a Full-Silver Coin back behind him and a figure in his shadows quickly vanished from sight to carry out his orders... Unaware to the danger she was in, Saazzi waited as the Merchant King took in the full scope of her threat and then prepared herself to negotiate with him... Just as she had rehearsed with the Garbage Eater, Saazzi made her first demand, "Now then, since you now know the danger you face should you send another Goblin Horde after me, even those lead by Champions among the Goblin species, you will hereby cease your attempts on my life and leave me alone. Failure to do so will result in your minions bringing home this lovely fella, who will then proceed to devour everything around it once it starts throwing a temper-tantrum. You already know what happens when a Whimpering Man-eater throws a tantrum, but in case you have already forgotten, then let me remind you that there used to be a city inside Loct's Claim that provided resources to Ukima found therein." Without allowing the Merchant King any time to respond, Saazzi moved onto her next demand right after stating the first, "As for my second request, your majesty, I seek all rights to Loct's Claim and full acceptance as a Trade Prince, as well as exemption from being required to pay all your ridiculous taxes as I go about my business..." Trailing off when the Merchant King began to mockingly laugh at her, Saazzi turned her attention up towards his snobby expression and just glared at him challengingly... Feeling that Saazzi was quite literally trying to dig herself out of having to pay anything to him in return for her keeping the tame beast behind her at bay, the Merchant King just confidently replied, "No... I will not be threatened into giving into your demands... for I have seen the real Whimpering Man-eater and now that I have a had a moment to collect myself... I know for a fact that thing is not the real deal. Let me guess, Saazzi Olvuth, you probably heard the rumors about the actual Whimpering Man-eater and then used your Dark Skills to conjure up a Mimic that you have somehow raised into what stands behind you now, but it is not enough to protect your valuables as a Trade Prince. Also, no matter who it is, all must pay my taxes or else I will simply have my forces come after you to collect what I am owed!" As Saazzi chuckled at the Merchant King, just like the Garbage Eater had instructed her too do anytime he began to get cocky, Kruq suddenly stepped forward and entered into the discussion... When the Merchant King turned towards him in frustration, Kruq just tapped into his own brand of Dark Magic and began to exude a dangerous aura as he used the dark fury of Orcish magic to boost his own strength, then he declared in a voice that left no room for negotiation, "Are you telling me, that all of this has come about because you think that you have the right to tax anyone who walks upon your lands? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE TAKING ANYTHING FROM ADVENTURERS!" Hurriedly moving over in front of the Outpost-master and Hob-Goblin Representative, Saazzi strangely had quite a lot of terror in her eyes, but then Kruq heard her whispers, "Please do not interfere, everything is under control... just step aside and do not get involved..." After pretending to have a private word with Kruq, Saazzi returned to her cocky demeanor and turned around to square off with the Merchant King, as she kindly said, "I do believe that you are mistaken, Merchant King, about quite a number of things. First off, I only made money off the items I collected from Loct's Claim and I sold everything I brought back with me to Adventurers here in your Jeweled City. Afterwords, I took a trip around town to buy up all the trash left around by the various craftsmen in the city, while also digging for information about where the current markets for all items were at. Finally, I went over to the Open Trade Market to learn what I could about the various enchantments from around the world and even bought up any of the items being sold that were not selling so well, or in other words, I used the money I made from Adventurers to buy things from your city! In that way, I don't owe you a single damn penny for anything I took away from the city with me or on what I brought into the city to sell to other Adventurers." Growing irritated with how Saazzi was trying to weasel her way out of paying his taxes, the Merchant King then loudly declared, "But I KNOW you went to those greedy bastards I have overseeing the Open Trade Market! I also am well aware of all the expensive new items they have obtained and put out on auction! How much did you sell those for, hm? All of those transactions cost MONEY!" In response to his declaration, the Merchant King only heard Saazzi's infuriating laughter and was clenching his hands in anger as he glanced off to a "particular" corner of the room to blink one eye... Over in that corner of the room, a shadowy assassin received the Merchant King's "signal" and pointed a cross-bow over at Saazzi with every intent to pull the trigger, but suddenly found himself unable to move... Then the Orcish Assassin felt something take hold of his arm and as he was pulled back into the shadows, the Assassin heard a raspy voice hiss in a very hostile manner, "DO NOT INTERFERE!" Another hand was then placed over the Orc Assassin's mouth and muffled his terrified screams as his entire being was devoured by the shadowy apparition holding onto him... When the first assassin failed to complete the task, the Merchant King looked to another corner of the room and gestured again... As each assassination attempt failed, the Merchant King slowly began to grow more infuriated, but then Saazzi called up to him deviously, "My dear King... did you by chance take the time to speak with those greedy bastards you put in place over the Open Trade Market or did you just assume that I traded all of my valuables for coin?" Suddenly, as if summoned by Saazzi mentioning them, the Trade Princes responsible for the Open Trade Market entered into the throne room and stormed right up over to the Merchant King... Handing the Merchant King a "ledger", which contained all their more recent trades, the Trade Princes pointed him purposefully towards the day where Saazzi came by to trade with them and drew the Merchant King's attention to all of the garbage items they had traded away for the extremely valuable items Saazzi had brought with her... Now without anything to say, or even any fire in his eyes, Saazzi quite carefully said to the Merchant King, "I only asked for the garbage they had lying about and haggled over the prices of such garbage by using the current values of everything; from materials, make, and magical enchantments to accurately trade with them. No money every changed hands between us, because I knew that to do so would cause you come chasing after me for your fair cut. However, the reason why I chose to skip town, rather than come deal with you for a month to sort everything out, is because I needed all that trash for a very specific reason. One that I came back to explain to you." Gritting his teeth in frustration as he realized that Saazzi was indeed clear of owing him anything, the Merchant King just glared down at Saazzi as she explained politely, "I have entered into a pact with a powerful creature, known as the Garbage Eater, who has asked me to go about collecting garbage for it to consume. This Whimpering Man-eater, is actually the offspring of the Garbage Collector, so while it may not be the real deal, you still don't want to try attacking me." Scoffing at the idea of a Mimic being able to protect anything, the Merchant King just arrogantly proclaimed, "So... lets just say that I do give into your demands... you realize that you are asking clients to place their trust in dark creatures, yes? The lesser creatures of darkness, yes? How can you possibly claim to be able to protect anything when you are using such weak creatures?" Giggling in response to the Merchant King's insinuation that the Garbage Eater was weaker than other Dark Creatures, Saazzi fired back pointedly, "Oh, you mean like those three superior Demons you sent after me when I was out in front of Loct's Claim? Yeah, yeah, I bet they were feeling quite superior as they slaughtered all the Orc bandits you sent to lay a trap for me, but guess what... HERE I AM! Alive and well, even though I rely upon such weak creatures of darkness. I guess that you do not understand the true nature of Darkness Monsters then... they are not meant to be strong, they are meant to be able to slip through the cracks and attack where one is most vulnerable. They are not like demons, who can simply walk into a battlefield and slaughter everyone within, oh no, Creatures of Darkness are the ones who manipulate those fools out onto the battlefield. Take Whiskers here, for example." Calling forth Whiskers from the Shadowed Cleft as a tiny little rat, Saazzi bent over to allow Whiskers to scamper up her arm and take up position on her shoulders... Chuckling in amusement, as the little rat hissed defiantly over at the Merchant King, Saazzi offered him a little treat and then looked up at the Merchant King to say confidently, "You would not even know he was about unless he starts making noises to attract attention. If I were to want to, I could send this little harmless rat into your vaults; where you keep all of you precious coins, and have him start tossing them back into his nest, so that he could bring them back out to me later on. I could also use him to deliver potent poisons onto all of your foods and you would never even notice, since I would have him put the poisons on your food after it was already served. Not to mention, that if I really just wanted to tweak your little nose, I could have Whiskers here go into all the rooms where you keep important documents and have him tears them all apart to make nesting material with. That is how Dark Creatures wage war with others." Growing tense when he realized that Saazzi quite literally had him right where she wanted him, the Merchant King then grew confident once more after one of his "magical" advisers notified him of something... Passing several Full-Silver coins over into the Warlock's hand, the Merchant King just smiled evilly as he said, "Well, I never had put much thought towards that, since most people prefer to quickly move on from Dark Creatures in favor of Demons or the Undead abominations that humans so favor, but now I no longer need to worry about that, since I can pay someone to protect my home from spiritual invasions!" The Warlock then stepped down away from the Merchant King and conducted a summoning ritual for a powerful Greater Twisted Daemon... But, as the summoned Demon placed the castle of the Merchant King under it's protection, the Merchant King flinched in shock when none of Saazzi's Dark Creatures were forced to flee from the presence of the "Greater Twisted Daemon"... Breaking out into laughter when the Merchant King began to look over at the Warlock and demand an explanation, eventually Saazzi recovered enough to answer the Merchant King's demands, "Both of these creatures are contracted to protect me and are not spiritual beings... each of my allies are quite alive and that allows them to defy the power now protecting this place. Granted, if your protector were to feel charitable, they might just so happen to warn you of the dangers crawling about your castle, but they will want something in return for their services. I do not need to worry about that, because my pact with Whiskers only requires me to provide him with food when he responds to my call, where as my Whimpering Man-eater was ordered to protect me from anyone I deem an enemy by it's Master, who I am in a contract to merely collect garbage for. Oh, and speaking of the Garbage Eater... I am quite certain that it has been waiting for me to contact it so that it might give you a message." Merely invoking the Garbage Eater's "name", Saazzi was a little surprised when the Whimpering Man-eater was suddenly overcome by a dark aura, but then she realized that the Garbage Eater was still "playing around"... Pretending to be disorientated when he arrived, Bobby shifted the body he was in around erratically and snarled in confusion, while telepathically calling out, "What? Where? Oh right, I'm here still, aren't I? Ugh, I had been hoping things could be resolved without my interference, but I guess I was running out of assassins to gobble up..." Everyone, save for Saazzi, in the room immediately flinched when they heard the Mimic now speaking telepathically, but when the Garbage Eater mentioned assassins, Saazzi suddenly became very worried... Clearing it's throat, all of a sudden, the Garbage Eater began to make strange vocal noises, as if it were trying to "tune" something, before popping open it's top... Choosing to remain as a Greater Mimic, the Garbage Eater eventually took notice of how fearful Saazzi was being towards the outside edges of the room and laughed in a throaty manner, before revealing in mixture of Goblin and Hob-Goblin dialects, "Do not worry, Saazzi Olvuth, the only things you need to be afraid of lurking in the shadows... are what you already know are there..." Suddenly, all around the outer edges of the room, a horde of Goblins stepped out into the light and Bobby had Maynard show up behind the little Goblins as an ominous shadowy figure... The throne room was suddenly filled with the unsettling cackling of the Goblins until Maynard was seen making a "slashing" gesture with one arm and then everything grew eerily silent as the Goblins vanished back into the shadows... Shifting his body around to face the Merchant King, Bobby easily recognized the Hob-Goblin and focused his gaze upon the corrupt ruler, while saying very serious tone, "And they shall remain up there until I have concluded my business here." Tensing when he heard the reason the monster was now in his court, the Merchant King quickly adopted his salesman demeanor, but before he could say a word, the Garbage Eater said in annoyance, "You are now standing in the way of my contractor completing her pact with me and that is not something I will tolerate. I am here today to deliver a warning to you, Merchant King. Saazzi Olvuth is under my protection and instead of choosing to come attack you, I am here for... diplomatic purposes. You already know what my contractor is asking for, yes?" Not even really listening to what the creature was saying, the Merchant King just put his hands together in front of his face and closed his eyes as he leaned forward to ask, "What's your price, monster? Name it and I will gladly meet your price! I can be a much better contractor than this peasant!" Opening his mouth a little wider, Bobby stunned everyone by lashing out with his tongue and slamming his tongue into the wall behind the Merchant King, with his tongue being a mere fraction of an inch from touching the Merchant King's skin... Retracting his tongue in a very slow manner, Bobby wordlessly dared anyone in the room to attack him while doing so, but the dark aura surrounding his chest made certain that no one was foolish enough to answer that challenge... Once his tongue was back inside his body, Bobby got right back to business by saying firmly, "You have angered me twice now, Merchant King. The first time, I merely took a bite out of your army and chased you out of my home, but this time I am going to be taking more. You can contact the Ukima Guild-master to learn the full extents of my territory, but suffice to say that Loct's Claim and the sounding caves in that mountain region all belong to ME! As a Dark Creature, however, I am only worshiped by the dark monsters living within those caves, but do not think for a second that I won't come out of my cave to crush you if you get in the way of their pact with me! You might think that you are safe here amid your money, valuables and bodyguards, but you can go ask Trade Prince Prysea the cost of crossing me if you are ever really curious about that." Holding his tongue wisely, the Merchant King quite clearing understood that this was no longer a negotiation anymore and he was simply there to listen to the demands of something fully capable of killing him without any effort, as the Garbage Eater went on, "There shall be no price for my services, you have earned my wrath and only continue to sit upon your throne because I do not wish to antagonize an entire nation into hunting me. I live in Loct's Claim and I like being left alone, very simple, yet there are many who cannot understand such a simple desire. Now then, my contractor has asked you for full rank as a Trade Prince and the rights to operate within her designated jurisdiction without being hounded by you at every step for your two Quarter-Brass PENNIES! You have thus denied her this and have declared that she must pay taxes just like every other individual here. However, I must ask, do you charge tax of the Goblins living in your kingdom, or how about the Uroks who have laid claim to several mines all over these lands. Then, what about Adventurers, hm? I thought that being an Adventurer meant that you were free of such things as taxes to a King, since you would have to pay taxes in order to buy things that cannot be made by an Adventurer's own hands. That makes what you are doing to Saazzi here, a crime, yes?" Puffing out his chest, the Merchant King got up out of his seat and screamed angrily down at the monster, "Don't think you can come in here and start talking to me about right and wrong, monster! You commit crimes all the time and what happens to you?" Stretching out one tongue threateningly and causing the Merchant King to dart behind his throne, Bobby then radiated a malevolent aura and roared back, "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO MONSTERS WHO GO ABOUT THEIR DAILY LIVES? Let me tell you... I get to deal with idiots coming into my home and smacking me awake almost daily, but that happens less now, since I have become a monster with such a fearsome reputation. You wish to know what makes me feel like I have the right to come in here and tell you what I think, heh, well that is quite simple... I HAVE THE POWER TO LAY WASTE TO YOUR ENTIRE KINGDOM IF I SO DESIRED! Which means that you might wanna start listening to me before I lose my temper and what little self-restraint I still possess." Growling angrily as he got up, the Merchant King reached into his cloak and drew out a bulging bag of coin, as he proclaimed, "This bag of Silver to any who can put down this infuriating monster!" All around Bobby, the mercenaries that the Merchant King had on his payroll swiftly began to draw their blades and charged forward... In response, Bobby just activated Berserking and used Luck-of-the-Draw to determine the "multiplier" for his Berserking ability... Thankfully, the rage affect from the skill was applied to the Whimpering Man-eater instead of to Bobby and allowed him to control the fury of his servant. Unlike normal, where Warriors and Protectors would charge in to keep the monster distracted, this battle was more of a slaughter for the Adventurers. The Merchant King could only watch in horror as Warriors worth their weight in Silver coin and Protectors he spent hundreds of Silver coins on to equip with the best gear possible were reduced to lunch for a single lesser creature of Darkness. Even worse, however, was the way that the Mimic was using the "corpses" of the fallen Warriors and Protectors to defend itself against the magic blasts being cast by his magic using bodyguards... Quickly taking down anyone who tried to "attack" him, Bobby was hoping that he would not have to continue this little charade, but when that thought caused Luck-of-the-Draw to activate all on it's own, Bobby grew very annoyed at the "negative" result the dice landed upon... After watching others fall to the might of the Mimic invading the Merchant King's throne room, one of the Warlocks went over to him and asked in a concerned voice, "Would you like me to try and summon one of the most powerful Demons I currently know of? I will warn you that I may not be able to control the Demon after summoning it..." Whipping his head over towards the fool asking permission to rid his home of the pest currently infesting it, the Merchant King snarled angrily, "Do what you have to or else consider yourself fired!" Backing away quickly, the Elf Warlock turned away from the Merchant King and allowed his true feelings towards the arrogant cash cow to be seen... The Great Corrupter Daemon saw "that" look and quickly stiffened in alarm as it's summoner stormed over towards it... Reaching up to take hold of the Daemon's ear, the Warlock dragged the Demon's head down and angrily snapped at his servant, "The King wishes to be rid of this pest... I know that you do not wish to share with me the name of your Master, but I will need you to help me to create the proper summoning ritual..." Wordlessly nodding it's head once, the Daemon moved away from where the Merchant King's throne sat and began to create the proper ritual for summoning it's Master... The Warlock who had begun the summoning ritual then went around and gathered others to aid him in bringing for the Demon he intended to use to rid the throne room of the pesky Mimic... When the ritual was complete, a Destroyer rank Gallu Lord was called forth and became very angry right off the bat, but as the rest of the Warlocks struggled to contain his fury, the Elf responsible for starting the ill-fated summoning attempt cried out, "Demon Lord! I know that you are upset over being disturbed, but please direct your attention towards the reason why we have summoned you!" Still fighting against the binding of the Warlocks, the Gallu Destroyer eventually turned his attention towards where the Elf speaking to him was pointing and was angered even further when all he saw as the "reason" why he had been disturbed was a pathetic Mimic... As he turned back towards the vermin that dared to drag him from the events happening in the Demonic Veil, the Gallu Destroyer suddenly had a moment of "clarity" and quickly shifted his gaze over towards his cringing servant... The Greater Corrupter Daemon just lowered it's head and said telepathically through it's link to the Gallu Destroyer, "Please forgive me, Master, but I am currently expending my power to watch over this place and so I am unable to aid in the battle against that thing... Do not let your eyes deceive you, my Lord, that Mimic can speak both mortal tongue and in the manner of which we are currently speaking..." Hearing that caused the Gallu's eyes to widen slightly, as he remembered several chilling rumors about a Mimic that had drawn the attention of another Demon Lord and then he began to smile wickedly as he thought about what would happen if he were to successfully steal the prey of another Demon Lord... Turning back to the Elf who summoned him, the Gallu still did not look very happy, but reluctantly said, "I shall aid you this one time, mortal, but do not expect me to be quite so compliant the next time you dare to call me forth!" With that, the Gallu Destroyer suddenly broke free from the magic attempting to keep him restrained and charged towards the Mimic with a loud bellow... By that time, Bobby had finished off the remaining attackers assaulting him and was caught by surprise when the Gallu Destroyer suddenly blind-sided him... Hearing the pained scream of the Mimic as it was sent flying, the Merchant King quickly began to cry out triumphantly and began to order about the Gallu Destroyer; like the creature was any other summoned creature brought into his service by the Warlocks, but then the Gallu whirled towards him to yell, "BE QUIET, insect, and be very grateful that I am not snapping your neck right now! That creature isn't dead yet... it's not even winded, despite taking the full force of my strength... how curious..." Suddenly hearing a "savage" cry from the direction that the Mimic went flying off towards, the Gallu Destroyer turned towards the dark creature warily... The Whimpering Man-eater then charged forward, free from Bobby's control, to attack the Gallu Destroyer as it went on a rampage and it's tantrum removed the buffed Berserking effect that Bobby had on it... Hardly even grunting as the Greater Mimic began to slam against it's body with almost pitiful attacks, the Gallu Destroyer was quite confused before suddenly yelling in frustration as he punched the Mimic away, "AWAY, you miserable Mimic! Where is the one I was summoned here to battle? You could not have been so strong that I was forced to come here to combat you." As Bobby was drifting there in confusion, Alyse glided down next to him and said in a consoling manner, "I don't think that you will be able to come through this encounter without having to reveal yourself and become a God in your own right... The Merchant King will not listen to you otherwise." Letting out a heated sigh, as Alyse disappeared, Bobby connected himself to Saazzi's mind and telepathically spoke to her in his normal voice, "I think that it is time I finally made my appearance." Looking all around in confusion, Saazzi called out fearfully, "Garbage Eater? I-is that you?" Chuckling in response to her confusion, Bobby just kindly replied, "I cannot always be a dark monster, you know? It gets ever so tiring... but yes, this is the Garbage Eater... but as you can probably guess... I am not just some mere Mimic. Now then, let us move on with this little charade we have going on..." Jumping in fright when the Whimpering Man-eater went flying past her, Saazzi turned to watch the wounded Mimic get pulled into the Shadowed Cleft, thus leaving her all alone... Turning around quickly when the Gallu Destroyer began to stomp over towards her, Saazzi quickly drew out her summoning dagger and drew a line across her hand quickly... Stopping when he saw that action, the Gallu Destroyer suddenly became aware of the presence he had felt when he struck the Mimic the first time, as Saazzi cried out desperately, " By my covenant with you, here now my call and appear before me, Garbage EATER!" In response, the Merchant King just burst out laughing and began to mockingly ask Saazzi what she expected to do with yet another summoned Dark Creature... Suddenly, the Gallu Destroyer turned around to glare back at the Merchant King and growled fiercely, "Silence, insect! You do not know what it means for a Dark Creature to be summoned by a pact, rather than merely being invoked by name... The different is like night and day for creatures of Darkness... With a name you can command their spirit and bind them to your will, but when properly summoned... you are not just merely commanding a soul to take form in the shape you desire... you are calling forth a living being of pure shadow..." All of a sudden, the Gallu's head whipped down towards the ground and as everyone else followed the Demon's attention, they were all horrified to find that their shadows had been "transformed" into a hunched over looking figure... As the purely shadow being twisted upright, an unsettling smile stretched across it's face and could only be seen from the way that the floor underneath the figure was now visible... Then, after seeing all of it's prey, the Shadow Wraith suddenly flipped around to where it was now between the Gallu Destroyer and Saazzi. As the Destroyer turned to follow it's movements, the Shadow Wraith suddenly opened up a shadowy gateway and began to crawl inside as something rose up from within. That was the point when the Merchant King gasped in horror upon seeing the original Whimpering Man-eater and scrambled fearfully back behind his throne to hide. Once his body had fully risen into the throne room, Bobby began to let out a hissing breathing sound, before calling out eerily in his regular raspy voice, "I can still see you, Merchant King, and I shall be having words with you in just a moment!" Slamming one fist into the ground in anger, the Gallu Destroyer looked quite insulted and cried out in an angry manner, "You make it sound like I am not even a threat to you! What makes you think you can just treat me like some common Shapeshifter?" Shifting over towards the Demon, Bobby slightly warped his body upwards; as if he were sizing up the Destroyer, before breaking out into hysterical laughter, then as Bobby started manifesting arms, he replied, "Oh~ I couldn't even tell that you were dangerous... Hmph, well in that matter..." In an instant, Bobby equipped the majority of his Mythical Weapons and even numerous pieces of Mythical armor, just to show the Demon how screwed it really was... As the overwhelming might of the Mimic resting before him came into the picture, the Gallu Destroyer suddenly began to reevaluate the odds of his survival, as the Garbage Eater hissed vengefully, "I don't like demons and I don't very much like having a bunch of people knowing what I am... So all of you are going to die and be devoured by me now. This is not personal, mind you, it's just that you chose to make yourselves into the enemies of my contractor when she summoned me! By my pact with Saazzi Olvuth, when she invokes my pact with her, all enemies that I kill for her become my food! You all have brought this upon yourselves!" At first, no one really believed what the Mimic was saying, but then they all witnessed the way that Garbage Eater carved up the Gallu Destroyer and the Warlocks watched in horror as the soul of the Demon was consumed by a "lesser" creature of darkness... Once the danger had been made real, all of the mortals attempted to rush back out of the throne room, but they quickly found that all the doors to the chamber were coated with webbing on the outside. Even worse, however, was when a group of frantic Fire Mages burned their way through one set of doors and were immediately sucked into a mass of dark shadows swirling around the hallway that connected all entries to the throne room. The tortured screams that came from within those shadows horrified the rest of the surviving bodyguards of the Merchant King, but then the shadows began to flow into the throne room. All of the survivors screamed in terror and tried to climb high enough on the raised platform the Merchant King sat upon to avoid their untimely demise, but that only put them in a more vulnerable position... Reaching forth from the shadows, which quickly rose high enough to shroud the Garbage Eater from sight, the Mimic then hurled the remaining enemies it had come to devour into the darkness and smiled as they were all transported right into his stomach... Thankfully, once his enemies were all consumed, the Garbage Eater dispersed the darkness flowing into the room and sent away his body. That was when the three remaining Hob-Goblins were allowed to see the true nature of the Garbage Eater, but Saazzi was the only one who was not horrified by what was seen. Kruq, who had thankfully found himself within a bubble of safety when the room was flooded with darkness, now stared with jaw wide open at the living entity of pure darkness walking out before him. Then, to make a real statement, Bobby swung out his hands at the windows on either side of the room around him and allowed daylight to come pouring into the room... When standing in full sunshine did not even phase the dark creature, both Kruq and the Merchant King swallowed fearfully as the truth of what they were facing dawned on them... Walking calmly forward in the sunlight, Bobby was overjoyed about not feel like he was dying anymore when sunlight touched him, but those feelings of elation had to be put to the side, as he came before the Merchant King to demand, "What more evidence do you need, you fool? Can you not understand it now?" Looking down at the Mythical class monster, one of unknown power and abilities, the Merchant King was at a lose for words, but then the Shadow-man looked off to one side, while saying towards the other pale-faced Hob-Goblin, "You may relax, I mean no harm towards your King. I am merely here to establish my domain, as well as to make certain that this oaf knows my rules and~ understands the consequences for breaking them." For half a second, while he was growling out that there was a "price" to be paid for breaking his rules, the Shadow-man shifted into a more vengeful monstrous form... As the Shadow-man returned to looking up at the Merchant King, however, Kruq could unmistakably tell that the creature was still staring over at him, even before the Shadow-man said, "Now correct me if I am wrong, but did you not say, earlier, that the Merchant King is not allowed to tax Adventurers?" After seeking out Saazzi permission to become involved, Kruq walked across the throne room and took up position below the Merchant King, while saying in an exasperated tone, "Yes~ this has been something I have constantly argued over with the Merchant King, but he always has an excuse about why some Adventurer perished and he somehow managed to obtain whatever expensive item or valuables they held afterwords... The Merchant King is not allowed to tax Adventurers because we are a neutral body and therefore do not belong to his country, but the Merchant King believes that just means he has too use monsters to enforce his will upon us." Taking up a contemplative posture, the Shadow-man made a grumbling noise, like he was thinking, before declaring in a matter-of-fact tone, "Hm, well then, I guess that just leaves me with only one thing left to do. For the ears of those within this room, I, the Garbage Eater, now lay claim to this entire Kingdom and all of the garbage within! Those who do not wish to obey my rules may choose to leave or remain, but those who remain will have to deal with constant assault from my minions!" Right off the bat, the Merchant King tried to scoff at the claims of a monster, but then he suddenly felt the power of the entity before him explode outwards and fell back in terror as the "shadows" all around him began to chuckle eagerly as monstrous Goblins from all over began to appear... Bobby's power then carried his proclamation all throughout the Hob-Goblin Nation and every dark creature in the country all turned to bow their heads towards him out of respect for his absolute power... Those who only bowed to continue fitting in, however, were quickly singled out by the now protected monsters and the traitors were quickly torn apart. Casting the bodies of those traitors into the nearby shadows, all the monsters gladly threw off the shackles binding them to the likes of the Trade Princes and raised their voices in praise to their new guardian deity. Bobby then had those bodies dragged through the shadows and brought to the throne room of the Merchant King, where he then summoned up his original body. Asking for someone to come out of the Shadowed Cleft to act as the Garbage Collecting "Mimic" in his place, Bobby happily invested some of his immense power into the dark spirit that answered his call and then placed that soul within his armor... As the Garbage Eater went about it's duties and collected all of the "garbage" offered to it by those who now worshiped it's name... Turning back towards the freaked out Hob-Goblins, Bobby reached down to comfort Saazzi first and then said, "From now on, I will not be the Garbage Eater, unless I just so happen to be inside this body here! This Mimic now holds my old name, you made now refer to me as the Shadow of Vengeance, for when I sense the lose of life among my dark worshipers, I shall be coming to claim my dues from those who have wronged them. If they are smart, then those who kill Dark Creatures will quickly take what loot they can locate and will leave after that. I will then come by and reclaim the bodies of the fallen, so that I might provide my worshipers with new bodies to continue worshiping me in. Their form of worship will be very simple; they will collect garbage for me and if they just so happen to destroy an enemy village... then they should have plenty of garbage to harvest for me!" Listening closely to the Shadow of Vengeance, Kruq began to smile wickedly as he started to understand the dark creature's game, even as Bobby spelled out what he wanted for the Merchant King to understand in no uncertain terms, "This means that you shall now have to rely upon Adventurers even more, your majesty, unless you believe you have enough coin to hire enough retired Adventurers to protect every city within your Kingdom? I do not care if you pay Adventurers to protect your investments, but just know that if you decide to continue those underhanded practices of yours, you will have to do so with sentient beings from now on. No more shall you be able to manipulate creatures from the shadows and then send in your forces to claim what the Monsters unknowingly pillaged. If you want something, then you'll just have to obtain the power or permission to lay claim to it, otherwise, those monsters will bring whatever they loot to me instead of to you." Clenching his fists as he was being told to act properly, the Merchant King had nothing but venom in his eyes as he shifted his attention over towards Saazzi, but then the Shadow-man then moved one arm out in front of Saazzi and declared calmly, "You will not have anything more to do with my Oracle, Merchant King, not unless you want to find yourself penniless and without the funding you require just to be able to keep this lavish estate of yours." When the Merchant King opened his mouth to fight back against the Shadow-man, Bobby in turn reached forward into a shadow portal and pulled out a "priceless" item from the Merchant King's collection... Gasping in shock when he saw that item, the Merchant King immediately developed a cold sweat when Kruq also reacted to the sight of the Legendary Bloodlust Daggers held by the Shadow-man, as Bobby said like he had not noticed anything, "Don't believe that anything you have is safe from me... the shadows of this world are now mine to control and there is nothing you can call upon in this world that can counter my powers. Even these daggers here... as expensive as they might be, they are but trash to me!" Tucking the daggers inside his shadowy body, Bobby made careful note of the "vengeful" glare that Kruq pointed up at the Merchant King, before the Outpost-master's eyes were filled with grief... Squaring off against the Merchant King once more, Bobby placed a hand down upon Saazzi's head and said while rubbing her head fondly, "Saazzi Olvuth, here, will be the only Hob-Goblin that may safely and freely travel within the borders of my Kingdom! Every other wagon had best have some high quality defenders or else they might just become the next offering my minions bring to me next time Saazzi comes to visit me. You will allow Saazzi her rights as an Adventurer and if you do not, then you will find chunks of your valuables missing each time you impede her. She understands how the world of darkness works and how to give the proper respect to those who have the power to demand such. You, on the other hand, are such a pitiful little creature, Merchant King, and only remain in power because I have seen fit to continue allowing you to pretend that you rule these lands. Cross me again and you will start to learn the same lesson that I taught to Trade Prince Prysea, when one of her traitorous minions harmed one of my allies. If you are smart, then you will clean up your act and quit trying to be the King of Darkness or else you'll find yourself facing true monsters of the shadows." Too make that point crystal clear, Bobby had his three "named" allies come walk out into the throne room from the shadows around the outside of the room... However, in addition to those three, Bobby suddenly found Dark Creatures from all over the Shadowed Cleft coming forth to answer his call and soon the Merchant King found the throne room filled with an army of mighty creatures; some of which he could not even bring himself to look at... Then Bobby felt something rising behind him and at first he thought that Alyse had merely come to congratulate him, but instead of feeling her sensual touch, Bobby felt a chilling sensation spread out across his body. Without physically turning around, Bobby shifted his attention behind him to where a mass of shadows were suddenly expanding out from within his own shadow. Much to his surprise, the other shadowy beings were also unaffected by the sunlight pouring into the room, but he just attributed that to them merely being connected to his own shadow and therefore were able to protect themselves from the light with his power. Little did Bobby know that the dark spirits pouring out from within his shadows were actually immune to the light because of the fact that he had laid claim to the lands of the Merchant King... After explaining how the relationship would be between him, Saazzi and the Merchant King would remain from then on, Bobby made his dislike of the Merchant King crystal clear... After laying down the law, quite literally, for the Merchant King, Bobby then listened as the Merchant King complained unhappily, "How am I supposed to just allow her to waltz about as she pleases? Everyone else has to pay taxes! Do you have any idea just how expensive running this Kingdom is?" Chuckling over at the Merchant King, Bobby gave the King a look devoid of any mercy and replied, "I don't have a single clue as to how difficult it is to rule this Kingdom, but that is because I choose not to bother myself with such things. I am a collector of things both shiny and precious, but I am too greedy with my collection to allow others to see any of it. I also do not like getting stabbed in the back, so I do not show off my collection either. Instead of believing that I am safe, just because I have the power to be so overconfident, I have chosen to make myself safe enough to do as I please. You are just a little rat, who probably had naught but two brass pennies to your name and vowed to make yourself the richest rat in this Kingdom. You probably then started cutting deals and backstabbing anyone who stood in the way of your riches, until you finally stood on top, but I'm guessing that you hurried much to quickly to get to the top and are now paying for your past actions... right?" Smiling when he saw the Merchant King look down to the left side of the throne room, Kruq just smiled vindictively as he took a stab at the Hob-Goblin ruler, "You don't know the half of it. Our dear Merchant King was forced to make extremely poor deals with the other Trade Princes; who had been keeping him on the throne to ensure such deals remain in place indefinitely, since the Merchant King only gets a tiny portion of the money other Trade Princes bring in. That is why he feels the need to try taxing Adventurers to keep his own coffers filled, because if he did not, then he would not be able to retain even one of those bodyguards he was handing out Full-Silver coins to like pieces of candy." Giving the Merchant King an unfavorable glower, but before Kruq could say a word, Bobby merely said in a cold tone, "Well then, maybe now you will try your best to come up with other ways to remain the rich and powerful ruler of these lands, because now that I control the monsters of these lands, even your supporters might find themselves in dire straights when they can no longer just simply reclaim their lost cargo after extorting their buyers. Ugh, I only came here to see if I could not persuade you to leave Saazzi here alone... now thanks to you, I now have more work to do..." Having been weighing his odds the entire time, the Merchant King suddenly brought out a "crystalline" coin that was practically glowing with the mighty of Heaven itself... Immediately sensing such power within his presence, Bobby slowly turned his attention back towards the Merchant King and stared over at the ruler in anticipation of what the fool would try to pull next... Holding out the coin between his thumb and the middle knuckle of his index finger, the Merchant King said very reluctantly, "I had always hoped to never need to use this thing, but you have forced my hand, monster. I will not just sit idly by while you take over my kingdom. These are my lands, which I work very hard to maintain... perhaps I do not always do things according to the laws in other countries, but this is my kingdom and everyone must pay! If I let one coin slip through my fingers... how am I supposed to prevent myself from losing all of my coin?" Kruq, Saazzi and Bobby all tensed when they heard the resounding ping from the mystical coin being flicked out onto the ground before the Merchant King, but only Bobby could "sense" the "Mythical" item unleashing it's power upon the ground... Suddenly, a beacon of pure light blasted forth from the coin itself and a hole was torn in the roof of the chamber, as the Merchant King defiantly cried, "I invoke the favor you owe unto me, Bernard, Virtuous Entity of Humility! Destroy the darkness that seeks to encroach upon my domain!" Having heard the one voice he had wished to never have anything to do with again, one of the more powerful beings of Heaven, Bernard, reluctantly left his position within the Heavenly Realm to go see what a certain Hob-Goblin needed from him this time... Appearing before the Merchant King and immediately sensing the pride that had been imbued into the very stones around him, Bernard let out a frustrated sigh, before asking in a tone of exasperation, "Have you still not learned your lesson, Gilbert Eriesb? So~ who have you angered this time?" Growing annoyed with the way Bernard was chastising him, the Merchant King firmly stood his ground before the Heavenly Virtue and replied while pointing off behind the Virtuous Entity, "Behind you stands the perpetrators and the favor I ask of you is to expunge them from my Kingdom!" Sighing tiredly over the way Gilbert Eriesb still acted like the mortal had command over anything he threw enough money at, Bernard turned around to face the enemies of the Merchant King and immediately seized up at the "sight" awaiting him... Swallowing nervously as he looked outside the insignificant beacon of light he had appeared in and was having to maintain using all of his strength, Bernard developed a cold sweat when he found himself staring into the "origin" of the dark abyss now angrily glaring over at him... Much to the surprise of all the Hob-Goblins watching the interactions between the two elementally opposed beings, Bernard respectfully lowered his head towards the Shadow of Vengeance and then turned to glance back at the Merchant King, as he whispered furiously, "You would ask me to do the impossible, Gilbert Eriesb! Even if you had contacted me before your enemy laid claim to the lands surrounding me, I would have still been in for a long and hard battle... one that I am not even certain that I would win... This creature, you think to have me merely smite like a dustmite, is a step higher than I currently stand among the Heavens and is currently standing within it's own territory! I do not even have the right to strike such a creature!" Sensing that the spiritual being was going to flee, Bobby suddenly reached out and closed up the hole that Bernard had made to enter into his domain, but when that made the Virtuous Entity freak out, the Spirit of Vengeance said calmly, "You have chosen to respect me, when the situation calls for the opposite... I mean you no harm, I am only seeking to prevent you from leaving before you can hear my message!" Even though the other creature did not speak Bernard's name, the Virtuous Being suddenly felt himself become "rooted" in place by the words of the superior being and no longer felt like he was having to exert all of his strength just to keep his beacon of light in existence... Once Bernard had calmed down and no longer looked like a trapped wolf trying to gnaw off it's own leg to escape, Bobby needlessly declared, "I have claimed these lands for myself and now rule over all shadows within this Kingdom. All who look to the shadows for safety now worship me and therefore, to attack the creatures within my domain without just cause will result with ME hunting you down... no matter where you scurry off too! I have suffered from the aggression of your kind in the past and I have survived... but now I merely wish to be left alone. The message I want you to take up to your friends is this: these lands belong to the shadows and if I catch anyone trying to scorch the earth here to chase away the shadows... I WILL DEVOUR YOUR SOULS! Do I make myself clear?" Quickly nodding his head in response, Bernard had no questions about whether or not the Dark Abyss standing before him would be capable of snuffing out his light or that of any other Heavenly Creature, but then he worriedly asked, "Um, what if we are summoned to the side of a mortal to aid them in battle against your dark children in these lands?" Smiling, Bobby just flourished his left hand out to the side of his body and created multiple shadowy appendages; each carrying a God-quality Mythical Weapon, as he said vindictively, "Then you had better be prepared for a fight, cause I like my rest to be undisturbed. I did not mean to say that you would be devoured for merely responding to a call for aid from a mortal, I only meant that if the Heavens ever decide to come down here again and scour the Shadowed Cleft from these lands... the Shadowed Cleft will in turn bare it's fangs at you! If you are summoned to defend a mortal, then fulfill your task and begone, to do otherwise is to incite my wrath!" When the Shadow of Vengeance stated the "price" one would pay for overstepping their boundaries, Bernard paled when he heard the very "shadows" around him start to "hiss" at even a being such as HIM... Growing worried over that, Bernard respectfully asked, "What will happen to those you devour? I-I only ask because I know how those underneath me in the Heavens will act if they are called to this place..." Knowing he had the Heavenly Entity scared shitless of him right then, Bobby decided to tone things down a bit and so calmly stated, "I will be consuming their soul in whatever manner I deem adequate for the aggravation they caused within my domain and then what is left shall be spat out. If they truly earn my ire, then they may wind up being turned into a Mimic and will then get to learn what I have to go through each time one of them comes stomping about in my territory! I will not force them to remain as a Mimic, however, so when they perish they will be broken free from my control. I just do not want any of you thinking that you can just pay-the-price and walk away without there being any hard feelings... I am a Dark God, in case you have not noticed." Laughing nervously, Bernard just nervously replied, "Do not worry, I am well aware of what you currently stand before me as... and I shall do my best to impress upon the others to leave your lands alone... but, if you were to ever leave..." Chuckling when he noticed how nervous Bernard was becoming, Bobby just darted over into the Garbage Eater and assumed full control over the physical body once more, as he declared in a challenging manner, "I would just love to see any of you bastards even DARE to challenge the might I wield!" To make his point crystal clear, Bobby pulled out a small "portion" of his arsenal and displayed to Bernard that he was one "dark creature" not to be messed with lightly... Bernard got the "message" that the Shadow of Vengeance was really trying to convey and vowed to never disrespect the "power" of darkness again, as he happily retreated back to the safety of Heaven quickly, but while he was returning to Heaven, Bernard was forced to stop as he felt "shadows" reaching out to take hold of the coin he had bequeathed to Gilbert Eriesb... Knowing that Bernard was well aware of what he was doing, the Garbage Eater pulled the coin over into one of her hands, as she rose up out of her chest, while saying over to the Merchant King in an annoyed manner, "You are very fortunate that the Angel you just summoned showed me the proper respect, otherwise I would have removed you from that bothersome throne of yours! Now then, because you have continued to disrespect me; despite my demonstrations of power, the price you shall pay this time will be losing this coin you gained in order to demand a favor from a being of great power. Also, " suddenly, the Garbage Eater was holding the bag of coin that the Merchant King had used to spur his bodyguards into action with, "I will be taking this tithing from you as well." While Bobby made everyone believe she had tucked both of what she "claimed" inside her body, Bernard felt an immense sense of relief when he felt the Shadow of Vengeance destroy the coin used to call forth his aid... Bobby already had other plans for the marvelous coin he had just obtained and stepped back out from within the Mimic as he began to have his own set of Mythical Coins be made for later use... When the Merchant King began to cry out in protest, Bobby just looked over at him with such disfavor, that the Hob-Goblin's own shadow began to threaten to kill him, before the Shadow of Vengeance said angrily, "Continue to show me a lack of respect and I just might choose to deal with the frustration of turning your whole Kingdom against me, Gilbert Eriesb!" Unlike before; when Bernard had spoken the Merchant King's "actual" name, this time around, Gilbert was forced to fall to his hands and feet before the God standing in the chamber with him... Returning to the Garbage Eater body he had made, Bobby placed back on all of his armor and then declared to the Merchant King, "I have allowed you to continue holding that throne of yours, be grateful for that. We'll just have to wait and see just how long you can keep hold of that throne of yours without the freedom to extort your own people anymore. The creatures of Darkness are your slaves no longer! We will become our own people, separate from those who would try to enslave us! If you wish to call upon our powers from now on, you will have to do so with the respect we deserve... otherwise you will find yourself being stabbed in the back by a shadow that is not yours!" Sprouting legs at that point, the Garbage Eater slowly began to thump it's way out of the throne room, with Saazzi scurry over right behind him... Kruq made certain to glare back over at the Merchant King, in order to make certain that Gilbert knew that he was not finished condemning the actions of the Merchant King, before running off after the Garbage Eater...
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 13 – Return to Gisslestad After exiting the throne room, Saazzi took up position in front of "her" Mimic and guided the Garbage Eater over to the safety of the Guild Outpost along the private route used by Adventurers coming out from the Outpost... Thankful when no guards would come within sight of her or the Mimic behind her, Saazzi froze up when she suddenly heard her name called out by someone behind her. Whirling around in fear, Saazzi was quickly relieved when she saw that Kruq was the one calling out to her and waited for the Outpost-master to catch up. The first Kruq did was lecture her about how foolish she had been in taking on the Merchant King on her own and Saazzi knew better than talk back to Kruq. Once he was finished, however, Saazzi politely said, "Uh, Kruq, I actually did not want to even leave the Garbage Eater's home... but, uh, It wanted to give a message to the Merchant King, as well as, ensure that I would be able to fulfill my end of our pact with one another..." Flinching when he heard just who had come up with the plan to fight back against the Merchant King, Kruq was relieved when the Garbage Eater calmly stated, "I never planned to place Saazzi in any danger and I was watching out for from the shadows even before she called out to me. The Merchant King is going to have to do a lot of bargaining now that he has lost nearly all of his bodyguards and all of the monster groups he once held sway over. He might still have some bandits under his control, but I'll make certain they do not cause too much trouble... my naps are very important to me!" Breaking out into a wide grin and laughing, Kruq eventually said in a jubilant tone, "I have never met a monster so fixated on sleeping peacefully, other than that Yeti I had the misfortune to run into while exploring the mountains of the Canine Beastkin Tribe, but even then... Heh, by the way... thank you for showing me the truth about what happened to my brother... I'll make certain to give the Merchant King hell for what he has been doing all this time to maintain his coffers. Taxes are one thing, but extortion and murder are another thing! He might be a King, but there are some things not even Kings can get away with. I'll also make certain to warn away any would-be explorers trying to enter your home, Garbage Eater!" Chuckling in response to Kruq's promise of keeping away Adventurers, the Garbage Eater just deviously replied, "Oh come on now, where's the fun in that? Besides, I have already taken measures to ensure that my home is well defended. Also, do not be afraid to do your job in sending Adventurers out to clear out monster dens... I am a Dark God, remember? I do not need my subjects growing fat and lazy! Just remember this though, all Adventurers who clear out monster dens here in the Kingdom of the Hob-Goblins had better grab their loot and get out! Cause I will be coming along to collect the garbage that remains and return any dark creatures who wish to be reborn back to life in the remains of that nest. They'll rebuild their strength and then go out collecting garbage once more. I won't punish Adventurers for doing what they normally do, but that's just because my children will do their best to stop the Adventurers from getting away with their tribute for me." Slowly gaining a better understanding of just what kind of God the Garbage Eater was going to be, Kruq then asked curiously, "Might I then ask about any... uh... rules I should advise the others about when exploring your home?" Thinking for a moment, Bobby chuckled happily and then began heading in the direction that Saazzi had been leading him in... When Kruq called out after him, the Garbage Eater just twisted back towards the two confused Hob-Goblins and asked in amusement, "What? Do you really expect me to explain my home twice?" After having to take a moment to think about what the Garbage Eater meant, Kruq began to laugh as he chased after the Mimic with Saazzi... Later, within the main hall of the Guild Outpost, all the Adventurers within the Outpost had gathered to hear an announcement concerning their strange "guest"... After Kruq gave introductions and warnings about how the other Adventurers should behave, the Garbage Eater thumped out onto the stage until it reached the center of the stage, then the Garbage Eater rose out from within her chest to say, "If any of you wanna come and visit me at my home in Loct's Claim, then you're gonna have to make it through my shadow maze. I'm not gonna give you any hints about how to get through there, you'll have to learn my tricks for yourselves! The first rule of my shadow maze is that you can only enter once per day! Entering into the maze a second time will result in you walking right smack dab into the center of a monster den filled to the brim with creatures that want to eat you! This means that if you face a challenge within my maze that you cannot defeat and have to retreat, that's it for the day. On the other-hand, if you can pass through my shadow maze, then you will earn the right to come pay me a visit and a second chance to go through my maze again! Just know that each time you successfully complete my shadow maze in a day, the harder it will become to make your way to me! Not only will you face stronger creatures, but you will also face more of them!" Noticing a hand raise up from within the crowd, the Garbage Eater trailed off and looked inquisitively down at the curious Hob-Goblin child raising his hand... Cringing down when the attention of the Garbage Eater fell upon him, the child looked quite reluctant to speak up after that, but after some encouragement from other older Adventurers, the little boy asked nervously, "Um... why exactly would we want to come visit you... uh, just cause if we have to face off against such dangerous monsters..." Smiling at the question, the Garbage Eater stretched out one hand and took away the child's crappy dented short-sword. Despite the child's unhappy protests, the Garbage Eater lived up to her name and crunched down on the poor quality weapon with ease. After a few minutes of listening to the monster digest his weapon, the Hob-Goblin child was greatly surprised when the Garbage Eater suddenly spat back out a regular Iron short-sword and squealed with excitement when the monster gave him that weapon. All the other Adventurers could not help smiling over the way the child was dancing about in excitement in receiving a normal quality weapon and were brought back from reminiscing about their own first weapon upgrades when the Garbage Eater explained, "That is why you will want to come pay me a visit. I am the Garbage Eater, which means that if you feed me garbage, sometimes I can spit out something more worthwhile for you to use. Now, please do not take this to mean that you need to go out and start stealing from everyone, cause I have eyes everywhere!" To make that point perfectly clear, Bobby began to have creatures of darkness call out from shadows all over the main hall... When all the Adventurers tensed up in fear, the Garbage Eater just smiled down at them kindly and said, "Just remember to respect the shadows and the creatures who live in them, by not trying to take over our responsibilities of scaring you all silly! We are the terrors in the darkness, not any of you and if you just happen to forget that while within my territory... well, I'm certain that you will get the message when you start hearing a growling noise coming from your shadows... Now then, onto my next rule: garbage can be anything that you do not feel like you are going to use; either to fight with or to sell for money. That means that when you fight my minions, you can collect their weapons and armor that they have made, in order to present me with an appropriate offering. Just please respect the creatures you kill and only take what you need and leave the rest for me to collect after you move on. The rules for my monsters are much different than the rules for you and that is because they are monsters, while you are sentient living beings. All garbage you bring to me will be used in attempting to upgrade the gear you present to me, but just know that the cost for upgrading gear grows exponentially higher with each upgrade." Seeing another hand go up, the Garbage Eater turned towards the aged Orcish Warrior; who was missing one eye, and the grim-faced experienced Adventurer curiously asked in a gruff sounding voice, "If that is true, then how is someone like me supposed to bring you enough trash to upgrade an Enhanced Weapon? I ask only cause I don't think my back could handle caring a mountain of trash collected from Goblins to ya..." Laughing at the thought of the Orc literally trying to pack around a mountain of weapons, the Garbage Eater eventually settled back down and said with an amused smiled, as she pulled out a strangely colored coin, "Don't worry about that, I was actually about to get to that. I am going to implement a very simple system for keeping track of how much trash you have gathered up. Gray coins will be equal to one piece of garbage, white is equal to fifty pieces, green is one hundred, blue is five hundred, purple is a thousand, orange is five thousand. All of these coins are used to determine how much trash you have collected for me and can be returned to me in order to pay for an upgrade when you have enough. Just so you know, going from poor quality weapons to regular quality will cost you one white coin, but when trying to get an Enchanted piece of gear, you'll have to pay three green coins, but that is only if you want to guarantee what you get!" The crowd had been about to riot over the price jump from regular weapons to Enchanted weaponry, but then they heard about how they could ensure what they received if they paid three hundred pieces of garbage to the Garbage Eater... Now with the crowd's full attention, the Garbage Eater just smiled deviously and went on, "As I was saying, if you want to ensure what kind of gear and enchantment you receive on said piece of gear, it'll cost you more! I do not do this out hatred for you, I am merely a hungry creature that is using what I eat to provide you with items, so if I am having to burn off my fat to give you what your greedy hearts desire... you'd better pay up!" Even though Bobby used a "threatening" tone when demanding the Adventurers give her lots of garbage to get what they wanted, all her tone earned her was amused laughter and eager leers from the crowd of Adventurers... Preferring those kinds of expressions to ones of fear, Bobby then flicked a yellow coin up into the air and said playfully, "No, this is not a gold coin. This coin is something that you might receive on the rarest of occasions and only if you are a regular customer. I have the ability to randomly generate items from the garbage I am presented and if you were to make use of that ability of mine, you will have a chance of getting either a higher grade weapon than the amount of trash you have brought me, a better weapon than what you currently possess or you could receive this coin on the rarest of occasions. This coin will allow you to request a single piece of gear of your own choice and of any quality. If you ever come across one of these coins, you must bring it to me quickly... or else my children might come try and steal it from you for their own usage! Not to mention... that since this looks like a Golden Coin... there will be a lot of greedy people who will try to steal this from you." All of a sudden, the joy and mirth in the room vanished, as all Adventurers within the main hall understood the gravity of what the Garbage Eater was trying to warn them of... Flicking the coin in the air again, the Garbage Eater scanned the entire room before her and said in a serious manner, "I do not intend to hand these coins out very often, but to any who get them, I will caution you against proudly proclaiming what you have found... These coins will be both a blessing and a curse... but should you follow my wishes and start to return to me with these coins in tow, then you shall find solace within the shadows you pass through from then on. While my children may try to steal the coin from you if you do otherwise, when they see you trying to bring me this item, they will do everything in their power to ensure that you bring me this item." Choosing to flick the coin a little "too" hard, the Garbage Eater remained calm as the shadows in the room suddenly lurched outwards to retrieve the coin for their Master... When the Adventurers saw that, they became a little worried, until the Garbage Eater soothed their worries by saying, "My coins are not to be traded or stolen, especially, the Yellow ones. Those guilty of stealing these coins will find themselves being stolen from this world by my minions and shall be offered to me along with the stolen coins. Any of my coins can be used to gain safe passage out of whatever situation you are in by simply flicking or tossing the coins into the shadows for that purpose. This will allow you to escape from dangerous situations and from places you would rather not be, but the coin you use will consumed in the process, so be careful." The grim faces on all the Adventurers told Bobby they all understood her rules and so went back to the rules of her shadow maze, "Now then, back to the rules for entering my home, you can only enter once per day and by completing my maze you can gain a second attempt, only with the challenges you face within being much higher. In each chamber you pass into, there will be a chest sitting in the center of the room. You may either knock on the chest in the hopes of possibly gaining loot or you can kick open the lid of the chest to see what kind of monsters you will have to face and forgo trying your luck. If you test your luck, you may get items or you may get monsters anyways. Items will be determined by your luck and will grow more valuable with each completion, but so will the monsters you face. If you choose not to try your luck, then you have a chance of kicking out a specific type of darkness creature you want to face, but a word of warning... Kicking open the door can sometimes lead to very ANGRY creatures coming out and I doubt that you wish to face a Whimpering Man-eater when it's throwing a temper tantrum." While the crowd of Adventurers nodded, the Garbage Eater then explained how progressing through the maze would work, but left all of the secrets and tricks for the Adventurers to discover for themselves... Kruq was taking down notes and rules as the Garbage Eater continued to explain things to the Adventurers, "Don't think about how quickly you can progress through the maze, because you actually want to be fighting everything you encounter along the way to meeting me so that you have plenty of garbage to bring me. If you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the fight you stand to face after knocking on the chest awaiting you in a room, then all you must do is retreat out into the light. While I may be able walk around in the light without any problem, my children are not nearly as strong or as resilient as me. To ensure your escape, however, all you need to do is leave behind something for my children to collect for me and they will leave you alone to bring me whatever trash is left behind. The way you will know where to run to will be determined by which direction the light from outside my tunnel is pouring in from. Just do your best to remember that once you leave, you cannot return until the next day and that everything left behind in the shadows is mine to claim... including your fallen." When that caused even Kruq to become alarmed, the Garbage Eater just smiled in a diabolical manner, as she flicked up a green coin and said evilly, "For those of you who were worried by what I just said... just remember the use of these coins. If you offer up a coin to the shadows, they shall allow you to escape from whatever situation you find yourself in, but never grow reliant upon this power... the shadows are as greedy as your King, so be sure to pay the full price or risk getting betrayed by the very shadows you seek to use for your own ends!" Those who used or had seen Dark Magic used in excess all grew very serious looking as they heard the warning that the Garbage Eater was giving them... Then, a hand shot up into the air and a relatively new Adventurer suddenly found a bunch of grim faces turning towards him... Flinching in fright, until the Garbage Eater called out to him, the nervous Hob-Goblin Fighter then asked worriedly, "Is it okay if we keep what we find on the monsters we battle? I mean... if it's better than we are currently wearing?" Chuckling at the question, the Garbage Eater Put her hands down against the sides of her imitated body and replied sarcastically, "Why of course not, what fool would go around wielding the weapon of someone stronger than themselves? Ha, ha, ha, oh I am just joking. Actually, I welcome you to try and take the items that my children earn by collecting garbage for me, but just know that if you keep certain items... you may find a very angry child of mine coming after your life. Likewise, you can also just return those items to me when you are able and use them until then, that way you can obtain your own version of that item so you do not have worry about a vengeful dark creature hunting you down for the rest of your life." For some of the Adventurers the thought of having a monster constantly hunting them was not a pleasant idea, where as the Orcish Adventurers, on the other hand, eagerly welcomed the chance to earn a lifelong rival to constantly test their mettle against in life-or-death combat... That caused another hand to go up and this time a lithe looking Rank Five Dark Elf Scout Adventurer stepped forward, albeit in a much more respectful manner, "What if we find better gear that cannot be tailored to our form? I-I ask merely because, even among other Dark Elves, my figure is considered thin in comparison to others." Looking over at the almost Lolita Dark Elf, Bobby quickly became smitten by her cute and meek outward appearance... Quickly moving past her infatuation with the Dark Elf, especially after sensing the shadows of the Shadowed Cleft moving in to abduct the girl, the Garbage Eater just smiled kindly and said, "Well, I can do that myself, but I guess that probably would not work for everyone here, since I'm certain that there will be quite a few of you here that will not be able to reach me for quite some time. So instead, I'll leave behind a child of mine to allow you to alter gear you obtain, but~ these changes will only be to the generic patterns that all artisans of gear make items with. If you need something specifically tailored to your body size or type, then you will need to out and seek the help from someone specialized in making your race's gear. And before you ask, yes, I can remake gear specifically for each and every one of you, but I won't because it is tedious and I don't want to make any more enemies than I already have..." Everyone in the crowd just smiled and laughed at the Garbage Eater's grumblings over the next question many of them were going to "jokingly" ask, then watched curiously as the Garbage Eater "spawned" a completely docile Mimic right inside the Outpost... As the realization of what the Garbage Eater just accomplished settled in, the Adventurers in the room slowly began to grow worried... Choosing not even to address the concerns of the Adventurers, the Garbage Eater instead turned to face them and said, "This Kingdom now belongs to me and I am aware of everything going on within... You are free to act as you have been previously, but just please be aware that the shadows are always watching and are always hungry. If you begin to act like a monster, then you are tossing the dice over whether or not you will be meeting some real monsters the next time you perform some shady deeds. Granted, as Adventurers, you ought to be prepared to be ambushed by monsters at any time! Just think of it as an opportunity to collect more garbage and as a chance to prove that you still deserve to live in the light. I am not an Evil God, I am a Dark God. If you do not mess with me, then I will not mess with you, but do not bother with trying to appease me. I do not care how much you do for me, I will still hunt you down and destroy you utterly if you ever get on my bad side. Even if you were to try to appease me by offering me all of the trash you have in your possession, I would still just take your life and add your corpse to the garbage I would have obtained from you. I do not deal with maybes or possibilities, you will either pay me with your life or you will not get into debt with me. I have no need for any more garbage collectors, my children will collect all the trash I could ever possibly want. What you are doing by bringing me offerings is ensuring that I do not take your intrusion of my home as an act of aggression and respond in equal." While many of Adventurers just began to fearfully look towards the Dark God lurking in their home, some of the more experienced Adventurers understood that the Garbage Eater was merely laying down her "laws" and that they should take those rules to heart if they wish to avoid causing trouble for the Monster... Shortly after getting everything settled in the Jeweled City of the Merchant King, Bobby was overjoyed to be able to pull himself up into Saazzi's wagon and happily went to sleep... While the Dark God slumbered, Saazzi set a quick pace back towards Loct's Claim and just silently prayed that nothing would disturb her on the way home this time around. Little did Saazzi realize what that prayer sparked, nor would she ever know what was lurking within the shadows under her wagon. Whiskers most definitely knew what was down there and quickly scurried up into the hidden compartment underneath the driver's seat of the wagon out of respect for the new breed of dark monstrosities taking up residence within the shadow of the new Dark God. During the evening of the journey back, Saazzi nervously watched around her in preparation of an attack from the Merchant King, but thankfully no demons even showed up to besiege her wagon... The absence of a demonic assault, however, did not mean that the Kingdom of the Hob-Goblins was not under close watch from the denizens of the Demonic Veil, as all the "rulers" of the Demons were curious about what was going on with the "darkened" Kingdom... Up in the Heavenly Realm, Bernard was doing his best to relay the message given to him by the new ruler of the Dark Realm and many believed him to have quite simply lost his mind. The other Virtuous Entities, on the other hand, all remembered the time when one of the Sunlight Entities had been called to rain down her wrath upon a being within the darkened Kingdom and how the darkness she had sought to eradicate had somehow managed to persevere through the might of the Heavens. They also had sensed how the shadows of the world they watched over had begun to congregate within the lands of the Hob-Goblins, but had not sensed any ill-will coming from the gathering. Choosing to do as Bernard was advising them, the Virtuous Entities of Heaven merely focused their attentions towards their own fellowships and churches within the lands of the Elves... Upon returning to Loct's Claim safely, Saazzi was happy to see the Garbage Eater none-the-worse for wear after the long journey and was even more overjoyed to see the Whimpering Man-eater she had been entrusted with back inside her wagon... Watching as Saazzi quickly grabbed a treat for the Mimic to enjoy, the Garbage Eater eventually coughed up a brand new Ebony chest with Mythril bindings and hinge, before calling out, "How much would you charge to deliver this chest to a city within the Elven Lands?" Quickly pulling out a large map she had within a concealed compartment inside the back of her wagon, Saazzi went over the distance between the Hob-Goblin Kingdom and the lands of the Dark Elves... When asked where the Garbage Eater wished to have the chest delivered, Saazzi was actually quite surprised when she managed to find the city on her map and then began to perform the calculations for the distance of the journey... Even as she was doing so, Saazzi's mind could not help turning towards the reason why the Garbage Eater would want to send something to an Elf, within the highly volatile region sitting between the High Elven capitol and the rest of the Elven Nations, but then the Garbage Eater said in response to all the thoughts swirling around in her brain, "I started out as a Mimic and unless you have forgotten... Dark Creatures tend to have long memories in regards to those who have wronged them and do not forgive such things easily. Do not be concerned with who you are delivering this chest to, just know that he summoned a demon to attack me and was the one who caused me to suddenly appear within Loct's Claim. I do not care how long I have to take to track him down... I will pay him back for the frustration and pain he caused me when he killed me..." Shivering as she could feel the malevolence radiating from the Garbage Eater, Saazzi just prayed that she would get into any trouble from this favor... Knowing that Saazzi would be feeling uneasy about performing this task for him, the Garbage Eater just calmly stated, "You are a Hob-Goblin and you have accepted an anonymous request to deliver this Ebony chest to the High Elf living in Gisslestad. Do not give out your name or allow them time to ask questions. Toss the chest down at their feet if you must, but just make certain they take it the High Elf in Gisslestad and then leave. I would not be surprised if the guards just shrug and take care of delivering the chest for you without another word. They probably won't even remember your face long enough to inform the High Elf anyways." After working out the price for the delivery and settling on the price, Saazzi was overjoyed when she received a couple Full-Silver Coins as a "tip" for taking on the job and eagerly hurried on her way over to the Elven town of Gisslestad... With that settled and out of the way, Bobby could feel the "connection" he had with the dark spirit possessing the chest stretching out within the Shadowed Cleft with ease and smiled as he learned that Alyse had indeed followed through on her promise... Leaving his physical body behind, Bobby returned the Garbage Eater back to the end of the shadow maze and was just about to enjoy being able to stand out in the light without fear of death, when suddenly Alyse cozied up against him from behind, as she purred in a delighted manner, "Now why would I lie to you, Bobby? You think I want you to remain afraid of going outside? I don't want you to be a shut-in all of the time... oh no, I want you to feel confident enough to walk out in the daylight where ever you please! However, I think that there is something you should come see within your home... Come, come, you really should see this!" Catching the unmistakable excitement in Alyse's tone, Bobby walked along behind Alyse, as she drifted through the air as an immaterial spectral entity... Once inside the cave, however, Bobby could immediately a change come over the very air in the cavern and out of reflex began to gather up his might. In response to that, however, a feeling of dread quickly overcame the excitement that had been present in the air and Bobby suddenly felt the shadows around him come to life with all of the souls he had noticed reaching up at him from within his shadow. Looking all around in alarm, when he realized that the souls were now out in the real world, Bobby started to panic as he remembered Alyse's warning. In response to Bobby's growing alarm, the dark spirits, specters and shadow wraiths all began to swarm about in a savage way to find whatever was causing their Master to become upset... Then, in the midst of that swirling maelstrom of darkness, Alyse went over to Bobby's side to take hold of his shoulder in a firm manner... When Bobby turned his attention towards her, Alyse suddenly found herself hovering right in the center of a maw that surrounded her in every direction, until she dispelled all of the terror afflicting Bobby by saying, "You are safe now... these lands belong to you! Demons may have their eyes upon this world at all times and are no doubt watching these lands very closely, but you are not an ally of demons are you? That means all the demons can do is watch and wait to see if there will be an opening they can take advantage of to get in here. You need to seize this opportunity to strike first and take over more land before they have any chance to array themselves around the reaches of your lands! Right after you go deal with that pesky High Elf that killed you as a lesser Mimic, you need to go present yourself to the Dark Elf Empress! If you are quick about it, then you'll be able to take over the Dark Elf lands and secure yourself another foothold upon this world before the Demons even have time to react! But for now, I think you should go and greet your new subjects, who have ever so eagerly been awaiting your ascension in these lands!" Turning to look out at all the curious spirits drifting around him, Bobby was a little saddened when all he could "feel" from the other creatures was "desperation"; without there being any conscious thoughts to go along with those emotions... Knowing exactly what Bobby was looking for in his new subjects, Alyse hugged him from one side gently and said, "Do not expect much out of the dead, Bobby, for you too were once like them..." When that drew a confused look from Bobby right away, Alyse just giggled mischievously and asked, "What do you think you were every time you left behind a body? You were not just some Lesser Mimic blessed with being able to revert back into the most basic form Dark Creatures can assume... I gave you that ability. Most of these spirits do not even understand how to move outside the shadows... A lot of them do not even remember their past life, but you were not like them, even in the beginning. The only difference between them and you is that you never died and returned to the Shadowed Cleft thousands of times. The only notion left in their minds is just to simply find a safe place to live where they can exist in peace... they have no desire to cause any trouble for anyone and least all for you! In their eyes... you are the only thing standing between them and the scary world outside of the shadows... They only seek your protection, but they do not have anything to give in return..." Looking out at all the lost souls drifting into and out of existence in the darkness within his home, Bobby just smiled and asked to no one in particular, "What would all you say to becoming extensions of my will? I doubt any of you wish to become living creatures anymore or have anything to do with situations where you might be hurt, but I would be very happy to merely be able to call upon you if I need a pair of ears or eyes in a room I am not inside of... Not to mention, I'm certain that you all love playing tricks upon mortals, yes?" In response to what Bobby was asking, malicious grins and evil expression appeared all over the entry chamber around the circle of light allowed in from the hole cut into the ceiling... Those up in the Heavenly Realm; with even those within the Demonic Veil noticing as well, quickly became aware of the festering darkness taking root within the Hob-Goblin lands, but the so-called "superior" spiritual beings all could feel just how deadly those shadows would be to any outsider and so carefully kept their attention focused on matters within the Elven Lands... After swearing themselves into the service of their new Master, the shadows of the Dark Realm surged into Bobby physical shadowy projection and then moved down into his shadows to await his commands. The first thing that Bobby did was have a small force of shadowy being go over to reinforce Whiskers in defending Saazzi's wagon and told them that anyone foolish to attack the wagon was to be dragged forcefully into the shadows for their actions. Hungering smiles developed within Bobby's smiles and a detachment of shadows surged through the Shadowed Cleft to find the home of Whiskers. While startled at first to find the terrifyingly powerful phantoms coming over to "invade" his territory, once Whiskers learned that his reinforcements came from the Master of Darkness, Whiskers happily made room for the shadows joining him in defending Saazzi... Back over in Loct's Claim, Bobby was experimenting with what he could do with his new servants... At first attempting to make some bodies for the spirits to enter into, Bobby was quite surprised when the shadows were unable to possess vessels that required a soul and mind to enter. Then he remembered the doll he had made for Nenith and quickly began to churn out all manner of toy-like bodies that had either a humanoid or animalistic form to them. That then allowed the ghosts to possess the inanimate bodies and Bobby just smiled as the little monsters turned their innocent toy like bodies into vicious creatures pulled from the darkness nightmares. Curiously having one of the possessed toys walk out into the light, Bobby was quite surprised when the only change to the creature was that the "body" it was inhabiting returned to being a cute and innocent looking toy... Upon realizing that they no longer needed to be afraid of the "light", the possessed Dolls all happily began to run out into the sunlight to jump about and celebrate happily... Calling for the attention of his servants, Bobby walked out into the light in his Shadow Soul form and confirmed their worst fears, "While I may not be entirely certain, I think that you are only able to enjoy being out in the light because you are in my territory... You may not be able to benefit from this freedom outside my domain..." Trailing off when Alyse suddenly reached out to take hold of his abdomen, Bobby looked over his shoulder at her smiling face, as she whispered playfully into Bobby's ear, "These shadows can survive out in the light, but only in the forms they are supposed to be in. Which means that when sunlight or light of any kind passes over their bodies, they will be forced to assume the proper shadow of whatever object they are possessing and will only be made immobile. Once the light goes away, the monsters will play!" Even though none of the shadows could perceive that anyone was speaking to their Master, they all could feel the excited smile stretching across their Master's face and then joined him in smiling deviously as he shared the good news he had been given by the highest power in the world. While they may have been unhappy to learn that light would render them immobile outside their Master's domain, the dolls all understood exactly why their Master was so happy to learn that they would only be rendered motionless when in the light. Then Bobby began to upgrade the dolls that made up the bodies of his new minions and they all began to learn their own limits on what kind of bodies they could take control over. As Bobby continued to learn about his new powers, Alyse just smiled happily as the Dark God in the making grew ever more fearsome, while eagerly anticipated the coming clash between Darkness and Demons... Then, Alyse began to hear Bobby's thoughts turn back towards the way his minions were not able to take control of a living body and smiled as he began to ponder what was so different about his minions... Nuzzling up behind Bobby's solid shadowy body, Alyse lovingly replied as she squeeze Bobby against her chest, delighting in the way that he reacted so cutely, "That is because mortal bodies have three components necessary for function. First of which you already know is the body and is used to control what kind of monster the Dark Spirit can become. Secondly, they require a soul, which is easily obtained through placing any of the creatures you are currently playing with in a non-living body. The last thing a mortal body requires to function, however, is a mind and I do mean that a body needs to possess certain information on how to move itself for a Dark Spirit to be able to take control over the corpse. Usually, all the memories of the previous user vanish from the body, but the body itself still retains the knowledge to move and act as it previously had, which is knowledge that the Dark Soul uses to reanimate the body as a monster." Looking over at the pile of flesh he had tried to form into the shape of a humanoid body, Bobby began to understand how the lump of muscle and sinew could never be used to create a viable living body for his minions, Alyse continued on to say, "Do NOT confuse what your Dark Spirits are capable of doing for what the Undead do when they take over a body. Remember that, originally, only the Dark Elves worshiped the Dark God known as Karm and how he had separated his Dark Elven followers from the rest of the spirits who came to be trapped within the shadows. Karm chose to prize his Dark Elven followers over the rest of the supposedly weaker souls that were being drawn into the shadows and those beliefs about other Dark Beings weaker than Demons became an established fact that all beings in the dark realm came to accept." Getting a confused look upon his face, Bobby just grunted in response to what Alyse was telling him and continued to think as she continued to explain the things troubling him, "Darkness affects all living things, not just the Dark Elves, but in various different manners. Humans overcome by darkness or whose body is taken over by a Dark Spirit in death will become Undead Monsters roaming the world until they perish and then return to the Shadowed Cleft as Dark Spirits until they claim a new body. Dark Elves can in turn take over the bodies of either spiders or their own species to become Driders in death, unless they become Dark Fairies instead by repossessing their original bodies after death. The same can be said for any Elven soul that falls into darkness, but only Dark Elves can become Dark Fairies, where as Elves that become Dark Spirits can turn into Driders provided the proper body is vacated for them. There are other types of creatures that become Dark Spirits in death, but I think I will allow you to be the one to discover those other types of creatures." Nodding his appreciation to Alyse for allowing him to be the one to explore the dark secrets of the world himself, Bobby suddenly found himself wanting to be rid of the vendetta he was being held back by, but wanted to complete the vendetta instead of forgive and forget. Alyse understood Bobby's choice and allowed him to begin plotting what he would do once he got his hands on Lord Vendran. Eventually, Bobby reclaimed the flesh he had tried to create a living body out of and began to consider all that he had learned from Alyse. Concentrating on what he wanted to create, Bobby then rolled the dice and triggered Luck-of-the-Draw to see what his luck would be... Unfortunately, for Bobby, the dice landed on a bad result and as he was trying to figure out what was wrong with his attempts to recreate a living body, Alyse then chimed in to say, "You cannot do that, Bobby, as each individual body is different and therefore each person's soul is different... The only way to recreate your servants without recently vacated bodies would be to give birth to them anew. Worry about that later, though, you will have plenty of time to practice your skills once Winter hits and you are forced to retreat into your cave. For now, I would rather have you focus on expanding your territory before the Demons discover what you are up too. Besides, once you take care of this business with this High Elf you're angry with, you should be able to focus more on things like this and won't feel so chained to this cave because of how much power you will wield." Watching from her dark corner of Loct's Claim, Aranussa wanted nothing more to celebrate her Master's newfound mastery over the realm of darkness, but she could "feel" her presence being repelled by the Maker of Monster Kind... Completely aware of the Drider watching them, Alyse wanted to keep Aranussa from distracting Bobby too much right then and wanted Bobby to continue on his current course of action... A few weeks later, the Garbage Eater suddenly called for the attention of it's allies within Loct's Claim and waited patiently for it's minions to gather. When they all entered into the cavern, the Urok leaders, Ogre speaker, and numerous Veteran Goblins all looked quite confused to be the only ones summoned by their Master. Even more confusing was the way that the Garbage Eater and the one they felt to be their Master were in two separate locations, but then they began to see all the Dark Spirits lurking within the entrance chamber to their Master's home. Quickly remembering the way that the Garbage Eater had actually been able to project it's own soul and become a solid shadow capable of casting it's own shadow, the minions became even more curious about what their Master wished of them... Once all of his minions had come together, the Shadow of Vengeance stepped forward and calmly announced to his servants telepathically, "I will be going on a journey soon that shall take me beyond the borders of my domain, but worry not... I shall never abandon you! I have an important matter to take care of in a previous home of mine and this is something that I have been preparing myself for this whole time. Once I have concluded my business, I will then be going to pay the Dark Elf Kingdom a visit and shall make myself known to them as well..." Trailing off when he began to sense the terror of all his subjects, the Shadow of Vengeance responded to their terror by releasing his overwhelming power and then growled as his body became more wild in appearance, "I am not abandoning anyone, I merely wish to go right to the source of all our troubles with Demon-kind and spite right into their eyes! If any Demon dares to make the mistake of coming after my soul..." Unable to continue as his rage slowly overcame his ability to speak, Bobby just trembled in rage as he thought back to the day that Vendran tried to capture his soul and how "helpless" he had been at the time... Suddenly, Bobby lost his form and transformed into a swirling maelstrom of pure dark energy, which not even the Dark Spirits were willing to approach. As they all stared into that hateful maw, the Garbage Eater's minions all shuddered in terror at the fate awaiting any who dared to anger their Master to that point again. Not even Alyse was able to approach Bobby in that state, for that was the same beyond the point of reason state of being he had entered when he broke free from her grasp when Alyse had been carrying Bobby away from Vendran. The ground all around Bobby suddenly began to be carved away and an eerily similar pattern slowly took form underneath the maelstrom of dark energy that Bobby had become for a second time... Far away, Saazzi was reaching the village of Gisslestad after traveling for two weeks straight and was grateful that the temperatures were still warm as Summer was steadily coming to an end... After being told that she could not enter Gisslestad unless she waited to be invited in, Saazzi suddenly understood the Garbage Eater's instructions and began to turn her wagon towards the Dark Elf settlement on the outside of the established village. Then she flipped back around and drove past the guards at the front gate, as the Whimpering Man-eater in the back of her wagon picked up the Ebony chest. Yelling at the guards she had something to deliver to Lord Vendran that simply could not wait, Saazzi had the Mimic toss out the chest at the gathered guards and then she took off away from the city as fast as her spectral steeds could take her. Immediately turning towards the Dark Elven capitol city, Saazzi wanted to possibly strike up good relations with someone in the city that could allow her an ally within the other Kingdom... Back at the gates, the guards were still struggling to "catch" the chest that had been thrown at them and eventually managed to gently lower the heavy metal chest to the ground... The moment that the guards entered the city, however, Kacath immediately sensed the presence of an intruding monster, but before he could go running off to attack the intruder, Lord Vendran asked him pointedly, "Is it the Mimic?" Tensing when he heard the question, Kacath shook his head unhappily and then the High Elf moved onto a second question, "Is it causing any trouble?" Closing his eyes and doing a quick search of the area where he felt the intruder's presence, all Kacath was able to identify in the area of the disturbance was a strange Ebony chest that some guards were carrying... Letting out an unhappy sigh, Kacath looked to be quite deflated by the whole situation and then said in a grumpy manner, "No~ looks like someone is just sending you a captured creature..." A few minutes later... Watching the chest closely, as the guards carried it into the room, Kacath could sense that there was something hiding inside the chest, but when the guards said that there was nothing strange about the container, he relaxed ever so slightly. Eventually, Lord Vendran finished up his work and got up from his desk to go over to inspect the chest. Experimentally testing the chest to see if perhaps the Mimic was inside, Lord Vendran suddenly pulled open the top of the chest and had a ball of hellfire ready just in case, but found his concerns unwarranted. Back over at Loct's Claim... Having been awaiting the moment that Vendran opened the chest, Bobby notified all of his servants of his departure and placed the lands of the Hob-Goblin's under the control of the Garbage Eater. Leaving the Mimic's body, Bobby reclaimed his armor and then gave the Garbage Eater a Legendary version of the armored shell he used when possessing the Garbage Eater. Celebrating over the gift and quickly wrapping itself up in the armor, the Garbage Eater swore to defend Bobby's claim of the Hob-Goblin lands to the death. Waving farewell to the Mimic, Bobby dove into the Shadowed Cleft and was a "blur" of motion through the dark realm as he traveled to where his "alarmed" minion's shadow was located... Because nothing in the Realm of Darkness would dare to challenge Bobby's might, he was able to traverse the long distance between his home and the location of the possessed chest in mere minutes, as opposed to how long Saazzi had taken... Even though Bobby was traveling through the realm of darkness, once he exited his domain he had to deal with patches of ground that had been scorched by the Sun, but he was far beyond being afraid of the Light. Those in the Heavenly Realm quickly took notice of the Dark Being darting across sunlight patches and were about to rain down upon the spiritual trespasser, but then they laid eyes upon the truth. They were not just looking upon some timid little shadowy intruder; not in the slightest, for the Angels in the Heavenly Realm had discovered the movements of the darkest of all shadowy beings and quickly backed away in fear of what would happen to them if they tried to harm such a terrible creature. In response to their decision to leave it alone, those up in the Heavenly Realm still watching the deadly shadow moving in a straight line were horrified when they began to see an eery smile stretching out within the very realm of darkness... Laughing when he felt the attention of the Heaven suddenly vanish from him, Bobby could only imagine the terror gripping the Angels and continued towards his target... Bernard and the rest of the Virtuous Entities all gathered around a scrying crystal that was showing the movements of the Dark Devouring One, as Heaven had come to know Bobby as, moving outside it's domain. Many Virtuous Entities were afraid that the dangerous creature was coming to attack them, but Bernard spoke out in defense of the Dark Devouring One. Asking for patience, Bernard reminded the others of the wishes and demands that the creature they were observing had asked for. While still frightened by the presence of the Dark Devouring One outside it's domain, the other Virtuous Entities were slowly won over as Bernard insisted that the Dark God had not taken any aggressive actions yet and were content to just simply wait until their aid was called for... With Heaven now sitting on the sidelines to watch, Bobby continued eagerly towards his target and couldn't wait to teach the stuck up High Elf what it meant to piss off a creature of DARKNESS... Eventually figuring out where the Dark Devouring One was heading off too, the Virtuous Entities of the Heavenly Realm were about to gear up for war, but Bernard quickly reined them in by announcing, "We have already failed to purge that city, so by law~ we cannot interfere. Plus... I get the feeling that the Dark Devouring One is not going to that city to submit to any demon and that we all should just wait patiently until it finishes it's business there. None of you have stood before that creature, so none of you understand my fear towards angering it, nor can you comprehend the amount of respect I have for that being..." While the others thought that Bernard was being ludicrous, at first, one look into his eyes caused the others to stiffen slightly; as they all saw the terror afflicting the Virtuous Entity of Humility and could feel that the fear was not an effect of a spell cast upon him... Against their better judgment, the Virtuous Entities laid down their arms, but did not calm down, as they continued to just merely observe the actions of the Dark Devouring One... Even after Vendran had gone back to sit down behind his desk, Kacath continued to stare over at the chest and could just feel that there was something off about the creature he could sense within the chest, but strangely the other creature seemed content to just wait within the chest. Feeling something nagging at the back corners of his mind, Kacath could not figure out what was bothering him so about the presence of a dark creature within the chest and could not understand how the chest could not be a Mimic with while there was a soul aligned with the Dark Realm within it. Slowly, Kacath began to think about why there would be a soul within a randomly delivered chest in the first place and as his mind pondered slowly over the possibilities, suddenly Kacath gasped as he came to understand the purpose of the chest. But as Kacath realized that the chest was not a thinly veiled attack against Lord Vendran and instead was most likely acting as bait, the Divine Guardian suddenly felt something "break" through the spiritual barrier around Gisslestad... Jumping when he heard Kacath cry out in pain, Lord Vendran quickly turned his attention towards his Divine Guardian and had a very alarmed expression on his face... As Lord Vendran incessantly demanded to know what was going on, Kacath's soul was being racked by the a single sound that was drowning out all other sound. The sound itself was not unbearable, but Kacath could not shut out the sound because of the nature of the entity creating the noise and the fact that the enemy was inside his domain. Shuddering as the sounds of something shrieking with fury made it's way quickly through the city, Kacath found himself incapacitated by the sound of the creature he knew was coming for him. Suddenly, the sound stopped and the presence that Kacath had been feeling vanished without warning... Shaking off the disorientation, Kacath was quite annoyed to find Lord Vendran's panicking face to be the first thing he saw after recovering and then grumbled in annoyance, "No, it's not that Mimic either, but whatever it was... it was strong enough to break through the barrier I erected to keep out uninvited guests and has somehow camouflaged itself inside the city. We should get ready... bring me fully into this realm... I don't like this one bit." Quickly doing as Kacath asked, Lord Vendran had no idea what was going in the slightest, but he had most certainly "felt" when the protection granted by Kacath was violated by the intruder, only not as physically as Kacath had... But, as the Battle-Demon was summoned fully into the realm and began casting a shadow... Tensing when the presence he sensed flared back to life, Kacath suddenly cast his gaze towards the ground and his eyes grew wide as a creature; the likes of which he had never seen before in his entire existence, stared back up at him from within his shadow. Lord Vendran eventually noticed where Kacath's attention was and looked down at the empty space at the center of the room. Upon noticing the vaguely humanoid shaped shadowy wraith staring back at him, all the blood quickly drained from Vendran's face as he found himself gazing upon something that should never be disturbed by mortals. As if the creature sensed their fear, the Shadow Wraith developed a wide narrow smile on it's head and then the dark monster began to crawl down into the shadows; through a portal which it opened, as something came back up out into the real world... Watching in silence, as an ornate Ebony chest rose up into the room, Kacath realized what was going on much faster than Vendran and unleashed a terrible blast of Balefire, as he yelled at Vendran, "GET BACK! I think that Mimic we have been waiting for has finally returned... only a helluva lot stronger! I didn't even recognize it anymore..." Suddenly, both Kacath and Vendran found themselves trapped in the tendrils of the Mimic before either had time to react... Unbeknownst to his prisoners, Bobby had not only grabbed them "physically", but the dark spirits lurking within his shadow had also reached out to aid their Master in restricting the enemies of their Master... Unable to comprehend how much stronger the Mimic was to him, Kacath desperately struggled against the tendril binding his arms to his sides, while Vendran just began to scream bloody-murder. A little grateful when the Mimic silenced the fool, Kacath began to think about his current options and they were not looking good in his mind. Trying to come up with some way to gain the advantage over the Mimic somehow, Kacath suddenly heard the guards stationed around the manor coming over to check out what was going on. Thinking that he could use the guards to distract the Mimic just long enough to break himself free, Kacath remained calm; even when the Mimic pulled the pair in close... Merely continuing to apply the same amount of pressure he had from the start towards getting free, Kacath froze up when he heard a raspy voice echo out from within the Mimic's body, "Silence~ unless you wish to participate in the rest of this confrontation bathed in the blood of those fools rushing over here, do not make a sound!" Suddenly, Kacath felt something cover up his eyes, mouth, and ears; instantly casting him in a paralyzing sensory-deprivation state of being... Quite shocked when he saw what the dark spirits were doing, Bobby did not have any time to consider what he had actually just done and instead turned his attention towards the door leading into the room... Just as the guards were about the burst in through the door, Bobby cried out in Lord Vendran's voice to command, "Do NOT Enter! I just found the hidden present within my new gift... Go back to your posts, there is nothing for you to do here!" Thankfully, the guards believed him and went away without another word... Turning his attention towards the dark spirits holding his prisoners in check, Bobby requested that they keep the pair restrained a little bit longer and then called for Alyse's presence... Materializing next to Bobby, Alyse had to look around, for a moment, to take in where he was currently and gasped happily as she saw the dark spirits holding the captives in check, prompting Bobby to ask in confusion, "So can I take it that this is something I should be able to do from now on?" Chuckling darkly, Alyse turned towards Bobby and said ever so happily, "What are talking about? You are the God of the Dark Realm, yes? What you are doing here is what the previous Dark God was capable of doing with a mere thought! The Realm of Darkness is now at your command, Bobby, which means that if you so desire, these spirits shall do whatever they possibly can to ensure that your will be done. In many ways, this is actually the purest form of Dark Magic that one can possibly hope to achieve in their life. Sadly, such magic was never shared with the mortal servants of Karm, as they all preferred to use the powers of Demons; who they all believe are superior. Even now, Adventurers who learn to use Dark Magic are merely trying to practice for when they attempt to command the will of Demons and use Demonic Magic." Snarling angrily towards the mention of Demons being superior to him, Bobby just turned towards the pair he was targeting and constricted them in his tendrils again, before mentally sending away his minions, but as he was doing so, Alyse whispered softly to him, "I do not know if I told you previously, but I will tell you now that this Demon before you merely serves another Master and has no doubt made his Master aware of your existence." Appearing in spirit form for only long enough to nod his appreciation towards Alyse, Bobby focused his attention on the pair he bore a vendetta against... As Kacath and Lord Vendran returned to their senses, Bobby drew them close in preparation for what he was going to do... Kacath suddenly felt his entire body seize up, as the gaze of the dark monster holding him captive fell upon him, causing him to further freakout, until the Mimic snarled at him with a very good Dark Elven accent, "You will summon your Master here for me to deal with! I do not like being hunted and I do no very much appreciate being looked down upon by INSECTS like you!" Not even Kacath was prepared for such a demand, nor had completed processing the fact that the Mimic he had squashed so easily before was now not only able to hold him prisoner with such ease, but could even speak fluently... Lord Vendran, however, was the one to answer the Mimic's demands and let out a mocking laugh, before asking in an incredulous tone, "Do you really think you have the power to defeat the likes of a Lord among demons? You, a mere Dark Creature?" Both captives quickly realized that they were dealing with something more than a simple Mimic when the dark creature suddenly began to emanate not only a high level of "magical" power, but even a higher spiritual power than Kacath possessed... Trembling with rage, Bobby did his best to keep himself from entering a Tantrum and transforming before the pair in front of him, but then he turned towards Kacath to snarl hatefully, "Well then, shall I just start ripping you apart then? I'm certain that I could get your Master to show up if I were to do that!" Tensing in fear, Kacath suddenly felt not only his "physical" body being grabbed hold of and quickly flicked out one of his hands to release a burst of Balefire upon the floor of the room... Growing inwardly relieved when he felt the hold upon his soul disappearing, Kacath turned towards Lord Vendran and commanded of the High Elf, "Use that ritual to call upon my Master, He shall put this monster in it's place and all you need do is keep your mouth shut to survive this!" Knowing that he would probably end up having to sign over his soul to Kacath's Master, Lord Vendran knew he had no other choice if he wanted to continue living past the next few seconds... Filling the ritual with his magic, while Kacath aided him, Lord Vendran sent out a summons to the Demon Lord that the summoning ritual was attuned too. Unlike normal summoning rituals, which either required a sacrifice or knowledge of a Demon's true name, the summoning ritual that Kacath had created was for him and him alone to summon his Master with. In seconds, a demonic looking Urok-Kai materialized into existence and was quite perplexed by the scene playing out in front of him. Laughing in disbelief, the Battle-Lord class Demon stepped out of the summoning circle used to conjure him forth and declared gruffly, "If you are hoping to use these two as hostages to bargain with me, then you will surely be disappoint-!" In the blink of an eye, the Demon Lord watched in shock as the Mimic he had been having Kacath keep an eye out for effortlessly devoured the Battle-Demon and caused all amusement to be erased from his face in an instant... More than just the fact that a Dark Creature had just killed a Demon and one that had a "little" spiritual power in it, the Demon Lord was frightened by the way he had just felt the oath Kacath had given him fade away; along with the power that Kacath was feeding him... Tossing Lord Vendran off to one side to be restrained by his Minions, Bobby began to radiate a terrifying amount of power as he focused solely on the Demon Lord and hissed in a raspy voice, "You make it sound like I came here to bargain with you..." All too late, the Demon Lord was able to sense the vast overwhelming power that the "mere" Mimic in front of him possessed and before he could even think to retreat from the living world, the Demon Lord found himself trapped in the grasp of a being nearly twice as powerful as he was... In the midst of trying to figure out what was going on, the Demon Lord suddenly felt his skin crawling and gasped in horror as he felt the territory around him crumble away; thus robbing him of any power he would have been able to draw from being within an area claimed by a servant of his. Even worse, however, was the fact that the Mimic before him was now laying claim to the territory and due to being spiritually stronger than the him, the Demon Lord was not able to even contest the Mimic's claim. All around the Demon Lord, as the area around him was eaten away at by the authority of the Mimic in front of him, shadowy creatures of every kind began to show up within every shadow in the room and were hissing in defiance of him. As he futilely struggled against the grip of the Dark Creature before him, the Demon Lord grunted in a strained voice, "What... are you? W-who do you serve!?" When he asked who the Mimic served, the Demon Lord "felt" a ripple of terror spread throughout the "spiritual" territory surrounding him and everything became dead silent all of a sudden... Then, the Demon Lord understood as the Mimic before him was enveloped with such a tremendous amount of power that the very world around it began to quake, as the creature suddenly stepped forth from it's corporeal form. Upon laying eyes upon the pure manifestation of Darkness before him, the Demon Lord was immediately humbled by the sheer power at the command of the entity standing before him and quickly fell to his knees in submission; without any aid from the shadows holding him still. Even as he stared down at the ground, however, the image of the presence before him was still burned in the vision of the Demon Lord and he remained very still as he awaited it's judgment to fall upon him. Beyond merely being angry, past the point of being upset over the "insinuation" that he served another, Bobby just wanted the Demon in front of him to understand the situation the creature was in... Upon seeing the Demon Lord fall to it's knees, Bobby walked over slowly towards the Demon that dared to hunt him; his every footstep causing the Demon Lord to twitch fearfully, until he stood before the once mighty Demon Lord and then he said very quietly, "No... There is no chance for you to survive this encounter. Your servants have already seen to that and I do not appreciate being hunted like an animal! I am ending this, here and now, for with your demise... I shall free myself from having to be afraid of being hunted by demons!" Gasping in horror, the Demon Lord attempted to raise up his head to plead for his life from the greater being standing in front of him, but all he could see was endless darkness... As he grasped the situation he was currently in, the Demon Lord suddenly found his physical body being torn apart by invisible mouths in the darkness and cried out in horror as he began to feel his very soul consumed... Standing still and trembling slightly every so often, Bobby greatly enjoyed the feelings of terror he was getting from the Demon Lord currently lost within his shadows, but then the knowledge of the Demon Lord began to pour into him. Much to his displeasure, Bobby found out that the Demon Lord had spread knowledge of the Mimic Kacath discovered to every Demon serving under him, but then he realized that all he needed to do was summon those other Demons himself and then he could be rid of any other hunters for good. Before he could do anything about the other Demons hunting him, however, Bobby was suddenly interrupted by the muffled cries of terror coming from a certain annoying High Elf. Turning towards Lord Vendran, with a very annoyed scowl on his face, Bobby strode over towards the High Elf in his Shadow Soul form and reached over to take hold of the High Elf without realizing that he was technically in a "spiritual" state of existence... For while Bobby may have been able to cast a shadow, he was still technically a "spiritual" being of the Dark element... Suddenly finding himself with Lord Vendran's soul in his hands, Bobby's temper was put out as he stared up at the soul in his hands and the garbage being held fast by his minions. Looking from one to the other for several moments in confusion, Bobby's mind slowly began to work on some things, but the incessant pleading from Lord Vendran's soul started to get on his nerves. Casting the High Elven soul down into his shadow, Bobby got a lot of satisfaction from the high-pitch screams of terror that erupted from the pitiful wretch; as Vendran's soul was devoured piece by piece by the hungering shadows within his being. Returning his attention to Lord Vendran's physical body once more, Bobby was just beginning to ponder the possibilities that the body held when he felt a certain "softness" press up against his back again... Giggling happily as Bobby's attention switched to her, for a moment, Alyse just sensually wrapped her around Bobby's waist and patiently waited for him to finish thinking... After thinking for so long, Bobby telepathically asked Alyse, "Dark Spirits can only possess inanimate objects, right? Much like Mimics, but then what is difference?" Chuckling darkly at the question, Alyse purred in response, "Mimics can generate flesh when inside appropriate containers for their souls... don't you remember... back in the doll shop?" Gasping, as he remembered back to the first days of his existence as a "Lesser" Mimic, Bobby remembered how he had in fact attempted to possess a doll, but found he could not use the doll's body the same way as he could use a "chest"... Pondering a few things, Bobby then asked curiously, "So then... Dark Spirits can only possess inanimate objects, while Mimics can take over certain objects to make physical bodies out of... But then, how do Dark Spirits regain physical bodies... OH! They have to become strong enough... like... like that other Wraith I found! Which should mean..." Ghosting away from Alyse suddenly, Bobby went over into Lord Vendran's body and took possession of the High Elf's body... Feeling like he was about to take over the body in the manner of a "Mimic", Bobby quickly restrained himself and did his best to make himself the "owner" of the physical body, rather than remake Lord Vendran's body with his power as a Mimic... Suddenly gasping and gaining the feeling of a living body around him once more, Bobby experimentally clenched his hands, but was then suddenly overcome by a great deal of pain. Watching in horror as Lord Vendran's fingers suddenly rotted away in seconds, Bobby quickly jumped out of the High Elf's body and watched curiously as the decay that had started suddenly stopped. Checking to see how much damage had been done to Lord Vendran's body, Bobby was relieved when only the hands he had been trying to manipulate were damaged. Seeing Bobby trying to work out how to possess the living body of Lord Vendran, Alyse quickly wrapped his spectral chest up with her arms and said sadly, "You can't! A mortal's body is no place for an entity such as you to be resting in... They do not possess the capacity to house a spirit such as yours. Even if you were to try to sire a child... mortals cannot house the souls of Gods for very long. Monsters are different because of the way they can grow spiritually more powerful, but even then... every creature has limits. Even when they are "blessed" by the Gods they worship... all creatures have their limits. If you were to try to possess that spider friend of yours... well, you would only be able to use the same level of power that she possesses." Thinking again, Bobby curiously asked with a devious smirk, "Then what about a body I create?" Chuckling, Alyse replied happily, "Then you can choose how powerful those bodies are when you make them and you can also place souls with the right amount of power within them for when you are not using those bodies... likewise, you can also empower randomly obtained souls to make them fit the role of the body you have created... much like what you did with the Whimpering Man-eater you gave to your little contractor." Nodding his gratitude to Alyse, Bobby dropped Lord Vendran's body into his stomach and happily digested away any remnants of the annoying fool, but in the process of absorbing the "knowledge" that the High Elf possessed, Bobby gained a much broader understanding of the current state of affairs within the Elven Lands... Most of the information was not important to Bobby, but when he learned that there were three powerful forces at play within the Elven Lands, he suddenly realized that he had another elemental force to contend with... Turning to head outside, Bobby suddenly realized something important and quickly shattered the territory he had created around Gisslestad. In doing so, he destroyed the safety that the citizens were able to benefit from by living within the city and that did not go unnoticed by the creatures that had been forced to ignore the tempting buffet living within the city. While forces around the outside of the city began preparing to attack Gisslestad, Bobby commanded his minions to plunder Lord Vendran's estate of everything and retrieved his Mimic form from the shadows. Up in Heaven, the Virtuous Entities had been nervously observing the ongoing events happening within Gisslestad and had been quite alarmed when they sensed the presence of a Demon Lord enter the city, but then had grown confused when they felt the Demon Lord vanish as suddenly as the Demon controlled territory around Gisslestad had... Then, as the Dark territory was shattered, the Virtuous Entities were astonished to still find the Dark Devouring One still lurking within the city and then began to see the gathering forces seeking to wipe-out the city... Out in one of Lord Vendran's gardens, Bobby had just finished setting up two different summoning circles: one in a patch of sand covered by a ray of sunshine and another that surrounded by vegetation. Going through the knowledge he had gathered from Lord Vendran once more, Bobby made certain to add any specific runes to either of the summoning circles to aid with summoning only the type of creatures he wished to speak with. Reaching inside his body, Bobby then pulled out special reagents used for summoning creatures of the Heavenly Realm and the Endless Fields. Going over to the circle designated for the Heavenly Realm, Bobby used Lord Vendran's voice to call out to the only Heavenly Being he knew of and was willing to tolerate... Up in Heaven, all of the Virtuous Entities felt the call of the Dark Devouring One for one among them and as they all turned towards Bernard in alarm, he just calmly said, "I do not feel any hostile intent from the Dark Devouring One and because of the fact that I still sense only darkness from that creature... I will go down to see what is going on." Answering the summons, against the wishes of the other Virtuous Entities, Bernard felt that the Dark Devouring One was calling him for a "purpose" and could tell that his purpose would not be to act as a sacrificial lamb... Appearing within the ray of light that had been purposefully directed towards the patch of sand that was used to contain the summoning circle, Bernard was very impressed when he saw the very "exact" summoning ritual used to call him forth and looked over in confusion to find the Dark Devouring One currently in the process of summoning something else... Knowing that Bernard would catch on quickly without a word from him, Bobby went over to the other summoning circle and after sprinkling the ground with magically-infused water, called out respectfully, "I seek the one who has the ear of the Elven Emperor, if you should have the time to come listen, I would share words with you." Bernard's eyes shot open wide as he heard just which "Forest Spirit" the Dark Devouring One was summoning and his body went rigid... Having been resting within the Endless Fields at that time, the Treant embodying the Nature Adviser to the Elven Emperor was suddenly awoken by the voice of an Elf. Now normally she would have ignored such requests, since she was only beholden to the Emperor, but the manner in which her presence was being requested was odd too her and so piqued her interest. Then she felt the power which her current summoner possessed and she quickly found herself shuddering as she felt like there was something threatening to drag her out of the Endless Fields if she did not comply. Hesitating a few moments, just to see what would happen to her if she did not respond right away, the Treant was surprised when the unnerving sensation wracking her being actually went away and so nervously answered the summons... As she entered into the waking world and sprouted a large physical body for her to inhabit, thanks to all of the offerings that had been presented to her, the Treant was horrified to find herself in the presence of something so dark as to make Demon Kings look like children playing with sticks made from her broken branches... Suddenly, however, her attention was drawn over towards the other spiritual entity in the garden area and the Treant found herself once more frightened by the presence of a greater Spiritual Entity of the Heavenly Realm, but despite the Virtuous Entity being stronger than her, she still nervously reached telepathically to ask, "W-what is going on here? I thought... where is the one who summoned us?" Quickly getting the message about why he had been summoned in addition to the Forest Spirit, Bernard calmly replied to the frightened Treant, "Your summoner is the one who is able to move freely about this area right now. Do not be afraid, we are not in any danger... I suspect we have been called here to stand witness to something that our summoner is about to perform and that we are merely to act as messengers to our own realms." Flinching when she heard what her purpose was to be there, the Treant looked over towards the dark creature exuding the same kind of power as another being she had recently spoken with; only the other being had been one of Nature rather than Darkness, and worried said, "But I am not even powerful within the Endless Fields... my power... it's all from others and I do not even benefit that greatly from them in the first place... There are much stronger beings lurking within the Endless Fields than me and I cannot reach them!" Smiling over at the frightened Forest Spirit, Bernard said politely, "That does not matter to this creature... you have enough of a presence that it chose to summon you specifically, just as it chose to summon me because of my past dealings with this creature. Just pay attention to the message it is trying to send us home with and ignore everything else... we are only here to stand witness." While the two spiritual entities conversed with one another, Bobby had been busy preparing the rituals to be used to summon all of the demons that served under the Demon Lord that he had just consumed... Once he noticed both of his guests were ready to witness what he was about to do, Bobby began to radiate dark power and then called out in the Demon Lord's voice, "Come Forth, my minions!" While the Treant reacted with horror over the appearance of the Demon Horde, Bernard had a feeling that something else was in store for the summoned demons... Looking around quickly, the collection of demons were surprised to have been summoned all at once, but then they took notice of the Treant and Virtuous Entity... While most of the Demons were too weak to do anything to the mighty creatures from opposing elements, before any of them could move, the demonic horde suddenly found themselves trapped within a sphere of darkness. As the demons began to look around in confusion and began to cry out for their Master, they suddenly found themselves sinking into the shadow covered ground underneath them. The Demons then just milled about in confusion, as they tried to free themselves, figure out what was going on and locate their Master. In the eyes of the two summoned spiritual entities observing the display, however, they both watched in horror as the Demons were all slowly swallowed whole and were "destroyed" down to their very demonic souls... While Bernard may not have cared about the Demons being killed and their souls being "purged" of demonic essence, for this to have happened by the actions of a dark creature, however, was not something he could readily accept... The Treant, on the other hand, was completely horrified by what she had just witnessed and was struck speechless, while the Mimic that summoned bother spiritual creatures moved forward to say telepathically, "I am no ally of Demons and I am no ally of any of you! All I wish is to be left alone and I will not bother any of you in return. If my children come into contact with any of you, then I will not care if you let your predispositions towards one another get out of hand. But if you dare try to claim any of their souls for yourselves... I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN TO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD!" Letting out a furious roar, the Mimic suddenly spat out a being of pure dark energy and both spiritual entities trembled at the presence of the true Dark Devouring One... Trembling as he slowly calmed down enough that he stopped being the terrifying Shadow of Vengeance and returned to being a regular looking Shadow Soul, Bobby then looked over at his audience to say quietly, "I am going to go make certain that the Demons learn of my laws as well and if you would be willing to attend my display at the Dark Elven Capitol, then I shall guarantee your safety. I am going to make certain that the Demons know their place among the dark creatures and if I have too..." Shuddering when the Shadow Soul became wraith-like once more, the other two spiritual entities were shocked when the darkness creature just vanished completely without a trace... Then, the screech of the approaching Drider brood caused both spiritual being to flinch and the sounds of combat swiftly filled the air as the bubble Bobby had erected for privacy faded away... Without their summoner around anymore, the two summoned entities quickly returned to their own realms and left the city to it's fate. Thankfully, Bobby had learned quite a bit about the rules and lifestyles of the High Elves outside of the capitol city of their kind, so he had his minions take down the flags signifying that the city was untouchable by the forces of Nature and Light. Word had been quickly spread around town about the disappearance of the flags and the protection of the Divine Guardian Kacath, which had allowed the citizens living in the smaller villages outside Gisslestad to rush inside for more protection. The citizens of Gisslestad did their best to create a barricade around the Adventurers Guild Hall and grabbed whatever weapons they could find to defend themselves with... But, when the first wave of Driders came climbing up over the barricades with ease... "Strike Them Down, Galad the Lightbringer!" Cried out a commanding voice and in response to those words, a hailstorm of blades made out of light energy tore apart the Driders in quick succession. Seeing the dark insects retreating quickly, the High Elf being carried into the city by an Angel grew relieved by that sight and after landing, Galad asked respectfully, "Master, shall I give chase?" Pausing, for a moment, as another spiritual entity appeared behind him in the form of a ghostly visage, the High Elf then shook his head towards the Angel... While dismayed that he could not chase after the dark creatures scurrying before his might, Galad flinched when his Master stated firmly, "We do not chase them into their own grounds... leave that to the Adventurers. Now then, seems like Gisslestad is now without protection..." Turning towards the dumbstruck townsfolk, the High Elf smiled as he invoked the Demon King that had advised him not to give chase after the Driders and began to explain his offer to the townsfolk... Thankfully, the villagers were very accepting of their new Divine Guardian Galad and after reading through the contract conjured up by the Demon King, suddenly found all of their villages under the protection of the mighty being...
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 15 – Aftershocks A few days after the new God of Darkness appeared within the Dark Elven Kingdom, the Empress was startled to hear a report about a carriage bearing the mark of the Elven Emperor heading towards the capitol and became quite frantic towards having everything setup for the arrival of the Emperor... When he did eventually enter into the palace of the Dark Elf Empress, the Emperor was amused by the lengths she would always go to in order to prepare for his arrival. Fragrant flowers from the most secluded shaded glades were prepared in delightful wreathes and bouquets, adding a quite pleasant aroma to the air. Amidst all the flowers, however, the Emperor noticed all of the decorations that had been changed to represent the dark creatures that the Dark Elf Empress favored and became slightly worried towards what that change would mean. Eventually meeting with the Empress, both rulers put on their best smiles as they put up with the pageantry that was brought about by a visit from the Emperor... Once they had dealt with the pleasantries, however, the Empress invited the Emperor to join her for a light snack and asked what his reason for visiting was... Knowing, damn good and well, that the High Elven Matriarchs were observing his every move; especially since he had left without so much as word to any of them, the Emperor just smiled deviously as he replied curtly, "You already know exactly why I have come to visit, don't you, Briziah?" Growing nervous when the Emperor responded like that, the Empress telepathically called for Aranussa and grew a little relieved when the Drider skittered over into her shadow without ever materializing in the physical world... Tensing when he felt Aranussa come over to guard the Empress of the Dark Elves, the Emperor found the newfound boldness of the dark creature to be quite unsettling... After entering into a more secluded location, the Emperor called upon his Demonic Adviser and was startled by the immediate hostile reaction from all around him, but then the Empress kindly informed him, "Oh don't mind them, they are just making certain your servant remembers his place here within the domain of the new Dark God." Looking over at his Demonic Ancestor, cousin in reality, the Emperor gave the Demon such a ferocious glare that the Conqueror class Battle Demon tensed up worriedly... Once he had made certain that the Demon King under his command would behave, the Emperor politely asked of the Demon, "Would you please make certain that the Empress and I have some privacy? I would like what is said between us to remain between us." Sweating profusely under the combined stares of both the Emperor and all of the Dark Creatures hatefully glaring at her, the Demon King chanted something quickly to conjure up a sphere designed to allow a Battle class Demon to fight against an opponent without interference... After the bubble enshrouded the Emperor and Empress, the Demon King jumped in fright when he heard a terrible screech from the shadows; causing the Conqueror to look all about for the visage of the new Dark God... Both elven rulers quickly relaxed and let down their facades once in private, but the Emperor flinched worriedly when he noticed Aranussa's eyes still watching him from within the Empress' shadow, causing the Empress to quickly say, "It's okay! She's not going to hurt you and I promise she won't speak a word of what she sees in here... right, Aranussa?" Flinching, upon hearing a High Elven name given to a Drider, the Emperor was about to ask something, but the Empress just politely shook her head in response before he could even get a word out... Working his mouth, as he tried to come up with something to ask about the obviously High Elven Drider, the Emperor was surprised when the Empress firmly stated, "Considering that she despises all Demons, I doubt that you would have to think hard about why a former High Elf would feel that way. Please do not share her name, your highness, for she has granted only me permission to use her name to call upon her. Anyone who tries to summon her by name will probably find themselves being dragged down into the Shadowed Cleft to appear before her. Unlike what we Dark Elves had come to believe about the Realm of Darkness, there is no specific location for it... it is quite simply all around us at all times. Aranussa here, has come to take up residence within my palace, which means that her home is my palace within the Shadowed Cleft. She used to have to live outside my Kingdom in order to protect her soul from Demons and would merely have her original body rest within the shadows of my throne, but now there is something even more terrifying lurking there." Growing uneasy at the mention of the presence he had constantly felt watching him from above the Empress' throne, the Emperor was about to respond, but the Empress quickly cut him off; as only she could while in private, "No... he is not the Dark God, merely another servant. I have yet to actually meet the new God of Darkness, but I think I prefer this kind of Dark God. For rather than moving in and immediately starting to cause wars, this new Dark God merely came here to express the fury of the Dark Realm towards the Demons. Say, have you noticed it, yet, our new moon?" Not knowing how to react to the Empress' question, the Emperor just continued looking uneasy, as he said, "Yes, I watched as the new God of Darkness exiled the Demons from the sanctuary they had been given by Karm... my Demonic Adviser afforded me a front row seat to what was being said to the Demons by the Dark God... While I may not have been able to hear anything, I could get the sense from my Adviser's reaction that what was happening was not good. Um... is it true that this Dark God can devour souls? Do you think that we are going to..." Trailing off when Aranussa began to express her discontentment by letting out a warning hiss, the Emperor was quite shocked when his Demonic Adviser rushed inside the privacy barrier to defend him, but then the Empress just reached down to comfort her guardian and commented in a calm manner, "Do not mind her too much, your Highness, she is merely a very devout follower of the new God of Darkness. To the point that she becomes upset when anyone should try to besmirch the good name of her Master. I will give you this warning, your Highness, do not seek out the God of Darkness and do your best to ignore it's presence. The God of Darkness cares not for this world and has no interest in our day to day struggles. Unlike with Karm, who sought to make this world his own, our new God of Darkness is already doing what Karm could not by laying claim to my entire Kingdom. I, myself, am merely another worshiper of the Shadow Weaver, but do not think for a moment, that such a name is worthy of calling upon this new God." Greatly relieved when he heard that the past would not repeat itself, the Emperor then waved off any thoughts of trying to summon the Dark God and instead asked, "Then what of the Dark Fairies and the Daemon Church? Is the presence of this new Dark God going to... interfere?" Knowing exactly what the Emperor was concerned over, the Empress just smiled happily and replied with a sly smile, "Have no fear, the God of Darkness has already addressed your concerns, your highness, by giving the Daemon Church permission to continue protecting the lands where Dark Fairies primarily gather to collect souls to attract Demons. The people who live in those lands will be those who wish to become Demons in death and shall live their lives protected by the Demons they shall serve in death. However, the God of Darkness has also demanded that all hunting for Dark Creatures cease among the Daemon Church and the price for being caught doing so is death. Unlike with Karm, the Shadow Weaver does not bargain and will not take any deals for the lives of those guilty. In just a few short days, the Shadow Weaver has removed quite a number of Daemon Church fellowships for the crime of capturing the souls of Dark Fairies; ones who had no intention of gathering souls for the Demons. I would tell Daemon Household Matriarch to back off, lest she cause the gaze of the Dark God to fall upon her." Chuckling at the mention of one of his wives, the Emperor looked down at Aranussa momentarily, before saying in an exasperated manner, "I will ask her to cease any activities that might anger the Dark God, but..." All of sudden, there was an intruder within the bubble of privacy and the Emperor's Adviser immediately moved into action to drive out the intruder... Much to the shock of both rulers, Aranussa darted up out of the Empress' shadow to intercept the Emperor's Demonic Adviser and was successful in stopping the Demon's attack... When the Demon turned to glare down at Aranussa, however, the Demonic Adviser became very uneasy when the Drider was not even looking towards him and then stiffened as the Empress warned him in a serious manner, "You had better not touch our guest, unless you prefer to meet with the new God of Darkness right now!" Quickly darting back over to the Emperor's side, the Conqueror Demon went down onto one knee immediately upon returning over to his Master's side... Looking fondly over at the Empress, the mysterious Elf intruding upon the private discussion shifted her shadowed face over towards the Emperor and said quietly, "Do not be afraid for those children clinging to your legs, Celeorbrim, they will not incur the vengeance of my Master, unless they choose to take on the responsibility of capturing dark creatures themselves. At that point, they may as well commit suicide, for all the good it will do them." Narrowing his gaze over towards the strange intruder, the Emperor indignantly spat back, "I do not believe that I have given you permission to address me in such a manner?" Chuckling in an ominous manner, the Emissary of Darkness released her power to shatter the demonic barrier around the discussion and revealed there to be a sphere of dark fog surrounding the group now, as she replied in a dangerous manner, "Do I need to remind you of who used to have the permission of your mother to spank your little butt when you mouthed off to your superiors? Or do wish for me to call upon my Master and have them explain to you just why I am allowed to speak to you on such familiar terms?" Sensing some kind of reaction come from his Nature Adviser, the Emperor tensed up when he suddenly realized just "who" he was now speaking too and grew pale... When the Emperor's guardian grew defensive when she began to threaten him, the Emissary of Darkness just smiled in a disarming manner and said politely, "Do not worry, Araldil, I am merely reminding young Leo, here, how to speak to those in position of authority over him. Oh, that's right, I have yet to reintroduce myself to you, Emperor Celeorbrim, I am now the Emissary of Darkness and am beholden to no one but the God of Darkness now. When you see me from now on, my presence will be a warning to you that my Master desires to speak with you and when I say you, I mean only you! My Master does not have the patience or the tolerance for those you have at your side now, for each of them has acted against Darkness in a fashion that will cause my Master to become the Shadow of Vengeance once more and I do not think any of those little girls have the power to stand up to a God!" Now clearly understanding just "who" he was now speaking with, Emperor Celeorbrim respectfully bowed to the one who had raised him like a "mother"... Smiling in response to the Emperor paying her the proper respect, the Emissary of Darkness then returned the gesture in the form of an ever so slight nod of her head, before saying in a pleasant tone, "Now then, I have interrupted your private discussion for long enough, so please excuse me while I go to perform my duties as the Emissary of Darkness. Oh, before I forget, Celeorbrim, do not worry about your home or your city falling into the hands of the Dark God. My Master is not out to take over the world and is merely trying to establish friendly connections with those who are more bound to the physical plane, rather than the spiritual one. Therefore, all regions of this world that practice or worship darkness will eventually be shrouded in my Master's shadows and will become places where other spiritual creatures can not lightly enter. Pay the proper respects, however, and you will be fine... As for the daemonic witch, who calls herself one of your wives, I would caution her against trying to aid any demons in subduing my Master... you have not seen my Master when angry and neither has the Empress, thankfully, but that does not mean you should go looking to poke a sleeping monster." Thinking to himself quietly over what the Emissary of Darkness had just told him, the Emperor twitched suddenly and a bead of sweat slide down the left side of his face, as he asked in an awkward sounding manner, "Um... how~ exactly, are you aware of what any of my wives are up to at this moment?" Twisting her shadow covered head completely around, quite clearly demonstrating her inhuman capabilities, a sinister smile stretched across the face of the Emissary of Darkness; with her closed eyes forming two smaller grins, as she replied in a deadly tone, "What makes you think the shadows have NOT been aware of what those whores are up to in the privacy of their bedchambers? The shadows are always watching, an ever-present vigil against those who would seek to use us to enact their will, we know what your wives have been up in the past years, but their dirty little secrets are OURS to know. You would need to seek out our Master's permission if you wish to learn anything that the shadows know, however, because the only one that the shadows listen to now... is our Master." To demonstrate what she meant, the Emissary of Darkness shrouded herself with an aura of shadows and within the shifting forms lurking inside them, the Emperor was able to catch glimpses of his wives when they were a couple centuries younger... Getting a determined expression on his face, the Emperor was about to ask something, but the Emissary of Darkness quickly dispersed the shadows around her and said in a stern tone, "Do not think you can throw your weight around and expect the shadows to yield anything to you, Celeorbrim. If I were still alive, then things might be different, but even while I was alive... I kept secrets from you. If there is one thing I have learned from existing in the realm of darkness, then that would be that any secret can carry a grave price and that to try to learn all the secrets of the world would exact a heavy toll upon the one who dares to reach out for such knowledge." Looking quite defeated upon hearing that, the Emperor tensed when he heard the Emissary of Darkness add in a ghostly sounding tone, "If you were to ever truly wish to learn of the secrets behind the rise of the Ashen Fairy King, then you would be better off speaking with Empress Briziah in order to gain an audience with my Master..." Jumping up in start, with a hopeful look in his eyes, the Emperor was confused when he found that the Emissary of Darkness had completely vanished from the room and then the dark shroud around the pair of elves dissipated... Knowing that their time in private was now over, as the Matriarchs would not allow the Emperor to shroud them from sight a second time, the Emperor quickly began to discuss what he had actually come to find out... Working with the Empress, the Emperor worked out the fine details about where the extent of the Dark Elven lands stretched in order to prevent any High Elves from possibly angering the Dark God. Afterwords, the Emperor outlined the area where the Daemon Church would be allowed to operate within safely and then listened as the Empress expressed her plans to establish cities deeper within her Kingdom. After that, the Emperor investigated the rituals and rules that the Dark god had left behind, but was quite perplexed when he heard the answer. As he was beginning to realize that the Dark God was nothing like Karm had been, the Emperor began planning what he could offer the Shadow Weaver in order to gain the information he sought, the Empress unfortunately broke his train of thought by asking, "Say, I was wondering if you would not mind if I had the Daemon Church rename themselves from being called Warlocks to something else? There is so much confusion about them, since most Adventurers think that any Warlock without an Adventurer's badge is actually a Demon Worshiper and I would like to further differentiate between the two." Listening to the Empress after losing his train of thought, the Emperor put some serious thought towards what the Empress was asking and then responded with, "Well, if it's an order from their Empress, I do not think that the Church has the right to refuse, but I doubt the change will just simply happen overnight." Giggling mischievously, the Empress looked down at Aranussa and reached down to rub her ally's head; as only she was allowed too, then replied in a more threatening manner, "Oh I doubt they will be too argumentative about changing their titles. The title of Warlock has quite the nasty reputation among the creatures of darkness and would most likely result in a professed Warlock coming under attack by any Drider in my lands for merely stepping too close to their current home. I would like to change their names for when they are members of the Daemon Church and thus are allowed to operate within a certain territory within my kingdom, which will further serve to separate those who are evil Warlocks from those who would rather be more respectable members of society. Perhaps, in doing so, the new members of the Daemon Church can at least get on neutral terms with creatures of darkness." As the Empress and Emperor continued to discuss mundane topics that were an utter bore to the three Matriarch's observing them, elsewhere within the Dark Elven capitol... Paying a visit to Felifar's forge once more to deliver something she had went out on a request to retrieve, Saazzi gasped happily upon seeing the newly ascended Delilah... Reaching into her pockets to bring out some pretty colored rocks she had found while cleaning up at a river, Saazzi smiled when Delilah squealed excitedly over the sight of them. Accepting the rocks happily, Delilah eagerly swallowed the gift and then used the rocks to create a decoration to display from some part of her body. Watching as Delilah glided along the floor, with her legs literally fused to the ground she was moving over, Saazzi was quick to realize that Delilah had become a Mimic of the same level as the Garbage Eater and became quite confused over how such a thing could have happened within a few days from her last visit to the forge. When she came over to where Felifar was working on some kind of weapon, Saazzi jumped in fright when the gruff Grand Master-Smith grumpily growled, "Your friend came by while you were gone... caused quite the ruckus too before leaving." Blinking in confusion, Saazzi tilted her head to the side as she held out the items she had gone out to retrieve and asked in a perplexed tone, "What do you mean? I don't think Whiskers ever left my side while I was away?" Chuckling and breaking out into a devious grin, Felifar hooked a thumb over at his Daughter's formed body and muttered in amusement, "Not the little rat, the bigger one. Not exactly what I was expecting when you said you had a contract with a more powerful Mimic and as you can see, the results of the commotion she caused has benefited me greatly, right Delilah?" Smiling excitedly and rushing over to embrace her father happily, Delilah giggled in a delighted manner as she replied simply, "Yep! I can now talk and touch you without fear now!" Looking quite confused by what she was seeing, Saazzi had no idea what had transpired while she was away and so had no idea that the city of Mezmerroah was now the domain of the new Dark God. Despite that, Saazzi was quite overjoyed to be able to actually speak with Delilah now and quickly began to discuss with the young looking Mimic-girl about what types of metal the Mimic preferred to eat. Much to Saazzi's delight, Delilah had quite the sweet-tooth for Ebony metal and really did not care all that much about the other metal types. Thankfully, nothing of which had transpired while she was gone had any effect on the deal she had made with Felifar over buying up any garbage items his forge produced... After getting Felifar's seal of approval for the request she had answered, Saazzi quickly rushed off to the Adventurer's Outpost before Felifar could ask her to stick around to speak with Urenil... Upon returning to the Adventurer's Outpost in Mezmerroah, Saazzi turned in quite a number of requests at once and earned herself a sizable amount of reward money for her efforts. Afterwords, Saazzi went over to the request board to see if there was anything posted that would be worth sticking around to complete, but sadly Saazzi found no other clusters of requests that she could complete in a single outing and so shifted gears. Looking around the room, Saazzi found herself some prospective candidates for recruitment into her services in the future; once she became a Trade Prince, and began to go around to make her offers to the Dark Elves that caught her eye. Most respectfully declined her offer for employment, as they wished to remain within their homes and not become tied up within Hob-Goblin "politics"... Eventually, Saazzi went off to take a breather in more secluded corner of inn at the Guild Outpost and was surprised to find someone approaching "her" with an offer this time... Smiling when the Hob-Goblin visitor to the city seemed quite surprised by her coming over, a female Dark Elf named Narelu pleasantly greeted Saazzi, "Greetings, Rat Whisperer, my name is Narelu and I was wondering why it is that you are trying to recruit Dark Elves?" Snickering when Whiskers' let out an indignant screech over Saazzi being referred too in a manner that made her sound to be the one with all the power, the Dark Elf smiled down at the little critter poking up out of Saazzi's shadow and gave him a peace offering for calling him out in such a manner. Delighted to receive such a large piece of cheese, Whiskers quickly dove back into the Shadowed Cleft and began to share his bounty with his nest, while Narelu sat down next to Saazzi. Not the least bit surprised that the Dark Elf was able to deduce how to appease Whiskers, Saazzi ordered a couple of drinks to share while she listened to the offer of the Dark Elf. For a few minutes, while they were waiting for their drinks, the Dark Elf made small talk by asking about where Saazzi planned on establishing her territory when she became a Trade Prince and Saazzi played along, since she had long since been alerted to the watchful gazes paying careful attention to the discussion between the two... Eventually, one of the barmaids brought over the drinks and as the pretty Dark Elf walked away, those who had lost interest in what was being discussed suddenly turned back towards the pair in "shock" as the pair blurred right before their eyes; as a barrier cut them off from those around them... Thankfully, since she had already made peace with Whiskers, Narelu merely found a pair a suspicious eyes glaring at her from the shadows, but then Narelu called upon her own familiar. Much to Whiskers' fright, a Shadow Wraith stretched out of Narelu's own shadow and bore the presence of a Divine Guardian. For a few moments, Whiskers regarded the Shadow Wraith warily, but then the soul of the person embodied by the Shadow Wraith shimmered into a semi-permeable form. Sadly, the Shadow Wraith was not yet powerful enough to fully manifest it's soul in the physical world and so could not yet become a Shadow Soul, but now that the Shadow Wraith had a body to follow along behind, it could hardly wait to sink it's teeth into a few juicy shadows. Quickly explaining how the "barrier" she had erected was originally a "Demonic" Spell created by a specific race of Demons for personal combat means, but that upon coming to learn that Demons were just "different" types of Darkness Creatures; that had "changed" to suit the needs of the now God of Demons, Karm, Narelu had come to an understanding about her "magic"... Giving Saazzi a brief rundown of how the magic worked, Narelu was not surprised when Saazzi was unable to grasp the concept of a spell that had Demonic Origins... After sharing their own specific techniques for using their dark magic, Saazzi eventually asked why Narelu had decided to approach her, when no one else she spoke to had any interest in her and the answer she received was quite surprising, "Because my Ancestor asked me to join you, Saazzi, something about you having the highest of respects among the shadows that watch the living world constantly. While my Ancestor may not be willing to elaborate any further than that, I can tell from the way you have treated your familiar, down there, that you have a much better understanding of how to interact with creatures of darkness than even my own people have. Which is saying something, mind you." When Saazzi responded with a confused look, Narelu just smiled and explained, "I just recently cast aside my faith in Demons and turned back towards the roots of my people... there, I found my Ancestor, practically foaming at the mouth to join me in walking upon the living world. While I may have to give up a bunch of my mana each day in order to maintain my pact with him, my Ancestor has taught me the finer arts of wielding an Ebony sword and I have become so much stronger in the mere day I have been with him; in comparison to the years of my life I wasted upon the teachings of the Daemon Church." Noticing something strange about the Dark Elf sitting across from her, Saazzi uneasily asked, "Um... might I ask... where your Family Talisman is? I don't think I have ever seen a Dark Elf without one... unless they just so happened to be one of the targets I am sent after in the numerous bandit camps I have been too..." Looking very surprised when Saazzi noticed the absence of her family talisman during their first conversation, Narelu just smiled mischievously and said vindictively, "I cut it in two right before the leaders of my family when I announced that I would be renouncing the ways of the Demonic Arts in order to pursue my strength elsewhere. Granted, I only severed my ties with my family when they refused to allow me to switch my faith from Demons to the Dark Powers that are any Dark Elf's birthright. Regardless, I am no longer bound to any family responsibilities or have any further ties to this city, since my former family made certain to blacklist my name everywhere so that I could never again be a respected member of society. Not like I care, I have devoted my life to learning the ways of the blade, but all my family ever cared about was how good at magic you were... Guess I take after my Ancestor more than they care to admit." Despite wishing to know more, Saazzi knew better than pry into the secrets of others and instead just replied with a delighted smile, "Well I'd be happy to take you in and while I may not have anything to pay you with right at this moment, I will still make certain that we all can get what we need as we travel together. When I retire this next spring and make my attempt for becoming a Trade Prince, I'll definitely have plenty for you to do in the area I plan on setting myself up within. For now, you are welcome to join my caravan and I will try my best to provide for you while we travel, but when it comes down to jobs... we'll have to take what affords us the most profit first, then if there is something that catches your eye... we can always go back and see if that request is still up." Nodding her understanding and finding the terms of her current arrangement with Saazzi to be rewarding on all fronts, Narelu suddenly grew suspicious... Worried that she might have done or said something to offend the Dark Elf, Saazzi was thrown off quite a bit when Narelu then asked, "Forgive me, but after coming to possess my own pact with a Dark Creature... I find myself doubting whether or not you indeed have a pact with such a great Dark Creature that even my Ancestor acknowledged you the moment you entered this establishment just now. Even with your familiar, the pact you have with it is... disappointing, to say the least and quite confusing at most. How are your pacts so simple that you do not even need to worry about keeping your end of the bargain?" Smiling in a surprisingly wicked manner, Saazzi eyes glittered darkly as she replied in a devious manner, "So you want evidence, eh? Well then, why don't we go get your things and take them out to the wagon? I doubt I will be having much success with recruiting any others from here, so I see no reason to linger for too long, do you?" Knowing something was up and finding herself smiling in amusement, Narelu flinched when she suddenly began to hear her Ancestor snickering deviously through their shared mental connection... Later, as they were approaching Saazzi's wagon... Pausing when she noticed Narelu come to a sudden stop, Saazzi turned back towards the Dark Elf to say in a joking manner, "Oh come on now, this couldn't possibly be any scarier than what you must have gone through when meeting with your Ancestor, right?" All mirth disappeared from Saazzi's face when she saw the "terrified" look plastered to Narelu's face and was quite confused as to "why" the Dark Elf would be so frightened of meeting the Whimpering Man-eater sitting in the back of her wagon... Laughing nervously, Saazzi just stepped hurriedly over towards the back of the wagon and threw open the flaps on the back, while saying, "Hey, hey, there is no reason to be so hostile towards our new-SHIT!" Just as Saazzi had thrown open the flaps, she first laid eyes upon the "different" Mimic's chest sitting in the back of her wagon and then cursed as she found a familiar looking dark mist roiling out the opening... As Saazzi toppled over backwards, Whiskers surged up from the shadows underneath the wagon and quickly dragged Saazzi off into the safety of the Shadowed Cleft before the dangerous fog could reach her... Narelu just stood where she had stopped, completely petrified by the sight that awaited her in the magical sight she had used to see the truth of things in the spiritual sense. In her eyes, instead of a wagon, Narelu saw only the gaping maw of beast comprised of pure darkness laying there snoring and when Saazzi had thrown open the flaps, Narelu watched in horror as the mouth of the creature flew open to allow it's tongue to roll out. Worse yet, was how Narelu could see that the creature safeguarding what was inside the wagon was not even close to the most horrifying thing she would see that day. Ever so nervously approaching the wagon, Narelu tried her best to see what lay hidden within the shadows of the wagon, but the shadows were not so willing to divulge their secrets to her... Then, all of sudden, Saazzi cried out as she was pulled back out of the shadows from the left side of the wagon and gently tossed off to one side... Eventually recovering from her impromptu excursion to the Shadowed Cleft, Saazzi gave her thanks to Whiskers quickly and promised to get him a wheel of whatever kind of cheese he wanted after dealt with whatever was causing problems in the back of her wagon. Coming over to where Narelu had moved up closer to the wagon, Saazzi noticed the magical gleam cast over the Dark Elf's eyes and quickly realized that Narelu was seeing things beyond her ability to detect. Looking over at the opened flaps of the wagon, where the black mist was still cascading out onto the ground and harmlessly dissipating upon the ground, Saazzi let out a heavy sigh as she remembered where she had once seen the same mist before. Asking Narelu to wait just one moment, Saazzi took out a crappy looking dagger and tossed the dagger into the back of her wagon with "practiced" precision... Watching with wide eyes the entire time, Narelu watched as the monster lurking within the mouth of the beast snarled hostilely as it woke up and could only stare in terror as the shadowy beast faded away to reveal a true terror of shadows that had been lurking within. Knowing her jaw was hanging limply below her face, Narelu could not take her eyes off the formless mass of pure darkness that had now taken the place of the shadowy beast. Then, the massive presence suddenly vanished and Narelu was left in a state of confusion until the sound of something being swallowed reached her ears. As the monster within the wagon began to drag itself over towards the back of the wagon, Narelu was even more confused by the fact that her spiritual sight could no longer pick up anything at all... Then, Narelu flinched when the tailgate of the wagon flopped open and all that was revealed to be within was a simple Mimic... Having heard her thoughts, Narelu's Ancestor manifested faintly behind her and whispered sinisterly into her ear, "Do not believe what your eyes are telling you about this creature... you can no longer rely upon your senses to determine the magnitude of this creature's power. Instead, use your own eyes to see the truth about this mere Mimic..." Deactivating her spiritual vision, Narelu then reopened her eyes and looked upon the Mimic before... Going rigid as she noticed the three separate Elven racial blessed metals worked into the creature's very form, Narelu immediately fell to ground in reverence of the mighty creature before her. Bobby, on the hand, was still waking back up after being jostled out of his unconscious state by an attack made against whatever he had been hiding within. Having to close his Mimic eyes against the bright light, the true Garbage Eater then emerged from her chest and took on the form of a fetching female Hob-Goblin. Thankfully, the shadows of the Dark Realm already knew that their Master would not want to be bothered by onlookers, so had already taken measure to create an even more powerful version of the spell they had learned thanks to Narelu speaking with Saazzi... After yawning cutely and laying down against the front of her chest in a tired manner, the Garbage Eater struggled to focus her tired eyes and so instead just called out in a grumpy manner, "Hell of a way to wake someone up, Saazzi! 'Bout nearly tore apart your wagon in my confusion... ugh, my head still hurts... and the world keeps trembling...." Remaining on the ground, despite hearing the strange way that the creature of darkness was responding to being awoken, Narelu suddenly felt the gaze of the mighty creature before her fall upon her... Having closed her eyes to make use of being able to "see" through the shadows around her, the Garbage Eater was able to see the cowering Dark Elf groveling before her suddenly... Growling unhappily over how the Dark Elf was reacting towards her already, the Garbage Eater just grumpily muttered, "Oh quit it already, I'm not gonna eat ya for being a Dark Elf and I do not care if you once practiced the Demonic Arts. I can feel that your soul now belongs to the shadows, my shadows, so do not feel like you must treat me like I am your god... All I do is eat the garbage that my Oracle here fetches for me while out adventuring... Is that not what you wished to know, Narelu?" Feeling every fiber of her being tense up after merely hearing her name spoken by the powerful creature lounging lazily before her, Narelu could not believe; even for a second, that there would be any way for her to defend herself against such a creature if it were to find her presence to be an annoyance... Shooting upright quickly, Narelu tried to keep her eyes down respectfully, but then thousands of shadowy hands reached out to force her to look up at her new Master and that was when she meekly replied, "I merely wished to know if placing my allegiance with this Hob-goblin would be the right choice... All I wish is to learn how to master the art of the sword, as my Ancestor before me had, but if you wish of anything from me, I will do my best to provide for you whatever you wish!" Chuckling, the Garbage Eater just leered over at Narelu in a hungry manner and then said ominously, "The only thing I wish for... is more garbage to eat! That is the only thing that draws me back to this world. Just know that garbage to me is defined as anything that you come into possession of and do not have any need for. Armor, weapons, tents, and even bodies count as garbage to me. If you provide me with enough garbage when we next meet, I can guarantee you that I'll have an even better version of that sword of yours waiting for you!" Tensing when she felt both Narelu and the Dark Elf's Ancestor take hold of "their" blade possessively, Bobby had to quickly rethink the reward she was proposing... Holding up her hands and waving away their concerns, the Garbage Eater quickly clarified what she had meant in speaking of the reward in store for Narelu, "Ah, forgive me, forgive me, I was not intending to take away your weapon, I can merely make use of any garbage you bring me to upgrade your current weapon and if you serve me well, I might even be able to help out your Ancestor there as well." Leaving both Elves with perplexed looks upon their faces, the Garbage Eater shifted over towards Saazzi and said tiredly, "I do apologize for taking over the back of your wagon... I might have over-exerted myself recently and will need to rest up for a little while longer. Don't worry though, I will be returning home this time so I don't get in your way... say, what are you still doing in the Dark Elf Kingdom? I'd have figured you would have tried to return home as fast as you could upon completing my request?" Shaking her head in response to the Garbage Eater's question, Saazzi smiled cheerfully and replied in a merry manner, "Well, originally I had planned on doing that, but then I made some wonderful connections here in the capitol for later when I become a Trade Prince! A lot of people around here were very eager to help me with fulfilling my pact with you and so I can always come by here and buy up their garbage whenever I am in the area. Plus, later on, I have an idea on a way to allow me to collect all of the garbage here in this city without even leaving my homeland! Thanks to getting Narelu here to join up with me, I should have a much easier time with making money from jobs and gathering up garbage for you! If you do want me to return home, I can always head back now and then head on over to the Human Kingdom afterword?" Waving off the offer, the Garbage Eater slide back down into her chest and picked herself up on fleshy tendrils, as she replied in a dismissive manner, "Nah, I'll return on my own now that I am awake. You should head on over to the human lands and then you probably should head on back home. I'm betting the others have stashes of garbage waiting for ya!" Leaving Narelu with quite the confused look on her face and Saazzi smiling happily, Bobby entered into the Shadowed Cleft... Upon arriving, however, Bobby was shocked to find Alyse waiting eagerly for him... Back in the living world, however, Saazzi was turning towards Narelu and held up one hand to put a stop to all the questions threatening to come bursting out of the Dark Elf, before saying a placating manner, "It would be difficult to explain everything to you here and I do not want the others to learn of what is going on between me and the Garbage Eater. For now, you should put your things in my wagon for safe keeping and then we'll go get some provisions for a trip to the Human Kingdom." As those two went off to prepare for the journey over to the Human Nation, back within the shadows... Greeting Bobby with an excited embrace, Alyse couldn't resist teasing Bobby by squishing her breasts up against him, before saying in a very pleased manner, "You did wonderful making the Dark Elf Kingdom yours and I must applaud you for the way you handled the Demons. It will certainly be difficult for any Demon King to strike out against you without endangering their holdings upon their world and anything less than a Demon King cannot even stand up to you when you get serious. Now then I have a gift for you." Sighing unhappily, Bobby muttered in a dark mood, "Well, unless you can magically pull out a living body that I could actually use in this world to go around among mortals..." Trailing off as Alyse ported HIS old body down in front of her, Bobby's jaw went from tightly clenched with annoyance to flopping loosely below his mouth in disbelief... Of course, the fact that Alyse had his old body was not lost upon Bobby, but the "quality" of his body; which he could only sense because he was a Mimic that loved to eat items of any type, was beyond what he had come to know as a Mythical item... Presenting the gift to Bobby, Alyse had a big goofy grin stretched across her face and could not stop trembling with excitement as she exclaimed happily, "Now you have no more excuses! Get out there and spread you name! Oh, I should mention that I have been imbuing your old body with any excess power of yours; which I have been collecting whenever you are resting or after you have displayed your powers, so I want to believe that this vessel will not only be able to house your godly form, but also be able to benefit from your godly abilities!" Accepting the gift from Alyse gingerly, Bobby was suddenly knocked to the ground underneath the dead-weight of his body and was forced to take possession of his old body in order to "move" it anywhere... As he slipped back into his old body, Bobby suddenly felt himself take in a deep breath and felt himself feeding upon the raw dark energy within the Shadowed Cleft... Once he had fully moved back into his still living body, Bobby could quite literally feel the power he wielded now at his fingertips and then just as quickly, he was able to dismiss his power completely. Although the power was still waiting for him to call upon it, Bobby could feel that he could actually pass himself off as a mortal the way he was now and began to smile as he realized what a golden opportunity he now had. Smiling sinisterly as he now had the perfect way for him to be able to travel around the world and connect with the rest of the Kingdoms that worshiped the powers of darkness, Bobby suddenly reached out to embrace Alyse of his own volition. Causing a cute little squeak of surprise to escape the Goddess' lips, Bobby couldn't help chuckling over the way Alyse had sounded just then, but then he suddenly found himself taking a dirt-nap... Pushing himself, with an amused scowl on his face, Bobby began coming up with some revenge schemes he could pull on Alyse, but then she reminded him of a more pressing issue, "You might want might wanna wait to try to prank me until we stand on equal footing, Bobby, plus you wouldn't want to exclude your buddies from all the fun, would you? Besides, don't you have a carriage to catch?" Tensing when he remembered that he wanted to go with Saazzi, as she made her "own" connections around the world, Bobby quickly realized he was "naked" when he felt something swaying "freely" between his legs... Calling upon his godly powers, Bobby pulled out his armor and turned the Mythical chest parts into a pair of bracers, belt, ankle braces, and the finally a necklace. Then he replicated the robes he had made for his Emissary of Darkness, in order to allow him to completely hide his presence as a God and then he began to think about how he wanted to present himself to the world. Eventually remembering his Luck-of-the-Draw ability and the ways he had intended to use it on Adventurers, Bobby quickly created himself some rather simple looking Mythical clothes that were designed around chance. Finally, Bobby created a special sheathed sword that he could "draw" in combat and would then be forced to make use of whatever weapon he "drew" out from his stash of weapons until he defeated his enemies, thus allowing him to sheathe his weapon once more... Once that was done, Bobby pulled out some Shadow Silk fabric and wrapped his head up in a manner that allowed him only a very narrow view of the world... With his preparations complete, Bobby stepped back out of the shadows and said to himself, while shrouding himself from sight within the shadows he emerged from, "Now to wait until Saazzi comes back to the Outpost and then I'll... try my luck with getting her to accept me without revealing myself... heh, this reminds me of all those RPGs I played as a child, where you had to use your skills and a little luck to sway conversations in your favor." Having just returned to the Outpost tavern, Saazzi first secured seats for Narelu and herself, before heading over to the counter where an attendant awaited to aid Adventurers with finding requests... After greeting the kind faced Dark Elf behind the counter, Saazzi quickly inquired about any jobs available on the way to the Human Kingdom's capitol and the Dark Elf grew very unhappy as she was going to answer Saazzi, but then the doors to the tavern were thrown open. Eerily, in response to the doors opening, the friendly dark specters hanging out in the building; since they all had been Adventurers in their previous lives, all vanished from sight instantly. Walking into the room, with slow ponderous footsteps, a strangely dressed figure ambled over towards where Saazzi was and had the full attention of the whole room. All the eyes in the room were fixated upon the dark "aura" carried by the dark figure entering into the building and the very obvious absence of an Adventurer's badge... Narelu quickly came over to Saazzi's side, merely out of instinct to protect her provider, but also because her Ancestor had also gone into hiding as well... Unable to see the mysterious stranger's face due to a black scarf wrapped all around their head, the Adventurers were quite surprised when the masked individual politely cleared his throat and then said in a mix of languages, "You go to human lands? Might I buy passage with you?" Struck speechless by not only the manner in which the mysterious stranger spoke, but also by the way that Whiskers was hissing hostilely telepathically to her about his opinion of the stranger, eventually Saazzi replied in an uneasy manner, "I'm afraid that I must decline your request... I travel with numerous Dark Creatures defending my carriage and right now... one of them is very uncomfortable with you presence, I'm afraid." Looking away from Saazzi and turning towards the shadow that Whiskers was glaring out at them from, the mysterious stranger just smiled pleasantly and crouched down to say in a calm manner, "Well now, that won't do! Come here, big one, I ain't gonna hurt ya." Much to the shock of everyone in the room, at the behest of the stranger, Whiskers actually emerged from the shadows and while he may not have been at full size, Whisker's was definitely bigger than the normal rat... Coming over to the stranger, when the mysterious person held out one hand, Whisker's first instinct was to bite the intruder, but then the person he was approaching released such an immense amount of magical might that Whiskers let out a terrified squeak and retreated into the shadows, as the person said again, "That was for thinking ya could bite me and get away with it! Now then, come out here, little rat, so you can stop making your Master uneasy about me. Oh wait... that's the problem." Suddenly standing back up, the mysterious strange reached up to their face and slowly began to remove the scarf like fabric wrapped around their face... The entire crowd inside the Outpost tavern gasped in shock when a male human was revealed to be underneath the cloth fabric and the Dark Elves in the room began to instinctively reach towards their weapons, as old hatreds bubbled back to the surface... Chuckling, without even looking around, the human said to no one in particular, "You can take your hands off your weapons and put away your spiteful glares, cause none of you have what it takes to scare me after living in the Shadowed Cleft for as many years as I have... Speaking of which, what year is it currently? I don't quite recall much about what happened to me back when I last walked among this world, but I do remember that any Elf would have gladly tried to slit my throat for even showing my face. The fact that you have only reached for your weapons tells me that the war between our races has ended... yes?" For the longest time, no one moved, but then the footfalls of someone coming into the tavern from another connected building could be heard... Entering into the room, the Outpost Master had a very wide-eyed expression on his face as he approached the strange human in his lands, especially since this individual was not an Adventurer... After walking over to where Saazzi, Narelu and the strange human were, the Outpost-master curiously asked, "How is it that you are still alive after being trapped within the Shadowed Cleft since probably before the Great Cataclysms? No human should have such a lifespan..." Chuckling, the human held up one of his hands, which bore many rings, before saying in a somber manner, "I was a magic user back during the war, you know... had great luck when it came to certain aspects of my life. Sadly, for all my luck, I could not prevent myself from being captured, but I did avoid being killed and then offered up to the Dark God of you elves. Instead, I was thrown into the shadows and banished from this world... At first, I merely lived within the shadowy reflection of this world and did my best to survive by stealing anything I could get my hands on in the shadows of the living world. I slowly began to amass a wealth of items, food and gear from this world, but that was not enough to keep me safe in the shadow world. Eventually, I managed to figure out how to use the very essence of the shadow world to enchant items I gathered from this world and that was when I made a mistake." Suddenly, the mysterious human's shadow began to shift and writhe in an unsettling manner... Looking back over at his shadow, the human just frowned in annoyance and then said, "My mistake nearly cost me my life, but that was only because I drew the attention of a very nasty shadow being. He wanted my body for himself and kept going on and on about using my inherent luck to win over his lady once more. Sadly for him, I had more favor with his Lady Luck than he did and so in our battle I was able to win out against, thus allowing me to keep my body. Unfortunately, right after that, he apparently got lucky and thus cursed me to walk in this body for eternity or until I hand over the reins to him. In addition to cursing me with eternal youth, he also tried to make certain that I could no longer control my own life by making me have to rely upon my luck for everything, thinking that if he had me use up all my luck, then I would have no choice but to hand over my body to him." In response to what was being said, a feral looking shadow wraith phased into existence in place of the man's normal shadow... Ignoring the shadow wraith glaring up at him from his shadows, the human turned back towards the Outpost-master and said, "So it's not that I have the lifespan to have lived this long, more that I am just to damn stubborn to hand over my carcass to that pitiful excuse of a man!" In response, the shadow wraith howled with anger and then vanished back into the shadows, as the man said in amusement, "Besides, I have found a hidden blessing in my cursed state... heh, which is that if my friend wants to take over my body when my spirit leaves it, he has to keep my body in good shape or else he risks my body deteriorating from his power leaking out of me, so my luck never seems to run out, even if I don't always have the best of luck. Not even Lady Luck can suck me dry, but because of that... I now share a wonderful relationship with her and Misfortune. Neither one wants me dead, because if I were to die then they would be without the benefits I can bring them... since my shadow friend is still technically able to walk out in the living plane again and Lady Luck has a never ending fountain of luck to drink from." When an Adventurer asked what he meant in referencing this strange Lady Luck, the human pulled out a coin and began to flick the coin up in the air without really paying attention to what he was doing... All of sudden, the room was filled with an unnatural presence and the phantasmal visage of an elegantly dressed Dark Elf woman materialized behind the man... Seemingly oblivious to the dark presence behind him, the human answered the question in the minds of all the Dark Elves in the room, "I can only guess that none of you have ever gone too far into the shadows, yes? Always remaining just out in the light where you are safe? Well, I have seen the shadow world in all of it's beauty and horror, so I know of things lurking there that you have never ever noticed before thanks to the presence of Demons keeping all of the dark beings at bay. Now without the threat of capture by Demons hanging over their heads any more... I would expect you to find yourselves having a lot more terrors of the night to deal with from now on and not all are so easy to deal with as Lady Luck here." Catching the coin one last time, the human suddenly reached up with that hand and began to stroke the "spiritual" face of Lady Luck, as she leaned down closer towards his neck... In response to all the results of the coin being flipped, one of the elves in the room was made so uneasy by the presence of the phantom of Lady Luck that they cast a spell to remove the ghost from the room... Even though there should have been no chance to dodge the spell, somehow the human predicted the way that the spell would spin through the ghostly body of Lady Luck and merely ducked back out of the way. No one could believe how lucky the human was in moving the correct manner to dodge the spiraling spell fired off by the uneasy Dark Elf. Then the spell impacted against a decorative sword and sent the blade flying up above human in a lethal arc towards the his back. Pretending to be completely oblivious to his impending doom, the human just smiled as he turned to face the crowd and said slyly, "Luck is not something that can be controlled, nor is everyone born with the same amount, but you can change the odds in your favor with the help of certain powerful beings..." Trailing off when his shadow moved in a peculiar manner and caused his own arm to react just in time to catch the blade, the human just smiled eerily as he added, "But having a little help only goes so far. I learned long ago to never trust completely in my good fortune and to make my own luck depending on how situations turn out. Of course, I've also learned how to keep my enemies from paying more attention to me by retaining the services of powerful creatures I have met in the shadow world. Thanks to that, I was able to make living in the shadow world less worrying, but you should always be careful when dealing with Dark Creatures." Nodding his thanks to Lady Luck for helping him out with his little charade, Bobby granted her the power of a Demigod and gave her a few rules to exist by, which she was all too happy to accept... When someone rose to the bait and asked him why they should be careful, since Dark Creatures were just like Demons, the human suddenly burst out laughing, before saying in a dangerous manner, "Demons only care about getting you to sign over your soul to them and they will do everything in their power to get that from you. Which means that they will threaten you with a painful death or try to manipulate you when you are in dire need, but what about the creatures of darkness? All they need is your body and in some cases they only need your flesh, regardless of condition. That means if you mess with a creature of darkness, then there will be no deals, no bargains, only your death shall settle the debt at that point." Glaring down at his shadow to make his point, the human then flicked his coin again and called back the phantasmal version of Lady Luck back into the tavern, as he said, "However, if you can entice a creature of darkness in approaching you with an offer, you can make a pact with them, but be very certain that you set the rules before agreeing... or you'll end up like me. Even though I did manage to get Lady Luck's attention, I made the mistake of not setting any rules before agreeing when she asked me if I wanted her protection in return for her getting to feed on my luck. In return, I am now blessed with the protection of Lady Luck from Misfortune and from most lesser Dark Creatures, but the price I pay for such protection is that I now must rely upon chance any time I try to take any action. Even just coming in here required me to roll the dice, so to speak, several times until I finally managed to get lucky." Almost immediately, someone cast doubt upon his claim to be protected from misfortune by Lady Luck, but that only made him smile once again, as he explained, "Ah, but that is where you are wrong... I never said that Lady Luck and Misfortune are different entities... in fact, the Misfortune that I was speaking of, is what my dear Lady Luck becomes when angered." Flipping the coin and allowing the coin to fall upon the ground, Lady Luck suddenly appeared, but instead of being an elegantly dressed Dark Elf, she now had a more monstrous appearance and long fangs stretching away from her jaws... But, as the human reached down to pick up the coin and chuckled over the "winning" coin toss he just picked up, Misfortune suddenly returned to the gorgeous lady she normally was... After Lady Luck vanished once more, the human then explained what just happened, "Lady Luck is not a physical creature, not anymore I guess... she is a purely spiritual being and when she is treated properly she appears normal, just like how my shadow remains normal unless I rile up my guardian." In response to being referred to in an improper manner, the Shadow Wraith flashed into existence and hissed in a hostile manner at the human... Chuckling as he turned to look back down at his shadow, the human flipped the coin and then smiled evilly as Lady Luck appeared behind him, while saying in a snarky manner, "Nope, still on my side. Guess you'll have to go back to waiting a little while longer for me to vacate your future body." Turning back towards the crowd, with a pleasant smile, the human kindly stated, "Treat the shadows with respect and they will return that favor in kind. Sometimes, they might try to play a trick or two on you, but if you are expecting such things from them, then you won't be surprised when that happens and can just roll with their punches. Once you enter into a pact with a creature, however, they will do their best to maintain that relationship, since they will only agree to a pact if they get something they want out of it. Take my pact with Lady Luck, each time I invoke her favor I generate a certain amount of luck and that generated essence is what she feeds upon, but because I am protected from being visited by Misfortune, I do not suffer for feeding her. Likewise, with the curse from my shadow, I cannot ever die to the passing of ages and I will be forced to watch as this world turns without me, but at the same time, I am protected from physical damage to my being because my shadow wants an undamaged vessel to move into." As the Dark Elf Adventurers listened to the human, those who had chosen to rely upon the powers of darkness suddenly began to understand how dark pacts actually functioned and began to grow excited... Then, as if to put a damper upon the excitement, the Outpost-master stepped up next to the human and cleared his throat loudly... Once he had the attention of the human, the Outpost-master declared in a pompous sounding manner, "Well, I hate to inform you about this, but there are rules in place now that will prevent you from simply leaving this Kingdom and returning to your homeland... but~ you can easily avoid all that fuss if you were to agree to become an Adventurer. Would you be interested?" Keeping a normal smile on his face, even on the inside his smile would have caused every to tense up, the human just kindly replied, "Of course I am interested! I would hate to cause any troubles for those who provide me with transport... Say, there... short and green, think I can come with you now? I'm certain that I can be friends with all the creatures you have under your control." Spying a "golden" opportunity to earn another close ally and one with power to spare, Saazzi quickly nodded her agreement to taking on the human as a passenger; with the way he referred to her being completely ignored... A few hours later, after becoming known as Bobby Fortune, the Outpost-master escorted Bobby towards a testing grounds where Bobby's skills could be accurately gauged... Once down in the testing area, Bobby was asked what kind of skills he could use and after thinking for a moment; while asking the spirits of darkness for some help with that, he replied, "Well, I am quite the skilled swordsman, although I have not had anything to exercise my skills upon for quite some time. I am skilled in several forms of dark magic, ranging from simple spells, summoning dark creatures, not to mention that I know many healing and buffs related with the use of dark magic. As with any who practice the arts of shadow, I am quite proficient at thievery, but I have not had to exercise my sticky fingers in centuries. As for things I know nothing about, well that would anything related to using a shield, bow, or any kind of magic that is not related to dark magic... I kinda have been living in a place charged with so much dark energy that I probably could pass myself off as a dark creature if I really tried too. Also, while I may not be very physically strong, I do know how to use my hands to... shall we say~ incapacitate my enemies." Spending the next few moments displaying skills that no one had even heard of before, Bobby quickly drew a large crowd to the testing grounds... Even Saazzi and Narelu were astounded by some of the things that Bobby was capable of doing with his "magic" alone, but when he began to use a training sword, jaws began to drop... When he was later asked if he had any writings about what he had learned of dark magic and skills related to dark powers, Bobby surprised everyone by not only pulling out one, but several books from within his cloak. Trembling as he watched the stack of tomes grow larger, the Outpost-master was nearly hysterical when thanking Bobby for his contribution to the world's knowledge of Dark Magic. Then the Outpost-master mentioned having something made as a way of payment to Bobby, but to the Dark Elf's shock, Bobby declined any such reward. Informing the Outpost-master about all his Legendary or Mythical gear; leaving out those Bobby did not want mortals to know about, Bobby then asked simply to have a hundred Full-Silver coins "worth" of money prepared for him so that he would not need to worry about providing for himself for a while... In short order, Bobby was awarded a Rank Five Adventurer's badge and close to FIVE hundred Full-Silver coins worth of money for the knowledge he passed onto the Adventurer's Guild... As word about Bobby spread around, however, a summons to the palace of the Dark Elf Empress arrived without any warning and after notifying Saazzi about what happening, went to meet with the Empress. Riding along in a lavish carriage, Bobby looked around the city happily to see all the Dark Elven Ancestors now freely floating around the city and interacting with those who descended from the spirits. Much to his surprise, however, was the way that the spirits reacted to a few Warlocks that Bobby's carriage passed and he spent a few minutes laughing over the way that the ghosts had dropped water buckets on the spell-casters. Later on, however, Bobby noticed another "Warlock" actually speaking to a spiritual Dark Elf Ancestor and found himself quite curious about that... After finally reaching the palace of the Empress, Bobby was quite impressed with all the changes the Empress had made to her home and slowly made his way towards the throne room so that he could take in all the sights... Watching the entire time as her guest entered into her home, the Empress was overjoyed with the reactions many of the changes to her palace received from her visitor. Despite the fact that her guest was a human, the Empress had been anxiously awaiting news of the human's acceptance as an Adventurer in order to issue her invitation to him. For as the mortal walked into her home, any lingering dark creatures quickly vanished from sight with his passing and even the Dark Fairies who came to play within her palace had grown quiet with his approach. Having her spiritual sight on her eyes, as her guest entered the room, the Empress was quite alarmed by the "sight" awaiting her... While there may have been nothing spiritually impressive about her guest, the fact that there was a bubble of "nothing" around him was quite shocking, since even Warlocks from the Daemon Church could not dispel the "presence" of the Dark God who claimed the lands of the Dark Elves for itself... Smiling warmly and bowing respectfully to the Empress, Bobby wished to make the Empress believe that he was nothing more than a human that had undergone a spectacular experience and could tell he was succeeding when the Empress said, "I must say, I am quite surprised that a human would be willing to show me the proper respect, especially after learning that you were alive back during the great wars before the cataclysms changed everything." As the Adventurer rose back up, he had an unsettling smirk on his face and then he took one step forward towards the Empress. With that mere action, Bobby suddenly caused a clash of the spiritual kind between him and whatever spiritual forces were at play within the Empress' throne room. In response the intrusion, Aranussa arose from the shadows and hissed threateningly, but in response, however, the Shadow Wraith within Bobby's shadow burst into sight all around Bobby's domain in a twisted jumble of body parts. Merely opening it's numerous mouths and inhaling was more than enough to overpower Aranussa, but then the terrible creature Bobby had "asked" to help him with the charade he was putting on let out a terrible shriek... Thankfully, the Empress had the protection of another Demigod class creature, but Aranussa felt the full brunt of the spiritual assault from the Shadow Wraith and was sent back into the shadows with a painful hiss... Stepping back after seeing Aranussa be forced back into the shadows, Bobby just smiled in a confident manner and said politely, "Please do apologize to your handmaiden won't you, Empress? I was merely attempting to establish my position within your courts. Now then, if it would not be to much, might I ask..." Trailing off as a mob of alarmed voices suddenly burst into the room, Bobby just returned to smiling coyly and had the Shadow Soul following him around manifest fully behind him in a hunched over posture... Once they felt what they were dealing with, the guards and religious magic users all fell instantly silent... Looking back at the intruders into his conversation with the Empress, Bobby had the Shadow Soul twist around him to mimic his own motions and then said in a low voice, "You are in the presence of the most respected Dark Elf in this Kingdom, please lower your voices so that you do not interrupt her Highness. Now then, back to what I had been saying, before we were so rudely interrupted, Empress." Becoming incited by the manner in which a mere human was speaking to their Dark Empress and Ruler of the Dark Elven lands, one of the stronger Dark Summoners called forth his own ally and loudly demanded, "Cease your casual chatter with her majesty at once! You have not earned the right!" Merely raising up one of his feet, Bobby caused the Empress to cry out in protest over what Bobby was intending to do... Flinching when he heard the tone in which the Empress spoke out, Bobby quickly put his foot back down and turned towards her with a nervous expression on his face, as the Empress quickly regained her composure, before declaring with her normal presence, "No! It is you who have not earned the right to speak towards my guest in such a manner! Mere moments earlier, this man took one step closer to me and engaged my guardian in a spiritual duel with the dark spirit you can see standing behind him! If I were you, I would beg this man for forgiveness, before his own protector decides to teach you the proper respect." Suddenly coming to realize that the "creature" behind the human standing before the Empress was a solid being and not just some illusion, all of the Dark magic users nervously stepped back fearfully... A different magic user then stepped forward, one that reeked of Demonic Magic, but Bobby quickly identified the Warlock as the one he had seen speaking to a dark spirit and looked quite surprised as the former High Elf requested politely, "I do not mean any disrespect, your Highness, but I do not believe this human should be granted the privilege of speaking to you in such a familiar manner... That could only mean that he posses similar, if not greater, power than that which you were granted by the new God of Darkness, c-correct?" Realizing that the Warlock was merely expressing his own thoughts in a "respectful" manner towards the current situation, Bobby reached up and pushed a hand out against the Shadow Soul still glaring over at the "Warlock" in a threatening manner... Much to the shock of all the Elves gathered before the Empress and even the Empress herself, that mere "gesture" was enough to dissipate the physical embodiment of the Shadow Soul, but then the strength of the human's magic was revealed for a brief moment; as he slide one off one of the ten rings he was wearing... Placing the ring back on his finger and taking a relaxing breath, the human declared in a forceful manner, "Do not let your eyes deceive you here, I did not just hide and cower in the Shadow Realm this whole time. I built up power, cultivated my magical prowess by physically absorbing raw dark energy into my being and striking up risky pacts with some very nasty dark monsters. Most of them I was merely able to call upon for help when I attracted weak creatures looking for an easy snack, but there are those like my shadow that have an entirely different relationship with me. Would you like to meet Lady Luck?" Holding up a coin that radiated with sinister energy, all Elves flinched with alarm when they realized that the coin was not black because of the power radiating from it, but rather the coin itself was made of Ebony; the material all Elves believed was closely tied to the powers of all dark creatures... Flicking that coin high into the air, the Elves looked in shock as the coin shot up into the air like an arrow and then followed the coin as it bounced all over the room... When the coin eventually returned to the hand of the human that had flipped it, the group of gathered Elves were horrified by what now hovered behind the human. Levitating a few feet off the ground, cloaked in pure dark energy, the terrible physical embodiment of Lady Luck awaited with arms crossed to await any who would dare to tempt her wrath. Thankfully, not even any of the Warlocks were willing to step forward to challenge the physical creature of darkness, since they had never encountered such a creature before. Chuckling as he flipped his lucky coin several times, in order to generate power based on the boosts he earned himself for using Luck-of-the-Draw, Bobby suddenly grew ten times more terrifying with his mere presence alone and then asked in a cocky manner, "So~ any other naysayers here? If not, then please quietly see yourselves OUT so I can continue my conversion with her royal Highness over there!" When the others seemed to be reluctant to leave her alone with the dangerous human, the Empress stepped in, yet again, to prevent her subjects from dying pointless deaths, by saying with no small amount of urgency in her tone, "You may leave me now, this human has done nothing to agitate my protector and was merely demonstrating to me exactly where he stands among you within my throne room. To say that none of you even have the right to walk in the same corridor as him, would be a grave understatement! Now then, begone, lest I lose my temper as well!" With that "threat" hanging over their heads, the guards and religious magic-users all respectfully excused themselves from the Empress' presence... Once they were left alone yet again, Lady Luck dropped down next to Bobby and leaned in for her "feast", before pulling back with a delighted smile on her face as she faded back into the shadows... Watching that interaction and seeing the difference in the raw power emanating from the human, the Empress was struck speechless by what she had just witnessed, but then Bobby quietly explained, "You cannot gain without first giving something of equal or greater value. I have gained eternal youth, but I am unable to do as I wish with my eternal life and must constantly keep my guard up... or else my shadow will try to swap positions with me." In response to that statement, the Shadow Wraith swirled into sight and smiled evilly, as Bobby continued on to say, "Likewise, I have also gained great fortune, but I can never truly benefit from it and must return my fortune to the one who grants it... Meaning that no matter how lucky I am, I will never be able to progress due to my luck. Also, I must rely upon my luck to decide what I do each and every moment of my life. Even coming here, to speak with you, was left up to chance... had the dice fallen the wrong way, you and I might not be having this discussion right now." Tensing when she heard that, the Empress got an indignant look upon her face over the thought of a human believing they could ignore an invitation from her, but then Bobby explained, "Do not take that as an insult, Empress, I did not mean what I said in the manner which you are taking it to mean. I have to follow what the dice roll out for me... or else I violate my pact with Lady Luck. Heh, have you ever seen a Vampire when it is so angry that it no longer cares about taking blood from it's opponent. Trust me on this one, you do not want to see what happens when you anger a Vampire." Suddenly brightening and smiling over at the Empress in a delighted manner, Bobby said politely with his eyes closed in a strange manner, "Speaking of Vampires, I feel that I should warn you about the lands where you are planning to send out settlers into. Those woods are where the living vampires lurk and unlike Lady Luck, who primary exists in the spiritual sense, living vampires are little more than leeches who hunt for any source of nutrients they can find. Most of them have died and been reborn so much that they no longer will have a sense of self or conscience to think with. What that means, is that even with spiritual protection, your settlers will come under attack by these vampires." Listening to the Adventurer with great worry in her eyes, the Empress first tried to deny everything she was being told by questioning the existence of Vampires, but Bobby already had a clever answer for her prepared, "Have you ever met an undead Elf? Course not, because then I would not need to be explaining this to you! I am certain that you are aware that Dark Spiders, as well as Dark Spirits, can become Driders by fusing with the bodies of Elves and giving birth to a brand new monster, yes? Sometimes, as is the case with most Dark Elves, the original owner of the corpse will be brought back in the form a monstrous Drider, but what if something were to be waiting, watching for just the right moment to steal that body for themselves? What if... that something was not an Elven Spirit? Now you have the soul of another creature inside one of your Elven bodies and that means that the soul does not match up with the body. That means the souls do not possess the ability to use those bodies to their fullest, but Dark Creatures will always mutate or change their assumed vessels in order to make better use of their bodies. You Elves have always proclaimed to be the most spiritually connected species in all of the lands, yes? Well what do you think would happen to a dark creature in possession of an Elven body, which is not as spiritually connected as you are supposed to be? They develop a hunger! A gnawing, gut-wrenching feeling which drives them to hunt down those who possess that which they thirst for: mana, soul force, the very spiritual energy that allows mortals to use magic! That is what the essence of what becoming a Vampire means for the unfortunate soul to enter into an Elven body when not an Elf themselves." Becoming pale, as she remembered Lady Luck, the Empress worriedly demanded, "Are you one of them... are you a Vampire?" Looking quite befuddled by her accusation, Bobby burst out laughing heartily and replied in a serious manner, "No! If I were to have been a Vampire, then I could not have stood before all those magic users, or likewise be standing here in front of you, without losing my composure and being sent into a feeding frenzy. Vampires thrive off of the magic they drain from their victims and are able to recover their vitality from doing so. In other words, vampires feast on the blood of their victims in order to absorb the magic from those they feed upon and are able to change back into more appropriate looking forms; based on what kind of Elven body they are possessing." Gasping in shock, as she finally understood the gravity of the situation, the Empress became overwhelmed with emotion, but then Bobby said, "Now, now, you don't any anything to worry about. Your city is defended by several powerful spiritual and physical guardians. Heh, if they sense anything suspicious lurking about... well, even Vampires have enough sense to steer clear of a stronger monster than they are... but out in the wilds, now that is a different story. An established city is much more well defended against Vampires than a band of settlers with a spiritual escort is. Vampires may be desperate enough to attack caravans to sate their needs, but they are animals at their core, so they will happily hunt where they will not be interfered with." Growing relieved upon hearing that, the Empress quickly noticed that the human had more to tell and was all ears as he carefully explained, "Now then, I shall give a little insight about the types of Vampires that I have observed. First and foremost, there are the Ghouls, but do not confuse these with the more simple undead Zombies you would see over in the human lands. Vampiric Ghouls are the beginning stage that all Vampires begin at when they come into being and unlike their more highly developed advanced stages of development, they are more like cannibalistic carnivores than actual vampires. Usually after a couple of fresh kills, a Ghoul is able to satisfy their urge to consume and are able to think more calmly. At that point, they will become what is known as Blood-Drinkers and can no longer be satisfied with carrion. A Vampire is most weakest when they are in the Ghoul state and so they will be frantic in their attempts to become Blood-Drinkers, but they are also prone to making mistakes. Best to deal with Vampires while they are Ghouls, rather than pray that they will eat their fill and move on." Without even needing to say a word, the Empress knew that countless members of both churches now under her rule would be furiously taking notes on what was being said and so merely listened as Bobby continued on, "Now then, Blood-Drinkers, on the other hand, are predators capable of hunting down their prey with cunning. They are not quite as smart as say, you or I, but even animals can figure out where the best places to track down food will be after hunting down victims as a Ghoul. They are much more picky eaters than they would be as Ghouls, but when startled, they'll sink their fangs into anyone foolish enough to disturb them. A Blood-Drinker won't stop feeding until their victim is completely drained of blood or they are interrupted. Oh, I forgot to mention that, as Ghouls, Vampires will develop lethal claws and sharp teeth to help them kill their prey, but when they become Blood-Drinkers, their teeth will all flatten out except for the fangs they will be using to open up the veins of their victims. As for a Blood-Drinker's claws, they will be shortened into long fingernails and they will develop more normal hands to use when taking hold of their victims. In both the Ghoul and Blood-Drinker states, Vampires look like desiccated bodies without any flesh on their bones, but do not be fooled by their shriveled up looks, any Vampire packs around the strength to tear apart mortal bodies with ease. Growing tense when she heard of the strength these Vampire possessed when in such weakened forms, the Empress continued to listen with an unnerved expression upon her face, as Bobby went on to explain, "Once a Blood-Drinker has absorbed enough blood and magic from their victims, they will regenerate their bodies to the original healthy state it possessed. Which means, unlike you Elves, who merely have extremely long life spans, Vampires will not change at all over the entire course of their existence. Upon progressing from being Blood-Drinkers, a Vampire will become known as a Low-born Vampire and in this state, a Vampire can exist unnoticed for thousands of years. They look, act, and feel like normal people, even to that special sight of yours, but as I said, they will never show signs of age so long as they keep themselves fed. Low-born Vampires will only need to feed when there is no moon up in the sky, as there will no one to watch out for them when there is a moonless sky. While they still possess spectacular strength, Low-born Vampires are able to control themselves much better than their in earlier stages and this is what allows they to go for longer without blood. Likewise, because of this restraint, a Low-born Vampire only need to feed upon others and will most likely not kill anyone around them in order to avoid suspicion." Realizing that Low-born Vampires could become a real problem, the Empress was about to ask about how the Dark Elves should go about hunting down Low-born Vampires, but Bobby quickly stated, "Don't... you don't hunt Vampires. While they are in their first two stages, Vampires are to be considered monsters and in those forms they should be slain to protect the populace, but once they become Low-born Vampires, they should be considered as living beings. Give them the proper respect, and I have no doubt that they will become wonderful Lords or Regents of towns. The people of the villages can guarantee their safety by merely donating blood to their rulers, but I would keep a watchful eye on any Vampire you discover... because of the fact that they can always grow stronger and with power comes the temptation to abuse it." Listening with growing dread the more she heard, the Empress began to worry that she would have to fight a war within her own lands, as Bobby said, "Most Vampires will be harmless and will merely just wish to be left alone, but if you give them what they need, then they will be obligated to protect their source of life. Unfortunately, depending on the soul in the Vampire, you could suddenly find a Low-born Vampire drawing flocks of Blood-Drinkers to their sides with the promise of enough blood for them to become Low-born. In most cases, this will result with the Low-born Vampires developing Blood-Red colored eyes and at that... they have given up on being mortals again. That is when you should initiate a hunt for the Manipulator Vampires and get rid of them before they become the worse type of monster Vampire. Up to their third stage, Vampires will not have any special abilities and will be reliant upon their great strength to take down their enemies. This will make them easy targets for most of your race, since you can either use magic or skill to take down much stronger opponents. The only difference with Manipulator Vampires... is that they will have covens of Ghouls and Blood-Drinkers following their wishes, making them much more difficult to take down. They can also pretend to be regular Elves to fool unwary travelers into traps to feed their servants." Knowing that something horrible must come next, since up till now, the Vampires possessed no magical talents and yet were forced to consume the magic of their victims in one way or another, the Empress toughened up her expression as she heard the final stage of a Vampire's progression, "If you ever and I do mean EVER, catch wind of a Vampire that can hypnotize mortals with a mere glance, manipulate shadows in various ways and have glowing blood-red eyes, then you have found yourself a Nosferatu Vampire. They can control the blood of mortals and use that control to mesmerize their victims, placing them in a pacified state until they begin to feed. You will also have to contend with a creature that can vanish into thin air, walk between planes in order pass from one shadow to the next and that cast minor dark magic spells if needed. A Nosferatu can also impregnate those that they capture, allowing them to give birth to numerous Low-born Vampires; which they will turn into their devoted armies. The only way to counter a Nosferatu's power of hypnosis is with Faith or more specifically, with the protection of a spiritual creature you have faith in, but depending on how much power a Nosferatu has obtained... not just any protection will do. Thankfully, you already possess numerous powerful being to call upon for this kind of spiritual protection in the form of those Demon Kings now living upon our new second moon and that delightful spider lurking up there in the shadows." Feeling a cold chill pass through her body when the mortal pointed exactly where the Shadow Weaver was watching from, the Empress was worried that the human before her was going to do something anger the Shadow Weaver and ruin this opportunity she had to learn more about Vampires... Instead, however, the Empress was startled when the Adventurer quite literally handed her the answer she had been looking for, ever since the Emperor came to visit, "Don't worry, I'm not saying that you will have to send out your defender each and every time there is a vampire threat. All a mortal should need is some kind of item, a trinket perhaps, that carries in it the authority or power of a specific creature. The presence of that item will allow a mortal to effectively declare under who's authority they are acting upon and will let them channel that spiritual authority to protect themselves from the spiritual onslaught of any other creature of the same nature. While having the authority of a Demon King to call upon would no doubt aid you in combat against any number of dark creatures you may now face in your lands, just note that a spiritual creature does not possess infinite power and that the more you divide their power up... the weaker they will become." When a worried look crept back onto the Empress' face, Bobby just smiled in a pleasant manner and said, "Do not worry, your Highness, there is a solution. Merely have other powerful spirits come into this town and swear their allegiance to your protector. By swearing to uphold it's will, weaker spirits can help to bolster the defenses that a more powerful creature can maintain, thus freeing up small amounts of the Master creature's power. This will allow you to spread out your civilization and without having to put your people in harm's way. I doubt you knew this, but you friend up there, in the shadows, is currently maintaining a barrier around this entire city and is constantly on guard against any who would do harm to this beautiful city of yours, but because of how much territory that spider must watch over, all it can do is watch. I think you could... help your friend out, if you were to say, have that other powerful Creature of Darkness come here and pledge to aid your spider in watching over part of this city..." The Empress' eyes slowly grew wider, both at the genius of the Adventurer before her and at how much he knew of her city... Smiling warmly up at the Empress, Bobby reached behind him and took hold of a walking stick; one which did not look like it belonged in the physical world, then tapped the stick down to his left side, while saying calmly, "The shadows are always~ watching, your Highness, but their secrets are only available to those who have paid the price. As you no doubt have already seen, I have accumulated a lot of energy from my time in the shadow realm, so paying for insight into this land was almost as easy as paying for my way out of the Shadowed Cleft. Up until now, I have been unable to do so, because my friend refused to step foot outside the shadow realm and Lady Luck was also against me going as well. Now thanks to that upstart new God of Darkness blasting the demons right out the shadows of this world, the shadows have nothing more to fear here. If you are smart, then you will heed my warnings and accept my teachings... otherwise, the shadows may very well swallow you whole!" Trembling nervously, the Empress leaned forward in her seat to ask, "Why must we not hunt the Low-born Vampires? Why is that Lady Luck is a vampire, but does not seem to need blood? H-how is it... that you have all the answers I have been seeking..." Chuckling in amusement, as a wide grin stretched across both his face and that of the shadow wraith, Bobby then played up the whole mystery behind his sudden return to the physical world by replying with, "How indeed~ I must say I would be quite suspicious if I were in your position... I mean, a human, living within the Shadow Realm for thousands of years, suddenly steps right out of the shadows to give you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. Don't worry your pretty little head off, Dark Empress Briziah, and just remember that you have some pretty mighty allies within the shadows; allies who wish to see you succeed in your endeavors. Now then, I have technically fulfilled my duties to the one who freed me from that damnable shadow world I was stuck in, but I know you still have some unanswered questions and I would not wish for anything bad that happens to your people to befall me with even greater frustration than I already possess." In response to even the slightest reference to it, the Shadow Wraith popped back into sight and shrieked angrily up at Bobby, but he just ignored the annoyance, as Bobby continued to answer the Empress' questions, "You must not hunt Low-born Vampires because, as I already said, they are to be considered living beings and just survive by different means than you. If you hunt or rile up Low-born Vampires, there is a small chance that they will regress into something more along the lines of a Ghoul and will become what is known as a Blood-Beast. A Blood Beast is a Vampire that has given into their darker emotions when they cease to be mortals and change into hulking monsters that only know how to destroy their problems. Not to be confused with a blood frenzy, which is something a Low-born can recover from after calming down, as turning into a Blood-Beast is not something that can be undone. There is a fundamental change that occurs when Low-born gives up on being a mortal and chooses to walk the path of a monster, but unlike Manipulators; who had chosen the path they walk, Blood-Beasts effectively feel forced to give up being living being and cast aside their morality to become monsters." Feeling tears starting to well up in her, the Empress could not hold them back, as she thought about what Blood-Beasts must go through during their transformation, but then Bobby added in a somber tone, "If a Blood-Beast is created during a vicious battle against overwhelming odds to defend the home they have sworn to defend, then there is a chance that Blood-Beast will retain that small sliver of consciousness and will still remain the protector of the village, but unlike other types of Vampires, the Blood-Beasts go dormant once they have finished their battle. Once the Blood-Beast returns to a more human figure, they will need to secured someplace safe so they can rest in peace, but be within reach should the need ever arise. A simple offering of blood from the villagers in need of their guardian is all that it will take to reawaken the Blood-Beast and it will fulfill it's oath to whatever town protects it while asleep." Noticing the Empress was in tears, Bobby smiled warmly and continued in a more gentle tone, "Would you like to hear about how you can go about bringing peace to a Blood-Beast and allowing it to become a Hybrid Vampire? You will require the aid of a Low-born Vampire that has been able to become a spiritual being, which I shall get to next, and have them feed the Blood-Beast some of their own blood. That will trigger a transformation within the Blood-Beast and will allow them to be awake normally for Vampires, as well as allowing them to retain the ferocity they possess as a Blood-Beast. A Hybrid will then be able to exist in a normal state and in their combat state without losing control over themselves. This will allow the Hybrid's to learn how to fight with more than their bare hands and will allow them to unleash their fury with their attacks in measured amounts." Growing overjoyed when she heard of the way to help the Blood-Beasts, the Empress intently listened as Bobby then explained the other half of her question on why hunting Low-born Vampires should be forbidden, "Now then, as for Low-born Vampires themselves, think of them along the lines of Demons, if you will. Demons have different ranks depending on how many souls they have claimed or devoured, but the same applies to a Low-born vampire. The key thing is that a Vampire must be created from a body that once possessed great magical skill, which will only re-manifest itself once a Vampire has entered the Low-born stage of development. However, regardless of whether they have magic or not, Low-born Vampires can give their lifeforce to another Vampire and in turn will empower their Master into becoming an Elite Vampire. Elites have much stronger senses and will have the ability to surround their bodies with the essence they possess naturally to allow them the power to affect beings of the spiritual nature. Their Low-born servants become their thralls and shall obediently serve their Master for as long as they exist, even if they should perish." Letting out a confused grunt when she heard that Vampires could continue to serve their Master's even in death, Bobby then explained deviously, "Unlike when Vampires are born naturally, if a Vampire Thrall perishes in combat, their Master is able to use the corpse of an available Elven body to reincarnate their Thrall, but not as a Ghoul, rather the Thralls will return to this world as Low-born Vampires. The only problem with that being that the reincarnated Thrall will no doubt be famished from returning to life and will need a substantial amount of blood to be able to replenish their strength. This will not be a problem, as a Vampiric Thrall needs only the lifeblood of any living creature, so even animals will be suitable for the Thrall's needs. In this way, you can prevent Low-born Vampires from becoming Manipulator Vampires out of the need to grow stronger by subjugating other monstrous vampires and prevent them from degenerating into Blood-Beasts when faced with a foe they cannot defeat through martial strength alone. But an Elite Vampire is merely a more advanced soldier in regards to the next step up." Even though there was a lot to take in, the Empress could not bring herself to interrupt Bobby as he went speaking in a very calming and reassuring manner, "Elders are the next step up from Elite Vampires and they are ones that had survived becoming Elites, as well as having lived long enough to unlock the magical power of their mortal body. Once they have unlocked their magic, Vampires will become known as Elders who will use magic to attack, rather than brute force, since their Thralls will be their swords and shields in combat. Above that are the Master rank Vampires, but they are referred to as Masters because of the sheer numbers of servants they have. Their might can only be described as legendary and all magically inclined members of the Vampire race cannot ever truly know death, unless their heart is pierced by sacred wood or blessed crystals. Even then, however, they are able to revive themselves after a certain amount of time spent in the Shadow Realm, since they are effectively spiritual beings once they have attained use of their magical powers. What that means, is that if a powerful Vampire were to perish in combat, their domain would remain still and the villages around their home could be rebuilt." Growing a little nervous, the Empress worriedly asked in a frightened sounding voice, "S-so... where does Lady Luck fall in those categories?" Laughing in response to the Empress' question, Bobby looked over at her with intense eyes and replied in an amused manner, "How can you possibly lump a Demigod in with the likes of mortals?! No mere Vampire can hold a candle to Lady Luck in terms of sheer power and authority. She does not even have anything to do with the Vampire species. She is Lady Luck, a Royal Vampire, who stands above all other Vampires and cannot be chained down to any of their families! She does not require blood to sustain herself, rather she feeds on energy itself, with that energy being the luck that every mortal uses and calls upon daily. Also, she is called Lady Luck because she feeds on all fortune and misfortune, but when those who benefit from luck began to curse about things that no longer go their way... hm, hm, hm, that is when they encounter the other face of Lady Luck. Any fool who calls Misfortune upon them will have any semblance of luck in their lives sucked right out of them. Even when they try to make their own fortune, their luck be damned, it is of no avail once Misfortune sinks her fangs in. Sadly, the only way to dispel her cursed bite is for her to be drawn towards someone else, but that usually does not take long and those who suffer for cursing their luck usually do not suffer from Misfortune's terrible embrace for too long. I have only ever encountered Lady Luck, but make no mistake... there are other Royal Vampires out there and further still, other dark terrors I have not even seen yet, since I have been stuck in these forsaken lands while I was trapped within the shadow world... Might I please just go home already?" Hearing that caused the Empress to flinch, as she realized that she had been preventing the Adventurer from returning home after finally being freed from imprisonment within the Shadowed Cleft... Thanking the Adventurer for his time, the Empress was about to send off the Adventurer to return to his home, when the man pulled out a thick book from his cloak and said, "This here is what I know about the species of Dark Creatures I was able to study while stuck in these lands... Most importantly, it contains all the knowledge I gained from studying the Vampires, but please know that my knowledge is only limited to what I was able to witness within the Shadow World... There will be things that I do not know about the Vampires that can only be discovered while they are in this world... so please be understanding if a Vampire tells you something that you did not know about or corrects you about something I may have misinterpreted..." Suddenly, a blast of webbing shot out towards the Adventurer, but thankfully, Aranussa only intended to retrieve the book he held for the Empress and after being handed the vital book, the Empress kindly asked, "Um, before you go, is there anything I can do to repay you for what you have done for my Kingdom... I know that you turned down the offer of having something made for you and I can only assume that you have better things than what we could possibly make for you in this world, but please, if you have any requests, let me know." Reaching up to scratch the back of his head, Bobby pretended to think for a moment, before saying, "Oh right, before I caused that commotion and brought in your nosy kids, I had been about to ask if you would not mind letting me get to see this guardian of yours. You see, while I wasn't exactly certain at the start... when I caused that violent clash between your guardian and mine, I was able to confirm that my guardian is a Demigod class creature itself... which then also lends proof to my feelings that my shadow is not exactly a shadow being, but rather I think he might actually be another Royal Vampire and the mate of Lady Luck." Hearing a "warning" hiss emanate from his shadow, the Adventurer "angrily" stomped down one foot on the hissing face of the Shadow Wraith and caused a magical shockwave to disperse the pesky shadowy being... Chuckling when she that, the Empress reached up one hand and called out lovingly, "Come here, Lord Vendran, and show yourself to our guest, won't you?" In response to the Empress beckoning him, the Shadow Weaver emerged from the shadows in response to the "pet" nickname his Mistress had selected for him... Bobby then spent the next few minutes "pretending" to be surprised by the sight of a "male" Drider and had a good time "geeking out" over something; like he had done lots of times back in his old life... Eventually, however, Bobby left the palace to go rejoin Saazzi in heading over towards the Human Kingdom, while the Empress sent out a summons for a couple of Smiths and a special guest. A few minutes later, Felifar and Urenil were seen carrying in a chest to the throne room of the Empress, much to the surprise of all the gathered Shadow Weaver worshipers in the room. The members of the Church of Shadows were quickly able to sense the mighty creature of darkness being carried into the room and respectfully made way for the two Smiths. After they set down the chest they were carrying, the Empress said in a warm manner, "Oh good, I'm pleased to see that Delilah is no longer trapped within that stuffy Forge of yours, Felifar! I do hope you are taking advantage of this wonderful gift you now possess!" Chuckling as a brilliant smile stretched onto his face, Felifar proudly proclaimed, "More than you can possibly imagine, your Highness!" Popping up out of the chest, Delilah was an instant delight among the followers of the Church of Shadows, but they respectfully kept their distance so as not to stress out the adorable little Mimic-girl... Calling down the Shadow Weaver, the Empress then looked over towards Delilah and asked softly, "Would you be willing to pledge yourself to the Shadow Weaver here? In doing so, you shall be responsible taking care of more than just your father's forge from now on. Likewise, I'll see about getting the Shadow Weaver here to allow you to make some sigils for the Church of Shadows to use to spread the authority of the Shadow Weaver outside the city." Gasping excitedly, Delilah nearly "bounced" herself forward she was so excited to be given such an honor by the servant of the person who made her into what she was now and almost knocked over her chest in the process of trying to bow in submission towards the Shadow Weaver... Elsewhere... Relaxing in the back of Saazzi's wagon, Bobby had his eyes closed as he spoke to the two newest "minions" he had created. Speaking to Lady Luck and the newly christened Lord of Darkness; as the only fitting name Bobby could really come up with another godlike Vampire, he was curious about the way he had presented himself. For the most part, the pair agreed with the way he presented himself, save that the Lord of Darkness felt that Bobby should have made an example out of the fools that had barged in on their meeting with the Empress. Chuckling, Bobby replied to the feisty response from the Lord of Darkness, "Oh come on now, surely you can be satisfied with just scarring them all shitless with your wife here?" After pretending to pout for the longest time, the Lord of Darkness just smiled evilly and had the twinkle of amusement in his eyes... As the wagon bumped along the road, Bobby shared some ideas of what he would do once in the Human Kingdom, since he had already learned a little of the darkness lurking therein, with the Lord of Darkness smiling the entire time, before asking, "So~ will I get to join in on the bloodshed this time?" Grumbling unhappily as he thought about that, Bobby eventually replied, "I don't know... I would need someone to pilot my body, unless you think you can be terrifying enough to pass off as me to the fools we will undoubtedly be coming across." Swelling himself up with pride, the Lord of Darkness replied hungrily, "Oh do not worry, Master, I intend to take after one of your ideas with what kind of servant to leave behind... but it'll hinge on being able to find a suitable ally among the fools." Smiling in response, Bobby reassured the Lord of Darkness that there should be no trouble at all finding someone that is not a complete idiot and when the Vampire Lord questioned how he could be certain, Bobby pointed both of their attention towards some spiritual dice... Flinching when they saw the results and learned of the "jackpot" their Master had just hit, the Lord of Darkness grew even more excited when he learned that his Master had rolled to see what the results of letting him off the "chain" would be...
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 16 – The Adventurers of Bobby Fortune After saying farewell to the lands of the Dark Elves finally, Saazzi joyfully guided her wagon towards the first stop on their way to the capitol city of Eplor, the kingdom of the humans... Much to Saazzi's relief, the journey towards the Eplor was rather uneventful and the evenings went undisturbed by monster attack. Thankfully, what happened up at the palace had been kept a secret and so Bobby was able to continue pretending to be a regular mortal that had survived quite the perilous ordeal. Narelu spent most of the time spent traveling studying the new knowledge that Bobby had provided to the Adventurer's Guild and also properly defined her pact with her Ancestor. When they eventually made their way to the human capitol city of Allmin, the party of Adventurers immediately headed towards the request board to pick up some work... Sadly, most of the jobs were hardly worth reading the details of, since the rewards were in the Copper range, but then Bobby pointed out a particular job and asked, "Say... this looks like a promising request!" Leaving both of his companions with shocked looks on their faces, Bobby went over to the counter to make his interest in the Purple only request that required over ten Fifth Rank Adventurers to even register for... But as "luck" would have it... When Bobby set down the request and asked if there were any groups started to answer that specific request, the lady behind the counter quickly asked, "Uh... how many do you have with you so far?" Gesturing for his companions to join him over at the counter, the receptionist visibly relaxed and said happily, "Oh wonderful! This request has been up for several months now, but there have only been eight qualified Adventurers to express interest in it so far. Now with your group of three, we have a chance of quelling the hordes of undead being called back from the grave by the Necromancers in the Moaning Chasm! I will send out summons to the others who had expressed a desire to join." In just five days after the call went out, a group of eight seasoned Adventurers arrived at the capitol and were surprised by the group that would be joining them... Almost immediately, one of the human Warriors confronted Bobby and declared loudly, "Well, well, what do we have here? I can recognize the Goblin over there and I have no doubt that Dark Elf earned her rank from the age I can see on her, but you... Who the hell are you?" Pulling out his lucky coin and flipping it out of mere reflex, Bobby smiled quite pleasantly in return, as he replied in a courteous manner, "My name is Bobby Fortune, I am a Rank Five Adventurer, much like yourself, but my skills relate more towards Luck than towards strength, I'm afraid. You can call me a Gambler, since luck is what I use to guarantee my safety." Taking notice of Bobby weapon, the Warrior took notice of the poor quality scabbard and decided to put the newcomer in their place by boastfully declaring, "Very well then, prove that your luck is better than my strength! If you can use that piece of crap sword on your hip and your luck to avoid my blow, I'll acknowledge that your skills are real!" Smirking confidently, Bobby just crossed his arms and fired back at the Warrior, "With a challenge like that, I doubt I have anything to worry about. Swing away, my friend and we'll see which holds out longer, my luck or your strength." Enraged by the cockiness of the unknown Adventurer standing before him, the Warrior raised up his sword and swung with all of his might right at Bobby's neck... Twisting over backwards and flipping out of the way of the Warrior's attack, much to the shock of the group of Adventurers standing behind the Warrior. Growling with frustration, the Warrior charged towards Bobby and began to unleash a mighty flurry of attacks in quick succession. Weaving around every attack and sometimes even stumbling out of the way of all the attacks, Bobby always seemed to be one step ahead of the Warrior's strikes. Eventually, the Warrior succumbed to exhaustion and lowered his sword... When Bobby stepped forward to declare himself the victor, the Warrior suddenly thrust his sword forward; gouging a rut in the soil underneath his weapon, then jerked his weapon upwards. Everyone watching flinched in fear of seeing the Gambler injured by the Warrior, but then everyone's jaws dropped at what happened next. Instead of being split in two, the sword passed right through Bobby's body; like he was not even there, and as the Warrior's mouth fell open, everyone was drawn over towards the other two newcomers by the sound of Bobby's laughter. Flicking his coin again, as everyone turned to look at him in disbelief, Bobby just smiled in a vicious manner and said in a very cocky manner, "Luck may be what I depend on, but even I know better than to rely upon my luck in every circumstance. Half of being a Gambler is using your luck to subtly influence things that happen in your favor and the other half, well if you want to be successful Gambler, then you need to have a good head on your shoulders. Now then, my good sir, I will give you one more shot at me and there will be no illusions to get in your way this time." In an instance, the Warrior rushed over towards Bobby and swung straight for the Gambler's throat from the right, but at the same time... Reaching up out of the Bobby's shadow, the Lord of Darkness wrapped his left arm around Bobby's neck and absorbed the blow with his body to prevent any damage to Bobby. This was accomplished by the Lord of Shadow's using his own physical embodiment to open up a gateway to the Shadowed Cleft for the sword to pass harmlessly into. Hissing threateningly at the Warrior afterwords, the Lord of Shadows ominously returned to Bobby's shadows in a slow manner. Jumping back away from Bobby immediately after finishing his attack, the Warrior had a very wide-eyed look of terror on his face as he stared over at Bobby... Smiling as he conjured up an orb of dark magic, Bobby had a very superior look on his face and said in a very cocky manner, "Of course, as a Gambler, I always have an ACE in the hole! If you wish to see more of my prowess, then you'll have to wait until we are dealing with this den of Necromancers, but if you wish to hear about my exploits that earned me this rank... just go ask my companions. They were there on the day that I demonstrated my full prowess at the Dark Elven Outpost in Mezmerroah." As Bobby walked away, the rest of the Adventurers flocked around Saazzi and Narelu to beg them for answers about Bobby... Eventually, the Warrior that had fought with Bobby came over and asked the real question on everyone's minds, "So what was up with that shadow thingy that popped up out his shadow and stopped me from cutting him with my blade?" Narelu took over explaining that and shared with the other Adventurers the cursed existence that everyone came to quickly to accept, especially after seeing Narelu's own shadowy Ancestor appear in place of her shadow... When one of the other magic-users asked about the difference between Narelu's Ancestor and Bobby's shadow-man, all of the Adventurer's were frightened when Narelu's Ancestor began to cackle for all to hear, but then Narelu explained things, "I am not certain myself, but from what I have read about Bobby's research into dark creatures... Dark Spirits are actually the souls of Dark Beings that had lost their physical forms and therefore can only exist as shadows to those of us who call upon them. My Ancestor, here, has linked himself with my shadow in order to walk again upon this world and has agreed to allow me to pass on into the Shadowed Cleft when my time comes, but in return, my Ancestor will gain the rights to my body in death. While I am not entirely certain what will become of my Ancestor, I have faith in him using my body appropriately when my time comes." Hearing that answer caused the other Adventurers to start thinking about what the answer implied about the shadowy soul guarding Bobby's body, but then Narelu added in response to all of their contemplative expressions, "To my knowledge, however, Dark Spirits cannot actually stand to be out in the light on their own and have to remain within the shadows of the one they are following. Technically, however, I am what you would consider cursed by my Ancestor, but rather than him trying to impede me, he is actually attempting to teach me the way of the Dark Swordsman. Bobby, on the other hand, is more cursed than I am; since he cannot act on his own and must constantly rely upon his luck to determine what he can do in life. Even when he agreed to fight with our Warrior, you must have noticed how he immediately flipped that coin of his and then setup that shadowy illusion, right? I'm guessing that his luck had told him not to actually put himself in the way of your attacks.... uh, I don't think I caught your name..." Quickly realizing that in his haste to push away the new Rank Five Adventurer to prevent any mishaps, he and the rest of the Adventurers had actually completely forgone proper etiquette... Suddenly, however... "BRANDON!" Came the voice of the receptionist that Bobby, Saazzi and Narelu had spoken with, before the fiery woman laid into the Warrior with a barrage of scolding remarks, "How many times is this now? Do you have to try and make anyone joining your missions feel inept or do you just enjoy belittling others? I swear, if not for that sword of yours, you'd be the one constantly being questioned!" Brandon, on the other hand, had the look of a child caught in the act and had no words to offer in rebuttal to his self-proclaimed "wife"... Coming up behind the receptionist, Bobby hesitantly announced, "Um, actually, he did not really get the chance to belittle me..." As the fiery eyed receptionist turned towards the new target of her wrath, the other Adventurers stood up for Bobby as well, saying that he had used Brandon's own bravado against the Warrior... After hearing what had transpired between the two, the receptionist was nearly in tears as she laughed hysterically about the way Brandon had gotten the wool pulled over his eyes by a "weak" magic-user... Then, after things had settled down, Bobby said while patting a hand down against his weapon, "Also, Brandon, just so you know... I do not draw my weapon unless I intend to kill my opponent. This sword is very special, no doubt very similar to the weapon you carry yourself, but I will leave showing off until we have an opponent I can slay." Even though Brandon still wished to see what Bobby could actually do with the weapon, a "sharp" glance from his "wife" and all those thoughts vacated his brain... In short order, once the spat between Bobby and Brandon had been settled, the band of Adventurers were quickly on their way towards the Moaning Chasm... Quickly and quietly making their way into the base of the Necromancers, the experienced Adventurers made quick work of anything in their way, unless the Undead were under the direct control of a Necromancer. That was easily determined by Narelu, who was able to use her spiritual sight to see whether or not the Undead creatures they encountered were chained or being guided by their Master's hands. After slaying any Undead monsters, the Priestess in the group would say a simple prayer for the departed soul and the Fire Mage would then incinerate the bodies as best as he could in order to destroy the vessel the souls had been bound too. After dealing with several conjured Undead, that had been set loose to protect a set location, the group was moving into a vacant chamber when Bobby suddenly urgently whispered for them to "stop"... When the group turned to ask him "why" they needed to stop, Bobby held out a trembling hand to show them that his lucky coin had landed on tails and further had turned black... While some may have been skeptical at the start of their journey, the more Bobby had used his lucky coin heading towards the Moaning Chasm, the more that the other Adventurers had come to respect the nearly divine insight from the simple trinket. Sitting down out of sight from the open area in the chamber, but keeping the entrance they entered through in sight, the group pulled out some rations and enjoyed a pleasant meal. As they ate, Bobby spent some time speaking with the Human Adventurers about some things he had questions over. The first question dealt with the burning of bodies and the Fire Mage was happy to explain how once bound into a physical body, Undead creatures would return to that specific body until it was destroyed. Then Bobby asked what the difference was between someone who used Necromancy as an Adventurer and someone who was a Necromancer, which at first got nothing but silence in response. Eventually, Brandon stepped up to explain how Necromancers who used the bodies of the deceased to summon Undead were considered heretics without any respect for the dead. Then some of the more magically inclined Adventurers went on to explain the more finer details about what the differences were between an Evil Necromancer and an Adventurer who uses Necromancy... Listening intently as they explained the fine line between asking the dead for aid and abusing the souls of the dearly departed, Bobby took up a contemplative stance, before holding out his left hand, as he called out politely, "I seek one who bears a vendetta against those who live here and ask that they appear now before me." The others just stared in disbelief at what Bobby had just said and were then even more startled when a ghostly mass of darkness gathered up into the vague shape of an old woman... Able to feel the hatred seething off the summoned spirit, Bobby smiled kindly at the woman and asked courteously, "Would you be able to guide us to the one that killed you?" Almost immediately, the hatred Bobby was feeling turned into fear and into pure terror as the spirit began to tremble... Realizing that the spirit had probably already gone through a lot at the hands of whoever killed the woman, Bobby instead rephrased his request, "How about instead, you merely point us in the right direction? We have only encountered wandering undead and creatures conjured up by the magicians living in this place. I just wish to know exactly where I am heading, so that the ones who killed you do not get away when we run into other members of the undead cult here." This time, the woman's spirit smiled vindictively and raised one twisted arm up to point off towards a specific tunnel leading out of the empty chamber... While the others turned to look at the tunnel to mark it's location themselves, Bobby was actually being "mentally" drawn a map towards the location of the person responsible for the woman's death and was a little confused when the place he was guided towards was not decorated by the current Death Cult's banners... As the woman's spirit slowly dispersed, she laughed in a scornful manner and said cryptically, "The Cult is a symptom of a much more powerful blight still lingering in this place..." Narrowing his gaze, Bobby did not have to think hard about what would be considered more "powerful" than a cult of Necromancers and began to plan out what he would do in the up coming battle carefully... Noticing that the others were starting to prepare to get moving again, Bobby worriedly asked them, "What are you doing?" Giving Bobby a funny look, Brandon sarcastically replied, "What does it look like we are doing? Setting up camp for the night?" Taking in a long drawn out breath and then exhaling in a manner that warned a couple of the more attentive members of the group about what was going on in Bobby's mind, he then calmly warned Brandon, "We need to stay put, Brandon... My luck has still not turned around and whatever bad thing is supposed to happen has not come to pass yet." While Brandon just rolled his eyes and continued preparing to move out, one of the other party members meekly asked, "But... you have been sitting here this entire time and you even summoned that spirit... shouldn't something bad of happened when we summoned that spirit? I mean, I'm not wishing for that to happen, but shouldn't you have already avoided the bad luck that was going to befall you?" Letting out an annoyed sigh, Bobby then replied sternly, "By choosing to sit here and do nothing, I was able to avoid a situation where some of us would wind up perishing if we continued to just randomly blundering about in this cave. Thanks to your answering my questions about the use of Necromancy, I was able to properly use my magic to summon spiritual aid, rather than do the same thing that these Necromancers are doing by summoning up something that could hunt our specific targets against it's own will. However, since nothing bad has happened just yet... all I have done by avoiding the nasty outcome and changing what path we are going to be taking through this cave.... is focus that bad luck upon myself. Don't worry though... if you just keep your distance, then when whatever..." Trailing off when he began to hear some loud voices arguing as two Necromancers entered into the room, Bobby and the others all ducked back into the cover they were provided thanks to some rocks by the entrance they came in through... When one of the others looked over to warn Bobby to get behind the rocks and out of sight, they were surprised to find that Bobby had completely disappeared, just like Saazzi had... "... That is why we should go out and find more test subjects to practice our arts upon..." said one of the Necromancers impatiently. "... You are just complaining like a little child because you cannot perform the same as the rest of us. Perhaps if you focused less on taking out your frustrations upon the souls of our captives, you could manage to..." Replied the other Necromancer in an amused tone, but the second voice trailed off as their words took on a more worried note. Saazzi could only watch in horror as the first Necromancer to speak raised up one hand and called up a magical blast of energy, one which went screaming right over the heads... Thankfully, the Dwarven Earthen Shaman had quickly called up a Spiritual Familiar that shrouded the group from harm with dirt from the falling debris... As the Spiritual Familiar returned to being a simple looking dwarven figure made out of dark brown soil, the Adventurers froze stiff when they heard the other Necromancer hiss in an annoyed fashion, "You FOOL! Are you trying to bring down the whole cavern upon our heads?! Ugh, what a moron you are! So you have power... what good does that do you when you cannot even master the smallest adjustments in how you use it!!!" Slowly, the voice trailed off as the Necromancers went off into another section of the cave system and that was when one of the others called out for Bobby... As the dust cleared and the Fire Mage created an orb of flames to illuminate the area near Bobby, all of the Adventurers were shocked by what they saw over where Bobby was... A jumbled mess of contorted limbs and disjointed body parts, Bobby was remarkably uninjured by the falling rocks that had come down on top of him. Eventually he managed to whisper faintly for the others to put out the light and remove the rocks for him. When the Fire Mage heard that, he quickly dispersed the flames he had created and then cast a nervous gaze across the chamber to see if anyone had noticed his flames. The Dwarven Shaman then used his power to lift up the rocks and move them elsewhere, as the Priest rushed over towards Bobby with no small amount of urgency about her... However, as the Priestess began to prepare her healing spells... Flinching when she heard a sickening popping noise, the Priestess could only watch in horror as Bobby's body was slowly knitted back into place, as Bobby said in an almost neutral tone, "Do not worry... about me... my shadowy friend, ouch, damn it... ugh, don't worry, I'm perfectly fine. This little rat bastard won't let my body get skewered so easily." Speaking more easily as more of body was put back into place, Bobby eventually just dusted himself and smiled pleasantly towards all the unsettled looks he was receiving... Stomping over and taking Bobby by the scruff of his shirt, Brandon was about to start screaming at him, but Bobby's Shadow Soul suddenly rose up to hiss in a hostile manner towards Brandon. Jumping back in fright and reaching down to draw his sword, Narelu quickly placed her hand down on top of Brandon's. When he looked back at her with frustration, the Dark Elf just shook her head and then made a shushing gesture towards him, causing Brandon to realize the huge mistake he just about made. Turning back towards Bobby, after he had calmed down a bit, Brandon still drew his sword and brandished his sword in a threatening manner over towards the monster standing behind Bobby, as he quietly demanded, "What in the Twisting Nightmare was THAT! How.... why didn't you just get out the way, you idiot?!" Chuckling at first, Bobby eventually just let out a tired sounding sigh, before replying in a tone that made Brandon feel like he was being insulted for being stupid, "So tell me, Brandon, what part of; I have to face my bad luck, do you not understand? I mean, yes, I could have easily dodged the oncoming rocks and gotten out of the way by ducking under the cover of the Dwarf's elemental over there with you guys, but that would have only changed the bad luck that our group would face by my actions! Take, for example, that I had avoided the falling rocks by leaping out of the way, but oh no, I jumped out of the way too far and wound up landing in sight of those spell-caster! Worse yet, had I taken cover with the rest of you, that spell-caster might have continued blasting away in anger until they were satisfied and could possibly have blown away the wall of rocks you guys were hiding behind! That could have possibly injured or killed several of you and revealed us to those idiots! The way things played out this round, however, is that I would up having to play a clay dummy in the hands of this fiend behind me and everybody lives to fight another day!" Having grown less and less annoyed as he began to see the "reason" behind Bobby's choices, even though he hated; every moment of that, Brandon eventually just turned away from Bobby with a disgusted scoffing noise being heard... Bobby then began to stretch out his sore muscles, as the Lord of Darkness telepathically apologized repeatedly for acting without first checking with Bobby, but then Narelu curiously asked, "Wow... I did not know that a Dark Spirit could do such things with a living body... How bad did that hurt? I mean... you're entire body looked like it would never move again! Is that... something my Ancestor could do to me?" Almost immediately, Narelu's Ancestor materialized behind her and hissed in protest against what she was thinking about him... Smiling down at the Dark Elf's shadow, Bobby replied in a kind manner as he worked his left shoulder back into place, "Nope! I doubt your Ancestor would ever do such an unsightly thing to you, even if you were in mortal danger. I honestly would like to believe that your Ancestor would have actually chose to pull you into the Shadowed Cleft in order to save your life... temporarily, I assure you! As to whether or not I felt any pain... honestly the whole ordeal just felt weird and kinda disturbing, right up to the point that this jackass began to put me back into place... Thankfully, he cares about the condition my body is in when he takes over, so I'm not feeling very much pain right now." The Lord of Shadows made certain to play along by nodding his head along with what Bobby was saying about Narelu's Ancestor, before thrusting his head forward aggressively when Bobby referred to him in an unkind manner and then folding his arms gruffly; with an uncaring scoffing posture about him, when Bobby spoke about him "caring" about Bobby's physical condition... Turning towards her Ancestor for confirmation, Narelu then sternly told him, "Don't do that to me, unless there is absolutely no possible way for you to aid in avoiding the blow... I don't know what would happen to me if I were to cross between realms too many times..." Trailing off when Bobby began to "nervously" chuckle about the "effects" of repetitive transitions between the living world and the spiritual one, Narelu got a very unsettled look about her... Looking over at Bobby in an uneasy manner, the Dwarf Priest in the group eventually asked in the hopes of lightening the mood, "Are you really certain that you are okay, Bobby? I don't know about you, but the thought of having some dark spirit manipulating my body, like a marionette, gives me the willies! I don't know anyone who could retain their sanity after such an ordeal?" Scoffing in a manner that made him sound like a horse, Bobby just smiled over at the Dwarven Priestess and said in a joking manner, "Sanity? Oh right, I remember losing that... eh, how many years ago was that? Bah, can't remember, don't care to remember, been through that phase of my life for a long time now. Insanity might be fun for the first couple centuries, but after so long it loses that spark that keeps you there in that place where your mind is no longer right anymore. Besides, being insane didn't help me one bit with kicking this jackass off my back!" The others couldn't help laughing at the interpretations Bobby's Shadow was doing while he was speaking of having "lost" his mind long ago, even Brandon couldn't resist cracking a smile... After checking his luck once more, Bobby was suddenly feeling good and began to lead the way towards where the "blight" was lurking, despite the misgivings the others had... As Bobby was approaching the entrance to the next chamber, however, he suddenly picked up on the territory of another creature and immediately stopped. Just as a precaution, Bobby flicked his coin and then smiled at the results before taking in a deep breath without explaining anything. Then, without any warning at all, Bobby yelled as loud as he possibly could, but kept his power in check to prevent tipping off the creature to just who was a knocking. Once the others recovered from the shock of Bobby screaming at the top of his lungs, they all turned to glare ferociously at him, but then the sounds of things shattering upon the ground and the dreadful curses that followed caused them to back away fearfully... Flipping his coin again, Bobby smiled at the results and held up the coin as something none of the Adventurers wanted to see came seething out from within the next chamber... Hovering off the ground with magic, the decrepit looking Greater Lich looked more like a mummy than the human he was supposed to be. His skin looked more like dried out leather over his gaunt looking limbs and the flesh of his hands had actually been eaten away by years of use, turning his fingertips into nasty looking spikes. He was robbed in some loosely fitting magician robes which, from the looks of them, seemed to belong to the original soul belonging to the body he was obviously using to house his immortal soul within. With the glow of his magic encasing his hands, the Greater Lich's eyes were little more than glowing balls of malevolence within his empty eye-sockets, as he screamed in frustration, "WHAT! What is it that you want? You'd better have a damn good reason to be interrupting me! I swear... if you have disturbed me for yet another explanation-!" Pausing mid-sentence, with his mouth still open to continue his proclamation of doom, the Greater Lich's eyes darted about at all of his newest guests and then let out a groan before continuing in a more disheartened manner, "Ugh~! Great... so~ what brings you to my doorstep, Adventurers? I must say, I was in the middle of some delicate work when you so loudly announced yourselves. I apologize for my demeanor, normally you just kick in my doors and try to slay me... I'm guessing your here after the latest cult to come to be within my humble abode, yes?" Smiling over at the Greater Lich and behaving like nothing was out of the ordinary, Bobby ever so casually greeted the mighty monster hovering before him, "Ah~ my bad, I did not know what was waiting for us in there, but when I got close to the entrance to you home, the little hairs on my arms stood up on end. See, their still standing!" Everyone behind him could not even begin to imagine what Bobby was trying to do by engaging the Greater Lich in casual conversation, but not even Brandon was about to intrude upon the conversation... The Greater Lich, on the other hand, was quite surprised by a mortal who could speak with him so casually, as even the others who came to make their home within the Moaning Chasm spoke to him with great respect, as Bobby continued rambling like a madman, "As to you questions about our being here, yes, we have accepted a job to come here and exterminate the cult that is currently causing trouble from within this vast cave you call your home. We actually got a little lost after a close call a few turns back and so I apologize for disturbing you in the middle of your work... I was honestly expecting to find some malformed abomination to come bursting through the entryway you floated ever so elegantly out of. Say, you wouldn't happen to know where we could locate the cult rummaging about this cave system, would you? We'd be happy to go take care of them and leave you be, cause in all honesty, there is no point to going after any creature we were not hired to slay, right? Cause from the way your home is decorated... I would not think you were associated with the cult we were sent here to remove from the Moaning Chasm, correct?" For just a moment, the Greater Lich's glowing orb-like eyes shifted and the Greater Lich grew suspicious of the Adventurer's intentions, but then he noticed the looks of apprehension on the faces of the other mortals... Letting out a heated sigh, the Greater Lich became accommodating once more and said, "Of course not, I have long since abandoned such things as cults and followings. Now I spend my days researching things from the mundane to the life-changing, at least for me, but occasionally I do get bothered by whichever cult decides to take up residence within this cave system after the last is unfortunately culled for drawing too much attention to themselves. I do try to warn them about drawing the attention of the nearby cities, but what would I know? Not like I have not been around a few centuries, so what insight could I possibly have?" Bobby laughed along with the Greater Lich, as the creature chuckled at the thought of all the dead cultists he had raised again to serve as his test subjects after a cult had been slaughtered and the fun he had with their souls as they howled in agony for him to release them... After having themselves a good chuckle, Bobby and the Greater Lich looked back towards one another, but the Greater Lich could not sense anything strange about the mortal speaking to him, so instead said in a kind manner, "Thanks for that... haven't really had anything to laugh about for a few.... years... bah, can't keep track of the days when you're stuck deep inside a cave all the time. As for that cult you are looking for, they make their homes over in the northern section of this cavern. Oh, and don't worry about loosing your direction, this cave was dug out with a specific layout in mind to prevent the lose of direction. If you just turn around and head straight back the way you came to get here, you can continue heading north through the passages until you reach where the others have holed themselves up this time around." Turning away from the Greater Lich as he waved at the oddly sociable creature, Bobby suddenly flipped his coin up into the air and the sound caused the Greater Lich to tense up nervously... In Bobby's ears, a great "hissing" noise suddenly arose the further he walked from the Greater Lich and as the coin landed back in his hand, Bobby smiled at the results as he showed the pristine golden coin to the others... As his smile stretched from ear to ear, the others quickly realized what he was up too and just prayed that they were wrong, as Bobby spun around quickly, saying in a polite manner as the coin in his hand suddenly changed to black, "Say~ now that I think about it, when my group here was taking a short breather in a cavern back where the pathway split, I~ just so happened to call upon a vengeful spirit to ask for directions... Would you care to know exactly where she pointed me towards?" Flinching nervously when Bobby called back out to him, the Greater Lich slowly turned his head to face towards Bobby, while nervously flexing his fingers... Knowing the others could clearly see the black coin he was holding out in his hand, Bobby just chuckled happily when he saw the Lich's attention shift towards the coin in his hands and said in a strangely cocky manner, "Ah, noticed my coin have we? It was a gift from a very powerful and very dangerous creature. I can get back to that later, right now, I need to discuss with you just why I was hearing this constant hissing noise when I was attempting to leave your presence just now..." Without moving his eyes, the Greater Lich opened his awareness and sensed all of the phantoms returned from the grave to condemn him, which made him clench his jaw in frustration... Pretending not to notice that, Bobby continued stringing the Greater Lich along by saying, "Now then, I may not be an expert at Necromancy myself, but I do know quite a lot about the souls sent into the realm of darkness. Ever been there? Kinda a nice place after you get over the whole fact that your soul could be devoured at any moment if you let your guard down... Now then, where was I... ah, right, the lady I called up. When I asked her to guide us to the one that killed her, she was very reluctant to comply and if I were to have been killed by someone that could raise from the dead at a mere whisper, I'd be afraid to go near them again myself. So instead, I decided to ask her to point me in the right direction and guess what, she pointed me right to where I was standing when I so rudely chose to interrupt your research." Knowing the charade was over, the Greater Lich just scoffed angrily and swiped one hand in front of him to call out all of the "hidden" Lich's that had been waiting silently for their Master's command to slay the intruders... However... As the other Lich's gathered around their Master and he began to create spells to attack with, Bobby held up one finger to ask for a moment of their time, then said, "Now, now, hold on just one second. We can get to fighting in just one moment, I still have not yet explained this mysterious coin I have here in my hand." Saazzi quickly realized that Bobby was dragging things out for a reason and so subtly began to prepare herself for an all-out war with the cult of the Greater Lich... However, the other Adventurers suddenly became aware of the sounds of "things" coming up from the rear and turned towards the doorway they entered through, allowing them to see that the Greater Lich had just called for every Undead creature patrolling the cavern... Holding up the black coin and flipping it once more, Bobby smiled at the brilliant golden coin that fell into his hands, before explaining what he was doing to everyone, "Just now, I flipped this coin to see what the odds of me taking you on myself, while the others deal with the creatures you just called to attack us from behind. As you should be able to clearly see, Lady Luck favors me in this battle... which means you only get Misfortune on your side of things." From the mere mention of her name, Lady Luck appeared behind Bobby curiously and paused when she noticed the others in the room, before smiling viciously as she changed into Misfortune... While the rest of the group quickly got the message and followed Saazzi's lead out of the room, Bobby was actually quite grateful when the Greater Lich created a solid barrier between them, before going on to further explain, "Now then, as for that earlier coin flip, where you noticed my coin turning black, that was not over anything involving me or my group. That time, I was actually flipping my coin to see what your fortunes held in regards to whether I decided to leave or stay to fight. Originally, I had planned on leaving you be and going off to take care of the cult I am being paid to disperse, but after noticing how good your fortune would be I chose to do that; along with the message from those spirits I mentioned, I~ decided I should put your fortunes to the test!" Immediately, the Greater Lich sent a blast of Death Magic screaming towards Bobby, but to the surprise of all of Bobby's opponents, his shadow suddenly shifted to being in front of him and promptly "stood up" from the ground... With a single "hand", the Lord of Darkness intercepted the pitiful attack from the Greater Lich and dispersed the magic without even needing to "flex" his own power... As the Lord of Darkness returned to being his shadow once more, Bobby held up one finger and waved it in front him in a chiding manner, before saying with great amusement, "Nuh, uh, uh! I'm sorry, but heh, you ain't gonna be the one to claim this life of mine! This here friend o' mine, he doesn't like it when people try to harm my body, especially since he fully intends to lay claim to it once I am done occupying it..." Trailing off as something seized hold of his soul, Bobby could feel that this was not meant to capture his soul, but rather was a spiritual manifestation of the Greater Lich's will and so "allowed" himself to start to be dragged out from within his body... Then, without any warning, Misfortune appeared before the Greater Lich in the "physical sense" and promptly back-handed the Greater Lich backwards... Very much shocked by both the physical and spiritual assault he just suffered from, the Greater Lich's eyes were enormous globes of red light within his eye sockets, as Bobby said in response to the lowering of the Greater Lich's jaw, "And~ I would not try to do that either! You see, Lady Luck and I have an agreement of sorts, whereby I feed her a limitless source of good fortune by using this coin of hers. In return, she defends my soul from all spiritual assaults, which is bad luck for my shadowy friend here, since that means he can not even try to steal my soul when I am asleep. Now then..." Trailing off when the sound of someone screaming with great force broke into the room, Bobby and all of the Lichs then turned to stare in surprise as the Paladin Tank of the group pushed his way through the barrier of the Greater Lich with great effort... In the room just behind the weary group of Adventurers lay countless burning bodies of the minions the Greater Lich had summoned to his aid... Laughing and breaking out into a brilliant smile, Bobby happily declared, "Hey! Good to see you're all still alive and kicking! I've been keeping these poor saps entertained while you dealt with those minions of his," turning back towards the Greater Lich, Bobby smiled victoriously as he said towards the undead monsters, "Welp, looks like you're out minions to throw at us... unless, of course, you want to throw aside all pretenses and just call over the rest of your cult members in order to have them prove who among them has the right to ascend into becoming yet another Lich following you..." Clenching both of his hands in fury, the Greater Lich flashed with magic and then opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out... When the others looked over at him annoyance, Bobby just twisted his head around to smile in a placating manner towards them and said, "Well, hey, guess what, Brandon, you won't have to worry about sharing a cut with me, unless you actually believe that I can take down this many Lichs, along with a Greater Lich. You guys head out and deal with the cult, like you were supposed too, I'm just an extra around here. If I do make it back out of here, then I will be the one to receive credit for slaying these fools!" Noticing that Bobby was not flipping his coin this time around, Brandon took that to mean that Bobby had already resigned himself to his fate and just called out in a friendly manner, "If you can pull this off, I'll recognize you as an Adventurer on par with myself, but you'd better not lose any limbs, or else I'll never let you live it down!" Chuckling as the other headed out of the room to go prepare to face off against the lower members of the Cult, Bobby was then surrounded with dark energy as he called out in a commanding tone, "Now, I seek the One-Armed Goblin King of Loct's Claim, come forth and answer my call, Maynard!" Just as she exited the room, Saazzi flinched when she heard just "who" Bobby was summoning and from where, but as she turned around to look back at Bobby, she found another barrier blocking her path... Back inside the room full of Lichs... Squaring off against the Lichs, as his shadow spread out in front of him to open a gateway for his summoned creature, Bobby just smiled as the Greater Lich suspiciously stated, "Quite a lot of... effort you are putting into keeping your allies away from me... Dare I ask you why it is that you feel a mere Goblin stands any chance against me or any of my summoned creatures?" With an elegant wave of his hands, the Greater Lich and his followers all raised numerous undead creatures that were quite powerful as regular monsters... Feeling absolutely no spiritual power coming from any of the creatures summoned forth by his opponents, Bobby suddenly burst out laughing as a seven foot tall Goblin rose up in front of him through the shadowy gateway. As Maynard entered the cavern chamber fully, all the creatures standing opposed to him could feel that there something dangerous about this towering Goblin they were facing. The Greater Lich's jaw flopped open when he felt what a mere mortal had just summoned to face him, but felt driven into a corner by the need to keep up a strong front to maintain his subjugation of the souls he commandeered to make his minions. Suddenly, Maynard whirled around and glared down at the puny mortal that called him away from the battle he was just in, as he demanded in a shockingly fluent Hob-Goblin tongue, "WHO ARE YOU TO BE CALLING ME..." Trailing off immediately, as the skin all over his body began to crawl and his hand started to shake; Maynard suddenly realized the greater presence he was standing in the shadow of, as the Lord of Darkness made himself known... Once the Goblin King had calmed down, the Lord of Darkness slipped back down into the shadows and then Bobby politely stated, "Please forgive me for interrupting the battle you were no doubt waging in the name of you Master, but I find myself in the need of some aid and I just thought you might be interested in collecting some entirely unique garbage for your Master?" Blinking in shock at what the mortal was offering him, a sinister smile suddenly stretched across Maynard's face and he turned back towards his "future" offerings as his dark power began to manifest around his very body... Clenching his remaining hand into a fist, Maynard utilized his shadowy power to manifest his missing arm in the form a spiritual shadow and roared ferociously as he charged into combat... As Maynard charged up to the first group of Undead Skeletal Champions blocking his way, he pulled back his dark energy arm and thrust his fist through the puny creatures standing in his way. The resulting dark magic blast blew apart the group of skeletons without any trouble and as their bones went flying away, smaller dark figures began to leap out of the shadows to collect the trash their King had just made for them. Upon realizing that his hordes were still following him, Maynard threw aside all restraint and unleashed his full fury upon his enemies. Watching as the undead minions they had always used to best groups of Adventurers were destroyed by a simple Goblin, the Lichs began gathering up their strength for a counter attack... Suddenly, Maynard simply glared over in the direction of the Lichs and they suddenly found themselves incapable of casting even the most simplest of cantrips... Quite surprised by Maynard's newfound knowledge of true dark magic, Bobby was even intrigued by the way the dark spirits being used by the Goblin King to silence the Lichs were actually Goblin souls called out of the Shadowed Cleft. Making a mental note to ask about Maynard's new skills after returning home, Bobby decided to enter combat and drew forth his weapon. Sadly, Bobby's luck was not with him this time around and he only drew a Master-forged Light Crystal sword. Still though, the weapon was made of a "holy" material and so Bobby knew that the weapon would at least be "effective" against his current enemies... No longer content to allow the interloper to insult their Master's great power, the Lichs themselves drew forth Enhanced weaponry belonging to the bodies they were currently using to exist in the living world once more and charged over at Maynard to deal with the biggest problem first. Upon seeing that the Lichs were focusing on who they thought was the bigger threat, Bobby just smiled evilly as he turned to face the remaining Undead minions. As the hordes of Undead swarmed towards him, Bobby just rolled the dice and triggered Luck-of-the-Draw to see what he could learn to take down the Horde of Undead. In a heartbeat, Bobby obtained the knowledge of elegant Dancers; who once had entertained the Elven Kings of the Dark Elves, and immediately entered into a trance-like state as he wove a path of carnage through the hordes of undead creatures... On the other side of the battle, the silenced Lichs were fighting with Maynard and caught him off guard at first when they struck him... Grunting as he was hit with something hard, Maynard was a little confused when he did not feel himself bleeding, even though he was certain that he had been stabbed by numerous pointed objects. That was when he noticed the dark aura now surrounding his body and Maynard quickly understood how the aura was strengthening his very body against physical attacks. Even though he had still felt pain from the weapons colliding with his body, when Maynard realized that he would not have to worry about losing his other arm, the Goblin King suddenly ceased holding back anymore. Letting out a ferocious roar, Maynard powered himself up as much as he could; in the way that he had been taught too by the Urok Elders that unlocked their dark powers, before hurling himself at his enemies. The Lichs were caught completely off-guard by the sudden savagery displayed by the Goblin and one was immediately killed by Maynard taking a bite out of the Lich's neck. That only happened because Maynard destroyed the vessel that was containing the Lich's soul and caused the former Necromancer to be dragged back into the room that the Greater Lich had emerged from. Ignoring that, since Bobby already had suspected as much, he instead just smiled evilly as he began to make plans for what would come later on in the night... Maynard, on the other hand, could already tell how quickly he was going to burn through his power in his current state of being, but that only spurred him into action with all the more decisiveness... After dealing with the first one, Maynard swung out his dark energy arm and changed his limb into a blade that allowed him to decapitate three of the remaining Lichs without hardly moving from the spot he was in. As the bodies of the Lichs were claimed by his horde, Maynard suddenly reached up with his good arm and caught the weapon of one of the other Lichs. Even while doing so, however, Maynard was already moving onto the killing blow by punching a literal hole through the chest of the Lich. Taking away the dead Lich's weapon, Maynard tossed it out behind him and a Goblin leaped up out of the shadows to lay claim to the "garbage" that their King just tossed away... Turning towards the last two remaining Lich's, Maynard smiled deviously as he began to prepare to test something out. Moving so that the majority of the undead horde would be positioned behind the final two Lichs, Maynard lunged forward with blinding speed and channeled his power into his fists for an ultimate blow. Making two quick jabbing motions towards the heads of the Lichs, Maynard suddenly unleashed two mighty blasts of Dark Energy that carried on well past the original targets and grew in strength until finally wiping out a majority of the Undead Horde. Much to his amusement, Maynard witnessed his attacks flying over at the Greater Lich and couldn't resist smiling at the look of horror that developed on the Greater Lich's face... Unfortunately, the Greater Lich quickly erected his own defenses and after weathering the attack, then proceeded to blast Maynard away with an even "greater" magical force... When he witnessed Maynard get knocked away, Bobby suddenly stopped playing around and unleashed a powerful Dark Nova blast of dark magic; instantly wiping out whatever remained of the Undead Horde. As the Goblin Horde was picking clean the remains of the summoned undead, Bobby rushed over to Maynard's side; with genuine worry written all over his face. Much to Bobby's relief, Maynard was actually fairly undamaged from the assault the Greater Lich launched at the Goblin King, but there were still signs of the damage inflicted upon the mighty Goblin. Finding the concern on the mortal's face to be quite confusing, Maynard suddenly remembered the way the Garbage Eater had acted the same way before leaving the cave to become the God of the Hob-Goblin Kingdom and that was when he remembered the "voice" he thought he had calling out to him... Believing the mortal before him to be one of his Master's "friends", Maynard suddenly found a surge of strength erupting within him and used that strength to blast open the barrier preventing his Master's "precious" friend from escaping... Groaning tiredly after expending that rush of energy all at once, Maynard turned back towards the concerned mortal and said with a sly smile, "Do not worry, you upheld your end of the bargain, but I am afraid that I won't be able to take on that enemy in my current state... Seems I still have much to learn about fighting against others on my level of strength." Confused, for a moment, when Maynard commented on the Greater Lich being "equal" to the Divine Guardian, Bobby gasped in horror when he realized that he had weakened Maynard by summoning the Goblin King into another being's territory to fight... Reaching out of his body, for a moment, as Maynard's attention shifted towards the entrance, Bobby not only healed Maynard, but also refilled the Goblin King with power... Flinching upon feeling the power of his Master enter into his body, Maynard's head whirled over towards the mortal he now believed to be his Master, but before he could say a thing, the Lord of Darkness whispered telepathically to Maynard, "Our Master still wishes to continue going about a mortal... He is seeking something that he cannot create and you cannot obtain for him. Please ignore our Master's presence for now, for he will no doubt be in need of your services later on when he finds more garbage for you to collect for him." Knowing that things would become problematic if the mortals rushing into the chamber were to find out what Bobby really was, Maynard stood up with renewed vigor and let out a furious roar before charging head-long towards the Greater Lich... Sighing in annoyance after seeing the Goblin King get back up, the Greater Lich said in a grumbling manner at first, "Ugh, this time I'll put you down for good!" Before suddenly channeling an even stronger energy than he first was capable of using, as he proclaimed in cryptic manner, "By the authority of Taygaerth the Undying Wyrm, BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE!" With those words, Maynard suddenly felt the power of a completely different spiritual being starting to both physically and spiritually repel him from existing within the Moaning Chasm... The Adventurers could only watch as the biggest Goblin; that any of them had ever seen, was simply turned into a "puff" of darkness from the slightest "shooing" gesture from the Greater Lich... Saazzi immediately rushed over to Bobby's side and after getting close, urgently called up to him, "Everything will be alright! That was just a banishing spell, your... creature will be just fine after recovering his strength in the dark realm..." Not even really listening to Saazzi at that point, all Bobby could see was the point in which Maynard vanished from the room and could feel something welling up in his guts... Of course, the Greater Lich was not even paying attention to the threatening glare he was receiving from Bobby and was instead busy summoning a whole new wave of undead minions to throw at the intruders... Growing annoyed by the actions of the Greater Lich and by the outcry from the spirits of the realm of darkness, Bobby eventually strode forward to confront the Greater Lich once more and declared, "Do you really think that another swarm of creatures will stop me? You do realize that your entire cult now lays dead and that you are alone here?" Chuckling in response to that statement, the Greater Lich held up one hand and called a series of souls up into his palm, as he said cruelly, "Oh no, never alone... hm, hm, hm, never! Took me a while to figure out how, but I eventually managed to chain the souls of my victims to this place and so I now possess a near limitless fount of souls to call forth to animate my minions. Best part is, none of these souls have even the slightest amount of willpower to resist me, since another part of my research involved breaking the souls of mortals to my will and I have become exceedingly good at it, by the way." Suddenly, for a split second, the Greater Lich felt something; like a cold chill, pass through his very soul, before the moment quickly passed and he was left in a state of confusion... Wrestling with his emotions, Bobby found himself unable to calm down before the Demon standing before him, but then one of the other Adventurers walked over next to Bobby and said in a nervous manner, "Uh... hey, remember how you summoned the spirit of that vengeful victim of this creature? Think you could uh... call forth some more of them? I'm... uh, practicing the art of Necromancy, since I already reached the peak of the Dark Arts and that is kinda why I wanted to come here... since there was quite a lot for me to learn from studying the work and research of other Necromancers... Don't worry though, I know the rules and I obey them." Bursting out into laughter when he heard what the Adventurers were conspiring to try against him, the Greater Lich called out in a mad manner, "Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Don't tell me you actually intend to use Necromancy to defeat a Necromancer? Ha! Ha, ha, ha, oh please, child, I have been alive for longer than your family line has been around and I know quite a lot about Necromancy. If you want, I could even make you the Leader of the next cult to start here, you know? The things I could teach you..." Trailing as he began to stare over at the female Dark Magician longingly, the Greater Lich only became "further" excited when he saw the way his gaze was making her uncomfortable... Moving an arm out in front of the Dark Magician, Bobby stepped forward with a resolute look upon his face and said vindictively, "Do not listen to him, he lies! The only thing he intends to teach you... is what has happened with every other female Necromancer to come to him for private lessons in the arts of soul flaying! I do not even need to ask the numerous spirits I can hear hissing at you to know what you are, Ulfaris the Blight Bringer!" Eerily, the Greater Lich; formerly known by the name of Ulfaris, felt his very soul go rigid as he was called out to by name by a vastly superior magician and narrowed his eyes towards the mortal that dared invoke his real name... Creating an orb of deathly energy in one hand, the Greater Lich said with great disdain, "I long ago abandoned that name! I am now known as the Protector of Taygaerth's Resting Place and am called the Soul Flayer by those who still live! Know my name and tremble, mortals, for yours will be the next souls I torment until you break, while your bodies will make excellent new vessels for my servants!" Continuing to walk out in front of the others, as the haggard group of Adventurers prepared for one last desperate fight of their lives, Bobby struggled to keep his power in check as he tried to call upon his magic... Sensing the turmoil afflicting Bobby's soul, Alyse darted down to his side and quickly surveyed what was going on, while listening to the thoughts raging within Bobby's mind... Coming to understand that he was afraid of losing control, Alyse just smiled and said telepathically to only Bobby, "You need not fear being identified in this body, didn't you already take precautions against such detection? Even if you might be having trouble keeping all of it in, right now, you are just preventing yourself from using your magic. Let go of your restraint and show this FOOL what it means to mess with the souls of darkness!" As if Alyse had just broken the pressure value restricting the flow of magic through Bobby's body, he suddenly erupted with such power that all "lesser" Undead minions in the room were quite simply blasted away... Feeling extremely wonderful, as he allowed the power raging inside him flow outwards, Bobby suddenly felt like he could take the entire world by the throat and choke anyone who stood in his way... Quickly reining in his thoughts, when he remembered he had an audience, Bobby inhaled the rampaging energy flowing out of him and then exhaled slowly, before saying with great authority behind his every word, "Now then, what you just said has made me very angry, Lich, and that does not bode well for you, Ulfaris." When Bobby merely "referred" to him with a slight growl in his tone, the Greater Lich felt slightly uneasy about the pressure being exerted upon him, however, that "pressure" paled in comparison to the almost physical blow Ulfaris suffered when Bobby spoke his name... Unable to comprehend what he had just experienced, Ulfaris looked over at the scary mortal now stalking closer to him and cried desperately, "Stay BACK!" As a blast of deathly magic soared over towards him, Bobby simply reached out with one his hands and super-charged his hand with the overflowing energy erupting out of his very soul... To the utter disbelief of the entire room, Bobby simply closed his hand around the spell flying towards him and completely crushed the attack through sheer power... Opening his hand and scattering the remains of the magical attack sent at him, Bobby then raised up one hand towards the now frightened Greater Lich and declared with the full force of his Godly might behind his voice, "In the name of the Great Dark Devouring One, the new God of the Shadowed Cleft and King of Darkness, I hereby declare you to be an ENEMY of Darkness!" With that statement, Bobby cast a curse upon Ulfaris and when the curse hit the soul of the man Bobby was condemning, the Greater Lich lurched back away from him; as if Bobby had just struck the Soul Flayer physically... Waiting a moment for something bad to happen to him, Ulfaris then broke out into maniacal laughter and then declared as he re-summoned all of his minions, "Useless! I do not depend on feeble dark magic anymore! I do not call upon darkness for my power! What could you possibly have hoped to accomplish by...." Trailing off as his summoned minions suddenly started to turn towards him with hateful stares, Ulfaris commanded them to back away from him, but the undead creatures would no longer obey him... Sensing the power around Bobby shifting, Ulfaris gasped in shock as he witnessed Bobby calling out to any soul with a vendetta against him and promising them a chance to exact their revenge upon the Greater Lich. Ulfaris could only watch in horror, as the souls of those he had damned ages past came pouring out from within the shadows surrounding him in the chamber. As those souls became charged with Bobby's magic and chose to answer his request, they began to create undead bodies themselves from the plentiful remains on the other side. The Adventurers and Ulfaris could only watch in disbelief as Bobby conjured up hundreds of Skeletal Lords, Undead Revenants and even a few Undying Lichs; from the appearance of their "skeletal" bodies... But, as the Undead Horde tried to take down the Greater Lich, with even the more powerful Undead creatures swiftly joining in after creating their bodies... Blasting away the horde of undead creatures with his sheer might, the Greater Lich was quite annoyed when the vengeful souls Bobby called upon reappeared instantly and then began to rant and rave hysterically, "DO YOU REALLY THINK SOME FEEBLE UNDEAD LIKE THESE POSSIBLY STAND A CHANCE AGAINST THE LIKE OF ME? I HAVE BEEN GRANTED DOMINION OVER THIS CAVE BY MY MASTER, TAYGAERTH! NONE OF THESE PITIFUL SOULS HAD ANYTHING TO OFFER MY MASTER IN LIFE, SO HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY THINK ANY OF THEM CAN STOP ME IN DEATH, WHEN I ACT UPON MY MASTER'S AUTHORITY!" Throwing caution to the wind, Ulfaris snapped his fingers and began summoning the spirit of his Master back into the living world, as only he could, before declaring madly, "Master, I call upon you to remove the intruders from your home! I offer you their souls in return for your aid!" To the horror of the Adventurers, the gaping spiritual maw of the Undead Dragon slowly materialized behind Ulfaris and they all began to prepare as much magical protection against the terrifying breath of the dead dragon as they could muster... Laughing hysterically, as he watched the pitiful mortals frantically try to prepare to defend themselves, Ulfaris just continued to urge his Master on... Suddenly, however, Ulfaris noticed that the mortal standing out before him in defiance of his Master was actually smiling confidently at the sight of the Dragon's maw and that caused Ulfaris to whirl around in fright, just in time to see his Master's jaws slamming shut around him, then the frightened Greater Lich whimpered out in a fearful tone, "Master..." In an instant, the Adventurers watched as the Greater Lich they were expecting to come wipe them out was, in fact, destroyed by his own folly and were left speechless... Remaining out in front of the others, Bobby made certain to cast a "veil" over himself and the others in order to prevent the Undead Dragon from turning upon them next... Much to the relief of the others, the spiritual visage of the Dragon dissipated upon the demise of the Greater Lich and then the crumpled body of the Soul Flayer dropped down onto the floor. After waiting a few seconds and then nervously approaching the body of the Lich, the Dwarven Priest said a quick prayer for Ulfaris, while the Fire Mage made quick work of the body Ulfaris had been using. While that was going on, Bobby sat down right where he had been standing during the confrontation against the Greater Lich and refused to move an inch. When the other asked why he could not move, they quickly regretted asking because Bobby told them, of course, that his "luck" was telling him not to move for a while... In truth, Bobby did not wish to move and give away his presence to the powerful Spiritual Being that Ulfaris had called upon right at the end of combat, for the mighty Dracolich was still struggling to return to sleep slowly... A few days later, after returning to town safely once Bobby's Luck had finally changed, the band were relieved to finally be able to complete the quest and had a lot of fun turning in the remnants of all the Lichs, as well as, all of the Cult pendants they had gathered off of the living members. Eventually, the receptionist was forced to call upon the Outpost-Master and a Royal Mage to help identify the creature remains that the group had returned with. As the Royal Necromancer curiously studied the magical sigils inscribed upon the surviving pieces of the Lichs, Brandon was busy boasting about the Greater Lich that had also fallen to the party. Much to his chagrin, however, the receptionist quickly cast doubt upon his claims and then the Necromancer-in-training further validated the receptionist's disbelief... As the tale of the "real" ending to the Greater Lich's existence was described by the practicing Necromancer with the group, Bobby did his best to remain out of the limelight by constantly passing off credit to the creatures he had summoned and explaining away the "power" he had used to summon all the incredibly powerful Undead creatures as merely him acting as a "conduit" for the rage those souls already possessed... While the others continued to do their best to embarrass their bashful group member, much to Bobby's continuing annoyance, off by themselves, Saazzi spoke with Narelu in a hushed manner, "I can only assume that I am not the only one to notice how Bobby never actually checked his luck while we were waiting back in the cave, right?" Nodding in response, Narelu kept her gaze squarely upon Bobby and watched his every action with a trained eye, while saying in response, "I don't think he meant anything bad in preventing us from leaving that chamber for so long... Cause the moment that Greater Lich summoned forth that Dragon Spirit... well let's just say that my Ancestor vehemently agreed with Bobby about not moving an inch. I do, however, think that it is quite strange for there to be a Necromancer in our party... even if she is only in training, like she said." Scoffing at Narelu's suspicions and drawing the Dark Elf's attention away from Bobby finally, giving him a much needed breather, Saazzi just turned Narelu's words right back her, "Oh really... and yet you had no~ trouble being a member of a Demon Worshiping Church, which; by the way, was run by Warlocks! I think you need to check yourself before you go casting unfavorable gazes towards any Necromancer Adventurers! Everyone has different choices in the power they take.... Dark Elves primarily chose to go with Demons, Light Elves go with Angels, Humans... well, they are kinda split between a bunch of different powers, but they typically rely upon the powers of Necromancy to keep themselves safe from wandering undead. Why I bet you that there is a Necromancer in just about every Human settlement in existence! Maybe some of them of do succumb to the lures of the Dark Power they worship, but I have known several Adventurers who have chosen the path of Necromancy and merely use the power they choose." Frowning over at Saazzi, before laughing in amusement with the Hob-Goblin, Narelu had to admit that Saazzi made a good point and then asked out of curiosity, "So then, tell me, oh great guru, what do you make of Bobby?" Unbeknownst to both of them, Narelu's question to Saazzi caused the "shadows" around them to pay much closer attention to their conversation than before... Groaning unhappily as she tried to come up with an answer, Saazzi eventually just smiled playfully and said ominously, "I don't think he has made a choice yet... We both saw him use the true name of a summoned Demon to take control of the creature back at the Dark Elf Capitol and pretty much order it to just stand there to receive a beating. Now we've seen him use the kind of Necromancy that comes straight out of Mythical legends of old and he seems to think that he can just play that all off on him merely taking advantage of the grudges a bunch of spirits had towards a Greater Lich! I'm not buying his story one little bit... I know for a fact that he did not summon any creatures and instead seemed to just call out to them, before them giving them the power to rise as powerful Undead creatures. That's not something a normal person could do... even with infinite magical power to call upon..." Tucking away that little nugget for later, Bobby began planning how he would use his abilities from that point on and carefully chose the words he intended to use... After spending a day celebrating with their comrades, gathering up supplies for their next destination, and securing any upgrades to their gear that was available, the trio were preparing to leave when... Calling out to the trio loudly when they seemed very preoccupied with their preparations to depart, one of the Adventurers from the group they joined rushed over to where they were and asked in a breathless manner, "Wait... I wanted... oof, I had been trying to find a good time to ask you something... but with the celebration and the story-telling, I never got around to it... Uh, um, would you happen to be looking for any new members to your group? S-sadly, I won't be able to commit permanently, but I would love to have the chance to learn more about Necromancy from you, Bobby!" Twitching when he heard the reason that the Necromancer-in-training wanted to come along, Bobby began to grow nervous as the human stared over at him happily... Frowning when she heard that the human Adventurer wanting to join them would only be temporary, Saazzi curiously asked, "What's the problem keeping you from sighing on permanently, if you don't mind me asking?" That question caused the girl to go from bubbly and joyful, to downright horrified, as she replied, "I... uh, have to return here to help... my parents with their duties... uh... they are Royal Necromancers in service to King Andrew... but~ they are not his Advisers, so~ they typically end up with the tasks the King asks of his actual Adviser. Thankfully, my parents deal more with preparations of bodies to be resurrected by the Royal Priests, since the Necromancer serving as King Andrew's adviser does not trust anyone else with his work, unless they are menial tasks; like shooing away random wandering dead that are just close by and causing scares, you know... simple things." Looking at the girl curiously, Bobby asked her pointedly, "What is your reason for learning Necromancy? I cannot believe that you would doom yourself to the same life as your parents, what with your earlier reaction to the question that brought on this answer from you." Becoming nervous, the girl blushed before saying, "You can't tell anyone! I-I want to someday be able to call my childhood friends back from the grave... s-so I can play with them once more..." Letting out a "respectful" and curt snort, Bobby tried to hide his amusement, but failed horribly... When the young lady turned to glare over at him in annoyance, Bobby was unable to resist laughing at how she looked with her cheeks puffed out and when she demanded to know why he was making fun of her, he instead answered with, "I'm not laughing at your reasons for taking up Necromancy right now, I'm laughing at how utterly precious you look; standing there with your arms thrust down at the ground and your cheeks puffed out cutely." Upon seeing the girl's face turn beet-red after his compliment, Bobby threw his head back and laughed merrily... Catching Narelu's hand, when the Dark Elf tried to slap him in the gut, the Lord of Shadows glared at her from Bobby's shadow, before Bobby said in a pleasant manner, "Now then, as for your friends... Uh, sorry Narelu... no idea why I am holding your hand all of a sudden... Uh, back to what I was saying, do you know where your friends ended up? I mean... after they died?" Becoming rather unhappy about the question, the girl was grateful when Narelu told her she need not answer, but then replied anyways, "There was an outbreak of Risen Undead back when I was little... my friends and I were playing not to far from where the outbreak happened with some other kids in our small village at the time... My parents were still only studying the art of Necromancy at that time, after having settled down once their Adventurer days were over. I guess I had some of their magic in me, cause I was able to hide myself from the monsters, even when one looked straight over at me. The others... I can still hear their screams." Hearing "that" soured the mood real quick, but then Bobby noticed sensed something strange and focused in on the human standing before him... All of a sudden, Bobby was able to "peer" through the thin veil between realms and was able to see the group of "dark spirits" haunting the girl before him, but then he began to hear those spirits consoling the upset human... Breaking out into a smile, for no apparent reason, Bobby leaned over so that he could look the girl in the face and asked, "Say... you wouldn't by chance know the names of these children, right? Cause I know a little trick that will allow you to keep them close by, but without having to turn them into your Undead minions." Looking quite confused, as were Bobby's other two companions, the human eventually began to recite the names of her friends; syllable for syllable, exactly as her friends would have when they were still alive... Reaching into his robes, Bobby created a bunch of wooden figures, only left as blank wood in color, then worked his own magic upon them and called out to the children lurking around his new human companion... At first, the children were afraid of Bobby's summons, but then Bobby severed his connection to the wooden dolls and the children all surged into their own vessel. Watching the dolls with great anticipation, Violet was stunned when she saw the dolls suddenly come to life and was even more shocked when she watched the dolls change into nearly life-like lookalikes of her childhood friends. Bobby then snapped his fingers and the dolls found themselves within some long robes, which completely hid their features, much to the delight of the human Necromancer. When one of them looked up her, however, and allowed for "light" to pass inside the clothing... Gasping when she saw a skull looking back out at her, the girl immediately turned towards Bobby, as he quickly explained, "Those dolls are still in there, but you can't be a respectable Necromancy if you are seen running around with your childhood friends all the time... This way, they'll appear to be Skeletons that you have raised with your magic, but they won't be able to be stolen by someone who uses necromancy, because they are not technically summoned undead creatures. Oh and I guess I should mention this... your friends can learn to wield weapons to protect you with if you wish. Their bodies can be destroyed, but I can teach you how to make new bodies for them in the event that happens. Oh, and if I might make a suggestion on weapon type they should try out-!" Chopping Bobby on the back of the neck, Narelu gave him and his shadow a serious look, before shaking her head, then saying down towards the new Possessed Marionettes, "Please ignore his suggestions when they deal with you trying to fight... I think you should first spend some time with your childhood friend here... uh..." "Violet, my name is Violet Kobe!" Interjected the now teary-eyed and joyously smiling young lady. Clearing his throat and giving Narelu a chiding glower, Bobby knelt down to address the marionettes with a kind smile on his face, "Please forgive me for what I was trying to do earlier. You are all free to live out your new lives as you please. If you so feel like it, then please attempt to learn whatever you wished to learn back when you were a child. Whether that be mastering a weapon, or a profession, even just learning to do one thing with your new lives... what matters is that you are now free to be with Violet here from now on. No strings attached." Speaking his last sentence telepathically, Bobby then severed what little connection he still had to the dark spirits within the marionettes and instead switched that connection over to Violet... Snickering when Violet "stiffened" immediately upon being connected to her "friends", Bobby just smiled up at her deviously when she looked down at him with an agape expression... As Violet spent time just silently listening to all of her friends excitedly sharing years worth of feelings and thoughts towards her, Saazzi summoned up her spirit horses. Anxious to get moving again, the spirits quickly attached themselves to the wagon and neighed impatiently for their passengers to climb on in. Once on board, Violet and her friends all rushed towards the front to spend a good portion of their first day of traveling just staring out at the Forest Spirits; since they were things of legend to most humans. Not wanting to spend too much time away from her homeland anymore, Saazzi set a fast pace over towards the outskirts of the Beastkin Country... Unlike most Kingdoms, the Beastkin preferred to keep to themselves and only really allowed the Adventurers from among their own species the freedom to roam within their lands. While that may have drawn some negativity from a few other Kingdoms, the Beastkin were able to gain the support of the Elven Kingdom in keeping out those not from their species, but both were forced to compromise. That compromise came in the form of being forced to set aside a certain portion of their Kingdoms for Adventurers to operate within and then the rest of their lands would be deemed too dangerous for outsiders to enter. While the Elves were upset about being forced to allow other "lesser-born" species into their lands, the Emperor conceded by opening up the borders of the "lesser" Elven Nations, but kept the home of the High Elves as "off-limits" to outsiders... Following in the Elven Emperor's example, the Beastkin gave up a vast area of rolling plains and verdant fields for the use of Adventurers; choosing instead to seclude themselves away from other species... Heading straight to the city where the Guild Outpost for the Beastkin Kingdom was, Saazzi had to tell the others a bunch of rules, along with about every of the do's and don't around Beastkin. Narelu chose to simply just avoid speaking with any of the Beastkin, since her manner of speech would probably insult any Beastkin she even attempted to greet. Violet chose to remain in the wagon, especially after Saazzi warned her about how the Beastkin had not yet forgotten about the bad blood between humans and their Kingdom. Much to Saazzi's regret, Bobby had no such intentions and voiced his desire to join her out in the city... When they were leaving, however, Saazzi was greatly relieved when she found that Bobby had taken the time to obscure his face with the same shadow-silk fabric he had first appeared with back in the Dark Elf Capitol city... Following Saazzi out into the city, Bobby did his best to be on his best behavior, but there were a few times when a more sensitive Beastkin noticed what he was and walked by in an attempt to knock Bobby over. Instead of reacting as a human from Drazan would, Bobby just slide past their attempts to knock him down with unnatural grace and caused a few to stumble from their own efforts to trip him up. Thankfully, Bobby had his face was hidden or else he feared that his snarky smirk would have caused the fools to get back up and try to physically assault him for that smile on his face. Eventually, one of the Beastkin tried something a bit more "violent" and that ended with Bobby's "shadow" coming into light... When that happened, a bunch of the Beastkin rushed forward to slay the dangerous creature, but then Narelu stepped forward and blocked their path... Most of the Beastkin bore an unshakable dread towards the former harbingers of the Dark God Karm, but when a few were not so willing to back down, Narelu's Ancestor came into the picture. Shifting Narelu's shadow around between her and the Beastkin, the Shadow Wraith first showed himself in the same posture that she was in, but then began to sprout numerous vile appendages. The sight of the tendrils sprouted by Narelu's Ancestor certainly had an effect on the mob of Beastkin and when he noticed that, the Shadow Wraith played upon their fears. Eventually, Narelu cleared her throat in a loud manner, causing her Ancestor to tense nervously and return her shadow to normal, before she announced in a stern manner, "My Shadow and that of my colleague, are the homes of Dark Creatures we call Shadow Wraiths. If you do not wish to face their wrath, then all I ask is that you keep your bullying to a minimum, or else I will cease to overlook your attempts to rough up my friend!" With both Narelu's Ancestor and the Lord of Night making their presences known again, Narelu's warning caused the mob of angry Beastkin to quickly disperse... After the confrontation had broken up, however, Saazzi, Bobby, and Narelu were surprised when someone nearby began to let out an amused sounding "hooting" laughter... Walking up to the group from the front, so that Saazzi would be standing between him and the agitated monsters, a member of the Great Air Tribe smiled happily as he closed his eyes while bowing to the newcomers, even as he said in a friendly manner, "A mighty fine display of force, I must say. That will probably afford you a few hours reprieve from any shenanigans, but I would not grow too complacent, human... A lot of folks around here still bear grudges against your kind and are not afraid to drag you off into a dark corner somewhere to take care of business." Chuckling at the warning, Bobby met the gaze of the Moonfolk and found the anthropomorphic Owl to actually be quite endearing in a way, before responding with a voice filled with venom, "Then I feel that it is only fair that I warn all, who are currently listening to this little exchange, about the dangers involved with trying to deal with me in the dark corners of this city... Just as this city will overlook my screams, so too will the shadows wait eagerly for you to chase me into darkness. Also, I have been doing my utmost best to be courteous and kind to those who have attempted to bring harm upon me, but now that the cat is out of the bag; so to speak, I will not hesitate to defend myself against any who try to assault me from now on... Got THAT?!" Gasping in shock, when he witnessed Bobby "shatter" all the surveillance spells watching the conversation at once, the Moonfolk suddenly became very wary of Bobby for some reason... Peering over Bobby and staring deeply in the human's eyes, the Moonfolk said in a suspicious manner, "Now that is not something any human I've ever seen could do~ who exactly are you?" Feeling that the Moonfolk was attempting to use some kind of "magic" upon him, Bobby could only smile when he felt the magic almost "harmlessly" bouncing right off his mind thanks to his boosted mental resistances... When the Moonfolk eventually grew frustrated with Bobby's resistance and wholly focused on breaking through his mental defenses, Bobby asked his "spiritual" allies to pay the pestering bird a visit... Suddenly, the Moonfolk felt the spells he was using against Bobby simply shatter away and as he tensed up in alarm, the nervous Mind Mage suddenly felt a ghostly hand stroking his chin. Shifting his eyes to the right, the Mind Mage suddenly found himself staring right over at Misfortune and physically trembled in fear, right as he felt another arm reach over his left shoulder. When he turned to the left, however, the Moonfolk found himself staring into the shadowy face of the Lord of Night and just about screeched in terror. But then... Feeling yet another presence rising up behind him, the Mind Mage opened up his mind and was able to perceive what was all around him, as a massive spiritual Drider moving it's pointed legs all around the Mind Mage. If that was not terrifying enough, however, then the Mind Mage suddenly found an enormous black chest rising up around him and as the lid fell shut ever so slowly, the Mind Mage came to the horrifying realization that he was inside the hungering maw of a mighty Greater Mimic. Once the chest was closed, the Mind Mage could feel the unnatural darkness around him being populated by countless Dark Creatures, ones he had no knowledge of even, causing the Mind Mage to quickly close his eyes and focus his mind to dispel whatever madness had befallen him. Realizing that their message had gotten through, the "spiritual" aid that Bobby called upon suddenly left the Mind Mage alone... When he sensed that, the Mind Mage was confused by what was happening and then opened his eyes to find himself gasping for air all of a sudden... As the Moonfolk continued to hyperventilate, Bobby just smiled underneath his mask and answered the Mind Mage's question, as if a full minute had not passed while the Moonfolk had undergone a strange experience, "You may call me, Bobby Fortune, and as for who I am... Well, I am just a human who has spent the time between this day 'n' age and the age where our Gods were still alive living within the Shadowed Cleft. Sadly, I was stuck within the Dark Elf Nation for this whole time, but I have had a lot of time to figure out plenty of little tricks with magic. Now then, I have answered your question, so how about you tell me what exactly you were trying to do to me just now?" Tensing up when he heard Bobby question, the Moonfolk suddenly became very nervous for some reason and not just because his harrowing experience with Bobby's spiritual friends was still fresh in his mind either, before humbly replying in a remorseful tone, "Please... forgive me for trying to invade your mind... I just... wanted to be certain that you were not touched by the Nightmare... Your... shadows displayed some capabilities that were very similar to what the vile denizens of the Twisted Nightmare. Do not be concerned... I can be certain that you both; especially you, human, have powerful spiritual beings protecting you exclusively... Again, I must beg for your forgiveness..." Waving off the apology, Bobby then went so far as to "thank" the Mind Mage for caring enough about their safety and that of others in town that they would risk compromising their values to ensure that the Nightmare never gained a minion within the city... After they had parted ways with the Mind Mage, Narelu could no longer contain her curiosity and so asked curiously, "Why did you forgive him so readily and what was with that whole nonsense about him actually caring about us?" Smiling deviously under his veil, Bobby's tone spoke volumes of his true feelings on the matter, as he answered while holding up his lucky coin, "Remember how I said that I rely upon luck for everything... well~ I do not have to physically flip my coin every time I try my luck, I just merely use my coin to test the odds of what certain choices I make will have on me. Even without my coin, however, I could tell that if I did not immediately forgive him, he would have either hunted us down to silence us or would have been commanded to take his own life to prevent him from walking down the wrong path of Mind Magic. As for that nonsense; as you put it, why don't you put yourself in that man's position. He had just been caught in the act of using his magic upon another sentient being's mind, a taboo; even among the more tribal groups of his species, but by praising him for his willingness to break that taboo in defense of others... I~ basically just helped him to heal his own psyche and rebuild his mental defense against such attacks that could be used to assault his conscience. It's basic psychiatry..." Trailing off when even Saazzi was forced to turn around and give him a dubious glance, Bobby realized that he had just used a word from his old world, so he quickly played everything off by saying, "Sorry, sorry, I sometimes get words mixed up... Listening to the shadows for so many years has a way of messing one up... I have been doing my best to keep that under wraps, but I guess I can't always keep my mouth from spewing nonsense... What I was trying to say... is that I was just using what I could gather about him from the verbal and physical cues he was giving about his mental state to patch him back up, in order to prevent him from doing anything drastic." Knowing that both Saazzi and Narelu had their doubts about him, Bobby was relieved when the pair let his slip of the tongue go without any further interrogation... Eventually making their way towards the trading area of the town, Saazzi quickly picked up on a commotion being made and smiled when she heard one of the voice involved... "We don't need any of your trash, vermin, scurry back into your shadows where you belong!" Cried a prideful Nekomata Adventurer. "Come on, surely you can't find any of these shiny treasures anywhere else in the world? Just take one look, I assure you, there is something for everyone here in my shop." Squeaked out a desperate sounding Ratfolk. The Nekomata angrily swatted away the Ratfolk, without the use of claws, and stomped away in frustration from the "overly" eager merchant that had tried to guide her back towards his stall... "Still can't keep your fingers off others shiny treasures, eh Xelk?" Saazzi called out quietly from right behind the Ratfolk Merchant, as she learned right next to his right ear. Whirling around in shock, as Saazzi quickly backed off, Xelk stared over at her with enormous shocked eyes and then leaped towards her with an overjoyed expression on his face... Completely forgetting about the shiny stone he had swiped from the outfit of the Nekomata, Xelk was so overwhelmed by the sight of Saazzi that all he could think to cry was, "RAT WHISPERER! Oh how I have missed you!" Laughing as Xelk picked her right up off the ground and swung her all about with glee, Saazzi was grateful when she was eventually put back down on solid ground... Without even needing to be bidden, Whiskers rose up out of Saazzi's shadow and stared over at Xelk pleadingly and the Ratfolk was more than happy to reach over into the collection of junk he had scavenged, where some old dingy fabric lay. Offering up the nesting material to Whiskers, Xelk was all smiles as he heard the delighted squeak emanate from the dark creature, but when Saazzi's familiar lunged up from the shadows to take the fabric, the Ratfolk Merchant jumped back in fright at the size of Whiskers. Backing away with a startled cry, Xelk quickly tossed the fabric over to Whiskers and then watched as the summoned creature seemed to melt back down into Saazzi's familiar. Blinking in shock, Xelk quickly made certain his outcry had not drawn any unwanted attention towards his stand and then excitedly said to Saazzi, "Was that Whiskers? That little, tiny rat, which used to sleep on your shoulder at night? My word... how strong is he now? Oh wait... never mind, I forget that Whiskers is not good at fighting... sorry, ole pal!" Squeaking happily up at Xelk, Whiskers went off to his nest to add the new material he had acquired... Noticing the other two standing with Saazzi, Xelk had a confused look on his face when he asked, "So... what brings you here, Saazzi? You know that I am retired... technically. I'm now a trainer here... for the few Ratfolk that think they have what it takes to be a Tank... pfft, most are a bunch of lightweights that would be better of sticking to sneaking and stabbing unaware suckers." Smiling at the playful jab Xelk gave her, Saazzi just pulled out one of her daggers and skillfully twirled the blade, before saying, "I may not weight much more than you, Xelk, but I'll be damned if I can't pull my own weight in a fight! Now as for you being retired... I know you are still going out on occasion... gotta be if you can keep this selection of crap you scavenge constantly supplied. I'm looking to assemble a group to help me out when I go to become a Trade Prince next spring and I could use a contact in the Beastkin Kingdom... especially one that is durable enough to go where they damn well please. Only question is... can you still take a hit?" Crying out in an insulted manner, Xelk took a step back and had a wounded expression on his face, as he replied playfully, "Ah! You wound me, Saazzi! I cannot believe my ears, can I take a hit, you ask? Well, give me a moment and you shall have your ANSWER!" Darting out of sight suddenly, the sounds of metal being moved and stuff rustling was all that could be heard from two of his audience, but Bobby was quite intrigued by the collection of "garbage" that Xelk was digging around in... Leaping back out into sight and landing with a ground shaking thud, Xelk was fully decked out in Adamantite Armor that gleamed magically, as he declared proudly, "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CAN'T TAKE A HIT ANYMORE!" Some of the other merchants looked over to see who was riling up Xelk, but upon seeing the familiar face standing opposed to Xelk, quickly smiled and watched him act like a youngling once more... Laughing at the sight of Xelk's old armor, Saazzi was quite impressed that he had kept everything from his glory days, as he cried happily, "Didn't think I'd keep this old stuff, did ya? Well~ I got a lot of hits with this stuff on and so I know it'll last! Perhaps~ I don't have all the right effects on the pieces, but who cares, as long as a Tank can take a hit and keep moving, what else really matters?" Turning towards her other comrades, Saazzi had a very proud smile on her face and said happily, "May I proudly introduce to you, Xelk Ironwhiskers, and these two over here are Narelu, a Dark Elf Warrior with the kind of dark mambo jumbo to make even your scariest of shaman blanch with fear. Over here is one of my human companions, Bobby Fortune, a jack-of-all-trades, but prefers to call himself a Gambler. The other one of my companions, which you'll meet later, is named Violet Kobe and while she may be learning Necromancy, she is primarily a Dark Mage. I hope you still like surprises, Xelk, cause when we get done and return home to my lands... I got one that will make even your whiskers curl!" Flinching upon hearing what might result from seeing Saazzi's surprise, Xelk shuddered at the memory of "other" surprises Saazzi had sprung upon him and steeled himself for what was to come... A few hours later, while Xelk was busy getting reinstated as an Adventurer and getting himself excused as a Trainer for Tanks, Saazzi was heading over to her wagon to search for Bobby... Thankfully finding him alone, since Violet had been well taken too by the regulars in the Outpost tavern, Saazzi quickly asked, "So~ what do you plan on doing while we are here in town? Narelu is looking over the available jobs to see if she cannot find one that will help pay for our expenses to our next destination." Having been relaxing on one of the bench seats in the back of Saazzi's wagon, Bobby just smiled in response to her question and said without budging an inch, "I think I'll just try my luck with gambling around here... I don't think having me along for your adventures would be a smart idea, judging from the way I was received in town." Flinching when she was reminded of what transpired in the human kingdom, especially the part where Bobby summoned Maynard, Saazzi shifted her jaw uneasily and then asked curiously, "Speaking of which, mind if I ask how well you did in the last place we stopped at? Never really had much of an opportunity to ask you until now..." Watching as Bobby produced heaping sacks of coin, Saazzi was quite impressed with Bobby's ability to swindle others out of their hard earned coin and even more so with his luck... Little did Saazzi know that the money Bobby had produced was the result of plundering all the Cultists from the Moaning Chasm that had perished in their ill-fated attempt to resurrect Ulfaris... Weighing the odds, Saazzi then moved onto the real topic she wanted to discuss with Bobby, "Say, how did you summon that Goblin King, back in the Moaning Chasm? I know personally that you could not have known Maynard by name, nor could you have known that he only had one arm when you did... So tell me, how did you know about a creature from the Hob-Goblin Kingdom when you have constantly stated that you were locked within the part of the Shadowed Cleft where the Dark Elven Lands reside..." Keeping the smile on his face and doing his best to keep from showing any signs that he was worried, Bobby just simply threw the dice to see what would come up... Before he could even feel the results, however, Bobby started to respond, "If you are meaning, how do I know about the Garbage Eater and it's minions... well let's just say that I have a very unique connection with the Dark World now. The shadows whisper things to me constantly and I also know how to use the shadows to view the world beyond where I was stuck at. It's not that hard, you know, to ask for help with something you need in return for something that they need. Of course, all that they really needed was my body, but for what I was asking, they were willing to merely receive some energy from me to help strengthen their bodies. Shadows are very useful like that... they can move easily in the night without being noticed at all, provided that the conditions are right. Plus, once you have established a working relationship with them, they are quite willing to stick around as watchmen for you. Sadly, when more powerful creatures are present, the shadows are typically unable to move within the domain of those stronger beings, but through that restriction, I was able to learn of numerous powerful creatures just... hiding out. Maynard was only the most recent creature I uncovered through this means and thanks to a little gift from the one who set me free from the Dark World... summoning the likes of Maynard is trivial at best." Narrowing her eyes, Saazzi couldn't really find any holes within Bobby's answer, but she also could not validate anything either, so then pointedly asked, "So then, this other being; the one who freed you... does it have a name?" Chuckling in a devious manner, Bobby instead replied with, "None that you would be very familiar with... but needless to say... your Garbage Eater is little more than a fledgling in comparison to what I found. I take it that you heard of the new Dark God that has superseded the dead Dark God Karm? Hmph, I already completed my pact with him... with the Dark Devouring One and so now I am just going to enjoy this journey until it's end. When we do eventually part ways, Saazzi... you'll understand everything, I promise." Not knowing who the mysterious Dark Devouring One mentioned by Bobby was, but at the same time having no reason to doubt anything that Bobby had told her, Saazzi let the matter drop and wished Bobby well in his endeavors to further increase his coin... Breathing out a sigh of relief over that, Bobby turned his attention back towards what he really wanted to do and went to go find Xelk... Finding Xelk among other Ratfolk Adventurers, Bobby waited until he was invited to join the others at the table and when asked what he needed, Bobby replied, "Please forgive me if what I ask is... insulting, but I am quite curious about how your species; and all Beastkin in general, tell the difference between those of you who have chosen a life of adventurer and those who have decided to remain with their people?" Instead of being met with angry scowls over his question, Xelk and the other Ratfolk smiled happily as they raised up their left paws... As Bobby blinked in confusion over what he was supposed to be looking at, Xelk pointed at the brand burned into his palm and said, "W for Wanderer... what that means among Beastkin is that one of our kind has chosen to leave their tribe and go on, as so you accurately put it, a grand adventure for the rest of their lives. These brands do not ever go away, so once a wanderer, always a wanderer... These brands are almost like a sentence, but those of us who chose to leave our tribes are not viewed with anger by the others. We can still die if we get caught up in tribal warfare, but typically only those seeking to be accepted back by their tribesmen really bother with that. Those who are accepted back in will get a line across the W on their palms, which shows that they have given up being a Wanderer and have chosen to once again belong to a tribe. This hand of mine... has saved many lives when I have been out on requests.... I could never mar it with the brand of acceptance." After he finished his reminiscing, Xelk looked over at Bobby and was a little thrown off by the dark look on the human's face, even more so when Bobby pointedly asked, "Then what would happen if someone from a tribe did not choose to leave, but was forced to anyways?" That question caused even the other Ratfolk to become uneasy and then one of other Adventurers said in a worried voice, "The hand of those which you speak of... is also branded by the same sign we are, but with a line across the top of the W, thus turning the letter into an M, which is meant to signify that whoever bears that brand is not worthy of belonging to a tribe. To bear the mark of an M is to be viewed as a Murderer without a conscience, a killer of kith and kin! Perhaps you cannot call all who bear an M a monster, but always be wary of those who bear the mark of one!" Listening to the Ratfolk discuss other tribal markings with great interest, Bobby used that information for his "other" plans... Then, as he was getting ready to set out, Bobby had the Lord of Night take control of his body and go about "gambling" as he should have been; with Lady Luck at the Vampire Lord's side the entire time... The Lord of Night then began to go around any place where gambling was taking place and began to use the same tricks he had seen his Master using before to increase the wealth his Master possessed. Even though there were several claims that he was cheating tossed out, when he was tested for such illegal playing methods, no one was able to definitively prove that the Lord of Night was cheating. Usually only continuing to play a few more hands before deciding to leave once the others at his table got sick of losing, the Lord of Night remarkably kept Bobby's reputation intact. Of course, more than once he found himself having to take care of a "sore loser" in a dark alley after leaving gambling houses, but the Lord of Night restrained himself from feeding upon any his victims and merely banished them to the Dark Realm to be rid of them... Later, after he felt his Master's soul return, the Lord of Night returned to where Saazzi and the others were staying in order to turn in... Unfortunately, by the time Bobby had woken up, the others had decided upon a job to take and Bobby woke up to hearing, "Master... Master? Are you awake now, Master?" Grunting unhappily in response, Bobby was still trying to get his head to stop swimming, as the Lord of Night apologetically explained, "I apologize if you are not feeling well after successfully dealing with planting the seeds of your influence among the Ratfolk, but while you were sleeping... the others were approached with a job they could not refuse... and since you were asleep at the time... I agreed to join them on the job in your steed... my apologies!" Bolting upright suddenly, Bobby found himself laying upon the floor of the "moving" wagon and looked around in disorientation for a few moments... Laughing at the way Bobby jumped awake, Xelk was nearly bounced right out of his seat and almost immediately shot an annoyed glare over at Saazzi, before asking, "So~ Bobby, was it, how'd you like the drinks you had last night?" After hearing the answer from his servant, Bobby just smiled in amusement and replied, "I don't know about drinks, but I'm pretty certain that at least one person probably offered me something that was poisoned after I robbed them blind at the gambling tables..." Howling with laughter over Bobby's snappy remark, Xelk remained all smiles the entire way to their destination... Thankfully, Bobby was able to get the job reexplained to him, since everyone remembered how he had barely looked awake enough to "gamble", let alone fight what they were heading up against... Learning that they had been approached to help another group assembling to remove a group of Desolate Cultists; which had taken over a shrine dedicated to a powerful elemental spirit some Beastkin worshiped, Bobby quickly became unhappy over having to deal with cultists again. Upon hearing Bobby's reaction, Xelk was quick to demand what he had been missing out on from Saazzi and then got the lowdown on what had happened to the group while in the Kingdom of Eplor. Upon hearing what they had gone up against, a very impressed whistle came out of Xelk's mouth and he actually agreed with Bobby's reaction to having to face cultists again. Once they reached the temple, there was an air of doom filling the atmosphere; as numerous smoldering bodies of the temple's caretakers lay scattered upon the ground... As they joined the group of lower ranked Adventurers that had quickly gathered up to retake the shrine, Saazzi and the others all learned the gravity of the situation... Upon learning what was going on, however, Bobby was suddenly surrounded by a violent aura and when all attention fell upon him, he carefully asked, "Would calling back the spirits of these slain temple caretakers be seen as... wrong? I do not mean to enslave them... but the thought of these cultists trying to enslave the spirit protecting this place..." Watching as the aura grew even more violent, none of the Beastkin were going to deny that having more help would be good, but they wanted to be absolutely certain that none of the resurrected would be forced to stick around... Stepping over to where the largest group of bodies rested, Bobby began to spread his dark energy around and then called out almost respectfully, "I can feel your hatred towards those who desecrate your home... If you are willing to aid us in retaking this place, then take my energies and RISE again!" Violet very quickly explained what Bobby was actually doing and when the souls of recently departed suddenly began to swirl angrily around Bobby to gather up energy, the Beastkin all realized that Bobby was not so much using necromancy as he was merely reviving the dead with dark magic temporarily. Rising up in their burnt bodies, the scorched temple servitors all gave their thanks to Bobby and promised to lend whatever aid they could towards helping the Adventurers retake the shine from the Desolate Cult. Asking the temple servitors to merely keep the elemental spirit being enslaved from succumbing, Bobby told them that he had a bone to pick with the cultists. The others could only watch as Bobby drew forth a Bone Blade, which looked to have been carved from the bones of a Dragon, then took off sprinting towards where the Cultists were... As the other Adventurers grew alarmed at him charging off on his own, Saazzi just smiled in amusement and told the rest of the Adventurers in an amused tone, "You ought to be more worried about the cultists than Bobby... I've seen that vengeful look before and I think you'll come to agree with me very soon... Come on, we need to catch up with him." Chasing after Bobby into the shrine, the group of Adventurers could only stare in horror at the bodies of the Cultists strewn along the pathway... Most were simply decapitated, with expressions of pure horror upon their faces at the moment of their deaths, while other were either cleaved in half or split into two halves from top to bottom. A few of the bodies had limbs removed or were just repeatedly slashed at and turned into a mess of shredded flesh, quite clearly displaying what Saazzi meant by saying the Adventurers should pity the Cultists, rather than worry for Bobby's sake. Eventually catching up with Bobby, as he was in the process of clearing out a side room filled with cultists, the Adventurers could only stare in disbelief as Bobby weaved his way through a dozen or more cultists without suffering a single injury. Even more alarming, however, was the way that Bobby's blade seemed to be sucking the blood right out any blood slain by him and the way the blade seemed to "pulse" with a powerful hunger with each new victim... One of the Cultists even tried to flee from Bobby, but then he just suddenly appeared upon the "shadow" of the coward and the Cultist lost the ability to even "scream" as Bobby cut him down... Taking notice of the others and the looks upon their faces, Bobby said something that caused Saazzi to flinch, as he snarled, "I do not like those who enslave the souls of others for their own ends..." Dashing off after the next group of enemies, the rest of the Adventurers could only frantically rush forward to keep up with him... Quickly reaching the final chamber, much faster than they could have normally, Bobby immediately surged in to start slaughtering the cultists, but the ones channeling their corruptive magic into the shrine guardian were well protected by living Fire Elementals... Surrounded by casks of melted Adamantite, the Flame Spark Elementals weilded crude Adamantite swords; which glowed with the heat of the Elementals. Two Salamander Water Witch Doctors then quickly began to attack with torrents of water they could unleash from totems they held in their hands, calling forth ancestral spirits of water to help them cool down the vessels surrounding the Elementals. A trio of Harpies then took wing and used what space they had in the large chamber to try shooting at the Cultists with their bows, but quickly found that the Cultists had set up protective wards against such interruptions. A couple of Ratfolk thieves then darted off into the shadows to look for the magical focuses being used to maintain those protective barriers, while the others worked together to shatter the cooled down Fire Elemental vessels, in order to fully banish the Elementals from the living plane... Once Bobby understood how to defeat the Fire Elementals, however, the creatures suddenly had to be very wary of his presence near them, since Bobby would take any opportunity he got to simply dart past them and shatter their super-heated vessels with his greatly empowered Bone Sword of the Blood-Lord. The other Adventurers quickly picked up on what Bobby was trying to do and began trying to set up the Fire Elementals for him to strike down. Xelk took a lot of joy out of taunting any Fire Elemental he could and then watching their fiery faces turn to expressions of defeat as Bobby shattered their vessels while they focused their attacks upon him. Thankfully, since they had shattered all of the Fire Elemental vessels, the main group was able to earn themselves a breather, as Saazzi and the other thieves worked tirelessly to locate all the protective wards... The moment that protection was broken, however, the other Adventurers could only watch as Bobby became little more than a dark "blur" and carved his way through every remaining Desolate Cultist... Right after Bobby had gotten rid of them, the risen temple servitors all rushed in from every direction to began channeling their power into the Shrine Guardian. Flinching when he began to feel the energies of his fallen worshipers pouring back into him from the living realm, the Air Elemental Torborg quickly looked around to find out what had become of his followers. Weeping for the state his worshipers found themselves in, Torborg was not about to let their sacrifice be in vain and used the energy they were donating to him to resist the other spirit trying to subjugate his winds. Desolate Flame Lord Igneous sensed Torborg's renewed resistance and was not about to allow his chance to become a Fire Soul slip him by... Exploding back into the physical world, the Fire Lord blasted away the pests interfering with his plans and greatly wounded Torborg... As the Fire Lord began torturing Torborg and completely burned up the Wind Spirit's resurrected followers, Bobby reached out towards Violet. Filling her with regenerative dark energies, before then pulling away the Dark Spirit that had been compelling Violet's body to heal in order to take over her body once it's job was done. Pulling her up, while the others tried their best to heal themselves, Bobby stared at her with an intense gaze as he asked if she still had the power to fight back. After hearing her answer and listening to her ask what she could possibly do against such a powerful Fire Elemental, Bobby shook her gently before hissing in an urgent manner, "Stop thinking like THAT! This is a shrine to a spirit and I'm guessing that this is not the first time that this egotistical jackass has tried to enslave a spirit that dwelt here... I need you to call out for help! I can't do this because my magic is all darkly aligned. I don't think that these Beastkin would like it if I forced them to accept a dark spirit here as the shrine guardian, so I want to call out to anything with a grudge against that bastard over there! Don't let him win!" A little intimidated by the "intensity" with which Bobby spoke to her with, Violet quickly realized that he was right about one thing... they could not allow the Fire Elemental to win... Bobby then began to organize the others.... First he had the Thieves and Saazzi find the blown away members of the shrine caretakers, then he had the two Water Witch Doctors create a soothing mist to fill the air with moisture. Having anyone that could take a hit stand before him and Violet, Bobby told them to lock together their metal shields to prevent any flames from the Fire Elemental from reaching any of the magic users. Ordering the others to spread out and do whatever they could to defend their position, if not just simply stand out of sight to hopefully be able to assist those hurt, Bobby finally asked those with Air magic to propel the watery mist into the inner chamber of the room. Quickly taking notice of what the pestering mortals were up too, Igneous waved one hand out towards the mortals and cast a powerful wave of flames over towards them... Thankfully, the moisture caused the flames to become weakened to the point of not being "fatal", but the Adventurers still suffered casualties... The others in hiding surged out to drag away those hurt badly and began to administer healing salves to stop the burns the Fire Elemental had inflicted. Smirking when he saw the pitiful efforts of the mortals to counter his might, Igneous completely overlooked the locked shields being held up by Xelk and the other tanky Adventurers. Turning his attention back towards Torborg, Igneous was alarmed to find the Air Elemental somehow recuperating from all of the torment he had inflicted and roared with fury. As he was doing so, however, Igneous quickly took notice of how "dampened" his flames were again and realized all too late that the water vapor being spread by the Witch Doctors had filled the chamber up completely... Attempting to power-up his own fiery presence, Igneous found his attempts being thwarted by the way that the water vapor seemed to be getting directed at him and he returned his attention back over towards where the Adventurers had been... Sensing that happening, Bobby quickly tasked the Air Mages with creating barriers out strong winds and not a moment after being erected, the magic users found themselves in the midst of another massive fire blast from the Fire Elemental. The Air Mages did their best to keep up their shields, while the Witch Doctors worked furiously to fill the tiny pocket within the barriers with enough watery spirits to be able to prevent what was going to happen. Eventually, however, the Tanks were forced to fall away from their red-hot shields and that caused the flames to disrupt the barriers the Air Mages had created. Thankfully, the preparations of the Witch Doctors prevented anyone from losing their lives, but when the flames died away... Crying out confusion, Igneous could not believe his eyes as he stared over at two survivors of his attack and began to gather up his strength for another blast, now that he was freed from the dampening moisture field the mortals had put up... Moving around in front of Violet, Bobby kept his right hand on her left shoulder and said as he thrust back his left hand, "Just focus on calling out to whatever is out there... you don't need a name or a summoning circle... just ask and tell them what you need their help with... Something is bound to be out there. Just think about how fast the group was assembled to counter this attack... this was not the first time this place has been besieged..." As Bobby attempted to inspire her to summon something to beat off the Fire Elemental, Violet watched as a tremendous wall of flames surged towards her and felt what little "hope" she had blowing away with the rushing air being pushed in front of the flames... Reaching out into the vast dark alcoves of the Shadowed Cleft, Bobby pleaded with the creatures in his realm, "Please... I don't need any of you to fight for me, but I need to stop a very annoying Fire Elemental; who is currently attempting to enslave the very soul of another elemental creature right now... Would one of you be willing to come forth and stand in the way of his flames?" For the longest second of his life, Bobby felt his plea being rejected by creatures who were unable to even answer his call in the first place, but then... Rising up from the shadowy webbed hollow it had chosen to hide itself away in, a MASSIVE Giant Spider skittered it's way over to where the God of Darkness was calling out from and then stabbed it's enormous legs down through the opening that it's Master had created... Even Igneous was shocked to see the titanic spider legs shoot up from the ground and stop his flames from reaching the remaining mortals standing opposed to him. Staring up at the legs of the gigantic spider he had just called out of the shadows, Bobby thanked the creature for it's aid and then promised a single favor of his choosing to the mighty creature. Returning to pouring his essence into Violet and providing her with enough power to reach out ever further away from the temple's location, Bobby just prayed that his hunch was correct. Just when Igneous ran out of firepower and the Giant Spider defending them could stay no longer, Violet finally felt someone willing to "listen" to her plea for aid... Not knowing who was on the receiving end of her cry, Violet suddenly released all of the energy that she had been building up and screamed magically to the creature she was in contact with, "WE NEED YOUR HELP DEFENDING TORBORG'S SHRINE! HE IS CURRENTLY UNDER ATTACK BY A FIRE ELEMENTAL, ONE WHICH SEEKS TO ENSLAVE HIM!" On the other side of the communication, Hurricane Elemental Lord Gayle cringed at the volume Violet's voice came to him at, but the moment he heard "what" was attacking his follower's shrine, Gayle vanished from his place of residence... Bursting into existence within Torborg's shrine, Gayle quickly took notice of the mortals spread out around him and watched in shock as the two that were standing when he arrived collapsed to the ground... Knowing that his Summoner had most likely exhausted herself to pull him over to where the shrine was, Gayle found the fact that the other mortal fell over as well to be strange, but then he heard the collapsed mortal whisper faintly, "Now Saazzi!" Suddenly, Gayle found himself being infused with what little power remained in the followers at the temple and could somehow "tell" that something was amiss with them, but once he laid eyes upon who was currently besieging his old home, all other thoughts ceased to be within his mind... "IGNEOUS!" Was all Gayle could think to say upon seeing his bitter enemy from ages past, the Hurricane Elemental gathered up the essence being granted to him by the worshipers within the shrine and blasted Igneous with a ferocious gust of wind. Already weak from having to force his way into a spiritually protected area that was not willing to allow him in, as well as from having his own supporters wiped out completely, Igneous could do nothing against Gayle's overwhelming attack and was sent flying across the chamber... Slowly approaching Igneous, as he quickly learned all that had transpired within the shrine from other Air Elemental Spirits lingering within the shrine, Gayle slowly transformed from a peaceful whirling cone of dust picked up from around him into a true living Hurricane. Then he began to feel the aid from the Adventurers pouring into him and Gayle began to surge with power as the Air Mages infused him with their spells. As Igneous attempted to strike back at him, however, Gayle suddenly felt the moisture being added into the air and smiled viciously as he gathered up that moisture inside him. When Igneous struck Gayle with one of his fiery hands, the Fire Elemental suddenly found himself being sucked inside of the whirling maelstrom inside Gayle and before he could even attempt to defend himself, Igneous found his entire being getting torn apart within Gayle... Calming down once he felt Igneous expelled from the shrine, Gayle returned to being a simple Whirlwind Elemental in order to allow the mortals around him to approach... Almost immediately, all of Torborg's followers rushed around their wounded spirit and renewed their vows to the Air Elemental, as their bodies slowly fell still once more. Seeing those followers returning to the winds once more was a source of great joy for Gayle and after ensuring that all the mortals passed on successfully, went over to tend to Torborg. Upon seeing that everything had been settled, the band of Adventurers rushed over to where Violet and Bobby were laying upon the ground; cheering joyfully for the pair that contributed the most to the success of the mission. Coming over to see what all the commotion was about, the curious Air Elementals were "greatly" alarmed from what they sensed from one of the darkly aligned mortals... Taking notice of the presence of the Air Elementals, the Beastkin Adventurers all quickly got out of the way and were happy that their esteemed Spiritual Guardians were going to reward their allies... Strangely, however, the Air Elementals showed none of the mirth that the Beastkin had, as Gayle focused in upon Bobby and asked suspiciously, "Why did you come here? What purpose does your presence here serve?" Without any doubt in his mind, Bobby could feel the subtle hostility in the air and knew that the powerful Air Elemental was mere moments away from attacking, but despite that, he kept his dark minions at bay so he could instead answer with, "I came here because I was asked too... I am an Adventurer, just like all these others who have come here to aid your servant. There is no hidden purpose here, no ulterior motive, I'm just here to complete the job and then get paid." Losing a little bit of the hostility in his voice when he next spoke, Gayle then asked while turning to look back at the fallen temple servitors, "Then may I ask what kind of foul magic you worked upon those mortals? Even though I do appreciate what you did in allowing them to contribute their aid to us in order to battle with Igneous, I could not help notice the darkness afflicting their very souls..." Smiling kindly over at the nervous Air Elementals, Bobby replied in an understanding tone, "I understand how things might have looked to you, but my only intentions were to help and I had been hoping that by returning those worshipers of yours to the living realm; even if only temporarily, I could in turn tip the scales of the battle in our favor. I do not mean anything bad by saying this, but this group of Adventurers that hastily assembled to help out here was very under-prepared to face the likes of Igneous. Had we only needed to fight against the cultists, this group would have been enough, but that Elemental Lord would have wiped out everyone and easily enslaved your servant had I not raised them from the dead." Still reluctant to believe the words of a mortal that "appeared" to be a dark creature in his sight, Gayle was forced to put his doubts to the side when his Summoner stepped in front of the other dark mortal... Stepping before Bobby in a defensive manner, Violet knew she may very well be signing her death warrant, but before either Elemental could speak, she quickly blurted, "He is not evil! Please understand... though he may use the dark power of Necromancy, he does not use that power with the intent to enslave the souls he calls back from the grave! Even here... all he did was open the door and ask for help... those who answered his call did so of their own free-will... just as you did when you answered my call for aid..." Placing a hand on Violet's shoulder, Bobby gently pushed her back off to the side and smiled at her in a reassuring manner... Walking towards the Air Elementals and then past them, Bobby caused quite a few heads to turn as he moved out towards where the collapsed bodies of the fallen temple servitors lay upon the ground after their souls had returned to the afterlife... Then, without any warning, the shadows that had been placed within those bodies and had been given control of to those resurrected servitors all began to take over the bodies fully. As numerous Dark Monsters rose up from the ground, the Elemental Spirits in the temple were thrown into a panic over their home being assaulted yet again. Before anyone could even move to attack, however, the Adventurers watched uneasily as Bobby's shadow spread out before him and caused all of the newly born Dark Creatures to freeze in terror. All of the Monsters then turned towards the one casting them back into the shadows and their eyes grew wide with terror when they realized just who they were standing upon... Leaving the Lord of Night to keep the mindless monsters in line, Bobby then turned around and said to the Air Elementals, "While I doubt that you will ever believe me, I only came here because the group I belong too was requested to help here. I raised these followers back from the grave because I could sense how weak your servant had become and knew that if we were to stand a chance of saving your servant, then we would need them to help him resist the efforts of the Cultists... However, once I learned what was truly going on here... the God of Darkness filled me with his vengeful wrath and commanded me to punish these infidels! Once I had accomplished that, however, his anger subsided and I lost the strength I could have used to topple that idiot Fire Elemental. That is when I had my ally, Violet, reach out to anyone who could protect this place and do so without corrupting it themselves." Once the Lord of Night had been revealed to be within Bobby's shadow, Gayle quickly realized "why" the mortal had been so unsettling to him and changed his opinion of the mortal... Growing relieved when he felt all suspicion towards him disappear, Bobby then listened carefully when Gayle curiously asked him, "So then... what is to happen to these... servants of your Master?" Turning around to glance back at the monsters and telepathically warn them to behave or else, Bobby then looked back at the Air Elementals, as he said in a respectful manner, "With your permission, I would like to place these creatures in your care. They will not appear unless your servant finds himself without any defenders again and when they do appear, they will inhabit any available bodies in order to rise up to defend this place. Otherwise, they shall simply remain within the shadows of this temple and keep watch over this temple. The Master of Shadows does not care about enslaving or corrupting others... that was the favored pass-time of Karm, now recognized as the God of Demons, rather than the God of Darkness." Hearing movement from behind them, the Air Elementals and Bobby all shifted their gazes over towards who had drawn their attention... Feeling more than a little intimidated by the powerful stares directed towards her, Narelu reverently bowed to the mighty spirits of the Beastkin Lands and then said in a respectful tone, "What he says is true... a new God of Darkness has risen to power and has forced the Demons out of hiding within the shadows... Also, the new God of Darkness has a preference to devour souls... or at least from what I have heard." Gayle's eyes grew alarmed when he heard "what" the new God of Darkness liked to do with captured souls, but then he remembered the way that the souls of the resurrected temple servitors were "allowed" to go free once they had pledged themselves to Torborg again... Turning back towards Bobby, Gayle inclined his head ever so slightly and said in a respectful manner, "Please give my thanks to the Master of Shadows, mortal... without his aid this day, I doubt things would have turned out so well." Looking over at Gayle, Bobby just smiled eerily; causing the monsters behind him to even become nervous, as he said, "Do not worry, the Master of Shadows is well aware of what is transpiring here... He is currently spreading out his reach to all lands I am traveling too... part of the pact I made with him when he agreed to release me from the Shadowed Cleft, but he does not intend to take over any place that already belongs to another. Right now, he is more preoccupied with the dark tunnels crossing the expanse of these lands and the creatures living within them. I do not mean that he is intending to start a dark uprising, but there are those dwelling within the shadows down in those tunnels; living in fear of the monsters that lurk down in the darkness, that he was drawn too. While I cannot say what exactly his plans for those creatures are, I don't think the God of Darkness wants to deal with the trouble of starting any wars. He is a collector of sorts and is merely reaching out to any source that he might obtain things from this world through... Just be careful if you have an object he desires... for he is the God of Darkness." Chuckling at the warning given by the strange mortal, Gayle nodded his head courteously and then said, "I shall spread the knowledge of your Master's presence here in these lands to the other Elemental Spirits that watch over the Tribes of the Beastkin. While I have no doubts that your warning will prove true, I see no reason to start hostilities where there are none. Rest assured, I will see to it that these creatures you are leaving in my care are taken care of, so that the next time Igneous decides to come back here, they can be the ones to warn me." Strangely, hearing that caused the dark creatures behind Bobby to cry out in celebration and then all the Skaven burrowed down into the "shadows" of the temple... The Gargoyles created from the winged species serving at the temple them flew up to perches within the main chamber and turned into stone statues poised to strike anything that attacked the area... Once that was taken care off, Gayle turned his attention back towards the rest of the Adventurers and began to reward them with Enchantments upon their gear as a reward for participating in the successful defense of the temple. Overjoyed when they received such a reward from such a powerful spirit, the rest of the Adventurers proudly held onto the items that Gayle had blessed. Then came time for the outsiders and Gayle could already tell that they already had plenty of powerful enchantments on their gear; especially the one that had worried Gayle the most. Coming forward first, Xelk was busy fumbling around in his pockets for something, before eventually producing a necklace of river rocks... Holding up the worthless item before Gayle, Xelk graciously asked, "Might I have this necklace Enchanted to provide a steady flow of air from it?" Both Elementals frowned in confusion over the simple request; simple because that Enchantment was mere child's play for them, before Gayle curiously asked, "Are you certain that is what you wish to ask for? I'm certain that there could be a better use for this reward I am offering..." Trailing off as Xelk tossed the necklace into his mouth, the Air Elementals were confused as to why he would do such a thing as "eat" the earth, but then Xelk smiled and showed off the necklace resting withing his mouth... Spitting the necklace back out into his hand, Xelk then explained why he had just done that, "Perhaps you might think this request to be trivial to one such as me, but I wear very heavy armor... if I were to be dropped into deep water, then I be doomed to die on my last breath of air. With these being Enchanted to provide me air, however, I could easily survive where others would perish because they have no air." Quickly seeing the necessity for such an Enchantment upon a simple item, Gayle waved out one hand and blessed the item to provide Xelk with "breathable" air, but only when Xelk needed to breath... As Xelk hastily tucked away the necklace within a pocket upon the inside of his armor; one of several filled with situational items, Saazzi came up next... Producing a simple vial from within one of her pockets, Saazzi asked for the same kind of Enchantment as Xelk had, but when asked how she intended to use the vial by a very amused Gayle, Saazzi replied with a devious smile, "Well, you see, I am a Shadowblade and therefore I have many substances that I can use to bring great harm upon those I attack with my weapons, but if I were to spread those same substances over a vast area with this vial, the effects would be reduced. Despite that, an enemy who is having trouble seeing what is right before him is not much of a threat, correct." Smiling in a wicked manner himself, Gayle knew the importance of preparation and laying traps for one's enemies to debilitate them before the fight even began... Giving Saazzi his blessing, Gayle watched as a "darkly" blessed Dark Elf approached him slowly and must have had a strange look upon his face; based on the way Narelu was so nervous... Before Narelu could even begin her request, Gayle leaned in closer to inspect the Dark Elf closer and was able to detect the faintest of lingering demonic essences upon her, which prompted him to curiously ask, "Curious... it would seem that you have traded demonic power for that of darkness... if you don't mind me asking... why?" Now understanding why Gayle had looked so unsettled by her and knowing that he was merely shocked by her choice in power, Narelu looked off to the right; as the Dark Elf Ancestor lurking in her shadow faintly appeared behind her as a shimmering spirit, as she replied, "Because Darkness does not care what your specialty is... nor does it care whether you have magic or not. For with the power of darkness, even the smallest child can lay low the strongest members of her family. My Ancestor, here, showed me that and a pathway to an even greater power than what the Demons my family worshiped were willing to give me." Seeing the now "peaceful" soul following in Narelu's every footstep, Gayle had his misgivings about the "true" intentions of the dark creature, but all the same he could tell that the Dark Elf's Ancestor cared about her very much... Narelu then asked to have some decorative armlets, she wore purely for show, Enchanted to allow her body move through the air; like a whistling blade. Gayle happily granted the Dark Elf's wish and even smiled down at the Shadow Wraith when the dark creature celebrated Narelu's choice. Then, the person Gayle had most been anticipating stepped forward and he looked very eager to hear what his Summoner would ask for. Pulling out a stuffed doll from her bags, Violet presented the Necromancy Simulacrum before Gayle and then said, "Um... if it is not too much to ask, I would like permission to call upon your aid in my time of need... but, uh, if that is asking too much, then I would merely like for this Doll to be able to purify the air around it of... um, foul stenches..." Able to sense the Necromantic energies being given off by the doll in Violet's hands, Gayle was quite impressed that a "Necromancer" had somehow managed to summon him, but then he realized that Violet had not actually "summoned" him in the proper form; in truth she had merely reached out for anyone who would help and expended a tremendous amount of energy to draw him there... Smiling kindly down upon the human Necromancer, Gayle waved his hand to bless the doll and then said before Violet could turn away, "While I may not be able to promise you my aid... I do believe that Torborg, here, might be more available to lend you his assistance, right?" Flinching when he was called out by his Master, Torborg quickly nodded his head and happily promised his aid to Violet; granting her the "knowledge" to summon him without requiring a summoning circle... Then, Gayle turned his attention towards the last of the mortals who aided his servant and defended his old shrine; shuddering upon what his senses screamed about that particular mortal... Knowing that the Elemental was made uneasy by his presence, Bobby kept his distance and asked politely, "I'm certain that you are no doubt aware that there is little in the way of magical blessings that you possess that could be useful to me..." Trailing off when Torborg and the other spirits in the shrine grew upset over the mere "insinuation" that Gayle had "nothing" to offer him, Bobby turned to glare the riled up spirits into silence... Greatly alarmed that a mortal would have such command over spirits that did not even share the same energy, Gayle grew very uneasy as Bobby calmly stated, "I can easily create portals between two locations with my shadow magic and thus I can bring air into my lungs without the need for breathing. Likewise, if I wish to lay a trap for some clueless fool to walk into, I merely need to ask if something is hungry in the Dark Realm and I will no doubt have swarms of hungry little spiders, rats, wolves, goblins, skaven, or any other creature that is hungry for the flesh of the living screaming for me to chose them. As for needing to be able to move easier, I have no need for such a thing, since I can easily hex or curse my enemies with any number of Dark Spirits and cut them down with ease as they are trying to figure out why any number of ailments are now afflicting their very souls. Lastly, since I can provide myself with my own air, I can also prevent air from even entering my mouth or nose via the same method of using shadowy portals." Once he finished explaining in detail just how "pointless" any of Gayle's possible Enchantments would be in the face of Bobby's overwhelming abilities with shadow magic, the spirits of the shrine all suddenly began to feel ashamed of themselves... After quite literally brow-beating the elemental spirits into silence, Bobby turned to face Gayle and respectfully said, "While I know that you are very uncomfortable with my presence and that I doubt I have any right to ask this, the only thing that could be of use to me would be a portion of your very essence." Once he made his request known, Bobby found the entire chamber growing dead silent and just knew he had been right in thinking that would be asking too much... Knowing "exactly" what Bobby had asked for, Gayle was actually surprised when the other spirits in the shrine actually began to support the idea, on account of how "much" Bobby had done to help save Torborg and the shrine... Despite knowing that he would most likely end up giving away what Bobby had asked for, Gayle could not help asking what Bobby intended to use the fragment of his spiritual body for, which Bobby gladly answered, "I know a dark creature that is a craftsman, of a sorts, but sadly can only make random items from the garbage it collects. However, if you can provide it with some more specific materials, what it can make will be more defined by what you have brought. Now, I may have plenty of powerful items already, but you never know when you might need something crafted with the essence of an Air Elemental. Rest assured, that I have no intentions of using the piece of your spirit to corrupt or control you... hell, I wouldn't even know how too even I wanted too." Not willing to stay silent on the matter, especially after he was almost enslaved just moments earlier, Torborg angrily proclaimed, "Maybe not you, but what if someone were to take this gift you are asking... f-for..." Trailing off and growing very fearful, both Elementals suddenly found themselves staring into a literal maw of death as Bobby slowly turned to look each of them in the eyes... Even though they both knew what they were sensing was merely a "spiritual" response to the question Torborg brought up, Gayle was quite frightened at how quickly the powers of darkness had risen up to "answer" the question... Then, opposed to what the spirits were sensing, Bobby replied in a pleasant, smiling manner, "I would not worry about that, my dear friend... those who are foolish enough to try and steal from me stand the risk of incurring the worst kind of luck upon themselves. By that, I mean that unless they were to either return what they stole from me or return what they took to the shadows, they would suffer ever increasing misfortune in their lives. I do not mean that they would perish, at least, not right away. Creatures of Darkness can be quite sadistic in their attempts to bring misfortune upon those who deserve their vengeful fury. Items, foods and yes... even people would be targets for the Dark Creatures hunting them. Sadly, even if they were to return such a thing, as what I am asking for, they would not remove the curse they brought upon themselves. Besides, my shadow would stop them before they run away and then they would find out just how much fun they will be having getting to endure what I went through in the Shadowed Cleft." Having been quite convinced without the explanation, Gayle calmly reached into his physical embodiment and pulled out a mass of swirling spiritual essence... Bobby then produced a vessel to contain the spiritual essence within and then said very graciously towards Gayle, "Thank you, this means a great deal to me. If you ever need aid again, either with fighting something off or removing someone from this plane of existence, then you need only to bring your request to Violet and I shall be there just as soon as I learn of your request. Oh, and before you ask, yes, I can travel great distances in the matter of seconds thanks to my shadow portals, so do not worry about my travel needs." Only relaxing once the spiritual disturbance around Bobby completely relaxed, Gayle found himself very curious about this mortal and his connection to the shadows... Hesitantly calling out towards the mortal now carrying a portion of his essence, Gayle eventually found the nerve to ask, "Might I ask about this new Dark God? I must say that I do not get much time to spare around mortals anymore and so I do not pick up on any news about what is happening out in the world..." Smiling, as he knew what Gayle was most worried about, Bobby replied mischievously, "If you wish to know what the Dark God is up too currently within these lands, then I would suggest you turn your attention lower than where we mortals dare to tread. I felt a curious amount of shadows beneath these lands and so I took a peek while relaxing near here... Something has stirred up the vermin lurking below your lands and while I doubt the Dark God intends for all out war, you may just have to get accustomed to welcoming Dark Tribes among your followers." Immediately knowing that what Bobby had just said was true, Gayle now understood why all the other Elemental Spirits of Air had been so worked up recently and had been forced to leave the area around where the Ratfolk controlled section of the Buried Den lay... After finally parting way with the rest of the Adventurers they had grouped up with, Bobby suddenly found himself the center of attention within his small party... Before anyone could ask, Bobby quickly answered, "I made a deal with the new God of Darkness that, in return for my freedom, I would have to allow it to accompany me on my journeys. This is not the same as the creature lurking in my shadows and waiting for an opportunity to claim my own body as it's own... The God of Darkness is mere wishing to relax within my shadows, while also reaching out to any minds willing to listen to his dark whispers. In all honesty, the new God of Darkness not evil, he just~ has different views on how certain things should work. Also, if you have something he wants, he is most definitely not above killing you to obtain said item, but he would prefer to trade for such things, as wanton slaughter has a way of drawing negative attention. Because of this deal of mine, however, I am basically being allowed to carry the... authority of the new Dark God with me... Now then, if you don't mind, I need to get back to my nap..." While he was resting, however, Bobby felt his attention pulled away from his mortal body and dragged over to where two of his companions were having a private discussion... "Do you believe anything of what he just said?" Curiously asked Saazzi. "Not one bit. If he was so powerful all this time... in fact, if he could travel so easily, then why is he using you to ferry him about the world? Couldn't he just walk through portals to where ever the God of Darkness wants him to go... something is not adding up." Replied Narelu in a paranoid fashion. "Oh good... so I'm not the only one thinking that... I wonder how far he could take us with one of those portals. Also, yes, I do think that there is something... strange about Bobby." Said Saazzi, before the Hob-Goblin suddenly looked around in alarm and somehow managed to identify the exact location Bobby was observing their conversation from. "We should probably stop talking about this... I'm getting a bad feeling right now... which means that someone is watching us!" Saazzi announced in an almost indignant manner. When she and Narelu went over to the wagon to check on Bobby, both were greatly let down to find him in the process of exiting the wagon... Quickly shifting gears, Saazzi quickly brought up something which Bobby had already been expecting, "Say, Bobby, now that you are rested up... what would you say to helping us out with speeding up our travel times?" Letting out an exasperated sigh, Bobby unhappily asked, "Sure, sure, Shadow Portal Taxi service at your command... where do ya want to end up?" Both girls shot Bobby annoyed looks, before Saazzi brought out the map she had been using to traverse the world with and pointed out a section of the Orcish Lands she wanted to visit next... Communing with the spirits of darkness after learning "where" Saazzi wanted to go, Bobby made certain to draw out the process by having the spirits scout around the area for him... Eventually, Bobby stood up and made his way over towards a space between two buildings, where he quickly conjured up a massive shadowy gateway that showed where they would end up. When Saazzi asked why they were not going to end up inside the city, Bobby slowly explained how just magically appearing inside a town would go over with the Orcs and that was why they were going to appear a short distance away from the town. Bobby then explained how he had selected the location they would arrive at by how far away the Orcs would be able to see from the walls around the city Saazzi had selected. Suddenly feeling very sheepish about having asked such a silly question, Saazzi waited for everyone to get in the wagon before heading on through the portal... Once they passed through the portal, everyone was amazed at how "quickly" they had traversed what would equate about two weeks of travel by wagon in mere seconds, but then Bobby explained how travel through the Dark Realm "would" have worked if anyone other than him had performed the spell... After blanching at the explanation of what would happen to any mortal foolish enough to step foot into the Shadowed Cleft without the protection of a near Demigod status spiritual guardian, Saazzi quickly kicked her horses into gear, while saying nervously, "Well then, I guess it's a good thing you were the one to attempt that then... Too bad... would have made delivering goods extremely simple if I could use that..." Smiling at Saazzi, Bobby then brought up another problem with a solution to the problem of traveling in the Shadow Realm, "Well, you could always just use a summoned creature to carry your goods back and forth, but then you run the risk of having your delivery stolen by someone with contacts to a stronger being of darkness. Likewise, there would be certain materials you could not safely transport within the Shadowed Cleft, either due to the creatures there not liking the substances or due to the objects being corrupted by the dark energies in that realm. Thankfully, I was able to make the time we spent in the Shadowed Cleft as short as possible, but even then we were only protected due to being in this wagon; which is being protected by a powerful spiritual being." Xelk and Violet were greatly surprised by that announcement, but then Bobby explained away the suspicious he had surely aroused, "I lived within the Shadowed Cleft... only a fool would not learn how to recognize the territory of Dark Beings with enough power to become some kind of Spiritual Guardian." Having no choice but accept that explanation, Saazzi kicked her horses into a gallop and directed them towards the road leading up to a much smaller Orcish settlement... Giving the others a little information about the village they were heading towards and the Orcish Tribe living there, Saazzi hoped to avoid any misunderstandings with the Koni Tribe... The Koni Tribe was group of Orcs that dedicated themselves to the art of hunting and therefore were already masters of two skill-sets by the time they reached maturity. Due to the way they are raised, all Koni Hunters are very protective of their catch and will not tolerate anyone messing with their kills. Likewise, the Koni Tribe is relied upon by the rest of the Orcish Tribes for food and so rarely leave to become Adventurers, as their lives are dedicated solely to the hunt. As they were arriving in town, however, Bobby suddenly began to feel the truth about the Koni and their dark heritage... For in truth, the Koni Tribe was not an Orcish Tribe, but in fact were considered only Half-Orcs, because they were born from the union of Orcish and Urok blood. This dark union of blood created an unstable Half-Orc child, which usually did not survive long past birth, but for those that did survive, a life of endless hunger awaited. That was the truth behind the Koni's dedication towards hunting down live prey to consume, for to do otherwise would mean mindless hunger and brutal savagery towards anything with flesh. Staring over at the guards of the village and at every Koni they passed by, Bobby was a little worried by the "presence" of Orcish Spirits standing behind every Koni he saw; especially after he noticed the spirits were "sharing" strength with their Half-Orc descendants... Thankfully, Saazzi did not plan to stay within the town for long and had merely stopped by to set up business relations, before moving onto the main Orcish settlement... While Saazzi was busy setting up business arrangements with Koni Tribesmen, who were all too eager to sell off their unwanted scraps from their hunts, Bobby began to get the unnerving sensation that he was being hunted. Slowly he began to catch glimpses of the predator and then he began to notice how their hunter seemed only to be focused on Saazzi. Without even needing to ask, Bobby was suddenly filled in upon the entire life-story of a very alarming Ravenous Koni. As Bobby learned more about this strange Hunter, however, the more he grew to "like" the dangerous Half-Orc... Allowing the Half-Orc to continue hunting Saazzi, Bobby always made certain his "focus" was on the predator at all times and got a chuckle out of the way the Half-Orc responded to being hunted in return... Eventually, the Half-Orc began to go after Saazzi when she was more or less separated from the herd and that was when Bobby decided to go on the offensive by asking telepathically in a threatening manner, "Does she really look like prey to you? Are you so blind as to believe her vulnerable right now? Can you not feel my eyes upon you... Half-Orc!?" When Bobby revealed that he knew what the predatory Half-Orc truly was, the Koni Half-Orc was just looking over in "his" direction... Even though Bobby was faced towards another stall in the market, the Half-Orc could immediately tell that the "gaze" watching him was coming from the strange human that he had not even "registered" in the process of hunting Saazzi... Releasing a fraction of his dark powers, Bobby demanded of the predatory Half-Orc, "Does it seem like she is unprotected NOW?" Sharing his "spiritual" sight with the Half-Orc, Bobby watched in amusement as the Half-Orc flinched fearfully upon feeling just who's attention had been drawn towards the predator... Turning to look over at Saazzi quickly, the Half-Orc simply froze upon what his eyes were now able to see around Saazzi and took a nervous step away from all the monsters now guarding Saazzi fiercely... When the Half-orc turned back towards him, Bobby gave the Koni a glimpse at what lay beneath his fleshy exterior and then said in amusement, "If you believe yourself worthy, then perhaps I shall allow you to accompany this party I have formed, but only if you behave yourself! I do not tolerate THIEVES!" Upon hearing the "warning" from the frightful "creature" masquerading as a human being, Warwick shuddered fearfully as he began to see the dark monster's shadow slowly reaching out to take "hold" of the others in the party... Later, when Saazzi went to visit the Adventurer's Guild Hall in town, she suddenly found herself being approached by a Koni Tribesmen that had a very "alarming" tattoo on his left shoulder... When the other Orcish Adventurers took notice of the marking on his shoulder as well, the Ravenous Koni suddenly found the entire hall growing quiet and that was when he took the opportunity to introduce himself as Warwick Pemburu Mulia or Warwick the Glorious Hunter. Unfortunately, due to an accent he had picked up while he was still growing, his W's ended up sounding like V's and so he ended up introducing himself as Vorvick instead. After a few tense moments, where Warwick tried to better pronounce his name, the Guild Hall erupted with amused laughter over such a terrifying Ravenous Koni failing at something so simple as an introduction. Before Warwick could leave in embarrassment, however, the voice he had heard before urged him to stick around and just tolerate the fun the other Orcs were having at his expense... Unfortunately, when Warwick attempted to ask to join Saazzi, the Guild-Master loudly spoke out against Warwick being allowed to go "anywhere" away from the village... Before anyone else could say anything, however, an eery sounding ping from a certain coin being flipped reached everyone's ears with perfect clarity, just as Bobby began to move forward to declare, "Our party is made up a Hob-goblin Shadowblade, a Dark Elf Warrior; who is possessed by the Dark Spirit of one of her Ancestors, a Human Necromancer; in training of course, and a Ratfolk Tank. All we really need to form a proper group is someone that can handle ranged weaponry and then there will not be much that we could encounter normally that would pose much of a threat to us." When the Guild-Master then demanded to know who Bobby was, an unsettling grin stretched out across Bobby's face, as he happily explained just who he was, "Oh me... Well, I am a human, who has spent countless lifetimes surviving with the Dark Realm... you know, the Shadowed Cleft. I am possessed by powerful Shadow Wraith, one which seeks to claim ownership of my body, but because I have the protection of another powerful Dark Creature, that has yet to happen. Due to living among the shadows for so long, I am now able to use every type of dark magic there is in existence and I have a very good rapport with all creatures of darkness. Because of that, I knew exactly what this Orc was when I first laid eyes upon him earlier, while my group was in the market area of this town. I can absolutely guarantee you, that if he were foolish enough to try attacking anyone in this group... he would never again be able to eat anything he put in his mouth." Continuing to be granted spiritual sight by Bobby, Warwick grew very pale when he saw what appeared around Bobby when the human set out the "terms" for him being allowed to join Saazzi's party... Still unconvinced, the Guild-Master was debating warning the Adventurers about the dangers of a Ravenous Koni, but then Bobby offered with a devious smile, "Say, are you a gambling man? I certainly am... What do you say we have ourselves a little bet. Care to wager allowing Warwick, here, to join us, if only the strongest Warrior here cannot strike me down for this folly of mine?" Unable to take such a challenge sitting down, the Strongest Warrior in the Guild Hall immediately stood up and declared his willingness to put Bobby's mouth to test... But, as the Warrior was walking over and getting ready to take a swing at Bobby... Suddenly feeling his skin crawl and his body tremble, Warwick did not even need to look at Bobby to know he had the dangerous mortal's attention, then the same threatening voice he had heard asked him in a raspy manner, "Are you just going to stand there and watch or will you earn your freedom from this cage you have accepted around your hunger...." Feeling his entire body growing tense when he heard the voice mention his secret, seeming to know exactly what Warwick's hunger was about, Warwick suddenly became very frightened about who the human exactly was, but then the voice spoke again to say in a more calm manner, "I am no demon and they had best keep clear of me, if they know what's good for them. Rest assured, I can make certain that you will never go hungry again... the Shadows are most welcome to those who carry the dark blood..." Upon hearing that he would never have to suffer from going "hungry" again, Warwick suddenly stepped forward into the path of the Orcish Warrior taking a swing at Bobby... At the time, the Warrior was already committed to the attack and so could not easily stop his swing, but then Warwick lunged towards the oncoming blade with his mouth open wide. Unlike the Orc he was facing, Warwick's teeth had pointy tips; giving him a mouthful of jagged and strong teeth, from his particular eating habits. Using a very unique skill he had learned and spent years cultivating, Warwick actually crushed the Warrior's sword in between his jaws, then spat out the remains of the weapon. Thankfully, the sword was only for display purposes, as the Orc's real weapon would have been too big to easily swing within the Guild Hall... Staring at the shatter blade on the sword in his hands, the Orc Warrior then turned towards the Guild-Master for a verdict, which made the Guild-Master sight reluctantly and then say in an unhappy manner, "Very well, you have won the right to take Warwick with you... I just hope that you know what you are getting into..." Chuckling in a manner that made every Orc in the room go on edge immediately, Bobby just smiled over the Guild-Master and said, "Luck can only take one so far and having the proper knowledge can only help so much... so I prefer having the odds stacked in my favor. Do not worry though, I can feel a certain amount of kinship to this fellow here and I can understand his hunger. That is why I am inviting him along... to hunt." Turning towards the human in alarm, Warwick was about to warn his new friend about what would happen if he did not go hunting regularly, but then he heard the raspy voice say in amusement, "Do not worry, when you are in need, I will have plenty for you to hunt... all of which have fallen out of grace with the rest of their kind, but unlike you... have walked the wrong path in life." Still having his misgivings, Warwick reached into one of his packs and pulled out a piece of dried meat to munch on while he waited for the Guild-Master to make the necessary arrangements... When Warwick was presented with a Fifth Rank Adventurer Badge, Saazzi curiously called out to the Guild-Master and carefully worded her question, "Um, excuse me, but while I may not know who exactly Warwick is... shouldn't he be of a lower rank? I do not mean to insult you, Warwick, but I can tell you don't have any Enchantments on your weapons... and I am just a little... worried." Looking towards the Hob-Goblin; which was standing inside an open chest surrounded by a horde of rats in his eyes, Warwick just smiled pleasantly over towards her and said calmly, "Do not worry, little one, I choose not to become reliant on magical blessing upon my weapons because I never know when I might find myself without my gear or when I might break my bow in combat. To prevent myself from ever growing soft or lazy by relying upon my equipment, I have chosen to strengthen my body and hone my skills, rather than focus on upgrading my gear to make up for what I lack... I have also been hunting for almost my entire life, so I have plenty of experience in the wilds around here." Now understanding why Bobby had become so interested in Warwick, Saazzi withdrew her concerns and happily welcomed Warwick into the group... A little nervous, at first, to accept Saazzi's handshake, Warwick only needed to hear the strange voice assure him that he had "permission" to touch Saazzi to reach out, but then he was warned again about attempting to "take" what did not belong to him... Even though on the outside, Warwick remained calm, on the inside he was a complete nervous wreck, but then the mysterious voice that had been guiding him added, "The shadows see many things, many secrets, Warwick, but they do not tell just anyone their secrets. Do your best to keep yourself in line and I will see about figuring out someway for you to be able to keep your hunger in check..." Keeping that promise in mind, Warwick allowed himself to feel "hopeful" for once in a long time... After that, Saazzi loaded up her wagon with provisions and new party member, before moving onto the next village... As they traveled along, Warwick was being subjected to a barrage of questions and whenever he found himself overwhelmed or uncertain of how to answer, Bobby would step in to help him find his words. Over the long journey, Warwick truly began to believe that Bobby was somehow the voice he had been hearing in his head, even though Bobby's actual voice sounded far different. Amazingly, Warwick found himself actually forgetting about his hunger for long lengths of time, as he conversed with his new allies and would only occasionally need to munch on some meat when the others broke out into laughter over some of his answers. Eventually switching to telling stories about some of his best "beast" hunts, Warwick felt himself growing at ease around the others in the wagon, but his hunger was quick to prevent him from becoming to relaxed at any time... After traveling for a long distance and dealing with the somewhat chilly nights, the group finally reached the capitol "settlement" of the Orcs, a few days after word of their "previous" actions reached around to the village... Finding a large group waiting for them at the gates, Saazzi quickly began to fumble with her Adventurer's badge, but then a wizened old Orc stepped forward and said in a friendly manner, "No need for that, Saazzi Olvuth, we know who you and your companions are... Come, come, we have much to discuss once you have recovered from the journey here." Even though the shadows around the city seemed to be almost "reaching" out to him, Bobby still felt his own paranoia kicking in and had nervously shifting eyes the entire time the group was being guided about, like returning heroes... Once they arrived at a vacant field, surrounded on all sides by tall wooden walls, Bobby suddenly began to feel what had caused the Orcs to approach a random group of Adventurers... When they approached, Warwick was suddenly overcome by a strange feeling of hopelessness and was forced to turn back to wait for the others to return. Looking back to see Warwick frantically munching through pieces of dried meat, without even taking the time to taste the flesh he was consuming, Bobby took pity upon the poor Half-Orc. Conjuring a shadow portal inside the bag where Warwick stored dried meat to eat, Bobby made certain that Warwick would never run out of dried meat; no matter how much the Half-Orc ate. Slowly, Violet, Narelu and Xelk all began to suffer from the same sense of hopelessness, but were able to shake off those feelings unlike with Bobby or Saazzi; who did not even seem to feel the oppressive "air" around them... When the Orcish Shaman and Priests with the group curiously asked about that, Saazzi was quite stumped about what they meant... Glancing about the spiritual territory they were in now, Bobby just smiled and flicked his coin in his hand to call forth Lady Luck, before saying, "That is most likely because Saazzi and I have a much stronger Spiritual Being protecting us from whatever has claimed these lands..." While Saazzi just shrugged uneasily, not really knowing if what Bobby was saying was exactly true; only because she was not certain that the Garbage Eater could protect her in another country, but then one of the Elder Shaman stepped forth carefully and said rather unhappily, "Were it that we could be blessed with such protections ourselves, something such as this would never have happened to us! I do not blame you or the beings protecting you... I have told the Warchiefs numerous times that something needed to be done, but they are always against seeking something out for protection, stating that their weapons are enough for our protection... Now look, our holy site is defiled and we are powerless to take back what is rightfully ours!" Turning towards the Elder Shaman curiously, Bobby had a sharp look in his eyes, as he curiously asked, "Can you explain to me just how exactly you are incapable of taking back your temple and just what purpose this temple holds for your people?" "Hope..." Was all one of the Elder Priests would say as he attempted to take a few steps forward, before being forced to take a step back fearfully, then added, "This shrine is where we would test the resilience of our Warriors after they participated in a sacred ceremony. They would test themselves to see just how far they could go into the dark fury that consumes our monstrous brethren and would then take that knowledge back out into the world when they left again. Right now, this... infestation is preventing such a ceremony from taking place and is causing much unrest among our monstrous brethren. We would like for you to clear out this Cult of Whispering Heretics from here." Upon hearing what they were facing up against this time, not even Warwick looked too anxious to begin the hunt and then Saazzi said very uneasily, "Whispering Heretics? Oh jeez... I wish you would have said that earlier... Whispering Heretics are easier to deal with when they are not in a cult and especially before they can gather up enough power to spread whatever influence is upon them... this is bad... I don't even know if we can get rid of them at this point." As Bobby listened, he began to feel the "hopelessness" of not only the "living" Uroks just on the other side of the ceremonial battle sight, but the spirits seeking to participate in the ritual... Then, that hopelessness gave way to the unending rage and thirst for combat that all Uroks had... Standing there as those feelings welled up inside of him, Bobby eventually turned towards the Elders of the Orcish Clans and said in a restrained tone, "If it not too presumptuous of me, I would like to request permission to participate in this ceremony here... I cannot say that I understand what this ceremony or the testing afterwords means to your people, so perhaps you would allow me to enlighten myself?" Almost immediately, the Elders of the "Orcish" Clans turned towards Bobby with expressions clearly stating their refusal, but then a wooden staff was sharply tapped against the ground... In response to that, ALL of the Elders backed down and made way for an even "older" figure to hobble forward; it's face shrouded within a deep cowl.... After moving over in front of Bobby and peering up at him, the figure pulled back the cowl to reveal an Urok Shaman in the midst of the Orcs, then the aged Urok turned towards the Orcs to say in the tongue that the two species developed to communicate with, "He pass, he participate, he found worthy by spirits." Flinching when they heard that the Spirits of the Urok Clan had found a "human" worthy of participating in such a ceremony, the Elders of the Orcish Clans quickly hurried everyone outside of the ceremonial battle grounds... After sending Bobby away to be prepared for combat, the Orcs all but barred the others in the group from observing... When Saazzi inquired as to why the others could not watch, Warwick gruffly proclaimed, "Because only Mystics may observe the ceremony... others either must participate or go about their regular duties... I am going to go hunt something to eat, I'll be back after the ceremony is finished." Going up to the Orc Warriors standing guard, Saazzi politely informed them when they asked where she thought she was going, "I am going to watch over my friend, who will be participating in this ritual of yours. I do believe that I can be qualified as a Mystic by your people's definition of such a thing..." To demonstrate that, Saazzi called forth Whiskers and a few other dark creatures from the Shadowed Cleft... While the Orcs were dubious over Saazzi's claims, one went up to check with the Mystics watching from an elevated perch and when that Orc returned, the Urok Mystic was with the Warrior... Staring down at Saazzi with a darkened pair of eyes, the Urok saw what the shadows were saying about Saazzi and said quickly, "She has the permission of the spirits to come and observe... same with that other magic user over there." Surprised when she was pointed out as well, Violet happily joined Saazzi in going up to observe the coming ceremony, while Xelk, Narelu and Warwick went off on their own to keep themselves busy... On top of the Orcish side of the walls surrounding the ceremonial battlefield, as Saazzi and Violet were joining the other Mystics in observing the ceremony, Bobby walked out onto the field without any weapon in hand... When Saazzi looked worried by that, she was quickly reassured that her friend would be given a weapon by those he would be fighting. Then another Mystic explained how, long ago, the Orcs had tried to gain a better understanding of their unending rage and had turned to the Uroks for aid. At first, the Uroks had only seemed to want to kill the Orcs, but somehow, the Uroks in the encampment across the battlefield had learned about honorable duels from observing the Orcs. That observation lead to the first honorable duel between an Orc and an Urok, which setup the tentative peace between the two groups... Then Saazzi curiously asked about what relation the ceremony had with the corrupted shrine, which the Urok Mystic answered in a strangely accurate Orcish tongue, "The shrine is where the spirits can be called from the dark world to test the inner strength of Orc Warriors, in order to see just how much of the dark fury they can safely call upon. Both Orc and Urok spirits participated in this ritual, which allowed Orcs determine how far they can take the fury both our species use to wage battle with, before they could no longer turn back... Those who pushed their limits too far would, sadly, change into Uroks themselves and would be forced to move into the Encampment; with their loved ones believing they had perished in the ceremony." Pausing for a little time as the horn to announce the start of the ceremony was blown, the Urok Mystic then turned towards Saazzi and said, "I do not know why your friend had such support among the spirits, but I hope that he can do something to help the fallen spirits of my brethren... Not all monsters choose to be monsters... some of us, well, we just have something holding us back." Down on the battlefield, Bobby had been adorned with several symbols of the Orcish tribes to show that he was being "allowed" to fight for the honor of all the Clans... As the Uroks gathered on the other side of the battlefield, a different kind of horn was blown back in response by the monsters on the other side... Bobby could immediately tell that something was wrong and then listened as the Urok Mystic spoke with a magical form of telepathy; one that did not stem from a spiritual connection, in order to say, "Peace, my brothers, today the spirits have chosen your opponent! Do not be fooled by his outward appearance, the spirits cannot be fooled!" Realizing that the Uroks on the other side were mocking him, Bobby slowly began to discard not only his clothing, but the symbols of the orcish tribes slowly... Leaving on only his pants, jewelry and godly armaments, Bobby did not want to reveal who he was just yet, but still asked for permission from the Urok Mystic before keeping on his jewelry... When Saazzi asked why Bobby was taking off his armor, the Urok Mystic turned towards her with a sly smile and said, "Because he knows that my brethren are mocking him by asking if he is worthy of combating them. Now then, let's see how they respond." Standing out in front of the Orcish side of the battlefield, Bobby allowed his muscle chiseled body to be seen by the Uroks on the opposite side and stood firm as a single Urok jumped down to battle with him... As the ceremony dictated, the "challenger" brought with him two special crafted war-blades and cast one of them over at the feet of the one standing on the Orcish side of the battlefield... Taking up the sword, Bobby held the weapon in one hand and balled up his fist on the other side, before taking to glaring challengingly over at the Urok. Upon seeing that challenging stare, the Urok suddenly hurled himself forward into a ferocious clash with Bobby, before getting forced back by the surprisingly strong human. Once the Urok had established that his opponent could actually trade blows with him, he suddenly stopped holding back and the pair charged in at each other to begin trading blows with great savagery. Hearing the sound of those clashing blades, both as the Goddess of Peace and through her tentative connection with Bobby, Alyse felt herself drawn down towards the "peaceful" duel taking place between Bobby and the Veteran Urok Warrior... Sensing Alyse appearing behind him, Bobby opened his mind to hers, but remained focused upon the fight at hand... Smiling as he turned his ears towards her, Alyse observed Bobby trading blows with the Urok Warrior for a few minutes and then asked, "What are you doing? You should be able to easily overpower such a pitiful creature as this... why do you hold back?" Feeling worry welling up within Bobby, Alyse just smiled as he nervously replied, "I am being watched... and I do not know how well they would react to me unleashing my powers here... This is supposed to be an honorable duel between two warriors... is it not?" Snickering deviously, Alyse just whispered sinisterly in response, "And do you really believe that all Orcs fight with weapon in hand? Some need only the rage in their hearts and a fist to deliver their rage onto their opponents with... Take this fool you are toying around with... he does not care how you defeat him, only that you defeat him without balking in response to anything he does. So far, you have yet to give him any ground, which has made him happy, but he is still afraid of pulling out everything. Can't you hear him? He's screaming at you even now... you should open yourself up to your opponents and drown out everything else..." Doing as Alyse instructed of him, as she returned to her place in the world, Bobby opened his mind to his enemies, but only in the way of being able to "hear" them... Once he had done so, Bobby began to hear his opponent saying something mentally and listened in until he could make out, "Kill! Kill! Kill! KILL! KILL ME!" Blinking in confusion, as he crossed blades and did not pull away for several seconds with his opponent, Bobby suddenly found himself gazing deeply into the blood-shot eyes of the Urok... Seeing the Orc's life pass by in a blur of glorious combat, Bobby then found the Orc standing before the mystical representation of Alyse in the afterlife and listened as the soul of the former Orcish Warrior demanded, "Goddess! Please send me back! I... I long for the song of battle! Allow me to listen to it again, please! I just want... to be able to hear the singing of blades again before I die and once I have found a worthy opponent; who shall not shudder or step back no matter what I do... then and ONLY then... shall I accept my eternal rest!" Flashing back to reality, Bobby suddenly thrust the Urok away from him with great force and took a resolute stance as he glared down angrily at the dark creature before him... Upon seeing the disdain that his human adversary was looking at him with, the Urok quickly stood back up with a ferocious snarl and charged forward with a bestial yell. Swinging with much greater force than before, the Urok was surprised when he found the human matching blow for blow and suddenly started to smile enthusiastically as the two blades began to vibrate with each trade. As the blades started to hum from each swing, the song that the Urok had longed to be able to hear began to play and he picked up the pace; swinging his blade with wild abandon. Suddenly, however, the song was shattered when Bobby's blade could not take anymore strikes and broke apart into pieces... Backing away the moment that the battle-trance he was in broke, in the Urok's mind, his thoughts raced frantically, "No! The SONG! Why? I still wanted to hear it ring! Do I... continue... I can't kill this man, not after what he brought me, but... would the others; would I, allow him to rearm himself... No, I cannot allow this... I cannot allow my opponent to give me an inch and therefore cannot allow my opponent such an opportunity, but... this chance, I want to rest already!" While the Urok wrestled with himself, back up on the observation platform, once Bobby's weapon had broke... Crying out in alarm, Violet became frantic over Bobby's safety, but then the Urok Mystic calmly said, "Do not be afraid, there are plenty of weapons stashed on either side of the ceremonial battlefield... your friend need only request one... if his opponent will allow him to." Scoffing at the thought of Bobby needing to ask for anything, Saazzi just commented firmly when the other Mystics turned their sharp gazes towards her, "He won't need to ask, Bobby has control over the shadows of this world and the one in his shadow won't allow anything to happen to his body..." Trailing off when that "spirit" suddenly rose up into being right next to her, Saazzi let out a cute sounding shrill cry of terror and fell back away from the railing in fear of the powerful spiritual being... An amused smirk stretched onto the Spirit's face, as the Lord of Night hissed in annoyance, "Not this time around, small one... I have no authority within this battlefield during this ceremony... The one who guards this place will not allow such underhanded tactics to go unpunished and so I must stand aside this time." While the Orcish Mystics all prepared their own magical and spiritual defenses, the Urok Mystic calmly walked over towards the mighty spiritual being... Bowing his head, the Urok Mystic waited until the Spiritual Being turned away from him and said in a joyful manner, "So HE still guards this place, hm? I am overjoyed to hear about that... perhaps I will tell you about him when the ceremony has ended..." Back down on the battlefield, the Urok was still frantically trying to work out what he was supposed to do, but then the old Warrior's finely honed battle-senses detected a subtle change in the "energy" surrounding his opponent... As the Urok looked worriedly over at him, Bobby tossed aside the broken blade and then clenched both of his fists tightly... Using an Intimidation Aura, which he picked up from Zrik, Bobby focused all eyes upon him and the sent out his spiritual challenge to all creatures before him, as he growled violently, "Just what are you waiting for? I still stand and I have not given you a single step... Come! Fight! And DIE!" Echoing outward from Bobby, his challenging aura resonated with the souls of numerous Uroks; all of which threw themselves down onto the battlefield... Charging towards Bobby in an almost desperate fashion, the Uroks who accepted Bobby's challenge then stopped just short of passing his first opponent and quickly remembered their places in this honorable ceremony... Upon realizing that the others were still giving him the honor of first death, the first Urok to challenge Bobby slowly stepped towards his opponent and began to gather up his strength. Unnatural air currents where then drawn towards the Urok's blade and whipped around the ceremonial sword violently; making it seem like the Urok was wielding a tornado for his sword. Stopping a good five feet from Bobby, the Urok slowly gathered up his strength and put everything into his ultimate attack; with every intent being to utterly destroy Bobby with a single strike. But... As the Urok slowly raised up his blade and lunged forward to attack, in his mind, a single pleading thought rang out, "Please... Please, survive this and grant me a worthy death... one that will allow me to rest finally!" Without batting an eyelash, Bobby watched as the Urok swung down at him with full strength and merely smiled as he slide off to the right of the attack at the last possible second... In the same motion, Bobby swung his own fist up at the Urok's head and drove his fist into the Urok's face hard... All anyone could see of the exchange was the Urok swinging downwards at Bobby and then suddenly the Urok's entire body lurched backwards; as if the Warrior had just encountered an unbreakable wall. With that, the Warrior's ultimate blow was disrupted and the Urok went flying away from Bobby, dead on contact with the ground. The other Uroks turned to look at their fallen brother in disbelief and then rapidly turned back around to look at Bobby with their mouths agape with shock. Clenching his fists and popping all of his knuckles, Bobby looked over towards the remaining Warriors; with an unsettling grin stretching across his face, as he declared in a powerful manner, "Oh don't worry, I'M JUST GETTING STARTED HERE! COME!" Up on the observation platform, as Bobby began to systematically take down each Urok Warrior in varying ways, the Urok Mystic was suddenly in tears as he continued to watch Bobby massacre any Urok foolish enough to answer the challenge Bobby had made... When one of the Orc Mystics came over to comfort him, the Urok Mystic dismissed the comforting gesture and instead stated proudly, "Can you not see? I am not mourning the dead... I am overjoyed by the fact that he understands! Don't you get it? That mortal is not just killing my brothers in an honorable battle... he is... he is... putting them to rest!" Once the others heard what Bobby was doing to the Orcs he beat down with his bare hands, the other Mystics turned their attention towards the battlefield and had almost hopeful looks upon their faces as they watched the ethereal spirits of the fallen Uroks leaving the field of battle... Crying out in celebration over their "ancestors" finally achieving the "rest" they had so long desired, the Orcs quickly began to channel their energies into a magical ceremony to "aid" the deceased spirits in reaching the afterlife peacefully... Down on the battlefield, however, with each Urok he slayed, Bobby slowly grew more and more angry as he listened to suffering all of the dead creatures had gone through up to that point of their lives. Eventually, Bobby no longer even bothered with listening to the thoughts of the Uroks and just began to absorb all of their rage into him; which allowed him to clearly understand what was keeping the spirits within the Uroks chained to the mortal realm. As he did so, Bobby would defeat each Urok in a manner that set that soul free from the life of constantly being on the hunt for a worthy opponent capable of giving them a proper death by the Urok's standards. Some Urok's merely wished to die with a weapon in their hands, while others wanted to find themselves faced with an overwhelming opponent that they could do nothing to harm, while others could only accept their deaths once certain conditions where met... As Bobby slowly worked his way through the Urok's that jumped down to face their death and met an end that would allow them to "rest" eternally, suddenly.... A loud roar rippled across the battlefield and the Urok Mystic gasped worried as a swarm of hulking Urok Champions leaped down into the battlefield. When even the other Urok Warriors tried to drive away the massive Champions, that was when Saazzi became very worried for Bobby. Turning towards the Lord of Night, as the Urok Champions brutally killed the remaining Veteran Urok Warriors, Saazzi quietly urged him to go down and fight with Bobby. Bursting out in laughter, as he heard what Saazzi was trying to do, the Urok Mystic said calmly, "Do not bother, little one, this battlefield is protected by something not even this spirit can tangle with lightly. Trir The Betrayer... or at least, that is what he is most known as... was an Orc who chose to deny his ancestry and went to study the ways of the Light. Most thought Trir was mad for thinking the Light Elves would have anything to do with an Orc, but after countless years of denying the call to return home, he managed to gain access to the knowledge of the Light Elves. Trir spent countless hours pouring through all of their knowledge, learned their greatest works of magic and became recognized as a Paladin among their order, but even so... he was unsuccessful in finding a way to free our brethren from our accursed forms. In the end, however, he finally returned home and found his name being ran through the mud as a traitor of his kind. He sought to rectify his reputation by forcing his way onto the battlefield and when those within sought to remove from the battlefield, Trir took down even the most skilled of our Warriors, until I spoke out on his behalf. Trir then dueled honorably with any Urok who stepped down before him and did not use any of the magical knowledge he had learned when in combat. He fought for thirty days straight, barely even resting or eating, claiming that as penance for having abandoned his ancestors for so long. When he perished finally, he died not to combat, but to his own body finally failing on him... We were... afraid that he would be damned to return to us as an Urok, but the next time a ceremony was held, an Orc tried to cheat their way to victory. In that moment, Trir returned to the battlefield, but not as an Urok, but as an Angel... a holy Judge against those who would behave dishonorably... To this day, none dare to commit any dishonorable acts within the ceremony out of respect for Trir... I just pray that Trir will look out for your friend as well." As the Urok Mystic's tale came to a close, the Urok Champions had just finished smashing and trampling the weaker Uroks to death... Suddenly, however, there was a heated and raspy sounding exhale that caused even the most belligerent among the Champions to jump in fright... Glaring over at the Champions in annoyance, Bobby just quietly growled, "You could have at least waited until I was finished with them... I'm not going anywhere until I have satisfied this rage inside me..." Only hearing that Bobby still wanted to fight, one of the giant Urok charged over at Bobby and smashed the ground where he had been, as Bobby heard a single word echo within the mind of the Champion, "Freedom! Freedom! FREEDOM!" After avoiding the blow from the Champion, Bobby rushed over and slammed one hand against the face of the Urok Champion, in order to allow him greater insight into the driving force behind the Champions urge to fight him.... Unlike with the Veteran Urok Warrior before, Bobby did not find himself seeing a past life for the Champions and was instead surrounded by endless darkness. Then, all of a sudden, the darkness was lifted and he found himself out in the light for but a few brief moments, before he was suddenly cut down. Watching as the process was repeated countless times, with some of the times in the light being in bodies that did not belong to an Urok, Bobby could suddenly understand the rage driving the Urok Champion before him. Thrusting the "tormented" soul away from him, Bobby suddenly found himself staring over at the trapped souls captured long ago by Karm; the previous god of Darkness, and that were left to rot within the Shadowed Cleft for the rest of their existence... Watching as one among them was hurled away by the tiny mortal before them, the rest of the Champions became wary of the mortal and of themselves... In Bobby's eyes, the souls within the Champions suddenly began to restrain themselves and cage their fury, while in their minds, they fearfully whispered, "Calm, calm, calm... KEEP CALM! No, can't let this chance to be free escape... MUST BE FREE! Restraint... restraint is key!" Suddenly, Bobby unleashed a portion of his power and became surrounded by an aura of darkness, which made the Mystic's gasp in surprise, before declaring at the Champions, "Gonna have to try a LOT harder than that if you want me to take you seriously!" Up on the observation deck, the Mystics all watched what was happening with wide eyes, as Bobby squared off against the Urok Champions... Then, just as the one Bobby had thrown back became Enraged, the Urok Mystic hurriedly reached out with his magical telepathy to try and stop his brother from ruining the opportunity the others had, but then, a dark and terrible force echoed into his mind, "DO NOT STOP THEM! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DENY THEM THIS! SILENCE!" Shaken so badly that he felt backwards onto the ground, the Urok Mystic remained still on the ground; his mouth twitching slightly as he exhaled strangely, before he was helped back up by the other Mystics... As they tried to give him aid, however, he eventually shrugged their hands away and cried telepathically without even meaning to, "Cease this at once! I am just fine!" Flinching when he realized what he had just done, the Urok Mystic trembled fearfully until the Lord of Night said calmly, "My Master does not wish for you to interfere with what is happening down in the battlefield... You should be grateful, such an act might have earned you a reprisal from Trir, but he is the least of your concerns. My Master is in control of things now and you are about to see what happens to those who would challenge a God." Gasping in shock, Saazzi looked up at the Lord of Night, but the Spiritual Being quickly covered up what he said, "Remember, that mortal has the authority of my Master with him, but that also means that my Master has the power to act through that mortal... Time to see just what my Master can do with that body I crave!" All attention then turned back towards Bobby, as the Enraged Urok Champion let out a fierce bellow and charged forward... Completely opposite to how his audience was expecting him to react, Bobby does not get out of the way of the charging Enraged Urok and instead proceeds to "slap" the monstrous creature down into the ground at his feet... Then, immediately afterwords, Bobby follows up by back-handing the Champion away from him and declaring irritably, "Weak! Try AGAIN!" Even though the Urok Champion looked very reluctant to do so, he eventually stood back up and took in a deep breath slowly, before roaring violently as he entered into a Berserking State... This time, when the Urok Champion charged forward to punch at Bobby, the Urok Champion successfully pounded the ground where Bobby stood, but as the dust cleared away... Having moved out of the way, Bobby caused a horrified look to appear upon the Champion's face for just a moment, then Bobby launched the Urok Champion away with a powerful kick to the face and demanded angrily, "IS THIS THE BEST YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME? Don't ANY of you dare to hold anything back... not if you want to have your wish granted!" Unwilling to remain silent anymore, the Urok Mystic "respectfully" only opened a mental channel to Bobby alone... Waiting to see how Bobby would react to his attempts to speak, the Urok Mystic then worriedly said, "Please, cease antagonizing them! You do not know the terrors lurking within them... you should not force them to unleash their full might upon you... I do not know if even you will be able to stop them..." Chuckling in response, Bobby's tone caused all those listening to shudder, before he replied in a telepathic manner that reached everyone; not just the Urok Mystic, as he replied, "What are you even worried for... I have not even begun to fight seriously against these things... Besides, if I am free them, then I must make absolutely certain that they have no excuses whatsoever about why they will lose to me... Just watch, for I have yet to even become Enraged at this point..." While Saazzi, Violet and the Urok Champions did not really understand what Bobby was getting at, the Mystics all paled when they realized what Bobby had just insinuated about being able to perform himself... On the other side of the battlefield, the Berserking Urok Champion looked extremely reluctant to completely release his restraint upon his fury, but when the Urok heard that Bobby was not even using an "eighth" of his power, the Champion's fury bubbled over... Starting to foam at the mouth, the Berserking Urok's eyes turned a violent red and a veins began to pop out all his body. Slowly, the Urok Champion became a Rampaging Urok Champion and all of the muscle coating his body began to steadily increase; transforming him into an incarnation of destructive fury. Letting out a furious roar, the Rampaging Urok used the last moments of conscious thought to focus all of his anger towards the challenger that had brought out his great fury. In response to feeling that, Bobby just laughed merrily and gestured for the Rampaging Urok to come at him... With a primal roar of savagery, the Urok took off galloping towards Bobby on all four limbs and crushed the very ground underneath his hulking frame... Smiling evilly, Bobby stepped forward at the charging Rampaging Urok and launched himself towards certain death. Swinging one of his fists out in front of him, Bobby aimed himself right at the chin of the monster, as the Rampaging Urok prepared to slam him into the ground. In the moment that the two hit one another, no one observing the battle was able to see exactly what happened, but the Rampaging Urok was certain that he had watched Bobby disappear underneath his massive bulging fist. Then, from within the Urok's clenched fist; within the very shadows of his palm, the Urok witnessed his enemy suddenly emerge unharmed from inside his hand and then felt the whole of reality come to a stop... As Bobby drilled the Urok in the face, he unleashed his power as God of Darkness and telepathically screamed at the soul within the monster, "BEGONE!" That eruption of power enveloped the top half of the Urok's body and sent the Rampaging Urok flying away limply... While everyone was simply stunned to see the Urok go flying away, what happened next was beyond description... For as Bobby's explosion of power continued to erupt forth from the point where he connected with the Urok, a spiritual being in the form of the Urok appeared. The spirit was completely overwhelmed by rage; which changed the appearance of the dark spirit to the color red, but as Bobby's powerful blast of energy passed through the spirit, the soul was slowly turned white and then became clear as he forcefully banished the soul from the realm of darkness. When the display ended and things finally calmed down, all of the Mystics were staring in wonder at what just happened, but then the Urok Mystic suddenly became aware of the dead silence on the battlefield. Growing wide-eyed, when he realized that ALL Urok's had just witnessed what Bobby had just done, there suddenly a tremendous bellow of exultation; instead of the usual cries of mourning for the fallen, then a horde of nearly insane with rage Urok's began to launch themselves down from the walls... As the Urok Mystic was opening his mouth to declare something to remind his brethren of the "rules", he suddenly found a firm hand wrapped around his chin and shuddered as the visage of the Dark God rose up before his eyes alone... Staring up into the eyes of the terrible being hovering in front of him, the Urok Mystic trembled in fear as the almighty God of Darkness said in a firm manner, "Do NOT deny them the release they seek... I have already challenged them all to combat myself, so they are not violating any of the rules placed upon this sacred battlefield... They just did not know for certain if I could FREE them from my shadows or not... I have no need for servants who cannot appreciate my power or the gift they receive from becoming dark creatures. Now then... OBSERVE!" There was a bright flash of energy in his sight and then Urok Mystic fell forward against the railing built around the observation platform, as the hand of the Dark God holding him up vanished... Having seen the Urok Mystic become transfixed upon something that they could not see themselves, the others on the platform all followed his gaze; while his body shuddered with a mixture of emotions... Down on the battlefield, once Bobby had finished settling things with the Urok Mystic, he turned back towards the Uroks stampeding onto the field and said in no uncertain terms, "If you want to be free from this curse you believe to have been afflicted with, then come at me, with everything you've got! Unless you can do that, I won't be able to let you go... Now then... Allow me to even the odds." Suddenly, the dark aura around Bobby dispersed into a dark mist and he heavily breathed in from the dark miasma... Then Bobby began to flex his entire body and the energy around him took on a more violent red color... The Urok's could only watch in disbelief as Bobby entered an Enraged state; much like their own, and then were howling with rage as they too followed suit. After that came Berserking and Bobby was able to get a critical roll on that buff, so his body buffed out as he entered into a times one hundred berserking state. When the Urok's saw that, they quickly realized that they would not be fighting Bobby as equals, but instead of falling into despair, the Urok's were all thrown into their own Berserker states with celebratory bellows. However, as they waited for Bobby to enter into the final raging state and give "them" permission to go on a rampage, the Uroks all noticed hesitation on Bobby's part... As Bobby was waiting for them to go to the next step first, he realized that he was going to have to try throwing a "Tantrum" and risk transforming into another dark creature, but then he suddenly became annoyed with something... Thinking to himself, as he steadily grew ever more increasingly furious, Bobby growled to himself in anger, "Now just who decides what I become when I enter a Tantrum? In fact... I am not throwing a temper-tantrum right now... I'm setting an example! I don't need Tantrum to best them, I just need to do as they do..." Reaching out spiritually, Bobby absorbed some of the knowledge that the Urok's had about entering a "Rampage" and found that the principle was very similar to when he threw a tantrum as a Mimic, but Bobby knew he was not a Mimic at that time or even a dark creature for that matter... Bobby then reached deep down into the depths of the Shadowed Cleft and asked the spirits there to lend him their rage. In response, Bobby felt a surge of furious energy flood his body and that caused his skin to slowly change to a glowing red pigment, as the untamed energy began to cause him to glow magically. As that violent energy overflowed his body with raw power, Bobby let out a terrible roar; one which quite clearly communicated the amount of rage he held within him right then. Upon seeing what Bobby had just done, the Uroks all fell upon their knees and prostrated themselves upon the ground for Bobby to trample upon, since they had no doubts about whether or not they would be able to appease the "rage" no doubt overwhelming Bobby's very mind... At that moment, all the Uroks could hope for was that by offering themselves up to be victims of Bobby's unrestrained fury, they could at least help him calm down enough so as not to destroy the rest of the surrounding area... Suddenly, however, everyone waiting on Bobby to make the first move were startled to hear Bobby clearing his throat, before listening in disbelief as he quite calmly asked in a gruff tone, "What the hell do you think you are doing? I did not come here to beat you into a bloody pulp while you just lie there and take it! I came here to present you with an unstoppable, unbeatable opponent for you to take out your rage upon! Now~ get up and FIGHT ME!" Up on the observation platform, as those Urok's capable of entering a Rampage began to do so eagerly, the Urok Mystic watching just smiled as tears began to stream down his face... When the others looked to him for understanding, he merely stated in a joyful tone, "He understands... he understands... That man... he can understand the words of their very souls... words that they can only cry out while unable to control their own actions... Observe now... how this man shall set them free of their earthly bonds..." With the others coming over next to him on the railing, the Urok Mystic watched; with a magical vision, as a tiny little "wraith" transformed into the Shadow of RAGE and yet was still able to remain in "complete" control over his body... When the first of the Rampaging Urok Champions launched themselves towards Bobby, he responded by simply punching forward and the responding wave of energy decimated everything in front of him to the very edge of the battlefield. Once the Uroks witnessed that, they quickly realized that this was no longer merely a duel between two opponents, but an all-out battle for their very existence as creatures of darkness. Even though the violent energies surrounding Bobby were quite intimidating, the knowledge that they could be free if only they hurled themselves into that maelstrom of energy was enough to cause the Uroks to start moving forward. As the Uroks were steadily wiped out by Bobby, however, the Dark God was unknowingly "harvesting" the souls of slain of their "rage" and adding that energy to his own overwhelming power... But, as the dead bodies of Uroks were sent flying away from body in a lifeless state... All of sudden, the Mystics up on the observation platform began to get a very bad feeling in their guts and that sense of foreboding took on the form of new Urok's rising up in the bodies of the slain. Each time the bodies rose back up, the new souls would add more experience they carried with them to those bodies, slowly taking all Uroks to the state of being considered Kings among their species. Having become so caught up in his feast, however, Bobby did not even notice how his number of opponents never seemed to lessen and instead was just content to devour all of the rage around him ravenously. Growing worried for Bobby, the Urok Mystic stepped away from the railing and began to say a "prayer" to Trir in order to end the endless conflict that Bobby had become involved in... High above the battlefield, Trir had been watching what Bobby was doing very closely, but once the "Heavenly" Orcish spirit saw that Bobby was actually able to "free" his ancestors from their fates, he completely overlooked the fact that most of the rules for combat had been broken; since Bobby had actually challenged "all" the Uroks to come fight him... When he finally received a prayer from one of the observers of the battle, however, Trir suddenly realized that the Uroks were breaking the rules by not allowing the challenger to end the battle and so cast down a beam of light into the center of the battlefield. As that beam of light impacted the center of the battlefield, a sword of pure light was found to have been buried halfway into the ground. Instead of doing what everyone was expecting by hurrying over to pick up the holy weapon, however, Bobby just blasted away the horde of Urok's constantly leaping at him and turned his attention skyward. Upon feeling himself become to focus of the rumored Dark Devouring One, Trir tensed up with terror and was afraid that he had done something to insult the great being, but then Bobby telepathically said to the Heavenly Spirit, "Thank you for offering your aid, but if you think I need some holy weapon to end this battle... Allow me to demonstrate how a Being of Darkness prevents an opponent from returning back to life..." Catching the next Urok to lunge at him, Bobby just slowly crushed the skull of the Urok with his bare hand and then began to tear apart to body of the Urok limb by limb... Each time Bobby removed a limb and tossed it out into the mass of shadows underneath the rest of the horde, there was a strange crunching noise that followed, which Bobby then explained by saying, "This has been very informative and quite refreshing, but I have now remembered exactly why I am here. I am afraid that I will have to end our battle here, so when you next die, I am going to have feed your bodies to the denizens of the Dark Realm in response for the aid they gave me in this battle against you." Bobby then took the initiative by stepping forward to punch off the "head" of another Urok and as the beheaded body fell to the ground, the shadows around the body came to life with ravenous maws that quickly consumed the fleshy vessel... Undeterred by that display, the Urok's were beyond being terrified by acts of brutality and merely saw the fate of their earthly bodies as a complete "release" for their souls... At first glance, the Mystics thought that Bobby was insulting Trir by refusing the heavenly weapon, but then the Urok Mystic stammered in disbelief, "I d-don't believe it... I-I had always thought that only Trir's weapon could free us from being able to come back to life... but if what I am seeing is correct... Oh no... we were wrong... Slaying my fellow brothers only opens up a vessel for another soul... no matter how honorably the original holder was slain." Coming over next to the Urok Mystic, Saazzi smiled up at him and said kindly, "The humans already discovered that and a lot of people around the world know that when you kill a monster, the body will eventually come back to life when another soul inhabits the body. That's just how monsters are, they never truly die, just change bodies and sometimes form." Staring out at Bobby, where the souls of the destroyed Uroks were ascending free of the influence of the Dark Realm, the Urok Mystic grew teary-eyed again and responded sadly, "The Orcs and Uroks here believed that by fighting in an honorable manner we could help each other finally achieve everlasting rest... I want to believe that the Goddess watching over this world allowed for such a thing to happen, but then that begs the question as to why there is always a never ending mass of Uroks being reborn each day..." While none of the Mystics or Adventurers observing the ceremonial battle understood the answer to such a philosophical question, Bobby certainly had some thoughts of his own on that... After finishing with his brutal dismemberment of the all the Uroks who came down to face him, Bobby was slowly calming down and called out to Alyse telepathically... Even though she did not appear behind him and embrace him in her normal manner, Bobby could tell he had the Goddess' ear, so politely asked, "When a monster is put to rest... do they really go to rest?" Feeling amusement from his connection with Alyse, Bobby steeled himself for the answer, but then Alyse laughed playfully before saying coyly, "Oh come now, do you really expect me to divulge all of my secrets? Don't worry, Bobby, the Uroks you have put to rest here will pass on successfully; in no small part thanks to you and what you have done for them, but their souls are not something to be wasted. They shall indeed rest now and have the memories of their past lives wiped clean in order to allow them to reborn as new creatures. They might be reborn with slightly more capable bodies, depending on how attached to their old lives they were, but they no longer have any desire to remain Uroks and so they shall be reborn as mortals one day in the future..." Trailing off when she noticed that Bobby was crying, Alyse thought that she had done something to hurt Bobby's feelings, but then she noticed the joyous smile on Bobby's face and the "calmness" in the shadows of the world... Thanking Alyse for her time and for her kind words, Bobby gaze suddenly hardened as he turned towards the corrupted shrine, when, all of a sudden, another horde of Uroks jumped down into the battlefield; each carrying two ceremonial swords, causing an army of Orcs to come charging out around Bobby... Easily able to tell that the Orcs surrounding him were merely there for a show-of-force and were not strong enough to take on any of the Orcs, Bobby calmly walked out in front of the army; his blood soaked figure sticking out clearly among the heavily armored Orcs, while calling out to the Uroks, "I am afraid that I have already brought this ceremony to an end, with the destruction of all opponents who answered my call... You will need to wait until after the shrine has been cleansed for the next ceremony to be started." Even though a lot of the Uroks were upset over having missed out, when they heard that Bobby intended to clear out the defiled shrine, a spark of hope was reignited within the horde... As the Uroks sat down to wait eagerly for the next ceremony to begin, Bobby curiously flipped his coin to see what his luck would hold for him... Quickly picking up on the sound of Bobby's coin being flipped, Saazzi turned to look in his direction just in time to see Bobby's expression turn grim, but before she could ask him anything, Bobby turned over towards the Uroks and asked curiously, "How would you like to earn your honorable deaths by performing a vital role in the cleansing of your shrine? While I do intend to carve out the infection that has taken root in that place, wouldn't you rather have a hand, personally, in returning hope back to your people?" For a moment, fierce fires burst into the eyes of the Uroks, but those were quickly scattered to the wind when a pulse of malefic energy echoed across the battlefield all of a sudden... Watching as the "hope" was quite literally sucked right out of the minds of the Uroks and Orcs behind him, Bobby did not lose his own fire; instead only grew more determined to kick the sulking warriors around him back into gear... Stepping out between the two forces with the rest of the Mystics behind him, the Urok Mystic woefully declared, "They cannot enter that place now... the presence lurking in that place has grown so strong now that to even enter this battlefield with hope in your hearts is to sentence yourself to eternal despair! Only those who have the protection of a being stronger than that which lurks within the shrine may safely go do battle with the cultists infesting the shrine... Not even I can easily stand upon this battlefield, even though I do have some presence as a spiritual being..." Unlike what everyone was expecting, Bobby did not allow despair and hopelessness to take over him; instead Bobby just smiled eerily as he flipped his coin... As a strange ringing noise began to echo out from the coin, everyone around Bobby were suddenly gripped by a spine-tingling sense of dread as Misfortune materialized behind him with a hostile hiss... Glancing back at Misfortune, as she gently held firmly onto Bobby and leered around angrily at all of the living beings around her, Bobby smiled deviously as he asked curiously, "So~ the fact that my lovely Lady Luck has taken to showing up as Misfortune tells me that some of you have been cursing your luck, yes? Do any of you actually believe that luck had any bearing on whether or not your shrine was taken over by these cultists?" Stepping forward and lowering his head to Misfortune, the Urok Mystic was grateful to be ignored by the terrifying spiritual being, which freed him up to say, "While I may not have personally cursed at my luck for what happened to the shrine... many here believe that a great misfortune must have befallen us when the mighty warriors we sent in to clear out the shrine were defeated..." Laughing at the foolish Orcs and Uroks before him, Bobby smiled back at Misfortune, momentarily, before turning towards his audience to reply with, "Now just what are you talking about? Surely, the fates of those Warriors is unfortunate, but that has nothing to do with luck. Those Warriors entered a place that leeches hope from your very souls without any forethought or planning, no doubt believing in their superior strength, but without anything to protect them... how long do you think they could hold out before all hope was lost within them? Do you think that they could even remember what they were doing in there if the only thing filling their minds was despair over what might happen if they were to fail?" As Bobby's words hit his audience hard, Bobby reached out to soothe Lady Luck's hackles and then said, "You should not view what happened to those other Warriors as misfortune, but rather an opportunity! An opportunity to show your people that they still have hope! You all are still alive and able to fight, the only thing you are lacking right now... is the proper Spiritual Protection!" Leading Lady Luck out before the audience of Orcs and Uroks, Bobby stepped back from her as he called out, "If you still wish to return the fires of hope to your people, then offer up your prayers to Lady Luck here and beg her for forgiveness... I am certain that she would be happy to visit your enemies as Misfortune for all of those nasty thoughts they made you all think about her!" When Lady Luck heard what her Master was saying, she suddenly stretched out her reach to include all of the living being around her, but as she embraced the Orcs and Uroks, they all suddenly felt like there were claws digging into their very souls... But, as each Warrior offered up sorrowful prayers and begged her for forgiveness towards the way they had spoken of her, Lady Luck's grasp upon them softened a little... The slight pain caused by her presence, however, spurred on the rage and anger in those Warriors towards those who had angered their Dark Lady, causing a ferocious roar to erupt from the crowd. Urging the Warriors before him to calm back down, Bobby then began to express the need for silence during this assault and urged the Warriors to hold off celebrating until they were done. Almost immediately, the Uroks adopted Bobby's orders and fell into silence with determined expressions falling upon their faces. The Orc Mystics assured their Warriors that Bobby was correct in asking for silence on the mission and then officially put Bobby in charge of organizing the Warriors... Smiling happily upon seeing the forces under his command, Bobby then shifted into overlord mode and began to ask for numerous information about the Shrine. Even as he was receiving answers from the Orc Mystics, Bobby's eyes suddenly turned into infinite pools of darkness and he was being given a very personal tour of the Shrine by some of the more powerful spirits under Lady Luck's protection. In response to what he was seeing, Bobby began to scratch a basic layout of the Shrine's rooms and passages out on the ground, greatly impressing the Orcs with how much information he was able to gather in such a short amount of time. As for Uroks, their only concern was with where their enemies were located and listened intently as Bobby explained each room to them... In total, Bobby had close to sixty able bodied Warriors; even though most were actually to be considered Defenders by the Adventurer's guild system, which he split into six separate groups as evenly as possible. Each group would be lead by one of the Adventurer's in Bobby's group and to start out with, each group would have a pair as they entered the Antechamber. Those groups would then split off into separate fighting forces after passing through Preparation Chambers and would make their way through the Attunement Chambers. If all went well, the six groups would reconvene at the Ceremonial Chamber and would deal with the Cultist's leadership... As the group entered the Antechamber, they were quickly assaulted by ethereal Nightmare Embodiments, but only Bobby was able to "sense" the attackers... When the formless entities attempted to attach themselves to the minds of the intruders, however, they suddenly found themselves in the vicious clutches of Misfortune. With quick efficiency, she tore apart the mental creatures and dispersed the dark clouds that had begun to gather around the Warriors. While spooked by the magical assault, when they found themselves being protected by Lady Luck all of the Warriors quietly thanked the spirit for her protection and then broke off into their separate groups. Even though Lady Luck was unable to be in multiple places at once, she called up some of her Handmaidens and sent them to watch over the other groups, while she went with her Master... Numerous times, the groups came under assault by clouds of formless Nightmare Embodiments, but no matter how many came, the Handmaidens and Lady Luck held their ground... When each group reached their own Preparation Chamber, they waited for the Adventurers with them to scout out enemy positions, before listening to how each of them planned out their assaults. Watching over everything with his shadowy sight, Bobby observed the others easily overwhelming the foolish Cultists defiling the Preparation Rooms with their vile rituals. He even got a good chuckle out of watching Warwick nail a Cultist, that somehow managed to avoid detection after moving between rooms, just after the fool got up to run away and warn the rest of the cultists. Seeing the others giving Lady Luck credit for "his" kill, Warwick grew a little indignant over how the others seemed to believe that his kill was only due to the presence of Lady Luck... Suddenly, however, Warwick felt an ethereal hand reach out to touch his shoulder in an understanding gesture, causing him to flinch, before gruffly saying in a proud manner, "I mean no disrespect to Lady Luck and am grateful for her protection... but I do not rely upon luck for my kills... I train endlessly to constantly hone my body and skills... because in the end, the only thing you can rely upon... is yourself." Appearing behind Warwick, Lady Luck reached out to embrace the Half-Orc happily and nuzzled the side of his face, for a moment, before returning to her Master's side... Once all enemies had been slain, the Orcs and Uroks took a moment to dab their fingers in the blood of their slain foes in order to ritualistically paint their faces. Those who had been through the process more than once, however, went even further with marking themselves and paid honor to those who meant something to them. Finally, those who had managed to kill a cultist in the Preparation Chamber covered their entire hand with blood and decorated their weapon's blade with a hand print to signify that their blade carried the blood of enemy on it. After that, the groups divided up into their separate attack forces and headed up towards the Attunement Chambers... Saazzi and the other groups took some casualties from the Cultist forces in the Attunement Chambers, but only because their were Nightmare Embodiments; acting as sentries, mixed in with the forces of the Cult. Despite losing close to fifteen Warriors, each group was successful in routing the enemy forces and even prevented any cultists from being able to sound the alarm. For Warriors who died with kill marks on their blades, others would pick up their fallen blades in honor of their accomplishments and to make certain those bloodied weapons would make it to the final chamber; where the Ancestors of the Clans rested. Over where Bobby walked, however, when the Warriors waited for instructions on how to proceed, they were surprised by the way Bobby just wordlessly drew forth his blade... Not even concerned with the weapon he drew, Bobby simply closed his eyes for a moment and knelt down on one knee as he concentrated. All around Bobby, numerous dark circles took form and slowly opened up into portals, but without any instructions to do so, none of the forces with Bobby dared to approach the magic he was working. Then, without any warning, Bobby raised up his blade; with the point facing downwards towards the ground, and proceeded to stab numerous times into each shadowy portal. At first, the Orcs and Uroks behind him were very confused, but then they began to hear the dying screams of pain coming from the Cultists in the other room... Once they heard those screams, however, all of the Uroks quite clearly understood that what Bobby demonstrated out in the battlefield was him showing mercy towards their brethren; since he could have easily slaughtered them all without breaking a sweat, then Bobby soothed their fears by saying, "I never had any intention of using such tactics against any of you out there in the battlefield... I wanted to understand... to learn exactly why you would chose to allow yourselves to be slain in such a manner... The God of Darkness was quite grateful towards you for what he learned." Still a little uneasy around Bobby, the Warriors all fell in line behind the "strongest" among them and remained at the ready to strike down anything that so much as "looked" in Bobby's direction... As they reached the entrance to the Ceremonial Chamber, however, the six groups suddenly found themselves being confronted by the worst enemy possible... Still following Bobby's order for silence, despite wanting to be screaming and crying out at the traitors now blocking their pathway forward, the horde of Warriors then listened with grim expressions as the leader of the original force sent in to reclaim the Shrine said in voice laden with despair, "Turn back... fools! What hope could you possibly have against what lies beyond when not even we could beat it?" Rather than listen to such a dispirited speech any longer, Bobby took off walking towards the defeated Elder Warriors of the Orcish lands... None of the Warriors even bothered to draw their weapons, for Bobby had yet to draw his either and they were Warriors bound by a code of honor, but then Bobby stopped to ask disdainfully, "How could you allow yourselves to be defeated while you still yet live? Don't you understand how important this place is to both your people and the Urok's you see as being your Ancestors?" In response, Bobby only received hopeless rambling from the Warriors and that was when he noticed the much more "powerful" Nightmare Creatures feeding upon the minds of the Warriors from within a separate dimension... Suddenly, Bobby was overcome by the rage of quite nearly a thousand Orcs and Uroks; all of which despised sneaky tactics like that of the magic being used to render such Warriors helpless. Breathing in all of that wrathful energy, Bobby allowed for that energy to gather within his stomach and build up until it could no longer be contained within him. At that point, Bobby expelled all of the energy into the Lord of Night and used the shady being as a conduit for all of the anger he felt, causing the spiritual Shadow Wraith to let out a fearsome shriek that did not seem all that loud to the mortals standing in the room. But, to the somewhat "spiritual" Nightmare Beings reaching out from within the ethereal plane of the Twisted Nightmare, the "cry" of rage was as painful as any "physical" assault would be to a creature made out of flesh... As the blast of energy from the Lord of Night washed over the broken Warriors, they suddenly felt the hold of the creatures filling them with such despair disappear and stood there in shock for several seconds as their minds recovered slowly... Eventually, one of the Warriors managed to utter a breathless, "Thank you!" With that said, the broken Warriors all collapsed to the ground in exhaustion and the rest of the Warriors all rushed to the aid of their "heroes"... When some of the Warriors that joined Bobby asked to be allowed to carry the wounded outside, they were overjoyed when Bobby actually gave them permission. After the leader of the first band was picked up, however, he suddenly struggled back to consciousness and held out something to Bobby; quickly explaining that the words scribbled upon rock was a key of sorts to a barrier protecting the entrance to the Ceremonial Chambers, before dropping back into unconsciousness. Leading the thirty remaining Warriors and his party over towards the entrance to the Ceremonial Chamber, Bobby was quite surprised in the way that the doorway was suddenly closed off by a strange fleshy growth; which materialized in a very fitting cloud of darkly colored energy... Walking right up to the Nightmare Manifestation, Bobby held out the special entry stone before one of the massive creatures huge eyes and smiled in a pleased manner when the creature obediently returned home to make way for it's Master's guests. Leading the way into the massive Ceremonial Chamber, Bobby was grateful for a wall designed to depict what went on inside the chamber, for that wall provided the small force with plenty of cover as they entered. Taking advantage of the privacy they now had, Bobby ordered the Warriors to stand in a spot where they could easily toss axes over the wall and once they learned what they would be doing, all of the Warriors smiled viciously. For even though such sneak attacks were deemed dishonorable under normal circumstances, the Cultists defiling the Shrine deserved no such "honorable" deaths and so attacking from behind cover was permissible in the eyes of the spirits watching over the group... After ordering the Warriors to wait for his signal, Bobby crept forward with his allies to get a better look at the room... Upon seeing that the majority of the Cultists were actually being gathered in the center of room, Bobby smiled as he envisioned the chaos about to ensue when the Warriors surprise attacked them. Then, Saazzi drew everyone's attention towards the more powerful looking Whispering Heretics standing off by the edges of the room; each staring forward at nothing while making unnerving noises. Finally, Bobby managed to spy the Cult's leader and began to plot the downfall of all within the chamber as his group retreated quietly. Knowing that Bobby would have precious little time to plan, Warwick stated firmly, "I can take one side of the room... as long as I can get the drop on those spell-casters, they'll never see my arrows coming!" Turning towards Saazzi and Violet, Bobby tasked them with killing the other half of the Whispering Heretics. Then Bobby turned towards Narelu and Xelk, with undoubtedly the most sinister of smiles; based on their reactions to it, before explaining how they would engineer the downfall of the Cult Leader. With the hasty preparations made, Bobby closed his eyes to concentrate in order to open up two portals; one which showed the gathering of minor Cultists and another that showed the Cult Leader. Bobby then ordered all the Warriors to prepare to throw all of their weapons through the portal to rain down death upon the mass gathering of intruders and watched happily as the Warriors hurled everything with great gusto... Xelk then pulled down the front of his helmet and braced his body, as Narelu placed the flat edge of her sword against his back. Gathering up her strength, Narelu waited for Bobby's signal and then heaved Xelk forward with all of her might; as the Ratfolk Tank pushed his legs up into their air. Getting a joyous feeling of exhilaration as he went flying through the portal Bobby had made, Xelk smiled as he got a nostalgic feeling of some of the more hair-brained plans that he and Saazzi pulled off played through his mind. Waiting until right before Xelk disappeared into the portal, Warwick took off sprinting and began to fire off arrows with extreme precision towards the Whispering Heretics on the left side of the room, while the other two attacked the right side... Still traveling through the dark dimension, all of the weapons that the Warriors had thrown were caught up in a "vengeful" swarm of dark apparitions and as the weapons were carried along by those creatures, they were all imbued with the "power" of Darkness until they were finally thrown back out into the light by all of the dark spirits... Lady Luck knew that Warwick needed no help with landing critical blows on his enemies, but she was still not about to allow the fool Cultists; who so angered her Master, to stand a chance of narrowly avoiding their demise. Having her Handmaidens visit the Whispering Heretics, Lady Luck channeled her own fury through them and caused the Whispering Heretics to be unable to turn around out of fear of what was standing behind them. All of the Whispering Heretics went down in a rapid volley of arrows, throwing knives and dark magic blasts. As the Cultists in the middle of the room began to panic and turn all around in an attempt to find out what was going on, suddenly a hailstorm of darkly enchanted weaponry came slamming down into their bodies; with each weapon hitting at least "one" living target... Then, as the Cult Leader was falling back in shock, Xelk popped out into the air above him and he suddenly found the heavily armored figure plummeting down on top of him at rapid speeds... Doing his best to aim his descent upon the Cult Leader, Xelk activated a special trinket he had; one which could make his body act like a heavy stone. In doing so, he caused himself to drop like a hammer down on top of the Cult Leader, impaling the Insane Orc with his sword and ramming the Cult Leader down into the ground. As the combined army of Orcs and horde of Uroks slowly stampeded out from behind the entry mural, they looked around in wonder at the fate of the Cult before quickly letting out celebratory cries. Allowing the Warriors to celebrate reclaiming the sacred Shrine of their people, Bobby walked out into the middle of chamber and curiously fumbled about in one his pockets for his coin... Experimentally flipping the coin to see if the earlier results still held true, Bobby was absolutely stunned when he found a black coin landing in his hand... Hastily flipping the coin again, Bobby suddenly started to panic as every time the coin landed it would turn black; no matter what Bobby flipped the coin about. Continuing to flip the coin, but not out of desperation; as one might believe, he slowly felt his hackles rising as he searched for the one who sought to undo all of his hard work. Taking notice of what Bobby was up too, Saazzi curiously approached him to find out what was up, but once she saw the look upon Bobby's face, she knew that something was wrong. Eventually, the others all began to notice the strange actions of their "Hero" and as they began to quiet down, a strange gibberish like chanting could suddenly be heard... All attention then fell upon the Cult Leader, as the dying Insane Orc continued to chat and suddenly everyone was rushing towards him in order to silence his madness for good... Before anyone could strike him down, however, the Maddened Orc managed to finish his incantation and cried out hysterically, "Ngyrrir, the Eater of Hope and IT which BREATHS Despair, come forth! Enter this mortal plane and bring death upon my enemies!" Having been watching the whole time, the Old One Ngyrrir could not believe it's good fortune and hungrily burst it's way out into the mortal realm... Entering into the world in the form a gray skinned tentacled squid, or at least that is how it's form was interpreted by the mortal minds gazing upon it's maddening visage. Waiting before the mortals for it's mere presence to overwhelm them, Ngyrrir quickly noticed that it's presence was actually being repelled by some unseen force and made a hasty decision to increase it's own power. Creating a vacuum with the single opening upon it's body, Ngyrrir made the mortals believe it was trying to inhale them, but it's true goal was all of the dead bodies lying around the room. Even though the mortals were dead, Ngyrrir only cared about one thing, the minds within the bodies of the dead Orcs littered about the room... As the others inside the chamber quickly sought out shelter to hide behind or something to hold onto, the Maddened Orc who summoned Ngyrrir was not so fortunate and went flying into the mouth of his Master wailing pitifully... Upon swallowing the servant it had used to take over the Shrine with, Ngyrrir was able to progress to the next stage of evolution as an Entity of Nightmare. Using all of the flesh and bodies it had just absorbed, Ngyrrir took on the form of an Orcish Mindflayer, only instead of merely "looking" like an Orc in form, Ngyrrir had the size of an Ogre. It's arms bulged with muscle and sinew taken from countless Orcish bodies, with the rest of enormous body being bloated from all of the flesh it had just absorbed. As Ngyrrir let out a fearsome roar that drove the Warriors insane with despair about their current situation, Bobby was still busy flipping his coin in the center of the room... Once Ngyrrir felt it's power take hold over the Warriors, it hungrily drank in all of the hopeful thoughts they had once felt and rendered all of them incapable of doing anything more than merely "breathing"... Hearing one of the mortals cry out something, which sounded like a name of some kind, Ngyrrir turned it's focus upon a small greenish female figure. Without a moment's pause, Ngyrrir struck down Saazzi with some kind of hallucination and caused her to topple over with a vacant stare on her face. In her mind, Saazzi was stuck in a fantasy depicting her in a hopeless situation of being unable to collect enough garbage to satisfy the Garbage Eater and so was running helplessly from the rampaging Mimic while tossing anything she found in her hands back at the hungry monster. Each of the other Adventurers were quickly struck down as they tried to do something to help again Ngyrrir... Xelk found himself trapped within the Buried Den without any glimmer of hope leading to an escape route from the dangerous dark tunnels, leaving him crouched down upon the ground in despair as numerous dark creatures gathered all around him. Violet once more found herself back in the situation from her childhood; the one where she was unable to prevent the deaths of her childhood friends, only now she was unable to stop a massive swarm of undead creatures from tearing her new party members apart. Narelu, however, found herself trapped within service to her family once more, only her Ancestor was right there with her; forcing her to obey it's new Demonic Master and her helpless to resist. Drinking in all of their hope, Ngyrrir flinched suddenly when it found an "arrow" poking through one of it's numerous face tentacles... Turning towards the one responsible for bringing a "blemish" to it's otherwise undamaged living body, Ngyrrir angrily buried Warwick under a wave of hopelessness... Unlike the others, however, Warwick was somehow able to adjust to the feeling of hopelessness and instead of toppling over unconsciously, he merely sat down into a meditative sitting position. In his own hopeless nightmarish delusion, Warwick found himself surrounded by food, but found himself unable to consume anything around him, despite feeling hungry enough to kill anyone at that moment. Having already faced such a situation, Warwick slowly distanced himself from his hunger by going through a ritualistic system of planning for a hunt. As his nightmare shifted to him being on the hunt "endlessly" without any hope of finding a meal to sate his hunger upon, Warwick's training kicked in and he was able to keep himself from becoming "frantic" in his search for food; thus allowing him to resist the effects of Ngyrrir's power ever so slightly... Greatly annoyed by Warwick's "resistance" to it's power, Ngyrrir was just about to focus it's efforts upon breaking the strange Orc-like creature, but then it flinched suddenly as the sound of a metallic "pinging" assaulted it's ears... Looking towards the source of the noise in annoyance, Ngyrrir was caught by surprise when it found a strange mortal being actually ignoring it's very presence and acting like it was not even there. Roaring loudly at the mortal, Ngyrrir almost felt insulted by the way that the mortal continued to just flip a glinting piece of metal over paying attention to an angry Ancient One. Slowly approaching the mortal, Ngyrrir was forced to step back when the mysterious presence; that had been fending it off, reared her ugly face at it. Ngyrrir just stared over at Lady Luck and was confused by the strange creature; one which it had never seen before in the nightmares of mortals, before simply brushing her aside now that she was "weaker" than him... Becoming very shocked when she was quite literally slapped away by the Ancient One, Lady Luck wanted nothing more than to rush to her Master's side, but Ngyrrir's overwhelming power was keeping her moving her spiritual form... Not even the Lord of Night could fight back against Ngyrrir's new strength, but that was because the Ancient One was on the same level as Demigods and was also fighting within a place it had "claimed"; which only further increased his strength and weakened his opponents on the spiritual level... Unbeknownst to Bobby, he was suddenly cast into a nightmarish delusion and was slowly sinking into a pit of quicksand. The whole time his mental image was sinking, however, Bobby was still flipping his coin, trying endless possibilities in order to figure out some way of turning things around. As Ngyrrir continuously changed Bobby's delusion, out of a desire of rendering such a hopeful mind vulnerable to it's hunger, the mortal continued flipping his coin without a care in the world for what Ngyrrir was doing with his mind. Up in her place above the mortals, Alyse could only smile with amusement over the way Bobby was treating a being on the "same" level as he was currently at; since he too was weakened by being outside his "territory" and within the territory of a hostile spiritual creature... Finally having enough of the mortal's resistance to it's power; especially after having "crushed" both spiritual guardians the mortal had back to "their" dimension, Ngyrrir released Bobby from all delusions and leaned in close... If any of the others were in a position to hear Ngyrrir, then all they would have heard was gibberish; followed by words being whispered telepathically into their minds, while Bobby heard exactly what the Ancient One said and stopped flipping his coin momentarily to listen, "You cannot save them, you cannot free them... THEY! ARE! MINE!" All of sudden, Bobby turned his focus upon Ngyrrir, but the look upon the mortal's face was not the one that Ngyrrir had been expecting to see... Closing his free hand into a first, Bobby flicked his coin one more time and snarled, "You know what... you can just take all of this bad luck I've been getting..." Trailing off as the coin flipped ever so slowly down into his hand, Bobby did not even pay attention to what color the metal turned and clenched his hand around the coin into a fist, before screaming as he threw his first forward as Ngyrrir's tentacled face, "AND~ CHOKE ON IT!" Remembering the feeling of "pain" that was inflicted upon it's body when it's tentacle was punctured by an arrow, Ngyrrir felt no threat from the blow the mortal was threatening it with and felt that it could finally break the mortal's "resolve" by taking the punch... Little did Ngyrrir know just "what" was going to be punching it in face or just what the result of it standing there to receive the punch would be... Feeling a dull thump against all of the flesh covering it, Ngyrrir actually compared the sensation to what other mortals thought of as being tickled from all of the minds he had devoured. Then a pulse of energy slammed into it's flesh and Ngyrrir was shocked to find it's body lurching backwards a few inches, even though the Ancient One should have been too heavy for such an attack to affect so. That was right about the time Ngyrrir felt the mortal's blow come slamming into it's very mind and appropriated soul, causing the Ancient One to jump back a step in shock. Taking just a moment to process what just happened, the Ancient One whipped it's head back towards the mortal who WOUNDED it and roared furiously... But then, all of Ngyrrir's anger quickly vanished when every "fiber" of it's physical being and all of the "souls" trapped within it's form suddenly began to tremble in terror... Standing there with his hand held forward to the point where he had made contact with Ngyrrir, Bobby was suddenly surrounded by a mysterious power; one which did not belong to either of the other spiritual beings Ngyrrir had banished from it's domain, as he said in a quiet and restrained voice, "You have made one, very, grave mistake this day... you made an enemy out of me. I do not like it when people steal from me and I especially do not like it when someone takes something very precious of mine. This day you have not only taken one thing I care about greatly, but five. You also had the gall to stick your face out here while we were celebrating our victory against your servants and then you just had to go and steal away our victory..." As Bobby had spoken to Ngyrrir, his hand and then his entire arm began to tremble as the power building around Bobby was channeled into a single point... Then, Bobby vanished suddenly, as the power building within him reached the critical point, causing his true identity to be revealed as he was transformed into the Soul of Darkness, as he screamed wildly, "BUT IT IS ALL MINE!" Right then, Bobby thrust open his hand and all of the power he had collected erupted out from within him, unleashing his full might as the God of Darkness to crush the pitiful little insect that dared to "steal" anything from him... As the wave of Bobby's power smashed into Ngyrrir's physical form, a swarm of frenzied shadowy spirits all rushed forth from Bobby's hand to claim what belonged to their Master; with the word mine being repeated by each one that collided with the Ancient One. When those spirits passed through Ngyrrir's body, he suddenly found chunks of his body literally being ripped away from him and devoured by the dark energy flooding the chamber. Flying away and screaming in agony over feeling even the souls trapped within him be ripped away from his grasp, Ngyrrir was buried under the torrent of raw power that Bobby was unleashing. Once he felt that Ngyrrir was finished, Bobby then unleashed his power in the form of a nova that completely scoured away the Ancient One's territory and reclaimed the Shrine for the powers of darkness... Those suffering from madness were immediately cleansed of the affects of Ngyrrir's minions, which were Nightmare Embodiments enslaved to feed the Ancient One's hunger by feeding upon those struck down by it's power. The swarm of shadowy spirits pouring forth from Bobby's being easily tore apart those flimsy Nightmare creatures and then turned their attention towards helping Bobby to claim the rest of the Shrine. As the mortals in the room slowly woke back up, they immediately could tell that the air of dread surrounding the Shrine was gone and let out victorious cries upon looking over to find Ngyrrir's motionless body lying upon the ground where the spirits had left it once they had reclaimed what belonged to darkness. Saazzi was the first, however, to notice Bobby standing unsteadily in the center of the room and cried out worriedly when she saw him topple over onto the ground... Immediately after hearing Saazzi's alarmed cry, everyone in the room turned towards her and then followed her to where she was moving towards, which caused all celebration to come to a halt when they noticed their "Savior" laying upon the ground... Rushing over next to Bobby and dropping to her knees, Saazzi quickly started fumbling with one of her pouches for a healing potion, but then Bobby reached to place a hand over the potion she was bringing out, as he said weakly, "Hey, Saazzi, I'm fine... Just a... little bit tired right now... Say... you wouldn't taking me back home, would you?" Feeling like she was answering the dying request of a friend, Saazzi broke out into tears as she nodded in response to Bobby's request and said in a sad tone, "S-Sure... I'll take you right back to Eplor... and don't worry about transporting us there this time... I'll happily take you the whole way back this time!" Chuckling in response to how she was reacting to his request, Bobby reached up to pat Saazzi on the head and then said in a tired sounding tone, "No~ I don't mean there! I've never belonged in Eplor... wasn't even born there, you know? No, actually, I want you to take me back to my cave... you know the one... over in the Hob-Goblin Kingdom... Loct's Claim?" Everyone else had no idea what Bobby was talking about and most were not even able to hear what he was actually saying, as they were too busy weeping for his imminent demise... For Saazzi, however, her eyes flew open wide with shock, as she finally understood just "who" Bobby actually was and sat there with her mouth wide open out of disbelief over not having figured things out before... Suddenly, however, Ngyrrir's body lurched up from where it had been laying and slowly the Ancient one began to stitch back together it's broken body. This time, however, Ngyrrir was only able to take on the form of a normal sized Orcish body, with a beard made out of wiggly fleshy tendrils, as the majority of his bigger body had been carved away. Struggling up onto it's feet, Ngyrrir suddenly felt it's power being diminished and looked around in disbelief to find it's sanctuary had been destroyed. Despite finding it's territory destroyed, however, Ngyrrir did not find itself being pulled back into the Twisted Nightmare and so focused it's terrible gaze upon Bobby, as it said angrily, "NO! I will not be beaten so easily! I will be taking you as my new vessel and with your power at my command... I'll be unstoppable!" Up in her home, Alyse was rolling on what constituted as the floor underneath her, as she laughed hysterically at what Ngyrrir had just said... Stomping it's way over towards the "weakened" Demigod it had managed to discover, Ngyrrir was past the point of being "stopped" and did not even feel all of the damage it's physical form was taking from the angered Orcs, Uroks and one particularly annoying Half-Orc... While they were attacking Ngyrrir because when they heard what Ngyrrir had just said to Bobby, all they actually understood was, "No! Not beaten, take you, take you and make you mine! Then world shall be mine for the taking!" That was about the point that Bobby shot upright and was surrounded by even MORE power than he had originally used against Ngyrrir, causing the Ancient One to step back in fear... As he slowly got up onto his feet, Bobby tired sighed and grumbled unhappily, "Ugh! You mortals never have it easy... do ya?" After standing up fully, Bobby actually took the time to dust himself off, then took in a deep breath and let it back out slowly, before reaching towards his face with his right hand, while saying in amused deep tone, "Guess I should stop pretending, now shouldn't I?" Drawing down his right hand across his face slowly, Bobby turned his mortal looking face into a shadow-covered head without any distinguishing features... Jerking his hand down and away from his body, Bobby caused his entire body to be coated entirely in shadowy energy, making him look like some kind of shadowy boogeyman come to life. In addition to the changes to his appearance, Bobby sent away all of the gear he had equipped, which meant that every Urok and spirit alike now knew who stood within the chamber with them. Without anything restricting his powers or masking his presence as a God, Bobby's unnatural power suddenly exploded away from him and the shadows covering his body began to extend outward from various parts of his body, making his entire body look to be made out of spikes of shadowy energy. Then, Bobby opened his eyes and two red circles of violent energy expanded outward upon his face, allowing all who looked upon his face know that he was not in a very good mood... Finally, Bobby lifted up one foot and set that foot back down as he shifted into a fighting stance, with his mouth being revealed as another reddish opened partially covered by pointed interlocking teeth making up his jaw... Unlike how everyone expected Bobby to act, now that he had taken on such a violent looking form, Bobby rose up to his full height to declare in an authoritative tone, "By the power invested into me, I call upon Lady Luck, The Lord of Night, The One Armed Goblin King Maynard, Warlord Maximus, Aranussa the Dark Elven Empress' Handmaiden, Taygaerth the Dracolich, Zrik the Great King of the Skaven, The Shadow Weaver, The Garbage Eater, The Shiny Keeper, The Emissary of Darkness, The Angel of Death and the Whimpering Man-Eater! Appear now before me and teach this ugly dustmite what it means to ANGER Darkness itself!" As Bobby named each creature, the "living" physical versions of each creature instantly appeared behind him and looked to be quite frightened by the tone in which Bobby was summoning them with... Once Bobby finished summoning them and directed their attention towards Ngyrrir, he then cast the most damning curse he could place upon any being; marking Ngyrrir as an "enemy" of all dark creatures and as a being that has fallen into disfavor with the God of Darkness... Lady Luck instantly transformed into Misfortune, becoming what would be later known Lamprey Vampire by the denizens of Drazan, before lunging forward to take off a huge chunk of meat right off of Ngyrrir's shoulder. The Lord of Night was next to attack and he quickly sucked Ngyrrir dry of any blood the Ancient One had within it's living body. Effectively losing it's status as an Ancient One, Ngyrrir could no longer exist in a living form and so reverted back to being an Old One in the form of a squid with numerous tentacles. Now that Ngyrrir had been weakened, others that Bobby had summoned were able to step forward to attack as well, since not all of Bobby's created minions were of the Demigod class... As Ngyrrir was slowly whittled down, however, Bobby suddenly twisted his head around and growled furiously in a quiet tone, "MUST I NAME EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU?!?" With that, Bobby quite literally threw open the gates to the Realm of Darkness and gave every creature within the green light to come out to join the party... At first, the Orcs and Uroks felt that Bobby had been talking to them, but then they watched in amazement as all manner of Dark Creature suddenly came surging forth from every shadowed corner of the room. Everything from Skeletons, to Goblins, and even Ogres all came pouring out from the shadows to take a smack at Ngyrrir, before just as quickly darting back into the protection of the Shadowed Cleft. The Old One could do little to stop itself from being reduced to a mere Nightmare Manifestation and then could only squeal out in protest at the swarm of thieves now taking away what little remained of it's corporeal body. When only a tiny cloud of dark thoughts remained of Ngyrrir, Bobby finally walked forward... Trembling as it felt the immensely more powerful being coming towards it, Ngyrrir found much to it's horror that it could not even "leave" the Shrine and return to the Twisting Nightmare to face it's inevitable fate for returning in such a weakened fate... Radiating dark power from every inch of his body, Bobby had a more collected appearance to his face now and actually had a more defined face within the shadows covering his skin, as he declared in a firm tone, "Now then, what was that you were saying about making me your vessel? I think you may have bitten off a little more than you could handle, my phantasmal friend... Oh, I see you are trying to go home... ALLOW ME TO HELP!" For just a moment, Bobby returned to being the Shadow of Rage and his entire body turned blood red; with his mouth and eyes turning a deeper shade of violent red... Raising up one clawed hand, Bobby then swiped his hand right through Ngyrrir's mental representation and effectively reduced Ngyrrir to little more than a small collection of "hopeless" thoughts; which were promptly sucked back into the Twisting Nightmare by some other Nightmare Creature... After finally calming down the rage that the denizens of the dark realm had towards Ngyrrir for disrupting the ceremonies taking place within the Shrine, Bobby suddenly felt a lot of his strength leave him and immediately returned to being a mortal. Thankfully, his gear and clothes returned as his godly visage dispersed, allowing him to retain his dignity; even as he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. As he was slowly drifting towards unconsciousness, Bobby noticed a familiar green form approaching him and hoped that he was able to properly communicate his desire to just go home. Thankfully, Bobby was able to at least say that much before he was forced into a deep meditative slumber he remembered all too well... Quickly ordering Xelk to help her pickup Bobby's body, Saazzi quickly found herself confronted by the Warriors; who were also worried about their Savior. When they learned that Saazzi intended to take away their Savior before they could celebrate his victory, the Warriors immediately were at odds with Saazzi. Knowing that Bobby, or rather the God of Darkness, would be pretty sore about not waking up back within his home in Loct's Claim, Saazzi tried to negotiate with the Warriors, but found all her attempts being met with further hostility. Eventually, however, Warwick stepped between Saazzi and the Warriors; with an arrow drawn back, as he declared angrily, "Did you not hear his request? This human, who went to great lengths to purify our Shrine, asked to be taken home to recover... Would it not be a dishonorable thing to prevent this Hob-Goblin here from carrying out that final request? Besides... if you really want to celebrate his triumph, why don't we just wait till he is back on his feet and ask that he return for the next Ceremonial Battle you hold when he is able too? I'm certain that he would be more than happy to come back here and show you all a thing or two about putting our Ancestors to rest!" Even though none of the Warriors wished to see Bobby leave their lands, they could not argue with what Warwick was saying, nor could they come up with a way to get around the arrow he was ready to send into the first one to step up... Once that issue was settled, Saazzi and Xelk carried Bobby out of the Shrine; with the Warriors unhappily following behind... Outside, the Adventurers had another spat with the Mystics, all of whom wanted to make Bobby an honorary member of the Orcish Country, but this time Lady Luck intervened. Taking her Master into her embrace, Lady Luck spirited away Bobby and took his body over to Saazzi's wagon. When the Mystics saw that even the spirits were against them keeping Bobby any longer, they finally relented and gave up on trying to keep Bobby around. Saazzi then took that opportunity to strike up a good relationship with the "leaders" of the Orc Country and told them to send her a message if they ever wanted an update on Bobby's condition... After that, Saazzi and the others graciously accepted the reward that the Orc Leaders granted them, each earning themselves a weapon crafted by the best Master-Smith among the Orcs, as well as a plentiful amount of Full Silver Coins... On the way home, however, Saazzi was stopped at the border to the Hob-Goblin Kingdom by a pair of guards that demanded, upon identifying Saazzi, "There is a new toll that must be paid upon entry into the lands of the Merchant King."
New Story Idea Bobby Chapter 17 – The Ordering of Shadows After receiving such a rude awakening, Bobby was in no mood to deal with the Merchant King's nonsense and that was very evident when he got out of the wagon... As Bobby stormed over towards the guards standing between him and his luxurious home, his mortal guise started to fail him; allowing his true identity to peek through, while his power raged out of control around him. The guards in front of the entrance to the Hob-Goblin lands quickly picked up on the sounds of another person approaching them and looked back around the wagon with Saazzi. All of them immediately freaked out in alarm and some of cried out in terror at the sight of the half-human, half-monster person stalked towards them; with a dark miasma escaping from the entity's mouth. Thankfully, Bobby's entire head had been overcome by his shadowy visage, so none of the guards were able to see his human face, but they were more concerned with his eery glowing red eyes than what his face looked like... Stalking right up to where the captain of the guards where, Bobby looked fit to blow right then, but curiously, the captain of the guard seemed to be more afraid of something "other" than the pissed off looking individual standing in front of the Hob-Goblin... Glaring down at the mortal before him, Bobby restrained his fury momentarily, but that only dimmed the reddish glow in his eyes, as he demanded of the Guard Captain, "Why have you stopped this wagon? All who are within are recognized by the Adventurer's Guild as Rank Five Adventurers... I'm surprised that your fool King is not having you stumble over yourselves to attempt recruiting us for his armed forces." As the eyes of the individual in front of him searched his eyes with great determination, the Hob-goblin Guard Captain could almost feel the shadowy hands reaching out to take hold of his very soul... Quickly pulling out a rolled up piece of parchment paper, the Guard Captain held the proclamation out; like a metal shield, to defend his actions, as he declared loudly, "By order of the Merchant King, any wagons driven by Saazzi Olvuth, or that carry her mark as a Merchant, are to be stopped and charged a fee for passing through our borders. The fee is..." Trailing off fearfully, when merely reading the proclamation in a plain voice caused the "thing" in front of him to become even more enraged, the Guard Captain could not believe his eyes when a humanoid being comprised entirely out of shadows burst into existence before him... Raising up one clawed appendage, the God of Darkness reached up into the air and said angrily, as he reached through a dark portal conjured in the very air before the mighty being, "I guess that fool, Gilbert Eriesb, needs to be reminded of the price for defying my rules..." Pulling his hand back out of the portal, the God of Shadows produced a large chest; which was covered in gold inlay and precious gemstones, before tossing the chest over at one of the guards... Thinking to catch the chest with the same ease that the shadowy creature seemed to handle the chest with, the Hob-goblin guard immediately grunted in a surprise and fell back onto the ground underneath the heavy chest... Before any of the other guards could even react, they found shadowy portals opening up before them and were quickly incapacitated against the ground underneath something extremely heavy. Bobby then reached forward to take the proclamation from Merchant King Gilbert and proceeded to shred the piece of parchment paper into fine dust right in front of the Guard Captain. Then, as the Guard Captain watched what remained drift down to the ground, Bobby reached into a new portal and pulled out a decorative silver sword and tossed the sheathed weapon over at the Hob-Goblin. Not really knowing what to do with the sword, the Guard Captain froze when he heard the shadowy creature hiss hatefully, "Tell Gilbert Eriesb that I have returned his wealth to him in the way of payment for this ridiculous fee he has now started to charge Saazzi Olvuth with and that if he wants to be allowed to KEEP his wealth... that he should turn his gaze towards the fools keeping him in power! Next time... I won't be so merciful, next time... the guards holding up the wagons of my Oracle will just simply disappear... along with a sizable chunk of Gilbert's wealth!" Stepping back towards Saazzi's wagon, the God of Darkness raised one hand up and pointed his fingers towards the front of the wagon, before making a slicing gesture down towards the ground... Opening a large portal out in front of the wagon, the God of Darkness began choosing the destination and suddenly felt Saazzi tentatively reach out to tap his shoulder... Saazzi then leaned over to whisper into Bobby's ear and asked him to take the wagon to Ukima instead of directly into the cave. Not really in the mood for any kind of discussion, especially with the ears of the guards loyal to the Merchant King so close, Bobby quickly redirected his focus to opening a portal close to the small village a short journey away from Loct's Claim. Vanishing back into the wagon by turning into a ghostly spiritual figure momentarily, Bobby dropped back into slumber and began to peer through the shadows underneath the wagon. Passing through the portal and finding her wagon heading out onto the pathway leading straight to Ukima, Saazzi was once more impressed by Bobby's ability with the shadow portals; despite knowing full well that Bobby was in fact the God of Darkness himself... Entering into town without any fuss from the guards, Saazzi was a little surprised at first, but quickly took notice of the "familiar" faces from Ukima posing as guards and began to grow worried for a little while... Frulk came rushing out of the Adventure's Guild just as soon as Saazzi's wagon was pulling up to building and he looked quite relieved by the sight of her being unharmed. Urging her to come inside so he could explain, Frulk was quite surprised when the others got out of the back, but seemed to become at ease at the sight of the powerful allies Saazzi had gained. When he saw Bobby being carried inside by a strange looking Orc, however, Frulk felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise momentarily and glanced over at Saazzi for confirmation before turning his back towards the incapacitated human. Once inside the Adventurer's Guild, however, Saazzi was able to understand why she had recognized so many faces of the guards patrolling the city; all of the Adventurers at the Ukima Guild had been recruited into a militia of sorts... Noticing Saazzi becoming very nervous, as she was looking around at all the empty seats inside the Guild Hall, Frulk quickly commented out loud to no one in particular, "Guards loyal to the Merchant King don't last too long around here... too many of them have taken to the new rules the King put into place and got greedy." Smiling when that got Saazzi's attention fixated on him, Frulk reached out to take hold of Saazzi's right shoulder firmly and said, "Nothing going on around here is your fault... Our dearly beloved Merchant King has decided to wring the good people of our country for all their worth... Taxes keep being added and raised... got to the point where townsfolk could no longer post requests anymore because of all the taxes sucking away their earnings. Thankfully, Ukima is close enough that when the guards of the Merchant King began to spread fear and terror, they drew the attention of all those things best left in the shadows. Now, we have a new role for the Adventurers in town, since none of the replacement guards are able to live long enough to collect for the Merchant King. Don't worry, though, they are just there to give the people of Ukima peace of mind... none of them give a damn about the Merchant King's rules, cause they all know what happens to those who anger the shadows." "You can summon them all back to celebrate Saazzi's return... if you so wish... You have my word that there shall be no interruptions..." Called a voice that made both Hob-goblins flinch in fear. Turning over towards Bobby, who was just waking back up, Frulk was able to see through the cracks developing on the human's face and was able to see the horror lurking inside the fleshy body. Somehow, seeing that and hearing what Bobby had just said actually brought a sense of relief to Frulk, who then let out a sharp whistle and called the others out of hiding. Almost immediately, the room was filled with relieved looking Adventurers; all of whom quickly took off their guard uniforms. Slowly, the room was filled with cheer and conversation as the Adventurers all got caught up with Saazzi about her adventurers outside the Hob-Goblin Kingdom... Eventually, Bobby noticed someone enter the somewhat "invisible" bubble that the others were giving him once word had spread about "what" had just come back to the village... Turning towards Nenith with a warm smile, Bobby suddenly found himself in a bear hug from the little Dark Soul he had gifted to the former Warlock. Laughing when the girl cried out to him as being her papa, Bobby just smiled wickedly over at the befuddled looks the rest of the Adventurers were giving him and flexed his powers a little to allow his true appearance to show through; as he informed all of the onlookers that he had made the doll as she was now. The whole building went dead silent and everyone had goosebumps as they stared at the frightful visage Bobby now had. Breaking the little doll's embrace and standing up, Bobby took in a deep breath and then let the air out in the form of dark smoke... Walking out into the middle of the little bubble he had been given by the others, Bobby returned to being a human adventurer and said kindly, "If you ever find yourself faced with the other version of me, I suggest you not do anything to agitate me any further. You might be the one to summon me like that from the darkest of shadows, but even then you can still appease me if you have not done anything... unforgivable. I am not an evil God, I am merely the ruler of the entire Dark Realm and thus I view things in a very different manner than all of you. I can see everything that goes on in the privacy of your homes and in those dark corners you prefer to do your dirty deeds in, but most of that I do not care about. As Adventurers, you are tasked with keeping the people who pay for requests safe and with keeping villages protected from monsters so that they can post requests. I understand this and I do not care if you slay dark creatures because they are either in your way or they just so happen to be the target you have been commissioned to remove from this world. I just wish to warn you about taking items from Dark Creatures after this point... cause most of those items are crafted for those creatures by me." All the Adventurers flinched upon hearing the truth behind some of the powerful creatures to arise into power as of late, but then... "The reason I am warning you is thus, all creatures who earn items from me greatly treasure those items; even above their own lives. For this reason, if you happen upon such a creature of darkness and must come to blows, then please consider returning such items to me. If you do bring such an item to me, then I will happily trade you that item for a copy that will not bear the curse I am going to be telling you about. Any item you take from a dark creature you slay from now on is soul-bound to that creature and so they will go to great lengths to reclaim their lost property. Which means that you will be hunted by that creature until a time where it is able to take back what belongs to it. For some of you, and I'm looking at you, Orcs, you probably will relish the chance to have a constant rival that is going to be growing more powerful each time you face one another, but I would ask that you show mercy upon the souls lost in the darkness of my home by bringing their items back to me. As I said earlier, doing so will allow you ask for a copy of the item or if you rather keep your items of the same type, I can actually just copy the effects of those returned items onto your gear instead." All the Orcs in the Guild Hall all flinched when they felt the gaze of the Dark God fall upon them, but then they began to smile at the thought of having a "rival" to constantly test their skills against for a few battles... Looking out at the whole of the Guild Hall, Bobby began to emanate a terrible aura and said firmly, "If you are wondering why I am giving you such a warning, then please understand that I do not like to be in debt and so I repaying the kindness that this village has shown me twice now. Do not become complacent around my dark children, they will not think twice about stabbing each of you in the back; provided you give them the opportunity." Quickly holding up a hand to Nenith when she opened up her mouth, with a distressed look upon her face, Bobby then added while looking fondly over towards her, "You are special, Nenith. Unlike most adventurers, you have become what I would like to call a friend and because of that, I have given you a child of mine to keep. I was very fortunate to find this little one... she was the only spirit in all of the Shadowed Cleft who would have worked for what you had asked of me back when you aided Saazzi in returning to Loct's Claim the first time. The rest of you who have become my friends know who you are and what you have done to receive such recognition from me. I will not say that there won't be times where you come under attack or are forced to fight with creatures of darkness, but to those creatures who are sentient, they will recognize you as my friends." As the Adventurers who had aided Saazzi return to Loct's Claim the first time all began to smile at the tremendous honor they had been given, Bobby suddenly looked off in the direction of his home and grumbled unhappily, "Speaking of mindless monsters... I seem to have an... infestation of Goblins in my home now... would any of you care to help me clean up? I assure you, the rewards for aiding me in this endeavor will be great." At that moment, everyone in the tavern immediately began to pick up weapons and armor; even the normal villagers who had come to join in the celebration... Saazzi, however, nervously approached Bobby and curiously asked, "Why is there an infestation of Goblins and how do you not have the ability to simply command them?" Smiling down at Saazzi, Bobby had his spiritual self appear only to her and made a shushing gesture towards Saazzi, while his physical Bobby just answered in a friendly manner, "There is a difference between mindless creatures of darkness and those who have regained the ability to have sentient thoughts. The mindless ones do heed the commands of those who are stronger than them, but right now I am in my mortal form and so they see me as their enemy. Those who possess half a brain in their noggins will be able to sense my power once I start flexing my proverbial muscles, but unless I reveal who I am completely to them, they would still try to attack me. Now then, shall we head out?" Quickly gathering up any gear they could scrounge up and even giving children simple weapons to use in self-defense, the village of Ukima gathered up to prepare for the journey over to the cave... While preparations were being made, however, Bobby returned to "rest" and began to "welcome" the army that the Merchant King had sent into his home to catch Saazzi off-guard... Hastily turning any Hob-goblin who perished into mindless Goblins completely overcome with the greed filling the hearts of the fools daring to raid his home, Bobby was grateful when the others in his home allowed him to claim the bodies of the guards they killed as well. Slowly, the entire army was overtaken by the horde of Goblins rising up from their dead and not even the hired mercenaries the Merchant King sent in to command the guards could stop the tide of darkness consuming the ranks of their forces. Turning the mercenaries into different creatures of darkness, based on their individual races, once he finished removing the rats from his home, Bobby then pulled all the monsters into the tunnel leading to the resting place of the Garbage Eater and filled the chests up with the newly converted monsters. After finishing up with creating a "trial" run of his Shadow Maze, Bobby returned to his mortal form and woke up as the caravan from Ukima was within sight of the entrance to the cavern... As the group nervously entered the first chamber and those who had not seen the changes were busy marveling at the gaping hole in the ceiling, Saazzi once more sought out Bobby for answers... Knowing he was up to something, but also knowing he was probably just having a little fun at the expense of the Merchant King, Saazzi was still curious about one thing, "So Bobby... would you care to explain to me just how your home could be infested with Goblins... especially when I know there are already Goblins living here?" While the others were busy looking around, they all began to pick out forms lurking in several of the tunnels leading away from the first chamber in the cave and all grew worried about would happen if those creatures were to come out to attack... Smiling at Saazzi, Bobby knew she was just worried over the safety of the villagers and so just calmly stated, "Seems I have been lax in keeping the Merchant King in line... I had hoped he would be too afraid to step out of line again so soon, but I guess he truly is a King of Greed. Due to the Merchant King realizing that I am no longer standing behind him and looking over his shoulder, he began falling back on bad habits. One of those habits was thinking that he could just send an army into my home and get results... Now that army lies dead and has become vessels for mindless creatures of darkness to be born with. Oh, by the way, any gear that these creatures have on them will have belonged to the forces of the Merchant King, so you will not have any trouble from keeping them... at least from the creatures of darkness. Please keep that in mind as we move closer to my home." Without any hesitation, Bobby calmly walked across the circle of sunlight still shining through into the first chamber and made his way over towards a very ominous looking tunnel; one which had not shown any signs of activity... When the rest of his guests began to stare worriedly up at the entrance to the tunnel, Bobby calmly reassured them, "Have no fear, this is the entrance to my home." Stepping up next to Bobby and carefully looking over the wall of darkness; which somehow prevented the light shining into the first chamber from entering the smaller tunnel, Warwick jokingly asked, "What were you trying do? Make everyone too afraid to venture within?" Chuckling at the question, Bobby reached forward and passed a hand through the barrier over the front of the tunnel, as he said plainly, "Not at all... I just wanted to ensure that any who entered this tunnel would know that they were approaching my home and to assure them of my power. Plus~ it is quite difficult to get a nap in when there is a bunch of light being reflected deep within the tunnels of this place. Remember, not all creatures of darkness can walk out into the light and even less are actually capable of seeing when there is any amount of light around. Now then, shall we get started?" Leading the way, Bobby entered the first chamber and as the rest of the group warily entered, they were surprised to find the chamber just past the entrance halfway lit due to the faint light able to reach through the entrance... Everyone's attention quickly fell upon the solitary chest in the center of the room and that prompted Bobby to ask, "So~ does anyone wish to knock on that chest over there and test their luck on what is going to come out or should we just go kick it open?" Without any hesitation, Warwick rushed over to land a strong kick on the lid of the chest and easily kicked open the top of the chest... As the lid flew open, about thirty scrawny looking Goblins were tossed up into the air and each landed with loud cries of pain... While the villagers hesitated to go after the stunned Goblins, Warwick fired off three arrows into the Goblins flying through the air and succeeded in taking out five before any of them had even hit the floor. The rest of the Adventurers all surged forward execute the rest of the Goblins and with ease executed the rest of the Goblins before they could even recover from hitting the ground. Without missing a step, the Adventurers picked up the weapons held by the Goblins and tossed them back towards the villagers. While the Adventures began to scan the room, the villagers picked up the weaponry and then went over to check out of the Goblins... Suddenly, however, the chest at the center of the room began to rattle and shake once more, before mysteriously breaking into small pieces... The villagers were all relieved by the sight of the chest being destroyed and felt that meant the room was cleared, but Warwick remained on high alert. Never more thankful for his heightened senses from all those years of training, Warwick narrowly dodged out of the way as a Veteran Goblin Assassin attempted to stab him in the back. Before anyone could even be alerted by what was going on, Warwick lunged down towards the Goblin; his mouth open wide, to deal a mortal wound to the creature. As everyone turned over towards Warwick in surprise, all they got to see was him spitting out a hunk of flesh from his mouth and the body of the dead Veteran Goblin Assassin falling to the ground... Reaching down to carve off an ear from the Goblin's body, Warwick added the trophy to his collection gladly, but when noticed the others were looking at him weirdly, Warwick effortlessly explained away his actions by saying, "I spent a lot of time out in the wilds... living among and off of the animals out in the forests. I did not always have a weapon in reach or the time to draw a bow... so I learned how to take a bite out of my enemies when they came too close. Normally, that just causes them to freak out and back away just long enough for me to draw my bow on them... but Goblins have never been the most durable creatures around." That quickly sent up some red-flags for all of the Orc Adventurers, but when Bobby went out of his way to congratulate Warwick on surviving "kicking open the door", they quickly realized that Bobby had "accepted" the Koni Hunter... Leading the group forward through the tunnel, everyone was confused when they found themselves walking back "into" the room they had just cleared... Pretending to be confused himself, Bobby took a moment to think and then muttered to himself, "Wasn't it forward first? Maybe it was left then forward... or right, left, then forward.... hmm. Seems that the Garbage Eater has changed things around since I was last here..." One of the other Adventurers perked up at hearing Bobby mention the Garbage Eater; as if it was a separate creature, and curiously asked with an amused smirk, "Wait a minute... aren't you the Garbage Eater?" Breaking out into a devious smile, Bobby turned towards the uneasy villagers and replied carefully, "Yes, technically, I am the Garbage Eater, as well as numerous other creatures of darkness that I have created out in the world, but right now I am stuck in this mortal body of mine. As I said, I am technically seen as a human being by the monsters we face, so I cannot really tell any of them to leave us alone, since I feel like a mortal to them. That being said, right now the Garbage Eater is a completely separate being to myself and I left it in charge of holding down the fort, so-to-speak, while I was away. Guess we're gonna have to try all the tunnels to get where we need to go.... ugh, hope you all are ready, this might take a little while." Despite the way that Bobby spoke about having to clear every room out, no one was fooled by his bad acting, as they could see just how excited he was to show off the entryway into his home... In one of the rooms, however, the group came upon a strange occurrence, where there was an Ogre under attack by a squad of monstrous Goblins; made out of the Merchant King's forces, along with something else none of the villagers from Ukima had ever seen... While the fanged Elven looking creature continued to torture the Ogre, slowly draining the Ogre's blood to feed herself, Warwick suddenly became enraged to the point of his vision turning red. The others all focused their attention upon the swarm of Goblins holding the Ogre down, but not Warwick; he had other thoughts raging within his mind, as he was instead charging straight at the strange Elven creature. Taking the fanged monster by the throat, Warwick then proceeded to disembowel the bloated creature and caused all of the blood she had been guzzling down to come erupting out of her stomach as she was cut open. Caught completely by surprise by Warwick's fury, the Blood Drinker could only gasp in terror as all of her strength was cut right out of her and desperately flopped onto the ground to try and lick up the spilled blood like a wild animal... Turning towards Warwick, suddenly, the Blood Drinker's chin was covered in dark blood and she made a strange sound; almost like sighing, as she laid eyes upon the blood bag before her. With a feral shriek, the Blood Drinker lunged towards Warwick and caught his wrists, before surging forward to bite down on his neck. Grunting in pain as he suddenly became the prey, Warwick's fury boiled over again and he roared angrily before doing the same as the Bloody Drinker had; only instead of seeking to feed on the blood of his enemy Warwick had different intentions in mind. Tearing out half of the Blood Drinker's throat with a forceful twist of his head, Warwick felt the hold of the Blood Drinker start loosening and furiously kicked her away... As he was getting up to take out his rage upon the creature before him, Warwick was suddenly stopped when Bobby suddenly appeared right next to the frightful creature, then everyone was stunned as Bobby openly revealed the weakness of the monster, "If you wish to stop this creature's hunger for blood, then all you need do is pierce it's heart with Nature." Catching something tossed over to him by Bobby, Warwick found himself holding the end of a solid root and did not give himself time to think about what he must do with the piece of wood... Just as the Blood Drinker was turning to look up in terror at Bobby, Warwick charged forward to impale the creature through her blackened heart and caused the creature to let out a shocked cry of pain. In an instant, the creature's heart gave out and the life in her twisted eyes went out instantly, causing the others in the room to let out sighs of relief. Once he was certain that the creature would not stand up again, Warwick pulled out one of his hunting knives and proceeded to cut out of the monster's fangs as a trophy. Allowing Warwick to curiously examine the tooth and gain an understanding for the purpose of such a tooth to the likes of a Vampire, Bobby eventually went over next to the Half-Orc and said in a cautionary tone, "Do not believe what your eyes see, Warwick, this creature has not yet seen it's last breath of life." Tensing up immediately, Warwick was suddenly able to feel the eyes of the dead Bloody Drinker upon him and shuddered as he felt the hatred that the creature now possessed for him, but then Bobby smiled wickedly and said in a very vindictive tone, "You have taken something from an undead Elven creature, known as a Vampire, but you need not worry about facing such a creature again. At this state of it's development, this Vampire... this Blood Drinker, can easily be vanquished for good by setting fire to it's body and reducing it to cinders. If you do not, then the moment that branch is removed from this Blood Drinker's heart... it shall begin to hunt for you again, in order to reclaim it's missing tooth." Approaching Warwick nervously, a Fire Mage kindly offered to help Warwick with burning the body of the Blood Drinker... As the Vampire was burned to a crisp, an inhuman wail emanated from the creature's body, signifying the death of the Blood Drinker. After the Bloody Drinker had been reduced to ashes and bones, Warwick let out a relieved sigh when he felt the gaze of the Vampire leave him. Tucking away his new trophy, Warwick smiled happily over towards the Fire Mage and thanked them for their aid, but he completely forgot that he was completely covered with the viscera from when he ripped out the Blood Drinker's throat. Once he took notice of his current state, Warwick quickly set about cleaning himself up and was very grateful when the same Mage conjured up some water for him to wash away the blood with... While that was going on, however, Bobby went back over to where the Blood Drinker's remains were and picked up the skull of the Vampire, which he then promptly tossed over to the Fire Mage, before saying in response to her disgusted expression, "Keep that... you may find that trash could become something very useful to you later when we reach the Garbage Eater." Blinking in confusion, for a moment, the Mage's eyes flew open wide when they remembered what the Garbage Eater had done with an "inanimate" object for Nenith and they quickly wrapped the bones up with a spare robe they had before tucking away the item in one of their pouches... Later on, after the group moved forward several chambers, they had just finished clearing the side chambers and were returning to the center chamber; expecting it to still be clear... When they entered the chamber, however, even Bobby was a little shocked by the presence of an unopened chest resting at the center of the room. Knowing something was up, when the shadows all around him just smiled with amusement over getting one up on him, Bobby then began to smile in amusement over how his servants wanted to get in on the fun. Without a word, Bobby walked over to the chest and even so gently thrust his foot out against the front of the chest to see what lay inside. The display on the front began moving erratically, which caused the chest to first start rattling about noisily, and finally grow to tremendous size... Then, a large Goblin Champion burst his way out from within; accompanied by a small force of Uroks, and that caused Bobby to say in an amused tone, "Welp... Looks like I found a Boss! This will sometimes happen whether you kick open the chest or knock on it, just so you know. Good thing about Bosses, however, is that they all have great gear to drop! Now then, who wants to help me put this bad boy down?" Even as Bobby was asking who wanted to help him, Xelk was scampering forward rapidly and used one of the Urok's; like a platform, to jump up high enough to be able to smack the Goblin Champion in the face... Upon being hit by Xelk, the Goblin Champion overcame the disorientation that came with being dragged out of the shadows and let out a loud bellow as he entered combat... As the rest of the Adventurers from Ukima went to take care of the Uroks, the rest of Bobby's traveling companions came over to join him in taking down the boss, but then found themselves being accompanied by Frulk and his Garrison. When Saazzi looked over at Frulk with confusion, he merely flashed her a toothy grin and stated that he was not going to be left out this time around. Both Bobby and Saazzi burst out laughing at his statement, as only they knew what he was speaking about, right before the Goblin Champion took one thundering step forward to bellow at his opponents. The Goblin Champion then lunged forward to pick up Xelk, but suffered greatly for his blunder when all the others counter-attacked... Pulling back in shock, as his hand was battered by numerous other creatures he had not even noticed due to being disorientated by being summoned from the chest, the Goblin Champion's eyes pulsed red and he was suddenly able to see everyone who had initiated a fight with him. Bellowing wordlessly at the enemies before him, the Goblin Champion raised up his massive one-handed sword and swung forward at his enemies. Xelk and Mudagog easily blocked the blow, while everyone other than the ranged Adventurers charged forward to attack. Nenith, Stok, Warwick and Violet began to launch attacks to restrict the Goblin Champion's movements, as well as deal as much damage as possible when the others knocked the Boss down... Bobby fought with a mixture of abilities; conjuring up massive spells to attack with, summoning all manner of dark creatures for various purposes, and even somehow calling forth hails of actual arrows from somewhere... Whittling away at the Boss' health slowly whenever the opportunity came around, Saazzi was curious over whether or not Bobby was going to power up and decimate the Boss in a single blow, but eventually she came to the understanding that Bobby wanted them all to experience what they would face when they next came to visit him. Strangely, the others seemed to be waiting for the same thing she was, so the moment that Saazzi stopped restraining herself, the others quickly stepped up to follow her example. At that point, the Tanks no longer blocked together and instead took turns either attacking the sword arm of the Boss or taking a hit so the other could attempt to disable the Boss' arm. Mogi and Narelu were happily slashing away at the Boss' body, taking any opportunity they could to inflict as much damage as they could with their skills... This also put them at the greatest risk for being back-handed away by the Boss' free-hand, but thanks to the damage inflicted earlier; when the Boss went only after Xelk, the Goblin Champion was unable to bring his full strength to bear against them. Klot did his best to keep the both of them inspired with his music and once the others had dealt with the Uroks, a couple healers came over to join him in keeping the party battling the Boss alive. As the battle wore on and people were exhausting their mana, Bobby began to calculate the odds of winning and suddenly realized something very important. The Boss... was regenerating... Alerting the others to what he had noticed, everyone grew nervously when they too realized that all the attacks made by the melee Adventurers had already closed up and healed into scars... That was when the Goblin Champion started laughing and then displayed a scary amount of intelligence by calling out in broken Hob-Goblin tongue, "Matters not... that you know secret... too late... too stop me now... going to plunder, PLUNDER ALL THE SHINIES IN THIS CAVE!" When everyone who had experience with the "Garbage Eater" and Bobby heard what the Goblin Champion said, they all quickly got out of the way... At first, the Goblin Champion was alarmed by that shift in the position of his enemies, but then he heard something call out to him; something which tugged upon his very soul... "Hey." Was all the raspy the raspy tone said, with the anger in that voice being as audible as the growl that followed the words, "You do realize that you are talking about stealing from a GOD, right? One which currently stands before you? You must be one of the Merchant King's failed lackeys for him to send you here... to die!" Turning to face the strangely dark mortal, the Goblin Champion could only stare in horror as the mortal went from having an abnormal amount of "magical" energy around him, to having a massive shroud of "spiritual" power taking shape around him... Watching as the mortal pulled something out, something which sparkled, the Goblin Champion trembled upon hearing the sound a "coin" being flipped; his eyes following the flight of the shiny object hungrily... When the mortal snatched up the coin in one hand, however, that caused the Goblin Champion to lunged forward; his free hand extended forward, as he screamed hysterically, "Mine!" Having caught the coin in a loosely closed hand, Bobby suddenly clenched that hand into a tight fist and thrust his arm forward as he declared angrily, "Wrong! This... all of THIS... it's MINE!" Expecting to be the one to collide with palm of the Goblin Champion, Bobby was completely caught by surprise when hulking Urok-Kai arm shot past him and ended up caught by the Goblin Champion... Although, even the Goblin Champion managed to brace himself to "catch" the punch from the summoned Urok-Kai, he was far from actually "catching" the attack and instead only managed to "lose" an arm... Getting pushed back, even after his arm had been ripped right off his body, the Goblin Champion merely grunted unhappily and stood up angrily as the open wound on his shoulder quickly closed up thanks to it's high regeneration. Despite that, however, Bobby was able to see how much had been taken out of the Goblin Champion with the removal of one arm and that caused Bobby to smile viciously. To prove his theory, Bobby drew forth his sword and carved out a triangular chunk of flesh from the Goblin's chest. In response to the wound, the bleeding tissue was quickly sealed up with new tissue and then the missing chunk of flesh was steady regrown until the scar tissue formed a bulge on the outside of the Goblin Champion's body... As that excess skin eventually fell off the Goblin's body, Bobby then noticed the start of the Champion's arm being regenerated ever so slowly and smiled... Brandishing his blade and looking over at the others, Bobby grinned evilly and asked, "Who wants to help me cut this bastard down to size?" Without any hesitation, Warwick fired off two precision placed arrows into the Goblin Champion's eyes, giving Bobby, Mogi and Narelu the opportunity to rush in to cut off the rest of the Boss' limbs... For the finishing blow, however, the three melee Adventurers sliced off a different section of the Goblin Champions head... Narelu took off everything above the eye-line of the Goblin, while Mogi sliced through the middle of the Goblin's mouth and Bobby finished things off by cutting through Goblin's neck. With both his brain and head broken into pieces one right after another, the Goblin Champion's regeneration was pushed to it's limits, causing the Boss to perish from sustaining too much damage all at once. Thankfully, the remains of the Goblin's head mysteriously vanished into black smoke and disappeared from sight before any of the younger villagers could see them. As the loot was claimed off the boss, however, the villagers were surprised to find the Goblin's enlarged sword actually shrinking down to fit Hob-Goblin hands and excitedly celebrated the discovery, before quickly turning to strip the Champion's body of useful gear... Continuing on their journey, with the gear from the Boss being left up to Bobby's group as to who the rewards would go to... Bobby proposed they wait to divide up the loot until the very end and then directed everyone's attention towards the gateway to the next room. Saazzi quite clearly remembered the entrance to the place where she originally encountered the Whimpering Man-Eater, long before Bobby had become the mighty creature he was at that point. Entering the next chamber warily, the group was immediately alarmed by the sight of a broken apart chest resting a few feet in front of them, just at the end of the light allowed in from the way they entered... As the group nervously entered into the final chamber, the darkness suddenly gave way and allowed the entire room to be viewed; which allowed the villagers to see the real Garbage Eater for the first time... Standing about four feet tall, constructed entirely out of Ebony and held together by molded Light Crystal, the Garbage Eater would have been a truly impressive sight to behold; where it not for the Urok-Kai currently kicking against the front of the chest. Quickly noticing all of the slain bodies of various other creatures, all of whom should have been part of the Final Boss battle, the villagers all saw how the various monsters had been cut down and did not have to look hard to see the dark blood glistening on the surface of the Urok-Kai's weapon. Then everyone noticed the worried expression on Bobby's face and that was when Saazzi realized that things were not going according to his plans. Having been enjoying a more "normal" adventure with Bobby, for a nice change of pace, Saazzi walked forward quietly towards where the remains of the chest sat... Thankfully, the Urok-Kai was far too busy with trying to smash open the chest in front of him to notice the others in the room with him now, which allowed Bobby time to give the villagers an excuse about his reaction, "Um... that is the Garbage Eater, which the Boss of this room is currently kicking... It would be in our best interest to, uh, stop him before the Garbage Eater wakes up in a very foul mood... Let's just say that everything in this room is fair game when the Garbage Eater wakes up and throws a temper-tantrum." All of the villagers shuddered at the mention of the words "temper-tantrum" and quickly began to spread out to aid the Adventurers in this battle... Hoping to dispel the air of doom in the chamber, Saazzi reached down to pick up the part of the chest which controlled what was summoned to face challengers and tossed that piece of the chest up in the air, as she stated quite confidently, "Oh don't worry, this Boss ain't nothing like that Mindflayer we had to deal with at the Orc Shrine... this'll be a piece of cake!" Tossing the chunk of the chest over at the Boss, without realizing just what she had done, Saazzi sought to inspire those around with her fearlessness, but, when the piece of the chest bounced off the Urok-Kai... Suddenly coming to life, the display on the piece of the chest began to make a spinning noise and that caused everyone to gasp in horror, as they all quickly realized what Saazzi had unknowingly caused to happen. Sadly, the piece of the chest flew off out of sight before the results could be seen and everyone's attention had already shifted to the Urok-Kai to see what would happen to the creature. Thankfully, the Urok-Kai did not turn into a Mindflayer; like what Saazzi feared would happen because she opened her big mouth, but instead became a Battle-Master class Demon and was further empowered to become an Annihilator rank Demon. Disorientated by his sudden transformation, the Annihilator Battle-Master shook his head and then muttered desperately, "Gold, Gold, Gold! Must... find it!" Gasping as his spiritual senses snapped into focus around his mind and he was able to "sense" the interlopers coming to "stop" him from carrying out his Master's orders, the Annihilator Demon whirled around with a fierce snarl on his face... Upon seeing the alarming number of foes he had to face to get what he needed, the Annihilator Demon raised up one hand and called out in an authoritative tone, "Get up, my minions! You are not done yet... not until I say so!" A pulse of demonic energy erupted away from the Annihilator and all the bodies in front of him began to spasm erratically as each body was forcefully reanimated by the demonic energies... All Goblins in the room rose up in the form of devious little Imps and quite a few actually became Greater Imps; gaining both magical abilities of differing chaotic schools, as well as the ability to fly on bat-like wings. Any Driders lost their elegant spider-like bodies and were transformed into hideous Ravager class Demons; developing grasshopper legs, scythe-like forearms and losing all traces of their Elven bodies for something much more demonic in origin. Vampires more or less remained the same, save for developing various shades of hide of a more demonic nature and developing wings meant to used to shroud themselves from harm as Greater Daemons. Then, the villagers began to hear noises coming from behind them and they all turned in alarm to find the Goblin Champion from the previous chamber being returned to life as a Battle-Lord Demon... Frulk quickly took charge of the battle and ordered the villagers to stand behind the rest of the Adventurers... The villagers were quick to pickup on what Frulk had in mind, while the rest of the Adventurers from Ukima all nodded towards Frulk and prepared themselves to act as the shield preventing the rest of the Boss' forces from entering into the final chamber. Then Frulk called his Garrison to his side and ordered them to take out the Minions already in the room quickly. Turning towards Bobby's group last, Frulk quickly went rigid as he realized that he had been about to give orders to a literal God and lost his nerve quickly. Smiling over at Frulk, Bobby nodded encouragingly towards him and said, "I am merely an Adventurer named Bobby in this battle, please tell me what it is you wish for me to do." Growing relived at Bobby being willing to listen to him and not being upset over him suddenly taking charge of things, Frulk then flashed Bobbi's group a toothy smile, as he asked mischievously, "Think ya can keep big and ugly, over there, preoccupied while we deal with his minions? I've faced more than one Demon before and so I know they feed on the strength of any minions nearby and seem to grow in power the more minions they have around." Everyone in Bobby's group just smiled evilly in response to what Frulk was asking and turned towards the Annihilator with such malevolence in their expressions that the Demon actually shrank away from them for just a moment... Looking back over at Frulk, Bobby playfully replied, "Just don't come crying to me when we take this thing down before you can finish cleaning up the rabble!" Frulk quickly shot Bobby an "indignant" glare over the insinuation that "he" could not handle a few measly demonic minions before the Boss could be defeated and then charged off with an energetic cry... Before Bobby could go join the others in battling the Boss, however, he suddenly found the side of his tunic being snatched by something and turned around in confusion to face Nenith, as she nervously asked, "Um... do you think it would be alright... if I tried to bind one of those demons over there to my will? I'm not trying to replace my precious little sister, but I recognize the Family Mark on that Succubus over there and I know a certain someone who would give anything to get his hands on her now that she is a Demon." Opposite to what Nenith had been expecting, Bobby actually smiled in amusement over her request and then said in a joyous manner, "Be my guest! I already took care of my problem with Demons, so I am no longer inclined to slaughter them and devour their souls for them merely being in my presence. I just simply will not tolerate their actions towards my children anymore and thus have banished them from the safety of my domain. Oh, speaking of Demons, I do apologize for the way I acted towards you when we first met... I was still growing in power, so I did not want news of my existence to spread around too much before I could become strong enough to take on the best of what the Demons could throw my way. Please feel free to call upon any Demons you trust enough to behave in my presence." Becoming excited at the restriction placed upon her being restricted, Nenith quickly summoned up a very specific demonic servant... Appearing in a Butler's uniform, a very annoyed looking female Devil glared angrily over at her summoner and was just about to demand what she had been summoned for, when Nenith's little sister suddenly took the Devil by the chin. At first bewildered by the sudden aggression she was receiving, the Devil went rigid upon seeing just what had grabbed hold of her and then found her gaze being forcefully directed towards something. Upon seeing what she was supposed to be looking at, the Devil's pupils narrowed and her expression grew intense upon seeing the Succubus being the Family Crest that had drawn Nenith's attention. When the hand of the Shadow Soul let go of her head, the Devil looked back over at Nenith with a more worried expression, until Nenith said happily, "We can discuss terms of payment after we bag that bitch your Master wants to humiliate for the rest of her Afterlife." Suddenly bursting free of her Butler's uniform, the Devil brought out an elegant looking scythe and shifted into battle position while nodding respectfully back at Nenith... The Adventurers holding the entrance to the final chamber continued to hold off the hordes of demonic minions attempting to come to their Master's aid and Frulk was effortlessly leading his Garrison to victory against the minions already inside the chamber... Watching Nenith, the Shadow Soul, and the Devil she had summoned quickly subdue the Succubus that the former Warlock had set her sights upon, Bobby smiled at the look of horror on the Demon's face when the Succubus realized just who had come to capture her. Turning his focus back upon the Annihilator, Bobby found his fury rising once more as he looked upon the thief within his home once again. Flourishing his hands out in front of him, Bobby conjured shadowy portals all around the Urok-Kai, while the others did their best to harass the Demon. Seeing Xelk end up in a bad position, Bobby used the portals to whisk Xelk away to safety, while simultaneously stopping the Annihilator's attack with a Mythical weapon materialized from his stash and having something from within the shadows counter-attack. Much to Bobby's surprise, the same spider he had called upon while over in the Beastkin lands was the creature to answer his call and the enormous creature gladly thrust one it's legs into the side of the Annihilator's body before quickly retreating to safety. Everyone fighting the Boss got a good chuckle out of the way that the Annihilator pointlessly slashed at the shadow portal the Spider's leg came out of; even as the portal was closed mid-way through his attack. The Spider then stabbed at the Demon from another portal, delighting in the chance to finally spill a Demon's blood for a change... Sitting back and recovering while the Spider took out years worth of frustrations upon the Boss, no one in Bobby's group was surprised by the Annihilator's ability to regenerate from every attack... Looking over at Bobby tiredly, Saazzi let out an unhappy sounding groan before then smiling and saying in amusement, "You really know how to make things difficult, you know..." Scoffing in response to what Saazzi had said, Bobby pretended to look hurt as he replied, "Me? What did I do? You were the one to throw the piece of that broken chest at the damn Boss and created this whole mess! I had nothing to do with what happened after the roll was initiated... honest." Giving Bobby a narrow-eyed look, Saazzi made it very apparent that she did not believe Bobby one bit, before they both began to laugh... Looking over at the Boss, then at the progression Frulk had made and finally over at the entrance where the ground was covered with the bodies of dead minions, Bobby then said, "Looks like we are about to enter the final round... the Boss is starting to weaken now that most of his minions have been killed off, or enslaved in one particular case, which means we'd better get ready to fight this thing for real. I'm just about out of the shadow portals I created earlier... which means that our distraction is about to disappear." The shadowy Spider continued to harass the Boss until there was no more shadows to reach out through and then skittered back into it's shadowy den to wait for the next opportunity; while it's offspring hungrily sucked up all the blood covering the ends of it's legs... Thankfully, Frulk had managed to deal with the rest of the minions inside the room and had sent Stok over to help the rest of the Adventurers with putting the rest of the minions. While they waited and planned out how they would take down the Boss, the Annihilator was recovering at a much slower rate from all the wounds inflicted upon him by the shadowy Spider. Just as the last few minions were taken care of, however, the Boss Demon finally finished recovering and let out a fierce roar before charging forward at the ones who had been annoying him so. Fully expecting that, Bobby had his group move further away from the Boss so that they could prepare a "welcoming" for the Demon... Warwick started things off by rapidly firing off arrows into the face of the Demon, temporarily blinding the Boss, while Bobby created two more shadow portals; one on either side of the charging Boss, so that his spidery friend could impale the Annihilator's legs. Once that happened, the Annihilator found himself falling forward and landed upon the ground with a tremendous thud, as the rest of the Adventurer forces descended upon him. Frulk waited for ten seconds before quickly calling for a retreat and no sooner had he cried out, the Annihilator was pushing up off the ground with a belligerent bellow. That was when Bobby and Violet took advantage of the "plentiful" corpses in the area to summon up some dead creatures to bolster their numbers against the Demon, as well as remove said bodies belonging to the Boss' minions... With Bobby providing a near endless stream of Dark Spirits from his realm and Violet working quickly to instill "who" the spirits should be targeting after claiming a body, the duo quickly turned all of the fallen minions of the Annihilator against the Demon... Unbeknownst to Violet, she actually did not even need to direct the focus of the Dark Spirits Bobby was calling forth, since all of them were already pretty pissed off at the presence of the Demon within the proclaimed home of their Master. Bobby then subtly began to empower the Dark Spirits so that when they became Undead, they would be at least on the same stage of development as a monster as the Annihilator was in progression among Demons. The enraged Annihilator then found himself coming under assault from all sides by a ravenous horde of Undead and was immediately distracted from trying to go after the Adventurers. Sadly, even though all of his followers had been slain, the Annihilator still technically was empowered from subjugating all of their souls and so was able to carve his way through the hordes of undead; which were only "regular" monsters in comparison to him... Despite that difference, however, all of the Undead were empowered by the fact that they were fighting within the grounds claimed by their God and that allowed the Undead creatures to actually pull back together their bodies immediately after being cut down by the Annihilator... When he finally realized that the Undead were not staying dead after he cut them to pieces, the Annihilator was forced to use up what little remained of his spiritual power to incinerate them all by covering his weapon with Balefire. As he worked his way through the Undead once more, the Annihilator began to get the taste of victory in his mouth and became sloppy when it came to burning the entire body of the Undead he was slaughtering. Panting heavily by the time he finished removing the Undead filth from his presence, the Annihilator was greatly confused by why so much of his strength had left him suddenly, but then he realized what had been going on while he had been distracted. Turning towards all of the Adventurers, the Annihilator's eyes were filled with naught by vengeful fury towards the lose of his mighty power caused by the runts gathered up before him and he began to glow with a malevolent aura... Unbeknownst to the Annihilator, however, was that all the "pieces" of the Undead he had failed to completely incinerate were starting to gather up in one place; fusing together with one another as all the spirits agreed to work together to purge their Master's home of his presence... Just as the Annihilator was beginning to stomp his way over towards the runts that had robbed him of so much power, he suddenly began to notice that all of the terror he had started to spread was being overcome by amusement and had to stop to take a moment to consider just why the mortals were no longer afraid of him. Then, a fleshy sounding footstep shook the ground behind the Demon and when the Annihilator turned around, he immediately found a fist constructed out of several half-burned bodies rocketing into his face. As the Annihilator toppled over backwards, the Corpse Abomination launched itself up into the air and slammed both of it's fists down on top of the Demon's chest. That caused the Demon to cough up a mouthful of darkly colored blood and a victorious feeling filled the hearts of the mortals in the room, for just a moment, until the Annihilator burst one burning fist through the chest of the Corpse Abomination... Rising up with a frustrated bellow, the Annihilator ignited his other hand and proceeded to tear off chunks of the Corpse Abomination; with everything he touched being burned until not even ash remained. While everyone else was watching the display with horrified expressions and the children were being shielded by their parents from the display of brutality, Bobby was the only one smiling. When Saazzi noticed the eery smile stretched out across his face, she quickly became worried that Bobby was about to overexert himself once more, but then she watched him pull out his lucky coin. Watching him flip the coin with trepidation, Saazzi suddenly got the odd sense that he was testing his "fortune" for her sake, even though Bobby never actually looked in her direction... Even when Bobby caught the coin in a clenched fist, rather than an open hand, Saazzi suddenly realized that Bobby had been planning things the whole time and that he was not actually relying upon "luck" this time around.... As he was reaching over to draw his sword, however, Bobby noticed the way that the Annihilator's hands oddly stopped burning; much to the Demon's shock, which caused him to say deviously, "Well, well... looks like our little distraction was more effective than we thought it would be... That Demon has run out of power, which means no need to be worried about him pulling out any magical tricks once we start kicking his arse! Don't believe that he is without abilities, however, he is a Battle-Lord type Demon, so he no doubt has mastered a few martial skills. Wait..." Trailing off as the Annihilator began to act strangely, Bobby and all of the Adventurers were shocked when the Demon suddenly let out a pained shriek... Then, everyone watched as the Demon attempted to clench his burned hands into fists and saw the way his very flesh "cracked" apart to allow him to do exactly that... Smiling eerily once more, Bobby pulled forth his sword and said in a very malicious tone, "I guess he lost his ability to regenerate from damage as well.... Good, this means he won't be able to hold that sword of his without inflicting pain upon himself and that will reduce the amount of offensive abilities he has to use! Ranged and Casters, TARGET HIS HANDS!" Flinching when he heard a mortal cry out loudly, the Annihilator looked over towards the "runts" he had seen the Adventurers as before and could only see his "death" leering over at him hungrily... In true Orcish fashion, however, the Annihilator faced his incoming death and let out a welcoming battle cry, before hurling himself forward into certain death... The Tank Adventurers were quick to intercept the Annihilator, harassing his legs and feet to keep the Annihilator from moving past them. While the Tanks kept the Boss' attention, all Melee damage Adventurers focused on hitting the Annihilator where they could reach. That meant the majority of their efforts were focused on his legs, since most of the Adventurers were Hob-goblins, but that only further aided with keeping him in one place. All the Archers kept their aim on the Annihilator's head, but when the Boss allowed one of his hands to be tied down; for whatever reason, they made him regret not keeping them in motion. Same went for the Magic Users, only they targeted his upper torso primarily in order to guarantee that their spells would hit their target, but also to ensure that no other Adventurers close to the Boss were hurt by their attacks. Those who were able to cast healing magic just continuously healed the Tanks, as long as they were able, to keep them from falling under the weight of the Annihilator's unarmed blows. Unlike before, where Bobby had been at the back casting magic with Violet, now he was right up behind the Boss; slicing up the Annihilator with a Light Element Mythical blade... Much to Xelk's disappointment, this final boss battle was more of a grind to deal enough damage to the Demon; instead of what happened over in the Orcish Shrine, but he was not about to open his mouth on the matter and make their Demon problem worse. Warwick had no qualms over making a dishonorable Warrior face the consequences of throwing away their honor for greater power or strength and would always be the first to start shooting at the hands of the Annihilator when the Demon stopped moving them. Narelu was trying her best to keep up with Bobby, but quickly found herself falling behind him, as his stamina seemed to be almost endless. Even though she knew Bobby could not continue to fight endlessly and was probably just enjoying the thrill of battle, Narelu could not help feeling left out of things... Upon taking notice of Narelu's feelings, Bobby reached out to her Ancestor privately... Having been doing his best to aid his descendant, Narelu's Ancestor quite simply froze stiff when he felt the gaze of his God fall upon him and then listened carefully as the Dark Devouring One hissed, "You don't have to take over until she dies, but you do know that you could be doing more to help her against this Demon? Stop holding yourself back... you are standing within the home of your GOD! Did you not see the lengths the others went too in order to attempt to remove this filth from my home?" Shuddering, as what felt like chains were broken away from his very soul, Narelu's Ancestor reached out to take hold of her weapon himself and asked her uneasily, "Do you trust me, my descendant?" Merely nodding to her Ancestor, Narelu suddenly felt herself become "swallowed" up in Darkness, but instead of becoming afraid; as she would have if she had still been following demonic ways, Narelu instead merely waited for the guidance from her Ancestor... While that went on inside her mind, on the outside, however, the changes were much more drastic.... Becoming enshrouded in shadowy energy completely, Narelu quite simply ceased to exist and in her place a shadowy copy of her Ancestor rose up into existence. Letting out a hissing breath, the Shadowy Elven Ancestor caused a lot of the Adventurers around him to back away and then when he let out a fearsome shriek, the Shadow Elf caused even the Boss to look towards him with fear. Unlike with the Shadow Soul inside of Nenith's doll, however, Narelu's Ancestor was not nearly as feral and took up a Swordsman's stance with a challenging stare towards the Annihilator. Upon seeing that "challenge", however, the Annihilator seemed to enter into a "trance" like state and called his weapon over into his hands without uttering even a "whimper" as fresh cracks opened up on the skin of his hands... Facing each other with grim resolution, the two Warriors merely waited for each other to prepare themselves for the clash and then charged past each other in an instant... The only way that anyone knew anything had actually happened was in the way that both Warriors had moved the position of their swords in relation to how they had used their weapons. Thankfully, Narelu and her Ancestor had not been pushed to their limits recently, added to the fact that they were standing upon consecrated ground of the Dark God, meant that all they received was a single upwards slash across their chest. That wound caused the manifestation of Narelu's Ancestor to recede and made Narelu drop down onto one knee in exhaustion, while thrusting the tip of her sword into the ground for stability. The Healers were quick to use whatever energy they had left to heal her quickly, but she just smiled and said happily, "Only a flesh wound... which is nothing compared to what my Ancestor inflicted upon that lout over there..." As Narelu turned to look over her shoulder at the still standing Annihilator Demon, all of sudden, a multitude of cuts burst open all along the Demon's body and the Boss collapsed as his body began to break apart completely... Laughing when she saw all of the shocked expressions on the faces of the other Adventurers, Narelu looked down into her shadow fondly and said in a happy tone, "I've been foolishly following the training of my youth still... still fighting like a Demonic swords-woman instead of a Dark one. I'm going to have to learn to stop focusing on my opponents body and attack their shadows from now on." No one really understood what Narelu was talking about, but she had witnessed firsthand what a Dark Swordsman could achieve when fighting a single opponent alone; as her Ancestor had not only slashed the Demon's body when the pair had clashed... Once the Boss' body deteriorated away completely and only his weapon was left behind, everyone finally let out the pent-up sigh of relief they had been holding in... Then, Bobby walked over in front of the Garbage Eater and gently tapped his knuckles against the surface of his old body, while the Garbage Eater nervously stammered, "I'm sorry, Master, I don't know what happened... I just... did not want to ruin your fun, s-so I played dead when that brute began to attack me..." Having his body get "magically" pulled into the Garbage Eater, Bobby just patted the soul of the Garbage Eater gently as he took over control of the Mimic's body... As the Garbage Eater went to sleep, Bobby said in a gracious manner, "You did well, my child, and thank you for leaving the final boss to us. You get some well-deserved rest now." Once he had assumed full control over the Garbage Eater, Bobby sprouted several tendrils and equipped his Ebony stilts to allow him to approach the mortals inside his humble abode... Immediately recognizing that strange manner of "walking", Saazzi face lit up with glee upon seeing that the Garbage Eater was "unchanged"... Without any warning, Saazzi suddenly found her wagon being dragged up out of the shadows on the ground by Whiskers and could resist crying out in surprise. Upon seeing what Whiskers had done for her, Saazzi could resist going over to hug her familiar, but just as quickly remembered to give him a treat. Lowering his head in gratitude to her, Whiskers returned to the Shadowed Cleft to spread the treat amongst his followers. Saazzi quickly jumped into the back of her wagon and began to bring out crates full of "junk" she had bought from various places while out journeying with Bobby... Following her example, the villagers all brought forth the items they had taken off the creatures they had faced while reaching the Garbage Eater's home... Once all of the villagers had presented their collected garbage, the Garbage Eater opened up a shadowy portal underneath the pile and crooned happily as it's belly was filled up. Then it waited until Saazzi finished up unpacking her wagon and then swallowed up her garbage as well. After finishing up tallying the amount of garbage they had brought to it and what each piece was worth, the Garbage Eater reached into it's mouth with two tendrils to pull out two large bags that jingled with coins. Giving the larger one to Saazzi, since most of her garbage had been of higher quality items, the other bag went to Frulk; on account of him being the unofficial "leader" of the Adventurers from Ukima... Then, the Garbage Eater revealed herself to everyone in front of her and cheerfully asked, "So... who wants an upgrade? I'll give each of you one free upgrade, up to Legendary quality, cause of all the trouble you were given getting here." The majority of the upgrades given out were for weapons and Bobby was more than happy to oblige; especially when she saw that most lower rank Adventurers were still using Green or worse weapons... When the Garbage Eater voiced her confusion over why most Adventurers still had such low quality weapons, Frulk was the one to answer her, "You can thank the Merchant King for that... he's made the taxes on getting such upgrades so high that most successful Adventurers would rather risk getting into trouble in other lands just to avoid the cost. By the way, this has been a problem for many years before you arrived here... The Merchant King been a greedy bastard since the moment he first took the throne and thanks to his number of supporters... no one has been able to remove him from power." Making an adorable sounding grumbling noise, the Garbage Eater had an unhappy pouty expression on her face, as she muttered in a grumpy manner, "Sounds like you need to find not only a new King, but an entirely new governing body for your country...." That caused a lot of the Hob-goblins to chuckle in amusement, but there was a sense of hopelessness in their eyes... Once the Garbage Eater was finished with handing out upgrades to the Adventurers, she surprised everyone by then turning her attention towards the villagers... When they seemed uncertain why she was looking at them, the Garbage Eater happily stated, "Well, you helped too, get over here and I'll see what I can do for ya!" Excited to learn that they too would be granted the blessing of the Garbage Eater, the villagers were at a lose of what to ask for... That was when Xelk took the reins and began explaining how various knickknacks the villagers always kept on their persons could be used as trinkets to hold various effects that would passively aid them. When they learned that, all of the villagers began to pull out random items they had brought along with them for various reasons and were delighted when the Garbage Eater began to bless each of the items. While some items may have been given what appeared to be useless enchantments, Xelk was always quick to explain how even the worst enchantments for combat could be used to help with everyday life for the villagers. Nodding her gratitude to Xelk, the Garbage Eater was suddenly distracted by something and got an annoyed expression on her face... Sprouting legs once more, the Garbage Eater began to walk out towards the front of the tunnel leading to her den and had the mortals follow behind her... Out in the first chamber of the cavern system, two large forces had gathered; with one belonging to the Merchant King and the other being lead by Kruq. Both forces were locked in a standoff, while Kruq tried his best to tell off the Merchant King, but the Guild Representative of the Hob-goblins knew that the Merchant King was in dire straits. That meant that the Merchant King was there for money and would not be leaving until he had some form of coin in his hands. Right before the two sides could come to blows, however, an eery thumping sound started emanating from behind where Kruq's forces were standing on the inner side of the chamber... Much to the Merchant King's alarm, the Garbage Eater finally revealed itself and after letting out a shrill cry of terror, he ordered his forces to protect him... Splitting away from the Garbage Eater, Bobby took on the form of an ethereal phantom and drifted over into the light without being hurt. Even more unsettling, however, was the way that the ghostly phantom could cast a shadow and then as the phantom moved across the sunbeam in the center of chamber, the shadow it cast grew ever larger. Stranger still was the way that light was still able to shine down into the entry chamber of the cave, but the shadow cast by the phantom continued to grow darker until it stood in the center of the sunbeam; where the shadow of the phantom was nearly indistinguishable from the shadows outside the sunbeam. Suddenly, the Merchant King felt the gaze of the frightful ghost lock onto him and then heard a spine-chilling voice hiss out at him in anger, "Gilbert Eriesb, Merchant King of the Hob-Goblin Nation, to what do I owe this displeasure of your company too? I can only pray that you have not come all this way out here to collect on some phony fine you have imposed upon my Oracle and only her..." When the Merchant King went rigid over hearing the oh-so-familiar voice, Bobby decided to manifest physically as the Shadow of Vengeance and allowed for his true emotions to displayed through the unstable appearance of his solid form... All of the retired Adventurers hired by the Merchant King after all of his other paid bodyguards had perished mysteriously quickly recognized the monster that the Merchant King had ranted and raved about for the first few days of their employment... Calming down until he could assume a more normal looking humanoid form, Bobby appeared as a being made completely out of darkness and glowed with a myriad of darker hues of color. Slowly drawing in all of the shadows around him and connecting all of those shadows to his own feet, Bobby effectively declared that his shadow was being cast over all within his domain. Then to truly drive home the point of just who they were gathered before, Bobby allowed his children to come out from within the shadows to greet the guests within his home. Without even thinking about what he was going to be sitting upon, Bobby summoned up a throne to take a seat upon and was quite pleased when he found a throne made completely out of solid Ebony rising up to catch him as he sat down... The back of the seat rose up into the shadows overhead and disappeared back out of sight, clearly demonstrating the "resources" he had on hand to create such a wondrous seat for him to use... Slowly, the Adventurers from Ukima and Kruq's forces disappeared from sight, as an entire throne room; constructed entirely out of Ebony materialized from the shadowy mist taking form all around Bobby. Creatures of all kinds then began to rise out from the darkness surrounding Bobby, bearing all manner of furnishings and decorations that radiated the kind of power that only top tier Legendary Items could possess. As the entirety of the entry chamber of Loct's Claim was layered over by Bobby's exquisite otherworldly palace, the mortals all quickly took notice of the sudden absence of the Sun's radiant light pouring down into the chamber. When the mortals looked up towards the opening in the ceiling, however, they could no longer see the bright afternoon sky overhead, as all had been swallowed up in darkness... Smiling as he followed the gazes of the astounded mortals in front of him, Bobby looked quite pleased with the view of the Shadowed Cleft's infinite dark sky and called out curiously, "What is it that you mortals find so fascinating out there, I wonder? Are you, perhaps, looking for some glimmer of light out there in the dark, some tiny spec of hope that you are going to escape with your lives?" Chuckling darkly as everyone turned their gazes towards him, Bobby merely held out a one hand and a pleasantly dressed female Vampire Maid quickly placed a wine glass within his fingers in a reverent manner... Another fetching Vampire Maid then materialized magically and swiftly poured a dark red drink into the glass her Master held gingerly, then disappeared obediently as Bobby stated with a dangerous gleam in his eyes, "Worry not, mortals. Here, within my presence, you are safe. As God of Darkness I find you mortals to be quite amusing, as you always seem to have something shiny upon your person and rarely seem to notice that object go missing until you so desperately need it." As Bobby took a mouthful of wine from his glass, however, the Merchant King and his forces all began to freak out as they found out that they all had several "things" missing from their belongings... Snapping his fingers loudly, Bobby drew all attention towards him and then he directed the mortals to look lower by making a pointing gesture with the same hand, while saying mischievously, "Oh don't worry, I fully intend to return your missing items back to you once we are done speaking, after all... everything you possess is mere garbage to the likes of me!" The tone in which Bobby spoke about how he viewed their possessions caused several among the forces hired by the Merchant King to become chilled to the bone... Those who were unphased by his spiteful tone, however, made the mistake of pompously striding forward towards the pile of loot to reclaim their belongings. Before they could even realize their mistake, all who stepped forward were suddenly and very violently pulled down into their own shadows; their fates quite apparent by the screams that echoed out from within their shadows until the openings were closed completely. That immediately caused a panic among the retired-Adventurers hired by the Merchant King and the most cowardly of them immediately sought to flee from their fates by "escaping" the domain of the Dark God. None of those who fled from the "safety" of the group around the Merchant King even stepped "outside" the cave before they were instantly silenced and dragged down into their shadows by numerous dark creatures... Once silence had returned to the cavern, Bobby let out a frustrated sigh from one corner of his mouth; which could have been him screaming with how quiet the cavern was at that moment, before grumbling in an unhappy manner, "Don't you idiots even know how to listen? I said only that I would return your lost items after we finished speaking with one another and yet somehow those of you with too much muscle, instead of brains, took that to mean you were safe to take back those items right away? The audacity! Then, after seeing how I deal with those who so eagerly tempt my wrath, those of you without a stomach for this kind of situation decided that you would be safer off outside my throne room? FOOLS! Right now, the only thing keeping any of you alive is the fact that I have deemed you worthy of hearing my advice... if you were to leave this cave right now, then you would be walking right into the hunting grounds that numerous dark creatures have setup outside my designated home. Just so we are clear, though, you are not just inside my territory, I have transported all of you into my domain. You now stand within the Shadowed Cleft and do not think for one second that you will be safe once you leave my sight! Lastly, you are here to listen, not to make noise or scream... if you cannot accomplish such a simple task, then my servants will take it upon themselves to provide me with the silence I require to speak with you. Do we have an understanding?" Most of the hired mercenaries just stared over at the shadowy figure in horror, while those who actually "understood" what Bobby was demanding of them just wordlessly nodded their heads... The Merchant King, on the other hand, dared to open his mouth to start making demands of the God of Darkness, but was promptly silenced by the chilly hand of the Angel of Death; not that her scythe pressed against his throat had no effect on his willingness to make noise either... Nodding his gratitude to the Angel of Death, Bobby then set down his glass upon one of the arms of his throne and leaned forward into a contemplative stance; with his hands clasped together in front of his mouth, before saying in a more calm tone, "I can only hope that now you understand the situation you are in. Whether you all live or die depends entirely upon my mood at the end of this discussion. If I am not satisfied that my message has gotten across to all of you, then I will gladly banish you to depths of my realm; where you shall die a very slow, very painful death at the hands of my children." Just as Bobby was leaning back to rest his arms down upon the armrests of his throne, a Drider dressed up in a maid's gown appeared momentarily to remove his wine glass and then reappeared off to one side; with the glass on a silver platter, as she awaited her Master's command... Looking very much like a King sitting upon a throne, right before pronouncing judgment upon some unlucky soul, the God of Darkness took measure of the mortals before him carefully, before declaring forcefully, "I was having a wonderful time returning home just now, but because of your invasion here... the celebration has become soured. So as punishment, so long as any of you serve the Merchant King, you will never be allowed to enter Loct's Claim again, once I set you free from my throne room. As for you, Gilbert Eriesb, you shall never be allowed to profit from anything gained within this cave and if you are ever found to be in the possession of anything earned within this cavern, my servants shall come into your home to retrieve my property. They shall also be taking with them something of equal value from you from your vaults and if you try to defend yourself with some sort of spiritual protection... need I remind you that you stand opposed to a God? Learn your place mortal, before I grow tired of your antics and~ put you there!" As Bobby growled the last part of his message to the Merchant King, a cold chill passed through everyone still alive on the Merchant King's side and through the King himself... Suddenly, however, Bobby's gaze shifted off to one side, where a small hunkered down form was moving over in front of him in a respectful manner... Keeping up his act, Bobby narrowed his gaze down upon Saazzi and spoke with a restrained tone as he asked, "And for what reason have you come cowering out from behind me, Shadowblade?" Closing her eyes worriedly, for a moment, Saazzi eventually chanced a glance up at the God of Darkness and saw that he was actually expecting her to answer him; causing her to tense up nervously, before quickly bowing to him, as she nervously stammered, "Please, f-forgive my rudeness... I had no intention of i-interrupting you... I just wished to express something to the Merchant King while he was still standing before you, as this piece of business pertains to you as well... God of Darkness." Having shifted to leaning the side of his face up against the knuckles of his right fist, Bobby nodded to Saazzi and said in an uninterested tone, "Very well, proceed." Relieved when she stopped feeling like she was a moment away from dying, Saazzi turned towards the Merchant King and regained a lot of her spunk as she pointed declared to him, "Merchant King... say, have you perhaps given any more thought towards making me the Trade Prince of these caverns? While I do not mean to be so presumptuous as to lay claim to the home of the God of Darkness, I do hold a very close relationship with a certain servant of his; one which also makes it's home here in Loct's Claim. If you were give me full rights to everything within this cave, without having to pay any taxes of them, then you could rightfully tax any trade agreements or deals I make with anyone outside my territory. This would mean, however, that you would have to be the one to deliver these goods, otherwise you would never know if you are actually getting your fair cut of the profits. I also plan on trading a lot of the goods acquired here in this cave with Ukima, so there again you have another venue through which you can gain taxes from my trades. I also plan on creating a thriving business for Adventurers here, which means more travelers coming and going from the Capitol city, thus more business for the shops in town. What do you think, good enough of deal for you?" Having been carefully considering what Saazzi was offering him the entire time, the Merchant King had to admit that such a lucrative agreement with Saazzi would most definitely allow him to recoup plenty of the profits lost in his battles against the Garbage Eater and would allow him to earn money from the cavern "without" drawing the ire of the powerful being now towering above him on an "insanely" expensive throne... Even though he knew he would get an earful from the other Trade Princes under him, the Merchant King knew he could smooth things over come next spring when he was renewed to the throne and could alter his agreements with the others. Nodding his agreement to what Saazzi was offering him, the Merchant King was a little shocked when a Dark Spirit suddenly appeared next to him and was offering him a legal document to sign; one that would solidify his deal with Saazzi. Figuring that the God of Darkness was merely trying to hurry things along, the Merchant King quickly took care of things on his end, then the Dark Spirit drifted over to Saazzi. Once the bargain had been struck, the Merchant King and his forces suddenly found themselves standing within his throne room; with all their belongings returned to them... Back within the cavern, the moment that the bargain had been signed and the Merchant King was banished from his realm, Bobby suddenly let out a pent of breath of air that he had been holding in the entire time he had been "acting" as the almighty terrifying God of Darkness... Standing up to stretch himself out, Bobby's servants all flocked around him to offer him things they thought he might enjoy after his long journey out into mortal lands. Smiling pleasantly over at all the pretty maids he now had to take care of his every need, Bobby kindly dismissed them all and went over to Saazzi. She too was relieved that everything had turned out for the best and after sighing out all of her worries, Saazzi began to smile as she held her copy of the bargain she struck with the Merchant King loosely in her hands. As she took notice of Bobby coming over to her, Saazzi tensed up when she noticed how casually Bobby was acting now and worriedly whispered up at him, "Might not want to drop the act so early... you still have other guests..." Blinking down at Saazzi in confusion, an amused smile stretched out across his face and then Bobby pretended to respond to her in an absentminded manner, in a loud voice that carried all the over to his other guests, "Whatever are you talking about, Saazzi? What do I have to fear among friends?" Turning over to flash the other Adventurers a big ole goofy smile, Bobby began to chuckle when he saw how the others were all laughing over his about-face from the way he had acted in the presence of the Merchant King... With a smile that stretched across his entire face, Bobby walked over to where the others were with Saazzi, returning them all to the mortal plane as he exited the opening in the center of the chamber... Listening in silence, as all of the Adventurers commented about his performance as the God of Darkness and how scared shitless they had been a couple of times, suddenly everyone went silent as Kruq asked a very important question, "So... Garbage Eater... can I take that your home is now open for business?" Flashing Kruq a wide smirk, Bobby darted back over into the Garbage Eater and after popping up out of her chest, the Garbage Eater happily decreed, "Of Course! I eagerly await the next set of visitors who come to try their luck against the shadows lurking along the way to my home! Don't worry about getting lost in there, the residents of Ukima have already experienced what it means to get to me! Until Sa- I mean, Trade Prince Saazzi get her town up and running here inside this chamber, you can just have those interested in visiting me head to Ukima to get prepared! Ah! I just remembered, from now on, when people want to come try their luck at getting to me, they'll have to form groups of five and I won't dictate how their groups are setup. Also, if there is already a group inside the Shadow Labyrinth, then you'll just need to wait your turn. Not to worry though, I'm certain Saazzi will figure out something for people to entertain themselves with while waiting for their turn!" With that, the discussion shifted towards Saazzi and Bobby took that opportunity to return the Garbage Eater home... Saazzi, Frulk and Kruq then discussed long into the night about what they would put on the fliers to be posted around the world to announce the presence of the Shadow Labyrinth, as well as how they would present what the Garbage Eater had to offer to the world. While they worked out the details, the people from Ukima began to form work groups and went around the area just outside the entrance to the cave to start harvesting materials to make the groundwork for a town just inside Loct's Claim. As they worked hard to bring in the necessary materials, however, the villagers suddenly began to find stacks of cut down trees and other materials that could be used for hastily assembling a town within easy reach. While most just passed them off as the excitedly tales of the workers overexerting themselves, no one was about to try to disprove that there were "shadowy" figures aiding the villagers in their work and just gave their thanks to the Dark God no doubt aiding them with their endeavors... After indeed giving the villagers some much needed assistance and having Maynard allow the villagers to make use of some extra wagons that could not be used by his own tribe of Goblins, Bobby retired from the living world... Returning to his throne room, Bobby began to expand upon the monument to his wealth, power and stature with glee, as he could only imagine the fun he would be having in the future when he allowed some foolish spell-caster to enter into his domain. Dark creatures from all over began to assemble to aid in the construction of Bobby's home, sometimes even allowing themselves to be added to the decor and counting themselves lucky to be granted such a prestigious position within his lavish home. Creating a tower right above his throne room, Bobby made the peak so high up that he could easily reach up to the pinnacle of his domain when he stood on top of the roof of the structure. Even though he could actually just become a disembodied spirit and fly up to the top of his domain, Bobby wanted to be able to make a statement to any mortal that dared to enter his domain; one which quite clearly displayed just how "far" he was capable of reaching... Some time during the construction of his home, snow had begun to fall upon the world and the world was plunged into the dull-gray perpetual darkness of Winter... Noticing a strange stirring within his domain, Bobby turned his gaze all around his domain and summoned up his close allies to ask, "Is there something wrong that you are not telling me about?" Becoming panicked over their Master thinking that they would try to hide anything from him, Bobby eventually had to ask for them to be quiet and then asked more specifically, "What is going on, right now? Something is causing a... stir among the shadows here." In the silence that followed, Bobby and all of the spiritual beings he had raised up looked up around the near infinite skies of the Shadowed Cleft; as thousands of wild Dark Spirits rose up with excitement all around... When not even his gaze could cause the excited spirits to scurry off out of sight, that was the moment Bobby began to realize that the strange "stirring" was actually inside his own soul as well... Upon realizing that they had drawn the attention of their God with all of their excitement, the entirety of the Shadowed Cleft turned their attention towards him, as the strongest among those spirits went over to hear their Master's words. In an instant, Bobby suddenly found himself to be the center of attention and for a moment, he began to panic. Thinking back to all the times he had inexplicably become the center of attention at family gatherings and of how unnerving such times were, Bobby was forced to remind himself that he was no longer among his family. Looking out upon those who he had called his "children" on several occasions, once he had calmed himself down, now he only saw a horde of excited young children eagerly awaiting his permission to go out and play... As he took notice of the change in how he perceived the other spirits, Bobby realized that the reason why they were so excited was because the "light"; which normally kept them in check, was now gone and all of "darkness" was now free to roam the living plane once more... Smiling as he looked out among those in the shadows, the Dark Devouring One took a seat and had the entire gathering shift to where they were inside his throne room, with Bobby up on his throne, as he announced calmly, "I have a few things I wish to discuss before I set you all loose upon the world of mortals... and don't worry, I merely wish to establish a chain of command underneath me. I may be a God, but it is taxing having to be everywhere all at once and I will grow tired of having to answer every cry for help as you go out to play. Therefore, I wish to establish leaders of your species, through which you can gain ever more powerful aid when threatened by a force more powerful than you are." All of the Dark creatures happily cheered over the idea of having someone to call out for help when they need it and for not having the possibility of calling upon their Master when he was "grumpy"... Putting his fingers together, Bobby grew more serious as he continued on to say, "To that end, I would like to appoint those who have already been serving me diligently to the positions of Gods of their species. Which means that Goblin King Maynard shall preside over the Goblins as what the mortals will understand to be a Demigod class creature. If any of you other Kings among Goblins have any issues over this proclamation, step forward and prove to me that Maynard is unworthy of living within my home!" Several Goblin Kings then stepped forward out of the shadows surrounding Bobby, but when Maynard stepped out before them, they quickly dropped down onto one knee and recognized Maynard as their "ruler"... That effectively turned those Goblin Kings into Goblin Lords and caused Maynard's power, as a spiritual beings, to become so massive that his physical body quite simply erupted away from his soul. When Bobby saw that, he burst out laughing and then had to explain how he merely found the way Maynard's body could not keep up with such a jump in power to be amusing. Then Bobby used his own powers to reconstruct Maynard's original body; including the arm removed by Fnarf, effectively cementing Maynard's position as the Demigod of the Goblins. Slowly working through the list of creatures that he had raised into power and made into his friends or merely used as bodies; which made them into his servants, Bobby eventually ran across several that could not quite so easily be fit into any one such category... One of those beings was the Emissary of Darkness, but when Bobby began to frown upon looking in her direction, she merely stepped forward, bowed to her dark Master and said pleasantly, "If it is not above my stature to say so, Master, then I would ask not to placed in charge of a specific species... I am your voice to the mortals and my only duty is to carry your words to them when you have need. I also believe that the Keeper of the Buried Den should be viewed as the same, as she is your Emissary to that region." Nodding in agreement with what the Emissary of Darkness had said, Bobby then turned his attention towards Lady Luck and that caused the phantasmal Vampire to become solid enough to be able to kneel upon the ground to him, as Bobby said curiously, "I do not feel right shackling you to the Vampire race... as I have with the Lord of Night... but for now, I am done with adventuring and so I don't think I will necessarily need your assistance... for a while anyways. Why don't you go out and become the patron spirit of those who gamble with chance each day of their lives? I'm certain you have grown tired of feeding on me every day..." Trailing off when Lady Luck began to shake her head vigorously, Bobby then watched as she summoned up her handmaidens and then listened as she spoke in a very soft tone, "There is no need, Master, my servants can attend to the others seeking to benefit from your blessing! I wish only to be available to you and those you count among your friends... ah, excluding the one who has respectfully declined my powers. I have more than enough servants right now and if I need more... well I am certain I won't have to ask for too long to find more willing souls within the shadows now..." A course of hissing cheers rang out among the shadows, quite clearly demonstrating just how many Elven souls had become lost within the shadows and had not become Driders as a result... Granting Lady Luck the position she wished for, Bobby was actually kinda grateful towards her for sticking around after everything he had put her through. The Lord of Night, however, reluctantly chose instead to go be the leader of his species and Bobby wished him lots of luck with dealing with the Empress of the Dark Elves. Hearing that caused the Lord of Vampires to chuckle with amusement, right up until the point he felt one of Lady Luck's Handmaidens silently ghost up behind him. Much to his delight, however, this Handmaiden took on the form of a small child and could manifest physically and so he took the little Vampire to be the "child" of the union between the two powerful Vampiric Leaders... When there started to be a commotion over "who" would get to watch over the God of Darkness "next", every creatures in the realm of darkness suddenly went silent as an amused chuckle began to reverberate out across the entirety of the dimension... Once he had the attention of his children, Bobby looked out at them all and said with an omnipresence that caused everything under his command to shudder uneasily, "Do you really believe that I need anyone's protection?" All of the creatures of darkness, even those Bobby had created, began to sweat profusely as they could feel the "gaze" of the God from every possible direction around them... Standing up, Bobby dispersed his spiritual body until he was at one with the Shadowed Cleft and then said in a voice that seemed to come from everywhere, but at the same time no where at all, "The only time I shall be in need of guards is when I take physical form out in the living world, but I will be limiting who shall be allowed to shadow me based on what form I have taken upon myself. Likewise, if I am in a form that prevents you from being able to watch over me, but I specifically call you out by name, then I would hope that you answer my summons. Some physical forms I can take will be similar to the Garbage Eater, meaning that the entirety of the population within Loct's Claim has the right to act as my bodyguards when I choose to inhabit the Garbage Eater. However, if I were to inhabit the Shadow Weaver, then only Driders could come to my defense... understand?" Condensing himself back into the form of a Shadow Soul, Bobby sat back down upon his throne and allowed for his children to discuss his message themselves... Suddenly hearing a commotion break out among several Goblins and Orcs, about where each species could claim their territory, Bobby only half listened to the argument as his mind began churning with devious ideas. As his thoughts began to intermingle with those in the minds of the wild dark spirits of his realm, all Dark Creatures suddenly began to feel a very eery sensation come over them; as the sinister smile of their Master was spread across the entire dimension. Quickly understanding that none of them even had the right to argue over who would get to defend their Master out in the living world, all arguments quickly came to a stop and in the silence only the evil laughter of the God of Darkness could be heard. Getting up suddenly, Bobby used his control over the realm to warp the very shadows making up the floor of the dimension into a recreation of the world of Drazan, as he declared with great focus, "I think that now is as good a time as any to carve up this world and split up the lands between you all. Please understand, all shadows belong to me and therefore they also belong to you, my children. However, I think that it will be for the best if I set some ground rules about where the wild ones appear so that the mortals won't freak out too much. Wouldn't do us any good to frighten them so bad that they no longer scream in terror for us, right?" All of the creatures gathered around him broke out into wide grins and watched eagerly as their Master began to divide up the world as a whole... For Driders, he gave them the entirety of the Dark Elven Kingdom as their rightful home, but then included the rest of the Elven Lands in their domain. When asked what he meant by including the other Elven Kingdoms in their share of the world, Bobby explained that the Dark Elven Kingdom was a place where the Driders would be welcomed and possibly worshiped by the mortals living with. Then, he went on to explain that Driders were of Elven origin and so they were free to make their homes where ever they pleased within the Elven Lands, just that some Kingdoms would be more inclined to hunt them down than the Dark Elves. Quickly understanding that only the "territory" of their Master was considered "safe" and that they could go anywhere within the Elven Lands if they were to go grow strong enough to defend their new homes... Moving onto the Vampires, Bobby gave them the previously unexplored regions of the Dark Elven Kingdom as their domain and gave orders to the Lord of Night to play nice with the Empress. The Lord of Vampires just smiled happily and shrouded himself with darkness, momentarily, to dress himself in clothes fit for a King. Instructing the rest of the Pureblood Vampires he created how to do the same, the Lord of Night and his entourage looked dressed-to- impress. Instead of automatically disappearing to claim their new home, however, the Lord of Night chose to stick around to hear the rest of what Bobby wished to say... Giving the majority of Darkness Creatures the rights to the lands where they were primarily spawned into, Bobby then had a dilemma when he came to the wild creatures within the Shadowed Realm. Instead of limiting those creatures anywhere, however, Bobby simply turned them loose upon the world, allowing them to populate any dark corners of the world that appealed to those creatures. Most would still choose to spawn in locations within the countries they originated from, but more than a few were delighted over the prospect of getting to hunt for new territory. After assigning all of the creatures under his command to specific locations around the world, Bobby smiled deviously once more and then began to explain the other reason why he had wanted to establish set boundaries between creatures, "Now then, while you are free to move between territories, I don't want any of you getting to friendly with one another. We are dark creatures and therefore, we are not supposed to work well with one another; unless~ there is a very powerful creature influencing us. As it stands, I am the only one who has the power to bring together all creatures of darkness and make them work towards a single purpose, but I want to see if any of the rest of you can become Dark Lords of enough influence that you can lead your own armies of multiple dark creatures. If you can become a Dark Lord, then you will gain the right to stand by my side whenever I go out to accomplish something as Bobby Fortune. I do not care if you are killed by Adventurers seeking to eliminate a powerful creature of darkness, once you become a Dark Lord, I shall never allow you to be forgotten!" Using the nearly infinite back of his throne, Bobby inscribed the names of his created minions and those which belonged to his close allies among Dark Creatures... Looking out at the enamored faces gazing up at his throne, Bobby then said with an understanding expression on his face, "Should any who become known as Dark Lords wish to rest, I will gladly allow you to do so, but your names shall remain here forever more and your likeness will be recreated with the help of the mindless spirits of this realm whenever I call upon your aid after you have decided to rest eternally. I do not wish for you to ever feel indebted to me, but I do hope you will remain my ally and friend for many years to come. Now then, before we move on to other business, are there any among you who would like to join the ranks of the Lords of Darkness?" All creatures knew what Bobby was asking, but only a few had any right to make a claim for such an honor... One creature, however, already knew she was being called out to by Bobby and came forward in a much smaller form than what she had been in when Bobby had called upon the spider for aid. The Giant Spider skittered forward quietly and eagerly awaited to be named by her Master, but then noticed Bobby looking down at her in confusion. Quickly realizing that she had never fully emerged from the shadows to appear before her Master, the Giant Spider steady returned to her normal size and quickly towered above all other dark creatures. Smiling, as he now recognized the spider before him, Bobby looked up fondly at her face and said in a grateful tone, "Thank you for lending me your aid against that Fire Elemental... I know that I could have very easily dealt that scumbag myself, but I was still trying to pretend to be mortal to keep things from becoming.... awkward for those traveling with me. I do apologize if you were hurt while defending me from those flames." Making a chattering noise in response, the Giant Spider telepathically stated in an urgent manner, "Oh no, that was no trouble at all! I knew that you were in dire need of something to throw in the Fire Elemental's way and with my size... he couldn't have burned me away, even with his full power! I only needed to retreat into the shadows for a few seconds to recuperate and then I would have been ready to smash that hothead into pieces for you!" Still smiling warmly at the creature that answered when he had asked for help, Bobby suddenly remembered a promise he had made to the creature and said, "Now, before I name you, I do remember promising you a favor of my choice... What would you say to being empowered to the status befitting of the one who will be the Spider Queen?" Trembling excitedly in response, the Giant Spider did not even need to verbally answer Bobby and just eagerly awaited her reward... Bobby then infused the Giant Spider with the necessary power to begin the evolutionary process and when the change was completed, a Dark Arachnid now stood proudly before Bobby. Giving the creature the title of Dark Spider Queen, then added the name Charlotte; after a favorite children's story of his, causing the simple Dark Creature to undergo a spiritual transformation. Before, the Dark Arachnid was mere an enormous spider with dark colors and a terrifying visage, but after the transformation, the Dark Spider Queen had dark energy coating the tips of her feet and her webbing had been transformed into energy like substance as well; one which she had free control over. Upon seeing the "birth" of an entirely new God themselves, several species of dark creatures all began to grow restless as they eagerly awaited the rise of their own rulers... Giving several other wild animals, who had the "respect" of the rest of their kind, the position of King or Queen of their species, Bobby eventually turned his gaze towards the Undead... Even though the Corpse Stealer was already their demigod, Bobby wished to reward Taygaerth for her currently aiding him in gaining a following within the Human Kingdom. Strangely, as he was opening his mouth to give her the position of Demigod of the Lichs, Bobby suddenly began feel a huge amount of resentment towards her from the Dark Dragon spirits lurking within his domain. Immediately turning towards the disgruntled spirits, Bobby must have had more annoyed look than he thought; as all of the spirits immediately jumped with fright, even before he demanded to know their opinion about his current actions. Strangely, a much more "powerful" Dark Dragon Spirit came forward and all the rest of the spirits quickly bowed in respect to the mighty spirit... Then, in an even stranger turn of events, the Dragon Spirit became a solid shadow being; effectively declaring itself as a Shadow Soul, but had the size and shape of a full grown dragon... As Bobby looked upon the quite ancient being, he began to get the sense that he was looking at one of the original Black Dragons and smiled respectfully in order to give the Dragon permission to speak, "Do not be upset with them, my Lord, they just do not believe that this... undead abomination has any right to lead our species... Not that I find any fault in their way of thinking, mind you, but you are the indisputable God of Darkness now and so I will..." Trailing off while in the process of giving it's support to Bobby's decision to have Taygaerth stand as the Demigod of Dark Dragons, the obvious "male" sounding Dark Dragon Spirit fidgeted out of embarrassment while Bobby burst out into an amused chuckle... Once he had his laugh, however, Bobby turned a stern gaze towards the spirits of the rest of the Dragons and growled in annoyance, "Now what gives you all the right to put words in MY mouth..." In response to Bobby's ire, the other Dark Spirits all began hissing with great hostility towards the ones who would dare presume to know what was going on in the mind of their great Master, but just as quickly grew silent when Bobby began to smile in amusement... Turning back towards Taygaerth and gesturing for her to approach him, Bobby just smiled kindly over at her, while saying in a pleasant manner, "All I was intending to do is offer Taygaerth the Undying Wyrm the position of standing at the top of all Undead Lichs, hmph, at least the ones who have come to reside within the Shadowed Cleft. Mortals who chose to give their mortality in exchange for obtaining eternal life are to be viewed the same as the Necrolytes and Necromancers studying underneath them. Only once they have tasted death and entered into the Shadowed Cleft to restore their spirits can Lichs be considered creatures of darkness. Taygaerth shall be the eternal Keeper of Souls for those who practice the art of Necromancy. That means, of course, that Taygaerth will have to become accustomed to carrying around the Phylacteries of those are successful in becoming Lichs. This also means, Taygaerth, that you will be held responsible for teaching the proper Necromantic Arts to the mortals within the Kingdom of Eplor. What mortals do with your teachings... well that is up to them to decide." Still feeling a deep seated "hatred" among the souls of the Dark Dragons cowering behind their ancient leader, Bobby turned towards the Dragons with an understanding smile... When they responded by becoming confused, Bobby smile deepened in one of madness, but his eyes still shown with the keen intelligence he had developed over his progression into a God, as he mischievously reminded his followers, "I never said that you had to like one another. If you Dark Dragons do not like Undead Dragons, then let there be war between your species. As I have told the others, I have no plans to force you all to work together in my name. In fact, I think it would be for the best if you did fight amongst yourselves, as that will cause those who are weak to constantly be reborn, creating a never ending stream of rage for another version of myself to feed upon." The Rage Eater smiled viciously at the thought of having more mindless fury to absorb from the spirits of darkness, but remained silent... Keeping his focus on the Dark Dragon Spirits, Bobby added, "Plus, I think it would be very funny if a bunch of adventurers tried to get warring creatures of darkness to fight between themselves to weaken both creatures, only to find out the moment they attack that both creatures of darkness can work together against a common foe. Think about that if you will..." Every creature of darkness could only "smile" as they thought about the pure terror they would be able to evoke from desperate Adventurers trying to take advantage of their animosity towards one another... Quickly adding as an afterthought, Bobby hastily added, "That being said, if two different species of darkness creatures wind up being involved in defeating the same group of Adventurers, you can either fight it out or deal with one another over who gets what. Please do keep in mind that different species require different things. However..." Turning back towards the Dark Dragons, Bobby gave them a stern look, before pointedly demanding, "I do wish to understand this schism between the Dragon species that fall under my jurisdiction..." Most of the spirits turned away from their Master, out of shame, but their Leader happily explained, "It is not so much that we hate Undead Dragons, so to speak, we just despise those who have become the pets of mortals! Dark Dragons are naturally filled with hatred towards mortal races, mostly due to the fact that we were birthed to destroy humanity when the Great Goddess unleashed us all upon the mortals that brought war into her peaceful sanctuary. Due to that immense hatred we possessed from birth, we would naturally turn into Undead Dragons upon dying, thus allowing us to continue spreading plague and death as we were born to do. Once mortals began to harness the powers of Necromancy, however, all Dragons found themselves being hunted down by powerful Necromancers; who only wished to test their skills at raising their own Undead Dragons to command. Most would up with a very hateful creature rising up to take possession of their corpse and that typically ended up with a new Dark Dragon Spirit finding it's way here, but..." Turning to glower over at Taygaerth in silence, the Dark Dragon Soul added with no small amount of contempt in his tone, "Then there are those who bow to the whims of their mortal Masters, to be raised again and again by their Masters until the mortal's life is extinguished..." Smirking in response to what the Dark Dragon Soul was saying, Bobby felt the need to correct something about how they viewed Taygaerth, "That no longer applies to her, as her Master has long since perished and she has become free. I don't know the whole story, but she was actually trapped within a partial skeletal body that only allowed her to possess a physical presence in the living world, unless she pushed herself. She was trying to repair her damaged body by teaching mortals the art of Necromancy and how to become full-fledged Lichs, but her previous underlings had decided to betray her trust." Quickly searching the "shadows" for answers and finding that what their Master said was the truth, all of the Dark Dragon Spirits quickly sought Taygaerth for forgiveness... Finding the way that the Dragon Spirits were able to seek answers from the shadows of the world to be quite fascinating, Bobby suddenly smiled mischievously as he asked the leader of those spirits, "Say~ nifty trick there, searching the shadows for answers... Hm... how would you Dark Dragons feel about becoming the keepers of all dark secrets and knowledge about the world?" Frowning at the question, but not responding to his Master's question, the Dark Dragon Soul then listened carefully as the God of Darkness elaborated, "What I mean is, most Dragons are considered to be very wise and knowledgeable, if not just hoarders of treasure. Right now, I have Taygaerth set up as the Keeper of Souls and of all necromantic knowledge, but I do not have anyone like that for the powers of Dark Magic. Here is what I am proposing, I am going to create a flight of Dark Dragons, since from what I heard... actual Dark Dragons out in the world are extremely rare... if not completely extinct... probably because of demons... ugh. If you are willing to humor me, then what I would like for you to do is to set yourselves up as knowledge seekers, with your leader here acting as the Keeper of Secrets. Young Dark Dragons will most likely become hateful monsters that only seek to destroy as much mortal life as they can, before inevitably being slain by Adventurers. Those who manage to survive, however, will eventually burn out of hatred and shall become yet more secret collectors for me! If mortals wish to learn of said knowledge, then they must be able to present you with something of equal value, or in other words... knowledge for knowledge." Thinking over what the God of Darkness was proposing, the Dark Dragon Soul eventually nodded his agreement and was about to voice his approval of what would become of the new Dark Dragons, but his words were suddenly cut off. That was because, the moment they agreed to Bobby's proposal, all of the Dark Dragon Spirits suddenly began to be reborn as living flesh and blood creatures of darkness. Their Leader was especially exhilarated by the process and took off with a joyous roar to fly upon physical wings once more, as the weight of his living body attempted to pull him back down to the ground. After the rest of the Dark Dragons followed their leader's example and got to enjoy having to work at flying once more, the newly christened Keeper of Secrets landed down before Bobby. Then, just as Bobby was hoping, the Keeper of Secrets began to glow magically and transformed into a small mortal-like form; only instead of becoming a human like Taygaerth, he turned into a Kerten with black scales. Marveling over his new ability, since he had never been able to master such an ability while alive, the Keeper of Secrets smiled as he closed one his scaly mortal hands. Scanning the rest of the creatures to see if he had missed anyone, Bobby suddenly found his eyes falling upon the Dark Fairies inhabiting his domain and watched as they all quickly shrank back away from him in terror... Breaking out into an amused smile, Bobby looked down at the tiny little winged creatures and said happily, "If you still wish to become Demons, then I won't stop you from pursuing your beliefs, but just know that life as a Demon will not be very easy at all." Suddenly, all of the Fairies dropped to the ground and began bowing to Bobby, which allowed Bobby to get a glimpse inside their minds... Gasping when he learned that the vast majority of the Fairies now within the Shadowed Cleft were former Demons that had cast off the shackles of their demonic Masters to return to being among the shadows when he had confronted the Demons back at the capitol of Dark Elves, Bobby immediately reached out, spiritually, to embrace the returned children of his, as he tearfully said, "I wasn't trying to push any of you out... I just did not want to stop you from following your own beliefs!" All of the Dark Fairies just giggled gleefully as they were embraced by their new Master and were greatly relieved to find themselves welcomed among the shadows. When no leader among them could be found, Bobby instead used a mindless Dark Spirit to create a spiritual leader for the Dark Fairies and called the creature the Essence Weaver. The Dark Fairies were quick to flock around their new leader and the Essence Weaver quickly had a vortex of mortal essence swirling around her. Suddenly, however, Bobby found all attention shifting to a wounded figure that had all but "collapsed" into the realm of darkness... Turning towards the barely living Dark Creature, as it was stumbling over towards him with desperation in it's eyes, Bobby immediately recognized the Ogre he had spoken too when he had summoned those in his territory to pay him tribute... Before Bobby could even ask what happened, the amped up Ogre dropped down to one knee and bowed to him, before frantically stating telepathically, "Forgiveness, Master! Clan hunting outside domain... ambushed... by slavers... only just escaped.... Not your fault... not your fault...." As the Ogre broken down into tears and began to repeatedly confess the mistakes of his Clan for hunting outside Bobby's domain, Bobby merely had to narrow his eyes for the shadowy spirits of his domain to provide him with the answers he sought about what had happened to the Ogres... Learning that the Ogres had merely gone "hunting" in more plentiful forests outside his territory and had not done "anything" to receive the aggression they had from the group of Giant Slavers, Bobby did his best to keep his temper under control... Once the Ogre kneeling before him felt the fury building up within Bobby, the terrified Dark Creature slammed it's head into the ground in desperation; while begging for it's life, but then Bobby quietly demanded in a voice that allowed for no excuses, "Why did you get attacked by these... mortals? And just WHY do they feel they have the right to enslave my children!?" Despite remaining in a more solid elemental form, Bobby's fury pulsed away from his body as he was still in the process of restraining his emotions... Strangely, the question that Bobby asked was not answered by the Ogre that was kneeling before him and instead was answered by a very odd looking Ogre... Ogres were actually three different species of Dark Creature in one, but their name and form depended on how many eyes and or heads they possessed. Ogres were hulking brutes with a single head, two eyes and bulging bodies covered in a thick hide that could regenerate most of the damage they received. Another thing about Ogres were that they could be of numerous elemental affinities, but only some were able to harness their magical affinities and only in the brutish manner of being able smash objects with that magical power. Next came the Ettins, who were rarely born Ogres with two heads and much lankier bodies, but weilded the same brute strength as their more bestial cousins. In addition to having two heads, Ettins could also specialize in two different kinds of combat, although they rarely are able to learn magic due to brute force being the preferred method of battle among the Ogre race. Ettins can possess either two or one eye on either of their heads, making them quite a mixed bunch when there are multiple Ettins in one location. Finally there were the Cyclops, who are mainly recognized for only having one enormous eye on their heads and the same tremendous strength that all Ogres possess. Unlike their two-eyed cousins, the Cyclops typically wield long clubs carved from trees or metallic boulders in order to make up their inability to determine how far away their targets are. Like with Ettins, Cyclops rarely learn how to use magic, but those that do are likely to be considered outcasts, as all magic-wielding Cyclops learn how to do is blast wide ranging magics at their targets without concern for what their power actually hits. So as the other Ogre, Ettin, and Cyclop spirits all made way for the one who would answer Bobby, he was clearly identifiable as a regular Ogre, but possessed a "third" vacant eye-socket for some strange reason... Smiling when he saw Bobby's reaction to his appearance, the Ancient Ogre spirit was in the process of bowing to the God of Darkness when the Ogre heard the voice of his Master speak in a tone that caused the ancient spirit to shudder, "What happened to your third eye? Did the Demons cause that wound?" Almost immediately, all of the other Ogre spirits became riled up at the mention of their leader's "wound", but the Ancient Ogre just glared back at them; while still bowing to Bobby, to ensure their silence... Raising up his head to find the God of Darkness looking around suspiciously, with the elemental forces of the Shadowed Cleft desperately seeking out the cause of their Master's frustrations, the Ancient Ogre chuckled in amusement to draw the Dark God's attention and then calmly stated, "Pay no attention to them, Master, they all have chosen not to make a big deal out of my disability and frown upon any who mention my current predicament. This wound was not caused by the hands of Demons, though I can understand why you would think that. No, in fact, my third eye was ripped right out of my head by none other than my brother... who had become what is now known to be Giants among the mortal races." Suddenly connecting all of the dots, Bobby's fury boiled over as he realized he had yet another foolish King among mortals to put down... Rising up from his seat, Bobby looked about ready to explode as his body slowly turned reddish in color, but that caused the Ancient Ogre Spirit to bellow with great urgency, "MASTER! PLEASE CALM DOWN!" Flinching merely from the volume that the creature had just shouted at him with, Bobby found himself becoming perplexed by the fact that a creature with so much reason to hate the Giants would not support him taking the fight to the Giants... Waiting until Bobby had sat back down and truly had calmed down, the Ancient Ogre Spirit suddenly smiled joyously, as he said thankfully, "Good! I am glad to see that you can keep control of the rage and hatred flowing into you... I, myself, had not been so fortunate... You see... the Giants were once part of the Ogre species and we were happy just wandering around until we found something to smash. Then, the Great Goddess decided to spare the mortals her wrath and we found ourselves without much purpose... My brother, at the time, decided to start a settlement for our kind and he began to round any Ogres he could wrangle under his command into one place. I, on the other hand, sought out seclusion and solitude in order to contemplate the words of the Great Goddess. In my attempts to understand what she intended for us Ogres to do, now that she no longer wanted the mortal races annihilated, I began to unlock various classes of magic. Out of excitement for having something new to do and learn, I began to pour all of my energy into learning everything I could about magic. In doing so, I happened upon many creatures; some being mortal even, with each new encounter allowing me to try out new spells and gain new knowledge. Eventually, I had accumulated so much knowledge that I was able to open my Third Eye and eventually became known as Three-eyed Hugo by those who had encountered me." As Hugo spoke, however, Bobby was actually "relieving" a lot of what the Ogre had done in "life" and began to notice something worrying about Hugo; the Ogre was not originally darkly aligned... Smiling in a more understanding manner, as if he could read Bobby's mind, Hugo openly admitted to what was going right through Bobby's mind, "You are correct, Master... I was not originally an Ogre from the Shadowed Cleft... in fact, I'd like to believe that I was merely a creature so loyal to the Great Goddess that she bestowed upon me the great knowledge and stature I gained after becoming a mortal." Bobby's eyes immediately shot open wide with shock, but that revelation only caused further questions to erupt into his mind and as his thoughts spiraled into ever darker conclusions, the elemental spirits around him began to swarm around Hugo... Snarling irritably at the swarming spirits and blasting them away with the sheer force of his own willpower, Hugo glared over at the stunned spirits with annoyance written all over his face, before snapping in an irate manner, "BACK OFF! I'm getting there! Hold your horses.... Master, I have no intentions of stopping you from going out and delivering punishment upon those who have angered you, but I would like to understand the rift created between me and my brother, as well as what that rift caused." Staring intently over at Hugo, Bobby just smiled warmly and stated in a tone that was the complete opposite of his outward appearance, "Please do continue then, Hugo, the realm of the darkness waited this long to have revenge upon the Demons that had oppressed it... I'm certain that you can wait long enough to finish your tale... right?" Flinching when he heard that the God of Darkness had already figured out what he intended to ask, Hugo swallowed nervously as Bobby gestured for him to continue on with his story... Taking a moment to gather his thoughts and remember were he had stopped in his story, Hugo then said, "As I mentioned, sometime along my journey to understand the sudden change in the Great Goddess' heart, I changed from being a monster and somehow became what the mortals know today as Giants. This change occurred quite some time after the Great Goddess' wrath had been calmed and came about when something angered her yet again. Unlike when I was born, however, I did not feel an overwhelming sense of hatred fill me when I felt the power of the Great Goddess wash over me, instead I felt my mind expanding tenfold. I was so happy when I felt what was happening to me that I happily cast away all of the hate I had been born with and somehow I ended up becoming one of the mortals I used to chase down. Despite that change, and my lose of connection to my monstrous brethren... I still carried the Goddess' blessing in the form of my magical third eye, which allowed me to enjoy wonderful relationships with both monster and mortals alike. Due to that connection I maintained, I was able to step in and broker peace between several conflicts between either different monsters or between monsters and mortals." Smiling happily when he saw all that Hugo had accomplished in the Giant's mortal existence, Bobby got a dark expression on his face as the Ogre King moved onto the next part of the story, "Unbeknownst to me, my species became recognized by the other mortals races; along with the newly formed species of Hob-Goblins, Orcs, and Kerten, so imagine my surprise when I returned home after wandering for many decades only to find that my species was now in the process of building a capitol city. I was eager to join my people once more and even helped them to weather many attacks from our monstrous cousins, but when time came for us to choose a leader, I began to feel the peace surrounding my home starting to fracture... from within." Upon seeing the look upon Bobby's darkened face, Hugo knew that he did not need to continue any further, but surprisingly the God of Darkness actually urged him to continue on, "Numerous factions sprang up among my people, each following a different influential member of out tribe; with my brother and I counted among them. In the struggle for power among our people, I choose to stand aside and continue doing my job of making certain our people were safe from the roaming groups of monsters in our lands. The others... well, they tried to get me to choose one of their sides to support, but I firmly maintained my neutrality through out the whole power struggle... blind to the consequences my choices would eventually bring upon me. My Brother constantly tried to come up with ways of getting me to agree to support his claim as ruler of our people, but I did not like his plans for our people or agree with his way of thinking. I sought peace in all things and in every action I took... because I thought that by doing so... I could protect my people from the wrath of our Great Goddess." Letting out a hissing breath, Bobby focused his gaze upon Hugo and pointedly asked, "And now? What do you believe now?" Meeting Bobby's strong gaze, Hugo did not bend under the intensity of Bobby's gaze and instead firmly answered, "I believe in balance now... something which my brother could never accept! He believed that our race was destined to rule the world with our great physical strength and capability for magic when we are born with two heads. Sadly, my brother was one of those Giants and that only further added to his delusions. He did his best to master both magic and might, but he always found himself coming up short in comparison to me in regards to his magic. Little did I know, that such a difference in our powers would create a grudge in my brother that was directed at me, nor could I have foreseen that such hatred would eventually turn my brother against me." By now, the crowds of creatures that had come to hear the words of their Master had grown dead silent and there was an air of anticipation as they all waited to hear of the crimes that Hugo's Brother had committed, as Hugo slowly finished up his story, "As the power struggle was coming to a close, with my vote being the only one left unclaimed, my brother approached me one day and asked me to help him deal with an Ogre problem. I thought nothing of the request and so followed my brother, alone, out to a large cavern a couple day journey away from our capitol city. Numerous times I felt myself becoming filled with doubts over what my brother wanted so far away from the city, but I just deluded myself with the reasoning that there something valuable within the cave that my Brother felt would give him the necessary edge over the others involved in the power struggle. Little did I know... that I was right." An enraged growl echoed through the crowd of Ogres, Ettins, and Cyclops behind Hugo, as they all knew of what happened in that dark cave so long ago, even as Hugo stated quite clearly, "In the depths of that cave, I turned towards my brother to, finally, ask him what the reason was for him asking me out there so far away from the capitol and when I did I found my brother's fist meeting my face. No doubt he cast some kind of magic upon, for no sooner had I been struck, I lost the ability to stand up. I was helpless as he then proceeded to beat the life right out of me with his own two hands, listening as he blamed ME for choosing the monsters scrounging around our home over my own brother! The pain I felt from his fists was nothing in comparison to the pain I felt in my heart as I watched my own brother turn into much more of a monster than any Ogre, or Ettin, or Cyclops I had ever spoken too... I took that hatred with me as I passed on into the after life, unable to come to terms with it as I was slowly brought before the Great Goddess... I can still remember her offering me a chance to be reborn as an infant within any sentient race I wanted to choose, but that hatred... IT FILLED MY MIND!" As Hugo once more thought about what had been done to him, his body was surrounded with a massive amount of dark energy; quite clearly announcing that he was not just a "regular" creature of darkness... Just as quickly as his fury manifested, however, Hugo quickly reined in his power and returned to almost looking like a Sage, in Ogre terms, as he woefully admitted, "I... turned my back to the offer of the Great Goddess and I could only think of what would happen now that my brother had been set on such a destructive path... I wanted... no... I needed to set things right... at least, that is what I thought. I allowed my hatred to overcome me and then I found myself waking back up in the very same place I had perished. Not even taking the time to question what had happened to me, I immediately charged out from within my place of rebirth and took off towards the home I remembered, but when I arrived... I could not recognize my own home..." "Carved right out of the very stone mountain we had built our home upon, the capitol city of the Giants was a true work of magic. The very walls themselves pulsed with magic and atop the walls were numerous towers manned by several Archmages. All across the city, magical runes allowed for the citizens within to manipulate the massive stones doors and elevators with ease. Looking upon the city, I realized just how long I had been dead and wept when I realized that I no longer had any chance to stop my brother from twisting my people with his views. Then I saw the way my brother was treating the creatures I once counted among my friends and my hatred began to burn once more. I liberated thousands of monsters held in captivity by my brother's minions and did my best to interrupt my brother's forces, thinking that perhaps I could show my brother the error of his ways... I was wrong, of course. All my actions did was make him more strict with the remaining creatures in captivity, to the point where they refused to free; even when I completely destroyed the pen holding them, which told me that I needed to kill my brother. When that thought entered my mind and I wholeheartedly accepted it, that was when I first realized the change that had overcome me after waking back up. I finally looked upon my hands and noticed the tough hide now covering my body, then I finally looked upon my face. There... I saw the true extents of my brother's lust for power, for not only had he killed me in cold blood, but he had also taken my third eye... the gift that the Great Goddess had given to me! Right then and there, I swore that I would take back my eye and end my brothers life, no matter the cost... Next thing I knew, I was leading an army comprised of Ogres, Ettins, and Cyclops towards the walls of my brother's home. I already knew what I intended do upon breaching the walls and I was not bothered by the fact that I intended to slaughter anyone in my way of getting to my brother... We tried for days to siege those walls, but I was not the first monster to seek vengeance for my brother's actions it seemed. He had already fortified his walls well past my capacity to destroy with brute force along, but my hatred would not let me stop. Then, I felt it, the magic I once called upon with great ease, only now it felt twisted and dark; just like my new perspective on the way things worked in life. I used that power to finally break apart the walls my brother thought to use to protect himself from the world, from the monsters... from ME and I felt like I could crush the whole world with that power of mine... Little did I realize just what my brother had done with my eye in the time I lay dead and when I was finally confronted by him after crushing the walls in my ways... I found out. Using my own eye, my brother siphoned all of my power away and then proceeded to hurl that power back at me using my own eye! At that moment... the siege was broken, with all of the monsters who joined me either winding up dead or recaptured by my brother's forces... I was once more helpless against him, as he slowly took my life once more, but instead of finding myself before the Great Goddess again, this time I was sent to someplace that matched my new outlook on life." Throughout the entire story, Bobby did not say one word and just listened to every word Hugo spoke as images of what the Shadows witnessed played out before him... Even though Bobby looked completely calm on the outside, Hugo knew much better than to believe that Bobby was anything but calm right then and went on to say, "I tried several other times to take on my brother when my strength returned, but all I ended up doing is feeding him more of my power and in the end I just gave up on getting revenge on him... Much to my dismay, without me to constantly add more power to my brother's mythical necklace of Magical Supremacy, he instead turned it's power siphoning capabilities upon the rest of my kind. I... I wish to take his life with my own hands... God of Darkness, but I am afraid that I will only serve to empower him even more if I were to try." Not giving away anything going on inside him, right then, Bobby leaned forward with an intent expression upon his face and asked Hugo a strange question, "Then tell me... what do you feel right now?" Knowing exactly what Bobby was hoping to do, Hugo just took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh, before saying in a defeated manner, "Empty, Master, I no longer even feel the same hatred for my brother anymore... just anger... but even that has cooled over these long years of existence... Ever since I was reborn as a creature of darkness... ever since I learned that I had lost my gift from the Great Goddess.... all I have longed for is to take back what is rightfully mine! I just... don't have the strength to get up again anymore.... I feel... hollow." Instead of growing displeased with the answer, like Hugo thought Bobby might, the God of Darkness instead began to grin in a very unsettling manner... Ghosting right over behind Hugo, Bobby took him by the shoulders and leaned over to the Ogre's right side, while asking in a sly manner, "Empty, huh? Sounds like you need to fill yourself back up with something... Too bad the energy here is stale, dank, and dark... what you need is some living energy... magic from the living world, to get some pep back in your step... Say, why don't we see if the Dark Fairies have any energy they might be willing to donate to you..." All Bobby had to do was twist his head over towards where the gathering of Dark Fairies were and they immediately began to bring forth handfuls of "energy" that they had taken from living mortals to offer to Hugo... Taking in the small handfuls of magical energy from the Fairies, Hugo really did not know what the God of Darkness intended to do by having him feed on a tiny portion of living energy, but then he noticed the devious smile on Bobby's face and for a moment Hugo thought he had done something wrong, right up until Bobby asked in a clever tone, "Wets the appetite, doesn't it? What if I were to help you figure out how to get more to eat, hm? Do you think a Magic Eating Ogre might stand a better chance against the likes of a Sorcerer King?" Flinching when he heard what Bobby was suggesting he become, Hugo's eyes grew wide as he suddenly understood what Bobby was after and began chuckle heartily as Bobby began to work on his body... Bursting up into the living world a few moments later, Hugo stopped to take in a deep breath and inhaled volumes of delicious magical energy floating in the air; causing himself to become ravenous... Looking around where he rose up, Hugo was stunned to find himself inside the cave where he had perished and was even more shocked by what he now found inside his grave. All of the other Ogres, Ettins and Cyclops huddled within the now much larger cavern all turned to stare at him in terror, but as he walked out into the light of their campfires, they all immediately recognized the Three-eyed Ogre. Every creature in his grave site all burst into tears upon seeing him finally return to the living world and quickly began to pick weapons that had been lying around beforehand. Smiling gratefully to all the creatures willing to take up arms in his name, Hugo asked them to wait for a moment and then turned back towards the place where he had arisen from the Shadowed Cleft, as he said to the onlookers, "I won't ask you to throw your lives away for me, but if you are willing to join my army, then I will gladly welcome you among my forces!" Throwing open the way into the Shadowed Cleft, Hugo then welcomed a brand new breed of all species of Ogres: Spell-Breakers... When the God of Darkness followed after the reinforcements, however, the non-darkly aligned Ogres in the cave all began to tremble, until Hugo said calmly, "Please do not be afraid, my Master is merely here to observe my battle to reclaim my third eye and will only help if needed. You need not be afraid of the shadows, just be respectful." Smiling kindly when all the other Ogres all bowed to him, Bobby then disappeared into Hugo's shadow and empowered the new Lord of Darkness... Going from standing a normal ten feet tall to a towering fifteen foot, Hugo's overall size increased to match his new height, with his muscle mass increasing and his skin turning completely black to signify what his alignment was. Hugo then lumbered over towards the entrance of the cave and then proceeded to smash open the way out for him to leave through. Not even paying attention to the fact that the entrance had been barred with boulders, Hugo then turned back around to look at the worried faces of the others hiding out in his grave sight and told them that he would no longer need a place to hide out once he was finished. Taking his first few thundering steps outside, Hugo immediately took notice of the change in temperature, but found the cooler fall temperatures to be quite pleasant against his skin... Off in the distance, however, a massive magical tower erected by the Giants quickly picked up on the sudden movement of a massive mystical entity and contacted the King of their country... The Sorcerer King Orn had been in the process of overseeing the construction of several new magically bound Arcane Golems when he was suddenly interrupted by the feeling of his attention being summoned by the watchtower. Quickly excusing himself and teleporting over to his throne room, the Sorcerer King sat down upon his throne and activated the magical communication gem connected to the specific watch tower. Having been expecting another report about a migration of Ogres towards the place where he had slain his own brother, what he received was far different than what he was anticipating. Once the magical display of what was going on over at the tower was being displayed, Sorcerer King Orn was quite confused to find the watch tower in the midst of battle preparations and then the Archmage in charge of the tower noticed the activation of the communication crystal, which prompted the elderly Giant to say frantically while dropping down onto one knee, "Your Majesty! Our tower has detected a massive force of Ogres moving away from the cave belonging to the Dark Three-eyed Ogre and you won't believe what is leading them this time.... HE'S BACK! Only this time, he towers above the forest by several feet. I am preparing my forces to retreat from the tower-!" Suddenly, the whole tower shook and the Archmage turned around to scream at the fools attempting to defend the feeble tower... Leaving the Archmage to the defense of the watch tower, Sorcerer King Orn called over a scrying crystal to his hands with his Arcane Magic and cast his attention over to where the watch tower sat... Watching from a great distance, as the watch tower was assaulted by numerous boulders hurled at it, Orn's attention then shifted over towards where the attacks were originating from and felt his breath stolen away. Unlike what those who heard him gasp thought, Orn was not frightened by the sight of his brother's monstrous three-eyed face, rather he was excited to have another chance to drain his brother's mighty powers and make that power his own again. Observing as his brother merely walked forward without a care for the magic being cast against him, Orn grew very excited when he saw the way that the magic being cast from the tower was not even affecting Hugo and could only imagine how much power he would absorb from his brother this around. When Hugo reached the tower, however, Orn was shocked to see that Hugo had somehow learned how to "absorb" magical energy as well and watched as the magically levitated watch tower's upper half came crashing down back to earth... Then, Orn was frozen stiff when he suddenly found Hugo turning towards where he was watching from and somehow Orn could just tell that his brother was fully aware that Orn was watching events going on at the watch tower from a distance. After that spine-chilling glare from his brother ended, however, Orn suddenly found his scrying orb being shattered in his hands and the Sorcerer King just remained transfixed upon the broken crystal in his hands; as if willing the crystal to be repaired and to continue showing him what his brother was up too. A few minutes later, Orn suddenly found his throne room being filled up with the Mages from the now destroyed water tower and was forced to pull his attention away from the shattered scrying crystal in his hands. The Archmage from the watch tower was quick to pick up on the presence of the broken scrying orb and quickly realized that the "threat" the Giant Kingdom faced was not a "minor" one... Seeming unphased by the shattering of the crystal as he got up from his throne, Orn calmly announced to all those who had worriedly come to join those returning from the now destroyed tower, "Prepare for war... my brother has come back once more to lead his monstrous allies against us." With those words, Orn sent his kingdom into a flurry of activity, as they all knew what the return of the Three-eyed Ogre meant and the defenses of the Giant's Kingdom were rapidly woken back up... After devouring the magic maintaining the watch tower and delivering his message to his brother, Hugo continued to lead his forces on a march towards the capitol city... Passing by several cities on the way, Hugo maintained his focus upon his objective and merely asked the others to ignore the smaller villages that had nothing to do with his objective. No Ogre, Ettin or Cyclops were about to disregard the wishes of the Three-eyed Giant they still viewed Hugo as and all species of Ogre would never forget the kindness once shown to them by him. When cities saw the way that the massive Ogre was merely ignoring their presence, they celebrated their survival and gave their thanks to Hugo yet again. For while no one was willing to speak out against Sorcerer King Orn, everyone in the Giant's Kingdom had known something "foul" had gone on in that cave, especially when Orn had placed the blame for Hugo's death at the hands of the monsters Hugo had become so beloved by in his life... When Hugo began to come back as a monster and pointedly assaulted places Orn specifically had a hand in creating, those rumors whispered in the dark corners of the Kingdom were only made stronger. Of course, by the time that Hugo had begun returning to attack the capitol city, Orn had already surrounded himself with Giants who all shared in his views of their race and had constructed a nearly invincible fortress around himself. In all of the years since Hugo stopped coming back to attack the city, none of the other attacks had ever been successful and the people of the kingdom were afraid that their King had somehow captured Hugo. Now, however, the Kingdom of Giants knew the "truth" about why Hugo had not come back for many centuries; he had been saving up his strength... As Hugo walked towards the capitol city, however, word of his return quickly spread like wildfire among the monsters living in the lands of the Giants and suddenly Hugo found himself receiving reinforcements from all over the country as thousands of monsters came to answer his call for battle. Much to Hugo's joy, however, there were not only Ogres, Ettins, and Cyclops coming to join him, as there even numerous Urok Warchiefs, as well as other monster types coming to join him in taking his fight to his brother. Bobby could only watch with child-like wonder as Hugo turned himself into a rallying point for all monsters within the Giant's Kingdom and just smiled when he found creatures from Nature actually joining him. Bobby's smile grew ever wider as he noticed how creatures from "opposing" elemental affinities were willing to put down their hostility towards one another in order to support his newest Dark Lord and in his excitement further empowered Hugo... Now standing a good thirty feet tall, Hugo was a titanic monster of an Ogre; with his footsteps causing the earth around his feet to tremble with his passing, as he slowly made his way towards the capitol city... Once he was in range of the capitol city, however, Hugo suddenly found himself being targeted by the cities magical defenses and quickly came under fire from every direction in front of him. In response to the myriad of the magical attacks, a swarm of Spell-Breakers leaped forth from both the ground and from Hugo's body to intercept the magical attacks. Each Spell-Breaker had a specific element they could nullify against their skin, which allowed them to simply collided with the oncoming spells and pass right through the attack without receiving any damage at all. Unfortunately, the number of attacks far exceeded the number of Spell-Breakers that Hugo had on his side, but as the swarm of spells drew closer to him... Merely reaching up to "pull" open the eyelid drooping down over his empty third eye-socket, Hugo's remaining two eyes suddenly emanated a dark energy and his empty eye-socket was turned into a literal black hole that inhaled all of the magic projectiles launched at him... Actually closing his third eyelid after absorbing all of the magical energy, Hugo concentrated all of the absorbed magical energy back up into his vacant eye-socket and generated a mystical third eye to replace his missing eyeball. Reopening his third eye again, Hugo leaned forward and braced his body as he unleashed all of the absorbed energy back at the walls of the capitol city in the form a massive magical laser. As the magical eyebeam zoomed back towards the city, the Mages defending the walls all hurried to bring the city's defense barrier online and struggled to keep the barrier firm against the massive sustained attack from Hugo. After giving his "rebuttal" to the first strike from the city, Hugo continued matching towards the city, with his forces hidden within the forests he was currently stomping his way through; like the forest was little more than a field of grass... Upon reaching striking distance from thrown boulders, however, the forests suddenly ended and Hugo's army was forced out into sight... Unlike in previous attempts, where upon stepping out into sight the attacking armies of monsters were annihilated by the magical defenses of the wall surrounding the city, this time the army had an indomitable defense in the form of Hugo and his Spell-Breakers. Much to the relief of the other creatures, Hugo and the Spell-Breakers were able to quite effectively counter all attempts made by the Mages up on the wall to devastate the army with their magical defense constructs and the long range spells being cast by the Mages up on the walls. For while the Spell-Breakers happily rammed their ways through any magical blast targeting single clumps of forces on their sides, Hugo was able to absorb the energy from the wide-range magical attacks being cast by the more powerful Archmages on top of the wall. As their attack got underway in earnest, the first obstacle of the invading army of monsters became quite apparent; the magical defense barrier defending the city from all manner of assault... That barrier had been a quite effective deterrent against monster attacks for quite some time now, but that was only because the monsters assaulting the city only had limited capability to use magic in the first place. Hugo, on the other hand, merely had to stand still and absorb the magic being sent against his army, then blast all that energy back at the city once the Mages on the walls were taking a break to recover some of their mana. Blasting at the barrier for several minutes in between volleys of spells from the Mages, Hugo could actually see the effects his assaults were having upon the barrier by how much the barrier gave way each time he blasted it with the energy he had collected. When the barrier was eventually shattered by his efforts, Hugo pointed towards the wall and a swarm of boulders were suddenly hurled forward towards the defense constructs from within the forests behind him... Once the majority of the wall's defenses had been neutralized on the section that the army was targeting, Hugo motioned for his army to start moving forward... Suddenly, as all of the monsters he had gathered to his sides began charging forth from the shadows, Hugo began to experience a gut-wrenching feeling and was greatly confused by the sensation, until the God of Darkness whispered into his mind with an amused tone, "Hey, don't you think you are being a little bit unfair here? Do you really think that only the Ogres who joined you in returning from the Shadowed Cleft are the ONLY ones with a GRUDGE against this city and it's inhabitants?" Coming to a standstill, Hugo thought about what he was about to do and what he wanted to have happen, before eventually turning around to stare into his shadow; where the forces of darkness awaited his commands, as he said firmly, "My grudge is against my Brother and only those who have supported him... If you can follow my wishes to only hurt those who have hurt me and my people... Then what are you waiting around FOR?!" As if Hugo had just smashed down the walls to the city itself, an endless horde of dark monsters surged out from behind him, some quite literally crawling up out from within his shadow... That was the moment when alarm horns sounded and several portcullis' on the wall fell open to make way for the army of Adventurer Giants to come pouring out from within the lower city... Almost immediately, the non-Ogre species of dark monsters zeroed in on the Adventurers and the swarm shifted directions away from tearing apart the wall. Leaving destroying the massive walls surrounding the city to the Ogres, the rest of the Dark Creatures turned their efforts towards preventing the Adventurers from interfering with what the Ogres were doing. Just as swiftly as the swarm of dark monsters changed focus, so to were the Adventurers suddenly on the losing side of the battle. Up on the walls, Sorcerer King Orn watched with disgust as he saw his mighty race getting "bested" by the lower-born mongrels gathering to his brother's side... Bringing out something that caused him to draw a lot of negative attention from the horde of angry monsters below him, Orn merely caused an explosion of magical energy to erupt around him to counter all of the boulders hurled up him. Continuing to watch as the Adventurers of his own race and the non-magical guardsmen that had rushed out with the Adventurers were steadily pushed back inside the city, eventually Orn had seen enough. Casting a massive spell to awaken the ultimate defense barrier of the city, once word spread of what he was attempting to do, every Giant outside the city immediately threw aside anything in their way; even other Giants, in order to make it safely within the walls of the city in time. That was because, when Orn finished awakening the defense barrier, an "aura" of intense magical energies pushed out from the wall and the violent energy within that barrier eradicated anything that attempted to pass through that barrier... Watching the spell; which he had once used to defend himself, be used by his brother in such a manner, Hugo suddenly found himself filled with such rage that he could no longer think straight... Walking forward into what seemed like certain doom, as the remains of several monsters and mortals were slowly eaten away at within the barrier, Hugo could no longer be reasoned with at that moment. For years, Hugo had watched from the shadows as Orn had twisted his people into egotistical bigots that could only sing praises towards the name of his brother and had forced that anger to stew within him for all that time he waited for a chance to strike back at Orn. Now; with all those furious, hateful and vengeful feelings were bubbling forth at the seams, Hugo looked like he was about to be forever lost to the darkness swirling around his body. Strangely, Hugo did not become overwhelmed by his emotions and that was not due to Bobby's presence within him, rather Hugo had found a way to keep all of those emotions bottled up inside of him so that he could focus those feelings towards the individual that deserved to experience them... When Hugo entered the barrier, there was no contest of wills or battle between magics, as Hugo just quite simply devoured all of "his" stolen energy that had been put "into" the defensive barrier... Much to Orn's horror, as Hugo absorbed all of the stolen energy put into that barrier, the already titanic Ogre began to grow larger and much stronger. After absorbing all of his stolen power and feeling like he had actually just taken into the biggest breath of air possible, Hugo lurched forward to roar with his mouth open as wide as possible. The sound emanating from within the enormous Ogre was nothing in comparison to the spiritual force unleashed by his emotional outcries. Even though the walls had been magically constructed and reinforced to be a twenty feet thick deterrent towards monsters attacking the city, Hugo caused a sixty foot long section of that very same wall to come crumbling down in seconds; after thousands of years of monster attacks had done little more than rattle the outside edges... The disoriented Giants on the other side of the wall to where Hugo was standing all scrambled up onto their feet to defend the city, as a flood of dark creatures washed through the opening in their once impregnable wall... Orn did not have to think twice before quickly teleporting himself away to the safety of his castle and once he was back within the safety of his home, the Sorcerer King used his prized trinket to turn on all of his carefully prepared defenses. Then he began to rally all of his Archmages, recalling any who were still outside the city and summoning all those within the city. Most were aware of the situation down in town and had seen the wall crumble before the massive Ogre slowly moving into the city, but when their King addressed them, they all knew that this battle for the survival of their race was a long time coming. As Hugo slowly thundered his way into the city, all of the dark creatures he had summoned to assist him immediately surged into the city to "distract" the Adventurers and guardsmen... Even though Hugo knew they meant no harm to the "citizens" seeking safety behind the massive walls, he still asked them to be "kind" to those not in league with the Sorcerer King... None of the creatures brought forth by Hugo were even thinking of hurting the populace of the city and instead only intended to give the Giants a lesson in fear. The horde of dark creatures instead surged through the city to hunt down anyone responsible for capturing monsters and for making the citizens fear Orn more than the monsters that had lurked outside the walls. Of course, when the Giants merely living behind the walls because there was no where else they felt safe suddenly found the courage to stand up to the monsters now assaulting their homes, the swarm of monsters respectfully left them alone. Bobby made certain that only those who had "angered" the realm of darkness were harmed by his minions, with those who found the courage to stand up merely walking away with some "painful" wounds that would heal up with time... Hugo, on the other hand, lead the group of monsters he had "called" to his sides by merely "returning" to the mortal realm on a march towards his brother's home... As Hugo marched on, the army of creatures surrounding him made certain that no Giant remained in his way for long, even if doing so meant that they would lose their life. Whenever one of his allies fell, Hugo would turn away from his path and would crush the life out of whoever harmed one of his friends, then would take a memento from the body of his fallen friend so that they would never be forgotten. That had been something that had endeared most monsters to Hugo, since by doing that he was essentially acknowledging their existence and the part they had played in his own life. When the time finally came to enter his brother's home, Hugo had little more than twenty of the original army that had joined him, but they all eagerly urged him on and promised to ensure that no one would interfere with Hugo's fight... Leaving the other to watch the front, Hugo then turned his attention forward and stomped towards his brother's throne angrily... Not even pausing to consider just how his titanic form would fit into a place built for a Giant, Hugo just condensed his form to that of a regular Ogre, but took all of his excess power and stored it within his third eye; turning the eye as dark as the power it now contained. With his new status, Hugo was able to quite literally walk straight towards his brother's throne room; with none of the magical traps or snares being able to even affect him. Happily absorbing all of the energy being flung at him, Hugo actually found the way he could turn all the dazzling lights around him into pure darkness within him to be quite fitting for the new role he had accepted. Finally, Hugo broke down the final "wall" in his way and calmly walked out before his brother's lavish throne, as the smashed doors fell down at his sides... Sitting upon his throne, Sorcerer King Orn could quite clearly tell that he was no longer dealing with a "simple" monster created to house the soul of his brother and subtly began preparing for this latest confrontation Hugo.... Not taking his eyes off his brother, Hugo calmly strode forward and bore the brunt of every spell cast by the Archmages flanking Orn on either side. Eerily, even when Hugo was completely shrouded from sight by smoke and dust kicked up by the magical attacks, Orn could still feel Hugo's penetrating gaze from every direction. When the dust settled, all of the Giants in the room gasped in shock when they found Hugo completely unharmed by even their most powerful attacks. Then Orn made a gesture that called in fifty strong looking Giants, none of which were dressed like "Mages" and wielded large two-handed weapons... As they came closer to him, however, Hugo began to feel the magic being used to coat the weapons of the Giant's rushing to fight him and realized that they were all Battle-Mages. Instead of raising his hands to defend himself, however, Hugo merely used his hands to swat or turn away the weapons being swung at him, like the attacks being used against him were little more than nuisances. Even Orn was flabbergasted by the turn of events and could only stare from atop his throne in disbelief, as all of the counter-measures he had spent his nearly limitless life building up had just failed to hold back his brother; at least until Hugo was tired enough for Orn to drain the Ogre's power again. Seeing no other choice in his current situation, Orn brought out Hugo stolen third eye and be preparing the ritual to drain his brother's power completely... Bobby could only watch in disbelief as Orn used a demonic spell on Hugo's stolen eye and then proceeded to use that very same magic to "harvest" a portion of Hugo's very soul... Hugo could do little to stop the ritual, since the other Giants had all increased their efforts to halt his progression towards reaching his brother, but as Hugo felt his power being sapped away, he suddenly began to feel his body being flooded with even MORE energy from elsewhere. Then he began to hear voices, but unlike when a being of Nightmare was whispering to a creature, these voices belonged to those who had placed their faith in Hugo. Now understanding what the Dark God meant in saying that Dark Lords would be those who could rally all manner of forces underneath them when they chose to act, Hugo gladly drank in those prayers and felt his physique start to expand once again. Once he felt his brother's spell end, Hugo was amazed by how powerful his still felt and began to chuckle in a low, unnerving tone, before asking from within a dust cloud slowly settling down all around him, "Is that it, brother? Is this the best that you could prepare to stop me this time? I have not felt a single one of the attacks hurled against me and that dirty little trick of yours has only served to fuel me with even MORE power than what you were able to drain just now!" Bringing his hands together without making noise, Hugo caused all of the dust to be blown away from his body and revealed that he now stood a foot or two higher than the average Ogre height he had walked in at... In addition to that, however, Hugo now had the appearance befitting of a Dark Lord; with a dark aura seething just above his skin, luminescent yellow eyes that glowed with the power he now held, and worst of all, giving off a gut-wrenching vibe that only the most dangerous of foes could when riled up... As he was turning towards the other Giants to warn them to leave the battle or else perish in the ensuing conflict, however, Hugo suddenly felt a tremendous fury well up inside of him and was greatly alarmed by those feelings. While he merely scanned the room, breathing hard as he fought to keep his rage in check internally, Hugo looked like he was giving every mortal in the room a death stare, but in truth he was actually trying to figure out why he was so angry all of a sudden. Sadly, Hugo could not recognize any of the Ogre's at his brother's sides and so knew that he did not hold any grudges against them, but then Hugo noticed the necklace that all the Archmages were so fond of touching in preparation for casting a spell. That~ was the moment when Hugo was able to put things together and saw that his brother's "personal" guards all had the third eye of other Ogres, just like Hugo... At the same time, however, Bobby noticed what was really going on with the necklaces the Giants all possessed and his fury suddenly exploded... When Bobby became furious, however, everyone in the room felt it; even Hugo, which caused quite the alarm among the Giants, while Hugo merely looked back towards his shadow to listen as Bobby all but hissed with great hostility, "Listen here, Hugo, either you will be the one to defeat all the fools in the room or else I will take great pleasure in HUNTING THEM DOWN!" Everyone in the room was able to hear Bobby's voice and feel his anger, causing even Orn to become very uneasy as an enormous entity of pure darkness suddenly expanded out from behind Hugo inside the Ogre's shadow... Knowing that his Master was probably only seconds away from taking control over his body to dispense the much needed punishment upon the Giants standing before him, Hugo just could not allow such aggression to overwhelm him once again. He knew that the Goddess of Drazan would not tolerate anything that disturbed the peace she had worked so hard to create and attributed that fact to being the reason why he had constantly failed to defeat his brother all this time. Clenching his hands and closing all three of his eyes, Hugo continued to hold back his rage while at the same time pleading with his Goddess for some kind of guidance in what he must do. Alyse could only watch in sadness as she heard one of her dearest subjects begging her for guidance and felt that she at least owed Hugo that much... After a few moments of silence, Hugo opened up his two normal eyes and just stared down at the fools still standing in his way, but while he was in the process of contemplating what he should do, Hugo heard a very distance voice calling out to him, "Balance, Balance, Balance is the key." Once Hugo heard those words, an image of a gigantic measuring scale with two baskets appeared before him and without even needing to "see" what was being "weighed", Hugo could already tell that those standing before him were "out-of-balance"... Then Alyse gave Hugo a vision of the city and he was able to see that he had already brought balance back to the city with his current actions, which allowed him to make his next decision much easier... Opening his third-eye and getting a grim look upon his face, Hugo unleashed his terrible might upon the Giant's in the room, but in merely unleashing his terrible dark powers, they all perished. Hugo just stared down at them in disbelief and angrily willed them to come back to life so that he might release his pent up fury upon them. When he eventually accepted that they would not turn out to be like him, Hugo merely waved one hand and collected all the third-eyes from the Archmages. Dropping all of those eyes into his own magical third-eye, Hugo could only smile when he felt the souls within those eyes praise him and even beg him to allow them to be reborn like him... Even as the thought was passing through his mind about possibly having more Ogres "like" him being something "nice" to have, Hugo suddenly felt his power rising to the demand that he thought impossible and was quickly surrounded by several Three-Eyed Ogres; each having their own element of power to absorb specifically... Now with a small force of Ascended Beings surrounding him, Hugo's power became even more frightful; for unlike his brethren, Hugo chose to turn all magical energy dark and that meant Hugo was able to make full use of the energy that they were offering to him. Orn could only sit upon his throne in alarm as he watched his enemies multiply, while his own forces had been reduced to nothing. With his mind working quickly on how he could still turn things around, Orn suddenly realized that he had Hugo's actual third-eye and therefore had the power to absorb all types of magical energy for his own use as well. Laughing evilly as he stood up from his throne and cast some protective spells, Orn pulled his prized necklace free from his neck, breaking the leather cord holding it in place, as he began to charge up the power siphoning spell once again... Surging forward to stop his brother, Hugo was surprised when he was actually repelled by the magical barrier Orn setup, then froze in shock as Orn triumphantly cried out, "Do not worry, brother, I won't bother trying to siphon you again, instead, I'm going to suck these other fools you brought with you dry and use their energy to empower myself enough to defeat you! Then, I'm going to craft restraints that will allow me to hold you as my prisoner, just like all the commoners believe I had done, so I can have a never-ending supply of magic to draw upon! I don't know why you came back after all of this time, but I do thank you for helping me to recharge this eye of yours! To be honest, I was running a little low on power as of late and not even the weakling mongrels I was able to discover with three eyes could help me, so I just turned them into lesser trinkets for my servants. I will rebuild my empire and there is nothing you can do to stop me!" Having been feeling his Master's rage the whole time, like an annoyingly burning itch one could not take the time to scratch, suddenly, Hugo was forced to confront the reason why he had wanted to come back to the living word and the dam restraining his fury suddenly broke... Going straight from being "calm" and collected to what the Uroks would have called a Rampaging state, all of Hugo's rage was added to his power; along with the anger of all who had risen to follow him... Unlike with Bobby, however, Hugo's vast intelligence and wisdom were both traded for the increased power, causing the originally peace-loving Ogre to become twisted into a hulking brute moved by sheer rage. Swinging one fist lightly against the barrier separating him from his brother, Hugo had not intended to put his full strength behind the motion and was quite surprised when he found the barrier shattering like a window. Looking down at his hand in disbelief, for a moment, Hugo then began to smile eerily as he turned back towards Orn and lunged forward with a savage snarl. Reaching over to take hold of the hand Orn was using to hold onto "his" missing third-eye, Hugo painfully crushed his brother's hand and retrieved his missing eye from in between his brother's broken fingers... Without really even looking at Orn, Hugo thrust Orn away from him and tearfully held onto the object he had so long wished to possess again, but as his own fury waned, the rage of the others who had joined him suddenly began to refill his very soul with the anger needed to maintain his rampaging state of mind... Now unable to celebrate his success in retrieving his eye, Hugo turned towards the only outlet he had for his anger and was stunned when he looked upon the bloody corpse that had once been his brother. In that moment of disbelief, however, Hugo was shown what had happened to his brother right after Hugo had taken back his third eye and he could hardly believe his eyes as he watched his brother rapidly aging without the power from his third eye to sustain the vitality Orn had displayed. Stumbling over to his dead brother, Hugo could not believe that Orn had died so easily and roared with fury over the lose of the satisfaction of being able to overpower his brother in one final struggle for dominance. As his fury slowly overtook more of mind, Hugo suddenly felt himself get "ejected" from his own body and could only watch in disbelief as his "body" turned back towards the city... Instead of trying to hid himself inside of Hugo's body, however, Bobby stood spiritually out in Hugo's shadow and had Hugo's grow back to titanic proportions, while calling back his new friend, "Don't look so surprised, you knew your brother had been using the stolen power of your eye to extend his life well beyond what should have been possible for a mortal. He probably had been growing nervous when you had not chosen to return and so he probably was extremely desperate to refill your eye, which means he let down his guard. Now then, you have a choice to make, Hugo, one which shall decide the fate of the Giant Race." Hugo could only stand idly by, as his body grew so large that it destroyed the tiny castle his brother had created and stood poised to annihilate the entire city... Calling back Hugo's attention to himself, Bobby just smiled over at his servant in an unsettling manner as he asked with a great deal of intensity, "Well~ are you going to just stand there all day or are you going to make a choice? Right now, your body has been infused with the rage of not only your species, but the rage of all the monsters in this entire kingdom! Not to mention, that my own anger towards the Giants, as a whole, is being added to that pile; along with that belonging to those who loyally serve me... You need to decide, right here and now, whether you are just gonna allow that rage to dictate what you are gonna do or if you wanna do something befitting of a Dark Lord!" Then, as Bobby turned his gaze back towards the city and began to charge up an insane amount of spiritual power right in front of Hugo's mouth, he added under his breath, "Oh, and Hugo, make it look good!" Twitching when he heard what Bobby added as an afterthought, Hugo immediately realized that his Master actually had no intention, whatsoever, to destroy the Giant Race and his mind immediately began to churn away on a solution to the dilemma he was currently faced with... Right then, Hugo remembered his third eye and how he had felt each time his brother had drained him of all of his power. Returning to his body right then, Hugo immediately began to channel some of his own power into his third eye and caused his missing eye to return to his third eye-socket; where his long dead eye returned to a living eye as it was fused with the Magical Dark Third Eye he had created in becoming a Dark Lord. Moving his own soul up into his new third eye, Hugo began to channel all of the energy he possessed in his spiritual form into his renewed eye and began to cast the same draining spell Orn had constantly used on his. However, unlike Orn; who only ever really mastered how to use that spell on one specific target, Hugo was able to cast the spell over a wide-ranging area and targeted the spell to draw in the furious "essence" that was driving him into rampaging across the home of his former people... Those who were still alive could only watch in disbelief as a reddish energy was steadily pulled out of all the monsters assaulting their city and were even more shocked by how docile the monsters became afterwords. Thankfully, without the fury that had been driving them to attack the city, all the monsters quickly retreated back into the shadows and that allowed the citizens of the Giant's capitol to gather around where Hugo was slowly shrinking back down to his normal size. The entire time, however, Hugo's third eyes was stretched wide open and absorbing all of the reddish energy pulled from the monsters, as well as his own body. When his third-eye finally fell shut, however, Hugo suddenly stumbled forward in disorientation and collapsed onto the ground. Passing out momentarily, partly from having just absorbed nearly two nation's worth of fury and the rest was from the suddenly change in perspective, Hugo was surprised when he eventually found himself waking back up in his living body. After recovering fully, Hugo sat up and grumbled in a groggy manner, right up until he noticed the mob of Giant's all clamoring around him. Blinking in confusion, as he struggled to pull himself up into a sitting position, Hugo muttered unhappily without realizing he was also transmitting his thoughts via telepathy, "I'm still a monster..." Almost immediately, every Giant surrounding Hugo dropped down onto their hands and knees, causing his flinch from the sudden movement... Then, as Hugo began to hear the fervent prayers coming from the people, now worshiping him as a God, Hugo was just tensing up nervously when Bobby's voice reached him telepathically, "Wonderful show, Hugo, truly wonderful. And with that, you have claimed this portion of your world for me and have set yourself up as the Magical God of both Giants and Ogres, well done. Just don't let your new title go to your head... you are still my Dark Lord and that means that if I wish too, I can take over your body and turn into the Magic Eater whenever I want." When hearing that caused Hugo to panic, Bobby quickly soothed his new friend by saying, "Don't worry, I have better things to do than to bully those who have lost the will to fight... Now then, you have a Nation to guide, Hugo, but I do expect you to have something to present to me as an offering... I do have a love for collecting things and not all of what I collect has to be of the physical or fleshy nature..." Growing relieved by the fact that his Master had no intention to punish the Giants at all, Hugo turned his attention towards the Giants still bowing to him... First thing he did was set them straight about the mentality his brother had tried to ingrain into them and was overjoyed to find that the vast majority of Giants had not agreed with Orn's perspective, but had been unable to voice their opinions because they lacked the power to back up their words. Hugo then learned just what his brother had been doing to maintain the image Orn had tried to cultivate about his people and set about changing that image. Before anything could said otherwise, however, Hugo firmly refused to become the new King of the Giants and had to remind them that he was a dark monster now, but more importantly, he was a God rather than a mortal. Once they understood that Hugo did not intend to take up his brother's mantle, the Giants began trying to figure out how they would decide who would become ruler next, since Orn had not really left them with any idea of how to do just that. Hugo then proposed that the Giants choose two leaders; one who relied upon magic and another who relied upon brute strength. Then Hugo explained that he would become the spiritual leader of his people, but that only the other two rulers would be presented before the rest of the mortal races. Hearing that he still intended to "support" them caused the Giants of the city to cry out for joy and over the course of the winter season, the Giants would slowly reshape their entire city to embody their new leadership.... Bobby, on the other hand, had other matters to tend to right then and let out a long exasperated breath as he thought about all of the introductions he would have to go through that winter...
Get baited Milo stretched out on his bedding of dried palm leaves and groaned. The red fox rolled onto his hands and knees before climbing up from his humble bedding and looking out through the exit of his small cave. It was a mediocre home at best but the location was amazing. He could not see the ocean yet but he heard the gentle waves washing up against the steep beach of the cove. When his empty stomach growled, the fox looked down at his fluffy, almost hollow belly, getting a good view at his firm, perky sheath and the hint of moist pink it was showing. “Yes, I know, not much to fuck around here.” he sighed, before his stomach interjected with a drawn out growl. “Food first.” The fox snatched up a crude fishing rod and made his way to the cove, naked just like every other anthro populating the area. The warm, salty breeze ruffling his long shiny fur and playing around his naughty bits was a very welcome sensation to Milo, as he went about looking for bait on his way to the shore. He found what he was looking for under a dead tree branch and quickly poked some wiggly insect onto the hook of his fishing line. He was quite proud of his little contraption, which he had fashioned from a stick, self made bast rope and the bones from a little bunny girl he devoured ages ago. “Long digested but still useful.” he snickered as he enjoyed the sun joining the wind on his fur, when he finally went past the thick jungle and walked on coarse sand towards a tall rock, which was his favourite fishing spot. “You’d think they would learn after I ate a hundred of them, same method, same spot, but I don’t mind.” he snickered with the sly grin his species was renowned for. Then he cast his line into the water and waited, watching the hollow bone hook contraption float on the surface, providing a good attractive bait for the little fishfolk he was after. He just hoped that he was not going to have another gull dive down and snatch up his hook again. Sure he eats those too, but the feeling of passing a rogue beak through his digestive tract was a haunting memory at best. Milo was dragged from his thoughts when he felt a jolt on his rod and the line started to dance around in the water. He caught something. The fox pulled on the stick firmly and felt a jolt. Whatever he had lured in, it was hooked. After a fairly short and very one sided struggle, Milo pulled a roundabout hand sized fish girl from the water. The old bunny bone was protruding from her maw as she made some fairly pitiful noises. “Come here, my little snack. You will feel better soon.” The care with which Milo removed the hook from her maw had absolutely nothing to do with a supposed concern for his prey’s pain or fate. He was merely trying to keep his hook intact so it could drag out another mer after that and another and another and so on. This thing had helped him in killing so many little fish people already, he thought for a second as the hook came out and he grabbed the girl by her tail, lifting her above his open maw. Milo let his prey “enjoy” the view, until her struggles stopped nearly completely, when she noticed that she was dead either way. If he swallowed her, she was going to digest like all of her predecessors who had met the fox’s stomach and if she managed to wiggle free, she would splat on the hot dry rock with no hopes of survival either way. Milo loved it when meals came easy and set the little thing down on his tongue before slurping her down. He felt a sleek bulge travelling down his slender neck before the still living fish girl’s weight eased the hunger pain in his belly, giving his stomach some well needed work. As he already started to digest his breakfast, he lazily cast the line back into the water, trying it without a bait for now. It worked occasionally and the worst that could happen would be him enjoying the nice weather on a half full stomach. It took a lot longer this time and Milo simply leaned back, fishing rod in one hand, the other one trailing down over his belly until his breakfast stopped moving completely. After that he started to idly play with his sheath, watching his thick canine tip slipping out and back in as he balanced his own arousal depending on where and how much he stroked, rubbed and caressed himself. However, at some point his fishing rod jerked again and another fight for survival was translated through the line and the stick into his paw. He grabbed the tool in both hands now, hoping to get a nice and big one until it suddenly jolted backwards and nearly slapped in his face. When he looked down on it he saw another fish girl dangling from his hook. This one was even smaller, which was weird given the strong pull he had felt. As he looked down the shiny scaly scaly body he found the reason. She had been cut in half right below her chest by something frightfully sharp. “I just could not help myself.” said a mischievous, even sultry female voice below him. When Milo looked down he saw a drop dead gorgeous shark girl drifting sideways on the surface, one of her pearly white skinned breasts hovering right on the water surface as she traced her wide throat with slender webbed fingers and gulped. “I have observed you long enough, foxy. I know you won’t starve because I took half of this one.” she added, her smile widening into a toothy grin as she looked up, but not at his eyes. Milo followed her gaze all the way down to his groin, only now noticing that her teasy voice and the sight of a sleek predatory woman with wonderful tits caused his sheath to peel back as his erection grew. “Are you here for these, or for those?” Milo asked, shaking his fishing rod with the dead mer dangling from it before indicating his pulsating excitement. “Why not both?” the shark replied. With a horny smirk, Milo removed the fish girl’s remains from his line and tossed it to the shark who snapped it up with her gaping maw. He had heard of it but this was the first time Milo saw a shark maw in action and it was frightening yet oddly exciting to see a face simply split open to consume prey in a single snap before returning to that sleek sexy looking thing he could not stop ogling all over. “Is that what you have in store for me?” he asked her, desperate not to just jump into the water and find out. He just wanted to grope and lick her firm looking breasts and find out what it was like to sink his cock into a fierce apex predator. “What makes you think that? If I want to eat a fisherman, I pull away their rods, wait for them to swim out to get them back and then swallow them at my leisure.” she said with that bright toothy grin of hers. It was not hard to believe that she snacked on people Milo’s size like he did on those mers. He was about to open his lips again, trying to make some clever words come from them instead of the drool pooling in his maw from her seductive glances and overall gorgeous looks, but she gave him another show. Milo opened his lips and liquid did come out of them and the now pulsating tip of his cock when the shark went on her back, exposing her whole underside. Both of her smooth breasts were exposed now and of course she was cupping and kneading them in her sleek webbed hands. His view followed along her alarmingly smooth tummy and down to where her body became properly feral. Right at that divide, cupped by triangular fins, was her slit, flushed light pink with excitement, looking soft and ready for some good mating. “How many times did that move fill your belly so far?” Milo asked with the remainder of his eroding common sense. It was hard to look anywhere other than her breasts and slit, his instincts screaming at the fox to just hop in and fill her up with his seed, to pass on his genes no matter what might happen to his body or not. “A couple of times. I have to admit, I never tried it on land creatures before, but it works wonders on dolphins.” she said. Once more Milo had to follow her gaze to even realise that he was holding his fluffy sheath firmly in his left hand and was pumping it up and down, already feeling his knot inflating a tiny bit below his fingers. When he looked back, she was upping her teasing game as one of her slender fingers moved down from her chest all the way to her slit and simply vanished in it. “Mhhh~ this feels good. You have a point, masturbating is more fun with some compny, but don’t you agree it feels so much better to properly mate? You don’t know what a wet girl is until you have tried something aquatic, trust me.” “But…. you could just eat me.” replied Milo, his voice shaky, his breath ragged as murky pre dripped from his tip. “Sure, I could. But look at me. In the ocean I am personified death. I can outspeed and bite through anything I want. Also, from one predator to another, I am pretty sure you have some prey stuff you just hate running through your guts. For me, that is long fur that clumps up in me.” “Bird beaks.” Huffed Milo, staring at her finger sliding in and out of her slit, coming back with a fresh coating of thick, shiny nectar each time. “Uff, those are a close second. Though they mostly melt in my stomach.” Milo’s arousal was getting worse and his erection grew to a proud size, dripping pre in frequent heavy drops. “And you would just have a nice fling with me in the shallows and then let me go?” he asked, so far gone in his need to stick his painfully hard cock someplace soft, warm and wet that nothing but a blatant admission of his spot on her menu could have dissuaded him. “Sure, if some sand under my back makes you feel better. I just want you to slip right in he…” She never finished her invitation before Milo jumped head first into the water, appearing on her other side and eagerly pulling himself close to her. “Yess!” he moaned out as he tried to climb on top of her, leading to them running aground on the steep sandy surf. Milo had never touched a shark before but now he was going to mate one. It was a quite alien feeling he got from touching her skin. It was firm but not stiff, painfully rough in one direction and smooth in the other. When he crawled onto her belly, her moving muscles were felt underneath his paws. It was a bit like living metal. He looked up at her face, once he was satisfied with the position of his cock, dangling just above her large slit. Her slitted eyes looked back at him, her head pointing towards the fox as if she wanted to say or do something. In his aroused haze the fox did not read her expression remotely correctly, until it kind of softened. She too seemed very eager about his plan to plunge his foxhood into her body now. For Milo it was a strange mix of pride, excitement and fear, being in a top predator’s domain, at her mercy, yet happily pressing the tip of his warm throbbing cock at the entrance of her sex. The two moaned in unison as Milo lowered his hips and pushed his firm cock into the shark’s eager sex. They had just met but they sounded as if they had missed each other for months. In truth they were probably simply both extremely pent up and needy. At least the fox certainly knew he was. “Mhhhpf~ You were right about the wet part. This is amazing.” he groaned throatily as he felt his shaft getting engulfed by her nectar saturated silky folds. Her inner flesh was the opposite of her outer skin. Soft, smooth and with a fair bit of give. This was going to allow the fox to last quite a while without taking any of the fun away from the frantic mating they just started. “And you are so warm.” she moaned back, the sultry tone of her voice encouraging Milo to do his best. He leaned down basically lying flat on her torso, his whole cock sunken into her seemingly bottomless slit and his hands firmly groping her perky breasts. Her nature as an aquatic predator meant that everything about her was sleek and streamlined but if Milo curled his fingers firmly enough he still managed to fill his hands with delightful amounts of shark tits, gaining another excited noise from his scary lover in return. Then he started to properly thrust, working her pussy by pushing himself off of her upper tail with his knees. He could feel the friction on his fur, thankful for his dense coat, which was shielding his skin from being shredded by hers. In and out he pistoned in a rough, breathless pace that was obviously appreciated by his lover. As he went on, he noticed her insides starting to shudder occasionally, while clenching very deliberately in other moments. He took this as a sign of her getting close just as he was. About a minute away from the explosive orgasm he could feel building up inside his loins, Milo started to leak pre into her, utterly loving the thirsty moans the shark gave him for every single drop of vulpin e heat he offered her. That was when his knot started to swell, limiting his thrusts. “Tight all of a sudden?” he moaned breathlessly while trying to pull back out and no matter how borderline violently he pulled, he could only get her folds to bulge but not to part widely enough. “Mrrr~ properly tied. Let’s make some fox sharks.” he huffed eagerly and used his limited length of pull to just work his hips even faster. This tease seemed to worry the shark noticeably and while her heated, sloppy wet an audibly needy sex kept shuddering around the fox cock now locked inside of it, the deliberate milking had stopped. “If you make me a mother, I’ll digest you slowly.” she threatened through deadly gritted teeth before another deep thrust made her gasp. “Don’t care. This… hufff~... so worth it.” Her powerful hands grabbed his hips and pushed, but no matter what, the knot was not letting him out. Her arms shook, but not from strain. When Milo saw her jaws gape widely, it was not in order to devour him but part of the first shark orgasm he ever witnessed and his lucky cock had a front row seat. The view alone nearly pushed him over the edge but when her pussy started to clench around his thick member like a vice, making it impossible for his burning muscles to move more than an inch, he was gone. Gritting his own far less impressive teeth and tossing back his head, eyes clenched shut, Milo joined her in orgasm, shooting ropes of hot virile semen deeply into the shark. “Why does it feel so good.” she moaned, obviously feeling her common sense losing the fight against arousal just like Milo did when he took the plunge into the water. The fox took this as high praise, maybe even getting a few more throbs and another squirt of semen out of his orgasm as a result. With a deep, gratified sigh the fox eventually collapsed on the shark’s torso, his thighs and abs burning like fire as his still hard shaft throbbed idly inside the predator’s wonderful and freshly impregnated folds. “You were amazing.” he huffed, looking up to her face, seeing a weird mix of violent predatory fury and deep satisfaction. “You know I am going to kill you for this, right?” she snarled, her eyes staring at him harshly. Still, her expression betrayed that she had needed this about as badly as he had. “I know I was pent up, but I am fairly certain half the cum my dick is swimming in now is actually yours.” That definitely hit home and Milo was pretty sure that she would be flushing now if sharks could do that. So he just piled one more on top. “I was half expecting this to be my last fling but after cumming, I think it was still worth it. Besides, you won't have any chance to eat me before round two, because that knot is not going anywhere.” He pushed his hips up once more, proving his point and enjoying the sweet moral victory of seeing the face that streamlined personification of voracious death was making when he tugged on her overstimulated lips with that girthy knot of his. “You really don’t care about becoming a snack, do you?” “This is my fifth close encounter with a predator this year. You get used to it. Fucking my way off your menu is my best bet now anyway. I am not gonna fight you in the water. I am horny, not stupid.” “Sharks don’t work that way, Snack.” she growled but did nothing else for now. She could claw at him if she wanted, or lean down and bite his face clean off but she did not. “Have you ever impregnated other species?” she asked in a low tone as if she was the one who had a lot to lose here. “A bunch.” came his snickering, grinning reply. “Oh fine. If I am going to be a mother to prey hybrids, I might as well enjoy the ride. I will still eat you though, no matter how good your cock feels.” she sighed and when her hands did come down on him, they were gently holding his back, feeling his fur. “Next round we go in the water and do it my way though.” It seemed the shark did not take long to recover from her recent peak and with the prospect of going far deeper into her body than he ever anticipated, Milo was set on exerting himself during sex, preferably to the point of hardly noticing his inevitable demise. Once her arms clutched him tightly and she started to wiggle her way off the sand bank and towards the water, the fox felt the muscles flex in her tail. He was still amazed by how firm and hard yet flexible her body felt to him. There were certainly worse things to get eaten by and the thought of leaving her with two different kinds of belly bulge amused and excited the fox. “Can I at least know who I will be feeding?” he asked, anticipating a lot of water in his face rather soon. “My name is Lucy.” “Nice to meet you, despite your intentions. My name is” “Snack.” the shark cut him off , sporting another frighteningly toothy grin. But her eyes had softened by now, probably because she knew her meal was safe now and there was no resistance coming from him. What would be the point even? With an aquatic body of her power and teeth like that, Lucy could turn him into fox salad within the time it took him to make two or three swimming strokes. “Though, as far as snacks go, I really love your stamina and eagerness. A lot of my meals grow soft and boring once they see I tricked them. “Let me guess. You prey on surface dwellers a lot.” “All the time.” Another toothy grin. “I will try to keep your head above water, but no promises.” Then Milo got a taste of “shark mating light”. He had heard of how violent an affair it usually was, with love bites that would maim or kill less robust creatures like him and both lovers exerting themselves to the brink of passing out. He was quite glad that he got the softened down version, but it was still more intense now that Lucy took the reins, probably also because the constant swimming gave her much more oxygen to burn. Milo held onto her rough skinned frame, feeling the muscles he was destined to fuel flexing underneath him. He worked his hips for a while, but in the end settled for just tagging along for the ride. There was a weird sense of pride and fairness welling up in him now that this incredible predatory female did all the work for him, occasionally moaning when her folds clenched on his inflated knot. He hoped Lucy would be up for a few more rounds before her hunger took over. The position they were in was a unique one as well. She was on her side-ish, two thirds turned on her back, as to keep her slightly gaping maw underwater and his saltwater soaked snout above the surface. As she swam rapidly through the tides, Milo felt her strong swimming muscles actually helping in kneading his throbbing cock deep inside her surely bred folds. “So tight, when you are swimming.” he moaned, not sure she could even hear him but he thought he saw another grin around the edges of her scary jaws. In his current state, watching her smirk with that scary predatory face only excited the fox more. He had made his peace with the food chain and his role in it. In a way his impending consumption made the sex much better. He would not even feel sore tomorrow. He was jerked out of his lust driven thoughts when the shark suddenly jolted under him. He heard a muffled cry from under water before Lucy started to thrash violently. As a result her incredible cunny started to heat up from her sudden burst of activity. Whenever her tail or torso flicked around like a massive man eating whip, Milo felt a firm squeeze on his cock along with a surge in temperature. “Soooo good.” he moaned to that, leaking slick warm pre into her already cum soaked insides. Then Lucy’s head burst from the water, eyes blunt with panic. “Stop thrusting and do something, we are being eaten. Pull out!” she screamed before going back under water and resuming her wonderfully pleasant tail kicks. Milo was not even thinking about doing that. Her food, someone else’s food. He would not see the end of the day either way and he liked what he was doing now. “Good boy.” came a chirping voice from behind. It was oddly high pitched yet sounded almost motherly compared to the snarly hissy talk of the shark he was mating. Milo took the time to turn around, wondering who he had to thank for kicking Lucy’s clenching game into top gear. What he saw was the huge soft features of a mer orca. He faintly registered that her maw was probably wide enough to take them both in, judging the whole, rather pudgy looking figure he could see in the water to be easily three or four tons heavy and six meters long. What he did take notice of very closely though was the fact that her big round breasts were wider than his shoulders. His eyes probably glowed up with playfulness, or maybe she noticed his shudders because the orca now giggled. “My name is Marissa and I will be your predator today.” she said, clearly enjoying the fox’s horniness and total lack of care for his impending doom. “Milo.” he huffed. “Nice to meat you, Milo.” she said with a short giggle at her own bad joke and then sank down a little to deal with the thrashing shark she caught. Occasionally he looked back, seeing the black and white features of Marissa pulling on the sleek grey tail of Lucy. Here and there he felt a tug backwards, each time followed by seeing the two aquatic shapes merge. The orca stayed the same, the shark was vanishing. In a minute or so, Milo would join the process of turning three creatures into one well fed one. With a splash Lucy’s hands cae up from the water, followed by her head. She was trying to push him off, shoving at his hips, only to find his knot painfully snuggly stuck in her. “Just slip out, or do something! Get her off of me or she will eat us both.” “Why? I am food either way.” “No! Please. Just get me out of her and I’ll let you go.” “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…” hummed the fox and started to thrust into her some more. He loved how the tables had turned and how despite all this, he could see the pleasure he caused her. “Just enjoy the ride until you are mush. It’s what I have been doing for the past thirty minutes.” Lucy kept struggling, kept milking Milo’s cock with her desperate fight for survival. Was this how apex predators felt? Getting turned on by the voracious demise they inflicted on others? Milo was pretty sure that Lucy had shown some arousal when telling him what she was going to do with him in the end. Before she was put on someone’s menu. Bit by little bit she was inserted into Marissa’s gaping maw. While huge and chonky, the orca was not as much of a gulper as the shark it seemed and so the whole thing took some time. Not that Milo minded it one bit. Being engulfed in hot slimy flesh beyond his throbbing member was a huge improvement over the relatively cold sea water. Eventually he looked back and saw that all of Lucy’s powerful tail and half of his own legs were engulfed in a soft warm orca throat. The shark he was still fucking could do little more than wiggle and apparently amuse her predator with all the flexes of her tail muscles. With how limited Lucy now was, Milo took up the slack and worked harder to make this fun for both preys. He dropped flat on Lucy’s torso, his elbows clenched to her sides, hands clasping her perky breasts that were utterly dwarfed by Marissa’s while his hips were pistoning up and down. Each time he lifted up he could hear the squelches made by his cock rubbing on Lucy’s insides, the noises made by both their juices being churned about. Here and there the shark let out a very sweet and involuntary moan, accompanied by a shiver running down her entire body. Milo looked up to her, seeing the shark’s desperate face at the cusp of Marissa’s jaws, her arms extended, holding onto the orca’s rostrum and refusing to let go. “Lucy… hrrrf~, I am close. Let’s finish together again.” Milo suggested before giving it his all. The shark was just about to snarl an insult at her supposed snack but as soon as her jaws opened, only a moan came out. A familiar shudder rolled up and down Milo’s shaft and he heard new frothy shark juices squish around him. “Yess!” he cried out, leaned back and shot another big warm load into the doomed former predator. The resulting shudder caused Lucy’s grip to fail and the both of them were pulled back quite a bit in a firm gulp. “Fuck, why is this so good?” the shark sighed, giving in to lust and exhaustion. When the light cut out except a few rays that squeezed through the zig zag of Marissa’s blunt teeth, she too realised there was no point in fighting it anymore. She was prey now. “I will still tear you up as soon as you stop fucking me.” she hissed now and grabbed Milo’s head, pushing his snout to her chest, demanding her perky nipple to be suckled on before they were both consumed by Marissa’s throat. “What a show!” chirped Marissa, her voice seemingly coming from all directions at once. “I should start baiting sharks with foxes from now on.” As the two ill fated lovers slipped down the smooth elastic throat of the feeding orca, they could feel Marissa’s large hand caressing the bulge they made. All around them flesh flexed and convulsed, pushing and sucking them deeper. “This is so weird.” Lucy admitted. “I had prey fuck inside me before and just thought they were stupid or something. But somehow, with you still in me, I don’t care that much.” “Breeding instincts beat any others. Take it from someone who ate a couple hundred bunnies in his time.” Milo snickered and gave her sensitive nipple a teasing little nibble. “You are so lucky you are out of my jaws’ reach.” Lucy snarled, trying to “bite him” with her clenching sex instead. “Does that mean I should stop?” “I did not say that.” she huffed, pushing his head firmly into her chest once more, this time aiming his clever mouth at her other breast. Milo shuddered when he felt a tight ring of flesh press over his feet, the sensation quickly climbing up his body. He knew this was it, he had been on the other side of this feeling a hundred times. It was the stomach sphincter sliding over his body, pressing him even tighter against his lover and co-prey. “Have fun in there you delicious cuties. Try to run out of air soon. My forestomach is not a fun place to be in for long.” The soft motherly voice of their plump devourer did not really explain to the fox what a forestomach was, but he was soon going to find out. Lucy sure got the brunt of it but the fox too felt how rough and rigid the walls were. Eventually the sphincter slipped over his head as well and he felt a slight drooping sensation as the weight and size of them, well, mostly Lucy, caused Marissa’s belly to swell. All around them the sandpaper like walls started to grind and push, kneading them together and pulling on Milo’s fur, his tail and his ears. Not in a teasing fashion, these tugs were violent and careless, designed to break his body apart. In due time they would succeed in their task. “Don’t you dare go soft now.” groaned Lucy, the shark seemingly in pain due to whatever the huge digestive organ was doing to her fins and tail already. “Not like I have space to pull out. Though I wonder why it's so dry in…” Milo did not manage to finish his speech before a roughly fist wide channel opened right above his head and a literal flood of hot, concentrated digestive juices flooded in. Obviously orca stomachs worked very differently from his own but he was not surprised when the warmth he felt from the liquid dousing him rapidly turned into a searing burn. It was too dark to tell but the fox would not be surprised if the next unlucky contraction of his final resting place would just scrape off half his face after this. “Oh thank goodness they were right?” moaned Lucy from under him, sounding much more cheerful all of a sudden. She could feel Milo’s questioning look and explained. “One of the smaller sharks I ate was a talker and said my acids numbed his electroreceptors. Those cute black dots I have on my snout. I feel all warm and dizzy now. The pain is more like a memory now. So, let’s have some more stomach sex, Snack.” With no sensitive receptors to get numbed and overwhelmed, Milo felt the full blown burning of being digested alive but luckily Lucy’s sudden desire for him and the very pleasant pull he felt on his slightly softened shaft were great distractions. “I will make sure you die pregnant.” he huffed and went on to use up what little air had followed him into the orca belly. Between the noises of more acids flowing in and the churning walls ripping fur and skin off their bodies, there was also the sounds of Marissa enjoying herself. Clearly the well fed gal had a good time with her prey wiggling around so much but neither of the two preys cared. “Finally I can do this.” the fox huffed and started to pull hard, sliding his half deflated knot out of his sharky lover with a noisy squelch. When he thrusted back down, the bulb of flesh was pressed on Lucy’s cum and acid soaked lips, but did not go inside. At least not until another convulsion of the violent forestomach rammed him inside by applying as much food as was necessary to compact its contents. “Yess! Do that again.” Milo eagerly complied. Milo had been fucking Lucy like he was about to die before. But now he was doing it while he was actually being killed by Marissa’s stomach. The burning of his muscles changed. It was no longer just exertion, by now it was them actually being melted down into thick meaty paste. He and his lover were both becoming one and the same meat smoothie right there as they ravaged each other. “Breed me!” was the last, croaked command he heard from Lucy as her body was already weakening and falling apart as well. By now most of the thrusting was done by the orca belly but luckily Milo was a very horny fox and his body was kind enough to use its last resources on keeping his sex drive going rather than trying to figt a digestive organ five times his mass. “I.. I…. Ahhhh~” With those words Milo’s final ejaculation and his last breath left the fox’s body, giving all the liquid creamy warmth he had left inside to the shark that had tried to eat him. When he collapsed he hoped to settle his chin on Lucy’s lovely tits but instead he heard only the clacking of bone on bone. This was it. Exhaustion and a deep sex induced satisaction numbed the pain until it felt like some distant memory while the darkness he felt seemed to get even more absolute. When his brain tried to make him draw another breath, nothing happened. This was the best end he could have hoped for.
“You wished to see us.” spoke an elderly man as he sat around a table. The room was warmly lit, with only a set of stairs leading upwards behind him. “Indeed.” another spoke, sitting at what appeared to be the spot for the head of the family. “It has been some years since we have discussed certain activities around the village... privately.” “It has been.” agreed a third, his pale, almost blind eyes glancing towards the head. “You would not summon us without a good reason.” “Less of what troubles me and more of, what could happen.” His eyes swept across the table knowingly, glancing at the two elder males sitting closest to him and then at their wives. “And I do not mean the Uzumaki boy.” “You do not?” the male to his left said in a small amount of surprise. “We warned your granddaughter to stay away from him because he would bring nothing but trouble to the clan.” “Yet my son has told me he came to learn a lesson of etiquette yesterday.” This news took the males by surprise while the ladies let a small smile pass over their faces. “Although he was unable to stay the entire session, he did show interest in such a thing. While I would like to think we were too hasty in our decision, it is not the Uzumaki boy we have gathered to talk about.” “It is the Uchiha boy, isn’t it?” the female elder asked, seeing the main elder bow his head enough in the form of a nod. “The Hyūga clan and the Uchiha clan have never gotten along.” The third male said instantly, the difference between him and the one opposite was the cross symbol on his forehead. “What has piqued your attention of him elder?” “The boy has started to show signs of becoming a skilled and prodigious ninja. That cannot be allowed to continue nor permit him to grow any further.” The elder’s words elicited no response from the other four, though their eyes hardened slightly. “Killing him will alert his older brother, who is an S-class criminal.” “He only received that status because of what the Uchiha clan were planning on doing.” The elders present all knew of the real reason behind the Uchiha clan massacre. “And yes, killing him would indeed provoke his older brother who is a prodigy beyond his years. That must be avoided at all cost.” “Then how will we dispose of him? He is watched quite often by many in the village.” “Tomorrow is the graduation is it not?” asked the second woman, who had remained silent the entire time, and like her husband shared the same symbol on her head. “Perhaps we can use that to our advantage.” The elders briefly shared a glance of approval, thinking on a plan. “With that knowledge, we will have two days to effectively work on a plan. However, the hardest part of it as to how, I have an answer.” The four elders glanced to the previous clan head, knowing the man was one to always think ahead. “Before I explain a question. Have any of you ever read the archives of the Hyūga clan?” “Not in its entirety.” admitted the male without the symbol on his forehead. “It is much bigger than I expected it to be.” “Indeed it is. However, the origins of the clan came to be through a unique technique that our clan was capable of doing, through a seal we crafted that was a vast alteration of the caged bird seal.” The news of another technique immediately caught the attention of the other four elders, who slightly broke their stoic mask in varying degrees of surprise. “The technique was lost to time as the creator of the seal was killed during the clan wars, however he left all of his notes in an old diary, one I came across only a few days ago.” “What technique is it?” questioned the male with the symbol. “A technique I can only describe as one that would see a lot of use, if anyone were to find the notes I found.” The elder took a calm breath, slight amounts of surprise on the other four’s faces. “It is known as Vore, and it grants the person the seal is applied to, the power to devour and digest someone.” The brief silence of shock and borderline disgust that broke the stoic masks the four elders present wore was enough for the father of the current head to continue. “Coupled in with our gentle fist style, we would disarm and incapacitate almost anyone and then... eat the target.” “And with the person being eaten, there is no evidence left.” finished the elder with no symbol on her head, the disgusted look on her face speaking volumes for her thoughts. “Did you have someone in mine as to whom to apply it to? We cannot risk it being given to an outsider.” “My eldest granddaughter.” the elder told the assembled clan members. “While she does not show much promise in the way of being a good clan heiress, she shows promise with other skills and with this seal applied to her, she will grow into a fine member of the clan.” “When will we apply it?” “Tomorrow, after graduation.” with his words said, the elder calmly drew out a somewhat tattered book. “We will study from this book, and learn how to write and apply the seal.” None of the elders argued that point. The next day Hinata Hyūga, heiress of the Hyūga clan was in a down mood as she made her way towards the compound where her clan resided. The day had been going so well for her with the graduation happening that she had aced easily enough, but her long-time crush and person she held dear hadn’t and was unable to become the ninja he promised he’d be. While she’d tried to comfort him and give him a few words of encouragement, the boy in question had tried to hide his saddened mood but wasn’t as successful as he’d have liked to believe. The boy in question was none other than Naruto Uzumaki, known to the village at large as a prankster with little to no talent in being a ninja. Hinata had crushed on him since shortly after the two had joined the academy, with a group of bullies trying to pick on her and said blond jumping to her aid and defence. While this had gotten him beaten up instead, and her red scarf she received from her mother had tore, the admiration she had for the blond boy doing such a thing left a lingering feeling in her heart. Approaching the front doors of the clan compound she saw one of the other clan members open the door to greet her. “Good afternoon Hinata.” He greeted in his usual stoic tone, politely bowing in greeting. “Your grandfather wishes to speak with you.” “My grandfather?” she repeated, pushing down the shyness in her tone. “I will go and see him immediately.” With a quick bow the heiress entered the building and began heading down the corridor to her immediate left, which brought her along the spare rooms that would often be used for guests. Hinata had only met her grandfather a few times, but the man embodied everything the Hyūga stood for, being level-headed and very stoic about most issues and often dealing with any problems that would threaten the clan or the village. Admittedly, she was a little confused as to why her grandfather had requested her, though she could probably guess it was to do with the graduation. Arriving at the door and finding it open a little, she knew from her upbringing that was an invitation to open and enter. “Good afternoon grandfather.” She said respectfully to the older male, who was sitting calmly at his table and watching as she entered the spacious room. “Good afternoon granddaughter.” He replied, his tone gentle and calm. “Please come in, and have a seat.” With a calm bow of respect Hinata did so, taking a seat on the cushion next to the table. Only the corner separated the two. “You wished to see me grandfather?” she asked him, the elder male’s stoic expression making it hard for her to understand why. “I have heard from my son you passed your exam today in becoming a ninja.” He said, his expression the same as he spoke. “Y-Yes...” Hinata replied, mentally berating herself for slipping up in front of her family. “How did you find the test?” “It was not very difficult.” Hinata hadn’t struggled with any part of it, though her main weakness was her chakra reserves which weren’t as big as some of the other ninja. “The written part of the test was fairly easy, and the three jutsu to use were academy-class.” “I see.” The elder went silent for a few seconds, Hinata’s eyes widening slightly when she thought she saw him smile slightly. “You have done well, and I am pleased.” “T-Thank you, grandfather.” Hinata couldn’t keep the shock out of her tone, though the elder didn’t seem to mind. “I will do the best I can for the clan.” The elder’s slow but acknowledging nod told Hinata everything she needed to know. “I know you will.” He said calmly as another person entered the room, another member of the clan carrying a simple tea tray. “How far have you come along with your skills?” This was an expected question. “Father says I am progressing well, despite my sister...” she trailed off as her grandfather raised his hand calmly, motioning for her to stop. “I do not wish to hear a comparison as to who is better. I asked you, and how you feel you are learning our clan fighting style.” Lowering his hand the elder took his cup of tea as the clan member finished pouring. “I believe I am doing well.” She began again. “I am slowly getting used to the clan fighting style, and I hope to use it to the fullest of my skills.” Going silent for a few seconds, Hinata didn’t know what else to say. “My son believes that you are progressing well in the style.” Calmly taking a sip of his tea, the elder took a few seconds to enjoy his drink before returning his attention to the young lady in front of him. “Though he believes your sister is progressing better, and showing signs of being a better clan head.” The young girl’s eyes shot up, wide with shock. “I...” Hinata tried to reason, only for her argument to die on her tongue as she went silent. “I do not agree.” Her grandfather continued, watching a mixture of confusion and relief spread over her face. “You are progressing in your own time, and I have no doubt you will turn the clan style into something that is best suited to you.” For another second Hinata thought she saw her grandfather smile, but it was difficult to tell with how stoic he was. With a single hand motion Hinata saw the clan member pour her a cup of tea a delicious smelling lavender filling her nostrils that had a touch of something she couldn’t place her finger on.”T-thank you.” she told the attendee before turning to her grandfather. “Drink.” he said calmly, his stoic expression watching as she followed his word and took a small sip. “What else troubles you?” “I...” Hinata began, trying to calm her nerves. “Naruto did not pass today and...” she fell silent as a light blush rose to her cheeks, trying to remain composed with little success. “I see.” The elder placed down his cup. “I am not blind to you admiring the boy.” Hinata felt her cheeks turn a little more red, embarrassment visible on her face. “Do not mistake me for supporting you in such a decision, as it is not my place to discuss whether he would be a good influence.” Hinata felt confused as she took another sip of her tea, several questions flowing through her mind. “We have gotten off-track.” Taking his tea and sipping it, the elder could see his plan had started to take effect. “Have you received who your teammates will be yet?” “No.” Hinata answered, feeling slightly warmer around her neck. “I believe I will be put in a team with my friends Kiba and Shino, to make a team suited for tracking.” Her grandfather nodded slowly to her words, having heard the discussion between his son and her tutor. “The heir of the Inuzuka and Aburame clans.” the elder said more so to himself, watching Hinata nod lightly. “Do not let yourself down or be caught behind.” Before Hinata had the chance to bow or respond her eyes closed and she silently collapsed, the man she called her grandfather watching her fall asleep. “It has taken effect.” A slight smile graced his stoic expression as he stood up, the attendant walking forward to receive further instructions. “Take her to the seal room, I will be along shortly.” The next day Warmth spread through Hinata’s chest as she saw her long-time crush, Naruto Uzumaki enter the classroom for those who had passed the exam yesterday. “I’m happy for you Naruto.” She whispered to herself silently, silently glancing towards someone sitting several seats away from her that had piqued her interest ever since last night. The Uchiha survivor was currently sitting in his chair, brooding silently to himself, and paying no attention to the disagreement that had flared up between Kiba and Naruto on how the blond had passed as a ninja. What had changed for Hinata she didn’t recall only that she had a small but growing desire to speak with him privately, though exactly what about she couldn’t place her finger on. “That’s enough.” The classroom teacher, Iruka Umino, said as he entered the room. “Naruto has been personally given a promotion by the Hokage himself, when he was tricked by Mizuki and revealed to be a spy.” Hinata didn’t react to the outcry of noise from the various classmates, keeping her attention focused on her sensei as he got the class under control. Hinata already could guess who her teammates were going to be, and as Iruka began to read out the names of the students and their sensei she pondered who Naruto would be paired with. “Team seven will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, under Kakashi Hatake.” Iruka’s words got a cry of delight from Sakura, who attempted to rub it into her rival’s face with said rival firing back a retort. “Team eight will consist of Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyūga and Shino Aburame under Kurenai Yuhi.” “Hey Hinata!” said Kiba, getting her attention. “You can rely on me!” Hinata gave him a light smile before returning her attention to Iruka, ignoring a friend’s outburst at being placed with two teammates she got on well enough with. “Wait here until your teachers arrive, and then you are dismissed.” Iruka told the class before taking his leave, leaving the students alone with each other. Hinata paid no attention as Kiba tried to get her attention, her eyes drifting between her crush and the brooding teammate of his. Something inside her desired to meet the Uchiha, but for what reason she did not have any idea or clue, and it somehow bothered her that she felt compelled to do this. Although she had wanted to question her grandfather as to what had happened last night, she’d been unable to find him even with using her Byakugan, thus the many questions in her mind had gone unanswered. “Hinata?” spoke a voice to her side as her second teammate approached, the quiet and sometimes reserved heir of the Aburame clan, Shino. “Y-yes?” she asked, looking towards him. “Are you okay? Your face has been a little red ever since you have entered the classroom.” he asked, a touch of concern in his tone that Hinata was surprised to hear, though she was more surprised that he’d been the only one to point that out to her. “I...” she trailed off, unsure of what to say. “I’m okay.” She said after a few seconds, hesitating to find the right words. Any conversation Shino was about to begin came to an end as the door to the classroom slid open, and several ninja entered the room including a lady the heiress recognised immediately. “Team eight?” she questioned, getting their attention as they rose from their seats. “Come with me.” The three ninja left their row of seats and descended the stairs at either end, the four of them leaving the room one after the other. “Hinata, are you doing okay?” their sensei, Kurenai Yuhi, questioned as they started walking down the hallway, heading towards the front doors of the large academy where they’d attended for the past four years. “I’m okay, sensei.” Hinata replied with a little more courage in her tone than usual. “I just... didn’t sleep well.” That wasn’t a lie technically, as she’d fallen asleep yesterday afternoon and woken up in time for dinner, and the large amounts of rest had lightly disrupted her sleeping pattern and made her wake up an hour earlier than usual. “If something is the matter, bring it to me okay? We’ll discuss the problem.” Her gentle tone made the three heirs nod in response as they exited the building, arriving in the courtyard where the basics of academy training took place. “So sensei, we’re ninja now.” Kiba began, looking excited. “When do we start going on missions?” “Unfortunately Kiba, that exam you took was to simply determine if you are all ready to be put on a team.” Kurenai said calmly, seeing the excited face turn to confusion. “The real exam is a test based on the sensei, and if you fail you are sent back.” “What? No!” Kiba’s cry summarised his teammates’ words. “That’s crap! What do you mean we get sent back if we fail?” “It’s a test to see if the sensei deems us ninja ready for the world outside the village.” said Shino, lightly pushing his glasses up. “It is logical to assume that if we fail, then we aren’t ready for the trials being a ninja has.” “Shino is correct.” Kurenai supplied, wondering how he had deduced such a thing in a short time. “Then, we’ll beat your test! And show you we’re ready to prove ourselves!” Kiba’s boisterous words made Kurenai smile some. “However, before you are ready to begin this test, I believe introductions are in order.” Kurenai’s words made whatever Kiba was about to say next promptly be silenced, the boy blushing lightly as he realised he didn’t know his sensei’s name. As Kurenai began introducing herself to her team Hinata’s attention was diverted to the deep hunger she suddenly felt flood her, an almost uncontrollable urge to eat spreading through her that vanished as quickly as it came. “What...” Hinata whispered, pushing the feeling away before turning her attention to her sensei that she’d known for the past four years. “Hinata, are you feeling okay?” she questioned, and Hinata knew that she couldn’t keep this up. Shaking her head, Kurenai’s expression softened some. “I think it would be best if we reconvene tomorrow, and introduce ourselves after the exam. We’ll meet at training ground six at eight am. You are dismissed.” “See you tomorrow Hinata.” Shino spoke in his usual tone. “Kiba let’s go.” His words had no room for argument as he reached out and grabbed his friend’s sleeve before he could protest, dragging him away to leave Hinata with Kurenai. With a nod of agreement Hinata began walking, leaving the academy courtyard with Kurenai who looked a little more worried than normal. “You looked very flushed and confused Hinata.” Her sister-figure-slash-sensei said calmly, making the heiress look away in embarrassment. “Whatever the matter is, you can tell me okay?” “O-okay.” she said, mentally berating herself for her stutter as the two walked towards the Hyūga compound, conveniently located not too far from the academy. “I...” she started but went silent, unsure how to explain the feeling of what she felt. Approaching the entrance of the compound in silence her grandfather stepped out, his stoic expression being of no surprise to Kurenai. “Elder hyuga.” she greeted politely. “Hinata has been unwell all day.” “I see.” He began calmly. “I thank you for bringing this to my attention.” A ghost of a smile passed over his expression, something Kurenai was very surprised to see. “The clan will see to her health so she does not fall behind.” Wordlessly Hinata made her way to her grandfather’s side, the amount of worry in Kurenai’s eyes only amplifying by a marginal amount as she disappeared from view into the building. “Would you keep me informed as to her progress?” she asked, and it was here the elder nodded calmly. “Her health will be a top priority. Do not worry.” He said, calmly still. “If there is something we cannot do, we will bring her to the hospital and inform you.” “Thank you.” replied Kurenai, feeling and looking relieved before bowing in respect and taking her leave, missing the knowing smile he had before re-entering the compound to speak with the other elders. The next morning Hinata’s eyes snapped open as her stomach rumbled gently, the deep desire to fill it completely rousing her from her slumber in a way that she could not understand. Warmth spread through her being as the sun peaked into her room through the slightly open window, illuminating the room enough for the girl to rise and properly wake herself up. Her memory of the day prior after getting home had left her with questions she had no answer to, as they were constantly filled with a raven-haired Uchiha. “Why was I thinking of him?” Hinata asked herself, her mind unable to come up with an answer. “I shouldn’t think on it...” she added, rising from her bed to get ready for the day ahead. Before she had the chance to get ready however, a knocking on her door caught her attention. “Sister?” said her younger sister’s tired voice briefly catching Hinata by surprise that she was up so early. “Are you awake?” “Yes.” She replied, her surprise wearing off as the six-year-old entered the room. “Are you okay?” The little girl nodded, giving her a smile. While they were quite close as family, their duties would often get in the way of their time to connect. “I was told by grandfather to tell you the meeting place for your team is training ground seven.” she told her, dressed still in her pyjamas. “I... okay.” Hinata could only reply, watching as her sister looked quite satisfied with her message before taking her leave of the room, leaving her alone to resume getting ready for the day. “Training ground seven?” she repeated in confusion, having never personally been there before as it was one of the very few training grounds found outside the village. Shaking her head from her thoughts the heiress focused on the moment of getting dressed, glancing at the time as she set about putting away her futon. Thankfully it was only a little after seven, and though Hinata didn’t have a time on exactly when her sensei would turn up, she figured it’d be best to arrive there early and wait. Leaving her room and following the small corridor down to the clan kitchen, Hinata made sure not to make any noise to not wake anyone up. While there were members of the clan on-duty, they stuck to the perimeter of the compound and as such, very rarely came inside and Hinata had no intention of giving them a reason to. Entering the kitchen Hinata immediately set about making herself a small breakfast, ensuring the foods she selected would be filling and slow-burning for maximum energy for the test. Having known Kurenai for the better part of four years Hinata had a few thoughts as to what sort of test her sensei had planned, but pin-pointing exactly which one was the question that was running through her mind. Finishing her breakfast and cleaning up the table Hinata immediately started making her way to the front doors of the compound, only to be hit with the same feeling from yesterday. Gasping in brief shock and doubling over, Hinata’s stomach felt as though it was moving in some way, almost stretching within her to the point of touching her skin. Pushing the feeling away as best possible despite it feeling incredibly uncomfortable Hinata quietly slid open the doors and slipped out, seeing one of the clansmen standing by the door to speak with anyone who would approach the compound. A single bow was his way of greeting that Hinata returned, before she left the grounds and started making her way towards Training ground seven. Training ground seven “WHERE IS HE?!” a screech of almost inhuman proportions tore through the training ground, coming from a pink-haired female who was standing by a tree patiently waiting for her sensei. Nearby, her raven-haired teammate was cleaning out his ear to ensure he could hear properly, and hadn’t been deafened by the vocals his second teammate had on her. “You could shut up and speak normally...” Sasuke muttered angrily to himself, trying to remain patient with little success. “And where’s the idiot? He should be here by now.” The dark-haired boy that stood impatiently in training ground seven was none other than Sasuke Uchiha, while the pink-haired girl nearby him was his teammate Sakura Haruno, two members of Team Seven. “We’d make a better team without him.” Sakura declared to the Uchiha, somewhat hell-bent on getting his attention and affection. “No we wouldn’t.” Sasuke muttered under his breath angrily, ignoring his teammate while continuing to wait hungrily for their sensei. His mood had been particularly sour from the moment he’d woken up a lack of sleep coupled in with an empty stomach wasn’t helping and the six o’clock start was the icing on the cake. “Sasuke?” said Sakura as she glanced into the trees, the boy’s attention following where she was looking to see a figure standing there, watching them silently from a fair distance. “Who is that?” she added, looking towards him with worry on her features. “I don’t know.” He replied as his eyes hardened, his lack of sleep disappearing enough for him to focus properly. “Sensei isn’t here yet.” He added, keeping his focus on whoever that was in the trees. The figure belonged to none other than Hinata Hyūga, who was watching the Uchiha from a good fifteen meters away with an insatiably hungry look on her face. The seal that had been unknowingly placed on her body had fully kicked in and had taken over her conscious, putting her into a deep trance-like sleep that unleashed her sub-conscious, and with the seal in complete control Hinata was completely unaware any of this was going on. Sasuke did not realise the danger that was before him as he approached the person, his attention kept on the figure as he or she led them further into the woods that surrounded the leaf village. “Whoever you are, fight me. You don’t stand a chance against an Uchiha!” he stated proudly, a tinge of arrogance in his tone that did nothing to stop his target from fleeing. Sasuke’s confidence wavered slightly as his target disappeared behind a tree, a small frown briefly appearing on his face before he slowed down enough to get his bearings. ‘They’ve led me away from Sakura. Whoever they are wants to fight me alone.’ He thought with his eyes fixated on the tree his opponent had hidden behind. ‘If that’s the case then I’ll defeat them with ease.’ He added with a small smirk on his face. What he failed to notice was his target that had silently jumped up into the tree, was currently standing on a branch above him. Hinata’s eyes gleamed with ravenous hunger as her jaw lightly clicked, opening to a size that was bigger than normal and more than capable of taking in his head in one fell swoop. “Come out.” Hinata heard him say as she prepared herself, before jumping straight towards him, her mouth aimed directly for his head. Sasuke reacted far too slow as he looked up, a split-second before Hinata’s stretched jaw slammed over his head and submerged his vision into darkness, his hands immediately rising up and grabbing her cheeks to try and push her off. “What?!” he managed to say as an immediate swallow yanked his head into her throat, his shock at being caught so off-guard giving Hinata the advantage she needed. Her hands immediately latched onto his wrists, removing them from her cheeks and giving them the space they needed to stretch, encompassing his shoulders with a small amount of difficulty. Another swallow pulled his head further down her throat, his arms now forcibly stuck to his side and kept there by the heiress, who still had no idea any of this was going on. It didn’t take long for Hinata to arrive at Sasuke’s waist, the heiress lifting his feet off the ground by tilting her head back to make the process easier, as his head entered her stomach and began to stretch out her middle. With quick swallows Hinata made short work of his waist and moved onto his legs, which sunk down into her gullet and stretched her stomach out more as more of it filled, before a final swallow trapped the Uchiha’s feet past her lips and sent them down to join the rest of him in her now swollen stomach. A scream of horror pierced the silence the now full up heiress had enjoyed, her vision glancing to the direction that horrible sound had come from, the source being a very horrified Sakura Haruno. “No...!” she managed to utter out as her eyes glanced from Hinata’s face to her now stretched out midsection, bile rising slightly into her throat that she swallowed down. The ravenous stare Hinata gave Sakura set her alarm bells off, her flight response immediately kicking in as she started walking backwards to put as much distance as possible between her and her classmate. It didn’t really help however as Hinata shot forward, her hands launching out towards Sakura that missed, as the pink-haired ninja threw herself to the side as best she could to avoid her grab attempt. While it worked, her inexperience showed as she lost her footing, falling to the floor in a way that left her horribly open to the approaching predator. Sakura had no time to react as she felt Hinata’s hands grab her ankles, her hands immediately trying to grab the grass beneath her as she felt saliva cover her shoes. “No! I won’t be eaten!” she cried out, desperately trying to pull herself away from the mouth that had engulfed her shoes, and was making its way up her legs. Her feeble attempts to escape did little to slow down Hinata as she continued to pull the girl’s legs into her mouth, swallowing down her feet and working her way up towards her behind. Her shriek of terror as Hinata’s lips crawled over her butt did little to slow down the heiresses feast, a tinge of a blush creeping onto Sakura’s face as she desperately struggled to escape from the gaping maw. Her hands left the floor as she could feel her feet push against a slimy opening, the realisation her feet was entering the hungry predator’s stomach dawning on her and only making her struggle much harder. Before she had a chance to grab onto anything however she was lifted into the air, sinking just a bit quicker as Hinata’s controlled yet strong swallows kept her descending into the belly that her academy crush was trapped in. Attempting to reach and grab something Sakura could only see the branches that were possibly low enough for her to hold onto getting further and further away, the fight within her nearly dying as she felt Hinata’s saliva touch her armpits. “I have to... keep fighting..!” she breathed out with a small amount of exhaustion, cursing her lack of training that she’d put herself through. It was through that lack of training that let Hinata easily gobble up the rest of the pink-haired girl, sending her chest down into her gaping maw that effortlessly slid open her throat while her arms thrashed around uselessly to buy whatever time she could. A long drawn-out swallow pulled her shoulders into her mouth and sealed away any chance Sakura had of escaping, as her lips closed around her neck and rapidly crept up to her chin thanks to gravity. Finally, Hinata swallowed her head and briefly tasted her arms before gulping them down, finishing off the second meal of the morning and trapping her within her now huge midsection. Within her belly Sasuke struggled, trying to shift around into a more comfortable position. “Get off of me!” he growled angrily, trying his hardest to make some room as Sakura was forcibly squished close to him. “I can barely move!” retorted Sakura in frustration as her body completely slid inside, her feet trying to push against the slimy walls she was contained by. “How did you let this happen to me?” questioned Sasuke angrily, trying to push into an upward position with no luck. “You ran off after her!” shot back Sakura, just as angry. Before Sasuke could retort to his teammate’s words he was suddenly jolted around, the movement all around him lightly moving him into a position he could not get out of while Sakura was forced on top of her crush. Angrily Sasuke lashed out with his foot, pushing against the fleshy prison he found himself in only for his foot to do nothing, much to his chagrin. Sakura for her part pushed as hard as she could against the fleshy sack around her, trying to disrupt the movements of their devourer enough to give her a chance to breathe. “I can’t die here...” she said to herself, not caring if Sasuke heard as adrenaline ran through her body, her struggles picking up some momentum in an attempt to force Hinata to bring one of them back up. As Sasuke stopped struggling to try and get some leverage, his confusion and anger gave way to a thought that he wondered could work. “I’m going to use the fireball jutsu.” he said to Sakura as he brought his hands together. In an instant, Sakura grabbed his hands. “Are you mad? You’ll cook us alive!” she told him angrily. “I want to get out of here!” “This wouldn’t have happened had you been there to help!” said Sasuke crossly, his teammate looking at him furiously. “This shouldn’t happen to me, the last Uchiha!” “Unless we get out of here the last Uchiha will be the last Uchiha meal!” retorted Sakura as her hands balled into fists, resisting the urge to punch Sasuke right around the face. Hinata was completely oblivious to the argument and the two members of team seven’s bickering in her belly as she struggled to move, intent on finding a nice spot in the woods to sleep and rest undisturbed. One hand sat upon her belly while the other was cautiously holding onto any tree she passed, keeping her balance as best possible while her careful footsteps stopped her from toppling over. With the seal still active, the heiress had no clue or idea that any of this was happening, and the only memory she’d have would be an incredibly vivid and wild dream that would eventually fade with time. In addition, the seal would shut off once she fell asleep and eventually destroy itself soon after, removing any and all trace that it had ever been applied and hide the handiwork of the elders that had done so. Carefully, Hinata made her way towards a large tree that sat on the boundary of the training ground she was in, deciding to use it as a good spot to rest at. Raising her foot over an exposed root and following that with the other she shifted around the large tree and sat down, setting her back against it and exhaling a long breath of air before closing her eyes, slowly drifting off into a long slumber. The lack of movement did not go unnoticed by the occupants of her belly however, as they both immediately shared a similar thought Hinata had found somewhere to rest and would soon begin digesting the two of them. In seconds the two resumed their frantic struggling completely unaware that the stomach they were in was beginning to get warmer, the lack of air making it tougher to stay focused and conscious. Sakura’s will was sapped bit by bit as the heat started getting to her, making her feel light-headed and dizzy at the same time, her struggles got weaker and weaker. “I can’t...” she managed to say sleepily. “Keep fighting...” she finished before she passed out. “Damn it.” muttered Sasuke as he continued to fight against the heat, the warmth that wrapped around him slowly getting far too much to bear. “No! I refuse to stop fighting!” he growled as he shook off the light-headedness he had begun to feel, continuing to punch and kick the fleshy tomb as best he could to cause enough of a ruckus that would force Hinata to spit him up. It didn’t succeed as he inhaled some air at the worst time possible, making him feel dizzy. “I can’t stop... fighting.” He said before rubbing his eyes, fighting off the tiredness that was washing over him. “I can’t... I’m the... last... Uchiha...” his words died in his throat as the heat finally struck him hard, consciousness slipping from him as he joined Sakura in a deep sleep that he would never awaken from. The gurgling of her belly did nothing to awaken her from her slumber as the acids began to pour in, coating the clothes and skin of the dead duo that lay squished together. No part of their clothing, skin or hair was left untouched as the stomach set to work on turning the two into nothing more than nutrition for the heiress, who was so deeply asleep she wouldn’t wake for a good while. The irritating effects of the acid slowly began to affect their skin, causing their bodies to twitch and react in a way that tried to get rid of the danger that was all around them. Light kicks and punches coupled with shudders were all the bodies did as their bodies continued to soften little by little, their hair falling off and dissolving into the acids with their clothes following, leaving the dying duo defenceless. Minutes passed before the skin finally started to fall off of their bodies, exposing the muscles underneath that had no time to react as they were coated in stomach juices. The sheer pain Sasuke and Sakura should’ve felt didn’t register with them, their deceased forms no longer reacting as the belly continued to work on them at its own pace. Even their equipment they had brought was being destroyed by Hinata’s belly, a testament to the strength of the seal that was glowing a scarlet red on her neck, active and in full force in working on whom she’d eaten. It didn’t take long for the solid shape of her belly to soften a little bit, enough so it took on the appearance of a large, pregnant-like dome. One hand rested upon it as Hinata slept comfortably, completely undisturbed to the world around her, while the two ninja within continued to digest little by little, helped along by the seal on her neck and supplemented by the lack of dinner she had the night prior. With her belly softening a little more the dome shape shrunk further, the two deceased ninja within her belly now having been turned into nutrition that was far more filling than any meal the happy heiress had ever dined upon before. A smile drifted onto her face as the path into her intestines opened and her belly began to empty its contents, moving at a slow enough speed that nothing went to waste. Three hours later The sound of birds chirping away overhead awoke Hinata from her slumber, the sleepy heiress slowly opening her eyes to the forest that was before her. “Mm...” she mumbled, placing a hand over her mouth as she yawned, stretching her arms above her head. “Did... I fall asleep?” she questioned, confusion crossing her face as she tried to recall the past few hours. “I was... on my way to the training ground and...” Glancing around before attempting to move Hinata gasped as her eyes glanced down at her midsection, a hard blush on her face as she realised her jacket was open and her stomach was pushing through her top a little bit. “Did I... eat something?” she asked herself as she rose, inhaling sharply as a feeling of fullness rippled through her system. Exhaling a breath of air as she stood up Hinata placed a hand on her belly for a few seconds, trying to work out and recall what she’d eaten to make her feel this way. What had also made her question was the unusual, meat-like taste that had passed over her lips as she exhaled. “I... should get back to the village.” She said Beginning to make her way back to the village Hinata suddenly blushed as she realised exactly what training ground she was in, the one that her crush was supposed to be at. Thankfully he wasn’t here, letting her pass quickly through the grounds with little problem and make her way towards the gates that led into the village. She knew the layout of most of the training grounds, the main ones up to twenty at least, as part of her understanding of the village during her academy days. To her relief the gates came into view fairly quickly, though before she could pass through them she was stopped by one of the on-duty guards. “Genin Hinata?” the man spoke, getting her attention. “Yes.” She replied instantly. “Is something the matter?” “Your teammates have been wondering where you went this morning, if you were not informed.” He explained. “No, I was told the training ground by my sister and nothing else.” Her words lightly took the on-duty guard by surprise. “Why? Has something happened?” “Your Jōnin sensei and team seven’s Jōnin sensei were sent on an urgent mission at sunrise today.” Hinata’s expression of surprise was confusing to the guard. “You weren’t told?” “No.” She said honestly. “I left early and...” she trailed off, her mind drawing a blank. “Well, at the very least check in with your sensei. She got back an hour ago.” Hinata immediately nodded, recognising the dismissal and shooting off into the village, the guard watching her go. “Was it me... or did she seem different?” Hinata’s choice of destination was not to her sensei’s house however, as her stomach was finally pushing everything of the meal she didn’t recall through her system. Her short rush home turned into a fast walk as the side of the building came into view, the road alive with activity as the civilians went about their daily routine, while the few ninja that were about were doing the same. With a sigh of relief Hinata approached the main entrance of the compound, giving an appropriate greeting to the guards outside before entering her home. Walking calmly towards the nearest toilet, which was conveniently placed a door away from her bedroom Hinata slipped inside and exhaled a breath of air, pulling down her trousers and underwear and sitting on the toilet calmly. A groan escaped her lips as a torrent came out from her behind, her face turning multiple shades of red in embarrassment as her body viciously and hastily expelled everything that was in her bowels. Blushing so hard she was sure she was going to faint, Hinata shut her eyes tight and just let it happen, hoping that what her body was relieving itself of wouldn’t clog the toilet. Hinata didn’t know how long she was on the toilet for but the amount of relief that came over her as her innards emptied themselves made her feel so much better. Sighing in relief as her stomach felt empty and considerably better she rose up from the toilet and cleaned up, pulling up her underwear and trousers before putting the lid down and flushing away the remains, completely oblivious that what just exited her body were the remains of team seven minus her crush. Leaving the toilet silently she was approached by her grandfather, who looked as stoic as usual. “Granddaughter.” he said, getting her attention. “I apologise. I was not informed of your sensei being sent on an urgent mission this morning.” “Oh... it’s okay.” She began before saying, unsure of what to say. “May I be excused?” “Indeed. You may go.” He said before calmly walking away, leaving the heiress to return to her room to organise her equipment, completely unaware that the elder she’d just spoken to felt incredibly prideful at that very moment for the handiwork of the seal he’d applied to her. Eight years later Hinata hyuga contently sat on the hokage’s chair, her inauguration having happened two weeks ago after the fifth hokage had chosen to step down. The sunlight of the morning broke through the windows as she smiled happily to herself, enjoying the warmth of the room that would help her see the day through. Ever since that day Hinata had gone on to become one of the most skilled and dangerous ninja in the village, acing the Chūnin exams with ease and beating her opponents through the tests while at the same time, developing an incredible level of confidence that saw her ask to train with her crush, the two of them growing close little by little. To her amazement, before he had willingly gone on a three year training trip with his godfather the two had shared an evening and dated, almost making her heart go aflutter in a way that only continued to strengthen as he was gone. With Sasuke and Sakura long since digested, Kakashi had taken it upon himself to personally train Naruto to an acceptable level, tutoring him and guiding him in a way that benefited his strengths and minimised his weaknesses. When said blond had returned from his training trip, Hinata had made the rank of Jōnin and the two had begun dating, with support from the clan due to how well the two worked together. It was only when she was made Jōnin that Hinata discovered the truth of what had been done to her by the elders, and she was both horrified and disgusted they had gone to such extreme lengths to ensure that the only Uchiha had been disposed of permanently. Her father had been beyond furious to learn of what they’d done, the resulting fallout costing the elders not only their positions but also putting them before the feet of the hokage who ordered the five to be fully interrogated on everything they knew. Hinata was spared the details but learned her grandfather and other elders would not be stepping foot back inside the compound, a punishment that was akin to being disowned. Her family had supported her through the difficult time of learning what she’d done, and it was through Naruto’s support as well that had seen her come to terms with it. As her ability was labelled an S-class secret, known only by the hokage and a few others, Hinata tried to lead as normal of a ninja life as possible, with the occasional enemy ninja, bandit of even civilian ending up as more fat on her behind, hips or breasts. “Good morning Hinata.” spoke a voice, breaking her out of her daydream of her inauguration. “Good morning Shizune.” Hinata replied, smiling warmly. Shizune was one who had learned from Tsunade about her ability to devour people, and had been disgusted but understood the reasoning behind why she was told. “I suppose I should be starting the paperwork?” Shizune nodded softly, gesturing to the stack of papers. “It’s not as much as yesterday, but it’s still a small stack.” She explained. “Will you need me for anything else?” “No, I’ll be fine.” She confirmed to her. “Don’t you have a date with Kakashi a bit later?” “Yes.” Shizune admitted with a light blush. “I’m not sure what he’s got planned, but I know he won’t let me down. The previous dates have all been fantastic.” Her blush hardened a little more as Hinata grinned gently, happy for the woman she saw as an older sister. “I hope it goes well for you both.” Hinata said, receiving a thankful bow from Shizune in response. “You may go, as I’ll be here all day.” Shizune didn’t need telling twice as she took her leave of the round office, leaving the twenty year old to begin getting to work on the papers that were stacked neatly beside her. “Never understood why my husband wanted this job.” She muttered with a glare at said paperwork, shaking her head lightly and taking the first order of business a letter directly addressed to her. “To the Hokage of the village hidden in the leaves.” She read to herself, recognizing the writing style as one of the noblewomen from one of the towns near tea country. “I write to you this letter in the hopes we could arrange a meeting very soon, as very few ninja have been passing through the city where I reside. I would like to open up a trade business that could be very beneficial to the village, and I hope you will respond with all due haste.” Briefly pausing Hinata lightly shook her head, smiling in disappointment. “I will happily arrange a meeting when I feel like it.” She said to no-one in particular. “But if you are who I think you are... well, I hope you don’t have any malicious intentions for the village.” Slowly, her free hand rested on her belly as it rumbled ever so slightly, her tongue running around her lips hungrily. “And if you try to bully me into doing something that would affect the village negatively... I won’t have any problem doing what is needed to protect my home.” She finished, grinning ravenously. Oh
’s chest nicely, Hanabi looking down at young Hinata who had one as well. However, Hinata looked a bit more… DEVELOPED than her mother. True, Hikari Hyuga had long, flowing hair, and a more refined face, but Hinata had a much nicer chest. And both, naturally, had really cute, soft, springy pads on the bottom of their feet. It helped them leap really, really tall. The Hyuga clan was out on the hunt, though Hikari had no idea exactly where her youngest, the ten-year-old, brown-haired Hanabi had gone. Their black ears twitched a bit as the two rabbits gazed through the undergrowth, remaining downwind and hidden from the scent they’d been following. And there, THERE they were! In a clearing not far away were two foxes! They had numerous long fluffy tails that perfectly matched the color of their hair, the mother having long red hair and tails to match, and the son having blonde hair, with his hair and tails to match. Yes…TAILS. They weren’t just foxes, they were KITSUNES. These were a rare delicacy in the Hyuga clan’s territory. It was really a shame that Hanabi had gone off to try and hunt on her own. Truth be told, Hikari was very worried about her, her daughter always had a habit of letting her stomach dictate too much of what she did. She worried her daughter’s stomach was bigger than her eyes, that she’d one day get into real trouble and bite off far more than she could chew. It didn’t help that she kept pushing the envelope! Hanabi had brought back food to their home several times when out hunting and it’d ALWAYS been prey far larger than she was, especially busty girls. Her mother couldn’t help but notice each of them were bigger and stronger and older than Hanabi, and she’d warned her, “You need to stop, you need to go after prey that’s more your age or you’ll get overwhelmed one day!” Hanabi had just went “psshh”, waving her hand dismissively in the air as she’d set down a VERY milf-y looking wildcat and gotten out a bib. “Relaaaaax, mom. I can totally handle people like this. So! Come on. How we gonna cook her up? I’m thinking we could go with a nice roast, drizzled over with white wine, but then again, there’s always stew!” “…fine. Roast it is.” Hinata also hoped her sister was doing alright, but truth be told, the busty-looking rabbit with white eyes reaaaaaally wanted to eat that tasty-looking kitsune boy in the clearing. She glanced silently over at her mother, and gave a quiet, solemn nod, glancing with her eyes over at the boy, as Hikari glanced over at the mother with HER eyes. Having picked out whom they would both be trying to get hold of, the two then slunk off in opposite directions, sweeping around so as to better approach their prey from their backsides. “As you can see here…” Kushina Uzumaki was pointing down at some fallen branches and some foot tracks in the ground. “These tracks are sign of predators who patrol the area. Now, there’s several types of predators who have this foot style. Especially those overeager CHIPMUNKS.” Kushina remarked as her son Naruto nodded eagerly. “Uh huh! Uh huh!” “Buuuut, as you can tell from the DEPTH of the tracks, this was a jump.” Kushina went on, gesturing at the prints in the grassy ground. “A very powerful jump, and there’s only one predator type good enough to do that. That would be a rabbit. They’ve got incredible jumping skills. So, when you’re tracking them, or being tracked BY them, you need to be on the alert. It’s best to listen intently when you’re in their territory, or you’ll be taken by-” “SURPRISE!” yelled Hikari Hiyuga as she leapt through the air with astounding strength and speed, tackling Kushina, the two tumbling across the clearing as Hinata, in turn, leapt through the air from her hiding spot at Naruto as well! But Naruto got lucky, just before she leapt, he’d heard some rustling in the bushes and he dove to the side, Hinata slamming headfirst into a tree! “Ooooowwwwwwww!” She moaned, flopping onto the ground, cringing as she rubbed her sore nose. Kushina was struggling to keep from being pinned down onto the grass below, she headbutted Hikari, making her splutter and cough, some blood drizzling down from her nose as she turned her head. “RUN, Naruto! Run for it! NOW!” She yelled out at the top of her lungs as Naruto did just that, he took off running at top speed, barreling as quickly as he could out of the clearing as Hinata giggled, taking off after him. “You can’t get away from meeee!” She called out as she bolted after the sprinting Kitsune. Kushina struggled to try and throw off Hikari, grunting and cringing. Hikari was a LOT stronger than she looked, but she appeared to be gaining an upper hand. She was able to lift Hikari off of her slightly, pushing her back further and further, Hikari’s eyes going wide as Kushina grinned. But…this was a ruse. A trap. Kushina kept pushing Hikari back…only for Hikari to use the momentum to launch Kushina behind her! THWUMP! Kushina landed face-down on the ground, Hikari pinning her down more securely as she grinned. “My, my, my, I hardly EVER get to meet so FINE a specimen as you. Look at all these lovely red locks!” She said as she picked up a very long, thick strand of Kushina’s hair, Kushina stunned by the compliments as Hikari breathed in the scent from the hair. “Oooh, AND they smell like cherries, too! What’s that? The art of deep conditioning?” She inquired with a chuckle. “I must ask, how DO you get your hair so soft? It’s like I’m touching a velvet blanket!” “…what?” Kushina inquired, speaking with a flat, stunned tone as Hikari let go of her hair, and rubbed over Kushina’s rump, making the kitsune’s eyes bug out. “OH! D-Don’t do that!” “Oh c’monnn, it’s just us girls. We can enjoy ourselves, can’t we?” She inquired as she leaned down, squeezing and kneading over Kushina’s behind, then sloooowly moving up the rump, feeling the curvature of her back. “My, my, you’re pretty well-built, too. You must do a lot of running I can tell. And you’re REALLY pretty on top of that…” She said in a soft, seductive tone as she turned Kushina over onto her stomach, straddling her a she caressed the kitsune’s face. Indeed, Kushina was clearly very, very pretty! Hikari could not help but admire her beauty. However, even though Hikari thought the kitsune was drop dead gorgeous…she was really, really hungry. Her desire to eat Kushina was overwhelming just about anything else, even having a seasonal partner, somebody who could be her sex buddy through the heat cycles that she had. “These are some especially nice tails…” Hikari said, as she picked up one of Kushina’s many tails, Kushina staring in confusion at Hikari as Hikari squeezed and stroked one of the tails. “You must take a lot of time to brush them, don’t you? They’re so soft, yet firm!” She remarked. “Um…s-sure, I guess…” Kushina said, blushing a bit as Hikari grinned down at her. “I think they’re perfect! Especially for this!” She said as she then grabbed hold of another tail, and then began to tie Kushina up in her own tails! THWIIIIP! She began to loop the tails around Kushina, tying her up securely, forcing her into a more fetal position as Kushina squeaked in surprise and alarm. She squirmed around, trying to break free, now stuck in a distinctly ball-like position as Hikari giggled, looking down at her. The kitsune bounded about, bouncing around a bit on the ground, but she couldn’t really get out without ripping her own tails off or apart, and that would have hurt like hell! Now she was RIPE. Hikari lifted Kushina up into the air, maw opening nice and wide, to almost insane, impossible degrees as she stuffed the terrified-looking red-haired kitsune right on inside of her jaws! GRLOMPLHHGGF! Further and further into her maw the balled-up kitsune went, Hikari moaning as he kept forcing more and more of Kushina in. It was a real shame she couldn’t properly taste the kitsune’s flavor, the rabbit woman thought to herself. BUT…this did allow her to fill her gut up a lot faster, AND it prevented her from getting second thoughts about eating her, rather than keeping her for some sexual fun. GLURGH-GLKHHG-GUUULP! More and more of the vixen sank on inside, Hikari’s throat and chest bulging extremely outward as she kept devouring the kitsune. Soon, all of poor Kushina had been totally and utterly consumed, and was sinking down into her waiting stomach. In truth, Hikari had to admit, it was all the useless struggling and squirming and thrashing that her meals did in her belly that was the REAL fun part of a meal. More so even than EATING said meal! Meanwhile, Hinata had figured out she’d be in for a chase the moment that Kushina had called out for her son to run. Not that she really minded, not at all. It just made her inevitable catching of the tasty-looking young kitsune boy all the sweeter, and she grinned with eager anticipation as she took off through the forest after Naruto. The young nine-tailed fox was tearing through the undergrowth, running as fast as he could, barreling through the woods, panting and heaving. Hinata was panting and sweating too, wiping her brow every once in a while, as the two continued to tear through the dark depths of the forest, sunlight barely filtering in through the canopy of tree leaves above, but it was becoming clear that Naruto couldn’t keep running for very long. He was panting and sweating even harder than Hinata was! At long last, he couldn’t run any more, and he collapsed, his legs giving out at last. He flopped onto the ground, falling beneath a tree with a THA-THUD, groaning, sweat beads drizzling down his frame as Hinata came to a stop, catching her breath as she steadied herself, wiping her brow a bit before she finally resumed a normal rate of breathing. She ultimately, unlike Naruto, looked no worse for wear. Clearly, Hinata was much more used to running a lot than Naruto was! Naruto felt Hinata straddling him, making sure he was pinned beneath her large-chested frame, the young rabbit girl keeping him pinned securely as she grinned, slooowly rubbing her hands over his body. Her hands were astoundingly soft, though his fur was also surprisingly soft yet firm as well. She felt the texture of his belly, his chest, tracing circles around his chest, looking intrigued by his frame. My, my, my, he smelled exquisite too, and the thought that such a delectable, sweet-smelling bit of meat would soon be lying in her belly was filling Hinata with delight. On top of that, Naruto was getting very turned on by half a half-naked, large-chested young woman on his chest, Hinata could see as she leaned back a bit to look down between his legs. “My, my, my, looks like you’re enjoying this just as much as I.” She intoned as she leaned on down, slightly touching over the tip of his shaft, making it jiggle and shake about. BOINGY-BOINGY-BOINGY! Hinata grinned as she slowly stroked over his shaft, sloooowly going up, then down, up, then down. “Ohhh yes, you’re VERY turned on, I can tell. Never been this close to a pretty girl before, I guess?” She inquired, Naruto gulping fearfully, looking away from her, a deep blush coming to his cheeks as she chuckled. Despite how delightful his body looked, she wasn’t going to ignore the fact that he was a delectable-looking, sweet, delicious piece of meat, and she REALLY wanted to eat him. She tickled over his tummy, chuckling a bit more before she leaned on down, slurping over his cheek with her tongue. SLLLUUUURRRP! Naruto quivered a bit as she tasted his sweaty frame, Hinata grinning broadly. “So, sweetie…how SHOULD I eat you?” She wanted to know, speaking out loud as Naruto turned pale, gulping in fear and terror. “Hmm. There’s so many ways, you know. I mean, I could eat you headfirst, that’s a common way. It’s nice, simple, and I’d get to tickle and slurp over these cute little feet of yours!” She said as she leaned back a bit and tickled over the soles of his feet, Naruto quickly shaking his head back and forth. “Q-Quit it! Stop d-doing that!” He squealed out as Hinata laughed softly. “Of course, I don’t necessarily have to eat you HEAD first. No, maybe I should eat you FEET first, starting with those adorable soles of yours and working my way up your cute little body!” Hinata the rabbit girl remarked nonchalantly as she twirled a lock of her hair, tilting her head to the side, thinking long and hard. “Hmmmmmmmmm. What to do, what to do. If I eat you feet first, I could watch your body slowly curling on up inside me! Or MAYBE I should start by gulping you up from your tails that your race are so protective and proud of. Yeah…I could eat you ass first!” She remarked aloud with a big grin. “I’ve never really done much of that. It’s VERY satisfying eating someone ass first, I get to enjoy some of the finest meat on a person right off the bat!” Naruto’s eyes were getting as wide as dinner plates as Hinata went on, forcing her flat belly down against his face as it let out a low rumble. GLLRRRBB-THLOOOORRRRBBB. “Oh, my! Looks like my belly’s hungry for you, REAL hungry. I’m going to slowly melt you down in my gut. If you’re really lucky, you could become padding right over my…lovely body.” She said, rising up, sloooowly stroking over the top of her breasts, making them jiggle about as she grinned down at him. “Just like your mommy’s now gonna be ass and breast fat on MY mommy! Doesn’t that sound nice?” She asked the young kitsune. Naruto’s face fell beyond anything else that he’d ever done. He hung his head to the side, letting out a sad, deep, broken moan. Clearly, what she’d just said, bringing up his mother’s horrific fate, had broken the young kitsune. Hinata flinched at this, seeing the tears brimming in his eyes. “Hey, c’mon, don’t…” Hinata nervously muttered. She felt guilt swelling up in her as she bit her lip. “…look, you two were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don’t take it personally.” She said, deciding to just finish the boy off, taking his hands, and easing them into her maw. She slurped, licked and lapped over his hands, tasting his flavor, humming quietly. Mmmm, he really did taste EXTRAORDINARILY good. He was tangy and sweet and juicy to her tastebuds, and she began to swallow him carefully and slowly, so she could properly sample his young, helpless frame. GLURGH-GLURGH-GLURGH! His hand and arms slid down, down into her waiting maw as Hinata kept swallowing, her gulps ringing loudly through the air as he sank further into the humid expanse of her jaws. Soon she was engulfing his head in her maw, sucking that on in, even as she kept tasting over him. SCHLLUUUR-GLLRRRRP! Her tongue lapped and licked over his head, drenching him in drool even as she kept swallowing. She gulped powerfully, tilting her head back as she lifted his frame up, his head now entering the entrance of her throat, to be sent down her esophagus as it pulsated and throbbed around him, her belly grumbling louder than before, eager to welcome his meat! GULG-GLURFH-GUUUUULP! Down, down, down into the rabbit girl’s throat the poor young helpless kitsune kept sinking. His upper body was soon being engulfed by her jaws, his head and arms and hands now entering the big, fleshy ring that was the opening to Hinata’s belly. They began to push on through as Hinata’s tongue lapped and licked over Naruto’s shoulders and the top of his chest as she began to gulp THEM down, to send him further and further into her maw. Hinata closed her eyes as Naruto began to enter her belly, his chest vanishing into his mouth, Hinata tilting her head back so gravity could aid her in guzzling the kitsune down. GLURGH-GUUULLG-UUUUULLLP! More and more of the young kitsune sank on down-down-down, Hinata’s tongue slurping in big, wide circles over his belly as it entered her jaws, she worked his crotch down next, jiggling and shaking his balls about, making them bounce as she worked her tongue over his shaft. She sampled his crotch slowly, making sure to work over his nice, erect manhood, jiggling his balls about as she happily murred and moaned. Soooo nice. And she could feel his release swelling up inside his ballsack as it jiggled and quivered, and soon…GOOOSH! She was rewarded with some delicious cum, a tasty drink to wash Naruto down as she guzzled down the cum his cock erupted, and she swallowed powerfully, to slurp him down even more! GULGH-GULGH-UUUUULP! Soon his legs were being slurped on in as well, forced into her jaws as she pushed his feet into her maw, tucking them down her throat. More and more of him was being deposited down into the pulsating and fleshy chamber that was her belly, and she slurped down his tails like noodles with a GLUUUURSCCHH-UUULP that rang through the air. Hinata let loose a big, loud, happy BRAAAAAP of a belch, patting over her gut, poor Naruto settling upside-down inside her stomach, curled up a bit as she stroked and rubbed over her fat and tubby kitsune-filled belly. “Ahhh yes, that was so nice.” She murmured softly as she closed her eyes, basking in the afterglow of being so full and bloated. This felt so satisfying. She grunted a bit, staggering back to her feet, taking in a few deep breaths, her gut jiggling and shaking about as she kept herself from falling over due to the increased stomach size she had. She had to shift her center of gravity, using the nearby tree to help steady herself as she belched again. “BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP! Hoo boy, that was quite the meal. I do hope that Hanabi hasn’t bitten off more than she can chew, though…” She murmured to herself, thinking about her baby sister. ------ But where WAS Hanabi, I hear you ask? Well, the young rabbit girl was currently moving through the deep forest, going in the opposite direction of her mother and her sister. She had only just this year turned old enough to go hunting on her own, but the ten-year-old were STILL overly worried about everything she did. They kept treating her like a little baby! She was NOT a little girl. She could take on prey far larger than herself…and it felt a whole lot more fulfilling AND filling when she was able to actually eat them. Frankly, she thought to herself, if she could take on much bigger preds at age ten…imagine how badass she’d become when she was even older! Still…when she DID get older, she hoped she’d look better. She stared down at herself, sighing. She didn’t have her sister’s nice, large breasts, nor the size of her mom, she wasn’t very tall at all…she really, REALLY hoped she’d get a nicer body when she hit puberty- WAIT. That smell. Hanabi sniffed at the air as she approached a clearing, the sun shining down at a large rock formation that appeared to be a great big dolmen, an ancient, old ritual ground that had been abandoned for decades, and at the top OF that dolmen was…a lioness! A blond lioness with hair that fell neatly around her head, blue eyes, and a verrrry curvavous, beautiful frame indeed. Hanabi was practically drooling at the sight of this delicious-looking specimen of lioness as she licked her lips slowly, and began to inch closer and closer to the slumbering lioness. This was FAR too good a chance to pass up, especially considering the size of those breasts! “SO! BIIIIIG!” Hanabi thought to herself, now actually drooling, having to wipe her mouth as she crept closer and closer to the slumbering blonde lioness, who was named Samui. She drank the sight of the woman fully in as Hanabi crept up to the top of the dolmen, but then she stopped, because the lioness turned on her side, grumbling a bit! Oh crap! Was she waking up!? Was she trying to turn to cool her front down? Did she smell Hanabi? Hanabi held her breath, staying stock still, quivering in fear as the seconds passed, but then…the lioness resettled down on her front, mumbling something incoherent under her breath, her tail twitching a bit. Phew. She wasn’t awake yet. So that meant that Hanabi could eat her up and not worry! Hanabi looked over the lioness, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. Hmmmm. The ten-year-old was torn. How was she going to EAT this delectable specimen of lioness? She really wanted to sample those beautiful ass cheeks. Yes, that was it. She’d start with the feet! She lifted those feet up to her maw, and began to slide them in. The lioness named Samui slept on, unaware of the sticky, warm, humid maw that was engulfing her feet. Hanabi tasted over the soles of the lioness’s feet, savoring the flavor. “Mmmmmmm.” MAN, did the lioness taste good! Creamy and juicy! So nice, so very nice indeed! She kept hungrily engulfing the lioness, working her way slowly up those long legs, up to taste over that delectable-looking derriere! Hanabi moaned happily, slurping, licking and lapping over those ass cheeks as they remained in her humid maw, tasting those delectable butt cheeks, making them bounce around in her jaws. Soooooo gooooood! So much delectable meat, so sweet, so divine! GLUURGH-GULLH-UUUUULP! Hanabi wished she could sample the lioness’s rump all day, but she wanted to swallow her up fully, and kept gulping more and more, her lips working past the rump, up to the lioness’s crotch…just as the lioness finally awoke, realizing what was happening! “What the?!” She cried out, looking back, stunned and astounded as Hanabi kept hungrily guzzling her on up, now reaching past her crotch and up to her stomach! “Mmmm, you’re REALLY good.” Hanabi said as best she could, mouth full of lioness meat as she kept tasting over the lioness, slurping and lapping in large circles over the lioness’s belly. “Really, really good!” She remarked as the lioness, Samui, let out a yell, shrieking in horror, flailing around, trying to tug herself free. She tried to push down on Hanabi’s jaws, to get her to let go, to force those lips open, but it wasn’t working, it just made Hanabi grunt and grumble in irritation as the young rabbit girl kept gulping her down! GLORGH-GULLGH-GUUUUUULP! Hanabi had now reached Samui the lioness’s breasts, and she juggled and shook them about as she laid on her rump, head tilted back so gravity could help her in eating the lioness. Damn, these were some big ass titties! She gave them lots of attention, tickling over them with his tongue, making them bounce around. But her having such big breasts meant she couldn’t swallow Samui fully down, she couldn’t gulp them into her throat! “Phew, for once I’m glad to have such ludicrously large mounds!” Samui remarked aloud as Hanabi slightly scowled at her. “Now lemme go kid, and I won’t beat the crap out of you for trying to eat me!” Hanabi, however, took Samui’s large breasts as a challenge. She was not going to give up! Hanabi took in a deep, enormous breath, and began to swallow more powerfully, working her throat muscles hard, and then…then it happened! Her lips began to slide up, to engulf Samui’s breasts, much to the lioness’s horror. “No! Oh no, no, please, I’m begging you, don’t!” She cried out, horrified at the idea of being eaten…especially by somebody this small! “Please, I’ll do anything!” Samui begged tearfully, trying to use her legs to push herself out, squirming around even harder than before! But it wasn’t working. She couldn’t get a foothold, her legs were sinking into the stomach and she couldn’t break out! Hanabi was soon swallowing up Samui’s shoulders, loud gulping ringing through the air. GLORGH-GLORGH-GUUULP! Soon only the head of Samui remained. “Noo! Nooo, pleeease!” Samui begged, tears trickling down her face as Hanabi took a deep, long, hungry swallow. GLURUGH-UUUUUUUULP! Down, down Samui went, sinking down Hanabi’s throat, to be deposited into her belly, screaming in horror all the while. Hanabi moaned and flopped onto her back, totally tuckered out, out of breath, tired, worn down, and barely able to stand. “Ugggghhhh. I…am…wiped…” She muttered, closing her eyes. “So…so tired…” She murmured softly as she shook her head back and forth. Still…it was really very nice to see how much her belly was stretching out over the busty blond! Samui was curled up almost in a fetal position, barely able to move as Hanabi the rabbit girl patted and stroked over that fat and full tummy. It was SUPER tight inside the rabbit girl’s gut. “OOOOGH. I gotta…ERGH…get…up!” Hanabi tried to stand up, but that big, fat stomach she had made it too hard to stand up. She kept flopping back onto her back, and Hanabi moaned, shaking her head back and forth. How the heck was she supposed to get home to digest her meal safely? … … … …Hinata and Hikari were relaxing in their warren, sitting against one another, resting their hands on their respective bellies, and their heads on one another’s shoulders. They smiled in delight, their bellies squirming and thrashing, stomach acid was slowly seeping on inside, their kitsune prey was vainly struggling in an attempt to break free. Kushina had finally managed to break free of the prison of her tails because they’d gotten so soaked in stomach juices, but despite her and her son’s best efforts, neither of them could escape. Loud, wet GLOORSCCH-GLLRRRB-GLOORRRSSH noises of digestion rang through the cozy warren as Hinata burped a bit, covering her mouth. “Oh. Excuse me, mom.” She said as her mother chuckled, but then the two heard an odd sound coming from the entrance of their warren. It was hard to hear, given how Naruto and Kushina were yelling and screaming loudly, but the two rabbits made teir way towards the entrance, their bellies jostling and shaking about. BA-BOING-BOING! They jostled about, the two kitsunes’s faces pressed up slightly against the walls of the gut. You could see the imprint of their faces for a brief moment as the two rabbits made their way to the entrance…and stared in shocked surprise. Holy crap. Hanabi was there, red-faced and panting, struggling to get inside the warren. They could see how ENORMOUS a meal Hanabi had consumed, and the girl was struggling in vain to try and get inside, finally flopping down inside the warren, onto her belly. THWUUUMHF. She landed hard, moaning, her belly gurgling and groaning, working to digest her prey as her mother and sister helped her up, and they all laid against the wall. Hikari sat to her left, Hinata to her right as they softly massaged and rubbed over her belly…including the VERY irritated, unhappy, barely-able-to-move lioness within. “Sorry, it took me FOREVER to get here.” Hanabi moaned. “I kept falling over every minute.” She admitted as Hinata chuckled a bit. “I was able to get the drop on a female kitsune.” Hikari remarked. “I used her own tails to tie her up and ate her like a dumpling!” “I was able to eat her son myself.” Hinata told Hanabi. “He led me on a merry chase, but I finally managed to catch up to him, he wasn’t NEARLY fast as I was. Just worn himself out. Or so I thought, he’s still squirming.” Hinata added as she looked down at her jiggling, and much-less solid belly as Hikari nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I had to drag my belly around on the ground. That was the only way I could get back to the warren. I’m glad I didn’t run into anyone else. This lioness almost made me feel sick enough to throw her up!” Hanabi confessed, Samui kicking and thrashing around even harder. Luckily, the rubbing from Hinata and Hikari’s soft hands were soothing to Hanabi. It was a very nice massage indeed, the two glaring at the belly, irritated that the lioness had almost made their precious baby Hanabi throw up. “Really, Hanabi, you shouldn’t have eaten somebody THIS big! You need to promise you won’t try it again.” Hikari insisted as the stomach acid began to pool steadily higher and higher in Hanabi’s belly. “Okay? Not until you’re a bit older.” “Well…okay.” Hanabi sighed, hanging her head. “I’ll be more careful, okay?” She said, all three huddling close together, hugging one another as they drifted off into slumber, digesting their meals away, curled up as a family. Each of them dreamed of the delectable meals they’d been able to enjoy…and they dreamed of even MORE delectable meals they might get to enjoy tomorrow. Yes, it’d been a very good day…a very good day indeed. And the family felt closer than they ever had before.
Mae wiped the bar counter with a damp rag. a bang at the inn door startled her. She saw a large shape attempting to force its way through the narrow entrance at the open door. "If your too wide, you drink outside!" she shouted, rolling her eyes. The figure at the door backed away. "Stupid ogres, can't even read the signs," Mae uttered under her breath as she walked out of the Inn. She found not a fat drunk ogre but a large purple frog. It was Mushi, he was alone, and he was never alone. Mae's eyes widened, "Where is Llvaria Mushi?" She asked, patting his forehead. He made bubbling noises and slapped his front leg nervously against the mud. Maes mind rushed back to several nights before. "That troll," she hissed. Mae walked back inside and returned after a few moments, and locked the Inn door. "let us go get your momma back." She hopped into Mushi's saddle and grabbed the reigns. Her silk dress was gone, and she was now in thick leather armor. Ornate jade blades strapped to her waist. She pointed her fist towards the east. "To the sea, Mushi," she spoke, tugging at his reigns. Mushi began to hop down the path at great speed. The streaks of green on his back glowed in the moonlight. The goblin looked up from his desk at the large black and gold salamander in his office, unfazed. "Well, the thing is, Mr. Dihac is my boat is scheduled for Zandalar, but we are going to Zuldazar." The goblin grinned, leaning back in his chair, exposing his posh captain's uniform. "I got a nice troupe of blood elf exotic dancers in my main hold that need to be delivered." Dihac tossed a sack on the goblins desk, and it opened as it hit. Gold coins bearing the visage of Krag'wa littered the desk. The goblin's eyes widened, and he counted the gold with his eyes alone. "Well, I could make a stop in Nazmir if you insist, pick up some unlicensed herbs, maybe some exotic meat for my crew." The goblin captain rambled. "We leave now," Dihac rasped. "I still got cargo that hasn't been delivered, and you know the weather is a bit muggy might need some more ale to keep the crew in check." The goblin leaned back in his chair. Another pouch of gold landed on his desk. "Let us sail now then. I would shake your hand, but from the looks of you, that might not be good for my health. I am captain Smug, and I hope you enjoy our pleasure cruise to the beautiful Zandalar." Captain Smug grinned. "I got room for you to bunk with my crew, but your plus one can ride this out in the kitchen with my cook. An extra set of free labor is always a welcome addition. Don't get any funny business with the main hold. That is where the dancers are stored. I need them undamaged for their gig in Zuldazar." Dihac Nodded. "Then let us set sail," Captain Smug raised his glass and smashed it against the table.
The insensed flavored atmosphere of Dalaran city smelled of the ancient texts and the very arcane intertwined. The half-moon peaked behind the clouds casting little light on the roofs of the bustling city. It was late in the evening when Mae teleported in with Mushi, and her nose fidgetted as she smelled the air. Mae's nose caught the mysterious flavors of the many inhabitants and their scents. She motioned to Mushi to follow her down a paved alley, and they traveled quietly as the giant frog could muster down the labyrinth of streets. Stopping only for Mae to sniff the air, catching the scent, they journeyed further into the mage city. Mae stopped as a pair of robed guards crossed the street in front of her. She hid behind a row of crates, the guards passed. Mae turned and looked at the perplexed Mushi, who didn't budge the entire time standing in the alley. "I am usually alone on these kinda things, and I am glad they didn't see you." Mae laughed at the realization. A familiar aroma reached Mae's nostrils, her eyes dilated, and a smile formed on her face. Memories shimmered in her eyes. She regained composure and sprinted off with Mushi hopping in tow. The trail led them to the base of a large brick tower. Mae gazed up at a balcony several stories above. "Now the hard part," Mae spoke to herself as she pondered how to scale the tower. Mushi nudged Mae with his foot. Mae turned and looked at Mushi's foot he presented to her. His toes had large round pads, suction pads similar to lizards. "So you can climb walls too, hmmm?" Mae grinned. " I might need to borrow you the next time I visit the Jade Forest." Mae realized the vertical climb would make it impossible for her to cling to the saddle on Mushi. If she wanted to ride him to the balcony, she would have to go about it differently. There was not a soul present nearby, and the night was quiet. Mae began to strip off her armor, and leather gave way to crimson and white fur. The straps of her armor released her large cream-colored breasts. Her armor gone left her nude voluptuous form in front of Mushi. She stowed her gear inside Mushi's saddle bags. "I need you to carry me inside you to that balcony up there," Mae pointed up the tower. "A sorcerer lives in that room and can help us rescue your mother." Mushi understood what was asked of him and opened his mouth wide. Hot breath and fruity smells wafted over Mae. She closed her eyes and held her nose. "Remind me not to feed you goblin in the future," She joked as she grasped the sides of his jaws and climbed inside. Her feet sank into the soft, warm bottom of his fleshy mouth, and she knelt on her knees. She crawled across his mouth to his throat. Mushi's slimy tongue emerged from the bottom of his mouth and licked Mae's Breasts. His tongue wormed its way between her breasts and coiled around the creamy furry orbs. His tongue squeezed them, soaking the fur with saliva. Glands in his mouth began spurting saliva at Mae, coating her body. She became drenched in the warm sticky saliva, she wiped her face, and Mushi's tongue uncoiled her breasts and licked her squishy belly, and poked her navel. "Enough playtime," Mae barked. Mushi closed his mouth and tilted his head, the opening of his throat widened, and Mae slid down into the void. A large bulge formed on Mushi as Mae slid down into his belly, his abdomen bounced as her weight added to his own. The frog licked his lips in a satisfied fashion, and his stomach was the fullest he could ever remember. His stomach flexed and bugled in areas as his meal made herself comfortable. Mae settled in the dark stomach as she sat in a pool of slime and digested fruit she had fed Mushi earlier. The stomach smelled acidic with a hint of fruit. She sighed as she wiped away saliva from her face in a vain attempt to clean herself. She heard a muffled voice coming from a closed fleshy circle on the wall, the opening contracted, and black hair followed by a green head popped out. "You got to help me!" Telal whispered loudly, "this crazy Pandaren fed me to this frog, and we got to escape... Oh, it's you." The goblin frowned in disappointment. "So I guess munchy wasn't finished and got you too, huh?" "Quiet, I am resting," Mae said as the stomach began to shift as Mushi started to climb. "So this stomach I am in is glowing, and I want to know if that should bother me or not. Besides the whole eaten and kidnapped thing." Telal said sarcastically as the muscle opening started to clench around her neck in an attempt to close. "That's not an actual stomach per se. It is a breeding chamber for captured females," Mae said calmly as the stomach juices flowed to the side, and she braced against the belly wall. Telal's face turned to surprise, "something just grabbed my legs. A tentacle has my legs!" Telal was pulled inside the breeding chamber and face squished between the folds of the meaty muscles. "I am not in a financially stable position to breed!" The muscles to the breeding chamber closed with a squelching sound. Mae held firm waiting for Mushi to ascend the tower. Mushi detached from the stone wall to the balcony, and he panted in exhaustion from the climb. His mouth hung open, and his tongue dragged on the tile floor. His eyes spotted a pool of water. He shuffled over to it hastily and began to gulp down water. His stomach filled with water, and he was overcome with an intense sensation. The rugged frog released a mighty belch, and a red-white glob of fur landed in the pool of water. Mae rose from the water and choked. She went to the side of the pool and procured some bars of soap, and began to scrub her fur viciously. Mushi walked back onto the balcony and sat down to rest. Mae finished bathing in the pool and exited in a towel. She dried herself off and fluffed her fur with a towel wrapped around her naked body. She entered the tower. The bathroom with the pool gave way to a large bedroom with a purple silk bed, and shelves lined the wall with tomes and artifacts. She approached the artifacts and skimmed over a Mogu spear hanging on the rack. In the polished metal spearhead reflection, she saw a robed figure enter the room. She smiled and faced the man, and he was a pale-skinned blonde-haired mage. His expression was calm and calculated, even though a stranger was inside his bedroom. "Hello Mae," The mage spoke, his soft voice echoing in the large room. "I see you kept the spear, Ellis," Mae smirked at the mage. "After you were ambushing me and making me fall into that freezing river," Ellis spoke, walking over to Mae. "We both fell into that river, and it was your fault." Mae waltzed over closer to the Ellis."Then we spent that night huddled in that freezing cave." "Oh, I remember that night fondly." Ellis blushed as he spoke."What brings you to my tower at this hour." Mae reached out her paw and stroked Ellis's face."My friend is in trouble, and I need help from someone I can trust." "What kind of trouble," Ellis's eyes glanced down at the top of the towel at Mae's breasts. "Llvaria, a friend of mine, got tangled up and angered a frog loa. She has been abducted and taken back to Zandalar." Mae spoke as she leaned forward, pressing her breasts against Ellis. "Krag'wa, he is the loa of frogs. You will find him in Nazmir." Ellis was looking deep into Mae's eyes. "He is a powerful loa." "Can you help me?" Mae whispered. "I've got research to go over, and artifacts to-," Mae grabbed Ellis's face and kissed him deeply. Their tongues intertwined, and the mage wrapped his arms around Mae. Mae stopped and whispered in his ear. "If you help me, I let you borrow me for a week, and we can do whatever you want." A bugle formed in his rope from his groin towards Mae, Ellis said faintly. "Anything?" Mae pressed her body against the bulge."How about a preview tonight?" Mae dropped the towel, Ellis flicked his fingers, and his robe flew from his body to a rack on the wall. He waved his hands, and Mae was lifted with an unseen force and carried in the air to the bed led by Ellis. Mae giggled as she was placed on the silken sheets. Ellis spread her legs and dove his face into her groin. Mae arched her back and gripped the sheets, and tossed her head side to side. She cried out a cute cry, which only increased Ellis's intensity. She moaned loudly and climaxed and sank into the soft sheets. Ellis surfaced from between her legs and crawled onto the bed. He rubbed her belly with his hands and fondled her breasts. "You are the softest bed I have ever laid on. What would it take to keep you?" Ellis said as he rubbed the tip of his penis against her moist vagina. "I am afraid it would take a child to make me give up my blades," Mae whispered as her body ached from the teasing. "Well then," Ellis plunged the full length of his penis deep into Mae. "I will have to make you bear my child." "Mae cried out in pleasure as he began to force vigorously into her. Mae's vagina squeezed on his penis, and suction noises echoed in the room. Fluids sprayed out between them with every jab. Mae's body submitted to the mage. Ellis lowered down and began to lick her breasts, teasing her. Ellis pressed his hand on her stomach, and runes glowed on her fur. "What are you doing?" Mae panted as she spoke. "A spell for luck," Ellis grunted. He thrust deep and ejaculated. Mae screamed and climaxed. Her body jerked as warm semen flowed into her heading towards her womb. "So you will help me?" Mae panted as the warmth still filled her loins. "Absolutely," Ellis said as he used his magic to flip Mae over on her stomach, lifting her and placing her on all fours. "What are you doing?" Mae questioned as he penetrated her from behind and grasped her ass, pulling it towards his body. "You said I can have you for the evening, and I plan to use every moment of this night," Ellis shouted, and he pounded away at her. Looming from the bathroom doorway, Mushi watched the two copulate. His eyes studied, and his body got excited. Inside Telal laid on her back in her fleshy prison. She was pleasuring herself in the warm meaty chamber to pass the time. She climaxed and let out a squeak, her juices leaked on the floor of the breeding chamber. The juices flowed over a dormant tentacle, Mushi's mind went alight, and he became overcome with an urge to breed. The walls of the chamber lit up. "What did I do? am I not allowed any fun?" Telal spoke sarcastically. She looked as a tentacle rose up between her legs. "I am good, but business is closed bub." The tentacle dove inside her wet vagina, Telal howled. She reached for her groin when more tentacles grabbed her arms and legs. She went to yell as a tentacle forced its way into her mouth. Her stomach swelled as the tentacle in her mouth pumped her stomach with warm fluid. Strange sensations spread across her body and mind. Her breasts expanded, her hips widened, and her thoughts flooded with horniness as she had never felt before. Her engorged breasts began to lactate and dripped milk. Two more tentacles came and attached themselves to her breasts. They began to suck on her breasts and tug, pumping milk out of Telal. Telal's mind was overwhelmed. She heard a voice speak to her mind. "Do you want to be my bride?" the voice rang out in her mind. "What? Telal thought as she climaxed, and she screamed in pleasure. "I want to make you mine," The voice continued. Telal wrapped her tongue around the tentacle in her mouth, rubbing it. "Let's discuss this business later. For now, don't stop," Telal said as the tentacle pumped warm semen into her vagina. The moon was entirely hidden by clouds now as the darkness concealed the courtship taking place in the tower.
The light in the apartment flicked on as a man in a black gimp mask crept over to the bed and pulled back the thick covers, bound with thin ropes crisscrossing her milky body was Naomi with a red ball gag in her mouth wiggling on the mattress muffled noises emitting from her face. The man tickled her tied body, causing her to squirm in her binds and Naomi's face to redden as she grunted. He flipped Naomi on her back and dragged the tied blonde toward his erect penis, Naomi's eyes widened, and she spat the ball gag out. "Trey! condom, where is the condom?" Naomi yelled at the man as he struggled to take his mask off. "I couldn't find any and thought we could go natural this time." Trey fidgetted, and his member twitched. "No condom, no sex." "Fine, I will run to the corner store and be right back." Trey hurriedly threw on his clothes and tossed his mask on the floor. "Wait, untie me first!" Naomi struggled in the tight bindings as Trey loomed over her, replaced the ball gag in her mouth, and tightened the straps. "It would take too long to redo, so just wait," Trey said as Naomi fumed with the gag firmly blocking her mouth, and she muffled hateful words as he shut the door and left Naomi tied on the bed. She gave up on escape as the binds were too tight, and she was not going anywhere. The breeze from the open window chilled her naked body, and Naomi wished he at least covered her first. Boredom and anger filled her mind, so she didn't hear the figure slink in through the open window. A massive python entered the bedroom. Its forked tongue tasted the air and sensed prey in the room. It slithered to the bed and saw Naomi's feet. The snake opened its mouth and slid the tied feet into its mouth. Naomi felt wet warmth on her toes. She tried to arch up to see what Trey was doing but assumed it was a new fetish he was trying out. However, it was strange for him to be back so soon from the store. Naomi felt a tug on her feet and the warmth traveling up her legs. It felt like her body was being pulled into a warm wet sleeve. Naomi glanced down, and between her breasts, she saw not her weird boyfriend but the head of a python. It had already swallowed her bound legs up to her knees, she tried to scream, but it only puffed her cheeks against the ball gag. Naomi tried to squirm her body free, but the ropes kept her still as the snake's throat expanded, welcoming her ass and waist into its throat. The warm muscles squeezed and rubbed saliva against Naomi's clitoris as the python worked its way to her navel. The serpent lifted Naomi as it tilted its head, gripping her midriff between its jaws. Every time it opened its mouth, gravity slipped the bound woman deeper into the moist innards of the snake. Tears poured down her face as she panicked, flailing in her binds, chafing her skin for any chance to escape. This can't be happening. I can't die like this! The snake's musky odor was abrasive as Naomi breathed in rapidly. Her breasts rose against the tightly knotted ropes as they were forced into the serpent's gullet. Naomi struggled in vain as her she felt her breasts and shoulders slip into the pink fleshy throat, holding her head out and looking at the wall as puffy pink flesh filled her vision and squeezed on her head. Naomi saw the world for the last time as the serpent's throat closed over her face, and the outside world was sealed off as the muscles sent her pale body down to the stomach. The python closed its maw, and its body adjusted with its newfound girth as its prominent bugle traveled down its length. It slid beneath the bed and coiled beneath the wooden frame as Naomi entered the dark abyss of its stomach. Hot, warm tightness constricted her body in the python's stomach, she was soaked in its juices that oozed from the walls of the ridged stomach. Naomi's skin felt tingly as the stomach acids were sprayed on her tender flesh. The tingling increased to burning as more acids were released. Naomi tried to scream but was still gagged as she struggled against the chaffing ropes as her skin began to melt. The ridged muscle walls began to clench her body tightly, squeezing and compressing the acids against Naomi. Causing her great pain as the stomach kept contracting, sloshing the acids against and into her body. Naomi's mind devolved into her basic instincts as she thrashed in vain, trying to escape the constrictive burning. The stomach continued squeezing and releasing her as the snake began to digest its prey and worked at turning Naomi into nutrients.
Skye wasn't exactly unaccustomed to feeling concerned for others, especially those she cared for. Typically, it was something that plagued her rather frequently, and as such she knew what she had to do to help mitigate such problems when they began to really nag at her. Today, though, was a little different. Oftentimes, texts from Amy were a cause for excitement. It had gotten to the point where just hearing the tune Skye had picked for her friend's ringtone on the radio or something of the like was enough to turn her head, which was more than a little embarrassing. The texts she'd been getting today were a little...less than exciting. On the one hand, the news that Amy had dumped the latest in a long line of romantic flings was a little heartening, though Skye was loath to admit such aloud. On the other, though, Amy was handling this breakup...differently than the last few times something like this had happened. Of course, calling this particular pairing a "fling" was somewhat more disingenuous than the last few. Amy had been pretty serious about this latest boy, Aaron, for several months, and in truth, Skye had begun to wonder if her preliminary assessment of him had been incorrect. Originally, when she'd first met him, Aaron had hit her radar as one of those guys; the type of person that has good looks and wealthy family members and an eye for hopeless romantics, which is what Amy undeniably was. Amy had a way of what she called "seeing the best in people," which Skye had a habit of silently correcting to "ignoring the worst in people" in her head. The thought made Skye stop her pacing and really think about the current predicament. Was it fair to think of Amy like that, to view her naive optimism as a weakness instead of something she valued in her closest friend? Probably not. Was she frustrated with Amy for getting herself into this mess after Skye had cautioned her against that jackass? A little. Skye sighed and itched the corner of her beak, trying to decide how best to approach this situation. A good dose of "I told you so" might serve Amy right, but it'd be cruel to pull a card like that right now, especially if she really was as distraught as she seemed. If she were to go too light, though, would it happen again? Skye was determined to prevent that, if possible, but how best to communicate that to Amy without jeopardizing their relationship? With a huff, Skye flopped onto her couch and scrubbed her eyes with her palms. Maybe she was overthinking this whole thing, and Amy was coming to trash talk Aaron into the dirt like they had with that prick she'd taken out for a couple of dates back in January. Yeah, maybe. The doorbell rang, and Skye's feathers ruffled at the sound. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and stood, straightening her plumage and clothing alike as she shuffled hurriedly towards the door. Skye took a quick peek through the peephole like always, force of habit more than nervousness, but of course all that she could see of Amy was the thick black fluff sticking up from her head and the rounded points of her brown-furred ears. Skye's heart lurched a little, and she swallowed the urge to fling the door open as hard as she could. Instead, she gently slid the deadbolt aside and swung the door open as calmly as she could muster. As it turned out, opening the door slowly ended up being the right decision. Amy was huddled so close to the door that she was practically leaning on it, and when the door slid open, she stumbled forward a little as a result. Skye barely had time to catch her before her legs gave out, and Amy was suddenly clutching to her as if she'd fall through the ground if she let go. Amy snuggled against her and trembled a little, arms locked around her waist and snout buried in the thick feathers around her collarbone, and Skye had to lean a hip against the doorframe to keep from falling. She found herself stroking a hand down the bare fur of Amy's lower back, beak resting gently yet solidly on her head. Despite the shuddering and the sniffling, Amy was still a little...overwhelming, especially at this proximity. Her fur was thick and soft in her fingers, and the warmth that oozed from her body was almost infectious. Skye blushed a little as she realized that she'd been clinging to Amy almost as tightly as she'd been clutching back, but when she loosened her grip a little, the raccoon made a soft sound of protest and pressed her face harder into Skye's feathers. Maybe it was a bit embarrassing to indulge like this, but...it couldn't hurt, right? Skye pulled Amy into her apartment as gingerly as she could, hooking the edge of the door with the talons of one foot and tugging it closed behind them with a soft click. She guided Amy towards the couch as gently as she could, practically carrying Amy across the room as her paws dragged on the carpet behind them. Skye sat down on the couch and leaned against the arm, trying to find a comfortable position where she could reliably hold Amy without throwing her back out. About two seconds after that process began, Amy flopped down onto Skye and curled into a ball in her lap, which sort of put an effective end to the whole "getting comfortable" thing. For a while, silence pervaded the room. Amy rested her head on Skye's upper chest, body curled in her lap and still shaking minutely. Skye stroked across her back with one hand, while her other arm stayed locked solidly across the front of her body for both emotional support and to prevent her from sliding onto the floor. Skye took a deep breath and tried to formulate a sentence, a word, even a syllable, but the press of Amy against her and the feeling of her entire frame crumpled tight with tension sort of stole her ability to form cohesive sentences. Eventually, Amy sucked in a deep, shaky breath and let it out slowly. She shifted, sitting a little straighter in Skye's lap, and let out a thick cough. "I'm sorry about barging in like that," she mumbled, face still resting against Skye's sternum. "Thank you for letting me come over on such short notice." "Of course," Skye said, doing her best to suppress the impending crack in her voice in favor of a more soothing timbre. "Do you want to talk about it?" "I don't know," Amy sighed, relaxing an inch or two into Skye as she spoke. "I just...really thought he cared, y'know? I thought maybe I'd finally found my guy, but…" Amy tensed again, hands clutching at the arm Skye had wrapped around her front side. Skye nodded, ran fingers through her hair, and shushed her gently. The impulse to say something harsh was still there, but it was quickly being eclipsed by her desire to help rather than rub salt in the wound for emphasis. "What did he do?" she said, rather than what she wanted to say. "I caught him with some dumb bimbo at that coffeeshop that I work at. I thought at first he was just having a meetup with a pal, but you don't suck face with friends." "No, you most certainly do not," Skye muttered, anger rising for a moment and quelling the other thought that cropped up at the sentiment. "He just started making out with some other girl at your workplace? I took him for a little more clever than that." Amy let out a harsh laugh, one that held an edge of barely-contained tears. Skye subconsciously pulled her closer, and the laugh cracked as it cut off. "To his credit, I was supposed to be off yesterday, but I took over for Carlie because she was running a fever. I guess he figured the safest place he could go on my day off was where I work." "What a dick," Skye muttered. "Yeah," Amy echoed. "I guess you were right all along. Again. Maybe I should just stop trying to find the perfect person for me and live out the rest of my days as a hermit or a nun or something." Skye's harsh gaze softened a little at that, and she tried to formulate a response. The obvious thing to note would be, of course, that she had been right, and to deny such was little more than comforting lies. But, of course, comfort was what Amy needed right now, and, well… "I don't think that's the right takeaway here," she said at last. "I think you just...need to be more careful, is all. Give it more time and thought before you jump headlong into something." "I gave this one a lot of thought!" Amy insisted. "I met his friends, his coworkers, everybody spoke so highly of him. He was so nice and thoughtful and remembered all of the stuff I liked, and he always bought me my favorite flowers every weekend even when I was out of town, and--" Amy's breath hitched, and tears ran in hot streaks through the short fur of her face. She tried desperately to hold in the tide of emotion, but with Skye gently shushing and petting, she couldn't find the strength to swallow the next sob. Skye held a little tighter as Amy's body convulsed from the force of all that emotion bursting free after being bottled up for so many hours. Amy clung to Skye tightly enough to almost bruise her arms and heaved, crying so hard that Skye was a little worried she might throw up on her. She didn't, of course, and the prospect of her actually doing that wasn't enough to make Skye even consider recoiling. "I really thought he cared," Amy sputtered, hiccuping halfway through the sentence. "After everything I did for him, he--" Her voice broke again, and Skye shushed her before she could force anything out. "You're better off without him, hon," Skye murmured softly. "He doesn't deserve a woman like you, anyway." "R-really?" Amy mumbled, pressing a little tighter against Skye. "Of course," Skye murmured. She stroked fingers across Amy's wet cheeks, combing tears from her soft fur. "You're so smart and kind and funny, everybody that knows you is lucky to have you around." Amy sniffled, idly swiping a paw under her eye and across her cheek to catch some of the fresh tears before they could fall. She took a deep breath that managed to be smooth, but it shook almost imperceptibly on the exhale. "Thank you for talking to me, and...comforting me, and stuff," she mumbled softly. "You don't have to thank me," Skye murmured, smiling. "I'm always willing to help you in any way that I can." "Any way you can?" "Mmhm." Amy sniffed again and shifted a little uncomfortably in Skye's lap. She moved her head a little more securely under Skye's beak so that she couldn't see the pinkish flush that was creeping up her neck. "There is...one thing that might help," Amy said, voice so soft it was barely audible. "What's that?" "If you'd be willing, we could...y'know, do the thing." Skye gave Amy a puzzled look out of the corner of her eye, and Amy's muzzle turned a soft shade of pink. She reached out tentatively and pressed her hand against Skye's midriff, rubbing small circles across her flat belly. Understanding dawned on her, then, and she took a moment to process the request properly. On the one hand, she'd not been able to eat because of how much worrying she'd been doing, and the caress of Amy's paw seemed to remind her empty gut just how uncomfortable hunger was. It bit at the edges of her core, prickled along her feathers, drew her attention to the warm nutty scent of Amy's fur. On the other hand, was now the best time? Again, Skye had a moment of wondering if her baser desires should be indulged, if she was at risk of showing or saying too much. Invariably, Amy's persistent stroking and the press of her body sort of forced the issue. Skye's hands absentmindedly roamed across Amy's body as her mind labored, her nostrils flared as Amy wiggled a little closer and nuzzled pleasingly at her collarbone, and that sweet, sweet scent was just so-- gllurrrrlllgg~... The sound purred along Amy's palm, beckoning her a little closer. Skye's brain went blank for a brief moment as the embarrassment of what just happened mixed with the urge to take the next step, and all of the overanalysis couldn't seem to outpace the emotion of the moment in her mind. Skye cleared her throat, trying and failing to loosen the tight lump that blocked her windpipe, but she still managed to sputter a few words out despite the obstruction. "I-If it'll make you feel better, then I'm willing to give it a try." Amy ventured a weak smile, leaning back a bit so she and Skye could both sit up. The distance was temporarily disheartening, but Amy's timid excitement and the soft wag of her tail brushing against Skye's knees was a fair trade. Besides, distance was quickly going to cease being an issue soon enough anyway. Skye shifted her grip on Amy, wrapping an arm around her and securing a solid grip on her bicep with her other hand. Amy took a deep breath, eyes closed, and Skye waited for a heartbeat while her companion settled. When she opened her eyes, Skye was momentarily lost in just how close they were, how the warm orange of her eyes was flecked with small bits of hazel and gold that weren't discernable at a distance. "Are you ready?" Skye managed to mutter, echoing the timid smile that Amy had given her earlier. Amy nodded, ears flattening a little as her cheeks reddened, and Skye's heart stopped for a brief second. When her body refused to adhere to her commands of being gentle, Skye decided that the band-aid approach might work better. She opened her beak wide, exposing the glistening cavern of soft flesh and damp air waiting inside, and Amy had the barest of seconds to take in the sight before Skye lunged forward and stuffed her in headfirst. The instant that Amy's warm, silky fur slid over her tongue, Skye's gut twisted into a vice and let out an eager guoorruull~. Amy shivered slightly at the sound and wriggled closer, sliding her snout into the hollow at the back of Skye's throat before she could clear the fog from her mind. Instinct kicked in, then, and Skye's throat muscles tensed around Amy's face in a near-deafening goulk that pulled her up and in a few more inches. The slight crick of pain from craning her neck and back over to get Amy in further finally brought Skye out from her stupor, but only long enough for her to use the leverage she had on Amy's comparatively small body to hoist her overhead. Once she was there, gravity and the rhythmic kneading of her esophageal muscles began to slowly pull and tug Amy deeper into the slick tightness of her throat, which grew ever more damp and warm as she sank past the throbbing beat of Skye's heart and towards the churning, roiling gut below her head. Skye's tongue slid across her face, her neck, her collarbones, her sternum. Her taste was much like her scent; sweet and nutty and slightly salty, like a candy bar filled with peanuts or some sort of salty hazelnut chocolate. Fear and embarrassment were the only things preventing her from going lower still, but her stomach and tongue growled and tingled at the denial of those ripe, tasty treats. Invariably, Amy's chest squeezed into her mouth and stretched her throat, which both made her eyes strain to roll back a little further and her stomach to roar in eager anticipation, but her tongue was still not happy about her squeamishness. To her body, Amy was already theirs in entirety, but some corner of her mind held back and refused to take everything that she really wanted. Predictably, Amy's pink top was disappointingly bland. It was clean and freshly washed, not unpleasant on the tongue, but flavor-wise it offered little more than a hint of a hint of some citrusy soap that didn't mesh well with the creamy salt of Amy's fur. If Skye had been thinking straight, she'd probably have reprimanded herself for being so picky, but at that exact moment, Amy's muzzle squeezed through the knot of muscle that served as the entrance to her stomach, and her face squished against the slick floor of her gut. The sensation was...difficult to describe. It tingled outward from her core to her talons, made her feathers stand at attention and ruffle with ecstasy, made her stomach grip Amy's head tight and roar its approval of such a delicacy finally reaching her proper destination. Things passed in a blur then for Skye, the sensation of her stomach bulging and swelling out over her thighs coupling with the flavor of Amy's bare belly and equally bland compression shorts to overwhelm her senses. Each thick, wet houlk and glurk tightened the muscles in her body, sent Amy down another delicious inch, frizzed Skye's mind that much further. There was nothing left in the world but the feeling of her stomach being filled with warm, wiggling meat and the buzzing, spreading taste of Amy's body pulsing through her mind. Even with her eyes closed, colors splashed and spun across her vision, and by the time Skye had Amy to her thighs, her stomach was almost to her knees. The organ churned and sloshed, filling with warm liquid as slowly as it was with Amy's body, and each little movement and wriggle of the raccoon inside of her system was a thrill of excitement. It was almost disappointing to down her calves with an eager slrrrk-oulk~, and an equally disappointing feeling to have her paws slide across her tongue and disappear down her throat. Her stomach, of course, was very much a fan of everything that had and was sliding down into it, but Skye couldn't help but wish that it had gone on a little longer. Finally, Amy's feet were squeezed into the tight, humid confines of Skye's gut, and Skye collapsed back onto the couch. She didn't even remember sitting up or leaning forward so far, but her spine thanked her for the reprieve as she let her bulging belly flop forward onto her lap. Stroking across the bumpy, feathered dome of her gut, it struck her that Amy was still sort of curled up in her lap, in a way. The thought was a little humorous, but Skye could tell from the churning emanating from her midsection that opening her beak wasn't going to be the wisest decision. Her grey button-up shirt strained over the taut surface of her gut, and she had a moment of trying to figure out exactly how to get it off without tearing it or jostling Amy around. Despite her best efforts, it only took about three buttons for her to shift far enough that Amy responded with a wiggle and a playful kick. Her stomach tightened instinctively, letting out a wet uuoorrrllln at the movement. Skye grunted softly, one hand reaching towards her mouth, but she wasn't quite fast enough to trap in the thick, dense, huuuuaarrrrpph~ The blast tightened the confines of her gut a little more snugly and sent her head spinning, revolving around and around as the giddy pleasure spread outward from her midsection. She leaned forward a little, balance shaky as-is, and the remaining buttons of her shirt popped free from their tenuous hold with a harsh sound. Idly, Skye mourned the loss of one of her favorite shirts, wondering how she'd manage to find all those buttons so they could be sewn back on, but the thought was nestled at the very back of her mind. "Sorry," she managed to mumble to herself, "couldn't keep that one down." A soft wriggle and a muffled sound made their way through the thick brown feathers covering her gut. The words themselves were unintelligible, but the small conical bulge that poked briefly from her belly before sinking back in was enough of a reassurance for her. Skye yawned slightly, eyelids heavy with fatigue after such an undertaking, and she idly stroked and kneaded her gut gently as her mind drifted. "You were a little more work than I was expecting," Skye chuckled, patting her gut and accidentally jostling out another soft belch. Amy's taste lingered in the dense air that shot from her beak, and the small secondary taste made her giggle softly. "I think I might rest my eyes for a while, if that's okay with you." Another garbled sound that was drowned out by the messy churning of her stuffed belly was her reply, accompanied by another nuzzle from her meal that made her scalp tingle. The combined weight of fatigue, contentment, satisfaction, and adoration for her closest friend weighed her consciousness down, and before Skye could form another thought, she was slumped over in a deep sleep.
This story contains soft vore. Don't like? Don't read! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was a large forest on the outskirts of a small mountain village. The forest was lined with cedars, oaks, and maples, though some of these trees were missing their leaves. It was already winter, and snow was pretty abundant. The snow on the ground wasn’t common in this forest, as the trees have blocked most of it. It was usually dense forests like these where you’d find a race of anthropomorphic animals, including a bunny girl named Fyra. Her fur was white and fluffy, and her eyes were red as rubies. She was about six feet tall and her body was naturally curvy. Despite her rabbit-like appearance, she had dull fangs lining her jaws instead of incisors and molars. She lived in a small cabin. It had a bed, a wardrobe, and some cabinets. She was scrounging around in her cabin, looking for some food. "What? Do I really have nothing left?” exclaimed Fyra. “I knew I should have gathered food before winter kicked in!" She slammed the cabinets shut in annoyance and sighed, “I need to go out and find some…” It was the middle of December. Most creatures in the woods just finished foraging for food, but Fyra was too late. She’s always had a pretty bad case of procrastination. She grabbed her dark blue cloak and threw it on as she left her home. She wandered through the woods for over two hours, but she couldn't find much. She found a few berries, but they weren't enough to satisfy her hunger. At this point, any fruit that hadn't been taken by the inhabitants of the forest had already fallen from the trees and either rotted away or froze. Fyra continued to wander. She was getting more hungry and worried with each passing second. Now starting to think that she'll find nothing, Fyra started walking back with nothing to bring home but dejection. Suddenly, she heard a pattering. Someone was running through the snow. She turned towards the sound and was immediately rammed into by someone. She wasn't knocked back, but it did disorient her a small bit. She looked down and saw a human boy up against her. She embraced him and held him close. She couldn’t exactly tell what it was, but something was wrong with the boy. She felt a slight tremble from him as she held him. His brown, messy hair grew past his shoulders. He seemed to be around her age, perhaps a year younger, but was two heads smaller and slimmer. Before she could speak, the boy looked up at her. His ocean blue eyes looked tired. The expression on his face had a mixture of fear, pain, anger, and desperation, yet also an odd sense of determination. It made her heart ache. She just wanted to hug him. He meekly said, "Please… please help me…" Fyra didn't understand what was going on, She was about to ask what was wrong, when she heard a deep voice. It was loud, but also had an echo. The bunny girl could tell it was from a distance, but she also noticed that he flinched when he heard the voice. It started to get a little louder and clearer. "Tobi!” yelled the masculine voice. “Where the hell are you? Get your ass back here! You are going to pay for what you've done, you little shit!" She could tell by the way he spoke that he was likely this boy's father, and based on the boy’s mannerisms, he was likely putting him through some kind of abuse. Maternal instincts give her a natural desire to protect this boy in whatever way she could, but what could she do? She thought, "He's clearly exhausted, so we can't run. I need to hide him somehow…" Her belly let out a deep growl, which caused an idea to click. She soothingly said to him, "Hey, listen. I think I know a way to hide you from that man, but you'll have to trust me." "What is it?" asked the boy. He still stayed close to her, but he had a wary look on his face. "Well, I could eat you-" "WHAT!?" She grimaced as she quickly covered his mouth. "Shh! Quiet down! He'll know where we are. You'll be safe, but you only have my word. We don't have much time, give me an answer!" She said in a stern voice. He thought for a bit, thinking of an answer. Fyra was starting to get restless. If he takes too long, she'll be caught in the act. He'll be found eventually if he were left alone. She wanted to avoid violence if possible, so fighting the man was out of the question. The boy seemed to already be at his limit when it came to stamina, so he couldn’t run away much further. He'd been using the snowless areas and leftover footprints from the inhabitants, but it wouldn't work for long. She could try to run with him, but who knows how far that will get them? As the man's voice got louder, she couldn't wait any longer. She quietly said, "Sorry, but we're out of time!" She quickly engulfed his head with her mouth. She was surprised by how good he tasted. His skin had a sweet sort of tang to it, which mixed well with the sweat the covered him. She wanted to savor him, but she had to move fast. She swiftly pushed his shoulders in and continued to swallow him down. She managed to find a method which allowed her to swallow him quickly and efficiently. Tobi winced as he continued to slide down the tight, fleshy tube. He relaxed his body as the throat muscles pulled him in deeper. He found this warmth oddly comforting. Soon, his head entered her belly. Fyra couldn't help but purr at the feeling of her once empty belly suddenly filling up. She didn't have much time left. She tilted her head up to let gravity help her out. Each gulp sent down a few more inches of his body, her tummy growing larger at the same time. The slight pain of her gut expanding had an odd sort of satisfaction to it. This wasn't the first time she'd swallow large quantities of food, she even swallowed smaller animals, but it was the first time she's swallowed another person. It wasn't long before Fyra got to his ankles. She grabbed onto the tips of his feet and gently pushed them into her maw. She closed her mouth around them and gave one final, powerful gulp. The albino bunny shuddered as she felt the feet of her prey slow trail down her esophagus, feeling the pressure in her throat go away as he disappeared into her stomach. The boy was surprisingly not as heavy as she'd expected, but the added weight still disoriented her. The albino sat down on a large tree stump, as her meal squirmed for a better position. She felt a pressure building up in her throat. Fyra burped out one of Tobi's tattered shoes. She quickly caught it and hid it under her cloak. She then sternly whispered, "Oi, settle down in there, would you? He'll be here soon!" As she heard the sound of crunching snow, she covered up her swollen belly with her cloak. She was surprised by the lack of resistance from him, but she couldn't worry about that for now. Fyra watched as the silhouette of a large, burly man slowly made its way closer to her through the mist of snow. When he came close enough to be visible, he bellowed, "Have you seen my boy around here? He's short, has brown hair, pale, and was wearing a gray sweater." The albino couldn't help but feel intimidated by his imposing figure and deep voice. She'd already be considered a bit tall for women's standards, and this man was still towering her. He had short blonde hair and a bushy beard and mustache. His eyes were sharp and narrow, but had the same ocean blue color as the boy's. He was clearly holding back his anger, but she could tell it was still there. Still, she kept her composure and put on a bit of a front herself. Fyra said in an oblivious sounding voice, "Brown hair and gray sweater, huh? Oh yeah! I think I saw a human boy fitting that description running that way!" She pointed to her left. The burly man nodded at her and left for that direction without saying a word. She waited until he was out of sight before sighing and quietly saying, "Alright, he's gone…" She got up off the stump. Her stomach sagged downwards due to the weight of her prey. When she felt him moving around inside of her, she giggled and said, "Oi! Be patient. You'll be out of there soon enough. For now, I need to keep you in there until I am absolutely sure that the big guy gave up on looking for you." As she walked back towards her home, she yawned and stretched before saying, "That man mentioned the name 'Tobi'. Is that your name?" All she heard in response was a muffle. Her flesh and stomach noises were drowning him out. She chuckled as she said, "Guess I can't hear you very well, huh? I'm kinda surprised at how submissive you were, though. Is it nice in there?" She felt a gentle nudge. She could tell that he was fine with it. Tobi was a bit scared at first, but that was mainly because of a natural fear and worry that all creatures have on instinct. He knew from the moment he bumped into her, from the way she spoke and gently held him close to her, that she had no bad intentions. Truth was, he would have said yes if he answered in time. Panic quickly turned into relief. He knew his situation perfectly. He was just swallowed up, but he views his fleshy prison as a sort of sanctuary. Now, he might get away from his family for good. Fyra gently rocked her hips side to side, causing her belly to gently sway in a similar matter. She let out another, soft burp before shyly saying, "Well, since you don't really have a family to go back to, you're free to stay with me, if you want." She didn't hear a muffle or feel any movement inside of her. She patted her stomach and softly said, "Hm. Guess he fell asleep." Soon, Fyra made it back to her humble abode. She laid down on her bed, squishing Tobi slightly beneath her weight. Fyra lovingly massaged her belly and said "Let's hope he stops looking for you soon. I wanna get to know you better." She rolled over on her side and pulled up the covers. She softly giggles as she enjoys the feeling of her prey sleeping soundly within her. She softly coos, "Honestly, I would have swallowed you even if you said no. I'm not just going to stand by and do nothing." She let out a soft, satisfied burp as she happily licked her lips. She yawned and said, "Dang… I always get pretty tired after a big meal. Imma nap…" Fyra yawned again and softly kissed her tummy. She thought "Guess I should search for more food tomorrow, now that I have someone to take care of," as she drifted off to sleep.
I suppose if youreallycan’t settle, I can tell youone last story. I’m not arguing at this time of night,shhhhhh; it’s alright. I’m here. Snuggle closer…get comfortable. Mmmmmmph… I know. Once upon a time, there were three sisters all at different stages of their lives. The oldest one moved out of their parents home, going to university to study hard and become a school teacher. She loved children, and wanted to make a difference in their lives; but she also loved drinking, and spent most of her nights out partying instead of working on her assignments. The middle sister wasn’t particularly smart or driven, but liked clubbing just as much as her older sibling.Shegot a job out of school,paying keep to her mummy and daddy and generally treading water because of how much she spent each and every weekend. She was comfortable and content though, and sometimes that’s enough. And the youngest sister had all these choices and worries in her head. She couldn’t decide what path she would follow and, in truth, there wasn’t any real rush. It was summer; she had months in front of her while she waited for results, and so she could lay on her bed every evening until the early hours, watching the moon cross the sky through her open window. Each sister was happy. Mmmm~ Can you feelyoursister? She’s kicking, here…Lay on my belly- that’s it. Can you hear my heart? My breath? Close your eyes… I’m your pillow. Aha, she’s not moving around so much, is she? I think she must be listening to my story.Shhhhhh… One day, a woman ~ about the same age as the oldest sister ~ approached her during one of the house parties she’d been invited to. The woman hid within a hood of black hair, teasing at everyone she met and becoming more affectionate as the night went on, and as people poured her more drinks. That affection was infectious, and eventually the oldest sister relented to her desires. She fell upon the woman with little kisses that tickled for the both of them, and they fluttered away out into the night where they could be alone. It was exciting. It felt naughty. She invited the woman into her flat where they undressed each other, before cuddling in tight spasms. It was exhausting, but the woman was ravenous. She wanted more, and more… and when the oldest sister couldn’t keep up. The woman gobbled her up in one big gulp. The next day, the middle sister was on a train back from the city. She was hungover, horribly nauseous, and texting apologies to everyone she’d met, and everyone she had flashbacks about. She hoped the hotel wouldn’t charge her for the vomit on the pillow, and that the conductor would still accept her ticket with the small rip she had found in it. She was in quite a state. As she swirled between sickness and sadness, she realised that someone had sat on the seat opposite her~ a-ha, if I didn’t know better I’d say you already knew this story! Oh wow, did you see that kick?I’mstarting to feel alittle sick, I hope she falls asleep again soon… anyway; you’re right. A woman with pitch-black hair and pretty, glittery eyes, watched her with a small smile. Her hands rested upon a kindly potbelly that made her look friendly like a teapot. She asked why the sister looked so rough, and the middle sibling told her. Even when the story had finished, the woman’s smile didn’t falter. She saidshehad had nights just the same, if not worse, and that the guilt never really went away; even when the feeling had subdued. But she said sometimes, it could feel as though it would be better if the world just opened up to swallow you alive, and take you away from all your troubles and embarrassments. They discussed this for a little while as the middle sister slowly eased into her company. Eventually, she felt that she agreed with what the woman had said, and that the previous night was bad enough that she just wanted to hide for a few nights. It would be good to run away; to disappear. The woman licked her lips as her big greedy belly grumbled, before diving across the chairs to snap the girl up into it. She reorganised her hair, and belched wetly as her meal settled. That night wasveryspecial. The youngest sister,did nothing, as she always did. She lay on her bed listening to music and drawing, wondering how her sisters were, and when she would see them again. She was at peace, until she saw something move in the open window. Looking, too stunned to scream, she found a woman perched there like a great bird, hair blowing in the wind with her gut hanging in a low paunch between her thighs. She said to the youngest sister that she knew exactly where the siblings had gotten to, and that it wouldn’t be very hard at all to reunite them. So the woman grabbed the girl, and held her fast against her luxuriously squishy body, and told her a story just like this one. Mmmm… Are you feeling settled now? It is late, after all. I think it’s time~ no no no… you don’t want to wake mummy and daddy. I’m already fit to burst. Now lay still, and I’ll tuck you away… Night night~
Chapter 2 Kryss arrived in a well-lit gray room where five other teleport stations gave off a gentle hum caused by their standby capacitors. There was very little external traffic to this facility and the teleporters were mostly used to restock the training areas and move personnel across the base in a hurry. There were four Low-caste maintenance workers in the room when she arrived. They were about five feet tall with a variety of brightly colored skin tones. Each wore orange jumpsuits and had a bundle of tools dangling from their work belts. All four dropped to one knee at the arrival of a warrior. Kryss paid them no further mind. As soon as she was sure her teleportation had been completed without incident she stepped off the teleport pedestal and dragged her mute prisoner towards the door. The large blast doors opened as she approached and strode through them on a direct path to Clatten‘s office. There were more workers in the hallways who similarly stopped what they were doing to take a knee in respect. They belonged to a slew of different low-castes; menial, bureaucrat, and nutrition just from what she saw. She ignored them as well. Her mind was racing in anticipation of the fight to come. Finally, she rounded a corner and saw Clatten's closed door. A junior warrior stood guard out front of the office. She resembled a snowy tiger, but with red stripes instead of black over predominately white fur. She was clad in a transparent version of the standard combat suit, a body-tight affair that granted better damage resistance than the bulky play armor in the arena. Krystal's gaze rested on the sidearm attached to the woman's hip in the few seconds it took to stomp up to the office door. "St- Stop!" The junior warrior called out. She didn't draw her sidearm; instead raising a hand, palm out, towards Kryss. "This area is off-limits without invitation." Kryss threw an angry look at the cat. The junior warrior's ears laid flat against her head in response. She swallowed deeply before saying ”I’m sorry Veteran Warrior Kryss, but you cannot enter the administrator's office without permission. Kryss brought her package, the human soldier, up off his feet and shook it at the younger warrior as way of explanation. Then with her free hand, she knocked loudly on the sliding metal door. The entire wall seemed to vibrate and the door bent slightly at her angry percussion. "Come in," responded Clatten's muffled, monotone voice. The feline soldier stepped to the side and placed one fist over her chest in a salute. Kryss wasn’t even watching. She threw open the door faster than its motors would normally have carried it and tossed the mute soldier ahead of her onto the wooden flooring of Clatten's office. Then she walked in herself, crossed her arms over her breasts, and stared daggers at Clatten. The door behind her failed to close automatically. Clatten's gaze briefly passed over Kryss and rested on something in the doorway behind her. A second later Kryss heard the Feline warrior wrench the door shut. The motors must have broken when Kryss made her dynamic entrance. The office was done up in warm, dark, wood and had a heat and humidity more in line with a rainforest than with the arctic conditions found natively outside the base. The only light in the office was given off by a computer display on Clatten's large wooden desk, and from dim sconce lights dotted at floorboard level around the room. When the door finally slammed shut the bright, sterile light of the hallway was shut out leaving the three of them alone in the dusky lighting. Administrator Clatten was already out of her chair, she had been since before Kryss entered. She leaned against the front of her desk sitting casually on the edge with her own arms crossed. "And to what do I owe the pleasure?" Clatten asked dourly. Kryss gestured at the soldier on the floor between them who had just made it to the kneeling position. "What the fuck?" Kryss asked. Clatten shrugged, "Fifty tokens. That means they move on to one of the training tracks." "Overwrite it," Chris said; a growl entering her voice. Clatten raised a reptilian eyebrow. "Veteran warrior Kryss, I will take that as a request and not an attempt at issuing an order to a superior," her words were still dry, but there was a hint of danger there now. "It is a request I will have to deny." Kryss opened her mouth to complain but this time Clatten raised a hand for silence. Kryss held her comment. It took an immense amount of discipline to do so, but she stayed silent. "I see no reason that this soldier would not be capable of serving the Union, and a sponsor has extended significant political resources to offer them a chance. If they continue to act as a dissident then I’m sure you will face them again. But the sponsor seems to think that with proper instruction the union will gain a valuable warrior." Clatten stepped forward till she reached the kneeling human. The administrator reached down and gently lifted Kryss' former opponent's chin until their eyes met. "Will you accept this sponsorship and become an apprentice warrior?" Clatten said with a gentle tone directed at the still kneeling figure. "There is the potential for a long career ahead of you, human. Should you accept you will be given a great privilege, one denied to most beings the universe over; you will have the chance to become a warrior of the Union. You will serve as a warrior until you die in combat. In exchange; no sickness or age will touch you, no one but a fellow warrior will command you. You will, in time, have access to the greatest gifts at the cost of fighting the hardest battles." Clatten paused her monologue to turn her gaze toward's Kryss before completing the ultimatum. "Speak now. Tell us what you will choose." Kryss held Clatten's gaze. They both waited for the soldier to speak. Several seconds stretched out. Kryss' anger relented slightly. "Are they not going to take the oath?" She felt her tail threaten to start wagging at the thought. "You can still be mine." A horrible gurgle echoed through the room from the soldier's throat. Clatten looked down in surprise. Kryss also looked down to see the soldier struggling to speak. She had thought they were just very stoic, but it rapidly dawned on both warriors that the soldier couldn't speak. At all. The primitive civilization that had once owned this world had either not been able to correct such a defect, or worse, had inflicted it during their barbaric augmentation surgeries. Clatten laid her other hand on the soldier's shoulder; a signal to stop. "You can raise your hand to accept if you so choose, Mute one." Kryss's heart dropped as she watched the soldier's right hand raise in acceptance. Her blood boiled even more when she saw Clatten's gentle smile blossom in response. "Then on behalf of the Union, I welcome you as an apprentice warrior. You will be sent to a training stable and an instructor will select your new name. Before that, though, due to a great interest placed on your shoulders by a sponsor, you will report to the medical wing and have some proper augmentations given to you." Clatten pressed a single button on her wrist datapad. A few seconds later the door struggled open and a few mouselike medical caste nurses in white jumpsuits entered. They bowed to Clatten and Kryss so deeply their large rodent ears almost touched the ground. A third figure, a larger female, similarly rodentlike but with a whiplike tail and long red hair followed them into the room. The newcomer wore the same white jumpsuit of the medical caste but had the single-piece suit unzipped down to her belly button. The showing of skin was traditionally a privilege of the Warrior caste and Kryss noticed the nurse also had a sidearm on her belt to identify her as more than simple medical personnel. "Yanita, " Clatten said with a nod to the warrior nurse. "Please take this apprentice down to the Crysallis chamber and give them the first three rounds of augmentation. The authorization should be in the system." The larger nurse, "Yanita", saluted and then held a hand out to the mute warrior. Kryss watched in silent rage as her prize escaped her out the door in the company of the three nurses. "May I go," asked Kryss through gritted teeth. Clatten looked her in the eye but just held the gaze for an uncomfortable length. Kryss was the first to break away from the staring contest. Her vision slid down to stare at the floor, unwilling to meet her superior's gaze. The silence stretched out for ten more uncomfortable seconds before Clatten spoke. "You are dismissed, Veteran Warrior Kryss." Kryss brought her fist to her chest in a salute, then spun on her heel and moved to the door. It failed to open for her, and so she forced it open again. The tiger-striped warrior outside gave Kryss a salute of her own, but the veteran warrior moved past without a word. Kryss didn't know what to think. Her mind was still filled with impotent rage, but a lot of shame was also inching into her mindscape. She knew there was nothing scheduled for her on the roster for almost a week when another group of popsicle soldiers would be unfrozen. She started towards her quarters. She could sleep the intervening time away as she had planned before her encounter and fight with the Mute warrior. Halfway to her room, the corridor split in two. She started to turn left toward the warrior quarters but paused to stare at the facility map on the wall of the T intersection. Her gaze rested on the medical wing. Where He was. Her meal. Her prize. Her stomach grumbled; knocking her free of a line of reasoning that was not productive. She realized she'd been standing here for some time and a small pile of drool had gathered at her feet. She drew the blue fur on the back of her arm across her mouth to clean her maw. "Excuse me," a voice behind her inquired. "Are you alright Warrior?" Kryss turned to see the Nurse from before, "Yanita", standing there with concern on her face. "Yes I'm-" Kryss began to dismiss the nurse, as her warrior pride demanded. She stopped herself when she noticed the mousy woman was holding a datapad that had the Mute soldier's picture displayed on it. "I'm mostly fine," she continued. "I stressed myself a bit harder than I should've. Could you take a look at my jaw? It might not have healed right." Yanita nodded, "Come on down to my office and I'll get you looked after." "Doc," implored Kryss. "I'm a warrior. I'd rather not be layed up in a chrysalis chamber in case I am needed. Can you just take a quick look at it here?" Kryss stepped forward into the nurse's personal space. She was larger than the medical mouse. Her seven feet was a privilege she was allowed to stay at as a sign of seniority. Yanita was about a foot shorter, so Kryss had to lean down to bring their jaws level. The Nurse seemed a little surprised by how quickly Kryss moved; to say nothing of how presumptive Kryss was getting this close. Still, the nurse was a professional, she didn't flush or flinch just sighed deeply and pulled out a medical tool. "Fine," the nurse conceded. "Open up." Kryss opened her jaws in the mouse lady's face. A display like that normally instilled fear in whoever saw it, but Yanita just stuck the metal cylinder into the mouth and activated the scanner. The mouse was fully occupied with her work but was having trouble manipulating the medical device with one hand. After a few seconds, the nurse pulled the scanner out and started looking around for a place to put her pad down. "I can hold that," Kryss offered. She gently picked the pad out of the Nurse's hand. "Thanks," the nurse said as she went back to examining Kryss' jaw. While the tool and the nurse's hands prodded around inside her mouth Kryss held the datapad behind the nurse's head where she wouldn't be able to tell what Kryss was doing. Kryss knew there wasn't much time so she quickly started flicking through the Mute soldier's file looking for something useful. There were old human records of the soldier's service before being put on ice but she quickly scrolled past them on her way to the modern information. "There it is," she thought as she saw the word sponsor. She pressed a finger to the word and the screen switched to display the information on who had offered their tokens to save the mute one's life. Kryss' heart sunk as she realized all of the identifying information was redacted. She didn't let herself lose hope. Each token a soldier earned was given a date and reason for being earned. It was possible she could figure out who the donor was from that. She pulled up the list of tokens. There was a large list of accomplishments and about ten years of service displayed in the variety of tokens. Everything from marksmanship excellency to stalking course proficiency tokens had been used. The list must represent the entirety of a warrior's accomplishments in the last ten years. This couldn't have been one of the instructors on base, they were here temporarily from other units and had an unofficial quota to meet. If they dumped ten years of their reputation into one recruit they'd be berated by their mother units when they returned no matter how good their recruit was. The pattern of tokens didn't match what she'd expect a member of top brass to have earned either. They were given tokens based on the accomplishments of their units and Kryss saw none of the officer types of tokens. "This is the same war chest of reputation that I would be able to bring to bear," she realized. The sponsor must be a young warrior on her way up. Accomplished, but not enough that Kryss knew their name. To be fair Kryss only knew the names of a few warriors on base. Those like Clatten or Yanita who she had to pay some degree of deference to at times. The aforementioned Yanita started to extricate herself from the mouth. Kryss tabbed back a few times until she was on roughly the same page the pad had started at. "Well you've got some elevated cellular activity," Yanita began. "But everything seems to be fine mechanically. If something doesn't heal right in the future come right to the med bay. It could mean that you're rewriting your genetics by accident." "I thought that took a Chrysalis chamber to do," Kryss asked. "It does. Well, it takes the chamber to do it safely. Some of the older warriors can do more than rebuild damaged flesh, but it's heavily discouraged these days." "Fascinating," Kryss remarked making herself sound far more interested than she was in actuality. "Why is that?" Yanita waved a hand dismissively, "Without the aid of a chamber or a matriarch rewriting genetic code can become cancerous very quickly. The average warrior also lacks a repository of genetic information to draw from so there is less to mimic. Just come to me if something goes wrong." Kryss nodded and stepped away. She tried to formulate a proper parting phrase but Yanita had already turned to leave. That was fine. Kryss had her own thoughts to dwell on. She diverted from the route to her quarters and went for a scenic path that took her outside. The airlock cycled and drifts of snow and freezing wind instantly began beating at Kryss. It wasn't uncomfortable though. Her latest stay in the Crysalis tank had been undertaken when she arrived here and she had used the time to adapt well to the local environment. Her bare wolf-like feet padded on the thick snow and her fur kept the cold from biting too deeply as she set out for a jog. Running always helped her think. The mystery sponsor's identity was on her mind. As was their reason for doing this. There wasn't much to gain by blowing a career on one recruit. They could potentially be using the Mute as an investment, betting on them becoming a great soldier and earning some tokens back via patronage, but that seemed unlikely. There was another reason to sponsor the Mute. "Jealousy," mused Kryss. If someone hated Kryss they could have done this just to annoy her, but Kryss couldn't think of anyone she had annoyed to the point of investing ten years on a one-time payback. If; however, the other warrior was jealous of Kryss' skills they could have saved the Mute in the hopes of merging with them. Kryss had heard about the process before. Merging was sometimes done by lovers so they would always be together. The best portions of the two minds formed a better soldier from it. What had reminded her of it was not the lover's use case but Yannita's comment on reshaping. While the body was just biomass and could be replaced as much as needed the essence of who someone was, wasn't so simple. There were times when data was lost due to brain damage or simple aging. Veteran Warriors of hundreds of years often selected a subordinate to merge with to stay functional. "If I hadn't just pissed Clatten off I would ask her about it," Kryss mused. Since the tokens indicated the mystery donor wasn't old and hadn't suffered any brain wounds, (indicated by a lack of wound tokens) then Kryss had to assume they wanted to merge with the Mute to combine their skills. "They want to be better than me." The thought was reassuring. Tomorrow she would go through the base records and find which warriors could have been the sponsor. She was sure she could bait someone that jealous into lashing out at her. Once they lashed out she could challenge them to a duel, she could defeat them, and then their sponsored soldiers would all be hers by right. Kryss licked her lips. Her stomach was still rumbling and the anger and uncertainty from earlier had morphed back into the same hunger and horniness she had felt in the arena while she chased down the soldier. "The chase is still on," she decided. "It will just take me longer to catch you." She had been running for less than five minutes, but already reached the exterior airlock nearer to her quarters. She thumbed the exterior button and stepped inside. Once the airlock had cycled she once again saw the high-ceilinged, sterile corridors of the base. There was far less foot traffic in the warrior's quarters. None of the lower castes were even supposed to be here if not on official business, but Kryss noted two menials who had just climbed out of a maintenance shaft about seven meters the way she would have come from if not for her external detour. She didn't pay them much mind and instead shook her body like a dog to dislodge the snow and ice from her fur. She cupped her breasts briefly to ensure there was no ice gathered in the folds between them and the rest of her chest. She similarly ran a hand down to her athletic shorts and pulled the stretchy material to its limit before letting it snap back. The action dislodged some more snow and set her ass wobbling slightly as if it had been slapped. She heard one of the menials remark to his partner in a whisper, "You know I think I can get used to working for this union if the Bitches are just gonna walk around half-naked." They probably thought she couldn't hear them, but her ears were like radar dishes and there weren't any sounds that could mask their conversation in the corridor. She turned back towards the two of them. They were both staring, but quickly looked down and then went to a knee as she stalked closer. They had done so sloppily and she could tell why as she arrived. Both were pretty fresh out of cryo-tubes probably less than a month. Soldiers weren't the only castes the humans had stored in this facility while at the height of their power. Kryss vaguely remembered hearing of concurrent programs to integrate frozen personnel into a variety of castes besides warriors. As menials, these two hadn't been given new augmentations in the Crysallis chamber and she could see that they had the same musculature and scarring as the soldiers she'd had the pleasure of digesting earlier today. Neither of them was as large as the soldiers though. They were more similar in size to the Mute one... Her mouth was salivating again for some reason. "You two," she called out coldly. "I have half a mind to feed you to a biomass pit for such a remark." One of the two started to speak but she silenced him by interrupting. "I don't want to hear excuses." she grabbed the larger of the two, the one she was pretty sure had made the remark, by the neck and lifted him off the ground. "What is your next duty, menial?" The man in her hands sputtered, unable to speak with such a grip. After a second the other one spoke up on his behalf. "H-Honorable warrior, we merely have to fix a broken door motor and then our duties are done for the day." He was clearly terrified, but he relayed the words accurately enough. Kryss paused and thought for a second before her face broke into a cruel smile. She dropped the man she was holding to the ground. "You have two options," she said matter of factly, a finger pointing at the offending member of the two. "First option: you can go carry out your duty. When you are finished you will report to biomass processing and submit yourself to conversion to a fine paste." The man swallowed hard. "Or....," she said drawing out the word into a sultry note as she leaned down to put her face next to the two kneeling menials. "If your friend wants to save your life the two of you can follow me back to my quarters." Her voice dropped all the way into a husky whisper, "And I can show you what it means to be with one of your betters." She licked the larger man's ear as an erotic punctuation mark and watched the man's fear slowly morph into confusion and arousal. "What do ya say? Want to have some fun, menial?" The two menials looked at each other and nodded before speaking in unison, "Yes Ma'am." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kryss plopped her back down onto her bed. The springs bounced her back up a few inches but held strong. The bed was plenty large, it was meant to be comfortable for two individuals of her size. It would fit what she had in mind with room to spare. She looked down between the valley of her breasts, past her empty belly, and through her spread legs at the two menials. They were rapidly disrobing at the base of the bed on her orders. She reached one paw down and slipped it inside her shorts to start rubbing her womanhood in preparation. The humans were nervous, awkward even, in their attempts to doff their clothing. She watched with growing amusement as one teetered and nearly fell over while removing a leg from his jumpsuit. They were so uncoordinated and worthless, such easy prey that it made her mouth salivate. She swallowed down the saliva and focused on stroking herself. A few seconds later and a collection of orange jumpsuits, underwear, and toolbelts were scattered across her floor. The two stood there in nothing but what they were born with. Their members were clearly aroused, but they were still too scared to make the first move. While still rubbing herself Kryss laid out the rules. "You," she said pointing to the smaller man. The one who looked more like the mute. "You aren't allowed to speak. Not a word." He made a zipping motion across his mouth and nodded. "Furthermore," she added, still addressing the man. "You're going to climb up here and fuck me. If you stop fucking or you start talking I'll ensure you are punished for your crimes and your life comes to an end. Got it?" The man nodded. She remained silent following his nod. Uncomfortable seconds passed and she raised an eyebrow. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to do as I said?" With a start, the man jumped into motion. He climbed onto the bed, shuffling forward on his knees, and gingerly reached for, then pulled off her athletic shorts. The white scrap of clothing sailed off to join the pile on the floor. With the garment discarded he paused to stare at her sex. It was already starting to glisten in anticipation and she increased her rubbing; even starting to rock her hips into her hand as she waited for him to make a move. She grew impatient with his slowness and raised both legs up and draped them over his shoulders. He couldn't be an inch over five feet and the legs of a seven-foot woman laying over him made this rendevous seem almost comical. She wasn't sure what to call this position, but she didn't care. She just watched in anticipation as he slowly brought his member in line with her slit. She moaned slightly as he slipped into her. The man started rocking forward, slowly at first, but with increasing enthusiasm. She effortlessly matched her rhythm to the one he was falling into. She reveled in letting him take the lead. The man was nothing to her. A menial. He had no right taking the lead in any encounter with a Warrior, but to her, the man wasn't a menial anymore. He was the Mute soldier from earlier, and she reveled in the fulfillment of her desires. "No. Stopping. No. Talking," she reiterated to the beat of his rhythm with a now breathy voice. Then she pointed to the second man. He didn't have a place in her fantasy yet. "You! Come here." She patted an empty space on the bed and the larger of the two menial easily crawled up till he was lying alongside her. "Straddle my chest." The man did as ordered and she watched the valley between her breasts narrow and disappear as his inner thighs squished the breasts down and together. The man's large member nearly slapped her in the face. She reached a paw out and grabbed hold of the veiny snake and started to stroke it. His body was still too stiff, too formal. She brought his tip up to her mouth and licked the knobby end. "Oh god," he remarked in arousal. "W-warrior, thank you." "No," Kryss commanded. Her mind had thought back to the brashness of the soldiers she had eaten earlier. How they didn't know their place in the social order. How fun it was to show them. "Do not treat me like a warrior. You will be rough, you will be naughty. I want you to insult me, belittle me; but most of all I want you to fit as much of your dick as you can down my throat." "Yes, ma'am," he responded. She flicked his balls with a finger. Just enough to sting. "Yes, what?" "Yes.." He paused as he processed her orders. "Yes as in, you'll take my dick and like it you dirty bitch." "That's better," she thought. She cupped his balls with her non-stroking paw and gently guided his shaft towards her maw with the two of them. She needn't have bothered. The man took her wolf ears in each hand and thrust forcefully into her mouth. If she were a lower caste such an action might have caused her to gag, but his dick didn't compare to the body of enemy combatants. This menial was enthusiastic, just like the soldiers had been at first. He was rocking his crotch into her mouth and she could tell as the two made eye contact that he wasn't roleplaying anymore. This was his deep self, the pride he'd had to suppress as a menial boiling to the surface. "You like that?" he screamed. "You're gonna take it all, Bitch." He was thrusting and pulling her head to him with all his might now. So much youthful vitality. "He even thinks he's in control." The man atop her arched his back and stared off into the ceiling as he continued thrusting and offering insults. Meanwhile, she could feel the man at the foot of her bed hitting his stride. Her toes curled. This is what she needed. It wasn't the Mute stewing in her gut, but this would do. She bent her legs at the knee and then interlocked her ankles behind her mute stand-in's back. When she pulled her legs down and back towards her a second later the result was like a praying mantis trapping prey. The small man was forced to bend forward. She felt the slight impact as his head hit the oaf on her chest's back. If the second man wasn't in the way with his face-fucking her trapped partner would have his face resting on her belly now. Both men were too involved to be distracted by what must have seemed an act of passion on her part. "That's one that won't be running away." It was true, she had more strength in her legs than any other part of her musculature. This stand-in for a prize wouldn't be snatched away from her as the genuine article had been. She felt the oaf let go of one of her ears. He took the newly freed hand and slapped her full across the face. The hit barely stung but her face was flushed enough from the care her lower half was getting he probably didn't know that. "It's coming Bitch," he stated triumphantly. "You've never seen a load like this, and you're going to swallow all of it." "Well if you insist," she thought mischievously. The oaf arched his back again closing his eyes in anticipation. His tempo had increased to manic levels. She felt the first bursts of fluid start dripping into the back of her throat, but she had more than a smoothie diet in mind. In the lead-up to his ecstasy, she reached both her hands up to his shoulders and started pulling him down towards her mouth. Meanwhile, she stretched her maw wide taking in both his crotch and working her jaws over his ass. The man remained oblivious. His dick was deep enough in her throat that he didn't notice the jaw widening, and besides, his mind was filled only with thoughts of arousal and conquest. "Here. It. Is!" He panted out to his thrusting rhythm. Sure enough, she felt the spurts of his best effort gush out and flow down her throat, but she was more entertained with her own actions. Each time he bucked in the middle of his orgasm she pushed higher towards his chest with a quiet. *Slllllckkkk........ slllluuuulllkkk.....glllllk* Since she hadn't started at either end and was essentially eating him from the middle this meant that by the time he finished bucking he had started to be bent backward and she had ascended to his belly button and mid-thigh simultaneously. It didn't take too long for him to realize something was wrong. The man wasn't flexible enough to pull off such a position and so the pain in his back and thighs as he was folded in half, rapidly alerted him to the issue. "Wha- what the-" She didn't let him finish, clapping a paw over his mouth and pulling him inside another few inches. His fear drove him to struggle, but he was more than halfway inside her before the struggles amounted to anything. She giggled at the muffled screams. As she ascended him further they turned from screams of surprise to pain. The tremendous pressure on his tendons and ligaments held her back for a few seconds, but with a firm push, she felt both his legs dislocate with a loud *CRRRRRaaaaCKCKCK*. He was fully bent in half now, his heels touching the backs of his shoulder blades. Only his shoulders, head, and extremities were still outside. She removed the hand from his mouth. By covering it earlier she hoped it would encourage him to call for help. Sure enough, as soon as she removed it he started screaming for someone, anyone to come help him. She also felt the salty taste of tears from the man as the top of her mouth started to rub against his face. The man not in her jaws' rythm had become erratic and at times she felt him pulling against her thighs and legs to try and find a weakness, but there wasn't one. She freed up one hand from her meal and moved it to rest on the head of her stand-in. She couldn't see it, her vision was still blocked by the oaf in her mouth, but she found him by touch. With firm but gentle guidance, she used the hand and her legs to get him back into a rhythm. Once he had picked up the pace on his own again she returned to her meal. The Oaf was alternating between crying for help and simply crying in terror. Very occasionally he still gathered the courage and anger to call her a variety of derogatory things. She dragged out his devouring, ascending him an inch at a time. His panicked screaming vibrated in her throat and she drank in every insult, every bargaining statement, every beg the same as she swallowed the man himself. Eventually, his head slipped behind her molars. His last words before becoming muffled once again were a begging, "You said you'd let me live!" With the head gone only the man's fingers and toes were still outside. She used the paw that wasn't guiding her last external partner to tickle her food's toes. It didn't elicit much of an effect, the man was already thrashing, but she enjoyed the tease. She could have finished swallowing him long ago, but she waited for the perfect moment. The stand-in's rhythm held steady and she imagined it was the Mute and she was riding him back in the arena while holding one of his fellow soldiers on the cusp between freedom and an acidic pit. Her own climax grew closer. She bucked her hips, pulled her forced-mute deeper towards her with pure leg power, and used her hands to grab at her breasts and fondle them in order to get every last bit of pleasure. When she felt herself start to vibrate in anticipation of orgasm she finally swallowed the last of the oaf with an almost dainty-. *Gullk* The man slid into her stomach, and she felt him push out against his new fleshy prison exactly as she reached a climax. With her airway clear she let out a long shuddering moan that echoed through the room. Every muscle she had tensed up. Her stomach contracted on her new meal and she felt a slight *Crrrnnch* from ribs or some other small bones of his giving way. Her stand-in's tempo increased as her sex tightened around his member. Her legs tightened around him too, and without much control, while in the middle of ecstasy she feared she might break the frail man. Fortunately when her whole body stopped shaking her partner was still thrusting into her. "Awwwww, yesssss," she moaned audibly, her long tongue lolling out to one side. "That's more like it." She dropped her hands from her breasts down to the struggling orb of her tummy and hugged it tightly. She felt the man inside spasming in pain and fear, felt her stomach walls vibrate as he shouted into them. "Did I 'take enough of it'," she teased with a voice like one might speak to a baby. "Did you think your itty bitty wittle dicky wicky could tame me?" She laughed cruelly and pushed down on the stomach hard till she felt another snap from within. She also felt something working its way up into her chest like a volcano trying to erupt but held onto it for a second. She could use this. She put both hands down to the tussled bedspread and pushed herself up off her back. She essentially pounced on her other man taking him from his knees to his back in a second. Now she was on top riding his dick with all of her weight. She leaned down to bring her face towards his. Her engorged stomach now crushing the man's chest. She found it harder to hold in the eruption, which was fine. She needn't hold it back anymore. Her face was less than a foot from the man. She could see fear in his eyes, but he was also deep in a fog of arousal. *buuuuuUURRRRRRAAAAA* She released the belch directly into his face and at the same time pushed her belly into him. Both the man inside her stomach and the one thrusting into her struggled in response. Even so soon after her last release, she felt herself getting closer to a second orgasm. The man underneath her seemed to be struggling to hold his own. He looked at her in a panic as his rocking became erratic and forced. She smiled at his indecision and then leaned back, placing her hands behind her once again. The result left her with an arched back and her head staring at the ceiling. She basked in the bliss. The man in her stomach was struggling with the neediness of a man close to death. She didn't have very strong acids active but also knew she had been rough enough that the man would be near death without any. She listened intently for a very specific sound. She let the sounds of her own panting die away, the meaty slapping sound as she came down on her partner she also filtered out. After a few seconds of focus, she could just hear the muffled sputtering of the oaf in her gut. Each time he took a shuddering breath she ground her hips down into the man under her. Between her thrusts, he kept up his own intensifying rythm. He was close. She could tell. Each time she came down on him he came back with a more enthusiastic thrust. Each time she came down her stomach compressed his partner and the next breath inside her was weaker. In her mind, it was a race to see who would finish first. The life of one man or the pleasure of another. The lack of breathing and erratic spasming in her gut indicated it would be the man in her stomach who reached the end first. She pushed herself back up till she was atop her lover and held herself close. Her paws reached under his back finding the space between flesh and the sheets and pulled him tight to her. Her short claws dug into the flesh of his back, not enough to be dangerous but enough to draw blood. This pain didn't slow the man down instead she felt his dick spasm a hot liquid. The fluid pumped into her just as the spasming in her stomach stopped. *Urrp* The man's last breath flowed out of her mouth in a hot rush. She smelled grease, oil, sweat, and tears. "The taste of a menial," she thought with a chuckle. The man below her was spent. She felt his member begin to shrink inside her. As per her instruction that didn't stop him from thrusting dutifully. She smiled at his dedication. He really was the right stand-in for the Mute. With him still thrusting into her she swung her legs off the bed and got to her feet. It wasn't hard to carry him with her. She had a destination in mind but stopped to pin him against a nightstand, then a pillar, and a few other surfaces and work him for a few minutes. Finally, she slammed him onto the counter of her small kitchen. The man was in rough shape. She'd bruised his back and chest just by riding him and his back was bleeding enough to leave droplets all the way from the bed to the kitchen. "You're doing great," she moaned while thrusting him down onto the stainless steel countertop with her hips. "Were you surprised when I had your friend for a little snack?" The man wisely stayed quiet, but she did see him nod his head between thrusts. She giggled genuinely, "You're smarter than you look, little mute." She leaned in and opened her maw over his face letting the hot airflow over him. She felt him struggle, but never dare to stop thrusting. Her maw slowly worked itself over his head. Still, he kept thrusting. His member had only been semi-rigid as she worked him over across the room, but now he had finally gotten hard again. She felt the hair of his head tickle the back of her throat and giggled. It would be so easy to end him, but the "chase" wasn't over yet. She freed him from her mouth with an audible *pop* then smiled at him and brought him in for a deep kiss. She held the contact for long seconds. The seconds dragged into a minute and the man started to try and break away. Unfortunately, he had nowhere to go. His lungs must be screaming for air. She felt his hands reach up to her head and try and push her off, but still, she held. Throughout the whole ordeal, he hadn't stopped thrusting. She felt his rhythm get weaker. He still had his nose to breathe through but with her tongue so deep in his throat and the intense activity he was undergoing he was clearly getting dizzy from lack of oxygen. She felt the man slowly begin to blackout. First, his jaw stopped responding to her kiss, then his hands fell away from her head, and finally, his thrusting stopped and he lay still. She held the kiss a few seconds longer before relenting. He was still breathing, just unconscious. She busied herself by reaching over to a cabinet and pulling out a beer-can-sized red cylinder with a medical symbol on the lid. She depressed the button on the top and pointed at the man's chest. The healing biomass flowed over his body, stitching the wounds on his back and mending the bruises he had all over. She realized he was awake when she felt him weakly begin thrusting into her again. "Welcome back," she said alongside a warm smile. "Didn't think you were getting out of your duty that easily did you?" The man didn't know how to respond to that without talking so he just redoubled his thrusts. Kryss picked him back up and headed back to the bed. There was a long night of fun ahead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kryss felt her fake mute flagging. Exhaustion was finally getting the worst of him. After over four hours of rutting, there was very little energy left in the man. Their rendevous had taken them all across the apartment, and into every position, she could think of. Right now they were lying on the floor atop a pile of clothing and bedsheets that had been dragged down in their passion. She rode him like a cowgirl, a position she'd been avoiding because she was sure it would bruise him again, but they were so close to what she knew would be his final ejaculation. She was close too. Had been managing her arousal to try and line up with his own. *urppp* She loosed another short belch, one of the dozens she had released in the past few hours. It was the consequence of using such weak acid that waste gasses had a chance to build up. She didn't mind. Her finale was almost ready. The man's head was nodding below her. It was to the rhythm of their intercourse, but each time his head rested on the matted sheets and orange jumpsuit behind him he seemed to momentarily fall asleep only to be revived by another hump. As she felt him weekly begin to shake and his member start to spurt out an absolutely pitiful load she bounced on him with new enthusiasm. His orgasm was ending before hers really began, but the tight clenching of her pussy woke him up. Seeing his eyes light up with consciousness she leaned into him. Her stomach had shrunk, and her height had grown by a foot and a half during their encounter, but there was still a decent bulge in her midsection. As her orgasm rocked the both of them she placed both hands on her stomach and let out something she'd been holding since they started. * UUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrRRRRRrrrrrrrAAAAAAaaaaaAAAPPPPppPPPP* The belch echoed across the room, but she wasn't done. As the belch ended a deluge of bleached bones emptied out onto her playmate. They were almost all intact. The acids had been weak enough to simply strip the flesh from them, leaving the rest as perfect keepsakes. The grisly sight managed to cut through the man's fatigue-induced drunkenness. For the first time in a few hours, she felt him really struggle. The bones bounced and *clacckkk*-ed off his chest as he attempted to scoot himself back. Instead of holding him to her as she had every time he struggled before she eased off of him and without her pressure keeping him pinned he pulled himself away a few feet. His member popped out of her, now a limp noodle that rapidly retracted. "Oopsie," she intoned in a sing-song voice. "Looks like you failed to obey my orders." The man seemed fully awake again as she stalked over to him on all fours. "You know where troublemakers and dissidents go don't you?" The man looked down at her stomach. She smiled and winked, "That's right! You're really good at this game." The man attempted to run, to roll to the side out of her reach, but she was on top of him again in a second. She squeezed her knees together and pinned him in place. "Now, what to do," She adopted a 'thinking man' pose and pouted. "It has to be memorable." She saw the man's attack with an eternity of time spare to block it. He swung at her with one of his mate's thigh bones hoping to catch her across the face. Instead, she opened her mouth and caught the bone in her teeth. For a second the man actually pulled back on the bone as if he had any chance of winning this tug-of-war. The man's eyes widened in surprise when she released her teeth and he slammed down to the ground. She grabbed his wrists now, acting faster than the man could hope to match, and pinned them to the ground as well. Her face wore an unwavering smile as she continued to speak, "That's a great idea!" She brought the two of his wrists together so she could hold them with one hand and then grabbed the thigh bone off the ground. The bone was still a little slick with saliva. It was as wide around as a human wrist and grew into a round ball at one end which would normally slot into the hip joint. "Thank's for the replacement," she said as she directed the knobby end to her nethers. She slid the bone in experimentally and sighed in satisfaction. It was a little irregular and bumpy at points but it was larger than any penis a human could have. "Yeahhhhh, that'll do," she panted out. "I just need another little snack." The man redoubled his efforts to escape as she leaned down and opened her maw in his face once again. She held the position for a few agonizing seconds as she fell into a rhythm with the thigh bone. "This was perfect," she thought once again. The parallels were just divine. Shed embarrassed and digested her fake-mute's friends just like the real one. Then, after a long chase, she had him exhausted and at her mercy. Just like the real one. She closed her eyes and worked her jaw over the man in a daze. Her mind was elsewhere. She imagined herself back in the arena. Instead of being interrupted she slowly fed the mute down her gullet, reveled in every inch of his descent, and flaunted her curves (the curves of his teammates) for the cameras and her own private pleasure. She felt the mute slide into her stomach and start struggling. She imagined Clatten calling her too late to save his life and her flaunting her stomach to the older warrior. She wasn't sure how long this state lasted, or how many times she came, but one thing was clear. This was the best night she had ever had. When she came out of her daze she was alone on the floor in a nest of sex-drenched clothes and sheets. Her tummy was still wiggling but so weakly that she could tell the man inside was falling asleep. He couldn't be die-ing, her acids were so weak right now they were practically human level. She started to pull herself up, but realized she had nowhere to be that was as comfy as this place, this memory. She dug the thigh bone back into her sex, again and again, until she drifted off to sleep.
How Nekos were madeBy the Four_Fleets, use of fan characters from Code Geass (Just go along with it)Contains F/f F/m Unbirth and Transformation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nina smiled as she walked about the zoo. Luthadel was known for being a tourist attractor. The giant Bee-girl hive that covered half the city was the biggest part, yet one could still see the extremely rare species of animal that lived there in open-space captivity. One in particular- a rare sub-species of Siberian tiger that the zoo took care of- and has so recently bred. One female in particular, a female named Felicia was supposedly heavy with triplets.    "C'mon, can we hurry up? You brought your swim suit  to check on the dolphins too ya know." Rollo spoke, slightly dissatisfied that Nina didn't stick to her schedule.    "Could you wait for a moment? I have to check on Felicia's progress. That and the dolphins can wait." she replied in a slightly angered tone. Footsteps approached as Rollo replied,    "If it will speed it up-- need an help?" he said, looking into the artificial habitat. His eyes wandered about Nina's swimsuit. It was a navy-blue one piece suit used by divers.    Nina unlocked the habitat door. Another door on the other side lead to the public viewing platform, it was currently locked due to how early it was in the morning. An overhead clock read 7:30 AM as they approached. Felicia was nowhere to be seen, the habitat keeping her covered. It was a realistic tall-grass and forest environment suited for the inhabitant- her green eyes peering over the grass playfully. She instantly recognized Nina and Rollo as they walked in. They had friendly relationships with each other. Nina was actually training Felicia on circus-style tricks. Felicia agreed to the fullest- yet her "Burden" held off this training. Nina nodded to Rollo as they spoke.    "Well- should we just check her usual spots? Perhaps she is still in bed." Nina added, looking around the exhibit.    "If that's the case we should probably split up to cover more ground." Rollo adds, now charting his path. Felicia shifted from her position, hiding nearby. Of course she knew what was going to happen to the young duo, her system ready for company as she waited. First up was Nina, her outfit of shorts and a swimsuit perfect for what is about to happen next. The exhibit was wide- Rollo took to jogging through the paths as Nina took time to study her surroundings. Of course- another reason she brought a swimsuit was because this particular breed of tiger, you couldn't tell from the outside that she was pregnant. You have to reach your arm up her nethers and tap on the cervix If done right, it would be puckered and holding liquid. If not- then it would just cause the tiger to purr. The dolphin exhibit was a great way to wash off while still being on duty. Then again neither of the two would see the aquarium for a number of months to come. Felicia crawled through the many bushes that littered the exhibit. And for emphasis someone decided to throw tumbleweed as part of the fun. Nina rolled her eyes as she continued walking, the feeling of being watched hanging over her shoulders. She continued walking- going to a hollowed out tree.    Felicia entered the tree through a hole in the back. Nina walked through the entrance just in time for Felicia to play sleep, her rear showing to the entrance. Nina giggled- waking up the 'sleeping' tiger Of course she glanced back at the assistant zookeeper, her eyes focused as Nina spoke. "There you are, I have been looking all over the place for you. How you doing?" she spoke, her tone playful as Felicia purred in response. "That's good, because today your going to have a check-up, kay?" she played, Felicia straightening herself out for the exam, her form relaxing as Nina positioned herself. Unknown to Nina, the tiger's cervix was wide-open, ready for a certain hand to stray too far.    Nina began- rubbing her fingers over the opening, the oily insides affecting Nina's hands as she slowly prodded. Felicia moaned heavily, her birth canal stretching nicely to accommodate the hand as Nina pressed further and further in. Slowly she sank, her arm already half in, the other half covered in juices from the tiger's tight tunnel. Nina blinked, normally the stopper was right there, the pink ring keeping the cubs in. She blinked for a moment- thinking perhaps it was just a memory problem. She thrust further in, her arm continuing  as she went. Finally- Felicia's twat was up to Nina's shoulder. Sighing out of frustration, she tried to withdraw her hand. Then something occurred to her. What felt like a slime-covered bracelet wrapped itself around her upper wrist, moving up her arm at a snail's pace. Nina blinked, re-orienting herself as she slid her second arm in to see what the first jammed on. The smell was a strange mix, her own fresh-bathed smell with the musk of Felicia's honey-hole. Then it struck her as her arms met. It wasn't something she was jammed on but something that clamped down on her. The it in question enveloped her wrist. Nina squealed as a heavy squelching sound hit her ears. A steady heartbeat replaced this as she began to struggle. Felicia stood up, moaning as Nina's suit tore at the shoulders. Of course this led to her suit sliding off slowly as she tried gaining footing. Her breasts sank in- tiny and not at all a hindered. At this point she began to call for help- the inside of Felicia wrapping around her belly as she dropped into an expansive space. This was an interesting species due to it's size. 150% the size of a full-grown tiger of the same age and could easily swallow a person whole.    Nina whimpered, her waist slowly descending into the tiger as her legs bobbed on the outside. She was nude- her swimsuit soaked and around her buttocks, sliding to her knees with a squelching sound as she was taken in further. Felicia employed gravity, her hips raised as Nina's legs slid in, her legs vanishing from sight as her feet bobbed outside for a few moments. Finally, Felicia undulated her stomach, the rest of Nina entering her womb with a pop, the hole now puckering as Nina struggled, the womb cradling her every action as ittook up most of the tiger's stomach area. Her swimsuit fell way as Felicia walked off- leaving Rollo to discover toe abandoned swimsuit- and the puddle of liquid.((To be continued in part 2))Author's note: Yes yes, i didn't include the TF part yet- but at least one of the two are in. That- and the new species was a good addition. I don't know when i'll get around to write a number two, but I feel better now that I have a GOOD story on the site. Till then, I hope to write part 2 soon.
How Nekos were created (Part 2)Contains UB, Transformation, F/fm, and possibly underage. Felicia is my own creation, Rollo and Nina belong to their respected owners.___________________________________________________________    Felicia prowled about her habitat- her stomach weighed down by a girl- Nina, one of the zoo employees. Felicia was a tiger- far larger then standard tigers- and equally rare. According to recent reports- successful breeding with a male tiger proved fruitful- as Felicia gained the equal weight of triplets. Three cubs were supposedly floating in amniotic fluid. Instead- it was a girl she had tricked into checking on her pregnancy. Now- her struggles lessened- a sharp pain found her navel as she drifted into sleep, her struggles no longer visible below the tigers' belly. Nina was now just a swaying unconscious now mass contributing to the tigers' girth. It resembled the exact form as if the tiger was nearing the middle of her triple pregnancy. The next step- a membrane forming on the tigers' walls. Nina was now officially the first "Cub" of the two. Felicia stood now- a smile across her mouth that said how she felt- yet kept her secret so well.    Rollo approached as he had jogged the environment. The sun had appeared over the lip of the bowl making up the exhibit. The rim would recede into the wall- allowing the park-goers to survey the football-field-sized arena. Everything else from the Anacondas- already busy on the pigeons to the elephant family- still sleeping in the eastern sector. Scratch football field- this place was a Colosseum a few hundred times the size of the Colosseum in Rome. Yet- millions of people liked the view they got from the top as nearly everything could be seen. Even penguins- the likes of which were territorial- and don't seem to like him very much. Still- he continued walking.    A squelching sound could be heard under his sandals as he suspected the worst. Already one could speculate what he could have stepped in- or on. Either fecal matter, a large insect, mud most likely since no smell could be detected.Yet as he looked down he was met by a strange sight. Nina's bathing suit- navy blue in color lay in a heap- bunched up on the forest floor. He was intrigued- reaching down a thinly gloved hand to pick it up.    It was still warm, and smelled like Nina for sure. Her glasses attracted his attention next. One of the lenses were cracked- yet still intact as he picked up the pair. A thick musky smell could be found coating the two objects as well as a veil of mysterious liquid. Out of curiosity- he placed his tongue on the liquid- moaning in pleasure. Instantly his mind recognized the laced liquid- but already too late as his pants felt tight- letting go of the glasses as he adjusted himself. The sudden shock of pain he understood. Yet from that- he drew his conclusion. Mentally- he convinced himself that Nina was dragged off by one up the animals in the area. He was half right- the only problem was, it wasn't a boy that picked off Nina-    But a girl.    Felicia sauntered in- purring as she spotted Rollo kneeling next to a tree as he examined Nina's outfit. He of course- heard as he looked up. No struggles were evident- and it took a few hours for one to dissolve in a stomach. However- he smiled as he saw the large stomach. It was smaller then Nina- and that told him a few things- some of them untrue. "Hello Felicia- still bogged down?" he asked- petting her as she moved beside him. He still knelt down- blinking as he examined the bump- petting over it as he took a few deep breaths. Yet- he still could not get rid of his tent while confronting the tiger. Yet something caught his sense. The bump- presumably where the kitten's hind paw would be seemed longer. Human even. Yet he could not confirm this, Felicia turned as if to guard Rollo from an approaching force. She snarled as she backed up- gently pushing Rollo against a tree. Her hind quarters seemed overwhelming as she pressed against his chest. Rollo's legs started to ache from the hold as Felicia took a step forward. His shirt was a bit soaked- but Felicia seemed fine by it. Unphased by the supposed attack, she relaxed- Rollo looked up- only to find a familiar thing.    Felicia smelled like Nina's glasses and swimsuit. The musky scent reached him- yet it was already too late. His eyes closed as he yelped in surprise. His entire head sank into a warm abyss- the taste also the same. Yet he decided not to contemplate at the moment. He began to struggle- placing his hands on her legs. Felicia was ready for this. She laid down- compressing Rollo and Nina as she purred. Rollo's arms fell free of the tiger's legs as his shoulders were pulled in. His shirt seemed to be unweaving itself at the shoulders and chest- slowly he slipped in as his head hit a solid object. Felicia's cervix was a welcome feeling as it meant he wasn't moving anymore. This wasn't the case.    A feeling of dread surrounded him as the layer of rippling flesh slid open above his head. He forced his arms outward- stopping his decent for a moment as the tiger moaned. His torso was instantly covered with the life-sustaining liquid trapped in the tiger's womb. A hand greeted him. Limp- it simply caressed his face before going in with it. He recognized the touch as he spoke,       "Nina."    With this his eyes opened- he grabbed at the ground- unable to latch onto anything as his shoulders entered Felecia's womb. Yet- as he thought he had good grasp- he found a piece of metal as he latched onto it he found it useless. His shirt had finished degrading as it hung around his stomach. His pants slowly slipped off- sparing the underpants as he slipped in. Felicia raised her back end- letting gravity work a bit as Rollo's hips entered. His pants now slipped off his legs as they entered the tiger's birth canal. It was almost over as Rollo sank to his knees. The hand that greeted him could now be seen linked to an arm- then to a shoulder- then finally to a body as his hips entered the womb. His feet bobbed for a few moments- his last chance of escape slipping away as his shoes slowly slid off. Finally- nothing was left of Rollo on the outside world. Nina's body hung in front of him as the membrane holding her split slightly- fluids running out as he was engulfed in a sea of amniotic fluid. Felicia stood- walking onto the sunlight as she relaxed, illuminating the womb as Nina slid into consciousness. In a stupor she blinked for a few moments. Rollo remembered- he opened his hand to reveal her glasses- sliding them onto her sopping face.Her eyes tinted green for a moment- the first sign of her 'Mother's' genes entering her body. She adjusted her glasses-    "They're broken." she replied- looking over Rollo for a moment before coming to her senses. "Rollo! It's You!" she announced, not realizing she was tethered by her umbilical cord. She whimpered aloud- realizing how bad the situation was. "Rollo- Felicia- she got you too?"    "Yeah." he replied. "It was already too la- OW!" he yelped- feeling around his stomach. A cord- ropey and seemingly sensitive to the touch met him. The pain was replaced by a flowing warmth- wakeful sleep coming to him in a burst of energy. "Nina, your...." he realized- Nina without her tight-fitting swimsuit- now piled below his own clothing.    Nina blushed heavily- covering up her nethers as she looks over Rollo. Yet he blushed as well. The pinkish light seemed to get to him as he decided to be nice. Whatever happened next would be a mystery- whether they live or die. Rollo didn't want to go out without losing something special. Nina seemed to share this belief. Felicia seemed to enjoy it too- scooting the two closer together with two powerful contractions. Nina's legs wrapped around Rollo's hips as Rollo was strung around Nina. Yet- this was not without pain. The quick movement headbutted the two as they lay dazed in each others arms. Yet- their act seemed swift- the membrane ensnared the two just as Rollo began insertion. Unconscious- they slid into peaceful sleep together- two nubs appearing on both of their heads. In three months time- they would remain in that position on their way out. A medical marvel- and with memories to recall. Felicia was just satisfied as her womb finally sealed up. Her occupants now relying on her for life. A sentient look- she rolled onto her stomach- holding the two in her warm embrace.___________________________________________________________________________________________Author's note: I really like this one. Not to mention the fuzzy feeling end of the scene. Nina and Rollo in above their heads this time. Next chapter: Birth and discovery of the new twins.
It was a hot summer afternoon, in the middle of one of the city's more upscale suburbs. Most of the residents were either at work or in school, leaving the streets mostly silent. Some birds scattered out of a well groomed tree as a work truck passing under it backfired, while speeding towards its destination. It was an old white pickup with a mismatched canopy over the back, stamped with the phrase “CRITTER HUNTERS”. Inside there was a wolf driving, and an aardwolf sitting in the passenger seat, both dressed in blue jeans, and T-shirts with the company's logo stamped on. The wolf Ryan was the owner of the company, and Sam was his new hire, about to take care of his first job, albeit still under supervision. The aardwolf tried to look like he was excited and paying attention, even as he idly twiddled his thumbs near his belly. “Feelin nervous?” The wolf commented as he glanced over. “Well don'tcha worry. This is one of the easiest jobs you'll ever get! The tinies've already agreed to leave. We just gotta ID 'em, box 'em, and leave 'em to be relocated.” This city was known for having quite a bad problem with micro infestations. They never meant any harm, but they caused all manner of annoyances to the people whose homes they've decided to live in. Eating food, causing noises, and sometimes damaging structures to build their own homes within them. They tended to try and make it to the richer neighborhoods when they could, for houses with better food, and for more space to try and live unnoticed. A few companies offered to take care of the problem, mainly existing pest control services. Of course, more care had to be taken with taking care of colonies of sentient beings than with ant or roach infestations. Non lethal methods of capture had to be used, and everyone rounded up had to be taken to one of the city's micro relocation centers. The micros themselves tended to be quite divided on the idea of being relocated. Often wherever they were sent to didn't have the quality, nor the freedom of living for free in someone else's house. Still others thought it was a reasonable tradeoff, to be better protected from angry normal sized folk. The colony of micros that the Critter Hunters had been hired to take care of had been of the latter group. They still weren't happy about having to go somewhere else, but many had been swayed when a couple of them got slurped up by the house's new pet husky, just a few days before the rest of them were discovered. Their leader had even spoken directly with Ryan over the phone. They would all line up, and let themselves get processed without any resistance. “It's gonna be pretty boring, to be honest. But it's important that ya learn all that stuff. Lotsa paperwork they make us do, and lots more if we mess somethin' up.” The wolf suddenly jerked the wheel, and hit the brakes to stop in the driveway he was about to pass. “Alright! I'mma let you do the pleasantries and the work, and I'll watch and make sure you do it right.” Sam nodded as he grabbed a small toolbox, and a large plastic container with airholes. He stepped out of the truck, and started up the walkway. “Go on! I'm right behind...” He was cut off as his phone rang. He stopped as he answered. “Yeah? Uh-huh. Wait, wait-... what do you mean- Why the fuck did you have your snake with you!? Were they already in the system? ...uggh, stay where you are, I'm coming over.” He hung up. “Change of plans, I have to go put out a fire at the office.” He turned to climb back into the truck. “You'll be fine! Like I said, easiest job in the world!” Sam didn't have time to protest before his boss shut the door, started up the engine with a loud screech, and pulled away. Still carrying his boxes, he turned around to go knock on the door. “Just a minute!” A female voice called out. The aardwolf stood waiting for a moment, before a tall cow answered the door. The chubby bovine smiled down to Sam, and stepped to the side. “Oh, thank goodness you're here! You're going to take care of those little devils, aren't you?” Sam nodded nervously. “Y-yes, mamm.” He said as he stepped through. “I'll show you to them. I was nearly tempted to just have my dog handle them. But, I suspect that a few of them might've caused him to get sick earlier.” The cow lead the aardwolf through the house, and into the kitchen. She opened the pantry, to reveal that one of the shelves had around a dozen and a half micros. Most were foxes, although a few other candids and a leopard were mixed in. They mostly had variations of the same blank look of uncertainty and slight nervousness that Sam himself had. “Well, I'll leave you to it! I want to get back to my stories.” With that the bovine turned to leave the aardwolf to his job. Sam had never actually seen this many micros up close before. And never when they weren't trying to scurry away. “Um... Hey.” He finally managed. Two of the micros waved back to him. Sam set the boxes down, opening up the toolbox and pulling out some sort of handheld device, with a small screen and a camera, and stamped with the Critter Hunters logo. “Well, I'm going to get you all scanned, and then I guess I'll take you to get relocated! I'll just need...” “I'll go first.” One of the foxes stepped forward, raising his arms up. He looked back to the group, giving them a reassuring smile. “Cheer up. Our new home will be much safer.” He looked back to the aardwolf One of Sam's paws reached down to lift up the fox. His fingers moved around, seeming unsure of exactly how to lift up the tiny candid before he settled for gently pinching him by the raised arms, and lifting. He lifted up the scanner, taking a photo of the group's leader with it. A small slip of sticky paper popped out of it. He looked at it for a moment before he set the fox back down, so he could remove the tag, and then wrap it around his leg. Finally he picked him back up so he could set him in the box. Sam felt strange handling such a small creature. Knowing he had complete and total power over them, and even having a small urge to... he quickly shook his head as he tried to forget about it. He couldn't just eat that fox! No matter how good he thought it'd feel to have him squirming around inside... He quickly set the micro down inside of the container. He picked the scanner back up to repeat the process with a vixen that stepped to the front, this time not bothering to pick her up before scanning her. He took the paper to wrap around her leg, as he glanced around to the rest of the micros. Nobody would really notice if one went missing, would they? He wrapped a paw around the vixen to pick her up, about to place her into the container. But he couldn't quite bring himself to drop her in. His curiosity began to get the better of him, as he tried to think of how to get away. “I, um...” He looked to the door as he lifted his paws, gently holding the micro near his belly. “Ehheh... I have to uh, go get something.” He began to walk slowly to the door, stepping outside, to stand on the patio and stare at the tire marks his boss left in the pavement. The aardwolf held the small person a bit tighter, pressing her into the white belly fluff between his vest. The fox was beginning to get a bit nervous as Sam just stood holding her. The loud, wet rumble that sounded behind her a moment later didn't do much to calm her nerves. She looked out above his fingers. “Um, what did you need to-woah!” Without any warning or care, the aardwolf lifted her up to be level with his eyes. He kept her back turned as he stomach of his could keep a small person like her easily concealed. But he knew he could get into so much trouble for eating a person! The least of which would be to lose the job he really needed right now. “Hey! Can you just get us all packed up, please?” The vixen was growing quite impatient, and a bit scared of the aardwolf. Finally, he decided to act. He opened his jaws behind her, and tilted her towards his lips. “What are you-hey! HEY! Don't-” She tried to begin before the predator stuffed her onto his tongue, and snapped his jaws shut. Sam immediately felt a horrible guilt for what he was doing, but he knew he was beyond the point of no return. He couldn't let the micro tell anyone she got stuffed into his mouth! The vixen flailed and struggled, trying to work her way out of the aardwolf's jaws. “Spit me out!” She shouted as she tried to pull herself away from that sticky tongue. “I'm not food you brute! I'm a-oof!” The tongue moved to smush her against his upper jaw, and then to move her all around the inside of his mouth. The tongue moved roughly over her fur, with Sam eager to taste as much of her as he could. The sticky appendage began to move back, cornering her against the throat. Sam hesitated to swallow, and doom the small fox to the pit of his belly. But even if he let her out unharmed, she would immediately tell someone that he tried to eat her. The micro was close enough to his uvula to nearly trigger his gag reflex, and to hear a wet gurgle echo up the esophagus. “S-sorry...” He mumbled under his breath, before tilting his head back, and gulping. The vixen managed to cling to the tongue for a moment, but with another swallow, she was shoved past the throat and into his gullet. The aardwolf shuddered as he felt the fuzzy creature struggling, inside of his neck while she was slowly pulled deeper into his body. The bulge vanished into his chest, but the sensation remained just as strong as his squirming snack was pushed down through the fleshy tunnel. He let out an audible gasp as he felt the fox get pushed into his stomach. Immediately after he felt something traveling back up his esophagus. *Urrrp!* He covered his lips as he let out a soft belch. He took another glance around, making sure nobody was around to witness his gluttonous deed, before looking down to his own white belly. He couldn't see any difference from before, but he could certainly feel that vixen struggling inside. He could also hear the fox's voice echoing back up his gullet. Occasionally between her struggles she would either shout for him to let her out, or try to call out for help. Sam was nervous about returning this way, not sure if anyone besides him would actually be able to hear her voice. But it wasn't as though he could just leave half way through. The aardwolf pulled his green vest over his still flat belly as he stepped back inside. The remaining micros were still waiting dutifuly to be tagged and taken by Sam, though there was a sense of confusion when they saw the giant without the vixen, nor whatever he had to get. "I just put her in the truck..." He mumbled as he picked up a coyote. "Help! He ate me!" She yelled as loud as she could still flailing in the pool of bile that surrounded her tiny body. "Somebody go get help!" The aardwolf froze, unsure if anyone besides himself could hear the person in his stomach. He was relieved when nobody seemed to pick up on her cries for help, though there was still a noticeable unease as he scanned the coyote, tagged him, and set him down in the container. "We would like to go be with our daughter." An older looking vixen said firmly. She had a look of deep concern in her eyes, while a male fox standing to her side seemed quite agitated. "Please." The vixen continued. "I, uh... yeah!" He said, reaching to gently to hold one parent in each paw. The aardwolf walked to the door, his mind racing to figure out just how he was going to fix this. That fox he ate was still struggling and shouting, desperate to get the attention of someone on the outside. He moved the male fox over to his other paw with his wife, so he could open the door and step outside. Sam just stared blankly at the empty driveway for a moment. He knew that he shouldn't have satisfied his curiosity with that micro! He also realized that taking the parents out to see nothing was probably a poor decision. "Just where the hell is she!?" The male fox shouted. "She uh... the truck... the truck is somewhere else..." The aardwolf stammered to try making an excuse, but he knew that he blew it. Those two foxes knew that something bad happened, and they were certain to tell everyone else. Sam hated the thought of sending two more micros to their doom... or at least, he knew he should hate it. Truthfully, he was curious to feel someone else sliding down his gullet. To feel his stomach packed tighter with even more micros. And as much as he loved the squirming, he wondered what it'd feel like when they stopped. When that solid lump was just reduced to liquid, sloshing through his digestive system. The predator held the husband and wife a bit tighter, lifting them up to be roughly eye level. He took another look around to make sure nobody could see them, before he opened his jaws. They got less than a second to glimpse inside, before Sam shoved the husband inside and snapped his maw shut. The fox began to thrash against the sticky tongue, trying to open the predator's maws back up. The hyena's mighty jaws were easily able to keep him contained however. Sam didn't take the time to enjoy the fox's squirms the same way he did with his daughter however. He still had to take care of the shrieking vixen in his paw, and thus tried to swallow down the micro as quickly as he could. It took a few seconds and a bit of gagging before his tongue was able to shove the fox past the tight throat, and into his gullet. The vulpine was still inside of the predator's neck when he pushed the hysterical vixen into his jaws. With another brief swallow, she would follow her husband into the throat. Sam shuddered as he felt the two fuzzy lumps sink down into his chest, their squirms causing pleasant tingles both within the fleshy tunnel and beyond. The first fox was pressed onto the sphincter guarding the stomach, with his wife quickly piling in behind. The esophagus had to squeeze a couple of times, before the two were finally pushed into the stomach. Sam felt his stomach walls stretch as the three micros filled them out, leaving him with a satisfied, if not slightly excessive feeling of fullness. The three foxes couldn't easily recognize each other within the aardwolf's dark stomach. But as they heard, and felt one another, they came to the realization. All were silent for just a moment... "Let us go!" "You can't digest all of us!" "I'm gonna kill you if you leave a mark on any of us us!" Sam had a bit of trouble making them all out as they spoke at once, but he was able to get the gist of their distress as he gently rubbed over his fuzzy belly. "Hey now... At least you're all going together, right?" He chuckled nervously as he pushed his white furred belly. His fingers could just make out the three distinct lumps the foxes made in his stomach. His abdomen was now just slightly inflated, although it was very difficult for even him to tell. The aardwolf walked back into the home once again, doing his best to ignore the shouts echoing up his gullet. He relished the squirming inside of his body, but was beginning to look quite nervous. He wasn't sure what he was going to do when it came time to take the remaining micros back out to the non existant truck he claimed to have left some of them in. The micros themselves were also beginning to look uneasy, and doubtful over their supposed new life. A sense of dread hung over them all, though none could quite yet piece together why. Sam resumed his job, quietly picking up one micro after the other, scanning them, placing the tag on, and setting them down into the container. All the while his belly groaned wetly as it squeezed and churned the three foxes around inside. The gurgles weren't terribly unusual or loud to everyone outside, but they certainly didn't help calm anyone's nerves either. The aardwolf was in a very precarious situation already, yet he kept coming to think about how it would feel to have even more people inside. To feel his stomach stretched even tighter. To have another tiny being fighting for their life inside. He picked up a gray timber wolf, and simply stared for a few seconds as he thought. He had already eaten three people. Surely just one more couldn't make things worse, could it? The wolf watched as Sam fumbled with the scanner in his hand, trying to look busy as he pretended to press a few buttons. "Oh, darn... the battery." He said with a weak chuckle. "I'll be back!" With that he walked out of the house once again, with the micro wolf in hand. This time Sam didn't waste any time standing around. As soon as the door was shut behind him, he parted his jaws and held the wolf up, inches away. A second later the aardwolf's sticky tongue darted out, adhering to the canine's fur. The micro shouted as the tongue yanked back, pulling him right past the aardwolf's lips! The hyena's powerful jaws clamped shut around his prey, though he didn't attempt to swa.llow right away. He was intent on enjoying this tasty wolf more than those two foxes he so hastily crammed down his throat. Of course, the canine had no desire to be turned into food without a fight. As the foxes before him did, he began to struggle and flail while he screamed. However, the wolf turned out to be significantly stronger than those other micros, so much so that Sam wasn't prepared to handle him. Though the predator's powerful jaws remained firmly shut, he couldn't quite keep the canine from moving about as he pleased within. After a few seconds he gave up trying to savor the micro, tilting his head up to swallow. But the wolf even managed to evade being sent down Sam's gullet, at least temporarily, when one of his limbs went down the windpipe instead. Sam coughed and gagged, struggling to dislodge the wolf without actually spitting him out. He reached up to massage his neck for a moment, trying to coax the micro down the correct path to his stomach, but to no avail. "You'd better just spit me out!" The wolf shouted. "I ain't gonna be food today!" With no other choice, Sam ran back into the house and past the micros. They all looked on as the aardwolf began to rummage through the cabinets to find a glass for water. Unable to find one, he ran to the refrigerator, taking a milk jug and beginning to drink it. He fought hard to keep the micro hidden in his lips as he poured the milk into his maw, but the small wolf managed to get his arms past the predator's teeth, pulling himself partway out of the mouth. Sam quickly bumped him with the plastic jug, taking another gulp of milk that finally sent his prey down his throat, still yelling and squirming as he was carried down the slimy esophagus. He put the milk down and gasped for air, putting a hand on his belly as the fourth micro slid in. After he caught his breath, he turned to face the rest of the colony, hoping in vain that they hadn't seen him swallow that wolf. They all stood silently, shocked, and in disbelief. "H-h-he, he's EATING us!" One of them stammered out, before the rest on the shelf screamed and began to scatter. Sam ran over in a panic, knocking the plastic container underneath the shelf, and using an arm to reach over and knock several of the micros off and into the tub with a single swoop of his arm. He grabbed a husky and fox about to vanish back into the wall, throwing them in with the rest of the shouting little anthros. The shelf was now clear, but he looked down to see a few others scurrying across the floor! He quickly dropped to his knees, reaching out to separately snatch up a wolfess, and a dingo in each hand. There was still another fox about to run under a nearby dishwasher. Thinking quickly, he stuffed the upper half of the dingo into his lips before reaching out to grab the stray vulpine. With the micro's tail and legs dangling out of his mouth he dropped the other two into the container, and began to count as they all screamed and tried to scale the smooth surface. Sam figured there were fifteen micros at the beginning, with four squirming in his belly. He had a momentary scare when he counted only ten in the plastic tub, before he felt a struggle against his tongue and remembered that dingo. As he held the squirming thing between his jaws, he began to reflect on just how badly he'd messed up. He couldn't bring any of the micros to his boss, or they'd just tell the entire story. He couldn't let them go. He couldn't even bring them far out of the house without someone spotting them screaming in the container! The predator only had one possible way out of this mess. He tilted his head back, slurping the rest of the dingo into his lips before gulping. Everybody could still see the bulge in the aardwolf's neck when he reached down to grab another micro. This time that wolfess he just captured was lifted up, and unceremoniously pushed past his lips. Unlike the other wolf still struggling in his stomach, he was able to push her down his throat without incident. Sam began to methodically pick up each of the micros, one by one stuffing them into his lips, tilting his head back, and swallowing. He paused and shuddered when he felt the wolfess finally slide down into his already overcrowded stomach. As more followed her into the tight, fleshy pit, the dwindling micros in the container could see the aardwolf's belly begin to visibly bulge. A few distinct lumps appeared and vanished as they struggled, and his digestive system squeezed and churned them around. A bulge in his neck lingered for a bit longer than usual, as a fox managed to stop his descent through the giant's esophagus. But the vulpine was knocked down and towards the gurgling pit below by the next micro that Sam swallowed, a small, shrieking rabbit. In around a minute, the bin was completely empty. He held a husky in his hand as he rested, feeling the rest of the micros struggle in his overfilled stomach. They all shouted various threats, pleas, and curses, though he could no longer pick out and understand any of them. He pressed one paw onto his belly, using his fingers to feel out the individual anthros below his fur, even as the final micro struggled in his grasp. As his stomach groaned and glorped under the unprecedented load, he held the husky up to his lips. "P-please, let me go! I'll never tell anyone, I promise!" Sam nearly considered letting the poor thing go. The struggling people in his belly felt wonderful, but he also felt an overbearing guilt knowing what was going to happen to them all. But even then, he relished the thought of his own body reducing all those lively micros into nothing but sludge. Knowing that within a day or so, there would be no trace of the micros left inside of his body. He looked down to the fluff between his vest, continuing to feel it. "Please, please don't put me in there..." His attention was brought back to the husky before him. "Eh heh, uh..." He couldn't risk the canine breaking her promise and telling anybody. Besides, there was something he wanted to try. "Sorry..." He held the husky back about a foot from his maw. The aardwolf's lips parted, and his long, sticky tongue darted out, firmly attaching to the dog's fur. He pulled it back, yanking the micro right inside! The small husky whimpered as she heard the sounds of her friends yelling just beyond the predator's throat. The tongue unstuck from her fur, and began to push her around between those tightly shut jaws. Sam wanted to enjoy the dog's taste for a moment, before his tongue pushed her back, and past the tight sphincter that separated his maw and gullet. He reached up to trace her path down past his neck and through his body, shuddering as she was pushed into his belly. There he sat rubbing, massaging his own middle. All the evidence of his misdeeds packed inside of his stomach, ready to be melted away. Sam sat for a few minutes before he felt something move up his esophagus. He feared that one of them might have found a way to climb out of the fleshy pit, but all that managed to escape was a large bubble of air. He let loose a loud belch, blushing as he covered his lips with a paw. He decided he should go try to explain something to the homeowner, and stood up, walking down the hall and to her bedroom. "Uh, hey!" He said as he peeked his head through the open door. He deliberately tried to hide the rest of his body from the bovine. "Those micros won't be giving you any more trouble. I uh, got them all packed away..." "Splendid!" The cow said as she sat up on her bed. "Do I need to pay now, or..." She began to stand, and Sam quickly shook his head. "No no! You uh, we'll send you a bill in the mail. So, I'll go ahead and get these guys out of here..." He turned to leave before she could come look at him. "Oh, okay. Well thank you again!" She called out as he picked up the empty container, tossing the scanner in, before walking out the door for the last time. Of course, his boss was still gone, though he was quite relieved given the circumstances. It looked like he'd have a long walk home... ____________________________________ For an hour Sam walked, holding the container close to his belly. The clear plastic didn't do a whole lot to obscure his distended belly, but he did manage to avoid getting close enough to anyone for them to notice. The loud, wet gurgles in his belly became more frequent, as did the churning and squeezing, as his digestive system geared up to digest the massive load of meat. The struggles and screams of his unwilling occupants had died down a good bit within a few minutes of starting to walk. Near the end of his trek however he nearly dropped the container as they were suddenly reignited, stronger than ever. He wasn't sure what spooked them at first, but managed to guess after he heard another loud, wet glorp from inside. "Heh, guess my belly is working..." He stepped inside his home, setting the container down before he collapsed on his couch, jostling all of the people in his stomach. There he could finally resume rubbing his belly. Squeezing it up against the struggling micros, and enjoying the feel of them shoving against that sensitive flesh. After a little while, he decided he should probably call his boss. "Hey uh, it's Sam. I'm back home now." "Aw ya didn't have to walk! I was just about to come get ya. Did'ja get the job done?" Sam paused and gulped. "Well I... uh..." He began to stammer a bit. "They uh, they all escaped." He could hear a heavy sigh on the other end of the line, before he continued. "I started to scan them all, just like you told me. But uh... I don't know if I spooked them, but they all just ran away. I looked around, but I think they're out of the house." He continued to rub his belly with one paw while he held his phone in the other. "You already scanned a few? Aw hell... Now we're gonna have to explain them." He groaned. "Ain't your fault though. I shouldn'ta left you alone on your first job." Sam let out a relieved sigh. "I was so sure that'd be an easy job though! Can't believe they... Just, uh... yeah, we'll get it sorted out. I'll swing by to pick ya up tomorrow, I've already had a long day today." "Oh, since they were gone, I just sort of told the customer I'd got them all." The boss chuckled. "Well, at least we still get to bill 'em. Just as long as none of the little critters show back up!" Sam squeezed his own gut, knowing that wouldn't be a problem. "Cool. Well... see you tomorrow." The aardwolf hung up, and went back to focusing on his belly. He never imagined eating somebody could fill him with so much pleasure! Knowing what was happening inside of that acid filled pit made him feel so alive, so powerful. For the better part of the night he just focused on his filled stomach, rubbing, and occasionally trying to make out what those micros were yelling. As the evening turned to night, the struggles would very slowly begin to die down. It wasn't that the anthros in his stomach were fighting any less hard, just that the number that *could* fight was beginning to decrease. He also noticed that instead of only feeling hard lumps in his gut, the space beneath his fur was increasingly sloshy, filled with some thick liquid. Some of the remaining solid chunks didn't move, and instead began to break apart beneath his fingers. The shouts and screams began to become quieter and less frequent as well, with the remaining micros giving up trying to plead with or intimidate the predator. Sam decided that he needed to go to bed. He got up, and looked down to his own bulging middle. His gut was still unnaturally distended, though it was somewhat less conspicuous than before. A distinct lump or two still sometimes appeared, but it was a much smoother curve than before. He felt the contents of his stomach slosh around as he walked to his bedroom, before settling down in his bed for the night. The voices from those digesting micros was soft enough that he managed to ignore it, as he slowly drifted off to sleep. As the aardwolf slept, his stomach remained active in processing the remaining micros. At some point around midnight, the last voice inside of his digestive system was finally silenced, replaced with gurgling. Soon there were no more solid lumps of meat remaining, and his stomach began to pump the sludge intermixed with bones and fur down into the bowels. The only thing remaining that could possibly identify any of the digested anthros were the tags that he had affixed to a few of them. And by morning those would be expelled from his body, along with any other trace of them. Sam continued to hold his bulging, squishy belly as he slept, subconsciously feeling the half gallon or so of sludge as it slowly made its way through his intestines. Thunderous gurgles erupted from his body throughout the night, brought on by air squeezing back and forth through the remains of his meals. As the night dragged on his digestive system processed those micros even further, breaking down the liquefied meat into its baser elements, and absorbing everything of value to the aardwolf's body. The digestion produced quite a bit of gas, amplifying the already intense wet rumbles inside of him. As the morning approached, the massive living lunch from yesterday was slowly pushed into Sam's colon. His body had taken everything that it could, though it left behind the bulk of the mass. The gooey liquid was still dotted with indigestable bones and fur, and even the plastic tags that had been affixed to a few of the micros before the predator began to binge on them all, though the acid had worn the ink off. His gut rumbled less often as the muck was slowly dried, and packed down into the end of the aardwolf's large intestines. He shifted a bit in his sleep as that familiar urge to relieve himself began to build, while his tailhole held fast, keeping everything securely in his rectum. As dawn began to break, the building pressure in his large intestine would finally awaken him. Sam rubbed his eyes, yawning as he sat up. He reached down to feel his belly, momentarily wondering exactly what he ate that had to get out so badly. "Oh... right." He mumbled out loud, as he remembered all of those micros. He pressed into his still distended belly, wondering if anybody could still be alive inside, but he would find no hints of life inside. The aardwolf's digestive system had thoroughly processed those tiny people, just as well as it did any other meat. He sat rubbing his gut for a moment, thinking about how he felt yesterday. Such massive guilt, yet such intense excitement. He hoped that at the very least those micros hadn't suffered too much. *phffffeeeeeerrt!* The predator's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a large bubble of gas escaped his rear end, very shortly followed by the feeling of his colon contracting, trying to expel the unusually heavy load. He clenched his tailhole as he stood up, walking quickly to the bathroom. The aardwolf quickly slid his pants down and sat down on the toilet, just in time for another loud fart to escape and echo off the porcealin below. Sam couldn't help but chuckle as he felt his bowels shifting around, trying to push all of that waste out. As though all of the micros he ate were still trying to escape, just as when they had still been alive in his stomach. He shifted in his seat to get comfortable, before relaxing his anus to begin relieving his bowels of that massive burden. The ring of flesh twitched for just a moment, before beginning to flex, and allow passage of a large brown log. The lump of waste was partially made up of his regular breakfast from the previous day, but the numerous specks of white bones that dotted the surface gave ample evidence of his glutony the previous day. The aardwolf sighed as his rectum slowly eased the massive turd out. Around half way through, gravity was able to quickly pull it the rest of the way, making a small squelch as the lump of feces was pulled all the way out of his tailhole before splashing into the water below. The predator quickly started to push out a second turd, much as he had done the first time. The foot long serpent sitting below looked like it could've been made up of five or so of the tiny people he devoured yesterday, though it was difficult to tell now that they were so totally blended together. Sam let out a soft, pleasured sigh as he felt some fuzz brush past the sensitive flesh in his pucker, before feeling the second log slide the rest of the way out, leaving the bulge on his belly a bit smaller, a bit closer to its natural state. Sam could still feel one more large log sitting in his colon, a bit further away from the exit. He began to gently rub his belly as he pushed and clenched his insides, trying to work everything out. "Come on... I know you all wanted out." After several seconds of trying, he finally felt the turd slide through his rectum, and begin to exit. He sighed happily as his insides were finally relieved of that burden, hearing the final splash. He thought about the fact that he had just pooped out fifteen micros, fifteen tiny people that he had processed in his digestive system without anybody knowing. The simple thought made him tingle. Sam stood up, first looking at himself in the mirror. Despite feeling that his large intestine was empty, his belly was still a tiny bit pudgier than before. Hopefully nobody else would notice the extra fat... He then looked into the toilet bowl. He scanned for any hint that somebody might have survived the journey through his digestive system. As he expected however, there was no sign anything but fur and bone had made it out of his rear intact. He could see one of the plastic tags poking out of a turd, but with no ink left on it. The predator smiled, satisfied that there was no way to identify any of the micros he ate, before reaching for the flush handle. Water loudly rushed into the bowl, sweeping away the only evidence of his misdeeds into the sewers. Patting his belly one more time in the mirror, Sam stepped out of the bathroom to call his boss. Hopefully there was somebody else that needed to have some micros "re-homed" today.
Overprotective, by Foxgut Contains F/M, micro/macro, accidental and unaware nonfatal vore, full tour, and a LOT of scat and related things Alue checked her phone as she hurried through the mall's front doors, shivering just slightly as she felt a welcome rush of cool air over her body. She read the latest message from her friend, that they should be somewhere around the food court. The wolf looked around until she saw a familiar vixen waving towards her, sitting next to two other friends. "There you are!" She said cheerfully as she approached. The light gray wolf sat down, adjusting her skirt a bit as she scooted up to the table. Followed by the predictable greetings, the vixen inquired about her tardyness. "Was your dad asking a hundred questions again?" "No, just had to stop for gas. I actually didn't see him today! No idea where he got off to..." "Well that's a relief! I swear he just doesn't know when to stop prying." The vixen replied, as Alue nodded. "You got here just in time though. We ordered you a burger, and I was gonna eat it if it got here without you!" As they spoke, they were unaware that Alue's father was quite close, listening to every word. The wolfdog had found someone that could shrink him, and now sat in her daughter's shirt pocket, a mere three inches tall. Balto had a bad feeling that his daughter might be hanging around some less than savory friends. Such unfounded fears along with the belief that she never told him the full truth led him to come up with this convoluted scheme to eavesdrop, and find out what her friends were truly like. As he sat and listened however, he would hear nothing but what anyone would expect a few high school seniors to talk about. Alue and her friends sat talking about various mundane topics, including a teacher they weren't fond of, an upcoming concert, and each of their crushes. Balto only felt a little bit of relief from the regular conversation, still convinced her daughter must've been hiding *something.* After several minutes, a server from the nearby burger joint brought out each of their meals. Except for their vegan friend, each got a small plastic basket with an opened burger, plus various toppings on the side to add on. Alue only reached for the ketchup, slathering it on before she heard each of her friends laugh. "Hey, check out this cat!" The vixen told her, holding her phone up for the party to look at. “Oh, let me see!” Alue said as she leaned over the table. Balto gasped as he was suddenly sent tumbling out of his daughter's pocket! He grabbed wildly for any clothing, but it was too late. The half wolf was in a free fall, plummeting towards the hard surface below, before abruptly landing in something hot and squishy. A slice of melted cheese, atop the teenage wolfdog's burger had broken his fall, leaving him relatively unharmed. Several giggles could be heard above him, the canine and her friends apparently not noticing him as they watched the video of a small kitten accidentally tumbling down some stairs. Balto realized he still had a chance to get away unseen, and tried to sit up. The melted cheese held him onto the patty, not allowing him to get up. He struggled as he attempted to free himself, hoping that his daughter and his friends wouldn't catch him trying to spy. Luckily for him, they wouldn't catch on to his presence, but only because Alue had placed the bun back onto her burger. “I'm so hungry... I bet I could eat this thing in a couple of bites.” She idly mused, as she started to lift the burger. “No!” Balto shouted, giving up on attempting to hide himself. “Alue, I'm in here!” The bun completely muffled the small canine's already quiet voice. He managed to get an arm free from the cheese, still shouting in vain as he fumbled to find his cell phone. The wolfdog got ahold, just as his daughter's teeth came down, barely missing his body. Alue chewed the large bite a bit before swallowing it down. As the lump of chewed meat and bread slid down her gullet, she heard her phone ring. With the burger held in one paw, she reached down to pick up the phone with the other and answer it. “Alue, stop!” The voice on the other end shouted, hard to understand, but very clearly that of Balto. “Dad, I told you there's nothing wrong with my friends! Stop bothering me about it already!” The canine sounded particularly annoyed, as she took another large bite out of her burger. “No! Gah, d-n't -ollow! Don-” The voice became garbled before the call dropped. “Dad?” Alue asked once through the mouthful of food, before quickly gulping it down. “Are you still there!” “Don't swallow!” Balto screamed one more time, but even inside of the other dogwolf's maw, his voice couldn't carry through the wet sounds of food being shoved around her maw. With one firm press of her tongue, him and the barely chewed burger were shoved past her throat, and towards her softly rumbling belly below. Alue put her phone back down, deciding she didn't want to try to deal with Balto's displeasure. She noticed the unusual solid lump, but only put it up to not chewing her food right. The male wolfdog struggled inside of the gullet, outstretching his arms and legs as he attempted to stop his descent towards his daughter's stomach. The tiny morsel couldn't manage any meaningful resistance against the muscles in her food pipe however. With the tunnel clenching every few seconds, shoving him and the bite of burger a couple of inches deeper every time, he was soon forced against a tight ring of flesh. With another contraction he was shoved tightly against it, but didn't make it through. He was filled with a brief sense of relief, thinking that Alue would have to vomit him back out if he couldn't go through! The accidental predator wasn't so quick to give up when she felt her unchewed food stop just before her stomach however. She beat on her chest a couple of times, before swallowing a large gulp of air. “I just wish he'd stop obssessing like that.” She said to her friends, hoping to move on from that brief phone exchange and to distract them from her food trouble. “I'm afraid he's just going to start following me around...” She took another gulp of air. Balto felt a shove as a bubble of air was forced down onto him, shoving him against the sphincter. He held fast with his back against the ring of flesh, temporarily succeeding in stopping his descent. But with the second swallow the pressure became too great, and his legs folded up as he was finally shoved rump first into the stomach. The tiny wolfdog landed with a splat in a thick pool of slime at the bottom of the stomach. He didn't remain seated for long, as the sack of flesh clenched and churned, throwing him face first into the mix of gastric juices and Alue's lunch. For a minute he tried repeatedly to stand, or at least sit upright within the chamber, but could never manage for more than a few seconds before slipping or being tossed around. He gave up just as the final glob of chewed up meat and bread slid down, landing with a squish near him. “Have to get out...” He mumbled under his breath. He knew what would happen if he remained in the stomach for too long. The same thing that would happen to that burger, and every other piece of food that had ever been in here. The wolfdog started to work his way towards where he came, to attempt to climb back up the predator's throat. He quickly became disoriented when he felt a small gust, and his ears pop from a sudden pressure change. *Urrrrrhhp!* “Oh, excuse me...” Alue mumbled. “Wow! Maybe you shouldn't wolf down your food!” One of her friends teased. “Oh, hush...” She mumbled. The loud belch also caused the wolf's belly to contract, knocking Balto onto his back. He managed to sit up again in the mess of chewed food, sitting still as panic began to set in. Alue had no idea that he was stuck in her body, and her stomach had no idea that he was anything besides a chunk of meat, just like the bits of hamburger floating around him. He whimpered, thinking about how long it would take the gastric juices to claim him. His mind wandered to thinking of if she'd ever even know. Maybe if she bothered to look when whatever was left came out the other end... The wolf shook his head. "No!" He shouted to nobody in particular, as he began to blindly dig around in the muck, trying again to find the esophagus. He knew he must have been close when another chunk of chewed up hamburger came and hit him, but it caused him slip and lose his bearings, erasing any progress he had made. Alue in the meantime was completely unaware of the struggle occuring in her stomach, save for an occasional tickle whenever the micro's fuzzy body rubbed hard enough against the flesh. In fact, she still felt hungry enough to get up and go order a second burger. The predator’s insides swayed as she walked, pushing Balto back and forth as he attempted to hold his ground. He failed to keep himself from getting pushed around the belly, but by luck his arms brushed against a tight fleshy ring! Reacting quickly he managed to shove his handpaws inside, anchoring him even as the half filled stomach churned around him. “Yes!” With all his might, he pulled himself forward. Slowly he eased his arms, and then his head into the fleshy tunnel. All he had to do was push his way up, and hope his daughter didn’t swallow him back down before she realized it was him. He slowly worked his chest inside, but once his belly was out of the stomach, he lost traction and lay stuck. He worried that he would just be pushed back into the digestive pit, until he felt a gentle pull by the tunnel, starting to suck him the rest of the way out of that pit! The dogwolf sighed with relief, but quickly realized something was wrong. Why was the gullet pulling him...? Balto felt a shiver as he came to realize what was occurring and tried to squirm back out of the hole, but it was too late. His feet slid past the sphincter, sealing him into the intestines. He yelled out in frustration as he thrashed to stop himself, to no avail. The wolfdog had just passed the point of no return, ensuring that the only way he could possibly exit his daughter’s digestive system was the same way all food eventually did. As her intestines slowly inched her living meal through her duodenum, Alue would eat her second burger, and continue to have light conversation with her friends. The odd tickle in her stomach had vanished, as it rumbled and churned to digest all of the meat, bread, and cheese she had sent down. After some time she would momentarily excuse herself from the group, and find a quiet corner of the mall. Confident nobody around could hear, she sighed and relaxed... *phfffeeerrt!* Balto groaned as he heard, and felt the rumble of what was likely the first of many reminders of where he would ultimately end up. The rest of Alue's day was fairly uneventful. After she left the mall she tried to call her dad back, but could only leave a message. It seemed unusual that he wouldn’t answer, or be around to question her. She paid little worry to his however, confident that he must be someplace close by. If only the poor girl had any idea of exactly how close. As unfortunate as the micro’s situation seemed, he had gotten lucky with his wrong-way escape. It took only about an hour for the stomach to completely liquefy what was probably close to his weight in hamburger meat. He gave up struggling, as it didn’t seem to afford him any meaningful progress through the wolfess’ digestive system. He could only wait as the intestines inched him along, agonizingly slowly. The tunnel very gently pulsed in sync with the sound of his daughter’s heartbeat. It would almost be calming, were the sound not almost completely drowned out by the wet gurgles of the stomach below, and squelching of older food shifting in the bowels below. The sounds above worried him more, as they seemed to be getting closer. He realized that Alue’s gut would be likely to release him along with everything he was eaten with. The canine shuddered, trying to put such thoughts out of his head. Unfortunately there was really nothing he could distract himself with. Every squeeze of the muscles around, every sickening sound from above and below, and every bit of gastric slime around all reminded him of the same thing. Even if he escaped a more grizzly demise, he was still being treated like a piece of food by his daughter’s body, and he would experience every stage that a typical meal would go through, in more intimacy than a reasonable person could possibly ever want. As the hours ticked on, he would begin to feel a slight pressure behind him. Fluid leaking past his shoulders some time after confirmed his suspicions, that Alue’s lunch had caught up with him. It had long since been broken down into an unrecognizable goo, but the former burgers still had quite a bit of processing to go through before the wolf girl’s body was through with them. The scent was unpleasant, but it still smelled much more of vomit than anything else. Of course, it would change for the worse sooner or later. Like every other detail of his impromptu biology lesson, he tried mostly in vain to put it out of his head. The various sounds of the girl’s body had mostly blended together for him, but he could hear a faint gulping, and the stomach sounding a bit more active. As was Balto’s luck, Alue’s dinner would eventually catch up as well. All of that muck was further broken down from thick goo, into a very loose liquid as the wolfdog’s gut flora worked on further refining it into its base elements that could finally be absorbed. Naturally, there was quite a bit of bulk left behind. Materials that the girl’s body had no use for. Waste. The thought of being surrounded by slowly forming scat was only slightly more horrifying than the thought of simply being ejected out of his own daughter’s backside. Focusing hard, he finally began to succeed in bringing his focus away from his situation. Almost as though he was figuring out how to meditate in this harsh gastric environment. His attempt to clear his mind failed however, with a powerful rumble and another loud rip of gas from below. After an unknown number of hours with potentially many more to go, the poor canine finally broke. He began to sob in his increasingly rancid confines, careful to keep his eyes tightly shut, as though it might do some good in the long run. The usual chorus of sounds from the wolfdog’s body were soon joined by yet another. From futher away than the gurgling, gassy digestive system or the beating heart, a soft snoring. Alue had gone to sleep. Balto could at least be sure that it was now night on the outside. He was exhausted, but couldn’t hope to be able to get any meaningful rest within the predator’s bowels. Instead he lay and endured as the intestines inched him forward, painfully slowly, until his head bumped against another tight ring of flesh. He had a brief moment of rejoice, believing that he must be sitting against the giant’s anus. He found new strength to struggle, and with great effort, started to pry open the sphincter. He soon realized that he was not pushing his way out of his daughter’s body, but rather into her colon. He still felt relief, as he realized the large intestine was looser around him. Without being tightly bound in place, he could move on his own, and potentially free himself from Alue’s intestines. At least, that’s what he thought until he came face to face with a chunk of solid waste. He tried to push past, finding it was difficult to move. It had apparently been sitting in her colon for some time. Eventually he freed it, and pushed it forward with him, only to run into some more old scat. He found he wouldn’t have the strength to inch forward on his own, but that he would have to wait for the intestines to move him along. As the night moved on, Balto was pushed forward maybe a few inches every hour. His solid form was acting as something of a colon cleanser, pushing things forward that had long been stuck inside. Once again he attempted to meditate, arguably with better results. His mind simply felt dull from sitting in his daughter’s body for so long, at the same grueling, agonizing pace. The previous day’s liquefied meals were beginning to become less than liquid as the colon absorbed any excess water, leaving the micro canine trapped in a slowly solidifying turd. Before he was completely encased however, he felt himself brushing against something peculiar. Another small lump of waste, but it encased something... metal? He tried to tug, but couldn’t quite muster the strength to fully knock it loose. Outside morning was approaching, as the wolf girl’s bowels did the final bit of processing. Her rectum and part of her descending colon were now filled with a larger than normal turd, in part thanks to Balto’s meddling in her large intestine. He was firmly trapped somewhere in the middle of it all. He could barely process a thought being so utterly surrounded by the filth. It wasn’t until there was another loud sound that he snapped back to his situation. *Pfffffrrrrrrraaaaaaaaap!* ’s tailhole let loose a powerful gust of wind that not only got the attention of the micro in her body, but also awoke her! She yawned, feeling a particular urge in her lower guts as she sat up, stretching. Alue tried to relax, but her rectum planned to evacuate its contents quite soon. It tried to squeeze the log down further, forcing her to clench her anus as she got up. “I gotta ” She mumbled to herself, hurrying to the bathroom and plopping her rear onto the toilet. The sound had nearly deafened poor Balto this closely, but he felt hope again, knowing that Alue must be using the bathroom. He could even feel the squeezing through the waste as the bowels tried to prematurely expel their contents. Alue spread her legs a bit, letting out another fart that echoed off the toilet bowl below, before relaxing her rear and allowing her body to work. Her anus stretched, somewhat wider than typical, to slowly expel the massive log. As her father had been completely encased, she could not feel anything particularly unusual, other than the fact that this was a bigger lump of scat than she usually let out. “Man... what did I ” She said to nobody, reaching to very gently press on her belly to help the process along. Slowly her bowel movement inched out, until reaching the midway point. Then gravity took over, and pulled the rest out of her body with a loud squelch. The girl let out a sigh of great relief, taking a moment to just sit and relax. With a final fart, she felt another solid lump of something fly out of her butt and splash in the water below. Balto felt the drop, before his surroundings suddenly began to cool. He knew he was in the toilet, but more importantly, that he was finally free of the prison that was the accidental predator’s body. He began to struggle, until he managed to break a chunk of poop off of his face. His eyes had some trouble adjusting, but he could at long last see light. And a fuzzy shape of some sort... He just had time to realize it was his daughter’s rear end, before a stream of urine shot out, rolling the log onto its side. After Alue’s bladder was relieved, she would stand up, and turn to look down. She was curious about exactly what all had just come out of her. She looked into the bowl for a moment, and covered her mouth with a hand. “Oh... oh my god!” She quickly grabbed a wad of toilet paper, and reached down into the water. She fished for a moment, before pulling up a very messy looking ring. The bit of metal that Balto had knocked loose, and the last thing that slid out of her tailhole. She had completely missed any sign of a living being in her larger bowel movement. “I lost this a month ago! Was it really in...” She sighed. “I should be more careful with what I eat.” Balto continued to weakly struggle, trying to break free of his prison. Alue in the meantime set the ring down, before pressing the flush lever. The shrunken canine felt his heart sink as he heard the rush of water, and felt himself starting to spin and sink! The log reached the drain... And it got stuck midway through. Alue looked down at the clogged toilet, sighing heavily. She decided to go clean her ring rather than deal with this right now. She wiped her rear, and very throughly washed her hands before leaving the room. With great effort, Balto was eventually able to free himself, and climb out of the toilet bowl. He sat on the rim, his soaked, filthy fur dripping as he panted, taking in as much fresh air as his tiny lungs would allow. He felt disbelief that he had just been eaten, shat out, nearly flushed, and yet was still sitting here to think about it. He had wanted to get an inside look at his daughter's life, but... that was far more in depth than he could've ever possibly wanted. The wolfdog slowly slid down onto the floor to go grow back to his normal size, while he debated whether or not he would ever mention any of this to Alue.
It was a midmorning Saturday in a small, quiet college town. A few people were out and on their way to their weekend classes, but most were still in their dorms, enjoying their day off. A significant chunk of the students were in varying states of recovery, after attending one of the parties around the previous Friday night. One such student was laying in his bed, groaning as the sunlight breached his window and hit his face. He tried to move one of his pillows over his head so he could return to sleep, but there was a particular feeling in his belly that likely wouldn’t allow him to rest until it was taken care of. Kevin was a freshman rhino who seemed to take college more as a chance to party and drink than to actually attend class. Though he managed to do just enough work that he’d likely pass, there was hardly a night where he would ever choose to study rather than find any event he could where alcohol was served. Most of the other students had come to recognize him not just because of his regular attendance to social events, but thanks to his massive size. Even in a world where creatures varied greatly in size, his twelve foot tall form would almost always dwarf everyone else in a room. Some didn’t like how he took a disproportionate amount of food and booze into his belly everywhere he went, though others were sometimes fascinated with his seemingly bottomless appetite. Occasionally at parties a few would egg him on to eat copious amounts of pizza and beer, and sometimes other things that shouldn’t be consumed. Judging by his pounding headache and sore gut, along with very foggy memories of exactly what happened the previous night, the rhino knew he went well past his limit. He hoped he didn’t embarrass himself too horribly, nor that he was dared into eating anything that could be too damaging to his insides. He could only really remember single handedly eating a table of snacks meant for a few dozen guests, and while his mind was filled with regret, the lower parts of his digestive system were filled to the brim with something else. He slowly climbed out of his bed, wobbling a bit on his feet as a sickening wet groan erupted from inside of his big gut. Whatever he ate last night had taken a toll on his digestive system. He clenched his tailhole as he felt that familiar pressure within rising, shuffling off to his bathroom. Kevin got a glimpse of his bare torso in the mirror. His jaw dropped a bit as he saw his own swollen belly. He was always somewhat pudgy, but he had somehow managed to eat enough to add several inches to his middle. He sighed and shook his head, feeling a strong sense of disappointment in himself. The imminent need to void himself of everything that was eaten made him momentarily forget his shame. He quickly pulled down his gym shorts and plopped his grey rear onto the large toilet bowl. He allowed his anus to loosen, before the sound of a massive bubble of gas ripping out echoed off the porcelain. The rhino felt a shift in his colon; No doubt his body eager to get rid of everything, he assumed. He rubbed over his still aching head as he relaxed, letting his lower bowels begin to work. He felt their contents shift around quite a bit, more than he was used to. But what should he expect after eating such a massive meal? His gut gurgled as he sat and waited for the load to begin coming out. And waited. He sighed when he felt nothing exiting his tailhole. Of course he couldn’t even enjoy a relaxing morning dump, he thought. He began to push, groaning and gritting his teeth as he felt his tailhole start to stretch despite nothing giving way. Something large was in his rectum, too wide to just slide out. Whenever he made some headway, a ticklish sensation in that sensitive ring of flesh would cause him to stop his effort for a moment. He placed both of his hands on his bulging gut, pushing in as he tried to expel whatever was in his colon. “Come on you. Get out… Get out of my-“ “You ASSHOLE!” A quiet and raspy, but loud enough voice wheezed from somewhere below. The unexpected voice shocked the poor rhino, enough to make him squeeze just a few inches of the load out. Once it passed a wide enough point, Kevin felt a massive weight slide out all at once. In just over a second his bowels were empty and his belly had returned to its normal size, before a massive splash sounded below. He grinned as the feeling of relief rushed over him, before remembering what scared him. He slowly parted his legs, looking down into the toilet for the source of the noise. He gulped when he saw a figure below him. It was almost completely covered in brown digested muck, but was still clearly a living person. A fox, maybe three feet long was floating in the water, gasping for fresh air. The reality of what had happened quickly sunk in. He had a faint memory of the previous night, several people chanting for him to eat, as something squirmy was shoved down his throat. “Aw shit…” He hopped up off the bowl, reaching in to pluck the fox out. “Shit, shit, shit!” Kevin quickly sat the still gasping fox down in his shower, and turned on the water. The fox weakly squirmed when he felt the cool water dripping over his face. The small vulpine was in shock from his journey, but as the cool liquid began to wash away the grime, he recovered enough to speak. ”You... You ATE me. Y-you fucking ate me!” “Shit, I uh, I know…” The accidental predator grabbed a washcloth, and began to try to wipe down his belly’s former passenger. “Are you okay?” “Do I LOOK okay!? I just got shat out of a rhino!” The fox coughed, nearly slumping over. Kevin caught him, propping him up and continuing to wash. For nearly a half hour he continued to clean his former passenger, while the fox occasionally hurled more angry obscenities at him. He never tried to resist or run away however. Partially because he was too weak to do so, and partially because he really needed that cleaning. Kevin’s guest quieted down after a while, and he finished washing him as best as he could manage. There was no telling how long the fox would reek of his intestines though. “Heh, there we go… You can barely even tell!” The rhino chuckled nervously to the scowling, unamused vulpine. The fox said nothing, only grabbing a towel, and beginning to make his way over the various beer cans and other trash on the floor, and out of Kevin’s home. The rhino stood watching, thinking about making some threat to make sure he wouldn’t tell anyone about what he did in that drunken stupor. Instead he decided to just let the fox be. Another loud rumble erupted from his flatter belly, before a massive fart ripped out. He felt something fly out with it, and heard a clatter on the floor behind him. He turned around, and wondered if he should try to catch up. “Eh… his phone’s probably broken anyways.”
 “Your destination is on the right.” Looking in the indicated direction, the feline began to pull into the driveway of a local motel. “You have arrived!” James sighed at the overly-optimistic sounding GPS. He knew that whatever was waiting for him here, there was no way he’d ever be coming out. At least not the way he went in. The last few guys to make late-night pizza deliveries went missing the same way, and some local vagabond was seen about a couple hundred pounds heavier. He looked at himself in the rear-view mirror. A college sophomore, he still had an young, attractive complexion. His orange striped fur only looked cleaner in the yellow evening, and he scratched some loose hairs out of his pink, button nose. Not like it would matter much, he thought. He was doomed to be the jiggling fat of some voraphile predator anyway. Not that he would admit it out loud. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about his exorbitant student loan debts anymore. Or his failing grades. Or his failing relationship. Reflecting on it all, James realized maybe it was for the best he die tonight. Just letting go, in a suicide that would benefitsomebody. There were worse ways he could go out. “Oh, enough existential bullshit. Just go in and make the delivery. Leave A.S.A.P.” He stared at his reflection, genuinely hoping it was just a few drunken tourists who made the order. His heart was racing as he left the car and walked toward the passenger seat, both from tonight’s possibilities and the freezing cold air. He could see his breath rising and mingling with the steam rising from the pizza boxes as he walked up a flight of stairs looking for room 213. In the distance, he could see that one of the doors was left slightly ajar. “No…” He approached it, counting the room numbers as he went. “Two-seventeen, two-sixteen. Aw no. Two-fifteen. Two-fourteen… Fuck.” To his displeasure, room 213 was the one left open. He sucked up all his courage and called into the darkened room. “Hello? Pizza’s here! Three Meaty Delights and a personal Pepperoni?” It wasn’t long before someone called back. “That was fast. Leave it on the bed, I’ll be out soon!” Although the voice was feminine, it was partially muffled. A noise James didn’t notice stopped as well; it must’ve been running water. Both seemed to be coming from the restroom directly across the small room. James wordlessly obliged. Maybe he’d struck his lucky break and it was someone genuinely waiting on a few friends. Most people were eaten by truckers or vagrants or something, right? Or this was some kind of porn setup, and he would be the guest? Within a minute, the restroom door opened with a flood of steam. Emerging from the vapors came the most gorgeous wolfess James had ever seen. Even though she was dripping wet, her thick fur still stood almost on end. A pair of simply voluptuous breasts and beautifully thickened thighs were concealed by a thin, tightly wrapped towel. The cloth squished her soft breasts in on themselves, and James could see her pudgy belly pushing out on the towel. He tried to hide his enjoyment as much as he could. “Hey, I can’t let go of this damned thing. It’s gonna fall.” She chuckled lightly at him, and he did the same in response. “Could you do me a favor and grab my wallet from the nightstand?” The wolfess pointed at the little table in between the wall and the bed. “Sure thing!” This was great! He’d dodged the bullet! This wasn’t some person-hungry tramp. Maybe she really was just someone hungry for evening pizza. Not only that, but James now had something to fap to when his internet goes down again! He opened the drawer she had indicated, but found nothing but the number for the front desk on a dusty piece of paper. “Excuse me, Miss? There’s no-” “Please, call me Rebecca.” James’ heart began pounding once again. The wolfess closed and locked the door, letting her towel fall to the floor. “Okay, this may sound upfront, but I’m in a… tight financial situation right now. Maybe I can pay with something else?” Yep, It’s a porn setup, James thought excitedly. What kind of person would he be to pass this up? He was thinking of a number of ways to respond in an equally upfront, equally clićhe manner. But all that came dribbling out of his mouth was spit and unending stammers. “I-I, uh, Y-n-ye… Uhm...” “I’ll take that as a yes.” She strode over onto the bed and lay on her side, patting a space next to her. “Take that uniform off and join me, you frisky little feline.” Jackpot! James quickly undid his button-down shirt and khaki pants. He was nervous about his briefs, but a single glance from Rebecca was enough to convince him that they were unnecessary. He almost ran toward the bed, forgetting all his past fears that had weighed heavy on him for the entire car ride over. Forget vore, forget work, forget everything. All that was left was his own personal reservations. “Are you sure? With me?” “Shut up and have a good time, sweet thing.” She pushed herself over James and looked him in the eyes as she slowly brought her muzzle to his. The kiss… it was like nothing he had ever felt before. He could hear his excitement pounding in his ears with every beat of his heart. The pleasure would never end; their lips kept together for what felt like an eternity. Rebecca wrapped her legs around James as they made out, letting him slip his cock in between her folds. He tried to begin thrusting, but was locked in place by his position. He gently pushed himself away from her. “Could you let me go a little? I can barely move!” He laughed lightly as she continued to hold firm on his pelvis. “And give you a chance?” “What do you-” He was interrupted by Rebecca’s face as she forced another kiss out of him. He kept quiet as she did this, trying not to ruin the moment. This one was sloppier than before, and she was practically licking his mouth. Then she reached his nose. James’ short muzzle was clamped shut. He tried to mumble in protest, soliciting only a laugh from the wolfess. She had his shoulders pinned to the bed by now, and had just engulfed his eyes and ears in her widening maw. His struggles were given no leverage by the bed, and his screamswere muffled by her flesh. She had him now. Her neck bulged out with an imprint of James’ face, stricken with terror, as his own neck was swallowed whole. She held his arms at his sides as she curved his body upwards, preparing the rest of him. Using gravity and his own struggles, she inched her mouth over his shoulders, across his chest, and down to his abdomen. The slick, musky esophagus stretched out, and James could feel the dislocation of her jaw along every inch that entered her. From the inside of her chest, he could hear various ribs and bones popping and expanding to make room, her breathing shortening, and her racing heartbeat Her belly, meanwhile, grumbled hungrily for her next meal. When James could feel his dick slide out from inside her, he felt a sudden wall impede his progress down into her gullet. A wet, slimy sphincter marked the point of no return for him. He had crossed the event horizon as his head was pushed into the tight, fleshy bag. There was barely enough room for it, as once his shoulders joined the rest of him, the stomach walls were already stretching to accommodate the newly added bulk. Outside, Rebecca placed a hand on her expanding belly as she swallowed James’ thighs, tail, and moist cock. She paused for a moment, savoring the flavor of his fleshy member. But only for a moment, and then she went to work on his calves. James had long since given up at this point, and went mostly limp. He gave her no trouble with the last few inches, and succumbed to her hunger. He knew it was too good to be true. He had been played like a pawn, and was now nothing more than food. The existentialism set in again, although much less aggressively than on the way inside. The rest of his body and legs were confined to her digestive prison, and he could feel the peristalsis shoving his feet into the stomach. In a moment of surrender, he yanked his legs out of her throat and into the confines of her gut. He just wanted to get it over with. “Ooof… you’re quite eager,” Rebecca said, rubbing her heavily distended middle. The layers of fat she had accumulated before now padded out her swollen gut, and she could barely see James underneath her furry skin. She gently rubbed her middle, surprised to feel her meal rub back. “That wasn’t a struggle... “ “Just do what you want.” He was dramatically more muffled within her gut, although she could still feel his voice travel through her stomach walls and throughout her body. “Get it over with, I don’t care anymore.” “...You’re not going to make this fun for me, are you?” “No. I’ll just be here… waiting.” She tried to reposition herself, only managing to sit upright before the weight in her belly brought her back down. James did likewise, shifting the various lumps in her stomach until he found a comfortable position to die in. James wasn’t her first meal, but she could swear she felt sorry for him. She quickly shook herself, mentally and physically. “Come on! Move already! Can you at least pretend to want out?” In response, James began rocking himself back and forth, rubbing about the slimy, wrinkly stomach walls as he did so. He had almost no room to move, though, so he soon stopped. “Was that good enough?” “That… that was fine.” Rebecca watched as James tried to move, shifting the bulges underneath her taut skin. She sighed almost simultaneously with James. “Most prey don’t give up this quickly. What’s your deal?” “I don’t know. Maybe I’m just tired of it all. Maybe I saw it coming and already gave up.” That was a first for Rebecca. She had no idea how to respond. She really did want him, but to just end him at this point almost felt… wrong. She never felt this way about prey before. Then she had an idea. “Well, look. I’ve never eaten someone like you. I’m gonna try something.” “Y-you’re letting me out?” The rising digestive juices answered his question for him. He could feel the tingling acids reach up to his lower chest, and the already tight stomach walls began to contract, pushing him deeper into the fluids. This is it, he thought. This is the end. He closed his eyes and waited for the stinging pain to begin. And he waited. And waited. “What’s going on?” “I’m trying a… new way to digest you.” “A painless end is still an end…” “Looks like it already began. Can’t you hear yourself?” No, he couldn’t. Bubbles rose from his melting neck, but the noises he were trying to make just added to the cacophony of gurgles and glorps during his digestion. He tried to lift his arm, and found that the fluids surrounding him had thickened. He flexed his hand, and felt his fingers melting into one another. Soon, his chest collapsed inwards, and he was waiting for suffocation to end his life. But the more he felt himself fall apart into the swirling chyme, the more he realized that this wasn’t, in fact, the end. The stomach walls continued contracting, not with muscles, but because he was becoming increasingly less solid. He wanted to ask what was happening to him, but felt what used to be his throat by what used to be his knees expel nothing. Outside, Rebecca had already fallen asleep, cradling her belly, leaving James to question how long he had been like this. Her stomach expanded and shrank and rolled and kneaded what used to be James into a thick, goopy paste drenched in acids. James, or rather his consciousness, floated about the slurry, feeling what was left of himself become almost entirely uniform. He no longer had a frame of reference for his body, and was now just a feeling blob floating in a stomach. And then he felt another sensation elsewhere. Something opened and was forcing him into a long, moist tube. The intestines. He passed through, and slowly began to be absorbed. The thought terrified him. What would be left of him, where would he end up? He waited an eternity as he was slowly filtered through the villi of the intestines, feelingthem sap him of his useful nutrients, fats, vitamins, and then some, all the while his mind slowly began to cross over into Rebecca’s body, becoming one with her. He could feel her blood rushing throughout her body, his body adding to her out layers as fat, the useful materials that once kept him alive now keeping her alive. Then he felt movement. Rather, he felt her use parts of him for movement. “Hmmmm…!” Rebecca stretched, feeling the extra padding on her body limit her mobility. “Hmmm… Oh… Well would you look at this…” Looking down at her body, she saw just how much James added to her figure. Her plump belly had shrunk considerably, but was still too large to allow her to move freely. James felt her jiggle her newly-sized breasts playfully, kneading and squeezing. He felt it all, and she was very much aware of his presence. “Let’s see just what you’ve done to me,” She cooed. As she stood up, she felt James bounce and wiggle with almost every slight movement. She had trouble standing upright, as she still needed to get used to her new weight, as much as James needed to get used to his new situation. “Yep… That’s every last bit of you… Huh. You’re bouncing on my tits and clapping my ass and I still don’t know your name.” James felt her waddle over to his discarded uniform. She rooted through his pants until she found his wallet. “James, huh? Well, James, You’ve better get used to this, because you’re not going anywhere for a long time.” James almost panicked. Almost. But something about being her body felt right. He was still very much alive, but not as he would’ve expected. It was like being a passive observer to the world. He didn’t have to worry about taxes, or school, or work, or family… But he could instead enjoy a new life. A life on Rebecca. If he could still move or speak, he would say “thank you.” “You’re welcome, James.” Rebecca huffed as she parted the curtains. The sun was rising, and she felt that James wanted to go outside. He did, but only to further feel what it was like to be a part of someone like this. With every step Rebecca took, he could feel the movement inside her; the burning of his energy in her muscles, the jiggle of fats on her legs, belly, and arms, the sloshing of milk in her massive breasts, the pumping of her heart, pushing what was once him around to collect oxygen and discard wastes. Every last bodily function, he could feel and sense. And he was ecstatic. “Well now,” Rebecca exclaimed to herself, “why don’t we see if we can eat that pizza!” She ran back inside, further bouncing James to ecstasy. She pulled out a slice of cold pizza and hungrily wolfed it down. James could feel her body getting to work, using him to move her jaws and esophagus, sending chewed slices of pizza down into her stomach, and submerging it in acids built from his body. She continued to eat for a long time, James guessed correctly that she had finished all four pizzas. He could feel them travelling through her intestines just as he had, adding to her as well. But as she was eating more, he realised that she could use the food instead of him. It felt as though she realized this too. But James was still longing for something. Something missing that would complete the experience. “Try opening your eyes.” James would’ve complained that he didn’t have eyes anymore, but he could feel that she wanted him to try. At first, instead of the void of nothing, he saw a bright light, slowly filter in through a lens. Then the image became clearer. He discovered that he could look through Rebecca’s own eyes! Rebecca looked down at her plump, massive body, and James couldn’t help but feel even more attracted to her than he had that night she had eaten him. Past her fattened muzzle and plump cheeks, he saw her breasts, her stomach, her thick thighs and pudgy legs. The heavy arms and feminine fingers caressing it all. He finally had a frame of reference for his body, and it was her. She seemed to sense his strange ecstasy. “Strange, right? You know, this isn’t the first time I’ve done this. Did you realize I’m not speaking right now?” “Because I’m speaking now.” When she actually spoke aloud, he could feel the vibrations in the air and her throat as she moved them. “I’ve been thinking to you!” James had a lot to take in. The sights, the sounds, the feeling of being completely surrounded by someone else. “I know, it’s new to you. But let’s stay like this for a while and see where this goes!” And with that, she dressed herself as best as she could in her drastically undersized clothes from the night before and walked outside, ready to enjoy the day with James both at and on her side. The rest of the day was simply one, large blur to James. He retreated back into the dark comfort of this wolfess’s body, waiting out the day and enjoying his time as a passive entity occupying someone else’s fat. Every once in while, Rebecca would give him a hefty smack just to play with her new additions, and a few times throughout the day, he could feel the shudder of orgasm as she continuously masturbated in the hotel room. But for the most part, this was more than enough for the both of them. “I hope you don’t mind, but we’re going out tonight.” James, physically unable to sleep, was snapped out of a passive trance with a particularly sudden jump. Rebecca’s body almost continuously shook as she walked out of bed and toward the restroom. “I’ve just gotta take a quick shower.” The pressure holding James tightly around her was lost as she removed her clothing, letting him flop freely. All of a sudden, heat and rapid movement shook him fully awake. “Ow, ow, damn hotel showers!” Things calmed down once she adjusted the temperature to a lukewarm setting. James could feel her caress him in various places. Her gentle hands explored her new body, washing them of the musk from the day. Her soft, supple breasts were the first to become lathered in soap. She held them each in her palms, toying with them in a way that mesmerised James. Next was her plump belly, which still felt restrictive to her. It was like she had been dressed in a beanbag chair. But she kneaded it nevertheless, feeling the squishy fat beneath the surface rolling in between her digits. She wasn’t sure weather James added more to her belly or her ass. She lifted each cheek and let gravity pull him back down, swaying and bouncing as it did. Her thighs had expanded the most, each becoming as thick as fully grown tree trunks. She gently washed her fattened legs, working her way down from her muffintop and tail to her knees. She could only reach so far down, and James could feel her struggling. “Forget it.” As she continued to bathe, James took a moment to try and see just how deep he had become entwined with his host. He could feel the surface, each drop of water gently pushing on him in a cascade of thumps. Most of him resided in her fat, where her body deposited most of his nutritional worth. Her muscles slowly burning him away, although not at an alarming rate. He could sense the movement of her major organs, from her engorged stomach and intestines to the blood he now occupied. He could even feel the strain his added weight was putting on her bones. But none of that really mattered. He, thus far, remained close to the surface, letting her movements lull him. The water stopped. “I think we’re ready.” James returned to his confines in a tight shirt. She half-walked, half-waddled out of her hotel room, down the stairs, and out onto the street. She figured she should walk to a bar instead of drive. She didn’t gain these curves for nothing, after all. While the walk was mostly uneventful, she still enthusiastically flaunted what had become of James to any passerby, most of whom reacted in either fascination or disgust. A certain panther, however, went in for a lustful grope. His padded hands took in as much as they could before Rebecca swatted him away. “Sorry not sorry, James.” James tried his best to wait out the following bender. At each bar they visited, he got several pokes, prods, rubs and gropes from many impressed patrons trying to take in all of Rebecca’s size for themselves. Only at the deepest hours of the night did he begin to feel the shuddering orgasms once again. He looked out, and saw not her hotel room, but the face of a well-dressed ram, helping Rebecca up and out of a bathroom stall. He counted exactly three more orgasms before Rebecca would call it quits. But James wanted more. The bouncing fat, the sudden gropes and tugs of his weight. The afterglow was getting to him as much as it was her, and by the end of the night, they had both retreated into her hotel room as exhausted as they could be. James felt a familiar sensation. The linen sheets beneath his back, looking up at the ceiling. He had forgotten he should blink, and lay face up on the hotel bed, wondering why Rebecca’s eyes were hurting. Then he realized he could move again. He tried to get up, but was so disoriented that he could only flounder in place for a few moments. He heard Rebecca using the showers again. He finally got up and went to his clothes, still staggering as he processed the events of the last two days. When he pulled his shirt back around his body, he noticed that it was slightly larger than he remembered. Or rather, that he had lost more of himself to Rebecca than he cared to admit. It still fit him, but felt much looser than before. He rubbed at his eyes with his regained paws, slightly disappointed. He had genuinely enjoyed his time spent with Rebecca, even if it was just as fat on her ass. Maybe this whole “vore” thing wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be. The water stopped. Rebecca stepped out from the restroom, completely nude and fatter than he remembered her. “Is there still some of me left on you?” “Nah. I had three pizzas, remember?” The two walked toward the bed in silence, the wolfess still dripping wet, and the tabby not minding one bit. They lay down together, looking up at the ceiling just as James had when he awoke. “I… That was nice. Thank you.” “You were the best snack I’ve ever had.” James reached a hand to feel what he had so recently filled. Her plump belly was still very cute, and he gently rubbed it. He worked his way up her soppy fur, toward her chest. He could feel her heart pounding against his hand, just as it had when he ran through her veins. Her breathing was slow and deep, rising and falling at a steady rhythm. Her breasts, soft as they were, now lacked the bounce he had once provided. “You want to go back, don’t you?” James rolled over, embracing Rebecca in a deep hug. He lay his head against her breast, and continued to rub at her belly. He brought his leg over hers, and wrapped himself around her. “I’d love to.” “When?” “After we actually fuck?” She happily grunted. “I guess I do owe you that, huh? C’mere you!” Rebecca’s headache was splitting her skull open. Even as large as she was, she was still quite a lightweight when it came to booze. She brought herself up, but was still weighed down by her extra guest. Unfortunately, much as it was for James, she could hardly remember the night- or even the day- before. “Fuck, did I eat someone again?” James was stunned. Did she really forget him? He worried to himself as the wolfess groped at her massive middle. “Yeah, someone was in there. Pizza guy, right? Well, sucks for him, I guess.” She thought to herself as James tried his hardest to move, communicate, or do anything to remind her of him. But, being only fat, he could do little but jiggle at Rebecca’s movement. “Hmmm… There was something about him, I think. Probably just his name. What was it; Jesse, Jim…: She reached into her pocket and pulled out James’ wallet. “Right! Yeah, that was you, yeah. Sorry you had to go this way, buddy.” She lifted her gut and let it fall into her distended lap, both of which still contained a fully sentient being. “Well, I guess I’ll just work him off.” She packed up James’ things into a trash bag and left it by the door. It was the cleaning lady’s problem now. She walked down the stairs and toward a small sedan near the back of the parking area, each step further condemning James to a life as sentient blubber on a stranger’s belly. James couldfeel her struggle to fit in her car, squishing him further into the wolfess. “Maybe it’ll take a day or two to burn this fat.” And then the days turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into years. James stayed on her, jiggling and burning as energy for her hungry system. At first, the changes were minute. He was still the same general shape for months. But later on, as she began to grow tired of her massive weight, he was slowly burnt away. The bouncing belly fat was eventually made taut and healthy, and most of her limbs regained their natural finesse. Even her breasts shrunk back down. But there was always a bit of James left on her, in her rear, on her tits; wherever there was fat, he remained, content that he could live on someone else. The jiggling was limited to her breasts and thighs, but this was more than enough to please him. He never really knew how much time actually passed, but it was once he felt her stomach go into overdrive, absorbing yet another person into her hungry gullet did he finally become overshadowed and lost to her greedy body, the last thoughts he would ever have being joy at knowing that he would die on the one he loved. Rebecca looked out on the hotel balcony, the railing creaking under her weight. James was looking out too through her eyes. “You really do like this, don’t you James?” He had no way to respond, but agreed nonetheless. The wolfess groped around at her paunchy belly, kneading James as she had done so for the past week. His enjoyment only grew as time wore on, as did Rebecca’s, but she felt that something else could be done. Something that could really keep them together. “You know, you’re still James, right? Hard to believe it’s only been a week. I haven’t forgotten you.” James appreciated this. “But… We could be closer. I told you that I’ve done this before, right? Well, what I want to do next, I haven’t tried yet.” She walked back into the hotel room and sat down on the bed. Both her and the mattress bounced satisfyingly. “Let’s become one. I still haven’t absorbed your consciousness yet. I’m going to try it.” James was as taken aback as sentient fat could be, but in all honesty, if that’s what she felt she should do with him, then that’s what should happen. It began slowly, only her thoughts were bleeding into his. Then, they could communicate. Just as Rebecca could think to her fat, James could now think back. “Are you sure you want this, James? There’s no going back.” “I’ve never been more sure of anything.” James and Rebecca witnessed flashes of each other’s memories, from the earliest to the latest. James felt the satisfying plunge of prey into his bubbling gut, and Rebecca felt her body become melded to another. The sheer rush of pleasure consumed both of them in a hot flash. Then everything went dark. Rebecca woke up hours later. The sheets from her waist down were soaked in femcum and sweat. James wasn’t just a part of her now. Hewasher. He saw what she saw, did what she did, thought what she thought. James was gone, fully absorbed into the wolfess. Rebecca patted her massive gut. “Hmm… There’s a good kitty. You’re all mine…”
 Travis sat impatiently at a stop sign near the edge of town, glancing back and forth between the map an otter at the library had given him earlier and the street signs he was now referencing. The wipers were active, clearing not rain nor snow off the possum’s car, but the various dead leaves, twigs, and acorns that were endlessly assailing his windshield. “Oh, for the love of…” He quickly flipped the map right-side-up and tried again. “Couldn’t bother orienting the map correctly… those sons a’... ah, finally!” The possum had relocated his destination, 49 Eldrid Avenue, on the map and continued a ways down the street, making a quick left turn into an empty driveway. The residential area of Flannelstitch was a picturesque array of homes lying still in the shadow of surrounding, hilly acres. From the ground, one would inevitably see the border of sharp pines and aged oaks lie just beyond a dotted line of victorian-style houses due to the almost cul-de-sac arrangement of the streets. Even from the confines of Travis’s sedan, there was almost no angle he could look in that would rid his view of the landscape. Almost, except for when he decided to take one last look at the note he kept in his coat pocket. “Trust me, this is what you need. ~J.” Travis scoffed to himself. “Phh. Trash.” He opened the glove compartment and aggressively threw the now crumpled sticky note inside, exchanging it for the set of keys he had stashed there. “I need a smarter friend, that’s what I need.” The car made its usual chime as he opened the door and stepped out. At least the air here didn’t smell like soot, Travis thought as he walked up the driveway to his new vacation home. Using the keys he’d retrieved from the glove box, he unlocked the front door. And then he stood there. Key still left turned in the lock, he had a sudden shiver of doubt. Shrugging past it, he walked inside. “Please read it. I know it’ll seem strange at first, but…” Travis ignored the new letter from the same “J” as before and just as easily threw it away. He swept it off the table beside the stairs and into the conveniently placed dust bin beside it. Standing upright next to the letter was a booklet. “Your stay in Flannelstitch,” the front read in bold, stylized font, covering a landscape shot of the town. A cartoon representation of a particularly well-fed bear in a lumberjack outfit was happily winking at him from the bottom of the framed scene. “Stop making me read so much crap, George…” Travis muttered under his breath. Skimming through the unusually thick booklet, he barely noticed the green wristband that fell from the pages. Or rather, he easily noticed it, due to how bright the particular color was, but chose to ignore it until he had finished not reading the booklet. Satisfied that he had successfully ignored yet another piece of writing, he promptly threw the last visible paper into the trash bin and picked up the curious rubber wristband. Written around the band was the word “Consenting” stamped into the rubber itself and painted a contrasting jet black. It resembled the kind that local organizations would hand out in middle school to raise awareness of something nobody knew enough to look into. The ones that smelled like old, rotting toys and had the elasticity of a moist brick. If something had happened around here that was so eventful theypassed these things door to door, Travis was only willing to wear it not to look out of place. He slipped it over his wrist as he walked into the living room. Or was it the dining room? The table made it seem so. Travis assumed his friend’s vacation home had a similar layout to his actual home and had wandered about in search of a place to crash after the long haul here. Wandering had brought him here, and wandering could get him out. But first, he thought, a quick snack. Why would he let his effort be wasted, after all? He meandered toward the double-wide fridge and peaked inside... “Let’s see what you left for your- oh, son of a… George you cheap, middle-class bitch!” The fridge was empty! Travis cursed his friend’s name as he checked every shelf and even the freezer for anything remotely close to edible. “Oh sure, a stay at my vacation home, loosen up a bit you know? It’s on the house,” Travis quizzaciously mocked his friend. “Food? Nah, that’s on you! And I won’t bother telling you because why would you try and bring your own beer when you could just buy local!” Travis threw himself into one of the dining room chairs and held his head up by his temples. His pink, thick tail stiffened in anger, causing him to nearly knock the seat out from under his own rear. “It’s fine, It’s cool. In, out, count to three. Just drive down to the store and pick up some microwavables. And beer.” Despite calming down, he kept up his scowl as he walked back out toward his car. He opened the breast pocket in his flannel shirt and stopped dead in his tracks when he felt a distinct lack of keys. His blood ran cold when he smushed his face against the window of his beat up sedan and saw the very car keys he needed, still in the ignition. “No, no, no!” He tried the door handle. Locked. He tried the one behind it. Locked. Passenger side doors? Both locked. “No, no no no! Arrhh! Damnit!” He kicked his hubcap, bracing for the alarm to go off after realizing what he’d done. Unfortunately, it didn’t go off, meaning he couldn’t take advantage of it and simply ask a curious neighbor for help. In the meantime, his stomach growled and the market wasn’t getting any closer. He ditched the car, hoping he could get help from a locksmith while in town. Actually, the town proper was a lot farther than he had anticipated. At least taking the route he’d arrived on would get him there, but having to follow the sidewalk instead of the street was much less productive. He checked his phone. No bars, and no internet connection, so he couldn’t even stream music while he walked. He hadn’t thought to download anything either, so that was a no-go. The only music saved locally was a concert he recorded a few months back. Pulling it up from the gallery, he put on some earbuds and hit play. He could barely hear the music over the crowd. He sighed as he put it away and sat for a moment to catch his breath on a nearby bench. “Hello. You new here?” Travis glanced at the source of the deep voice, a gator sitting next to him. He was a large one; when sitting he was almost a full head or two above Travis, and his hefty gut threatened to pop the button on his worn out and faded jeans, despite beingsomehow contained by an old, faded tank top. Travis could see the flab on his arms humbly disguising the gator’s powerful muscles, made even more apparent when he reached to scratch at the back of his scaly neck. “Uhm… Yeah?” “And you’re wearing the band, too?” He’d almost forgotten he was wearing it. “What about it?” The gator slid a little closer. Travis looked up at him, watching his fairly kind expression as he leaned in. “Do you mind if we start now?” He didn’t really know what would happen, but he didn’t really care. He just wanted to get this crappy day over with, and that included whatever it is this fatso wanted. “Sure,” he mumbled with a dejected sigh. Without warning, the gator lifted him off the ground. “Woah, woah hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He tried squirming away, but even the large guy’s most casual grip proved too strong to flee from. “Roleplay, huh? Uh, okay, I can follow along.” The gator smiled as he cleared his throat. Then, at once, his smile curled into something wicked. In a much deeper, but strained voice, he taunted the possum. “Hmm… you can’t escape me, dinner. I’m gonna make you into some fine rolls of fat.” He chuckled in the same throaty tone before widening his maw, exposing rows of long, needle-tipped teeth. Strands of drool spread between them, glistening in the afternoon sun like dew. “Roleplay, what… bu-” Travis’s questions were cut short as the gator shoved him face-first into his waiting jaws. Unbenounced to him, the gator actually made a careful effort not to let Travis touch his sharp teeth as he went in. The possum almost spoke again, but was once more interrupted by a measure of thick saliva being unintentionally delivered into his opened muzzle by an over-eager tongue exploring its new, albeit temporary companion. Paralyzed with fear, he let his chest sit on the wriggling tongue, taking the gator’s dank breath to his face. He could feel his captor removing his shoes from his dangling legs before letting him slide down to the back of his throat. The gurgles of a very hungry stomach reverberated up through the gator’s moist flesh, demanding to be fed, followed by a wet belch spewing hot air into the possum’s terrified face. Then, inch by inch, Travis could feel himself edging ever closer to the black hole that was the gator’s esophagus, being pulled by a curious tongue, hefty swallows, and the gentle pressure of the gator pushing on his legs. The feeling in Travis’s chest was similar to when reaching the apex of a roller coaster’s initial drop; the terror of knowing something awful was coming, and very soon. It all culminated when Travis could feel his muzzle pointing downwards. Lost in the shock of the situation, he only became aware of how far he had traveled down the wet, slick tube once he felt the event horizon pushing up on his already assaulted nostrils. The sphincter opened around his face, rolling and aiding in the final push intodarkness. For a while, he simply dangled in place, slowly dripping toward the bottom. Even with only his head and shoulders in, he felt constrained by the tight stomach walls. These would stretch further as the rest of him slid inside, and he could feel the tension in the stomach walls building as they made room for the ever increasing load. With his back slid up against the wall, and his legs tucked in, he sat in the stomach, still scared out of his wits. Then the realization of his predicament hit him like a freight train. “No… no, no no!” “Hmm? Did you say something?” The gator responded in a regular tone. “How did I do, by the way? I don’t usually roleplay, but if you’re into it I-” The squirming started all at once, Travis suddenly thrashing around and fighting the stomach he sat in. “Hey, woah, easy there!” “Shut up! Aaaahh! Let me out!” “Oh, are- are we still roleplaying? Sorry. I’m not used to- oof!” The gator stood up and lurched over his swollen gut. He watched the bulges of fists and feet shake his gut around, trying helplessly to lift it and settle his meal down. “Can you please tone it down? It’s almost like you actually-” “Let me out! I- I don’t want to die here! Help! Someone get me out! Help!” “...O- oh.” The gator squeezed at his sagging gut from below, pushing Travis up as he gagged. Then, as quickly as it started, the squirming stopped. Travis was forced back up the gullet at a shocking speed. The light of the outside shone through the gater’s maw, blinding Travis as he slid back out onto the pavement. The thick gastric juices and saliva cushioned his fall slightly, and he gasped deeply as he brought himself up. “Did I hurt you? Are you okay?” The gator tried to help Travis back up, only to be pushed away by the still coughing possum. “Ack… Hhhaa… What… the… fuck! What the fuck!” “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? I- I didn’t know that-” “Shut up shut the FUCK UP!” The possum shouted at the top of his lungs. A few neighbors looked outside their windows to investigate the commotion. “...I… I… didn’t mean to hurt you. That’s just what… Didn’t you read the…” Travis watched the steam rising off his soaked clothes, struggling to breathe out of sheer terror. He looked at the gator, who’s once rigid face was also overcome with genuine fear. Travis slowly began backing away. “J-j-just st-stay th-th-the fuck away from me!” He had no qualms about starting a scene, not now. All that was on his mind was getting as far away from the fat deviant as possible. “Hey, wait!” The gator’s words fell on deaf ears as Travis panicked down the street, kicking up and crunching autumn leaves beneath his bare paws. “I’m… I’m sorry.” Travis sat hunched in the shower-bath combo of his borrowed estate, unsure if he had remembered to lock the front door. The fact that he was still in his clothes were a telltale sign to the contrary. Then his mind turned, begrudgingly, to the events that had just transpired. He didn’t want to think about it. He was already done with this town. The tears streaming down his face, disguised by the shower, mingled and pooled with the phlegm, spit, and water drenched into his clothing. Yet, despite his loud sobbing, he wasn’t sad, not in the slightest. Just angry and confused. ‘What kind of town would let this happen’, he thought. It was like something out of one of his dystopian thriller flicks; neighbors eating neighbors, wanting nothing but the sexual gratification, the thrill of a hunt, or some other perverse desire. The growling of his own stomach only intensified his disgust and contempt. Maybe he’d go vegetarian, just to spite the town. Nobody else should experience what he had, living nor dead. The disgusting, slobbery maw. The shock of the moment, paralyzing him. The tight, confining throat, undulating like some kind of lovecraftian nightmare. The pitch black of the stomach, and following fear for his life. The… Travis’ heart raced, and his breath began to wane. As he shook himself from his recollection, he noticed a strange feeling in his loins. “Oh no.” Looking down, he noticed the unmistakable bulge of lust. “No, no go down!” In a moment of panic, then hesitation, then uncertainty, the possum punched himself in the groin, contemptuous of his erection. He quickly realized his error, and, instead, decided to unzip his jeans and violently strangle his stiff cock. “It’s just the adrenaline! Fuck you, it’s the adrenaline!” He shouted at nobody in particular. “Rrrraaa-hhh!” He threw himself backwards in the tub, hoping he would slam against the edge and induce a coma. When the long dark never came, he resigned to laying down in the tub, thinking about anything other than today. Surprisingly, he continued to do so for nearly an hour before he heard a voice interrupt his nothingness. “Hello? You in here?” Travis recognized the voice, unfortunately. He turned off the shower and headed downstairs, still sopping wet. At the upstairs balcony, he looked down and saw the gator from earlier. “Hey, uhm. Your… uhm. Your…” The gator pantomimed pulling up his fly. Travis looked down and saw that he had forgotten to stuff his dick back into his pants. At this point, he didn’t even care. “The fuck do you want?” Travis asked coldly. “You… erm… you left these behind.” The gator revealed a pair of old, worn out sneakers. The color from their checkerboard pattern was faded and yellowed, and the faux-leather tongue had deep cracks spider-webbing across the surface. Placed delicately inside one was a pair of neatly folded socks. Travis practically leapt down the stairs to take them from the beast. “Thanks. Now piss off.” The gator shuffled in place. “Uhm… while I’m here, will you… uh… can I apologize?” “For trying to fucking eat me?” “Well, yeah. You were wearing the band, and-“ “Fuck the band.” Travis yanked the wristband off and threw it at the gator’s face. “What’s so important about it, anyway?” “Do… do you know anything about the town?” The gator asked not with persecution, but gentle concern. “It’s a tourist town with some shitty gimmick and shittier neighbors.” Travis’s cold stare lingered on the gator. The gator looked past him and at a wire trash bin near the dining room archway, slowly moving towards it. “You didn’t read the booklet…” “No. And why should I?” “It… well, I…” The gator brushed past Travis and plucked the booklet from the trash. He ushered to the living room. “I’ll read it for you. I, uhh… I don’t want you giving up. Not yet.” Travis looked impatiently between the gator and the door. He quickly slammed it shut and made doubly sure to lock it. “Fine.” Travis couldn’t take his eyes off the gator’s belly as he followed him to the living room. He realized this, and scowled at himself. “But make it quick. Then leave, and never come back.” Both seated themselves on a soft, leather sofa. “I, uhm… I- I promise it’ll be quick.” First was a campy introduction with a generic greeting for newcomers. It outlined the basic rules regarding the town and what vore was. Travis looked at the pictures and read the blurbs but tried his hardest to keep the gator’s voice out of his head as he read aloud. They compacted much more information than he had initially thought into it, listening to how long the gator spent on each page. Travis wanted to puke, or at the very least, retch in disgust, but the more he watched the pages and the longer he sat there, something he really didn’t want to confront slowly began to dawn on him. There was a pause in the background noise, and the gator looked down at the possum’s dick, still poking out of his jeans. “You okay? You’re looking kind of-” Travis punched his growing erection into submission and shoved the thoughts of being eaten alive out of his head. When he became satisfactorily flaccid he motioned for the gator to continue, who promptly did. But the thoughts fluttered back into his mind, slowly and gracefully, like a butterfly to nectar. It was horrendous, he thought, wasn’t it? He had just experienced it nomore than two hours ago, why were there sick curiosities floating around in his head? The harder he fought the ideas, the faster they were encroaching into his mind. He was having trouble forming thoughts in his very head, and leaned further and further back into the seat, staring blankly into space for god-knows how long until he felt a nudge urging him back upright. “Hey, uhm, here’s the part about the bracelets.” The gator cleared his throat. “Prey, remember, while you’re in the zones of consent you can wear our indicator bands to show any potential pred that you’re up for grabs. You can and will be eaten only while the band is fully visible and you agree to the act. Preds, remember that anyone eaten inside the town limits must be released safely within forty-eight hours of consumption. Reformation is allowed, but only within the same alloted period.” Travis muttered under his breath. “It’s a stupid thing. Vore… grose, vile…” He was becoming hard again, but didn’t do anything to combat it. “See? I never wanted to hurt you.” “Then what did you want?” The gator tapped his two index fingers together in his lap. “A friendly meal, I guess. Uhm… I’m still really sorry about earlier. I guess I should be more careful.” He stood up to leave. “...No.” Travis muttered. “Uhh, what?” The gator asked nervously. “No… I’m… sorry…” Travis whispered through gritted teeth. “I should’ve… read the rules.” The gator looked confused. “You? Please, uhm, it was my fault. I never would’ve tried if I hadn’t-” Travis put his hand up to interrupt him and continued to mutter through withheld breath. “Somebody else would’ve, anyway. Just… just go.” The gator was halfway out of the room when Travis called after him. “Wait.” “Uh, y-yeah?” The possum walked up to him and stared at his stomach. “What’s your name?” “Oh. Creig. My name’s Creig.” “Creig…” Travis slowly brought his palm to his eyes, rubbing away something. “...Can you…” His heart was racing a mile a minute, and he couldn’t be more erect. “Can you… take me with you…” He poked at Creig’s fat gut. “...in there?” “Really? Are you sure? You… You’re not gonna start yelling again, right?” Travis looked up to face him. “No.” Creig’s face beamed a wide, joyous grin. “Yeah! Yeah, o-o-of course!” He lifted the possum from under his shoulders and already had his head resting on his tongue when Travis interjected. “Wait, wait!” Creig spoke around a mouthful of possum. “Hm?” “You get thirty minutes.” “Deahl.” The gator swallowed him with as much effort as before, licking over his face and muzzle with glee as he slowly edged him closer to the back of his throat. His face was eventually pulled through, followed by his shoulders and chest. By now, Creig had let go of him and let gravity aid in his consumption. But he was quickly snagged by something holding firm to his lower jaw. Travis’s erect cock had almost hooked him on Craig’s lip, and the possum shuddered inside his esophagus. He spoke as clearly as he could while stuffed into the tight tube. “Don’t touch! Just… swallow.” Craig obeyed, widening his maw to accommodate the blockage, although he sneaked a quick lick on its way in, resulting in more shuddering and wriggling from inside. Travis’s head had entered, or rather re-entered, Creig’s stomach, which welcomed him back with happy glorps and gurgles. The stench was less powerful now, and as the rest of him was pulled inwards, he noticed the walls were a lot less off-putting this time around. Although he struggled to determine if this was an actual, physical change or something had changed with his perception of them. The stomach stretched to fit the rest of its occupant beyond his chest, and within another few agonizingly long minutes, his bare footpaws had been deposited. “UUUuuurrrrrrp!” Creig belched into his hand as Travis became comfortable, as much as he could inside the stomach. “Was it better this time?” Travis heard his voice but didn’t listen. He was busy taking in all that was encompassing him. The careful wrinkles of the stomach walls slowly deepened, then loosened, then deepened, and then loosened, squeezing indeterminately and trying to mush him into an absent puddle of acids and enzymes. Above his head, he heard the gentle rhythm of Creig’s heartbeat and feltthe expanding vessels within his stomach rush blood from one place to another in its most taut areas. Slightly louder was the rolling cascade of Creig’s breath, slowly expanding his lungs and slightly tightening his confines, and expelling very satisfied sighs and hums. He had lost all desire to speak, and thus began to act. Outside, Creig felt him rhythmically rotate his arm around his groin. “I’ll, uh… I’ll take that as a yes.”
 “Steph? I’m here. Can you let me in?” The skinny, anthro fennekin looked up to see a glow apparate in her sister’s apartment. The small intercom by the door hummed to life with faint background static and a dreary voice. “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming down,” it replied. The fox’s ears swiveled toward the sound of a closing door, originating a few stories up. She looked around as she waited on her sister, watching a roach crawl into a discarded beer can on the pitifully dead patch of dirt near the front gates of the apartment building which may, at one point in history, have been a lawn. Somewhere in the distance, a coyote howled and barked angrily at a pet which barked back with equal ferocity, only to be silenced by an even angrier tenant who shouted at both mutts in a language completely foreign to her. The fennekin nervously shuffled closer to the security gate, praying that it would open sooner rather than later, fidgeting with the collar of her dress shirt all the while. She almost tried the intercom again, but as she leaned toward the heavily worn and tagged device, the front gate swung inward. “Ay, Charley! How’ve ‘ya been?” The air around the rather large braixen that greeted her hung heavy with the smell of cheap perfume and even cheaper beer. The yellow stains on her concert t-shirt seemed to be the main culprit of the stench, as evidenced by the small swarm of mites that made themselves at home on the sickly sweet, intoxicating vapors. “I’m fine, Steph. You look… you’ve been better.” Charley swatted a curious insect away from her plaid skirt. “Not, erm, to insult you, or anything!” “Nah, ‘yer right. Ihavebeen better. But things’lllook up now that I get to hang out with you again! C’mere, lil’ thing!” Steph put her little sister in a headlock and began roughhousing her with a few noogies, chortling as she did. Charley had to hold her breath just to escape her sister’s boozy stench, but her position in no way shielded her from the sweat and stains from Stephanie’s tight embrace. Then, as suddenly as she had begun, she dropped the fennekin and motioned for her to enter with her shoulder. “C’mon in! Mi casa es su casa, as they say around here.” Charley, keeping her disgust as inward as possible, patted her wrinkled clothes down, redid her ear fluff, and obliged. The booze-stained clothing and filthy lawn were clearly an indicator on the state of Steph’s apartment. A trail of pawsteps had been carved through the bottles, plastic cups, and dust that littered the floor, connecting the dainty cooking area not sanitary enough to be considered a legitimate kitchen, the door to the bedroom, a sticky, cracked, and scratched leather sofa immediately in front of the entrance, and a very distinct pile of trash bags, CD and vinyl album cases, and miscellaneous music-oriented equipment in the furthest corner of the room. A loose pantyhose had somehow become stuck in the ceiling fan, slightly dislodging it and rendering inoperable. The only functioning lights in the room were a series of fairy lights stapled above the windows and around the interior walls. The smell of cheap liquor, garlic-seasoned fried foods, and rabid sex seemed to seep from the very walls, creating an oppressive musk that rivaled that of a fish cannery. But, despite everything, both Steph andCharley felt right at home. “Somehow,” Charley began, “this place is cleaner than that den you made at boarding school.” “Only thing I learned there was how to keep the bigger messes out of sight.” Charley replied with a nervous chuckle. The possibility of opening a drawer and discovering something she wasn’t meant to see suddenly became a very real fear. “They never did find that dude’s thumb. Or that dude.” Steph quietly drummed her fingers against the countertop. “I don’t want to sound rude, but whatdidyou callme over from mom’s for anyway?” “What, I can’t hang out with my lil’ sis anymore?” Steph removed a bottle of whiskey from the pantry and poured Charley a glass. Handing it to her, she took a swig straight from the bottle. “I’ve got a whole night planned for us!” “And this is...?” Charley asked with quiet curiosity, pointing at her glass. “Oh, just a bit of a pre-game.” She took another swig and watched her sister nervously try the same with her glass, who backed out at the last second, spilling a bit as she pulled away. “I know you ain’t the drinking type, but you ‘oughta loosen up! It’ll help you enjoy the night more.” Steph presented the bottle to her. Alolan whiskey, of a very prestigious brand, or at least a prestigious-sounding one. “Been saving it for a special occasion. Now that yer back in town, maybe we could finish it together?” Charley looked down and hummed quietly to herself. “You sure? I don’t want to be a waste.” “Sure as I can be.” “Well,” The fennekin hummed as she glanced back and forth between the braixen and the whiskey. “If… if you insist.” “‘Atta girl!” She refilled what little booze her sister wasted in the spill and returned her own lips to the bottle. “Ahhhh… good stuff, this. It ain’t antique, but it’s damn fine, wouldn’cha say?” The fennekin cringed a bit at the unusual tang of the booze. It wasn’t immediately bad, and if she had the time to critique it would describe it as “earthy and light.” But she was neither a critic nor an accomplished drinker. “It’s- ack!… it’s… strong.” Steph made herself a seat on the kitchen counter and stared at her sister with a smirk. “You really are a lightweight, aren’t you?” “I’m sorry! It was sudden and, and… bitey.” “Bitey?” She took another swig. “Dude,vodkais bitey.This is supposed to be smooth…” she held her arm out in front of her and swept from left to right, reiterating the word “smooth” as she did so. “I don’t think I could tell.” “Well, if ‘ya spend as much time drinking as you do studying, you’d pick it up in a day.” “I’d rather study.” “Eh!” The Braixen gave an exaggerated shrug. “Can’t blame ya. Ain’t like you aren’t used to it.” “Why weren’t you?” “Never cared! So many damn books, you’d think they wanted us to be walking… erm… what’s that big book called? The one with all the information, like, ever?” “Encyclopedia?” “Yeah! They wanted walking ‘cyclopedia’s. Never really felt like it was worth it. Just stressful. Glad to see you can make somethin’ of it.” Charley found the courage to try another sip of the whiskey, finding it more palatable on her second try now that she knew what to expect. “It’s… not easy. But it comes naturally, I guess.” “So, where’d those book smarts end you up? College? University? Is there a difference?” “In some regards, yes. And I’m at a university, now. It’s actually only across the state.” “No shit! How long was the drive?” “Five hours, I think.” Steph leaned over and refilled her sister’s glass yet again. “Not that far, huh?” “It kinda was. But most of the roads between here and there are rural, so there’s hardly any traffic.” “Rural? That means ‘empty,’ right?” “Mostly.” “Huh… never would’a guessed. I suppose I’ve spent so much time in the city I forget it doesn’t go on forever…” She took a longer than usual swig and went to refill her sister’s glass. “But who cares! You’re back! I get to see you again!” She supported her sister’s glass with her middle and index fingers, tipping it up as she drank and spilling a bit more down the sides of her muzzle. “C’mon! The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can move the night along!” “Steph, stop, please. I think I’ve had enough. I’m getting vertigo.” “Ver… ti...?” Charley held her stomach and looked up at her sister. “I’m getting dizzy.” “Dizzy? After three glasses? You reallyarea lightweight!”The braixen slid off the kitchen counter and toward her sister who was now sitting on the sofa. “You can’t even enjoy the rest of the night if we don’t do something about that! Here, finish up!” “Steph, no…” “C’mon! It’ll toughen you up for what I’ve got planned tonight.” “I don’t need to be tough. I’m not like you.” “Aww! Here, lemme help…” Steph brought the bottle of liquor to her sister’s lips. She could taste the cigarettes and cheap beer on the end of the bottle from Steph’s breath. Despite her early protests, Charley didn’t struggle as she drank and drank the remaining liquid. Steph slowed her pouring as it began to spill out the sides of her muzzle, letting her sister drink at her own pace. Gulp after gulp disappeared down Charley’s throat, causing a shiver of warmth to crawl up her spine. Eventually, the bottle emptied, and the fennekin made a cute, intoxicated hiccup. Steph pointed the neck of the bottle toward the floor and shook it. “See! You can fit more in you than ya’ thought!” She shimmied over next to her and wrapped her arm around her, coaxing her up. “Here, lemme take you somewhere to let the buzz settle in before we head out.” “That’s… strong stuff. It’s strong…” The fennekin barely noticed that Steph was leading her toward the bedroom. “In the meantime, I’ve got something else to show you.” “No more booze, please.” Had she been sober, Charley still would be hard-pressed to note the transition between rooms. Boxes of more miscellaneous junk lined the walls and there were plenty more bottles lined up against the foot of the bed, some of which were still quarter-full with liquor. The ceiling fan was functional, at least, but ran at a slow, amiable pace.The only relatively clean surface in the room was the bed, a mere mattress, blank body pillow, and sheet, which still carried several noticeable, variously-colored stains and sported a rather large, round indent around the middle. Surprisingly, the stench of booze was more overpowering than the general sweat and stink of sex. The lights were off, and the room was only made visible by the moonlight in the window and whatever filtered underneath the restroom door. “Shush, dude. Close yer eyes, I’ll get it ready.” Steph brought her sister’s hands to her eyes and retreated toward the bed. Charley could only hear the sounds of shuffling cloth and creaking springs. “Hey, when are we going out? I thought you said we were going out? Are we still-” “Okay. You can open yer eyes.” “...Oh. Sis, you’re… erm…” Steph was leaning forward on her hands in a blatantly predatory stance, completely naked. Her large breasts swayed down almost half a foot from her chest, shaped vaguely like plump teardrops. Her belly hung even lower, rotund and unhealthily large, yet empty and growling. Charley didn’t even need to look around her to see her widened hips behind her natural skirt of fur, and her thighs seemed to jiggle without prompt as the strain needed to maintain balance was more than enough to rock her gently about on the bed. Visible through her cream-colored fur were several long stretch marks spanning across her body like canyons of skin and hair. “I’m what, Charley?” She spoke softly, almost in a whisper. “You’re, erm… naked?” Steph reached out and took her sister’s hand, making her cup one of her breasts. “Heavy, isn’t it?” “Steph! What’s going on?” Steph then reached out and groped as much of her sister’s chest as she could. “And then you. Yer a fuckin’ beanpole, sis. What are ya’, a-cup? Do you even need a bra?” Charley swatted her hand away, but Steph simply wrapped her hand around her thigh. Even with only one hand, she could almost completely encompass her leg. “Like bird’s legs!” “Hey, stop!” Charley’s thoughts raced about in her head, but only served to give her an inebriated headache. “What do you want!?” “I want to help you, sis.” Steph stood up from the bed and pushed her sister against the wall. She could almost wrap her tits around her sister’s torso. “Look at you. Top of your class,expensive scholarships out the ass. You’ve got so much going for you. More than I ever could dream of getting, especially now.” Charley spoke through the strange, semi-sexual tension, sounding both nervous yet assured as she did. “Aww, d-don’t say that!” She tried to sidle around, but Steph had her pinned against the wall. “There’s lots of stuff you can do!” “Like what?” She asked accusingly. “Erm…” Charley looked at her arms as they pinned her against the wall. “Wrestling?” “There’s a lot you can do,” Steph continued, ignoring Charley’s input. “But yer so damn nervous! You could take so much, but yer holding yourself back! Well, I’d think it’s time you got the ultimate confidence boost.” She pushed away from her and landed front-first on the bed, giving Charley an unparalleled view of her gargantuan ass. “Eat me.” “...what?” “You heard me.” She slapped her own ass, loudly clapping it and jiggling the heavy cheek. “Eat me!” “Hey, woah, I’m not lesbian! I’m not even into-” “No! Not eat me out! Eat me! Swallow me! Whole! Like this!” Pushing off the bed with her hands, she turned and quickly stuffed Charley’s head into her mouth with almost no effort. The fennekin’s blood ran hot with embarrassment as she pried her sister off of her and spoke, gasping for air between words. “Are you insane!? I can’t do that!” “And why not?” Charley could only stammer in confusion as she tried to resist the booze running in her system and collect her thoughts. But Steph had beaten her to it. “We both know who the better sister is. You’re already in a high-ranking college with perfect grades and everything going for you. At nineteen! I’ve had a ten year head-start and I’m living in a miniature landfill eating whoever tries to fuck me for money and food.” “You… eat people!?” “It’s better than it sounds. Half the time they’re even into it. But it’s not the sort of thing that happens around people like you or the places you live. But ya’ know what? It should. Fuck the people with money. Fuck all-a-ya’ll in the big leagues.” Steph turned to the side and drunkenly shouted, “fuck ‘em,” toward the closed bedroom window. “I can’t even dream of places like those. I don’t think it’s allowed. But you? Yer not from people like them. You’ve got a bit of trash in you. A lot of trash. Something deep and primal that just roars out and forces ya’ to think an’ do things you may not like. I couldn’t control it. Not like you. That’s why I got theboarding school and you got the honors.” Steph took a moment, naked and silently crying, to hug her sister. Afterwards, she quickly leaned up and let her drunken confidence flow back. “But now that you’re in there with the pricks, why not use that, ya know? You’re so shy, so meager. So tiny. I’m gonna make you big again. Iwannadothis with you, relight that flame inside. Ride ya’ into the fray like that dude on the bomb. You know, like the movie that-“ “I remember the movie, Steph.” “Yeah! Even if ya’ don’t feel a thing after this and commit yourself to the pricky lifestyle, then at least we can say I made it. Maybe not in the way I would’ve liked…” Steph made another grope at Charley’s skinny waist. “But I’ll still be there, with you.” “You… Steph, are you absolutely sure about this? About me?” Steph returned to her position on the bed, dangling her rear paws off the edge. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” She flicked a twig out of her tail and shuffled in place to get a better angle. “Now eat.” Charley slowly and reluctantly dropped to her knees, reached over and grabbed one of her sister’s paws. She fondled her scratched, cracked paw pads, maw agape as she tried to find a good starting angle. Steph hurried her up by hopping backwards on her belly, forcing it into her mouth. Charley tried not to let it touch her tongue as she slowly brought the other paw in. Both could barely fit in her maw, and she struggled to bring them to the back of her throat. “Yer doin' good, sis. Now swallow.” Charley tried as hard as she could, but just kept gagging herself on her sister’s paws. A little bit of whisky-thick bile was brought back up her throat with the heaves, and began to slowly pool in her maw and dribble on the floor as she tried again and again. “Here, let me help.” Steph slowly crawled backwards on the bed, forcing her paws and ankles down her sister’s throat. She only gagged harder, heaving and vomiting even more on the floor. “No, no! Just relax, focus on breathing. I’ll let myself in.” Charley steeled herself and did as she was told, letting gravity and Steph worm her hind legs down her throat. She kept on breathing, slowly and interlaced with an occasional wince or gag, but managed to get her paws partially through her neck. Then there was the next roadblock- as she approached Steph’s lower legs, her jaw was stretched to its limit. She bore through the increasing pain, managing to make it halfway up Steph’s shins before getting reaching her limit, numbed as she was by the earlier booze. “I ‘han’t! I ‘hant ‘hoo ih!” “Ya’ just inexperienced,” Steph reassured. “Get ready, Steph. On the count of three, I’m gonna do something you won’t like. One,” Steph looked back at her sister. The scrawny little fennekin with no weight to her frame. The girl who’d assure Steph’s future as a useful “asset.” Or rather, multiple assets. “Two,” She could see the tears running down her face from the pain, ruining her mascara. But for the first time in her life, Charley seemed determined. Like she thought she could make a difference, for at least one person. “Three!” Steph looked away and winced with guilt as she kicked her legs downward. There was a strain and resistance she couldfeel in her sister’s jaw, but it unfortunately held firm. She waited for Charley’s muffled screams to die down into strong sobbing before trying again. Without warning, she jerked her legs up and then down with increased force. There was a soft pop that reverberated through Charley’s jaw and up Steph’s legs, but she still felt resistance. She didn’t even wait for the pained, muffled screaming to subside before kicking again, this time fully dislodging Charley’s jawbone from its sockets with another pop. The resistance built against her shins was lost all at once as Charley’s lower jaw dangled limply from her face. “It’s okay! We’re done, we’re done!” She almost had to scream herself to be heard above Charley’s anguished cries and heavy sobs. “We’re done, it’s all over. Shushushshshhhh… It’s okay, Char-Char, It’s okay, sis. It’s over, it’s over.” Both of their voices lowered as Steph comforted her sister, lower paws still firmly in her throat. Charley slowly stopped crying long enough for Steph to explain herself. “I know it wasn’t nice, but us preds do it all the time. Everyone hurts on their first time, you’ll learn to get used to it. And look, you can swallow the rest of me now! Yer doin' good, sis! Yer doin' good! Now try swallowing.” Charley forced her throat to accept the meal, and painfully swallowed. It was like pins and needles were crammed through the blood vessels in her neck, the pressure inside only just allowed her enough space to make quiet, pained breaths, and she could feel nothing but numbed pain coming from her lower jaw which now dangled helplessly by the sinew of her lower muzzle. But she could make progress up Steph’s legs on her own, and was no longer constrained by the size of her meal. “Atta’ girl!” Steph felt the slow ripple of peristalsis along her shins encroach higher and higher up her legs. Within minutes, Charley had reached her thighs, and both could feel the tips of Steph’s paws tickle the sphincter at the end of her esophagus. Charley was making noticeably slower progress as she inched closer to Steph’s intimidatingly large rear. “Don’t be afraid to use your hands to push me down, sis.” She grinned at the notion of getting a few last gropes before becoming buttfat herself. “In fact, please do! You’ll need the leverage.” Charley obliged with a weak mumble, and reached her formerly idle hands up and against her sister’s thighs. She fumbled around her ass for a while, swallowing occasionally, looking for a firm grip, which she found on a particularly soft and malleable part of Steph’s rear. Pulling her sister in, she shoveled and scooped Steph deeper into her throat. By now, Steph could feel a soft tingle on her paw pads. Charley tried to mumble something about feeling her paws reaching her stomach, but could hardly say something coherent with a mouth full of ass. “Mhh… mhh chh mfehhh mheehh.” “I can feel it too. Yer doin' great, sis!” Steph’s thighs further stretched Charley’s throat, almost choking her with the doughy flesh. “Yer gonna have to get ready. The hips are the hardest part.” Charley muscled forward, muzzle inching between her ass cheeks as she swallowed her with a still-drunken vigor. Steph’s fur skirt flared up her sides as she was hurriedly shoved down her sister’s thorat. Her ass made an impressive bulge in her throat as she was slipped down inch by inch. Her knees had joined her paws in Steph’s stomach, which already began to try and churn acids into her. Steph felt them enter, and winced at the sudden expansion of her organ. “Just keep it together, sis. We’re too far into it to back out now.” Steph kept her hands at her side, letting Charley swallow them easily. The sudden slick warmth of herthroat tickled her fingers and her pussy as she slid down the tight tube. She could barely wriggle her hands around her hips in the constraining space, and stopped midway as she felt Charley react with pained mumbles. “Sorry, Char-char.” As a lifelong predator, she was unusually turned on by her situation. The sheer warmth of it all especially, and it was only compounded by the fact that she would be her sister’s first. She imagined all kinds of studs that might end up joining her on her sister’s belly, just as many joined the dozens on hers. For the first time in her life, she felt humbled. She had lost herself in her ecstatic thoughts and hardly noticed when she had been lifted off the bed. “All right, sis. This’s all you now. I can’t help you anymore.” “Mhh hhhh.” Charley lifted her sister’s heavy breasts, easing them into her throat with the rest of her. Steph’s vision slowly became encompassed by the inside of Steph’s maw, and with several swallowing tugs, had her completely in her throat. Steph listened to the sounds of her ribs popping and sliding back into place after accommodating such a large meal, and the eventual snap of Charley’s jaw back into its rightful place. She heard her groaning from outside as the pressure in her quivering, ballooned stomach threatened to burst her belly wide open, and eventually the groans and gurgles of said stomach trying to grind its occupant into a nutritional paste. Slowly, her eyes slid into her stomach, then the tips of her ears, then her muzzle. She could feel how badly her once lively and robust legs had been treated by their time in the sac by the sparks of pain that shot up her paws and shins as she adjusted herself into a more comfortable position. Once she found that position, she leaned back, unwound, and relaxed to the feeling of letting go. The stomach’s churning ripples ran down her body like tidal waves, and hot gastric juices pooled around what remained of her paws and plump ass. “It still smells like whiskey…” Outside, Charley was still caught between the wall and her sister, although in a very different way. She sat down, leaning forward to rub, pat, and sooth her engorged belly. She watched the little bulges and pawprints form and fade away on the surface of her belly as Steph felt her way around the organ. Steph even stretched once or twice, just to feel more comfortable as she slowly fell apart. The juices inside were rising, and formed a puddle large enough to splash with a hand. “Char, you did great. I hope you understand why I-“ Steph stopped talking when she heard a faint noise above her. “Sis, are you crying?” Charley sniffled and let even more tears flow. “Yeah.” “Does it still hurt? How bad is it?” “It’s not that it’s-“ she paused to let her belly rumble. “It’s… I love you, Steph. And I’m going to miss you.” Charley rested her head on her stomach. “I’m gonna miss you.” “You’ll… miss me?” Steph thought for a moment, sighing contentedly. “Char, you know I won’t actually leave, right?” “What…?” From her position inside her, Steph patted what she felt to be one of Charley’s thighs. “I’ll be right here. And in yer chest. And yer belly.” The juices were cutting her short, as they had risen up to her navel. “If you start to miss me, just try to remember where ya’ put me, alright sis?” Charley snivled a few more times. “...Alright. I’ll remember.” She flopped back onto the wall, trying to find a comfortable position as she listened to the various messy noises her stomach made. “Steph?” “Yeah, sis?” “My belly hurts. A lot.” “Wonder why?” Steph brought her hand around and rubbed where she felt her sister caressing her, giggling softly. “Does this help?” “Yeah.” Charley felt something rise up her tired, strained throat. She burped into her hand, although brought it down when she felt it continue longer than she had ever burped before. “Excuse me.” “Charley? I was using that air.” “Oh! Sorry!” She quickly swallowed several mouthfuls, further distending her belly, if only marginally. “Thanks.” Steph felt her confines loosen all around her, and saw one last opportunity. She reached her hand around and between her legs and began to slowly stroke around her acid-treated clit. Had she more room, she’d do more than a simple massage, but felt both her space and time were limited, as the juices had almost engulfed her breasts. “Huff, huff, hey, Charley?” “I… I don’t mind. I’m just gonna go to sleep.” “Thanks, Charley!” “Goodnight, Steph.” “G’night.” She tried to say something else, but her last words were lost to the acids as they rose above her muzzle. The first thing that Charley felt was the warmth. The warmth and a surprisingly mild hangover. She had sworn she fell asleep on the floor last night. Now she felt like she was on a bed, wrapped in a thick, weighted blanket. Eyes shut, she reached over to pull the blanket away, even as it weighed down her arm. Then she felt a hand- her hand- grasp at her side. “What in the…” The fennekin opened her eyes. She was still splayed out on the floor, hand firmly wrapped around a thick roll of flab. Her once skinny proportions had ballooned out dramatically overnight, correlating with the loss of her sister. Her once barely noticeable breasts had grown into enormous watermelon-sized blobs of milk and fat, and as she tried to wriggle up she noticed they weighed about as much as watermelons, too. They were about the only thing she could notice at the moment, not without a mirror to get any useful view around her own cleavage. But she could still feel the rest of herself. Specifically, the weight of her new potbelly setting almost halfway down her ginormous thighs as she laboriously pulled herself up and onto the foot of Steph’s bed. “Hhhnngg… huh…” Charley heaved in and out as she slowly brought herself up to her knees, quaking under her own weight, then finally onto her paws. “Huff… huff… okay…” She released the mattress, slowly pulling herself away in a struggled attempt to stand upright. “How does she do this…” The fennekin’s stomach growled and churned suddenly, squeezing some leftover chime further down into her digestive tract. “Howdidshe do this?” The bathroom was no more than a few feet away, but her new weight made every inch feel like an eternity. She stepped slowly and methodically, keeping her center of balance as stable as possible. The strain on her knees was immense, bordering on painful, and every time she lifted a leg the other felt like it would buckle and send her crashing to the ground. It almost did, too. Several times. And every time her leg quivered a little too far at the knee, she lurched and stumbled in place, sending small sparks of pain shooting through her joints and muscles. It wasn’t until she finally reached the door that her leg finally gave way, collapsing her through the doorway as she opened it. The bathroom tiles accepted her without hesitation, stopping her fall without the noisy creeks and sways of the wooden floors in the other room. However, the landing caused more than a little discomfort. Charley had the breath knocked from her as her ribs were strained under the weight of surrounding flesh, and a harrowingly long belch that immediately followed left her without air for several seconds. Out of breath, tired, and hurt, she waited for her new haunch to stop jiggling before trying to get back up. This took embarrassingly longer than she anticipated, but gave her plenty of time to gather what little strength she could muster from underneath almost two-hundred pounds of fat. When she could, she used the toilet seat as leverage to pull herself up to her knees again, then moved over to the sink to get back on her paws. Steph left the medicine cabinet open, which Charley raided for some painkillers to help with both her hangover and the new ache in her bones. She put the bottles back on their shelves, and after closing the cabinet, the fennekin could barely recognize herself in the mirror. Her face, once quiet and unassuming had exploded out with plump cheeks pushing out from the base of her muzzle and double-chinned neck. It looked like the lower part of her head had been recently assailed by bees, judging both by howpuffy and soft her complexion had become and the various bruises and marks caused when dislocating and stretching her jaw and throat. Stepping back, she took a look at the rest of her form. Her shoulders, thickened but not particularly widened by her sister’s sacrifice, led into arms weighed down by thick fat and little else. Raising them even a few inches required an arduous, but not insurmountable level of effort she nonetheless struggled to maintain for any length of time. Her breasts, as she had suspected, had more than quadrupled in both weight and volume, raising her from a petite a-cup to something along the size of double-M sized melons. The skin around each had become stretched painfully thin throughout the night, and the pressure within these heavy bags of milk and fat kept them at a constant rounded shape, refusing to let them droop even an inch further away from her chest. Deeper inside, her breathing was rendered into a continuous, gentle wheezing at best, and painful, exhausted gasps when she was under any modicum of effort greater than continued walking. At all times, she felt her heart racing inside her, struggling to keep blood flowing throughout her body and, when she wasn’t focused on walking, sitting upright, or breathing, she could both hear and feel its quickened rhythm thumping through her long, swiveling ears. Her belly, once virtually concave, now bulged almost two feet ahead of her permanently ruined wasteline, and folded into itself up her sides, which themselves widened considerably. The most dramatic change was with her thighs, which had become both as large, soft, and heavy as old, feather-stuffed pillows that rubbed together with every step. Her ass, of course, followed suit, and now almost became an offset to the balance disaster that was her upper half, threatening to jiggle neigh-endlessly at even the slightest provocation all the while. Everything below her knees, despite all the changes above, remained almost exactly the same as the night before, remaining as skinny beanpole legs around halfway down her shin and creating a proportion comparable to a beach ball balanced in an upside-down traffic cone. But, upon inspecting as much as she could afford to before losing either her balance or her breath again, she wasn’t quite sure if she was entirely against the change. She could barely move, her joints hurt like hell, and her once feminine complexion was reduced to that of a pained blob, but something deep inside her kept repeating in her mind, “this is a good thing.” Maybe Steph had a point, after all. Maybe she really was cut out for a predatory lifestyle. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the front door. “Hello? Is anyone home?” “Oh! Just… huff… just a minute!” The struggle to walk didn’t become any easier under social pressure. Charley waddled back into the bedroom, looking for something to throw on. Her own clothes were strewn about on the floor, ripped and torn at the seams. Even if she could bend over to pick them up, she doubted they would cover much, whether or not they fit. With a struggled turn, she threw open Steph’s wardrobe and paroused her sister’s old band tees and stretched skinny jeans for something she could throw on. Deeper in, near the back, was a simple grey sweatshirt that seemed elastic enough to contain her sister’s donated curves. But pants simply were not possible, neither for the moment or foreseeable future, so Charley painstakingly waddled away as she pulled the clothing over her head. Her new belly sagged low enough to cover her nethers, anyway. The sweatshirt made it over her head and barely fit her arms, but there was a significant hurdle in dragging it down her chest. First, she pulled it overone breast, but the shirt already stretched as though someone more lean, yet still considerably portly were wearing it. She struggled to fit the other one in as she reached the living room, sweaty, panting, and dangerously close to giving in and collapsing where she stood. The knocks continued in a short rhythm. “Wait… huff… I’m getting… I’m getting dressed… huff…” The fennekin leaned against her sister’s sofa as she stuffed both of her engorged tits into the sweatshirt. There was an uncomfortable level if pressure inside pushing in on her chest and out on the fabric, stretching it to dangerous lengths, but it held taut. Charley made it to the door, feeling like she had just ran a marathon. She made no attempts to hide her heavy breathing from whomever waited outside, and begrudgingly lifted her fat-weighted arm to turn the doorknob. “...huff… hey…” Outside the door was a slender Lucario boy in casual work attire. “Woah. Erm, hey. You’re Steph’s sister, right?” “Huff… what about it?” “Is that your car out there?” He pointed down toward the road at a parked, red sedan. It remained still underneath a small, shady tree. Next to it, on the road, was another car left running with its hazard lights on. “Last I spoke to her, she said you’d be taking my spot. Kinda need that back now.” “Yeah… yeah, huff… just lemme… let me get my keys.” She waddled back in, back to where her old, tattered bottoms lay. She was getting the hang of walking, even if it was dangerously slow and labored. Reaching the bedroom, she found the remains of her skirt, soaked in sweat, and belt torn at the buckle. Sudden realization hit her as she struggled to lean in any significant direction without losing balance. Giving up, she collapsed flat on her wide ass next to the skirt and rifled through her pockets, retrieving her wallet, phone, and keys. Already out of breath, she just sat and nestled into herself while figuring out how to get herself back up. “You… uh… need a hand?” The lucario boy walked in, front door still wide open. He reached out his spiked paw for her while she huffed vigorously. “Huff… that would… huff… that… huff… huff… thanks…” she wheezed as the lucario helped shove her toward the bed. He also helped her on the climb back to her paws, pulling her up as she hoisted against the bed. “Alright, up you go. Geeze, and I thought your sister was large.” “She… huff… I, uhh… huff, huff… ugh...” Sheer exhaustion fuddled Charley’s thoughts as she struggled to breath hard enough against her new condition. She spent the last trek back through the living room leaning most of her weight on the Lucario, who himself struggled to keep them both upright. Blackness encroached on her vision as she was led down the stairs, the new outside heat and exhaustion from earlier becoming too much to bear. “Huff… huff… huuufff…huuuuhhhhh…” Charley collapsed against her car’s passenger door, laying contentedly on the sidewalk as she caught a rest. Her only clothing was drenched in titsweat, holding in festering heat around her chest. She abandoned the sweater with complete disregard for her now apparent nudity, so long as she could escape the sweltering heat it trapped within her. Her breasts sagged freely toward her sides, steam literally rising off her chest and face as she shielded her eyes from the sun with a thickened, meaty paw. “How… hot… huff…” The lucario boy covered up his vision from her bare fur as he awkwardly walked back toward his car. “It’s, like, seventy-two today. Gonna be a high of seventy five.” Charley groaned as she leaned into her car, flattening herself against the warm metal in an attempt to roll around it toward the driver’s side. The door easily unlocked with a gentle click as she pressed the button on her key. Content to remain vulgar, she simply stuffed her belongings underneath her cleavage, the folds of fat providing adequate room for her wallet and phone, and threw the sweater into the back seat. Even with the seat pulled as far back as it could go, Charley’s paunch brushed against the bottom of the steering wheel. It must’ve been caught on something, though, because the passenger side seat was set even further back. The engine started without a hitch, and after setting the air conditioning to its coldest, Charley was ready to leave. A knock at the window stopped her from shifting into drive. “Hmmm?” The lucario from earlier motioned for her to roll down her window. She obliged, trying her hardest to smile against her fattened face as they spoke. “So… are you going to be in town much longer?” “I’m not… huff… I’m not staying here. Your spot’s… huff… it’s all yours.” “Well, I figured, but Steph said you’re a student, so are you on break, or…?” “Yeah… on break.” “Well, if you’re gonna be in town,” he said as he handed her a small sticky note with a phone number written on it. “Maybe we could hang out? Steph spoke highly of you, you know, and maybe I could learn more about that school you go to or-“ “You spoke with Steph… huff... a lot… huff… you knew each other?” “We… we’re just friends.” “I’ll… I’ll consider it.” Charley took the yellow square and let the lucario leave before driving off back to her mom’s. Her stomach bubbled a bit on the way back. “I wouldn't be seeing the last of him,” she thought. “He was kinda cute. And he knew Steph, too. I wonder if...” out of nowhere, her thoughts violently shifted. “How big is he? He’d be a good fuck. Maybe he’d stay or just be a nice snack…” Steph had to physically shake herself to keep focused on driving,which audibly strained the car frame. “Where didthatcome from?” At the next red light, Charley put a hand on her gut and sighed. “Maybe last night tainted more than my figure…” Inside, her stomach had passed the last of Steph’s remains through a tight sphincter toward the rest of her tract, signifying the deed with a fat-quakingblorp.A honk from behind startled the fennekin into going. With the rest of the road ahead of her, she’d have plenty of time to try and forget the thoughts, plenty of time to think of an excuse for her mom without admitting to last night’s deed, and plenty of time to learn how to live with a sister’s weight in fat.
 It all began when a few local faunas were suddenly absent from the landscape. Feral deer, beaver, and even the odd bear were no longer present in the nearby acres. Then, an icy chill had befallen Flannelstitch overnight, freezing the unprepared roads, pipes, and dirt. With the sudden arrival of winter, many in the town began rapidly stocking up on insulation, both for their homes and themselves. And during this sudden shift from pleasure to preparedness, a couple of fresh arrivals decided to make their move. The longer James spent meandering through the snow-frosted forest, the less he could feel his nose and fingers. The cold air nipped at his muzzle with gently cascading snowflakes as the shivering calico hiked down his designated trail, trying his hardest to look lost wandering through the forest just outside Flannelstitch. He had never really tried roleplay before, but Rebecca insisted he go along with her fantasies. At least he could finally put those acting workshops to use. From deeper in the snow-blanketed woodlands, he heard a few cascading feral calls of surprise rolling through the hills in his direction and saw the scattering of birds from distant trees. “Oh, there you are.” He followed his crudely drawn map toward the general direction of this woodland disturbance. All around him stood thick, stoic trees of many varieties, from the thinner birch who’s bark camouflage seemed to further the white landscape, to mighty pines which naturally engulfed and ruled the skyline. Odd little snowflakes swooped down and through the treeline to join their brethren on the crisp, ankle-deep blanket of white powder. From where the sky poked through the canopy of slim pine needles and broad, oaken offshoots, a bright blue sky dotted with puffs of grey swept radiance all across the forest acres. To the city-raised calico, it was a supernatural experience. He occasionally feared a meaty paw or shrill alarm would pierce the ethereal calm and he’d awaken in bed, wrenched from a dream he’d been exploring. The biting cold of the snow against his bare hindpaws was always there to root him in reality, both to remind him he would not suffer a rude awakening from the forest dreamscape, but also to prevent him from becoming lost in his own explorations and route him back on course to his awaiting love. Not far from where he’d been going, James heard the snap of twigs and flutter of escaping birds. Following the source of the disturbance, he saw a large mitt of a paw throw snow absentmindedly into the forest from around a particularly large pine tree. “Hello?” James turned the tree’s corner, almost running face-first into Rebecca. The wolfess was stark naked and covered in fresh snow. Her jaw was silently chattering, and she wrapped her arms and tail around her plump, exaggerated figure. James watched her slowly unravel and expose herself, starting with her arms. Her relatively thin forearms could barely contain her oversized breasts, and as she lowered them, her cleavage sank lower and further from her chest, maintaining a delightfully rounded shape throughout. Her tail lowered as well, the puffy appendage no longer blocking James’s view of her hefty gut and equally hefty thighs. But, due to her thick coat of winter fur, her nethers remained out of sight. “Yes? Hello? I’m hopelessly lost. Some jerk stole all my belongings and left me here to freeze.” She accentuated her statement with an exaggerated shiver. “I could really use some clothes to keep me warm.” James responded, not taking his eyes off his girlfriend’s figure. “Oh, well I didn’t bring anything else here.” He looked around, pretending to be deep in thought. “How about you just take my jacket? You’re clearly very cold, and might not make it back to town without it.” James began undoing his comically oversized jacket with one hand after removing his scarf and beanie with the other. “I… thank you. Thank you so much.” She took the clothing with haste, putting them on even quicker then he removed them. She snuggled her now partially covered form and buried her face in the scarf. “Actually, my legs are still freezing cold.” “You know what,” James replied. “Just take the pants too. It’s more good to you right now than me.” Despite the confidence in his voice, James hesitated as he began to remove the large pants from his waist. “Relax,” Rebecca whispered. “It’s only us out here, I checked.” “Thanks, Rebe- err…” James paused and tried to sound confident again. “Thanks for the heads-up, Ma’am.” The wolfess could hardly hold back a snicker as she was handed a pair of khaki-colored cargo pants. Just like the jacket, they were a large fit, even for her. The snow and wind began to pick up, giving her an impromptu cue to feign exhaustion and stumble over a tree. “My god, are you okay?” “No… I think hypothermia is setting in. If I don’t warm my body up soon… I don’t think I can make it.” “Please, there must be some way.” “... how about we fuck?” “Excuse me, Reb- err, Ma’am?” James blushed. Rebecca looked up at him, lust in her eyes. “We can do it, here, in the snow. It might not be comfortable, but it’ll keep me alive.” She gave him a sly wink. James quickly and quietly broke character. “Weren’t you just gonna eat me again?” “Oh shush. I think it’s time you tried some improv.” She smiled ferociously as she reached forward and swept out her calico lover’s legs from under him, causing him to fall right onto his back with a soft thud. She rolled over him, pants pulled back down around her ankles, and pinned him to the snow. Without warning, she leaned in and locked lips with the nervous calico. Her enormous muzzle practically engulfed James’s lower face, but after flinching away the initial surprise he tried to match her passionate embrace. She wiggled an ankle free from her dropped pants and wrapped her legs around him, breaking the kiss as she grinded against his bulge. “I hope you’re ready to ‘warm me up.’” The wolfess sat on James’s torso, pulling away his boxers from behind her back and wrapping her ass around his growing cock. She pulled his arms around her waist as she gyrated her fat cheeks over his member, eliciting gentle purrs and quiet moans from the horny kitty. “That’s it. Purr for mommy…” “Re-Rebecca, are… huff… you sure there’s nobody-“ “Good kitties don’t doubt.” Rebecca slowly raised her hips, rubbing his cock between her thighs as she edged ever closer. “I know there’s nobody around to hear ​this!​” She quickly bucked her hips down on James, slamming his cock straight into her waiting folds. The calico mewled loudly as she bounced, grasping at her body for a purchase in her bounding rolls of fat. Rebecca continued riding the excited cat, grabbing him by the wrists as she plunged again and again his throbbing member as far as she could toward her womb. “Feeling me up, stranger? Why don’t you get a deeper look?” With that, she pulled him up and buried his face in her ample bosom, squeezing his head between the two orbs of fat and milk she cupped and pressed together. “Oof, ah! Rebecca!” James’s hearing was encompassed by Rebecca’s body. The sound of crunching, shifting snow being pounded and compressed with every wild buck of the wolfess’s hips. The moist slapping of her cooch against him. The muffled sloshing of milk in her gargantuan, head-enveloping cleavage— His favorite. The bass-heavy drumming of her excited heart beating like an angry feral in heat. He felt like he was lost in her, a sentience already tied to her body. He’d join her truly in a few moments, but now he had a way to fuel and raise the sheer excitement and impulse of such feelings in his own body. He gasped and moaned into Rebecca’s warm, furry chest as he reached a creciendo, and all he could hear was her own cries as she peaked the edge with him into sunlit fields of euphoria. Cum dribbled down their thighs as they released and embraced one another, panting and sweating. Slowly, he pried himself from the large beast of a lover and locked eyes as she let him go into the dirt and snow, leaving him to reciprocate as she lazily hooked her ankle through the other scrunched pant leg. James rolled onto his side. Now that his afterglow was fading, he realized just how cold he was actually getting. Snow had been buried past his fur and stuck to his skin, beginning to slowly numb him. “Ma’am,” he gasped. “Are you feeling any better?” The wolfess was still panting as she slid her pants back on. “Much better, thanks. I know for sure I can make it to town, wildcat.” She spared a quick wink. James scratched at a small splinter in his shoulder, but could hardly feel his own skin through the cold, numbing snow. “Well, I hate to bother you in this time of need, but I think I might be the one freezing now.” “Even after that?” “I’m afraid so.” “Hmmm. I know you’ve given me so much already. But I think I have an idea.” The cold began to bite deep into James’s flesh; he began to shiver uncontrollably. “W-what might that be?” “Let me eat you. I’m quite warm now, and my stomach is going to be even warmer. I can carry you back to town in my belly, if you can make it.” “What d-do you mean, if I make it?” Rebecca gave an exaggerated sigh. “I might not have the strength anymore to make it all the way back. And we’ve already used a lot of it out here. If I can’t, you’ll just have to digest until I get my energy back. You’ll be risking yourself to save both of us.” James thought about it. Not really of course, he just shivered and made soft humming noises as he stroked his chin and eyed Rebecca. “I’ll take the risk. If it means we can both make it out.” “Great. Now hold still.” Rebecca opened her maw, giving James an unobstructed view of her throat. Her moist breath quickly warmed his face as she loomed over. Then, in a short lurch, James’s face was quickly engulfed by her hot, slimy flesh. He made no effort to struggle, and in fact, tried pushing against the ground to speed up his descent into her throat. But Rebecca was going to take her time, whether he liked it or not. She felt his nose tickle the back of her throat, and lowered herself to get a better angle at his head. James stood, bent over for a few seconds, laying his chin on her drool-coated tongue. Then he felt her powerful esophagus muscles pull him in. Slowly but surely his entire head entered her neck until he could barely even wiggle his eyebrows against the tight tube of soft, pink flesh. Her breathing became more intense as she sucked him down, and he carefully shuffled his shoulders in to help her pass her least favorite part. The path into her gut had become so familiar to James that he hardly registered just how long it took to be consumed. What was a five-minute-long experience for Rebecca felt like a short, warm slide for him, although he certainly savored every second spent wrapped in the confines of her esophagus, purring and cooing as he was gulped down inch by inch. Before he knew it, his feet and tail were all that was left in her throat, and he had been comfortably compacted into Rebecca’s stomach. She struggled to stand upright with such a large meal, and so she kneeled down to calm her belly and regain her balance. James sat nicely in her lap, the skin on her gut remaining taut around his form, but still holding a vaguely rounded profile. “Oh, wow.” She took a deep breath. “You really were cold, weren’t you?” She quietly belched into her hand. “And you weren’t?” James teased as sat curled in the fetal position, feeling the small puddle of digestive juices pooling around his rear. “Not anymore,” she said with another soft burp. “Hmmmmm… feels like forever since we last did this.” Rebecca ran her hand over her swollen stomach, combing through her belly fur and feeling the shape of her boyfriend’s head. “I’d gladly spend all of my winter break on you to make up for my time spent at school.” “You already quit that job at the pizza place. That’s more than enough for me.” Her stomach growled loudly, as if trying to add something to the conversation. “Well… I guess I miss the free pizza.” “Do you miss the pizza or the delivery boy?” “Oh, I think I’m still holding tight to one of those.” Rebecca shook her fat, fuzzy tummy playfully, splashing James’s shins with tingling acids. “I can’t wait for it to get tighter, Reb.” His world shifted even further as Rebecca stood hunched over the 150-plus-pound weight in her gut. She lifted him with her back, supporting the sagging lump with her arms. “I can’t wait, either.” Every step Rebecca took coated James’s body just a little bit more in the thick chyme that was building up at the bottom of her stomach, subsequently adding just a little bit more of him to it. James was sure he wouldn’t survive the almost mile long hike back to town. Even if he had second thoughts, now that she had begun to digest him in her special way, there was no choice but to see it through. Within ten minutes, he could no longer feel his fingers as fingers, but only as a numbed addition to the pleasurable warmth pooling around his rump. With his focus on that area, he realized that almost all of his tail had been reduced to a thick goop as well. The feline’s ears weren’t far behind, although they usually lasted longer than his other extremities if only because of their distance from the gastric acids. But a particularly heavy slosh from the outside, either because of a misstep or readjustment, splashed the juices high enough to begin significantly eating through the cartilage. The acids began to pool into his inner ear, and he could feel them eating away at the sensitive flesh inside, engulfing most of his hearing with relatively loud sizzling, popping, and bubbling. It was like listening to a stew boiling over, except the stew was him. Within ten minutes, he had lost his hearing in his left ear followed by a sudden wave of vertigo. There wasn’t enough intact flesh in the other ear to do much but muffle his hearing for the rest of his journey. He gave up on adjusting himself, letting his body slowly fall apart around him. The acids had certainly reached his brain from his ear; he’d lost nearly all motor function in the left side of what remained of his body. Yet, he knew that there would be no changes in how he thought. That much was assured by Rebecca. Soon, he was up to his navel in chyme and could feel everything below the surface as a nice, all-encompassing mass of broken flesh. What little light that shone through the tight skin of Rebecca’s stretched stomach had faded, signifying it was either getting smaller, or that his eyes were joining the stew steadily rising beneath him. “Your ass is getting soft, James. Like a pillow filled with wet sand.” She drummed her fingers on the bottom of her loaded gut, tapping what remained of her boyfriend’s thighs. “Is your dick gone yet?” The calico could hardly speak and barely hear, the pressure from inside his lungs getting uncomfortably close to bursting his softening chest. “Yeah. Think so.” Rebecca burped as she stepped over a fallen tree. “Damn. I hoped you had another load left in you.” After twenty minutes of sloshing, stepping, and shaking, and Rebecca turned to read a sign by the side of the hiking trail. “Warning:” It read. “Beyond this sign, the zone of consent begins. No prey may be consumed beyond this point without verbal and visual consent by way of our patented wristband system. Prey still considered sentient enough to oppose or resist digestion must be released or further digested before entering.” “Aww. James, I think I have to let you out now. The sign says so!” She shook James, much to his body’s dismay. Her belly had shrunk to about half the size it was around the start of the hike. James was almost entirely broken down, but the structure of his upper body was proving resilient, even as her stomach now entirely submerged him. By now, James was dead. His heart had stopped beating, and the tissue around his neck had dissolved to the point of decapitation. But he was still very much conscious, thoughts and feelings floating about in the chyme. He heard the question, and tried to do what he could to respond. Perhaps let out a whine from his neck hole? Or twitch an errant muscle still functioning? “You still there?” With his mind left connected to a dead and dissolving body, all James could do to the inquiries was listen. Listen, and do what dissolving things do. His chest and lungs had finally collapsed, sending a rush of air into the vat of himself. Bloating suddenly, Rebecca let out a massive, roar-like belch into the afternoon, scaring away any nearby birds. “UuuwwWWAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrp…” For several seconds, she expelled James’s final breath, shrinking her stomach as quickly as he had expanded it. Then, suddenly and with an echo blaring into the distance, she stopped. “I guess that’s a no, right?” Another playful shake of her gut. James wouldn’t argue, even if he still could. Rebecca decided to let nature take its course as soon as possible. She flopped forward into the snow, shattering whatever large solids were left of James with a guttural, satisfying crunch underneath her belly, yawned, and rolled over onto her back. “I don’t wanna sleep here, but a nap would do me good. Oh… us. Would do… us… good.” Like a light, she was out, leaving James alone with his thoughts and her gut. The act of being absorbed was definitely surreal. There was nothing like it, and James considered himself lucky to be one of the only people to experience it. The stomach churned and contracted the soup that was james over the next half hour. In and out, his senses limited, listening to churns, glorps, and gurgles as he felt himself be squeezed together, tossed, and kneaded by the powerful stomach muscles until he was a perfect, nutritious paste. The whole while, he thought about how his girlfriend would use him. She was no stranger to flaunting her weight, especially when he was a part of it. But that was in the city. In such a small, rural area like this, he was afraid Rebecca might not be ready to handle such a change of pace from the wild, party-heavy hollywood-esque lifestyle to the quiet, calm rural environment. No, no, he thought. She was proud, but not disrespectful. She’d be fine, if only for a few late-night dances in the living room or otherwise jiggly experience. He felt something loosen around the uniform mass that he now was. The stomach contracted harder than usual, forcing him through a sphincter into a tight, winding tube. It was here they’d make the leap from two to one. As more of him was exposed to the villi of her long intestine, the more he could feel himself pass through and join her body. Outside, over another few hours, Rebecca’s gut slowly flattened out. From a large, round sphere, all of James filled her already robust frame into a strong, obese figure. Her stomach folded in on itself, rolls of fat building up around her sides. Her neck thickened drastically, and her cheeks became puffy and soft. Her legs underwent a more drastic change than her arms did, her thighs especially. Once decent with muscle and fat, now replete logs of both, almost a foot thick from the bone. Her arms from the elbow down remained almost unchanged, but from the shoulder down to then her arms became impressively large, and the ratio of muscle to fat remained almost unchanged. Groping it would feel like squeezing a bag of chunky pudding wrapped around a tree. Her breasts, hips, and gut were all hit the hardest. The once comically oversized 4XL jacket became a little too tight to handle her gargantuan assets, so as her belly pushed it up her body, her breasts pushed it out with just enough clothing to cover her chest. The pants weren’t as lucky, and snapped around her waist, leaving her fly undone and what was left of her panties exposed. But not as exposed as her stomach, which, even laying down, sagged over her pants to create a beautifully unparalleled muffintop that settled on her new shelf-like hips and rear. James was still awake through the entire event. From the moment his body began to cross into hers, until there was nothing left to absorb. And now, he felt the comfortable, all-encompassing embrace of her padding, held in place by a thin layer of stretched skin and connective tissue. He felt everything her body would do to food, as well- use it for energy. With every breath she drew a little bit of him would become a permanent part of her, converting the nutrients he provided into new blood to pump through the several miles worth of new vessels in the over 150 pounds of fresh fat he had become. As she stirred in her sleep, he could feel her muscles burning a little part of him, only to be carried away and expelled as a breath, lost forever to him. But only bits and pieces of him would feel this. The majority of James’s consciousness resided in Rebecca’s blubber, and he was certain she could feel him now. “...hmmmmmmmm… aaaaahhh!” Rebecca stretched herself awake and laid her hands on her still heavy gut. “Hey, James. Hope you’re enjoying yourself. Hmmm… nice and full,” she yawned as she rubbed over her body, exploring her new weight as she lay in the snow. The wolfess found plenty of enjoyment in lifting her gut over her waist and letting it flop back down with a gentle smack and reverberal jiggle. Just to play with James, she shook side to side and let him flop around. He enjoyed the sensation, perhaps almost as much as she was. “C’mon… hrrrng… up we go!” She had quickly become accustomed to her new 400 pound frame, brought herself upright with relative ease and began to walk into town. Every step was like a little orgasm to James. Having done this a few times now, he learned how to orient his uniform existence as pudge to Rebecca’s body instead of his own. As her foot touched the sidewalk, he felt the rigidity of her bones and tensing muscles pulling on him, followed by a wonderfully long bounce of softer, fatter flesh. Then the exact same happened to her other leg, and he felt the toe-curling rush and settle of what he had become. They could’ve walked for seconds, minutes, or even hours. James didn’t care. He was in bliss. Rebecca looked down the empty streets then up at the night sky. “How long was I out?” She reached around her gargantuan ass to look for a back pocket. This proved difficult, given her new size, and left her spinning for a while like a dog chasing its tail until she tripped over herself and flopped backwards onto her rump. *Crunch!* “… awww. That was a new phone.” She got up and looked at the mess that spilled out of her back pocket, watching a few snowflakes fall onto a familiar-looking phone case. She bent over, straining her already tight pants as she picked up what was left. “You won’t mind if I say you broke it, right buddy?” She pressed the shattered remains of her phone against her breast as she addressed her boyfriend. He was in no position to argue. Even if he could speak, the sensation of not only being on but actually becoming her tits was so mind-numbingly wonderful he barely heard her. Not only was he the fat, but the milk as well, and pressing into it caused an orgasmic slosh among the couple gallons or so of fresh milk he had been used to produce. “I’ll just put it here for now.” Rebecca dropped her phone down her cleavage and adjusted her top and brushed her exposed fur to make sure it stayed put before continuing down to their vacation home in Flannelstitch proper. Rebecca reached the front door, and immediately noticed a glaring issue. Standing outside, she looked at her body and back up to the open door. “Maybe if we…?” She talked to herself, or perhaps James, as she tried to slip in sideways through the door. Even though her engorged ass cheek was a small problem, she still could still push herself through up to her middle. But there, her tight cleavage and ass crack wedged her into the door frame, keeping her still. “Oh, come on!” Try as she might, this was as far as she would go. The wolfess wriggled back and forth for several minutes before spotting something off; a second doorknob. Leaning inside to turn it, she shrieked quickly as she suddenly flopped inside. It took almost five full seconds for her gargantuan assets to stop jiggling. The doorway itself opened up wider, likely to accommodate those in her scenario rather than something more rational, like furniture moving. “And now we know.” The next morning arrived, and sunshine stirred Rebecca from her slumber on the living room couch. She had shed all of her clothes and lay stark naked on the leather seats, hand placed firmly in her cooch. James was still reeling in the afterglow of last night, and waited eagerly from his soft, warm confines for the rest of what was to come. Rebecca stretched herself awake, dripping a few drops of fluids from her moist hand in the process. “G’morning, James,” she said as she patted her gurgling stomach and belched. “Sheesh. Still hungry after a whole calico, huh? Don’t worry, belly. We’ll find something. But first…” Her grunts of effort echoed throughout the surprisingly spacious interior. Now on her feet, James watched through her own eyes as Rebecca walk-waddled to the restroom. James’s breath was taken away by the form they glanced in the mirror. Rebecca posed a bit, bringing her hand to her distended hip and cocking a smile at her own reflection. “James, baby, you always give the best curves.” The wolfess moved toward the mirror, squeezing her breasts between her arms as she leaned against the marble sink. She patted down and groomed her soft, cream-colored fur, removing loose dirt and flattening small cowlicks made during last night’s escapade. In the mirror, she noticed a few loose strands of James’s fur still stuck in between her barred canines. Nothing a couple of minutes spent with a toothbrush and a claw couldn’t fix, Rebecca thought to herself, and to a small extent, James, who quietly enjoyed the gentle rolling motions of the fat on her arms and breasts from the effort. When all was said and done, she threw on the clothes she had discarded last night and set upon the nearest convenience store. About half a mile in, Rebecca found the closest thing to what she was looking for. A little local general store that also served as one of the town’s two gas stations. The door even had an antique-looking bell above it, which chimed as the wolfess entered. “G‘morning, Ma’am.” The petite mouse cashier looked over Rebecca’s jiggling form with not-so-hidden envy. “Mornin’!” Rebecca flaunted her ass at the only other customer, a heavy-set crocodile, as she scooped up an armful of snacks and drinks and waddle-jogged over to the counter. “All this, aaaaand,” she paused to pluck a handful of candy bars from a nearby rack and placed them alongside the rest of her purchase. “This as well.” The cashier took each item and scanned them, placing each into a large paper bag behind the counter. “That’ll be twenty-seven, fifty-two,” she stated as she lifted the bag up. “Can do.” Rebecca retrieved her wallet from the new, natural pocket that was her own cleavage and pulled out every bill she had. Only a twenty and five ones. “Can’t do. Errrmm… you can’t spot me the last two bucks?” “Maybe you could cut back?” The mouse girl asked cheerfully. “Put back, say, these?” She removed a tub of cheese puff snacks from the bag. “No!” Rebecca looked around at her sudden outburst, blushing. She quickly regained her composure, continuing, “No, I don’t think I will. How about… how’s about a trade? You and me?” She leaned over the counter, resting her heavy belly on it and exposing as much of her cleavage as possible. “M-ma’am? You’re not allowed to eat me while I’m on shift.” “Eat’cha?” Rebecca flaunted her curves a bit aggressively, shaking James awake from his passive state in the process. “No, no. Don’t think I didn’t see you admiring me.” She slipped behind the counter as she spoke. Or rather, flopped over. “Admit it, you’re jealous of these curves, aren’t you?” The skinny cashier tapped her claws together nervously. “K-kinda.” Rebecca slowly removed one her boobs from her shirt, fondling it as she did. James sloshed around inside, trying to focus on the pressure building up as she squeezed and kneaded her tit. “How’s this? My friend here’s not gonna complain if I… ​donate​ some of him to you.” “Donate?” she quietly asked. James was asking himself the same thing, sharing the mouse girl’s confusion. “Of course? Think of how big you’ll be! Maybe, with enough, you’ll finally grow into a figure to be proud of. I’d say a bellyful of some nice, fresh milk ‘aughta be worth two dollars to you.” She gave the cashier no time to argue as she grabbed a hold of her and stuffed her nipple in her mouth. The mouse nodded silently as she suckled her tit, almost immediately choking herself on the vast amounts of milk that suddenly flowed forth like a sprung leak. Rebecca could feel the pressure inside of her being released, forcefully swallowed by the little cashier. “That’s it, drink up.” “Hey, do you have-?” The fat crocodile had approached the counter, fidgeting with a box of condoms. He looked at the sight of a large wolf forcefully engorging the small cashier, who by now was holding their belly in discomfort. Rebecca looked at him, a casual smirk on her face as she spoke. “She’s kinda busy at the moment.” The fat croc quickly walked away, leaving the two to their devices. Rebecca rubbed at the cashier’s slowly swelling stomach, which was slowly pulling up her tucked shirt. Within minutes of constant feeding, the mouse’s stomach had bloated to the point of pain, bouncing and quivering almost half a foot beyond her usual midriff. As suddenly as she had started, the wolfess pulled away, leaving a dribble of white liquid dripping down the sides of the cashier’s muzzle and from her own chest. James had no idea how to react, if he could. From the moment Rebecca released the floodgates of her tit he felt a sizeable part of himself sent cascading down another, warm tunnel. He could feel the churning of another stomach as the liquid he resided in was packed into the cashier, bloating and stretching her. From his perspective, it was no different to another breast, because of the immense pressure and tight, sloshing confines. But, already liquid, bits of him were quickly sent traveling down into her intestines, slowly digested and absorbed again into someone else. By now, Rebecca had already taken her goodies and was munching on her well-earned tub of cheese puffs as she walked back to their vacation home. “How’s she, James? Can you feel her?” The former calico felt both the jiggle of his familiar Rebecca, but also resided in parts of the cashier mouse, too. Being in two places at once… James was both excited and terrified at the prospect. “Her name’s Chloe, by the by, in case you didn’t see her name tag. And you better get used to seeing her. I think I might like this as much as you.” “What a weird chick.” James heard another voice, thinking to themselves. He felt a squeeze in his new confines. The churning glorps resonating through him and villi slowly absorbing all they could from his already liquid state. “Sorry about th-urrp!” She quickly got a hold of her sudden belch, and called over the crocodile. “Sorry to keep you waiting, Creig. You wanted something?” Throughout the last hour or so of her shift, as Rebecca sat in their rental home and watched tv, James slowly filtered into Chloe, just as he had Rebecca no more than a night before. As strange as it was, being in two different people at once, he could still feel both of them as well as he could just Rebecca, probably on account of how much she had stuffed into her. Chloe fet much more different than his girlfriend, much softer and more delicate than the wolfess. Her heartbeat was surprisingly calm and slow, her breathing made with longer, deeper breaths. While it took a meal of James and then some to make Rebecca’s belly feel tight, however much an uncomfortable bellyful of milk was to her made the mouse feel like her skin was stretched thin, almost like being a living balloon of fat. When she was sure nobody was around, she began to feel the added heft to herself, poking and prodding around James as delicately as possible. “Man, at least she gave me these.” Chloe loosened her shirt around her own breasts, making room for James’s new padding. Her belly wasn’t nearly as large as Rebecca’s, but was still thick enough to push out her once neatly tucked shirt. Her rear had also filled out a bit more, tightening her skinny jeans around her waist and squeezing James like a vice. She undid the button on her jeans, just for the breathing room, and managed to keep them up by the volume of her hips alone. She squeezed her ass, meticulously feeling the new curvature and testing its bounce, quickly looking up and away from her experimentation as she heard the chime of an opening front door. “Woah, Chloe? You… you… uhh… Did you… you know…?” The racoon boy that walked in looked shocked at the mouse. He was wearing a similar uniform, complete with a simple green apron. “No, I didn’t go through with it. You know I’m not a pred.” She clasped a paw over her rumbling stomach. “Someone just came in and… well, you can look at the security tapes.” “Well, if you’re not gonna talk about it, sure.” He wrapped around the front counter to Chloe’s side and unlocked a back room, never breaking his stare at her engorged figure. “I… uhh… I guess if you’re alright, you can head on home.” Chloe followed the raccoon’s path back around and out the front, undoing and leaving her apron on the countertop. Her light steps were accentuated with the soft reverberations of her new, unknown companion, wobbling gently enough to be nearly unnoticeable to any outside observer, but very much noticeable to the two beings tied to it. Chloe walked down the sidewalk on her digitigrade toes, keeping her leg muscles extended and firm against the ever-present flab. Her shoulders were tensed and her arms held underneath her bra-stuffing cleavage in an attempt to support their weight and alleviate some of the strain on her back. A few blocks of walking later, and Chloe made it back to her house, a single-story cabin of sorts nearer to the outskirts of town, and immediately began getting ready for bed. She had changed out of her work attire into more accomodating sweatpants and cutoff t-shirt, opting to go braless and letting James free. James was interrupted from his experiences in Chloe by another sensation in another body. James felt another tight squeeze and flowed through a hole, similar to earlier in the day. Quickly looking through her, James saw Rebecca leaning over the kitchen counter, right above a small glass, milking herself into it. “I know you taste alright as is, dude. But maybe I’m onto something here.” Her tail wagged in excitement, and James could sense the release of adrenaline in her system as she began to try James’ more processed form for herself, bringing the cold glass up to her lips. “Hmm…” she hummed delightedly. “Rich, thick, flavorful. No wonder she didn’t struggle; you taste amazing like this!” She downed the rest of her glass, sliding it into the sink beside her and bringing her heavy, sloshing breasts right up to her muzzle. Wet, sloppy suckles and errotic gasps for air in between dives into her own mammaries echoed through the house, filling both of its occupants’ senses. Even trying to hide in Chloe’s point of view, James could still hear the cacophony of unabated erroticism both in the back of his mind and in the window of Chloe’s bedroom. Rebecca lay on her back now, warm milk dribbling down the sides of her muzzle and across her chin as her stomach ballooned out, draining her breasts of James. By the time she finally got herself to stop, she was panting heavy, steamy breaths and small drips of excitement were running down her thigh. The wolfess lay down on the kitchen floor, head tilted and tongue lolled out in a small puddle of marble-colored fluids. She lapped up as much of James as she could from the floor and looked up at herself. Her breasts had shrunk almost two bra sizes, although they still ebbed on the size of “head-dwarfing.” Her furry stomach rose and fell with every breath, sloshed audibly with every subtle movement, and quivered with every beat of her heart. Something gently shook it with a soft ​pop​, and a bit of pressure had been released somewhere around where her navel was. Rotating her engorged stomach like a globe, Rebecca saw that her bellybutton had been shoved outwards, creating a small peak on which she could triumphantly place the white flag of defeat. James saw everything through Rebecca and felt the pressure he created in her stomach against the fat he mostly resided in. “Yeah,” Rebecca moaned between orgasmic shudders. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be paying for food for a while. Not with money, at least.” After resting for the night, re-digesting James and collecting him back into her fat and mammaries, Rebecca wandered over to the same convenience store where Chloe worked, excited to see her now favorite mouse behind the counter struggling to keep her clothes from revealing more than intended. “Oh, hello again,” she chirped with the same cheery expression as yesterday. “Heya, big girl.” Rebecca rested her elbows on the counter and leaned in. “Looks like our little escapade yesterday payed off, huh?” “Oh...uhh… oh. Yeah?” Chloe tugged at a string on her apron. “It’s not the weirdest thing somebody’s done in the store. N-not that I’m calling you weird, Ma’am! It’s just-“ “Ma’am! Hah! How formal. Just call me Rebecca.” She reached to shake the mouse’s paw and pulled her in to feel how soft she made her arms. “You know, you’re quite cuter now. So much softer, more huggable. You got somebody you like? I bet he appreciates the changes.” “Errm…” Chloe looked to the side, blushing underneath her marshmallow-toned fur. “C’mon, Chloe! We’ve touched tits, we can talk boys!” “It’s just… well… you know…” “Aww, Chloe, c’mooooon! Here, I’ll tell first.” Rebecca hopped over the countertop, making no effort to still her shivering flab. “So, there’s this little orange tabby guy. Or… is he a calico? No, wait, yeah, Calico’s what it’s called. Anyway, we met in the weirdest of circumstances. I damn near killed him! Right… here.” Rebecca punctuated her remark by jamming a claw into her abdomen. “He’s given up, starts going real ‘helpless poet’ in here, and I start feeling bad for him. After a brief… exchange,” Rebecca paused to quietly smack her paunch. “I realize he’s really got nothing going for him. So, I take him under my wing a bit, teach him how to stand up for himself, and the next thing you know he crawls right back in my gut, gives me the keys to his apartment, and tells me to carry him home.” She sighs as she solemnly rubs her stomach. “He’s a nice one. Quiet, but sincere. I was just going to drop him off in his bed and skip town after that, but something told me to stay. And we’ve been together since.” Rebecca continued rubbing her stomach, lost in her own thoughts. “​And I love him to bits​,” she eventually thought to James. “Sorry,” she resumed aloud. “Maybe I went a bit too far there.” “O-oh.” Chloe muttered. “I… I guess that’s okay.” “Well, then, mousie. What’s your story?” “I’m… not that interesting, really. I’m just into this guy that takes the next shift. A raccoon. We’re friends, but he’s into preds, and so I’ve been working up the courage to start doing stuff more… daring. I never actually got around to putting enough stuff in me to stretch and swallow him or something as a surprise but I’ve been busy here most of the time and...” The wolfess reached over for her small, furless paw. “And then you came.” “Maybe we can work something out then.” “Like what?” “Like this!” Rebecca pulled out a breast from her jacket, letting it dribble slightly on the countertop. “I’m good for it now, but maybe in exchange for the food n’ junk here, I’ll stuff you silly with milk. Work up your stomach stretch, like you said. Maybe get you looking cuter in the process.” “I… uhh… I don’t know.” “How about I deal with anybody who comes in, too? Leave you to it?” Chloe stood in place, fidgeting for a while with the adjustment strings of her apron and a few strands of blonde hair while thinking over the proposition. Eventually, Rebecca walked-shoved her into a stool and began teasing her with short pinches and prods at some of the squishier parts of her form. “What’ve’ya gotta lose?” “F-fine. I guess it couldn’t hur-rrrk!” Rebecca had already stuffed her mouth with her tit and was gushing James back down into her gullet. She quietly submitted, leaning her head back and sucking down gulp after gulp of James. By the end of the thirty minute session, Chloe was choking herself on mouthfuls of thick cream, trying to pack as much of it as she could into her rapidly expanding stomach. She leaned forward, clutching her stomach in pain as she brought herself back up. It looked like she had swallowed an entire basketball, and the taut, pink flesh around her middle sagged considerably against her paunch. By the time Chloe forced herself back up, Rebecca had already scanned a few family sized bags of chips and some two-liter sodas. “Looking forward to tomorrow, Chloe!” The wolfess walked eagerly out the sliding doors, leaving Chloe alone with an empty store and a heavy stomach full of processed calico. The mouse absorbed it surprisingly quickly, and by the end of her shift rolled around she had converted most of the milk into another layer of fat. By now, her clothing was becoming uncomfortably tight. She pressed in on her belly to try and stuff it back under her shirt, instead feeling the sensation of liquid being forced deeper into her intestines, like squeezing water out of a balloon, and sinking flab. “Alright, so what’s the deal with the wolf?” “Deal?” Chloe looked up in surprise, quaking as she did. The raccoon was standing in the front doorway, already dressed for his shift. “Yeah, her walking in like that yesterday, feedin’ you. Did she come in again? You look bigger?” “Ohitsnothingokaybye.” Chloe ran out the door faster than she realised, and by the time she remembered to take off the apron was already halfway down the block. The next day came and went, Rebecca stopped by to feed her until she could feel her stomach stretching dangerously far, left with armfuls of snacks, and she would slowly digest and reprocess James into her own ever-increasing fat folds. The same occurred the next day, and the next, for three straight weeks. James, meanwhile, was stuck in the middle of the trade, flowing more and more into the once petite mouse girl. He wasn’t complaining though, not at first. But slowly, and near the final days of their vacation, he noticed that he would hear and feel less and less of Rebecca. Her milk and fat was constantly being replenished by all the snacks and food she’d take from Chloe, but there was only so much of him. Piece by piece, he’d first lost sensation in Rebecca’s limbs, being concentrated in her body. But he slowly fettered off her belly, remaining only on her hips and breasts. But she’d been completely incessant, forgetting she was losing him. When the final night Rebecca promised for Chloe rolled around, all he remained in her was as an imperfect concentration of milk. Everything else was moved onto Chloe. And she began to move, too. Chloe awoke to the sound of her alarm, gripping tight onto her blanket as it blared on her nightstand. Her paw reached over, clumsily smacking the table. The weight of her arm shook the entire thing and knocked the clock off the table. “Oh, whoops.” Chloe took in a few deep breaths and then rolled off the side of the unusually bare bed. At some point during the night, even her stretchy sweatpants she wore to bed had enough of her, tearing down the sides and up her thighs. Bringing herself up was a challenge all it’s own, but stopping her gargantuan ass from shaking as she did so was nearly impossible. Her own breasts sagged as she leaned up, both the size of basketballs and weighed with what felt like half a ton of meat, fat, and milk between them. The mouse turned and looked at herself in the mirror. She was basically a smaller shadow of Rebecca’s impressive figure, although riddled with stretch marks, patches of loose fur, and matted with sweat. Her frame was never built to withstand such immense proportions, and both herself and her passenger felt a constant strain from the weight. But to her, the results were very much worth it. Her crush, the raccoon, had seemed to start taking more of an interest in her. He would stop and stare as Chloe waddled out of the store every night, even sneaking in a quick grope at her belly once in a while. She’d reel him in tonight! Despite the snowfall, the once petite mouse girl walked down the side roads stark naked. She was feeling comfortably warm now, at all times. It was like she was constantly wrapped in a blanket. Chloe walked through the door to the convenience store, greeted by an early Rebecca, browsing the far shelves for more snacks to raid, and the early morning clerk, a skinny, quiet fox, who walked past her without a second glance. The mouse walked behind the counter, pulling off from a rack and covering herself up with the only bit of clothing she had that could still fit her moderately well, her work apron. Even then, it was still a stretch- the thing barely covered up her chest and refused to keep her breasts in check, leaving them to flop out to the side as she tightened it closer to her belly. “Hey, Rebecca.” “Heya, Chloe!” Rebecca moved to the counter with a larger-than-usual pile of snacks, chips, sodas, and even donuts and sandwiches she’d raided from the lesser-touched shelves. “Tonight’s the night, right?” “Yeah. Yeah! Tonight! Tonight.” Chloe still needed to look up to see the wolfess eye to eye, but now there was a modicum of effort needed on her part to keep her neck craned up against the weight of her doughy cheeks. “One more feeding? For luck?” Rebecca already had a tit out and ready. “I… I guess it couldn’t hurt.” Rebecca meandered behind the counter, sizing up chloe as she did. “You got the stomach for it now, right? Know how to swallow big things?” “Oh, yeah, I’ve been meaning to tell you! I’ve been practicing that with my pillows and bedsheets!” “Good.” Rebecca pulled off her shirt, sloshing her breasts in preparation. “Maybe he can use you as a bed, too!” “Oh no, they’re gone.” Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “Gone like soiled or gone like-“ “I dunno. They never came out.” “You should get that checked, then. Maybe they formed a knot inside or-“ “No, I did. Doc said there was no sign of them.” Rebecca nearly flinched, then playfully smacked the girl’s belly and smiled. “Look at you! Digesting all kinds of stuff! You’ve got the makings of one hell of a pred. Now, c’mere.” As before, James felt the tight, pulling pressure of the suckling. Piece by piece, he could feel himself being pulled away from his sloshing, round home and into a painlessly caustic sac in another body. He’d held his grip on Rebecca throughout the endeavor, even as small as a few remaining pounds of milk unconnected to her. Then, like a switch being thrown, it stopped. The last of himself was pulled through and into Chloe, although she still greedily pulled more and more cream out of his widened lover. His only connection to her had just been severed, and all he could do was remain as inanimate as ever. Chloe sat back down behind the counter, letting Rebecca walk away as she enthusiastically rubbed and massaged the last pieces of James floating around in her belly. Within minutes, the milk had been broken down and absorbed by her practiced digestive tract, condemning James to her own body for good. He tried his hardest to communicate in some way, thinking to her or Rebecca, to let them know where he was- or rather where he wasn’t. He saw out of the corner of her eye Rebecca picking up her snacks and walking through the door without him, whether she knew it or not. For a moment, he thought he was finally doing something as he felt sudden, lurching contractions in her stomach muscles, but his heart sank when Chloe forced out a gross, satisfied belch. “Hmm…” Chloe stood up and readjusted the straps on her apron to accommodate the new meat. James resigned and sunk into the deepest parts of her belly fat, trying to blot out the outside world and regain a bit of clarity on his situation. Rebecca had a plan, right? James spent the better part of Chloe’s shift waiting and hoping for something that could help him. When he began to feel muffled talking from his surroundings, he refocused on her surface and looked out to see if maybe this was his chance. Chloe was outside the store, shed of her apron and holding the raccoon’s. “You sure about this? I mean, I just got here.” He was looking off to the side as he thought aloud. “Please? We haven’t hung out in a long time! It’ll be fun, I promise.” Chloe reached out for a hug. The raccoon sighed and shyly embraced her. “Alright. Just give me the apron and I’ll close up for the night.” Chloe handed it to him and watched expectantly as he turned off the lights inside and flipped the “open” sign to “closed” on his way out. “So where to?” The pair began walking down the street in the early evening snow. Small rays of red sunlight shone past the western mountain peak, casting a large shadow across the dimly lit streets and refracting off the occasional snowflake on its way down. Chloe brushed off some of the snow from her companion’s shoulder. He tried to to the same but struggled to see any against her fur colors, finally swatting a pile of snow building up on one of her fat folds. “I was thinking I could walk you back to my place. There’s something really cool I wanted to show you!” The raccoon smiled, almost cynically so, and looked at her. “You can’t show me now?” Chloe looked up and down the street. “You sure?” she asked with excitement. “Eh. Why not?” The mouse girl brimmed with excitement, hopping in place as she quietly squeaked. “Okay, okay. So I know you’re into pred girls, right?” “Yeah, I suppose so.” “Alright, alright, so there’s this wolf who’s been coming in and helping me practice this thing where I… ooooohhh! Just watch! Gimme your hand!” No sooner had she taken the curious raccoon’s paw than she had it stuffed whole into her mouth. “Woah, Chloe! Careful! You could hurt yourself like that.” “Hmmm nggghht dhhhhhn heeet.” The mouse girl started to drag him toward the back of her throat with her tongue, licking and salivating on as much as she could fit. Then, just like she had practiced for so many nights, she swallowed. “...Chloe! Oh my god, Chloe! You’re a pred now?” “Ihhhhgg hen hracticinnn!” She kept slowly pulling him in, using the breathing techniques she’d practiced to keep herself from choking. He was getting excited too, almost as eager as she was. As soon as the raccoon’s head reached her maw, he pushed off the sidewalk and deeper into her. His muzzle quickly entered her throat, and with his help managed to slide down most of the journey within a minute. All that remained outside was his large, fluffy tail, which Chloe slurped up like a long, boney noodle. With all said and done, Chloe eagerly spoke to her stomach. “See! I’ve been practicing every day for three weeks to be able to fit you in there!” Even with her increased amounts of fat, the raccoon very noticeably filled her stomach. She leaned backward and lifted her stomach, walking home as she talked with her meal. “How is it?” “It’s warm, damp, tight. Smells… like a creamery?” Chloe felt him stretch his legs inside of her, creating two large bulges on her belly. “...I like it.” He settled down and found a comfortable position to rest in while Chloe walked them home. “We just going to your place?” “Yep! I was thinking I could just let you rest up in there while I… did some things.” “Naughty things?” the raccoon replied without missing a beat. “... Maybe.” “Maybe… I could do things to you later?” “Y-you can.” Oh shut up and take me back to my Reb, James thought to himself if not nobody. While the feeling of being fat on somebody who was currently making a meal of someone else was certainly a new and exciting prospect for him, he had no time to savor it while he was being dragged further and further away from his love. Even the lustful feelings incessant wobbling and quaking of her fat, bloated body on a wildly skinny frame weren’t enough to completely distract him. Although he was still getting off to them, more mentally than physically- of course. Sometime during the walk, though, he felt something happening inside her stomach. The muscles were beginning to press and churn in overdrive, and something was starting to secrete. “Chloe?” “Yeah?” “Uhh, you know how to control your digestion, right?” Chloe’s blood ran cold. “W-w… what?” “There’s some liquid pooling in here, it tingles a little bit, but it’s just nothing, right?” The raccoon shifted his weight around inside, trying to move away from something. “It’s getting tighter too. Tighter and hotter. Chloe? Chloe?” The mouse was already running in full sprint toward her home. “Chloe, are you running? It’s getting hotter, and your heart’s racing! Chloe?” “I didn’t know I needed to do that! I thought that… you know! Like in all the stories online?” “What, that your gut wouldn’t do the one thing it’s supposed to?! Chloe!?” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m going home right now, I’ll look up how to get you out!” “You don’t even know how to- hurk!” Chloe slipped on a patch of ice and was sent sprawling out on the concrete. The raccoon spat out a splash of acid that flew toward his face. “Chloe, my hands are getting numb. It’s starting to sting. It stings, Chloe!” The mouse threw open the door to her home and slammed it behind her before throwing herself onto her hands and knees and retching violently. “Chloe? You’re getting me out now, right?” “I’m- huff- working on it!” She fell to her knees and shoved her fingers down her throat. Hurking and heaving, the mouse was squeezing her belly uncomfortably tight and urged her boyfriend to do something too. “Try crawling back up!” There was the brief sensation of something scrabbling against her stomach walls. “My fingers are numb, I can’t find the exit!” Chloe cursed under her breath and looked around the room for anything to help. Thinking quickly, she rounded up and started to swallow one of the spare blankets she had left prepared for the night. “Can you thee the blanket?” “...Yeah! I’ve got it!” Chloe pulled on the other end, trying to fish out her new boyfriend. When she started making headway, she quickly tugged and pulled whatever had latched onto the blanket out of herself. “...Chloe?” “What?” “I… I can’t feel my hand anymore, Chloe.” “It’th fine, I’m pulling you out now! I’ll get you out!”” “...You’re not pulling me out?” “Then what am I-“ The mouse nearly screamed at the hand locked tight around the blanket. It dripped a thick brown and red fluid onto the wood floor as she held it in front of her. The bone where it had been broken off seemed almost gelatinous, rounding off in a soft, jiggling mass that shook as she quivered in fear. Quietly and gingerly, she slowly removed the once furred paw from the cloth and fit it back into her mouth. “Glp… sorry.” “Is that… is it my…” “Yeah. Yeah it is.” The mouse sunk in place, slowly sliding down the wall and curling up around her stomach. “Chloe?” “...Hmm?” “I feel soft. My hand is there, somewhere, but it’s… it’s like it’s liquid. I think I can still feel it.” “...Cool.” The mouse cradled her new, and soon to be late boyfriend in her stomach. “Chloe? I think I’m dying. I still feel things, though. I lost my other hand but it’s somewhere near my head. And my tail. Which is near my face. It’s up to my face now. My neck hurts.” Chloe quietly sobbed into the blanket she didn’t realize she still carried. “I’m… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen and I thought it was so simple but it wasn’t and-“ she threw the blanket aside. “Now you’re dead. I’ve killed you. In me. There won’t even be a body. You’ll just be fat. I’m… I can’t...” “...Chloe?” Her crying echoed into her stomach, almost drowned out by the noises of digestion. “Hey… It’s okay…” “No it isn’t!” She yelled into herself. “No it isn’t.” “Chloe… I… I won’t lie. I liked you, too. Even if you weren’t a pred. But… this… seeing you… do all this for me… It’s worth it… to be your pudge… I… love…” “...No. No!” Chloe shook her stomach, sloshing it’s contents around recklessly. “No… maybe there’s still… something I can…” She reached for her phone and began to call someone. James was still reeling from he just witnessed. He pulled away from her vision and settled back in a neutral state, floating aimlessly throughout all of her body. Her stomach was hard at work, breaking down the raccoon into slop. Her heart was racing, full of adrenaline and other strange hormones James knew too little to recall the effects of. He heard voices reverberate through him, but was too busy trying to forget what just happened. All he wanted to do was get back to Rebecca, and as heartless as he thought it would make him seem, tried his hardest to ignore his other host and her situation. He even began to describe her using words like “host” in his attempts to desensitize himself. But as hard as he tried, being directly tied to Chloe’s body and indirectly aiding in this very blatant homicide kept pulling him back in. Even now, after the voices stopped sounding from Chloe’s conversation, he could feel her stomach pulling pieces and nutrients from his very fat to fuel the loud, sloppy breakdown of its contents. It wasn’t going to be an easy task. His world shifted, following the usual patterns of leg muscles involved with walking, then was thrown onto a soft, padded surface. He felt the vague patterns of her mattress molding against him as the first of whomever that raccoon was slipped into her intestines. Slowly, the large mass was pushed through the undulating organ, being further digested and absorbed as it passed, not much differently than when James had been filtered through. Though, the further along it went, he began to hear something. It wasn’t coming from the outside, so Chloe wasn’t crying or listening to music. James focused inward, feeling the new layers of fat and useful pieces being pulled through her bloodstream and deposited over him. But this new layer was different. James tried to explore it, but felt for the first time something push back. Not physically, but invisibly. Like there was something already there filling up a void he was used to taking up for himself. He pulled back, again focusing on the digestion process. He waited there, feeling the last of her stomach contents enter the rest of the tract. But there was some kind of cutoff point deeper inside her. Nothing was being left behind of this meal, a trait that seemed familiar of somebody else. Of Rebecca. He began to hear quiet sobbing. It felt like it was coming from all around him, but over time, as more of the raccoon passed through Chloe, it began to rise in volume. Then a voice. “​That’s it, then. I’m dead. Is this what it’s like? It’s so warm. I feel... pressure? Where am I​?” It was the raccoon’s voice. “​Quiet. Quiet, I don’t like him.” “W- who said that? Hello?” If James was still physically capable of movement, he’d reel back in surprise. ​“He heard that?” “Where am I? Who are you?!” ​The raccoon was getting scared. James didn’t know why he knew this. “He’s getting scared. Say something. Hello.” “I’m confused. And scared. Everything feels weird, and I can’t move. Can you help?” “I guess I’m not helping much. He’s still asking questions.” “Who are you talking to?” “Myself, I think. It’s weird for me, too. Thoughts are easily heard here, I guess.” “I still don’t know where I am.” “We’re on Chloe. He’s been digested, like me. Did he feel the same things I did?” “No, there’s nothing. It feels like I’m flowing somewhere, but most of me is still here. If I was really digested… What happens next? Are we really on Chloe? Are we her fat?” “More. We’re fat, blood, milk, hormones, anything she can pull from us is being used. Can he feel her organs? Her heart, bones, liver? Can he see, too?” “No. I’m just… I’m here. Wait, did she eat him, too?” “Oh look, now he’s doing it. Yes and no. My girlfriend, Rebecca, ate me. She digests me, and keeps me like this on her for a while. She’s been feeding me, processed as her milk to help Chloe practice for becoming a predator. I stayed like this the whole time. I heard everything. I heard you dying. I felt it. I feel her. She’s more afraid than sad.” “Can she hear us?” “No.” “This is weird. Im weirded out. At least we’re not dead. Maybe not yourself, at least.” “We’ll see… did I ever hear his name?” “Zach. The name’s Zach.” “James. He’d better stay quiet, now.” The night passed, and more and more of Zach filled Chloe. Her fat rolls slowly expanding and stretching her until she barely resembled her original self. A ray of sunshine peered through her window, warming her cheek until she awoke. And awake she did. The weight of fat and milk on her chest threatened to suffocate her and break her ribs if she didn’t move out of bed. Rolling over, she landed on the floor but felt like she was still on a bed of some kind. It was a struggle to bring herself up onto her paws, and by the time she was upright she was wheezing and huffing for air. The mirror didn’t lie about any of her. Her tear-matted cheeks were puffed out and her neck was swollen with blubber. Her arms dangled not at her side but at an almost horizontal angle. Pushing them even further apart were her large, milk-and-fat-swollen breasts, more than twice the size of her own head, which were already leaking from the sheer pressure inside. The mouse’s belly had stretched so large, her fur had no time to grow back, and so most of her body fur was pocked with canyons of stretch marks and her belly was almost entirely made of bare, stretched red skin with the occasional patch of whitish-brown fur where it had sunk in on itself to form rolling crests of flabby flaps on her sides and back. Her thighs sagged like beanbags, and her ass was another pair taped on top. Rolling down, her legs and forearms tapered into more recognizable proportions, although the palms of her hands were still bloated like an overfilled water balloon. “Huff… huff… where’s my…” she leaned onto her nightstand, emptying the drawer to find her phone. “I… I didn’t leave it…” There was a rumble and a buzz somewhere on her side. Stuck between a fat fold and her widened hip was her phone. She pulled it out and read it. There was a new message from Rebecca. “How’d it go? Did the trick work?” The message read. Chloe started texting back. “I dunno.” “Do you need to-“ followed by an emoticon of poop. “...no. Weird.” “Then it worked. Come over. I can help.” There was an automatic response to the address she texted, pulling up a prompt to launch the GPS app. “On my way.” Not really knowing where else to keep it, she clicked on the prompt and placed her phone back into the fat fold she found it in. The itchy, carpeted bedroom floor was absolutely littered. Empty cans of soup, bags of chips, burrito wrappers, pizza boxes, and even an unfortunate delivery boy’s uniform lay tossed around the king sized bed against the center of the far wall, just beneath a window. It’s occupant, a heavy-set Rebecca, was greedily munching on a store-bought pecan pie. She’d been packing on pounds especially heavily this day, nearing the final week of their vacation, but had only managed to gain another fifty pounds. James usually liked her to be extra plump when he was released, just to get a feel of what she must’ve been like while he occupied her. It usually wasn’t a problem in the city, where nearly every block had some kind of fast-food restaurant or convenience store full of fatty, sugary meals waiting to be delivered to her. Flannelstitch was no city, however, and the hungry wolfess needed to plump herself up with meager snacks and sodas from her favorite convenience store. Beside her, James’s phone buzzed with a new notification. She finished off her pie and threw the tin aside, picking it up to check. “I’m here,” it read. “Can you open up?” “It’s unlocked. I’m upstairs.” She heard the front door downstairs open and shut, and a series of heavy thuds marked her mouse guest’s passage up the stairs. Rebecca prepared herself, rubbing her stomach and belching the last few pockets of air out of her already swollen gut. She was almost ready to bring her boyfriend, and maybe a few others, back from the dead. The bedroom door opened and the mouse’s face peaked inside. “Alright. Hey, Chloe? I’m ready for you!” “...Hey, Rebecca.” She waddled sideways through the doorway and into the bedroom, letting the wolfess appreciate her newfound girth. “Damn! He… huff… he filled you up!” “Yeah… it’s… erm… it’s uncomfortable.” “How?! It’s so nice to be big! Every seat is soft and warm, you get to relax and feel yourself sink deeper and deeper into-“ “Rebecca!” The mouse choked back a tear. “It’s so hard to breathe. My chest hurts. My skin is tight and sore. My boyfriend is dead! How do you preds do it?” “Eh. Most just eat one at a time and work off prey, keeping themselves healthy or something. I do too, sometimes. But with James, I can binge and relax.” “How ​do ​you let him out?” Rebecca chuckled. “A magician never reveals her secrets!” “...but then how am I supposed to bring back Zach?” “​I’ll​ be bringing him back. First things first, though, I’ve gotta eat’cha.” Chloe slowly waddled forward. “Yeah… you told me last night.” “Ap-! Before you go in, remember. Don’t eat the raccoon again ​until ​you know how to let him out. I’m not doing this as a favor, and so your end of the deal is to not need me again. Got it?” Tears welled up in Chloe’s eyes as she moved toward the bedside. “Just bring him back! Please! I’ll do anything!” Rebecca called her closer with a wave of her arms. “Hey, we’re still friends, Chloe. No need ‘ta beg me. Just be more careful next time.” Rebecca leaned in when the mouse got close enough and put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re gonna be a great pred, and you’ll work your way up to digestin’ people if and when you’d like to. But for now, treat your stomach with caution, alright?” “... Alright.” Rebecca wiped a tear off Chloe’s cheek. “Good. Now…” The wolf rolled over onto her back. “I’m gonna need you to feed yourself to me, alright? I’ve gotta stay in bed for this.” “If… snff… if you say so.” Climbing onto the hill of wolf fat was no easy feat, especially not in her current condition. She first rolled over the mattress, which she was used to in some regards as a result of her training, but struggled to find a good grip on Rebecca’s paunch. “I’m sorry about this,” she half-whispered as she yanked on Rebecca’s belly fur to tug herself onto the wolfess’s stomach. Rebecca did her best to hide her yelp of pain as the mouse that was almost her own size clambered onto her belly, footpaws facing Rebecca’s head. “Okay… thanks… for the warning. This is good. Just, just lower yourself back. It’s gonna get really tight, so don’t squirm.” Rebecca opened her maw as wide as it could go, letting Chloe back up into it. The wolfess wasted no time, swallowing Chloe’s feet, ankles, and lower shins as soon as she felt them tickle the back of her throat. In another powerful gulp, she moved as far up the mouse as her lower thighs, stopping to reposition herself and straighten her neck. Chloe’s legs were being crunched inside the well-built esophagus. The bulge in Rebecca’s neck never grew more than two feet in diameter, meaning her feet and legs were being squished together with painful force. “Stop, stop! It’s too tight!” Rebecca continued swallowing unabated, slowly relaxing her throat to better accommodate the mouse. By the time she had Chloe’s ass engulfed in her neck, it had become as thick as a tree trunk, which still was quite painful for her, but an improvement nonetheless. Rebecca worked as quickly as possible, swallowing and slurping up the mouse’s belly and chest before anything miserable happened to either of them. She ignored the crunching of ribs in her chest, be they her’s or Chloe’s, and continued packing her through her neck like stuffing into a sausage. Gulp!​ “Ohh…! Oof, that was tight. You alright in there?” She felt a familiar belly button pop and the fat mouse rolled underneath her skin. “I feel like I’m gonna be bruised all over.” The wolfess looked down the canyon of cleavage on her chest and at her drum-tight belly. Rebecca’s stomach was the largest it’s ever been. Her skin was stretched so thin, underneath her own flesh and fur she swore she could see Chloe’s white fur patterns as she shifted in pain inside of her. “I know that was uncomfortable, but you’re in, now.” “Urg… so what’s next?” The stomach quickly went into overdrive, churning and squeezing at it’s contents with the added vigor of Rebecca’s own abdominal muscles clenching around her. “Next… next you digest.” Surprisingly, there were no complaints from the mouse. Rebecca’s stomach repeatedly rose and shrank as it clenched and tightened around her meal. As quickly as she went in, she began to dissolve inside. With little struggle or fanfare, the obese mouse girl fell apart into sludge and chyme. The struggles were token at best; tiny lumps forming and rolling across an area of stomach before receding back in. Rebecca could feel her skin break and loose fat begin to flop and slough freely off and away from what comparatively little musculature Chloe had, the once petite thing. Rebecca was quite thankful she would be feeling none of it as she broke down inside. At least none of the pain. Over another hour, the large mouse fell apart and finally liquified. Underneath her own gut, Rebecca grunted and squirmed herself a bit to get into a better position for the coming gains, then let the dam break. Rebecca felt the bottom sphincter of her stomach open and the flood of meat and fat suddenly rush deeper into her, immediately bloating her intestines to beyond comfortable sizes. Pound after pound, the warm, conscious goop wormed in and around, down and through, filling every nook and cranny inside her. But before any of it could reach the end, however, there was a constantly shifting point where rapid absorption prevented any drop of it from reaching the wolfess’s colon. It was a constant tug of war between Rebecca’s special innards and the sheer pressure of a half-ton former mouse girl being squeezed out of the tight stomach with Rebecca’s bloating, fattening body caught in the middle. The wolfess’s limbs were becoming tight in their skin, her cheeks and neck puffing out with dangerous speed, her breasts sloshing and swelling with an abundance of fresh fat and milk. After a grueling experience, one which Rebecca secretly hoped would never end, she looked down to find she was now no longer capable of looking down. A veritable pile of fat herself, the wolfess’s eyes were halfway shut by the fat deposits on her face, and her breathing was deeper and itself quite strenuous. Any attempt to move simply caused her body to recoil with the audibly wet slapping of fat and skin, sending ripples everywhere throughout. “Oh… wow… I know you can hear me, Chloe. I can’t remember the last time I got this… what’s that word James liked to use? Replete? Yeah. Replete. Hmm… I hope you understand… I kinda want to savor this.” Rebecca wobbled down onto her back, legs spread as much as they could. Her belly made many loud, wet noises, as it had while she carried James through the woods. She leaned forward and pushed down on her belly, trying to feel the reformation process happening inside her. Over the next few hours, her fatty tissues seemed to “retract” back into her body. Her engorged limbs slowly became a bit skinnier, her breasts pumped milk and fat back into her body. Rebecca’s belly became imperceply rounder and tighter beneath her fat as this happened. But she knew, felt rather, that something was growing deeper down inside herself. A weight held her down by the pelvis, and something was begging her to be free. With a cacphanny of moist noises, increasingly heavy breathing, and more general discomfort, she felt something hit a wall. As she clenched and pushed with her uterus, a very literal weight had been lifted off of her, and was lying between her legs. James, fully grown, furred, and naked had been pushed out of her womb and lie curled up near the foot of the bed. Rebecca looked over her still-hefty yet considerably shrunken belly at him as he took his first breath in almost a month. “Hhhuuuuuuhhh!” He breathed in deep, coughing and sputtering when thick vaginal fluids tried to enter his lungs. “Holy… that never gets easier.” “Hey, welcome back!” James awkwardly pulled himself upright, onto his knees, spending time to recall how to move his digits. “Rebecca, we need to… oh.” James saw just how large and voluptuous his girlfriend had become. The weight of two others literally weighing her down sparked something very awed and very horny within him, and the resultant fire behind his reddening cheeks flustered him enough to momentarily forget everything. “Do… do I normally make you this big?” “This? Naw. This is ​two​ people. You’re just one.” “You… you’re so… gorgeous. Can I feel it?” “When do you not?” With that, the calico shimmied over and immediately groped at her soft, warm, furry belly. It squished and molded between his fingers like an elastic dough, pulling back into its round, supple shape. He pushed into it, kneading like a feral cat as he purred. Rippling waves of fat expanded through her, the occupants no doubt feeling everything as it happened. “No, you frisky kitty. Go wash that stuff off of yourself, then you can massage me.” James looked down at his hands. He’d been trailing a thick, slick fluid all the way across the square foot or so he’d been kneading into her side, wiping it all over her grey fur. “Oh. Right. Yeah, I’ll be back.” The calico slid down the side of the bed, looking around confusedly. “Back here.” Rebecca pointed a thumb at a nondescript door beside the bed. As James shuffled through, Rebecca pulled a breast in close. “This is what I meant by ‘savor this.’ Not every day, I get to fuck him as fat as I am now,” which she accentuated by rolling back and forth, wiggling around against her weight. “I guess you two’ll have to get comfey on there. This is gonna get fun!” James stepped out of the rental home, wheeling a suitcase behind him as he descended to steps to the driveway. Chloe, who had recovered to be quite close to her previously petite frame, loaded the last of Rebecca’s bags into the trunk of a red SUV. She examined him curiously as he approached. “So, you’re James? Rebecca told me so much about you.” “S-she did? How much?” He nervously wrapped his tail around his bag. “Enough.” The mouse shyly scratched at the concrete with a bare footpaw. “It’s… it’s just hard to believe you were… you know… on me.” “I feel… I guess I feel the same way.” The calico broke eye contact to rub at his arm and adjust his scarf. “You’re very gentle. With… things.” “I just… my body… I’m sensitive… down there-“ “Fuck fuck I worded that so wrong! Stop, stop, I’m sorry!” James blushed into his scarf and covered his ears. “I meant with people!” He spoke through the green accessory. “You’re a very gentle person, and well… Zach’s very lucky to have you as his pred. And Zach?” “Hmm?” The raccoon peaked his head from behind the vehicle. “No hard feelings about what I said, right? While we were on her?” “Dude, none at all. You were probably as scared as I was, I totally get it.” “So is there still a chance at make-up sex between ‘ya?” Rebecca licked cheese puff dust off her fingers as she hauled James’ other bag over her shoulder. “C’mon! Butt pounding! Butt pounding!” Rebecca continued chanting as Zach chuckled and James pulled himself into the driver’s seat of the vehicle. “Well, I guess this is goodbye for now. It’s been a bizarre month all around from the looks of things.” Zach pulled Chloe in close as they moved off the driveway. “Things were scary for a bit.” Chloe paused to smile as Zach kissed her on the cheek. “But it was fun in hindsight.” “We’ll be back! And I still want you to pound James’s butt!” Rebecca leaned and waved out the passenger side window as James pulled into the street. “See ya!” “Rebecca? Tail?” James held up his hand in a futile attempt to deflect Rebecca’s rapidly wagging tail. “I’m coming in, keep ‘yer pants on.” The wolfess sat back in her seat and pulled the seatbelt in over her chest. “Ahh… that was fun.” “And scary. Very scary.” “Aww, don’t worry. I got you back, didn’t I?” “I guess you did. But it was still kind of a coincidence either way.” “A big coincidence. With big implications.” Rebecca leaned in close and whispered into James’s ear. “I’ve already got an idea for something to do when we get home.” James, excited by the plan she whispered, tried not to focus too much on his embarrassment as he drove away from the little tourist town called Flannelstitch.
 “This is it! Today’s the day!” A delighted tigress paced around the small office, setting papers in a cabinet, turning off the lights, and sticking a note to the door as she walked out into the small flower shop. Turning to pick up a small gift bag from behind the counter, she slapped a small vase of tulips with her excitedly curling tail and the moment she saw it tetering dashed over to catch it. In her haste, she inadvertently hip-checked the table, knocking it into the wall and shaking loose some dried, hanging carnations that had been clipped to a shelf above her. As she admired the adorable white flowers she’d just saved, the wine-red carnations landed gingerly on her head, draping their petals over her eyes. “Huh? Oh! Of course!” With an inspired smile, she shook the delicate plant from her head and waltzed across the cozy store to create a small bouquet of fresher carnations and placed them in the gift bag along with another note. Hurried on by the chirp of a car horn outside, she quickly settled things inside and left, locking up the shop for the afternoon. “Hey! Madhu! Over here! I got everything you asked for!” Parked a short way down the street, a doe waved out from the driver side window of a catering van. The tigress hopped over excitedly, waving back. “Hi Roxy!” Madhu opened the passenger door and hopped inside. As she climbed in, the unmistakable scent of pizza blasted her nostrils, making her stomach rumble softly. “Hmmm! Smells wonderful! Is that all two hundred?” “Every last slice. I even got you that trolly cart to help bring it all up to your apartment.” Madhu smiled, teetering on the verge of hugging her. “Thank you, thank you! Ahh! I can’t wait for this!” As she continued to squeal with excitement, the van pulled onto the main road. “So, a whole weekend-long bash with your family, huh? Sounds like fun.” “Oh, you don’t even know the half of it!” She practically shook the van with her excited bouncing, slowing down as she noticed her friend’s face become more and more straight. Bored, even. “Roxy, what’s wrong?” “Huh? Oh, nothing much.” “Roxy… C’mon. Don’t give me that look!” She smiled as she reached for her. “I know you’re thinking of something.” “It’s just… You couldn’t have invited me? I know I’m not family exactly, but-” “Roxy! Oh, don’t think of it like that! Look, how about, after this weekend, I make it up to you! You and me, having a great time, better than usual!” “You really can’t party enough, can you?” Roxy looked into her eyes, the tigress’s face beaming with an excited affection. “Fine,” she said with a smile. “You know I can’t say no to you.” “That’s why we’re besties! Oh, that reminds me!” Madhu held up the small gift bag she’d prepared. “I got something for you! As a thank you!” “Oh, Madhu! You’re too sweet, you know that?” “Of course! You let me know every time I thank you! But, can you promise me something?” “Sure. What?” “Don’t open it until monday, okay?” “Uh, okay?” Roxy smiled awkwardly. “Any reason why?” “Just trust me!” “Alright, okay. I promise. So long as you promise to help me haul these pizzas up the elevator.” “I promise!” The doe pulled the van toward a small parking garage, pausing to let Madhu click the gate opener. “And try not to eat too much on the way up.” “Bye! Thanks for helping!” The excited tigress shouted down the hallway from her apartment. “See ya, Madhu! Have a great party!” The doe exclaimed back. “I will!” Madhu closed the door and looked around at the enormous bounty of food, drinks and treats that filled her apartment. Nearly every horizontal surface had a pile of plastic bags, all filled with delicious, greasy fast food, bottles and bottles of soda pop of all her favorite flavors were lined up like bowling pins across the floor, and behind it all was a brand new backdrop of pizza box mountains, many of which were piled up to the ceiling. The scent of grease, cheese, meat, and dough wafted around the apartment, filling the tigress’s nostrils with every breath. “I certainly will!” There wasn’t going to be a party, not this weekend. But Madhu already knew that. Her heart was racing, her mind consumed with possibilities. She’d planned this for months, even taking a few days away from work to set in motion the events that led her here, to an apartment filled with food, a growling, awaiting stomach, and three whole days of nothing to do but what she had been waiting for all this time. Madhu looked down at her business attire. A simple florist’s smock decorated with a frilly lace pattern. She ran her soft, padded hands beneath it, over her buttoned blouse, feeling the individual contours of her clothing and tugging a few particularly loose threads, imagining how such a thing would feel against a well-rounded belly. “And before I forget…” She thought out loud as she walked toward the bathroom with a light yet determined pace, barely containing her excitement as she tapped her fingers together. Tossing her shoes to the side, she stepped on the scale. “81.4 kg,” it read. She quickly wrote down the number, turning to admire her reflection. As a tigress, she stood almost a full head over her less height-endowed friends. More on the toned side of large, her generally flat belly curved seamlessly into her hips and back, which supported a fairly plump rear, all accentuated by her natural stripes. She was rather proud of her bottom-heaviness, her large thighs more than capable of entirely concealing a ripe apple between them, and her derriere made for a more than comfortable seat when access to chairs was limited. In contrast, she had to lift her blouse to see the curve of her breasts. Even with her well-filled jeans, she sometimes worried her lack of particularly large bosoms made her come off as a bit androgenous. Looking out the doorway at the creeping food pile that lay just outside the bathroom, she groped her chest and muttered a few reassurances. After a few more minutes of studying herself in the mirror, she slipped the shirt back on and made her way back to the living room, leaving her smock behind on a coat hanger. “Alright girl, you got this. First step is always the hardest. Now choose something… Ah!” She picked up a two-liter bottle of cream soda, her favorite, and pushed aside a few bags of burgers to make room on her couch. The soda hissed as she unscrewed the cap, and the rising fizz made some foam dribble over the lip of the bottle. She held it with both hands, steeling herself as she watched the sweet, sticky sap drip into the fur on her thumb. “Bottoms up!” In one motion, she overturned the bottle directly into her lips, downing as much fizzy air as soda in her first gulp. Then, swallow after swallow, she chugged the light-brown pop, sparing no time to savor it as it raced down her throat. “​Glp, glp, glp, glp​…” As the bottle became lighter, she layed one of her hands against her belly to try and feel her stomach expanding beneath her clothing. As soon as she could feel something under it shifting, the soda bottle had been emptied. “Urp… urg… keep it down, girl…” She could feel her stomach struggling to contain the sheer volume of liquid she had just downed, her throat quivering in preparation for a release. A nauseous, nervous undulation in the back of her tonsils were signaling her to prepare for a spew. “No, no, c’mon, it’s the first bottle… hic! If I can’t hold this down… oh no...” It was too late, she thought. She could already feel something rushing back up her throat! “Urg… no… URRRRRRRRRRRP!”​ Her stomach rapidly deflated as gas escaped in the mother of all belches! A solid three seconds of expulsion rang through her head and her apartment, the burp echoing easily off the painted drywall and faux-wood tiles, ending abruptly alongside her queesyness. “...woah. Cool!” She quickly reached for a second bottle of soda-- some off-brand lemon-lime stuff-- and began chugging it as well. Like before, she could feel her stomach expanding to accommodate the liquid, but for some reason it went down… easier than the last one. She felt no pain, no nausea, only the amazingly pleasurable feeling of tightening skin and an expanding stomach. At once, she had finished the second bottle, pausing for a moment to let out another belch. “​Urrrrrp! ​Oh, that was good!” It was not nearly as large or violent as the last one, but still felt just as satisfying and opened up more room for soda. Madhu reached over and grabbed a third bottle, then a fourth, and tried to fit both in her mouth at the same time, chasing a tangy orange soda down with a bright yellow pineapple-flavored one. Like before, it all went down without issue. “Double the soda, double the gas! ​URRRrrrrrrp! ​Oh, so close!” The belch had started off as loud and powerful as the first, but quickly petered off into little more than an excited squeak. One after another, she downed a whole row of eight different sodas, trying to emulate the strength of her first belch and always coming up a little short. As she reached for her ninth bottle, however, she felt something blocking her stomach, keeping her from leaning over far enough to pick it up. Looking down, she instinctively swore at the sight of her ballooned, swollen belly. It was bigger than a basketball, and just as round! Staring at it while reaching for the next bottle, she could see it was getting stuck on the armrest, too large and taut to allow her to squish it. “Woah. This is so cool!” She leapt up off the couch, jostling and shaking her engorged stomach as she did. After loosening its button-down prison, she noticed it had very little sag, and it looked as though she were due for a child any minute. Madhu rubbed and caressed her belly enthusiastically, combing through the cloth and fur to get a feel of the taut, stretched skin beneath. Lifting it up and letting it fall back down, it bounced with the give of her body, tugging on skin and innards as it settled back into place. “Oh! I almost forgot the food!” She turned her attention to the fast food bags piled next to her on the couch. Still standing, she reached into one at random and pulled out the contents, a triple quarter-pounder with cheese and bacon and a side of fries. The tigress nearly drank the fries like she did the sodas, overturning the box into her mouth and swallowing as soon as her maw was full, giving very little thought to chewing. She wanted to focus on the burger, anyway. She gave it a good squeeze, and like a wet sponge it oozed grease and oils, dribbling onto the floor and matting her hands. “Hey, no not on there! Get in my mouth!” She quickly pulled the burger up over her open maw and let the grease pour right down her throat. The meat and cheese were all marinated in each other’s juices, and the oils splattering on her tongue gave her just enough of a taste to make her immediately want more. Only, there was no tease. Just as easily as she thought about it, she had already stuffed herself on half of the burger. Unlike the sodas, she tried to savor the flavors for a moment before swallowing, and what a moment it was! “Hmmf… yes… So meaty… so savory… ​Om!” ​Throwing self control to the wind, Madhu practically inhaled the remaining burger, stuffing it down in a quick, unrestrained motion and a single swallow. She patted her stomach, feeling the chewed-up mess of a burger sink and settle in her soda-filled gut. Each hearty slap sent ripples throughout her drum-tight abdomen and left a little paw-shaped grease stain on her belly. “​Urrp.​ Phew. I’m getting the hang of this.” She squatted over by the sodas, picking up an armful and dumping them in her spot on the sofa. “Let’s see just how far my tummy can go!” Bottle after bottle, bag after bag, she had begun to dig her way through the small mountain of food on her couch. With each bite just a little more grease coated her fur, and with every gulp her enormous gut grew even further away. As she tilted her head back to down another bottle of cola, she heard a sharp ​snap​, something small getting lodged violently into the wall, and felt a sudden release of pressure on her now beach ball-sized belly. Finishing it off, she looked down to see her unbuttoned shirt riding around her expanding stomach, exposing more white-furred flesh. “Oh. Right.” Feeling around underneath her belly, near her pelvis, she noticed the fly on her jeans had forced itself undone and the brass button was nowhere to be found. “Hah! Pants? Where I’m going I don’t need pants!” She paused from her laborious, albeit very enjoyable feasting to shimmy her jeans down her legs. As she did, she noticed the ever-increasing weight in her belly; at the size it was now, her gut sagged down to her thighs and her legs were beginning to give way, demanding to be delivered from the burden of hoisting up her stomach. Madhu had to squat to continue removing her pants past her shins, and as she shook herself to get them off she suddenly lost her balance and toppled forward onto her dome of an abdomen. The tight ball smushed lightly under her weight, squeezing a small hiccup out of the tigress. “Oof. Ow. Okay. No problem, I’ll just… Hrrrng!” The tigress’s stomach felt like an anchor! Her gut simply refused to stop touching the floor, no matter how much she twisted and turned around it. “Stupid center of gravity! Ah… oh well. At least I can still reach the food.” From her position on the floor, she reached up and continued to gorge herself on burgers, fries, and sodas, feeling her stomach expand with every gulp. “Wait a minute… Oh!” She finished off the large box of jalapeńo poppers. “I don’t even need to look up!” In a deep breath, he swallowed a good amount of air and felt her stomach expand all the same. Gulping air much faster than she could the food, she quickly expanded her belly from beach ball-sized to tire-sized to person-sized and only once she had become eye level with her food once more did she bother to look down and see just how big she’d become. Her stomach alone was comparable to a yoga ball, and her newly accumulating fat layers added another good four to five inches on top. “Hehehe… oh yeah. I’m going to love this… ​Uuuurrrrp!​” With a hefty belch, she noticed her belly had deflated ever-so-slightly. “Huh? ​Bwuuuuaaaarp!​” She’d dropped from eye level with the food on her couch by a few inches! “Oh, I’ve gotta eat more! I need to keep level with it!” She dug her hands into the piles of greased up sandwiches and pop bottles with increased ferocity, trying to offset the air she was belching up with food she crammed down her gullet. “​Om nom… UUuurrap… Ohm, nom nom… Buuuuuuuuurrp….”​ She hadn’t even realized she’d finished it all when she did, only looking for more food and drinks to keep offsetting something that had also ended a while back. “Am… am I done? I’m done!” She tried to drag her utterly gigantic belly over to get more food in celebration, but only succeeded in clawing up her floor as she desperately scrambled in place. “So, you’re not going anywhere soon, Madhu… Maybe if I…” The tigress situated herself on top of the tight, mushy sphere, balancing on the boulder belly and settling it as her new bed for the night. “Oof, one day down…” She looked around at the piles and piles of pizza, soda, and desserts that remained uneaten. “...Two more to go. Whew. I’ve never been this big before.” She slapped her hand against the side of her stomach, hurting her hand against the dense mush inside. “Ow! It’s like I’m filled with wet cement or something.” She tried picking herself up against her belly, sinking her knees into it as she pulled on her already taut side skin. “Woah, it’s kinda like being on the beach, by the waves. Except I’m also the sand.” The tigress tugged on the string of her panties as she tried to turn onto her side. “I hope these survive. Oh, who am I kidding, if they don’t break then I’m doing something wrong. I just hope I wake up in time to feel them snap. Or maybe, just painfully tight against my hips… Holding back my growth… and failing…” Groggily, Madhu reached forward and held as much of her stomach as she could, feeling the tightness of the skin, the shifting slop underneath, and the slowly churning stomach moving and shifting her weight around as it worked away against the dissolving paste within. Patting it was like patting a bag of wet sand, the contents barely shifting against forceful blows, but becoming much more malleable when kneaded with slow, caressing motions. No words could come to her do describe what she felt in that moment; the size of her belly and the way it’s replete curve expanded before her eyes, the gentle rolling of her well-worked stomach muscles pulling on her body with every digestive effort, the weight of its contents shifting her innards as they passed, the pulsing of her heart slowly flowing the building blocks of her future weight throughout her entire form. In that moment, she felt elated, drowsy, and satisfied all at once, and let the weight of her experience close her eyes and lull her into a quiet, peaceful food coma. “Hmmm… oooohh… why is it so warm in here? And when did I get in bed?” Madhu woke up groggy and tired from the heat of the morning and an oddly comfortable, all-encompassing pressure. Not bothering to open her eyes, she reached over to pull off what felt like a weighted blanket. “Eep!” She jolted awake when she felt something yank her side. Right in front of her was a sideways view of the floor, her couch, and all the filthy, oil-stained food wrappers from yesterday’s debauchery. It took considerable effort to push herself up, and throughout the ordeal could feel the shockwaves reverberate throughout her body. “What’s this? I can’t see past my… boobs? Boobs! Hah! Haha! Yes! I have boobs now!” The tigress began jumping for joy, only managing to shake, roll, and toss her newfound flab about without actually leaving the ground. She continued her wild movements and she walk-waddled over to the hallway and towards the bathroom, pausing only to squeeze her hips past the door frame. The scale creaked ominously underneath her paws, and upon remembering she couldn’t look down past her new boobage blindspot, pulled a small hand mirror off the counter to try and catch her weight reading in the reflection. “One… one hundred and fifty-two!” She excitedly turned to admire herself in the mirror and quickly came face-to-face with a sight to behold. Her cheeks were wide and plump, the fat on her face riding them to and along the ridge of her muzzle. She couldn’t help but keep a beaming smile between them, inadvertently showing off her sharp, food-stained teeth. Overall, her expression was one of pure, lively, and unfettered joy, only being intensified by the delicate curves and softened ridges of her mushy, amiable face. Following her thickened neck down her body and toward her heavyset shoulders, her arms had gained an almost comical sag, swinging and flopping with even the slightest movements. Movements which, while not entirely cumbersome, required significantly more effort to execute, her largely unexercised limbs being unused to such prodigious amounts of adipose. Down the length of her fattened limbs her forearms remained largely unchanged save for a few errant pounds to remain in proportion to the rest of her body, but near the wrist and along the back of her hands the skin felt strangely tight. Holding still and focusing for a few moments, she could feel the pressure of her heartbeats crashing through and pushing against the skin, rising the fur along them ever so slightly. She happily traced a vein up the length of her forearm and watched it disappear like magic beneath the sudden blob of fat sagging from her arm and lying against her ribs. Parts of it still dangling from her shoulders, her shirt had become stretched to tatters, the remaining strips of cloth flowing loosely from the folds of her doughy back like many waving flags of surrender. Continuing down her body, her breasts seemed to be squeezed uncomfortably close by something hidden buried beneath her fatty, sloshing fun bags. Madhu reached behind her back, feeling a taut piece of fabric half hidden beneath her furry, fatty back. “Wait, my bra ​held?”​ She picked and scratched at the fabric, feeling it stretch further and further with every tug, slightly releasing the pressure she now noticed was holding her chest back. With a final ​snap,​ her squashed breasts rushed outward with newfound freedom, flinging the broken undergarment halfway across the room as they flopped and bounced against her chest in victory. The unreleased mammaries were each twice as large as the tigress’s head, her areolas stretched out to the size of her palms and each felt like they weighed as much as a ripe, juicy watermelon. Madhu hefted one, testing its weight in her hand and feeling her digits sink into them like fresh dough, eliciting a slow stream of tiger milk matting down the fur on her breast and dribbling onto the tile floor in small, satisfying splatters. She swiped her hand across the bottom of her breast, letting it flop back down and bounce against her body, sending pleasurable ripples resonating throughout herself and letting squirt a small spurt of milk into the sink and on the mirror. Riding her hands along the contours of her body, down her chest, though her trench-like underboob, and against the fur of her belly, she couldn’t help but curl her toes and press her hands into her gut. They encountered almost no resistance, and she could sink them far enough into her ample abdomen to squish and knead her fat in between her fingers, rolling and squeezing to her heart’s content. Her eyelids fluttered a little as she began kneading her belly fat in between her hands, picking up and shaking it, feeling the resistance coming from what little muscle there was underneath. It was as though she could feel how small she used to be underneath her gloriously replete form. And she ​loved​ it. Letting her belly naturally sag again, she noticed it went low enough to cover her naughtier bits. Lifting it up again, she could only catch a glimpse of her pussy tucked away behind numerous kilos of pelvic, thigh, and belly fat. Reaching it was just as hard; her bloated arms struggled to climb over her mountainous midriff. Even reaching underneath her sagging gut she could only barely touch her nethers, though her elbows kept brushing against her hips as she did. The sides of her chest folded neatly into itself as it ran along and became her side fat, creating large pockets deep enough in places to engulf a finger up to the knuckle. And this side flab folded into the grandest, deepest of trenches where it met her hips. Rounded by weight and softened by fat, her shelf-like hips gave way to the heaviest feature she’d hold in highest regard; her rump. Each cheek was as round and plump as a small beanbag chair, and just as soft. Even more so than her belly, to her surprise, as she sank her hand so deep into her bottom she could feel it utterly engulf her fingers. Further from her body, her rear cheeks formed a cliff-like overhang where they tapered off into her thighs and a self-supporting shelf onto which her sausage-thick tail could rest, following the crevice of the crack between her love cushions. Her favorite part of the two globe-like glutes were the texture, especially around the underside of each cheek where they curled up into tiny, uneven divots, eliciting the words “cottage cheese” from her mind. As an experiment, she picked up a cue-tip and slipped it in between her ass cheeks, feeling it become completely engulfed by her blimp-like tush. She did the same with a handful more ear swabs, her toothbrush, her toothpaste, and even a bar of soap, none of which were safe from the all-consuming crack of her legendary derriere. Only when she forcefully split apart her hindquarters did she hear the items clattering to the ground in a wild cacophony, exciting her to no end. Her thighs remained delightfully thick and bouncy, but were nowhere near as excitingly doughy as her breasts or butt, despite how incessantly they rubbed against her groin as she moved. Further below, her thighs seemed to encroach on her knees, covering them partially with fat as everything below them seemed to press into the rolling fold, remaining almost as thin as they were before last night’s endeavors. Her paws looked weirdly taut, her newfound weight forcefully squeezing her claws out and causing small ​click clack​s as they tapped against the floor with her shifting steps. “​Grrrrrwwwwwwll…​” Madhu felt like she’d been pulled out of a trance. She’d been admiring her body for so long, she almost neglected why it’d gotten so big. A neglect which her stomach was keen on ending. “​Gllrrrroorrp… grrrrrn.​” “Oh! I’ve still got so much food to finish!” With that, she waddled out of the restroom and back to where she’d been keeping the food, wiggling her hips through door frames where needed. “Alright… uhm… how about the pizza?” She found a stack of pizza boxes about chest high and opened the top box. Even after spending the night alone and uneaten, the pizza was still warm enough to steam and carried the wonderfully unique smell of baked cheese, dough, and meat. Pulling out her first slice, she watched with almost child-like glee at the stretching cheese, melting halfway down the line and flopping unceremoniously against her belly. Madhu lifted the dangling cheese string above her mouth and sucked it in like a noodle as she brought the slice closer and closer to her face. In only three bites, all she had left was a bit of crust. The pizza was just as wonderful as the first time she’d tried it, and within moments she was shoveling slice after slice into her maw, disposing of the crusts back in the box they came from. “Oof, that was nice… and now to finish it!” She waddled over to a plastic grocery bag she’d left on the coffee table and hefted out a five-gallon drum of nacho cheese. She pierced and cut through the lid with a claw as she made her way back to the almost-empty pizza box. Grasping a handful of pizza crusts, she dunked the bundle of bread sticks into the cheese and gulped down the now lubricated crusts one whole stick at a time. She hummed in pleasure as she felt the food settle quickly in her belly, squishing her hands into her belly fat as it gurgled enthusiastically. Throwing aside the empty box, she quickly got to work on the next pizza in the stack. Slice after slice, she dug her way through the hill of pizza at a slow but methodical pace, feeling her stomach bloat once more with greasy, cheesy, meat-speckled dough. She broke away after finishing her third pizza feeling full, but not content, and bothered by a growing thirst she’d hoped to slake with yet more soda. Picking up a bottle of root beer, she’d begun to twist away the cap as she waddled back over to her pizza pile. “Why… won’t… it… open!” Twisting as tight as she could hold the plastic stopper, her fingers were simply too greasy to get any substantial grip. Upset and thirsty, the tigress brought up the bottle up to her maw to dig into the cap with her fangs, using their curve like a crowbar to pry the small cylindrical lock off her liquid treasure. As soon as she had found a purchase, she began yanking and pulling at the cap, too enthralled with breaking open the bottle that she’d hardly noticed the other, empty bottles she’d on the floor since yesterday. The plastic beneath her foot slipped on the hardwood floor like it was made of ice, throwing Madhu off-balance and, unused to her new weight, sent her sprawling forward, shaking the floor as she landed and toppling her wall of pizza boxes into a messy, disorganized pile of oily cardboard. She lay on her belly, gagging and hacking for breath. Shockwaves rippled throughout her immense bulk, peaking in intensity around the base of her tail. She veered over her side, finally plopping on her back and causing the contents of her stomach to audibly slosh, muffled underneath her quaking layers of fat. With a moan and a huff, she looked out over her expansive middle, leveraged on her arms. “Uurp… oof. That was… kind of fun, actually. Like throwing myself on a bed. Is my tooth okay? Yep. Now…” Her sofa creaked as she used it to bring herself up. “...where’s that root beer?” Upright once more, Madhu scanned her crash site, looking for her sweet, brown prize. The trash around where she had fallen had been flattened in a faintly circular pattern, like a snow angel made of burger wrappers and paper bags. “I was holding it, wasn’t I? It couldn’t have gone far.” As she continued her search, she felt her stomach begin to act up, grumbling and gurgling more than usual. “Oh not now… don’t worry, belly, I’ll find that bottle of-” Amongst the noise of her gut, she felt a faint ​pop​ and a sudden increase in pressure from within her belly, like something was filling her from the inside! Startled, Madhu leaned against her sofa, gasping as her stomach forcibly shifted her innards around in its rapid expansion. Then, as quickly as it began, she felt her balloon of a stomach settle into place, followed by a feeling of slight queasiness. “Oof, oh… what was that?! Urg… ​Urrrrrrrrp…​” Her deep, guttural belch was interrupted as her teeth caught something forcing its way up and out of her throat. Curious, she pulled from her maw the crushed, crinkled remains of a plastic two-litre bottle. A long tear ran along the side and below a root beer label, still dripping with spittle and smelling like someone threw up a pizza into their glass of soda. “Woah! Did I just…” Madhu looked over at the sodas beside her toppled mountain of pizza with newfound inspiration. A smile crept along her face as she picked up a second bottle of pop, throwing the remains of the first over her shoulder. “That felt… weird. But in a fun way! Can I…?” She examined the bottle closely, as though the answers to her curiosity were printed somewhere on the label of this off-brand lemon-lime drink. Nibbling at the cap, she lifted her head and balanced the bottle in her gaping maw. Satisfied with its placement, she placed her hands against the bottom of the bottle and shoved the whole affair into her gullet, swallowing it in one loud, sucking gulp. The bottle bulged out her throat as it slid down her esophagus, and she could feel the insides of her chest giving way as it eventually reached her stomach, where it audibly deposited into a squishy pile of liquidy pizza-mush. Pressing on her gut, she found the bulge it made underneath her skin, feeling the roughly oblong shape of a plastic bottle being warped and crushed by a powerful stomach. Then, just like before, the bottle burst within her bulbous gut, its contents spilling forth in a cascade of dissolved gas and dissolving liquid that filled the sac with enough air to force a deep, roaring belch that shoved the plastic shell back up her throat and onto the floor in a puddle of sweet sap and sticky globs of saliva. Madhu could feel the rest of her insides shifting over themselves to make room, painlessly finding the most comfortable position before and as she belched out the remaining air to settle her stomach back into roughly where it was before, albeit approximately one bottle of soda heavier. “Oh, that’s so cool!” She wiped away the dribbles of spit from her chin and looked over her pizza pile with a reinvigorated excitement. “Oh, but I can’t have a drink without some food to go with it!” Lifting her gut with her arms, she waddled over to choose her next pizza. A decadent meat-lover’s pizza waited beneath the cardboard flap, and looking over the pie Madhu knew exactly how she would barrel through the feast that lay before her. After rolling up the pizza into a cylindrical burrito shape, Madhu dunked the whole pie in a tub of nacho cheese and slid it all down her throat. She could feel it travel down into her awaiting belly, unfurling slowly amongst the rest of what she had eaten. One by one, she swallowed whole pizzas, tossed aside the boxes, and chased her gargantuan meal with a whole soda bottle every third pie stack, pausing to let fly the plastic remains as she groped and fondled her wildly shifting and growing middle. Lost in a haze of unfettered gluttony, Madhu engorged herself without a care in the world, enjoying once again the feeling of a stomach being stretched beyond its limits. Her world, as far as she was concerned, was buried underneath the cacophony of long, breathless gulps, reverberating gurgles, sloshing innards, creaking skin, deep belches, and crumpling plastic. “Huh?” Madhu was pulled from her trance as she mindlessly opened a pizza box, reaching for a pizza that wasn’t there. Looking around the room, she stood surrounded by empty pizza boxes and burst soda bottles. Her belly growled in satisfaction, far too large to reach around and heavy enough to scrape the floor while she stood straight up. As the fog cleared from her mind, the weight of her meal became increasingly apparent. “Urg… heavy… full…” Without a second thought, Madhu collapsed onto her rear, letting her gargantuan middle rest between her legs. She tried to flop onto her back, but felt the skin on her sides tighten against her blimp of a gut and keep her upright. “What… what time is it?” Turning against her fatty chin, the tigress looked over her shoulder to face the late afternoon light shining through the window. She rubbed as far as she could reach along her middle, basking briefly in the light. “Just like yesterday,” Madhu hummed, “But now I’ve got a chest worth talking about.” Reaching down her sides, she slowly brought her breasts together and massaged the both of them, digging her fingers into them as she playfully explored herself. She let them go at the same time, feeling them pushed toward her underarms by her engorged gut. There was a soft tickle she’d felt just below her nipples as her breasts returned to their resting positions. Reaching to feel around the spot, she felt a moistness in the fur around the bottoms of her breasts. Licking her fingers, she knew immediately what it was. “Hmm! Milk!” Small drops of pearly white dripped freely from the matted, orange fur, pooling around her decadently weighted flanks. “I can’t believe how far I’ve come along! I’ve gotten so… large.” She leaned forward against her stomach, slowly splitting her legs against the weight, one heavy step at a time. “I can feel it all… the floor… the food… everything inside me.” She had begun making a small wet patch where her pussy met her own fatty flesh. “All this weight… All for me… no more little skinny miss Madhu. I’ll… ​huff​… I’ll be as big as a whale by tomorrow. Maybe even bigger. And there’s no going back.” Her hip thrusts were picking up in tempo. She caressed her stomach as far as she could reach with both hands, feeling how loose and sensitive her skin was, and gently smacked it, sending a tiny jolt of pleasure throughout her body. “I… ​huff… huff…​ I’ll be… ​huff​… big… all me… ​huff huff huff… ​I’m humping my own belly… That’s something I can do… ​huff huff huff​… now…” The tigress lifted herself as much as she could bear off her stomach, sitting upright and sliding her crotch across her own belly fur. “I can feel… ​huff huff​… my own heat… huff​… on myself… so full… so huge… So! Huge! Me! Yes! Yes! Hah! Yes!” Her toes flexed and claws extended as she reached her peak, digging into and drawing a little blood from her wildly distended middle. “Yes! Fat! Food! Ha, ha! Ha! I’m going- I’m gonna- UUUUUUUUAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRP!” ​As she came, her stomach lurched and sent the biggest, messiest belch she’d ever had roaring up her throat. Small flecks of soda-scented plastic and barely chewed remains of crusts flew from her maw, spotting some of the floor and most of her belly in front of her. All at once, her orgasm rushed through her, cascading and reverberating wherever she felt most stretched and full. Her eyes rolled back into her head from the overwhelming feelings of fullness, pleasure, and numb tautness. Slowly, her gassious release trickled down into a gentle purring and she passed out lying atop her own middle in a small pool of sweat. The alarm on Madhu’s phone had been chiming for so long, its battery died in the middle of a particularly pleasant chord. Madhu slowly awoke to the disappointment of suddenly losing her dream’s soundtrack. “Ooouuhhhgg… gimme back the music… hmm… at least the pillow’s nice…” As she scratched behind her ear with her hand, her eyes shot open. “Wait… I fell asleep in the living room again. What’s…?” Rolling over, she came face-to-breast with her own engorged tit. It reacted to her movements with the same elasticity of an overfilled water balloon, deforming as she lay her head on it but returning to an oblong sphere-like shape, prevented from becoming perfectly round by its own weight and spreading outwards where it met the floor. Her other breast sunk comfortably in the divet between where she had rested her boob-pillow and her replete middle, tugging at her chest as gravity worked its magic on her. The tigress felt a deep, reverberating rumbling quake her middle, her stomach still hard at work on the last remaining mush of food within her. As she woke up, Madhu instinctively tried to bring herself upright, but let out a startled meow with how difficult her weight made it. “Woah… huff… oh… okay… On three… one… two… three!” Her attempt to roll from her side onto her rear made limited success, as her voluminous behind was well wide enough to keep her upright, but Madhu had to catch herself on the arm of the nearby sofa to keep from simply falling to her back. Inch by inch, she pulled herself further upright against the weight of the sofa, then rolled back and forth to bring more of her backside up from under her in a way she could use to balance her weight. Sweaty and already exhausted, Madhu rested her tired arms for a moment and leaned all her weight forward, resting on a plateau of orange, black-striped belly-flesh. “Huff… huff… Haha… that was a workout. I’m not doing that again… I wanna keep this,” Madhu began as she patted her stomach. “For as long as I can…” Looking at herself, she noticed her stomach flopped outwards almost as far as she could splay her legs. Balanced on top, sinking into their own fat were her two, enormous breasts. Even reaching out as far as her arms could reach she could only just barely straddle a nipple. Her stomach groaned loudly beneath her skin, visibly rippling the surface of her belly and quaking her chest. Feeling the way the ripples shifted each breast, Madhu could sense the weight of milk against the heft of fat. Intrigued by the stangely errotic feeling, the tigress drummed her hands on each tit, feeling the momentum in her mammaries sag and tug against her chest as they bounced against her morbidly obese midriff. As the rolling pressure quaked throughout her form, she noticed the way her body shifted against her rear made her feel like she was sitting on an oversized bean-bag, and her legs seemed to reflect that notion, as even though she was sitting on nothing but her widened ass, there was still room for her to lift her legs at the knee, like she was seated on a shallow chair. Sliding her fattened arms down the sides of her belly, Madhu tried to adjust herself and instead pressed her arms against her thighs, which spread across the floor beneath her almost as far as she could reach. Curious, she ran her hands across her thighs, parted by her encroaching belly, and followed the soft, dough-like flesh up to the base of her tail, which rested entirely on her blimp-like cheeks. Curling it playfully, she tried in vain to see if she could reach even the tip of her tail to the floor beneath her. Failing that, she tried spreading her ass with her hands and reached into her cheeks, sinking her palms into the squashy fat all the way up to her wrists before having enough leverage to make an attempt. Threading her tail through the shortcut she had parted, she finally felt the fur at tip of her tail brush against the cold, faux wood floor. “Haha! Still got a great butt! But I’ll need a look in the mirror, ​just ​to make sure.” Madhu leaned against the sofa, her now go-to anchor, as she slowly but surely brought herself to her knees. Her arm shook under the effort, the pinks of her paws turning red as she held her weight up long enough to rotate her leg beneath her obscene splendor. With one knee under her, her struggle to bring the other became far less arduous. “Huff… huff… okay! Huff… progress! Now, up we go!” With a hearty shove, Madhu lifted herself up just enough to plant a footpaw flat against the floor. With a heavy grunt and buckling knee, she wrestled against her now heavily drooping figure and wrenched her other leg upright. Her legs wobbled back and forth, her knees a hair’s breadth away from caving right out from under her, and the way her gut hung low enough to completely obscure her inner thighs worked powerfully against her mobility. Yet, with an almost practiced grace Madhu found her center of balance somewhere between her sagging, gluttonous midriff and her amply doughy posterior. “Ha… ha! I’m up!” She looked out toward the hallway, catching the light from her bathroom illuminating her path toward her reflection. Although it was only a short walk from the hallway, Madhu’s heart sank as she gazed out at what might as well have been a distant mountaintop. “Huff… it’s okay… If I can stand… I can walk!” Madhu tested her strength, lifting one leg as far as she could and letting it fall back down where it was. Raising the absolute excess of fatty thigh meat was a struggle in and of itself, but as soon as her leg made contact with her low-hanging gut it was like she was trying to knee through a wall of rubber cement. Her leg simply refused to raise higher than a few centimeters, and after a few more attempts began to feel very, very sore. At once, Madhu lifted her leg and leaned as far forward as she could without toppling herself. Grunting loudly, her footpaw smacked into the floor with a heavy ​thud​ sending a wild reverberation up her thigh and into her hips, rear, and back. Her bottom visibly jiggled with the effort, and her knees shook like she had never once taken a step in her life, nearly sending Madhu toppling to her side had she not held her arms out for balance. Without a moment’s hesitation, she brought her other footpaw forward, once again reaching a standing position. She dared not look back at the progress she had made, afraid the mass of her chins and cheeks would be enough to disrupt the delicate balance she had worked so hard to achieve. Instead, without another word she lifted her other leg and took another step forward, keeping her balance as she brought herself back to a standing position. ​Thud ​after ​thud​, breath after breath, jiggle after weighty jiggle Madhu slowly but surely closed the gap between herself and the hallway. Minutes passed, but the tigress eventually reached the hall’s entryway, leaning against the wall and beaming with the sweat-soaked, slightly pained smile of someone who had just finished a marathon. “Ha… huff… yes… huff… I… huff… I made it! Huff, I… I did it! Huff… whoo… okay! Just need... Just gotta… reach the bathroom… but I’ve got walls to lean on now!” Following the wall, the tigress proudly aligned herself with the hallway and took a step, feeling a force squeeze on her hips as she did. Trying to bring herself forward, her pelvis budged forward slightly, but the leg she took her step with scraped against the tile floor as she tried to bring herself to it. “Hmm? What?” Looking at her sides, her hips had become lodged in the narrow walls of the hallway. Try as she might, she didn’t have the strength to pull herself forward along the hall, and going back meant taking a fall and undoing the minutes of headway she had achieved. “Oh. Maybe… Maybe my butt was too good?” Reaching to her sides, Madhu had begun trying to pull herself out of the hallway when, suddenly, the doorbell rang. “Just a minute!” “Madhu? It’s me, Roxy. I waited to open your gift, like you said.” “You did!? What’d you think?” “I… well, I’m flattered, and I think we should talk about it inside.” Madhu turned to face the door, fighting against her supple, restrictive neck fat. “Alright! I’ll be just a minute. I’m… looking for something.” “Alright, Madhu. Just tell me when.” Roxy stood outside in the hall, leaning her back against the wall and facing the door. She’d dressed up in her Monday finest: A black leather jacket with matching boots, a short-cut and faded metal concert tee, and a surprisingly modest knee-length plaid skirt with fishnet stockings. The doe held a small, pink gift bag close to her chest as she waited; the same bag Madhu had left in her van before they hauled the pizzas up just two days prior. Outside, a minute passed. Then two. Roxy, worried, knocked on the door. “You, uh, sure you’re okay in there?” “Yep! Just need… to turn… clockwise…” “Clockwise? Madhu, what’re you doing in there?” “Oh, nothing! I’ll be there soon! I’m fine!” “You don’t sound fine. I’m gonna try the door, Madhu. I know where you hide the key.” “What!? Hrrnng! No, Roxy, not-!” “Alright, what’s the big-- oh my god, Madhu!” Opening the door, Roxy saw the pinnacle of gluttony her friend had become and how badly she had been wedged into the hallway. “Madhu! You’re… you’re…” Madhu’s face instantly went from stunned embarrassment to joyous smile. “Surprise!” “What… how did you…” Roxy stuttered as she slowly approached her. “Sorry, I was really hoping you’d wait for me. I had this big thing planned where I would open the door all cool and give you some more flowers from that vase next to the door but I wanted to read my weight so badly I couldn’t wait and now--” “I… I figured you were doing something from the note you gave me. But this? I never thought you’d actually--” Roxy tried her best to hide her expression as she reached her. “And you did this all for...?” “Of course!” “That’s… wow… “ “Can you help me out, now?” “Huh? Yeah, sure! Where should I--” “Anywhere’s fine. Just grab and pull!” Roxy obliged wordlessly, wrapping her arms as far around her waist as she could, coyly burying her face into her back fat. With a few helping kicks from Madhu, the tigress felt the pressure on her hips loosen and collapsed backward, shaking the walls of her apartment. “Thanks, Roxy! Roxy? Oh!” Madhu, as quickly as she could, rolled over onto her belly. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Roxy lay on her back, staring at the ceiling with a dazed, yet content expression. “I’m… yeah. I’m okay. Fine.” Tilting her head toward Madhu, she saw her out of the corner of her eye reaching for the sofa, trying to pull herself back up to her knees. “You mentioned a scale?” “Huff… yeah… It’s in… ​hnnnng… ​in the bathroom.” “Just wait out here.” Madhu watched with something akin to envy as Roxy easily picked herself up and made her way into the restroom without pausing for a breather. By the time she came back, she had finally regained her composure and stood as straight as she could while the scale was placed at her feet, feeling Roxy brush against the underside of her paunch as she did. “Alright. Just step on it. You want me to write down what it says?” “Please!” Madhu eagerly stomped one footpaw onto the scale, then the other, and waited with a yearning smile for Roxy to give her a number. “Ooh! I can’t wait! What’s it say?” “Uhh… I don’t…” “What’s wrong?” “You’re casting a shadow on the screen. I can’t read it.” “But… it’s backlit, isn’t it? There should be a blue light on the screen?” Madhu felt a creak and a delayed snap in the machine beneath her. “Oh! The light just came on!” “What’s it say?” “I don’t know? It’s just kinda screaming an error code at me. Unless you actually are two twenty-two? Wait, no, ​now​ it reads ‘Error.’” “Two-​hundred!?​” “Three twos, all in a row, yep. Oh, the light went out. And the screen cracked.” Roxy chuckled out loud, patting the hanging belly beside her as she stood back up. “Two-hundred twenty-two, girl. Not bad.” “Oh, I’m not done yet!” She exclaimed nonchalantly. Roxy looked at her with a straight face, her tone of voice the only betrayal to her hidden astonishment. “What?” “Yeah! I’ve got snacks in the fridge, and my dessert should be here soon. Oh! Could you do me a favor and get the stuff from the kitchen?” The doe looked at her like she’d just told the greatest bad joke she’d ever heard. Roxy stood there, transfixed by her portly, expansive curves with a thousand-yard stare and expectant smile. “Roxy? Hello?” “Huh? Right, yeah! Food. On it.” “Yay! I’m gonna sit back down now. My legs are killing me!” Slowly stepping off the scale, Madhu looked back toward the sofa. After a few drawn-out steps, Madhu slowly wheeled herself around to hang her rear just above the middle cushion. Roxy looked back as well, tentatively watching as her friend confidently fell backwards onto her grease-stained loveseat. It warped and flexed ominously under her weight, bouncing in rhythm with her own bodily percussion; Madhu’s rolls of fat audibly spanked against themselves as she slowly came to a standstill over what felt to the both of them like a solid minute. Following a displeased ​glorp​ from within, she belched deeply in her hand, missing how red she’d made Roxy blush before she hid her face in the kitchen. “Ooof… Excuse me!” “You… you’re excused.” “So! What’d you think of the letter!” “It was… certainly thoughtful. I liked how flowery--” “Ha! Flowery!” “...How flowery your language was. I never knew you as someone who felt so… I dunno, strongly.” “What’ya mean?” “I know we’re, like, best friends and all, but I figured you’d go after some big, soft guy you could snuggle with all cutesy-like. Like, I never thought I was your type or anything.” “Oh, I’ve had plenty of boyfriends! But I’ve only got one best friend!” “That’s… one way of looking at it. But, geez, you went through all this trouble to surprise me like this…” Roxy exited the kitchen with an armful of ice cream tubs. “All because you learned we were both into the same thing.” “Well, I probably would’ve done it anyway. But I wanted you to be here with me! It’s like a gift for both of us!” Madhu took the first pint from her friend and tore off the lid with a bloated, meaty paw. Disregarding the spoon she was trying to hand her, she began to lick at the frozen treat straight out of the carton, slurping as much as she could at once with her long, sandpapery tongue. She watched her intently, the way Madhu made chunk after chunk of the light-brown half-liquid fly effortlessly into her maw, pausing only to lick missed dribbles from her nose and chops. The way her chins wobbled and rolled with each thrust of her neck into the cardboard tub, how her whiskers pulled in closer to her face as she barreled in and widened out when she retreated for a breath, her eyes darting from her face to the food to her hands to nothing in particular, something about her freshly oversized friend’s ravenous demeanor kept her hanging off of every detail. She felt like she was watching something she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t bring herself to look away, no matter how hard it made her blush. She thought about how easy it would be to join her, reach her level of gluttony. She’d only ever watched, usually behind a computer monitor. But witnessing such gluttony first hand made her heart race and her hands tremble. “Roxy? Roxy, what’s up?” Madhu had stopped to look at her friend for only a brief moment before returning to the task at hand, though she kept a feline ear perked towards her, eager for a response. “Oh… uh…” Roxy laid her hand on her own stomach, gently tugging at her fur between her fingers. “You wouldn’t mind if I have a few bites too, right? I skipped breakfast to meet you here.” Without pulling her maw from the tub, Madhu nodded and hummed her permission. Setting the rest of the ice cream on the wrapper-and-cardboard-box covered floor, Roxy opened up a carton of plain vanilla and shoveled herself a bite with the spoon Madhu had rejected. “Hmm…” She hummed in delight. “This is really sweet. Good brand. What flavor do you have?” Madhu tossed an empty tub to her side. “​Urrp​… I dunno. It was good though! I think some kinda chocolate. Pass me another, please?” Roxy, being the only one in the room able to do so, reached down to grab her the next pint. Madhu caught and quickly began tearing into it as she returned to her own setup. It was cool to the tongue but half melted, which only made it taste all the sweeter while she continued spooning it. Watching her friend eat, she honed herself back in to the details. She noticed Madhu wincing every once in a while when she broke the surface of her ice cream swim for air. If she were getting brain freezes from eating too quickly, she was either very good at hiding her discomfort or her pudgy face made spotting it harder. Like a wild tiger, she bit right through the dessert, licking her fangs as she did. They were as clean as could be, given the circumstances. Like she had been brushing them with her tongue in between meals. Although, now that she was getting a more frequent looksee, she began to notice bits and pieces of meals past were still somewhere in between the pearly whites. She could’ve sworn she saw a small hunk of lettuce on the inside of her bottom row. Or maybe it was just the light refracting off a strand of saliva. She so very much wanted to get a closer look… Scrrp​. Roxy looked down into the pint she was eating. Or rather, had finished eating. She hadn’t even felt like she was full until she noticed. Madhu had also finished, letting the cardboard refuse roll down her distended middle onto the floor. “​Hurrrp!​ Oh, yeah, mint chocolate chip’s the best.” “Oh, is it? There’s another one of those down here.” Madhu gasped with joy. “Give it here!” Roxy reached down to grab the next pint, but looked up at the way the butterball next to her beamed with excitement, her arms outstretched in such a way she could see the fat draped around her musculature, like the same tigress she’d driven home two days prior was buried beneath a strange outfit of adipose. Following up her arms with her eyes, the tigress looked back into her with a face of pleasant desire. Just like the look she’d given her when she’d asked her for the order of two-hundred pizzas, down to the pleading puppy-dog eyes and affectionate smile. “Uh… sure. But, Madhu?” “Uh huh?” “I was thinking, your arms must be getting tired, right?” Madhu raised her arms, watching the rolls of flab flap against the sides of her chest as she did. “Kind of. Why?” “Maybe I should, I dunno, feed it to you?” Roxy stood up from her seat, lifting the pint in question to her chest. “So you can rest your arms for… other stuff?” “Sure! Just hold it in front of me!” With that, Roxy pulled the lid off the tub and brought it closer to her face, leaning into Madhu’s midsection to reach her. She felt every enthusiastic lick and munch as she made as she devoured her fill travel through the cardboard and into her wrists. A satisfied rumble echoed from the tigress’s stomach, causing Roxy to blush as she felt it reverberate into her leg. Her middle felt to her as though she were leaning into a waist-high marshmallow wrapped snugly in a layer of carpeting. Feigning an off-kilter fall, she pushed her hand into Madhu’s belly for balance and watched closely as it depressed quickly to her touch. She rolled her fingers through it for a moment, gathering every detail of the pockets of fat beneath and how they squished between her fingers like rolls of dough, before pushing off and returning to holding the tub steady. Strangely, though, she couldn’t feel the scrape of her tongue against the inside of the pint. “Did you like how it felt?” “Uh, how did what feel?” Roxy tried to keep the pint between her face and Madhu’s as she turned to look at something else. “Roxy,” she began as she gingerly pushed the carton aside. “I felt that, you know. You don’t have to be shy! Who else but me do you think I did this for?” The doe slowly made eye contact with her warmly smiling companion. “You really don’t mind?” “It’s okay if you wanna feel me. It’s nice, actually!” Roxy looked back and forth between her face and her stomach, biting her lip to keep from blushing. She passed the tub to her and slowly lowered her hands toward the resplendent mass, pausing to look back up to her. “Go ahead!” She said with her usual amiable smile. “Thanks, Madhu.” The doe placed her hands flat against her friend’s belly, barely able to contain her smile. She rolled her fingers through it, as before, taking extra care to squeeze the flab and fur between her fingers. Her hands followed the curve of her paunch downwards, combing her fur like a felt pillow as she reached down toward the crevasse where her belly hung out over the sofa cushions. Slowly, she pulled it upwards, barely able to lift more than what she held in her hands, and let it drop with a loud ​plap​ against the upholstery. Massaging her hands back up and around her, she slowly embraced her fattened friend, feeling the quake she had made echo throughout the wide load as she lay her head into the encompassing horizon of cream-white belly fur. Roxy closed her eyes and gingerly nuzzled her ear against the cacophonous blob of fat before her. The sheer amount of sponge-like, bubbly fat between her awaiting ear and Madhu’s ravenous innards muted most of the smaller, squelchier noises her gut produced. And yet, Roxy sighed in ecstasy as she was instead now witness to only the deepest, bassiest gurgles and most belly-quaking glorps the well-trained gut could muster. Madhu concluded her intestinal soundtrack with a wet, gassy belch, the likes of which nearly sent Roxy swooning into the pile of food waste and wax paper beneath her. “Oh, was that a bit much? Sorry!” Madhu called down beyond the horizon of her gut. “Don’t be, don’t be.” Roxy sighed back up. Madhu forced up another, quieter belch into her hand as she threw aside her finished carton. “​Urrap​, ooh.” “Schön, Madhu.” The two quickly turned to face the new voice. In the open doorway stood a tall, lanky wolf wearing a green, paint-stained hoodie. “Almost as loud as two nights ago,” He said through a thick german accent. “Heya, Seth! Roxy, have you met Seth yet?” Madhu turned to look at her friend, barely glimpsing her as she ran red-faced into the hallway. “Sorry, I think this is a bad time for her.” “No worries! You are busy, I think, ja? I can be back later.” “What do you want and how much did you see?” Roxy shouted out from the bedroom. “Oh, a delivery is here. He brought it to my place instead, but the address is Madhu’s. Big package, needed a cart.” “Big package?” Madhu gasped excitedly. “That must be dessert! Seth, could you bring it here, please?” “Sure, sure, for you, ja. I’ll be back!” With that, he left the open doorway and turned the corner into the hall just as Roxy peaked out of the hallway. “Who was that guy and how the hell did he get in?” “That’s Seth! He paints stuff next door. I modeled for him, once, remember?” “Okay, but how’d he get in?” “Oh, you never closed the door. I thought I should bring it up but you looked so happy, I didn’t want to interrupt.” Roxy’s blush only intensified, but she hid it as well as she could as she approached. “Did he know about...” she paused to make a wide gesture toward Madhu. “... this? He seemed very casual about it.” “Of course! He helped me get ahold of the place that made my dessert!” “If he’s getting your dessert, then what was all the ice cream for?” Madhu shrugged as best she could under her own weight. “I needed breakfast.” Roxy looked at her with an almost excited confusion, still blushing as the wolf returned, wheeling in white, lace-patterned cardboard box the size of a refrigerator. Madhu squealed in glee as she saw the label. “Aaah! Yes! That’s it! That’s dessert!” She reached out for it, restlessly bouncing in place while he stopped the cart in the middle of the room. “Thank you so much, Seth! Come here!” Arms still outstretched, she called toward the wolf with an ecstatic look. He wiped his brow and approached her, returning a smile. With a sudden burst of speed only a cat could muster, she embraced him in a sudden vice-like hug, forcing a yelp of surprise out of her neighbor. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Despite the unexpected squeeze, he hardly struggled as she forcibly sunk him into her pillow-like body, only wriggling to face her. “Bitte, Madhu! Autche... you’re welcome!” He gasped for air as she let him go, the both of them still smiling when she did. Roxy leered quietly at him as he readjusted his hoodie and pulled out his phone. Holding it up, he took a step back and looked through the camera app toward Madhu. “... nein… nicht genug platz...” He flipped it into landscape mode as Roxy turned confusedly toward her friend, who she saw was smiling proudly for the photo. After taking her photo with a satisfying ​click​, he put his phone away and waved to Madhu as he left. “Show it to me when you’re finished, okay!” Madhu happily waved back. “Ja voll. Viel spaß euch beiden! Have fun!” “Bye!” Madhu continued to wave as he left the apartment, closing the door behind him. She turned to Roxy, who watched the door with a quiet glare. “Isn’t he nice?” “Uh huh. What was with the picture?” Roxy crossed her arms, trying to distract from the redness in her face. “Oh, he said he needed a plus-sized model for a project. When we talked about dessert, he said all he wanted in return was a reference photo.” “​Just​ a reference photo?” “...Roxy? Are you jealous I gave him a hug?” “What? No!” Madhu giggled enthusiastically, quaking her chest and everything on it. “You so are!” “I said I wasn’t!” Roxy turned away from her, blushing. “It’s okay, Roxy! C’mon, here! I’ll hug you, too!” The doe looked back, tracing Madhu’s arms with her eyes, following the curves of her body through her shoulders into her chest. “It’ll be even better than his!” Her face beamed with an inviting warmth, as was her speciality. Roxy stopped blushing long enough to turn to face her, looking into her eyes as she began to slowly walk toward her seated figure. Once her knee brushed against her midriff, Madhu quickly leaned forward to snap her arms around her in a massive bear hug, dragging her back onto her belly as she sunk back into her seat, still grasping the doe tightly. Roxy was immediately thrown off balance as the tigress pulled her down with all her weight, forcing her off her feet as she fell face-first into her chest. Her body curving against her belly, she could feel everything sinking into Madhu, from her own chest and arms pinned to her side, laying almost horizontally against the curve of her gut, to her hips catching the basey grumbling of Madhu’s busy stomach, to her head caught between the warm, sloshing bags of milk and chest fat, swaying with every movement either of them made. Her ears were held tight between her breasts as she slowly engulfed Roxy’s head between the two behemoths, pulling them together with her elbows. As Roxy’s world went silent to the outside, her vision going dark beneath orange fur, she began to hear more noises from within. What started as an occasional thump became more and more frequent, slowly growing louder with each beat. Even buried beneath all that weight, Roxy could hear her heart, pounding and pulsing with fervor. At once, her blush faded, her mind going limp under the overwhelming comfort of being so close, so surrounded by someone as affectionate and caring as Madhu. When she let go of her hug, Roxy felt like a light switch had been flipped. Madhu helped get her head out of her cleavage, and she looked up into her eyes like she’d been pulled out of a deep sleep. “Well, how was that?” Roxy said nothing, simply grinning gently and looking into her eyes. “It was better than the hug I gave Seth, right?” “Sure, Madhu. Sure.” Roxy slowly slid back down Madhu’s gut until her boot heels touched the floor, then she pushed off the wall of fat, causing Madhu to shake like a mold of jelly. “You, uh, said that was dessert?” She pointed toward the box. “Yep! Help me up, please? I wanna see it up close!” Using Roxy for leverage, Madhu laboriously rose back to her feet and slowly waddled toward the box as the doe looked around for a good way to open it. “It’s big. What’s in it?” Roxy pulled a plastic serving knife taped to the side of the box. “Huff… you’ll see! It’s a surprise!” With that, Roxy cut through some tape on the box and pulled down one of the sides. Unfolding ceremoniously, the box revealed its treasure; a ginormous chocolate cake, coated in white icing and elaborately decorated with an assortment of different colored frostings and shaped fruit toppings. Consisting of ten layers, each with its own dedicated colored decorations, the cake was held in place with a series of miniature cardboard scaffolds that fell away with the walls of the box. All the way at the top were two small figurines, both brides, holding each other’s hands. “I… Is that… Madhu, did you…?” Roxy looked at the figurines in excited shock, then back to her friend. “Roxy… huff… will you… huff… will you-” “Woah, Madhu. I mean… That’s very… but… me? You’re, haha, you’re kinda putting me on the spot, here.” The doe put aside the plastic blade and walked closer to Madhu, smiling awkwardly. “There’s nobody else here, though. And it’d make me really glad if you did!” Madhu looked into Roxy’s quickly warming gaze. “I’m… I…” Roxy took Madhu’s hand, looking back at the cake, then into the tigress’s cheerful eyes. “... I can’t think of anything that would make me happier.” The doe wrapped herself around her flabby arm, embracing Madhu in a tight, amorous hug and aggressively nuzzling against her limb. She barely noticed when Madhu fell underneath her weight, toppled onto her rear by Roxy’s incessant snuggling. “I will, Madhu! Yes!” “Great!” Madhu let her cuddle her arm for a few minutes. “Are you gonna get it then?” Roxy looked up at her, smiling. “Get what?” “The things at the top, there!” Madhu pointed up toward the figures. “I can’t reach that high.” “Oh, sure.” Using the cake knife, Roxy reached up and scraped the figurines off the top layer. “What’d you need these for?” Madhu took the figurines from her and, in one large chomp, ate one of the brides, taking some of the other’s arms with it. “Mmmm, white chocolate. They put these things on every cake this size, so I figured I’d get the edible ones! And the brides are the largest ‘cause they’ve got wide dresses!” She held out the remaining, partially devoured figure and pressed it back into Roxy’s hand. “Here, since you were so happy to get them for me!” “Wait, they put these on ​every ​cake?” “Mhm!” Madhu nodded, licking the crumbs from her face. “So you… weren’t asking me to…” Roxy trailed off, looking at the armless bride figurine in her hand. “Asking you to what?” Madhu said as she sucked flakes of chocolate from her fingers. The doe sighed, smiling and laughing embarrassedly. “Are you alright? Did I miss something?” “No, it’s nothing.” She chewed the head off of the figurine. “I can bring it up later.” “Okay! Hey, when you’re finished with that, do you think you can do me a favor?” “What is it?” Roxy spoke around the final piece of the chocolate figurine. “Can you help feed me dessert? I don’t think I can stand up long enough to finish it all on my own.” “Yeah, sure.” Roxy looked up and around the cake, twirling the cake knife in her hand. “So, uh, how do you wanna start this?” “Can you pull that top layer off in one piece?” She tested it by wedging the knife in between it and the wider layer below. “Yeah, I think I can.” Holding the other end still with her hand, she wedged the layer up and off the cake. It was as long as the knife was, and roughly as wide as a dinner plate. On its own, this smallest top layer could’ve been passed off as the entire desert for a small dinner party. Carrying it in her arms, she brought the affair to Madhu and, seeing nowhere else to put it, set it on her belly like she would on a table. With a long-since abandoned sense of decency, Madhu began to ravenously claw away fistfulls from the cake and shovel them into her waiting jaws, munching and chewing loudly as she did. Roxy looked at her, then back at the cake. It certainly looked enjoyable, she thought. Cutting herself a slice from the next layer down, one decorated with a lattice of green-colored frosting, representing an assortment of vines on which the carved pineapple “flowers” were set, she bit into the cake and tried her best to savor it. While the frosting was typically unremarkable, she found the cake itself to be surprisingly moist and rich. She felt like she was doing something terrible as she bit into it, like no cake meant for her was to ever be this deliciously decadent. With her next bite, she tried to incorporate a bit of fruit. The pineapple seemed like an odd pairing choice for chocolate, but her tongue was telling her otherwise. When she finished her slice, she’d noticed she felt full in the strangest way, as though her stomach would gum up and jam if she’d tried for another. She lay a hand on her own belly, soothing it with a few deep rubs. Behind her, Madhu belched deeply into her hand, licking it clean of icing before turning expectantly toward Roxy. “Already, huh?” “Uuurp… yeah. It’s thick, though. Can you get some drinks? There should be some… brrraap​- oof, some milk in the fridge.” “Alright.” Roxy ducked into the kitchen, trying to ignore her full sluggishness as she opened the fridge. Inside, tucked away behind the remaining ice cream tubs were several gallons of whole milk labeled with sticky notes, all of which read “for dessert.” Grabbing two in each arm, she was about to return to Madhu when she noticed the cupboard beside the fridge was slightly ajar. Inside, stacked plastic cups and ceramic mugs caught the glint of the ceiling light. She thought about getting one for herself, but as she looked out toward the wrapper-carpeted living room, the bulky, fat-assed tigress humming delightedly just out of view, she felt a pang of emotion in her chest. As though something finally clicked through the hungry, sluggish fog that had been draped over her since the morning. She couldn’t say with certainty what it was that sparked in her mind, but as she left she unceremoniously kicked the cupboard closed. “This stuff, right? Or was there another dessert?” “Yep, that’s it! Hand me one, please?” She set down three of the four gallons and handed one to her, watching her quickly tear the cap away and greedily suck down half the gallon like she’d just survived a two-day drought. As she was about to ask for something more, Roxy had already placed an extra large slice of cake from the next layer down on her gut. She only gave her friend a brief “thank you” smile before returning to devouring whatever was set before her. As more and more of their dessert disappeared down her vacuous maw, Roxy took a seat on the already thoroughly worn sofa with a slice and a gallon all to herself. Steeling her wits, she closed her eyes and tried to finish her slice as quickly as possible. Bite after bite, she consumed as much as she could handle at once, then before her sensibilities could return to her, she finished the slice and immediately began to chug from the gallon. It felt cold to the touch, and the milk was even colder, teetering her on the verge of a brain freeze. Madhu paused from her own self engorging to watch and even cheer her on. “Yeah, now you’re getting it! You can finish it, Roxy, you’re so close!” Without opening her eyes, she kept swallowing and sucking on the carton, submitting conscious effort toward trying not to come to any realizations about the absurdity of what she was doing. She could feel her stomach stretching and shifting as she pumped more and more cream down her throat. It felt like she was filling a water balloon inside her body, down to the ominous creaks and thinning. With the final gulp swirling through her mouth and down her throat, she collapsed backwards into the upholstery, repeating a noise somewhere between a gasp for air and a yelp of pain. Looking down, her middle was visibly distended, curving outwards against her white belly fur. She took off her jacket, feeling the need to free herself of anything that felt constraining. “See! I knew you had it in you!” “Ow… ow… how do I get it to stop feeling so… tight?” Roxy asked between deep breaths. “I dunno. I just kinda burped really loudly and it stopped hurting. Actually, come here!” She quickly shoveled the rest of her cake into her maw and brushed aside the crumbs, patting where her dessert used to be. “I’ll try and make it feel better!” Without a second word, the doe lumbered toward her, pausing occasionally to groan and hold her stomach. Roxy sat legs splayed on her belly, leaning back slightly with her arms as leverage. Face to skirt, Madhu reached up as far as she could and began digging her engorged, sausage-like fingers into her midriff. Kneading and rolling, she elicited several yelps and hiccups from her massage. “Do you even know-- ​hic​-- What you’re doing?” “Kinda. Just try relaxing. Stop trying to keep it all tight.” “I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s-- ohh, awwh! Huh?” With a sharp, residual ​glorp​ from within, something visibly shifted beneath Roxy’s fur, causing her middle to balloon outward. Stopping just shy of jutting over her skirt, her stomach felt weirdly pliable, like the seams forcing her insides into place were gone, and were free to move and reshape as they pleased. She couldn’t help but moan at the sudden, intense relief of pain in her gut. Madhu looked up at her as excitedly as a puppy. “I did it!” “Uunhh… did what?” “I don’t know! But we’ve got cake! Go get some! And for me, too!” Taking her cue, Roxy sprung off her middle and returned to the significant amount of cake left. Using her hand, she cut the next layer of cake in half, hauling one to Madhu and keeping the other. Seated back on the sofa, she kept the cake in her lap. Even halved, the slice was wide enough to droop soggily over her outer thighs. She saw the tigress out of the corner of her eye as she was looking for a way to begin digging into her piece, who held it lengthwise toward her face, slowly dragging it closer as she ravaged it down her gullet. She began to eat hers in a similar fashion, watching Madhu closely as she did. Although she constantly wobbled like a freshly-spanked gelatin mold while she ate, her belly never seemed to completely return to its original position. After every bite, it wobbled a bit further than before, covering a few extra centimeters of wax paper and tile floor. Deeply inspired, she looked down at her own stomach as she ate, taking a mental note of how far it hung. Watching Madhu, she cleared her mind and ate without regard for feelings like fullness or pacing, pausing to sweep away to crumbs from her skirt. Around her fourth pause, as she was nearly a third of the way done with her slice, she felt a small tickling near the bottom edge of her belly, where it curved in toward her pelvis. Caressing her stomach, she could feel the fur on her gut brush against the fabric of her skirt. Focusing her attention on herself, she continued to eat until she could feel belly skin touch her skirt, then until she could feel the weight of her distended midriff on her thighs, then she only had a handful of bites left of her piece. By the time she finished, her gut bulged nearly two feet out, as round and taut as the stuffers she’d watched online. Only here it was, happening to her. She could feel her pulse running through her drum-tight gut, causing minute but feelable quivers. She pressed a thumb into it as she tried to further soothe her active stomach, feeling the fur give way and the belly have no give. She was drawn out of her trance by a deep, wall-shaking growl. Madhu had spilled her milk trying to bring it to her mouth, her arm finally impeded by enough blubber that she could no longer bring the lip of the carton to her tongue. “Oh… Roxy! Help!” “Yeah?” “I… huff… Can you feed me the rest?” “What’s wrong?” “I can’t… huff… my arms are really sore. I can’t bend them all the way anymore!” “Sure,” Roxy sighed contentedly. “I was pushing myself too far, anyway.” Working against her now bulbous gut, she got up from her seat and readied another helping. Within the minute, she set the cut slice onto Madhu. “You want me to feed you myself or should I just, like, push it in?” “The second one, please!” Wheeling around her, she lined herself up with Madhu’s hungry jaws and watched as she recklessly devoured everything she’d pushed toward her. With every bite, her cheeks and chin shook corpulently, and with every gulp they’d wobble a little bit heavier. As the cake immediately in front of her vanished down her gullet, Roxy moved the piece forward enough to replace what went missing, keeping a steady rhythm with one another while, bite by bite, a slice of cake the size of a large dog slowly passed into the tigress. Halfway down, Roxy had begun noticing the curve of her gelatinous friend’s bench-like gut she’d been using to leverage the cake toward Madhu’s maw become slightly more shallow. At her signal, Roxy reached around Madhu’s hips for the other milk gallon. The tigress watched enthusiastically as she unscrewed the cap to her next gallon of milk before bringing it toward her lips. As soon as she could feel her bite down, she upturned the gallon and let it all drain down her gullet. Without another word, she returned to the cake to fetch another slice as Madhu licked at the crumbs stuck in her fur. She lay the slice on her belly like before, but paused as she felt a gurgle come from within herself. Despite how much she herself had stuffed into her gut, there was a distant feeling of hunger that quietly arose, tickling the back of her mind and her stomach. Madhu was busy enjoying the thralls of gluttony, feasting on whatever was in front of her and not focusing on anything else. As she ate, Roxy quickly snatched a handful and chewed it down as she kept the slice from collapsing onto her friend’s face. The both of them satisfied, she slipped back into the kitchen to grab some more milk. As she pulled out another few gallons, the hungry itch returned, one that she quickly scratched with a few glugs of the cold white stuff. Her belly rumbled softly, content with its top off, as she left to dump yet another few throatfuls of cream into the cat. With an almost practiced regularity, she’d repeated the process of feeding and sneaking bites, developing a quiet, content relief within the regularity, despite her omnipresent hunger and increasing pressure against her clothing. Madhu was clearly happy, and while she herself didn’t want to reach that kind of succulence, the fact that she was involved filled her with a warm, errotic satisfaction, like she was finally realizing herself. As she hip-checked the fridge shut for the third time, she felt something strange around her thigh. Feeling the spot, she’d felt nothing odd but her own fur. Halfway back to Madhu, she’d made the connection and felt around for the fur again. She pulled up her skirt to look at her inner thigh, seeing a bulge of flabby meat squeezing through a hole torn in her stocking. A surge of excitement shot through her and, after a brief glance at the last three layers of cake, she returned to Madhu. The cat had fattened up significantly. Her footpaws had begun sinking into her calves, which themselves had sunk into her thighs. Her rear expanded against the floor far enough that her rear took up as much space as half the couch, her hips especially settling into the flab, curving inwards where they met her rear to the point they were being used to hold onto whole gallons of milk she’d wanted to save for later. Her tail had become as wide and flabby as a fit person’s thigh, squished between the crease in her ass cheeks and the folds in her back fat. The love handles running around her sides and back were deep enough to fit an arm up past the wrist, nearly to the elbow, and were flanked on both sides by her heavy, perpetually leaking breasts, each one large enough to fit a whole person underneath. Her arms had been forced into an almost horizontal position by the sheer quantity of fat, acting like adiposal training weights that kept her from doing much but making gestures. She generally kept them either at her side or resting on her floor-engulfing gut, which had become large enough that someone could conceivably lay down on her like a noisy, sweaty, gelatinous mattress. Between her belly, boobs, and back, her head sat sunken amongst them like the bottom of a shallow funnel made of tiger fur. Although her eyes were squished by her cheeks, her chin expanded far enough that she could follow its curve along her peripheral vision, and her breathing was harsh and labored, she still exuded a warm, friendly expression, as though she were welcoming anyone who saw her to enjoy a pleasant conversation. “Huff… you look… huff… happy.” Roxy placed the milk beside the remaining cake. “I’m just… can we take a break? This stuff won’t spoil soon.” Madhu sighed disappointedly, but looked back with her usual smile. “Okay… huff… I think… we could take my weight again… huff…” Her legs began to wiggle, kicking softly into the air. “Help me up?” She spoke with a smug, self-aware grin. Roxy leaned into her belly, testing it with her hands as she found a spot to sit on. “You’re beyond the scale, Madhu.” “No, no I’m not. Huff… It’s somewhere under this.” Madhu reached forward and patted her gut, rippling like a pond as she moved. She chuckled as much as she could with Roxy. “...Really?” “Maybe. There’s… ​urrp​… something under there.” Roxy just leaned further into her, laying belly-up on the cat’s stomach with her head resting on her rolling chins. She stayed silent for a few minutes, enjoying the moment with her while they happily digested their meals. “This… this is nice.” She splayed out across Madhu, her hands sinking into the fold between her breasts and belly as her heels tapped against the floor. She felt the strain her thighs were making on her stockings release slightly as they tore a larger hole into the undergarments. A particularly lurching ​glorp​ from deep within Madhu sent a shockwave through her and into Roxy, joining her own intestinal cacophony as she lay in rest. “Thanks for bringing me here, Madhu.” “Of course! Anything for a friend!” She settled into her own blubber, sinking comfortably into herself as she sighed deeply. “​Yaaawwwn​… I loved having you here!” Roxy stretched her legs, pushing herself further up Madhu and forcing open yet more holes into her fishnet stockings. She reached between her legs, adjusting her increasingly ill-fitting underwear until she felt comfortable enough to splay a bit further across the cat’s gut. Feeling her hips tighten just a little bit more around her panties with every deep gurgle, her chest squish a little bit tighter behind her bra, her figure about to be as large as she’d like with no limits on how far she could go; she’d imagined what it’d be like to be Madhu, so large she couldn’t even stand, how calming it’d be to let go and sink into herself like she would any bed. The room began to feel a little bit hotter for numerous reasons, and as Roxy lay there basking in the glow of a full belly she felt more and more inclined to adjust her underwear. Her own self-consciousness caught up with her, however, and she paused. “Madhu, you know, I was thinking about when I thought you were asking me to… you know. And, well, while I may have been a bit hasty in how I reacted, I hope you understand I did it because I truly do feel like there’s… Madhu?” “​Snnnrrrrrk…. Snnnnnnnk…​” The tigress snored happily, drooling a bit of chocolate flavored spittle down the sides of her chin. Roxy looked at her, then out at the mid-afternoon sky through the window. She began sliding off of the tigress, carrying her own weight in her arms as she crossed them, upset. “You know what, I really should be going. I think I’ll need to stop by the gym later tomorrow anyway.” As she stood up, however, she caught a glimpse of the tigress reaching her arms out, eyes still closed as she stirred comfortably into her bed-sized body. “Nuuuhhh… Please…?” The doe looked back. The tigress, even as corpulent as she way, and even with a groggy, barely-conscious amount of effort, she still exhuded a warmth and kindness that Roxy felt pluck at the very deepest layers of her conscience. Roxy slowly lay back down, letting Madhu pull her close. She was pressed into the cat’s stomach, the weight of her arms keeping her still as she sighed peacefully. “Tell me all about it,” She whispered, “​Yaaaawwwwn​… when I wake up.” She pulled Roxy in like a stuffed animal, letting her get comfortable on her queen-sized stomach. “...You know I can’t say no to you.”
 “I mean, I just don’t like the feel of it all.” The calico meekly complained as he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. The fur on the back of his neck curled upwards, and his tail stood stiff and puffed against his seat. “What’s not to like? It’s a one-time thing, and we’ll make a bit of cash to boot.” Rebecca used the passenger mirror to hook a few simple earrings on, rushing to fit them through before the light turned green. Even at night, the city lights proved more than enough to help her see what she was doing. “It… I’m… You know I’m not into… public stuff. What if someone recognizes me? Or takes a picture with me in it? Or… or--” Rebecca playfully punched him in the shoulder. “Relax! Victor said it would be for a private, VIP event, so no cameras. And I doubt that little crow friend of yours knows anyone attending.” James looked over his shoulder, the wolfess’s confidence as much on display as her body. Her tube top hugged her breasts so tight he could see her nipples poking through the deep red fabric, cleavage jiggling at the slightest provocation and demanding her boobs be freed from their prison at every opportunity. Her pudgy belly wrapped delicately around her sides, forming a small crevasse where it met her hips. Following the curves of her waist down her body, her thighs disappeared behind a latex miniskirt that clung to her legs tighter than her fur. A pair of high-heel boots rode up her legs across her shins, fishnet stockings continuing the adventure until they, too, vanished behind the skirt. She picked up his chin with a thinly gloved hand until the two made eye contact, her eyes glowing with a familiar friendliness. She brushed aside his whiskers with her thumb, gingerly scratching at his face as she leaned in to peck him on the cheek. “It’ll be fine, kitty. Just keep cool until the show, okay?” She whispered into his ear. James shivered at her voice, wincing quietly as she nibbled at his ear. “I… yeah. Cool. Got it.” The signal changed, and Rebecca returned to her seat as he drove. “Can you… How did you meet this guy, anyway?” “Oh, I knew some people before we met. Some who know what I used to do.” “Eat people?” “Yep. One was into it-- watching, not joining-- and he called in a favor through a friend.” “That Victor guy?” “So astude!” “Astute.” “Guzuntight.” Rebecca smiled, sticking her tongue at him when he turned to face her. He returned his focus to the street as she pulled her tail forward onto her lap, sliding a gold-colored band down its length, stopping near the base. James tried to clear his mind as he pulled into a parking garage, pausing to let Rebecca punch a code into a card reader and open the gate. The building above looked recently renovated, with wide windows running around the side and modern architecture visible both within the windows and on the roof. James counted at least a dozen stories before he drove into the concrete hole and took the first open spot. She leaned in for another kiss before hopping out of the car. “Don’t forget your role!” She called as she hurriedly strode to the elevator shaft. James sighed as he cut the engine, trying to brush down the fur on his scruff and force a curl into his tail. He stepped through the door and took a deep whiff of exhaust and oil. The elevator chimed a ways behind him, and he watched the metal box hoist his companion up to who-knew-where. Looking around, the hazy evening seemed to leak into the building itself, the furthest edges of the garage lightly obscured behind a soft fog where he could see little wisps of vapor dance away from the vents that ran across the roof. With a deep breath, he opened the rear door and produced a small gym bag hidden beneath his seat. The sound of the zipper echoed throughout the garage, and as he exchanged the tweed jacket within for his dull, orange hoodie his ears tuned into the pulse of a rhythmic, musical beat coming from outside. “Why did I agree?” He looked at himself in the side view mirror. A patch of orange fur ran up across his brow, following the curve of his head down to his neck. He picked away a strand of white fur intersecting the black patch over his left eye and wiped his pink nose against the rough, itchy sleeve. “You love her, right? Of course. Then do this for her. Confidence.” He plastered a smug smile over his face and flashed a few finger guns at his reflection. “Confidence.” He cocked an eyebrow at himself, his smile appearing more and more nervous as he pretended to fire. “Fuck it.” He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at himself as his expression quickly became a depressed deadpan. “You’re just here to keep her from genuinely hurting someone.” He pressed his brow into his hand. “Wow, you really think that little about her? And yourself? Confidence!” He stared wide-eyed and desperate at himself, looking for any emotion in his eyes. Suddenly, he caught a twinkle of excitement in himself amongst the flood of tired angst, shining like a distant lighthouse in a brumous sea. “Eh, good enough!” He relaxed his shoulders and sighed, giving himself a genuine smile as he put on a pair of glasses he’d produced from his pocket. “Play it cool. Do it for her.” He closed the door and brushed himself around the peeling paint of his sedan, careful not to catch any flakes on his jacket as he made his way to the elevator. The doors parted and the button chimed under his thumb, leaving him to admire the sports car parked directly in front of him as he waited for the doors to close. Out of curiosity, he stood on his toes to see what kind of cars he parked next to. Both cars his own sat between were some kind of expensive sports car, one decked out with spoilers and special suspension visible from behind the wheels. In fact, every car in view was some flavor of expensive sports or luxury ride. His heart sank so quickly it might as well have not followed him up the platform. The doors opened to a large ox standing in a hallway. “Name?” he asked, his voice as rough as stone. “Uh… James?” “James what?” The ox began reading a piece of paper. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” He put the paper away. “Whatever. Rebecca said you were with her. Follow me.” James was ushered through the hall and into a lofty penthouse. Still being pushed on, the source of the bass became clearer as they approached the patio, small but bright lights and lasers putting on a show for a small crowd of people. The space available to the party was grand compared even to the entirety of his dinky apartment, the dance floor alone taking up more floor space than his entire bedroom even as it was intersected down the middle by an elevated stage with a stripper pole, sans stripper. The perimeter of the patio was surrounded by hedges that looked like they’d been involved in a head-on collision with a failing architecture student’s attempt at modern exterior lighting, for as much as James cared for their design. In keeping with the modern stylings, the walls of the penthouse seemed to extend partially beyond the glass wall between it and the patio, on one side forming a shed and petering off into the hedge-lights on the other. Above their heads for the entire patio was a polished wood lattice swirled hastily with fairy lights, the gaps between the planks large enough to lay between. Littering the place was an assortment of other guests of varying species, the largest being another wolf who cleared a good head-and-a-half over him. James adjusted his fake glasses and slunk around the edge of the party toward the refreshments table, quickly downing some cheap champagne and fidgeting with the glass while he contemplated drinking another. “And just who are you?” James turned on his heel to face a ferret in a casual suit, buttons undone and his collar free of a tie. “I think I’d remember inviting someone like you.” He stood a few inches taller, though James couldn’t tell exactly how much through the way his fur puffed wildly outward. His voice was some form of high baritone; he spoke with the kind of pitch James would expect from someone three-fourths his size but carried a strange, underlying bass in his throat that felt somewhat unnatural. “Oh, I’m… uh, I’m Victor’s plus one. Hi!” James held his hand out, nervously regretting his ‘confidence’ speal. The ferret just flashed a smug grin. “Uh huh, yeah. Hey! Victor!” He called into a small crowd of partygoers, catching the attention of the towering wolf. “You know this guy?” “He’s cool, Anton,” The wolf called back through a mild eastern-european accent. “Just make sure he stays for the full show!” James glanced back at the ferret, both of their fur settling down a little as they made eye contact. “Y’hear that? I hope you know what you’re getting into; the show’s gonna be ​killer​.” He chuckled under his breath. “Yeah, no, I know what’s gonna happen. More or less.” James clinked his claws against his glass. “You don’t sound like you do. Just who are you anyway?” “I’m, uh, James. Hey.” He stuck out his paw again, perhaps in refusal to admit he’d done something stupid before. Anton returned the gesture this time, firmly but warmly shaking it. “So, James,” The ferret began, “you ever actually been to a party like this?” “I mean, I’ve heard of them. But I’ve only been to a, uh, you know…” “The usual, right? Catch and release?” “Yeah. And only once,” he lied. “Oh, you’re in for a thrill, then.” The ferret paused to quickly light a cigarette. “So… This is the real thing? Like, go in and don’t come back out?” James feigned ignorance, his genuine fear helping sell the act. “Yeah, whoever’s unlucky enough. But that’s the thrill of it, y’know? Everyone here?” He gestured around at the other partygoers. “We’re all taking that risk. Getting ate, turned into pudge before the others’ eyes. Our pal Vic usually sets up a whole ‘reformation’ thing somewhere so nobody actually gets hurt. But tonight? I’ve told him to pack that shit up and line up someone I ​know​ plays for keeps.” He chucked again, chirping in his throat as he did. “You picked a hell of a time to get back into these things!” James glanced back nervously at the party, looking up at the pole on stage. He knew why he was here, and what would happen, but even knowing everybody would walk away safe and sound he was consumed with a terrible anxiousness. “You alright?” The ferret stepped in front of him wearing his seemingly perpetual smirk. “Hey, I doubt it’ll be you, alright? You’re way too skinny. This dancer, Rebecca? I’ve seen her before. She likes ones who put up a fight.” He shrugged. “Fifty-fifty on Vic or Sarah, there.” He pointed at a heavy-set hare in a black dress making smalltalk by the dance floor. “Whoever it is, don’t get too handsy while they, you know.” He blew a raspberry while making a squishing motion over his middle. “Or she’s like to go for seconds. I know I will, but do as I say, not as I do, right?” “...Thanks. Mind if I talk to Victor for a bit?” “Sure. Friends of Vic are friends of mine! Just don’t mess with my shit,” he half-joked while he led James to the small gathering around the other wolf. “Hey, Vic, your buddy here wants a word.” “Okay, yeah. What’s up?” Victor led him out of earshot of the group, which Anton was now busy entertaining. “I’m, uh… where’s…?” James had to crane his neck up to look at Victor, who questioningly cocked his head at him. “Is she… somewhere close?” “Yeah. Why?” “I’m, uh, I’ve been thinking of, uh… maybe having a quick chat with her?” “Oh,” He said, his tone ambiguously somewhere between disappointment and concern. “You’re nervous. Rebecca told me you’d be hesitant.” “It’s just… No disrespect, but this whole thing is screaming ‘sketchy.’” “And you’re helping make it less ‘sketchy.’ What’s to worry?” “It’s just, I mean… the issue-- problem, not that there is one with you but for me I just-- I mean. Look it’s just, I guess the…” James continued to babble incoherently, stumbling over himself and starting several sentences at once. Victor had to hold up his hand to stop him, refilling James’s glass with some liquor from his own. “Here. Drink. You’re thinking too hard about this. Just try to blend in until the show. Rebecca’s getting ready, so it should only be a few minutes.” He began to return to his crowd, turning to call back at James. “Stay cool, okay? It’ll be fine.” The calico finished off his drink without hesitation, gagging slightly out of fear. “Cool. Right.” His instinct was yelling at him to get the hell out of there, but as he began to consider his options the overweight hare Anton pointed out earlier already had her sights on him. “Hey, you!” She began excitedly. “Didn’t think ‘ol Vic was the kind to make pals! He’s more a ‘brood quietly in the corner’ kinda guy. How’d someone cute as you meet someone like him?” “Cute...? Oh, uh, it’s not that interesting, really. We just met through a… mutual friend.” He began to scratch at the back of his neck. “Really? Who?” “Uhh…” James was on the verge of another stammering fit, stopping himself by quickly filling his mouth with more booze. “Gotcha, you little liar!” She laughed and shoved him playfully by the shoulder. “Lemme guess, you just both brooded in the same corner, huh? No shame in being the silent type!” “Well, it wasn’t really brooding. I just needed a seat at the bar, there was one left…” He began, improvising better now that he was starting to feel warm and drunk. “Hah! You know, you and Mike would get along fine. Actually, let me introduce you two! He’s got the same kinda vibes as you, really nails the ‘artist’ aesthetic. Come on!” James could hardly protest before she hooked her hand around his arm and dragged him back to her group. The next half hour was spent amidst the plethora of party goers, being tossed around like the new toy in a den of lions, each one hungry for his story. Some, like Anton, remained politely aloof, though the majority of them felt genuinely amiable if a bit frivolous. As he downed drink after drink he began to embellish them more and more with his collected assortment of large words and practiced half-truths meant to make himself seem more impressive than he actually was. The night wore on, and as the mood began to feel stale a few lights on stage flicked on with loud ​ka-chunk​s, one after another to the excitement and anticipation of the crowd. The ambient lights dimmed while a curvy, silhouetted figure climbed up from behind the stage, her path to the pole illuminated before her with bright lights and eager faces. Rebecca waltzed into the light, wearing a clingy, red sequined outfit made to hug her curves as tight as possible. Her top was left partially undone, her grey furred cleavage left overflowing as her breasts quivered more with each step toward the pole than the slider on the zipper. The garment was somehow less revealing than what she arrived with, riding down her midriff to cover her belly as chains of large beaded sequins trailed off and over her thighs. The skirt, on the other hand, was more or less identical to what she’d arrived with, albeit colored a pearlescent red and hugging her hips to form a small, cute muffin top. Her stocking-covered legs ended in a pair of black high-heels that clacked loudly against the stage. The crowd fawned over the sight of her, Anton’s lewd comments drowned out just enough to give James the excuse that he couldn’t hear them. She continued her strut all the way along the stage, gazing down at the audience as she wrapped her arm around the pole, twirling for effect. “Well, ain’t this a nice party. It’d be a shame to let it die down.” She struggled to keep her voice low and sultry, her usual speaking tone instinctively peaking through as she began her sentences though all but James either didn’t notice or didn’t care. The wolfess on display began stretching, winding herself around the pole to pull at her joints in an exaggeratedly errotic manner. “Why don’t I liven things up a little?” Then, with a grace surprising even her, she kicked off the stage and sailed into a circular swing, holding her chest out like the maiden on a ship’s bow. As she slowed, she pulled herself inwards, forcing the pole into her cleavage as she slid back to her feet. “Yep, still got it,” she muttered to herself as quietly as she could. “What’d I tell you?” Anton suddenly appeared behind James, pressing down on his shoulders with a wild grin across his face. “Isn’t she just ​hot​!” “Sure,” he meekly replied. “When’s the… you know?” “Give ‘er a minute, buddy.” He leaned in, menacingly growling into his ear. “She’s gotta get hungry first.” Rebecca danced away, delighting the crowd as she worked the rust off her old talents. She kept her footing for most of her starting act, dancing from the pole only at the height of the blaring electronica and pausing for a quick breather in between tracks. With every next dance for every next track, her moves became bolder, her poses more presenting, and her groaning stomach louder. James was about to leave for another drink by the time the fifth song began, though he stopped himself when he noticed the volume was much quieter than before. “Well, wasn’t that a treat?” Rebecca began, finally able to be heard. She gently spun from the pole, listlessly dragging her paw behind her, kicking occasionally to maintain momentum. The partygoers cheered and whistled in agreement. “Oh, but now I want a treat too.” “C’mon, don’t go,” Anton excitedly whispered to James as he dragged him back into the crowd. “It’s starting!” “Well, this party’s feeling a bit crowded, anyway. I’ll just have someone here, then.” Several hands among the guests raised, asking, begging, or even demanding they be chosen. Most, like Anton and James, watched in silence as she mulled over her decision. “My, my, so many want to be wolf fat! It’s not fair to make me choose just one!” She kicked into a wild spin, holding an arm outstretched in the audience’s general direction. “How about…” She slowed herself with her paw, stopping as she looked into the crowd with a hungering gaze. “...You.” The lights shone on James as she pointed beckoningly at him. Gasps surrounded him, followed quickly by cheers and chants. “Get in my tummy, kitty,” she whispered seductively, lolling her tongue as she slid down the pole onto all fours, prowling to the edge of the stage. James looked around nervously, backing away slowly and ultimately bumping into Anton, who grinned enthusiastically as he picked him up by the arms and delivered him to the wolfess. “Sorry, buddy. You knew what you were getting into,” he muttered as Rebecca lifted him up onto the stage. He gave token struggles as she dragged him over to the pole, her eyes piercing him like a knife. “W-wait! Can’t we talk about this?” “What’s to talk about, dinner?” She took hold of the pole, kicking off and slowly spinning over to his other side. “I want you. You’re not leaving.” The fur on James’ tail stood on end as she pressed him against the pole, whooping and cheering rising from the crowd ahead of him. “Well, no. That’s not really true. You’ll be leaving…” she loudly whispered as she pressed her middle against him. “...But it’ll be to come home with me.” “I, uh… in front of every-” Rebecca held her finger against his lips, silencing his stammers. “Just stand right here…” She grasped him by the shoulders and placed him about a foot away from the pole, facing the crowd. Dancing her way behind him, she brushed her hands down his face and curled her tail against his leg. “...Close your eyes…” She locked her legs around the pole, spinning and steadily climbing it. In a single, trained maneuver, she flipped upside down and halted her dance, placing her head directly above his. “...And let me take care of everything.” James quivered at her voice, her hot breath grazing the tips of his ears. In a moment of nervous desperation, he slowly tilted his head up and opened his eyes. Rebecca slid down, her cavernous maw wide open and rapidly engulfing his vision. James could hear sudden cheering, muffled by Rebecca’s vice-like jaw pressing his ears against his head. She dragged him against the pole with her throat, quickly using gravity to force herself further over him. He barely registered his ascent until she widened her maw to engulf his shoulders, briefly backlighting her esophagus. Feet still firmly planted on the ground, James tried to run, and although he could feel the fur on his face shifting as he began to pry himself loose, she sank her teeth into him and dragged him back against the pole, pinning his arms to his sides as she slipped further down. Shoved deeper down the fleshy tube, he felt like he was being forced down a garden hose as her chest made way for his arrival. Her heartbeat was steady and rapid, and though his ears were pressed flat against his skull he could still make out roughly where it was as he passed it. Outside, Rebecca began to grind against the pole as her teeth approached his waist, sliding against it as she slowly became level with the floor, lifting his legs above her as she proudly stood on all fours. James could feel an inner ring of muscle part for his arrival, squelching audibly against his face as the familiar, acrid stench of an eager stomach filled his nostrils. Gravity shifted as she held him horizontal, trapping him halfway inside her as she drew out her movements for the audience, then slowly tilting him face-first into the tight organ she knew he’d been awaiting as she leaned back upright. Legs still dangling from her maw, she slid her hand up along his calf, wrapping her fingers around his ankles and pulled him inwards. Her corset-like top held firm even as James filled her belly, hugging him uncomfortably tight as more and more of him was deposited. With only his feet and tail left outside her jaws, she prowled to the edge of the stage and positioned herself in a way that would allow the lights to shine directly into her maw. The audience flocked to her to watch her slowly suck the last of him down, vanishing inch by inch down the back of her throat. She slowly closed her jaws around the tip of his tail, signifying his end with one last ​glp​ as the bulge he made snaked down her neck and disappeared beyond her chest, the audience’s eyes following it down to her cleavage as she rose to her feet. The crowd cheered behind her as she strutted back to the pole, her middle distended yet restrained by her clothing. Inside, James was held tight in all the wrong ways. He mewled loudly as his knees brushed against the whiskers on his face, trying to get Rebecca’s attention. He could feel her pat him in satisfaction, releasing a body-shaking belch that drained his air and further tightened his confines. “Eugh, this top is just too tight…” he heard her call out to the audience. “I need some breathing room.” Expecting her to loosen the zipper, he braced for a gradual release in pressure. Instead, she shifted suddenly, splashing some fluids higher up and coating him in gastric slime amidst the cramped confines. Outside, Rebecca leaned further back, holding the pole behind her as she quickly thrust her hips forward, eliciting another small but audible tear in the fabric. She moaned in pleasure, feeling a bit more relief as she gave another thrust, using James’ weight to stretch the fabric. Another thrust, another moan, and a seam running up her side split as she shook her belly. “Come on, one more…” She mumbled, giving one last thrust and tearing the top to its breaking point. James felt dizzy as he burst forth, the corset-tight middle tearing apart at the seams as her gargantuan stomach flew out and flopped audibly over her thighs to the overwhelming cacophony of the crowd’s cheers. She settled to her knees, leaning back to keep James’ form well illuminated by the overhead lights. Excited gasps escaped the audience as she traced his figure against her thick, grey fur with a finger, following his shifting weight. “Ahh, there we go,” She sighed in delight, slapping her hand against him for effect. “Say hello, kitty! And goodbye!” At the cue, James began stretching his limbs as far as he could against her muscle-laden stomach walls, using the opportunity to press his digits into the wrinkles and subtly massage her well-worked middle. Usually, her stomach was pitch black, but to his side, the wall of Rebecca’s stomach was pierced with light, his gastric home illuminated in a deep, vibrant crimson. As he pressed against the wall, he followed a particular vein with his hand, running it down against the grain of its musculature and into the darkening puddle beneath him. Bringing his hand close to his face, if he squinted he could see bits of his fur melting into liquid and dribbling down into the slime. He continued his stretches, focusing more on the illuminated side and pausing every once in a while at Rebecca’s behest. His own shoulders ached immensely from the crushing pressure of earlier, and as he stretched his legs out, he scooped up some of the acids pooling around his rear and poured it over his back, quickly numbing himself as they were worked in by the rolling walls to chemically tenderize him. “Rebecca? How’s it looking? I can’t quite hear them out there,” he whispered into the darker side of her stomach. Her hands suddenly kneaded at him through the flesh in response, watching their silhouette searching for him from outside. “Hmmm, running out of energy, are you?” Rebecca teased, her audience watching in ecstatic silence as his “struggles” slowed to a cease. “That’s so nice of you! Saving your calories so I can get nice…” She rose from her squat, running her hands up her legs as she did. “...and thick!” Anton couldn’t help but reach for her as she spanked her hip, Victor keeping him in place with a single hand placed firmly on his shoulder. Rebecca returned to the pole, pressing her gut against the metal as she slid along it, her breasts still confined to their fabric prison as she fit them around the shaft. Keeping a strong grip, she lifted her legs up and around James, wrapping him tight between her thighs as she spun low along the pole. Gracefully, she rose, sliding her middle against the pole as she did, accentuating her dance with small flourishes of the hand and tail to the audience’s delight. With her ankles held tight against the pole, she quickly turned away from the center, letting her stomach hang freely as centripetal force bulged it out even further. She could feel the fluids inside slosh as she came to a stop, still hanging from the pole. Like before, she lifted her legs and crossed them around her stomach, pressing inwards on the rapidly dissolving chyme that was once her boyfriend. “Aww, there’s so little left of you already?” She squeezed her stomach bulge with her thighs, forcing the semi-solid person-shaped mush into her lap. “Oh well. I hope you enjoyed your time on stage... Huuuurrrrap!​” In her roaring belch, James’s glasses and the soles of his shoes flew from her maw and onto the floor in a ceremonious clatter, causing the audience to go silent. “... Hm! I know I did!” In a wave of cheers and applause, she lowered her legs and slid down the pole until her paws felt the floor. Leaning forward, she split her rear cheeks against the pole and pressed her stomach down until she could feel the warm metal graze her lower belly. “Now, let me settle you into your new home.” Inside, James’ form rapidly fell apart, melting into a vaguely calico-colored, meaty slurry. Just as planned, he was still alive in this unique, melted state, his sentience floating uniformly throughout the puddle of himself. The innards around him noisily gurgled, hungry to absorb him in his new, digestible form. He was siphoned into her intestines, feeling the rope-like bowels slowly sap him and his consciousness into her bloodstream. The audience watched with bated breath as her belly slowly shrank, everything that was James now becoming more of her. Once more, they both felt tight and uncomfortable as he began to slowly filter into her, Rebecca growing visibly fatter on his borrowed body. The two could feel her ass grow steadily, the already plump cheeks engulfing the pole she spread against. A previously unfelt pressure on her thighs was loosened as bits of her fishnets snapped against the weight of her expanding legs. The first garment to completely break was her skirt; though at first, the pressure of her fattening hips was contained by the stretching rubber, the sheer volume of lard building beneath her skin and fur snapped it in a flourish as it fell to her paws, revealing only a g-string between her nethers and the open air. Not far behind, the wolfess grunted in exertion as her stomach lurched, finishing off what fabric there still was wrapped around her middle. Finally, James could feel more than her fat as her breasts expanded underneath the dainty zipper. Fat and milk weighed her chest down even as the remains of the top screamed at her to stop. Broken already both above and below, she leaned back up as the zipper finally gave way, her breasts exploding outwards with an audible slosh as the plastic zipper keeping her top together sailed over the heads of the onlookers and disappeared into the dark behind them. James settled as Rebecca did, her predatory smile speaking for both of them as she stood upright, one-hundred and fifty pounds of cat fully transformed into as many more pounds of proud, satisfied wolf before an absolutely ecstatic crowd, James feeling the reverberations of the audience’s wild cheers echo throughout her body. Her expanded rolls quaked oh-so pleasurably as she pried the pole out from between her ass cheeks, her tail settling into the canyon between the beanbag mounds. As the decadent pleasure began to fade, he heard her voice as clear as day. “Good job out there, hun. I’ll stick around for the afterparty, get some hands on you, then we can go home.” She spoke into her breast, her strut back out of the light and away from the crowd made a little more clumsy as she got used to her new weight. “I’ll let you out tomorrow. Hope you don’t mind, I always love going to bed with you on me.” She swung her gut around playfully as she reached the stairs at the rear, wiggling her ass a bit more to tease the crowd before making her way down. James especially loved the feeling of stairs, her every step bouncing his bodily home from her wide, cushiony rear to the milk in her tits he’d now become. He kept himself occupied for her walk just refamiliarizing himself with the little details he loved about her, like the way she kept her hands wrapped around her gut as she walked, or the ever-present drumming of her heartbeat, delivering the last remains of his body to their resting place underneath her skin. Rebecca felt a strange warmth in her body wherever he happened to focus his attention, and as she entered the garden storage-turned-changing-room, she tried her best to give that area a bit more attention too with soft pats and gentle squeezes. “See, it was nothing terrible!” The chair she sat in creaked underneath her as she leaned back and heartily smacked her overhanging gut. “What were you so worried about?” As she peeled away her ruined stockings, the door behind her loudly shut. “Hey, Rebecca. Long time, no see, right?” Anton leaned against the door, the remains of his cigarette still wafting smoke though the air. He strode to her casually as she continued to change. “Anton,” she remarked coldy. “You actually stopped by to check on me?” “Well, maybe not you…” He maintained a confident smile as he approached, never taking his eyes off her gut. “Poor, poor Jamie. Or, whatever his name was.” He stood behind her, watching her through the mirror as she pulled what was left of her top out of her fat folds. Rebecca sighed as he placed his hands on her shoulders. “Well, I guess his name’s not important. What is important is he’s serving his rightful place on your sides.” If James could move, he would be quivering at his touch as he slid his hands down and around her back, combing Rebecca’s fur as he made his way to her breasts. Rebecca played along, allowing him to his chin on her shoulders as he fondled the massive, grey orbs. He tested their weight, lifting them and bouncing them in his grasp as they overflowed through his fingers. James sloshed inside the mammaries, his attention warming her chest and making her sensitive to every little movement he made. “You think he came here hoping he’d end up like this?” He dropped her breasts, running his hands over them as he followed her curves down to her middle. “Maybe he did.” Rebecca bit her lip. “All I know is how tasty he was…” Rebecca placed her hand on Anton’s head, slowly rustling his fur. “... And how tasty you’ll be.” “Huh?” He tried to lift his head, but she had him pinned in place. He dropped his ever-present smirk as she stood, keeping his ear pressed against her gut as she trapped him in a headlock. “Hey. Hey! You can’t do this! I only paid for a one-course dance!” “Maybe I want seconds, off the book.” Though James was a buffer between him and her insides, her gut made more than enough noise to reach his ear. His struggles were pitiful compared to her surprising strength, his blows rippling and diffusing across her expansive waistline. She loosened her grip slightly when he heard him whimpering. “Unless…” “Unless what?” He looked at himself in the mirror, already on the verge of tears as she kept him tight against her belly. Pleadingly, he made eye contact with her reflection. “I think what’s-his-name is gonna feel pretty lonely, filling my curves. So, why don’t you give him some company?” “What do ‘ya mean?” “I mean you’re gonna be my belly chauffeur for the rest of the night. You did come to check on him, after all. Rub him, kiss him, massage him whenever I ask as long as I’m here. Treat him as much as you’ll treat me.” “A-and if I don’t?” “I know you will, Anton. You’ve been waiting to do this all night. But, if you’d prefer, I could force you two to spend some time together. I wonder if you’ll scream when the acids touch your skin…” She could feel the fur on the back of his neck rise. “Arlight, yeah, sure, whatever! Just don’t eat me!” “Good boy.” She let him go, practically dropping him on the floor. “Go wait for me at the party. I’ll be out before you know it.” Wordlessly, he scrambled to his feet and ran out the door, slamming it behind him. As she watched the dust from his wake settle back into place, she felt the telltale warmth of his focus shifting away from behind her eyes. “You see all that, James? Like I told you, all bark, no bite. And I got you a playmate while I was at it.” She returned to the mirror and continued where she left off. “Wait, did I tell you that?” She rolled a more size-appropriate stocking up her calf as she asked. “Eh.” Her fur curled delicately under her touch as she rubbed James. “Close enough.” Back at the party, Anton pulled at Victor’s sleeve. “Vic, man, you gotta help me!” The wolf sighed. He held his hand up to excuse himself from a group. “What is it? You didn’t try to talk to her again, did you?” They spoke as he was led to a more secluded area in the garden. “Okay, maybe I did. She wants me to-!” “To be her plaything for the night, I know. You always talk to the dancers, and you always come to me if something happens, and you always get wound around their finger of your own accord either way.” “Hey, not always! Can’t you tell her off or something?” “I’m a bodyguard, not a bouncer. Just shut up and take the leap. We both know she won’t actually-” “Hey, Vic!” Rebecca waved toward the duo, the weight in her flanks turning her steps into quaking waddles as she approached. She barely fit into her clothing from earlier; her tube top was stretched taut around her breasts, creating both rising, spilling cleavage and rolling, curving underboob that hung low on her boulder belly. She’d abandoned all pretenses of modesty, letting her rear sag loose on her shelf-like hips unrestricted, the only bit of coverage being a loose-flowing skirt draped so high on her waist her gut hung lower over her thighs. “Hey, Anton,” She called in a softer, growl-like tone, tail wagging eagerly behind her as they locked eyes. “Ah, Rebecca,” the wolf greeted back. “You’re holding your weight well.” Anton flashed a quick look of disdain to Victor’s encouragement. “Thanks, Vic! You know I’ve got the practice.” She pat herself on her cocked hip. “How long will you have your guest this time?” He tapped his fingers against his middle. “Oh, not too long. I’d say a week, at least.” She took a few steps toward Anton, grinning as he leaned away from her. “Maybe more if I can get him some company.” “I see.” He began to make his way back to his earlier conversation. “Have fun, you two. Or, you three.” He winked at her as he left them alone. “So, Anton.” Rebecca wrapped a fatty arm around his shoulder and pulled him in. “How’s things?” she asked, jeeringly mimicking his smirk. “Things ‘re fine, Rebecca,” He spoke through grit teeth. “How do you think things were for our friend, here?” As if on cue, her stomach audibly rumbled. “You think they were going nice? That jacket of his made it seem so. In fact…” She thrust her gut forward slightly, causing it to audibly smack against her pelvis. “...It might still be in there. Could you feel around for it?” “It’s not gonna be in there.” He tried prying himself away, only causing her to tighten her grip on him. “You sure? Maybe I should send you in after it, just to double check.” Anton quickly stood straight. “No, no! I’ll… see if I can feel it.” “Good boy.” Rebecca let him go, watching with a devilish grin as he pressed his hands into her gut. His fingers combed half heartedly across her fur, catching James’ attention. Rebecca could feel her gut warm under his unenthusiastic touch, her middle growing more and more sensitive. “No, no, you’ve gotta really get in there!” She pressed his head in, sinking his face into her flab. His protests became muffled as he shouted into her, the vibrations tickling her in a way that made her toes curl. “Feel it. Every pound you squeeze is still that same little kitty you talked to earlier. He’s just shaped differently, that’s all.” Both the wolfess and her bodily guest felt his breath waver against her fur, his hands getting more exploratory as he ran them around and into the folds on her sides. James’ thoughts became muddled with excitement, the adrenaline rushing through his host affecting him as much as her, adrenaline he knew his body was being used to produce. As much as he hated admitting his love for this kind of attention, he began to feel an arousal he hadn’t felt for a long while. “You’re hugging both of us, right now. Why not say ‘hi,’ while he’s still here?” Anton’s jaw quivered against her gut, his throat unable to speak the words. Rebecca ran her hand across his head, patting down the fur on the back of his neck. “Say it. For him.” “H-h… Heya, buddy.” Rebecca let him pull his head away from her groaning stomach. His iconic smile was warped with nerves, and he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. “H-how’re you doin’? You, uh, you like it in there?” James felt something akin to sympathy for the ferret; he wanted to respond, though his options as living blubber were critically limited. Anton ran his hand across her belly, as though trying to sense something from him. As far as he knew, however, that little calico was lost for good, and something about knowing that only furthered James’ excitement. “He says ‘yes.’ He’s glad to have some company before he goes away for good.” ​Or at least goes home for the night,​ Rebecca thought, letting James briefly pick up on her inner monologue. “You wanna get some more company for him? I bet some of these other guests would just love to see how soft he made me.” She looked down at the ferret, his smile settling back into place at the thought of no longer having to be alone. “I know just who to start with.” Anton’s attitude returned to normal, even becoming accepting of Rebecca’s presence. He led her by the hand to the hare by the refreshments table. “Hey, Sarah! Hey, you know Rebecca, right?” “Well, if it isn’t the wolf of the hour with our man of the hour.” The rather portly hare brushed some fur from her eyes as they met. “Damn, girl! James was anything but lean!” “Oh, right! James!” Anton patted her stomach for her. “That’s your name. Er, ​was​ your name.” “It still is, Anton,” Rebecca chided. “Just because he’s fat rolls doesn’t mean he can’t have a name.” “So, Rebecca,” the hare began as she approached. “How much was he, huh?” She reached out to scratch at her belly fur. “That guy’s gotta be at least a few hundred pounds.” “Oh, I don’t know. Something like that. The scale in the shed was broken when I got there, so I couldn’t do a before and after.” “I… might’ve had something to do with that.” She admitted. “I wasn’t always this big, you know.” “You’ve done this, too?” “Yep. And I used to be swimsuit model material, too. But, last winter, our friend here,” She explained, smacking Anton’s chest with the back of her hand. “...Needed a girl for the stage and goaded me into not just agreeing, but chomping Victor of all people for my act.” “It made for an amazing before and after!” He added enthusiastically. “It made me immobile for a week! And, as you can see...” The hare pat herself on the rear. “The guy’s still clinging. But yeah, that scale’s been broken ever since. At least Vic’s back to apologise. I guess that little guy is gonna live on your hips for good, huh?” Anton interjected before Rebecca could get a word in. “Absolutely.” She tugged at his arm, making him lean into her stomach as she quietly belched into her hand. “Who was he, anyway?” Rebecca asked. “It looked like you were together before the show.” “Oh, he’s a lot like Vic, actually. He kept quiet until someone asked him something, kind of a downer but not a buzzkill or anything like that. Hey,” she smacked Rebecca’s gut as she walked past. “Let’s show him off to the others. Maybe we can give him some parting words.” The three followed her to a group of a few others, each someone James had spoken to while he was still solid. “Hey, everyone, you remember James,” she said, motioning toward Rebecca’s belly. The group gave their own greetings, a few coming forward to look Rebecca over as they talked. Beneath the skin, James could feel the air around her rumbling with the ever-present hum of conversation and the rhythmic thud of distant music. He needed a break from the attention Anton had been showering him with, and so sunk himself deeper into her body to distance himself from the outside. To Rebecca, the warmth of his presence seemed to vanish as he refocused his consciousness from her rolling fat to the deeper parts of her body. Over the course of his time within her, James had established a sort of “happy place” for himself, the familiar intricacies of Rebecca’s form becoming a den of encompassing, gentle comfort. Her metabolism, of course, made no distinction between sentient and non-sentient material, pulling small parts of him for use within her body and giving him a bridge across which his thoughts could cross into the recesses of her organs. As foggy, formless words sunk into his blubbery form, a hearty pat from a familiar paw shook his confines and jostled her guts slightly. James traced his origins back through to her bowels, the now mostly empty tubes groaning with air and begging for more food. As he traced his way back up along her innards, he felt her stomach acting up once more, churning around and tugging at her insides. Below his focus, he could feel her taking a few more steps. ​Geez, how much champagne did you have? ​Rebecca thought to him, stumbling slightly as she began to inherit the effects of his nervous drinking. “You alright?” Sarah asked, helping keep her steady. “Yeah,” Rebecca began. “I think my guest of honor had a few too many.” She gave her glass over to her, leaning on Anton for stability. Sensing an opportunity, she exaggeratedly swooned and leaned all her weight onto the ferret. His legs buckled almost immediately, sending her sprawling over him. Jostled back to the surface, James could feel the imprint of his face against her breast, his gasps for air sucking in fur and titmeat as his flailing limbs recoiled shockwaves through her blubber. Sarah just laughed as Rebecca peeled herself off of him, Anton springing upright as she rolled over and readjusted her top. “Oh, sorry about that,” she teased. “Just be careful, fatty!” Anton rubbed at a kink in his neck, getting help from the others as he left Rebecca sitting in the dirt. “That was entirely my bad, Anton. Hey,” she asked, reaching for him. “I think I could use a break to help sober up. You wouldn’t mind if I went inside, would you?” Anton looked at her suspiciously, meeting her gaze as he approached. With a lick of her chops, his expression quickly changed, however. “Oh, no, please. Go take a breather or somethin’.” As he helped her up, she suddenly pulled him close and whispered into his ear. “Meet me in the bathroom. Five minutes.” His smirk twisted in a mix of confusion, concern, and arousal, watching her throw her weight around as she made for the sliding glass door that led into his home. The penthouse was gaudy and tastelessly modern, the majority of the furniture she passed on her way in shaped primarily in soft-edged rectangles made from shiny plastic and light-hued wood. The bathroom was no different, with a stone-tiled floor and embedded lights above the sink, the shower in the corner as open as a field. With the door locked and the room as quiet as could be, she turned on the tap and splashed some warm water on her face. “I could feel you sinking away, kitty.” She ran her fingers across her hip, plying the fat and fur between her digits. “I know you usually like one-on-ones more than groups.” A faint warmth spread across her rear, around where she was massaging. “It was worth a shot, I guess. I was enjoying the attention, but if you were getting uncomfortable…” James wanted to console her, tell her that he is fine with what she does. Rebecca’s stomach churned idly as she followed his presence up her to her belly. “No, the fall didn’t hurt. You make for an excellent crash pad,” she teased, squeezing her gut against the edge of the sink. Her tail swished slowly behind her as she looked up from her gut to meet her reflection. The faint warmth traveled up her body, underneath her breasts and disappeared somewhere around her throat. “You want to see this? All this is because of you. So, thanks. And thanks for trusting me on this. I owe you one, hun.” James watched through her eyes as she leaned forward, using the mirror to pick bits of loose fur from between her teeth. Her stomach churned loudly, and she belched unabashedly into the open air, catching a whiff of something savory in the back of her throat. “You’ve got the best aftertaste, you know.” “You talkin’ to what’s-his-face in there?” Anton called through the door. “I know you’re possessive but geez.” The ferret smirked cooly at her as she opened the door, walking past her and into the center of the room. She mimicked his expression as he began to undo his belt. “No, no, no. Not yet.” “What? Wait, are we not gonna-” His blood ran cold as her belly pressed against his back, idle gurgles audible in the otherwise silent room. A dribble of saliva soaked into his shoulder as the wolfess loomed over him, growling with excitement. “Enough being coy for your company. We’re gonna have some fun with you.” Anton eeped as she put her hand on his head and turned him around. “James prefers some one-on-one time, and I’m not leaving until you satisfy us both.” She lifted his hands for him and placed them onto her rumbling stomach. “Or would you like to massage us from the inside?” “H-hey, there’s no need for that!” Anton exclaimed as he ran his hand against her middle. Like before, James began to seek his hands, making Rebecca all the more sensitive to his touch. She ran her fingers through the fur on his head, slowly pulling him in. “No need to be shy, tough guy. Just come closer.” He massaged deeper as she brought him in, sinking his digits into her. “Closer.” His breaths were becoming shorter, shallower, and faster as he approached her bubbling gut. “Closer…” He had to splay his arms around her sides, wrapping her in a hug though keeping his head away from her. “Almost there…” She jammed his head into her stomach, forcing an ear against her flab as her underboob brushed against him. He could hear her stomach rolling and churning away expectantly inside her. “Perfect.” He combed through her fur, squeezing her sides inward as he tried not to listen to the sounds muffled underneath the former calico. James felt his weight against hers, his breath once again wavering as it wafted across her fur. “Greet him.” “Hey, buddy. James. You doing alright in there?” “He’s glad you came back to see him.” Rebecca began lifting off her top. “Ask him what it’s like.” “W-what’s it like being wolf fat?” It’s rather cozy​, James thought, not expecting an answer. ​It’s nice not having to do much but watch the world pass you by. No expectations for you, no responsibilities. I’ll have to get out sooner or later, sure, but in my sanctuary here I’m just a wad of fat and fuel for a wolf that loves me. Just fat and love. And knowing that I have the wolf of my dreams waiting for me at both ends of my time here is more than enough to make things feel worth it.​ Anton dug his fingers into her sides, tracing them through her love handles as he smiled nervously. ​Making Rebecca feel fat and happy is wonderful. She treats me nice. She even went out of her way to make this as comfortable as she could for me. Giving myself to her like this, letting her have her fun, it’s the least I could do for her after all she’s helped me through.​ Rebecca’s breasts fell from her tube top, smacking into Anton as they hung low over her belly and burying his head in fatty, sloshing flesh. She snickered as his tail frizzed out in surprise, pinning his hands to her sides as he tried in vain to wriggle away from her. ​The fact this all totally turns me on is a nice bonus, too, I guess. “He says he’s having the time of his life.” She pulled him deeper into her cleavage, picking him up off the ground to smush his head between her breasts. “He wants to thank me for giving him such a nice new home.” His ears smothered in titfat, he was surprised he could hear her at all. As she swung him side to side in a suffocating bear hug, the weight of the sloshing funbags beside his head pressed against his neck with joint-popping momentum as James swirled about in the dark, feeling the ferret stamped against the pendulous breasts with every turn. Rebecca could feel herself becoming more sensitive as James became aroused within her, the warmth spreading down between her legs. The two were practically sharing the same thoughts as they looked over the helpless ferret, struggling in excited confusion beneath them. The wolfess lifted the ferret even higher, bringing him to face level. Her breath wafted hot over him, drool escaping the sides of her maw. “I think I know just how to do that!” “Heh, alrigh--” Rebecca clamped his mouth shut as she pounced. Still stuck between her breasts, her weight knocked the air out of him as his back slammed against the tile floor. Catching his breath, he could feel a slick warmth soaking his leg. “You think you’re getting in on this?” Rebecca moaned, feeling his member stiffening between her thighs. “This is just for me and him.” She smacked her rear, picking up James’ attention. Anton could feel the waves from her spank rippling through her and into him. “What’dya mean?” Rebecca stayed silent, grinding against him as he lay trapped beneath her. Slowly, she began to climb him, sliding the ferret back down between her tits and burying him beneath her flab and leaving a trail of arousal travelling up his body. “He must’ve been such a charmer. The second I saw him, I knew I had to have him.” Her stomach roared against his head, the being between the two drawing pleasure from both. “And now I do, another trophy to wear proudly on my hips,” she called to him, thrusting against his chest and slamming her belly into his face. “I want you to feel him. The way you felt that other friend of yours, way back when.” He raised his hands around her waist, digging his quivering fingers into her fat, narrowly missing the warmth of her bodily partner. “Lower.” She scooted across him, helping him wrap his hands into her pillowy rear. “There ‘ya go.” James felt hands massaging him, his excitement as palpable as the ass he occupied. “You think she’s still in here? Maybe they’re meeting each other on my ass. One for each cheek.” At once, she dragged her nethers across his face, sitting directly on his neck as she wrapped her legs around his shoulders. “Make it exciting for us.” The ferret began mumbling into her cooch, his arms digging further into her than before. His protesting vocalizations only further stimulated her, making her moan under her breath as she leaned all her weight onto his head. His senses became overwhelmed by her, all consumed by wet, smacking slurps and dull, rhythmic thuds, vision engulfed in damp flesh roughly grinding against his face as he fought for breath, each lungful of air filled with the scent of sweaty, wild sex. The back of his head became numb against the pressure between her and the polished stone, smacked quickly against it as her cunt sucked his head with hungry, vacuous pressure. James could feel all of her as she ascended; her hot, rushing breath shaped into sultry moans through her tensing throat, the crashing pressure of her blood running warm and drowned in adrenaline, the way her organs jostled from her heavy, ballooned mammaries to the deepest recesses of her bowels as her thrusts increased in force, prying more and more from his borrowed body to burn away for good as reckless, horny bucks and humid squeals of ecstasy. Rebecca edged ever closer to her limit, fueled on by the panicked ferret sucking in breaths of musk and cum sinking blow after blow of retaliation into her quivering fat, every inch of fatty tissue made as sensitive as her cunt through the horny excitement of her body’s other occupant. She crossed her threshold with a rolling, canine howl, dragging James with her into a deep, lasting moment of crashing climax as she drowned the ferret with a prolonged buck of cum and sweat, engulfing nearly his entire head. She sat with Anton’s head buried in her cooch for a minute, feeling his seizing form slow and his vocal protests petering into quiet whimpers. She leaned back, breathing heavily as she recovered. The warmth inside her slowly condensed back into a vague area that exhaustedly sunk back into her depths, satisfied and happy. Her ear idly swiveled in the direction of Anton’s foot, twitchely scratching at the shower mat behind them. Looking back, she noticed the bulge in his pants had long since softened, a spattering of jizz forming a dark patch in his jeans. “Well, I guess you got something, too.” She patted him on the thigh. “I’d tell you off, but I think we’ve both had enough tonight.” After pausing to catch her breath, she pried herself off his head with an audible sucking noise, stretching clear strands of cum and spittle between the two. Anton’s fur had been slicked damp with all manner of fluids, his eyes darting unfocused around the room, readjusting to the light, and his toothy grin distorted with fear, pleasure, confusion, and everything in between. As his eyes met hers, he opened his mouth to say something but instead gagged himself on his breath and jolted upright, choking on his tongue. Rebecca cleaned herself with a towel from under the sink as he wheezed in recovery. “That’s… that was…” he looked at her, terror and arousal in his eyes as she threw the used towel in his lap. “You need a shower. I’m done here.” She sighed contentedly, legs still shaky as she put her top back on. “We’ll either talk soon or never talk again. Got it?” Anton dumbly nodded his head as she left him, alone and drenched in horrified lust. “He’s okay in there?” Victor met up with Rebecca in the hallway outside the penthouse, holding the handbag she’d arrived with. “Give him a minute. I kinda did a number on him.” “He’s not hurt, is he?” “Not physically,” she said with a sigh. “Good enough.” He gingerly handed back the bag. It felt obviously heavier in her hand, and as she checked inside she saw it’d been filled with paper bills. “For your work today.” He approached and kneeled for her hanging stomach. “May I?” Rebecca nodded, leaning back a bit to allow him to pat her middle. “You did well, James. I put a small bonus in there, for you. Thank you both.” “So sweet, Vic! Say thanks, kitty!” She swallowed some air, causing her stomach to rumble loud enough for him to hear. He rolled his eyes in response, quietly chuckling as he got up to leave. “Drive safe.” “No promises!” Rebecca called back as the elevator doors opened for her, the suspended box shaking ominously as she stepped in. She breathed deep as she watched Victor return to the penthouse. The ride down was uneventful, as was the walk to the car. The earliest hours of the morning cooled the garage, though well-insulated as she was she’d hardly noticed a difference. The car rocked with her weight, settling into place while she adjusted the driver’s seat so the steering wheel wasn’t pressed into her midriff. “I had a good time, James.” The warmth returned, vaguely centered on her bulbous gut, though small pockets reached out and explored her new position. “We’re in the car.” James’ attention disappeared around her neck as he observed their surroundings through her eyes. “Get a good look, hun. We’re never coming back.” Rebecca started the engine, tuning the radio to her favorite station. “When you’re done, go ahead and get comfy,” she said, affectionately combing her hand through her belly fur. Their afterglow still tickled at the back of her mind, eliciting a long, satisfied sigh before she put the car in gear. “We’ll be home in no time.”
 For Luke it was an easy laid back job. He worked as a night guard at a nearby zoo. The position wasn’t demanding and the pay was decent for doing next to nothing. It ran like clockwork. Clock in, go around the zoo to feed all the carnivorous animals (as it wouldn't have been good business to show the public how cruel nature could be, so feeding those were done at night), going back to the monitor room, converse with whichever colleague he was working alongside that night (the shift was always done in pairs), mindlessly scroll through his phone till dawn, then if there was nothing of interest on the cameras delete the footage and use the space to record the next evening, clock out, and go home. It wasn’t long into his job when a new and strange desire had awoken in him. The feedings were carried out as normal that night, and the pair returned to their station. Once back, his colleague excused himself to use the restroom. Luke observed the brutality of the meat eating animals, feeling a pang of guilt for playing a part in the prey's demise. His eyes finally stopped at the snake enclosure camera feed. The large brown python had wrapped his long thick coils around a large deer as it kicked and buckled in vain. Initially sorry for the deer as he continued to watch a new feeling rose to the surface in his mind. A small part of him suddenly envied the deer. Instantly Luke questioned himself and wondered what the intrusive thought meant. To which it painted a rather intense image of him being trapped in those coils, being squeezed by its thick heavy body. Immediately he dismissed the odd image away, concluding that it would result in being crushed to death painfully. "Yeah that's a pretty odd snake Luke" his colleague said, snapping him out of his deep thought, who he returned to his seat and began to read his magazine. "Oh, how so?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow, his eyes still glued to the screen watching the snake continue to manipulate the many coils around its prey. "Well, unlike other snakes, that one for some strange reason doesn't crush it's prey and kill them. It seems to just squeeze them for a while. To weaken them I reckon. Before eating them alive" Luke's mind raced as the new thought stirred up once more. "If I had to choose," his colleague continued, who still read his magazine "I'd rather be locked in the lion enclosure or something similar. Sure, being ripped apart would be utter agony, but it'd be a lot quicker than being with that python" Breathing heavily Luke broke away from the screen and went to the bathroom next door, and splashed some water on his face to snap him out of it "The hell's going on?" he whispered in the empty room, looking at himself in the mirror. He took a few deep breaths and decided to preoccupy himself for a while. He walked back in, and stated he was going to go get something from one of the vending machines outside, and asked if his colleague wanted anything. "Nah, I’m good man'' He replied, still not looking up from his magazine, completely oblivious to how erratic his fellow watchman swas behaving suddenly. For the rest of the shift Luke became more and more confused with what was going on, returning he decided to go and get a snack to tak his mind off of it. He took his time, deciding to go to the vending machine at the other end of the park would be best. The guard had lasted till the end of his snack before he felt compelled to see the progress made within a paticular reptile enclosure. His colleague wasn't lying, the snake had started to swallow the animal, which clearly was still very much alive as it continued to move around. It's uncoiled lower legs still jerked desperately, it's head squirmed around inside of the stretching body, which refused to tear open and free the unfortunate prey. "What a horrible way to go though" he thought to himself, still unsure why the image of him being squeezed by the reptile was an exciting idea. However it would only lead to being eaten alive by the creature, which made it sound far less appealing to him. "Yeah it even seems to eat slower than usual" his colleague said, who had finally finished his magazine and noticed his colleagues intense stare at the one screen "Huh?" Luke said, who didn’t look away "Well, for most large snakes it usually takes about twenty minutes or so to fully consume large prey, but that snake seems to take a couple of hours to fully swallow their food. Then it slithers off to hide in the bush area of it’s pen, probably to prevent someone from helping the deer I bet" Once again his colleague wasn't lying, as he watched the poor animal be consumed very slowly on the screen, a task that was drawn out for most of his shift. By the time the animal was swallowed up and hidden away in the bushy area, he would have less than an hour of time left to kill before quitting time. The next night Luke carried out his tasks as normal, but before going to the station he decided to check in on the python out of mild curiosity. When he arrived at the enclosure he couldn't see it in the clearing area where the grim deed was carried out the night prior. "It must still be hiding" he thought. Walking around he examined every square inch of the bushes and foliage, before finally the guard heard the faint sound of something rustling in the leaves, and there he was. It was a partial view that peeked out from the dense leaves, the bulge was still squirming around. "Wonder how long exactly it'll take till it stops" he walked back to the monitor room as he once again tried to shake the thought out of his head, another uneventful shift done, another paycheck. As the days went on, slowly Luke began to accept that that particular night had awoken some strange fantasy that had laid dormant deep inside of him until now, but a harmless fantasy nonetheless, one which he dare tell no one of. It was also around this point when the snake reemerged from its hiding spot, the bulge still present but softer looking, no defining features could be made out anymore. What was once the clear form of a deer trapped inside the large snake had worn away to a formless blob of mass inside the mighty creature. A few months later the time came to feed the snake once more. A mixture of emotions had stirred within the guard. Anticipation dwelled within him, looking forward to watching the snake coil and squeeze its meal once more, but sadness for the poor animal it would consume. Like before Luke's eyes were fixated on the lone screen, an intruder could have snuck in and run around the entire park and he would have been none the wiser. His pulse quickened as he once again envisioned himself taking the place of the unfortunate animal. Each squeeze it made on the poor animal, he imagined it on himself. Till eventually the python's head slithered to the other animals' own, then proceeded to open wide. It was here Lukes intrusive thoughts piped up once more "What if the animals don't suffer inside, what if they just eventually drift off into a peaceful sleep" Luke gulped quietly as he feared what that may awaken in him, he denied that he'd ever go so far to enjoy the thought of being swallowed by that snake. "What is wrong with me?" He thought to himself, once again going to the restroom to splash some cold water on his face, to little effect As the months continued, so did the feedings, and Luke's newly awakened desires became stronger and stronger as he observed the process with unwavering attention. The thought of being eaten alive by the large reptile had slowly worn his resistance down from being a horrifying fate, to one he found rather intriguing. It wasn't long into his acceptance of it he found other people existed in the world who desired the same. However unbeknownst to them, there did exist a peculiar snake that preferred to eat its prey alive. The nightwatchman knew his obsession had begun to cross over to dangerous territory, as sometimes he couldn't sleep. The thought of being that python's next meal kept him awake most days, as he seriously considered it to be worth his imminent demise. He had considered quitting and getting a new job for his sanity's sake, but each time he had tired to, he stopped himself. The wish to have the fantasy play out for real no matter the consequences, was getting more and more stronger than his self-preservation. Like any other shift Luke clocked in and prepared to go out to tend to the animals, however his phone rang just before leaving, the name on his phone identified him as his boss "Hey Luke, 'fraid I got some bad news for ya. As you know Henry is away on vacation right now, so it's just been you and James looking after the place at nights" "Yeah" he replied, knowing that he had to cover more shifts than usual as one of his colleagues was overseas, and it was always a two man team "Well James called in sick today, so it's just you there tonight I’m afraid. I'll pay you extra for doing more work tonight" the job was already easy, and while it would be boring with no one to talk to, the extra pay did sound good to him"These things happen, can't be helped I suppose" he chuckled "Well nothing ever happens anyway from what you guys tell me, so I'm sure you'll be fine, take care Luke" "Bye" he hung up, and started to made his round of feeding the animals which took longer than usual since he had to cover James's responsibilities as well. Finally he got to the snake pen, the one he always saved to last, when suddenly his intrusive thoughts arose once more. "You know this is it Luke, you'd have no better opportunity than tonight. There's no other guard to intervene or investigate your absence. You've always wanted to be squeezed by him, even eaten whole by him, now's your chance" Luke gulped loudly as his pulse increased. He stood motionless just outside of the enclosure. His thoughts were right and he was nervous. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, he may never be working alone again. By the time the other guards come in the morning to take over, he'll already be inside of the creature, hidden away, and he can wipe the tapes in advance so there'll be no footage. No one will ever know what became of him. His hands started to shake "You can't be serious" he whispered to himself "There'd be no coming back from this" he said, trying in vain to convince himself it was foolish to give up his entire future for a silly one time fantasy "Back out of this and you'll spend every day from here on out wondering what it would have been like, regretting every moment. Watching all the future feedings angry that it wasn't you" walking back to the office Luke berated himself for not handing in his resignation before now. Time moved agonizingly slow that night, he had refused to go into the enclosure, but he had also not fed it an animal, and his conscience was right, he hadn't done that because he was still considering being prey himself. His mind had worn him down and made him accept his odd fantasies, but now it tried to convince him to seize this rare moment, and finally see it through. A mixture of anticipation and fear washed over him as his mind raced wildly to make a final decision, give it an animal as usual, or enter the enclosure himself. The strong image of it wrapped around him, his bulging form moving inside the snake, refused to weaken. Finally, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and yielded. Hastily Luke had made the preparations, he set the recordings of the night to be wiped as usual so there'd be no evidence of what happened to him. His hands shook with adrenaline and anticipation as he fumbled with his clothes. If he was going to feel it's coils, its internal muscles, its complete control over him, he was going to be naked. Taking them all off he folded them neatly and placed them in his locker, the others would see them as a spare set of clothes, and be none the wiser. Taking one last look at the monitor he looked longingly at the snake. It was in the middle of the clearing, waiting to be fed, waiting for him. It had unknowingly been slowly seducing him into being another meal, and tonight was finally the night where everything fell neatly into place and it will have a rare treat. Knowing that entering the pen was the point of no return he stood outside, knowing this was his last chance to change his mind. "So this is finally it huh" Luke said to himself after a few moments of silence "There’s no point arguing, I'm right after all, there's no better chance than tonight, I'd be a fool not to take it, I’ve done nothing but be obsessed with this fantasy, I have to go through with this. For my sanity's sake" and with that he had entered the enclosure and closed the entrance behind him, this was finally it. He gulped as the large python immediately noticed his presence. It flicked its tongue in a sinister greeting, tasting his unique scent. Slowly he walked over to the snake, shaking slightly at its intimidating length. He caved in, but it didn’t make him any less nervous for what was about to commence. Eventually he was in the opening where many animals prior had met their doom and a jealous Luke had watched intently, now he had a more rare perspective on the event. Moving faster than he had expected the snake slithered over to him and wrapped a loose coil around his ankles. Luke caught his breath as its thick warm body moved softly around his ankles, the soft caressing length flowed smoothly around and traveled up his legs. When it had made its second coil, around his calves the snake rapidly tightened, forcing his legs together. His heart raced as he regained his balance from the sudden binding, but did nothing to stop the snakes advances from having its way with him "Heh" he chuckled nervously "Hope you don't mind me over some deer tonight" he joked lightly, the python hissed aggressively at him and tightened a bit more, clearly it was in hunting mode and Luke was it's chosen prey. A sheepish smile crept on his face as he almost couldn’t believe it was finally happening to him. Slowly and with some difficulty he managed to move himself onto the ground to make things easier for the large python, which had now made another loop around his knees and tightened once more, bringing them together firmly. Swallowing a lump that had formed in his throat he put his arms against his sides, he knew the next coil would trap them to his sides and he’d have no fighting chance left. With butterflies in his stomach, he thought maybe he still had a chance, he could simply unwrap himself and feed it a deer like normal. However the louder thought reminded him he had become determined to see this through to the end, afterall he also wanted to experience being inside of the mighty python too. It was too late though, as by the time had taken debating that, the reptile had made another firm loop around his thighs and hands, and once more it tightened abruptly, ensuring he couldn't pull his hands out. His fate was now completely and utterly sealed to whatever the python elected to do with him, and Luke had a pretty good idea what that was. "Gah" he cried out as he had been rolled around on the ground, each time a new coil was messily wrapped around him, leaving gaps in between. The rolling stopped as he was placed on his back, the various coils now wrapped around him squeezed tightly ensuring he had no chance of escape. Clenching his jaw and eyes tight he hadn't expected the squeezing to be so intense so soon, he figured it would slowly build up the severity. Luke then recalled his colleague theorizing it did it to at least weaken the prey, he wondered if that was the true intent, or if it was merely displaying its dominance over it’s victim. His toes twitched as he hoped the snake would relent on the display of power soon, after all it didn't need to render him weak to eat him, he was already eager. His mouth opened wide as he took in a large breath of air as the squeeze finally loosened around him, but still maintained a firm grip on him, his limbs unable to budge an inch inside the scaley cocoon. Luke smiled and chuckled heartily to himself. The situation he walked right into was certainly better than he had ever imagined, the feeling was far better than even the most intense fantasies he conjured up. His only regret was hesitating earlier. Somewhere out of his field of vision he heard the python hiss aggressively, and the coils proceeded to move around him to change position. Luke panted as the heavy weights shifted around roughly, covering skin that was once uncovered in the gaps of the messy coils. They maneuvered around his naked body like some form of liquid muscle, as he groaned in bliss at the incredible feeling, sighing in content. His breath forced from his chest as the coils once more proceeded to constrict. Biting his lower lip his fingers stuck out from in between the gaps, which he gently stroked the coils around his thighs in admiration "You" he said breathily "are a .... rea... really strong.... boy, aren't y..... aren't you?" once again gasping for air as the coils loosened around him. He grinned even wider than before as he saw from the corner of his eye the python watching him as intensely as he watched each feeding take place on the monitors prior to him tonight. It hissed fiercely at him as it tugged his body roughly, rolling him closer and closer to it, his world spinning, the ceiling, the snake, the ground, the exit, the ceiling, the snake, the ground, the exit, before finally stopping with its head mere inches from his cheek. Luke turned his head to the side, locking eyes with the unblinking reptile before him. it's tongue slid out once again, moving rapidly to taste him. "Taste good?" He grinned, not caring about the fact his conversation with the creature was one sided. Slithering closer the head of the python proceeded to move under his neck. "Oh. Where’re you going, big fella'?" He wondered to himself before his eyes widened as a slight gasp escaped his lips once he felt it come back around slowly, and delicately above his neck. With a new loop made, the head started to slither away from him, the velvet-like touch of its loose fitted coil around his neck flowed as it stretched and contracted. Finally the reptile turned to face him once more, and a familiar pressure was made to his throat as the loop closed to hold his neck more firmly. An involuntary noise escaped from Luke as the coil around his neck proceeded to commence constricting, limiting him to air. He began to writhe automatically like so many animals did in the same situation before him, and like them, he too got squeezed even more tightly as it hissed angrily at the man, letting him know he’s utterly helpless. After a few seconds it once again released, and the guard could breathe once again. Luke was getting weaker with each intense constriction the python applied to him, and with the last one made around his neck, it only exacerbated the situation, but still he didn't regret the situation, and enjoyed every intimate minute with the creature before it would send him to his demise. Another round of being rolled around on the ground the man once again felt the coils shift up and down his body, the scaly body moved to cover different areas of its prey, he gasped involuntarily over the feeling of the coils shifting around his bare skin.It was like a form of living bondage courtesy of one dominant reptile. Laying still once again as the repositioning was over for now, he looked up at the dome ceiling and into the night sky, clouds covered the moon, and there were few stars seen. The squeezing came back once more however it was applied in waves now, the coil around his ankles squeezed tightly before loosening after a few seconds, then the coil around his calves began the constricting, before that too loosened a little, and then next one further up worked on squeezing him, and so the thick and heavy wave continued. Eventually after a brief rest was granted to him, Luke's chest got the tight hefty coil compressing him as the others joined in and squeezed the rest of his body and held its position for more than the few seconds it had done up until that point. Luke's jaw and teeth clenched once more as he began to feel the need to breathe again. Another gulp of air as the coils finally relaxed. However the reprieve this time was short lived as up until that point the reptile had always given him a longer break before it unleashed another deadly hug. The python increased the pace, squeezing his full body for a second then releasing, administering another squeeze, then release, squeezing then release. His breathing became erratic as the coils, which didn’t give him a chance now to regain his breaths, continued to weaken him. Finally after what seemed like hours since he had first accepted to enter the deadly enclosure, and most likely was, the snake's head slithered to the top of Luke's head and moved around. Examining it from various angles, figuring out how best to start. The worn out guard who’s chest heaved heavily for breath under the weighty coils, grinned, knowing what was about to happen. He still felt no regret for his actions, tilting his head to look behind him, his heart began to beat faster, not so much out of exhaustion, but anticipation as before him he say the python open its jaws wide and there lay the tight dripping prison through which so many animals had entered and never returned, and now it was finally his time to enter that pink fleshy mouth and to the dark chasm that lay just beyond it. Hissing noisily, the large snake proceeded to move slowly towards his head it's warm slick saliva spraying onto Luke's face in the process, it's warm musky breath washed over him as he groaned in excitement "You are seriously messed up" the guard whispered to himself as he was finally about to experience what he had slowly come to accept and secretly long for in the months prior, being swallowed alive by the intimidating python before him. Finally the wet dripping mouth made contact with the back of the man's head, it's jaws slowly lowered onto his face. Luke watched helplessly as the jaws leisurely descended onto him, shutting out the light as the pink flesh slowly became darkness, he shuddered slightly once it clamped down on him securely. Gasps cried out as he once again experienced the awesome might of it's coils, which squeezed the odd guard one more. Breathing heavily as always once it had relented its display of superiority over him, he coughed in response to the musky air that emanated from its throat. Light flooded his vision once more as the soaked pink flesh rose above his eyes. He felt the lower mouth moving less than an inches worth further down the back of his head before once again the glistening upper jaw descended slowly, and he was again plunged into darkness, it really did enjoy drawing out the fatal process on its prey for as long as possible. Luke choked slightly as the next squeeze administered made him exhale involuntarily, reptilian saliva slipped into his mouth. He spat it out and coughed, the wriggling however had annoyed the snake who had proceeded to hiss loudly again, its thick saliva sprayed over his face once more. A mere groan was all the guard could respond with. Moving further down still to his chin, the crown of Luke's head felt some resistance "So, this is it huh?" He thought to himself as the guard felt the throat slowly open in acceptance and gave way to his head "Here we go Luke" silently hoping that the deadly act that was about to commence was as good, or better, than he had ever envisioned, just as the squeezing coils had done. Like a tight slimy rubber band the entrance to the throat expanded in preparation to receive his face as it stretched around him slowly. The throat muscles at last opened wide enough to welcome Luke to his new and rather lethal home, and moving incessantly over his scalp to pull more of him in, the shifting internal muscles brushed around his forehead, it’s thick slime dripped down on him from between the many soft folds that contorted to his handsome features. His nose began to join him in the ever expanding throat, it slipped snugly in between the small gaps which consistently moved around and soaked his face. Luke breathed shakily, as a small part of him finally started to question what would happen if the other animals didn't go into a peaceful sleep, the naive guard had been too preoccupied with the practicality of the nights opportunity, that he didn’t question if it would actually be an agonizing end. His hand clawed at the dirt outside as his body was moved inside a little bit more, a small bit of worry had finally washed over him. The muffled gasp belonging to the guard cried out from within as the python once again squeezed his body into submission, accompanied with an aggressive hiss that vibrated around him, reminding him that there was no escape from this perilous encounter, his new disposition made him shake nervously. Once it relaxed and ceased hissing noisily Luke took a deep breath from between the ever flowing folds which surrounded him, and reminded himself that his fate was sealed hours ago, he'd just have to hope it would be a pleasant demise, and try his best to enjoy his situation while he still can. Resigning himself to his potentially horrifying doom the snake had reached his shoulders. Being a man with narrow shoulders, the guard's body had no chance of preventing the advances of the pythons' greedy gullet. Muffled gasps echoed weakly again from within as it had slipped over both of them with relative ease. Now there was nothing that would stop the long arduous task of consuming the young nightwatchman. More and more of his body joined Luke inside the ever shifting throat and expanding throat and within what felt like hours those worrying thoughts had dissipated as he felt nothing but complete euphoria in the swelling body of the reptile . What was still waiting to be consumed of him remained wrapped up in thick coils that had still continued to frequently shift positions around his naked body and squeeze from time to time as a reminder of his predicament. What was a quiet moan to the outside world, Luke cried out loudly from within as a coil shifted to make way for his crotch which had been responding wildly to every touch and slightest movements that occurred throughout the night. Slowly it too entered the hot sticky mouth of the reptile, his breath had picked up pace as he felt the undulating throat welcome it to the rest of his body, the shifting muscles of the throat rubbing along him, molding to his shape perfectly, drenching him in its thick slimy internal juices. It amazed the man how something so soft and gentle could at the same time hold him so firmly in place and force him further down the long and deadly tube with such ease. Down to his knees the nightwatchman smiled blissfully, he’d still most likely have another half hour to an hour before it would finally finish the grim deed, he continued to relish and enjoy every minute of it. "So what if this is it for me" he thought "I'll become a part of this beautiful creature I’ve admired for so long now" his knees finally enter the damp throat, and wouldn’t be coming back out. In the middle of the night, in a python's enclosure, in a deserted zoo, with no other colleague, with no evidence of what took place that very evening, Luke had no chance of rescue, or the world most likely ever knowing what happened to him. His calves too had slid effortlessly into the awaiting mouth and advanced down it’s long neck, relentlessly soft muscles exploring his body intensely. Only his slightly dirt covered feet remained outside the snake which continued to move in delight, toes had dug and scraped into the ground as they wriggled around in response to the experience he enjoyed so much. Then the time had finally come for Luke to truly vanish out of sight, forever. It’s head moved forward to finish the deadly act which it had, like all it’s other meals, drawn out for most of the man's shift. His feet had finally slipped gently into the saturated mouth of the enormous snake, which closed tenderly around them, the last bit of the guard's body no longer felt the cool air of the night. "Almost there" he whispered in his fleshy prison that consistently shifted and slid around him as a means to push him deeper into the pythons body. His toes wriggled playfully in its mouth, coating them in its viscous drool, enjoying the spacious room they had to move around in, compared to the tight elastic body of the throat that barely budged an inch when he struggled weakly, then bounced back and molded to his shape once again. Jerking it’s head forward, the snake sent the last remains of its unique meal to join the rest of him inside the sentient coffin. "You've finally done it Luke, you've finally let this python have you" was it worth it, he asked himself. A large smirk appeared on his face through the flowing scales that continued to move him further inside the reptile. "Definitely" he thought. A loud hiss was made in triumph over its latest meal, and a familiar clicking sound was made, it had relocated its jaws, and sealed the strange nightwatchman called Luke inside his long body with no chance of escape, not that the man tried to, unlike the other mammals it had swallowed. After taking a moment to let Luke slip down a bit further, the snake, like all the other unfortunate victims of it, began to move into hiding. Feeling his new world move vigorously he knew the python was moving to conceal them both behind some foliage. "No one will ever find out Luke" he told himself "You are going to shift into a featureless bulge, then eventually you will disappear entirely" once again a smug expression appeared on his face as the snake finally stopped moving. Both him and the night guard were hidden away. He would spend a lot of time moving inside it like all the other animals, and no one would ever think while looking for the missing worker, to check the enclosure for the snake carefully, in case the bulge it would be trying to conceal is human. To them it will be a mystery, the boss would assure everyone he showed up for work. The animals were fed and satisfied, that snake was hiding so it must have been too. Yet his work clothes were in the locker still, and the footage had been erased so nothing of interest must have happened. Had he just decided that morning to quit before the other staff showed up to take over, and refused to answer any calls. That could be a possibility, but the reality of his disappearance was far stranger. The next morning the zoo opened like regular despite the missing lone night shift guard, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary to explain his absence , just as Luke predicted. The guests walked around the park and observed the animals as always. Some asking staff where the snake was only to be told when it's eaten it likes to hide and can be very difficult to spot, and as predicted, no one could be bothered to look hard enough or long enough when there was far more animals that were easy to spot. If they did look more closely, they would have seen the python, along with a bulge wriggling around inside weakly, a human face seen stretching the scales underneath, a peculiar expression on the individual who was very much still alive, the missing nightwatchman, deep inside a one of a kind fleshy prison, one that would never release him.
 Offering little to alleviate boredom in the quiet town, Andrew attended the circus each and every year alone, not much for the company of others. Having left prior work until the last few days he finally resigned himself to get it done and out of the way, figuring it would serve as good motivation to get it done quickly, however it the results were sloppy and an unhappy Andrew invested more time to redo it. Finally he arrived at the circus late, the show in the big tent had already started, and rather than show up part way through a performance, which would require Andrew to stand at the back with all the others who couldn’t get a seat. He figured he'd just skip it this year and explore the other tents without the pushing and shoving of others, and anyways the act didn’t vary much from year to year, something everyone could recite from memory in the town he figured. Without the public there’d be no worry about taking too much time and not allowing other people a good view. It was the perfect time to view the animals uninterrupted, and so Andrew walked up to the opening of the tent which boasted about having one of the longest snake's in existence. A creature he had seen each and every year, however too many people were alway around for him to get a good long look at the reptile. Now he’d be able to look at it for as long as he wanted, for all the animals they had really. Walking into the tent and up the stairs the string of lights that lit the way hummed quietly as they flickered, the old wooden steps creaked under his weight, a sound mostly drowned out by the noise from the big tent. It surprised him how the old structure could still hold up against the countless visitors who trod on it in their drones. Walking across the small vantage point Andrew approached the dilapidated wooden banister, leaning over it he scanned the small scenic area below, a small tank of water created a pond with some sand surrounding it. Some faux grass and plants lined the center, colour which had long since faded over the decades. The most vibrant and colourful thing in the small enclosure easily stood out, the bulky mass of luscious scales laid sprawled out on the ground for what semed like miles, the claim the circus made may have some truth to it, a length far greater than any he had ever seen before. The zoo in the big city he visited while on vacation had a snake that was supposed to be unusually large as well, however when he couldn’t see it he had asked a staff member on its whereabouts, and was informed it had just eaten the night prior and liked to hide itself away. The reptile's tongue slipped out rhythmically, finally catching the scent of a visitor, it raised its head and saw the lone guest smiling warmly as it looked down at him, his arms folded along the rail as he leaned over. After some time had passed the man decided to admire the other animals the circus had to offer. The old banister, which had been creaking the entire time, noises he had since become used with each year he visited, moved slightly under his partal weight. Pushing his hands down on the wooden beam to prop himself back up, they had finally reached their limit as it creaked louder than usual, before it finally gave way. Losing his balance as the beam broke from under his arms his weight had been thrown off as his body fell forward and plummeted down into the small enclosure, laughter erupted from the main tent, however this wasn't some sitcom that Andrew had on from time to time, this was no laughing matter to him. Landing on his chest he felt the wind knocked out of him, disoriented from the unexpected drop, eyes closed as he tried to clear the fog in his mind, his heart raced with adrenaline. The snake wasted no time in inspecting the unexpected company up close. It quickly slithered towards the man, its long body leaving a menacing trail in the ground, their tongue flicked out, now inches from his face. His taste was truly unique, nothing like the food usually offered up to them, this was a delicacy it wasn't going to pass on. Slowly Andrew got his breath back and with his hands tried to lift himself up, his face suddenly pushed into the dirt as a thick and heavy weight washed over the back of his head. It shifted down over his shoulders and continued onwards, finally it settled down on his lower back. He gasped as the disorientation finally cleared and Andrew pieced together where he was. A second mass swiped at his arms pulling them down with it. The creature made relatively quick work of the man as another squishy coil slipped down, this time under his face. His features sunk slightly into its own warm soft body, their earthy smell penetrated his nose as he breathed heavily in fear. Powerful wave-like muscles trapped under endless rows of scales rolled down his face, before finally it stopped around his lower waist. Andrews' gasps shakily cried out in response to the sudden compression around him, the lone soft coil around him tugged tightly, ensuring his arms, the main source of fighting back, were firmly affixed to his side. With ragged breath Andrew pulled at his arms in a desperate attempt to free them. The show always lasted for a few hours, and no one ever walked around during it, Andrew knew no one would be around to rescue him from the grim situation, he would have to save himself. Sweat formed atop his brow as he struggled to free his arms, the coil positioned up and down fiercely in accordance to his struggles, it clung to him like the world's most stubborn bonding agent refusing to release. Relenting to catch his breath, the man relaxed his shoulders as he breathed deeply. A familiar hefty sensation pushed the back of his head once more, his face rubbed aggressively into the dirt, disturbing the ground, the dust surrounded him. With eyes closed Andrew coughed loudly in response to expel the fine particles creating another dust cloud to envelope him. The second coil proceeded to venture down his back as his face lifted from the ground, stopping his coughing fit. He kicked uselessly as the smooth scales again flowed over his face, pushed into it, the same intense musky scent of the creature permeated his nose as it traveled slowly down his features, another loop created, another strong tug made. Andrew grit his teeth as the deadly act proceeded, the snake remained unphased by his puny struggles, its powerful coils dwarfed his rather pathetic attempts to free himself. Knowing that he couldn’t budge his arms with just one thick length surrounding him, Andrew knew two would be impossible, so the unfortunate man tried a new tactic. He thrashed his body in a desperate bid to rock side to side, hoping to dislodge the scaley band of muscle he laid in, the coils however squeezed forcefully around him in response. Through the commotion a few tents away the man could hear the snake hiss aggressively nearby, clearly unimpressed with his rather futile attempt to free him of his position. Andrew unrelenting still tried to rock, hoping to unravel the two coils around him, clenching his jaw tight as he endured the crushing pressure. The hold was too strong however, too heavy for him to turn. Sweating from exertion he stopped to catch his breath, he couldn’t recall the last time he worked this hard. The two coils relaxed around him while the man groaned in dread, as an unstoppable third length proceeded to entrap him further. Still heaving for breath, after his prior useless struggles and the third coil now joining in with the other two to dominate his body. Andrew began to wildly thrust his hips in a distressed effort to perhaps hurt the snake with his weight. However he quickly discovered that evolution of the species was in their favor, as it had made them remarkably resilient against any attacks from their prey, nothing seemed to be effective in harming his scaley captor. A fourth section of the snake proceeded to further coil him, and as before the thick mass pushed his face into the dirt, though unlike the prior times it refused to slide over him. Not wanting to be assaulted again with the fine particles surrounding him he held his breath. He once again pulled furiously hoping to displace the new coil on the back of his head. Strength still unmatched, the snake's new coil remained on the back of his head, unbothered by his puny struggles. Finally, unable to fight or hold his breath any longer for the time being Andrew relented and exhaled, he took in a large noseful of dust that blew around him, it itched, wildly irritating him. He threw his head back, yearning to take in fresh air, however the sheer mass of the creature atop refused to budge against his best efforts, his face remained firmly planted in the ground. A thick brownish cloud escaped from around his face as he coughed loudly to clear his sinus, each inhale to cough again only exacerbated things as more dirt was taken, a cycle which only got more torturous the longer it went on for. His eyes clenched shut to protect them from the expansion of dust, he could feel the coil atop his head tense up as it began to push his face more to the ground, the poor man could no longer even inhale the earthy filth, as he slowly began to suffocate. The first coil to claim his waist began to convulse softly as it proceeded to move further down him, forcing his legs together. Not wanting to have more of him confined, with all his might the man pried his legs apart, doing his best to ignore the exertion which made him asphyxiate more against the floor. His small victory though was short lived as the reptile made quick work of him and yanked the coil strongly, forcing his legs to be squished together, and like before it had clung tightly to him like glue, refusing to budge an inch. Feeling light headed as he continued to be deprived of oxygen, his feet kicked uselessly at the ground while the second coil began to reposition itself down to his legs, the one coil that remained bound to his arms and chest was more than enough to render his best efforts for release futile. Andrew was on the verge of unconsciousness as black spots slowly seemed to creep into his mind, his lip quivered slightly in response, not prepared for whatever may happen next. "Now then, I know a lot of people nowadays have a lot of misconceptions about us circus people, but I think it's time we clear the air folks" was announced with gusto in the main tent, as Andrew finally took in a large gulp of clean fresh air. The strong mass finally relaxed and moved further down his back, powerful muscles rhythmically swayed as their soft touch ceased motion, it squeezed his arms and upper chest for good measure. "Please. Someone. Anyone. Help me" he whispered, knowing his pleas would go unanswered, but unsure of what his next tactic would be. He refused to simply lay there and allow it to squeeze him to death, but unbeknownst to him this particular snake, like the one at the zoo he had visited, consumed its food very much still alive, a grim revelation he had yet to learn. The two coils around his chest began their savage descent as a fifth coil smushed his face into the ground once more. Panic escaped the poor male as his body refused to adapt to the new dusty environment he was repeatedly subjected to. Wrapped from ankles to wrists his fingers flicked faintly inside his scaley prison, a sensation so light Andrew was unsure if the powerful reptile could even feel it. Clouds of dust once more roze up from below as he proceeded to suffocate, his muffled requests broke up the persistent coughs he made, an automatic response, his body longed for air. The thick coil as before tense against his head, the seemingly never-ending muscle compressed tightly against the sides of his face. His ears picked up a loud and distinct grumbling sound from within the length pressed firmly against them, the strong rumbling that accompanied it was felt around him. Clearly it's gut looked forward to the sizable meal it had ensnared. The man whimpered slightly as he experienced first hand how sadistic the creature was as it toyed with him. A longing and excited hiss rang out as the fifth coil had finally moved down. No longer being smothered by the Earth, Andrew's head lifted up instantly and inhaled deeply, the fresh air was greatly appreciated by the man as his raspy breath gave evidence to his ever increasing fear. The coils had proceeded with little to no trouble, and as the scaley cushion flowed firmly under his face, another loop was created, hopelessly pinned from ankles to upper arms, the truly remarkable creature drooled slightly in suspense. "Let me go.'' He pleaded in between shaky breaths, his voice cracking. "You can't do this to me. I'm human. You don't eat people." A sharp exhale was forced out of him as the coils tightened their grip, more so than they had ever done before, almost as if it answered him. Both his jaw and eyes clenched shut tightly, unable to take in even the tiniest amount of air. A pained gasp cried out, and with the slight exhale forced from his lungs the reptile wasted no time and further tightened its grip around him. Clearly tightening each time he breathed out, he held what little breath remained. Something both he and the snake knew would only prolong the inevitable, sooner or later he'd breath out again and the creature would squeeze more tightly around him, like a brutal vice. Andrew's entire body began to sweat more profusely from the cocoon that denied him of the cool fresh air, his muscles jerked involuntarily as it sorely required oxygen. The deadly bed of muscle budged again as Andrew finally exhaled a short shaky breath, the grip immediately intensified with such a display of awesome strength the likes of which Andrew had never experienced before, power he didn't even think was possible for a snake to own. The vicious hug relaxed as his chest roze, finally inhaling deeply again, once more brought back from the brink of unconsciousness. Rather than wait and let the prey simply suffocate themselves the snake opted to further dominate the young man, as no sooner had it relaxed around him, the reptile squeezed him again. Even tighter than before it forced all of the precious breath from his body in one swift pull. His soundless cries ceased as his face met the ground once more. As a new coil began to encircle his throat, the thick collar with a rather snug fit, squeezed fiercely around his throat, his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, responding to the unwelcome pressure around it. His full body received the crushing abuse exerted by the mighty snake, and as before, just as he lay on the edge of passing out it relented the cruel constriction. All his muscles felt like they had been tenderized, as if the snake were to uncoil him now his body would be too weak to do anything but lay there. An unpleasant but all too familiar sensation brushed against his ankles, the tail wrapping around his footwear, his whole body was pulled down suddenly as his socked feet felt the evening summer air, his footwear thrown away into the small faded foliage. The carnies had come across shoes in the snakes elcosure before, however it turned out to be a prank pulled by the other members. Unless his form was still present in the snake, they would think the same with his and throw them away, as the snake didn't eat anyone, but this time it was very real. Andrew's breathing only got more uncontrollable and erratic as the situation became more terrifying to the poor man. His strength to fight back had been expertly drained away, or rather squeezed away, by a very dexterous set of coils. From outside the announcer in the big top asked the captivated audience to scream if they wanted more while the hapless youth screamed in fear. The thick band around his throat tugged to stifle him. "Stop. Please. Just. Stop" he begged through his teeth, words strained, gone unheard, gulping loudly for air once more as the construction ceased. The snake continued to watch him, wondering if he had learned his lesson, ready to choke him again if he screamed. His captors slick soft tail brushed against his damp forehead, sweat dripped down and moistened the ground below. It tightened around his temples and forehead as it forcefully lifted his head up from the soil. Before him lay the head of the snake, which had been watching him intently throughout the whole length process, its thick drooling tongue slithered out and licked his dirty face. Andrew tried in vain to move away from the gross tasting, however the tail's grip was unyielding, preventing him from moving away, dark wet lines stained down his face like some ancient warriors' battles paint. From the big top once again the voice boomed out it couldn't hear them, as Andrew's screams of distress joined in with the audiences screams of joy. Disappointed that the meal hadn’t learned his lesson properly, the man’s body proceeded to be squashed by the thick coils. His windpipe closed from the tense muscle which his chin was partially encased in, mouth opened agape as wisps of air were violently expelled from him. Taking his open mouth as an invitation, the snake's tongue wasted no time to plunge into Andrew's mouth, his eyes opened wider in shock over the unexpected reptilian kiss. Too weak to fight back, he closed his eyes and attempted to focus more on enduring the powerful constriction Andrew could do nothing to prevent the deadly tongue play from being carried out. The tail around his head became more firm as the muscles flowed seamlessly around, the tip of the tail pushed the back of his head, which only deepend the heated intimacy the two momentarily shared. It's long tongue now satisfied with exploring the males mouth, wrapped around his own smaller tongue as it tightened its grip and pulled it out. Andrew's body had begun to feel like the creature's extraordinary grip was keeping his body compact and together, like it would melt into a puddle, absorbed into the soil below if the coils were to release him now. Breathing deeply out of his nose as his tongue was pulled into the snakes in front of him. His pupils dilated in fear as the mouth which opened to welcome his tongue didn't stop stretching. The dripping pink flesh expanded as the snake's head jolted suddenly from it's jaws dislocating, a loud cracking sound rang out which didn’t disturb the creature. Before him lay a petrifying dark tunnel at the back of its mouth. Hissing noisily as it began to close the small gap between them, Andrew was unable to pull his head away from its advances, the tail still stiff, demanding him to look nowhere but into the catastrophic abyss, his tongue unable to pull back as the snake's own still firmly pulled at it. "Now you know what time it is everyone, it's the final act!" the jolly ringmaster announced to the lively and excited audience who cheered in encouragement, as the man called Andrew could only whimper in fear, finally aware of the snake's true intentions, not to squeeze him to death, but to swallow him while still alive, his final moments of life would be struggling against it’s digestive system, the reality was far worse than he could have possibly imagined. Its moist smelly breath blew over him as it hissed in utterly exhilaration, it wetted his face as he coughed at the foul odor, the gap between them continued to slowly close. Andrew's body felt the coils rumble powerfully around him, it groaned noisily for the substantial protein it was about to receive. The roof of the snake’s mouth finally lowered and clamped down firmly atop his head, its lower jaw latched onto his own. His view was framed by the glistening pink tissue which drew his eyes to a gruesome entrance, a sight which Andrew knew was incredibly rare, but one he did not desire. Finally the unfortunate man gasped in relief as his tongue was released. As he pulled it back into his mouth, the snake's own slid up to gently caress his dirt covered cheek once more, almost in an affectionate manner, as if thanking him for his unwilling sacrifice. However Andrew knew it was simply tasing him some more, unbothered by the Earthy taste he was seasoned with, its thick drool rolled down his face as its nimble tongue left its mark. A loud commanding hiss and it's pungent breath erupted from the dark chasm once more, the doomed man could only cough and gag at the predator's vlie scent which assaulted his senses. Repositioning it's hold on the unfortunate man, the coils shifted around as it prepared to make the lethal act easier. Satisfied they again bounced slightly as it tightened its grip, before the savage creature decided to give its meal one more intense squeeze for good measure. Like some sort of foreboding ghost train Andrew could do nothing but look ahead at the chilling entrance, waiting against his will for the truly deadly ride to begin, unsure of when that would happen, as he had no control of when it would start, and thoroughly powerless to make it stop, he couldn’t chicken out and leave. His own breath expelled into the reptile's mouth in response to the sudden shifting and compression against his body, eyes and teeth clenched tightly once more as a result, the ride was getting ready to begin. The sweat saturated tail slipped up and down his forehead soothingly, almost as if trying to offer some comfort before the entrance to the horror which laid before him opened and he would be inexorably taken inside, however the tight embrace the creature held him in suggested otherwise. It had no sympathy, felt no remorse for the man, it honestly enjoyed besting him, maintaining its ferocious power over him. From the sides of his view once he opened his eyes as the crushing relented, Andrew could still make out the enclosure he had fallen into, the area framed the soft rosey jaws of his conqueror. The putrid drool which pooled in the upper mouth flowed freely onto his hair, sticking to it like some viscous and rank gel. "Please" he pleaded for the numerous time, barely whispering as his breath, which had never ceased shaking since he fell into the snake's pen "If you can understand me. I'm begging you. Don't do this" As a response the musky air blew violently into his face as the frightening darkness in front began expanding. Working in tandem the coils squeezed excitedly as it moved him further into the mouth, the tail patted his forehead tenderly in encouragement, or most likely mocking him of his defeat, before it slipped out of its mouth. It's elasticated jaws slid forward to start the unique feed which had joined him that fateful night, before finally his face was pressed firmly into the back of its mouth. The thick wall of flesh that was still opening was the only thing that seperated Andrew's handsome features, ones which no one would ever gaze upon ever again, from the slimy throat within. The small amount of light still permeated the mouth, the salmon toned flesh moved leisurely around him, caressing every inch of his face as he was moments away from slipping steadily inside the putrid throat of another creature. The outside carried a voice, ensuring the audience that the act which was going on was sure to be a real treat for their senses, something to truly die for. An ironic sentiment for Andrew as he shivered in outright disgust, his own senses assaulted. The feeling of the throats sphincter shifting around his face as it prepared to pull him in, accompanied with the thick goo which bathed him, the touch of its smooth muscles which the powerful creature still used to squeeze occasionally . The smell of it's foul breath which was his only source of air. The sounds of gurgles which came from beyond the small dark opening, the leather like creaking and squeaking as the tight band graciously expanded almost ready to accept him. The sight of its slimy mouth which surrounded him. The taste of the revolting air that the snake produced, mixed with its putrid saliva that crept into his mouth. His cries muffled by the back of the reptile's innards smothering him, the revolting air had suddenly grew more intense, the stale smell from deeper within grew more potent, as he felt the wall of flesh finally shift open enough to welcome the handsome man. His nose was the first to slip into the throat as the band continued to stretch over his face. Feet kicked desperately around in the dirt in defiance, only for them to curl back in response to the coils around him tensing up. A deafening hiss echoed from within its mouth, as a heavily drooling tongue slipped back and gently slapped his cheek in retaliation. Muffled moans cried out as the throat expanded around his dirt and saliva streaked face as the impending darkness crept in slowly to greet him. The surprisingly soft digestive tract of the mighty snake washed over him, as its slippery fluids cascaded down from above and pooled into the folds below. Folds which incessantly rubbed around Andrews face, slowly beckoning him further inside. His breathing pitched as the entrance to the throat quickly snapped down on the back of his neck, his entire head now greeted by the countless lumps of soft tissue which responded eagerly to make his acquaintance. Face now trapped inside the long leaking esophagus, and too weak to struggle, the unfortunate man could do nothing but lay there and allow the large snake to have its way with him. The slimy innards clenched firmly around his face, squelching persistently in response to the lively flesh molding to his face, which never ceased in their relentless playful exploration. Small pockets of noxious gas formed from within the countless folds which made the man involuntarily gag as he wrinkled his nose in nausea. He expected the insides to stink, but he didn’t expect the stench to be so intense. The slowly advancing maw reached his shoulders, but their elasticated body seemingly stretched without limit, allowing it to slip over one shoulder then the next as his neck passed through the lubricated sphincter to the throat of the beast. His heart rate, which had been racing since the fall, increased more so as he felt the shoulders enter the hot mouth. Knowing the broadest part of his body was a cinch for the creature nothing would cause it any issue. It would slowly but surely be able to consume him whole. Trying in vain to thrash his head the thick pulsating muscles moved with him, perpetually clinging to his face, soaking him more in the snake's saliva as he disturbed the musky odor, making him cough in convulsion yet again. From the outside a bulge just behind its head moved violently, a testament to the horrific fate that the trapped man was forced to endure the violent act against his will. Shifting down slightly the coil around his chest made ample room for his torso which was next to be consumed. The shoulders passed through the sticky band of pulsating flesh as its throat stretched to accommodate more of the man. A muffled squeal emitted from within as the rather compact and plump tomb squished his shoulders together in a tight fit. Andrew panted for fresh air that he would never experience again, the damp moist air which smelled incredibly unpleasant and wetted his face, was his only choice. Given how he attended the circus every year he knew the show tonight went on till it closed. No one would arrive to free him, he was all alone with a sinister snake for company, utterly helpless to cease its advancing maw. With fewer coils on him, Andrew's upper chest entered the warm salivating mouth, unsure if it was a normal amount of snake saliva, or if his taste was truly the most savory thing it had ever tasted before, a question the man could not answer, a question only the creature knew. His chest heaved in distress, finally freed of the heavy weight that had compressed it tightly numerous times, his t-shirt clung to him, drenched in a mixture of his own sweat and the creatures drool that washed over him in waves. A quiet shaky breath was expelled from within the throat as the man's situation became more harrowing with each gulp the snake took of him. Utterly hopeless his body was trapped, be it coils or the tight contorting esophagus which never ceased welcoming him further inside. A slight breeze blew down the man's shirt as the snake hissed in content, the remaining coils squeezed him more in excitement, it unwrapped him as if he was some sort of exotic treat. His cries ecoched out through a flood of saliva as the prison around him rumbled violently around his face, the belly that longed for him deeper inside groaned loudly in impatience, its gooey saliva smeared over his face in the process, lips coated in a thick film of the slippery substance. The upper chest entered the hot sticky throat which the many heavy wrinkled folds tenaciously pushed down on him. Unable to pull back as the folds seemed incapable of moving backwards, and the coils refusing to budge prevented him from reversing the horrendous process on the ill-fated individual. The folds moved up his face which never ceased panting desperately, not once able to ignore the foul smelling air within, along his forehead which had streams of its viscous drool rolling down, plowing through his matted hair, the sticky substance a harsh hair product, before it slipped down the back of his head, pushing him further inside the repugnant tube that seemed like it would stretch for an infinity. A repulsive motion which repeated endlessly, effortlessly dragging him deeper into the snake's immaculate body whose anxious groans only got louder and louder the further inside he traveled. A small gap from between the remaining coils which slowly tugged back and forth at his body to gently squeeze him, allowed his hands to be free. However his desperate clawing at the thick body of his captor had no effect on the creature, its sponge-like mass pressed down softly around his hands before bouncing back to their original shape once he relented. Hopelessly clawing at the dirt. Andrew clenched his fists tightly, crying out loudly once more as the construction arrived again, he felt the slick mouth of the predator slide down his stomach. His heart in his throat Andrew too gulped loudly as half of his body was now covered in the slippery translucent goo. The many folds molding to his face and upper body squeaked at the deadly embrace, sticky lips quivered against the slimy flesh as it washed over him, the small pockets of gas from the creases continued to blow in his face as the constant movements forced it out. Coughing in disgust, the walls of the great beast stopped as it tensed tightly around him, violently shaking again as the noisy gut grumbled for the nutritious delicacy. The next coil shifted around to release more of Andrew as the roof of the snake's mouth slipped over his butt. From within, a breathy moan rang out between the lethal mold which adhered perfectly to his face. Surprised at the sudden sensation of the creature's soft warm mouth which pushed deeply into his crotch, his fist opened up and his fingers twitched faintly at the rather unwanted, but arousing feeling. Unable to tell he was already leaking as the trousers were thoroughly soaked, Andrew's teeth chattered as the tongue, like it had done with the rest of his body, tasted him, though the new area responded very differently to the exploration. His breathy sighs barely audible over the rubber like squeaking of the shifting folds instinctively escaped him, his cheeks blushed slightly, as the slimy band tightly to the throat ran down his length, length which had already begun to throb uncontrollably. His feet stretched out and spasmed as the snake expelled a loud hiss of air, the dirt around it blew up a small patch of dust, a substance which unlike Andrew had no effect on it. Cheeks as pink as the creatures interior, Andrew's face which was buried in the spongy flesh, blushed deeply at the unwanted advances the caressing folds repeatedly made on him. Rhythmically pulsating like his own crotch they brushed softly yet firmly along his shaft. Eyes gently closed, his fingers stroked the coils around him endearingly. Breathing intensely, Andrew's mind was distracted from the snake’s insidious progress down his legs, his thighs received their unpleasant bath. Down to his knees Andrews' body began to tense up, having been single for so long he had forgotten the feeling of someone, or in this case something, stimulating him. Mouth open wide in breathy moans, the thick ropes of drool slipped into his mouth. It tasted foul on his tongue, he winced slightly at it, face twitched in distaste, but the inviting sensation pushing on his soaked crotch was an effective incentive to make him endure it. The coil around his ankles, and the countless folds clenched tightly around him in response to Andrews sudden shaking, the man convulsed wildly against the frisky folds, his feet and hands desperately dug into the ground as he screamed out in release, his body shook as he spilled his seed, the warm substance mixed with the warm drool, leaving the man unable to tell what was his body's fluids and what belonged to the snakes. Andrew finally went limp as he breathed deeply. The reptile held the man tightly both internally and externally for a few more seconds to ensure he would no longer fight back. Satisfied it relaxed and the folds started to squeak loudly like rubber once more as his face sank back into their slimy softness. He coughed weakly as the damp musky stench that enveloped him, the folds began their usual walk along his face and down the back of his head again, pushing him further inside, his crotch still twitched faintly at the incessant caressing that molded around it snugly. "Please" a breathless plea which went ignored was made as the remaining coil around his ankle slipped off of him, the mouth moved down his calves. "Don't. Do this. To me." he begged, in between deep breaths, his fingers could barely budge against the wet crevices of the tight interior. The fluid pooled between his fingers like a top grade lubricant. Still weak from his intense release Andrew had no way to oppose the persistent peristalsis, the snake had worn down every last ounce of resistance that the poor man had. His socked feet finally felt the warm air be replaced by more hotter and still air, he felt the powerful breath wash over his feet as the snake closed its mouth. The last of him to be swallowed was now safely inside its mouth, the large bulge behind its head expanded in one area and contracted in another as the shiny scales glistened while they flowed over the unfortunate meal. A long and loud rubber like creaking sound emanated as its body was persistently stretched out to accommodate the man named Andrew. An uproar of applause erupted from the crowd in the big tent as the opening to the throat slid over his feet and closed tightly off behind him. The man had now been swallowed whole, and horrifyingly, he was still very much alive. Andrew was rocked side to side, his body forced to bend to the will of the snake as it slithered off with its claimed prize safely inside. Completely encased, from his forehead, all the way down to the soles of his socked feet, Andrew was soaked in thick snake saliva, the soft folds molding to his every feature, loudly squeaking and creaking as it shifted around him, guiding him to his imminent demise. Eyes and jaw clenched shut he tried to steady his breathing in to steel himself, preparing for the horrific terminus his journey had. He furrowed his brows in anger, none of this would have happened if he had done his work earlier. Right now he would have been in the big tent with everyone else, getting ready to go back home, the snake being unfed. Instead fate led him here, the long and noxious digestive tract of an enormous snake, something no one would have ever experienced first hand, or so he thought. Thick muscles which pushed him to his doom had incredible strength, they slapped across his face as the squelching slime doused him in buckets. Andrew, against his will, would become a part of the giant snake, the animal that other townsfolk, and his own next year, would observe, without knowing it was fully capable of eating them, alive, if given the oppertunity. With expert precision it would coil and squeeze them, before slowly sending them on a once in a lifetime trip to it's unforgiving guts. Exiting the big top the townsfolk chatted about the evening, and their plans for Autumn. The circus, now closed, meant that not one of them could take in a few more sights, a few animals here, a broken bannistar and a bulging snake there, leaving the chance of saving the man, zero. An unforgettable and unfortunate meal consumed that night, one which made the snake view the visitors in a new light. It had finally tasted human, the most fulfilling food it had ever had. Silently it hoped another human would join it again one day. As for the carnies, they removed their makeup, and changed clothes before turning in for the night. It was the last stop for the circus of the year, so as tradition, they left the tents up for the next week, as they visited various places in town, reminisced about their performances that year, and by the time they were ready to pack up and leave the bulge of proof that once went by the name of Andrew had already been added to the snakes jaw dropping length. The broken banister finally discovered and figured to have just fallen apart with age, the staff thankful it didn't happen when people were there, but they couldn't be more wrong. A pair of size 12s went unnoticed in the dense faux foliage, eventually they would be passed off as another prank and discarded.
 Months passed since Luke seemingly quit one day and James worked the late shifts alone, a recent change that had no effect on him. With James managing on his own just fine while Henry was still on vacation his boss had decided they had no real need for a two man team each shift. With the footage deleted the night Luke departed, there was no sign of foul play to be found in the small office, or around the park, no suggestion that something grim might have befallen him, or someone had broken in, apart from one missing member of staff, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, everything was in place, accounted for, and the animals had been fed as usual. Both James and Henry had been completely oblivious to their colleagues' dark growing obsession over a particular snake in their possession during the months leading up to the night he vanished. A sick James had unknowingly given him a rare opportunity that fateful shift, and after some brief hesitation and unease, he came around and seized it, unable to resist the practicalities of his long sought after fantasies playing out for real, he was more than eager to trade places with a deer that night. His verdict in the end, found the lengthy experience that was drawn out for the whole night to be more than worth it as he writhed around, completely content inside the all-powerful python that he had truly admired for months, held firmly by its rubbery innards, his lips grouped for the limited stale air in the oily folds. An experience far better than even the most feverious fantasies he had conjured up. The quiet solitude never bothered James. Henry saw the job as an easy paycheck, sitting on his phone after feeding the animals and rarely doing anything else. As for Luke, James felt he was the polar opposite, a man who took his job a little too seriously, always engrossed in the screens, failing to realize it was always the same screen that captivated him, slowly making him yearn for a rather twisted fate more and more. It felt like he was talking to a brick wall sometimes with the man, only occasionally taking notice, and again he had failed to notice it was always when the snake was discussed his attention would be caught. Luke was called numerous times to pick up his belongings, but he never showed, returned any calls, and with no other contact details they had no clue who his family was. After a brief meeting, it became obvious there was no underlying cause for this, neither management nor colleagues seemed to create a negative workplace environment. While quiet and engrossed in his work, there was no tension between any of them, there was no reasonable explanation for his sudden coldness towards them. Finally after one final call saying it was his last chance, and with no response, they cleared out his locker. The neatly folded clothes, just as Luke had expected, were believed to just be a spare set and thrown away. James started his shift as normal, uneventful as always, he walked around the park feeding the carnivorous animals giving no second thought of what he was doing, the only part of the job he would prefer to have a partner for, as now it took double the time it had before. The lone guard had developed a habit of feeding his usual half of the animals before taking a small break with a snack from a nearby vending machine before continuing with the rest of the animals that either Luke or Henry dealt with in the past. Finally with the other half almost done he ventured to the last animal, one that got fed far less frequently, but was scheduled due to be satiated that night. The snake waited patiently near the gate, an unusual place for the python to occupy before feeding as it tended to wait in the small clearing for its meal to unknowingly venture over to it. Showing little precaution and ignoring the strange feeling in his gut, James opened the gate as normal to coax its usual food into. However after Luke, the reptile had grown tired of the usual deer, finding humans to be a mother-watering delectable that it had been looking forward to having once more after the prior man offered himself to it. The creature was more intelligent than the keepers gave it credit. Knowing the man wouldn't dare enter the pen himself, as the male once called Luke had been the only one to ever enter the enclosure, and even then it was the first time he had entered, and the python seen to it it was his last, as the reptile swiftly enveloped him in it’s strong inescapable coils and took great pleasure in making him it’s meal. It knew the brief moment when the transfer of the usual deer it grew tired of took place was more than likely the only chance it would get to capture him. Like a tensed up spring it leaped towards James quickly wrapping a lone meaty coil around his chest, trapping his arms at his side, a swift jerk pulled him inside. Its stomach was empty, and it demanded the man to join him instead. James shrieked at the sudden attack, his face met the dirt in his tumble, legs kicked frantically as a useless sign of defense which did nothing to deter the snake's sinister plan it had for him, but did kick the gate, with enough force to close it behind the two of them. The deer, fearful of the predator galloped off, its own pen was in a dug out pit with a small railing around it, which allowed guests to lean over and look down at them. It jumped over the railing and landed in the pen, it hurt it’s leg slightly in the landing, but would heal relatively quickly. A small price to pay for it to be safe, surrounded by its own kind, as a careless man had taken its place. Unlike its last meal, the enormous python found its latest catch to be more resistant to their proper place on the food chain. It hissed loudly in mild annoyance, knowing it was only a matter of time before the man would cease his pointless struggles. The beast looked forward to imposing its will on him, breaking him down, before it would finally devour him whole. The guard yelled out as his body was repeatedly tugged, the snake relocating them deeper into its pen. The exit became further and further away as the man was haplessly pulled towards the small clearing, the same place where all its feedings took place, the place where his colleague chose to enter and never came back out. He furiously pulled at his arms, in a desperate bid to free them as he was pulled once more, his face took on a deep red tone with his efforts, eyebrows furrowed he pulled with all his might. However the lone thick coil shifted in accordance with his struggles to maintain the firm unrelenting grip on its latest feed. The python's prey had never escaped from its scaley clutches before, and it was confident its latest victim would be no exception. Relaxing his shoulders James breathed heavily from the intense struggle as a shaky voice cried out for help, knowing full well there was no one around to rescue him, but did so out of sheer panic. His chest heaved as his body was once again dragged further in the enclosure towards the clearing, where he knew the real terror of the night would truly begin. Shades of green passed as the foliage brushed gently across his face, the man trembled slightly in fear as with each pull the python made meant freedom was further and further away. James was never too fond of snakes to begin with, more so this unusually cruel one in particular, and was always grateful for either Henry or Luke to attend to it, but he never in all his life imagined he'd be coiled by it as a potential feed. The rustling of the foliage grew silent and the night sky came into focus, as the bulky weight of the lone coil had finally and effortlessly dragged him into the small clearing, the place where all its meals had met their grim end, and now the guard would know in great detail what the animals, and his colleague prior, had gone through. Steeling himself James put all his strength into standing up, his legs shook uncontrollably as even the one thick coil was hefty enough to give him trouble, his job required little effort, sitting in a chair mostly, it was the most exercise he had had in a long time. Heaving for breath due to the strident efforts, he finally got on his feet, his knees slightly bent as they shook under the weight which clung to his chest. Despite the man standing the snake remained in control, wanting to give him a sliver of hope it allowed him to get up, before it would remind him that he had no power over his situation. It hissed softly in amusement as the guards legs buckled with each small step he took towards the gate. With panicked breaths James had begun to sweat faintly due to his efforts. He shuddered as he knew how difficult the lone coil was causing him, and if more ensnared him his chances of escape would decrease drastically. After almost reaching the foliage once again the python decided to remind him that it was allowing him to get away for fun, as a swift tug pulled him towards the clearing once again, the man stumbled backwards, but still remained on his feet, his legs shaking more than before as they started to feel like jelly. The reptile was highly entertained by his puny efforts of escape, clearly using a lot of his strength to take a few steps, which in contrast only required the tiniest bit of strength from the creature to undo what little progress he made, as it kept him in line. It gave him a small glimmer of hope only for it to rectify the situation and take it away from him. James gasped as he tried several times, clenching his jaw and eyes shut tight. Each time he got to the leaves he was roughly pulled back by the hissing python, mocking the man as his legs grew weaker with each useless attempt which resulted in the coil around him tightening just a bit more. He refused to give up, crying out in terror as he had no way of making it more than a few steps before the coil squeezed tighter and yanked him backwards. Each failed attempt made his legs shake more and more, as his chest had less room to expand, the few steps needed to get to the vegetation got increasingly difficult to reach as his breaths came in shorter supply. Finally the meathy vice around his chest tightened too much, and as James heaved for breath his trembling legs could no longer support himself and the heavy weight which increasingly constricted him, finally gave way as the guard fell on his knees. If the reptile could, it would have smirked as it released the crushing hold on him, relishing in the man's desperate defeated gasps of air that it had granted him. A groan of fear mixed with his heavy breathing as the python began to wrap a second coil around his heaving chest which rose and fell violently. James twisted side to side weakly as he regained his breath in a pointless bid to prevent the scaley mass from further trapping him. He inhaled sharply and clenched his eyes more as the complete second coil tensed up firmly around him, his arms squashed against his sides even more. With the amount of trouble a single coil gave him, double the amount was horrific, and he knew the firm hold it had on him, required little to no effort on the reptiles part. He couldn’t use his own puny strength to win, he would have to somehow outwit it instead, but the slow and drawn out squeezing it administered in between threatening hisses reminded him that in the snake's enclosure the rules were simple, brawn beat brain, and anything that wasn’t as powerful as the python, was simply snake food. On his knees like some obedient creature accepting their fate the snake slithered around to view its latest catch, it raised its head to look at him as they locked eyes, his tongue flickered out as it tasted his fear, a mixture of horror and anger written across the man's face. James recoiled as best as he could, leaning back however the smug reptile moved towards him again to close the gap and continue to taste, James could do nothing more as he leaned far enough back the two thigh thick coils around him were pressed into his calves. He whimpered slightly as the snake continued to lick at him while a third length effortlessly gilded around him, the smooth scales pressed into him as it tensed up, his lungs only able to breath as much or as little as the snake allowed him to, it seemed to be rather generous right now as he could breathe, despite the ever increasing weight around him. With piercing golden eyes the powerful python pulled the man backwards, his legs pulled out from under him as the snake laid him down flat on the ground, it rested it's head atop the coils on his chest as it continued to flick its tongue against the man's twitching nose, savoring his unique flavor. James kicked his legs helplessly as he groaned in mortal dread when his stomach felt the distinct soft but heavy embrace of a fourth coil wrap around him. His desperate pleas fell on deaf ears as the snake felt no pity for him, further toying with its prey as it slid another coil around his delicate throat, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down shakily against the thick body. James coughed up phlegm as the sudden tug around his neck to secure him further took him by surprise, the guards entire upper body was now wrapped in a scaly band of powerful muscles that expanded and contracted in waves, controlling his breathing, sweat ran down his face profusely, his eyes opened wide as his hands clawed uselessly at the dirt below them. Moving off of its coils the snake's shovel-like head moved down and nuzzled softly at the man's drool covered check as it hissed quietly. Was it further mocking him, showing affection, trying to soothe him, thank him, James couldn't tell, all he knew was that he was in grave danger and the progression of the coils did nothing but instill further fear in him. He recalled past conversations with Luke before he too became well acquainted with the snake, that if forced, he'd rather choose to be taken by a lion, a creature that would grant him a quicker demise, but not this, a slow and drawn out demise, where he would be slowly eaten whole, and still very much alive, spending who knows how long trapped in its stomach before passing out. Looking up at the night sky James cursed quietly to himself. When the owner asked him if he minded working alone, he wished he could go back and say yes. If Henry was here he'd have come rushing to his rescue. Instead he was all alone with the man-eating python, doomed to venture deep inside it, and experience what he figured, no person had ever endured before. The unwanted sensation of a sinister coil softly wrapping up his legs came, he tried to keep his legs apart, but the python dwarfed his best efforts as they were quickly forced together tightly. He gasped involuntarily at the buzzing feeling he got between his legs when the bulky length brushed against his crotch before pushing down on it firmly, strongly securing him further. As James laid there he tried to ignore the back and forth motion against his groin, which began to take on a rather unwanted effect as his own length began to throb softly, it yearned for more of the electrifying touch the scaly mass gave him against his wishes. Eyes folded as the guard gently bit his lower lip, his hands continued to claw uselessly at the dirt beneath due to the unwanted pleasure. As he laid in the ever increasing bands of muscle that constantly shifted over him and embraced him. James tried to think rationally, and while the idea of being swallowed alive was utterly horrifying, it was something he couldn’t prevent, so while trying to accept the grim reality he was convinced he would live to tell others of the dangerous experience. He knew the snake always prolonged the feed, and when it finally did he'd only be inside for a short while until the morning staff arrived, surely it wasn’t long enough for digestion to do any harm to him.His colleagues would find out that he was missing, and after a brief check of the tapes, the footage would send them rushing to the pen to release him. James' lip trembled as finally accepted he couldn't escape on his own, that he'd have to be eaten by the python before he'd be saved. He whispered softly to himself that he wished Luke or Henry was there, as he wanted nothing more than to be saved sooner rather than later. A sharp exhale was forced out of the man's body and more phlegm was expelled as the final coil secured tightly around his boots, and with a loud commanding hiss from the predator his entire body from his neck to his ankles was compressed tightly. His feet twitched uselessly, with mouth open agape as his body yearned for air, he looked around desperately, his chin scraping the coil around his throat, he finally noticed just how large the creature truly was, as the mass still free meant it could fully coil several more people and swallow them in one sitting. Teeth clenched he was forced to endure his breath being held, a crushing hug similar to the ever increasing one he got while trying to escape before being too weak to make another attempt. Breathing desperately once the pressure relented on his poor worn out body, he looked to the side with pleading eyes, hoping a usual deer could take his place instead. Almost as if denying him of the unspoken offer his eyes widened in dread as he saw the python yawn, James could do nothing but watch as the maw before him opened wide, and he knew it was more than enough for him to be easily forced inside and sent to its belly. Thick strands of saliva poured down from the roof of its mouth and collected in the lower jaw below in viscous pools, and behind the glistening curtain of clear dripping fluids a dark tunnel awaited him. Its mouth closed once more as it stopped yawning, the brief glimpse of his imminent journey closed off temporarily. A tight constriction once again caught him off guard as he coughed and choked, his sweaty soaked body that was red all over underneath the coils couldn’t take much more of the torture, and as like all the other meals, he was too weak now to do anything but show the faintest signs of resistance. James laid his head back down again and looked at the night sky above as he breathed loudly, the coils surrounding his chest heaved strongly as they had relented their crushing pressure over him. A large lump formed in his throat which faintly stung from the intense strangulation, and as the man regained precious air the snake slithered around him. Stopping at his feet it wondered why, like all the visitors of the zoo it had come to view as potential feed, were a different colour from their skin, unlike Luke who's matched. It felt some slight movement from above as the man's chin sank deep into the soft spongy coil around his throat. The snake raised its head to view the guard struggling to look down at it. The python's soft tail moved delicately over the man's forehead. He trembled while it pushed against him firmly, James exhaled softly in disbelief, and whispered for help as the tail forced him to look up into the night sky, as if he wasn't worthy to look at the snake any more, which had slithered back up to his head. The tail prevented him from moving his head, he could only see from the corner of his eyes the head of the reptile which studied him intensely. Weakly James cried out in agony as the creature once again showed him its awesome might, letting him know it was more than capable of snuffing out his life with a few effortless squeezes on its part. However the brute python took no enjoyment in that. Instead it enjoyed the feeling of its food wriggling around inside of it desperately, and its latest catch was no exception as it loosened its grip around him, enjoying the pathetic mammals panting, desperate for air as his lungs ached as much as every muscle in his body. Through the loud gulps of air the overheated James could hear the snake hissing in quick succession, almost as if it was laughing at his predicament. He had become so weak over the numerous hours that had passed since he was pulled into the pen, and the reptile seemed like it used no energy to have worn him out. With half closed eyes, the guard began to move his head to see what it was doing, but the tail which had gone limp swiftly tensed up again and repositioned his head. A tight crushing pressure was applied to his neck for his troubles, as his mouth opened to the soundless screams of defeat, the snake tugged the ruthless collar again as noises were forced out of him. His eyes bulged wide, sweat poured down his face, the unfortunate lone guard could do nothing to prevent the snake's will on him. Through gritted teeth he managed to utter a simple sorry. Whether or not the python could understand him, it had released him once more, giving him a short reprieve from the constriction. A moan escaped his lips as the length around his loins shifted around rigorously, the unwanted sensation once again stimulating him. Confused, the reptile felt something new stir under the coil, a soft throbbing feeling repeatedly pushed against a small portion of its scaly body. Despite the strange reaction, the snake remained unbothered as it once again tugged swiftly to tighten the man's hefty prison, its body creaked loudly as James lungs were flattened and his chest was denied any room to expand. Tears formed faintly on him at the intense power the creature had over him, unable to move, unable to speak, he could do nothing but continue to throb wildly against his wishes, and as much as he hated to admit it, the sensation on his crotch was far better than anything he had ever experienced before. James closed his eyes tight as the bruising pressure began to make him convulse, the tight band of muscles thicker than his thighs which encircled round his body, were more than capable of closing more if the snake wanted to, however he knew this snake was an oddity, it wouldn’t kill him in it’s coils. He cried out soundlessly as the rubbing sensation became too much against his groin and for a few blissful moments the endorphins in his mind allowed him to ignore the situation as a slight smile formed on his face before he went limp. Slowly however the smile faded as the grim reality seeped back in, the coils graciously relaxed, the python believing he was about to slip away if it held the tight grip for any longer. Finally with hours passed since the naive James had been dragged into the enclosure and became well acquainted with its coils, which too knew every square inch of his body. The snake's own began to rumble strongly, letting it know it was finally done toying with its latest victim, and instead was finally ready to begin to feed. Drooling thickly onto the ground in anticipation, the man's unending scent of fear gave him the most delectable flavor. The tail tightened significantly around his forehead, as a loud clicking sound rang out in the quiet enclosure, a strong gust of wind blew onto the crown of the guard head. A horrid gasp escaped him, as the rest of the coils tensed up, holding him firmly, ensuring he was completely still while the long arduous task of being swallowed whole, and still very much alive began. While only being able to look at the night sky above he could hear above him the distinct sound of a heavy body getting louder as it slithered along the ground, he knew it was drawing closer to him. It's revolting warm breath getting more intense as it closed the gap between the two. His eyes widened in disbelief as the glass dome was slowly replaced with the dripping roof of the snake's mouth which lowered gently onto him, the tail lazily slid off, replacing the scaly mass with the pythons moist pallette. The humid air inside which wetted his face blew strongly as it hissed loudly in excitement, eager to satiate weeks of hunger. James coughed in response to the foul air emanating from further within, and a groan of disgust was made as its thick drool flowed down onto his face. His nose twitched in discomfort as he clenched his eyes shut, the putrid slime fell near his eyes and slid down his face, as another deafening hiss rang out inside, the smelly air wafted round him more, as the young man could do nothing but gag at the stench. Unable to do anything outside the salivating maw but twitch his feet in despair, the snake progressed slowly down to his neck as his head was keenly welcomed into the expansive throat. The thick musky odor assaulted his nose as rubbery muscle squealed loudly while it molded perfectly to his handsome face. Repeatedly the folds realigned it's hold on him, exploring every part of his features, James opened his mouth wide as the stale air was already limited, his breathing erratic as the coils around his chest shifted and squeezed in tandem with the consumption The guard tried to remain calm, reminding himself that help will come in the morning, he just had to endure the hell for a short while and things will be okay in the end. His rare encounter would be an almost unbelievable story to tell his friends at the bar, and the media. After all, snakes don't eat people, unless people believed the random clickbait articles, and for someone to actually be swallowed alive by one and live to tell the tale would be his fifteen minutes of fame. However the world outside reflected his new world as it too was plunged into darkness, the zoo's generator recently had a problem, and maintenance were waiting for a special part they ordered to be delivered. Despite being on life support, things went as normal. However the power cut was a sign that the generator had finally given up. The previous footage wasn't saved, the vital evidence of his ever increasing disappearance would go undocumented, and with the gate closed in his initial struggles, the morning staff would more than likely be unaware that for the second time in a row, the ruthless snake had a human for it's feast. A treat it was expecting to have each and every time now, either given to him like Luke did, or by force like James, it had moved past the unappealing deer, and had a new demand for its dietary requirements. Just like the staff would be unaware of the night's events too, as they were with Lukes, James was unaware of the power outage, he shuddered as his shoulders were finally taken into its ever stretching mouth, still convinced he'd be saved. A muffled squeak escaped from within as his shoulders were tightly pushed together as the immense throat expanded further as well to greet the widest part of a human. The lubricated band of flesh that stretched around him snapped like a slippery rubber band, compressing his arms together as its insidious unstoppably advances continued. The guard's face pressed through the skin tight mask of shifting muscles and scales, which flowed effortlessly like a gelatinous waterfall to accommodate the ill-fated individual. The reptile's body loudly creaked and squeaked as it seemed it could expand and conceal any creature it desired. A seemingly endless mass of soft damp folds rubbed across his face roughly as his panicked breaths took in the extremely unpleasant air, their weight pressed down on his chest with an immense force not too different from the coils that weighted it down prior. The peristalsis slapping sensation, a constant reminder that he was being pushed deeper into his conqueror's body, who's length was truly extraordinary. James wondered how far he'd travel through it before he would be rescued. The sounds of his own irregular breathing muffled by the snake's digestive tract pressing securely against his ears, mixed together with the sounds of the snake's ceaseless rumbling gut from deeper within, and the squelching of it's natural slime it secreted between the folds flowing down onto him and rubbed over his face by the shifting folds. The guard began to feel guilty about all the times the snake had been fed, and he never once cared about the poor creatures that went through the same cruel treatment he now experienced. A treatment that strangely appealed to his colleague, an obsession that grew stronger and stronger until finally one day he willingly fed himself to the very python that was eating him slowly. Another coil slipped away as the mouth clamped down securely on his stomach, its own still groaning out, impatiently demanding his company. The guards' saliva drenched clothes clung tightly to his body. Like how some animals have behaviors to claim ownership of something, the hyperactive muscles constantly smeared its internal juices everywhere marking the man as if he belongs to it. With half his body finally inside the throat James wondered how many hours it had been since he had been claimed by the large snake, he pondered how many more it would stretch the brutal swallowing process out for. The folds tensed around him to hold him tightly in place as the mouth lifted up and moved further down him. A shaky breath escaped near soundlessly into the soft damp folds as the wet mouth finally made contact with his crotch, its upper mouth wriggled side to side as it pushed down on him firmly. He blushed faintly as once again the unwanted sensation had taken a similar effect on him, the innards relaxed once more as he traveled deeper into its deadly length, it emanated the all too familiar squeaking noise as its body swelled while it expanded and contracted around him. His feet twitched persistently in his boots as the perhestalis tirelessly and unknowingly explored his sexual organ, which had grown significantly once again. Each wave that washed over him to drag him into the dark gooey depths drew moans and breathy sighs as the guards mind was once more clouded over by a sensation the likes of which he had never experienced before. From the outside his writhing movements were easily discernible, as he began to slowly buck his hips into the soft slimy tissue to the best of his ability in a desperate plea for more of the incredible feeling the snakes throat was giving him, his mind paying no heed that it was the digestive tract of a large python that made him shake and quiver in utter bliss. Moving further down the man's legs the snake was curious as to why they had tensed up as they stretched out and trembled slightly. His breathing inside the sentient stretched out tube hastened with each caress the moist thorat made as it inadvertently stroked his length through his pants, and louder than any prior noises while being swallowed, the man cried out as he was finally enveloped in his release. The guard's legs went limp as they felt like jelly, shaking slightly at the most intense pleasure he had ever felt in his entire young life. A deep sense of shame and embarrassment grew within James as the fog began to clear and he remembered where he currently was and what happened. Clearly it was a part he would omit from his regaleing of the encounter to others, he would take that part of the encounter to his grave, however he had yet to learn how quickly that was approaching. A soft hiss flowed between his legs as fine particles of the dirt blew away in response. Enough of the man was inside now that the reptile no longer needed to move forward to swallow him up, its throat had enough of James now that its powerful folds could pull his legs inside bit by bit on their own. Slowly he glided inside, and more of his thick saliva soaked pants clung to his legs joined him inside. James in the wake of his intense climax struggled weakly against the ever shifting innards which pulled him deeper. The musky air grew increasingly more stale and noxious, he coughed weakly in response as he breathed heavily, receiving less and less air the deeper he traveled. His fingers twitched against the slimy walls, slipping in between the folds which clenched tight, trapping them, his faint tears mingled with the goo as his ankles finally began to slip inside. He swore when he got out of the python he would never eat another animal ever again. While the taste of his clothes had done nothing to deter the advances of the snake his boots were unappetising to the creature, their thick rubber soles had an unpleasant taste to them. However, the rest of the delicious meal already safely inside made up for that. It allowed the man a few final moments of freedom before they too joined the rest of him in the elasticated throat. A small whimper of denial was made as he felt the fleshy band that separated the mouth from the throat finally roll over his boots and closed off behind them, sealing him inside. His entire body had been swallowed, and he was still very much alive, he clenched his eyes shut, did his best to ignore the damp folds which smothered him, and hoped his rescuers would come soon. Like with Luke the snake hissed loudly in triumph over besting another succulent meal, before the all too familiar clicking sound rang out in the dark pen as it's mouth closed, trapping the man inside with no hope of escape. It looked back and with an almost smug expression it watched its impressive body contort to every feature of the doomed man inside. Its smooth scales flowed like thick honey as the guard moved further through its digestive tract, his mouth open wide as he struggled to breathe enough air, every tiny wriggle the human made was evident on the outside as the reptile's body moved in response. As the sun started to rise James had ventured significantly deeper inside it .The python began to slither off into the foliage as usual. The world inside rumbled violently as the guard was tossed around, being forced to bend and move along with the powerful creature. Like with all its food he knew it was concealing them both. However he still believed it would make no difference as the morning staff would come to his rescue, the bloated snake wouldn’t be fast enough to evade them, nor be able to digest him in time. After the seemingly never ending night the morning staff arrived. Puzzled as to why the power was out, they checked the generator and found it to have finally died. Arriving at the office they were further confused to find it abandoned. They performed a quick search around the park but seen no signs of foul play, all the enclosures were still locked, no animals seemed missing, the staff seen the head of the python in the foliage and decided no further examination in the pen was needed either. They called their boss to update him, who decided to have an emergency meeting. Having arrived shortly before opening hours, the owner decided they had to close the zoo until the generator could be fixed as they couldn't operate without power. As for James, that was something none of them could quite figure out. All the staff found it odd, first Luke seemingly quit without notice or reason, and now James had gone too. The boss didn’t receive any call in the middle of the night to inform him that the generator had finally failed completely. Nor did an inspection of it show any signs of tampering, it had finally broken. A mystery that none of them could solve. His phone was still on the table in the office yet he was nowhere in the zoo. Or so they thought. Just like with Luke, had they looked more closely into the python’s pit they would see a more human-like bulge protruding outward. Though unlike with Luke, the current one was hoping, praying for them to save him. He thrashed around inside trying desperately to breathe easier, the world around him rumbled as the snake hissed, enjoying him wriggling inside. Hearing the faint noises of people outside, James laid scared and confused as to why none of them were trying to rescue him already. Not yet knowing the owner had decided to close the zoo until the power was back up and running. Staff would still be required to show up and feed the animals, but unless any of them realized it soon, the guard would be gone before the snake emerged from the foliage, and the time to save the unfortunate guard would have long passed. The day dragged on and with the outside world remaining quiet, the grim realization slowly dawned on James as to why there was no noise of attendees. No one was at the zoo, he finally figured the generator must have broken down resulting in the recording being corrupted. That would explain why the zoo had no visitors, why no one was saving him. He struggled and cried out in vain for some savior in the empty park, the immeasurable soft folds refusing to ever release him, its body stretched to keep him safely contained, refusing to ever let him go, the snake occasionally hissed in quick succession almost as if it was still mocking him. The surrounding area remained deathly quiet, save from the squelching and gurgling of the snakes belly, and the muffled cries of protest from a doomed individual trapped inside as it worked on him
 __________________________________________________ SECTION 1 The intense Summer heat of India was relentless as it bore down on you daily, the sun scorching your skin and shade was in little supply. The warm evening air still, offering no cooling breeze as you walked back through the town. It was your first time in the Country, it wouldn’t have been your first choice for a place to visit, but it was a business trip, not one for pleasure. With the company paying for all your expenses, the sweltering heat was a small price to pay in order to experience a culture vastly different from back home, and that price was at the cost of someone else. With business finally taken care of you enjoyed the last few days you had before flying back home and returning to normal life. You sighed loudly and collapsed onto the bed once you returned to the hotel room. It was a rather spacious room for just one person. With some days still left you felt no need to pack your belongings just yet and instead shut your eyes and relaxed as your mind slowly drifted off for the night. A white ceiling came into focus as the early morning sun beamed brightly into the room. With no other plans for the last few days of your trip you got up and commenced with your morning routine. A quick shower, followed by some breakfast and a drink courtesy of the hotel, you looked through your phone reading up on what was happening in the world while you slept. Finished, and with a full day of possibilities, you walked out onto the small private balcony. Most of the town was quiet, with few people out in the marketplace getting ready to open their stalls. Just behind the marketplace lay the stunning view of the jungle. Exotic plants and tall grass lined the entrance before disappearing into the tightly packed trees, there were no nature paths or ways for cars to travel in or out it seemed, a terrain that would test a person's skill. With no other plans, and the full day still available to you. What do you do? Decide it would be an interesting place to explore for the day - Go to SECTION 2 Suddenly hope a particular python resided in there - Go to SECTION 3 __________________________________________________ SECTION 2 Taking a quick stop at the marketplace you find a single stall that finally opened, purchasing some water you chat with the local about the jungle. The man warns you that you stay within the town as no one who had ever ventured into the jungle had ever come back out. Intrigued and filled with a sense of adventure, you thank the man for the water and for his concern, and make your way to the jungle, positive the man was over exaggerating, but curious what the jungle could possibly conceal, you make haste and exit the town with a spring in your step, looking forward to a trek through the jungles of India. As you took the short walk towards the dense treeline your head filled with possible things you may encounter. Beautiful views, rare plants, animals of all kinds, from the smallest of frogs to the largest of snakes, looking forward to boasting about it to your colleagues. Finally you stop at the vibrant leaves ahead, and look back at the town, the buildings much smaller than before, no longer able to see the merchant who warned you about entering. You take a deep breath and smile as you push forward. Go to SECTION 4 __________________________________________________ SECTION 3 Looking out at the luscious greenery your mind suddenly plays out a scene from the Jungle Book, an encounter you were drawn to ever since you were exposed to it as a kid. You dreamed of taking Mowglis place in those captivating coils, wishing nothing more than to feel his tail winding round your body, trapping you further and further with no chance of escape, before finally reaching your neck and constricting the life from you briefly, treating you like a pet squeeze toy. It's certainly your strongest desire, and your mind began to wonder if he could possibly exist. You shook your head and laughed it off as the thought appeared, a silly fantasy involving a fictional snake, that you dared tell no one about. However with nothing else planned for the day you decided to humour your thoughts, you elected to pack some supplies and head into the jungle in search of the giant rock python, at the very least it would be a nice trek. As you walked towards the outskirts of the town a neary shopkeeper was preparing to open his business for the day, he greeted you, asking what your plans for the day were. You told him you fancied a wander through the jungle, the merchant warned that it'd be best to stay within the town as no one who had ever entered there had ever come back out. Your heart raced, hoping they all met the not so fictional creature, and he may currently be waiting in the trees for his next victim, a situation you secretly longed for. Go to SECTION 5 __________________________________________________ SECTION 4 Brushing through the tall grass you take your first steps into the dense overgrowth, leaving civilization further behind with each step you take. The intensity of the humid heat picks up as you venture more, birds sing as various other animals emit sounds of life. Despite lacking other humans, the jungle was full of various species all hidden by the immense foliage. You traveled for a while, your life spent in the city surrounded by other people meant you never developed a strong sense of precaution. Especially when you were in a jungle, as you failed to pick up on the sounds of the wildlife slowly getting more quiet, until finally the only noise was made by you as you brushed past large leaves, and stepped on the large blades of grass. Completely unaware that the silence meant that the animals avoided the area for a reason, and that reason existed high above as a lone creature had noticed your presence, it picked up a familiar scent a little while ago, one which belonged to animals he oh so much enjoyed entertaining, ones he had encountered many times before you. The creature in question came in the form of a thick brown python with dark spots running down its immeasurable length, thought to be a fictional creature the sinister snake known as Kaa really existed, he slowly slithered down from the treetops towards you, his unsuspecting prey, for a better viewpoint. He began drooling slightly as the scent was getting stronger, he laid in wait patiently until finally you pushed the leaves aside and the Indian python at last got a good glimpse of you. Kaa smacked his scaly lips “Oh you will do! You will do jussst fine!” he hissed quietly in excitement as he watched you intensely walk further and further into its domain., unaware that the large imposing snake was drawing nearer to you. From behind he looked you over in more detail as he continued to drool ever so slightly, his tail wiped away at the saliva, not wanting to let you know immediately what his plans for you were. "Excussss me" he said, his tail gently tapped your shoulder. Your entire body stiffened momentarily as you slowly turned around. Go to SECTION 6 __________________________________________________ SECTION 5 Brushing through the tall grass you take your first steps into dense the overgrowth, leaving civilization further behind with each step you take. The intensity of the humid heat picks up as you venture more, birds sing as various other animals emit sounds of life. Despite lacking other humans, the jungle was full of various species all hidden by the immense foliage. You travelled for a while longer, replaying the scene in your head over and over ready to give up everything for him to exist and take Mowgli's palace in those strong inescapable coils. Your heart raced as the sounds of the wildlife slowly got more quiet, something made all the other animals stay away, until finally the only noise was made by you as you brushed past large leaves, and stepped on the large blades of grass. You took a deep breath and began to repeatedly call out to him, slightly embarrassed over the act, but reminding yourself you were alone and no one would judge you. Unaware that your wildest fantasy was closer than you imagined as from high above a lone creature had been observing you. A thick brown python with dark spots running down its immeasurable length slowly smiled as he licked his scaly lips. "Oh my. What'sssss thissssss I ssssee hmm" he whispered as a soft chuckle escaped him. "Perhapsssss I sssshould take a clossser look at my curiousss guessst" and with that, the thought to be fictional snake slowly slithered down from the treetops towards you, his prey who somehow knew his name. From behind he looked you over, drooling ever so slightly “Oh you will do! You will do jussst fine” he thought internally as his tail wiped away at the saliva, not wanting to let you know immediately what his plans were. "Excussss me" he said, his tail gently tapped your shoulder. Your entire body stiffened momentarily as you slowly turned around, recognising the voice. Go to SECTION 7 __________________________________________________ SECTION 6 You nearly jump out your skin as you believed you were the only person in the jungle, you turn around and are confused when a strange snake is looking at you and no other human in sight. "Di... did you just speak?" you stutter, convinced you heard a voice. "I did indeed” the python said, smiling warmly at you. Unable to form a coherent sentence, your mouth open but no words come forth as you question how it's possible, the snake chuckled softly "let me introduccce myssself, my name isss Kaa, and you are, he questions, his tail gently stroking your cheek in admiration. Pulling yourself together you finally are able to tell the creature your name, moving your face away from the snake's tail, despite the sensation of his scales rubbing your face being quite pleasant. "Hmm, what a lovely name” he compliments “ ssso tell me, what bringsss you all the way out here? Are you lossst?" picking up on your timid disposition he backs his head away slightly giving you a bit more space, his tail strokes his chin in contemplation, pretending to not pose any threat to you whatsoever. "No" you reply "I'm out here exploring" having a conversation with the snake seemed odd, and unbelievable, but he seemed friendly enough, a conclusion you would soon come to regret. "I was told that people explored here before and never returned. I'm sure it's a tall tale, but it seems like a fun adventure" you laugh, not realizing how true the merchant's words were, and the thing that linked all the missing people together was right in front of you. Kaa pondered, his head turned away from you as the gears turned, his tail continued to rub his lower jaw, as he tried to think of a good story to tell you. "Ooh!" he exclaims, as his face lights up "Oh how sssilly of me. How could it have ssslipped my mind" the snake turned around with a warm smile on his face "You find thisss jungle to be beautiful yesss? You're tired of all the ssstresss life bringsss hmm? Thossse people did too, they sssimply wanted to get away from that, ssso they all traveled to a placcce deeper in the jungle" his tail poked in the direction in behind you, you turned around and peered into the seemingly endless depths of the Indian jungle "Would you like me to ssshow you where it issss hmm?" awaiting your answer he rests his tail on your shoulder, a familiar gesture your friends had done, though unlike them he was far from a friend you'd want to meet, let alone be in the presence of. You continued to stare ahead into the foreign territory as Kaa looked intently at the back of your head resisting the urge to smack his lips once again. How do you respond? With caution, pass on the offer - Go to SECTION 8 With naive, agree and follow him deeper into the jungle - Go to SECTION 9 __________________________________________________ SECTION 7 You swallow the lump in your throat, breath irregular, heart racing, hands shaking, you turn around and come face to face with the thought to be fictional python named Kaa. "Yo...You're really here!" you stutter, as you rubbed your eyes in disbelief, believing you were about to wake up in the hotel room disappointed. "Where else would I be?" the python said, smiling warmly at you, unable to form a coherent sentence as you were star stuck, the snake chuckled softly at your strange disposition "Now then, why were you calling out to me? And how do you know my name?" He questioned, his tail moved closed and began to gently stroke your cheek in admiration. You shuddered at the touch of him, the smooth warm tip was enough to make you shake with adrenaline. "I ... I'' you could barely speak as his tail never ceased in touching your face "was... hoping to..." you gulped loudly, as you tried to speak to the Indian python who was noticing how you enjoyed his touch rather than be afraid "find you" you finished as Kaas head lifted up more as your response peaked his interest "Oh, isss that ssso" he chuckled as he patted your cheek with every word, while you shivered in response to his playfulness. With a shaky breath you confirmed to him that you've known about him for practically your whole life, he was confused wondering how that was possible, as he never forgot a guest. You gulped loudly once more as your mouth became dry, you knew what he meant by guest, and what he was planning for you. Rather than over complicate things by telling him the truth, you decided to tell him the townspeople warned of a snake existing that if met, you'd never be heard from again. Not wanting to alert you to his intentions so soon, he tried to calm you, assure you that wasn't true, as his tail shifted to the back of your head and stroked it lovingly. You closed your eyes briefly and enjoyed the sensation, biting your bottom lip as you eagerly anticipated the feeling of your whole body wrapped in his coils. You replied that that's why you were actually there, as you bit your lip more intensely, groaning softly as his face had moved closer to you. You could feel his powerful breath blowing on you. Kaa continued to notice you were acting far differently from all the other people he had encountered before, and while he still acted friendly, he was ready for whatever trick he believed you might pull on him "Oh, that'sss why you're here, what do you mean?" You opened your eyes again, Kaa looked intensly at you and smiling warmly his tail draped over your shoulders now, with butterflies in your stomach you shook as you raised your hand and started stroking his tail with adoration which had begun to squeeze and relax gently, as if he was giving you a massage "Since I was young I've always had this fantasy involving you" you stated, embarrassed to continue, despite the fact it was the very snake who would grant you your long sought after experience "Oh, what fantasssy isss that then?" he asks, narrowing his eyes as the tail swats your hand away softly and moves to wrap around your neck. Your breathing pace increases as the feeling is better than any dream you had ever had, wanting nothing more than for him to strangle you. Go to SECTION 10 __________________________________________________ SECTION 8 You raised your eyebrow as a slight uneasy feeling began to well up inside, "Umm" you hesitated turning to look back at him, the warm smile still on his face "In there?" you question, pointing behind you into the dark depths of the jungle, Kaa nodded friendly and hummed in confirmation. "Sorry, but I would probably get lost" you tell him, unsure of a better response so quickly. You cross your arms and begin to walk away from the odd snake, away from the darker depths. His tail quickly drapes around your shoulder once more like a friend would do when leaning on you "Oh don't worry, I will take you there, and if you wisssh to leave again I will gladly bring you back. I promissse" you feel his tail contracting and relaxing, as if he was trying to massage your shoulders and neck to ease you more into trusting him. "You have nothing to worry about, and I will make sssure no other creaturesss harm you either, afterall you sssaid you wanted an adventure hmm?" his tail continues to rub your shoulders tenderly. An act you question why you were allowing him to do it for so long, but you couldn’t deny the sensation was extremely relaxing. You knew he was using a fraction of his strength as you were well aware of how powerful snakes were, he could have just coiled you up by now and squeezed the life out of you, but he hasn't, he came across friendly enough and seemed to mean you no harm. Unbeknownst to you Kaa loved to play with his food. After a few seconds you? Agree and ask Kaa to lead the way - Go to SECTION 9 Take his tail off of you and once again walk away - Go to SECTION 14 __________________________________________________ SECTION 9 A faint smile forms on your face as you relax around Kaa, believing his intentions to be harmless you nod and tell him to lead the way. You step aside as he slithers away, his tail beckons you to follow him, which you do, without giving much more thought to the danger you were walking into. As you wander further away from the town you ask Kaa various questions, how can he speak, where did he come from, do the people in the makeshift village know about him. The snake answers with short replies, how can you speak, he's always been here, you can ask them yourself when they get there, laughing as he points out how curious you are, and internally to himself knowing you bought the idea that the others still exist in a village out here. He frequently looks back to make sure you're still oblivious to his true intent with you as a grin appears on his face. “Not much further now” he assures you. The two of you finally reached a small clearing deep in the jungle, sunlight filtered through the leaves in the canopy high above, a small lake with crystal clear water flowed gently to the side, vibrant flowers scattered throughout, trees with thick bodies, a testament to the hundreds of years it’s been since they were young saplings. You take in the serene view around, as Kaa's face comes closer to you. What do you do? Walk around the clearing - Go to SECTION 11 Ask if it'll be much longer - Go to SECTION 13 __________________________________________________ SECTION 10 "Well" another gulp, and a gasp as you feel his tail move slightly to hold you more firmer "I've heard stories from my youth that should make me fear you, make me stay away, but that's not the case... You see… I've always dreamed about encountering you so you could ..." You take deep breaths despite the excitement you were still a little nervous, part of you was asking if it would be worth it "Could?" Kaa inquired as you moan faintly in response to the coil around your neck gripping only a fraction firmer as you piqued his curiosity, even the slightest change in pressure was enough to make you see stars. "Wrap me up in your strong coils, squeeze me, then..." You closed your eyes, steeling yourself to finally admit out loud your fantasy that would be a one way trip. "And then?" he hissed with suspense. You could practically hear the interest picking up even more in his voice as the tip of his tail once again stroked your cheek as if to motivate you. You gupled loudly, the tail briefly stopping stroking your cheek as a result, before resuming to stroke your face tenderly "Swallow me whole... and... alive" A slight creaking sound rang out as the grip around your throat grew more intense, you gasped loudly in sudden shock as you look at Kaa who appeared to have a more sinister smile on his face as he chuckled in ill intent "My my. You know who I am, what I am, and yet ... you long for that experienccce, do you?" He looks at you and for what felt like an eternity of shared silence, you finally gained your composure enough to nod, and a near whisper of confirmation was made. Kaa laughed uncontrollably loudly as the coil around your neck vibrates violently, he removed it then wiped away a tear in his eyes "I mussst sssay I have never in all my yearsss, came acrossssss anyone willing to be a feassst for me, but why passssss up sssuch a rare oppertunity asss thisss" Boasting over your strange desire, but not complaining about a meal either way, the great Indian python slithered over to a more darkened area that lead to a deeper part of the jungle "Let'sss go sssomewhere more sssecluded hmm. I have a ssspecial place where I think you know what happensss to thossse who crossssss pathsss with me. Come" he said as his tail patted you on the back firmly in encouragement. You walked towards him, and together ventured into the deeper depths of the Indian jungle. Go to SECTION 12 __________________________________________________ SECTION 11 Ignoring the snake closing the gap between you both, a small hint of annoyance briefly appears across Kaas face as you walk past him to look around the area some more. You drink from the refreshing lake, the cold and cleanliness was better than any bottled or tap water you had ever drank before. Taking the small flask from your pocket you fill it with the invigorating liquid. Kaa observes you, deciding it didn't matter if you looked around the area, or quenched your thirst, it was only delaying the inevitable. A slight grin appeared on his face as he quietly muttered to himself for you to enjoy the freedom while you still could, he silently slid his thick body around the area as you continued to drink from the lake, ensuring every which way his coils lurked. A simple precaution he was sure wouldn't be necessary, but always good in case things went South. You sighed in content as you were finally rehydrated and ready to go, still none the wiser to the severe danger you were in. Wiping the sweat from your forehead due to the humidity of the jungle air, you walked back to the Indian python ready to carry on with your travels. Sensing the plan was ready to proceed his face once again moved closer to you. Go to SECTION 13 __________________________________________________ SECTION 12 The air becomes more humid as you trek deeper into the jungle, towards a place of no return, the butterflies in your stomach grows more intense the further you get, each step bringing you closer to your goal. With a mixture of excitement and nerves, you ask Kaa how much further it will be, he tells you to be patient, and it'll be worth the journey as he looks back at you with a sadistic sneer. In return he asks you what made you finally seek him out, you replied saying it's a fantasy that's only gotten more stronger as time went one, and before you could continue Kaa finished your sentence by stating today was finally the day it could no longer be ignored, to which you confirmed. You then asked him if he had eaten any people before "Of courssse, the part in thossse ssstoriesss where I ssswallow anyone whole who crossssssesss pathsss with me wasssn't made up. Why, think I wouldn't be able to take you or sssomething… you'll ssse" he laughed smugly and once again said how strange you were. The two of you finally reached a small clearing deep in the jungle, sunlight filtered through the leaves in the canopy high above, a small lake with crystal clear water flowed gently to the side. You take in the serene view around knowing this was the place where the deadly act would be carried out, you shook as your emotions were overwhelmed, excited and fear, would it be worth it. Kaa tells you you've arrived as he turns to look at you with a wide grin on his face, he closes the gap between the two of you. How do you react? Ask to remain aware - Go to SECTION 16 You want him to hypnotise you - Go to SECTION 17 Begin to have second thoughts - Go to SECTION 21 __________________________________________________ SECTION 13 "So Kaa, how much longer do you think it'll be? You said it wasn’t much further, but I still don’t hear anything” you asked, looking directly at the snake who's smile began to widen "Ooh, we're already here" you raised your brow in confusion and ask him what he means as you were the only two here "Thisss isss the placcce where you will join all the othersss" puzzled you begin to ask further questions, a slight feeling of unease began to stir within as a strange glint appears in the golden eyes of the giant rock python "Trussst me, you will join them, I can assssssure you" he snickered, as the glint shined a little brighter "Just trussst in me" His soft tail quickly cups your chin, gently holding it up ,making sure the two of you remain locked in a staring match. Looking at Kaas changing eyes you? Try to resist - Go to SECTION 18 Were caught too off guard - Go to SECTION 19 __________________________________________________ SECTION 14 Once again you refuse Kaas invitation, your hand gently grabs his tail and removes it from your person and begin to walk away. Kaas head slithers closer so his face is right in front of you "Persistent big guy aren't you" you said, as you started to get annoyed but not wanting to anger him, unsure what he may do. "Well I jussst love company, I get ssso lonely out here afterall" he looks down at the ground and frowns, attempting to gain some sympathy from you "Then why don't you go hang out in the village then" you retort, the holes in Kaa's story started to fall apart. "W…Well" Kaa started, stammering slightly, realising you were pretty quick, he had to make his move now "the thing issss" his tail started moving from behind you, though this time it wasn’t to make your feel at ease around him "the reassson I can't isss" his tail mere inches from the back of your head "there isss no village" and with that his tail grabbed the back of your head and firmly held it to continue looking at his face, and before you could blink his face pushed into yours as a strange glint appeared in his eyes. Looking at Kaas changing eyes you? Try to resist - Go to SECTION 15 Were caught too off guard - Go to SECTION 20 __________________________________________________ SECTION 15 Instinctively you moved your head fiercely to get Kaa's tail off of your head, but it remained firmly affixed, you clenched your eyes shut, as the briefest of glimpses at the strange look he has in his eyes made you feel sick with worry, alarm bells ring out loudly in you to just run, however the tail quickly moved around your waist. You stumbled forward trying to regain your balance as Kaa yanked at you pulling you somewhere. Unable to remove the thick coil as you push down on the tail that ensares your waist, Kaa keeps guiding you somewhere. Cautiously you opened your eyes, the surrounding area kept getting darker and darker, clearly he had a place in mind, and he was taking you there by force. However you quickly clench your eyes shut again as not before long he would turn back around to look at you, a strange captivating swirl of colours in his eyes. He laughed softly at your reaction “It would be in your bessst interessst if you jussst looked. Trussst me” he suggested and pulled you a couple of steps forward. Eventually the pulling and tugging stopped, at no point did you pleading with the snake have any positive response, only a laugh from him and another strong pull forward "We're here" Kaa announced. One again you cautiously opened your eyes briefly, and saw a small clearing surrounding you, the sound of running water from the nearby lake. Enjoying your measly efforts to remove his tail still Kaa moved thicker portions of his body a few steps behind you in a messy pile, and teased you once again "Come on" he said softly "I can assssssure you it would be in your bessst interessst if you jussst looked at me" you clenched your teeth and grabbed firmly at his tail, yelling your rejection at his wishes. Digging your fingers into the spongy mass, both the tail and your grip tightened, it infuriated you to hear Kaa giggle to himself, clearly he was using no effort to hold such a firm grip on you, while you were struggling with it. Quicker than you imagined Kaa released you and quickly pushed you backwards. Your leg caught a thick branch, or so you thought, as you walked away with your arms covering your eyes, and with your balance lost you fell to the ground. Opting to take a brief look in order to get your bearings, a sense of dread built up, the feeling surrounding you wasn’t grass or dirt more so it felt like the snake's tail but in larger amounts. They widened and your pupils dilated as you realised your hunch was correct, he pushed you into a pile of his scales. Light and dark patches of browns glistened like precious jewels in the diffused sunlight, as the soft spongy ground beneath you began to shift, keeping you disoriented, off your balance, you couldn’t get back up, as the all too familiar tail reached out to you once more. "Letsss try that again ssshall we?" the python chuckled, finding your attempt to retreat rather cute. His tail wrapped slowly around your ankles, gingerly pushing your legs together. With a few loops made, ending at your calves, his thick soft body ceased moving and his tail yanked you towards him. Laying on the ground you were effortlessly dragged back over to Kaa who looked down at you with a warm smile on his face "I only wisssh to help you forget about all your troublesss, ssso pleassse no more resssisssting hmm?" You try to prop yourself up as a thick portion of his body rolls over your forehead, weighing you heavily down. The bulky scales piled quickly as the soft mass moved down your face and travelled down your body till it weighed down on your legs. Your panicked breaths breathed in the coils' musky Earthy scent as they continued to pass over you, pinning more and more of you down. You shuddered in fear as the coils finally completed their intentions, your legs wrapped by two coils, and your body pinned down by Kaas heavy mass. All that poked out from under the hefty blanket was your eyes which he left uncovered, they twitched as the odd python came into view once more, his eyes mere inches from your own. A grimace inducing sneer spread across the Indian pythons face as you were quickly assaulted in a barrage of beautiful colours, their brilliance engulfed your vision. Demanding you to accept. Your mind resists, in the end? You're too strong willed - Go to SECTION 25 You fall under his spell - Go to SECTION 26 __________________________________________________ SECTION 16 "Umm, before we start Kaa, I have one final request" you announce as his face started getting close to you own "Oh, isss there, and what isss that hmm?" a sinister chuckle escaped from him as you take a gulp and steady your nerves as best you could "I know you have a rather unique... ability, but I don't want that" you take a deep breath as your heartbeat soars "I want to remain awake, the entire time" another low and intimidating chuckle is made by him as his eyes open wider in shock "my my, not only have you willingly sssought me out, but you wisssh to remain aware asss I ssswallow you, sssuch a brave SSSSSSNACK!" he says his tongue runs up your cheek, your entire body shivers in response "I will gladly grant you that… Now then, take off your extra layersss, I think you can agree we'd both find it to be more... fun” He giggles as your hands shake with adrenaline, your mind still at war with itself “Or isss sssomething the matter?" What do you do? Gladly strip off - Go to SECTION 22 RUN! - Go to SECTION 24 __________________________________________________ SECTION 17 "Umm, before we start Kaa, I have one final request" you announce as his face started getting close to you own "Oh, isss there, and what isss that hmm?" a sinister chuckle escaped from him as you take a gulp and steady your nerves as best you could "I know I'm willing but I'd love to experience your unique ... ability too" another low and intimidating laugh is made by him as his eyes open wider in shock "I mussst sssay I'm not sssure how you know about that, thossse that have ssseen them have never lived to tell that tale. How do you know about it?" he questions, curious how it was possible. Unsure how to explain it, you shrug your shoulders and ask him "Does it matter?" he pauses briefly before chuckling sinisterly to himself "No I sssupossse it doesssn't, you're here after all, a brave meal that hasss willingly sssought me out knowing I will ssswallow them, sssuch a ssstrange SSSSSSNACK!" he says his tongue runs up your cheek, your entire body shivers in response "I will gladly grant you that. Now then, take off your extra layersss, I think you can agree we'd both find it to be more... fun" He giggles as your hands shake with adrenaline, your mind still at war with itself “Or isss sssomething the matter?" What do you do? Gladly strip off - Go to SECTION 23 RUN! - Go to SECTION 24 __________________________________________________ SECTION 18 His eyes which began to glow sent a shiver down your spine, your mind finally telling you something was amiss as the queasy feeling you got was increasing. With some considerable effort you clench your eyes shut and swat his tail away. "Wha...What are you doing?" You shout, stuttering ever so slightly as the faint fog in your mind cleared up. Amused at your reaction to such a small effort on his part Kaa chuckled loudly "I told you. Taking you to the sssame placcce all the othersss went to. Now look at me properly, if you pleassse" his pesky tail once again slithered under your chin and held your face up "Open your eyesss" he requested. Refusing to comply you jerked your head away from the scaly mass, ignoring the pleasant feeling that came with his touch, and began to move away from the snake. Enjoying your measly efforts Kaa moved thicker portions of his body, that had been sprawled out like an arena, to just a few steps from you in a messy pile, and waited for you to do the rest for him. Your leg caught a thick branch, or so you thought, as you walked away with your arms covering your eyes, and with your balance lost you fell to the ground. Opening your eyes cautiously to get your bearings, a sense of dread built up, the feeling surrounding you wasn’t of wood, moreso it felt like the snake's tail but in larger amounts. They widened and your pupils dilated as you realized your hunch was correct, you fell into a pile of scales. Light and dark patches of browns glistened like precious jewels in the diffused sunlight, as the soft spongy ground beneath you began to shift, keeping you disoriented, off your balance, you couldn’t get back up, as the all too familiar tail reached out to you once more. "Letsss try that again ssshall we?" the python chuckled, finding your attempt to retreat rather cute. His tail wrapped slowly around your ankles, gingerly pushing your legs together. With a few loops made, ending at your calves, his thick soft body ceased moving and his tail yanked you towards him. Laying on the ground you were effortlessly dragged back over to Kaa who looked down at you with a warm smile on his face "I only wisssh to help you forget about all your troublesss, ssso pleassse no more resssisssting hmm?" You try to prop yourself up as a thick portion of his body rolls over your forehead, weighing you heavily down. The bulky scales piled quickly as the soft mass moved down your face and traveled down your body till it weighed down on your legs. Your panicked breaths breathed in the coils' musky Earthy scent as they continued to pass over you, pinning more and more of you down. You shuddered in fear as the coils finally completed their intentions, your legs wrapped by two coils, and your body pinned down by Kaas heavy mass. All that poked out from under the hefty blanket was your eyes which he left uncovered, they twitched as the odd python came into view once more, his eyes mere inches from your own. A grimace inducing sneer spread across the Indian pythons face as you were quickly assaulted in a barrage of beautiful colours, their brilliance engulfed your vision. Demanding you to accept. Your mind resists, in the end? You're too strong willed - Go to SECTION 25 You fall under his spell - Go to SECTION 26 __________________________________________________ SECTION 19 You were a bit taken aback by the soft tail touching you, you raised your eyebrow in confusion as your eyes looked down at it for a second. "Hey, what are you..." was all you could say as his tail pushed your chin up again to look at him. His eyes began to glow which sent a shiver down your spine, your mind telling you something was amiss. "Wha...What are you doing?" You say, stuttering ever so slightly as a faint mist began to seep into your mind. Amused at your reaction to such a small effort on his part, Kaa chuckled loudly "I told you. Taking you to the sssame placcce all the othersss went to. Now look at me properly, if you pleassse" his tail moved to pat you gently on the cheek "Keep your eyesss open, and don't resssissst me" he requested. Unable to refuse, your mouth began to hang open agape as your body began to lean slightly forward toward the eyes, wanting more of the strange warmth. Enjoying your positive reaction Kaa hummed faintly "Jussst trussst in me... only me, and I will ssshow you to your new home" he hissed softly, lulling you into a deeper state. You eyes slowly began to twitch, one moment they felt heavy and began to close, the next they were wide open as your pupils begin to shrink. The warm smile on his face grows "Yessssssss" he hisses softly "Give yourssself over to the light, all will be over sssoon" He gently pats your cheek affectionately in comfort, the encouraging loving strokes thank you for your compliance. "That'sss right, look at me, and only me" he demands, as the burst of beautiful colour seemed to increase in strength as they sped up. The saturated hues of blues and yellow illuminate your face in a soft glow as your eyes drink deeply from it, not once had you been able to resist from the unexpected assault, every muscle in your body feels like it deflated, all the tension built up in them drains away and they felt more relaxed than you can ever recall. "That'sss it" he cheers you on as your own pupils begin to twitch, your legs turn to jelly and you go limp, the tail tightened around your jaw suddenly as he moves it around your neck to hold you upright more securely. "Almossst there" Kaa assures you, as a lone strand of drool runs down your face. "K...Ka....Kaa, I URK!" unable to finish your sentence as the thick coil around you thorat momentarily cinches tightly to choke you, and from the unexpected squeeze a ping like sensation surged through your entire body. Your pupils replaced as they mimic the snakes own like a reflection, the corners of your mouth upturn as you begin to grin wildly in delight. Go to SECTION 27 __________________________________________________ SECTION 20 You were a bit taken aback by the soft tail suddenly being more forceful with you, you furrowed your eyebrows in anger, no longer being as courteous with the snake. "HEY!, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU..." was all you could say before the strange glint burst into colour, the eyes began to glow which sent a shiver down your spine, your mind finally telling you to just run. "Wha...What are you doing?" You say, stuttering ever so slightly as a faint mist began to seep into your mind. Amused at your reaction to such a small exposure of his power Kaa chuckled loudly Asss I sssaid there isss no village, but I ssshall take you to the lassst placcce they were before vanisshing… Now look at me properly, if you pleassse" his tail now moved to pat you gently on the cheek "Keep your eyesss open, and don't resssissst me" he requested. Unable to refuse, your mouth began to hang open agape as your body began to lean slightly forward toward the eyes, wanting more of their strange warmth to envelope. Enjoying your positive reaction Kaa hummed faintly "Jussst trussst in me... Only me, and I will ssshow you to your new home" he hissed softly, lulling you into a deeper state. You eyes slowly began to twitch, one moment they felt heavy and began to close, the next they were wide open as your pupils begin to shrink. The warm smile on his face grows "Yessssssss" he hisses softly "Give yourssself over to the light, all will be over sssoon" He gently strokes your cheek lovingly in comfort, thanking you for your compliance. "That'sss right, look at me, and only me" he demands, as the burst of beautiful colour seems to increase in strength as they speed up. The saturated hues of blues and yellow illuminate your face in a soft glow as your eyes drink deeply from it, not once had you been able to resist from the unexpected mental assault, every muscle in your body feels like it deflated, all the tension built up in them drains away and they feel more relaxed than you can ever recall. "That'sss it" he cheers you on as your own pupils begin to twitch, your legs turn to jelly and you go limp. The tail tightens around your jaw suddenly as he proceeds to move it around your neck to hold you upright more securely. "Almossst there" Kaa assures you, as a lone strand of drool runs down your face. "K...Ka....Kaa, I URK!" unable to finish your sentence as the thick coil around you thorat momentarily cinches tightly to choke you, and from the unexpected squeeze a ping like sensation surges through your entire body. Your pupils replaced as they mimic the snakes own like a reflection, the corners of your mouth upturn as you begin to grin wildly in delight. Finally under his spell kaa nuzzles your face gently and laughs "There we go, that'sss a good dinner guessst. Now pleassse follow me" you nod weakly, your chin pushing into the coil around your neck as you begin to follow the snake. It takes quite a while, as in your state you walk quite slowly and sluggish, but Kaa didn’t seem to worry, as the suspense fueled him, you wander deeper and deeper into the jungle as the Indian python asks various questions, how old you were, what were you doing in the city, what is your honest opinion of snakes. It also took a while to answer as your mind kept wandering off into bliss mid reply, only for Kaa to laugh as he reminded you of the question, as a large sinister grin spread across his face the closer you got to the sacrificial area. After walking for so long, your legs start to buckle under you slightly, as the two of you finally reach a small clearing deep in the jungle, sunlight filtered through the leaves in the canopy high above, a small lake with crystal clear water flowed gently to the side. Had you been alone and aware you would have loved to take a break in the small lake. Go to SECTION 27 __________________________________________________ SECTION 21 You gulp loudly, hands shaking, the reality of where you are and what you're doing begins to set in. You stare intensely at Kaa who grins sadistically at you, knowing the intentions, something you've longed for since youth. You question if it's really worth ending your life over. "What'sss wrong my dear sssnack" he asks, chuckling to himself noticing your nervous disposition. "Ssscared?" his tail playfully runs along your chest as your breathing picks up. "Don't be. I'll be gentle while I... Ssswallow you" he hisses in excitement. You think about all that you could still do with your life, while you grew tired of the mundane and repetitiveness that came with it, your mind convinced you there was nothing stopping you from changing that. Had you been ill, or had no way to improve the quality of your life, you may have been able to ignore the building worry more easily, as you would have rather gone out like thi, but that wasn’t the case. You stood frozen on the spot thinking it over carefully as the Indian pythons powerful breath continued to wash over you, waiting for you to respond. He asked if you were okay as he hissed once again, only more loudly this time. Was it in intimidation, was he just excited to feast on you, was he trying to snap you out of it, tempt you to make an impulse decision, to win you over and appeal to your strange fantasy, you couldn't tell. Kaa? Is too appealing, and you wish to remain aware - Go to SECTION 16 Wins you over, and you want to be hypnotised - Go to SECTION 17 Fails to convince you. RUN! - Go to SECTION 24 __________________________________________________ SECTION 22 You nod timidly, the strange mixture of exhilaration and mortal dread continued to overwhelm you, your hands shook as uncontrollably as your breathing as you fumbled with your clothes, all the while Kaa grinned at how clumsy you were trying to remove them. First you removed your footwear, then socks, your feet felt the warm loose soil of the jungle floor, a hum of delight rang out from Kaa who motivated you further "Yesssss! Keep going", you smiled at the encouragement as next you removed the clothing on your lower half, revealing to him your bare legs and your sex. Looking back up at the large snake you noticed Kaa had already started to drool, you flashed a nervous grin, pleased you were so appealing to him. His stomach couldn't agree more as it began to stir while he smacked his lips in excitement, the groaning of it intimidated you, knowing it demands you. Noticing you stopped briefly and looked at the mass where his stomach lay he spoke softly at you "Have no fear, Kaa here will take good care of you, it jussst wantsss your company" he chuckles softly stroking your face with his tail once more, knowing how his touch made you melt. You knew full well what he meant as you took a deep breath to give yourself time to become accustomed to the persistent grumbling of his stomach, knowing that in a little while that sound would be much much louder and closer, before eventually you would appease it. Finally you removed the last of your clothes and stood naked as the day you were born in front of the Indian python. He slithered closer to you and began to hiss uncontrollably loudly, his stomach grumbled even more fiercely, demanding you right now. An impatient murmur of delight escaped from Kaa as he moved around you, viewing you from all angles,heart skipping a beat as you stood there, being assessed by the python. "My my, what a beautiful perssson you are, I will certainly have fun with you my poor little Sssnack” You shudder uncontrollably as his tail runs down your now bare chest “but firssst how about we ssslip you into sssomething more comfortable, wouldn’t you agree, or are you afraid?” he chuckled Your answer? Yes - Go to SECTION 28 What am I doing?! - Go to SECTION 24 __________________________________________________ SECTION 23 You nod timidly in agreement, the mixture of exhilaration and mortal dread continued to overwhelm you, your hands shook as uncontrollably as your breathing while you fumbled with your clothes. First you removed your footwear then socks, your feet felt the warm loose soil of the jungle floor, a hum of delight rang out from Kaa who motivated you further "Yesssss! Keep going", you smiled at the encouragement as next you removed the clothing on your lower half, revealing to him your bare legs and your sex, looking back up at the large snake you noticed Kaa had already started to drool you flashed a tooth grin, pleased you were so appealing to him. His stomach couldn't agree more as it began to stir as he smacked his lips in excitement, the groaning of it intimidated you, knowing it demanded you. Noticing you stopped briefly and were looking at the mass where his stomach lay he spoke softly at you "Have no fear, Kaa here will take good care of you, it jussst wantsss your company" he chuckles softly, knowing full well what he meant you took a deep breath give yourself time to become accustomed to the persistent grumbling of his stomach, knowing that in a little while that sound would be much much louder and closer, before eventually you would appease it. Finally you removed the last of your clothes and stood naked in front of the Indian python. He slithered closer to you and began to hiss uncontrollably loudly, his stomach grumbled even more fiercely, demanding you right now. An impatient murmur escaped from Kaa as he moved around you, viewing you from all angles, heart skipping a beat as you stood there and were assessed by the python. "My my, what a beautful perssson you are, I will certainly have fun with you my poor little Sssnack, but firssst how about we ssslip you into sssomething more comfortable, wouldn’t you agree, or are you afraid?” he chuckled Your nerves? Get the better of you - Go to SECTION 24 Hold - Go to SECTION 29 __________________________________________________ SECTION 24 Like a delayed lightbulb that finally went off, you took a steady breath as you told Kaa that there was nothing wrong and that you could continue, the grin on his face widened as he laughed, telling you how pleased he was to hear that. You look up into the treetops and ask him if the act took place up there. The instant he looks up you quietly back away, getting some distance between the two of you without alerting him, chastising youself for how stupid you were ever come here. After a few brief seconds as he begins to look back at you, puzzled momentarily as to why you were further away from him, then it hit him, “and jussst where do you think you are going hmm?” he scolds you, as he darts towards you. You sprint, fueled by adrenaline, running faster than you had ever done before, making a break for freedom, scoffing at your naive self who fantasised an encounter with Kaa, something you no longer wished for. Kaa missed as he lunged at you, shouting as his tail tried to swipe at your feet to trip you up. However he wasn't able to nab you. You could hear the loud and fast rustling of leaves behind as Kaa gave chase to you, demanding you to stop, however you would do no such thing, the sweltering heat of the jungle doesn't make things easy as the intense temperature seems to sap you of energy. Finally the rustling from behind stopped as you drew close to the town, Kaa shouted at you one last time and warned you he'd make you pay dearly for it. You arrived back at the hotel and regained your breath, after calming down and assuring yourself you were now safe you took a shower. For the rest of the day you spent watching tv despite not understanding it, but a good distraction. Occasionally your thoughts drifted back to your encounter, you dismissed them telling yourself you were a fool to ever enjoy the idea. That night? You arrange an earlier flight Go to SECTION 30 You receive an unexpected visitor - Go to SECTION 31 __________________________________________________ SECTION 25 Tears well up in your eyes as you scream internally, thinking of anything, everything, in a desperate bid to distract yourself, to not succumb to the strange mental fog the snake was trying to implant within you, you knew his intentions were now far from friendly. You felt the body resting on top of you slowly begin to tense up, clearly Kaa was increasing his efforts. "K.... K.... Kaa" you mumble through his mass pressing against your lips "Ssssssshh, it'sss okay, jusssst let your mind ssslip away, it’sss easssier thisss way, trussst me" he states speaking to you in a soothing manner as if speaking to a crying child. Time dragged on as Kaa decided he didn't want to risk using more energy to hypnotise you, after all, the long arduous task of swallowing you shortly would require a lot of energy on his part to do so. Ending the ever expanding light show, his regular golden eyes that pierced your very soul returned and the glow illuminating both of your faces diminished. "My my, I mussst sssay, I have never came acrossssss a sssnack before that could resssissst my charm for ssso long, you ssshould be proud” he snickered “but have no fear, Kaa here will take good care of you" and with his nose briefly nuzzling against your face Kaa's own retreats and the tail around you legs tugged roughly, and with one swift motion your pants and footwear were removed. "Letsss get rid of thesss extra layersss hmm?" he hissed softly as his tail removed your socks. You wanted to struggle, but the bed of muscle on top was too heavy for any real chance of escape to be made. The ever moving tail forced itself back in between the bulky mass as it worked to remove the rest of your clothing, tears silently fell and were absorbed into the jungles soil as your bare skin felt the ever shifting muscles of Kaas immense body as he traveled to the top half of your clothing and ripped it off. "There we go, much better wouldn't you sssay" he asked knowing a muffled response was all you were able to give, he grinned at your distress as your bare skin was sandwiched between his thick body, which you could perceive the powerful muscles flowing underneath the smooth scales, and the dirt of the ground beneath. "Now "How about we ssslip you into sssomething more comfortable hmm?" Go to SECTION 32 __________________________________________________ SECTION 26 Tears well up in your eyes as the heavy body on top dwarfed your puny strength in comparison, you knew he was holding back, and was more than capable of snuffing the life out of you without much effort on his part. You nodded tearfully accepting your fate, allowing yourself to be overcome but the strange mental mist the snake was trying to implant within you. You felt the body resting on top of you slowly begin to tense up, clearly Kaa was getting more excited as he began increasing his efforts. "K.... K.... Kaa'' you mumble through the mass pressing against your lips, just because you accepted your role in the snakes plan, didn't mean you weren't afraid "Ssssssshh, it'sss okay, jusssst let your mind ssslip away" he states speaking to you in a soothing manner as if speaking to a crying child. Your eyes slowly began to twitch, one moment they feel heavy and began to close, the next they were wide open as your pupils begin to shrink. The warm smile on his face grows "Yessssssss" he hisses softly "Give yourssself over to the light, all will be over sssoon" He gently pats your cheek affectionately, the loving strokes thank you for your compliance. "That'sss right, look at me, and only me" he demands, as the burst of beautiful colour seemed to increase in strength. The saturated hues of blues and yellow illuminate your face in a soft glow as your eyes drink deeply from it, every muscle in your body feels like it deflated, all the tension built up in them drained away and they felt more relaxed than you could ever recall. "That'sss it" he cheers you on as your own pupils begin to twitch, your mouth begins to open as your jaw relaxes. "Almossst there" Kaa assures you, as a lone strand of drool runs down your face. "K...Ka....Kaa, I URK!" unable to finish your sentence as the thick coil around you thorat momentarily cinches tightly to choke you, and from the unexpected squeeze a ping like sensation surged through your entire body. Your pupils replaced as they mimic the snakes own like a reflection, the corners of your mouth upturn as you begin to grin wildly in delight. The fear you once had now replaced by a state of blissful euphoria. Go to SECTION 33 __________________________________________________ SECTION 27 "Sssstand up ssstraight" Kaa hisses in authority, your breathy sigh being taken as confirmation, your legs on command feel more stable as you stand up straight once again, a smile appears on the snakes face "That'sss better. You want nothing more that to pleassse me yesss?" knowing full well you would do nothing but comply to his whims, and as with all the others before you, you nodded weakly in response "And you are relaxed around me, sssafe?" as before you could only nod in confirmation to his questions "Oh I'm ssso happy to hear that... but you know, one good turn dessservesss another. Ssso why don't you be good for me and..." a sinister sneer appeared across his face, his eyes narrowed "Remove your extra layersss if you pleassse. I want you… and more importantly myssself, to be asss comfortable asss possible for thisss ... wouldn't you agree" a lustful moan escaped your mouth as you truly wished for nothing more than to please your new friend who you believed to have your best interests in mind. The thick coil slid around and off of your throat, as the snake moved back to give you plenty of space to fully expose yourself to him. Despite the strong hypnosis you were put under, you were able to, albeit it slowly, remove all your clothing in front of the snake, who found what was being revealed underneath to be most appealing to him. First you removed your footwear then socks, your feet felt the warm loose soil of the jungle floor, a hum of delight rang out from Kaa at the sight of them, as he motivated you further "Yesssss! Keep going", next you removed the clothing on your lower half, revealing to him your bare legs and your sex. Unbeknownst to you in your current state, Kaa had already started to drool, his stomach began to stir as he smacked his lips in excitement. "You are doing ssso well" the grin never left your face, more than happy to be admired by the snake, blissfully unaware of his intentions with you, your only motivation was to please him. Finally you removed the last of your clothes and stood naked in front of the Indian python. He slithered closer to you and began to hiss uncontrollably loudly, his stomach grumbled, demanding you. A longing murmur escaped from Kaa as he moved around you, viewing you from all angles. "My my, what a beautiful perssson you are, I will cccertainly have fun with you my poor little... Sssnack, but firssst how about we ssslip you into sssomething more comfortable hmm" Go to SECTION 34 __________________________________________________ SECTION 28 You take another loud gulp and nod in confirmation but assure him you want to see it through to the horrific end, Kaa snickered as a result "Sssuch a ssstrange meal you are, I didn't think anyone ssso twisssted like you exisssted. Now then .... armsss and legsss to the sssidesss if you pleassse" you obeyed his command, and with your whole body quivering you stood with your legs together and arms to the side and stood as still as you possibly could, waiting for what was about to come. He grinned intensely at you, as his tail circled your ankles, their soft mass glided smoothly over your ankles before feeling rough as it tensed up, securing the first of several loops that would trap you before sending you to your doom. Your breath hitched as your eyes widened at the feel of the lone coil around your ankles, your own body tense up in excitement for a brief moment in response before relaxing again, "My my, do my coilsss excccite you that much?" he teased knowing full well you were like putty with them, as the single loop tensed and relaxed, making you respond in kind to the sensation "Yes Kaa! More than you could possibly know'' you confirm, the eagerness in your voice apparent, you really had wanted nothing more in your life than this encounter. His smug laughter echoed out the empty clearing, as Kaa scoffed at you "I'm not sssure I will ever meet anyone quite like you ever again" he chuckles at your moans of lust as his tail tugs to secure another loop around your legs. He brings his face behind you and rests on your shoulder, the side of his face up against your cheek as you both look down at the progression of his coils which move further up. Clearly he was taking his time with you, each movement was agonisingly slow, he was teasing you by drawing out the process, he looked up at you, and stated he knew how badly you wanted this, and that he's looking forward to the fun he's going to have. The large Indian python further ridicules you for giving up your life for this one deadly fantasy as another loop of his smooth scales made its way up to your knees, your hands now trapped in the scaley cocoo. Hissing softly as his tail ceased its insidious climb around your body as you flicked your fingers faintly against the soft mass, the coils tensed up and compressed firmer, so you could no longer move your fingers. You remained rooted to the spot, heart in your throat as your bare skin felt the soft but powerful muscle of Kaas immense body flow like thick honey over you. The wicked smirk on his face spread as he smacked his lips loudly in suspense while his tail wrapped itself around your bare stomach "what a treat you will cccertainly be" Your face showed less signs of unease as a shy grin appeared. His gentle touch enveloped you in their warmth as a soothing hum sang out from Kaa with eyes gently folded, a friendly smile on his face as he gently squeezed, forcing a small cough out of you, the smile on your face grew as you couldn't wait till your full body was coiled and received more intense squeezes from the python. It was as if the squeeze removed some worry from you. With your arms fixed firmly to your sides you remained motionless as you did nothing to stop Kaa from further wrapping you up with his body. You grinned as widely as him while your chest started to be trapped by the flexible tails soft embrace. "Sssuch a good sssnack" he said, praising you for being so brave, or was it foolish, either way you didn't care "Not onccce resssisssting your fate. I will take good care of you. I promissse" Your body continued to stay still for him as he secured the new loop with a tight tug, another violent cough forced out of you hastily and a lustful moan as more of your body received his velvet like touch, the new squeeze again easing your worries. For something that held you so soft, his body certainly had incredible strength behind it, and him requiring no effort at all to make you cough conclusively proved that, and it made your heart race in anticipation of bearing witness to more of his strength that was yet to come. Grinning by the increasingly tight mass enveloping you the python quietly giggled to himself, noticing how much you were enjoying the deadly situation, his tail tugged to secure the new loop around your shoulders, forcing a short gasp of air from you before smiling once again, still not complaining at the securing squeezes. Kaa once again praised you for doing so well in the face of your own demise, his shiny scales relaxed again pressing into you gently, still allowing you to breathe normally. The tops of your feet cushioned by the mounting mass of coils that was piling up around you, you tried to wriggle them playfully, to push into his body, however the piled up mass was too heavy, useless to do anything even if you were having second thoughts now. Your eyes closed gently as you sighed in bliss as a wet appendage ran across your cheek, Kaas tongue lapped at your flesh, another hum rang out in pleasure. Clearly liking the flavour, the body surrounding you vibrated as it groaned in anticipation, a toothy smug grin crossed your face, pleased that Kaa enjoyed your taste, he backed away and chuckled to himself, as his soft tail finally wrapped around your throat. Your breath hitched, awaiting for the next part of the deadly act to begin. Go to SECTION 35 __________________________________________________ SECTION 29 You take another loud gulp and nod in confirmation to Kaa who snickered as a result "Sssuch a ssstrange meal, I didn't think anyone ssso twisssted like you exisssted, now then, look here if you pleassse" you obeyed his command as his tail wrapped around your forehead, you gasped in excitement at the touch of his coil against you. Your whole body quivering as you brought your arms and legs together to ensure he could easily coil you. He grinned intensely as a glint shone in his eyes, you offered no resistance to the expanding colour that glowed from them. The intense vibrant hues washed over you as your mouth slowly began to drop as your own eyes drank the intoxicating display the Indian python used to sway you. "That'sss it, sssuch an obedient meal" he praised you, offering no opposition to his advances. Finally as some droll begins to run down your face his tail releases you and circled your ankles,their soft mass gliding smoothly over your ankles before tensing up, securing the first of several loops that would trap you before sending you to your doom. Your breath hitched as your eyes begin to feel heavy, your body tenses up in excitement for a brief moment in response before relaxing again, "My my, do my coilsss excccite you that much?" he questioned as the single loop tensed and relaxed repeatedly, making you respond in kind to the sensation "Y...Y...Yess K...K...Kaa" you confirm in a breath sigh, already finding it difficult to form coherent speech as the corners of your mouth twitch to a grin, you really had wanted nothing more in your life than this encounter. His smug laughter echoed out the empty clearing, as Kaa scoffed at you "I'm not sssure I will ever meet anyone quite like you ever again" he chuckles at your moan faintly while his tail tugs and secures another loop around your legs. After one last intense wave of colours his eye return to normal, he giggles at your condition and boldly claims that he's looking forward to the fun he's about to have, the large Indian python ridicules you for giving up your life for this one deadly fantasy as another loop of his smooth scales made its way up to your knees your hands now trapped in the scaley cocoon. He hisses softly as his tail ceases its insidious climb around your body momentarily. You remain rooted to the spot, only twitching your toes slightly in the dirt as Kaas immense body flows like thick honey over you. The wicked smirk on his face spread as he smacked his lips loudly in anticipation while his tail wrapped itself around your bare stomach "what a treat you will cccertainly be" Your face showed no signs of resistance as the large goofy grin remained. His gentle touch enveloped you in their warmth as a soothing hum sang out from Kaa who returned his mesmerising gaze on you "but it ssseemsss you aren't fully under jusst yet. One moment if you pleasse" A friendly smile on his face as he gently squeezes, forcing a small cough out of you, the smile on your face grows wider as more of your mind turns to a thick sludge, it felt formless, much like your perception of your surroundings. With your arms fixed firmly you would be powerless to stop him if you awoke and began to regret your foolishness, however in your current blissfully unaware state you remained motionless as you did nothing to stop Kaa from further wrapping you up with his body. You grinned as widely as him while your chest started to be trapped by the flexible tails soft embrace. "Sssuch a good sssnack" he said, praising you for being so brave, or was it stupidity, either way you didn't care "Not onccce resssisssting your fate. I will take good care of you. I promissse" Your body continued to stay still for him as he secured the new loop with a tight tug, another cough forced out of you hastily and a quiet lustful moan as more of your body received his velvet like touch. For something that held you so soft, his body certainly had incredible strength behind it, and him requiring no effort at all to make you cough in convulsion proved that, Kaa would make sure you'd bear witness to more of his strength that was yet to come, albeit under his intense spell. Grinning by the increasingly tight mass enveloping you the python quietly giggled to himself, noticing how much you were enjoying the situation, his tail tugged to secure the new loop around your shoulders, forcing a short gasp of air from you before smiling once again. Still not complaining by the securing squeezes, not offering any resistance or signs of waking up, truly this was something you had always dreamed of. Kaa once again praised you for doing so well in the face of danger, his shiny scales relaxed again pressing into you gently, still allowing you to breathe normally. Your eyes closed gently feeling heavy despite being well rested, a sign that his hypnotic power dwarfed your free will, you sighed in bliss as a wet appendage ran across your cheek, Kaas tongue lapped at your flesh, another hum rang out in pleasure, clearly liking the flavour, something you were barely aware of. The body surrounding you vibrated as it groaned in anticipation, a large grin remained affixed on your face as Kaa backed away, his soft tail finally wrapped around your throat. The intimidating Indian python chuckled heartily as the next part of the deadly act was about to begin. Go to SECTION 36 __________________________________________________ SECTION 30 You were unable to sleep as the intimidating appearance of Kaa plagued your mind. You recalled all the years you wished to have an encounter with him, now having met him the enjoyment was only brief as you started to be scared of the idea. You sighed, unable to take your mind off of it, feeling unsafe despite being in your hotel room, like after watching a horror film as a kid, you try to convince yourself with logic so you could rest and relax, however the irrational part of your mind refused to settle down. Grabbing your phone, certain you wouldn't sleep right until you were long gone from this place you booked an earlier flight home. Hastily you packed all your belongings in your suitcase and got your small carry-on bag ready before heading to the airport to return home. Several hours passed since you escaped from the sinister snake and you looked out the window at the jungle that grew smaller and smaller the higher you got in the air. Curious if you should ever tell the bizarre community you once belonged to that Kaa was real, and if you wanted to encounter him for real you'd tell them where to find him. You shrugged it off, knowing they'd believe you were crazy, but then again maybe some members would, like you, be engrossed in the idea that they'd be willing to take a risk, and there was a strong possibility like you they'd come to regret it, only Kaa wouldn't make the same mistake he mae with you and he wouldn't let his guard down. You closed your eyes, finally relaxed and safe from the Indian python, you drifted off to sleep as you told yourself to be grateful for your life. You encountered a thought to be fictional snake, and lived. ENDING J __________________________________________________ SECTION 31 That night you tossed and turned, the intense heat kept you awake, you opened the window beside the balcony in the hopes you'd be able to cool down, you lay on the bed sweating slightly, exhausted and just wanting to sleep and wait out the next few days before leaving. After hours you were too tired to be kept awake anymore as you drifted off, breathing deeply, a noise that was heard just outside the window. Kaa had waited at the edge of the jungle waiting for nightfall when all the people turned in for the night, the large python had never dared enter the town, however his rage made him take a risk tonight. Once the coast was clear he slithered out of the jungle and into the town, his sense of direction dictated by your lingering scent, he had made sure to memorise it, no one had ever escaped from him before, and he wasn't about to let you slip from his grasp. He slithered up to a building, your scent emitted from an open window next to a balcony, he grinned sadistically, "Oh you left me a way in. What a consssiderate little sssnack" he giggled quietly to himself as he inched closer to your window, he cautiously peeked in, seeing you tossing and turning restlessly. He bunched up in a pile under your window, waiting for you to fall asleep. A craving hiss rang out as Kaa finally heard you sleeping deeply, he peeked once more to confirm and wasting no time he slithered into the room, his coils falling silently onto the carpet. He smacked his lips as he looked at your sweaty naked body, the heat too intense to sleep with the covers, or clothes on. “I sssee you’ve been waiting for me” he chuckles almost in a whisper, knowing you didn’t open the window, or got naked for him. Slowly and gently his tail began to wrap around you, in your exhausted state you only mumbled in your sleep and didn't wake, a response that pleased the Indian python who smacked his lips once again. As his tail finally reached around your neck his nose touched yours as he looked at you from above "Thought you could essscape from me hmm" he hissed as his coils tightened around you, sealing your fate. Your eyes finally opened wide as you choked, you tried to move your arms or legs, but your whole body was being crushed. The world came into focus and your lip quivered in fear as you looked at the Indian python, your body fully wrapped. The pressure refused to ease, refused to let you make a sound, you tried in vain to thrash around, however the mattress absorbed all sound, the guests next door would be none the wiser to the situation in your room "Though I mussst thank you for giving me a way in, you mussst have felt bad leaving me all hungry hmm?" he chuckled softly knowing full well you hadn't expected his return "Well then letsss not delay thingsss thisss time ssshall we" and with that your pupils dilated in fear as the mouth opened in front of you face. You stare helplessly into his wide open maw as his powerful breath washed over you, unable to utter even a whimper of protest as his jaws closed firmly over your face, a longing hiss deafened you inside as he began to feed. Not once throughout the grim process did he offer any chance of resistance or to make any noise. He had expertly swallowed you up, his body creaked as you sank deeper into him. With a smug grin plastered on his face Kaa watched intensly as his body pushed you inexorably further inside him, shuddering as your movements brought great joy to him. The loud creaking of his scales, evidence of how impressive his body was in keeping its prey captive, you were his now and he was never going to let you go. The movements in his throat caused small whimpers from within as his stomach's protests grow louder and louder with each little push, a horrific indiciation of your imminent doom drawing nearer. From outside you could hear the muffled chuckling of the snake as he assured you you'd pay for running away, as he sent you to the place where all his prey ventured to and meet their end. Similar to entering his throat a tight band of muscle seperated you form his stomach, the crown of your head pushed into it, you screamed in terror as the band of muscle began to open and accept your head, through your screams Kaa giggled and wished for you to have fun in there. As the rest of your body began to join your face in the gut you noticed how spacious it was compared to the claustrophobic folds that guided the rest of your body in. A new unfamiliar bubbling sound began to start as you noticed the stomach began to stir, more of your body sloshed around inside his churning gut as the tight ring closed off tightly behind the soles of your feet forever. Kaa patted his stomach with his tail, pleased another meal was trapped inside. It took a considerable amount of time with the extra weight but the Indian python managed to safely slither away with you back out the window and towards the jungle, still no one around to save you as you struggled weakly unable to do anything to prevent your grim fate. The leaves brushed over the moving bulge as Kaa had at last made it back to the jungle, this time you were forced to return, and you couldn't run away from him. Whether you liked it or not, you finally had the encounter you used to naively fantasise about. ENDING K __________________________________________________ SECTION 32 Your breath hitched as the tail returned to your now bare ankles, the soft but strong muscles started its slow climb up your body. His gentle touch enveloped you in their warmth as a soothing hum sang out from Kaa with eyes gently folded, a friendly smile on his face. You groaned in fear, as response to your thighs now feeling the tail trapping you in their embrace. "Don't be afraid" he said, noticing the weak wriggling you made in vain "I will take good care of you. I promissse" Your belly twitched slightly as he secured a loop around your bare stomach, the unstoppable tail had half of your body in his clutches, your hands trapped to your side in the scaly cocoon. For something that held you so soft, his body certainly had incredible strength behind it. Your muffled moans cried out from under the heavy mass as the python giggled to himself, his tail tugged to secure the new loop around your chest, his shiny scales pressed into you gently, still allowing you to breathe normally, you closed your eyes and exhaled slightly from the sudden yank, your feet twitched from under the pile of muscle, useless to do anything. Your eyes opened wide in dread as a wet appendage ran across your soles, Kaas tongue lapped at your feet, another hum rang out in pleasure, clearly enjoying your taste, the body pinning you down vibrated violently as it began to awaken and groan in anticipation. You kicked wildly in protest, Kaa backed away and chuckled to himself, as nothing you could do would stop the tail, as it finally wrapped around your throat. The Earthy scent of Kaa's body was replaced by the jungle air as his body finally slid off, no longer needing to pin you down as he had efficiently coiled you up. "Now then" he announced, his face pressing into you once more "Sssinccce you tassse oh ssso delisssiccciousss, I will grant you one lassst chanccce to be blissssssfully unaware" The coils around your body shifted around you, the one around your neck grew thicker as his tail moved to hold your forehead in place, ensuring you both locked eyes once again. Kaa offered you this one final chance to accept the mesmerising colours. Fearfully you? Accept your doom and allow the colours to overtake you - Go to SECTION 37 Resist one last time, there has to be a way to escape - Go to SECTION 38 __________________________________________________ SECTION 33 With your mind no longer present Kaa chuckles as his eyes return back to normal and shakes his head as he chuckles. The heavy mass begins to slide over you, freeing your body once again, only this time you made no attempt to escape him. You remained still like an obedient servant, grinning wildly with a brilliant display of colours expanding endlessly from your eyes. Kaa looks at you, grinning in return "why aren't you leaving?" he asks mocking you as you remain completely oblivious to your chance at escape "Are you sssure you want to be my meal?" knowing full well you wouldn't had you not been so enthralled by his rather persuasive power. "Well then, have no fear, Kaa here will take good care of you" the large Indian python ridicules you in your state as he retreats, the tail around your ankles tugging roughly, and with one swift motion your pants and footwear were removed. "Letsss get rid of thesss extra layersss hmm?" he hissed softly as his tail removed your socks. You remained blissfully unaware as your bare skin felt the soft but powerful muscle of Kaas immense body flow like thick honey over you. "There we go, much better wouldn't you sssay" he asked knowing you were too far gone to respond, he grinned at your own one spread across your face, as his tail removed the top half of your clothing. "Now ...How about we ssslip you into sssomething more comfortable hmm?" the wicked smirk on his face spread as he smacked his lips loudly in anticipation, as he studied your naked body "what a treat you will cccertainly be" Your face showed no signs of resistance as the tail returned to your bare ankles, it started its slow climb up your body once more. His gentle touch enveloped you in their warmth as a soothing hum sang out from Kaa. With his eyes gently folded a friendly smile spread on his face as he gently squeezed, bringing your legs together firmly, smacking his lips once again in excitement. With your arms already at your sides you remained motionless as you did nothing to stop Kaa from trapping your arms. You grinned widely, unbothered as your thighs and hands were next to be trapped by the flexible tails soft embrace. "Sssuch a good sssnack" he said, praising you for being so obedient to him "I will cccertainly take good care of you. I promissse" Your body continued to stay still for him as he secured a loop around your bare stomach, the unstoppable tail had half of your body in his clutches, your hands trapped to your side in the scaly cocoon. For something that held you so tenderly, his body had incredible strength behind it, but there was no real need to use it, only for his own twisted enjoyment. Still unbothered by the increasingly heavy mass enveloping you, the python quietly giggled to himself, his tail tugged to secure the new loop around your chest, forcing a short gasp of air from you before smiling once again, his shiny scales relaxed again pressing into you gently. Still allowing you to breathe normally, your feet poked out from under the pile of muscle, useless to do anything even if you were awake now. You closed your heavy eyes gently and sighed in bliss as a wet appendage ran across your soles, Kaas tongue lapped at your feet, another hum rang out in pleasure, clearly enjoying your unique taste, the body surrounding you vibrated as it groaned in anticipation. You remain still despite the rather ticklish sensation on your sensitive soles, Kaa backed away and chuckled to himself, as his soft tail finally wrapped around your throat. Go to SECTION 39 __________________________________________________ SECTION 34 Kaa snickered as you obeyed his new command, you stood with your legs together and arms to the side and stood perfectly still as his tail circled your ankles. Their soft mass glided smoothly over your ankles before tensing up, securing the first of several loops that would trap you before sending you to your doom. You remained still like an obedient servant for him, grinning widely with a brilliant display of colours expanding endlessly from your eyes. Kaa looks at you, grinning widely in return "Sssuch a good dinner guessst you are" he praises you as you remain completely still, unable to make any attempt of escape "You cccertain you want to be my meal?" knowing full well you wouldn't had you not been so enthralled by his rather persuasive power. "Well then, have no fear, Kaa here will take good care of you" the large Indian python ridicules you in your state as another loop of his smooth scales made its way up to your knees. He hisses softly as his tail ceases its insidious climb around your body to secure the coils around you so far. You remained blissfully unaware as your bare skin felt the soft but powerful muscle of Kaas immense body flow like thick honey over you as they continue to advance. The wicked smirk on his face spread as he smacked his lips loudly in anticipation while his tail wraps itself around your stomach "what a treat you will cccertainly be" Your face showed no signs of resistance as the hypnosis remained like a thick black out curtain, it allowed for none of the world to penetrate it, offering you no glimpse to the outside world. His gentle touch enveloped you in their warmth as a soothing hum sang out from Kaa. With eyes gently folded, a friendly smile on his face as he gently squeezed, forcing a small cough out of you. A slight chuckle escaped him at your reaction to such a slight squeeze. With your arms already fixed firmly to your sides you remain motionless as you do nothing to stop Kaa from further wrapping you up with his body. You grinned as widely as him while your chest started to be trapped by the flexible tails soft embrace. "Sssuch a good sssnack" he said, praising you for being so obedient to him "Not onccce resssisssting your fate. I will take good care of you. I promissse" Your body continued to stay still for him as he secured the new loop with a tight tug, another cough forced out of you hastily. For something that held you so soft, his body certainly had incredible strength behind it, and him requiring no effort at all to make you cough conclusively proved that. Unbothered by the increasingly tight mass enveloping you the python quietly giggled to himself, his tail tugged to secure the new loop around your shoulders, forcing a short gasp of air from you before smiling once again. Remaining unbothered by the securing squeezes, his shiny scales relaxed again, pressing into you gently, still allowing you to breathe normally. The tops of your feet cushioned by the mounting mass of coils that was piling up around you, useless to do anything even if you were awake now. Your eyes closed gently as you sighed in arousal when a wet appendage ran across your cheek, Kaas tongue lapped at your flesh, another hum rang out in pleasure, clearly enjoying your taste, the body surrounding you vibrated as it groaned in anticipation. You remained still despite the rather grim intentions the snake was confirming by tasting you, Kaa backed away and chuckled to himself, as his soft tail finally wrapped around your throat. Go to SECTION 39 __________________________________________________ SECTION 35 You choked briefly as an overly excited Kaa tightened his grip on you fiercely, forcing all the precious air out of you. It was easily the tightest squeeze he had put on you thus far, sweat began to pour out of you as if he was squeezing water from a sponge. You bit your bottom lip as you emitted a low groan, the sensation was better than even the most realistic dreams you had of the scenario, your body began to writhe in pleasure as you started to wheeze. Kaa giggled to himself, asking if you were enjoying yourself as he loosened his grip on you, your chest suddenly heaving heavily as you regained your breath confirming to him that you did. You asked to be constricted again but even tighter this time, a dark sneer spread over his face as Kaa chuckled heartily and shook his head. "I'm ssso glad to hear that" he states, knowing full well if it was too intense he wouldn’t stop, only remind you that you asked for it. He giggles to himself as he begins to slowly squeeze your sweaty naked body once again, not showing any signs of discomfort as his coils increase the pressure around you slowly this time. You look at each other, as the pressure gradually began to force the air out of you, the smile on your face not once showing signs of discomfort, only bliss as you continued to gasp in pleasure while losing your precious air supply "Hmm, I wonder if you have a limit" he pondered and began to constrict you even further, the colour in your face slowly began to drain as he held it. He waited till you were on the brink of passing out, your body continuing to writhe in pleasure as he once again relaxed around you and allowed you to breathe, knowing that you truly admired his strength and enjoyed being subjected to its immense power. When you were breathing comfortably again, he asked if you wanted more, his smug grin an indication that he enjoyed playing with you, your eyes closed in bliss and your eyebrows upturned as you nodded, and he was more than happy to continue as he started the torturous to all but you, process all over again. The sun travelled across the sky as the day moved on, sweat had continued to run down your face as the latest intense session of squeezes finally stopped for a moment. The head of the Indian python moved to your still grinning face, you were exhausted, the life was squeezed out of you, but at no point did you scream, beg, or try to escape, you enjoyed every intimate moment, every powerful and slow squeeze, begging for more as he laughed, degrading you . His nose softly pushing into the bridge of your own, as Kaa bagan smacking his lips in anticipation "Now then, let'sss be on our way hmm?" he chuckled, your grin only grew as you knew what the snake spoke of. Go to SECTION 40 __________________________________________________ SECTION 36 You choked briefly as an overly excited Kaa tightened his grip on you fiercely, forcing all the precious air out of you. It was easily the tightest squeeze he had put on you thus far, sweat began to pour out of you as if he was squeezing water from a sponge. Despite being under such a strong hypnosis your body instinctively began to writhe briefly as you started to wheeze. Kaa giggled to himself as he loosened his grip on you, your chest suddenly heaved heavily as you regained your breath. With your mind showing no signs of waking up with the intense squeeze Kaa chuckled heartily as he shook his head. "I'm ssso glad your mind isss ssso easssy to manipulate. Tell me, do you like my coilsss?" He asks, knowing full well you were still too far gone to respond, he giggles to himself as he begins to slowly squeeze your limp body once again, not showing any signs of discomfort as his coils increase the pressure around you slowly this time. The gradual build up of pressure slowly begins to force the air out of your lungs once more, and like before the goofy smile remained plastered across your face as you started to gasp, losing your precious air supply "I'll take the sssilenccce asss a yesss" he concludes and begins to constrict you further, the colour in your face slowly starts to drain, he waited till you were on the brink of passing out, your body writhed as he once again relaxed around you and allowed you to breath. When you were breathing comfortably again, and back to your motionless grinning, he started the torturous process all over again. The sun travelled across the sky as the day passed by, sweat had continued to run down your face as the latest intense session of squeezes finally stopped for a moment. The head of the python moved to your still grinning face softly pushing into the bridge of your nose, as Kaa begins smacking his lips in preparation "Now then, let'sss be on our way hmm?" Go to SECTION 41 __________________________________________________ SECTION 37 Tears silently fell as you know there is no escape, despite holding you gently you knew Kaa like all snakes could squeeze the life from you with relative ease. Looking at him you nod faintly, resigning yourself to your fate. The warm smile on his face grows at your confirmation "Yessssssss" he hisses softly "Give yourssself over to the light, all will be over sssoon" his tail slides off your forehead, knowing you won't try to resist. He gently pats your cheek affectionately, the loving strokes thank you for your compliance. "Now look at me, and only me" he orders, as the familiar glint in his eye returns, his pupils expand and from their darkness a sudden burst of beautiful color emerge. The saturated hues of blues and yellow illuminate your face as your eyes drink deeply from it, no longer trying to resist every muscle in your body feels like it deflates, all the tension built up in them drains away and they feel more relaxed than you can ever recall. "That'sss it" he cheers you on as your own pupils begin to twitch, while your mouth begins to open as your jaw relaxes. "Almossst there" Kaa assures you, as a lone strand of drool runs down your face. "K...Ka....Kaa, I URK!" unable to finish your sentence as the thick coil around you thorat momentarily cinches tightly to choke you, and from the unexpected squeeze a ping like sensation surged through your entire body. Your pupils are replaced as they mimic the snakes' own like a reflection, the corners of your mouth upturn as you begin to grin wildly in delight. The fear you once had now replaced by a state of blissful euphoria. With your mind no longer present Kaa chuckles as his eyes return back to normal, you eyes continue to swirl and expand with the wonderful colour, he shakes his head as he tuts. "I'm ssso glad you finally sssee thingsss my way. Tell me, do you like my coilsss?" He asks, knowing full well you were too far gone to respond, he giggles to himself as he begins to slowly squeeze your limp body, not showing any signs of discomfort, as he treats you like a pet squeeze toy. His coils increase the pressure around you, beginning to force the air out of your lungs, but still the goofy smile plastered across your face remains as you gasp more and more "I'll take the sssilenccce asss a yesss" he concludes and begins to constrict even further. The sun rose high in the sky as the intense squeezing sessions continued, hours passed as the day turned into evening, sweat had formed faintly on your face as a rather intense round of squeezes finally stopped for a moment. The head of the python moved to your still grinning face, not once complaining, only wheezing and coughing in response to the vice like grip he’d subject you to. He gently pushed his snout into the bridge of your nose, Kaa bagan smacking his lips in anticipation as he looked down at you "Now then, let'sss be on our way hmm?" Go to SECTION 42 __________________________________________________ SECTION 38 Tears silently fell as you know there is no escape, despite holding you gently you knew Kaa like all snakes could squeeze the life from you with relative ease. Looking at him with intense hatred as you refuse to accept your fate. The warm smile on his face grows as he tries in vain to reassure you "It'sss okay" he hisses softly "Give yourssself over to the light, all will be over sssoon" his tail holds your forehead, forcing you to look directly at him. He gently pats your cheek affectionately, the loving strokes thank you for your company, however unwilling you were. "Now look at me, and only me" he asks, as the familiar glint in his eye returns, his pupils expand and from their darkness a sudden burst of beautiful colour emerges. The saturated hues of blues and yellow illuminate your face as your eyes twitch and well up with tears in response, your body automatically resisting the urge to give in. Desperate every muscle in your body feels like it turns to concrete as it tenses up, as if it was absorbing the strange sway the snake was trying to lull you into. The tension builds up in them, your jaw clenched so tight you were sure your teeth would shatter with the pressure, you grunt through your teeth as his coils increase their pressure on you, trying to disrupt your intense focus, the breaths expelled sharply through your nose "Ssssshhh" he tries to soothe you his tail once again stroking your cheek softly in a friendly manner, but you knew his intentions with you were far more insidious. "It'sss in your bessst interessst to give in. Trussst me" Kaa assures you, his tail moving around your neck. As you talk with fury through your teeth "K...Ka....Kaa, YO-URK!" unable to finish your sentence as the thick coil around you thorat momentarily cinches tightly to choke you, from the unexpected squeeze you managed to close your eyes shut tight, the instance connection you both shared severed. With your mind seemingly impenetrable, Kaa chuckles as his eyes return back to normal and shakes his head. "Well then, have it your way, but I asssure you, my way would have been far better for you. Tell me, do you like my coilsss?" He asks, knowing full well how disgusted you were with him, he giggles to himself as he begins to slowly squeeze your tense body, groaning out in dread as you were powerless to stop him from toying with you. His coils increase the pressure around you, beginning to force the air out of your lungs, but still you refused to open your eyes, afraid he was still counting on winning you over with the bizarre light show. You gasped, unable to answer him, unsure what you could say, or offer him, in exchange for your life "I'll take the sssilenccce asss a yesss" he concludes mockingly and begins to constrict you further. The sun rose high in the sky as the day slowly passed by, sweat had begun to run down your face as the rather intense session of squeezes finally stopped for a moment. The head of the python moved to your face, your lip quivered in fear as you felt him softly pushing into the bridge of your nose, as Kaa bagan smacking his lips in anticipation "Now then, let'sss be on our way hmm?" Go to SECTION 43 __________________________________________________ SECTION 39 You choked briefly as the overly excited Kaa tightened his grip on you fiercely, forcing all the precious air out of you as if you were nothing but a pet squeeze toy, it was by far the tightest squeeze he had put on yet. Sweat began to pour out of you as if he was squeezing water from a sponge. Despite being under such a strong hypnosis your body instinctively began to struggle briefly as you started to wheeze. Kaa giggled to himself as he loosened his grip on you, your chest suddenly heaved heavily as you regained your breath, the goofy grin once again spread across your face. With your mind showing no signs of waking up with the intense squeeze Kaa chuckled heartily as he shook his head. "I'm ssso glad your mind isss ssso easssy to manipulate. Tell me, do you like my coilsss?" He asks, knowing full well you were still too far gone to respond, he giggles to himself as he begins to slowly squeeze your limp body once again, not showing any signs of discomfort as his coils continue to increase the pressure around you slowly. The gradual build up of pressure slowly begins to force the air out of your lungs once more, and like before the goofy smile remained plastered across your face as you started to gasp and writhe, losing your precious air supply "I'll take the sssilenccce asss a yesss'' he concludes and proceeds to constrict you further. The colour in your face slowly begins to drain, your mouth open for air but not even the tiniest slither was allowed to be inhaled. He waited till you were on the brink of passing out, your body writhed as he once again relaxed around you and allowed you to breathe. When you were breathing comfortably again, and back to your motionless grinning, he started the torturous process all over again. The sun travelled across the sky as the day slowly passed, sweat had continued to run down your face as the latest intense session of squeezes finally stopped for a moment. The head of the python moved to your still grinning face softly pushing into the bridge of your nose, as Kaa bagan smacking his lips in suspense "Now then, let'sss be on our way hmm?" Go to SECTION 42 __________________________________________________ SECTION 40 The coils around you tense up ensuring you don't slip out of the mass as your body begins to ascend. Your feet wriggle and your toes twitch in excitement for what awaits you as the jungle floor below is replaced by the still air of the Indian wilderness. You look up at underside of Kaas face, as he looks high up into the treetops, the saliva dripping from his mouth, eager to eat you, You shudder in suspense, as Kaa chuckles at your eagerness his coils squeezing a little bit tighter, forcing some breath from you. Kaa leads the way into the canopy high above, the place where all his meals took place, and now it was your turn. You moaned softly as the coil around your neck toyed with you further. A smug Kaa looks back down at you "Almossst there" he says as he narrows his eyes, the devious smirk on his face sends your heart racing. Travelling higher? Something high above lands on Kaa - Go to SECTION 44 You reach a branch above - Go to SECTION 68 __________________________________________________ SECTION 41 The coils around you tense up ensuring you don't slip out of the mass as your body begins to ascend. Your feet go limp as the jungle floor below is replaced by the still air of the Indian wilderness. Unmoving as your face remains unbothered by the progression of Kaas deadly plans that you intentionally longed for, your eyes continue to expand in a brilliant display of luminous colours. Kaa leads the way into the canopy high above, the place where all the curious townsfolk met their doom, and now it seemed you too would meet the same fate as them. A fate that kept you up some nights, the fantasy too strong to be ignored. Travelling higher? Something high above lands on Kaa - Go to SECTION 45 You remain unaware of what awaits you above - Go to SECTION 70 __________________________________________________ SECTION 42 The coils around you tense up ensuring you don't slip out of the mass as your body begins to ascend. Your feet go limp as the jungle floor below is replaced by the still air of the Indian jungle. Unmoving as your face remains unbothered by the progression of Kaas deadly plans, your eyes continue to expand in a brilliant display of luminous colour, a wide and unnatural grin still spread across your features. Kaa leads the way into the canopy high above, the place where all the townsfolk who wandered into his domain met their doom, and now it seemed you too would meet the same fate as them. Travelling higher? Something high above lands on Kaa - Go to SECTION 46 You remain unaware of what awaits you above - Go to SECTION 54 __________________________________________________ SECTION 43 The coils around you tense up ensuring you don't slip out of the mass as your body begins to ascend. Your feet kick uselessly in defiance as the jungle floor below is replaced by the still air of the Indian jungle. You open one eye cautiously, revealing the underside of Kaas face, as he looks high up into the treetops, having a good idea what events would unfold up there. "LET ME GO!" You command through your teeth in protest as best you could in your tight cocoon. A chuckle was all you got in response. Kaa leads the way into the canopy high above, the place where all the curious townsfolk met their doom, and now it seemed you too would meet the same fate as them. Travelling higher Something high above lands on Kaa - Go to SECTION 48 You reach a branch above - Go to SECTION 57 __________________________________________________ SECTION 44 From above a large fruit finally ripe fell from the thick branch. A smug Kaa was still looking back at you as you both travelled closer to your fate, he giggled softly and turned back around, his eyes widened as he caught a brief glimpse before the heavyweight made contact and smacked him in the face. Both of you cried out as both the pair of you fell back to the ground. The dirt rose around you both in a dense cloud, quickly dissipating as the coils went limp, no longer holding onto you tightly, the bulky mass which cushioned the fall rested heavy on top, unmoving as Kaa was out like a light, the fruit smashed open nearby, it's contents spilled on the jungle floor, Kaa's snout accented with splotches of the sweet pink substance. Laying on the floor you? Begin to consider if it's worth it - Go to SECTION 50 Are determined to see this through and wait for Kaa to wake - Go to SECTION 59 __________________________________________________ SECTION 45 From above a large fruit finally ripe fell from the thick branch. A smug Kaa looked back at your still smiling face, eager to be swallowed up by him, he giggled softly to himself and turned back around, his eyes widened as the heavyweight made contact and smacked him in the face. He cried out as both he and you fell back to the ground. The dirt rose around you both in a dense cloud, quickly dissipating as the coils went limp, no longer holding onto you tightly, the bulky mass rests heavy on top, unmoving as Kaa was out like a light, the fruit smashed open nearby, it's contents spilled on the jungle floor, Kaa's snout accented with splotches of the sweet pink substance. Laying on the floor you? Snap out of the hypnosis - Go to SECTION 51 Remain unaware as Kaa regains consciousness - Go to SECTION 52 __________________________________________________ SECTION 46 From above a large fruit finally ripe fell from the thick branch. A smug Kaa looked back at your still smiling face, unaware of the peril you were in, he giggled softly to himself and turned back around, his eyes widened as he caught a brief glimpse before the heavyweight made contact and smacked him in the face. He cried out as both he and you fell back to the ground. The dirt rose around you both in a dense cloud, quickly dissipating as the coils went limp, no longer holding onto you tightly, the bulky mass resting heavy on top, unmoving as Kaa was out like a light. The fruit smashed open nearby, its contents spilled on the jungle floor, Kaa's snout accented with splotches of the sweet pink substance. Laying on the floor do you? Remain unaware as Kaa regains consciousness - Go to SECTION 47 Snap out of the hypnosis - Go to SECTION 53 __________________________________________________ SECTION 47 With the swirling spirals never ending the grin on your face remained as nearby a groan of discomfort finally broke the silence. Kaas' tail rubbed the top of his snout in a soothing manner, the sticky substance drying off. "Oooh" he grumbled again "That wasss rather unfortunate" his eyes finally opened "Ooh, how rude of me to forget my dinner guessst" Kaa looked over and chuckled heartily seeing your still smiling face "Oh thank goodnessssss you're ssstill with me" he hissed in excitement as he moved his face closer to yours. "Let'sss try again hmm" he asked as his snout briefly nuzzled against your nose, his warm breath washed over your face. The large mass once again tensed up around you as Kaa tightened his grip, slowly your body left the jungle floor as you began your ascension into the treetops with the python. Learning his lesson Kaa made sure the branches above were free from any fruit, he wouldn't risk losing you as his meal for a second time. Go to SECTION 54 __________________________________________________ SECTION 48 From above a large fruit finally ripe fell from the thick branch. A smug Kaa looked back at your intense glare looking up at him, knowing full well what awaited you above, he giggled softly to himself and turned back around, his eyes widened as he caught a brief glimpse before the heavyweight made contact and smacked him in the face. Both of you cried out as both the pair of you fell back to the ground. The dirt rose around you both in a dense cloud, you cough and wheeze the fall while being broke in your scaley cocoon still managed to wind you, regaining some composure you turn to look at an unmoving Kaa who was out like a light, the fruit smashed open nearby, it's contents spilled on the jungle floor, Kaa's snout accented with splotches of the sweet pink substance. Kaa? Still holds you tight - Go to SECTION 49 Has loosened his grip on you - Go to SECTION 56 __________________________________________________ SECTION 49 With your breath regained and Kaa still knocked out you shook with fear as his thick mass laid on you like a heavy blanket. You looked down at the bulky length of browns and blacks resting on you. You turned slowly to see the snake still out cold, the pink substance coating his face, the ground, and some of it still inside the cracked open fruit. You took a deep breath and hoped you'd be able to escape without waking Kaa. Slowly and gently you pull up your shoulders to remove your arms from the coils, making as little movements as possible in the hopes it wouldn't stir Kaa. The soft spongy mass moves instinctively as it tightens around you a little. Your breaths came in short rapid bursts as he was still alive, your wish that the fall killed him wasn’t granted. Fueled by adrenaline you continue to try and free your arms, you begin to struggle, panic taking over as the mass tightens its grip a little more with each struggle. Like some sort of unconscious ability the Indian python possessed, it wasn't long before it was difficult to breathe as the coils now squeezed you with an almost unbearable force. Exhausted as you ceased struggling, the coils slowly relaxed around you once more, unable to escape as moving only caused it to tense up again. You gasped in dread as nearby a groan of discomfort finally broke the silence, you looked over in horror as the snake began to stir, it's coils relaxed a little as it moved like a wave seemingly to get their bearings on you, holding you more softly as before, but still too snug to free yourself. Kaas' tail rubbed the top of his snout in a soothing manner, the sticky substance drying off. "Oooh" he grumbled again "That wasss rather unfortunate" his eyes finally opened "Ooh, how rude of me to forget my dinner guessst" Kaa looked over and chuckled heartily seeing you staring back at him with an intense glare "Oh thank goodnessssss you're ssstill with me, guesss you didn't want to leave after all hmm?" he hissed in excitement, knowing full well you would have tired to but his grip was unyielding, he moved his face closer to yours. "Let'sss try again hmm" he asked as his snout briefly nuzzled against you, his warm breath washed over your face. You shook your head away in disgust, gasping as he tightened the coil around you throat in response. The large mass once again tensed up around your whole body as Kaa tightened his grip, slowly your body left the jungle floor as you began your ascension into the treetops with the python once more. Learning his lesson Kaa made sure the branches above were free from any fruit, he wouldn't risk losing you as his meal for a second time. Your screams and begging did nothing but amuse Kaa. Go to SECTION 57 __________________________________________________ SECTION 50 As you lay in the scaly bed you began to question if the experience you had so far was enough or not. You were given a chance, and despite wanting to see it through to the end you were having some doubts, were you truly prepared to give up your life for this one strange experience. Your fingers flicked at the soft heavy coils as you contemplated what to do, though you'd have to come to a conclusion fast as if you took too long Kaa would wake, and you'd have your answer chosen for you. After some consideration you? See it through to the grim end - Go to SECTION 59 Run away - Go to SECTION 63 __________________________________________________ SECTION 51 The swirling mass of colours grew fainter as the fog in your mind slowly began to clear, you breathed out heavily as a dizziness engulfed you, your brain felt like it was spinning constantly, like some strange hangover. A thick mass lain on you was slowly being perceived as you looked down and saw nothing but a bulky length of browns and blacks resting on you. Turning your head you saw the snake out cold, a strange substance coated his face, the ground, and some of it still inside the cracked open fruit. Finally piecing together what must have happened you lay in the scaly bed and begin to question if the experience you had so far was enough or not. Despite wanting to see it through to the end you were having second thoughts, were you truly prepared to give up your life for this one strange experience. Your fingles flicked at the soft heavy coils as you contemplated what to do, though you'd have to come to a conclusion fast as if you took too long. Kaa would wake, and you'd have your answer chosen for you. Do you? Run away - Go to SECTION 60 See it through to the grim end - Go to SECTION 61 __________________________________________________ SECTION 52 With the swirling spirals never ending the grin on your face remained as nearby a groan of discomfort finally broke the silence. Kaas' tail rubbed the top of his snout in a soothing manner, the sticky substance drying off. "Oooh" he grumbled again "That wasss rather unfortunate" his eyes finally opened "Ooh, how rude of me to forget my rather unusssual dinner guessst" Kaa looked over and chuckled heartily seeing your still smiling face "Ooh thank goodnessssss you're ssstill with me, not having sssecond thouhgtsss then" he hissed in joy as he moved his face closer to yours. "Let'sss try again hmm" he asked as his snout briefly nuzzled against your his warm breath washed over your face. The large mass once again tensed up around you as Kaa tightened his grip, slowly your body left the jungle floor as you began your ascension into the treetops with the python. Learning his lesson Kaa made sure the branches above were free from any fruit, he wouldn't risk losing you possibly as his meal for a second time. Go to SECTION 70 __________________________________________________ SECTION 53 The swirling mass of colours grew fainter as the fog in your mind slowly began to clear, you breathed out heavily as a dizziness engulfed you, your brain felt like it was spinning constantly like some strange hangover. You slowly began to perceive a heavy mass laying on you as your eyes suddenly shot open wide in realisation. You looked down and saw nothing but a bulky length of browns and blacks resting on you. Turning your head in a panic you saw the snake out cold, a strange pink substance coating his face, the ground, then seen some of it still inside the cracked open fruit. Finally piecing together what must have happened you hastily pushed the coils off of you. The soft spongy mass moved with some considerable effort as your breaths came in short rapid bursts, clearly fueled by adrenaline as you raced to escape, not wanting to stick around and find out if he was knocked out or killed by the blow. Finally you managed to pull your feet free from the coils and wasting no time you hastily ran back towards the hotel. No longer taking your thought to be a boring life for granted. No longer yearning for an adventure. No longer being naive to peoples warnings over the potential dangers that may lurk in the jungle. In all the years of Kaas life, you had been the first to ever escape from his clutches. As his own mind fog dissipated Kaa slowly regained consciousness to a rather sweet scent. He smacked his lips and giggled softly, still believing you were with him. "Well I mussst apologissse for my carelesssnesss, ssshall we continue my sssweet sssnack hmm?" he asked smugly as he turned his head towards the mass of coils. "WHAT!" he shouted in shock, quickly moving his coils around to make sure you weren't fully covered, his tongue flicked out, finally noticing what the sweet smell was. He looked to the side and saw the fruit. His tail wrapped around it as he crushed it with relative ease "If it wasssn't for you!" he spoke with malice, knowing you'd be well on your way to the village. A slight grin appeared across his face as he wiped the thick liquid off of his nose. "Hmm maybe thisss can work in my favour... “Yesss. Sssurely they will warn the othersss about me, and they will have to return to ssshow them where I am … Looksss like I'm about to have a lot of diner guessstsssssss Tsss Hsss Hsss” He laughed joyfully as he slithered up into the trees awaiting for company. Unaware if you would dare tell the others about him or not. ENDING A __________________________________________________ SECTION 54 Both you and Kaa made it onto a branch. It complained loudly under the weight but managed to hold, the slight shifts every now and then from Kaa as he adjusted the both of you, which made the branch creak in response. The large intimidating python slithered over to you, his face rubbing affectionately up and down your cheek as he chuckled to himself "Looksss like we are finally here hmm" he announced, his warm intense breath tickled the back of your head. "Now then" the coils tightened, forcing the precious breath from your body as you began to wheeze, the bright captivating colours were more alluring for you to care about the vice-like grip your entire body was experiencing. Go to SECTION 55 __________________________________________________ SECTION 55 A loud, wet cracking sound rang out in the surrounding empty area as Kaa's jaws began to open wider and wider ready to accept his latest meal, you willingly lay in his thick inescapable coils grinning ear to ear, not once showing the slightest hint of realisation of the grim horror that awaited you. His warm breath washed over your face strongly as he hissed loudly for a considerable amount of time, excited to finally start his feast. He re-positioned his coils around you to get a good feel of your whereabouts as his open maw hovered above the top of your head, the branches creaking loudly once more in response to the shifting weight it supported. What happens next? The branch finally breaks - Go to SECTION 64 His maw closes over your face - Go to SECTION 65 You begin to wake from hypnosis - Go to SECTION 66 __________________________________________________ SECTION 56 With your breath regained and Kaa still knocked out you shook with fear as his thick mass laid on you like a heavy blanket. You looked down at the bulky length of browns and blacks resting on you. Turning your head back to Kaa you saw the snake still out cold, the pink substance coating his face, the ground, and some of it still inside the cracked open fruit. You took a deep breath and hoped your movements wouldn't wake Kaa, slowly and gently you pushed the coils off of you moving them as little as possible in the hopes it wouldn't stir the Indian python. The soft spongy mass moved with some considerable effort as your breaths came in short rapid bursts, clearly fueled by adrenaline as you continue to push his mass away to escape, not wanting to stick around and find out if he was knocked out or killed by the blow, though it would give you ease of mind if it was the latter. Finally you managed to pull your feet free from the coils , Kaa not once stirred, wasting no time you hastily grab your clothes and run back towards the hotel. No longer taking your life for granted. No longer longing for an adventure. No longer being naive to people’s warnings over the potential dangers that may lurk in the jungle. In all the years of Kaas life, you had been the first to ever escape from his clutches. As his mind slowly began to wake, Kaa regained consciousness to a rather sweet scent. He smacked his lips and giggled softly, still believing you were with him. "Well I mussst apologissse for my carelesssnesss, ssshall we continue my sssweet sssnack hmm?" he asked smugly as he turned his head towards the mass of coils. "WHAT!" he shouted in shock, quickly moving his coils around to make sure you weren't fully covered. His tongue flicked out, finally noticing what the sweet smell was. He looked to the side and saw the fruit. His tail wrapped around it as he crushed it with relative ease "If it wasssn't for you!" he spoke with malice, knowing you'd be well on your way to the village. A slight grin appeared across his fack as he wiped the liquid off of his nose. "Hmm maybe thisss can work in my favour... Yesss. Sssurely they will warn the othersss about me, and they will have to return to ssshow them where I am ...Looksss like I'm about to have a lot of diner guessstsssssss Tsss Hsss Hsss. He laughed joyfully as he slithered up into the trees awaiting for company. Unaware if you would dare tell the others about him or not. ENDING H __________________________________________________ SECTION 57 Both you and Kaa made it onto a branch. It complained loudly under the weight but managed to hold, the slight shifts from Kaa made the branch creak in response. Kaa slithered over to you, his face rubbing affectionately up and down your cheek as he chuckled to himself "Looksss like we're finally here hmm" he announced, his warm intense breath tickled the back of your head as you jerked your head away in response. "Now then" the coils tightened, forcing the breath from your body, your eyes once again shut tight in response as Kaa held you firmly in place. Go to SECTION 58 __________________________________________________ SECTION 58 A loud, wet cracking sound rang out in the surrounding empty area as Kaa's jaws began to open wider and wider ready to accept his latest meal, your pupils dialted in terror as you were trapped frimly in his thick inescapable coils which refused to budge an inch, struggling did nothing but tire you out, and he only scoffed at your begging. You pleaded with him in desperation if he let you go you'd do anything, but he only laughed and told you the only thing he wanted was a meal, and he was about to receive it. You looked up into the grim horror that awaited you, a wide mouth and a dark chasm beyond. His warm breath washed over your face strongly as he hissed loudly for a considerable amount of time, excited to start his feast. He re-positioned his coils around you to get a good feel of your position as you shuddered in fear, his open maw hovered above the top of your head, the branches creaking loudly once more in response to the shifting weight it supported. What happens next? The branch finally breaks - Go to SECTION 62 His maw closes over your face - Go to SECTION 67 __________________________________________________ SECTION 59 Laying in the coils looking up at the treetops where you'd meet your end if you remained, you envisioned the encounter that would await you up there. The strong image of him resuming the constriction, his maw opening wide and you getting a brief glimpse of your chosen destiny as it closes firmly around you. You shuddered with excitement, there was no fear, only anticipation as the reality and practicality of the situation only served to further entice you. Your fingertips tenderly stroked at Kaa as the muscles beneath moved under them. You gasped in surprise as the coils suddenly tensed up, holding you firmly, the breath being forced out of you as they squeezed ever tighter around you. Gazing at Kaa you noticed he was still out cold, clearly the reaction was an automatic response, holding onto the prey, making sure they wouldn't escape. If you were to have changed your mind now it would have been too late as the coils held you firmly, breathing was difficult, the heavy mass pushed down on your body. Faintly you could hear him waking from his slumber as Kaa gently smacked his lips to a rather sweet scent. He giggled softly, as he coils pushed down on you further, clearly excited for the feast. "Well I mussst sssay I didn't expect you to ssstill be here, you are truly twisssted my little meal” he chuckled “ssshall we continue hmm?" he asked smugly as he turned his head towards you. His tongue flicked out, finally noticing what the sweet smell was. He looked to the side and saw the fruit, he wiped his nose dry. "Well then, letsss be on our way" he said, as the coils moved in heavy waves around you, lifting you off the ground as both you and the Indian python once again make haste for the treetops, this time making sure there was no fruit nearby to fall on him. Go to SECTION 68 __________________________________________________ SECTION 60 You think of your life, how boring and repetitive it came, apart from this business trip you had rarely ever left your town. The voice inside your head rose up to say if you were bored that's no reason to let it end for one strange fantasy, nothing was stopping you from changing careers. You thought it would have been too risky to do that, only to laugh as your current predicament, wrapped in the coils of a snake who plans on eating you, was a far bigger risk. You close your eyes and take deep breaths, recalling how you felt each time you had had enough and the fantasy was no longer needed as you went about your day. What would all of those versions of you think? You took a deep sigh and realised they'd want it to be over as well and get on about your day, and now you'd be able to recall your experience in vivid detail from now on. You smiled sadly and realised it was the right thing to do, and without any further questions you pulled your arms out of the scaly bands and pushed them off of you. Apologising to the Indian python for ending things prematurely, but thanking him for the awesome experience, free you walk over to Kaa and pat him on the head. You grab your clothes and walk away, getting dressed as you further yourself from him. Finally the sun begins to set as you make it back to the town, the same merchant from the morning was closing his shop. You get back to your room and throw yourself onto the bed, your mind drifting aimlessly as you fall asleep. You awake the next morning your body aches as it finally feels the effect of Kaa's intense squeezes, a small price to pay for an amazing experience you thought, though you wondered if leaving was the right thing to do. With no work left to do you remained in bed, moving as little as possible as you recovered. The day of your departure arrived and you packed your belongings, your body now back to normal, you stepped out onto the balcony and looked out at the jungle one last time. The intense encounter replayed in your mind, as it had done for the past few days, it refused to leave you alone, each waking minute you spent still wondering if leaving was right, part of you constantly saying it was the wrong choice, that you’d regret it for the rest of your life, or drive you mad until you saved up enough money to return. You looked at your packed bags, once you took them out the door in a few hours you wouldn't be back, then you looked out at the jungle again, you still had a chance to return right now. You bit your bottom lip and shook our head, knowing how messed up it was to even consider seeking him out once, let alone return to him. You once again weigh your options to leave and return to your old life, or give into the increasing regret and seek Kaa out again, unsure if he’d hypnotise you again or not. After some consideration you? Regret leaving - Go to SECTION 69 Resist the urge - Go to SECTION 72 __________________________________________________ SECTION 61 Laying in the coils looking up at the treetops where you'd meet your end if you remained, you envisioned the encounter that would await you. The strong image of him resuming the constriction, his maw opening wide and you getting a brief glimpse of your chosen destiny as it closes firmly around you. You shuddered with excitement, there was no fear, only anticipation as the reality and practicality of the situation only served to further entice you. Your fingertips tenderly stroked at Kaa as the muscles beneath moved under them. You gasped in surprise as the coils suddenly tensed up, holding you firmly, the breath being forced out of you as they squeezed ever tighter around you. Gazing at Kaa you noticed he was still out cold, clearly the reaction was an automatic response, holding onto the prey, making sure they wouldn't escape. If you were to have changed your mind now it would have been too late as the coils held you firmly, breathing was difficult, the heavy mass pushed down on your body. Faintly you could hear him waking from his slumber as Kaa gently smacked his lips to a rather sweet scent. He giggled softly, as he coils pushed down on you further, clearly excited for the feast. "Well I mussst sssay I didn't expect you to ssstil be here, you are truly twisssted my little meal, ssshall we continue hmm?" he asked smugly as he turned his head towards you. The eyes one again flashed the familiar warm glint before being assaulted by the remarkable sight of his colourful eyes. They drained your free will, sapped you of all thought as just like before, you began to smile like a goof ball, while he once again laughed as your mind melted . His tongue flicked out, finally noticing what the sweet smell was. He looked to the side and saw the fruit. "Well then, letsss be on our way" he said while wiping his snout. The coils moved in heavy waves around you, lifting you off the ground as both you and the Indian python once again made haste for the treetops, this time making sure there was no fruit nearby to fall on him. Go to SECTION 70 __________________________________________________ SECTION 62 The branch, which had been a favourite of Kaas, had finally taken too much of his immeasurable weight as it snapped. The two of you cried out in surprise, as the pair of you fell back to the ground, instantly he was out cold the second he landed on the floor, his soft coils around you cushioned the fall that otherwise would have been fatal to a human. You slowly opened your eyes, light flooding your vision, as they began adjusting to the brightness, you breathed out heavily as the crushing pressure that you couldn't get used to had alleviated. The thick mass was still lain on you, but no longer squeezing, your eyes finally adjusted well enough and you managed to survey your surroundings more clearly now. You looked down and saw nothing but a bulky length of browns and blacks resting on you. Turning your head in a panic you saw the snake out cold, a thick branch and numerous large splinters littered the floor around you both. Finally piecing together what must have happened you hastily pushed the coils off of you. The soft spongy mass moved with some considerable effort as your breaths came in short rapid bursts, clearly fueled by adrenaline as you raced to escape not wanting to stick around and find out if he was knocked out or killed by the high fall. Finally you managed to pull your feet free from the coils and wasting no time you hastily grabbed your clothes and ran back towards the hotel. No longer taking your thought to be a boring life for granted. No longer yearning for an adventure. No longer being naive to peoples warnings over the potential dangers that may lurk in the jungle. In all the years of Kaas life, you had been the first to ever escape from his clutches. As his own eyes adjusted to the surroundings Kaa regained consciousness, his head throbbing with pain. He groaned out in discomfort as a thick portion of his body rubbed over the top of his head in a soothing manner. His senses kicked in as he moved his body, realising he couldn’t feel anything struggling against him. He turned to look and saw his coils empty “Oh please, sssay it isssn’t ssso” he pleaded, moving his body around to make sure you weren’t trapped underneath. Finding nothing his stomach ached and complained loudly, his tail wrapped around the thickest part of the broken branch and crushed it with relative ease "Oh why did you fail to sssupport me and that tasssty little sssnack hmm" he spoke with disappointment, knowing you'd be well on your way to the village. A slight grin appeared across his face as he tossed the broken branches away. "Hmm maybe thisss can work in my favour... “Yesss. Sssurely they will warn the othersss about me, and they will have to return to ssshow them where I am … Looksss like I'm about to have a lot of diner guessstsssssss Tsss Hsss Hsss” He laughed joyfully as he slithered into some nearby bushes. Unaware if you would dare tell the others about him or not. ENDING I __________________________________________________ SECTION 63 You think of your life, how boring and repetitive it came, apart from this business trip you had rarely ever left your town. The voice inside your head rose up to say if you were bored that's no reason to let it end for one strange fantasy, nothing was stopping you from changing careers. You thought it would have been too risky to do that, only to laugh as your current predicament, wrapped in the coils of a snake who plans on eating you, was a far bigger risk. You close your eyes and take deep breaths, recalling how you felt each time you had had enough and the fantasy was no longer needed as you went about your day. What would all of those versions of you think? You took a deep sigh and realised they'd want it to be over as well and get on about your day, and now you'd be able to recall your experience in vivid detail from now on. You smiled sadly and realised it was the right thing to do, and without any further questions you pulled your arms out of the scaly bands and pushed them off of you. Apologising to the Indian python for ending things prematurely, but thanking him for the awesome experience, free you walk over to Kaa and pat him on the head. You grab your clothes and walk away, getting dressed as you further yourself from him. Finally the sun begins to set as you make it back to the town, the same merchant from the morning was closing his shop. You get back to your room and throw yourself onto the bed, your mind drifting aimlessly as you fall asleep. You awake the next morning your body aches as it finally feels the effect of Kaa's intense squeezes, a small price to pay for an amazing experience you thought, though you wondered if leaving was the right thing to do. With no work left to do you remained in bed, moving as little as possible as you recovered. The day of your departure arrived and you packed your belongings, your body now back to normal, you stepped out onto the balcony and looked out at the jungle one last time. The intense encounter replayed in your mind, as it had done for the past few days, it refused to leave you alone, each waking minute you spent still wondering if leaving was right, part of you constantly saying it was the wrong choice, that you’d regret it for the rest of your life, or drive you mad until you saved up enough money to return. You looked at your packed bags, once you took them out the door in a few hours you wouldn't be back, then you looked out at the jungle again, you still had a chance to return right now. You bit your bottom lip and shook our head, knowing how messed up it was to even consider seeking him out once, let alone return to him. You once again weigh your options to leave and return to your old life, or give into the increasing regret and seek Kaa out again. After some serious thinking you? Resist the urge - Go to SECTION 72 Regret leaving - Go to SECTION 73 __________________________________________________ SECTION 64 The branch, which had been a favourite of Kaas, had finally taken too much of his immeasurable weight as it snapped. Kaa cried out in surprise, as both he and you fell back to the ground, instantly he was out cold the second he landed on the floor, his soft coils around you cushioned the fall that otherwise would have been fatal to a human. The swirling mass of colours grew fainter as the fog in your mind slowly began to clear, you breathed out heavily as a dizziness engulfed you, your brain felt like it was spinning constantly like some strange hangover. You slowly began to perceive a heavy mass laying on you as your eyes suddenly shot open wide in realisation. You looked down and saw nothing but a bulky length of browns and blacks resting on you. Turning your head in a panic you saw the snake out cold, a thick branch and numerous large splinters littered the floor around you both. Finally piecing together what must have happened you hastily pushed the coils off of you. The soft spongy mass moved with some considerable effort as your breaths came in short rapid bursts, clearly fueled by adrenaline as you raced to escape, not wanting to stick around and find out if he was knocked out or killed by the high fall. Finally you managed to pull your feet free from the coils and wasting no time you hastily grabbed your clothes and ran back towards the hotel. No longer taking your thought to be a boring life for granted. No longer yearning for an adventure. No longer being naive to peoples warnings over the potential dangers that may lurk in the jungle. In all the years of Kaas life, you had been the first to ever escape from his clutches. As his own mind fog dissipated Kaa regained consciousness, his head throbbing with pain. He groaned out in discomfort as a thick portion of his body rubbed ov-er the top of his head in a soothing manner. "Well" he started as the pain began to ease "I mussst apologissse for my carelesssnesss, ssshall we continue my delectiable sssnack hmm?" he asked smugly as he turned his head towards the mass of coils. "WHAT!" he shouted in shock, quickly moving his coils around to make sure you weren't fully covered, noticing you had managed to escape his tail wrapped around the thickest part of the broken branch and crushed it with relative ease "Oh why did you fail to sssupport me and that tasssty little sssnack hmm" he spoke with disappointment, knowing you'd be well on your way to the village. A slight grin appeared across his face as he tossed the broken branches away. "Hmm maybe thisss can work in my favour... “Yesss. Sssurely they will warn the othersss about me, and they will have to return to ssshow them where I am … Looksss like I'm about to have a lot of diner guessstsssssss Tsss Hsss Hsss” He laughed joyfully as he slithered into some nearby bushes. Unaware if you would dare tell the others about him or not. ENDING B __________________________________________________ SECTION 65 With a commanding hiss cut off his maw closed gently over your face, as he started the lengthy swallowing process, the crown of your head pressed against the entrance to his throat. The soft palate of his mouth vibrated over your wide ginning face as he hummed in delight at the first proper taste of you. His saliva dripped onto your face which made it clear how blissfully unaware you were of the dire situation, as you did nothing but remain still as you were partially inside the maw of a notorious snake. His coils re-positioned around you, squeezing more air out of you, you gasped forcefully into his mouth and in return he hissed in triumph, taking his time, savouring his meal, just like he had done with all the others who were unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. Kaa's coils moved in powerful waves freeing your neck from the persistent strangling that he enjoys inflicting upon you. His maw opens wide and the tight ring that separates your current location to the deadly oesophagus above begins to open slowly and welcome you in. The opening expanded slowly over your forehead like a slick rubber band gliding smoothly as your coiled-free neck began to enter the warm humid mouth of Kaa. Never once being aware of your current predicament, smiling joyfully throughout the whole grim situation as the flesh ran down your nose while your forehead received the touch of his many folds. they slapped gently into more and more of your face as it entered the hot sticky throat, helping to push you further inside to your imminent demise. The moist walls shook gently as Kaa hummed in delight once more, salivating wildly at your taste. A gentle breeze ran down your throat as Kaa hissed softly, his tongue licking your neck with wild carnality, the coils around you tightened strongly, another gasp escaped into the seemingly infinite folds inside of the python, squeezing you even further in response, something Kaa did when he truly enjoyed a meal, and he thought you were one of the best he's ever had. With only your head swallowed the great Indian python was shuddering in sheer pleasure, anticipating the moment when he finishes you off. Finally his mouth closed gently over your neck, and Kaa gave another tight squeeze around your body, your eyes closed, brows upturned in response as another breath was forced out of you, the branch bouncing slightly under his tremors, as the snake giggled at the weak muffles in response from within. Next? You begin to wake - Go to SECTION 71 Kaa advances - Go to SECTION 74 The branch finally breaks - Go to SECTION 101 __________________________________________________ SECTION 66 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled as the swirls shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were from the wide grinning. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you begin to move your hand and rub your eyes. Your arms unable to budge, they were stuck firmly to your sides, you looked down and like a dam bursting, your memory came flooding back as the glistening scales moved around more, tightening the grip around you and forcing you to exhale. A harsh breeze blew from above, accompanied with a longing hiss. Your eyes widened in horror as you looked up, the opened maw of the snake grew closer and closer to you. You struggled intensely, sweat ran down your forehead as the vice-like grip around your neck tightened more, coughing in convulsion as Kaa made breathing even more difficult for you, a chuckle escaped the great maw of the Indian python as he was now aware of your sober state. The breaths were raspy and shook as you clenched your eyes shut just as your features felt the mouth of the snake push firmly into your face, your entire head now inside the maw of Kaa. The crown of your head pressed against the entrance to his throat, as the soft palate of his mouth vibrated over your face while he hummed in delight, his saliva dripping onto your face your tried in vain to resist, thrashing your head side to side, but his mouth had a firm grip on your face. His coils reposistion around you, squeezing more air like a squeak toy, you gasped into his humid mouth and in return he hissed in triumph, taking his time, savouring his meal, just like he had done with all the others who were unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. His coils moved in powerful waves freeing your neck which had been repeatedly strangled intensely by the Indian python. His maw opens wide and the tight ring that separates your current location to the deadly oesophagus above begins to open slowly to welcome you in. Your muffled screams cried out in protest, begging the snake to release you, however Kaa paid no heed to your complaints, he already had you trapped in your coils, and had no desire to hypnotise you again. He giggled as his tongue playfully stroked across your cheek, relishing in the sensation of your trying to move away from it in disgust. The opening expanded slowly over your forehead like a slick rubber band gliding smoothly as your coiled-free neck began to enter the warm humid mouth of Kaa. The air inside an unpleasant scent, toxic to your nose which scrunched automatically in response to the new muggy environment. The flesh ran down your nose as your forehead received the touch of his many internal folds, they slapped gently into more and more of your face as it entered the hot sticky throat, helping to push you further inside to your imminent demise, your muffled moans once more ran out as the moist walls shook gently, the wriggles made Kaa hum in delight always enjoying his meals struggling as opposed to just remaining still, salivating wildly at your taste. A gentle breeze ran down your throat as Kaa hissed softly as his tongue lapped at your neck, your breathing became more erratic, part fear over the escalating danger you were in, and part the coils around you which tightened with an almost bruising pressure. Your gasps escaped into the seemingly infinite folds inside of the python, squeezing you in response, something Kaa did when he truly enjoyed a meal, and he thought you were one of the best he's ever had, managing to wake up faster than any prior prey he had captured. With only your head swallowed the great Indian python was shuddering in sheer pleasure, anticipating the moment when he finishes you off. Finally his maw closed gently over your neck, Kaa gave another tight squeeze around your body, your eyes closed, brows upturned in response as another breath was forced out of you, you started to shake in fear, the coils tightening their grip even more firmly around you as a result, the branch bouncing slightly under his tremors, as Kaa giggled at the weak screams from within. The rough squeezes? Have no real effect as Kaa continues to advance - Go to SECTION 75 Cause the branch to snap - Go to SECTION 102 __________________________________________________ SECTION 67 With a commanding hiss cut off his maw closed gently over your face, trapping it inside his mouth, the crown of your head pressed against the entrance to his throat. The soft pallette of the interior vibrated over your face as he hummed in delight as he got his first taste of you, his saliva dripping onto your face which showed signs of extreame anger and terror inside the maw of a nutorious snake. His coils re-position around you, squeezing more air out of you, you gasped into his mouth and in return he hissed in triumph, taking his time, savouring his meal, just like he had done with all the others who were unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. His coils moved in powerful waves freeing your neck which had been repeatedly strangled intensely by the Indian python. His maw opens wide and the tight ring that separates your current location to the deadly oesophagus above began to open slowly to welcome you in, you once again screamed out in fear, one of the few things you could do, which was useless, but the panic in your mind refused to let you just give up yet. The desperate pleading for your life to be spared was only met by Kaas slick tongue caressing your face and a deafening hiss echoed out in the claustrophobic space. The opening expanded slowly over your forehead like a slick rubber band gliding smoothly as your coiled-free neck began to enter the warm humid mouth of Kaa. It was certainly a rare experience, but one in which you had never wished to bear witness first-hand, the flesh ran down your nose as your forehead received the touch of his many slippery folds. They slapped gently into more and more of your face as it entered the hot sticky throat, helping to push you further inside to your imminent demise. The moist walls shook gently as Kaa hummed in delight due to your coughing, as he salivated wildly at your taste. A gentle breeze ran down your throat as Kaa hissed softly, his tongue licking your neck, the coils around you tightened strongly, and a shaky gasp escaped into the seemingly infinite folds inside of the python. Squeezing you hastily in response when swallowing was something Kaa did when he truly enjoyed a meal, and he thought you were one of the best he's ever had. The snake had only swallowed your head and already he was shuddering in sheer pleasure over the feast. Finally his maw closed gently over your neck, Kaa gave another tight squeeze around your body, your eyes bulged out in response as another breath was forced out of you, the branch bouncing slightly under his tremors, as Kaa giggled at the weak muffles from within. The rough squeezes? Have no real effect as Kaa continues to advance - Go to SECTION 75 Cause the branch to snap - Go to SECTION 102 __________________________________________________ SECTION 68 Both you and Kaa made it onto a branch. It complained loudly under the weight but managed to hold, the slight shifts from Kaa made the branch creak in response. Kaa slithered over to you, his face rubbing affectionately up and down your cheek as he chuckled to himself "Looksss like we are finally here hmm" he announced, his warm intense breath tickled the back of your head. "Now then" the coils tightened, forcing the air from your lungs. You exhalled a violent breath as you looked at him with a strange sense of accomplishment, like your true purpose of life was to feed the Indian python. You flashed Kaa a toothy grin who chuckled at your eagerness, as his tail yanked firmly. The coil around your neck cinched tighter as a peculiar noise was choked out of you "I'm ssso glad to ssse you are enjoying yourssself my ssstrange sssnack. Now it'sss time to FEASSSSSST" Kaa hissed loudly, saliva spraying in a fine mist as he held you firmly in place. Offering no chance to resist if you suddenly changed your mind. Go to SECTION 82 __________________________________________________ SECTION 69 You shake your head in disbelief, knowing how messed up it was, but you knew you spent the majority of the days recovering unable to think of anything else but your time with Kaa. You knew where the clearing was if he didn't show up before reaching it. "Screw it" you think to yourself as you once again make haste for the jungle, knowing if you were to go back to your old life you’d never once stop thinking about it. As you walk through the dense foliage you think of various reasons to explain why you left, not wanting Kaa to be mad. He still hadn't appeared as you reached the area you met him a few days ago, so you pushed onward into the dark depths of the jungle, to the clearing where you’d meet your fate. Your mind made up as this time there was no doubt, the thoughts and practicality of being his meal was too intense, and had only gotten worse the past few days. You were a fool to leave prior and wished you could have just remained in the coils till he awoke. Finally you reached the clearing, and once again called out to Kaa, saying you have returned to him and apologised for leaving. "And why did you leave?" he demanded, his voice more dominant, clearly annoyed by your departure as he hissed in aggression. You looked around, unable to see him "I thought we were having fun" despite him not being in view you could now tell he was somewhere above you, watching intensly "Oh we were Kaa" you started, already an excuse thought up in your journey of no return "Once you got hit I heard someone nearby, I knew they would harm you so I quickly got out, got dressed and met with them, we spoke for a while, it took some convincing but I managed to get them to turn around, as I suggested some drinks on me. Then my body ached from the squeezes so I needed to rest before returning" you looked around Kaa still not revealing himself to you "and now you've come back to ssse it through hmm" a slight sinister chuckle echoed out, clearly he was buying it "Yup" you confirmed, as you hastily started to remove your clothes once again. From above you could hear him smacking his lips again, finally you saw a portion of his body emerge from the treetops high above lowering to you, they coiled around, piling on top of one another like a small tower. Eventually he stopped, the tail at the same height as your neck, his tail began poking in the small gap inside the coils "Climb insssside and we ssshall pick up where we left off, but know thisss, my belly isss too impatient now, ssso there will be no hypnosssisss thisss time" a sinister chuckle rang out. No longer having second thoughts, and accepting the change of plans as punishment from deserting and lying to him, you begin walking over to the side of the small towers of scales, you climb on the rock next to him, feeling the eyes of Kaa watching you carefully from above. You look down at the coils, slowly you sit on the topmost one as you stuck your legs inside, the thick mass beneath your butt jolted slightly, motivating you to slip down as his tail patted you on the back in encouragement "what are you waiting for, it isss what you want hmm?" he asked, and with the smile once again plastered on your face you took a deep breath to calm your nerves, put your arms to the side and slid down. Immediately once your feet touched the ground his coils closed around you like a vice, the breath forced out of you as your bare feet left the loose dirt. A sensation you missed and couldn't stop thinking about during your recovery, you sighed in content as you were being pulled up into the trees to encounter Kaa once again. Go to SECTION 77 __________________________________________________ SECTION 70 Both you and Kaa made it onto a branch. It complained loudly under the weight but managed to hold, the slight shifts from Kaa made the branch creak in response. Kaa slithered over to you, his face rubbing affectionately up and down your cheek as he chuckled to himself "Looksss like we are finally here hmm" he announced, his warm intense breath tickled the back of your head. "Now then" the coils tightened, forcing the breath from your body, but the bright captivating colours were more alluring for you to care about the fierce squeeze your entire body was experiencing as Kaa held you firmly in place. Go to SECTION 83 __________________________________________________ SECTION 71 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and the wonderful spiral shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were from the wide grinning. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in. Your vision was dark, your sense of feel was wet and muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather noxious odour, your hearing forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from deeper within. You spread your arms and legs out, against the slippery mass that expanded but refused to burst. Exhausted you relented and the walls bounced back, slapping firmly into you once more. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the warnings of the shop merchant, and being intrigued by a sense of adventure, meeting a talking snake and… Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. The disappearances weren't a tall tale, it was very real, and you were now one of them, as you too ended up in the belly of the snake. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest tearfully "PLEASE!" you begged hoping Kaa would eventually take pity on you. Your best efforts were easily thwarted by Kaa whos innards remained unaffected by even your most strident of struggles, if it was under different circumstances you'd be in awe over how much the snake could bulge out and remain unbothered, how a meal no matter how heavy or light can be effortlessly pushed inside. However with your rare point of view on the grim act you were far from amazed, and wished humans were an exception to the horrific process, be it too wide to be swallowed, would cause indigestion, the struggles would be too difficult to contain and they'd get out, or some other reason, however that wasn't the case, and the grim reality was that humans were just like every other animal to a snake. In hindsight you cursed your morning self, incredibly naive, believing there'd be no real danger, thinking you were above all animals of the jungle. Kaa had seen to it to remind you of your place on the food chain, and you certainly existed on it. You begged once more for the Indian pythons mercy The only response you got was a sinister chuckle, proving how fatal your adventure would turn out to be. Go to SECTION 75 __________________________________________________ SECTION 72 You sigh and return back inside, listening to the more rational opinion. It would be silly to give up the rest of your life for one silly fantasy, you were incredibly lucky as it was to come back alive from it, it was a gift that you weren't going to squander. You hopped in the shower before getting your small carry on bag ready before heading to the airport to return home. Several hours passed since your decision and you looked out the window at the jungle that grew smaller and smaller the higher you got. Curious if you should ever tell the bizarre community you belong to that Kaa was real, and if they were serious about encountering him you'd tell them where to find him. You shrugged it off, knowing they'd believe you were crazy, but then again maybe some members would, like you, be engrossed in the idea that they'd be willing to take a risk, your fantasy bubbled to the surface knowing you gave the thrilling conclusion of it up in order to go on living, you wondered how the inside of his mouth felt, how his throat would expand to accomodate you. You closed your eyes and recalled the event that you experienced first hand, and told yourself to be grateful for that. You encountered a thought to be fictional snake, and lived. A fact that part of you always regretted, telling you it would drive you insane until you finally gave in and returned. Whether you managed to avoid those desires for the remainder of your life or eventually returned, ultimately came down to your sheer willpower. ENDING L __________________________________________________ SECTION 73 You shake your head in disbelief, knowing how messed up it was, but you knew you spent the majority of the days recovering unable to think of anything else but your time with Kaa. You knew where the clearing was if he didn't show up before reaching it. "Screw it" you think to yourself as you once again make haste for the jungle, knowing if you were to go back to your old life you’d never once stop thinking about it. As you walk through the dense foliage you think of various reasons to explain why you left, not wanting Kaa to be mad. He still hadn't appeared as you reached the area you met him a few days ago, so you pushed onward into the dark depths of the jungle, to the clearing where you’d meet your fate. Your mind made up as this time there was no doubt, the thoughts and practicality of being his meal was too intense, and had only gotten worse the past few days. You were a fool to leave prior and wished you could have just remained in the coils till he awoke. Finally you reached the clearing, and once again called out to Kaa, saying you have returned to him and apologised for leaving. "And why did you leave?" he demanded, his voice more dominant, clearly annoyed by your departure as he hissed in aggression. You looked around, unable to see him "I thought we were having fun" despite him not being in view you could now tell he was somewhere above you, watching intensly "Oh we were Kaa" you started, already an excuse thought up in your journey of no return "Once you got hit I heard someone nearby, I knew they would harm you so I quickly got out, got dressed and met with them, we spoke for a while, it took some convincing but I managed to get them to turn around, as I suggested some drinks on me. Then my body ached from the squeezes so I needed to rest before returning" you looked around Kaa still not revealing himself to you "and now you've come back to ssse it through hmm" a slight sinister chuckle echoed out, clearly he was buying it "Yup" you confirmed, as you hastily started to remove your clothes once again. From above you could hear him smacking his lips again, finally you saw a portion of his body emerge from the treetops high above lowering to you, they coiled around, piling on top of one another like a small tower. Eventually he stopped, the tail at the same height as your neck, his tail began poking in the small gap inside the coils "Climb insssside and we ssshall pick up where we left off" a sinister chuckle rang out. Walking over to the side of the small towers of scales, you climb on the rock next to him, feeling the eyes of Kaa watching you carefully from above. You look down at the coils slowly you sit on the topmost one as you stuck your legs inside, the thick mass beneath your butt jolted slightly, motivating you to slip down as his tail patted you on the back in encouragement "what are you waiting for, it isss what you want hmm?" he asked, and with the smile once again plastered on your face you took a deep breath to calm your nerves, put your arms to the side and slid down. Immediately once your feet touched the ground his coils closed around you like a vice, the breath forced out of you as your bare feet left the loose dirt. A sensation you missed and couldn't stop thinking about during your recovery, you sighed in content as you were being pulled up into the trees to encounter Kaa once again Go to SECTION 77 __________________________________________________ SECTION 74 Your gently folded eyes opened once again revealing how strong his hypnosis power was, never once showing signs of resistance, the colours remained, swirling and expanding just as strongly as they did outside. The grin slowly spreads across your face again as you recover from another round of intense squeezes. Kaa twisted around you roughly, ensuring his jaws could make it over your shoulder, the bulkiest part of every meal, yet none had been too large for him, and you were certainly no exception as both his jaws pressed down firmly on each of them. With the Indian python able to accommodate the widest part of you nothing stopped him from being capable of swallowing you whole, you, like every other feast, will become just another bulge in the mighty Kaa, lost and soon forgotten to the world. Your only purpose now is to fill the belly of the great snake and give your body up to add to his own never ending length. Another rough twist to reposition himself, resulted in a cough from you as his jaws moved around aggressively. Now clasping once again on your chest and back, still unbeknownst to you, as your body began to sweat, mixed with the sinister snakes drool, it ran down your chest in thick ribbons glistening in the filtered sun. Atop a tree, deep in the jungle, no one would be coming to save you. Your sludge-like mind unable to comprehend the grave danger you were in, only smiling away like an obedient servant to the snake, giving your life up for its own. No complaining, no struggling, only the occasional cough and wheeze as he constricted you in excitement. As a coil lazily slid off of your stomach it instinctively expanded, no longer being firmly compacted, unlike your wrists and legs which remained trapped in the scaly prison. A grumbling groaned out from further inside as Kaa's stomach demanded your company louder than before. The remaining coils around you squeezed firmly as he still enjoyed every delectable inch of you, with his eyes closed he experienced the utmost delight in making you his food The rough squeezes? Make you wake - Go to SECTION 76 Have no real effect as Kaa continues to advance - Go to SECTION 78 Cause the branch to snap - Go to SECTION 101 __________________________________________________ SECTION 75 You clench your eyes shut tighter as the sponge like innards clamped fiercely around you to guide you in. You groaned in discomfort as Kaa twisted around roughly ensuring his jaws could make it over your shoulders, the bulkiest part of every meal, yet none had been too large for him, and you were certainly no exception as both his jaws pressed down firmly on each side. With Kaa able to accommodate the widest part of you nothing stopped him from being capable of swallowing you whole, you cried out in response, knowing you would be no challenge to consume, like every other feast. Thrashing around uselessly you refuse to accept becoming another bulge in the mighty Kaa, lost and soon forgotten to the world. Rejecting your only purpose now, which was to fill the belly of the great rock python and give your body to add to his own never ending length, a role you were horrified even thinking about. Another rough twist, resulting in a cough being forced from you as his jaws twisted around you again, now clasping on your chest and back, more of your body began to sweat, mixed with the sinister snakes drool, it ran down your chest in thick ribbons glistening in the filtered sun. Atop a tree, deep in the jungle, with no one around to rescue you, a grim fate was being forced upon you, powerless to stop the progression as each wave of the peristalsis embraced you, eagerly brushing over your skin in admiration. As a coil lazily slid off of your stomach it instinctively expanded, no longer being firmly compacted, unlike your wrists and legs which remained trapped in the scaly prison. A grumbling groaned out from further inside as Kaa's stomach demanded your company louder than before. A small whimper of fear escaped your lips as you shuddered, the unpleasant sensation of Kaa's unwavering advances could not be ignored no matter how tight your eyes were shut. The remaining coils around you squeezed firmly as he still enjoyed every delectable inch of you, with his eyes closed he experienced the utmost delight in The movements? Have no real effect as Kaa continues to advance - Go to SECTION 79 Cause the branch to snap - Go to SECTION 102 __________________________________________________ SECTION 76 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and the wonderful spiral shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were from the wide grinning. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in. Your vision was dark, your sense of feel was wet and muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather noxious odour, your hearing forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from deeper within. You spread your arms and legs out, against the slippery mass that expanded but refused to burst. Exhausted you relented and the walls bounced back, slapping firmly into you once more. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the warnings of the shop merchant, and being intrigued by a sense of adventure, meeting a talking snake and… Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. The disappearances weren't a tall tale, it was very real, and you were now one of them, as you too ended up in the belly of the snake. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest tearfully "PLEASE!" you begged hoping Kaa would eventually take pity on you. Your best efforts were easily thwarted by Kaa whos innards remained unaffected by even your most strident of struggles, if it was under different circumstances you'd be in awe over how much the snake could bulge out and remain unbothered, how a meal no matter how heavy or light can be effortlessly pushed inside. However with your rare point of view on the grim act you were far from amazed, and wished humans were an exception to the horrific process, be it too wide to be swallowed, would cause indigestion, the struggles would be too difficult to contain and they'd get out, or some other reason, however that wasn't the case, and the grim reality was that humans were just like every other animal to a snake. In hindsight you cursed your morning self, incredibly naive, believing there'd be no real danger, thinking you were above all animals of the jungle. Kaa had seen to it to remind you of your place on the food chain, and you certainly existed on it. You begged once more for the Indian pythons mercy The only response you got was a sinister chuckle, proving how fatal your adventure would turn out to be. Go to SECTION 79 __________________________________________________ SECTION 77 The coils around you vibrate as his gut rumbles, you were certain it was more violent this time, clearly he was more hungry than a few days ago. Finally you could see the face of Kaa looking at you with his usual smirk, glad to see you return back to him "Ssso niccce to sssee you again" he welcomed you, as he placed you onto the branch mere inches away from him. It complained loudly under the weight but managed to hold, the slight shifts from Kaa made the branch creak in response. Kaa slithered over to you, his face rubbing affectionately up and down your cheek as he chuckled to himself "You jussst couldn't keep away hmm" he announced, his warm intense breath tickling the back of your head as you shuddered in anticipation. "Now then" the coils tightened, forcing the breath from your body, your eyes once again shut tight and you smiled in response as Kaa held you firmly in place. Go to SECTION 81 __________________________________________________ SECTION 78 Taking his time as he did with all his food the sun continued to rise across the sky, but in your current state, and location, you would be unable to determine just how long has passed. Kaa moved down more and closed his mouth gently across your stomach, he wriggled the upper jaw side to side to ensure he had a good grip of you before clamping down firmly, expelling another violent cough from further within the ever expanding prison of muscles and scales. His impressive body creaked loudly like rubber being stretched as his body swelled around you, clearly showing your form under the bulge as you were being pulled deeper inside the digestive tract of the massive Indian python. Deafening gurgles groaned out within as his stomach continued to be more and more impatient. The thick folds, moulded perfectly to your features, vibrated aggressively in response before once again relaxing and resuming its usual motion, rubbing softly yet firmly across every inch of your body inside, effortlessly beckoning you in further. Unable to stop drooling over your taste Kaa hissed louly in zeal, knowing he still had half of your body left to consume, a daunting task. However the snake was very experienced in dealing with humans of all shapes and sizes, no meal was too much for him to handle, and like all the others you were not giving him any issues. Another longing squeeze applied to your legs and lower arms as Kaa prepared to open wide once more and move further down you. The numerous movements? Cause you to wake - Go to SECTION 80 Do nothing to impede the predicament you're in - Go to SECTION 84 Is finally too much an the branch gives way - Go to SECTION 101 __________________________________________________ SECTION 79 Taking his time as he did with all his food the sun continued to rise across the sky, Kaa moved down more and closed his mouth firmly across your stomach ignoring your pathetic persistent protests, and just enjoyed every desperate movement you made. He wriggled the upper jaw side to side to ensure he had a good grip of you before clamping down firmly, expelling another violent cough from further within the ever expanding prison of muscles and scales. His impressive body creaked loudly like rubber being stretched as his body swelled around you, clearly showing your form under the bulge as you were being pulled deeper inside the digestive tract of a massive Indian python. Deafening gurgles groaned out within as his stomach was getting more and more impatient. The thick folds, moulded perfectly to your features vibrated aggressively in response before once again resuming its usual motion, rubbing softly yet firmly across every inch of your body inside, effortlessly beckoning you in further against your will, screaming at Kaa to release you, the vibrations caused by him chuckling was the only response you got. Unable to stop drooling over your taste Kaa hissed loudly in zeal, knowing he still had half of your body left to consume, a daunting task. However the snake was very experienced in dealing with humans of all shapes and sizes, no meal was too much for him to handle, and like all the others you were not giving him any issues. Another longing squeeze applied to your legs and lower arms as Kaa prepared to open wide once more and move further down you, you screamed in mortal dread with his persistent squeezes. The numerous movements? Do nothing to impede the predicament you're in - Go to SECTION 85 Is finally too much and the branch gives way - Go to SECTION 102 __________________________________________________ SECTION 80 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and the wonderful spiral shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were from the wide grinning. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in. Your vision was dark, your sense of feel was wet and muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather noxious odour, your hearing forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from deeper within. You spread your arms and legs out, against the slippery mass that expanded but refused to burst. Exhausted you relented and the walls bounced back, slapping firmly into you once more. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the warnings of the shop merchant, and being intrigued by a sense of adventure, meeting a talking snake and… Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. The disappearances weren't a tall tale, it was very real, and you were now one of them, as you too ended up in the belly of the snake. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest tearfully "PLEASE!" you begged hoping Kaa would eventually take pity on you. Your best efforts were easily thwarted by Kaa whos innards remained unaffected by even your most strident of struggles, if it was under different circumstances you'd be in awe over how much the snake could bulge out and remain unbothered, how a meal no matter how heavy or light can be effortlessly pushed inside. However with your rare point of view on the grim act you were far from amazed, and wished humans were an exception to the horrific process, be it too wide to be swallowed, would cause indigestion, the struggles would be too difficult to contain and they'd get out, or some other reason, however that wasn't the case, and the grim reality was that humans were just like every other animal to a snake. In hindsight you cursed your morning self, incredibly naive, believing there'd be no real danger, thinking you were above all animals of the jungle. Kaa had seen to it to remind you of your place on the food chain, and you certainly existed on it. You begged once more for the Indian pythons mercy The only response you got was a sinister chuckle, proving how fatal your adventure would turn out to be. Go to SECTION 85 __________________________________________________ SECTION 81 A loud, wet cracking sound rang out in the surrounding empty area as Kaa's jaws began to open wider and wider ready to accept his latest meal. You feel a thick warm substance drip on your face as you remain in his thick inescapable coils, despite resting for a few days, it didn't take as much effort for his squeezing to wear you out. He only scoffed at your writhing of pleasure, still shocked you would actually return. You looked up into the wide dripping maw of Kaa, that was slowly descending onto you, a wide mouth more than capable of swallowing you whole, as you would enter his mouth and the dark chasm beyond. His warm breath washed over your face strongly as he hissed loudly for a considerable amount of time. Excited to start his feast, as much as you were excited to be his meal, glad you returned. He manoeuvres his coils around you to get a good feel of your position as you shudder in suspense, his open maw hovered above the top of your head, the branches creaking loudly once more in response to the shifting weight it supported. The sound of a plane taking off flew overhead drowned out the sound of the fiery hissing from Kaa. Given how long you were walking in the jungle to return to the dominant Indian python you knew that would have been your plane, had you resisted the urge to see the encounter through to the end you would be on your way back home. As his mouth drew nearer the saliva flowed down you like a thick gelatinous waterfall, you wondered if you were on that plane, if you'd envy your current self who returned to the deadly meeting. Go to SECTION 86 __________________________________________________ Go to SECTION 82 A loud, wet cracking sound rang out in the surrounding empty area as Kaa's jaws begin to open wider and wider ready to accept his latest meal, you felt a thick warm substance drip onto your face as you remained in his thick inescapable coils, his persistent squeezing wore you out, as you laid in the firm grip exhausted. Sweat running down your face as you grinned, your body slowly moving in response to needing to breathe again, he only scoffed at your writhing of pleasure, shocked you were still enjoying every minute of the encounter. You looked up into the wide dripping maw of Kaa, that was slowly descending onto you, a wide mouth more than capable of swallowing you whole, as you would enter his mouth no problem, and the dark chasm beyond. His warm breath washed over your face strongly as he hissed loudly for a considerable amount of time, excited to start his feast, as much as you were excited to be his meal, glad you sought him out. He manoeuvres his coils around you to get a good feel of your position as you shudder in suspense, his open maw hovered above the top of your head, the branches creaking loudly once more in response to the shifting weight it supported. Go to SECTION 86 __________________________________________________ SECTION 83 A loud, wet cracking sound rang out in the surrounding empty area as Kaa's jaws began to open wider and wider ready to accept his latest meal, as you willingly lay in his thick inescapable coils grinning ear to ear, not once showing the slightest hint regret of what awaited you. His warm breath washed over your face strongly as he hissed loudly for a considerable amount of time, excited to start his feast. He manoeuvred his coils around you to get a good feel of your position as his open maw hovered above the top of your head, the branches creaking loudly once more in response to the shifting weight it supported. What happens next? You begin to wake from hypnosis - Go to SECTION 88 His maw closes over your face - Go to SECTION 89 __________________________________________________ SECTION 84 The warm sticky substance ran down your legs, Kaa never once being put off by your flavour a strong breeze blew between them as the immeasurable python hissed softly, his tongue randomly licking your arms, however the tickling sensation received no response from you. Your mind blissfully numb as it swam in an seemingly infinite ocean of euphoria, the warm drool coating you was the waves that lapped at your skin gently. Like an elysian dream you wish to remain forever trapped in, it felt like everything was the way it should be, you were safe, you'd never have a single worry ever again as you sunk deeper into the snake's unforgiving gut, the wave carried you further out into the calm endless sea. Slowly your butt lifted off of the branch, no longer being supported as the tight band glided smoothly along your legs to join the rest of you inside, your body coiled less and less, Kaa now no longer needed to move down to further swallow you, enough of your body was swallowed up that his folds would pull you in further to your imminent demise. A sigh of bliss escaped into squishy crevices of the shifting folds around your face as the band snapped below your knees. Your hands now joined the many moist folds, fingers slipped in between them as they greedily trapped them in the pulsing mass of flesh. Kaas maw lifted once again as he forced you inside a few more inches before clamping down once again around your calves, feet un-twitching as his brilliant display of swirling colours still captivated you. The final coil around your ankle released you as Kaa prepared to swallow again, knowing his meal was almost over in the next swallow or two, he wondered how effective his light show was on you, if you'd be one of meals that remained unaware for good, or one of the other people he caught who eventually became aware of their grim fate. The outcome didn’t matter to the snake as you were his forever. Despite being lifted in the air, a good amount of Kaa's mass remained on the branch, still bobbing up and down down to his never ceasing movements as he continued to process you. The shaking branch? Awakens you - Go to SECTION 90 Hold as his maw reaches you ankles unhindered - Go to SECTION 96 Can no longer offer support - Go to SECTION 101 __________________________________________________ SECTION 85 The warm sticky substance ran down your legs, Kaa never once being put off by your flavour as a strong breeze blew between them while the immeasurable python hissed softly, earning more struggling from within. His tongue randomly licking your arms, the shaking turned into frantic movements as your sensitive skin found the slick tongue to be the most ticklish sensation you’ve ever felt before. Held firmly by the coils, and his thorat you were unable to make Kaa cease his tongue's playful exploration of you, clearly he was enjoying the teasing, much to your protests as you sunk deeper into the python's unforgiving gut. Slowly your butt lifted off of the branch, no longer being supported as the tight band glided smoothly along your legs to join the rest of you inside, your body coiled less and less, Kaa now no longer needed to move down to further swallow you, enough of your body was swallowed up that his folds would pull you in further to your imminent demise. A whimper of horror escaped into squishy crevices of the shifting folds around your face as the band snapped below your knees. Your hands now joined the many moist folds, fingers slipped in between them as they greedily trapped them in the pulsing mass of flesh, your faint wriggles of them did nothing as the slippery folds passed in between them. Kaas maw lifted once again as he forced you inside a few more inches before clamping down once again around your calves, your feet twitched and kicked to no effect, the small sign of defiance unhindered Kaas advances. The final coil around your ankle released you as Kaa prepared to swallow again, knowing his meal was almost over in the next swallow or two, he was still shuddering at the feeling of your struggles. Chuckling to himself as he had no intentions of ever letting you go, despite begging for it, you belonged to him, and he was going to make good use of your life just as he had done with all the others before you. Despite being lifted in the air and kicking uselessly, a good amount of Kaa's mass remained on the branch, still bobbing up and down down to his never ceasing movements as he continued to process you. The shaking branch? Holds as his maw reaches you ankles - Go to SECTION 97 Can no longer offer support - Go to SECTION 102 __________________________________________________ SECTION 86 With a commanding hiss cut off his maw closes gently over your face as he begins the lengthy process of swallowing you. You grinned with delight as your face was pressed into his mouth, the crown of your head pressing against the entrance to his throat. The soft palate of his mouth vibrated over your face while he hummed in delight as he got his first taste of you after waiting for a few days. His saliva dripped onto your face which showed no signs of regret, only excitement as you finally got to experience what it was like inside the maw of the notorious snake. His coils re-position around you, squeezing more air out of you, you gasp into his mouth and in return he hissed in triumph. Taking his time, savouring his meal, just like he had done with all the others who were, unlike you, unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. His coils moved in powerful waves freeing your neck which had been repeatedly strangled intensely by the Indian python. His maw opens wide and the tight ring that separates your current location to the deadly oesophagus above begins to open slowly to welcome you in, you sighed in content, not afraid of your now imminent doom, instead you moaned in pleasure as Kaas slick tongue caressed your face and a deafening hiss echoed out in the claustrophobic space. Clearly both of you enjoyed the grim process. The opening expands slowly over your forehead like a slick rubber band gliding smoothly as your coiled-free neck begins to enter the warm humid mouth of Kaa. It was certainly a rare point of view, and just like the touch of his coils, and the intense squeezing they had given you, being eaten was better than your wildest dreams. The flesh ran down your nose as your forehead received the touch of his many slippery folds, they slapped gently into more and more of your face as it entered the hot sticky throat, helping to push you further inside to your imminent demise. You started to blush slightly as the folds rubbed over your face, your nose slipped in between them as you breathed in the strange musky smell. The moist walls shook gently as Kaa hummed in delight again due to your coughing at his musk, it wasn't an unpleasant smell, but one you hadn't expected. A gentle breeze ran down your throat as Kaa hissed softly, his tongue licking at your neck, your breath shaky as your body quivers in exhilaration. The coils around you tighten strongly, and a shaky gasp escapes into the seemingly infinite folds inside of the python. Squeezing you hastily in response when swallowing you was something Kaa did when he truly enjoyed a meal, and he thought you were one of the best he's ever had. The snake had only swallowed your head and already he was shuddering in sheer pleasure over you. Finally his maw closed gently over your neck, Kaa gave another tight squeeze around your body, your eyes closed, brows upturned in response as another breath was forced out of you, Kaa giggled at the weak muffles from within knowing you were enjoying being swallowed up by him just as much as he was enjoying devouring you. How do you feel? Worried - Go to SECTION 87 Thrilled - Go to SECTION 91 __________________________________________________ SECTION 87 After a few brief moments the folds over your face begin to make it hard to breathe, instinctively you move your face for air, but the internal muscles refuse to allow that as they continue to smother all that was swallowed up. Paired with the intense squeezes from the muscles that forced more air out of you a moment of realisation finally came over you. Like waking from a strange dream you began to ask yourself what you were doing, why you were giving your life up for this, the reality of the encounter was turning into a nightmare. You gasped softly, as you tried in vain to resume enjoying yourself again, after all this is what you always dreamed of, you even ventured into the jungles hoping to find him without giving much of a second thought, and now part of you wished to bail out. The regret and fear in your mind only continued to build in severity as your hearing was forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from Kaa's digestive tract. You spread your arms and legs out, as your survival instinct at long last kicked in, no longer wanting to be a meal, the long sought after fantasy should have remained just as that as you would like all the others end up in the belly of the snake. You thrashed around wildly as best you could. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest, horrified over your predicament "PLEASE!" you begged. Kaa only emitted a mumble of a laugh,the prison around you shook rather violently as a result. Kaa couldn't care less if you were having second thoughts, as he was a creature without mercy. Go to SECTION 93 __________________________________________________ SECTION 88 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in, your vision dark, your sense of touch was wet and your muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather unpleasant odour, your hearing fored to awknowldge a strange gurgling and groaning. You spread your arms and legs out, noticing you were unable to. Not being able to put up much of a struggle at the moment, the strange hypnotic experience still exhausted you. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the events of the morning, looking over the balcony, peering at the jungle, nervous butterflies in your stomach as you secretly wished to meet ... Kaa. Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. How do you feel? Excited still - Go to SECTION 86 Afraid and regretful - Go to SECTION 87 __________________________________________________ SECTION 89 With a commanding hiss cut off his maw closed gently over your face, trapping it inside his mouth, the crown of your head pressed against the entrance to his throat. The soft palate of his mouth vibrated over your face as he hummed in delight as he got his first taste of you, his saliva dripping onto your face which still grinned widely inside the maw of a notorious snake. His coils re-position around you, squeezing more air out of you, you gasped into his mouth and in return he hissed in triumph. Taking his time, savouring his meal, just like he had done with all the others who were unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. His coils moved in powerful waves freeing your neck which had been repeatedly strangled intensely by the Indian python. His maw opens wide and the tight ring that separates your current location to the deadly oesophagus above begins to open slowly to welcome you in. The opening expanded slowly over your forehead like a slick rubber band gliding smoothly as your coiled-free neck began to enter the warm humid mouth of Kaa. Never once being aware of your current predicament, smiling joyfully throughout the whole grim situation as the flesh ran down your nose while your forehead received the touch of his many folds. they slapped gently into more and more of your face as it entered the hot sticky throat, helping to push you further inside to your imminent demise. The moist walls shook gently as Kaa hummed in delight once more, salivating wildly at your taste. A gentle breeze ran down your throat as Kaa hissed softly, his tongue licking your neck with wild carnality, the coils around you tightened with an almost bruising pressure, another gasp escaped into the seemingly infinite folds inside of the python, squeezing you even further in response, something Kaa did when he truly enjoyed a meal, and he thought you were one of the best, and strangest, he's ever had. With only your head swallowed the great Indian python was shuddering in sheer pleasure over the feast, anticipating the moment when he finishes you off. Finally his mouth closed gently over your neck, and Kaa gave another tight squeeze around your body, your eyes closed, brows upturned in response as another breath was forced out of you, the branch bouncing slightly under his tremors, as the snake giggled at the weak muffles in response from within. Next? You begin to wake [Go to SECTION 94 Kaa advances - Go to SECTION 95 __________________________________________________ SECTION 90 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and the wonderful spiral shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were from the wide grinning. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in. Your vision was dark, your sense of feel was wet and muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather noxious odour, your hearing forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from deeper within. You spread your arms and legs out, against the slippery mass that expanded but refused to burst. Exhausted you relented and the walls bounced back, slapping firmly into you once more. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the warnings of the shop merchant, and being intrigued by a sense of adventure, meeting a talking snake and… Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. The disappearances weren't a tall tale, it was very real, and you were now one of them, as you too ended up in the belly of the snake. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest tearfully "PLEASE!" you begged hoping Kaa would eventually take pity on you. Your best efforts were easily thwarted by Kaa whos innards remained unaffected by even your most strident of struggles, if it was under different circumstances you'd be in awe over how much the snake could bulge out and remain unbothered, how a meal no matter how heavy or light can be effortlessly pushed inside. However with your rare point of view on the grim act you were far from amazed, and wished humans were an exception to the horrific process, be it too wide to be swallowed, would cause indigestion, the struggles would be too difficult to contain and they'd get out, or some other reason, however that wasn't the case, and the grim reality was that humans were just like every other animal to a snake. In hindsight you cursed your morning self, incredibly naive, believing there'd be no real danger, thinking you were above all animals of the jungle. Kaa had seen to it to remind you of your place on the food chain, and you certainly existed on it. You begged once more for the Indian pythons mercy The only response you got was a sinister chuckle, proving how fatal your adventure would turn out to be. Go to SECTION 97 __________________________________________________ SECTION 91 You exhalled a sigh of utter content as the sponge-like innards clamped fiercely around you to guide you in. You moaned lustfully as Kaa twisted around roughly ensuring his jaws could make it over your shoulders, the bulkiest part of every meal, yet none had been too large for him, and you were certainly no exception as both his jaws pressed down firmly on each of your shoulders. With Kaa able to accommodate the widest part of you nothing stopped him from being capable of swallowing you whole. A toothy grin appeared on your smug face, thrilled that nothing would prevent the Indian python from fully swallowing you now, your fate was guaranteed now, and you were ecstatic. You cried out in anticipation as Kaa once again moved another inch down your body, you knew it was only a matter of time before you'd be utterly lost and soon forgotten to the world, and yet you did nothing to prevent that from happening. You chuckled faintly telling yourself how messed up you were. Your only purpose now is to fill the belly of the great rock python and give your body to add to his own never ending length, a role since childhood you secretly longed for. Another rough twist, resulting in a cough being forced from you as his jaws twisted around you again, now clasping on your chest and back, more of your body began to sweat, mixed with the sinister snakes drool. It ran down your chest in thick ribbons glistening in the filtered sun. Atop a tree, deep in the jungle, with no one around to rescue you, and hoped none would come, a grim fate forced upon you. Even if you did have second thoughts you'd have been powerless to stop the progression as each wave of the peristalsis embraced you eagerly brushing over your skin in admiration. As the coils lazily slid off of your stomach it instinctively expanded, your diaphragm reacted instantly to the lesser pressure, no longer being firmly compacted. A grumbling groaned out from further inside as Kaa's stomach still demanded your company. A small shudder escaped your lips as the folds once again embraced you softly and rubbed over you. The remaining coils around you squeezed firmly still enjoying every delectable inch of you, his eyes closed as he experienced the utmost delight in making you snake food How are you now? Worried Go to SECTION 92 Excited - Go to SECTION 103 __________________________________________________ SECTION 92 After a few brief moments the folds over your face begin to make it hard to breathe, instinctively you move your face for air, but the internal muscles refuse to allow that as they continue to smother all that was swallowed up. Paired with the intense squeezes from the muscles that forced more air out of you a moment of realisation finally came over you. Like waking from a strange dream you began to ask yourself what you were doing, why you were giving your life up for this, the reality of the encounter was turning into a nightmare. You gasped softly, as you tried in vain to resume enjoying yourself again, after all this is what you always dreamed of, you even ventured into the jungles hoping to find him without giving much of a second thought, and now part of you wished to bail out. The regret and fear in your mind only continued to build in severity as your hearing was forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from Kaa's digestive tract. You spread your arms and legs out, as your survival instinct at long last kicked in, no longer wanting to be a meal, the long sought after fantasy should have remained just as that as you would like all the others end up in the belly of the snake. You thrashed around wildly as best you could. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest, horrified over your predicament "PLEASE!" you begged. Kaa only emitted a mumble of a laugh,the prison around you shook rather violently as a result. Kaa couldn't care less if you were having second thoughts, as he was a creature without mercy. Go to SECTION 105 __________________________________________________ SECTION 93 You clenched your eyes shut tighter as the sponge like innards clamped fiercely around you to guide you in. You groaned in discomfort as Kaa twisted around roughly ensuring his jaws could make it over your shoulders, the bulkiest part of every meal, yet none had been too large for him, and you were certainly no exception as both his jaws pressed down firmly on each of your shoulders. With Kaa able to accommodate the widest part of you nothing stopped him from being capable of swallowing you whole, you cried out in response, knowing you would be no challenge to swallow, like every other feast. Thrashing around uselessly you refuse to accept becoming another bulge in the mighty Kaa, lost and soon forgotten to the world. Your only purpose now to fill the belly of the great rock python and give your body to add to his own never ending length, a role you were horrified even thinking about. Another rough twist, resulting in a cough being forced from you as his jaws twisted around you again, now clasping on your chest and back, more of your body began to sweat, mixed with the sinister snakes drool, it ran down your chest in thick ribbons glistening in the filtered sun. Atop a tree, deep in the jungle, you had no chance of rescue, a grim fate forced upon you, powerless to stop the progression as each wave of the peristalsis embraced you eagerly brushing over your skin in admiration. As the coils lazily slid off of your stomach it instinctively expanded, your diaphragm reacting, no longer being firmly compacted. A grumbling groaned out from further inside as Kaa's stomach demanded your company. A small whimper of fear escaped your lips as you shuddered, the unpleasant sensation of Kaa's unwavering advances could not be ignored no matter how tight your eyes were shut. The remaining coils around you squeezed firmly still enjoying every delectable inch of you, his eyes closed as he experienced the utmost delight in making you snake food The rough squeezes? Have no real effect as Kaa continues to advance - Go to SECTION 105 Cause the branch to snap - Go to SECTION 115 __________________________________________________ SECTION 94 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in, your vision dark, your sense of touch was wet and your muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather unpleasant odour, your hearing fored to awknowldge a strange gurgling and groaning. You spread your arms and legs out, noticing you were unable to. Not being able to put up much of a struggle at the moment, the strange hypnotic experience still exhausted you. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the events of the morning, looking over the balcony, peering at the jungle, nervous butterflies in your stomach as you secretly wished to meet ... Kaa. Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. How do you feel? Excited still - Go to SECTION 91 Afraid and regretful - Go to SECTION 92 __________________________________________________ SECTION 95 Your gently folded eyes opened once again revealing how strong his hypnosis power was, never once showing signs of resistance, not that you tried to, instead you were more than happy to fall under his spell and let him do whatever he wanted with you, afterall you sought him out for this. The grin across your face never wavered as Kaa twisted around roughly ensuring his jaws could make it over your shoulder, the bulkiest part of every meal, yet none had been too large for him, and you were certainly no exception as both his jaws pressed down firmly on each of your shoulders. With Kaa able to accommodate the widest part of you nothing stopped him from being capable of swallowing you whole, you, like every other feast, will become another bulge in the mighty snake, lost and soon forgotten to the world. Your only purpose now is to fill the belly of the great rock python and give your body to add to his own never ending length, a role you have always dreamed of. Another rough twist, resulting in a cough from you as his jaws moved around you, now clasping on your chest and back. Unbeknownst to you, your body began to sweat, mixed with the sinister snakes drool, it ran down your chest in thick ribbons glistening in the filtered sun. Atop a tree, deep in the jungle, you had no chance of rescue, your sludge-like mind unable to comprehend the grave danger you allowed yourself to be in, only smiling away like an obedient servant to the snake, giving your life up for its own, a danger you always found rather exciting. As the coils lazily slid off of your stomach it instinctively expanded, no longer being firmly compacted as your wrists still were in the coils around your legs. A grumbling groaned out from further inside as Kaa's stomach demanded your company. The remaining coils around you squeezed firmly still enjoying every delectable inch of you, his eyes closed as he experienced the utmost delight in making you snake food The rough squeezes? Begin to waken you - Go to SECTION 106 Have no real effect as Kaa continues to advance - Go to SECTION 107 __________________________________________________ SECTION 96 The soft cushiony mouth pressed firmly into your ankles, your unmoving feet being the only thing left to consume. The groans from within grew louder as you were completely unaware how closer you were getting to the belly of the powerful Kaa. It became more impatient for nourishment as the horrific act had been intentionally prolonged, but the python was patient and had as always ignored the urge to swallow you up quickly, just as he had done with all his meals, and instead chose to endure his body's complaints to hurry up, in exchange for savouring his rare meals. Kaa gently lowered both of you onto the branch, now laying across it, the jungle air flowed in between your toes, unmoving as his tongue playfully tickled your soles, the spell he placed you under still holding up firm as you remained unaffected by any sensation. Incapable of any thought, only a warm fuzzy feeling coarsed through you, like a warm weighted blanket. A sensation like the first few moments in the morning when you wake up blissfully without any thought, without any memory, just complete relaxation and content with the world. The powerful breath of Kaa washed over your feet as his mouth opened to finally finish the job and seal you away for good, he hissed, saliva spraying out in thick strands as he slowly moved his head forward. The mouth pushed into your soles as it closed. He closed his eyes gently and moved his head up to the sky, your feet slipped to the back of his mouth, and the ring of muscle started to accept the last of you. His belly vibrated wildly, demanding your company. His grumbles? Begin to stir you - Go to SECTION 98 Are answered. GULP! - Go to SECTION 99 Finally snap the branch - Go to SECTION 101 __________________________________________________ SECTION 97 The soft cushiony mouth pressed firmly into your ankles as you screamed louder than you had managed to before, the adrenaline kicking into overdrive as the snake was so close to finishing you off, the folds clamped down firmly and shook violently as Kaa once again laughed at your predicament, both knowing he was never going to let you go. Tears began to well up and fall silently down your face, mixing with his saliva, you whispered in a shaky voice, pleading for his mercy. Your feet being the only thing left to consume twitched and kicked still showing what little signs of protest you could. The groans from within grew louder as you were forced to acknowledge how closer you were getting to the belly of the powerful Kaa. It became more impatient for nourishment as the horrific act had been intentionally prolonged, but the python was patient and had as always ignored the urge to swallow you up quickly, and instead chose to endure his body's complaints to hurry up, in exchange for savouring his rare meals, and in your case, of waking up early, was exceptionally a rare treat for him, and one he enjoyed prolonging longer than usual. Kaa gently lowered both of you onto the branch, now laying across it, the jungle air flowed in between your toes, which wriggled in vain as his tongue playfully tickled your soles. You howled in laughter despite the situation being far from funny, thrashing around in a desperate bid to escape his playful tongue as it once again explored your sensitive flesh. The thick drool ran down your feet as your tears of horror turned into tears of laughter, the ticklish sensation was more intense than your arms had received. After a few moments his tongue retreated and you breathed heavily after your laughing fit. The powerful breath of Kaa washed over your feet again as his mouth opened to finally finish the job and seal you away for good, he hissed, saliva spraying out in thick strands as he slowly moved his head forward. The mouth pushed into your soles as it closed around them securely. He closed his eyes gently and moved his head up to the sky, your feet slipped to the back of his mouth, and the ring of muscle started to accept the last of you. Struggling was useless, begging only amused Kaa, there was nothing to stop you from slipping further down the bowles of the beast. His belly vibrated wildly, demanding your company. His grumbles? Are answered. GULP! - Go to SECTION 100 Finally snap the branch - Go to SECTION 102 __________________________________________________ SECTION 98 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and the wonderful spiral shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were from the wide grinning. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in. Your vision was dark, your sense of feel was wet and muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather noxious odour, your hearing forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from deeper within. You spread your arms and legs out, against the slippery mass that expanded but refused to burst. Exhausted you relented and the walls bounced back, slapping firmly into you once more. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the warnings of the shop merchant, and being intrigued by a sense of adventure, meeting a talking snake and… Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. The disappearances weren't a tall tale, it was very real, and you were now one of them, as you too ended up in the belly of the snake. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest tearfully "PLEASE!" you begged hoping Kaa would eventually take pity on you. Your best efforts were easily thwarted by Kaa whos innards remained unaffected by even your most strident of struggles, if it was under different circumstances you'd be in awe over how much the snake could bulge out and remain unbothered, how a meal no matter how heavy or light can be effortlessly pushed inside. However with your rare point of view on the grim act you were far from amazed, and wished humans were an exception to the horrific process, be it too wide to be swallowed, would cause indigestion, the struggles would be too difficult to contain and they'd get out, or some other reason, however that wasn't the case, and the grim reality was that humans were just like every other animal to a snake. In hindsight you cursed your morning self, incredibly naive, believing there'd be no real danger, thinking you were above all animals of the jungle. Kaa had seen to it to remind you of your place on the food chain, and you certainly existed on it. You begged once more for the Indian pythons mercy The only response you got was a sinister chuckle, proving how fatal your adventure would turn out to be. Go to SECTION 100 __________________________________________________ SECTION 99 The tight slimy band which easily expanded over your shoulders had no problem accepting your feet, they eagerly pushed firmed into them as they passed over before finally a wet suction sound rang out as it closed tightly behind, you had at last been swallowed successfully by the great Indian python named Kaa. The slippery folds massaged your entire body as it pushed firmly into you again and again from all sides, effortlessly guiding you to his noisy impatient belly. A sigh of bliss escaped Kaa as he laid his head onto the branch to rest for a moment. "One more sssleeping little meal sssafely insssssssside me" he hummed in delight as the loud creaking sound of his body echoed far and wide as it stretched above your head and contracted at the soles of your feet, the scales flowed like thick gelatinous water over your bugling form, moving slowly down the rock pythons body to become a part of his. Kaa raised his head and looked back over your trapped form, he grinned slyly, admiring his own body making light work of you. He shook with laughter "I'm sssso glad you crosssed pathsss with me. My belly will jussst love to make your acquaintanccce" He narrowed his eyes watching intently as his innards squeezed and expanded to make your journey of no return an easy one. Your form moved further down near the end of the branch, Kaa began to slither forward to ensure a safe travel for you. A final chance perhaps? The weight distribution is off - Go to SECTION 101 Kaa drifts off to sleep, with you blissfully unaware - Go to SECTION 108 Kaa can sense sudden struggles - Go to SECTION 109 __________________________________________________ SECTION 100 The tight slimy band which easily expanded over your shoulders had no problem accepting your feet. They eagerly pushed firmed into them as they passed over before finally a wet suction sound rang out as it closed tightly behind, you had at last been swallowed successfully by the mighty python named Kaa. The slippery folds massaged your entire body as it pushed firmly into you again and again from all sides, effortlessly guiding you to his impatient belly. Your face streaked in his saliva and your own tears, unable to free yourself, but unable to accept your fate, you lay in the folded mass, fear made you unable to think properly, though trapped inside a snake what could you possibly think of to save yourself. Your body continued towards the terminus. A sigh of bliss escaped Kaa as he laid his head onto the branch to rest for a moment. "One more little meal sssafely insssssssside me, though thisss one wasss rare" he hummed in delight as the loud creaking sound of his body echoed far and wide as it stretched above your head and contracted at the soles of your feet, the scales flowed like thick gelatinous water over your bulging form, moving slowly down the rock pythons body to become a part of his. Kaa raised his head and looked back over your trapped form, he grinned slyly, admiring his own body making light work of you. He shook with laughter "I'm sssso glad you crosssed pathsss with me. My belly will jussst love to make your acquiantenccce" He narrowed his eyes watching intently as his innards squeezed and expanded to make your journey of no return an easy one. Your shaking form moved further down near the end of the branch, as Kaa began to slither forward to ensure a safe travel for you. A final chance perhaps? The weight distribution is off - Go to SECTION 102 Kaa enjoys your continued struggles - Go to SECTION 110 __________________________________________________ SECTION 101 The branch, which had been a favourite of Kaas, had finally taken too much of his immeasurable weight over the years as it finally snapped. Kaa cried out in surprise, as the both of you fell back to the ground, he was out cold the second he landed on the jungle floor, the impact caused you to be spat out, helped by his saliva which acted like a top grade lubricant. The swirling mass of colours grew fainter as the fog in your mind slowly began to clear, you breathed out heavily as a dizziness engulfed you, your brain felt like it was spinning constantly, like some strange hangover. You slowly began to perceive a heavy mass laying on you as your eyes suddenly shot open wide in realisation. You looked down and saw nothing but a bulky length of browns and blacks resting on you. Turning your head in a panic you saw the snake out cold, a thick branch and numerous large splinters littered the floor around you both. Finally piecing together what must have happened you hastily pushed the coils off of you. The soft spongy mass moved with some considerable effort as your breaths came in short rapid bursts, clearly fueled by adrenaline as you raced to escape not wanting to stick around and find out if he was knocked out or killed by the high fall. Finally you managed to pull your feet free from the coils and wasting no time you hastily grabbed your clothes and ran back towards the hotel. No longer taking your thought to be a boring life for granted. No longer yearning for an adventure. No longer being naive to peoples warnings over the potential dangers that may lurk in the jungle. In all the years of Kaas life, you had been the first to ever escape from his clutches. As his own mind fog dissipated Kaa regained consciousness, his head throbbing with pain. He groaned out in discomfort as a thick portion of his body rubbed over the top of his head in a soothing manner. His body felt lighter, less sluggish as his stomach began groaning once again, realising he must have accidentally spat you out he began to address you "Well" he started as the pain began to ease "I mussst apologissse for my carelesssnesss … but have no fear Kaa here will put you back in your placcce my delectiable sssnack" he chuckled smugly as he turned his head towards the mass of coils. "WHAT!" he shouted in shock, quickly moving his coils around to make sure you weren't fully covered, noticing the hypnosis must have worn off and you had managed to escape his tail wrapped around the thickest part of the broken branch and crushed it with relative ease "Oh why did you fail to sssupport me and that tasssty little sssnack hmm" he spoke with disappointment, knowing you'd be well on your way to the village. A slight grin appeared across his face as he tossed the broken branches away. "Hmm maybe thisss can work in my favour... “Yesss. Sssurely they will warn the othersss about me, and they will have to return to ssshow them where I am … Looksss like I'm about to have a lot of diner guessstsssssss Tsss Hsss Hsss” He laughed joyfully as he slithered into some nearby bushes. Unaware if you would dare tell the others about him or not. ENDING C __________________________________________________ SECTION 102 The branch, which had been a favourite of Kaas, had finally taken too much of his immeasurable weight over the years as it finally snapped. Kaa cried out in surprise, as the both of you fell back to the ground, he was out cold the second he landed on the jungle floor, the impact caused you to be spat out, helped by his saliva which acted like a top grade lubricant. You slowly opened your eyes, light flooding your vision, as they began adjusting to the brightness, you breathed out heavily as the crushing pressing you couldn't get used to had alleviated. The thick mass was still lain on you, but no longer squeezing, your eyes finally adjusted well enough and you managed to survey your surroundings more clearly now. You looked down and saw nothing but a bulky length of browns and blacks resting on you. Turning your head in a panic you saw the snake out cold, a thick branch and numerous large splinters littered the floor around you both. Finally piecing together what must have happened you hastily pushed the coils off of you. The soft spongy mass moved with some considerable effort as your breaths came in short rapid bursts, clearly fueled by adrenaline as you raced to escape not wanting to stick around and find out if he was knocked out or killed by the high fall. Finally you managed to pull your feet free from the coils and wasting no time you hastily grabbed your clothes and ran back towards the hotel. No longer taking your thought to be a boring life for granted. No longer yearning for an adventure. No longer being naive to peoples warnings over the potential dangers that may lurk in the jungle. In all the years of Kaas life, you had been the first to ever escape from his clutches. As his own eyes adjusted to the surroundings Kaa regained consciousness, his head throbbing with pain. He groaned out in discomfort as a thick portion of his body rubbed over the top of his head in a soothing manner. His body felt lighter, less sluggish as his stomach began groaning once again, realising he must have accidentally spat you he hoped you fell back into his coils and were unable to escape his grip, he turned to look and saw his coils empty “Oh please, sssay it isssn’t ssso” he pleaded, moving his body around to make sure you weren’t trapped underneath. Finding nothing his stomach ached and complained loudly, his tail wrapped around the thickest part of the broken branch and crushed it with relative ease "Oh why did you fail to sssupport me and that tasssty little sssnack hmm" he spoke with disappointment, knowing you'd be well on your way to the village. A slight grin appeared across his face as he tossed the broken branches away. "Hmm maybe thisss can work in my favour... “Yesss. Sssurely they will warn the othersss about me, and they will have to return to ssshow them where I am … Looksss like I'm about to have a lot of diner guessstsssssss Tsss Hsss Hsss” He laughed joyfully as he slithered into some nearby bushes. Unaware if you would dare tell the others about him or not. ENDING F __________________________________________________ SECTION 103 Taking his time as he did with all his food the sun continued to move across the sky. Kaa moved down more and closed his mouth firmly across your stomach, shivering in delight at your wriggles as each touch the folds lay on you set intense fireworks off internally. He wriggled the upper jaw side to side to ensure he had a good grip of you before clamping down firmly, expelling another forceful cough from further within the ever expanding prison of muscles and scales, his body creaked loudly like rubber being stretched as his body swelled, clearly showing a human shape bulge being pulled deeper inside the digestive tract of a massive Indian python. The scales contorted around your face, displaying an expression of pure exhilaration. Deafening gurgles groaned out within as his stomach was getting more and more impatient for you, the thick folds which moulded perfectly to your features vibrated in response before once again resuming its usual motion, rubbing softly yet firmly across every inch of your body inside, effortlessly beckoning you in further, an act which you showed no resistance to. Kaa's muffled laugh escaped his maw as he could tell just how much you enjoyed the peril you were in. Still unable to stop drooling over your taste he hissed in excitement, knowing he still had half of your body left to consume, a daunting task, however the snake was very experienced in dealing with humans of all shape and sizes, no meal was too much for him to handle, and like all the others you were not giving him any issues, much to both of your liking. Another longing squeeze applied to your legs and lower arms as Kaa prepared to open wide once more and move further down you, you gasped involuntarily at the sudden constriction, but still you didn't cry out in terror or anger, only bliss. Does worry begin to take hold? Yes - Go to SECTION 104 No - Go to SECTION 111 __________________________________________________ SECTION 104 After a few brief moments the folds over your face begin to make it hard to breathe, instinctively you move your face for air, but the internal muscles refuse to allow that as they continue to smother all that was swallowed up. Paired with the intense squeezes from the muscles that forced more air out of you a moment of realisation finally came over you. Like waking from a strange dream you began to ask yourself what you were doing, why you were giving your life up for this, the reality of the encounter was turning into a nightmare. You gasped softly, as you tried in vain to resume enjoying yourself again, after all this is what you always dreamed of, you even ventured into the jungles hoping to find him without giving much of a second thought, and now part of you wished to bail out. The regret and fear in your mind only continued to build in severity as your hearing was forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from Kaa's digestive tract. You spread your arms and legs out, as your survival instinct at long last kicked in, no longer wanting to be a meal, the long sought after fantasy should have remained just as that as you would like all the others end up in the belly of the snake. You thrashed around wildly as best you could. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest, horrified over your predicament "PLEASE!" you begged. Kaa only emitted a mumble of a laugh,the prison around you shook rather violently as a result. Kaa couldn't care less if you were having second thoughts, as he was a creature without mercy. Go to SECTION 113 __________________________________________________ SECTION 105 Taking his time as he did with all his food the sun continued to rise across the sky, Kaa moved down more and closed his mouth firmly across your stomach ignoring your pathetic persistent protests, and just enjoyed every desperate movement you made. He wriggled the upper jaw side to side to ensure he had a good grip of you before clamping down firmly, expelling another violent cough from further within the ever expanding prison of muscles and scales. His impressive body creaked loudly like rubber being stretched as his body swelled around you, clearly showing your form under the bulge as you were being pulled deeper inside the digestive tract of a massive Indian python. Deafening gurgles groaned out within as his stomach was getting more and more impatient. The thick folds, moulded perfectly to your features vibrated aggressively in response before once again resuming its usual motion, rubbing softly yet firmly across every inch of your body inside, effortlessly beckoning you in further against your will, screaming at Kaa to release you, the vibrations caused by him chuckling was the only response you got. Unable to stop drooling over your taste Kaa hissed loudly in zeal, knowing he still had half of your body left to consume, a daunting task. However the snake was very experienced in dealing with humans of all shapes and sizes, no meal was too much for him to handle, and like all the others you were not giving him any issues. Another longing squeeze applied to your legs and lower arms as Kaa prepared to open wide once more and move further down you, you screamed in mortal dread with his persistent squeezes. The numerous movements? Do nothing to impede the predicament you're in - Go to SECTION 113 Is finally too much and the branch gives way - Go to SECTION 115 __________________________________________________ SECTION 106 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in, your vision dark, your sense of touch was wet and your muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather unpleasant odour, your hearing fored to awknowldge a strange gurgling and groaning. You spread your arms and legs out, noticing you were unable to. Not being able to put up much of a struggle at the moment, the strange hypnotic experience still exhausted you. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the events of the morning, looking over the balcony, peering at the jungle, nervous butterflies in your stomach as you secretly wished to meet ... Kaa. Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. How do you feel? Excited still - Go to SECTION 103 Afraid and regretful - Go to SECTION 104 __________________________________________________ SECTION 107 Taking his time as he did with all his food the sun continued to move across the sky as the day slowly passed, Kaa moved down more and closed his mouth firmly across your stomach. He wriggled the upper jaw side to side to ensure he had a good grip of you before clamping down firmly, expelling another cough from further within the ever expanding prison of muscles and scales, his body creaked loudly like rubber being stretched as his body swelled, clearly showing a human shape bulge being pulled deeper inside the digestive tract of the massive Indian python. Deafening gurgles groaned out within, as his stomach was getting more and more impatient, the thick folds which moulded perfectly to your features vibrated in response before once again resuming its usual motion, rubbing softly yet firmly across every inch of your body inside, effortlessly beckoning you in further. Unable to stop drooling over your taste Kaa hissed in excitement, knowing he still had half of your body left to consume, a daunting task however the snake was very experienced in dealing with humans of all shape and sizes, no meal was too much for him to handle, and like all the others you were not giving him any issues. Another longing squeeze applied to your legs and lower arms as Kaa prepared to open wide once more and move further down you. The numerous movements? Wear off the hypnosis - Go to SECTION 114 Do nothing to impede the predicament you're in - Go to SECTION 116 __________________________________________________ SECTION 108 Kaa watched intently, grinning wickedly, as your body finally travelled further down the deadly tube enough that you’d never be able to be brought back up, not that Kaa had any desire to. His innards never once stopped their exploration of you, as they beckoned you to his belly. The thick drool plastered onto your face like the grin you had, still in utter bliss, joy filled your heart as the staggering pleasure kept you complicit in your role of being a feast for Kaa, and like with every other person he had swallowed up, you had not escaped him. "Don't worry, you'll be with all the othersss sssoon" he chuckled as he assured an unaware you of your impending doom, as each wave of his internal muscle washing over you, brough you one push closer to your deadly digestion. Another tight ring pushed against your head before expanding and gliding smoothly over you, the new area was more roomier and didn't smother you with folds, a strange bubbling and gurgling sound was made as you were unceremoniously dumped into his stomach. The flesh like the entrance to the throat closed off firmly behind the soles of your feet. The smug Indian python continued to grin widely as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the branch, his stomach churning as you sloshed around inside, like him your grin not once falling. It would take many days for your body to truly vanish and for you to become a part of the creature that claimed you for its own. The hotel staff was unsure what happened, no police could find you, no search party was successful, and your work was puzzled as to what happened on your trip. The only creature alive who knew where you vanished to, would assure a fellow explorer of your disappearance, but not before ensnaring them and sending them on their way to their demise just as he had done with you. ENDING D __________________________________________________ SECTION 109 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled as the swirls shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were from the wide grinning. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you begin to move your hand and rub your eyes. Your arms unable to budge, they were stuck firmly to your sides. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in, your vision dark, your sense of touch was wet and your muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather noxious odour, your hearing fored to awknowldge a strange gurgling and groaning. You spread your arms and legs out, noticing you were in some strange slippery mass that expanded but refused to burst. Exhausted you relented and the walls bounced back, slapping firmly against your bare skin. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the morning in the hotel, the warnings of the shop merchant, and being intrigued by a sense of adventure, meeting a talking snake and ... Finally within the dark chamber a lightbulb went off. The disappearances weren't a tall tale, it was very real, and you were now one of them, as you too ended up in the belly of the snake. You thrashed around wildly against the elasticated flesh. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest, horrified over your predicament "PLEASE!" you begged. From outside the weak muffled moans of protest could be faintly heard as Kaa perked up, he opened his eyes and lifted his head, shuddering in pleasure over the sudden sensation of your stringent efforts of escape "Ohh" he shivered "I do love it when a meal wrigglesss in my belly" he chuckled "Not many manage to sssnap out of it in time you know, they jussst remain motionlessss. I'm ssso glad you're not one of them, ssso pleassse put up a fight" he smugly laughs finding each and every movement you made inside of him exhilirating, as you struggle over the churning guts "PLEASE!" you beg once again, your best efforts seemingly useless to even hurt the snake. "Sssorry, onccce a meal crossssssesss pathsss with me they can never leave" he chuckles "and you ... are no exccception" Trapped in a dark chamber that was going to digest you, you couldn't tell how much time had passed, an hour? more? a day? several? time was meaningless inside the powerful snake, and your struggles eventually weakened. You spent the last of your efforts and went limp, your body no longer able to move, only twitch faintly in the fluids which bathed you, a tingling sensation while not yet painful, but irritating, accompanied the deadly bath. Like all the rest you would become a part of Kaa. The energy you'd provide him and the length you'd add to him would help him in capturing his next unlucky victim. Just as the one prior had been used to capture you. Since you could no longer struggle, Kaa's fun with you was over, he lowered his head onto the branch, once more he yawned widely, and smacked his lips relishing in your taste one last time before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. The air surrounding him carried the sound of his gurgling gut as it got to work on you. ENDING E __________________________________________________ SECTION 110 Your vision was dark, your sense of feel was wet and muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather noxious odour, your hearing forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from deeper within. Your best efforts were easily thwarted by Kaa whos innards remained unaffected by even your most strident of struggles, if it was under different circumstances you'd be in awe over how much the snake could bulge out and remain unbothered, how a meal no matter how heavy or light can be effortlessly pushed inside. However with your rare point of view on the grim act you were far from amazed, and wished humans were an exception to the horrific process, be it too wide to be swallowed, would cause indigestion, the struggles would be too difficult to contain and they'd get out, or some other reason, however that wasn't the case, and the grim reality was that humans were just like every other animal to a snake. You spread your arms and legs out, against the slippery mass that expanded but refused to burst, confirming a human's fate against a snake was the same as any other animal it feasted on. Exhausted you relented and the walls bounced back, slapping firmly into you once more. You recalled the warnings of the shop merchant, and being intrigued by a sense of adventure, in hindsight you cursed your morning self, incredibly naive, believing there'd be no real danger, thinking you were above all animals of the jungle. Kaa had seen to it to remind you of your place on the food chain, and you certainly existed on it. The disappearances weren't a tall tale, it was very real, and you were now one of them, as you too ended up in the belly of the snake. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest tearfully "PLEASE!" you begged hoping Kaa would eventually take pity on you. The only response you got was a sinister chuckle, proving how fatal your adventure would turn out to be. Trapped in a dark chamber that was going to digest you, you couldn't tell how much time had passed, an hour? more? a day? several? Time was meaningless inside the powerful snake, and your struggles were no more, as your limp body was no longer able to move, only twitch faintly in the fluids which bathed you, a tingling sensation while not yet painful, but was irritating accompanied the deadly bath. Like all the rest you would become a part of Kaa the energy you'd provide him and the length you'd add to him would help him in capturing his next unlucky victim. Just as the one prior had been used to capture you.Since you could no longer struggle Kaa's fun with you was over, he lowered his head onto the branch, once more he yawned widely, and smacked his lips relishing in your taste one last time before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. The air surrounding him carried the sound of his gurgling gut as it got to work on you. ENDING G __________________________________________________ SECTION 111 The warm sticky substance runs down your legs, Kaa never once being put off by your flavour a strong breeze blows between them as the immeasurable python hissed softly, earning a shudder from within. His tongue randomly licking your arms, the shuddering turned into frantic movements as your sensitive skin found the slick tongue to be the most ticklish sensation you’ve ever felt before. Held firmly by the coils, and his thorat, you were unable to make Kaa cease his tongue's playful exploration of you, clearly he was enjoying the teasing, much to your begging for him to stop. You howled with laughter as Kaa giggled at your intense reaction, he stopped the tasting after a few brief moments and the folds went still, allowing you to regain your breath, you lay there panting for air, calming yourself down, a short reprieve as the folds started shifting around you once again as you sunk deeper into the snakes unforgiving gut. Slowly your butt lifted off of the branch, no longer being supported as the tight band glided smoothly along your legs, your body coiled less and less. Kaa now no longer needed to move down to further swallow you, enough of your body was swallowed up that his folds would pull you in further to your imminent demise. A involutariy gasp was released as his mouth accepted your sex, the pressure around the senstivie area made you writhe faintly, Kaa responded as the folds clenched around you as tight as his coils did, he knew you wren't trying to fight back, and were instead thrilled at the sensation on a paticular area. A few seconds passed as you moaned lustfully, he chuckled slightly as he once again relaxed and resumed, the band snapped below your knees, your hands now joined the many moist folds. Fingers slipped in between them as they greedily trapped them in the pulsing mass of flesh. Kaas maw lifted once again as he forced you inside a few more inches before clamping down once again around your calves, your feet twitched and kicked in response to the stimulation inside as Kaas advanced. The final coil around your ankle released you as Kaa prepared to swallow again, knowing his meal was almost over in the next swallow or two, he shuddered occasionally at the feeling of your movements, chuckling to himself as you were a very rare meal, the likes of which which he doubt he'd ever meet again, you belonged to him, and he was going to make good use of your life just as he had done with all those who came before you. Any regrets? Yes - Go to SECTION 112 No - Go to SECTION 118 __________________________________________________ SECTION 112 After a few brief moments the folds over your face begin to make it hard to breathe, instinctively you move your face for air, but the internal muscles refuse to allow that as they continue to smother all that was swallowed up. Paired with the intense squeezes from the muscles that forced more air out of you a moment of realisation finally came over you. Like waking from a strange dream you began to ask yourself what you were doing, why you were giving your life up for this, the reality of the encounter was turning into a nightmare. You gasped softly, as you tried in vain to resume enjoying yourself again, after all this is what you always dreamed of, you even ventured into the jungles hoping to find him without giving much of a second thought, and now part of you wished to bail out. The regret and fear in your mind only continued to build in severity as your hearing was forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from Kaa's digestive tract. You spread your arms and legs out, as your survival instinct at long last kicked in, no longer wanting to be a meal, the long sought after fantasy should have remained just as that as you would like all the others end up in the belly of the snake. You thrashed around wildly as best you could. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest, horrified over your predicament "PLEASE!" you begged. Kaa only emitted a mumble of a laugh,the prison around you shook rather violently as a result. Kaa couldn't care less if you were having second thoughts, as he was a creature without mercy. Go to SECTION 120 __________________________________________________ SECTION 113 The warm sticky substance ran down your legs, Kaa never once being put off by your flavour as a strong breeze blew between them while the immeasurable python hissed softly, earning more struggling from within. His tongue randomly licking your arms, the shaking turned into frantic movements as your sensitive skin found the slick tongue to be the most ticklish sensation you’ve ever felt before. Held firmly by the coils, and his thorat you were unable to make Kaa cease his tongue's playful exploration of you, clearly he was enjoying the teasing, much to your protests as you sunk deeper into the python's unforgiving gut. Slowly your butt lifted off of the branch, no longer being supported as the tight band glided smoothly along your legs to join the rest of you inside, your body coiled less and less, Kaa now no longer needed to move down to further swallow you, enough of your body was swallowed up that his folds would pull you in further to your imminent demise. A whimper of horror escaped into squishy crevices of the shifting folds around your face as the band snapped below your knees. Your hands now joined the many moist folds, fingers slipped in between them as they greedily trapped them in the pulsing mass of flesh, your faint wriggles of them did nothing as the slippery folds passed in between them. Kaas maw lifted once again as he forced you inside a few more inches before clamping down once again around your calves, your feet twitched and kicked to no effect, the small sign of defiance unhindered Kaas advances. The final coil around your ankle released you as Kaa prepared to swallow again, knowing his meal was almost over in the next swallow or two, he was still shuddering at the feeling of your struggles. Chuckling to himself as he had no intentions of ever letting you go, despite begging for it, you belonged to him, and he was going to make good use of your life just as he had done with all the others before you. Despite being lifted in the air and kicking uselessly, a good amount of Kaa's mass remained on the branch, still bobbing up and down down to his never ceasing movements as he continued to process you. The shaking branch? Can no longer offer support - Go to SECTION 115 Holds as his maw reaches you ankles - Go to SECTION 120 __________________________________________________ SECTION 114 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in, your vision dark, your sense of touch was wet and your muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather unpleasant odour, your hearing fored to awknowldge a strange gurgling and groaning. You spread your arms and legs out, noticing you were unable to. Not being able to put up much of a struggle at the moment, the strange hypnotic experience still exhausted you. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the events of the morning, looking over the balcony, peering at the jungle, nervous butterflies in your stomach as you secretly wished to meet ... Kaa. Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. How do you feel? Excited still - Go to SECTION 111 Afraid and regretful - Go to SECTION 112 __________________________________________________ SECTION 115 The branch had finally reached its limit supporting Kaa and all the meals who added to his mass, as a loud cracking sound echoed, and before Kaa could re-adjust the two of you, it snapped. Kaa's eyes went wide in shock as you both plummeted to the ground. The impact immediately knocked him out as the collision was enough to force you out of him, helped by his saliva which acted like a top grade lubricant. You gasped as the coils you fell back into loosened around you, the breeze washed over your face, however you found it odd that there was no hiss to accompany it, further finding it strange why his mouth wasn't moving further down you, afterall his coils loosened to swallow more of you. "Kaa" you called out in a shaky voice, as you opened your eyes. You look up into the treetops that appeared high above, instantly you noticed you were on the jungle floor, you frantically looked around and saw piles of branches littering the surrounding area, and Kaa nearby out cold. Figuring out what happened you wasted no time in squandering the luck you were granted as you pushed his coils away hastily, you hoped good fortune remained on your side and that the Indian python wouldn't regain consciousness, as you knew he'd pick up where he left off, with one final push of his incredibly heavy mass you finally freed yourself from his clutches. With your heart racing you quickly grabbed your clothes not sticking around to tempt fate further, you ran back to the hotel dripping from Kaa's slime. In all the years of Kaas life, not only were you the first to be willing, albeit have second thoughts, you had also been the first to ever escape from his clutches. A low groan escaped Kaa's scaly lips as he regained consciousness, his head throbbed with pain, his eyes adjusted to the light as a thick portion of his body rubbed over the top of his head in a soothing manner "Well" he started as the pain began to ease "I mussst apologissse for my carelesssnesss, ssshall we continue my deliccciousss sssnack hmm?" he asked smugly, the pain no longer bothering him, with a smile Kaa turned his head towards the mass of coils. "WHAT!" he shouted in shock, quickly moving his coils around to make sure you weren't fully covered, noticing you had managed to escape his tail wrapped around the thickest part of the broken branch and crushed it with relative ease "Oh why did you fail to sssupport me and that tasssty little sssnack hmm, they were ssso delisssiousss" he spoke with disappointment. Knowing you began to regret being swallowed he doubted you would return to him. He frowned in disappointment as he tossed the broken branch pieces away. "Thisss isss not fair, they sssought me out, and I held up my end of the deal, and yet they ran" His tail swiped at the dirt in dismay, his stomach rumbled loudly as the tip of his body rubbed and patted it in a calming manner, your scent indicated you were long gone and Kaa wouldn't be able to catch up with you. The Indian python hoped the strong desire would one day return, and you'd willingly seek him out again, and if you ever did he would make sure you’d regret the day you were ever born. ENDING M __________________________________________________ SECTION 116 The warm sticky substance ran down your legs, Kaa never once being put off by your flavour a strong breeze blew between them as the immeasurable python hissed softly, his tongue randomly licking your arms, the tickling sensation received no response from you. Your mind blissfully numb as it swam in an infinite ocean of euphoria, it felt like everything was right, that you were safe, that you'd never have a single worry ever again as you sunk deeper into the snake's unforgiving gut. You have finally found your place in the world. Slowly your butt lifted off of the branch, no longer being supported as the tight band glided smoothly along your legs, your body coiled less and less. Kaa now no longer needed to move down to further swallow you, enough of your body was swallowed up that his folds would pull you in further to your imminent demise. A sigh of bliss escaped into the shifting folds around your face as the band snapped below your knees. Your hands now joined the many moist folds, fingers slipped in between them as they greedily trapped them in the pulsing mass of flesh. Kaas maw lifted once again as he forced you inside a few more inches before clamping down once again around your calves. Your feet remained still as his brilliant display of swirling colours still captivated you. The final coil around your ankle released you as Kaa prepared to swallow again, knowing his meal was almost over in the next swallow or two, he wondered how effective his light show was on you, if you'd be one of meals that remained unaware for good, or one of the other people he caught who eventually became aware of their grim fate. Despite being lifted in the air, a good amount of Kaa's mass remained on the branch, still bobbing up and down down to his never ceasing movements as he continued to process you. As he progresses? You wake - Go to SECTION 117 His maw reaches you ankles unhindered - Go to SECTION 121 __________________________________________________ SECTION 117 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in, your vision dark, your sense of touch was wet and your muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather unpleasant odour, your hearing fored to awknowldge a strange gurgling and groaning. You spread your arms and legs out, noticing you were unable to. Not being able to put up much of a struggle at the moment, the strange hypnotic experience still exhausted you. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the events of the morning, looking over the balcony, peering at the jungle, nervous butterflies in your stomach as you secretly wished to meet ... Kaa. Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. How do you feel? Excited still - Go to SECTION 118 Afraid and regretful - Go to SECTION 119 __________________________________________________ SECTION 118 The soft cushiony mouth pressed firmly into your ankles you couldn't help but grin as Kaa hissed loudly, clearly enjoying his meal, your heart fluttered knowing that he appreciated you in a way no one else ever could. The adrenaline kicked into overdrive as he was so close to fully consuming you, the folds clamped down firmly and shook violently as Kaa once again laughed at your eagerness to slip further inside, still refusing to fight back, both knowing he was never going to let you go anyway even if you did. Your eyes gently folded as you listened to the creaking sound of his folds pushing against your ears, the occasional soft squelching as they explored your naked body, you whispered your gratitude to him as you pressed your lips against the slippery folds and gave them a tender kiss. The groans from within getting louder as you were aware how closer you were getting to the belly of the powerful Kaa with each gulp, it grew more impatient for nourishment, but the python was patient and had as always ignored the urge to swallow you up quickly, and instead chose to endure his body's complaints to hurry up, in exchange for savouring his rare meals, and in your case, of willingly seeking him out, an exceptionally rare treat for him, one the both of you enjoyed prolonging longer than usual. Kaa gently lowered both of you onto the branch, now laying across it, the jungle air flowed in between your toes, they wriggled violently as his tongue teasingly tickled your soles, you howled in laughter once again, thrashing around in a desperate bid to escape his playful tongue that once again explored your sensitive flesh, the thick drool ran down your feet as his warm breath washed over them. After a few moments his tongue retreated and you breathed heavily, Kaa once again gracious enough to allow you a reprieve to recover from your recent laughing fit. A powerful puff of air from Kaa brushed over your feet again as his mouth opened to finally finish the job and seal you away for good. He hissed, saliva spraying out in thick strands as he slowly moved his head forward. His mouth pushed into your soles as it closed around them securely. He closed his eyes gently and moved his head up to the sky, your feet slipped to the back of his mouth, a smug sneer covered your face, it was the moment you had long waited for, the ring of muscle started to accept the last of you, still offering no struggles, which at that point would have been utterly useless as there was nothing to stop you from slipping further down the bowles of the beast. His belly vibrated wildly, as you drew closer towards it. Does fear set in? Yes - Go to SECTION 119 No - Go to SECTION 123 __________________________________________________ SECTION 119 After a few brief moments the folds over your face begin to make it hard to breathe, instinctively you move your face for air, but the internal muscles refuse to allow that as they continue to smother all that was swallowed up. Paired with the intense squeezes from the muscles that forced more air out of you a moment of realisation finally came over you. Like waking from a strange dream you began to ask yourself what you were doing, why you were giving your life up for this, the reality of the encounter was turning into a nightmare. You gasped softly, as you tried in vain to resume enjoying yourself again, after all this is what you always dreamed of, you even ventured into the jungles hoping to find him without giving much of a second thought, and now part of you wished to bail out. The regret and fear in your mind only continued to build in severity as your hearing was forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from Kaa's digestive tract. You spread your arms and legs out, as your survival instinct at long last kicked in, no longer wanting to be a meal, the long sought after fantasy should have remained just as that as you would like all the others end up in the belly of the snake. You thrashed around wildly as best you could. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest, horrified over your predicament "PLEASE!" you begged. Kaa only emitted a mumble of a laugh,the prison around you shook rather violently as a result. Kaa couldn't care less if you were having second thoughts, as he was a creature without mercy. Go to SECTION 124 __________________________________________________ SECTION 120 The soft cushiony mouth pressed firmly into your ankles as you screamed louder than you had managed to before, the adrenaline kicking into overdrive as the snake was so close to finishing you off, the folds clamped down firmly and shook violently as Kaa once again laughed at your predicament, both knowing he was never going to let you go. Tears began to well up and fall silently down your face, mixing with his saliva, you whispered in a shaky voice, pleading for his mercy. Your feet being the only thing left to consume twitched and kicked still showing what little signs of protest you could. The groans from within grew louder as you were forced to acknowledge how closer you were getting to the belly of the powerful Kaa. It became more impatient for nourishment as the horrific act had been intentionally prolonged, but the python was patient and had as always ignored the urge to swallow you up quickly, and instead chose to endure his body's complaints to hurry up, in exchange for savouring his rare meals, and in your case, of waking up early, was exceptionally a rare treat for him, and one he enjoyed prolonging longer than usual. Kaa gently lowered both of you onto the branch, now laying across it, the jungle air flowed in between your toes, which wriggled in vain as his tongue playfully tickled your soles. You howled in laughter despite the situation being far from funny, thrashing around in a desperate bid to escape his playful tongue as it once again explored your sensitive flesh. The thick drool ran down your feet as your tears of horror turned into tears of laughter, the ticklish sensation was more intense than your arms had received. After a few moments his tongue retreated and you breathed heavily after your laughing fit. The powerful breath of Kaa washed over your feet again as his mouth opened to finally finish the job and seal you away for good, he hissed, saliva spraying out in thick strands as he slowly moved his head forward. The mouth pushed into your soles as it closed around them securely. He closed his eyes gently and moved his head up to the sky, your feet slipped to the back of his mouth, and the ring of muscle started to accept the last of you. Struggling was useless, begging only amused Kaa, there was nothing to stop you from slipping further down the bowles of the beast. His belly vibrated wildly, demanding your company. His grumbles? Finally snap the branch - Go to SECTION 115 Are answered. GULP! - Go to SECTION 124 __________________________________________________ SECTION 121 The soft cushiony mouth pressed firmly into your ankles, your unmoving feet being the only thing left to consume. The groans from within were getting louder as you were completely unaware how closer you were getting to the belly of the powerful Kaa. It grew more impatient for nourishment, but the python was patient and had as always ignored the urge to swallow you up quickly, and instead chose to endure his body's complaints to hurry up, in exchange for savouring his rare meals. Kaa gently lowered both of you onto the branch, now laying across it, the jungle air flowed in between your toes, unmoving as his tongue playfully tickled your soles. The spell he placed you under still holding up firm as you remained unaffected by any sensation, incapable of any thought, only a warm fuzzy feeling coarsed through you, like a warm weighted blanket, a sensation like the first few moments in the morning when you wake up without any thought, without any memory, just complete relaxation and content with the world. The powerful breath of Kaa washed over your feet as his mouth opened to finally finish the job and seal you away for good, he hissed, saliva spraying out in thick strands as he slowly moved his head forward. The mouth pushed into your soles as it closed. He shut his eyes gently and moved his head up to the sky, your feet slipped to the back of his mouth, and the ring of muscle started to accept the last of you. His belly vibrated wildly, demanding your company. His grumbles? Wake you up - Go to SECTION 122 Are answered. GULP! - Go to SECTION 125 __________________________________________________ SECTION 122 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in, your vision dark, your sense of touch was wet and your muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather unpleasant odour, your hearing fored to awknowldge a strange gurgling and groaning. You spread your arms and legs out, noticing you were unable to. Not being able to put up much of a struggle at the moment, the strange hypnotic experience still exhausted you. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the events of the morning, looking over the balcony, peering at the jungle, nervous butterflies in your stomach as you secretly wished to meet ... Kaa. Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. A smile faintly appeared on your face once again, thrilled to have been a victim of Kaa. Go to SECTION 123 __________________________________________________ SECTION 123 The tight slimy band which easily expanded over your shoulders had no problem accepting your feet, they eagerly pushed firmed into them as they passed over before finally a wet suction sound rang out as it closed tightly behind, you had at last been swallowed successfully by the mighty python named Kaa. Your long sought after fantasy is finally fulfilled. The slippery folds massage your entire body as it pushes firmly into you again and again from all sides, effortlessly guiding you to his impatient belly. Your face streaked in his saliva, a thrilling sensation that only added to the intense situation, you lay in the folded mass complicit, offering no resistance as your body continued towards the deadly terminus. A sigh of bliss escaped Kaa as he laid his head onto the branch to rest for a moment. "One more little meal sssafely insssssssside me, though thisss ssstrange one wasss rare" he hummed in delight as the loud creaking sound of his body echoed far and wide while it stretched above your head and contracted tightly at the soles of your feet. The scales flowed like thick gelatinous water over your bugle form, moving slowly down the rock python's body to become a part of his. Kaa raised his head and looked back over your trapped form, he grinned slyly, admiring his own body making light work of you. He shook with laughter "I hope you don't come to regret thisss asss I ssshall never let you go. My belly will jussst love to make your acquiantenccce" He narrowed his eyes watching intently as his innards squeezed and expanded to make your journey of no return an easy one. Your shaking form which cried out in lust moved further down near the end of the branch, Kaa began to slither forward to ensure a safe travel for you. Do you accept your approaching doom? Yes - Go to SECTION 126 No - Go to SECTION 127 __________________________________________________ SECTION 124 The tight slimy band which easily expanded over your shoulders had no problem accepting your feet. They eagerly pushed firmed into them as they passed over before finally a wet suction sound rang out as it closed tightly behind, you had at last been swallowed successfully by the mighty python named Kaa. The slippery folds massaged your entire body as it pushed firmly into you again and again from all sides, effortlessly guiding you to his impatient belly. Your face streaked in his saliva and your own tears, unable to free yourself, but unable to accept your fate, you lay in the folded mass, fear made you unable to think properly, though trapped inside a snake what could you possibly think of to save yourself. Your body continued towards the terminus. A sigh of bliss escaped Kaa as he laid his head onto the branch to rest for a moment. "One more little meal sssafely insssssssside me, though thisss one wasss rare" he hummed in delight as the loud creaking sound of his body echoed far and wide as it stretched above your head and contracted at the soles of your feet, the scales flowed like thick gelatinous water over your bulging form, moving slowly down the rock pythons body to become a part of his. Kaa raised his head and looked back over your trapped form, he grinned slyly, admiring his own body making light work of you. He shook with laughter "I'm sssso glad you crosssed pathsss with me. My belly will jussst love to make your acquiantenccce" He narrowed his eyes watching intently as his innards squeezed and expanded to make your journey of no return an easy one. Your shaking form moved further down near the end of the branch, as Kaa began to slither forward to ensure a safe travel for you. A final chance perhaps? The weight distribution is off - Go to SECTION 115 Kaa enjoys your continued struggles - Go to SECTION 128 __________________________________________________ SECTION 125 The tight slimy band which easily expanded over your shoulders had no problem accepting your feet, they eagerly pushed firmly into them as they passed over before finally a wet suction sound rang out as it closed tightly behind. You had at last been swallowed successfully by the mighty python named Kaa. The slippery folds massaged your entire body as it pushed firmly into you again and again from all sides, effortlessly guiding you to his impatient belly. A sigh of bliss escaped Kaa as he laid his head onto the branch to rest for a moment. "One more sssleeping little meal sssafely insssssssside me" he hummed in delight as the loud creaking sound of his body echoed far and wide as it stretched above your head and contracted at the soles of your feet, the scales flowed like thick gelatinous water over your bugle form, moving slowly down the rock pythons body to become a part of his. Kaa raised his head and looked back over your trapped form, he grinned slyly, admiring his own body making light work of you. He shook with laughter "I'm sssso glad you crosssed pathsss with me. My belly will jussst love to make your acquiantenccce" He narrowed his eyes watching intently as his innards squeezed and expanded to make your journey of no return an easy one. Your form moved further down near the end of the branch, Kaa began to slither forward to ensure a safe travel for you. A final chance perhaps? Kaa drifts off to sleep, with you blissfully unaware - Go to SECTION 129 You awake full of regret - Go to SECTION 130 __________________________________________________ SECTION 126 Kaa continued to watch you intensely as your writing movements were made apparent as his scales glistened in the light like precious jewels, your efforts clearly seen as each soft but powerful movement from his digestive tract brought wave after wave of exuberance, your gasps of passion earning a chuckle from outside as the Indian python was able to pick it up "Enjoying yourssself?" he asked smugly, both of you knew the answer, his body creaked loudly as it inexorably pulled you further inside. Kaa not once looking away as the huge grin remained on his face, the massive snake assured you you'd soon be with all the others, the place where all his unwilling prey ventured to and meet their end, and now it was your turn. Not so different from entering his throat a similar sensation of a tight ring of muscle began to expand over the crown of your head, the journey of no return was almost at an end. Slowly your face entered the new area, that was much roomier and didn't smother you with folds, a strange bubbling and gurgling sound was made as you were unceremoniously dumped into his stomach. The flesh like the entrance to the throat closed off tightly behind the soles of your feet forever. Content with another successful feeding, Kaa smacked his lips enjoying your lingering taste as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the branch, his stomach churned and you started to slosh around inside, your gasps cried out as the process was more forceful and intense than you had anticipated. It would take many days for your body to truly vanish and for you to become a part of the creature that you gave yourself up for. The hotel staff were unsure what happened, no police could find you, no search party was successful, your work was unsure what happened. The only creature alive who knew where you vanished to would assure a fellow explorer of your disappearance, but not before capturing them and sending them on their way to their demise just as he had done with you. ENDING N __________________________________________________ SECTION 127 With a smug grin plastered on his face Kaa watched intently as his body pushed you inexorably further inside him. The deeper the went the more the folds over your face made it harder to breathe. Instinctively you moved your face for air, but the internal muscles refused to allow that as they continued to smother all that was swallowed up, paired with the intense squeezes from the muscles that forced more air out of you, a moment of realisation finally came over you. Like waking from a strange dream you began to ask yourself what you were doing, why you were giving your life up for this, the reality of the encounter was turning into a nightmare. You gasped softly, as you tried in vain to resume enjoying yourself again, after all this is what you always dreamed of, you even ventured into the jungles hoping to find him without giving much of a second thought, and now part of you wished to bail out. The regret and fear in your mind only continued to build in severity as your hearing was forced to acknowledge the gurgling and groaning from Kaa's internal body, a body you knew would become your tomb. You spread your arms and legs out, as your survival instinct at long last kicked in, no longer wanting to be a meal, the long sought after fantasy should have remained just as that as you would like all the others, end up in the belly of the snake. You thrashed around wildly as best you could. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest, now horrified over your predicament "PLEASE!" you begged. Kaa only emitted a mumble of a laugh,the prison around you shook rather violently as a result. “Isssn’t it a bit late to change your mind?” Kaa giggled mockingly, he couldn't care less if you were having second thoughts, as he was a creature without mercy. He shuddered in delight with your struggles. The loud creaking of his scales was evidence of how impressive his body was in keeping its prey captive, you were his and he was never going to let you go. The movements in his throat caused small whimpers from within as the stomach's protests grew louder and louder with each little push, a grim indiciation of your imminent doom drawing nearer. From outside you could hear the continuous muffled chuckling of the snake as he assured you you'd soon be with all the others, the place where all his prey ventured to and meet their end, and now it was your turn. Similar to entering his throat a tight band of muscle seperated you from his stomach, the crown of your head pushed into it, you screamed in terror as the band of muscle began to open and accept your head, through your screams Kaa giggled and wished for you to have fun in there. As the rest of your body began to join your face in the gut you noticed how spacious it was compared to the claustrophobic folds that guided the rest of your body in. A new unfamiliar bubbling sound began to start as you noticed the stomach began to stir, more of your body sloshed around inside his churning gut as the tight ring closed off tightly behind the soles of your feet forever. With his stomach finally getting to work, no longer complaining for you, Kaa smacked his lips enjoying your lingering taste as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the branch, content with another successful feeding, your gasps cried out as the process was more violent, forceful and intense than you imagined. It would take many days for your body to truly vanish and for you to become a part of the creature that you were initially excited to meet. The hotel staff were unsure what happened, no police could find you, no search party was successful, your work was unsure what happened. The only creature alive who knew where you vanished to would assure a fellow explorer of your disappearance, but not before capturing them and sending them on their way to their demise just as he had done with you. ENDING O __________________________________________________ SECTION 128 With a smug grin plastered on his face Kaa watched intently as his body pushed you inexorably further inside him, shuddering as your movements brought great joy to him. The loud creaking of his scales was evidence of how impressive his body was in keeping its prey captive, you were his and he was never going to let you go. The movements in his throat caused small whimpers from within as the stomach's protests grew louder and louder with each little push, a grim indiciation of your imminent doom drawing nearer. From outside you could hear the muffled chuckling of the snake as he assured you you'd soon be with all the others, the place where all his prey ventured to and meet their end, and now it was your turn. Similar to entering his throat a tight band of muscle seperated you form his stomach, the crown of your head pushed into it, you screamed in terror as the band of muscle began to open and accept your head, through your screams Kaa giggled and wished for you to have fun in there. As the rest of your body began to join your face in the gut you noticed how spacious it was compared to the claustrophobic folds that guided the rest of your body in. A new unfamiliar bubbling sound began to start as you noticed the stomach began to stir, more of your body sloshed around inside his churning gut as the tight ring closed off tightly behind the soles of your feet forever. With his stomach finally getting to work, no longer complaining, Kaa smacked his lips enjoying your lingering taste as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the branch, content with another successful feeding, your gasps cried out as the process was more violent, forceful and intense than any of your fantasies ever led you to believe. It would take many days for your body to truly vanish and for you to become a part of the creature that you were initially excited to meet. The hotel staff were unsure what happened, no police could find you, no search party was successful, your work was unsure what happened. The only creature alive who knew where you vanished would assure a fellow explorer of your disappearance, but not before capturing them and sending them on their way to their demise just as he had done with you. You sought out Kaa for a once in a lifetime thrill, a deadly encounter he happily gave you, and you came to regret it for the short remainder of your life. ENDING P __________________________________________________ SECTION 129 Kaa watched intently as your body travelled further down the deadly tube, his innards never once stopping their exploration of you, as they beckoned you inside. The thick drool plastered onto your face like the grin you had as well, still in utter bliss, joy filled your heart as the staggering pleasure was more than worth your imminent demise, and like with every other person he had swallowed up, you had not escaped him. "Don't worry, you'll be with all the othersss sssoone" he chuckled as he assured you of your impending doom, as each wave of his internal muscle washed over you, brough you one push closer to your deadly digestion. Another tight ring pushed against your head before expanding and gliding over you, the new area was more roomier and didn't smother you with folds, a strange bubbling and gurgling sound was made as you were unceremoniously dumped into his stomach. The flesh like the entrance to the throat closed off behind the soles of your feet. The smug Indian python grinned widely as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the branch, his stomach churning as you beamed with delight as you sloshed around inside, your hypnosis not once fading. It would take many days for your body to truly vanish and for you to become a part of the creature that claimed you for its own. The hotel staff were unsure what happened, no police could find you, no search party was successful, your work was unsure what happened. The only creature alive who knew where you vanished to would assure a more than likely unwilling explorer of your disappearance, but not before capturing them and sending them on their way to their demise. Kaa drifted off to sleep, hoping other strange humans like you existed and were more than keen to be eaten by him. ENDING Q __________________________________________________ SECTION 130 A thick hazy fog slowly cleared, the colour in your eyes dulled and shrunk, the smile on your face slowly dropped as your cheeks began to sense how tired they were. You gasped softly, your mind slowly waking up from a strange groggy state. "What happened?" you wonder as you began to move your hand and rub your eyes, unable to. Your mind slowly started to become more sober as your senses started to kick in, your vision dark, your sense of touch was wet and your muscles ached, your sense of smell assaulted by a rather unpleasant odour, your hearing fored to awknowldge a strange gurgling and groaning. You spread your arms and legs out, noticing you were unable to. Not being able to put up much of a struggle at the moment, the strange hypnotic experience still exhausted you. Disoriented you recalled the events before the gap in your memory. You recalled the events of the morning, looking over the balcony, peering at the jungle, nervous butterflies in your stomach as you secretly wished to meet ... Kaa. Finally within the darkness a lightbulb went off. The situation was no longer enjoyable, far from it, you were horrified with the grim reality of what you had done, but it was too late. You thrashed around wildly as best you could. "LET ME OUT!" You screamed in protest, terrified over your predicament "PLEASE!" you begged. A smug grin appeared on Kaa's face "What'sss that matter, no longer wanting to be in there hmm?" he asked sarcastically as he watched intently while his body pushed you inexorably further inside him, shuddering as your movements brought great joy to him. "That'sss too bad" he laughed loudly. The loud creaking of his scales evidence of how impressive his body was in keeping it's prey captive, you were his and he was never going to let you go. The movements in his throat caused small whimpers from within as the stomach's protests grew louder and louder with each little push, a grim indiciation of your imminent doom drawing nearer. From outside you could hear the muffled chuckling of the snake as he assured you you'd soon be with all the others, the place where all his prey ventured to and meet their end, and now it was your turn. A tight band of muscle which seperated you from his stomach pushed into the crown of your head as it slowly opened to welcome you in, you screamed in terror as your forehead slipped inside, through your screams Kaa giggled and wished for you to have fun inside. As the rest of your body began to join your face in the gut you noticed how spacious it was compared to the claustrophobic folds that guided the rest of your body in. A new unfamiliar bubbling sound began to start as you noticed the stomach began to stir, more of your body sloshed around inside his churning gut as the tight ring closed off tightly behind the soles of your feet forever. With his stomach finally getting to work, no longer complaining, Kaa smacked his lips enjoying your lingering taste as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the branch, content with another successful feeding, your gasps cried out as the process was more violent, forceful and intense than you imagined. It would take many days for your body to truly vanish and for you to become a part of the creature that you were initially excited to meet. The hotel staff were unsure what happened, no police could find you, no search party was successful, your work was unsure what happened. The only creature alive who knew where you vanished to would assure a fellow explorer of your disappearance, but not before capturing them and sending them on their way to their demise just as he had done with you. You sought out Kaa for a once in a lifetime thrill, a deadly encounter he happily gave you, and you came to regret it for the short remainder of your life. ENDING R
Nakano Family Dinner - Part 1 by Funnyman "Whoof..." Itsuki took a deep exhale as she gently rubbed her own grumbling, satisfied stomach. "I think I'm finally stuffed." She laid back on the sofa, allowing her belly (which at this point had roughly the same size and softness of a pillow) to rest in her lap. Three of her other sisters, Ichika, Nino, and Yotsuba, were sitting with her in the living room, all out of breath and cradling equally large, happy guts. It seemed, for now, that the feeding frenzy was over. ... The four girls had arrived home that day like any other. Being a Friday, their fifth sister, Miku, was attending her weekly baking workshop. The other quintuplets would never admit it, but Miku's pastries had continually been getting tastier and tastier with every passing week. She was no longer the meek girl incapable of even making decent omelet rice that they had known only a couple months ago. Their tutor had awakened the cooking flame inside of Miku, and the payoff was literally quite sweet. Just this morning, Miku had put the finishing touches on a massive and decadent two-layer chocolate cake, complete with a luscious fudge icing she had made herself. She was proud of her handiwork, hoping to save it for when her not-so-secret crush, Fuu-kun, came over. Evidently, she had assumed that the back of the fridge would be a sufficient hiding spot, but it was no match for Itsuki's stellar sense of smell and ravenous craving for desserts. After a long day at school, the four girls needed to relax -- and Miku's cake was now lying on the table in front of them, tantalizing them with its moist interior and smooth surface, almost as if it were begging to be eaten. There was a gleam in all of their eyes, most prominently the ones of the so-called "Meatbun Monster'' Itsuki. Drooling, she took out a small knife from a drawer. "Just a tiny slice each can't hurt," she reasoned with her siblings. "It's not like Miku's gonna eat this whole thing at once, right? We're doing her a favor here, actually, we'll save her a few calories!" Her argument was met with agreement from the first, second, and fourth of the quintet. Each grabbed a plate, and soon all four were digging into their slices of Miku's mouthwatering masterpiece. The taste was indescribable. Itsuki was never one for big words or fancy metaphors, but deep down she felt an unwavering conviction that Miku's pastries could put a professional baker to shame. The rich fudge and bittersweet chocolate mixed ever so well, and every bite felt like eating a small piece of heaven itself. Looking around the room, it was clear that the family-wide consensus was rather similar. Miku's cake certainly, well... took the cake. Setting down their empty plates, the sisters exchanged their thoughts. "Wow, that was... stellar!" Ichika, the oldest and wisest of the quints (by a matter of minutes, but still), was always quick to put her thoughts into words. "Miku's really stepped up her baking. hasn't she?" "It was alright." Nino, not wanting to come off as childish, concealed her enjoyment well. But at times her true feelings slipped through... "She does work well with chocolate, at any rate." Her gaze shifted away from the group as she felt her cheeks redden slightly. Itsuki spoke up, her mouth still packed with the final forkful of fudgey goodness. "You think she'd notice if we had another slice?" Her question was muffled through the layer of cake, a devilish grin forming as she swallowed. "Absolutely not! We'e had enough!" Yotsuba, the most energetic and health-focused, stood up and pointed accusingly at Itsuki. The green ribbon in her hair swayed as she made her remarks. "Who knows how many calories are in that thing? You'd wipe out weeks worth of proper diet if you had any more!" She huffed, then noticed her sisters' piercing stares. Quickly sitting down, she added, "A-and not to mention, Miku'll probably already be mad that we took what we did! Oh, this was a bad idea..." She trailed off, worrying about what to cut out of her next few meals to make up for the calorie bomb she had just ingested. Without warning, all four girls were shaken by an inhumanly loud rumble. Their seats seemed to quake as the low growl pierced their eardrums. "Is it an earthquake?!" Yotsuba cried. "I don't think that's it," Ichika, the voice of reason, calmly replied. "I don't see the ground shaking, or anything outside doing it either." And indeed, she was right. It didn't take much longer for her to determine the source of the rumbling was an internal disturbance -- the combined growling of the four sisters' stomachs. "W-what is this? I suddenly... feel so... hungry..." Itsuki was emcumbered by the sudden feeling of starvation, but she set her eyes on a tasty-looking target -- the rest of Miku's sinfully delicious cake. She slowly lurched her way over, determined not to let any external force come between her and her meal. She inched closer, and closer, and closer... "Itsuki, NO!" A strong grip around Itsuki's torso stopped her mere steps away from the tantalizing treat. Yotsuba, aided by her two other sisters, had managed to impede the fervent eater's warpath. With a glare, she scolded, "We already discussed this! We can't have any more of that cake! That... sweet... moist... DELICIOUS cake..." Soon she was standing right next to Itsuki, staring at the partially-eaten pastry as if in a trance. Itsuki had merely been the first to succumb to this sudden and powerful wave of hunger. It didn't take much longer for all four of the present Nakano sisters to realize exactly how FAMISHED they inexplicably felt. It shouldn't have been possible -- all four of them had eaten a regular breakfast and lunch, and they had just polished off a slice of cake each not five minutes ago. Yet there was no mistaking the primal call of their guts begging to be filled -- and the solution lay directly in front of them. Miku's cake was still there, as sweet and inviting as it had ever looked. Drool began to leak from the corners of the girls' mouths as they eyed the cake with growing ferocity... Any previous notions of dignity, manners, or worrying over Miku's reaction went out the window almost immediately. Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba, and Itsuki all dove directly at the treat, practically tripping over each other in their race to reach the perfect vantage point for consumption. They grabbed at the cake by the handful, rapidly shoving as much of it as they could into their gaping jaws and squeezing it down their throats. It was a full-on free-for-all, the only thought going through any of the sisters' minds being an overwhelming desire for MORE. The thought of choking had not even occured to any of the quartet they could hardly swallow it quickly enough as it was! Pound after pound of the impossibly decadent confection piled up inside of the girls' stomachs, causing low groans of protest as the relatively small organs were packed to their limit with a smooth and thick slurry of icing, cake, and slobber. The sisters were overwhelmed by a heavy and unfamiliar feeling of ecstasy they had never been stuffed this full before, and the weight in their bellies just felt so... good. Soon enough, the massive cake had been reduced to crumbs on a plate, its devourers seemingly sated by their gorging. As they lay on the kitchen floor, their faces, hands, and clothing splattered with streaks of chocolate and fudge, the sisters began to regain their senses. Panting heavily, they began to realize the gravity of their situation. "Oh dear..." Ichika, as always, piped up first. Stifling a belch, she continued, "it seems - uurp - that we couldn't hold ourselves back." Feeling uncomfortably bloated, she rubbed her tone and taut stomach, densely packed with the remains of the sinful pastry, yet not stretched enough to significantly reveal the inhuman quantity of cake she had taken in. "Damn it, Itsuki! I told you we'd had enough!" Yotsuba groaned, her athletic body clearly having a rough time adjusting to the sudden influx of sugar and fat. "I don't know what came over me just now, but this'll take months to work off!" Yet even as she grumbled, the thought of having destroyed her careful diet and exercise routine with such a merciless act of gluttony gave her a tiny kick of masochistic pleasure. She laid back, oddly content with the unfamiliar weight in her gut. Nino said nothing, quietly worrying about what Miku would say if she caught them in such an undignified and shameless state. Standing up, and adjusting her balance to accommodate her previously small and empty tummy, stumbled off to her room to clean up. Itsuki was also cleaning herself off, although her idea of "cleaning" was merely licking the chocolatey remnants of the bloodbath off of herself. "Cut that out! That's disgusting..." Ichika snapped. "Nino's got the right idea. We should clean up, and we'll deal with the consequences of... whatever we just did... in a moment." She steadied herself onto her feet, walking off to her own bedroom. Itsuki, being the closest to the cake when the fever began, had gotten more of it down her gullet than her sisters. About half the cake in total had disappeared through her drooling maw, and even though her iron stomach had already begun breaking it down into mush, it still bulged out considerably. Unlike the others, whose thin tummies had barely popped out at all, Itsuki's gut couldn't help but be pushed outwards by the fifteen pounds of fudge frosting and chocolate slurry that she had so eagerly crammed into it. Were it not for the messy streaks of cake still staining her face and clothes, an outside observer might have thought she was three or four months pregnant. Load groans and pops from the churning mass occasionally shook her, its weight leaving her stranded on the kitchen floor, massaging her far-past-bloated belly and weakly moaning. Half an hour had gone by since the helpless dessert was torn apart, and the girls had just finished cleaning themselves off, their fresh sets of clothes refreshingly free of cake viscera. That is, Ichika, Yotsuba, and Nino had all finished -- Itsuki was still lying in the kitchen, trapped under the weight of her gut as it loudly worked overtime processing its enormous load. Nino strolled over to her stuffed sister smugly. "Tch. You're such a pig," she scoffed as she stood over the incapacitated Meatbun Monster. "You're one to talk, Nino. I saw you grab at that cake just as hungrily as the rest of us." Itsuki grumbled, shifting her weight to face her taunter. "At least I could get up afterwards, you glutton!" She teasingly kicked the bloated belly with her foot, an annoyed glorp squeezing out as a retort. Nino was fully ready to continue her verbal onslaught when-- GROWWWWWWWLLLLL.... The two stomachs, one mildly bloated and one comically engorged, sang a harmony of gurgling and churning. They weren't alone, either -- Ichika and Yotsuba were afflicted too. Impossibly, even after stuffing themselves silly with Miku's calorie bomb of a cake, even when their stomachs were pushed to the absolute limit... the cravings, the hunger, they didn't subside. If anything, they were even MORE starved than before. Itsuki, despite her overloaded gut, managed to crawl to her feet, bending backwards to center her balance. "M... more... I need... MORE..." she stumbled her way over to the fridge, still coated in her sugary mess from earlier. Neither Ichika, Nino, nor Yotsuba made any attempt to stop her. They were all similarly advancing towards the kitchen and its repository of goodies, their judgement and thoughts utterly dominated by sheer hunger. Unbeknownst to any of them, a small, hidden camera had been recording their actions the entire afternoon. It had seen everything -- the initial theft of Miku's cake, the subsequent destruction of the remains of it, and the sudden, secondary wave of hunger now afflicting the bloated quadruplets. Halfway across the city, a subway train pulled into its next stop. Miku Nakano, comfortably seated in one of its compartments, watched the camera feed on her cell phone, a clear expression of victory crossing her face. Seems like they really enjoyed the cake... she thought to herself. Miku knew full well that she had never prepared that cake for herself and Fuu-kun in the first place, and she smirked as the second round of shameless gluttony began to play out on her phone. "All according to plan..." she excitedly chuckled as the train started back up, bringing her ever closer to the fun that awaited her this evening.
Years in the future, but not many... A woman stands in the kitchen of her home, humming to herself as she joyously prepares a small treat. Her hand-made cookies are delicious enough simply by virtue of their sweetness and texture, but it is the love she puts into each and every batch that gives them their true flavor. She mixes the dough gently, feeling yet another kick from inside her swollen belly. Unlike the one in the kitchen, her own oven works full-time, the two precious buns inside less than a month away from being welcomed into the world. A car pulls into the short driveway outside. She perks up at the sound; though the sun has set not too long ago, it is only now that her day truly begins. The excited pitter-patter of a child's footsteps replaces the gentle hum of the car engine, followed by the familiar creak of the front door. A young girl bounds into the kitchen, wrapping her delicate arms around the woman's leg. Cannie is the pride and joy of the family, taking after her mother in so many ways. The girl enjoys her time in school well enough, but to her there is no better feeling than returning home, basking in the warm embrace of her family's love. She knows of her imminent role as the older sister, and where else but home is the best place to prepare for it? The woman gives a contented giggle; the afternoon routine has begun. In a matter of moments, they will be joined by the only missing member of the family. She pauses to reflect upon her surroundings -- dear, sweet Cannie, squeezing against her with youthful vigor; the twins sleeping within her womb, soon to be given the gift of life; even the two silly plushies that sat atop the fridge, given to her years ago as a joke that today remained as treasured objects of sentiment. This was the life she had built with the one who would soon walk through the front door, greeting her with a warm embrace and a kiss that had graced her cheek a thousand times before. Even though these evenings played out similarly, the days were never monotonous or bleak; every time still felt like the very first. It was far from the first time this little ritual had occurred, but it was by no means even close to the last. Two more would soon partake in these precious moments, bringing with them entirely new joys. As another pair of footsteps echoes from the hallway, the woman turns to face the one she shares her life with, her firstborn still clinging to her side all the while. The final member of the family steps inside the kitchen, and Ginger speaks the familiar phrase she has been looking forward to all day. "Welcome home, hun!"
Funnyman 2022 Forever Fulfilled “...Are you still sure about this?” Ginger’s eyes were laden with both concern and excitement. As she folded her hands over her toned midsection, her gaze drifted once more to the large trays on the bedside table. They were piled high with thick, fluffy pastries, juicy cuts of steak and pork, rich chocolate confections – all manner of delicious, perfectly prepared foodstuffs. The two of you had gone to great lengths planning out tonight, excitedly devising every last detail together… but even now she still hesitated. “I-It’s not the food or anything, just… do you really want to go this far for me?” You joined Ginger on the bed, taking her soft hands in yours. Your gaze met hers, reassuring her that she had no reason to worry. This bountiful feast was all hers to enjoy, while you ensured the hungry girl remained happy, comfortable, and steadily fed. It would all be topped off with the largest, most satisfying dessert you could possibly offer – yourself. You slipped your arms around her thin waist, pulling her in for a warm, gentle embrace. You wanted this every bit as much as she did… nothing else would make you happier. Ginger leaned back into the hug, her quiet breathing gradually gaining speed with anticipation. You felt her heartbeat against your own chest, her body gently pulsing in rhythm with it. She blushed as her stomach gave an impatient rumble. “Well, if it’s really what you want, I’ll do it… if you’ll truly be happier inside of me, I can’t say no.” She broke away from your embrace, taking a meaty platter from the trays and handing it to you with an eager grin. “But why don’t we make sure your new home is nice and comfy first, hmm?” Shifting her position, she gave you a playful wink. “Fill me up good…” She knelt on the bed, her drooling mouth wide open. “I’ve got to warm up to a treat your size!~” Ginger’s lips eagerly accepted the first steak from your hands, savoring the juicy cut as her throat inched it inside. Without so much as a single chew, the twelve ounces of perfectly seared beef were soon sealed within her grinning maw. She gulped firmly, a visible bulge traveling down her neck and coming to rest just beneath her ribs. Letting out a satisfied sigh, the girl licked her lips hungrily as she prodded the new lump in her middle. “Haah… It’s a good start.” Ginger drummed her fingers over the small bulge. A quiet, happy groan slithered out before long. “But the fun’s only just beginning, isn’t it? I’m ready for my next bite!” Saliva coated her entire mouth as her lips parted once again, the moist cavern justbeggingto be filled with tasty treats. The feedingfrenzy resumed with renewed fervor. Bit by bit, the well-stocked trays of sumptuous snacks began to shrink, each morsel disappearing down Ginger’s insatiable gullet and adding to the heap of swallowed-whole foodstuffs in her growing stomach. Rich, meaty juices from steaks and pork chops danced on her tongue, only to be swept away by layers of sweet frosting and moist, fluffy cake. Each new treat was a unique delight, pleasing the girl’s taste buds in its own way until another pushed it into her throat. Minute after minute of gulping, slurping, and sighing passed blissfully as Ginger’s midsection steadily grew, each swallow packing another calorie bomb into her churning tummy. Before long, it came time for the finale of the opening course – a simple glass of milk to wash down the last of her feast. She took her time with the frosty beverage, savoring the cool, creamy feeling in her throat before letting out a sharp, utterly satiated breath. Falling onto her back, Ginger panted as she caressed her firm, bloated belly. A hundred pounds of meats and sweets swirled around in her overstuffed tummy, slowly being kneaded into slurry by her juices. Her gut steadily hummed with pops, gurgles, and groans as it began processing the hefty load within, blissfully unaware what else lay in store for it tonight. “Whew! What a meal…” She gazed up at you with shining eyes. “Oof, it’s tight… I don’t suppose I could ask you to, heh… help it settle in?” Her stomach’s taut flesh quivered gently as it continued its assault on the softening ball of mush. “You don’t want it to betoocramped in there, right?” She giggled, pinned to the bed by her own trophy of gluttony, eagerly awaiting the much-needed relief from your touch. Your fingers gently twitched with excitement as they settled onto Ginger’s middle. Though her flesh gave way to your touch, you were met with a resistance from deeper within. She stifled a moan as your hands glided over her hefty gut, kneading and prodding the melting pile of treats with cautious firmness. Ginger’s belly was irresistible; every imaginable way to squish it left you enraptured. Squeezing, hugging, massaging and pressing and kissing her growling stomach… The meal inside began to soften, leaving her plump midsection even easier to play with. The girl’s face grew redder and her breaths became heavier, each jostle of her oversized tummy sending another tingle down her spine. “Aah… keep going!” Ginger managed between her whimpering and panting. She could feel a low, steady gurgling kick up from the bottom of her stomach, slowly but unmistakably working its way towards her throat. “Ooh, I… think I’m gonna…” Her apple-red cheeks puffed outwards, pressure building behind her lips as she reached frantically for a pillow. Burying her face underneath, a long and strained belch erupted from the stuffed girl, muffled by the pillow but impossible to miss. Your hands pressed into the bottom of Ginger’s rumbling belly, pushing any remaining air out of her. The massive lump of half-processed food began to settle at the bottom of her slightly smaller tummy, her awaiting intestines gulping down the more processed bits of slurry. Ginger lowered the pillow, her embarrassment poorly masked by her bubbly laughs. She attempted to sit up – “Thank you… that, hah, feels a lot be-- whoa!” – only to collapse under the weight of her softened feast. You took her hands and helped her up, hugging her hefty form as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her belly groaned dutifully as the last solid bits of her meal were pulverized, slowly but steadily spilling into her lower guts. In this happy moment, you couldn’t help but notice Ginger’s worried expression, looking as if she was about to cry while you hugged her tightly. Even after all your reassurance, she still was apprehensive of what was coming next. “I know I talked big earlier, and I know you want it too, but…” Ginger hesitated, her green eyes gazing longingly into yours. “...I’m still not sure if I want to go through with this. I mean, I’m gonna be…eatingyou!” Her stomach lurched as an acidbubble popped, as if to emphasize her words. “Y-you see? I don’t want to hurt you, or be without you, or--mmph!” Your lips pressed against hers, silencing her fears with a passionate kiss. Ginger closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around you as she filled with warmth. Her worries were consumed by conviction; she wondered why she had ever been apprehensive at all. Her stomach was where you belonged… it roared with primal hunger. She pulled her lips away, her eyes glistening with determination. “I can’t argue with that.” She took your shirt in her hands, pulling it off and gripping your bare shoulders excitedly. “I wish you’d have convinced me to do this earlier… I’m so eager to get you inside.” You quickly stripped off the rest of your garments without hesitation; after all,you wouldn’t be needing them anymore. Ginger stood up with newfound strength, cupping your face in her hands and giving your cheek a slow, tender lick. Her belly rested heavily in your lap, her breaths growing just as weighty with anticipation. She gently slid herself to the foot of the bed, tracing a line down your body with her tongue. “I’ll do my best to savor your taste… you’re far too sweet.” Ginger licked her lips, bringing your feet just outside her hungry maw. Her mouth stretched over each toe, beginning to swallow as she worked her way up to your heels. Your feet were forced together in her tight throat, your lower legs slipping into her moist, warm insides. Her stomach groaned eagerly, preparing to accept the largest treat of the night. Ginger sighed blissfully as she reached your knees, your taste and size both a new and utterly pleasurable experience to the girl. Each gulp brought you closer to your new home, your toes already beginning to dip into the pool of melted treats. Ginger gripped the edge of the bed when your hips crossed her lips, pulling herself back up to lie flat on her growing belly. Gravity would soon have started to pull you in faster, but she refused to accept anything less than full control over your descent inside her. She paused to tease your crotch with her tongue, playfully licking your shaft while glaring lustfully into your eyes. She couldn’t possibly resist one final opportunity to see your face flush… As you stifled a moan, she gave a muffled laugh and continued swallowing. Your body was stretching her out quite far, her cheeks comically puffed out as she inched her way along your middle. Your legs began to curl up inside of her, following the natural curve of her stomach. You slipped both arms inside of Ginger’s mouth, your hands straining against her already overstretched jaw. It was considerably tougher than simply leaving them for last, but it would be far more comfortable this way. Her throat and stomach were tight, leaving very little room to struggle, and it only stretched further as you inched further inside. The feast that had strained her belly earlier seemed like a mere appetizer in hindsight; the poor girl was stuffed to her absolute limit and she still had everything above your shoulders left to take in. She did not give up the fight – her struggles in claiming her prize would only make it that much more rewarding. She grunted as she redoubled her efforts, her jaw given a welcome relief as she crested your neck. This was the final hurdle, the very last obstacle standing between your entire body and Ginger’s gullet. She slowed her swallowing, gathering her strength for one more burst of gluttony. You planted a kiss on her forehead, watching the corners of her well-filled maw curl upwards. She sighed happily; even now you were still reassuring her, your love saying more than words ever could. She shifted her position once more, seating herself against the wall as her belly settled between her legs. She played with your hair as you were pulled the rest of the way inside, your last glimpse of the outside world falling on her beautiful, beaming eyes. Your head squeezed through the short, tight tunnel, finally joining the rest of your body in your true home. Neither predator nor prey spoke a word, reveling in the finality of accomplishing such a feat. The only sounds you heard came from Ginger’s body; her heartbeat, her relieved panting, and the groans and gurgles of her stomach as it adjusted to its new size. You were curled up in her belly, your breathing slowing as you felt the slurry of cakes, meats, and acids rise around your warm, slimy cocoon. Ginger grew hotter, unable to deny the wonderful feeling of fullness that wracked her entire body. “Wow… ” She broke the silence, her arms resting upon yourwriggling form. “We really did it…” The initial pain of being stretched was long gone, pleasure rushing in to take its place. Thanks to her earlier feast, her stomach was adapting to larger meals, and was making careful yet effective work on the massive snack within. Ginger cradled her belly in her lap, her acids gently sloshing against your body as she adjusted her hold. “Huff… you’re heavy… but you wanted me to treat you like food, right?” She poked your side with a gentle firmness. “Then, stop moving around!… Food is supposed to sit still and melt, y-you little… snack… pfft!” She trailed off into a fit of bubbly giggles, suddenly embracing your body in a tight hug. The pool sloshed violently from the sudden force, coating your softening form with another pleasantly warm layer of juices. “Hah… I’m sorry. It’s, well, a bit embarrassing to say things like that… you’re not just food tome- aah!” Ginger’s stomach lurched again.Her intestines gaped for a split second, sucking down heavy drops of the thick mixture. Her stomach let out a deep, low groan, surrounding you from all sides as you continued to lose your shape. “Whew… I can’t imagine what it must be like inside there. All mushy and hot…” She had never given it proper thought before, but her ability to swallow a person whole and store them within her own body… It really was quite amazing. Not to mention that being this full felt wonderful… A yawn interrupted her gentle thoughts. Such a hefty meal required her guts to put in some serious overtime, and her energy was quickly being drained. Ginger leaned onto her side, softly wrapping her arms and legs around your soupy prison. You could no longer feel most of your body, steadily but painlessly being melted into the rising pool of slurry. “I hope you’re still happy with … maybe not as my food, but…” Your weakening squirms rocked her stomach rhythmically, soothing her waning excitement from the night’s events. “But as the one I love…” Planting a small kiss on her belly, the girl let the beckoning embrace of sleep take her, leaving her body to fully devote itself to breaking down its generous meal. In your last moments, there were no regrets, no fears, no worries; only the gentle touch of her love as your consciousness faded. The world grew distant, quieter, and darker… at last, you felt nothing, dissolving into your final peaceful thought of Ginger’s warm smile. -------------------------------- chrrrrrrnnnn…. brrrrbbblll… grrrrrrrrnnnnn…. The thunderous sounds of digestion roared from the sleeping girl’s belly. Despite her own body’s deafening noise, Ginger remained sound asleep, happily dreaming of being filled with sweets once more. After hours of being softened by gastric juices and massaged by the walls of the bloated organ, every last pound of the succulent feast had been reduced to a thick pool of chyme. A trickle of sludge had already been crawling through her system since the moment she had fallen unconscious, but now her gut had finally finished its grueling task of melting her massive meal. Her small intestine gaped open, greedily slurping down the liquefied remains of the girl’s lover into her depths. The twisting tube was quickly packed with the meatysoup, plumping up until its size would put sausage links to shame. Foot after foot of the snaking pipe pumped energetically, sucking out a generous stock of nutrients from the gallons of slurry. Outside Ginger’s window, the sun peeked over the horizon, its light shining upon her slumbering form. The size of her stomach had reduced considerably, the remainder of her meal being squeezed into her large intestine. Every remaining drop of water was absorbed back into her body, rehydrating the girl as the nutrients from her meal were moved into long-term storage. Her chest became fuller and rounder, her hips extended nearly a foot in width, and her firm, modest butt grew plump and soft. Her face and arms gained a slight pudge, but by far Ginger’s most generously enlarged asset was her belly. What was once a flat and toned tummy had become a distended ball of doughy flesh, her plush rolls quivering with every breath. The boy she loved had been happily processed into a mound of jiggling fat, doubling the girl’s former weight in a single night. Ginger awoke to a beautiful blue sky, her insides softly gurgling as the very last bits of chyme filtered through her system. As her senses returned to her, so did the memories of the night before. She slowly rolled her unfamiliarly heavy body, seating herself on the edge of the bed to admire her tubby form. “Hah… you’re all settled in already?” Ginger explored her fattened assets with her hands, joyously squeezing and playing with all of her new self. They came to rest around her pillowy belly, wrapping her own flab in a squishy hug. “You were right. I love feeling this close to you…” Perhaps it was her imagination, but there was a quiet and fleeting sensation in the back of Ginger’s mind, a thought not of her own yet still felt by her own body. Her stomach was now empty, but still she felt full; not with food, not with her lover’s body, but with… something else. A reassuring warmth spread throughout her hefty form, coaxing the girl to sink back into her bed. Ginger snuggled under the blanket, marveling at how well her larger body warmed itself underneath. It would take time to adjust to her new size, but she relished how her life would be different from now on. A generous gift had been imparted onto her; a selfless gesture of the heart that united two beings even closer than flesh allowed. This was true happiness, she thought as her consciousness ebbed once more. This was the most one could ever wish for. This was… fulfillment. A voice, or perhaps a feeling, encompassed her mind; she knew she would never again be alone. Ginger drifted back into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of her future with the one she truly loved.
’s chests, and her body lacked any real curves. She rarely spoke to her peers, often drawing or playing on her phone when not doing classwork. And she often had dark lines under her eyes from late nights. It was a wonder she hadn’t ended up as somebody meal. Even she was surprised she’d made it to university in the big city. ’d made a friend! One who didn’t seem to contemplate eating her every day. “’t believe he tried to force me inside him. I was so close to getting swallowed up...” ”Ah, of course. As long as I’m around, I’ll make sure you stay safe.” ’s cheeks bloom into a shade of red as she rests her head on the gut so close. She could hear it ever churning on said jerk. “… I can’t get my head around how you all even manage to swallow somebody whole, let alone keep them.” She sticks her finger into the distended gut. It easily gives way, the guy was barely solid. Sarah’s gut was trained. If Riley ever ended up inside, she doubt she’d last an hour before ending up as T&A. The thought sends a shiver down her spine. She respected Sarah greatly, she felt pretty sure it wouldn’t happen. Sarah was a good person, after all. ’s ever cautious to catch every movement Riley makes. “ most people don’t get full on a cupcake.” ’s lips. In this day and age, you heard earthshattering burps all the time. Her’s were often small compared to most predators. Riley pouts as she responds,”It’s not my fault they make em so big! I like food, but I just take my time with it. Not like I’ll ever look like you...” ‘’s so adorable~. God I want to feel it.’ … It’s better to say, Sarah ‘Focus! Remember, you absolutely need to convince her. It’ll be so incredibly worth while.’ “” “’t take it. It just didn’t seem useful for me. And it’s technically optional.” “” “’ve seen you eat.” “…” “ “” ’s face. Expecting some kind of punchline. “… you know I can’t eat much, right? L-Like…When we go out to eat together you eat a full meal yourself, and then we share the one I get. And I’ve never eaten somebody! That’s like, the most important part! Even the people who get shrunken are too big...” “’s almost ’s why Riley, were going to make you a predator!” ‘future predator’ in question seems to lack little of. “…. Are… are you sure? Like… I appreciate it. But my stomach is pathetically small. If it doesn’t show any predatory tendencies. Wouldn’t you fail?” “… I’ll need to record a lot of intimate information. I think it’d be best to move in with me for the duration of the project.” “’s… I could never…” “’t worry, It’ll be great fun. My family is very well off, and if this project goes well it could even be used as a jumping off point for analyzing the change in dietary preferences.” ’s face for any signs of a trap or deceit. But her face is genuine. Eager even. No hunger, pred’s were often terrible at hiding that. “… I’m sure it’ll be fun. Like.. a sleepover! I’ve only had one, and they tried to eat me…” “’t worry Riley, the only gut that’s going to be filled is yours. I promise~” “… by the way… what did you mean by ‘intimate’ details?” “… the basics. The growth of your body from the diet. Careful notes for what comes in… and what goes out-” “’s… That’s way too embarrassing!” “” ‘’ ’s just agreed to. And desperately trying to negotiate the terms. We have gathered a test subject who is willing to undergo a change in diet from traditional foods to humans. Our hypothesis is that this will provide both physical and psychological changes. I intend to analyze these changes. Subject is a petite woman in her 20’s. Her first name is Riley and is how she will be referred to going forward. She has never devoured a single predator and will be undergoing a process to prepare her digestive system for the consumption of living creatures. First we will begin with humanoid foodstuffs. Synthetic humanoids of various sizes ranging from 6 inches to 2 feet. Often used as a gateway to human consumption. Or for those with ethical qualms. They are designed to be tasty and relatively easy to digest. ’s homeostasis. Subject will be living with me in order to ensure the dietary plan will be upheld. … ’re starting off with a traditional diet of animal meats and vegetables. There is little to note about her diet specifically. We did make sure to give her favorite foods to eat. She will not be able to have them for some time. ’s stomach capacity is quite small. Despite being given many options and knowing she cannot eat them for the projects duration, she can only eat a small amount. And in small bites. Esophageal stretching is planned in the process but it’s still quite interesting to see her taking such tiny bites. ’s embarrassing seeing her ‘go’. Bathroom trips took quite a while despite lack of any change. Movements are regular, with quality’s of no special note. Not gassy at all either. … ’s body has not grown at all. Belief that much of the foodstuffs is being digested, converted directly to energy, and then disposed of. ’s natural capabilities deal with the foodstuffs. ’s been difficult for her to relieve herself. Though as a pred, the expelling of gas is quite normal in society. Her agreeing to be filmed and recorded during several of these bathroom trips has not helped her embarrassment. She is quite cute when releasing gas. Audio recordings included in provided data. … ’ve moved on to larger foodstuffs. Body measurements increased. Fat has been properly absorbed. Subject has been quite excited at her bra not fitting anymore. Looks forward to obtaining new ones, though I’ve convinced her to hold off a bit longer and use some we have at our estate. ’s cute she thinks she could to any serious capacity. ’s hard to go while being watched. We have transitioned to me sitting behind her on the toilet instead, custom toilet designed to make room. Belly squeezing and rubbing helps remove waste, even if subject embarrassment has only increased. ’s released. This would never happen though, subject will be properly cared for. … ’s of foodstuffs were consumed. Human was the largest to note as well. Also believed a side effect was the throat was stretched. Larger foods can absolutely be swallowed easier ’d eat her and then shoving her in my bag to feed to my tiny friend… … ’s been getting softer too. ’s been a true pleasure to measure her bottom in this time. It was so cute and tiny and it’s begun plumping up extremely well. Her curves are amazing to touch. ’s what the fuck gets for cuming on my tits. ’ve walked into the room before a large fart greets me as she says hello, giving me a cute smile as if she’s doing her part. Maybe she assumes I keep track of them… ’s begun digesting bones. ’m far too horny to write this now. ’s been getting needier! And Hungrier! I’ve been having trouble finding enough food people to feed her. She just loves being filled now. Its adorable seeing her swallow them all up and turn em into fat and shit. ’ve been letting her swallow my lower half. It was absolutely euphoric. She’s been getting more assertive in general, each time we did it she desperately tried to take more and more of me in. She made it a good ways up my tummy… but being inside her! Oh … ’d been doing awfully anyway. Being around her 24/7 made it difficult to hide my desires. Our closeness has been insane. We eat together, cuddle together, shower and use the bathroom together, even sleep together. She’s accepted everything. And she’s so happy from it all. She’s not gloomy anymore, she’s almost kind of sunny. … ’t escape. I want it too badly. Oh god. But she loves me. She wants me. Even if she’s playing a game with me by swallowing me up. It’s all play. ’re officially a couple. It’s been amazing. I’m so happy <3 … … ’t need me. She just snuck up on her and ate her up. And she ’t told me.’s why her poop was so different! It was somebody a bit bigger than her too. She’s made so much progress. She’s started making more and more jokes about eating me. She farts in my lap, she looks back at me more will shitting, her gaze sometimes looks hungry... ’re just jokes, right? She loves me… ’ll um… process the information later. She says she wants to ‘practice’ more. She’s been getting lewder when she eats me. My time inside her has been a constant sexual high… … ’ve swallowed me. … ’t let me leave. ’s been letting me rest and heal, before swallowing me once again. …I think she’s been absorbing more than just my nutrients. ’s grown taller. And I’ve grown shorter. ’t swallow as big of stuff as I used to, meanwhile she’s taken two full sized prey. ’m scared. I want it.. but I’m scared. She’s not gentle. She’s actually treating me like a bunch of meat. ’s gone to classes as I’m turning to goop. I’m constantly wondering if she’ll even let me out before it’s too late. ’s thankfully been taking digestive suppressors. Otherwise... … I once thought my tummy could destroy her in an hour. Well… Now that may be me. … ’t stop getting off inside her. … … indisposed. ’s conclusion. Unfortunately she was unable to satiate the subjects growing appetite. She got too small. My tummy needs bigger girls and boys to satiate it. Especially now that I’m so tall. ’s shrank. No idea why. Perhaps has something to do with the whole experiment. Or perhaps I should have always stayed a weak girl. Too late now. ’t become overwhelmingly fat. It’s quite interesting. Curves have expanded but my tummy is still relatively trim. Her squirms often made me gassy. ’d been in my belly all week. I’d remember to take a pill everyday but not to check up on her. Wonder how she felt getting ignored the whole time while she slowly roasted in my belly oven. ’s being maintained as well. Now I know what my friend would sound and smell like as a fart. I’ve gotten used to my body being constantly recorded. Feels great to see these numbers and the memories. I use to be afraid of girls like Sarah. Now I dump them. ’ve seen the rest of the report, and have caught her masturbating to all the data she recorded. This was her dream. ’s future plans involve ingestion of reporter’s family. “Expanding Riley’s Waist.” You are more than welcome to contribute professor. Though, I may be visiting anyway :) ’s finally in your depths, churning away like food ever so slowly, getting to leave and sit in your lap as you shit her out, absorbing the assets of her body, until finally… oops. She’s filling my intestines. … ’s almost a completely different person now. She’s taller, thicker, and has an entirely different atmosphere around her. Gone is the meek girl who couldn’t fight back against even the weakest of predators. She was well groomed, a sly smile on her face, and a confident gaze reading over her own words. ’t normally. ’d been living in Sarah’s home for a while, it was a large house but her family had been growing suspicious. They’d seen her walking with her daughter in her gut, Sarah convinced her mother and father from within Riley’s stomach that she was just being thorough. But now that she was flushed away, her family had been asking about her. She needed two days. Tonight her stomach would dispose of Sarah’s father. He was weak already. The next two would be Sarah’s mother and sister, all in one gut. ’s mind is absorbed in this. Thoughts of how best to fill her gut again are all that fill her. ’t be quenched for a long period of time.
 ’s a woman wearing a slightly dorky set of cargo shorts and Hawaiin shirt-likely not to even attempt to overshadow the contestants who would soon be walking on stage. She even wore a pair of sunglasses to cover her eyes. ’t have been able to stand here in these semifinals. I know it must be fate. Something about this just demanded I-" ’s jiggle when suddenly the boards beneath her on this hastily constructed stage gave way and she found herself tumbling beneath the stage and into a pile of sand, disappearing from the crowds view. ’s eye’s bright red dazzles in the sun as it shimmers behind her, the hair long enough to reach her bottom.’s but stacked in just the right places to give her body a lovely smoothness. She saunters past the hole Zellia had made and towards center stage, holding a hand out for the microphone with the other placed firmly on her hip. Once it’s handed to her, she faces the crowd with her chest held high. … she would get the two of them ’s limits. And the money reward was far too much to simply let go. She would act. ’s arms and pinned them to her side. ’s smooth but sand covered dark legs together and bends them towards her lips. ’t love the sand, I'm sure you'll be worth the extra weight." ’s mind finally pieces together what's happening to her as she opens her eyes wide as her legs enter a warm and moist place. ’t breath..., I'm supposed to...ugh, stop!" ’s own body bent around that curve as she was stretched almost like a G around her body.. ’s almost lost in the flavor. ’s dark skin is sealed away within her competitors body. Cheryth sighs, and gentle rubs a hand over her belly as her meal settles in. ’m so glad I can finally relax now that we're back in my room. It's the only place out here I can really decompress. Drop the whole royal attitude." ’s body go from girl to plump and gunk. ’s alone. No good fortune would save her at this point. Her misfortune had left her forsaken in the gut of somebody she had attempted to eat herself. Was this karma? She could only faintly ponder as her body softened. She was neck deep in acids. Most of her body had gone soft. The bubbling and broiling acids were too potent. The exploring hands outside only helping to tenderize her flesh with the stomach's own clenching motions. Finally, with one fateful stomach shaking squelch, the stomach would squeeze and Zellia's body would give in. No girl struggled for life within Cheryth's gut anymore. Just a meaty mixture of future plump. ’t..." ’s new form. A brown sludge riddled with bone shards. Her gut hadn't been efficient enough to fully digest every bit of her meal. The bones irritate her pucker when being squeezed out. It's not incredible painful, but she wants to get it all out as quickly as she can. Too much irritation back there could be ’ll sign anything you may want… for a price. " ”Indeed, you all will be quite delighted to be able to mingle with such a divine body. Our sender girl has grown up since she became a goddess. Drinks and appetizers will be available ’t show, Cheryth will be given it by default.” ’s new body had converted many of the Zellia fans. And her own fans were even more devout after the enhancements. She’d make a fortune on the fans alone tonight. ’s." ’t illegal if they were willing. And she sure sounded willing. “And that’s right here, next to me heart~” “’ll be offering the same trip to anybody interested, if you simply meet behind the stage we can arrange a price-”
Arknights – One Hot Day There is a single word that can be used to describe Sargon with any form of accuracy, and that is heat. Sargon is a contradiction split down the middle united only by heat. Heat is the enemy of the people, and it takes its toll willingly. To the west, a weary traveler will find no respite. From the Golden City to the edge, greedy Lord Ameer’s will guard their meagre territory with jealous eyes. Their soldiers are just as vicious to the people as the bands of mercenaries and murderers are. There is no shelter for you from the omnipresent sun. Any wells are surrounded by towns, and each is a spring of life sucked dry by the country’s continuously expanding borders. Food is what can be found; from burden-beast to the venomous things that crawl. Lucky merchants that find respite in a town are quickly engulfed by the black markets. Ameer pay with coin, but the black markets accept what can be given by the average Sargonian. Material items, made wares, food, drink, or their own bodies. If you are so unlucky to find yourself outside the walls and cities, the western deserts of Sargon will eat their fill. Caravans will meet their end through starvation, dehydration, or blood loss as its crew is gutted by rusty metal and hungry men. Sargon will consume the rest as Catastrophes boil the sand; melting, churning, and shattering the resulting glass. The dust storms fill their mass with the razor thin particles of fragmented glass and poisonous originium. In the night, ice will freeze any flesh exposed solid. Both are just ammunition, for when the great catastrophes roll through, they split and tear and snap. Bone is ground into dust, and sand is propelled at velocities of live ammunition. Heat claims all, the root of each death that feeds the great dunes of the West of Sargon. To the east, the great jungles of Acahualla spill like a grown tumor. The population chooses, willing with absolute conviction, to live outside the lush green expanse. Water flows through its great rivers and lakes, waterfalls feeding into great sounds or splitting through deltas and rapids, draining into the great crevices and canyons that split the land. Lush green jungle flows down the distant snow-peaked mountains, covering every surface it can touch. Stone spires rise from the earth, pulled from their depths by the catastrophes that ended the old originium mines. They now stand like the old ribs of a corpse. The tiacauh; arcosauria and pythia, that live inside are universally considered to be insane. No Lord Ameer will lay claim to the jungle-infested territory. Heat is absorbed by the jungle, feeding its malignant expansion. The few that live there do under the law of might makes right, for they must. Any lone wanderer will inevitably fall prey to the numerous monstrous things that lurk in its lush green hell or be consumed by the beasts that swim in its river’s darkest depths. Shadows hide the thing that crawl and stalk, murderous in their purpose. The jungle will take the bodies and subsume them. Everything is food for the jungle, even the living. The ever-present furnace of Sargon has led to two distinct peoples. In the west, caution and mistrust are ever present, but to the East in the jungles of Acahualla, the people take the smallest of pleasures. Anything, even death, is quite entertaining. A good fight or an all-out brawl distracts from the depressing reality of finding the bones of your sibling inside some creature you slaughtered for lunch. They clearly were not strong enough. Yes, Sargon is beset on all sides by heat. It feeds the terrible fates of both its ends, and all those within must learn to bear with its Machiavellian ways. Take for example, a small lizard. Scampering through the underbrush, dodging leaves, and trees. Its steps are carefully placed; measured as to not step on any of the traps laid by creatures larger and smaller than it. The dirt under its feet changes quickly to scorching sand. It is both a blessing and a curse. Without the mud and underbrush, those that skitter cannot dig their traps or lay in their nests. Yet with each step, the lizard must occasionally pause, raising two of its feet to cool off. Movement draws its eyes, and it pauses, raising its head to scan the area. Its vision is poor compared to other creatures, relying on its nose. It does not see the rock till it lands in the sand, blasting its colourful body with debris. The lizard quickly scampers off, running into the underbrush. “Did you hit it?” Utage asked. “Nah...” Croissant sighed and let her head fall between her arms. The action merely irritated her growing headache. She was not normally maliciously inclined towards some passing striped lizard, but she was feeling particularly irritable. Its body of vibrant yellows, reds, and pinks were both a foretelling of poison and a terrible eyesore. “Gosh darnit…” “Sad you missed?” “Naw, it’s just so damn hot! My head’s killing me…” "I just wish we didn’t have to wait here. So boooored…” “I can look for ‘nother lizard, iffin you like?” Croissant held up a rock, similar size to the one she had just thrown. “Gotta rock right here.” “I don’t want to chip a nail.” Croissant snorted, looking to her companion. “Ain’t that why you beat up them tribesmen?” “I’ll beat you too.” “At least it’ll be fun...” Utage didn’t laugh, but Croissant could tell through the girl’s pleased smirk that she was amused. Croissant doubted she had the energy to laugh, anyway. Either of them, being honest. The location that Gavial had brought them to was beautiful. A deceptively tall waterfall rumbled in the distance across a small pond. The water was perfectly clear, to the point she could see small crabs combing the bottom for detritus. Rocks bordered the lake, framing it, creating a closed oasis. The jungle surrounded them on all sides, a dense wall of greenery impenetrable even by heat. Even the path was obscured by the foliage; roughshod and clearly not used publicly. Its total encompassing growth turned the inside into a churning, boiling basin within the dense jungle. The people of this region of Sargon had enough water to go around, and Croissant knew that they would prefer to stick to the water they knew. For all she knew, some monster-thing could be lurking in the bottom, despite Gavial’s assurance it was empty. Even then, with its wide beach and secluded area, and laying on Utage’s soft blanket, it was a perfect vacation spot. If it wasn’t so bloody fucking hot. “Croissant? Hey, you awake?” “Eh, what? Whaddid ya say?” Croissant realized she had been staring and shook her head. The heat was making it hard to think. “I love a good nap but please don’t leave me alone here, you’re the only thing keeping me from snapping.” Utage smirked. She nodded her head in the rough direction of the opposite end of the beach. “Look at them.” Croissant, with more effort than it should have taken, propped herself up on her arms to peer over her friend, and— “Naw. Naaaaaw.” “Yep.” Utage nodded, popping the P. She leaned back on her arms to give Croissant a better view. “Naw! They started again!” “Actually, they never stopped.” Utage sighed. She plucked the string of her bikini, pulling it to wave off her chest. Croissant pretended to not notice, she didn’t want to be rude by staring at the interesting things going on there. “Fuck, I’m sweating to death and I’m under the shade. I feel so sticky, it’s unfair! How can they keep going and not die?” “Dunno about Blaze, but that Liberi girl looks like she’s about to.” The strange fighter Blaze had picked up along her way had stripped down to the barest essentials. Her tube top and shorts were seven shades darker than they should have been, completely caked in sweat as they were. She panted openly; hands raised as she jabbed at her opponent. Sweat caked down her body, and her mouth sagged open in heavy pants. Blaze, on the other hand, was bouncing on her toes, her violent kicks slinging hot sand. It made an interesting rain-like sound as it splattered across the leaves. She looked active, energized. If Croissant were a betting woman, she’d guess Blaze wasn’t fazed by the heat at all. Croissant felt a tingle in her chest watching the two hot and, on at least one side, sweaty girls fight and quietly laid back down, hoping Utage missed the pink tinge on her cheeks. “Hm hmm, who do you think will die first?” “I doubt—“ Croissant paused. “Nah, actually, yeah someone’s bound to die if Gavial’s friend don’t show up soon. An if one o’ us does…” Croissant gestured to a rock between them and the fight. A small shout from Gavial, annoyed by the sand, had the two brawlers shifting closer to the water. The medic and the Doctor sat under the shade of their own tree, atop a flat stone rock. Gavial, despite being native to the region, looked just as sweaty as the rest of them. Even the Doctor had dressed down to a black robe that blocked out the sun, shielding their sensitive pale skin. The two had not stopped talking for hours, and Gavial seemed fully engrossed by whatever the Doctor had been saying. It was strange to see her petting her own tail. “Don’t seem like they’ll notice.” “You know what the worst part is?” Utage suddenly asked. “Hmnh?” “We’re six girls at a beautiful beach in a jungle filled with strapping arcosauria, and not a single one of them is here. I am fucking horny and I hate it.” Croissant laughed awkwardly, “Pfft, what? You— You serious?” Utage pushed herself onto her hands and knees, flipping from laying on her back to almost hovering over Croissant. The forte girl’s eyes bulged at the sight of Utage’s heavy breasts straining her already taxed bikini top. “I dress like this and you’re asking if I’m being serious or not?” Utage’s outfit had consisted of a large thin summer overcoat, hat, bikini and shorts. Her top tried its best, but it could not be called modest with Utage’s bust bulging it out. In the sweltering heat, the girl had discarded the coat and dropped the heavy straw hat. Her shorts had been unbuttoned, and a similarly white-and-pale striped bikini bottom could be seen underneath. She was visibly sweaty and red in the face; her entire body appearing damp even as they relaxed under the shade of the trees. Croissant would be lying if she said she hadn’t noticed. The way Utage had dressed perfectly showed off what was appealing about her figure, which is why Croissant denied it completely. “Uh… I-I didn’t notice…” Croissant stuttered, toying with the rock in her hands. “Uh-huh.” Utage said slowly. “You’re on Texas’s team.” “What’s that got to do with—?” “You’re on the same team, as Texas.” Utage said slowly. “Texas.” “Ugh!” Croissant’s head hit the blanket below her, sweaty arms laid flat on the sand. “We ain’t just a bunch of lesbians, you know!” “I know,” Utage smirked. “You like both.” “I’ll smack you.” “My, how lewd.” Croissant responded by throwing the rock. It landed in the lake with a loud plop. “…Mosty ain’t into women…” “Eh? Really?” Utage asked, surprised. “But Exusiai…” “Is uber obsessed. The girl humours her, but eh…” “Daaaamn. I never knew.” Utage grinned, sweat dripping off her brow. A bead landed on Croissant’s arm, it felt cool. “Tasty drama~. Go on, tell me more?” Croissant raised her head, a clever remark on her lips, when something orange stumbled out of the jungle. “Eh? Hey is that… Kay?” Out from the bush came a shining dancing perro. Or, Croissant assumed it to be dancing. Somehow Ceobe had lost most of her clothes and was spinning in drunken circles and bounds in naught but a pair of booty shorts and a torn top. The girl was laughing and giggling, seemingly lost in her own world. The oddest feature was the countless white-blue flowers messily forcefully shoved in her clothes and hair. Croissant looked questioningly at Utage, who shrugged. They hadn’t seen their wayward companion for hours, not since they had first arrived to Gavial’s hidden lake. “What the heck…” “Is she high?” “Uh…” Croissant watched as Ceobe twirled a perfect pirouette, before suddenly stumbling and landing face first into the water. Croissant waited, but Ceobe did not get up. The bubbles that rose the surface suddenly stopped. Tension gripped her chest and her heart climbed into her throat as she sprung to her feet. “Dunno but she’s definitely drownin’!” Croissant couldn’t reach the prone perro before Gavial tore through the sand, sliding to a stop beside Ceobe, followed swiftly by Blaze. Croissant just arrived as Blaze was pulling their companion out of the water; barely three seconds had passed. “Help me lift her!” Croissant went to grab both legs but found a panting Utage grabbing hold of the other. Croissant was mentally counting the seconds as they moved swiftly up the beach and laid Ceobe down on Utage’s blanket. Gavial’s suddenly tail swung and struck her in her sternum, sending her to the sand with a cough as the air was forced from her lungs. Something tickled her nose, and she muffled a sneeze. Utage fell to her knees beside her, and only then did Croissant see the fog on the edges of her vision. She was panting heavily, wheezing slightly. Utage clung to her shoulder, Croissant nearly fell onto the sand from the girl’s weight. She coughed, swallowed, and snagged her nearby water bottle. Was it so hot, that such a small burst of action was enough to make her so tired? She drank heavily and offered the rest to Utage. A second passed before the girl let the canteen clatter into the sand. Something smelled off and her stomach felt weird, but she chalked it up to sweat and humidity; even the Doctor sounded like she was panting from the cost of moving under the unforgiving sun. A sharp cough made Croissant blink, realizing she had missed whatever Gavial was doing. The green haired girl knelt beside the perro, a hand to her forehead. Ceobe groaned, shifting in visible pain on the blanket, but looked alive, for the most part. “Stupid mushroom dog…” “Gavial,” the Doctor said. “Is Ceobe okay?” “She’s recovering from a high and has bad heat stroke, which is why she tried the direct method of cooling off.” Gavial fell back onto the sand, wiping the caked sweat from her brow. “If it was one or the other, meh, but she’s on both, so bad.” “How bad?” Utage asked. Croissant frowned down at Ceobe. She wasn’t serious when she was talking about one of them dying from this heat, and what the heck was with the flowers? “Eh. For an archosauria like me, it wouldn’t be much. But she’s a perro, they can’t cool off that well.” Gavial shrugged. “We need to find her somewhere outside the heat, before—Hey! Don’t touch those!” “Yowch! Will ya stop hittin’ me? I ain’t a punchin’ bag!” Croissant shook her hand, reeling from Gavial’s slap. She just wanted a closer look at the flowers, what was so bad about that? “What was that for?” “Do you want to touch a potentially poisonous plant? Do you know how many of those we have?” Gavial snatched Utage’s long coat from where it sat, ignoring the poor girl’s protests. “Doctor, mind helping?” “My coat…” “Friggin’ harmacist…” Croissant grumbled. Utage managed a shallow chuckle at Rhode Island’s nickname for their more violent medical staff. She suddenly sneezed, it was small and kind of adorable. Croissant laughed but suddenly got a whiff of that strange scent, making her sneeze as well. “Hey, is it really that hot for you guys?” Blaze asked as the two doctors cleaned the flowers from Ceobe. The elite operator had kept stoically silent, letting Gavial do her job. Croissant could see she was worried. The girl was breathing quickly, and digging a small trench in the sand with her pacing. Her eyes flicked briefly to Blaze’s shadow; the strange liberi girl. She was standing a few steps behind Blaze, and had covered her mouth for… some reason? Croissant thought, for a moment, the reason might be important, but she couldn’t figure out why. It was just getting hard to focus in the heat, it was like her brain was turning foggy. “Mhmmm…” Utage nodded. “Ya can’t feel it?” Croissant asked. Blaze had a similar amount of clothes on as the rest of them: a torn shirt and bikini bottoms. Now that Croissant looked closer, it did seem like Blaze was sweating, but it was nothing in comparison to the rest of them. “Nah, not really. It’s part of my powers.” Blaze shrugged. “Do feel kinda funny though…” “Achoo—!” Gavial suddenly sneezed the girl shook her head, waiving a hand before her face. “That’s done…” “Any idea what those flowers were?” Blaze asked. “Kemar seems kinda afraid of ‘em.” Croissant made an ‘ah’ noise, and Utage leaned over to whisper to her. “Oh that’s her name…” “I couldn’t remember neither.” “Kemar,” Gavial asked, then said something in rapid sargonian. Croissant had no idea what she said, but Kemar lifted her hands to speak, seemingly by mistake as she quickly slammed them back over her mouth and nose. The girl’s breath suddenly hitched, and she descended into a fit of sputtering coughs, her mouth now wide open. “Oh what are you coughing over.” Gavial rolled her eyes, her cheeks tinted a soft pink. “Cmon, we gotta find something to cool Ceobe off.” The perro in question was still laying on the blanket, an arm over her forehead. She groaned softly, her thighs rubbing together in discomfort. “Blaze is pretty cool.” Utage suggested, her smirk was accompanied by a faint blush. Croissant thought it looked cute. “Blaze isn’t an ice pack,” the Doctor giggled. “Nah, she’s a furnace!” “Actually,” Blaze raised her hand. A blush lined her cheeks, and her eyes looked dilated. “I just let out heat.” “That’s what a furnace does, dummy.” Croissant scowled up at the tall feline. “Er—“ Blaze paused, “N-no I mean I push heat out of my body—“ “I got it!” Gavial suddenly sprung to her feet, drawing the group’s attention. Even Kemar stood watching, though she swayed where she stood, her cheeks softly pink. “We’ll put her in Blaze.” “…in Blaze?” Croissant asked slowly. Everyone else looked as confused as she felt, except Blaze. The elite operator looked red as a tomato and stood ramrod straight. “You okay there, Gavial?” “E-eh!?” Blaze squeaked. “Ugh, don’t you guys know anything about felines?” Gavial threw her arms into the air. “They have litters.” “Uh…” Gavial’s palm hit her forehead. “Multiple kids…?” “H-hey wait—“ Blaze started to say. “Oh,” Croissant nodded slowly. “Aww.” Utage coo’d, still hanging off Croissant’s shoulder. “They sound like super moms!” “But… that’s not the same?” The Doctor asked. “They can reeeeeally stretch it.” “H-hey!” Blaze squeaked. “Don’t I get a say in this!?” “No!” Gavial shouted, stomping the ground with a bare foot. “You will shove her up there or I will make your next bloodwork painful!” “But—“ “Doctors orders, I’m conscripting you!” “I outrank you…” “Not anymore, Private Parts. Spread ‘em or I’ll tell Kal’tsit you endangered a patient!” “Oooh, so bossy…” Utage giggled. “I…” Blaze’s head fell into her hands. “I’m going to need some help…” And then, in moments, Croissant was bearing witness to something beautiful. Blaze lay on the blanket, her knees bent, and legs spread as wide as they could go, which was quite the significant distance. The girl’s hands gripped the blanket below her in a white-knuckle grip. If Blaze wasn’t sweating badly before, she was now. Ceobe lay head-first between her legs, stripped bare. Gavial was cradling the perro’s head and one shoulder, and the Doctor had the other side. Kemar was on her knees, staring intently. If it was possible, Croissant’s cheeks tinged darker than they had before. Utage hung off her shoulder, and there was no other way to put it: they both stared openly at Blaze’s pussy, laid bare for all to see. “She shaves…” Utage whispered. “Mmmhm…” Croissant nodded. “That’s hot…” “Yeah…” “Ready to be a mom, Blaze?” Gavial asked. “…y-yes.” “Oooh~” Utage moaned, one hand gripping her thigh. Blaze gasped loudly; as soon as Ceobe’s head touched her slit, her back arched and her mouth flew open. No noise came through, only painfully drawn-out squeaks. Croissant’s hands gripped her knees tightly, a bubbly heat rising in her chest. She watched as Ceobe’s head was slowly enveloped by Blaze. Croissant’s mouth fell open as Blaze’s squeaks turned to light chokes, and then her plush pussy lips sealed around Ceobe’s neck. Blaze’s back hit the blanket with a thud; her chest expanded rapidly as she panted for air, her face looked blue. Small, breathily moans and strained giggles escaped her lips, and her blue tail was curled tightly around her leg. “Wow….” “Keep…” Blaze gasped, “Keep going…” A bulge had formed in her abdomen, the perfect size of Ceobe’s head. Croissant’s eyes fixated on it, more than the perro’s toned, bare body or the voluptuous Utage hanging onto her. The soft, burning heat in her chest was spreading through her body and a bubbly warm sensation was growing between her legs. Croissant watched, intently, as the round bulged moved up. Blaze’s breaths turned more rapid, and Croissant felt her heart slamming in her chest in anticipation. “Here come the shoulders,” Gavial said softly. The medic’s eyes were locked to Blaze’s widening slit. “Can you take them?” Blaze’s loud moan was her only answer. Slowly Ceobe’s neck disappeared inside, and Blaze’s pussy lips now touched her collar. It looked like, for the briefest of seconds, that there was no logical way for her to fit inside. Her shoulder were too wide, and Blaze too small. But then she started widening, and her pelvis seemed to shift and Ceobe started fitting. Croissant felt a spark up her spine and Utage whispered “Oh fuck~” into her ear. Ceobe’s shoulders disappeared into Blaze. The feline’s eyes were filled with shining tears but her face was of pure pleasure, her heavy pants mixed with constant orgasmic moans. Blaze suddenly squealed and Ceobe was pulled deeper inside, the perro’s soft breasts now edging on the entrance to Blaze’s womb. The Doctor fell back onto the sand and Gavial let go; Blaze had complete hold of Ceobe, and it didn’t seem like she needed any help. Utage suddenly sighed. “Fffuck that looks…” “Yeah… Wh—h-hey, what’re you…?” Croissant’s ears burned as Utage pushed her mouth against her neck. The hot, heavy breaths tickled her skin, and Croissant squeaked loudly as soft lips sealed around her sensitive collar bone. “Sorry… it…” Utage gasped, kissing between each breath. Her warm pink eye never left the sight before them. “Looks… so good…” Utage suddenly yanked up Croissant’s hand. Warm, soft, and heavy. Croissant instinctively squeezed, drawing a moan from the Higashi girl suckling her neck. “S-stop…” “No…” “Ah…” Croissant’s hand pulled away, only to wrap around Utage’s deceptively small body, and sink again into the warmth of her breast. Her hand slid under the bikini and squeezed its supple tip. Utage sunk a hand into her shorts, the other gripping Croissant’s shoulder. The warmth of Utage’s arm along her back was more intense than the heat had ever been. Just one of the higashi girl’s huge breasts was heavy, and nearly as big as her own head. As Croissant’s hand found her own crotch, sinking into her wet folds, she watched Ceobe’s chest disappear into Blaze. “B-bet that feels amazin’…” “She’s so —fuck, don’t stop— fuck, she’s so lucky…” “S-she’s becomin’ a mom…” “No, I mean…” Utage gasped, shoving her head up and into Croissant’s short ginger hair, warm breaths tingling her ear. “…Kay.” Some part of Croissant’s brain rebelled against the idea, but as she squeezed her friend’s sensitive tit and drew out a pleasant moan, another told her it was a good one. “G-god you two, g-get a room…” Gavial panted, even as she was peeling off her black swimsuit. Blaze let out a loud moan as Ceobe’s hips reached her and began funneling inside. The Doctor had crawled up to Blaze’s side, and though Croissant couldn’t see her face, she could hear the sound of kissing. Kemar, Blaze’s poor hanger on, was suddenly the holder of Gavial’s swimsuit. Croissant found the sight funny. The girl clutched it close to her chest as the now naked medic hung off of Blaze’s leg. “I’ve… never seen it so close before…” “Heh,” Croissant giggled. “I think… ya broke her…” “Oh~” Utage suddenly squeaked. Croissant’s neck was suddenly free as Utage leaned onto her chest, left hand sliding into Croissant’s hair. “Her legs!” Gavial’s hand reached down, brushing along the soft blanket and up to Blaze’s pussy. The last of Ceobe’s knees slipped inside Blaze, and with a single finger, Gavial pushed on the perro’s dainty feet. “C’mon Blaze, you’re almost there~” Blaze giggled out a moan, and Ceobe’s legs were sucked inside. Gavial leaned down to kiss one of Ceobe’s toes, before they too were pulled inside. And then it was done. Blaze’s gasped out of the Doctor’s kiss. She reached one weak, shaky limb up, and Croissant was suddenly left cold as Utage sprung to grab it. Croissant quickly forgot about the feeling as Blaze was hauled upwards. Her legs came down and the huge round belly she heaved and shifted, and then settled onto the blanket. Blaze’s face was flush pink, her ears angled down to the sides. Croissant thought, for a moment, she was glowing. Her blue eyes twinkled, and a small soft smile held on her lips. Her hands slowly settled onto her massive belly, giving it a long and gentle rub. “I’m a mom…” “H-how’s it feel?” Gavial asked. “Amazing.” Blaze sighed, then she looked up. “Heh, you’re naked.” “So’re you…” Croissant said. “‘n you got… bigger…” Blaze looked down. Her top had been torn, both of the straps holding it to her shoulders had ripped to accommodate her breasts. They had grown, big and round with puffy nipples. Blaze laid a single hand on them, giving them a gentle push. They jiggled stop her huge stomach. “I guess this is okay.” “G-getting pregnant made your boobs bigger?” Utage asked. Croissant saw her lift her own breast. Utage was still larger, but the thought Blaze could get bigger made Croissant’s crotch tingle. She still had her hand in there… “Mm,” Blaze smiled, blinking slowly. “I guess a mommy needs milk, too, right?” “Blaze,” the Doctor said. “It’s like you’re glowing.” “Eheh, isn’t that what happens when you get pregnant?” She smiled, “I’m a mom.” “Hey, Blaze…” Utage asked. “Hmm?” “Do you think… you could fit one more?” Blaze looked up in surprise, as did the Doctor and Gavial. Slowly, Utage reached back and pulled on a string. Now lose, she pulled her bikini from her body and threw it some distance onto the beach. Croissant gasped softly as Utage held up her huge breasts, letting their soft flesh spill through her fingers, and said, “Don’t tell me these won’t feel good?” “I—“ “C’mon~” Utage smiled, pushing herself forwards till she rested on Blaze’s belly. Even from behind, Croissant could see how her breasts squished onto the surface. “If you want to, just take me. Not that complicated~” Blaze stood slowly; grains of sand stuck to her sweaty body. She stood on shaking legs, taking the Doctor’s hand in her own. Her body shook with visible pleasure, breasts quivering atop their perch on her stomach, moist and sweaty in the heat. One hand squeezed her engorged, milky breast and another reached below her round belly. Soft mewling moans came from her lips as she spread her pussy, leaking juices moistening the towel. Croissant was treated to the sight of that beautiful naked snatch dripping in anticipation as her friend crawled underneath. “I’m ready, mom—” Blaze suddenly fell, taking in Utage’s head, shoulders, and fat tits in one go. The girl’s words morphed into a pleasant moan, muffled from inside Blaze. Croissant’s fingers forced themselves deep inside her own moist soft lips as she gasped in surprise. The wet pop Utage’s breasts made as they slipped within Blaze’s pussy was a sound Croissant would not soon forget. Gavial let slip a sultry moan, her hand shakily reaching forward to rub Blaze’s belly. The soft sleeping body of Ceobe pressed against the walls of Blaze’s womb, showing to the outside world as a tight, detailed bulge. Utage’s legs kicked and squirmed, pushing herself deeper inside her future mother. Blaze grinded her hips, tongue lolling out of her mouth as Utage’s shapely butt entered her womb with a wet, sexy noise. The sound was more than enough for the weak Croissant. Her toes curled as the supple tension within her rose to its peak. Every bead of sweat on her skin tingled her to her core. Heat building inside her body flooded out in waves of twitching pleasure and her hand was squeezed tight by her own lower lips. As the last of Utage’s legs slipped within Blaze, and milk squirted from the tips of the feline’s expanding bust, she shuddered. The last sight Croissant saw before her eyes shut in twitching, burning waves was of Gavial latching onto Blaze’s breast, nursing greedily. A sudden sensation, like falling off a cliff, met by the equally sudden relief of release. Liquid juices squirted around her fingers as her back arched, a sound like white noise ringed in her ears. A small, gentle thought rose in Croissant’s mind, thinking that she must look silly with her tongue out and eyes fluttering shut. Croissant collapsed into a twitching, mewling mess. Every inch of her was caked in something sticky, either sweat or her own fluids. She barely felt a warmth crow around the crown of her head, over her shoulders and down her body. The soft pink haze that had descended over her mind was gone; the strange yet sweet smell that made her sneeze, absent. But what she woke to was but a wonderful dream. Surrounded by red, pulsing walls, hands caressing her body. Lips met hers in a kiss only seen in her dreams, then interrupted by the softness of a large chest. It was a dream Croissant could never think true, so it had to be fake. No way would a Higashi beauty like Utage let her nurse from her breast; nor would she feel the girl’s soft fingers in her folds or hear her pleasant moans. The soft moans of their new mother tickled her ears, along with the tingling warm the new thoughts gave her. Blaze spoke, but the words were muffled and inaudible. And yet Croissant could hear naught but the sweet tones of love and care. Blaze’s body shuddered, a sudden twitch as the room shifted. Croissant blinked slowly, watching as Gavial entered their new mother’s womb. Her hands covered her mouth, body flinching in rhythmic pulses deeper and deeper into Blaze. Suddenly, rising from her back, the Doctor emerged into their new home. As their hips emerged, the Doctor suddenly froze, pressing down onto Gavial. The green-haired girl twitched as her expression morphed into one of pure sexual enjoyment. As mommy Blaze took in the rest of their feet, the Doctor slid off the twitching archosauria. Dripping between the Doctor’s heavy breasts was a massive cock, pulsing its last few globs of cum. Utage let out a shuddering sigh, and Croissant felt the vigorous rubbing of her pussy speed up. The Doctor’s impressive bust rose and fell, but the blushing Forte could not take her eyes off the bobbing, dripping tip. Its impressive length swung as the Doctor rolled onto Gavial, who had begun eyeballing Utage’s moving fingers. As the Doctor’s throbbing member hovered closer to Croissant’s folds, Utage willingly split her fingers, giving unrestricted access. “I-it’s my first time…” Croissant stutter. “Don’t worry,” the Doctor moaned, swaying her breasts over Croissant’s head. “I’ll take care of you.” As Croissant felt something warm and right enter her body, she thought it might be time to reconsider her dating pool… And let her never forget this amazing dream. ---^o o^--- A small dune of sand shuddered under the late afternoon sun. The clearing had gone mostly silent, only the distant roar of the waterfall to be heard. A small lizard popped its head out from the grains. Its sharp orange eyes scanned the horizon before its colourful body slithered out. It dashed across the open dunes, following the strange rises and falls on the messy trails of some animals much larger than it. Occasionally it paused, lifting too legs to cool its feet from the burning grain. It did this thrice before reaching the tree line, where the soft dirt and cool shade provided it a chance to rest. This test lasted all of two seconds before a loud, indistinct wet noise had it scurrying further into the Jungle. Its tiny brain processed only the unknown noise as a form of danger. This mixed with its memory of previous dangers on the forest floor, so the colourful lizard spent an entirely inappropriate amount of time running in misshapen zigzags trying to find a place to rest. The spontaneous and entirely incidental discovery of a large grey rock provided the lizard a warm place to sunbathe and catch its breath. “Uhm…” Tomimi stared at the small lizard perched on her tail. It was not something she expected after tripping over a small root. Who would? Tomimi was simply glad no one was around to witness her fall. It was a rainbow-stripped burrowing lizard, a rare species. Tomimi was now faced with a dilemma. Shoo the lizard away, or wait for it to move on? It was rare to see this particular breed as they hid under the dunes or dirt. Peta might have suggested to eat it. Perhaps sensing Tomimi’s thoughts, the lizard decided it was a good time to move on. It dropped off her tail, onto her leg and off into the jungle. Slowly, Tomimi lowered her head into her arms. The small encounter had left her feeling drained. She was supposed to meet up with Gavial hours ago, but it felt as if countless incidents had piled up to distract her. It was bad enough that Zumama’s tribe was pushing against her own, forcing her to send her friends out to fight in order to hold them off for a while. It was an annoyance and an impediment to her own plans she did not need. Between dealing with Rhodes Island and Zumama, tripping over a root and having a lizard sit on your tail was a small, pointless annoyance Tomimi did not need. Huffing, she stood and marched swiftly through the brush, careful to not catch her tail on anything again. She was almost there; her plan was almost in motion. Tomimi knew the spot Gavial had wanted them to meet: it was a small oasis under a waterfalls flow. She and Gavial used to play there as kids. It was a dream come true spot to remind Gavial of why she would stay as chieftain. Who wouldn’t, after seeing the beauty of Sargon? Or the devotion and love from a friend? Tomimi stopped just outside the clearing. She breathed a deep sigh, straightening her posture. She set her staff into the crook of her arm and cleaned her outfit, brushing off the dirt and grime as best she could manage, removing any evidence of her fall. It wouldn’t do any good to worry Gavial now, would it? With a smile on her face, Tomimi stepped into the clearing. “Gavial!” Her smile slowly faded. Only the roar of the waterfall answered her, and the off smell of a pungent odor. It was a familiar one; the old smell of Lustweed. The pink haze hadn’t settled into her mind so the pollen must have fallen a while ago, she reasoned. So long as she did not get a face full, she would avoid the embarrassing consequences. It was confusing to Tomimi, however. What was Lustweed, a cave flower, doing in a clearing? Something rumbled loudly, nearly drowned by the waterfall’s noise. To her right, Tomimi recognized the large rock she and Gavial used to sleep on when they were younger. The beach’s sand was tossed and ruffled, as if bodies had been dragged and thrown through it. A fight had taken place here. “Gavial?” Crocodilian tail swishing, a glimpse of skin caught her eye, just peeking out above the rock. Curiously, Tomimi peaked around the corner, only to drop her staff and gasp. Laying above a large white blanket, a bloated Feline snored soundly. It was above and not on because the feline rested on her engorged belly. Tomimi vaguely recognized the feline as one of the Rhode Islanders Gavial had arrived with, Blaze or something. It was hard to tell as the feline’s face was buried in her gigantic breasts, engorged and leaking milk, Tomimi noticed. Clothes littered the surroundings of the feline, mostly under her, and she had something clutched in her hand. Tomimi needed to get closer. Creeping forward steadily, Tomimi could make our subtle shapes within the stomach. They almost looked like the outline of people, but there were far more than Tomimi could count. Not least of which because the bulges were very indistinct and subtle. If they were inside Blaze’s stomach… did that mean she ate them? The thought made Tomimi’s mind whir. Her toes sunk into the soft sand, inching her towards the snoring feline. The clothes were all but random articles to her, save for two. A black swimsuit sat tucked half underneath the feline’s stomach, and clutched within her hand, currently being chewed on, was Kemar’s shirt. Kemar was supposed to find Gavial, and that black bikini was the same kind Gavial had been wearing. Suddenly, Blaze let out a soft milky burp. Tomimi’s shoulders slumped. Gavial had been eaten by a feline. Big predators ate her people in the jungles regularly, but never had she seen it before her eyes. Usually whoever it was just disappeared till some bit of them, or their clothes, was found later. It was a sad cycle but one she was unfortunately familiar with. Tomimi rested on her knees and lowered her head, giving a moment of reflection for her digesting friend. The jungle always won in the end. The feline was an immensely powerful predator as well, going by her apparent kill count. To beat Gavial and consume her in combat was no small feat. Tomimi would show respect to this predator, and only after the Time of Mourning would she bear thoughts about any sort of revenge. It just would not do to break tradition in this situation. …then again, she did shoot down Rhodes Island’s flying machine. …and start the Mahuizzota to make Gavial chief. And send her tribe to sneak-attack Zumama. Yes, perhaps since it was Gavial’s honor at stake, tradition and common decency could be forgotten for a little bit. Simply letting Gavial become some cat’s fat was not good at all. There would be no way she would stand to be so flabby and useless. Now a friend’s fat would be something she could accept, right? Even better, it was a friend with a thick tail! Tomimi was always jealous of Gavial’s thin tail, but the older girl always told her that thick was better. Would Gavial object to being defeated by a thick tail? Definitely not! Tomimi stood, it was decided. She stepped towards one of Blaze’s legs. Mentally preparing herself, she whispered a tribal war cry, “For Gavial!” Blaze’s legs hung off her substantial belly. Tomimi small hands gripped the ankles of the feline, pulling the feet up towards her as gently as she could. She didn’t want to wake the feline and ruin her avenging revenge before it even began. Tomimi stretched her mouth as wide as it would go, which was not much. She fit the feline’s first two toes in her mouth. Tomimi was not going to let that stop her. Pushing off her knees, putting all her diminutive body’s strength to work, she swallowed. One, two, three four five. Toe by toe Tomimi sucked in the girl’s feet. They were soft and well cared for, but calloused from work, like a hard candy from the traders. Slowly Tomimi had the start of each foot in her mouth, and with two hands gripping the heels, swallowed. She felt very full already. The feet stuck in her throat and the ankles were held by her lips. Tomimi began walking forwards on her legs. It was slightly painful; the angle of her swallowing was upwards, and it was stretching her lips. Tomimi was too afraid to touch the stomach, for fear of waking her prey. She began to regret those midnight snacks as she was forced to crouch, resting on her toes. Her heavy, thick legs were making the position extremely uncomfortable. Tomimi’s eyes leaked tears as inch by inch the feline’s legs were sucked inside, and she begun on the thighs. The knees were a brief respite, a sudden drop in thickness for her to catch her breath. The legs were another matter entirely. Heavy thighs slowly squishing between her lips. They were not fatty, but rather muscular and toned. She has the body of a warrior: had, Tomimi made herself think. She will not let Gavial be fat on some stranger. She deserves to go down a friend’s intestines, at least! Tomimi knew, in some sense, it was a losing battle. Perhaps it was the waxing hours or, maybe, the titanic stomach that dwarfed her body six times over. Tomimi was tiny. Her toes pushed on the blanket, but the diminutive archosaurs could barely reach the cusp of the Feline’s butt. Tomimi could feel Blaze’s feet curling inside her stomach, which, she felt, was not even sure what to do with them. Tomimi’s whole body was confused at the prospect of swallowing something so large. Tomimi could take it no longer, her hand slipped, and she pressed onto Blaze’s stomach. Tomimi’s eyes shut as she prepared for a scalding remark but heard nothing. No, rather what she felt was light squirming against her palm. It was weak and pitiful, but almost rhythmic. Someone was still alive! Determination grew within Tomimi. Gavial would not give up so easily, why should she? Tomimi slowly crept up the stomach. It was hard to find purchase as the round orb was too smooth. Tomimi’s sweaty palms slipped and slid, but she persisted, slowly climbing the great stomach. Her mouth stretched to accommodate its size, going first up Blaze’s back and slowly around the base. Her lips crept over its dissented girth, forcing it more and more into her gut. The orb was a frictionless mess, but Blaze herself was much easier to handle. Tomimi devoured the main body of the feline, including her massive soft breasts, before the entirety of the stomach was consumed. Over an hour later, sitting on a soft blanket, Tomimi downed the final gulp. Her panting gasps filled the clearing, alongside the loud rumbling of her stomach. “I… —pant— did it…” The tiny girl sat with her engorged belly resting between her splayed legs. Her hands rubbed at the marvelous orb. The taught, detailed bulge of the back of her prey sat just before her, twin breast bulges framing the head bulge. She stared at it, the titanic stomach she sprouted. Slowly, a small smile spread upon her lips. Her tail began to beat side to side, jigging her plump butt. “I did it… I did it!” Urp~ Tomimi laughed wildly at the small burp, “Thank you for the meal!” That is what Gavial said when she was served food, right? It was a lot of food; it made her giggle. The thought never crossed her mind of what it would be like had she actually eaten her quarry. The intense feeling of fullness filled her from head to toe. Her stomach felt gigantic, not just outside but inside. It rumbled, shaking Tomimi’s entire body and making her ticklish. Tomimi giggled involuntarily as she began to digest. She patted her full tummy; it seems it finally figured out what to do with its supply of meat. Tomimi was a practiced arts user, but she didn’t have any powers to help with this, only the determination of her own body. But that was enough. It was Gavial in her belly, and she deserved a good send off. She deserved a friend. Suddenly she felt a squirm. She looked down, and saw her prey’s body shift, then shift more. A sudden kick brought gas to her lips she let out in a cute burp. “Uuu, please stop struggling…” Her prey did not listen, and Tomimi felt a ticklish rumble in her skin. Her prey was trying to speak, but she could not hear them at all. Her stomach began to feel hot, but she knew it would just make her acids work harder. “It’s ok, Gavial,” Tomimi hummed, patting her belly lovingly. “I’ll be the big sister now.” So, she laid, watching the waterfall as the sun set, digesting her friend. ---^o o^--- Tomimi awoke the next morning feeling heavy. It was an odd feeling. A heavy weight on your person that seemed so natural yet alien at the same time. Laying down, she almost missed it, but she felt more than she was the day before. Tomimi yawned, a squeak escaping from her lips. She had fallen asleep on her arms, but they still sat on something fleshy. Slowly, she opened her tired eyes. The waterfall roared on, filling the clearing with its drowning noise. She clearly had digested her prey because that wonderful feeling of fullness was gone. She let out a sigh that made her body shift. She felt odd, like she was laying on herself, but it was not at all like the stomach from yesterday. Blinking, Tomimi looked down. Between her arms was flesh, clearly her own. Yet, strangely, there was a line through it. A gap, a split that divided it in two. It was strange, and she decided to poke down it. When nearly half her arm sunk inside, she was concerned there would be no bottom. What is this, she wondered? Bracing her knees below her, Tomimi attempted to sit up on her legs. The weight followed her and suddenly the sheer heft of her body seemed to fall onto her, and she fell back with a yelp. But Tomimi could not care; she found out what the line was. It was her breasts. She was always small chested, smaller than even some village children. Clearly no longer. They sagged on her torso, squishing her sternum. They were huge, heavy, and round, three or four times the size of her own head. Soft exploratory hands poked at their mass. They were soft but their shape solid. Fatty and squishy, her nipples had sunk into her areola, leaving them inverted. They were big and sensitive, and the soft touches left Tomimi red in the face. “Gavial… you made me so big…” The words escaped her lips in a soft moan. She rubbed her massive teats, squishing and squeezing them. Her arm slid off and travelled down. She could not see past her mass of boob, but finding her soft fluffy lips was a practiced motion. “Gavial…” The small clearing echo was broken by the sounds of pleasure. The small archosauria brought her massive breast to her lips. She kissed it; licking and sucking till a red spot appeared. She imagined it was Gavial, moaning the name as her fingers filled her folds. She knew her breasts were all that is left of Gavial, melted down by a friend so she wouldn’t be someone else’s fat. But she is now Tomimi’s fat. Her huge fat breasts. Her body shook and she buried her head in her boobs as an orgasm rocked her form, rippling pleasure coursing through her as she hugged what became of Gavial. A short while later, Tomimi sunk deeper into the cold waters of the pond. Familiar memories of bathing with Gavial in one of the few safe locations around their village turned subtly to lustful thoughts as she rubbed her breasts, though they did not linger. The unfortunate reality was her clothes were destroyed. They had been torn anyway, broken by her digestion. Her top had ripped, her underwear snapped, and most wouldn’t cover her body anymore. And what a body it was. Tomimi admired herself in the clear water, soaking lazily in the shallows. Her breasts were titanic orbs larger than her torso. Most of what she ate seemed to have gone straight to them, for once, instead of her tail. Surprisingly, that was the only thing that remained the same. Her already big butt had plumped, along with her thighs. She would have had the body of an hourglass if her breasts weren’t so massive. It was almost a dream come true, though not quite. The weight was hard to move with; she felt unbalanced, and her belly was now a little flabby with remains. Tomimi looked to a small rock overlooking a deeper part of the waters and smiled sadly. She had said her goodbyes. Gavial was buried, technically, at sea. Or maybe a lake. Lagoon? She was not sure. She had counted seven skulls, however. It explained her overblown assets. Still, it was a proper goodbye. The jungle would be satisfied, and this place was a beautiful place, a perfect memorial to the perfect person. But reality would come crashing down. The Mahuizzota for the Great Chief was still on, she had to go back to the tribes. However, she was completely and utterly naked. Her robes were mostly annihilated, and even at their best, could not hide most of her body. It drew a blush to Tomimi’s face; what if someone had seen her like this? She was completely indecent. She found clothes in the form of a massive bikini top, pale striped with a soft velvety black inlay. Tomimi, in a spot of genius, flipped it back around to show its black underside. It fit better with her clothes, of which she salvaged some of her hood and fabric to wrap around her waist. She thought, idly, she must have eaten the owner of boobs that big too. It’s too bad hers were larger; and the bikini strained against her bust, containing barely her nipples. Dressed, even if only slightly, Tomimi turned one last time to watch the waterfall. A small smile set upon her lips, momentarily. She expected some feelings of remorse, perhaps sadness. A hand strayed to the fat on her stomach, lightly squeezing it. Though Gavial was gone, part of her was still with her, right? Tomimi set off for the grand square; Zumama was meant to take chieftain without any competition, so she was curious as to what happened. Walking was an oddly new experience, her body had substantial bounce to it now. Leaves and sticks she would usually miss now rubbed against her. Her body jiggled and shook with every step. It was quite embarrassing, and Tomimi couldn’t prevent herself from scanning around for any onlookers. “Why do you have to be so big, Gavial…” The small Archosauria looked down at her bust with a scowl, poking it dejectedly. The sun danced through the canopy, covering her in a spatter of shadows. The thoughts brought a blush to her cheeks; why did Gavial have to become such a big pair of breasts? That is very mean of her… Tomimi shook her head, dispelling the warm tingly feelings ever so slightly. “No no, not the time.” After a considerable amount of time walking, and several pauses for rest, the huge temple slowly became visible through the underbrush. The crowd had gathered for the Mahuizzota, a huge mass of Archosauria doing this or that. Tomimi paused just behind the underbrush before the path. She straightened herself and did her best to adjust her clothes, wishing they covered her more. She remembered Gavial, her strength. In this situation, Gavial would not give up, so neither would she. Taking a deep breath, Tomimi stepped out. “Tomimi?” Suddenly, way too many eyes were on her. Archosauria from every tribe mingled and spoke, but all seemed to stop when she emerged. Slowly murmurs filled the crowd, but those with a view had looks of surprise and shock. Inam was there at the head; she looked completely baffled, gaping at her. “Tomimi, what… what happened to you?” “Er…” “Tomimi!” Tomimi blanched. The crowd parted as Zumama walked through. The tall pythia stared down Tomimi with an imposing face. If she was surprised by Tomimi’s appearance, she did not show it. “You beat Gavial.” “E-eh? I —” Tomimi stuttered, “h-how did you—” “These,” Zumama poked Tomimi in the breast. “O-oh.” What should she say? Tomimi’s eyes drifted to the crowd. They were looking at her expectantly, even Inam looked like she was waiting with bated breath. Whatever was left of her original plan was shambles; Gavial could never take the throne as Chieftain after being turned into breasts. The crowd was staring at her, expecting some sort of announcement. Zumama assumed she beat Gavial, ate her. Why? Because she was the last to see her? Tomimi had no plan, no idea of what to do. Gavial was out of the Mahuizzota, never able to become the Great Chief. Well... Technically she still would be on the throne... if Tomimi sat on it. Besides, it's not lying if you just omit the facts. “I ate her.” Tomimi said, quietly. Zumama raised an eyebrow, but it the crowd was confused. Did they not hear? Tomimi took a deep breath. “I fought and ate her!” There was a long silence, before Zumama shrugged. “Guess she wasn’t that tough after al—” Suddenly Peta’s head rose from the crowd, a fist in the air, “Tomimi beat Gavial! Tomimi for Chieftain!” “YEAAAAAAAAAAAA—” The crowd exploded into cheers, loud enough to make Tomimi step back from the noise. Inam, shrugging, clapped too. “H-hey wait! No! I challenge you for right as Chief—” Urk Tomimi’s lips bulged as Peta suddenly pushed Zumama forwards. Tomimi, gaping at the rousing applause she was receiving, in turn received a mouthful of pythia. Her eyes watered as her first and very short-lived rival was pushed down her throat by Peta, his force-feeding shoving her to the ground. She struggled against the size of her prey, the twin orbs of the pythia’s breasts bulged her throat and strained against her chest as they descended into her stomach. Her mouth was stretched by the girl’s hips as her clothes were once again ripped from her body, clattering to the ground in a mess of cloth and metal. Zumama’s legs were held together by Peta, who was steadily shoving them down Tomimi’s throat. Tomimi, in hope, looked to Inam for help. “Hey,” Inam shrugged, holding her hands up in surrender. “I’m not getting involved with this, this is between Peta and the Chieftain.” Tomimi felt betrayed. With a heavy swallow she downed her breakfast. Her chest heaved as she recoiled from its sudden and forceful injection into her stomach. “She has devoured her rival!” Peta shorted, and with a sudden pull he yanked her to her feet, raising her fist in the air. Tomimi’s head swam, and she covered her mouth as her cheeks bulged. “Tomimi the Devourer! Tomimi the Hungry! Tomimi the—” BUUURP! Tomimi panted in Peta’s grip, the sticky and wet top Zumama wore splattering to the ground. The crowd roared with excitement. They did not care the traditional battle between the tribes had been reduced to what amounted to an eating contest; it was exciting, and that is all that mattered. “Tomimi the Chieftain!” “Chieftain! Chieftain! Chieftain! Chieftain!”
Arknights – One Hot Day There is a single word that can be used to describe Sargon with any form of accuracy, and that is heat. Sargon is a contradiction split down the middle united only by heat. Heat is the enemy of the people, and it takes its toll willingly. To the west, a weary traveler will find no respite. From the Golden City to the edge, greedy Lord Ameer’s will guard their meagre territory with jealous eyes. Their soldiers are just as vicious to the people as the bands of mercenaries and murderers are. There is no shelter for you from the omnipresent sun. Any wells are surrounded by towns, and each is a spring of life sucked dry by the country’s continuously expanding borders. Food is what can be found; from burden-beast to the venomous things that crawl. Lucky merchants that find respite in a town are quickly engulfed by the black markets. Ameer pay with coin, but the black markets accept what can be given by the average Sargonian. Material items, made wares, food, drink, or their own bodies. If you are so unlucky to find yourself outside the walls and cities, the western deserts of Sargon will eat their fill. Caravans will meet their end through starvation, dehydration, or blood loss as its crew is gutted by rusty metal and hungry men. Sargon will consume the rest as Catastrophes boil the sand; melting, churning, and shattering the resulting glass. The dust storms fill their mass with the razor thin particles of fragmented glass and poisonous originium. In the night, ice will freeze any flesh exposed solid. Both are just ammunition, for when the great catastrophes roll through, they split and tear and snap. Bone is ground into dust, and sand is propelled at velocities of live ammunition. Heat claims all, the root of each death that feeds the great dunes of the West of Sargon. To the east, the great jungles of Acahualla spill like a grown tumor. The population chooses, willing with absolute conviction, to live outside the lush green expanse. Water flows through its great rivers and lakes, waterfalls feeding into great sounds or splitting through deltas and rapids, draining into the great crevices and canyons that split the land. Lush green jungle flows down the distant snow-peaked mountains, covering every surface it can touch. Stone spires rise from the earth, pulled from their depths by the catastrophes that ended the old originium mines. They now stand like the old ribs of a corpse. The tiacauh; arcosauria and pythia, that live inside are universally considered to be insane. No Lord Ameer will lay claim to the jungle-infested territory. Heat is absorbed by the jungle, feeding its malignant expansion. The few that live there do under the law of might makes right, for they must. Any lone wanderer will inevitably fall prey to the numerous monstrous things that lurk in its lush green hell or be consumed by the beasts that swim in its river’s darkest depths. Shadows hide the thing that crawl and stalk, murderous in their purpose. The jungle will take the bodies and subsume them. Everything is food for the jungle, even the living. The ever-present furnace of Sargon has led to two distinct peoples. In the west, caution and mistrust are ever present, but to the East in the jungles of Acahualla, the people take the smallest of pleasures. Anything, even death, is quite entertaining. A good fight or an all-out brawl distracts from the depressing reality of finding the bones of your sibling inside some creature you slaughtered for lunch. They clearly were not strong enough. Yes, Sargon is beset on all sides by heat. It feeds the terrible fates of both its ends, and all those within must learn to bear with its Machiavellian ways. Take for example, a small lizard. Scampering through the underbrush, dodging leaves, and trees. Its steps are carefully placed; measured as to not step on any of the traps laid by creatures larger and smaller than it. The dirt under its feet changes quickly to scorching sand. It is both a blessing and a curse. Without the mud and underbrush, those that skitter cannot dig their traps or lay in their nests. Yet with each step, the lizard must occasionally pause, raising two of its feet to cool off. Movement draws its eyes, and it pauses, raising its head to scan the area. Its vision is poor compared to other creatures, relying on its nose. It does not see the rock till it lands in the sand, blasting its colourful body with debris. The lizard quickly scampers off, running into the underbrush. “Did you hit it?” Utage asked. “Nah...” Croissant sighed and let her head fall between her arms. The action merely irritated her growing headache. She was not normally maliciously inclined towards some passing striped lizard, but she was feeling particularly irritable. Its body of vibrant yellows, reds, and pinks were both a foretelling of poison and a terrible eyesore. “Gosh darnit…” “Sad you missed?” “Naw, it’s just so damn hot! My head’s killing me…” "I just wish we didn’t have to wait here. So boooored…” “I can look for ‘nother lizard, iffin you like?” Croissant held up a rock, similar size to the one she had just thrown. “Gotta rock right here.” “I don’t want to chip a nail.” Croissant snorted, looking to her companion. “Ain’t that why you beat up them tribesmen?” “I’ll beat you too.” “At least it’ll be fun...” Utage didn’t laugh, but Croissant could tell through the girl’s pleased smirk that she was amused. Croissant doubted she had the energy to laugh, anyway. Either of them, being honest. The location that Gavial had brought them to was beautiful. A deceptively tall waterfall rumbled in the distance across a small pond. The water was perfectly clear, to the point she could see small crabs combing the bottom for detritus. Rocks bordered the lake, framing it, creating a closed oasis. The jungle surrounded them on all sides, a dense wall of greenery impenetrable even by heat. Even the path was obscured by the foliage; roughshod and clearly not used publicly. Its total encompassing growth turned the inside into a churning, boiling basin within the dense jungle. The people of this region of Sargon had enough water to go around, and Croissant knew that they would prefer to stick to the water they knew. For all she knew, some monster-thing could be lurking in the bottom, despite Gavial’s assurance it was empty. Even then, with its wide beach and secluded area, and laying on Utage’s soft blanket, it was a perfect vacation spot. If it wasn’t so bloody fucking hot. “Croissant? Hey, you awake?” “Eh, what? Whaddid ya say?” Croissant realized she had been staring and shook her head. The heat was making it hard to think. “I love a good nap but please don’t leave me alone here, you’re the only thing keeping me from snapping.” Utage smirked. She nodded her head in the rough direction of the opposite end of the beach. “Look at them.” Croissant, with more effort than it should have taken, propped herself up on her arms to peer over her friend, and— “Naw. Naaaaaw.” “Yep.” Utage nodded, popping the P. She leaned back on her arms to give Croissant a better view. “Naw! They started again!” “Actually, they never stopped.” Utage sighed. She plucked the string of her bikini, pulling it to wave off her chest. Croissant pretended to not notice, she didn’t want to be rude by staring at the interesting things going on there. “Fuck, I’m sweating to death and I’m under the shade. I feel so sticky, it’s unfair! How can they keep going and not die?” “Dunno about Blaze, but that Liberi girl looks like she’s about to.” The strange fighter Blaze had picked up along her way had stripped down to the barest essentials. Her tube top and shorts were seven shades darker than they should have been, completely caked in sweat as they were. She panted openly; hands raised as she jabbed at her opponent. Sweat caked down her body, and her mouth sagged open in heavy pants. Blaze, on the other hand, was bouncing on her toes, her violent kicks slinging hot sand. It made an interesting rain-like sound as it splattered across the leaves. She looked active, energized. If Croissant were a betting woman, she’d guess Blaze wasn’t fazed by the heat at all. Croissant felt a tingle in her chest watching the two hot and, on at least one side, sweaty girls fight and quietly laid back down, hoping Utage missed the pink tinge on her cheeks. “Hm hmm, who do you think will die first?” “I doubt—“ Croissant paused. “Nah, actually, yeah someone’s bound to die if Gavial’s friend don’t show up soon. An if one o’ us does…” Croissant gestured to a rock between them and the fight. A small shout from Gavial, annoyed by the sand, had the two brawlers shifting closer to the water. The medic and the Doctor sat under the shade of their own tree, atop a flat stone rock. Gavial, despite being native to the region, looked just as sweaty as the rest of them. Even the Doctor had dressed down to a black robe that blocked out the sun, shielding their sensitive pale skin. The two had not stopped talking for hours, and Gavial seemed fully engrossed by whatever the Doctor had been saying. It was strange to see her petting her own tail. “Don’t seem like they’ll notice.” “You know what the worst part is?” Utage suddenly asked. “Hmnh?” “We’re six girls at a beautiful beach in a jungle filled with strapping arcosauria, and not a single one of them is here. I am fucking horny and I hate it.” Croissant laughed awkwardly, “Pfft, what? You— You serious?” Utage pushed herself onto her hands and knees, flipping from laying on her back to almost hovering over Croissant. The forte girl’s eyes bulged at the sight of Utage’s heavy breasts straining her already taxed bikini top. “I dress like this and you’re asking if I’m being serious or not?” Utage’s outfit had consisted of a large thin summer overcoat, hat, bikini and shorts. Her top tried its best, but it could not be called modest with Utage’s bust bulging it out. In the sweltering heat, the girl had discarded the coat and dropped the heavy straw hat. Her shorts had been unbuttoned, and a similarly white-and-pale striped bikini bottom could be seen underneath. She was visibly sweaty and red in the face; her entire body appearing damp even as they relaxed under the shade of the trees. Croissant would be lying if she said she hadn’t noticed. The way Utage had dressed perfectly showed off what was appealing about her figure, which is why Croissant denied it completely. “Uh… I-I didn’t notice…” Croissant stuttered, toying with the rock in her hands. “Uh-huh.” Utage said slowly. “You’re on Texas’s team.” “What’s that got to do with—?” “You’re on the same team, as Texas.” Utage said slowly. “Texas.” “Ugh!” Croissant’s head hit the blanket below her, sweaty arms laid flat on the sand. “We ain’t just a bunch of lesbians, you know!” “I know,” Utage smirked. “You like both.” “I’ll smack you.” “My, how lewd.” Croissant responded by throwing the rock. It landed in the lake with a loud plop. “…Mosty ain’t into women…” “Eh? Really?” Utage asked, surprised. “But Exusiai…” “Is uber obsessed. The girl humours her, but eh…” “Daaaamn. I never knew.” Utage grinned, sweat dripping off her brow. A bead landed on Croissant’s arm, it felt cool. “Tasty drama~. Go on, tell me more?” Croissant raised her head, a clever remark on her lips, when something orange stumbled out of the jungle. “Eh? Hey is that… Kay?” Out from the bush came a shining dancing perro. Or, Croissant assumed it to be dancing. Somehow Ceobe had lost most of her clothes and was spinning in drunken circles and bounds in naught but a pair of booty shorts and a torn top. The girl was laughing and giggling, seemingly lost in her own world. The oddest feature was the countless white-blue flowers messily forcefully shoved in her clothes and hair. Croissant looked questioningly at Utage, who shrugged. They hadn’t seen their wayward companion for hours, not since they had first arrived to Gavial’s hidden lake. “What the heck…” “Is she high?” “Uh…” Croissant watched as Ceobe twirled a perfect pirouette, before suddenly stumbling and landing face first into the water. Croissant waited, but Ceobe did not get up. The bubbles that rose the surface suddenly stopped. Tension gripped her chest and her heart climbed into her throat as she sprung to her feet. “Dunno but she’s definitely drownin’!” Croissant couldn’t reach the prone perro before Gavial tore through the sand, sliding to a stop beside Ceobe, followed swiftly by Blaze. Croissant just arrived as Blaze was pulling their companion out of the water; barely three seconds had passed. “Help me lift her!” Croissant went to grab both legs but found a panting Utage grabbing hold of the other. Croissant was mentally counting the seconds as they moved swiftly up the beach and laid Ceobe down on Utage’s blanket. Gavial’s suddenly tail swung and struck her in her sternum, sending her to the sand with a cough as the air was forced from her lungs. Something tickled her nose, and she muffled a sneeze. Utage fell to her knees beside her, and only then did Croissant see the fog on the edges of her vision. She was panting heavily, wheezing slightly. Utage clung to her shoulder, Croissant nearly fell onto the sand from the girl’s weight. She coughed, swallowed, and snagged her nearby water bottle. Was it so hot, that such a small burst of action was enough to make her so tired? She drank heavily and offered the rest to Utage. A second passed before the girl let the canteen clatter into the sand. Something smelled off and her stomach felt weird, but she chalked it up to sweat and humidity; even the Doctor sounded like she was panting from the cost of moving under the unforgiving sun. A sharp cough made Croissant blink, realizing she had missed whatever Gavial was doing. The green haired girl knelt beside the perro, a hand to her forehead. Ceobe groaned, shifting in visible pain on the blanket, but looked alive, for the most part. “Stupid mushroom dog…” “Gavial,” the Doctor said. “Is Ceobe okay?” “She’s recovering from a high and has bad heat stroke, which is why she tried the direct method of cooling off.” Gavial fell back onto the sand, wiping the caked sweat from her brow. “If it was one or the other, meh, but she’s on both, so bad.” “How bad?” Utage asked. Croissant frowned down at Ceobe. She wasn’t serious when she was talking about one of them dying from this heat, and what the heck was with the flowers? “Eh. For an archosauria like me, it wouldn’t be much. But she’s a perro, they can’t cool off that well.” Gavial shrugged. “We need to find her somewhere outside the heat, before—Hey! Don’t touch those!” “Yowch! Will ya stop hittin’ me? I ain’t a punchin’ bag!” Croissant shook her hand, reeling from Gavial’s slap. She just wanted a closer look at the flowers, what was so bad about that? “What was that for?” “Do you want to touch a potentially poisonous plant? Do you know how many of those we have?” Gavial snatched Utage’s long coat from where it sat, ignoring the poor girl’s protests. “Doctor, mind helping?” “My coat…” “Friggin’ harmacist…” Croissant grumbled. Utage managed a shallow chuckle at Rhode Island’s nickname for their more violent medical staff. She suddenly sneezed, it was small and kind of adorable. Croissant laughed but suddenly got a whiff of that strange scent, making her sneeze as well. “Hey, is it really that hot for you guys?” Blaze asked as the two doctors cleaned the flowers from Ceobe. The elite operator had kept stoically silent, letting Gavial do her job. Croissant could see she was worried. The girl was breathing quickly, and digging a small trench in the sand with her pacing. Her eyes flicked briefly to Blaze’s shadow; the strange liberi girl. She was standing a few steps behind Blaze, and had covered her mouth for… some reason? Croissant thought, for a moment, the reason might be important, but she couldn’t figure out why. It was just getting hard to focus in the heat, it was like her brain was turning foggy. “Mhmmm…” Utage nodded. “Ya can’t feel it?” Croissant asked. Blaze had a similar amount of clothes on as the rest of them: a torn shirt and bikini bottoms. Now that Croissant looked closer, it did seem like Blaze was sweating, but it was nothing in comparison to the rest of them. “Nah, not really. It’s part of my powers.” Blaze shrugged. “Do feel kinda funny though…” “Achoo—!” Gavial suddenly sneezed the girl shook her head, waiving a hand before her face. “That’s done…” “Any idea what those flowers were?” Blaze asked. “Kemar seems kinda afraid of ‘em.” Croissant made an ‘ah’ noise, and Utage leaned over to whisper to her. “Oh that’s her name…” “I couldn’t remember neither.” “Kemar,” Gavial asked, then said something in rapid sargonian. Croissant had no idea what she said, but Kemar lifted her hands to speak, seemingly by mistake as she quickly slammed them back over her mouth and nose. The girl’s breath suddenly hitched, and she descended into a fit of sputtering coughs, her mouth now wide open. “Oh what are you coughing over.” Gavial rolled her eyes, her cheeks tinted a soft pink. “Cmon, we gotta find something to cool Ceobe off.” The perro in question was still laying on the blanket, an arm over her forehead. She groaned softly, her thighs rubbing together in discomfort. “Blaze is pretty cool.” Utage suggested, her smirk was accompanied by a faint blush. Croissant thought it looked cute. “Blaze isn’t an ice pack,” the Doctor giggled. “Nah, she’s a furnace!” “Actually,” Blaze raised her hand. A blush lined her cheeks, and her eyes looked dilated. “I just let out heat.” “That’s what a furnace does, dummy.” Croissant scowled up at the tall feline. “Er—“ Blaze paused, “N-no I mean I push heat out of my body—“ “I got it!” Gavial suddenly sprung to her feet, drawing the group’s attention. Even Kemar stood watching, though she swayed where she stood, her cheeks softly pink. “We’ll put her in Blaze.” “…in Blaze?” Croissant asked slowly. Everyone else looked as confused as she felt, except Blaze. The elite operator looked red as a tomato and stood ramrod straight. “You okay there, Gavial?” “E-eh!?” Blaze squeaked. “Ugh, don’t you guys know anything about felines?” Gavial threw her arms into the air. “They have litters.” “Uh…” Gavial’s palm hit her forehead. “Multiple kids…?” “H-hey wait—“ Blaze started to say. “Oh,” Croissant nodded slowly. “Aww.” Utage coo’d, still hanging off Croissant’s shoulder. “They sound like super moms!” “But… that’s not the same?” The Doctor asked. “They can reeeeeally stretch it.” “H-hey!” Blaze squeaked. “Don’t I get a say in this!?” “No!” Gavial shouted, stomping the ground with a bare foot. “You will shove her up there or I will make your next bloodwork painful!” “But—“ “Doctors orders, I’m conscripting you!” “I outrank you…” “Not anymore, Private Parts. Spread ‘em or I’ll tell Kal’tsit you endangered a patient!” “Oooh, so bossy…” Utage giggled. “I…” Blaze’s head fell into her hands. “I’m going to need some help…” And then, in moments, Croissant was bearing witness to something beautiful. Blaze lay on the blanket, her knees bent, and legs spread as wide as they could go, which was quite the significant distance. The girl’s hands gripped the blanket below her in a white-knuckle grip. If Blaze wasn’t sweating badly before, she was now. Ceobe lay head-first between her legs, stripped bare. Gavial was cradling the perro’s head and one shoulder, and the Doctor had the other side. Kemar was on her knees, staring intently. If it was possible, Croissant’s cheeks tinged darker than they had before. Utage hung off her shoulder, and there was no other way to put it: they both stared openly at Blaze’s pussy, laid bare for all to see. “She shaves…” Utage whispered. “Mmmhm…” Croissant nodded. “That’s hot…” “Yeah…” “Ready to be a mom, Blaze?” Gavial asked. “…y-yes.” “Oooh~” Utage moaned, one hand gripping her thigh. Blaze gasped loudly; as soon as Ceobe’s head touched her slit, her back arched and her mouth flew open. No noise came through, only painfully drawn-out squeaks. Croissant’s hands gripped her knees tightly, a bubbly heat rising in her chest. She watched as Ceobe’s head was slowly enveloped by Blaze. Croissant’s mouth fell open as Blaze’s squeaks turned to light chokes, and then her plush pussy lips sealed around Ceobe’s neck. Blaze’s back hit the blanket with a thud; her chest expanded rapidly as she panted for air, her face looked blue. Small, breathily moans and strained giggles escaped her lips, and her blue tail was curled tightly around her leg. “Wow….” “Keep…” Blaze gasped, “Keep going…” A bulge had formed in her abdomen, the perfect size of Ceobe’s head. Croissant’s eyes fixated on it, more than the perro’s toned, bare body or the voluptuous Utage hanging onto her. The soft, burning heat in her chest was spreading through her body and a bubbly warm sensation was growing between her legs. Croissant watched, intently, as the round bulged moved up. Blaze’s breaths turned more rapid, and Croissant felt her heart slamming in her chest in anticipation. “Here come the shoulders,” Gavial said softly. The medic’s eyes were locked to Blaze’s widening slit. “Can you take them?” Blaze’s loud moan was her only answer. Slowly Ceobe’s neck disappeared inside, and Blaze’s pussy lips now touched her collar. It looked like, for the briefest of seconds, that there was no logical way for her to fit inside. Her shoulder were too wide, and Blaze too small. But then she started widening, and her pelvis seemed to shift and Ceobe started fitting. Croissant felt a spark up her spine and Utage whispered “Oh fuck~” into her ear. Ceobe’s shoulders disappeared into Blaze. The feline’s eyes were filled with shining tears but her face was of pure pleasure, her heavy pants mixed with constant orgasmic moans. Blaze suddenly squealed and Ceobe was pulled deeper inside, the perro’s soft breasts now edging on the entrance to Blaze’s womb. The Doctor fell back onto the sand and Gavial let go; Blaze had complete hold of Ceobe, and it didn’t seem like she needed any help. Utage suddenly sighed. “Fffuck that looks…” “Yeah… Wh—h-hey, what’re you…?” Croissant’s ears burned as Utage pushed her mouth against her neck. The hot, heavy breaths tickled her skin, and Croissant squeaked loudly as soft lips sealed around her sensitive collar bone. “Sorry… it…” Utage gasped, kissing between each breath. Her warm pink eye never left the sight before them. “Looks… so good…” Utage suddenly yanked up Croissant’s hand. Warm, soft, and heavy. Croissant instinctively squeezed, drawing a moan from the Higashi girl suckling her neck. “S-stop…” “No…” “Ah…” Croissant’s hand pulled away, only to wrap around Utage’s deceptively small body, and sink again into the warmth of her breast. Her hand slid under the bikini and squeezed its supple tip. Utage sunk a hand into her shorts, the other gripping Croissant’s shoulder. The warmth of Utage’s arm along her back was more intense than the heat had ever been. Just one of the higashi girl’s huge breasts was heavy, and nearly as big as her own head. As Croissant’s hand found her own crotch, sinking into her wet folds, she watched Ceobe’s chest disappear into Blaze. “B-bet that feels amazin’…” “She’s so —fuck, don’t stop— fuck, she’s so lucky…” “S-she’s becomin’ a mom…” “No, I mean…” Utage gasped, shoving her head up and into Croissant’s short ginger hair, warm breaths tingling her ear. “…Kay.” Some part of Croissant’s brain rebelled against the idea, but as she squeezed her friend’s sensitive tit and drew out a pleasant moan, another told her it was a good one. “G-god you two, g-get a room…” Gavial panted, even as she was peeling off her black swimsuit. Blaze let out a loud moan as Ceobe’s hips reached her and began funneling inside. The Doctor had crawled up to Blaze’s side, and though Croissant couldn’t see her face, she could hear the sound of kissing. Kemar, Blaze’s poor hanger on, was suddenly the holder of Gavial’s swimsuit. Croissant found the sight funny. The girl clutched it close to her chest as the now naked medic hung off of Blaze’s leg. “I’ve… never seen it so close before…” “Heh,” Croissant giggled. “I think… ya broke her…” “Oh~” Utage suddenly squeaked. Croissant’s neck was suddenly free as Utage leaned onto her chest, left hand sliding into Croissant’s hair. “Her legs!” Gavial’s hand reached down, brushing along the soft blanket and up to Blaze’s pussy. The last of Ceobe’s knees slipped inside Blaze, and with a single finger, Gavial pushed on the perro’s dainty feet. “C’mon Blaze, you’re almost there~” Blaze giggled out a moan, and Ceobe’s legs were sucked inside. Gavial leaned down to kiss one of Ceobe’s toes, before they too were pulled inside. And then it was done. Blaze’s gasped out of the Doctor’s kiss. She reached one weak, shaky limb up, and Croissant was suddenly left cold as Utage sprung to grab it. Croissant quickly forgot about the feeling as Blaze was hauled upwards. Her legs came down and the huge round belly she heaved and shifted, and then settled onto the blanket. Blaze’s face was flush pink, her ears angled down to the sides. Croissant thought, for a moment, she was glowing. Her blue eyes twinkled, and a small soft smile held on her lips. Her hands slowly settled onto her massive belly, giving it a long and gentle rub. “I’m a mom…” “H-how’s it feel?” Gavial asked. “Amazing.” Blaze sighed, then she looked up. “Heh, you’re naked.” “So’re you…” Croissant said. “‘n you got… bigger…” Blaze looked down. Her top had been torn, both of the straps holding it to her shoulders had ripped to accommodate her breasts. They had grown, big and round with puffy nipples. Blaze laid a single hand on them, giving them a gentle push. They jiggled stop her huge stomach. “I guess this is okay.” “G-getting pregnant made your boobs bigger?” Utage asked. Croissant saw her lift her own breast. Utage was still larger, but the thought Blaze could get bigger made Croissant’s crotch tingle. She still had her hand in there… “Mm,” Blaze smiled, blinking slowly. “I guess a mommy needs milk, too, right?” “Blaze,” the Doctor said. “It’s like you’re glowing.” “Eheh, isn’t that what happens when you get pregnant?” She smiled, “I’m a mom.” “Hey, Blaze…” Utage asked. “Hmm?” “Do you think… you could fit one more?” Blaze looked up in surprise, as did the Doctor and Gavial. Slowly, Utage reached back and pulled on a string. Now lose, she pulled her bikini from her body and threw it some distance onto the beach. Croissant gasped softly as Utage held up her huge breasts, letting their soft flesh spill through her fingers, and said, “Don’t tell me these won’t feel good?” “I—“ “C’mon~” Utage smiled, pushing herself forwards till she rested on Blaze’s belly. Even from behind, Croissant could see how her breasts squished onto the surface. “If you want to, just take me. Not that complicated~” Blaze stood slowly; grains of sand stuck to her sweaty body. She stood on shaking legs, taking the Doctor’s hand in her own. Her body shook with visible pleasure, breasts quivering atop their perch on her stomach, moist and sweaty in the heat. One hand squeezed her engorged, milky breast and another reached below her round belly. Soft mewling moans came from her lips as she spread her pussy, leaking juices moistening the towel. Croissant was treated to the sight of that beautiful naked snatch dripping in anticipation as her friend crawled underneath. “I’m ready, mom—” Blaze suddenly fell, taking in Utage’s head, shoulders, and fat tits in one go. The girl’s words morphed into a pleasant moan, muffled from inside Blaze. Croissant’s fingers forced themselves deep inside her own moist soft lips as she gasped in surprise. The wet pop Utage’s breasts made as they slipped within Blaze’s pussy was a sound Croissant would not soon forget. Gavial let slip a sultry moan, her hand shakily reaching forward to rub Blaze’s belly. The soft sleeping body of Ceobe pressed against the walls of Blaze’s womb, showing to the outside world as a tight, detailed bulge. Utage’s legs kicked and squirmed, pushing herself deeper inside her future mother. Blaze grinded her hips, tongue lolling out of her mouth as Utage’s shapely butt entered her womb with a wet, sexy noise. The sound was more than enough for the weak Croissant. Her toes curled as the supple tension within her rose to its peak. Every bead of sweat on her skin tingled her to her core. Heat building inside her body flooded out in waves of twitching pleasure and her hand was squeezed tight by her own lower lips. As the last of Utage’s legs slipped within Blaze, and milk squirted from the tips of the feline’s expanding bust, she shuddered. The last sight Croissant saw before her eyes shut in twitching, burning waves was of Gavial latching onto Blaze’s breast, nursing greedily. A sudden sensation, like falling off a cliff, met by the equally sudden relief of release. Liquid juices squirted around her fingers as her back arched, a sound like white noise ringed in her ears. A small, gentle thought rose in Croissant’s mind, thinking that she must look silly with her tongue out and eyes fluttering shut. Croissant collapsed into a twitching, mewling mess. Every inch of her was caked in something sticky, either sweat or her own fluids. She barely felt a warmth crow around the crown of her head, over her shoulders and down her body. The soft pink haze that had descended over her mind was gone; the strange yet sweet smell that made her sneeze, absent. But what she woke to was but a wonderful dream. Surrounded by red, pulsing walls, hands caressing her body. Lips met hers in a kiss only seen in her dreams, then interrupted by the softness of a large chest. It was a dream Croissant could never think true, so it had to be fake. No way would a Higashi beauty like Utage let her nurse from her breast; nor would she feel the girl’s soft fingers in her folds or hear her pleasant moans. The soft moans of their new mother tickled her ears, along with the tingling warm the new thoughts gave her. Blaze spoke, but the words were muffled and inaudible. And yet Croissant could hear naught but the sweet tones of love and care. Blaze’s body shuddered, a sudden twitch as the room shifted. Croissant blinked slowly, watching as Gavial entered their new mother’s womb. Her hands covered her mouth, body flinching in rhythmic pulses deeper and deeper into Blaze. Suddenly, rising from her back, the Doctor emerged into their new home. As their hips emerged, the Doctor suddenly froze, pressing down onto Gavial. The green-haired girl twitched as her expression morphed into one of pure sexual enjoyment. As mommy Blaze took in the rest of their feet, the Doctor slid off the twitching archosauria. Dripping between the Doctor’s heavy breasts was a massive cock, pulsing its last few globs of cum. Utage let out a shuddering sigh, and Croissant felt the vigorous rubbing of her pussy speed up. The Doctor’s impressive bust rose and fell, but the blushing Forte could not take her eyes off the bobbing, dripping tip. Its impressive length swung as the Doctor rolled onto Gavial, who had begun eyeballing Utage’s moving fingers. As the Doctor’s throbbing member hovered closer to Croissant’s folds, Utage willingly split her fingers, giving unrestricted access. “I-it’s my first time…” Croissant stutter. “Don’t worry,” the Doctor moaned, swaying her breasts over Croissant’s head. “I’ll take care of you.” As Croissant felt something warm and right enter her body, she thought it might be time to reconsider her dating pool… And let her never forget this amazing dream. ---^o o^--- A small dune of sand shuddered under the late afternoon sun. The clearing had gone mostly silent, only the distant roar of the waterfall to be heard. A small lizard popped its head out from the grains. Its sharp orange eyes scanned the horizon before its colourful body slithered out. It dashed across the open dunes, following the strange rises and falls on the messy trails of some animals much larger than it. Occasionally it paused, lifting too legs to cool its feet from the burning grain. It did this thrice before reaching the tree line, where the soft dirt and cool shade provided it a chance to rest. This test lasted all of two seconds before a loud, indistinct wet noise had it scurrying further into the Jungle. Its tiny brain processed only the unknown noise as a form of danger. This mixed with its memory of previous dangers on the forest floor, so the colourful lizard spent an entirely inappropriate amount of time running in misshapen zigzags trying to find a place to rest. The spontaneous and entirely incidental discovery of a large grey rock provided the lizard a warm place to sunbathe and catch its breath. “Uhm…” Tomimi stared at the small lizard perched on her tail. It was not something she expected after tripping over a small root. Who would? Tomimi was simply glad no one was around to witness her fall. It was a rainbow-stripped burrowing lizard, a rare species. Tomimi was now faced with a dilemma. Shoo the lizard away, or wait for it to move on? It was rare to see this particular breed as they hid under the dunes or dirt. Peta might have suggested to eat it. Perhaps sensing Tomimi’s thoughts, the lizard decided it was a good time to move on. It dropped off her tail, onto her leg and off into the jungle. Slowly, Tomimi lowered her head into her arms. The small encounter had left her feeling drained. She was supposed to meet up with Gavial hours ago, but it felt as if countless incidents had piled up to distract her. It was bad enough that Zumama’s tribe was pushing against her own, forcing her to send her friends out to fight in order to hold them off for a while. It was an annoyance and an impediment to her own plans she did not need. Between dealing with Rhodes Island and Zumama, tripping over a root and having a lizard sit on your tail was a small, pointless annoyance Tomimi did not need. Huffing, she stood and marched swiftly through the brush, careful to not catch her tail on anything again. She was almost there; her plan was almost in motion. Tomimi knew the spot Gavial had wanted them to meet: it was a small oasis under a waterfalls flow. She and Gavial used to play there as kids. It was a dream come true spot to remind Gavial of why she would stay as chieftain. Who wouldn’t, after seeing the beauty of Sargon? Or the devotion and love from a friend? Tomimi stopped just outside the clearing. She breathed a deep sigh, straightening her posture. She set her staff into the crook of her arm and cleaned her outfit, brushing off the dirt and grime as best she could manage, removing any evidence of her fall. It wouldn’t do any good to worry Gavial now, would it? With a smile on her face, Tomimi stepped into the clearing. “Gavial!” Her smile slowly faded. Only the roar of the waterfall answered her, and the off smell of a pungent odor. It was a familiar one; the old smell of Lustweed. The pink haze hadn’t settled into her mind so the pollen must have fallen a while ago, she reasoned. So long as she did not get a face full, she would avoid the embarrassing consequences. It was confusing to Tomimi, however. What was Lustweed, a cave flower, doing in a clearing? Something rumbled loudly, nearly drowned by the waterfall’s noise. To her right, Tomimi recognized the large rock she and Gavial used to sleep on when they were younger. The beach’s sand was tossed and ruffled, as if bodies had been dragged and thrown through it. A fight had taken place here. “Gavial?” Crocodilian tail swishing, a glimpse of skin caught her eye, just peeking out above the rock. Curiously, Tomimi peaked around the corner, only to drop her staff and gasp. Laying above a large white blanket, a bloated Feline snored soundly. It was above and not on because the feline rested on her engorged belly. Tomimi vaguely recognized the feline as one of the Rhode Islanders Gavial had arrived with, Blaze or something. It was hard to tell as the feline’s face was buried in her gigantic breasts, engorged and leaking milk, Tomimi noticed. Clothes littered the surroundings of the feline, mostly under her, and she had something clutched in her hand. Tomimi needed to get closer. Creeping forward steadily, Tomimi could make our subtle shapes within the stomach. They almost looked like the outline of people, but there were far more than Tomimi could count. Not least of which because the bulges were very indistinct and subtle. If they were inside Blaze’s stomach… did that mean she ate them? The thought made Tomimi’s mind whir. Her toes sunk into the soft sand, inching her towards the snoring feline. The clothes were all but random articles to her, save for two. A black swimsuit sat tucked half underneath the feline’s stomach, and clutched within her hand, currently being chewed on, was Kemar’s shirt. Kemar was supposed to find Gavial, and that black bikini was the same kind Gavial had been wearing. Suddenly, Blaze let out a soft milky burp. Tomimi’s shoulders slumped. Gavial had been eaten by a feline. Big predators ate her people in the jungles regularly, but never had she seen it before her eyes. Usually whoever it was just disappeared till some bit of them, or their clothes, was found later. It was a sad cycle but one she was unfortunately familiar with. Tomimi rested on her knees and lowered her head, giving a moment of reflection for her digesting friend. The jungle always won in the end. The feline was an immensely powerful predator as well, going by her apparent kill count. To beat Gavial and consume her in combat was no small feat. Tomimi would show respect to this predator, and only after the Time of Mourning would she bear thoughts about any sort of revenge. It just would not do to break tradition in this situation. …then again, she did shoot down Rhodes Island’s flying machine. …and start the Mahuizzota to make Gavial chief. And send her tribe to sneak-attack Zumama. Yes, perhaps since it was Gavial’s honor at stake, tradition and common decency could be forgotten for a little bit. Simply letting Gavial become some cat’s fat was not good at all. There would be no way she would stand to be so flabby and useless. Now a friend’s fat would be something she could accept, right? Even better, it was a friend with a thick tail! Tomimi was always jealous of Gavial’s thin tail, but the older girl always told her that thick was better. Would Gavial object to being defeated by a thick tail? Definitely not! Tomimi stood, it was decided. She stepped towards one of Blaze’s legs. Mentally preparing herself, she whispered a tribal war cry, “For Gavial!” Blaze’s legs hung off her substantial belly. Tomimi small hands gripped the ankles of the feline, pulling the feet up towards her as gently as she could. She didn’t want to wake the feline and ruin her avenging revenge before it even began. Tomimi stretched her mouth as wide as it would go, which was not much. She fit the feline’s first two toes in her mouth. Tomimi was not going to let that stop her. Pushing off her knees, putting all her diminutive body’s strength to work, she swallowed. One, two, three four five. Toe by toe Tomimi sucked in the girl’s feet. They were soft and well cared for, but calloused from work, like a hard candy from the traders. Slowly Tomimi had the start of each foot in her mouth, and with two hands gripping the heels, swallowed. She felt very full already. The feet stuck in her throat and the ankles were held by her lips. Tomimi began walking forwards on her legs. It was slightly painful; the angle of her swallowing was upwards, and it was stretching her lips. Tomimi was too afraid to touch the stomach, for fear of waking her prey. She began to regret those midnight snacks as she was forced to crouch, resting on her toes. Her heavy, thick legs were making the position extremely uncomfortable. Tomimi’s eyes leaked tears as inch by inch the feline’s legs were sucked inside, and she begun on the thighs. The knees were a brief respite, a sudden drop in thickness for her to catch her breath. The legs were another matter entirely. Heavy thighs slowly squishing between her lips. They were not fatty, but rather muscular and toned. She has the body of a warrior: had, Tomimi made herself think. She will not let Gavial be fat on some stranger. She deserves to go down a friend’s intestines, at least! Tomimi knew, in some sense, it was a losing battle. Perhaps it was the waxing hours or, maybe, the titanic stomach that dwarfed her body six times over. Tomimi was tiny. Her toes pushed on the blanket, but the diminutive archosaurs could barely reach the cusp of the Feline’s butt. Tomimi could feel Blaze’s feet curling inside her stomach, which, she felt, was not even sure what to do with them. Tomimi’s whole body was confused at the prospect of swallowing something so large. Tomimi could take it no longer, her hand slipped, and she pressed onto Blaze’s stomach. Tomimi’s eyes shut as she prepared for a scalding remark but heard nothing. No, rather what she felt was light squirming against her palm. It was weak and pitiful, but almost rhythmic. Someone was still alive! Determination grew within Tomimi. Gavial would not give up so easily, why should she? Tomimi slowly crept up the stomach. It was hard to find purchase as the round orb was too smooth. Tomimi’s sweaty palms slipped and slid, but she persisted, slowly climbing the great stomach. Her mouth stretched to accommodate its size, going first up Blaze’s back and slowly around the base. Her lips crept over its dissented girth, forcing it more and more into her gut. The orb was a frictionless mess, but Blaze herself was much easier to handle. Tomimi devoured the main body of the feline, including her massive soft breasts, before the entirety of the stomach was consumed. Over an hour later, sitting on a soft blanket, Tomimi downed the final gulp. Her panting gasps filled the clearing, alongside the loud rumbling of her stomach. “I… —pant— did it…” The tiny girl sat with her engorged belly resting between her splayed legs. Her hands rubbed at the marvelous orb. The taught, detailed bulge of the back of her prey sat just before her, twin breast bulges framing the head bulge. She stared at it, the titanic stomach she sprouted. Slowly, a small smile spread upon her lips. Her tail began to beat side to side, jigging her plump butt. “I did it… I did it!” Urp~ Tomimi laughed wildly at the small burp, “Thank you for the meal!” That is what Gavial said when she was served food, right? It was a lot of food; it made her giggle. The thought never crossed her mind of what it would be like had she actually eaten her quarry. The intense feeling of fullness filled her from head to toe. Her stomach felt gigantic, not just outside but inside. It rumbled, shaking Tomimi’s entire body and making her ticklish. Tomimi giggled involuntarily as she began to digest. She patted her full tummy; it seems it finally figured out what to do with its supply of meat. Tomimi was a practiced arts user, but she didn’t have any powers to help with this, only the determination of her own body. But that was enough. It was Gavial in her belly, and she deserved a good send off. She deserved a friend. Suddenly she felt a squirm. She looked down, and saw her prey’s body shift, then shift more. A sudden kick brought gas to her lips she let out in a cute burp. “Uuu, please stop struggling…” Her prey did not listen, and Tomimi felt a ticklish rumble in her skin. Her prey was trying to speak, but she could not hear them at all. Her stomach began to feel hot, but she knew it would just make her acids work harder. “It’s ok, Gavial,” Tomimi hummed, patting her belly lovingly. “I’ll be the big sister now.” So, she laid, watching the waterfall as the sun set, digesting her friend. ---^o o^--- Tomimi awoke the next morning feeling heavy. It was an odd feeling. A heavy weight on your person that seemed so natural yet alien at the same time. Laying down, she almost missed it, but she felt more than she was the day before. Tomimi yawned, a squeak escaping from her lips. She had fallen asleep on her arms, but they still sat on something fleshy. Slowly, she opened her tired eyes. The waterfall roared on, filling the clearing with its drowning noise. She clearly had digested her prey because that wonderful feeling of fullness was gone. She let out a sigh that made her body shift. She felt odd, like she was laying on herself, but it was not at all like the stomach from yesterday. Blinking, Tomimi looked down. Between her arms was flesh, clearly her own. Yet, strangely, there was a line through it. A gap, a split that divided it in two. It was strange, and she decided to poke down it. When nearly half her arm sunk inside, she was concerned there would be no bottom. What is this, she wondered? Bracing her knees below her, Tomimi attempted to sit up on her legs. The weight followed her and suddenly the sheer heft of her body seemed to fall onto her, and she fell back with a yelp. But Tomimi could not care; she found out what the line was. It was her breasts. She was always small chested, smaller than even some village children. Clearly no longer. They sagged on her torso, squishing her sternum. They were huge, heavy, and round, three or four times the size of her own head. Soft exploratory hands poked at their mass. They were soft but their shape solid. Fatty and squishy, her nipples had sunk into her areola, leaving them inverted. They were big and sensitive, and the soft touches left Tomimi red in the face. “Gavial… you made me so big…” The words escaped her lips in a soft moan. She rubbed her massive teats, squishing and squeezing them. Her arm slid off and travelled down. She could not see past her mass of boob, but finding her soft fluffy lips was a practiced motion. “Gavial…” The small clearing echo was broken by the sounds of pleasure. The small archosauria brought her massive breast to her lips. She kissed it; licking and sucking till a red spot appeared. She imagined it was Gavial, moaning the name as her fingers filled her folds. She knew her breasts were all that is left of Gavial, melted down by a friend so she wouldn’t be someone else’s fat. But she is now Tomimi’s fat. Her huge fat breasts. Her body shook and she buried her head in her boobs as an orgasm rocked her form, rippling pleasure coursing through her as she hugged what became of Gavial. A short while later, Tomimi sunk deeper into the cold waters of the pond. Familiar memories of bathing with Gavial in one of the few safe locations around their village turned subtly to lustful thoughts as she rubbed her breasts, though they did not linger. The unfortunate reality was her clothes were destroyed. They had been torn anyway, broken by her digestion. Her top had ripped, her underwear snapped, and most wouldn’t cover her body anymore. And what a body it was. Tomimi admired herself in the clear water, soaking lazily in the shallows. Her breasts were titanic orbs larger than her torso. Most of what she ate seemed to have gone straight to them, for once, instead of her tail. Surprisingly, that was the only thing that remained the same. Her already big butt had plumped, along with her thighs. She would have had the body of an hourglass if her breasts weren’t so massive. It was almost a dream come true, though not quite. The weight was hard to move with; she felt unbalanced, and her belly was now a little flabby with remains. Tomimi looked to a small rock overlooking a deeper part of the waters and smiled sadly. She had said her goodbyes. Gavial was buried, technically, at sea. Or maybe a lake. Lagoon? She was not sure. She had counted seven skulls, however. It explained her overblown assets. Still, it was a proper goodbye. The jungle would be satisfied, and this place was a beautiful place, a perfect memorial to the perfect person. But reality would come crashing down. The Mahuizzota for the Great Chief was still on, she had to go back to the tribes. However, she was completely and utterly naked. Her robes were mostly annihilated, and even at their best, could not hide most of her body. It drew a blush to Tomimi’s face; what if someone had seen her like this? She was completely indecent. She found clothes in the form of a massive bikini top, pale striped with a soft velvety black inlay. Tomimi, in a spot of genius, flipped it back around to show its black underside. It fit better with her clothes, of which she salvaged some of her hood and fabric to wrap around her waist. She thought, idly, she must have eaten the owner of boobs that big too. It’s too bad hers were larger; and the bikini strained against her bust, containing barely her nipples. Dressed, even if only slightly, Tomimi turned one last time to watch the waterfall. A small smile set upon her lips, momentarily. She expected some feelings of remorse, perhaps sadness. A hand strayed to the fat on her stomach, lightly squeezing it. Though Gavial was gone, part of her was still with her, right? Tomimi set off for the grand square; Zumama was meant to take chieftain without any competition, so she was curious as to what happened. Walking was an oddly new experience, her body had substantial bounce to it now. Leaves and sticks she would usually miss now rubbed against her. Her body jiggled and shook with every step. It was quite embarrassing, and Tomimi couldn’t prevent herself from scanning around for any onlookers. “Why do you have to be so big, Gavial…” The small Archosauria looked down at her bust with a scowl, poking it dejectedly. The sun danced through the canopy, covering her in a spatter of shadows. The thoughts brought a blush to her cheeks; why did Gavial have to become such a big pair of breasts? That is very mean of her… Tomimi shook her head, dispelling the warm tingly feelings ever so slightly. “No no, not the time.” After a considerable amount of time walking, and several pauses for rest, the huge temple slowly became visible through the underbrush. The crowd had gathered for the Mahuizzota, a huge mass of Archosauria doing this or that. Tomimi paused just behind the underbrush before the path. She straightened herself and did her best to adjust her clothes, wishing they covered her more. She remembered Gavial, her strength. In this situation, Gavial would not give up, so neither would she. Taking a deep breath, Tomimi stepped out. “Tomimi?” Suddenly, way too many eyes were on her. Archosauria from every tribe mingled and spoke, but all seemed to stop when she emerged. Slowly murmurs filled the crowd, but those with a view had looks of surprise and shock. Inam was there at the head; she looked completely baffled, gaping at her. “Tomimi, what… what happened to you?” “Er…” “Tomimi!” She recognized that voice, a male Archosauria. “Peta!” Peta stepped out of the crowd. He had a wide grin on his reptilian face, and was cleaning white cloth out of his teeth with a familiar axe. Tomimi’s smile dropped when she saw his bulging struggling abdomen. Within was the tightly packed form of Zumama, breasts making huge twin bulges from his gut. Her face bulged; mouth open in a silent yell for help. It squirmed slightly, but she looked so packed in that it was impossible for her to move. “E-eh? You ate her!?” “Yes! We won, like you said!” Peta nodded, obviously immensely proud of himself. “H-how!?” “We fought, only I was left. I challenged her to a fight for chieftain. But then! A talking machine came! She had accepted duel but went off to play with machine!” Peta pointed to the rocks behind him, where a strange white machine sat. “Tried to get her attention. Did not work. So attacked and ate her.” “O-oh.” “Where Gavial?” “I…” Tomimi blushed, spooking down at her titanic breasts. What should she tell them, she wondered? She looked up at the crowd from under her hood. They were all staring at her expectantly. Inam was silent, but she leaned forward to listen. Even Peta was grinning eagerly, with one hand on the bulge of Zumama’s breast. Tomimi took a deep breath, and decided a little omission of the facts was in order. “I… fought and ate her.” There was a pause, then with a sudden explosion of noise the crowd erupted in cheers and yells. “You stronger than Gavial!” “Mm…” Tomimi hummed, bouncing her fat breasts in her tiny hands with a small smile. “I suppose I am.” Inam came forwards; she was smiling widely. Her hand came down on Tomimi’s shoulder, “I support you for Chieftain.” “C-chieftain!?” The crowd applauded and yelled their support; “Chieftain! Chieftain! Chieftain! Chieftain!” “B-but… I-I…” Tomimi blushed heavily, looking around in shock. They were all cheering for her. For her! “I’m… Chieftain?” The crowd erupted in cheers. Inam shrugged, “If no one wants to challenge you, yeah. I wouldn’t, I’m not gunna fight the girl that beat Gavial.” Tomimi’s mouth curled in a small smile. Who was left to challenge her? Only Zumama was left in the original running’s. Her eyes settled immediately on Peta, and his squirming meal. “Peta… do you want to fight me for Chieftain?” “Yes!” “E-eh—?” Ompf Ulp Slurp Gulp “Buuuuuuuuurrrrp~” Inam watched with shock as Tomimi was devoured impossibly quickly. The archosauria’s maw snapped over Tomimi’s head and shoulders. With powerful muscles, Peta threw back his head and let Gravity feed the girl to him. Her titanic tits squished as milky meat down his tight throat; massive bulges descending into his abdomen. Her wide plump butt followed suit and his maw sealed around her notoriously fat tail. He slurped it, devouring the powerful, Gavial-digesting girl into his belly. She curled up beside Zumama, her fat tits making huge two huge bulges with the rest of her body making a third. Peta smacked the outline of her milky breast, letting out a massive rippling belch of a satisfied predator. “Ate you now!” Peta smirked. “Confident because you ate Gavial, but you just fat! Your boob now my food! Peta chieftain!” And the crowd cheered. They didn’t care that Tomimi was reduced to a second busty meal for a formerly low-ranking warrior, it was just how life in Sargon went. Peta eagerly grabbed the tits of both of his meals, shaking them in his belly. “Gavial made you too fat, you too slow to react! Burp!” A bikini top landed in his teeth, but he did not seem to care. Inam was so surprised, staring at the bulging face of a panicking Tomimi, she missed the new Chieftain’s first order: “Chieftain say; females delicious! Eat all females of other tribes! Feed me females!” And then Inam was stripped of her clothes, and jaws defended over her head. With powerful swallows she was packed away with Tomimi and Zumama in a stifling gut. The last image Lancet-2 would stream would be the sight of Peta with a titanic belly, swallowing the struggling females of other clans being fat to him by members of his own tribe, who also had dissented bellies. Zumama and Tomimi, and with them the rest of the Rhodes Island crew, had melted to fat long ago in the new and hungry Chieftain. Watching the stream on the other end, Amiya panted, covered in her own bodily fluids. She was suddenly very glad for the record button.
 Darkness. No light, no sound. The Pharaoh had been asleep for over 2000 years after her humongous meal, thrown in a coffin after her people exiled her for her monstrous appearance. She laid dormant inside a long tomb, which was currently being transported on the highway, en route to a modern museum, where she would be displayed to be ogled for eternity. The 16-wheeler transporting her, however, was not entirely secured-- the door on the back wasn’t latched. The road to the museum crossed through the outskirts of a large city. It was full of bumps, leading to an unsteady ride for the driver and the coffin’s passenger. One particularly sharp turn caused the truck’s back door to swing open, and the unsecured coffin slid out of the back, careening onto the sidewalk with a loud thunk. It tumbled into a ditch, where it laid undisturbed. Only a few moments later, a group of children peeked out from behind some bushes at whatever the ruckus was all about. They were all clad in rags, with dirty skin marked with scratches and bruises. The coffin was face-up at the bottom of the valley, which they slid down to inspect the artifact. “What ‘you think it is?” A young girl clad in a leather jacket and beanie read the ancient glyphs on the outside. “Bet it’s some dead person. I don’t think we should open it..” A younger girl in equally thick clothing seemed to be a bit more cautious, standing back and observing from behind. “Hey, what are y’all doing out here?” A bearded man appeared at the apex of the ditch, scaling the descent as best he could. “We heard somethin’, Jim! It’s like one of those movie props.” The girl pointed to the obvious. Jim pulled his wool hat over his ears to brave the cold. “We should be spendin’ our time on.. more important affairs. Like how we’re gonna figure all this out. C’mon, children. And don’t go openin’ that thing now, you hear me, Elise?” The young ones obliged, heading back to the hideout as the sun set, enshrouding the land in darkness. Later that night, as the moon shone overhead, Elise returned to the scene, munching on a stick of sourdough. She made sure to wear gloves, as the bitter cold did a number on her muscles. Looking up both ahead and behind, she made sure nobody was watching. Unhinging the latches on the opening side, the girl mustered all the strength she could to lift the stone lid, a difficult task in such weather. Once it was at its peak, she let it drop, and it crashed against the grass floor beneath. The contents were hideous-- a shriveled corpse, dead-brown skin but still adorned with opulent attire, and decently preserved with no exposed bones. One could mistake them for a recently deceased elder. Somehow, upon closer inspection, they seemed to be smoking-- burning, even. The rays of the moon themselves became visible as they charred the skin of the corpse, shedding the crusty outer layer and revealing a smooth, shiny undertone. The outer layer fell off like a snake’s skin, and the true form of the one within became known. A glorious tan complexion, complemented by beautiful features and a bountiful set of plushy breasts. Her entire body seemed to radiate warmth as it glistened in the light and vapor. Elise was stunned. Did I accidentally bring her back to life..?! She pulled down on her beanie, and before she could bolt out of there, a growling sound made itself heard, coming from inside of the tomb. After a brief moment, the woman inside stood up, before falling over the side of the coffin, exhausted. Her face dug into the cold dirt, her ass in the air. Elise approached once again, and was in awe at what she saw. The woman’s rear seemed to be covered in serpentine scales. Instead of legs, she had the tail of a snake, extending and filling out the rest of the coffin while her torso laid on the dirt. Although Elise was still somewhat afraid, she couldn’t help but pity the creature-- she seemed hungrier, much more than the girl was. She offered her the loaf of bread from her own hands, but the woman was unresponsive even to the scent of food. Closer inspection showed she was still breathing, but she was in bad shape. Her clothing barely covered her privates, her body frail and ill-equipped to fight the cold. Guilty that she could starve or die from the temperature, the leather-clad girl hoisted as much of her as he could on her shoulder, and did her best to drag her back to the campsite. Making her way back to the campsite, Elise tried to keep the woman close to her as she trudged through the thick snow, following the sound of people. The snake lady was breathing down her neck, her lips touching the skin with a bit of slobber running down, and Elise’s hands were full, forcing her to tough it out. The lady’s curly hair was incredibly long, down to her hips and right in the girl’s face. The worst came from the woman’s breasts-- so engorged that, even packed away under her arms, they made themselves known and pushed up against the girl’s body. Although Elise was clearly annoyed by just how much of this woman there was to carry, she felt a bit relieved doing a good deed. Though, she wondered if she was really doing the right thing, thinking of the possibility that the woman was locked up for a good reason. Turning the corner around a tall abandoned building, she set the snake down on a barstool next to a campfire, propping her up on her shoulder. The fireplace emitted a lovely warmth, rejuvenating the woman just enough for her eyes to open. Only barely able to see, she couldn’t even crane her head. Her body felt incredibly heavy, and there were too many bright lights and loud noises. The only words that left her mouth were just “..put me back..”, the only sane words in a series of gibberish garbles. The snake’s tummy groaned, starved of a meal for centuries, and Elise seemed a bit torn. She hadn’t eaten much herself, not like she was in a position to easily get more food, but the woman beside her sounded quite famished, a chorus of groans emanating from her flat belly. The girl did her best to break off a sizeable chunk of the hard bread, and with some difficulty, inserted the morsel between the woman’s lips, avoiding the dribble coming down. “Elise, get back!” Jim yelled, causing Elise to jump out of her seat and quickly jump back, letting the snake slump over Elise’s barstool. Jim held a pistol, hands shaking, finger on the trigger. “Wh-what’s wrong?!” Elise shouted from behind the snake. “Those things are supposed to be all sexy-like, so they can suck your blood in your sleep, it’s why they’re called a succubus!” “Well, you’re at least partially right..” “Come over here, sweetie. I want you to go inside and cover your ears for me.” “Wait a minute, dad! I saw something weird happen earlier!” Elise had a hint of hope in her voice. “When I opened it--” Jim looked down at her, saying nothing. There was a brief moment of silence. “..You see that thing over there, Elise?” The girl nodded, knowing she had directly disobeyed him and that she had to face the music. “That there’s a liability. Snakes eat. They eat a lot, and they die in the cold. I can’t provide it food, none of us can. Can you?” Silence. “But I can take it out of the cold.” He gestured her back into the tent with his gun, then went back to aiming. She felt she had no choice but to comply, at a loss on how she could convince him to keep her. She tried to keep a stable form as she crawled back into the tent, covering her ears and stifling her sobs. A gunshot was heard, followed by a howling scream. But it wasn’t a woman’s, it was Jim’s. Woken by the loud sound, Elise’s younger sibling joined her to see what had happened. The snake girl was alive and conscious, tending to a large dent in her scaly backside, while Jim was in intense agony from a gunshot wound, his right calf staining his torn jeans with blood, quickly. “Get help, Elise.. Please!” He cried out between moans of pain. Elise came back with a roll of gauze. “The convenience store had some, here!” She rolled up Jim’s jeans and applied the bandage. The snake, intrigued by a vague sense of familiarity, approached the man as he tried to deal with his wound. The gauze seemed to look a lot like the cloth bandages used for the dead in her time. “Get out, demon!” Jim shouted, gun still in hand. He fired off another shot into the sky, startling everyone else. Elise made eye contact, worried about how she might fare, but the snake slithered off into the forest, away from the loud noise. Elise ran off after her, knowing Jim wasn’t in any position to chase her. “Goddammit, Elise! What the hell!” He tightened his gauze, and leaned his head back, sighing. “I bet that snake turned her into a lesbian or something.” Jim complained to Elise’s younger sibling, who lacked the concept of sexuality in the first place, but nodded like she understood anyways. Elise found the snake girl trying to feast on a large vulture with a gunshot wound in its body. She ripped and tore the feathers off, sinking her fangs into the raw flesh in a spatter of blood. The snake girl noticed Elise as well. “Young girl. I.. was it you?” Elise pointed at herself in confusion. “Was it you who brought me back from the dead?” Elise nodded, understanding. A brief silence on her part, followed by tears. “Thank you, but..” she wiped them from her face. “..I don’t know where I am, who I am.. I’ve forgotten.. Everything.”
A shaft of light slipped through the curtain, stretching across the room to glance over Pretzel’s face, rousing him from slumber. The meerkat groaning as he sat up before stretching his arms up in the air. “Ugh, morning already? I don’t feel like I’ve slept a wink…” He would complain as the meerkat climbed out of bed then strolled into the bathroom, flicking the light on. The brown and tan meerkat turned the water on and picked up his toothpaste, staring at his reflection in the mirror while brushing his teeth. He had partied hard last night with his friend Tristan despite knowing he’d have to go work the next day, Pretzel’s job was a stressful one for he worked as a guard protecting hunters and gathers who venture out into the world, traveling the land for days if not weeks at a time to gather food. An hour later Pretzel stepped out the front door of the apartment building he lived in, waving at the paper boy as he left for work. The meerkat slated for a long shift, a dangerous one at that given it was a venture to the jungle south of the city. “Why did I have to get picked for this? Almost no one comes back from these expeditions and most of those are half mad.” He complained to himself after rounding a corner, making his way to the nearest barracks in the city. Looking around he’d take in the sights he knew well, the precious city made of bleached stone that had weathered countless years. The majority its citizens ignorant of the dangers beyond the wall which encircled the massive city, protecting them from the giant monsters that lived beyond, but when you’re a meerkat almost everything is bigger then you. “Huh, we’re so low on the food chain we might as well be underground.” Pretzel thought as he was joined by a few meerkat clad in what passed as armor for their kind, a chest plate shoulder guards and helmet. Some hew knew others were transfers from other districts seeing a recent hyena attack had robbed the city of some fine soldiers last week which had left his districts barracks short-handed. Meanwhile at an outpost on the eastern boarder sentries would find their worst nightmares coming true as the gate splintered and cracked with awful sounds. The sinister chuckle of their most notorious predator fills their ears. “What a pitiful state this place is in, when’s the last time you tasty critters bothered to repair anything?” said the gruff voice of the male hyena. Planks of wood snap and bend inward, revealing horrible glimpses of their doom. “Brace the gate!” called one of the guards as he rushed to jab his spear through a gap in the wood, only to hear the morbid snap of his spear missing the mark and being bitten in half as a result. Pulling back the ruined end as his comrades brought anything they could find to bar the hyena’s way. Naturally there were those who dared to run up onto the wall with their spears in hand to attack the carnivore, but they are met with horror as the cackling of three more hyenas fill the air. Those who didn’t reel back as a paw swiped at the out stuck spears found themselves tumbling over the wrong side of the wall. The sounds of screams from those unfortunate meerkats became muffled as the new threats snapped the guards up in their jaws, glurks silencing their pleas for help as they were consumed whole. The gate began creaking harder as one of the trio joined the first in bashing on it. “It’s always funny when they wiggle the whole way down, as if it will make a difference.” Laughed a female voice; followed by a witty retort by her companion. “Hopefully they got some cheese in there to go with all this whining!” The sentries listened to the horrific sounds as they became frantic, some panicking as the door splintered further. “We’re doomed!” Cried one as he dropped his spear and made for the watch tower. Being joined by several others as their captain bellowed at them, threatening even as his most loyal gathered around. “Ha ha, look at them scramble!” Said one of the male hyenas as he gazed in through a split section of the gate, the other ramming his shoulder against the wood making the hinges give slightly. The captain of the outpost stood fast but in his mind he questioned why all his requests for supplies to repair the outpost had gone unanswered, had these beast eaten the carriers or perhaps the colony didn’t think it was worth the effort? Finally the gate gave way, falling inward as dust rolled into the yard. The hyenas pouring in as their silhouettes shown through the dust, what few guards that remained to fight bared their arms, landing a few glancing blows as they battled their natural predators. The screams of comrades being snapped up or tossed into the air to be eaten whole mixed with the sound of snapping wood and blade glancing across fur. When the dust settled only the cowards held up in the tower remained, quivering in their meek hiding place, certainly no hope remained as they heard the four hyenas laugh and trample anything that got in their way. “I’m sure I saw some go in there.” Said the hyena whom had first assaulted the gate. “I Hope so, because I’m hungry!” Said the female. Shadows fell through one of the windows before a paw reached in, those in danger of its reach fussed and fought one another to get away, the slowest gasping and digging his fingers into the floor as he felt the beast’s paw grip his tail and began dragging him back. “Somebody help me!” the meerkat screamed before he vanished from view. “See I told you.” Said the first hyena, the silhouettes of the hyenas cast on the far wall as the sentries watched it the shadows in fear as their comrade dangled by his tail over the hyena’s maw and was being lowered in. “Hay gimme that!” said one of the other males, swinging his paw to snatch the meerkat away then turned to lick his lips. “You already ate several of the guards Kazba this one’s mine!” he stated before the female laughed and grabbed the meerkat by the head, pulling him free to hold by her maw. “Oh shut up banzai he’s mine!” closing her eyes then hanging her tongue out Shenzi tries to eat the unlucky meerkat while the inane babble of the last hyena filled the air as he tried to take it from her only to be blocked by her outstretched paw. The meerkat cowered in the useless tower, a paw coming in, patting at the floor as it felt around for another victim, advancing further and further in causing them to retreat to any place that seemed safe. “Mmmm smells like there’s a good few in here!” Kazba laughed, grabbing a meerkat that had failed to back away in time by the leg and haul him out. Throwing his arms up to shield his eyes form the sunlight and the monsters that were upon him the meerkat yelped as he watched the outstretched hand of his friend get sucked into Shenzi’s mouth, her cheek bulging with his figure as she toyed with her food. Teeth gnashing around the meerkat to make him think those vicious teeth would be his end. The awful sound of the meerkat’s muffled screams and cries for help faded as she gulped, sending a nice bulge rolling down the hyena’s neck before Shenzi stroked her gut. “Ah I do love the wiggle~” she praised while Ed and banzai move on the tower, the meerkat in Kazba’s grasp flailing as he was dangled inches from carnivores maw begging to be spared. “Please don’t eat me!” he whined, the hyena smirking as he ignored the meerkat and gave him the same treatment he’d just seen his comrade suffer before the meerkat guard join those Kazba had eaten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pretzel grunts as he popped his neck, having just finished donning his armor. The chatter of the other guards floating around the room as he closed his locker. “So you going to Kevan’s party tonight?” One of the guards asked the other as they strolled by, Unlike the brown meerkat they had been relieved for the day from wall duty. He’d just roll his eyes, turning to leave before he’d yelp and jump after feeling a sharp pinch to his behind. “Ack Tristan!” He yelled after turning to see the notoriously naughty meerkat standing behind him. “He he hi Pretzel, heading out soon?” Tristan asked as he leaned on a lock while smiling. Pretzel sighed and rolled his eyes. “Yes as I told you last night I’ve got to guard a caravan heading south. I’ll probably be gone about a week.” He’d say as they’d walk out of the armory after Pretzel had been given his spear. As they left the barracks Tristan would ooph as a rather terrified looking sentry bumped pas this shoulder, twisting and shivering as he went inside. “Yeah he’s from the northern outpost, they said he’s the only one who escaped, apparently some hyenas managed to break through a week wall.” Pretzel would say after a sigh, reports had been coming in about increased hyena sightings around outlined villages, towns and training camps in the northern reaches. “Come to think of it, won’t you be out of town by the time I get back?” Pretzel asked as they resumed moving down the sidewalk towards a southern gate to join up with the caravan he’d be guarding. “Yeah, probably be gone for just a few days.” He said with a cute smirk. Shaking his head Pretzel would keep his spear pointed up past his shoulder as they stopped at a cross walk while a group of meerkats walked by. “Sure would love to know where it is you slip off to...” He remarked, Tristan was about to say something when the shaft of another spear whacked the brown meerkat over the head, causing Pretzel to ack and rub his head after ducking to look back. “Pretzel you forgot your knife, agaiiiin…” Said a slightly dark colored female meerkat. “Honestly, how is you survived this long is a wonder with how much you forget even a simple knife.” She would add. With a grimness Pretzel swiped his dagger from her and slid it into his belt. “Oh ha ha, forgive me for surviving!” With a Half hearted wave he’d turn and walk away, Tristan hesitating a moment before he’d catch up to his friend. The rest of the walk to the south gate would be uneventful, the two just chatting to pass the time until they arrived at their destination. Pretzel would leave Tristan to check in with the one whom would be his commanding officer on this venture then met his friend by an archway. “Well I guess this is it, I’ll see you in about a week.” He said before they shook hands and he turned to leave. With a sly smile Tristan grabbed Pretzel by the shoulder and pulled him back, the brown meerkat going wide eyed as his lips met Tristan’s and the meerkat’s hand fell over his rear. Mmmphing as he was held in it for a moment, a few of his comrade could be heard chuckling behind them as one elbowed the other and made a curt remark. Blushing softly Pretzel seemed unsure how to react, he’d known this side of Tristan for a for a while bet never expected the meerkat to make such a move in public since he always thought of him as a friend. “Well uh yeah heh heh See you around you silly fool.” He said as he went to join his fellow guards, Tristan smirking with arms folded over his chest and shaking his head. That night, several hours after the sun had set. The Sentry would open his eyes, hearing a soft snoring outside as he poked his nose out of a trunk that was pressed against the wall. His mind racing as he crept out of hiding and slipped over to the window, peeking out slowly he’d see the four hyenas sprawled out in the courtyard. He wanted to just crawl back into his hiding place and wait it out, but the sentry knew that would only be his own doom, they’d surely find him if he stayed here. With a silent groan he’d creep around inside the tower, putting together a small bag of supply, or at least what was left that might be useful without weighing him down. Stepping outside the sentry would look around, seeing Ed on his back drooling with his tongue hanging out and one leg kicking softly. Banzai was snoring softly as he crept past. It felt as if the sentry were walking on egg shells, every step had to be taken with care to avoid stepping on a paw, tail or piece of discarded food from their raided store house. The only light was that of the fire set in the middle of the four beast which they had lit to enjoy the warmth while they slept off their feast. The soft gurgle of a belly drew his gaze to Kazba’s gut as the sentry was squeezing past the hyena’s nose and Shenzi’s butt. “Sorry guys, it’s too late for you but I gotta get out of here.” He thought to himself as he moved back from the carnivore and glanced around seeing they were still completely out like a light, the meerkat slowly crouched and looked down to grab the end of a stick in the fire and carefully pull it out. Standing back up the sentry froze as he looked at Shenzi, her eyes open with a smirk drawing slowly across her muzzle, baring those sharp teeth to the meerkat, he’d been caught. Time seemed to stop as he gazed at the hyena, his heart racing as if it would burst out of the chest. He didn’t want to but he dared to glance left then right, seeing only the busted down gate as his means of escape, there was no going back to the tower, only death at least running gave him a chance right? After what felt like forever the sentry bolts past the fire, torch in hand as Shenzi reeled after him, snapping her jaws at the meerkat’s tail before scrambling to her feet, barking at the fleeing meerkat which woke the other hyenas. “Oh no no no no no NO!” The sentry thought to himself as he heard the evil laughter behind him as the hyenas stormed out of the outpost. Sprinting down the hill along the jagged rocky path into the black abyss of night, he should have thrown his torch away but it was so dark the meerkat feared he’d get lost without it. The sound of the hyenas paws pounding the dirt remained behind the sentry though he dare not look to see how close they were, dodging past rocks and jumping over various twigs in an attempt to lose his pursuers. Hoping he could out run them the meerkat huffed and pushed on even after his legs began to feel weak, an untold amount of time passing as the sentry pushed onward, constantly haunted by the barks, laughs and cackles of the hyenas whenever the meerkat thought he’d lost them, not even sure where he was going but he didn’t care he just had to get away. After what felt like hours of running, the sentry found a rock outcropping to hide in, ducking behind a boulder and heaving, panting as his chest rose and fell rapidly. A look of sheer terror painted over his face as he pressed back to the stone and worked up the nerve to lean to the right and look out the way he’d come, had he lost them? He had not heard any of the hyenas for a while now and hoped he had lost them. Nothing, just the soft sound of the fire eating at the wood in his hand, he couldn’t see anything either. With a sigh the meerkat leaned back in before looking forward as he felt relief. “Phew~” he let out just as something drew the sentry’s gaze to the left, Kazba’s horrible visage right there next to him with a dark smile over his face. “Boo!” Kazba said softly than blew the torch out. “Ha ha, did you see the way his chest was a pounding when he saw my gorgeous smile?” Shenzi laughed, coming around a bush as Banzai and Ed came into view. “Or how he peeled out with a torch?” Banzai put in as Ed laughed and drooled. “I know right, did he really think we’d lose him with that around” Shenzi cackled before Banzai pushed on her shoulder. “Well I didn’t see you get him!” Shenzi growled at his statement, grabbing Banzi’s chest fur before pulling him up to her face and raised a fist at Banzai. Stabbing the same remark at him and was about to sock the hyena good when Ed babbled and pointed at a shadow moving closer. The trio turning to face it and lowered down to pounce before Kazba stepped into the soft pale glow from a shaft of moonlight. Belching than thumping his chest Kazba grinned at them. “Fighting again I see, so glad I’m a loner.” He’d remark as he’d join them, sitting down with a soft jostle to the hyena’s rounded gut. “Well you’reone of us now.” Banzai would say with a vicious smile as he put a paw on Kazba’s shoulder. Shenzi looking Kazba over then said. “I suppose you caught him then?” Pointing at his gut as it kicked out softly. Picking his teeth for a moment Kazba stared at her smugly. “He certainly made a good chase; so we good for the next stage of ‘the plan’?” Kazba ask as he stood up; Banzai and Ed looking at Shenzi as she grinned wide. Nodding slowly she put her paw over Ed’s shoulder while Ed placed his over Banzai’s forming a semi-circle with Kazba on the end while Shenzi said. “Oh we sure are, so long as you and Banzai come through on your end!” “Hey how come I gotta go with him?” Banzai fussed, putting his paws to his chest looking put off. “Because honey if Ed goes he’d just ruin it and we both know I can’t leave you two alone.” She’d reply with an annoyed expression and wave of a paw. Ed hugging his arms around himself as he laughed, knowing its true, though this made Banzai angry as he growled and jerked his paw around to push Ed over, the two soon rolling around fighting as the crazy hyena didn’t enjoy being knocked down. While they tussled Shenzi would walk over to sit by Kazba and tap his shoulder to turn Kazba’s attention from the childish fighting. “You sure I need him, I’ve done fine on my own and he’d just slow me down!” Kazba told Shenzi as he looked over. “Call it a little… Insurance. It’d be more suspicious if anyone saw you alone.” She’d say before getting up to pace around him slowly. “Besides maybe that chowder head will learn a thing or two.” Rolling his eyes Kazba would agree than stood, belly sloshing around softly as he stretched. “Alright let’s get going, it’ll be safer to move while it’s still dark.” Kazba said while staring at Banzai who grumbled with Ed sitting on top of him, though Ed rolled back as the hyena forced himself up, walking over clearly unhappy with this arrangement. After a quick reminder of the plan to make sure everyone was on the same page they’d split up, Shenzi and Ed heading towards the north west while Kazba and Banzai headed south then west after they’d reach the jungle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gasping as a droplet of water splashed on his head Pretzel would duck down while raising a hand up to brush his hair. “It just had to rain again didn’t it?” He said to himself, seeming annoyed as it was their fourth night in the jungle. The caravan had setup camp to collect exotic bugs as well as fruits nuts and berries to take back to the colony, though they certainly didn’t turn down rare materials they found that might be of use. Each group of hunters and gatherers were accompanied by at least eight guards. For the most part things had been going smoothly, even after losing two guards and a hunter to a few small predators of the jungle during a late hour excursion. At the moment he was guarding two gathers with three of his fellow guards, listening to them prattle on about how to tell if the berries they were picking were ripe or not. Each berry was big enough to be a bowling ball if they’d been picked early enough to be treated to remain stiff and hard. It took about three to fill each bag they had brought from the camp. Despite his lack of interest in the berries Pretzel found himself lugging three sacks back to camp when the gatherers had finished, one of the fellow guards laughing at him behind his hand after seeing the brown meerkat being forced to carry what bags the two gatherer meerkat’s could not. Thankfully he was allowed to stay in the camp after that, complaining his spear was becoming dull and needed to be sharpened. After turning his spear in at the lent which served to maintain armor and weapons Pretzel would Get himself some food and sit down by a campfire and listening to those nearby while he ate. There was talk of how the wagons were almost full and that they could return soon while others whispered amongst themselves that the hunters were crazy, seeking unusually large bugs which could easily make a meal of any meerkat. Just one more night, please just one more night He thought to himself. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take if it kept raining as frequently as it had, nearly every day and night had some amount of rain follow it. Meanwhile elsewhere in the jungle an orangutan sat on a rock drinking from a hollowed out fruit. “Eh you sure you don’t want any killa? HIC.” He said, wavering some on his rock as the primate covered his mouth for a moment. “Aren’t you already hammered enough? Leave some for the client, or I’ll have you for dinner!” Spoke a panther lazing on a low hanging branch. “And it’s Hoda you drunk ape!” Hoda growled, reaching down to swipe at the orangutan just barely missing as the ape ducked away. “Fine fine, I just ‘hic’ wanted a little.” Rooka replied, discarding the fruit husk and planting his chin on an upturned palm. “At least his face tells us if it’s even worth buying!” Said a voice, the bushes rustling as Hoda raised an eyebrow watching the bush closely. A moment later Kazba pushed through, followed by Banzai who was lugging Gazelle carcass. With a smile Hoda set up and looked at the carcass before licking his lips. “Oh I assure you it’s quite strong. The more you drink the more out of it you get~” he told the two hyenas. Kazba grinning wide up at the panther before reaching back to grab Banzai’s chest and pull him over. “I hope you appreciate what we went through to bring this here.” Despite Kazba’s confident demeanor Banzai gave a worried smile and nod to the panther, never feeling that safe around larger carnivores, it always worried him. “Uh yeah what he said!” Banzai added while pointing at his companion, shivering a little bit as the panther stared at them. After a moment silence aside from a hic or two from the orangutan, Hoda snapped his claw, signaling the drunken ape to give them the goods. Being growled at when he reached for the gourd he’d drunk from then got a fresh one. Being elbowed into action banzai grabs the gazelle carcass leg in his mouth and drags it over as Rooka brings Kazba the gourd. “Though I don’t know why you hyenas want this stuff, you’re already crazy enough in my opinion.” The panther remarked as Kazba held the gourd up to inspect it, even popping the cork loose to sniff at the contents before replacing it when he was satisfied. “Oh don’t you worry about it we’ll be putting this to very good use.” Kazba told Hoda with a dark grin. Carrying it in his mouth Kazba and Banzai left the panther to enjoy his fee for the concoction. Pushing through the underbrush of the jungle the hyenas made their way towards a large tree with a hollow side pressed into it offering shelter from the dripping canopy which was still laden with water from last night’s storm. “I Still don’t see how this stuff is gonna help us get the meal of the century, I know you and Shenzi have said it’s a great plan and all but I honestly just don’t get it.” Banzai said as he came in behind Kazba then sat down to knock water out of his head. “It doesn’t matter if you understand Banzai, all that matters is you do what I tell you.” Banzai scowled at the other hyena, sitting back inside the tree to rest. Rubbing his belly after it growled out. “Don’t worry, I know this jungle like the back of my paw, I’ll get us something to snack on later.” Kazba told him before laying down with the gourd tucked under a fore-leg protectively. “Hey hey wake up!” Said a meerkat; tapping a sleeping guard on the shoulder. “Ermm what is it?” he asked, opening one eye to glance over his shoulder to see it was another guard who’d woke him up. “A couple of the younger gathers are heading out for a special kind of plant.” He said, rubbing his fingers together to incentivize his fellow meerkat that they’d be getting paid to do this quietly. With a smirk the guard got out of bed, looking around the tent before he’d pickup his machete. “Alright Russell Let’s make sure they don’t get lost.” He said, winking as they snuck out, meeting a pair of meerkats a few yards from the caravan’s campsite carrying one sizable pouch each. After a brief chat they’d head out into a deeper part of the jungle the caravan had been avoiding. Russell knew Tucker wouldn’t rat them out since they were good friends, even though this wasn’t the first time he’d dragged Tuck into a side job like this. “So uh, what exactly is this plant?” Tucker asked, looking around the near pitch black jungle while sounds of the night life randomly chimed in about the group. One of the gatherers would say no one was entirely sure, it was a plant rumored to make bugs grow larger, saying it would be quite the cash cow if they could get some seeds to use back in the colony for a profit off the enhanced insects. A few hours passed, the small group having to dodge a few nightly predators, being held up a time or two by chatty fruit bats and tree frogs. Things felt like they were dragging on as Tucker was getting tired of wandering aimlessly through the jungle. “Hey just how much further to this plant?” Tucker whined, waving a hand up in the air as they pushed on. “Oh not much fur-oommph!” One of the gathers said as he looked back, walking head long into an odd mushroom causing it to release a colorful spore cloud which enveloped them within moments. Couching and stumbling around the meerkats try to get their bearings, unable to breathe right or see anything inside the soft glowing haze, feeling oddly sleepy as their body’s grew weak and heavy, sinking to the ground as they fought not to breath in the spores. After the haze died down they just laid there groaning softly, eyes partially shut as they looked on with blank tired stares, Tucker could barely see anything it was all fuzzy, unable to move his body, it almost felt like he was drunk and high at the same time. After a few moments he’d feel himself push up, his body felt so heavy but why was he moving? It felt almost like a dream and Tucker was just along for the ride, soon seeing his bud and the other two meerkats getting up, shambling along in a half hazard line towards some unknown destination. Dropping his machete and leaving it behind, Russell doing the same with his spear while the bags slipped from the gatherers shoulders and tumbled across the grass. Tucker tried to stop but found his body unresponsive to his will. Stumbling along as if he were some sort of zombie. After what felt like ten minutes he would wander through a gap in the trees and bushes along with his friends. At the back of the clearing was a strange plant with vines branching out and climbing over everything in the clearing with a strange phosphorescent glow pattern running along the plant and its vines. As they drew near the bud of the plant rose up and arched towards them, a seam cracking along as it spread open, revealing blunt coned teeth with a neon blue glowing tongue rolling out. Tucker felt like he should be freaking out, he just wanted to grab his friend and run but his body wouldn’t obey him as they walk one by one right up to the carnivorous plant. Struggling hard Tucker managed to shut his eyes, hoping the end would come swiftly as he could feel the moist tongue under his footpaws, welcoming them in as the four meerkats shamble up the tongue like a red carpet. Unaware they were being watched! “Ah you gotta be kidding me!” Banzai huffed when Kazba returned, dropping four lumpy fruits at the hyena’s feet. “I thought you said you were getting a snack not a salad, we don’t eat green stuff!.” Banzai complained, shuddering as his mind drifted to a not so fond memory of one time when he was so hungry he ate some green meat then spent a few weeks recovering, it wasn’t the green stuff he was referring to but it was still reason enough to curb his appetite. Rolling his eyes Kazba frowned and shook his head, jutting out a digit on his fore-paw to point. “Look closer you dolt!” Pointing out the oddly shaped fruit’s were wiggling, drawing Banzai’s attention as he leaned down to give them a closer look. “Uh I don’t think fruit is supposed to do that and now it’s even less appetizing!!!” Banzai would whine louder, groaning with a sigh following before he watched Kazba pick one up, raising a paw than flicked a digit to extend a claw and dig it into one end of the fruit slightly, drawing down over the surface to slice into the purple oblong fruit as it tried to wiggle harder. Watching closely Banzai wondered what Kazba was doing, surely he wasn’t for real, after all everyone knew hyenas didn’t eat plants. Just as the hyena’s claw reached the other end the slit in the fruit that had been carved would spread with a loud gasp as of all things a meerkat sat up right from within the husk. “What the heck?!” Was all Banzai could say, looking both shocked and suddenly interested in what he just say. “So that’s where meerkats come from? Hahaha-bwaaaa, ark.” Banzai being interrupted, releasing that pitiful whine like bark as he was smacked across the muzzle. “No you idiot!” Kazba scolded, grinning at the meerkat as Russell’s eyes widen rapidly. His eyes adjusting to the dim light, not liking what he saw at all, being picked up by his head the meerkat’s arms shot up, hands gripping at Kazba’s digits for dear life. Dragginghis tongue slowly from one corner to the other Kazba gave a short chuckle before continuing. “This poor sap simply fell victim to one of the carnivorous flora that live in this jungle, they store their food in pods that resemble fruit, lucky for predators like us if picked soon enough we can enjoy a lively snack instead of a tasteless veggi.” Shaking his head as best he could Russell glancing around, pleading for his life as he saw three of the lumpy fruits at the hyenas feet, based on what he last remembered and what he just heard the meerkat he knew the two gatherer’s and Tucker must be in them. “N-no no please, you don’t want to eat me, I’m too sticky, nothing but bones!” Russell was trying to hard, sweating bullets as the hyenas drooled softly at his figure, making the meerkat blush. “I-I mean it, I I I! mmmpgh!@!!!” The meerkat was silenced by a plump digit getting wedged in his mouth, spreading his jaws a bit to wide to manage to bite back but not enough to harm him, causing further speech to simple come out muffled. “Ah that’s better, I do love a little whine with my food but right now I just want the food~” Kazba remarked before briskly flicking his wrist, lowering Russell between his jaws, lips drawing tight around meerkat’s arms as they were forced together, struggling to cling to the hyena’s wiggling digits before one loud slurp dislodged him. With a grin Banzai swipes one of the weird fruits, tearing the end off than shook it above his open maw. Letting the groggy gatherer slip wetly from one prison and into another with a wet plop while Kazba grins smugly, watching the other carnivore devour the meerkat before the gatherer could realize what happened, Russell being sloshed and bounce din the hyena’s cheek while he screamed and kicked about. Spreading his teeth briefly, Kazba let a loud scream for help half escape before Russell slid down the back of his tongue with a firm glrrk, Russell’s figure seen softly pressing out along the hyena’s throat on the way down. “Mmm delicious, now hurry up and get some rest, now that we got what we came for we have a long journey ahead of us if we are to meet up with Shenzi and Ed.” Kazba said as he jiggled the gourd between his claws as banzai was downed his second meer-snack and was reaching for the last before Kazba swiped it out from under him. Growling at Kazba banzai snorts then settles in against the wall. “Oh alright, but this better be worth it.” Banzai would yawn out, settling in for a sound sleep.
 “… there’s got to be something…” mumbled Noire, flipping through page after page of the tome, trying to find something, anything that could help. Her weak constitution had always bothered her, and without her talisman or some type of trigger, she was stuck being too timid and weak to do anything to help. Even her body lacked any sort of hardiness She couldn’t even eat a weak pepper without getting horrible cramps. Even worse, it seemed as though her one real friend, Severa, was constantly being held back by her, making the guilt deepen every time. ’s spellbooks and the like for a hex or curse to help probably wasn’t the best idea. After all, Tharja was known for her proficiency in such things, be it to punish snoopy daughters or otherwise. She even partially blamed her current situation on her mother’s constant testing on her form, but if she could just… “Aha!” … she could find someone, maybe even Severa, and gain a similar constitution to them. It seemed all too simple. However, the entry did not mention what kind of targeting the spell had, be it random or if one could cast it like a combat spell, nor did it mention how one picked out what kind of aspect that they wanted from the target. It didn’t matter. She was desperate enough to try. ’d have to be careful of who she got close to along the way back. It was the middle of the night, so who would she encounter? “H-here goes…” She took a deep breath, outstretching her hand over the pile of ingredients. With a flash of electricity along the top, and a large amount of smoke being produced, they all vanished, leaving a girl, a book, and a smoking mark on the table. Noire looked at her hands, turning them back and forth, then took a moment to run her hands over her body to check for any sort of abnormalities. If nothing else, she didn’t make things worse for herself. … she had skipped out on dinner tonight, as the stuff being served tonight was stuffed peppers. No chance she was going to risk that. And besides, she always kept emergency snacks in a bag under her bed. Nothing better to do after failing such a simple curse. She really didn’t have a talent for this stuff. ’d get an earful from Severa about it later, but for now she was just happy to be able to flop into bed. A quick reach under her pillow produced a small bag, and in it a small pastry. Cherry danish, a rarity in these times that she had bribed Gaius into making for her, and one of her favorites. She started to chomp away while she waited for the usual crowd to start filtering in. ’t even put anything on besides her smallclothes. It did make sense, to pad the armor, but normally padding meant some sort of heavy cotton. A tank top and some simple, comfortable trousers were hardly sufficient for just about everyone else. It was a miracle that the knight’s body wasn’t covered in pinch marks and the like. ’t needed. ’t she be like that? She looked down at her pastry, or lack thereof. All that was left was a bit of icing on her lips and a sweet taste on her tongue. How did she get done with it so fast? And why was she still starving? Normally, those things fill her up really well, but she felt like she could eat a house. Her gaze shifted upwards, towards the knight who was bending over to wash her face in the small water bowl that they kept in the barracks for such things. Her mouth watered. Maybe she could at least try… shrug it off as something her mother cursed her with for a few hours… if she failed. But if she succeeded? ’t thinking all to clearly, hunger completely covering anything she would have said to go against this kind of action. She was desperate, and it was only fair. She stood up slightly, but soon realized that she couldn’t actually reach Kjelle’s head, due to the extreme disparity between their heights, despite being about the same age. She’d have to start lower. ’s gaze drifted to the muscular, toned rear sticking out just in front of her. It would be awkward, but it would definitely help to deal with any kind of struggling. If she was quick enough, nobody would be the wiser. With that, she leaned in, and… “” Kjelle’s legs suddenly gave out, something seizing her by her rump and dragging her back. She flailed, trying to grab something, and managing to grab the table and bowl. Water went all over her, wetting her torso and arms, hands included. The slick surface of the bowl caused her fingers to slip, leaving her to flail her arms, trying to free herself from… some sort of weird, tight feeling along her back and thighs. It felt like a tube. Still, it was nothing she couldn’t handle. She’d been training her body constantly. As soon as she got something to grab onto, she would be fine, be able to pull herself out, and figure out what it was that was going on. But to do the rest, she had to find something that would actually let her grab onto it, and she was sinking in, fast. ’d be screaming bloody murder. Nobody would be within earshot for a few minutes, so it didn’t matter, but still. Her hunger took over for her, leaving her to mindlessly gulp down that muscular flesh. It was amazing how well that strength and weight worked against someone with nothing to use it for. Her whole technique was both simple and effective. After the first few gulps removed her prey’s legs from the ground, she replaced them, kneeling underneath and raising her head up. Down that butt went, stretching out her throat and chest, causing her jaw to pop out of place as it went. Even stranger, she felt no real strain on her body. No pain, no stress, nothing. She was done with her prey’s hips and stomach, and was up to the firm breasts in a matter of seconds. She didn’t bother tasting, except more than necessary to properly lubricate her food. This was just too easy! ’s end. She’d lost the majority of her body to whatever was happening, her arms grabbing onto the small hole that she felt behind her to try and force herself out. Progress continued. Her boogs were in, painfully squished up against her knees, and her shins were soon pressed against her head. Her arms gave out, all that strength forced to bend and fold in, before vanishing in. She could only see darkness, whatever it was having closed its jaws and sealed her inside. Only now did she scream. ’t a failed night after all. She had no real close connection with Kjelle anyhow. The only one who really talked to the knight was Inigo, and he talked with all the women… maybe it was time she tried to keep him pinned down. She certainly would have a body worth wanting if she really did take some of Kjelle’s characteristics. She waddled her way back to bed as she heard the first little groan of her body starting to work on its meal. Kjelle was in hell, to say the least. She couldn’t move, nor could she see. Her immense strength was almost useless, only causing what contained her to stretch slightly. The air was thin and smelled of vomit, and was almost water with how humid it was. With the sound of a heartbeat just behind her head and the constant groans of a body, it didn’t take her long to figure out that she’d been devoured. Any sort of resistance was futile, but she had to at least try. She felt tingling for a few moments as she started to squirm. Then the flood came, completely submerging her in a matter of seconds, the stomach grinding into her, trying to break her down in record time. She lived for maybe five, six seconds before digestion took its toll on her, and she was reduced to slurry. “…” Noire groaned, holding her bloated stomach as she rolled over in bed. It’d been about thirty minutes since she’d eaten Kjelle, and she assumed the spell had worn off. The hour was still early night, and people had come and gone from the barracks. Despite having only a small bulge at this point, only a tenth of the size of the original. While her body struggled against what remained, likely bones, she was forced to try and hide herself. She had used both a blanket and rolling over onto her front in order to hide it, but… the pain was a bit hard to ignore. “Noire, are you alright?!” … Severa. She rolled just a bit over, turning her head to see the signature, absurdly long pair of pigtails. She was working up to try and formulate some kind of response, when she felt a weight at her bedside. The shrill voice came again “Are you hurt? What happened?” Noire couldn’t just tell her… that might end badly if they learned about her involvement in… Kjelle. She had to think of something, and fast. Her reflex went to a small packet she saw on Say’ri’s bed, which was conveniently only a little ways away from her own. Tea leaves. She swallowed, and managed to force her words out. “I was m-making medicinal tea... I boiled a bunch of herbs and drank the it, and now it feels like my stomach is tied in knots…” … “Since when do you know how to mix herbs?” The reply came a lot easier than she had ever guessed she could come up with. “I don't. I just threw in whatever looked like an herb.” That seemed to work, and work well. “Gods, are you insane?! Your body is fragile enough without you dumping weird potions into it!” Ironic. “Look, just… stay there. I’ll go get some water and some actual herbs to try and negate that.” “Y-yes ma’am...” With that, Severa walked off, leaving Noire to try and digest the last of Kjelle in peace before the inevitable flood of herbs. “…” mumbled Noire as she sat on the chamber pot. It had been a few hours, and her stomach had shrunken back down, sure but never fully returned to its normal size. She had a rather nice bit of muscle now, lithe and athletic. It wasn’t near what Kjelle’s was, but it was better than she had. More of an average between them. … about the same size, just a bit more muscle instead of fat. On top of that, she had found herself… actively cursing without going into her much more terrifying alter-ego! She hadn’t had that side of her flare up since Kjelle! … but some of those herbs were never meant to mix. One of the kinds had the side effect of being a laxative… and Kjelle was ready to come out. The moment she felt the remains begin to pile up at her back door, she had placed her butt right down on a chamber pot in the barracks bathroom, and waited. … started. Kjelle was as forceful as shit as she was in life. A small push was all it took to get it started, forcing out the head of a smooth, fat log of light brown soft shit. It never broke, never fussed, never required anything else. Small chunks of short hair even tickled her pucker as they went out, unbroken unlike the rest. Bones weren’t an issue, having been ground into a white powder by the combination of spell and herb alike. All Noire could do was lean back, blissfully letting that foul snake worm its way out of her butt. ’s shit finished, leaving her to reposition herself and relieve herself once more. A golden stream of piss carved into the soft coil, digging in and creating a small pool for a few moments. “Aaaaah~ Thanks, Kjelle…” She said quietly, careful as to not be heard, her bladder slowly deflating. “I’m sorry you couldn’t keep in shape, but now you don’t have to worry about it, right?” Her urine slowly came to a trickle, then a full stop. “I’ll put this new body to good use… no worries.” She brought the top of the pot over, lifting her butt just enough to slide it on, before picking up the whole thing and walking off to go dispose of the evidence. Nobody had to know, and she had some peppers to try afterwards, now that she could stomach them...
 Some Comfortable Entertainment It was some distance below, within the jungle, that a young tangela was resting in the sunlight. She had just finished consuming a pair of berries from a nearby bush, and opted to relax in what was currently sunlight for the moment. She snuggled into herself, knowing that shortly afterwards she could go.... go... The vine pokemon tensed, as a shadow passed. A couple moments later, when it didn't return, the Tangela slid further down the tree, the scare having passed. Most pokemon cringed when a Charizard flew by. This particular Charizard, however, was simply out for a soar. His long wings were spread as he glided more than flew, permitting thermals to carry him where he wished to go. The sun shone brightly, emphasizing the brilliant flame on his tail. He rolled in the air, enjoying the sunlight. His spin took him a bit closer to the mountain he was flying alongside - an enormous rock face. Lazily, he scanned the mountain with his eyes - there were several shallow caves that seemed to naturally have formed in the mountain, but from the smoothness of the cliff, odds were not even a rock climber could get up there. A droplet of water caught his attention, interrupting his flight. Righting himself, he actually began using his wings for a short time - a bit surprised he didn't feel the encroaching stormclouds sooner. It was still, however, just a few droplets of rain His eyes landed on one of the shallow caves he'd seen before. It was either a cave or the jungle, and the cave was more likely to be dry. Not to mention, as his stomach rumbled, he realized he could possibly get Figy berries here - they were, after all, his favorite type. Dipping one wing, he banked towards the cave with expert talent, landing firmly on the small cliff edge that was not itself within the cave. The skies opened up as he moved into the cave itself. A sharp claw massaged his stomach - the thought of potential figy berries had reminded him that he hadn't eaten in awhile. He shifted his still-burning tail forward - like most pokemon, he could see just a little in the dark, but without specifically being able to produce light, his vision wouldn't extend terribly far. His tail, however, worked as a makeshift torch - as he waited for his eyes to adjust. "...or." He thought to himself, as a grin spread along his face. "I could find better than a berry..." As the light from his tail had shown him that there was someone else in the cave, someone who raised one hand over his eyes. "M-mach... who's there?" The charizard licked his lips, not responding. A machoke... fighting pokemon were fairly easy prey to a flier such as himself, and machoke were particularly good. He stepped forward, as his eyes finished adjusting to the dim light. A second arm tensed a fist. "H-hey, I said who's there!" The charizard checked his momentum, blinking a bit in surprise. This was not, in fact, a machoke - it'd seemed so from first glance. His skin was a soft blueish grey, his mouth a notably different color. He was a bit taller, and his belt - the buckle of which was engraved with what looked like an individually wrapped piece of candy rather than a 'p' - was a bit thinner. He wore a brown wide-brimmed hat, not that it covered the ridges on his head. But it was the four arms that were a dead giveaway. The charizard paused for a moment - Machamp were extremely rare to find, and they were known to be fairly powerful. The question was, then, just how hungry was he? "Just your friendly, neighborhood Charizard. What're you doing in here?" The machamp shifted a bit. He was carrying a backpack of sorts - it seemed to be composed of the natural fabric that both machoke and machamp wore. Perhaps he got it from some machoke? "Just hiking... I climbed here. You? In out of the rain?" The smile, however, had returned to the Charizard's face. The machamp's statement had relinquished more information than he'd expected - the visual cues that he was, in fact, hurt. His arm carrying the pack was a little limp, and he seemed a bit exhausted. So this was, in fact, easy prey Decision made, the Charizard cocked his head to one side. "Oh, you know. I'm just... hunting." He moved - going from a standing position to a flat charge. His wings flared out as he dashed past the machamp, his right wing delivering a powerful buffet. The surprised fighting pokemon was knocked backwards from the blow - the charizard, in fact, noticed his skin mold just a tat as his vulnerability to flight drove the point home. To the machamp's credit, though, he didn't quite fall over as the charizard spun for a second pass. The fire pokemon's eyes widened as he dashed forward, abruptly leaping aside. His second wing attack smashed into the machamp, sending him head over heels - where he remained, lying still. But the Charizard's astonishment had come from the attack the Machamp had used. Stones - a sizeable array of stones formed from nothing - had been hurled at him after his initial swing. The rock slide had smashed into the back cavern wall, each having enough force to cause enormous cracks within the existing solid stone. Definitely enough force to douse the flame of a hungry charizard. He remained still for a moment - realizing fully that he had just come very close to being helpless himself for underestimating the strength of a weakened machamp. And slowly, his shock... turned to anger. "I was just gonna eat you..." He stomped on the machamp's back, causing the machamp to gasp a little in pain. "But now, I'm gonna have some fun first..." The charizard's cock had slowly come to life in eagerness for what was about to come. He'd never been a very big charizard below the waist, but that didn't stop him from grasping the machamp's upper two arms, holding them over the superpower pokemon's head, by the charizard's growing maleness. There was a short pause, as the cock extended itself to near-hardness. Then, as if on a signal, the charizard's cock began to shift - just a bit at first, then significantly more. STretching just a bit, it widened, engulfing the Machamp's upper hands. The Machamp's vision was hazy - fading in and out. He hazily felt the charizard pull on his prone form, shoving his upper arms down the flame pokemon's cock. His wounds had taken their toll, however, and he couldn't even find the energy to struggle until the cock had engulfed his head. His upper arms - trapped within the steadily-growing charizard cock - struggled feebly, his restrained blows causing the Charizard's tongue to loll out of his mouth in comfort. It felt like a comfortable massage. His lower arms grasped hold of the outside of the charizard's cock, probably attempting to pull himself out, but the grip was far too weak. The charizard squeezed as he pushed - Machamp were a little malleable, although not nearly as much as machoke, but more than enough for the charizard's cock to engulf the machamp's shoulders. His cock began to coat the machamp within in pre - making it even easier for him to slip into the warm sac. It began to literally slurp - swiftly pinning the machamp's lower arms to his side. A couple more slurps and the machamp's entire torso was within the charizard's maleness. His cock was still growing - and rapidly - as the machamp's small struggles from within continued to stimulate him. He placed one hand between the machamp's legs, planning to push him the rest of the way in... when he smirked. "Ahhh, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" He massaged the machamp's hard cock through the fabric of his speedo as he pushed, his cock engulfing the machamp's speedo and belt in one go. He gave the machamp's trapped maleness one last massage as it sank the rest of the way into his cock. He sat down, gasping in pleasure as his cock did the rest of the work, slurping the machamp's still slightly-moving legs into its shaft. Finally, the machamp's feet were sealed away from the outside world, as the cock's head closed, pushing the creature into the charizard's balls. He could feel the machamp's struggles within, even as he lost what solidarity he had, even as he was being churned into cum. The base of his cock rumbled from the stimulation, but he focused - holding in the pleasure as long as he could. Finally, just before the liquid within his cock stopped moving, he came with a roar - a roar which echoed through the cave. Jets of cum sprayed from his cock in bursts, as his voice could be heard even from the jungle far below. The Machamp's belt and speedo were ejected from his cock, and there were streaks of blueish grey to be seen within the cum - all that remained of the machamp. Breathing heavily as the stream pouring from his cock began to taper off, the charizard licked his lips. His cock was now very large and thick - it had absorbed much of the strength of the machamp that had entered it. Delicious... Machamp were far more arousing than anything he'd shoved in there beforehand. He leaned against a wall, slowly massaging his cock as it temporarily receeded - even soft, it was at least twice as large as it was before. A smile coated his lips, as he rested. He wasn't done with the machamp just yet. It wasn't too long afterwards that the cum began to rumble. It had formed into a large pool, and slowly shifted to a blue-greyish color. The machamp's wrestling pants, as well as his belt, were lying in the cumpool. A hand - one that wasn't quite solid, still composed of cum - reached out of the speedo. It fell into the pool with a splash, to be followed by a second hand, then the ridges. Slowly, the reforming machamp pulled his torso out of the pool of cum - solidifying into his wrestling pants. As he pulled, the remaining cum began to slurp together, his legs forming the same way. Finally, the once again together machamp collapsed in exhaustion. He was noticably smaller than he had been a moment before - by at least a foot. The charizard had drained him of much of his strength, and for a machamp that simply meant he was reduced in size, not in proportion. "Awake, are we?" The Charizard noted the machamp cringe at his voice. "Urrgh..." Was all the machamp could manage to say in his exhaustion. "Fully solid again?" The Charizard reached down, picking up the limp machamp. Smiling, he pulled down the machamp's speedo, just enough. "I'm not done with you yet." The Machamp found enough energy to give a moan as the Charizard's newly-increased maleness was forced into his tight hole. Stronger now that he had a sizeable amount of the machamp's strength added to his own, the charizard began pumping the machamp on his cock up and down with ease, ramming his penis in its full length before pulling the machamp out and repeating the process. He licked his lips, astonished at how well the machamp was milking his cock - he felt the beginnings of orgasm far sooner than he'd thought he would. He slowed his pumping - the machamp was now extremely limp from exhaustion. His long tail swooped around, as he shifted the machamp to being horizontal rather than nearly vertical, albeit still impaled on his cock. The fire on his tail shifted to being a ring of fire around an opening - an opening that clamped itself shut on the machamp's head. The machamp was far too exhausted to struggle as the tail greedily slurped him down. The charizard alternated his humping with his tail's slurping, ramming the machamp's torso down the gulping entrance. He came once more - this time with less cum as the machamp had not been produced into it, but still more than enough which shot into the machamp's rump. The tail, as if on that cue, gave a powerful gulp then - slurping the machamp's rear into itself. Several more gulps and the feet slipped in, the machamp's now-discarded speedo floating softly to the ground. The enormous bulge was pulled deeper into the charizard's tail. From its base, the machamp found himself in the charizard's stomach - where he'd been intended all along. The charizard picked up the machamp's belt and speedo, contemplating. Finally, opening his mouth, he swallowed the natural fabric down whole, relishing in the minor bump it made on its way into his engorged stomach. Since after all, he'd need it if he wanted more fun out of the delicious machamp... ~ Garz.
 Bait There he was. Jalson was already licking his lips. Teeeeeeeechnically, he was just scouting - looking around to make sure nothing hostile was around. After all, it was exclusively due to vigilant patrols by he and the other soldiers that kept the towns safe from the hawkmen. But seriously, he was here because he smelled another tier. Tier were the best things ever. They were like... like, wandering treats. Weren't all that fast. No natural weapons. Exceptionally delicious. Went into a trance if you rubbed their heads. Heck, the weaselfolk had tried to gather a bunch of them up into a pen, but... well, there really was no way to contain one's hunger when a tier was around. They were just so good! Wiggled all the way down. Mmm. And he smelled another one. They were crazy easy to track, too. This one obviously knew he was coming - it had started running. Which wasn't a big deal - Jalson could wait for the tier to tire itself out. His stomach rumbled in anticipation. Offhand, he looked up - javelin at the ready. No hawks. Good. Back to play then. Ah, there it was - by the stream. Jalson made no secret about his advance - he just straight forward marched across the field, licking his chops. The tier turned, seeing him coming - and remained still, shivering. Visibly afraid. Even better! "Shh." He took a few more steps forward, rubbing his paws together. "You stay right there." He pounced. And was snatched out of the sky. It took Jalson a moment to connect the two actions - but then he immediately squirmed free of the orc's grasp, diving for the ravine. The orc caught this motion - grabbing the weasel by the tail - up came the weasel's claws. When he was shaken like a rag doll. "Knew it!" The orc gave a big grin... then paused. "You alright, Yon?" The tier swallowed. "I d-don't l-like being b-bait, sir." "Aw, yes you do." The orc held the dazed weasel up to face level, still holding the latter by his tail. It means you get to help." Now Jalsen could smell the orc. Stupid stupid stupid! The orc had been using the water to shield his scent. Okay - the orc had yanked away the weasel's javelins, helmet, and mailed jacket. He had a moment - orcs usually overestimated the room between their tusks. He just had to keep himself ready - he'd only get one shot, but he'd done it twice before in very similar situations to this one. He was slowly raised into the air - had to wait until he got above the head, then - - snout shoved into the orc's cock. That was so far out of left field that the weasel didn't immediately respond. Which summarily gave up his one real chance of escape - as it pulled in his entire head. Instinctively, the weasel spasmed - which between the sleek body and the pre within the orc's shaft caused Jalsen's arms and entire upper body to sloomp into the orc's shaft. Only the fact that the orc had not let go of the weasel's tail kept his waist and long sleek black pants from joining the rest of him. "MmmmmMm." The orc's tongue lolled out of his mouth. "I love weasels - these guys slip riiight in." He stopped holding the waistband of his briefs out - causing them to snap back onto his shaft which bulged out the top. Licking his lips, he remained still for a bit, trying to extend the arousal. As Yon gently rubbed the orc's shaft through his briefs - feeling the outline of Jalsen's face, ears, snout. This jarred the weaselman out of his shock - and he immediately began to squirm - which only served to pull him deeper. A tug on the tail - and he was removed slightly out. He kept squirming - fueled by panic - each movement only serving to doom him further, and each slight tug by the orc was what kept him from going in. The tier rubbing him through both the orc's shaft and the orc's briefs spurred him to new heights of struggle - moreso as he felt more and more of him slip in. When the orc couldn't take it anymore - his grip on Jalsen's tail loosened just slightly. Down went the weasel. And the orc was a little wobbly from the arousal as it shot through his body - he could feel his tusks tingling as he gritted his teeth, world spinning from the sheer arousal that impacted him. Yon gave one long, slow rub of the bulge in his balls. And the orc came, his blast of cum rocketing a healthy chunk over Yon's head. The tier stepped aside, watching the white cum - with sleek black pants mixed in. Probably stained white now. "Ahhh." The orc slumped down, by the stream and on his back. "Weasels are so good. You know just how to set me off, Yon." The tier smiled, curling up against the dazed orc. "I do like helping. You have such a goofy look on your face." "I gotta... I mean, the next scout's coming up soon." The tier's smile became a bit more hesitant. "S-so soon?" "You know you can trust me." The orc patted his balls - the bulge therein was only barely moving as Jalsen was losing consciousness fast. "I gotta get at least two or three more in here. I won't let them actually get to you, I swear." Yon swallowed. "O-okay. M-make sure you're keeping an eye out for me, okay?" Jalsen hazily felt the orc stand - his world was spinning. Slowly, his eyes closed. "Both eyes. Mmmm, these guys are so good..." ~ Garz.
 Ship Prison The cheers and high-fives were fervent in their intensity. And then came the stories. There was Aaron, going off about how he'd dodged three swings in a row to stick the orc with his knife. And Sakage, who of course claimed to have wrestled the orc down. Sakage was always showing off his strength, and he crunched a - sigh, that was both valuable and expensive. And now broken. But it worked - the other guys were laughing, cheering, slightly drunk. There's Weggin, bragging about what other people did - yep, and picking their pockets. Sigh. But admittedly, this was one circumstance where it made absolute sense for them all to party like this. I mean, they'd actually capt - "Excuse me?" Zane jumped a good foot in the air - before spinning with his rod in hand. "Whoa - easy, easy!" And the sugar glider paused. A wolfman? Dressed very nicely. "I'm not here to attack you, buddy. Just checking in - you guys captured an orc, right?" "Y-yeah." "Mind if I speak to your captain? With an orc, you guys'd be heading to Changuu, right? I want a lift." Zane blinked. "You want to go to Changuu?" "Yeah, guy there owes me a favor. But don't worry, I'll pay well. I mean not as well as the silver you guys are gonna get for an orc, haha, but I'll pay real well. Your captain around?" "I'll... uh, I'll go get him." Zane took a step backwards, but the wolfman really did seem pretty calm. And it wasn't all that surprising that he'd found out about the orc - half the crew was there to roll that cage to the ship. ~~~~ "Smells good." Zane's heart did a cartwheel as he stepped into the door. The orc was awake?! He'd been pumped with enough sleepweed to knock out a titan! "Is yer job feed Qut? Make sure Qut in good shape when boat stops?" "Y-yeah." Zane swallowed - there was the orc. In his tattered breeches, the crew had stripped him of his armour. Chained, extremely heavily, in chains that glowed a soft blue color. Supposed to be strong enough magic to keep the World Snake in one place in those chains. Still chained up. This was okay. The orc sniffed the air. "Shut door. No like sun." And Zane closed it, swallowing. "Er. I have, uh, food for you. If you're hungry?" "Real hungry." The orc's grin was extremely creepy. He had a black eye and more than a few slashes from poisoned daggers, but didn't seem particularly upset. Or even uncomfortable. The spoon for the stew had a long handle. And the orc was cooperative - first scoop was eaten graciously. It was a good thing the orc couldn't move - Zane had to stand on a stool to reach the orc's mouth even with the long handled ladle. "Mm. Not bad. How many days we sail?" Zane swallowed. "Is okay. Qut in chains. What yer name?" "M-me? I'm Zane." "Zane get big cut of silver? Qut heard orcs worth thousands." "Y-yeah." "What Zane gonna get with money?" The sugar glider bit his lip. "You don't... mind?" "Nah." "I... uh, I have a lot of, uh, debt to pay off. I was gonna take a caravan out of here after that." "Ahh." Another big, toothy grin. Zane couldn't help but look at the orc's firm but round gut. Every time the orc took a breath, it moved up and down, just a little. "Qut like Zane. When Zane come next?" "You're, uh, supposed to be fed twice a day, so probably dusk?" "Okay. Enough food. See Zane dusk." "Oh. Uh, Okay." Zane got off the stool, sliding it near the door again and picking up the food bucket he'd been ladling from. "Bye?" The orc grinned, but did not respond. ~~~ "So how was he?" And as Zane jumped, the wolfman extended both paws. "Geez you're jumpy! Sorry! Just wanted to see how the orc was doing, then I got told I'm not allowed to see him. Which I guess makes sense - I'm just a visitor on board, right?" The sugar glider calmed down. And hey, he'd only spilled a little bit of the stew. "Ki...bandiko, right?" "Heh, yeah, but you can just say Band. So how was the orc?" "He, uh. Was fine." "Didn't seem all that upset with being captured?" Zane blinked. "Uh." "Heh, that's orcs for you. And no, I'm not trying to... I dunno, steal your orc from you, I just like the big guys, and they owe me money over on Changuu anyway. How'd you get stuck with feeding duty?" Zane swallowed. "Didn't really get a choice, did you?" Zane shook his head. "Well, hopefully he likes you. Ah, there's my 'bodyguard', there to make sure I'm up to no funny business. Sigh. Talk to you later, little guy. Hey, Rolf!" And off he walked. But that really brought up more questions than it answered, even as Zane started swabbing the deck. The orc really seemed fine with being captured, and seemed fine with his predicament. Not upset with Zane or anybody. Not even struggling. I mean yeah, he'd presumed that was 'because orcs are stupid animals and he learned it's not worth his time to struggle', but the look and conversation were extremely confident. And he couldn't stop thinking about the orc as he did so, chained up like that. The questions had seemed legitimate, too. The orc knew he was going to be sold, and for enough money that even with Zane getting ripped off like he knew he was gonna, it'd be plenty to pay off his debts and get off of the coast. Enough money to prevent a mutiny, as the saying went. Hrm. Maybe he'd talk to the orc more next time. ~~~ "Zane. Not stew this time?" Zane hadn't even fully opened the door yet. He blinked. "Uh." "Smelled ya. Close door." "Sorry." Zane turned back and shut it. "You, uh, smelled me through the door?" "Yeah. Zane smells worried. This 'bout money, or wolfman?" Zane's eyes widened. "How... did you - " "Smelled wolfman. Zane told money last time." Zane swallowed. "Uh. I guess... I guess the money." "Zane no want be sailor?" "No. I..." "Just need money? Then get out?" "Y-yeah." Zane swallowed again. "But if... I mean, I'm sure the Captain knows - " "Captain not nearby. Zane cut off Qut pants?" "You can hear that well? Wow, I didn't... wait, huh?" "Zane cut off Qut pants? Zane have good knife." "Wait - you want me to... wha? Why?" "Pants suck. Uncomfortable." Qut gave a grin, looking straight into Zane's eyes. "Cut." "O-okay." Zane stepped forward, gingerly, grabbing the waistband of the orc's breeches... where he paused. "Are... are you sure? You're not gonna get another one." Qut just looked at him, keeping the smile on his face. Zane turned a little red - of course Qut was sure. And his skin was very warm - comforting. Even though he was only touching it a little, grasping the waistband. Actually it was a little intoxicating - encouraging him to lean into it. Just close his eyes. Snuggle up to the orc. Begin the - " - wh - whoa!" Zane shook his head to clear it. Where the hell had /those/ thoughts come from? He looked up, to note the orc still smiling at him. "S-sorry." He apologized, reaching again for the breeches and taking out his knife. Wait, why was he apologizing? Oh well, whatever - a few slashes and blam, the orc was there in briefs. Bulging briefs. They were stretched, just a bit, showing the outline of the orc's cock and balls. The huge cock and balls. "Ahhh. Much better." The calming voice was relaxing in and of itself. "But Zane need break. Come back in morning?" "R-right." Zane was a little shaky as he headed to the door. A little less so when he opened it. Out into the cold night air. ~~ "Hey Zane! You got your grub?!" Zane was absolutely not thinking about what people were saying. Just focused on Qut. The massive arms. Thick shoulders. Beefy arms. Bulging package. "Zane?" And now the sugar glider was being held in the air. By... by Sakage. Who was clearly drunk. ...very drunk. "You ignoring me, Zane?" Oh crap oh crap oh crap. "N-no - no of course not! S-sorry, I was just thinking what an awesome job you did when you beat down that orc!" That saved him from an immediate pummeling, although notably the bearman didn't actually put him down. "I am good, aren't I? Bet you wish you could be half the man I am, runt!" Runt. Oh crap. He only got called Runt when he was in for a beating. Oh crap. Oh please lose interest. "Y-yeah, you're s-so strong, Sakage." "That's not what I heard." Oh man that was Weggin. Zane's eyes widened - as he had Weggin's full attention. "I heard that little Zane here was talking down about you, Sakage. Preeeetty sure I heard him go off about how weak and pathetic you were. Took all the credit for downing the orc." "WHAT!?" Zane's arms were shaking in fear at Sakage's cry and Weggin's words. Why?! "I - " "Tut tut, listen to him lie, Sakage. Clamp one of those powerful paws over his mouth - see if he can talk through that." And now the sugar glider could just barely breathe through the thick fur. Why was Weggin doing this to him?! "This is what happens to people who don't acknowledge that Sakage is the strongest." Weggin leaned in close, speaking a lot more softly so only Zane heard the next bit, "...and I'll only stop him if a liiittle bit of your cut ends up in my pocket, eh?" Weggin knew Zane would just give him the money. Weggin KNEW Zane ALWAYS just gave him the money. The sugar glider started to tear up. Weggin was going to get him beaten up, again, even though he always just let Weggin take the money. Always gave up more money than he was asked for. He pled with his eyes, as his arms were wrenched behind himself. Why was Weggin trying to rob someone who was giving him what he wanted?! "But ehhhh... no need to break him now, Sakage, he's learned his lesson. Maybe just keep him around as a bit of a reminder, eh?" "Should squeeze the... break his ribs again..." "No need for that, I think he knows now. Nighty night, strong man." "Crack his..." And the bear was snoozing, leaning against the counter, with Zane firmly pinned in place. Ah, Weggin had stuck him with some sleepweed. "And trust me, Zane." Weggin's voice was entirely serious now. "It'll be much worse if I catch you trying to keep all of your share to yourself." "Please." Zane's voice was muffled as he was firmly in Sakage's arms. "It's yours. Please." "Oh nono, it's been awhile since you had one of those sleeps where every time he shifts, you break something. This is a lot of money, so you need the reminder. Nighty night!" And he walked off whistling. ~~~~ It was two hours later - two painful hours later - that someone else went to the counter. By this point, Zane was nearly unconscious from the pain - every time the bear shifted, he tensed. Which either twisted Zane's arm, or squeezed his entire torso, or shifted a leg the wrong way, or something horrible. He really was going to break something again, and it hurt so much he was numb, and - - air. He couldn't even scamper away. Just remained where he was, gasping for the clear air, as he was slightly dragged aside - Band? "Shhh! You'll wake him!" Hissed the wolfman, who pulled the sugar glider to the deck. There, he set Zane gently against a barrel. "I..." Zane cringed. "It's okay. Geez, that guy really worked you over, you look terrible." The wolfman poked at Zane's arm. "I think he broke your arm." "No." Zane had felt a broken arm enough times to know, this was just a sprain. "Th-thanks..." "I'm just glad he loosened his grip and didn't turn and club me or something. That guys' a mean drunk, huh?" Right. Band didn't know about Weggin /prompting/ that. And, since Zane knew what'd happen if he ratted out Weggin, it was going to stay that way. "Thank you for getting me out of that." "Really, it's alright. Geez, no wonder I couldn't find you. Uh, the Chef was mad that you didn't bring back the bucket for the orc's food." Oh crap. He'd left that in the orc's cell! Eyes jerked up to the moon - okay, he had time. So long as the bucket was back by morning, it'd be alright enough. He stood - and cringed. Right, his leg. "Whoa - whoa, calm down. What - " "I can... er, th-thanks, Band, but I have to get that bucket back. Then I'll get some sleep. Thanks again." "Is it - " "Yeah. Really important. Sorry." Zane cringed. Ugh, now he was tired /and/ hurt. "Thanks again, Band." ~~ Door opened. Door shut behind him. Tired. That action didn't make sense. "Huh. Zane?" "Sorry, I... I have to get the bucket. I - " "Zane, hold on." A warm hand touched his shoulder - pulling him a little closer. "Zane's arms bent? Good, no bad bone. Hold still." And the massage began. It felt like the sugar glider was floating. The orc's massive hands coaxed their way down his arm with an expertise that should be denied something that large. The pain was resolved immediately, replaced by only comfort. All of his nerves were told 'Nono, it's fine'. Then his other arm. One leg. The other leg. His chest - oh his chest. It felt so good - he drifted into and out of sleep as the massage continued. ~~~~ "Shh." And Zane awoke. It hadn't been that long, but he had a deep sleep, the incredibly restful sleep that took a moment to come out of. "Chef not awake yet. Zane need get bucket before Chef awake, right?" Yeah. But he instead leaned backwards, into Qut's warm, comforting grip. He really just wanted to sleep there, so - "Shh. Zane get bucket." And the sugar glider was set on his feet. ...which was when he realized, he was naked. That jarred him back to reality. Or well, he wasn't naked, just in his boxers. His bulging boxers! Crap! "Zane." And that jarred him back to reality. Qut exhaled, and had a bit of a wistful smile this time. "Okay. First - Zane okay?" "Y-yeah." Zane shifted his wrists. Actually he felt much better than the day before. "Wow - wow yeah! How did - " "Qut mind controlling Zane." The sugar glider blinked, as Qut chuckled. "Not really mind control. But Qut strong - strong orc musk. Zane likes orc, Zane wants to obey orc. But!" And the orc leaned backwards. "Qut not want make Zane do something Zane doesn't want. But sorry - Zane was hurt real bad. So Qut not do that anymore - glad Zane okay. Zane friendly." A pause. "You... you didn't have to let me go." "No." "And if... if you'd kept holding me, crap, I wouldn't have wanted you to let go either, would I have?" "No." "I... I could go tell everyone! Holy crap you're not even bound anymore, I should go tell everyone!" "Zane could." Qut smiled. "Up to Zane." The sugar glider paused, just staring at the orc. "...why did... why did... I mean, we're going to..." "Zane nice. Qut likes Zane." The orc pointed. "Zane need bucket. Chef still not awake. Easier for Zane think away from Qut." Zane hesitated another moment. "Go." And Zane was gone. ~~ Zane tried hard to avoid meeting Weggin's gaze that morning - the latter knew Zane was still under his thumb, and was now willing to leave him be unless he pushed it. Sakage had probably forgotten all about it, and was currently beating his chest in front of some other guys. But all he could think about was the orc. The orc, right there, could have done anything he wanted to Zane - or even just left him alone. He didn't have to stick his neck out, to help the sugar glider's injuries, to even let him know about the dominance. About the sheer aura of power that the orc exuded, the aura that just felt... right to obey. Didn’t have to shoo him out of the room so he could think clearly. Could've taken advantage of Zane. Everyone knew orcs raped people. Could've gotten free. Murdered him. Had done none of these things. "Hey, Zane? Trying not to freak you out this time." Zane appreciated that. "Hello, Band - thanks again for saving me last night!" "Really, it's nothing. You look a lot better than last night, and uh, your tail is curled up like it seems to do when you're lost in thought. You okay?" "Yeah I..." Zane swallowed. "I just... thank you." "Really, it's okay, I just - " "No it isn't! You're the first person to be nice to me ever since I got stuck on this ship!" Zane clamped his mouth shut, eyes opened wide. Oh holy crap he said that out loud. Was anyone nearby? "I don't think Rolf was nearby to hear that, heh." Band sat down. "Although he's never too far away from me. Well, I'm sorry you haven't been having the best of times here. Will this orc money help?" "Yeah." "Well, if you're ever up to it, I can help you get a caravan out of here. I usually work on the caravans in and out, heh, although you won't need to work your way out with even a fraction of this money. But it helps to know a guy, eh? Whoa - you alright?" As Zane plopped down. "I... sorry I..." He sniffed. "I just..." "Whoa. You've had it bad, huh? I - ah crap, here comes Rolf." Band picked up the sugar glider, returning him to his feet. "You should probably be working, right? Here, I'll distract him. Hey, Rolf!" And as Band walked away... that clinched it. He knew what he was going to do. ~~ It was with force that the door was opened that evening. Qut was back to being bound, but they both knew this was a joke. The orc could get out whenever he wanted to. Zane shut the door. Paused, listening. "Nobody else here." Right. Qut could hear everything. "I..." And... and it was hard to say. Zane bit his lip, stepping a little closer. And, after a moment, Qut smirked. Pulled one hand free of the chains. "Zane sure?" "No." The sugar glider admitted. He took another step forward. "But you're... there've only been two people on this ship who've ever been nice to me, and you're one of them. I..." Gently, Qut silenced Zane by picking him up. Pulling the sugar glider closer to his chest. Holding him, firmly, but softly. Warmth. The two remained in place for several minutes. Gradually, Zane's heartbeat slowed. Gradually, the comfort set in. His eyes dimmed, just a little. "Who beat up Zane?" "Sakage." Came the slurred response. "A big bear." "Zane saw bear naked?" "Yes." Wait, why was that important? "Zane like seeing bear naked?" Did... he? "Is Rhino on board. Zane saw rhino naked?" He had. "Zane like seeing rhino naked?" "Y-yes." Yes he had. "Not care 'bout seeing girls naked?" No. No he never had. Hadn't it... just been that he'd never found the right girl? Had he always been attracted to men? Wait. Was Qut controlling him? This could be just... ...just... ...he could feel it. Qut wasn't letting him leave. Not right now, anyway. His will was nothing before the orc's - he was going to stay in that mighty grip as long as the orc desired. But that was the full extent of it. Zane could still shout for help, and he knew that. He could still think, because Qut was letting him. Qut wanted Zane to have this choice. Qut didn't need to. He could just shred Zane's clothes, plow him senseless. But the orc was - wanted to help Zane explore feelings he hadn't really thought about when he jerked off, when he imagined. But it /had/ been harder to jerk off when imagining any of the girls back at port. A lot easier when he imagined giving Sakage and Weggin their comeuppance. But was he jerking off to the karma, or to their bodies? ...Sakage was... pretty hot. Big and strong. Just such a jerk that Zane wasn't interested. This orc was big and strong, and wasn't a jerk. And that was even more arousing. "Zane like Qut?" Zane swallowed. He didn't have to answer that. He knew he didn't. And he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Yes." And the orc stopped holding back. He held the sugar glider yet more tightly, as Zane felt himself sinking backwards. This was what he wanted. This was where he belonged. Following orders. "Reach island soon. Qut want sexy bear. Zane get sexy bear." And Zane nodded. "Yes, sir." ~~~ "P - please, Sakage, you have to help me!" Sakage was still pretty drunk. "You sayin' I'm weak, runt?" But this time, Zane just stared at him. "I feel dumb - the orc has the chef's bucket. He's still chained up, but I'm not strong enough to get it out of his grip. I know you're strong enough to do it with one hand tied behind your back, though." "Heh, damn straight." A pause. "Wait, who cares about a bucket?" "Chef'll get real mad without it. Last time, he locked up the alcohol - and our best fighter deserves his booze, right?" "Damn straight." The punch to the chest was meant to be a little friendly. "Glad to see you know your place around here, runt. Who's the strongest?" "You are, Sakage!" "Damn straight." "Can you help get the bucket? I know you're strong enough." "Peh, let's get this out of the way." ~~~ Zane had been a little worried partway through - he'd seen Band at the edge of his vision, but he didn't want to speak to the wolfman right now. He knew he had until Sakage lost interest, and that would be sooner than later. Rolf was shadowing Band more firmly, however, so he couldn't stop to talk. Which was for the first time ever a positive thing, heh. Zane opened the door. "In here, Sakage. Thanks for being so much stronger than me that you could do this." "Peh." Sakage stepped in - and paused, as the sugar glider shut the door behind him. "Ey, keep that open, otherwise I won't be able to see to -" First of all, Zane had forgotten that not everyone could see in the dark like he could. But secondly and most importantly, Qut had acted then - one arm sweeping around the bear and clamping firmly on his snout, other hand around his upper stomach, lifting the bear into the air. Immediately, the bearman flailed - but even Zane could only barely hear his muffled cries. Qut was very good at muffling people's sounds, and with his feet off the ground he didn't make any noise against that either. And then the orc began working the bearman's muscles. It was the reverse of what he'd done to Zane - exhausting the muscles rather than soothing them. The bearman's breathing became ragged almost immediately - and Qut held. Massaged. Held. Massaged. Keeping the bearman off the ground, keeping his muzzle tightly shut. Sakage was slowing down. And... and wow. Zane knew that Sakage was mostly hot air, but he hadn't realized it was to /this/ extent. Qut wasn't even trying terribly hard, as the struggles grew less and less. Then they stopped. Even Sakage's breathing was limited. But Qut kept holding. "Want him alllmost unconscious. But not quite. Then he struggles." The toothy grin was back. Zane felt guilty for keeping Qut locked up - muscles like that deserved to move. "Zane was followed. Pretty sure Weggin. Get Weggin." And Zane went to the door again. ~~~ Sure enough, Weggin wasn't too far away. Looking around a bit, though - but his eyes narrowed on Zane as the latter exited the orc's cell. "You. Where's Sakage?" "Sakage? I - " Began Zane, when Weggin was suddenly in his face. "You are trying something, aren't you? Here I am, all nice to you and letting that dumb wolf rescue you from Sakage, and you go plotting behind my back?" Both paws came up. "W - wait, Weggin, I - " "Don't play coy. Where's your bucket?" Zane turned to Qut's cell, still too frazzled to actually have a plan. "I'll get - " "Is that your ploy?" Weggin stormed the door. "What're you hiding in those buckets? Probably stockpiling them so - " And the door opened. And there, in plain view, was Sakage - leaning against a wall and nearly unconscious, breathing deeply. "Wh - " Was as far as Weggin got before a titanic green hand clamped itself over half his face. ~~~ "Not bad." Weggin was a lot easier for Qut to wrangle, but notably the orc was just holding him, not exhausting him. "Not's big though." He pulled off Weggin's trousers. "But is fine. Have place for Weggin. Get pants off, c'mere!" In honesty, Zane didn't even realize he'd complied. Partially because of Qut's control over these two powerful males, partially because he had given himself to the orc. But also because the orc had opened the front of his briefs and shoved the squirming Weggin directly into his cock. And oh, did he squirm. Push, pull, punch, kick, every one of Weggin's body parts were actively fighting being pushed into the orc's maleness - to no real effect. Well, besides the orc's gasp of pleasure from the stimulation. Weggin was shouting, but now his shouts were muffled by the orc's shaft itself. Qut grabbed Sakage with his other hand. The bearman groggily stirred as he was yanked forward. And started, just a bit, as his head was shoved into the orc's mouth. In went his shoulders. Then Zane had to just pause and stare for a moment as the bear just kind of went crazy. Frantic. Panicked. Voice muffled since his head was deep in Qut's throat. Chest sank in. Slowly, Qut released Weggin - his cock was strong enough to take him at this point. Which was itself mind boggling - Qut had reduced Weggin to a pleasure object that was being overpowered entirely by his maleness. The orc's now free hand clamped onto Zane's shoulder. And honestly, at this point, had Qut eaten him as well he'd have welcomed it, he was so overwhelmed by the orc's musk and virility all about him. Instead, Zane was plunked in the orc's briefs - straddling Qut's throbbing cock, pinned against the orc's gut. He could feel every wriggle that Weggin gave. Feel every gyration. Feel Qut's cock throb in anticipation of each move. He could feel every part of Sakage's struggle. Feel the bear's roars of refusal to submit. Feel Qut's gut warble as the paws inside pushed to get out. Nothing had ever been this arousing in Zane's life. Nothing. And he wouldn't cum, since Qut didn't want him to, and that meant he wouldn't. But he knew what he was to do - as he massaged the orc's shaft. Rubbed up and down. Had absolutely no experience whatsoever and thus made up for it with energy - both paws assaulting Qut's shaft, massaging the bulge that was Weggin, Zane trying his best to stimulate his boss. Who gave a grunt of approval, using both hands to focus on Sakage. Relishing in the struggle. Was almost disappointed when he felt his orgasm building, as he leaned his head back. One motion swallowed the bear in his mouth, and Weggin into his cock. Both feet disappeared at the same time. And Zane could feel Qut's roar of orgasm through his very bones. ~~~~~ Zane woke up. He was still tucked neatly into Qut's briefs. Actually at some point before (or maybe after?) falling unconscious, Qut had pulled them up, so now Zane was entirely inside them. He poked his head out of the top. And... just relaxed there for a bit. Content. Warm. Qut had a happy smile on his still unconscious face. His motions got Qut's gut to move a little - was Sakage still in there? Wow. Sakage was /so big/ and - - Sakage's motions woke Qut. Who scratched at himself - and as his hands touched Zane, he remembered the sugar glider was there. Scritched his head with a gentleness that should have been denied him. "Heh. Zane did good. Good little Blade." The compliment sent Zane's heart into spirals. He'd helped! "Ship is prison." Qut gave an even bigger grin, patting his gut. "But not Qut prison. Currents'll bring ship to Changuu even with nobody on board, now that ship this close." He pulled Zane out of his briefs, plopping the sugar glider on the ground. "Then real fun starts. Qut smells wolf on his little blade. Wolf next?" Zane shook his head. "Band was super nice to me, Boss." Actually where had that word come from? It was just naturally to call Qut boss. And actually, he was being called a Blade. He was Qut's Blade now. That mental statement intrinsically filled him with pride. "Get Band, little Blade. Warn Band." Qut stretched, patting his stomach. "Then Qut need new target." "Rolf. He's meant to watch people - watching Band. I'll... uh, try to tell you how he smells, boss." A big grin. A head massage. And now Zane was matching Qut's grin. He /liked/ being Qut's Blade. A lot. ~ Garz.
 Biggest Fan Another boring day for a goblin in Threeton. Groceries. Which was a process, since now you had a very strict limit of how /many/ groceries you could pick up, so ugh. He had it about mathed out, though - was able to get most of his list even. So that was a perk. Whoa, there was an orc as the only other person there in line - well, there'd been a fox ahead of him, but the fox had left before Venson was anywhere near done. Geez, he'd seen maybe seven or eight orcs that weren't on TV, and it was always startling how /big/ they were. I mean if they tried anything they could get sent in for recalibration, so in theory orcs never did anything... but um, also in just as theory there have been stories about orcs eating people, so it was worth being a little leery. Actually. Venson paused. That orc looked /really/ familiar. Had he seen him /on/ TV somewhere? Anyway, then he was gone. And Venson took a moment to pile his groceries on the counter. "Hello, Mrs. Osprey! How's your leg?" "As good as can be expected, and if you call me Mrs. Osprey again I'll hit you with these paper towels." Claudia chuckled, and Venson did as well. Claudia wasn't even a bird and was literally the same age as - Actually wait. "Paper towels? I have plenty of those so I didn't buy any." "Oh, these aren't yours?" She glanced. "Ahh, must've been the previous customer's -" "I'll run it to him." Venson grabbed the rolls, running outside. Missing your groceries would /suck/ since then you wouldn't get any until next week. "Hey!" Clearly the orc didn't hear him - turned into an alleyway. He actually hit almost the end of the corridor before he stopped for the yelling goblin. "You forgot these! I know it sucks when..." And Venson paused. And the orc jerked backwards, a little startled, as the goblin's eyes turned into literal stars. "ARE YOU THE BLACK MASK?!" Shouted at the absolute top of his lungs. The orc recoiled from the sound. "U - uh - " "Oh my gosh you ARE the Black Mask aren't you?!? Oh my gosh do you have the tattoo - you DO! You ARE the Black Mask!!! Oh my gosh!" "Y - yeah." The orc swallowed nervously. "U - um, thanks for the -" "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh please PLEASE can I take a selfie with you PLEASE oh my gosh I didn't know you were in this city I thought you lived across the country oh my gosh are you shooting soon oh my gosh!" The orc was still pretty tense. You see, Zeiken Rangers was popular, but not /the/ popular show of the year. Everyone was far more focused on giant robots nowadays. Still moderately popular, though. Then on the Zeiken Rangers, the primary villain was the evil Lady Wilkins. She was a very popular character and thus got a lot of screentime. Under her were a series of costumed 'monsters' as her primary henchmen. The show was well known for a few of those too, as they each tended to trade off episodes on who would lose to the Zeiken Rangers today. Very episodic. Whenever Wilkins gave an order to her henchmen, one would turn, backhand one of the lesser mooks, and call out, "You heard da boss!" as basically a catch phrase of the show. Then the mooks would scatter, the camera would cut, and later those mooks and that henchman would go enact the plot of the day. Well. The mook that got backhanded every episode was The Black Mask. And well, this was his actor. "Um - " "Oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't believe I'm with The Black Mask! I went as you to Kauai Kon!" "Did... did anyone, uh, recognize you?" "Yes! Well er not specifically, but they knew I was one of the Zeiken Ranger mooks, but I totally was you! I made a costume of - oh my gosh I'm sorry you must get this all the time huh? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'm just so excited!" "Um. N-no it's... it's okay." The orc just stared. "You... you went as me?" "Yeah! Oh my gosh - this is okay, right?" "Y-yeah." The orc gave a smile that felt a lot more fake than he would've hoped. Oh. This was a trick - ugh, he wondered who was putting him up to this. Finboo? Babster? Probably one of those two, it was always one of them. Ugh. He was probably not gonna hear the end of this next time he was at work. "Oh my gosh - thank you SO MUCH! Oh wow - here's your paper towels! I gotta get this picture onto my blog! Thank you so much! Wow! I can't believe I met him gosh!" Ker half-waved - originally a little shell shocked, but now a little annoyed. Ugh, it would be like them to do this sort of thing to him. Not that he minded the job in general, just... ugh. Although huh, they'd been pretty thorough - the goblin knew his real name. Eh. Hoisting his groceries once more, he headed home. ~~~~~~~~~ Waiting on the subway. Which was always a pain for an orc, especially one as big as Ker. You had to file in advance, you had to then sit and wait until you were specifically called. Ker watched other people pile into and out of the subway, sighing - fortunately he knew to plan for an extra hour or so at each end. Idly, he poked at his phone - and nearby, some fox snickered at him squinting and poking. This was the biggest phone they had, too - maybe he should look into a tablet that could call. Mrr. Just poked around, looking at cat videos at random. Out of curiosity, he typed 'The Black Mask' into Google. Apparently it was a comic? The comic character looked nothing like him, though - when on set he was 'an orc in a black mask and black cape and black anklets and thin black belt and black Speedo', for all two minutes he was usually on screen. Actually next episode they were filming was one where the Rangers stormed the evil base, and that meant he might get a second showing to get free action'd by one of them. Those were always kind of cool. Nothing really about him though. Just... huh. Actually wait - there was a blog about him? There was a blog about HIM?! He wasn't even on the official website and there was a blog about him? And clicking, the blog had a healthy amount of posts... oh and four followers. Okay there was indeed sanity in the world, haha. Wow, this guy was super enthusiastic, though, and - - and there was his selfie. Oh my gosh it was that goblin. That goblin wrote this blog. He was actually a fan. He had a fan. A real fan. He just stared. Missed his name being called so he'd have to wait another hour. He had an actual fan. He started doing this job because he drew the short straw and was ordered to after his last big screwup. He was... admittedly okay with the job. It was amusing enough, the scenes were amusing enough, and he was content to not have an important role and just watch other people be focal. Didn't really care to be a mover or a shaker. But wow. A fan. He hadn't... hadn't expected to have a fan for real. I mean he was so minor of a character that there wasn't even any porn of him online, although that might have been partially because he didn't have boobs. But wow. The blog was even the goblin realizing that he probably freaked Ker out and explained that he'd gotten Ker's name from voice acting credits in the third movie since he didn't have credits nor speaking lines in the first two. That's right, he'd said 'Yes ma'am!' just before he was backhanded in that one on reflex and they'd liked it and thus kept it in, so he'd accidentally gotten a speaking role. A fan. Whoa. He had a /lot/ more pride at work the next day. ~~~~ "Wait - wait! Don't do tha - Augh!" Sigh. Ker exhaled - he knew what shouts like that meant. They meant he was going to lose his job. And just after he'd found out he had a real fan, too. Life had been so steady. Since shouts like that were from people who needed help, and he always went to help people who needed help. Even if every time he'd done it before, the net result had been he was reprimanded. Which was rough for orcs. Actually that last one had probably been his /last/ reprimand. He might be in for recalibration this time. Oh man. That was sufficient for him to actually stop, hesitate. Reprimands sucked - last time he'd been given electro torture until he'd forgotten what it was like to not be in pain. The Commander was really good at that. Ugh that had hurt so much. But recalibration... oh man. Maybe the Commander would just kill him, the Commander kinda liked him so he might go for that. A second shout. Yeah, he was going anyway. Sod it. Man recalibration... please let the Commander just kill him. Please please let the Commander just kill him. "What is going on here." He said, as he turned the corner. Locked eyes with the - oh wow, that Fox had a knife. Was this a mugging? Fox turned, paled. "N - nothing. Just having a talk with my friend here." The Fox said, nervously. Ker kept his face slightly angry and level, betraying no emotion. Inside he was mentally pleading. Please back down. If I don't do anything I won't get in trouble. "Put the knife down. Back. Away." "Here here - you can have the knife. Sorry!" The fox held the point of the knife, handing the back to Ker - who kept an eye on both him and it, slowly taking it from him. Whatever. Fox held up both hands, then slowly backed away. "Okay! I'm gone! Sorry!" And off he fled. So stupid. Ker tossed the knife aside, then - - slammed into by the would-be victim. "Oh my gosh! You saved me! For real!!" Was. No way? Ker pushed the goblin away for a moment. "Wow. No way. You're him?" "Thank you so much! I'm so sorry for freaking you out like that the other day I didn't expect to run into you here and oh my gosh you saved me! That guy came out of nowhere I don't know why I listened to Adam and took this route to get home oh my gosh I'm having a party can you come?!" "Can... whoa... what?" "Oh man I'm freaking you out again. Sorry! Venson breathe!" And Venson took a few deep breaths. "Sorry! Oh man. You don't know how exciting it is to actually /meet/ you. Okay - you just really helped me out. Um. I'm having some friends over - oh man this is too weird. I'm sorry. I just -" "Whoa - uh. It's okay! I, uh, I'm glad you're, uh, what was it you wanted?" Ker had no idea what he was going to say but damnit he'd never had a fan before and he wanted to keep this one. His only fan. "I'm having a party! It's uh, my birthday and it's just me and my friends. Can you come? I'm even getting Cherry Rhubarb Pie for a cake, that's your favorite, right?" Actually it was his favorite on the show, he hated Cherries. And by 'favorite on the show' he had given a single 'yum' on camera when it was put there. Geez this goblin was intense. "Y - yeah." Would it cause problems if he went to some guy's house? How could it possibly not cause problems! Admittedly this goblin wasn't a kid, so it wasn't the epitome of weirdness, but he didn't know these people. But the goblin - Venson? - was looking at him with liquid hope in his eyes and this was his only fan ever. "I..." Ker swallowed. "I uh, guess so." "AWESOME oh my gosh! Here I live this way!" "Wa - wait now?" "Yeah! Oh my gosh wait until I tell my friends - oh my gosh! THE Black Mask! Here it's this way!" And he started moving. Ker swallowed again. "Right now?! I uh - I don't have - uh - I don't have a present or anything." "That's okay - you saved me! Saving me is a present! You being here is a present! Oh man - I wish I'd known I would've met you I'd have put on my mask!" Ker was, more or less, pulled along with the over excited Venson. Already his heart was sinking - oh man, what if he did something wrong? Orcs weren't allowed in private dwellings without the express permission of the owner - and like... while yes, this /was/ express permission, if he got in trouble it'd be his word against Venson's, and orcs always always lost that. What if he broke something? Maybe this was a bad idea. ...but Venson seemed to happy. Was this a thing you did for your fans? On TV stars always seemed eager to please their fans. On set fans weren't allowed to show up. He had no idea how most of the others treated their fans - the one guy who had ever interacted with him off set was a huge jerk to him and everyone else and was fortunately off the show now. Well. He had one fan. Forced a smile. "Uh. Happy... birthday?" "This is the best gift ever! I can't believe I actually met you in person! Oh man, I put that selfie from earlier on my blog, that's okay right? Man I loved episode 34 - that's the one where you got to activate that lever and throw the Rangers into their cell - oh my gosh that was such a good episode you were on camera for so long it was awesome and - " Ker honestly didn't even remember that episode. He kept smiling, as he was pulled up to the second floor of a small apartment building. To a door. Door was opened. Venson's phone buzzed. "Oh crap! The pie is ready now? Um - sorry I have to go pick up the food, go ahead and sit on the couch it won't take long." "But - " "I'll hurry I swear - oh my gosh I'm sorry I'm so stupid - please I'll be right back just hang out feel free to have anything you want from the fridge I have lots of sodas I'll be right back sorry!" And he was off. With Ker standing in front of a slightly opened door. He swallowed. Okay so he clearly wasn't going in there until Venson came back. But maybe that would make the goblin worried - but this was something he was pretty sure was a dumb idea. Okay, so focus on 'what do you say when Venson comes back'. He could lie and say he had a call and forgot to go inside, but he was so bad at lying. It was best to stick to - - the door creaked open. And inside was... a rat? Ker swallowed. "Sorry, I - " "Oh nono, Black Mask, I know why you're here. Hi! I'm Venson's friend Adam." Ker didn't like the rat's grin. "I was just - " "Oh, I know. Venson took off to get the food for his birthday party, he invited you! And that's awesome. Hey look, I have a tablet here. Can you look at these pictures?" "Really, I don't want to be a both..." Ker froze. It was 'him holding a knife', with a Fox right next to him. "I... I wasn't... he handed me the knife, I - " "Oh yeah - you were just helping Venson. But Venson isn't in the picture, you are. And it sure looks like you're threatening that poor innocent Fox, doesn't it? Look at how scared he looks. Look at how angry you look. If this got sent to your commander, then..." Ker's eyes were very small at that point. "P - please - please don't - " "Venson might actually be able to talk to your Commander about it, but it'll be /after/ he's seen the video. Hey, look at your knees shake. What happened to the big tough guy orc?" Ker's jaw was quivering, knees and arms shaking. "P - please... I wasn't... I wasn't attacking anyone... please..." "Why don't you come in?" And Ker stiffly walked in. The place was a bit messy - clothes kind of all over the place. Central room, bedroom was probably over there, bathroom. Kitchen was slightly split from the main room. Ker clasped his hands together. "Please - please don't send that. I - " "Shhh. Give me your shirt, so - " The rat was actually surprised - Ker had that shirt off and had it held out to him like it was made of fine china before he could even finish the statement. Teeth chattering. "Whoa. He's really spooked, Xavier." It was a fox - actually he smelled a bit like the fox from the video. Wasn't the same guy, though, this one was much smaller. Walked over towards the rat - Xavier, who accepted the shirt, tossing it aside. "Yep. Pants!" A hesitation. "I - I was o - ordered not to be in my underw -" "Isn't this something you have to do too?" Ker nodded frantically. Then paused. Then swallowed, pulling at his belt. "Whoa. Awesome. Let me get his gear." "Good idea, Zalkery - hey Ker, take your boots off too while we're at it." The orc kicked off his boots, now just standing in his black briefs. "Wh - why do - aren't you guys Venson's f - friends? I was helping him, not - " "Oh - it's simple. You're taking off your clothes since The Black Mask doesn't wear any of that, now does he?" The rat stretched. "And you wouldn't want that, would you?" Ker swallowed. "Um. I'm not really The Black Mask, I'm just the acto - " "If I hear you say that again, then I'm clicking send." Ker clamped his mouth shut. "So let me ask that again. Who are you?" "The. Um. The B - Black Mask, s - sir." "And does the Black Mask wear any of that?" "No, s - sir." Ker swallowed. "I can - I can go get my Black Mask's - er I mean my uniform from work and - " "No need." This was the fox - Zalkery. He stepped back from the bedroom. "I'm sure Venson wouldn't mind the actual Black Mask wearing his replica costume, eh?" Ker blinked. Swallowed. "He - he has my uniform?" "Yeah, a full sized replica. He's a really big fan of yours. And just think - if you don't cooperate, then he won't get to see you ever again. He'll be crushed. So not only will you have your problems, you'll have disappointed the guy who I'm pretty sure is your only fan ever. And then -" "Y - you w - want me to wear this, right?" Ker very frantically grabbed for the cape. "I'll - I'll wear it! I mean - b - because you ordered me to, s - sir!" His teeth were chattering which made it very hard for him to be understood, but he still pulled on the cape. The Belt. The mask. The anklets. Fit like dreams, wow, they were exactly his size. Reached for the Speedo. The Speedo, very very clearly, wouldn't fit. It was way too small. Ker held it for a moment, super tense, trying to figure out how - "Oh man, that won't fit him at all." Xavier placed one paw to his chin. "Crap. Now what?" "S - sorry sir! I - " "I guess his briefs are black? It's close enough." Zalkery pointed at Ker. "Do that arms on your side pose where - " And Ker put both fists on his side - feet shoulder length apart. Face went serious. Cape remained behind him, although the carefully aimed air conditioners they had on set weren't here so it didn't billow. "Huh. You know, that's a lot like a superman pose or something." "It kinda is now that you mention it. Okay - bend down. Uh, maybe kneel I guess." Xavier placed a small headphone on the orc's right ear. He covered his mouth. "You hear this?" "Yes, sir!" "Whoa. You're really a military orc, huh? Well here - we're gonna make this something special for Venson. So I'll give you orders, you follow them. Do a good job and we delete this video and let you go. Do a bad job, and what will happen?" "Recalibration, sir!" Xavier blinked. "Whoa. You're probably up for recalibration if this video gets sent?" "Y - yeah. S - sir." Ker's jaw was wavering a little. "Please - I'll do what you say, just - " "Shush here he comes - when he comes in, tell him, 'Why have you entered the Black Mask's domain', make sure you do it in a good voi - " And the door opened - with Venson holding a pair of bags. "I'm so sorry I'm late I wanted to get more food since I know orcs can eat a lo - " The goblin dropped both bags. "Why have you entered the Black Mask's domain?!" The high pitched squee of excitement from the goblin was almost liquid in its eagerness. And for a moment... Ker's heart rose. He puffed himself up a bit. This was really exciting to Venson - to his biggest fan! His only fan! And he - "Tell him 'shut the door or face my wrath'." Right. Okay, so Xavier was covering his mouth, and Venson definitely wasn't paying attention. Okay. Ker was good at following instructions, had to hope Xavier was good enough at giving them. "Shut the door, goblin, or face my wrath!" "Oh my gosh oh my gosh that voice is so good oh my gosh!" Venson shut the door behind himself. His hands were shaking - but not out of fear. Ker didn't smile, since it'd be out of character for him to do so, but he was loving Venson's reaction to all this. Focus on that. Not on the orders. "Grab him - gently - and tell him that you're not letting another minion take your job." Ker's movement was fast - grabbing Venson by the shoulders. Hoisting him. Keeping him close. "You think a minion as SMALL as you will get MY position?!" Ker's ears shifted, focusing on Xavier's reaction. A positive sound! Okay good - also now he didn't have to say what Xavier ordered him to say word for word. "I'm - oh my gosh I get to be a minion?!" Venson was even more excited. Ker could smell his adrenaline racing, his... ...huh? "Sit with him. Hold him really close to you - let him feel your skin." "Worm!" Ker sat down, roughly, and squeezed Venson in what was technically a hug. "I will CRUSH YOUR SPINE! I will SQUEEZE YOUR RIBS! A minion as SMALL as you thinks he can withstand THIS?!" "Wow, he's loving this." Came the soft voice of Zalkery, who was just watching. "Can you pull up that fanfic he wrote? I forget what he said next." Ker heard that one via his headphone, but he could tell that Xavier wasn't really asking him that. So he held, carefully. Smothering Venson a little - not enough so he couldn't breathe, but enough that his breath was warm. The goblin was responding by hugging into him - three times Venson /tried/ to respond, and each time only squeaks of excitement came out. Actually, the goblin couldn't see his face now - it was safe to smile. Just for a moment. "Lick his face." "STILL, you defy me?! Worm! No lesser minion will take my role!" Back came the scowl, as he held Venson close to his face. One long lick - from the front of his shirt to the top of his face. "I will PUT you in your PLACE!" Ker was excited - there was /no fear/ in Venson's smell. Venson wasn't afraid - just excited. Overjoyed. Too excited to even talk. Ker licked him again - was this what he'd imagined? Was he fulfilling his biggest fan's dreams? "Now swallow him - whole." And Ker's face fell. He tried to set it back to normal but was having trouble doing so. "B - But - " He stammered, in his normal voice. "Don't you dare hesitate! You don't have to kill him if you eat him, do you? Then eat him!" And... and even in the face of recalibration, Ker hesitated. "You..." He began, before trailing off. Swallowing nervously. No he didn't have to kill him, but if he - "Hurry! He's loving this - NOW!" Ker shoved Venson in his mouth. And... he hesitated, again. The front half of the goblin in his mouth, legs and waist dangling out. Just holding. Terrified that - "Oh! my! gosh!" The excitement was liquid. And encouraging! Ker leaned back, gulping the goblin the rest of the way in his mouth. Venson was enjoying this far more than Ker would have expected and - A paw touched the front of his briefs. Which were bulging, a little. Ker's eyes widened as he again froze - the goblin entirely in his mouth. It was Zalkery. "Better swallow him fast!" Came the voice in his head. "I - y - you - if I cum - " He stammered, nervously. Xavier took a moment, amused that orcs can apparently talk, very clearly, with their mouths full. "Then you better not cum." Xavier continued, leaning backwards. "But I mean. If you don't get him down /now/, then you'll definitely cum before - Ker swallowed. In this case he didn't have a choice - Venson squirmed in just the right way that instinct took over - and down he went. Relished in the taste all the way into his gut - MmMMmMm the goblin tasted good! And Zalkery went nuts on his bulge. Just massaging the orc. Cupping his balls. Stroking his shaft. All through his briefs - which bulged more and more. "Not as good as a Speedo, but this'll do. Is it working?" "Yeah - his gut is going nuts." "W - wait if - if I cum then Venson will - " "Then you better not cum!" "Please - please Xavier, I don't want to hurt Venson, he's - " "Enjoying himself in there, isn't he?" "Yes but - " "Enjoying himself a lot?" "He might be hurt if I cu - " "Answer the question." And Ker's head drooped. "Yeah. He's loving it in there." "And you're getting harder and harder. How's he reacting to that?" "He's.. he's loving it." "And you love making him feel good, don't you?" "Yeah. He's my biggest fan." "Besides, what happens if you don't do what we say?" "You send that tablet video." "Then...?" "Then I get sent to recalibration." "So are you gonna cum?" "No, sir." Ker's head remained drooped. He clenched his eyes shut. Don't cum. Don't cum! Ignore the fox jerking him off. Ignore his talented, dexterous paws. Ignore how good he felt. For Venson. Make Venson feel good. Massaged his gut - just so. Could hear Venson gargle - and whoa. Hump against him on the inside. Ker bit his lip - that was even more arousing. Don't cum. Just hold on. Keep holding on. Keep massaging his gut - as his cock was thicker than he'd gotten in a very long time. Massaging himself like this was arousing too. Not as arousing as the fox. Gotta hold on. "Holy crap, Xavier, you were right - the orc's eyes are glazing over." "Glad you noticed it - I got wrapped up in here. Okay, I want him out of his clothes but you can spit him out now Don't cum, now!." Ker shifted once. Twice. Leaned back. And with a ptooie, out came a very dazed Venson. In his boxers, quite out of it. "Wow, he can do that!" The fox stopped. Which was good, since otherwise Ker was probably going to break the 'don't cum' rule he had. He was breathing raggedly, leaned against the couch to steady himself. But fortunately he hadn't killed Venso - The goblin stood up. Hey, he'd recovered faster than - Snatched... something? From Xavier? "....Venson? Hey - Hey Venson wait I - " But he'd clicked play on the tablet - oh, he’d snatched Xavier's tablet. And gave a scowl. "That's the fox guy that attacked me - wait he took off his mask? Hey, I know him - that's your big brother, Zalkery. What gives?!" Oh! Oh he'd heard what Xavier was ordering Ker to do while he was trapped within Ker's gut! "Hey hey - we were just - " "Blackmailing poor Ker? Oh my gosh, Ker, I'm so sorry - I thought you were doing all that voluntarily! What the hell is wrong with you two! Isn't recalibration super bad for orcs? Oh my gosh Ker, I'm so sorry." "It's... it's okay." Ker swallowed. "You're okay?" "Of course I'm okay - oh my gosh Zalkery, were you jerking him off?!" "It made it better for you when - " "You two are such jerks, wow! Now Ker is gonna hate me for taking advantage of him like this! Ker - Ker I'm really sorry about all this, really, I - " And the goblin was picked up by the orc. Gently. Set in his lap. Ker poked his chest. "You uh... you came, didn't you? While in me?" And now Venson turned red. "Er. Well, I mean - " "You really liked all that?" Redder still. Venson looked away from Ker. "Yeah. Yeah I... I've dreamed about you doing that to me. But I didn't know, honest! I would never have had them take advantage of you so - " "Then I'm happy." And Ker gave Venson a hug - a more natural one this time. "I made my biggest fan happy! My only fan, I think. That means it was totally worth it." "I - I wow. Wow. Ker I - " "There is a way I can get people into me, and keep them there for days if I want to. Sometimes over a week. If I swallow people it's not that long, but I can do other things." "Wh - what?" Ker gave a grin. But this was a Black Mask sort of grin. Not the cheerful Ker grin he'd had on before. He massaged Venson's back. "I can gulp people down with my cock, too. Keep them in there for awhile. Then it becomes okay if I cum." "You can get people into your cock?" And Venson was getting hard again. "Does... does that feel okay?" "It feels good. Really good." "Better than me in your stomach?" "Different more than better." Ker's grin widened. "But it's been a long time since I did it. A rather long time." "...so you need some practice, first?" Venson was beginning to get it. So was Xavier. Who paled. "Maybe two sets of practice. Just to make sure, right?" Xavier glanced to the door - it was shut. Crap! "But I can't go around getting revenge for myself. I'm just a minion, after all, and that could get me in trouble with my Commander too." "But what if I asked you to have, you know, a little practice?" Venson smirked. "I mean I'm asking you to do it to me after, so I want to make sure you're good at it again!" "Yeah, I definitely need some practice. Can you make that an order?" "I order you to get in some practice, Black Mask." And The Black Mask's beefy fist closed around Zalkery's body. "M - me?! Wait - wait no don't do this you can't do this this wasn't part of the plan XAVIER!" The rat was already at the door, working the hammer - when he too was grabbed by the beefy orc. "Y - Y - we'll tell the commander and - " "I'm already typing in an explanation to Ker's commander, and he's not actively hurting either of you. That's good enough, right, Black Mask?" "You heard the boss." The Black Mask grinned fell into the role. Licked his tusks. Held Xavier's mouth shut before pressing the two together - holding them as one figure rather than two. "Try to squirm. My boss wants me to enjoy this." "Venson - Venson we're sorry!" Zalkery was /not/ muffled. "Venson - Venson please - Venson you can't - " And Both of their heads were shoved into the tip of The Black Mask's cock. And Ker gasped in pleasure - he really hadn't done this in a long time. Not as delicious as Venson, but with two at once they were both squirming and mMmmMmm did it feel good. "Can - Can I feel? Um, I mean - " The Black Mask sat down, slowly squeezing the two into his shaft. "I am yours to enjoy, Boss. All yours." And Venson felt the orc's bulging cock - which bulged further with the two beastmen being shoved into it. One hand felt the bare cock from the back, the other felt through the orc's briefs, and he could feel every outline of both Zalkery and Xavier as they squirmed their way in. ...when The Black Mask's hand slipped into the back of Venson's boxers. Massaging. Poking. Pushing the goblin closer. "We're both minions here, now." The Black Mask's grin was intoxicating. "Of course I'm gonna try to take advantage of you here. Better work me hard, or you might cum first!" Which was all the encouragement Venson needed. He loved the strong arm holding him forward, practically hugged the titanic cock in front of him. Worked the cock in front of him - squeezing the base then the top. Discovered it gave - and more than a little. Carefully started to knead the giant squirming bulge that was his two friends into the - "OOoOoOoOo!" That actually stopped The Black Mask from continuing to massage Venson. Which was encouraging to the goblin - who kept going. Relished in the moans of pleasure from his hero - from the - - The Black Mask came. And he came like a rocket - absolutely coating Venson and the area around him in cum. He actually didn't roar - just his entire body tensed, he took a deep breath, and orgasm. A content smile on his face as he slumped backwards on the couch. Venson felt the two within the orc's shaft slip down - into his balls. Trapped there. And he loved it. He loved how content the orc clearly was. Venson crawled onto him, and was encouraged by a giant hand encompassing him. "You're really good at that. Phew." "You're really not mad at my friends for abusing you like that?" "Nah. It meant I got to make my biggest fan happy! I've never had a fan before. Hey - orcs can go three, sometimes even four times in one sitting." "Whoa. R - really?" "But you blasted my strength out of my cock. So if you want me to go again, you're gonna have to work me." "You - you don't mind?" "From my biggest fan? I'm yours, Venson. I'm yours." "I... I always wanted to..." Venson licked Ker's nipple. The ripple of pleasure that shot through the orc visibly shook the goblin. "Wow. We gotta get you a mask." Venson noticed the orc's cock shift back to life - and the stimulation in his balls was also helping as both Xavier and Zalkery squirmed in there. Just thinking about it got Venson hard too. This was the best birthday ever. - Garz.
“Welcome back, people around the cosmos, to the Tournament of Turds!” Lia cried, her enthusiasm running through the packed stadium and transmitting far beyond to countless video relays throughout inhabited space. “I’m your co-host, Lia, and with me as always is the wonderful Elana, here to provide all of the play-by-plays that you have to see to believe.” “It’s great to be here today, Lia, commenting over what is sure to be a messy coupling of battles.” Elana took over. “I have to say, it feels like it’s been so long since the last time we say one of our beautiful warriors get flushed, but in reality, it’s only been a few days. Can you believe that?” “I can only guess that the anticipation is causing some sort of time dilation effect.” Lia laughed. “And it’s well deserved, for today we have not one, but two exciting match-ups for you all.” “That’s right, Lia.” Elana addressed the viewscreen. “After an upset last week where our resident Wulvabeast made meals out of both Blake and Lightning, we had to change our plans a little.” “And our air filters.” Lia giggled. “Let me tell you, those girls made for giant poops!” “You’re not kidding.” Elana continued. “But we know that not everyone was happy with that result. Because of that, our Lady Geminon had decided to make it up to all of you with two back-to-back matches where at least two of our unfortunate ladies are going to get flushed! No shenanigans this time!” The crowd unleashed a deafening roar throughout the stadium, letting their voices ring their approval and their lust for this most unusual sport. “Coming up first is an Android belonging to something called ‘YoRHa’.” Elana read from her notes. “She’s apparently as capable as they come, but we’ve done synths before and we all know that this game isn’t as fun when one of the competitors doesn’t have any meat on their bones. That’s why we took the liberty of giving this mechanized minx an organic body of her own. Will it be sludge by day’s end? Let’s find out, shall we? Give it up for the one, the only.... 2B!” The floor on one segment of the unconfigured arena folded away as a platform rose in its place, lifting into the stadium a tall feminine figure clad in a gothic lolita dress paired with gloves, a skirt, and a pair of boots that went most of the length up her thighs. All save her gloves were black. It made her pale skin and silver bob of hair stand out all the more. That, and the intensity of her blue eyes. It was the only difference between her live appearance and the profile projected on the large stadium-side screens. In those, she had a strip of cloth obstructing her vision. It seemed that, as an organic, she could afford that kind of fashion in battle. “POD.” She said, relaying a command to the hovering metal box beside her. “Scan the external structure for weaknesses. We need a way out of here.” “Negative.” The POD responded. “A multitude of jamming arrays are rendering scans impossible. In addition, the alloys used in this construction are unlike anything in the YoRHa database. Further analysis advised.” That was going to have to wait, as once again the arena shifted, the crowd began to stir, and the voices of the two commentators boomed throughout the stands. “And now for our second contestant!” Lia announced. “Pitting her magic against 2B’s tech, we have Bayonetta of the Umbral Witches!” The way she said it you’d have thought the Umbral Witches were a sports team or something, but neither was Bayonetta the picture of what people were expecting a witch to be, what with her tight leather number that left little to the imagination and seemed to stretch from her boots all they to the top of her outfit. In terms of accessories, she had glasses, a red ribbon entwined in her hair, and four jeweled pistols: two in her hands, and two more strapped to her heels. At a little over 8ft, she stood even taller than 2B, but where the YoRHa unit was stoic, Bayonetta was instead brash and flamboyant, eating up the cheers as she was lifted into the arena on a platform opposite her opponent. “All this adoration....” She smirked. “A girl could get used to this.” The crowd loved a showboater. 2B was almost neglected as the rabid fans directed their love towards Bayonetta, and she, in turn, posed for them as if she wasn’t about to duel a stranger to an inevitably disgraceful end. “Can you hear that excitement?” Elena asked. “I know you’re all raring to get started, but first a quick recap of our rules.” “Our two competitors are permitted to use anything at their disposal in order to –ahem- dispose of their rival.” Lia chuckled at her own joke. “A winner is crowned whenever one of our stunning competitors is deposited in the other’s bowels, ready to be flushed away like the waste they are.” “Everything after that is a victory lap.” Elena added, bringing up a holographic display of the map. “Now, let’s see what kind of arena these girls will be fighting in, shall we?” The ground beneath 2B’s feet shook. She remained steady as the tiles around her shifted, darting out to create some new design that she made sure POD was mapping in real time. Walls were erected to the sides and to the back, fitting together and sharing their tiles to create a ceiling that, when locked, finalized a cube some 50 meters wide and just as tall. Once set, the tiles continued to shift, forming smaller wall that made pathways when joined. It was ever-shifting playground. Even with POD’s help, 2B found it hard to keep track of everything. “How amusing.” Bayonetta said to herself before turning her guns on 2B. “I can only hope you’ll prove to be just as entertaining.” The witch unloaded a volley of small arms fire towards 2B. She dodged some, but a few rounds were so close to the mark that she had no choice but to draw her blade and deflect them with the sharpened edge of her katana. “So you can dance.” Bayonetta observed. “Oh good. Then this might be interesting after all.” A new wall appeared between them before 2B could retaliate. It took up much of the cube’s floor, extending to join other barricades and turning their simple one on one encounter into a labyrinthian game of cat and mouse. “Would you look at that!” Lia announced, her voice pumped into the cube via some unseen source. “Our match is off to an abrupt start! I can’t wait to see who will triumph out of these two, but it’s not just each other that our girls will have to worry about in there!” On that ominous note, the interior audio feed ended and 2B was left to fend for herself. Things in the cube were quiet now, with only the sound of her footsteps and the soft hum of POD’s stabilizers to pierce the eerily still silence. There was no sign of Bayonetta. 2B would have to go out in search of her if she wanted to get this over with. “Keep close, POD.” She said, setting off in the direction that appeared to have the most cube activity. Normally she’d have had some sort of bearings to go, but now that she was but flesh and blood, the only things she could act on were her senses, experience, and instinct. Personally, she would have preferred sensors. With those, 2B might have noticed the infrared laser that she tripped upon entering the first open room she came to. It was empty on her approach, but after hitting the trigger it suddenly filled up with more than a dozen contacts materializing out of thin air. 2B drew her weapon. So did the others. Each of them was an exact replica of 2B right down to the mole on her chin. They mirrored her movements perfectly. They even had PODS of their own. “Other androids?” 2B whispered to hers. “Negative.” POD responded. “These targets are not registering any mass.” “No mass?” 2B wondered. “Then they’re not real?” 2B put this to the test by changing her stance in an unpredictable fashion, watching as the other 2Bs mimicked her so quickly that it had to be instant. Either they were reacting in perfect sync with her muscles, or else there was some other, simpler explanation. “POD.” She said. “Scan for some kind of light emitter.” “Acknowledged.” It reported. “Emitter located in the top right of this room.” 2B spotted it, and with a quick barrage of POD’s gatling gun (the was copied throughout the room), she ended the holographic replicas in a bright spark of failing electricity. Of this she was glad. The thought of being fed to her own butt was not one she wished to entertain. The room, having fulfilled its purpose, re-morphed itself into a new path for 2B to follow. She followed even more cautiously, checking every corner and alternate route as she followed her gut, hoping it wouldn’t lead her astray. Along the way, she tangled all sorts of obstacles designed to weaken her for Bayonetta, she suspected, and though she proved her worth by thwarting many of them, even her skills couldn’t account for everything. It happened halfway down a long and featureless hallway. 2B’s cautious step failed her as the tiles shifted beneath her heels. POD’s audible warning didn’t come fast enough. The ground dropped out from under her and she was sent plummeting down some 25ft to land in a pit with no discernable means of escape. The sides were as smooth as marble. Or at least, they were until dozens of small nozzles suddenly appeared through tiny panels and sprayed 2B with a wash of green fumes. 2B tried to hold her breath, but it was no use. The onslaught didn’t relent. “Cough! Cough!” 2B choked, feeling her newly organic throat burn as it rebelled against the gas she was breathing. “POD, what is this!?” “Chemical composition is 61% nitrogen, 19% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 8% methane, and 3% oxygen.” POD analyzed. “The closest known match is that of intestinal gas; more commonly known as a fart.” “I’m breathing farts!?” She coughed, waving her arms in an attempt to ward enough of the fumes away that’s she’d be able to see. It was no good. The fog of farts was as dense as it was smelly. “This was what humans had to deal with!?” She thought, struggling to breathe when the only thing filling her lungs reeked of rotten eggs and fish. “Unit 2B, please grab hold.” POD’s monotone voice came through the mist. 2B reached out blindly, taking hold of POD’s casing just as the support unit engaged its emergency thrusters to lift them both out of the trap. 2B, still coughing and sputtering, landed with her heels on the edge of the pit. A nudge from POD kept her from falling back in. “Thanks, POD.” She wheezed, trying to clear her airways. “I guess I’ll have to rely on you more oft–PHHRRPT!” 2B stopped. That noise and the revolting smell that just now was reaching her nose: it wasn’t coming from the pit. No, it came from her. She had farted. For the first time in her existence, 2B had let one rip. “Running further analysis.” POD said without prompting. “ALERT: It appears Unit 2B has become infected with the chemical compound.” “What does that mean?” She asked, startled. “Am I just going to keep farting?” “Correct.” “Great.” She muttered as her skirt rose again with another gust. “I should have guessed they would do that sort of thing. I hope Bayonetta is getting the same treatment.” There was no way of knowing. Every new path inside the cube cut off all sound from outside it. 2B gauged that from the way that the route behind her closed off, silencing this hiss of the trap she’d fallen into and giving her a modicum of peace to think. If she was still an android, then her mind would have been solely focused on winning, but as a human, burdened with emotions, she couldn’t help but linger on the meal she’d been served in her holding cell this morning. Beans, eggs, fish, and boiled vegetables. It was her first time eating. She didn’t question it then, but looking back on it now, the ulterior motive in feeding her like that was undoubtedly to humiliate her now. She wouldn’t let them. A stoic expression was much harder to pull off, however, the next time she felt the warmth of flatulence pass an odor through her cheeks. POD, to its great credit, opted not to remark on the sudden change in pigment on 2B’s face. Over the course of the next 10 minutes, the former-android was giving a crash course in death traps and human flatus. The cube was loaded with hazards. From more pits to walls that ejected paralyzing needles, 2B had to keep on her toes if she wanted to avoid getting taken out of the fight before it really began. What made things worse was that every dodge, jump, or leap was accompanied by the squeak of her backside. She would cover her skirt the first few times, but it soon became so frequent that she gave up and instead attempted to ignore her constant eruptions. It was a change of tact that was no more effective. THWOOSH!!!!! 2B stopped herself just in time as what looked to be a dislodged tile was flung close enough to her that her hair was still blowing. The cube, rather dramatically, reorganized itself into a smaller, more compact arena as it revealed Bayonetta standing in a freshly constructed room whose ceiling appeared to go on forever. The witch was standing on a floating platform; one of many that went up into the infinite. “You’re quite a spry one, aren’t you?” She said, sucking on a red lollipop. “Then again, I’d have been disappointed if you couldn’t dodge one measly obstacle.” “You...!” 2B answered, readying her blade. “Well come on then.” Bayonetta invited. “We haven’t got all day. The crowd is expecting a show.” 2B rushed forward, utilizing the lower platforms as steps to launch from, springing into the air to meet Bayonetta at close range, driving her katana downward where the witch was but one second earlier. “Come now.” Bayonetta taunted her, sticking her rump out. “You’ll have to do much better than that.” The witch’s jeering incensed 2B, driving her to attack recklessly without her built-in programming to instill any discipline. Her swipes were well-aimed, however, and would likely have ended most normal opponents. Bayonetta, though, was anything but normal. To 2B’s eye, it looked like Bayonetta phased around the curving blade, but what was actually happening was the Umbra’s ace up their sleeve – Witch Time. Everything around the wielder slowed to a near standstill, allowing the witch to move faster, relatively speaking, and to dodge anything that came their way. It gave Bayonetta enough wiggle room to not just move out of the way of 2B, but to make a mockery of it, pulling from her cleavage another lollipop that she opened with the sharp end of her opponent’s weapon. “What the...?” 2B wondered, startled to see Bayonetta standing a few feet to her left. “Terribly sorry. Did you miss me?” Bayonetta said snarkily as she held out the lollipop. “Have a candy, won’t you? It’s strawberry.” 2B rejected the offering with another swipe that severed the candy stick in two. The strawberry tip fell and cracked on the floor beneath them. Neither of them even looked. “A pity.” Bayonetta remarked. “But then I suppose I am a stranger, am I not? Though perhaps not after I have you curled up inside my bowels. I expect we’ll get to know each other quite intimately then, but be a dear and don’t blather about my bum, would you? A girl has secrets to keep.” “I don’t care about your ass!” 2B exclaimed, letting her emotions get the better of her and going in for another strike. Human or android, she did not want to end the day as bodily waste. Thus began a backward step where 2B slowly forced Bayonetta up the ascending platforms. Not once did she actually manage to land a blow, and the one silver lining, that is to say her forward progress, counted for nothing when the steps had no end to them. “Dammit! This isn’t working!” She cried after her thirtieth failed attack in a row. She didn’t care if Bayonetta saw her frustrations. She couldn’t control them anyway. Being an android for most of her existence, she had never learned to bottle things up. There was relegating her feelings to her background processes anymore. She could only let them out. And she did, tensing her body into what promised to be a satisfying scream if it wasn’t for her earlier pitfall coming back to raise its head. PPPPHHHHHLLLLLRRRRRPPPPPPTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all intents and purposes, 2B might well have unearthed her own ability to use Witch Time. That’s how still things became after her most-inopportune butt release. The only thing not frozen was her skirt, flapping in the gust, and then her nose, ruffled by the offensive odor of her own creation. At that moment, stunned by embarrassment, maybe hiding in another’s bowels wasn’t such a bad idea. “My, oh my.” Bayonetta smirked. “And here I took you for the all-business type. To think you had that foul thing hidden inside you all along. I better keep my distance.” “S-shut up!” 2B stammered, advancing slowly, blade shaking in her grip. “Who cares if I farted anyway!? One of us is going to be poop by the end of this! Don’t you get that!?” It was a deflection, but a reasonable one. 2B’s every move was guided by her desire to not be scat. For this woman to be acting so aloof – was she that confident? “I understand that better than you think.” Bayonetta replied curtly. “But trust me. When you’ve been around as long as I have, petty things like being turned into manure don’t seem nearly so threatening. That being said, don’t think for one second that I’ll be taking it easy on you.” To prove that, Bayonetta came at 2B like a whirlwind, her movements so fast that 2B could hardly keep up. A block left. Right. Below. Then left and right within an instant of each other. 2B was sweating. Her arms were beginning to ache as they swept this way and that. Bayonetta was trying to tire her out. It was working, too. 2B was so busy maintaining her defense that she could only raise her arms weakly when Bayonetta mixed things up with an attack from above, sweeping down on 2B with butt presented, a slit of pale skin visible through the parting she’d made. Before she could process what was happening, 2B found herself with her head forcefully wedged up Bayonetta’s ass. Everything inside was dark and smelly. Something wet was clinging to her cheek. She didn’t want to think about it. The only thing that mattered was where she was. She didn’t know how her head had so easily passed through Bayonetta’s buns, but if it could enter without that much difficulty, she hoped it could exit the same way. “Ugh!” She groaned, straining her muscles to free herself. There was a little give. Then more. She pushed harder. Bit by bit, she was managing to pull herself back out. It wasn’t pretty, and the first gulp of air wasn’t as clean as she’d have liked, but as she popped herself out, covered in a brown mucus, she knew exactly what she fighting for. It was so something like that never happened again. Fouled and humiliated, 2B backed up, flicked some slime off her sword, then raised it again with a defiant glare. “Well now.” Bayonetta looked down at her. “I’m glad you’re not making this too boring for me, though I daresay I’ve left my mark?” 2B responded to the taunt by charging at her. Bayonetta was ready, pulling out a whip that she promptly wrapped around the hilt of 2B’s katana and relieved her of it with ease. The blade flew up three platforms before clattering just short of going over the edge. “You must want inside so very badly. Come and get it then.” Bayonetta called, flashing 2B her butt before taking off up the ascending platforms at a full sprint. 2B gave chase, passing some more wind in the brief instant she went to retrieve her weapon, but paying it no mind as she resumed her pursuit. Bayonetta was fast. Very fast. 2B had to drive her thighs hard just to keep her in sight. She was breathing heavily. Heart thumping in her jiggling chest. She only wanted to end this quickly, but she realized, after several futile steps, that she was thinking about this wrong. She wasn’t alone in this fight. “POD.” She said, summoning the unit to her side as she continued to run, hoping that whatever she said was out of Bayonetta’s earshot. “I need you to do something for me.” Whether Bayonetta heard or not, she didn’t let it change her course of action. 2B found her at the end of the line, waiting at the top of the final step with a candy stick, sucked dry of its flavor, twiddling between her fingers. She tossed it off the platform. The drop must have been 100 steps or more. 2B didn’t have time to think about it. POD was no longer at her side. Without the help, she would have to focus every last bit of her concentration on staying out of the witch’s ass. “It’s about time you arrived.” Bayonetta said dryly. “I thought I was going to have to come down there and get you.” 2B found this wordplay tedious, but she humored Bayonetta, answering tenaciously that if the witch wanted her, she’d have to come and get her. With that she tossed her katana away, putting up her fists and presenting an open challenge. “The hands on approach?” Bayonetta considered. “Very well. You’re not quite my type, but if I must....” Even with the relinquishing of her weapons, 2B wasn’t fool enough to think that she could take on Bayonetta. The earlier altercation had proved that more than enough. Luckily, however, she didn’t need to win. The wrestling match, for that’s what it was, began with 2B turning her height disadvantage into something she could use, going in low and fast, ploughing herself in to a grapple against the witch’s impressively long legs. It caught Bayonetta by surprise, but she quickly returned the gesture, planting her hands on 2B’s shoulders and applying enough force to put them into a stalemate. This suited 2B just fine. It put Bayonetta’s focus all on her. Even if the witch was toying with her, it didn’t matter. 2B’s goal was simple and successful, keeping Bayonetta’s eyes on her so that she didn’t notice POD behind her, gathering up energy until it was primed to fire. ZWOOOOOOSH!!!!! POD released a fully charged beam of superheated energy directly towards them. 2B knew to disengage and roll to safety, but Bayonetta didn’t know about the danger until it was close enough to warm her back. 2B thought that would be enough, but Bayonetta’s magic was more unpredictable than 2B’s technology, and she used it to transform, at the last second, into a swarm of bats that swept around the laser, dodging it entirely, then reforming without so match as a scratch on her. “I must say, that was a close one.” She brushed her shoulder. “And to think that I believed we were honestly playing.” 2B gritted her teeth, glaring up at Bayonetta with a mix of fear and anger. Was there nothing she could against her? “Now, now. No need to be such a sourpuss.” Bayonetta scolded her. “I’ve quite enjoyed our little game together.” “A game!?” 2B clenched her fists. “Is that what this is to you!?” “What else?” Bayonetta flaunted herself. “But if you’re going to be all haughty about it, then I’ll just have to seek out my fun elsewhere. Ta ta.” 2B was left behind to question the interaction as Bayonetta dropped gracefully from the platform, plummeting the distance and taken the fall in her stride. 2B gave chase by floating down on POD, but by the time she’d reached the ground, her quarry was already long gone. The only thing left to do was search. Through twists, turns, and constantly shifting pathways, 2B looked for the Umbran Witch. She didn’t know what she was going to do when she found her, but the rules were clear: This thing wasn’t over until one of them was a turd. Besides the occasional obstacle (and the regular flatulence), things went quiet for a while. 2B wondered if the video feed was on some commercial break or something. She hated thinking about this like it was an entertainment product, but that was reality, like it or not. The constant threat of being forced up a woman’s poop chute kept 2B on edge, so much so that she thought she heard moaning in the distance. She decided to trust her senses, keeping low and out of sight as she followed the noise, entering into another open area of the cube. There were two floors in the shape of a square, each having four ways in and out. The upper floor had a white and textureless balcony, while the ground level would have been completely sparse if not the twenty or so Bayonettas writhing about, working their bodies as if to gratify some unseen audience. This, 2B guessed, was the same trap that she herself had run into earlier. “POD.” 2B whispered. “Can you identify which of them is the real one?” “Affirmative.” Normally, POD would have designated the target through 2B’s ocular array, but lacking that line of communication, it instead delivered the information verbally, pointing out the genuine Bayonetta in as quiet a tone as its volume processor allowed. 2B saw her opportunity. Beating Bayonetta in a fair fight was not going to happen, she recognized that now, but here the witch was distracted with the only thing in the world that could keep her gaze for this long. Herself. As Bayonetta posed and danced with her mirror images, 2B made her way along the upper level, pausing just before hoping the low barrier just to remove her underwear. She blushed. How many cameras were watching her strip, she wondered? It didn’t matter. Disrobing was necessary. If she was going to do this, then it was everything or nothing. Carefully, and as dexterously as she could, 2B hopped the barrier and hung onto the other side, shuffling along the ledge until her butt was poised, hovering over her prey. The rush of air when she let go lasted only a second. 2B dropped, willing her asshole to gape. For her effort, she was rewarded with the sweetest, sound to ever grace her ears - a moist squelch and the clenching of anal muscles. She looked down and saw Bayonetta between her legs. Or rather, she saw Bayonetta’s shoulders, for the witch’s head was now firmly up her butt. The Umbra immediately brought her hands up to push against 2B’s ass. The holograms followed suit, but while they pushed against nothing but air, there was another interesting distinction about them that set them apart. Unlike the real Bayonetta, their heads weren’t currently residing inside a girl’s rectum. That meant that 2B could see the expression on Bayonetta’s face as she was pressed up against a world of stink and slime. 2B would have lying if she said that the image didn’t give her at least some enjoyment. This new blockage in 2B’s posterior did not sit well with her gas. There was no room for it to reside anymore, so 2B did the only thing she could, dropping a fart that breezed out over Bayonetta’s neckline, but not before engulfing the woman in its windy scent first. BBBRRBBLLBBBPPP....BLEGH!!! 2B’s ripe raspberry was followed up with a retch from within. Bayonetta obviously wasn’t having the best of times in there. In a way, 2B couldn’t blame her. The stench, even with the outside dispersal, was still very potent. It carried a very rich scent of eggs gone to sour. Until now 2B had found the smell revolting, but there was something about releasing it right into her opponent’s face that made it more appealing. Even enjoyable. Someone definitely not enjoying things, was Bayonetta. She was so confident before, thinking that even if she did lose, then the experience would a curiosity if nothing else. That arrogance was coming back to bite her now. The smell infesting her very pore was nothing short of toxic. It burned when she breathed it in. Worse, the stench had a tendency to stick around. She wouldn’t even need to be in a butt to smell it soon enough, for it had set up shop in her nose and mouth, overwhelming both taste and smell with the odor of a girl’s bowels after a particularly eggy breakfast. “What on earth did you eat!?” The butt-bound witch complained, her disgust reaching through her voice as she dug her nails into 2B’s bottom and tried in vain to push the former-android loose. “Enough of this! You’ve had your fun.” “Have I?” 2B challenged, clenching her thigh muscles. This was most unlike her. Before, her only thoughts were of the mission. Nothing else. Now, however, far removed from all of that, she was able to think about how she felt. What she wanted. Here, mounted on Bayonetta with the witch firmly embedded in her backside, she discovered something that gave her more satisfaction than anything she had ever felt before. Why then, should she stop? PPPPHHHLLLUUURRRPPPPTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! 2B pushed against her stomach, pressuring the gas inside her to create a rancid air bubble growing stronger as it bulged along her bowels, moving, like air trapped in a hose pipe, steadily along until it reached her ass. There, free of constraints, it blasted a wave of brown slurry to cover Bayonetta’s face. The much drenched her hair, got behind her ears, and would have gone in her mouth if she hadn’t used Witch Time to shut it before the excrement hit, saving her tongue but sacrificing her lips to be caked with the gunk of a premature shit. Though the scat was not replicated, 2B could see in the faces of the holograms that Bayonetta was bathing in the stuff. Her eyes were closed and her lips, sealed. It took covering her mouth in crap, it seems, to finally shut her up. Bayonetta, paralyzed by both gas and poop alike, offered no more resistance as 2B flexed her asshole, stretching it over the increasing girth of the witch’s neck to acclimatize it to the challenge to come. This, 2B was discovering, was not as easy as it had seemed when she was on the receiving end. Before, it she had wanted to fit something larger than a fist in her orifice, she would simply have installed the required upgrade. Now though, stuck with a single, stubbornly unchanging body, she would to have to put in the effort, gritting her teeth and moaning aloud as she reached down, pried open her butthole, and parted it further and further until, with a sudden drop, she finally stretched it wide enough to swallow her prey’s most difficult of obstacles. “Hyeughh!!!!” She cried, sliding down to Bayonetta’s elbow joints. She could have gone further, but the witch’s breasts were in the way. Though only modest size, the more malleable nature of Bayonetta’s mounds meant that a quick shluck and tuck wasn’t going to cut it. For this, 2B clenched her thighs around Bayonetta, walking her like a puppet towards the nearest wall and farting on her when she went astray. Once there, 2B pressed against the wall, using it as leverage to push her further down Bayonetta’s body. Her prey’s chest relented and went up 2B’s ass without further issue, as did the waist. Only after that, when 2B was faced with a butt almost as impressive as her own, did things slow again. “Budge, dammit!” 2B complained, wiggling her bottom back and forth over Bayonetta’s hips to find some give. There was just so much in her ass already. Even with Bayonetta’s head beginning its journey through her bowels, the witch’s torso was still too much. 2B needed to make some room. There was really only one thing for it. BBLLLLUUUUURRRRPPPPPPTTTTTT!!!!!!!! 2B, no longer ashamed of her gas, leaned into it for the asset it was as released whatever trapped air remained in her butt. The sound was wet and petering, like the Bayonetta-shaped blockage in her colon was letting out only a bit at a time. It did the job though, freeing up enough space for 2B to slip her butt over her meal’s and overcoming it in a cloud of grossly moist flatulence. For the rest of the descent, 2B let her ass do all the work while she relaxed and enjoyed the unusual sensation of eating another woman with her rectum. It was filling, for one. Satisfying too. Having something so large occupying her insides made her feel powerful. Bayonetta was stronger than her – of that there was no doubt – but now the Umbra Witch was nothing more than a pair of legs, getting slurped up 2B’s backside like a pair of thin noodles. On hitting the floor, and swallowing her prey’s heels at last, the Bayonetta holograms deactivated, leaving 2B to be contend with her belly bulge in a suddenly empty room. The lump of Bayonetta was curled up between 2B’s colon and ass. The more of her that entered the former, the more that 2B’s belly swelled, straining the fabric of her dress and tearing in places to reveal small patches of skin. 2B patted her stomach and passed some excess wind, finding out in the relief that she wasn’t quite as alone as she thought. “Do you mind?” Came the voice in her gut. “It’s cramped enough in here without you stinking up the place.” “You’re still alive!?” 2B exclaimed. “Of course I am.” Bayonetta replied. “No one in the tournament dies, you silly girl. We just get.... repurposed, is all. It honestly doesn’t seem so bad. Lightning and Blake occupy the cells on either side of mine. They sound as chipper as ever. Not that that’s saying much.” “Well, even so....” 2B said, flustered. “I’m still going to digest you.” “Be my guest.” Bayonetta invited. “Just go easy on the flatulence, won’t you?” For that, 2B summoned up a big gust of fart gas, leaned over, and let it rip – blowing out a breezy green wind and a pair of butterfly-themed glasses covered in brown spittle. Bayonetta was silenced, but that little dose of revenge took a lot out of 2B. She huffed, cradling her gut and feeling, in the truest sense, the full weight of her actions. “Unit 2B, may I be of assistance?” POD offered, floating over to join her. 2B was going to ask it to scan for the toilet, but just then there was a crackle of gunfire, the thwip of near-impact bullets, and a series of metallic pings, followed by a sizzle of electricity. POD crashed to the floor, its anti-gravity systems flittering in and out before failing entirely. “POD, status!” She cried. “Condition: Compromised.” POD crackled, sparks emitting from its casing. “Integrity is stable, but combat support is at 7% effectiveness. Advisement: Unit 2B should continue the operation alone. POD 042 can initiate self-destruct in proximity of the target.” “There’ll be no need for that.” 2B cradled it. “I’ll come back for you when this is over.” “Unit 2B, is that a promise...?” “It is.” As 2B came to better understand her connection to POD, the target that it referred to showed up, blinking in zips of blue to appear in the center of the room, smoke drifting from her two stubby automatic pistols. “Sorry, luv.” Tracer said, the sincerity in her voice coming through. “But I can’t just let you have the upper hand like that.” 2B rose to her feet, taking up a defensive position over POD’s damaged shell. Tracer, on first glance, did not look as immediately threatening as Bayonetta. Like the witch, she was a leggy one, standing tall in bright orange spandex that showed off her slim figure up to her chest, where some sort of energy reactor lay nestled, half-covered by a bomber jacket. In terms of protection, she only had a set of arm guards which acted as storage for her twin pistols, and a pair of goggles, rimmed with white edges, creeping up into her spiked hair of which copious amounts of hair product had undoubtedly been applied. She offered up a halfhearted smile that may have been an apology, or perhaps it said “We’re both in this mess together, but only one of us is getting out of here.” Either way, they were going to come to blows. Tracer may not have seemed as insurmountable a foe as the Umbra, but 2B, in her current state, was in a much worse condition in which to fight. POD was down, and the bulge of Bayonetta still occupied her belly; weighing her down with its bulk. Given what she’d already done to POD, that was an advantage which Tracer would undoubtedly take advantage of. “So then, are we doing this?” Tracer asked, spinning her guns around her fingers. They must be, for on her word the cube shifted again, taking the walls that surrounded them and moving them back. Far, far back. The fighters found themselves now standing in the middle of a battlefield that stretched into the distance. There was cover, sparingly placed, and pitfalls where tiles of a slightly lighter hue wobbled precariously. 2B looked around for the best place for someone in her overburdened condition. “Tell you what, I’ll give you a head start.” Tracer offered with a cheeky wink. 2B took it, darting out into the expanse in search of somewhere where she could hold out until Bayonetta had digested at least enough for her feel limber again. Thinking that distance wouldn’t matter, 2B chose a recessed bunker a short waddle away, sloshing her Bayonetta-filled gut as she entered and assessed her options. The “bunker” wasn’t quite as defensible as it looked on the way in. There were no walls per se, but a slight indent in the ground from which four pillars supported a low ceiling. 2B slid down an inclined tile to get inside, prompting a childish “wheee!” to come from her bulge. “Quiet!” 2B hissed, slapping her belly as if she needed to remind her meal who was in charge here. “Oh, terribly sorry.” Bayonetta said dryly. “Were you in the middle of something? You see, I’m currently digesting away in here and it’s insufferably boring. Don’t mind me if I find some way to enjoy myself in all this mess.” 2B peered out from her hiding spot and saw a clear battlefield with Tracer nowhere to be seen. That was good enough for her. She wouldn’t need long. “Now listen here.” She said, addressing her belly. “I beat you. I swallowed you with my ass. Pretty soon you’ll be nothing but my shit.” “That’s quite the assumption.” Bayonetta remarked. “Haven’t you a fight to win first?” “Don’t worry about that.” 2B told her. “I’ll be shoving her up my butt too in no time. Just need to, uh, get back in fighting shape.” It had been five minutes since she had first eaten another person. She didn’t know what she should have expected, but to still have a huge protruding gut wasn’t it. POD could probably have calculated the exact rate of Bayonetta’s digestion and provided an estimate for when 2B would be combat ready again. However, in lieu of its absence, she would have to take matters into her own hands. “Wait a moment!” Bayonetta cried. “What on earth do you think you’re doing!?” Her complaints were understandable, given that 2B had stood up and began to jostle her stomach, shaking it up and down. Left to right. This way and that. She was trying to speed up the digestive process. It would have been pretty comical if Tracer walked in on her now, bouncing around with her swollen gut sloshing and her breasts jiggling under her dress. Bayonetta’s voice started to warble and a sound of gurgling came from somewhere inside her. With that came flatulence; frequent bursts that were out of her before she’d even known they were there. 2B took that for a good sign. All that shaking about seemed to be working. Her bowels, instilled with the power to digest by the very people that had brought her here, were churning away at Bayonetta at an increased rate. 2B watched her belly diminish as the witch’s body was broken down not into nutrient, but into pure, unfiltered bodily waste. It lifted the burden on 2B’s gut immensely, but she still had something of a potbelly when, with a flash of blue energy, a smirking face appeared next to her and gave her tum a playful pat. “Almost done?” Tracer giggled. “Seems almost a shame to stuff you in my arse now after you’ve worked so hard.” 2B leapt to her feet a little too fast. The sight of her wielding her katana hardly intimidated when it was accompanied by a growl from her gut and a bassoon from her backside. Her cheeks flushed as the overly long –PPLLLARRRPTT!!- reverberated her cheeks, then grew redder still when Tracer burst out laughing. “It won’t be so funny when that smell is you.” 2B said, trying valiantly to save face even when the stink of boiled cabbage was doing its best to thwart her. “In your dreams.” Tracer mocked. 2B smirked herself. For her, the game had changed. The threat seemed more distant now. Dulled. And in its blunted state, 2B felt a thrill. “Act as confidant as you want.” She said, angling her hips so that her ass stuck prominently out towards Tracer. “When this is all over, you’ll be nothing but sludge sliding out of my ass.” “Big talk for someone with a pulse bomb on their back.” Tracer winked. 2B heard it now. The quickening beep of a timer reaching its end. She acted quickly, craning her arm behind her back. Her fingers brushed against something, but try as she might, she couldn’t get any sort of purchase. The only thing her effort accomplished was pushing out more trapped gas. “Careful, luv.” Tracer wafted away the smell. “Keep up like that and you might just blow the roof off.” Given the panicked round of fragrant –BRRAPPS!!-, it wasn’t clear if Tracer was talking about the bomb or 2B’s gas. In any case, the farting girl didn’t care to stick around and find out which. She backed up against one of the pillar, coming in at an angle where the narrow surface would come into contact with the bomb. The first try was close. The second, closer. On the third she managed to nick the bomb in just the right place to come loose. It dropped to the floor behind her and beeped louder. Faster. 2B ran, diving from the bunker just before the detonation. She landed on her front hard. It took the wind out of her, but on inspection it looked like she’d actually been done a favor. There was no more trace of her belly. The impact must have forced the last of Bayonetta to digest. 2B needed a moment to recover. She crawled across the ground, feeling the weight of before now residing in her ass. Bayonetta was shit. A big one. 2B would need to let her out soon, but as she wormed her way along the floor, she saw no sign of a toilet. The only thing she did see was a pair of feet. She reluctantly craned her neck to look up at Tracer’s gloating face. “So what was that about me being ass sludge?” Tracer laughed. In her humiliation, 2B found a second wind that she didn’t know she had. She took her katana and went for a swing. Tracer made no attempt to move, but the instead it made contact there was a flash of blue and she was suddenly behind 2B, resting her foot on the downed girl’s bum. “Stay down, would ya?” Tracer insisted. “Make this easy on the both of us.” 2B, having no intention of quitting now, rolled over and took a jab at the empty space where Tracer had been lording it over her just a second ago. What was this? More Witch Time? “You’ll have to get up earlier than that if you want to catch me.” Tracer taunted from atop a nearby slab of grey. She was sitting with her legs crossed and waved when 2B got to her feet and spotted her. Not wanted to fall into the same mistakes as earlier, 2B held back, refraining from attacking and giving her opponent exactly what she wanted. Tracer took it in her stride anyway, zipping down from the slab and then blinking in a zig zag as if to show off how untouchable she was. “Hmph....” 2B muttered, clearly unimpressed. “What?” Tracer sounded offended. “Don’t think I can take you?” Even though she’d only been human for a short while, 2B was already learning so much about them. Tracer, for instance, was obviously pretty cocksure about her abilities. Not taking her seriously was a sore spot, it seemed. Good, 2B thought. She could exploit that. “If you could take me.” She said. “You wouldn’t need those guns.” Tracer stopped and considered that for a moment before spinning her pistols stylishly and retracting them into her armguard holsters. “Fair enough.” She smiled. “I’ll just have to do this the old fashioned way.” A zip. A hum of energy. 2B had to roll out of the way to dodge the butt diving down from behind her. She was mere inches away from becoming butt food, but she didn’t let that thought weigh her down. Remaining calm was her way through this situation. Deep breaths. A steady mind. A keen eye for the details. Zip. Zip. 2B evaded the first punch but took the second right to the gut. She could have sworn that she heard the Bayonetta goop mutter a complaint, though she didn’t have time to ponder it before Tracer blinked in for a third attack. This time 2B retaliated, but what she thought was going to be a punch was instead another attempt to anally consume her. The result was that she was left awkwardly clutching a handful of ass instead of jabbing her fist into Tracer’s stomach like she’d intended. The effect wasn’t quite as impactful. “Cheeky.” Tracer winked, zipping away again. Don’t get flustered, 2B told herself as she felt her face redden again. Tracer was making a fool out of her. 2B couldn’t let it get to her. If she did, then she might as well feed herself to Tracer’s ass right now and get things over with. 2B cleared her thoughts, focusing on what was important as she assumed a sort of tranquil state, dodging the incoming blows while paying special attention to everything around her. Tracer was erratic. Unpredictable. It was only due to her speedy reactions that 2B was able to evade for as long as she did. Still, there was something else. Every time she blinked, there was a momentary flash of blue from the thing on her chest. That must be the source, 2B thought, putting her hypothesis into action and finding that, by timing her dodges against the charge of Tracer’s device, she managed to get clear with a much higher success rate. “Hey! What gives?” Tracer kicked the ground after 2B evaded her yet again. “Maybe you don’t have what it takes after all?” 2B goaded. 2B knew from Tracer’s aggravated expression that her approach was working. She was ready for the next butt-dive, anticipating it perfectly and altering her position so that rather than offering up her head as an easy target, she was instead waiting with her mouth hung open, stretched to accommodate a pair of buns even of Tracer’s generous proportions. “Eww.... Yuck!” Tracer groaned as she landed ass-first in 2B’s maw. By gaping her jaw, 2B was able to bend Tracer in half, beginning work on both the girl’s back and her thighs. It could have been over right then and there, but she wasn’t nearly that naïve. There was another hum. A blink of blue. When the pressure left her mouth, 2B was ready for it. She traced the Tracer, rolling forward, flipping her butt upward, and preparing the open abyss of her other end for Tracer’s sudden reappearance. “What the...?” Was all Tracer had time to say before she was dropped, feet-first, into the cavernous anus below. She immediately sank down to her hips, but saved herself from going further by quickly planting her hands against 2B’s butt cheeks and pushing back as hard as she could. If 2B was right, then Tracer had expended all of her charges. It would take at least a few more seconds to recover, by which time 2B would make certain there was no escape from her ass. For just an instant, 2B imagined the billions of eyes watching the two of them now, locked ass to ass. 2B’s skirt was dangling down to her chest, exposing her pale, bubbly mounds, its crack, and the girl half-buried within it. She hoped the audience was getting its money’s worth. “I shouldn’t say this.” She called to tracer. “But you do feel good going in there.” “Happy to be of –ooph!- service....” Tracer grimaced, growing breathless as the pull of 2B’s rectal ring sapped her strength. A stimulation like none other ran through 2B’s body, starting at her sphincter and not stopping until it reached her pleasure center where it flooded her system with dopamine. She moaned, groaned, and took advantage of her pantyless state by fondling her most sensitive of areas. “Oh great.” Tracer muttered on seeing that for all her struggles, she was little more than a butt toy for 2B. “I’ll be honest, I thought I’d go out with more dignity than this.” 2B answered her with a fart, hammering the point home more than she needed to by marinading her prey in a stink so foul that her venting of it fogged up Tracer’s goggles and made her gag. 2B hoped it continued. Every sputter was sending shivers through her asshole, tingling her where tingles felt best. How did something so wrong feel so right? Using a more experienced control of her muscles, 2B widened her hole to tackle Tracer’s butt, slipping her gape over the spongey, orange legging-clad. The pleasure in her ass only intensified as the first inches of the supple moons entered her. It made her want more. She clenched, stiffening her thighs around Tracer’s hips and bidding them deeper, suckling her way over the apex of butt-curve to swallow Tracer down to the small of her back. It was then that things took a turn, as Tracer took advantage of 2B’s absent-minded pleasures to wriggle loose, pushing on 2B’s bum and popping herself free. She was covered in mucus from the waist down, but she was out of butt’s way – or so she thought. She turned and ran, but 2B caught her with her feet, showcasing a surprisingly dexterous control over them as she yanked Tracer back, feeding to her ass again but this time the other way round. Tracer retched as her head was stuffed into 2B’s gas chamber. The former android relazed her back to lay against the floor, using the extra leverage afforded to her to pull Tracer’s neck in, then her shoulders. T wasn’t the trial it was before. Her butt was already very stretched. She pulled in Tracer’s chest next. The boobs were no trouble at all, but the device strapped there was a bit rough going in, 2B had to admit. “Ugh! Gross!” Tracer whined, her voice muffled and heavy. “There’s something already in here!” “That’ll be Bayonetta.” 2B reasoned. “Consider her a preview of what’s to come in my bowels.” Several times Tracer attempted to blink out of captivity, and every time she was returned to the same spot, embedded in an ass that she now accepted was inescapable. Her hands were next to come inside. With the, she rummaged around trying to avoid the massive lump already occupying the butthole. It was no good. She squished right into it. 2B felt everything going on inside her. Tracer’s head was just now passing into her bowels while, on the cusp of her butthole, the girl’s chest and chronal accelerator were reacquainting themselves with what getting sucked into an anus felt like. Butt in butt once more, 2B’s proved hers superior by tightening her hold on Tracer’s, creeping over those deliciously bouncy buns and claiming them for her own when she pulled tight, tensed her ring, then gave one big gulp that ate up Tracer’s ass and provided her with a body-shaking orgasm she wouldn’t soon forget. Everything after that just lengthened her time on cloud nine. Tracer’s legs were nice and long; perfect to savor. 2B swallowed them with care, bringing in just enough with each pull to keep her ass full at all times. She didn’t want it to end. This experience – discovering her humanity in the lewdest, most depraved way possible – it had a way of planting a seed. It was almost regretfully that she puckered up and sucked in Tracer’s feet. Not because she felt in any way guilty about condemning the girl to life as a turd, but because it meant her meal was over. At least she’d be advancing to the next round, she thought, where hopefully more delicious girls awaited her. It was an exciting prospect, and one she’d have happily enjoyed in peace. Unfortunately for her, 2B’s vore awakening was anything but a private experience. “And there you have it, folks!” Boomed Lia’s voice as the arena retreated back whence it came. The open stadium and its stand surrounded 2B once more, bringing with it a deafening cheer and chants of “2B! 2B! 2B!” “What a crazy round we had ourselves tonight.” Came Elena. “2B bested not one, but both of her opponents in quick succession. I don’t know about you, but I’d be feeling pretty embarrassed if I was Tracer right about now.” 2B tuned the annoying commentary out and turned her attention over to where a team of recovery bots was already attending to POD. She wanted to go over there herself, but right now nature was calling and she couldn’t refuse. A toilet appeared from the ground within walking distance. Or waddling distance, rather, since eating Tracer had bestowed upon 2B a rather spherical gut once more. With a few laborious huffs and puffs, 2B eventually made it to the shitter where she promptly discarded her panties and set her stuffed ass down on the seat to another series of cheers. “What a moment.” Elana declared. “That said, we could be here for some time if we let nature do its thing. So how about we speed things up a little? What do you think, everyone? Should be give our triumphant champion some help?” Another round of cheers was followed by a very strange sensation in 2B’s gut. It felt like hunger, from what little she knew of it. She watched as the bulge began to rapidly shrink down. 2B guessed that Tracer’s digestion was being artificially sped up. The reason probably had something to do with advertisements and sponsors, but 2B didn’t care. This suited her just fine. In just a few seconds, 2B had her killer figure back and buttload of digested women ready to come out. She squeezed. This was her first time taking a dump and she was just following what came naturally. There a tiny bit of movement. Then more. Her anus opened up and something started to come through it. 2B wondered what kind of state her meals were in. Were they OK? Was this enjoyable for them in some perverse way? 2B grunted. There was a hold up in her gut. She pushed again. It turned out that what Bayonetta and Tracer were, was difficult. True to form, the pair were just as much trouble coming out as they were going in. 2B bent over and gave it all she had. Her asshole cracked wider, permitting at last the head of one very massive poo to jut through, dangling with cold porcelain to either side. “I hope Emily’s not watching this.” Came Tracer’s voice. “This is without doubt the most disgusting thing I could ever imagine. We smell awful.” “I don’t know what you’re complaining about.” Answered Bayonetta. “At least you weren’t stewing around in that filth as long as I was.” Though she had learned about it in her pre-match briefing, 2B was still quite surprised to hear her shit start to talk. That was apparently part of the tournaments appeal. No deaths, just an eternity as human scat. “Whatever.” Tracer huffed. “There’s no sense in arguing, anyway. We’re just shit now, aren’t we?” 2B cut of whatever reply Bayonetta might have had by blowing a ripe fart to dislodge the wide log somewhat. She was rewarded with sweet, sweet progress; the troublesome turd coming out at a steady rate now and taking some of the strain of her when it hit the curve of the bowl. From there, 2B’s dump slid down into a pool of water and snaked into wide pipe that wasn’t quite wide enough. Tracer and Bayonetta gave the toilet as much trouble as they did her, but eventually, with many unladylike grunts, 2B dropped the two of them into the crapper and felt the sweet emptiness that came after. “Flush! Flush! Flush!” The crowd was insatiable. 2B took to her feet and turned around to inspect her work. The girl’s she’d eaten were a mess, she was pleased to see. They were shat out together as one unbroken log. It was smooth and thick – a perfect specimen of human waste. The two of them were still bickering – arguing which one was the smelliest – when 2B depressed the handle and sent the log to wash away into a torrent of water that left only the faintest of skidmarks behind. “A bathroom visit for the ages, I’m sure you’d agree.” Lia announced, wrapping the show up. “Well folks, that’s about all we have time for tonight. Let’s hear it for 2B one last time. May she have many more shits to come!” 2B waved off their applause as she made her way back to the holding cells; the crevice of her backside caked with her victory. Their cheers. Their approval. It meant nothing to her. Still, she’d found some reason to fight that wasn’t merely self-preservation. She had a hunger now. A hunger in her ass. She walked slowly by the other cells and looked upon her fellow competitors in a new light. They gave her nods of acknowledgements, as if standing in solidarity for the horror she’d just been through. 2B returned it, but the truth was that she didn’t see them as all being in this together. She saw them as meals. In the end, 2B just hoped that they were enough to satisfy her.
Eric IV: Meal-To-Go OV, M/M, Digestion, Disposal, Disposal References Eric was lounging about his apartment, just a regular day off when his stomach let out its characteristic GGGRRRRROOWWLLL! Letting Eric know that it wanted to be fed and fed now. It had been a few months since Eric had ‘dumped’ Mason and he had continued to go through men at his regular pace of about two a week. He hadn’t felt bad for any of them as most of them were unmissable, at least when they were alive anyway; It was pretty hard to miss a large pile of waste that was just another person only a day before. Most of them ended up reported and shown on the weekly “Pred-Watch” news special, where each of them would get their two seconds of fame. He laughed quietly to himself, he had never thought of it like that. Really, he was doing them a favour right? His stomach rumbled again with a BBRROOULLL! That snapped him out of his reverie. Right, I have to find someone to eat and quickly. He reached over from his couch and strained to grab his nearby laptop and pulled it onto his lap. The dilapidated clunky box was heavier than he remembered, and it sat heavy on his lap. I need to get a new laptop soon too. He thought. Before this piece of trash kicks the bucket. He powered it on and waited for the system to boot up. He went to his web-browser and went to Voreplay; It was an easy way to lure in willing prey and he didn’t feel like prowling around downtown looking for prey today. Voreplay was great, it was full of Preds and Prey, some just on it pretending to be one or the other for fun, but some were more serious. Sometimes, Eric liked to lure fake Preds and Prey over and then surprise them with his very real talent. Some were willing…others were not, all ended up in the same place: His hips and his shit. But that’s the risk you take when you play with Preds. He thought smugly. He scrolled to one of his favourite posts: It was pictures of his mighty shits (and former forum members) with captions he had added. Usually he would post one, get some replies, invite someone over and repeat. Today was no different, he scrolled to the bottom of his post, under the picture of a massive dump he had left in one of the downtown office towers, and read the comment from user ‘MealToGo’: “I want to end up like that, hit me up bro” Eric quickly went into his profile and messaged him, asking if lived in the same city and if he would want to get together for a little fun. Within a few minutes he got a response back. “Looks like we do live in the same city! Would love to have you over!” Eric grimaced, normally he liked to lure his prey into his own home but decided to indulge this guy, willing to put in some effort to sate his hunger. With that thought, he shut-off his laptop, rose from the couch, grabbed his backpack and left to go and get lunch. Sometime later, he was on the subway, headed to ‘MealToGo’s home. He put his music on and stared blankly out the window until a familiar image appeared to him in the reflection. “Eric?” Came the voice from his dreams. “Eric! That is you!” With that the familiar visage of Brayden sat himself on the bench opposite Eric. “B-Brayden?” Stammered Eric. “What brings you to the subway today?” “Headed over to my Sister’s place for some stupid family meal.” Said Brayden with a half-pout on his face. “She likes to show off to the whole family that she has her life under control.” Brayden rolled his eyes. “We get it Sara, you have a career, husband, and three smelly little kids.” Brayden blushed, realizing he was oversharing. “Hahaha, not a fan of kids huh?” Chuckled Eric. “Not really, they’re just…oh I don’t know…sticky?” Said Brayden, unable to keep himself from smiling. Eric blushed. The two men had been growing closer for close to half a year now, but neither had made the first move as both were too nervous to be presumptive. They sat in silence for a few moments before Eric’s gut broke the tension. GGGGRRRROOOOWWWWL! It whimpered. “Hungry?” Asked Brayden. “I guess you could say that…” Said Eric. “I’m actually headed over to friends place for lunch. Should be quite filling.” “Oh, I should hope so!” Said Brayden. “He’ll need all his luck to feed you! I’ve seen how much you can pack away Hahaha.” Eric went silent, blushing again. He was glad that Brayden didn’t know he was a Pred and thought he was just an over-eater. The silence between the two went on for longer than Eric had realized when Brayden interjected: “SO! Soooooo….” He blurted. “Any…Girlfriends? Boyfriends? Significant others?” “Uhhhhh…” Eric said, his voice trailing. “Not really, had to dump my last man. Turns out he was cheating.” “Oh god no.” “Yeah… I think he took it harder than I did.” “So, you’re free then?” Asked Brayden. “I suppose I am!” exclaimed Eric, a bit too excitedly. He was struggling to keep in his excitement. Is this really happening? Here? Now? “Why…what are you proposing?” “Nothing too crazy, Just dinner and a movie.” Brayden said as slyly as he could manage. Just then the subway’s P.A. announced the next stop, a non-descript neighbourhood just outside of the downtown core. “Sorry, this is my stop!” Said Brayden as he rose. “Tell you what, I’ll text you the details. Next Friday?” “Next Friday!” Replied Eric eagerly. “Sounds great!” Brayden turned to leave, whirled on his foot, and quickly gave Eric a little kiss on the forehead. “Hope that wasn’t too forward!” Brayden said over his shoulder as he made his way off the train. The Subway car made its usual DING-DING! The doors closed and the subway sped along, moving quickly to the next stop. Eric sat in his seat stunned, he hadn’t been shown this kind of affection in a long time. He tried to fight it but his face turned the brightest shade of red it could, and he could hear a group of girls a few seats over giggling in excitement. He was excited too! Eric’s heart fluttered in his chest, so much so that he almost missed the stop he was supposed to get off at. As Eric departed the train his stomach gave another BRRUUBRLLL! He made his way down the platform and quietly said to his stomach. “Come on now, we’re almost there. Please just behave for a few minutes longer?” Eric walked the few blocks from the University station, walking through the surrounding neighbourhood. The architecture of the neighbourhood was beautiful with a lot of older, but still well-maintained buildings. He could see a few banners and signs indicating different fraternities and sororities which caused him to think back to his own college days, and the challenges that came from hunting on campus. He made his was to the house that “MealToGo’ had indicated; It was a slender two storey-home, not the newest or oldest in the neighbourhood, painted with generic bland colours with a cracking concrete staircase leading up to a blue door. He made his way to the door and rang the bell. He could hear it echo through the house, a whimsical but forgettable tune. A few moments later a man opened the door. He had an average build, stood about 5’-8” and looked to be about thirty, with brown hair and a clean-shaven face and glasses. He opened the door and gestured Eric in. “Eric-The-Pred?” He asked. “That’d be me.” Responded Eric. “But you can just call me Eric.” “Rob.” “Pleasure to MEAT you, Hahaha” Eric said, forcing a laugh. “hahaha…” Rob half-heartedly laughed. “anyway, this is my place. Make yourself at home.” Eric dropped his bag at the door and made his way to what he assumed was the living room. He entered the room to see it was sparsely decorated with very average neutral coloured fabric couches and chairs. For what Rob lacked in décor taste he more than made up for in Tech taste, Eric could see a big flatscreen TV with high tech speakers and the latest devices scattered around the room. Eric sprawled onto the couch and Rob sheepishly sat across from him in one of the armchairs. “You know Rob.” Eric Said. “I’m not just playing at this whole pred thing. I do intend to devour you.” “Eep!” Said Rob, struggling gain his composure. “Ahem, that’s kind of what I was hoping for.” “Really?” Questioned Eric. “You know it’s a one-way trip, right? There’s no coming back, no exits, no second chances. You sure you want that?” “I…I do.” “Pardon me asking. Maybe its none of my business, but why?” “Well…” Rob trailed off. “I’ve just been having a rough time lately between losing my job and my girlfriend and decided to take the plunge. I mean, I’m probably going to live better as your ass-fat and shit than I am now right? Neither of those have to worry about bills or heartbreak.” “Well as long as you see it that way.” Responded Eric. “Shall we?” “Oh uh…yes.” Rob rose and started to lead Eric to the bedroom. “Sorry if I seem nervous, this is my first time doing this kind of thing.” “Don’t worry about it.” Said Eric. “Prey usually only get to go around once anyway, so I’m used to the nervousness.” Upon arriving in the bedroom, Eric began to undress, but before he could even get his shirt off Rob interjected. “Can you uh… leave your clothes on?” “Why would I do that?” Replied Eric. “My shirt will rip once you expand my gut.” “I…. Fine, but can you leave your underwear on?” Rob answered. “I’m pretty sure I’m still straight and as long as those are on it doesn’t count as gay, Hahaha.” “Alrighty then.” Eric replied. “But the pants and shirt come off, I’d hate to rip these and have to take it out on you once you’re in my stomach. Eric sat against the headboard on Rob’s bed, stretching his legs out over the bed. “Well?” Said Eric. “Do you want to climb in or have me come after you?” “I can climb in, thank you very much.” Said Rob indignantly. He moved to climb onto the bed before Eric could interrupt him. “Easy there tiger. Can’t have you getting in fully clothed, makes the whole thing a lot worse for me.” “Fine.” Said Rob, starting to strip his clothes off. Eric could see the mans exposed torso, it wasn’t muscular per se, but it wasn’t fat either, he estimated that the man probably had some muscles under a thin layer of fat. Next off were his pants and Eric traced his gaze from his ankles, up his hairy legs and to his groin, where an old pair of white underwear strained to contain Rob’s erection. Rob blushed, and apologized as he finally removed his underwear, revealing his girthy 5-inch cock. It sprang upward, flinging just a bit of pre-cum on Eric’s face. “Hot.” Said Eric. “I uh…Sorry….” Rob said, turning bright red. “Its not that I’m gay it’s just that Male Vore has been my fetish for so long and-” Eric’s gut interjected with a loud GRRRWLLL! In eager anticipation of its impending meal. “Dude its fine. Climb in, I’m starving. Let’s get you where you want to be.” With that, Rob lifted one hairy leg and slowly lowered it into Eric’s hungry maw. He felt it sink in with a wet SLUUUUURRRP! slimy and slowly at first but felt it get easier and easier as he went. He paused for a moment and with Eric’s help started to sink his other leg into Eric’s Gullet with another wet SLLLUUURRRP! Rob lost his balance and slid into Eric up to his waist, his erect cock and ass catching him before the rest of him was consumed. Eric felt it, one moment he was slowly swallowing Rob’s legs one by one, the next Rob had slipped, and he got smacked in the face with his thick cock. Eric tried to speak to Rob to ask what his plan was for this but could had issues speaking with a man in his mouth. Rob reached down with one hand and grabbed his own cock, pulling it closer to his own body. Eric knew what this meant and gave a hard GLUK! To swallow the shorter man up to his navel. He could see that Rob was considering something and decided to move faster, not wanting to give his willing meal a chance to reconsider and escape. With another hard GLUK! He swallowed the man down his chest and seeing the panic in Rob’s eyes. “Wait! Wait!” Shouted Rob. Oh no you don’t. Thought Eric. He could just feel the mans legs entering his caustic stomach and didn’t want a fight when he was soooo close. With another hard GLUK-SLUURP! He pulled the man in up to his armpits. He couldn’t get a good taste before, he assumed that Rob had showered before presenting himself to Eric, but he could taste the man’s nervous sweat now in his armpits. Mmmmmm, tasty sweat. Thought Eric, he found it gave the meat a kind of savory salty taste, which he more than appreciated. Always better to season your meat. “I’m not trying to escape! I just want my phone!” Shouted Rob, reaching with his free hand towards the side table. Eric relented, handing the man his phone from the side table before swallowing again with a SLORP! Rob made it easier by sticking his arm over his head so that Eric could suck him down quicker. He felt the rest of rob enter his stomach and could feel as well as see the massive bulge sticking off his otherwise flat but curvy frame. “Whew.” Eric Said. “Thanks pal! You were quite the meal!” “T-Thank you…” Came Rob’s muffled voice from within. “Any last requests? Anything you want done?” “Yeah. Can you leave me on my bed and take some good photos? I would love to make it onto your thread.” “For you, a helpful and willing prey? Sure thing.” Said Eric, leaning back to massage his stomach. “Oh! And one more thing I forgot to mention, for helping me out with this, feel free to take anything you want on your way out.” Said the muffled mass. “Sweet! Lunch and some gifts! What a deal.” Said Eric. He looked over the massive expanse. He could see the outline of Rob curled up inside his stomach, His legs were facing out and he could see the outline of his head inside his gut. His massive gut got him very excited but wanted to respect Rob’s wishes and not make it too gay, so he refrained from jacking off. He slowly rubbed his gut for a few minutes, feeling the contours and ridges of Rob through his skin. Eric was about to let out a burp to help ease Rob’s passing but felt an odd rhythmic motion coming from within. Was his prey getting off to this? Best to leave him to it, wouldn’t want to make it gay. He thought smugly. He reached over and grabbed the tv remote and flicked it on, finding something good to watch. After a few minutes, he felt Rob convulse, Cumming, and then go a bit slack. “How was that?” Asked Eric. “Awesome.” Responded his gut, panting. “Did you want me to ease it?” Asked Eric. “Make it a little less painful?” “hmmm…no thanks.” Came Rob’s muffled voice. “I think I’d like to spend some time in here, really just experience this you know? It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.” “Sadist huh?” Replied Eric. “No matter, enjoy yourself.” Over the next few hours, he felt Rob slowly melt away, his skin, muscle, and organs all slowly succumbing to Eric’s acids. Every so often Eric would get a little Ding! On his phone as Rob sent him update photos. First was of his partially submerged body, wet but still intact. An hour later, another picture came through, this time showing Rob’s partially digested legs. A final photo came 2 hours later, it was very blurry, Eric guessed that Rob was having issues holding the phone at that point; It was a selfie of Rob, his face in a pained smile as his skin reddened and burned away and he could see exposed bones and organs as the man slowly sank into a soup of his own nutrients and bones. Eric poked at the mass every so often, watching it shrink from the detailed contoured belly that he loved so much, into smaller and smaller balls as Rob slowly softened. An hour after receiving Rob’s last message, Eric really started to squish his stomach, not feeling any sort of mass solid enough to be Rob, only mush and bone and let out the loud BBBRRRRRAAWWWPPP! That he had been holding in so that Rob could enjoy his tummy time. “Well now that he’s gone…” Said Eric to the empty room. Eric reached around his beachball sized stomach and started to jack himself off, feeling that he had met his part of the deal. He stroked his cock for close to ten minutes, rubbing his full stomach and enjoying the thought of having devoured Rob. He came aggressively, moaning and shooting his sticky load all over his balloon-ish stomach. “Whew.” Said Eric to no one. “Time to-URGH-” He grunted as he felt Rob’s bones and mass start to make its way through his intestines to their final destination. “Time to get some shut eye.” Eric slept on the Rob’s bed, His Cum drying into his stomach as his gut slowly drained Rob into his intestines to absorb Rob’s nutrients and prepare him for the final step. Over the course of his nap Rob made his way to Eric’s ass, and pushed hard on the exit. Eric was awoken to a loud FFFRRRRRRTTTT! That echoed through the room, startling him awake. “Ready to leave?” He asked. BPFFLRRT! His ass responded. Eric rose and stood over the bed, spreading his asscheeks wide. With a FFRRT!, and a grunt he forced the first part of Rob out of him and onto the bed with a PPLLLTTTTH-THUNK! Sounds as compact logs of Rob poured out of Eric’s asshole. The first log was 4-inches wide and extended a good foot out of Eric before cutting off and falling onto the bed. Eric tried to coil the rest of Rob, moving his ass as more and more logs were pushed out of him with a PPPLTTH-SPLAT! PPPLLTTH-SPLAT! More and more kept coming as the mound of shit started to pile up under Eric. He could see that it was almost a foot high already and more was pouring out of his ass, he was surprised as always to see how much waste a man could become. The logs kept coming out but were starting to get softer and softer, losing their shape as he pressed on. Eric was starting to feel the un-compacted pieces of bone and shit that passed through him, landing in the pile with wet SPLATS! And SPLURTS! Eric grunted and pushed over and over pushing more and more of Rob out of his ass. He felt a weird shape move its way through his rectum and out onto the pile with a TTTHHH-SPLORT! And looked to see it was Rob’s phone, now waterlogged and destroyed before more shit fell and covered it. He paused to catch his breath, feeling Rob’s final exit approaching. With a loud FFFRRTT! and a push he heard a wet PLOP! As Rob’s skull was pushed out of his ass and square into the pile. “Good lord you were a big one, Hahaha.” Eric said to the pile, stepping off the bed to inspect it. “Brayden was right, good thing you were filling.” Eric walked around to the foot of the bed and inspected his handiwork. He could see the corners of Rob’s glasses and destroyed phone peeking out at various other points through the shit pile; he was glad that they passed easily. He could also see flecks and chunks of bone sticking out of the sit mound, as well as the skull staring straight at him. “Well pal, hope it was all you were dreaming of.” He gave his big ass a big slap that jiggled it, he estimated that Rob now accounted for another inch on it. Eric pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of the shit heap, and logged onto Voreplay again, hoping to use Rob as bait for his next meal. He posted the pic under Rob ‘MealToGo’s comment and added: “I want to end up like that, hit me up bro” “^^^^ He ended up like that alright” Curiously, he clicked on Rob’s profile to see what Rob was doing and noticed that his status had been changed to “Shit-Heap”, Eric chuckled. Made sense why he wanted his phone. Eric spent the next few minutes getting dressed and wandering around Rob’s home, looking for what he wanted to take. He opened his backpack and added Rob’s Laptop, a couple of fancy speakers, a headset, and a few other collectables he had laying around. After all, Rob wouldn’t have a need for them anymore. He closed the front door behind him as he departed and started whistling as he made his way back to the station.
The V-Stream M/M,M/MM, OV, AV, Digestion, Disposal “Hey Everyone, GayPred here! Welcome to another V-Stream! Glad you could join us today! Now remember don’t forget to like, comment, follow, and donate!” Exclaimed the overly eager streamer to his camera setup. The young man sat back in his chair as he made the final preparations for today’s stream. Tych considered himself a fairly good-looking young man, clocking in around five foot ten inches with carefully mussed brown hair that helped frame his radiant green eyes. His fans called him Tych, it wasn’t his real name, but an oft used nickname that he used more frequently than his real name. He still despised his family for his real name, although he couldn’t much yell at them anymore as they were now all hard at work fertilizing his flowers in his backyard. He grinned softly to himself, remembering that video that made him famous: Angry Teen eats and shits out parents!! Must See! He sat back in his gaming chair and conversed lightly with the commentors who flooded his every V-Stream. His videos and streams gained traction only a few years ago but since his climb to internet fame he was able to quit his part-time retail job and do what he liked to do best: Play video games and eat dudes. Ding! Ding! Tych’s doorbell rang softly through his empty home. “Well guys! Let’s go see who today’s lucky contestants are!” Said Tych, activating the small camera drone that he used to film when he was away from his setup. Tych walked over and opened the door to reveal two other young men, one was skinny and small with shoulder length black hair that partially hid his soft sad eyes, and the other was a taller beefier man with his black hair cut short, his bright blue eyes seeming to light up his already cheerful face. “Hello Contestants! Who do we have here today?” Asked Tych. “I-I’m-“ The smaller man started. “So happy to meet ya!” Interrupted the beefier man. “Name’s Mac! And this here is…well c’mon….” “…Zachary.” Said the smaller man. “Pleasure to meet you both! I assume you know who I am, so please come in!” Said Tych. The two young men nodded in agreement and stepped into the streamer’s home, looking around the well decorated entry as they pulled their shoes off. “Now guys, I know you’re both eager to get started, but we have some….formalities to take care of first. Please sign this release form and speak your consent into the camera, if you don’t…uh…make it out in the same forms you enter I don’t want your families trying to take me to court.” Both of the men nodded their agreement and filled out the extensive waiver that Tych had provided them. They handed the forms back to the streamer and took their turns verbally consenting to the contest. “My name is Mac, and I consent to whatever happens to me during the 10K Stomach crawl.” “My name is Zachary, and I consent to whatever happens to me during the 10K Stomach Crawl.” They said one after the other. Tych eyed over the forms, he’d been burned on the legalities of Vore once before and vowed to never let that happen again. He placed Mac’s form on the table, satisfied with its completeness buy when he reached the bottom of Zachary’s waiver he stopped, puzzled. “No next of kin?” He asked. “none.” Said Zachary sadly. “Alrighty then, sorry to hear that buddy. Would Ten Thousand dollars make you feel better!?” Asked Tych in his stream voice. “maybe.” Said Zachary. “wouldn’t hurt to try.” He smiled coyly. “Alright fellas, almost done. Lastly, please take any personal belongings, wallets, keys, and clothes and lay them in each of these two bins. Can’t have you taking anything inside me, I am a delicate young man after all~!” He said and winked into the camera. “also, because if you croak in there, I don’t want to have to fish through what’s left of you to move a car blocking my driveway, heheh.” He said with morbid chuckle. Tych had been burned that way once too, he couldn’t get his car out of the garage because a prey had parked across his driveway, blocking him in and took his keys with him when he took the plunge. The two contestants stripped and deposited their belongings in the bins and followed Tych back to his set-up. Tych stripped and began to stretch as he explained the contest, his higher resolution cameras around the room coming to life to provide a 360-degree viewing experience. “Well guys, I’m guessing you already know the rules, but I will go over them again for anyone new who is watching. Mac and Zachary will enter me from opposite ends and root around in my insides looking for a fist sized golden key, if they can get the key and escape before they digest, they will win ten thousand dollars each! I had a former assistant climb in and hide the key yesterday, so I am all set if you guys are ready?” “HELL YEAH!” Shouted Mac overly excitedly. “…Sure I guess.” Came Zachary’s late reply. “Oop! Almost forgot guys! We’re trying something new today! You each get a small body-cam so that the viewers can see you as you go along and document your scavenger hunt!” Said Tych, handing them each a small headband with a camera affixed to it. “Zachary, you’re smaller so you can enter me through my mouth, and Mac you can enter through my ass. Best of Luck!” Tych leant over to his sound board and hit a key. A loud voice emanated from his speaker system and announced: 3! 2! 1! Search! Tych knelt down on the soft carpeted floor and opened his mouth and his ass-cheeks invitingly. Mac was the first one to lube-up and knelt behind Tych, pushing one arm and then then the next into his plush asshole that gave away hungrily to his touch with a SCHLORP! SCHLORP! Both arms disappeared almost instantly, followed by a quieter SQUELCH! As he shoved his head into the smaller man’s pucker. Tych moaned softly as Mac braced his feet and pushed off the ground, rocketing the rest of his body into Tych and disappearing quickly from view as first his torso, then his legs were pushed and pulled into Tych’s eager hole with a long wet SSCCCCHHHLLOOOORRRPP! The larger man was gone, having been completely enveloped within the smaller streamer. Tych’s lower gut swelled and bowed out to touch the floor, Zachary and audience could see the distinct mass of Mac moving about inside Tych’s bowels. “Here’s hoping he doesn’t have to leave that way!” Tych said to his audience, turning and winking at one of the cameras. Zachary was next, the smaller boy watched in rapt awe as Tych easily took in the larger man, watch his gut swell, and expand as Mac began to crawl around the V-Streamer’s intestines. Tych looked at him and winked, and Zachary turned a bright red. He was eager and excited to both meet his streaming idol and to compete, his eagerness showed on his cock as well, as it became erect in front of Tych’s face. “Oooo, well then.” Purred Tych seductively. “Guess this stream just got a bit sexier….may I?” Zachary blushed harder and nodded his eager excitement. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from Tych as he opened his mouth and took his cock in up to the hilt. Tych began to bob his head slowly forwards and backwards in a rhythmic motion, enjoying himself as he heard Zachary fail to suppress small moans as Tych blew him. This went on for only a few minutes as Zachary’s excitement cut his stamina down. With a final bob of his head, Tych could feel Zach’s cock pulsate in his mouth and felt as his hot sticky cum was pumped down his throat. Zach was panting and slowly withdrew his saliva coated cock from Tych as he struggled to catch his breath. Long ropes of saliva and cum dribbling from Tych’s mouth and Zachary’s soft cock. Tych sat up and wiped his mouth with his forearm and gestured to the young man. “Well, had your fun. Now, get in there and help your teamie out!” Said Tych. Zachary nodded quietly and after regaining his composure he walked over and stook his head in Tych’s mouth without warning. GGLLRMPPH? Was the only sound Tych could make as he wasn’t expecting the smaller man to start this way and move so quickly, most contestants liked to enter him one leg at a time, like wading into the ocean. He was jarred again as Zachary roughly grabbed both of Tych’s cheeks and pulled them as far as they could go, widening his entrance. Zach then stook both arms in all the way to his shoulder’s down Tych’s throat with a wet SCHLIK! GLUK! Tych was worried that the way his prey was considering entering his maw would possibly suffocate him so he maneuvered himself to sit back on his ass and grabbed Zachary by the ankles, Zach was only momentarily caught off balance but could quickly tell what Tych was planning. With great effort Tych threw his head back and threw Zach’s legs in the air and heard a loud SSCCHHLOORRRP! As his motions and gravity sent the contestant down into Tych’s awaiting gut, gliding easier due to the cum lubricating Tych’s throat. He could feel and see Zachary enter his stomach but felt the skinny man’s legs stuck behind him in his throat. He swallowed a few more times with an audible GLUK! GLUK! As he tried to get the rest of Zachary into his gut. After a few minutes of swallowing and adjusting, Tych had both men exploring his insides, hunting for their chance at riches. He rose slowly, his wriggling gut swaying side to side with every motion. He slowly made his way back to his custom chair and settled in to play some games and engage with fans as the contest continued. A short BURRP! Announced that the contest was really underway. Mac slid into the intestines with ease, he had been planning his winning strategy since he signed up for the contest a few weeks back. Get in quick, search all of his crannies, and keep moving! He thought to himself as he launched himself into another man’s ass. He had watched these streams before; He knew it was possible to win….and what would happen if he didn’t. He had seen a half dozen or so dudes get in and out with the key and win the promised 10K, the secret was they moved quickly and that’s exactly what he was planning to do. Once he was inside of Tych though, he quickly found out why so many other contestants had failed the challenge. It was tight, smelly, and wet inside of Tych’s intestines, he was glad the bodycam had a flashlight and he fumbled around for a few moments while he struggled to find the button. With a CLICK! The light came on and he was able to somewhat see inside his fleshy prison. Tight intestinal walls surrounded him on every side, and he struggled to gain solid footing as he started to crawl through the pred’s intestines. He thought about narrating to the audience but decided against it. Too much wasted energy. He thought as he crawled in deeper, searching every fold and nook for the key that would unlock his dreams. Zachary slid headfirst into the acidic cauldron and instantly regretted his entry choice, the hot rank smelling acid burned at his face and as his legs joined him, he quickly flipped his orientation so that his head and face were above the caustic fluid lapping at his legs. It didn’t hurt much now, but Zachary imagined that would soon change. He wasn’t sure if he had entered intending to win or just to add an extra layer of pudge to this favourite V-Streamer. His life wasn’t going great anyway: no parents or family to speak of, his partner had just dumped him, his car was repossessed, and the only thing he had left going for him was a shitty part time job at the local bookstore. It wasn’t even a job he liked, but it paid enough for him to pay for food and his phone bill, so it sufficed for now. Ten thousand dollars could change my life though. He thought. Decisions, Decisions…. He began to half-heartedly start looking around Tych’s stomach walls to see if the key had been affixed to the lining somehow. Tych watched the stream page between rounds of Turbo-Hell: Devourment and watched the two small boxes he had placed on his stream page. The center image was a full body shot of Tych, displaying his cute face and his large, distended gut that hung easily off the front of his chair, two almost human shaped masses moving about within. In the corner two smaller vid boxes displayed both headcams of the contestants, the one labelled “MAC” was moving rapidly as the large man crawled and explored Tych’s intestines and the one labelled “ZACHARY” was moving slower and more methodically as he sat in Tych’s stomach and pawed slowly through his stomach acid bath. BLORP! Tych’s custom stomach noise came from his computer speakers. “We have a donation!” Tych exclaimed. “Thank you GutSlut420 for the 20 bucks!” Any special questions for me or the contestants?” He waited a moment, then the donator special message popped up on his screen, he read it aloud so his contestants could hear: “ Contestants! GutSlut420 would like to know what you want to use the money for if you win?” A few moments went by as the contestants pondered. A voice, scratchy through the headcam came through the speakers. “Mac here! I’m hoping to use the money to pay off some debts, buy a cheap car to fix up, and jump start my career! I’m currently hoping to open my own mechanic shop soon.” “A great answer!” Said Tych, and the comments bar was flooded with messages as fan’s commented on Mac’s answer. “And you Zachary?” Another voice, this one fainter came through the speakers. “ Hey, it’s Zach. I dunno what I’d do with the money, rent a place maybe? Then blow the rest on GayPred Merch hehehe…..” “Aren’t you loyal!” Announced Tych. “I’d hate to lose a dedicated fan like you! Keep looking I’m sure you can find the key!” BLORP! Another Donation, this one for 50$ already had a question pinned to it. Tych read it to himself, deciding not to share this with his contestants. “So where did you hide the key this time?” – From EatMePlease69. Tych nodded coyly. “You know I can’t say but….” He reached down pulled the infamous 10-thousand-dollar golden key out from his desk drawer and spun it about on his finger. He palmed the key and dropped it back into the drawer. He only felt a tinge of regret not giving the young men a fighting chance. But hey, a meal’s a meal and the show must go on. I got to give the people what they want. He thought. The chat lit up instantly with viewers excited about the devious plot twist. Mac moved deeper and deeper within Tych’s slimy intestinal walls. He felt as if he had been in here for over and hour, and he may well have as he didn’t have any way to tell time inside of the V-Streamer. He could feel too that Tych’s intestines were pulling him in as well, most likely trying to pull Mac into Tych’s stomach to be properly digested. He began to sweat nervously as the intestines were becoming smaller and smaller and he had still seen no sign of the key. Maybe Zach found it already? Maybe I just have to get to the stomach and meet up with him. He thought. He could feel his skin starting to itch already, the process of digestion already beginning before he even reached the stomach. He continued his search, digging his hand into each fold of Tych’s intestines, frantically searching for the key that would fix everything. That’s when he hit it; the sphincter that separated the intestines from the stomach. Had he really crawled all the way through the younger streamer? He pushed on it with one hand and knew to shield his face to protect himself from anything coming out, and it gave way easily as Tych’s Pred stomach instinctively opened up to receive this new meal. As it opened to allow him entry, he felt something soupy and something more solid move past him. Confused as to what it could be, he partially opened his eyes to risk a peak at what it could be just in case it was the golden Key. To Mac’s horror it was not the key that would change his life but rather a meaty slurry and the leg and foot bones of his fellow contestant, Zach. “No…No!” He called out loud. “Zach? Zachary?” He crawled and was pushed the rest of the way into the predator’s stomach, he could see what was left of Zach digesting on the other side of the stomach from him, the flashlight and camera still strapped to his lifeless form. Mac grabbed at what was left of his teammate and shook him, but to no avail. Mac sat back and curled into a ball as Tych’s stomach constricted around him and prepared to digest him. “It’s not fair!” He shouted. “I was supposed to win! I was supposed to use the money to open a garage! Find a wife! Have some kids! Not digest in some streamers gut!” He began to thrash about as much as he could, kicking his legs and stretching his arms as much as he could. “But I will not give up! I will find that key if it’s the last the thing I do!” Tych was in the middle of one his best games to date when he felt Mac enter his stomach. Good. He thought. Now just digest like a good boy and… His train of thought was cut off by the man’s impetuous shouting followed shortly by vigorous thrashing. It rocked Tych side to side and caused him to let out a loud wet BBBBBBRRRRWWWAAAAPPPPP!! That shook the desk and computer monitors around him and caused his gut’s occupant to go still; when he regained his composure, he looked back at his game and saw that he had lost. He sat back in his chair and began to rub his bulbous gut. “Oh, dear fans…Looks like Mac got a little bit too excited down there. Seems like all that thrashing caused me to burp up the last of his air!” Said Tych to the stream. “No matter, wasn’t like he was going to find the key anyway! Now who wants to watch them digest!” Yessss Please!!! – GutSlut420 Me next! – Devourme92 Can’t wait! – Digestiondude Tych read some of the comments flowing into his chat bar and beamed at the camera. He sat back and waited for the next round and used the time to massage his expansive gut. Over the next few hours everyone watched Tych’s gut go from two distinct shapes to a more rounded out shape as the two contestants were melted down into a slurry of meat and bones. Outside the gut, loud GURGLES! BLORPS! And GRRROOAANS! Could be heard as Tych’s stomach loudly digested the contestants. Between rounds, Tych would rub and prod his shrinking gut, reveling in the euphoria of digesting men. The steam could also see through the Mac and Zach headcams the journey they took as they flowed out of the V-Streamer’s gut and through his intestines, hardening into waste as they travelled. Zach’s moved a bit quicker than Mac’s as Zach was the first to get digested by the streamer. By the time Tych’s gut resembled and felt like a tight beachball instead of the fleshy mound it was earlier, the two cams had ended up in different locations of his bowels. Zach’s cam ended up going dark, no doubt the smaller man’s skull was now fully embedded in Tych’s shit, where no light could pierce through, but Mac’s camera seemed to face outward as his skull was the last thing digested; and the stream could see Tych’s bowels lit up from the bottom for a time before the flashlight battery died and dropped that feed into complete darkness too. A loud FFFRRRRTTT!! Echoed from Tych’s ass and announced both the end of stream and the end of this week’s 10K contest. “Well guys, its been fun but I think it’s high time I go and let these two out…I will see you all later this week for another Vore-Stream and I hope you-” Tych began, followed by another small FRRT!. BLORP! – His computer chimed again, another donation had just come in. “A final donation…lets see here….wait, wait… Five Hundred! From DisposalKing, Thank you very much! Wait there’s a message here.” Tych read aloud. “Shit them on stream, there’s another 2K if you do…Well guys, I normally don’t do this for the 10K challenge but what the heck. Alex! Come in here please!” A few minutes went by and a lanky, bearded, red-headed young man came into the streaming room. He was a handful of years older than Tych and kind of cute to boot, and Tych hoped this assistant didn’t end up as shitty as last one. “Yessir?” Asked Alex. “Fetch a clean clear tarp, and the disposal bags, would you?” Asked Tych. “Of course.” With that he spun about and disappeared for a few moments, before returning with the requested items. He set the tarp up across the carpeted floor and set the bags to the side. He stood, nodded quickly, and departed. “Well gang – BBPPLRRT! – Let’s let out our contestants back out!” Said Tych as he waddled over to the tarp. He got back onto his hand and knees and pointed his ass skyward so that the cams could get a good view. BBBPPRRRTTT! A loud fart trumpeted through the studio, followed shortly by a forceful PPPTTTTHHHHHHH-SPLAT! as a long log of bone strewn shit, as thick as his arm and twice as long slid out of his ass and connected wetly with the tarp below; it stretched his asshole pleasurably and he began to moan softly and grew erect as he pushed two men out of him. Another BBRRPT!-PPPTTTHHH-SPLORT! Came as a second log, as big as the first fell out his ass and landed atop the first, it coiled slightly and began to reach upwards. Tych pushed himself upwards and into a squat, no longer able to continue as he was before. Hovering over the shit-pile he pushed again and felt the flow of shit continue with another PPPTTTHHH-SPLORT! This time less solid pieces flowed from him and merged with the waste, transitioning the two neatly coiled logs into a messy heap. SPLORT! SPLAT! This went on for a few minutes as he expelled more and more shit from his ass, and he was able to reach down to begin jacking off as he shit out the former contestants. As the pile grew ever higher, he stood and with one hand parted his ass-cheeks and grunted as with some considerable effort and with a loud POP! SPLAT! Mac’s skull and headcam were shot out of his ass and into the shit pile, Tych figured that Zach’s was in there somewhere but guessed that they it probably ended up in the first few logs. The force and size of Mac’s skull was enough to push Tych over the edge and he had just enough time to whirl about before cumming all over the bone strewn mess. He leaned back against one wall, panting from exhaustion. He called for Alex to come back into the room and surveyed his handiwork; A three foot wide and three foot high cum drenched, bone strewn shit pile sat on the tarp sadly before him. It was only then, after the euphoria had left his system that he realized how much it stank in here. He scrunched his nose in revulsion, this is why he normally liked to do this outdoors in his own garden, he remembered. Just then Alex entered the room again and stopped mouth agape in the doorway as Tych made his way back to his desk and sat down, feeling a bit more padded on his ass than before. “Well stream, Alex here is new to the GayPred team, I’m going to do a quick run-down of what we do here afterwards. Remember, as always, parts of our contestants will be available on the merch store! Hurry and be quick, it’s a limited series! Lastly, I will be announcing our next contestants next Saturday, and don’t forget to like and subscribe!” With that Tych hit the button on his keyboard that ended the stream, he quickly looked back and saw that DisposalKing had followed through with his promise and donated the Two thousand dollars as promised. “nice.” He said to himself. “Well…um..sir….What did you need from me?” Asked Alex. “Hmm? Ohh yes, right. See those one-pound bags you brought in earlier?” Tych whirled in his chair gestured to the bags on the side table. “Start dividing up our guests into them, post them on the merch store. Don’t forget to label them as Contestant-grade fertilizer!” “Do people really buy these?” Alex asked as he began to put on his gloves. “Best sellers really. And make sure to dig out the skulls, those sell for quite a bit. Plus, we can wash and re-use the headcams.” Said Tych. “Oh, and few more things; Sell off their belongings, they really won’t have much use for them now. Lastly, send one bag of fertilizer to Mac’s family along with his wallet. It’s the least we can do, normally I’d send one to Zach’s next of kin, but he didn’t mark one, so we get to keep those proceeds too!” “Uhhh…Okay, I think I got it?” Said Alex as he began his work, grossed out by these new duties but not willing to argue with the man that did this. Tych sat back in his chair and began to comb through today’s footage for any highlights that he could cut into another video or turn into a gif. One clip caught his attention: It was from Mac’s Camera as it went from the pitch blackness of Tych’s bowels to suddenly and loudly being rocketed from his ass in a backwards motion, the asshole and streamer shrinking as it flew back and contacted the shit-heap. The last few frames showed Tych turning and jizzing on the camera before it sank into the pile and returned the footage to black. Tych grinned. this one is a keeper. He thought to himself as he saved the footage to a special folder. Tych sat back and thought about what a good day today was: good meals, good stream, and loads of cash. What more could a Vore-Streamer ask for? The end?
Luke III: The Mage Contains: OV, M/M, Digestion, Disposal Luke squatted over a pile of shit and bones behind a low cobblestone wall that straddled the main road junction and the fields a few miles south-east of West-Reach, his tunic pulled high and his hands braced on the wall behind him as he went about his business. He grunted as the last pieces of his lunch slid out of his padded ass and collided with the wet pile of shit below with a wet TTHHH-SPLORT! Luke stood and wiped his brow and admired once again at the power his stomach had over non-predators. He adjusted his tunic, pulling it down to cover his dick and ass. After spending months learning to be a pred with Lance and Simon, he’d learned the importance of not wearing pants as they only got in the way when it came time to return prey to the earth, and besides, he felt like his green tunic was modest enough, it stretched enough that it wouldn’t rip or lift over his gut and still covered him modestly; anyone who said otherwise would get a quick tour of Luke’s bowels and end up in his garden anyway. He had left town a few hours ago with some fresh farmer stewing away in his guts as he left the small seaside town to head to the closet big city to find his fame and glory. His Predator friends Lance and Simon, the former of which was sporting a rather large belly at the time of Luke’s departure too, waved him off and promised to look after his home here. Luke promised himself that once he had become the hero of his dreams he would retire there. One day. He thought, but in the meantime, it seemed as good a place as any to store any mementos or trophies of his exploits. He had been busy in town the last couple of months since his first quest and he had the weapons and experience to show it now too: Luke and Lance had busted Cundrin’s Bandit gang and sent the miserable bandit chief to meet the same shitty end as crew, Luke had also done a lot of fetch and escort quests, and finally felt like it was time to move on. Luke hopped the stone wall and landed firmly back on the time-worn path, it had taken him this far along the western coast and had just begun to weave gentle through the valley between two mountains. If his newly purchased map was correct, he should be at the provincial capital of WhiteCliff within a day or two. He patted idly at his tummy. Maybe more than a day if I keep eating like this. He thought as he patted his stomach. “See? Even in death you’re still fertilizing fields, heh.” Luke thought he said to only the unresponsive shit pile. “um…sir knight?” Asked a smooth man’s voice. “Who are you talking to?” Luke snapped his head around to see the tall slender robed man walking towards him from the other path off the junction. He was quite a bit taller than Luke, six foot four at least, with a golden sapphire inlaid circlet twining his long brown hair that was draped over one of his slender shoulders, his eyes were a chilly icy blue that Luke could feel pierce his soul. He approached from the southern crossroad as Luke continued. “I-er-umm…no one….well, no one anymore at least.” Replied Luke. “Oh, you’re a predator then?” Asked the man. “A predator knight?” “Well, I wouldn’t quite say a knight…not yet anyway. I’m a brave adventurer! Out to seek my glory! Name’s Luke by the way.” “Call me Andrus.” Said Andrus. “and I’m…Almost a mage.” “Almost?” “Yes. Almost.” Replied Andrus. “didn’t quite get to finish my schooling down at Ember-Peak Arcanium, Just south of here. Turn’s out, incinerating other students is a no-no.” “I could see that.” Said Luke. “You in a hurry? Are you in a rush to head to WhiteCliff as well?” “No, you foo-wait…yes actually I am, and maybe you can help me Luke the Adventurer. Think of it as a quest.” Said Andrus. “Sweet!” Exclaimed Luke. “ New Quest! What can I do for you?” “Well, you see…turns out those students that I “ruthlessly combusted” had friends and families, and long story short there is a group of them out to return the favour for my “Crimes”. Said Andrus. “So, you want me to fight them?” “Saints no!” Exclaimed Andrus. “Then I definitely won’t be able to get back in to the Arcanium. I need to be discreetly transported to WhiteCliff so that I can make my case to the High Magister of Student Mage Affairs or H.M.S.M.A for short.” “The H.M.S What now? That’s too long and confusing.” Said Luke confusedly. Andrus sighed. “You takey me to the city in your tum-tum. Does that make more sense?” Sneered Andrus. “I’ll even pay you too.” “Sure, but you know you’ll end up like that right?” Luke hiked a thumb over his shoulder and pointed towards the bone-strew shit heap behind him. Andrus looked over Luke’s shoulder and shuddered slightly in revulsion. “Good news is I have a plan to keep your predator acids at bay.” Said Andrus, dropping his pretentious tones. “A spell I came up with at the Arcanium, it should shield and heal me in there for the duration.” “Oh sweet!” Exclaimed Luke. “Would hate for you to have a shitty experience as my customer.” He winked, but Andrus ignored his bad joke, so Luke continued. “Now let’s talk pay.” “100 Gold and a Ruby, payable upon delivery.” Stated Andrus, and Luke sensed that there no room to negotiate the price on this one. “100 Gold now, and the Ruby when we get there.” Said Luke confidently as he stook his hand out for a handshake. “Fine. Whatever.” Andrus shook Luke’s hand and handed him the gold. “Now quick, let me get in before those thugs catch up with us.” Luke quickly pocketed the coins, sliding them into the coin pouch attached to the side of his tunic. “Ready?” He asked. “Ready as I’m going to be.” Replied Andrus. Luke leant over and clasped the man on the shoulder for a moment, sizing up his new passenger. He pushed a bit on the man’s shoulders and got him to bend his head, and Luke opened his gaping maw to receive his new passenger. With a wet GLUK! He took in the mage’s head into his mouth and moved his hands to grab Andrus by the arms. Andrus for his part was being a very well-behaved prey and was standing still to allow Luke to easily devour him, not like most of Luke’s earlier prey who kicked, bucked, and punched to avoid their ultimate fate. Another GLUK! Could be heard as Luke lifted Andrus further into his awaiting gullet. GULP! Luke took another hard swallow and felt the mage’s torso enter his mouth and throat. GLUK! He swallowed hard again taking the man in up to his crotch. Luke tilted his head back allowing gravity and his body to guide Andrus into his Stomach with a final wet SSSLUUUURRRPPP! Luke stumbled back and caught himself again on the low stone wall, watching as his stomach swelled and expanded to accommodate this new guest, his tunic stretching and struggling to cover his massive new gut. Luke could see the contours of Andrus within, the distinctive outlines of his head, arms and legs were visible as his stomach pulled tight around Andrus. He watched as Andrus struggled for a moment to right himself, his hands and footprints visible as he scrambled to sit upright in the cramped space. BBRRRAAAPPPP! Luke Belched in contentment, even if his strong stomach didn’t digest Andrus, he was still contented with the feeling of fullness he got from devouring the larger man. “Well?” Asked Luke as he poked at the shape of Andrus within him. “Are you alive and comfortable?” “Alive? Yes. Comfortable? No.” Came Andrus’ muffled response. “It’s smelly and gross in here. And are these…bones? Yes, bones. You should really clean up in here you know. Especially if you’re having company.” Luke rolled his eyes. “How am I supposed to clean up in there?” Glad to see that your attitude hasn’t gone away, even if you’re at my gut’s mercy. He thought to himself. “I don’t know…swallow a maid?” Said Andrus. “Hahahaha, they probably wouldn’t be thinking of work as they stew away, haha. Besides, they’d just leave more of a mess as they left wouldn’t they.” Joked Luke, and Andrus snickered at that. “Have you done your spell-thingy?” “My spell-thingy?” Asked Andrus. “Oh. Right. The healing and anti-digestion spell.” Luke could feel a tingling within him as he felt Andrus casting his magic. He expected the sensation to dissipate after a few moments, but it continued on and Luke eventually saw that his stomach was faintly glowing a soft orange. “Is the sensation supposed to go away?” Asked Luke. “Is the spell done?” “Not…quite.” Replied Andrus. “Did I fail to mention it is a concentration spell? I have to keep casting it to keep your acid’s at bay.” “hoo-boy. Good luck with that!” Said Luke. “Well, get comfy, because we’re off!” Luke began to totter down the road once more, his steps becoming more confident as he got used to carrying this new passenger, he slowly got used to the tingling feeling of magic inside of him. He passed a few isolated huts, some had thatched roofs and small families bustling about, others were burnt out, clearly looted by roving bandits. They duo passed a few overgrown and crumbling abandoned towers, their spires stretching towards the heavens but whose splendor did nothing but mark notable landmarks along the roadway. “Hey…Andrus?” Luke asked after an hour. “why do you think there are so many abandoned towers along the western coast?” “hmm? Oh, I actually know this.” Said Andrus’ muffled voice. “They used to be part of a magic defense grid or something a few hundred years ago. But that project has long since been abandoned. It was started back when-” “Shit! Quiet for a second!” Said Luke urgently but quietly. “There are some people approaching.” “Don’t tell them I’m here or we’ll both be in trouble.” Replied Andrus equally as urgently. A group of four men, ranging from tall to short, human to elf, approached. Two were dressed in simple armor and had longswords sheathed at their waists, the other two were dressed in robe’s similar to Andrus’. One of the robed men, tall like Andrus but with long pointed Elf ears and long blonde hair woven into braids took the lead and approached Luke. “Hail and well met fine travelers!” Announced Luke. “ The name is Luke, what can I do for you today?” The elf strode over with an air of superiority. “ Hello Luke. My name is Apprentice Bannik Lorrious, and I will be addressed as such. My compatriots and I are looking for someone dangerous, have you seen this man?” With that Bannik withdrew a scroll from his sleeve and showed it to Luke, on it was a rough but recognizable sketch of Andrus. Luke pretended to examine it and then cupped his chin in his hand. “I don’t think I’ve seen this man. What did he do to get you all riled up?” “Crisped me boy!” Shouted one of the armed men behind Bannik before falling silent as Bannik whipped his head around to fix him with a hard glare. “Yes. He…Incinerated a few fellow apprentices and we have decided to take up the hunt to….bring him to justice.” Said Bannik regaining his cold demeanor. “I don’t think I have…” Said Luke. “Care to tell me who is in there then?” Sneered Bannik as he pointed at Luke’s human shaped gut. “Oh, him?” Said Luke, starting to sweat a bit. “He’s no one. A farmer I think.” “Name?” Pressed Bannik. “Do you ask your steaks what their names are? Food’s food. No need for names, especially once they are nothing but shit and fat.” Said Luke, it was the best answer he could think of. “I…suppose.” Said Bannik. “But you’re sure you didn’t see this man? There is a hefty reward established at the student’s affair office in WhiteCliff if you can aid in his capture.” “Oh there’s a bounty?” Said Luke excitedly. “Why didn’t you start with that? I think I did see someone matching that description. He passed me a while back and went into one of those abandoned towers, couldn’t tell you which one though.” “Why didn’t you-ugh. Fine, thank you human for your help with his matter. Come on lads, we’ve an apprentice to apprehend.” Said Bannik. He gestured with his hands and the band hurriedly moved towards the closest tower to begin their search. After they had gotten some distance, Andrus spoke up. “Thanks Luke. You really had me worried for a second there. Now if we can just get to WhiteCliff I’m sure I can clear my name.” “No problem Andrus.” Said Luke. Luke continued to walk down the road, talking to and befriending Andrus as they went. They passed another village and after another few hours exited the mountain valleys into the great expanse that was the WhiteCliff Moors. The harsh barren landscape stretched out for miles ahead of Luke and he could see the faint outline of the city in the distance, between them lay miles and miles of desolate Moors, with only small plants, creeks and the rare stand of trees breaking up the landscape ahead. Luke stopped and sat down at a rest point to catch his breath as the sun slipped beneath the horizon. “It’s been quite a journey hasn’t it?” Luke asked his occupant. “So far….yes….” Said Andrus’ muffled voice, a bit weaker than before. “You doing okay in there, buddy?” Asked Luke. “I’m…fine….” Said Andrus. “Just….Running low on Manna. Any idea how far out we are from the city?” “Another couple hours at least.” Said Luke. “Are you sure you can make it?” “No other options.” Said Andrus. “Please….Press onwards.” “You’re the boss.” Said Luke. Standing and stretching before he continued onwards. The next hour passed in relative silence as Luke trotted down the path towards the city. He admired the strange new plants and landscape as he followed the cobblestone path as it meandered over the countryside and small quaint bridges dotted the path as they crossed and re-crossed the same streams. New and exotic animals milled about in the darkening distance and Luke had to control his urge to explore this new place, he had a job to finish first. “Andrus, have you ever been to WhiteCliff before?” Asked Luke. No response. “Andrus? Did you fall asleep or…?” Luke let out a mighty BBBEEELLLCCCHHH! That echoed through the quieted Moors, startling some of the fauna to take off into the distance. “uh oh.” He said aloud. Luke prodded at his gut, trying to get Andrus to move and failed, the human shape just sat there motionless inside of him. Luke pulled his tunic up to inspect his gut and noticed for the first time that the tingling sensation had gone away, as had the faint glow from within. Andrus was gone. “Oh dear.” Said Luke to his stomach. “Guess you didn’t have enough manna after all. Well then, I guess my body can put you to good use anyway. Hope you had “Ass fat” as a possible career option, hehe.” Luke joked, but he did feel a bit sad. He had grown to at least somewhat like Andrus and felt even worse knowing that he had failed in his quest. UUURRRPP! Luke burped as his stomach released another pocket of gas as it finally got to work digesting the now accessible meal. “I guess we should still head to town.” Luke said to himself. Luke continued his walk down the WhiteCliff road, occasionally burping as he went. He wasn’t far out from the city and made it to the white stone gates within an hour. In that time Andrus’ body had liquified a bit and no longer resembled the outline of a human man that he looked like only a few hours ago. He was now just large chunks of meat, floating in a bone filled slurry in Luke’s now rounder gut. It hung a few feet off of Luke’s frame and swayed and sloshed more as he moved. As Luke approached the gate one of the armored guards walked over to greet him. “Hello. Welcome to WhiteCliff, the finest trading hub in the North.” He said in a well-practiced tone. “Entry is 10 Gold per person. I see you are one…wait. No, two people. That’ll be twenty gold.” “But I am only one person?” Said Luke. “Nice try kid.” Replied the guard. “We’ve seen Preds pull this before, we charge you for one person, you head inside then let your buddy out. Now cough up twenty.” “Oh no my good sir, you see…this guy is dead.” Said Luke. He pulled his tunic up to reveal his bulbous gut. Luckily for him, it still hung low enough to cover his now exposed dick. “You can poke it if you want.” The guard leaned over and prodded Luke’s gut hard, and both men watched as his finger contacted something solid, then pushed right through and continued deeper into Luke’s gut. “See? Told ya. He’s digested.” Said Luke. “Well I’ll be damned. Never got to touch one of those Pred guts before, just goes to show night shift really ain’t that bad, eh Terry?” Said the guard to Luke and the other guard, now identified as Terry. “Tell ya what kid, for letting me do…that, I’ll let ya in for free. Now get going.” “Sweet! Thank you!” Said Luke. “Can I ask you some quick questions?” “uh, sure kid, but make it quick.” “I’m looking for two things: the closest inn and the department of Magic student affairs.” “Student affairs? That’s in the upper district, big building with four spires, can’t miss it. As for the Inn, there is one just inside the gate here called the Black Cat Inn.” “Awesome! Thanks again!” Said Luke as he entered the open gate and made his way to the inn. Luke spent the night in the inn, paying for a room with a soft bed to lie in as he sleept and digested Andrus. Throughout the night his bulbous gut shrank as what was once Andrus moved from his stomach to his bowels. A thick slurry of bones, hair, clothing shreds, and a ruby moved through Luke as he slept, his body absorbing any and all nutrients from Andrus as it passed. Luke’s stomach shrank from human sized down to a tightly packed ball shape on his midriff as Andrus compacted into waste to be released. Luke awoke around midday with a loud FFFRRRRTTTT!! That trumpeted through the sleepy inn and shook him awake. He sat up in bed and rubbed his hand over the compacted lump that was all that remained of Andrus. He poked at it to feel his firmness and was rewarded with another smaller FRT! “Whew! You stink Andrus. Alright, I’m up.” He said to the ball shaped lump in his bowels. “Let’s take you to student affairs.” Luke dressed again as he made his way through the city, admiring the sights as he went. He couldn’t admire for too long however as his guest kept demanding to be let out. After ten minutes of walking, he managed to find the upper district, a few dozen meters above the rest of the city. It only took him another few minutes to find the multi-spired Student affairs building and he entered. He was greeted by the admin staff and when he explained that he was there with information on the Andrus case, he was ushered into the High Magister’s large office. It was a large open room with large stone columns that extended high up to meet the ceiling several meters above their heads. At the far end of the room sat an older man with a long beard at a large black stone desk, it’s surface meticulously polished into reflection. As Luke approached the man sat up and took stock of the young adventurer. “How can I help you?” Said the old man Airily. “I don’t recognize as one of the students from one of the Arcaniums.” “Well sir, that’s because I’m not a student. I’m an adventurer for hire, I’m here because I have an update on the Andrus case?” “Well then, I’m all ears. I see you don’t have him with you, so is it information then?” PFFRT! Luke let another fart slide, this one he had been holding in since entering the ministry. It was almost as if Andrus was trying to talk to the magister. “Well sir…I never caught your name.” Luke scanned the Magister’s desk quickly to discover a nameplate with the name Hieronymus written on it. “Sir Hieronymus. I actually do have him here. Right here.” Luke prodded at his gut, eliciting another more urgent PPFRT! “Hmm, that is possible, but we aren’t going to hand over any bounty money for your shit, you understand that right? We need proof that that was him. I would also be curious to know how you got him in there.” “Voluntarily. But that’s another story.” Said Luke. “He…wants out. Do you have somewhere I can do that? I can see if I can get proof afterwards.” “Gross. But I guess that’s dealing with Predators.” Said Hieronymus. “door off to the left there.” “Thanks!” Luke said already heading for the washroom. As he moved, he was trying to think of how to prove this was once Andrus and was coming up with very little. He entered the washroom and saw the toilet, it was a seat over an open hole that would drop waste into the rushing sewer below, but that wouldn’t prove anything. Thinking quick Luke grabbed one of the large potted plants and dumped its contents on the floor leaving a large open urn. “Welcome back buddy.” Said Luke as he hiked up his tunic, squatted over the urn and released. PPTTTHHHHH-THUD! The first bone-strewn log, thick as his arm and half as long slid out his ass and coiled in the empty urn below him. The next log came out of his ass with a PPPTTTHHH-SPLORT! Before contacting the other log. The next few loafs were softer and less compact that the first and slid out of his faster and in rapid succession with a wet TTTHHH-SPLORT! SPLAT! SQUELCH! As they broke off and fell into the gathering pile below. This went on for several minutes as Luke strained and moaned as Andrus exited his body. PLOP! SPLAT! More and more of Andrus shit left his body through his ass. He could feel the occasional bone or chunk of clothing get stuck or rub against him but with additional effort he was able to push the mage out of his ass and into the waiting urn below. Then Luke felt it, the building pressure of Andrus skull pressing against his hole. With a moan and a grunt Luke heard a POP! SPLAT! as the skull shot out of his dilated asshole to join the pile of shit below. Luke stood, adjusted his tunic again and admired his handiwork, the massive mound of shit that was Andrus sat sadly in the urn, rising just above the lip as it tapered upwards. Andrus’ skull and circlet could be seen at the top of the pile, slowly sinking in, shit flowing through its cavities. Luke debated reaching in to see if he could find the ruby but decided against it. “Well pal, I brought you to the magister. I did what I said, although I am going to collect that bounty.” Luke said to Andrus, who was unable to respond. Luke picked up the urn and carried it into Hieronymus’ office, setting it down on the floor in front of his desk. “Look, see? I brought you Andrus.” “Now again. How can we tell if….wait a moment…yes that is-er-was him. I’d recognize his family circlet anywhere. It seems you have earned your reward.” Hieronymus said and opened a drawer in the desk before tossing a pouch of gold to Luke. “Now tell me how you got him.” Luke explained the whole storey to Hieronymus in great detail, mentioning the ruby he wasn’t really willing to recover. Hieronymus surprised Luke by showing him some of the powers of magic and cast a spell on the urn, and Luke watched in anticipation as the ruby lifted itself out and landed on a handkerchief that Hieronymus had set out. He wrapped it and handed to Luke. “Sounds like you had quite a time of it then, but let me welcome you to WhiteCliff, may you always find luck and fortune.” Said Hieronymus. “Thank you! I will, and please, remember me if you have any adventurer work that needs doing.” Said Luke. “ I will. Thank you again Luke.” Said Hieronymus as Luke made his way to the door. “ Hey! Wait…Wasn’t there a plant in this pot?” End.
Tych II: The Vlog M/M, AV, Digestion, Disposal “Good morning everyone! Jason-T here!” Exclaimed the eager streamer to be into his camera. “Today we’re gonna sneak into Tych’s house and give him a good birthday surprise! Can’t wait to see the look on his face Hahahaha! And don’t forget to Like, Donate, and Subscribe!” Jason was a modestly good-looking young man, he was a bit older, shorter, and burlier than his friend and claim-to-fame Tych, standing at five foot eight inches with deep blue eyes and jet-black hair cut short. All and all he was decently attractive but knew his looks wouldn’t have gotten him to his current status and fame as a streamer without Tych. He was officially part of the ‘crew’ and often joined into gaming or hangout sessions with the popular V-Streamer, even if he wasn’t too good at the former; Over the years Jason had grown a small following himself, even if they had bled over from Tych’s content. In today’s vlog he was going to slip in Tych’s house and give him a good birthday surprise scare on camera then whisk him off to the surprise party that he and Jax, another member of the ‘crew’ were throwing for him at the hot new local steakhouse. As Jason walked the last half-block to Tych’s house he found himself already getting quieter and quieter to be stealthy, even though he was still well out of the voracious Streamer’s earshot. “Well guys.” Jason whispered to his camera as he approached the doors. “I’m going quiet now, let’s try and get the drop on him, hehehe.” Jason approached the doors and quietly unlocked them with the key he was given for just such antics. He opened the door slowly and luckily it swung open without too much noise. He paused at the entrance for a moment to listen for any noise but could only hear Tych’s deep snoring from upstairs. He removed his shoes and hid them as to not alert Tych and moved deftly and silently through the quiet house and looking for any traces of Tych’s assistant Alex, luckily again the young redhead seemed to have the day off as Jason couldn’t find any trace of him anywhere. “So far so good.” Jason whispered to his camera. He moved quietly up the stairs and into the master bedroom, the double doors to which were already wide open. Jason slid soundlessly across the hardwood floor and into his friend’s room to find Tych sleeping and snoring loudly. Tych looked like a bit of a mess in his present state, His bare ass was lifted high into the air, a small dribble of cum flowing out of his gaping asshole. His shirt was still on and barely covered his distended stomach that was pressed and squeezed to one side as the young predator slept atop it. If Jason had to guess he would have said that Tych went out and had a very enjoyable evening and came home and passed out. Tych was still pretty cute sleeping, even if we was snoring loudly and a bit of a glutton, his brown hair still tousled nicely in a way that framed his face well. “My, my.” Whispered Jason. “Looks like we caught Tych with his pants down….literally. Look’s like he had a good time last night, but I bet that guy didn’t haha.” Jason chuckled quietly and gestured towards Tych’s bulbous gut that was no doubt filled with some unfortunate dude. “Now where to hide, where to…aha!” Jason moved the camera in to fill the entire screen with Tych’s exposed ass. The camera came into focus and showed his gaping pink hole and the trail of cum that flowed slowly out of it. “I bet ya I could hide in there until he wakes up then pop out and give him a real good scare!” Jason whispered confidently. “I bet you’re thinking: “Jason don’t do it! You’ll get digested!” well followers, let me tell you a little secret. This guy here? 10am, every day. He’s always followed that schedule since he started streaming years ago. Currently it’s-” Jason shook his wrist into view and checked the time on his expensive black watch that Tych had given him last year. “-about 9:45, In such a short amount of time I should be fine, I’ll definitely be out before that other guy leaves.” Jason prepared himself to enter his friend’s hole, looking into it slowly. “Wish me luck!” Jason clipped his camera to his shirt and then reached down and opened Tych’s asshole with both hands; it was a bit a slimy but gave away easily to his warm touch. Once he had opened it far enough, he climbed onto the bed and slowly stuck one leg and then another into the gaping maw with a wet SCHLORP! SCHLORP! Tych’s body and Ass’s verticality made the sensation similar to getting into a water slide. Once both of his legs were in, he slid in easily and a little too quickly for his comfort with a long SSCCCCHHLLLIIIICCCKKK! He slid in right up to his armpits and was stuck momentarily as he wiggled to get his shoulders and arms in. Jason sank in a little bit further but was caught as Tych’s asshole flexed and held him with only his head sticking out of the streamer’s ass. He took one last look around the room and with a bit of force from his arms and legs pulled his head inside Tych’s bowels with a wet POP! Noise. Jason curled into a fetal position inside the dim smelly cavern that was Tych’s intestines, luckily his head was still facing upwards and looking up he could still see and hear faintly through Tych’s gaping hole. He had been in Tych’s gut before and knew it well as he had been in for a few videos like: Spelunking inside a Pred? and Real-life Trojan Streamer! He settled in and unclipped his camera and held it up to get his face and body in the shot. “Now we’re in guys! All we gotta do now is wait until Tych’s wakes up and then once he’s at his desk I’ll pop my head out and spook him! This one will definitely be one for the vault!” Jason narrated. “He should be waking up in less than ten-” Then with another wet POP! Jason was dropped in pitch blackness as something plugged both his light source and escape route. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tych had come home late from his night of carousing and drinking, He didn’t even notice the time on his various clocks and couldn’t check his now dead phone to see that it was 7am. He had gone out with some old friends and went drinking, partying, fucking and eventually even voring to celebrate his birthday. What was that guy’s name again? Did I eat the guy who fucked me? I can’t remember…not that it matters to me or him anymore…. Nothing mattered now but sleep, and the drunken swollen predator stumbled his way into his home and upstairs to put himself to bed. He managed to get his pants off and fell into the bed, comfy as never before as he fell into his bed. He reached to put his phone on the charger, but passed out before he could plug it in. A couple sleepy hours later Tych awoke to a strange feeling, his asshole was being…stretched? A few memories of the night before came flooding in; the drinking, the bathroom hook-up and the screams of the same poor wretch as he was devoured by the hole he had just fucked. Is that him trying to get out? Tych thought. I could have sworn he was digesting as I got home…maybe he wants to be ‘let’ out. Tych lazily reached over to his nightstand and produced a metal butt-plug with a pink gem on the flat base. This outta keep you in there….in whatever state you’re in. He lined it up without looking and rammed the butt plug into his gaping asshole, feeling himself seal and tighten around the base. Now let me sleep! He thought as he drifted off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jason began to panic as the realization of what happened dawned on him. He was sealed in, trapped within his friend’s bowels. He clipped his camera back onto his shirt and began to hyperventilate. This went on for a few minutes until he was able to compose himself again. “Think. Let’s…Think clearly. I don’t think was intentional…Tych would never eat me! I’m his chunky buddy! Or does that make me tastier….preds, hm. Nevermind.” Jason shook his head to clear his darker thoughts. “I could…push? Try and force my way out?” Jason tried to push on the metallic plug that hung over him like a lightless chandelier. It moved a bit but the strength of Tych’s Pred hole was stronger that he was and held firm against his pushes. On his last and final push, he only managed to push himself further into Tych’s bowels and he tried to scramble to regain his earlier position. Gravity and Predatory instinct however wouldn’t allow for his feeble prey wishes to come true and with every motion felt himself sink deeper and deeper into the serpentine trail that would lead him to his demise. After only a few minutes he could no longer see where the plug was as he had been pulled around a corner and began the long trip in towards the stomach. “Shit. Shit!” Jason cried out to no one, Tych’s snoring and thick gut walls prevented the sound from traveling far, the only witnesses being the silent viewers watching through his camera. “before I get to the small intestine and stuff gets too tight to move let’s try something else! I don’t want to be Shit! I don’t want to be part of the merch store!” Jason thoughts were racing and not at all helpful, until he moved on reflex to check his vlog stream. He unclipped the camera again and asked the audience. “How do I get out of here!” “Digest bitch. I can’t wait to buy you lol.” – From DisposalKing. “A knife? Cut your way out?” – From GamerBrosky6969. “Just let it happen dude, you’re too far gone. Enjoy the…Full Tour!” – From DamienP. “Dude…your Cell-Phone? Call him.” – GutSlut420. The Cellphone! How could I have been so stupid! Jason thought. He whipped his iPhone out of his pocked and speed dialed Tych. RING! RING! RING! … “Hi, it’s Tych, Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now I- ” CLICK! Jason hung up and rang again. And again. And again, no answer. He left messages, texts, and IMs to try to get his friend’s attention that he was about to be victim to his gut, but no help came. Jason felt something wet and mushy contact his feet and looked down in horror as Tych’s first meal was rushing past him to make it’s way to the exit. A thick viscus meaty slurry past him by, carrying chunks of purple hair, bones, a skull, and personal belongings. Jason recoiled in horror as the other prey ran over him and slid towards Tych’s ass. He knew that would be his fate too in a matter of hours if Tych didn’t notice him. He composed himself and spoke again to his audience. “Well guys, it’s been a good run. But I guess our friend Tych has other plans for me then. Well…his gut anyway. I guess I should’ve seen this coming when he made us sign those waivers a couple years back. Y’know, you never think that you’re gonna end up a pile of friend’s shit but…I guess there is worse things, I think. Not sure what, but I’m sure. Please notify my crew that I took the ‘full-tour’, they’ll know who to contact.” As he finished solemnly, he felt his legs twist again and he was pulled into the small intestines, which constricted tightly around him as them began to compress and soften him for digestion in the stomach. Jason took a deep breath and willed himself to sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A couple hours later Tych awoke, righting himself in bed and rubbed gently at his swollen stomach as he yawned. He paused for a moment and noticed that instead of the single rounded belly he normally sported when his prey had been digested, he instead had two different distinct masses within him. The rounded and firm part at the bottom where his first prey was compacting and getting ready to be released, and above that a still intact prey just being delivered to his stomach. He cocked his head to side and puzzled that. He didn’t remember downing two dudes, especially one right before heading home, but the night was pretty fuzzy, so he shrugged and accepted it. He poked at the human shaped mass within his gut. “Hellllloooo? Still alive in there?” Tych asked. No response. “Huh, guess not. Ah well.” He let out a loud and deep BBBWWOOOORRRPPP! That he felt shake him down to his bones. “filling at the very least.” Tych groaned and shifted his weight to get out of bed, struggling for a moment to get used to the weight of two prey inside of him. He grabbed his phone and tried to flick it on but was rewarded only with the no battery icon. Tych sighed and plugged the phone in on his nightstand and made his way to the bathroom to shower before starting his day. He stood naked under the hot water, feeling it run down his neck and over his expansive gut before dripping onto the drip pan below. He washed slowly but sensually, enjoying the sensations of the hot water on his skin and the burbling of digestion within. He would pause from his cleaning to massage his gut and could feel the large mass within begin to break down into smaller pieces as the skin and muscles were rendered from his prey’s bones. After 30 minutes Tych emerged from the steamy washroom and clothed himself before heading down to his main floor. As he walked by, he flicked on one of his smaller vlog drones that buzzed around him and streamed him as he went about his morning routine and narrated. Tych noticed that it was well past one o’clock and was only momentarily embarrassed that he had slept in so late, but it was his birthday after all, so he decided to cut himself some slack. Tych reclined on one of his couches and spoke directly into the camera drone. “Good morning-er-afternoon everyone, GayPred Here! Sorry, this is starting so late today, as you can all clearly see, I went out and had a lovely time last night! Apparently, it was a two-prey evening! Today We’re gonna be playing SteamPunk1887 and bringing in some guest stars! Don’t forget to like, comment, follow, and donate!” After he finished with the intro he moved about his home and watered his plants, fed his cat, and did some light tidying while he killed time before his gaming steam began. While Tych was moving about, the audience watched as Tych’s gut made short work of his second prey as the distinctly human shape melted and broke down to a more organic shape as Jason digested into a meaty slurry, much akin to the one he had passed earlier. The occasional GURGLE! SNAP! or BLORP! Sounds could be heard behind Tych’s narration. Tych could feel as his stomach slowly drained and the mass slowly moved back through his bowels to collide with his first meal. Everyone could see as the two shapes slowly melded into on large round ball on Tych’s gut as the two prey compacted together into Tych’s shit, ready to be evacuated. Tych felt the pressure building at his rear and drew the camera in close to sign off momentarily. “Hey team! It feels as if my guest’s wish to leave the party! I’m going to see them off into my garden of course, be sure to check out my merch store if there are any salvageable pieces! Limited quantity!” Tych exclaimed. “Now don’t complain that you don’t get to watch, I’m not quite sure who these are and until they are verified, I owe them at least a bit of privacy. I’ll be back soon to start gaming! Don’t go anywhere!” With that he flicked the drone off and it flew away and clicked back into its charging stand. Tych entered his garden and stopped for a moment to take it all in. Large Hedges and sunflowers lined the garden with different beds and pots creating a beautifully lush labyrinthian yard, and while you wouldn’t get lost in it, there were different alcoves and tendrils and branches as the organic layout and plants drew you in. Tych always loved being a streamer, but his other great passion was his gardening. He had everything from vegetables to tall, gorgeous flowers and he owed it all to his not-so-secret fertilizer. For some reason, Prey shits were just really good for plants, and beyond his merch store Tych didn’t have much other use for the stuff anyway. He moved over to the large wooden box he had set up in the far corner of the yard, it was deftly hidden from the neighbour’s line of sight but was far enough away from Tych’s house that he would notice the smell. He had used up the last of his last ‘volunteer’ and needed to fill it again anyway. He dropped his skinny jeans and boxer-briefs onto the ground and half crouched, half sat over the wooden box. He reached back and pulled out the metallic butt plug with a wet POP! Immediately followed by a long FFFFFFFFRRRRRRTTTTTT! And BBBPPPRRTT! As Tych’s pent up gas rushed out through his asshole. They were closely followed by the first PPPPPTTTTHHHH-SPLAT! as the first bone strewn loaf of shit slid quickly out of his ass and contacted the ground, he felt it break off and heard a dull THUD! As it broke off and fell to the ground. The long shit loaf kept coming with a PPPTTTHHHHH-THUD-SSCHLORP! As the shit log hit the ground and curled, overtaking the first and coiling upwards. Another BBPRT!-PPPPTTTHHH-SPLAT! came as a third log, as big as the first was pushed out easily and landed atop the others. This went on for several minutes as Tych forced more and more of his prey’s remains out of his ass, moaning and grunting as they fell into the ever-growing pile of shit below him. PPPTTTHH-SPLAT!-SPLORT!-SPLORCH! The pieces were coming out a bit looser and more fragmented now as Tych squeezed his previous night’s hook-up out of his ass and into his fertilizer bin. He felt a pressure and grunted hard and with a POP! SPLAT! the first skull shot out of his ass and disappeared quickly into the shit heap. Tych felt the pressure persist and continued to push as more soft shit fell out of his ass and into the pile with more SPLATS! SPLORTS! These were less condensed and Tych figured this must have been the other prey who didn’t have as much time to compact to make a nice and clean exit. After several minutes of pushing and expelling shit he felt the final push coming as Jason’s skull pressed against Tych’s asshole. With a groan and a POP! SPLORT! The second skull shot out and landed atop the waste heap. Sweating and panting from exhaustion, Tych sat on the side of the bin for a moment to catch his breath. Once he had composed himself, he pulled up his pants and admired his handiwork. A three-foot-high bone, hair and cloth strewn shit heap sat in the fertilizer bin before him and began to slowly even out. He could only see one skull in the melting heap but figured the other must’ve been buried deep within. He could make out a few of his prey’s personal belongings suspended about before they sank in as well: a couple leather wallets, an iPhone, and a camera? Tych was confused by that until an arm bone caught his attention and he fixated on it for a moment, the expensive looking black watch affixed to it looked oddly familiar. Tych stretched and made his way back indoors, he reached for his phone to send a text to his assistant Alex to tell him to sift through the fertilizer bin for anything worth merchandizing. His hand slid into his pocket but contacted no phone. Left it on the charger. He thought as he made his way upstairs to retrieve it. As he moved up the stairs, he could feel the new layers of pudge that was his hook-up and Jason jiggle on his ass. Tych powered up his iPhone to a flurry of messages and voicemails. He sat back on his bed and went through them. First Message, from Jason at 10:15am: “Tych! It’s Jason! I was going to surprise you by jumping out of your ass, but it seems that you’ve trapped me in here! Help me Please!” Second Message, From Jason at 10:30am: “C’mon man! Not funny! Please let me out!” Text Message, Jason-T at 10:35: “Dude! Please! Let me out!” Third Message, From Jason at 11:02am: “Tych….Please….it…burns….BLORP!” Fourth Message, From Jax at 1:10pm: “Hey Tych, it’s ya man Jax! Have you seen Jason? I can’t find him anywhere. We’re planning a dinner for you tonight and he was supposed to tell you but that was hours ago. Call me back.” Tych sat back on his bed. “I guess that was Jason in there huh. Man, that ass jump-scare thing would’ve been so funny. Sorry pal, but at least you were filling.” Out of curiosity, Tych went into his streaming app and tuned into Jason’s stream. It was currently still rolling but everything was dark. Tych skipped the stream back a few hours and skipped through the stream to watch the highlights. He saw the shadow of the butt-plug seal Jason in, His circuitous route through Tych’s bowels, Jason’s Digestion and return route through Tych’s bowels, and the sudden bright light of being shit back into the world. He stopped skipping and watched the footage of his ass in action, seeing the pure stream of former Jason shit flow from his ass and into the pile from the pile’s perspective. Tych smiled smugly to himself as he watched the camera slowly sink into the heap and into darkness, knowing that this would be his friend’s last and most watched video to date. “At least part of you is staying on as my ass-fat Jason, it might be a better position for you, seeing as you were such a shitty gamer anyway.” Tych said to his fat. “There! Look at that buddy! You got 10k streams on this one already! That’s like, triple what you normally pull in. All it took was for you to become a part of me…and my shit.” Tych closed the stream and called up Jax and explained what had happened to Jason and agreed to meet the rest of the ‘crew’ for dinner at the steakhouse, hearing his own belly rumble and thinking about possibly eating a waiter or making another opening on the ‘crew’ for more skilled players. End.
Eric VII: The Over-Nighter Contains: M/M, Oral, Digestion, Disposal, Gay Sex, Disposal References, Scat Eric sat on his couch nervously twiddling his thumbs and counting down the minutes until Brayden arrived. He had spent the better part of his afternoon cleaning and tidying up his apartment, getting it ready for his boyfriend’s first visit. He didn’t really know why he was nervous; he had been on a handful of dates with Brayden already and was quite comfortable around him, and he had cleaned his apartment to a standard that hadn’t been met since he used to have roommates. He chuckled a bit to himself as he remembered his failed experiment into sharing living quarters with someone else to save money. He couldn’t quite remember all of their names but remembered that there was about five or so of them, one after the other they had made “fatal” errors and ended up leaving the apartment through Eric’s ass. Who was it that broke my favourite mug? Was it…Terry? No, Larry! Eric thought to himself, remembering his roomies. All had done something or other to deserved being vored, well, most of them at least; He had eaten one of them out of sheer boredom, tired of waiting for him to fuck-up. And that’s why I don’t do roommates anymore. Boyfriends yes, roomies no. Now Eric, remember Brayden is spending the night, so no eating him or anyone else for that matter. We have to be a normal dude tonight or it could get very ugly if he learned you were a pred. Don’t want to end up like that Makovich guy on the news. He thought. *Ping!* Eric’s Phone chimed and startled Eric out of reverie. He whipped it out of his pocket eagerly, hoping to see a text from Brayden who was due any moment, but to his disappointment it was only a text from his Stoner-Pred buddy Jude. “Duuuude, check out this dude I ate! Found him jackin’ it behind a gas station and decided to punish him for his crime lol.” <PHOTO ATTACHED – CLICK TO OPEN> Said the message from Jude. Expecting to see a photo of Jude with his stomach distended Eric clicked the link. To his chagrin it wasn’t Jude in the photo but instead mountain of shit with bones and fabric scraps poking out at different points splattered all over a back-alley. Eric was revolted at first but then came around to admire the size of the pile that Jude’s prey had made. “Gross Dude! Don’t send me your shit” Replied Eric. “Big tho right??” – Jude “Oh yeah, hella. Large guy?” – Eric “Oh you have no idea, at least 6’5 with 300+ on him.” – Jude “Jeezus!” – Eric “Yeah, took all night and most of the day to digest, not to mention the workout I got carrying his fat-ass around.” – Jude “Oh yeah I bed.” – Eric “Fuck, I meant met.” – Eric “BET!” – Eric “Lmao. So is Brayden still coming over tonight?” – Jude “Yeah he should be here any minute.” – Eric “Oh sweet, have fun you two~” – Jude *BRRRRRIIINNNNGGGG! – BBBBRRRIIIINNNNNGGGG!* Just as Eric was thinking of something witty to reply with, he heard the squawking of the call box by his door. He pocketed his phone and ran over to the box, smashing the answer button a bit too aggressively. “Hello? Brayden?” Asked Eric. “One and the same. May I come up my good sir?” Replied Brayden’s dulcet voice. Eric pressed the buzz button and could hear his building’s door unlock and Brayden enter before the connection was cut. He opened his unit’s door and lingered in the doorway. A few minutes later, a slightly winded Brayden appeared before him. “You….You- Never said there was no elevator!” Were the first words out of Brayden’s mouth. “Four floors! Four! Floors!” “Aww poor fella, why don’t you come in and make yourself at home?” Asked Eric. “I….*whew* Thank you babe.” Said Brayden as he leaned in and gave Eric a little peck on the cheek that soon after reddened. Eric took Brayden’s coat and hung it up in his closet. He helped Brayden settle into the living room and sat on the sectional couch beside him. “Wow your place looks good Eric.” Said Brayden looking around. “At first I thought your building was in a rough neighbourhood and looked scary, but I see that you more than made up for that.” “Really saves on rent. Frees up money to blow on other stuff and not having a roommate.” Replied Eric. “Well, care to show me around?” Asked Brayden. “But of course, my dear!” Exclaimed Eric rising to his feet. Eric showed Brayden around his apartment: His kitchen, small dining room, bedroom, den and ended the tour by showing Brayden his washroom. It was larger than was probably necessary, but Eric explained that it was part of the building’s bad design and how ironically his washroom had more square footage than his dining room. Brayden lingered in the bathroom a moment and when Eric turned back to see if he was following, he could have sworn he saw Brayden staring quizzically at his toilet. After a moment Brayden noticed his absence was missed and followed Eric quickly back to the living room. The two tall men lounged on the couch beside each other. Eric ordered a couple pizza’s then flicked on the TV to wait out the delivery time. “Hey…. Can I ask you something weird?” Asked Brayden. Eric began to sweat nervously, had he forgotten to hide some clue about his true Predatory nature? “Of course, Brayden, ask away.” “Are….Are you a predator?” Asked Brayden. “I was beginning to have my doubts but then I saw your toilet and now I’m not sure.” Eric was taken aback and couldn’t hide his surprise from his face. “What? I-Er-ummmm….no?” He stammered. “Because it’s totally fine if you are!” Said Brayden reassuringly. “I don’t mind! I just want to know!” “I….okay.” Eric lowered his head. “I am.” “Really!?” Exclaimed Brayden. Eric winced, preparing himself for rejection or revulsion. “Ahem. I mean that’s good.” Said Brayden in a calming voice, noticing Eric’s reaction and trying to soothe him. “Wait….You’re not disgusted or afraid of me?” Said Eric. “Of course not!” Said Brayden. “I don’t think you’re gonna eat me, right? Plus, I’ve always been fascinated with Preds, since about high school.” “I wouldn’t eat you!” Exclaimed Eric, a tear streaming down his face. “Your….too special.” Brayden reached over and wiped his tear and pulled him into an embrace. “That’s all I needed to hear.” Said Brayden. “I love you Eric, even as a man-eater.” “Love you too Brayden.” Said Eric. “But hold up a second, I’m guessing you figured out the whole tummy thing, but what was with the toilet comment?” “That? Oh, that was something I heard back in school. Something like that Predators have extra big toilets with big pipes so that they can flush all the shit and bones and stuff. When I saw you had a regular toilet, I thought maybe I was wrong about you being a pred and you really did just have a gluttonous appetite.” “Well, I am still eating y’know. It’s just dudes instead of snacks.” Said Eric. “But the toilet thing is weird. One, where would I even get one like that without outing myself? Also, pred code is to never, and I mean never, dump a prey close to where you live. It makes you way to easy to catch, that’s why most pred’s, myself included like to take them somewhere far away and public, so that it can’t be traced back to us.” “I guess I never thought of it that way.” Said Brayden. “Oh boy! My little pred boyfriend! Can I ask you some questions?” “S-Sure?” Said Eric blushing. “One, do you only eat dudes? Two, how does it feel? Three, uhhhh, how long does it take?” “Okay okay, easy there. First, I only eat people when I have to, it’s kind of a…gut feeling. Like a craving, but worse. Second, it feels realllly good. Lastly, depends on the dude and the day.” Replied Eric. “What about that friend of yours….Jude?” Asked Brayden inquisitively. “Oh yeah he is too.” Said Eric. “I knew it! Can I watch you eat someone? Like the pizza guy?” “Well I have to get the craving before-” *GRRROOOWWWWLLL* “-Okay never mind, guess tonight is a vore night. But no, I won’t be eating the pizza dude.” “Awwwwww, why not?” “Rookie mistake! I always grab someone who won’t be missed. A pizza guy on shift? He’ll be noticed before he’s even digested, that and, since 2012 they have been chipping all pizza guys to try and catch sloppy preds, that’s how they caught that Makovich guy.” Said Eric. “But you will eat someone for me?” Asked Brayden. “Just not the pizza dude.” “Sure!” “Okay, let me think… Oh! I’ve got it! What about Kai from my office? He’s a skinny little dude but since he got promoted, he’s been making my life a living hell.” Said Brayden. “Don’t think anyone will miss him? No family?” “Not that I know of.” “Sweet, yeah I’ll eat him for ya. Two birds and all that.” “Awesome babe!” Brayden leaned in and gave Eric a big kiss. “Lemme call him up.” Eric sat back and watched as Brayden whipped out his phone and called up his supervisor. The exchange only went on for a few moments before he hung up. Brayden explained that Kai would be over in an hour to pick up some extra work that Brayden brought home. Over the next hour the pizza guy came and left, and Eric sat on the couch and watched as Brayden began digging into the pizza. “You don’t want any babe?” Asked Brayden. “Nah, I’m saving room for Kai.” Replied Eric as he patted his stomach and Brayden laughed a bit. The two sat there in near silence as Brayden ate, the only sound punctuating the silence was the quiet murmurs of the tv, quietly flickering in the backdrop. Eric stared at Brayden as he ate and admired his hair, it was longer than usual but still looked great on his fit body and handsome face. It was Black with the front slicked up and the rest hanging loosely around his head, Eric thought that suited his energetic boyfriend well. After Brayden finished eating, they chatted amongst themselves, swapping stories and talking about their week. Eric was losing track of time when a loud noise interrupted their pleasant evening. *BRRRRRIIINNNNGGGG! – BBBBRRRIIIINNNNNGGGG!* “That’d probably be Kai.” Said Brayden. “Well, guess my dinner has arrived haha.” Said Eric as he rose to answer the buzzer. He moved quickly over to buzzer and hit the answer button. “Hullo?” “Oh hell. Is Brayden there? I need to speak with him immediately.” Responded the voice, most likely Kai. “Well, that’s no way to start a conversation.” “Ugh. My…My apologies. Name’s Kai. Hello.” Said Kai. “Now is Brayden there? This is important.” “Why didn’t you say so?” Said Eric coyly, pressing the unlock button. “Come on up.” A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Eric answered it, gesturing to Brayden to remain seated in the living room. “Hello and welcome to casa de-” Said Eric as he opened the door. “No time!” Said Kai. Brayden was right, Kai was skinny but still quite fit. Eric didn’t detect any heavy breathing coming from the impatient man who looked up at him with fire in his eyes. He had darker skin and short hair cut into a nice quaff with undercuts on all sides, showing off his trendy hair. Intense Brown eyes burned into Eric and he could feel the smaller man’s intensity immediately and quickly realized why he had been quickly promoted. “Is Brayden here or not?” “Of course. Would the gentlemen please remove his shoes on his way in? The help spent all day cleaning these floors and I would just hate to mess them up.” Replied Eric wryly and sarcastically. “What? Fine. Fine.” Kai removed his shoes and followed Eric into the living room, He immediately locked eyes with Brayden and moved to try to tower over the sitting man. “Well Brayden? You dragged me out here on the weekend. Do you have the Campbell report ready for me?” “Well. You see, I don’t-” Said Brayden, unfazed by Kai’s intensity. “You don’t have it! Of course not! Why would I think you would!” Kai began raising his voice at Brayden, not noticing Eric’s anger and hunger boiling under the surface behind him. “Just as I have been telling the board! You are a lazy, stupid, inept, piece of shit!” “Hey!” Shouted Eric. “You apologize to my boyfriend.” “Or what! What are you gonna do? Gay me to death? God. Some people have- Wait what are you doing?!” Eric lunged, grabbing the smaller man by the arms, and pinning them at his sides. He hoisted the smaller man up and briefly shared confused eye contact with Kai before jamming Kai’s head into his gaping salivating maw. Kai’s confusion wore off quickly as his head entered Eric’s mouth and he began kicking uselessly up at the air as Eric swallowed hard with a loud *GULP!* as he pushed more of Kai into his gullet, pulling the smaller man in up to his shoulders. Another more powerful *GLUK!* rang through the apartment as Eric shoved Kai’s shoulders into his throat and swallowed hard. At this point Eric knew that there was no way Kai was wriggling out of this and Eric sat down on the couch once again, content to enjoy slurping down this little jerk. He noticed for the first time Brayden’s rapt attention watching him swallow his soon-to-be-former work nemesis, and Eric locked eyes with him and winked. *SSSCCCLLLUURRRPPP!* Eric slowly pulled Kai in up to his navel and explored Kai’s stomach and navel with his tongue, enjoying the salty-sweet taste of his sweat, a soft whimper escaped Kai and was lost to Eric’s body padding but Eric heard it none the less. He was pretty tasty, and Eric figured Kai must not have showered in a few days or just came from gym. Kai continued to kick and buck his legs, but without purchase they flailed uselessly in the air and only served to tire the skinny man out. Content to continue Eric swallowed hard again with a *GLUK!* and pulled Kai in up to his waistline. Eric stopped to consider removing Kai’s pants and gestured to Brayden to help him. After a moment, Brayden got the signal and began to tug on the bottom cuffs of Kai’s jeans as Eric struggled to pop the button without looking. A few moments of pulling and struggling paid off as Eric caught and undid the button and Brayden pulled and fell back onto the sectional holding Kai’s pants in his hands. Kai’s ass and briefs stook out of Eric’s mouth and he ripped them off quickly to expose the delicious meat beneath: Kai’s tight ass and five-inch cock. Eric swallowed and pushed Kai’s ass into his greedy mouth and began to taste his sweaty cock and balls, noticing that Kai was getting hard as Eric tasted him. Eric rolled Kai’s cock around on his tongue, tasting his sweat and musk and feeling Kai relax and awkwardly enjoy his last blowjob. After a short moment, Kai spasmed in Eric’s throat and came all over the inside of Eric’s mouth shortly before going limp. Eric could taste Kai’s salty cum splash across his tongue and slide down his throat and paused for a moment before swallowing again with a sonorous *SSSSLLLLUUURRPPPP!!* as the rest of Kai entered Eric’s throat and slid quickly into his awaiting gut. Eric pulled up his shirt and Brayden watched as first Kai’s Head, then the rest of his body joined him in Eric’s acidic gut. Eric’s gut ballooned out as Kai filled the space, the skin pulling tight to reveal the former supervisor curled upside down in Eric’s belly. After Kai regained his post-nut composure, he struggled briefly to right himself and Brayden watched raptly as Kai slowly moved into an upward fetal position. Eric sat back and patted his distended stomach before letting out a long sigh. Brayden could almost hear Kai’s muffled pleas and cries as he fully realized the gravity of his situation. “Well, he sure hit the spot. Thanks for dinner babe.” Said Eric, winking at Brayden. Brayden just stared intently, eyes wide open and mouth agape. “….holy shit. You did it! That is so amazing! Good job honey!” Eric Blushed. “Oh, come now, it’s not really all that impressive.” “Do you always finish them off before swallowing them?” “Not always, but sometimes I like to think that one last blowjob would be nice before starting the long one-way journey through me. That and, most dudes go limp for a while after they cum, makes them a lot easier to stuff in there.” “Huh.” Said Brayden, still staring at the man shaped ball in Eric’s gut. “Do you want to rub it? Help him digest?” Asked Eric. “How long will he be alive in there?” Asked Brayden. “How long do you want him to be alive? I could burp out his air at any minute, or I could try to keep it in and let him melt away.” “Well, he was a jerk in the office.” Said Brayden. “Wait. Can he still hear us?” “Yeah, He seems to be awfully quiet now though.” Said Eric poking Kai in the head. “Where is that bravado and assholery now?” “P-please…let me out.” Came Kai’s muffled response. “No can do there Kai. First, you were an ass to my boyfriend. Second, you were dinner. Dinner doesn’t get a say in where they go, and you are gonna be nothing but ass padding and shit come morning.” “Yeah, you Fucker! I can’t wait for my boyfriend Eric to digest you like the ass you are!” Chimed Brayden eagerly. “I…I’m sorry.” Replied Kai. “I was just trying to- wait. Fuck this! Fuck you two! I still have my phone! I’m gonna call the police and they’ll come get me out and lock you two up!” Eric could feel Kai thrash about wildly inside of him, he had to use both arms to brace himself against getting rocked out of his couch. Eric looked shocked. “Isn’t his phone in his pants?” Said Eric gesturing to the discarded jeans on the couch. “Uhhh.” Brayden responded as he started rifling through the pockets. “Nope. No phone.” “That’s what shirt pockets are for!” Shouted Kai. The muffled sounds of a dial tone rang through Eric’s belly. “Hello Police! I’ve just been vored and would like to be-” Eric brought his fist down onto where he could make out Kai’s hand and phone to be. A wet *CRACK!* sounded dully from the inside of Eric’s belly as he broke Kai’s phone. “Hey! I was using that!” “Sorry babe but I gotta - *BBRRRRWWAPPPP!* - put this guy down, he’s fiesty.” Said Eric as he belched out the last of Kai’s air. His stomach pulled tighter around Kai and the two watched as Kai struggled and flailed for a moment before becoming mercifully still. “So. That’s it then?” Said Brayden. “No more Kai?” “Sorta kinda.” Said Eric. “Still gotta digest and dispose of him. In the meanwhile, what do you wanna get up to?” “You.” Said Brayden seductively, making sensual eye contact. “Glad you finally said it!” Said Eric. “But can I digest him a bit first? He’s a bit much to be moving around currently. How about a movie first?” “Deal.” Said Brayden scooching over on the couch and wrapping his muscular arms around Eric. Eric leaned in and rested his head on Brayden’s shoulder as they flipped through Netflix to find something to watch. They agreed on a title and watched it wordlessly together, about halfway through Brayden sent an exploratory hand to massage Eric’s bulbous belly, pushing and kneading on what was left of Kai. Over the course of the movie Kai began to digest and melt into Eric’s stomach, slowly becoming a meaty slurry over the course of the movie. By the time it was finished, only bones and a few larger pieces of Kai remained to float in Eric’s belly acids, the shape of which had morphed from a man shaped sack to a more rounded ball shape on Eric’s midriff. “Wow he melted down fast.” Said Brayden. “That’s just the first part. He still has a long way to go yet on the Eric express hehehe.” Said Eric playfully, and Brayden laughed too. “But shall we retire for the night?” “As long as that means sex, you’re on.” “Of course it means sex silly.” The couple rose and made their way quickly into the bedroom and undressed in a similar fashion. Eric fingered his ass to prepare himself for Brayden as Brayden went to pee quickly. Upon entering the bedroom Brayden found Eric with his ass in the air on his bed, his bulbous gut hanging and resting on the bed as well. Smiling, Brayden climbed onto the queen size bed and prepared to make love to his boyfriend for the first time. Eric didn’t get to see Brayden’s cock before he felt it sliding into his pre-lubricated ass. Inch after inch it pressed easily inward, first pushing on and then past his prostate and Eric let out a little moan as Brayden’s seven-inch shaft pushed in up to his hilt. They sat there a moment, just enjoying the feeling of being so connected. Slowly Brayden began to withdraw his cock and then thrust it back in, again and again, getting faster with every thrust. Brayden began to pick up speed as Eric moaned his name and the *plap! Plap! PLAP!* of Brayden’s ball’s connecting with Eric became louder and more erotic. After some time Eric moaned “B-Brrrraaayyydddeeenn!” as Eric’s cock twitched and he came all over the bottom of his distended stomach and bedsheets. “Oh! fuck baby you’re…so….tight!” Moaned Brayden as he thrust one final time and Eric could feel Brayden’s cock pulsing as he pumped his cum deep into his boyfriend’s guts. The two fell onto the bed on their sides panting. Eric’s ass leaked a steady stream of cum that ran from his asshole to dribble down onto his bed sheets. The mass that used to be Kai was a bit smaller now, having squished during Eric and Brayden’s passionate lovemaking. They lay there for a few minutes, basking in their afterglow and catching their breath. They made idle pillow talk for a while before Eric excused himself to go shower off before bed. When Eric returned after his steamy shower, he found a sleeping Brayden sprawled out over the bed, sleeping loudly. Eric moved to the window and peered outside into the cold winter night; and He noticed a police cruiser circling his block. Strange. Were they able to triangulate the signal from Kai’s brief call? Shit. He thought. Eric climbed into bed beside Brayden and snuggled up to him, thinking about where he could shit Kai out safely in the morning as he drifted off. While Eric slept the rest of Kai digested, moving slowly through Eric’s intestines as a slurry of meat, fabric, and bones. The useful nutrients were absorbed by Eric’s guts as the large mass that used to be a person slowly made its way to Eric’s ass. Piling up and preparing for exit, a new ball began to form on Eric’s lower torso, this one denser with all of the waste that was Kai, Eric letting out little *Toots!* and *Frts!* as Kai’s remains compacted. *PPPPFFFRRRRTTTT!!!* a loud fart escaped from Eric’s ass around the crack of dawn, waking both men from their peaceful slumber. “Whew! Sweetie was that you?” Asked Brayden, pinching his nose. “Not me! That was Kai!” Said Eric defensively, blushing and pointing at the small firm ball on his lower torso. “I think he wants out.” “Gross. But also, interesting?” Said Brayden. “Where are we gonna dump this piece of shit?” “Literally.” Said Eric. “Can’t use any of the normal places, I saw cops patrolling around last night, I’ll be an easy catch. Lemme think….oh I’ve got it!” Eric rose and dressed, and Brayden did the same, following confusedly as Eric didn’t explain his plan. The two made their way down to the building lobby but instead of exiting headed for the apartments in the basement of the building. “What’s down here?” Asked Brayden. “A fixer-upper unit.” Said Eric. “Last tenant really fucked the place up, even stole the door. I figured if I wreck the plumbing, no one will suspect me. After all, why would a pred dump in his own building?” “Clever.” Said Brayden. “I thought so.” Eric walked over to unit 102 and walked in through the doorway; There was no door present, and it was simple for him to brush aside the single string of yellow tape blocking it. He made his way to the bathroom and Brayden followed, like a puppy in tow. The bathroom looked familiar, it had the same layout as Eric’s and Brayden sat himself on the bathroom counter. Eric glanced at the small toilet and reconsidered, moving over to the bathtub instead. He dropped his pants and sat on the lip of the cold porcelain tub, his ass sticking over the tub. Eric leaned over and put the stopper in the tub for good measure, didn’t want any of Kai to flow down the drains after all. With a soft grunt Eric pushed and with a wet *FRT!- PPPTTTHHHHHHH-THUD!* the first log of bone strewn Kai shit left his ass and connected with the cold white bathtub below. The log was thick and long, as wide as Eric’s arm and nearly half as long, it hit the tub and coiled a bit before its weight broke it off. Another *PPPTTTHHHHH-THUD!* came as a second loaf, as big as the first streamed out of Eric’s ass and coiled over the first log. “You feel just as good coming out as you did going in.” Eric said as he let out a long sigh as more and more logs of Kai shit flowed from his ass with a *PPPTTTHHH-SPLAT! PPTTTHHH-SPLORT!* After several minutes of shitting, Eric felt as the logs of shit became less condensed and runnier and could tell that end was drawing close. The sounds came more of a *PPFFFRRTTT! SPLAT! SPLORT! SQUELCH!* as the more liquidy remains of Kai flowed out of Eric’s plump ass and joined the growing mound of shit in the tub. Eric felt a pressure and grunted as he pushed hard and with a *POP! SPLAT!* he felt Kai’s skull pop out of his ass and collide with the shit heap below. He rose, turned, and aimed his hard cock at the sad heap as he unleashed a torrent of piss onto the shit pile with a *PISSSSSSSSS* as Eric let out one long last sigh of relief. “Now who’s a piece of shit?” Eric asked. “Him I guess.” Said Brayden and Eric almost jumped, forgetting momentarily that Brayden was here. “Sorry to startle you. You seemed so in the zone. Good quip by the way, I was thinking of something about dropping the kids off at the pool or something haha.” “Could’ve worked I guess.” Said Eric. Brayden hopped off the counter and whipped his dick out as well, adding his piss to the disgusting wet shit heap in the tub with another loud *PISSSSSSS*. “Sorry not sorry, you didn’t let me pee before we came down here. Besides, feel’s good to piss on that piece of shit.” Said Brayden as he winked. The two stood there a moment, admiring Eric’s handiwork. The shit heap that used to be Kai sat sadly in the tub, melted a bit by two hot torrents of piss. It was still piled high but melted towards the bottom, filling out the bottom of the tub so that none of the white bottom could be seen. Kai’s skull, Bits of Bone, fabric, and hair could been seen jutting out at different points of the pile and Eric could even see the shattered apple logo of Kai’s broken phone sticking out near the top, before sinking into the pile forever. “Whew! That took a lot out of me!” Said Eric. “ How about you treat me to brunch?” “Oh I’m treating you am I?” Asked Brayden. “Yep!” Said Eric. “I know just the place!” End.
Luke IV: Guilds Contains: OV, M/M, Digestion, Disposal Luke exited the Student affairs building and rubbed his now flatter gut, sighing contentedly. He hefted the small pouch of gold he had received from Hieronymus for dispatching the mage Andrus and he opened the sack and quickly counted its contents before tying the small sack to his belt. He stretched his arms over his head, yawning as he observed the hustle and bustle of WhiteCliff, the many different races and species of Terra moving around him. He saw orcs, lizardfolk, centaurs, and clusters of dragonkin moving at different paces among the throngs of humans as people moved to and fro. He noticed a couple big bellied preds moving through the crowds as well, their large guts knocking people out of their path as they moved through. Some of their bellies cried out and thrashed while others could be seen in the later stages of digestion. As Luke watched, he noticed most of the preds were entering or leaving a stately looking three-storey stone building with a large sign over the door. He began to move in that direction, his tall but pudgy frame moving easily through the crowd. As he approached, he could at last make out the symbol on the wooden sign; it appeared to be a stylized drawing of a pred-gut with a fork and knife crossed over it. Beneath the symbol, in small flowing script were the words: Predator’s Guild. Luke beamed, he had never met other preds besides Simon and Lance back in West Reach. He was happy to find not only did Predators have a place to gather and commiserate, but to find work and quests. He opened one of the green wooden double-doors and entered the guild. Upon entering, he found a small waiting room lined with empty wide chairs. two doorways opened on either side of a large desk at the end of the room where a skinny robed blonde man was sitting with his feet and filing his nails, behind him a set of wooden stairs led to the floors above. “Y’know the drill I-…” The blonde man started before recognizing that Luke was a newcomer and not a regular. “Oh, pardon me. Name’s Orion. Orion Glasdin. ” “Luke.” Said Luke. “Luke….?” Asked Orion. “Luke who?” “….Just Luke.” “No Last name, Monikers or titles?” “None yet.” Replied Luke. “Alrighty then. Makes registration damn easy then.” Said Orion. “Wait sorry. Are you a pred or prey?” “Oh, Uh, Pred.” Said Luke. “Okay good, that’s what I thought but I didn’t want to assume.” Said Orion as he pulled a large book out from his desk and flipped to an empty page. “But you never know. Occasionally, big burly guy comes in here and wants to be eaten-” Orion shrugged. “-But to each their own. I eat those ones sometimes; I don’t even have to hunt that day Hahaha.” “Hahaha….so wait a minute, what is this place?” Asked Luke brushing his now quite long brown hair brown hair out of his eyes. “It’s the predators guild…” Said Orion confusedly. “I got that part.” Snipped Luke. “But what do you do here.” “Never heard of us? Mustn’t be from around here then.” Said Orion. His eyes glazed over as he recited a phrase he must’ve said a few hundred times. “This is the predator’s guild; you’re one stop shop for the predator among us. We have warm safe beds, questing services, lounging facilities, discounts, and special disposal pits. For just a few coin a month, you could join our ranks and utilize our services. Located in every city and large towns, not including Nevarr. Care to sign up today?” “Why not in Nevarr?” Asked Luke. “Hell if I know. They don’t even get the same lotteries and traders we do.” Said Orion. “Still though, care to sign up?” “Sure!” Exclaimed Luke. “Cheers.” Said Orion, writing the single word ‘LUKE’ on a page and spinning the book around and placing it on the counter between them. “Sign here.” Luke smiled and signed below his name. “So now what? What do I owe you?” “Drinks at least.” Said Orion Coyly as he winked. Luke blushed heavily, not expecting Orion to be so blunt. “aside from that, first month is five gold.” Still blushing, Luke withdrew his coin pouch and paid Orion. “Bedrooms are on the top two floors, they cost a couple gold each night, but each room has a lock and can be rented for multiple nights. To my left is the bar and behind that is the sauna. To my right is the questing hall and behind that is the washrooms. Got that?” Luke nodded enthusiastically. “Can I pay you for a few nights now? I’m still new in town.” “Of course.” Luke paid Orion 15 gold, enough for a full week. “good news is the rooms are pretty empty, most preds here are local so you pretty much have pick of the rooms. Besides room 103 and 104.” “Any difference in the rooms?” Asked Luke and Orion shook his head no. “I guess…201 then?” “Sounds good, here’s the key.” Said Orion handing him the key. Luke grasped it but Orion wasn’t letting go, Orion looked Luke dead in the eyes. “Do. Not. Mess. The. Room. Up. Pred code says I shouldn’t eat you, but if you fuck up that room, I might make an exception.” Luke nervously nodded and took the key. Luke headed up the two flights of wooden stairs, hearing them creak occasionally under all of his new pred weight. He made it up to the second floor and opened the simple wooden door that had the number 201 etched into it. Inside was a tidy double bed, a small wooden desk and chair, a wardrobe, and a small window in a dormer at the far end of the room. He sniffed the air; a warm woody smell mixed with dust, this room had to be aired out and soon, Luke thought. Luke sat his adventurer’s pack on the desk and walked over the window. He pushed it open to a rush of fresh air, the noon sun warming his face. He leaned on the sill and elected to take in hustle and bustle of the big city; from his window he could see a few other three-storey buildings and behind them, dwarfing the upper district was a large white castle with glittering spires and bright purple roofs. The castle sat on the City’s famous white cliffs and overlooked the vast expanse of moors in the surrounding area. Luke breathed a sign of contentment, happy with how much he had already accomplished on his road to becoming a famous adventurer. GGGGGGRRRROOOOWWWWWLLL!!! Luke’s stomach rumbled low and loud, and he rubbed it with his hand. “Hungry again huh? I just downed a mage yesterday… ah well, let’s get you full huh?” Luke said to his belly, giving it a small slap of encouragement. Luke rustled through his pack and produced a hair-tie and pulled his hair back into a ponytail. He decided it had been far too long since he had a haircut, his last being before he left his hometown many months ago. He closed his bag and checked to make sure he still had the sword he had been gifted by Simon. His hand rested nicely atop the warm metal pommel of the sword, feeling its finely crafted edges with his fingers as he remembered his old friends. He nodded to himself and headed back towards the lobby. Knowing that bar food and drinks wouldn’t sate his appetite he walked by Orion and headed into the Quester’s hall. As he entered the room and he saw a large bulletin board with a few notices left, and a room full of empty chairs. Almost all empty chairs. A thirty-year-old man with long light brown hair greased back and an eyepatch sat in the chair closest to the door, and as Luke walked past him and towards the notice board, he loudly cleared his throat and stood. Luke jumped; he hadn’t noticed the man when he entered the room and spun on his heel to look at the offender. The man wasn’t tall or short, standing about five foot ten inches with a lean but muscular build, the man looked at Luke as well and beamed a smile at him. Luke could feel the warmness of his smile but couldn’t help but feel that this guy was shady. “Afternoon my good sir! I was beginning to think no one was coming!” Said the man. “Name’s Delvin Reinwald. Are you by chance here for my contract?” “Uhhhhhhh…no?” Said Luke. “Maybe? Depends. What’s the job.” “Simple, I want you to eat me.” Said Delvin. “You…want to be eaten?” Asked Luke. “You know what happens when you enter a pred right? You don’t come out the same way….” “Yes, yes I know.” Explained Delvin. “I’ve thought long and hard and I want to be eaten. Got it?” “Okay…So I eat you. Anything else? What does it pay?” Asked Luke, his stomach growled again with a GGRRRRWWLL! To let him now that meat was enough of a payment. “Eager to start huh?” Joked Delvin. “See this?” He withdrew a long red feather from his tunic. “This here is a phoenix feather. I want you to take it and place it in my home, okay?” “Weird request but okay. Why?” “Because today I will end up as nothing but your pudge and shit, but tomorrow I will be reborn anew. That’s thanks to the Phoenix feather, think of it as an extra life. And what a good way to use an extra life than to take what is normally a one-way trip. Think of it! I could write a book! No, a series! All that I ask is that you one: place this feather in my bed so that I can regenerate in the morning and two: tell everyone you meet that I am dying in your belly. Think of the jokes!” Said Delvin. Luke was taken aback by Delvin’s explanation, but he nodded, intrigued. “Okay, so I’ve got the details, what’s the pay.” “Besides this beautiful body?” Said Delvin gesturing at his form, including his eyepatch and scarred face. “Well, I could just eat all of you now and then eat the feather too y’know.” Said Luke smugly. “I…point taken. I was gonna pay you anyway Hahahaha, how does 150 gold sound to you?” “Deal!” Said Luke, his big smile returning to his face. He reached his arm out and shook the smaller man’s hand. “So, shall we get started?” “Here, take these first.” Said Delvin as he handed Luke the Phoenix Feather and his house key. “Now remember, I better wake up in my bed tomorrow or you don’t paid.” Luke nodded in agreement. “Well then? Anything else I can do to help, lemme know.” “Okay then! Let’s get started. Please take off your weapons and boots, those don’t digest well and end up hurting my stomach.” Said Luke, Delvin looked confused at first then shrugged and unstrapped his boots and dagger, setting them in a bin in the corner of the room marked ‘Prey Belongings’. When Delvin had removed the offending items, he stepped closer to Luke and nodded that he was ready. Luke leaned forward and stretched his mouth wide over Delvin’s head taking his entire head into his gaping maw. He licked Delvin’s head only once and decided he didn’t like his taste. Tastes salty and grimy. No wonder I thought this guy was slimy, he tastes how he looks. Luke thought to himself. He grabbed Delvin by the waist and started lifting him in towards his mouth, swallowing his head with a loud GULP!. Luke lifted again, swallowing, and pulling Delvin further into his hungry maw up to his shoulders with a wet GLUK!. Luke struggled for only a moment as his mouth briefly struggled to open wide enough to engulf the man’s shoulders. With a loud SCHLORK! He swallowed hard again, helping Delvin’s shoulders pass through his mouth and into his gullet. Now with the weight shifted and the widest part of Delvin past Luke’s mouth, the rest of Delvin slid in easily with a long SSCCCCHHHLLLUUURRRPPP!! And Luke watched as Delvin’s head entered his stomach, closely followed by the rest of his body, and was amazed once again as his gut ballooned out to entrap his latest victim, his tunic stretching and straining at its seams. He saw as Delvin struggled briefly inside but was finally able to right himself into a fetal position, which caused Luke to let out a small BRWAP! Of satisfaction which caused his stomach to contract tight around Delvin. Luke moved to and then leaned against one of the barren walls of the Quester’s hall and caught his breath. He rubbed his expansive gut for a moment, admiring all of the contours and shapes that was still currently Delvin, but would soon be nothing but nutrients and bones. “Well? Everything like how you thought it would be?” Luke asked his meal. “Not quite. Quite a bit slimier and smellier in here if you ask me.” Replied Delvin’s muffled voice. “I’m surprised that it doesn’t burn actually. So do I just- wait. Ooh! Ouch! Okay that does sting a bit.” “That’d be my stomach acid.” Said Luke. “Want to pass out? It’ll hurt a lot less.” “Doesn’t hurt too bad yet. Plus, I wouldn’t have anything to write about.” Replied Delvin. “Okay, just let me know. Normally, I wouldn’t give prey this kind of courtesy, but you are a customer. While you digest, I think I’ll go run some errands, sound good?” “Do I really get a say?” Asked Delvin. “No not really.” Replied Luke. Luke walked out of the Quester’s hall and past Orion who gave him a knowing look. He walked out of the Guild hall and back into the upper district. He started to head towards where he thought the market was and walked leisurely down the cobblestone streets, his expansive gut swaying as he walked. Some people stared and then quickly turned away while others openly gawked at his stomach from a safe distance. Overall, no one said anything as Luke wasn’t the only Pred in town, but the squirming mass in his gut caused a good number of them to move out of his way. After walking for a while, he came to the stairs that separated the market district from the upper district. He made his way down and began to move from shop to shop, sloshing and gently burping as he went, and He purchased a few trinkets and adventurer’s items for later. A few shop keepers inquired about his unfortunate meal and Luke was more than happy to let them rub and poke his belly, much to Delvin’s chagrin. No one was surprised or angry when Luke told them that he had eaten Delvin, most of them were a bit disappointed however that Delvin wouldn’t be able to pay back his many tabs. Luke eventually found a barber and went inside, seating himself in the only chair in the small shop. A tall emaciated older man stepped out from behind a curtain, his bushy mustache and eyebrows eclipsing and hiding his mouth and eyes, respectively. Luke couldn’t see the old man’s mouth move as he spoke. “Good-day sir.” Said the old Barber. “What can I do for the good young sir knight.” “Just a trim, while I think the ponytail looks good, I always look best with shorter hair.” The old barber nodded and got to work cleaning up Luke’s hair. He made idle chit-chat with Luke, asking about his quests and exploits as he worked. He eventually asked who the belly bulge was, and Luke obliged, to which the old man shook his head in disappointment. Delvin must’ve owed him money too I bet. Luke thought. Luke looked down at his still solidly shaped gut and poked it. “Hey! Delvin! Were you gonna tell me that you owed a lot of people money?” “N-Nope.” Said Delvin weakly. “C-Can’t collect if I’m d-dead right?” Luke grimaced at his stomach. “S-Speaking of, c-can you please put me o-out? It’s really starting to b-burn in here and it’s t-too hard to will m-myself to s-sleep.” Luke rolled his eyes and let out a loud UUURRRRPP! That permanently silenced Delvin. It startled the old man so much, his bushy eyebrows and moustache jumped, allowing Luke a brief glimpse at the old man’s withered smile and beady eyes. Luke smiled at the old man and settled in to enjoy the rest of his haircut and digest Delvin. The old barber was able to finish quickly after that, shaving Luke’s hair short and into a stylish undercut. Luke thanked the man, paid, and tipped him well for accidentally startling him before going on his way. He pulled Delvin’s key out of his pocket and read the address. He saw that it was in the lower district and began to head in that direction, hearing the occasional CRUNCH! And SNAP! As his impressive gut broke Delvin down. The occasional BLORP! Or GUURRGLE! Rang out from his stomach, and some people and other preds turned their heads to watch him as he digested Delvin. It took him close to two hours to make his way to the lower district and find the correct winding street that Delvin’s house was on. Over the course of his digestif walk, Delvin melted down to little more than a nutrient rich slurry with bleached bones and scraps of fabric and hair floating within. Luke’s gut shifted slowly from a distinctly human shape to the familiar ball shape of a digesting preds tummy. He rubbed it as he walked and could feel internally as the slurry that was once Delvin shifted from inside his gut to begin the long trail through his bowels, feeling the pleasurable pressure as bones and slurry rounded corners within him. As Luke was heading up towards Delvin’s house, a lizard man in a hooded black robe slid in front of him to block his path. “Are you the one called Luke?” the hooded Lizard said. “Yes?” Said Luke. “And who are you?” “Doesn’t matter.” Said the hooded lizard. “Please, follow me.” It was only then Luke noticed the symbol painted in red on the lizard man’s black robe: A belly with a skull in it. “Why should I? I’m on a very important quest.” Said Luke. “For Delvin Reinwald, no?” Said the lizard. “How did you-?” “We know everything and everyone in this city.” The lizard hissed. “Now follow…boy.” Luke reluctantly followed the hooded lizard man back through the lower district to a small door tucked under a home’s stairwell. It was an ordinary looking door and Luke couldn’t figure out where they were going or what this lizard’s intentions were. “Where are we going?” Asked Luke as the lizard man opened the door and ushered him inside. A long stone walled path led downwards in front of him. The passage was barely wide enough for him to pass through and he could see that it stretched quite a distance, lit only by the occasional torch. “In. Then this one will explain all.” Said the Lizard man. Luke entered the narrow passage and heard the ominous KA-THUNK! Of the door swinging closed behind him. Luke moved ahead of the lizard man, his bulbous gut still hanging in front of him like a distended sack. After a moment of walking the lizard spoke again. “This one is known as Kill-Eel. My masters requested I bring Luke before them, that is why you are here.” “Your masters? Who are they?” Asked Luke. “This one does not know. Only that Kill-Eel must serve them. They hatched me, nursed me, and taught me. It is this one’s honor to serve.” “Huh.” Luke said, mostly to end the conversation. They travelled downwards for a few minutes in silence before arriving at another dark door. Luke reached forward and opened it and entered the dark room beyond. The torches around the room came to life all at once and he could see the room before him was circular with six large stone thrones in a circle around where Luke was standing. Six more hooded figures sat or slouched in each of the thrones, three of them had large Pred bellies in different stages of digestion. Luke couldn’t see any of their faces as their hoods obscured the light around them. One of the figures spoke. “Luke. You stand before the Shadow Pred Council. Do you know why you’re here?” Luke gulped loudly. “N-No?” One of the other figures pointed at Luke’s belly. “Him!” Came an old raspy voice. “Someone has paid us dearly to make sure that Delvin is put to a shitty demise.” Said the first hooded figure. “Is he dead?” Asked another. “Uh…yeah.” Said Luke poking his stomach with his finger and everyone watched as it sank all the way into the soft mush that was now Delvin which elicited a small URP! from Luke. “What of the Phoenix feather?” Asked another figure. “Oh uh…yeah, he gave me one? I have it right here.” Replied Luke, patting his chest pocket. “He tries to cheat death again!” Cried the raspy voice again. “He tries to avoid fate and consequence! We cannot finish the contract until he is gone for good!” All of the hooded figures began to point and argue amongst themselves, the din of their conversation rising to a full-on yelling match. “Wait. wait!” Said Luke. “Please, can someone tell me what Delvin did to deserve being targeted by you?” The robed figures stopped arguing and turned their focus to Luke again. “Extortion. Robbery. Murder. Black market racketeering. This “man” has done it all! He is one of most conniving sons of bitch in White Cliff!” Came the raspy voice again. “He chose your belly as an alternative way to get out of debt this time. Not the first time either.” “Sounds like a real villain.” Said Luke. “Well, he’s currently mush and can easily be mush again. After all, that’s what heroes do right? Defeat villains!” “Very well.” Said the first voice. “Just make sure he stays down for good.” Luke nodded in agreement. “We will see that you are properly compensated as well.” Said the raspy voice. “After all, we must pay our dues. Kill-Eel! Bring the man a pouch of gold for his trouble. We will see how you do on this assignment, and perhaps we may have use for you again.” The lizard man appeared again beside Luke and presented him with a decently sized leather pouch stuffed with gold. Luke hefted it in his hand, feeling its weight before strapping it to his belt beside the last pouch. The council dismissed Luke and Kill-Eel escorted him out of their shadowy meeting hall, up the long entrance tunnel and back out into the open air. In the time they had been underground the sun had set and Luke could just make out the top of the night’s moon rising above the WhiteCliff skyline. Kill-Eel and Luke said their goodbyes and Luke began the walk towards Delvin’s home feeling a familiar pressure beginning to build up in his backside. As he walked through the shadowy streets, he let out small FRTS! and PBLRTS! In a futile effort to safely release some of the pressure. He began to walk faster, clenching as he hurried down the street. He rounded the final corner and could see Delvin’s home come into view. He produced the key well before he arrived and stuck it into the door and turned it. A welcome CLUNK! Announced the lock had opened and Luke followed it with a swift kick that nearly took the wooden door off its hinges. Luke entered Delvin’s home and began frantically searching for somewhere to shit. The main floor consisted of only a single room, with a hearth with still glowing embers that dimly illuminated the room against the far wall, two chairs, a table, a few scattered boxes, and a large hutch filled with trinkets on the close wall. To the left was a narrow staircase that Luke presumed lead to the bedroom and second floor of Delvin’s hideaway. Seeing nowhere of interest on the main floor he grabbed his stomach and began making his way to the second floor of Delvin’s modest home. Upon reaching the second floor he immediately knew where to release Delvin. He moved over to that spot and half-squatted, lifting his tunic and exposing his bare ass and cock to the cold rooms air. A single stray moonbeam pierced through a nearby window and illuminated Luke in the otherwise dark home. He stopped clenching and felt the first log of Delvin begin to push harder against his pucker. A modest PPPPBBTTHHH-THUNK! Came out of his ass as a long brown bone-strewn log emerged from Luke’s ass and contacted the soft surface, coiling as it impacted. It was easily three feet long and wide enough that it stretched Luke’s pink asshole as it exited. Luke whimpered softly with relief as his meal and client slid out of him. He pushed again and another PPPPPTTTHHH-SQUELCH! Announced the second log, as large as the first emerged and connected and coiled with the first. Luke moaned with relief and ecstasy as a man’s worth of shit exited him slowly, stretching his hole and brushing against his prostate as it left. His cock grew hard and it took everything in him to focus on the task at hand and beat-off. Luke could feel as two more loafs, these a bit softer and shorter left his bowels with a wet PPPPBBBFFT-SQUELCH! SPLORT! And he thought he could feel some of Delvin’s bones brushing against his walls as he pushed him out. After several long minutes of straining and pushing, Luke felt the last remnants of Delvin dribble out of his stretched asshole with a sloppy FRT! SPLORCH! BBBPRT! SQUELCH! And he let out a long sigh of relief. Luke stood over the mound, admiring his handiwork, and now free to openly and unabashedly stroke his cock as he observed. The shit heap that was Delvin was quite large, nearly three feet high and four feet wide, Luke could make out whole bones, a rib cage, and chunks of clothing strewn throughout it. Luke wondered how much of the man was actually nutritious or whether his body rejected such a villain and turned such a piece of shit into a mound of shit. He chuckled to himself, pleased with his own humor. As he inspected the mound, he noticed something was missing, then with a familiar pressure he felt Delvin’s skull round the corner and push against his stretched hole. He turned and grunted hard again and with a PLORP! SPLAT! was relieved as he rocketed the skull out of his ass to rejoin the shit heap. This caused Luke to climax, and he shot his load and he painted the floor and walls with long ropey strands of cum. Out of breath, Luke had to brace himself on one of the cleaner walls to catch his breath, all that strain had winded him. About to head downstairs, Luke remembered the second part of his contract, and pulled the phoenix feather out of his tunic and tucked it into the bed so that Delvin could reform in the morning. Luke headed downstairs, preparing to greet Delvin in the morning. Luke found a comfortable looking chair in the main room and dozed off until sunrise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delvin awoke to the warm feeling of the sun gracing his cheeks. He laid in bed groggily for a few moments before rubbing his hands on his face. That’s when he noticed that not only were his scars missing, but his eye had healed too! The power of the phoenix feather must’ve worked better than he hoped, not only did he get to fake his death, but aside from his hair he looked a completely new and much younger man. Delvin smiled with delight as he knew his little scheme had worked. His pleasure only lasted a few moments when he noticed the other strange sensation; it felt like there was something…heavy and wet on his legs. He opened his eyes and sat up on his elbows and let out a loud scream! Staring back at him was his own craggy skull, mouth open, partially embedded in a mound of shit and bones that he assumed was formerly his body. That’s when he noticed the smell. Pinching his nose, he pulled himself out from under his blankets, careful not to disturb his past form that gently sagged in the morning sun. He crept downstairs and his heart sank even further. Sitting in one of the chairs in front of the door was the predator responsible for his transformation: Luke. Delvin was hoping that Luke would’ve forgotten about the gold reward and left, but luckily for Delvin the tall predator was still sound asleep. He looked around and found the small window over the hearth and decided to try to make a break for it and skip town. The second to last stair let out a loud CCCRRREEAK! As he stepped on it and saw with dismay as Luke’s eyes fluttered open. “G-good morning…” Said Delvin. “Mornin’” Said Luke groggily. “Did what ya said, I believe you promised gold?” “…That I did.” Replied Delvin through gritted teeth. “But first, maybe some breakfast?” “Still sated from last night, but thanks anyway. I think I’ll just take my gold.” “about that…” Said Delvin as he made his way over to the hearth. He got to work starting a morning fire, searching through the ash hoping to find one of the daggers he had stashed away. “Thing is…my gold…is not quite here…its in the…what the?” “Looking for this?” Said Luke, producing the dagger from his tunic and waving it at Delvin. “Nice try. My gold.” “A shrewd businessman. I like that.” Delvin stood, the fire now catching and beginning to crackle as he headed over to the hutch, opening containers and searching inside. “Also, I’m probably going to have to deduct half because you ruined my bed.” “That’s not fair. You never specified.” “Didn’t think I should have to. Why would I want to see myself like that first thing in the morning?” “Thought you said you were writing a book?” Asked Luke. “Thought you’d want to see the final product.” “Well I didn’t.” “How was your stay anyway? Most visitors at the Luke’s Tummy Inn don’t end up being great conversationalists. I hardly ever get repeat customers, overall, kind of shitty clientele.” Luke said jokingly. “Smelly.” Said Delvin, continuing his search, he paused for a moment and looked at Luke. “Kind of burny too.” “looking for this one too?” Said Luke, pulling a second dagger out from under his chair. “Damn you. Fine. I’ll pay, give me a day or two to scrounge up the coin-” “You don’t even have it? That’s too bad. Too bad for you anyway.” “What? What do you mean?” “A group of people have paid me quite a bit to make sure that you end up shit.” Said Luke, standing and moving towards Delvin slowly. “Permanently.” “Y-you can’t do this!” Yelped Delvin. “You work for me! I paid you to reform me! You’re breaking your contract!” “’fraid not. I fulfilled the contract to the letter.” Said Luke, cornering the smaller man. “Thing is, I’m here and starving, a group wants you dead and you’re not paying me for my work. I think we both know how this ends.” “No! No! HHHEEELP!” Screamed Delvin. Luke downed the man for the second time, finding him a bit better tasting now that he had reformed. Luke then spent the better part of the afternoon digesting Delvin again and used the time to root through Delvin’s (Now Luke’s by pred law) stuff and pull out the valuables. He wasn’t quite able to recoup his losses but ended up with a nice tidy sum of gold and a few valuable trinkets. Luke sat back in the chair and dozed off again, letting the rumbling and gurgling of his active stomach soothe him to sleep. He woke up later in the evening and felt the pressure of Delvin’s digested form push once more on his pucker. This time he pulled over a large iron cooking cauldron into the center of the room and planted his ass on it. He strained for several minutes, pushing Delvin out of his ass and into a sloppy shit heap in the cauldron. By the time he was done the much more liquidy pile rose a little way out of the cauldron, the top half of Delvin’s skull poking out. Luke rose and left the house, not bothering to close the door, contented with a good couple of finished quests under his belt. The two piles of Delvin shit cooling in the crisp night air, already only a memory. Luke began to make his way back to his room at the Pred Guild, whistling quietly as he walked through the night air. End.