The convention center food court was bustling with activity. Fans and contenders gathered at tables to share their stories of close calls and epic battles in their favorite games. Most tables had nearly a dozen people sitting at them, but others had one or two owners. At these tables sat some of the top contenders, the finalists psyching themselves up for today’s announcement. Near the center of the collection of dining tables was Dana, the current top pick to take home the golden trophy, it's $1,000,000 cash prize, as well as several extra curves thanks to her vanquished foes. Knowing she was favored to win, as well as likely being the largest pred of all the contenders, had entitled her to a sense of smugness. She rarely chatted with interviewers. The one’s who pressed her too much for answers to their questions usually ended up with a different kind of “inside scoop”. Nearly ten feet tall, the massive beauty sat and chowed down on the plate nearest to her, with another dozen strewn about waiting for her. She was of Korean descent and had round cheeks and dark brown hair that she kept straight pulled back in a bun. Her eating habits had helped her develop massive breasts that filled her shirt out obscenely, A narrow waist, thanks to her fast pred metabolism, led down to her wide hips that were contained only by a pair of jean shorts, the back of which rode up exposing the underside of her ample rear. Across from her sat her only friend, her manager, Vivian. The smaller, freckled girl sat with laptop open and running through calculations and reading her notes. She’d spent hours over the past day trying to anticipate the upcoming competition, and dug for any tidbit of information that would give her champion an advantage. “Hi, D00minatrix...I mean Dana! I’m your biggest fan!” A small man brazenly approached her. Dana continued to eat from her first plate, seemingly oblivious to him. “I loved watching you battle yesterday. Your character build is amazing! There’s no way anyone could beat you.” He smiled wide at his idol who simply pushed her first plate aside and started to scarf down the contents of the second. “Dana’s very busy. Please leave her be.” Vivian never looked up from her screen and delivered her message in a cold monotone. This didn’t deter the young man. “Uh, Dana? I was hoping I could get your autograph if it's not too much to ask…” He reached up towards the towering beauty with a photo in one hand and a pen in another. “Please?” Dana stopped eating and looked down at the fan’s out stretched hands and then to his face. His hands were reaching up towards her, begging. She hadn’t heard a word the little bug had said. When she was eating nothing else in the world mattered. And now, all she saw was a little morsel begging her to take him. “Hey! Wait!” She grabbed him by the back of the shirt and lifted him unceremoniously. He dropped his stuff and began to flail as he was lifted off the ground and up to eye level. The food court went silent as all eyes turned to see what was happening. Dana showed no emotion as she opened her mouth wide and began to guide the dangling fan towards her. “Wait! WAIT!” She didn’t listen to her groveling snack and instead crammed him, head and shoulders, past her lips. He was a little salty, but she could taste his flavor change as adrenaline started pumping through him. The little meal began to struggle, but she easily maneuvered more of his tiny body into her greedy maw. Phones and cameras from all around the hall zoomed in on the action. Fans watched in horror and awe as Dana nonchalantly began to slurp the poor fool who had approached her. The asian beauty’s cheeks and throat bulged as the flailing little man began to make his final descent. “MMMMmmmmmmm!” The first real emotional reaction Dana displayed that morning: satisfaction. She moaned loudly as she swallowed more and more of him. Drool slid down her chin as the fan’s legs began to slip past her lips. Daintily, she placed her fingers of one hand on the poor boy’s heels and slowly yet steadily pushed him the rest of the way in. He disappeared past her thick gorgeous lips and Dana immediately swallowed one final time. “Ahhhh…” She sighed, content as the bulge in her throat moved down to her expanded gut. She felt a slight tingle between her thighs, but her belly needed more immediate attention. Rubbing the ball of flesh that was the final resting place of her adoring fan, Dana scanned the crowd. She looked into the cameras and phones that had recorded the interaction without so much as blinking an eye. One of the non-voress finalists, a young man, stared at the emotionless face of the pred and felt his stomach flip. She stared back at him for what seemed like hours before finally her face started to contort. “Braaaaaaaaaaaaaap!” The belch echoed through the room, and no one spoke a word. With the gas released, Dana’s stomach was at ease, but not completely sated. As calmly as she had devoured the poor fan, Dana turned to the food resting on her plate and resumed her breakfast meal. Vivian had paused momentarily to watch her friend make quick work of the young man. The slightest hint of a smile showed on her lips. “I warned him to leave her alone…” . . . Travis and Erica sat in the secluded box seats off to the side of the main stage. They and the other finalists were reserved prime seating for the new competition rules reveal. It was down to Erica and three others, a final gauntlet of foes. “That’s T-3leet.” Travis gently nudged his lover’s thigh and pointed over to a stout young man with two large identical looking women on either side of him. “Those two girls next to him are his sisters. Word is they’ve helped protect him from other voress in order to foster his talents. No doubt they are legally his ‘managers’ and are contractually obligated to a slice of his winnings wherever he goes.” The box seat next to T-3leet’s sat a tall hooded figure slouched over with their face inches away from a handheld console. “Nextdoor we have LittleMizzMayhem.” The hood was suddenly pulled back to reveal a very pale face framed with aquamarine colored highlights leading to bleached hair. “She is the definition of hardcore gamer. Word is she has logged more hours than anyone else into the game. Nearly twenty hours a day everyday since its release.” The girl looked up momentarily. Wet dark purple lipstick reflected the overhead lights while thick smudges of black eyeliner and makeup made her bright blue eyes seem to sink into a black void. Her eyes darting from the stage, to the crowd, and then back down to her game. “She seems intense.” “Yeah. Rumor is she is a voress as well, but no one has ever caught her in the act. She might just be really tall for all we know.” Erica had to agree. The girl looked terribly skinny, but it was hard to really tell since her hoodie seemed excessively large and hid her figure. However, Erica knew better than to assume… “Right this way Miss...Hey wait!” Both Travis and Erica turned to the empty box seat next to theirs. A tall asian beauty had stuffed the legs of one of the ushers into her mouth. The poor girl desperately tried to push herself free of the gluttonous woman’s lips, but instead only found herself sinking deeper. The voress slurped loudly and the user slipped up to their neck between her lips. Panicked and afraid, she looked to Travis and Erica for help, but neither would nor could do anything before the hungry predator swallowed once more and the girl disappeared. “And that is D00minatrix…” Travis shifted uncomfortably as he felt his body react to the sight of the giant woman making a meal of the much smaller one. The voress and her manager climbed into the box seat without a word to the other competitors. Erica studied the massive woman, analyzing her newly revealed adversary. She was larger, taller, and likely hungrier than Erica, but with those advantages came hubris. Erica would have to play smarter than she usually did. Brute strength likely wouldn’t be enough for her anymore. Travis stared at the new girl as well, and cursed himself. She was even bigger than Erica, a natural born predator that had turned an unfortunate usher just doing her job into a quick snack. Erica had struggled with three full ‘meals’ in a day, yet this girl looked ready and willing to eat anyone who got too close just because she could. Lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t noticed the woman had been staring back at him. And she had glanced down to the front of his shorts, right where his unwanted bulge formed. Travis shifted in his seat to hide his erection. When he looked back at her she was staring right back at him, a creepy smile on her face as well. Travis began to sweat. Her smile grew as she winked and then blew him a kiss before turning to face the stage. . . . “Welcome, Faithful!” The announcer’s voice echoed through the stadium and fans rose from their seats to cheer and applaud as the lights dimmed and spotlights targeted the stage. A man in a flashy suit carrying a microphone walked to the center of the stage while basking in the crowd’s adorations. “Today starts ‘Round 1’ of this year’s MVG final competitions! All that is left is the best of the best, the top survivors, those hungry enough to win: Your Final Four!” Lights were blinding to Erica and Travis, as well as the other finalists, as they all suddenly found themselves illuminated for all those in the stadium to see. The cheers grew louder and Erica could faintly hear chanting from the crowd for her. “Titan S! Titan S!” It was faint but clear, and was intermingled with cheers for the other contenders as well. “What awaits our brave heroes in the wilds of Vorgaria?! What challenges will they face and how can they survive to be crowned this year’s winner?! All these answers, and more, will be answered by the one...the only...CEO and founder of MVG... Ms. Acosta!!” Fog machines began to spray the stage as curtains in the back started to open as well as the floor at the rear of the stage began to slide. The fog seemed to fill the giant empty hole in the stage floor until finally a dark ominous silhouette seemed to emerge. Fog burst high into the air as two giant arms emerged from the hole followed shortly by the face of Ms. Acosta herself. Erica heard herself gasp as the giant woman’s upper torso slowly emerged from beneath the stage. Apparently she wasn’t the only one take aback by how large Ms. Acosta was in person. The other contenders stared in awe, some slack jawed. Even D00manatrix wore a look of amazement. Ms. Acosta’s head reached up nearly to the overhead lights above the stage. Her jet black hair was pulled back in an intricate weaving pattern and her eyes, cheeks, and lip were covered in a heavy level of makeup. Giant gold and platinum hoops dangled from her wrists while her fingers were adorned with a dozen different rings. A gold necklace dangled from her neck, and from the necklace dangled a beautiful young woman. Her immense bust was supported by a bra made of what looked like solid steel with gold and silver inlaid in intricate patterns. Each of her tits looked to be overflowing and Erica estimated that if she had let them hang out they would be large and heavy enough to smother the poor announcer who shared the stage with her. “Good evening, my Faithful!” She spoke with a thick spanish accent as the crowd went wild. She blew kisses and flashed sultry winks to random fans before turning to face the tiny man before her. “And good evening to you, Jack.” The tiny man stepped back as she leaned forward, resting one forearm and elbow on either side of him while she rested her chin in the palm of her hand. “My, Jack, you look very handsome today. I’d dare say you look absolutely scrumptious…” Beads of sweat visibly appeared on the tiny man’s forehead as he tried to play along. “And as always, you are the very definition of beauty.” She laughed, a soft and sweet feminine noise, and pretended to blush. “Oh, you…” She stared at him for a long time before giving him a wink and rising up once more to face the gathered audience. “It is my honor to share with you all this evening this year’s semi-final challenges!” The crowd cheered for a while but stopped immediately once the giantess raised her hand. “This year will be something new and exciting! I know you all loved last year’s free for all deathmatch! Every challenger for themselves against their rivals with the added onslaught of wave after wave of my minions! However, this year I have planned for something completely different! This year, our contestants will have to work with their own hand picked teams of six volunteers from you all gathered here today in order to not only find and defeat their opponents’ teams, but also combat the four demi-god beasts!” Four screens over the stage suddenly blinked to life. On each was the smiling face of the last four grand champions from the prior MVG events. Across the screens flashed their names and records in the game. The entire stadium erupted in another round of cheers and applause. “That’s right! Your champions have returned to help me make this year’s tournament extra special! Each of these lovely ladies will be controlling special demi-god beasts!” The big screen overhead lit up with the face of the first grand champion before splitting in half and showing what appeared to be a dark cave entrance flanked by two lit torches. “Last year’s champion, Lilly_Hammer, returns to challenge our new contenders as the terrible creature of the dark: Arachnola!” From the cave entrance emerged two long thin insect-like appendages followed shortly by the dark silhouette of something larger. Avatars of two warriors approached the cave as the beast emerged. Long spindly arms of a pale woman with full breasts, dark lips and red eyes reached out from the shadowy cave and seized the first warrior and lifted him high into the air as the rest of her stepped out into the light. She was a massive half woman half spider monster! The upper torso of her feminine body attached where a spider’s head would normally be and the lower spider half was the size of a bull. Her long arms dangled the struggling man over head just as her jaw split in half and she lowered him head first into her maw. The second warrior tried to take advantage of her being distracted with a meal. He swung with a powerful blow, but was stopped mid swing as one of her long spider legs lashed out and pinned him to the earth. The first warrior was already trapped up to his abdomen in the spider woman’s throat; an obscene bulge in her neck working slowly down to her exposed midsection. It didn’t take long for her to finish her meal. Her belly sat round and full, dangling before her as she unleashed a satisfied belch. Beneath her spider heel, the second warrior struggled until her monstrous torso suddenly hovered overhead. He looked up to see a massive slit open up where her torso joined with the spider body. With a single thrust, she slammed her arachnid body upon her victim, shoving most of his upper torso inside her. She squirmed and removed her spider leg from atop him as her body quickly and obscenely slurped him inside. When she was finished, she rubbed her swollen belly and stared at the camera. Sharp fangs poked from her upper lips as she smiled at the crowd and winked. “My how delicious that was! Right everyone!?” The crowd was whipped into cheers and applause at the digital display on the overhead screen. “Now you may be thinking: what about my teammates who lose to the champion’s avatars? They will share the same fate as their own avatars!!” The monitor went back to the broadcast of Lily_Hammer as well as showing video feed of two stunned gamers: the two players who had controlled the now devoured warriors. Looks of shock and surprise filled their faces as the floors beneath them gave out and they fell down a slide before suddenly appearing in the back of the room where Lily_Hammer was sitting at her own console. The two men stared in disbelief as the massive woman fell upon them and snatched them both up into the air. Just as Arachnola had done when she controlled the avatar in game, Lily_Hammer shoved the first victim head first into her hungry mouth. The second tried to back away, but was stopped as Lily placed a single heavy foot upon his chest and locked him in place. It didn’t take her long to finish her first morsel. The man size bulge in her stomach signified his fate. Sighing in relief, she turned to face the second victim. She lifted her leg and carefully pulled her tight booty shorts to the side at the front, exposing a very visibly wet pussy that ached to be filled. Without any more preamble, she moved her foot and squatted down, forcing the tiny man’s face between her lips. Tugging on his body, and moaning in ravenous pleasure, she worked to ram him deeper inside her. Wet squishing noises echoed from the speakers around the stadium as all in attendance watched her fit the tiny man inside. It was only a couple seconds before the man was gone and she sat back to rub her belly. Her bloated gut looked like two beach balls pressed tightly in a spandex sack, and the crowd watched attentively as the orbs in her gut wiggled and shifted. “Well done, Lily_Hammer!” Ms. Acosta’s words brought the crowd to another frenzy. “But she is only the first!” She went on to introduce the other prior champions and the deadly creatures they would control. V1000 was the champ from three years ago. Her introduction played out similar to Lily_Hammer’s. Instead of a cave, it was several men on a boat, and V was a massive Naga that coiled her body around the boat, crushing it then eating the unfortunate sailors flailing in the water. The next scenario was at an abandoned fortress at the base of a mountain. A caravan passing by was suddenly ambushed by a giant Ogress, controlled by the third champion LadieD3th. The final video showed a team of four adventurers wandering the streets of a long forgotten city. They neared the city center, a tall fortified keep before them. As they approached, a massive shadow passed overhead, blotting out the sun. Swooping down and scooping up two of the unfortunate was a massive Wyvern. Except this creature had the body of a woman, with blue scales and curling horns protruding from the sides of her skull. Where arms normally were, instead two long leathery wings beat through the air. Her lower half had legs like those of a dragon with long sharp talons and a thick whip like tail. BigBella, last year’s champion, and the largest most notoriously hungry of them controlled this creature of death. She made quick work of the four adventurers, devouring each and leaving her with a larger rounder belly. “These are your champions, and this years finalists adversaries. Those of you bold enough to join the finalists will get to share in a split of a new pool of prize money, for those of you who survive that is. Three million dollars will be split among the brave volunteers!” The crowd erupted in cheers and applause before Ms. Acosta turned from facing the crowd to face the four box seats containing the finalists and their companions. “You heroes have twenty-four hours to assemble teams of six from willing volunteers. Lead them to victory, and defeat the champions you will be pitted against. If you do not succeed, and are defeated, well then...” She turned back towards the crowd and scanned the assembled audience. Sitting nearly front and center was a likely pred. She was decent sized with a tight t-shirt with the game logo stretched over her ample bosom. Her belly was round and swollen, likely from a quick snack she had snatched up out in the lobby before hand. Ms. Acosta reached out from the stage, her giant hand quickly snatching the massive girl from her seat with a yelp. The poor girl struggled in the giant woman’s grasp, desperate to pry her fingers from around her torso. Ms. Acosta smiled and licked her lips before turning back to the finalists. “If you fail, you will share the same fate as your teammates.” She suddenly tossed the smaller pred into the air who let out a scream of surprise and fear. The giantess leaned her head back, mouth open wide, and positioned herself below her falling prey. The large girl landed with a wet sticky slap against the monstrous woman’s tongue which immediately began to curl around her. With desperate pleas and frantic struggling, the girl tried to crawl towards Ms. Acosta’s lips, and her freedom. A thick waving arm briefly stuck out of the giantess’s maw, the final desperate attempt to escape of her meal, but disappeared quickly as she used her tongue to flick the poor girl to the back of her throat. She swallowed loudly, the noise echoing through the stadium. “Woah…” Travis hadn’t realized he’d spoken, but Erica had heard him and briefly glanced over at her boyfriend/manager. She saw the look of awe in his face along with the obvious bulge at the front of his shorts. Conflicting feelings surged through her briefly before she turned back to watch the giantess gently patting her belly. Ms. Acosta seemed lost in her own world as she looked down at her swollen belly. Lovingly she caressed it and watched it shift and bulge with the desperate struggle of her still living meal. She could feel every kick and punch of the unwitting volunteer demonstrator trapped in her gut. If she listened closely, she was sure she could even hear the faint sounds of the poor girl’s pleas for freedom. It was so very arousing. “Uh...well it definitely looks like the stakes are high this year everyone!” The small man on stage eyed the giantess warily. “So you all better bring your A game later today! Starting now, you have approximately six hours to assemble your team! And audience, you can post your applications on the closed server accessible only from systems her at the convention center. Good luck everyone and we will see you soon!” He went to walk off the stage when suddenly he felt himself being lifted off his feet. Ms. Acosta held him dangling in front of her smiling face and looked at him with a strange expression. “You’re coming with me Jack. I have a special mission for you to take care of...down below.” The fog machines kicked in once more as the giantess disappeared beneath the stage with the tiny man in tow. The audience applauded and cheered while some of the more eager members already started filing out to find the nearest access point to submit their applications to join in the competition. Erica and Travis made their way backstage, back to their private room. “I guess we better get to work going through potential teammates.” Travis followed his girlfriend, but not before stealing one last glance at the massive belly of D00minatrix. She caught his staring and gave him another wink before following her friend to their own room. Erica caught the brief exchange, but quickly turning back towards the exit. “Yeah. Who knows what other surprises are in store for us…”
In the Lair of the Minotaur The first thing Avius felt was the cold iron bars of the cage pressed against his exposed flesh followed by a sharp pain on the back of his skull accompanied by a dull thumping noise as the blood rushed to his head. Grabbing the back of his head and wincing, he tried to assess the unforeseen situation he found himself in. He was completely naked and a quick glance around revealed he was held captive in a cage suspended from the ceiling of what appeared to be a fortress in disrepair. Holes in the ceiling gave him a view of the bright blue sky letting him know it was still daytime. An overgrowth of vegetation coiled around some of the nearby columns, many of which appeared to have lost some of their stonework or partially collapsed. Nothing around him was familiar, and he couldn’t remember how he had gotten there. The last thing he did remember was sitting in the back of his patron’s cart, working as a guard along with a few others. They were traveling along the main road when a band of a dozen savagely dressed men and women attacked. Brandishing simple swords and spears, the assailants fell upon them, quickly overwhelming them. The last thing he felt was a sharp blow to the back of his head then darkness overcame him. Panic and fear began to overwhelm him and just as he was about to call out for help, several muffled voices echoed from a nearby chamber. He sat perfectly still and waited motionlessly until a procession of bound men lead by two women dressed in leather straps and cloth skirts, spears at their side, entered the room. Avius hung just above them, quietly observing the new arrivals as the captives were led to the other end of the room, near a arched doorway leading down a long dark hallway. “Miukavreukuk, gifavuk avo offas lat!” One of the guards cupped the side of their mouth as their shout echoed down the stone hallway. Avius didn't recognize the foreign words. Several seconds passed before a deep grunt followed by a loud snort echoed back. Loud footsteps echoed from the hall as dust rained down from the ceiling as the sounds reverberated up the walls. Avius sat and felt the cage rattle slightly as he watched and waited for what was about to emerge from the shadows down the hall. Avius could hardly stifle a gasp as he took in the impossible sight. A goliath figure emerged slowly from the darkness as it stepped into the light from the shadowy hallway. Standing nearly twice the height of the tallest captives, a full figured woman towered above the tiny humans, one hand on her hip as the other lazily scratched the soft pudgy fat of her belly. There was so much to take in, Avius wasn’t sure what to focus on first. Upon her two long pointed bull-like horns were bronze bangles pulled halfway down each horn. Gold rings pierced her eyebrows, the septum of her nose, and several dangled from her bovine ears. Long brown hair was pulled back, braids starting at her temples dangling down the side of her face and looping around the crown of her skull. The rest was bound in the back, held in a well groomed bundle. Simple lines and geometric shapes were tattooed around both her biceps and forearms and around her wrists were bronze bangles. She wore simple garments. A wool woven skirt of simple colors with dangling tassels covered her from her hips to her knees. Leather straps connecting at iron hoops looped across her upper torso, serving not as cover but more as a means to accentuate her overdeveloped bust which seemed ready to burst at any second. Hanging just below the straps, just above the slight paunch of her belly, were what appeared to be several finely decorated human skulls with jewels and intricate designs carved into them. “Sulj mir, mausan liavavle avoyuk…” Her voice was soft, yet Avius could not help but shiver as he heard her speak her strange guttural language. A long brown tail curled and flicked to and fro behind her as her fingers drummed upon her soft belly while her long pink tongue slid across her lips. Taking a step forward, the three tiny men couldn’t help but shirk back. They each visibly trembled as she leaned forward, her eyes slowly panning across the captives presented to her. One prisoner fell to his knees as her face hovered overhead. She snorted loudly, a gust of her powerful warm breath expelled from her nostrils which tousled his hair as he timidly raised his bound hands over his head, a weak and feeble defense. “Pp...please...have mercy!” His entire body trembled weakly under her gaze. She took another step forward, her foot falling hard and heavy up on the stone steps as she stood directly before the prostrate man. Her hand reached down, long powerful fingers cupped his chin forcing his face up to look towards her. “Meer...cee?” The word stumbled from her lips, seemingly alien to her. Her head cocked to the side, puzzled as she examined the frightened man. Silence lingered between them for several long seconds. “Yes. Yes! Mercy, m'lady! A woman as beautiful and smart as yourself surely knows the value of mercy!” The man's face contorted in a forced smile as he tried to communicate with the giant bull-woman beast. “Boo...tee...full?” She spoke slowly as she repeated the word. A smile grew across her lips as she stood to her full height, placed one hand on her hip as the other traced her fingers along the soft supple curves of her body. Avius began to suspect that she did not speak his and the captives native language, but possibly had some basic understanding. “Yes! Yes! Yes! You are the most beautiful and gorgeous creature I have ever laid eyes on! Your figure makes any man weak and tremble before you out of desire!” As the man spoke, the woman placed her hand gently over her own mouth as her cheeks slowly became a rosy hue. Avius stared in disbelief as the tiny man continued to woo the giant beast. “M'lady, please I pledge myself to you!” He stood up, the top of his head only reaching where the pudge of her belly hung the lowest. Still trembling, he raised his bound hands up to her. “Release me from these bindings, and I will worship you everyday for the rest of my life. I swear to you, all of my courage, fidelity, and love.” Avius soon realized he had been holding his breath as he and all the rest waited to see what would happen next. The tiny man's smile did not falter as the giant woman quietly contemplated. Slowly, gently she reached forward, wrapping her powerful fingers around the sides of the man's torso as she lifted him up. His smile dropped as a mild panic took hold of him. Standing back to her full height, she held the man at face level, legs dangling several feet above the ground. “Love?” The man stared into her eyes for several long seconds as he calculated his next move very carefully. “Y..yes. I swear my love for you, my queen.” He lunged forward, his lips connecting with hers. At first she didn't react, likely too surprised to respond, but eventually she began to return his bold gesture. If not for the frightening circumstances, the scene would be quite comical to Avius. Half of the tiny man's face disappeared between the massive woman's lips. The chamber echoed with the sounds of their passionately growing kiss. Her large bovine tongue pushed past his lips nearly down his throat as he coughed and choked on her overzealous tongue lashing. The kiss lasted for nearly a minute before she suddenly stopped and pulled the man's face away. She smiled wide as she admired the wet sticky mess she had made of his face. “Love…pffft” Her voice was low and dripping with disgust as she snorted then smirked at the pathetic little man trapped in her grasp. Sensing a change in her demeanor, the man started to struggle against her grip. A low chuckle grew from her throat as her smile grew wider and wider, impossibly long even on her immense size. Avius's eyes grew wide in shock as he watched the woman open her mouth wider and wider. The sounds of the man's scream echoed through the chamber before it was quickly muffled as her maw clamped down over his entire head. A resounding crunch filled the hall as her powerful jaw clamped down hard. As she turned her head she pushed and pulled the tiny man from her and with a loud wet crunch his body pulled free from her maw, headless. Crimson streams of drool and blood dribbled down her chin as she swallowed the dead man's skull whole, in a single gulp. Avius felt his stomach flip, and the two other prisoners tried to pull away shouting in fear and panic but were held firm in place by their bindings and the guards at their sides. The massive woman hefted the headless corpse overhead, flipping the rag doll like body, severed neck pointing to her open lips. A scarlet stream spurted from the limp form and into her mouth, her long tongue lapping up the red sticky fluids. Eventually, the stream of body fluids became a trickle, and then droplets until finally nothing remained. She didn't hesitate as she started to cram the remnants of her first victim into her maw. Avius wanted to close his eyes, to will himself to wake up from the nightmare he was in, but he couldn't help but watch in gross fascination as the massive woman slowly swallowed the man's body whole. It took several long hard swallows, but eventually she had worked the headless body past her lips, down her throat, and into the now swollen paunch of her gut. The round and lumpy orb of her belly extended to accommodate her recent meal. She could feel and hear the gurgling of her stomach set to work breaking down the sweet human meal to add sustenance to her body and more muscle and fat to her figure. She gave her gut a hearty squeeze, feeling a bone or two from her victim suddenly crack under the added pressure. All hope that she was satisfied faded away as she turned to face the nearest prisoner while licking her lips. He screamed as she pounced upon him. That impossibly large maw grew to accommodate the man's head and shoulders before she quickly hefted him up, her powerful toned and muscled arms pulling him from his feet as if he weighed nothing. Avius could barely hear the man's screams beneath the layers of monster fat as she slurped, sucked, and then swallowed him down. He could hear the leather straps across her torso creak and groan as the bulge of her meal expanded her throat and chest. The massive flesh of her breasts seemed to swell and overtake the straining straps, bulging in an obscene manner to which Avius couldn't help but feel his body react. The soft bulge of her breasts receded as the lump in her throat, the last traces of the poor man, joined the now massively swollen ball of her gut. Digestion of her two victims churned in earnest. Loud wet groans and growls emanated from the swollen orb of her belly. Avius stared, transfixed at such a beautiful yet heartless creature. What he had seen so far made his skin crawl and heart race. Fear of what his own fate might be made him want to scream for help, but his sensibility kept his urges in check, hoping that he could somehow go unnoticed. The final prisoner screamed and pulled on the rope that bound him to the nearest guard. He was weak and malnourished, but his fear gave him an renewed strength. The guard held firm though, keeping the I'll fated man in place. The massive woman walked towards them and turned towards the guard. “Leav naj-ri go. Jiak wanav avo have ukome fun wiavh avhiuk ni” Suddenly, the struggling man felt himself tumble free. The guard had released him and simply stood to the side of the massive woman. She chuckled as the tiny man stumbled as he tried to stand back up. His knees were weak and he felt the surge of strength sapped from him as the bestial woman stood before him. Her hands lazily traced over the taut flesh, rubbing against the odd bulge here and there. She smiled cruelly down at her last victim. Carefully, the added weight of her newly swollen belly throwing her balance slightly off, she reached down, lifting the rope in her hand. The binding pulled tight, forcing the slave back to his feet. The giant horned woman laughed as he tumbled forward, landing face first between her thighs. His face collided against the front of her skirt, and he felt the dampness and smelt the pungent odor of her arousal. He didn’t linger long beneath her bloated belly, betwixt her thick thighs, before suddenly he felt a pull as his binding tugged him upwards. That soft warm skin of her belly rubbed against his face as his ascent continued. Just as his face cleared the horizon of her gut, finally able to see her once more, he began to flail in panic. The end of his binding, the portion she had lifted from the floor, was now slipping between her lips. Smiling, she slurped on the hempen rope, the suction slowly pulling him closer. Up and over the orb of her belly, then suddenly pulled between the heaving swell of her breasts, the trapped man tried in vain to tug against his restraints. It was like the flailing of a fly trapped in a spider’s web as she slowly swallowed more of the rope and pulled him closer and closer. Minutes dragged on until finally his bound hands came to her lips. Chuckling, she slid her tongue out and wrapped it around his wrists. His voice had grown hoarse from shouting for mercy, crying for aid, but feeling her warm moist tongue grab him and suddenly pull him renewed his struggling. Slowly, slurping and sucking at her leisure, his hands, then wrists, and then finally his arms up to his elbows slipped down her throat. He felt the powerful lips pulling him along, deeper and deeper before he found himself face first staring into her open maw. Rows of pearly teeth dripped with glistening saliva as her pink powerful tongue lashed about his face. She tasted him slowly, savoring his tears of despair before finally wrapping her lips around the crown of his skull and slurping hard. Once his head was inside, she hungrily and greedily pulled the rest of him inside. His shoulders, torso and hips quickly disappeared. The distinct outline of his body forming in her neck as her powerful throat muscles pulled him deeper. His legs, knees, and then finally his twitching feet slipped past her lips. Then, he was gone. Patting her belly, she made her way back to where she had entered. The two guards bowed low, neither had made a sound during the entirety of the previous events. Silent shadows. As she made her way past the dangling cage that held Avius, she stopped. Her eyes locked on to his as she slowly turned to face the tiny prisoner trapped in a box before her face. “Mmmmmm….” She smiled and moaned softly as she looked the scared and speechless Avius up and down. One long finger poked into the cage. Avius tried to pull away, but there wasn't anywhere else for him to go. That thick finger gently rubbed up the side of his face, then poked at his thin abdomen before finally receding. Without any hesitation, she pulled on the locked door of his cage, tearing it from its hinges. Her massive hand grabbed him by the throat, yanking him out and holding him inches from her face. That same wicked smile curled across her lips as her eyes examined every inch of Avius as he began to thrash around in her grasp. Opening her mouth wide, her long pink tongue slithered out before it slowly slid up the side of his face. Avius screamed as best he could while having her vice like grip around his neck, but his voice was smothered to a pathetic whimper. That long pink tongue left a trail of gooey saliva across his face before finally trailing back towards his mouth. If his throat wasn't already being constricted by her grip then her monstrous tongue would have certainly suffocated him as it tried to probe deep as it would go. Avius weakly tried to fight her off. His tiny fists barely impacted her and his flailing legs bounced harmlessly off her swollen belly. After several long minutes of torturous tongue lashing, she pulled away. She held him aloft, arm extended so she could see all of him, including the involuntary erection he now sported. She chuckled softly as she watched the tiny man continue to flail in her grip. Her eyes locked with his as he began to go limp. His arms and legs went slack as his eyes started rolling to the back of his head. “You...mine!” Her words washed over him as the world around him went black. …… Loud wet smacking, licking and chomping noises overhead finally awakened Avius. A groan weakly left his mouth as he started to move. His throat was sore and his head hurt, but he was still alive. “Up!” A heavy and hard foot kicked his side, forcefully rolling him over. He realized he was on the floor and seated upon a massive cushioned chair was the giant horned monster woman. She stared down at him, over the swell of her heaving breasts and the orb of her man filled belly. She examined him, an almost disinterested look as she grabbed something from a nearby pedestal and stuffed it in her mouth before chewing. Avius slowly rose to his feet and quickly realized just how frightfully imposing she was as his head only reached up to her knees while she sat. She leaned forward and Avius froze in terror. Her massive breasts hung over head as her round belly filled his vision. It only lasted a matter of seconds before she sat back once more, a large pitcher in one hand and a bowl in another. She placed the bowl at Avius's feet and began to slowly pour a red viscous liquid into the bowl. He could smell the metallic and earthy scent, and turning to the pedestal saw the same liquid dripping from the bowl atop: blood. Crimson liquid sloshed briefly in the bowl at his feet until finally it settled, giving him a view of the reflection of himself and the monstrous woman who leaned over him. So distraught at realizing what he was presented with, he hadn't realized she spoke to him. Not until she grabbed one of his arms and shoved his hand into the bowl did he listen. “Inukecav! Hands!” She pointed to her belly and to his hands with a snarl of frustration. Avius quickly realized what she wanted and swallowed hard to will himself forward. He dipped his other hand into the bloody bowl and set to work. Timidly at first, he placed his red sticky hands on her warm swollen belly and began to smear the liquid upon her flesh. It took several long minutes, reaching into the bowl and spreading it upon her flesh before having to repeat again, but eventually he made two large concentric circles encircling her belly button. He then added lines extending out from the outermost circle, as if rays of sunlight. The whole time he worked, she feasted from the pedestal, watching him closely the entire time. He finished and stepped back from her, uncertain of what to do next. Heaving her gut up with her two powerful arms, she got as good of a view of his work as she could, and smiled. “Good! You...mine. Slave...mine...forever.” Avius's knees felt as if they would buckle. The thought of witnessing what he had today, of debasing himself for her pleasure for the rest of his life was too much to bear. “No! I am not a slave! I am Avius, son of Garus, and I would rather die than be your slave!” His heart was beating furiously. He wasn't sure what had compelled him to say that, but felt something of relief at defying this monstrous woman. Before he could say or do anything else, she fell upon him. He was slammed to the stone floor by her bulk as she quickly tugged and pulled him from side to side. She pulled his arms behind his back and quickly bound his wrists together. Then she held him upside down and with another strand of rope bound his ankles. The whole time, Avius screamed and begged for mercy as he quickly came to regret speaking out. His words were eventually stifled as she stuffed a dirty cloth into his open screaming mouth. She held her bound slave by the back of his head as she sat back down in her chair, forcing his head towards the pedestal. Avius finally saw the contents resting atop, and felt himself involuntarily heave. Arms, legs, torsos, and heads of other humans filled the bowl. Glancing over to the table, he could see a large crude cleaving blade, with a pool of blood upon the table’s surface. Her large angry face looked at him as her one free hand pointed at the contents upon the pedestal. “BAD SLAVE!” She snorted and then pointed her finger at him. “Bad slave?” Avius emphatically shook his head in response. She smiled wide, the long rows of pearly white teeth visible. Her long pink tongue slithered out and draped the side of his face as she gave him one long lick. “Good slave.” Still palming the back of his skull, she pulled him against her side. His head pressing firmly against the soft round tit as the rest of his torso curled around it. Part of him wanted to embrace the warm and inviting breast she pushed him against, while the rest of him reeled in fear and disgust. For the next hour, the monstrous woman chewed, swallowed and engorged herself on the remains of her former slaves. The whole time, Avius closed his eyes and wished he could stop from hearing the wet mashing noises coming from her mouth, along with the deep gulping noise following each of her swallows and the gurgling and churning her belly made. Avius shivered, naked and afraid and uncertain of his fate. … Several months had passed. What started as torture slowly became part of his daily regimen. The way and expectations of him as a slave was instilled to him by the task mistress, Drazza, an old yet still hardy orc woman. She was bald headed and nearly a foot taller than Avius. She was calm and behind her old eyes Avius could see cold calculating intelligence. When he was given over to her for training and molding, she quickly instilled in him two key pieces of guidance: do what you are told, when you are told, and don’t ever upset the mistress. He took her wisdom to heart, and quickly realized the value in her first lessons. The following days after he had submitted to the life of a slave he had seen other fellow new slaves beaten for disobedience and hesitation, and watched as another slave was mauled and eaten while failing to fulfill the large monstress’s simple command. The only way for him to survive was to do his daily duties, and those heaped upon him, as well as keep his head down and hope to never upset his new master. Every morning, hours before daylight began to creep across the horizon, Drazza gathered whatever slaves survived from the day before, or new ones brought in from the mistress's raiding parties. She stood before them growling and beating down any that showed slight signs or resistance, of still holding any hope. She reminded them every day… “Who are you?” She asked the gathered slaves. “Nobody” Though weak, the response was unanimous. “What are you?” “Meat.” “What do you do?” “Whatever she wishes.” “And do you have any hopes, any wishes?” “To be one with the goddess!” The old orc smiled. She would then divide the slaves and give them their orders. Daily tasks rotated among groups of slaves and varied in how terrible they were to perform. Preparing her daily feast was easily the least objectionable of all of his slave duty. He and his fellow slaves would work from sunup to sundown prepping her meals. A hunting party of her most faithful followers would go out each morning and return with freshly caught game. Rabbit, boar, deer, or other wildlife were brought to what served as the kitchen. Avius and the other slaves skinned, cleaned and cooked the animal meat so that the mistress would have fresh food whenever she pleased. It was not an exaggeration to say they cooked all day. The dangers of not having food on hand were all too real. On one occasion, the hunting party was late returning and the mistress had wandered into the kitchen, hungry. With no meal prepared, she snatched up the two nearest slaves, one of whom was standing next to Avius at the time and only sheer fate had saved him from being taken. She gobbled one of the slaves in front of the others, patting her belly and belching loudly before tossing the other on her shoulder and wandering off. It might have been his imagination, but Avius thought he had actually seen her wink at him briefly before she ducked out of the room, captive in tow. The screams for mercy echoed from the hallway she left down until they were suddenly and sharply muffled followed by a long low… “BWAAARRRP!” ... The next most bearable task was manning the mistress’s bathing chambers. The primary task was to boil and carry massive cauldrons of water from a fire pit and to the bathing hole. As wide as it was long, the bathing hole was a marble stone lined pit that retained water for extended periods of time and gradually grew deeper until even their master could not reach the bottom. Occasionally, the mistress would come to bathe. In front of all her slaves, as if she was alone with no witnesses, she would disrobe what little clothing she wore. Her skirt and leather straps, bronze bangles and jewel adorned skull belt would drop to the floor and a slave was expected to rush over to retrieve them. Several slaves would work to quickly clean the mistress’s clothing, polish her jewelry, and scrub any stains away while the others attended directly to the mistress. Two slaves would hustle a cauldron of fresh heated water to the bath while the rest of the slaves would massage and scrub the mistress’s body. The idea of rubbing and squeezing her soft supple flesh, though arousing, came with its own hazards. The mistress's hunger was always insatiable and she would occasionally pull one of the slaves tending her into the water with her. Avius had witnessed it only twice. One was pulled from the edge of the pool as she wet a cloth to scrub her with. She snatched the woman from the edge of the pool tossing her into the water before her, landing with a loud splash. The woman breached the surface only to barely witness the mistress submerge completely behind her. The slave woman flailed, desperate to swim towards the edge. With an explosion of water, the mistress emerged from under the woman, her jaw open wide as she slurped the woman’s lower body up to her belly into her throat. Her scream cut short as the mistress submerged once more, prey between her lips. Several seconds later, the monstress woman’s horns broke the surface as she swam back towards the shallow end. Eventually, her feet touched the bottom and she began to walk out of the pool, but not before slapping her belly and unleashing a trail of gaseous bubbles behind her. The other victim Avius witnessed was when he and another man were scrubbing the mistress’s shoulders in the pool. She was half submerged, her arms resting outside the pool on the ledge. Eyes closed and head resting back, she seemed completely relaxed as Avius and the other man lathered her soft shoulders. Without warning, she reached over grabbing the other man around his waist and dunked him into the water in front of her. Avius never saw him reappear. Instead, he saw her slip him under the water, and under her belly between her thighs. Bubbles floated to the surface as the man slowly drowned, flailing and fighting. The mistress’s face became flushed as her victim was used, trapped and squeezed against her pussy. “You! Here! Now!!” Before Avius could even think to react, her free hand grabbed him and pulled him into the water. As he breached the surface, she pulled him against her swollen pointed nipple, repeatedly cramming his face against the sensitive nub. “Suck! Squeeze! Or else…” Avius could barely hear or see her, but he got the message when her mouth opened wide above him and her tongue lashed about in an exaggerated manner. With the fear of death, he kissed, licked and suckled every inch of her nipple and areola. Her powerful arm churned in the water as she ground her captives against her sex and the softness of her tit. She bit down on her lower lip, watching Avius, face buried and hands pummeling weakly against the side of her breast. Then, with a loud moan, she twitched and twisted, her thighs crushing together, smothering and then crushing the drowned man as she climaxed. Her orgasm lasted for a full minute, and once she was done she released her prey. The body floated to the surface, mangled beyond recognition. She lifted the lifeless body and swallowed it whole. The orb of her now swollen gut broke the surface. Easily, she lifted Avius from the water and plopped him atop her belly facing her. With a snort and a grunt, she pointed at the shoulder he had been working on. Without another word, he returned to scrubbing her clean, leaning across her tits and occasionally casting a glance at her grinning face staring down at him. ... Cleaning the mistress's chambers was a simple, yet dangerous task. Avius and his fellow slaves would be ushered by a handful of guards to her rooms. Once there, all they had to do was dust, sweep, and reorganize anything out of place. Occasionally, they would clear the blankets from her bed to be washed. Simple and menial tasks. The worst part of it was the cages. High overhead, hanging from the rafters, were the same type of cage that Avius had awoken within months earlier. Cries of despair and moans of pain echoed down to the cleaning crew, who were forced to ignore them lest they end up in one of the free cages. If not for the the cages it would have been his least hated task. There was also the danger of if she came to her chambers while the slave crew were in the middle of their duties. She would find ways to torture or humiliate her slaves as they tried to fulfill her bidding. One day, after an exceptionally large meal followed by one or two slaves who happened to be standing too close as she feasted, she had returned to her chambers for a post meal nap. Avius and several other servants were there, cleaning. They all stopped what they were doing to acknowledge her presence before trying to slink away to finish chores as far from her as possible. Unfortunately for them, she was feeling extra cruel that day. High atop one of the many stone columns in her chamber, several dozen candles were kept. One of the slaves was elevated by a wooden scaffold, in the process of replacing old burnt out candles with new ones when he noticed the mistress approach. She pretended to casually pass by, watching the man out of the peripheral of her vision. As she neared the scaffolding the man was standing upon, her hips gave a little added sway and her powerful rear end slammed hard into the scaffold. The entire structure bent and swayed, sending the man off balance, tumbling over and falling to the floor. Except he never reached the floor. He landed face first between the giant mistress's breasts, suddenly finding himself wedged between the large soft orbs. “Lat dagra avouch ta goddeukuk, fuckas!” She bellowed loud enough for all to hear. All except for the man trapped betwixt her tits. He likely only felt the rumbling and the rest was muffled. One moment, the slave was trapped within a warm soft yet tight binding between her bosom, the next he found the walls of breast firm and crushing. The mistress stood in the middle of the room with tiny legs dangling outside her cleavage and her hands pressing the sides of her massive tits together. As she slowly exerted more force, the slave kicked more wildly and feebly. Some watched as other slaves tried to look away and ignore the muffled scream and sharp crunching noises. Finally, with a chuckle and the slightest sign of exertion, she pulled her tits slightly apart before slamming them back together. A loud clap echoed through her chambers as her titanic tits collided and the slave's legs kicked no more. She spent several more minutes grinding her breasts from side to side, enjoying the feeling of the tiny limp body squished between her supple breasts. Eventually, she pulled the body free, dropping it to the floor and then ordering another slave to drag it to the kitchen to be prepared for her to snack on later. That wasn't the worse thing Avius had witnessed in her chambers. It was early on in his captivity, maybe within the first week he got to witness how nonchalant she was with disposing of her slaves. There were two slaves working on cleaning and fluffing pillows of the mistress's favorite seat. One was atop the chair, fluffing pillows, when the mistress arrived. She didn't hesitate before making her way towards them. Slaves quickly dispersed to move from her path, but the slave atop the seat had not taken notice. It wasn't until the mistress stood before the chair, turned and presented her massive ass that the slave turned and faced her. Slowly, the mistress squatted. Her wide doughy ass approaching the stunned slave inch by slow agonizing inch. It had taken too long for the slave to snap out of their shock. By time they started scrambling, crawling towards the edge of the seat, the mistress let her massive bulk drop, burying the tiny slave between her cheeks. She leaned back, resting her powerful arms on the back of the chair. As she slowly shifted her weight from side to side, she scanned her tiny slaves’ faces. All had their heads down, eyes averted as they went about their tasks as if nothing had happened. All except for Avius. Her eyes locked onto his shocked expression as he stood frozen in place. Mouth agape with broom in hand, frozen in mid sweep, he stared. Weak wiggling beneath her mighty buttocks let her know her toy had not yet expired. The mounds upon mounds of soft pillows providing padding and protection for her victim. Eyes still locked on Avius, she slowly lifted one cheek and then the other, rolling her massive ass from side to side as she slowly smothered her prey. Occasionally, enough of her ass cheek would lift that the slave's face would be free and the chamber would fill with loud gasps and panting or screams and pleas for help. As soon as she rolled her hips back, all evidence of the slave's existence would disappear once more. Avius eventually came to his senses, realizing he was being watched as he neglected his duties. He quickly resumed his sweeping, hoping she was too distracted by her victim to pay him much mind. Minutes passed. The creaking and groaning of the chair, the occasional loud sensual moans of their mistress, and the intermittent sounds of the slowly smothered victim were the only sounds in the chambers as a half dozen servants moved about pretending nothing was happening. “Lat! cuave ni! Come!” Avius looked up and felt his heart drop to his stomach. The mistress smiled cruelly, looking directly at him and curling her finger in a 'come hither’ manner. Every footsteps filled him with dread until he found himself standing at her feet, head barely reaching where her knees bent. “Feet rub…” Her soft yet gravelly voice commanded and he immediately obeyed. He fell to his knees and began to rub and massage her massive feet as best he could. She moaned in pleasure, lifting her foot and resting it on the back of her heel to give him more access to the soft underside. Avius massaged her foot as if his life depended on it, which very much might be true. “Good…” Above him, loud groaning of the chair signaled her weight shifting. Her arms moved from the back of the chair, releasing her full weight upon her victim. Avius froze as he heard a loud cracking noise as his mistress sat up, crushing the slave beneath her. “Gooood…” She leaned forward, her face looming over the kneeling Avius. A wide toothy smile across her lips as she watched the tiny timid man. Thick fingers lifted his chin, forcing him to face her. “Good slave.” Avius rubbed and squeezed the soles of her feet for several more long minutes before she left to take an evening bath. A red mush stain was all that was left behind of the unfortunate victim, and, without any prompting, the slaves gathered to clean and scrub the seat and its cushions, removing any traces. ... Easily the worst task was cleaning the mistress's toilet. It was really just a deep hole in the ground with a pipe that lead out to gods knows where. Iron bars at the entrance of the pipe let her waste drain, but kept her prisoners from ever thinking of using it as an escape. Cleaning the toilet was a three person task. Two of the luckier ones remained outside the toilet, manning a crank which lowered a rope that the third person rode down the hole on and also retrieved buckets of water and possibly soap if any was available. The one lowered in the hole would break apart any blockage at the pipe entrance while scrubbing the grime and waste from the walls and floor. It was also their task to collect the bones. Bones of the mistress’s victims. Bones that her magnificent body wouldn’t digest, but she would have her slaves collect and hand over to Drazza, the slave taskmaster. After they had all been thoroughly cleaned and polished, of course. Drazza was as adept at organizing and guiding the new slaves as she was at converting humanoid remains into grotesque jewelry the mistress loved to adorn herself with. The old orc would chisel and carve intricate designs into the crowns of the skulls, place beautifully shaped minerals and stones into the hollowed eye sockets, and string together ribs, femurs, and other bones together forming intricate bracelets, necklaces, rings, circulets, and other morbid adornments. They were expertly crafted pieces of art. Art made from the refuse of the mistress’s victims. … It was after months and weeks of living this daily tortured existence that Avius found himself suddenly awoken in the middle of the night. He startled awake, suddenly seeing the haggard face of Drazza hover inches above his face with her hand clasped over his face. “Stay silent. Come with me.” Avius had heard of and seen many other slaves taken away in the middle of the night, never to be seen or heard from again. Avius, Drazza, and two tall powerfully built guards walked down the corridors. They approached the large wood and steel doors of the mistress's outer chambers and stopped. Drazza put her large hand against the door, ready to push it open. “She asked for you specifically. That either means she has taken a liking to you…” Her green lips curled into a sharp toothed grin. “Or you really pissed her off today.” The doors swung open and a warm orange glow of light flooded out. A large brazier in the middle of the room crackled with burning logs. The chamber beyond, her sleeping chamber, was barely lit. Dark shadows outlining her massive bed frame, the cages dangling over head, as well as her massive form, tail swishing slowly from side to side. Avius was shoved forward and the large doors slammed shut. He was alone with her, for the first time ever. She had nothing to fear from one little slave. No need for guards to be around. For him though, being alone meant all of her focus was on him. He stood frozen for several long minutes, unsure of what would happen to him. Slowly, she stepped forward, the shadows melting away as her figure emerged into the fire's light. She wore nothing. None of her bangles, human bone jewelry, and. It even her modest skirt and leather strapping. Her breasts were full and swollen, resting on her swollen belly, nearly perfectly round except for a few oddly shaped bumps. She seemed full, at least from what he could recall from all the times he had seen her gorge herself. It gave him some hope. Hope that maybe he wasn't on the menu tonight. She stared at him. Eyeing him from head toes before walking to her chair and sitting. Wood crashed and the chair groaned hinder her missive weight. Leaning back, she reclined as her hands gently squeezed and massaged her gut. “Rub…” She barely spoke above a whisper but Avius hustled to obey. Months of fear and conditioning had made him an obedient slave. His tiny hands started to rub and knead the hot doughy yet firm skin of her belly. Soft moans of pleasure echoed through the chamber as she basked in his eager work. Several long minutes passed. Avius rubbed her belly in every place he could. His tiny arms reaching from The top of her bloated gut down to her belly button. He was working The area around her belly button when he heard her say… “Lower…” His fingers crept downwards, attempting to reach under the massive orb that rested pin her lap. Strong fingers gripped the sides of her belly as she heaved it up, giving Avius the access he needed. Timidly, he reached down his arms slipping under the massive gurgling orb of her gut. He rubbed the underside of her belly, slowly reaching deeper and expecting her too drop her stomach on him at any second, crushing him under its massive weight. She didn't though. She closed her eyes and held her belly aloft as the tiny man eased the tension of her swollen gut. “Down...rub…” Her thighs spread wide as she lowered her gut which forced Avius to hunker down, kneeling beneath her belly which once again rested on her thighs. Kneeling down in the darkness betwixt her thighs, he realized what she wanted. Before him, between her thick powerful thigh was the largest pussy he had ever seen. It was smoothly shaven and the two lips appeared to be wet and soft. He reached forward as his arm trembled and rubbed the outer lips of his mistress's aroused sex. Immediately, she began to groan and her hips thrust slightly forward. Avius halted for a moment but then continued onward. Her eager pussy easily slurped in two, then three fingers. Warm damp and humid, the area between her thighs filled with the wet sucking sounds as Avius slid more and more of his hand in and out of her. The montress woman relaxed, feeling her slave eagerly service her in a way that had been too long. Eyes closed, she breathed deep and bit her lip as the pleasure mounted between her thighs. It was a growing and swelling pleasure, a need different then her regular hunger. She needed satisfaction, needed it now. Avius felt firm fingers grasp the back of his head. Before he could realize what had happened, his face was slammed hard against her swollen lips. An echoing wet slap sounded as Avius’s mouth was stuffed deep between the soft folds of her pussy. Instinct kicked in and he tried to fight back, to pull away, but he was nothing compared to his mistress. She smothered him, smacked his face repeatedly against her tingling sex, over and over trying to cram him in as far and as fast as she could. Her moans became gasping squeals of pleasure, toes curling and uncurling as she huffed in excitement. A puddle pooled on the stone floor, trickling down her thighs and splashing off of Avius’s beaten face. She needed more, wanted more. Her other hand reached down and grabbed him by the back of the head as she squeezed his face between her folds. The lips of her pussy stretched across his chin and cheeks, completely engulfing him. His flailing resistance weakened as air ran out and he felt stars flood his vision. The mistress sat up, hands on the back of his head with his face stuffed deep inside. Eyes clenched tight, a deep groan growling from her throat as a strand of drool dripped down her chin, she came. Her body shuddered, her soft doughy belly and thighs jiggled as she twitched and screamed in pleasure. For a long minute, the tremors of ecstacy roiled through her body as the tiny man between her thighs went limp… … Avius’s eyes fluttered open just in time to see his mistress’s massive ass slowly approaching. His hands reflexively went up to try to fight her off, but his fingers only succeeded in sinking into the softness of her large rear end. His arms trembled trying to push against her before quickly failing. The moistness of her nether regions surrounded him as he struggled to breath. The mistress huffed, her face flushed as she bit her lip and adjusted herself. She wasn’t used to being delicate. Instead of simply dropping down, crushing him beneath her weight, she shifted from side to side, searching. She reached between her thighs, grabbed his ankle and pulled him further down, adjusting his tiny body on the bed. Her pussy was sensitive, still tingling from her earlier orgasm, yet she needed more. Her hands groped around beneath her as she held her squatting position, feeling for her prize until finally she felt it. Avius felt her fingers grip his dick and then felt her shift, moving atop him until she was finally lined up. Despite their size difference, her pussy gripped his dick tightly, pulling him deep inside her. The warm moistness of her pussy engulfed him as she sat upon him for several seconds. She could feel him, just barely, but still she needed more. Her body demanded more. Carefully at first, she rocked back and forth, feeling his tiny prick tease her inner walls. It wasn’t enough though. Soon enough, she started moving up and down, her powerful thighs ensuring she didn’t slam her entire weight on him. Up and down, her gargantuan ass quaked upon the trapped slave. For Avius, it was a bizarre mix of pleasure and pain. Her soft cushiony ass cheeks enveloped around his torso as his cock slipped between her lips. It was uncomfortable at first, the overwhelming pressure on his chest as her rear smothered and crushed him, but as she started to move her large yet powerful vaginal muscles clung to his cock perfectly. Sweat began to pour down from her forehead, something she was not used to nor enjoyed. Exerting herself to not crush or destroy her toys went against every fiber of her being. But it felt so good, and she needed release. That release would not come if she crushed him right away. Frustrated, she climbs off, leaving the tiny man bruised but alive upon her pillow cushioned bed. Roughly she pulls him off by his leg, depositing him on the cold stone floor. Before he can get his bearings, a shadow passes overhead as she steps over him, turns around and reclines, her hips near the edge with her back resting against the stone wall the bed is pushed up against. Her thick meaty thighs spread wide, giving him a view of her sopping wet pussy. Barely, over the swell of her belly and tits, her flushed and angry face looks down at him. Impatiently, she points between her thighs. “NOW!” Fear and arousal motivate him as he quickly lunges forward. He climbs up the side of her high bed and in between the thighs so thick and wide that if she closed them he would disappear completely as he was crushed and smothered. Blocking out the image of what her thighs could do, he focused on her. Cock ready, he plunged into her depths. A loud low groan of pleasure rang out through the mistress’s estate. She feels the tiny worm between her thighs, vigorously thrusting as deep as he can into the soft warmth of her loins. He goes at her with a sense of need and purpose, a purpose he has come to embrace over his captivity: his body belongs to her. Whatever she desires, it is his purpose to fulfill. Her needs are his. Avius’s hips slap loudly against the moist warm skin of her loins. Over and over. Never weakening as he plunges into her soft embracing folds. It feels as if her vaginal muscles are pulling him deeper inside each time, just as eagerly as he is to slip back in. Waves of fat and muscle slap and roll with each impact. Both her gut and her thighs look like bronze waves crashing about in a storm. Avius felt as if he is about to come, exhaustion and pleasure mixing. She noticed him floundering, but was not yet satisfied. She leaned forward, her belly pressed firmly to his face as his arms reach up to attempt to reach around it, and raked her long fingers into his back. Those powerful hands take control of his body as she pushes and pulls him in and out of her, faster than he could go on his own. “Don'av lat uckaumn covat yeav, lat liavavle fuckas!” Face red with exertion and ecstasy, she slams him hard against her crotch over and over as she bellows loudly in her frustration as her climax nears. “Um lat covat defod alnej jiak liwo biave parmab vor uckaumn kok!” Both of her long powerful thighs suddenly wrapped around Avius’s tiny body, squeezing him tightly against her while her fingers dug into his back. He felt the air in his lungs evacuate and a dark haze formed around his peripheral vision. A straining sensation grew inside as his bones began to groan and struggle against the mounting pressure. Just when it seemed like he would become jelly between her thighs, she threw her head back and let out a loud scream of pleasure. A deluge spilled from between her pussy lips, coating him in her fluids as she came. She held him tightly, squeezing him, crushing him as tremors of pleasure wracked her body over and over. For several long minutes she came with her tiny slave held trapped between her thighs. Finally, when the last shiver of pleasure had settled down, she released him. Her legs opened wide and the still and silent form of Avius slumped to the cold stone floor. … With a shudder, Avius awoke. Darkness surrounded him and he felt restrained. Arms bound to his side, he tried to move but felt his entire body trapped, confined by something warm and soft. The more he struggle the more he felt as if he was being engulfed. “Shhhh…” He froze, hearing his mistress’s voice from behind him. His eyes had finally begun to adjust to the darkness. Looking about, he recognized where he was, the mistress’s sleeping chambers. More specifically, he was on her bed...with her. Her swollen belly rested upon the stuffed mattress as she laid on her side, naked and with her tiny slave trapped between her tits. She half mumbled in her half sleep as she wrapped her arm across her chest, squeezing her toy tightly. Avius wheezed as he felt the air forced from his lungs. Releasing her clutch, Avius breathed in once more just as the dark rim of his peripherals started to shrink and he feared he would pass out once more. It was not a terrible fate, to be the sex slave of a monstress, but considering the alternatives he had seen, either as a meal or merely crushed on a whim, he was content with his current fate. And so it was. Avius remained a captive of the minotaur for many years. He watched other slaves come and go, most of them deposited into his master’s gut, but he lived on. She kept him at her side, a special chain fastened to a strap around her hip and the other end connected to a leather collar around Avius’s neck. When she needed him, he was never too far away, and with a quick sharp tug on that chain he’d find himself pulled head first into the soft folds of her magnificent body. Bound to her, he witnessed her gluttony first hand. Every meal, every snack, every man or woman she snatched up and devoured on a whim, Avius was there to see. Months turned into years, and her feasting never ceased. It was slow at first, but overtime Avius began to notice changes about her. The fat that accumulated around her belly took longer to disappear, particularly after eating several unfortunate humans. Over time she seemed to become taller and taller. When he was first taken captive he stood just barely to her mid thigh, but now it seemed when he stood before her his eye level met her knees. He wondered if it was possible he was shrinking, his essence and physical health deteriorating the longer he was with her. That theory quickly was dispelled as he noticed she no longer had to reach up to pull victims from the hanging cages. All the cages seemed now to be at eye level with her, allowing her to eye each of her dangling snacks as she passed through the many chambers of her labyrinthine abode. Nights he spent either in his own cage, dangling above the foot of her bed, or held tightly in her grasp after an evening of rough dangerous sex. Every day, morning, noon, and night he was with her. Over time she even invaded his dreams, formerly his only form of solitude. As the years went on the dreams became more vivid, more real, until the same recurring dream haunted him. ... The kingdom was ablaze. A city Avius knew very well lay mostly in rubble and flames. Looking down upon his home city, he could see leather and bone clad berserkers rushing through the streets, torches, blades, and axes in hand. They set homes and shops afire, dragging the residents out into the streets in chains. Avius could feel the heat and hear the screams even though he was so high up, trapped in an iron cage, ornately decorated with gems and bones. Before him was the city being ransacked, but behind him was nothing, a massive shadow and wall. Looking down though revealed two massive breasts and a round swollen gut as large as a small cottage. A loud booming laugh rattled the cage and forced Avius to cover his ears. Impossibly large fingers reached up and wrapped around the sides of the cage, pulling it free. His stomach lurched as he felt the cage rise sharply before suddenly halting. A massive looming face filled his vision, both beautiful and cruel. Her large eyes stared fixated on his tiny body trapped in her cage. That same wicked grin he came to know so well curled from the corner of her lips. “LITTLE PET, WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY NEWLY CLAIMED CITY?” Her words were in that same growling guttural tongue, but somehow he understood her. A pause lingered as Avius scanned what once had been home to him. He knew the streets, the people, every nook and cranny. It had been as much a part of him as he was of it. Acrid smoke from the raging fires below wafted up to him as he began his response. “My goddess, this city and its people are yours now! Level it to the ground and bring its citizens into you, so that they can know and help build the glory that is you! Turn the palace into your throne and remake this capital into the home of your own empire!” Her smile grew wider, showcasing her white pearly teeth as long as his arms. With a snort and a laugh, she brought the cage to her lips. Her lips pressed firmly against the cage, squeezing between the bars enough to make contact with Avius. She pulled the cage away from her kiss and reattached it to the leather band that encircled her neck. Avius dangled at her throat as her voice rumbled seemingly from all around him. “SO WISE FOR SUCH AN INSIGNIFICANT BUG.” Suddenly, the cage began to sway and he felt himself lurch forward. Looking down, beyond the round smooth bronze skinned orbs of her tits and belly, he saw one long powerful leg step forward. A massive feminine foot collided with the outer wall of the city and an explosion of stone and masonry erupted from the impact. Avius’s cage lurched from side to side, as a loud, deep rumbling laugh emanated from his goddess. The stone wall crumbled and the goddess squeezed her massive hips through the newly formed hole. Slowly, she walked through the city streets, her breasts just above roof level as her wide hips constantly collided with the front of homes and storefronts on either side of the street. Occasionally, a fleeing citizen would cross her path only to be unceremoniously stomped under foot. Others became tiny snacks, plucked from the earth and tossed down her throat. Avius's cage would lurch and sway as she gulped loudly, the bulge of her meals slipped down her throat, and the distant screams of fear disappeared down to her gut. Eventually, she reached the palace. It was still under siege, her minions unable to breach the outer walls. It didn't hold for long against her. The stone, iron, and heavy oak doors crumbled to the earth in a pile of debris and her savage horde surged through. Her hips expanded the hole as she squeezed through and made her way through the courtyard. Tiny armor clad men fled towards the sealed wooden doors of the palace, banging desperately for entrance. Avius watched as the horde of berserkers swarmed to them, dragging them off to be prepped as slaves, or worse, as meals. She stood before the entrance to the keep. It was thicker and sturdier than the courtyard gate, but had never bee. Designed to withstand something such as her. With a snort, she slammed her fist into the frame of the massive door, burying her fingers into the quickly crumbling stonework. Over and over, she pulled apart the ancient rampart, chunk by chunk, until finally the wall around the door began to crumble. The hole grew wider and wider until it was large enough for her to force herself through. With horns and heaving gut, the monstrous goddess stormed through the castle entryway, stomping over and atop the elite palace guards. Crowds of soldiers, servants, and advisors fled towards the throne room. The king and his young princess sat, surrounded by a dozen well trained men. They heard the rumbling approach followed swiftly by the explosion of stone and mortar as the minotauress burst into their chamber. Dirt and debris rained down around her as she stood, hunched within the too small chamber. For several long seconds, no one spoke. Not a word was said as the king, his daughter, and the guards froze in disbelief. Avius's master stretched to her full height, her horns scraping the ceiling of the vaulted chamber. A grumbling from the Minotaur's bloated gut broke the silence followed quickly by… BWOOOUUURP! Her belch echoed around the throne room, deafeningly loud. When it finally ceased, the guards rushed her, swords and shields in hand as they unleashed their own battle cries. It was a massacre. Their weapons glanced off of her shins without so much as a scratch. She easily snatched up the insignificant bugs, crushing them in her fist, tossing them hard into nearby stone walls, or using her powerful jaw to slice them in two or decapitate them before swallowing the remains. Her tail swished excitedly as the approached the stunned and speechless king. Blood and gore coated her lips and fingertips. Her massive belly extended far in front of her, filled with the people the king was meant to protect. “Monster! How dare you! Leave now or face wrath and retribution the likes of which you cannot fathom!” The tiny king tried his best to assert some authority, to not seem as small and vulnerable as he so obviously was, but his voice trembled and he visibly shook as the monstrous woman stood high above him and his daughter. The mistress snorted before unleashing a deep rumbling laugh. “Puny little morsel, you and your kind no longer rule these lands. The age of man is coming to an end, and I am the harbinger of your twilight. My hands and fingers will tear apart your castles, my teeth will gnash and crush your bodies, and my hungry belly...” She hefted her massive gut before letting it go, causing it to bounce and jiggle. “My belly will be your grave, the only indication you ever existed.” The king and princess stared up at her, not understanding what she had said in her native guttural language. It did not matter. She reached down, snatching up the startled king in her grasp. Lifting him to her face, she inspected the frail old man. With a snort, she peeled his cloak and clothes from his tiny form, and knocked his golden crown from his head. Without any further delay, she stuffed him into her mouth. Cheeks bulged as she tossed the tiny man to and fro in her mouth. His screams echoed so loudly within her maw that Avius could hear his every word and desperate plea. For several long seconds, the minotaur savored her snack before finally… *Gulp* Avius felt her throat expand, heard his screams as he slid past him on the other side of the minotaur's neck, and then no more. She stood smirking as she pat her belly before facing the crying princess huddled on the throne. “You're in my seat…” The princess looked up confused at the minotaur's strange alien words. The mistress merely turned around, presenting her massive naked rear end. With a loud booming crash. The monstrous woman slammed her ass upon the throne, crushing it and the final heir to the human kingdom. She leaned back, rubbing her belly and looking out through the hole she had made in the castle wall. Fires still raged in the distance as the city burnt and her horde of minions rounded up the population. She would have them herded to her new throne room, lined up to greet their new master before she decided to eat, crush, or let them linger a little while longer as members of her new kingdom, performing whatever tasks she demanded. Just like the tiny man she kept in a cage dangling from her throat. … Avius startled awake. The cold iron bars of his all too familiar cage pressed firmly against his skin. He looked around and quickly realized he was once again in his master's chamber. Below him, on the bed of silk and cushions, his mistress slept. That dream. It was the same as the last several nights. Each time it felt more real than the last. He looked up at the moon through one of the many holes in the ceiling. Moonlight barely lit the room, but he could see something flapping in the breeze. A shredded and torn banner, the symbol of a black crow and gold crown on a maroon background. When he was young, his mother told him stories of an old kingdom that had fallen years ago. Wiped from the earth without a trace. No one heard from the king or his subjects ever again, and envoys sent to inquire on their absence were never heard or seen ever again. He had assumed it was nothing more than a tale to scare young children, but as he saw that tattered banner he came to realize that there might be more truth to that story than he had believed. Maybe they weren't dreams that haunted him at night, but rather visions. Visions of what his mistress would become, what she could do, of the power she held. With a snort, his mistress tossed about in bed. Her swollen gut gurgled loudly as she shifted, the contents within breaking down and adding to her bulk. Half asleep, she scratched her belly and licked her lips, dreaming her own dreams of carnage and consumption.
The room was dark and cold. Nearly a half dozen men sat naked in silence, bound and gagged, trapped in tiny cages barely large enough for them to fit inside while kneeling and prone. Ball-gags muffled them as most struggled with their restraints and desperately tried to call for help. BWOOOOURP! The rumbling belch echoes off the concrete walls. A shower of saliva and spittle raining down over the caged men. "Pfft...pathetic." She speaks calmly, almost monotone, as the twenty foot woman wipes the saliva from her chin with the back of her hand. "Little bitch didn't even put a dent in my hunger." She looks down between her two massive tits and gives her enormous bulging man-filled gut a firm pat. The skin was taut, dark lightning bolt stretch marks forming along the tight swollen orb. It looks nearly ready to burst and yet… "Which of you worms is next?" Her eyes seem to twinkle as she approaches the cages. The men tremble uncontrollably as her looming form draws closer, casting them in shadow as the only light source is blotted out by the eclipse of her fat bloated belly. "Nothing, but skin and bones on you all. Nothing but insignificant insects." She lifts her foot and slams it atop the nearest cage. Metal groans and creaks as it begins to falter under her immense weight. Inside the cage, the man struggles fruitlessly against his bindings while the metal bars slowly begin to buckle under her mass. "Worthless little squirming bugs." She leans forward causing the sides of the metal cage to bend and bow outwards even more, now only half its original size. Slowly, she adds more of her weight. "You little fuckers are useless. You're nothing but meat." With that, she puts all her weight on her foot. With a loud creak of breaking and bending metal followed by a wet sickening squelch, the cage crumples and the man inside in crushed to a red paste. "Insignificant." She takes the time to grind her foot from side to side, smearing the remains of the man and his cage into the cold concrete floor. "Now...what should I do with the rest of you?" She pops open the nearest cage and with one hand gripping him around the torso, she pulls the startled and scared little man out. A large steel bench folds down with thick industrial chains bolted to the wall is positioned just above where three of the other man filled cages are sitting. She makes her way to the bench, turning and dropping her massive two ton ass upon the padded bench. The men in the cages beneath the bench involuntarily flinch as the massive slab of metal clangs with the impact and then continues to groan as she makes herself comfortable. She lifts the tiny man up to eye level holding him above the swell of her tits. He cannot help but look down and stare at the massive glory of her swollen breasts. Each is probably twice his size. If she dropped him between them, she could easily smother him, bury him completely from the world without a trace. Her nipples are long and erect, a sure sign that she is getting any pleasure from tortureing the tiny men. For as massive as her tits are, they still sit high with minimal sagging. That is, of course, because they rest atop her bloated stomach. Her belly rests atop her lap, round, swollen, and constantly gurgling and froaning as it sets to work dissolving her last few meals. Already, six other tiny men fill the grave of her belly. It is stretched to the point that her skin is tearing and scarring. And yet… "I still have room for more. Your friends had barely any impact on my hunger." She opens her mouth wide. The long red tongue stretches out forcing glistening strands of saliva to drip down onto her chin. Slowly, seriously, she licks her lips as she stares directly into the little man's face. Face to face with his fate, he renews his struggles and begins to twist and flail in her grip. His muffled cries for release annoy her. "Oh, shut up, you sick little bitch! You're not even worthy of being my food! So, be thankful I'm going to swallow you." Her mouth opens as wide as it can. Her lips pull back across her pearly white saliva covered teeth, exposing her sharp incisors. That long red tongue slides out and laps up the side of his face just before she crams his whole head into her maw. A wave of saliva splashes against his face. He feels himself forcibly shoved harder and harder inside. Everything is wet, warm and sticky. He can't help but flinch as he feels her sharp teeth brush against his body as more of him is crammed inside. To an outside observer, she appears to be attempting the impossible. The man, as tiny as he is relative to her, is still much too large to fit whole inside. And yet, she continues to force more and more of him into her greedy gullet. Her cheeks bulge and her throat stretches, fighting against the black leather neck and shoulder piece she wears. She tilts her head back, saliva and drool streaming down from where it spurts between her stretched out cheeks as she forces more of the man down. Her eyes are half closed as she savors the lingering moments. Slllurrp! Glllucck! Summary! Ssssslup! Wet sucking and gulping noises fill the room the room through the whole ordeal. It takes five long drawn out minutes, but finally her snack is gone. With a loud exaggerated slup, her pursed lips pull the man's tiny kicking legs into her mouth, quickly gulp, and the bulge of her throat stretches once more before she is done. Her belly accomidates the tiny man. Another lumpy bulge appears as the skin stretches once more. Another stretch mark forming like a new tally on her list of victims. Braap! A sharp quick belch escapes her throat as she lovingly gives her belly a hearty squeeze. "Hmmmm. Still not full. But I have other needs that need attending. Time to make one of you slugs useful." She reaches down and opens the nearest cage, pulling the man inside out. Holding him firmly in her grip, she lifts him to bench level before reaching down with her free hand and pulling her leather thong to the side. Facing him is the largest hairiest pussy he has ever seen, and it is slick with her own juices. "Eat it, bitch." Without any further preamble, she stuffs his face into her hairy snatch. Roughly, he finds his bald head crammed up and down her slit, over and over. His face quickly becomes shiny with a thin coating of her juices. Her swollen outer labia begins to spread, engulfing his face. She is rough and persistent as she uses the tiny man as her own living sex toy. The ball gag keeps him from screaming, but the vibrations provide her with perfect stimulation. She forces his gagged mouth to her clit and holds him there. He screams in blind fear and panic making the red ball gag tremble and shake between his lips. The nub of her clitoris pokes his face, his eye, his nostril as she continues to focus her human toy on her most sensitive spot. Her face is flush with pleasure as she releases short gasps of ecstasy. The room echoes her sighs of pleasure and shrieks of lust until finally… "Oh! Fuck! Mmm Mmm! Yes! You've served your purpose worm!" Her thighs flex and slam together, instantly cruching the tiny man just as she climaxed. His final spasm sends her over the edge and a geyser of pussy juice splashes his body. Finished with her orgasm, she lifts the man above her head and slowly lowers him down. He is well marinated in her juices and slick, so therefore easily slides down her throat to join the rest of her victims. Her belly groans and swells. Stretching past its limit as another stretch mark tally begins to form. "Hmmmm. Not satisfied yet." She speaks to herself as she stands up and retreives another man from a cage. She places him standing on the bench and gives him a look of disgust before turning around. Her massive ass is wider than he is and jiggles before him. "Stand still, bitch." He is frozen in fear as one hand pulls her thong from between her cheeks and the other grips one of her doughy ass cheeks and spreads it wide. The brown winking hole of her ass stares back at the little man. She starts to lower herself, carefully feeling out where he is in relatio to her ass. She feels his face suddenly mash up against her hungry hole and then reaches back to grip him firmly. At first, his face merely slides against the pungent opening. With a little more force and guidance, she is finally able to get him to breach her opening. She grunts and bites her lip as the little man's shoulders start to wedge past her asshole. It is a slow process, but she savors every moment of it. Carefully, she stands up. The tiny man remains trapped between her cheeks with his upper torso filling her rectum. She lets out a deep rumbling moan before releasing her ass cheek and repositioning her thong. "You fit right in! Guess you were made for this." She gives her ass a hearty slap, sending her ass cheeks jiggling and causing the tiny man trapped inside to renew his struggling. "From now on, you're my official butt plug!" Only three more men are left trapped in their cages. Her patience has run thin and her belly continues to gurgle and groan as it dissolves her earlier meals in anticipation of making room for more. "End of the line for you fucks. At least you will be put to good use! More girth on my massive belly!" She attacks the first cage and tears the metal door open. No more teasing, no more playing. She is hungry. Her cheeks bulge and her chin is slick with drool as the tiny man is crammed deep inside. Forcefully, she stuffs him up to his hips while her neck bulges and pulls him in deeper. A few quick gulps and swallows later, he is gone. "Mmmm. Not as filling as I'd hope. You guys are fucking useless!" She prys open the next cage and extracts her meal. Dangling him by his feet overhead, she slowly lowers him to her open mouth. He slides in easily, her throat still stretched out from her previous victim. In less than a minute, another man fills her belly. It feels tighter than she has felt it in a while. The skin unaccostomed to stretching so much is littered with stretch marks. Without another word, she cracks open the last cage and falls upon her prey. She sucks, slurps, and moans as she engulfs him. Saliva coats her chest and chin, falling from her lips like a raging waterfall as her hunger takes over. In no short order, her final victim is stuffed inside her belly that sits so far out in front of her it is nearly as wide as she is tall. She wipes her mouth as she comes down from her feeding frenzy high. "Huh? Will you look at that? I feel pretty full actually. Guess you losers were good for something after all." OOOOOOUUURRP! Her belch echoes through the many halls of the PTG R&D facilities sub-basement. The resounding power of the belch is felt all the way in the observation room where an extremely tall woman and two men sit. "As you can see, gentlemen, our new genetic therapy methods are able to make our subjects nearly insatiable while at the same time totally resistant to pain from over eating. By time she is half done digesting her paltry meal, those stretch marks will have healed, her belly will be down to half its current mass, and her hunger will be as if she was famished. So, what do you think? Are you ready to invest in our little enterprise and join the PTG family?" The two men gave each other cautious looks before speaking up. "Madame CEO, I just do not see a practical application for this in our business. It is impressive, but I think we will have to pass." She did not seem fazed by their response. In fact, she seemed delighted. "Well, that is a shame, but we all must do what is best for business." She stood up and took off her jacket before delicately folding it on the table. She then unbuttoned her shirt completely. "What are you doing!?" She grabbed the first man and lifted him into the air before cramming him into her maw. It only took a couple seconds before he slid down her throat to her now swollen belly. Her tits bulged from the confines of her bra as they rested on the orb of her new gut. "Ah. Delicious. I did not want to ruin my jacket and shirt before disposing of you two. It gets so expensive hacing to replace shredded clothing for us growing PTG ladies. Now, back to business…" He stammered uncontrollably as the massive woman cornered him, licking her lips with a look of insatiable hunger in her eyes.
Leos Space travel chapter 1 A vixen 12 welcome “Now entering Vixen 12 space” I hear the ships navigation announce. I look at the window in my ships cockpit and see that it’s slowly approaching the mentioned blue and purple planet. I get out of my bed and stretch out and sake the sleep out from my naked body. I walk over to my closet and take out some clothes and throw them on quickly. As I’m dressing I hear the ships navigation say “Sir you have a transmission from home base.” “Patch it through.” I simply say and finish dressing just in time for my bosses’ face to appear on the holo screen. “Hey Brat you there?” A face of a beautiful purple human looking women with long black hair says to me. “Yeah I’m here Sandra.” I say to my boss with a bit of irritation in my voice as I brush my short blue hair. “Hey, don’t give me that tone mister, all I was doing was checking in on you.” Sandra says to me. “I know, you always do when I take long deliveries.” I say bitterly to her. “Hey I just worry about you, I did raise you since you were six so I’m basically your second mother.” She says proudly. But then she gets a serious look on her face. “Seriously though, you need to be carful at Vixen 12, you remember what I told you about it?” she says to me. “Yeah, it’s a planet with different species from all over the universe inhabiting it with its current leader prince Zane turning 22 in a few days.” I say to her looking board. “Yes, but I also said that the people there aren’t like most others, their more… open about their desires.” She says to me “I’ll be fine, after all I’m not like most humans remember.” I say to her. Its true I only look human because of my mother, my birth mother, the other part of me is from my father, what ever the hell he was. My mother was from earth, one of the only planets in the universe to not know how to travel the stars. My father visited it once and met my mother, short story sort they fell in love and he took her to space with him. After a few years they had me, a hybrid human. When they had me they decided to settle down and they went to live and work with Sandra, a friend of my father for years. Sandra runs a shipping business that ships just about anything to anywhere. But after a few weeks after my 6th birthday they suddenly disappeared without a trace. The search parties looked for months but couldn’t find any clues about what happened to them. From there on Sandra became my unofficial mother and raised me and when I turned 16, I started working for her. “Yeah I know, ya little turd, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt.” She says to me. “You may be able to survive being eaten, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be shot or stabbed.” She says to me and I can see a littlie bit of worry and fear in her eyes. She’s right though, about me being able to survive being eaten, unlike humans, the only species who can’t survive being eaten or even able to eat others whole. If I do get eaten I can reform if the pred decides to digest me. I get that from my dad or so I’m told but I’m also able to devour others by a multiple way if I want to. “Look, I’m 21 now and have been on the job for five years now, so will you stop babying me, I know not to look for trouble and if there is any I know how to get out of it.” I say to her trying to relieve her worries. She lets out a sigh a sigh and says “I know, I know, but this place isn’t like most, and although the residents are… friendly, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some who would love to skin you alive.” She says to me. “Ok I get, I’ll be carful, I’ll only be there for a few weeks and then I’m straight back to home base.” I say to her “You better Leo, or I’ll have to beat some sense into you.” She says smirking to me. “Alright, see you later boss.” I say smiling to her and ending the transmission. : Time Skip : Once landing my ship on the landing docks, I unload my cargo onto a hover pad and begin pulling it to where it needs to go. However, when I exit the doors to the landing docks and walk out to a public square, my eyes almost bulge out from the sight that greets me. All the different species people walking around are butt naked and not even batting an eye about it. There are a few males wearing thongs and some woman are wearing bras and panties but for the most part everyone is basically naked as the day they were born. I look around and notice a couple. The couple seems to be a female elf and what appears to be a minotaur. The reason I notice them is because not only are they naked, but the women is blowing the minotaur’s cock like a champ. Even from here I could see the clear outline bulge of the minotaur’s cock in the women’s throat. I hear a sudden roar and I quickly realize it came from the minotaur. The very bulky beast holds the ladies head in place as he thrusts his cock into her mouth and throat right down to the base. I watch as cum drips from her lips as the minotaur pulls his cock out of her mouth. But if things don’t get even weirder, the minotaur’s cock seems to comes to like a snake and latches onto the women’s face. The cock head expands and widens as it makes quick work of swallowing her in. I watch as within seconds the cock slurps the elf women in and the minotaur’s balls expand as she is deposited into them. Now seemingly done the minotaur walks away with low hanging balls. I look around and I see that no one has stopped in their tracks at the display or even say anything as they go about their daily lives. I’m not shocked by what happened because I’ve had it done to me a few times and its not uncommon for friends and family to do it. I’m shocked because it happened in such a public place with so many people around and everyone looked at it as if it was normal, which I guess it is based off of the local’s reactions. I then notice that my cock is hard in my pants and soaking my underwear with pre. ‘Damit, well Sandra did say this is ordinary place.’ I think to myself as I begin to walk through the naked crowds to my delivery drop off. : Time Skip : It takes me about an hour to reach my destination, a mechanic shop on the out skirts of the capital city. I walk in and see a white bunny demi man behind a desk and when he sees me he says “welcome how may I help you?” in a soft voice. “I have a shipment to drop off here.” I say to him. “Oh yes, we have been expecting you, you can go through that door there and ask for Zack.” He says to me and pointing towards a door. I say my thanks to him and enter the door that seems to lead to the work shop part of the building and I see parts of ships laying around and some that are wrecked. “There a Zack here!” I yell into the seemingly empty shop. “Yeah be right there in a sec!” I hear a strong voice yell from somewhere. I see a very tall and very muscular looking green looking human walk out from behind one of the wrecked ships and makes his way towards me. He’s only wearing a blue thong that seems to barley contain his huge looking cock and balls. He has short curly black hair and brown eyes. “Something I can help you with?” he asks me with a smile looking down. ‘He’s at least a head taller then me’ I think to myself as I look to the giant young looking man. “Uh yeah, I got a shipment of parts here and the guy upfront told me to ask for Zack.” I say to him and point to the hover pad that has a crate full of parts. “Oh yeah thanks, I’ll take them off of your hands.” He says and walks over to the crate and lifts it up and places it on the shop floor. “So, there anything that I need to sign?” he asks me “Yep, if you could sign here and here.” I say to him as I take out a tablet and hand him it and a tablet pen. After signing it he hands it back to me with a smile. “Good timing too, I was just about to close shop.” He says to me and I notice it was dark outside now. “Well I thank you for your business, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.” I say to him and begin to walk out. “Hey wait a second.” I hear him say, so I stop and turn to look at him. “Is there something wrong?” I ask him. “No, it’s just that the streets at night in this area can be dangerous for a stranger, and I was going to offer to let you stay at my place for the night.” He says to me. “There’s no need for that, I should be fine.” I say to him “No, I insist, I live in the loft above the shop anyway so there wont be a long way to get there.” “I don’t want to intrude and my ship isn’t that far away.” I lie, knowing it will take at least an hour to get back to the docks. “Its alright, the boss rents me the loft so its my say anyway, and besides I don’t want a cute guy like your self to get hurt.” He says flirtingly to me. It causes me to blush and I say “well if you insist, then its ok I guess.” I say to him and he smiles. “Great, I’ll let Tom from upfront know and close shop then I’ll walk you up to my place.” He says to me and walks through the door to the front and a few minutes later comes back through it. “OK ready to go.” He says to me and I follow him to a flight of stairs near the back. After walking up the stairs, Zack leads me through a door and I step into a nice looking loft apartment. He leads me in and says “Make yourself comfortable.” So I do, I spot a couch and go and sit on it. He joins me on the couch and looks at me sheepishly and says “Um I got to confess, there’s another reason why I wanted you to stay the night here.” “Oh, and what may that be?” I ask cautiously, just in case I read the situation wrong. “Well I was hoping you would tell me about your travels.” He says to me ‘Ah so he’s curious about space, its cute actually.’ I think to myself smiling. “What do you want to know?” I ask him smiling. “Anything, I want to know about what it’s like traveling in space and what things and people you see are like. What the places look like and how many planets you’ve been to.” He says to me as he gets this excited look on his face. And so I tell him about my travels as I make my deliveries from one place to another over the past five years. He listens and soaks up all I have to say with a smile and excitement in his eyes almost looking like a kid. I talk for a few hours but then I ask him “Have you never visited other planets before?” He gets a sad look on his face and says “No, not once. I’ve been born and raised here all my life and has always dreamed of going to outer space and traveling it.” “Why haven’t you?” I ask him “Well ships aren’t easy to get and no one would take me with them if I ask them.” He says. “How old are you?” I ask him “22, why?” He says to me. “Well you clearly know how to fix and keep maintenance on them if you work here. And old enough to be a adult, so if you want I have a open spot on my crew if you want it.” I say to him and he looks shocked. “You’re not kidding me, are you? Please don’t be.” He says to me with excitement in his eyes. “I’m serious, if you want you can join my crew, the boss has been trying to get me to get more crew mates but no one really stuck, but you seem different some how.” I say to him “My ship has more then enough room to fit you comfortably and there’s ten full size rooms waiting for someone to take them.” I say to the huge green man. He springs up and wraps his large arms around in a bone crushing hug and says “Thank you Leo, you have no idea what this means to me.” He says to me with some tears of joy. “No problem. But uh could you let go a littlie need to breath.” I manage to say to him. “Oh sorry.” He says o me and let’s go. “No problem.” I say to him He then leans down and kisses me on the lips. It was a quick peck on the lips, but it still felt sweet. “Oh sorry, I forget that most people aren’t like us at Vixen 12.” H says to me after pulling back from the kiss. “No, its just I wasn’t expecting it is all.” I say to him blushing. “Well in that case let me give you a proper Vixen 12 welcome, captain.” He says smirking to me and now has a look of lust in his eyes. I hod my head and he pulls my shirt off of me and trails kisses down my chest and soon he undoes my pants and pull them and my boxers down to my ankles. My soft 8” cock lays limply against me and Zack places some kisses along it, bring it to life as I let out a moan at the contact. He then begins to lick along mu cock and balls and soon he has my cock standing at 10” hard. He then leans down and takes it into his mouth and I let out a moan as he takes all of it in one go. He continues to suck on my cock all the way to the base and I can feel myself getting close to release. Not wanting to finish so soon, I place a hand on his face and lift it so he’s looking at me. “Hey can let you have all the fun. Strip and lay on the floor.” I tell him. He nods his head and stands up. When he stands up, I can see that his cock has become hard and his blue thong looks like its about to rip at any moment. I watch as he inches it down his waist and down his thighs, and soon I can see his giant green cock and balls spring free from its confines. His cock is about 17” long and very thick, it has throbbing veins going along its sides making it look even bigger. As for his balls, they must be the size of baseballs, my mouth waters at the sight of his giant green shaft and low hanging balls. He then lays back first on the floor with his rod standing in the air. I kick off my pants and boxers from my ankles and go and sit on his chest facing his giant rod. “Well want to get me ready while I help out this guy here.” I say to him and point towards his cock. He gives me a grin and spreads my ass cheeks and begins to lick my entrance. I let out a moan at the feeling and soon lean down and begin licking the green shaft in front of me and tasting the pre cum as it leaks from the tip. After giving his cock a few more licks along the sides and the head, I take the head into my mouth as I begin to suck him off. I can only get about half of his cock into my mouth with it leaving a visible bulge in my throat, from my position, so I use my hands to jerk off the rest that I can’t reach with my mouth. As I continue to suck him off, I can feel Zack replace his tongue and now pushes his finger into me and causing me to moan into his cock. After a while he now has two large fingers in my ass as I continue to suck and jerk is cock. But then I hear him grunt and says “Gonna burst soon.” I lift off of his cock just in time for his cock to release litres of cum into the air and showering Zack and I with cum. After Zack finishes cumming, I get off of his chest and lap up the cum off of us. “tasty.” I say out loud and causing him to laugh. I look over and see that his cock is still raging hard, so I scoop some cum up and use it to lube his cock for the next part. Once I have his cock lubed enough with his cum, I raise myself over it and press the tip to my entrance. “So Zack, do you want to fuck your new captains ass?” I ask him as I rub my ass onto his cock and getting some moans from him. “Fuck yes, please captain, let me fuck your ass.” He says to me and with that I lower myself down and insert hi cock into me. I hiss and moan as his cock stretches and fills my ass as I lower myself down onto it. It takes me a minute to lower myself completely, but when I finally reach the base of his cock I look down and see that his giant cock is leaving a bulg in my stomach. Once I get use to his size, I raise myself back up the rod till only the tip is left in me and then slowly lower myself back down to the base of his cock. I take it slow at first as I ride him but soon I pick up the pace and now I’m slamming myself onto his cock and moan like no tomorrow. I do this for a wile, listening to Zacks grunts and moans, but then Zack grabs me by he waist and lays me on the floor and starts ramming into me at full force. With a grunt and moan I release my load onto my stomach and soon Zack pulls out of me and cums onto me, mixing his litres of cum with mine on my chest. We lay there panting and he leans down and we begin to lightly make out with each other as I lay in a puddle of cum. “Heh, sorry I couldn’t resist covering you with cum, you just look so delicious like that.” He says to me with a grin. I lean up and ask “Oh, how delicious do I look?” I say with a smirk. “Good enough to eat.” He says simply. “Well why don’t you then?” I say back to him He gets this hungry look in his eyes and opens his mouth wide and engulfs my head whole, with his lips sealing around my neck. His tongue licks off the cum from my face as he tastes me and soon he begins swallowing me. When my chest enters his mouth, his tongue starts to lick over my nipples and it causes me to moan and soon enough I can feel my cock rises back up to full hard on. As he continues to swallow me, my cock soon enters his mouth and I moan at the feeling of it rub against his tongue. I then feel Zack tilt his head back and soon he has my legs up in the air as he swallows me down. Along the way I can feel myself reach my second release of the night as I unload my cum into his mouth as he continues to savoir me with his tongue. Soon after I feel his lips seal behind my feet as my head enters his stomach and when I fully enter it I curl up. “thanks for the meal captain.” I hear Zack say from the outside. “No problem, I’m more then happy to help out a crew mate.” I say back to him. “Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll take you to my ship tomorrow so you know where it is. Then you can start moving your stuff in when ever you want.” “Thanks, but huh how much time do I have before you leave?” he asks me. “I’m still dropping of deliveries for the next few weeks so you don’t need to rush.” I say to him “Great.” I hear him say and I can feel him lay back down and seemingly fall asleep. I soon follow him as his heart beat lulls me to sleep for the night.
A restless night… it had been far too long since Bayri had found herself with one of those. Usually, they were caused by nightmares spurred on by Arceus-knew-what, as she had no sufficiently tragic past to draw upon, but even then, she usually didn’t awaken with a scream or so much as a jolt upward. Tonight was no different, as the demi-Charizard woman found herself staring with eyes wide open at the ceiling of the resort suite that she and her “blood sister” had been staying in for the past few months with their guide. Said guide was sleeping in a bed about ten feet away from where Bayri had laid herself, with the faint light of the moon shining through the window curtain just enough to allow Bayri’s night vision to see her hair covering her back, as she had rolled onto her side. This woman, Nia, had been Bayri and Sherry’s guide and friend throughout their time in the Ferrum region, even if she was somewhat talkative. Being a demi-Pokémon, and thus a living being, Bayri had her own urges to tend to every now and then, and they often ended up being far more powerful than the average human’s similar desires. This would be due to the “animal” within her, and that “animal” was threatening to set fire to the beige blanket that the Charizard woman had pulled over herself. Rolling out of bed and into a sitting position at the bed’s side, Bayri’s nude body would be seen had Nia not been fast asleep by this time. Barring her distinctly Charizard head horns, the large wings on her back, and her perpetually flaming tail, Bayri’s body was otherwise the stuff of sexual fantasy, with C cup breasts and heart-shaped ass made to look a little larger than they were by the way her hourglass shape was sculpted. Her hair as orange as the hide of most Charizards and long enough to reach the middle of her back was befitting of her green eyes, both of which reflected her tail’s flame as she brought the appendage around, lifting her left leg up so she could put it between her legs and hold the flame up to her vision. “I can’t… I can’t resist for much longer…” she whispered quietly to herself, with the light of her tail lightly illuminating Nia’s brunette hair from the distance between them. I need her… In terms of an actual relationship, Bayri was sure she wouldn’t be able to beat out Nia’s Weavile. The Dark and Ice-type Pokémon was, in fact, an actual Pokémon, but Bayri had it in her mind that if that weren’t the case, Nia’s dynamic with her and Sherry would be quite different. Sherry likely wouldn’t share the same sentiment, but this was the main reason why Bayri kept this particular part of herself quiet earlier in the day, when she and Nia were sharing small talk over the glow of the suite’s lamps and the television mounted on the wall in such a way that both beds had a comfortable view of it. Now, the only light would be the faint one coming from the windows and Bayri’s tail, illuminating all six feet of the currently nude Fire-type beauty. The light of the fire cast an alluring glow over Bayri’s fair skin as she took steady step after steady step toward Nia’s bed, almost uncaring about whether or not the other woman was aware of her approach. Step after step, Bayri could feel her nipples trying to erect against her right arm, and she could see her fire’s light reflecting lightly off of Nia’s glasses to her right, likely due to the fact that she’d moved her flame to her left and out from between her legs. She won’t be harmed… but still… When she finally reached her destination, barely putting her left knee up onto the bed, Bayri could hear her heart pounding in her chest, especially since she’d taken the time to bring her right hand down to pull away Nia’s blanket, revealing the woman’s sleep wear which consisted of an easy to remove pair of shorts and a short camisole that went over her breasts just fine, but failed to cover her midriff. The human woman’s chest heaved gently and evenly as she slept, unaware and unknowing of what Bayri had in mind for her as she climbed into the other woman’s bed, putting her legs to either side of Nia’s head. Still, the brunette woman slept soundly, only mumbling lightly before settling back to her sleep. Nia… I’m sorry… one way or another, this might… be considered violation… Bayri thought to herself, blushing brighter than her fire could illuminate her soft frown. At the very least… you can eat me out of encasing you… maybe… Bayri squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself mentally, letting her hips descend down onto the human’s face with a very faint, yet very distinct little “chupth” noise. The demi-Charizard barely stifled a tiny gasp and brought one hand up to cover her mouth, now that she could feel Nia’s lips against her vulva and the breath from her nose blowing against her already-warm crotch. Past her breasts, Bayri could see Nia’s eyes, scrunching in confusion no doubt caused by the sudden blockage of her mouth. She felt Nia moving between her legs, shaking her head in testing against her folds which only served to drip cum into her now-closed lips. Nia… Nia… p-please… if you could read my mind, this would sound so very wrong, but… please lick me…! Against her desires, Bayri’s hands stayed above her waist, with one covering her mouth and the other slowly and cautiously moving to grope at her right breast. Nia below her continued to struggle, now grunting lightly with her lips still pursed together, though her nose wasn’t covered up, which allowed her to breathe as such. Soon, the brunette’s motions would slow, and her expression softening before Bayri’s eyes. Her lips steadily, slowly cracked open and the demi-Charizard would be able to feel the human woman’s slow, dainty first taste of another woman’s pussy with her tongue. “Mmmmm…” Nia hummed, both of her eyebrows raising upward. She… looks… fairly different without her glasses… Bayri thought to herself, a little unused to seeing Nia without her borderline trademark glasses on, even if she was below her and between her legs. But it’s… good she has them off now… She couldn’t help but give an enamored, loving sigh as Nia settled into the rhythm of licking at her sweet flower, giving cute little moans that mixed in with Bayri’s more drawn-out, gentle moan. She thought it safe to slowly bring her hand away from her mouth, letting her moan ring out a little louder in the suite. Her succulent love nectar dripped and leaked into Nia’s mouth, hopefully the start of enough to help her banish the thought of ever— One huff from Nia and a shooting bolt of ecstasy shooting up Bayri’s spine later, the demi-Charizard’s eyes snapped wide open, her pupils contracted from the sheer surprise. She recognized that wave washing over her body! Those sparks travelling up her skin and the warm air making contact with her soft inner flesh… it couldn’t be! No… No! Nonononono, please Arceus, NO! The horrified orange-haired woman didn’t dare look down at the disappearance of Nia’s face and bangs, replaced by the beginning bulge of the woman in her groin. Bayri was still utterly shocked by the fact that Nia had practically forced her way into the demi-Charizard’s slit, and still didn’t seem to be awake even with that. The way she continued lapping at Bayri’s inner flesh was too slow and deliberate to be conscious, even as Nia’s tongue seemed to lead the way for her entire head to slowly push its way inside, soft pink lips sliding over the human woman’s ears to muffle the outside world from her dream. B-B-But… it feels… so good… and… she… pushed herself in… Bayri thought to herself in a panic, giving a lewd, tiny whimper as she hunched forward, hoisting Nia’s shoulders up off of the bed and up against the insides of her thighs. A-A-Arceus… she’s… still licking me, too… Bayri’s next whimpering gasp came out far louder than she consciously wanted, echoing faintly in the room’s darkness as she felt and heard her slit expanding. Nia seemed to tuck in her shoulders to make less work for the demi-Charizard girl, but her figure still resulted in a series of slurps and squishes coming from the moist pussyflesh consuming her. How is she still… still asleep…? The demi-Charizard gasped and fell forward, nearly headbutting the wall in front of her before she caught herself with her hands up against it. Her blush was almost bright enough to provide its own light, even as her tail’s flame illuminated the sight of Nia’s shapely breasts being kneaded by a combination of her own arms and the labia pressing on them. What made the situation even worse was the faint, lustful moan Bayri could hear coming from her growing bulge, over the sounds of her slit rather messily devouring her. She couldn’t even bear to think of how much of her nectar had already dripped down onto the human woman’s bed, let alone coating her body to the point where Bayri’s tail flame made her midriff shine as it slid deeper and deeper inside, before disappearing out of any pervert’s sight. “Aaah… I-I-I can’t… I can’t…” Bayri huffed aloud, biting her bottom lip. “I can’t… c-control it… anymore…” With a light cry, Bayri arched her back and threw her head upward, sucking in Nia halfway down her hips with a single pull. “Mmmh~” could be heard briefly from Bayri’s now-rounding belly. “I’m… so sorry… N-Nia…” Bayri whined lightly before crying out again, her pussy giving another tug on Nia’s hips to take in her own dripping pussy. “I-I’ll… aaagh… nnnn… e-explain myself… i-in the morning…” Bayri’s own scent had already grown to a substantial degree while she had been coercing Nia to lap at her sex, but now with juices leaking from her sex as a form of drool resulting from unbirthing the human woman, the scent had just grown all the stronger. It wasn’t an unbearable scent, thankfully… there was a certain allure to the Charizard’s musk, but it was still a musk that Bayri was embarrassed to be the source of. Nia’s own squirms and seemingly unminding demeanor of her new situation didn’t help the Fire/Flying girl’s case any, especially since she seemed to squirm her way into letting her thighs and knees being devoured in short order. “N-Nia… why… do you like this so much…?” Bayri muttered, blushing and gasping with another quick jolt of her body, making her sex engulf the human woman’s legs that much faster. “But… I suppose better… nnnngh~ Better that than…” Nia’s toes would disappear between the Charizard girl’s dripping velvet lips, leaving her to gasp from the jolt of her pussy finishing the job. Bayri’s breathing would come in short, repeated huffs through her nose in her distress before she would start breathing through her mouth, and her bulging womb hung down from her body in her position, just barely touching down on the sheets of the bed below by itself. With Nia’s faint squirms and shifts, Bayri could feel her own bare skin gently touching against the plush material of Nia’s blanket, even more so when she gently began sliding down the wall and onto her side, giving a lustful grunt when she fell onto her side. Despite the state of her nethers, Bayri shakily closed up her legs, her tail hanging over the edge of the bed so as not to catch any sort of fire, though it was burning quite brightly at this point. “Nnnnyygh… nnn… N-Nia…” Bayri huffed, feeling sleep finally finding its way into her system, placing weight upon her eyelids. “Sorry… about… that…” One particular squirm could be felt from the human brunette as Bayri’s consciousness ebbed, almost in response to her apology. From how gentle it was, it was almost like Nia saying that Bayri needn’t worry…
Delena’s frosting is best. During an early morning on captain alpha's ship. The captain's birthday is today and all of the members of the crew plan what to get her. Some plan to get her jewels that she likes, some thinking some very valuable statues would work. Two of the crew members and their pet robo dog girl had another idea. Sweet and her lodging buddy and friend Opal both knew that the captain had quite the love of sweets and for her would prepare a cake for her that she would never forget. The short 4’9 mocha skinned girl and her tall dark ebony skinned friend Opal both met in the empty kitchen and prepared to cook. Both wearing a sexy appron and just panties since they knew it would get messy. Their dog girl Delena watched them as she wagged her tail. The two looked to each other as they finally had the whole idea ready. “Alright so you know the plan right?” the mocha skinned girl sweet asked her friend as she got the bowl and other cooking materials needed. Opal looked to her with a bit of a patronizing look as she sighed. “Yeah yeah, you explained it 20 times!“ the calm tall woman opal exclaimed in a rather harsh tone as she blushed a little. The apron covered Sweet's b cup breasts well but for opal who had e cups was close to having her breasts exposed. “Only question i have is why me and the mutt are here?” “Well you can bake so i need you to bake the cake.” sweet explained with a smile as the dog girl Delena was about to whimper from the harsh remark but a pet down from Sweet made her happy again. “And Delena has the most important job.” “This idea better not fail like the others…” opal sighed and said before she began to make the cake mix. Cracking the eggs needed and mixing it with a bit of milk. “So what exactly will she do?” “Well the captain loves sweets right?” sweet began to explain as she petted up and down Delena's back making her bark with joy and roll over onto her back. The robo dog girl would always wear a long sweater to cover her naughty bits. Today she wore it as well but a noticeable bulge showed in her sweater this time. “And we both know the captain can be naughty. So for her i was thinking a naughty frosting for her.” “That is such a lewd idea...should have expected that from you.” opal sighed a bit and just looked to Delena and noticed that she was getting excited and sighed. “So how are you expecting the mutt to cover a whole cake. It would take multiples shots from her unless….” “I’m not ending up in her nuts.” sweet quickly replied with a pout on her face as she pet the attention hungry Delena more. “Why not? You already ended up in every other hole of hers.” opal smirked and joked as sweet got more upset and pouted more but opal just shook it off. “You have someone to give to her then? “Mhm i do. Infact he should be on his way now.” sweet smirked and as she heard footsteps and Delena perked up sniffing the scent of someone she knew. Just then the young green haired knight boy alexis walked in. The cute feminine knight was a guest upon the ship due to shenanigans but when he noticed that both sweet and opal were wearing basically just aprons, he blushed bright red and held onto his nose too afraid he would have a nose bleed as he looked away. “M...Miss opal!, M..Miss sweet….what are you two doing?” Alexis blushed red and looked to the floor and away from them. Delena confused crawled to alexis and licked his cheek to comfort him. Opal was trying to not blush as she sighed and sweet after a moment walked to Alexis. “Making a cake.” sweet answered bluntly as Delena kept licking Alexis head.dog drool getting all in his hair now as Alexis tried to stay focused on sweet. “That...slightly explained it…” Alexis sighed expecting the answer to be blunt and simple. “So why do you need me?” “We need you for a ingredient. “ sweet said koi like as Delena stopped licking Alexis but was still right behind him. “We need a frosting for the cake.” “Frosting? “ Alexis confused repeated that as he did not even notice sweet and Delena or that the cute dog girl was ready to do something. “Why even ask me then? I mean if you need extra funds for it i'm sure the chef would be more then willing to give you some.” “Maybe but we don't need store frosting. “ sweet smirked as without warning she grabbed onto alexis thin arms and began to pull him to the ground. Alexis couldn't fight back fast enough and found himself blushing as he was brought to the ground and was squirming as he couldn't get away and sweet and opal began pulling at his clothes. “Hey….what are you doing?” he blushed more being stripped unto he is naked and he tries covering himself but couldn't and he noticed that Delena had gotten very close behind him and his head was to her navel. He was about to complain but was silent when he noticed that her large member was on his shoulder and he looked to see the dog girl’s hungry canine cock and finally put two and two together and panicked. “H..hey. You can't do this.” “We can and will, so just pipe down and get in those nuts!” sweet commanded as she held onto his head and his struggling was in vain as he face was smushed against the tip of Delena's cock and opal watched as she kept working on the cake. Alexis tried to groan and complain but the strong scent of the dog girl's cock and precum was dripping more as she began to move closer and Alexis was unable to avoid it as his head was beginning to slip into her cock head. “See it was just prepared for you. “ between Sweet's pushing and Delena's humping. Alexis's body was quickly being sucked into the hungry cock. Alexis's shoulders went into the cock and quickly cum began to pour all around her meal and made it easier to have Alexis slip down. The smell of her cum and precum brought a blush on both Sweet and opal as they together helped push him down. The outline of Alexis's body could be seen as he slipped down further in. The femboi knight was slipping further until his head was reaching into Delena's nutsack. Delena howled in pleasure as the last of Alexis was sucked into her cock and soon after into her nuts. The robo dog girl panted happily as opal blushed and put the cake into the oven and sweet petted the enormous growth of her pet. “Good girl. Now make him into very delicious frosting. “ sweet taunted and joked as she stroked her pet's cock more. Alexis inside kept trying to make a fuss and kick against the walls that surround him. The cum smell inside making it very hard to even breath inside but to sweet that was not a problem. Alexis breathing wouldn't be necessary for this cake. As she triumphantly stroked at her cock she didn't pay attention to Delena and before long her hands had found itself right at the tip of her cock and Delena gave a lustful gaze to sweet and barked happily as without warning that hungry cock began to suck Sweet's hands into it's slit. Sweet switched from confidence to panicked as she tried to pull her hands out. She smelled Delena's hot musk from her cock and knew this would be her end if she doesn't stop Delena. Opal putting the cake in the oven and did smile a little until looking to her friend and immediately sighed as she walked closer to them herself and putting her hands to Sweet's waist. “Still need to properly teach your pet…” opal says with a sigh grabbing onto Sweet's waist tight looked to Delena who is in bliss as sweet is panicking more. “N...nevermind t..that. S...save me opal!” Sweet shouts more and feels her arms being sucked in. The walls of Delena's inner cock felt absolutely amazing but she didn't want to become cum herself. “Come on opal…..please…” Sweet's begs were upon deaf ears sadly. Opal locked eyes with Delena and knew after watching her so much that there is no way sweet is letting go. “Well….she clearly not stopping. Stop wasting time and go.” opal said as she beginning to push her sweet in more and Delena tilts her head back howling as sweet tried to complain and shout but with Delena's cock hole being lubed up already Alexis and was slurping her down quickly. Sweet's head and arms were already deep with the canine’s ravenous cock and Sweet's screams were muffled by the cock and she was already being a outline in her cock. She was kicking amd screaming as she was being swallowed whole and very quickly. Sweet was joining Alexis in her nuts within just a few minutes and Delena was so hapoy with it. Her tail wagged wildly as she enjoyed this feeling as her balls were enormous now with lots of movement and some kicking and pushing. Within the ballsack, the two of them looked at each other being forced to curl up together with so much cum around them and making it up to their chests and sighed. “How did you get eaten by your own pet….” Alexis sighed glaring at sweet as she tried to nervously not say anything. “Worst master i have seen...oh well, we’ll be doggy cum soon so why fight it….better then being lion shit i guess. Less painful. “ Delena enjoyed herself as she and opal heard the churning and groaning of her balls quickly beginning to work on making thw two captives in them into a hot addition of cum. Opal sighed just getting the cake out and setting it onto the table as she walked back to Delena and looked to her as she reached to the scar on her own left eye to rub it. “So are those orbs full and ready to coat this cake?” she asked Delena gently as she kneeled down to look eye to eye with Delena who shocked her head. “Figures, so i guess i am joining them.” Delena nodded and arfed cutely as opal sighed and knew just what would happen. She took the appon off and just sighed as she leaned back and has her feet reach to the canine's cock. Opal unlike the others clearly accepted her fate and put one hand to her enormous breasts and one hand to inside her silk panties. The dark skinned ebony woman was sure her time was limited as the hungry canine cock was already sucking her feet in with lewd noisrs coming from it. The feeling was making opal horny and after watching the other two being sucked in before her. She may have kept her compulsory until now but she was just as horny as Delena and her gently rubbing became violent masturbation as her thick sexy legs began to be sucked into the cock that just feed on two others not even 30 minutes before. “Again i fail to even get to be appreciated by alpha… i am such a fucking failure. I deserve to be just another splush stain!” she insulted and humiliated herself but fingered herself and pulled on her nipples more. She said all of this but by the time Delena's cock made it to her hips. Opal had already gotten herself to a powerful orgasm and was drooling like a bitch in heat as she was being eaten by the cock. All she did was continue to insult herself and masturbate as she was dragged deeper and before long, the cock had made it tp her chest which was the hard part. Those breasts did not go in easy and Delena had to grab onto opal’s head and with force pushed her in. Making a supet loud lewd slurp as she went in. Her outline being way more detailed and larger since she was bigger then the others. But still just like the others within a few minutes opal went from crew member to just another huge addition to Delena's canine nuts. Delena's nutsack was so full now. The three of them were cramped in though Alexis was already being melted quickly and sweet was trying to struggle and get free. “Dammit you too?” sweet shouted to opal who was in her own world. Opal was just masturbating more and constantly cumming as sweet just ignored her and Alexis. “Delena! Listen to your master and let us out now!” Delena just looked to the cake and let her balls work. Now in hyper drive since opal made them too heavy to really move properly. The churning sounds filled the whole room as she just let her master and friends become hot dog cum. One by one they were losing their form and becoming doggy cum. Soon her balls were just round and without any of the three in them anymore. At that time alpha came into the kitchen. Originally just here for more rum, she noticed that Delena was just sitting near a cake and smiled a little moving to pet the dog girl who barked very happily and wagged her tail. “Aww did you make this for me?” Alpha asked with a smile and Delena shock her head and grabbed the appon that opal had and the clothes that Alexis wore. Alpha very quickly had a clue what happened when she noticed her balls and that the cake was unfrosted. Alpha let out a giggle that became a laugh as she thought on it. “This is Sweet's idea for sure. Kind of her but she still doesn't know i hate cakes. “She smirked and had the squid head of hers slap the cake aside and swiftly pulled her own pants down and sat on the counter and spread her legs and presented her just pussy lips to Delena who instantly perked up her gigantic cock pulsing just at the scent of the captain’s sexy pussy. “I am more of a pie girl anyways, so get over here and put that freshly churned cum to good use.” The dog girl wasted no time and neither did alpha. Delena jumped up to alpha and quickly pushed her cock against alpha's wanting pussy and with a big thrust Delena's member was now all the way deep inside of alpha making the both of them moan loudly. The two screamed in pleasure and wrapped their arms around each other. Delena though taller then alpha listened and obeyed her captain and the two locked lips in a heavily passionate kiss as Delena fucked her captain wildly. Her canine cock was much better then most of the cocks of the crew which always made alpha happy and horny to see and feel the bulge in her stomach made just by her cock. The dog girl thrusts more and more and the sound of her balls slapping against the captain's pussy and the table was deafening and could easily be heard from outside the kitchen but no one was dumb enough to disturb the captain. Getting close Delena broke the kiss and picked up the captain to hold her up as with a loud howl and a scream from the captian, the two both came and filled the captain's belly with cum and drench the floor with alphas cinnamon honey scented nectar. Delena accidently slipped while cumming and falling on her butt with alpha now on top. The captain's sex drive being as wild as Delena's kept her going and now having her riding Delena's cock. The two spoke no words but only primal moans howls and shouts as alpha felt Delena's cock grow and thicken around the base. She was knotting with the captain's pussy and Delena was constantly howling and whimpering. The cum that use to be her master and friends were about to cum out. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Give me them sluts! Give me the best creampie ever!” alpha gave the order and with one elongated scream and howl Delena let the biggest load of hef life out. Gallions of thick hot canine cum flowed from her knotted cock into alpha and filled her stomach till it was to max compasity and more. The excess cum all dripping onto the floor. The cum that dripped was quickly becoming a waterfall of cum. The cum of Delena's cock and the captain's nectar leaked until the floor was basically coated and the two panted so heavily as alpha layex on Delena who was panting and bearly conscious due to pleasure and was still cumming. This was why alpha allowed Delena the most. A cock that knotted and kept cumming for half a hour was heaven.Delena passed out after she was finished cumming. A extremely loud pop came from when her cock finally unknotted inside of her and a flood gate more of cum spilled out. In the cum was a half undigested apron, two pairs of panties, and something that use to be a red scarf. Alpha sighed in bliss as she petted Delena and took this time to taste a bit of the cum and lightly giggled. “Mmm opal made good cum. Will have to remember this….and be a bit glad canine cum cannot impregnate me.” alpha smirked before pushing all the cum out of her stomach and womb back out on the floor. Cumming a little just from that before just laying on Delena's large chest and smiling. “It was a thoughtfully gift none the less. Thank you guys. “ The end
Regalia the merciless p2. After dealing with 3 of the members of the rogue agents and a little time to rest. Regalia the one armed axe woman walked her way into the outpost. Before going in she made sure to properly clean herself and put on another pair of panties. Her last one regretfully ruined by her ‘method of execution. Her walk no longer encumbered by the weight of the 3 that were made into cum. As she walked in the first hallway however, the door she came in closed and locked. Unphased by the trap she walked in she looked around until she heard a voice in the P.A system. “There you are Miss Yoshikage. Monster of the councilmen! I knew you would come for us!” the voice spoke loudly and with anger in his voice. “Those 3 people you just murdered! Did you even feel sorry for them?!” “I do not feel sorry for traitors! “ Regalia answers and walks down the hallway with a unyielding look on her face. “Now unlike them fools. Face me and accept a respectability execution or i will also make an example of you and your remaining allies.” “Miss Yoshikage! We will not choice death. Even if it means resorting to the worst of ideas. Our death will not be by your hands!” As the man stopped speaking, the hallway became bright with multiple lights. The very bright lights causing Regalia to flinch but not to a point of dropping her guard. Just as the lights shined, 4 machine gun turrets popped up from the ground. Each turret locked on quickly giving her no time to adjust properly. At once they started to fire. Leaving Regalia no choice but to guard with her shield spell and slowly push against the hail of bullets. The bullets continues to spray as she walked closer. The shield spell able to cover her whole body, allowing her to push forward safely. The axe woman with some perseverance made her way though and with perfect swiftness slashed the turrets with her axe. Like butter the axe’s blade collided and slashes through the turrets. Sparks flying into the air and the sounds of the guns spinning dying out once the turrets were destroyed. With a sigh regalia kept her composure and walked forward. The voice on the intercoms silenced for a minute before he spoke once more. “Those poor souls you digested… Did you at any point care for their struggle? “ the voice asks this time a lot more level than before. Even so regalia walked forward unyielding. “Yes i did, but my mission is clear. My objectives unchanged, my goal unrattled.” Regalia answered as she approached a door. The voice seeming to originate from the other side of this door. “Then this truly will be a battle of survival. “ as the voice speaks a wall comes from the ceiling, trapping regalia and forcing her to not go backwards. The area filling with a bright pink gas. Regalia with only one hand could not cover her mouth and instead had to break that door down and jump out of the hallway as soon as possible. Regalia unfortunately for her taking some of the gas into her. The gas not poisonous but her body feeling a bit hotter, making her body squirm a bit. The axe woman walked slowly into the dark room and shortly after the empty room light up. Showing two people in the other side of the room and the panel the man who was talking was using to control the traps. The human male and half cat girl both began to slowly approach her. The both of them wearing scientists lab coats and glasses. The guy rubbing his chin and the girl staying close as they kept a good few steps back. Regalia now upon one knee and struggling to stand back up. “The aphrodisiac i used is normally used for nagas and other very powerful creatures. Should be powerful enough to affect you all the same.” the man began to speak and moved aside and had the girl begins to focus her ability to charge a ball of magic. The power was that of raw magic and building quickly. “Now Eve! Blast her away!” “This is for my friends! “ the half cat girl launched the powerful ball of magic directly at the unstable Regalia and upon impact sent the strong axe woman into the wall. Regalia gasped in pain being pinned to the wall by the ball. Then the ball exploded into a heavy impacting explosion that covered the area in smoke and rubble. The scientists both let a sigh of relief out as they looked to the cloud of smoke. “Daddy...we did it!” “Do not celebrate just yet. That's a war dog remember. If they were that easy to kill, we would not have lost our friends. “ “Sorry father. Your right. Ill ch-” Before another word could be uttered from the daughter, a powerful crack was heard from the rubble. Another crack soon followed and a last one before the rubble that walled off Regalia from them was broken apart with brute strength. The aphrodisiacs did work. Regalia couldn't focus enough to use magic. But in a furry of lust and rage, she held her axe with a look that scared the both of them upon seeing her. The father quickly ran back to the panel to get more of the gas to try and stop her while the daughter charged up another ball of raw magic. This time however, regalia gave no time to prepare. She threw the axe into the panel and broke the computer while charging and knocking down the daughter in one fluid motion. The broken computer sputtered and beeped but before blaring alarms were hears. The computer began going to emergency release and began to fill the room with more of the aphrodisiac gas. Now the father and daughter were just as affected as she was. The room for at least a few minutes was filled with the pink and the sound of coughing. “Daughter! Eve! Can you hear me? Do not inhale the gas!” the father scientist began to yell out. The alarms more than likely muffling his voice to his daughter. He couldn’t hope to find her within the gas, but tried to stumble around anyways. Soon having no choice but to inhale a lot of the gas. His head becoming dizzy and loins beginning to warm with lust. As the gas lightened up, the father tried to call out to his daughter. Only to be meet with a shocking sight upon the gas clearing. Regalia now only with her top, her disregarded skirt some feet away on the ground and Regalia with her legs spread and a smirk on her face. From her lower lips he could see his daughter sliding into the death trap known as regalia’s slit. The neko girl still beyond lost from the gas and pleasure as she looks to her father. “Daddy...your awake. Good. The nice lady is going to make me feel wonderful.” the daughter half neko said with a tipsy look of lust. Drool coming from her mouth as she slides a little deeper. Already being past elbows deep and her small breasts not slowing down the process at all. “It feels so hot and slimey in here papa. I really like it!” “Snap out of it! She is going to kill you like she did our friends!” “If they got to die in such bliss. Then good, the feeling of her walls, her hot slick juices all over my legs and my pussy...amazing. “ “My daughter. ..get a….hold of yourself.” the father could not even talk. The gas had it's effect on him as it did her. His cock only growing inside of his pants. Feeling shamed but turned on seeing his daughter vanishing before him. “She's up to my head. It feels...wonderf-” with a very loud and lewd sleurk and slurp the pussy lips of regalia enclosed around the head of the poor delusional girl and now regalia's lower stomach was large, outlined with the cat girl inside. “Your gas really did a number on her. I didn't even have to try to put her in, she did all of the work for me.” “You...bitch! Give her back!” the father gathering his strength found the ability to stand enough to walk over to her but falling on top of her. The drunk look of lust on both of there faces but regalia's face was much more sadistic. “Tell you what, if you can make me cum before your ‘precious’ daughter is made into juice, then i will release her and you as well, but i would hurry, you have seen my womb churn two grown harppies within 30 minutes, your daughter has barely half of that time.” “F...fine! For my daughter!” the father panicking and not even thinking about anything but getting his daughter out and getting release because of the gas. Recklessly the scientist thrusted his member inside of the woman. Even after just sucking in his daughter, he could feel her inner walls squeeze around his cock. The aphrodisiac now fully taking over and the man putting his hands onto regalia's hips tried his best to fuck her enough to get his daughter back. Every minute counted at this rate as not even 5 minutes in he could hear the muffled screams of his daughter over the loud sloshing and churning from regalia's womb. The screams however had a opposite effect. Turning the scientist on and making him cum inside of regalia. The man however did not stop. He wanted to save his daughter, but it would not be. Even after the man cumming inside of her three times, Regalia did not cum once. She let out a few moans and blushes but that was more then likely his daughter's work then his. At the end of 20 minutes, the man panted heavily with such a defeated look. Regalia like with the others digested her into juice in record time and smirked to the man. “Well you tried, but couldn't measure up. To being the hero. It's not in all of us you know? So try not to live with regret in your final moments.” “You….bitch...we will get our revenge.” “That's cute, but you failed, and you have made me hungry!” Regalia forcefully pushed the man down onto the ground and walked over to him. First to humiliate him to the fullest she let loose all of the juice that was his daughter all over him. After he squirmed and tried to get away but failed, regalia grabbed him by the head with her one arm. Bringing the poor defeated man to her mouth. Regalia wasting no time to open her mouth and silenced his begging as she shoved him into her mouth. The s3 scientist drenched in his daughter's remains could do nothing but weakly flail and scream as she swallowed him down with ease. Soon the full grown man was within her tight stomach and with no hope. Her stomach’s acid already taking action and having the man scream in pain. Regalia only let out burps that only shortened his struggling and began to walk closer to the main room where their leader was hiding. The walk ended up taking a bit longer than expected due to the added weight and her legs still being a bit shaky after using her vagina to unbirth for a fourth time. “I need to not unbirth this many. It begins to make it hard to focus after a bit.” Regalia thoughts were then interrupted by the sharp feeling of pressure. The walk had not only already reduced the man to nothing but was already having him ready to be shit out. “Already. ...fucking pathetic...fine. I’l-” her thoughts then interrupted by several long farts as a blush began to grow on her. “Oh no you don't! You premature bookworm!” Regalia without hesitation pulled her panties down and sighed as she went to a empty roam. Sighing and leaning forward and pressing her butt back. “Now you can get out! Your shitty excuse of a maaaahhhn!” she wanted to say something but the sharp pain kicked in and forced her to hold onto her knee. Soon feeling the cause of the pressure touching the end of her intestines. The skull of the former scientist was pushing it’s way out of her sphincter and regalia had to force it out. With effort she pushed it out. The skull hitting the ground with a crackling thud before she released a stream of half solid shit. The man not only digested fast, but couldn't keep solid, even as shit. The messy loaf kept coming as regalia blushed and moaned till it was over. “Finally...talk about being worth less than the effort. You barely felt good inside of me at any time.” Regalia after taking a moment to regain her composure, sighed realizing that she nothing to clean the mess off of her. She sighs and just begins to use her own panties and toss them on top of the rancid mess that was the scientist as she walks ahead. Once again taking her recorder out. “Mission is still a goo. The two scientist are down. Let's hope the their leader is better. Regalia Yoshigake, mission is a go!.” The end
Tails meets Maya By Dark Artist/Kaiser I do not own Sonic and co. They are owned by Sonic team and Sega. The character Maya is a character I made up. It was a beutiful, cool night at Angel Island. For Knuckles, it was just another night defending the Master Emerald. He kept his eyes open for as long as he could, which was hard when you would be up till the wee hours of the night. He was looking out into the open at the land, he wasent just guarding the Master Emerald, he was waiting for someone. Once he would arrive, Knuckles would go on and search for food and let him do his work. At last in the cool dark sky, he saw a dot coming towards the island. The dot got bigger and bigger, until it was finally big enough to have features. It was a yellow two tail fox, quite young wearing some blue pants. It was Tails. Lately, he has been fascinated by the Master Emerald. He wanted to know more about it, hopefully learning what he can about it. He carried with him a luggage of items, mostly for testing and writing. He landed close to the shrine, not far from where the red enchinda was sitting. "Ah, just in time," he said. They yellow fox looked up, "Yeah. I was gonna be here sooner but I had to help out at Amy's" he said. Knuckles jumped down and nodded, "Well, I hope you can be careful while I go get some food. My rations are about dry." Knuckles stepped on to the edge of the island. "Becareful. Ive been guarding this thing my whole life, and I still have no idea what could be in there," was what he said before gliding off to the land mass. Tails nodded and walked on up the steps to the emerald. "Amazing. No matter what technology, the Master Emerald seems to have a massive amount of energy unrivaled." He opened his case and began taking out all kinds of stuff and began his work. First he was studying and recording the density of the emerald, then he tried to see if he could look into the emerald. He was unable to. The emerald was so cloudy it was impossible to see through it. As time passed, Tails began to get hungry. He decided to take a break from his work and sat on the steps, taking out a penut butter and jelly sandwich that he had packed before leaveing. Tails continued to eat his lunch, ignoring the world around him. He was enjoying it, he loved Penut Butter and Jelly, so he ate on. He payed no attention to the emerald. Or what was happening. While Tails ate, a strange liquid was dripping onto the ground. First it was a few drops, then it got faster. It was no ordinary liquid, it was something else, something more....lively. As the the liquid joined and become a puddle, it began to rise and take form until it reached the height it wanted to get. The it turned out to be a she. She was a black enchinda, quite a chubby one if I may add with round breasts, a large rear and a exposed belly. She wore a red armour bra with a long loincloth going down her front and back. She also had rings on her quiels and a braclet on her arm. To who this is or why she is here, is a mystery. She looked around searching until she found what she was looking for. Her eyes stopped on the yellow fox. She grinned quite large and walked on over. Atleast walk would be easier to put it. Her feet were a liquid puddle. She went on to the fox, starring at him. She had not seen one in a long time. A LONG time. She was looking, admiring, checking him out, studying every inch of his body, including his two tails, which was something she has not seen before. "Hello," she said, with a thick accent. Tails looked behind, starteled. He had dropped the last bit of his sandwhich. He looked at her in utter amazement. "Wha-who....where?!" was all he mouthed, the enchinda giggled, "Worry not young one. I am Queen Maya. I come from the Master Emerald." Tails was quite surprised. He didnt know how she came from the emerald, which was still in one piece. He looked over her entire body, even noticing the liquid puddle that was where her feet were. "You....you come from the emerald?" he asked. The enchinda nodded, "Yes. I saw you while you were looking at the emerald from my home." "Your...home?" he asked, "Yes. There is a whole city inside the emerald." Tails didnt know what to make of it. It almost didnt make sence. But he realised if Chaos and Tikal came from it, surely others would too. Knuckles did say he had no idea what all could be in there. "How could you see me? The emerald was so cloudy inside I couldnt see anything..." "Maybe not, but we...I...could see you." Tails looked even more surprised, "We?" "Yes, we. Like I said, there is a city of people. The guardian was not only the guardian of the emerald, but our home," she said, sitting down with him. Tails wished he was writing this down, but he now wanted to know more about this alluring enchinda who was making him blush. Her cleavage was quite visible, and her loincloth was leaving little to imagination. "So..why are you...liquid?" he asked, "I am a rare species of enchinda. I can shape and form into whoever I please," she said standing up. Soon she no longer was in a shaped form, and in a moment she now resembeled Knuckles, "See?" Tails looked at her. She had taken after ever thing of his identety. Even the more personal parts. "Wow...thats so cool!" he said. Soon the enchinda formed into a shapeless form again, this time as a bat, "How about this?" "Rouge? Wow," said Tails. Maya giggled, "Yep. Some of us dont like her," she said, "Cause she tries to steal the emerald...er, your home?" said Tails, "Thats pretty much it," she said, she reformed her self again, this time as the blue hedgehog we all know to well. "Sonic!?" he said, "Yep. The one bad thing about this is the fact that thats all I can transform. My voice remains," she said. She reformed back into her identity. "Your.....your so amazing and so....uh...pretty...," he said, the enchinda walked on up to him, giving him a hug, squishing him into her breasts. "Aw, thanks. Your very cute," she said. Soon her smile went into a sad frown. "Whats wrong?" he asked, "You see.....I was never married, I had no love, no mate. I was alone. We cant have children, and many of the men are already married. So im alone with just friends," she said, almost with tears, "Dont cry," tails said, taking a napkin from his case and tried his best to wipe her tears. "Thanks.....your so...nice," she said, rubbing on him and his head. He murred, enjoying this, "So, why are you here?" she asked. "I wanted to study the emerald, and you told me more then I or anyone has ever known," he said, his eyes half closed. Maya began to lower herself, bring tails down with her, "mmmm....Your...good at that...ooooohhhh..." he said lying on his back now, Mayas smile went more devilish, "Im happy your enjoying it...infact..." she looked upon him more. He was quite attractive and with a little build, but she was not picky. She looked down to where his crotch. While he was in bliss from her rubbing, she began to unbutton and zip his pants quitely. Tails was to busy enyoing the rubbing. "I think your gonna be in for quite a treat," she said. She took her hand off him and began to take off his pants, leaving his white underware. Tails got up alittle to see what she was doing, blushing at his exposure, "Wha-what are you doing?" he asked. Maya soon pulled his underware down, exposing his rising memeber, "Mmmmmm... I see someones happy to see me," she said to him. He was as red as a cherry now. His mind was telling him to stop her, stop her. But his body didnt move an inch. Maya sat up and unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the ground with a metal clang, exposing her big, ample breasts, holding them. Before Tails could say a word, Maya placed her heavy chest onto Tails member, letting it slde up through the crack. A wave of pleasure surged his body. He yerfed at the feeling and Maya giggled," so cute." She slid her breasts up and down, massageing Tails member, now at full erection, sending waves of pleasure to Tails. He never felt like this. Not ever. He could only lie on his back, letting Maya work on him. Soon she parted her jaws and began to suck on his member, sending more waves of pleasure. Tails couldnt stand it. Soon the fox inside him roared, "More..." he said in a eager moan. Maya did so, going abit faster on him. Tails grin was huge, letting out moans, "Ohhhhh yeaaahhhh more. MORE!" The enchinda was now doing it more harder, faster, and vigourous. Soon tails felt his member surge, he knew what it was. He was getting closer to cumming. He couldnt hold it, it was flowing freely, letting out precum."Maya...I-I-Im about to...cum ARRRRGGHH!" was all he said as he let out his hot seed into her mouth. Maya opened wide letting the seed fly into her mouth as some dripped down to her breast. Some hitting the shrine ground. Tails was panting, "So...thats what it feels like..." he mouthed, "It felt so....good..." Maya smiled and swallowed, a bulge of cum going down her throat. "Its only just begun..." soon lied down with him, hugging him, "You do know...how to please a woman?" Tails nodded, "A minute please..." he said, taking a few breaths before getting on top of her. Maya pulled the knot on her cloth, making it able to be taken off. Tails pulled it off, exposing her ripe vagina. Tails was still red, "Come on....you know you want to," teased the enchinda. Tails did. He carefully slided in his member, slowly though not wanting to hurt her. "Is it your first time?" he asked, the enchinda shook her head, "No, I had OH! servents I mated with to get my lust out." Tails continued to bury his penis into her until his thighs contacted hers and began to pump. First he started slow of course. It may not have been Mayas first time, but it was his. Maya let out moans of pleasure, enjoying it. Tails head licking at her breasts, licking up his cum. He was amazed he was doing this. But he couldnt resist doing it. He continued to ram into Maya, now picking up speed. Maya was moaning more louder, grabbing on to him and and getting hold of him with her legs, forcing him more. Soon she began to thrust back to meet his thrusts, making it even more pleasureable. Tails and Maya were sweating. Or at least Maya was condensating, which ever you would say, letting out loud moans. Maya soon felt it, "OH OH, Fox, Im gonna cum!" she said holdign her tighter. Tails was close to cumming again too. The encnida let out louder moans, Tails began to moan as well, the two getting louder as the two neared. Then finally, Maya cummed all over Tails memeber, tigthing, making Tails cum into Maya as well. He pumped alittle more then fell on her, laying his head on her breasts, quite tired. He looked upon the woman he had just mated with. She had a large grin on her face, "Very....gooooodd...." she said, she turned over, getting on her hands and knees, "Mmmm.....when you can, I would like it in the rear..." "Your....rear..." said Tails, "But...isnt that where," "Its clean, dont worry. Trust me, your gonna like it," she said. As the strength in tails returned to him, he soon mounted the enchinda, on his knees he slid his memeber into her tail hole. It was tight fit, which made it feel very good. "Before I begin. My names Tails..." The enchinda smiled, "Well Tails. Begin at once, the queen wants it," she said playfully. Tails smiled and began to ram into her, meeting her thighs. It made an odd liquid noise when he contacted her, but he didnt care, he was enjoying this too much. Maya was too, letting out loud moans, "Yeah, thats the stuff, ram it in there," she said, "OH YEAH TAILS!" Tails continued to pump into her, he was tired, but he wanted to cum one more time into Maya, and he wasent far off. He continued to pump and moan with Maya until he cummed again, his seed filling her insides. As he pulled out, some dripped onto Mayas rear. He lied down on his back completely exausted. Maya crawled to his side, still nude. Tails was surprised she had such energy, "The queen loved it," she said. She puckered her lips and gave Tails a big wet kiss on the lips. Tails opened his eyes wide eyed. He never felt this way. Could he have fallen for this enchinda? He had only met her this night, and yet, he felt so connected to her. SHe parted her lips from his, "And the queen, loves you." "Shes fallen for me," he thought, I mate with her one night and I get a girlfriend...." She got up, picking her clothes up and putting them back on her. "Tails. Will you be my mate forever? We'll live together, eat together, make love. I promise you a slice of heaven." Tails didnt know what to say. She was nice, but he realised. She came from the emerald. If he was to be with her, he would have to leave everything behind. He didnt know if he could do this. "I....I dont know Maya. I. I really like you, maybe even love. But, are you also asking me to leave my life behind?" "Its not like youll never see them again. You will still be able to see them, in fact, we can leave at times to visit them, let them know how your doing." Tails was still unsure, "I..I just dont want to be alone..." she continued. Tails couldnt help it, he could only mouth, "Yes Maya. Ill go with you." Her eyes widen in utter delight, "Really!? Oh thank you! Thank you very much!" she hugged him close. She slid back a bit to Tails feet, lifting them up. Tails was too tired to see what she was doing. Oh how suprised he would be. Maya slid his feet on her belly, pushing until his feet entered. On the inside, his feet had turned into water, stored in her belly. She let go, letting her body slide him in, his legs being turn into liquid. Tails strength returned enought to see why his feet and legs were getting cold. He was surprised to watch the last of his legs go in. He couldnt feel his legs. He suddenly paniced, clawing at the ground. He felt his thighs enter next, melting into more liquid, not making a big bulge in her gut. She stood up now, Tails dangling from her belly as it continued to absorb him. Tails accidently land his hand on her belly, which soon was absorbed. He was starting to tear up, "What are you doing Maya!?" "I cant take you back whole. This is my only way of getting you there. When we get there, Ill reform you. Dont worry, this wont hurt." Tails was still scarred. He watched his chest dissappear into her belly. Maya closed her eeyes. She was actually enjoying this. Tails felt his neck began to enter Mayas belly, his head now nearing absorbtion. Tails still held out one free hand in futility. Soon the cold grip of Mayas body washed over his head, his arm still held out as it entered down to the last finger. Maya giggled and let out a burp. Her stomech had grown some, with yellow now glittering and showing through her black skin. Tails was surprised to see he was still able to see and hear. It was dark inside Mayas stomech. At least he thought it was her stomech. She was right, it didnt hurt. But it felt really weird not feeling his other body parts. Maya smiled, looking behind her. A black dot was seen heading here quick. "Mmmm. Looks like Knuckles will be here soon. Time to go home my lover..." she said. She soon went back into her liquid form. This time with yellow mixed in. The puddle of Maya and Tails drifted to the Master Emerald and was absorbed into it. Soon, there was little evidence that Maya had ever been there. Knuckles arrive onto the island not long after Maya disappeared. "Hey Tails Im ba-" He soon realised the fox wasent there. His gear still there, along with his unfinished sandwich. "Odd. Hmmmm....maybe he went back home." Knuckles took the fruit he gathered and placed it where he usually did and took bananas out and sat at his poistion, pealing the first banana. If only he had been there to see what happened, when Tails meet Queen Maya the Enchinda and became her lover forever....
Night of a Demons Feast Part One By VladDrakken(DAK) All sonic characters belong to SEGA/Sonic Team. Idea inspired for demon character by powerrangersfan12. Many mortals of this time would ask. Is there demons? Is there Angels? Is there a place where the dead go? Questions asked that only the theology of the world could really answer, but they are shunned as having “weak answers” to big questions. As such, the mortal Mobians of this world do not really worry about little things such as afterlives and higher powers. But little do they relies just how wrong they are. Demons do exist, and among the population they hide among them, hungry and ready to eat them when they least suspect. Oni is the race name they go by. Not to be confused with the Japanese name for a demon troll, the Oni use the name as its more strong sounding and frightening then just demon. In this seaside city, still developing from a large town, lived a few of the Oni. Two of which are well known, higher level Oni who are among the population. The city was designed after the other sea based cities on the planet, such as Aquatic Capital. The reason was to try to boost trade as well as tourism for the city, a plan which succeeded. Many people come here to visit the water themed monuments and the large, clean beaches. The pearl white buildings that stood, gleaming and tall, and metal highways were all leading to different parts of the city, both into the city and out. The city would be very much alive right now…if it wasn’t already night. The city was now dead so to speak, as most people had gone to bed, was out on the night to eat, or just to admire the view at night. But unbeknownst to the populace, the worst thing they could run into is not really thieves and other criminals of the night. As mentioned, Oni hides in the shadows, waiting for their next meal to come. The city was thinly populated with them and most of them are lower level Oni, those still developing their abilities. Usually they would stay in their own dimension, but some are more eager than others. Especially one we will be following for tonight. Swimming through the waters of the cities many manmade rivers, its appearance to the wondering Mobians was as a large fish that swam through. But anyone who got up close would notice some strange features on this “fish.” For one, it was clearly a female. Her body was feminine, obviously from the feminine figure and the two small, B cup breasts. She was grey and had no feature on her other than her figure that made her look different. Her neck was longer than normal, stretching to half a yard high, and able to stretch should she want it too. She had no visible eyes on her head, no nose, no form of any kind. All she had was a large snout like mouth that stretched from her face, likely up to a foot at least away, maybe more. The only other thing she had was some fins, two on its head, two on its legs and arms, likely to help her swim through the waters. As she neared a part of the city where there was stairs leading up onto the sidewalk, she stopped. She used her senses, limited though they were, to look around and see if anyone was around to see her, before finally climbing up onto the walkway of the stairs. Her body was wet and possessed small, hard to see scales on her body, as they gleam from the lamp lights of the city. “Finally…” she said to herself as she took a moment to rest, her voice echoing in a strange manner, common to Oni but hers gave her a more fish like sound. “I have been swimming for hours since I got into this world…but now I can finally hunt,” she said. This oni was known as Aussehenesser Stealer, German for “Appearance Eater Stealer.” Her kind was named by a German demonologist who had discovered them while on a fishing trip. They are weak, lower level demons, who would only be able to really cause annoyance to the mortal population. However, if they are like her, then they are likely able to eat others to gain their forms. There is also one other thing about them. As lower level demons, they barely have much if any power except for what few abilities they have. But once they have a few meals, they will be able to hide among the population, eating, digesting, absorbing, forming perfect bodies. She walked up the steps, silently and stealthily. No dought her appearance would appear strange and frightening to others. She looked over the small wall that separated the road from the water. There seemed to be next to no one out at the moment. Though this was good for her to sneak, it wasn’t good when she wanted to eat anyone. She could sense or see(to some degree) no one around the area to eat. Her belly was hungry and ready for anything she could stuff into her belly. She did not have to wait long, as she saw a pink hedgehog heading her way. A pink hedgehog, she was young and at a normal height, around 5 feet tall. She wasn’t too chubby, but she did fill her red dress, which had a very high up skirt. Anyone could probably see her large, pantied bum if she jumped high enough or bent over. Her emerald green eyes did not even noticing the fish demon as she came over to the stairs. With that, the Oni quickly jumped back into the water, waiting for the hedgehog girl to make her way down the steps, watching her from beneath the water’s surface. The hedgehog girl, who we all know is Amy Rose, was happily on the town. Sonic was of course asleep in the motel, unwilling to really do anything with her, so she figure shed go out and feel the water on her feet. She sat down on the small walkway on the bottom of the steps, unbuckling and taking off her red boots. She put them to the side, along with her socks as she put her feet into the water, feeling it under her. Cooing as she just sat there. “Mmmmmm…” she murred, feeling the cool water below her. “If Sonic dosen’t want to enjoy the city, then I will, I don’t need him to have a good time,” she continued, unknowing of the fish demon who was slowly making her way to the side of the walkway. She poked her head up above the water as she looked up to her. She couldn’t just eat her like this. She would be able to scream. But then again, she would be able to swim away before anyone could see her. She decided to take her chance, while the hedgehog girl still could not see her. She swam close enough to be within breathing distance, as her cheeks began to balloon up. She raised her head, aimed her mouth at the hedgehog girls face. Just as she was opening her eyes, she got a raunchy, gassy belch right into her face. Amy was taken aback, the gassy belch in her face was enough for her to close her eyes, waving her hand in front of her, ‘GAH! What the hell?!” she said annoyed. The fact someone would just belch right in her face was just plain rude. “Who do you think you are, you got some nerve to…” just before she could say anything, she soon began to feel her body begin to stiffen. Not a lot, but just enough to keep her from moving a lot. Barely able to move, she had no way to defend herself from the gaping maw of the Oni. Amys eyes barely managed to open, “Wh…what’s happening to me...?” It was then she saw the being before her, and the hungry maw that had opened up. The inside was for the most part a mix of blue and green, as was the large, slick tongue. No teeth, not that she need them. The being quickly clamped her jaws around Amys legs, as she began to work her into her mouth further. The inside of her mouth was slick and warm, Amys legs quickly were getting wet from the Onis tongue, as she was being stuffed into its mouth. Amy tried to scream, as the Oni used her free hands to try to stop her and keep her as quiet as possible. The Aussehenessers mouth is design to take in as much meat as possible, as seen here. Her mouth easily was able to bloat up and take in the mobian girl. Her butt and thighs easily making their way in, her stomach as well was heading in next. Amy couldn’t believe what was happening. She was being eaten alive by some…thing! She could feel her feet somewhat slide down its throat, in order to make room for her whole body. The fish girl raised her from the walkway as she held her up high, letting gravity work her into her hungry maw. Amys breasts bounced and moved through the motions, as they landed on the girls lips. Amys arms were eaten with ease, leaving her no way to resist. The hungry jaws of the Oni opening up to take in the last of her, as she began to tear up, closing her eyes as she made one last yell for help, feeling her head now sinking right into her maw. Darkness consumed her as she found herself in the mouth of the Oni, her whole body scrunched up, uncomfortable to her as well. Soon another bit of gas worked its way up, making the already smelly maw even worst. This time the gas was not made to weaken her, but to soften her up, as its moisture sinks into her skin, making her very easy to swallow for the Oni. Amy could barely resist, as she soon finally felt the demon swallow her into her doom. She yelled out one final time as she felt her whole body squeeze into the throat, as she was sent down the long tube to her destination. Her body so soft now and weak, she barely could make a bulge on the outside save for one, large round bulge. The oni murred in satisfaction, as she felt the girl make her way to her hungry gut, and soon her stomach would fill out on all sides to make room. Lacking a spine and with her stomach being in the middle of her body, her belly would bulge out on all sides, giving herself a more bloated apperance. Amys trip soon finally ended, when the esophagus of the stomach opened up to take her in. She landed in the tight confines with a splash, in what water still remained in the fish demon. Her body easily coiled up into the tight space. The stomach was even WORST then the maw. The smell was horrifically bad, which made sense as this was where most of the gas used to stun the onis prey was stored as well. Useful for making sure the prey did not end up waking up from the first blast. Heartbeat was barely noticeable to Amy, mostly cause its heart is barely a heart, but a series of organs that act like a heart. Amy tried her best to move and maybe even find a way out, but it was no good. Her body had been weakened by the Onis consumption process, and her body was made squishy and weak by the gasses produced by the fish girl. As if it could not get worst, Amy soon began to feel and notice movement inside the stomach. Long, strange looking bluish red tentacles soon were forming from the surface of the stomach, as they trailed her body. “You were delicious my dear…but I think I could go for one more before I fully absorb you,” she said. Her voice was loud to Amy who was right inside her. Amy tried to figure out what she meant by that, as she soon felt the two tentacle shoot into her. The first one went right into her anus, ripping the front of her panties with such force. Thick and mobile, it went through up into her ass, making her almost scream out as she felt it moved within her. The next one moved right into her vagina, though a little more gently as it was not as large and expansive as her intestines. “For now, I must make do with what I can with you if I am to capture another one.” Amy felt the things firmly plant themselves in her, as they began to pump in slow, rythemnic motions. She could only moan as she felt them pump, but not things into her, but out of her. These tentacles purpose was to act as a temporary node for the Stealer, to which she could temporary take on their traits. Absorbing enough DNA for her to use. With that, the stealer did as she was named. Using her new power, she began to change her form. Her grey body now became pink. Her near nonexistent eyes now began to round and become large like Amys, but remained red. Her mouth became more like a muzzle, but still as long. She managed to hide some of her fishy looks under her newly forming body. The fish girl even managed to develop nipples and a vagina, something she had not had before, both which would help in disguising herself. Unfortunately for the fish girl, the only thing on her head she could replicate is her ears, leaving her bald. “Mmmm…I was hoping to have your hair,” said the Oni to her meal, patting her stomach, “Oh well, I can decide what I want to keep and leave when I rest to absorb you all. For now, enjoy the ride he he he he….” She said, her creepy laughter echoing as she went back to swimming in the water, following the river again to look out for new prey. Amy could only jiggle and wiggle, moaning as she felt herself be dragged with the Oni. “Could this be how it ends for me…?” she said, now hoping that the next girl would be more lucky then her, maybe even save her from this terrible fate… TO BE CONTINUED
Night of a Demons Feast Part 2 By VladDrakken(DAK) All sonic characters belong to SEGA/Sonic Team. Idea inspired for demon character by powerrangersfan12. The fish Oni continued swimming through the cities river, as having swam for a few minutes. Her first meal was a success and now thanks to the gasses her body naturally makes, Amy was completely at her mercy, or lack thereof. Amy could barely move, and what movement she did made barely bulged and moved the fat belly on the now pink Aussehenesser Stealer. The fish like Oni had no idea who would be her next meal. She could just rest and begin full absorbing of her meal, but she didn’t want to wait and she was far too eager to form a body that would no dought get her many more Mobians in the future. “You weren’t too difficult,” said the Oni down to her meal. The tentacles latched into Amy continued to pump in her. At the moment it would only act as a temporary way to take Amys characteristics. Amy groaned, the tight space was painful to her and the terrible smell and stench of the gas in her belly only made it worst. “Wh…are you…a Oni?” said Amy. “Of course,” said the Oni, “You can call me, Gali. Not that it matter when I absorb you he he….” “Bitch…” said Amy weakly, as she tried to kick. Her body was weakened though so the kick was a mere poke. Gali almost felt like laughing at her and her pitiful resistance. “Oh don’t worry, I’ll live up to the title,” she said as she soon found another walkway with stairs she could get on. She could see a late night eat area street sign. “Perfect,” she said to herself as she soon grabbed onto the sides and tried to push herself onto the walkway. Gali grunted as she lifted her now fattened body onto the walkway, having not realized until now that holding another person in your belly would make you much heavier than before. The late night eat area was actually just a small area with vending machines. Coffee machines, food machines, and drink machines all set up for anyone who may come to eat there late at night. It was not crowded either, in fact, only one person was there at the moment. A pink echidna with metal parts on one of her dreadlocks, and pink covering her entire body. She wore green short shorts and a green and blue tank top shirt. Her boots were rough looking and with furry parts on the top of them. Julie-Su was her name and she was currently snacking on some chips and cola she bought from the machines. There was far too few places that were open at this time and she didn’t want to be too far from the hotel room. Especially when she was cooped up in the suite with a bunch of guys, seeing as Chaotix joined up on their vacation to the city. She was bored however, with little much to do at this time of night. She even thought of finding and talking to Rouge in the city. She shook her head, the very idea just makes her wish something interesting would happen. Indeed there would be. The Stealer could see her next prey in the court. Her slick, slimy tongue glid over her lips as she could just think of the parts of her she could use. Her dreadlocks, her eye color, even her body, more to add to her own form. “Perfect…” Gali said to herself as she was about to walk over. But she stopped, as she looked and noticed the difference between her and the echidna, a difference she noticed on the pink hedgehog too. They both had clothes, and she didn’t. They were both girls, but she figured that it would still weird the echidna out that she was utterly nude and showing her bits off. Gali hid back onto the stairs, contemplating on what she should do. Should she try to sneak up on the echidna, or try a more casual way? She looked over again to get a look of the area. They were not in a residential area and if she moved fast she could prevent anyone from hearing her, so it be poor luck if anyone heard her. She began to sneak onto the sidewalk, as she used what little cover she could. The most she had was the tables and lamp post. Julies back was turned to her so it was much easier for her to move from her sight. But She couldn’t make too much noise, or a fight would be unavoidable. Julie continued to eat her chips, just looking out onto the cityscape. It reminded her all too much of Echidnaopolis, the proud city she had lived in for much of her life. She sighed to herself, feeling a little home sick as their vacation now enters its fourth day. She continued to sip her soda, but as she did, she couldn’t help but feel like she was being watched. She continued to eat her chips, looking to the sides. The feeling continued to creep on her, as the fish like Oni began to sneak up more and more on her. Her cheeks slowly feeling up with gas, which eased up Amys accommodations, but not enough to allow her to regain her strength. The demon was getting closer and closer to Julie, as she began to raise herself to tower over the echidna as she sat there. Her cheeks full, Gali was fully ready to belch. But just as she was about to let it out, Julie quickly jumped to the side as the gassy, smelly belch was let out onto the table. Julie had just missed it, getting only a small wiff of it. Without a large some of it being inhaled like it was to Amy, the effects could not take hold. “Crap I missed!” said Gali, as she turned quickly to where Julie jumped to. The echidna already was standing at the ready to fight the Oni. “I don’t know what your trying to do, but I don’t think its anything good for me,” she said, rather annoyed of this sudden interruption. “I’ll make you wish you just let me gas you,” said the Stealer, as she glared down at the echidna. Even Julie could tell, despite the absorbed looks that something was odd about this being. The transformation was not complete and it showed that she obviously was not Mobian, “Just what the hell are you anyway?” “I am a Aussehenesser Stealer, I eat people and steal their appearances,” she grinned, the frightful appearance of her seemingly toothless mouth filled Julie with a sense of fear as she gazed upon the strange being, “I already gulped down one person, but I need more. The more I have, the more perfect my form can become…and the more meals I can obtain!” she yelled out as she tried to grab at the Echidna. Julie quickly aimed for her bloated stomach, and punched as hard as she could into her. Amy felt the blow as she was sent back to the stomachs walls, the tentacles still latched in her private areas. Amy was annoyed by this, but knew she could barely do anything about her situation. “Hey!...Watch it!” she said, kicking back, unaware of whoever it was that was punching her prison. The kicks had a little more strength now, but it would not be long before the gas started to reform and fill the demons cauldron of a belly. Julie could see the bulges inside, as she became alarmed of what she did. Whoever the demon ate was inside that gut, and punching the fish demon would only hurt the person inside. The Oni didn’t even seem to real in pain from it too much, but it did throw her off. “Crap…that’s not a good idea,” Julie said under her breath. She would have to try to aim in other areas, at least until she could beat this thing down. Gali quickly pushed one of the tables into the echidna, sending her back onto the ground, as she tried to get the upper hand again on her dinner to be. Julie was just under the table when she saw the demon start to get onto the table that was pinning her down. She quickly tried to slide out from under but is quickly pinned down onto the ground. Gali had managed to outwit her opponent, and grabbed her by her wrists. She lifted her up to see her face again, as the echidna tried to the kick the larger demon. “LET ME GO!” she yelled out in frustration, trying to kick Gali. “Heheheh, you were a bit of a challenge, but not too much,” she said to the echidna. Inside, the gas began to reform itself, as Amy once again started to feel weak again. It didn’t take long though for it to start disappearing though as it traveled up the Onis throat. “Oh no…!” thought Amy, her would be savior must have been beaten. Barely able to stand up or do anything from the prolonged exposure to the fumes , she could only fear for the persons life…as well as the little comfort she had in her space. Julie continued, almost spitting at the Stealer, “Fine then, you wanna piece of me? Why don’t you just take a nice chunk of me then!” said Julie yelling at Gali some more, “Oh my dear, don’t worry, I intend to take the whole thing,” she said, as her cheeks bloated out again. Julie knew now that whatever it was she did before, she was about to get a face full of it. Her lips parted, as a strong, gassy belch hit Julies face like a punch. The sheer smell reaked worst then when she got barely a wiff of it. She coughed as the fumes clouded her head, but still kicking at her legs wanting to fight. But then she began to feel just like Amy. Her body weakened, her legs no longer working like they should, and her fleash and body getting much much softer. “Wh-what did you…” she said, feeling herself become numb from the belch. “I found that my body produces a special gas that could knock out most normal living creatures. I honed and managed to enchant it so to make swallowing meals far much easier,” she said, as her lips now part once more, as Julie got a good look at her coming fate. Before Julie could even scream out for help, she was shoved head first into the demons mouth. The smell could only get worse as she was shoved deeper and deeper into the demons mouth. The wet inner maw was not a comfortable place to be slammed into, as she could also feel the Stealers tounge happily glide and lick the under side of the echidnas body. “He-hey quit that!” she said, as her face went red in embarrassment. The demon would retort to this but she is a lady, and a lady does not talk with her mouth full. Julies head was pushed to the back to the demons throat, as she felt her breasts being licked by the demons tongue, her stomach gliding as well on the hot, moist muscle. The demon couldnt help but swallow the Mobians head a bit, in order to fit the whole creature inside her maw. Julie couldn’t believe this. She was a skilled fighter, now begin served as nothing more then a piece of meat for this otherworldly being. She could feel her ass shoved hard into the tight insides. Cause of her body being much softer it was easier to shove her into the mouth. Julie tried her best to fight back, grabbing hold of the things tongue with what little strength she still had. The demon only chuckled, as the legs and feet were shoved in next. She clamped her jaws closed, enjoying her meal for a bit more as she wiggled and jiggled inside her mouth and throat. But all good things had to come to a end, as would be this echidnas life. With that, she raised her head, and gave a massive gulp, just like she did with Amy. Julie yelled out in horror ,as she found herself traveling down the slink inner workings of the demon. Unable to fight against her fat as she felt her body form a bulge, heading straight for the demons bloated gut. Her face poked out into her new room, as she finally got a glimpse of her room mate for the night. Her eyes widened in horror as the two saw each other eye to eye. “Julie?!” yelled out Amy, as she saw her. She tried with what strength she could to push her back but was not enough as Julie landed right on top of the pink hedgehog. Their softened, numbed bodies too weak to really hurt each other from the impact. “Gah…so you’re the one I punched…sorry…” she said as she tried to get up. The gas had begun to fill the chamber again, leaving Julie to cough again, “This stuff…its too powerful for me…” she said, “And by Aurora does it reek to high heaven!” “This demon…she’s going to…” said Amy, as she soon saw more tentacles form from the stomach walls, as they tried to penetrate into Julie. “Julie don’t let those things get into you!” was Amys reply, unable to help much in her position, her space now even tighter and difficult to move with the added member to the demons personal belly club. The tentacles had trouble with Julies pants, as they were not as soft as Amys panties. “Heh, I don’t think it will do any good…” said Julie with a snicker, “At least I won on something with this bitch…” But just as it seemed she be fine, the tentacles showed some sentience, as it began to grab onto her zipper, and pull it down. Julie became alarmed as she tried to hold her pants up. Her strength sapped now, she was barely able to hold on as she felt the two tentacles ram themselves in. She let out a loud moan of both pain, and in a strange way, pleasure, feeling them shove deep into her inner halls. Red from both embarrassment and the fact she had just been violated by tenticles, her anger became visible on her face, “Oh you slut of a demon!” she yelled out, trying to punch on the demons walls, finding soon that her punches were no good. “Hehe, go ahead and try Echidna,” she said, “It will be over soon. Now that I have two of you in me, I can go find a nice place to hibernate…and digest you both,” she said, patting her belly, now grown twice the size it had already, “And soon all that is you, will be part of me!” Amy and Julie could only be filled with dread, as they find themselves unable to fight back against their captor. Their fate truly was sealed now, and they would likely become one with this fiend. Just as the fish Oni began to return, she could hear a car make its way down the street . She looked quickly for a hiding place, as she ran to hide behind one of the benches. Her added weight was now becoming heavier, making her mobility far worst then before. But she managed to hide her fat form(Just barely) behind one of the city benches. The car that parked at the food court was white, the back shapped like bat ears, with the design like a modified old car. A symbol on the side could be seen, bat wings and ears on a green emerald. The driver was a bat, white furred on her head, with tanned skin. She could tell, cause she was wearing what looked like a towel around her body, her legs and arms exposed. She obviously was wearing a bikini, black, but it wasen’t clear to what kind of bikini it was. She climbed out of the car, as she walked over to the vending machines. “Gah…whats with this palce? Id figure this city would keep it cleaner,” she said, unaware of the fight that had preceded that had knocked over so many tables and chairs, as well as Julies soda on the ground. She put in some money and bought herself a soda, a Diet drink of course. No sense in letting her go out of shape. She bent over to pick up the soda, giving a nice good look of her rather plump rear, much to the satisfaction of the demoness who watched. “Mmm this should be good enough,” she said as she walked back and got into her car. “With this time of night, the beach should be all to myself,” she said, as she lightly tapped on the gas again and began to head straight into the direction of the beach. Galis greediness was getting over her again. The bats figure was perfect. All that chubbiness in her form, her thighs, her hips, her ass, and probably even her breasts would be MUCH more perfect for her. She couldn’t resist. “one more,” she said to herself, “THEN I will hibernate. Consider yourself lucky my tasty morsels,” she said, as she headed back down towards the cities river way, “You get to live a little longer hehehehehe….” But on the roof of a nearby building, another demoness was watching what was going on, having just arrived in the area. Her purple eyes glaring down on the mortal being as she left, and the Oni who had clearly went after her. Her form could not be seen easily, as shadows hid her. A white toothy grin appeared, as her bat ears perked up, “It seems a demon is walking onto my turf…” she said to herself, as the small hovering bat wings formed into far larger ones, “I guess its time to lay down my law. If anyone’s going to be eating these mortals…it will be me.” With that, she took off into the night sky, as she too headed towards the beach. TO BE CONTINUED
Night of a Demons Feast Part 3 By VladDrakken(DAK) All sonic characters belong to SEGA/Sonic Team. Idea inspired for demon character by powerrangersfan12. A quiet beach, a lovely moonlight, and a little swim. It was the perfect way for Rouge to enjoy her vacation. Why bother being in the hot sun, beating down on you while having to deal with the crowd? Of course there are some people who’d love to spend time at this time on the beach, but luckily for her it seemed she would be the only one down here. She had parked her car in the small parking lot not far up the beach, laying out her beach towel onto the sandy floor. The towel she had used to cover her body now exposed it. A single black swimsuit, with a v shaped front and back was all she had on, gripping onto her body to conceal it, as a knot on the neck kept the two sides together. She was not chubby, but she have quite a full figure, with her rear sticking out with her large firm breasts being held in barely by the outfit. Normally not allowed at this beach but with no one around who would complain about a skimpy swim suit? She sat on the beach ground as she listened to the beach waves climb up and back down on the beach. Omega didn’t seem to care much for going to the beach, and Shadow especially was not at all willing to do anything fun. She offered to go to the casino, but he refused which wasn’t too surprising. Rouge poked into her bag, looking for some of her reading material. Inside she had a few books, sun screen lotion(For if she decides to go to the beach in the day time), make up products, and a Glock pistol. Just in case some mugger or someone tried to get the best on her. With her sensitive ears, she would be able to pick the Glock up long before they would relies she knows they are there. She didn’t expect any trouble though the crime rate is relatively low in this city. She laid her head on the towel, looking up into the sky at the stars. To her nothing more than balls of gas in the sky, but somehow they make the night all the more beautiful. The stars stared down from the heavens upon the beach, and on the white furred beauty that lied there. Rouge smiled as she closed her eyes, relaxing as the beach waves made their way up and down the beach as peace and quiet took over. But what is this? She could easily sense it, from the sound of movement on the sand and the splashing of the oceans water. Someone was approaching, walking towards her. She didn’t see anyone, perhaps she wasn’t paying attention? Rouge opened her eyes as she looked down to who might be the intruder of her peace and quiet. A strange creature, a mix of echidna and hedgehog, yet for some reason Rouge is reminded of a fish. She was pink, with regular echidna hair and dreadlocks. Her body looked smooth with fur, yet closer look would reveal scales. The woman that came to her was also naked, with water dripping all over her body. The wetness giving her body a extra shine on her rather large looking belly. Little did Rouge realize that it was the Aussehenesser Stealer Gali, and she had picked her for her next meal. “Mmmmm, I didn’t expect anyone to be coming onto the beach while I was swimming,” said the pink woman, as she stood hovering over Rouge, her water dripping onto Rouges tanned body, “nor did I expect anyone to be out here. If you want you can sit,” said Rouge as she sat up. Gali sat down next to Rouge, her belly jiggling like a water balloon, filled with the occupants of Amy and Julie. But Rouge had no idea that they were in there. “Truthfully I wouldn’t think a woman in your condition would be swimming out here alone…and…” said Rouge, before being butted in by the Stealer “Naked? I don’t see why not, its a lot nicer then constricting clothes.” “True,” said Rouge as she just watched her guest. She wasn’t anything she’s seen before. Then again, hybrids were at times rare on Mobius. “In fact, why don’t you take off that suit yourself? I’m sure that lovely body of yours is screaming to be freed,” said the Oni, as Rouge shoke her head, “Nah, I’m good as is,” she said, as she took a drink of her soda she had at her side. “Blast,” Though Gali, “Something else I’ll have to crap out when I absorb her.” “So how far are you?” said Rouge to the Oni. “How far?” Gali looked confused, wondering what in the world she meant, Rouge then said “Your pregnancy. You obviously must be pregnant since your belly fat doesn’t match the rest of your body.” “Oh any time now,” she said, not really aware of what the time line for the usual Mobian pregnancy, “if you like, you can rub it he he…” Rouge nodded, as she soon placed her hands on it, rubbing it softly. Gali looked over her to be meal with admiration. So shapely. So plump in all the right places. Indeed she with the others would make her chubby, but with her DNA, she could easily be a bomb shell to her other meals to come. Her attention was off of the Oni and now on the belly, which meant now was the time to get ready. Her cheeks slowly began to puff up, as the gas left her stomach. Rouge though noticed it, that the belly had shrunk a little as she rubbed. Rouges eyes cocked, wondering why her belly was suddenly shrinking. In fact, she noticed a few bulges in it, bulges that you shouldn’t have if you were pregnant. Rouge looked up, seeing her cheeks puff up as her belly shrank and got tighter. Rouge quickly jumped to the side just as she belched into the air, as Rouge now was on her knee, getting ready for a fight with the Oni, “I have no idea what you had planned, but I doubt it was good,” she said as she stood up. The oni rose up herself, her belly now tighter, showing the bulges of obviously full of past meals, still weakly struggling inside her belly, “Isn’t it obvious? Even I can tell you know.” “Yeah, your not making a meal of me,” she said, “So which are you, cultist or Oni? Or abit of both?” “Oni dear,’ she said, “And tonight will be the last night of your life!” Despite the weight in her belly, she charged at the bat girl, as Rouge landed a kick square into her , sending her to the side, “Last one to have said that ended up taking a trip into my own bowels dear,” she said, as the Oni tried to get back up, as sand now covered some of her body. “Don’t you care for the people inside my stomach?” she said, hoping to use this like the other girl and guilt her into weakening her attack. “If I get eaten, going easy on them too won’t mean jack,” she said, as she took her turn on the offense, kicking at the Aussehenesser Stealer. The stealer wasen’t use to fighting a skilled fighter, or with a full stomach, but she managed to at least hold her own. Gali looked for the right time, but mostly she was trying to hold off the bat at least until she can get ready another belch attack. Inside Amy and Julie was abit more able to move around now, as they tried to move around, unaware of whom else was the Oni trying to make a meal of. Sand danced, as waters splashed the shore as the two fought. Rouge was managing to land a few good blows on the Oni, but cause of a Onis extra strength, it would take more for her to down her. But Gali could feel her stomach begin to fill up again with the gas, as her meals weakened again. Now was her chance to make her move, as she swooshed her tail under Rouges legs, sending her onto the sandy floor. As she readied her belch, Rouge realized how stupid she was. Why wasn’t she just using her gun? Rouge quickly crawled to her purse, as she went through the contents as fast as possible to get out the gun. Galis cheeks were fully puffed up and ready to blow as she got closer. Rouge found the gun, her suit now having lost some of its holding, exposing her breasts as it hang, her frontal part about to be exposed as well. She pulled out the gun, taking off the safety, as she and the Oni met face to face as she tried to pull the trigger. It was too late, just as she was, a blast of air hit her face, as Gali belched right into her face. Rouge coughed and cussed as she took in the nasty, nauseating gas. But just as she was going to try to shoot, her hand fell limp holding the gun. The gun that was easy to hold up like a full can of soda now felt like she was holding a anvil. Her body now had taken on the effects of the gas as she began to lose feeling. “Wh-what the hell!?” she yelled out, as she now noticed she was over shadowed by her attacker. Rouge could only stare up in both anger and fear, as she realized she had lost her last chance at saving herself. The Oni picked up the gun, looking it over with a smirk, “Primitive,” she said, a “A silly little projectile.” She threw it as hard as she could into the water, to make sure it couldn’t be used anymore even if Rouge had escaped. Not that she would. For now it was time for desert. Gali picked up the bat girl into her hands, holding her up to her face. She was heavier than the other two, and no doubt would slow her down more than the others, but a small cost for beauty. The Stealer licked her lips as the bats eyes were wide. Rouge couldn’t tell which was conquering her most. Fear of her coming fate, or anger at the fish Oni for using what to Rouge was a cheap way to win. “Mmmmmmm, you look soooo…delicious…” she said, as her tongue played along the bats soft, ample breasts. She wanted to taste this one, for no doubt she was the most delicious looking meal of the group. “You better let me go!” the bat said in anger, as she tried to kick, but finding her legs completely and unwilling to move. “I’m afraid I just can’t do it. Even if I did you’ve seen me…and I rather you NOT be going around telling people to look out for me,” she said, “But don’t worry, you won’t be alone my dear.” She opened her gums wide, showing her rather impressively large mouth to Rouge, “Time to chow down!” Unlike Julie or Amy who wanted to scream, Rouge could only let out a loud “NO!” as she found herself right between the jaws of the gluttonous fish Oni. Rouges fat breasts squished up onto her chest, as the Oni murred in utter satisfaction as she began to press the bat into her mouth. Rouge moaned and groaned very loudly as she felt herself being devoured alive by this demon. Her large ample rear hanging out of the creatures lips as they were played with by the Onis wondering hands, but that was not all she was doing. She figure she let a little insult to injury, and began to finger her in her tail hole. Rouge yelled out in anger as she found herself being fingered in the ass. “HEY CUT THAT OUT!” she yelled out, though to no avail, her face now smothered by the creatures throat muscles as it pulled her in, “Oh gods no!” The Oni continued to play with the bats ass, imagining just what it be like to have it. She could already picture her turning the bat, unwillingly of course, into ass fat as she is utterly absorbed. It was difficult though, as her cheeks bloated out taking in Rouges ass. She already felt like she couldn’t take in anymore so she had to go with a different plan. She lifted her head, and began to suck in and gulp the bat girl in a regular way. She wasn’t too much of a fan of it, as it didn’t seem as fun. But if she tried the other way she feared her cheeks would explode. Rouge could feel the vibrations as the Oni sucked her in, her body going in back and forth down into the fishes gut. Rouge utterly hated the smell of the fishes insides, and she hadn’t gotten into her belly yet. Her legs slid down Galis lips, as she gulped down the bat woman more and more. Rouges face began to break free of the Onis throat, as she got to see her room mates. Julie and Amy looked rough from being inside the Onis stomach for a while, as the gas pretty much acted as their air to breath, but luckily for them, the full absorption has not began. If it had, Rouge wouldn’t even recognized them… “Wha…what are you two…!?” Said Rouge as she felt her body now beginning its full decent, soon the speed getting faster. Rouge tried to get back up but was completely helpless. The smell was no better to Rouge then it was Julie or Amy, as she filled up the Onis belly even more. Gali could feel Rouge now inside her, weakly wiggling inside her gut as she took in Rouges feet. The Oni licked the last bit of the bats body, before she finally gulped the last of her into her maw. She patted her now utterly bloated belly, she couldn’t help but be amazed at just how much she had devoured. She let out a loud, not so gassy belch as Rouges bikini was spat out, drenched utterly in drool. “Mmmm, well, at least I won’t have to worry about that.” “Rouge get your fat tits out of my face!” yelled out Julie, as she got a nice look at Rouges breasts up close. “I can’t even move myself, you think this is any comfortable for me?” she said. Rouges position wasn’t’ a comfortable one. With so little space for them and so little ability to move, they were defiantly in a bad spot. The heat inside was even worst now with their combined body heat. Though Rouge felt utterly embarrassed now as she was fully naked, even though she knew this was the least of her troubles. Not long though Rouge felt something shove its way up into her anus, as she let out a loud groan, “OH GOD! What the hell is she doing to me now?!” “Its some kind of tentacle…” said Amy. “Its my absorbing tentacle,” said Gali as she stood proudly, looking down on her large, squishy gut, “With each one I am able to what traits I need temporarily. Of course, as soon as I get to a nice spot, they will pump a nice little liquid into you to prepare you.” “Prepare us…?” said Julie confused as she could still feel hers bulging in her own ass. “Digestion of course he he…” said the Oni evilly, as dread covered the girls. The bat was watching all this from afar on one of the buildings, as she held one of her hands up over her eyes. “Rouge put up a better fight then Julie, not surprising,” said Night, “But if my guess is right, she’s about ready to hibernate now…I better stop her before it’s too late.” The large fat bat quickly flew down the building heading as her wings glide across the air towards her target. TO BE CONTINUED
Night of a Demons Feast Part Final By VladDrakken(DAK) All sonic characters belong to SEGA/Sonic Team. Idea inspired for demon character by powerrangersfan12. All characters belong to their respected owners. The Aussehenesser Stealer had completed her mission. Her belly was now filled to the brim, and she was ready to find somewhere secluded to begin the full absorption process. Her belly was almost motionless, with the movements mostly by her tentacles inside. Amy, Rouge, and Julie were all unable to move that much or even push on the stomach walls, as they were now sloppy, slimy meals inside her belly. Trapped in a thick layer of a fleshy prison, which would inevitably be their last time they are whole. With so little room to move, so little air to breathe other then the obnoxious fumes that the fish oni produced, they were stuck to moaning and wiggling weakly. Making weak pleads for freedom that would no doubt go unanswered. Though eventually more tentacles will appear and stick themselves in their mouths. The process of the Stealers digestion is unique, in that it’s not absorbing meals to feed off energy, but rather to absorb the DNA of the prey to use it for themselves. A stealer will find a secluded place to hide and sleep, while its body begins to pump juices into the prey. The juice used is pumped into the prey, filling them to the brim of practically bursting. The liquid slowly begins to soften up and melt the prey, as the pump begins to take in the goop, now mixed with the preys DNA. As it does this, the prey loses their form. Everything that is theirs, their looks, their voices, everything that made them individuals is taken away and fully absorbed into the Oni. If the process stopped here, they would be just plain, colorless, formless beings with only the ability to murmur, as their consciousness would still be intact. While the Oni sleeps, she selects what she wants for her new body, even able to mix traits together (Like breasts and what not) to make her body just as she wants. Though once this process is done, the goopy remains of the prey are pushed on into her intestines which serve little real purpose other than to absorb what little energy the prey had left. In the morning, if the prey hasn’t lost conscious and passed on now, would likely pass on now after the stealer basically shits out the prey into a goopy pile, with absolutely nothing to recall who the prey were. All except clothes which the stealer is completely unable to digest. Some unlucky souls accidently in this process get sucked up in the powerful absorption process, thus forcing them to be forever one with the demon that devoured them. Gali grinned to herself as she began to waddle towards the beach, now quite happy of her successful hunt, if not ready to burst from the sheer size and tightness of her belly. “When I’m done with you, no one will recognize you,” she said, “Soon you will be sacrificed to make me far more beautiful than I could ever be before hehehehhehe!” Only dread could fill the girls at this, that and the eventually coming of the digestive liquid that will pump into them. But little did they realize, all hope was not lost just yet. “Beauty huh?” said a strong, female Russian voice behind the Stealer, turning around now to confront the one who had said that behind her back. Standing there was a large, female bat. White fur covered her body, save for her muzzle, most of her form was pure fat on her waist, thighs, and breasts. She stood taller than the stealer, with a black one piece outfit to cover her middle combined with a loincloth on the front and back. She wore black, thigh high boots and long black gloves. Her hat was black as well, with a purple moon on it which glittered just as brightly as the red hammer and sickle ear ring on her ear. Her purple eyes gazed down at the fish Oni who was a shrimp to a big fish now. “Well well what do we have here? A Aussenhenesser Stealer?” said the bat as she walked around the fish oni, swaying her massive hips side to side, “What? How did you…? Are you a demonologist or something?” Gali said, keeping her eyes on the bat woman circling her, “No dear. I’m a Oni, just like you,” she said, “But you seem to be a rather bottom of the food chain Oni to me.” The fish girl felt intimidated by the large bat woman, but as she looked upon her, feeling the powerful aurora she emitted, she realized just who she was, as her mouth gaped in horror. The purple and earth colored tattoo on her arm, showed that she was Night Blackwing. A infamous demoness sorceress who devoured hundreds of demons lords, sending entire Oni worlds into chaos, devouring all that she pleased. So much so, she was welcomed as a World Eater, a tier of god like Oni occupied to the most hungry , wise, and powerful Oni known of all existence. She married Malice Darkclaw, a fellow fox Oni who she had a hand in birthing and overthrew his own father in defiance. “Night Blackwing? What in the world would a Oni like you be doing in such a desolate place?” she said, looking upon the bat demoness. “Demoness dear,” she said rubbing her finger on the fish Onis chin, “Oni is a name for a base demon, I’m beyond that, with cults to back it. I was here mostly with some…I guess you would call, friends,” she said, soon rubbing her finger down the Stealers cleavage, all the way to her belly, “Friends who you happen o have snacked on under my nose.” Gali grabbed her belly, pushing it away from Night, “Back off, their mine now!” she said, annoyed, almost yelling at Night. She was unwilling to part with her meals after all. “I don’t think you get it dear,” said Night, now dropping her friendly demeanor for a more serious tone, “Your on my territory, eating my…well, unofficial, children. I rather you not be eating them since…well, I WANT to eat them!” “So what?” said the Oni sticking her tongue, “You’re just another stupid Oni to me. We stealers are above you demons no matter what you say. Were a prodigy of evolution!” she turned her head away, slowly beginning to puff up her cheeks with the gas. She had a plan that if work…well, if it does work she may not even be able to move but if she was successful, she would be able to absorb a tier 4 Oni, making her the most powerful stealer who ever lived! “Alright dear, I guess I have to show you what happens to those who step on my turf,” said Night as she got ready to grab the fish Oni. Just as she was about to, Gali turned around, belching right into Nights face, as she was taken by surprise of this. Gali grinned, watching as the bat coughed and tried to swat away the smelly gas. She waited for the inevitable results of her attack. But Night did not stop, or seem to weakened from the attack, in fact, she grinned, as she looked back down at the fish Oni, who herself was looking up in wide, dish plate sized eyes in shock. She had failed to realize that her would be prey was far beyond mortal, and almost even far beyond demon. “My…my belch…?” said Gali is shock, slowly backing up. But just as she did Night grabbed her neck with her black gloved hands, as she got her close to Night, pressing their two, soft bellies together. “You call that a belch?” said Night, “I’ve taken far gassier belches from my husband. Now THIS is a belch,” said Night. Just as the fish Oni had done, Nights cheeks puffed out, and shrunk down as Night opened her jaws to unleash a powerful belch, far raunchier than Galis own belch. Her eyes bloodshot, as the smell went into the inner workings of her nose. She fell to the ground, tearing up, coughing like mad to the point of nearly vomiting. Not only had she taken the belch of Night, but also almost everything else she had eaten that remained in her stomach. And some cheesy nachos and jalapenos, likely a midnight snack she got from a Seven/Eleven. “I normally like using magic,” said the large white bat Oni, as she grabbed the Stealer again, “But I think brute force will get my point across just as well,” she said. Before Gali could respond, she felt the bat grab hold of her jaws as she began to pull them apart. She tried grabbing at Nights palms to make her stop, her tail swaying violently as her legs were. Night pulled with all her strength, that which was far greater than the fish Oni who opposed her. With a loud, popping sound the fish Oni growled in anger and pain, as her bottom jaw now hang loosely. Night shoved her fat arm down right into the slimy Stealers innards, as she began to dig and get her hand into the stomach of the fish woman. Gali could only gargle and groan, as she felt Night dig into her very bowels for the meals inside her stomach. Rouge felt her hand grab onto her arm, unaware of who it was or what the commotion was going on outside. But she soon felt herself pulled up into the throat, in almost complete reverse of her entrance from earlier. She could see nothing but dark, throat flesh, until finally she could see light again, and breathe clean, fresh air. She gazed back at Night as she felt the tentacle that was attached to her finally let go as she no longer felt violated. Night soon pulled and laid Rouge onto the sandy beach, breathing in the air as she looked up at her savior. “Ni…Night?” she said weakly, as she finally began to regain her strength, lost to Galis gassy stomach. “One moment dear, I’m busy with this bitch,” said Night as she pulled her slimy, wet hand back into the fishes long, fleshy tube of a throat. Julie-su and Amy saw what happened to Rouge, and soon they began to regain their hope. The next to be taken out was Julie-su, who was on top of Amy. She was pulled out just like Rouge. From the dark, damp bowels of the fish Oni, back into the dry, light (or lack thereof considering its night time). She was laid right on the side with Rouge, as she too began to regain her breath. “Did you have to save her?” said Rouge, not really too fond of Julie being freed as well. “Sorry dear, it’s a matter of pride,” she said. Gali used what strength she had to slap Night, quickly releasing her grip from her. The Stealer Oni tried her best to get to the water, hoping to at least escape, even if greatly harmed, with the last meal she had left. But before she could dip into the cold, wet surface of ocean water, she was pulled back by the larger bat demoness, having grabbed her tail just before she could get away. “After all…” continued Night, pulling the fish girl under her, as she almost sat on the fish girls chest, prying her mouth open again, “Gilly here deserves a bit of punishment for trying to eat me,” she said. “ITS GALI GAURGH” yelled out the Stealer, as she found Nights hand right back in her throat, digging around for the last of her meals. Amy was grabbed this time by the leg, and pulled her up feet first up and out of the throat. Amy was laid down right next to the other girls, who were now beginning to be able to move their limbs and lose the affect of the gas. But before they could thank the bat goddess who saved them, she held up her finger, “One moment, momma needs to take out the trash first.” Gali didn’t know what she meant, but soon found Night lobbing the fish girl into the air, still holding her tail as she slammed her into the ground, tenderizing her as she basically beat down the fish girl onto the ground. The mortal Mobians watched as their once pred is literally beat and thrown about like a rag doll. Once Night felt like she was finished, she began to twirl the fish girl one final time, finally throwing her into the air above her. Gali was utterly beaten, bruised, and barely able to move. Now in the air, she had no idea what Night had planned. But as she descended, she realized, in utter horror, that a large, gaping maw was awaiting her. She let out a loud scream that was quickly muffled, as she basically fell into Nights gullet, and gulped almost in the same manner the fish Oni had gulped her meals, as she expanded the bad demonesses already large girth. Night let out a loud belch, as she turned up the digestive acids in her stomach to full extent, to make sure the Oni wouldn’t even have a chance to try to escape. The belly thrashed and poked out as Gali resisted, as she was being utterly digested by Night, no doubt to be forever absorbed, body and soul, into Night. “Mmmmm…I’m not sure why Molly likes sushi. I probably should of cooked Gilly,” said Night as she licked her fingers, “Or maybe saved some hot cheese for her. Oh well…” Sometime later, Night lead the girls to a nearby hotel pool area, where the snuck in and used the pool showers to clean themselves up of all the gunk and goop that was on them, as well as the sand from when they were on the beach. Night wasn’t able to find her bikini, so Rouge was covered in her towel. She would complain since it was her favorite bikini, but considering the situation, she rather be in a towel than be in her birthday suit out in public. “Thank you Night…” said Amy, as the girls rested on the lounge chairs. Night stood over the three, as her belly now had all but digested the fish woman. She just patted her belly in satisfaction, “Your welcome dears. Truthfully you were lucky my belly was grumbling for a snack or otherwise I would not of noticed your disappearance Amy,” said Night, “Regardless, she won’t be of any trouble now. She’s on a one way trip through hell, aka, my intestines. The girls laughed weakly, “Yeah, whats this, like the hundredth time you saved us from some demons gut?” said Rouge. “Pretty much, seems like that anyway,” said Julie, “Each being really close calls.” “Your mortals, you’re the most obvious meal for Oni as your one step down to Tier one Onis,” said Night as she sat down next to Rouge. Her weight nearly flinging the bat girl out of her chair, though thankfully just into Nights fat belly “Sorry dear.” “Its ok…at this point, I’m willing to do anything to pay you back,” said Rouge, smiling at last after the whole affair. “Yeah, we’ll do anything to repay you!” said Julie quite happily. The bat demoness grinned wickedly, as the three girls realized their mistake. When it comes to Night, anything really meant ANYTHING. “Is that so dears? Then come here….Momma Night wants to get…close, to you…” Some time later, back in the condo room that the demonic couple stayed, Malice was basically asleep in his underwear, his tight bulge visible in his speedo underwear. Heracee was elsewhere, undoubtly asleep in some weird position if not near her personal alter to her god and goddess. Night silently crept in, as she came back from the beach. She carefully walked over to Malice, pecking him on the cheek with her black lips as she continued on to their bedroom, leaving the TV on for him. After getting into their bedroom, she closed the door, as she soon finally stripped in the secrecy of the room, revealing her belly, now twice the size it was earlier. As said, by anything with Night, literally means anything. Night had said she and Malice would eventually devour them, but save it for the right time. As such, they would just hold them in their stomach, or just reform them later on. “Gah, move your ass Rouge!” said Julie as she tried to get comfy in Nights warm, blue stomach. Though they all three had just got back from the beach, they all were once again naked inside Nights belly, as they had no real sleeping ware at the spot. “Hey don’t blame me, this isn’t that comfy you know,” said Rouge as she tried to adjust her position, “Plus all your doing making her move is suffocating me with her tits!” said Amy. Soon the three felt a large slap on Nights belly as their cell jiggled like crazy, “Now you three calm down in there, or Ill have to turn up the heat for you,” said Night. That was just enough to get the three to chill out, “Don’t worry about your friends, I’ll be sure to let them know your with me when I get up.” “Sorry Night…but it is rather cramped in here,” said Rouge, as she accidently shoved her butt right back in Julies face. “I know dear, but as you guys said, you’d do ANYTHING to repay me,” she said grinning, as she stripped the rest of her clothing, just carelessly laying it anywhere, as she jiggled her large, fat body back over to the bed. As she laid beneath the covers, the occupants inside her stomach jiggled with her, as they got even slimier than before thanks to Nights stomach juices, leaving poor Julie now nearly being sat on by Rouge, while Amy is upright to Rouges face, “Well…this is a rather…awkward position to be…” said Amy, blushing rosy red as she was now breast to breast with Rouge. “ILL SAY! GET YOUR ASS OF ME!” yelled out Julie, mostly muffled, “I swear to Aurora if you fart in my face…!” Night just chuckled, rubbing her belly, now full of her “children.” She just happily licked her lips, as she herself went to bed. Thus ending the Night of a Demons Feast…. THE END
Just a Snack for a Witch By Vlad Drakken (Appetizer Story) (gmilf, mature female, male prey, nudity, vore, digestion) The witch grinned at her latest capture, a young teen, who had found himself straying too far into her domain. Deep in the woods, few would ever come this far, but those foolish enough would find themselves trapped in the same situation this man found himself now. He was helpless, mouth gagged with a apple, hands bound behind him with sausages, and kept on a table that was just high enough to where he was lying back at her hip level. She licked her lips, displaying her darkly colored whitish pink tongue, over her dark, luscious lips. She rubbed her body through the black dress that wrapped around her body to cover her curves, her hips and breasts. The black wimple that wrapped her neck and head, leaving only the face of a rather mature, if not old woman that showed not just her age but her light blue skin, hair concealed under the wraps. Her smile etched into her face with a rather evil grin, pushing her cheek bones to be visible. She leaned down, her large chest soon hanging and falling upon her to-be-prey as he struggles. Close up he could see the smaller details in her face, including her crows feet at her eyes and signs of her advanced age. Late 50s, perhaps going into her 60s, but it seemed she did not let that bother her. Her hand, snaking its way to a nearby bowl as it gripped a metal rod, swirling it around. He could hear the dark chuckle in her voice, her breasts pressing onto him as he could feel the weight on him. “You are a foolish young man my dear,” she said, swirling and churning the broth inside. “No one leaves my home dear. Your soul will be mine, and you will be my dinner!” she pulled the metal out. A soup spoon, holding a fairly large quantity of broth, pouring it right onto the young mans chest and stomach. While the broth was not hot, the warmth of it could be felt. Her cackling laughter heard as she began to pour another spoon full after another. Dripping his face, his arms, even his groin and legs in the foul smelling broth, made of a combination of various vegetables and herbs. He wiggled and squirmed as she applied it over his body, helpless. Once finished, placing the spoon back into its pot, she grabbed hold of her dress, teeth visibly grinning as she opened up her outfit. She showed her nude form before him. Despite her age, she seemed to have maintained her body pretty well. Large breasts, larger than the young man had seen before, sunk downward on her body, her hips wide and no doubt had bore fruit in the past, and her vagina visible and veteran to much action. But it was not fun to which she had done all this. At least, not fun in the traditional sense for the mortal boy. Her hands found themselves on his body, as he felt her grip on him, black nails almost sinking into his skin as she go ta good feel. She opened her maw wide, showing her ivories to him, but also so that her tongue may dance upon his glistening body. She licked upon his chest, moaning in delight at the tastes. He tried to kick, but found it difficult as her claw dug into his leg. He could feel her tongue, lapping at his hardened nipple as the long oddly colored tongue enjoyed the succulent and young taste. She got close enough to where her lips made contact upon him as she got some of the stuff on her face. She pulled away, licking off the broth with her tongue. “I enjoy eating my meals...messily. It makes it more fun...” Her right hand, found its way to his groin. She looked upon it to find that indeed, the action had made him rock hard despite being aware of his coming doom. “Oh...it seems your quite excited deer...” she said, aged hand and fingers fondling his balls and the base of his rod. She could hear the small groans in his voice as the pleasure slowly worked its way. “Such a lovely specimen...it is a shame that I shall be your first and last...or perhaps a honor? Well, I'll leave that to you dear...” She could feel her own body tense up, her heart slowly beating faster. She could tell from the small dribble from her leg she was getting wet. It would be a shame to just go ahead and him. She had been with a number of men, some barely older than he, and most ended up with the same fate. She did not plan for a little “extra” fun, but why not? She pushed him abit further onto the table, to give space for her. The table was made of a strong wood, with strong stone legs and support. It hold them both, and she knew this from experience as well. She quickly got onto the hard table and soon the young man found himself with a towering, blue witch straddling him, cock rubbing against the bottom part of her vagina and ass as she found her spot. Knees, pressing upon the table and on his sides, breasts drooping as she held her hands on the table, letting them hang just above him. The erect, darkly colored nipples swollen and nearly in his face. “I am a merciful god dear, and I will grant you one last act of pleasure before I send you to my depths...” She grabbed hold of the cock and rose herself just enough to help find its target, once she had the tip pressing upon the lips of her pussy, she began to press down. He felt his rod descend into the darkness of the witches cooch. A small, audible moan escaping her lips as it sinks into her. It was a easy fit for her. The years had made it loose, but warm enough for him. She held her grin as she began to wiggle her hips, her butt resting upon his legs. She was almost a amazon compared to him, but she was determined to make this work regardless. He was helpless through the whole experience, and any protest he could say would be muffled by the apple in his mouth. Before long, she began to grind. Her hips began to move up and down in a slow, rhythmic pattern, her hands, finding themselves back into their place next to the sides of his head. Her own moans, slow at first, began to pick up pace as the humping grew in intensity. Her moaning much more audible, while his was still muffled. The increasing tension, making both hearts slowly racing more and more, along with sweat slowly began to build on both their bodies. Her nails began to dig into the table as her own intensity grew. A almost animal like growl heard in her voice as she continued as each second passed in pure sexual ecstasy. Her breasts, jiggling as the two fat orbs dangled over his head. Wobbling, ever so intently as if begging to be grabbed. Something he probably would do if not for being tied, so they dangled there, tempting him, along with the nipples undoubtedly aching to be sucked. As if it was not enough, the broth rubbed and glossed her own body, as she became messy in fluids. Soon to be added as her humping grew in intensity. Her ass pounded upon his legs as she increased to a speed nearing cumming. Her juices had reached boiling point and were about to steam. She gritted her teeth in one, long, groan, before finally letting out a cry of pure lust, cum soon flowing from her vagina and onto the young males cock. His own juices would intermingle soon after, as the pressure built around his cock in that final move. Finally, the two had stopped, one female kneeing above the male. Heavy pants could be heard between the two, as her eyes opened. Surrounded in dark make up that would make them hard to see if her eyes were closed, they showed a hint of evil in her. She soon rose backwards, her whole upper body now visible again to him. She licked around her lips, licking her hands next as she tasted the broth, than finally grabbing her breasts to lick upon the globs of broth there as well. “Oh yes...no matter what century, it is still a blissful experience...but not as much as the next one to come,” she said with a sinister glee. “I have had men who gave in willingly to me dear and I replayed them the same way I have done to you just now before I ate them. You should be honored that I gave you this lustful experience.” He was silent mostly. His breathing was a little difficult with the apple in his mouth, resorting a lot of breathing to his nose. “Oh well, you'll eventually appreciate it once you spend some time...as a part of me...” She moved herself off the table. The next stage is a lot easier when shes standing, much easier for her to move about at least. She could hear a small hint of protest, but just barely. She could tell there is tiredness in it. He won't be much of a wiggler, but thats ok to her. She turned back to him, grabbing hold of his head, and pulling it to where it pointed towards her direction. Fangs, visible on her teeth as she stared down at him. Course, she had to lean a little, so that the only thing he saw was light blue breast flesh. “Now, that appetizer and foreplay is done...it is time to eat.” Her mouth, much as it had before, became agape, but far more so than when she had started licking on his nipples. The mouth extended and hanged low, giving him a far better view of her inner maw. It was colored much like her tongue, discolored, yet undoubtedly just as powerful as when she was younger. Like a snake, her jaws began to go around the boys head, sliding it in as drool and saliva slowly started to coat his head. Her hands found their place at his hips as she began to pull him into herself to consume him. The squirms of the boy, though weakened from the sex, showed he was fully aware of what was happening to him, as she slid him into her maw His head sunk quickly into her throat with a thick gulp and soon he was making his decent. His shoulders sliding in with ease and into her throat. His view is full of nothing more than her throat flesh and saliva. Though he wanted to fight, he knew deep down his fate was sealed the moment he was tied up. He could feel even his own chest slowly start to find its way into her maw and down her throat. She enjoyed the tastes, both of the broth she had made and the boy covered in it. She always enjoyed this part of the “fun” she has with these boys. To swallow them whole like the snake of a woman she is and send them down into her belly. To add more years to her own life and add to her own power. Her jaws pressed hard and held his thighs in her maw, as she could feel his head sink right into her stomach, as he undoubtedly was now getting a good look at his new home. She just giggled, feeling his legs kick a little more. She could also feel her stomach begin to distend and fill with boy meat, as her girth started to stretch out. The soft, blue skin inflating to meet the demand for space. She held his hips there, enjoying the raw, primal pleasure of her meal sliding into her. She wished she could hear him, pleading for his life, to not be consumed by her, to somehow make up for his intrusion. Not that it would matter, but it would only make her wet between her legs again. She couldn't toy with him much more, but she let her tongue slide over his ass as much as she could, letting her tongue glide down the crack. She even let her tongue poke at his anus, feeling him squirm more as she did so. Finally, bored with it, she swallowed his hips, letting gravity slide in him easily. She held her head back and let the dangling legs be pulled into her like water to a drain. Her belly distended more and more, as more of the boy entered her belly. Looking pregnant at full term, but slowly gaining more girth, her belly stuck out like ball on her figure. Slender though it was not, it complemented her curves very well. She gulped harder with each gulp, wanting to finish off her dinner. Each gulp becoming more guttural as the last of him entered her. Her jaws, slowly becoming more natural looking as his legs disappeared, soon his feet being all that sticks out. They soon disappeared as well, past her full lips, into her discolored maw, and with a mighty gulp, the boy was gone. Nothing left but a large, bloated belly that stuck on the witch. She licked her chops, the look of ecstasy not leaving her face as she let her hands rubbed on the massive bulge. “Yes....how lovely. You tasted delicious....oh you are quite a meal boy. You fulfilled your...destined purpose well!” She chuckled evily, until finally gas built up in her neck and soon she let out a belch loud enough to echo in her home. It was loud, and the stench of her meal and her own gasses thick from it. She could feel the space in her belly get tighter, as his struggles could be felt farm better and more tighter. She cackled with a “ke heheheheh” as she felt him, trapped and struggling with what little energy he had left. Energy that would no doubt become hers. “Yes! Struggle! I enjoy nothing more than prey struggling in my gut!” She soon moved to her bed, sitting, rubbing on her belly as she felt the bulge move about. Gasping in pleasure, letting the occasional belch escape her lips. She could tell that the intensity of the struggles were getting stronger, largely as his doom no doubt was setting in. Her stomach was already getting ready to digest the burden in her girth. It only then she realized, she had failed to get his name. Not that it would matter. He would soon, much like so many other men and boys, disappear into her forever and become the luscious if not aged body. She rested her head, and smiled, as she prepared to sleep her meal off. As she nodded off to sleep, she can already tell her prey was giving up. That or the lack of air was finally getting to him. Loud groans of a stomach, hungry for protein and nutrients and ready to absorb everything the boy had, even his own soul... THE END
 You were at the concert of sayaka the ultimate pop sensation, your favorite idol who made her come back after a year of hiatus. She was now part of a new group of idol. After a few hours the concert ended, you were on your way to the exit when you saw the guard that was supposed to guard the entry to the backstage was distracted by another group of other of fan. You decided to take this chance and sneaked in. You arrived in the loge area you didn't have times to think that someone was coming, in a panic you hid in the first door next to you. Behind that door you saw sayaka who looked at you with a confused look. You were honest and said that you were a fan but also tried to lie saying that you got lost and ended up in her loge, but she was visibly not buying that lie. She opened her mouth and was about to barrette you, but she froze and look down at her stomach and when she looked back at you, she had a completely different look. You immediately responded, saying that you were her biggest fan and that you would do anything for her. You were so excited to be able to share a secret with her that you obliged, but you failed to notice her smirk. When you were close enough, she asked you to lend her your ear, which you did. But in your excitement you also didn't notice sayaka mouth opened wide while you were distracted she grabbed you and shoved your head in her mouth. You could feel her push you further into her mouth. Between every swallow, you could feel her licking every part of your body that was exposed.it didn't take long before your all body was swallowed and sent in her stomach. Inside her, you were panicking, begging her to let you out. Scat ending After her joke, she felt the call from nature and quickly rushed to the bathroom. On the toilet she would push hard but except for some gas nothing else came out.it would take 5 minutes of intense pushing for the first log to drop in the bowl down below. After her first log the most of the log left would come out a little easier than the first and every few logs she would do a courtesy flush, so the toilet wouldn't overflow. She would keep this interval for almost 2 hours she had only a few logs left inside her, each took a long time to expulse out of her body. On her last push she felt something different was blocking the way and after pushing as hard as she could a spheres fell out. The idol looked in the toilet to see what it was, and inside was the skull of her victim. At the gruesome sight, the young girl only grin at the ideas that the feces in front of her used to be a human being just like her. After contemplating her work, she looked at her belly, who went back to his flat shape now that her bowel were empty. She then took some toilet papers, wiped herself, threw the paper in with the rest before she flushed 1 last time. Unfortunately, the mass ended up clogging the toilet. End scat scene In the room, her manager was there waiting for her. And with that she left, leaving behind the 2 she gave the task of taking of the idol. Meanwhile, sayaka was use her time off watching other groups of idols on TV with a hungry look, she couldn't wait to have someone squirm in her stomach again.
Intruder In smash bros. 1. It was a quiet evening at the Smash bros mansion were all 49 original contestants from the season 4 roster stayed in between fights and after contest hours. There contestants engage in a multitude of activities including sports, relaxation, therapy, and dining, It's a peaceful environment where everyone gets along for the most part. The problem being however the mansion has crappy security more specifically no security at all. This has become a problem in the last three seasons not because of the characters inside the mansion but the ones outside of it. This problem seemed from the harassment from Nintendo characters who did not receive an invite. Death threats from Cranky Kong, tainted pies and cakes from daisy, Toon Link was almost assassinated one time by a flock of steroid induced cuccos. Even third party characters like Snake who did not make it back to season 4, began stalking characters inside the mansion in a strange cardboard box. It was so-so until he followed Lucina into the changing room and was banned till further notice. 2. So in light of those recent events zero suit Samus decided to step up and act as head of security seeing how she seems to be the most qualified. Since she stepped up she has been monitoring multiple cameras running multiple security checkpoints and even making daily and nightly rounds around the mansion. By doing so she has stopped 15 different incidents from occurring and has stopped any I'll wished desires from the outside world. Since outsiders knew that the cold gazed and sexy bounty hunter was on the job no one bothered to go anywhere near the mansion. 3. But tonight was different just as Samus was making her nightly rounds she heard a large boom outside the mansion fence. While investigating she found what looked to be a strange egg having exploded in front of the mansion. Strange goo was splattered all over the place and upon examination was yellowish with a bitter scent. This wasn't a first time something threw an oversized flaming egg at the mansion so she remained level headed and cleaned the yolk like mess up. 4. After a hard day’s work Samus was ready to grab a sandwich from the kitchen and turn in for a good night's sleep. By now the entire mansion was either asleep or just nodding off so she being a polite and caring soldier decided to take the back entrance to the kitchen. Upon turning the corner to the kitchen's back door entrance Samus came across a horror fix sight she saw what appeared to be a 6 foot spotted reptilian like monster kneeling over a spot right next to the doors entrance. The abnormality was slim but ferocious, with what seemed like a large jaw. The beast had two tentacles coming from its back and oddly a small fluffy almost adorable tail. Samus pulled out her gun and took up a position leaning behind the corner. Just as she was about to yell "you are trespassing on private property leave before I am forced to take action" she noticed a small pink heel on the ground. At that moment the monster turned around and the other heel fell off the foot of the damsel in distress. 5. Peach's muffled screams were protruding from the monster's mouth where her head a one of two of her arms seemed to be stuck. As she began to kick and scream the monster took notice of her defiant actions and began to take action. Samus watched in paralyzed by what she sees before her as the monster lays one of its long scaly hand on Peach's rear and began pushing her deeper into his enlarged maw of his mouth. Now grabbing her other hand and pushing it inside his mouth was now up to her collar inside the monster. Saw did not believe the monster could swallow the princess whole she believed at that moment the monster would certainly choke on the princess. But she watched as the monster began to move its long red to tongue down Peach's dress coiling around her breast repeatedly as the two D-cups made its way past the monster's mouth and into the beast's throat. 6. The tongue then made its way to the damsels naval where it began to violently lick her bellybutton and savor her unique fruit like flavor. Shortly after Peach felt the Monster's tongue on her stomach her muffled wailing and crying became muffled laughter. Samus then recalled that Peach was always ticklish in fact it was a weakness often exploited during pillow fights at the Smash sister's sleepover parties. However this was no pillow fight and as Peach felt the tickling sensation she began to react almost uncomfortable. Her body jittered back and forth trying to shake off the tongue but while doing so only aided the monster in its efforts since Peach was practically shimmying her way down its throat. The sensation stopped along with the pushing and pressure on Peach's rear end. Peach felt she had a chance and began pushing herself off the sticky wet walls of the monster gullet all while popping and shaking her ass in an attempt to wiggle her way out of the monster's mouth. It was to no avail as the monster only stopped to make way for the two tentacles now making their way towards Peach's rapidly shaking ass. 7. The tentacles made their way up Peach's dress as the monster tore and pulled back peaches long dress exposing her healthy ass and slender but sweaty legs for the world to see. Peach stopped and cried "NOOOO~" as she felt the cool night air on her bare cheeks all while the monster began to pull the white and red laced underwear to the side of Peach's left cheek. Samus still in awe recalled a scene from a hentai she caught Captain Falcon and Ganon watching as the monster forced both its tentacles into Peach's small pussy. Peach cried out in agony and pleasure as the monster began twisting, pulling, and pulling along the walls of the princesses vagina making her body turn red with excitement as she began to sweat bullets. A sweet aroma began to run off the lower half of the princess's body as sweat and elegant perfume mixed. The monster now excited by the smell began to drool and slavery Peach's body in saliva so much in fact that some ran down its throat and soaked her breast now pressed and jiggling violently due to the extreme sex taking place inside her lower half. The saliva then ran down and poured into the princess's open mouth which was previously gasping for air forcing her to swallow mouthful of the thick liquid. The monster put the finishing touches on Peach's cervix causing her to cum violently as the monster continued to violate her. 8. Peach now dripping wet with sweat and other juices both inside and out was now lathered up to the point where the erotic beast could swallow her large rear end with ease. Peach now catching her breath felt her hips move inside the monster's warm mouth and watch tearfully as the monster's stomach opened up to greet her. At this point she has accepted her fate almost as if the monster fucked every last hope of escape out of her. On the outside Samus stood by as she saw the monster's mouth expand to accompany the large mass of meat now entering its mouth. She could hear peaches whaling at her doomed fate as the monster comfortable began to chew softly on Peach's ass. It used its own tongue to jiggly and bounce the tender and soft flesh up and down in its own mouth then abruptly swallowing it down in a large and audible "GULP". With nothing but her legs sticking out of the monster's mouth and upon realizing the monster easily swallowed her enormous lower frame she began to yell and kick violently as she loudly chanted "I DON'T WANT TO DIE" repeatedly. Samus couldn't hear a word of it, only the muffled banter of a doomed princess. Samus got off her knees and watched as peaches legs kicked less and less as the monster swallowed more and more of the princess using her ass like a pivot point steadily swallowing it deeper and deeper until just her feet was visible. The monster took one last swallow as it closed its mouth. Peach's body began to enter the beasts now huge stomach as Samus watched as peach's body make a U shaped indent in the monster's gut. She could clearly see Peach's huge rack sticking out of the monster as it began to rub its inflated gut. 9. Samus and her mind both went blink trying to comprehend what just happened. Not in the 26 years of her life did she ever see some become a meal to a humanoid beast especially in less than 5 minutes. Now she witnesses it in the one place where something like that never should happen and what's even worse was realization that she did nothing but watch. At that moment she came back to her sensing only to see Peach's U shape snap into a V as she screamed out in agony and terror. On the inside muscles began to work acidic compounds onto Peach all while bending her now bare body into a condensed shape. Still alive she began to feel her body crack and melt against what appeared to be two walls of stomach muscles that's when she let out a small but desperate whimper as her body snapped in two and began to ground to her once elegant figure into a mess of broken appendages. 10. Samus began to sob as she watched her friend's figure snap, break, and grind into the mold of the monster's stomach then she heard the wretched sound of the Princess's body bubble and gargle into pulp in the matter of seconds. The monster's stomach made a constant audible "gurgle" then the beast burped up a pair sexy lace underwear and continued to rub its massively enlarged gut. At that moment Samus knew it was over she dried her tears and began to tremble as she prepared to warn the other inhabitants of the mansion. 11. But as if she was in a low budget horror film she lost her almost constant cool attitude and sprinted loudly towards the next nearest entrance to the mansion. The humanoid monster hearing Samus began to chase the bounty hunter. Samus sprinted even faster when she heard the swooshing and fluid like sounds of the monster's swelled stomach all while remembering the last time she spoke to the princess.
A lone bunny girl was looking for flowers, wearing a yellow dress and a sun hat. Her short purple hair was slightly sticking out of hat from underneath and through the holes made for her white and purple cybernetic looking bunny ears. Finding a good spot for perfectly healthy flowers, she started to gather them into the basket she brought, when two wolf siblings appeared in a bush, completely hidden to the flower picking rabbit. “Brother, I see a lone rabbit far from its hole.” “Indeed, Sister. There isn’t a hole miles from here, so the perfect chance for rabbit meat. You stay here while I go around. You got it?” Understanding the plan completely, the she-wolf nods her head and other wolf then moves to the other side without alerting the bunny girl. Once they were ready, both wolves silently crawled towards the rabbit, before jumping her when they were close enough. “Got you now, Rabbit!” The sister wolf said, surprising the bunny girl into the male wolf’s grip. “Sister, how do we eat her: stew, roast, or prefer, even raw?” He asks, crackling with his sibling, before a yawn was heard. Locating the source, both wolves were surprised that the female rabbit wasn’t scared at all; rather, she was bored as hell and wanted to move on with her day. “Are you guys done yet? I got to pick flowers for my family’s Easter dinner. So if you can let me go, I got flowers to pick,” she plainly said, using strength that was beyond what her body should of have, to remove herself from the wolf’s hold, whether or not the wolf was really holding her. Both wolves were too surprised to prevent her from escaping, let alone move, from her apathetic attitude, until she once again talks. “You’re on a flower and it looks good, so can you move please?” “Oh, sure,” the female wolf said, before realizing her mistake. “Wait a minute! Why the hell should we listen to you?” “Y-Yeah! We’re wolves, god damn it! We’re higher on the food chain than yo...” The wolf man said, before a loud growl, resembling a monster from one of the Godzilla movies came from the bunny girl’s belly, who simply rubbed it to calm it down. “I did miss breakfast, so I guess you guys will do then,” she said, before turning towards the wolf she interrupted earlier. “What are y...” He managed to say before the rabbit girl quickly clamped her mouth over his head and quickly swallowed him in a few gulps. “Not very filling or appetizing. Gross!” She said, stifling a belch. The wolfess who witnessed it all, was in complete utter shock, as her only brother was just eaten like it was nothing. Soon, the bunny girl turns her attention to her and predatory fear strikes her, the hunter now the hunted. “We were just joking with you. We thought we would play a joke on you. Hehehehehehe! Please don’t eat me,” the wolf girl pleads with other girl, currently switching roles around. “Okay then, I won’t eat you,” she said. Surprising the wolfess again, the she-wolf thanks the bunny girl. “Thank you so much, Ms...” the wolf girl said, only to see that the bunny girl has disappeared. Looking around, she sees that she’s the only one around and soon wonders if it was nothing but a nightmare. The area darkening around her, the wolfess looks up, only for her face to be pushed up into a fleshy cave, followed by all of her body. “It’s Eka,” Eka said, after jumping up so high up in the sky and landing on the poor wolf’s body, as it sucked up her pussy. Her belly, now very large, Eka is unable to move and has no choice but to wait. “I did miss some sleep because of my admin work, so a nap might do well for me,” she said to herself, before going to sleep. It was over an hour and her belly has shrunk down to a manageable size. Waking up now, Eka saw that her belly shrank down very nicely, leaving some pudge on her gut, but her ass has grown, making it very visible to the world, despite the dress being the way. Bulges soon appeared on the surface of the bunny bum orbs and began to form itself into the face of the wolf she has eaten and his paw, as he tries to escape his fleshy prison. “Hold on, I’ll let ‘you’ out. Just let me get in position.” Going into the same bush the wolf siblings were in when they found her, Eka lifted her dress and began to remove the wolf from her bowels. At least, his remains. Due to rabbit biology, rabbits leave almost spherical droppings and Eka was no exception. Her dung ended up resembling chocolate eggs as they left her anus and plopped onto the ground, not breaking form. Once the task was done, Eka focused on masturbating, trying to remove the other wolf from her system, and succeeded in coating the dung in cum, making them look like actual eggs. Feeling something big, Eka assumed it was the wolf’s skull and pushed until a large egg came out of her. “Dafuq? I’m a mammal, right?” Eka questions herself and the reality in front of her, as the egg sits with the cum-coated droppings. The only mammals to lay eggs are the platypus and four species of echidna, not bunnies. However, let us assume it’s the magic of Easter doing this miracle, a conclusion that Eka also reaches to. Grabbing her flower basket, Eka goes home, grabbing her massive as bulges appear on it. Magically, petals of different colors cover the ‘eggs’ and soon enough they resemble Easter eggs. “I almost forgot; Happy Easter, everybody!” Eka said, turning to break the fourth wall, before heading home.
Angel laid sleepily in her bed totally unaware of what her boyfriend Malice.  Malice worked in his other dimensional room.  Malice mixed two of his potions into an empty veil.  Malice's mind was still thinking of a week ago.  Two week ago, Riddle the Hedgehog, a silly orange who tried to Angel the Fox's magic, turned Malice into a girl and got him eaten.  Malice had been working on this new potion for the last week and a half.  Malice smiled wickedly "I've finally done it finally done it.  Now just have to find my brother and show him Revenge is a bitch."Malice stepped out of his room and closed the portal behind him.  "Well now all I need is Angel's book and I'll be set for my revenge plan," Malice explained to himself walking into Angel's spell room.  Malice looked around for a few seconds then he saw it.  Malice grabbed the book then headed out for Riddle and his revenge.  Riddle splashed in his pool.  "This is fun," Riddle said splashing again.  Riddle continued to splash and have fun in his pool while a pair of predator eyes watched him.  The eyes kept on looking watching the orange hedgehog splash and get wetter and wetter.  Malice brushed his hair out of his eyes just before a pink glow engulfed him.  His chest growing and became that of a her.  His stomach, hips, and legs grew to be different her stomach became thinner as her hips widened, her legs grow to match her hips.  His face started to change into the face of a girl.  In a new high pitched voice, she said "you're mine Riddle the Hedgehog" with that she disappeared.  Riddle kept on splashing till noon and for the fact that he continued to fell like he was being watched.  Riddle got out his pool then ran inside locking the door behind him.  Unknowingly locking himself in with someone else.  Malica (girl Malice) smiled as she hid behind Riddle's couch.  Riddle walked to his bathroom and grabbed a towel so he could towel off.  At the same time, Malica left her hiding spot to get closer to her prey, Riddle.  "Just a few more seconds and your mine riddle" Malica smiled just as riddle got closer to the door.  Riddle got closer and got out the door when Malica jumped him.  "Eep!" Riddle shouted from the surprise attack.  Malica, in the blink of an eye, pulled Riddle to her sex and pushed him in.  Riddle's hair quickly became covered in her juice along with the rest of his face.  Riddle eeps and meeped like crazy as he fought against Malica.  Malica went on swallowing up his shoulder.  Riddle wiggled his arms and kicked his feet as hard as he could but it only made her scream in pleasure.  Malica pulled Riddle in up to his elbows just when Riddle really started to fight now.  Malica screamed and cummed all over him.  Riddle eeps really load feeling the warmth.  With each wiggle he moved in deeper and deeper.  Four hours of pleasure, Malica moaned and groaned as she rubbed her belly.  Inside of her womb, Riddle whimpered and pushed into Malica's womb.  "Why?  Why did you do this?" he asked weeping his eyes out.  "Well little Riddle revenge mainly and I like having fun with you...can you guess who I am silly," Malica giggled.  Riddle was silent for a moment then he started to kick cutely "awww Mally why didn't you tell me X3" Riddle said pushing his face into the womb.  Malica rubbed Riddle's face and pushed it back in "stay in there silly babies you don't come out >:3" Malica said with a giggle.  Riddle sighed "yes brow...I mean sissy I'll be good" He smiled at an umbilical cord attached to his belly.  Malica jumped to her feet and get her tummy a quick pat.  "Well time to get home before Angel bites my big old booty" Malica said throwing on her clothes that she hid behind the couch.  On her way home, Malica opened up the door slowly.  With one eye looking in throw a crack in the door, she snuck her way in.  "Well hello Malica" echoed throw those black furred ears of Malica's.  Malica, with a sickly look on her face, turned to the voice, Angel!  Angel stood leaning against a wall.  She had a big fur going on as her fur had gone wild.  She was wearing an over sized shirt of Malice's (Malica).  "A Angel um um what are you doing up sweetie" Malica stuttered just as she thought of how she looked.  "Well Malica I've been waiting for you to get back for your escapade.  I see you have my book after I told you countless times not to use it."  Angel said pointing at the book Malica tried desperately help.  "Pl please Angel don't hurt me!  I only wanted to get Riddle back...eep!" Malica said covering her mouth sawing she had the book and let the cat out of the bag.  "Oh I'll 'hurt' you alright," Angel said walking to Malica "you need to be punished."  Angel pulled the shirt off showing her naked body to Malica.  Blushing Malica asked, "um what are you doing?"  "Oh I'm getting you ready," Angel said sliding down Malica's pants then pulling off her shirt.  Angel grabbed hold of Malica's breast and squished them together.  Angel started to rub Malica's Riddle filled belly "I love when you unbirth Riddie...lets get to it" she said pushing Malica over and then kissing her over.  Malica took advantage of this and returned the kisses.  
Eggman sat behind his worktable now just finishing his latest greatest prototype a chaos control gun. “Eggman could you have thought of a more ridicules name” asked, the sonic shaped robot, Metal Sonic “well it a prototype but it should do as it’s name implies” Eggman snapped back “what could it do teleport you to a dount shop?” Metal Sonic joked “haha every funny no it should allow me to teleport anything to anywhere…” Eggman said, “What happens if it doesn’t work?” Metal Sonic asked, “Um I don’t know,” Eggman said with a sigh. Eggman walked over to a case and pushed a button opening it and sitting the gun into the case. “Metal Sonic I’m going to bed aren’t you energy levels low?” Eggman asked “Energy level loooooooooooooow” Metal Sonic said as he fell to the ground. Eggman sighed and dragged the metal hedgehog to a plug. Eggman pulled a cord out of his back plugging him into the wall “Good night Metal Sonic” He said to the metal hedgehog as he turned out the lights. All was silent until something dropped to the floor. A figure rose from the floor. As the figure entered a light given off by the gun. It had an hourglass figure not bad to look at she also had bat wing and a black skintight suit. She has a heart shaped breast plat over her well breast and some white boots. Her hair was short and white. Her eyes were green and eye shadow was blue. “This must be it? I wonder what Tails wants with this thing” she asked herself as she grabbed it “organic organism detected” Metal Sonic piped in “Sorry Metal Blue you can have this” she said back as she spread her wings and took off. As she flow, She talked into her a watch on wrist “Tails I’ve got the um thing” she said looking weirdly at the gun “good Rouge meet me outside of my house and before you ask I do have it” Tails returned, “good I’ll see you there” Rouge said before her attention returned to flying. Tails walked out the door of his workshop looking around trying to see if Rouge was there yet. Rouge landed softly on the ground in front of Tails “so do you have the disc Tails?” She asked as she spun the gun on her finger “yes I do” he piped showing her the case holding secret codes for Eggman’s weapons. The two traded Tails looked like a child at Christmas while he examined it. Rouge put the codes in her pocket “thanks Tails the geeks at G.U.N. will have a field day with this” She said with a smile “ok Tails I got to go thanks for doing this for me and have fun with that…thing” She said before she took off. Tails walked back into his workshop to examine the gun. Over the next fever days, Tails examined the gun. He founded that the gun is suppose to fire a beam of chaos energy that should in theory act like chaos control. The power needed was to great for anything that Eggman could make but he could get the power needed from one of the legendary chaos emeralds. The gun did have one of the mighty emeralds inside of it. The way Tails had figured the gun worked was it put energy into the chaos emerald from a D cell battery that was in it. The energy is then amplified from chaos emerald and fired out to the front of the gun were a lens is that makes the energy into a beam of chaos control. Well that is at least how Tails thinks it works but he’s not shore. Currently the gun is in peaces sitting on a workbench. Well today could be different, Tails happens to walk in carrying a glass of water. Over the weeks, Tails has only worked on the gun and nothing else so his workshop is a mess. As he got closer to the gun he tripped over a screwdriver. He slipped and spilt the water all over the gun. It began to short and charge up. As Tails hit the ground and the lens hoped up in the air, the gun had fully charged and now was firing as Tails. The beam fired and hit the ground but as the lens part fell it moved and closer to Tails and hit him. Tails got up and was in gulped in chaos energy. Tails slowly started to fad and after a few seconds Tails was gone. In a pitch-black forest, a bright ball of light appeared out of nowhere. From the light, Tail fell out hitting the ground hard. He gone up as the light ball started to shrink “no don’t close!” Tails shouted as he jumped for the ball but Tails was to slow and the ball of light disappears. Tails hit the ground and started to hit it with his fist “no why why?” Tails kept shouting. He got up and dusted himself off “ok where am I?” he asked himself looking around only see forest and more forest. Tails started to spin his tails and fly high above the ground trying to see a city or something but only saw a cave “well I guess I can stay in that cave tonight” he said as he flow down to the cave. He walking into the cave and found a spot on the floor. The next morning, Tails got up to see that the cave’s floor was metal. Tails walk further into the cave it looked more of a base then a regular cave. Tails looked around to see the head of a metal hedgehog “Metal Sonic what happen to you?” Tails asked himself as he examined the head. Tails looked around for his body and saw something. It’s looked like his body at least the top half the bottom half was that of a snake “wow when did Eggman make this Metal Sonic?” Tails asked himself as he put Metal Sonic’s head under his arm and when on his way. Tails explode the base and found something that scared him. It was a huge snake skin a gray and pink scale covered it “holy crap what is this?!” Tails shouted dropping Metal Sonic’s head. Tails got closer and even with his fear he examined the skin. He came out with an idea that this snakeskin was originally black and red. Tails quickly grabbed the head and leaved the skin. “Ok lets see if we can find a computer or something to look at Metal Sonic’s memory” Tails said to himself as he found what he was looking for. The computer was in bad shape but he could make it work. After some time, Tails had the computer working to some degree with Metal Sonic’s head connected to the computer Tails watched. In the memory banks, Metal Sonic showed Tails that he fought Shadow but this was not the Shadow he knew this was Shadow on top but a snake tail with black and red scales on the bottom. Tails continued to watch seeing that Shadow destroyed Metal Sonic and even with Metal Sonic’s head and body apart Metal Sonic saw that Shadow was trying to scrape of his old skin. Tails left Metal Sonic’s head and left the cave wondering if he was even on his own plant anymore. Tails looked for any kinds of signs of these snake versions of his friends. Tails, over the next few weeks, continued to look but it was no use and soon Tails was trying to find them not out of curiosity but to save himself from dieing out in the forest. Tails tried many things like making a flair gun out of parts in the cave. He made the computer work and tried to use it to send some kind of message but it shorted and Tails was send back to the drawing board. Tails used some parts from the cave and Metal Sonic’s head to make a radio and tried to use it to get help. Tails only heard the voice on the other side ask “welcome to McDonalds how may I take your order?” Tails screamed into the radio “help, help me I’m trapped out in the forest please help me” but only the person in the car could hear him and the radio stopped working. Those weeks turned into months 4 months to be exacted and Tails has come close to the breaking point. Tails has given up on trying to get out of this forest and only now trying to live. He’s made a Sonic puppet out of Metal Sonic head and some sticks. He voices Sonic himself. Black clouds were growing overhead and Tails has been asking “Sonic” what he should do. “Sonic what do I to it looks like it’s going to rain” Tails asked “Sonic” “well you should stay out in the rain it’ll only be a drizzle you’ve got nothing to worry about” “Sonic” said. So Tails stayed in the rain. The rain did drizzle at first then started to pour down and thunder. Tails had gotten into a fight with “Sonic” earlier and now was running from the storm. Lightning flashed then thunder exploded making Tails scream out of fear. “HELP! Please someone HELP! Sonic, Amy, Shadow, Eggman, anyone help!” Tails shouted as he ran out onto a road and a car lights came into view. Tails stared at the light like a deer and jumped out of the way fast enough only getting nipped by it. Tails cradled into a ditched and curdled into a ball. The car spun out coming close to running off the road. Someone got out of the car and came over to Tails and picked him up and when back to the car as quick as possible. Tails was sat on a soft seat and was being petted gently before he fell asleep. Tails wake up on a soft bed. He looked around then looked at himself seeing that he was clean “how did I get so clean” he asked and remembered that some pink hedgehog snake thing had pinked him up and clean him when he came here. Then the pink hedgehog snake came in “well I’m glad to see you’re awake” Tails looked over at the source of the voice to see someone that looked like Amy Rose only with a pink snake tails. Amy slithered over to Tails and petted him “so who are you?” Amy asked continuing to pet Tails “I’m Miles Prowler but my friends call me Tails” Tails returned “well Tails your not from around here are you?” Amy asked, “No I came from another world” Tails answered “ah poor thing ya know you’d make a cute naga” Amy said as she continued to pet him and made him sleepy. Tails soon fell asleep and Amy picked him up. Amy kept petting him while she lowered him to you vagina. She pushed Tails’ face into her vagina and it swallowed him up. She pushed more of him in up to her shoulders and after a short time all of Tails was in her womb “sleep tight little Tails sleep tight” Amy said lovingly as she rubbed her swollen tummy. Over the next few months, Tails was slowly changed into something some Amy was. Tails’ legs and tails were turned into a snake tail and at the end it was divided into two. Amy soon gave birth to Tails and her boyfriend Sonic cuddled him. Well for Tails his time as a two fox is over but as a twin tailed naga (he has one tail but as the end it’s divded into two) I hope Tails like his new self I know Sonic and Amy love him so he’s in good hands. Well this is Malice say good bye and dream of a soft naga tails to sleep on.
It was an electrified muggy summer night and, rain dive-bombed every house roof in his small city. In a sleepy little house, a tiny young black furred fox with a hint of black hedgehog fuzzy husky sat there his eye wide open and fear flowing through his veins. His kind blue eyes darted left then right left then right over and over then they both show what they feared the FLASH which cause both eye to retreat under the safe of his eyelids and him to seek safe under his covers. The cloud roared like mighty lions watching the lights dance their wild dances. The youngling jumped from under his safety zone along with both eye free from the safety behind closed eyelids and made a mad dash, that could make a certain blue hedgehog feel slow, for a new room, the room of his mother. “Mommy, Mommy that booms gonna eat me!” he screamed with his face buried in his mother’s tummy. Malice’s mother’s eyes opened wide and took a second or 2 to relies who had her in its clutches. She wrapped her arms around her child as he cried out of fear. “Mommy, Mommy” he cried as her arms acted like castle walls protecting him from everything. “Shhhh it’s ok Mally come down I’m here” Shimo, the name of Malice’s mother, whispered while rocking back and forth. Shimo rocked back and forth whispering a tone that slowly soothed the frighten child. Malice pulled himself from her hug and looked up at his mother “mommy I’m scared.” Shimo hugged him tight again and rubbed his furry black head “it’s ok sweetie. You want to sleep with Mommy?” she asked in a kind caring voice. Malice answered by slowly rubbing his head yes against her belly. Shimo happily sighed and pulled him under the covers of her bed enveloping him in the soft warmth of her covers, her body, and her love. Malice smiled and cuddled up to her while she laid back down with him and cuddled with him as well as the two fell into a deep sleep well Shimo did at least. Malice was still shaking out of fear of the boom. About an hour later, Shimo was awaken by little shaking “wha…what is that?” she asked her semi waken mind. She pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked at her son pushed against her shaking like a leaf “what’s wrong baby?” Her son looked up at, his eye full of tears, and said “mommy the booms gonna get me.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around him “Why don’t I tell you a story sweetie maybe that will make you feel nice and safe with mommy?” Malice answered yes as a new lion of the sky roared again making him cry harder. Shimo sat up and pulled her crying baby in her lap. It was a cool summer’s night; everything for miles was resting their body, soul, and minds. From the ground only when the tree cover broke letting in the soft moonlight could the black silhouette of a flying creature. On the floor of the forest, the purple eyes of a horned creature locked onto its target. The flying black silhouette soared over the tree. Jet-black hair fluttering wildly in the wind as his powerful dragon wings pushed him on his way to who knew where. From the ground, the horned purple-eyed creature watched her unknowing prey fly overhead “that’s it fly. Fly to the mountain cave. You’ll enjoy what you find,” her voice echoing through the forest till it entered into his ear. The dragon silhouette stopped dead in his tracks and just hovered there holding his head with his hands “what’s happening” he groaned rearing back with his blade tipped tail switching like crazy. The voice echoed through out his head till he seemed to go limp. His eyes turned a dull color “Fly to the mountain cave. You’ll enjoy what you find,” he started flying toward mountains. In the mountain cave, the horned purple-eyed creature spent her time getting ready. Her time was spent on getting a soft pink covered bed ready for the fun she had in mind. “I can’t wait Curse should be here anytime,” she purred thinking of the handsome dragon winged man coming her way. A mile way from the cave, Curse flow at high speeds while his thoughts could only thinking of “Rika must find her. Must find Rika in the mountain cave.” Rika smiled as she heard Curse’s wings beating on the air as he started to land outside of her cave. Curse began walking in when his thoughts came back to him “wha? What? Where am I?” he mumbled in his confused daze. He gazed around the cave seeing a mini bar, lots of wine and beer, and a soft looking bed. “Why is this stuff here?” Curse scratching his head just as a soft voice echoed through out the cave “you’re here for something better my handsome demidragon.” Curse walked in deeper “Where are you and are you this um Rika I can’t stop thinking about?” Rika appeared from a dark corner wearing a purple halter-top and a pair of blue short shorts “yes I’m the same Rika you keep thinking about,” Rika explained as she looked the demidragon over he only wearing black jean pants and going shirtless. “Ya know Curse did anyone ever tell you that you are really handsome?” Rika asked walking up to him and drawing on his chest. Curse started to blush. “I see you like this…why don’t you come to bed with me or maybe have a drink?” Rika asked in a seductive voice motioning to the bed and bar. Curse smiled “I think maybe we should just skip to the good part do you mind?” Rika just turned around and walked to the bed slipping out of her blue short shorts showing her pink panties then wiggling her bootie “come on now lets have us a little fun.” The demidragon smiled lustfully watching the horned girl strip down to her bare creamy skin. She slipped under the cover concealing her creamy body. “I guess it’s my turn,” he said pull his black pant down then his plain gray boxers down and invited himself into the bed. As much as Shimo wanted to she had a young child and to stop a very uncomfortable conversation so had to edit her story just alittle. The horn girl and the demidragon had fallen asleep together after “cuddling.” Rika’s purple eyes opened up slowly making sure that her “friend” was good and sleeping. She started to float out of the bed. She floated up taking the pink covers off and a pair of little black wing and triangle tipped tail appeared from nowhere. “Well I guess I should have alittle more fun with this one,” Rika said dropping the pink covers and grabbing the demidragon’s feet. She landed on the end of the bed, spread her legs, and pushed Curse’s feet into her sex. Her inner muscles began the easy task of pulling the demidragon into her. The lips of her hungry sex sloppily swallowed up her victim. They easily swallowed up to his knees then further up his legs to his crotch. Rika in the mister of her pleasure started feel the feet of her victim her womb. She started to moan as more of the dragon enter. The rough scales of his tail just sent her closer and closer the losing it all. Rika couldn’t take it anymore and she screamed out in pleasure and some pain as the blade tip of Curse’s tail started to enter. Curse’s eyes shoot open and went instantly to the source of the scream. From his point of voice, he still couldn’t see much for a few second as his brain slowly realizing what they were looking at. “Wha…What?” he mumbled as he watched the last of stomach enter and a pair of lips were slowly gobbling him up. Rika looked at him with a goofy look “you feel so good Curse I love this.” Curse started to become aware of his problem. Curse started to fight as best he could with only one free hand as the other had already been consumed. Rika just moaned and watched his struggles as more and more of the demidragon entered. Curse became less and less as Rika’s tummy grew rounder and rounder and slowly Curse left the world of light we call home and enter the belly of Rika the Temptress. Rika rubbed her belly as inside the struggling demidragon slowly began to slow as the demonic powers of the Temptress and his struggles put him to sleep. Rika herself was getting tired too. She rose off the bed and stretched popping a few bones in the process. She picked up the covers, jumped on the bed and tucked herself in. With that it was the end of Shimo’s story, Shimo closed her eyes. The old thoughts of how her son became her son returning till her ear picked up a soft snoring. She looked down and saw the source of the snoring; her little son was snuggled up close to her. Shimo quietly awwwed and returned herself to her sleep. “Good night little Mally” Shimo whispered covering her and her baby for a wonderful night’s sleep together I hope you, Mommy and your friend like this.
Far overhead of the Forest of Love, a white unmanned fly machine flow past a small flock of Jumppuff floating along with the breeze. The Jumppuff scattered screaming jump. Some were spinning and tumbling through the air while the white unmanned fly machine, a Predator, rushed past them. On the front of the Predator, a small ball out fitted with a camera was busy scanning over the land. From the Predator’s view, 4 tiny triangles floated in a circle sawing were it was focusing. The 4 tiny triangles happened to move and focus on a heart shaped pond. “Clearing in tree line scanning for safe local,” the Predator’s onboard computer explained to itself. In its vision, the 4 tiny triangles had stopped floating in a circle only this time they had a circle around them slowly filling up with red. “Scan complete location deemed safe readying search pod 1” the computer ordered activating the readying program. The Predator locked onto its target began moving to the heart shaped lake while the whole time preparing pod 1 by moving it from the safety of its “mother’s” inside. In one quick motion, the Predator buzzed over the clearing and letting the pod go falling down into the water. Just after letting go of the pod, the Predator retreated back into the safety of the sky while the egg shaped pod floated back into the top. The Predator began to fly around the lake in circles making an ominous sound scaring away most of the small pokemon in the area “waiting for conformation on safe landing from Searching Pod 1.” While the Predator flow overhead, the egg shaped pod began to settle on the water “releasing holding joints” the programming of the pod told its outer shell to remove 4 panels off of the top of it. With all four panels removed, the world was brought to life for the truth Search Pod 1. A small spherical robot outfitted with a camera of its own rose up 5 inches leaving a small semi-circle shape make enough room for 4 sickle like legs reach out and raise 8 inches off the ground. “Beginning camera test” it’s programming barked as the camera moved up looking at its circling “mother” overhead. “Adjusting visibility, adjusting clarity, adjusting light,” the camera’s programming said while outside the camera lens was rotating left, right, stopping half and many more things “camera test and adjustments complete. Sending conformation to Mother Unite.” In of the pod, a small black object beamed an invisible beam of 1s and 0s up to the Mother Unite were inside of it a small black object captured the beam and read the beam telling the rest of the Mother Unite that Search Pod 1 had safely land. “Conformation on landing received. Readying Target information. Target information ready uploading to Searching Pod 1,” the programming said moving the data to that little black object and beaming it down to the pod. Search Pod 1’s little black object capture the beam and loaded the code of 1s and 0s into motherboard of the Pod then return a conformation beam to the Mother Unite. “Search Pod 1 programming complete. Beginning search for suitable location for Search Pod 2,” the programming of Mother Unite said flying off for some other place. “Beginning search changing to Thermal Vision mode,” Search Pod 1’s programming told the optical relays. From its view of the world, it changed from the normal green view of the forest to dark blue green yellow orange red and bright white. “Scanning for pokemon heart source,” it’s programming told the pod base slowly rotate. Slowly rotate the view of vision showed nothing more then dark blue and greenish color but then it show a bright white surrounded by a orange and red. “Pokemon life form heat signature moving to pokemon. Which to chopper mode,” the pod’s programming said making the pod jump into the air retracting its sickle legs and semicircle bottom then raise a semicircle top and releasing helicopter like blades and taking off for the heat source. “4 miles to target,” the pod’s computer said scanning far ahead of itself. After flying an hour, the pod finally reached the source of the heat “scanning heat source” the programming told the camera to do. The camera then fired a small invisible beam at it. Slowly an image began to form in the pod’s computer’s processor till it formed into an image of a group of Mightyenas raping a little female trainer. “This seems interesting but it’s not the targeted latias readjusting for target. Readjusting thermal scan for lower body heat index. Readjustments complete beginning scan” the small black object kicked back in then released a spherical scan of 1s and 0s that when it hit something oh like the 3 different targets that fit into the search then a data pulse would bounced off of them and the small black object could read and give out to the rest of the pod. “Three hits…no 4 only 2 are the same one much large then the other both not far from each other. First locate hit number 1 current location 50 yards,” the pod’s programming said making it move to the new target. The pod revved the engine the power the helicopter blades, it seemed to be counting down to itself before it shot off leaving a tiny trail of dead leaves swirling wildly as it rocketed to the first search point. The pod found the bio-signature of search target 1 “bio-scan revealed target similar to search hits. Focusing on target.” The pod stayed in a hover and zoomed the camera in on a young little Nidoking and Nidoqueen couple kissing it out. The pod took in the information of the scene then its video screen went red “wow this is embarrassing,” it said in its digital voice. The pod turned around “the scene is considered…entertaining. Resuming search for Search hit number 2.” With that the pod shot off heading in the direction of the second search hit. Seconds later, the pod had ready the area were it had received the informational hit on the subject. The pod slowly began to rotate as it slowly scanned for the heat signature of the hit then came to a conclusion “thermal scan results found not heat source matching search guidelines in thermal vision range switching to visible wavelength mode.” With the pod now in its normal vision mode, it began floating search and before long it found the second search hit, a crazed zangoose girl who was wildly swinging her claws “hold still you dumb bastard ass wipe” she screamed trying to kill a fly buzzing around her. The pod just simply floated backwards and hid behind a tree “Slacey…” the pod whispered as it floated away from the crazed zangoose girl known as Slacey. With a quick rotation, the pod shot out of there faster then a bat out of hell. A few hours of flight later, the pod hide be a tree still facing Slacey’s direction before that pod began figuring it’s next more “s-search hit number 2 never found…moving onto finding Search hit number 3,” the programming said making its scared machine body moving 50 feet away from its current location. For what seemed like forever and a half, the pod finally worked up the courage to turn around once more and move onto the new target location. As the pod neared the area of Search hit number 3, it switched back to thermal mode and released a thermal pulse. Almost a quickly as it released the pulse, it received the very pulse back indicating that the target was very close and in a moment the bottom of the pod dropped releasing one of the sickle legs to dig into the close by tree. It swung around with its legs dug into the tree then came to a stop with all for leg speared into the tree and the helicopter blade hidden now much like the legs were. Now at rest, the pod could focus on the target not but 8 feet in front of it. The pod’s camera began to scan the pokemon before it and slowly made in image in the processor of a latios like form only this one being purple with shagginess on its head. “Pokemon scan matches search subject sending coronets to Mother Unite,” the little black object kicked send a light speed ray of 1s and 0s flying for miles till it hit another black object. The Mother Unite, which had only just finished programming Search Pod 2 and was waiting for it to send a conformation of being program, started to process the incoming data “Search Pod 1 has found the Search Subject engaging Search Pod 2 secondary programming lock onto Search Pod 1’s signal and move to target” with the new programming in place Search Pod 2 and Mother Unite shot off moving to Search Pod 1’s current location. Back with Search Pod 1, it continued to stay focused on the late of the non-anthromorphic Pokemon till something tipped of its scanner off. “Large bio-mass detected moving closer to current location. Bio-mass similar to search hit and pokemon in vision,” the pod said while all the data was collected and processed. “The name pokemon is to wide of a nomination searching for proper nomination of pokemon data,” with those bits of thoughts uttered, the data of the two pokemon was put under the microscope for any kind of pokemon who was similar or matched them both. Only seconds after the search, the data was matched to a species of pokemon called ‘latios’ “pokemon LATIOS…wait what are those small quakes coming from?” the camera switched to thermal mode and began focusing in on the area around it slowly rotating till its vision was filled with a large heat source that seemed to covered all of its field of vision. The pod zoomed out as far as it could even with that it could barely fit the entire source in its viewer “heat source is to large processors not powerful enough,” he moaned in a confused tone. As the pod tried to get a grip on the image, the small quakes moved closer and closer to it and the purple latios. The pod finally gave up on the picture only moments before a soft red colored body, which wear a purple spaghetti strap shirt showing loads of deep soft cleavage; the shirt cut off half way to show off her huge white furred done-lap belly along with a pair of incredibility tight blue jean shorts just ready to explode free all her lower goods, broke the rows of tree to enter the clearing of the small pond. The purple scrappy latios brought his head up from drinking shaking like a leave. With his little head up, he heard a deep exhale followed by a loud pop sending his ear vertical and sparking fear in his soul. The latios meeped as its eyes followed a silver shot. The silver shot, the button of the once tight shorts, wildly shot off into the forest. First as the terrifying button flow, it ricocheted off of a tired old tree, quickly followed by the skull of a fat little cubone child who had just reached the first branch of his ‘great’ tree, and finally the mad bullet of a button was easily reflected off the hard armored shell of own friend, Search Pod 1. “WIIIIISSSSSS” shouted the button alerting everyone of its coming direction by drawing their attentions to it. Almost as if the button hated our scraggy looked friend, the button hit the purple latios square between the eyes. With a quickly yelp in pain, he quickly covered the spot with both of his purple paws “awww that hurt” he yelped. The large red latias reached down for the little one before her “don’t care cutie pie” she whispered ever so motherly to the injured youngling. The pod zoomed in on this “interesting…moving into investigate,” it said to itself for the umpteenth time. While the pod moved to the side of the cute couple, the large latias tickled her friend’s noise “so what’s your name skitty boy?” she asked with a giggle. The latios wiped a tear from his eye then a shy smile appeared across his face “I’m Latiser,” he replied with a giggle. “It’s nice to meet you Laticer I’m May,” she replied tickled the latios’s nose causing a cute little sneeze. May giggled watching the little latios recover from his sneeze “bless me little Laticer.” Laticer smirked then went to poking May’s jiggling breast even going as far as to squish them together and have both of the round orb bouncing back and riping her tight purple spaghetti strap shirt right in half. A bright red blush lit up May’s face as her body was now only covered in her bright pink panties and bra. The pod zoomed in from its bush hiding spot “this could be interesting,” it told itself moving from the hiding. May smiled “you know Laticer it’s getting kind of cold and a cute little baby like you shouldn’t be out in the wild all by yourself.” Laticer cocked his head flipping his little ears to the left “what do you mean?” May gave a motherly sigh “um I’ll just cut to the chase. I’ve always wanted a baby and well I’ve never met anyone, or even this fast, who I thought I could care so much about that I would go as far as to take care of them. I know we really just met but please can I keep you with me the rest of our lives?” May blushed after she finished her sentence, as she looked the purple latios over. Laticer started to twist and covered his blushing, giggling face “I think I get what you mean,” he said with a giggle, “I don’t mind being your baby.” May face lit up with happiness “oh yay I love you love you love you!” she screamed giving the boy a huge fat kiss. She spun around and eased herself into the cool water till only her head was sticking up “coming in?” she asked is a cute little voice and a pair of pink panties and a pink bra floated into the top of the water and started to float away. He blushed as he floated over her head “ok what should I do?” She motioned with her head down to the water. Slowly little Laticer landed on the water and with a reassuring nod from May; he took a deep breath and dove under water propelling himself with psychic powers down to a very special spot on May. As he drew closer to the special spot, he closed his eyes letting his mind’s eye guide him for his journey into a new home and a new life. May began to moan as the little latios started his nose into her warm moist lower lips. Laticer drilled his head back and forth squeezing his way in till he reach up to his soft ear. Folding them back, the drilling continued till all of his head had entered into her birthing canal. May shrieked in pleasure moaning and groaning rolling her eyes up breathing harder and harder as the little latios burrowed his way deeper. “More!” she moaned, “deeper!” Laticer, following his “mother to be”’s commands, pushed on with new resolve not only to get to his new life but also to pleasure his mother like never before. Laticer’s psychic power forced him deeper and deeper till his long neck was consumed making the trip to May’s uterus. Slowly as the Laticer’s body was pushed close to ‘home’, his head found the drawbridge of this kingdom, the cervix! Mentally Laticer sighed and began pulling out and pushing in poking the drawbridge of flesh and sensitive nervous. May’s sexual thrill was coming closer and closer each poke just adding to her readying nuclear bomb of an orgasm. Laticer continued poking the flesh barrier till the barrier of flesh broke just as own favorite latios went for one more poke. Laticer’s eyes’ shot open and he yelped flying into a warm cushioning liquid. Laticer’s face lit up with a bright red blush as the warm comforting liquid enveloped him almost like freshly cleaned silk bed sheets. On the outside, May’s screams of pleasure turned to moans of displeasure as she began to take in Laticer’s widening body. Her lower lips opened wider getting about his rounder middle common to most nonathro latios like him. Slowly the lips worked their way around his cute purple paws while at the same wetting his consumed body up for its trip. Inside of May’s womb, Laticer’s body had been forced to curl up in a ball. His once empty and comfortable home was slowly becoming cramped and uncomfortable. “Mom it’s getting so cramped,” he whispered through his strengthening bond between mother and son. Amongst May’s screams and moans, little Laticer’s mental voice spoke up just as the last of him was taken from the outside world and pulled into his new warm home. May blushes then rubbed her firm rounded belly “don’t cry my little Laticer,” she whispered back through the bond. A small chill rushed down her back; inside of May’s womb, Laticer strained his eyes as a snake like thing closed the gap between it and his belly. Before Laticer could ever realize it, he was forced to whimper as the cord bit into his belly. As his pain began to rise, a rush of pleasure quickly dampened the pain as the cord began to pump in a strange liquid and loads of his mother’s pleasure mixed in. May’s face lit up bright red “AWWW THIS FEELS SOOOOOO GOOD!!” As Laticer wiggled faster, the moment was coming closer and closer till May had the biggest and best orgasm of her life. Slowly the overweight latias pulled her naked body out of the water, she looked back to see the white goo slowly washing down stream. Slowly the pod walked out completely under the spell of its deepest programming “creator sure does like big ones.” As the pod slowly crawled after the giant beauty completely under the spell of her, opposite of the pod’s feelings May struggled with each step till she weight started to shift backwards. As the pod followed closer and closer, May began to rock back and forth with each step till the weight began to shift backward taking May along with it. The pod looked up, only warned by May’s scream, to see a giant squishy butt coming closer and closer till it crashed onto the pod. May was focused bright red as her soft and sensitive felt something moving ever so slightly under her mass bulk. She could only image what little creature fell victim to her kill but this time and her only answer to it was to waddle as fast as she could away. Several hours later, Search Pod 2 sat over the crushed remains of its former robotic brother. “Search Pod 1 destroyed. Memory board too damaged for data retrieval. Back up Data Storage lost. Search Pod 1 data completely lost awaited next more of Mother Unite,” the mechanical voice stated to itself and the Mother Unite. Mother Unite cycled 5 times before replying a new command “Search Pod 1 data not lost fully. Creator’s terminal had completely copied Search Pod 1 data. Creator override main programming, new programming return home.” With those final words, Search Pod 2 sprouted its own helicopter blade once more and quickly floated up to Mother Unite. Mother Unite’s claw securely attached to it then it quickly returned their Creator’s base. Sorry this took so long Laticer I’m very, very, very sorry about that I was really slow I’m sorry. I hope you like it. Enjoy!
The door of a van swung open and a deep voice ordered “Get out of the van.” A young man about the age of 18 sheepishly stepped into the bright lights of the sun. “Soda! Please I just want some soda!” the young man cried as he was pulled from the van by a pair of strong hand. These hands throw the man to the ground then pulled him to his feet “Come on get moving!” The young man was then pushed into a large unnamed building. Inside of the building, another man was waiting, he seemed to be wear medical like gear: a gas mask, a freshly cleaned white shirt, a pair of light blue-green plastic looking pants, and a pair of plastic bags over his feet. This orderly’s arms were stretched wide, a large dull white jacket hung from hand to hand. “No, please don’t!” The young man cried out once again as he was manhandled into the jacket by both orderlies. The commotion the man had started caused two more orderlies to join in and soon helped envelope the man in his new jacket. “Please! I just want some soda! I was just buying a can of soda. I didn’t do anything wrong!” he cried once more tears rolls down his cheeks. All four orderlies took the boy up by his arms and legs and carried him to a room. A loud buzz echoed out as the orderlies drew closer to the door signaling it to open. The orderlies literally tossed the man into the room landing with a loud thud, his face leaving a nice print on the blight reflective floors Inside of the room, the man struggled to his feet, using the walls for support. Once up, he kicked the door “PLEASE I DON’T BELONG HERE! LET ME GO!” he shouted now using his body as a battering ram against the door. This continued for several minutes till a new voice spoke up from an unknown source. “Subject: 100994. Are distant studies have revealed that: you hold a strong fondness of ‘soda’, you hold a strong distaste to intense light. You’ve been brought to this test site for observation as test are conducted,” the voice silenced itself while new sounds of gears moving and pistons pumping echoed out in the silenced room. The man looked up to the ceiling as it was quickly filled with large industrial looking lamps. With a quick hum, the lamps switch on bathing the man in blinding light. “ARRGH” he shouted in pain falling over from the strength the light. He rolled around on the floor pulling and tugging at his trapped arms yielding nothing in return. He, with on final roll, stopped on his stomach and tighten his eyelids, even this proved ineffective as the light was just as intense as eyes opened. The voiced started up once more whilst the man rolling around on the floor seeking safety from the light “as you can see, this test will gauge your reaction to intense light. There is no shade for you to seek cover and the special polished floors will keep the light as intense as the source light. This test will continue till otherwise said.” Several minutes, or hours as time had quickly lost its meaning for the man, pasted as he was punished by the lights. Each moment that pasted seemed drain the man of fluids till a soft hum echoed out “Testing has been completed. You may now proceed to the drinking fountain be delivered now,” said fountain entered the room up through the floor. Weakly, the man pealed himself off the reflective floor coming to resting on his legs. He licked at the tears of sweet beaning down his face pulling them close to moisten up his lips. The man shifted on resting leg to his foot then the other slowly rising up to full height. He took a single step and clasped under his own weight back to the floor. He wimped like a new born puppy to the fountain wishing it would come to him he weakly began worming his way to the fountain. The actual fountain was little more than a bottle of water being fed from an unseen source. The man couldn’t care otherwise as he buried his face into the liquid taking in deep mouthfuls. He’d breach only for air returning to drinking as much water as possible. Quickly his bottled emptied itself then retreated back into the safety of the floor. The man licked at the floor hoping more willing his friend to return with more water. He closed his eyes, spots still taking up the better part of his vision, and rested his head on the floor. The voice finally spoke back up “Subject: 100994. You have demonstrated a strong weakness to the light test. This data speaks clearly that you have failed! Presented with water, you desperately drank it away. This unspoken test clearly states that you have failed! This display of locomotion deservers like more than a failing grade, even now you show little hope of rising to your feet. This is a prime example of your failure as a human being. This *blah* is *blah* *blah**blah*,” the voice mouthed on while the man just laid there. Feebly, he turned his head to where he thought the voice originated from. He perked up when it started on about water. “It has been discovered through constant observation that you harbor phobia of water. There couldn’t be a finer way for you to be disposed of. May your failures weigh you to the deepest parts of the ocean.” The young man turned his head back to a natural position and watched at the floor under him began to shift. A square section retracted away from under the man’s head. He held his head up and lazy cocked his head in wonderment. A dull purple light soon emitted from the new hole in front of him. The man lowered his head down into the hole trying to figure out origin of the strange light. The floor below most of his body jolted beginning to lift up. The man’s face turned white as he was lifted and slowly tilled. He watched as the purple light drew closer till his body’s friction finally gave away and his body was swallowed by the purple light. The man slammed his eyes shut. The purple was brighter than anything he’d yet to witness in his lifetime. The light, so bright in fact, bled into the man’s very eyes through his eyelids. The man stayed in this light for any length till it dulled once more and gave way to an intense steady flow of wind. With spot in his eyes, the man looked out at his new world. This world was filled with blue and the man was hurriedly falling to, what he assumed to be, the ocean. He shyly smiled rolling onto his back as he sped to the ocean blow. He closed his eyes and prayed “be gentle on my soul.” The next moments of his life happening with hinder. Life came back to the young man as he opened his eyes. He lazily blinked showing breathing in through his nose. The breath quickly met resistances breaking the man out in a mad coughing spree. The coughing brought several people into the room the man had been unknowingly residing in. With the help of these people, the man was free of his water logged chest. He smiled and looked to his saviors. These people were unlike any people he’d seen before. They looked like wild cats only these had more human qualities. They could all stand on two legs though these legs resembled the hind legs of most normal cats. The cat-people began talking to one another in a strange language that sounded like a mix of meows and hisses to him. Two of the cat-people grabbed the young man by his arms with their strange feline human mixed hands and resting each arm around their shoulder. From then on, the young man was crutched along with the help of these two cat-people. The group left the room and entered the local streets. From here, the young man became ever more curious about the going ons around him and less about walking. He’d poke his head high to get a look at a cat-woman and her daughter carrying jugs, he’d poke his head low to see an argument over prices of fish, he’d poke his head back to watch a group of young cat-people, around his own age, walking about, he’d poke his head forward to see a group of children cat-people chasing after a butterfly, and, with some encouragement from an unfriendly growl, the young man brought his attention back to walking. The group continued till they entered a large long hut like building. Waiting outside of the building, a new cat-person, a more feminine looking male, waved the group over and entered the hut. The leading member of the group began speaking with this new cat-person while the young man and his crutches entered the hut. Both crutch cat-people let the young man drop no sooner than when they entered. The former crutch cat-people hissed at him, kicking a little dirt on him, and walking away to join their leader. The young man stood up and followed the group only to walk right through them as they left. He turned to them about to follow but the feminine cat-person stopped him shaking his head ‘no’. This cat-person smiled and motioned for the man to follow him. The cat-person led the man into a new room. This room had a purple color to it. In the center of the room sat a large alter cushioned with very expensive looking cushions. Just beyond the alter sat a statue holding out its hands with a mound sparking dust resting in the hands. The cat-person smiled to the man pulling the man around to the statue taking a pinch of the dust in his hand. The cat-person giggled then blew the pinch right into the young man’s face sending him into a tailspin of sneezing. Quickly the young man tried to regain himself succeeding for a moment only to fall prey to another dust cloud. The cat-person continued to tease at the young man to the point of bring him to his kicks. Eyes watering and nose running the man gave one final cannon sneeze and fell to the cat-person’s feet. A pungent scent stirred the young man from his unconscious state. The man wiggled about trying move his arms from the uncomfortable position they’d been worked into. This action was met with great resistance by what felt like soggy pillows. These pillows even seemed to be involving him every passing second to the point the young man’s shoulders were lost in this pillows. The man slowly beheld his surround. Cloud still from unconsciousness, the young man saw a large archway to either side of his head though he couldn’t make out a roof. In the distances, he thought he could see a quite shapely stone colored woman sitting, hands held out. He winked at her whilst he took in her beauty. A gurgling broke him from his beauty as the soggy pillows began to swallow up his chin. Moist slime oozed from strange ‘A’ looking entrance just beyond held these pillows. The young man sealed his eyes just in time as this ‘A’ looking entrance aloud him passage and his whole head became wrapped in this soggy pillow feeling. The feeling of soggy pillow rolling and pulse him along a gentle rocking to this motion almost like it was calming him into a deep restful sleep. He murred as he let the feeling sail him away, all his worries became a distance memory. Lost in his trance, the young man’s soggy pillows emptied him inside of a new room. The trance faded as the man began to wiggle and work himself around in his cramped quarters. He pushed into this plush like room with all his body, to cramp for his liking. As he pushed out, a new pressure pushed back. Deep gentle circular motions pushed his body back into place seeming to end his cramps. This feeling…was intoxicating…tainting him with a warm feeling that pooled in his belly. He panted like a bitch in heat as the feeling intensified. Waves streamed from his belly spreading to his arms and finger tips, to his feet and his toes, to his drunken little mind. He soft smiled grew on his lips as a thumb took its place inside of his mouth. The cat-woman smiled gently rubbing her pregnant belly as waves of pleasure and joy flooded her own body. She sighed happily looking to her feminine feline friend. “I’m pregnant…”
Secret Desires Introduction: Hello reader and welcome to one of my little fantasies I’ve created over my lifetime. To be forewarned, this is a little unbirth story that at first seems to be a little boring but hay I’m trying things out. Anyways, this story introduces two characters I’ve come up with. The Mother of Muses, more to the focus of the Motherling that you’ll read about, and my loveable printer protecting fox, Foxy Fox :3. Leave me some comments on what’s it’s like. I’d like to see the sandwich suggestions style but its really opens to you as the individual. So whether you’re ready or not, it’s time to start reading…Enjoy. “Why can’t I think of anything?! Why?!” Billy shouted slamming his head against his computer’s desk. It seems like forever since the last time he’d written anything. “I’ve got the ideas but never the will to do any of it,” he muttered. He jumped up from his seat, happening to look down to the fox guarding his printer, as he stepped out of the little “cubical” he’d created in his room with his bed and computer desk. “What?” he asked the fox as she stared at him with a sadness that seem unnatural to her “I’ll write later.” Billy frowned and made a reply in a higher pitch voice “You always say that Billy. When later comes though you don’t write or you write a sentence or too.” He sighed and left the room with a slam of the door following close on his heels. In his kitchen, Billy was hard at work with an original creation of his, lazy hotdogs. He poured some raw dogs onto a plate along with 2 hotdog buns. “There you go! Lazy hotdogs!” he spoke to no one as his voice carried off into the house. Billy carried his creation into the living room the whole time he kept thinking of new ideas for his newest characters, Re-Helia. “Maybe I could use Teremax. He could find the Armor of Skyrim…nah cool but seems short. What about Malice coming there and fighting her…no I don’t want him to die. Oh that reminds me of that picture on Eka’s Portal. That too bad that wasn’t a girl although Khajiits make good vore characters anyways I could also do that one idea where it’s the 2 bandits talking about catching her and turning her in for their own island right before she eats them.” In the middle of his talking, Billy stopped to chomp down on the bread then went back to eating his dogs. After his creation had been destroyed, he went back into his room to play some Modern Warfare 3 for a few hours, or at least till he saw it was around 12 am. “Hellova war!” he said with a stretch. From the corner of his ear, he heard the same voice Billy of course was the master of voice, as he was cleaning up his Playstation 3 for the night. “Billy?” he ignored voice while the put the game disk away. “BILLY!” the voice screamed making look up from putting the system itself a side “yes?” The little guard fox “growled” at Billy and spoke “Once again you’ve said you were going to write and guess what no writing.” Billy just shrugged walking off leaving her in the room. The fox started yelping “BILLY DON’T YOU GO OFF LIKE THAT. JUST ALITTLE BIT IS ALL YOU NEED…”she sniffed “come back…” he didn’t hear after he had shut bathroom or well he didn’t finished her sentence really. When he finally got out, Billy just looked at his foxy friend. “I know if she were real, she’d be pissed at me,” Billy frowned, “But she’s not real and she can’t come to life.” Two hours had passed after Billy had fallen asleep, with all seemed quite and dark. It was quite enough to make a ninja jealous. “Poor little thing” a soft rosy voice echoed into the darkness. A passerby would have seen a soft light slowly becoming brighter as it neared the doorway. From around the corner of Billy’s door a glowing white figure poked its head his room seeming to check for entity. The figure stepped doorway revealing its shape to be very similar to a female, a ‘blessed’ female, with only what someone could have said was a fox’s tail. “Oh Billy, Billy, Billy” she spoke entering Billy’s room with a sway of her hips “you’ve got all this skill but it seems you’re getting lazier each day. If only we could do something about that,” she whispered, “I gave you my gift. So what has made you use it like you have?” The white female reached out with a soft hand and stroked his dark brown hair. Billy murmured softly curling up tighter in his blanket. The vixen pulled away out of surprise then giggled softly “just as cute as the day we first met.” The vixen softly placed her hand onto Billy’s head. The vixen’s arm slowly brightened up the strength of the glow traveling up her arm to her head. From the first contact with this glow, she could see every moment of Billy’s life. With what sounded like a sigh, the vixen rubbed Billy’s head once again, pulling away with what some would say a kind of smirk on her face. “You’re not lazy just stressed” The vixen sat down lifting her legs off the ground and floated there just as if she were sitting in a chair. With a tapped under her chin, a wondering began in her head “I can’t just let the gift be ignored, but I can’t be mean to one of my children who’s used it in so many way. He has created some good solution to plenty of problems. But he hasn’t used it lately for much of anything. Huh…” she trailed off as she noticed a small stuffed fox sitting atop Billy’ printer. “Oh well hello…Foxy!” the vixen said with an ‘I just got an idea’ snap of the fingers. With a Jedi like wave of the hand, Foxy lifted off of the printer to levitate over the worn out carpet of Billy’s room. “For now you live without breath, a strong spirit has been born of kindness and love of a muse and its partner. Live daughter of Angel and Billy!” The glowing vixen’s very words carried from her mouth surrounding the stuffed fox in a brilliant aura of glowing lights. With a similar smirk as before, the vixen moved back giving new ball of aura room, as it became to grow. From what was originally a ‘fox’ shape now ball, the orb began grow towards the ceiling and the floor. Now something like a cylinder, four nubs budded off this cylinder growing into large stick that blossomed into hands and feet. A fifth nub spouted out taking the shape of a tail. At the top of the cylinder a new ball formed that seemed to almost inflate to around the size of a human head from atop of the new ‘ball’ two triangles ‘popped’ on top of the head. The cylinder slowly formed into an hourglass shape and from the glowing vixen’s position an average sized chest and rump grew also. Slowly the glow departed from Foxy’s new legs revealing her black ‘stocking’ that reached up to her knees, from knee up was the normal fox orange covered most of her body save for tip of her tail, belly, chest, and underside of her muzzle. Foxy’s arms wore a pair of black ‘gloves’ from her elbow to hands. And as cute as could be, sat her two lone black triangular ears sitting in the sea of orange. “What the?” the new anthromorphic fox asked while her new eyes began to become used to the lit darkness of the glow vixen “who are you? What’s happened to me?” With a soft giggle, the vixen replied, “in a way I’m your grandmother!” Foxy gasped followed quickly bursting into laughter. The vixen cocked her head and looked to Billy, who was running over in his sleep, then ‘shhh’ed the laughing fox “Foxy whether you believe me or not. Please don’t be so loud you’ll wake my son!” Foxy smirked “well ‘grandma’ you couldn’t wake Billy up if you tried! He’ll only wake up if you touch him.” The glowing vixen only sighed, “you do have some of Billy’s ‘trustworthiness’…” Foxy jumped in “well I’m not too sure about a glowing fox. I can trust Billy because I know him but you I’m not so sure about. I’m joking because of that. Plus you never said who you are and how you know us? Or even what happened to me? Heck you even talk like Billy’s your son!” The vixen ‘smirked’ once more “well you are trying to protect him. That’s a good sign. Well it’s time to tell my story. First I’m the one that gave you this new form. My magic took your plush body and made it into flesh. Second, I know you because I am Angel’s mother, the mother of Billy’s creativity. I am the Mother of Muses…” the vixen paused for a second, “well I am and I am not,” she said with a rocking of her head. Foxy sighed folding her arms “Clear as mud!” In Billy sleep, he busted randomly into laughter while the vixen chuckled “well with the laugh track aside, I’ll try to explain this as simple as I can. Like I said before I’m the Mother of Muses and I’m not. You see the real Mother does not exist in reality. She can’t. Don’t ask why, it’s easier that way. Now I know what you’ll say, if she’s doesn’t exist, how can I exist? My answer is: I never said she didn’t exist. Only that she’s can’t. I know your wondering why so I’ll try to explain. At her normal power, the Mother would cause reality, as you know it to fall apart. Creature like her can’t enter realities because of how powerful they are. It would cause exist to fail and slowly come apart. Myself, on the other hand, is an example of how the Mother can enter existence. I am what you might call an energy being, as I’m sure you could tell. While I, myself, am rather powerful I far lack the power of the true Mother, as do the others. Yes, there are countless numbers of me, much to your pleasure I assume,” the vixen, Motherling (perhaps), finished with a giggle. Foxy folded her arms nodding in ‘understanding’ speaking her mind one more time, “well you explained something to me. Whether I truly understand or not, I’m not sure but I don’t think you ever explained why you’re here?” The Motherling sighed scratching at her left ear “I thought I forgot something, all powerful not all knowing right. Anyways Foxy, I’m here for a muse. And your new body is the main key!” The Motherling quieted up as the news sank into Foxy. In a blurt of inspiration, Foxy said, “you want me to unbirth him? Why didn’t you say so in the first place! I’ve always wanted to unbirth him anyway.” The Motherling giggled, “Well then you know what to then…” The blanket covering Billy flow off with Foxy mounting up at the feet of her home giver, she licked her lips while her netherlips began to moisten up as Billy rough feet tickled as the fur surrounding them. She widened her legs then forced Billy’s toes to probe passed the netherlips. Billy quickly pulled his toes free murmuring in his sleep. Foxy frowned at his home giver’s reactions saying “oh no! You’re not taking this from me. Not this close!” Foxy grabbed whole of both of Billy’s legs and forcefully feed his legs to her hungry netherlips sending them on their way down his sweet honey tunnel. The quick thrust of feet deep into her sent Foxy high into an orgasmic orbit. Foxy moaned and groaned as the rough feet of her ‘victim’ tickled as cervix, the gateways to Billy’s new home. The cervix melted aside, with vigorous shockwaves of pleasure, granting full access to her prized internal room. Outside of the voracious netherlips, Billy was begun to stir against the ‘pulling’ and flexing of the inner honey tunnel. On Foxy’s end, the stirring, pulses pulling more of her victim, and just the knowledge of what ‘mischief’ she was invoking was pushing her closer to the big O. With her hungry netherlips as work, Billy’s hips and more importantly his erect member drew closer to its natural predator! Foxy’s lips parted wider as Billy’s hips began to enter. A low moan escaped as Billy’s erect penis brushed against furry surface of Foxy’s love petals. Foxy’s love petals took its time engulfing its prey. It savored the juicy thickness as it watered all over it with the love petal’s thick creamy honey. The head of the penis, in ‘fear’ of its life, ejected its ‘poisonous venom’ in throat of its predator. Foxy bit at her lower lip as her netherlips overflowed with sticky venom and its own creamy honey that ultimately would make consumption easy. Foxy moaned as her netherlips began to overtake Billy’s chubby stomach. She groaned as she rested on one arm “I need more…I need more of you, Billy!” and, with the help of her free hand, took one of Billy’s hands into her own and impaled it deep into her. Foxy’s eyes widened up, she couldn’t take it anymore. “o…o…o…ooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!” she screamed rolling with each big O and emptying out her netherlips supplies of cream honey. From head to nether regions, her spine rolled with each orgasm helping to push and pull Billy deeper into his home. With scream and roll were quite wonderful, Billy stirred once more “w…what?” he moaned trying to rise up from his bed. He looked around in blurred sight only to be blinded by an intensely powerful light. He shielded his eyes and quickly became aware of being whipped about and just how warm his chest was. He pulled at his right arm hearing only a wet sucking noise and feeling a strong tug against his pull. Leaving the safety of his left arm, Billy looked down to seeing the figure of his fantasies. A vixen shape with a good top, middle and bottom having himself seem to have spouted from between her legs. “What in the name of Sithis!?” he shouted as his voice cracked. Billy shielded his eyes then doubled back to the fantasy acting out around him. He stared at voracious lips as they swallowed up this chest. For the next few seconds, Billy only watched as the predatory lips swallowed him up. The feelings of Foxy’s honey tunnel contracting and lubricating Billy’s stomach as it swallowed him were some of Billy’s lasts thoughts just as he was eaten. Foxy’s tongue fell out with a heavy panting while her netherlips finished the last of her master “sooooOOOOooo good.” Foxy giggled then let her fingers probe into her netherlips following after the last of Billy. Foxy’s finger stopped short but got a wonderful view, as the last of Billy was crammed into her womb and the trapdoor shutting behind him. The fingers quickly pulled back then probed deep into the honey tunnel with this repeating several. Outside, Foxy moaned finally letting her hand rest while her netherlips through up the last of its nectar for the night. Inside of Foxy, Billy was left in ‘derp’ mode as his mind tried to wrap around what had just happened to him. “So I’m in a womb?” he asked himself pushing into the surrounding “and I’m inside of a vixen’s womb?!” A smile creep across Billy’s face and began rubbing and wiggling into his surrounding doing his best to expect all of his deep down fantasy born emotions. All of the moving in this surrounding brought him to the upright position readying him for his flight. His ‘life support’ slipped onto his belly without him even acknowledge its presents. With all of his excitement, sleep would eventually catch up with Billy. He smiled and snuggled into the fleshy surroundings “Good night…” Outside of her womb, Foxy dragged her wet lower body against the cool comforter of Billy’s bed and rested her head against his pillow. Off to the side, the Motherling creep up onto Foxy and rubbed her swollen belly “thank you Foxy. I couldn’t have done this without you…” the Motherling paused for a moment then poke at Foxy’s belly “did you ever wonder why I wanted you to do this?” Foxy giggled and rolled onto her back rubbing her belly all over “I got my boy in muy belleh!” The Motherling just cocked her head “well um in another universe, Angel’s muse needed to be born so…yay. I can see you’re having fun with this. I’ll let you keep my little gift,” the Motherling finished and simple faded out just like an old light. Left all by herself, Foxy rolled onto her side once more and encompassing her belly just like an animal would with its young. “Don’t worry Billy. Momma’s here to protect you” she cooed gently rubbing her belly as the once energetic motions within slowly began to die. “Momma’s here…to protect you” she finished drifting off to sleepy
Chapter 1: The Nightmare Begins Sinnoh, a magnificent landmass situated in the crystal clear, blue seas of the Pokémon world. The Scenery is alluring, its environments diverse and its inhabitants, both humans and Pokémon continue to peacefully coexist alongside one another, growing closer with each new generation. Though, things were not always so…not too long ago a large criminal organization known as Team Galactic, had horrible plans for the world, plans that threatened the entire stability of the Pokémon universe. Spear headed by their charismatic, nihilistic leader, Cyrus, they relentlessly pursued their extreme goal of obtaining the ultimate power: The ability to shape the very fabric of reality into whatever they saw fit. However, in their hour of victory, they could only taste defeat…this notorious group of felons was brought to their knees…by the hands of nothing more than a mere child. Surprisingly, this was not the only criminal organization that has suffered from such a fate: Team Rocket’s conquest was forcefully ended, teams Magma and Aqua were broken and the glorious reign of Team Plasma, quickly ceased to exist. All this was caused by one thing and one thing alone; A young child with dreams, hopes and incredibly strong Pokémon. Truly, this was indeed a humiliating way for any reputable force of sheer power to be defeated but alas, the reality is what it is… That was until the heads of each of these organizations had met; Cyrus, Giovanni, Maxie, Archie, N and Greevil; All gathered under one roof, forcefully taken from their respective locations by an enigmatic entity and taken the depths .of Mount Coronet , unwillingly seated in a dark, chilling room. “Good evening gentlemen…” A deep ominous voice said, “Welcome to my humble abode.” The strange voice echoes throughout the large metal plated area as its owner stands atop a pedestal, cloaked in darkness. Cyrus among the other leaders, were seated in front of this mysterious speaker, surrounding him in a semi circular formation as they are focused intently on what is to come next. “Do you know why I have brought you here today?” The tension rapidly grows as an enigmatic blast of air surges through the dark room, putting everyone on edge. “What if I told you that I had the answer to all your problems?” he then began to chuckle and the sharp sound of tapping footsteps was heard …and it didn’t sound human.. Cyrus, enraged by everything he stands in protest and raises his fist in anger. He then speaks sternly in a fairly low tone:“Alright, I’ve had about enough of this nonsense, I didn’t need to be dragged all the way here just for you to waste my time.” He then turns his back to the strange man.” Whatever you were hoping to gain from having me come here*humph* you’ve already lost it…” “Oh really now..” with a snap of his fingers the lights flickered erratically before illuminating the room with a blinding, red glow. The source of all those odd occurrences earlier was now revealed as Cyrus the stood frozen in fear…his narrow eyes fixated on what could very well be the end of him. Standing right infront of him was a crimson pokemon with gun metal grey stripes standing eight feet tall on its two shapely, slender legs while menacingly hovering its long bladed arms above him. It was glaring strongly at the former boss of Team Galactic as its armored anthropoid body gleamed greatly in the bright red lights. “Wha-What the hell?!.. is that a…Pokémon?!” Cryus fell to his knees at the sight as everyone else was startled by the creature’s presence. “Indeed it is, just a little modification I made to a Scizor of mine, I hope you like it.” The genetically enhanced Pokémon placed its arms on Cyrus, seductively licking its lips before menacingly baring its fangs. “Hey, get that thing away from me… Im warning you! Don’t make me have to..’ He reaches for his Pokéballs, only to find that they are missing. “Oh, what was that?” He chuckled”Your fate was sealed the very moment you decided to question me…begging will get you nowhere.” With another snap of his fingers, the large Scizor swiftly and forcefully grabbed the pleading man; all Cyrus could do was gasp, his eyes widened by fear as he was hoisted up above the creatures’ maw. “This is Mektonoe, a fine example of my work. She is unlike any Pokémon you have ever seen before…”He snaps his fingers again and she slowly opens her drooling maw, teasingly licking the man, forcing her thick saliva coated tongue against his face.“She is far stronger than any fighting type, far faster than any flying type and far smarter than any psychic type….and guess what?”Mektonoe eagerly begins to lower her prey into her warm, wet mouth. “this is only just the beginning..” The eager insectezioid Pokémon then releases her large meal into her wide gaping maw, snapping up his head inside with her powerful jaws before taking hold of his body and shoving him deeply into her balmy, tight, slimy throat. Slowly he is forced down her oesophagus , creating a large noticeable, bulge as he slithers down. The audience of former villains could only observe fearfully at this strange Pokémon’s strength and ferocity, watching keenly as an example was made of the protesting mastermind. With only his legs dangling outside her mouth, she simply tilted her head upwards and pushed down hard on his feet. Loud sickening squelches and Squishing noises were made as he was stuffed deeply inside her, forced into the confines of her warm, moist stomach. He could not move much for her thick black stomach walls, lined with highly viscous fluids, enclosed so tightly around him that struggling was virtually impossible. It was as if he was compacted by a hollow ball of rubber, forcing him into the fetal position, no matter how much he tried to move himself.. “Dammit…”. In his mind he knew that there was no way for him to escape the belly of the beast and as her stomach walls began to massage him, slowly churning his body… his time has run out. Outside of the elegant body of Mektonoe, everyone gazed upon her new found girth. Her segmented grey belly was now large, round and had many bulges… Indeed the boss of Team Galactic was still intact, but all that was about to change..with just the snap of a finger. *Snap* A loud gurgling noise then echoed throughout the room, making everyone uneasy, even Greevil couldn’t stand to listen to the musical sounds of digestion in the works. Back inside Mektonoe’s stomach Cyrus was in great pain, reason being that the walls of the stomach were secreting digestive fluids, and lots of it. The pain he felt was comparable to taking a bath in sweltering hot oil filled with angry fire ants tearing away at his flesh. This pain was however, short lived… There was nothing but muffled screaming and yelling for three minutes, then thing quickly became quiet as both screaming and gurgling ceased over time. The bug Pokémon’s belly was now smooth, no bulges in sight as it then slowly decreased in size, returning to its original state. Mektonoe then rubbed her tummy in satisfaction, smiling maliciously as she eyed the other organizational bosses in the room. “Does anyone else have anything to say” with no replies being made to that, he continued “Alright then..” Mektonoe then began to walk around the room in a threatening manner, hungrily looking at everyone seated, and deliberately sending chills down their spines. “As you might have seen here, I don’t need any of you, I simply want you” The crimson assassin stalks around the room at a slower pace, making louder steps whenever she came near to someone while dragging the sharp blade on her forearm against the wall. “I have assignments for all of you and I expect for you to complete them, failure, is not an option..” “Assignments?” Greevil questioned out of curiosity, but he was cut short when he felt a warm, misty breath streaming down his neck… “Yes, Greevil, I need for you to find me an alpha Charizard, we shall use it in project Volcus” *He tosses a folder to boss of Cipher. “Giovanni, send your best to find me an Alpha Dragonite, I require it for project Kygomei”H e throws another folder but this one towards Team Rockets leader. “And finally Archie and Maxie, you two have a rather challenging job… I need you to get me the eggs of every Alpha Garchomp you can find .” *He then tosses a folder to the heads of teams Aqua and Magma. Wait, I understand why I am here but..who are you?” N simply asked with great inquisition “Who am I?” He then chuckled as the lights began to shine on the center stage, revealing what appears to be a fifteen year old boy with a typical white lab coat, black and white spiky hair and a pair of High tech goggles around his neck. “Well if I told you that I’d have to kill you…that is unless we are at an agreement here.” Everyone nodded in affirmation and he continued “My name is Zycharo Vcmarga and I will lead you all on a glorious campaign of world domination. With my intellect and technology coupled with your funds and resources, the world will be ours within weeks. This new league, this new Organization comprised of us all, shall be called Team Evodium, A phrase that will strike death bringing fear into the hearts of all those that come in our way..” To be continued… Next time :Survival of the Fittest
 Lois was having a nice day with her family at her parent’s beach house that her parents let her use for the weekend. Lois was wearing a velvet red two piece bathing suit to get her husband’s attention, or some of the house servants that her parents staffed to keep the beach house well maintained. Lois began to walk to her spot where she was going to lay down. Lois was doing a very seductive sway walk that was getting the attention of the male staff and some of the females as well at the beach house. She then got to her spot and laid down, Lois then pulled out a bottle of sun lotion. She began tap on the bottom of the bottle of the lotion making her breasts bounce with each tap she did on the bottle. Lois then opened the lotion bottle and began to rub the lotion onto her skin. As she rubbed the lotion all over her body, Lois got a little excited from rubbing herself all over. After Lois was done applying the lotion she laid down onto her stomach to enjoy the sun. As she was laying there, Peter, Meg, Brian, Chris, and Stewie were all playing on the beach. Stewie and Brian were both playing in the water and talking to each other. Stewie: What are you doing Brian? Brian: I am trying to get the attention of one of the girls that work here. Stewie: Oh boy what are you going to do dog? Brian: I am going to try and fake that I am drowning. Stewie: You are being an idiot Brian. We talked about this. Brian then goes into the water and starts to pretend that he is drowning. As he was splashing and yelling for help. One of the women on staff noticed Brian was drowning. She jumped into the water and pulled Brian back to shore. The women gave mouth to mouth resuscitation to Brian. As Brian slowly opened his eyes he saw a very busty and voluptuous brunette. Brunette: Oh my god are you okay? Brian: I thought I was going to drown there. Thank you. I know I lost my breath there but you took my breath away the moment that I opened my eyes and saw you. What is your name? Brunette: Awwwe that is sweet. My name is Melissa. Brian: Nice to meet you Melissa. Would you like to go and do something later together? Melissa: Yeah sure I get off at 6 this evening. Meet me in the back of the beach house. Brian: It’s a date! After that Melissa began to walk away and find a change of clothes while her wet clothes dry. Stewie then walks to Brian clapping in a sarcastic manner. Stewie: Wow Brian. I am impressed with how pathetic you’ve become. Just wow. Brian: Oh shut up Stewie. I got a date. Stewie: Yeah sure. Catch you later B Rye. After that exchange of words the two went to do their own thing. On the beach Chris and Peter were building stuff with the sand. Chris: Look dad I made a sand castle! Peter: Oh yeah? Well I made a cannon! *Peter pulls on the string made of sand* Chris’s sandcastle was literally blown away. Chris: You started this dad! Chris then began to build a high tech combat robot. As Peter saw what Chris was building, Peter began to build his own robot as well. As the two quickly rushed to build their robots, Lois was starting to notice them being idiots. Chris: Ha! I built a combat robot! Peter: Oh yeah! Well I built Voltron! The two robots began to battle each other. The robot that Chris built from the sand was way smaller than Peter’s Voltron. It was being slapped around. Chris’s robot then began to make a pose and pulled a sword. In response to the weapon being pulled sand Voltron pulled out its sword. The two began to fight it out with the swords. Peter: Ha Ha Haaa! There is no way that Voltron will lose! Chris: We’ll see about that! Chris’s robot began to vibrate and glow. The sword became very bright and it moved at a very high speed attacking Voltron. The robot cut the limbs off of Voltron then made a hole where the energy source was. Voltron then blew up, sending sand everywhere. As Peter looked down kicking the sand Chris pointed at Peter. Chris: Ha the future is now old man! Chris’s robot then came in and smacked Peter in the face leaving him gob smacked. As the two finished Lois got covered in sand and Meg was at the beach house trying to flirt. Lois: Damn it Peter! I got covered in sand and it is in places that makes it uncomfortable! Lois then got up and went to her room to get out of the bathing suit. As she walked to her room she noticed that one of the staff members were looking at her with lust in her eyes. Lois got into her room. She was really frustrated because of how her day was ruined. Lois then began to play with her vagina. She first started with rubbing her clitoris and her breasts. Lois then pulled out a dildo from her bag. She inserted it into herself enjoying the feeling of it going in and out of her. However, the dildo still wasn’t satisfying her enough. She went to the door to peak to see if there is anybody in the hallway. When Lois opened the door. She saw that the same staff member that was looking at her lustfully was hearing her pleasuring herself at the door. Lois grabbed the blonde haired women and told her to take off her clothes and have sex with her. The blonde happily obliged to it. The two were both naked and they began to kiss each other on the bed. Lois played with her clitoris and labia while the blonde was licking and sucking on Lois’s nipples. Lois was still not reaching her climax so she told the blonde to finger her. The blonde then inserted her fingers into Lois’s moist nethers. “MORE” shouted Lois gasping in pleasure. The blonde then went three in and Lois began to moan more in frequency and volume. Lois was still not reaching her climax. Lois then began to lose control of her vaginal muscles and they began to pull the blonde women in. The busty and petite but blonde was starting to get sucked in. Lois’s vagina sucked up the blonde’s arm in mere seconds. As this was happening Lois was panting, moaning, and gasping in pleasure that she never reached before. With each pleasurable struggle that the blonde put out, Lois’s vagina pulled her in. The blonde’s head then disappeared in Lois’s pleasure hungry vagina. Soon the blonde entered Lois’s womb. As she entered Lois’s womb, Lois really started to lose herself. Her vaginal muscles sucked in the blonde’s whole body into her womb. With the blonde struggling in her womb Lois wriggled in pleasure on the bed. Lois then passed out from the fun she just had. Her belly was very large and wriggling from the struggles of the trapped blonde. As Lois slept, her womb began to absorb the blonde woman. Lois’s breasts got larger and her booty got bigger and fuller. As her belly shrunk her vagina was leaking out cum. Over the next few hours of her sleeping she wakes up to find that there was a bump in her belly. As she pushed against it cum began to ooze out of her vagina. Lois then went to the bathroom and pushed out all of what was left of the blonde. After she was done, Lois got up and looked at herself in the mirror in her room. Lois: Wow! I never had so much pleasure like that before! Look at my breasts! MMMMMMMMM so big and full. And my ass! It looks sexy! I wonder who else I should try shoving up in me?
A little R and R By Soline A tall, muscular wolf clad in the station’s standard uniform padded carefully into the resort’s central room. Occupying the upper half of an entire orbital defence platform, the resort had stripped out all military hardware and outfitted the cylindrical station with ‘rest and relaxation’ equipment ’s controls down to the engineering section, the owners of the resort had installed vast metal sheets over the glass that could be retracted during the day cycle, allowing the sunlight to stream through the protective glaze and glass and warm the room, and closed up after a dozen hours to simulate night-time. It was mid-day, or what passed for it, on the station as the wolf entered and moved towards one of the numerous empty sunbeds. The expensive resort was rarely ‘packed’, often too expensive for more than half its carrying capacity to afford, but at this time of year it was particularly sparse, with only a few hundred people milling around the beds and pool, many of the richer clientele having flown to other parts of the system to enjoy the hot summer from a cooler climate, the ski-habitat on Pluto, and Station in orbit around Titan were particularly favourite choices at the time of year. Picking a particularly quiet part of the room, a five minute walk from the entrance, as per her request the wolf pushed a sunbed closer to the water’s edge with his foot, and carefully lowered the woman in his arms onto the sun-warmed seat. She sighed involuntarily at the heat and turned her head to look up at him, squinting at the same time from the glare of the sun “Ah, of course ma’am, my apologies” he hastily pulled out the sunglasses from his breast pocket and bent down again to slip them onto her face, the bridge custom widened to rest easily over the wide base of her snout. “Will that be all ma’am?” “Yes, thank you Captain”. White whiskers twitched happily and pale white fur rippled and parted to reveal more of the two, oddly cute, buckteeth as she smiled gratefully. The rat shuffled into a more comfortable position and let the hot sun warm her fur as the wolf turned to leave. “Actually, captain” he stopped and turned sharply, but without annoyance, just simple curiosity. “I’d quite like to go for a swim…” “Of course ma’am, I’ll fetch your…legs I’ll be back in a few minutes”. He half-bowed and turned, walking briskly across the room, stepping from tiles and onto the burgundy carpet before vanishing into one of the hallways. On her seat the rat wriggled her hips, shuffling a little higher up the chair and reached for her glass of orange juice after a second she rolled her eyes and lashed her tail out sharply, wrapping the pink appendage around the cool glass and bringing the straw to her grateful lips. Phantom Limb hadn’t been a ‘problem’ for years, but she still slipped occasionally when her prosthetics were being cleaned. As the juice flowed into her belly the rat shivered as chill flowed through her body, and the liquid settled in a definite spot in her stomach an ability many took for granted, but one that was exceedingly rare for the astro-rat, used to having to clench to keep liquids from floating back up her oesophagus. In fact that was the reason she was on the station as all at her annual check-up the doctor had prescribed ordered when she had explained she had more important duties ‘Rotational Resort’ for her vacation. The orbital platform was initially built by warring factions on the Earth it spun very fast in order to lob nuclear warheads down at the planet below, and as a side effect created enough centrifugal force to simulate gravity slightly stronger than on Earth. When an intelligent person had pointed out to the government that actually a fair sized rock could do just as much damage as a nuke when tossed in from orbit the station had been abandoned after it had been used. Several decades later when the station was turned into a resort it became a hub for extra-terrestrial ‘gee-time’ to repair the effects space had on the body that ‘Gee-pills’ couldn’t contain over extended periods of time. Without any true method of creating the gravitons required for true artificial gravity, and in an effort to stave off the rule set other stations required prohibiting any metal objects ‘optical illusions’, and chemical and technological know-how including specific air-content creating impressive ’s viewpoint ‘smart’ dust made of conductive silver and magnetic ferrous metals among other things, kept the illusion of gravity in technically weightless areas, specifically the apex room, the pool, that allowed people to relax and look up at the greeny-brown landscape of Earth, and occasionally the other planets in the distance. The result of both methods of ‘gravity’ was some very interesting corridors, most of the public hallways slowly curved into a loose right angle a few feet outside the centre of the station to shift from one ‘floor’ to another, but several places, particularly in maintenance, had walkways that literally turned vertical at right angles. From her seat she could just about see the clear glass circle in the centre of the pool. Beneath that four foot thick layer of diamond engrained toughened glass was the very core of the station, free from any gravity within the spinning axis and below the rotating superconductors the area had initially been used to store bombs and act as a coolant for the entire station. Now the room, almost a kilometre high, was surrounded by heaters and filled with numerous fans, blowing the heated air around to create eddies and plumes of air in the ‘free-fall room’. The white rodent had been there earlier in the day, and the thought brought a pleased smile to her lips as she remembered one of the few perks to being a quadruple amputee while every other non-avian being had to strap on a body-chute to float awkwardly around the room, she had simply had her wing prosthetics ‘arm’ housing a supercomputer that translated her nerve impulses into avian actions and co-ordinated each feather to move just as a real wing would ’s desire. Initially people had been a little disturbed at the sight of a legless rat with seemingly real wings flapping and flying around the room, but the station’s captain had taken it upon himself to be her personal escort and before long people had grown accustomed to the amputee…even with the unusual prosthetics she occasionally donned. With the amount paid for a stay at the resort everyone received a very attentive crew, but by and large the captain remained at the station’s controls, not interacting with guests very much however he had made an exception for the rat, forsaking his duties for the most part to tend to her. Initially she had assumed it was because she was immobile without her prosthetics, but the level of attention he paid her had begun to hint at a little more than pity. As if on cue he returned, walking across the room with a large fish tail, long enough to add an extra foot at least to her height, compared to her prosthetic legs. Most of the streamlined scales were dark greens and blues but they faded, growing duller and smaller towards the hips where they became almost white, to blend seamlessly into the rat’s own flesh and blood waist. “Here we are, would you like some help putting it on?” He asked every single time, there was never a need because both knew she needed his help, but the wolf seemed unable to break the courtesy. “Please”, she wriggled around, undulating her stomach and flexing shoulders and hips with a skill borne of years of practice, and a fluidity that drew more than a glance from the wolf, albeit one he quickly stopped as soon as he realised he was looking. Gripping her waist gently he swung her around until her hips hung out over the edge of the sunbed her ears jangled brightly as she lifted her head to look down at him, the seven iridium rings in her large ears ’t without risking prodding her in the crotch, so instead he blushed uncomfortably and tried to behave professionally as he slipped two fingers around the crotch of her one-piece swimsuit and gently pulled. Unable to wear a bikini without her arms and legs on the rat was wearing a tight purple one-piece swimsuit the suit was deliberately a little too small to use the tension between groin and shoulder to keep the clothing firmly in place, however it had the side-effect of clinging to her body very alluringly, as well as working its way up her crotch quite well. To this end the wolf pulled the material a few centimetres away from her nethers and ran his fingers down, moving carefully to avoid discomfort as he pulled the damp fabric out from between her labia and trying desperately to ignore the heat on his fingers. A glance up at her impassive, unabashed face reassured him somewhat, and he slid his fingers down further, to the drier section of fabric between her crotch and bum, where a small, carefully padded plastic latch nestled. After fiddling for a few seconds he managed to undo the catch and immediately diverted his gaze back up to her face as the taut fabric snapped limp, revealing the rat’s sex in its entirety as well as the dark crevice a little lower down where her buttocks pressed together. Even looking up at her face he couldn’t avoid the blush as her ample breasts He grabbed her real tail first, slipping it into the hole at the back of the mermaid tail and moving the joining section closer while feeding her flesh and bone tail steadily down the smooth tube. The tip almost brushed the far end as he eased her bum and hips into the semi-flexible ‘seat’ of the prosthetic, the rim skin-tight around her waist. A slight click echoed from somewhere just beneath the rodent’s body as sockets clicked together, wiring the nerves in her hips straight into the mermaid tail and she experimentally kicked, sending the tail-fin flicking up sharply. The wolf took the two freely hanging halves of the latch on her suit and pulled them down, once more pulling the swimsuit taunt across her breasts but also pulling the sides down over the prosthetic’s join and pulling the crotch of the swimsuit down over where a mermaid’s slit might have been, and attached the front and back to the two opposing latches, effectively tying her clothes back on. With that he stood and slipped an arm under her back and under the tail, scooping her back up into the air, he stepped smartly around the vacant sunbed and gently lowered her into the sun-warmed water. “I’ll come back and check on you in an hour ok?” The captain asked as he released her and stood back as she splashed around to orient herself and lay on her back, hair already soaked and hanging over one eye “Sure, that should be enough to get some exercise…and a drink” she spat a stream of water up playfully, watching it fall short and rain back down onto her belly before kicking her tail and diving straight under the water and away from the captain in lazy, powerful kicks. The wolf watched her ass as she swam, realised he was watching her bum, and quickly left, checking his watch as he walked he would spend the hour tending to his professional duties…namely making sure no one was trying to throw rocks, pens or crowbars out of the airlocks and ensuring the station didn’t fly too far or too close to the planet. Subconsciously he would spend the time thinking about his rodent charge and working extremely hard in order to have more time to look after her. “Is that?” “Yes!” “Are you sure? I’ve never seen her with a fish ta-“ “Foo! How many quadruple amputee, blue haired mice do you know? For that matter, how many can there BE in space?” The rat had been swimming around for about half an hour when the pair began to talk. Most would have needed arms to stay afloat but she had spent years in space, long enough to learn to control her breathing and practice, enabling her to exist contentedly without air for just over five minutes as a result, while others splashed and soaked at the surface, she swam around underwater with only her large tail as propulsion and steering and leapt almost entirely out of the water each time she needed to breathe, occasionally startling other swimmers by accident…and more often on purpose. The voices sounded familiar, even distorted as they were on the journey from air to water she flipped over in the water and stared intently up through the rippling surface, almost certain she knew the pair. “DEE!” the female voice called out and the figure on the left waved heartily at the rodent, prompting her to swim to the surface and grin with pleased surprise at her two friends. “Foo, Zot, hi there! Mind giving me a hand?” The pair nodded and crouched down, gripping Dee’s wet body with practiced ease and hauling her out of the water and into a sitting position on the edge, neither showing any embarrassment as their fingers dug into the supple, firm flesh of her breasts and hips. They then sat down either side of Dee and each slipped an arm behind her back, supporting her weight so the rat could lean back slightly “I’m surprised to see you here Dee”. Foo looked over the rat-mermaid with a slightly amused grin, his amber eyes glimmering slightly in reflected light from the pool. The chocolate brown horse had grown a similar styled, un-gelled Mohawk as Dee but left it a natural, pale brown colour “Doctor’s orders I’m afraid, apparently the Gee-pills just don’t quite cut it.” Dee turned her head and regarded Zot coolly, “I saw on the news, congratulations.” “It was pure chance, you know that.” The ant-eater’s emerald eyes flicked forwards as a slight blush tinged her orange-furred cheeks. A golden coloured tongue flicked out and licked her purple lips nervously “But thanks anyway, maybe I’ll be better at it than the last guy.” The ant-eater had recently been chosen out of a lottery of every citizen in New Attica to become one of the new crop of Councillors by Lot, part of the main governing body. “So you two are here to celebrate? As good a reason as any.” Dee caught the subtle glance her two friends shared at the mention of ‘celebration’ and smirked, recognising the look. “Ooh, so you’re here for some personal R and R?” “Ugh, Foo you have a terrible poker face!” Zot teased, kicking one of her clawed feet and splashing the slender horse with water. Grinning, he kicked a hoof, splashing her back and soaking Dee in the process. “She was watching you,” he laughed and apologised to the rat, although both he and Zot let their gazes linger on Dee’s chest, watching her breasts heave faintly beneath the wet fabric as she breathed. Sex between the trio was nothing secret or discreet, in fact the only reason Zot and Foo were in the highly paid jobs with the qualifications they had was because as teens the ever practical and pro-active rodent had deterred them from getting nothing done and watching the opposite sex by bribing her group of friends with sex each time they completed a project. The teens grew up and moved further from each other, each pursuing their own careers, which meant the ‘rewards’ were harder to give although the habit had never technically died…something Zot was undoubtedly thinking of and wondering if her friend would deem being randomly selected as councillor a worthwhile achievement. “So…did you have anything in mind when you picked here?” Dee interrupted the increasingly naughty thoughts of her friends. “Have you tried the free-fall? It’s very fun,” She nodded over to the glass circle beneath the pool. “Actually, we’ve been piloting some of the, umm, sex-bots.” Foo gave a light cough and checked no one was nearby, chatting sex with Zot and Dee he didn’t mind, but it was still slightly embarrassing to be caught on the topic in public. “Yeah, I broke the snake one the first day we were here…tried to make it walk,” Zot giggled. The android at reception in the station was a basic humanoid robot covered in synthetically grown flesh, it sounded, acted and felt like a real vixen, and if you cut it she would bleed, but cutting deep enough revealed the inner machinery and programs that ran her speech and movement functions. The ‘sex-bots’ Foo and Zot had been playing with were designed to fulfil certain fetishes, technically just incredibly complex sex-toys the robots could be anything from simple android, allowing the client to fuck whatever species he or she desired, up to the more obscure and even downright strange fetishes. Dee had built her own sex-bot back home, a tiny robotic anthropic mouse to fulfil her sexual ‘bots the station used came with an additional feature, allowing a person to ‘take control’ and experience the same sensations they would have if they were the robot, allowing clients to experience life as an alternative species, gender or with normally impossibly qualities. “So…any in particular or are you just working your way through the station’s entire inventory?” The rat flicked her head between the two friends. “Well…we’ve spent most of the past two weeks inside or controlling this snake-bot…” “Inside? Like…” “Yep! Actually inside, oh it feels fantastic Dee, you can ‘eat’ people with it and feel them inside you!” “And feel what it’s like to be inside a stomach,” Zot added. “Although it’s not quite what you’d expect, because you are a six metre python it’s more like a very large, squirming meal.” Dee’s mind flitted back to her own micro sex-bot and she understood what Foo meant by feeling them inside. “Anyway, we’re about to head back, would you like us to change you?” Foo cast about for Dee’s usual prosthetic limbs. “My limbs are getting a tweak and polish…have been for weeks actually.” Dee paused, letting a scowl flash across her features “Ugh, I bet they’ll have fiddled with all the little things.” “Oh…what about your back-up?” “They’re back in my room,” she replied with a particularly sour tone. Her usual prosthetics were custom-built robotic marvels of engineering, matched almost perfectly to her original limbs and tailored to move seamlessly with her body, as well as blend perfectly into the fur on her shoulders and hips her back-up limbs however, were a junk-heap run of the mill set of standard robotic arms and legs, thick clumsy and clunky without any protective padding or aesthetic flesh. Dee would happily use them if she needed to, and at home did so every night in order to keep the prosthetics clean, but if she didn’t have to, she tried to avoid using them although they worked perfectly fine they felt cloddy to her. “It’s alright, the captain will be coming by in about fifteen minutes to check on me…he’s been very helpful almost since I arrived.” Shrugging in resignation Zot and Foo both kissed Dee on the lips before playfully pushing her back into the water just like the wolf earlier they watched her ass as she swam away, but neither looked away in embarrassment. After a minute they shared a look and turned to leave. “Dammit, again?” Foo glowered at the coin in Zot’s hand “How can I be this unlucky? I’ve lost two weeks in a row!” “Maybe you’ll win next time, but you lost honey, so get in.” Zot’s tongue flicked out and licked the equine’s nose. “mmm, I can’t wait to taste feel you sliding through my jaws….over my tongue and down my throat, ooh.” The ant-eater traced the path from lips to belly as she spoke, her grin growing even wider as Foo blushed deeply at the thought, hung his head in resignation and clopped across the room and out of a side-door. Smiling wickedly, Zot slipped the two headed coin back into her pocket, she’d let the equine win again…eventually. Walking across the clinically clean and bare metal cell she checked the door was locked, the key hanging from a chain and tucked out of sight between her breasts, before heading across the cold metal floor and clambering up into a large gyroscopical device, shuffling snugly into the seat at the centre she fastened the numerous belts, slipped on the headgear and flicked the machine on, shivering with tingles of anticipation as electricity hummed through the metal hoops around her, pouring tele-kinaesthetic information about her chosen robot straight into her brain, flooding her senses and overpowering her feeling of self until she was no longer an ant-eater, but a huge, six-metre long python coiled up in the dark, hissing softly as the familiar taste of Foo flickered onto her twitching forked tongue. Foo looked through the glass window and saw Zot’s eyes roll back and close. The room he was in was much more what you’d expect from an expensive resort, cushions, a huge bed, carpets and obscure paintings on the walls the only oddity was a large mechanical door, which slid open as his gaze hovered on it and the massive snake slithered through. As aroused and eager as he was, the sight of such a realistic predator slithering towards him sent shivers of fear up his spine, and he instinctively pulled his knees up onto the bed. “Ssso,” The snake spoke, a gravelly, rasping female voice but somehow unmistakably Zot “Already unwrapped for me.” despite lacking the lips or muscles to do so, Foo was sure the snake smiled at him, her piercing eyes roaming unabashed over his naked body ‘wrapping’. “Just for you Zot,” He forced the impulse away and relaxed as she slithered up towards him, sliding onto the bed and wrapping him up in her coils, before even half of her body had left the floor Foo was almost entirely hidden beneath the thick flesh, the mechanical parts completely un-detectable. Overpowered by the weight he collapsed backwards with a half chuckled gasp that was choked off as the wide jaws pressed against his in a semblance of a kiss. Foo expected the jaws to widen over his face, to smother him in saliva and push him deeper into the squishy tunnel of her throat, for the jaws to stretch impossibly wide over his shoulders and swallow him whole deep into the dark, wet pit of her stomach. Instead her long tongue flicked out and pushed almost to his gagging point before flicking back out as her head moved back again. “Bumping into Dee gave me sssome ideasss,” She hissed lustily. “You remember that ssstory ssshe told usss about her ssssex-bot?” she had slithered up entirely onto the bed, smothering him and much of the bed beneath her huge body. “Uh…the one where she wrapped him up and treated him very gently?” Foo lied, knowing exactly where the snake was going, anticipating and fearing it at the same time. “No sssilly, the one where it goesss up inssside her…and getsss ssstuck.” A wicked glint entered her eye and Foo suddenly because very conscious of a conspicuous heat on his shin. Summoning hidden reserves of strength he managed to sit up under her coils for just a second and confirm that she had pushed the last few feet of her tail between her thicker coils and the snake’s slit was resting, practically drooling on his shins. “Uhh Zot…I’m not sure the snake is built fo-“ “It isss, I checked,” She said in a satisfied tone, she leaned in for another kiss, and at the same time Foo felt the sticky warmth on his shins shift, moving lower and growing wider, creeping over the tips of his toes. Zot’s snake body began to slither and writhe atop him, the cool scales ticking his hot skin pleasingly as her head swayed just above his, humanesque predatory eyes gazing down at him with a very different kind of hunger to the one he usually saw. Her writhing atop him wasn’t purely for the pleasure of rubbing her long body over his and smothering him into the bed, the lower part of her tail was shifting, coiling away from the pair and lining up with Foo’s trapped legs. With a very audible, very lewd squish, the heat encompassed his hooves entirely the, cold by comparison to her inner flesh, semi-muscular, thick flesh around her slit, the snake’s version of labia, pressed firmly around him, the simple weight would have pinned his feet together even without the muscular twitches clenching and flexing, encouraging him deeper. “Godsss yesss!” She shoved her face for another kiss, licking over his entire face with her slender tongue ’d developed a habit of sucking on his ears and fingers while they slept nothing like piloting the snake, she said, but nevertheless it wasn’t rare anymore to wake up in the morning and find Zot’s lips wrapped around his wrist, sucking his entire hand like a sweet. “Oh thisss isss ssso much better! Godsss I’ve been dreaming of thisss.” her entire body rippled with pleasure as she pushed herself down over Foo’s calves and shins, stuffing him knee-deep into her slit. “Y-you have?” The horse was more than willing and Zot knew it, so she wasn’t deterred by the slight quaver in his voice as the combination of her lustful stare and overtly predatory body triggered a subliminal prey instinct in his mind, his ancient deer-like ancestors screaming at him to run. Even if he had tried to escape with any real effort he wouldn’t have been able to shift the eight hundred pounds of snake, even just the two hundred settled on his body, and after all he was already thigh deep in her snatch, and he doubted it would be as simple as pulling his legs out of the sticky, vice-like grip of her depths. Nevertheless he struggled and squirmed lightly beneath her, giggling as her long tongue flicked playfully across his face again, distracting him while she swallowed his legs entirely, feeling an extremely pleasurable thudding sensation as his hooves nudged her cervix. Normal cervical stretching was extremely painful, and technically not even stretching, a combination of relaxants and pain-killer hormones dulled the sensations of the woman, allowing her body to distort and tear without too much complaint. However clients didn’t want pain, and didn’t want to dull any sensations and to this end the snake and other robots capable of unbirthing fully grown people had a partially automated cervix, it was designed to clench tightly shut, but stimulation from the outside prompted the tight ring to relax just enough to allow the object through, ‘locking’ again afterwards and sealing them away into the robot’s womb. The concept was specifically designed to give the victim no control whatsoever, part of the fetish was a total submission to the predator, and that couldn’t be achieved if the victim knew exactly how to escape, instead being utterly trapped and at their partner’s mercy created the desired feelings of worry, that tiny twinge of fear their partners might not let them go the private rooms like the pair Zot and Foo were in had no time limit, no one would come and check on the occupants or expect them to leave after a certain period, as a result it was more than possible for a ‘victim’ to spend the entire holiday trapped deep within their lover’s body, particularly if they had a dominating, predatory personality With a lewd squelch Zot shuffled again and clenched around the horse’s legs, the thick, rippled flesh of her snatch flexed and sucked an action Zot had been practicing with her dildo for almost a week just to do it to Foo, clenching her pubic muscles and flexing her abdomen in a rippling motion that sucked the dildo in up to its hilt, where the nose bopped her cervix. But Foo wasn’t her dildo much better, she thought to herself ’t herself, instead of pulling him a few millimetres deeper and pressing his hooves firmly against her cervix the rippling contraction slurped him through her cervix, the ring of muscle clenching tightly around his ankles as he squished half a foot deeper, the hot, heavy muscle and flesh sliding up his cock and pinning the raging erection flat against his belly. Foo gasped in shock, it was so hot! He’d been inside her stomach repeatedly, and her vagina was very warm as well, the hot, slick flesh massaging and kneading around his legs and hips, coaxing him deeper one delicious millimetre at a time but her womb was like a sauna, far from the slippery folds of her birth canal the walls of her womb were much stickier, the chamber almost completely filled with a gloopy, gluey fluid, almost like cum but much thicker. The equine squirmed around eliciting pleasured hisses from Zot in an attempt to get quickly acclimatised to the incredible heat so deep within her loins, he knew she wouldn’t stop for something like a little sweating on his part, and wanted to enjoy himself without passing out from overheating. The squirms had the added effect of rubbing his pinned cock roughly between his now slightly sweaty body and the slick, quivering flesh of Zot’s snatch and he soon stopped thinking about anything except the pleasure from his erection as the rippling, sucking tunnel of tight flesh sucked him deeper. Zot pulled herself up onto the bed again, pushing Foo further up to get herself comfy and slithering mostly off him, at about the same time tried to move, but got nowhere in pushing against Zot’s powerful, heavy muscles. Her vagina was a similar temperature to the equine’s core body temperature, and so only the movement of his cum let the pair know he’d actually orgasmed, the thick, sticky fluids mingling with Zot’s juices and oozing around Foo’s hips as she continued to unbirth him, taking advantage of his moment of exhaustion to swallow up his navel. “W-whoa…” Blinking through the haze of watery-eyes that potently ’t see anything by the time the first coil crossed over herself, around his thighs and it suddenly dawned on the equine that he would be completely concealed from the outside world once all the way inside her “Uhh…Zot, it’s…very tight in there…could you maybe relax a bit?” He gave a playful kick and watched her eyes snap open in surprise, before a slow smile spread onto her face accompanied by a soft moan. “No. Mmm keep up the squirming, you feel so good!” Before he could respond she climaxed again. When he had only been ankle or thigh deep it hadn’t been too bad, quite pleasant actually but as her greedy sex squished up his chest her repeated orgasms became quite uncomfortable for the horse, the already tight tunnel crushing down around him with incredible force, holding him tight before a firm contraction sucked him a little deeper, only to repeat the motions. As his chest crept through her vulva, bringing the scent of sex more strongly to his nostrils his hooves nudged the bottom of her womb, having slid down the surprisingly ovular sack for several minutes at almost three feet long and barely half as wide her womb snugly housed almost all of his legs, and as her cervix slid over his hips like a skin-tight bracelet it grew steadily more cramped, stretching slightly deeper beneath his hooves but by far the easier route was for his legs to fold up unwilling to give her a victory so easily he kept his legs locked out, fighting the quivering muscles and simple weight of her body as they tried to force him into a small package. Eventually it was the heat that got to him, like a solid wall of humidity as he passed from the warmth of her nethers to the sweltering depths of her loins sweating profusely, both from the heat and the exertion of fighting her he reached up as her labia inched higher, pushing under his arms and forcing them upwards and gasped with defeat as his legs buckled and folded up, the womb instantly contracting around him, still pulled taut as his hips and throbbing erection entered the gloopy chamber. Even through her coils Zot could her the lewd squelching as her bodily fluids squished of slopped around Foo’s lower body eager to stuff herself with more of the wriggling horse she flexed and curled the lower tail-tip, the part behind Foo’s head, up and pushed the firm tip against the base of his head. “Zot!” He gasped, panting and groaning in pleasure and pain as another orgasm rolled through her body “Zot wait!” He couldn’t actually halt himself anymore, his legs folded and pinned too much to brace against her walls and his arms up too high to grab the bed or her labia, by then he was forced to look up, feeling the warm wetness creep up under his chin and behind his head. Futility he grabbed her tail in both hands, although it did nothing to slow his decent, didn’t even stop her shoving him in with the grabbed tail. “Just, just-oh god it’s so hot in here! Just don’t clench too hard? It’s very tight in your wo-ooo-mb,” she did just that as he spoke, giggling playfully as the powerful muscles forced his body to drag out the last word. “Or what? You’ll ssssquirm at me?” She snickered, holding him within her body to speak, any deeper and his ears would be hers .“You sshould be grateful! I wasss tempted to jussst pilot a vore-enabled anteater for thisss…can you imagine how tight that would be? Now ssshut up, and sssquirm! Or I’ll leave you in there until morning!” Before Foo could respond in any way she clenched and pushed with her tail at the same time, stuffing his head, and a few inches of her tail-tip, into her sex, stifling any complaints he had and turning his voice into muffled, pleasurable vibrations. With a sticky splort her tail came free and effortlessly shook off Foo’s hands. He flailed around a little bit before her stretched vagina eased slowly shut, pushing his forearms together and cutting off any view of the outside world he might have still had. Watching through a haze of orgasmic euphoria Zot let her body’s rippling contractions suck him deeper and deeper, watched his fingers cling desperately to her outer lips before vanishing with a gooey squelch the bulges slid steadily downwards, into the thicker part of her body, vanishing into the wider body and disappearing beneath her mass of coils. As a final contraction forced Foo entirely into the snake’s womb the few seconds with no air he’d experienced in her vagina ended, in her stomach a small tube provided a steady, if weak and extremely stale, supply of air but in her womb, there wasn’t any space for air instead the ‘cum’ contained a high level of perfluorcarbons, and after a moment of frenzied struggling as he ‘drowned’ he relaxed, the last of the air in his lungs bubbled out into the gloop filling the womb and more of the cum filled the space. The pfc’s in the cum transferred a steady flow of oxygen to his bloodstream while absorbing the carbon dioxide, literally pulling it right out of his lungs Foo gulped down the excess gloop filling his mouth, shivering slightly as the intense heat burned his stomach like a hot drink for a few minutes the heat wasn’t unbearable, just uncomfortable for the first few minutes until he adjusted enough to enjoy it. Blinking at the darkness he explored his new home, everywhere around him the thick muscular walls of Zot’s womb pushed inwards, trying to compact him even more in his cramped prison while a huge quantity of fluids filled every available nook and cranny, including his stomach as a steady rate, even though his lungs and trachea were filled to the brim they hadn’t stopped his gag reflex and every minute or two he gulped down more of the sweet, honey-like fluids. The walls kept a firm hold on him and every slight movement triggered waves of contractions and muffled hisses of pleasure from the snake, but at the same time the entire womb moved slightly within Zot’s body, giving Foo the strangest sensation of weightlessness while being almost immobilised. Outside, Zot chuckled softly as a thick blorp of escaping air pushed its way out of her clenched, quivering vulva, sounding amusingly similar to a belch. “Heheh, my pusssy sssayss you tasssted great Foo…And I happen to agr-ARGHH!” Zot screamed in pain and clapped her hands to her head. Wait…her hands? Her hands! Zot’s eyes flew open and saw the familiar purple haze around the edge of her vision, in front of her the large glass window and several feet beyond a six metre long python was moving its head around and blinking, tasting the air. “Oh crap…no don’t do this!” Zot pulled off the helmet and jammed it back on, pushing the go button again but nothing happened, for some reason the machine had died, severing her connection with the snake. In horror the ant-eater jumped down from the gyroscope and ran to the door and yanked it open. The snake looked over and opened its mouth, revealing the glistening pink insides, faintly Zot could hear Foo calling out, when she had screamed he had realised something had gone wrong, but couldn’t tell he was now trapped inside the womb of, for all intents a purposes, a feral snake. “Foo!” The voice from somewhere beneath and within the snake froze, realisation slowly dawning on the equine as he heard a muffled ant-eater voice with scary speed the snake lunged off the bed towards Zot, the ant-eater only barely managing to slam the door shut in time. Moving over to the window she watched the snake open its mouth invitingly at her, before turning around and raising its tail, revealing the half-foot long slit and just behind it a tiny, but equally stretchy, dark fleshy ring. When Zot made no move to enter the room the snake seemed to shrug and began to slither across the room, leaving her to watch in abject horror as the snake Dee was getting a massage by the time Zot managed to find her after the captain had returned and pulled her out of the water very red cheeks ’s back after removing her swimsuit he padded over to the opposite side of the room, a conveniently located bar, and ordered a drink Zot ran in while the beetle was working on Dee’s belly, rubbing oils into the white fur and sliding her hands right up into the fold beneath the rodent’s breasts before sliding them down to just barely miss her labia. The wolf noticed Zot’s panicked face first as she hurried across the room and, assuming some kind of problem with his ship, stood up to speak to her, following the ant-eater and appearing beside Dee only moments later. The masseuse had stopped and stepped back, allowing the pair a little privacy as Zot explained briefly what had happened, focusing on the disconnection and, in particular, Foo’s current predicament. “Oh dear, this is quite serious on a number of levels!” The wolf glanced between the two women with a worried expression, “Don’t worry ma’am, I’ll get a team hunting for the snake and I shall take a look at the controls personally, we’ll get your boyfriend out safe and sound.” “He’s not my boyfriend, just a friend, and I’m more concerned about the machine malfunctioning….” “Captain.” “Ohh” Zot’s glaze flickered over to Dee with a hint of amusement before she continued, “Captain, Foo’s in her womb, trapped and probably not seeing the funny side right now, but safe, there’s oxygen for him to breathe and nearly two feet of flesh and metal protecting him from the outside world.” “Actually, he’s in a great deal of danger, the perflurocarbon system is linked to the lungs, all the air inhaled by the robot is refined and transfused into the fluids used to keep the occupant alive.” Zot still didn’t see the problem, but Dee did. “Without your consciousness forcing the breathing, the snake isn’t doing it any more, robots don’t need to breathe, so Foo has a limited supply of air…Captain, I assume there’s a cleaning process?” The wolf nodded sadly. “So not only do we only have the few hours before Foo drowns, if he dies we won’t even get the body back, cleaning enzymes will break him down into more of the fluids ready for the next occupant, it’s a way to keep the robots clean of disease, bacteria and fluids.” Dee tilted her head and almost without thinking Zot helped her sit up and opened her mouth to speak, but Dee cut her off, “No we can’t just use one of the other controllers,” She glanced to the captain for confirmation, he glanced up from his communicator and gave her a nod, so she continued. “To prevent exactly what you’re thinking of being done in a malicious way, the robots receive a form of temporary encryption key from the console, it’ll last as long as you planned to reserve the room before being deleted. We ‘could’ try to replace it with the key from a different console, but that would take hours Foo doesn’t have…and I suppose the key could be cracked, but it’s designed to prevent exactly that” She sighed at Zot’s expression “If it wasn’t such a problem now, you’d be grateful for it, without it anyone could assume control from you and put Foo at some anonymous pilot’s mercy” The captain shut off his communicator and sighed, confirming Dee’s suspicion that the station’s engineer hadn’t been able to simply over-ride the encryption. “Captain, you and your men scour the station for the snake, and keep other people away from it, from what Zot said the snake appears to be advertising itself,” she was referring to the way the robot had put its various orifices on display to Zot, almost as if inviting her in, in truth that’s exactly what it was doing. “So start by looking around the more crowded areas. I’ll go have a look at the machine and see if I can get Zot to assume control again, that’ll put all the safeties back in place,” she ignored Zot’s curious look, the captain had neglected to mention the various other ways Foo could end up expiring and there was no reason to worry her friend any more than she already was, “and we can bring the snake back from wherever at the very least I ought to be able to re-enable its breathing manually, our first priority is keeping Foo alive. Now then Zot, if you would be kind enough to take me to deck 16, we can pick up my limbs.” “Dee” The captain blushed and covered his mouth with a hand. “Uh, Ma’am, your prosthetics are still being cleaned…” “This is an emergency captain! They’ll have to do, I can’t very well go poking around in machinery with those clunky back-ups!” Zot rolled her eyes at the wolf and mouthed ‘they work fine’ before picking up the rodent in an awkward, but surprisingly comfortable looking, bear hug and running from the room before her long purple and orange tail had even left the room, the Captain was on his intercom ordering people around. “Here!” Zot called as the metal door to her and Foo’s little love-hole slid open, Dee ran in ahead on long, lithe legs. The prosthetics really were works of art, spectacularly detailed even down to the last hair to match her body perfectly, they even added two inches to her original height ’s part, but one that looked simply stunned where it could have looked grotesquely deformed. Amusingly the perfectly sculpted calves and thighs were just another reason for Dee to keep her real body in prime fitness, an athlete’s legs coupled with a body-builder’s torso or six inches of fat would have given away her prosthetics in a second, and although Dee felt no shame for her disability she preferred to look like she still had arms when she wore them. Blue-green slime dripped steadily down her prosthetics, a strange sight since not a single drop left her fingers or toes. As the amniotic fluid oozed down over her fur convection currents caused by the steadily warming flesh ’s clothes, Dee was wearing a far too tight black bra and no underwear Foo’s life was far more important than a little modesty, and hunting for spare clothes would have taken up precious time. Followed by Zot she headed across the room and crouched down by the slightly smoking control panel unfortunately Dee didn’t have the tool necessary to open the sides and look inside, but it seemed that someone else had been fiddling around with that particular machine, Dee could see a rather large gap where one corner had been bent by a screwdriver or something and badly replaced. Pinching the nerve cluster in her elbow ’t an ‘expert’ Dee had more than her fair share of experience with malfunctioning robots, and knew the general area to look for water-damage or broken wires in fact just about anyone could have seen the problem, although not tell the exact consequence. A handful of wires in the connectivity section, the area handling Zot’s mental control over the robot, had been smoothly severed with some sort of instrument obviously sabotage, and remarkably simple to do. Dee revised her ‘simplicity’ opinion when she ferreted around a bit more and traced some more of the cut wires to their source. While just about all the wires linking the robot’s sensations and controls over to Zot had been cut to the point the flow of electricity had melted the last micro-metre of connection, the feedback wires had also been fully severed. Momentary disconnections weren’t uncommon, solar flares could cause interuptions in the flow, and a particularly strong wave of gamma radiation could pass through one of the wires, halting electrical supply for a minute or two, at any time because of this the helmet Zot wore contained a circuit breaker with a microscopic energy charge, in the chance that the electrical flow was interrupted by anything other than the stop button thousands of safeties attached to prevent people getting stuck, or malicious ex’s dumping a partner in particularly vicious ways ’s AI information about the pilot’s brainwaves. The technology had been developed by ‘loonies’ Lunar colonists who’d originated much like old Australia, the scum of Earth re-located for societies benefit, initially the colony had been a prison-cum-research faculty looking into affecting brain-waves and modifying them over time when the colony became an established ‘state’ and just a research colony they turned their attentions to the more undesirable impulses, one of the neural technologies born of such research was the console’s two-stage safety feature, it registered malevolent intent, the deep evil kind that went beyond simply sadistic pleasures, to keep the occupant safe if the pilot had lethal intentions, and it registered the very specific pattern caused by a sharp shock to the temples, which let the robot know a small glitch had occurred and to keep all the safeties in place until the pilot regained control. In Zot and Foo’s machine, all the feed-back wires had been neatly severed, meaning the disconnection shock had never passed into the robot, it had assumed the off button had been pressed and gone into storage. Or at least, it should have, four of the five transistors on the underside of the control panel had been smashed with brute force Dee’s technical expertise didn’t stretch that far, but from Zot’s description of the snake’s offline behaviour and the simple fact it wasn’t sleeping in storage with all the other ‘bots, meant Dee came to the logical assumption the transistors destruction had somehow ordered the snake to go out and advertise itself to potential customers…and Dee had no idea who those might be. “It looks like someone played a mean practical joke.” Dee scowled and wriggled further into the console, leaving just her naked bum wiggling in Zot’s face, tail cocked in concentration. “I’m guessing they wanted to lock pilots out for a little while, give the other person a bit of a scare and they weren’t sure what they were doing, and made a more serious problem. Ow!” She jerked and smacked her head on the inside of the compartment, now sticking one leg out and lifting it up to maintain her balance. “Dee! You ok?” “Unh, ow,” she rubbed her head, grateful to have a hand to do so. “Yeah, the wires are still live…which is a good thing, now if I can just…” Satisfied with Dee’s safety Zot sat back on her haunches and tried to focus on the situation rather than navel gazing…well, gazing at Dee’s crotch really. The rat’s foot wobbled frantically for a moment, and Zot’s hand snapped out around her ankle to help Dee keep her balance as she gave a few more squeaks of discomfort before wriggling backwards out of the compartment. “Ok, that should have done it” she picked a few long strands of coloured tubing from between her teeth and pulled a face “I hotwired the feedback loop back into play,” She nodded to a small antennae on top of the console, used to transmit wirelessly, “that’ll get the shock signal to the snake and should get it to restart the safeties, so Foo won’t be digested. I don’t think it’ll have restarted breathing though most disconnections are brief so it wouldn’t need to.” “well, re-wire the controls and I’ll hop into the chair!” With a happy grin Zot climbed to her feet, the smile fading as Dee followed suit. “Can’t, the wires are fried, we’ll just have to find them the old fashioned way.” Almost as if it were waiting, Zot’s radio crackled and the captain’s voice echoed through the room. “D- Ma’ams, we’ve found the snake, in the pool area.” Dee snatched up the radio and gave a curt response before dashing from the room. “Dee!” Zot called after her, “The pool’s this way!” “I know, you go on ahead, I’ve got an idea!” she yelled back as her pink tail slid out of sight behind around the corner. Frowning at the empty hallway the ant-eater paused only for a moment before breaking into a run towards the central peak of the station entering night-phase, most of the metal shielding was in place and low lights bathed the room in a moon-like glow. Zot paused at the threshold, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness, before hurrying over to the crowd of security, the wolf at their head. Fortunately the pool was invariably quite empty at night, and the staff only had to herd a few dozen lazy back-strokers and midnight swimmers from the room and away from the snake they had all been curiously approaching unfortunately one person, a small female bunny, had gotten too close and triggered the snake’s purchase mode. As Zot moved closer to the group of staff she saw the rabbit was ankle deep in the snake’s ass, and a large rhino had his hands wrapped around her ankles, heaving frantically in an attempt to rescue her with a sickening splorch he slipped backwards, finally overcoming the powerful rectal muscles and dragging the bunny free. The snake hissed, intending to mimic a sound of pleasure as her ‘victim’ was lost, and the rhino quickly ran from the room, carrying his slimy, gasping girlfriend in his arms as they hurried past Zot caught sight of the blush on the rabbit’s cheeks, and heard her softly mumble about trying that out again later. “Captain!” The sound of Dee’s voice made Zot jump, turning she saw the rat running back into the room, two odd looking contraptions in her hands. “I’ve reset the safety protocols from the console, but I don’t think it’s fixed the snake’s breathing.” all three looked over towards the snake, unable to determine if it was actually breathing or not. “So what’s gone wrong?” “I think you need to have a word with your engineers, a bunch of wires have been cut.” the wolf looked horrified and Dee held up a hand, “I’m sure it was just meant to be a practical joke and the guy knew less than he thought, accidentally cut some of the wrong wires unintentionally, he probably just meant to give whoever was in the room next a bit of a scare.” she slipped past the ring of officers to face the captain with her back to the snake. “Anyway, except for air Foo is safe now. If this doesn’t work I’ll need you to get that console fixed properly and manually eject us alright? We’ll only have twenty five hours of air, tops. Whatever happens, I want you to contact Quux, at the Alpha Kata station in the 53’s happened and show her to the console, she shouldn’t take more than fifteen hours to arrive” The wolf’s eyes flicked from a small handle protruding from Dee’s thigh to the objects in her hands, realisation dawning. As he watched the rat turned and walked boldly up to the snake, hovering near its crotch the flesh analogue robot looked at her and stretched its mouth open impossibly wide, once again revealing the drooling pink interior, when Dee didn’t step closer an almost real glint of desire flickered in the huge creature’s eyes and she lifted her thick, heavy tail up into the air. Dee looked up at the underbelly of the snake and the dark, moist slit nestled between glistening scales inches above her head, and gulped audibly, clearly a little nervous. Before she had a chance to back out the snake gave a soft hiss of pleasure and pushed down, the specially designed sex stretching effortlessly over the rodent’s head and shoulders, forcing her to bend into the tubular tunnel as the snake stuffed her deeper. Without a true consciousness to slow the process and subconsciously add tightness Dee found herself consumed surprisingly rapidly, her head forced through the tight cervix only moments before the last trace of cold air left her toes, covering her entirely in sticky, slippery juices to aid her passage deep into the snake’s loins. Almost as soon as her shoulders entered the womb she head-butted Foo in the stomach, relieved when he jerked about and gave a gargled version of an ‘oof’ ’t going to stop the snake, and she quickly found herself pushing Foo around despite his protests as her chest and hips entered the cramped chamber, the pliant, muscular walls stretching only just enough to allow her entry. Even in the darkness Foo could tell it was Dee just by touch ’d spent that much time in bed with her gang of friends ’s head, having put her own on as soon as there was enough space. The re-breathers held a small canister of super-dense oxygen at the back of the head, with two tubes coming around the head and face like a band, holding the canister in place the tubes then went up the nostrils and down the throat, into the trachea. A small motor in the canister simulated slow, steady breathing and pumped a ‘breath’ of air into the lungs, the other tube had a small filter on the end and a lining of highly specialized perflurocarbon inside, the filter only allowed gasses through, and the perflurocarbon lining acted like a capillary, drawing the gas up and into the canister where catalyst split carbon away from the oxygen. As oxygen left the canister it was replaced with solid carbon, increasing the re-breather’s duration Once she had forced Foo to be still while she pushed the tubes up his nose she pulled the handle of the sharp knife from her thigh ’s prosthetics came in handy as storage for certain things her personal knife for example, lived in a perfect fitting ‘sheath’ fitted into the flesh of her thigh, a tiny, barely noticeable hardness to the artificial flesh gave away the sheath if one looked really hard, but for the most part the knife could sit discreetly and comfortably out of the way, and more importantly be safely fastened to her body with no chance of floating free. She cupped her arm around Foo’s head, pulling him firmly face-first into her breasts, ensuring she knew exactly where he was in the darkness ’s womb walls. The first lunge was met with a solid clunk after about a foot of strenuous pushing, and Dee realised she’s hit the spine aiming to the side she stabbed again, pushing a little beyond the foot-mark until the tension made her pull back. “Damn,” the captain watched the prominent bulge slowly recede into the snake’s belly and knew Dee had failed. “alright men, try to herd her back towards storage, or at least someplace quiet and out of the way.” he turned towards Zot, before spinning back at a sharp yell, “Oh for god sake Robert, keep away from its mouth! It’ll think you’re a customer!” He snapped at a wolverine as the man leapt back, just barely avoiding the snake’s snapping jaw as she lunged for him. Turning away he beckoned the confused ant-eater to follow “Come on, I know the number of a good engineer,” He began, starting to explain Dee’s plan as they left the staff to handle the giant serpent. Inside her womb, Dee mentally sighed and stashed the knife away safely and relaxed her grip on the blushing Foo. She hadn’t expected it to work the womb would have been built to handle all sorts of species with claws, horns and spines, and her knife was duller than many species’ natural weapons, but she was still glad she tried. Unable to physically speak to the equine she tapped Morse code onto his shoulder, a useful language she’d taught all of her friends years ago. “Are you alright?” it took Foo a minute to understand, and she had to repeat the signal for him to actually listen “Yes, panicked a bit when you arrived though, you have a plan?” Rodent and horse were shuffling constantly, fighting the womb’s natural shape and the snake’s undulating, rippling muscles in an effort to stay face to face. “The knife”, she assumed he’d felt her stabbing just behind him “Walls are too tough, but captain is calling an engineer”. “How long will th-“ Foo lost his sentence as a particularly powerful flex squished him around, spinning him and Dee slightly, after a moments struggling he was about to restart when she interrupted. “Don’t know, maximum of 25 hours…it’s nice in here, I hope he takes a while” “What?!” “Well I’ve got nowhere to be, might as well enjoy myself in here, and you must have liked it to get in to begin with”. Foo had no response, partly because Dee had given up fighting the clenching womb and decided to help it, crossing her hands over she pressed one into the side of his chest and grabbed his opposite hip with the other, before sharply twisting him amidst several lewd squelches, giving in to the womb’s natural inclination and pushing him into a foetal, sixty-nine position. In truth she’d been expecting the movement, which is why she took the nasal re-breathers rather than the oral fixture she didn’t want their mouths obscured. Her fluid-soaked thighs squeezed firmly around Foo’s head, pressing his snout up against her sex, while her own face was in a similar position, the womb refusing to let them move apart now it had settled into a fairly neutral shape. “Speaking of enjoyment…while you’re down there”, she tapped the sentence onto him buttocks, and emphasised the point by giving his shaft a playful lick. It was twelve hours before the engineer arrived, and another ten before he got the snake back under control. Zot gasped with total shock as waves of pleasure rolled through her, her entire body shivering with delight at the wonderful fullness from two whole people trapped within her, in her most intimate parts no less. But Foo had been trapped for over a day, and Dee almost as long with a few hisses of unhappy longing she bit back the pleasure and started the arduous re-birth, flexing and clenching the muscles outlined in the snake’s manual until Dee squelched out amidst of torrent of gloopy, whitish fluids moments before Foo followed suit, ‘pouring’ out onto Dee, their bodies splatting against one another. Instinctively their bodies recognised the air on their tongues and began to retch, and much like new-borns Dee and Foo ‘exhaled’ ’d mind if she jumped them again without asking neither of the trio shared odd glances, or felt at all embarrassed that the captain and various other staff members knew what had happened, they weren’t ‘Friends with Benefits’ because the ‘benefits’ weren’t tagged on, they were an inherent part of being friends with Dee. Half an hour after being ‘rescued’ the pair had cleaned up and joined Zot and the captain in the food-court, stuffing their empty bellies with food to make up for almost a whole day of nothing but snake-cum. “So, did you find the engineer responsible?” Dee asked between mouthfuls of food “It wasn’t one of the staff, none of them entered Foo and Zot’s room while they had it booked, and the weekly maintenance beforehand showed everything was normal.” this was true, engineers were required to record their maintenance for just such an occurance, while the wolf had been talking Dee’s hand had slowed to a stop. “Booked…so Foo and Zot were the only ones in that room?” “Yes, its protocol, only one group get a room at a time, to prevent uh... unmentionables, being left behind. What?” Dee’s eyes had widened and she’s sat up straighter, eyes flicking about, not looking at anyone as she joined dots in her mind. “Assassination…someone was trying to kill Zot!” “That’s a little melodramatic don’t you think Dee? Someone’s trying to kill me?” “It’s not melodramatic at all, it’s Lex Parsimoniae.” Foo leaned over and muttered ‘Occam’s Razor’ in the captain’s ear “Either, a non-existent employee made a nearly fatal error in his practical joke, there’s a homicidal person with detailed electronics skills aboard the station killing at random by re-wiring machinery or,” she lifted a finger, “Someone knew the room Zot and Foo were in and attempted to assassinate the new Councillor by Lot in such a way it’d look like a prank gone wrong, which is the simpler answer? Requiring fewer assumptions? Besides, Quux thought as much” the captain lifted his eyebrow at the mention of the useless goat, she’d turned up unexpectedly quickly after he contacted her station ’d then taken eight hours to fix the console, and insisted on another two to poke at it before finally letting Zot back on “She’s very good, told me the wires had been cut with a knife, something small enough to conceal in a pocket, also dusted for fingerprints and confirmed the only un-damaged transistor was enough to allow a brief connection to the robot, long enough for Zot to get inside the snake. She’s an extremely good engineer captain, graduated at eighteen” she neglected to mention the reason, as with all her friends sterling qualifications, was thanks to the rat and her sexual appetite and willing. “She’s autistic and quite introverted, which is why she came across a little rude and weird” She smiled softly at the memory, the goat had spoken to Dee only a few minutes before, rattled off a list of details and given her prognosis before quietly asking if she’d done well which Dee knew meant well enough for a reward. After a kiss and a confirmation Quux had left almost without a word, Dee had needed to physically grab her and ask the transgender if she was happy now. Originally a man, Quux had often felt at odds with himself and after a bit of encouragement from Dee, finally had the sex-change operation he desired still unable to have children biologically, the techniques used were much better than they once were, and with the exception of fetility, Quux was everything a female goat should be, and the rat knew she’d return to the station and add another ‘reward’ to her growing list, never asking Dee to show up, but always keeping the offer open. The thought brought a slight blush to the rodent’s cheeks as she realised when she did end up in Venus’ neighbourhood, she’d likely spend a solid month as Quux’s sex slave to repay all the debts. Before anyone could comment on her blush or sudden silence she continued, “Tell me captain, has anyone left the station abruptly the past few days?” “No, well, no one on board I mean, we had one of the limpets detach yesterday.” He was referring to the numerous vessels and habs ’t park over windows or escape hatches or something. “Actually that one was a little odd...” He hesitated, still slightly unwilling to share the station’s personal information, even among what he would hope might call him a friend. “It…never communicated with us, it’s not that rare but, it raises a flag, and when they left well….we found a large rupture in the hull at the limpet’s loca….oh, oh no.” He realised what Dee meant as he spoke, the limpet had used a drill to bore through into the station. “And that explains why none of my engineers could over-ride the safety encryptions, if it was anything but intentionally lethal they should have been able to, oh why didn’t I see that!” “Do you know where it’s headed?” Dee asked, taking another large mouthful of food and standing, cheeks bulging as she chewed quickly. “Terra Firma, don’t worry Dee I’ll contact the authorities.” He blinked, “Uh, Ma’am, sorry Dee. I mean ma’am!” the wolf blushed slightly and closed his eyes at having screwed up so stupidly. Dee simply smiled and swallowed the mouthful. “Captain, the authorities are who hired that assassin, the only ones who’d have a grudge against someone essentially winning the lottery are the Earth governments.” She turned to walk away. “Wait, where are you going?” Zot asked. “To Earth, I’ll find out what’s going on and put a stop to it. It’s been nice catching up guys, but I’ll see you later.” “Stop, don’t go!” The wolf was on his feet, holding out a hand, when Dee turned he realised he didn’t actually know what he was going to say, and finished quite lamely, “You’ve still got three weeks in your payment contrac.t” Dee grinned impishly, the poorly hidden meaning in his words not lost on her. “I had a wonderful time captain, thank you.” She stepped smartly around the table and cupped a hand to his chin, pressing her lips to his in a kiss. “And I’ll definitely be coming back…particularly if I get to try out some of those robots,” she winked, waved at Foo and Zot and walked briskly across the room, pausing long enough to shoot the wolf a suggestive look and add, “Although…I’ll need a partner.” And with that she was gone, breaking into a jog as she headed to the hangar, already on the phone and getting the automated services to deliver her clothes, and backup limbs and other things she’d brought with her to her ship. The wolf slumped down into his chair and stared dejectedly down at his plate. “Damn.” “Ohh, she made a promise!” Foo widened his eyes playfully while Zot nudged the captain and added, “She likes you. A lot.” “Really?” the captain brightened considerably, having initially thought she was just blowing him off, not as accustomed to her practical nature as Zot and Foo were. The pair shared a coy glance and stood, both looking down at the wolf. “Of course, we’d be happy to put in a good word for you with her.” “If we got to know you a little…better.” Foo lifted an eyebrow suggestively and licked his lips while Zot took the wolf’s hand and tugged him out of his seat, leading him out of the room and down the hallways. The pair pulled him along firmly, but gently, so that he was more than capable of stopping if he wanted as they left the food court it became obvious he wasn’t about to stop, although he was still looking between the two in slight confusion. “I…really ought to go and umm…fly the station?” He excuse was even more pathetic than the one he’d tried on Dee, Zot and Foo weren’t even pulling him anymore, he was walking freely between them. “No you don’t, a deputy or someone can handle it…say, have you ever tried out some of the robots?” Zot chuckled as she heard the wolf gulp audibly beside her, and as they walked around a corner added, “Say…what is your name?”
Lunar Cargo "Ya know, this day has been anything but normal," the female rat thought to herself as she shifted her body around in the small shuttle's cockpit, "but then again, normal is never this fun." She punched a few buttons on the shuttle's console and it lifted off and began its journey back to New Attica. It would be a few hours and she walked back to the slightly larger cargo area and laid down on the cool metal floor. She looked down her body admiring, as she often did, her large, prosthetic body which extended from her normal, trim waist. For being a fake, $100,000 made sure it looked real enough to fool anyone not wielding a metal detector. The ironically named "s-taur-age" prosthetic was, in fact, a large taur body that attached to the host's spinal nerve endings and extended the brain's control down to the 4 new mechanical legs and tail all custom built around the host. The synthetic fur and flesh was damn near perfect, too, covering all the mechanisms and compartments that could be filled. Her own white fur blended perfectly with the fake, even her own eyes couldn't tell the difference anymore. It had definitely been worth the hefty price. The rat closed her blue eyes behind her visor letting the memories of the last several hours replay in her head. "Dee? Do you read me?" A masculine voice asked over the crackling radio. "Yeah, I hear ya, Robert. What's up?" A female voice responded from a space suit as she dragged a large chunk of an old satellite towards her shuttle. "You're not gonna like this, but I want you to leave all that debris and get back in your shuttle," Robert said sounding as if he were bracing for the reply he knew was coming. "What?!" Dee practically yelled back, stopping her suit before replying, "I just chased down this stupid thing and you want me to leave it?" Robert sighed over the radio, "Yes, Dee, you can come back for it, but right now you've got a more important mission." "Fine, give me a second," she said kicking off the junked satellite and gliding into the cargo bay of her shuttle. She pressed a button on her suit and the magnetic soles of her feet brought her down to connect with the smooth metal floor. She trotted over and pressed a button on the panel beside the door as it closed shut; air whooshing around her as the shuttle re-pressurized. Once the green light turned on, signaling there was air, Dee pressed a few keys on her suit as the clear membrane retracted from around her head and then slid down her body until it disappeared behind her back; sliding back into place, hidden from view in her prosthetic taur body. She walked towards the front of the shuttle and pressed a button activating the shuttle's radio. "Alright, Robert, I'm back in the shuttle, what's so important that you've got to pull me from..." She was cut off by Robert, "There's a damaged shuttle about to crash onto the moon and we want to you go on a search and rescue. There are 4 lunar miners on board. They sent a distress call out, but you're the closest ship to them. It would take too long for a rescue ship to arrive from New Attica and the other miners on the surface won't reach them before they die." Dee listened for a moment shocked by the news and realization that people might die. Then with a flurry of movement her paws raced over the shuttle's controls plotting a course for the moon. "I'm on my way, Robert. I'll radio when I've found them," she said as the ship's thrusters turned the ship towards the big grey orb in the distance and the main thrusters fired. Thirty minutes later the shuttle was in a lunar orbit around the moon and she began scanning for the other shuttle. "Come on...where are you!?" she thought as her eyes darted over the scanner's readings before she heard a loud beep indicating the shuttle had been found. It was much lower than she thought it would be. All Dee could do was watch as the shuttle plummeted towards the moon's surface. On her monitor she watched it fall straight into one of the small craters. She couldn't land in there. The area was too small. "I'll have to hoof it in to them," she thought getting the ship into position to land near the crater where the other had wrecked. She knew that if she didn't act fast they would die. If they hadn't died in the crash and had on emergency suits that hadn't been punctured they would only have about 20 minutes of oxygen. She landed her shuttle in a matter of minutes and then started searching the shuttle for extra air and then realized that all her supplies weren't on board! She had traded shuttles for the day because her's needed maintenance. "Shit! What a day to be caught unprepared!" she said slamming her fist against the metal hull, "Think, Dee, think! Those people need something to breathe in... Wait! I got it!" She then entered the keys to activate her own space suit as the membrane slid over her body. She opened the cargo bay doors and stepped out onto the lunar soil before activating her personal jets which propelled her along the ground towards the crater. She saw chunks of the shuttle scattered all over the crater and began the descent into the darkness. The crater was on the dark side of the moon, but luckily Dee's visor had a built in system which allowed her to see perfectly. Luckily, Dee found the main section of the miner's shuttle mostly intact. Sparks flew all around inside but the main power was dead so the interior was as dark as the crater. She pulled the shuttle's barely hanging door off and let it drift to the ground behind her as she slipped inside. She found one body and flipped it over only to find the mask was cracked and blood caked the inside. She shook her head to put it out of her mind and focused on the others. She found two suits in an intact corner of the ship huddled together. They were alive from what she could tell, but their oxygen was getting dangerously low. She looked around for the last member of the shuttle's crew and heard a soft hissing as she turned towards a collapsed part of the hull. She lifted it up to find another man in a suit, but his was punctured and he would be dead soon. Dee used her tail to drag the man out from under the slab of metal and got ready to implement her rescue plan. Her tail, already wrapped around the man's legs, guided them towards her rear. She was excited to try this, but at the same time was glad the shuttle was dark so the other two couldn't see what was happening. She didn't have time for them to panic. They needed air and her artificial womb was the only place for it right now! The injured man's feet bumped against her artificial lips, but every sensation reached Dee's mind and she let out an eager moan before pushing his feet inside, feeling her lips stretch around his form. She was glad she hadn't installed all of the component in her s-taur-age body or she wouldn't have enough room for her to attempt this. She knew she had to hurry, but enjoyed the feeling of his legs sliding deeper and deeper into her snatch. Before she knew it, he was up to his hips and she moved her tail to push against his shoulders popping his hips in as her lower belly began to bulge slightly. She gave another large push as the man slipped in to his chest. Dee's face burned red as she stifled her moans of pleasure, stuffing the unconscious man all the way inside her; her tail slipping back out of her folds dripping wet with how excited she was."Oooohhhh, I'm so glad I got the stretchy upgrade," she thought rubbing a hand over the bulge the man's body formed in her lower belly, "One down, two more to go." Dee shifted around to where she had her rear facing the two. It looked like a man and woman; they were probably a couple. "It would be wrong to separate lovers, right?" she smirked; almost forgetting that this was a rescue mission for a moment. Dee curled her long tail around the two's legs, leading them in the same way as the man before. Since they were already holding each other it would only be a matter of stretching a bit more around their combined bodies before they would be safe inside her body. She bit her lip already anticipating how full they would make her. Again, she felt feet bump against her lips, this time she eased them in slowly, and enjoying the sensation their smooth, cold suits gave her warm, artificial folds. Once their feet found her womb they were already in up to their knees. Dee paused for a moment to catch her breath as she had been panting heavily. She readjusted her tail around their waists pulling them further into her receptive depths. When she had sucked in both their legs and reached their waists she knew it would more difficult, but she wanted them inside her too badly now! She curled her tail around their shoulders and pushed hard as their hips popped inside hers making her let out a loud moan of pleasure as the bulge in her lower stomach had grown inch by inch to the point where it looked like she was already 9 months pregnant. Her stretched vagina leaked lube over their bodies more and more as their unconscious squirming brought her nearer and nearer to orgasm. Her tail gave another strong push as she instinctively bucked back sucking the two in up to their chests. Dee was sweating now in her suit and her breathing growing rapid as she moaned under each breath. Her tail gave one last push as their shoulders slid past her folds. Her inner muscles pulled them deeper within her. Their helmets soon disappeared behind her nether lips which joined the rest of them inside her comfortable, warm, moist womb. Dee climaxed harder than she ever had before once she felt all three miners inside her womb. She collapsed onto the floor of the crashed shuttle riding out her multiple orgasms. Her rear was coated in her own juices, the rest floating around the wrecked ship a testament to how much she had enjoyed herself. Her visor warned her that her own air would be running out soon and so she shakily got to her feet. Her now very bloated and distended lower belly almost touched the floor and bulged out whenever the 3 inside her shifted; which was good because it reassured her they were still alive. She maneuvered herself out of the wreckage, making herself laugh she mused about how that door was bigger when she entered. She used her jets to ascend the crater and float towards the shuttle. As she glided in, she whacked the cargo door control with her tail closing it behind her. The air rushed in and she activated the ship's artificial gravity, letting her feel the weight underneath her for the first time. She grunted at first getting used to it before letting out a low moan as she walked over to the ship's radio. She calmed herself and flicked it on, "Robert, it's Dee, do you read me?" "Loud and clear, Dee, did you save the miners?" Roberts' voice came back over the radio. "I managed to save three. They're low on oxygen, but recuperating. One is injured and will need medical attention upon arrival," Dee said as she rubbed a paw over her lower belly. "Understood. Great job, Dee! You are to bring them directly to New Attica for treatment and then come back to the station," Robert said. Dee could hear the relief in his voice and she smiled; he had always cared for her. "I'm on my way, Robert. I'll let you know when I've docked at New Attica." She flicked off her radio and looked fondly at her belly full of passengers, "Won't this be a fun trip." She smiled and pattered her stomach feeling them shift within.
Looking back on the situation, Dee wondered if there was a possibility of a solution that could have resulted in a better outcome than what she had managed to accomplish. What had started out as a simple, routine checkup on a refueling depot had somehow managed to turn into a disaster. She laid flat on the cold metal interior of the robot that had managed to capture her, slightly twisting her torso and wishing that the mechanical beast hadn't been programmed with enough intelligence to remove her prosthetic limbs; she was truly helpless without them, and that knowledge both angered her and made her feel more than a little hopeless. After all, all that she could do was lay there and wait for the next Virtual Reality Simulation to begin-at least the designers of the bot were kind enough to include that feature. Still... if she could choose to view anything, it would be to review the events that had taken place prior to her abduction-maybe if she could see them all again, she could understand where she had gone wrong... Maybe if she could understand that, she would be able to figure out a way to escape. "Thoughts recognized-scanning for memory data." The clean, robotic voice that she had heard every time the VR Simulations started spoke out again. Dee frowned slightly as she felt a groggy haze overtake her. "Memory scan successful. Virtual Reality Simulation beginning in ten seconds." Another twist of her torso and Dee simply resigned herself to the fact that she was once more going to be subjected to whatever whim the being responsible for the robot's programming had... if they hadn't coded the robots with the capacity to devise their own. "Nine... eight...seven..." At least, if the robot really did have the programmed intelligence to stimulate her memories, she would be able to review and assess the situation-perhaps she would be able to ascertain a means of escape... "Six... five... four..." Even if she couldn't, it would be nice to imagine for a moment that she wasn't trapped on this cold floor, helpless, limbless... all because she had wanted to create a colony away from all the troubles that had been happening on New Attica. For a moment, her heart gave a lurch-she hoped that her crew was doing better than she was; surely there weren't any more of these damnable robots floating around? "Three... two..." There had to be a way out of this... there just had to... Dee knew that she just had to factor in every moment, and something would come to her. It had to... "One... Initializing Memory Recollection simulation now." ---- "What do you mean, there's a problem with the fuel depot? What kind of feedback readings are we talking about...?" Dee's hand came to her hip and a frown graced her features. The rat had honestly hoped that there wouldn't be any major problems with the colonization initiative that they had funded-the plans had already been mapped out. They were scheduled for a routine maintenance and check up within the next few weeks. Still, to hear that there were faulty sensors or issues with the depot itself... "I don't know what could be causing it," Foo's ears twitched back and forth for a moment, and then he handed Dee the sheet of paper, "But it looks like there has been some kind of interference with the equipment. It could be something as simple as some sort of debris from the asteroid belt..." "But you know that we're going to have to check on it." Dee gave another small sigh-she hadn't intended on going until the colonization ship was at full capacity; she wanted to take the entire crew. However, she knew that a smaller ship could be ready to go within a few days. They had been tinkering around with building scale models of a full colonization ship, mainly the engine at full size with the rest of the ship at a one tenth scale. Though she would have rather waited for the actual launch expedition... she knew what she was going to have to do. "Foo, can you tell the others that we're going to have to form a small party to go and see what's going on with the readings?" As she said it, the pony let his mouth curve into a little lilt of a grin. Dee couldn't help herself, "What's so amusing?" "Nothing... but you know they're going to argue about who gets to go, since the TinCan will only offer life support for four. You are thinking about running one of the scale ships out there, aren't you?" "Well," Dee gave a small grin, "It does kill two birds with one stone. It's all right though," She waved at Foo, signaling him to follow her so they could round up the rest of the nakama. Foo was right, there was going to be a bit of an argument about who got to go and who would stay to monitor the situation from groundside. "Maybe we can play for it..." A game of Diplomacy could always be enjoyed, after all... --- "I still don't think it's fair that Foo just gets to go." Fum grumbled slightly, which caused the anteater beside him to give the lion a long look. "Why do you complain? You're going as well." Zot shook her head slowly, her peaceful expression perhaps even more tranquil due to the fact that she was also a part of the team. "Because he didn't have to trade off a week of sex just to get his berth on the ship?" Though the words were phrased as a question, they also seemed to be answered with Fum's tone. "If you catch the error reports instead of bartering yourself for sexual favors," Foo gave a playful grin, "Maybe you'll get an auto slot on the crew next time." And before Fum could say anything else, Foo added for extra measure, "And no thoughts of revenge, you know I'm right." "You know he'll be plotting it anyway," Bletch made his comment almost thoughtfully as he finished putting away the thought stimulation cap that he had just used, which had secured him his own spot in the little expedition team. The others had already disbanded, going their own way to make sure that everything was prepared for the departure of the team. "As much as I'd like to continue to listen to this little pout fest," Dee interrupted as she gave Fum a long look, "I think we have more important things to worry about... like getting prepared? I want to leave within the week." "We're honestly lucky that we had the prototypes ready to be modified for the venture," Bletch mused. "It's almost like it was fated to begin with. I knew there was a probability, but I hadn't really thought that it would come up so quickly." Dee gave a small nod. In truth, there had been a very optimistic part of the rat that had held genuine hope that they wouldn't have to do any preliminary expeditions. She wanted everything to return clear so that they could begin their colonization. Though she didn't say it aloud, the thought of a peaceful place to live was just... "Just out of reach, but I'll get there yet." She muttered the words under her breath, which caused her crew to look at her. Giving a grin, she gave a little wave of her hands. "Get to work!" Chiding them for just standing there, she turned and left herself-she had to make sure that all components of her taur suit were functional, since she intended to wear it for the excursion. --- The functionality of her taur suit would be more than helpful on this trip, and the rat found herself glad that she'd put it through its paces and familiarized herself with it's operation to be sure that it would be more of a help than a hindrance. The day of their expedition's launch was looming over her head, and Dee found herself going over each and every detail of the TinCan, of the error report, of her crew and their duties-she couldn't help but to feel a sense of foreboding every time she looked at the tenth-scale ship and thought of where it was destined to travel soon. However, she shook it off, determined to make absolutely that everything went smoothly for the launch of the expedition; Dee wasn't going to let anything stop her from attaining her goal. Dee, however, found sleep eluding her on the night prior to their scheduled launch date. Perhaps it was the sound of the feral-robotic hand that she had taken as a type of pet. It was ticking back and forth across her desk, pacing almost as though it could sense her emotions; of course, that was ridiculous-after all, robotics were not pets, they could not sense their master's distress. Perhaps it was the fact that she continued to pore over every detail of the upcoming mission. The course was plotted. They would reach the refueling station with minimum interference. The ship was completely fueled and all systems had tested as 'go' for launch. With the schematics breaking down the mass of the the TinCan to five percent engine, five percent command and control, living space, and life support for the crew, and the remaining majority for the fuel tank, Dee knew that they had prepared their most efficient ship for the task. Her taur-suit had been thoroughly tested; she would be able to forego using any of the gear on the ship. The reports had been read numerous times-the exact location from which the error had occurred was mapped, charted... and only a short walk from their destination airlock. As soon as the errors were evaluated and solved, all systems would be go for full-scale colonization. However, regardless as to how many times she went over the details in her mind... she couldn't shake that impending feeling of trouble that tugged at the back of her mind. Giving a small groan, she turned, letting one hand form a fist to punch her pillow before closing her eyes again. She had to get to sleep... she wasn't going to be at full capacity to function for tomorrow's launch, otherwise. "... one more thing to add to the check list-rested crew to make sure that things ran smoothly..." She muttered the words aloud as the tick-tick of the robotic hand seemed to sound in agreement. --- "Prepare for launch in ten... nine... eight... seven..." Dee's hands came up to make sure that she was securely strapped into her seat-the countdown sounding over the TinCan's intercom system ringing loudly in her ears. The seat that had been modified to properly house her taur prosthetic form was more comfortable than she had expected... though, her organic back was stiff from a night of tossing and turning; everyone else seemed bright eyed and ready to go-Dee didn't say a word about her misgiving thoughts the night prior. "Six..initiate main sequence..four...three.." "This is exciting, isn't it? It's been a while since we've been out on an expedition like this one." She could hear Foo's voice in her headset, and she couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of her lips. It seemed as though she was the only one who was anxious about the trip. The others seemed to be absolutely stoked that the launch was happening. Dee turned her head, letting one hand push a few strands of blue hair from her face. "Yeah, it'll be good to check progress first hand." She gave the pony a small smile. Even Zot was uncharacteristically cheerful-her usually Zen-like behavior had momentarily been dropped, Dee could see it in the sparkle of her eyes as the countdown went on. "Main engine start.." Dee's hands gripped tight to her chair as she felt the first vibrations of the engine kicking on. "One...Launch." That looming feeling made itself known one last time before a shout from Fum ("Here we go!") pushed it aside. After all... the rat did love the times when she could venture into space; she loved the openness of it, the silence, the calm and still atmosphere. 'There's nothing to worry about.' As that thought passed through her mind, the thrusters of the space craft gave lift and the rest of the nakama watched as the ship lifted up, pushed past the atmosphere... and winked out of sight. --- It was an uneventful trip, the flight to the refueling station. She'd figured that it would be as much. Dee and the nakama aboard spent their times playing smaller games of Diplomacy (Fum managed to sell himself as a sex slave to Dee for an entire week-but, of course, that was a completely different story)... they had gone over graphs and charts, checked their docking procedures, and recorded information about the flight logs of the smaller scale ship. Just as she had thought, the ship worked perfectly. They encountered no errors, and nothing of note, save for a trip that seemed to take entirely too long. Things truly became interesting as they approached the refueling station. Though she'd seen charts and photographs, the actual sight of the automated complex coming into view caused Dee to appreciate what robotics could really do. Since there was no way for any ship to make it from new Attica to the asteroid belt, they had been forced to construct a refueling depot at mid-point; the fact that it had been completely built by robots was what caused Dee's amazement. It was huge-large enough for people to live on it, had they so chosen... however, it was just a way-point on the journey to somewhere much better. Dee's eyes flickered across the metal surface, and for just a moment she imagined her new home... away from the struggles of Earth and New Attica. That image in her mind was enough to make her anxious to land, eager to figure out the problem... ready to get back to New Attica... determined to see her new home after. "Is everything clear for the docking sequence?" The rat turned to ask Bletch as the ship slowly began to descend towards the metal surface of the station. She busied herself as she asked with checking her taur suit to make sure that all systems were completely functional. The fox gave a nod, eyes scanning over the panels as they continued to narrow the distance. "All systems are green. Atmosphere is stable, oxygen levels are survivable. We're clear to touch down." Dee gave a small nod, her voice ringing out stronger. "Everyone pack up and get ready-let's get on, get things fixed, and get ready to leave." Her voice was hopeful-visions of her new home still danced brilliantly in her mind as the rat turned her gaze forward to the metal landing dock that was rapidly drawing closer. --- Though Dee had intended to be the first to step off of the ship... it seemed that Fum had picked this as the day to get his revenge-perhaps it was because Dee spent some of their flight time collecting on her winnings from their game of Diplomacy; after all, a girl had to exercise her appetites, and since Fum owed her the sex, she didn't see why she couldn't collect while en-route. Perhaps it was simply that today was the day that Fum had woken up and realized that he had yet to get his revenge... and the rat knew that the lion was tenacious about such things. Regardless, it seemed that they had no sooner landed than Fum dashed out of the ship, half bounding. Both Dee and Zot looked at one another-the lion was foolish... though the error reports had turned up nothing about the artificial atmosphere and gravity , that didn't mean that it was okay to simply take it at face value. However, Fum was their test subject... because he seemed to hit the ground with a slight bounce and come out just fine. "Come on in, the water's great!" His voice was cheery, but at the same moment that he waves jauntily... it seemed that he lost his footing on some slick, metallic looking liquid. The lion fell flat on his ass with a confused look on his face. Be any of the crew had time to say or do anything (other than a brief laugh from Bletch), the liquid gave motion and snaked it's way up Fum's body. The lion clawed, but it seemed to simply slip through his fingers... and slid beneath the collar of his suit. Fum gave a wide-eyed expression of horror and continued to claw at his chest. "What is it? Get it off of me!" And again, with no regard to any malfunctions in the atmosphere, Fum jerked his shirt open, ripping his breathing apparatus from his mouth as he did so. One deep gulp of breath gave Dee a sense of satisfaction that the artificially produced oxygen was certainly breathable, and then the rest of the crew was running from the ship to help their companion. The liquid had settled into two bubbles over Fum's nipples. It seemed that as they watched, it attempted to take on the color of his fur as best it could. The liquid, still metallic, seemed to sink into his flesh and then settle... Dee watched as his nipples turned argent in color while the lion pawed at his chest in distress. However, his fingers seemed to have no effect on the material. In fact, it seemed as though it had completely fused with his skin. "What in the hell was that?" Bletch asked, looking curiously at Fum's chest. Though the situation was certainly serious, as Zot stepped forward to scan Fum's vitals, they were all relieved to find that everything appeared completely normal. The anteater continued to check all vitals for the next five minutes as they stood, waiting to see if something was going to happen. Dee couldn't help but to wonder if this was part of the reason that their reading had turned up errors... what was that material? Quicksilver? No... how could anything foreign have found its way to the depot to begin with? "My nipples are itching..." Fum seemed more prone to pouting than worrying about his body, as though he were more pissed that his revenge had ended up costing him some type of alien molestation than anything else. Though Dee didn't like any member of her crew being harmed... she couldn't help but to think that it was a good lesson for the lion to never be too hasty. "I see no unnatural symptoms-nothing is reading differently on his body. It's as though whatever the material was has completely infused with his makeup." Zot's wise voice seemed to be a final call that they could continue on with their mission as she stepped back from Fum. The lion gave his nipples another rub and then winced. "There's something wrong with them, they're so sensitive!" "Maybe you shouldn't promise yourself as a sex slave to Dee next time-does she take it too rough on you?" Bletch gave another grin, which earned him a swat from the lion. However, giving his nipples one last rub, he refastened his suit. "Zot, can you keep your eye on him. If anything starts to go wrong... we need to head back to the ship. Otherwise... let's finish what we came to do so we can get home. Fum, we'll have your... ah..." She gave his chest a small look and then laughed very softly, "Argent nipples analyzed further back on the ship and when we get back to New Attica." Fum did nothing other than to give her a dirty look; Dee knew that she deserved it for the small sound of laughter in her tone... but really, Fum shouldn't have jumped out of the ship without thinking... --- They had walked for a few minutes before Zot mentioned something. The anteater, who had been keeping a close eye on Fum as though she could sense something, suddenly stopped the party with her soft voice that rang clearly through the artificial air. "Fum, I think there's something wrong with your chest." The lion, who had been complaining under his breath since they had started walking, stopped and looked down in horror as though he were terrified to see what Zot was speaking of. Dee's own eyes traveled to the same path, and the sight before her was enough to make her let out another snicker-as far as horrors went, this one was pretty funny. "... what in the Hell is this?" Fum's voice was outraged-the lion pulled his shirt from his chest once again... and the sight that met his crew was enough to make everyone start laughing softly under their breath... "Breasts?!" Little A-cup breasts were forming on his chest... their little silver nipples were perky in the cool air. Suddenly, Dee realized what the argent liquid had been... Some type of nano-technology that had fused with Fum's very skin... to create breasts. Of all the people that it happened to... it seemed hilarious that it was Fum. Of course, they would work to reverse the process... but now that they knew what it was, it was going to be easier to solve. She hoped. The small little voice whispering in her head that it might be a little harder than that gave her a small ounce of worry. The overwhelming feeling of unease from before suddenly flared up. As though to feed it, as she watched, Fum's new nipples grew harder... and before her eyes his breasts seemed to expand. "They're growing? Zot! You have to stop this! I can't have breasts." Bletch's voice rang out softly, though the snigger could be heard easily, "You might be able to barter your body away even easier with the new features." The lion looked as though he were going to kill Bletch. He actually made to charge him. Zot, however, stepped in front of Fum as though to stop him from making a foolish mistake; Dee watched everything that transpired from there in slow motion. Fum tried to stop mid-charge, but it seemed that both his momentum, and the fact that his breasts gave another near quiver before expanding to what had to be at least a D-cup, sent him tumbling straight forward and into the anteater who stood like a great wall. The rat watched as that great wall toppled straight over, flying back three feet before landing on her back on the ground. It was only after her landing that Dee noticed the puddle of liquid-y black material. For a moment, Dee simply hoped that it was some oil... something that had somehow managed to spill a few hundred feet away from the refueling station. However, she watched with widened eyes as the liquid gave an almost human shudder and curled around Zot's legs like an alien lover. Showing no resistance, it began to slip and dissolve through the material of her pants-Dee could tell that it was touching the flesh below as Zot quickly unfastened her garments and pushed them down with grace and a lack of humiliation that only the anteater would possess. Just as Dee had though, the black liquid was now curled around Zot's thighs. "Zot, get it off of you!" Dee's voice was both alarmed and concerned. Fum pushed himself up just as quickly, scrambling and trying to use his already half removed shirt to wipe the liquid from Zot's legs before it was too late. The liquid, however, seemed to have other plans-as though it had initiated some type of sequence that it had been priorly programmed for, it curled straight around Zot's thighs, easily slipping around the fabric of Fum's shirt, and headed straight for the opening between her legs. "Oh my G-" The anteater was cut off as her eyes flared wide. No amount of Zen like grace could stop the gasp of half horror, half pleasure that escaped her throat as the black liquid slipped into the opening of her core and seemed to fill and expand every inch of her body. Dee saw it curl out along the folds of her vagina, curling up over the little bud of her arousal... before stopping. Zot fell back against the ground, her back arching as though the feeling of the invasion was both the most horrible and most pleasurable thing the anteater had ever experienced. "Zot, what do you want me to do?" Fum seemed unsure of himself. Bletch, who was now beside them, seemed to have the same expression. There was nothing that they could do without first fondling the anteater. Zot was still writhing on the ground and letting out small moans. However, she seemed to compose herself after a moment, pushing up to her elbows and gazing down the length of her body. "It's not... doing anything." Zot sounded slightly breathless, but composed nonetheless. Dee approached her, coming to kneel beside her. "It's not moving?" "No, it seemed to mold to the shape of my body and just... stop." Zot slowly let her fingers trail between her legs to give the black liquid a small prod. It rippled, and that ripple sent Zot arching and falling back again. A long, low moan escaped her throat, and then she let herself lay completely still. "I do not think that it would be wise for me to move until we figured out how to remove this." Dee frowned slightly-it was obvious that they weren't going to make it to their destination... then again, it was just as obvious as to what had caused the error readings. There were things that had somehow managed to creep their way onto the refueling station; if any of those liquids had somehow worked its way into the gears, the fuel stations.. any of the more intricate components... it would have easily given off an error reading. The only thing that Dee was now concerned with was getting her crew off of the platform before something else strange happened. She looked between Zot, who was laying perfectly still on the ground now, to Fum, who seemed to be sporting a DD-cup bosom. There was no way that she was going to leave them alone with just themselves. At the same time, she didn't want them coming back to the ship with her; Zot couldn't move... and what if it was movement that was making Fum's breasts grow? Her eyes then shifted to Bletch, and the rat knew what she needed to do. One hand came up, brushing blue hair from her gaze before touching her ringed ear for a moment as though in contemplation. "Bletch, can you stay here and watch these two? I'm going to run back to the ship and send a message to New Attica, and then I'll come back with stretchers." "Dee, I don't think you should go alone." Zot's voice even came out more careful than usual, as though she were truly afraid of even speaking aloud. However, Dee was having none of it. "There's no way you can move, and I'm not going to risk Fum getting so large that he can't even fit into the ship-" "Hey!" "So what I need you two to do is just sit still... we've found the problem in the refueling station... we need to find a way to remove this liquid... That's all that there is to it. I'm not risking anything happening to the two of you just so that we can get to the colony sooner." Her compassion for her crew seemed to show clearly through her voice for a moment, and it was that compassion that caused them to cave. She looked to Bletch for a moment, and the fox gave a nod. "I'll protect them. You just hurry back. We can't have any of this happening to you, too." Dee gave a small grin, "You can practically see the ship from here. If I start screaming, you come running, hm?" As she said that, Dee began to retreat. It was only as she looked back, and saw the seriously concerned expression on three faces that she realized how high the possibility was of such a thing happening. The feeling from New Attica, the one that had her stomach twisted into knots and her entire body feeling sick... it had returned in full force. She just wanted everyone safe and back on the ship. Whatever was going on, it needed to be handled... and quickly. By keeping her eyes open and her senses alert, Dee made sure that she didn't accidentally trot over any amorphous entities... for that matter, she didn't see any suspicious puddles of liquid on her way back. It was too much to hope that there had only been two of them, and that they had (albeit in a horrible way) managed to isolate them so that the contamination of the refueling depot could be handled quickly and efficiently. Still, the possibility was there; analysis of the substance would give them a better idea of its properties, which would allow them to scan the depot to make sure that each and every trace of contamination was eradicated. The ship was already in view, and Dee was happy to see that she wasn't growing extra breasts, nor had she been filled and invaded with liquid. On the contrary, the rat was moving along at a full out run, and nothing had harmed her as of yet. She managed to board the ship with no trouble, though she checked her entire frame first to make sure that no liquid particles had somehow managed to travel along with her. Once she was satisfied, she opened the door. As the door was closing and the shadows began to engulf her, something sprang from the darkness. Dee, in a very uncharacteristic manner, let out a small scream and brought her hands up to defend herself immediately... and just as soon felt utterly foolish-the robotic hand that she had brought with her (it had practically refused to stay home) simply crawled up her body and wrapped itself around her shoulders like any small pet would do. She gave a small little laugh, glad that no one had come with her simply so that there had been no witnesses to that scream, and then made for the communication center on the ship. It took no time at all for Dee to punch in a message to send back to New Attica and the rest of her nakama. It was short, and to the point: [quote]Some type of liquid nannite-based infestation on the refueling depot has to be the cause of the error reports. The liquid seems to fuse with organic hosts. We will bring back samples so that it can be further analyzed. Prepare for emergency removal upon our return. -Dee[/quote] As soon as the message sent, she made her way to the medical bay and grabbed two of the stretchers there-they would unfold and help Bletch and herself to get Zot and Fum safely back onto the ship... and then they would simply have to put them into an isolation holding cell until they got back to New Attica, so that whatever it was on their bodies wouldn't spread. They would get everything figured out, eradicated the menace to the fueling depot, and be to the new colony before the end of the year. She kept telling herself this over and over, and in doing so, managed to calm that feeling in the pit of her stomach so that she ventured outside of the ship with her confidence fully restored. It was perhaps that overconfidence that caused her not to notice the odd shadow cast from the ship to begin with. Elongated, stretching further than it should have... Dee took a step out of the ship, scouring the ground for any sign of liquid puddles. It was only after the fact that she realized she should have been looking up. Metallic tentacles stretched out and grabbed hold of her from behind before Dee could even think to have a reaction. She let out one loud, long yell of fury and started to beat at the tentacles with her hands. It seemed as though she offended whatever the thing was, because five more tentacles sprang forward, these with smaller and more intricate attachments. They slipped around her arms and she felt the smaller attachments work for a moment before the very unpleasant sensation of her limbs being removed overwhelmed her. Her legs kicked for a moment, and she let out another scream. "Bletch! Fuck!" That was as far as she got, however, because the tentacles shifted her body so that she was pointed head first at the bottom of the machine. Whatever it was, it was as big... and she could see a whole gaping in front of her, looming and dark; glints of moisture caught on the lights of the ship, and Dee had one more chance to start a scream-she thought she heard the faint shouts of her crew as well-before she felt herself being pushed head first into that darkness. It was the strangest sensation that she had ever felt. there was no resistance of her arms, since they had been unattached-when she tried to kick her legs, she realized that they had also been removed from her frame during her struggle. Dee could do nothing but stare in wide eyed horror as the dripping core of the machine slowly began to suck her inside of it. She felt her head and then shoulders suck inward as the reverse contractions pulled at her; whatever metal the machine was made of from the outside, the inside seemed to be a construction of liquid filled sacs, maneuvered by the machines to pull her further inward. Her nose twitched at the smell of disinfectant-she could only imagine that the liquid inside of the machine's sacs leaked out slowly to make sure that whatever it brought inside of it was completely sanitized. Dee wanted to scream, but she was afraid to open her mouth. She twisted her limbless torso as best she could, but it seemed to only help with the suction. Pulse after pulse, the contractions slowly sucked her body upward so that she could feel the warm and wet channels of the machine sucking her further and further inside. She felt it as her torso slid completely inside of the machine, until all that was left was her tail-she tried desperately to grip at something... to do anything to stop herself from sliding inside of the machine... but she found no purchase. Instead, she found herself being pulled further into the channel like some oddly reversed breach birth. She had no idea how deep the tunnel that sucked her up was, nor how long it took for her to be lifted through it. She could feel the cushioned, water filled sacs continually working and convulsing around her-she had no wiggle room, no space to do anything really other than to feel herself slide up along the channel towards the unknown destination. However, finally, she felt her head break free of the pulsing walls. Her eyes opened wide, trying to see anything that she could-the clear liquid that surrounded her was thick, heavy... and as soon as her head burst through, more mechanical arms sprang forward from the inside-she felt tubes being pushed past her lips as a breathing apparatus was placed in her mouth so that she wouldn't drown in the fluids. The discomfort of feeling another tube gliding further inside of her until it hit what she could only imagine was her stomach made her want to wretch. However-her body was finally pushed inward completely and she found herself floating through the liquid (because try as she might, she couldn't swim) to the bottom of the container. She was fastened in place by a length of metal wrapping around her tail... "Subject acquired. Initiating body scan now-insemination process in progress." Dee wanted to open her mouth, to scream out her rage and protest... but she could do nothing as another one of the mechanical arms sprang from the the underside of the artificial womb and articulated toward her body. Her clothing was cut away from her frame and neatly piled into the corner... and as she watched in horror, the arm returned with a narrow tube in its grip. She felt pressure for a moment between her legs, and then did scream, causing bubbles to fly up and through the liquid surrounding her as the breathing apparatus on her face expelled the air. The tube was inserted into her core. She felt hot liquid being poured up the channels of her vaginal walls and straight to her uterus. "Insemination process completed. Subject is detained and will be held for further study during gestation period." Gestation? Insemination... this thing was trying to get her pregnant? What in the Hell was going on?! The rat tried to twist her body, but found herself completely immobile. Her voice came out authorities and curt, "Release me!" Nothing. "Initiate captive release sequence!" Again, nothing. "God damn, it let me go you beast!" Nothing... Dee had found herself well and truly trapped. She was full of disdain as she watched a pile of body parts that she knew to be her limb being pushed through the channel as well and then neatly piled in the corner of the large, liquid filled room. --- "Memory Retrieval Sequence ending now... scan complete-subject is non-fertile. Hormonal treatment will begin now. Decontamination levels at 100%." The smooth, mechanical voice that traveled so smoothly through the liquid of her prison poured through her ears. Dee was snapped back into reality. Only a few short hours had passed since she had been abducted... she had hoped that her crew would have found a way to rescue her by now... but she hadn't heard anything. Other than that, nothing had transpired-she felt neither hunger nor thirst, but she equated that to the tube that had been slipped into her stomach... it was obviously feeding her some type of nutrient. For that matter, she had felt no urges to relieve herself-the mechanical arms had tubes for everything. She had only had time to think about everything that had transpired since their landing... and Dee had come up with a few conclusions. This machine and everything that she had found were obviously some part of pregnancy experiment. The artificial breasts were self explanatory-she could only wonder if poor Fum was lactating... and the liquid that had filled Zot had filled her inner channels and taken a mold that was... well, and exact replica of the robot that now held her captive. It was all so obvious now. It was really just a shame that she hadn't been able to put two and two together before she'd gone and gotten herself captured. She let her eyes drift open as the virtual reality head set was removed from her face... her gaze slipped to the pile of limbs that would have helped her to escape so easily. Ten toes, fifteen fingers... Wait... Fifteen? Dee suddenly realized something-two legs and three hands were laying in that pile! Her voice rang out through the apparatus, "I am so stupid!" As though the hand had been waiting for her acknowledgement, or as though it had been offended by the entire process, it finally seemed to perk up. "Come here, please? Come on... Good hand..." The fingers twitched, drumming against the floor through the liquid... and then slowly it began to work its way in an odd waving, near-swimming motion towards Dee. The rat could have cried from relief... It worked until it was against her chest, and Dee was glad to see that the mechanics of the robot didn't seem to care about the motion. The hand itself seemed restless to see its master kept as she was... however, it all seemed thrilled to see that her arms were no longer attached. It sidled up her body and worked itself up against the bare joint, much like a cat rubbing against its master... and then, it began to attach itself to Dee's frame. Dee laid there quietly, not fighting the motion, not wanting to give the robot any alert to what was happening. It took a few minutes, but she could feel the fingers flex, though they then wanted to move to rub against her own face-she knew how odd it must look... a hand attached to the stub of her arm... but the fact that she had something to trip with now... she felt hopeful. "Shh, behave and I promise when we get out of this, you can sleep in the bed with me for the rest of your existence." She began to think of the most logical way to get out of the situation that she was in. Contrary to what would have happened in any popular story, there wasn't simply a motherboard with the words "Eject" in big red letters. She had to think... The system seemed completely focused on keeping things sanitary, keeping conditions perfect. She was honestly afraid that moving too much would simply cause the machine to remove her limb again... and find a more secure way to keep her stationary. She certainly didn't want that. Of its own volition, the hand began to drum sharp nails against the floor... she shook her wrist, trying to get it to stop, and then was met with a sharp feeling of pain as claws raked for a moment at her bare side. They could have easily drawn blood, but it was more of a warning bite, like one would receive from a pet that they had irritated. "You little son of a..." She began to growl at the hand... but then the realization of how she could escape dawned on her so quickly that she wanted to kiss it. Without giving the machine time to process her new situation any longer, Dee sat up as well as she could in one quick movement and focused all of her strength into punching straight through the skin of the floor with the hand. She knew that it was a long shot, that there was a chance that she couldn't penetrate... or that it would simply close itself back up... But she had to try! She felt her hand meet the eerily human-like sac of the 'womb'... and then she felt her claws dig in. Using the strength of the mechanical arm, she pressed harder... and gave a shout of triumph as she felt her nails slice through and watched as the liquid of the sac began to drain through the small hole that she had made. On cue, the mechanical voice began to sound. "Warning, warning. System breach-contamination levels at 20%! Fluid levels decreasing! Abort subject and return for repairs!" She didn't have time to think, let alone react-in a great, nearly vacuum-like rush, the liquid around her began to pull forward, back through the channel that had sucked her up only moments prior. She felt herself give a jolt, watched as her unattached limbs spun wildly in the moving liquid... and then found herself being pushed, bottom first, back through the channel as the breathing apparatus and tubs were nearly ripped from her throat in a painful jerk. She could only hold her breath and tuck her hand tight against her chest as she was expelled-the process was much faster, like a toilet flushing water down pipes. Before she knew it, she felt her tail and bare cheeks hit the air, and then felt her body tumbling down... down... It was only then, with her eyes shut tight, that she realized she had no idea how far from the ground she was. She was answered quickly, however, as she fell with a loud 'oomph!' as the artificial air in her lungs rushed out of her. She gasped, breathing in gulp after gulp of air... and opening her eyes. The sight that she was met with made her want to laugh... Liquid drenched and looking shocked, Bletch stood in front of her. From the door of the ship (which it seemed she hadn't moved from) she could see Fum standing there... with breasts that came to nearly E-cups. The sight was so funny that she began to laugh aloud.. and found that she couldn't stop. "Did it drive her insane?" She could hear Fum's voice and the concern that it held... but she kept laughing. "I don't care!" She felt Fletch pick her up and half drag her onto the ship... Fum darted out and picked something up off of the ground, and in a quick movement, the door was closed behind her and she was safely behind the walls of the ship with her friends. "What in the Hell happened, Dee? And why is that thing attached to you?!" Bletch's voice seemed to hold panicky-she could assume what had happened.. he had tried to rescue her, but come too late. The robot seemed to have stayed in position, so he had retrieved Zot and Fum and brought them to the ship... and then come out to help her... when she'd all but found herself expelled on top of him. "I'm so sorry..." She finally managed to suppress her laughter and began to explain what had happened-Zot, from the corner, still laying on her stretcher, looked on with wide eyes as she did. --- "I'm sorry that the machine gave birth to me on your head, Bletch..." Dee concluded her story after what seemed a good hour... in that time, Bletch had retrieved a towel for her and began drying her frame off, while wrapping up her exposed torso with another. "I'm just glad you got out... I didn't know what I was going to do." Dee gave a small, impish grin-the situation could have been so much worse than it was... as it was, she was afraid of what the 'hormonal treatment' that had been initialized was going to do to her body. She wanted to get back to New Attica and have a full checkup. As it was, there was one more problem. Her head turned and she saw the hand securely attached to her arm... and seemingly pleased as punch with itself. On one... she could hardly think the word, but she did... 'hand'... it had saved her life. On the other, the functionality of not having an arm was truly imposing a problem. In a soft, cooing voice, she began to speak gently to it. "Listen... you and I need to have a little talk..." And as though it could sense her motives, it turned, gripping tightly to the fur on her side-if it had eyes, Dee was sure it would have been glaring at her. From behind the isolation room that both Zot and Fum were in, she heard laughter. Bletch joined in... and Dee gave a small sigh. It looked like they weren't out of the woods just yet... Still, at least they could handle a rogue hand. As the hand gripped tighter to her wet fur, she added a little after thought, as that feeling of dread piqued in her stomach once more... [i]She hoped....[/i]
’s ability to swallow each other whole, but really changed the way society would run from now on. “reborn”. This process of reforming a person became commonplace. Of course restrictions were put on it to stop people from abusing the limited resource of energy required to power these reforming devices. “Vore” was involved in everything. Movies, TV, video games and even novels were taking advantage of the popularity of Vore. You’d see it even on the daily news where it would be used to boost the channel’s ratings. Sometimes the weather woman would be casually sporting a struggling belly, which made ratings go up. ’re eaten, you’re done. The other believed in allowing unlimited reforming for all to keep everyone happy, safe, and most importantly, people’s bellies full. The two parties were simply labeled the Preds and the Preys. Preds being the believers of unlimited reforming and preys the opposite. The current compromise was the limited reformations, using the guise of energy conservation as an easy scapegoat. ’d been dumbfounded by the whole trend, was still having a hard time grasping the new ways. His sister had been digested before reforming became a thing, which had scared him initially. However, they were able to get her back, but it took longer than expected. ’d had trouble finding a reason to get out of bed. 9 times out of 10 he’d end up gurgling in someone’s stomach, only to miss out on work and college. He had considered online college, but that just made him open to any number of his family members gobbling him up at a moment’s notice. His mother took great joy in having her son curled up and digesting inside of her belly. ’s mother was rather short. About 5’ 3” tall. She has long brown hair and hazel eyes. She was rather chubby too. She had a youthful attitude and she looked rather young as well. “Good morning mom...” Jackie said nervously. “I see you’ve had a large breakfast.” “Yep, the paper boy was rather willing today. I think he has a little crush on your old mother.” She said with a giggle. ’t a fan of the Vore trend, who couldn’t help but be mesmerized by seeing a woman with a big belly. It was erotic, although he tried his best to not think like that about his mother’s belly. He did find himself zone out consistently though when it came to her belly. “” His mother asked sweetly. “’m good...” He said as he quickly went to pour a bowl of cereal. ’s gurgling belly. It had an almost rhythmic motion to it as she breathed. She noticed his staring and smirked once again. “” His mother said as she gave her belly a squish. ’t lie to himself, he really enjoyed the feeling. He figured he’d get used to this since his mother was a regular Pred. “Looks like my belly appreciates your rubs.” Jackie’s mother said. “I should go now.” “Samantha Simmons: Re-elect for a Governor. Big gut, bigger Heart.”
Soon after Jackie arrived at college, an assembly was called. Jackie sighed and made his way to the auditorium where the assembly would take place. He bumped into his friend Gina. “Hey Jackie, any idea what this assembly is about?” She asked with a grin. “Probably something Vore related...” Jackie replied in a displeased tone. “You’re really not a fan of this stuff are you?” Gina asked. Jackie shrugged. “Guess not. It just seems to be the only thing people care about anymore. Nothing else seems to matter except eating each other like snacks.” The two of them made their way to some empty seats in the auditorium. To Jackie’s left sat Gina, and to his right a girl sat down. He glanced over to the girl. She had raven black hair and blue eyes. Her complexion was pale as a ghost, most likely makeup. Her lips were painted black, as well as her finger nails. She wore a metal band t-shirt and ripped jeans. Jackie couldn’t help but be attracted to her. Although her struggling belly did cause him to avert his gaze. “You were staring at her for a good amount of time.” Gina whispered. “Is she your type?” “W-what? I guess...” Jackie replied nervously. “Now hush, the headmistress is getting on stage.” On the stage stood Mrs. Wright, the headmistress of the college. She was a tall dignified woman. She had dark brown hair, green eyes and wore thick black glasses. On her chin was a beauty mark. At the moment she was holding the microphone and gazing at the students. Jackie could have sworn he saw her lick her lips a little. “Good morning everyone.” Mrs. Wright said allowed. “This should only take a few moments of your time, so bear with me.” The crowd was silent. Only the echoes of bellies churning could be heard. “As you all know, Vore is very popular with the faculty and students on campus. So we will be lifting the Vore restrictions beginning now.” Mrs. Wright said with an immediate response of cheers. “Great...” Jackie murmured. “Furthermore, anyone on campus will have unlimited reforms while on campus grounds. This means that being digested here will not go towards your limited reformations.” Mrs. Wright stated. “We wouldn’t want to lose any of our delectable students would we?” More cheers. Mrs. Wright continued to go over the updated rules and regulation. For the most part they were pretty fair until the last one. “Lastly, any student who is asked to be a teacher’s meal cannot refuse. This is the compromise for unlimited reforms.” She stated. Jackie covered his face. “Great...” Mrs. Wright smiled. “In fact, I feel like humoring you all to a live snack. Any volunteers to let me gobble them up for everyone to see?” A hand immediately rose from the middle rows. “Me!” “Come on up young lady.” Mrs. Wright said cheerfully. A girl stood up. She had a large belly struggling with prey. “Oh my, a full one too. This will be very exciting.” Mrs. Wright said hungrily. The girls got onto stage with a little bit of a struggle. She approached Mrs. Wright, who took no time unhinging her jaw and stuffing the girl down her gullet. She gulped loudly, which echoed through the microphone. The girl went down easily until she reached her stomach. The hungry headmistress grabbed the girl’s ass and stuffed her down hard. With a loud gulp, the student’s belly and legs disappeared down her throat. Mrs. Wright let out a loud belch as her belly bobbed up and down from the arrival of her meal. “That’s all for today students. Do head on back to class.” She said followed by another wet belch. Jackie and Gina made their way out. As they exited the auditorium, Jackie found himself looking back to see where the pretty girl who sat next to him was. The girl exited the auditorium, her belly significantly smaller than before, now reduced to pudge. She spotted Jackie looking at her. She gave a half wave before going towards her classes. “Heeeey, she noticed you.” Gina said with a smirk. “I guess she did...” Jackie replied quietly. “Well, go talk to her. You can still catch up dude.” Jackie nodded and quickly went after the girl. “H-hey.” The girl looked back at him. Her hair covered half of her left eye. She stopped walking so he could catch up. “Hi...” she said quietly. “I-I’m Jackie. I um...noticed you during the assembly.” Jackie stumbled over his words a little. He’d always had trouble talking with girls unless it was his sister or Gina. “I’m Millie.” The girl replied. “I assume you’re about to ask me to eat you up?” “Actually no.” Jackie said. “I’m just interested in...getting to know you I guess.” Her cheeks turned a little pink. “I suppose that’s alright.” Jackie smiled a little. Millie did as well. “I should head to class, but let’s meet up after ok?” Millie suggested. “Yeah, s-sounds great!” Jackie said. Millie walked off towards her class. Gina walked up. “Good job, you spoke to her and you aren’t gurgling in her gut. Seems like a win to me.” “Geez, you don’t think highly of my social skills do you?” Jackie said with a laugh. “Not since the time you called your 3rd grade teacher mom and then couldn’t talk to her for a month.” She said with a laugh. The rest of Jackie’s day leading up to his possible date with Millie was uneventful. He had to go to the new Vore history class, which more of less was an excuse for teachers and students to have an easy snack. Next he had a social studies class, which involved a lot of the recent changes in society as a whole. Luckily the professor for that class was more interested in teaching than having a snack. Although it was brought to Jackie’s attention that more women leaned to being Preds, while men tended to fall towards prey more. It wasn’t uncommon to see a male Pred, but females outweighed the male population in that regard. Perhaps it came down to how women’s bodies worked, already used to carrying another being inside for extended periods of time. The science was still new and needed time to be studied. After these sets of classes, Jackie was finally able to make his way to his possible date with Millie.
Jackie met up with Millie after class. She was waiting for him in front of the college campus. “Hey, did you wait long?” Jackie asked as he approached her. “No, I just got here.” Millie said with a smile. They both stood there awkwardly for a few moments. Jackie was always pretty shy around girls, and it seemed that Millie may have had a shy side to herself as well. “So what do you want to do?” Jackie asked. “We could go to my house and play some games or something.” Millie suggested. “I have smash bro’s.” “Oh that sounds fun. Yeah let’s do that.” Jackie replied. The two of them made their way to Millie’s house. They passed a group of construction workers sitting down with full bellies. A girl and a guy. Jackie averted his eyes. “Why do you do that?” Millie asked. “Do what?” Jackie replied. “You know, you always look away when someone has prey in their belly.” Millie stated. “Does it bother you that much?” Jackie rubbed his arm a little. “It’s not that...It’s just that it’s still a bit weird to me. But I also think seeing a girl with a large belly is...attractive. I don’t know why I look away. I just...have no reason I guess.” Millie placed her hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok, I’m not judging you.” Jackie smiled. “Thanks.” They both arrived at Millie’a home and went inside. Her house was clean and cozy. “My switch is in my room, follow me.” Millie said, pulling him along. Jackie blushed. He’d never really been in a girl’s room, except for Gina’s. Although they were childhood friends and he never thought of her that way. Millie sat on her bed and pat beside her. Jackie sat down. She handed him a controller and powered on her switch. They started the game and played for a bit. As they played, Jackie peered around Millie’s room. She had some posters for various metal bands and one for a popular super hero movie. If you didn’t know any better, it could pass as a guy’s room. “You like metal music a lot?” Jackie asked. “Yeah, it’s really rad.” Millie said with a smile. Millie knocked Jackie’s character off of the stage. The match ended with her as the victor. “Hehe, you lose.” Millie said. “Now let’s make things interesting.” “What do you mean?” Jackie asked. “If I win the next game, I get to eat you, just for a bit.” She said. Jackie blushed a little. “And if I win.” “I’ll let you touch my belly.” Millie said with a smirk. Jackie blushed and nodded slowly. “I don’t see a reason to turn you down. I have reforms left.” Millie nodded and started up the next match. She picked the stage, final destination. The character selection screen came up. Millie picked Joker and Jackie picked King Dedede. “That’s unexpected.” Millie stated. “You were playing as Cloud last time.” “King Dedede is really good, at least I think so.” Jackie replied. The match began. They were both pretty even in skill level. It was back and forth for a short while until Jackie launched Millie off and took one of her stocks. “Nice.” Millie said. Jackie smiled. She seemed to be a good sport. She got one of his stocks next, then he got her second one. She got his second one and they were both down to one, with only one minute left on the timer. It was close. Back and forth. Finally, Millie got Jackie’s last stock. She won. “Hehe, guess you’re a snack now.” Millie said with a smile. Jackie blushed a lot. “Oh geez. I’m kinda excited to be honest...” Millie grabbed his shoulders gently and licked her lips. “Good.” She licked his cheek. Then she opened her mouth and brought his face close. He could see right down her throat. It was deep and dark. He gulped nervously as she pushed his head in. She gulped and he slid down a little. She then grabbed his ass and gave it a gentle squeeze. He gasped. “S-stop.” He said weakly. Millie giggled a little and pushed him down her throat more. His head entered her stomach. She pushed and gulped more and he was finally slid down into her awaiting stomach. Millie let out a loud belch that caused her belly to vibrate. She rubbed it gently. “How is it in there?” “Warm...a little cramped but cozy.” Jackie answered. “Hehe, glad it’s nice. I’m going to sleep you off now.” Millie said as she laid back in bed, still rubbing her full belly. Jackie curled up and relaxed in her belly. The warm walls pressed around him. He could hear Millie’s heartbeat around him as well, mixed in with the gurgles and groans of her belly. He closed his eyes and let the sounds lull him to sleep. Some time passed and Jackie awoke in his reformer. It opened up and he stepped out. “Heh, guess I got digested by Millie.” He looked at the time. It was early in the morning, but he had time to stop by her house and get his phone back. He got dressed and ready to go. He made his way to her house. He knocked on her door. A few moments passed and Millie answered. She smiled. “Hey there tasty.” She said. Jackie looked down at her pudgy belly where his mush was still being processed. Millie noticed his eyes and smiled. “Wanna feel?” She asked. Jackie nodded and placed his hand on her belly. The soft belly flesh was very warm. He rubbed it gently. He gave it a squish. “Gosh, this is so erotic...” he mumbled. “You really like my belly?” Millie asked. Jackie nodded. Millie smirked and pulled him inside. They went to her room. She laid back on the bed and lifted her shirt, baring her belly to him. He blushed a lot and sat beside her. He gave it more rubs and Millie sighed happily. “I could get used to this affection.” Jackie smiled. “I could too...” Millie smiled and leaned up to him. She kissed his cheek. Jackie looked at her. “I like you Millie.” “I like you too.” She replied. Jackie leaned close and kissed her gently on the lips. Millie was a little surprised, but went along with it. She pulled him close as they began to make out. Jackie and Millie would soon begin their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Jackie hadn’t expected to get a girlfriend at this point, but him and Millie had hit it off so well. It had been a few days since they started dating and things were off to a great start. Every day, Millie and Jackie hung out and played games, made out, or had a little Vore fun. And as much as Jackie hated to admit it, he was enjoying the Vore a lot. Mostly because it was with a girl he liked and he was willing though. It was after both of their college classes and Millie approached Jackie. “Hey, one of my friends is throwing a party tonight. We should go together.” Millie said. “Oh, I’ve never really gone to parties before...but ok, I’ll go with you.” Jackie replied. Millie hugged him and headed off. Jackie smiled and went to start walking home as well. However Gina stopped him. “Can we talk?” She asked. “Oh sure, what’s up?” Jackie replied. “Well it’s just that...you haven’t really talked to me in a few days and I am feeling a bit brushed to the side.” Gina said. Jackie hadn’t ever considered how Gina would feel about him and this relationship. Perhaps she suspected he’d chicken out and only pushed him to pursue Millie to tease him. He knew Gina had no romantic interest in him since she was a lesbian, but still, she was his best friend. “I’m sorry Gina...” Jackie said. “How can I make it up to you?” Gina looked at him. She had the mischievous grin he hated seeing. “I want to eat you.” Jackie blushed. “What? Why?” “You let your girlfriend do it, so why can’t your best friend have a taste?” Gina said seductively. “I feel like Millie won’t be ok with this. Isn’t this kinda like cheating?” Jackie asked. “You could be gobbled up by anyone. If your mom eats you it isn’t cheating.” Gina stated. “I guess you’re right. Not that you like me like that anyway.” Jackie joked. “Yeah, and my girlfriend would be ok with me eating you, so it’s all good.” She said. “Ok, fine. Come on, let’s go home.” Jackie pulled Gina along to his house. They arrived and Jackie opened the door. His mom was sitting on the sofa with a squirming belly. She looked over and waved. “Hey Gina, hey Jackie. Welcome home.” “Who’d you eat ma’am?” Gina asked. “Oh, the cute intern at work was eyeing me up all day so I gobbled him up.” She stated. Jackie was once again almost in a trance staring at his mother’s belly. Why was it with her that he lost himself staring he was wondering to himself. It wasn’t some sexual taboo making him do this, it was something else, it had to be. “Sweetheart? You look dazed, are you alright?” Jackie’s mother asked. “Oh yes mom, j-just admiring your belly.” He said nervously and ran to his room. His heart was racing. He grabbed his chest. Gina came in a few moments later. “You alright bud?” She asked. “Sorry, yeah, get on with eating me now.” He said, sounding rushed. Gina sat on the bed and motioned him over. He came over and sat. She gently pulled his head to his chest and rubbed her hand through his hair. This is what she did when he was upset ever since his first breakup. “Tell me what’s wrong.” She said quietly. “It’s my mom...more specifically her belly.” Jackie admitted. “I’m...I am entranced by it whenever I see it.” “Like, sexually?” Gina asked. “I don’t know, maybe. It’s like...whenever she’s eaten someone I cannot stop staring at her belly. I’m just so in awe I guess.” He explained. “It’s not like I’m turned on, I just cannot take my eyes off of it. I do it with most bellies I see, but it’s so much more with my mom. Even Millie’s isn’t that bad for me.” Gina continued to rub his head. “Have you talked to her about it?” “No...” Jackie replied. “Well unless you talk to her, you may not be able to resolve the issue.” Gina stated. “I’ll postpone gobbling you up so you can talk to your mom ok?” He sighed. “I guess so.” “Good. Now go, I’ll be here after so you can have more pets.” She said with a smile. Jackie got up and went to the living room where his mom was still on the couch. He sat beside her quietly. She looked over and smiled. “Hey Jackie.” She put her arm around him and pulled him close into a hug. He could feel her belly against him. He blushed madly. “M-mom, I need to talk to you.” “Oh what is it sweetheart?” Mom asked. He mustered up his willpower. “It’s about your belly...” She tilted her head. “My...belly?” “I cannot stop staring at it and thinking about it.” He stated. “I am in such absolute awe of it. I just...it’s not sexual I think...but I just...it stirs something in me.” “You have a belly fetish?” She asked. “Yes, but actually no.” Jackie said. “I’m this way with anyone’s belly, but yours has such an affect on me. In fact, this happened way back before Vore was a thing...when you were pregnant with Susie...” She hugged him tight. “I don’t mind how you feel about me or my belly sweetheart...I still love you...and if rubbing, hugging, or even being in mommy’s tummy makes you happy, I won’t stop you.” Jackie blushed. Perhaps all this time his apprehensive nature towards Vore was him hoping to avoid feeling weird around his mother. Because suddenly all that apprehension had gone away. He rested his head on her belly and sighed with relief. “Thanks mom...that really helps.” “So...you want in?” She asked. Jackie looked up at her and nodded slowly. His mother smiled and opened her mouth wide. She brought him up into her mouth. She began to gulp him down. His face was red with embarrassment. His mother gently held his butt and pushed him in. She gulped hard and he slid down her throat. She closed her mouth around his feet and gulped. He curled up in her belly which was full of mush from her last meal. She rubbed him gently. “Mommy loves you, don’t ever feel embarrassed about me ok?” “Ok mom.” Jackie said. A few hours passed and he’d been digested. He stepped out of the reformer feeling beyond refreshed. It was now just 30 minutes until the party with Millie. He felt excited about it. Little did he know how crazy his night would be.
Jackie met up with Millie outside of her friend’s house where the party was to be located. Millie held Jackie’s hand and rubbed his palm. “You didn’t respond much earlier. What happened?” Millie asked. Jackie thought back to what happened earlier in the day with his mother. “Um, I had to have a long conversation with my mom.” He wasn’t technically lying, but he didn’t want to go into detail of what happened with him and his mom. “Let’s go in then.” Millie said and they walked into the house. Jackie hadn’t really been to a party before. Not that he’d particularly ever wanted to either. However, this is what Millie wanted to do, so he figured he’d go. Inside were a lot of people gathered around and enjoying themselves. There was alcohol as well. No one had eaten anyone yet as far as he could tell. Maybe this would just be a normal party. Millie looked over. “We don’t have to stay super long ok?” Jackie nodded. “Don’t worry too much about it.” Millie went over to talk to her friend for a few and Jackie stood off to the side. He looked around. There were a lot of people he didn’t recognize. They all seemed to be higher years than him. Millie came back over. “Let’s get a drink.” She brought him to the cooler where they had beers. “Oh I’m only 20, so I can’t drink.” Jackie stated. Millie smiled and put her hand on his shoulder. “You’re so cute you know that?” Jackie blushed a lot. “O-oh.” She pet his head and handed him a beer. “I won’t tell your mom. We’re here to have fun, not follow rules.” “If you say so...” Jackie replied as he opened the beer. He took a sip and gaged. “This is gross.” Millie laughed. “Cutie.” She kissed his cheek. The party went on for a while, Jackie sticking close to Millie for most of it. The party attendees got progressively drunk and Millie did as well. A lot of couples were now making out. Millie looked at Jackie. Jackie looked at her. She leaned in close and kissed his lips. He kissed back and held her close. Everything that happened after happened in a flash. He hadn’t realized how drunk he actually got. The next thing he knew he gained consciousness in a dark room. He heard a lot of moans and vorish sounds. He looked over and Millie was cuddling him. He sat up and saw several guys and girls devouring each other. He went beat red. He poked Millie. “Hey uh, wake up.” She sat up slowly. “Sorry I got sloshed.” She looked around. “Oh no, we’re in a vorgy.” She got up slowly and helped him up. They turned to leave but were stopped by a tall blonde girl. “Why the rush to leave cuties. You’ve got reforms left right? Just stay and enjoy.” She licked her lips. Millie looked at him. “Up to you. It’s not like we’re in any danger.” Jackie thought. “As long as you’re ok with it.” She smiled and nodded. The blonde girl smirked. “Good, I wanna eat you two. Especially you’re cute little boyfriend.” Jackie blushed. “Go ahead, it’s all for fun anyway.” Millie said. The blonde girl grabbed Jackie. “Great, time to gobble you up cutie.” She opened her mouth wide and nommed his head. Jackie blushed a lot as the hot blonde girl began to swallow him down. She grabbed his ass and began to push him down. She gave his butt a squeeze which got a moan out of him. She gulped hard and his head entered her belly. She pushed more and closed her mouth around his feet and swallowed him down. He curled up inside. He heard more gulping immediately afterwards. He looked up and saw Millie’s face poking into the girl’s belly. “H-hey Millie.” Jackie said. Millie smirked. “Silly.” She slid in and curled up beside him. “So wanna make this spicy?” Jackie nodded. Millie leaned up and kissed Jackie. He kissed back and rubbed her hip. Suddenly she opened her mouth over his head and began to swallow him. His head slid into her throat. She gulped more as he slid into her belly. He curled up inside. “Thanks babe...this is hot.” Millie said. She rubbed him gently for a while. “Dude, I think she just got swallowed by someone too.” She had been swallowed by a guy, who in turn was swallowed by another girl. By the end, there were three girls with massive bellies, filled with people who’d eaten someone. The three girls passed out and digested their massive meals. The next morning Jackie got out of his reformer. He looked at the remaining amount he had this month. He only had 2 more. “Gosh...Millie and I do this too much.” He said. He showed up at the party house an hour later. He knocked on the door. It was quickly answered by the girl who’d eaten him last night. She looked like she’d just gotten out of her reformer. “Oh hey there cutie pie. You come back to see little ol me?” She asked. “Hehe um...I’m here to get Me and Millie’s phones.” Jackie said nervously. “Oh then come on in.” She said and let him in. He looked around and saw the messy house. One girl was still passed out on the couch with a pretty sizable belly. Jackie noticed his and Millie’s phones on the table. He grabbed them real quick. “W-well I ought to be off now.” He said. The cute blonde hugged him from behind. “Awe, why not stay for a bit. After all, we had a lot of fine last night right?” He blushed. “I-I really should get going. Millie probably wouldn’t like you getting handsy with me.” “Oh alright, but at least let me give you my number.” She snatched just phone and put it in. “There.” Jackie nodded nervously and quickly left. He stopped at Millie’s house and gave her her phone. She gave him a hug and brought him in. They hung out for the day. He knew he’d have to bring up his low amount of reforms left soon.
Swalloween: Jaune’s NightMare The annual Beacon Halloween Party was once again underway. A pointless hassle to some but to many of the attending students it was a relief and escape from the busy and dangerous work and training they underwent most of the year. Even some of the stricter teachers such as Miss Goodwitch enjoyed the annual celebration and not a single attendee failed to dress up in some form of costume. Outfits ranging from garish to elegant and everywhere in between twirled about in the school’s great hall, which had been converted into a ballroom once again. The light’s were set to a dimmer level to create a spooky atmosphere along with a scattering of fog machines and lit candles. Punchbowls and candy jars lined the tables and the middle of the room was left clear to serve as a dance floor later. Students hustled and bustled about chatting in blissful appreciation of getting to act like normal kids. To the extent that some of them could. Ren was currently trying to keep Nora away from the cider that had originally been intended for the adult teachers only but had quickly been distributed amongst the punchbowls by “accident”. In hindsight the staff should have known better than to trust Yang with setting out the food. As it was the busty blonde brawler was all set to party and when the moment the music began she immediately looked for her partner, intent on dragging her onto the dance floor. Finding someone at this party though was a challenge in and of itself. Most students had endeavored to keep their costumes a surprise and RWBY had been no exception. Though Yang’s secret outfit didn't hide much. Strutting her stuff in tall cowboy boots complete with jingling spurs. Yang’s cowgirl outfit drew in many eyes though none lingered at risk of receiving a boot, or more likely, a fist to the face. Yang was aware of this and she enjoyed seeing people squirm as she sashayed by. Leather and cowhide clothes never looked so good. Though one could point out the irony of how her cow-print vest was tightly fitting over her top half. To top it all of her hair swayed about from under her wide brimmed hat, which she lifted up and waved in glee as she finally spotted her favorite book-loving babe. It was easier once she started looking for the most exasperated face in the crowd. Blake’s own wide brimmed hat had two holes cut in it so that her ears were free to stick out. The idea of going as a cat-lady witch had seemed cool at first but now that she was in her get up of black robes and witch’s hat she felt embarrassed. Not to mention she had gotten a fake cat’s tail which currently swished back and forth from where it hung out of her robes. Thank goodness she hadn’t brought a broom, props didn't seem needed judging by some of the other’s outfits. “O Blake!” On second though, upon seeing Yang’s costume or how it left her shoulders bare along with a fair bit of her Blake decided she needed to be embarrassed on behalf of her partner. And so the cowgirl linked arms with her cat-girl witch and proceeded to try and haul her onto the dance floor. In her haste Yang nearly pushed Jaune aside, Blake whispering a quiet “help me” to him as they passed. The blonde boy tilted his feathered cap upwards and adjusted the quiver on his back in self-consciousness. He had gone to the party as Robin Hood but his team had come on their own instead of as a group. Not to mention he was quite certain Nora was drunk on cider, is such a thing were possible. She had practically drained an entire punchbowl and was now rosy cheeked and hiccupping giddily. Miraculously she hadn’t spilt anything on her long, flowing, pink princess dress. Frilly lace lined the collar and wrists of it and between it and her flushed face and styled orange hair Nora looked very pretty, too bad a punch smelling belch ruined the image but Ren didn't seem to mind. His friend was wearing a costume to match Nora’s. Ren’s formal royal-looking uniform and plastic crown made him the perfect prince of Nora’s choice, though the medals of his uniform were becoming jumbled by how much the ginger girl clung to and cuddled Ren, drunkenly slurring general nonsense that kept the usual stoic Ren struggling to keep from laughing aloud as he tried to placate the hyper girls demands for more cider. Jaune could clearly see he wasn't needed and probably not wanted there. If only he could find Pyrrha or maybe the others from RWBY. He had several other friends outside of his own team but with the influx of transfer students lately Jaune had found that most people seemed to keep to their own teams and closely knit circles of friends. Whether it be political tensions between kingdoms or just preferring what was familiar the school had become less chatty of late that was for sure. Politely pushing his way through the crowd of costumed people Jaune looked for a familiar face after some polite conversations with people from Vale, Atlas, Vacuo and Mistral. All kingdoms had some form of representation and costumes varied from sultry to silly. Gowns, capes, and wigs trailed about and banter filled the air along with the music that was slowly rising as groups began moving to the dance floor. He on the other hand made for the doorways, having not seen Pyrrha he hoped to find her entering the room only to pause as a metal construct of brass and steel thumped to a stop before him. Confused, and a little shocked Jaune remembered his manners. “Hello. Have we met before?” The deep-sea diving suit costume, for that was what it was, reached up to open the circular porthole that allowed the wearer to see. Green eyes and a freckled face looked out at him with a cheerful smile. “Salutations Jaune.” The girl’s chipper voice echoed slightly due to speaking from inside the helmet. He could only wonder where she had gotten it from and how strong she had to be to walk around in such a thing on land. Though the sight of a semi-familiar face made him smile and he enthusiastically returned her greeting. “Hi Penny. Lovely costume you got there.” “Why thank you friend Jaune.” Penny made a motion to give him a hug but the boy moved back, afraid of being crushed by the heavy metal suit and Penny’s own strength. “I’ll skip on the hugs if that’s okay. I was actually wondering if you’ve seen Pyrrha at all?” The metal suit shook its head, creaking slightly. “Unfortunately I have not”, Penny said, speaking loud enough to be heard over the music. “I myself am looking for Ruby and Weiss. I’ll let you know if I see your partner though.” “Thanks Penny”, Jaune shook a metal hand before letting the girl stomp her way along as he moved further back into the room. Soon he was almost alone by the doorway, as everyone else had turned their attention inwards to the dance floor and the refreshments. The fake fog was making it even harder to make out people from a distance and he nearly missed a very feminine looking X-Ray and Vav rushing into the room. Could that be…nah it couldn’t…why ever would… “Ruby you dolt slow down!” It was. To Jaune’s surprise Ruby and Weiss were the ones dressed as the infamous comic book superhero duo. Complete with capes and tights the two of the cut quite the dashing figure as they strode through the fog and candlelit room. Weiss even had X-ray’s signature glasses though Jaune had trouble enough keeping his eyes from noticing how the girls’ outfits were very form fitting. Judging by the blush on the heiress’ cheeks she was well aware of it. Ruby seemed as chipper as always though and seemed oblivious to her partner’s discomfort. Upon seeing him Ruby waved and rushed over, cape flapping behind her akin to her usual outfit. Weiss rolled her eyes and strutted closer as well. “Hey guys” he greeted them. “Great outfits. I’m assuming you picked them out Ruby?” His fellow team-leader’s eyes lit up as she did a twirl to show off her costume. “I know right?” She happily chirped, they look great, I saw them at a store and just new me and my best friend and partner had to wear them.” Neither of them paid attention to Weiss muttering, “we’re not best friends” as if they both knew she didn’t mean it. Jaune had to admit both did look good in the outfits if a little garish with the bright colors did clash a fair bit. “They look great Ruby”, he shared a high five with her. He tried to engage Weiss in one but somehow the heiress managed to achieve a freezing glare despite wearing spiral lens glasses, an impressive feat. “Always good to see you too Weiss”, he tipped his hat politely at the Schnee girl. His smile got a small one in return from Weiss. “Penny was looking for you Ruby. She’s the walking tin can trying to dance over there.” He pointed behind him where Penny was realizing how cumbersome her costume was when walking in a crowd. Ruby laughed and Weiss just gawked before her partner, who was making a mad dash to greet Penny, hauled her off. Jaune barely got out of the way and chuckled at the reactions to Weiss and Ruby’s outfits. At least theirs were more modest than Yang’s. He still wanted to see Pyrrha’s costume before he picked any favorites though and his redheaded partner had been very secretive regarding hers. He didn't have the foggiest clue as to what it was. Nodding to a pair of girls in pirate costumes Jaune passed by them towards the door, the green haired and red haired girls to busy gazing into each other’s eyes to notice him. He smirked, Reese and May had been the gayest couple ever since they met and it was always nice to see people being happy even if at times he wondered if he’d ever find such strong love for him from a girl. His dad may say confidence was the key though if her recalled his mother claimed she did all the legwork when it came to their romance. “Bah, its all too complicated and confusing.” Shoving his hands in his pockets the now somewhat sullen Robin Hood strolled over to the doorway and leaned against the wall as he waited. Time went on as the night grew darker outside and the dancing continued as others made their ways to the table to snack and converse whilst relaxing. Nora drained a whole punch bowl and was trying to make Ren rub her bloated gut while drunkenly belching and burping about and the RWBY girls were all dancing with each other but still no Pyrrha. Jaune was just about to go search for her when he finally heard someone approaching. Better late than never he supposed, and here he had been hoping to dance with her. “Clip Clop. Clip Clop. Clip Clop.” “Huh? Did Professor Port forget to lock up one of his Boarbatusks again?” Jaune wondered as the doors to the ballroom opened to reveal not an escaped Grimm but his long awaited partner. To say Pyrrha’s costume was spectacularly done would have been an understatement. The champion from Mistral was a marvelous sight to see, as always, but in her costume Jaune found himself impressed and amazed. Standing almost a head taller than him now Pyrrha’s pretty green eyes gazed down at him, her smile causing him to smile like a goof in return. “Do you like it?” She asked in her melodious voice and gestured with bare arms to the rest of her costume. “It looks incredible Pyrrha! How’d you get it to look so lifelike?” “Hehe that’s my secret”, she said as she booped him on the nose and trotted slowly into the room. Pyrrha’s centaur costume was truly very lifelike from her hooves to the black furred horse body that merged seamlessly with her bare midriff. A horsetail matching the red of her hair swished gentle as she moved past Jaune, her horse half fully sized, powerful legs and haunches moving as she went by him. He had to jog lightly to keep up with her long strides, trying to hide his enthrallment. Sure a centauress was an odd choice of a costume put Pyrrha pulled it off so well. She truly did succeed at whatever she tried. Even the human half of her costume was done up well. A good portion of her skin was left bare, her arms and midriff let exposed so that her soft pale skin seemed to reflect the moonlight. An armored chest plate looked gave a tantalizing glimpse of what lay beneath and its color scheme reminded him of the red and white armor of the creatures of Grimm. Her whole outfit seemed so natural and seamless he completely forgot to ask how she managed to be walking on four legs. There was no indication that a second person made up the rear end of her costume and her tail seemed quite active as she moved to stand closer to him, the difference in height more evident now, her hand tipping his chin up so their eyes would meet. “Were you waiting the whole time for me Jaune?” He could only nod dumbly in response. “Aww that’s so nice of you, such a loyal partner. It’s deliciously cute.” Jaune may have noted Pyrrha’s slightly bold behavior if he wasn't still trying to puzzle out her appearance and also maintaining some sort of rational thought while his crush seemed to be all to willing to display affection and praise for him. In fact, he didn't even notice her hand on his back, steering him around and away from the dance floor. Her black colored horse body hiding him from view of the partygoers, and the fake fog helped obscure them both. Jaune was hoping the fog hid his blush. “So uh… didn't you want to chat with the others or dance? I mean it may be hard with four legs instead of two but it can’t be that bad.” He was trying to ignore how at her increased height Pyrrha’s bosom was at his eye level. “Oh I’ll be fine. But first I think I owe a reward to the boy who’s always so considerate and kind to me.” She kept gently nudging him toward the doorway. “Alone Jaune……” She winked at him. “Huh?” “Oh you dense and loveable dork. I’m going to enjoy bonding with and getting closer to you. You’ll be closer to me than anyone else.” By now Pyrrha had him outside in the hallway where no one was about to witness what she planned on doing next. An audible rumble came from her horse and human halves as she pulled Jaune in close for a tight hug that made her heart race and his face flush with embarrassment. Jaune was pulled so much into her body that he could feel her heartbeat, the warmth emanating from her body, and the softness of her costume’s fur. It truly felt real. “…Closer than anyone else…” Pyrrha said again in a quiet, consoling voice, a hand ruffling his hair just as he felt something drip onto it. Puzzled, Jaune looked up to see Pyrrha’s drooling maw come down upon him with the speed of a lunging stork. With a loud “Aaaauuulp” his world was reduced to wet walls, damp surfaces, and his partner’s mouth. A tongue gently caressed his face, leaving a trail of drool that made him splutter and freak out as her felt strong arms haul him up in the air, tilting his body so that he was slowly sliding toward the back of the mouth. He was getting the feeling that something was wrong with Pyrrha now. His surroundings thrummed as the girl devouring him cooed in delight. The Centauress smirked around her mouthful of Jaune, he tasted even more delightful than she had imagined, her cheeks bulging with her boy. He was always so teasingly kind and considerate it made her want to devour him at lightning speed but she also wanted to savor the succulent flavor, revel in his futile fight for escape as she engulfed him at a calm and steady pace. His wriggling limbs were just so cute, she had to tease him somewhat and so she tickled him with both her fingers and tongue prompting the panicking boy to burst out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter, which she happily giggled along with before taking another big gulp. The horse girl went whole hog on the Arc boy, big swallows echoing in the empty hallway, as her mouth was as full as the moon outside though Jaune’s body was already beginning its descent down her throat into her awaiting belly. Oh how she had longed for this… Jaune wasn't reveling in the experience though, he was being forced and pulled down a tight, clingy gullet. He was squeezed in from all sides and slimy, not a pleasant experience but the discomfort was the only thing helping to keep his fear down. PYRRHA WAS EATING HIM WHOLE! “Mmmmm I’m eating Jaune whole.” The Centauress thought, one hand rubbing her belly in circles while the other guided the young huntsman’s legs into her mouth. She approved of his costume, it was cute, dorky and was not too thick so that she was able to taste him quite easily. “Gulp! Ulp! Gobble Ulp! Gulp.” Her throat and chest bulged as the boy began entering her belly, the pale smooth midriff slowly swelling into an enlarged orb as she finished engulfing Jaune’s feet, her tongue tickling his toes. “ULP”. And he was totally inside her digestive tract. Moaning in delight and stamping a hoof she traced his trail down her esophagus. With a glance behind her she saw her tail swishing back and forth and her hindquarters wiggling slightly. That was embarrassing. She blushed and patted her bloating belly. “Oh you naughty boy the things you make me do… Uuuuurrrp” Bucking her horse half and whinnying happily she began trotting along the halls, human belly bouncing and swaying with her steps. Inside the Centauress her prey was crouched up in her gut, being bounced about and splashed with stomach juices, the soft walls around him surprisingly comfy yet disturbing considering the way the moved about, pulsating and contracting around him. The air was damp and warm, yet in a freaky way a part of him liked the warm soft and enclosing nature of this digestive prison. He tried stretching and pushing against the stomach but this only prompted what sounded like moans of delight from Pyrrha, though he was slowly beginning to wonder if this was truly his partner. Surely she’d never eat him like this right? “Blooooorrrrp. Gurgle. Groan. Bluuurp!” The belly around him was becoming unsettlingly loud and he began to wonder if he was destined to become horse-girl chub. The gurgling and sloshing noises seemed to hint that it would be so. Not to mention the way he was being tumbled about like clothes in a Laundromat. The Centauress patted her sloshing gut, eager to gallop her way outside of the school where she could enjoy her meal in private. Her hooves hit the floor in a constant rhythm, her breath heavy and her horse body’s powerful legs kicked back as she burst through Beacon’s main doors. Free from the indoors, her gait slowed to a gentle walk as she began to rub and massage her big round belly, enjoying Jaune’s every movement. She cooed and belched happily as he struggled and stretched her belly this way and that. Looking around to ensure that no one had seen her the horse girl trotted into Beacon’s gardens, night flower’s blossoms glowing in the moonlight. A perfect atmosphere, she had her boy in her belly and he had tasted great, not to mention they now had the area to themselves. Petting her stomach bulges the Centauress slowed to a stop right next to a maple tree close to one of the garden’s decorative fountains. The grass here looked soft and she would have happily grazed on it, if her tummy hadn’t already been full with the most pleasant meal ever. He was fighting away oh so desperately and kept referring to her as this “Pyrrha” person. She had no idea who that was but her cute little human was probably just scared. That caused a small frown on her face, she had caught him finally and her was hers forever, he shouldn't be scared. In a few hours time the two would become one as her stomach broke him down into nutrients and aura that would power and stay with her forever. “Buuuuuuurrrrrrrp.” Pounding her chest proudly she gave a rougher rub of her gut. “You’re my food. Mine and no one else can have you. Oh how I’ve longed for this, and I know, deep down you have too Jaune. Now hush and let me get comfy. Uuuuuuuuuurp!” The Centauress belched loudly and rubbed her distended tummy with great satisfaction. Focusing on her midsection and the human trapped inside she concentrating on her gut and with a loud gurgle her belly groaned and grumbled as it tightened around its prey forcing him further into her. The human stomach shrunk as Jaune was forced into the equine half of the Grimm Girl. Her black horse half began to expand and grow as he was moved along her digestive tract from one stomach to another. For Jaune it felt like he was toothpaste being squeezed along its tube, smooshed from one area to another. With a “BLORP” he slipped into what he could only assume was Centaur Pyrrha’s second stomach. The organ quivered in what he worried was delight as he entered it, sploshing into a small pool of stomach juices that tingled slightly, splashing back and forth with the Centaur’s movements. The body around him groaned, and he heard a sensual moan from above, and soon he was being stroked and rubbed from the other side of the belly as the girl that munched on him massaged her middle. The low hanging horse belly slowly swayed as Jaune tried to get as comfortable as he could considering the cramped quarters. Stamping her hooves in delight she cooed and blushed as her she rubbed her hind legs up against the side of her gut. It seemed as if he was finally beginning to settle down inside her, resigning his body to its fate as food. Or so she thought, until a somewhat drowsy voice piped up. “Well I guess…this isn’t the worse thing.” Jaune was feeling tired as the warm air and soft clinging stomach walls slowly won him over into accepting his fate. This horse…girl obviously cared for him and he still swore she looked way too much like Pyrrha to not be her…somehow. Belly gurgles and the cooing sounds of his devourer rocked him into a peaceful slumber. Smiling to herself the Centauress eased herself onto the ground, smooshing her bloated horse-belly beneath her as she settled her weight atop her prey who had seemed to accept his fate and her, or that’s at least how she interpreted it. The soft grass was very comfy and the moonlight highlighted her dark and sleek equine half. “That’s right”, she whispered to her belly, “hush now. You’re going nowhere and neither am I. We’ll stay right here together.” Bending around she planted a kiss onto her belly where the outline of Jaune’s head was. And with that predator and prey fell into a blissful slumber. Jaune sat up like a startled deer, sheets and blankets rustling from the quick motion. Taking a quick visual reconnaissance of his surroundings revealed that he wasn't slowly digesting away inside a centaur version of Pyrrha. The warm comforting feeling and the entire thing had been a dream. Why did he feel somewhat let down, and why was so worried. It’s not like that could be possible… Pyrrha would never swallow him and act like that centaur had… “Uuuuuuurrrp!” A belch came from the other side of the room that made Jaune nearly jump out of his skin and break into a cold sweat. Legs ready to leap up and run away he glanced across the room to where the girls’ beds were. Pyrrha was still fast asleep but the deep bassy belch had definitely come from her. Keeping his eyes on the gracefully sleeping red head he did his best to fall back asleep… and failed miserably. Meanwhile Pyrrha let out another burp in her sleep, a big, happy smile on her sleeping face. Under her sheets her hand brushed across her midsection as she enjoyed the best dream she ever had. Unaware of Jaune’s predicament and mental dilemma she licked her lips and slept on with dreams of devourment.
One Piece vore part 3: Nami's regression Several days have past since Robin, Carrot and Nami first filled their tummies with Naval Marines as they continue with the facade of Robin being a heavily pregnant woman, Carrot playing the role of Mid-wife and Nami taking up residence in Robin's womb as her "baby". The results of Robin and Carrot's meals are starting to show as they finish digesting their unfortunate meals and add them to their figures. "I can't believe how big my breasts have gotten in such a short time." Said Carrot as she went over her new figure in the mirror. Maybe eating Marines isn't such a bad thing after all (HIC). " I must admit, I'am loving my new figure as well." Said Robin. I can feel my breasts filling up with milk as we speak. Hey Nami, anything new with your figure? Nami doesn't respond so Robin asks her again. Once more she doesn't reply, Robin feels concern for her friend as she looks at her stomach. As she looks something feels off about it's size. It was half as big as it was when Nami first entered Robin's womb. " Umm Carrot,does my belly look smaller to you?'' Robin asked. " Well you did eat three Marines and stuffed one into your womb for Nami to eat, so of course it should look smaller after all the digesting you both did." Carrot replied. So yes it is smaller in that respect. " I guess your right." said Robin. I just want to make sure everything is okay. Can you please strip and climb inside me a bit to see if Nami is fine? " I don't see the harm." Carrot agreed. Carrot starts stripping off the top half of her clothes, while Robin sits down and pulls her panties to the side exposing her vagina. Carrot kneels in front of Robin and starts to slowly insert her hands. Robin starts to moan with pleasure but she knows she must restrain herself as Carrot inserts her head and shoulders inside of her vagina. " Do...you....see anything....Yet?" Robin asked between orgasmic breaths. " No not really." Replied Carrot. There seems to be some kind of blockage. " Blockage." Robin said. Without of warning Robin pulls Carrot out of her vagina. " Why did you pull me out like that?" asked Carrot. " I'm sorry if I startled you." Robin apologized. But going by what you said...I think might actually pregnant with Nami. " WHAAAAAAT!?!" Carrot screamed. How is that even possible? "I wish I knew." Robin replied. Maybe if we find a copy of the book I read about Vore and Unbirthing on this island that might explain what's going on. But I can't go out now that my belly has shrunk so much, unless I eat something or someone big. So I look how I did a few days ago. " Let me check the forest, I'm sure there's plenty to eat in there." Carrot replied. So you stay here while I see what I can find. Carrot sets out for the forest, as soon as she's out of sight Robin closes the curtains and moves to the back of the house to wait for Carrot to come back with food. She sits and admires her bellys as she gives it a tender loving rub. " I hope Carrot finds us some food soon, I'm starved." Said Robin. " Me too." Nami said in agreement. " Nami your ok!" Robin said with excitment. How are you feeling right now, do you feel any different or like anything has changed? " Well it is a little more roomie in here." Nami replied. Ahhhhh! My breasts shrank I'm almost a B cup! " Hmm could it be she's regressing?" Robin pondered to herself. Just calm down Nami, as soon as Carrot comes back with food and my belly looks as big as it was when you first went inside me, we will go into town to see if they have a book with an explination. So just try and stay calm, take a nap and everything will be ok. An hour and a half has passed since Carrot left for food, and Robin started getting worried and was tempted to go looking for her friend. But as soon as Robin took a step towards the door she heard Carrot yelling. " Robin stay away from the door and open wide!" Carrot said a the top of her lungs. Robin did as her friend requested and stayed away from the door, and prepared herself for whatever food was coming her way. Suddenly Carrot flung open the door and stepped behind it as two large wolves that was chasing her runs inside and are promptly swallowed whole by Robin and bound in her stomach with her Devil Fruit powers so they won't bite or scratch while they are slowly digested. " Burrrrrrp Thanks for finding food Carrot, these wolves made my belly just the right size." Robin said rubbing her belly with satisfaction. Now that we got that outta the way lets head into town to see if we can find that book. " Right." Carrot replied. Robin quickly put on her disguse and the set out into town to find the book. The searched every book store they could find, but they had no luck. So they went to the library, again the same result. " Why can't we find that book?" Asked Carrot. " Well it's not your average every day reading material and it is a little........mature than most other books." Robin replied. So by that logic we need to check an erotic book shop. " Erotic?" asked a confused Carrot. Robin and Carrot continue searching for a erotic book shop, as they do Robin's belly had begun to digest the wolves she ate earlier, so they needed to speed up their search. After a fifteen minute search they found the shop they were looking for. As soon as they walk inside Carrot picks up one of the books out of curiousity on what makes erotic books different from normal books. As quickly as she picked it up she put it back down blushing from embarassment. Robin asks the clerk if they had the book she seeked was available. " Hmm that's a very odd book, not many people come in here looking for anything like that." Said the clerk. But let me check the back and see if we have a copy. The clerk heads to the back of the store leaving Carrot and Robin alone with the other customers, some of whom were puzzled on why a pregnant chick and a bunny mink with huge tits are in a erotic book store. But a few were actually turned on by the concept not aware of what would happen to them if they made a move on either of them. The clerk came back after five minutes with the book that they were looking for and it was on sale for only twenty five berries. Robin paid with some of Nami's treasure and left the shop, but they weren't alone for men followed them out of the store. Robin and Carrot pretended to not notice them at first to bait them, thanks to Carrot being a bunny mink her large ears let her keep tabs on the men. Her belly starts to groan with hunger at the possiblity of a meal, but Robin tells her to calm her stomach and reminds her they are in public. " If we are to eat them, we need to lure them back to the house." Robin whispered. Then we can have our meal. But for now I think it's time to put on the charm. " Right." Carrot said with a nod. Carrot gets started by using her natural cuteness to coerce their soon to be meals to continue to follow them. The men were easily ensnared by her and blindly followed them towards the house. " Right this way boys, we have so much planned for you at home." Robin said in a seductive tone. The pervs from the adult bookstore get more excited by the second and start running for the house as fast as they could, even running past Robin and Carrot. They keep running until they are in the, all while not realizing it's a trap. A few moments later Robin and Carrot show up and close and lock the door behind them. " So you boys ready to have some fun?" Robin asked seductively. They all nod and creepily smile. Robin and Carrot start to perform an erotic dance. While the pervs have their eyes locked on them, especially as Carrot dances around them. They were so focused on her dancing and her breasts bouncing around that they didn't notice that she was swiping their wallets, along with any weapons they have. She made especially sure to grab any knives. As soon as she was certain she grabbed them all she gave Robin a wink, giving her the all clear signal. Without a moments hesitation she activated her Devil Fruit powers and used it to bind the men so they can't escape. " Uh I'm not really into BDSM...." One of the men said. " Well then, I hope you're into vore." Said Robin as she quickly swallowed him whole. The other men looked on in horror having finally realizing that they were tricked, but not a one had a moment to scream for they all quickly met the same fate as the first. " Burp, That was so filling Robin!" Carrot said with glee as she rubbed her fuzzy bulging belly. Any plans for dessert? " Let's settle with them for now." Robin replied. I need to get started on reading this book so I can figure out what's going on with Nami. Robin sat down in a chair rubbing her belly and started reading the book, she made sure to take her time just so she didn't miss any details. A few hours pass and her meal had finally stopped struggling, and had begun to digest. As she continued to read and reached the third chapter of the book she found what she was looking for. " I found it!" Robin exclaimed. " Found what?" asked Nami. " The reason why you're shrinking." Robin explain. According to the book after someone has been unbirthed for an extended period of time, they will start regressing into a baby. But it also says that under normal circumstances the regression process begins after a few weeks, however if unbirthed by a Devil Fruit user the process is excelerated and beings after a few days, and the occupant will continue to shrink over the next nine months. " I'M GONNA TURN INTO A BABY?!" Nami yelled from inside Robin's womb. Please tell me there's a quick way to change me back or something! " Alright just calm down, I'm looking now." Robin said stroking her belly. Hmm let's see here.....ah here we are, once the occupant is rebirthed they can quickly regain their orginal size after several days of breast feeding from the one they occupied. So I guess it's a good thing my breasts a filled with milk then hahaha. Robin's laughter was interupted by a loud knocking at the door. " MARINES OPEN THE DOOR AT ONCE!" A man yelled as he pounded on the door. Carrot answers and opens the door since her meal was already completly digested. She sees four Marines armed with rifles stand outside the door. " Good day gentlemen." Carrot said. Is there anything I can help you with? " Yes Ma'am you can." The Marine replied. We are investigating the disapperance of several Marines, sources say they we're last seen in the area of your house. Do you have any knowlege of their last known where abouts prior to their disapperance? Carrot paused for a moment, for she needed to choose her words very carefully. She knew she couldn't tell them the truth, that their comrads last known where abouts are being breast fat. " They were here a few days ago, but during their visit here a large monster came from the forest, and they went on the defensive to protect me and my mistress." Carrot lied. They had it on the ropes and chased it into the forest to make sure it would never return. I hope they are ok. " Why didn't you report this?" Asked the Marine. " We just thought that those men looked big and strong enough to get out of it ok, they are Marines after all." Carrot replied. " Can you describe this monster to us?" the Marine asked. So we can go help them. " It was a large green monster, about twenty feet tall with fur that looks like moss, I couldn't see a mouth or it's eyes." Carrot lied again. Listening in on her friends lies, Robin gets an idea. She used her Devil Fruit powers once more to create the "monster" by creating thousands of arms to gather up large amounts of moss and leaves, when enough was gathered she combined all the arms together to create a make shift "body" with a lot of focus on making arms and legs. When it was complete she made the fake monster she made start walking towards the house. The Marines took notice to the "monster" almost immedietly and aimed their weapons, but before they could get off a single shot off or even radio for help via communication snail, Robin made the "monster" grab all their weapons and communication snail and toss them into the sea. Then she made it bind them up and cover their mouths so they couldn't scream, once she had them secure she made the arms made by her Devil Fruit powers disappear minus the ones holding the men still. Robin brought the men inside, and without saying a word ate all of four them for dessert. She licked her lips as she rubbed her full belly. " MMMmm Thank you for dessert gentlemen, you really hit the spot." Robin said patting her belly with glee. This meal should last me for a few days *BELCH*. You should be reunited with your comrads on my breasts by then.
There was just something about the statue that had caught Frizz’s eye, something her roommate was still searching for as they passed the statue back and forth. She thought it was cute, at least, a tiny terra-cotta model of an almost nude priestess with what appeared to be black ribbons wrapped all around her. But Tara just couldn’t shake the odd anxiety well up from the pit of her stomach every time she looked too closely at it. Anxiety, and an all too familiar wetness between her legs, uncomfortably soaking into her panties and making them stick to her crotch. “Hell,” she thought to herself, “anything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough, right?” Her face was flush as Frizz snapped her out of her thoughts of the many places, she might put the statue when they got home asking if she had her purse with her. Frizz, as Tara had long come to realize, was a tiny beautiful idiot who had gotten by mostly on her looks and innocent charm for years (to make up for her ditzy forgetful nature—in this case forgetting her purse). While it was annoying, and she would usually say no, Tara had already made too many plans for the ways that she would defile the statue refuse to buy it. “I mean, maybe if you just flashed the clerk those great tits of yours, we’d get it for free,” Tara half-joked to Frizz. Frizz was just under 5ft and had a petite frame that could barely support her chest. A chest that Tara had long been jealous of. Frizz loved to walk around their house in the nude when she thought nobody was home and would conveniently ‘forget’ to put on clothes on even when Tara was home. She knew that Frizz liked the attention, but it drove her nuts that she was oblivious to any of the advances she’d made when she ran into her tingle inducing roomie. It was always confusing mixed-signals, a kiss on the cheek, a whisper in her ear, but anytime she tried to make a move she was rebuffed. In fact, she’d never seen Frizz take any interest in anyone, she just teased everyone with a sadistic innocence and beauty that made you want to throw something at her (usually yourself). So why not use that trait to get this antique statue for free so she could defile it later, she’d enjoy seeing them too. “No way! I don’t want it that bad!” While Tara was disappointed by that decision, she had no idea the show that she would be in for within the month all thanks to that little statue. A few weeks later, Tara had found many creative uses for their new statue. Always careful to return it to the mantle they kept it on. Whatever it was made of, it absorbed both smell and liquid so Frizz never noticed the perverted adventures Tara had taken it on. Despite her shy nature, Tara secretly wished that Frizz would find it coated in her juices and delightfully punish her—cursing her own timid nature embarrassing her too much to make a more substantial move towards Frizz. Despite her crush on Frizz, there was a deep anger welling within when she got home one day only to find the statue broken on the floor. “You clumsy idiot!” she thought to herself, as something heavy dropped onto her shoulders—sending her to the floor. Tara was dazed, confused, and felt as though she were the plate supporting a large pile of pasta. She remembered coming home to find the statue broken but was fuzzier as to how she ended up in her current predicament. It didn’t take her long to realize something much worse than she thought had gotten a hold of her as the dark vines that had been pinning her down out of her sight started to coil around her arms. The more she struggled, the tighter they gripped, and she soon had both arms and legs wrapped with the vines—vines that looked an awful lot like the dark markings around the statue that was broken on the floor across the room from her. “Oh god!” She screamed in a mix of fear and surprise as the vines worked further up her legs, towards her crotch. The adrenaline wasn’t helping her situation, it was feeding into some perverted thoughts that were starting to seep into her mind like her juices were into her panties. She was scared about what was happening, but the situation was turning her on. As she continued to struggle, and the vines continued to find more and more intimate grips, her breathing was starting to get rough. She could feel the blush on her cheeks, and the fabric pressing against her nipples as the vines pulsed around her breasts rhythmically. “Mmmmf—” A vine muffled her moan, forcing its way into her mouth. She tried to bite it, surprised by its sudden waxy texture in her mouth only to have it spurt liquid into her mouth and down her throat. It burned, like hot coals, but instead of the residual sting that would follow a burn there was a numbness that followed it. The vine followed the liquid down her throat, causing her to gag until her throat went fully numb. She could feel it coating her insides with that liquid as it continued to worm deeper into her. She was worried it was some sort of digestive enzyme at first and was desperately flailing against the vines holding her like a marionette. The truth was better and worse than what she’d imagined. As a lump forced its way past the part of the vine going through her lips, down her throat, and tracing out her esophagus until it finally slid out of the end of the vine into her stomach. She realized it wasn’t trying to digest her, it was using her as a seedbed for its offspring. She wasn’t sure how long that meant she would be stuck here, but the thought of being the incubating host of another organism inside of her (particularly by force) was making her grind her crotch against the vines for some form of relief from her tingling nether region. There wasn’t any sort of aphrodisiac in the vines' fluids, but the situation was causing her to give into her own latent desires to be submissive and to bear offspring. The whole of her situation was driving her mad. “OH MY GOD!” Frizz walked in to a scene that was something between and erotic fantasy and a nightmarish sex scene. Tara was wrapped arm, leg, breast, and torso in various amounts of vines, and her stomach was bulging as the vines continued to pump seeds into her. She didn’t even see Frizz, as she was grinding herself into the vines around her crotch for orgasm after orgasm, giving in to her pleasure. “Tara! TARA!” She tried to get her attention, but she was so focused on her pleasure that she didn’t even care enough to open her eyes. Tara, grasping the gravity of the situation, started to back out of the room, back to the entry way where she’d already stripped into her underwear to tease Tara as soon as she’d gotten home only to fall backwards as she stumbled over a vine. She hit the floor hard with a thud. While she wasn’t out for long, when she regained her bearings there were vines around her wrists and ankles. She stood back up, trying to wiggle away from the vines only to be met with the increasing pressure they exerted to control their prey when it struggled. She could still see Tara and was terrified that she was going to end up like that. The trickle that dampened her panties was much different than the musky fluid that was flowing down Tara’s thighs. She could feel the piss flowing around as it hit her panties, only to trickle down her legs. Her fear, pee, and struggle did nothing but entice the vines as they pulled her back into the room with Tara. She let out a muffled yelp as a vine abruptly forced its way into her mouth, wasting no time coating her mouth and throat with the fluid it used to prepare the prey to host its seeds. As she felt the lumps forcing their way into her, down her throat, pressing her stomach out from the inside, she began to feel the fabric against her nipples. She was helpless, bearing her peril for Tara to see. Pee, wet panties, seed-bulging stomach, and trickles of the numbing fluid dripping down her chin. She just wished that the vines would wrap higher around her pussy so she could start washing the pee out of her panties with some gushing orgasms. While she was an exhibitionist, and her current situation was starting to get her off, she was being denied any release. It wasn’t fair. In an effort to win favor with the vines she stopped struggling as much, but that only made their grip loosen a bit. “The hell with that!” She thought to herself as she started trying to flail against the vines, feeling them tighten and multiply their grip. Finally, they started wrapping around her breasts and crotch too, trying to get a better grip to subdue their prey so as not to rough up the seeds that were already in her belly—with more constantly flowing in to join them. She started to grind her crotch into the vines too, not to be outdone by her normally shy roomie. She hoped that they would survive this ordeal, it was something that made her see Tara in a much different light helpless, bulging stomach, while she herself was in the same situation and helpless to do anything about it. She firmly decided that if they were to survive this, she would do much more than tease Tara going forward. If they survived, being stuck at the mercy of the dark vines.
Roommate Rearrangement By Supernova AND Ambie Two gasps formed a dissonant chorus. Megan’s heartthrummed against the inside of her chest as she feltherself fall to the ground. “K’fh!” She squeaked after her ass landed softly onthe carpeted floor. Craning her neck upwards, shewidened her eyes as an agonizingly tense explosionof terror coursed through her chest. Sweat soaked into Megan’sblonde hair as she balled her fists, gripping handfulsof coiled polyester. Staring into the sky, she feltcompletely eclipsed by her skyscraper-sized roommate hoveringabove her. “Oh my God! That was, like, totally not supposedto happen!” Sarah stood up straight as a board, herhands covering her mouth. Her brown hair glinted under the harsh incandescent lights in their small,shared room. Leering at her immense friend, Megan’s mind grew delirious.Unable to process what was going on, she could onlycrawl backwards, staring at Sarah’s looming silhouette. She just knew that shewas admiring her roommate’s ring and, after a flashof abrupt pink light, she was but an inch or two tall and scraping her palms with scratchy carpeting. Megan’s eye twitched as she watched her friend’s hairdrop to the sides of her face like a waterfall, eachstrand much longer than she was tall. A gripping chill shattered her core, sendingher into a panic while she watched Sarah’s long,slender hand descend towards her. “Get the fuck away from me! What the fuck is goingon?” Megan’s vocal cords screeched to the point offiery agony, sending out a spray of hot saliva. Feeling the tremendous, sweat-soakedfingertips grip the back of her pink dress, she feltthe floor stolen from her at the same time as a brutal sensation of ascent. Tearsslipped from her eyes as she found herself held ateye-level before Sarah. Her mind fell into a frenzy. Each detail in her roommate’sface was almost beyond comprehension; she had neverseen anything alive at this scale. Every vein in her eyes, every strand of peachfuzz on her cheeks, the oddly thick-looking mascara.Sarahsighed, blowing a hot, strawberry-scented wind over her tiny body. Shivering,unable to eke out anything but a choking cry, Meganfelt another lurch upwards. Her blonde hair falling over her sunken face. “Sorry. Just. The ring is nice, but you weren’t supposedto find out aboutthatpart.” Megan’s jaw droppedas she watched Sarah’s lips part below her. Panic detonated within her as she felt herself slowlylowered towards her roommate’s waiting tongue. “Wait!”Screaming was painful, as though her throat was being scrubbed out with a wire brush. “Sarah! Please! Iwon’t tell! Don’t eat me! Please!” Her voice crackedas she watched tears fall into the hot chasm below. A sense of unreal horror gushed through every veinof Megan’s body the instant that Sarah let go. Thesplit-second fall onto the wet, undulating tonguesent Sarah into a humiliated delirium. Saliva instantly soaked intoher dress, hair, and panties. Whipping her head back,she felt the oozing squish of taste buds below herhands as she attempted to crawl forward before being sealed in complete darknessby a pair of thick, pink lips. “No! Please!” She screeched, her jaw quivering, asa cluster of saliva bubbles erupted from underneaththe fleshy platform. Instantly covered in warm slime,Megan dragged her nails into the lumpy surface before a muscular pullharshly tugged her back. Coughing on strawberry-flavored saliva, she flailedin random, panicked directions, feeling the softgrip of the throat warp all over her. Experiencingthe weirdly gentle pull of the esophagus all around her, she couldn’t help but whimper,her thoughts being overwhelmed by the sound of Sarah’squickly-beating heart. Upon contact with the stomach entrance below, Meganheaved in disgust as she felt the flesh ring expandbefore abruptly spluttering her into the churningchamber directly below her. Falling into an infernal pit of digesting, freshly-eatenstrawberries, Megan felt the back of her head smackagainst a pile of hot foam, forcing it up her noseand into her eyes.Screaming, she waded through the digesting current, feeling the unchewedseeds and other detritus slime against her. Inhalingthe vomit-scented air, she could distinctly tastethe fruity odor while she waded through her roommate’s stomach. Feeling herself sinkfurther into the darkness, she bit her lower liphard enough for the skin to break, instantly feelingthe acidic sting of her new environment. Falling, in despair, against the mucus-caked stomachwall, she covered her face with her hands, too shockedand confused to truly understand how to react. Asthe sting expanded from her lip to the rest of her body, she couldn’t do anythingbut sink, knowing she was going to be spending therest of her life within her roommate’s body. A thunderousblast vibrated the entire chamber, sending Megan deep under the ocean of chewedfruit, never to return. --- Outside, Sarah rubbed her belly before gazing at hernew ring. “I better be more careful with this,” shewhispered to herself. After tasting the sweetnessof a sudden strawberry-flavored belch, she licked her lips. “That wasn’ttoobad, though.”
Sweat dripped down nicks forehead, stinging his left eye. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” He desperately murmured as he sprinted down the hallway, looking for any place to hide. “There!” he exclaimed, just before he darted into a broom closet. He didn’t have the strength to close the door so he jumped into a mop bucket, hoping to all heavens that it was a good enough hiding place. Moments later he heard the thundering footsteps of his gorgeous pursuer pass just outside. “Nick? Where are you little nick? Don’t you want to play with me? I promise you’ll love it!” Her voice trailed off down the hallway. Nick breathed a sigh of relief. “Fuck that was close. I should have never listened to that stupid fairy.” -One day earlier- Alone again. Nick hung his head, kicking stones as he treaded the same boring path to school that he had walked a thousand times before. Nick glanced at his watch “Dang, I’m really early.” Unusual to say the least. Most days he spent his first period in tardy hall. ‘Well nuts’ he thought to himself. Looking around Nick noticed a strange light coming out of the trees. “Eh fuck it, I got a minute” Nick proclaimed as he wondered into the woods to investigate. “Heeeelp!” screamed Nemie as she darted through the forest. “I don’t want to be eaten!” Rounding a tree the little fairy found herself quickly approaching the chest of a tall young man. She put all of her force into her wings to stop but it was futile. She slammed into his chest muscles at nearly full speed, falling helplessly to the ground below. “Ow” she whimpered aloud. Then from the corner of her eye she saw the predator. A hawk barreling toward her at what seemed to be mach speeds. She winced. “This is the end” she thought. Moments passed that seemed like decades. She opened one eye at first, still wincing. No hawk in sight. Opening both eyes, she quietly looked around until she discovered a puzzled human face staring down at her. Nemie began to scream “Ahhhh!” “AHHHHH” Nick screamed in return, lifting one foot as if a rat were at his feet. “What the hell are you!?” “Human, sir, please don’t eat me” Nemie pleaded with tears running down her face. “What, why would I?…” Nick looked down at her, smelling the intoxicating aroma of the creature below him. Something about her seemed very appetizing. He closed his eyes for a second and shook the feeling off. “I’m not going to eat you. I would never. That’s disgusting. So now that we have that out of the way. What the fuck are you?” Nemie dried her eyes and peered up at him. His eyes were genuine. She stood up, still shaking from her near-death experience and tied her soft red hair into a pony tail. She fluttered her wing for a moment before taking flight. Soaring up to eye level. “Why I’m a fairy!” She exclaimed. Nick looked at her without emotion. Silent. No facial expression. SLAP! Nick smacked himself in the face as hard as he could, making sure he was actually awake. “Yep, that hurt.” Nick looked back. To his surprise there was still a fairy in front of him. ‘Maybe she’s magical’ he thought. An idea began to swell within his mind. Maybe he could finally get the ladies attention. “So… do I get a wish or something for saving you?” Nemie opened her mouth and stopped before telling him no. She wasn’t supposed to use magic. But she was very tired of living day after day wondering if she would finally be some bird’s dinner. She grinned a mischievous smile before catching herself and acting sweet. “Of course, you do! One wish, whatever you want!” “I want to be the sexiest guy in school. The one all of the girls chase!” Nick belted out with fervor, holding a fist to the sky as if his manifest destiny had been realized. “Sure thing” Nemie replied “one sexy guy coming right up!” The fairy glowed for a moment and shot a beam of green light into Nicks chest. He could feel himself changing. He closed his eyes and lifted his hands to the sky in ridiculous fashion, as if being anointed with godly powers. All went quiet. Nick opened his eyes to see two massive legs. Nick looked up. The tiny Fairy wasn’t so tiny anymore. They had swapped sizes. “Wha…. What happened!” Nick yelled in angry confusion. “Oh, right. When a fairy grants a wish they um… swap sizes with the requestor of the wish.” She hoped nick would believe that. “WHAT? How will I get to school?” He bought it, Nemie was relieved. She had passed on all of her fairy charm onto him, afraid that predators would still seek human sized prey. “Well” Nemie replied “I’ll take you” Nick looked around desperately “But how can I be the sexiest guy in school at this size?” “Oh don’t worry about that” Nemie quickly responded “girls are going to crave you!” Nemie entered the classroom, holding Nick in the palm of her hand. Miss Kate introduced her as an exchange student before noticing Nick in her hand. “Dear god Nick, what happened” She looked at him with concern at first. Then she caught a wiff of his scent and her eyes changed. Watery, lustful, Nick started to feel uneasy. “He got shrunk in an electrical accident last night” Nemie belted out “so I walked him to school!” Miss Kate regained her composure. “Well then. Nick sits over there by Ashley, and you can take the empty seat in the back. Ashley was the most beautiful girl in school according to nick. She had shoulder length shiny blonde hair. Breasts that would make any girls back hurt. And the roundest bottom he had ever seen. She was perfect. And for the first time ever she was looking at him. Nick sat indian style on top of his desk, he was too small to sit in the chair. Looking around the room he quickly found that every girl would give him the occasional glance. He was in heaven. “The day seemed to fly by” Nick thought as the bell rang. Looking around Nemie was nowhere in sight. “You ok Nick?” Ashley asked. Nick looked around as if she was talking to someone else. “Me? Yeah, yes, mhhmmm, Fine.” He replied nervously. “Your um… ride left you” Ashley said with concern. “Can I take you home?” Nick looked to the back of the classroom, Nemie was nowhere in sight. He grinned from ear to ear, barely able to believe his luck. “That’d be great!” Maybe being small wasn’t so bad after all. Nick was having the time of his life. They were hitting it off so well. ‘Thank god for that fairy’ Nick thought to himself. He was lost in Ashley’s eyes, her smile, the warmth of her hand. Soo lost that he didn’t notice where he was. Ashley opened the door and turned on a lamp. The blinding light finally made Nick aware of his surroundings. “Hey Ashley, this isn’t my house.” Ashley looked him in the eyes with a seductive dominant smile “I never said I was taking you to your home.” Her words were as arousing as they were terrifying. Her demeanor had changed in an instant. From a sweet innocent girl to a predator with her prey. “I don’t know about this Ashley, I should probably be getting home.” “Relax Nick. Just check out my room for a little while and you’ll be home in no time.” Ashley walked upstairs, turning on lights as she went. Her family was clearly not home. Opening her door revealed a lovely big room. It must have been twice the size of Nicks, with a huge canopy bed in the center. “Wow lovely room Ashley” Nick blurted out, trying to not show his concern. Ashley set Nick on the bed and walked toward her dresser, grabbing lipstick off the top and applying it slowly. Rubbing her lips together and checking the evenness in the mirror. “Did I say room?” Ashley asked, toyingly. She unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her ample chest and small tight belly. Her bra was too small, making her cleavage poor out of the top. She opened her shirt and started to slowly slide a hand down her abdomen into her tights as she walked toward Nick. “Silly me, I must have misspoken. Not my room, I want you in my womb.” Ashley started rubbing her hand in tights. Saliva dripped from her mouth. “OK Ashley that’s enough. Haha! You got me.” Nick tried desperately to call her bluf but it was clear, Ashley wasn’t bluffing. “Why so nervous Nick” Ashly stood over him. Removing her hand she grabbed the side of her tights and squeezed them up against her skin. “Look at my lips, my pussy is hungry for you Nick. My womb wants you. It’s nice and warm inside. You’ll love being inside me Nick.” “Ashley please, can’t we talk about this?” “I can see your hard on… do you really need to talk anymore?” Ashley was right. Nick felt more turned on than he’d ever been before. ‘Is this how I die?’ Nick thought to himself. There were much worse ways to go. Looking around there was no way to escape. If he was going to die today he might as well enjoy it. Nick shook his head no. Ashley smiled and removed her blouse. Reaching A hand behind her back she protruded her chest forward as she unhinged her tight bra. Both soft mounds bouncing as they were released. She then turned around for Nick, sliding her thumbs into her tights. She leaned forward before pulling them slowly down over her plump ass, her tights barely holding on as her hourglass figure was squeezed out. Ashley’s baby blue thong was now the only obstruction between Nick and the unspeakables of his childhood crush. Ashley turned around to face Nick. She gently moved her thighs toward him, pressing her panties to his body. Ashley placed a finger on the back of his head, pressing his face into her soft wet clit. “Feel how wet I am Nick?” She asked in a calm sweet voice “You made me wet.” Ashley cupped nicks body to her loins with her hand. Standing up, she grabbed a pillow from the bed and laid it on the floor. “Trust me Nick” she said reassuringly “I won’t crush you.” Ashley laid nick down and slowly lowered herself on top of him, gently starting to sway back and forth. Riding the pillow, she slid her panties over Nicks little body. Nick was in heaven. Looking up for what seemed like miles at the girl of his dreams. Locking eyes with her through her cleavage before he was covered by her over and over again. “MMMMmmm, don’t cum Nick, not yet” Ashley requested “I want you to cum inside me!” Nick tried desperately to hold on “I… I don’t know if I can!” Ashley stopped grinding. She slowly stood up, towering over Nick. “Then we better hurry.” Ashley slid her panties down her legs. Eyes locked solid with Nick’s. She licked her lips. “Stand up straight Nick. It’s time to swallow you up.” Nick stood up on the pillow and watched as Ashley bent her knees and slowly descended upon him. She squealed meekly as his face touched her skin. “Oh Nick!” She moaned, her face blushing. “Come to Ashley” she begged “get inside me.” Her lips began to part, sliding over his smooth body. She started to shake. “Oh sshhhit” she stuttered as she came. Pulsating over Nicks shoulders and head. “Sssorry NNick. You feel so FFFfucking good.” She began to let her body weight do the work. Sliding closer and closer to the pillow below. Nick’s mind was racing. He was being pounded by her orgasms and vibrated by her shakes and moans, but that was nothing compared to the touch of her warm body slowly swallowing him. Covered in her juices. He could feel it coming, a force that couldn’t be stopped. His body started to shake. “No not yet Nick” Ashley shouted. She could feel that it was almost too late. She let her bodyweight go. Slamming down into the pillow with intensity, sliding Nick’s feet inside. “Fuck I’m inside her!” Nick mumbled through flesh, edging toward his release. Ashley knew what she had to do. Nick needed to be all the way in. She quickly ran to her dresser and grabbed her hidden dildo. She quickly slid it inside her, pushing Nick further and further in. She watched her belly fill as her prey entered her womb. “Cum Nick, cum in my womb!” One final push. SLURCH! Her lower abdomen popped forward, her prize sealed inside. She left the dildo in, placing both hands on her belly as she felt Nick’s body spasm inside. “Ashley, I’m coming!” Ashley heard his muffled cry through her belly, driving her wild. She rolled onto the floor, still holding her belly. Moaning for orgasm after orgasm. Ashley slid the dildo out and crawled into bed. “I’ll take you home tomorrow Nick. Tonight, you belong inside me.”
2012-04-11 12:20:05 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey sat down into her personal theater to watch her latest Vorno film, "Vore in the Jungle." Relaxing next to Tira, the star of this film, both naked and ready to masturbate to the film, Hailey pressed play.2012-04-11 12:21:30 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira smiles at you and hugs close as she watches the film, giggling as she appears at the screen, walking through the jungles and sneaking into the ancient ruins2012-04-11 12:26:38 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] A tribal drum beat was in the background was heard as the camera panned around to a naked mouse girl, painted in tribal marking, her sweet ass pointed at the screen, spear in hand as she readied to spring the trap on their soon to be sacrifice. She smiled as she pulled the rope to drop the net on Tira, a bunch of savage looking and very naked mice girls jumping out to pile on the leopardess.2012-04-11 12:31:56 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira yelps at the sudden attack and squirms but soon she's overwhelmed by the cute, little girls and dragged her to the temple. Leopardess wiggles but soon stops and just watches, tied to the altar as mouse girls start dancing around her large body, shaking their boobies and butts for the camera. Leopardess watches them as camera flies around, showing her long body and pink holes2012-04-11 12:35:56 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mice continue to dance as one is started to be covered in a sweet sauce, Tira's mouth being forced open as the mouse girl is forced into her maw as other mice girls begin to rub their nude bodies against Tira's, gyrating and sensually turning the leopardess on. A pair of soft paws begin to focus on the leopardess's sheath.2012-04-11 12:40:54 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira shakes head some but then opens maw wide, letting camera peer into the pink, drooling cavern and further into the dark, deep tunnel of her throat. Little mouse slides in easily and disappears with loud gulp! Being turned into the round bulge in the taur tummy. She then moans and wiggles again as her cock tip pokes out from sheath2012-04-11 12:44:44 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] A mouse girl licks the tip of the cock as the camera show Hailey sitting on a throne, watching over this sensual and depraved ritual, her nude form painted in tribal marking as one of the mice girls gently sucks her off.2012-04-11 12:50:09 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Mice work for the pleasure of their queen, gently rubbing at the balls and breasts too while others continue teasing leopardess, forcing her to moan and hump in the air with her large taur shaft. Cock tip already leaks warm, thick precum and one of the girls rubs slick liquid into herself2012-04-11 12:54:09 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] As that mouse girl rubs herself with the slick pre, another pumps at the shaft in order to collect more to help cover the mouse girl, a sensual dance going on for Tira's viewing pleasure. 2012-04-11 12:59:56 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira moans more, leaking another gush of the precum and making little girl all moist and messy. "Ooh!" Her shaft throbs hard with the opened slit, ready to swallow mouse girl as she leans to kiss the tip.2012-04-11 13:03:57 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mouse girl happily presses her face against the opened slit, pushing into it as the pre covered mouse girl presses herself against Tira's ass, using the precum as lubricant.2012-04-11 13:06:18 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Big leopardess moans more and squirms, thrusting forward against the one mouse and then down to the another so they both start sinking in, stretching pink flesh wide open and pleasing leopardess much more2012-04-11 13:08:40 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mice girls wiggle in joy as they are devoured, the empress Hailey smiling at the sight as a mouse girl massages her breasts and another takes her cock all the way into her throat.2012-04-11 13:15:38 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Girls continue working for your pleasure, giving nice suckle to the large shaft so tip even bulges through the girl's neck, while others gently lick at the nipples and even suckle them. "Ooh!" Leopardess meanwhile continues moaning, being pleasured a lot as mice slowly disappear, turning into the bulges in her body2012-04-11 13:17:37 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The orgy goes on for a while, mice being fed into the leopardess in a perverse fertility ritual, the dancing and grinding going on as mice girls begin to fuck each other as they slide into Tira's bulging body.2012-04-11 13:25:09 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira already purrs as mice take off the ropes, letting more of them slip into the growing tummy and balls. All her holes already drool while new girls travel in. "Oh more!" Leopardess groans and suddenly pulls pair of mice nearby to hug them into the round breasts, making them suckle nipples2012-04-11 13:36:42 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mice girls suckle deeply, enjoying the leopardess's lovely nipples as Hailey's smile grows wider, her cock shooting a load into the mouth of a mouse girl that goes over to Tira to deliver the divine load to the sacrifice. A different mouse girl, the one who was first scene in fact, sits in Hailey's lap facing the empress, taking the holy dick into her succulent ass.2012-04-11 13:40:53 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Curvy mouse slowly takes your shaft down to the base and moans, wiggling her hips now and giving your cock a lot of rubbing. Leopardess meanwhile purrs at the hungry girls and suddenly presses at their butts, pushing them right into the nipples so they start slipping right into the milk baths2012-04-11 13:43:22 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mice girls squeal in joy at being sent into the milk baths, their tails whipping all over the place in happiness as the dancing begins to slow and the mice girls left help Tira finish those not yet in her.2012-04-11 13:45:43 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Soon both girls disappear into the orbs, making them bigger as their tails swirl around in the nipples, sliding in soon after. "Oh murrrr..." Leopardess gulps down, sending last one into her upper belly and sighing happily - she's pretty full now with dozen of lovely mice squirming within all her long body2012-04-11 13:47:58 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey smiles as she forces the mouse girl on her cock to turn around and bend over so her back could be used as a table as the remaining mice girls all converge on the stuffed Tira, chanting out loud some strange message, picking her up and carrying her to their ruler.2012-04-11 13:50:23 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira blinks at the mice and giggles as they carry her up to your throne. "Ooh hi! Another meal for me?" She looks up at you and licks lips slowly while patting her her swollen tummy as it moves with a lot of squirm bulges, trapped under the layer of hot taur flesh2012-04-11 13:54:42 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mice place Tira tail end first on the tabled mouse girl. "No," Hailey calmly answers. "You, my tasty little sacrifice, are to be used to feed me. The fertility ritual is nearly complete and soon I will fuck a new generation of mice girls out of those that remain." Hailey says with a grin, taking the tail and licking it.2012-04-11 13:57:23 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira tilts her head and twitches ears, listening to your words and smiling wider. "Oh feed you? But I'm to big for you! Even without my new, full tummy." She giggles and twitches fluffy tail tip, tickling at your lips and then in the mouth as she looks careless for now2012-04-11 14:01:51 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey smiles wider as the mice girls chuckle, beginning to rub Tira's body down with oils. "I'm sure I can fit you," She say calmly before closing her mouth around the tail and sucking it down.2012-04-11 14:08:06 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira shakes head and then murmurs, relaxing and enjoying nice rubbing as she giggles again, tail wagging so it wiggles deep within your throat, soon tickling your tummy from inside2012-04-11 14:09:38 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey murmurs happily as the mouse cock sleeve and table groans under being stuffed and feeling the weight on her back.2012-04-11 14:13:04 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira wiggles her rump some and presses her feet into your warm breasts, giving them gentle squeeze and rub with her pink paw pads. "Hungry girl!" She sticks out long tongue at you and continues giggling2012-04-11 14:15:35 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey nods, swallowing that long tail down, closing her eyes to enjoy the feel of Tira's feet on her breasts as she gets to Tira's ass, gently opening her mouth wider to take the firm rear into her mouth, her tongue rimming the asshole.2012-04-11 14:18:10 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira moans at the new licking down there and shivers, flexing her tail hole and lightly suckling at your tongue. After a moment her rear entrance suddenly opens for muzzle of the little mouse. "Ooh!" The mouse moans at Hailey and then disappears again, being suckled deep into the taur bowels. "Oops!"2012-04-11 14:26:59 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey giggles at the mouse girl that almost got out, swallowing Tira's lovely ass as she stops licking the asshole the muzzle of the mouse peeked out of.2012-04-11 14:33:47 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira ohs as her large spotty rump disappears within your mouth and then further in, making bulge in your neck. "Oh what are you doing? I'm too big!" She wiggles some, making her swollen tummy sway heavily2012-04-11 14:37:31 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey chuckles as she swallows more of Tira down, the oils coating Tira flavoring her and helping her slide down. The mice girls just giggle and the one being used as a table say, "You aren't the first sacrifice. And you aren't going to be the last."2012-04-11 14:40:20 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira tilts head at the giggling mice and then wiggles again, going to moan and squirm soon after as more and more of her large belly disappears, sliding into your hungry mouth and further into the tight throat. You can fell all the mice trapped within my tummy and now squirming for your pleasure too2012-04-11 14:44:47 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mousy table groans as she feels the growing belly rub against her ass, Hailey reaching forward to grasp Hailey's breasts to use them as leverage to get more of her inside.2012-04-11 14:47:21 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira moans at the grip and arches back more, slowly sliding in and filling your body with a lot of squirming tummy. "Slurp!" It suddenly slips in fully, dragged past your lips by the gravity. Now only anthro part of the taur remains outside2012-04-11 14:51:52 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey licks at Tira's anthro part for a moment, letting the camera get a good view of the mouse girl sitting back up and bouncing on her lap as the other mice girls begin to massage the sacrifice, empress, and mouse being fucked in the ass.2012-04-11 14:53:37 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Mouse under the taur moans and moves faster so her round buttocks slap at your crotch and butt slurps with naughty moist sound every time your cock slides deep in. Leopardess meanwhile wiggles more, moaning and calling for help as her own weight pulls her further into your greedy mouth2012-04-11 14:57:08 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey smiles and rubs Tira's body as she swallows the taur down more, her gut distending a fair amount as her belly rubbed.2012-04-11 14:58:25 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira squirms some more, making your round belly sway and bounce on top of the chair mouse, "Ooh no no no!" She moans, pressing palms at your opened lips2012-04-11 15:00:13 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey licked at the palms, grabbing the wrists and slipping the hands into her mouth to be swallowed down next.2012-04-11 15:01:30 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira yelps and moans, arching back and wiggling all around as more of her body slides in until her large, mouse filled breasts lay on your nose, little girls still move within the milk filled orbs2012-04-11 15:02:49 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey chuckles as some mouse girls get up to massage the squirming breasts and help get them into her mouth, giving Tira a kiss as they do so.2012-04-11 15:04:10 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Leopardess oohs at the new pleasure and shivers with her whole body but after a moments her boobies disappear too, leaving only a head sticking out in between of your lips. "Oh stop that! I want to leave! Heeelp!"2012-04-11 15:06:37 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] One mouse girl rests her breasts on Tira's head to help her slide the rest of the way into Hailey's gut, Hailey cumming into the mouse girl's ass with a smile.2012-04-11 15:10:34 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira groans one last time into the soft mousy breasts as she finally disappears, making one last bulge in your neck and then squirming fully within your belly. "Ooh!" Mouse girl groans happily as her belly grows up full of your hot, sticky cum2012-04-11 15:12:17 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey smiles, hugging Tira. "What a nice meal. You did good," She compliments the mouse, groping her breasts for the camera one last time.2012-04-11 15:15:45 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira giggles and kisses at your cheek. "Oh such a lovely film!" She murmurs and leans to lick at your breast with her long tongue. "And those cute mice!" She giggles as one of them squeaks nearby, sneakily watching too2012-04-11 15:19:54 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey smiles and waves the mice inside. "Yes, they do very good work," She says, hugging Tira around the neck. "And so did you. You really captured the smug girl becoming frightened at the end."2012-04-11 15:21:35 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira giggles and nods, hugging you closer and grinding breasts against yours. She then winks and reaches to grope at your balls, teasing them gently2012-04-11 15:24:14 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey moans at having her balls groped as one of the mouse girl extras puts on a strap on in order to fuck the taur from behind, the other mousy sluts choosing to instead play with each other.2012-04-11 15:26:39 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira giggles and watches them, wiggling her spotty rump at the girl. "Mmm maybe lick you? Or one of them and let you have fun with my holes?" She murmurs and burrows muzzle into the warm cleavage2012-04-11 15:31:26 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey would let Tira do as she pleased with her as the mouse with the strap-on comes up behind Tira and places the tip of it against her asshole. "Is this alright, miss?"2012-04-11 15:32:43 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira winks at you and then suddenly turns around, pressing her buttocks into your crotch and grinding against while she grabs naughty mouse and forces her to lay down so leopardess can nuzzle under the toy and lick at her slit2012-04-11 15:34:23 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey would hump herself into Tira's ass as the mouse squeaked in surprise. The sound of the orgy in the theater building up from all the horny mouse girls.2012-04-11 15:36:02 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira moans happily as her tight tail hole stretches slowly and envelops your cock while her muzzle burrows into the mouse slit and rubs it with cool nose pad. "Ooh sweet!" She purrs and kisses at the pussy, burrowing her tongue and nose into the sweet folds2012-04-11 15:39:59 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mouse would moan and grab at Tira's head, surprised at this turn in events. Hailey meanwhile would just start to pound the leopard ass.2012-04-11 15:41:41 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira purrs as her tail hole takes all your shaft and rubs at the thick base while tongue licks deep in the mousy slit. "Taaasty!" She winks and slurps, collecting and drinking her juice. Fluffy ears twitch in her little palms2012-04-11 15:45:01 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey pumps the plump ass, loving the feel as it wraps around her cock. Giving the ass a spank, Hailey looked around the room at the fucking mice with a smile. The strap-on wearing mouse girl continued to squirm under Tira, a smile on her lips showing she was enjoying it.2012-04-11 15:51:44 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Mice mostly lay on the floor around you, having fun with each other and squeaking happily. Leopardess purrs in front of you and wiggles some, giving your cock new rubs with her soft, inner flesh. Tira presses her nose into the tight mouse folds, really trying to reach and lick her cervix2012-04-11 15:54:23 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Tira would find it easier than some, the mouse girl having a short vagina than most. Hailey's cock meanwhile would pulse at the sights and sounds as she slaps Tira's ass again.2012-04-11 15:57:46 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira licks deep in her slit, forcing girl to groan as tongue tip teases extra sensitive parts of her pussy. "Ooh!" Leopardess presses more and clenches at the hot shaft, rubbing it and leaking a lot of warm juice at your balls and crotch2012-04-11 16:00:29 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey smiles, reaching under her to begin to play with her pussy as Tira's juices begin to soak it, her other hand slapping Tira's ass again before thrusting again.2012-04-11 16:01:25 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira shivers at the rubbing down where and moans happily, twitching her hind paws in the air as another push forces part of her muzzle to sink right into the tight mousy slit. "Ooooh!"2012-04-11 16:03:33 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] The mouse girl would moan out at the muzzle entering her slit as Hailey continues to pound into Tira's ass, slapping it every now and then.2012-04-11 16:04:58 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira moans more, now muffled as her muzzle slowly sinks further into the hot pussy lips, forcing the girl to moan more and arch her back, bracing herself to the spot2012-04-11 16:06:33 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey chuckles at the scene as the mouse girl tries her hardest at getting the strap-on to come off. Moaning, Hailey grabs the leopardess's thighs and begins to hump harder to force her in faster.2012-04-11 16:08:00 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira oohs at the new speed of your hard shaft and groans, arching back and letting her whole head slip in. Mousy shivers and squeaks happily, extending her legs so you can grab them instead2012-04-11 16:10:24 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Chuckling and moaning, Hailey does indeed grab the mouse's legs, using the better leverage to pump harder.2012-04-11 16:12:15 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] With new force and bracing at the mousy legs Tira starts sliding in faster, disappearing more and more as humps of your hips force her to sink deeper into the tight slit. "Ooh more!" Little girl groans happily2012-04-11 16:14:08 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey groans and nods, slowly moving her grip up the mouse's legs until she is pumping Tira's ass as Hailey's and the mouse girl's hips slap together.2012-04-11 16:17:12 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira slides in more, already making round bulge in the mouse's tummy. Feels like you now penetrate two girls at the same time, feeding one to the hungry slit of the other2012-04-11 16:20:48 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey pumps harder until she feels the build up of pressure and comes into Tira's ass inside of the mouse's womb. "Good sluts," She says with a light smile, backing up a bit as her cock pops out of the holes.2012-04-11 16:22:24 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Tira moans happily and groans at the torrent of hot cum deep in her bowels. She then wiggles some, finding herself trapped in some hot, slick room. "Oh wow!" Mouse girl giggles, looking down at the taur hind paws and tail, sticking out from her slit2012-04-11 16:24:20 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] "You need some help with that?" Hailey asks with a chuckle. "And do you want her in or out?"2012-04-11 16:25:53 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Little mouse looks up at you and grinds. "In! In!" She giggles and rolls her hips, making inner walls rub at the taur rump. Other mice move closer, watching curiously2012-04-11 16:29:06 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Smiling, Hailey nods, picking up on of the paws and motioning for another girl to do the same with the other paw, and pushing the paw into the warm embrace.2012-04-11 16:29:52 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Little mouse groans again and arches back as her pussy swallows up last bits of the taur, closing lips then and leaving only long, fluffy tail wagging outside2012-04-11 16:33:32 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey waved off the girls attempting to push the tail into the mouse girl, finding the sight too good to pass up. Heading out to find a picture camera, she planned on capturing the image for later.2012-04-11 16:35:49 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Full mousy giggles and coos happily, leaving tail outside for a while and posing for you with her butt and spread legs. She also rubs at the round tummy as it sways heavily with a lot of tiny bulges as Tira moves around inside2012-04-11 16:42:53 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] Hailey would take many pictures of the full mouse girl in an impromptu photo shoot, planning on selling the pictures as a portfolio.2012-04-11 16:44:45 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Mouse then stands up and walks all around you, making her full tummy sway heavily and two tails wag around. "Should I slurp her tail too?"2012-04-11 16:49:02 [Hailey_Wesley -> TiraT] "If you want to," Hailey says with a shrug, going to get dressed and process the pictures. "You all did a great job. I think that flick will be a huge success."2012-04-11 16:53:34 [TiraT -> Hailey_Wesley] Mousy nods and grins, pulling long tail all the way into her slit and smiling as her pussy closes shut as always. "All gone!" She pats at the full tummy and then pulls on pink panties, going to walk somewhere with other mice
AYAME S PLANET P Volume - Chapter SCloudy with a Chance of Voracious Women BACKGROUND In the depths of space wander the Skaraana (pronounced Skrah-na), a ravenous species which resemble a cross between a Plecostomus fish and an Isopod. Once fully grown, these multicolored creatures span about three feet in length when in their natural form. They have ravaged through the cosmos for centuries, devouring the life forms that inhabit the planets they decide to conquer. The Skaraana aim to not only survive, but to thrive on the planets they inhabit by gorging themselves on the organic lifeforms that live there. They observe the planet from space and gather data on their target. Then, a squad of elite Skaraana infiltrators are programmed to mimic the most dominant species of the planet to the best of their ability. Then, the agents are jettisoned down to the surface, where they transform into living replicas of that species. The undercover Skaraana are then expected to blend in until the time is right to begin consuming every last living organism at their destination. Through these tyrannical methods, the Skaraana have managed to ingest thousands of populations across the universe. And now, their savage maws have discovered another scrumptious morsel, resting peacefully in the Milky Way galaxy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER ONE W CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF VORACIOUS WOMEN SYou re absolutely fucking pathetic Joshua. All you do is sit around all day on MY fucking property playing video games and jacking off to that weird anime shit I d say go out and make some new friends but anyone in their right mind would stay the hell away from you freak You re hopeless Keith unleashed yet another alcohol fueled rant against his 18-year-old son, Joshua. SDad what the hell is wrong with you exclaimed a shaken Joshua SI ve been doing so much better in school god forbid you be proud of me for once I m not gonna become one of society s greatest fuck- ups like you have And I ll remind you that Charlotte is still my friend Keith glared at his son s green dyed hair and rather skinny physique as his blood continued to boil SYou know, those are bold words from someone who looks and acts like the biggest piece of shit I ve ever seen And Charlotte Q yeah that weird bitch doesn t count Keith said scoffing as he grit his teeth SShe s not a- Joshua was interrupted by the uncomfortably loud sound of his father chugginget y another bottle of whiskey. Dribbles of whiskey ran down his grizzly chin to splat onto the dingy tile floor below. As far back as he could remember Joshua s father had always despised him but the feeling was mutual It was around the same time that Joshua's mother had abandoned them that Keith began to fully embrace his destructive ways and went from being a bit of an asshole to just becoming the scum of the Earth. The two had been in numerous verbal and physical fights over the years especially as Joshua grew into a young man. Keith wanted his son to not give a damn about life and end up a depressed, washed-up turd, just as he had. However, Joshua did everything in his power to avoid such a tragic fate. SDad will you just stop drinking for ONE SECOND Joshua yelled as he tried to snag the bottle from his father s chafed hands The sudden jerking motion sent whiskey down the front of Keith s -shirt.white t SYou little shit Keith swung his arm into Joshua s chest launching him to the cold tile S floorYou stay the fuck away from me! You hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME YOU INSIGNIFICANT FUCK?! GET OUT OF MY LIFE Joshua felt his anger course through him. At the same time, an overwhelming feeling of sadness and defeat washed over him. His chest was sore, but his heart was utterly destroyed. He began to tear up at the realization of the situation. SPathetic Keith muttered as he stumbled out the front door and got in his rusty old pickup truck It started on the second try and sputtered off down the road, leaving a plume of exhaust smoke as a parting gift. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Living in Daytona had some perks for Joshua. He loved to visit local stores to browse through the video games and manga When it wasn t too hot out he enjoyed swimming all by himself in the ocean With the exception of his older friend Charlotte, he typically kept to himself. Over the past few years, he let his love for anime occupy a good portion of his time much to his father s disgust. But along with this, he also took some time to better acquaint himself with something that had fascinated him for quite some time. Something he kept secret from the few people in his life out of fear that no one else would understand. Something he felt he would be ridiculed for until the end of time for enjoying: vore. Just the mere idea of watching a gorgeous woman capture and slurp down her prey was enticing to Joshua. He daydreamed of fondling her body as her prey squirmed and rolled around tirelessly. He especially wanted to be able to feel her engorged gut, bloated to extreme proportions with prey she swallowed whole just moments earlier. He sunk into the side of the sofa as his head filled with thoughts. He tried to think back as far as he could remember, but he couldn't recall when he first felt the tingly sensation that fantasizing about women devouring innocent prey whole gave him. Had it always been a part of him? The more he thought about it, the less he knew the answer. One thing was for certain: the thought of it excited him on a primal level. Daydreaming about attractive chubby women sneaking up on unsuspecting victims and unhinging their jaws to swallow them whole made him blush uncontrollably. As much as vore excited him, it also brought him a great deal of shame. His father had once walked in on him and discovered his most private fantasies, and of course used it as a justification for further abuse. Joshua knew better than to take anything Keith said to heart but it didn t really matter in the end After his father called him worthless enough times, Joshua started to believe it. Joshua stood up from the sofa and grabbed his backpack before heading outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A sinister cool breeze picked up speed along the Daytona Beach shoreline. Not a flashlight was in sight as a cluster of thunderstorms began to roll along the evening coast. The impending thunderstorm turned the sky an ominous dark gray, and everyone had sequestered themselves safely in their homes. Everyone except Joshua, that is. He left his home to clear his mind of the most recent encounter with his father. It didn t matter that the waves crashing on the shore were of dangerous proportions It didn t matter that lightning was beaming through the ghastly dark sky like fireworks. All that mattered was that he was in an extremely shitty situation and had to find a way out of it one way or another. From Joshua's perspective, he figured that he would get adrenaline rush inspired clarity from swimming, or he wouldn't make it back home and never have to deal with his shitbag of a father ever again. Aside from Charlotte, who would really care anyways? It was worth the risk. He texted Charlotte to tell her that he was going out for a quick swim, and that was all. Joshua looked up as the lightning danced across the sky It was eerily beautiful but he didn t take much notice He wasn t always up for this sort of thing but these were dire circumstances He opted to proceed with his decision to go for a swim. Now, the die was cast. His life would forever be altered, and there was no save point to revert to if things turned sour. Before leaving home and walking to the beach, he put on his swimsuit. All he needed to do was ditch his shirt before swimming. He slowly removed his hoodie, exposing his upper half. He looked down at himself. He was scrawny and pale, completely devoid of muscles or anything a person could find endearing His father s words echoed in his head He was weak awkward and a complete He fuck-up. had never felt more worthless. The waves crashed along the beach viciously. Joshua stepped out to meet them, letting the water pool around his ankles Barely paying attention he didn t notice just how powerful the tide was until a huge wave swept him off his feet and into the water. He began swimming out to sea for as long as he could possibly go. The saltwater burned his eyes and flooded his mouth as he pressed onward. Rain had begun to fall heavily, making it more and more difficult to continue swimming. Although Joshua was starting to regret his decision, something compelled him to continue swimming out to sea. A massive wave sent him underwater for a brief period of time. As he arose and wiped the water from his eyes, he saw three orange flickers of light emerging from the clouds above. He wondered what he was looking at until another wave knocked him underwater. By the time he resurfaced, the three objects were closing in at rapid speed. His eyes went wide as he realized the flaming orbs were coming right for him. A moment later, they smacked into the water, echoing over the howling wind. The powerful shockwave punched him under the water, eyes wide with shock. He saw two dark, blurry shapes in the distance that were lit by colorful, glowing orbs that might have been eyes. They swam like great serpents towards the shore. Joshua watched in fear, not knowing what had just joined him for his evening swim. He surfaced, frantically looking around for any signs of what had crashed into the water. He suddenly noticed a faint blue glow beneath him, which was rapidly growing stronger. Before he could investigate, another sizable wave sent him tumbling closer to shore. When he regained vision, the glow had disappeared. Joshua glanced around at his surroundings, looking for any sign of the mysterious creatures lurking in the waters around him. He was unable to focus his efforts on finding them, as his attention shifted to a towering wave just a few feet away from him. Before he had time to react, he was gobbled up by the oncoming wave and hurled towards the shoreline. It was hard for him to breathe, as he had few opportunities to gasp for air He wouldn t be able to hold his breath for much longer, and he was unable to see a thing. But out of everything, the most surprising sensation was something heavy and warm smacking into him. Before he knew it, he was washed ashore pinned underneath the heavy weight. Joshua slowly realized it felt like there was a human body laying on his chest. As he regained a sense of the situation, he realized a young woman was resting upon him. Completely dumbfounded, Joshua remained still as he tried to make sense of what just happened. Is this a girl? he pondered to himself as he processed what he was seeing. Where the hell did she come from? Who was she? And most importantly, Why was she naked?! Before Joshua had a chance to answer any of those questions, the warm squishy body began to reanimate itself taking a deep breath and raising its head off from his smooth bare chest. A pair of glinting yellow eyes locked with Joshua s as the creature grinned sinisterly SWell shit I didn t know I would havecompany tonight the strange woman exclaimed Joshua laid astounded with a blank look on his face, unsure of how to react. Eventually, all he managed to get out was a muffled SWhat the fu- She scoffed and flipped her hair, sending water spraying in every direction SThat s all you ve got to say I could have said Hey look at this weirdo washed up on the beach and that would have made as much sense Joshua s face reddened as the whole situation settled on him Embarrassed by this shameless nudist he decided to go on the offensive SHey we almost fucking drowned And you re the one completely naked What are you even doing out here like that Ayame looked down at herself. Finding someone out here had been fortunate enough, but if she wanted to keep this one, she needed to explain herself quickly or risk having her cover blown. She needed food and shelter, and this gullible human seemed as good as any. SWell it s not like anyone would see me swimming nude in this kind of weather Or so I thought Ayame said with a smirk. SThat s an awfully bold assumption Joshua mumbled SWho would be out here in the middle of a storm anyways SI should be asking you the same thing mister she teased poking at his chest He looked away sullenly as he remembered what had brought him out here in the first place. Ayame snickered to herself as another wave crashed against them. It soaked her back and sent her hair flying but she didn t even flinch Joshua on the other hand coughed and choked up water as the wave receded. SSeriously what are you doing out here he asked again quieter this time SDoes that really matter She grinned as she poked Joshua s cheek with her index finger SIt Q it kinda does Joshua laughed nervously He couldn t help but find himself immersed by her awkwardly playful behavior. Who was this mysterious curvy and cute purple haired woman? He was guessing that she was in her early twenties based on her appearance. He experienced a tingle down his spine as she lifted her squishy body off of his. She looked down at him as the waves continued to rush along his back. Her bright purple hair and flushed skin stood out sharply against the dark gray storm clouds above. SThe only thing that matters for me right now is where and how I can get some food Ayame said nonchalantly as she rubbed a hand over her squishy empty belly. SDon t you have food at your house Joshua asked in a somewhat concerned tone SYeah Qabout that Q Ayame laughed nervously realizing that she hadn t thought that far ahead in coming up with a backstory for herself prior to her arrival on Earth. SSo uh QI don t exactly have a home right now Ayame said softly while looking off at the ground turning back to him to give him pleading eyes. Joshua looked into Ayame s eyes Heririses were a vibrant, shiny yellow. They beamed towards him, attempting to convey a message of persuasion. SWhat you don t wanna make sure this thing is nicely fed She shamelessly began to pat the right side of her pudgy midsection causing it to jiggle joyfully. Joshua blushed while attempting to avert his eyes. SYou totally wanna watch Qdon t you Ayame said with a confident smirk Joshua tried to feign disinterest, but his beet red face said otherwise. SYou know it is perfectly ok if you want to watch me fondle this squishy Q succulent Q smooth Q sexy Q Ayame continued as her fingers dug deep into the sides of her bare flesh. She slowly teased, knowing that he surely appreciated what she was doing from the way he looked at her midriff Joshua s eyes established contact with hers again, and she purred to acknowledge his curiosity. S Qsoft Qjiggly Qfluffy Q she continued S hot Qplump Qcuddly She seemed to have lost her train of thought as she thoroughly explored herself, rubbing her thighs and twisting around to get a look at her own butt It didn t seem to matter though Joshua was clearly smitten Joshua could feel his heart rate jump especially as Ayame began to run her index finger deep into her cavernous belly button. Her breathing began to shift ever so slightly. Joshua was mesmerized and utterly speechless. SHmmmm Q yes Q and these meaty breasts- Ayame teased in a soft yet sultry voice as she remembered he was there. She leaned forward towards him, pushing her breasts together with her arms. She started to toy around with Joshua more, trying to ensure that she wouldn't go without her first meal on Earth soon. SOk that s uh Q that s enough Joshua said firmly trying to snap himself out of the near hypnosis that Ayame had put him under. SAre you sure horndog Ayame snickered to herself SYou seemed to be enjoying that even though I know you won t admit it SHorndog I uh Joshua scoffed at the bold remark The playful pervert chuckled and leaned directly over him, carefully tracing the bottom of her bulging belly with her finger. SHorndog she said in a matter of fact tone as she expressed a sinister grin Her finger curiously trailed down his chest, stopping at his bellybutton. Joshua instinctually pushed himself against the sand trying to back away but obviously had no success. Mid-panic, he rolled over onto his side and got up off the sandy floor, still in disbelief that Ayame seemed so interested in him. Standing at his full height, he was surprised to see this girl still had a good few inches on him. SNow are you gonna get me food or what I promise I won t be picky Ayame pled attempting to put on her best show for Joshua. Joshua stewed over the fact that he very well might be bringing a complete stranger who was entirely nude into his home for a bite to eat. But what was he supposed to do? Just leave this gorgeous horny dream girl out naked in the rain? He started to wonder if he was being pranked. SPlease I just need something to hold me over for a while the girl pled trying e in verythingher desperation for a quick meal. Joshua anxiously mulled it over in his head. The thought of her stuffing her face with something like potato chips intrigued him. Perhaps he would pretend that they were tiny people being tossed into the maw of the ravenous beast. She would let out a nice triumphant burp as her belly gurgled and settled. Yes, this was a rare opportunity. But Joshua had no idea who this girl was. Maybe she meant to rob him, or lead some gang to his house to steal everything they had Joshua s home wasn t exactly a mansion though It was really kind of a dump to be honest. His father never cleaned and often berated him whenever he tried to fix things up. The only time anyone came by was when his father would invite some like-minded pals over to share beers and harass Joshua. His father, of course, never willingly let Joshua do the same. SAlright come home with me Joshua said without thinking as his anger got the best of him His confidence quickly evaporated as he realized the logistics of what he just agreed to. SUm just please Q put my towel over you for the time being he said handing her the towel as his hand shook from both excitement and nervousness. SAh You re the best Q um Q Ayame realized that in her quest for foodcompletely she forgot to ask this snack its name. SIt s Joshua Well Joshua Shalten actually he said nervously while looking in the opposite direction of his new companion. SWell my name is Ayame she responded loudly Joshua smiled a bit SWell Ayame Qcover yourself with that towel for now and let's get you something to eat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The duo walked together for fifteen minutes in the drenching rain until they finally reached Joshua s house. The storm was relentless and prevented the two from having any meaningful conversation until they made it indoors. During this time, Ayame began to ponder what her next move would be. Would she gorge herself on human food for the time being and remain undercover? Or would she let her lustful taste buds get the best of her and turn some humans into snacks and hope her cover wouldn t be blown too early Regardless, she knew she needed something to eat and soon. What about this boy Joshua? To her, he looked incredibly scrumptious. His smaller size, lack of muscle and overall physique was strangely endearing. He would probably not put up much of a fight either. He was a stellar candidate to be her first appetizer. At the same time, Ayame realized that she couldn't wrap her jaws around this tasty morsel quite yet. If she did that, she would have nobody on Earth to give her easy access to food and help her blend in with society. SAlright just take a seat h ereon the barstool for now Joshua insisted his green hair looking even brighter under the kitchen lights SI ll go get a variety of different snacks and you can pick whatever sounds best SAll of it She said confidently Before seeing what potentialmeals would be provided to her, she opted to gulp down every last one of them whatever they were. Joshua turned back to look at her He examined Ayame s eager expression and admired her sincere intent to devour all of the goods he could possibly offer. SUm QAyame QI need food too you know I can t just empty out the kitchen because some random girl with a ferocious appetite came to visit Ayame looked Joshua right in the eye and addressed him in a cheeky manner. SSure you can Joshua She began to slowlynd seductively a lick her lips. Joshua had no idea how to respond to this increasingly awkward encounter. SOk Q ok Q Let me get you started with something at least He turned back to the cabinets and began to blush at the thought of what was about to go down. In a matter of minutes, Joshua had presented an astonishing assortment of junk foods and snacks. Bags upon bags of chips and crackers, a multitude of cookie containers, bags of various candies, sodas, and a couple of microwaved hot pockets were prepared for her pleasure. SOhohoho yes Ayame chortled haughtily as saliva filled her mouth Joshua shook his head in disbelief. He was half-joking in bringing out that much food, but she seemed serious. Was she really going to scarf down all of it? Ayame wasted no time digging into the assortment of chip bags. She simply opened a bag from the top, put it up to her mouth, tilted her neck backwards and crammed down the entirety of its contents in a matter of seconds. Joshua watched in amazement as his visitor gulped down every last crumb of food in each and every bag. Watching her greedily eat through almost all of the food that was once in his kitchen sent a rush of energy down his spine He couldn t help but envision her pouring countless tiny people down her slimy gullet and into that growing gut of hers. Standing behind the counter, he felt like he was safe from her noticing the ever-growing bulge in his swim trunks. There was no way he could allow her to witness the beam jutting out of his crotch. He took a gamble and decided to sit down at the barstool next to her at the counter, hoping that sitting and crossing his legs would help him hide his problem. As she moved onto the hot pockets, she gulped down each one whole much to Joshua s astonishment He was now blushing vibrant red, and Ayame could tell that he was having just as good of a time as she was. She took a moment to stop eating to lick up a strand of melting cheese dripping down the side of her mouth. SYou doing alright there Ayame questioned as Joshua s complexion and expressions began to change SYeah um Q never been better Q Joshua said sheepishly He did his best to avoid eye contact out of sheer embarrassment. It didn't help that she was getting more and more vocal, and acting more overtly sexual. As weird as it was for him, he would be damned if he let her think he was the weirdo for fantasizing about her voring countless tinies. Ayame gleefully continued her consumption of Earth's snacks, all of which were so savory and delicious! But most importantly, she was getting a feel for her humanoid body. She wanted to see what it felt like stuffing herself on meager morsels before working her way up to a fully grown human. The feeling of her already bloated belly and waistline spilling generously onto her bare thighs below made her feel all tingly inside. Sure, eating had always been a pleasure for Ayame both in her natural Skaraana form, and in the many other forms she had taken on other planets. But for some reason, doing so in this human form made her all hot and bothered. She began to worry that overstimulation would be her downfall. She had never actually witnessed humans eating their own food. Was the feeling of their bodies bulging out with more and more pudge this erotic for them too? At least Joshua seemed to be turned on by it. His curiosity surrounding the situation began to help curb her concerns. In fact, it only made her want to consume more and more. Nothing she did thus far had been too out of character, so she continued munching on every cookie and piece of candy she could shovel into her maw. She let out a deep, satisfied belch after downing the third and final can of soda. She smirked in a strangely aroused yet content manner. Ayame then leaned back on the barstool and removed her towel revealing a noticeably larger and squishier midsection. She then used both of her hands to simultaneously caress and compress each side of her swelling belly, causing the front to smoosh outward even more than before. SOh wow Q oh Q oh fuck that was good Ayame shouted in a trance. The stuffed Skaraana burped again as she curiously fondled her enlarged gut. It felt spectacular to be this engorged, with her once modest belly now covering nearly halfway down her thighs as she sat. Ayame could only imagine the satisfaction she would feel once her first human would travel down deep into her digestive system and make her belly bloat out into even more extreme proportions. She glanced over at Joshua, who had been speechless for an extended period of time, observing as his guest made most of his food disappear. SSeriously are you doing alright there Ayame asked with increased concern Joshua refused to speak or look in her general direction, as he could not come up with any sensible response. SAhhh I see now Q Ayamesaid, looking down at her increasingly enlarged belly. She rested a hand on the top of her doughy tummy then looked over to Joshua SI think it s about time that you reward me for my success tonight Ayame said with a smirk The Skaraana placed both of her hands on the sides of her belly and gave it a loud, hard slap. She wanted to ensure that he knew exactly what she wanted even if he couldn t see her Joshua experienced an unexplainable sensation throughout his body as he slowly and carefully processed what was going on, hoping that this was not a dream that he would just wake up from. He could pretend that she was a giantess who had just finished voring innocent beachgoers, burping up their swimsuits after swallowing them. Joshua could feel his hands starting to get clammy, noticing small beads of sweat as they formed on his skin. He wanted to get his hands on that luscious belly of hers, he really did. Unfortunately, he could not bring himself to move any closer to her; it was too spontaneous for him to handle in the moment. As much as his curiosity attempted to nudge him in that direction he couldn t bring himself to do so Well not as long as Ayame was a stranger to him. STh-Thank you Ayame Joshua nervously stuttered defeated and disappointed that he wouldn't get to experience the euphoria of holding Ayame's belly in his hands. He paused for a moment before saying SBut I m good for now as he looked down at the ground in defeat There was no response from Ayame, but he could tell from her expression that she was clearly upset. Her face was nearly blank, but her eyebrows were slightly furrowed and her eyes were squinted. She was irritated, but she was also trying to hide her emotions from Joshua. The tension in the room was suddenly alleviated as Joshua s cell phone rang It was a call from one of his only friends, Charlotte Hartford, who was calling to see if he made it back from his evening swim. Despite their six-year age difference, the two of them got along very well. Although their hobbies didn't align, they had similar personalities that complemented their friendship quite nicely. When the two were together, Charlotte enjoyed being sarcastic and messing with Joshua as much as possible. Otherwise, she was typically quieter and more reserved, appreciating the little things in life. The 24-year-old worked as an airline pilot, which fulfilled her lifelong dream of flying. Specifically, she was a first officer, also known as co-pilot. Her geekiness regarding her love and passion for aviation was expressed quite often. On the other hand, Joshua tended to obsess over anime and manga. The two of them shared empathy for each other, as they struggled to find others who were into their specific interests on the level that they were. Each of them understood what it was like to be bullied for their unparalleled passion for unique topics. The two of them had actually met at a fiction writing club, hosted by one of Joshua s neighbors who was coincidentally one of Charlotte s professors SI should really answer that Joshua said restlessly as he quickly fled the strange scene He retreated into his bedroom, leaving the enlarged Ayame all by her lonesome. He answered the phone just before Charlotte s call went to voicemail SHey Joshua I hope you re home by now said the concerned voice SThis storm is really getting wicked Charlotte said on the other line SYeah don t worry We made it back safely Joshua reassured SOh Rwe she questioned STo be honest I never took your dad for someonelate who night w as into self-discovery adventures Joshua froze at the fact he unintentionally roped himself into a situation he couldn't back out from; he had to tell Charlotte about the greedy girl accompanying him in his home. SWell actually I met this girl alongthe way and- Joshua was promptly interrupted SSo when will you guys fuck Charlotte teased giggling at the thought SCharlotte Jeez she s some random naked girl I ran into while swimming Joshua retaliated SI m sorry Q Did you say naked she up cracked with laughter SAre you fucking kidding me Oh this is just precious Charlotte snorted unable to contain her laughter Joshua rolled his eyes SAlright listen he said trying to get a lead on the conversation SLong story short she s reallyeird. w I think she's around our ages, and her name is Ayame. She was ravenous, she ate almost all of the food in the house Joshua exclaimed SYou re kidding Charlotte asked dumbfounded SI um Q I wish I was But now we re out of almost everything I tdon know how she did it but she managed to stuff herself with all our snack food she practically inhaled everything There was a brief silence, followed by a long audible inhale. SI m coming over Charlotte said already decided SWhat Joshua said in disbelief. SI m coming over right now and I am bringing you guys more snacks Charlotte said on the other line already rustling through her things and getting ready to come over. Joshua remained silent long enough that he was unable to get a word in before Charlotte began to speak again. SActually I could use a little help loading up the car I ll be over in five minutes Get your raincoat on and be ready Joshua was overwhelmed with confusion SCharlotte we re in the middle of a damn thunderstorm You called me to make sure I was home safely and now you want to go out and drive in it to pick me up SYeah I uhh Q I don t want you guys to go hungry is all Charlotte said nervously SI just need your help bringing stuff over Be there in five Charlotte terminated the call before Joshua could establish a well-thought-out response. He laid on his bed, baffled by the increasingly strange events that unfolded in the past hour or so. Why did Charlotte care so much about getting food to them in the middle of a storm? Certainly, Ayame wasn't going to go hungry any time soon! Or... so he thought... Ayame watched as her new acquaintance bundled himself up in his raincoat and prepared to once again endure the elements. As enjoyable as the small stuffing session was, her Skaraana appetite was finally kicking in with her new humanoid form. She realized that she would need to eat someone soon. SI ll be back in a little bit I m grabbing more food from a friend s house just down the road And please Q put the towel back on when I return the urgency and sincerity in Joshua s voice couldn t be clearer He ran out the front door to meet Charlotte in her blue sports car. Charlotte was a tall young woman with short, messy shoulder length black hair that was layered in the sides and back. She was a complete tomboy with deep ocean blue eyes and a soft round face Charlotte s body was soft and curvy with wide hips and thick thighs. She had a soft, pudgy belly that overflowed over the tops of her pants, but it was easy for her to hide her amount of pudge with baggy clothes when she wanted to appear slimmer. She greeted Joshua as he sat down in the passenger seat and the two took off too fast for Joshua s liking, as usual. Meanwhile, the hungry Skaraana began to seriously consider who her next meal could be. Ayame sat at the counter with her chin resting in her palm, her elbow sitting on the countertop. Although Joshua was intimidated by her, the foolish boy seemed like he had a decent amount of trust in her. She couldn't eat him not yet anyways. He had a purpose for now: he was supplying her with a near endless amount of food. Ayame hadn't met many people on Earth yet, so her lack of options were irritating her. Joshua's friend was coming over to bring her even more food so this other human did not seem like an option either Q at least not yet. Ayame began scrounging for any amount of scraps left in the kitchen. She heard her stomach as it began to whine and beg for seconds. Ayame dug through the fridge and through cupboards, but she had nearly eaten everything that was in the previously stocked kitchen SCome on come on There s gotta be something left around here Anything Ugh The Skaraana was feeling defeated; she needed food and she needed it now. Thankfully, her prayers would soon be answered. Ayame's ears perked up as she heard something come to a screeching halt in the driveway. She dismissed the noise pollution, assuming it was nothing of importance. Instead, she continued her search for something to scarf down. The front door blasted open, revealing a grungy man in his late fifties wearing a tattered beer stained white t-shirt and blue jeans. The man had a large and recent dark bruise on his forehead. His attention was quickly drawn to the naked woman in his kitchen. SWho the fuck are Q you Keith asked in a drunken stupor Ayame turned to look at him. SWHO THE FUCK Q ARE YOU Keith shouted as loud as he could Ayame flashed a vicious smile towards Keith, as her decision had just been made for her. SThe only bitches in my fuckin house are those that are here for one reason only and that cause I m uh Q fuckin em Keith walked slowly from the front door towards the kitchen area to his left SNow lemme tell ya what Q you re one fat ugly prostitute Fuck youme Q re one fat ass bitch Keith said, quietly laughing to himself as he looked Ayame up and down. The Skaraana s expression suddenly went from one of malevolence to one of offense She had been called just about every insult in the book while conquering other planets, so what was it about this asshole that was pushing her over the edge She couldn t entirely tell but she knew that he was a genuinely bad person. STell ya what bitch I ll let you leave if you suck my fuckin dick Keith suggested undoingone his hand belt, the other taking another swig out of his beer. Ayame hissed and snarled, her anger bubbling over. SOh fuck someone s feisty tonight Keith exclaimed approaching Ayame and wrapping an arm around her curvy waist. He placed his right hand on Ayame s left breast SLet s get to it he said SYeah Lets Ayame responded vexed before growling and pouncing on the drunken bastard The two screamed and threw punches at one another as they rolled across the tile floor in the living room. SARHHH YOU FUCKIN Q FUCKIN BITCH a beyond drunk Keith yelped Ayame let her rage and appetite overtake her. She decked the diabolical man square in the face. His nose was broken and several teeth were knocked flying out of his mouth from the sheer power of her punch. He was tossed with tremendous force from the living room onto the floor of the adjacent bathroom. SAH QWHAT THE FUCK Keith yelled with genuine fear in his voice The hungry Skaraana closed in on her injured prey. It was finally time to sample a human for herself. But before she gulped him down entirely, she wanted to sample the taste of human flesh. She stood looking down at him in the doorway. He laid there crying and screaming like the drunken maniac he was. Ayame stood directly over him and grabbed his left arm. She stared directly into his soul, feeding on his newly instilled fear of her. In a single motion, she shoved his arm into her throat as far as his elbow, and ferociously tore it off him. The scream Keith emitted was beyond bloodcurdling Ayame was genuinely worried that the neighbors would hear the altercation and report it to the police. She bit deeper into Keith's severed arm, drenching herself in blood. After she effortlessly gulped down his bitten off arm, she once again locked eyes with Keith. He was screaming and crying as loud as he could. There was blood all over the white tile and the base of the porcelain toilet. The scene was something out of a horror movie. As he tried to kick himself away, Ayame grabbed his head and relentlessly smashed into the wall, rendering him practically unconscious. She licked her lips and eagerly awaited the joy that was to follow. Her dilapidated prey had a look of defeat and fear that she would never forget. The victor of the clash took a moment to cackle triumphantly while staring down at her meal. Keith let out one last squeak before Ayame opened her humanoid mouth as wide as she possibly could and shoved his head into her gullet. Although she initially tasted more alcohol than man, she proceeded with her meal. Keith was so weak that he barely put up a fight, and most of his energy was put into crying Ayame s appetite finally came into full effect once she reached what remained of his left arm Her belly begged for more, and her mouth was watering ferociously. Each stretch of her abdomen provided an erotic shock throughout her body. She purred with delight as she squeezed his core down her throat and into her stomach. Once she reached his legs, she lifted her neck and let gravity do its thing, pulling his body deeper inside her. The rest of Keith slid down slowly but steadily. Once only his feet remained, she used her tongue to guide his body down into her gut. Ayame squealed at how wonderful it felt to have someone squirm around in her enlarged belly. Keith was mostly limp at this point, but the subtle movements he made caused Ayame to get hornier by the second. Her breasts rested upon what felt like a washing machine on spin cycle, and her entire body trembled with both delight and satisfaction. After consuming her meal, she took a towel from the bathroom to wipe herself clean of blood, then made her way to the couch in the living room to sit down and enjoy the digestion process. She poked and prodded away at her prey who would never be able to torment anyone ever again, which was the most incredible feeling to Ayame. As her fiery stomach acids began to quickly break down her prisoner, the pressure and fullness of her belly began to be relieved. As she massaged her gigantic gut that was expanded and taut from holding her prey, her mind got lost in how lustful it made her feel. Feeling the still slightly moving pressure pushing from the inside of her gut was heavenly. She slowly felt Keith struggle less and less until all movement came to an absolute standstill. She rubbed her tight spherical belly, excited for Keith to turn into more luscious flesh to add to her flame. Because she had limited knowledge of human genital systems, she was shocked to feel a strong tingling sensation between her legs. She could feel blood rushing to her pelvis as she got more and more turned on, which sent her even more over the edge. The longer she thought about what she had just done, the hotter she got between her legs. She started feeling a strong pulsating sensation and picked up on a feeling of wetness. She reached between her legs to explore her new form, but was interrupted by the sound of a car turning off in the driveway and footsteps approaching the door. Suddenly, the front door opened up, this time with two people entering. Ayame s pure bliss was suddenly transformed into sheer terror With her arms resting on top of her enlarged belly, she was faced with the realization that her cover had been blown she had failed her sole objective. She grabbed the towel that was lying on the back of the sofa and covered as much of her body as she could with it. She looked at Joshua and let out an uncomfortably awkward smile. Joshua stood paralyzed, unsure of what to think. He wasn't even sure if what he was witnessing was even real or not. He looked to Charlotte, who seemed just as stunned as he was. Ayame's mind was filled with panic as she tried to think of what to tell Joshua. She couldn't have him know what she truly was, where she came from, or why she was sent to Earth. But amidst her panic, she couldn't come up with any coherent justification, and her time was running out. She would have to appeal to his emotions and hope that he believed her. Ayame and Joshua finally made eye contact, and she took in a deep breath before saying SI-I didn't know what to do, he came at me and I uh she trailed off, unsure of what to say. Joshua knew immediately who She was But deep down between the conflicting emotions of horror and fantasy, he was content with this outcome. SYou re Qnot human Joshua said in a stern voice still paralyzed Ayame sighed SNo Joshua I m not I wish I could say that I was But Q I can promise you that I won t hurt you she said hoping that he would believe her She couldn t risk outing reason her ftrueor coming to his home planet and forfeit her mission as it had just begun. SSo who are you exactly Charlotte piped in SAnd why did you eat him of all ways to off somebody The sheer size and shape of Ayame s belly hiding partially under the towel left little to the imagination. SWell um Q I cannot go into that right now Ayame said becoming restless Ayame felt herself being thrust into an irreversible situation, but she felt it was the only possibility at the time. SLook I know it s a lotask tobut I d really like to stay with you two for now I need to blend in with humans as much as possible and I promise I ll make it worth your while Ayame begged with pleading eyes. SThat certainly didn t help your chances of blending in Ayame Charlottesaid sarcastically, rolling her eyes and flipping her sleek black hair over her shoulder SAnyways are you the only one of your kind Charlotte asked. Ayame looked down towards the floor SYes I am the last living Skaraana Although that lie was a gigantic one, it had to be made. She could not risk revealing the mission and whereabouts of her fellow Skaraana to these humans. As the ideas for her new mission popped into her head, so did her persuasion tactics. SLastly I want to be your friend really I really mean that Just please don t let anyone know that I m not actually human Ayame pled It seemed she had been successful in persuading her human accomplices into believing her story, and now they would unknowingly help keep her plans intact. Joshua glanced at the bulge slowly shrinking under the towel closer to the size he had first seen it. His abusive father was gone. He looked at that with great optimism, but now there was a whole new set of situations and challenges on the horizon to face, all thanks to a certain purple-haired woman. Charlotte and Joshua glanced at each other, nodded, and shut the door. SI um Q I wanna know more about you Q Ayame Joshua said sheepishly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back on the beach, two other Skaraana infiltrators trotted along the shoreline in their natural form, searching for food. Eventually, they spotted two young women sitting in a beach tent. They had been there since sunset when the storms began and didn t want to get wet Thus they had been alone on the beach in the middle of a storm the entire time. The two Skaraana scoped out the tent from afar before creeping back into the ocean to transform into their humanoid forms and walk back ashore. SYou d better be ready this time Melanie the tall thin Skaraana said annoyed by her underling s hesitance. The Skaraana had long, spiky orange hair that reached nearly to her hips. The front of her hair was accented with a pair of vibrant red stripes on the sides of her bangs that sat to the sides of her eyes. She was certainly much thinner than Ayame. In fact, this Skaraana had a barely noticeable amount of squishy flesh that was only visible when she sat down. She had a nearly flat stomach that stuck out very slightly. She had a clearly defined hourglass waist and surprisingly large breasts for someone her size. SI know I promise I ll be ready Plus that was like one time the shorter skimpier Skaraana replied. She was much shorter than her superior, and the shortest of the three Skaraana. She had hot pink hair that was complimented by a teal colored streak down the side of her hair. She was more filled out than Victoria, with a slightly pudgy belly and the beginnings of a pair of lovehandles slightly peeking out of her outfit. SIt was three times the taller Skaraana scowled SYou don t need to be a bitch about it Victoria Melanie whined SBesides I think we have a good entry plan SFine Then letmake s it happen Victoria smirked excited for her first meal on Earth SYes we shall my lovely planetary invasion leader said Melanie half sarcastically Victoria shook her head and sighed SJust follow my lead kiss-ass Victoria seethed narrowinger h vibrant yellow eyes at her underling. She knelt down to the tent and unzipped the opening. The two girls were quite baffled to see a couple of naked women in their twenties out on the beach in the middle of the storm. SHey ladies mind if we join Victoria asked rhetorically as she crawled into the tent, not caring about the girl's response. The two girls were at a loss for words and froze up in intimidation. Their figures were quite similar to Victoria's relatively slim with natural curves. Both Skaraana hoped that these girls had clothing that would possibly fit them. The last thing the Skaraana needed was standing out among crowds on their very first night on Earth. Once inside, Melanie zipped up the tent. Victoria laid down between the two frightened and speechless girls. She began to toy with her breasts as she laid on her back. SQuite the eerie evening isn t it ladies Victoria asked insisting on an answer SYe Qyes one of them murmured SWho are you the other girl asked sharply SOh my dear girls Qyou re going to find out exactly who we are very soon Trust me you ll know every inch of us Victoria snickered to herself while Melanie smiled cheerfully in the corner The two girls remained speechless and immobilized, unsure of what their next move should be. They broke eye contact only to see if they could make a dash for the door. But there would be no getting past the two Skaraana. Victoria rolled on her side towards the smaller of the two girls, who was wearing a sleek blue one-piece swimsuit. Melanie then sat down next to the other girl, who was clad in a yellow tube bikini. SSay my dear girls Q my friend Melanie here and I love your ADORABLE outfits Melanie chuckled in the background before interjecting SYeah You two look so cute we could almost eat you up The planetary invasion leader then started to seductively slide towards her snack. She ran her finger down the top of her own breasts and ran it all the way down, stopping at her slightly tall navel. SI know you re eager to get to know us my dear girls But we re even more eager to get to know you Q in here Just as one of the girls began to scream, Melanie pounced on her, forcing her squirming prey deep down into her maw. Moments after, Victoria grabbed a hold of her victim, speaking in grunts and native Skaraana tongue SYour worthless species will all be digested she hissed before pinning her to the tent floor and slurping her up, feet first. Victoria quickly and effortlessly thrust her meal down her tight throat and into her waiting belly. She did not take time to seek enjoyment in her meal this girl was one of millions of species that have traveled through this planetary invasion leader s digestive chamber and wound up as energy for her just another caloric intake for processing. Melanie on the other hand enjoyed the experience just as much as she always had Once the girl s head was encompassed by Melanie s salivating maw her core and flailing arms were inserted next She made sure to tease her prey with her tongue, caressing and soaking the victim s body with her viscous saliva Her favorite parts were licking her toned abdomen and curiously creeping into the poor girl s deep navel. Once she was done there, she moved on to- SHurry the fuck up already Victoria shouted at partnerher SYou ll have plenty more where that came from I assure you Now finish her off and let s get out of here SHmph hmgggh mphhgg hmmm Melanie attempted to respond to her leader s criticisms but to no avail. Victoria grabbed the girl s legs which were still flailing about hanging outside of Melanie s mouth She shoved them down the sticky chute and into the burning churning pit of hell that was Melanie s belly Melanie huffed indignantly at her counterpart, but laid back to enjoy herself as her stomach churned. The two of them gazed at each other s bodies as they each digested their meals Both girls were screaming and thrashing around in their own individual fleshy prisons. Slowly but surely, they would both break down and be converted to energy for the Skaraana. For Victoria and Melanie, it was a strange sight to witness. Both of their humanoid bodies in their normal form had relatively little belly fat. So seeing their bellies engorged large enough to fit an entire human being inside of them was hypnotizing to both of them. As the weather began to calm in the early hours of the morning, so did the storms in the girls' guts. The two prey had succumbed to the fierce Skaraana digestive fluids hours ago and had been converted to nothing but slop residing in Victoria and Melanie s bellies Only a small amount of pudge was noticeable around their waistlines. During that process however, Melanie encountered a bout of indigestion as her meal faded away. She let out a colossal burp that sent her prisoner s bleached and burned bikini flying out from her maw and onto the floor. Although it was damaged from her stomach acid, it was still wearable for the time being. Melanie washed it off in the ocean waves before making it her own. The taller Skaraana did not have any trouble swiftly breaking down and absorbing the entirety of her entrée. Nonetheless, she was still left without proper clothing to blend in with the rest of humanity. After rifling through a backpack found in the tent, she came across a bright green microkini. It looked incredibly tiny and tight, but Victoria was extremely eager to flaunt it. SUm Q I think it s a bit too small Victoria Melanie whispered She blushed ever so slightly as she carefully examined her partner, donning such a skimpy outfit. SOh this will do just fine for now Victoria said confidently as she fondled her nearly naked bulging breasts. She did not mind that her tiny swimsuit was causing her beefy breasts and butt to be almost entirely exposed. Victoria was a bit too proud of her new figure, and she was ready to showcase it to the world. With this, their first objective on Earth was complete. However, it was not done according to plan. It occurred to Victoria that one of her underlings had gone astray. Ayame would often strike out on her own during missions but it was still Victoria s job to make sure the mission got done She scowled to herself Sooner or later they d have to go looking f or her END CHAPTER ONE
AYAME S PLANET P Volume - Chapter SGainers Rise Up CHAPTER TWO W GAINERS RISE UP! *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE-* The tumultuous screams of Joshua s alarm clock echoed throughout his bedroom but there was no need for him to be woken up this morning. His mind was fixated on the alien woman in his living room who was still digesting the remnants of his abusive father. The cacophony of conflicting emotions swirling in his brain didn't allow him to get a minute of sleep overnight. This Swoman who cascaded into his life in spectacular fashion just last evening went by the name of Ayame. Calling his first encounter with her along the beach "uncomfortable" was nothing but a bold understatement. Nonetheless, Joshua found himself giving Ayame entry into his house, succumbing to her devilish charms and desperate pleas for food. He certainly wasn't doing so out of charity alone Joshua was certainly hypnotized by the voracious vixen's appetite and gorgeous gut... Following a lengthy and fable filled backstory from Ayame, Charlotte abandoned her original plans to feed the hungry beast her own supply of snacks and goodies and instead went home in the early hours of the morning. The whole situation was incredibly overwhelming to her deep down, despite her attempts to be as levelheaded as she could be in front of Joshua and Ayame. Ever since she met Joshua, it had always been just the two of them She cherished their amity and the time that they d spent together. But the thought of this flirty figure being a part of their friendship was overwhelming. As for the madwoman herself, Ayame had a perfectly peaceful night of sleep. Her mind was at ease knowing that she not only secured her first meal of human flesh on Earth, but that she had fed her new companions fallacies of her reasons for being there in the first place. Now was her opportunity to squirrel away as many types of meals as she possibly could into her gut before it was time for the Skaraana to invade and serve humankind its untimely demise. Ayame didn t have a hatred or sense of disgust towards humans like some of her Skaraana counterparts. For Ayame, humans were a species of scrumptious morsels which would eventually be exploring her digestive system. She didn't mind becoming a party with Joshua and Charlotte the two humans seemed like good company. That is, as long as they kept the food train coming. Just as Joshua fumbled through tangled blankets to slap the snooze button on his alarm clock after his sleepless night, he heard the unmistakable sound of glass shattering from the kitchen. He instantly and instinctually leapt up and bolted out of his room to investigate the scene. SWhat the hell are you doing Ayame Joshua worriedly exclaimed rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the harsh light from the morning sun. SI got hungry Ayame replied guiltily as she put on her helpless and innocent act for Joshua as she stood stark naked in the kitchen. The refrigerator had been nearly completely emptied out and scattered across the kitchen floor, breaking several glass jars in the process. SYou you can t just trash the fridge Ayame we need that Joshua exclaimed trying to hide his embarrassment while also attempting to be stern with her SBesides I thought you would still be full after um t railed Joshua off as he adjusted his glance and looked down towards his feet, still not entirely sure how to process the events of the previous evening. SNah he s nothing but mush now Ayame said before placing her hands on top of her bloated gut SHere wanna feel it she said with a smile as she reached for Joshua s hand SNo no no I um Joshua took a deep breath and desperately tried to come up with his next move Ayame was everything that he ever dreamed of, but somehow among his entangled emotions, he felt anger. Despite how hard he tried, he just didn't have "happy memories'' of his abusive father even from his childhood. Yet hearing Ayame ask him if he wanted to feel for his now digested father sent anger and sadness through him. How traumatic would it be to feel the remnants of his dead father inside what he always pictured as his dream girl? Do these Skaraana not have feelings or emotions? Who could ask that so casually?! Joshua felt his mind starting to race faster as his conflicting emotions became unbearable, but he had to keep it together for Ayame. He let a deep breath out through his nose in an attempt to calm himself down before burying his emotions and attempting to remain neutral SJust eat what you want and get ready to go to the mall so we can get you some clothes. We have to help you adapt to society somehow Joshua said with a quivering smile trying his best to not let Ayame see just how hard the events of last night really were on him. The Skaraana nodded her head in acknowledgement and began to scarf down the remainder of what had been emptied out of the fridge. Joshua retreated to his bedroom for a moment alone with his emotions. What the hell had his life become? Why out of all the people in the universe did it have to be him? Why did he have to babysit a horny humanoid with an appetite greater than a black hole? He had been so distracted from all that had been taking place that he was unable to appreciate the reality of seeing some of his vore fantasies taking place in real life. Everything happened so suddenly and so much had changed in the past few days, it felt like a surreal dream. It was starting to set in that his father would never be back, and although he certainly did not have a good relationship with him, visualizing what it looked like as Ayame devoured him whole gave him mixed emotions. He was glad that his dad would never be able to hurt or demean him again, but he worried about his own future now that he was on his own. He and his father may have despised each other, but Joshua had never experienced life without him. How was he going to explain this whole situation and cover for his permanently missing father? What would happen to his house and everything under Keith s name And most importantly how was he going to Ayame keep s true nature unknown to the rest of the world? Everything was overwhelming him, and he began to melt down and cry face first into his pillow. SWHY DID IT FUCKING HAVE TO BE ME he screamed at the top of his lungs hurling his pillow at the wall. When he turned, he noticed Ayame standing quietly in the doorway. He stared at her, bleary eyed and frozen in shock. Unable to think of anything to say, the only sound he made was a small crack as he failed to form words. The hot wash of shame slowly faded and he turned away from her dejectedly SLook I just can t do this right now Ayame stood still and silent. She had never felt so uncomfortable in front of a prey species before. In that moment, she realized she actually felt sorry for him. Ayame decided to take a chance and step inside Joshua s room Unsure of anything better to do she approached the side of his bed and gently put her hand on his shoulder. Joshua wiped hot tears from his face and tried to compose himself SI just I don t knowwhat to do He said trying to hide the shakiness in his voice SMy entire life has beencompletely fucked up to the point where I honestly don t know how I m going to get through it now This is all just so so fucked up His eyes locked with hers for a half moment before he looked away, unable to bear her gaze. With the exception of Joshua s sobbing the room was silent Ayame was completely unsure of what to do. Should she attempt to console him? How would she even start to do that? After stewing over her possible options, she finally decided to give something a try. She reached her arm around his shoulder and pulled him close, hugging him tightly. She had seen humans do this maneuver in the subliminal training visions she was drip fed during her long interstellar hibernation. SI know this is a lot to take in Joshua Ayame said in the most compassionate voice she could manage SBut I promise you re going to be just fine okay Even though she knew that was a lie something deep down inside her made her want it to be true, and for more than building up a fake friendship for her own gain. It was saddening for her to see him in this state, almost like he needed protecting. She instinctively reached out and grabbed his head and hugged it close to her chest. Joshua s tears had stopped and though his face still felt hot and red he almost had to stifle a laugh The hug was so awkward and unpracticed it had completely reversed his mood. SThanks Ayame he said as his brown eyes beamed directly into her scaly soul. SNo problem kid she replied as she tousled his hair She missed the confused look her words created as her thoughts returned to her mission She knew she ultimately wouldn t be able to keep her promise but seeing Joshua like this she couldn t help herself She did her best to disregard her own conflicting thoughts and simply focus on the task at hand. She could take a little more time lounging around with the humans she met, right? After all, she was studying human behavior by spending time with them. It was totally just for the mission, right? Once Joshua collected himself, he changed and got ready to head to the mall. Meanwhile, Ayame retreated back to the kitchen quietly and tried to clean up the various messes she made earlier. Her gut grumbled, already prepared for another meal. There was no way she was going to eat Joshua just after bringing him back into good spirits, no matter how appetizing he looked. Still, she had to find another food source before too long. Joshua emerged from his bedroom wearing one of his favorite outfits: a dark green hoodie with a space shuttle pin on it, and cream-colored shorts. The pin was from when Charlotte's family took him to visit Cape Canaveral and watch the shuttle launch when they were younger. SAlright let s get you some clothes he said feeling much more chipper SBut in the meantime you ll have to wear some of his old clothes Joshua awkwardly trailed off hoping that Ayame would agree to it. SEww do I have to she said in disgust thopinghat there was something else she could wear in the meantime. Joshua nodded as he took out a gigantic yellow fishing coat and pair of jeans from the closet and handed them to his guest. SYeah m I sorry This is probably the best thing to cover up with for now Joshua said scratching the back of his head. He really did have empathy for her, he certainly wouldn't want to wear his dad's ratty old clothes. Ayame did not look amused as she looked in the mirror, seeing that the ridiculously large clothes covered almost every inch of her body. It was only a matter of time before she would have her own set of clothes that not only properly fit her, but would show as much skin as she wanted. Charlotte s rolledcar into the driveway, ready to drive Joshua and Ayame to the mall. She honked the horn briefly, alerting those inside that she was ready to go. On the way to the mall, they saw one of the smaller shopping plazas on the side of the road. Ayame looked out the window, taking in the sights. A sudden flash of color caught her eye. A sudden terror gripped her heart as she recoiled from the window. Of all the things she had been warned she might encounter on Earth... an ancient terror she never thought to see again, a blur of frenzied, snapping limbs towering over a crowd of seemingly indifferent humans. The enormous creature was flailing madly about, its arm-like appendages waving bonelessly through the air. Ayame looked at Joshua with wide eyes, her hands starting to slightly tremble She tried to speak but her voice kept cracking SJoshua uhhh wh- h- how long has that thing been here she stuttered as she pointed at the gigantic monster. SOh that thing It s just an inflatable tube man people tuseo sell cars-them he said with a chuckle before taking notice of Ayame s genuine horror SHey are you alright he asked suddenly concerned Ayame tried to stifle her fear with a gulp. For centuries, the Skaraana had rampaged throughout the galaxy, consuming everything they touched. But these things were something different entirely. Their unending, emotionless cruelty made even the Skaraana shudder. When the Skaraana came to conquer and feed, they found broken worlds thick with tormented slaves, watched by flailing titans armed with weapons of unimaginable terror. Thankfully, Joshua did not seem threatened by the beast, which reassured Ayame that she was safe, at least for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Along the coast of Daytona Beach Shores, the two other Skaraana sat in the sand wearing their dilapidated and overly revealing swimsuits. Both of them watched as the coastline came to life with people as the morning sun soaked the shore. SHey Melanie those things taste pretty fucking good don t they Melanie grinned cheerfully as she patted her once again slender midsection. There were no traces left of the girls she and Victoria had consumed just the night before. SI just wish you d spend more time enjoying them you know Melanie pleaded SIf they taste so good why don t you just take your time and get off on the feeling of them churning around inside you like I do SBecause they re all going to end up aspart of my body anyways Victoria said in a semi-irritated tone before sighing SI guess I ve just been doing this for a long time For me there s the thrill of the chase and that s all It s just eat and move on Even though her body was that of a 25-year-old woman, Victoria had been conquering planets for as long as she could remember. SYeah is a long years time but you ve gotta find extra enjoyment in eating someone on this planet Victoria grunted attempting to dismiss her assistant s efforts. SPromise you ll at least try Melanie looked over at her superior with a playful smirk hoping that she would be able to get Victoria to find some pleasure in their mission. SIf it shuts you up about it then sure whatever Victoria rolled her eyes remainedand silent for as long as she could. Or, until Melanie struck up yet another conversation. SYou know we should really look for Ayame at some point Melanie said SI m not concerned about her she s probably just gorging herself like usual deal with We can her running off later Victoria glanced down and adjusted her microkini and looked over at Melanie s partially digested swimsuit SRight now our focus should be getting some new clothes Victoria said as she grabbed Melanie's wrist and helped her to her feet. The two got up and walked down the beach towards the pier, hoping to find easy access to clothing that was in better shape than their current outfits. They eventually wandered onto the pier in order to get a better view of the beachgoers. During their walk along the pier Melanie s curious eye caught sight of a pair of young women engaging in a photoshoot. One of them donned a sleek black dress, while the other a light pink crop top and blue jean shorts. Their outfits looked like they would fit each of the girls nicely. As a bonus, the brown-haired girls looked like a delicious entree. SVictoria it s going to be them It s got to be them Melanie squealed delightfully struggling to maintain composure as she licked her lips. SI mean I would rock the hell out of that dress Victoria responded SLet s do it Both Skaraana walked up to the pair of girls absentmindedly taking pictures of themselves on the pier in the morning sun. They appeared to be best friends based on their behaviors. Victoria approached the girl in the black dress and prepared to introduce herself. But just as she began to compliment the girl, her microkini top snapped, exploding off her voluptuous breasts. Victoria found herself a bit confused and startled by the scenario, as they were unsure how a human would react in that situation. She simply grinned awkwardly while attempting to censor herself with her arms. SOh my gosh You poor thing the girl in the black dress exclaimed She tried to stand between Victoria and the onlookers attempting to block Victoria from their view SDo you have a change of clothes with you SWell funny you should ask Victoria blushed slightly trying to act as naturally as possible in her current predicament SAs a matter of fact It don she said averting her gaze to the sky The two models looked at each other and nodded, and then looked back at the half-naked Victoria. SCome with us we ll get you something nice to wear promised the girl in the dress SI d appreciate that said Victoria gleefully flashing the girls a huge grin SI d appreciate that a lot she muttered under her breath, expressing a sly grin as the girls led her into the parking lot near the pier. Melanie watched from behind in excitement as her mouth began to salivate with eager anticipation of what would come next. Once in the parking lot, the girls ushered Victoria into their clunky old panel van that was littered with various articles of clothing. An assortment of dresses, shirts, skirts, swimsuits and underwear were scattered across the floor SSorry it s such a in heremess she said embarrassed of how disorganized the van was SAnyways come on in chimed the model Victoria signaled Melanie to step back and keep an eye on things from afar for the time being. As soon as the door was shut, it was extraordinarily dark in the back of the van until the string of multicolored lights hanging on the ceiling were turned on. Victoria wrinkled her nose as she took in the smell of her musty surroundings. She snapped out of her thought as she redirected attention to her primary objective. SI seriously feel so bad for you so please take anything you d like to wear As you can see I certainly have an abundance of clothes so it is really no trouble she said gathering a togetherpile of clothes for Victoria to look through. Still practically naked, Victoria glanced around in the dim-lit panel van for something intriguing and in character to wear. All the while, the owner of the van struggled to keep her eyes off of Victoria s practically bare body. Victoria began to notice and decided to use her attraction to her advantage if she could. SYou said I could have anything I want she asked genuinely SMmhmm the girl responded Victoria grinned devilishly and began to purr to herself as she looked the girl dead in the eyes SI want that dress you re wearing right now Victoria giggled looking her up and down SUh well ok the blushing girl chuckled to herself before making an advancement of her own SIf you want it, you need to come and get it yourself she teased running her hand up her thigh SOh is that how we re going to play darling Victoria snickered malevolently as she moved towards the sharply dressed girl. Victoria carefully pressed her body onto the young woman and carefully unzipped her dress. The two could feel their hearts begin to race. Once the Skaraana had reached the bottom of the zipper, she carefully guided her soon-to-be meal out of her sleek dress. Now, all that remained on the girl was her black lingerie. The scantily dressed women were still pressed up against each other, unable to break eye contact as they felt their steamy breath warming their chests Victoria s devilish grin tantalized her victim as her mind raced and imagined what incredible euphoric scenario awaited her. She yearned to be dominated by Victoria, and it appeared her fantasies were about to become reality, although likely much different than she imagined. The model decided to break the silence and sexual tension and whispered in Victoria s ear SSo big girl what are you gonna do to me she asked There was no hiding her simultaneous excitement and embarrassment, it seemed like she had not experienced anything like this before. SMmmmm Victoria growled playfully as sheher felt victim's soft lips. She ran her index finger down her meal s quaking neck slowly across her stiff abdomen and finally between her toned thighs Victoria looked up at her meal, her eyes closed in bliss as she bit her lower lip. She remembered what Melanie had said to her earlier, she had to have fun with her prey sometimes. She slowly pulled her panties down to her ankles and positioned herself on top of her entree that would soon be inside her. The girl locked eyes with the Skaraana and placed her hand behind her head, pulling her in for a kiss. It was hard for Victoria to fight the urge to slurp up her meal already, but she decided to try her best to enjoy the experience. She felt of her tongue with her own but was overwhelmed with a primal urge to finish her off right then and there, so she pulled away and decided to explore elsewhere. She kissed her way down her chest, realizing that she responded especially well to that. She grabbed her perky breast with one hand while reaching around her to unclasp her bra. The model slipped it off her arms and threw it across the van onto the back bench. Victoria lightly licked around her nipple, teasing her. She felt her lightly gasp in pleasure and began sucking on her nipple as she squeezed her other breast with her other hand. She moaned softly and started to dig her fingers into the carpet. Victoria began lightly biting on her nipple as her soon-to-be meal leaned forward a bit and caught her breath after being brought to the edge of orgasm just from their foreplay SI can t wait any longer I want you to have me she moaned as she guided Victoria s hand between her legs again SWell I m going to devour EVERY inch of your slender sexy body Victoria said softly as she pressed her forehead onto her victim s staring malevolently into her soul. SOh yes yes The girl began to spread her legs and motion that she wanted to sit down But before she was able to move, Victoria lunged at her prey with the speed of a praying mantis, enshrouding the young woman s head in a single motion. The moans quickly turned to muffled screams of terror and confusion as Victoria did her best to swiftly slurp up her struggling prey as quickly as possible. But since Victoria had cleverly pinned her to the side of the van, there was no way she would be going anywhere except her torturous, slimy gut. Yelling was heard faintly coming from deep inside Victoria s throat as her mouth worked its way past the woman s two large pillowy breasts They were slightly larger than Victoria s she sowas a bit envious of them in addition to them being a bit difficult to swallow Next was the woman s abs which did not end up being as tasty as she had imagined. Victoria got caught up in the moment pondering what a plumper person would taste like, realizing how much richer her breasts tasted when compared to her midriff. Before she could get too invested in her thoughts, the back doors of the van were swung open by the other model She couldn t even properly process the image of her friend s legs swinging about as she was slurped down and eaten by another woman, so she fainted and fell back onto the concrete. Victoria looked around frantically, hoping no one had seen her mid-meal. She gulped down the rest of the desperate woman's legs into her enlarged abdomen, and quickly reached for the doors. As she peeked outside to see if there was anyone close by, Melanie appeared from behind another car and came running over to the van. She was awestruck at the sight of her partner enjoying another Earthling meal. SYou d better have saved some more for me she yelled accusingly SI mean urp you could have the unconscious one if you want Victoria said with a shrug Melanie looked at the girl passed out on the ground. The cute outfit certainly looked like it would fit nicely on her. SWould you hurry up and bring her in here before someone sees us Victoria snarled tired of her underling's careless behavior. Once the doors were closed, Melanie began stripping the clothes off her prey and placed them aside for her to wear once digestion was complete. She couldn't help but salivate all over the bare body of her meal Melanie s daydreaming was rudely interrupted by her partner s frustration SOh just eat her already Victoria yelled before letting outeep, a d bellowing burp. SCome on let me enjoy this she pleaded SBesides did you take your time with that one SYeah yeah yeah, I did just like you suggested. But she tasted almost the same as the other. I mean they re alright but there has to be tastier ones Melanie sighed, and returned to her naked meal. She smiled while examining the limp body one last time before devouring it. Victoria began to growl at Melanie. SFine I know this is nothing to you but I actually want to enjoy my damn food here Melanie immediately realized that snapping at her superior was probably not a wise decision. However, much to her surprise, Victoria just rolled on her side and faced the opposite direction, cradling her massive gut. Melanie started munching on the unconscious girl head-first and slowly savored her flavor. Her moans and overly excited breathing seemed to upset Victoria more than her previously talking back to her. Wet and sloppy sounds of a tongue slithering its way across a slender body irritated Victoria as she imagined what her partner was doing. The younger Skaraana was engrossed in the moment. After about ten minutes had passed, Melanie had finally gulped down the last of her victim. Victoria could tell from the high pitched squeal Melanie let out as the elated girl slapped her overstuffed belly. SYou have too much fun with these missions she said in a half-angered, half-saddened tone. The two laid down in the back of the van and observed each other s bodies as their victims faded away into nothingness. Melanie reached out to give her superior a soothing belly rub in hopes of lightening her mood. Instead of showing any emotion, she just laid on her back stone faced, waiting for her food to finally settle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back at the mall, Ayame and company had just walked inside and glanced at the directory. Joshua knew this would not be a quick shopping excursion SUgh there are so many clothing stores where the heck do we start SCome on she will find something eventually Charlotte responded try t o S haveJust some patience Joshua sighed SI mean worst case she can still wear that right Ayame stopped dead in her tracks and looked over at Joshua, her eyes slightly narrowed with irritation. SAre you fucking serious dude I look like that damn decrepit old shitbag that you used to call your father! Well then again, I am cosplaying as him apparently Charlotte chuckled and Joshua grinned ever so slightly and shook his head. SAlright since he wants to be a party pooper I ve got an idea that you may like Ayame ribbed Joshua as she smirked at him SWhy don t you two go shop for stuff you t I llhink enjoy while I go and get whatever clothes I want SI mean that s fine I suppose Do you feel comfortable shopping on your own Charlotte questioned SI mean I don t know how much you know about well this kinda thing We can come along and if help you want SAh I m sure it s no big deal I ll be just fine on my own Ayame winked at Joshua and grinned Joshua reached into his wallet and handed Ayame some money before she wandered off into the mall. SI can only imagine how that s going to go Joshua said half sarcastically Charlotte chuckled SHey she ushad fooled at first didn t she As long as she keeps an eye on her appetite I m sure everything will be just fine Charlotte said with a smile as she grabbed Joshua s shoulder to lead him into a nearby store. An hour had passed and there was still no sign of Ayame. In the meantime, Joshua and Charlotte scoped out things that might suit their new alien companion. The duo approached one of Joshua s most frequented stores that sold graphic novels and manga. SOh wehave to get Ayame something from here Joshua insisted hardly able to contain his excitement. SDude you totally just want an excuse to bond over manga with her don t you Charlotte accused as she rolled her eyes and let out a quiet snicker, knowing that he was up to something. Joshua didn't respond to Charlotte, but he knew his scheme was up when he heard her giggle after his prolonged silence. He simply rolled his eyes and walked into the store with Charlotte. They quickly made their way through the store and stood in front of the vast manga display that the store offered. SYou think she ll like this one Joshua grabbed a copy of one of his favorite manga series and held it out to her. While it was definitely a comedic series, it also had pretty strong sexual undertones. Charlotte scoffed and flashed Joshua an insinuating grin SConsidering she might as well be one of the main characters from it I d say she would As the two walked to the checkout counter, a familiar excited voice stopped them in their tracks. SHEY Ayame yelledas she caught sight of Joshua and Charlotte standing in the manga section from the adjacent aisle. Her voice was loud enough to make Joshua jump. He and Charlotte turned around to see Ayame standing with her hands on her hips with a huge grin. SWhatcha think Ayame asked her new friends grinning from ear to ear There she stood, wearing a pair of fishnet arm sleeves, a sleek black crop top exposing her ever squishy midriff, a black and grey skirt, a pair of black thigh highs, and two black boots. SAya- um where did you get uh all that Joshua was unable to contain his emotions and obvious excitement as he felt his face starting to feel hot. SI stopped by a few different stores and came up with this outfit myself Do you guys like it Oh andI grabbed a bite to eat along the way Ayame s belly protruded out a bit more than it did in its empty state so it was clear that she had eaten something. Not someone, just something. Her outfit highlighted her blubbery gut as it stuck out prominently from her crop top that kept riding up. It jiggled ferociously with each subtle movement she made. Charlotte and Joshua attempted and failed to hide their blushing faces. Joshua looked down at the floor and smiled faintly, trying to conceal just how much he loved Ayame s outfit SMission accomplished Ayame said as she chuckled and patted his shoulder with reassurance Joshua was suddenly struck by realization SWait a minute how much money did I give you he asked as he looked into his wallet SThat couldn t have been cheap- SDon t worry about it Ayame said She gingerly placed the money he d given her back into his wallet She gave him a wink that did not reassure him at all. SSo said Charlotte without looking up Suh now that s settled how goabout back tweo Joshua s place and hang out for a while I can order us some pizza for dinner tonight SWhat s that Ayame questioned in curiosity Joshua instantly forgot about Ayame s potential criminal record SHow could they not have told you about pizza when you came here he exclaimed SWe have to get you some pizza Ayame I m sure you ll love it SAnd lots of it too Charlotte muttered to herself blushing uncontrollably ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was another toasty afternoon along the shores of Daytona. Families crowded the beach as the sun beat down on the golden sands. It was just another typical day on the shoreline. Just a couple blocks inland, the trio returned to Joshua s house with new manga and a new revealing outfit for Ayame. Joshua spent hours showing Ayame his manga and anime collection, and gushing to her about some of his favorite characters. He had to hide many of them from his recently deceased tyrant of a father, so it certainly felt nice to share them with someone freely. She took a liking to the manga he bought for her and appreciated the gesture. The thought of sending that young man on a one-way trip through her body was getting more and more difficult to visualize. Sure, she still wondered what he would taste like and what he would feel like squirming and squeezing around inside her digestive chamber, but for the first time she did not want it to be fatal. Truth be told, she had never become so emotionally invested in anyone in such little time. Joshua was unique, and he was certainly starting to grow on her. Besides looking like flavorsome, flab producing food, she could tell he was taking a liking to her in ways he could not yet entirely understand. Ayame found herself wanting to see where their new friendship would go, and what it would lead to. But she promised herself that she wouldn't let him get too far without a barrage of her own tricks and teasing first. Hours passed, and the sun was starting to descend upon the horizon. The three lounged around on the couch snacking and binge-watching anime. They also made time for a little friendly competition, teaching Ayame how to play a variety of video games. Once the snacks ran out, Ayame was desperate for something more sustainable. SYou two hang tight while I order some pizzas Charlotte yelled as she stepped out of the living room to call in their order. Joshua leaned over to Ayame on the couch SLike I said I think you ll really enjoy this It s a pretty popular human food he said reassuringly Ayame smiled and playfully poked at her grumbling belly to pass the time. Twenty minutes later, a young woman arrived with boxes upon boxes of pizzas at the door. Joshua and Ayame were once again engrossed in a video game, not noticing the countless pizzas being stacked up onto the kitchen counter behind them. Charlotte paid the hefty check before dismissing the slightly confused pizza girl. SI honestly expected there to be more people for all of those she said as Charlotte handed her a tip SAh don t worry about it Trust me won t go to waste Charlotte responded gleefully By the time Charlotte closed the door and turned around Joshua and Ayame were already gawking at the mountain of pizza stacked behind them. There were twenty boxes of pizza in total, stacked up on the counter in a haphazard pile. Taken in by the aroma of fresh pizza, Ayame flipped the couch as she attempted to launch over the back, momentarily sending herself and Joshua sprawling as she scrambled to immediately start stuffing cheesy, gooey slices down her maw. SCharlotte how many did you order Joshua asked having to shout tovero be theheard sound of the pizza massacre already being committed behind him. Charlotte did not respond, all she did was smile and blush. But Joshua wouldn't be satisfied until he got an answer. SI mean that is wait how much was all of that Joshua increasingly prodded, worried now that he had to manage finances by himself. SLook she s starving I m hungry and you ve gotta eat more often anyways Charlotte replied as she picked up a piece of gooey cheesy pizza. Ayame s psychotic frenzy calmed just longenough for her to pick up 18 of the boxes and carefully waddle back to the worn out sofa, though she still bounced with barely contained excitement. Joshua and Charlotte were at a loss for words. Was she seriously going to down all of those? She had previously proven that she could eat an entire person practically whole, so it couldn't be that far- fetched. SFuck this stuff is good You guys rock Ayame said between mouthfuls of cheese She effortlessly sent slice after slice down her eagerly waiting gullet She didn t even slow down as she pulled the couch upright, even ripping open the boxes with her teeth as she attacked the food like a crazed animal. She wasn't satisfied until each steamy slice sent a tingle of satisfaction through her body as she felt it rush down into her bulging belly. The others couldn't help but watch the scene unfold. Their eyes were fixated on her continuously expanding waistline as she pressed on with her meal. She moaned more and more with the consumption of each entire pizza. Within minutes she d already consumed half of the pizzas that she d taken for herself. Joshua had a front row seat to the spectacle, sitting down directly to the right of her on the sofa as she chowed down on her pizza. He hadn't even managed to eat an entire slice himself as he was hypnotized by how intense the situation was becoming W he didn't want to miss a moment. Behind them was Charlotte, still standing and blushing beet red. She observed the situation from afar for a few minutes until she decided to finally take action. SH-here have another one She sheepishly slid another box towards Ayame not thinking of the yet untouched pile already close at hand SOh I uh guess you already C hharlotteave- jumped back a little as Ayame grinned at her and pounced on the new offering. By this time, she had already eaten fourteen entire pizzas. Her belly was groaning loudly and so bloated that she struggled to move from her spot on the couch. *URRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppp* Ayame giggled to herself before opening up her fifteenth pizza box and went in head first. She placed her mouth in the center of the pizza and opened her mouth as wide as it could go. By doing so, she sucked the middle of the pizza into her gullet slowly, with the outsides and crust of the savory disk soon following. Ayame cocked her neck back to reveal a now funnel shaped pizza slowly sliding down her throat. As it slowly slid down, she couldn't contain her pleasure. The mouthwatering flavors, overwhelming size and temperature had all pushed her to her limit. SAhhhhhhhuuuuuugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ayame groaned in ecstasy Joshua felt weak from just how loud and prominent Ayame s pleasure was His entire body was beginning to shake, and his vision was starting to blur. The Skaraana continued her conquest, forcing down the entire pizza whole. She eventually got to a point where she managed to reach her tongue to the top of the crust, guiding it down past her soaked lips and mouth, and down into her eager body. The second her lips closed, sealing the meal in its chamber, she made a great gulping motion to ensure the pizza reached its final destination. She let out a tremendous sigh of relief. SShit that was freakin incredible Her panting was relentless as she tried to regain some composure Surprisingly enough, her new outfit had survived intact. She glanced down at her now enormous gut, bubbling and bursting with action. Although it was gigantic, it was quite firm in the center. RYou alright Joshua She could tell that he was in an almost inescapable trance. SUm yeah he responded SYou sureeeee she asked nudging him with a teasing smile SYeah I m just gonna eat my pizza now A slightly dejected Ayame turned away and quickly picked apart her sixteenth pizza. Joshua took tiny little bites out of his second slice. He never really was a fast eater, and now his mind was racing and he was barely able to focus on food. He was too fixated on the beast beside him. Meanwhile in the kitchen area, an extremely embarrassed and flustered Charlotte was now working on her third slice of pizza. She realized that this whole situation was becoming too erotic for her, and she almost regretted it. Charlotte had never even been in a relationship, let alone slept with someone or even let her fantasies run wild. But now, they were running wildly out of control, and were becoming too much to handle. Once Ayame had finished consuming her eighteenth box of pizza, she eyed her final victim of the evening. But something told her to make this last one something they would all remember. SHey come over here I want to try something with you two Ayame yelled motioning for the two to come sit next to her. Charlotte slowly walked over carrying the twentieth pizza box that she and Joshua had been eating from. She sat to the left of the girl who now had a tanned ball of bloated flesh protruding from her core. Her gut was easily the size of two watermelons, and her deep and wide navel was as cavernous and damp as ever. Both Joshua and Ayame stared at the churning chamber as it worked away at its gooey meal. The gluttonous girl licked her lips as she closed her eyes and leaned back into the sofa. When she reopened them, she glanced at her friends and could tell exactly what they were fixated on. SAhhhh I see how it is guys she said in a teasing yet dominant tone Her arms slowly weaved their way around their necks and drew them in closer to her blubbery body. She looked Joshua dead in the eyes while running her hand down the back of his neck SI might not get you to admit it yet but I can tell that you both are enjoying every fucking second of this The crotch area of Joshua s pants had long ago run out of room. His face was red and burning unbearably hot. Without realizing, he had slowly inched towards her until he suddenly found his right hand gently pressed into her warm and moist behemoth belly. He slowly moved his hand across her belly, feeling the thick layer of dough-like flesh that covered her abdomen. Ayame purred with delight the moment she felt his hand on her gut. Even though he barely moved it out of sheer fear and overstimulation, its presence was still certainly welcomed by her. He could feel food bubbling away into nothingness deep within her. The nerves in his hand were practically numb, but he could still sense the heat and moisture it was giving off. It had started to get a little slick with all the work it had to do processing such an ungodly amount of food. The Skaraana turned her head to face her other visitor, motioning with her eyes to invite her to also place a hand onto her grumbling gut. SI I I can t Charlotte yelped She could barely get a word out at this point her nerves were overtaking her. SOh Ayame s eyes narrowed as she questioned her new acquaintance Charlotte always seemed braver than Joshua when it came to most things. Why was this such an ordeal for her? Ayame wondered... SWhat about if I feed you Ayame asked in low a dusky tone, putting a hand on Charlotte's upper thigh. SYou haven t shown me yet but I can see an outline of quite the pudgy belly under that shirt just begging for a force feeding Ayame said, leaning forward with a mischievous grin. That was it. That was enough to do it for Charlotte. She closed her eyes and shot up from the sofa before mumbling something unintelligible and running to the bathroom SI I m so sorry she managed to yell, almost crying from her overwhelming emotions. SIt s alright Ayame responded mildly as she laid back into the couch She wondered what she had done to upset her so much. The event was enough to break the tension for Joshua long enough to regain his sense of the situation. SShe uh almost never acts like that he stammered SBut when she does it s best if she s left alone It s her way of coping with overstimulation I guess SWhat s that the alien asked coyly SWell kinda what has been happening to me as well if you haven t noticed Joshua sputtered SOh is that bad Ayame asked with a frown SI mean it can be But I know she s not mad at you and neither am I it s just I don t know this is so spontaneous and overwhelming and we can treally deal with it you know SAhhhhhhhh The light bulb had finally been illuminated in Ayame s head She blinked a few times and let her head roll back to stare up at the slightly dilapidated ceiling. Whether or not it was the way her mission intended, she was learning more and more about human emotions and interactions, and they fascinated her. The longer she played the role of Ayame, the more she came to acknowledge these feelings herself Wfeelings that made her begin to question what she was doing on Earth. As sad as it was, this was the most time anyone had spent with her in a long time. The other Skaraana never did give her the time of day. On missions, they typically expected her to work independently. Even though the many meals brought her temporary delights, she never did have someone to call her friend. SNow um do you wanna finish your pizza with me Joshua asked immediately avoiding direct eye contact. SAbsolutely Ayame said with a playful wink ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The next morning seemed like your average day in Daytona Beach Shores. The temperature was in the low seventies and a cool breeze ripped along the coastline. Families embarked on oceanside strolls and the pier was packed, quickly revived from the stagnancy of night-time. An empty van with clothing falling out the back was towed out of the parking lot. Down the street, two young Skaraana made their way up to a local diner to show off their new apparel and get a taste of Earth's delicacies. SAlright Melanie we need to sample the human s food supply Victoria said grabbing Melanie s wrist as she trailed behind her. SBut why can t we just snack on them I m sure they taste way better anyways Melanie giggled with sparkling eyes, eager to get a taste. Victoria s patience was quickly dwindling and she found herself getting snippier with Melanie SBecause if we re going to be them we need toct just a like them Besides we can t only survive on organics just yet Save your appetite for the feast For now let s find other means of surviving Victoria explained as she put a hand on Melanie's shoulder and led her forward. Melanie growled in dismay, annoyed that she wouldn't get to indulge her craving quite yet, but she begrudgingly agreed with her superior. Either way, she was the one that made the rules anyway. Once inside, they examined their surroundings intently, trying to pick up on the habits and behaviors of the humans of the planet they just recently arrived to. The diner was bustling with residents and tourists alike and everyone seemed to be eating food from a plate a stark difference from the Skaraana s usual liquifying of their prey into a puddle and drinking their nutritious remains. Victoria got checked in with the hostess and noticed Melanie nearly salivating as she looked the young woman up and down. The hostess' skin looked flawless. She had a soft layer of plushy chub on her visible arms and chest, and Melanie could only imagine what the rest of her looked like if she already looked this irresistible. She had just the right amount of fat on her frame and Melanie could only imagine what prime meat she would be. The temptation sent a sharp chill down her spine. The Skaraana were led to a booth and took a seat across from each other. An older waitress wandered over to the booth and greeted the two Skaraana SGood morning and welcome Can I get you anything to start she said w wideith a customer service grin. Victoria felt a pang of disgust in her stomach as the waitress put on her customer service persona. Humans were vile creatures were they all this ingenuine? The insincerity irritated her, how was this species so disgusting? Melanie stared at Victoria with a blank expression, unsure of what to say or do. They weren't sure how humans behaved or acted in restaurants, so they decided it would be best to observe and analyze customers for a few more minutes SUhh we aren t sure can y wet,e have a few minutes Victoria said with a smile trying her best to blend in with the other customers She could feel her teeth crack and begin to sharpen as she flashed her insincere grin. Despite all her conquests, she had never gotten used to the indignity of pretending to be a lesser species. Victoria's legs began to feel weak from the constant muscle tension due to the deep disgust she felt coursing through her body. She gritted her teeth painfully and managed to maintain her composure, at least for the time being. She was a proud and high ranking warrior losing the battle this early against such a low level species was not an option. She looked around at the tables around her, watching patrons flip through the menus and even witnessed a guest putting in their order with their waitress. They seemed to understand how restaurants worked despite their short time inside. Melanie glanced over to a gigantic tray of freshly glazed cinnamon rolls that just arrived at the table next to them and took in a deep breath to appreciate the aroma. After a few minutes their waitress came back to their table to take their order SWe want those I think Melanie said in a chipper yet unsure voice as she pointed at the table across from them She loved the sweet aroma of them, it was nothing like anything that they had seen or smelled before. She only hoped that they tasted as good as they looked. SOkie dokey And how many would you like ma am the waitress asked looking down at the two girls with a smile, not having any idea what they were truly capable of. SAll Victoria said in an emotionless yet firm tone as she intervened She looked over at Melanie who seemed nervous to interact with the waitress. As the planetary invasion leader, Victoria usually did the talking for her on their missions. SMa am we just put a fresh dozen of them in the oven and they take a while to bake For the sake of other customers who may want one in the meantime would you be- SAll of them Victoria said in a confident yet irritated tone as she intimidatingly stared into the waitress' eyes. The waitress swallowed a hard gulp and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up as she forced a nervous smile and fidgeted with her notepad. She nodded her head as her hand began to tremble lightly with fear. Whoever these women were, it was in her best interest to provide them with their demands. As they waited for their first encounter with sweets, the girls were given fruit to tide them over. Victoria was given a banana, while Melanie got an apple. The two were a bit unsure on how to eat them the Shuman way so they glared awkwardly at their food while looking around the room to find other customers that were eating them to no avail. They looked at the other side of the room, examining the humans seated at all the other tables. They seemed to be using objects with their hands to get the food into their mouths, but the Skaraana didn't have these new tools on their table. Getting frustrated with not knowing how to eat their food while still blending in with everyone else at the diner, Victoria decided to take lead. Eventually, she grabbed the banana still in its peel and dangled it high above her already gaping mouth. She looked upward and proceeded to slowly drop the banana further and further into her mouth and down her throat, slurping it down forcefully to try to get it inside her with one bite. The other customers, especially the male patrons, noticed her shameless display and averted their eyes to Victoria in awe. Noticing that she was gathering the attention of other guests, Victoria sped up the process by pushing the remainder of the banana down her throat like a pelican and gulped it down into her stomach. Nearly everyone in the entire restaurant had stopped whatever they were doing to gaze upon the strikingly perverse sight. A man who was seated at the counter on a barstool adjacent to the booth stared in disbelief. SWhat Victoria asked brashly as she looked out to the rest of the room her eyebrows furrowed with irritation as she wondered how these low class, trash of the galaxy waste of space pests had the audacity to gaze upon her so shamelessly. SYou re fuckin weird yelled a young seven or eight-year-old boy sitting at a booth across the diner with his family SCock sucker he hollered, scrunching up his face as he stuck his tongue out at Victoria with absolutely no fear. SFuck you Victoria yelled back zoning in on her target Her eyes narrowed as she glared at the snack size morsel, still in disbelief that he even dared challenge her. SAtta boy Dec a stocky boomer boomed as he gave the boy a slap on his back seemingly encouraging the miniature antagonist. The frail elderly woman seated on the other side of their table gave the boy a defeated death stare, and his expression instantly changed from one of joy to one of primal fear. SDeclan please don t talk to strangers a sweet grandmotherly voice whispered gently in an attempt to neutralize the vulgarity her grandson was starting to project across the galley. Victoria scowled and let out a low growl in protest as the rest of the diner came back to life, customers going about their business like nothing had happened. SSo I guess we don t eat them like that huhsaid Melanie with a giggle, trying to make light of the situation. SNo shit Victoria muttered under her breath trying her best to not draw more attention back to herself. SSo after all that how did it taste Melanie asked intrigued to new hear ywhatellow the food tasted like. SIt was fine Victoria sighed as she rolled her eyes not having the energy to give Melanie an impromptu seminar on the taste of Earth's natural fruits. Melanie looked down at the table, eyeing her apple. Before sampling it, her eyes wandered to the side of their table which was lined with various condiments. She focused on a small white dish that was stacked with sealed containers of butter. She picked one up and examined the packaging before lifting the cover and sticking a finger inside to lick some off. As she sucked her finger clean, her eyes instantly lit up as her taste buds tasted something she never had before. She excitedly grabbed Victoria's hand, quietly raving about the delicacy she discovered inside the container SOh wow have You to try this stuff, it's amazing! It tastes so good, I would put it on anything! Victoria observed the other customers in the diner using them in moderation on some items, but what would it be like to consume in mass quantities? Would it still taste just as good? Instead of inspecting for herself, she decided to use Melanie as her experiment. SPut all of those butter tub things on your apple, Victoria demanded, pushing the dish in front of Melanie. SOkay Melanie said with a grin excited to try more of the scrumptious delicacy she had just discovered. She had no idea the hell that awaited her once she combined the taste of apple with the butter in front of her. Victoria had a sick sense of humor occasionally to keep herself sane and sometimes Melanie s suffering was the only thing that would cheer her up when she was feeling depressed. This "butter" stuff did taste good, but would it taste good on fruit? Either way, Melanie was the one that would figure out the answer. A mischievous face reappeared on the other side of the restaurant as Declan s head popped up over the table from behind his grandmother. SDick licker the fearless boy e shoutedven louder than his first advances. His grandmother gasped in horror as she pressed her hand over Declan s mouth to keep any noise other than muffled sounds from flooding out. SShut up Declan the Skaraana grumbled in unison growing increasingly at annoyedtheir inability to scarf him down just to eliminate him as a source of annoyance. Melanie took a great big bite encompassing nearly A of the apple Her cheerful face quickly faded into the most repulsive expression one can think of. The butter saturated apple chunk came plummeting out of her mouth and splattered onto the plate. She bolted up from her seat in the booth. SEWWWWW WHAT THE HELL EVEN IS THAT WHO WHO WOULD EVEN WANT TO EAT THAT Melanie gasped, unable to comprehend why the two things that tasted so good separately tasted so horrifically together. She started to cry. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she found it increasingly hard to breathe. The taste seemed to be getting worse somehow as time passed, and she was desperate to get it out of her mouth. Victoria giggled under her breath as she covered her mouth to keep Melanie from seeing her mocking her despair. The little boy came rushing over to their table to answer Melanie's pressing question. SYou would stupid bitch Declanyelled, picking up the apple and throwing the rest of it directly in Melanie s face He ran off to the other side of the restaurant back to the safety of his family before the girls were able to even respond. SAHHHHHH Melanie screamed in pain and embarrassment, her face nearly entirely coated with white, creamy butter. Her cries echoed throughout the diner as Declan hid under his table, curled up by his grandparents' feet. Victoria immediately jolted up to confront the boy. Nobody was allowed to degrade her subordinates, only she was allowed to laugh at their misfortune, but this was beyond that. Victoria had never experienced such demeaning treatment from any other species and she wasn't going to let this be the first time without a fight. SALRIGHT YOU LITTLE- Victoria screeched as she hit her snapping point She didn t care anymore she wasn't going to let this snot nosed Earthling do this to her or her partner. Before she could finish her sentence, Declan ran back over to their table and stomped on Victoria's toes before turning to zoom back to his grandparents. SAAAAHHH FUCK WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM The disgruntled Skaraana lunged at him but he evaded her attack. She was in the process of disentangling herself from the table and chairs when she was interrupted by the sound of the waitress returning with a full tray of cinnamon rolls. SYour um order is ready Please enjoy ladies The waitress made an effort to get in and out of the awkward situation as quickly as possible she wasn t paidearly nenough for this bullshit. Declan ran back to his table cackling as loud as he could before jumping on the table and sitting down on its edge. Victoria grumbled as she sat back into her chair. The rest of the diner resumed in murmuring conversations, but an awkward silence had settled between the two girls. Melanie, unsure of what to say, simply took a pastry and pushed the rest of the tray over to Victoria. These human beings were truly awful creatures, much worse than other species on planets the Skaraana had recently conquered. But in the end it didn t matter too much Before long they would all be swirling around in the gluttonous guts of the Skaraana. Melanie found some peace in her first bite of a cinnamon roll. They smelled heavenly, but their taste was something else altogether. Once the taste hit her tongue, she all but forgot the tension as she began to munch on roll after roll. Before long, she had eaten seven of the cinnamon rolls off the tray in her attempt to take her mind off of Declan. Victoria started to take smaller bites out of them, secretly savoring their sweet and sugary flavors. She ended up eating five of them, much to her own surprise. SSo hic did youMelanie like them asked as she slowly sunk into her bench in relaxation. SEh Victoria mumbled as unbothered as she could manage Letting emotions get in the way of missions was unprofessional, but Victoria herself knew that she would definitely be back for more if time permitted. Melanie peered under the table to see a very small lump of pudge, rivaling that of her own, underneath Victoria s sleek black dress SI dunno Victoria that tummy would say otherwise Melanie teased with a giggle, playfully brushing her feet against Victoria's leg to get her attention. There was no denying it though, she certainly enjoyed them, as evidenced by the gurgling from her expanding gut that tested the limits of her new dress's fabric. Victoria just grunted in embarassed disagreement and blushed ever so slightly as she swung her long orange hair back over her shoulder. She would do anything to cover up her emotions, especially to her subordinates. She had conquered thousands upon thousands of planets. She was a ruthless invasion leader, orchestrating clever attacks on planets for as long as she could remember. There was no way that anyone could find out about her secret love for sweet treats, although it seemed Melanie was already onto her. SFatasses exclaimed Declan sticking tongue his out as he and his grandparents walked by to depart the diner. Victoria once again jolted upright from her seat, belly jiggling slightly as it struck the table on the way up, in order to face the boy and his elders. SWell now he s not really wrong Mildred They are lookin a bit plumped up now eh Declan s grandfather laughed as he gave Declan a big thumbs up. Declan's grandmother recoiled in disgust as she shook her head they weren't worth the effort. SYeah gampa is right gammy They re little tubbyskanks Declan teased as he played a game of you can't catch me" from the safe zone behind his grandma's legs as he stared at the girls. The elderly woman bravely walked closer to the pair of irate girls, putting on her glasses that hung from a delicate necklace chain around her neck. SPlease excuse my husband sweethearts he s dumb as bricks men like him just don t know any better the grandmother cooed in her soft, smooth voice. Victoria rolled her eyes as she felt her irritation almost bubbling over inside her. The grandmother leaned in a few inches away from Victoria's ear as her voice turned to a whisper as she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Fists clenched, Victoria wanted nothing more than to dispose of the family of vermin, especially when she felt the woman's hand gently caress her shoulder. But for the time being, she knew she had to keep her appetite in check while in public out in the open. The grandmother tried to contain her laughter as she pointed at her husband and whispered in Victoria s ear SWhen I caught him cheating on me I started making himthat wear in public she giggled SLadies you gots yourlives whole ahead of you. Don't listen to no numbnuts man like him when they say they re going to change they never do laughed she as she heartily pat Victoria on the shoulder. Victoria and Melanie glanced over at the boy's grandfather, who was leaning against the wall and waiting for his wife next to the exit. They tried to look him up and down, but truly had no idea where to start W he was quite the character. The man had brown almond shaped eyes that hid behind a pair of transparent pink aviator glasses. His luscious and thick curly hair was a dark chestnut brown with grey peppering throughout, and he kept it tucked messily under his trucker-style baseball hat. The man's scraggly and unkempt beard covered halfway down his weathered, mottled neck that was darkened by years of sun damage. He had a prominent, bulbous nose that was complimented by a sharp square jawline and sunken in cheeks. But it was his outfit that really made him stand out amongst the crowd. His most noticeable feature was his oversized medieval style breastplate complete with complimenting shoulder armor, but this was no ordinary breastplate. The thick silver breastplate gave the illusion of size H breasts, if not larger. It looked as if two full size watermelons would fit under the breastplate with room to spare. He accented the outfit with a pair of reflective holographic spanx that looked two sizes too small for him and a pair of thin fishnet leggings underneath. Peeking out of the top of the shorts was a thin, neon green thong that was more visible from the back. He certainly had a creative set of accessories to go with the outfit: a pair of military style black steel toed boots, a pair of pink tinted aviator glasses, and an obviously fake prop cigarette that he kept in his mouth. Seeing the Skaraana eyeing him, the man nodded in their direction and spoke with a carefree matter of fact tone SI have a public degradation kink get over it ladies he said with a dismissing wave like a washed-up celebrity SNext my grandson here eats lead paint chips like potato chips at his mom s house So whaddya expect from him the man said with a shrug before grabbingeclan's D hand and walking out of the diner. The elderly couple meandered out into the parking lot, with Declan buzzing around them like a hyperactive insect, giving the girls one last middle finger and a devilish smirk. Both Skaraana women looked at each other in total shock and disbelief. SMelanie where the FUCK did we land END CHAPTER TWO
AYAME’S PLANET: Volume 1 - Chapter 3 “Florida Man Loses Virginity to An Alien” Weeks had passed since the historic night when the first group of menacing Skaraana had crept their way onto our undisturbed planet, splashing down along the coastline of Daytona. Ayame, one of the Skaraana in the squadron, had successfully blended in with the indigenous life on Earth until she decided to chow down on her host Joshua’s frightening father in an act of self-defense. Joshua and his friend Charlotte were made aware of the shocking reality that an alien species was amongst them, but decided to aid Ayame in remaining incognito following quite convincing charade that she had innocent intentions. However, Ayame quickly took a liking to her new companions and felt emotions that she had never experienced before, and these feelings deepened during a pizza stuffing session between the trio. These new feelings caused her attitude towards the invasion of Earth and conquest of humanity to alter. Meanwhile, her Skaraana peers Victoria and Melanie discreetly munched on several humans as they tried to get a better sense of the species that they were about to confront in an annihilation for the ages. The duo managed to remain undercover, surviving on ample amounts of Earth food and humans they abducted walking alone at night. As for the rebellious Skaraana Ayame, she too found herself more than well fed thanks to Joshua and Charlotte’s constant catering. Ayame and Joshua had been spending more and more time together and made an effort to get to know each other better. Both were facing an onslaught of conflicting emotions, but their fascinations with one another grew with each passing day. Charlotte hoped to take part in more stuffing related activities but found herself still too nervous to do so. Her current responsibility was ensuring the safety and well-being of the trio. Now that Joshua’s diabolical father was out of the picture, it was up to Charlotte to keep an eye on Joshua and Ayame as much as she could between her demanding job as a budget airline pilot. Once the opportunity arose, she decided to treat her companions to a stay at a beachfront hotel. That gave the trio an opportunity to enjoy all that the beach had to offer together. But of course, a perfect trip to the beach would not be complete without some savory snacks and sexy, belly revealing swimsuits! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER THREE – FLORIDA MAN LOSES VIRGINITY TO AN ALIEN Another hot and humid afternoon in Daytona provided for a spectacular beach day. The tide was relatively calm, and families flocked to the shores for a fulfilling day in the sun. After checking into the hotel, the trio headed straight to the beach. Joshua sat on a lounge chair under an umbrella and quickly became engrossed in one of his favorite mobile games. Due to his incredibly light skin tone, he tried to stay out of the sun as much as possible, especially when he was shirtless at the beach. Charlotte also found herself relaxing on a lounge chair out in the sun as she sipped one of her favorite beverages—mango juice. Ayame eyed Charlotte curiously as she stood beside her two friends. “Whoa, how many of those have you had already?” questioned a giggling Ayame, amused at just how much her friend had already guzzled down just after getting settled on the beach. Charlotte blushed ever so slightly and smiled faintly before responding. “Three, believe it or not…” Charlotte said, averting her gaze to the sand. Ayame could see all of Charlotte's muscles tensing up from embarrassment. The chilly mango juice sent a shiver down Charlotte’s radiated body from being out in the sun. “Hey hey, look at you!” Ayame admired her friend’s increasing efforts to eat and drink freely. Although she had not yet openly admitted to having a stuffing fetish, Ayame just knew that Charlotte would eventually spill the beans if the right opportunity presented itself. “That’s a really good job Charlotte… and I can tell your belly thinks so too!” Ayame gushed as she playfully nudged Charlotte's arm. The embarrassed woman looked down at her slowly growing exposed gut, entranced by its beauty as it baked in the sun. She caught her face growing warmer and redder as she marveled in her squishy gut's doughy glory. Charlotte only started wearing bikinis as she got older—twenty years old to be exact. Now that she was twenty-five, she was becoming increasingly comfortable with showing off her body. She had recently purchased a new orange bikini with yellow outlines and an orange skirt, which had quickly become her favorite swimsuit to date. Not only did it have a stylish and cute design, but it also allowed her loveable pudge to wobble freely from her abdomen. “Keep it up, champ!” the purple haired Skaraana gave Charlotte a gentle head pat before turning to her other close human friend, Joshua. “Dude, you didn't come to the beach with two sexy ass girls to sit here on your damn phone.” Ayame placed her left hand seductively on the side of her bare stomach and her right hand on Joshua’s left shoulder. Even though he had seen her naked numerous times including the moment they met, the sight of her in a black bikini was still precious to him. Joshua rolled his eyes and smirked. “You do realize that this is all new to me, right? I mean, I usually go to the beach by myself and-” Joshua tried to explain before getting cut off by the ever so eager Ayame. “Dude, don’t fuckin’ worry about it. Come on, let's go for a swim” Ayame said, reaching out her hand to pull Joshua up. The two left Charlotte—who was still enjoying her mango juice—relaxing in the sun along the shoreline. Once in the water, Ayame and Joshua had an instant feeling of nostalgia. It was their first time in the ocean since that life changing night. “Back to where it all started, huh?” Joshua said, grinning. “You betcha!” responded Ayame with a smile. The two shared a moment together treading water in the waves, just looking at each other smiling until Ayame broke the silence. “Hey, wanna see who can make the biggest wave? You go first” Ayame challenged. She watched eagerly as Joshua mustered up all his strength to soak her with water. *splash!* The Skaraana found her face and the top of her head soaked, but she knew she could do far better when she returned fire. “Come on, I know you can make me wetter than that!” Ayame said, playfully splashing Joshua back. The phrasing of that sentence made Joshua tremble, partially in embarrassment and partially because he wasn't exactly sure if Ayame realized what she said. But she knew exactly what she said, and she meant it. Her special friendship with Joshua had certainly been a strange one, but it was getting to the point that neither one could successfully hide their growing feelings for one another. “Alright, my turn!” Ayame yelled as she got in position, ready to launch her attack on Joshua. *SPLASH!!!* Joshua’s eyes widened in bewilderment. He was not expecting a wave taller than him— even though he was on the shorter side. Ayame was a different species after all, and she had enhanced abilities that ensured she would be more advanced than humans before even arriving on Earth. “Shit!” Joshua laughed, amazed at Ayame’s incredible strength. She looked proud of herself for completely soaking her companion. The two continued to playfully swim around together in the ocean for almost an hour. Further south on the beach, two other Skaraana were on a hunt for their next victims. They had been surviving off human food and whatever people they could abduct and devour in the middle of the night without drawing attention. Now it was time to search for some more same size meals that they could savor almost naked. Moreover, it was an attempt by Melanie to get her superior Victoria to have more fun with her long-term position as the Skaraana’s planetary invasion leader. She did not want this to be just another mission where Victoria gobbled up as much as she could as fast as she could before rushing to complete the next mission. The girls even managed to purchase new outfits for the occasion as well, using money they found in their prey’s possession. Victoria bought a black bikini with red trim and a flashy pentagram necklace. Melanie opted for a cuter swimsuit, going with a pink and white bikini with frills on the bottom. Victoria was confident in showing off her mostly slender body and quite sizable breasts as she looked up and down the beach, searching for an ideal meal to seduce. “See anything good yet?” her shorter adversary questioned, taking a momentary break from eating her shaved ice. “Nah, just scum like the rest of em...” Victoria responded with a heavy sigh. “Then why don’t we go for a walk and see what our options are?” Melanie insisted that Victoria seek out a meal that she would actually take her time to savor and enjoy. None of the humans she had eaten on Earth—and most of the species she eradicated in recent centuries—just hadn’t given her the fully erotic thrill she once thrived on. “Since when did I start taking orders from you, huh?” Victoria said in an annoyed tone, looking down at her subordinate. “Look, just trust me. Eventually you’re gonna find someone that’s good enough to satisfy a devil like yourself!” Melanie said with an insisting smile. Victoria begrudgingly agreed, and the two embarked on a journey up the coastline. The walk seemed endless and pointless until the moment Melanie saw something that caught her eye. The duo stopped just before where Charlotte was sitting and Melanie nudged Victoria to take a look to her right. Out frolicking in and out the water was a purple haired girl with a prominent white stripe. Upon a closer look, they saw a green haired human tagging along with her. They were far too engaged in their activities to notice the two Skaraana staring at them from onshore. “What the hell is she doing?” Victoria muttered under her breath angrily, trying to not draw attention to herself. “That bitch! She’s been here less than a month and she already thinks she’s one of them.” the Skaraana said with disgust. “Is that what she’s been doing this whole time? I knew we couldn't trust her to do anything.” “I say we just eat her and whoever her new ‘friend’ is,” said a sassy Melanie with a playful shrug. “No contact for all this time, and we find her frolicking with these animals. I’m going to-” In the middle of her rant, Victoria accidentally laid eyes upon a tall young woman with black hair who was wearing an orange bikini and relaxing in a lounge chair. Her eyes widened as she took a big gulp. Without saying any words, she knew exactly who and what she wanted to travel down her moist throat and into her trembling gut—she looked delicious! The way her belly poked out ever so slightly as she drank her mango juice was causing Victoria to salivate. Melanie noticed Victoria’s reaction as she stood frozen in place. She nudged her partner’s arm playfully while grinning. “I told you… I FUCKING told you!” Melanie said with a smile, bouncing giddily in anticipation. “I knew you would find something interesting.” Victoria started to smile as well and felt herself starting to blush. Never in her five- thousand year existence of relentless slaughter had another morsel ever evoked these strangely overwhelming emotions inside her. Sure, she had been turned on by meals in the past, but this savory snack seemed like something much more, but she couldn't exactly see why yet. She desperately tried to downplay her expression of emotions and remained as straight faced as she possibly could. “Yes, that one does look quite… nice.” she replied, trying to conceal her building excitement inside. “Should we go get her, then?” Melanie asked. “No, its too early to break our cover” insisted Victoria. “Let’s… definitely keep an eye on her though. In the meantime, we should grab an appetizer to tide us over.” Melanie recoiled in initial disagreement with Victoria’s comments before sighing and continuing their walk together. Victoria glanced over at the woman once more as they walked by along the shore. Charlotte looked up from gazing at her growing gurgling gut to see the two women walking by. The woman with orange hair was looking at her. Charlotte couldn’t see why she seemed so interested in her, so she simply smiled at her in hopes of breaking the tension. Victoria let out a faint awkward smile in return as she passed by. Whoever she was, Charlotte felt a little tingly. Whenever Charlotte saw a person she was attracted to, she wondered if she would ever one day have a partner. She had still never been with anyone and waited this long already, so why rush it? Despite her loneliness and desire to share her life with someone else, she wanted to wait until she met someone who truly felt like the right fit for her. While Victoria and Melanie continued their walk up the beach, Joshua opened up some to-go boxes of tacos that he’d picked up for each of them. “Hey, I got food for everyone!” He exclaimed. “These are the best tacos in town. You’ll love them!” Ayame grabbed all three of her tacos and smooshed them into her mouth, sending them swiftly down her throat and into her gut. Joshua chuckled and smiled at Ayame. “Hey, look who’s getting outside his comfort zone, huh?!” Ayame winked at Joshua, praising him for being more open about his feelings. Charlotte thought to herself and wondered when she would finally be able to do the same. “But I think it’s time we take this to the next level, no?” asked Ayame. “That swim was a good workout, and Charlotte over there is gonna be fat as fuck if she drinks another one of those! I think it’s time we devour as much as we can!" Both Joshua and Charlotte froze in their tracks after what they just heard. “Ayame are you sure that’s a good idea?” Joshua questioned Ayame’s bold proposal. “Come on, I know what you two pervs are into and I think we all can experience something special!” Ayame insisted. “I guess then I can uh… get some more tacos and groceries… I suppose…” said an overly anxious Charlotte. “Just don’t leave me and this belly waiting too long, mkay?” Ayame said with an eager grin. She turned over to Joshua and smirked seductively. “And you’re gonna rub this while we wait, right?” “Ye… yeah. Yes. Yes I am. I’m gonna rub the… fuck… out of it…” Joshua stuttered. His attempt may have looked awkward as hell, but it was an honest attempt. Ayame got a good laugh at his honest attempt to get into the gut groping spirit. “You’ll get the hang of it, ya doofus.” She shuffled his hair playfully as he grinned in embarrassment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later, at the hotel, Ayame and Joshua eagerly awaited Charlotte’s return with dinner fit for a Skaraana’s appetite. The sun was now slowly slipping away for the evening. Still wearing their now dry swimsuits, the two sat together watching strange programming on TV. Joshua was originally going to sleep on the pullout sofa bed, but now it seemed he would be sharing one of the two queen size beds in the room. An opportunity that had never before presented itself to Joshua was now at his fingertips. Despite every single one of his natural instincts telling him to call it off and go back into his comfort zone of video games and swimming, he stuck to his decision. Now was his chance to fulfil the joys of a shared fetish with his closest friends—one of them being his crush. Joshua gathered all the will power he possibly could, putting his shame and embarrassment behind him. “You know Ayame, this room and view are incredible and all, but being able to spend time together and share what we’re about to do is more incredible than anything.” He felt like fainting immediately after he fully realized all that he said, but instead of something awkward happening, Ayame simply leaned her head on his left arm. Before anything could go any further, Charlotte opened the door carrying boxes upon boxes of carry out food and grocery bags full of mystery items. “Did you buy the entire store?!” questioned Joshua, flabbergasted at the sheer amount of shopping Charlotte did in such a short amount of time. “She’s hungry and horny, what’d you expect?” Ayame responded playfully. “I’m not… horny… guys I just want-” Ayame wasn’t going to let her friend out of the fun this time. “Charlotte, you can enjoy this. We both know this is something you want. Even this cute dumbass is finally opening up!” Ayame said as she jokingly slapped Joshua's back as he rolled his eyes sarcastically. Charlotte looked at the floor and then the ceiling before taking a deep breath and walking over to her friends. Joshua and Ayame simultaneously reached out to gently feel Charlotte’s mushy abdomen. The moment their hands touched her soft skin ignited the spark that would lead to the fire. Their hand movements were so stimulating that Charlotte had to quickly calm herself down. Her belly was jiggling with delight. It was so tender and wobbly that Ayame and Joshua easily found themselves lost in how nice it felt. “That’s… really nice Charlotte.” Joshua tried to be supportive of his friend as much as he could without making it awkward. Ayame piped in as well. “It’s really cute! I can’t wait to stuff it full of… whatever all that is.” Charlotte opened all of the boxes and bags to reveal their contents. Much to Ayame’s delight, a total of 60 tacos, 2 gallons of milk and a chocolate cake were placed up on the table for her to admire with beady eyes knowing most of it would soon be inside her with the help of her friends. She couldn't help but notice the blue funnel on the edge of the table. “Aha! I see someone really came prepared, didn’t she?” Ayame gazed at Charlotte suggestively as she placed the milk in the mini fridge. “You really want to be stuffed, don’t you piggy?” Ayame teased. “Okay, fine... I bought everything because I’ve been obsessed with the thought of someone close to me feeding me until I’m stuffed and having them play with my belly until I fall asleep in their arms… I’ve wanted to be a feedee for the past ten years of my life… I don't know, it feels like it's always been a part of me” Charlotte said as she started to blush. “Then let's make it happen, shall we?” Ayame insisted, suggestively patting the office chair, signaling for Charlotte to take a seat. Charlotte plopped down onto the office chair that was in front of the desk that now held their feast. Ayame stood in front of the chair and lifted up Charlotte’s chin with her right hand. Charlotte quivered in sheer excitement and embarrassment. "Hurry up, are you going to bring it or not Joshua?!" Ayame yelled, growing impatient to get to her turn. Joshua knew exactly what she was talking about. He came back over to the desk and set down two bundles of pink satin rope from Ayame’s backpack. Ayame picked one up from the desk and untied it so that it was a long continuous piece of rope. She spun the office chair around, grabbed Charlotte's arms, and tied them behind the chair so that she wouldn't be able to weasel out of her agreement. Charlotte felt her heart beating faster and faster. She wanted this for as long as she could remember, but she didn't think that it would happen like this. Regardless, she was excited for what would come next. Ayame picked up one of the tacos from a box and lifted it in front of Charlotte's nose, just out of reach from her mouth. She tried leaning forward but the rope had her back and arms tightly restrained to the chair, she was not going anywhere. She let out a soft whimper in protest, knowing that Ayame was going to have fun toying with her along the way. "You really want this, don't you gut goblin?” Ayame teased, waving the taco in front of Charlotte's already open mouth. Charlotte felt her face growing redder by the second. Unable to get anything out, she just nodded her head in agreement. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you!" Ayame said, turning to wink at Joshua who was sitting on the bed with a look of complete disbelief on his face. Ayame turned back to Charlotte and lifted her chin with her hand before shoving half the taco into her mouth. Charlotte’s eyes grew wide in amazement that Ayame was doing everything just the way she imagined it. She tried to chew but had so much in her mouth already that it was hard to until she completely bit through the taco and ripped the half in her mouth from the remaining half in Ayame's hand. Ayame shook her head in disappointment, looking at the half-eaten taco. "You humans really can't eat much, can you? I can eat like four of these at once and still have room in my mouth for more!" Ayame bragged, looking over to Joshua. He got up from the bed and walked to the other side of the Charlotte. "We don’t need to eat as much as you do to survive," he said. "Well, I guess you could say that. We're just different, but I guess that means she’s doing a good job for her first time!” Ayame slowly pushed the rest of the taco into Charlotte’s mouth after hearing her finally finish swallowing her first bite with a huge gulp. The feedee felt her belly slightly bulge out a little more. The pleasure that she was experiencing from Ayame and Joshua feeding her was beyond comprehension. The feeling of three mango juices and a greasy heavy taco already slammed into her pillowy gut was just the beginning. The more and more tacos Ayame served her one by one, the more she whimpered in satisfaction. Ayame also took time to playfully prod at Charlotte’s bulging belly and carefully explore her deep navel. Her smooth, fleshy, and marshmallow-like belly was becoming increasingly tauter by the second. Ayame was entranced at how horny the beautiful blob was making her. By the time Charlotte had devoured ten tacos, she was covered in taco sauce. Her already fat belly was engorged to the size of a volleyball and had warm grease from the taco meat running down the side. Charlotte was breathing heavily and sweating profusely, so caught up in the ecstasy of her fetish that she was unable to keep a single thought together. Her bikini grew tighter by the second, and the feeling of her meaty belly increasingly bloating over her bottoms sent shivers up her spine. She let out a belligerent burp—allowing her stomach to settle a bit. Her moans were loud and boisterous. Ayame and Joshua could tell that despite her dilapidated look, she was having the time of her life. Ayame looked directly into Charlotte’s eyes as she sat upon her lap. “You naughty piggy, you’re not done until I say you’re done… and that ball of blubber looks like it can fit two more tacos inside!” Charlotte’s mouth watered. She had never eaten this much all at once in her entire life. How was she to fit even more? “Ayame, I’m too full! I can’t possibly-” Charlotte pled, but it was too late. The seductive Skaraana crammed both tacos side by side into Charlotte’s open mouth, not allowing her to finish her plea for mercy. Ayame slid the tacos forcefully down Charlotte’s gullet as she thrashed about in the chair. Her feedee struggled to gulp them down initially, but successfully sent them on their way to her digestion chamber following several strong gulps. “Now it’s time to wash all that down!” Ayame exclaimed. While still sitting on Charlotte’s lap facing her, she grabbed the blue funnel from the table beside them and poured each of the three mango juices out into the funnel. *GULP GULP GULP GU-... GULP GULP* The eager and horny feedee moaned with mixed feelings of pleasure and pain as her body expanded beyond her limits. *GULP GULP GULP* “You’re doing great!” Ayame cheered, carefully stroking Charlotte’s chin. *GULP GULP GULP* Mango juice came dribbling out from the sides of her mouth, running down her neck and onto her already very sticky coated belly. *GULP GU-... GU-... GULP GULP* The last of the mango juice descended down the funnel and into Charlotte’s beautiful blubbery body. She let out a tremendous burp and triumphant moan of pleasure. Overly satisfied with her friend’s success, the feeder laughed in an almost sinister, dominant manner. “YESSSSSSS” Ayame moaned with pride. She let her hands wander down to Charlotte’s gluttonous gut, viciously slapping and groping it. The moment Ayame wriggled her index finger deep inside Charlotte’s cavernous and wide navel sent shock down into her privates. “Oh! YES! DON’T STOP!” Charlotte cried with pleasure. Ayame intensified her forceful fingering of Charlotte’s navel until her fattened up friend reached climax without even having any genital contact. “UGHHHH FUCK! I CAN’T!” Charlotte said, her muscles tensing up as she softly bit her lip. Charlotte soaked and saturated the bottom of her bikini as Ayame eased up on her shenanigans. She was a completely bloated and food covered mess, but she loved every second of it. Joshua watched in disbelief with wide eyes and a prominent erection poking out from his swim trunks. “Ok… Ayame… I think it’s your turn now…” muttered a groggy and overstuffed Charlotte. “You bet it is!” Ayame grinned mischievously as she glanced over at an embarrassed Joshua. “But you better be proud of yourself. I think you really learned something about yourself tonight!” Ayame said, rubbing Charlotte's thigh with pride. “Yeah…” Charlotte was too stuffed and groggy to think properly, but she was beyond appreciative of the support her friends gave her in finally exploring her fetish. “I’ve wanted this to happen for as long as I can remember...and well shoot, here we are...” “Thanks for trusting us Charlotte,” Joshua added sincerely. Ayame reached down to remove the rope binding her friend’s arms together. The feedee was untied from her chair and took a moment to lovingly and carefully caress her enlarged belly. Ayame glanced back at her soon to be feeder. “Oh Joshua! You better be ready to feed this fucking gut before I get too hungry and eat you!” Ayame said with a mischievous smirk. “Oh fuck yes, please do!” he thought to himself. Instead of answering, he let his mind wander, imagining different scenarios he and Ayame could get into after witnessing how aggressive she was with Charlotte. What would she be like with someone she appeared to have a crush on? Charlotte got up from the chair and began to clean herself up, preparing to leave the scene. “Where the heck are you going? I thought you were gonna feed me too?” said a puzzled Ayame with a frown as she watched her friend get ready to leave. The overstuffed woman took a moment to think before speaking. “I think it’s time you two found out some things about yourselves... I mean it.” Charlotte insinuated that it was time for her friends to connect on a different level. She figured that she should finish off the night with one last serving of her favorite beverage, even though her belly already had so much of it churning around inside with an incredible number of tacos. Her gut wobbled delightfully with each step she took. “I’m going out for a walk after I grab another mango juice. You two enjoy yourselves, okay?” Charlotte smiled softly before leaving the room. The couple left in the room simply stared at each other until Ayame’s gurgling belly interrupted, yearning for its next meal. They giggled together and Joshua anxiously scratched the back of his head, hoping that he was ready for what was to come. “This is going to be fucking incredible” Ayame whispered into Joshua’s ear. Her right index finger curiously wandered around the perimeter of her navel. "Yeah!” Joshua responded in an anxious and excited tone. Ayame opened up the first box of tacos and effortlessly plopped all three of them into her eager gullet, consuming them all in a single strong gulp. A visible lump went sliding down the hungry Skaraana’s throat. Intrigued by the sight, Joshua opened another box and motioned to Ayame that he was offering to feed her. “Look who’s actually taking the initiative now, huh?!” Ayame said gleefully. Joshua chuckled and fed Ayame the next three tacos in succession, like an express train headed straight for Ayame’s digestive system. He remained silent for the majority of the stuffing session, too entranced with the events unfolding before him. It took him some time to finally come out of his shell and be more vocal with Ayame as he began to feel more comfortable. “22...23...24…” Joshua kept count as Ayame continued chowing down on the delicious delicacies she was being fed. He watched as her belly increasingly churned and bulged as more and more tacos made their way into her fleshy, blubbery gut. “Keep going! Keep going!” She cried in excitement as more clumps of ground beef, tortilla shells and vegetables filled her expanding insides. “I’m not stopping until I’ve eaten every single one of them.” Her feeder plopped more and more tacos down her throat, causing her to moan in pleasure the more her belly filled up. It was now noticeably larger, with seemingly no sign of filling up soon. “35...36...37… oh my god Ayame!” Joshua counted, amazed at Ayame’s capacity. She was swallowing much faster now, trying to get the tiny morsels inside of her as quickly as possible in eager anticipation of what other fun would soon await them. “40...41...and 42! That's the rest of them!” Joshua exclaimed with pride. Ayame purred in relief with the completion of her main course as she gazed proudly at the bloated ball of fat resting in her midsection. Those tiny tacos were delicious, but her appetite was far from satisfied. “I think you’re ready for the next course,” suggested an aroused Joshua. Joshua got up from the bed and grabbed the large cake from the desk and carried it back over to the bed, setting it down next to Ayame. He popped the plastic lid off, revealing the savory contents. Ayame looked at the rich chocolate cake and felt herself starting to salivate. "I've uhhh… never seen something like this before, what is it?" Ayame questioned, intrigued to find out what new tastes her companion was going to introduce to her palette. "You've never had cake before?! You guys are really missing out, wow!" he said letting out a quiet chuckle. Joshua slightly pushed a finger into the cake and scooped some off some frosting, moving his fingers to Ayame's mouth for her to get a taste of the delicious chocolate. She seductively licked his finger, lightly sucking on it to get off all the frosting. The second the frosting hit her taste buds she felt a shiver go down her spine. "Wow!!! That stuff is so good!" Ayame exclaimed, desperate for more. Ayame dug her hand into the cake and was about to shove it in her mouth when Joshua stopped her. "Hey now, that's my job!" he said with a laugh. Ayame shrugged and shoved the cake in her hand in front of Joshua. "All yours then!" Ayame cheered, shoving the entirety of the piece of cake in his mouth at once. Joshua tried to laugh but couldn't, his cheeks filled with more cake than he could handle. He slowly but eventually got it down with a few heavy gulps. "Jeez, go easy on me Ayame, I can't eat like you!" Joshua joked, half teasing and half serious. Joshua dug into the cake and shoved a mouthful into Ayame's maw. She quickly swallowed it, already making room for more. He dug both hands into the cake at once, feeding Ayame ferociously. The more cake he fed her, the more of a mess the two became, but he was having the time of his life. Ayame was starting to have even more fun with it, laughing uncontrollably when she would shove more cake than Joshua could handle in his mouth, watching him make a mess of himself. Lost in a world of their own, Joshua went to grab more cake to feed Ayame but found only a small portion left in the container. He scooped up the remaining cake and slowly put it in Ayame's moist mouth. The two licked every bit of frosting off each other's hands and Ayame finished off their feast by licking the tray clean. "Looks like you didn't do such a bad job yourself there, mister!" Ayame said with a smirk, pointing at Joshua’s tight, slightly distended stomach. He felt his face heat up as blood rushed to his head in embarrassment, instinctively covering his torso by crossing his arms. Ayame softly giggled as she reached out her hand to poke at his tummy. "I just… I don't know Ayame! I've never let anyone feed me before and it's not really something I do myself, this is all new to me" Joshua explained, reminding Ayame of his more delicate physique. “It’s okay! Although I must say, this body sure has its perks” she said as her stomach gurgled ferociously. "But I really think I uh *URPPP* need a drink, Joshua.” The onslaught of tacos were quickly dehydrating her. Joshua grabbed the two gallons of milk that were being kept cold in the fridge. Ayame was laying on the bed with her legs stretched out and arms behind her head. Joshua grabbed the funnel and crawled into bed next to Ayame and set the two heavy jugs down in front of them. He picked up one of the jugs of milk and gently held the funnel tube up to her mouth, offering it to Ayame. She flashed a toothy smile and opened her mouth, ready for Joshua to have his way with her. He slowly placed the tube in her mouth and slid it slightly down into the back of her throat. With his other hand, he picked up one of the gallons of milk and slowly poured it into the funnel, being careful to add the liquid at an easy pace. He knew that Ayame would have been able to guzzle it down with breakneck speed, but he wanted to have fun with her and make the moment last longer. Joshua held the funnel stable with one arm as he reached around and put his hand against her plush midriff, feeling her already bloated belly expand as more and more milk swelled up inside of her. Before he knew it, she had already finished with the first gallon. Ayame licked her lips and gently pulled the tube out of her mouth. "That was delicious, please tell me you have more!" Ayame begged with pleading eyes. Joshua reached around from behind her and rubbed her expanding gut with both hands. "Of course there is!" he said, grabbing hold of the last gallon. Ayame once again opened her mouth, eagerly anticipating the chilly liquid and its descent to her stomach. Joshua spent his time with the first gallon, having Ayame gulp the milk down over the course of a few minutes. This time, he wanted to see just what she was capable of. With the funnel already in place, Joshua gave Ayame a warning ahead of time. "You're going to have to wolf this down faster, I'm not taking my time with this one!" he said with a wink before dumping the entire gallon into the funnel at once. Ayame's eyes dilated as she felt the milk quickly moving down the tube and down her throat. She gulped and gulped but the milk wasn't slowing down by any means. After fifteen seconds, the last drops of milk entered her body. She ripped the tube out of her mouth and coughed, slightly choking from having finished so much so fast. "Wow uh… yeah that's something!!!" Ayame said, trying to catch her breath. "I'm not that used to drinking that fast!" Ayame continued defensively, blushing with embarrassment. Joshua sat right in front of Ayame and put a hand on her thigh and softly rubbed it. "No need to explain, I'm so proud of you darling, you did an amazing job" he said reassuringly. “Darling, is it?” Ayame asked playfully. Joshua’s face reddened, but looking into Ayame’s eyes, he felt a little more at ease. The pair felt the tension slowly rising in the room, unsure of where to go next. Joshua let out a subtle burp and glanced down at his own stuffed stomach. Ayame leaned over to take a closer look at his taut torso that was jammed full of cake. Ayame put a hand on his hard stomach and gently rubbed it. "I'm glad you were comfortable with this,” Ayame said, “I really enjoyed sharing this with you, ya know?" She gently leaned her head against Joshua's shoulder. For the first time, Joshua didn’t feel anxious. With her soft hair against his skin, and her gentle, warm breath against his shoulder, he felt content in a way he never had before. Ayame delicately grabbed Joshua's hand and placed it on her own swollen gut, pressing his hand into her. Despite being stuffed full of tacos, milk and cake, Ayame’s belly was still soft and squishy to the touch. Joshua looked at his companion’s pillowy belly and started to feel her with both hands. He gently grabbed her love handles, letting his fingers sink into her fabulous fat. Joshua felt his heart starting to race, he still couldn't believe that this was real life. Here he was, alone in a hotel room with a beautiful woman and enacting his deepest fantasies. His hands continued to explore her body in a dream-like trance, mesmerized by her physique. He lightly traced the bottom curve of her distended belly, amazed at how much food fit inside of her. Ayame let out a stifled sigh of contentment as her back rested against the headboard. She had never felt like this before. Joshua got up from laying next to Ayame and gently parted her thighs. He slowly wiggled himself between her squishy thighs and rested his head against her swollen belly, listening to the sounds of her digestion. Joshua shyly looked up at Ayame with gratitude—he never imagined he would be able to experience anything like this. She tousled his hair as she giggled and looked down at him. Joshua wrapped both arms underneath her, pulling her body in even closer. "I'm just… I'm so glad I met you Ayame" Joshua gushed, tears starting to form in his eyes. "Me too, kid" Ayame grinned and hugged Joshua tighter. He gently placed a few soft kisses on her belly and slowly braced himself before crawling up her chest and onto his shoulder. Joshua looked up at Ayame and smiled. She gently lifted his chin and kissed him on the lips. It was a soft yet tender kiss, and it was perfect in every way, like two puzzle pieces finally lining up perfectly. Ayame smiled as their lips parted, and pushed up against Joshua's body, sending him rolling over onto his back. She straddled him and leaned down to kiss him again. When their lips met, it was different this time. Joshua seemed to have increased confidence as the tension broke. Ayame pulled him in even closer, and Joshua started to explore Ayame’s mouth with his tongue. She softly giggled as she bit his lip. "Someone's eager, aren't they? You'll get a full tour later" Ayame teased as she pulled away. She slowly moved down his body and felt his hard cock brush against her leg. She looked up at Joshua with a raised eyebrow as she gently rubbed his dick through his swim trunks. Joshua's face turned crimson within seconds. "Y-yes!" Joshua stuttered as awareness of his inexperience suddenly came flooding back. He wanted everything to go right—what if he did something wrong? Ayame could sense the tension and tried to ease his nerves by gently and slowly working up to everything. She spent a few more minutes teasing his fully erect member when Joshua suddenly spoke up. "It's okay, we don't need these anymore!" he said with a nervous laugh, gesturing to their swimsuits. He felt his heart nearly stop as he realized the weight of what he said. Ayame flashed a mischievous smirk before she leaned down and gently untied his swim trunks with her mouth. Ayame slowly pulled down Joshua's shorts, revealing his moderately sized bulging cock. He sat up in bed and Ayame straddled him, leaving the two face to face. Joshua reached around Ayame's back and attempted to take off her bikini top, but couldn't figure out how to get it to unclasp. "Uhhh… how do you undo these things?" Joshua asked, his face turning red. "Don't worry about it, you're doing fine!" Ayame giggled and turned around to let him see what he was doing. Joshua undid the clasp with ease and Ayame quickly slipped it off her shoulders before tossing it off the bed. He had seen Ayame naked before; hell, she had even been nude when they first met. But this time, it was different. Having Ayame so close to him and seeing her completely bare back made him more nervous than he already was—he couldn't wait for her to turn around. "How should I uh… take the bottoms off?" Joshua asked, unsure of how to go about it. Ayame laid down flat on the bed and gestured for Joshua to move between her legs. "Really, don't think about it! Just let everything happen naturally!" Ayame reassured. Joshua moved in between her thighs and slowly pulled the bottoms down her thighs and off her feet. Joshua felt his heart racing, he couldn't even look as he took her bikini bottoms off. He climbed back on top of Ayame and looked at her face with admiration, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You're a dork," Ayame said with a smile. Something about his innocence was endearing to her and she couldn't understand why—nobody had ever made her feel like this before. Despite the nerves and tension, the two seemed to fit together perfectly. "Want me to be on top?" Ayame asked, hoping to help ease Joshua's performance anxiety. He took a big gulp and nodded his head in agreement. Ayame grabbed hold of Joshua and tackled him backwards onto the bed. With Joshua lying flat, he couldn’t avoid looking at Ayame’s body anymore. Straddling his legs was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her curvature was beyond perfect to him. She grabbed his hand and pressed it into her, and Joshua's face reddened even more with embarrassment. "I just-" Joshua started but was cut off by Ayame softly tousling his hair and promising him that everything would be okay. He smiled and nodded but he was still obviously tense. Everything about his life changed so fast since the Skaraana had first landed. Ayame laid chest down on the bed between Joshua's legs and took his dick into her hand, slowly caressing it. The moment her hand touched him, his whole body twitched in shock from the stimulation. She gently rubbed his thigh as she licked her palm for lubrication and continued fondling his shaft. Ayame could feel his leg muscles tighten as she slowly tightened her grip and increased speed. He let out a soft moan in pleasure as his heartbeat rapidly increased. She wanted to see what he felt like in her mouth, and she found herself imagining it in her head—she couldn't wait to see what every part of him felt like inside her. Ayame looked up at Joshua, licking her lips in temptation. He blushed and smiled softly, but his hands were clutching the bedspread in a death grip. He knew where this was going and mustered up all of the confidence and strength that he could. Ayame playfully rolled off of Joshua and onto her back on the other side of the bed, readjusting the pillow under her head before settling in. Joshua swallowed the lump in his throat, knowing that there wouldn't be a better time to face his anxiety head-on. He slid down to the bottom of the bed and between Ayame's legs before slowly climbing up her body until they were face to face. He looked down at Ayame and admired her soft features—her pinchable cheeks, her soft jawline, and her beautiful yellow eyes. She reached behind his neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. When their lips finally parted, Ayame took hold of Joshua’s hand and put it between her legs on her pussy, pressing his hand into her plush pubic mound with a smirk. She bit her lip and nodded, trying to ease his nerves. Joshua had never felt what a human girl felt like inside, let alone an alien girl. He stuck a finger into his mouth and sucked on it to get it extra wet. As he moved his hand between Ayame’s legs, he realized it probably wasn't necessary. She was already naturally lubricated from the building anticipation. He slipped his finger between her lips and inside her. Ayame instinctively tensed up, feeling her thighs and pelvic muscles tighten in pleasure. The sensation was nothing like she had felt before—human bodies really did have so many secrets. Joshua slowly worked his way deeper into Ayame until he was knuckle deep inside her. He looked up at Ayame, who had her eyes closed and was tightly gripping the bed sheets as she softly moaned in pleasure. She found herself slowly thrusting her pelvis into his motions, which amplified the sensation even more. "M-more?" Ayame squeaked timidly. She certainly was not used to having to ask for things; she was nearly always in control. Joshua smiled in relief, glad that his lover seemed to be enjoying his handiwork. He slipped another finger inside her and steadily picked up the pace until Ayame was on edge and panting, nearly completely out of breath. "I can't-" Ayame blurted, looking up at Joshua with desperate eyes. "I- I don't entirely know what's happening, but- my body seems to be really enjoying it, I think it's time to-" she said between labored breaths. Ayame looked into Joshua's eyes, begging him to give her what her human body was clearly craving. She tried to look down to see Joshua's cock but her spherical belly obstructed her view. Joshua anticipatingly rubbed the tip of his dick between Ayame’s luscious lips for lubrication and quickly wet his shaft with his spit. Her viscous fluids coated his member—the slippery juice enveloped the length of his rod as he spread it down his shaft. Once he was in position, he gave Ayame a kiss before holding himself above her, his hands above her shoulders. He slowly pushed into her, his cock slowly easing its way deeper into her. He certainly didn't envision her feeling like this inside. Her warmth and the tight pressure around his manhood was inexplicable, but it was heavenly. Joshua started with slow thrusts and slowly inched his way deeper until the entire length of his penis was plunged inside of her. Which each thrust he found himself craving more, wishing he could stop time and make the moment last forever. Joshua noticed that Ayame especially enjoyed when his rod lightly grazed her g-spot, especially on his more forceful thrusts. Joshua increased his momentum, picking up the pace until Ayame was gasping in delight and pulling him in deeper with her nails dug into his back. "Fuuuck, just like that," Ayame gushed in pure ecstasy as she dragged her nails down his back and pulled her knees up to her sides, putting her calves on Joshua’s shoulders. Joshua's dick reached new depths in this position and sent Ayame over the edge, her eyes rolling back as she drooled herself into a puddle as she came on Joshua's stiff, throbbing rod. Joshua felt like he was in a trance, wondering in absurd detachment how he’d managed to outlast her. He didn’t wonder long, as he felt an electric pulse build in his cock that flooded over him, obliterating any willpower he had in an instant. Ayame bucked her hips into his final few thrusts, feeling his cum fill her up. Joshua collapsed into Ayame on the bed, his head resting in the crook of her neck. Too exhausted to move, the two reveled in the moment, Joshua’s cock still inside Ayame. "That was… wow…" Joshua said in disbelief, his breath shaky and shallow. "You're telling me!" Ayame said with a laugh, unable to fully comprehend how her human body was able to give her such pleasure, and not just in ways related to food. Joshua smiled and slowly pulled himself out of Ayame’s now dripping pussy, his semen slowly dripping down her thigh and forming a little puddle on the sheets. “That felt incredible,” Ayame said, her chest heaving as she panted to catch her breath. “But there’s something else I'd like to share with you.” Joshua’s eyes opened widely with anticipation. “Be honest, how much did you like it when you learned I could eat people?” Ayame asked, trying to regain some of her confidant demeanor. “A lot. Ayame... I’ve always dreamt of squirming around the tight fleshy stomach of a beautiful woman like you. But that’s just a fantasy… It’s embarrassing really...” Joshua was looking away now. Ayame regarded him with a little genuine sadness. He really was very hard on himself... ‘Not any more babe. Not any more...” Ayame sat up and ran her tongue across her lips, stopping to press hard into a sharp incisor. She rolled forward and leant on her hands and knees and licked the side of Joshua’s rosy cheeks as he squirmed in embarrassment. “Ayame I-” Joshua started. She placed her index finger on his lips. “Shh.” Joshua blushed relentlessly at the realization that his dream was about to come true, but his heart began to race with sudden fear. This was something he’d always dreamed of, but it wasn’t exactly something he was prepared to throw his life away for. “I already know you’re going to be the best thing I’ve ever eaten” Ayame hissed as she gently ran her fingers through Joshua’s hair. “And yes babe, I will spit you out after a few minutes… Maybe. If I don’t forget.” she said squinting her eyes with a scheming smirk. Ayame leaned in and gave him one more loving smooch on the lips before moving back a bit and opening her mouth as wide as she could, unhinging her jaw. Joshua looked on eagerly. His penis frantically recharged following its previous performance and was once again standing at attention. “Oh...Oh my god... oh my-” Joshua blissfully got lost in a world of his own, imagining what would happen in the coming seconds Joshua was unable to complete his sentence, as Ayame’s mouth enclosed his entire head in an instant. He let out an embarrassingly loud cry of joy that resonated from inside Ayame’s mouth. The vibrations motivated Ayame to keep moving at a steady and suggestive pace. “YHER FUUUKHING DELISHUSH!” she mumbled with a mouth full of Joshua. She took him in further and further, making her way to his bare chest. Joshua didn’t resist one bit, so Ayame took her time playfully nibbling on his mushy pecks. His face and neck were now coated in saliva and the slime seemed to turn him on even more. “AYAME! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!” He was having a little trouble breathing due to the fact that he was not only overstimulated, but he was also going deeper and deeper into Ayame’s body. “Ohohoho!” Ayame murmured as she reached his ever so slight food baby belly. It was so tender and savory that Ayame couldn’t help but lick every inch of it and weasel her tongue into his tall navel. “AHHH! OH SHIT!” Joshua cried in pure enjoyment. She continued gulping until she reached his throbbing member, seconds from release once more. Once his crotch region was encased in her moist mouth, she knew exactly what to do. Her tongue wrapped curiously around his penis. “AAAH! AYAME OH MY-” Joshua yelled between labored breathing, nearing the edge. *splurge!!!* “YES!” he yelled from deep within Ayame’s chest. The horny Skaraana slurped up every last drop of semen in her mouth, sending it all further down into her body. As awkward as it was for Joshua, it all got stopped on his front side as he too was slowly making his way to his destination—Ayame’s belly. She then tilted her head back, letting the rest of him slowly slide down into her belly. With each loud gulp she made, her body trembled with delight. The moment she gulped down the last of his legs and feet left her a feeling of simultaneous success and sexual satisfaction. When he finally landed, he found himself swimming in the remains of tacos, cake, and milk. The air was extremely thick and the stench was quite powerful, but Ayame’s gentle rubs from outside the fleshy walls that contained him made it all worthwhile. “Ayame, this has been the most incredible experience of my life,” Joshua sincerely declared. “Mine too, Joshua. Mine too.” Ayame said as she gently rubbed the sides of her ballooned belly. “To be honest, this is the greatest I’ve ever felt...” she admitted. “Well, you could do that thing…” Joshua inquired. “Mmm...I like the way you think, you perv!" Ayame teased. Ayame reached down and began to ferociously finger herself. “Joshua you fucking weirdo! Every moment of my crazy as fuck existence is all worth it because I have you! You… skimpy ass… fucking… ahhhhhh!” Right as she began to climax, Joshua felt his body tingle exponentially, but it was not from sexual stimulation. Every part of him suddenly felt charged with mysterious energy. Before he could make sense of what was going on, he found himself regurgitated onto the carpet floor in a pool of milk and semi digested tacos. “Oh shit, are you ok?” a concerned Ayame asked, bending over Joshua to take a closer look. “I think so. What happened?” Joshua asked, confused and concerned about the strange feeling in his body. “No...” Ayame responded in disbelief. “No what?” Joshua prodded for answers with growing concern. “No… freaking… way…” Ayame pointed up at Joshua’s hair. He walked over to the mirror to see what she was talking about for himself. A strand of dark green hair was illuminated from the top of his head. He looked on in astonishment, unsure of what it meant or how he got it. “Joshua… I think I just made you my Skaraana underling" Ayame said in disbelief. END CHAPTER THREE
Princesses’ Odyssey Tostarena Toots Over the horizon came the break of dawn, shining warm sunlight across the many majestic waterfalls of Cascade Kingdom. The light warmed the peaceful, sleeping face of the lovely Princess Zelda. She let out a soft groan as this woke her from her slumber. Laying on her right side on the ground, she used her cloak for a makeshift pillow. Her pretty green eyes slowly opened. Her cheeks puffed up slightly. Buuurrrrrp! A low, lengthy belch blew from between her lips, deflating her cheeks. Zelda kept it as quiet as she could to avoid waking the others. Looking down at her belly, she saw it was much smaller than the night before, when a bunch of Burrbos and a Chain Chomp had been bouncing around inside. Her tummy was still plump, making her look around nine months pregnant, though the bulge was less firm, the bottom of it flattening a bit against the ground. Grabbing it with her left hand, Zelda shook the fleshy orb gently. She didn’t hear any metallic jingling inside, which was a good sign. The metallic frame of the Chain Chomp had been crushed by her stomach, but then the squishy, pasty remains of the Burrbos had covered the metallic shards while her tummy juices ate away the sharpest parts. All of her feast now felt like it was traveling her large intestine, which meant it had a while to go still before it was ready to come out of her. Guuurrrgle… A gassy gurgling came from her gut, and Zelda felt some gas pressure build on her bum. Rather than release it, she stood up, stretched while being sure to clench her butt cheeks, and wandered away from where she had fallen asleep. She found a good set of bushes to do her morning business in, pulling down her tights and squatting. Brrrmmfft… The built up gas in her backside rumbled out deeply, though not too loudly. The princess sighed in relief before beginning to empty her bladder with a steady trickling stream. A few normal sized bowel movements squeezed out of her beautiful bum with soft crackles, the remnants of her breakfast and lunch from the day before. Even her frog snack from Bonneton still needed a bit of time in her tubes before it came out of her butt. Her morning bowel and bladder needs satisfied, Zelda wiped her bottom clean with some biodegradable toilet paper she always carried in her adventure pouch in case she needed to answer the call to nature in, well, nature. As a princess of the wilds more than a castle, she had no problem doing her business outside if she had to. She stood and pulled up her pants. Producing a bottle of soapy water, she used it to clean her hands before heading back to where she had been sleeping. Her friend, Princess Peach, slept on her back, using her pith helmet that was part of her archeology outfit as a makeshift pillow. Her tummy was similar in plumpness to Zelda’s, rising and falling gently with her breathing. Zelda picked up her cloak from the ground, putting it back around her shoulders. She felt her Bonneter companion Cloaky stir inside, but she gently rubbed the edge of her cloak to encourage her friend to keep sleeping. “It’s all right, Cloaky,” she said gently, “You can sleep for a while longer.” Since Peach was still asleep, Zelda figured she could do a little more exploring and research before they left for the next kingdom. She grabbed her research journal and the Sheikah Slate, wandering off to do just that. Peach did look rather peaceful, dozing on the grass nearby. Her stomach still had a bit of pudge from yesterday’s feast, though most of it had been liquified, making her stomach all sloshy. Pffft! Peach was awoken by an abrupt outburst from her backside. The smell wasn’t too bad to her, but for the sleeping Tiara, it was another story. Even though she lacked a nose, the stench wafted up, jolting her awake. However, she was still exhausted from last night, so she tried to get Peach to move away. “Peach…” she said sleepily. “Wake up, I’m too tired to move…” “Hmm? Oh! Sorry, Tiara.” Peach apologized. “It’s been a while since I had someone on my head, I forgot how I can be at times.” She rose to her feet, the warm sun shining down on her. She slowly walked over to the waterfall nearby. Peach was not as used to sleeping outdoors as Zelda was, only really sleeping at her castle bed or more often, one of Bowser’s towers. The rush of water revitalized the two a bit, feeling refreshing on their faces. “Usually, I don’t sleep so close to another person,” Peach explained. “Only occasionally with Mario, and I think he’s used to my… outbursts by now.” “It’s- yawn …fine, princess,” Tiara yawned. “Do you mind if I get some more rest? I’m still a little bit tired.” Peach agreed, and Tiara shut her eyes once again. This gave Peach an opportunity to look around, spotting Zelda in the distance. She seemed hard at work in her journal, examining a rock pillar nearby. Peach waved at her to get her attention, before running over. “Oh, hello Peach,” Zelda greeted her friend. “These pillars… they confound me! Why do they seem to hold blocky versions of Mushroom Kingdom inhabitants? How come they all conform to a square shape? Who even made them?” “Sounds like you’ve been up for longer than I have,” Peach laughed. “To be honest, I’m not completely sure, but if you like these pillars, you’ll love what the next kingdom has in store for you.” “Oh?” Zelda asked. “More pillars?” “Something like that,” Peach replied. “I can guarantee you’ll enjoy it.” “Well, shall we be off, then?” Zelda said. “I wouldn’t want to keep the group waiting on my research.” “Sure, let’s go!” Peach said, before running off. The two princesses walked over to the Odyssey, Peach setting their destination on the globe. It was slightly more challenging than before due to their sleeping companions, but they managed to figure it out. The ship rose into the air once more, off to their next destination. The ship soon arrived at its destination, its landing sending sand particles into the air. When its passengers left the ship, they were left with a nasty surprise. “Cough! This kingdom is a lot sandier than the last two!” Zelda coughed. “It reminds me of the desert back home in Hyrule!” “Yeah, this place—cough—is covered in the stuff,” Peach replied, her eyes wandering. “We should find a place inside so we can change into something more appropriate for the weather!” Their outfits, while Peach’s was meant for a warmer climate, were no match for the desert’s blistering heat. Fortunately for the pair, a nearby town could be spotted, which they quickly rushed for. The town of Tostarena welcomed them, filled with bright colored buildings adorned with flowers, and a delightfully cool fountain in the middle. Peach spotted a local skeleton to ask for directions. “Excuse me sir…” Peach asked. “Where would my friend and I be able to change? These outfits simply won’t do.” How are they alive? Zelda pondered. Some kind of magic? Their star shaped eyes seem to hint towards something peculiar… “Ah, welcome, señoritas!” The local greeted them, shaking his maracas. “There should be some baños over there, through the third door on your right!” “Thank you!” Peach thanked him. “Come on, Zelda.” Peach pulled her friend away, who was inches away from trying to see what happened if one were to poke the skeleton’s eye hole. They entered the building, each entering their own stall to change into clothing suited for the climate. Although Zelda had intentionally packed light, she had packed an outfit for desert climates. The outfit itself was just very light, and she wanted to get Peach’s approval on it before going out in public. Otherwise, she could just do what she did back in the Gerudo Desert of Hyrule and eat some cool food to give her some temporary heat resistance. Stripping out of her current outfit, she stood nude in the stall for a moment. Zelda put her hands under her still plump tummy and hefted it a bit. She thought the bulge looked a little smaller already after the fight, perhaps now around 8 months in size. Glunk! When she left it go, its contents sloshed about heavily within. Phhht… A soft hiss of gas leaked from her bum, causing her blush slightly. She hoped Peach hadn’t heard it. Fortunately, over in the other stall, Peach was focused on other things. Like Zelda, she had also stripped down and was taking a moment to observe her slowly shrinking belly bulge. She ran her hand over the surface, enjoying how smooth it felt. Grrr… A soft growling from her gut accompanied the familiar urge to move her bowels. Peach needed to take her morning dump just as Zelda had. She sat down on the toilet conveniently in the stall and relaxed her lower body. Prrruuurrt! The first thing to escape her plush posterior was a trumpeting toot. Tiara started awake on her head, covering where her nose would be and flying up out of the stall. “Excuse me, everyone,” Peach apologized with a blush. Ploop! Plop! Plunk! Several pieces of “fudge” slid from between her curvy butt cheeks and splashed down into the toilet bowl beneath her, accompanied by a steady stream of pee. Despite the uncouth noises, she sighed with relief. Peach looked at her chest and noticed her breasts seemed a little bit larger and softer than when they’d started the journey. The case was the same with her hips and thighs. Over in the other stall, Zelda was blushing from discovering the same thing about herself, the sounds of Peach casually doing her business, and the fact she’d just snapped a picture of herself for Link to see later. She put on a fresh set of underwear but didn’t bother with a bra. Instead, she put on the top of her new outfit. It was a Gerudo vai outfit, a bit fancier than the one Link had worn to sneak into Gerudo Town since it was for the princess. A piece of flowy, light blue silk covered the front of her breasts, a belt held a light blue silk scarf that went halfway down her thighs and parted over her right leg. Translucent, silk, light blue sleeves covered her arms, and a mask of the same material covered her mouth. Golden jewelry held the pieces on. A golden circlet went around her head with a blue gem sitting over her forehead. All she needed was the veil piece to complete the look, but since she wouldn’t be wearing her cloak, Zelda figured it was time for Cloaky to change as well. “Cloaky,” the princess requested. “Hmm?” Cloaky replied sleepily, “Yes, Princess?” She emerged from Zelda’s cloak with her eyes half open. Her eyes snapped open at the sight of the princess’s new, much less modest outfit. The Bonneter blushed. “Is something wrong?” Zelda asked, blushing herself. “N-N-No,” Cloaky replied sheepishly, “You’re just… really pretty.” She looked down while rubbing her right arm sheepishly. “Oh, thank you,” Zelda said, “Here, put this on, and we can be pretty together.” She offered the veil. Cloaky accepted it hesitantly. “You mean it?” she asked. “Of course,” Zelda assured. Cloaky merged into the veil before settling on Zelda’s head. The princess took a picture of them together in her complete desert outfit. In Peach’s stall, the princess wiped her bum clean before flushing the toilet. She changed into the outfit she usually wore in the Sand Kingdom: a short sleeved white shirt with a collar, a pink skirt that went down to her knees, a pink scarf tied around her neck, and a large, floppy brimmed white hat with a pink ribbon around the base of it tied into a bow. Tiara merged into the hat. Peach didn’t put her belt on yet since she still had her post-vore pot belly pushing up her shirt. She exited her stall at the same time Zelda did. Unlike her outfit, Zelda’s left ample breathing room for her post-meal gut. Peach found herself staring in surprise at her friend’s much less modest attire. Zelda blushed and rubbed her right arm, feeling subconscious. “Wh-What do you think?” she asked, “Is it too… revealing?” “You look great!” Peach replied quickly, recovering, “It’s perfect just as it is.” “Thanks… I was worried it might be a bit much,” Zelda said, “I don’t want to look like I’m trying to show off, but, um, Link’s worn this type of outfit before… It was for his quest, but I wanted to try it myself since it’s made with a woman in mind.” “Oh… Well, I think it’s a perfect fit, Zel,” Peach stated, “I know you aren’t trying to ‘show off’, but if anyone has a problem with it, well, we can take care of them if that happens…” Growl… Her stomach seemed to rumble with hunger at that moment. “Now, shall we go do a little exploring?” she suggested. “We shall,” Zelda replied. The pair of princesses ran off to see the sights of the kingdom, Peach leading the way as usual. Their first stop on their tour of the kingdom was the large tower in the distance, looming over the town. The trip was mostly uneventful until the two reached the base of the tower. “Odd… it doesn’t appear this tower has any stairs,” Zelda pondered, looking around the base. “No, but we have something better!” Peach gestured. She pointed to a blocky pipe, reminding both princesses of the olden times of their respective kingdom’s pasts. “Oh, that’s a ‘warp pipe’, right?” Zelda asked. “Mario seems to use these a lot.” “Correct, but this one is different,” Peach explained. “Here, I’ll demonstrate.” She entered the pipe, leading Zelda to question where it went. She examined the wall, and noticed a moving picture that resembled Peach, except much blockier. She also wore her classic white and red outfit from 1985. “Oh my! She’s gone two dimensional!” Zelda exclaimed. Peach waved to her with her pixelated hand, gesturing for Zelda to join her. Cautiously, Zelda entered the pipe, turning 2D herself. She wore a longer, simpler blue dress, with her hair longer once again. The difference this time is that Zelda was much shorter than Peach, only half the size as the other princess. She tried to speak up, but the sound came out as some kind of unintelligible mess. Peach giggled and gestured for Zelda to follow her up the spire. It took Zelda some time to adjust, not used to moving in two dimensions as Peach is, but eventually the two popped up at the top of the tower. “So, how was it?” Peach asked. “Very strange!” Zelda admitted. “I think I’ll stick to three dimensions, please.” “Oh right, I forgot you’ve never been in 2D,” Peach laughed. “I started off there, so I’m more used to it.” “That must have been quite the challenge!” Zelda worried. “One question, though, why was my picture form shorter than yours?” “Not sure,” Peach shrugged. “It could be something to do with your ancestor, I really don’t know. But we should head on to the next part of our tour.” The craziness of the pixelation had caused her to miss her surroundings, but now she spotted a floating upside down pyramid behind her, with a power line connecting to the tower. “Wow! A floating pyramid!” Zelda marveled. “Want to take a closer look?” Peach asked, capturing the power line nearby and zipping to the top. “Certainly!” Zelda replied, joining her. The view from the top was breathtaking, overseeing the entire kingdom, and then some more. The townspeople looked like specks, and the buildings like toys. “This is quite a sight!” Zelda wowed. “How does it stay afloat?” “Again, no idea,” Peach admitted once more. “Magic, probably.” Peach examined the area ahead, reminiscing about her first visit here. “You know, this was the first time I saw Mario again since Bowser sent him to the Cap Kingdom,” Peach remembered. “I was worried that he was hurt, and that he might not be able to catch up to me and Bowser’s airship, but he pulled through in the end. He always does.” “The feeling of hope is always a welcome one,” Zelda replied. “Once Link finally awoke from his 100 year slumber, I was so relieved, I almost accidentally released Calamity Ganon from our seal. What a calamity that would have been…” “I could have never done what you had to go through,” Peach admitted. “Knowing the whole kingdom is relying on me is one thing, but knowing the entire world is at stake is definitely another.” “The entire world?” Zelda questioned. “Didn’t Mario once help save the entire universe from Bowser’s clutches? I think you have me beat there.” “Well, I guess when you put it like that, it was rather remarkable. Thanks, Zel”, Peach replied. “We should probably finish our tour, though. I’m getting a bit hungry, and I’ve heard the cuisine here is excellent.” “Oh, I am as well,” Zelda said, tummy growling in protest. “Is there a fast way back to the town that you know of?” Peach grinned. “Actually, I do. Have you ever heard of a Jaxi?” After a quick Jaxi ride back to the town, Zelda fascinated by the living stone creature of course (though not inexperienced with such beings) and thrilled by the creature's wild speed, the pair of princesses entered the local restaurant. The smell of sizzling Tostarenan meats filled the air. The aroma made the princesses’ mouths water and their tummies rumble. They approached the counter staffed by one of the locals. “Welcome, señoritas,” the skeleton greeted, “What can we get for you?” “Hmm. We’ll sample a little bit of everything,” Peach replied, “This is my friend’s first time here, and I want to give her a chance to try all the unique dishes in your cuisine.” “Very good, señorita,” the skeleton said, “Please have a seat. We will have that prepared for you in a few minutes.” Peach and Zelda sat at one of the tables while Tostarenans in the kitchen got to work preparing a sampling of their cuisine. After a few minutes of cooking, they brought several plates with quesadillas, tacos, tamales, corn tortilla chips with refried bean salad dip, Tostarenan rice, chicken fajitas, enchiladas, and a chicken torta ahogada. The fresh, spicy aroma of the food made the princesses’ mouths water. The pair eagerly dug in, trying the different dishes in front of them. Peach had eaten this cuisine before, so she provided suggestions for Zelda to try. “Oh, you must try the enchiladas, Zel,” she said, “They’re delicious!” The princesses stuffed their faces, filling their cheeks with food and surrounding their lips with sauce. Despite their still plump tummies, they were both quite hungry since they hadn’t had breakfast, and their meals from the previous day were pumping through their lower intestinal pipe works. By the time they were done, Zelda had found she’d eaten three quarters of the torta herself, and the sub-like dish hadn’t been small. Peach had eaten most of the tacos and quesadillas with the rest more evenly split between them. The pair finished with churros that they dipped in chocolate. Urpf… Zelda put a fist to her mouth, stifling a belch. Peach massaged her belly. They were both slouched a bit, and their guts had bloated back up slightly. Nothing had gone to waste though, with all the plates on the table picked clean. “That was delicious,” Zelda stated, patting her tummy gently. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Peach replied, “Now, what would you like to do next?” “I certainly wouldn’t mind touring through those ancient ruins north of town,” Zelda said, “Either that or a nap would be nice…” They both looked a bit sleepy after all that food. “Ha ha, I feel that,” Peach stated, “We’ll take it easy on our walkthrough then.” They left the restaurant after paying and headed to the ruins. Grruuuu… Zelda felt her stomach noisily churn as the pair entered the ruins. This was accompanied by a momentary gas cramp in her bowels that seemed to resolve itself once the gas bubbles causing it moved deeper into her tract. Stopping to take a picture of something, she leaned forward to do so, her tummy pressing into her thighs slightly. Grrrumble… The gas cramp returned with a vengeance, her bowels bubbling ominously, and then it caused a pressure on her posterior she wasn’t prepared to try and control in time. FRRRRRRTTTTTTT! A massive burst of flatulence erupted from Zelda’s royal rump, blowing up her scarf in the back. She straightened up immediately after, covering her butt with her hands, and turned bright red in the face, eyes wide with the shock from accidentally ripping a loud one like that. Peach was staring in shock, as was Tiara from her cap. Gurgluuu… Zelda looked down at her swollen belly, the feeling of more gas bubbles rushing south accompanied by another gassy gurgling. Brrtphrrffth! Following that warning, another long, windy toot squeaked from between her butt cheeks. The princess was terribly embarrassed. She didn’t mind letting a small one slip out while out in the wild, but these big, beefy booty belches were too unladylike even for her. All the beans in her lunch, the size of her lunch, and the fact she had a minor spice intolerance was upsetting her poor tummy. “E-Excuse m—” Zelda started to apologize. Prrtthbbrthrr! She cut herself off with another fat fart, muffled only by her hands covering her chatty caboose. Her face only turned further red with the third trumpet toot of gas. “Zelda,” Peach started to ask, “Are you—?” Brrt! She gasped as a small toot squeaked out of her own rear, holding her left hand towards her face in surprise. FRRRRRRRRT! It was followed out immediately after by a much louder, more sonorous rumbling expulsion of flatulence that blew up her skirt in the back. Peach was as red in the face now as Zelda was. “Gah!” she cried, “Excuse me!” Grrrooouu… Clutching her grumbling gut, she leaned forward slightly, feeling more gas bubbles racing southward through her pipes towards her royal “peach”. All the food in her tum, beans, and spice were getting to her as well. BrraPPFFFFt! Peach farted again, having not been this embarrassingly gassy since the time she had chili cheese fries for lunch. FFFRRRRNNNT! Another fart rumbled out of her rump, and the ending felt concerningly wet. “I-I’m sorry,” she apologized in a strained voice, “They. Just. Keep. Coming.” BFUOORRT! Another beefy blast blew up her skirt. Having given up on any hope of modesty, Zelda was now also clutching her bubbling belly. BRRBPLURT! Another fat, wet fart belched out of her backside, blowing up her scarf again. Each time she tooted, her already red cheeks momentarily deepened with the color of embarrassment. BROOOOOOT! She farted again, and this gassy outburst was the one that finally drove Cloaky off her head. The Bonneter covered her nonexistent nose with her hands. “P-Princess!” she complained, “Ew…” “Sorry, Cloaky,” Zelda apologized, “I’m really gassy right now…” Gritting her teeth, the princess leaned her upper body forward a bit, closing her eyes as she felt another wave of gas bubbles surging through her intestines towards her digestive tract’s exit. PBBLBLT! BLBLRRRT! PPT! BRRRRPT! BRT! She grunted while a series of toots noisily exploded out of her tush. It sounded like Zelda had set off a flatulent firecracker behind her beautiful butt. PLRRRRT! Peach ripped another sonorous rumble of gas from her plush rump shortly after, blowing up her skirt again. Tiara quickly vacated her head, also covering her nonexistent nose. “Ugh, real princess-like, you two,” she groaned. “Pardon us, Tiara,” Peach apologized, “Lunch is hitting us hard right now.” The two Bonneters flew off to get some fresh air away from the pooting princesses. Brrrrrp! Pppprrph! Frvvrrrb! Poot! A quartet of raucous farts blew from Peach’s butt trumpet shortly after. She and Zelda had given up on trying to preserve any sense of modesty at this point. Their bowels and buttocks had chosen comfort over modesty. BBrBPbrt! PrBrrsssBrt! Zelda let out some more scarf fluttering farts. The second one contained a hiss that brought concerns of a more solid waste type that exited her bum to mind. Grrruuu… Her guts churned with a familiar heavy shifting in her bowels. She clenched her cheeks preemptively. “Uh, Peach,” she stated, “I’m going to head back to those baños now.” Peach felt the same ominous movement in her own bowels. “I’ll join you,” she said, sounding slightly strained. The princesses headed back to town, pooting and tooting the whole way. They returned to the bathroom they had changed in earlier, entered the same stalls, yanked down their panties, and rolled up the clothes over their bums before sitting on their porcelain thrones. GURGGLUGLE… A long, gassy gurgling emanated from Zelda’s guts. Rubbing her tummy, she felt her bowels preparing to move. “Ohhh…” she grunted, “Here it—hnnng—comes!” BFLRRAPP! A “Breath of the Butt” trumpeted loudly into her toilet, causing her to fan away the accompanying “Smell of the Wild”. Then, the princess grabbed the sides of her “throne” and leaned forward with her face scrunched and red in concentration. SPLRRPP! A nasty wet sound belched from her backside as a large, wet, sloppy bowel movement exited and plopped into the bowl beneath her. Several more mudpies followed out after, quickly filling the bowl and turning the water brown. At the same time, Zelda started voiding her bladder. GROAAN… Over in Peach’s stall, her belly let out a “need to poo” groan of its own. BLLRRT! A deep, wet blast of gas escaped her butt into the toilet, causing her to blush a bit harder. She heard Zelda flush next to her to prevent the other princess’s potty from clogging. “This is…” Peach groaned, “Going to be—hrrrg—a big one!” PLFF… SBLURRT… A wet burst of gas from her booty was followed by a large ball of butt “fudge” squeezing out of her royal rump. It splashed down in the waters below. Straining, the princess began pushing out additional “baked goods” she’d been preparing in her “oven” after ingesting them during the trip so far. BFLRAPP! Zelda let another stinky one rip over in her stall. She’d relaxed a bit on her porcelain seat and was fanning the air in front of her face to try and ward off the foul smell her body was currently producing. Already, her belly had lost half of its size as she did her business. She’d flush whenever the bowl seemed to be getting too full, trying to avoid an embarrassing clog. Zelda was very thankful the Chain Chomp she had eaten was coming out smoothly. Her tummy had managed to soften the metal that composed its body into smooth, black beads that were embedded in her poop. BRRRT! Between the sheer size of her meal from yesterday and all the spicy food she’d eaten at lunch, her tushy was tooting up a storm still on the toilet. It made her blush a bit, but she took comfort in the knowledge Peach was going through the same thing in the stall next to her. BLRRRT! Princess Toadstool was tooting less than her friend was, but she still had the occasional noisy outburst from her bum. She was likewise voiding her bladder and occasionally flushing to avoid an embarrassing clog. Her gut was shrinking back towards its original flat shape. Pound after pound of poop poured from the princesses’ pooters until their paunchy tums were plump no more. PRRT! BlURT! FRRT! Zelda ripped a few final, dry farts to end her dump. The two ladies let out sighs of relief. From their stalls, they could be heard standing, ripping off some toilet paper, wiping their bottoms, flushing their toilets, and then pulling up their underwear. They stepped out shortly after, each fanning the air of the stench still wafting from their respective waste receptacles. Both still retained a light blush. “That was…” Zelda started to say awkwardly. “An experience?” Peach offered. “Yeah,” Zelda replied, rubbing her arm, “Sorry for being so… noisy…” “Don’t feel bad, Zel. I was barely any better,” Peach said, “I guess with our diet plans for this trip, we needed to get this awkward first time out of the way at some point. Better to do it earlier than later. Let’s just try to keep these experiences to only after a big meal when possible…” “Agreed,” Zelda stated, “Let’s get out of here. It still stinks…” “I think we could do with a visit to somewhere relaxing after this,” Peach suggested, “I know just the spot. Follow me.” Another quick ride on the Jaxi saw the princesses at the kingdom’s oasis. Like others of its variety, the oasis had a couple trees and a small lake. Zelda could see a couple Cheep Cheeps below the sand underwater, considered another snack, but decided against it. The duo was still full and gassy from their lunch. Dipping her toes in the water, Zelda flinched at the water’s low temperature compared to the rest of the desert. “Ah!” Zelda exclaimed. “Cold!” Peach dipped her own feet in the water, shivering. “You’ll get used to it soon enough,” Peach said, lying through her teeth. After warming up, Peach and Zelda finally had a chance to relax. Bonneton, Fossil Falls, and Tostarena, while fun, were all one sight after another, never giving them a break. Their bodies relaxed before… TOOT! Zelda blushed, shameful for her residual outburst. “Excuse me…” she said sheepishly. Peach laughed. “Oh, don’t you worry about it. I’ve dealt with worse, after all, I have Daisy as a cousin.” Zelda remembered Peach’s stories about the gassy menace that was Princess Daisy. She distinctly remembered Peach saying something along the lines of: “She’s like Wario, but somehow worse, even though she doesn’t hurt you like he does. Just your nose…” “Oh yes, I remember,” Zelda recalled. “Plus, it’s just us here,” Peach replied. “So if you want to relieve yourself…” BRAPPPP! Peach let out a fart of her own. “O-oh, I see,” Zelda said. “But enough of all that,” Peach said. “Let’s get back to business, shall we?” She pulled out a map of the kingdoms. Peach couldn’t recall what way Mario had gone during his trip, and the map seemed to fork between two kingdoms. She gestured to Zelda to examine the map with her. “So, Zelda, which way do you want to go?” Peach asked. “We can either go to Lake Lamode of the Lake Kingdom, a cozy little pool where I got my wedding dress…” She pointed towards the other option. “Or the Steam Gardens in the Wooded Kingdom? They specialize in flowers, and the entire place is upkept by robots!” “Oh, those both sound like excellent options…” Zelda pondered. The duo weighed their options, not sure where to go. Sensing each other’s reluctance to make a decision, the two spoke up with their opinions. “Personally, I’m eyeing the Lake Kingdom myself,” Peach started. “Their dress catalogue is immense, and the seafood there can’t be beat. Plus, we can get you a nice swimming outfit!” “The Wooded Kingdom interests me more,” Zelda countered. “I’m a bit of a botanical expert, myself, and seeing more types of flowers is always interesting. Not only that, but the gardeners are robots? We have to go there!” Too polite to fight back, the two came to an impasse… Which way should the princesses go? [Vote via comment or poll!] 1. Lake Kingdom. 2. Wooded Kingdom.
Pred Oral Vore POV w/female prey A low growl rumbled within the forest, slightly heavy footsteps made their way alongside the noise as well. You haven't eaten for days. The harsh environment the season had brought seemed to strip away most of the prey within the forest to leave a more quiet and dead place. Tired of gnawing on the left of bones however, you decided to expand your hunting grounds and set out further away from your home. Suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by distant footsteps. You stood silently for a moment and listened carefully. "Hello?... Anybody?..." A light but worried voice rang throughout the forest. Instead of the call of help to reach some other kinder creature tol help, it seemed to unfortunately hit your ears. Quietly you began to creep closer and closer to where the creature called and stood a few feet behind it. Looking it seemed to be a... Human? Continuing your observation you realized that the figure had a slender form to it, nice juicy curves and mounds as well. A slight trail of drool slid past your lips and you attempted to hold yourself back to immediately attack and hide behind the truck of a tree. The human female however seemed to pay no mind and continued calling out and walking around in hope to find help. Once her back was turned from you once more your form emerges slowly from behind the tree. Slowly you pace yourself to where your back is completely behind the human, until you were a simple jump away. Before however, your stealth was given away by your very own gut. It rang out behind them and echoed slightly within the forest. The female froze. Breath still and nerves shaking suddenly. Before anything could be done and to avoid a possible run away, you let your instincts take in place. A drooly tongue slipped out and wrapped around the figure's head before clamping and then considering it officially the start of the meal. Not even a moment after you hear a muffled scream rang throughout your skin, a fist aims for your fist in an attempt to harm you. However it meant nothing as your powerful muscles knew what to do as a gulp echoed out. Tilting your head upwards you make quick with your meal, enjoying and savoring the body slightly as it thrashes and slowly fills and expands your middle. With a final gulp you gasp for air, allowing the form to take finish sliding down into and curling up nicely packed into you. Giving your gut a satisfied pat you let out a hearty belch that rings throughout the forest. Looking down you see your middle sway and move with life as it starts to make your meal soft. Every punch, kick, and movement could be felt and known as you let your gut settle into the new position. It started to make loud gurgles and groans to show that it was starting its process. Tired you go over to the nearest tree and sit which causing your gut to start to sway and push with slight discomfort. Soon the trashing increased... Perhaps a tad to much? As it caused another burp and a few sicking groans in response. Aiding your poor middle you start to press down and rub a little bit. Massaging the flesh as much as you can. Soon the flesh started to move in another odd way as a rising feeling started to enter the back of your throat. Looking down to see a... Hand? An arm actually starting to move its way back up up your throat with a head figure following. You try and gulp it back down to only find it ineffective at the moment. Worry grabs your face as you fear of losing your meal! A few other gulps pulled them back yes but in other words didn't stop them much from heading upwards. This all was taking your by a sudden surprised! Was your body simply just too weak to contain this meal after starving for so long? Where you just rusty at this hunting tactic or- Your thoats became interrupted by a hand at the back of your throat. Confused grunts were let out and you try to swallow back down, only to slow the figure momentarily. Soon an idea pops within your head as the hand attempts to grab at your tongue. Suddenly you stand, feeling your gut sag a little and feel the figure start to side back down to where it rightfully belonged. Using your hands you rub and push the figure back down, ignoring the cries and wails that were covered by gut groans and other noises. Another final shove came from hugging your middle, somewhat squeezing the figure downwards into it's curled up position again. Another burp was let out and you plopped back down into a panting mess. Thankfully it would seem that the attempt that was made used to rest of the meal's energy, feeling the struggles somewhat calmed down. Once your breathing went back to normal your pat and rubbed your gut satisfyingly. In response you received happy groans and gurgles from it. Another day, another meal. The meal of course will be respawned within another part of the woods, hopefully in a calmer area. This whole event was merely a dream to the prey as you yourself started to feel sleep come and hush your mind to sleep. Full and satisfied.
 Vore story I can be digested part 1 Dichi-Kalong copyright 2021.Jenny is a good looking girl. Today she came back from her work. She lives in a dormitory alone. Her dorm was quite isolated and had few tenants. Today she is lazy to take a shower. Instead of taking a shower, she dressed in an airy way to allow the air to touch her skin. Jenny had a boyfriend. but already broke up But with the sexual experience that she had already experienced Make her often aroused and masturbate!Tonight is like every night that she had to masturbate before bed while she was touching her bare body Suddenly something resembling a large, slime-soaked tongue. Flashing from the window she left open! Come and tie up one of your arms quickly! She was shocked because she thought it was a snake. So she cut and tried to flick it off. Then there was another tongue-like organ. Clinging to cover her mouth! Makes her unable to shout!Then the tongue that pulled her hand pulled her to the window! with the great strength of the tongue She couldn't resist being pulled to the window at all! when she was pulled against the window What she saw outside was that! The dinosaur-like creature resembles a dragon in a European fairy tale she read as a child. Those tongues came out of this creature's huge mouth! She was shocked because this creature was huge!What she had in her head was being eaten and shredded just like any dinosaur movie she had ever seen! Finally, this monster's third tongue emerged from its mouth. This tongue quickly wraps around her body! She was shocked because now she was being attacked by a strange creature. is tying her up with an unknown part of her body! Then this tongue wrapped around her body slowly lifted her out of the room. Through the window!She tried to wrestle with all the strength she had. but it's useless The gigantic tongue that lifted her out slowly pulled her into its vast mouth, at a slower speed than when the tongue of tomorrow tied her. That made her almost insane. She went into its mouth. It slowly closed its mouth. Darkness began to surround her. Then she saw nothing outside again! She could only feel the gravity from this creature's movement. that it is moving!In her heart, she hoped that it might spit her out of her mouth. she tried to struggle But the three tongues tried to control her body. by strapping and snipping through different parts She was terrified by her dinosaur movie experience. But when those tongues rubbed through her vital organs It reminded her of the day she got her ex-boyfriend rubbing her tongue over her hidden spots! But that still didn't calm her from fear. Because what she fears is being eaten! fear of being bitten and was swallowed into the stomach!But then what she feared happened! She felt like it was raising her head. Her slippery body slowly flowed into the throat-like part! What she thought in her head was that it had started eating her! She was terrified. She looked around this creature's teeth. But it didn't open its mouth at all. Her legs ran down his esophagus. It flowed so deep that her breasts were rubbed against its esophagus! Now she realized that she was swallowing his stomach alive!She realized so she felt a tingling sensation all over her body, she didn't know if this feeling was caused by fear or excitement. But when it was mixed with the sensation that her bare breasts were rubbing against the esophagus, It made her feel more sexual like when she was having sex with her ex! She remembered when she was licked by her ex-boyfriend on her chest. But this time it was even more because the rubble was a huge tower covering her chest! She started having sex. So she tried to put her hand between her legs. let her know that this urge Makes her really in the mood for sex too!She used her hand to play on her sensitive spots. during her breasts rubbing against the esophagus slowly In her head, she wanted to stop this moment for as long as possible. But what she could imagine was in the science class she had studied. Following the esophagus is the stomach! which is used to digest the food that is eaten! She realized it so she thought of fleeing again in fear. But she felt a flash of gas at the thought of indigestion! Makes her even more in the mood to play with her sensitive point! She was very erotic with so many things going through her head with licked boobs!And something she didn't expect happened! She felt the same orgasm her ex used to make! Her legs and torso are downed with a feeling of climax! But the space is too narrow for her to be able to bend her body! She felt so good in her heart now, grateful for this monster. that made her feel the feelings she had longed for! She felt better, but she thought to herself that there could be more space. But then her wish came true! Her legs felt a wider gap. It's wider than her esophagus. Then she quickly flowed down into the gap all over her body. Inside there was a warm, slippery slime. support her There is enough space to stand. Now she knew that she was in its stomach!She turned to look around her with a feeling of excitement and fear. You can see the stomach wall is red and pink flesh. There are multicolored veins on the walls! Around the stomach wall, there was a lot of slime! There was the sound of the monster's heart beating! Stomach constricts a little all the time! There was a slight stench, but it was enough to breathe. Now she was scared and disgusted. But with her sexual mood right now Makes her feel even more emotional! She thought of the lubricant her boyfriend used to apply around her. when she had sex with her boyfriend When you start to realize this place She tried rubbing her own chest with her hand. The other hand played on her sensitive point between her legs again. She's excited that she's very sexual now! Please wait for the next. Coming soon..................�
It was midnight, and for most, walking in the woods this late was something you just didn’t do. Georgia didn’t seem to care. She a walked through the brush, her usual adventurous self filled with intrigue at the sight of a glowing pool of silver water. She was what one might call a collector. She would go out and look for stuff that can be sold for a pretty penny, and someone had tipped her off to the location of a Twilitian Fountain. And she just had to get some of it’s rare resource: Liquid Moonlight. The young neko stopped, took a swig from her gourd, and reached into her travel pack (which looked as if it weighed a thousand pounds) and pulled out a small vile, only about the size of an average human thumb. “This is it, Georgia. This is what you have come for.” The brown haired cat-girl reached down to scoop up a sample of the glowing liquid. Instantly, her hand felt as though it touched fire, and she pulled back with a yelp. Her cute whiskers twitched. “Well that’s not fair. How can I get it if I can’t even touch it?” “That was the point.” A heavily accented voice broke out in the silent woods behind Georgia. The young neko squeaked in surprise, and turned around to meet the source of the voice, her golden eye’s locking on a pair of red ones. It was a Twilight. They feed on liquid moonlight, and this spring was a perfect feeding spot for them. Georgia at looked the silver-skinned girl standing but a foot away. She looked as though she was starving, probably coming to the pool to feed. Too late, it would seem, as the silver glow of the pond faded back to a midnight blue as it returned back to it’s watery state. “Huchin Hhell!” The Twilight cursed in her own language. She turned to the neko, who was standing no more than a foot away. The girl’s curves were quite nice, but she didn’t look entirely fit, as a layer of pudge was lining her waistline. The feline ears on her head twitched as though they sensed danger, and her whiskers wiggled as the neko sneezed. “Ma’am, I am truly sorry. Maybe we can find another one…” “The nearest one is a thousand miles west. Too far to fly to.” The silver-haired girl replied. Suddenly, a hungry glint appeared in her eyes. “Although, you seem like a good alternative.” The twilight swooned, black saliva dripping from her lips. Georgia squeaked in alarm, and immediately started to sprint on all fours, her travel pack slowing her down, all the while hoping the twilight was slow in her famished state. That couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Georgia turned around to see the twilight no more than an inch from the neko’s tail. Before she had time to react, Georgia felt clawed hands grip the extension of spinal cord hanging from her lower back. Yowling in pain, Georgia tried to wriggle her way out of the twilight’s grasp, but with no avail. The wide-eyed neko looked her captor in the eye, and begged for her life. “You know, you Nekos are so cute sometimes. I almost feel bad about this.” The twilight said in a comforting tone. “Unfortunately, you touching the fountain returned it back into water. You contaminated it. Now, in order to restore it back to its former glory, you must be sacrificed.” “N-no! Please, I...can get you some of that delicious liquid you like so much.” This was followed by a nervous chuckle. This only seemed to make the twilight smile, her fangs showing themselves hungrily. The twilight girl took one of her claws and ripped off Georgia’s tunic and trousers. The neko’s travel pack fell to the ground, dozens of stolen artifacts spilling out of the bag’s confines. “It looks to me that I caught the thief making off with my things. Now you will truly pay.” The twilight snarled, licking Georgia’s cute little face, staining it black with twilitian saliva. The neko squeaked from the icy, black liquid. She knew that escape was futile, and she sent up a prayer to the heavens, hoping the gods would hear her cry. Not even a second later, Georgia’s vision was shrouded in darkness. She could feel the cold, fleshy walls of her hungry captor massaging the neko’s face greedily, covering it in the sticky, black saliva that lined the twilights mouth. A loud swallow startled the neko as she lurched forward, her face entering a narrow passageway of muscle. This dance of loud swallows and sudden lurches went on for what felt like an hour to Georgia, when she finally curled up into a fetal position, her feet pointing upward. The young neko felt cold despite being engulfed in living tissue, and she started to shiver as a flow of luminescent white liquid started to fill the pitch black chamber. The neko didn’t feel anything except for cold as her body slowly started to transmute into a silver liquid. With wide eyes, she watched as her feet and legs changed to liquid moonlight, a burning sensation finally kicking in. Georgia cried as her vision started to fade, slowly losing consciousness. The twilight sighed as she flew back to her cave, feeling rejuvenated by the fresh batch of liquid moonlight that was slowly forming from the neko she swallowed. In her clawed hands, the twilight carried the travel pack, all of its contents being hers anyway. By the time she got home, the bulge in her gut was practically gone. She felt alive and awake. She never did ask the neko her name, but thieves don’t deserve formalities like that. With one final sigh, Luna hurried about placing all her retrieved items in their proper spot.
 Luz had a puzzled look on her face as she read the note on Hexside’s door. “School closed due to the yearly heat? What is “heat”? Sounds like something from an omega verse fanfiction.” Luz’s confusion was soon replaced with joy. “If schools closed I can spend the rest of the day with Amity!” Luz skipped down the road to Blight Manor with a big grin on her face. Luz knocked on the door of Blight Manor and an abomination opened the door. “Hey Globby,” said Luz using the name she made up for the creation, “is Amity home?” The abomination pointed a julatinus finger down the hall. “Thanks Globby.” Luz walked down the hall only to be stopped by the sound of two flirtatious voices in unison. “Heyyyy Luzzzz.” “Edric, Emira I was just looking for Amity.” Said Luz. Emira leaned on Luz's left shoulder. “Why settle for our little sister…” Edric leaned on her right. “When you could have two Blights for the price of one.” “Wh-what do you mean?” Edric took a condom from his pocket and Emira picked up a bottle of lube. “Oh, that’s wh-what you meant.” Luz backed away from the twins. “Look you’re-you’re both very pretty but I already have a girlfriend.” “Luz? What are you doing?” Asked Amity as she walked down the stairs. “Amity!? This isn’t what it looks like!” Yelled Luz. Amity wrapped her arms around Luz’s neck. “Oh Luz, you noughty girl.” She kissed with more confidence than Luz had ever seen from her before. When Luz broke the kiss she asked. “Amity, why are you and your siblings acting so… different?” “Come on Luz, what witch goes to their girlfriend’s house during heat and doesn’t fuck her brains out? Plus my parents aren't home so we can use their bed.” “WHAT!?” Luz yelled in confusion. “Hey Mittens,” said Emira, “you and Edric can borrow some of my lingerie.” “I call dibs on being the top.” Said Edric. Luz held up her hands. “Wait wait, this is all happening so fast. I need a minute.” Luz ran into a nearby wash room and slammed the door. She took a deep breath. “Ok, apparently “heat” is something that makes witches extremely horny. Titan, this sounds like the horribly contrived plot of a bad fanfiction. What should I do? Oh wait, I have just the glyph for situations like this.” Luz took a glyph from her pocket and tapped it. A little Luz in a devil costume appeared on her right shoulder. “Luz, the universe is giving you a four way, practically throwing it at you! When in your life will you ever get another chance to fuck two hot twins and their sexy ass sister?” “Hmm, you make a convincing argument Evil Luz.” “Don’t listen to her.” Said a little Luz in an angel costume on her left shoulder. “They are clearly not in their right minds, not to mention you’ll be perpetuating stereotypes about bisexuals.” “Oh shoot, I hadn’t thought of that.” Said Luz. Evil Luz cleared her throat. “Yeah yeah, but have you considered: Amity on the bottom, you on top of her, Edric’s dick up your ass and your tongue in Emira’s pussy.” “That’s a good point Evil Luz.” Said Luz rubbing her chin thoughtfully. Good Luz pulled on Luz’s ear. “Listen to me you little pervert! You are going to march straight back to the owl house and wait until this titan damned heat is over!” “Ow, alright alright!” The little Luzs disappeared and she opened the door. “Amity, Edric, Emira, I am going to show maturity and…” “SHE’S MY GIRLFRIEND, MINE! YOU CAN’T HAVE HER!” Screamed Amity as she summoned an abomination to attack her siblings. “YOU NEVER SHARE ANYTHING WITH US!” Yelled Emira as she entwined the abomination in an illusion. “YEAH, THERE’S PLENTY OF LUZ TO GO AROUND!” Shouted Edric who conjured up a dozen duplicates of himself who all ran at Amity. Amity punched the illusions into dust with gauntlets made of abomination goo. “I can see you three are working through some stuff so I’ll just... go.” Luz walked towards the door but was suddenly entwined in the purple slime of Amity’s abomination magic. The goop turned her around to face Amity who had just defeated her siblings and left them dangling from the chandelier. Amity grabbed Luz’s face. “Finally, I have you all to myself.” She picked up Luz and carried her upstairs to the master bedroom. Once the door was locked Amity dispelled the slime. She took off her shirt exposing her nipples to the cool air. Luz couldn’t help but stare as her girlfriend undressed. Her eyes ran up and down her thin body. Each nipple was like a pink gem and her pussy was perfectly shaved clean. Luz muttered. “Amity, are you sure you want to…” “Yes! I want my first time to be with you!” “Wait, it's your first time? Amity, I don’t know if…” Amity silenced Luz with a kiss. She took off Luz’s clothes nearly tarring them up in the process. Amity got on top of Luz’s naked body, she took in every inch of her beautiful brown skin, she was mad with lust for her. Luz looked up at Amity, how many times has she imagined being in this situation? It was just like the many images she fantasized about when she was alone. Amity reached into a bedside drawer and pulled out a purple strap-on. Luz thought to herself, looks like Alador is into pegging, I guess I owe Gus five snails. Amity gave the strap-on to Luz. “Put it on.” It took Luz a minute to figure out how to wear it. As she fiddled with the straps, Amity became more and more frustrated. She wanted so desperately to touch herself but just barely held herself back. She wanted to lose her virginity to Luz, not her own fingers. Luz blushed. “Is it on right?” “Yeah whatever, good enough.” Said Amity as she poured lube into the palm of her hand then rubbed it on the rubber cock. Luz bit her lip. The sight of Amity stroking it sent a shiver up her spine. Amity positioned herself over the strap on. As she slid down the shaft she winced as her hymen broke. It took her a moment to get used to the sensation. Luz put her hands on Amity’s thighs and moved her hips up. Amity moved in time with her girlfriend. She placed her hands on Luz’s chest, her budding breasts were so soft despite their small size. Amity moved in time with Luz’s thrusts. “Luz, I’m gonna…” She shook with pleasure as she came. The sight alone was enough to make Luz wet. Amity moved faster, riding the strap-on. Her pace only got faster, her endurance was seemingly endless. Luz struggles to keep up, she could have just laid there and let Amity do all the work but she thought Amity deserved better than that. Suddenly Amity grabbed Luz. In one swift movement Luz was on top. Amity wrapped her legs around Luz’s waist pushing the strap-on deeper into her pusy. Amity’s eyes were wordlessly begging Luz to fuck her sensles and Luz happily obliged. She grabbed the bed rest and put everything she had into fucking Amity. Amity ran her fingernails up Luz’s back leaving long scratch marks in her lover’s skin. Luz moaned as the pain and pleasure mixed in such an exquisite way. She was starting to sweat from the effort of making love. “Amity, I’m so close.” “I’m almost there, don’t stop!” Cried Amity. She wrapped her arms around Luz and they both came. Luz fell forward panting with exhaustion. She hugged Amity and kissed her soft lips. But Amity wasn’t satisfied yet. They rolled over again and Entered the cowgirl position. Luz decided to lay back and simply enjoy the show. She didn’t know how long this heat would last but she planned to enjoy it. Epilogue. The next day Luz was sitting with her friends in the Hexside cafeteria. Gus proudly announced. “Guys, last night I experienced heat for the first time which means I’m officially a man.” Willow groaned. “Please don’t talk about the heat right now. You don't know the meaning of awkward until you listen to your dads fuck for three hours straight.” “You mean three hours gay!” Gus raised his hand to high five Luz. “Come on Luz, don’t leave me hanging.” “What? Oh right.” She high fived Gus and went back to looking around the cafeteria. “Something on your mind?” Asked Gus. “I’m just looking for… Amity!” Luz stood up and waved to her girlfriend on the other side of the cafeteria. Amity blushed and quickly walked away. Luz sat back down. “I knew it.” Her friends looked worried. “Did something happen between you and Amity?” Asked Willow, worried the happy couple had gotten into a fight. “It’s just… Last night when… I gotta go.” Luz stood up and went to Amity. She was organizing her locker when Luz approached. “Hey Amity.” Amity jumped and dropped her books. “Luz I didn’t see you there.” They both started to pick up the books. “Amity I need to say something to you.” “No Luz, there’s something I need to say to you.” “I’m sorry!” They both said at once. They looked at each other with shock. “You’re sorry?” Said Luz in confusion. “But I took advantage of you.” “You took advantage of me? I practically forced myself on you.” “So you’re not mad at me?” Asked Luz. “I thought you would be mad at me.” Said Amity. They both laughed and hugged it out. “So how often does this heat thing happen?” Asked Luz. “Usually it only happens once a year.” Replied Amity. “Well then, I’ll be sure to pay you a visit next year.”
 By DJ4K. Contains: masterbation, luz, the owl house, toh, “Bye Eda, bye King! Have fun at the night market!” Said Luz as she waved goodbye. Once they were out of sight she turned to look at Hooty. “Ready for your bedtime story?” “I don’t want to go to bed, hoot hoot. I wanna stay up all night long!” Luz sat by the door and started to read his favorite bedtime story and the owl tube quickly fell asleep. Once Hooty was snoring, Luz got a big smile on her face. She quitaly tiptoed upstairs to her room and locked the door. She took off her clothes and lied on top of her sleeping bag. It had been over a week since she last masterbated. Between Eda, Hooty and King she almost never had the house to herself. She ran her hands over her breast and down her body until they were at her pussy. As her finger rubbed her outer lips she let her mind wander. She imagined a scene from her Azara slash fiction. The one where Azara fucks her original character Luzara. It was hot, but Luz masterbated to it so many times that it wasn’t hitting her anymore. She kept touching herself, but she was becoming increasingly frustrated, none of her typical sexual fantasies were doing it for her. And then it struck her. An image entered her mind completely unbidden. An image of Amity, completely naked and covered in glitter. Luz blushed and mentaly scolded herself. Don’t think about people you know while touching yourself. She told herself, but she didn’t stop. She was becoming wet and her finger tips slid between her lips. Once the image of Amity left her mind another scene replaced it. Luz imagined Amity and Emira kissing her and fondling her breasts while Edric fucked her in the Pussy. Luz’s hands went faster and deeper. Luz tried not to think about what the real Amity would think of this fantasy as she crept closer to orgasem. Luz bit her lip as her imaginary four-way slipped back into the recesses of her perverted imagination and yet another scene came into focus. In her mind Hunter had her pinned against a wall after a tense magic doul. “Not bad, for a human.” He said as he removed her clothes with his free hand. Luz’s hands moved like lightning as she imagined his strong arms holding her down, his bare scarred chest, his hard cock penetrating her. She cried out his name as she came. Once her mind was clear she said to herself, “Did I really just cum to the idea of my rival hate fucking me? Well at least no one was around to see it.” Suddenly there was a tapping at her window. “Hi’a Luz, hoot hoot! I couldn’t sleep so I came up here to watch you! Who’s Hunter?”
“Alright everybody! Nobody moves or the little girl gets it!” About a dozen terrified civilians were tied to the ground, shaking in fear as they were being held hostage in a bank robbery. The robber was a tall, busty young woman wearing a tight black jumpsuit and a ski mask, holding a young girl against her chest at gunpoint. The Police were overwhelmed, people were in panic. And Milly just got out of the shower. Milly rubbed her horns, hair and her furry legs down with a towel as she walked into her kitchen wearing nothing but an oversized t shirt and opened the fridge. Empty. "Great, no food, and the stores closed.... absolutely fantastic " She shouted out,clearly sarcastic for those who cant hear her, “ guess ill starve.... “ she says, slumping on her couch grumpily. She turned on her tv and tuned into the news, telling of a bank robbery in progress. ".... well what do we have here? Some big breasted brat robbing a bank?.... she looks rather meaty... uncooked but its not like id refuse!" She sprinted into her room, put on her little leather jacket and booty shorts and ran out the door towards the bank. “Wait.... which bank? Where am, narrat i know this is an old story given from a friend years ago but you gotta” Fine fine jons bank, and your in the city of Chu ro, it take you an hour to get to the bank so move. Running down the busy street, Milly saw the commotion, with police cars and armed guards lined up outside the bank. Deciding that she needed to get the situation sorted quickly, she snuck round the back of the bank, creeping into the main floor where the robber held the girl. "Hiya miss criminal!" Milly said sweetly as the robber turned around. "Ooh! That's a nice kid you got there! Mind if I take a look at her?" The robber looked at Milly, confused and irritated at the satyr. "How the hell did you get in here?!" The fat-chested felon shouted. "Uh, through the door. Where else?" Milly answered sarcastically. “Just drop the child and I’ll play fair okay?” She giggles staring at the thief,” im prone to cheat alot in situations like this”. The 7 foot criminal dropped the child, laughing out loud and pointed her gun at Milly. "You really don't know what you're doing, do you shorty?" Milly went stayed cool and jumped down to the floor”Yeah took ya a second to think of that one huh? Well ill tell you what big tits, im thinking of teaching you....” milly looked directly into the thiefs eyes, craking a bog tooty smile saying loudly” that big pain comes in small packages “ she gave the hand gesture known as” cone on” while saying” by the way, tall girl strikes first, ill be nice” Milly charged at the woman as she began firing shots. Milly's agility was now being put to good use, dodging every bullet that came her way. "And by be nice i mean use your overconfidence to waste your bullets, lets see you hit me” milly ran around the place like a rabbit in heat and tryibg to find a mate, , “You know, for an armed robber, you're not so good at the aiming are ya? Im guessing you stole that gun and cant even aim? How unfortunate " The woman was furious now, continuing to shoot at her as the goat girl ran like lightning, ducking behind a counter. Milly snuck around behind the woman, giving her a spank on the butt and a cheeky wink. “ STOP MOVING SO I CAN SHOT YOU” The robber said in a fit of anger as she turned around and furiously tried to strike Milly. She dodged the attack with ease, blocking every other kick and punch that came her way as she sent her flying back with a kick. Milly approached the defeated criminal, tearing her bullet proof vest off to show off her lovely curves. She licked her neck and grinned. "Mmmmmm. Crime may not pay, but criminals taste divine." Milly opened her little mouth impossibly wide, engulfing the woman's entire head. She tore her shirt off, revealing the woman's intense breasts as Milly drooled. She tried to swallow the enormous boobs, finding that she couldn't fit them in her mouth. Persevering, she coated them in saliva from her long, slippery tongue and gulped again, gulping them up and accidentally sucking her up to her knees. Shrugging with a massive tummy, she swallowed up the last of her adversary. "BBBBRRRRRUUUUUAAAAAAPPPPP!!Woah!, that was a satisfying meal!" She said as her gigantic belly thrashed around in front of her. She patted it as she got comfy on the bank floor, letting the hostages free. Police came flooding into the bank as Milly told them the story of her heroic rescue, telling the officers that she'd deliver the criminal in about 24 hours. She'd have to take the natural path out... *two days later* The robber sat in her prison cell, traumatised and shaken. "She... She ate me... I though my bustyness would have saved me but... She ate me!" The End!
WARNING! The following story pertains to infidelity and vore. It also includes gay sexual content and digestion. If any of this is not your thing, please turn back now. “Come on, Amy! Pick up your damn phone already!” Lucas sighed in frustration as he looked back and forth to his phone and the road. He checked his text messages once more, looking for any replies from his wife, Amy. He was annoyed, but his frustration was a mask. It hid the concerns of a husband trying to find out where his wife was. He had not heard anything from her since his business trip and was starting to worry. For three days he was gone and had over fifty text messages to his wife unanswered. “I swear this better not be because you lost your phone again…” Lucas felt dread as he exited the highway that led to the suburbs he and his wife lived in. It was embarrassing to say, but Amy’s wit left little to be desired. That wasn’t why Lucas married her, though. Amy’s body, sexuality, and agreeable disposition were the most pleasant traits. Everything else was mediocre at best. Lucas was an upcoming financier and a rising star at the company he worked for. His piercing blue eyes showed no signs of fatigue or age despite the long work hours he put in. His short height, less prominent facial features, freckles, and messy blonde hair made him look a lot younger than he was. Despite being in his mid 20s, he always had to get his ID ready anytime he wanted to get alcohol or enter a club. Lucas would come off as high strung to people who didn’t get to know him. Those that did know him would have no doubt he was high strung. He gave off the impression he was hiding something and created a persona of gusto and zeal to hide behind his natural angst. It was as if he was submissive in nature, but tried his best to come off as dominant. It was off putting to some, but cute to others. Amy was the opposite of Lucas. She was a prime example of a starving artist who was as ditzy as she was down to earth. Even with her Master’s degree in art and sculpting, she found it hard to make ends meet. Before meeting Lucas, she supplemented her meager income by working as a barista at a café next to the company Lucas worked for. It was how she and Lucas met and where they got to know one another. It was obvious why Lucas would be a catch to Amy. Not many women would resist a man who had a career, a future, and a healthy and stable income, even if he looked young enough to be their kid brother. It was also obvious why Lucas would want Amy to be his wife. Despite being clumsy, absent minded and slow, Amy had a body women would kill to have. She had long flowing straight amber hair with a smooth oval shaped face accompanied by a pair of dull green sleepy eyes that complimented her warm smile. She was also blessed with H cup breasts, a tall thickly padded pear shaped figure and smooth silky soft cream colored skin. She was always popular with men and got generous and frequent tips during her shift at the café. Lucas was no exception Lucas was quite fond of Amy, but he was starting to realize the problems that came with being married to a woman like her. The sex was amazing and frequent, but all the sex in the world was not going to make up for the forgotten dinners, misplaced phones, and missed appointments. Despite two years of marriage, Lucas was unable to snap Amy out of her seemingly constant drunk-like state of mind. Lucas lost track of all the times he had to intervene to stop Amy from humoring scams and inappropriate solicitations. However, he could not help but find her endearing as every mistake he caught was met with Amy building up Lucas as her good luck charm and knight in shining armor. Lucas was hoping today wasn’t going to be one of the days where Amy would greet him and give a list of all the mistakes she made. She would present them in such a way that it seemed like a funny story to laugh about. Lucas never looked forward to the mental list of things he had to fix because of his wife. However, he was looking forward to the sex and hearing her mellow voice change to a high pitched mew of lust and desire. He pulled up into the driveway, opened the door and announced his arrival. Lucas was surprised to see no one was answering. Even more surprising was that Lucas could not find any sign of Amy in the house despite her car being parked in the driveway. “I’m home!... Amy?... Babe?...” Lucas’s heart began to sink. This was nothing like Amy. There was not even a note on the fridge. It was like the house had not been used since he had left. Lucas gave Amy a call once more, hoping he would be able to hear her phone from inside the house. It was not the first time Amy was home had not noticed Lucas’s arrival. However, he heard nothing ringing in the empty halls of the modestly sized house. He would run around every room and hallway to see if he could locate his wife. After finding no trace of her, Lucas stepped outside, hoping to collect his thoughts and get some fresh air. “Ok… her car is in the driveway… she couldn’t have run off to any place too far away… She could be at her studio and forgot to charge her phone… I probably would have gotten a call from her mom if she got into any trouble…” Lucas’s mind raced and he barely noticed the fact he was pacing around the front yard, wondering how someone can just vanish off the face of the earth without a trace. Half way between a thought, he heard a familiar, deep and jolly voice call out to him from next door. “Something wrong, cub?” Lucas froze and turned to the source of the voice that called out to him. Right next to the hedge that separated his house from the neighbors’ stood Mr. George Rupert Goral, an anthropomorphic bear, who had been in the neighborhood well before Lucas and Amy moved in. He was a large specimen, easily towering three feet over the average man, which made Lucas feel like a child when looking up to make eye contact with him. His fur was thick and scruffy with shades of brown that darkened past his forearm and lightened on his chest area. He was dressed in a white short sleeved dress shirt tucked into his light brown pants as he held onto his mug of coffee he always seemed to carry with him. Right away, Lucas noticed something different about Mr. Goral. He was much more plump than Lucas remembered. His stomach was barely able to stay above the belt line even with the tucked in shirt he had on. Granted, Mr. Goral was always a large bear. It was a part of his charm and was what made him look like a big teddy bear everyone wanted to hug. However, Lucas could have sworn his belly was not as big as it was now. “You look like you’re missing something,” Mr. Goral casually spoke with a calm and lazy smile as Lucas’s eyes stayed focused on the engorged middle sitting at eye level with him. “Oh… uh… Well… it is probably nothing serious, but Amy is not answering her phone…. you would not have happened to have seen her around, have you?” “Amy? Hm… naw. Saw her a couple days ago, checked out the other night I believe, hard to tell. I was sleeping most of that day,” Something felt off-putting. Lucas couldn’t put his finger on it, but he felt like there was more to what was going on than his wife simply vanishing. Even more off putting was how uneasy he felt when gazing at Mr. Goral. It was hard to describe, but he looked too satisfied, like a cat that just ate the canary. Mr. Goral was always a laid back, jolly older bear, but Lucas felt he was more laid back and jolly than usual. Maybe it was the belly he sported. It certainly looked like he had let himself go since Lucas last saw him, but that was what got to him. He saw Mr. Goral around the same time he left for his business trip. There was no way he could gain that much weight that fast. It was the focus of his attention for the few moments of awkward silence, only to be broken by a rather sloppy gurgle from Mr. Goral’s gut. BLOOOOOOORP! “Oh, do excuse me. Not really agreeing with me, it seems,” Mr. Goral chuckled as he gave his belly a few good firm pats. It only furthered Lucas’s new-found obsession with the spherical mass of fur and fat tucked into his shirt. His ears perked when he heard Mr. Goral continue to explain. “Your wife can really do a man in when it comes to eating. Don’t think I’ve ever had a thick slab of meat that juicy before. Really sticks to your ribs,” “Meat?... Wait... did Amy cook for you?” Mr. Goral smirked. Lucas felt his heart race to the look he gave him and his belly, something was wrong for sure. “Oh she didn’t tell you? I couldn’t help myself. I just had to sample what she does for you at home,” Mr. Goral was interrupted by a small burp he muffled into his fist. He finished with another pat of his belly to calm it down. “Well… that’s a little bit of a lie, she was pretty open to letting me help myself… eh… Let’s just say it was a mutual thing that we both had in mind, but never got to till it happened… totally worth the wait, I can tell you that!” Lucas was confused. Amy could cook, but Mr. Goral was talking like Amy was the head chef at a three star restaurant. Lucas could probably count the number of times he was impressed by her cooking on one hand. She could whip together something decent if it was simple, but this sounded like medium rare ribeye with sautéed oyster mushrooms in a red wine reduction. Amy could barely bake a meatloaf, let alone the meal Mr. Goral was apparently reminiscing about. Were they talking about the same Amy? “George… I think you may be confused. Amy isn’t that great of a cook. What exactly did you eat that made you gain so much…” Lucas was cut off by a rather wet and hefty belch from the bear, the sheer force making him stagger as Mr. Goral smacked his lips to savor what his burp brought back up. BUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAP! “Mmmf… excuse me, I really needed that. Guess I still have a little bit more to break down in there,” Lucas felt the heat of his cheeks from his deep blush. The confusion of what was going on already put a lot on his mind, but now he was having to deal with the confusion of feeling like a boy approaching his crush for the first time. Why was he feeling so bashful? His wife was missing. He was a married man, and as far as he knew, Mr. Goral was the last person to see Amy. Yet there he stood, unable to form the words to ask the questions he needed to ask. His attempts to come off as mature and willful dissolved to leave him a shy child staring and waiting for what was to come next. The awkward silence once more let him inspect Mr. Goral, his eyes ogling his well padded form. “Well, I should be going, say hi to your wife for me when you find her,” “Wait! I still have some things to ask!” Lucas said finally snapping some sense back into himself. Mr. Goral had little concern for his requests to continue questioning him further. He didn’t even turn his head as he addressed the young man. “We can continue this in my house if you want. I have a fresh pot of coffee going. I’ll make you a cup,” Lucas wasn’t sure why, but felt a sense of dread to the invitation. True Mr. Goral was a bear, but throughout the years he had known him, he never once saw him as threatening. He could only assume his racing heart had something to do with his uneasiness. Inside Mr. Goral’s quaint and comfortable home, Lucas found himself drifting with split feelings. He sat in an oversized loveseat clearly meant for a large bear and not for a short human like him. He was starting to realize he was getting quite fond of Mr. Goral, but he was conflicted by that realization. Lucas never had any previous attraction to a large anthropomorphic bear who was old enough to be his father. Lucas always figured he was as straight as an arrow, but Mr. Goral was making him doubt that. He had butterflies in his stomach and was blushing at the thought of what was under the layers of clothes he had on. However, Lucas had priorities. His wife was missing and he had questions. “Here you go. Sorry if the mug is a little too big, it was the smallest I had on hand. Do you want any cream or sugar with it?” “Oh, I’m good with just a little cream, thank you, but that’s not important right now... When was the last time you saw Amy again?” “A couple days ago,” “Yes, but you said she checked out the other night. Wouldn’t that imply the night of the day you last saw her? And what does that even mean, “checked out”?” “Woah, woah! slow down there, cub. I Didn’t know I was talking to the police here,” Mr. Goral let out a hearty chuckle, his laughs made his belly jiggle and flop as he slouched back on the sofa opposite of where Lucas sat. “Why don’t we start at the beginning here? You left Thursday morning. It’s Sunday morning. That means there are three full days of absence, right? I think I saw Amy some time in the early afternoon on Thursday, and sometime during Friday, I lost track of her,” “Lost track of her? What do you mean?” “You know, didn’t notice signs of life. The whole vanishing act you mentioned. Granted, I was napping and lazing away for these last few days, so I don’t really have an exact time-line. Basically, I saw Amy on Thursday, enjoyed some time with her, had a nice meal, slept, lazed around most of Friday, didn’t notice any activity from Amy, did a few chores around the house on Saturday… and now here we are,” “What did you two do while she was there?” Lucas would be shocked to see Mr. Goral unbutton his shirt as he explained his time with Amy. It looked unconscious since this was his home after all, but the indifference to Lucas being eight feet away from him made him stare and blush, almost unable to pay attention to Mr. Goral’s words. “Eh. Stuff. Your wife’s a pretty open woman, so we did a lot of things that day. It was fun. She can really keep a guy entertained, I can tell you that much,” Mr. Goral laughed as he tossed his shirt aside, It made Lucas blink in disbelief and look once more at his large, plump gut that he could swear was two sizes bigger than the last time he saw him. Either he never paid attention to his figure, or Mr. Goral had a really big meal recently. “Uhh… wait.. What do you mean by that?” “What, you want the details? It ranged. The topic of missionaries, cow girls, doggystylists… I was actually pretty spent after all of that. It didn’t stop her from sucking out as much as she could from me, though. After that, I was in the mood for a thick slab of something juicy and meaty, and your wife was around, so I helped myself,” “Wait… I don’t get it, “helped yourself” to what? Food? Did she cook for you?... did you…” “Jesus, son… you’re acting like a man that’s suspecting his wife has been sleeping around with the next door neighbor,” Mr. Goral laughed as he began to undo his belt and pull down his pants. This was taking things a little too far for Lucas, but he could barely get a word out in protest. The fact he had to juggle his emotional state, a suspicion that he couldn’t put his finger on, a timeline of events and a bear he was feeling deeply attracted to made focusing on one thing too hard to do effectively. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re being mighty suspicious of me of doing just that,” Mr. Goral grinned as he said that. His belt was unbuckled, pants unzipped and now around his ankles as he spread his legs, revealing he was not only not wearing underwear, but also had a large cock half erect as he relaxed further and continued. “I can’t say I’m not flattered by such a thing. I won’t lie, she does have a nice body. Anyone would… URP!... want to have that at least for a night,” “I… No, it’s not that I’m… I mean, I never would outright… after all I’m… If it…” Lucas was locking up now, he couldn’t even form a cohesive thought as his eyes wandered and inspected the large ursine specimen. It didn’t make sense. He was married. Even more important, the person he was married to was missing and the only person he could get any useful information from was a bear who was outright seducing him. “Hehe… looking pretty hot under the collar there, cub. Well… I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, and no offense, you don’t exactly have a wife to go to right now. Maybe you might want to remove some of those clothes and take a weight off your shoulders,” This was an out-of-body experience to Lucas, was he really going to do this? Was he really going to cheat on his wife with the next-door neighbor? He understood the betrayal, but the logical portion of his mind was too fogged up to snap him out of his actions. He undid his tie, unbuttoned his shirt partially and crawled over to get between Mr. Goral’s legs. His approach made the bear grin and sport a very impressive erection that was large even by bear standards. “There you go… Don’t mind the gut, it’s just doing it’s thing. Feel free to explore as you see fit,” Lucas gulped. He had never been with a man before. The only thing he could do was imitate what he had experienced with girls, but in reverse. He took a deep breath in, opened his mouth and licked the tip of the bear’s throbbing hot rod. His actions were met with a very satisfied growl and a large paw on his head. Mr. Goral played with his blonde hair as Lucas heard the belly above him squelch, growl and groan. BLOOOORRRRRR! GLOOORP!...... SHLOOORP!...... GLORPSH! “Mmmn… damn, son… you’re going at it pretty eagerly… mmm…” Mr. Goral laid back, sighed and thrust his hip in short and gentle rocking motions. It forced Lucas to take in every inch of his cock while Mr. Goral let his tongue hang out in a pleasure-filled daze. GLOOOORSH! GUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRR…… SHLUUUR… “Mmm… almost there, cub…” Lucas’s mind drifted as he tasted the saltiness of Mr. Goral’s shaft. He felt his shaggy fur coat against his face, the hanging belly pin his head down as he lurched forward. It forced him into a deep throat as he felt Mr. Goral’s claws dig lightly into his scalp. He could feel his body heave, hear him grunt. He could even feel the feral-like lust of the beast flow through him as he bucked his hips forward and shot rope after rope of thick bear seed. “Oh… f-fuck… mm… you… you got it, son! Here it… NNRGH!” All the while, the sounds of Mr. Goral’s belly echoed in Lucas’ ears. His hands braced on the side of Mr. Goral’s hips, feeling just how soft and plush they were. He could swear it was like a fur covered beach ball filled with mash potatoes was above him as he gulped wave after wave of cum. “Shoot… I tell you what, I was afraid you were going to swallow down my balls if you sucked any harder…. Damn!” It took a while for Mr. Goral to release his death grip on Lucas. Not that Lucas was against savoring this moment. His mind went numb and his anxious demeanor melted away as he felt the bear spunk settle in his stomach. His hands gripped onto the fur of the heaving belly above him, running his fingers through Mr. Goral’s fur and pressing his palms in to make them sink into the pudge. “Hehe, you’re really liking this gut hanging over you, son. Tell you what, Since you’ve been so kind to help me out down there, I’ll let you go crazy up above. Just lose the clothes, last thing you want are them smelling like bear musk. That stench doesn’t come out,” Lucas was rock hard. The taste and musk of bear spunk was still on his palate and tongue as he disrobed. He still had nagging thoughts plaguing his mind. Amy was still missing. Mr. Goral was the last person to interact with her. His words were both vague and specific. He was a married man having a sexual encounter with his next door neighbor. Each of those facts alone could take a conversation just to clarify, but Lucas had no time or desire to do so. All he had on his mind was feeling Mr. Goral’s body on his. He wanted to have his raging erection press on the bear’s body and smell the musk of his furry and plump figure. It took Lucas only a few moments to be nude before Mr. Goral. Mr. Goral looked quite pleased as he grinned to the sight before him. His once flaccid cock was now hard again and his eyes were fixed on the young man who slowly approached him. “You’re a real cutie, you know that? Pretty well hung too. What are you planning on doing with that meat, huh?” Mr. Goral licked his chops, a trickle of drool hanging from the right-most corner of his lips. He readied himself for what Lucas had in mind. The smaller human male leaned forward and pushed his head on Mr. Goral’s chest. His body hugged the soft round gut that hung between his legs. His rock hard erection was aligned to the navel area, prodding the hole and even managing to get the tip of the head into the opening as he began to thrust back and forth. “Mmmn! Dunno if that will fit in there, cub… Feels pretty fucking nice though,” Mr Goral chuckled, his breath creeped over Lucas’ face as he leaned in to give his face a lick. The feeling of the bear’s dark purple tongue on his face made him shiver and buck his hip forward and back in a hard steady motion. His motions made his cock prod the navel of his ursine fling all the way to the neck. By now, every thrust, grind and gyration of his hips made the bear's big belly jiggle and flop in kind. The mix of bear musk, bear breath and the feeling of his fuzzy plush body made Lucas lose any sense of logic and reason as he gazed into the open mouth of the bear. "I… I can't… I'm… I'm almost…." "Hahh… you're doing good, cub… keep going and let it all out!" Mr. Goral could only get those words out before he opened his mouth as wide as possible. His throat opened and his tongue stayed stiff in position. A waft of hot air flooded Lucas's face, giving him a perfect view of the mottled dark purple cavern of Mr. Goral's mouth aligned with sharp pearly white teeth. Right before his orgasm, Mr. Goral opened his throat and let out a deafening rush of hot air with a loud belch to accompany it. UUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPP! "Mmnf… God damn… that freed up a lot of space…. Wait… did you cum from that, cub?" Mr. Goral slowly grinned as he realized that his navel and belly had hot sticky fluid oozing over his fur and skin. Lucas was red in the face, as he lay limp on his belly. He was obviously in post orgasmic exhaustion, but also wanted to hide his face in embarrassment. He didn't say a word, partially because he was panting to catch his breath but also because it was already awkward that he just got off to his neighbor’s stomach. "Well slap me silly… you're a very kinky boy, Lucas. Didn't know you had it in ya!" Mr. Goral was quite happy as he ran his big bear claws through Lucas's hair. He even gave Lucas’s cheek a lick of his broad tongue as a sign of affection. Despite the unorthodox methods of Lucas's infidelity, there was a very warm feeling he had from feeling this close to his bear lover. He almost didn't notice something wet and metallic on his face as he shifted to get his now flaccid cock out of mr. Goral's belly button. Lucas reached over to grab the object, looking at it and needing a moment to realize what it was… it was Amy's wedding ring… covered in bile and etched with acid marks. He had to take a moment to realize what was in his hands and then put two and two together. "That was… I don't think…. Wait…. Is… this… this is… Amy's… !?" "Oh, that thing? Must have been lodged somewhere in my gut and got loose after that nice service you did to my stomach," Mr. Goral chuckled. He seemed more bashful to the fact he belched in Lucas's face than dropping a bombshell on him. All of a sudden, everything made sense to Lucas. Mr. Goral's story turned out to not be so vague after all. He wasn't dancing around the subject, he was just too passive about his time with Amy to care about going into details. It took Lucas a minute to have his stammering voiceless lips spit out something. However, he said something that surprised himself when he heard it from himself. "...I….does this mean I'm single now?" "Haha! Shoot… guess that means you are!" Mr. Goral laughed. His belly bouncing to his laughter and making Lucas bounce around like he was on a waterbed. He could only imagine just how far gone Amy was at this point. He also could only imagine just how everything went down between the two of them. Sure, he had the basic timeline established, but his mind ran with the details of what happened between the two of them. He imagined Amy with Mr. Goral, his big bulky form heaving over her as her big breast flopped to their motions. He even imagined the moment she slipped down his throat. Despite his racing heart and shivering body, he was blushing and felt his cock grow hard again to prod the belly that contained the sloppy remains of his wife. "Judging by your little friend coming up to attention, I think we might need to count this as our first date," Lucas gasped and shivered. His mind had been through too much to even process all of this information as he normally would. It felt like a dream and by now he was so deep into it he felt his will to resist it break. He felt submissive, vulnerable and completely exposed to Mr. Goral, and it felt blissful to finally let go. "... Would you do it again?" Lucas said shyly, looking his neighbor in the eyes like a little kid asking for ice cream. "If I can get the same service from you soon after, damn straight… why? You have a proposition to make?" "I…. I might know a few girls…" "Really now? Well then, I think we got ourselves a second date," Mr. Goral chuckled and gave Lucas a sloppy kiss on the lips. The young man reacted with a shiver and whimper, holding the cheek of the big bear and bringing himself closer to his lover. "So… you wanna know the details of what happened with Amy?" "I think if you do I'll cum before you even finish," Lucas shuffled and laughed. For a long time he was putting on an act for the world, even with Amy. This moment with Mr. Goral made him feel like he had someone he didn't need to hold back on. It was strange, but then again, what is normal? He just got done having sex with a large anthropomorphic bear who ate his cheating wife after havin sex with her. It felt good to let go and just accept things for what they were. He smiled and snuggled up to his new lover, sighing in content to having this moment with Mr. Goral. "...but if you wanna tease me… I don't mind round three…" "Mmm… well… let me tell you how much she loved my bending her over and fucking her like an animal....,"
D.va’s assploration The heroes of over watch had almost not won the last battle. Everyone at the headquarters was working extra hard on improving themselves. D.va was trying the hardest her mech was destroyed at the beginning of the mission. and now she thought it was time for her to be possible to also be an asset outside her armor. But after a whole day of trying she hadn’t made any progress. She had been walking to the headquarters looking at her feet not knowing witch rooms she walked in and out of. Eventually it was to much for her and sat down crying softly. “what’s wrong dear” a female voice with a clear English accent asked. D.va looked up to see tracer standing in front of her. “oh, I’m sad that I can’t do much outside my mech” she answered stooping the crying for a minute as she looked at tracer it was clear she was not so good either. “what’s wrong with you” d.va continued slowly standing up to support tracer before she fell down. “oh, me and Winston where researching if thanks to my speed and phasing trough dimensions if I was tolerant against alcohol but I am not” tracer answers slowly laying down on her chest. “you know your quite big in your mech and small outside why don’t we try to look where you would fit into” she continued. “alright where should we start with” the Korean girl asked happily whipping the tears away. “well let’s see what’s the smallest ting we have here” the English women replied clearly not in a state to think correctly she ran around the room in supper speed sometimes falling. “alright it appears there are not many things to put you in” tracer continued as she stood back besides the Korean women that moment she got a message of a friend, one of those who send you everything unique they found, the picture showed a sink hole in the dessert but tracer still drink saw an ass hole. The picture gave her an idea “I found it I think my ass is the smallest space you can crawl into and besides if it goes wrong, I phase you out” tracer said. “uhm … alright I guess” D.va answered thinking on how this wouldn’t work for only one bit. In a second tracer had no pants anymore and was standing with her back towards the Korean women bowing down spreading her ass cheeks. “common love I’m ready” tracer said looking trough her legs. D.va slowly approached the hole and put a finger in doubtful. But the ass took it surprisingly well in. she then pushed the finger from her hand in and then both hands completely she saw tracer was phasing for a second. As d.va pushed further tracer faced again and d.va this time managed to push her arms in up to her shoulders. She then pushed her face against the hole and pushed a bit. The biggest surprise was not how easily her face entered but how nice it smelled and how clean it was inside. A second later D.va pushed the rest of her head in and as the head entered completely she felt tracers ass walls clanging together behind it. That moment tracer jumped up and sat down on D.va’s shoulders before she faced again and the shoulders entered after that she phased again and she fell down completely over the Korean girl right onto the ground. “tracer it worked” D.va said feeling how she was completely in her fellow team members ass “yeah … yeah sure” tracer answered rubbing her eyes. “wait tracer you are going to let me out right” D.va said but the only answer she got was snoring, tracer had fallen asleep. “well I guess I should do the same then” D.va thought before falling asleep. the end
Cumtain Cockvel It had been a while since the second civil war of the superhero community and captain marvel tried to get back on the good side of her protégé Kamala Khan also known as Ms. Marvel, former avenger and Co-founder of the teenage super hero group the champions although all of them where in their twenties now. She had been tracking the younger girl for a few hours now as she found her alone on a rooftop. She slowly descended behind her and tapped the young superheroines shoulder saying “hey there”. Kamala looked like she was about to get away as Carol placed a hand on her shoulder “Kamala I want t make it up to you” she calmly said but the younger women was still about to leave. “you can do anything you want with me” she continued this time Ms. Marvel turned around “alright then captain get that suit off” kamala said as she took her own suit off. “what” carol said surprised “yeah I could do anything I want to do with you” Ms. Marvel replied using her powers to grow herself a cock. “are you going to fuck me” the older hero asked surprised. “no, I’m going to put you in it and put your cumified body into your good friend America shaver she told me you would this and this was a way to make one of her dreams come true” the younger women said as she stopped growing the member when it was almost as big as the captain. She then extended her arms to take Captain marvel and kiss her on the mouth before letting her idol kiss the member. “how can this happen” the captain said surprised feeling the precum on her face. “easy after learning about the atomic build of a member I found out I can create a fully working one with my metamorphic powers” the younger girl explained while she felt the member getting hard. As the member was at full mast MS marvel put captain marvels head into the tip moaning in pure enjoyment. She didn’t expect to get turned on this much from the action as she had done it earlier whit some of the champion girls. But she was sure when she shoves the shoulders of her idol in those girls would never top her. As it seemed that Carol had accepted her future Kamala lost no second as she quickly pushed further to take the elder woman her breasts in. afterwards the dick slipped tough up to the ass. As Carol Danvers was halfway up the member Kamala could lift it up into the air, she had extended her body so she would be taller then her cock. But because she was this tall, she couldn’t stop captain marvels ass to smack into her face and after a second it didn’t matter anymore, she actually enjoyed the feeling and especially the smell. So, she was especially sad when that got aided by gravity and sank into the cock after that Kamala just took the legs sticking out of her cock and pushed them in. She was just enjoying the feeling of her idol squirming in her balls as for the second time that day someone landed on the rooftop. The end?
This short story is loosely inspired from an RP session which I had with a member of the DeviantArt community. --------- Part One “You’re sure you want to go through with this?” “Yes, I want you to eat me. Consume me with your tail.” Dee’s final check with her partner was a mere formality. Regardless of Rachel’s answer to her question, there was no turning back now. Looking at the young woman lying beside her, Dee was already aroused by the thought of what was soon to come. Rachel’s long strawberry blonde hair was spread about the bed and Dee playfully wrapped several strands around her fingers. Her partner tonight was just the plaything that she was hoping for. Rachel’s post on the fetish forum caught Dee’s eye only a few day’s earlier, and it didn’t take long to see the intent of the message. “I want to be your prey. Put me inside of you.” It sounded like a request for a role play partner, which was a common activity on this site, but Dee decided to drop a line in the water. She sent a personal reply to Rachel’s post, suggesting that she was interested in doing more than just role play, and was surprised to receive a response almost immediately. Dee was pleased to see Rachel’s follow-up message. Clearly, this girl was prepared to give up her body to be eaten. Perhaps she was a member of one of those cults obsessed with achieving a so-called higher level of existence by becoming food, but it didn’t matter to Dee what Rachel’s motivation was. The opportunity for a willing prey was rare, and the thought excited her. Obtaining prey, while not a difficult task, was still one that was fraught with risk and danger. Anything that might draw attention to someone like her could result in the authorities taking notice, or worse, alert certain organizations to her presence. Several more messages were sent between the two parties, before Dee felt comfortable enough to send through the details of her address to Rachel. On the day of the girl’s arrival at her residence, Dee answered the door, not knowing what to expect. She had fasted for the past two days and her hunger, which had been steadily growing for the past week, was beginning to reach a crescendo. Her stomach was barren and her appetite was such that anything on the other side of the door would’ve been fair game. To Dee’s relief, tonight’s guest was as attractive as her willingness and desire to be eaten. As she lead the girl into her home, her eyes traveled hungrily over Rachel’s body. Her predator instincts observed the girl’s clothing first, assessing the level of difficulty and time that it would take to separate the girl from her attire. Rachel was dressed in a pink sleeveless top which clung tightly to her chest, the curves of her large breasts prominently displayed. Her matching skirt pleased Dee; its short length would make it easy to remove. Of course, these details would not be an issue tonight. With a prey willing to give itself over, Dee would have the rare luxury of time to prepare and enjoy her meal. Dee wasted no time and directed Rachel to her bedroom. She sat the girl down on her bed and lightly traced her fingers along the jaw line of the girl’s face. Rachel had only said a few words since her arrival and remained silent as Dee slowly began touching her body. The girl’s silence slightly unnerved Dee. As her hands traveled over her body, she looked for signs that might indicate that the girl was not who she claimed to be, or perhaps was under the influence of mind-controlling substances. “You remember why you’re here, tonight?” questioned Dee. Rachel looked directly into Dee’s eyes. “Yes, I want you to eat me. Devour my body”. Sliding her hand beneath Rachel’s top, she felt the girl’s smooth skin and taught muscles around her stomach. Her fingers probed around the girl’s torso, feeling for any lumps or protrusions before directing the girl to raise her arms to pull the blouse off. A moment later, Dee unclips Rachel’s bra and discards it to the floor. “Lie on your back so I can remove your skirt and panties.” Rachel nods and does as directed. After removing the girl’s garments, Dee looks over her naked body carefully, looking for any signs of abnormalities or artificial devices. Satisfied that the girl appears to be normal, she relaxes and tells the girl to sit up. “I have something to show you.” Dee smiles to the girl. “Now close your eyes and give me your hand. It’s a surprise.” After closing her eyes, Rachel feels suddenly light-headed for a moment. She feels her hand being taken and then guided over Dee’s face. Dee playfully licks and sucks on Rachel’s fingers before moving her hand upwards to her forehead. Rachel is startled when her fingertips abruptly stop at something that appears to be protruding from Dee’s forehead. She feels something hard, almost bone-like, and as Dee continues guiding her hand, she realizes that there’s a second matching object that also shares a tube-like tapered shape. Rachel opens her eyes and realizes that the shapes she felt with her hands are horns attached to Dee’s forehead. With a deep red hue, the segmented horns curve out and upward above Dee’s eyebrows. Stroking the tip of a horn, Dee smiles at Rachel’s shocked reaction. “But how?” says Rachel in surprise. “They…they weren’t there before! Are you from the military?” “No…no!” grinned Dee, impressed by the girl’s guess. It was a refreshing change from the usual reaction whenever she revealed her true features. “Just think of me as someone who has a few extra parts. If you think my horns are special, what til you see this!” Still getting over the shock of seeing Dee’s horns, Rachel is suddenly confronted by Dee’s other ‘extra part’. A tap on Rachel’s shoulder startles the girl and she turns around, expecting to see another person in the room. Instead, she’s greeted by a long red snake-like object with two triangular shapes marking the end. The red object moves about like a cobra, its pointed tip seemingly looking directly at Rachel. The girl’s eyes quickly follow the length of the object before realizing that it terminates somewhere on Dee’s back. “It’s kind of like my tail!” exclaims Dee. “I can do all sorts of neat things with it. It can stretch and expand to many different sizes and here’s the best part: I can eat things with it, just like my mouth. In fact, when it comes to eating, it’s not like anything you’ve ever seen. Almost nothing is too big or too small for my tail to eat!” Rachel’s eyes widen upon hearing Dee’s description of her articulated appendage. “It can eat anything?” she asks with sudden interest. “You wouldn’t believe some of the things that have gone into this tail” smiles Dee. “And if it’s too big for my tail to stretch around it, which is unlikely, I have other ways of making it fit!” Dee senses that her prey has suddenly come up with a new plan. Rachel takes hold of Dee’s hands and it’s obvious that the tail has piqued her interest. “Please, Dee, eat me with your tail! I want to feel my body being swallowed into your tail! I want to feel it wrapping tightly around me as I become your food!” Dee sees the excitement in Rachel’s eyes. The girl’s nipples have stiffened and become erect. “I would be more than pleased to take you into my tail.” replies Dee. “Perhaps tonight I might try something a little different with you…” Dee’s eyes narrow as she provides one warning: “You need to know, however, that being eaten with my tail may be a painful experience. My tail will grind and dissolve your body into small pieces and chunks before it’s pumped into my stomach to be further broken down for digestion. My tail secretes a chemical which subdues my prey and numbs their nerves. It greatly reduces the amount of pain that they feel, but not completely. Let’s just say that I’ve had some prey that did not go quietly into the night.” The girl was unperturbed by Dee’s warning. “Pain is part of the stimulation and trial as we pass above this mortal existence.” Rachel responds. Upon hearing the girl’s brave statement, Dee chuckles to herself, knowing that faith and reality almost never coincide. Smiling back at Rachel, she only says to the girl, “I hope your body is as strong as your words.” Dee stands up and walks to the side of the bed. “You’re in my hands now, and you will do as I say. Do you understand that?” Rachel nods silently before Dee confirms with her that she is truly willing to hand her life over tonight. “You can undress me then.” directs Dee. She stands with her hands on her waist and watches as Rachel slowly begins to remove her clothing. The choice of wearing loose-fitting gym clothes makes it easy for the girl to disrobe Dee. When her task is complete, Rachel admires Dee’s athletic body. Her body is lean and muscular and her legs reflect what must have been years of intense training. Standing naked before her, Rachel can see that Dee’s ‘tail’ terminates midway up Dee’s back. It swings slowly from side to side, almost like a cat swishing its tail. With a colour similar to the horns, the sight of the tail stirs Rachel. The red hue of the tail contrasts against the soft pink of Dee’s skin, but it’s clear that the tail and the woman that it’s attached to is one single creature. Rachel wants to touch the tail and slide her hand along its length, feeling the muscles inside the tail pulse and flex. Seeing that the girl appears to be ready, Dee takes her hand as they lie down together on the bed. Dee pulls Rachel close to her, holding the girl tightly in her arms. Rachel’s body is warm and soft, and Dee senses the girl’s blood coursing through her body just below her skin. Rachel’s thighs tighten as Dee squeezes them in her hand, feeling the large mass of muscle and protein stretch and contract against her grip. Her hand slides to the girl’s groin, and she can feel that it’s dripping wet with moisture. She pushes her hand between Rachel’s thighs and slips a finger through the opening of the vulva, causing the girl to moan loudly. The muscles in Rachel’s vulva squeeze around Dee’s finger, reacting instinctively as the digit slides slowly in and out. Another finger moves further along and locates the small indent of Rachel’s rectum. Dee’s finger tip runs along the rim of the sphincter muscle, teasing it as she pushes lightly against it. The girl’s anal muscles pinch tightly together as Dee’s finger pushes harder against the small opening. When she finally penetrates into her rectum, a small gasp escapes from Rachel’s mouth as the finger pushes in. While her fingers slowly slip in and out of Rachel’s vagina and anus, Dee draws the girl’s face close to her own and kisses her deeply. She can feel the girl’s body quiver as her hand massages and rubs the sensitive flesh of her lower torso, and she enjoys the sensation of Rachel’s tongue pushing and licking eagerly inside her mouth. Dee savours the taste of the girl. She detects a hint of fruit in her saliva; perhaps the girl ate some strawberries earlier in the day as part of her final meal before choosing to meet her fate with Dee. As Rachel climbed higher and higher towards climax, the emptiness in Dee’s stomach reminded her of the hunger. It was all Dee could do to stop herself from unhinging the connection joints of her jaw and pull the girl’s head into her mouth. She would then expand the opening of her mouth even further to draw in more of the girl, her augmented jaw and oral muscles pulling and swallowing the girl deep into her body. But she would grant the girl her wish and satisfy her hunger at the same time. As the two girls held each other close, kissing tenderly, the tail began to move as if it had awakened and had a life of its own. It began stretching in length and slowly rose from the bed searching and probing its surroundings. It didn’t take long to sense that the prey was already nearby in the immediate vicinity. Slowly, a small hole emerged from the tip of the tail, and it grew in size until it was clear that the appendage was preparing a mouth-like opening. The tail snaked its way along the bed and poised itself over Rachel’s feet. It was nearly time to begin feeding. Part 2 Dee inserts a second finger into Rachel’s vagina, turning her hand slightly to push in deeply. If not for her other finger in the girl’s anus, she would push in even further, perhaps plunging her entire hand inside the soaking wet pussy. Rachel breathes faster and Dee feels her hips begin to shudder. She pushes the girl’s face closer to her and continues kissing and probing the inside of her mouth with her tongue. The orgasm erupts from Rachel, causing her to tilt her head back and moan loudly. Dee feels the girl’s muscles contract tightly around her fingers as warm liquid squirts out from her vulva, soaking the sheets and spraying against Dee’s groin. Rachel’s body shudders and shakes and Dee holds her tightly in her arms, kissing her face as the girl breathes in rapid short breathes, almost gasping for air. As the tremors of the orgasm start to subside, Dee slowly withdraws her fingers from Rachel’s vulva and brings it to Rachel’s lips. “This is what you taste like tonight.” Rachel closes her eyes and sucks on Dee’s fingers, enjoying the flavour of her own juices. Sensing that the girl had peaked, the tail slips its open mouth over her toes, unnoticed by Rachel as she suckles on Dee’s fingers. Slowly, the tail expands and wraps around both feet. Without resistance from the prey, the tail continues upward to the calves and pauses, the lower legs of the girl looking like they’re adorned in thick red stockings. Finally detecting that something has began swallowing her legs, Rachel whispers into Dee’s ears. “Is it time? are you going to eat me now?” Dee gently strokes the girl’s face with her fingers and nuzzles her head in the crook of her neck. “Yes, I can taste you already. I can feel your body starting to give itself to me.” The concentrated bundles of nerves in her tail relay every tiny detail of the prey’s body back to Dee’s brain. She can feel and taste every inch of the girl’s feet and lower legs as the tail grows and stretches tightly to swallow more of her body. Rachel can feel the powerful muscles of the tail squeezing around her legs and then she feels another sensation, something bumpy in texture, like a million tiny fingers running along her skin. Dee’s tail begins producing a warm fluid to aid with the ingestion as more and more of the prey is taken in. Her legs feel warm and her skin tingles, like she’s being immersed into a tub of bubbling water. The muscles of the tail squeeze around her tightly, and she’s unable to move anything below her knees, but the sensation of the tail as it contracts around her legs is intoxicating. Rachel moves her hand towards her pussy. She’s aching for more stimulation, but Dee moves to stop her hand. Dee takes Rachel’s hand and moves it behind the girl’s back in a forceful motion. She locates the girl’s other hand and holds both hands together tightly. “Please..” moans Rachel, “touch me, my pussy is aching. Fuck me, please!” She whispers into Rachel’s ear as she grips both of her wrists, “You have to be patient. If you want to feed me, you have to stay still a little longer. Your body will soon be inside me.” Rachel feels the tail moving further up her legs, the pulsating action of the muscles intensifying in strength. Part 3 The tail works its way further up, ingesting Rachel’s body as Dee restrains her arms. Arriving at the girl’s posterior and groin, the tail stretches its mouth larger to fit around the hips, sliding over her hands held behind her back. Rachel feels something inside the tail moving around her fingers, something tube-like coiling around her hands. Her hands are completely bound inside the tail she feels her hands and wrist squeezed tighter and tighter. It feels like her hands are being crushed and the pain is intense, but before she can cry out, her arms suddenly become numb, the pain subsiding almost instantly. Something coils between the girl’s thighs. Her pussy is still aching to be stimulated and Dee’s tail obliges. The probing coils inside the tail locate the entrance of the vulva, moist with the girl’s juices and forcefully push through. Another coil presses against her anus, moving in small circles around the small opening before jamming itself in. A smaller coil locates Rachel’s clitoris, enveloping the tiny nub of flesh, massaging and applying a suction-like grip. The two larger coils push deep inside her vagina and anus, moving in a reciprocating motion while thousands of tiny finger-like coils move in waves over the rest of her body. Dee continues kissing Rachel as her tail continues working its way up the girl’s body. She senses the girl’s pulse quickening as she approaches another orgasm. Tonight’s meal will be eaten in a slightly different style, Dee decides. “This girl is so eager to be eaten, I’m going to give her an opportunity to experience this in a way that most prey will never get a chance to.” The tail has worked its way up to Rachel’s chest. Dee looks down and smiles as she watches the tail squeeze over the girl’s sizable breasts. Soon, the curves of the breasts can be seen flattened beneath the red surface of the tail, the powerful muscles of the tail compressed against Rachel’s body. Dee wraps her arm around her tail, feeling Rachel’s body moving beneath. The coils inside the tail continue pushing in and out of the girl’s pussy and anus, her entire body stimulated by thousands of tiny fingers pushing and sweeping over her skin. As the tail arrives at the girl’s neck, Dee commands it to stop. The urge to continue upward and swallow the girl whole is nearly impossible to overcome, but to this point, Dee has also been willing the tail to not initiate the process of breaking down the prey. She wants the girl to enjoy one last moment of intense sexual climax before the end. With only her head exposed now, the rest of Rachel’s body is inside Dee’s tail. The movements of the coils accelerate and her pussy throbs as her body finally releases itself to an orgasm that causes her body to shudder. She releases a long moan of ecstasy as Dee holds her immobilized body and kisses her deeply. Bound tightly and unable to move inside the tail, Rachel leans her head against Dee’s shoulder. Dee strokes the girl’s cheek and whispers to her, “Normally, there wouldn’t be much left of you by now, but you’ve been such a willing prey, I want you to watch as your body is consumed. I’ll do my best to keep you conscious as long as possible, and try to make sure it doesn’t hurt too much. You deserve at least that.” Dee holds Rachel in her arms, the girl appearing as if she’s inside a giant red cocoon tightly wrapped around her entire body, except for her head. She tilts Rachel’s head forward so she can see the length of her body. “Are you ready to give yourself to me?” Rachel nods her head and with the girl’s confirmation, and her hunger now raging, Dee allows herself to feed. At the end of each tiny coil inside the tail, a small opening reveals tiny razor-like teeth. Sensing that the next phase was to begin, the coils latch onto the girl’s skin, biting through. Rachel screams as thousands of tiny bites penetrate deeply into her flesh. Dee holds her tightly and she feels the tiny coils in her tail begin the process of rending the girl’s body into small pieces. The girl cries out in agony as the top layer of her skin begins to be shredded. “Just hold out a little bit longer. It’ll get better in a second”, Dee says reassuringly. With the skin breached, the coils begin injecting a liquid into the girl and she feels the pain rapidly fade. Her entire body begins to feel numb, but she still feels some sensation of the coils pushing against her body. She looks down and watches the surface of the tail as it begins consuming her body. Just below the surface of the tail, she can make out the shapes of the larger coils and they seem to writhe over her body. Dee can start to taste the Rachel’s flesh now as small chunks of her muscle, are circulated down the tail over the taste receptors. The girl’s flesh is rapidly torn off and broken into smaller chunks which are pushed down through the tail. Small bulges can be seen moving through the length of the tail as the girl’s flesh is pumped into Dee’s stomach. “I’m going to try to avoid eating your vital organs until the end so perhaps you can stay awake a while longer.” Rachel is slumped in Dee’s arms and she continues watching in fascination as the shape and mass of her body shrinks inside Dee’s tail. She feels more and more light-headed by the second, but she is determined to hold out as long as possible. As her body becomes smaller, she feels Dee’s belly grow at the same rate. Dee props Rachel’s head against her stomach so she can hear the sounds inside as the expanding stomach fills with her flesh. Small gurgling sounds begin to emanate as the powerful acids in Dee’s stomach churn and further digest Rachel’s flesh. “I… I…don’t think I can stay awake much more.” Rachel’s voice is like a whisper, and Dee knows that she won’t be around for much longer. “It’s starting to get dark, mommy.” Stroking the girl’s hair, Dee kisses her gently on the cheek and offers her one last comfort. Dee guides Rachel’s head to her breast and the girl instinctively begins suckling on the nipple as the rest of her body disappears more and more inside the tail. Stroking the girl’s head as she nurses, Dee enjoys the sensation of the suckling. Her belly is engorged and greatly distended in size now, full of the girl’s flesh. Feeling an unusual pang of sadness, Dee feels the girl’s suckling begin to slow. A few moments later, it stops. She looks down and Rachel’s eyes are closed and her face is serene and calm. The tail is still attached to the girl’s neck as it finishes breaking down the last parts of her body. Dee commands the tail to sever and release the girl’s head, its job of devouring the body now complete. Dee lies back on her bed. The enormous girth of her stomach makes it difficult to move, as she props herself against the backboard of the bed. The sheets of the bed are stained with the digestive fluids from the tail, mingled with the blood of the prey she has just eaten. As she gently massages her belly with one hand, she holds Rachel’s head in the crook of her other arm and lightly strokes the girl’s cheek with her fingers. With some difficulty, she reaches for her phone and pages Ryukky, her personal assistant. A few moments later, a petite young Asian girl with short black hair and glasses appears at Dee’s bedroom door. She’s attired in an apron and appears to have been doing household chores just now. “Miss, would you like me to clean up in here now?” Dee waves for Ryukky to come over. “Yes, but the first thing I want you to do is to take Rachel and put her head in the special freezer. Don’t forget to prepare it and wrap it carefully in that plastic first. And be quick about it.” Ryukky bows and nods in acknowledgement. She takes Rachel’s head and heads out the room. Dee calls out to Ryukky as she exits. “I think you’ll enjoy cleaning my tail tonight, Ryukky. Tonight’s dinner was especially tasty!” - The End -
“Truth or dare?” “Dare,” said Charlotte confidently, the booze in her belly dulling her inhibitions and making her all the more confident than her normal shy self. The blonde adjusting her white turtleneck slightly as she felt warm in the humid air they were hotboxing in. This was the girls first party in the 17 years she had walked the earth, and she was doing everything in her power to fit in. She seemed to be succeeding as the Pi-Th-Ion house had seemingly greeted her with open arms, all smiles, and banter, making them seem like a good crack. Initially, she had been cautious, having heard horror stories from her sex ed teacher. The thought of ruffies, gang rape and all manner of other anxieties tickling her mind for the first hour or so, as she was surrounded by boisterous lads and scantily clad girls. Some girls were in little more than panties, the tight short shorts and skimpy tops leaving little to the imagination and making Charlotte feel modestly dressed in her formfitting clothes. She had worn a stylish outfit, the cotton turtleneck sitting nicely on her body, the soft fabric conforming to her curves well still keeping a modest look. The shirt beneath hiding her bra, making her upper body gently rise as her large breasts, framing them nicely. Her short Demin jean shorts, clung tightly to her shapely buttocks so that it might emulate them as they jiggled in her womanly gait. This outfit was completed with some black tights and a matching pair of black boots. “I dare you to stick your feet in Goliath’s cage,” said the challenger, the lad pointing at the large glass tank that housed the fraternity’s mascot. At this point, the entire group was wasted way beyond the point of common sense, and the thought of placing her feet in the domain of a 20-foot reptile wasn’t daunting Charlotte in the slightest. “Challenge accepted!” she declared, getting to her feet unsteadily, the beer already clouding her motor functions. Flailing her arms a little in an uncouth manner not befitting the normally well-curated exterior she liked to project, Charlotte made her way on slow footsteps to the massive enclosure. It was expansive a room within a room, purposely built to house the long-time mascot of this illustrious group, no different from the bulldog of the rival house, only in being much larger. If she had been in the right frame of mind, she would have realised this was a horrible idea, but a combination of peer pressure and the urge to be accepted were egging her on as she reached the tank and slid the glass panel door away to gain access to the humid interior. Feeling the warm air brush over her, she began to sweat under the turtleneck, the new atmospheric conditions making her grow a little red as the climate controlled air vented into the larger room. “Put your feet in,” egged on a girl to her right, the whole group eager to see this challenge completed so they could have their turn. The questions so far asked varying from the banal to the lewd, and the dares from the trivial to the sexual. This group was very different from the norm that Charlotte affiliated with, they were confident, assertive and alpha to the extreme, unlike her quiet and content friends from the biology labs. She had broken the mould coming here, and even now felt a little uncomfortable in her own skin. One of the boys seemed to notice this indecisiveness and rose before offering her the blunt that hung from his lips. Charlotte didn’t know how to react, so accepted it and took a long drag of the roll of unknown substances, all she knew is it wasn’t tobacco burning away in the tube. “Thanks,” she said politely before passing it back, as the medicinal magic held within seemed to calm her down, as her brain chemistry was altered making her more flexible with the situation at hand. “Don’t mention it,” Said the man, as he puffed away, before collapsing back into one of the countless beanbags that were scattered in the room. Most were occupied as people took harbour in the sea of scattered beer bottles and discarded cans of everything from Heineken to monster energy drink. Now confident, Charlotte sat down on her plush posterior and placed her boot-clad feet into the large Vivarium. For a moment there was nothing but the sound of drumming dubstep permeating down from upstairs, as this monging pit was located in the basement to allow for the ideal ventilation to partake in the use of recreational drugs without alerting the police to such illicit practices. “Easy as pie,” she said proudly, looking back at the group with a cocky smile on her face. Then she heard a hiss, and from the rafters of the tank descended Goliath, the massive snake having been kipping in the roof mountings until being rudely disturbed by some rowdy teens, and their out of control party. The snake scaling down the fake rocks at the back of his lair to see who had the audacity to enter his sanctum at this hour. “I said your feet, you’re still wearing your boots,” corrected the boy who had issued the challenge, the logic sound in his drug induced mind. This miffed Charlotte as she reached down and removed both of her expensive leather boots, the footwear landing with heavy thuds as she tossed them to her right, to collect after the task at hand was completed. Her coordination was off though due to her intoxication and they landed haphazardly in two very different locations, leaving her tight covered toes to wriggle in the damp air of the Vivarium. Charlotte was being careful not to place her feet in the artificial mud that lined the bottom of the enclosure, as it was sure to be wet and would leave a clammy feeling on her feet for the rest of the night if she were to step in it. “Happy now!” she called over her shoulder, before noticing the motion of the approaching python. “Yeah, I am good!” he called back before practically collapsing as he fell over reaching for another beer, which at this point was probably too many. Looking back at the motion Charlotte let out a startled meep, as she was face to face with Goliath, the snake having sneaked up on her with his silent slithering body. “He’s just saying hello,” said someone in the back, and for some reason that stilled Charlotte's heart that had skipped a beat upon seeing such a gargantuan reptile which in her drug deluded mind had literally teleported in front of her. Time seemed to slow a little as she watched the forked tongue emerge from his scaly lips and flick the air, having a taste of her scent on the air. “Hi,” she said sheepishly, making eye contact with a pair of eye-lidless eyes, that were seemingly just staring at her coldly. She had no way of knowing it was sampling her flavour in the air, savouring it as it selected her as little more than a meal. Her eyes watching the snake as its head swept down her body as it retracted. The beast seemingly scared of her, as it retreated back to her feet, the crimson toenails barely visible under the thin fabric of her tights. The petite digits twitching a little as Charlotte squirmed a little well in the presence of such a powerful animal. Its triangular head paused at the end of her feet, seemingly curious of the small feet, little did Charlotte know it was just working out how to best swallow her. “Shush I won’t hurt you,” said Charlotte softly, trying to reassure the serpent, as she didn’t want it to lash out in fear. Her words falling on deaf ears as the snake didn’t care about the weird chirping its dinner was making, chickens made a similar sound until they succumbed to the stomach. Here at her toe tips, it began to yawn, the snake's jaw opening to display the white flesh within, almost as if it was tired of her disturbing its slumber, the sight queer and unusual, tickling the imagination of the drug-dazed girl. In a strange way, she found it cute and it brought a smile to her sunny face. The drug-induced euphoria continuing as whatever was hidden in that joint muddled Charlotte’s brain chemistry, dulling some senses and heightening others. It was this miasma that retarded the normal reaction as she felt the wet gape of the snake’s maw envelop her little toes. The slick flesh spreading easily as her left foot slid easily into the cavernous expanse that was the elastic snake gullet. Squirming slightly at the unusual sensation, like a warm plastic bag filled with mild water, Charlotte tried to push the snake off with her free foot, as soon as her brain registered the relaxing humidity of the snakes pulsing oesophagus. For her, it felt like an instant, but in reality, the snake had already taken up to her ankle before she even made a move to counter the snakes overly aggressive kiss. “Quit it,” she said passively, more like a whine than a demand, as she put her other foot up to try and push the mouth away with the soft sole. Her half assed attempt to dislodge the snake doing little but offer her other foot up on a silver platter. The mistimed jab just sliding the other foot to join its sibling in the slick chute of peristaltic snake flesh. shuddering slightly at the pleasant warmth that was raising up her legs, the snake wasting no time as it tried to tuck her away in its cylindrical body, as it felt the twin slabs of pedicured meat slid into its eager gullet. “Uh, guys?!” called Charlotte looking over her shoulder trying to flag down someone to help her in the abnormal situation she found herself in. “He’s just getting to know you,” said a guy near the back to the room, not even looking over as he lit up and took a massive inhale from a hookah pipe that was defiantly not filled with tobacco. This casual brushing off for some reason clicking some switch in Charlottes mind, dissuading her major doubts as everyone seemed fine with what was happening, not an inch of concern palpable in the room. Well, this was happening the pricking of pin needles was walking up her fine legs, like the walking of a sharp millipede, scaling her legs on an upward journey to her head. Charlotte didn’t know it, but the snake was literally walking up her body with its top jaw as it scaled her body like a hiker eager to devour her in her entirety. The slick maw making quick work of the thin limbs, the hairless flesh held even smoother as saliva greased nylon offered no resistance as she slid in like a penguin on ice. If she was in the right frame of mine, the small pricks of pooling blood moving up her legs would have caused distress and fear, but under the chemical cocktail, she could feel nothing but light tickles on her shaven flesh. “Hey, stop!” she ordered, bending her waist to use her hands to softly push at the snake’s face, still trying to dissuade it from giving her a full belly hug. Her manicured hands ineffectually striking the reptile, the peachy skin smelling divine with an expensive strawberry hand sanitizer. Her bronze skin that she prided herself in, was now wrapped under a layer of nylon and pulsing snake tunnel, days of basking hidden by stylish snakeskin leggings. The snake ignored her griping, she was food nothing more, opinions were reserved only for the powerful female snakes Goliath might serenade, this calorie packet would tide his frame over until an opportunity to mate presented its self. “Hey!” again said Charlotte shrilly, now losing her patience which what her mind had computed as a minor inconvenience. The snake still ignoring her as it shunted its head about, as its jaws spread over the widening of her child-bearing hips. The plump steaks of fatty meat compressing nicely as they were squeezed through the slathering doorway, the cotton growing dark with the pervading dampness. The course Demin of the torn jean shorts offering a nice change of pace to the snake’s platelet then the dull and texture less tights. With a powerful swallow, the entire buttocks were taken in a fluid gulp, the snake's snout covering the Gucci belt buckle that held the small garment of clothing to her waist. The snake’s lips slipping under the bottom of her turtleneck, as the loose-fitting hem slid over the snake’s head as it continued its steady advance. Now Charlotte was a bit concerned and began to gently pad at the snake’s head, its skin not the texture she was expecting at all. Instead of the assumed slimy skin, it was glossy and almost waxy to the touch, like a polished table, the creature’s fine scales dazzling, as she could see her form bulging out from the creature’s slender body. She hadn’t noticed it at the time, but as she had been holding her hands above her hips trying to force the snake to disgorge her, this position in turn with the aggressive swallow had meant that they were now pinned in the tight tube of snake meat crawling up her body. The ruby red nails, soft palms and designer ring on her left hand were now safely nestled in the dip of her hips, held in place so that they could no longer flail as the long swallow continued, the girl entering the snuggest position in which to slide down the waiting throat. Her form stretching out the snake’s lithe body as she was converted from woman to bulge, the mass wriggling lightly as she squirmed in the sweaty embrace. She was determined though and the unpleasant sensation on her hands caused Charlotte to recoil pulling the limbs back up the throat, the sodden limbs spraying a splash of drool as they escaped like ducks taking flight. For a second Goliath was concerned as the possibility that his dinner was about to fight back and froze, until this fear evaporated instantly as Charlotte got right back to gently prodding at his face in some futile attempt to stop his unrelenting advance. What she was doing was like a gentle breeze, nothing more and the snake with another swallow continued the conversion process of a woman to bulge with his mechanical vigor. The bulge Charlotte was making wasn’t defined like in cartoons, more like a simple oblong shape, as the snake’s organs and muscles parted slightly to allow her to pass through, like a meaty chauffeur to the waiting stomach. The feeling on her lower half amazing, not scary at all, more relaxing as it felt like a full body massage mixed with a steamy shower. The aggressive kneading of the throat as it compressed and yanked her body along the muscular conveyer belt. “Hey, Goliath is eating that blonde chick!” hollered one of the lads, someone in the group finally noticing Charlotte’s predicament. Soon a gaggle of students had congregated around her gawking at the weird sight, their intimal advancement a little too quick as Goliath tried to retreat slightly dragging Charlotte's rump over the raised doorframe that held the door secure to stop the hot air escaping into the room. The hardwood tapping her lightly on the ass through the covering of snake tissue that now enveloped her lower body. That was until he realised they meant no harm and continued to ingest his shapely dinner, her next gulp taking his pit gland studded nose to Charlotte's navel. Well this was happening Charlotte was showered by words… “Cool” “What’s it feel like?” “does it hurt?” The sudden attention causing Charlotte to blush, as she found herself the belle of the drunken ball. She could feel hands caressing over the pulsing of the throat, as people felt her form through the snake’s body, all seeming amazed as she was wearing it like a sleeping bag. The next few minutes passing in an instant, the crowd there one second and gone the next as their goldfish-like interest dissipated like a fart on the wind. They were much more interested in the drugs and booze seemingly content to mong it without a passing regard for the girl turned snake chow only a few feet away. Soon Charlotte was again alone, though in a room full of strangers, her only companion the snake swallowing her whole. It was strange, she was calm, no hammering heart, no panicked breath, just a sense of complacency and peace. For this the snake was grateful, its meal was nice and courteous for the long swallow, so it didn’t have to overexert itself subduing its prey. This girl meat seemed to know her place, submissive and almost begging to be eaten, as the snake had no comprehension of the medicinal drugs that were dulling Charlottes senses to the point of physical ineptitude. In truth, this was better for the snake and the woman, no scream, no coiling, no loud crunch of a shattering ribcage, just a nice relaxing meal between too short-term acquittances, a business exchange of her meat to continue its life, nothing more nothing less. As it continued its leisurely stroll along her body, its throat conforming and feeling out every nook and cranny on its Sunday wandering. The clear drool pervading deep into Charlotte’s form as it gave her body a sound scrubbing with its juices. the dampness sitting in a clammy way on her pussy and arsehole, as her cotton panties stuck to it like a soaking bikini, highlighting her camel toe, though it was not like anyone could see it under the snake skirt. Two mounds of mammary meat sat in its way, the perky meat jiggling slightly as Charlotte continued to draw soothing breath. These mountains became little more than hills once the snake's jaw curved over them, pressing them flat to the ribcage so that only her hard nipples remained resolute in their stand against the overwhelming pressure of a ravenous snake’s relentless advance. The twin bullets making a distinct sensation as they began to flow down the gullet with the still breathing slab of meat they were attached to. Reaching the armpits, the throat pressure forced Charlotte's arms upwards as if she was waving them like she just didn’t care. The yanking of her devourer causing the limbs to twitch as she danced to the rhythm of ingestion, her mind still not quite understanding what was happening thought the sickening feeling that it was not quite right was hanging in her mind like a storm cloud. Her turtleneck was riding high, the snake pushing it along as it ate her out of it, the shirt she had worn underneath drenched like a dishcloth, were as the turtleneck was still bone dry, not yet subjugated by the tsunami of the saliva glands. It was here, 90% consumed by a gigantic reptile, did Charlotte’s deluded mind finally think it was a good time to request assistance. “Help!” she called her words but a whisper, the tight force of the throat compressing her lungs preventing her from giving a powerful call for aid. Something in her mind finally clicking that this might be a horrible situation she was stuck in and it was time for someone to help her out of this snakeskin suit before it became her coffin, her mind sobering up slightly but not enough to panic. The girl instead gently complaining as she felt an overwhelming sense of dread slip into her soul. She was left to dwell in this concern, as no aid came for a while, the rippling snake flesh crawling another few inches up her body before finally, a shadow fell on the girl now more bulge then woman. “Let me help you,” said a slurred voice, as a man leaned in from her peripheral vision. “O’ thank god, he isn’t stopping,” wheezed Charlotte, her breathing impeded much more then she realised. Instead of helping her out of the sodden tubing of living pipe that was the snake, he simply reached down, and firmly grasped the collar of her turtleneck. For a moment Charlotte had no idea what to make from this, the interaction out of place even in her hazy mind, and it caused her to stop. The man's hands adjusted to turtleneck slightly a few times in fact, correcting and rectifying what he had done, until with a smile he seemed proud of whatever he had achieved and stepped back, before waddling off out of Charlottes field of view. “Hey where are you going!” she called out, as the man collapsed into a beanbag a few yards away. “I fixed your outfit, why are you still yelling,” he said completely nonchalantly, seemingly so drugged up that he was oblivious to the snake devouring the woman in front of him. “That wasn’t my problem, this snake is swal……” and with a gulp Charlotte's words were silenced the snake taking her entire cranium in one swallow, leaving just a pair of twitching arms and some golden locks of hair to wave goodbye to the world with. Now Charlotte was screaming, her entire body in a state of overstimulation as the snake’s oppressive system flooded her senses. Tactile, smell, heat all were overwhelming her as the throat dominated her body, as it forced her down like the good meal she was. Her head had slid through the hole in the top of the turtleneck and now it was slowly peeling off her arms as each swallow took another inch of golden skin. The arms were flailing like windmills now trying to resist the unwanted trip on the slip and slide. But with each swallow their field of movement grew more and more limited, elbows, wrists fingers, then nothing. The 10 digits gave one last erratic wave, as with a final swallow she was cast off to the throat, the rolling current quickly dragging her down to the stomach. She was giving it her all, thrashing like a woman possessed, trying to make the snake swallowing her hack her up like a nasty take away. All was for naught, her wriggles pointless only existing so the tight throat could press down and crush the fight out of her. She was meat now, food, her only value was her calorific content and whatever nutrients the snake could scrub from her bones. Charlotte had missed this memo though and was going to fight for her life, giving it her all, the adrenalin shots finally sobering her up like a monster energy drink to the horror she was experiencing. From the outside this was a lot more peaceful looking, the simple rounded bulge that was Charlotte slowly moving down the snake’s throat, trembling slightly as she struggled within, trying to avoid a fate she had already consented to. The bulge quickly came to rest about half way down the snake, the location of its large stomach, more than capable of holding this shapely lunch meat until digestion could turn her into a more workable form for its intestines. Its meal in tow, her discarded Turtleneck and boots the only reminder that she had existed at all, Goliath began to slowly retreat back into his enclosure, intending to sit under a heat lamp and sluice this hearty meal to allow him to segregate the nutrients from the waste he would later unceremoniously shit out. The bulge that was Charlotte's head was just about to cross the precipice of the doorway when Goliath felt a pair of hands grasping the bulge the female meat made in his belly. Swinging his head around fangs barred in a threat display, he saw one of the frat boys who dwelt in the building, the red fraternity shirt marking him as an uneatable. This triggered pacifist training in the snake and it immediately relaxed in the presence of what it viewed as a master, if not begrudgingly. “Whoa…,” he said completely spaced out of it. the lad without thinking reaching down and beginning to caress the massive serpent, his hands feeling up the unusual texture of his glossy scales. The snake tolerated his passing interest as he knew it was not wise to bite the hand that fed him, well for the time being as he was sated in his meal. In the wild such prodding of his swollen and this case still wriggling belly, would cause him to disgorge his catch in an attempt to flee, but he knew this human meant him no harm and was more than likely content to stroke his powerful frame. Within the gut sack, Charlotte was protesting gently, the air tart and her lungs heavy as she drew weak breath. She could feel hands pressing against her form as somebody was feeling up the snake, compressing palms into her solid body within the great beast that had made her a meal. This ignited a spark of hope that someone was going to rescue her, and she called out for assistance. “He…..ey!” she started, the words immediately changing from a call for aid to a call of distress as a pair of hands firmly grasped her breasts and gave them a hearty squeeze. The firm mammaries were being tossed like a salad as someone vigorously groped her through the stomach wall. The sensation disgusted Charlotte as she was molested like little more than a lump of meat as she began to slowly stew in the snake’s gut. The man fondling her through the flesh getting a partial boner, as he blindly explored a woman’s form lane out in the snakes expanded stomach. The tactile feeling of a weakly squirming female body, tapping into the primal urge of sexuality as he felt every inch of her entombed flesh. But this soon passed, and his wandering hands retracted, as he wandered off in search of a receptive female who would take his seed. His exploring mitts getting him eager to plough the first girl who would be up for it, and his inhibition reduced mind was sure to find a lass fitting that expansive criteria. This again left Charlotte alone in the embrace of the snake’s attentive stomach. The foul fluids of the caustic chamber were already nipping at her tanned skin, slowly lathering the epidermis as it prepared to lather it from her body. Her tights had disappeared, the polymer strands unravelling in the 1.0 ph fluids she basted in, the article of clothing completely disintegrating as the stomach scraped over it. the fibres first falling away in clumps before dissolving completely as it was soluble to the acrid liquid that was trickling into the overstuffed stomach. With her legs naked the stomach was already nipping away at the soft silky skin, causing it to grow red as it was irritated by the festering fluids. The feeling was queer as in a matter of moments she lost the sensation of the tight leggings and it was instead replaced by the biting of hydrolysing tissue. She could feel the sizzling of her skin as it worked over her body, the soft flesh growing loose on her bones as she was tenderized by the rolling of an overly aggressive stomach. The bag of muscle beating on her like an abusive lover as she was pummelled into submission but its overwhelming power. The peptide polituce was also nipping at her soft orifices, the more sensitive areas of her anus and pussy already gently bleeding as the powerful enzymes began to metabolize the delicate cells that lined such a nerve-filled area. Her eyes were stinging up a storm, bloodshot and filled with tears of both fear and irritation at the dire bath she was taking. Her heart was hammering away on her chest, the thumping so violent that she felt it might burst through her ribcage like a grotesque dove. She could feel the snake moving, its body rippling in controlled rolling motions as it dragged her bag into its enclosure no doubt to sleep her off in peace, away from the noisy students. She didn’t know where she was, but the snake had stopped under his large headlamp, positioning her bulge directly under the glowing orange, as to enhance his metabolism to more efficiently break her down to her base nutrients. Skin raw, fingernails bleeding as she continued to claw away at the enveloping shroud that was the stomach, Charlotte was on the final step on going from girl to meat. Every part of her hurt, the pain varying from the pinching of ants to a sharp pain where the raw needle holes Goliaths teeth had made allowed the fresh stomach juices to reach the unprotected skin. The feeling was as if she was having a tattoo done in a straight line up her body, the whole mass stinging way as if salt and lemon juice was being mixed in with the acidic ink. Panic overtook her mind, no drugs could hide her animalistic urge to survive, but it would be all for naught. If she had had this fight when Goliath had first allowed her taste to touch his lips she might have escaped, well that or been crushed in compressing coils and shovelled into a hungry maw, the latter having at least some dignity of a fair fight. But she had been under the influence of stimulants and her fight had spared her the horror of having her body mangled and devoured, instead she was in for the ride alive and kicking. Her heart couldn’t take it, feeling now like it was about to explode, she was a human being, a person, not a dietary supplement for some overgrown grass snake. “I am not dying, like this…..” she spat in her dwindling breath. The acidic fumes eating away at her lungs like chlorine gas. As every second her alveoli capacity decreased as more and more of the spongy lungs were turned to pulp in her chest cavity. the soup pooling as it waited for her stomach wall to fail so that it could join her in the stew that was her former body. She defiance was admirable, but she was but a mortal, she didn’t want to die but the pressing biological urgency of a dying organism overtook such notions of being above nature. She wet herself the acrid urine joining the stomach sludge as another fine ingredient for her to marinate in. the snake not caring whether it was inside her or outside her, as in time she would be turned inside out as she was converted into a pulpy pile of mutilated girl gore. Feeling the heat of yellow liquid on her legs, Charlotte knew what that meant, as she had heard you soiled yourself before you died, and that made the creeping spectre of death lurk all the more present in her oxygen deprived mind. Her panic had burned her air, her respiration in overdrive, and suddenly she just lost consciousness, the darkness fading in like a storm on a clear day. Her mind shutting down as the carbon dioxide levels reached critical mass in the pressure cooker of a serpent’s stomach. She was gone, Charlotte no longer existed, she was nothing but a slowly liquifying lump of meat. The corpse twitching as nerves ate away, the long cells getting snipped by the scissor-like enzymes until they were naught but a puree of girl flesh waiting to be syphoned off to the bowels that even now were regrowing to process the meaty load. The first spurt of girl slop was now feeding into the stomach, the protein-rich milkshake quickly screened and filtered of nutrients. The calories and minerals immediately converted into snake tissue as after a brief period of fasting Goliath was in need of regrowing his intestines to correctly process such a delectable morsel as Charlotte. Until such a need to move presented its self he was content to enter a dormant state and bask under the heat lamp as his gut slowly shrank. The snake giving a casual glance out the still open terrarium door as he mulled over simple thoughts as his stomach bubbled away on a well-earned dinner. 24 hours later ………………………………………………………………………… “Anyone got anything else for the lost and found?” asked a burly looking man as he reached down and plucked a discarded turtleneck from the crinkled heap in which it sat on the ground. “Just these,” said a tipsy-looking 20 something, as he almost fell over as he walked over with a pair of boots, the owner much closer than either man knew. The effects of the night meaning the lad had no idea of the girl he had groped in the snake stomach, even as he held her discarded footwear, the scent of her sweat leaking out of it. to be fair he was lucky to be walking straight he had put some wicked drugs in his system. “Any of you know whom these belong to?” asked the first man, taking the boots from the unsteady lad. The room giving sounds of no or shrugs indicating they had no clue who had come to the part with such items. They didn’t remember the beautiful blonde who had slipped down a snake throat, wriggling away before getting a promotion to digesting woman meat. “Eh,” he said and tossed them casually into the plastic box already filled with discarded clothing a few pairs of panties among the misplaced clothes. If the owner didn’t turn up in a month or two the items would be donated to charity, so it was no skin off his nose. Though the room had forgotten her, Charlotte was very much present. The awkward girl now a lot more limber as she was well on the way to a girl smoothie. Her chest cavity had ruptured, and her organs had spewed out into the stomach chamber, digestion well on its way, as the snake entered overdrive to metabolise her in the shortest time possible, the variables in his enclosure the perfect storm for turning woman meat into snake fat. the massive snake simply relaxing as she stewed away, the only disturbance being the click of his cages door when someone noticed it was open. The man only giving a cursory glance to make sure the serpent hadn’t gone walkabouts, giving no mind or foresight to investigate the massive lump in his midsection. A quick scan of the eyes finding nothing amiss, Goliath was rolled up under the thermal lamp the plastic covering concealing him for the most part, all that was required for the man to close the door and give the issue no more mind. Ironic really that Charlotte had wanted to be the centre of attention, but now she was nothing more then a smooth bulge, bubbling away under a heat-lamp like nothing more than a feeder rat. She was nothing, dead and digesting, already forgotten, by the time a missing persons report appeared she would be in no shape to even be recognisable as the pretty girl turned into snake defecation. That would take time though, but time was the one thing Goliath had in abundance. 5 days later ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Charlotte was gone, her bones, her flesh, now nothing but waste and a healthy padding on the snake’s frame. The 120 or so pound girl now resting as a few scattered kilograms distributed along the snakes still slender body. Most of her form scrubbed away, as nearly 97% of her biomass had been taken by Goliath to fuel his mighty frame. The snake relaxed and content during the calm digestion period, the girls gut quaking not even giving it butterfly’s as it ground her to a bony paste. The biology brutal and efficient, around 40% of the tender girl used simply to alter Goliath’s morphology so that he could digest her at his pleasure. Her meat fuelling her own digestive cremation, as her sensual form was turned to nothing but chyme as nature intended to meat in a stomach. But with all things it was time to let her out, Charlotte ready to be reborn as nothing more than a small coiling snake of pebbly shit. Relaxing his cloaca and with a little strain, he vacated his bowels of any latent waste that had called herself Charlotte. Instead of the expected brown logs first emerged some vanilla ice-cream gunk, uric pellets the snake’s version of urine as converting a woman into organs and fat produced a healthy dollop of urea. After this came the expected logs the measly offering coming out smooth as a few greasy logs. The sheer lack of turds illustrating truly how efficient the snake’s digestive system had been. Charlotte had gone from a full-grown woman to a soggy log that was no larger than one that might squeeze from her former pert arsehole. The logs having nearly nothing of the former girl to tell what had been turned into a turd. The only things present being a collection of short pubic hairs interrupted by the odd longer head hair that had smuggled itself through the winding labyrinth of the creature’s bowels. The only other major thing to survive was 20 finger and toenails, the flat plates stripped of polish and scraggy like rubber that has begun to rot. The hair and nails only surviving as snake biology had trouble with the protein structures of Keratin, and not hinting at some greater resistance of her form. She had digested, it just turned out a part of her lacked sufficient nutritional value for his evolution to consider worth expending resources digesting, her meat had been enough. A single ring sat in the log the silver still shining in the glow of the heat lamp, the twinkling of a gem still held in place crowning the semi-fluid mess like a cherry on a chocolate sundae. The ring acting as a final hill marker on the small mound of waste an intelligent girl had been reduced to, no longer human simply discarded slurry. The snake had but one thing left to do and yawning like an exhausted 7/11 worker, it began to purge its stomach. A small mass moving up its body before emerging from its maw to be discarded like a Roman emperor vomiting. It was a slimy egg-shaped mass, made of long blonde hair and sodden clothes. It was a mass of things that Goliaths stringent quality control had deemed pointless to put through the intestines and instead it had simply sat in his gut as the rest of Charlotte washed away. It composed of her shorts, panties, t-shirt and a good portion of her head hair. The entire mass coated in stomach phlegm and residual bile. The stomach still giving it a good go to convert the items into processable components. Though even the overbearing juices had given up and these items had been smooshed into a ball and unceremoniously ejected like the junk they were. Its segregation had managed to pick up her cowhide belt though and the treated skin had digested as easily as the belts owner, now all that remained was a corroded Gucci belt buckle, protruding slightly from its embedded position in the no longer shower-fresh hair. No sooner was the pellet clear of his maw did Goliath realign his jaws and go back to sleep, he was content and would not need to feed for many a moon, Charlotte's gift of nutrients sufficient for him to fast for several months. The maid would clean up his pen and casually discard the pellet and turds, the Mexican not able to speak English, so would have no way of alerting the authority’s, and that is if she cared enough to recognise the distinctly female waste. Though she was small enough for Goliath to consider her a possible future dinner date, but only time would tell if she would take the long slide, for now, the mighty reptile was content to simply mong it.
“That is a lie and you know it!!!!!” screamed Miranda, her hand slamming down on the expensive mahogany of the stand, as she expressed her disdain for the comment of the sol system fleet commander. “A woman is as fit to serve in the SDF as any man, your statements are false and based on crooked studies,” she continued, as all the court's eyes sat on her. Her plump breasts rising and falling on her chest as the fire that was in her stoked them like sails as she drew breath. “Miss Davis please, rein in your emotions, this is a place of debate, not some petty mongers court,” replied the speaker, the old man sitting in a leering position over the rest of the tribunal to maintain order. The stern but calm words of the law keeper, slowing the roll of the room before it descended into a childish screaming match between the several parties present. “It is not a lie miss, countless studies prove it is more than just an opinion but star steel fact,” replied the slimy aristocrat who have nibbled her enough to get her to give such an unprofessional outburst. “Do you have any proof?” she questioned, demanding evidence for his outlandish claims. Miranda crossing her arms defensibly as she tried to look confident, though she was already shaken by his previous misogynistic comments. “Plenty, where do you want me to start?” he replied, giving a snide smile, like a spider eyeing a fly in its web. The greasy bureaucrat making Miranda's skin crawl with his very presence as his entire persona reeked of unearned political influence. “How about your assertion that women are inherently weaker than men, I have many fellow female troopers who would virulently disagree with that statement, sir,” she replied formally, as she returned to proper procedure and would address her superior with the due respect he deserved, even if in her emerald eyes he was little better than a guppy leech. He didn’t give her a verbal response, well not initially, instead he with his weedy looking arms produced a hefty manuscript, the seal of the SDF embodied in golden gloss on its cover. The large tome landed with a dull thud on his stand and he licked a finger and began to flick through a few pages. Clearing his throat and slicking back his overly gelled black hair, he began to quote from the book verbatim. “Imperial Tactica, volume 345, page 149, the eastern fringe rebellion,” “Studies conducted in unit attrition found that female-only units or partially mixed units were prone to suffering lower moral then male-only units,” “Furthermore to quote the great general, Rubious Valenti,” “Women soldiers are challenged by some field combat duties — carrying five-gallon cans of fuel and water, changing armoured vehicle track and heavy truck tires, carrying 100-plus-pound loads of ammunition and fighting gear on extended dismounted operations, carrying stretchers of wounded soldiers, and the brute labour required to dig in fighting positions,” “If a statement from one of the greatest generals in military history isn’t damming enough I have further proof,” said the Fleet commander as he produced another much smaller document, the blue paper on the cover indicating it was from internal affairs. “Last year, the IIA conducted a study upon casualties in infantry units, and what they found is alarming,” “And I quote,” he said after he moved his finger along the document coming to a rest about halfway down the 5th or 6th page. “According to the results of the study produced by the service, female service members were significantly injured twice as often as men, less accurate with infantry weapons and not as good at removing wounded troops from the battlefield,” “Do you have any words to refute this miss Davis?” asked the speaker, as he mediated the imminent exchange between the two parties. Miranda looked uncomfortable and now felt greatly under-equipped to deal with this debate, as it seemed her opponent had gone above and beyond in routing up false studies. “My experiences in the field would speak otherwise, I have hit one of the ugly Xenos between the eyes at 500 yards, that accuracy remark is bollocks,” she responded, hoping her time in the field would trump a dusty tome from some backwater research bureau. “That is just a single case study, and we all know they don’t carry any scientific merit, as I have empirical evidence that disproves your statement,” responded the commander producing yet another book. “Are you saying my eyes have lied to me!” snapped Miranda offended by the accusation she was green, she had seen countless lives lost against this alien menace and to have it tossed aside as not worth merit offended her. Her face growing red, as no one in the room seemed to be taking her seriously and were instead listening to this worm-like commander as he read from textbooks like a Victorian teacher. “You are to lead by your emotions miss Davis, we are at war, just because you and other women like you want to play soldier doesn’t mean you can, resources are tight and if what the right honourable gentleman says is true, the results of this tribunal could save countless lives and millions of credits in funding for training,” responded a frail old man at the back, the countless medals clanking on his chest all it took for everyone to shut up and listen. “General Adams is right, this has nothing to do with feelings and everything to do with logistics,” responded the commander, as he chimed in to give his two cents. “And I can guarantee savings in training with these two hard facts,” he said returning to the massive pile of paperwork that was slowly materializing on his desk as now more then a dozen books lay open at different pages, the corners dog-eared for ease of reference. “Research found that all-male squads, teams, and crews demonstrated better performance on 93 of 134 tasks evaluated (69 percent) than units with women in them." "The research also found that male Marines who have not received infantry training were still more accurate using firearms than women who have." “Based on this men have a natural deposition to using firearms over women, as even untrained men are more able to handle and utilize the fine firearms that are great factory’s produce,” summarised the commander as he piled up his books and presented the hefty stack to the speaker, so that he could verify his statements, though from the smile on his face he knew he wasn’t talking out of his ass. The speaker, who had not been expecting to read anything produced a small pair of spectacles and began to slowly read over the statements, that had been so kindly highlighted in yellow, so he didn’t have to bumble. “This evidence is acceptable,” he concluded, the words causing the grin on the commanders face to get even larger as his laser-treated teeth gleamed. This just further infuriated Miranda, as she had not expected this much clearly biased paperwork to have to wade through. She had served in system intelligence for half a decade, and this tripe she was being presented with was burning a hole in her stomach from its prejudice bullshit, she wanted to smack this smug prick across the side of the head with his folder of lies, but it wasn’t worth the court-martial. “Miss Davis, what data do you have to refute this quite damming evidence,” said the speaker, as he finished reading the last of the tower of books he had been presented. “These studies are fundamentally flawed,” she said once she spotted the name on the bottom of the top book, the name a notorious sexist in the corps, infamous for cupping more than a few feels on female cadets. Seizing the initiative Miranda hopped to capitalize on this, and steamed head with an ad hominin attack on the author. “The author major Mills, he was famously discharged last spring for unprofessional conduct with female troops,” “I believe the quote was, “they are only fit to swerve as a sheath to my sword”,” she said putting on the cigar Chainsmokers voice he was known for, the statement in obvious reference to the mans piss hydra. “Any study conducted by him would have intrinsic biases and as such would lack scientific merit, which according to you makes it unfit for this tribunal,” she summarised, giving a bitch like grin to the commander who was not even reacting to what she considered a slam dunk for her side of the argument. “That would be true if he had conducted the studies, but the good old major is currently sipping martinis in Tahiti, his name is on that book because he proofread it in his free time,” said the commander, shooting her down like a low flying glider. “Those studies were conducted by a miss Emma Woo, a very nice lady, you might know her for fixing the algorithms for the type 3 space artillery targeting computers on the P.U.N.T orbital cannons, that if I am not mistaken allowed your unit to survive the siege of new Dover, which if memory serves right was entirely caused by a tactical miscalculation with yours truly.” “And in regard to battle experience I think the words of a general with over 40 years of service outweighs your 5-year career which has the highlight of a strategic withdrawal that was one hair off a bloodbath,” he said rubbing in Miranda's past failures. These words visibly shaking the lieutenant, as she had never expected him to make it so personal, but new Dover had been a shit show, it had nothing to do with her gender just bad intel. “Mistakes were made, but my sex had nothing to do with that, we managed to rein it in and performed a breakout according to protocol only suffering 20% casualties, as per galactic standard for such a manoeuvre,” she responded, her confidence gone as now her voice was a little wonky as she wavered after her own experience had been put into question. “The reason I mention it is a similar event occurred in the retreat from Dakkar prime,” and the moment that moon was mentioned Miranda knew where this was going. “Where Lieutenant Keyes managed to perform the exact same strategy with only 5% causalities, and negligible fatalities, the feat chalked up entirely to stronger unit cohesion of his all-male volunteer force,” and there it was, Miranda’s ex-being brought up, as she no doubt assumed as a way to further shake her foundation. The brave fool having dropped out of the academy and formed a militia on the 1000 rim moons of the gas giant Dakkar, the man doing it in an instant when he heard his home was next on the list of systems set to fall to the Xenos menace. It should have been cut and dry, a speedbump on the trip to Setter, the capital of that cluster, but for reasons that escaped Miranda had been able to force the alien invaders into a brutal ground war in which with a force of no more than 10,000 men managed to not just stall the invasion but repel it, albeit it with the destruction of the port moon of Valaa. “What is your point, the situations were completely different,” snapped Miranda, not wanting to be reminded at the supposed miracle work her former fling could work from the uneducated Plebeians of that outer rim world. “That they were, he was working with untrained men, unlike your unit which composed of a supposed honour guard, he did more with a bunch of illiterate miners then you achieved with the cream of the academy,” “He crashed a moon into a hive ship!” snapped Miranda, illustrating the clear difference in their combat experiences. As she had gotten to grips with how much of a weasel this commander was, and he would bounce anything she said back at her like rubber on glue to further discredit her. “He gets results, he saved not just that system, but stalled the western tendril to such an extent that they have done on the defensive for the first time,” “Dakkar was and still is a backwater, it held no strategic value…..” began Miranda before he cut her off. “It didn’t, the territory was worthless, its chief export low-grade iron from the asteroid belt, but evidently it was worth something to the souls who dwell within the system of that blue moon,” “He somehow rallied a small army of pirates, miners and other dregs and prevented the fall of and to quote him, “Are shithole”,” “He gives them hope and the will to win, all I have seen from your unit is comments on your incompetence and more then a few of them blaming you for the death of friends,” he responded, slapping a folder marked with red stamps down on the table, the emblem on the front indicating it was a psyche report from Miranda’s unit’s chaplain. Adding another item to the mountain of evidence that he was raising against Miranda, who had yet to have given a citation other than her feelings and personal experiences. “I don’t see how this has to do with female fitness to serve,” said Miranda trying to get the conversation back on to the main purpose of the tribunal. If she had expected to just get chewed out on her failings compared to others, she would never have agreed to give evidence at this tribunal, as so far it has just been bollocks and personal attacks against her. “It has everything to do with that, Keyes results follow the pattern of the data I have presented so far, male-only units, higher unit cohesion, better results with fewer resources,” he said giving hand gestures as if it illustrates his point, but to Miranda it just looked like a little boy playing with Legos. “All speculation and conjecture, another case study, lacking in merit, correlation doesn’t equal causation,” retorted Mirada, as she was pretty sure at this point she had lost this hill, and a strategic withdrawal to the next point was warranted, as she might not win this battle, but she would win the war. “Fine I will just crush you on another point, how about female morphology being incapable of waging conventional warfare,” responded the commander, his words sounding like absolute lunacy to the lieutenant who had to hold back a laugh, as he may have had documentation from his previous points, but she knew for a fact this last statement was false. “Take off your shirt,” “Wait what?!” snapped Miranda as he just told her to expose herself in a room full of old men. “Take off your shirt please,” he said again, repeating the order. “Why?” she said confused as she couldn’t comprehend what it had to do with the argument at hand. “Because I need a specimen to explain my next point, and as the only woman present that falls to you but based on your previous statements I am sure you won’t fail and prove my point mute,” he said calmly, as he waited for her to progress with his will. “No, I will not expose myself for your sick game!” she spat. “Don’t make me pull rank,” he said, giving a waggle of the head as he looked at her like a PowerPoint slide. Hearing that, to a grumble of slurs, just barely audible, Miranda removed her green shirt, then her tank top, folding them neatly and placing them on the counter in front of her so her bouncing breasts were exposed for all to see. “Now what,” she said with a huff, before putting her hands on her hips as she tried to remain confident as the room gawked at her like a common stripper. “Hold this,” he said, as he reached under the desk and produced a type 5 anti-material rifle, the massive dampening butt allowing it to fire a 47mm APHE shell at two times the speed of sound without shattering the body of the user, though it still kicked like a mule. The commander had clearly never used one before as he struggled with the weight of the single shot weapon, the weapon in its standard carry case and requiring a few seconds to put together, but with a few clicks, he assembled it before placing it in front of Miranda with the dull clunk of metal. “Gladly,” said Miranda confident to crush whatever point he was making, the woman easily hefting the bulky weapon, before pointing it at the commander and with a click pulling the trigger, to jokingly threaten the prick. The brunette giving him a cocky grin as she was confident she was holding the large gun correctly. Her right breast was getting covered slowly in goose flesh from the cold metal, but the frigid steel felt comforting, unlike this uncaring tactical room, as with this she felt like she knew it like a family member. “If you had just fired that you would have broken your shoulder,” he said bluntly, ignoring her action against him. “What no! this is how I have fired it in the past,” she retorted, now sure this guy was absolutely full of shit, and nit-picking to discredit her when her when she had done nothing wrong. “let me guess from the lying position if you fired it from the shoulder as you did there you would have been seriously injured”. The words upsetting Miranda as he was right she had only fired it from the prone position. “Your right breast is displacing the butt to the right, means the recoil cannot correctly dissipate into your body, I would guess you were black and blue after every firing exercise with such a thing” he concluded making the jump, that Miranda couldn’t refute as he seemed to have psychically predicated her experiences. “Fine so a well-endowed woman may not be capable of firing this particular weapon, so what I can handle the service rifle just fine!” she now yelled, as she was becoming heated again as her credibility was being torn apart by this pompous pratt like a feral dog on a dead horse. “Well it reduces your squad’s ability to adapt, going back to lower unit cohesion, what if your support trooper gets shived, you won’t be able to fulfil their duties to the same level,” he said. “Furthermore let’s prove that statement about the service rifle shall we,” he said opening the door and addressing the Guardsman who had been standing guard of the room since the meeting had started. “Guardsmen, may I please borrow your rifle?” said the commander, indicating that he wanted the service rifle he was diligently holding. The man who had been standing like a statue slowly turned around and looked over at general Holiday, the highest-ranking man in the room. The one-eyed man just gave a nod, as he approved the action would have no repercussions, and the trooper gladly relinquished his weapon. “Hold this,” ordered the commander, as he checked the safety and handed the venerable weapon to Miranda. She did so gladly and hefted it like she always did, and again she fell into the commander’s trap. “Easy of pie,” she said confidently, hefting the lump of forged metal and plasti-steel easily, as she swang it around as if getting target acquisition on some filthy bugs. “Again you're holding it wrong,” informed the commander, in a manner most condescending. “How so?” questioned Miranda, immediately getting flustered, as if that were the case she had been doing it wrong for the last 5 years. “Your well-developed breasts are again displacing your aim, every breath knocks your barrel to the right, you will be able to hit things but at a reduced accuracy to a male soldier in the same position,” he informed, as he produced a white handkerchief from his pocket and fed it into the end of the gun's barrel, and low and behold you could see it drifting slightly as Miranda drew breath. “The situation would be made notably worse if it was an Infantry support weapon, or you had it set to fully automatic,” he continued, as Miranda could feel her cheeks turning red, as she got more than a little hot and bothered over this insistent critical breakdown of her capabilities by some rich twat who had never seen the mud of a battlefield. “And this problem seems pervasive amongst female soldiers who have been… well gifted in terms of body shape,” “Now take off your pants and spread so I can prove my next point,” he ordered, as he had one last point to make before they had a recess. “No, go fuck yourself!” she hissed like a tabby cat, as she was not going to flash her lower doors at the drop of a hat like a cheap whore. “Lieutenant Miranda Davis, I order you to remove your pants and present your posterior to this committee,” he ordered sternly. Miranda looking at him like she wanted to chokeslam him through a glass coffee table, before she reluctantly unbuckled her belt, and dropped her pants and panties. Turning around, she spread her plump buttocks, and presented her hairless backside to the group, for whatever demeaning point this commander wanted to make of her body. The man getting a laser pointer from his pocket and shining it at her exposed holes as he began to lecture her on her own body. “As you can see miss Davis is in possession of mature female sexual organs, befitting her sex, three holes, urethra and vaginal opening sharing the slit, and anus on its own.” “The problem isn’t the fact Miranda is in possession of these genitals, it’s, in fact, the lack of a certain organ that is the problem,” “Because Miss Davis is biologically female she lacks testicle’s, meaning her testosterone levels are significantly lower than a male of the same age and physical condition,” “This is important, as, without the male dose of testosterone, Miss Davis here is on average 5 to 20% weaker than a male of the same level of training, based on genetic factors,” “This is due to the fact testosterone is an anabolic steroid, and it is a factor in the sexual dimorphism in our species, making men more capable of fighting and waging war,” “Men are born to fight and die, and women are born to carry the next generation in their wombs, as much of a stereotype that seems to be, in times of war we may have to default to the natural order, and if attrition levels get too high make women like miss Davis into broodmares to produce enough troops to win this war,” he concluded making a huge jump as he basically degraded Miranda to little more then lives stock, someone to fuck and shit out babies. “How fucking dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed. “This is a heap of donkey dicks!” she screamed pulling up her pants and clumsily yanking her shirt over her jiggling tits. “Miss Davis, the evidence seems overwhelmingly in favour of a change of strategy,” said the speaker, softly, as he could tell she had been hurt personally by the commander’s statements. “Give me a chance, I can prove these statements are false, and if I am wrong I will conceive defeat to my…. (groan), honourable opponent,” “What are you suggesting?” questioned the speaker. “Well the observation station on Zantar went dark last week, I could easily perform a recce mission and see what knocked the automated facility dark,” she suggested as she redid her brass buttons. “I cannot authorise a troop movement,” said General Holiday, before he gave a phlegmy cough. “I can do it alone,” Miranda declared defiantly, as the room looked at her as if she was a loon. “You cannot be serious, if it is anything like the last 3 stations it will be something the men have called a Molestapede, the hives forward scout/infiltrator, there is no way you could deal with it alone,” informed the commander, as he collected some of his papers. His tone still as condescending as ever, and it just further fanned Miranda’s flames to kick that smug smile from his face like the fights she had had behind the bike shed in youth. “I will show you, next meeting is in two weeks, and I will come back here and shove this so-called Molestapede straight up your arse!” “But only after I break a foot off in its ass!” she followed up, as she grabbed the service rifle of the desk in front of her and returned it to the guard at the door as she stormed out, eager to prove she was more than capable enough to prove her gumption to these procedural pricks. And like that, she was gone, and in the back of the room two commodores looked at each other and shared a few choice words after watching that little show. “She’s brave and spirited I will give her that,” “Ten credits she ain't coming back.” “Not taking a bet I know I will lose,” said his friend as he adjusted his hat and left. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 days later …………………………………………………………………………………. “Time to reconvene on the topic of Female participation in the armed forces of the SDF, meeting 8 of 8, time for final conclusions,” began the speaker as she struck his implement of leadership upon the bench. “Would the party in favour of continued female participation present their final statements?” requested the speaker as he waited for miss Davis closing statement. “Miss Davis,” he again requested when she failed to enter the box. A moment later the sol system commander wheeled her in, well what was left of her. He had a large glass box, the contents a single large brown pellet of faeces. “I am sorry your honour, she was a little held up, something about melting under pressure,” joked the commander, as he pushed her to the front of the room as little more than evidence. The lump of faecal fudge was about a third of Miranda's former body volume, the Xenos that had eaten her had done a number on her, leaving her little more than a featureless lump of former meat, unlike the attractive buxom female she had been two weeks prior. It was as if her body had been put in a blender, her body pulped to sap off nutrients and then the remaining useless bits were compressed into a single loaf of foul ass bread and shat out from a dilated orifice like anything else discarded without a thought. Across the log powered bones fragments and clumps of greasy, now slightly browner hair lay scattered like the craters on the surface of the moon. A few teeth, finger and toenails also lay in the log giving further indication that what was contained within the airtight box was the last remains of the beautiful female who had tried to usurp expectations, but in doing so just fulfilled them. Miranda had intended to fight and crush the Molestapede, but in reality, she had made little more than a nutritious meal for the insectoid beastie. It had stripped her of her armour and uniform as she wriggled helplessly in its multilegged grasp, all the while screaming, before being muffled as her peachy body was shovelled into its rolling gullet before she travelled along its length to settle in its stomach, where it got a lot more intimate with her. After a few days of stewing, it dumped her though and went off skittering in search of new prey. She was a well-shaped bit of lunch meat, and not a soldier, she should have heeded the warnings and capitulated to her true calling for the SDF instead she capitulated to a stomach and her larger breasts and bum cheeks had sizzled nicely in the stomach of an entomologist’s nightmare. She was a nice concise package of nutrients and the Molestapede had treated her accordingly, now she was giving the worst defence in the history of the SDF. She just sat there, a log of shit didn’t have an opinion to give, other then flies buzzing around it, and in space, there was a distinct lack of such things. And after a few minutes of the log of former woman just sitting there as the room digested her fate, the speaker allowed her opposition to speak. “I think the evidence speaks for itself,” was all the commander said.
Run!!!! That was all Tamara panicked mind could think of as she belted it across the open field. The knee-high grass soon turned to 6 feet tall leaves of thick tiger grass, the dense foliage completely removing her line of sight for anything unless it was right on her nose. She just kept running her breath already ragged from the cross-country terrain causing her breasts to heave as her bra restrained them from free motion like if she were topless. She could hear whatever it was that was chasing her was hot on her heels from the frenzied rustling coming from the brush behind her. The sound lost under her own frantic breathing and the plants getting slammed out of her way as she sprinted through the forest. Her legs getting grazed by the grass as she ran, her short shorts doing little to protect her gentle calves from the abrasive foliage. The same could be said for her flailing arms, the floral pattern t-shirt had seemed appropriate in the summer sun, ideal to keep her cute body cool in the humid afternoon. Now though it seemed like a poor choice as it did little to stop the wilderness caressing her body with coarse plant material. The worst decision for this day though had been her choice in footwear. Flip flops seemed a great choice in the sweltering heat, but not when she was running through mud and she was quickly bare foot. Normally the squelching of soft soil would have crawled her skin, but when your mind is flooded with adrenaline, you don’t much mind for the clammy sensation of mud on peachy skin. The sounds behind her were getting louder, as something massive forced its way through the grass behind her. The trampling of the grass a pressing concern as it grew closer and closer as the monster chasing her closed the gap. Her face cringing in fear, Tamara continued to run, her mind forcing her body harder and harder, as she pushed herself to the limit as she willed to outrun her pursuer. She could feel her legs burning, the muscles now caked in acid from the anaerobic process her muscles were spewing to push themselves to 110%. Suddenly she could see clearly, as she reached the other end of the glade, the foliage loosening up as the shade of trees tempered its growth. Her dark eyes no longer blinded by a sea of green, as she continued to sprint to the tree line, a large oak tree offering what looked like safety in its sturdy branches. The squawking and crushing sounds behind her not slowing her stride at all as she bolted for the venerable tree. She was tired, her body ached from the overexertion, but she ignored it, her mind too clouded with hormones to register such things. She still didn’t know what was chasing her, she only knew it was scary and she wanted no part of anything it was offering. Her mind triggering the flight response and she had scattered like a cockroach when the light is flicked on. She was full on sprinting, eyes fixed at her target as she couldn’t dare look back. Her feet hammering the crunching leaf litter as she ran, as the thumping footsteps of the large beast pursuing her, shook the ground with each powerful step as it pursued her relentlessly. She had just reached the tree, her small hand grasping the first branch as she was about to haul herself up, when what felt like a hammer slammed into her back. She was literally sent flying, Tamara’s body flying through the air from the force of the impact, before landing to the crunch of leaves as whatever had caught up to her had walloped her in the small of the back. She immediately stumbled to her feet, stunned but uninjured. Her panicking body carrying her on, but even it had its limitations, and her diaphragm stuttered, and she collapsed winded. It was as if her body had stalled, as suddenly the pain in her legs and arms and her own hyperventilating lungs hit her like a wall and she was unable to stand. Falling backwards, Tamara rolled on her posterior her fall stopped by a moderately thick birch tree that kept her propped up like a natural recliner. Instead of relaxing though it did little other than loosen her bladder, as she got a perfect view of the beast that had chased her down. It was a huge bird, its head bald like a vulture, its feathers black like charcoal and a white ring of fluffy feathers around its neck. The two-tone feathers like a condor giving Tamara a lot of confusion as she had no frame of reference for this Freddy Krueger like ostrich. Its large yellow beak like an anvil as it was thick and dense and must have been the club that had struck her back as the bird wielded it like a mace. The whole creature looking almost comical as it walked over to her on long legs. The creature’s neck and head bobbing like a chicken, a big mangy chicken. It would have been hilarious if its cold indifferent eyes were not piercing her body like needles, as it neared her in a few wide toed steps. Stumbling to her feet, not wanting to sit around for the monstrous terror bird to get close enough to do whatever foul thing it had planned, Tamara staggering to her feet, her brown hair now becoming unravelled as it fell to her shoulders as the bun that had held it secure came loose from her short flight. She turned to run, but with the chattering of a beak, she was again put on her ass, the creature easily knocking her over with its bulk as it moved with the speed of a horse. She was on her belly, twigs poking her soft abdomen, as she felt the hooked beak find leverage and flipped her over, so she was on her back looking up at this predatory avian. She had the correct assumption to be scared as now she was close to it she could smell it, the beast stinking of rotten meat and other carrion. The image cemented further by what looked like gristly dried blood caking the leathery skin of its head. Trying to crawl away, not breaking eye contact with the towering bird, it just placed a 3 toed foot on her chest and with that, she was pinned to the floor. Hands shooting to the leg restraining her, Tamara flutily tried to dislodge the muscular monster, as it looked down at her in almost cruel amusement. The stare was almost like that of a cat, as the bird then clapped its beak in some sort of display of power, the loud slams like two bits of wood smashing together. The sound echoing in the large cleaver-like beak as hollow spaces within resonated causing the sound to permeate deep into Tamara’s body, just like her now leaking bladder did to her Denim shorts. She was pinned, helpless as the Birds head slowly descended towards her terror warped face. She was crying as she could see her own death approaching, tears trickling down her face smudging her make-up on tanned skin. The creatures featherless neck clenching as it formed a tight “S” as it prepared to strike, like a feathered cobra. “Please don….” stammered Tamara, as she looked up at the goliath turkey before her words were silenced as it lunged at her maw open in a blood-curdling squawk. Tamara slammed her eyes shut, like a scared child as her entire head was enveloped in a damp darkness. The creature not clamping down to decapitate her in a spurt of thick red, and instead waggling its head left and right as it easily stretched to accommodate her petite shoulders. To Tamara’s horror, the bird was eating her whole, its razor-sharp beak cutting her back and breasts as it shook a little to assertively as it drew a little blood to further lubricate her up for swallowing in a healthy emulsion of her own perspiration. The red nipping wounds trickling down her body pooling in her little navel and the crack of her firm buttocks. The fluid cascading down her as the bird wriggled its way down her body. For Tamara, her world got a whole lot more humid as the warm embrace of a tight chute of slick gullet encased her entire upper body as the creature walked its way over her with little effort. her body wet with a cold sweat as the creature didn’t seem to be drooling over its tasty morsel in its gob, more so because it was biologically incapable of it and was just shovelling her in as much as possible, so it could use gravity to get her tucked away. It was a queer sensation for Tamara, there was no peristaltic tugging, she was just getting hugged by a smooth chute of flesh as her body felt like it was wrapped in a large wet binbag. The beak coming to a rest at her waist, before she was violently flung upwards. Her body inverting as she felt her head point to the floor and she practically fell into the terror bird. Her legs kicking weakly as she tried to even now save herself, but with her hands, at her sides, she was little more than a nice package of girl meat on the way to a growling stew pot. With gravity on its side and not resistance from the throat, all it took was a few bobs of the head for Tamara to be turned from girl to sinking bulge in the bird’s throat. Her progress quick and efficient the bird used to large prey, as her legs waved goodbye and soon only her squirming feet and twiddling toes remained, before the Bird shut it beak and sealed them in darkness. One more shake of its neck and she was entirely filling out its upper gastric tract. The girl turned bulge slowly sinking into it as she was dumped into the stomach, passing through the crop as little more than a tourist as the bird was hungry and it needed her nutrients now. If by chance it ran into another meal it would store them there until Tamara had loosened up enough to force the poor soul into her mushy remains. The bird rocking its head and neck as it crammed its dinner into it, lacking peristalsis and instead relying on its own muscles and the unforgiving nature of gravity to secure its kill. The bulge was a nice tight female form, her limbs, and torso easy to discern, well her head had already disappeared the slowly forming oblong bulge in the main part of the creature’s body. She was dancing as she writhed desperately to escape, but all this did was increase her descent as she jostled down the smooth gullet to her new home in the beast’s stomach. The form slipping down the slender neck, distorting it as it slipped down the water slide until she had disappeared into the round body of the terror bird, as little more than a twitching lump. Feeling Tamara curl up, the girl wriggling nicely as she had brought enough air down with her to stave off suffocation, for the time being, the bird glanced at the writing bulge with passing curiosity. The terror bird couldn’t burp up her tart air, so she would just have to quake its gut for the time being until she used up her limited oxygen and went still for the last time. For Tamara she was hysterical, screaming, clawing at the stomach wall, trying with all her might to fight her way out of the claustrophobic sack she had been dumped it. her entire body flowing through a tight ring of muscle that had groped her entire form as it parted to shuttle her into the hellscape that was the pitch-black stomach. She couldn’t see anything, just the festering smell of digestion and the overbearing walls of the stomach rolling over her, as its kneaded enzymes into her soft skin. “Please!” “O’ god!” “Help me!” she screamed, as she tried to fight the inevitable, her words not carrying from the terror birds bulging belly as anything more than muffled noises of feminine distress. Her bulge wriggling under the birds downy almost fur-like feathers as it enjoyed her bulk filling out its gut. She was a well-toned package of calories, and it had been lucky to find such an inept creature wandering in its territory. How was the human supposed to know an extinct creature had been reborn with genetic manipulation and had happened to slip free from its cage. It had followed the waterways and had stumbled on the lass as she had basked on a towel in the sun. it had been a little hasty in its attack, but the pangs of hunger had driven it, thankfully these two-legged mammals couldn’t run fast. Now it just needed to find a place to sleep her off, as the drowsiness that follows a good meal tickled the avian’s simple mind. It gave a few long carrying calls as its meal even now protested her confinement, the clicking of its jaws as it hollered for its kin, followed by the eerie silence of a calm summer afternoon, as it was truly alone. Giving a chirp of disappointment, it then forced Tamara into its gizzard that immediately began to pulverise her with the stronger muscles of the organ. Tamara’s writhing body, open wounds itching with the stinging of caustic digestion was shepherded from one crushing pod to another much tighter and more aggressive housing. The screaming woman juggled back and forth in between the two digestive bags as she was tenderized. The rough treatment compressing the air from Tamara’s lungs as her heaving ventilation quickly burned her air. The gizzard was relentless, cracking her bones as it tried to force her into little more than a ball of meatloaf, her ribs creaking as Tamara was smothered by the growling organ. The sack was much stronger than the submissive female form contained within it, and Tamara was forced into a tight fetal ball. The gizzard and stomach trying to turn her into little more than a meatball, to smooth her out into a mush of female flesh. the acids were now growing more potent and were nibbling away at the soft tissues that sat exposed on Tamara’s body. Her ears, nose, eyes, and above all her plump pussy and pert arsehole were afire, the soft skin turning red as it was eaten away from her body in waves of digestion. The strain on her bones only getting worse and worse, until with a crack and a yelp, one of her ribs gave and her entire chest cavity stung with a deep pain, as the sturdy bone fractured. This caused her heart to spike, the overworked pump going into overdrive as pain wracked Tamara’s body, as her futile squirms of defiance increased egged on by the fresh shot of adrenalin. But by now she was tethering on the edge of suffocation, the air thin and reducing her frantic breathing into little more than a shuddering choking. And then she couldn’t breathe. This sparking the final stand of the consumed woman, her legs, arms head, all her limbs desperate to stop her confinement of the stomach. Pressing out as she gave it her all as she tried to burst from the beast’s belly. But all her fight was crushed out of her as the gut simply clamped down and she could do little more than tremble, then twitch as she blacked out as her conversion from person to meat was completed. Feeling its meal go still, the terror bird to preoccupied kicking up a nest in the leaf litter to know the exact moment Tamara expired, it carved out a groove in the forest floor and bunkered down to digest the hearty amount of female meat it had secured. Placing its head underneath its stubby wing, the black feathers simulating night, the creature began to snooze. The only sounds echoing out of the creature being its whistling snores and the gurgling in its belly. Within the taut stomach, Tamara was shifted back and forth between the two crushing sacks of muscle. Her body threading in-between the sphincter as she was compressed and dowsed in a soup of enzymes. Back and forth the cycle continued, as she was loosened up, before with a squelch she popped like a plumb underfoot. Her body cavity rupturing as her bowels spewed into the soup that was formed from her sluiced body. From here it was a lot gorier as she was forced into a tighter and tighter ball, as her form began to disappear in a series of snaps, crackles, and pops as the stomach ground her bones into dust as she was turned into a thick stew of slurred meat. Once this slush puppy of a former girl was turned runny enough it was threaded into the short digestive tract of the terror bird. The voracious villi ripping the nutrients from her powdered bones, as she was now in a much more relaxed state of existence flowed through the pipes as a viscus and chunky red water. Tamara’s form melting out of her clothes and jewellery, as she was simply turned into a liquid as the more indigestible components of her personal style remained in the stomach as a segregated waste of time. By morning anything that had been considered close to the cute woman was long gone, her body whittled away into an indistinct pair of bulges slightly distorting the bird’s belly. A far cry from the blurred female silhouette the creature had been rocking less than 24 hours ago. It would seem though that she could not handle the pressure and she had taken the correct course of action and curled up into nothing more than a simmering hunk of well-shaped lunch meat. And seeing as she was in a predators’ stomach she had then fulfilled her destiny as little more than fat deposits on the frame of the superior organism. Well most of her that was, there were the indigestibles left to deal with, and in the morning sun the Terror bird waddled to its feet and prepared to let out its unwilling dinner, albeit it a lot smaller and less beautiful. Squatting slightly, the bird’s cloaca dilated, and with a squirt, she left as little more than a sopping mass of bird droppings. The urea drenched mess of former girl literally falling out of the bird as she was little more than faecal custard at this point. A few small bone nubs and scattered pubic and head hairs the only indication that it had even been a human female it had just unceremoniously shat out. The smell was abhorrent, stinking in a foul miasma that flowed off the dump like the steam that tickled the sky as it began to cool. This was just the first wave though and again the terror bird squeezed and out came a second serving of former female gravy. This one having a little more evidence of the conquered woman who had disintegrated in the digesting stomach. A few not so white teeth were mixed in with the guano, the skull having imploded and only the hardened enamel seemed to have survived the trip, albeit eroded and damaged by their harsh treatment. A final wet shart sprayed out the straggling remains of Tamara, a few nail polished clad fingernails in the liquid puddle she had been turned into. The gloss chipped, and the keratin ruined as it had been denatured by the rolling gut. Giving the mound of faecal pellets an air of sophistication as the red contrasted suitably with the creamy browns and whites that Tamara’s unutilized biomass had been stained. Kicking some leaves over its mess, the bird then began to gag, and rocking its head in the manner it had used to claim Tamara as a meal the day prior, a mass could be seen shifting in its mid-section. This then trailed up its slender neck as a round bulge before with a loud hack and a spray of spittle it was ejected from the creature’s body. The sodden mass landing with a spat in a puddle of stomach juices, little more than a nasty mess in the crumpled leaf litter. It was Tamara’s clothes and hair. The stomach and gizzard sorting her well into little more than a concise pellet of former woman. A few finger and toenails that hadn’t snaked through the bowels like gems in the greasy mass of brown hair. The remnants of her clothes also in the pile, bleached slightly white by the stomach acid but all in all in much better shape than the rest of her more fragile biological body. Her earrings and bracelet were also in it, the metals gleaming in the sunlight as the silver and gold had been untouched by the bubbling cauldron of the stomach, as it deemed it of no nutritional value. The clasps on the articles still closed as the stomach had found it easier to simply pulp her body then waste time if it were to fiddle with such human contraptions. A few teeth also graced the hairball with their presence. these ones not stained brown but were acid pitted none the less from their extended bath in the sizzling stomach. Of Tamara’s clothes, her bra was the worst for wear, the cotton peeling off the wire, leaving a mangled mess smooshed up in one sector of the pellet the oxidised metal of the iron support moulded up into what looked like a mangled slinky. Her panties, on the other hand, were in remarkably good condition, the tight thong synthetic and had passed through the crucible undamaged, unlike the sexual organs it had covered that were now cooling a few feet away in a much less sexually appealing state. Tamara had processed smoothly, her body sorted and filed into the body of the large bird, the nutrients padding out the bird’s frame until it needed to hunt again. Not all of her had been used though and in the end, she had made a large puddle of guano and a petite pellet of her indigestibles that was no larger than a football. The end tapered for ease of ejection. Satisfied in having dealt with its dinner, the terror bird squawked happily and on lithe but muscular legs sauntered off in search of breakfast, thinking little of the life it had taken, she was only meat after all.
KNOCK, KNOCK…. The firm clopping tapping with giddy apprehension upon a familiar wooden door. Sweetie Belle was excited, the jolly little canter she had to her gait as she walked over to Buttons house said it all. She had been looking forward to tonight for weeks, Nightmare night the perfect opportunity for her to connect with her on again off again boyfriend. “Button open up!” called Sweetie Belle giving a few slightly more assertive strums of her hoof against the door but getting nothing but silence from the house. KNOCK, KNOCK…. Sweetie Belle now braying the door, as she swore to Celestia if he was sitting on the couch with his headphones on she would throttle him. He had promised her he would accompany her to the Nightmare night Party at the townhall, and if he was flaking her she would be fuming. “Button!” she called before giving one last firm knock letting out her anger before she got all sweaty from exertion. She had put in a lot of effort for this night, her tight-fitting Witch costume fitting snuggly in all the right places. The outfit perfect to share to the world the fine specimen of the mare form that Sweetie had matured into over the last few years. She felt let down, Button had seemed more than a little game for this little shindig and now he was nowhere to be seen, he hadn’t even put up his decorations like the other homes on the street. Sweetie was gutted, she had expected their relationship was worth more than him just skimping out on her after he led her along. He hadn’t just wasted Sweetie’s time, but Rarity’s, Twilight’s and Fluttershy’s, as each had done their part to make her outfit the perfect thing for her, and now she was standing alone in the cold after the crushing of her expectations. “Fine….” She mumbled under her breath, almost feeling like she was going to cry. The party started in an hour, and instead of warm and with friends she was in a damper, tears welling on a familiar porch. Turning around to leave, she with a moped gait trundled back to the front gate that marked the start of Button’s garden. Under the Guise of the twinkling of her green magic, Sweetie Belle didn’t hear the sound of the front door opening, but the shout out she got a moment later snapped her head back to the door, with a sparkle in her eyes. “Sweetie Belle, is everything okay? Where are you going?” asked a confused Button as he stumbled out of the front door with a massive cardboard box labelled “DECORATIONS”. His words returning the smile to Sweeties Face, as she suddenly realised he had just been in the basement getting the decorations for his Nightmare Night festivities. He was a little concerned as he had opened his front door to see his girlfriend waddling away with some of the most depressed body language he had seen in quite a while. This concern was lifted the moment she saw him, and her body perked up like a flower in spring. “Yes, everything is fine now….” “Just thought you were lost in your games again…” she confessed Rubbing her leg awkwardly as she blushed at the thought of having doubted Button’s integrity. “I was, but I wouldn’t miss our little date for anything…” he said as he continued to move across the porch on unsteady hooves. The box he was carrying in his front hooves must have been heavy seeing as he was struggling to lift it and looked about as stable as a house of cards during a hurricane. “I thought it would be fun to put the decorations toge…..” and then he fell forwards, his eyes slamming shut as he expected a crunch as he landed on the immense box of charms and trinkets. The impact didn’t come though, as Sweetie Belle had caught him. Opening his eyes, Button found himself levitating in the green aura of his loves magic. His form bobbing gently with the fluctuation of Sweeties magic, until he placed his hooves firmly back on the ground. “Let me help you before the porch looks like the end of killer pumpkins 3,” said Sweetie, with a smile, as with a single flick of her horn the contents of the box was strewn in the ideal spots for the ideal Nightmare night display. “I always forget you can do that,” confessed Button and appreciating the reference to the great pumpkin massacre of 83. As he stared upon his now much more scary looking lawn, cackling skulls, grimacing pumpkins and whispering ghosts making it now match the theme of the rest of the street. “Rarity taught me how to make a room festive,” smiled Sweetie with a blush, as she joined Button on the porch. “Don’t be so modest, you’re incredible you know that?” he said, as he still could not believe that such an amazing mare wanted to spend time with him. He didn’t know it, but the reason was simple, he could make sweetie belle laugh, through his corny jokes, his mannerisms, they just clicked and that was why he was her special somepony. She just gave him a smile, her ears sitting high on her head like a beaming sunflower as she radiated positive energy as everything seemed to be going to plan. “You going to stand there and Gawk or are we going to rock this party, she asked as she slid past him like a cat, her long-styled tail brushing his nose seductively as she passed. “Nope, give me 5 minutes and we can go, “he said as he then briskly jogged up the stairs, not wishing his lady to wait a second longer than necessary. “Make yourself at home,” was the last thing he called down the stairs before he assertively shut the door to his room and the rustling of somepony excitedly getting dressed could be heard. All Button could thing was Sweetie looked great, her outfit significantly better than his home-made knight attire, but hey he was just repurposing his Ogres and Oubliettes costume from guys night with spike and the boys. This had to go well, he had ruined a few too many parties for him to be comfortable with, but they always ended with his mare laughing her lungs out with her honey like giggle. Celestia, he didn’t deserve her, but he would do his best to haul his awkward flanks through the festivities for her sake, and it was easier done behind the mask of Steelhoof the brave. If that failed, he was sure he would get a giggle or two out of Sweetie as she watched the gaggle fuck that was sure to emerge from Discords inevitable appearance. Well he was getting dressed and mentally psyching himself up, Sweetie could only meander into the living room. She loved it when he got like this, all nervous and trying to be confident, it always ended up with some good relationship building as it tickled the strings of her heart in a way she couldn’t explain. Last time he had fallen in a wedding cake, Rarity’s face when the spray of butterscotch hit her dress was a photo for the ages. She just knew tonight was going to be good, she felt sexy, confident and had her ideal man with her, it would be a blast. She just had to tide herself over for a few short minutes and rolling backwards her padded rump landed on the worn springs of the battered couch with a satisfying squeak. Filling out her normal ass groove on the sofa, she nestled in and had a quick gander at the comics and other articles lining the coffee ringed table. It was Button’s normal fluff: space Orcs versus the Squizard, the Lair of the Owlbear, Horror of the black abyss, all the stories reeking of the cheap newsstand pulp that Button loved to rot his brain with. shaking her head in amusement, Sweetie Belle plucked the owlbear issue from the knackered coffee table for closer inspection, as she was sure it would be a “riveting” tale. The pages were crumpled, battered and dog-eared, clearly a favourite as he must have read it several times, though the year printed by the price gave her an idea that this was one of those vintage comic books he seemed to favour. The front artwork was what had caught Sweetie Belle’s eye, as it was a massive fantasy monster, part owl, part bear, leering on top of some large grey bolder. The creature’s hazel beak open in a screech as its taloned paw sat upon the skull of some long dead pony adventurer. The creature was more than a sight, as its ruffled feathers and glowing black eyes seemed to be looking right at her like a wolf would a deer. The creme and grey plumage seemingly slightly crimson with the colour of crusty blood from its previous victims, the whole package making it look like a worthy adversary for any game of Ogres and Oubliettes. The title of the comic was scrawled over the top, proving Sweetie’s suspicions, the Ogres and Oubliettes logo clear as day, followed by the adventurous title of this particular book. The only other thing of note was a small warning on the front explaining how it was graphic content and unsuitable for younger ponies. Scoffing at such a warning, Sweetie Belle opened the comic and instead of seeing the normal coloured cells she was met with blank whiteness on slightly yellowed pages. Cocking an eyebrow confused, she then turned the page, the same thing being present, a big heap of nothing. Confused she then flicked through all the pages finding all barren and plain, as if the comic had never been written. She was about to close the book, after scrawling back and forth a few times when she noticed a small prologue written in the front cover of the comic. “Be ye a mighty hero” “Challenge yer skills against the mighty Owlbear” “prove yer bravery in this game of wizards and warriors” “Will ye triumph or falter like many an unskilled knight,” “test yerself now brave adventurer……” And then the pages began to glow, as some sort of latent magic was activated by the simple reading of the faded words. The bright light accompanied by the mighty suction of some sort of vortex that yanked Sweetie Belle forward in her seat as she fell forward and was devoured by the fluttering pages of the magically infused comic book. For a few moments, Sweetie Belle was falling her head and body spinning as she felt like she was going down the drain. The rotations going around and around as if she were on a merry-go-round that would never end, the mare closing her eyes and just hoping this madness would end soon. Then she felt her hooves touch a cold floor, and she opened her eyes only to be met with a charcoal wall of shadow. The sudden flip of extremes leaving her blinded as she had to wait for her eyes to adjust to reveal a grim and damp darkness. The only sounds being her own body ticking over and the gently dripping of groundwater piddling down into the large cavern she found herself in. Plop Plop Plop For a moment Sweetie Belle had no idea where she was, her mind pulling a blank as she suddenly felt very cold. Her witch outfit now missing and instead replaced by just her body’s natural coat of fur leaving her naked in the dripping depths. The sensation of frigid drops of water on her exposed back urging Sweetie Belle forward, as she began to ion steady steps blindly stumble through the darkness. The uncomfortable feeling, making her feel clammy as she only wanted to get out of this place and get her schedule back on track. All she could think about was where was she and how did she get here. The cave the last place on earth she wanted to be, and the uncouth conditions were sure to make her mane frizzy. Illuminating her horn she could barely see in the darkness, but there was enough light to make her way forward without stumbling on the many trip hazards that littered the cave floor. Roots….. Rocks…… Bones…….. Wait what? as Sweetie Belle suddenly realised there were bleached white bones littering the floor of the cave. A few grinning skulls amongst the assorted framework of several now skeletal individuals. it was enough to get a shrill scream to leap out of the mare, as she suddenly realised she was surrounded by more than a little-decomposed bodies. She would have run right there and then, if her scream didn’t cause a loud chittering roar to echo out in the darkness somewhere unseen, freezing her in place as she cringed in terror. The sound hungry and primal, urging her to press forwards. She didn’t know what had made it, but she didn’t want to find out. Moving fast, only slowing to avoid obstacles, Sweetie Belle stumbled into a wide tunnel, a bright light at the end signalling her exit from this terrible and morbid place. Wasting no time she galloped to the opening and burst from the cave like a bat out of hell, unable to see clearly for a second until as the daylight forced her irises to contract, but as they settled she found herself in a beautiful rainbow of a meadow. Looking left and right, she saw it was more like a depression in the ground, the flowers sitting in the open space that saw sunlight. The grey walls of shale rimming the open space like the walls of a field, only these extended a good 9 or 10 feet above the flat plain of the flowery field. And then she realised something, this was the background for the cover of the comic book she had picked up and just on cue, the owlbear emerged from behind a large boulder at the end of the meadow. The creature snaking over the silvery rock, looking all the more monstrous in person, as its locked eyes with her and assumed the position it had posed for the cover. It then let out the most bone-rattling screech Sweetie Belle had ever heard. The sound carrying hard as it resonated in her chest, jostling the juices in her body as her heart skipped a beat. It then cemented its sinister nature by crushing the skull its paw was resting on in a splintering hail of fractured bone, its eye contact showing it had similar intentions for the unicorn mare in front of it. It all suddenly made sense, she was in the comic book, it must have been one of those magical ones Rarity mentioned. The setting was right, dank caves were a staple of ogres and oubliettes, and the owlbears dramatic entrance was more than enough to tell her what she had to do. If what Rarity had said about her little superhero adventure years ago, she had to play the story out, and that involved defeating the owlbear, and with her magic that should be a breeze. As if sensing Sweetie’s will to fight, the beast slinked off the rock and entered the knee-high flowers, forming a wake I the foliage as it slowly approached her head lowered in a threatening posture. Wasting no time, the white unicorn shot a magical blast at the creature, knocking off a few of its feathers, as the crackling energy ruffled the rest. The creature then roared in anger and lowered its head further as it charged towards Sweetie Belle, its eyes a fire with a primal hunger. Suddenly panicking Sweetie Belle fired off a few more blasts of green magic, but they didn’t seem to be slowing down the frenzying animal in the slightest. And then poof her next magical attack failed to manifest, the spell simply not appearing. Spark, spark, spark, it wasn’t working her horn like a faulty flint petering along as nothing flammable conjured. Then she remembered the stupid rules for Ogres and Oubliettes, she had used all her Mana and now she couldn’t cast any more spells for a short period. She must have been a mage class, the comic expecting her to conjure her outfit out of magic instead of giving her some generic medieval garb, like in the games Button had invited her to so that it would match her figure and personality perfectly. Unfortunately, it also meant that now she had no magic to fight of this charging creature, and the only thing she could think to do was flee, hoping to buy her time for her mana to regenerate so she could finish off the Owlbears hit points. Breaking into a sprint, Sweetie Belle tried to escape, but the long legs of the Owlbear allowed it to easily gain on her. The heavy breathing of the monster on her heels, Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and just bolted away in the fastest gallop she could muster, it was not enough……. All it took was a swipe of the wide claws of the creature to knock Sweeties back legs out from under her and she fell head over heels, rolling a few times in a mass of sprawled limbs. The owlbear then plodding over to the sprawled heap of pony meat, that could do little but quiver at the looming beast. Its shadow falling over her as she lay underneath the Owlbear, the creature brashly invading her personal space, as it flipped her over, flinging her a good few feet. Sweetie landed hard, her lungs knocking on her ribcage as she gasped in winded breath. The impact kicking the wind from her, as she began to choke, partially through fear, partially from what felt like a cracked rib. She could do nothing but look up in terror as the Owlbear simple leered over her as if sizing her up. Up close Sweetie Belle could experience every inch of the creature’s form, as it exuded its presence over her. The bristly grey fur, the grimy feathers, the stained white face. The smell of death looming on the creature as a foul miasma as it looked at her with cold calculating eyes like a cat. It was a sight to behold, and all it did was implant a deep dread into Sweetie Belle ass now her man and stamina were gone and now she was at the mercy of the Owlbears next attack. And attack it did, the creature giving another shriek and it lunged forward beak agape. The last thing Sweetie Belle saw before she slammed her eyes shut in terror was the dark orbs of the creature’s eye staring through her like she was nothing to it. before the next sensation to grace Sweeties trembling body was a damp embrace as her body to her shoulders were enveloped in a sodden warmth. Opening her eyes, she saw little more than a pink haze, the throat encompassing her entire cranium. the dull light that managed to filter through the taut flesh of the gullet giving her just enough light to work out the veins of the creature that was eating her as blue and crimson lines in pale undulating flesh. she immediately screamed in horror as she realised the creature was eating her whole and very much alive. Though this may have been a very immersive comic, she did not want to experience this sensation in the slightest. The Owlbear didn’t care though, meat was meat and Sweetie Belle was a well-packaged slab of meat if it had ever seen one. Plump and padded and as an added bonus she was not wearing any metallic garments to give an unpleasant sensation when they were inevitably hacked up or left through the back passage once she had melted out of them. The shrill shrieks of the frantic mare where tickling the creatures throat pleasantly, the quivering lip, and scrunching cringes of the face rubbing the soft flesh almost as euphorically as the short saliva matted fur that coated Sweetie’s body. Her white fur and flowing mane drenched in drool and sitting flat to her body as if she were caught in a thunderstorm, her mascara running as she began to mewl in a manner most pitiful. Savouring the sensation of fur in its undulating gullet, the owlbear then just threw its head back and took Sweetie Belle to her waist in a single powerful swallow, the large creature adept at equine meals and would take this lost unicorn as easily as it drew breath. It could wolf her down as simply as she might drink a glass of water, her body smooth and sufficiently greased up all ready to slip down with but a few strong compressing gulps. Sweetie had to fight, she could still win this, she tried to convince herself even with half her body filling out the taut gullet of the apex predator. Her bulge wriggling rhythmically under the fur as muffled screams of protest emanated from the rounded lump that called herself Sweetie Belle. With her front legs pressed to the sides of her barrel, she could do little more than quake the throat and let her well-toned ass and shapely hindlegs flail like wind charms in a slight breeze. The movements doing nothing apart from her flicking tail slapping the Owlbear a few times in the face adding a tinge of annoyance to its meal. Her lack of traction in the throat she was oozing down, in combination with the elevated position of her rump, meant gravity was the ally of her predator who with another gulp, she felt its beak begin to gently skirt over her hips. The widest part of its mare meal slowing its progress slightly as the throat flaps had to dilate to take the foal bearing hips of its quarry. It wouldn’t clog the entrance though as it had feasted on chunkier mares then this and they had filled out its gut nicely, so she would not find reprieve with her female morphology. The gradual widening of the back of the throat groping at Sweetie’s flanks as it pulsed gently to the calm beat of the owlbears heart, the creature confident in the security of its meal. The leathery tongue of the beast was wafting at her soft underbelly, tickling the flesh as it lathered saliva into her already soaking fur, trying to oil her up for the long slide, well savouring Sweetie’s essence that would soon be infused with the carnivore’s burps. Waggling its head like it was a duck dabbling for bread, the owlbear eased Sweetie’s flanks along the beak and clenching slightly past the back of the throat. The squeezing of the throat compressing the fatty flesh as it was slotted into the form-fitting throat. The owlbears tongue worming its way in-between Sweetie’s legs, the lightly fuzzy organ wafting as it felt the soft rump, before it wandered to a place a little more intimate. With her body being molested with the grasping throat, the last thing Sweetie Belle wanted to feel was a snaking tongue flicking the folds of her marehood. The velvety tongue tasting the two wells of flavour that resided in her now sweat and drool drenched crack. The organ pervading deeply into the private area, uncaring for her personal space and simply relishing the taste like any other part of the bundle of horse meat it was inhaling. The lapping like that of a cat to milk, as it got a good taste for her marinated taste, the flavour a more concentrated version of that that the saliva had cause to spring from her trembling form. It was a mixture of cinnamon, vanilla and a hint of lime, the combination strange but none the less mouth-watering for the owlbear, convenient really as the drool her taste cause to spring to the beast’s mouth was making it all the easier for it to take her as a meal. Letting out a yelp, and increasing her thrashing, Sweetie Belle tried to cross her legs and shield her backdoors from the uncaring assault of a lapping tongue. The muffled protests pointless as the Owlbear was unmolested by the bucking limbs until it was sated and clenching its neck gave a strong gulp and took Sweetie to her knees. The last sight of her was a twitching tail and a pair of weakly waggling hind hooves. Giving one last little wave goodbye, the frogs disappeared in a little flick and a swallow. The beak closing as a rapidly diminishing length of tardy mane was dragged into the throat as Sweetie’s body was shepherded further into the Owlbears body. The bulge that was Sweetie Belle oozing down the throat in a gentle current of jostling flesh. the fur of the creature dulling her struggling body somewhat, but it was still clearly a curled-up unicorn mare, her kicking legs pressing outwards as she tried to stop her unrelenting decent to the stomach. The active bulge coming to a stop abruptly as her transition to meal hit the train stocks that was the sphincter to the first digesting sack of the Avian monstrosity. Feeling her controlled descent stop abruptly, Sweetie continued her weak wriggling, the confining gullet forcing her into little more than a writhing worm of meat, as she could mount no reasonable resistance from her impeded position. Her face pressing against a wrinkled ring of tissue, that seemed to be gently pulsing to the thundering heartbeat of the biological engine surrounding the pony. This hold up didn’t last long enough for her to ponder it though, the moment passing as fleetingly as the wind changes direction, and the star became a donut that gently relaxed to funnel her into her short-term home. Her head getting forced through the tight hole, the clenching sphincter clenching away as it felt every inch of her body as it passed through the tight and stiff rubber-like structure. Once she was about halfway through the gateway to the gut, she just fell, the lack of throat traction unable to trickle her in and instead she fell her backsliding along the curvature of the smooth bag. The sphincter rapidly closing no sooner did her hind hooves pass the threshold leaving a length of sodden and ratty tail to tickle the throat as it trailed in to join its owner. Soon all of Sweeties tail was bundled up with her like a wet blanket, the matted fur wrapping around her body stickily like the mane on her head. The tacky fur no longer nicely styled, and was instead a mess, having absorbed a hefty amount of saliva like a sponge, and was now clinging to her body in an uncomfortable manner. The space itself urged her to resist, the air stale and the lighting non-existent as the thicker slabs of muscle surrounding her blocked all light from entering this marinating chamber. This lack of light making all of Sweetie’s sensations that of the tactile sensations pervading her body as the organ tossed her like a salad feeling her up as it coated her in what could only be predigestive fluids. The bitter tasting fluid invading her mouth enough to stop her verbal pleading and begging, reducing her vocabulary to cringing mewling as she could do nothing to weather the gastric storm, other than continuing her reactionary wriggling well her hooves were still yet to be bound by the constricting bag of muscle. She continued to wriggle for a time, her body causing waves to ripple the upper chest of the owlbear, as it realigned its throat and jaws, making sure everything was in order before it slept off this heroine like the good little damsel she was. Satisfied its affairs were in order, ignoring the meeping from its crop, it clenched the sack and forced Sweetie Belle into the stomach that even now was yearning for her flesh. it happened suddenly for the little mare, she was clawing at the hole she had come in from, fighting the shifting gut walls around her as it tried to bundle her up into a nice ball of nutrients, and then she felt it clench. The top pressing tightly inwards as it started to squeeze its self like a roll of toothpaste. At the same time a space behind her opened, and the hugging walls of the crop forced her rump first into another much fouler space. The motion was more like an oozing snails crawl then a squeeze and a pop, but Slowly Sweetie was shoved backwards as her body jack-knifed and she was crushed into a tart and acrid environment. Acid seemed to have polled in this second chamber, and now Sweetie was sure it was the stomach, as it had run a bath in anticipation for getting her ready to dance with its lower bowels. Normally the owlbear would hold such a meal in the crop, the storage bag good for containing active dinners until they could be processed. Unfortunate for Sweetie Belle, the Owlbear had no other guests and she was put straight to the top of the list for digestion, and she could do nothing to stop her inevitable slide into the waiting stomach. The small pond that had formed with anticipating enzymes immediately began to nip at Sweeties soft anus and plump pussy, no sooner as they touched they rumbling surface. She was meat, it didn’t matter is she was a cute little mare, to this digestive furnace it only cared about her nutritional value, and it had a keen eye for finding that in the owlbears active dinners. Grasping with her front hooves, Sweetie tried to slow her slip into the stomach, she did not want to be deposited in such an inhospitable place, and it was as if a fire had been lit below her buttocks. But there were no objects to grasp in the crop, and she could do nothing but weep in defeated misery as the top of the organ pressed on her muzzle gently and as if it was booping her nose knocked her past the precipice as she flopped backwards into the aggressive stomach. The sphincter slamming shut in front of her nose, as the stomach immediately began to aggressively molest her body. The crop was like a blundering prom date in comparison to this office grouper, as it began to chaff her fur from her back eager to get to the soft skin beneath. The kneading walls forcing down hard on sweetie’s back as it wasted no time subduing the newest ingredient to the stomach soup. The air was caustic in itself, the stomach fumes reeking of death and despair, the stench befitting of a place that many a hero had spent their last moments before being reduced to a twitching lump of protein. This was the outcome that Sweetie Belle did not want to see, but the stomach was not Asking for opinions and clamped down to hold her still for processing. She had nothing to grip, no leverage, every movement being used to force her into a tighter and tighter ball, like a straitjacket binding her in place so it could liquidate her at the owlbears discretion. Her nose and eyes were afire, the stomach broth finding its way past her natural defences as it washed over the delicate tissues lysing the cells rapidly, as like the tide it found its way into her weak points to digest the softer tissues before moving on to the main prize. This pervasion of her body as if she was nothing, was too much for Sweetie Belle and she let out a shrill scream before her head was slammed forward as the stomach forced her head to her breast. Her legs followed suit as they were pressed to her barrel, her tail getting tucked in-between them as she was forced to take the prudent course of action and curl up into a tight fetal ball like the good meal she was. The stomach then gave off an ominous growl, giving Sweetie little warning before what little rancid air there was in the stomach was suddenly vented in a sudden puff of air, that manifested as a satisfied spittle drenched burp from the owlbears maw. The burp echoing off the stone walls of the quarry, the sound fading just as Sweetie Belles desperate last stand began. She couldn’t breathe, her reactionary breaths causing her lungs to burn as a caustic cocktail flowed into the soft airbags. It felt like her lungs were melting like candle wax, and she began to kick and buck with reckless abandon in an attempt to escape this hopeless enclosure of digestion. Her prison held tight though, the stomach crushing down on her to hold her still as if it expected this erratic drowning dance of pure desperation. Her movements strong at first as the adrenal shot of the pain sparked her into motion, but as her muscles ran out of oxygen to fuel their movement they slowed and then came to a stop, a few erratic twitches all they could muster as Sweetie Belle tensed up and went ridged. The statue-like clench her whole body was in then going slack as she expired, her body becoming much softer as her brain failed and she blacked out for the last time. with her body relaxing in death, the stomach took the time to massage her into a nice tight ball of mare meat and then set its self on simmer as it began to juice her body into a fine stew. Feeling its dinner drift off, the owlbear returned to its nest, the scraggy pile of sticks and feathery down sitting deep in its lair. The location secluded and ideal for it to relax and sleep of any would be adventurer foolish enough to try and slay it. the floor of its den covered in colourful pellets, scattered weapons, and loose bones, the last testaments of failed heroes who had met the same fate as Sweetie Belle, who would be leaving her accommodating host as a technicolour pellet and a concise splat of guano. For now, though it would sleep, the bubbles and groans of digestion lulling it into a food coma as it digested a mare who had read the wrong comic book. The only thing interrupting its sweet slumber was the periodic meaty burp that gave it a smile as it was reminded of the delicious morsel that had blindly stumbled into its lair. The lump slowly smoothing out as with the sound of fracturing salt, Sweetie Belles bones were turned to dust under the rolling regime of the well-versed stomach. The stomach hard at work as with burbling grumbles it sluice Sweetie Belle into little more than a thick stew of fermenting mare meat. The runny pulp then being funnelled into the waiting bowels which would then scrub her of her worth leaving just her undesirables to be shat out come morning. But like all things this metabolic process takes time, and for the Owlbear, it had all the time in the world… Pick your ending time, is Sweetie Belle a nice pellet or is it not game over for the mare…. If you want to have a scatty ending continue reading If you want a happy ending search (manglefish) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. The morning came fast, the owlbear snoozing through the evening and night as its belly slowly contracted as the Sweetie Belle milkshake it had brewed trickled into its winding intestines. By the time its large eyes fluttered open, it was mid-afternoon and what had been a mare in its midsection was now little more than a lump of paunch and a bubbling sensation in its rear piping. Getting up and giving a stretch, the creature flexed its spine to a satisfied click of a well-rested body. It then yawned, its beak opening wide as it woke up and prepared to dump its dinner date. Bumbling a short way away from its lair is kicked up some debris, before squatting backwards and relaxed its cloaca. What emerged from the widening orifice was nothing like the beautiful mare that had been liquidated to make it. the gloop of a thick wad of guano falling free in a wet splat, a puddle of juices forming around the black and white core. The stink of uric acid thick I the air as the festering bowels of the creature released un-processable biomass. The smooth scoop faecal ice cream coming out in but a few contractions as a slush of semi-liquid waste. Not a trace of Sweetie Belle in the muck mound, that began to steam in the cool climate of the Owlbears domain. Soon flies would be feeding off it, sapping some second-hand nutrients from a now very much devastated mare. the guts brutally efficient as anything that had snuck its way into the velvety bowels had been viciously scrubbed leaving nothing tangible of the unicorn mare who had been converted into a hefty pile of guano. Wobbling the opening a few times, a few straggling drips of former mare dropped from the cloaca, and like that the owlbear had dumped Sweetie Belle like any other one night stand it had partaken in. it had but one thing to do now as the back pipes were clear, but the stomach still needed purging, so the vacuous sack could take the next adventurer to disturb the reclusive creature. Hacking and rolling its neck like a drunken swan, the Owlbear forced its stomach to spasm. A hefty mass in the wrinkled sack shuddering before getting forced back into the same chute Sweetie has slipped down about 12 hours ago. With the gullet adhering to the mass, its rippled up the throat and with a gurgling hack, a massive pellet flew from the drooling maw. It landed with a muffled impact, the white and mulberry hair that had covered Sweetie Belle’s formerly shapely body dampening the splash of its violent ejection. Stomach juices and strings of saliva dripping from the pellet forming a clear puddle around the greasy mass. A few bones sitting in the pellet, a skull the horn snapped off and the brain casemate shattered as it had crumbled under the stomachs pressure. The bones acid pitted, and the smile now tarred with a slight yellow tinge that seemed to pervade all the artefacts in the pellet. The stomach acid bleaching the indigestibles as it was given an extended soak in the stomach. The Owlbears body not stupid, and it had easily segregated Sweetie Belle into two parts. Meat, and the indigestibles that were not worth the time for screening. These undesirable components of mare morphology were pooled in the stomach, before being scrunched up in a tapered ball that as the owlbear had just demonstrated could easily be ejected instead of worming into its lower bowels and clogging up the tunnels in a wicked case of impacted bowel. In the end, Sweetie Belle’s pretty green eyes, her plump rump, her well-toned legs, her intelligent mind, all had was fuel for the Owlbears mighty frame. The only things not of value were the bones that had not ground to dust, her now in desperate need of a wash fur, and the keratin of her hooves. Giving one last look at the oily mass of former mare, the identity clearly obvious due to the colour scheme and the mangled skull. The owlbear simply gave a screech and plodded off, its hunger sated for the time being by its hearty meal. Sweetie’s lasting legacy would be calories spent when the creature either fasted or burned her to add another pony to its waistline as little more than a layer of fat. Not that she minded, she had been a well-developed mare, now she was a pile of cooling shit with a football-sized pellet as her grave marker. Not that any of this mattered, she was just one of many the owlbear had taken, and in time her additions to its body would fade, just as the creature had already forgotten who she was, as to the ursine monster she was just like any other packet of shapely lunch meat. Manglefish ………………………………………………………………………………….. And that is where the story would have ended, Sweetie Belle nothing more than the standard pile of muck that a mare made after being run through the ringer that was a massive carnivore’s digestive system. A full-grown mare made a lot of waste, so the dung beetles were sure to be happy, but today was not their day, as fate didn’t want Sweetie Belle to be a puddle of sloppy shite. The moment Sweetie Belle had expired her mind had been plucked from her body, the magic of the comic book not allowing her to die as such an action would result in a pretty large lawsuit for the comic publisher. Instead, she was plucked from the pages and dumped in a sprawled heap in the living room of Buttons house. She was back in her witch costume as if nothing had happened, she wasn’t wet, she was exactly the same as before she had crossed the precipice and entered the fantasy world the comic book presented. There was one difference though, she remembered getting digested. Immediately Sweetie Belle lurched forward mewling, the grown mare reduced to tears over the horror she had just witnessed. The comic expecting her to just drop it and move on, but she had felt her lungs melting, her flesh sizzling her very body melting to chyme. That was how button found her, his special somepony, whimpering like a babe on his sofa rocking back and forth like a shellshock victim. She had gone catatonic, unable to comprehend the release of death in a furnace of digestion only to have her soul snatched back and her sweet release denied and left as but an echo gnawing at the back of her mind. For a moment Button didn’t know what to do, he saw the mare he loved in a hysterical mass, so he did the only thing he could think of and placed a hoof gently on Sweetie’s shoulder and asked her what was wrong. She jumped at the unexpected contact, lost in her mind and not noticing his approach, but no sooner did she realise who it was did she latch on to him in the strongest hug Button had ever had. Sweetie burying her face in his chest as she continued to cry. They stayed like that for a time, Button just saying soothing nothings, as he rubbed the back of her head with his frog caringly. Looking down he saw the comic book and he had a good guess of what had happened. His suspicions were confirmed after Sweetie Belle told him the graphic treatment she had been subjected to. Sweetie Belle was traumatised, but well embracing Button, the smell of his musk, his warm body, his caring dotting, she began to feel a little better. Even so, she didn’t want him to let go, he was her rock and she refused to release him from her grasp, as she choked out what had happened to her. Button simply listened and comforted her, soaking in her bawling cries as she recanted her story, shuddering at the details like she was damaged goods. They missed the Nightmare night party, but with his breast sodden with tears, Button would not want to be anywhere else in the world. In time he managed to calm Sweetie Belle down, but for years afterwards, she would have nightmares of the lair of the owlbear…….
It's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like these, kids like you...should be- hold on, oh, oh, I’m sorry this is the wrong story, let me try this again. It was a beautiful day outside, the bird were singing, the flowers were blooming. The perfect day to go outside. On the beach was Palutena and her angel Pit, they were invited by Rose Quartz and her son Steven. The two women were laying on the beach, wearing swimsuits, watching the boys play. Hanging out with Steven and Pit was the youngest of the Diamonds: Light Blue Diamond. Light Blue, was the only male Diamond. He was taller than Steven but shorter than Pit by a couple of inches. He had light blue skin, diamond shaped pupils, and light blue hair (however it was darker than his skin.) He was also rather thin. “Such a shame Robin and her family couldn’t come.” Rose said watching the boys compete over who was brave enough to stand in the range of the large waves. “Well, considering the fact she is the queen of not one but two countries she is rather busy, but it’s been quite some time since it was just the four of us.” Palutena said eyeing the small Diamond, Rose noticed Palutena’s gazing. “Light Blue is rather quiet so at least it allows him to get know people better. Most of the time he only wants to hang out with the other Diamonds, and when he met Morgan they clicked.” Rose explained smiling as the boys were trying to stay grounded as the water pulled back in. A massive wave much larger than the ones that came before was coming in. “Boys you should probably get back!” Rose called “Got it Mom!” Steven yelled running out of reach of the wave, Pit following close behind. Light Blue however stayed. “Light Blue, get over here!” Rose called out to the small gem. “Don’t worry I’ll be f-” The wave stuck dragging Light Blue into the ocean. “I should have learned to swim!” Light Blue called out before being dragged under the ocean. Palutena looked over to Rose who didn’t seem all that shocked. “I know gems don’t require oxygen but should I be worried?” Palutena asked to the pinkette. “He’ll be fine, however it will take some time for him to get back. About twenty or thirty minutes.” Rose making the so-so gesture with her hand. “Twenty or thirty minutes, he doesn’t know how to swim, and he was just dragged into the ocean where he’ll probably sink to the bottom!!” Palutena exclaimed, flabbergasted, Rose raising her eyebrow in confusion. “While Light Blue is a small guy with no meat on him, he’s still a Diamond, he just needs to regain his bearing and he’ll be here in no time at all. “ Rose defended, she went back to looking at the remaining boys, while she couldn’t hear what they were saying it was obvious to her that Steven was explaining to Pit how the Diamond will be fine. “So Palutena, have you had anything ‘sweet’ recently?” Rose asked, Palutena knowing what the woman meant by ‘sweet’. “Unfortunately, no, Pit recently has been a bit defiant.” Rose simply blinked in surprise. “That doesn’t make sense, Pit is normally a very obedient and sweet boy. Do you know what could of happened?” Rose asked, glancing over at Pit, the angel was making sand castles with the halfling. The green haired goddess sighed “I believe so, a couple of weeks ago some mortal teenager somehow broke into my temple, as an all powerful goddess I sensed something was wrong so I sent Pit to take care of it. Something jammed my abilities once Pit confronted him. I was able to hear what took place but I couldn’t see any of it and I couldn’t do anything to intervene. Apparently the boy wanted to steal the Zodiac Weapons-” “Quick question, what are the Zodiac Weapons?” Rose interrupted, “They are powerful weapons, not as strong as the three sacred treasures but they are very close to its power. Anyway, the Pit fought him and it was a pretty close match but in the end Pit was defeated, the boy mocked Pit for blindly following orders. My powers were no longer jammed but it was too late. The boy had taken the weapons and was gone. And, poor, sweet Pit, he was covered in burn marks, as if he cut with a sword several times and someone had poured acid into the cuts. Pit was trying hardest not to scream but he had tears from the pain. I was able to heal Pit’s wounds, however his ego took a blow. Since then Pit was still obedient most of the time but whenever I wanted to do something deviant, he would refuse, and would avoid me until the next day.” Palutena explained with bitterness. “Well I’m sorry about what happened, I think I may know a way to get Pit eating out of your hand.” Rose said with a devious smile. “Steven can you please come over here?” Rose called out across the beach. “Sure thing mom!” The black haired boy said and began running over to his mother. Rose looked at Palutena with a grin “Here’s how it’s done.” Once Steven was within arms length Rose picked him up and began kissing all over his body, making loud kissing noises for added effect. She then pinned him to ground and ghosted her fingers over Steven’s stomach causing him to laugh “HAHAHAHA, STOP PLEASE!” Steven laughed and yelled, Palutena just watched, curious while Pit was looking at the ocean because he swore he heard Light Blue’s voice (He didn’t Pit was just randomly hallucinating) Rose picked Steven up, Steven’s laughing beginning to die down. Unfortunately for Steven before his heart rate could go back to normal Rose shoved his face into her breasts and rubbed him against them for about five minutes. She then pulled out Steven who had the cartoon swirly eyes. “Now here’s the really fun part.” Rose said before opening her mouth really wide and started to shove the discombobulated Steven into her gaping maw. Rose started to moan as her sons head was placed upon her tongue. She continued shoving the boy deeper into her mouth. Due to swimming in the ocean he tasted like someone poured some water on a hamburger, then poured a bunch of salt on that hamburger then drizzled the salty, wet hamburger with caramel syrup, in a good way of course. Rose started gulping down the boy, who finally was in his proper state of mind but it was too late as his mother finished swallowing the boy and sent him to her gluttonous gullet. Rose’s stomach bulging out only a tiny bit due to her already being a rotund woman. Rose turned to her friend and did jazz hands “Tada!” *BUURRP* Rose belched immediately after doing the jazz hands. The two older women looked at each other for thirty seconds before bursting into laughter. “Oh my gosh, that was hilarious, doing the jazz hands and then immediately burping.” Palutena said hugging herself, “I didn’t plan on burping right afterwards!” The two women stopped laughing, Rose rubbing her stomach as it digested the halfling. “Well it is obvious that it worked for Steven, lets see if it will work for Pit. OH, PIIIIIT!” Palutena called, the angel running straight towards the women. “Yes Lady Palutena, hey, where’s Steven?” Pit asked noticing the disappearance of his friend. “I sent Steven to go get us some ice cream.” Rose fibbed quickly, pressing on her stomach. “Oh, okay then. What do you need Lady Palutena?” Pit asked once more. Palutena giving a wide grin. “This” Palutena then grabbed Pit and began to tickle and kiss him at the same time, unlike Steven Pit had several years of combat training under his belt so the faster Palutena could overwhelm the angel the easier it would be to eat him. Pit produced a mixture of muffled screaming and laughing. Palutena stopped her ministrations, she pulled Pit away from her face. The angel was panting in exhaustion. Only ten seconds later Palutena shoved Pit’s face into her massive cleavage and squished his head by pressing her breasts together while Pit’s head was in between them. She rubbed them up and down, her and Rose giggled before Palutena let go of Pit. Before Pit could fall on the sand Palutena grabbed him again and with impossible speed she shoved his face into her mouth. Palutena slowly continued to shove Pit down her throat licking all over his body enjoying his sweet yet salty taste. Pit struggled with all his might however he was no match for the green haired glutton. Palutena finally gulped down Pit’s feet and she was forced to sit down. Her stomach bulging out immensely from her meal. *BUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRPPPP* Palutena let out a massive burp before patting her bloated stomach. “Oh how I missed your sweet taste Pit, and the saltwater adds a nice salty bonus!” Palutena cheered playfully slapping her wriggling stomach. “Thanks Rose for the advice, I know what to do if Pit’s being uncooperative again.” Palutena giggled, Rose smiling and sitting down as well. “I’m just glad I could help.” “Hey guys, I got ice cream” The two women looked to their right and saw Light Blue was back and was holding two large ice cream cones.” Light Blue’s eyes widened when he saw the two women’s gurgling gut and heard the loud noises that came from them. Light Blue went back and forth between looking at the girls bellies and their faces. “You know what, I think I’m going to see what Yellow is up to.” Light Blue says slowly before turning around and walking away at a brisk pace. The two women looked at each other before laughing their heads off at Light Blue’s reaction. They sighed before relaxing once more enjoying the digestion of their meals. The End.
Minato groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, at least that was what he felt. The room he was in was dark, and the closest there was to a light source was a window. Beyond the blinds were what he could make out to be star and a brightly lit moon. Thanks to said blinds, the window provided little lighting. Minato soon realized he was in bonds. His hands were tied above his head to a doorknob, and his legs were tied together. These bonds were made of rope. He also noticed that he only wore his pants. No shirt or footwear. His Evoker wasn’t on him either. Issei must have taken it off him, the bastard! “Hng…Eh!? Where am I!? I can’t see anything!” said the familiar voice of a young man. Minato’s head perked up as he turned to the boy next to him. “Hayate? Is that you?” he asked. “Oh? Ah, yes. That’s me, haha…” Hayate laughed nervously. “So, you were captured too…” Minato grumbled as he began to remember the last thing that happened before they were tied up like this, or at least tried to. One moment, he was sitting with some butler kid, next thing he knew, he was knocked unconscious. “I’m sorry, Minato! I tried to save you but…oh, I can’t even remember!” Hayate cried. “I knew it,” Minato sighed, “Those bastards…” Why would they do this? Minato thought to himself. He demanded an answer. Soon, he heard the door leading out open. Some light and the smiling head of a redhaired young woman poked through the small opening. “Hello, dear boys,” she said in a cheerful tone. “Whatever your name is, can you let us go?” Hayate asked in a polite tone. The woman giggled. “I’m sorry, but I can’t now. You’ll have to spend some time with Xenovia first,” she said before her head zipped out the door as it quickly shut. “Wait!” Minato yelled. “Wait for what?” said a deep, feminine tone as a lamp turned on. A young woman sat on the large bed, smiling at the two boys. She wore a skimpy black and gold lingerie. Her hair was blue with a green fringe at the front. She had dark yellow eyes, her breasts were large, and she seemed to be quite curvy. “Are you…who are you!?” Hayate said in a worried tone, “What are we doing in your room? I think this is your room, anyway…” “My name is Xenovia Quarta, and yes, this is my room. What are your names?” Xenovia asked in her stoic tone. “Ah…Hayate Ayasaki,” the blue-haired butler said with a nervous smile. “…Minato Arisato,” Minato said with hesitation. “Hayate Ayasaki and Minato Arisato, such lovely names,” Xenovia complimented, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “Ah…same here Xenovia,” Hayate said with a smile. Xenovia chuckled. “Now, I think I should explain what is going on here. You see, Rias – the woman you spoke to earlier – suggested that I should try to swallow a human, as some humans would like to sacrifice themselves by being swallowed whole and alive. I don’t know how humans such as the two of you taste, but I feel that, like bearing a child, I thought about the idea of a beautiful human shrinking inside of me and becoming one with my body, and to be honest, I found it quite…pleasant,” Xenovia laughed, “But enough talk,” Xenovia said, licking her lips, “Which of you is going to have the honor of being curled up in my stomach first?” “Wait, ‘us’ humans?” Hayate asked. “Much like Issei, who I assume you have met by now, I was once a human, but then I joined Rias’s peerage and became a devil,” Xenovia answered. “Was Rias once human?” Minato asked, hoping to get Xenovia off the topic of eating him and Hayate. “No, she was born a pure blooded devil. Now, with that out of the way, which one of you should I eat first?” Well, that didn’t work… Minato thought. “Ah…can you let us both go?” Minato asked nervously, “In exchange for…well, you know, someone else? Preferably the guilty?” Xenovia’s smile turned to a frown. “Well, I tried, and I couldn’t find anyone. Most of the guilty were just beat up and looked disgusting to eat, unlike the two of you.” “Did you even look?” Hayate asked. “Yes, for a second. Like I said, I tried.” Minato glared. “Well, not hard enough. Let us go, and we will find a delicious criminal for you. Two of them, in fact.” Xenovia shrugged. “Eh, sorry. I’m too famished for that anyway,” she replied. Immediately her stomach growled. “You heard that, right?” “Uh-oh…” Hayate muttered. “My stomach cannot wait for a meal as delicious as the two of you. Now…” Xenovia quickly unbound Hayate and pinned his arms to his side. He squirmed, but he couldn’t escape her grip. “Wha!? Hey!” Hayate cried in fear. Xenovia chuckled, then opened her mouth wide and shoved his head in. Hayate’s cries of terror could barely be heard from Xenovia’s mouth. She moaned as her tongue was met with the taste of delicious blue-haired and blue-eyed butler, and she savored it for a while before she swallowed his head. Her lips expanded as they began to creep over his shoulders. Hayate’s body wriggled in Xenovia’s grip while his legs kicked and thrashed about. The girl’s throat muffled his screams to the point of being almost unintelligible. The scene was lit only by the lamp, and Minato could only watch in terror as Xenovia slowly swallowed past his shoulders. Hayate found it hard to breathe in Xenovia’s esophagus. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he was being covered in her thick saliva, he could hear Xenovia’s stomach begging in anticipation for Hayate to get in so he could be digested, then absorbed in her small intestine to become fat on her boobs and butt. He began to cry as he drew closer to what would eventually be his slimy grave. As she gulped past Hayate’s chest, she took the time to savor the taste and lick his uncovered nipples. They caused some convulsions in Hayate’s squirming with each lick, though it wasn’t too long until his chest was engulfed by Xenovia’s maw. Her bare belly began to round out a bit as Hayate’s head entered her stomach, and she moaned in pleasure, enjoying the way Hayate began to fill her up. Minato began looking everywhere for something that could help them escape. He couldn’t see anything, and even then, he was bound to a point that he could barely move. Meanwhile, Xenovia continued forth to Hayate’s waist area. Her swallowing became slower as she sucked and softly chewed on Hayate’s crotch and butt. Hayate felt her tongue pressing against his crotch, and he began to feel strange. He could feel something starting to build up, but before he could climax, Xenovia quickly swallowed, leaving only his legs out. The thrashing of Hayate’s legs slowed down until they stopped entirely, most likely from exhaustion. Xenovia slurped down his legs like noodles and closed her mouth as his feet disappeared into her gullet. Then, with a loud, wet swallow, Xenovia sent the rest of Hayate down, leaving him in a fetal position in her stomach. “Oh my goodness, that was one of the best meals I have ever had!” Xenovia exclaimed, rubbing her engorged belly, which was quite bumpy from Hayate’s figure. She then looked down at the frightened Minato Arisato. “Oh, wait. I’m not done with my meal yet…” she laughed. Her stomach rumbled, and then she put her hand on her mouth as she let out a stifled belch. “Uh, yeah you are!” Minato screamed as he struggled harder and harder. The door that he was tied to violently rattled as he thrashed about. “Minato,” Xenovia cooed, shaking her head, “you need to stop and let me help you.” She knelt and took off Minato’s shoes and socks. She then untied his bare feet before swiftly shoving them into her mouth. She enjoyed the taste, but before she could swallow, she noticed that his hands were still bound. She took his feet out and shouted for Rias. "I'm coming!" Rias called a few rooms away before she ran in, "Anything you need?” She then noticed Xenovia’s large, wriggling gut. “My, your belly is so big, I bet it'll get even bigger!" "Hehe, thanks. Can you untie Minato's hands?" Xenovia asked as she tore off his pants. "Sure thing," Rias said as she pointer her finger at Minato's bonds and shot a dark red bolt of energy at the rope, disintegrating it instantly. "Thanks," Xenovia said before stuffing Minato's feet back in her maw. “You’re welcome, enjoy your meal!” Rias said as she left the room. Xenovia swallowed Minato’s feet. At this point, he was exhausted. He could struggle no more, at least for now. He breathed heavily as Xenovia swallowed his legs at a reasonable pace until she was at his waist. His feet entered her stomach and rubbed against Hayate’s face. Xenovia began to suck and chew on his waist, like what she did to Hayate. It didn’t last about as long, though, and soon more of Minato was tugged into her. With some of his regained stamina, he tried to push himself out of Xenovia, but it was no use. She let out a muffled giggle as she used her own hands to shove his own in her mouth and then gulped down his waist. She then guided him down and felt his flat, smooth stomach and chest. She gulped down both, then his shoulders, then only his head stuck out. Minato’s head was slowly dragged into her mouth. Xenovia’s mouth remained open so Minato could get a view of the barely lit room. Then Xenovia closed her mouth and stood up as she swallowed Minato’s head so he could join Hayate in her grumbling gut. Hayate let out a whine as he felt Minato slide into the cramped prison and resting by his side. He took the time to let the stomach’s newest guest settle beside him. Now it was more claustrophobic than ever, what with two boys being pressed tightly together in Xenovia Quarta’s stomach. “Ahh…that was the most delicious and filling meal I’ve had ever eaten…” Xenovia said before she let out a louder, less restrained belch, announcing to everyone in the building that her feast has ended. She blushed. “Um…hehe, how unladylike of me…” Just then, the door flew open to reveal Rias. “Hello Rias,” Xenovia said with a smile. “Did you enjoy your meal, Xenovia?” Rias asked with a smirk. “Of course. These two boys were delicious! I must thank Issei for bringing them to me. Tell him I said thank you,” Xenovia said as her stomach let out another grumble. Rias approached Xenovia and put her head up to her belly, rubbing it with one of her hands. “My, those boys must be afraid! Too bad they’re nothing more than your food now,” she chuckled. “Let us out! Please!” Hayate cried. “Do you devils eat people all the time like this!?” Minato screamed furiously. “Only if they’re willing to. In fact, I’d say you are the first unwilling victims, and hopefully only…” said Rias. “I wouldn’t mind having some more humans, but again only if they wanted to sacrifice themselves to us. Let’s make that a condition for now on, okay?” Xenovia said. “Right, we don’t want people to think we’re cold-blooded killers. But for now, enjoy digesting these two,” Rias laughed before leaving the room. “No, wait! Please, get us out of here!” Minato cried. Rias ran back to speak to Xenovia’s big belly. “Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to bring you back when you’re done digesting, okay?” she said in a kind tone. “No, let us out now!” Hayate cried. “Sorry, I can’t do that. It’d be too messy. Now, I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Xenovia.” “Good night, Rias.” Just after Rias left the room, Xenovia quickly began to feel tired as most of her energy began to go to her stomach. It let out a loud gurgle, signaling the beginning of digestion. She could barely be bothered to even try to stay awake, and she instead plopped on her bed and rubbed her large belly with a smile, enjoying the way the two boys felt in her stomach. “Thank you so much,” Xenovia whispered as she fell asleep, never to wake up until her stomach returned to its flattened state. The last thought in her mind before sleep took over was that this meal would hopefully let her children with Issei be even stronger and healthier.
 “Three? Yeah, I can do that. Where are we gonna meet? Old Warehouse on Becker and Eighth? Got'cha, be there in thirty.” Mary tossed her phone aside and started the car, then peeled out of the parking lot with a ear-piercing screech. To the public eye, Mary Williams looked like your average gal with a curvaceous form and spunky attitude. The reality however, was a hell of a lot darker. Better known as Mary “The Septic Tank” Williams, she thrived in the criminal underworld as one of the few with very special talent sought after by every crime lord in the world. Mary was the best in her field and she knew this quite well, charging the most she could squeeze out of her clients. Only those with deep pockets and in need of nothing short than the best call upon the Septic Tank. In half an hour's time, Mary was pulling into the old shipping lot of a desolate building. The old sign above read Mary slammed the car door behind her, spooking the crows squatting inside the abandoned building, then took a moment for a smoke. After getting a few puffs in, she started for the warehouse and knocked on the steel door. “What're ya here for?” Came a gruff voice on the other side. “Heard you were lookin' fer someone to fix the plumbing.” Mary replied, looking over her shoulders. “Well, I'm here to fix yer leaky shitpipes.” The door slowly opened and burly man stepped out. He looked around, then nodded to a stairwell behind him. “Boss is upstairs with the busted pipes.” He said before stepping aside. “Main office at the end of the hall and to the right” “Thanks.” Following the guard's instructions, Mary went up the stairs and walked down the hall. After stepping down the creaky old floorboards, she opened the main office door and found a well-dressed man with three woman bound and gagged. She knew the man pretty well having done plenty of work for him before. He was the head of a local mob in town, a position he took with the butterfly knife he was playing with, and only liked to be referred to as The moment the door closed with thunk, Boss stopped twirling his knife and looked up, an insidious smirk growing on his face. “Just in time as always, Mary.” He twirled the knife until it closed shut and slipped it back in his pocket, then got off the dusty old desk and walked over to the three women. “First one I got for you tonight is rookie detective that was snooping around my territory lookin' for you. Name's Jenny or something. Thought you'd owe me a favor after sending this one through you.” “Maybe, but don't hold yer breath Boss.” Mary shot back with a cloud of smoke. Boss only chuckled and moved to the next one, a woman of thirty-one years with short brown hair, a cute face, and a hell of an ass. “Now this little lady here, whoo boy. This one's a juror in an upcoming trial. Name's Sarah. We tried to bribe her to...see things our way, but she wouldn't budge at all.” Boss gripped the Sarah's shoulders and gave her a shake. “So, now she's gonna take a ride with you while we pick out someone more willing to side with us.” Boss patted the terrified woman on the back, then moved on to the third and final woman. She was the oldest of the bunch, had to be forty or so. Her hair was a brilliant red and she had breasts like melons. Though her voice was muffled by a cloth gag, Mary could just barely make out “And our final contestant is our friend Penny here. Penny is some random housewife who witnessed one of my boys botch a robbery and shoot some poor bastard. I need her disposed of before she squeals to the cops. So, which will be the first to go?” Mary took one last puff from her cig as she studied each woman, then stomped it out and answered. “I'm gonna get so damn fat eating all three of these bitches, so it's a hundred grand per head.” Boss winced, face frozen in an expression of annoyance, and spoke through gritted teeth. “That is...doable. Just tell me which one you want to work your magic on first.” “Gimme the detective.” Said Mary, nodding in Jenny's direction. “I wanna show the bitch what happens when you mess with Mary 'The Septic Tank' Williams.” “Alright then.” Boss whipped out his knife, twirled it until it locked in place, and cut the rope restraining Jenny's legs. Before he could stand her up however, Jenny bolted for Mary. Unfortunately, there was not much she could do with her hands bound. Mary countered her charge with a quick and brutal headbutt, leaving Jenny dizzy and helpless for what was about to happen next. With a lick of her lips, Mary opened wide and shoved the rookie detective down her throat. Losing her gag in the process, she screamed and cried and cursed as she descended down the tight, undulating tunnel into the gurgling pit that was the Septic Tank's stomach. The rookie tried to fight her way out, but her training at the academy never prepared her for Mary's powerful throat muscles, relentlessly dragging her body deeper with ease. When her head reached its destination, she was hit by the gut's powerful odor, which reeked of everything Mary devoured during the day. It was a god awful smell that took her breath away the moment it entered her nostrils. That only heightened her struggles. After gulping down the detective's flailing legs and sending them into the thrashing bulge below, Mary turned to the next woman in line: Sarah. Feeling something brewing in her tank, she leaned over and parted her lips to a release a belch long and retched. “Get a good whiff of that.” Mary said, smacking her lips. “That's what yer gonna be when I'm done wit'ya.” Mary opened wide, then stopped and rubbed her chin. “Actually, I have a better idea.” Mary grabbed the back of Sarah's head and shoved her between her breasts. At first nothing happened, but slowly over time, Sarah's head was sucked into Mary's ample orbs. Her breasts grew and grew to accommodate Sarah's buxom form and in twenty minutes, she was engulfed in Mary's breasts. Soon after, she was completely melted down into fat and milk. The Septic Tank wiped her sweating brow. “Phew, I could go fer a drink.” Mary grasped her large breast and wrapped her lips around her nipple, guzzling down her milk like it was happy hour. Boss slipped a finger in his collar and pulled it open, a confident-yet-creepy smile crawling across his face while a tent was being pitched in his pants. When Mary was finished, she slipped her breast back in her ketchup-stained tank top and walked over to Penny. Sensually swaying her hips from side-to-side, she looked at the meal-to-be with a devious grin before sliding her pants down her legs and turning around. She took a moment to show off her finest asset, then parted her thick cheeks and planted her ass upon Penny's head. After witnessing what had happened to Jenny and Sarah, she immediately started squirming and crying. It was a fruitless gesture unfortunately, as her head slid slowly into Mary's rectum. When her shoulders were in, the boss cut the bindings and after an hour of grunting and groaning, Mary's hungry anus closed over Penny's wiggling toes. After the deed was finally done, Mary stood up and wiped the sweat from her brow. Inside the enormous mass hanging from her midriff, Jenny was a thrashing in a cramped room full of gastric juices and what became of Sarah. Meanwhile, Penny was working her way through Mary's lower bowels, weeping to no end over her fate until eventually reaching Mary's stomach. The Boss sat down at nearby table and waved Mary over. “Your staying here until I know those two are fat on your tits with Sarah.” “Fair enough, boss.” Mary took a seat, leaned back, and crossed her arms. “Gonna take awhile for my gut to melt 'em down. Hope you got somethin' to keep a girl entertained.” “That I do.” Boss said with a one-sided smile. “I've got a deck of cards and everything that used to belong to your big dinner.” “I'm down.” The Boss grinned and took out a stack of cards, calling his guard to join the game. When he arrived, Boss dealt the cards and the games began. Texas-hold'em was the game and everything Mary's meals ever owned was the prize. At first, luck was on the boss's side, but as the night went on, the tables turn in the Septic Tank's favor. While her streak kept getting longer and longer, her belly shrunk until it was nothing more that a small bulge. Suddenly, while winning the last of Penny's jewelry, her bowels released a foul wind with an ugly, triumphant sound. Mary threw down her cards and stood up from her seat. “Welp, time to let them out. I'll be back for my payment.” Boss grumbled under his breath as Mary headed to the bathroom downstairs. Despite being one floor above and nearly the entire building away, Boss and his right-hand man could still hear Mary's painful grunts and and groans while she pushed what remained of the three woman out of her septic tank. An hour later, Mary returned and three down the slimy skulls of Jenny, Sarah, and Penny. Thanks to their card game earlier, it wasn't until now that both Boss and his guard noticed that her breasts and ass grew three sizes than before. Mary leaned to one side with her hand on her hip. ”Alright, Boss. Where's my cash?” Boss pulled out a fat wad of cash from his coat and gently placed it on the table. “Come and get it.” Mary let out an annoyed sigh and approached the table. Before she could get her due, Boss's hand firmly grasped her wrist. “What the hell!?” She angrily exclaimed. “Oh, I'm sorry about this, Mary.” He said with the devil's smile. “But I'm gonna have to put the septic tank out of business.” Before Mary could question that statement, the Boss's mouth stretched like a snake's until it was large enough to engulf one's head. Mary was quick to recognize what was happening and started fighting for her life. Unfortunately, she didn't have much of a chance once the mobster grabbed the back of her neck and forced her head down his gullet. With just a few gulps, Mary was on her way to share the same fate she inflicted on so many others. Terror and rage gripped her as she was squeezed down the tight tube into the grumbling depths of the boss's stomach. The moment her head passed through the stomach entrance, her breath was stolen away by the humid, wretched aroma and her face splashed with stinging gastric juices. In minutes, she was entombed in the cramped confines of the man she once worked for. “Wha-What the fuck!?” Screamed Mary, kicking and punching all the while. “The hell's yer problem, boss!?” “My problem is you.” He chuckled before stifling a belch. “You see, you've become ” “You bastard! When you get to hell, I'm gonna-” Mary was suddenly cut off by the rising pool of acids. The Mobster shook his head, then reached for his phone and dialed a number. “Hello, Miss Jane Pierce I presume? This is the head of the Faulkner Family. Just call me Boss. How would you like to be my new disposal expert? Starts with a nice hundred grand starting bonus.” He listened quietly, then laughed. “That's the spirit. I'll give you a call when I got work for you.” The Boss hung up the phone and slipped It back in his pocket. Looking to his thrashing mass, He grinned and muttered. “It was fun while it lasted Mary, but I'm afraid you're fired.”
 Among the many strange and frightening folks that wander the university halls was Charlotte LeStrange. A member of the Chesunock Witch Coven that tamed of the wild Shoggoths of Chesunock Caverns, Charlotte was hired on as a Vanguard tasked to defend any willing to venture near the cosmic horrors all across Massachusetts. Returning from one such trip, a battle weary Charlotte stepped into her room. Her body, splattered with the blood of monsters, ached with every motion. Her trusty shotgun left trail of smoke behind her before slipping from her delicate, grimy fingers while she made her way to her bed. “What a day.” She muttered as her body hit the mattress, drowsy eyes fluttering. Then she felt a presence above. Like the undead, Charlotte lazily turned her head to find Nutty Annie hanging upside down from the rafters smiling a jagged-tooth smile. “'allo Spooky!” she greeted jubilantly, her accent thick with her British descent. “Still got ya bum and feet intact, I see.” “Indeed I do.” Charlotte chuckled, turning her body around. “Look tired, love. 'ave a bit of fun out there, did'ya?” The witch rolled her eyes. “I wouldn't call it fun.” “Oh?” “One of the lab assistants went completely nuts and started gutting another assistant. When shootin' 'im in the kneecap didn't stop 'im, I blew his whole fuckin' head off.” “Oo!” Annie's eyes lit up like candles. “Did'ya save me a toe?” Charlotte smiled and slipped a hand into her pocket, producing a finger she found for her cannibalistic friend. The nutty young lady immediately ripped it from her grasp and shoved it in her mouth. “Mmm! Is this Victor Spring?” Charlotte nodded as Annie swallowed, feeling the finger travel down her throat and finding a place in her stomach. “'e was always a bit on the loopy side. Bound to 'appen sooner or later. Shame you couldn't bring the rest of 'im back.” Annie dropped down from the ceiling made herself comfortable beside Charlotte's feet. “Still wish you'd let me 'ave a lick of your lovely little toes.” Charlotte nervously pulled her feet back, which got a laugh out of Annie. “Ha! I'm not gonna eat ya without your permission, love.” Annie's tongue slid across a one-sided smile. “Though if I could right now, I'd swallow you all up in one go.” Charlotte raised an inquisitive brow. “You can do that?” “Of course we can.” Annie puffed up her ample chest. “We did all the time back 'ome. Sometimes ya just get so 'ungry, you swallow 'em whole. They go down kickin' and screamin', they do, but it's pretty fun way to kill time and hunger.” Charlotte stared at her, disbelieving every word. Then, she looked away and rubbed her chin in thought. A lot of strange, unnatural things were possible since the world change one fateful day. Who's to say the cannibalistic infliction didn't come with the ability to swallow someone completely whole. She didn't know if the madness radiating from the Miskatonic was affecting her or something, but now she was insanely curious (Emphasis on “I'll make you a deal, Annie. As long you can get me out safely, I'll let you eat me.” Annie brighten up like the sun on a pleasant afternoon, a streak of drool seeping over her lips. “You really mean it?” “Yeah.” Charlotte shrugged. “I'm probably gonna get eaten at some point, might as be you who gets first dibs.” “You don't know 'ow long I've been waiting been for you to say 'at.” Nutty Annie grabbed Charlotte's boots and pulled them off one-by-one. “You got nothin' to worry about, spooky! As long as those clothes off, you'll go as easy as you went in. And of course if anything goes wrong, I got a family recipe that kick you out me bum before ya can say Blimey!” Charlotte cringed a little as she slipped out of her clothes. “Lets try to keep that from happening, ok?“ “Can't make any promises. You don't know 'ow lovely it is to 'ave a belly full of girl meat. Sometimes you just doze off for a wink or two.” “Hm.” Charlotte took a moment to assess the risk, but decided to keep going with it. Annie might have been quite insane (it was in her name after all), but she was someone Charlotte trusted. Maybe even loved. While Annie always said she wanted a nibble of her, she patient enough to wait til Charlotte kicked the bucket before eating her. Was she? After getting Charlotte's boots off, Annie held up her feet like she was clutching a grilly cheese. Thanks to the Witch's “Alright Charlotte, bon appetite!” Nutty Annie proclaimed before shoving Charlotte's feet in her mouth, letting out a moan as they hit her taste buds. As Annie lapped up their sweet taste, chills shot up Charlotte's spine face slowly wincing from one expression to the next. “Your feet are as tasty as I thought!” Annie said, her voice muffled. “Glad you think so Annie, but could you pick up the pace?” The Cannibal winked with a thumbs up before slurping up Charlotte ankles. The Witch was rather surprised her feet were sliding to the back of her friend's throat and, with a gulp, traveling down her esophagus. Every swallow brought LeStrange closer and closer to Annie's grinning maw, which stretched accordingly to fit her thighs. “Bet you can't wait to get to my ass.” Charlotte teases as her knees disappeared past Annie's lips. “You bet I can't, Spooky.” Annie tried to say. Annie quickened her past and not long after, Charlotte's rump was resting on her tongue. As she always imagined, it was the tastiest thing she ever had, more so than anything back in jolly ol' cannibalistic England. She couldn't get enough! If it wasn't for Charlotte tapping her wrist like Annie was on the clock, she would've been there all day. Moments later, Charlotte was up to her breasts the cannibal brit's maw. She could feel her lower half wrapped in Annie's throat, undulating around her body as it dragged her downwards. It was hot and wet inside, almost like the blood of Victor Spring she spread all over her already dirty dress when she put a round of buckshot in his head. Unlike the blood though, it was a pleasant warmth that she was happy to be embraced by. “You'll let me out, right?” Charlotte asked, Annie's lips now climbing up her neck. Annie responded with another thumbs-up before standing upright and opening wide again. Thanks to gravity's part, Charlotte's sight slipped beneath Annie's shark-like teeth. She looked up, watching as the outside world turned to black. Annie's lips closed shut with a gentle smile, tongue sliding them seeking the last bits of the Witch's taste. One last gulp sent a head-shaped lump down her neck into her swollen stomach below. A breath of relief escaped her lungs like a summer breeze. “Say 'allo to my gut Spooky! Gut say 'allo to Spooky!” giggled Annie as she rubbed her stomach. “It's been wait to make your acquaintance for awhile now!” Charlotte pulled her head out the entrance above and saw nothing but black. From the darkness, she could hear the ominous gurgling noise, like a Shoggoth stalking its prey. The walls and floor pulsated around her, dripping with a sticky fluid that stung at the touch. Whether it was safe or not, She was still in Annie's belly, much like the plethora of man meat she devoured every day. “Well, sorry I didn't believe you Annie.” Charlotte admitted, scratching the back of her head. “No worries, love. Not the first to doubt what we're capable of.” Annie rested her head on Charlotte's. “Now you just relax in 'ere and I'll let ya out before anything 'appens, ok.” Charlotte looked around with an air of caution. She wasn't an idiot. She knew stomachs were meant to break food down and pass along what remained to the intestines, like mob goons pummeling some bum that owed their boss money before handing them. She wondered if her curiosity for something as simple as someone's digestive tract was going to spell her doom. In a world of cosmic horrors that the mind couldn't comprehend, that would've been quite the boring end. Still, boring as it may be, LeStrange felt a certain closeness being within the woman she liked and, while Annie always talked of bum nibbling, she still trusted the Cannibal wouldn't harm a hair on her head. She came to a decision and trusting her heart, Charlotte made herself comfortable before falling in a deep, comfortable sleep. When she awoke, she was lying in bed covered in slime. Snuggled close by her side was Annie, looking back at her with a smile. “'bout time you woke up, Spooky.” Charlotte slowly rose, rubbing her tired eyes. “How long was I in there?” “You went all the way.” Annie said with a wink. “You mean I-” “Came right out me bum, ya'did. Real pain in the arse to get you out.” Annie shrugged. “But mum always said it was like childbirth.” Charlotte stared silently at her, her face blank but mind racing with emotions of all sorts. Then she slowly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. “I think I need a grime bath. ” She muttered. “Ha! I don't think you can get any grimier than a 'oliday in my colon, love!” “Not funny, Annie!” And so ends a tale of The Miskatonic. Was it as true as the flesh on your bones or has powers of the old ones infected your mind, conjuring mad stories from the darkness depths of insanity? Strange things dwell within the university and the line between what's real and what isn't is a blurry one. Who's to say it isn't truth in this world or another or whether this is mere fiction on a bookshelf. Who's to say indeed.
 “” Ellie said, voice trembling. “” “” Said the band sweater girl with a whisper that was struggling to be both quiet and loud enough to hear from so far. Willow's head immediately whipped around and her eyes locked in on the blond-haired girl crouching beside them. “Club's closed today. Diana got the flu.” “” The Rock girl looked to the other, whose gaze hadn't changed at all in the slightest, and shrugged. “” She said meekly, again trying to pull herself out of Willow's grasp. “” started Willow with a voice tired and like gravel. “Of everyone bossing me around and treating me like crap. It ticks me off so much and I can't take it out on anyone! Not anymore!” “” She announced and before opening her mouth incredibly wide, revealing a water maw with lines of drool dripping down from the roof down to her tongue. Ellie was taken back at first. While she feared it could happen, she never expected someone like Willow could, yet here she was. When Ellie was suddenly pulled forward and the image of Willow's maw growing larger, the teen was quickly snapped back into reality. “” She tried to call out before her head was completely engulfed. “” She muttered to herself, cracking the most deranged smile and her eyes gazing obsessively at the bulging form in her midsection. Then a thought came to mind, prompting her to look around. “Shoot, if the teachers see me, I'll be next.” “” Ellie yelled desperately, tears filling her eyes as she pushed against the walls. Unfortunately, the only ear that could hear those cries was Willow's and she was too busy obsessing over the feeling of devouring her first person to care even in the slightest. “” She said, living up to her title as being the creepiest girl in school. “A-And wiggling too, e-especially to the right a-a bit.” “ “” Willow said, pouting. “Yo-You jerk.” “” She grasped her breasts tightly and groped them lavishly, giggling madly. “Heh, everyone's gonna wanna go at these puppies! I'll be the most popular girl in school! Thanks whatever your name was!”
 RWBY Emerald’s Voracious Idea On the outside, it seemed like just another normal day at the Huntsman’s Academy, the towers rising to the heavens over a portrait of blue sky and drifting clouds. Below, the students wandered from relaxed, finally free from hours of lecturing though in a bit, wouldn’t be so free from rigorous training to keep mind and body sharp. However, in the shadows of the dorms, something nefarious was afoot. HURRUP! RRRR RO Emerald Sustrai lay on the floor of her team’s dorm, her caramel face taking on a sickly green hue. Her crimson eyes fell on the massive stomach that rose from her are midriff, taking on the shape of a young woman curled up inside its confines; a young woman who, ever since she’d been eaten alive, had put up nothing but the fiercest fight in an attempt to escape her predator. She kept telling herself it was for the best, that this would finally please Cinder, only for a particularly strong kick had Emerald throwing her hands over her mouth before- ARP URR! RRRR R As she laid her head back down she took a moment to reflect on everything that led to this very moment and whether or not it was worth it at all. In the hallway of the dorms, Emerald waited around the corner. She had a plan, one that would deal with a thorn in Cinder’s side once and for all. Hearing footsteps approaching, she peaked around the corner and smirked. Here came Ruby Rose, right on schedule. Grinning, she turned the corner and started walking towards her; her semblance doing its work. To Emerald, everything was normal. To Ruby? She was seeing her sister: Yang. Immediately, her face lit up. “Yang! I was wondering where you got to!” She said cheerfully.”What’s up?” “Ruby, you’re just the girl I was looking for.” Emerald said through her illusion. “I was investigating one of the students here, think I might need your help with something.” “Sure, lead the way!” Emerald turned around and started walking, a devilish grin slowly growing on her face. She led the girl down the hall and up the stairs, stopping at one of the dorm rooms. “Isn’t this Cinder’s team dorm?” “Yeah, I think she’s been up to something.” She replied to Ruby, the simple act of unlockingthe door turning into a hallucination of Yang picking the lock. “Figured an extra pair of eyes would help a lot.” “You got it Yang!” Upon opening the door, the two of them entered the room. Emerald let Ruby get ahead, waiting for the perfect opportunity. She didn’t have to wait long. While Ruby looked over the dresser, Emerald slowly snuck up behind her. She steeled herself, then lunged, jaws gaping open; catching Ruby’s entire head in her mouth. The illusion shattered. Before Ruby realized what was going on, Emerald quickly pinned the girl’s arms to her sides before swiftly gulping her down whole and alive. Her mouth practically glided down Ruby’s slender body, regardless of the school uniform she was wearing. Once she got to her waist, she hoisted the Huntress’s lower body off the ground and with gravity helping out, poor Ruby went slipping down her throat like a water slide, pausing briefly when Emerald grabbed her feet to yank off her shoes. It wasn’t long before her twitching feet slipped between Emerald’s lips. While the last of Ruby slid down her throat, Emerald fell back on the floor, where she took a moment to collect her barings and looked down at her enlarged belly. She did it, she actually ate her . Her plan went off without a hitch! At least...at first it did. Emerald’s victory was short-lived. Once Ruby got to struggling and squirming inside her guts, her stomach started letting out sickly growls and Emerald quickly started feeling ill.. Moments after eating Ruby alive, Emerald was quickly beginning to regret it. The urge in the back of her throat to vomit was growing stronger and stronger, regardless of how much Emerald was fighting to suppress the spunky, energetic young woman inside her. Suddenly, the door swung open, snapping Emerald out of her thoughts and prompting her head to bolt upwards in shock. Relief quickly followed. With that raven black hair and pale, slendered figure dressed in a black uniform and checkered skirt, it was hard to mistake who it was; Cinder Fall. . At first, Cinder expressed some semblance of surprise, only to smirk as she closed the door behind her and locked it. She slowly approached before planting a hand on Emerald's swollen stomach. At the touch, Ruby began to thrash and shout again. “HURK!Cinder, I-I can explain.” Emerald began tosputter and cough, nearly vomiting as her stomach fought to remove the girl. To her surprise, Cinder smiled and began rubbing the surface of her stomach, Emerald faintly blushing as her hands tenderly moved across her dark-hued skin. “C-Cinder?” “My, my. I’m impressed, Emerald.” She said with an almost sinister sweetness. “Taking theinitiative and dealing with problems yourself? If I may ask, who is it?” Emerald swallowed. “It's that Ruby girl. Ruby Rose.” She uttered. As soon as the name left her lips, Cinder’s face lit up and wickedly smiling, she turned her attention back to Emerald’s belly. “Ruby Rose.” She cooed sweetly, leaning in close enough for Ruby to hear and chuckled as she struggled in response. “Good, squirm for me. It’s time you learned what happens when you get in my way.” Her terrible smile only grew as she rose to a stand and planted a foot firmly down on Ruby’s body, firmly grinding it into Emerald’s gut. Little did she know that gesture wasn’t doing Emerald any favors. URRRRRRRRRGLE! RURRR “HURUURP!Cinder, ugh. Cinder, I do-” RRRU “Silence!” Cinder sharply ordered, glaring down at Emerald. “You were strong enough to devour her whole and alive,surelyyou can handlethis!” Her tone then went deathly cold. “Or have I misjudged your worth?” Before Emerald could beg Cinder’s forgiveness, suddenly a bulge rapidly climbed up Emerald’s throat before a slimy hand burst free from her mouth, rising up and trying to grab onto something. Immediately, Cinder threw herself forward, cramming that arm back down the way it came before covering Emerald's mouth, forcing the young woman to swallow that appendage back down. “Clench those stomach muscles!” Cinder demanded in a harsh whisper. “Don’t you dare ruin this for me!” Emerald nodded, whimpering. Inside, Ruby, with most of her clothes half-digested at this point, managed to find her barings in her slippery cell and, having nearly escaped once, knew just where the stomach sphincter was. With all her might, she dug both hands into the entrance and pried it open, then cramming her head inside and beginning to force her way back up Emerald’s esophagus. Emerald’s eyes widened and watered, Cinder looked down to see the bulge climbing her tanned subordinate’s chest. “Hmph, allow me to show you how it's done then.” Cinder uttered venomously, removing her hands and instead locked lips with her subordinate. The shock of Cinder effectively kissing her onlycaused Emerald’s resistance to her squirming meal to further be lost. Shortly after, Ruby’s head emerged from the back of Emerald’s throat as she continued to cough and retch. Poor Ruby, expecting freedom, was left in horrifying confusion as she was forced out one mouth and into another. Cinder gladly accepted her prize. Sure, Ruby didn't taste as good (and Cinder knew now what Emerald's stomach tasted like), but her gullet eagerly took the unlucky plucky girl. With one side pulling her in and the other side pushing her out, the odds were stacked against poor Ruby. But that didn't stop her from squirming while she lurched down Cinder's throat and was forced headfirst into Cinder's vengeful stomach. "No, stop!" She cried and whimpered as she began curling up inside the cramped organ, which seemed a lot hotter than Emerald’s, the acids already nipping painfully at her pale skin. As Ruby's feet left Emerald’s throat and slipped into Cinder's, Cinder broke off the kiss and leaned back, taking a moment to lick at Ruby's toes as they passed by; swallowing just once and only once. That large swollen gut that once adorned Emerald's body was now ballooning out of her boss, forcing her jacket upwards and letting most of her gut hang out on top of her. "A-Amazing." She uttered in awe of Cinder and that awe would only grow as Cinder rose from the floor without any ounce of trouble; despite having a full grown young woman sitting in the pit of her guts. Inside, Ruby began fighting for her life all over again, trying to prop herself up out of being upside down, but Cinder wouldn't have any of that. "Oh no you don’t!" She uttered scornfully. With a heavy grunt, she suddenly tightened her stomach muscles. Suddenly, the room around Ruby closed in hard, the huntress couldn’t even move an inch. Panic set in like a poison as she squirmed and josled, trying to get Cinder's stomach to yield. Sadly, no matter how much she did, it wouldn't give. All the while that small puddle of digestive juices were slowly crawling up her forehead. At this rate if she couldn't escape, she'd either drown or digest in agony. Unfortunately, Ruby Rose was doomed the moment she entered Cinder's hellish bowels. At the same as Cinder tightened her guts, Ruby's air supply was forced back up her throat, resulting in a resounding- URRRAAR RRR RROUARP! RRR -belch that sent spit raining down on Emerald's face. Letting out a satisfied sigh, Cinder looked down at her gut. So taut it was, both girls could make out a balled up Ruby, twitching in futile attemptsat fighting back. With that wicked grin back on her face, the raven-haired woman caressed her trophy, her hands gelding across the curves and contours of Ruby’s figure while it spasmed more and more with increasing fevered panic. Cinder knew that in her position, Ruby could do none of the fighting that almost saw her escape from Emerald, that she was doomed to writhe and digest inside her, and she was going to savor every tinysecondof it. Just thethought of it sent pleasurable shivers down her body. She then looked to Emerald. “Mnn~That,is how you take care of an unruly meal.”She said sternly, gesturing toward her stomach and grinning as she took in the awe radiating from her subordinate. “Your idea was a rather wonderful one.” Cinder leaned forward, her gut not even sagging, and took Emerald by the chin between her thumb and forefinger. “What a shame you couldn’t handle it. What would happen ifshegotand I wasn’t out around, hm?” Emerald shamefully looked away before she was jerked back to facing Cinder. “Still, I suppose such forward thinking should be rewarded.” “R-rewarded?” Emerald looked up hopefully. “Yes, another chance for you to prove your worth to me” Cinder turned and sauntered over the bed, letting her panties fall as she slipped out of her jacket. Emerald caught a glimpse before it hit the floor, the fabric on one particular spotsoaked.Her eyes widened, then looked up as her boss sat down. While slipping one hand beneath her sobbing belly, she opened her legs and pointed between them. “Eat.” Was her only command and without a word, Emerald picked herself up. Cinder watched her like a hawk as she crawled towards her loins, nestling herself between Cinder’s thighs where she started vigorously lapping at her moist pussy. A small moan left Cinder’s lips, one of her legs wrapping around Emerald’s back and locking her in place. “Mmmm, yes. That’s a good girl.” She breathed out, then sharply moaned as Emerald’s tongue delved deep into her slit. Inside Cinder's swollen gut, Ruby did her best to squirm, to push out against the oppressive walls of flesh that held her taut. However, Cinder's stomach was stronger than any Grimm and no matter how much of a fight she put up, her stomach hardly faltered, holding against her tightly as she was slathered in acids. The stinging liquid covered her completely now, pooling furtherup her forehead. The tingling sensation across her body soon evolving into a painful, scalding burn as her flesh began to chemically crumble. Outside, Cinder looked down at her belly, feeling Ruby's screams vibrated against the inner flesh. "I wouldn't fight if I were you, just accept that you're nothing but my lunch and let my stomach finish you off." She moaned as Emerald licked just the right spot, then chuckled. "Or don't, I honestly find your struggles more entertaining than just going limp!" Wickedly chuckling, she grabbed Emerald's head and shoved the subordinate deeper between her legs and wrapped them around the girl's back as the screams inside her picked up in intensity. "Mmm, yes Emerald. Just…like…that." The next morning, Emerald stirred. The fog of memory steadily lifted its viel, reminding her of the events that lead up to her now spooning with Cinder. The only eye that was willing to open peered down at the potbelly between them and smirked. She recalled the moments she could hear Ruby Rose crying and begging for her life, eventually turning into a garbled mess of desperate sounds before going silent once and for all. Spending the rest of the night a piece of slowly digesting meat. She halfheartedly chuckled, finally that loudmouth little brat was silenced, now nothing more than bones coursing through Cinder’s intestinal tract. As Emerald snuggled back into Cinder’s bust, she smirked, thinking one thing to herself. Best. Plan.Ever. And Cinder’s stomach- GUUURRRURRRGLE! RRR UURRR -agreed.
 RWBY Emerald’s Voracious Idea On the outside, it seemed like just another normal day at the Huntsman’s Academy, the towers rising to the heavens over a portrait of blue sky and drifting clouds. Below, the students wandered from relaxed, finally free from hours of lecturing though in a bit, wouldn’t be so free from rigorous training to keep mind and body sharp. However, in the shadows of the dorms, something nefarious was afoot. HURRUP! RRRR RO Emerald Sustrai lay on the floor of her team’s dorm, her caramel face taking on a sickly green hue. Her crimson eyes fell on the massive stomach that rose from her are midriff, taking on the shape of a young woman curled up inside its confines; a young woman who, ever since she’d been eaten alive, had put up nothing but the fiercest fight in an attempt to escape her predator. She kept telling herself it was for the best, that this would finally please Cinder, only for a particularly strong kick had Emerald throwing her hands over her mouth before- ARP URR! RRRR R As she laid her head back down she took a moment to reflect on everything that led to this very moment and whether or not it was worth it at all. In the hallway of the dorms, Emerald waited around the corner. She had a plan, one that would deal with a thorn in Cinder’s side once and for all. Hearing footsteps approaching, she peaked around the corner and smirked. Here came Ruby Rose, right on schedule. Grinning, she turned the corner and started walking towards her; her semblance doing its work. To Emerald, everything was normal. To Ruby? She was seeing her sister: Yang. Immediately, her face lit up. “Yang! I was wondering where you got to!” She said cheerfully.”What’s up?” “Ruby, you’re just the girl I was looking for.” Emerald said through her illusion. “I was investigating one of the students here, think I might need your help with something.” “Sure, lead the way!” Emerald turned around and started walking, a devilish grin slowly growing on her face. She led the girl down the hall and up the stairs, stopping at one of the dorm rooms. “Isn’t this Cinder’s team dorm?” “Yeah, I think she’s been up to something.” She replied to Ruby, the simple act of unlockingthe door turning into a hallucination of Yang picking the lock. “Figured an extra pair of eyes would help a lot.” “You got it Yang!” Upon opening the door, the two of them entered the room. Emerald let Ruby get ahead, waiting for the perfect opportunity. She didn’t have to wait long. While Ruby looked over the dresser, Emerald slowly snuck up behind her. She steeled herself, then lunged, jaws gaping open; catching Ruby’s entire head in her mouth. The illusion shattered. Before Ruby realized what was going on, Emerald quickly pinned the girl’s arms to her sides before swiftly gulping her down whole and alive. Her mouth practically glided down Ruby’s slender body, regardless of the school uniform she was wearing. Once she got to her waist, she hoisted the Huntress’s lower body off the ground and with gravity helping out, poor Ruby went slipping down her throat like a water slide, pausing briefly when Emerald grabbed her feet to yank off her shoes. It wasn’t long before her twitching feet slipped between Emerald’s lips. While the last of Ruby slid down her throat, Emerald fell back on the floor, where she took a moment to collect her barings and looked down at her enlarged belly. She did it, she actually ate her . Her plan went off without a hitch! At least...at first it did. Emerald’s victory was short-lived. Once Ruby got to struggling and squirming inside her guts, her stomach started letting out sickly growls and Emerald quickly started feeling ill.. Moments after eating Ruby alive, Emerald was quickly beginning to regret it. The urge in the back of her throat to vomit was growing stronger and stronger, regardless of how much Emerald was fighting to suppress the spunky, energetic young woman inside her. Suddenly, the door swung open, snapping Emerald out of her thoughts and prompting her head to bolt upwards in shock. Relief quickly followed. With that raven black hair and pale, slendered figure dressed in a black uniform and checkered skirt, it was hard to mistake who it was; Cinder Fall. . At first, Cinder expressed some semblance of surprise, only to smirk as she closed the door behind her and locked it. She slowly approached before planting a hand on Emerald's swollen stomach. At the touch, Ruby began to thrash and shout again. “HURK!Cinder, I-I can explain.” Emerald began tosputter and cough, nearly vomiting as her stomach fought to remove the girl. To her surprise, Cinder smiled and began rubbing the surface of her stomach, Emerald faintly blushing as her hands tenderly moved across her dark-hued skin. “C-Cinder?” “My, my. I’m impressed, Emerald.” She said with an almost sinister sweetness. “Taking theinitiative and dealing with problems yourself? If I may ask, who is it?” Emerald swallowed. “It's that Ruby girl. Ruby Rose.” She uttered. As soon as the name left her lips, Cinder’s face lit up and wickedly smiling, she turned her attention back to Emerald’s belly. “Ruby Rose.” She cooed sweetly, leaning in close enough for Ruby to hear and chuckled as she struggled in response. “Good, squirm for me. It’s time you learned what happens when you get in my way.” Her terrible smile only grew as she rose to a stand and planted a foot firmly down on Ruby’s body, firmly grinding it into Emerald’s gut. Little did she know that gesture wasn’t doing Emerald any favors. URRRRRRRRRGLE! RURRR “HURUURP!Cinder, ugh. Cinder, I do-” RRRU “Silence!” Cinder sharply ordered, glaring down at Emerald. “You were strong enough to devour her whole and alive,surelyyou can handlethis!” Her tone then went deathly cold. “Or have I misjudged your worth?” Before Emerald could beg Cinder’s forgiveness, suddenly a bulge rapidly climbed up Emerald’s throat before a slimy hand burst free from her mouth, rising up and trying to grab onto something. Immediately, Cinder threw herself forward, cramming that arm back down the way it came before covering Emerald's mouth, forcing the young woman to swallow that appendage back down. “Clench those stomach muscles!” Cinder demanded in a harsh whisper. “Don’t you dare ruin this for me!” Emerald nodded, whimpering. Inside, Ruby, with most of her clothes half-digested at this point, managed to find her barings in her slippery cell and, having nearly escaped once, knew just where the stomach sphincter was. With all her might, she dug both hands into the entrance and pried it open, then cramming her head inside and beginning to force her way back up Emerald’s esophagus. Emerald’s eyes widened and watered, Cinder looked down to see the bulge climbing her tanned subordinate’s chest. “Hmph, allow me to show you how it's done then.” Cinder uttered venomously, removing her hands and instead locked lips with her subordinate. The shock of Cinder effectively kissing her onlycaused Emerald’s resistance to her squirming meal to further be lost. Shortly after, Ruby’s head emerged from the back of Emerald’s throat as she continued to cough and retch. Poor Ruby, expecting freedom, was left in horrifying confusion as she was forced out one mouth and into another. Cinder gladly accepted her prize. Sure, Ruby didn't taste as good (and Cinder knew now what Emerald's stomach tasted like), but her gullet eagerly took the unlucky plucky girl. With one side pulling her in and the other side pushing her out, the odds were stacked against poor Ruby. But that didn't stop her from squirming while she lurched down Cinder's throat and was forced headfirst into Cinder's vengeful stomach. "No, stop!" She cried and whimpered as she began curling up inside the cramped organ, which seemed a lot hotter than Emerald’s, the acids already nipping painfully at her pale skin. As Ruby's feet left Emerald’s throat and slipped into Cinder's, Cinder broke off the kiss and leaned back, taking a moment to lick at Ruby's toes as they passed by; swallowing just once and only once. That large swollen gut that once adorned Emerald's body was now ballooning out of her boss, forcing her jacket upwards and letting most of her gut hang out on top of her. "A-Amazing." She uttered in awe of Cinder and that awe would only grow as Cinder rose from the floor without any ounce of trouble; despite having a full grown young woman sitting in the pit of her guts. Inside, Ruby began fighting for her life all over again, trying to prop herself up out of being upside down, but Cinder wouldn't have any of that. "Oh no you don’t!" She uttered scornfully. With a heavy grunt, she suddenly tightened her stomach muscles. Suddenly, the room around Ruby closed in hard, the huntress couldn’t even move an inch. Panic set in like a poison as she squirmed and josled, trying to get Cinder's stomach to yield. Sadly, no matter how much she did, it wouldn't give. All the while that small puddle of digestive juices were slowly crawling up her forehead. At this rate if she couldn't escape, she'd either drown or digest in agony. Unfortunately, Ruby Rose was doomed the moment she entered Cinder's hellish bowels. At the same as Cinder tightened her guts, Ruby's air supply was forced back up her throat, resulting in a resounding- URRRAAR RRR RROUARP! RRR -belch that sent spit raining down on Emerald's face. Letting out a satisfied sigh, Cinder looked down at her gut. So taut it was, both girls could make out a balled up Ruby, twitching in futile attemptsat fighting back. With that wicked grin back on her face, the raven-haired woman caressed her trophy, her hands gelding across the curves and contours of Ruby’s figure while it spasmed more and more with increasing fevered panic. Cinder knew that in her position, Ruby could do none of the fighting that almost saw her escape from Emerald, that she was doomed to writhe and digest inside her, and she was going to savor every tinysecondof it. Just thethought of it sent pleasurable shivers down her body. She then looked to Emerald. “Mnn~That,is how you take care of an unruly meal.”She said sternly, gesturing toward her stomach and grinning as she took in the awe radiating from her subordinate. “Your idea was a rather wonderful one.” Cinder leaned forward, her gut not even sagging, and took Emerald by the chin between her thumb and forefinger. “What a shame you couldn’t handle it. What would happen ifshegotand I wasn’t out around, hm?” Emerald shamefully looked away before she was jerked back to facing Cinder. “Still, I suppose such forward thinking should be rewarded.” “R-rewarded?” Emerald looked up hopefully. “Yes, another chance for you to prove your worth to me” Cinder turned and sauntered over the bed, letting her panties fall as she slipped out of her jacket. Emerald caught a glimpse before it hit the floor, the fabric on one particular spotsoaked.Her eyes widened, then looked up as her boss sat down. While slipping one hand beneath her sobbing belly, she opened her legs and pointed between them. “Eat.” Was her only command and without a word, Emerald picked herself up. Cinder watched her like a hawk as she crawled towards her loins, nestling herself between Cinder’s thighs where she started vigorously lapping at her moist pussy. A small moan left Cinder’s lips, one of her legs wrapping around Emerald’s back and locking her in place. “Mmmm, yes. That’s a good girl.” She breathed out, then sharply moaned as Emerald’s tongue delved deep into her slit. Inside Cinder's swollen gut, Ruby did her best to squirm, to push out against the oppressive walls of flesh that held her taut. However, Cinder's stomach was stronger than any Grimm and no matter how much of a fight she put up, her stomach hardly faltered, holding against her tightly as she was slathered in acids. The stinging liquid covered her completely now, pooling furtherup her forehead. The tingling sensation across her body soon evolving into a painful, scalding burn as her flesh began to chemically crumble. Outside, Cinder looked down at her belly, feeling Ruby's screams vibrated against the inner flesh. "I wouldn't fight if I were you, just accept that you're nothing but my lunch and let my stomach finish you off." She moaned as Emerald licked just the right spot, then chuckled. "Or don't, I honestly find your struggles more entertaining than just going limp!" Wickedly chuckling, she grabbed Emerald's head and shoved the subordinate deeper between her legs and wrapped them around the girl's back as the screams inside her picked up in intensity. "Mmm, yes Emerald. Just…like…that." The next morning, Emerald stirred. The fog of memory steadily lifted its viel, reminding her of the events that lead up to her now spooning with Cinder. The only eye that was willing to open peered down at the potbelly between them and smirked. She recalled the moments she could hear Ruby Rose crying and begging for her life, eventually turning into a garbled mess of desperate sounds before going silent once and for all. Spending the rest of the night a piece of slowly digesting meat. She halfheartedly chuckled, finally that loudmouth little brat was silenced, now nothing more than bones coursing through Cinder’s intestinal tract. As Emerald snuggled back into Cinder’s bust, she smirked, thinking one thing to herself. Best. Plan.Ever. And Cinder’s stomach- GUUURRRURRRGLE! RRR UURRR -agreed.
An Internal Agent, Literally!! - Story 2 Contains : Minotaur/F, Minotaur/Object,Minotaur/MM, Indigestion, Unwilling Prey and Willing Prey, and Regurgitation as well as Bloating. Mentions of digestion and slight domestic abuse present. Non-fatal and Fatal Vore both in one. “Damn it. How am I gonna solve this?!?” A rather frustrated human female shouts to nobody in particular. Steph has been working hard for several days, continuously staring at her computer screen trying to figure out how to do her mission. Of course, had she found a way out, she wouldn’t be so stressed. Now you may ask, what is this mission? Steph is a veteran police officer working as a computer master and an agent, usually assigned to cooperate with other agents as a hacker of some sort. This time, she is tasked with an assignment that is challenging; to retrieve sensitive substance from the hands of a notorious gang. This ain’t just any gang; they’re the Black Cloud. A really tough bunch of guys, with military-grade hardware and enough guns to take on the entire police force. Although they have the firepower, they never do a civilian onslaught. They use them only when needed. Lately, an informant suggests that they have a very dangerous chemical substance inside their main base of operation, ready to be used as a weapon. The cops can’t risk an assault; their base is located outside of the city in the slums, just on the outskirts. It would risk many civilian lives, and their own lives as well. Also, if they had a tip on what the cops are planning, they can just take it away, or even destroy it if necessary. In order to prevent such a thing from happening, Steph is assigned to a solo mission; retrieve the weapon, any way possible. This is why she is so stressed. She can’t find a way inside the base or even getting near it herself. ‘They have too damn many laser sensors to detect unknown personnel. Not to mention the 24 hour guard system that prevents any breaches. The base itself has a 5 foot tall cinderblock wall around it, with barbed wire and sentry guns all over the top. The surrounding slums and ruined buildings are also packed with civilians.’ She thinks, muttering random words to herself. ‘Gah, this is gonna take days. I can’t go in by air or by ground. Even the sewers are guarded.’ She thinks, scratching her head in confusion. A tweeting bird on her window snaps her out of her trance of work, and she stares at it. “Man I have been working all night, its morning now. Might as well get some rest.” She says to herself, getting up from her chair and stretching out. Looking at the clock, she steps out of her room and proceeds to the kitchen, whipping up a bowl of cereal. A few minutes later, she finishes her meal and settles down on her couch when her phone rang. “Hello?” “Hey Steph, is that you?” “Yea its me Darf, as usual.” A friend of hers, a large minotaur named Darfal. Cheery guy, works at a construction company. “Hey! Just calling to check things out. You doing okay?” “Yea, its just my job is giving me difficulties.” “Oh? Another mission?” “Yep. A tough one at that. I need to find a way to get inside of the Black Cloud Gang base.” “Oh my, that is a tough one.” “No kidding. It is pretty sh#tty for a job.” “Talk about ‘em, I got an underground contract from them.” “Wait, what?” Steph sits up straight from her relaxed position. “Okay, so my company has recieved a renovation work from them in their base, but we were sworn to not infrom of it. The pay was massive so we accepted.” “What are you renovating?” “I heard it was an ammunition room.” Her eyes lit up. ‘This could be my one chance.’ “Hey Darf. Can I ask for a favour?” “Oh sure, what is it?” “Come over if you can and I’ll explain.” “Alright, be there in 10!” Steph hangs the phone and looks up at the ceiling. Her thoughts now full of the impending chance she has at this case. “So you want me to do what?” Darf asks. “It’s simple, just do your usual stuff, but try to get a glimpse of the other rooms and the inside of the base.” Steph replies. “Wearing this?” He points to his modified construction helmet. “Yes. I did say I refitted the light with a camera, which can roll for one week non stop.” “Alright. I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” “Yaaayyy!! Thanks a lot Darfy!!” She says, nearly jumping in happiness. “Sure, anything for a friend. Hope I don’t get into trouble for this.” It was 2 days after they met up, at 8 A.M. Darfal is standing in front of the slums with his 2 co-workers. In order to prevent leakage, he only allowed 2 others on this job. They didn’t need a lot anyways. They’re waiting to get picked up by the gang’s vehicles, by their orders. A few minutes later, some shouting can be heard. Off the horizon, a large black painted battle tank appears rounding a corner, followed by a few armoured vans. Each vehicle has a large black cloud sign on their side. All 3 of them became slightly terrified at the sight of those military-spec vehicles. “These guys sure have some hardware.” One worker said. “Talk about a private military.” The other added. “Alright guys, we’re here for a job, just stay silent.” Darf adds. They nodded as the tanks pulls aside and an armoured van pulls alongside them. The windows open revealling a man in a spec-ops suit. “Oy, you the guys for the job?” Darfal hesitates before replying:”Yea, we’re it.” “Okay, get in. Don’t make a lot of noise too.” The guy replies, before the rear doors open and his window close. ‘I hope I won’t get myself killed’ Darf thinks inside the van, readjusting his work helmet with the hidden camera. The place was nothing short of scary. Machine guns and heavy weapon systems line up the courtyard. SAM sites and Tanks can be seen literally everywhere behind the walls. ‘No wonder these guys are feared around here.’ Darf thinks, looking at a wall-mounted Anti-tank gun. Up ahead, a man wearing a commando suit approaches them. “You guys for the job eh?” They all nod in unison. “Alright, come with me to the site. And remember, not a word or you’re dead.” As they walk through the base, their fear steadilly increases. Armed guards litter the place, with sandbags and riot shields littering the place. The place is only dimly lit, but with their NV equipment, who needs it. “Alright, here it is.” They arrive at a room, the walls are broken, wih bricks falling out and many scratches and missing paint areas. “Fix it up as fast as you can, 2 guards will be outside if you need anything.” As he leaves, he turns and says,”Remember, don’t mess around.” “Alright then, let’s get this over with quickly.” Darf says, as they begin work, Darfal careful not to break his helmet. That night. “Wow, that is some serious gear.” Steph says, looking at Darf’s footage. “Yea it’s pretty freaky. Did I get a decent shot?” Darf asks. “It’s good enough for me to work on.” She replies. A few minutes later, she saw it. “There, the vault room. It must be in there.” “Could be. I saw it on my way to the toilet. It is heavilly guarded, and I remember a lot of laser traps and several layers of doors. Didn’t manage a peek in.” Darf replies. “Alright, I gotta find a way inside.” Steph says. “That might no be so easy. They’re to well guarded for a breach, and there are also laser identifiers and cameras everywhere. I was registered in when I was in the van. They use DNA scan of some sort.”Darf says. “Awh What. Now how am I gonna get in??” Steph says in frustration, plopping back in her seat. “I’m also gonna only stay there for one more day, the project is faster than I expected it to be.” Darf says. “Crap. Why does it always happen like this. I get so close then something happens. Hegh.” Steph says, hand on her head. At that moment, Darf’s phone rang. “Excuse me, I’ll be back.” He says, stepping up and heading out. Steph just sits there staring. What can work, she has no idea. A couple of minutes later, Darf returns. “Hey, I’m back. My friend called, she’s just asking how things are.” “Oh, is it that centaur-thing friend of yours? The one with the weight problems or somethin?” “Yea that’s what she calls it, although that’s not the true story. I know the real story, but she wants to keep it silent. Not everyone can stomach what she did.” He says, slightly laughing. Steph smiles a bit, when a naughty idea pops up in her head. “Hey Darf, do those DNA sensors penetrate anything?” Darf looks at her, slightly confused face and replying :”Yea, they only stop scanning once they hit organic matter, usually a person.” “What you said about what your friend did gave me an idea. I may not be able to get in alone, but I can get in; with someone’s help.” Darf looks at her with an angled head. “I guess that’s me, but how exactly?” “Simple; remember you said the scanners can only scan one living being, but not penetrate it’s skin?” Steph says, looking at him with eyes that tell him to think of her idea. Darf looks up, thinking, before he realizes where she is going, literally. She looks at Steph and realizes she is looking at his belly, before looking back up at him. “You really are that desperate?” Darf asks. “Yes of course!! The sooner I finish this the better.” Steph says. “You want to get in, by being inside of me? Is that even going to work?” Darf asks, a bit baffled by what she’s willing to do. “Yea, I mean how else. Plus as far as I know, you can store food in some sort of storage organ right?” “Yes that is true, but what am I gonna do then? If I spit you back, you’ll get spotted and its a fail.” “Oh come on, I’m not going out. You’re gonna do all the walking, I’ll just deal with the security systems and such.” Darf’s eyes widened. “Now you want me to walk around doing what you’re supposed to do with you inside of me guiding me? Seems wierd, but I guess we don’t have a choice. It is for the better of everyone.” “How are you so willing to help me like this? You can just say no.” Steph asks. “I know, but I’m already in, let’s not stop now eh?” “Okay, tomorrow, when you are given lunch break, meet me up at the corner of the city, I’ll guide you further from my ‘temporary’ base.” Steph says, winking at Darf. “Also, how am I gonna hide the large gut you’ll give me later on? I mean I’ll probably be the size of a pregnant minotaur by then.” “I can deal with that easilly.” “But I’ve never eaten something as big as you, let alone whole and alive. It’s pretty scary imagining it.” Darf says, scratching his head. “You can do it, you’re a large guy right?” “I guess I can try. Alright, I’m off, see ya later then.” “Yea sure, take care.” Steph says as Darf walks out the door. As Darf walks to his car, he keeps on thinking :’Man, what have I got myself into. I hope I can put this problem down without much trouble.’ His stomach gave a loud gurgle in response, indicating that it has a somewhat bad feeling about the upcoming day. It was 12 the next day when Darfal stepped out of the slums for his lunch break. He had told the guys to leave the last bits of the job to him, allowing them to go home. This also meant he is more free to roam around. All that’s left is to nail the last part of the ceiling in anyways. As he winds around a corner, he spots steph in an alleyway. “Oh hey, ready to get going.” Steph asks, looking at him. “Yea I think. Hope my stomach won’t get too much trouble for it.” “Oh don’t worry, you’ll hold me. Oh, also, I’m gonna bring my tab to be able to hack around the place and see what you’re doing then. Also, wear this helmet again, the camera is connected straight to my tab.” Steph hands him a construction helmet like the last one, with a camera disguised as a light bulb. “Right. Hope you won’t drag me down too hard. I still have some work done.” “I’m sure you’ll be fine, trust me. Now, is your stomach ready for me?” “If I judge it will never be, but let’s get on with it. Please stay still when going down, it’ll make it easier for us.” Darf says, taking off his outer vest. “Yea sure. Don’t forget to gulp down air for me to breathe and there’s also a more flexible protective clothing there on that table. It should cover up some of your middle, even if it’s bulging out larger than it’s supposed to be.” Steph says, pointing at a table with stuff on it. “Okay, let’s get with this.” Steph approaches Darf, and he picks her up, head in front of his maw. “I also go some indigestion pills in case you need ‘em. I’ll bring it down with me and place them down into the stomach when you want.” “Okay thanks, but be ready for a lot of bubbles, now close your eyes and hold your breath, you’re gonna go down the smallest water slide ever.” With that, he opens his maw wide, and shoves Steph slowly in. Steph winces in disgust, but keeps her cool and stays as still as she can. Darfal can feel her looking in disgust, so he quickens it up as smooth as he can, and shoves her head straight down his gullet. Steph keeps a firm grip on her small bag on the way down, preventing it from getting stuck. As big as he is, Steph still makes a very large unatural bulge in his neck. It shapes and forms based on where Steph is. Continuing, he shoves her body in, leaving her legs dangling outside. A few more gulps follow, and soon only her feet are outside. A noticable bulge is starting to from in his belly, and he starts to get the feeling of being stuffed, but presses on. With one last gulp, he shuts his mouth and sends her down into his stomach. Steph arrives with a loud plop audible to even Darf outside. Upon landing, she uses her visionary glasses to give a bright image of the organ containing her. It’s bright pink and pulsating with movement. Darfal’s heartbeat and breathing can be slightly heard from above. The space inside is very cramped as the organ squeezes around her, barely any air in it. Darf quickly takes in large mouthfuls of air, sending them in air pockets down into his gut. It visibly enlargens with every gulp he takes, untill he can feel Steph inside able to move around easilly. He groans, holding onto the nearby wall as he strives to contain all the swallowed air, continuously gulping to keep the air down. As few moments later, his nauseous feeling dissipates just enough for him to be able to gather his composure. The weight needs some time getting used to, but he can manage to stand on his own for now. His belly rumbles and gurgles painfully, stating it’s protest at the massive meal and the amount of air inside it. “Ough damn. You’re a lot heavier than you look.” He says, and one hand lifts his belly from belly, the other holding onto a table. “Hey, I’m not that heavy okay?” Steph says, shifting into an upright position inside. She then proceeds to take her tab out, switching it on. “Alright, even in your belly I’m getting a good signal. I’m ready for it.” “Heh, talk about it. I might need to get used to this weight while I walk there.” He says, before taking the flexible vest. It’s just a normal looking construction vest, but instead of being hard, it’s made of a far more flexible material. Luckilly he was wearing stretchy jeans, so they can cover up the lower portions. Putting the vest on, he lowers it and the vest just manages to cover up his mid-section, with only a minimal part of his fur showing. He puts on the hats and walks slowly and disorientedly back to the base. “Oof, man walking like this needs some getting used to. How do pregnant people cope with this?” He says, grunting as his belly shakes left and right with every step. “Well, pregnant people don’t get expanded bellies in a few seconds like you. They get used to it as the weight slowly rises. You will too soon I hope.” Steph says from inside. “That is true.” Darf replies, holding back a belch of air. A few minutes of labored walking later, he stands behind the corner of a building just by the base. “Alright Steph, this is it. Don’t do anything to give you away okay? My stomach is already sensitive to movement.” He says, rubbing his stomach to calm it down. “I will try. Good luck. Now get in there, I’ll tell you what to do.” “Okay.” Darfal gathers his composure, neatens his unifrom and his helmet, before putting his hands down from his belly to his side and walks out to the gates of the base. He has to keep his hands from his belly, as that will look rather suspicious and wierd, even if his belly is in a lot of discomfort. As he nears the gate, the guards notice him, and one of them approaches him. “Hey, you here to finish it?” “Yea I am, just need a few more hours to be done.” “Alright, you may enter.” He says, as his friends open up the gates. “Yea thanks.” Darf says, before moving onward, a slight waddle in his step. “Hey, you might wanna watch your appetite.” Darf freezes for a split-second, Steph also looks around in worry at what the guard said. “Oh?” Darf says as calm as he can, turning around. “That didn’t come from magic right?” The guard said, looking at his belly. “Oh right. Might’ve overdone it. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” He says, slightly chuckling while rubbing the his belly slightly. Inside, Steph is frozen still, hoping the guard won’t do anything. “Good. Last thing we need is barf on the floor.” The guard said, before turning away. ‘Oh my. That was too close.’ He thinks, rushing back to the rennovation room. “Alright, finish up the job, I’ll be waiting.” Steph says. “Right, just brace yourself for a lot of shaking.” Darf says, holding his belly up as he climbs a ladder. As he works, Darfal really suffers from the drag his belly is giving him. He has difficulty moving and he keeps knocking stuff over. He aslo has to gulp some air down, keeping the oxygen supply to Steph. A few hours in however, he finishes up without much trouble, now getting used to his extra girth. A loud gurgle escapes his belly, and he pats it slighty while neating up his tools. Taking one full look at the room, it’s all done and neat. “Alright I think that’s it. You still in there?” “Yea I am. Let’s start the show then eh?” “Wait, what show?” Darf asks his belly. “Oh, I placed some explosives in an empty area to the north of here, enough to simulate a gun fight. It’ll attract the guards out. Get to the room as fast as you can when I do it.” Steph says, tapping her tab. “Oh wow, alrighty then. Not sure if I can run, but I’ll see to it.” He says. “Okay, here we go” Outside, a large explosion was heard and mess of gunfire follows. The guards immediately take off to the side of the wall closest to the assault. Darf was left alone in the area. “There might be some guards around, I’ll warn you with my tab later.” Steph says. “Now get to the vault room.” “Okay, here we go.” Darf says, walking as fast as he can safely to the vault door. He can barely even job with that belly, but he manages to get there nonetheless. “Alright, I’m in front, ready to go?” “Okay, I’m gonna hack the laser and the doors. It will open only for a bit though, so be ready to get in and out.” Steph says, while decrypting the security passcode on her tab. Outside, Darfal waits patiently, glancing around so that no guards spot him. A few moments later, a loud hisss was heard as the vault door unlocks and opens slightly. “There’s your cue, get in. We don’t have much time.” Steph says, poking the surrounding organ. “Alright.” Darf rushes in, going through the deactivated laser room, and opens the vault door with a grunt. “Oh my gosh. That is some stuff.” Steph says, looking at the camera screen on her tab. “You said it, what is all this?” Darf asks, holding his belly in his hands. Inside, what seems to be an empty laboratory is filled with vials and bottles of different liquids, some bubbling, some a bit foggy. “Must be their research. Find a large container that sticks out. That’s the target.” Steph says. Darf looks around for a bit, before noticing a large metallic bottle, locked with a passcode on the cap. “Is that it?” He asks to his belly. “Yes!! That has to be it.” Steph says, jumping in exitement. Those jumps we’re enough to jostle around Darf’s belly around as it gurgle in pain. Darf moans a bit, before holding his belly. “Hey, remember what I said, don’t be a tornado in there.” “Oh right sorry. Grab it and get out.” Darf walks to the bottle and grabs it, but he notices a certain bar-code on the side of the bottle. “Uhm Steph, we might have a problem. This bottle is registered in the scans. If they scan it, they can tell something is wrong.” Thingking fast, Steph quickly responds :”Swallow it.” “Oh come on. Won’t it burst?” “I’ll take care of it, just get it down.” “Alright.” With a heft, Darf lifts the bottle up, much heavier than it looks, and throws it in his mouth and swallows it. Compared to Steph, this is a breeze to swallow. Inside, Steph hears the gulp and waits at the sphincter. She grabs the bottle and deposits it beside her as it drops down into the stomach, making sure to keep it locked tight. “Alright. We did it!!! Now let’s jet outta here. They should’ve figured it out by now.” Steph says. “Okay, I’m getting outta here.” Darf says, jetting back out and walking towards the exit. He can distincly feel the weight increase, but it’s not enough to give him any effect. Upon the entrance however, he sees something disturbing. “Uhm Steph, those are 2 guards there.” Darf asks silently. “Oh crap. You have to either get by or get rid of them. They’ll likely check you though, so I think the first isn’t an option. The other entrances must be closed by now.” Steph says. “Great how am I gonna get rid of them? I don’t have a weapon.” Darf says. “You have to make them dissappear, anyway you can; beat ‘em up or somethin. Also, if you leave their bodies, they’ll only track you down. I managed to loop the CCTV cameras around, so you’re safe for now.” ‘Crap, what can I do. I can’t drag the bodies, that’d make a lot of noise. I can beat ‘em up by surprise, but how do I get rid of them?’ Darf asks, before he realizes a very bad idea, but it might be the only way out. “Steph, you see the hole to my second stomach?” Darf asks to Steph. Glancing around, she spots the lower sphincter before replying :”Yes I see it, why?” “That stomach is digestive. That’s where they’re going.” Upon hearing this, Steph’s eyes widened. “So, they’re gonna come through here and through my sac right now?” “Yes, but there’s a problem. If I push my meal into my second stomach, everything will go through, including you. How can I prevent that?” “Uhmmm..... OH I know! You have rope with you?” Steph asks. Darf, searches his construction bag, finding a ten-foot long rope and pulling it out. “Yea I have one, why?” “Okay. So here’s what we can do. Knock them both out cold, as silently as you can, and down them. I’ll make sure to keep ‘em cold and collect some information from them that I can. When I’m done, swallow the rope just enough that I can tie it onto me, and you can either hold or tie the other end to somehing solid, then flush them down. I’ll place all my stuff, and the missionary bottle, into my bag on me, so only they will get down. I just hope I can hold on through the stomach contractions. When it’s done, jsut undo everything. You got me?” Steph explains to the person above her. “Oh my, that is daring. I never imagined how that would go.” Darf says, scratching his head. “Regurgitating me is too slow and noisy. This is the only choice. Do it whenever you’re ready.” Steph says, tightening her bag on her back. “Alright.” Darf says, cracking his knuckles. His stomach let’s out a serious of muffled groans, indicating the bad idea it’s facing. ‘Yes I know it’s bad, but rather this than get cut in half right?’ Darf thinks to himself. He walks out slowly, and grabs a very long metal pole nearby. Looks like an unused canon barrel. Tiptoeing as quietly and as balancingly as he can, he manages to get by the corner to the left of the guards. They’re standing side by side, just inside the base’s front room, so if he swings it right, he can strike both guards with one swipe. Holding his weapon firmly, he reels back to the right, lifting his heavy body up, and with a silent grunt, he throws his body left at full speed. Inside, Steph hlds her head wih her hands and braces for impact. Combine the fact that he is a minotaur with some extra weight and the centripetal force of the large weapon, as well as his entire weight shifting into the attack, the canon’s swing is brutally powerful. With one massive BANG the weapon strikes both guards, flat on the top-rear of their heads. The effect was immediate. With all his weight thrown off, he recoils forward, nearly losing his balance but managing to stand straight up after a few balancing steps, the canon still in his hand. Inside, Steph was jostled by the attacking move, swaing left and right but she manages to stay tight and stops moving after a while. Outside, you could even see the stomach still swaying as Darfal tries to regain balance. The noise was slightly muffled by their hats made of soft material, and the noise of vehicles outside. Both guards lay sprawled out on the floor, knocked down flat on their front. Had Darfal hit them any lower, they would’ve flown straight out into the open. But where Darfal hit them, they had no momentum to fly forward, just enough to only knock them down, but also good enough to knock them out cold. As quickly as he can, he grabs both of them by their feet and drags them back inside. Their weapons and equipment are still on them, so he won’t have to go back. He then drags them as silently as he can, into a dark corner just around the exit. Looking around, he notices the guards are starting to rally together just outside. “Steph, you okay?” Steph is slightly covered in juices, but otherwise okay. “A bit slobbery, but I’m fine. You got them?” “Yes, they’re both down for the count. I’m gonna swallow them down with all their equipment, please make sure they don’t bring anything sharp down there. I don’t wanna let ‘em rip me out.” “You bet. I need the weapons for examples. Maybe I can find where they come from.” Steph says, before clinging to one corner of the belly. “Alright, I’m huddled, ready whenever.” Darf can really see his belly slightly bulging out to the right more with Steph being there. Picking up one of them, he prepares himself. “One going down. Hope you hold stomach of mine.” He slams the body in, still out cold, straight into the end of his mouth, immediately triggering his swallowing reflexes. In a mere second, the head is already visible in the throat. Darf then lowers his body and angles the guard so that he is facing straight down, to ease the swallowing process. After gulping down Steph earlier, he is getting used to it, but with his belly protesting, getting the guard down is still a fight of it’s own; with his gag reflexes. However, he still managed to hold it back, and with gravity helping, it wasn’t 10 seconds when Darf closed his mouth over the legs and unleashed the final gulp, sealing the guard inside him. With that, his belly expanded out further, stretching the elastic colthing to it’s limit, and his own skin to it’s limit as well. Steph watches as the unconcious guard exits the top sphincter, and is deposited crampingly into the side of the belly, pushing against her. Darf’s belly gurgled in pain, and he holds back a belch as his belly vibrates ominously. “Ughhh. That’s him down. OH man, I don’t know if I can hold the other one in.” He says, slightly panting. “Hey, come on. We’re so close. You can do it. It’s really cramped in here, and you don’t sound well, but it’s just an inch away.” Steph says, cheering him on. Feeling slightly renewed, he picked up the last guard, still out cold. “Alright then, here we go. Last guard is going in. You better be near the entrance, so you can grab the rope in the cramped spot down there.” With a heave and a grunt, he pushes the person in, and back into his throat, swallowing him down head first. With his belly so low, he practically has to kneel down to make it easier and less stressful for his belly. With a few gulps, the man is down into his throat halfway, legs dangling outside of the mouth. His gag reflex is too powerful however, and he has to use his hands to push the guard down. A few seconds later, the guard’s feet is in his mouth, and he closes up, trying to gulp as hard as he can. The guard goes down, but just as his feet pass his throat’s entrance, his gag reflexes kick in, and jams the guard in place. “Hurk!” Darf nearly pukes the guard back out, but manages to swallow him in place. He covers his hands with his mouth, not wanting to attract attention. He gulped several times, but his throat still won’t bulge. Now sweating, he can’t get his prey inside as it seemed that his tomach is too cramped. Inside, Steph hears the gulps and feels the organ shake with the gag reflex, but no one is coming down. Assuming that it’s stuck above her, this is bad news. They may get found out. Thinking quickly, she heads for the entrance to the stomach, and with a squish, she manages to get right under it. Reaching up, she then launches her hands upwards into the gullet, wanting to help Darf. Just a few miliseconds, she touches some sort of foreign object, like the head of a person. Gripping both sides, she can feel the muscles try to push but to no avail. With an almighty grunt, she reels back, pulling the head of the person entirely insie the stomach, pushing her back against the wall. Darf was surprised by the sudden help, as the guard is forced down faster than he swallowed. Feeling his belly balooning out further, his gag reflexes kick in harder than ever, but with one final gulp, he sends the rest of the guard down into his human storage tank. Inside, Steph held on to the top of the stomach as the 2 guards are deposited under her. With that, the ordeal is over. Moaning in certain agony, Darf rubs his over-expanded belly. The organ is continuously gurgling and sloshing, painful sounding, as he tries to calm it down. “My.....that was hard. Thanks for the help Steph.” He says, panting hard. “Yea thanks. You might wanna get them down fast, I secured them off their weapons.” Steph replies, putting back all their weapons. “You don’t sound well. Let’s hurry up, the faster the better.” “Right, I hope I can walk.” Grunting hard, he manages to get on his feet, but immediately topples back down on his rear on the floor. “Oh man, I need some help.” “Just hold on the walls Darf.” Steph says. Grunting again, he tries to get up, a lot more careful this time, and holds on to the nearest wall. After a few agonizing seconds, he is on his feet, but with a belly like that, a lot of his weight is thrown forward, so he has to hold on for balance, while looking like he can just fall on his head. Now more waddling than walking, he holds on to the wall as he heads for the rope. The added girth is really putting a lot of stress on his legs as he wobbles left and right. As he walks, his stomach is visibly shifting up and down and left and right from the outside, like an alien is inside. The poor organ is continuously try to cramp them back up, but they’re so big, Darf can only helplessly watch as the organ can only shift in random directions in it’s place, adding to the difficulty of walking. Looked from the outside, the oversized belly is visibly higher on his frame than a normal fat person, as they are inside of his first stomach. It’s main weight point is above his belly button, and being this high really throws his body’s balance. After what seemed like minutes, he manages to reach the rope. Uncoiling it, he leans on the wall, placing the rope in his mouth. “Okay, here it goes. Get ready for it.” He says, still panting. Looking around, he makes sure the coast is clear. “Right.” Reaching up, she waits patienly, hands just on the entrance, waiting for the rope. She’s now covered in saliva and harmless juices as the stomach keeps on shaking her about. Without even swallowing, Darf forces the rope into his gullet, before weakly swallowing. Just a weak swallow is enough to lurch his stomach up, to no avail. Without any more swallows, the rope is sent down inside. Steph touches something hard, and yanks the rope down as smooth and quickly as she can, immediately setting it around her waist. The 2 guards are starting to move a bit, so they have to be fast. Darf can also sense the movement as he rushes on. Since he’s almost certainly not going to be able to hold the rope in his exhausted state, he ties it to a railing sealed onto the wall in front of him. “Ready down there? We need to hurry.” He says, groaning in pain again as he positions in front of the railing tied with a rope leading down his maw. Outside, he hears people exiting the vehicles as they enter the base. They’re running out of time. “Ready” Steph says, checking the knot to make sure it’s tight. “Birng it on, they’re gonna wake up soon.” “Right, here we go.” Darf says, before shutting his eyes and concentrating on his muscles, hands on his belly. The result was almost imminent and took both of them by surprise. From the oustide, Darf’s belly suddenly shrank slightly and dropped down low. The rope was suddenly pulled in hard, and the rail creaked in the sudden move. Darf winced as his stomach flushed both bodies down below. From the inside, Steph was suddenly squished hard as all her bones seem to crack due to the pressure. The guards under her suddenly sank into the ground, and she welped as the rope suddenly stopped her descent, painfully holding her body up. For a few more seconds, the squishing continues, the stomach groaning and gurgling as it contracted, sending the two guards into the digestive stomach. Darf kept covering his belly to prevent noise ffrom leaking while trying to smoothen out the process, Steph is just holding on as she is squished and released and squished in rythmic movements for the entire time. Outside, the bulge unforms and turns Darf’s belly into looking like a shaked up Jello pile, throwing left and right. Hoping for no one to pop up, after about 20 agonizing seconds of contracting, Darf’s belly suddenly slows down and finally procs to a stop. Still holding it, he rubs the belly as the 2 guards, starting to wake up, are sealed into his digestive organ. It was a miracle no one found them out. Inside, Steph was finally free of the rough massage, releasing herself from the rope and slumping back into the organ, now void of anything. “Steph, you still up there?” Darf asks, rubbing his belly, voice slightly muffled due to the rope. “Yea I am. So that’s what a baby feels when being birthed.” She replies, chuckling slightly. Darf can’t help but laugh silently. “That’s wierd if you put it that way.” He then proceeds to untie the rope, but before he could pull it out from himself, he hears footsteps approaching. A lot of them. “Oh crap someone’s coming. I’m gonna hold the rope and jet, hang tight.” Suddenly fueled with adernaline, Darf gets up, pushing himself with the rail, coiling the rope into his arm, before running as fast and as silently as he can forward towards the rennovation room. Well, running and wobbling to be exact. After a few seconds of silent running on his toes, he manages to get into the construction room. Upon entering, he slams the door shut and drops down on the floor, panting from exhaustion. When he looks at his arm, he then realizes he practically swallowed all the rope without even knowing it. His bellyache has slightly subsided, since now the stretch is more divided, now his middle expanding from just below his chest, to just above his legs. It’s still large, but it’s now more spread out, giving him slightly more balance, and less belly ache to worry about. It’s not painless, as it is still very achy, but at least he can cope with it. “Hey Darf?” Steph says. “You safe yet?” “Yes, I’m back at the construction room. You got all of the guard’s stuff right?” Darf asks back. “Yes, they’re done for down there. But why did you swallow all this rope?” “Oh, an accident as I ran. Forgove me.” He says, chuckling slightly. Darf has finally some time to examine himself. He looks at a small mirror located inside of the renovated room, checking out what 3 people did to him. His belly is massive, beyond normal pregnancy size, and it’s peering out from his vest considerably in the middle, open for the world to see. It’s also lower than before, now more resembling a ‘normal’ belly, but still too big to be anywhere near normal. The lower part of his belly, around the underside is distorted as that’s where the 2 guards are. Steph is just sitting above them. “Wow, this is certainly unatural.” “Talk about it.” Steph says from inside. “Now then, wanna get outta here?” “Right. I hope no one will question me about this. It’s so big.” Darf replies. “Ugh, and the ache is coming back to me after that adernaline rush.” “Just say you suffer from bloating or some sort after eating something. That’ll work right?” Steph asks. “Ehm right okay, maybe that’ll work. Alright, I’m going out, stay put and silent kay?” Darf asks, taking all his stuff and putting it in his bag. “Yea, good luck. Oh, also swallow more air please, it’s kinda damp in here.” Steph says. “Okay.” Darf gulps a few mouthfuls of air, his belly growing again. “Here we go.” Reorganizing his clothing to look as normal as possible and putting on a calm face, he walks out. Darf opens the door and heads straight for that exit, hopefully no one to notice him. Eating the 2 guards did the trick, no one else was guarding the side entrance. A few guards around looked at him, but they paid close to no attention. Trying to walk as normal as possible, he steps out and heads for the gate. The guards are still busy rearranging defenses, so no one notices him. Upon reaching the gate, he opens the log book, signs out his name and writes that the job is done, and without looking back, he rushes out, just as his lower belly unleashes a growl. After a few tense seconds, he rounds a corner, out of their sight, and suddenly drops, leaning on the wall. “We did it......wow carrying this.....around is tiring.” He says, apparently having to hold his fatigue for some time. “WOOO!!!! We did it!!!” Steph shouts from inside. “Heck yea. That was an interesting experience. You still have the stuff?” Darf asks. “Yes, they’re right here. Now let’s get outta here.” “Okay.” Darf replies, getting back up and waddling to his car as his body sways heavilly left and right, one hand under his belly for support. That’s when he felt it; a nudge to his hand. He looked down in confusion, before realizing the 2 guards are now awake and are gaining their bearings. “Crap, they’re awake. Steph you feel ‘em?” darf asks, still walking. “Yea, better hold on tight, they’re gonna struggle a lot.” A few muffled noises can be heard as Darf walks to the parking lot nearby. The streets are deserted luckilly so no one will give him wierd stares. Darf looks down in worry. ‘If they start thrashing, that won’t be good for me or Steph.’ He thinks, as he feels the 2 guards moving around more and getting more active as their senses returned. After a couple of seconds, just as he rounds corner, his car in sight, the 2 guards finally unleash their fury. A mess of punches and kicks attack Darf’s stomach, taking both Steph and Darf by surprise. Steph is suddenly bounced up and down from the attacks below, while Darf’s second stomach suddenly gurgles in indigestion. Darf’s stomach wasn’t meant to digest living meat that’s trashing, so he suddenly is hit by one of THE worst belly aches ever. “Oh my.....Owwwww.......damn they’re killing me.” He says, leaning on a pole for support, holding his belly with both hands. “Dude they are killing you there.” Steph adds. “Hnnghh. Just as I thought this was gonna end. Man, I feel like my belly will split in half at this rate.” Darf says, now sweating with uncomfortableness. :I gotta get home faster and get you out Steph. I’m not sure I can last long with them fighting it out.” “Yea you better,” Steph replies, “You really are starting to sound very bad down here.” Darf’s stomach(S) are now groaning in protest, as the 2 guards wreck havoc on everything inside of Darf. Holding his belly with one hand, he waddles with more difficulty to the car, placing his items in the trunk before staggering to the driver’s seat. “Good thing I don’t live too far from here. Don’t wanna drive like this. Damn you two, just settle down already.” He says to his belly, as a wave of nausea hits him. The drive home was hard to say in the least, with such a big belly. Darf had to move his seat as far back as possible to be able to use the steering wheel. Even then, a harsh outside kick easilly turns the wheel the other way, nearly sending him crashing several times, but he makes it back in one piece. Rushing into his house, he drops everything on the floor and runs to the bathroom. “Steph, I’m home. I’m gonna spit you out now before those 2 can hurt me any further okay?” Darf asks, patting his wriggling belly. “Okay, I’m waiting. Hurry up though, they’re getting restless and your stomach is really taking a beating.” Steph says, strapping her stuff on her. “Right now then.” Darf says, waiting for a gag reflex. Almost immediately a massive nauseatic wave hits, enough to make Darf get a headache, and he follows through, suddenly contracting his first stomach upwards. Although ready, Steph yelped as she was forced up into the gullet in one massive push, before another brought her head into Darf’s maw. Tasting Steph’s hair, Darf heaved again and with a painful gag, he brings Steph back out into the world again. He takes Steph into his arms and guide her onto the floor of the bathroom carefully. As the last of Steph was forced out, a massive gut-flushing belch followed, rumbling the entire house and enough to stun Steph slightly. Upon regaining her bearings, she looks straight at Darf. “Hey there. Nice to see you again.” “Nice to see you too.” Darf adds, grunting slightly. “Get yourself cleaned up, all the shower materials are here. I left your bag just by the bathroom door there when we left, so I think I can leave you to yourself?” “Yes. Thanks a lot. Are you okay though?” Steph asks, concerned of her friend. “Hah. Those 2 are as good as dead, don’t worry about me okay?” Darf replies, putting on his best corageous face despite the massive ache he is in. “Uhm, okay then. Take care.” Steph says as Darfal leaves the room. “My Gosh. How are you 2 still alive?!?” Darf says to his belly in frustration. Both guards are still active and pounding everywhere, throwing him about. His stomach is painfully groaning, being beaten up hard from the inside. “Alright, if you’re not gonna die, guess I’ll just drown ya out then.” He says, waddling to his backyard. Just as he opens the door, a very sharp kick upwards knocks his breath out, before a massive wave of nausea hits him again. “Grugh, you guys asked for it.” Taking the garden hose out back, he looks around, checking if anyone was there. No one. Good. He then forces the hose into his mouth down his gullet, and turns the water full on. A massive amount of water is surged into him, passing straight into his second stomach, taking the 2 guards by surprise. Upon discovery of his plan, they unleash one last attempt to escape, kicking as hard as they can either above or below them, hopefully to hurt Darf harder than ever. Darf winces as his belly eats the hits even harder, and as the water flows his belly enlargens and sags closer to the ground. Luckilly for him, after a few tens of liters, the guards start to slow down. Seeing the end in sight, he continues to fill his stomach untill the 2 guards finally stop their shenanigans, and pulls the hose out of his mouth, shutting it down. “Oh my gosh. You’re finally out for the count.” He says, rubbing his belly, now larger and heavier than ever. Walking back inside, he holds his belly up with both hands, so heavy it can make him fall forward on his face. Walking to his living room, he drops heavilly on the couch, laying back so his belly stick high up. His body senses the relaxing state he is in, and that’s enough to send him to snooze home in less than one minute. His overstuffed stomach getting all the attention as it begins digesting the 2 guards. “Hey Darf?” Steph steps out of the bathroom and notices her friend passed out in his sofe. “Oh my, must’ve been tiring for him. Guess I’ll just go now then. Don’t wanna stay any longer than I should be.” She says, before packing her things and swiftly leaving the house, making sure to close all doors. ‘Hmm that was a wierd mission, but maybe next time I can do this again. I remember Darf said something about his friend with a large appetite.” “A centauress if I’m not mistaken.”
Confidential Information Contains : Some object swallowing, belly ache, heaviness, and regurgitation. Everything else is minor, hope you guys enjoy!!! It was 3 weeks after the previous raid on the cloud base. The mystery substance retrieved by Steph has been analyzed and also has been identified. The serum to neutralize it is also created, rendering any weapon of the same sort useless. Knowing this, the blacks decide not to just stay still, and invent a new chemo weapon. The weapon is not to be invented in a normal surface base, but in a secluded or a heavily armed base. The latter was chosen, inside a rock fortress in the far mountains. There, a new deadly chemical weapon is being created. The government agency was notified however, due to some radio-interception of the black’s code. It was found out that any confidential information was to be stored in a certain ROM device, capable of withstanding nuclear blasts, over 1km of underwater depth, and electromagnetic damage to the data. It was also tough as nuts to crack open, being made out of military spec items and also, conventionally ball-shaped. Now the ball is stored in a base for temporary, in the outskirts of Steph’s city, but after finding out, it only took a day for an agent mission to grab the device from the base in a silent operation. The Blacks are also notified of the robbery the next day, and the entire city is filled with their disguised guards. The guards can be anyone in any place at any time. Form drunks in the bar to the chefs in the kitchen, their eyes are equppied with electric lenses to be able to sense the device through layers of cloth and stuff, as well as act as an X-ray or item scanner. The way it works is connected to the nerves and brain of the wearer, so it can follow the user’s wantings without delay. The device has been passed onto Steph to be passed onto the military after her success on the first mission, which she doesn’t mention her friend’s help in the mission. Because of this, she has now been tasked with secretly passing the device onto the military. “Alright. So I have to bring it out without them knowing it eh?” She thinks to herself in her computer room. Looking out, she can see the city in it’s night life with lights flashing and cars passing by. A nice Saturday night to go out, but she has untill Monday to pass the device on. “Alright, first I have to get one of those devices they use in their eyes. Maybe that’ll also help me scan them for disguised guards. Ah well, let’s do this then.” She thinks, picking up her jakcet and walking out her room. She then grabs an electric magnet in the form of a pair of gloves that can grab the device off the eye off the wearer and heads out. Walking in the streets, she walks towards an area in the city famous for black markets. Knowing this, a lot of black guards will be here to ensure no deals are made of the device. It is also full of alleys, hidden passages, vents and that stuff, perfect for a mad getaway dash to freedom. Some of them even lead out of the city, thus the surplus of guards. Just arriving in the underground and looking around, Steph can already smell some cocain flying around, and also a lot of people walking around. Some of them buying, some just looking and others minding their own bussiness. Looking about, she spot a man walking alone, but he seems to be watching vendors and black market deals carefully, and his eye also has a glint of blue. ‘Yep, that’s the guy.’ She thinks, heading to him stealthily. Hiding in the darkness, Steph blends in well, and before long she is behind the man. The man is watching a man buy a ticket from another guy, when Steph abruptly drags him into a nearby alley, one hand over his mouth. “Mfff??” He says, before a massive bang into the wall knocks him out cold. Steph then releases the unconcious body onto the floor. “Alright, that’s down and done. Now then, time to get a new pair of eyes.” With that, she activates her gloves with a tap, and with her pointer finger on both hands, she carefully opens each eye and barely touches the eye ball of the guard. Looking at her gloves, she sees that she has extracted the sensors. A normal-looking blue soft lens for short eyesight, but it apparently has no help to short-sightedness. Looking around, she opens up a nearby drainage chute and pushes the wriggling body in, now almost awake. As the man tumbles down to the deep sewer, possibly till he drowns, Steph leaves the scene, making sure nothing is left behind. Looking at the gloves, she places the lens onto her eyes carefully. After both are placed, she feels her eyes tingling for a second, before the scanning interface boots up. “Welcome user. Scanning Ready.” It reads. “Alright, let’s see how well it works.” She says to herself. ‘Scan that fruit over there.’ She thinks, looking at a watermelon. ‘Scanning..... Scan Complete.’ ‘A Japanese Grown Watermelon weighing 1.1 kilograms Water percentage at 75%, Fresh level is at 98% Watermelon is grown naturally and has no dangerous substance in it’ “Oh wow. That’s nuts.” She says to herself, reading the scan results in front of her eyes. Smiling at her success, she heads back into her house to think of a way to transport the ball out. Arriving back home, she deposits the gloves and her jacket before going back into her computer room. “Alright, I have the scanner. This can also act as a safeguard for the future, so if I can detect the object, I am in peril. Hope that’ll never happen.” “Now is the hard part, I need to find out what I can store the device in. If I’m not mistaken, someone said that a special electric signal can be used to connect to the device. Too bad it can’t be used to transfer the data, but I wonder what it does.” She grabs her phone, opening up an advanced hacking app, able to use wireless connection, infrared signals and so on. Opening up the electric signal tracker, she finds her device in the gps almost instantly. Upon opening, she meets a massive amount of firewalls and safeguards. Looking at it in surprise, she is even shocked to find this amount of complexity in a non-military device. “This might even beat the complexity of the nuclear launch system.” She says, giggling to herself. “Alright, I’ll leave it on auto-hack, and I’ll check back later.” She says, leaving her phone near to the device. 7 A.M. the next morning, Steph is sleeping in her bed when she is awoken by an abrupt beep. Looking up and about, she notices her phone blinking. Looking at the screen, she sees a large font saying :’Device Penetrated. Advance?’ Hesitating a bit, she presses the button, and her phone suddenly blacks out, and a single button appears on the screen, red in color with the words shrink. Confused, she looks at the device on her table and taps the button. Almost instantly the device shakes and suddenly it shrinks down to the size of a large marble, way smaller than it’s previous size. Surprised, she looks back at her phone to find the button turning green with the words ‘enlarge’. Pressing it causes the device to suddenly pop back up to it’s original size. “Oh my....what the heck man. This is possible?” She says to herself in astonishment at the technology in this device. Gathering her thoughts, she activates her lenses at the object. Immediately, exclamation marks fill her vision, with the words ‘target identified’. “Hmm, they’ll know it obviously this way, even in auto-scan mode. Let’s see it shrunk.” Shrinking the device, the scanner still shows the object as identified, denying her ease of escape. “Nope not gonna work, let’s see what the scanner can’t go through.” Unshrinking the device, she grabs it with her phone and heads for her armoury room, hidden behind the closet. Inside, a lot of military and civilian spec gear and armour exist, all for her to use. First up, something simple; a cardboard box. Placing it inside, she scanned it and as she suspected, the device is still identified. Next up, underwater. Placing it in her full bathtub, she scans it. Obviously it is identified. Sighing, she proceeds to the next, a basic travellpack bag. Placing it in her dark green travel bag, she scans it and also detects the device. Moving on to something harder, she places it inside a large metal safe, capable of holding a direct hit with a rocket launcher. Placing it inside, she heads to the side and scans the safe. It does take a while, but the device is still identified inside of the safe, even if it is locked and sealed tight. ‘Maybe something tougher, I’ll check in the HQ. They have better stuff there. Gotta be careful not to be found out though.’ She thinks, getting the device and leaving the room. A few hours later at 2, she returns home, feeling dissappointed. She tried almost everything; body armour, stealth packs, even inside a military tank, but nothing worked. The device is still scanable, even through inches of metal-uranium armour. She places the object on her table, her brain thwacked a thinking of a way to get it out. Just then, she glances at the clock and realizes it’s lunch time. Maybe a meal will help her think better, she thinks. She then orders a simple fast food meal, and it arrives in just a few minutes. Munching down on a burger, she can’t seem to get any idea in her head on how will the device go undetected. Even layers on metallic armour won’t work then what will? Suddenly, upon looking at her food, she gets a rather naughty idea. ‘What about getting through organic armour then?’ She thinks. Quickly finishing up, she heads to her fridge and gets out a small bowl of circular jelly, very small in size and easilly swallowable. Taking one in her hand, she scans the object and places a tracker on it, now able to tell where the object currently is; in her hand. “Please work.” She says, before placing the jelly in her mouth, and swallowing it whole down to join her lunch. Once she feels her throat empty, she opens up the tracker and waits. A few seconds pass, the object is not found. She even looks at her own body to help it and scans it thoroughly, but the jelly was never found; it’s undetectable. Smiling, she then jumps for joy as she finds her breakthrough, almost regretting it immediately as her stomach feels a bit queasy now. But hey, now she has a way out, all she needs to hide the device somehow in organic matter, most likely herself. Looking up in new spirit, she heads back to her HQ to get some things she’ll need. Back home again, she tells the military to expect her call soon in a bar, far from the city and near the military base beside the open road. Thats the rendevous point. Now, she has to prepare to get out of town. The city exits are turned into underground fortresses, with guns and men hidden everywhere ready to take action for the black’s sake. She will have to get out very carefully in order not to be suspicious. First thing’s first, she has to be sure she can safely swallow the device and push it back up again without any problems. In order to do so, she took a meter long string, made of nylon-steel composite, rendering it undigestable. Shrinking the device down, she ties one knot onto the device with the string, and dangles it in front of her. It looks rather large for something she has to swallow. Sighing, she then lifted the device up and into her mouth, slightly wincing as the cold metal hit her mouth. She realizes that the metal ball’s surface is pretty smooth and it should go down once inside the oesophagus. Closing her mouth, she rolls the ball in her saliva, hoping to make it easier to swallow. Once it is wet enough, she sends it to the back of her mouth. ‘Alright, here goes.’ With one swift gulp, her oesophagus opens, and the ball falls with gravity in, getting caught by the wave of muscular contractions, passing down just as the oesophagus closes. A split second later however, the ball slows to nearly a halt just under her swallow zone, in her neck. “Guk! Gulp! Gulp!” Steph holds her neck as she attempts to down the stubborn device, one hand on the string in case something happens. The swallowing did it’s job, and the ball slips past the narrow part, and falls straight into her belly. “Woah. That went a little rough.” Steph says, rubbing her slightly sore throat. “Well, that’s down, let’s see if the string is still connected.” She says as she tugs on the string slightly. She feels a weight when tugging the string, indicating the item still tied on the device. “Okay good. Now can I detect it?” She says, turning her eye detector on. Nothing. Even looking at herself indicates nothing. “Good. Now what if I move it around in there.” Tugging the string back and forth, she moves the device about, and she can feel it knocking about in her stomach. “Wow this feels wierd, having something inside your stomach. Alright, time to get out. This ain’t gonna be smooth.” She says, before pulling the ball out. It feels very wierd in her throat, and it catches in her stomach’s entrance, but a few hard tugs and it gets through. She holds back a few gags as the device climbs up her oesophagus. “Damn this ain’t so easy like in the cartoons.” She mumbles, before resuming herpull. It certainly was unpleasant, but witha couple of gags and a cough, it goes out and hangs in front of her. “Oh there we go. Damn that was not pleasant. I’ll need a wipe for this.” She gets a nearby cloth and cleans the device. “Okay, so I have one night to get ready. The only way out of town is taking the underground train out, then taking a car. To get to the station itself I need to use public transport.” She thinks, calculating all the risks she might meet guards. She would also need to make sure they can’t see a string dangling from her maw, that’ll be wierd, but a quick tie onto her teeth and she’ll be good to go. She has to tie it hard though, to ensure that the string won’t just fall out and get sucked down into her stomach. First thing’s first, she needs some clothing to look natural. She doesn’t want to look too striking, so she picks out something that gives her a casual look. In the end, she choses a cyan-coloured dress, from top to her knee, and it’s also slightly loose on her, so as to not atrract unwanted attention to herself. She completes it with her casual handbag that’s somehow full of gadgets and all that stuff. Wonder how modern agents get these kinds of stuff lately. She then makes the necessary calls and orders a train ticket out of town, and also a taxi reservation for when she manages to leave the station, assuming she leaves intact. All preparations set, she sets her alarm for 7 the next day, and then sleeps it off, anxious about tomorrow, hoping she has everything planned out properly, for any mistake would be fatal. Well now, it just wouldn’t be fun if something doesn’t go wrong right? The next day, her alarm sounded as planned. And she got up, eager to rid herself of the burden she has on (or should I say, soon to be in) her. Getting up, she proceeds to clean herself up and fix up breakfast. Her breakfast consists of easilly digestable materials, so she won’t stain the device with food when she spits it out. Just imagining the device with half digested stuff on in makes her cringe. So that’s that, she then prepares everything for her mission, even though she’ll leave at 11 later and it’s just 9 now. She irons her dress, double and triple check her necessities, and sits down in front of her computer table, the shrunken device in hand. She then lifts up her phone and proceeds to change it’s size several times, just making sure it won’t glitch out inside of her. Apparently she’s been doing this for about 200 times today. Makes sense, stress levels are high. Without her noticing, the clock reached half past 10, and deciding to leave early, she prepares and changes herself to her neatest and most innocent possible looks, before taking the device. Checking the acid-proof string one last time, she decides it all set, and she then proceeds to stick the device in her mouth, and proceeds to tie down the string onto her front molars. Luckilly, her front tooth had a bit of a gap in it between each other, just enough for her to slip the string in between and tie it up. The string she requested is white, so unless you watch super closely you won’t notice it tied around her tooth. She then proceeds to use her tongue and pull the string. It held on tight, and only a slight uncomfortableness is felt in her tooth. Good. “Here goes nothing.” She mumbles, before slowly swallowing the device down smoothly, and it lands in her stomach with a wet squelch. The string has enough length so it won’t hang in her stomach, but short enough so she can pull it up easilly. Now with the device secure and all her stuff ready, she glances the mirror one last time before heading out the door, hopefully not to her doom. “There’s a lot of guards out here today.” She whispers to herself as she walks down the street towards the train station. True to her words, a lot of men were walking down the street in both ways looking more suspicious than ordinary, with almost the same clothing although variative. Through a random dude’s eyes, it seems normal, but to Steph’s, that’s anything but ordinary. “Another thing to note, a lot of their vehicles seem to be driving on the roads.” She whispers again, as her lenses are identifying a high concentration of their gang vans. That alone is suspicious enough. ‘Alright, just gotta keep it tight.’ She thinks, readjusting her long dress slightly lower. The casual look is working, as she hasn’t attracted a lot of attention, and as long as she lets her cool stay cold (?), she’ll be fine. A few blocks ahead, in a city street in the dark section of the city, with a lot alleys and hidden places, Steph notices one of their vans pulled over in one side, reversing into the alley. A bit concerned about the situation, she decides to ear in on the situation, hopefully to find out what this is all about. Taking a pocket knife in one hand, she heads into the alley before the driver got off, and hides behind a few trash bins. The alley is just dark enough to hide her, and with barely any light outside no outsider will see her unless they look hard enough. A few seconds later, the doors of the vehicle open and close, and she looked on, spotting 2 figures in the dark, about to boot open the trunk. Still clucthing the knife, she checks her phone to see if the cargo is still alright. The status is still shrunk, and she confrims it by slightly rolling her belly around, a little trick she learnt to check. The thumping weight proves this. A loud clank brings her gaze back to the van as a wierd contraption is out behind it. It looks like a stack of DVD players all wired together with a large satelite dish on top. Probably some sort of compact supercomputer. “So, what’s this thing do again?” The left guys asks as he finishes plugging the wires. “Well my friend, this device is a long range signal jammer.” The other dude replies while pressing a few buttons and switches. “That doesn’t sound good.” Steph whispers to herself. “When I activate this, the device that we’re looking for will be jammed from any external signal, rendering any of it’s functions useless. If someone managed to shrink it, it’ll go back to normal too.” He says. ‘Sh1t’ Steph says, as she holds her phone up to see the signal weakening on the device. “There we go, it’s fully on now.” One thug says. Steph gets up slowly, stepping back, when she feels a small wierd feeling inside her, emanating from he stomach. “Oh crap. Calm down, I better not panic or something terrible might happen. First thing’s first; get to a secluded spot.’ Steph thinks, backing off slowly and walking away. A couple of abandoned buildings litter around, and she steps into the closest one. Her agent training told her never to panic in any situation, and it’s certainly helping her right now, as she climbs up the stairs of the old abandoned apartment to the second floor, where she broke down the rusted door to a room, and stepped in. The weight in her belly is noticably getting heavier, and she’s starting to feel full. Placing her stuff on the floor, she places one hand on her flat belly as she feels the metal ball starting to stretch her stomach out. In the blink of an eye, she reaches into her bag as her belly starts to strecth slightly outward, making her uncomfortable. Picking around a bit, she finds what she’s looking for. A small lipstick, inside it a small electrocuting device to knock someone out for a set amount of time. The volts can be changed to alter how long the target will get knocked out, of even kocked out at all. It can be used to subdue anyone, including the user her/himself. ‘I wanna be here when it’s done, not feel through it.’ She thinks as she rubs her increasingly uncomfortable belly. Looking down, her other hand is starting to get pushed out as her belly expands, pushing the dress forward. Glancing back, she sets the timer to just one minute and, eyes closed, hits herself with it. A small ache in her arm and a small nagging pain in her middle are last two things she feels before the shock sends her out. Exactly one minute later, she groggily wakes up, right hand rubbing her head, eyes still closed. “Man that thing really did hurt. Urgh.” As she gathers her senses however, she feels something wierd. Her other hand, seems to be pushed away from herself by something round that’s on her lap? Remembering the events earlier, she’s afraid to even look. “Oh my... please tell me....” She says, blinking open. In front of her, her massive belly lies on her lap, just large enough to reach her knees. The orb of flesh is well rounded, kind of like a large overdue pregnant belly. Her dress is somehow still intact and it manages to cover it up entirely and still flow under it. That said, her nervous system connected, and the pain of her middle shot through her like a missile, sending chills down her spine. “Ow ow ow. This is.....n..not good. I’m gonna have to use a... painkiller.” She stutters out in pain as she reaches into her bag, left hand still cradling the massive belly she has. Shuffling through her bag, she pauses as she haunches over her belly, a massive cramp hit her as her stomach, stretched to it’s thinnest, attempts to shift some of the weight elsewhere, mostly downwards due to the weight. A few seconds later, it resides and the painful sting returns, but still slightly bearable. Agents of Steph’s class are well-trained not to cry or whine under such high levels of pain or torture, but nothing can train then if the torture method is like this. Before another cramp can happen however, Steph brings out an eyeliner, which is a hidden painkiller syringe. Holding back tears, she lifts her dress slightly and injects said painkiller into her underbelly sharply. Immediately, Steph slumps back in the rotten chair she’s in as the painful feeling starts residing before dissappearing completely from her middle. Sighing, Steph wipes out a lot of sweat from her forehead now that the ordeal is under her control. However, the painkiller only eliminates the pain, but her other body parts are also very uncomfortable. Her breaths are rather shallow as her lungs are squeezed up. Her underbelly feels squashed as all her lower organs are dumped down. Don’t even ask about what her liver is gonna be like after this. “Ugh, at least that’s over. Man everything feels so cramped down there. I can barely breath in.” She says, looking over herself. After a moment, she grabs her phone and opens the app only to find the signals all messed up. “Great, better get out of range before I can attempt anything. Guess I gotta go like this.” She says glancing over herself. She spots an old cracked mirror on the other side of the empty room, and attempts to get up, wanting to recompose herself. Upon pushing herself up however, turns out she’s a lot forwards-heavier than she thought, as she almost tumbled over her front. “Oh oh oh crap. That was close, too close. Better lean back for balance.” She says, getting up very slowly while holding the chair with both hands. As soon as she got up, one hand shot to under her belly, supporting it up. “Wow, walking like this is gonna be a pain.” She says, attempting to walk, or at least waddle now to the other side. Her first steps were pretty messed up as her other arm flails around to balance her, but she got used to it quick as she gets to the other side of the room. Looking at herself, she smiles. “Good thing I took a large dress, it doubles as a maternity apparently.” Sure enough, her dress covers her entire belly, but it hangs just slightly below her underbelly, not reaching her knees. With a few adjusments, her top looks just fine too, only slightly tighter on her and slightly more revealing, but nonetheless still considered polite and modest. As she releases her belly slowly, her hands suddenly rush back under her belly. If she releases it, the object would drop far down and outward, making a more unnatural look, and it’s also slightly painful for her as her skin is stretched out. “Okay, that won’t do, I need to hold the weight in place. Maybe a strap of some sort.” Glancing around, she looks at her bag and marvels at and idea. “Ah-ha! I have a spare agent jumpsuit in there, shrunk down. Maybe I can use that to hold it up.” Waddling back, she grabs a small gift box, before unwrappping it and it expands into a pure black tight jumpsuit. “Alright, lets see here.” Using the suit, she flings the suit under her belly with one arm, and gradually lifts it up untill it looks rather normal enough without any arm support. That done, she uses both hand sleeves to tie the suit onto her body from behind her back. Done with that, the then ties the 2 leggings on the front-under of her belly into a small bowtie shape, making it look a lot more proper as an outfit rather than a made up one. As her hand slowly releases her belly, it drops straight in front of her, a normal position of a pregnant bump. A few steps approves of the new made up support, and glancing into the mirror, it looks just fine, and in fact rather cute with the knot on her back and the bowtie in front. “Ah yes. Never thought this suit would work like this. Oh well, better than not working at all I guess. I do look rather nice. He he. Oh come on, stop joking and let’s go.” She says all to herself, collecting her items, struggling with some on the floor, and resuming her trip. Walking just a few steps in that broken-down apartment room seems to have no problems, but walking a distance in the city apparently is problematic. First, her waddling is very uncomfortable, the way every step makes her belly shift as it rubs her inner organs mercilessly. Not to mentiong the fatigue of walking with a weight that big. It’s far heavier than a standard singleton pregnancy. A couple of blocks and she’s sweating, as her belly bores down another cramp. “Guh, my stomach is really working hard. Good thing I have some time before the train leaves. Better make myself comfortable later on.” She says, wiping sweat from her forehead and resuming on. Along the way, a couple of people gave her concerned looks, as her size exceeds someone pregnant to term, and her waddling is much more pronounced. Also, the fact that her belly hasn’t dropped by the looks of it gives them all the more reasons to be concerned, as surely someone her size should’ve dropped by now. A few blocks down, she’s on the last street before she gets into the station up ahead. Her legs are killing her, and her body is in agony as the metal data ball sits right inside her, sloshing her body like a ragdoll. Hell, if she ran, she might break her spine if she hits a wall. She passed more black cloud vans, and a lot of their personnel, but only a bare few of them even noticed her, and they too found nothing on her. The next part however was gonna be tricky. Turning a corner, she spots the underground station, but on the entrance lies some sort of security check. Based on common sense, the security check is always gonna be inside the station, not outside, so this has to be a gang check. A small squint of her eye approves this as the lenses identify the black agents in disguise up ahead. The checkpoint is a simple one, with 3 metal detecting doors and 3 large x-ray devices to check bags. Personnel hang out everywhere, armed and plentiful. They even have hand-held metal detectors, obviously to check for the ball currently in her abdomen. Remembering the fact that the device can’t detect through human skin, she just hoped that her skin isn’t stretched to tightly such that the devices can detect the ball inside. A small pain began creeping up from her middle, and she quickly injects another dose of painkillers. “Damn, only half left. Better conserve it untill it really is unbearable.” Steph whispers to herself. Looking at herself all over below, she neatens her belly-strap which is her jumpsuit. She reties the knots to keep it looking good. Gathering her self-esteem, she looks one last time back, thinking about turning back, but her determination gets the better of her as she steps forward, looking straight at her goal; escape out of the city. Walking up into the security check, she stands behind a small line of about 3 people other than her, just as the front one was called in. A few minutes of calm standing, although she is rather nervous, she realizes it’s her turn. Rubbing her achy legs, she moves on, passing one guard looking at her as she takes her handbag off and onto the bag X-ray. She the proceeds to walk up to the metal detector, standing in front of it. “Wait.” A guard speaks up as he fiddles with the device. Her bag has visibly gone through the X-ray with no problems, now it’s just her. A small drip of sweat rides down the side of her head. ‘Come on, it’ll work. It’ll work just fine and I’m outta here.’ She thinks, her hands fiddling idly. “Alright, go through please Ma’am.” The guard says, signalling her forward. ‘Here goes nothing.’ Steph takes 2 steps, positioning herself inside the metal detector when a massive beep goes off. Steph closes her eyes. ‘Oh crap. Please don’t be mine.’ Opening her eyes, she takes 2 steps out of the metal detector, only to find the other one sounding, not hers. That massive feeling of relief hits her. She grabs her bag, and waddles straight into the station without anymore hesitation in her step. A couple of minutes later, Steph is walking down the station to get into her train, both hands rubbing her belly. It’s starting to get more uncomfortable as her insides are getting more iritated, but it’ll be over soon. Getting in the train, she sits down on a seat in the rearmost wagon, and in the rearmost seat. Settling down, she finally relaxes as her belly’s weight shifts off her lower body, easing the feeling of crampiness down there. Taking her jumpsuit off, she marvels at how her plan manages to work despite the difficulties on the way here, but hey, here she is in the end, successful as always. With a smile on her lips, she watches as the train takes off, squeezing the ball back into her, giving slight feeling of uncomfiness again, but hey, at least it’s over now. All she needs to do is get out of range, shrink it down and she’s saved. The train bends through a curve as it exits the city, nearly pushing Steph out of her seat due to the inertia of the ball. “Oof. Haha, still causing he trouble eh.” She says to her belly, rubbing it back and forth. She takes her phone out, an waits as the signal bars begin to creep back up, as she gets out of range of the jammers. At least that’s over. “Sir, we can’t find the device after all this time. Request we expand the search?” “Not necessary, I know who done it, and who carried the device out of the city.” “Oh?” “Yes, a woman managed to slip past our guards.” “Why, how did she manage that.” “What she does is extremely extraordinary, but not to worry. I’ll take care of this mess before it can escalate. I will also make sure this woman will not bother us anymore, one way or another. They have no idea what’s gonna hit them, and they’ll never see it coming.” TO BE CONTINUED
 Deep, in a cozy little colony on the surface of the moon, lie the represenatives of earth. Since the discovery of other sentient races of alien beings, the discovery of space travel, and the dangers that come with foreign species, the entire human species has come together to protect mother earth. They've adopted using their planet's moon as a meeting ground, like many other planets do. Only a small number of 100 men sit vigilantly on the lonely, low gravity rock, people of all races helping to keep their home planet protected from the terrors of outer space. The leader of these men is a man named Charles Hartson, hailing from the United States of America, age 35, tall, and as beefy as they come. A family man at heart, yet he still sacrifices for the good of his people. He wasn't the leader for nothing, showing strong leadership skills in the 5 years he's lived and lead his men on the moon. He was infamous for his ability to intimidate any strange beings that might try to attack or negotiate with the people of earth. All of his brute strength and strong leadership skills couldn't prepare him for the threat that was about to approach them. Ask any person living in the lonely space colony what they miss most, and every answer would be the same The warm embrace of a woman you love. It was decided after a disaster over 100 years ago that only men would be allowed to live and protect the space colony. People giving into the temptation of sex and childbirth would be common with just the presence of a female aboard, and trips back to earth were reserved for important negoations and dealings with foreign beings. It was decided that rotation would only happen every 30 years, swapping out the entire crew of 100 men every time. This was Commander Charlie's 5th year, and even he had to admit the lack of urges being met was beginning to affect him, he missed his wife desperately. It might be different if there was action, or something to even focus on, but visits from aliens were pretty few and far inbetween. Earth was still pretty fresh to the rest of the galaxy, so most visits were simple trading deals, or friendly beings moving to earth as a part of their peace program. Charlie himself thought the plan was a good idea, most alien beings seemed friendly enough, and most were pretty human-like, aside from the strange skin color, or different shaped limbs or facial features. It was on a boring day that they came. Signals of a small ship wanting to negotiate something peaceful was recieved. Peaceful signals were always met with a one on one discussion between the captain of the ship and Commander Charlie. The race provided by the aliens was the Solaan. "Give me the details on the Solaan, Sam." Captain Charlie asked Sam, head of the interstellar species research. Glancing quickly without a word, he brought up their information on the main screen for all to see. Curiously, there was no image on file for how they looked, nor any descriptive information on their looks. "It says here that the Solaan are a race of female only beings, sir. They proclaim themselves as the amazons of space, by our definition of the word." as his eyes skimed through the information quickly, he gulped upon reading a certain something. "It would seem they go from planet to planet seeking mates. They bodies are designed that any sort of seed they recieve from just about any kind of humanoid can be converted into what is needed to produce an offspring. It's also said that they're shapeshifters, they scan the minds of their potential mates, and take on a form most befitting to mate with them. It doesn't seem like there's much of a limit on their shapeshifting either, Sir, they can basically become whatever is needed to mate." Charlie had to admit, even this news put him a little on edge. An entire race dedicated to mating? If word got out to the rest of the crew, they might lose it. Charlie himself wasn't even sure if he could handle himself. After careful consideration, he turned to the other few people in charge in the room and spoke, "I've decided to take Sam and John with me for this meeting with the Soleen. I might not be able to control myself alone up there!" He said with a chuckle, producing a few laughs from the rest of the crew. "Sam, ask them if that's all right with them." Almost immediately, they responded with a yes, but also requesting to bring along two other Soleen for the meeting. Charlie agreed that it was far, and begun preperations for the trip to their space ship. After a short while, the three lucky men launched their docking pod toward their mighty space craft. "I-I'm getting pretty nervous, gentlemen." John suddenly wimpered out. "I might be a family man, but it's been sooo long since I last saw my wife, and it's going to be even LONGER before I actually do." Charlie and Sam glanced at each other and smiled. In truth, they were thinking the same thing, but it would be highly against protocol to do anything funny with some strange race of space amazons, no matter how attractive they might be. Charlie slapped John on the knee, shouting that he'd spend the night with him when he got back if he was that lonely. The group burst into laughter as they reached their destination. Docking into their ship, they were greeted with a standard disinfection spray, most, if not all greeting with foreign beings did this just to be on the safe side. After the quick spray, they were led through a small metal hallway, before reaching what looked like a tall, metal eye scanner. The intercom crackled, and a seductive, automatic voice buzzed into the intercom. "Attention, all visitors must partake in a mandatory brain scanning. The procedure is non painful, and just so that we Soleen might take on the most fitting form possible for our esteemed guests. Put your eyes up to the scanner for a quick ten minute scan, and proceed through the door to the left when done. Have a nice day~" Sam and John glanced at each other nervously. Brain scanning? That sounded fishy, but it made sense when you consider how the Soleen do things. They must be a very technologically advanced race of people to not only make something like this, but use it to shapeshift. Charlie stepped forward without a word to the worried second in commands, stuff like this wasn't too out of the ordinary. After a quick thirty minute scan for all three of them, they headed through the left door. The hallway seemed pretty long, but it stopped being nothing but generic metal rooms along the way. Instead, they were greeted with smooth, purple silk drapes along the walls, soft purple carpet, and deep purple wall. The light colors making them feel a little more at ease, they finally reached a large door, and entered. Nothing could have prepared them for what lay behind the door. Soft, plush pillows littered the large, comfortable looking room. There seemed to be some sort of incense curculating the room, the scent reminded Charlie of his own wife, as impossible as it sounds. Atop the pillows lay three incredibly gorgeous women. Charlie had to double take, the one in the middle was the striking image of his own wife! There were some key differences here and there, though. Her skin was a very light green tone, Charlie figured this must be something they can't change through shapeshifting. Her breasts were also MUCH larger than his own wife's. She had a nice B cup, where as this woman must be DD cup or over. The rest of her body was bigger, too. Her thighs jutted out from her lazy posture, lying on a giant pillow. Her belly still looked thin, despite her huge breasts and hips, giving her a wonderful hourglass shape. Her long, black hair matched her light green skin wonderfully, giving her an exotic look very much like a space lady on Star Trek. Charlie couldn't help but stare, he couldn't even bring himself to look at the other two women or even his crewmates. If he could, he'd see that thay were just as entranced as he was, the other women taking on the forms of John and Sam's wife, with similar enhancements and green skin. Sam's partner had cute blonde hair, equally large breasts and thighs. John's girl was different in that she had small breasts, but a gigantic ass. The obvious conclusion is that John was in fact and ass man. All three of the women were wearing thin nightgowns, their sexy lingere showing through the soft fabric.They all three beckoned the men to come close, and sit on a pillow in front of them. The men did so, still keeping they gazes locked on the beautiful, exotic space amazons. Each woman seductivly giggled, not saying a word for a few moments, letting the men enjoy just basking in their presance. Finally, Charlie's partner softly spoke up, "It's nice to have you with us today." Charlie was startled, she even sounded like his wife. "Would you boys like to know why we've asked to have a meeting with you?" she asked playfully, pressing her huge breasts together. Charlie could only nod and continue staring. "Well, you see, our race is a race of women only, we have no means to bear children ourselves. So we seek out able bodied men like... yourselves, *giggles*" All three of the women were slowly inching closer as the one in the middle spoke. "Do you think you three could be up the the task? I really, really want a beautiful baby girl. Wouldn't you like to have some fun and help us out, big boys?" Charlie somehow broke from his trance long enough to glance at the men next to him, seeing John already groping his partner's incredibly large tits, and John on his knees, kissing his partner's gigantic ass. Hands wrapping around his neck brought him back to his own partner, their eyes locking together. Her full lips were inching closer to his own, and he was powerless to stop her. They locked together, and something primal awoke inside Charlie. The pheremones laced in the incense burning was feuling their lust, and all three gave into it. Their minds were hazy as they melted into their mates, figuratively speaking. Both the women and men's clothes quickly were ripped off, and they each found themselves drifting into their own corner to enjoy their mate in private. Charlie's hands couldn't believe how impossibly soft all of this woman was. He breasts felt amazing to the touch and kiss, and squeezing her thick ass only fueled him to fuck her. He was surprised to find her pussy was the same as a normal woman's, only much more impossibly tight. They moaned in unison as he fucked her as hard as he could. 5 years of pent up lust was washing all over this woman, Charlie had lost count of how many times he came into her. She would switch to fellatio, eagerly swallowing gallons of cum while she sat atop him, her ass resting comfortably on his face. After hours of fucking, sucking, and rubbing the beautiful, mysterious woman, Charlie simply collapsed in pleasure. He couldn't move his body at all. Glancing over, he saw John was in the same boat. What was odd was the he didn't see Sam anywhere. He lifted himself up to get a better look, and saw that he was right, Sam was nowhere to be seen. There was only Same's partner by herself... with a gigantic, bloated belly. She was lying back, her eyes closed, and rubbing the large dome that rested in front of her. Charlie looked at her belly and couldn't believe his eyes... It was moving. Charlie looked back over at John, just to catch a glimpse of his partner stuffing his entire head into her maw. Her cheeks stretched to accommodate John's head. He wanted to run over there and pull her out but... his body refused to move, even slightly. He watch as she slurped John down, his arms trying to struggle as they were slurped up, but not even being able to manage that. His limp cock gave a slight twitch as her lips slid over it, he heard her giggling as this point, obviously enjoying her tasty treat. The next few seconds felt like an eternity, her slowly savoring John's flavorful legs, before sealing him forever behind her lips. With a hard gulp, Charlie saw John dissappear through her skin... and into her belly. Her heavy breasts rested atop her gurgling stomach, she was also rubbing her new belly. She glanced over and Charlie, and said, "Hope you enjoyed the show!" with a wide smile. Charlie nervously turned his attention to the woman of his dreams, standing dominantly over him. Her smile was perhaps the scariest thing he'd ever seen, he already knew his fate, and he already knew there was no escaping it. His eyes met her stomach... It was still as flat as a pancake, her breasts and hips jutting out. Soon, she'd have the belly to match, he morbidly thought. Suddenly, she broke the silence, "Did you enjoy yourself earlier?" Her voice was still just as seductive as before. "I won't get pregnant from this human vagina. Shall I explain how my race reproduces?" She knelt down, pressing her tummy against mine. Placing her hands on my stocky belly, she brought those full, thick lips to my ears and whispered, "I use my stomach, baby." She got back up, and expressivly geaustered food going into her mouth. "You see, mass goes in here, in this case, you being the mass." She used her fingers to trace the 'food' going down her throat and into her stomach, "and then it rests right here, much like your species does with all food." Her smile was dark as she continued, "My tummy churns all the mass into a nutritous soup, it works on just about any living matter. A part of that yummy soup is drained into my womb, where a beautiful baby girl is developed!" She was rubbing the area above her pussy, her other hand resting on her hips in a sassy manner. "The rest of you is treated like all other food. You should feel so blessed right now, you get to become a wonderful new devouring amazon AND become a part of me!" She laughed deeply, before kneeling down and grabbing both of my feet. "We used the brain scanner to find out what turns you on, and to copy all information on your brain. We'll be using that to create a synthetic robot to replace the three of you. We'll use those robots to get more and more of your crew to come up here to be devoured, and once we're done, the synthetic robots will replace you completely. The only way to tell the difference is to crack you open, so your superiors should have no problem with this, heehee." Her voice was giddy, she began sucking on my toes. I was still unable to move, was there something in that incense? Did they inject us with something? It doesn't even matter anymore. I kept my eyes locked with her's as she began finally devouring me. My toes and feet slipped past her thick lips quickly, her expression was lost in lust. She eagerly gobbled up my legs, putting me in an uncomfortable dangling position. She grabbed my arms and put them to my side, perhaps for easier consumption. Reaching my hips, She opened wide, those thick lips I loved taking in my now limp cock easily. She stopped for a second to stick her tongue deep into my anus, her eyes once again closed in passion and her face blushing. She gulped past my hands and arms, up to my chest. She'd ate this much of me THIS quickly? I could feel my feet entering a hole, must be the hole to her stomach, the warmth was now spreading all over my toes. A few more gulps, and she was at the hardest part My wide shoulders. She placed har hands on my head, and opened wide once again, pushing me deeper. With a pop, my shoulders slid through, and all that remained was my head. She wouldn't even look at me at the point anymore, I was just food and baby batter to her. With a quick, powerful gulp, I was sent to my new permenant home... Her stomach. It was very hot, her digestive fluids already coating my body, they seemed to be very strong, at least a lot stronger than a typical human's. Perhaps it was so she could melt tougher alien creatures, she did say just about any living creature would work. I tried to struggle, but nothing happened. I just felt my arms and legs melting away. Eventually my head started sinking deeper, and I realized this was it. Perhaps My new life as ass fat and a man devouerer would be better. From the outside, the Soleen woman was rubbing her bloated belly, just like the other two women. The first that had devoured Sam didn't even have a giant belly anymore. Sam had already melted into mush, her belly was now just thick looking, like a fat woman. Inside, a small portion of Sam was now forming a new baby girl, that would go on to devour men just like Sam. "I rather like the human form" John's partner exclaimed. "They have such soft bodies, my partner had a thing for the butt, it was fun crushing him with it! He licked me so much down there, heehee." She said while squeezing her bum. "I love these giant breasts, according to those human's memory, they use these to feed their babies after they're born, delicious milk is produced from them!" Her hand were busy squeezing her large bosom. "The best part about the human body..." Charlie's partner spoke, "Is the wonderfully large stomach you get after a meal. It feels so good to massage while they digest... Makes me wanna eat more men for the hell of it!" She licked her lips as she got up. As much as she wanted to eat more herself, it was her duty as captain to make sure every hungry mouth in her ship was fed. Over 10,000 women were stationed under her command, and they were going to get every single one of them fed and pregnant. And once all of these women are fed, we call for more back home. Over 10 billion women are starving at their home planet, and it was her duty to find them food. The Soleen weren't know as the planet eaters for nothing, of course no one ever survives long enough to get that information to any other planets. The Soleen had their sights set on earth. After devouring all the people left in the moon base, they would begin their conquest on earth. And they won't stop until every last man, woman, and child becomes a part of them.
 The sun was shining brightly this morning, as the residential fortune teller snoozed away, still conkered out from her self proclaimed post battle celebration. This post battle celebration usually consisted of her rounding up anyone willing to join up for some fun, and drinking themselves into a stupor late into the night. Despite her usual polite demeanor, she had a loud, wild side while under the influence of some hard sake. She hadn't even bothered closing her door properly, anyone could see her exposed midriff rising and falling with each loud snore. As it turns out, that was exactly what the young brown haired girl was laying her eyes upon, sighing to herself. "Ahem!" Caeldori cleared her throat, hoping to rouse the diviner from her slumber. Drool merely leaked from her mouth as she shifted, apparently having a pleasant dream. The sky knight scoffed, her teacher for the day was such a sloppy sleeper. Caeldori smirked to herself, comparing her own sleeping habits to the slob in front of her. She made sure to tuck herself in perfectly each night, neatly dressed in her formal sleeping wear. She hadn't ever overslept for any prior engagement, unlike how Orochi was at this very moment. Caeldori cleared her throat as loudly as she possibly could, until it was more akin to a growl. "Wha... Ahh?" The buxom woman finally roused. She lazily sat up, and yawned. It was much too early to be up after a night of celebration. She turned her head to find the source of her confusion, a prim and proper sky knight, glaring at her for some reason. "Uhhhyaaawn... Mmm, Caedori? Is that you? Nnn, what are you doing here this early?" Orochi flatly asked, using her hands to block the rays of sunlight coming from her door from her still sensitive eyes. "...Uh, It's 11 in the morning, I've been trying to get you up for an hour Orochi!" Caeldori chastised, "We were supposed to start training at 10!" She looked upon the fortune teller as she tried to get up, not even bothering to cover her form. "Whatever, Corrin assigned me to you to learn some magic. He wants me to become a dark falcon knight and says you're the best diviner around." "I-it's not even dawn? Sheesh, I was out longer than I thought!" Orochi yawned as she got to her feet. She began doing some morning stretches as she looked over the impatient girl staring her down. "Where's the fire, girl? So what if we are a little late to beginning, I've already read your future, you know. You'll become as skilled as I, should you follow my orders perfectly." The diviner could hardly contain her mischievous grin. She had indeed read the fortune of the young brunette standing before her, and licked her lips at the results. She saw a flash of visions of the girl. Her long hair, a tangled mess inside a cramped space. She was struggling for her life, acidic fluids coating and melting her prim and proper clothing. She was inside of a stomach! And not just any stomach, it was her very own! This was far too great of an opportunity to let slip by. "Well then, Caeldori, if you'll follow me outside, I'll show you what true magic is all about!" Orochi said with a smile, her hips swaying in full stride out the door. "R-really? That's amazing! What must I do, master?" Caeldori responded with a newfound respect for her master. "Do I get to use some simple magic like fire and thunder?" She asked while following her outside. Tsk tsk, beginners always make the same mistake, thinking divining is all about destructive magic. If she wasn't planning on devouring this girl, she'd really let her have an earful. "Mmm, we'll move on to that later. First, I will teach you about meditation, and using it to open your flow of chi..." The fortune teller lead her through a path she traveled quite often, inside a grove of serene trees. Only the sounds of nature could be heard here, far away from the eyes and ears of others, who would save this delectable girl from her untimely fate inside Orochi's softly grumbling belly. Orochi rubbed her tummy as they walked, eager to have her fill for the first time in weeks. 'There there, we'll have you full in a just a little while...' she thought, deciding they were finally far enough away. "I must tell you, Caeldori, this is not an easy path. Learning magic will cause you... Many burns." The grey haired woman walked slowly around the girl, taking her perfect appearance in. She traced her fingers past her cheek, causing her to eep from excitement. "You may find yourself in... Tight situations you just can't seem to escape from." Orochi giggled to herself, the look of determination on her face told her that her fate was sealed. Not that her prediction had a chance of being wrong. "Last chance to back out?" She offered her one final chance to defy her fate as prey. "Not a chance! I've got to be the perfect warrior, no matter the circumstances! So, where is this secret meditation area?" Caeldori asked, unaware of the near future that Orochi knew all too well. She could have sworn she saw the Diviner lick her lips, but she dismissed it subconsciously Hook, line, and sinker. Orochi almost let a fit of laughs escape her lips, she knew the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Any offspring of Subaki was sure to be stubborn as a mule, refusing to yield until they've mastered whatever their task at hand was. 'Worry not', the diviner giggled to herself, 'You'll soon master the important task of becoming my food!' "Good answer!" Orochi beamed, "This should be far enough awa- I mean, quiet enough, ha ha... Have you ever meditated before, Caeldori?" "Well, no. It's never crossed my studies. How should I do it?" She asked innocently. It was almost to hard for Orochi to conceal her laughter as she realized just how easy this would be. Caeldori beamed to match her instructor's glee. "It's very simple, really." Orochi began, kneeling down on the ground. She waited for Caeldori to follow suit, and continued, "All you need to do is close you eyes, and listen to my voice. I will talk to you softly and slowly, until you drift into a trance. Just close your eyes, and let my words guide you." Orochi's gentle smile was the last thing Caeldori saw before doing as she was told. "Now, how do you feel right now?" She asked softly. "Calm, and a little nervous about learning something new" The sky knight blushed, this was almost becoming a bit intimate. "That's to be expected. What I want you to do is to breathe in and out deeply as I talk to you. Keep your eyes shut, and let the sounds of nature wash over you. It's just the two of us out here, no one to disturb us..." Orochi was speaking very deliberately, aiming to lull the lass into a false sense of peace. It seemed to be working, her chest was rising and falling with each breath, and her expression was one of relaxation. "You can feel it, right? The peace of nature..." The diviner tested the waters, rising slowly above the girl. She didn't react even slightly to the sounds of her standing up. "Yes... There's a certain energy around us... Is that what I'm supposed to feel?" Caeldori asked, completely oblivious to anything happening around her. It was a wonder she wasn't eaten more often- this was almost too easy! Orochi took small steps, until she was directly above her prey. Caeldori was such a perfect follower, her father would be proud. "Yes... Now, you might feel a tightness around your body, spreading from the top of your head downwards, this is normal..." Orochi was using everything she had to keep from bursting into a fit of laughs, she wouldn't normally try something so risky, but this girl certainly seemed dumb enough to believe her. Once she got her head down, there would be no escape. "It's about to begin... Now~" Orochi's lips parted and descended upon the unsuspecting girl's head. She had so much saliva built up in anticipation, she just knew her cover was going to be blown. She had her arms ready to subdue her prey, but... She was still perfectly still! Despite the tip of her head inside of her mouth, her eyes were still locked shut. This was too rich, there's no way anyone this dumb should have lasted this long without ending up a meal! "I-Is there normally this much wetness? It... Almost feels like a mouth... like I'm being eaten... Wow, meditation is crazy!" She exclaims as her head is engulfed. It seemed Caeldori would believe just about anything. "Ohh yegh, thiff isss-" Whoops. It seems the predator forgot you can't talk with a mouthful of another girl. She panicked, and quickly grabbed her arms, binding her in place below her. "Frorry brout fhiss!" Orochi barked out, before continuing to swallow the poor girl below her. "Wait.... That's definitely a tongue!" she screamed as she attempted to break free, but Orochi held her meal in place. Caeldori was shoved further inside Orochi's mouth and the diviner slurped up her meal, leaving only her legs sticking out. "Mmmmm..." The diviner moaned, savoring the sweet taste of her meal's tender flesh. There was a salty hint to her meat, and it was absolutely mouthwatering. Already, she could feel her stomach expand to house the head and shoulders of the sky knight. This was why she enjoyed clothing with an exposed midriff, no ripped shirts! Her belly was free to spread out and sag as it was filled with pounds and pounds of delectable meat. Orochi decided it would be fun to tease her friend while there was still something hanging outside to tease, so she quickly removed her long boots and socks. Her toes were now free to feel the last bit of sun they would ever feel, and Orochi was determined to give her the last tickle she'd ever feel, too. Her free hand lightly touched and teased her toes, it took a moment for the effects to become apparent, but sure enough, her tummy began shaking with laughter. Using her other hand to support the dome of a gut hanging in front of her, she felt the form of the young girl inside. Her curves could be felt, being traced down her neck, and into her rumbling tummy. Eating others was just so much fun, especially tormenting them as they begged to be released... Orochi smiled as she figured she had played with her meal enough, she opened wide, and let go of the girl's feet. The sky knight comes tumbling into the diviner's stomach, as she let her feet go. "Hey, let me out! You've had your fun, but we need to train! How can I be the best warrior if I'm stuck in someone's stomach all day long?" She complains, not seeing Orochi's end game. Suddenly, a fit of giggles erupt around her. "Why, this is a part of your *ERRAAAAP* Oh, scuse me! Your training!" Orochi daintily covered her mouth with her trademark fan. "All you need to do is tap into your inner chi, and you will be able to see the future!" She gingerly began rubbing and prodding her taut gut, Caeldori's curves and form easily identifiable, balled up inside her tummy as they were. "Tell me, Caeldori, my dear, what sort of future do you see?" She asked, genuinely curious as to if she could manage to do it. Blushing as Orochi rubbed her, Caeldori eeped out, "I-I see you letting me out and finishing our training. I also see me riding a dark falcon, in perfect form! There, can I come out now?" She huffed, worried her clothing would be ruined soon. "Tsk tsk tsk, you didn't actually try reading your future at all, did you?" Orochi teased, rubbing the tight, squirming bulge dominating her midsection. "Allow me to demonstrate how it's done..." Orochi followed her own advice, and cleared her mind, focusing on the woman inside her gut. She rubbed her bulge slowly, feeling her future become clear. "Heh, just as I thought. I see thickened thighs, wobbling with every sway. I see a bare tummy, with a layer plush pudge added, giving it a nice potbelly. Visions of a pair of breasts enhanced by an excellent meal, now threatening to burst all bras the owner tries to put on... And lastly, I see a fat rump, jiggling as the woman reads her next victim's future... Do you understand, Caeldori?" Caeldori could feel her smug smirk, as she shook the belly about. "That can't be right! Corrin forbade us from digesting one another!" she shouted back, hoping to scare her way out of the belly she was currently rocking inside. Orochi glanced around the empty, serene forest, shifting her stomach deliberately to coat her prey in stinging stomach acids. "I don't see Corrin, or anyone else for that matter, dear. You can kick, scream, and struggle to your heart's content, and no one will save you from your future as a part of me. It's best to not try and defy fate, little girl." Orochi decided a tree stump nearby would make the perfect place to begin digesting her prey. Her soon to be much wider rump spilled over the edges, and she sighed as she felt her stomach began to bubble over, Caeldori's digestion beginning in earnest. Caeldori thrashed about, hoping to force her prison to release her. The fleshy walls contain her easily enough. The fortune teller's powerful stomach acids quickly sizzled away the sky knight's clothing, leaving her bare and itchy inside the contracting organ. Her howls of pain only sounded like muffled moans to the woman digesting her, she smiled as she rubbed her prey through her taut skin. "There there, little girl. Padding my rump isn't such a bad fate. You're not the first to take this trip, and I'm sure you won't be the last. Enjoy your new home, Caeldori, dear~" Orochi moaned as she stroked her active gut. The curvy form inside was beginning to soften, the girl running out of energy to struggle anymore. "A-ah... Any last words, dear?" She listened eagerly for her prey's final breath. "I... Could have been... Perfect...." She said as she began to slip off. Soon, she was just an amorphous blob in Orochi's stomach, which the woman rubbed happily. "Mmm, but you are perfect... A perfect meal..." Orochi felt content, the gurgling sounds making her feel rather tired. She hopped off the stump, and found a nice place in the shade to nap. The quite processing of Caeldori lulled her into a deep slumber, filled with dreams for more delicious meals to come. The glare from the setting sun was what awoken the sleeping fortune teller. Her eyes flickered to adjust to the rays hitting her eyes. Sitting up groggily, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Ah, that's right!" She remembered. Glancing down, Caeldori was no more. All that remained was the body she saw in her vision. A sloshy potbelly, thicker thighs, bigger rump, and much meatier breasts. She giggled as she toyed with her new curves, the girl had settled perfectly. Her clothes were very tight, nearly ripping at the seams, She would have to visit Oboro to get some new clothes made. Returning up the path from whence she came, Orochi rubbed her gut, still content with such a filling meal. "Maybe I'll see about becoming a sky knight in your honor, kid." She teased what was left of Caeldori inside her tummy, "It's the least I can do for you since you so kindly switched to my class... Permanently, hehe!" As her rump shook up the trail, she let out a final belch, signifying that was all Caeldori had left to give to the world. At least it was a perfect one, she mused to herself!
 "Hehe..." a busty, sweater clad woman giggled, as she snuck inside a rather plain room. Today was Homura's, her best friend and leader of their renegade squad, birthday. She was sleeping in a bit, due to training extra hard the night before. When her four friends asked what she'd be doing for her special day, she looked confused. Apparently, the poor girl had always been so serious about growing as a shinobi, that she had not once celebrated the day of her birth. Her friends were shocked, and made her promise that she would lay off the training for once in her life, and she compromised by getting it out of the way the night before. Haruka crept through the sliding door, always baffled by just how empty Homura-chan's room was. She only used it for storing clothes, so it was as barren as they came, only a single dresser, a stand for her six swords, and a regular futon decorated the room. Atop that futon, was a snoring, mostly exposed tan woman. Her usual ponytail was absent, instead her lengthly jet black hair covered more of the bed than she did. She must toss and turn in her sleep a lot, Haruka mused, as her blanket was only covering a single leg. Speaking of covering, Homura's nude body was completely exposed. It seemed she liked she enjoyed being unrestrained by any sort of pajamas whilst she snoozed away. Her tan lines were on a magnificent display, as were her nipples... How scandalous! She was so out of it from the night before, that Haruka dropped any attempt at stealth, nothing would be waking the brown girl before her. She sauntered over, and sat atop Homura-chan's well defined abs. This of course didn't phase her, the loud snores continued whizzing past Haruka's grinning face. The demure woman produced a syringe, but removed the needle. She wouldn't need to inject it, not when her target's sleep was so deep. Using one hand to hold her mouth open, she emptied the dimly glowing green ooze into Homura's mouth. She swallowed on reflex, and continued sleeping like a baby. "Well, that was easier than I was expecting..." Haruka pouted, she was expecting to have to lie to get Homura-chan to inject herself with the strange concoction, which would have been fun in its own right, "Oh well, enjoy your birthday present, Homura-chan~" She lifted her rear off Homura's stomach, and gave it a pat. The brown girl smiled in her sleep, turning over to her side now. Haruka herself didn't know what sort of results her latest creation would provide, it could even prove to put her own life in danger. That's what made it exciting, though! Just as she was about to close the door to Homura's room, she heard an extraordinarily loud gurgle, emanating from the brown girl peacefully sleeping on the futon. One thing was for sure... Homura was sure to have a fulfilling birthday, indeed! ---------------------------------- Homura woke up with a pounding headache. Her room looked blurry, and she felt dizzy as she stumbled to stand. Apparently, she had kicked her covers off in her sleep again, so she found herself shivering, her nipples as hard as stone. "Uuuu, let's get some clothes on." She said aloud, to no one in particular. She had reached for her training garb, but stopped short. She had promised her friends she would lay off the training since it was her 'special day'. She groaned, as she instead tossed on a pair of jean shorts, and a plain white tank top with the words 'UN-STOP-ABLE!' printed vertically. Her raven hair was a mess as usual, so she quickly tied it into her trademarked ponytail. Slipping on a pair of flip-flops, she figured she was ready to go. Only... where was she ready to go? Her part time job gave her the day off since it was her birthday, and she usually used every free moment to train and push past her eternal rival, Asuka of Hanzō National Academy. She tapped her chin... if she wasn't training, what could she spend the day doing? The tanned girl wracked her brain, thinking of any kind of hobbies or activities she enjoyed doing. Nothing came to her, and her headache began feeling worse. Just as she was about to give up, and toss herself back under her futon blanket, a sharp pain ran through her stomach. A loud gurgle rang through the room, and she blushed. She must be hungry, extremely so, judging by how much her belly was acting up. Wait a minute, that was it! Homura loved eating! She could stuff herself silly without worrying about working it off, since her friends insist she enjoy her birthday like a normal person. She was wondering what to get, as she slid her bedroom door shut, when she ran into Hikage and Mirai. She short, flat girl was named Mirai-chan. Her fiesty temper might rank number one in the household, but she was a dependable friend. She had on a cute pink shirt, that read 'ARE YOU MOTHERFUCK?', with a short blue skirt below. Homura didn't really get her fashion sense, the gothic maid cat ears totally clashed with her relatively normal outfit, but who was she to judge? The tall, green haired girl next to her was Hikage-chan. Her meaty breasts were just barely contained by the tight red sweater she had clearly tossed on after rolling out of bed, and black stockings rose under the bottom of the sweater, hiding her shorts. She was a strange girl who struggled with her emotions, and usually lacked them in normal conversations. "Ah, good morning, Homura-chan! Happy birthday!" Mirai beamed, assaulting her waist with a tight hug. Homura laughed and thanked her, patting her on the head. "Happy birthday." Hikage flatly stated in a monotonous tone, assuming that a hug was mandatory with a birthday greet. Her breasts pushed into Homura's own, as she embraced her friend. The blank face that stuck the whole way through might have made one think it was half-hearted, but Homura knew she meant it inside. She returned the hug, squeezing both of her friends tight. "Thanks you two. I still don't get what's so special about your day of birth, but if it means I get hugs, I guess I don't mind." Letting the two girls go, she noticed they had their purses on them, as if they were about to leave. "About to head out?" "Yes. I heard Mirai-chan's tummy growling, and I owe her for covering my bill last time. So we were about to go and get something to eat." Hikage responded, closing her bedroom door. "I-idiot, my stomach was not growling! You must have been hearing things." Mirai huffed, crossing her arms against her flat chest. "O-oh, maybe that was my stomach you heard, ehehe..." Homura felt herself blushing again, was the noise really at loud. As if on que, it began churning once again, and the sharp pain returned. She clutched the empty organ in pain, almost doubling over. Her friends rushed over to help her keep her balance. "Homura-chan, are you that hungry?! Why don't you come with us, our treat? We were about to hit up your favorite sushi bar anyways." The shorter girl offered. Homura simply nodded, and followed them out of their hideout. The thought only crossed her mind of a moment, but she could have sworn ---------------------------------- The sushi bar was surprisingly empty. 11 am on a Tuesday wasn't bound to be packed or anything, but they were the only customers inside. 'More sushi for me...' Homura thought. She mentally drooled thinking about how much she was about to eat. She brought her hands to her toned brown tummy. The pain had came and gone as they walked to their destination, along with far too many embarrassing tummy rumbles. Hikage asked if they should take her to a doctor instead, but she assured them she was just extra hungry from her intense training from the night before. Her two companions shrugged, and went along with her story. As she took her seat at the bar, inbetween her friends, her hunger was truly catching up to her. A tough looking old man came to take their order, and Homura nearly knocked his breath out of him with her extensive order. "I'll take four Tokyo rolls, six Crunchy rolls, eight California rolls, ten Highway 17 rolls, 12 Hawaii rolls, Ahhh, add four more Tokyo rolls, 12 Salmon Katsu rolls..." There wasn't a hint of hesitation as the orders rolled off her tongue, letting the old man know she wasn't joking. Mirai looked shocked, while Hikage blankly stared at her friend. Despite not emoting it, she thought something seemed off about her larger order. After Homura deliberated on the 96 rolls she ordered, she deemed that would be enough for now. Mirai and Hikage only ordered a pitiful two rolls each themselves, much to the old man's relief. "R-right away, miss..." The geezer's shoulders drooped, as he dipped back into the kitchen to prepare this girl's ridiculous feast. "Homura-chan, I know it's your birthday and all, but there's no way you can eat all that sushi!" Mirai tried to reason with her. "I don't even know if Hikage-chan has enough money to cover all this! Do you want her to have to go sell her body on the streets to cover this?!" "It's alright, it's Homura-chan't birthday, after all. I don't mind selling my body if needed." Hikage gave them a thumbs up, with her ever unchanging stare accompanying it. Homura didn't respond at all. In one hand, she held an opened pair of disposable chop sticks, and the other was balled into a fist. Her feet were tapping impatiently on the bar stool, and she had began lightly pounding on the bar with her fists. "Come on... How long is this gonna take..." the tanned girl whined, drool beginning to drip onto the table below. "I'm starving..." her eyes were beginning to swirl, as if she were in a trance. Mirai felt herself break into a cold sweat, while Hikage looked on with what most would assume as boredom. Something was clearly wrong with their friend. Just as Mirai was about to resuggest heading to a doctor, the door to the kitchen burst open, and large platters of what seemed like endless rows of sushi were rushed in. The old man was joyful, as he slammed them down in front of the girls. "I've still got it! There's no such thing as an impossible order for me! Heh heh heh!" He looked for praise from his guests, but the brown girl in the middle had already began tearing into the many rolls that laid before her. He winced, and headed back to the kitchen. Scary girls like those... He'd rather just keep away until they were ready to leave. *Mmmfff, glrk, ffwpp, mmmm, glrk* Homura's stomach whines were replaced with the noisy sounds of her stuffing her cheeks with food. Unladylike, hell, maybe even unhumanlike sounds could be heard from even outside the restaurant. Mirai couldn't touch her rolls, and instead watched in horror as the beast before her had her fill. Hikage, on the other hand, was eating her rolls at the same slow pace as usual, ignoring the horrific sight beside her. "H-hey, Hikage-chan! This ain't right, what do we do?!" Mirai had hopped off of her bar stool, and was now hiding behind Hikage. She was peering over her lap, almost trembling in fear, as Homura swallowed roll after roll entirely whole. There was a crazed look in her eyes, and her usually flat stomach was bloating tremendously. Her white tank top was riding the top of the orb below the bar, and her stomach was growing larger and larger by the moment. Looking at Homura's plates, she was more than halfway through with her 96 rolls. Was that even possible?! "Hmm, what's the problem, Mirai-chan?" Hikage finally noticed her friend beside her. She looked to her left, to see Homura stuffing herself with the last few rolls on her plate. "Ah, looks like I will be having to sell myself on the street after all, huh?" The small girl next to her felt her fear turn to anger. She hopped over Hikage, and pointed at the stuffed woman she would normally call Homura-chan. "Hey now, Hikage isn't selling herself on the street for this, birthday or not!" She watched as Homura swallowed the last roll, all ten plates were completely empty. She finally took notice of her friends again, yet Mirai could tell her hunger wasn't sated. She licked her lips, as she lifted her gurgling gut off the stool, towering over Mirai. "Y-you got your birthday feast, n-now let's pay and go-" the small girl didn't get to finish her suggestion. The brown beast lifted her up effortlessly, and plopped her head inside her mouth. She began flailing about, kicking and screaming as hard as she could. Unfortunately for her, Hikage couldn't grasp that this sort of thing was bad. She looked on with curiosity, as Homura lifted her small body above herself. Mirai felt utterly violated. Her long, black hair was now a sopping wet mess, as Homura's tongue slathered her with saliva. She was tasting her face, and it wasn't long before she felt her shoulder's enter the mouth, too. What the HELL was Hikage doing?! Why wasn't she pulling her out?! Her thrashings were like a mouse attempting to resist a tiger, no kicks or smacks against Homura's face were helping her escape. She could see a dark abyss in front of her... Homura's throat. There were tons of bits and pieces of the more intricate sushi rolls stuck to her teeth, she had eaten them too fast to properly chew or enjoy any of them. Mirai was facing the same fate, as she was gulped further down. Her hips and down were the only things left unswallowed. In three gulps, more than half of her had been devoured. The fourth gulp claimed her legs past her knees, she probably had one more swallow left. She kicked as hard as she could, hoping Hikage would grab her feet, and pull her out. The only result was one of her shoes flying off, leaving a sock clad foot to be swallowed. And swallowed it was, another gulp sealed her friend's fate as food. Her small body slid down in one smooth motion, deposited atop a mountain of undigested sushi rolls. Mirai felt herself pushed into the middle of the feast, the churning of Homura's stomach moving her about. It was tight and incredibly messy. Between her clothes, against her skin, inside her hair, there was nothing but sushi. She cried out, still trying to thrash and attack Homura enough to get her to throw her up, but it was to no avail. "Uuu..." slobber ran down Homura's chin. She still wasn't satisfied, and there was a particularly meaty treat sitting directly in front of her. Hikage was scratching her head, trying to get why exactly Homura had went and eaten Mirai. Maybe the sushi wasn't filling enough? Why not just order more? Before she had the chance to think on it more, Homura hand her hands wrapped around Hikage's shoulders. "Ah, still not full? You're going to eat me now, too?" The curious girl asked. Her answer was Homura parting her lips, and quickly treating her friend to the same fate. Hikage's short green hair was quickly engulfed, before her head was shoved past the mouth. Having eaten a full person mere seconds ago, Homura's body had naturally formulated the fastest way to deposit this delicious meat inside. The swallows were quick and precise, Hikage's shoulders proved little resistance to the predator. Her extra meaty tits, however, did cause her to hesitate. Even through the sweater fabric, her jugs tasted divine. Divine enough to cease mindlessly swallowing, at least. Hikage felt strange, as she was pulled towards the same abyss Mirai had just faced. Homura-chan seemed to have slowed her swallowing, to taste her body. Specifically, her breasts. Do breasts taste good, Hikage wondered? She would like to give them a try before being digested, but the only girl she could try that on nearby was as flat as they come. Do flat breasts taste as good as big ones? The girl offered no resistance, as she was violated by the tanned beast. From an outside perspective, Homura's gut should be impossible. It was more than twice as large as herself, and nearly touching the floor as it hung low with food. The sounds of a woman being swallowed were noisy, noisy enough to keep the old man at bay. He shook with fear behind the kitchen door, not daring to even peek outside. Homura finally continued swallowing her friend, after sampling the tastes of her bosom for a while. The rest of her went down smooth, gulp after gulp echoing through the empty room. She only paused for a moment to enjoy her exposed thick thighs, and curvaceous ass. Her stocking clad legs slid down with a few more gulps, and the meal was complete. 96 sushi rolls(98 if you count the two Hikage ate prior to being devoured), and two fully grown women. One might count Mirai as half a woman, but Hikage's girth probably rounded them back to the volume of two full grown women. Hikage landed atop the soggy pile of sushi, and sunk into it much like Mirai. She felt around a bit, the feeling of being inside a stomach a strange sensation. She quickly felt something hard... it was Mirai-chan's hand. Pulling it through the half melted sushi, she found that she was unconscious. It seemed there was little air inside the humid environment of a stomach. Hikage was feeling lightheaded herself, and knew she didn't have long left. She swam to the top, carrying her friend with her. There was only a bit of space for their mouths. She took in gulps of air, but a rumbling around her startled her. It was Homura-chan belching. Whatever free space and air to breath that kept her alive vanished up the throat, as everything was compressed tight together. It was hard to breath, and she could feel stomach acids dripping from above, and rising from below. It seemed their time was up. Hikage smiled, as she hugged Mirai-chan close. They would serve as a memorable birthday meal for their good friend, and that was more than enough for her. They owed everything to their leader... even their bodies and lives. Violent gurgles rippled through, as Hikage shut her eyes, accepting her fate. *BRWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHPPPP* Homura felt a titanic belch pass from her lips, shaking even the walls of the small sushi bar. Her hands pressed into the ball of flesh that she was just barely keeping off the ground. It was brown, and oh so round. Rough, lumpy shapes of the sushi could be seen and felt at the top, with the bottom of her belly looking more round and soupy. The girls she had just eaten couldn't be felt or seen, so they must be resting in the middle of the pile. Homura felt some slight movements after she had swallowed them, but they had since ceased. Only a gentle rumble resonated from the core of her tummy. Her stomach was ramping up to digest all this rice, shirmp, and girls... Homura felt full and satisfied, for the first time since she had awoken. Why did she eat her friends? She didn't really have an answer, but she didn't feel bad about it, either. They were scrumptious... She'd eat them again, if somehow given the chance. She always had an affinity for meat, but an entire person's worth of meat? Soft, sexy girl meat at that? It was incomparable to anything she had ever eaten before.The fullness, the taste, she didn't know if she could go back to regular food after this. The gurgling of her gut made her think it was time to retreat back to her hideout, to process her friends properly. The old man hadn't came from the back, so Homura decided to just leave Mirai and Hikage's purses on the bar. It's not like they'd be needing them ever again. Her stomach swayed as she approached the exit, only for her massive belly to get stuck in the door. She grunted, and ended up having to shove it through with force. The round orb of tanned flesh busted through, along with Homura herself, producing a few gasps from the people passing by outside. Homura ignored them, and rubbed her glorping midsection, as she slowly waddled home. ---------------------------------- The trek home to their hidden lair took sooooo much longer when you were hauling hundreds of pounds of food in your gut, Homura panted. She was drenched, her tight clothing damp with sweat. Her stomach had shrunk considerably from the rigorous trip, the exercise of walking with that much extra baggage a labor in itself. Her usual training couldn't compare to this. Her gut no longer hung past her knees, it now just edged past her hips. It was almost entirely composed of mush, the sounds of digestion were quite sharp and loud on the way here. Many people stopped to ask if she needed assistance, confusing her for an extremely pregnant woman, but her growl and threats to add them to it kept them at bay. It seemed her other friends were either still not home yet, or inside their own rooms. Licking her lips at the thought of how filling and delicious Haruka and Yomi's bodies would prove to be, she might have to pay them a visit later that night, to receive her 'birthday gift' from them, too. Doorways were proving to be a problem with this gut, as it got stuck on her bedroom much like the exit to the sushi bar. With another hefty grunt, she managed to get it through. She snatched her ill fitting shirt and shorts off, leaving her completely nude once more.Gazing down, her futon seemed much too small now, it would hardly house her entire belly. She found it worked to lay belly up, and use her blanket to cover as much as her stomach as it could. A long sleep was in order, the combined effort of eating all that food, and making her way home took everything Homura had. She patted the round, heavy orb that sat atop her. "Thanks for the birthday meal guys... It was unforgettable." her heavy eyelids soon closed, and the same heavy snoring from the night before quickly filled the room. It was only 3 pm, but it felt like ages since she had last slept. Her stomach kicked it into overdrive, the glorping could be heard well outside the hidden base behind the waterfall. It echoed and bounced along the cave walls, alerting Haruka from her lab work. She crept inside her leader's, to find her drug a success! The gigantic dome of a belly, and Homura's body much curvier than it had been earlier. Whatever she had eaten was more than halfway digested, and this leftover gut was still processing whoever was unfortunate enough to cross her hungry path. Haruka pressed her fingertips into the glorping brown orb of flesh, feeling it jiggle from her touch. Homura was knocked out, so there was little danger of enjoying the fruits of her labor, after all. Her lips and tongue danced atop the taut flesh, and she hugged her curvy body against it. This was a real turn on, to see who knows how many people reduced to a meal for her friend. It was her birthday, she deserved to cut loose. She would awaken without any desire to devour anyone else, and everyone would be safe. Giving the stomach one last kiss and rub, Haruka winked at her sleeping friend. "Have a good rest, Homura-chan~" The buxom woman once again helped herself out of her leader's gurgle filled room. The look on Mirai-chan's face when she sees how much more stacked their leader was about to become would be priceless, she giggled. And so, the tanned woman was left to digest the rest of her friends, uninterrupted. ---------------------------------- A familiar scent drifted into Homura's room, waking her from her deep slumber. It was the scent of bean-sprouts. Yomi no doubt made it home, and went to work making her a bean-sprout stuffed birthday dinner. Homura felt hungry, she was going to eat everything her friend had to off... her chunky body included. She rose to her feet, feeling the effects of more than 200 pounds of women and sushi being added to her. Her body looked... fat. Fat was the only word to describe it. Her tits were massive, they had jumped at least two cups, if that were possible. Her hands drifted down, squeezing the ball of flesh that rested where her toned abs once did. It seems much of her feast liked her tummy so much, it decided to stay there. It wasn't a problem, she would work them back into abs... eventually. Her thighs and rump had plumpened considerably. She had always considered her tits to be the most curvaceous part of her, but her ass totally held that title now. Maybe all of Mirai went there? She had little to offer in the chest area, her tight little butt no doubt added to her own now. She felt a sharp feeling inside her rump, which could only mean one thing. Her body jiggled as she swayed towards her personal restroom. It wasn't her gut that gave her trouble getting through this time, but her hips. They actually got stuck in the doorway! 'Come on' she whined internally, 'get... through!' She had nearly fell into her small porcelain throne trying to shove her friends through. Her ass dwarfed the toilet seat. It had done so before as well, this was totally meant for a single person's apartment, but it would have to make due for now. The waste from her meal began pooling into the still water below. She knew the toilet's capacity, so she had her finger on the flusher. She grunted as an endless torrent of dung slid out. Sometimes, a bone fragment would scrape her rectum as it slid out, and other times, and solid, thick bone would clog her hole. She peeked at the waste, noticing bits of their ground up clothing littering the logs. She had lost count of how many flushes she had done by now, the task at hand too mentally straining. "Unff... just... get out already..." the tanned woman huffed, losing her patience with the waste that was once her friends. She gyrated her hips, hoping to help push the last bits of them out. Finally, she felt it. She was done. Laying atop the final pile were two bleached skulls. Homura remembered all the fond memories she shared with these two. They were just shit now, however. She flushed them with a grin, watching their skulls fumbled down the drain with the last of the brown muck. Homura decided a shower would be the perfect way to prepare for her birthday dinner, courtesy of her last two friends. Once they became one with her, she would have no reason to remain in this hole in the wall any longer. She would devour her way to the top. Eating powerful shinobi was sure to increase her own strength. The first on her list was none other that her old rival, Asuka. The rest of Hanzō would soon follow. Why stop there, she chuckled. Her old school, Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy, would be sure to provide her with adequate girls to defeat and consume. Her birthday was close to finishing, but she felt like she was just getting started! As the warm water cascaded over her chunky, brown frame, she felt like her friends were right. She should never ignore her birthday ever again, for it truly was a special day indeed. Who would be left for her to have next year? There was only one way to find out...
 Money wasn't the only thing required to keep his wife pleased, Ron DeLite was finding. He was lacking the excitement she desperately craved. Whenever she had just returned from a fevered shopping spree, unsure of how much money she just flushed down the drain, or narrowly avoided another insane speeding ticket riding her motorcycle at full throttle, her heart was always pounding in a wonderful way. Desirée DeLite believed true happiness came from 'putting your life on the line', something that Ron was finding hard to give her. She was actually away at the moment, riding her favorite bike who knows where. Ron was brainstorming ways that he could give her a rush. They always ended up doing mundane things together, he was worried she was going to grow bored of him. After his Mask☆DeMasque fiasco, she was a little more understanding of his lack of funds, and began relying on her bike for that feeling she craved so. The problem was that she was spending more time with the motorcycle than her own husband these days... Ron was twirling one of the brown swirls in his trademarked hairstyle, like he often did subconsciously. Maybe he could get a bike too? He probably couldn't keep up, the few times he rode on the back with her, he nearly had a heart attack. Maybe he could start stealing again...? No, that's no good. Desirée hated criminals, even though bad boys seemed like her type. Maybe he could change his image? Cool leather jacket, dark shaded sunglasses, he'd greet her by leaning against the wall outside with a "Hey baby." Gah, no way, he'd look so lame! "Maybe I can find something on the internet..." Ron was at a loss, some insane ideas from the collective unconscious that was the net would prove useful. "Let's see here..." Ron did a couple of vague searches relating to thrills and couples, looking for activities couples could do together. He was mostly getting the same results he always found, when finally, something interesting caught his eye. "Eat your spouse? What the..." It sounded ridiculous, but the proof was there. Plenty of pictures of men and women stuffed to the brim with their partners. You swallow them whole, which produced the ultimate(and highly dangerous) form of domination. People who've been swallowed told of the intense thrill of being intimately held by their partner. If their spouse decided to keep them too long, they'd be digested... It was truly 'putting your life on the line'! "This sounds perfect!" Ron was getting giddy just thinking of how much Desirée would love it. It was something that would definitely strengthen their shaky relationship to a whole new level of closeness. A few clicks later, and Ron found himself studying up on the process. What he would need to do to make it possible to swallow his curvaceous wife, the dangers he'd need to be aware of, how to release her after... It was a lot to take in. Ron wouldn't be scared away by a little steep learning curve, however. Feeling a fire ignite within himself, Ron knew this was the key to keeping his wife around forever! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I'm hooooome!" A woman with luxurious, long brown hair called at the door. She was coated in sweat, a near crash and burn from mere moments ago still had hear heart nearly pounding out of her chest. She was wearing a tight, red full body suit, made from the highest quality of leather. It clung to her curves, showing off every fine detail of her from for all to see. She pushed her matching red goggles up, letting them rest on her forehead. "Ronnie, honey, are you there?" She called out in a sweet voice. There was no response, which was a little strange for her darling husband, he was usually just waiting for her to return. These last few days, he seemed glued to his computer screen. He wouldn't let her see what it was, however, which was causing her some concern. Peeking her head into the living room, her suspicions were confirmed Ronnie was indeed intently studying something on his computer. He'd moved the screen so that you couldn't see what was being displayed from entering the room, even more suspicious... "Ronnie-poo?" Ron looked up, to see his wife standing in the doorway, with her hands on her hips. He quickly closed the private browsing tag, and pulled up something he could use as an excuse if need be. "A-ah, I didn't hear you come in Dessie!" He almost tripped all over his desk jumping up to greet her, which thankfully made her smile. "E-enjoy your trip?" Desirée narrowed a brow at the sweat dripping from his forehead, he was definitely up to something. "I did, but..." The woman stepped past her spouse, reaching her head around to take a peek at the computer screen. It had a word document with monthly bills and finances pulled up... There's no way this was what he was looking at. "Hmmmm, Ronnie-poo, what are you being so secretive about? You aren't cheating on me, are yo-" "N-NOOOOOOOO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Ron shouted out, almost loud enough to make Desirée's heart pound again. "P-PLEEEEEEEEASE FORGIVE ME!!" He'd began prostrating on the ground before her, begging for forgiveness like always when he'd done something wrong. The woman sighed, knowing her Ronnie-poo couldn't have done something as severe as that, he had a tendency to go overboard with reactions. "Okay, okay, I believe you! Why don't you just show me what it is you're hiding then?" Desirée smile was enough to melt her husband's heart, but he also didn't want to spoil the surprise. He felt the sweat begin to drip off his brow as he debated his options... Option one... Tell her his plans, and continue learning what he needed to pull it off without a hitch. Option two... Make up and excuse, and keep studying in secret. Option three... Go ahead and show her his surprise! One and two made the most sense, he wasn't fully prepared to swallow her yet. However... He knew everything for certain except bringing her up. Surely he could just read that when he needed to know what to do to get her out, right? Surprising her right here and right now with the thrill of a lifetime would leave such an impact... And she was getting annoyed at his secrecy, so option two would probably be the worst. Option one or three, which one should he go for? "..." Ron was silent in thought for a few more moments, before, "Okay, I'll show you, my dear!" Option three it was. There was no turning back, this was going to be a night to remember. Ron scooped himself off the floor, and took his wife into his arms, trying his best to act cool. "Meet me in the bedroom, b-baby." Ronnie trying to act all suave was both hilarious and cute, Desirée had to hold back a giggle. It wasn't like him to take initiative like this for sex. "Sir, yes sir~" Ron watched his grinning wife depart to their room, and he mentally prepared himself for what was to come. After much research, he found not everyone was capable of consuming another whole. After some testing with watermelons, he found he was indeed capable of it, which was a relief. This act was also not well known or accepted, so he was prepared for her to freak out, perhaps it would be best to trick her into his stomach... He dashed over to his desk, and grabbed a blindfold, this would prove useful. Standing before his closed bedroom door, Ron took a big gulp. He was nervous, but confident that she would love it. This was what needed to be done to save their marriage(even if it wasn't exactly in trouble yet). it was time to give his wife the ride of her life! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ron opened the door, to find a breathtaking sight. Dessie was removing her thick boots, leaving her only clad in the tight leather biker suit. She shot him a glance, her expression dripping with desire. "I hope this surprise is good, Mr. DeLite..." She sat atop her bed, and motioned to the zipper just below her cleavage, "Mind helping me, Ronnie-poo?" Ron's knees were shaky as he approached and did as she asked, pulling the zipper down. It stopped just above her crotch, exposing her bare tummy. She pulled her arms out of the one piece suit, revealing her exposed breasts. She didn't believe in wearing any sort of undergarments while biking, it felt more natural to go commando. "Mmmm..." The woman cooed, as she slid her other arm out. She was bare from the waist up, with the red leather one piece still clinging to her lower half. Flipping around, she got on all fours on the bed, and wiggled her suit clad rump to her husband. Words weren't required as Ron began peeling the rest of the sticky sweaty suit from her incredible form. The leather peeled off, revealing two cheeks Ron had grown very fond of. It peeled off her thick thighs, all the way down, until the last of the suit slipped off her ankles. What was left was a beautiful and sweaty nude woman, eager for her husbands so called surprise. Ron was at full mast at the sight, something that Ms. DeLite was quick to pick up on. "Don't keep me waiting..." Dessie made herself comfortable on the bed, while beckoning her husband closer. Ron nearly ripped his house wear off, until he was just as nude as his wife. He had a slim frame, even slimmer than his wife, that complimented his feminine looks. His cock was anything but feminine, however. Meaty was possibly the best way to describe it, it was the most shocking thing Desirée found during their honeymoon. She couldn't walk straight for a week after their first time. "A-ah..." Ron dug into his clothes, he'd almost forgotten the blindfold. He joined his wife on the bed, and handed it to her. "Y-you've got to wear this for your surprise. No peeking, no matter how strange it feels!" A blindfold? Desirée had no idea this surprise was going to be so kinky, Ron was usually as vanilla as they came in the bedroom. She covered her eyes as he asked, and sat against the headboard of the bed. "I'm getting excited~ What's next?" Dessie was wiggling her toes in excitement, a habit Ron had noticed long ago. "L-like I said, it's going to feel strange... But don't look! I need you to promise!" His wife was grinning like a child on a roller coaster. "I promise!" She placed her hands on her nipples, and began stimulating them, as she anticipated the surprise to come. "Okay..." Ron took a deep breath, he needed to pull this off. 'You can do this, Ron. Remember the instructions...' He chose to go for swallowing her feet first, since this was a surprise swallow. He wouldn't want her to be short of breath on the way down, since she was unaware of being swallowed. Her toes looked cute as always, he enjoyed giving his wife foot massages after her long bike rides. The scent was laden with sweat, but it wasn't unpleasant. Her sweat covered body was sure to affect the taste, but from what he had read, sweat was a good flavor enhancer. He parted his lips and closed his eyes, and he guided both of his wife's feet to his mouth. They entered easily, and he began swallowing. He wasn't rushing, but the faster he got her down, the less likely she was to take a peek. Her taste was marvelous... Nothing at all like he was expecting. The site said people had unique flavors, ranging from chicken to beef, but he found her to be most like salty pork. He was getting invested in the flavor, as he licked and slurped her feet down. "Pfft, ghaha, what are you doing down there?" Of course she would be giggling, he'd never licked her toes or anything before. She was squirming inside his mouth, but not unbearably so. Once her feet were sliding down his throat, she settled down a bit. Her legs were very long, and just as delicious. Slurping and gulping noises filled the room, as he chomped past her knees. He hand began using his arms to pull her down, aiding in consumption. Glancing up, Dessie seemed to be enjoying the sensation of being swallowed very much. Her giggles had been replaced with mouthy gasps for air, as she panted in delight. She was squeezing her nipples, and gyrating her hips in a fever. Her growing arousal was filling his nose, and he continued devouring her whole. Her nethers taste was incomparable to anything he'd had before. He couldn't probe her sex with his tongue due to the positioning, but Ron enjoyed sliding his upper lip over her wet sex. His tongue had full reign to enjoy sampling her ass, however. He probed every inch of her round derrière, the taste being out of this world! "Kya!" Desirée called out, unable to withstand the building pleasure. She had a orgasm inside her husband's mouth, spilling her love juices directly down his throat. Ron would compare it to eating a juicy piece of candy, her nectar being the prize inside. Ron reached up to grab her arms, pulling her down. Her waist was packed down his throat, leaving her orgasm to build to even greater heights as she sunk. She was at a loss for words, unsure what was even happening to her at the moment. Desirée squeezed her nipples as hard as she could, until her hands were guided into Ron's tight mouth. They were shoved in the sides of his mouth, to be gulped down with the rest of her pleasure ridden body. The tight, cramped space of his wet throat was pressing against her flesh in a most pleasing way. "R-Ronnie, what's happening?!" She cried out, feeling the fear of being bound sink in. With the loss of her hands, she couldn't remove the blindfold even if she wanted to anymore. Ron was feeling his stomach bloat to accommodate his wife. The feeling of being full of the woman he loved above all else was truly blissful. His normally flat tummy was ballooning with her curvaceous form, creating a tight and taut ball of flesh. She was squirming inside his throat and stomach, creating a unique feeling he'd never felt before. Ignoring her pleas, he continued swallowing her. He quickly reached her breasts, and sunk his teeth into her erogenous zones. Her confusion melted into pure pleasure, as he nibbled on her soft orbs of flesh. Her eeps drowned into moans, Ron once again used his hands to aid in her consumption, using her shoulders as leverage. He had to open even wider to slip past then, but soon enough, only her panting head remain un-swallowed. Ron lifted his heavy gut, to get more comfortable in the bed before the final swallow. He had taken her place, leaning against the headboard. He was playing with her long brown hair, twirling it like he would his own. "R-ron... It's so tight..." She was short of breath. Ron decided to slip the blindfold off, giving her a chance to ascertain just what was going on. Her eyes were wide, as she looked around everywhere. She was pretty much in the same place as earlier, only completely bound in some tight, wet tunnel. Ronnie was nowhere to be seen, but she could hear his breathing... very close. Ronnie's lips were around her chin and forehead, with the sides of his mouth just behind her ears. Strands of her wet hair hung outside the lips, alongside her face. "Ronnie..." She sounded fearful, but also tired. Ron wanted to comfort her, but he couldn't utter a peep with her inside his mouth. He could only swallow, and truly put her life on the line. With one last hearty gulp, he did just that. "R-RONNI-" Her words were muffled by her one way trip down to her husband's stomach. *GLRK* Ron's knees and arms wrapped around his bulge of a wife. She was squirming as she settled into him, rippling the surface of his stomach. He gave her a pat, comforting her as best he could. "There there, Dessie. You're fine, see?" It seemed she could hear him, and the struggles ceased. "R-Ronnie? Is that you? Where am I?! What happened?!" She had to shout a bit to get through the walls of his stomach, but he could hear her just fine. "W-well, It's going to be shocking, but this is the surprise! I'd been studying how to... swallow a person whole. You wouldn't believe the amount of studying that went into it, I felt like I was back in school! Of course, there was no teacher to yell at me or tell me where I messed up, but I got you down just fine, so everything must be alrigh-" He was cut-off by his own stomach shifting about. He clutched his wife, feeling enormous gastric activity down below. It came rushing up past his lips suddenly, without warning- *GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAPHHHhh* Saliva and the rushing air from the belch ended his drawn out tale. The taste of his wife lingered on his lips, causing him to reminisce on just how good this sensation felt. "Oh Ronnie-poo!" His stomach suddenly shifted, his wife squirming inside with glee, "I can't believe you came up with such a dangerous idea to tickle my addiction! This is... Incredible! Way more intense than riding some silly old bike!" She was happy? Not even slightly shocked? "I can't believe you're okay with it... I knew you'd like it, but not this much!" The smile on both of their faces were as genuine as they came. They had never felt closer, both as a couple and physically. "I never knew I'd married a lion! Gosh, this feels so surreal... I feel like I could pass out and melt away any moment..." Her hands were exploring this inside of his stomach now, less fearful now that she understood the situation she was in. Ron himself was enjoying rubbing her form through his skin, finding every bit of her curves imprints through touch alone. "Mmm..." Ron sleepily commented, suddenly feeling extremely tired. If he'd finished studying the site, he would have read that they recommend against laying down with your partner inside if you're doing this alone. 90% of predators fall asleep without realizing it, and end up digesting their prey. But he had yet to read the section indicating the dangers one faced when putting their spouse at the mercy of their gastric system. "Ronnie-poo, I love what you've done! Maybe it's time to park the bike, and give you a ride everyday instead!" Dessie waited for a response, but didn't get one. In fact, all she could hear was deep, heavy breaths surrounding her. It made it easy to breathe, but... "R-Ronnie-poo?" The sound of his heart pumping blood and the gurgles of the stomach were the only responses his body seemed to have to her. Ron had fallen asleep clutching his bulge of a wife, an act that had a near 100% fatality rate. "HEY!" Realizing something was wrong, she began kicking and screaming, attempting to rouse her husband, "RON, WAKE UP!!" Her voice only served as a lullaby for the content man, and her kicks hardly registered as indigestion. It was looking more and more like Desirée DeLite had been reduced to a meal for her beloved. "N-NO, WAKE UP RONNIE!" Ronnie shuffled in his sleep, getting more comfortable. Unconsciously grabbing the covers, his wife's droning pleas for help became even more muffled. Ron smiled, he was having the most wonderful dream about his beautiful wife, and how close they had become. On the inside of Mr. DeLite's stomach, Desirée was in a living nightmare. His stomach had began digesting her in earnest now, the hot stomach acids coating her in fair skin in waves. The gurgles and churns of the stomach now drowned out her moans of pain, as her flesh began melting. Globs of pooling acid stung her from every angle, before fully submerging her. Dessie's cries of anguish became bubbled gurgles, before stilling completely. Her lifeless body was churned and processed until her beauty had been fully extinguished and absorbed by her loving husband. Hours later, the last of her dripped through his system. Her journey through his innards was at its close... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A lazy yawn filled the room, as a sleepy Mr. DeLite rubbed his eyes. Glancing at the clock, it was about 9 PM, he'd fallen asleep that early? Weird. He shuffled to rise from the bed, scratching his messy hair. He felt heavy, like he was on another planet. He didn't think about why he was nude, he just felt a need for release building. He tugged into his personal bathroom, and took a load off on his throne. Their bathroom was elegant, and had tons of Dessie's expensive beauty products littering the shelves. Dessie... Everything came rushing back to him as he began releasing his load. He was shitting out the remains of his beautiful wife... It was too late to be horrified or sad, the man was too preoccupied with straining to release the build up from last night's feast. He grunted as more and more of her pooled into the toilet in a single coil. The waste felt solid and smooth, no bones or hair littering the fetid dung as it slid out of his rump. "Nhhng, pleeeeeeeeease just get out..." Ron was biting his lip out of frustration as he emptied his load. He lifted his butt off the toilet, for fear of his wife rising above the lid. His fears proved true, as more and more of the shit pilled up. Ron began gyrating his hips, in an attempt to coil the waste into a neater pile. It seemed to work, and finally, the last of his wife joined the rest of her in the very full bowl. Grimacing, Ron turned around, to see nothing but pure brown waste staring him back. It was neatly coiled, if nothing else. It lacked any sort of indication that it was all that remained of his beloved, just a bowl full of dung awaiting to be flushed. Ron wasn't sure just how he felt, as he finished wiping. The bowl was much too full to flush, he'd have to... deal with her later. How could something like this happen? He had no intention of digesting his lover... He just wanted to help make them closer. In the corner of his eye, he caught a look at himself in the dressing mirror. Judging by the amount of pudge he gained, Dessie had indeed become very close to Ronnie. His butt was about as round as hers now, which explained how much more comfortable sitting on the toilet felt now. His thighs, again, were just as thick, perhaps even thicker than hers now. Finally, his stomach was a chubby pot belly, more befitting of a man who drank one too many beers daily. Ron's chest was just as flat as before, giving him a bottom-heavy look. The terrible scent of his now ex-wife finally hit his nose, and he excused himself back into their bedroom. He sat nude on the bed, gingerly feeling the fat that was now his wife. He had decided that really, maybe this wasn't so bad? Desirée got the ultimate thrill in her final moments, they had become closer than they ever thought possible, and there was no way to prove this shit stinking up his bathroom was his wife, so there was little chance of being caught. Ronnie licked his lips, remembering the wonderful feeling of sublime fullness. His wife tasted so good going down, and even better going out. He was unsure if doing this just once would satisfy his cravings. Just as Dessie's hobby went from thrill seeking to toilet filling, Ron's might have to go from pleasing his wife to seeking new meals. His pocket would certainly be more open to dates with Desirée's expensive spending habits being flushed down the drain. He'd have plenty of money for all sorts of exotic meals... He only hoped his dates had better toilets than he did.
 "Pipe down in there already, you hussie! You're not getting out of there, no matter how hard you kick and scream, you hear me? And that's that." With a stern wagging finger pointing towards her low hanging girl-stuffed gut, Chi-Chi places her hands haughtily on her hips, frowning at the gall of the would be homewrecker. Her Gohan was going to teach her how to fly? Hah, as if! Chi-Chi could spot trouble from a mile away, this young lady's middle name had to have been trouble with a capital T! She was clearly itching to sink her claws into her precious son, and it wasn't happening! Not if her stomach had anything to say about it. "Y-you crazy hag! How many times do I h-have to tell you, I don't care about your son! Let me out, let me out! M-my dad'll-" Videl was promptly cut off by Chi-Chi ignoring her food's pleas for release, the mother's swaying gut rocking back and forth as she set off to do the next chore on her to-do list. The rising acids rocked alongside the movement, splashing singing liquids on Videl's cheeks. She had been sitting there stewing for a long while, all the while yelling and screaming in futility. Her attacks had proved to be nigh pointless against the iron tight belly of the bitch, and Videl was getting worried as she lost feeling in her knees and legs. "Now then, next is urrrp s-sweeping. Excuse you, young lady! You will mind your manners in this household!" Chi-Chi gave her gut a jostle to get her point across, just to make sure her guest was paying attention. "I didn't even burp, it was you! I won't apologize for anything!" Videl tried to throw her weight about in defiance, barely rustling the tightly stretched dress draped over her captor's massive swell. Chi-Chi grunted in annoyance, fetching the broom to get started on sweeping, so she could stop thinking about the pest making a racket down below. Her stomach churned and bubbled, the acids really starting to kick into gear now. "Y-you're gonna pay for this, you..." "Mmmm, hmm hmm hmm hmmmmm♪" The mother didn't even hear Videl's empty threats, and even if she had, she would have just laughed at the folly of youth. Her stomach was starting to get on her nerves, though, she couldn't see anything with the bulge of that foolish girl's big butt in the way! "Can't you digest faster, dear? You're really an eyesore in there, some of us have things to do, you know? Cooking, cleaning, I have to get ready for when Gohan returns home, after all." "I-I'm not..." Videl's voice was becoming hoarse now, speaking was hard. Everything was starting to feel numb all over, as the churns around her grew louder and louder. Chi-Chi finished sweeping, scoffing at how long it took due to her round belly rocking everywhere. "Next is dishes, then." Donning a pair of yellow gloves, the mother parked herself in front of her sink, plugging the drain, and preparing some hot soapy water. She unintentionally squished her stomach against the front of the cabinet, compressing Videl's softening body in the process. Her gut bubbled extra hard from the resulting movements, nearly sending the girl trapped inside into shock. Videl screamed what very well could have been her last, loud enough to annoy the busy woman currently causing her so much pain. "Oh, pipe down, shouldn't you be about through in there? I'm really losing my patience with you, young lady. Just relax and accept it, that's what food is expected to do, after all. And another thing, you had better not make me too fat! Maybe a little above, and a smidge down below, but not a pound more, you hear?" Chi-Chi asked while cupping her chest and buttocks. Videl, in fact, couldn't hear anything at all, other than the droning sounds of the older woman's relentless digestive system. "Mom, what happened to your stomach? It's so round now." A young boy clad in orange and blue suddenly asked, scratching his nose as if he'd been sitting there watching her for a while. "G-Goten! Why it's... uh..." Droplets of worried sweat poured down Chi-Chi's face, she wasn't expecting her youngest to be back so soon! What to say, what to say? "Mommy just had, um, a really large turnip for lunch! Ahaha... ha..." Goten's face scrunched as he tried to imagine them growing a turnip that big. It was probably really good if she ate the whole thing! Maybe they had some more out there? He would have to go check right away! "Kay, thanks mom! I'll be back later!" And just like that, he was gone, running excitedly towards their turnip field. Chi-Chi breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the counter and sticking her gut out forward so she could give it another good scolding. "Look at the trouble you're causing this family, even from in there! I think you deserve a little punishment for that!" Focusing as she pressed her palms flat against each side of her girl-stuffed gut, Chi-Chi breathed in deeply, before exhaling hard, forcing her palms against her fiercely bubbling tummy. Videl moaned in reaction, too weak to even scream anymore. She felt her body mush and swirl around, confusing her sense of gravity so much that she didn't know up from down anymore. Why was this happening to her? Because she wanted to fly? Flight was the last thing she'd be doing at this rate, Chi-Chi was looking to permanently ground her to the woman's earthly form, and there was little she could do to stop her. "I see that hushed you up. Good. Now I can get started on cooking." Indeed, Videl didn't have anything to say, her worries and fears rapidly melting alongside her once muscular tomboy body. She just sat, stewing like the meat she was becoming, unable to even act out any longer. A sudden burst of gas ripped past her, forcing up the hag's throat. Chi-Chi couldn't halt the resulting belch, her lips parting as spittle flew past her cheeks. A pair of lacy satin panties landed on the floor with a splat, half coated in singing stomach acids. The mother grunted as she bent over to retrieve them, giving them a closer look. "I knew it! You wore these, hoping to show off to Gohan, didn't you? Looks like you got what you deserved, she devil! Honestly, kids these days. I wasn't wearing such revealing underwear when I was your age, I wouldn't have dreamed it!" Her complaints trailing off, Chi-Chi stuffed the panties into her pocket with a blush, hoping to have a little fun with them later. Her gut bubbled on as she got back to the last chore of the day, cooking her boys a nice fully home cooked meal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Alright boys, dig in!" Chi-Chi beamed, gesturing to the array of delicious dishes decorating their large kitchen table. Gohan and Goten needed no further encouragement, filling their plates with all sorts of yummy stuff their mom was practically famous for cooking up. Chi-Chi just watched them from the end of the table, happy to see them happy. Unseen to them were her hands, currently massaging and caressing her dome of a gut, full of the half conscious remains of that girl she had for lunch. That Videl was really proving her worth as a foodstuff, being meaty and filling enough to take the place of two whole meals! "ain'tcha gonna eat anything, mom?" Goten mouthed with his cheeks full of bread and meat. "No, I'm not hungry dear, that turnip from before was more that enough for me. And don't talk with your mouth full, honey!" Such bad manners, you'd think Son Goku was here, rubbing his terrible table manners off on his youngest son. "Oh yeah, I couldn't find a turnip as big as the one you ate in the fields, you must have gotten the last one!" Goten complained, while downing the last of his turnip soup. "Big turnip?" Gohan finally spoke up, confused. "Ah, it's nothing rea-" The mother tried to cover her bases, before the youngest opened his big mouth again. "Mom ate this huge turnip, and had a huuuuuge belly big bro! It was thiiiiis big!" Even with his hands outstretched as far as they would go to each side, it still wasn't big enough to be size accurate. Gohan couldn't help but raise a brow, quickly turning towards his face palming mother. She unconsciously shifted her hands to shield her belly, only drawing more attention to it. "Holy cow mom, what the heck happened to you? There's no way a turnip caused all that!" The eldest son finally noticed his mother's hanging fat gut, which had been expertly hidden from him before by her already being seated at the table when he walked in the room. She bit her lip, trying to come up with a quick excuse, when she heard a faint moan from her surprisingly still living belly occupant. "G-Gohan..." Squeezing the flab to silence her, Chi-Chi blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "It just reminds me of your father, you know? Being all big after a meal, heh heh... S-so I kind of overdid it, that's all!" Gohan crossed his arms as the cold sweat poured down Chi-Chi's brow. Gohan looked like he was about to say something, before Goten broke the tension with a rude burp. He covered his mouth, already expecting his mom to scold him. "Goten, mind you mannerrrRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP!" Ripping past her lips like a burp from hell, Chi-Chi was forced into the back of her chair, while all the pent up gas in her stomach escaped in one fell swoop. Drool dribbled down her lips, as she looked at her boys with wide eyes, embarrased beyond belief at her own crude display. There were no words from any of them, for what felt like the longest moment of her life, before Gohan... started laughing? "That was just like dad alright, huh mom? Hahaha!" Chi-Chi could only frown while clutching her paunch, squeezing hard enough to squish the last solid parts of Videl inside into pure mush. Her cheeks were ablaze with a blush as she hushed her boys up, urging them to finish the meal. The dinner nearly returned to normalcy, before Gohan piped up with with a question after finishing his plate. "So, mom, I know you tell me to watch out for girls, but there's this really nice one I met at school. She has good grades, is modest, and-" "Is her name Videl?" Chi-Chi asked with a straight face, already feeling happy with her decision to nip that one well in the bud before he could sweet talk her into agreeing for him to date her. "Huh? How did you know that?" "We had a long, long talk with each other just earlier today, actually. I don't think she's the right one for you, honey, you should just move on and focus on your studies." Turning her head as she closed her eyes, Chi-Chi knew she did the right thing. The only place this hussie would be tantalizing Gohan from anymore would be from his mother's rump, and thankfully he had enough morals not to be into that! "But mom, I-" "No butts, Gohan. End of discussion." Except for mine, you tramp! Hehe... Chi-Chi felt the soft and sexy material of the panties in her pocket, and decided all her hard work from earlier deserved a little something special as a reward. "Goten, help your brother with the dishes. I'm feeling a little tired, so I think I'll head to bed early tonight, boys. Make sure you brush your teeth before bed, honey!" The loving mother ruffled her son's spiky hair before kissing him on the forehead, and then turning to embrace her eldest son with a warm hug. He couldn't help but notice how much... bigger his mother was now, all over. Her stomach, her chest, her hips... even her butt. It swayed back and forth under her ill fitting dress as she sashayed towards her room, a surprising spring in her step. Gohan had to just chalk it up to her eating well, whatever it was she had, she should definitely eat more of it! Shrugging, he left to go get in a little more training in before the day was done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mmmmff, c'mon, get on you-" The mother groaned as she tugged on the sexy satin panties. She was having trouble getting them past her thick legs and ridiculously wide hips, let alone that mountain of a butt jiggling above it! That troublesome girl hadn't listened to her at all, and made her plump all over! Her gut was left as a hanging potbelly, even though she confirmed over and over that nothing was left to further process inside. Her chest had to have increased by two or three cup sizes, Son Goku wouldn't recognize this ridiculous new body of hers! "...There!" Giving herself a wedgie, the panties looked more like a thong wedged between her meaty butt cheeks. They were in there so deep, she'd probably have to fetch a pair of scissors to get them off... but that was fine. Gazing at her body in the mirror, she never felt sexier than she did in that moment. The older woman cupped her chest, licking her lips as she really took in how much she had gained from her spontaneous meal. Her wobbly butt jiggled with every little movement, it'd surely catch the eyes of any man with a tight pair of jeans stretched over them. Maybe now she could stop Bulma from getting all the stares of young men when they went shopping together. "Bulma, huh..." Chi-Chi hugged her gut, imagining it swelling with the shapely form of her old friend. How much sexier would she be with that blue haired hottie tucked away inside her curves, too? Sure, Vegeta might not like that, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? Smacking her ass, Chi-Chi giggled, never knowing putting her expert skills of scolding and nagging to such practical uses could be so fun. "I hope Gohan brings lots more girls home for me to reject..."
 "Is this -really- the right place? Where's that letter..." After some digging through her bag, she finally found what she was looking for. A letter with writing as boorish as it was pale, not unlike the full moon rising in the sky above her. 'Yo Peach, Hey girl! How've you been? Gosh, it's been ages since we last saw each other, I can't even remember what it was for! Go-kart riding? Tennis? One of those silly parties? Anyway, the girls and I were thinking, instead of waiting for another meet-up with all the boys cramping our style, why don't we have our own social gathering with just us ladies invited? I'll be like a proper tea party for sophisticated women! We'll cook a ton of food, compare the latest fashion trends of our respective nations, and stay up late talking about how weird Luigi is, it'll be great! Are you in, or are you -in-?! You'll never believe the place I booked, it's gonna knock your socks off! Be sure to come alone, no snooping toads or Mario brothers! Your girl, Daisy~' The princess could only sigh once more, so much of this letter left her head hurting. First of all, who were the other girls she was referring to? That stuck-up, holier-than-thou Rosalina lady? Like she wanted to spend any amount of her precious time hanging out with some weirdo Mario met in space! Mario's ex-girlfriend Pauline? Peach was prepared to tear at least a chunk of Daisy's hair out if she was dumb enough to invite -her- of all people to what should be a gathering of friends. She really couldn't think of anyone else who would fit the bill... maybe Paper Peach? Oh, now that would be a pleasant surprise! At least with someone who thought like her there, the princess would have someone sane to talk to. A loud crack of thunder broke the blonde's vain train of thought, as the wind and rain started picking up! With a spring in her step, she dashed as well as she could manage to the old wooden entrance of the spooky manor. Cobwebs persisted in every nook and cranny, despite the intense weather, leaving Peach to wonder just how safe staying here for the night really was. Her pink dress fluttering in the increasingly violent storm told her she had little choice in the matter. Slipping inside the grand doors and into the waiting darkness, the entrance was sealed shut behind her... "I can hardly see my hands in front of my face... i-is anyone here? Daisy? Hellooooooo?" her voice echoed as she stumbled towards the one source of light just barely visible down the lengthy hall... a shimmering blue lantern. Like a moth drawn to the flame, she drifted towards it, almost as if she was in a trance. The ambient sounds of the mansion seemed to silence as her focus became entirely upon the glowing object of her affection. She needed to hold it... her pretty little head was devoid of thoughts as she reached out to touch the beautiful dancing fl- "Oh, hey Peach, there you are!" a familiar voice broke her from the ember's hold, as the electrical lights above her were flipped on! Peach simply blinked in confusion, desperately looking around for the missing flame. "...What were you doing in the dark by yourself in here?" That was a good question, what -was- she doing in here? She could have sworn there was a blue fire... but whatever it was, it was gone now, leaving only an empty lantern sitting on a table. Princess Toadstool turned to her friend with a shrug. "Can you blame me for being lost when our meeting place was such a poorly thought out one? Honestly, what were you thinking?" The ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom shot the brunette a glare with her sharp eyes, and her response was certainly a surprising one. Daisy was laughing, of all things! The tomboy slapped her on the back, before she continued giggling some more! Why, the nerve of her! "That's rich! If you didn't like this place, why did -you- pick it? I would have been fine with somewhere closer to your kingdom or mine, but I have to admit it's a little exciting being so far out in the styx in a huge mansion to explore! You sure have a knack for picking the best places to host a party!" That... didn't sound right. She was claiming she was the one who picked this place? But it was her! Maybe this was a trap, or something worse... "Daisy, I think we've been-" Peach began, before being cut off by the easily excitable tomboy. "Hold that though Peach, let's go meet up with the others first!" Without another word, Daisy grabbed her gloved companion's hand and pulled her deeper into the manor. Peach begged her to stop through each breath, but once that girl had an idea in her head, there was no getting through her thick skull. With her bag bouncing behind her, they suddenly found themselves dashing up a huge flight of worn, ancient stairs. W-was this really safe? Back in the entrance hall, the lights found themselves cut off once more abruptly. The lantern found its blue flame lit once more, as it flickered alone in the darkness. "*tsk* so close! She was right theeeeere!" a feminine voiced whined to no one in particular. "No matter. I'll have plenty of chances to make her mine later... hehehe... kyahahaha!" the laughter ceased as the flame disappeared once more, shrouding the entrance in utter darkness and silence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Alright everyone! I found... her?" Daisy's enthusiasm trailed off as soon as the duo busted into the equally poorly lit room. A group of women sat on the floor, filled with all the people the princess was dreading to find, and then some! Rosalina, Pauline, and... herself? The blonde woman sitting in the middle of the other hags was unmistakibly Princess Peach! But something was definitely off about her. Those horns... the fanged teeth... the black dress... that stupid look on her face... a fat tail slithering on the ground behind her... and that crown! That -blasted- crown! "Bowser! What on earth are -you- doing here?!" Peach had finally seen enough, this party couldn't get any worse if Daisy actually tried! The princess didn't know who to lunge for, Daisy to yank out the hair she promised? Or Bowser to rip that unsightly crown that was responsible for besmirching her image off of his unworthy head? Pauline's neck was another strong contender, but she settled on Bowser just so she wouldn't have to keep watching him ruin her image a second longer! "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on there, you crazy imposter! Just what do you think you're doing?!" Bowsette managed to halt the advancing genuine princess, keeping her head as far away as possible to avoid her crown being knocked off. Rosalina and Pauline glanced at each other with puzzled looks, totally confused as to what all this was about. Likewise, Daisy looked like she had no idea what was going on herself. "Why are you just *nff* standing there?! Aren't you going to help me?!" Princess Toadstool called out, looking to the tomboy pleadingly. Try as she might, she couldn't overpower a vaguely dragon-powered version of herself. "Uh, well," Daisy scratched her head, looking over the tangled blondes with confusion, "Which one of you do I help?" "D-Daisy... you -must- be joking!" Peach knew she was dim, but this was on a whole new level. "Ladies, surely you can tell this is just a cheap imposter?! Help me!" Pauline was looking intently at both girls, her eyes darting back and forth. Rosalina simply looked bored, shrugging her shoulders. "I really can't tell! She seemed pretty convincing just a few moments ago. She was telling me all about how she runs her country. Speaking of, Peach dear, how did you deal with those unruly paratroopas you were complaining about?" The brunette mayor asked, ignoring the furious girl still trying to wrestle the crown off of her clone's cute little head. "Paratroopas?! Does it look like -I- would be ruling over paratroopas?! Do you know anything about the Mushroom Kingdom?!" Peach asked while shoving her gloved hand into Bowsette's squishy cheek. "You both look the same to me." Rosalina interjected, narrowing her eyes." One of you has better fashion sense, but that's another issue entirely." She plainly stated with a scoff. "Since when did I have horns?! Or a tail?! And better fashion sense? You are talking about me, right? Right?" Rosalina answered by turning her back to the princess wearing her usual gaudy pink dress. Peach grit her teeth, but decided to let it slide, she had more pressing matter to- "Wha- H-hey!" Arms from behind wrapped under hers and pulled her back and away from her prey. Just when she was just about to yank that stupid crown off, too! "Daisy, what do you think you're doing?!" "Of course I can tell that you're you and she's... Bowser?" Daisy lied through her teeth, "But so what? This just means we get another guest at our party! Don't you want it to be more than just the four of us?" Peach took a good look at the other two girls, and sighed the deepest she had yet tonight. She was somehow right. Bowser pretending to be her would probably be better comapny than those detestable hags. "I... suppose you're right. I guess you can stay, Bowser-" "Bowsette! That's my name when I'm like this!" The dragon girl cut in with a giggle. Peach felt like she was about to pop a blood vessel, but decided to just roll with the madness before she actually did. "Bowsette... can stay. But I'm taking that crown when this is all said and done! I won't have anyone impersonating me further after this -mess- is done!" The princess sternly stated with a wagging finger. Bowsette grinned, shaking her head in agreement. "Whatever you say, princess~" "Now that that's settled... let's party!" Daisy chimed in. The only person to react was Peach's imposter, who gave the tomboy a righteous high-five cheerfully. "What's the plan for this evening, exactly? We've just been sitting in the dark and chatting so far." Rosalina asked, crossing her arms under her chest. "Well, what are we doing? What did you have planned, Peach?" Daisy questioned with a stretch. "...Huh? Why are you asking me?" Peach felt like she was forgetting something important. "Because you invited us, duh!" Daisy winked. Why was she winking? "Do you perhaps have a better gathering room for us to meet in? The draft from with broken window is starting to get to me." Pauline added, rubbing her arms as she shivered. "I didn't invite any of you! -You- invited me, Daisy!" The princess shouted, holding up the letter she had stashed into her bag. This is what she was forgetting! "Lemme see that... Huh, this does look like something I'd write! But I didn't write it." Peach felt her jaw drop to the floor! Did that mean... "Everyone, let me see your invitational letters!" One by one, four near identical letters were handed to the worried princess. Even Bowser, er, Bowsette got one? Sheesh, it even instructed him to wear the crown! As she glanced over the letters, her suspicions were confirmed. "Someone lured us all into here... this is a trap!" The girls suddenly felt a cold sweat dripping down their brows. "Hold on, wouldn't you be the most likely culprit?!" Peach yanked her clone by the hem of her dark dress. "What's your angle here? Am I not enough for you anymore? What do those hags have that -I- don't?!" Peach shook Bowsette, through playing around with these mind games. "Hags...?" Pauline and Rosalina wondered in unison. "I-I swear, I had nothing to do with it this time! I was tricked as much as you were! I can't wait for Mario to come rescue the both of us, though~" That dumb look on her face pissed Peach off more than anything. She let go of her and clutched her temple in anger. "Ugh, just shut up. If it wasn't you, then who? Who would target all of us like this? And why?" "Kehehe..." A laugh suddenly seemed to drift out from above and below, echoing all around them. "Kahahahaha..." It continued, growing louder and closer. "W-who's there? Show yourself!" Peach spoke up when none of the others would. "Kyahahahahahahahaaaa!" Without warning, the lights shut off, drowning the five girls in a deep, opressive darkness! The girls called out to one another in unison, trying to cut their way through the blackness, to little avail... "Ow! My foot! Who is-" "W-watch where you're shoving, Rosa!" "Gah! Your tail! Keep it to yourself, Bowser!" "It's Bowsette, call me Bowsette!" "Wha- what's... Aaahhh-" A howl of terror that cut off suddenly alerted the others that Daisy was in more trouble than merely bumping into furniture. A shuffling of sorts took place near the entrance to the room, before everything became quiet... too quiet. "D-Daisy?" Princess Peach called out, feeling concern. Without a response, the girls began to hold themselves in fear, before- *Click* The lights were suddenly restored. The room was in utter chaos. The dresser had been knocked over, with old clothes strewn about everywhere. Rosalina and Pauline were holding each other in their arms, shivering together. Bowsette was in an embarrassing pose on the floor with her panties showing... which meant she was showing off the princess' own rear! "Get up you moron! Wait, where's Daisy?" No one had an answer as they looked around the motionless room. No one was there... "I'm going to go look for her-" A hand stopped her from rushing out alone. It was Bowser's, of all people?! "Hold it, don't you think it's dangerous to go out there alone? No need to fear, I'll come along with ya!" She exclaims with a cheeky smile. It was the kind of smile that said that she was up to no good, but Peach really didn't want to go by herself, so... "We'll come too. It's only fair, right?" Pauline asks Rosalina, who responds with a quick nod. 'Tch! there goes my chance for some one on one with Peach...' Bowsette pouts to herself. "You guys... alright, let's go out there and find her!" Steeling their resolve, the floorboards creaked as four pairs of heeled feet rushed outside the room, leaving it empty... or was it? "Too bad, so sad~ They never looked up, did they? Kehehe, what a shaaaaame~" A voice whispered to the brunette immobilized inside of her captor's translucent body. Daisy and her assailant were squished against the ceiling, with the young princess bound and gagged by the flowing insides of the ghost that had scooped her up during the confusion down below. The ghostly figure rubbed and caressed her round belly, feeling her prey squirm helplessly inside her. "If they had looked up, I would have had to let you go! Now I get to enjoy you -allll- to myself~" "MMMMPPPHHHH!!" Daisy could hardly breathe inside of the goop that surrounded her at all sides. Her movement was limited, and her body was starting to feel hot. She couldn't even see who it was that had eaten her, let alone tell from the heavily muffled voice booming from above her. She felt like a broken toy sinking in a pit of mud... "I ate you up so fast, I didn't get to taste you properly! Let's fix that, shall we?" The creature's own tongue pierced it's stomach, wrapping around Daisy's terrified body in an instant! It was colder than anything Daisy had ever felt in her entire life, sending mighty shivers up and down the brunette's spine! Being tasted by some disgusting creature after it had already eaten her? This was too much! The tongue shoved itself down her throat, working it's way through her innards until... until it came out the other end! N-Nooooooo!! "Kehehehahahaha~ Yessshhhh, you tashh shoooo goooood~" The creature managed to mouth, even with its tongue stretched out so far. "Thass enuff playin' arounnnd~" The tongue retreated, popping back into Daisy's tender butt, and slipping all the way back out through her intestines, stomach, throat, and finally her mouth. The poor girl gagged as the goopy insides of the cruel creature refilled the gaps, silencing her once again. It was getting hard to see or feel anything, but it suddenly donned on the girl that her clothes were missing... didn't she just have them on inside of her a few moments ago? Did they... did they melt already? Was she being digested? Was she next?! A loud gurgle answered her question and confirmed her worst fears, as the stomach started bubbling around her! The heat intensified to a degree that the pampered princess would have never dreamed of diving into. She thrashed and screamed her head off, failing to make a single sound outside of her prison in the otherwise empty room. Only soft gurgles and churns could be heard from above, as a ghostly stomach processed a tomboy princess into a sloshy belly full of chyme. Translucent hands kneaded and rubbed the wobbling gut angled below her, as she swirled the girl losing definition inside of her. She didn't have much time left now. "Good girl, give it all to me... give me -everything-~" A crunch signified Daisy's end as the ghost's rumbling stomach caved in. She licked her lips, feeling every nutrient and ounce of former tomboy princess absorb into her, making her wider and flabbier. Wonderful, exactly as she had imagined it! After her gut was finished ripping everything useful from the girl's body, only a belly full of bones and singed clothes remained, every scrap of scrumptious meat melted clean off the bone. "What to do with these? Mmhmm, I think I have -just- the idea~" The ghost hummed a nameless tune as she started floating towards her next destination. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "This is a waste of time, this mansion is just way too big! Not even my favorite castle is -this- needlessly complex! How are we supposed to find her like this?" Bowsette groaned, stretching her arms behind her head. Peach's glare could've pierced straight through the lazy lizard imposter's chest, but she decided to keep it to herself, placing one foot after the other as the group drifted further through the house. Rosalina and Pauline were keeping close to each other, right behind the duo of identical blondes. Suddenly, a shuffling caught all of their attention! In the next room, behind a shabby looking door... The four girls steeled themselves with a nervous gulp, before busting the door open! Behind it was... behind it was... "D-Daisy...?" "Wow, gross!" "........." "I think I'm going to be sick..." In the middle of the empty room laid a pile of unmistakable bones. Free from the meat of their former owner, and steaming from being freshly dumped... Shreds of yellow and orange fabric clung to the pale wet objects. The jaw-less skull still had her signature brunette hair attached to it, wet and messy from digestion. Her crown was missing, but there was no way it could be anyone other than the person they were desperately searching for, Princess Daisy of Sarasaland... or what was left of her, anyway. The room was empty, but a familiar chuckle was echoing all around them once again. Whoever was responsible for this horrible act was close by! "Show yourself, coward! I'll make you -pay-!" Peach shouted, stomping her heel on floor with less than ideal stability. Bowsette grabbed her from behind, halfway trying to cop of a feel, and halfway actually trying to quell her rage. "Calm down! This is exactly what they want you to do! Trust me, I'm a villain, I'd know!" "Don't listen to 'her'~ I think you should come at me with everything you've got, kehehehe!" A cold voice bounced off the walls, seemingly coming from nowhere. "P-Peach, maybe we should just go?" Pauline mewed at the entrance to the room, shivering in fear, "We can get some help, and-" "I'm not going anywhere! Whoever did this is going to -pay-!" There was a burning fire in the princess's eyes that terrified all three of her shaken up friends. The trickster from above cackled like a witch, Princess Toadstool's needless fury was just so amusing! It's not like she could do much anyway... besides join her friend in the pile~ "Peach..." The brunette mayor began, before a hand tugged her out of the room. Rosalina met her confused stare with a deadpan expression, motioning towards the entrance of the manor. Without exchanging words, the two of them came to the conclusion that remaining any further could prove to be deadly... fatal even. Silently saying their goodbyes to the princess and her copy, the pattering of two feet down the dreary hall marked their silent getaway. "Hey, where are you cowards going?" Bowsette took notice, reminded far too much of her own henchmen who ran at the first sight of trouble. "Get back here!" She shouted, hands haughtily on her hips. "Let them go, it's better this way. You should go too, Bowser..." Peach stated coldly, without turning around. Bowsette couldn't help but swoon at such a sight, she was almost jealous she didn't cause this delightfully dark scene herself~ "Are you kidding? I'll eat whoever did this to our beloved friend myself, mark my words! As long as you give your hero a kiss after, that is~" Peach turned around to see her own lips puckered for a smooch, and she didn't know if she should be grateful Bowser knew how to push her buttons enough to get her mind off of the fate of her friend, or embarrassed like usual... "Why not?" With a sigh, the princess wrapped her arms around her copied form, and pulled herself close for a very deep and intimate embrace. A crimson blush spread across Bowsette's cheeks as their lips pressed together, and that blush deepened even further when Peach took control, sticking her tongue inside her own mouth for a sloppy french kiss. Bowsette was like putty in the hands of a woman she regularly spent kidnapping, as the princess groped her own body through her imposter. When the kiss finally ended, and their lips parted with a gasp for air from the dragon, Bowsette felt like she might just melt and slip through the cracks of the floor, right then and there. "I take it that was enough motivation to get you fired up to deal with our little problem here? There's more where that came from, if you show me what I want to see..." Peach cooed above her draconian self. Bowsette lazily shook her head up and down, as her tongue hung outside of her mouth, dripping with drool from her own lips and the original. Now she absolutely -had- to eat the punk who messed with that other girl, just to get another kiss~ "Lewd..." The mysterious person looming from above let slip out, after watching such a naughty sight unfold. Who knew that princess could be such a nympho? Whatever, Peach was definitely going to be one of her last meals, and that meant her attention was required elsewhere. Specifically, at two naughty girls trying to escape at the entrance~ Keeping a chuckle she desperately wanted to let loose in, the ghostly being slipped through the walls, heading directly towards them... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The door won't open..." Rosalina bit her lip, this wasn't looking good at all. "What about the windows?" "*Nnnghhh*... nope. Should we try breaking them? Do you think that'll even work? They seem like they're being held in place with magic or something." Pauline was right on the money, the whole mansion was sealed from top to bottom, with a terrible dark magic. Rosalina could sense that much herself, but she didn't want to believe it until they actually tried leaving. What's worse is that she couldn't even create any luma to aid them... it seemed the sealing magic went as far to cut off even her own powers of granting life. "Perhaps we should regroup with the others? Staying alone like this is dangero- huh?" Just as she was suggesting their retreat, Rosalina noticed something strange. Pauline looked... off. Her eyes were cast to the ground, as her hands slumped by her side. Her mouth was ajar as her shoulders loosened up. She looked like she was about to pass out! "H-Hey, are you okay?" Reaching out a hand to help support her friend, it was quickly grabbed by none other than Pauline herself! Her fingers dug into the space queen's arm, twisting her around to subdue her! "Pauline, what..." "............" Pauline was silent as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. With a good grip on the platinum blonde from behind, her mouth began to yawn open. Her jaw went slack as her tongue rolled out, ready to swallow her subdued prey. Rosalina struggled, but it was all in vain. Like a mindless zombie, Pauline chomped down, stuffing Rosalina's cute face past her lips and into her throat, making it bulge out nicely. Swallowing her from behind was uncomfortable, but the brunette couldn't feel such a thing, besides the electrifying taste of her royal meal's meat teasing her tongue. Muffled moans filled the dark room, but they were swiftly silenced as Pauline lifted her grub up. She tugged the loose dress down, leaving Rosalina clad in naught but some elegant teal lingerie. The taste of bare skin made her otherwise thoughtless mind reel. She needed more. More, more, more! Her bites were effective and excessive, and before she knew it, Rosalina was all gone. Packed away into her belly. Drool dribbled down the mayor's lips as she licked them, moaning at the taste lingering upon them. Her stomach writhed, wrecking her crimson dress in a few kicks and shoves. The activity below pushed up some air, sending a mighty belch rolling past her lips. It was almost enough to knock her air-headed self onto her butt, but she managed to stand her ground. Splattered on the floor in front of her was that pretty lingerie... a matching pair of bra and panties that shimmered like the night sky. Elegant golden star shaped earrings also sat next to them, meaning the platinum blonde was nude and alone, trapped in the very dangerous gut of a regular human girl. Pauline blinked. What... just happened? Rosa was suggesting something, when everything went blank. She looked around, realizing she was all alone. Where had her dear friend gone? It was then that she felt it... her stomach jostling and struggling below her ripped dress. What... what on earth?! Her belly was massive, well past the size of a pregnancy in its final stages! She could hear all sorts of sounds emanating from the active mound of flesh. Gurgles, churns, moans, and cries for help! Was that... was that where Rosa was? "R-Rosa...?" The brunette tentatively brought her hands to the swell, feeling it all over. Feeling the shape of the... person trapped inside. There was no mistaking it, it was Rosalina! "R-Rosa, how did you end up in there?! Don't worry, I'll-" She wouldn't. Just as soon as she realized what had happened, the brunette was scooped up and gulped down, by a ghostly figure of a woman waiting like a shark on the floor below! With great expertise, Pauline and her fresh snack were scooped up and swallowed in a single resounding gulp! It was over in less than a moment. Reclining back while floating, the translucent bulge rocked back and forth, as the human trapped inside fought for not only her own life, but the one trapped within her too! Burps lazily escaped out of her mysterious lips, as hands went to work squishing and petting her massive belly's swell. Eating a double stuffed meal sure was satisfying! "W-Why?! Let us... out!" Pauline whined. Rosalina's final cries for help couldn't even be heard through the two layers of woman between them. That same laugh escaped the predator's lips, as she shook her jiggly ghost body with glee. "That's right, beg some more~ Maybe I'll let you out, kyahahaha!" Of course she wouldn't, but she didn't want to mayor to give up fulfilling her duty of being a delightfully squirming treat before she got her fill~ She could see Pauline's body through her own stomach, already beginning to lose definition. In her vast experience of eating people, it was so satisfying to see their bodies take on a goopy middle form between solid and liquid, right before they gave that delectable final kick or punch~ "Man, possessing you to eat your friend beforehand was the best idea I've had -all- night! I'll have to get real creative to top that with the tasty two princesses left..." A deep grin crept onto her lips as Pauline ceased to be. Her red dress, liquefied body, and leftover bleach white bones mixed and swirled inside the see-through tummy, like a goldfish bowl. Rosalina shared the same fate, melted by her friend moments before Pauline joined her in the swirl of nutrients. "Now, where to dump you? Ehehehe~" The ghost's fat white body swayed back and forth as she floated lazily through the darkness, eager to leave a present for her final two meals to find... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey... hey, hey, Peach, how bout another kiss~" Bowsette begged from behind her queen. Princess Toadstool scoffed, already getting tired of her pet's ass kissing. She wished she had a leash to tie her own, like the dog she was acting like. "I told you, after they're dealt with. Understand?" Bowsette cast her eyes to the ground, like a pet being scolded by her owner. "Right..." She whimpered, unconcerned with petty revenge for some girl she didn't even care about. She just wanted more Peach love! It was then that she noticed it... something hovering just in front of them. "Hey, what's that?!" Bowsette shouted, jumping in front of her love. Peach looked on with widened eyes, unsure of what it was they were even gazing at. Floating near the ceiling was a pair of pale orbs... quite shapely and large. They swayed around hypnotically, captivating the twins observing it. Back and forth they floated, swirling in a circular motion, almost like a translucent peach. Behind the orbs dangled ghostly feet, and what looked like a hiked up dress, pale like a tablecloth. "Wha-" Peach began to question, before something started emerging from the orbs! Bones! One by one, pieces of bones not unlike the pile they had come across before squeezed out and plopped down, quickly making a pile that doubled in size compared to Daisy's. Realization made the princess cover her mouth in shock, the size of this pile could mean only one thing! "Pauline! Rosalina! Y-You monster!" A girlish giggle began escaping her lips, as the predator clenched for two last bones... the skulls of the former beautiful ladies. Matted brown and platinum blonde hair clung to the skulls, as they laid atop the pile sadly. This was all that was left of their dear friends... "Two hags, returned in full, kyahaha~" The orbs began swaying from side to side, mooning the girls as if to taunt them further. "What are you going to do, princess? At this rate, I'll have two more satisfying piles to dump very soon..." Turning around, a shocking face finally revealed itself as Peach's very own! Though her skin was as pale white as her hair, it was unmistakably that of a ghostly Peach copy had been the one preying on them from the very beginning! Her curves were far more pronounced and voluptuous, probably from adding three whole princesses worth of meat to them. The key to solving the riddle to who the ghostly girl really was rested on her head head, a very familiar crown that sent the original Peach's blood boiling with rage! That -GODDAMNED- crown! "King Boo, what gives man?! Don't you know that Peach is my toy to play with? Quit copying me and go eat Luigi and his friends or something, the princess is mine!" Bowsette growled, sharpening her claws and readying her mighty fire breath to attack the identified threat with. King Boo merely chuckled, deeply amused that this stupid lizard thought he had a chance at beating her! "That's Queen Boo to you, peasant! And I'll have you know I have little interest in mustached men, they don't taste nearly as good as lovely ladies like yourself! I'll deal with them later, when they come sniffing around for your remains. I'll be more than happy to show them what happened to you all, ehehehe, kyahahaha!" Bowsette was about to open fire, when Princess Peach suddenly pulled her back from behind. "Huh?" The draconian princess blinked, "Why are you-" "If you burn the house down, we'll just die while he's left unharmed. You can't use fire, dummy." Peach felt like a mother scolding a child, how could this man possibly run a kingdom by himself? "Oh right. Well then, what are we supposed to do?" Peach didn't say anything aloud, but she had a plan. It was risky, but if they pulled it off, they might just be able to stop him... er, her? Whatever. "Yeah, what're you gonna -do-, princess?" Queen Boo asked with an eye winked closed. She enjoyed watching them struggle like bugs, messing with humans before putting them in their place on her hips was just such a delight~ "We're going to do... this!" Without warning, the princess leapt into the arms of her companion. Bowsette stood still, with a deep blush on her cheeks and a dumb look on her face. Peach rolled her eyes, did she have to tell him everything he needed to do? "Run, dummy!" "Oh... right!" Clutching his queen close to his busty chest, the lizard turned and ran with her tail between her legs, a pair of pathetic heels tapping against the floor already cluing Queen Boo in as to where they were heading in her mansion. Boo rolled her eyes, they were making this far too easy for her. She should just cut the games altogether and get this over with. Oh well, that was a fine outcome for her as well~ Floating with an evil grin, the plump ghost drifted towards her soon-to-be prey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sounds of their footsteps end in there, huh? Hmmmmm... it was nothing but a simple empty room. Queen Boo couldn't think of anything fancy they could be using to their advantage inside. Peeking her eyes in from the wall to the side, she just saw the princess standing by herself in the middle of the room, with her back turned to the entrance. Bowsette was nowhere to be seen, so she must be hiding somewhere nearby. Was that it? Their master plan was for the lizard to ambush her while she feasted on a defenseless princess? Pathetic! Such paltry measures of defense didn't scare her! in fact, she welcomed such a challenge! Bring it on, fools! With little cause for concern, the ghost phased through the left wall, baring her fangs and letting her tongue roll out like a true predator! She laughed maniacally as Peach turned with a gasp, true fear present in her eyes as her body tensed up! Too easy! Too easy and disappointing! But that was okay, she would taste wonderfully all the same~ The ghostly queen snatched her up, and shoved her into her mouth, gobbling her up with little concern! With nothing but her butt hanging out of her mouth, she slurped the pink peach down, reveling in her struggles and squirms~ She wrapped her tongue around the princess' stockings after knocking her heels off, savoring each and every little taste she could slurp off of her regal treat. She just tasted tooooooo good~ "Now!" A voice shouted from above! Queen Boo's eyes widened as a black shadow leapt at her from above! With a look of determination on her face, Bowsette slashed her claws at one very specific target on the ghost's body! One very physical object they definitely could attack! The Princess Peach crown! It flew off of her head and into the wall, smashing into a number of broken pieces! Jackpot! Now he would change back to his smaller, weaker form, and Peach would be... "What!?" Bowsette's eyes widened as... nothing happened?! Queen Boo continued floating in front of her, in her transformed Peach form's full glory. She tilted her head in confusion, as she swallowed the last lump of Peach's feet down her throat. She sighed in relief, before letting a gross burp pass her plump lips. Licking her chops and looking over her unchanged form, the queen smiled a smile more twisted than she ever had before. "Well now... Looks like I don't need a crown when I have the princess herself tucked away in here, do I?" Slaping her stomach (and subsequently Peach's wide rump) through the bulge, it jiggled and swayed as the melting princess inside cried out for help! Her plan had utterly failed! They bet it all on the crown changing him back, and that simply wasn't what happened after a copy ate and took the place of the real deal~ "I wonder what'll happen when I digest her? Do you think I'll be the real Princess Peach, then? Hehehe..." Queen Boo licked her lips as she hovered above a shocked Bowsette, completely at a loss as to what to do now. "Y-You... Let her go! I was supposed to get another kiss, darn it!" Bowsette clinched her fists, it wasn't fair! That kiss was so good! She just wanted one more! "Oh... a kiss? That's what you want?" Queen boo pursed her lips as she squished her assets. Her breasts, hips, thighs, and that massive ass... everything was so plump and wonderful looking! And it was only going to get even better once she added the one and only Princess Peach herself to it... Bowsette felt herself growing weak once more, as a pair of ghostly fingers took hold of her cheeks. "I can give you a kiss... a better kiss than that frumpy blonde..." Bowsette's mouth fell agape as her new queen's form wrapped around her, her body squishing against her's in all the right places. "What do you say? Would you like a kiss?" She cooed, so seductively. How could a weak fool like Bowsette decline? A weak yes escaped out of her pursed lips, as the dragon girl closed her eyes, already fully aware of what was to come next. She heard that dreadful giggle one final time, as her pale lips parted and wrapped all around her blonde scalp. Her long tongue was going to town, tasting each and every inch of her final serving of Princess Peach for the evening. Bowsette didn't even struggle, she was as limp as a puppet with its strings cut as she was easily gulped and swallowed deeper and deeper. Surprisingly, being swallowed by a ghost didn't make everything dark. The blonde dragon could see everything through her predator's translucent skin. Of course, it was just a dark room with a dim light from the moonlight peeking through the half opened window, but it was better than pure darkness. Also, it wasn't warm at all, like you would expect. Queen Boo's body was ice cold to the touch, and her innards were even colder. Bowsette casually wondered how she'd even melt in here, but that remained to be seen. Trying to press her hands or knees through the see-through body proved to be ineffective, unlike what one might imagine. It seemed that she chose when to be incorporeal and when to be solid. Queen Boo didn't bother stripping her prey, surprisingly, and Bowsette's black dress was getting ruined by the copious amounts of saliva soaking into it. Of course, that was nothing compared to the acids that would soon be melting and singing it apart. The dragon princess moaned as her waist was squished inside Queen Boo's mouth. She bit down playfully on her rump, shoving her lengthy tongue mercilessly into her prey's virgin snatch. Bowsette finally started squirming delightfully, much to her predator's satisfaction~ She wanted her to cum her first and last climax, before she was doomed to digestion inside her greedy belly. It was the least she could do for a fellow princess maniac! Bowsette whined loud enough to echo into the room when it finally happened. Her legs locked up, shooting straight and rigid outside of Queen Boo's mouth, as they shivered in delight. This went on for what felt like an eternity, endless climax after climax that only a woman could feel, before she finally started to reel back to earth, and remember the deadly situation she was in. Queen Boo wasted no time slurping those limp legs down like a pair of thick pasta. Her tail was also exceptionally yummy, providing a texture that was foreign to the connoisseur of flesh. She would have to add busty dragon girls to her list of absolutely divine treats~ The last of Bowsette's tail sank past the ghost girl's lips with a very satisfying *glrrrk*. She spilled atop what was left of Princess Peach, who was just barely holding on as a human. Her goopy body was mixed with stinging acids that immediately started eating at the new morsel trapped inside. Queen Boo was loving this feeling of immense fullness, two princess really was the perfect size for a meal! She felt a rumbling, and knew a belch was coming... but then something strange happened! Her stomach doubled, no, tripled in size as a titanic burp rushed past her chops! It was so heavy, she was finding it hard to even keep afloat! The orb of massive proportions was yellow, green, and white beneath the see-through skin... Bowser's original body and spiky shell. He had transformed back after she had burped the blasted crown up! "Drat... this won't do! Ugh." Queen Boo struggled to heft herself over to the crown that was damp with saliva on the floor. Shaking it off nonchalantly, she pondered how to turn him back into his previously satisfying size... when it suddenly hit her! "I wonder if this will work..." Placing the crown atop her massive belly bulge, it began to wobble and shake, before shrinking back down! "Kyahaha! Yes~" She exclaimed, so satisfied with her genius reasoning. The crown being on top of her belly was enough to count as being on top of the people trapped inside's heads, which changed Bowsie back into his more pleasing to digest Bowsette form. How lovely~ Bowsette weakly moaned, already feeling herself melting apart. The moonlight from the edge of the belly gave her enough light to see that the princess had already vanished... no, she was still in here. Bowsette was swimming inside of what was left of her. Bones and pieces of pink fabric floated in the pool of chyme... and there was her famous princess crown floating near the top, even. They were going to be disposed of, just like the three before them, and there was nothing they could do. Sinking down into the acidic pool, Bowsette let loose a final howl of flame! It traveled all the way up, in the form of a fiery belch that ripped right past Queen Boo's plump lips. "Mmm... spicy~" She cooed. petting her gut like the pampered princess she had become. Peach and all the other girls were hers. But the fun was only just beginning~ "Kehehe... hahahahaha... Gahahahahahaahaha!" Her laugh echoed through the empty mansion, as her stomach continued to churn and process her final meal of the night. It wouldn't be much longer before it was time for their final surprise! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A steaming pile of bones laid at the foot of the stairs of the entrance of the manor. It felt so good pushing them out, but there was no one around to act so shocked upon finding them, which took some of the fun out of it. Pink and black specs of fabric, human and dragon bones, and skulls with matching beautiful blonde hairstyles. The princesses really looked lovely like this~ But enough about piles of bones, who cared about that? The real treat was what she got to do with their souls now! "Time to wake up, girls~" Queen Boo giggled, jostling the new fat decorating her body. It didn't take long before five shining lights started appearing within her plumpness. One in each massive breast, one in each giant butt-cheek, and a final one in the pit of her hefty potbelly. Ohh, she loved doing this to poor, unsuspecting human souls~ They think their torture and suffering is over once the fire of their life fades, but that couldn't be farther from the truth! Especially not when it was the queen of all ghosts that did them in! The lights began to shift into faces... the faces of her recent prey. They all had ghostly bodies, not unlike Queen Boo herself. Rosalina and Pauline emerged from the rump, utterly confused. Daisy felt herself drifting out of the walls of the stomach that she had become a part of. And finally, Peach and Bowsette felt themselves freed from their predator's busty chest... "What..." "Huh??" "Why? Why am I..." "......" "Q-Queen Boo, what is the meaning of this?!" All the girls reacted in their own way, and their confusion was as delicious as it always proved to be. Stupid humans... scratch that, former humans! "Girls, is this -really- that surprising? How do you think new boos are born? Welcome to the family, Kyahahaha~" Queen Boo towered over them as she laughed, like a commanding mother greeting her children. That comparison unfortunately had more truth to it than the girls would like to admit... "Time for my lovely little girls to get to work doing my bidding~ I'd like for you to go out and get me some more tasty human girls to feast on! Lwt's get to it, chop chop~" She commanded with a sway of the hand, casually reclining and basking in her newfound weight and girth. The newly birthed girls just stared at her, speechless, enraged, and saddened beyond belief. "Like hell we're gonna do your bidding! Are you crazy?! We're gonna go find some 1-ups, and-" Bowsette began, before the tip of her ghostly feet started swirling! She was being sucked back into the breast she just emerged from! "Wha- N-No! Stooooo-" *Plop* And just like that, she was back inside her master's breast. It looked larger than the other, giving her chest and unevenness that looked off. It could easily be fixed by slurping up Peach as well, which she was was super tempted to do, just for consistency's sake. The breast struggled for a moment, before the light disappeared, leaving a silently hanging lump of fat. Queen Boo smiled at the others, before gently asking "Anyone else feel like defying me? I'm down one daughter, and I don't mind being down four more~" The girls gulped, before bowing their heads, like good, obedient children should. Queen Boo smiled, and waved them goodbye. As the girls started floating off to carry out her bidding, Peach heard her name being called. "Actually, Peach dear, I don't think your services will be needed after all~ Why don't you come back here and get cozy with your sister in my chest?" It was a command, not a request. Peach's ghostly tail started swirling as her three friends looked on in horror. Was this really how it all ended? Reduced to breast fat for a greedy mother than cared not for the daughters she birthed? The former Princess' question was answered with one final sound before everything went white... *Plop*!
Taken Away Long ago I found myself wandering the forests. I was a refugee, nothing to my name. My town sieged, my family broken apart, all that I had was a necklace my father gave me. I remembered his words as it shone its gorgeous red gemstone; “This will protect you from what you think will be a threat in the future. Do not fret young one, as soon you will be accepted into a wonderful life thanks to the power of this stone.” His words linger as it rests on my chest, gently hovering above my cleavage as I stumbled around the forest. Soon, however, I was greeted with distant rustling of the leaves. I paused for a moment. “Who’s there-?” I said, knowing well that it could simply be some wildlife. No response. I figured. I kept walking, but I noticed that when I began to step again the rustling continued, this time sounding like it was coming closer. I stopped again, and the rustling ceased. “Odd..” I whispered to myself. Something wasn’t right here. Either I was being stalked or this wildlife was particularly weird in its movements. I stood still longer this time, then took a step. Nothing. I took another. Nothing. Soon I was walking like normal and shrugged it off. Little did I know that what was nearby had learned to quiet itself by taking to the trees. Unexpectedly, however, a large crack alongside a feminine yelp was heard above me. As it descended, I stepped back, prepared for an encounter. To my surprise, a female had fallen from the tree as the branch she was climbing on had given way to her rather large figure. Her hair was blonde and her eyes blue, but that wasn’t just it. Upon closer inspection, her ears were long and pointed! I squinted harder to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me before suddenly her eyes popped open as she let out a groan from her fall. “Hello?” I asked, hoping the woman wasn’t too disabled. After a moment of her lying down I heard her take a deep sigh and let out a whine. “My first hunt was supposed to be good!” she said as if she had just spilled a drink. ‘First hunt??” I asked myself. Surely she did not mean me. “At least you didn’t run.” She said getting up, wiping her eyes. “I won’t have to worry about chasing you.” “Me? I’m your hunt? Why would I just let myself get captured!” I retorted back. The woman perked up as her eyes shallowed in disappointment. “But.. grandmaster said that humans were so easy to hunt.. I figured..” she said, what looked like tears welling in her eyes. “Who are you?” I asked. Basic question, at least learn who she is before I come to any conclusions. “My name is Janna, an elf from the eastern side of Keluna. Though, come to think of it, you probably wouldn’t know where that is.” She said, massaging her shoulder, still recovering from the fall. “My time had come to finally hunt in the human world, and even though I scored really low on the tests, I worked really hard to come to this point!” she said, pointing a finger at me, seemingly agitated against my will to cooperate. “I’m not about to fail my first hunt because of some stubborn human!” “Hold on, hold on. You hunt in the human world??” I asked, still keeping a distance. “Of course!” she said, enthusiasm in her eyes. “Humans have always been noted as the tastiest of meals, and since all of the elves hunts are successful, nobody’s ever escaped to tell our secret!” Her mouth was drooling in anticipation as she looked to the treetops. “Now!” she said, pointing her finger again. “You’re either going to get in my belly willingly or I’m going to have to force you!” “I’ll pass. Thanks for the offer, but I’d rather not.” I said plainly, ignoring her threat. As her face went from excitement to sadness in about 2 seconds flat, she pleaded. “Pleeeeease! I promise to let you out! Im starving, please let me eat you!” she begged. She even got down on her knees, her bust much more visible with a top down view. I sighed. I had no idea what this meant, but I was willing to play along. After all, I had nothing else to lose. “Okay, I’ll let you eat me, but you have to promise to let me out okay?” “Okay!” She said, immediately perking up as she suddenly engulfed my hand in her mouth. “Alive.” I said quickly. She looked up from my hand which she was already drooling over. She groaned in childish annoyance before nodding, continuing onto my arm. She slurped my arm up quickly like she was trained for this and before I knew it, both of my arms were in her mouth and tickling against her throat. She let out a soft sigh of satisfaction before slurping, sending my upper torso up to my breasts down her throat. She stopped at my chest and savored them, licking them with her tongue as she salivated at the taste. She continued, and soon I could feel my arms enter her stomach. As she reached my belly, my upper half reached hers. She licked my belly button causing me to squirm. My pushing must have felt good because she let out a sudden moan before continuing. As she approached my crotch, she slurped at my sensitive area, sending a shiver down my spine as she tasted me. After a brief moment of pleasure, she sent the rest of me down to meet her stomach. As my legs instinctively curled up inside her, I heard her giggle and pat her belly. It was tight, but there was enough wiggle room to get somewhat comfortable. “So what now?” I asked from inside. “Silly human, you’re my meal now! I decide when to let you out~” she said happily before I felt a sudden change in gravity. I realized we were falling, and after many sounds, concluded that we had fallen through a portal. As she walked her belly jiggled, making me bounce around. I could hear her converse with the locals as they patted her belly and congratulated her. I could not make out what they were saying, but whatever it was they were happy about it. After what felt like hours had passed, I felt heavy, fast movement towards the bottom of her body. After listening to the sounds of her sporadic breathing and moans, I figured out she was masturbating! I pushed against her belly which caused her to moan loudly. As she continued, she smacked her belly, moaning further. I took it as a signal to keep pushing, so I kneaded the inside of her stomach with my arms and legs, stretching as far out as I could. She cried out with intense pleasure as her walls massaged me, hugging me tight. After a few more moments, she came to orgasm. It was so powerful I could feel her entire body quiver, her stomach tightening sporadically. Once she recovered, I could feel her get up again. She walked for a while before I could hear a commotion outside. Suddenly, the stomach walls pushed against my legs, then my arms, then my torso. I was being regurgitated. As I was pushed up, my head exited her throat as the warmth of her mouth was replaced by light. Soon my entire body was out as I lie there exhausted. I stood up, still blinded by the change in light. I was greeted by a sudden hug of a stranger as they squeezed me tight, patting my chest where my necklace was. “So you’re the one!” The stranger rejoiced. I soon later found out that the elf hugging me was my captors father. “I apologize greatly for the inconvenience and for the confusion. Janna was forced to try and fool you with a hunting story in order to bring you here. Here in Keluna, humans aren’t seen as meals, but as partners!” as he concluded his sentence, another man approached him from behind, kissing his cheek. “You see, here in Keluna, same sex partnerships are a very sacred tradition.” The man said. “I am this elf’s husband. Because of the power of Keluna, I have been able to avoid the reach of time’s grasp and live much longer than regular humans, about the average elf lifespan.” “You see, when elves and humans marry, they become linked. They share a lifetime together, and once they grow very old, they deteriorate together.” The elf said, kissing his husband back. “I’d say we have another few hundred years, huh darling?” “Probably more~” the human said smiling. He turned back to me. “You see, that necklace there is a marking by your people that you are deemed worthy enough to come to Keluna. Once one of your kind is spotted with one of those necklaces, it becomes a race on who would like you as their partner. Clearly our daughter Janna really likes you~” He said. She blushed away. “Oh, and don’t be alarmed by your consumption. It is a very mutual thing practiced by us elves, though Jenna took it to another level while you were still inside her--” He said, giving her a sly look as she blushed harder. “Us elves, our way of caring for our human partners includes carrying them around in our stomachs from time to time, as it is a way to become physically and spiritually closer. In return, humans provide love, dexterity, craftsmanship, all things us elves can lack from time to time.” Janna perked up, finally looking me in the eyes. Her eyes were those of pure intentions, love and lust combined into one stare. “Please, let us share a life together! I know our introduction was short, but I’ve been watching you for a while and think we would really get along!” she said, bowing strongly. The two men looked at each other and smiled as I stood there with a dumb smile over my face. Thoughts ran through my head, she was very attractive and she seemed like a lot of fun. Her intentions were sincere and since she claims to have been watching me for a while I figured she must really trust we will love each other. I smiled in agreement as she cried in excitement, running over to hug me. She grabbed me with her soft hand and lead me out to show me my new life.
Earthly Pleasures Warning: This story contains unbirth. Characters (c) Me Pokemon, Groudon, and Flygon are (c) Nintendo ________________________________________________________________________________ "Groudon!" came a voice from below the legendary ground-type Pokemon's line of vision, "Pull him out! NOW!" Groudon looked down, seeing her trainer, a 20-year old named Nicol, about three feet from the tail of the flygon whose long tail had only a foot remaining outside of her body. Growling in annoyance, Groudon let out a low growl of annoyance and complied, inserting three of the claws on her right hand into her vagina to pull out the Flygon she'd forced inside in an attempt to pleasure herself. Groudon was large for her species, being over 40 feet tall. The flygon, also large for its species, had fit with some difficulty past her labia, and its struggles had pushed her almost to climax, which would have pulled the rest of the dragon-type into her body and into her womb had her trainer not interfered. The flygon, a male with an independence streak, tackle-hugged his trainer, knocking the two of them to the ground. "Groudon," said Nicol, pinned beneath the trembling wet dragon-type, who held tighter when Nicol pressed against his underbelly, "How many times have I told you, if you've got to do that, then do it with wild Pokemon, not your teammates!" Groudon hung her head in false shame. She'd only used flygon as she couldn't find any large Pokemon in the surrounding area. "Well," said Nicol, giving up trying to get Flygon off of him, as the dragon type was stronger than him unaided and Nicol didn't feel like casting a strength spell just to push him off, "I'm not going anywhere until Flygon calms down, so I can't finish you off." Groudon's eyes grew wide and she locked eyes with her trainer. He was offering to please her? The very idea made Groudon's loins ache, as it had so many times before in her fantasies. Groudon smiled happily, the idea wasn't new and if not for the difference in size she'd have used her trainer in the way she'd been using Flygon a long time ago.For now, she was content to wait, still smiling, for Flygon to get up. It was over an hour until Flygon got off of Nicol, leaving his shirt and pants soaked through with Groudon's lubricants where the dragon-type had lain. Nicol got up, Flygon's head drooping guiltily, and laughed, patting the dragon-type on the head. "It's not your fault buddy," said Nicol, looking himself over, "don't worry about it!" Flygon wrapped him in a hug (but DIDN'T knock him over this time), soaking more of Nicol's clothes. "Geez," said Nicol after Flygon released him, "well, I'd have to take this stuff off anyways." Nicol removed his clothing, and Groudon blushed as she realized this was the first time she'd seen him naked. Flygon was unperterbed, he'd been with Nicol longer than she and had seen Nicol like this several times before. Nicol looked Groudon up and down, noting that more of Groudon was leaking sex juices rather quickly. Nicol couldn't help but laugh. "Alright big girl," said Nicol, closing the distance, "Let's get started." Groudon growled low in pleasure when Nicol finally stuck his hand in. "Wow," said Nicol, running his hand up and down on her inner walls, "You REALLY wanted this." While it had the desired effect, one hand wasn't going to be enough, and Groudon groaned to signal this. Nicol froze, and locked eyes with the legendary before smiling. "I know what you want," he said, smiling maliciously, before inserting his other arm, spreading Groudon's labia slightly, and pushing his head in. The unexpected intrusion caused Groudon to clench in pleasure, inadvertently pulling more of Nicol inside. "Hey! Easy girl!" said Nicol, positionng his knees to prevent him from being pulled any further, "I could get-!" A second wave of contractions tugged on Nicol, causing his knees to slip slightly due to the juices now freely flowing out of Groudon, before fully slipping and sliding in up to his knees. Flygon, now worried, rushed over and grabbed Nicol's ankles, only for a particularly large contraction to begin pulling him in as well. Groudon, now in a haze of pleasure, was completely oblivious to what was going on between her legs, only aware that the mass in her canal was getting larger and longer, and going deeper with each contraction. "Groudon!" Nicol called out, trying to get her attention, "You need to pull us out!" Flygon's head was now parallel with his lower back, and Nicol was fully inside the legendary Pokemon and Flygon was in up to his hips. The two's progress was halted by a wall of muscle, Groudon's cervix, with only the last two feet or so of Flygon's tail still outside. Well, Nicol thought, we can't go any deeper, let's just hope we're forced out when she orgasms. Unfortunately, an intense clench forced Nicol and Flygon right up against the entrance to Groudon's cervix, which began to open. "Damn!" said Nicol, before slightly muffled roar from Groudon signaled the start of wave of crushing contractions, which forced the two forward until they fell headfirst into her womb. The chamber was slightly cramped, with Flygon landing on top of Nicol, winding him for a moment, before the trembling around them finally quelled. The two shifted position so that the two lay belly-to-belly with Nicol on top as the muscle beneath them shifted and a loud thud was heard before the chamber trembled vigorously before finally settling, signalling that Groudon had passed out from the pleasure. "Well Flygon," said Nicol as the two wrapped their arms around each other for space reasons, "Let's hope she remembers where we are and gets us out of here soon."
An Icy Incident WARNING: This story contains accidental unbirth. Nicol (c) Me Kyurem, Lugia, Oran Islands, Xtransceiver, and Pokemon (c) Nintendo ... Don't do drugs kids -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicol smiled as he released Kyurem from her pokeball. Kyurem was one of the most recent additions to Nicol's roster, having been captured a mere week before. However, a strong bond had formed quickly between them, as it had with all of Nicol's roster. Kyurem yawned greatly, shaking herself like a dog as she fought off grogginess. Nicol smiled as his pocket beeped. "Nicol here, talk to me" said Nicol as Kyurem moved out of his periphery to look at the sunset. "YO Nicol," came the reply, "You busy?" "Nah," Nicol replied shifting around to get a look at Kyurem and getting a look at the dragon-type's vaginal opening, which was slightly open. Nicol's eyes widened and immediately turned so the Xtransceiver's camera couldn't see Kyurem at all. Kyurem, noticing her trainer's movement, turned around and moved closer, unnoticed by Nicol, coming to rest directly behind him and turning once more to look at the sunset. "What's up Mark?" "Man," said Mark, his expression giving away the fact he was stoned, which made Nicol shake his head in mild disgust, "You finally caught Kyurem?" Nicol laughed, "Dude, I caught her a WEEK ago." "HER?" said Mark, surprised, "I thought all legendaries were genderless!" "Nope," said Nicol, "I thought I showed you that picture I took of the baby Lugia that I saw while I was in the Oran Islands?" "Dude, I've NEVER seen a baby Pokemon," said Mark defensively. A voice was heard on Mark's end, followed by loud banging. "Shit man," said Mark, "Can you-?" "Secure your cache, yeah, I can," said Nicol, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance, finishing with "later man" before hanging up. Leaning back with his eyes closed, Nicol became aware of Kyurem's presence, but not of her exact position. "You need to relax!" said Nicol, eyes still closed, "Could you sit down?" Kyurem did so, and as Nicol leaned foreward, right in line with Kyurem's vaginal opening. Kyurem roared in a mix of shock and pleasure as her trainer found himself up to his waist in Kyurem's vagina. Nicol cried out as well, though his cry was muffled by the dragon's inner walls, which clamped down as Kyurem roared. Nicol dropped his Xtransceiver as Kyurem stood up, taking her trainer with her. "Kyurem!" Nicol shouted as a second contraction pulled Nicol deeper, halfway to his knees. Kyurem roared again as her contractions brought her closer to orgasm, and unintentionally bringing Nicol further into her body. Nicol, knowing his struggles were useless, stilled, allowing Kyurem to continue pulling him into her body. Kyurem roared again as Nicol was pushed up against her cervix, which slowly opened to accept him. Kyurem roared one final time as Nicol was fully admitted into her womb and she had the strongest orgasm she'd ever experienced. Nicol sighed as he curled up inside the legendary dragon-type, his thoughts drifting to his previous experience with his Groudon. "Why does this ALWAYS happen to me?" said Nicol exhaustion overtaking both him and Kyurem as the pair settled down to sleep atop a hill with a great view of the sunset.
Dino Island CH2 WARNING: Contains semi-willing unbirth (f/m, dinosaur/human, seismosaurus) Characters and Setting (c) Me Planeswalker (c) Wizards of the Coast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So how's the weather?" said the person on the other end of the phone. Nicol pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "It's a fucking hurricane," said Nicol calmly, "There's lots of rain, and lots of wind. DO THE MATH." "Aww come on!" said Emma, pretending to sound hurt, "Don't let me -" "If you say 'rain on my parade' I will BURY you under paperwork," said Nicol. Emma gulped loud enough to be heard over the phone. Nicol had gotten the Lab Head position as well as the Corporate Advisor position, making him her boss in more ways than one. She knew he could follow up on his threat. "But really," said Emma, "How are things back on the island?" Nicol smiled and leaned back in his chair, and replied "Not bad. Gabby and Carmine have been helping me keep the other inhabitants in check, and I finished feeding the aquatics an hour ago and the Aerials are next on the schedule in," he locked at the clock above his office door, "30 minutes." "Too bad you drew the short straw," said Emma, "Must suck being stuck on that island in a hurricane." Nicol sighed and switched his phone to bluetooth mode, putting in his earpiece as he set his phone down and walked away from his desk. "Hey, I volunteered, remember?" said Nicol "I don't have family on this plane so it's not like I have anywhere else to be. Besides, all the preshistorics are in the indoor habitats." "What about Gabby?" Emma asked. Nicol turned to his hideaway, which was pulled out. On it Gabby lay, snoring lightly. "She's on my hideaway, sound asleep," Nicol replied, turning to stare out his window, which, being 3-inches of bulletproof glass like the rest of the main compound's, was hurricane proof, showing little through a constant onslaught of rain. "Oh yeah," said Emma, "Steven wanted me to ask how the tunnels are working out." Nicol facepalmed. Steven was Emma's new boyfriend and his family's construction company had helped build the Island's facilities many years prior and he had been hired on to do maintenance work around the island, and had shown to be good with the prehistoric animals on the island, helping Nicol with various tasks. Nicol had even taken him on a Planeswalk like he had Emma. Saying Steven was his friend wouldn't have been lying. "They're awesome," said Nicol matter-of-factly, having spent most of his time exploring the tunnels after the others had left, "Weather say how long the hurricane's going to last? Internet's down here." "Yeah," said Emma, "Storm's gonna last longer than they initially planned. You're going to be there alone for AT LEAST a week." Nick groaned loudly. "Well," said Nicol, shrugging unseen, "Good thing the food stores are completely full, for both me and the other inhabitants." "Well, I gotta go," said Emma, "My mother said she'd send me back with a few recipes." Nicol smiled. Emma had dragged him to her house every major holiday. Nicol's phone itself was a gift during the most recent Christmas, as was the bluetooth headset he now wore. Every time he went there, Emma's family had prepared a meal item specially for him, and in turn, Nicol brought back several trophies from various planes (Emma's father was a big game bunter). "Good to hear," said Nicol, "Tell them I said hi." He paused, then added "And don't let Steven blow anything up." Emma burst into laughter on the other end and it was Steven who answered next. "Hey!" said Steven, trying hard not to laugh himself, "It was ONE time!" Nicol laughed before saying "Bye" and hanging up. Nicol felt a pair of eyes on him, and turned to find Gabby staring at him, her head cocked slightly to the side. "C'mon," said Nicol, patting his thigh, which brought Gabby to his sdie quickly, "Let's go see some of your friends." Gabby barked happily before rubbing up against Nicol, pushing him back about a foot, before running ahead, with Nicol in pursuit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Really?" Nicol asked, stepping between the giant's legs. This particular dinosaur, a female seismosaurus that was several times taller than Nicol at the shoulder, and her legs were as thick around as Nicol was tall. Nicol turned to Gabby, an incredulous look on his face. Gabby merely staring back, looking as innocent as she could. Nicol was nudged from behind, and turned to find the Seismosaur's massive head right behind him. Nicol sighed, not seeing anyway out of this. "Fine," said Nicol, checking a nearby clock, "But I gotta feed the Aerials." An hour later, and Nicol was already soaked from the juices flowing from between the giant sauropod's legs. "Damnit Ceria!" said Nicol, backing up and removing his now soaking clothes. The sauropod seemed to smile apologetically before laying on her side, which didn't help Nicol any due to the sheer width of her legs, until he felt something wrap around his torso and lift him up, placing him directly in line with the sauropod's massive vagina. "Wait," said Nicol, putting two and two together, "What are you-?" He was cut off by being shoved head first into Ceria's nethers. Ceria moaned loudly in pleasure, Nicol's protest drowned out completely by over 100 tons of muscle. Nicol had almost expectd something like this to happen, and honestly, he didn't care. Ceria continued to push Nicol deep inside her, her contractions growing stronger with every foot. Finally, Nicol hit a wall, the sauropod's cervix. As soon as he made contact with it, Nicol felt Ceria's tail unwind from around his torso and begin to pull back, the sensation obviously bringing her closer to orgasm. Nicol felt the cervix behind him open up so suddenly that he fell backwards, his sudden impact against the interior of Ceria's womb bringing the sauropod to orgasm, the strength of which made the sauropod, who wasn't expecting the strength, pass out. Nicol sighed, wondering when HE'D get the chance to get pleasure out of one of these things. Outside of the great sauropod, Gabby was thinking along those same lines, and a smile formed on her lips as a plan formed in her mind.
Echidna Wars – Chapter 2 Having Mirea as a room-mate was a new experience for Sachiho. The Valkyrie seemed fascinated with the world around her, apparently finding things on Earth unusual compared to where she came from. She also had cravings for alcoholic beverages but she was regrettably unable to get anything to drink, leaving the poor wolf-girl to deal with her withdrawals. The two of them were able to get along well enough, as they both liked to watch WWE, enjoyed similar foods, and tended to be awake around the same hours. Though they were both into fighting and wrestling, Mirea was more into it for the honor of two combatants facing each other on the field of battle, while Sachiho enjoyed it for the simple sake of enjoying it. The wolf-girl was by far the more physical of the two, not to say Mirea was dainty, but Sachiho could easily beat her in an arm wrestling competition. She also noted that the Valkyrie was a lot more girly than expected. She was very soft hearted, and expressed her concern whenever Sachiho would return home with a black eye or bruised lip. For Mirea, each day she spent in this new world allowed her to see more great and beautiful things. But this only increased her determination as she beheld more worthy of being saved, and in so doing increased her determination to call forth her true power. It was an evening like any other, after the two girls had thoroughly stuffed themselves, Sachiho passed out on her bed and slept noisily. Mirea thought she looked rather cute, but silently excused herself to step outside. The front door – easily distinguished from the other apartment doors by the paw print placard at its center – led out to the front balcony where Mirea had a good look at the night sky. She looked up to the moon, its crescent form letting her know there was still time, but not much of it. If only she was stronger she could end her mission now, but too much of her power was lost, and her meditation could only bring so much back. She looked at her palm, focusing on it and channeling energy toward it until a blue glow shined around it. It was radiant, and far better than what she could produce when she first awoke. “You’re starting to get your powers back I see.” Sachiho said, rubbing her eyes as she came to Mirea’s side. The Valkyrie cut off the energy flow as she responded, “Not fast enough. Every day I get stronger, but so does she. Soon I shall have no choice but to face her, powers returned or not.” “You keep talking about this girl like I’m supposed to know her, but in all this time you’ve never actually explained who this mystical evil being is or even why you’re here for her.” “It might be better if you knew. We call her Ouroboros. She is a goddess of life and death, beginnings and ends, and she is coming to Earth to bring about its end. However, Odin deemed it was not yet time for your realm to end. She defied his will, and so I was sent to stop her.” “Well I’m sure Odin picked the right person for the job.” Sachiho encouraged, “And besides, you don’t have to fight her alone; I’m a pretty good fighter myself.” She pointed her finger as if it were a gun, then with a flick of her thumb, a burst of fire emerged from her finger tip. Mirea smiled, then said, “I appreciate that, but the power of Ouroboros is beyond measure. I’m afraid you will stand no chance against her or the armies that follow her.” “Geez, thanks for the vote of confidence.” Sachiho rolled her eyes, “So when does Queen Doomsday arrive anyway?” Mirea looked to the sky and answered, “On the night of the full moon, she will gain form in this realm, and when it has reached its highest point, she will end the world.” “Well that’s nice. Way to make a wolf not look forward to a full moon.” Mirea set a hand on Sachiho’s shoulder and said, “You will live to see many more; I promise you.” The truth was she was unsure if she could defeat Ouroboros as she was, but making someone a promise, one that was intended to be kept, that in its own way was powerful. After that, Mirea retired inside to drink and watch the wrestling shows she’d grown fond of. Sachiho chose to remain outside to enjoy the night air as if it was one of the last times she’d be able to do so. A shadow passed overhead, and just as she looked up to see what it was, she found herself wrapped in a tight, feathery embrace. Sachiho was shocked to find herself face to face with a read haired girl, and let out a startled cry as she tried to force this girl – this creature – off of her. A wing wrapped around the back of her head and overpowered her, pushing her toward the creature’s face. At that point, the creature bridged the gap and locked her lips with Sachiho’s. The wolf-girl gave a muffled protest, even as her assailant shoved her tongue into her mouth. At that point, she lost her will to fight. Rather she felt relaxed, enjoying the embrace and wanting this long deep kiss to last forever. Mirea heard a commotion on the patio, and made her way outside to check on Sachiho. When she opened the door, she saw the wolf-girl hanging limp in the talons of a harpy. “Sachiho!” She exclaimed, jumping to the ground and chasing after the harpy, though she could not catch the beast on foot. Hopefully it would stay on the same course and she would reach its nest before it started to feed. Sachiho woke, her head fuzzy as the spell she’d been under wore off. As she regained complete control, she remembered that she had been attacked by a harpy. She looked around, finding herself in a small meadow among trees. “Where am I?” she wondered, “And more importantly, where is the harpy?” “Looking for someone?” a high pitched voice trilled. She looked in the direction the voice came from to find the harpy perched in a tree. The harpy had the head and torso of a woman, but her arms were green-feathered wings, and from the waist down she had the legs and talons of a predatory bird. A second harpy arrived then, landing in a tree on the opposite side of the meadow and speaking with the voice of a witch, “Sister, why don’t we just eat this one already?” “Patience,” the first answered, “we aren’t barbarians after all.” The second one grumbled with disapproval. “Why did you kidnap me?” Sachiho asked, if she was not going to die in the immediate future. The first harpy answered, “Have you heard? A great goddess is coming to Earth, and when she arrives, she’ll bring good fortune to those who assist her.” “If you are referring to Ouroboros, then you have been misled. She is coming to destroy our world.” The second harpy let out an inhuman laugh that sounded like a macaw’s crow before replying, “It is you who are misled. She is a goddess of destruction, but also rebirth. She will grant this world new life once it has been purged of the inferior races, and we Yokai shall rule over the reborn world.” “You should join us.” the first harpy suggested, “Surly you would like to be part of a world where you can run free without humanity’s restraints.” Sachiho huffed and answered, “Now that’s where you’re wrong. Humanity might be flawed, but no race is perfect, and I would not condemn an entire species for my own personal comfort.” The second harpy hissed, “You are a foolish dog, unwilling to leave the laps of your masters!” “First of all, I’m a wolf, not a dog. Secondly, I am of a mind that if something sounds too good to be true, then it’s a lie. And since if it’s between the word of someone who knows this goddess against some bird brains that I’ve never seen before, I’m going to trust my friend on this one.” “Oh yes, the Valkyrie,” the first harpy laughed, “She is being taken care of as we speak. If she followed us like we hoped she would, then she’ll be running into a trap.” Sachiho’s eyes widened, she had to get back to Mirea before she ran into this trap. One quick look to the north star and she knew her direction home, but just as she began to run, one of the harpies landed in front of her and splayed its wings. “Did we say you could leave?” The other harpy hovered behind her and added, “If you’re not with us, then you’re an enemy.” She smiled, showing off her sharp teeth. “You should try not to struggle; it will make it easier to grant a quick death.” “You took me by surprise before; this time you won’t be so lucky.” Sachiho smiled raising her fists and taking a fighting stance. The harpies rose into the air and dove at her from either side, their sharp talons reaching for her throat. The wolf-girl jumped before impact, flipping gracefully through the air as the harpies collided with each other below her. As she descended, she kicked one of the harpies in the back hard enough to knock them both into a tree. With the two bird-brains squabbling and fighting each other to get out of their tangled pile, Sachiho took advantage of the moment. Clenching her hand, fire burned to life in her palm. She threw the newborn fire like a baseball at the harpies, where it burst and set them both ablaze. They monsters shrieked as they burned to death, and Sachiho smugly dusted her hands off as she said, “Now that’s what I call fried chicken.” Her momentary feeling of triumph wore off as she remembered the danger Mirea was likely in, and she raced off, hoping to reach her before something else did. Mirea walked through the swampy garden lands just outside of town. She knew the harpy had gone this way, but it had disappeared so long ago that she had no idea where it might have landed. Eventually, she had to stop to catch her breath, but she was not about to give up; she could not let her friend down. “Well, hello there.” She heard a feminine voice speak nearby. Mirea looked to the source and found a blond haired woman lying naked in a horsetail filled pond. The woman rested her head on her hand as she leaned on the bank and asked, “What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?” “I’m looking for my friend, I’m sorry I do not have time to converse.” It did not escape Mirea’s notice that the woman had red eyes with slit pupils, which stared hungrily at her as she said, “You don’t have to worry about her, she’s being well taken care of. Trussst me.” “I need to go.” Mirea tried to dismiss herself and run again, but something slammed down in her path. What she saw was a large, pink-scaled, snake-tail. It slithered back toward its source in the pond, which turned out to be the woman – lamia actually – as she rose out of the water to reveal from the hips down she had the body of a snake. The lamia smiled, setting a hand on her hip seductively, and said, “How about you forget the harpies and play with me instead.” Mirea realized this creature was not about to let her go, and was likely in league with the harpy that took Sachiho. She had to fight now, and channeled her power to her hand until a beam of golden light emerged from it. The light took form and substance, becoming a short-sword. “Oh, ssscary…” the lamia mocked. Mirea charged at her opponent, swinging her sword violently at her, but the lamia nimbly dodged every strike. The Valkyrie was so focused on offense that she did not notice the tail swing around until it struck her in the side and sent her tumbling across the ground. Mirea lost her connection to her magic, and thus her sword disappeared. The lamia saw her opportunity and took it, lunging forward and catching Mirea from behind. As the lamia restrained her arms and rose well off the ground on her long snake body, Mirea could do nothing but kick against the beast’s underbelly. With one strike, she managed to put her foot inside the lamia’s body. She thought she might have done significant damage, but it was merely the lamia’s pussy. Unlike a normal womanhood, this began to suck on her boot to draw the rest of her leg in. She tried to use her other foot to push out, but the opening just widened to suck it in as well. Before long she was hip deep inside the lamia, feeling wet, tight, fleshy walls contracting around her legs, determined to swallow her deeper. The lamia aided the descent by pressing on her shoulders, and Mirea fought back, trying to push against the creature’s torso and pry herself from the grip of her uterine throat. The lamia simply wrapped her tail around their bodies, forcing them into a snug embrace. The creature licked Mirea’s cheek with a long forked tongue, leaving threads of saliva behind before saying, “I was hoping for a better fight from a Valkyrie.” She let out a pleasured moan, and Mirea felt herself slide even deeper. “You feel so good going down.” The lamia teased, contracting and moaning until all that was left of Mirea was her head. The pussy lips closed around her neck and suckled, and the lamia pet her prey’s head affectionately. “Just one more gulp, and you’ll be a prisoner of my ssstomach. Get a good last look at the sssky, and I’ll count down to the end of your life. 5… 4… 3… 2…” Mirea felt the muscles around her contract, and she braced herself for the plunge. “Stop!” A voice cried out, and both predator and prey saw Sachiho arrive. “Let her go!” The wolf-girl demanded. “Aww, is thisss your friend?” the lamia asked, petting Mirea’s head again, “Don’t worry, you’ll be joining her sssoon enough.” Sachiho’s hair stood on end as she growled, “I said, let her go!” She then cast a fireball at the lamia, who barely had enough time to get out of the way. The lamia saw the end of her long hair was singed where the fire had passed by, and she hissed, “You bitch!” She lunged forward, and Sachiho rolled away. The lamia swung her tail about, determined to crush the wolf, but Sachiho evaded again and again. With the lamia distracted with battle, Mirea noticed the walls had loosened their grip on her. She squirmed and managed to get her hands out of the fleshy tube, and with their grip she pried her torso free. The lamia noticed her efforts and grabbed her shoulders demanding, “Ssstay down!” Mirea had all the window she needed, channeling her energy to once again form a sword. There was no way the lamia could dodge this time, and she drove the blade through the monster’s heart. The lamia screamed in pain before falling and writhing on the ground. Mirea was thrown free, and she and Sachiho watched as their enemy coiled upon herself in her death spasms. After calming down from the moment, Mirea hugged Sachiho and said, “I’m glad you’re safe. Are you unharmed?” Sachiho gently pried Mirea off of herself and answered, “I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m just glad this is over.” “But it isn’t,” Mirea informed, “The harpy and the lamia were just the beginning. Far worse things are yet to come.” She looked at her palm and finished sullenly, “All that happened this night proved that I am not ready for the task ahead.” Sachiho crossed her arms and looked away sighing, “Don’t be such a kill-joy. We just won after all, and there’s still plenty of time for improvement.” She fluffed her tail and turned toward home as she finished, “I’m tired now. I’m gonna go to bed before anything else shows up.” With that said, the two heroines returned to Sachiho’s apartment.
Echidna Wars – Chapter 6 “Report. How goes the siege on the humans.” The lizardman general asked of a pair of soldiers that had returned from Ryonazawa. One answered, “The humans fell before us, and we slaughtered many. However… as the battle progressed, many in our unit fell victim to a retaliating strike from special forces.” “Special forces?” The general asked, and the second soldier explained, “A few rebel Yokai, and a battle droid.” “You lost to that!?” The general growled, slapping his tail against the ground in anger. One of them tried to explain that they were outmatched, but the general interrupted, “I have no use for excuses! Death before dishonor is not just a saying…” He raised a large war axe and quickly decapitated one of the lizardmen. He then pointed the tip at the survivor and finished, “It is the law which we live by. Now be gone.” The lizardman fled from the general as quickly as possible, and the red lizardman sheathed his weapon as the Harpy Queen announced her presence. “Your soldiers couldn’t even handle a couple scrawny, young girls. It’s actually quite embarrassing.” She chuckled, and he growled at her teasing. As they spoke, a couple harpies descended on the decapitated lizardman and began tearing away at the body for dinner. The lamia mage scolded the Queen, “This is no laughing matter if among them is the one our mistress warned us about. The Valkyrie could interfere with the arrival of Ouroboros. General, send soldiers to kill those who interfered with the attack.” “Don’t think you can order me around.” He growled, and the harpy spoke up, “If the big bad lizardman thinks these girls are too much to handle, he doesn’t have to go.” He growled, but in spite of putting him at the butt of a joke, the Queen had a point to make, and the mage asked, “Explain yourself.” “Simple really. If they take the fastest rout from Ryonazawa to reach us here, they will have to pass through Her territory. Trust me, the Queen and her daughters will be more than a match for a few little girls.” It was still early in the day when Mirea and Sachiho found themselves making their way through a forest. The monsters that had attacked Ryonazawa during the night had retreated through this area, but apart from tracks, the beasts were long gone. Sachiho’s ears were on a swivel as she listened to the sounds of the forest, but these all sounded natural, and caused more concern for Mirea than her. The blond looked all around the dark forest, scanning the terrain for anything that might pose a threat to them. There was still determination to her stride as she pursued the army to their master. Sachiho groaned uncomfortably and said, “I need to stop for a minute.” “What bothers you?” Mirea asked, noticing her companion’s discomfort. “I’m going to… mark a tree. Keep going, I’ll catch up.” The wolf girl excused herself to find privacy, and when Mirea offered to assist, she shouted, “I’m not peeing in front of you!” Once she was alone and took care of relieving herself, Sachiho prepared to rejoin Mirea, but that was when something glopped onto her shoulder. She touched the sticky golden substance that had coated her shoulder, sniffed it and licked it and determined it was honey. “That’s odd.” She thought, and looked up the tree to find a large honeycomb hanging above her. That would not have been strange if it were a part of a normal beehive, but then a humanoid head appeared from it. Honey blond haired girl looked at Sachiho with black bug eyes, and a smile came to the young girl’s face. She crawled free of the honey comb and flapped transparent wings to keep her small body in the air. A couple more bee-girls emerged from the honeycomb, and they buzzed about in the air over the wolf-girl’s head as they said, “Come play with us! Come on!” One tugged at her shirt, and she batted her away shouting, “Leave me alone!” She swatted at the other girls who managed to hover just out of her reach while still being annoying. “Shoo! Get out of here!” Sachiho demanded. The bee-girls only giggled and teased her. “Oh she’s so cute!” One quickly dropped upon her and grabbed her by the shirt collar so she could kiss her cheeks and lips. Sachiho pushed against her, and drew back to punch, only to find a second honey bee grabbed her arm. The bee-girl wrapped her legs around the arm to keep it restrained as she groped the wolf-girl’s small breasts. As she struggled with these two, the third honey bee wrapped her arms and legs around Sachiho’s leg and pulled it out from under her, causing her to fall over. The honey bees held tightly to her, grinding their black and yellow abdomens against her body and coating her with honey. “She’s so perfect!” One stated, and a second one agreed, “Mother will be so pleased!” They fluttered their wings and carried Sachiho away as a gift for the Queen. TGO-07 scanned the forest as she walked through it, frequently switching vision modes – normal, x-ray, thermal, and motion capture to name a few – as she pursued the monsters toward their source. A warning began to flash in her systems, showing that she had a low battery and had to recharge. Fortunately, the sun was up, and imprinted throughout her skin were small solar panels that could convert solar light into energy. She stopped in an area where sunlight was passing through and waited patiently for a full power supply. Once full she’d be able to run even in the dark for 24 hours, but she had to wait for a few minutes for her battery to be filled. Since she would be stuck waiting for a while, she decided to explore her body a little bit. Her hands went to her ample breasts and squeezed them, getting the signal of pleasure once again. She continued to caress them and smiled widely as she found she was enjoying herself. Usaco had been in the area, and noticed the android’s unusual behavior. “You’re programmed to play with yourself?” The rabbit-girl asked, getting TGO’s attention. The android informed, “It is not a mission hindrance, and it causes good stimulation.” Usaco rolled her eyes, “Seems everybody has a vise. Never trust someone who says otherwise.” “Noted.” Usaco needed a smoke break anyway, so talking with this machine was as good an excuse to stop as any. The idea of a robot needing stimulation of any kind, let alone in private areas, was rather unique, and Usaco stated, “If I was a gambling woman, I’d say you’re a repurposed sex bot.” TGO was confused by this assessment, and asked, “What evidence brings you to this conclusion?” “Don’t tell me you don’t find it obvious. What kind of battledroid is designed with a body like that?” “This human appearance was deemed necessary by my creator to avoid standing out among the local civilians.” “Last time I checked, you didn’t need double ‘D’s to avoid standing out; it rather defeats the purpose actually. What’s more, every combat cyborg I’ve come across doesn’t have feeling apart from what’s necessary to pin point the direction they’re being shot from. Face it toaster, you’re a sex bot. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a button on you somewhere that makes you vibrate.” “An analysis of my systems has determined I lack any components that would grant me the function of a toaster.” She did not confirm or deny the presence of a vibrator, and Usaco rolled her eyes as she figured this machine did not understand insults or sarcasm. They heard someone approach, and Usaco drew her pistol to aim in the direction of the sound, only to find it was Mirea. The Valkyrie did not seemed concerned with the weapon aimed at her rather she asked, “Have either of you seen Sachiho? We got separated.” Usaco put her weapon away and replied, “Have you tried howling? That normally works.” “I would not recommend making more noise than necessary. There’s something sinister about this forest, like something is watching us.” Mirea felt a presence lingering over the forest, gliding through the trees, and finished, “I would ask for your help in searching for my companion.” Usaco flicked her cigarette away, annoyed that she was dealing with two people that could not take a hint of how little she cared for them – at least the wolf shared her feelings of dislike – and replied, “Pass. You and mecha-waifu can search for the lost puppy, but I’ve got my own problems to take care of.” “If you care about saving your world, we have to fight together.” Mirea said but Usaco again shook her off. A warning signal flashed on TGO’s visor, and she announced, “Hostile wildlife detected!” The group looked around, and a large blue creature smashed through the trees. It was a giant salamander, walking around on four stubby legs. However, in spite of its clumsy appearance, it proved it could move very fast as it lunged forward and slid on its slime covered belly toward Usaco with its mouth agape. “Look out!” Mirea shouted, and pushed the rabbit girl out of the salamander’s path, only to be the one caught in its mouth instead. It continued to slide as it began to chew on her with its toothless mouth, and she punched it to try to get it to let her go. She was not succeeding, rather she could feel herself slipping in deeper. A group had been watching the women. A few honey bees hovered in the trees, and among them stood a human-size killer bee. They were waiting for the opportune moment to strike, and with the arrival of the salamander causing chaos, that was as good an opportunity as any. Honey bees descended upon Usaco while she was still on the ground after being pushed, and she was already restrained before she could do anything about it. TGO was trying to calculate the best strategy to deal with this situation. Mirea was visible as a pair of kicking legs being slurped into the mouth of a salamander, while Usaco was being carried away by humanoid bees. Which would be the best to rescue, or would it even be advantageous to save them? She armed her primary weapon, the beam charging to fire at the nearest target. She miscalculated however, as honey was spat on the weapon and jammed it. Primary weapon was disabled, and she was attacked further as the killer bee came from behind and hooked a spear under her neck. The killer bee flew up with her struggling prisoner, and a couple of honey bees flew beside her to restrain TGO and deliver her to the hive. “What of the third?” They asked. Mirea’s struggles were noticeably wiggling the salamander’s pouch, but it was very unlikely that she was to escape. “Leave her. She’s someone else’s dinner.” The killer bee replied, and flew back toward the hive Mirea managed to right herself, and pushed up against the soft, squishy flesh at the back of the salamander’s throat in order to get her head and shoulders past its lips. She had vision just long enough for her to see the others being carried away by bee-girls before her feet slipped into the salamander’s throat. The monster’s throat opened to grant her access to its stomach, where she would spend the rest of her life as he swallowed her whole. That was at least if she made it there. A sword ignited through its neck, causing it to cry out in pain, and the blade cut around until the salamander’s head went rolling. The body collapsed, and Mirea was free. She wiped the blood and saliva from her face and chased after the bees. Though they easily left her behind, they were moving in a straight direction, so she was able to follow them to wherever they were headed. What she found amazed her. A giant beehive laid in the middle of the forest. There were bees flying in and out of the yellow structure, either bringing fresh victims in, or leaving to find prey. TGO and Usaco were among those being brought inside. With so many hunting parties, Mirea could only hope these bees caught Sachiho, and she would find her companion within. She ignited her sword and charged at the thick wall, cutting through it until she forced her way into the hive. Sachiho woke to find her wrists and ankles bound by hardened honey. She looked around the dark chamber she was housed in to try to figure out where she was, seeing honeycomb walls all far and high around her. There were dozens of other eggs around her, with thin membrane shells. And a couple of them were moving. She neared one of the moving eggs cautiously, wondering if something was going to come out of it, but and she saw a human handprint press from within the egg – its owner was screaming as they were apparently trapped within. Terrified, she backed away from the egg quickly. She heard a squishing sound, and she looked over her shoulder to see an egg being forced out of a giant bee abdomen. She followed the abdomen toward the body it belonged to, and saw a woman sitting on a throne with crown resting on her honey blond hair. She had black and purple gloves and boots with fuzzy openings. She also wore a bra that barely covered her nipples, and a purple thong. This queen bee seemed half asleep, but then a killer bee entered the chamber with a wiggling abdomen, and the queen livened up. Her wings fluttered into action to carry her to the smaller bee-girl, who hugged the queen in a loving embrace. She blushed as her head rested on the queen’s bosom, and their tails opened to interlock beneath them. The squirming victim in the killer bee’s abdomen moved toward the queen’s abdomen, where it was bounced back and forth between them like a dildo between pussies before finally being gulped completely into the queen’s massive girth. The killer bee flew away, and the queen’s abdomen churned for a bit before her belly became filled with whatever she’d just eaten. She returned to her throne and rubbed her belly with satisfaction as she finished digesting. Sachiho needed to get out of here, and she began to crawl away until she felt a strong grip on her neck. The queen picked her up and set her on her lap, pressing her face against her mighty bosom as a hand pet her hair. “Well you’re certainly cute.” The queen said. Sachiho’s ears curled, and she pushed against the queen shouting, “Let me go!” “And feisty too.” The queen replied, holding the wolf-girl tightly, “I can tell you’re going to make a strong daughter.” Before Sachiho could protest, she was brought in and kissed by the queen, the woman’s tongue dancing in her mouth. The kiss soon was broken with a thread of saliva dripping between them. Once again Sachiho had been kissed by a girl. Not that she didn’t enjoy it, but she’d prefer these things happen with girls she liked. That was the least of her concerns at the moment, as the queen pressed Sachiho’s head against her crotch and wrapped her legs around her to restrain her. Sachiho struggled and kicked, only to find a moment later that her legs were gripped in the soft lips of the queen’s abdomen. She was released from the grip of the legs, which gave her the chance to try to push against the sucking grip of the queen’s inner walls, but this only seemed to amuse the giant bee. The walls contracted, and Sachiho was swallowed completely into the wet, sweet smelling darkness. She was sucked in deeper until she was finally forced to curl up in a small fleshy chamber. She pushed at the soft walls, trying to find a way out before she was digested. She noticed there was a change in the walls’ texture, but this did not feel like a painful acid. Rather it began to feel like solid membrane. She realized that this was the queen’s womb, and she had just been encased in an egg! As the egg solidified around her, she was left wondering what was going to become of her, and how long she had to do something about it…
The Lycian Trinity Pt 2 – Rage of the Lycian With the information taken from a former captain of the Resistance, Zera sent the Headhunters to root out the locations of hidden bases. Felgrand was kept alive, if only for the purpose of torturing him further if the information turned out to be false – or if Kellies felt like having more fun later. For her own ship, Zera had the Lycian directed toward the Abyssal canyon where Sonja was apparently hiding. It was some distance away, and would take several days – if not a full week – to reach their destination, so Zera left the simple commands of travel to her deck officer and returned to her chambers. When Zera entered her room, she found Rina waiting for her. The young wolf was naked and sitting on their bed. “Welcome back Zera.” Rina said, which struck the elder a little odd that she did not refer to her as Chief or Alpha, causing her ear to twitch a bit. Rina came to her, asking, “Would you care to join me on the bed? Give my body a good ravishing?” “I would…” Zera answered. There was clearly something wrong with her pack-mate, and as the young okami came close enough to embrace and kiss her, Zera sniffed her hair. She realized there was an even bigger problem when she found Rina no longer smelled like herself. She did not bear any smell a wolf should have for that matter. “There is only one problem.” Zera said, looking into Rina’s eyes. They looked so lustful and loving, and then shock and pain suddenly ran through them as Zera unsheathed her blade into her chest. “You are not Rina.” The false Rina gasped and whimpered, “Z-Zera, my l-love…” There was pain and fear written in the features of her face. Zera felt regret as she looked upon the expression; it was as if she had impaled her own pack-mate. But this was not Rina, and she hated this false front. She kicked the stranger off her blade and against the bed, causing the false Rina’s back to bend wrong and let out an unpleasant squishing sound. “What did you do to Rina!?” Zera growled. She did not get an answer, so she grabbed the being and slammed her against the floor. “WHERE IS SHE!?” The being cackled before she mocked, “The little wolf is dead. I killed her.” In rage, Zera brought her boot down on the false Rina’s gut, the force punching through her and deforming her belly into some kind of green goo. Zera tried to remove her foot, but it was securely stuck in the blobbish form. The false Rina deformed further, her limbs stretching to wrap around Zera’s arms and grapple her. Then the creature completely deformed and attempted to close around her. Zera cast her magic upon the creature, but was surprised when she lacked her true strength, and was only able to bend the slime creature a little before it snapped together and held everything below her neck securely. She felt the slime’s fluid motions undo her straps and buckles, and replaced the feeling of leather against her skin with an unpleasant slimy feeling. A moment later, her armor and weapons were discarded in a soaked pile. The blob shuddered, and with a few pulsing motions it swallowed Zera into itself completely. Once inside of it, she could feel a tingling on her skin as it started to digest her alive. She was also violated on all sides as the slime invaded her private areas, thrusting in and out of her depths as if it was raping her, while at the same time she could feel it groping and toying with her body. She once again tried to manipulate the creature with her magic, force it to lose its grip on her, bring air into it that she could breath, and prevent it from digesting her further. But her fear for herself and for Rina weighed heavily on her mind, too heavily for her to focus properly. The slime mocked her with its voice in her head, “You are putting up a very good fight. Certainly better than your lovely wolf bitch. She was begging for mercy long before I finished playing with her.” The image of Rina in this same position, being harmed by this creature as she struggled to escape. She could almost hear the young okami’s pleas for help. And she was not there to save her… The pain she felt in her heart was beyond anything her body physically felt, and her mind tried to block out the pain with hate, hate for this creature for taking her love away from her. Zera’s fists clenched as she unleashed her hatred upon the creature. She could feel its body around her, every single fluid component that made it, and she mentally pulled at all of it to pry it open. She gasped for breath as she was free to the open air again. Threads of sticky slime continued to grip her body, and she snapped them off with a few pain-filled thoughts. “How is this possible?” The slime asked as it continued to try to restrain her. Zera glared at the mass that tried to attack her, murderous intent written across her features as she grabbed the slime and threw it off of her. The slime had never found itself in the presence of prey it could not overcome, and it made an attempt to slip away into the air vent. Zera grabbed it physically, and her mind restrained every part of the slime to ensure not even a drop of it could escape her. She picked it up, and slammed the monster with a splat against the wall. The slime tried to expand its body to grab her in return, but its body suddenly became less malleable, and soon began to solidify. A slime creature that had never known fear in its life, had never seen another being that could harm it, now found its life in jeopardy. The realization terrified it, and in desperation it begged, “Wait! I didn’t want to attack you. Kellies ordered me to do it!” “Kellies?” Zera questioned. The other Headhunters were corrupt, but this could easily be a distraction, a false target. “You lie!” The slime’s body became harder, and it pleaded, “I speak truth! Please, spare me!” She was convinced by these desperate cries for mercy that she would have to pay Kellies a visit. But this creature’s honesty was not about to save it. “And what of Rina? Did you spare her when she begged for her life!?” Zera did not give the slime a chance to answer. She felt every atom of the creature’s body, and gripped all of them tightly to cause the slime to solidify. She then separated the atoms from every molecule that made the creature, until it was reduced to a pile of dust on the floor. With this would-be assassin dealt with, Zera had other things to take care of. She left her room with a purpose, grabbing her gear with her magic and wrapping it around herself in its proper places as she walked. Kellies’ battleship was miles away from the Lycian. The Headhunter stood on the bridge, looking out the forward windows as she waited patiently for news of her darling leader’s untimely departure. She had sensed it when they spoke in the brig that Zera was not as powerful as she once was. Her magic was fading, and Kellies suspected it was below a level that would make for any practical use, apart from lifting a couple rocks. She noticed something nearing her ship then, and upon closer inspection she recognized it as a black dragon. The dragon flew toward her ship’s hangar, and a few minutes later someone arrived with a report. “Ma’am, the Chief Headhunter has arrived.” Kellies smiled; perhaps the wolf was not as weak as she thought. Not that it mattered; whatever magic the Rider got from her dead religion, it was certainly no match for her own gifts. “Send her in.” Kellies ordered, and the door of the bridge opened so Zera could enter. Kellies looked at the cloaked wolf and asked, “To what do we owe the pleasure of having you on my ship?” “An interrogation.” The okami answered flatly. The hem of her cloak billowed, and in an instant, the heads popped off all the members of the crew. Blood spewed from necks, raining around the room, and Kellies sighed as if inconvenienced, “What a mess. I’ll have to get this cleaned up, but the coppery smell never gets out of the cushions.” Zera just stood motionless, not humoring her one way or another, so Kellies asked, “Very well, tell me, what has you riled up? Did something happen to the mutt you adopted?” Zera’s eyes glowed, rage written in them as she demanded, “I will ask you only once. What did you do to Rina?” “You’re accusing me?” “The slime accused you. As far as I’m concerned, you’re guilty until proven innocent.” Zera waited for whatever excuse the woman would give to play dumb or innocent, but instead Kellies confessed. “Alright, you got me. I set a slime loose upon your ship. But you must realize it was for your own good; that okami distracted you and made you weak. That it has taken you so long to kill the false princess is proof enough of that.” Zera growled in a beastly manner, and Kellies grinned cruelly. “You really are just a wild animal. The Headhunters need a real leader who doesn’t lose focus.” She raised one of her arms, “Oh, and about those ‘powers’ of yours, I think it’s time someone taught you how insignificant they really are.” A wall of energy struck Zera, throwing her to the back of the room. Before she could recover, another force shoved her against the wall with enough pressure to leave and indention. Kellies held the okami there as she walked closer, control panels being crushed and shoved away by the energy that surrounded her. Kellies continued, “For far too long you’ve been The Queen’s favorite. But with the ‘tragic accident’ that led to your death, she will have to pick a new Chief for the Headhunters.” Zera felt the energy grasp her around the throat, and the woman scolded, “You’ve been a bad dog; I think it’s time to put you down.” Kellies prepared to snap the okami’s neck, but her hand did not move. It shivered as she tried harder to channel her magic from it, and Zera spoke, “If your intention was to defeat me, killing Rina was stupidest thing you could have done.” Kellies’s hand twisted wrong, breaking at the wrist as her fingers snapped backwards, and she held her broken hand as Zera came to her feet. Kellies cast out her other hand at the wolf with enough energy to make a mortal’s body burst, but the energy never reached its target; the wolf’s own magical strength kept her at bay. “How is this possible? You were so weak!” Kellies thought out loud before she found herself lifted into the air. Zera informed, “Rina was my hope, my chance to restore what I had lost. But you took her from me!” Something ruptured within the woman’s body, causing her to cough up blood. In spite of the internal damage, she was not about to let this inhuman beast get the better of her, and she mocked, “You think this hurts? It barely tickles, hehe…” She stopped laughing and screamed as her limbs were pulled, until flesh and bone tore and separated, and Zera asked, “Does it hurt now?” Kellies gritted her teeth and said, “You’ve been on The Queen’s watch list for a while now; she will not forgive you for murdering one of her trusted Headhunters!” More organs began to burst, and her bones cracked as Zera replied, “I don’t give a damn about The Queen; she is nothing compared to me. And you, you should have chosen your enemies more wisely.” Ribs, spine, and skull fragments burst from Kellies’ flesh, and Zera dropped the bloody remains on the floor before leaving the ship to crash into the ground. With The Queen’s forces spreading into the southern regions, it did not take long for the Resistance to determine the directions some of the ships were heading. When it became evident that the ships were dedicating themselves toward Resistance bases of operation, ravens were sent in earnest to warn everyone the enemy was approaching. When news came that the Lycian fleet was making a beeline for Boris’s mountain, Resistance ships sped to arrive first. The few Blockade Runners that arrived were escorted into the cave by Dragon Riders, and hailed news for the ears of Princess Sonja. Sonja approached the docks where the ships waited, and asked, “What is going on?” She had not been expecting to see anyone from the Resistance for some time, let alone a formation of warships. Sargo and Tonya also approached in curiosity of what was going on. The captain of one of the ships stood on the stern of his Blockade Runner to converse with the giantess. “The enemy has discovered your location. We are here to escort you to safety before a Royal Fleet arrives.” Hearing the news made Sonja’s heart skip a beat, but the moment she thought about telling her hosts she was leaving, she took a moment to think about their position in the matter. She asked, “When we leave, what happens to these people?” The captain looked at the city and said, “If they know what’s good for them, they will evacuate as soon as possible.” The giantess frowned, “You call yourself a ‘Resistance’!? What is the point of fighting and dying if you’re going to allow good people to suffer at the hands of The Queen regardless?” She spoke so that everyone in the cave – giant, dragon, and humanoid alike – could hear, “I’ve been running for far too long, and no matter how far I go or how well I hide, The Queen always finds me, and it’s the people who helped me along the way that suffer for it. No more running; this has to stop!” “Commander Ariss would not approve of this action. Our orders are to escort you to safety.” “Where would that be? If we continue to run, it won’t be long until there are no safe places left in Skyvale.” The man was about to protest, but Sonja swiped him from the stern and told him, “I am Princess Sonja: rightful heir to the throne, and ruler of Skyvale. You. Will. Not. Disobey me.” The captain was quite intimidated by the commanding aggression presented by the giantess that held him. He stammered, “If this is your command… But tell me, how do you expect to fight a Royal Fleet with a handful of Blockade Runners? Our ships are meant to get through enemy formations, not go head to head with a battleship.” Sonja set the man back down on his ship as gently as she could to avoid damaging him or the aircraft. She knew she wasn’t a great tactician or battle coordinator; she needed someone with more experience in the matter to aid her. She ordered, “Contact Ariss. Inform her of your new orders, and we will come up with a strategy from there.” With time being an important matter, sending messages by bird was not an option. Fortunately, the Riders’ temple had projector technology. Sonja had Boris hoist her up so she could see into the temple as the call was made. The captains of the Resistance airships were in the circular chamber, along with the Elders who insisted on attending. Alexia stood in the room, and Wesley watched from Sonja’s shoulder. The final person in attendance was the projected image of Commander Ariss. The fox-woman appeared annoyed as she spoke. “Princess Sonja. Captain Fredrick has informed me you refuse to evacuate. First of all, in the future, try not to hurt any of my officers. Secondly, why do you wish to make such a foolish decision?” “You’re asking me about my choice? I thought it was your job to protect the people of Skyvale.” “It is the purpose of our mission to protect the whole of Skyvale. We cannot waste lives trying to hold every settlement and city.” The kitsune looked at the people in attendance before she added, “Just ask the Riders. They can tell you how well that works out.” “Mind yourself, fox.” Barron growled, “We’ve lost friends older and wiser than you.” Ariss just scoffed and flicked her tail at him. She then waved her hands in front of her as if messing with something only she could see as she said, “Allow me to explain what you are up against, your highness.” She made a fist, then cast her hand forward, and an image of a long airship with large, twin cannons on top of it appeared in front of her. Ariss informed, “This is a Royal Battleship. It is designed to level cities single handedly. Its primary weapons are the turrets on its upper deck; each one able to destroy a small mountain with a single shot. This makes them a waste on most airships, so it makes up for this by flying at the center of a fleet of roughly fifty ships. This fleet consists of frigates and destroyers, not to mention the five dozen fighters carried on the battleship itself. “If you could somehow find a way to get through this fleet, the battleship’s armor is thick enough to deflect most projectile weapons; its only weak point is between the ribs that guard its balloon. A well placed explosive round would put it down, but any ship trying to get close enough would have to survive a barrage of heavy machine guns.” Ariss closed the projection of the ship and its fleet before she finished, “So tell me, how do you plan to defeat this enemy with only six Blockade Runners?” The information was valuable, but concerning for Sonja, as she did not know how to accomplish the task. She sighed, unable to answer the Commander’s question. In the meantime, Alexia had been thinking of her own strategy. She finally stepped forward and said, “You can’t break through a fleet and take down a battleship with an airship. You need something fast, able to maneuver into tight spaces, and deliver ten times the firepower of a standard fighter. You need a dragon.” Ariss nodded in approval, and congratulated, “I have to admit, in all the strategies I personally devised to defeat a Royal Fleet, using a dragon is one I’ve not considered – not that it’s ever been an option.” She spread her arms to the Elders and continued, “But that’s why you’re called ‘riders’. You’ve tamed these beasts to use in battle, have you not?” Myn replied, “Poor child, you know little of the Riders. We protect others, but we do not fight their wars for them.” Ariss was hardly surprised, and Alexia was dismayed by the reluctance. The human protested, “So you will stand by and do nothing? The Queen is not, and has never been, a simple tyrant squabbling for a mountain. She wants to kill and enslave everyone on Skyvale. This is a war worth fighting!” She knew she could not change the mind of centuries of neutrality, so she turned to Sonja and dropped to her knee as she said, “If I have to stop the entire fleet on my own, I will do it for you.” She looked into the giant’s eyes as she added, “I give you my blade, in life and in death, my friend.” Sonja was touched, and wanted to reach out to the small human, but Barron reached her first and set a heavy hand on her shoulder. The lion-man told her, “You are of this order, child, and we do not fight other peoples’ wars. But that does not mean we will not fight at all.” This time Ariss was surprised by Barron’s statement. The Raion addressed the others, “Myn, Yara, we have been sitting in this hall for too long. I am going to dust off my wings, and call every rider in this temple to fly out with me.” “I guess there is a first for everything.” Yara said. Ariss shrugged and said, “Alright princess, that’s a cute army. Now let me show you how to use one.” “Do you have orders for us, Commander?” Captain Fredrick asked. “Yes. I say we do bait and switch.” “ ‘bait and switch’?” Sonja asked. The kitsune explained for all in the room, “Bait and switch is a maneuver to divide an enemy fleet. A considerable number of ships attacks the enemy, then turns tail and runs as the enemy retaliates. When the frigates and fighters pursue, it exposes the slower capital ship, at which point our bombers emerge from hiding and deliver their payload before the enemy realizes they’ve been tricked. “In this case, the Blockade Runners are the bait, and the Dragon Riders will attack the battleship once the path is clear.” Yara spoke up, “When we attack the battleship, we will be exposed and vulnerable to what is left of the Royal Fleet.” Ariss replied confidently “Get out of their way and you will not have to worry about it. Destroy a fleet’s capital ship, and the rest of the craft will retreat to the nearest safe port. The Queen’s forces see no point in wasting more lives fighting a battle that’s already lost.” Myn said, “It is a good strategy, but is it likely the fleet will separate to pursue a handful of Resistance ships?” “Obviously not. Large prey requires large bait.” “Then what do you propose?” Barron asked. “This is a port city, is it not? Use civilian craft to make the illusion of a larger force.” At this, Boris spoke up, “You can’t have unarmed civilians sail into the range of warships! It’s not humane! No one would stand for it!” Ariss crossed her arms and retorted, “Humane loses its meaning when you’re not human. I know well the benefits and detriments of civilian presence in a war-zone, giant. We don’t need them, just their ships.” Few in attendance approved of the kitsune’s mindset, though the Resistance Captains appeared as though she was preaching to the quire. Myn asked, “If this plan should fail, what is the backup strategy?” Ariss answered, “If it fails, you had better hope you are far away from the city.” She sighed, “I’m not going to lie, odds against a Royal Fleet are never in your favor. I still say you should all leave while you have a few days’ lead.” “No.” Sonja said, “I will stand here.” “You are so stubborn.” the fox-girl sighed, “Worse than your mother.” She looked at her gathered officers and ordered, “Men, protect this city from the Royal Fleet. And mind your manners around its people, we can never have too many allies.” “Yes Ma’am.” They answered in unison, and Ariss returned her gaze to Sonja, an irritated and almost sorrowful expression visible in her projection as she stated, “These men’s lives are in your hands now. I hope you learn something from them.” When the discussion finally concluded, the projection faded, and the gathering parted to prepare for the coming battle. Back on the Lycian, Zera had her crew search her entire ship to find Rina and return her to her chambers. She meditated to find every living being on the Lycian, but even she could find no trace of her pack-mate. Her denial only confirmed the horrible truth: Rina was gone. In her grief, Zera and Shadow traveled to the top of her ship. Her cape billowed around her as she stood dangerously close to the edge, but she cared nothing for it as she looked at the small round stone in her palm. Her heart ached with loss, and her mind burned with the knowledge that even with all of her power, she was unable to protect her loved ones. How could she ever forgive herself for once again failing someone she cared about? She spoke softly, “I’m sorry… I hope you find your way home…” Her hand turned, and the rock slipped from her palm and fell to the ground miles below. She returned to her dragon, who appeared as sad as she was with tears in his eyes and a low keen coming from his throat. Zera took his head in her arms to embrace him, resting her brow upon his crest. “You’re all I have now.” Zera told him. Whatever thoughts, whatever desires she might have had that she could undo fate, they were lost. Her world was now her dragon and herself, and she would see everyone dead if it meant protecting this last shred of happiness.
Quest for the King’s Jewel Pt 5 – Across the Plains After days of walking, Wesley and the others made it out of the misty mountains and were trekking across the plains of Burla. By contrast to the forest dense with wildlife, the plains were vast and vacant. Of course, these were giant lands, and the factor of how small and insignificant humanoids truly were in this region was evident as a heard of colossi passed by one afternoon. The monsters were like huge bison, 300 feet in height, and their fur was overgrown with plants to the point that they had their own ecosystem on their backs. While the colossi were docile – likely seeing the group as nothing but bugs in the grass – they were a reminder that there were giants who wandered these plains. Vyxariah did not appear concerned about this, confident that they would see – not to mention hear – giants coming from miles away. Wesley was not so confident however. Only half of the people who started on this journey were still alive – they never found Ellen or Dory, so the worst was assumed for them as well – and with such a great distance left to go, he was starting to wonder if they would make it. There was hope that once they reached the human settlement, they would be able to join a caravan or find some means to escape this region. Although the humans seemed so isolated that it was unlikely they knew of anything beyond view of their village. Unfortunately, it did not seem that was going to be an option. The town was completely destroyed. Its buildings had been smashed, or turned into streaks of rubble. As for the citizens, there were few dead bodies – and most of them were gory pancakes pressed into the ground – but there was not enough around to be every member of this community. “Spread out.” Vyxariah ordered, “Salvage whatever you can find, and see if anyone is still breathing.” The group split up. Wesley wandered, checking the remains of all the buildings, wondering where everyone was, and what happened to this village. After some time of searching, he found someone. A young girl walked down the street toward him. Her eyes were unfocused, and she looked to be in shock. Wesley ran to the girl and caught her in his arms, then called out to the others, “I found a survivor!” He then asked the girl, “What happened? Where is everyone?” She seemed to be having a hard time breathing, but she still told him, “Giants… They came to our village… they smashed our homes… took everyone away in bags. One of the giants screamed… it was so terrifying! *Cough* Mom told me… the giants wouldn’t hurt us…” the girl exhaled and fell limp in Wesley’s arms. The others arrived, and with the girl now dead, he explained her story to the best of his abilities. “A lot of good those sacrifices did these people.” Tyris commented. Calin said, “Tracks suggest numerous giants moving together in force. If these people were rounded up, they’ll be used as rations for the army’s movement.” “Why would giants be marching?” Wesley asked. Calin answered, “I don’t know, but it’s concerning.” There was a crunch, and Wesley saw Sal chewing on a cucumber. Both she and Vyxariah had arms full of food, and Wesley asked, “How can you be eating at a time like this!?” “I’m hungry.” Sal answered. Vyxariah said, “We’ll camp here tonight. If giants already harvested this village, they shouldn’t return anytime soon.” “That doesn’t sound…” Wesley started, but Calin interrupted “No she’s right. Giants go where their food is; they won’t return now that this village isn’t providing anymore. At this point the best we can do is figure out what our next move is.” After gathering firewood from the remains of buildings, and salvaging a few in-tact beds, Wesley and the others settled down for the night. After days of walking, he was happy for every rest period he could get. “You really are a fisherwoman.” Vyxariah commented as Sal returned to the group with a few fish in her hands. The Neko accepted the compliment as she butchered the fish then cooked them over the campfire. The fish smelled good, and as he waited for it to be done, Wesley looked around at the state of the rest of the group. Tyris had not spoken to anyone, and she actively avoided conversation with anyone who tried to be social with her. It seemed the loss of her husband was really taking its toll on her. She did not even accept the fish offered to her, and rather decided to go for a walk and watch the area. By contrast, Vyxariah seemed far less bothered by the state of things. She was humming to herself as she ate, and occasionally lowered a piece of fish to her belt. The coin purse sent out a tentacle and swiped the food from her fingers. Wesley looked at Calin next. The sparring lessons he’d had with the inu left him sore, but he was improving in his abilities. Calin did not appear in the mood to spar. Instead he was occupying his time with the brownie he looked after. The tiny girl stood on top of his head and rubbed his ears with her hands. He was clearly enjoying the treatment by the smile on his face and the wagging of his tail. After a bit of time, Wesley finally broke the silence asking, “So, anyone know a good story or two?” Sal was the first to speak up. “Once upon a time… The end.” Silence followed for a moment, until Vyxariah finally burst out laughing; Wesley and Calin began to chuckle as well. After the laugh, Calin finally spoke up, “I have a story to tell. It is about how the yokai came into being, and how man became the inu’s best friend. “There are few who know that yokai were all humans once, long, long ago. During a period of war, ancient man wanted to create super soldiers to turn the tide in their favor. They spliced some of their own people with many different breeds of animals, and the spliced humans gained not only some of the animal’s physical traits, but their beastly adaptations as well. Beasts of burden could smash anyone in their path, avians had areal superiority without the need for airships or mounts. Cats and rabbits gave people unrivalled speed and agility. In short, the experiment was a success. “Unfortunately, animal instinct interfered with the human mind, and as a result, the spliced humans became independent with personal desires that went against mankind’s taboos. In trying to create an ultimate fighting force, an entirely new group of factions were created. The yokai betrayed their creators, except for one group who bore undying loyalty in their animal instincts: the inu. “When peace was finally achieved with the aid of King Goghlie, the yokai were given the right to live as they chose. Many formed their own settlements, and a few even abandoned civilization all together. The naga, drider, and the barbaric okami all lurk in the dark of the forests, taking pride in chasing prey and hurting innocent people.” He seemed to growl in his thoughts, but he relaxed as he continued, “Some chose to stay within human cities, using their gifts for the benefit of society. For our loyalty, we the inu found assimilation among our fellow man easiest, and our races have been friends ever since.” With Calin’s story concluded, Vyxariah spoke up, “Cute bed-time story for an obedient lap-dog, but you do not speak for all yokai. Kitsune were born eons ago as children of the Last Nine-Tailed Fox.” Calin’s ears twitched and his face scrunched in confusion as he asked, “Where did you hear that?” Vyxaria puffed her tail with pride as she replied, “All kitsune know of their proud heritage.” “That’s uh… That actually makes a lot of sense.” Though he wanted to correct her on her misunderstanding of history, the idea that a race believed themselves the decedents of the mythic goddess who created the universe would explain why they were all so uppity. Tyris had walked a fair distance from the camp, and was wandering through the remains of the village. It was not that she wanted to be alone, but she could not confide in any of the people. She wanted Patrick. When they first became mercenaries they promised they would stay together no matter what, but in spite of their line of work, she did not anticipate death would tear them apart. She noticed someone approaching in the darkness. Was it a survivor, or something else? Whoever it was, she drew her sword and stood battle ready as she demanded, “Who goes there?” The man came out of the shadows, and her eyes widened from what she saw. “Patrick!?” It couldn’t be, but she recognized those antlers, and knew his face. Was this all a hallucination? Her sword fell to the ground with a *clang*, and she approached her husband. She set her hand on his chest, he was really there, so she kissed him and he kissed her in return. She looked into his eyes as he smiled at her. She did not ask how he was still alive, all that mattered was that he was here now. He brushed her cheek with his fingers, and his hand lowered to her shoulder to start removing her armor. Tyris went along with it, undoing straps so her clothing could be removed more easily, and it was not long before she was completely naked. She could tell by the look in his eye, he wanted to rut her, so she got onto her hands and knees and presented herself to her husband. He set his hands on her hips and set the tip of his hardened manhood against the lips of her pussy, then he thrust inside with one quick motion. Tyris let out pleasured moans as Patrick had his way with her, more than anything happy to have him back in her life. After a minute of intercourse, something began to feel off. Patrick’s dick was not slipping in and out of her like it was supposed to. It actually felt stuck and like it was enlarging. “Hun, what’s wrong?” She asked looking over her shoulder to him. She was shocked when she saw she was not mounted by Patrick, but instead a complete stranger. “No… No!” She screamed as he continued to fuck her. She tried to reach for one of her weapons, but her arms felt limp, as if all the energy had been drained from them. She could not pry herself free, the cock was stuck inside of her, and her butt began to meld with the man’s stomach, further attaching her to him. Her arms and legs began to act on their own, curling and hugging close to her body and forcing her into a fetal position. She tried her hardest to pull them apart, but the flesh was sticking together. “What’s happening!?” She exclaimed. Veins began to protrude from her skin, and she felt as if her insides were being churned up. Her limbs pressed tighter to her body, until they completely melded with the flesh of her torso, leaving her body misshapen and wiggling in front of the man who raped her. Her hair disappeared, either falling out or being absorbed back into her head. She could no longer feel teeth or her tongue in her mouth, and tears streamed from her eyes as they began to lose focus. She could still feel as the man rubbed her smoothing sides; her body had become cylindrical, and incredibly sensitive. The activity was causing her to feel a strange feeling, as if she was going to throw up. When she did finally puke, what came out was gallons of sticky white cum. She lost her senses as her head made its final transformation, but she was still fully aware that she had been transformed into a penis. She could not move on her own, she could not even scream. All she could do was wait to be played with at the man’s will. Sal left the camp to find Tyris and trade watch positions with her. She was unable to find the woman as she wandered through the remains of the village, though she did stumble across her clothes. The neko crouched down to examine the leather clothing; it did not appear damaged, perhaps Tyris had gone for a walk in her birthday suit? Sal’s ears perked, and she saw a man standing before her. He was mostly naked, except for a heavy cloak draped over his shoulders, and he had a massive cock almost as big as his body. Sal stood aggressively, holding her spear out toward him, and he raised his hand toward her. An unseen force struck her, throwing her through the air and ripping her clothes to shreds in the process. She struck a post with the back of her head as she landed, sending her into a daze. When her focus returned, she found herself face to face with the man’s oversized dick. The cockslit opened, threads of cum dripping through the dark passage, and the neko’s ears curled as her face was pressed into the rancid slit. The cock sucked on her, swallowing her head with ease. She wanted to claw at the man’s privates, but he restrained her wrists to prevent her from resisting. The cock’s ‘lips’ spread wider to take in her shoulders and breasts, but once inside, the tunnel compressed her so tightly that she found it hard to breath. The man’s penis continued to suck and throb, swallowing Sal’s tummy and then her hips, and oozing pre-cum all the while. The neko’s tail was clearly puffed out, and her body was causing the shaft to contort to her shape. Her legs kicked uselessly, and her screams were muffled, proving how futile her resistance was. Eventually her wiggling feet were pulled into the cock-slit, and a glob of cum dripped out after her toes slipped in with a *gulp*. From there, Sal could do nothing as she slid deeper into the tight, musky urethra. Her sticky descent finally ended when she was deposited in a sack that she was forced to curl up inside. She quickly figured out she was trapped in one of his testicles. Warm cum bubbled and churned around her, and she could feel an odd numbness starting to overtake her as her skin was coated with seed. Her hands were free though, so she was not about to become a victim of whatever fate this man had planned for her. Her claws were out, and she scratched madly at the inside of the testicle that imprisoned her. But to her despair, the nut walls were too hard for her to do any damage to. Her hair was starting to fall out, and her skin was feeling much softer. Scared and desperate, Sal continued to scratch her surroundings, until her fingertips wound up sliding off along the walls. Her entire body was beginning to melt, slowly losing substance, and it was just a matter of time before the cat-girl was indistinguishable from the cum that she bathed in. Wesley, Calin, and Vyxariah were completely ignorant to the fates of Tyris and Sal. They also did not know of the monster that had consumed their bodies. As such, they were surprised when the strange man approached them from the shadows. Calin lowered Trista to his pants, pulling the front open and telling her, “Hide inside, quickly.” Trista was a little reluctant to hide so close to the dog-man’s crotch, but without pockets, there was little option otherwise. At least she was outside the underwear; she just had to try not to move to much. The stranger came into the light of the fire. He was bald, with a rather plane face, but his most pronounced feature was his giant dick and oversized balls. “Who are you?” Wesley asked. The man did not answer as he looked at the group. Seeming intrigued, he held his hand out toward them and shut his eyes in thought, and a moment later, he opened his eyes and said, “Fox, you possess something very powerful. Hand it over and your companions will come to no further harm.” Vyxariah’s tail flicked, and she answered, “Well you see, as much as I would love not to help you, I haven’t the faintest idea what you are talking about.” Wesley did not miss the part of ‘further harm’ in the man’s statement, and he demanded, “Where are Sal and Tyris? Did you do something to them?” Once again, the man ignored him, and continued his conversation with the kitsune, “You test my patience, fox. Continue, and you shall fuel my power as the others have.” Not liking being ignored, and with confirmation that this man had done something to the Tyris and Sal, Wesley drew his sword and approached the man aggressively. The man waved his hand, and Wesley was tossed away with magic. Seeing this, Calin brought up his auto rifle and began to shoot, but the warlock tossed him aside with his magic as well. Vyxariah drew the shotguns from her back and pulled the triggers. The bullet spread should have hit their target, but they did not have any effect. The kitsune grunted and tossed the weapons aside as she told Mimi “I need more weapons.” At the command, the mimic spat out an auto rifle. Vyxariah caught it and unleashed its payload into the Warlock. He held his hand out in front of the barrel, and all of the bullets struck his palm, turning to dust as they made contact. By the time her ammo ran out, she had done no damage to him. Frustrated, she ejected the magazine, and held the rifle over her mimic. Mimi spat out a fresh magazine, clicking it inside with great accuracy. It did not matter though, for when Vyxariah brought her weapon back around, the warlock brought his hand down in a chopping motion and cut the auto-rifle in half. Then, with a flick of his finger, the fox-girl was sent tumbling over the log pile. As she laid on her back, she groaned, “You sir, are an asshole!” Wesley and Calin had their firearms out, firing everything they had at the warlock, but nothing was having any noticeable effect on him. With only a handful of bullets at his disposal, Wesley quickly ran out. He still had his sword at least, but not wanting to get tossed away again, he stood braced and shouted, “Enough coward! Fight like a man!” The warlock turned his head slowly to acknowledge Wesley, and asked, “Why?” The question was rhetorical, since he simply waved his hand and tossed Wesley aside. With another wave of his hand, the Warlock gave the same treatment to Calin. A dagger caught the Warlock by surprise, cutting his cheek as it flew by. Vyxariah was back on her feet, and her mimic was repeatedly spitting daggers of various shape and size into the air. Vyxariah would spin around to catch them, and threw them at the Warlock. He used his magic to knock the weapons aside, then cast a hand out and caught the kitsune, lifting her into the air and bringing her close to him. She was flipped upside down, and suspended over the man’s raising cock. The penis appeared to be looking at the kitsune, and its slit opened as if it was some terrifying monster eager to swallow her whole. Being swallowed by a man’s oversized genitals was not on the list of ways she wouldn’t mind dying, though it did not appear she had much choice as she was slowly lowered toward that musky passage. Mimi spat something, and Vyxariah noticed it was a grenade. “Oh, I forgot I had that.” She thought as she reached out and pulled the pin before slapping the green ball down the man’s urethra. The explosive went off, blowing the man’s privates apart in an instant and sending the fox-girl flying. The Warlock fell to his knees, howling in pain and frustration as he took in the sight of his mangled genitals. Wesley and Calin charged him. The man saw them coming, but his magic was no longer able to repel them. All he could do was scream as the human and inu ran by, cutting through him with their swords as they passed him. A moment later, he fell into three pieces. With the battle ended, Wesley caught his breath. Calin asked him, “Are you alright.” “My back is sore, but I’m fine.” Hearing this, the inu nodded, “Good.” Vyxariah wandered through the grass, collecting her discarded weapons. After finding most of her knives and dropping them into Mimi’s waiting mouth, something else caught her attention. Calin’s ears perked as a new sound approached the camp, and he wondered what was going to attack them this time as Vyxariah backed up with her hands in the air. They trio was surrounded on all sides by these newcomers, who after entering the firelight, turned out to be a group entirely comprised of women. The women had tribal tattoos on varying parts of their bodies, and were clad in light, green or brown cloth. Some was wrapped around their breasts and tied behind their neck and back, and other pieces were tied like a belt and allowed long flaps to hang in front of their rear and nether region. They also had thick pieces of wood strapped to their shins and lower arms to function as armor, and they were all armed with spears and/or bows. Primitive as their arsenal may have been, their weapons were aimed for the group. One of the women, a hazel-eyed blond with short, spiky hair asked, “What are you doing here?” Vyxariah answered, “Well first we were walking, then we were eating; we just finished fighting and were about to start sleeping.” “Don’t get cleaver, fox! Why are you here? Can you not see this village has been destroyed by giants?” This time, Calin answered, rather than wait for more kitsune sarcasm, “We were just passing through. We are trying to get back to the Kellus region, any assistance you could provide would be appreciated.” “Be silent man-dog!” The woman snapped. She then looked back at Vyxariah and told her, “No one crosses these lands, especially not these days.” Vyxariah just shrugged, “Well I had an airship.” The woman just huffed. “Whatever your reason, the queen will hear the full story.” She then looked at the rest of the women and ordered, “Seize them!” While most of the women kept their weapons ready, a few stepped forward and placed Wesley, Calin, and Vyxariah’s arms behind their backs and bound them with rope. In spite of being prisoners, Vyxariah merely mocked the situation, “You could at least do a little foreplay before you start this kinky stuff.” The woman she was speaking to rolled her eyes and ordered, “Gag the fox.” “Now we’re talking! Spank me while you’re at it, it gets me so… *mmph*” A rope in her mouth muffled her very quickly. Wesley was taking the situation far worse than Vyxariah. “The Queen?” He thought, “They couldn’t possibly mean…” If it was who he thought, their mission might be ending in failure very soon. In the city of Socatar, Zera had been performing executions day in and day out. Her blades were frequently stained with blood from killing all those in the city suspected of turning against The Queen’s will. As for how many of them were truly guilty or innocent, it did not matter to her; it was just a way to keep her mind off things. This was a day like any other. King Bander requested her presence in his throne room, so she made her way to the appointed location. Shadow followed close behind her in their walk through the castle. She did not take Ophius’s threat anymore lightly than he should take her own, and she intended to make sure no assassin would so much as lay a finger on her dragon. Guards opened the large doors to allow Zera and her dragon to enter. The king sat on his throne, drinking wine and eating food to his heart’s content, and the sight sickened her. His people lived in poverty – she suspected some of them would have died of starvation if she hadn’t cut their heads off – and here he was stuffing his face as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Ophius stood beside Bander’s throne as if he had become the king’s right-hand man. He smiled and nodded to Zera as she approached, and the king said cheerfully, “Good, you’re here.” He pointed at three men in shackles lined up in front of his throne and said, “These men were caught trying to steal from the royal store-room. Perhaps if they had stolen from a merchant, they could have gotten away with one of their hands, but to steal from a king is a capital offense.” The men quivered with fear, some of them begging for mercy. The king was in no hurry to give it to them, and by this point, Zera did not care. Her blade extended, and she dropped it further on the end of its chain. She then swung her arm to whip the blade around and cut off the heads of all three thieves with one stroke. Chain and blade retracted as heads rolled and bodies collapsed, and the wolf-girl asked, “Is there anything else?” Bander and Ophius looked to each other and smiled, then the king said to the okami, “I hear you and your dragon are very close. Some have said ‘intimate as lovers’. I would love to see a demonstration of this, and I’m sure my guests could use fresh entertainment.” As he spoke, the people around the room laughed and heckled. Zera’s ears and tail curled, and she answered, “I am a Headhunter. I hunt the enemies of The Queen; I do not perform acts of sex for entitled children.” The king was clearly insulted – good – and guards stepped forward to punish her. Zera had already developed a reputation in Socatar, and with one glance from her golden eyes, the soldiers hesitated to draw their weapons. Ophius took a knee as if begging and said, “Please forgive her your majesty. She’s been under a great deal of stress lately, I’m sure she did not mean to sound insulting.” Zera meant what she said, but remained silent. Ophius turned to her and said, “Zera, a king has given you an order. Obey him.” Zera bared her teeth. She was not a dog! Why did she have to obey a human who was unworthy of a position of leadership? She had to though, walking out now would surely make her an enemy. She might as well get it over with. She removed her cloak, and the king moved to the edge of his seat with a wide grin on his face as he eagerly awaited the show. Zera turned away from the throne as she undid the buckle of her belt and dropped her loin cloth. She did not have to take off any more to be penetrated, and she was not willing to give the king anymore than this tease of her rump partially concealed by her fluffy tail. Even when she got on all fours and lifted her tail, Shadow was quick to mount her, ensuring the king would see more dragon cock and tail vent than her. Shadow penetrated her, and his familiar girth gave her a great deal of pleasure. In spite of being initially turned off by the idea of putting on a show for these people, her dragon took it slow and allowed her to get warmed up enough to provide a fair amount of lubricant. In spite of her efforts to make the show as minimally pleasing as possible, Bander was still enjoying the sight of an oversized dick pumping in and out of her pussy. People at her sides even got a half descent view of the way her belly would bulge as she took the dragon’s cock. Zera could hear them laughing, the way they mocked her and treated her like a low beast. She hated it, she hated them, she wanted them all to die. The worst part of it was she could not afford kill them, not right now. After their show finished, Zera and Shadow left the throne room. She was dressed again, but carried her cloak wadded up under her arm as she walked. The pair walked out onto a balcony, where Shadow laid down, and Zera sat on his lap. The okami and her dragon watched the sun set over the horizon, a point far across a vast green plain, and Zera allowed her thoughts to wander. She hoped this ‘mission’ would be over with soon. Even after that though, she wondered how much longer the idiotic Resistance would continue to fight this pointless war. The sooner they accepted their defeat, the sooner there would be no need for Headhunters. When that day came, she would negotiate with The Queen to obtain freedom without pursuit – If she could just kill that giantess, Sonja, that would be the perfect bargaining chip. After that, she would fly away from Agastar with Shadow to live the rest of her life in the wild. How much longer was she going to live? Would it be a life worth living without her family? Her mind saw the faces of her family, her parents, her friends, Rina… She could not protect any of them… She winced from the thoughts, trying desperately to cloud them out. She felt contact from her dragon then. He looked at her with his kind, sympathetic eyes, letting her know he was still there for her. He loved her, he could feel the way she suffered, and he wanted to help her feel better, even if he did not know how. Zera cuddled close to her dragon’s chest, wrapping her arms around his neck, and began to cry into his smooth breast. Shadow pet her, his talons gently stroked her soft skin, and provided her loving comfort. The world had taken so much from them, they would not let it take them from each other. After King Bander retired to his quarters, Ophius used the throne room’s projector to speak with The Queen. In front of the image of The Queen, another hologram video was playing. The giantess and Headhunter watched a recording captured on the bridge of Kellies’s battleship, and it showed the end of the Headhunter’s life. Zera held the woman in the air, and Kellies screamed as her arms and legs were brutally pulled off. The wolf-girl growled, “I don’t give a damn about The Queen; she is nothing compared to me.” After that, Kellies suffered a brutal death, and the recording ended as blood covered the camera. The Queen said, “It is disappointing to see one of my trusted Headhunters fall so low. You have done well, bringing this to my attention.” Ophius smiled and bowed, and asked, “If it would please you, I can grant her a most creative death.” “No, leave her be for now.” “My queen… I don’t mean to question you, but she is a threat to you.” “I know.” The Queen stated as if it was an afterthought, leaving Ophius more confused. The giantess said, “When I first met the okami, she fought her way to my throne room, single handedly overcoming all forces that stood in her way. She has a powerful gift at her command, one that has been of great benefit to this campaign, and I would not want to sacrifice half of my fleet to destroy this weapon. Leave her be; feed her bloodlust, and do not act against her unless she loses her gift.” Ophius understood the explanation, and bowed respectfully, “As you wish, my queen.”
Quest for the King’s Jewel Pt 6 – The Screaming Giantess Wesley, Calin, and Vyxariah were captured, and escorted by a strange tribe of women across the plains. Wesley had no idea where they were being taken, until he saw a massive tree in the distance. Standing almost a thousand feet tall, its trunk was twisted, and its branches spread wide and green, covering the land with shadow. As if the tree was not strange enough, there were bones, and even a fresh corpse of giants, as if coming here was a death sentence for the creatures. When the group was beneath the tree, they reached a pully system elevator large enough for the entire group to stand on and be carried up to the tree branches. Wesley was expecting to find a village structure similar to his old home strewn within this tree, but he instead found that such structures were few and far between. The people of this tribe were living on the branches of the tree, or dug into it like termites, tunneling passages they could travel through. Most of what was carved out of the tree was the dead wood at the core, allowing the tree to survive and continue to grow for future populations. The strangest thing was, this tribe of tree-dwellers appeared to be comprised entirely of women. Wesley and the others were brought to the center of the tree. There at its core, a large space was hollowed out, and a woman sat on a throne of gnarled branches. She was covered head to toe with tattoos, and wore a crown of sticks on her head. The woman had long red hair flowing down her back, brown eyes, and a scar cutting diagonally across her face. Recognizing the authority figure, Calin immediately dropped to a knee to respect authority, though before Wesley could catch on, he received a slap to the back of the knee that caused him to kneel as well. Vyxariah took a bit more of a beating before she finally dropped, and even then she simply sat cross legged on the floor – it was clear she had no intention of bowing to anyone. The women who captured the trio went to their knees, and the one with spiked hair stepped closer to the woman on the throne before she bowed and said, “Queen Atreya, we found these three near a village that was destroyed by giants. They claim to be travelers, but thus far have declined to explain what has brought them this deep into giant territory.” “Thank you, Mira.” Atreya said as she looked at the trio, and her eyes landed on the kitsune, who was rocking on her bum and gazing around the room as if interested in everything but the conversation at hand. The queen pointed at Vyxariah and ordered, “Remove her gag.” One of the women removed the gag, and Vyxariah flexed her jaw to get it adjusted to its normal state again. The kitsune got to her feet and said, “I guess we’re on speaking terms again.” “You are lucky, fox, that I find the arrogance of your kind so amusing.” “Well I don’t normally play the part of the jester, but for the right price, I’d be happy to fill the position.” Atreya let out an amused huff, then said, “Take these men away. Put them with the rest of the breeding stock.” “What!? Wait a minute!” Wesley protested, “We’re with Vyxariah!” “Quiet!” One of the women slapped him on the back of the head. Vyxariah seemed to ignore the plight of Wesley and Calin, and simply told the queen, “By all means, take them. I can promise the inu makes for a good ride, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up for the boy, I’d be surprised if he could even stick it in before finishing.” As much as his sex life was none of her business, Wesley couldn’t ignore that the fox-girl was doing nothing to defend them. He shouted, “So what, you abandon us so you can take all the glory for yourself.” She looked over her shoulder and answered, “Glory? No. Money, yes.” She blew him a kiss before he was taken from the room, cursing and resisting all the way. As the men were taken away, a hawk flew into the throne room, and perched on a stand by Atreya’s throne. It had a small, rolled up parchment strapped to its leg, which the queen opened and read. Her brow furrowed, and she proclaimed, “This is troubling news indeed. Same report over and over again.” From that point, Atreya spoke directly to Vyxariah, explaining the contents of the parchment in the process, “Throughout the week, giants have been destroying every village in the region, even ones that paid in blood to keep it from happening. They leave few, or no survivors in their path, and their movements are random with no clear direction. While I would like to take this disaster at face value, one has to suspect they are searching for something. And here you are, wandering the plains. I find it hard to believe it’s just a coincidence.” The fox-girl bobbed her head a bit before she said, “But it would not be impossible for you to believe in coincidence?” “We’ll just have to see. Search her.” At the command, a woman stepped forward and opened the only thing on the kitsune’s body that looked like it could store things, the ‘coin purse’. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Vyxariah warned, but the woman ignored her and stuck her hand right in. The woman expected to feel coin or food rations, but instead the interior felt wet, squishy, and lined with sharp needles. Before her mind could process it, several tentacles burst from the coin purse and wrapped around her arm and torso, and she screamed as she was pulled face first into the bag. Within seconds, her entire body was gone, and Vyxariah just shrugged and said, “I warned her.” Seeing this, Atreya stood from her throne and grabbed a whip from the armrest. She lashed the weapon out, causing it to generate electricity in the process, and with a quick flick the tip struck the mimic. The mimic screeched and dropped from Vyxariah’s belt writhing on the ground and transforming into several objects intermixed with tentacles and sharp teeth. At the same time, it ejected numerous things from its body, including shredded clothes, bloody bones, gemstones, fine metals, weapons, trinkets, and a wide variety of balls. Finally, the mimic went limp, and when Vyxariah saw the pile of tentacles laying at her feet, she exclaimed, “Mimi! Are you alright!?” The mimic – obviously – did not answer, though the tentacles did stir, and after a moment of transforming, the entire pile of flesh took the form of a treasure chest. “Pin it down!” Mira ordered, and she and a few other girls jumped on the chest to keep its mouth from opening as they tied rope around it. In the chaos, the queen gasped, “It can’t be!” Vyxariah wondered was Atreya was talking about, and her eye widened when she realized the King’s Jewel had been ejected from the mimic. Before she could do anything, the queen claimed it and exclaimed, “Do you have any idea what this is?” “Yes, it’s a very big crystal, and it’s mine.” Atreya looked at the kitsune as if looking at a complete fool, then said, “This explains the giants’ activity. You may go.” A couple women apprehended the kitsune, intent to take her away without allowing her to collect her mimic or anything it expelled. If she could only save one thing though, she had her priority, “Wait, what about my crystal!” “We’ll keep it here. Do not worry, the giants will have a very hard time getting through my warriors.” Vyxariah did not care one way or another about whatever capacity these tree-dwellers had to fight giants. All she knew was that they were coming between her and her paycheck. A sly smile curled her lips, and she said, “I guess I’ll just be going then.” She turned away from the throne and left with the warrior escort. Wesley and Calin were taken down a spiraling staircase deeper into the trunk of the tree. At a certain point, they found themselves in a wide room circled with beds. On most of these beds were male humanoids, all completely naked and tied to bedframes by their wrists and ankles. Was this the fate that awaited them? Wesley was stopped on the second level, while Calin was taken deeper into this bondage slave dungeon. From that point, the women took all of the man’s clothing off, then shoved him onto an empty bed and bound him like the others. After that, they retrieved his possessions, and gave mocking smiles and made lude gestures with their bodies toward him as they teased, “Don’t go anywhere now.” For several minutes Wesley struggled against the ropes that held him, but the knots were very good, and all he was accomplishing was making them tighter. Eventually he had no choice but to give up. He laid there waiting for some time, knowing he had to escape; he promised he would return to Sonja. While he tried to figure out how he was going to escape from his current position, he began to think about the idea that the lovely, fit women who lived in this tree would most likely be having sex with him. Might not be a bad way to pass the time. To great regret, he realized the women who were breeding were not the curvy women he had been accustomed to. Instead, these women had massive hips, enlarged, milk-filled breasts, and an overabundance of fat. They were clearly built to fulfill the roles of mothers, but as for bedroom appeal… Wesley could not help but start struggling again, and that just made one of the large women smile as she approached him. While night ruled the world, Mira and a pair of women were making their way through one of the branches of the tree. Their patrol kept an eye on the horizon, knowing there were giants out there, somewhere. The patrol did find something, but it was not a giant, rather it was a trespasser inside the passage. Vyxariah leaned against the bark wall, her arms crossed, and appeared to be waiting. Seeing her, Mira demanded, “I thought you were sent away. Why have you returned?” The kitsune answered, “It’s dark out there. What difference does it make if I leave tonight or in the morning?” “It makes a difference if I say it makes a difference!” “Then I know exactly who I have to spend a night in bed with.” “What!?” Mira sounded like her pride was just insulted, but the devious smile on the fox-girl’s face caused her to blush uncontrollably. Vyxariah noticed this, and suggested, “Come on, maybe we can just talk for a bit, just the two of us?” Mira hesitated a moment in thought, then ordered the other girls to leave. As the others walked away, Mira said, “Alright, I’m listening.” Vyxariah’s tail began to wag cutely, and she said, “I’ve known plenty of women like you. You won’t indulge yourself on any man, not because you worry becoming a mother will destroy your life as a proud warrior, but because you have no interested in their bodies.” She rubbed her smooth tummy, flaunting her hips a bit as she continued, “You crave the soft flesh of a woman.” By this point, Mira was starting to turn red, and she was unable to look Vyxariah in the eye. The fox set a gentle hand on the woman’s cheek and asked, “Have you never tried it? Not even a kiss?” She leaned in to lock lips, but Mira suddenly grabbed her wrist and shoved her against a wall. In spite of being pinned by this physically stronger woman, Vyxariah’s lusty smile never wavered. The fox-girl was so beastly, she had such a predatory gaze. Mira bit her own lip, and overcome with desire, she kissed the kitsune passionately. Vyxaria’s tail curled gently around the couple as they made out rather aggressively. The pair snuck off to where the males were tied down. Mira figured it would be alright if the fox-girl stayed for just one night – at least if she was strapped to a bed so the warrior could have her way with her. When the two of them were in private – except for the men on the beds surrounding them – Mira began to relieve the kitsune of her clothing. At the same time, Vyxariah was gracing her with playful nuzzles and love bites. When Vyxariah was completely naked, Mira picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. The fox-girl curled up slightly at the head of the bed, expressing a desire to be ravaged, while also playing deceptively innocent. The sight just made Mira want her more, and she eagerly removed her clothes before climbing on top of her partner. Mira grabbed one of Vyxariah’s wrists and brought it toward the loop of one of the ropes, but at that moment, the kitsune grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled her close to kiss her. The warrior had long fantasized, but never imagined the true pleasure of the experience. Tasting another girl’s tongue stroking her own, feeling their breasts squishing on each other’s, and shivering from the fluids leaking between their kissing pussies. Mira was so caught up in the moment that she realized too late that the ropes were tied around her own wrists. Using leverage, Vyxariah flipped the pair over so Mira was on the bottom, then adjusted her own position to face away from the warrior. “What are you doing!?” Mira complained. Vyxariah did not answer, and instead stuffed both of her feet inside the warrior’s mouth to prevent her from screaming for help or biting down. The kitsune chuckled a bit as she felt the woman’s tongue licking around and between her toes. At the same time, she tied roped at the foot of the bed around Mira’s ankles to keep her legs restrained. When the woman was finally bound and unable to resist, Vyxariah spun around and clapped her hand over the woman’s mouth. “Sorry, but I don’t believe in ‘safe words’. But this activity has gotten me turned on, so I won’t deny you that taste of feminine cream you’ve so desperately desired.” With that said, she positioned her nethers over Mira’s face, and sat down so her pussy perfectly lined up with the woman’s mouth. The kitsune let out pleasured moans as the woman struggled and let out muffled screams under her crotch. She used the tip of her tail to toy with Mira’s own sacred folds just to make her struggle more. As much as she was loving this, Vyxariah knew she couldn’t stay long, but maybe another minute couldn’t hurt… “Let’s play a game.” She said before she pinched the woman’s nose, “You have until you pass out to finish me. So you’d better do a good job if you want to breathe again.” Mira panicked, and began to lick far more rapidly. “That’s what I’m talking about!” Vyxariah purred and bucked. Mira’s lungs were emptying fast; there were tears in her eyes as her chest began to burn. She pulled the ropes as hard as she could, her whole body flexing as oxygen was deprived from it, but she got nowhere. Just when she was on the verge of blacking out, the kitsune exclaimed, and gushed bitter fluids into Mira’s mouth, nearly drowning her on top of the suffocation. “Good girl.” Vyxariah teased as she got up and allowed the warrior to breathe again. Mira gasped for breath, and a gag was stuffed into her mouth before she could call for help. The kitsune grabbed her gear and teased, “I’d love to reward you for doing so well, but I’m afraid I must be going. Maybe we’ll get to do this again some time.” With that, the kitsune left the woman strapped to the bed. Mira angrily pulled and tugged, but there was no way to escape these bindings. Her only choice now was to wait for someone to find her and free her. Given that it was the dead of night, and all of the mothers had retired to their rooms, she would be laying here for a while. Calin laid on the bed he was tied to. His expression was pan-face, he was accustomed to situations designed to torture or humiliate him, so a couple fat chicks was child’s play. His true concerns were of what would become of the King’s Jewel in the hands of Vyxariah. He could hardly complete his mission strapped to a bedframe, nor could he guarantee someone else took care of it without witnessing it for himself. And what happened to Trista? She was in his pants last time he saw her. Did the women find her? Did they crush her or something worse? He could not linger on that; such thoughts would only distract him from the task hand. “Calin!” A soft voice called, and his eyes and ears shot in the direction the voice came from. Trista climbed over the edge of the bed and waved to him. “Trista, you’re alright.” Calin said with a smile, trying to keep his tone down, but his tail was still clearly wagging. “Hold still, I’ll untie those ropes.” She told him, so he obliged, in spite of how much it tickled to feel her little hands and feet scrambling up his muscular torso. He tilted his head toward one of his arms so she would be able to climb up his hair, and with his assistance, she was able to reach the ropes. “Oh, well this knot isn’t so tough; I just pull this strand out this way and…” After a couple grunts and tugs, Calin’s arm came free. He caught the brownie in his hand and ferried her back into his field of view. “Thank you, I’m glad you stuck with me.” “Well I wasn’t going to just abandon you. You’re my big, good doggy!” She leaned across, her hands propping on his chin so she could give him a kiss. Surprised, Calin recoiled, and she fell back as a result of the action. While Trista sat in his hand, looking shocked and confused, Calin was also confused. The little girl was so cute, and seeing her smile caused his heart to flutter, a feeling that was truly foreign to him. He would get to that later. For the moment he gently set Trista on his belly and untied the rest of the ropes on his own. Once freed from his bondage, he transferred her to his shoulder and said, “Alright, let’s help Wesley and get out of here.” When the inu located Wesley, the young man looked as if he had just suffered serious trauma. His temperament did not improve when his rescuer was a nude male, but deep in the subconscious of his mind, Wesley was proud to be the better hung of the two. Once free, Wesley followed Calin as they snuck their way through the tree. Thanks to the inu’s keen senses, they managed to avoid the night watch as he sniffed out and tracked down their clothes and weapons. The trail led them to the armory, and after a period of searching, they managed to gather their clothes and weapons. While they were there, one of the spears stood out among the others to Wesley, and he realized it was because it was the one that belonged to Sal. If the tree-dwellers found this weapon, but not its owner, then the warlock truly must have killed the neko. He decided to take the weapon, tying its rope to his bicep just like the neko used to wear it. “Done?” Calin asked him, “Let’s get moving… wait…” His ears perked, and he drew his swords as a squad of women entered the armory with bows at the ready. “Don’t move!” The leader of the group ordered. It might have been a good effort, but the human and yokai were once again captured. Thanks to the tour of the inner-tree village she was given during her most recent sexcapade, Vyxariah had no trouble locating the treasury. She had to recover her treasure, her mimic, and most importantly, the King’s Jewel. When she entered the treasury, she was astonished by the size of the hoard this primitive tribe had collected, and she had to cover her mouth to keep herself from squealing like a schoolgirl as she beheld the mountain of shiny treasure. She stepped forward and laid in the massive pile, gold raining down and partially burying her. She shivered from the cold, hard contact, wanting to rip off her clothes and burrow into these countless riches. She also found Mimi; the chest was laying pathetically on its side, completely restrained by thick ropes. It took only a moment for Vyxariah to cut the ropes, and the chest landed upright with a thud. “Mimi, how are you feeling?” She asked with a knock on top of the chest’s lid, wondering if it had recovered from the shock it received earlier. In response, the lid opened, and a tentacle emerged and licked her face affectionately. Her tail wagged as she reached between the mimic’s sharp teeth to rub its silky soft interior, feeling the numerous tentacles within caress her in return. When she withdrew her arm, the tentacles slipped back into the chest, and it was back to business. “Alright Mimi, I’ll get the jewel. You get…” She gestured to the shiny mountain, “all of that.” The chest sat there like a chest would, and Vyxariah scolded, “Don’t give me that look. Do you want a new ship to sleep in?” Again, the chest did not move, but the kitsune could read it like a book as she pat its lid and said, “I knew I could count on you Mimi.” The King’s Jewel was not hard to find. It was the biggest, shiniest object in the whole room, sitting on a pedestal on the far end of the treasury. The kitsune went straight to it with a skip in her step, and by the time she swiped it and turned around, the massive hoard was gone with not even a brass piece left behind. Instead, a treasure chest sat where the pile was. Vyxariah smiled, “Alright, I think we’re done here.” As she approached the chest, it transformed into a small bag, which she hooked to the back of her belt like a fanny pack. Before she could escape, a pair of warriors entered the room, one with a spear, the other with a drawn bow. “Halt!” The woman with the bow ordered. Vyxariah froze mid-step with her hands up – holding the King’s Jewel over her head – but a moment later she busted out laughing and said, “I’m sorry, I just don’t have time for this anymore.” She walked closer, and the archer demanded, “I said halt!” When the fox took another step, the arrow loosed, but it never reached its mark as the kitsune turned aside swiftly. Now was the time to act. Vyxariah tossed the King’s Jewel at the spearwoman, causing her to drop her weapon to catch it on reflex – falling over from the sheer size of it. At that point, the yokai dashed forward, and punched the archer in the face and shoved her to the ground. After a couple more strikes to render the women unconscious, Vyxariah retrieved the jewel and left the treasury. Unfortunately, the women had backup, and the moment the fox-girl entered the branch passage, she was surrounded on all sides by spears. Mira stepped forward from among them, looking furious as she said, “You are not escaping this time, fox. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are thoroughly punished before you are finally put down.” Another woman came forward and swiped the King’s Jewel from Vyxariah’s arms. “Hey!” The fox protested, but the Mira assured her, “You won’t be needing that anymore.” A horn bellowed, alerting everyone in the city, and the caller announced, “Giant on the west ridge!” Mira looked out toward the indicated direction, and sure enough, a giant was visible in dawn’s light. By the feminine frame, it was clear this one was female, not that it mattered since it would easily be killed like all the others that ventured too close to this tree. The giantess did not advance, rather she looked to the sky, and let out a horrible, ear-shattering scream. Everyone in the tree, human and yokai alike, had to cover their ears from the painful shriek. When the scream ended, fresh rumbling could be heard, and a dozen more giants walked up the hill to join the giantess. Seeing the giants advancing on the city, Mira ordered, “Everyone get to your battle positions now!” Not liking the idea of being bound and not even able to fight back against these monsters, Calin looked at the squad that captured him and said, “Cut us loose! We can help you!” “Shut up!” The squad leader retorted, she then pointed at a couple of warriors and said, “You two, don’t take your eyes off the prisoners. The rest of you, with me. Defend the tree!” As the giants approached, a few of them ripped large chunks of solid rock from the ground and hurled it at the tree. The rocks smashed against the trunk, and though did not do much damage to the tree, the shockwave caused people to lose balance, and a couple of tree-dwellers fell to the ground below. While half of the giants stood at the edge of the tree’s branches, the other half – four males and two females – walked straight in. Giants considered themselves the apex predators of Skyvale, so why should a few dozen snacks be of any concern? The answer came as arrows flew at the titanic beings, stinging their skin, and even damaging their eyes. When the two leading males were blinded, women jumped from the tree branches, swinging on ropes tied around their wastes, and carrying fifteen-foot lances. Using moment to their advantage, they plunged their spears deep into eye sockets or the soft spots of giant necks. A few women swung low enough to wrap their ropes around the giants’ legs and trip them. Seeing where the attack was coming from, one of the giants grabbed a branch, and broke it off of the tree. He then used it like a bat to swat several of the swinging women out of the air. Four other women tumbled across the ground. As the group of grounded warriors shook off the fall to recover, one of them was picked up by her rope, and dangled in the air over a giant’s head. The women watched in horror and disgust as their squad-mate was lowered into the giant’s gaping maw. He bit down on the rope, snapping it between his teeth, and a moment later there was a noticeable bulge descending through his throat. Remembering their training, the others knew that being on the ground when attacked by giants was a death sentence. They knew they had to get back up the tree fast, especially when one of the giant women noticed them. Two of them got to their feet and ran, but the third stumbled and laid on her back, shielding herself with her arms as the giantess brought her foot down on her. All that was left visible of the woman was one of her arms sticking up between giant toes, spasming with pain before utterly going limp. The giantess took great pleasure from crushing the tiny woman like the bug she was, and then turned her attention to the other two warriors still running for the roots of the tree. The giantess stepped forward and flattened one under the ball of her foot, hearing every bone snap in an instant, and feeling the wet blood seep out as she ground the body into the dirt. The final tree-dweller ran for her life, but then the giantess gave her a slight flick from her big toe that felt more like getting hit by a charging bull. The woman groaned as she rolled over, and she saw the giant’s blood-stained foot hovering over her, mocking that at any second it would come down and end her life. She still had her lance, and she propped it against the ground and braced as the foot fell to crush her. The giantess did not feel another life come to a squishy end under her sole. Instead she felt a sharp pain as a lance was jammed deep into the arch of her foot. She hopped and held her damaged foot, howling in pain, but that was the least of her problems. Women in the tree cut ropes holding a branch bent back as far as it would go without snapping. Once freed from its binding, it swung forward and impaled the giant woman’s head with sharp, metal spikes protruding from its side. The giantess collapsed, adding another fatality to the giants’ forces, but the battle was not over yet. Mira stood on top of a branch with two lines of women beside her. The back row fired arrow after arrow at the giants below, while the front row jabbed their spears at outstretched hands. The spear defense line was not perfect, and a couple women found themselves raked from the branch by giant fingers. Mira could only watch as the women were stuffed into the giant’s mouth, their screams muffled as they slipped down his throat, and then he prepared to grab another handful. Wasting no time, Mira threw a lance, impaling the giant’s shoulder and causing him to recoil. He growled in frustration, and with a backhand, knocked the entire front line of spear wielders from the branch while blowing the archers and Mira onto there backs with the same motion. Before Mira could get back to her feet, the giant’s strong fingers grabbed her ankle and began to pull her from the branch. Acting fast, she pulled a dagger from where it was strapped to her ankle, and wedged it underneath the giant’s fingernail. The pain caused him to free her, and she managed to climb back up the branch. One of the archers was not so lucky. Mira saw the woman get snatched from the branch by a giantess, kicking and stabbing to no avail. The archer was held over the giant’s open mouth, and a moment later, the fingers loosened their grip to drop the girl in. Stealing herself, Mira grabbed the spear from her back and jumped from the branch, and braced herself to land directly in the giant’s open mouth. Her aim was true, and she slipped in directly between the giant, closing teeth before turning her spear to keep the giantess from shutting her mouth. The spearhead jammed into the giant’s upper jaw, and Mira caught the archer by her arm to prevent her from sliding to her doom. Mira looked at the girl she was rescuing, then at the flexing throat behind which curved down into darkness. Looking back out through the white teeth and soft lips, the world was a blur as the giantess shook her head. The spear was starting to crack, meaning there was little time left to act, and while jumping outside blindly could lead to a couple hundred foot fall, staying in this mouth was certain doom. Mira’s grip tightened, and she threw the archer from the maw. The rescued woman did manage to land on the tree trunk, but Mira never saw if the archer escaped as the giantess covered her mouth with her hand, trapping the warrior in the humid mouth. The spear snapped, and the giantess was able to close her mouth completely. The warrior cried out as the bumpy tongue rolled underneath her, and she was thrown backwards into the throat. Strong muscles gripped her tightly, giving her no say in the matter as they forced her saliva coated body down into the depths of the giantess. The journey finally ended when she entered an open space, and splashed onto the bottom of the stomach. Mira emerged from the pool of acid, coughing and trying to catch her breath. She was not alone, two other women had been swallowed by this giantess, and were crying out and fighting to escape their new, fleshy home. The women were naked – their clothes had burned away in the gastric juices – and patches of their skin were missing as the stomach started its work to digest them alive. Mira’s own clothes were soon ripped from her as she joined the struggle to escape the horrible fate that awaited them. The three nubile women slid against each other, climbing on top of one another and forcing their companions to submerge under the acid pool as they stepped on each other. It was impossible to stay balanced on the soft, malleable, wiggling flesh, and the slippery walls were almost impossible to hold onto. Mira found her hands were losing skin from prolonged contact with the acid secreting walls. Whatever progress they might have made was ended as another woman was forced into the stomach through the sphincter above, crashing onto the pile of women and adding to the useless flailing and struggling. These once proud warriors were reduced to nothing but meat meant to nourish the giantess who ate them. Wesley could only wonder what was happening outside as he sat in the dark hall of a tree branch. By the mixture of screaming, shouting, and the shaking of the tree, he could only guess it was not going well. He looked at the woman who stood next to him, one of the two who were meant to ensure he and Calin did not escape. She looked young, barely eighteen, and she appeared nervous about the whole situation. He asked her, “What is your name?” “A-Amy” The young brunette panted. He tried to reassure her, “You don’t have to fight alone. Cut us loose; we can help.” She looked like she was considering it, until her companion ordered, “Ignore him. Men are cowardly and weak. We don’t need their h…” The elder was cut off as the branch they were in was torn away, and she was pulled out with it, falling to her death. “Cut us loose!” Wesley demanded, and in a state of panic, Amy drew her knife and cut the ropes from the human and yokai. As the three of them got to their feet, a giant looked in through the hole in the branch, his eye covering the entire field of view the humanoids had. Calin did not hesitate to draw his swords and dash forward, shoving his weapons through the giant’s eye. “Calin!” Wesley exclaimed as the giant fell back. He ran to the edge of the branch, but did not see what became of the giant or the inu. Instead his attention was drawn to the branches, where giants had been throwing massive grapple hooks attached to long ropes. The giants who had been staying out of the battle thus far grabbed the ropes and tugged in unison, using their strength, weight, and leverage to yank the tree down. Its roots appeared from the ground, and it soon offered no resistance to the giants’ pulling. Wesley could only hold on for the ride as the massive tree fell over. With the impact, his head struck wood, and his vision went black. When consciousness returned, Wesley found himself mostly burred and pinned to the ground beneath a large amount of wood. Through a cloud of dust, he saw giants exploring the remains of the tree, plucking surviving tree-dwellers from the rubble to devour them. The women screamed as they fell into those hungry gullets. Not far away, Amy pushed wood out of the way as she climbed free, coughing out the dust in her lungs. As she crawled to freedom, a giant hand grabbed her. She screamed as she was lifted into the air, and Wesley recognized the giant as the same one who came for the sacrifices over a week earlier. The fat giant smiled as the young woman struggled in his grasp, but he did not bring her to his mouth, rather he directed her toward his rear. Amy screamed, trying to brace her feet against his butt cheeks, but the round flesh did nothing to keep her from sliding into the dirty brown sphincter. Her struggles did little as she was crammed inside, and the giant ended it by placing a finger on her head and pushing down. A desperate hand reaching out was the last thing Wesley saw of the poor girl, and as the giant withdrew his finger, he farted as if his ass was burping from the meal it just consumed. The fat giant lumbered away, and Wesley was much less willing to move even if he could. He was surprised when a foot impacted the ground directly in front of him. It was the foot of a giantess, but unlike any he’d ever seen. Her nails were black and pointed, and her skin had an unusual texture, almost like scales. The giantess leaned down, extending a hand with long fingers and sharp claws toward the rubble. Wesley could barely see her face, but there was something wrong with her mouth. It seemed wider and sharper than normal. After a moment of digging, the hand withdrew, carrying a shining object in its fingers: the King’s Jewel. Having claimed her prize, the giantess stood to her full height, then let out her long, agonizing scream. The other giants gave the giantess their full attention, and followed her as she walked away from the fallen tree. Without the threat of being eaten by a giant, Wesley struggled to pull himself free of the rubble, but he did not have the strength to do it. “Wesley!” He heard someone call. When they called again, he recognized it as Calin. “Here! I’m over here!” With the two calling to each other, the inu manage to find him. Calin picked up the heaviest broken log, and with that weight lifted, Wesley was able to climb out. “Are you alright?” Calin asked, setting a hand on Wesley’s back. The human was sore and cut up, but his own health was of little concern as he said, “They took it Calin. Those giants have the King’s Jewel!” The yokai understood, but there was nothing either of them could do about it at the moment. The giants were too far ahead, and it was near impossible for a humanoid to fight off a single giant, so half a dozen was out of the question. Instead, he suggested, “Let’s see if there are any survivors.” The pair looked around and through the large, fallen log, hoping to find someone. Unfortunately, everyone the giants left behind was already dead. Some were broken on the ground, others crushed or impaled by branches, but all killed in one way or another. Just when the two were giving up on finding anyone alive, Calin picked up on the sound of pained voices. The two ran to where the voices were coming from, and when they neared the location, they saw an unmistakable fox tail in the air. Vyxariah was half buried in rubble, her legs kicking frantically, and it seemed like she was struggling to escape. Before either man could act, the fox-girl got the proper leverage and tugged, emerging from the rubble with someone else in her arms. It was Atreya. The rescue was not as altruistic as it first appeared, as the fox-girl began shaking, punching, and kicking the queen while she was down. The queen could barely defend herself with her broken body, but Vyxariah continued to take her anger out on her. The kitsune’s ears were curled back, and she shouted, “It’s all your fault you dumb bitch! How am I supposed to get the jewel back? Tell me!” The men ran up, trying to calm the fox-girl down “Easy Vyxariah, she’s not worth it!” “Not worth what!?” The kitsune barked, throwing the queen to the ground in frustration. She turned away from the bleeding woman, but as Wesley stepped forward to check on Atreya, Vyxariah drew her pistol and planted a bullet in the woman’s skull, then walked away cursing. The queen was dead, and so it was just Wesley, Calin, and Vyxariah again, and they had no idea where to go next. Leaving the dead tree behind, the trio examined the tracks left behind by the giants. Calin said, “The tracks put them heading due east.” “What’s to the east?” Wesley asked, and Vyxariah answered, “Socatar. No idea why they would want to go there, but…” Whatever crossed her mind, she did not share with the others, but it did bring a smile to her face and a wag to her tail. Wesley was unsure if her happiness was a good thing or a bad thing, but it was probably better than the rage she just portrayed. Whatever brought the giants to the city of Socatar, Wesley and Calin knew it was out of their hands. Calin noticed something then: a hawk landed near the trio and chirped at them. His ears perked, and he realized, “It’s a messenger hawk!” He held out his hand, and the tame bird hopped over to him. “This is perfect. We can contact the Resistance, inform them of the situation, and have a ship sent to extract us.” Wesley was inclined to agree; the thought of seeing Sonja again was very tempting. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that this course would only guarantee the King’s Jewel would make it to The Queen. “Wait.” Wesley told Calin as the inu started writing, “Don’t ask them to come to us. Tell them to go directly to Socatar. Think about it, if they waste their time searching the Burla region, it gives more time for the giants to ship off the King’s Jewel. But if we direct a fleet to Socatar, they can intercept the King’s Jewel before it is lost to us.” The logic added up, and Calin wrote the plan down before tying the parchment to the hawk’s leg. After telling it who and where to deliver the message, it flew northeast to meet with the Resistance. With that deed done, Wesley could only hope the message would reach Commander Ariss in time as he and the others made their way to Socatar.
Dragon Ranch 1 – 1 Amy was sick of working at the North American Dragon Ranch. She thought it would be a cool job getting to work close with large, majestic creatures, but in the weeks she’d been there, she found these beasts to be anything but majestic. They were noisy, pushy, always stank, and trying to handle any of them resulted in bites and scratches – if they didn’t decide to outright burn her. To top it off, her fellow employees were terrible to work with. She was a Junior Handler, and she thought that meant her superiors were supposed to be training her for field work. Instead, they were off doing who-knows-what while they stuck her with all the chores they didn’t want to do. If it wasn’t for the ridiculous pay, she would have quit a long time ago. Today she was doing yet another unpleasant task: shoveling dragon shit. She thought the dragons themselves smelled bad, but this was downright rancid. As she worked, a large dragon wandered into the muddy area. The sixty-foot silver-scaled dragon was of a more traditional build, making it obviously one of the foreign imports from… somewhere in Europe. She’d been told what species it was, and even its name, but she did not care enough to remember what it was. The dragon raised its tail and dropped something fresh to add to Amy’s work, causing her to groan with frustration. “Thanks, you’re a real joy to be around, you know that!?” As she walked over to scoop up the fresh pile, the dragon turned and struck her with his tail, knocking her down and sending her sliding across the mud from the force of it. This had not been intentional on the dragon’s part, and noticing what he’d done, he proceeded to investigate the fallen handler to make sure she was alright. For Amy, this was the last straw. She got to her feet and began shouting at the dragon, wiping the mud off her face and flinging it at the large creature in her frustrated ranting. The dragon did not appreciate her actions in the slightest, He bared his fangs and began to growl at the young woman. Amy realized her mistake too late, and when she tried to back away, the dragon opened his mouth and caught her in his jaws. Hot breath washed over Amy’s face, and thick saliva dripped around her body and soaked into her clothes. All she could see was the dark pit of the dragon’s throat, and she could feel sharp teeth gripping her body to prevent her from escaping. This did not prevent her from trying as she screamed for help, kicked her legs, and punched the sides of the dragon’s head weakly. Her struggles were fruitless, and the dragon combined the motion of tossing his head back while wiggling his tongue under her body to send her face-first into his throat. Once completely inside the tunnel of flesh, she could do nothing but scream and wiggle as she was squeezed down the long, slippery passage. It was too dark to see, but it was still obvious where she was headed. Her only hope now was someone would come and pull her out before it was too late; she was unsure how long she would be able to survive swimming in stomach acid. It was lunch time, and Amber wandered the grounds trying to find Amy to let her know it was break time. “Amy!” She called, trying to get the girl’s attention, but also trying not to disturb any dragons. She eventually found a shovel and a wheelbarrow full of scat, and she knew the young handler had to be around there somewhere. A Silver Tiger laid in the grass nearby, and Amber approached him calmly and said, “Hello Panzer. Have you seen Amy? I can’t seem to find her.” She did not expect the dragon to actually answer, but she did notice something off about him. His belly was round and wiggling from something inside. “Did you catch something? You know you’re not supposed to leave the grounds.” He did not respond, though he did keep an eye on her as she approached his belly. She rested her head on the dragon’s belly, and she could hear human screams among the gurgles of digestion. “Looks like we’re down our latest handler…” Amber stated with an excess of apathy. She rubbed the smooth-scaled tummy to comfort the dragon, getting him to purr. “I hope she was tasty big guy, but Ruby is not going to appreciate the extra paperwork.” A few days later… Citrine could not believe it. She put in her application at the dragon ranch two months ago, and they finally called her to ask her to come in. She was jumping with excitement, even if her room-mate did not share her enthusiasm. Citrine was a 19-year-old blond. She had only recently moved out of her parents’ house, and now lived in a co-ed dorm as she went to college. Trouble was, her classes were expensive, so she needed a job to be able to cover the tuition. One of the draws to the dragon handling job was that it payed 20 dollars an hour. The primary draw was her love of dragons. They were her favorite animal for as long as she could remember, and she would occasionally go to the ranch to see the different species housed there. Now that she had the chance to be a part of such a place, it was like a dream come true for her. Her room-mate was 18-year-old Chelsie, who often wore glasses, but was pretty enough to make the nerdy-look look good. Citrine felt that was the only endearing quality about the girl. She put all of her time into school work to get the best grades possible, which was good, except she shunned and put down anyone who could not maintain a solid A+ average; Citrine really did not appreciate being talked to like a low-class citizen because of her Bs and Cs. It also did not help that the two of them had nothing in common, and that included their thoughts on dragons. “I don’t know why anyone would want to go anywhere near one of those monsters.” Chelsie stated as Citrine prepared to leave. The elder answered, “Not all of us think they’re horrible creatures.” “There’s a word for people like that. They’re called morons.” Citrine rolled her eyes, wanting the conversation to be dropped, but Chelsie kept it going. “Why would you go to that overhyped zoo anyway? You can’t go five steps there without stepping in dragon shit.” “This coming from the one who can’t even look at a picture of Quetzalcoatl without getting squeamish? It’s my dream to work close and personal with such creatures on a daily basis.” “It’s your dream to work on a ranch? Well I guess even burger flippers take pride in their work. I don’t even know why they call it the North American Dragon Ranch; it’s not the only one on the continent, let alone in the country.” With her shoes finally on, Citrine made her way for the door, and on her way out mumbled, “Yeah, I’m sure someone who mocks Space-Force veterans will make it far as an astronomer.” She got into her car and began the trip to the ranch. It was a destination that she was familiar with how to reach, even if it was at the end of long country roads well outside city limits. Her arrival was marked by a long fence with occasional signs warning of fates that would befall trespassers. The warnings coupled with the simple fact that most dragons could fly made it obvious the fence was intended to keep people out as opposed to keeping anything in. A parking lot was available outside the main gate, and after finding a spot to park her car, Citrine took a sidewalk to the nearest building: the visitor’s center. The inside of the building had a pleasant coolness compared to the summer heat outside. There were bins full of dragon plushies, and shelves lined with statues and carvings of dragons. Citrine was not there for the merchandise though, she was there for a job. There was a counter by the front wall, next to a window the length of the wall itself, and behind the counter was a woman with striking red hair. The woman was typing on a keyboard with her left hand, while she wrote on a sheet of paper with her right. Citrine approached the woman and said hi, to which the red-head quickly said, “Sign here.” She tapped her pen on a blank line at the bottom of a sheet of paper covered with a lot of fancy words. While she’d never bothered to read it, Citrine was familiar with signing this document whenever she came to visit the ranch in the past. This time was different though, and she countered, “I’m not a visitor.” “Sign Here.” The woman repeated herself and tapped the same blank line that she had before. Citrine did as she was instructed, and as she signed the paper, she said, “My name is Citrine Nellie, I’m here about a job position you guys called me in for.” “Oh, you’re our new Dragon Handler. Good, once you’re done signing in, I’ll have you sign these as well.” The red-head set a stack of papers down in front of Citrine, then continued, “While you do that, I’ll get you set up with your new gear. I’m Ruby; you should know that, I’m the head of this operation.” “A lot of paperwork involved with this.” Citrine commented. Ruby replied, “It keeps the place running and the hazard pay coming. But don’t worry, your job will have less to do with it than mine does.” As Citrine signed and initialed her way through the stack, Ruby opened a drawer and pulled out several articles of clothing. The blond finished, and the red-head took the papers and offered the clothes, “Here, put these on, and I’ll get this filed.” Citrine did as she was instructed, and once she was in her new uniform, she had to wonder about the integrity of the outfit. It consisted of denim shorts, a cloth shirt that exposed her belly, and over which she wore a leather vest. She also had a pair of fingerless gloves, and steel-toe boots. Citrine left the changing room and entered the lobby, and there she found a new girl with green eyes and dark hair which was tied back in a braid. She was wearing a similar outfit to Citrine, and was speaking to Ruby. “There she is.” Ruby commented when she saw Citrine, “Jade, this is the new girl. Take her on a tour of the ranch and introduce her to some of the ‘guests’ she’ll be working with.” Jade obliged, and had Citrine followed her. As they walked, Jade began into a bit of an introductory speech, “In case you didn’t hear, I’m Jade. I’m one of the local veterinarians. Dragons like to play rough, so I have to patch them up from time to time. I also work on people too, but my services will come out of your hazard pay, so try to be careful.” The two of them walked down a hall that ended with a glass enclosure. Inside was a tree, which served as environment enrichment for nearly a dozen feathered snakes with wings. Unlike their two-foot long bodies, which were covered with colorful feathers, their heads were bald, and they had narrow snouts. Jade explained, “We keep our Scelfés here so our guests have a light introduction before seeing the bigger specimens throughout the ranch. If you ask me, they could have picked something with an easier name to remember.” She did not go out through the traditional guest exit, but rather used a key-card to unlock a door to open range. From the outside, Citrine could see rows of cage arches that protected paths the visitors could walk through to reach pens and observational towers. A large bird cage was connected to the visitor’s center, with bleachers circling the inner perimeter. A crowd of people were inside, chatting and watching a presentation going on at the center. Jade informed, “Amber is doing a presentation in the amphitheater right now. I’ve never met anyone else who was so friendly and comfortable around dragons. I’m surprised nothing has eaten her yet. Could be that she smells too much like another dragon; makes them lose their appetite.” Citrine peered into the cage, where she saw a girl with short, dirty-blond hair holding a lime-green dragon perched on her arm. She overheard something about it being a ‘Tree ‘gator’ native to the swamps of Florida. By the woman’s – Amber – command, the dragon spread its wings to display a six-foot feathered span, as well as an inferior leather set under the primary. The display was enough to get the crowd to applaud, overshadowing whatever Citrine could hear of Amber’s presentation. Citrine finally spoke up, “I have to ask, if this job is so dangerous, why do we wear such flimsy gear?” “It’s for the dragons’ comfort more than our own. They like having women in their presence, and us showing skin is soothing to them.” “But don’t dragons… you know… eat women?” “Favorite food. But thanks to history, men make them uneasy, which is not the environment we want to create for them. Don’t worry, if you keep calm – don’t scream and run – and don’t do anything to upset them, you should be fine.” “So, what is so important about the environment we create here?” “Dragons were nearly hunted to extinction. Dragon Ranch exists so they have places to restore their numbers. We also want to remove the ignorance that nearly killed them in the first place by educating people. These animals can be dangerous, but they’re not blood-thirsty monsters; we can all live together if we respect each other’s boundaries.” Jade motioned toward the pens, and stated, “We’ll make our way to the pens; we should be able to meet some dragons up close there.” They walked to the nearest set of pens, and inside there were three dragons with long, serpentine bodies. They had two pairs of legs, and one pair of wings. One of the dragons was covered with green feathers, the other two were blue – one of which had yellow highlights at the tips of its feathers. Jade informed, “We currently house three Appalachian Raptors. This is Tohru, Elma, and Lucoa. Amber named them, and yes, she loves Dragon Maid.” After introducing the trio, Jade guided Citrine to a second set of pens. On their way, they passed a lake at the center of the range. There were a few different species of dragons laying among the rolling hills surrounding the lake, and all of them appeared quite comfortable basking in the mid-day sun. “Here we see some of our breeding groups.” Jade pointed at a pair of large, silver dragons laying on the opposite side of the lake, “Those two Silver Tigers are a mated pair. They’re foreign imports from Germany.” She then indicated a group of serpentine dragons. The smaller ones had colorful feather headdresses, and they laid around a much larger central one. “Those are our Mojave Wyrms. The big one in the center, Mo, she’s the matriarch of the pack.” As Jade spoke, Citrine heard a commotion in a nearby pen. Inside she saw a grey dragon with a red blotch on its angular face. The scaly dragon was small, only a little bigger than a large dog. Citrine wondered if it liked to be pet like a dog would, and she began to reach a hand out to it. Before she came close to making contact though, Jade caught her by the wrist and commanded, “No! That’s an arrow-headed wyvern; their venom is very, very lethal.” “Sorry.” “Just be more careful. Come on, there’s more to see.” They passed an open door leading into the back of one of the enclosures. A figure laid in the darkness among the hay bedding, and Jade said, “This is the last of our European imports: Grumpy the Dwarf Tiger. Seems like he wants to sleep, we’d better not disturb him. Speaking of sleepy dragons, do you want to see our Korean Lung? He doesn’t move much, but he looks cool.” At the recommendation, they went to the next enclosure, where there was a long-bodied dragon with short limbs and a fin sprouting from its spine. Its head was submerged in a pool of water, from where air bubbles rose from its nostrils. “I remember this guy.” Citrine said, “My mom was convinced this thing was just taxidermy you guys moved around after hours.” “That would not surprise me. Well let’s go back to the visitor’s center.” As they prepared to go back the way they came, the Dwarf Tiger woke from its slumber and walked out in front of the handlers. He had red scales, and black stripes covering his entire body. He had all six limbs of a classic European breed, and he was 24 feet from the tip of his snout to the end of his tail-spade. The dragon looked in the handlers’ direction, then stepped toward them. Jade cautioned Citrine, “Stay calm. He’s just curious, he hasn’t met you before.” Citrine held still and stared at the dragon as he stared back at her. She felt like she could get lost in his golden cat-eyes, but fortunately her companion cautioned her against it. She looked away slightly and slowly raised an arm, offering her hand for him if he wanted to be touched. She felt his warm breath on her fingers as he sniffed her, and a moment later his scaly snout made contact with her palm. She looked at him, and a smile came to her face from the close contact with this beautiful animal. She pet him while he nuzzled her, until he finally recoiled from her grip and walked away. When the two women were alone, Jade commented, “Wow, he doesn’t usually do that to anybody. There must be something about you he likes. Well, let’s head back now.” The pair returned to the visitor’s center. When they made it to the building, they heard someone call out, and Citrine saw a new girl running at them while waving. This was probably the palest girl Citrine had ever seen – as if she had never spent more than five minutes outside her entire life – which made her black bowl-cut stand out more by comparison. When the newcomer reached them, she bent over to catch her breath, then stood up and asked, “You’re the new girl right?” “Uh, yes? I’m the new girl. I’m Citrine.” The girl smiled, “I’m Pearl. It’s so nice to meet you! Are you a part of the medical staff?” “She’s a new handler.” Jade responded, “The one replacing Amy.” “Oh, that’s a shame.” Pearl pouted. “Well I’m sure I’ll see you around. Welcome to the team!” “Thanks.” Citrine felt a little awkward with this peppy girl, but at least she was friendly. Pearl even held the door open so the group could walk inside. Once inside, Citrine saw the girl who had been doing the presentation earlier – Amber. The short-haired blond had the tree ‘gator coiled her arms, and she pet its head as she called it a good boy. Her praise seemed to annoy Ruby, who said, “Honestly Amber, just put it away already. It’s not a cat!” Jade inserted, “Actually studies have shown dragons are more closely related to cats than they are to lizards. But that’s none of my business.” Ruby was clearly in no mood to debate anything, and she changed the topic of conversation to Citrine as she stated, “I have finished your paperwork, and now that you are acquainted with the facility, I see no reason to prevent you from beginning your duties immediately. When will you be ready to start work officially?” Citrine answered, “Well, I have school early in the morning tomorrow, but I can come in the afternoon if that would be alright?” “That would be fine. We will see you tomorrow.” Pearl suddenly embraced Citrine in a tight hug and chimed, “I look forward to working with you!” Citrine returned the hug with a friendly pat and said likewise. As she motioned to try to pry the girl off of her, she said to Jade, “Thank you for showing me around today.” She then looked at Amber and added, “It was nice to meet you too.” Amber seemed confused as she replied, “We haven’t spoken yet.” “Right, but I hope you can teach me how to handle dragons so well.” “Uh… sure…” Well that conversation got her nowhere. Citrine excused herself, then returned to her vehicle and drove home for the evening. Her first day had not been so bad, and she was looking forward to what was sure to be a fun and enjoyable career.
Dragon Ranch 1 – 2 Citrine felt incredibly bored in class. Her mind was far too distracted by the excitement of being able to work at Dragon Ranch. She was glad she only had a couple of classes in the morning, and once she was free, she returned to her dorm to put on her uniform. Once she was in full gear, she took a moment to admire herself in the mirror. That was when Chelsie spoke up, “What are you wearing?” “It’s my uniform.” “You call that a uniform? It’s all belts and leather.” “It’s supposed to be revealing, the dragons like that kind of stuff.” “Prostitutes show off a lot of skin too. Do you fuck the dragons?” “No! Why would you even ask that?” “You’re the one who wants to get close to those ugly beasts.” She gestured to a couple of statues and dragon posters Citrine had on her side of the room as she continued, “Look at this. Most women have pictures of good-looking celebrities on their walls. I bet you want to be mounted by one of those scaly monsters.” “Would you quit insulting them!” “I notice you didn’t correct me. So, you do want to fuck a dragon!” Citrine checked the time, and was happy to walk out of the conversation saying, “I don’t have time to argue with you.” She left the room with Chelsie spouting more hate-filled comments behind her. She made the drive down the long roads again, and finally reached the ranch just after noon. She went inside, and found Ruby behind her desk typing away as she had been before. Citrine didn’t even say hello before the red-head tapped a paper and said, “Sign here.” “I work here.” Citrine protested. “Sign here.” Ruby repeated. Citrine rolled her eyes and did as she was told, then asked what her duties would be for the day. “In the back room, there is a shovel and a rake. I want you to go to each of the dragons’ pens, shovel any fecal matter, dispose of the hay and replace it with fresh bedding. It should be easier if you get it done during the day when all the dragons are roaming outside of their pens.” “That seems like an odd thing for a ‘Dragon Handler’ to do. Why would I not be dealing with the dragons directly?” “You are still new to the job; I don’t want you to do something stupid and get yourself killed. Once you’ve kept the pens sanitary, you’ll receive your first lessons with how to properly handle dragons.” “Alright.” Citrine agreed. As little as the labor interested her, she did accept that the animals on the ranch needed to be comfortable. The day progressed, and the task went on and on. Every pen she took care of would require a fresh bale of hay, which required her to go to and from a storage shed. It was a workout for her arms each time she tended to a pen. There were a lot of pens to take care of, and she could not take care of all of them at the same time since some dragons were still lounging in them. At some point during the evening, Citrine saw an armored truck drive through the ranch, followed by a large white ambulance. The truck stopped, and the ambulance continued down a dirt path to the medical facility. Once it arrived, the ambulance backed up to the building, and its rear doors opened. A feathered dragon was wheeled into the building by veterinarians, two of which Citrine recognized as Jade and Pearl. Four women emerged from the armored truck. They were armed with unusual weaponry, and their apparel covered more of their skin. Citrine decided to take a break, and approached the new women. “Hello, I’m Citrine. Who are you?” “We’re Dragon Hunters. If a dragon is wreaking havoc, or in an area that it should not be, we are the ones they send out to deal with it.” “Deal with it? You mean, kill it?” “No… At least, not if we can avoid it.” The woman held up her rifle, showing the wires and batteries installed in it, “These are specially designed electric weapons. We shoot a hostile dragon, and it receives a few thousand volts of electricity, just enough to knock it unconscious or paralyze it so it can be restrained.” “Enough.” A blue-eyed girl with blue highlights in her long black hair stated, “We’re done today, go home and get some dinner.” “Yes Sapphire.” The women answered. They got back into the truck and drove off, leaving Sapphire behind with Citrine. Sapphire said, “You are the new Handler? Perhaps I’ll see you in the field some time.” “How much field work is usually involved with this job?” “Depends on the situation. Handlers are good at keeping dragons calm; it makes them easier to deal with than when you shoot at them.” “Yes, I imagine that tends to complicate things.” Citrine said, a little jokingly, but it did get a smirk out of the hunter. Sapphire dismissed herself, “You have a job to do here, you should get back to it.” Then walked to the visitor’s center, leaving Citrine to get back to her duties. It was getting late in the day by the time Citrine finally got to the last pen. Everyone else had gone home by this point, leaving her to be the one to lock up. It wouldn’t take much longer so she didn’t mind, but this last pen belonged to Grumpy. The Dwarf Tiger had been laying in it all day, and now that the sun was setting, he was still uninclined to leave. One way or another, she had to get the job done, but she was made a bit nervous by the stories of what happened to people who trespassed in a dragon’s home. She looked through the doorway, and found the dragon laying in a corner. His eyes locked with hers, and a soft growl left his throat. Hearing this, Citrine showed her shovel and said assuringly, “It’s okay, I’m just here to clean your home. It won’t take long… may I come inside?” The dragon made no further noise, but kept his eyes trained on her. She passed the threshold, and the dragon made no move; she took that as approval. She was glad there was not much to scoop off the floor, and after that she raked up the hay scattered across the floor, while doing her best to give the dragon his space. The whole time Grumpy kept an eye on her, watching her carefully. The final step came as she brought in a fresh bale of hay. She nudged the door as she carried the heavy load, but did not notice until it swung shut behind her. Citrine stood in shock, and rushed to the door only to find it locked. Though she pounded and shouted, she knew there was no one around to hear her; no one would be able to unlock the door until the morning. Giving up, she looked back at Grumpy, who was sniffing at her, but not moving against her. Citrine leaned her back against a wall and slowly slid down into a sitting position. She considered what to do, then decided she had no choice but to settle in for the night. She removed her vest and folded it before setting it on the ground. After that she removed her boots and socks to give her feet some air. She then curled up on the ground and rested her head on her vest like a pillow. It wasn’t comfortable, but it would have to do, and she prepared for the long night. As the night progressed, she became increasingly cold; it was not long before she began to shiver. Her shivering caught the dragon’s attention, and he approached her where she laid. He sniffed her body and nudged her. He continued to prod and shove until he had pulled her away from the wall. At that point he laid down beside her, coiled his tail around her and tucked his head between her arms. Citrine had been awake the whole time, but did not move as she was left utterly confused by the dragon’s actions. Once he was coiled around her and sleeping though, she felt the chill of the air fade as smooth scales warmed her skin. Oddly enough, sleeping with a dragon was quite comfortable in her mind. She cuddled his head close to her bosom, and let her head rest upon his bicep, then closed her eyes and fell asleep. A handful of highschoolers sat around a campfire on a beach. They spoke and laughed and drank long into the night, until a boy and a girl began to find they had eyes for each other. The two of them ran off from the group, stripping off their clothes to skinny dip in the ocean. They swam and chased each other, until the waves finally washed the girl onto the shore. As the girl stumbled back to her feet, brushing the sand off her body as she waited for her companion, she was blissfully unaware that she was being watched by something else. Something dropped out of the sky and slammed into her, knocking her onto the ground. A serpentine, feathered dragon hit the ground, causing the girl to cry out in fear. She tried to crawl away, only to wind up with her feet caught in its jaws. Her fingers clawed at the sand as the feeling of salty beach air was rapidly replaced by hot, tight flesh. Throat muscles gripped her and dragged her deeper, and all the while she screamed and begged for help. She was breast deep in the dragon’s throat before the man joined her on the beach. In spite of the thick, dripping saliva and sharp teeth clouding her vision, she still reached out for help. The man stood in shock as jaws closed on the woman he’d been swimming with only a moment earlier. The dragon’s neck bulged and wiggled as her body slid down its throat and into its body. He found a stick to fight with, and he picked it up and waved it at the dragon. This predator did not take kindly to his actions. It reared up with its wings spread wide, and the man stood paralyzed with fear. It opened its jaws and spat a green fluid upon him, and in an instant, he felt a terrible burning sensation everywhere the fluid touched. Steam rose from his body; his skin bubbled, and then began to slip off his bones. Then he collapsed, and did not rise again.
Dragon Ranch 1 – 3 Citrine woke up in the morning, with the Dwarf Tiger still embracing her. She felt his front legs holding her torso, and any movement she attempted only got him to hug her tighter. His wing laid across her, radiating his internal body heat and causing her to feel a bit sweaty. Though Grumpy’s head rested within reach, she did not think that waking a sleeping dragon was a good idea. Besides, it was not like she could get out with the door locked as it was. All of those facts seemed to change rather quickly, as the sound of tumbler’s switching caused the Dwarf Tiger to wake, and both dragon and human looked at the door as it was opened to grant access to the outside. Amber was the one who unlocked the door, and the blond seemed surprised when she found Citrine held in dragon talons. “Oh, here you are…” Citrine looked at Amber like she could use some help, but her would-be rescuer just said, “Um… Ruby was looking for you. I can tell her what you’re doing… if you want?” The girl spoke uncomfortably, and Citrine worried the others might think she was doing something foul with a dragon. “No, don’t tell!” She announced, “I’ll report in when I can.” “Oh… okay…” Amber removed keys from the lock of the door, and then moved away to unlock other pens. Grumpy looked down at the girl he had spent the night with, and he spread his arms and wings to allow her to get up. Since she was free, Citrine grabbed her boots and vest, and said, “Thank you.” Politely before leaving the pen. The Dwarf Tiger watched her leave, then curled up to resume napping. Citrine soon got to the visitor’s center, and once inside, Ruby spoke to her, “You never clocked out last night.” “I’m sorry Ruby. I was finishing my duties, but I got locked in one of the dragon pens and was stuck there overnight.” “Which dragon was it?” “Um… It was the Dwarf Tiger, Grumpy.” “Well, that’s a first.” “What’s going to happen to me?” Citrine was getting worried about what the consequences of her actions would be, regardless of how little control she had over them. Was she going to have her pay docked? Was she going to be fired? “You’re going to get paid your overtime.” Ruby stated matter-of-factly. “Wait what!?” “Part of your job as a Dragon Handler is to provide a comfortable environment for our dragons. Acting as a ‘cuddle buddy’ does enrich their lives here, so you were doing your job after hours.” “Oh… That’s a relief…” Speaking of hours, Citrine looked up to the clock, and her eyes widened. “Oh crap! I’m late for school. Sorry boss, but I need to go.” She turned to leave, but Ruby quickly called, “Clock out first!” Citrine paused to do as she was told, then rushed out the door to get ready for her day at school. Sapphire reported to a call of some remains left on the beach. When she arrived, the sheriff was there to meet her, and the tall, thin man looked her up and down with interest in the skimpy uniform she wore. “Is that standard issue?” He asked, but the dark-haired girl did not humor him as she stated, “Let’s just get to business. Where is the body?” “It’s just over these dunes. You should be able to get a good look at it; scavengers won’t go near it – what’s left of it at least.” They walked over a dune, and laying on the beach was a pile of bones and melted flesh. As they got closer to it, the sheriff had to cover his nose from the stench, but Sapphire got as close to the body as possible to examine it. She noticed a greenish slime residue on the skeleton, and she reached into her fanny pack to get out some cotton swabs and a test tube. She was careful to get as much of the material off the melted human body as she could, until she finally had to back away as fumes burned her eyes. The sheriff still had his nose and mouth covered as he asked, “So, do you think a dragon did that?” “I don’t think, I know a dragon was responsible.” “But look at this poor guy. His meat is in a puddle around his bones. I’ve never seen fire do that to someone.” “That’s because it wasn’t fire. This dragon was an acid spitter. There are not many species that do that, but they’re rarely friendly. I’ll have to take this sample back to the ranch to figure out what I’m dealing with.” “Listen lady, if there’s a dragon running around killing innocent people, then the proper authorities need to deal with it.” “We are. If it involves dragons, then it’s Dragon Ranch jurisdiction. As for your jurisdiction…” She gestured toward the corpse, “You should get that to a morgue before it stinks up the whole beach.” With that, she returned to her truck to get the acid sample to the ranch. Citrine had unfortunately missed her first class of the day, so it was fortunate that she managed to get the others. When she was all done with school for the day, she got back into her uniform, and prepared to return to Dragon Ranch. Doing a part-time job on top of all her school work should have been exhausting, but to her surprise, she wasn’t the least bit tired. Apparently, sleeping with a dragon gave her the best night’s sleep of her life. When she arrived, she entered the visitor’s center, and signed in on the stack of papers before Ruby even had to tell her. Once she had finished clocking in for the day, Sapphire entered the building and announced, “Ruby! Where is Jade?” “Sign in.” Ruby answered with her rehearsed phrase without even looking up. Sapphire grabbed a pen and signed a sheet of paper as she said, “Yeah, yeah, I give my consent for you to sell my kidneys on the black market. Now seriously, I need Jade.” Ruby clicked a button on her desk and spoke into a microphone, “Veterinarian Jade, please report to the visitor’s center. Vet’ Jade to the visitor’s center. Thank you.” A couple minutes later, Jade entered the building, and Sapphire immediately approached her. “Jade, there was an attack on the beach. I need you to examine this acid sample and figure out what species performed the attack so we know what we’re dealing with.” Sapphire presented the tube with corrosive acid stored inside, and Jade replied sarcastically, “Yeah sure, I’ll just stop everything I’m doing so I can stare at magical green goop.” She then left the building, and with that taken care of, Ruby said to Sapphire. “We got a call about that Mister Mystical guy earlier.” “What is that, the third time this year?” “I’ve pulled up his file, and we gave him a warning last time he was tormenting dragons in his work. I say the three of us go check this guy out and see what he’s up to.” “The three of us?” Sapphire realized Citrine was still in the room, and asked, “You want to take the rookie into the field?” “It would be a good learning experience for her. And who better to teach her than our lead Dragon Hunter.” Ruby stated as she shut down her computers. “I’m right here, could you please stop talking about me like I’m in another room.” Citrine protested. She joined the other girls as they left the building, and then they got into Ruby’s jeep to travel to town. As they made their way to their destination, Sapphire – who sat in the front seat – spoke to Citrine – in the back seat – “Alright has anyone taught you how to handle dragons yet?” “No.” Citrine answered honestly. Sapphire rolled her eyes, “Of course no one taught you the core of your job.” She sounded very annoyed, but it was clearly directed at Ruby as she glared at her. The red-head did not appear to notice or care as she drove the jeep, so Sapphire addressed Citrine again. “Alright, three ground rules: Don’t scream, don’t run, and don’t fight. Do anything to make yourself look like prey, and they will treat you as such. But more stupid than that is pre-emptively pulling a weapon on a non-hostile dragon, and turning it into a hostile one. A pissed off dragon will burn and destroy anything around it, or hunt for everyone who has slighted it while killing anyone in its path.” “Alright, so how do I avoid doing that?” “Keep calm and keep distance. Ruby and I will take point on this one, just stay behind us and do as we do.” The trio arrived at a building in the crummier part of town, yet it was still lit up with advertisements for the magic show that was being presented. A man was selling tickets at the front door, but the moment he saw the girls in Dragon Handler attire, he stated, “I’m afraid I can’t let you onto the property.” Ruby took a quick look around, then stated, “This isn’t private property, and we have been called in for suspicious practices.” “My boss won’t like it. Please don’t get him in trouble again.” Sapphire held up a wad of cash, and informed, “For now, we’re just honest patrons who’ve come to see a magic show. If Mister Mystery has nothing to hide, then he has nothing to fear.” She set the money on the table, and finished, “Now, three tickets, please.” The man reluctantly handed them their tickets, and then the three of them entered the building. They found seats close together on a row of bleachers, where a crowd of guests sat down to overlook the auditorium before them. After about half-an-hour of waiting, the lights dimmed, and people applauded as Mister Mystical took the stage. He was clad in a red suit, with a tall black hat, and a handlebar mustache that was twice as wide as his expansive grin. He was assisted by a lovely woman who was bore a close resemblance to Marilyn Monroe. Though the man was quite boisterous, and appeared to be quite full of himself, the show itself was not bad. The effects and tricks were rather entertaining to watch, and a chorus of applauding or laughter often filled the room. But then, things took a turn. The assistant proclaimed a dragon was approaching, and so Mister Mystical, being the great wizard he was, would have to defeat it. The dragon appeared just off stage, and it was no puppet, but a living dragon. The creature’s legs were in shackles, and its scaly body was scarred from all of its feathers being plucked off to make it look more like a European breed. Its wings were even crooked nubs, with heavy leather strapped to them to make them look like bat wings. Someone offstage zapped the dragon’s tail, and it let out a pained roar that left the audience intimidated. The magician began waving his hands as he proclaimed his magic words, and explosions of colorful dust burst around the tortured beast. In response, the dragon shrieked, and spat fire in random directions. It was too far away for the flames to harm the audience or the magician, and the crowd applauded and cheered at the spectacle. The Dragon Handlers were horrified, and Citrine stated, “We have stop this!” Ruby informed, “We cannot, not while there’s civilians around. We will confront and arrest him once the show is concluded.” “But he’s torturing that poor animal!” “And we will take care of it later. Just stay calm.” Citrine reluctantly obeyed, but she looked away, unwilling to watch the continuation of the show. Below, one of the pyrotechnics had burst wrong, and it burned into the wood stage the dragon was set upon. The wood became weakened, and in its panicked state, the dragon pulled hard enough on its chains to break free. The dragon began walking forward, and though he was shocked, Mister Mystical was quick to tell his audience to keep calm. The audience was still under the impression that it was a part of the show, until the dragon spat fire and began setting them ablaze. “Get down!” Sapphire told her companions, and quickly grabbed their heads to pull them under the stands, even as fire passed over them. The audience quickly fell to panic, running and stumbling from their seats as they tried to flee the auditorium as fast as possible. Some were trampled in the dark chaos, and those who were cloaked in fire did not make it far either. On stage, the magician abandoned his assistant to make a run for it. The assistant turned to run herself, though in high-heels could not get very far very fast. The dragon pounced, and caught the poor woman in its jaws, shaking her out of her shoes. Her bare legs hung limp as they slipped into the dragon’s mouth, the predator gulping her down rapidly before it started searching for seconds. The Dragon Handlers came up with a plan quickly. Ruby ordered, “Sapphire, get that dragon under control. Citrine, come with me; we’ll stop the magician!” With their roles given, the girls split up to complete their tasks. Sapphire reached the stage, and got the dragon’s attention as calmly but assertively as she could. The dragon had a man in its mouth, its fangs sinking into his torso as it nearly bit him in half. “Easy there.” Sapphire said, her hands raised out toward the beast, “No one is going to hurt you anymore. Easy… just relax…” The dragon snarled, and tossed the dying man from its jaws so it could roar at the woman. She continued to try to soothe it, but her words were not getting through; the dragon had been tormented so long, and it was in a blind rage. The dragon charged, teeth and claws bared to tear her apart, and her hand quickly fell to her hip. “Shit!” She growled as she drew a pistol, pointed at the dragon, and pulled the trigger. Wires punched through scales, and thousands of volts were sent into the dragon’s flesh, causing it to cry out and squirm in agony. After a few long seconds, Sapphire finally released the trigger, and the dragon collapsed onto the floor. Mister Mystical managed to wade through the crowd, and soon managed to get to his vehicle in the parking lot. He was busy fumbling with his keys when a feminine voice announced, “Mr. Mystical, you’re under arrest.” He put his hands in the air, and turned around to see two Dragon Handlers. Believing they did not have authority over him, and wanting to get out of there before police arrived, he informed, “Now you can’t stop me. I am a performer, just had a bad show.” “You violated articles two, four and twelve of the Cryptid Species Protection Act. As such, you answer to us.” The man rolled his eyes as Ruby gave her little speech, and whipped up a little magic from his sleeve before he announced, “Begone wenches!” He tossed a pellet at the ground, and it burst into a cloud of smoke. Citrine’s eyes watered, and she was left coughing as smoke burst in her face. By the sound of things, Ruby was suffering similarly. That was not the only sound, as revving of an engine caught her attention, and then headlights lit up the smoke. The magician was about to hit them with his car, so the blond quickly tackled the red-head to get them out of the way as the vehicle sped past. Even when gasping for air, Ruby managed to push Citrine off, and grabbed her pistol to shoot at the runaway car. Wires struck metal, and popped a tire, causing the magician to lose control and crash into another parked car. The man got out of his car, and began to limp away as he continued to try to run, but he did not make it to the edge of the parking lot before police lights cut him off. Mister Mystical was arrested and taken away in the back of a patrol car, and ambulances attended to the wounded public, many of whom had burns and lacerations. Blood and ash filled the amphitheater, and an unconscious dragon was carted away for recovery at the ranch. Citrine rode back with Ruby to the ranch, and her boss informed, “You did good today.” “Sapphire dealt with the dragon.” “Yes, but you helped stop the human who was harming it. Comforting dragons is a big part of our job, and stopping those who would do them harm is another.” “So what happens now?” “One magician goes to prison for the rest of his life, a few people have to cope with lost family members, and we get a new dragon to rehabilitate. And more paperwork to file…” The red-head sounded rather stoic about the tasks ahead. Night had come by the time they got back to Dragon Ranch, and Ruby got out a box of toys for Citrine to deliver to the dragons to help entertain them. The Dragon Handler did as she was told, and used a wheelbarrow to transport the heavy box to the various pens. She tossed or rolled the thick, rubber toys into each pen as she passed by, careful not to hit any of the dragons inside. Though some ignored the toys – preferring to sleep at the moment – it did make her smile when she saw some of the dragons pounce upon and bat the toys around their rooms. As she walked around the field, she noticed a pair of boots left on the ground. Had someone left them here? Or was someone in danger? Citrine was unsure, but she did see some footprints in the ground, and they appeared to be headed in the direction of the lake. They could have been left by the owner of the boots, and so she followed the direction to where the pack of Mojave Wyrms rested. At the center of the pack, the matriarch was coiled up and watching a human who was sitting nearby. The girl was Amber, and given that her feet were bare, it was easy to guess she was the owner of the boots. The girl sat cross legged, with a handful of hatchlings coiled up around her or sitting in her lap. They were giving her their full attention as she told them a story. Citrine heard Amber say, “…But the evil knight followed the hatchlings back to their home. He cornered them, his sword drawn as he stepped ever closer!” Her hands raised and curled, and the hatchlings quivered in fear. “However, the knight did not know the cave like the hatchlings did. They had led him into a trap! And as he took another step forward, he stepped into a hole. The knight screamed as fell down the long dark tunnel. AAAAAAHHHH!!!!! CRASH!” The girl exclaimed loudly as she let herself fall backwards, landing on the muddy ground with a thump. The hatchlings chirped, and then pounced and piled on top of the fallen girl. Amber giggled as the little dragons tickled her with licks and nuzzles, and their mother snorted with a bit of amusement as she watched her brood play with the young woman. They seemed quite friendly, so Citrine decided to approach herself. She did not get close before one of the males on the perimeter rose and growled to keep her away. The dragon’s feathered frill was on full display, and he pulled himself on the ground on a pair of stubby, muscular arms before laying his bulky body between the Handler and the matriarch. The display was enough to convince Citrine not to come any closer, but it also caught the attention of Amber. The dirty blond gently coaxed the hatchlings off of her so she could get to her feet, and she strode forward as she announced, “You shouldn’t be here! Mo gets nervous around people when she has newborns. Or… did Ruby send you?” She reached the sentinel male, who regarded her as she pat his head and combed back his feathers. The dragon purred from the contact, but still kept an eye on the potential trespasser. Citrine informed, “No, I was out giving toys to the dragons…” She pointed at the wheelbarrow, and when she looked over her shoulder, she noticed a couple of dragons had snagged every toy in the box and were running off with them. “Oh no!” She exclaimed, and tried to run after them, but Amber simply said, “Don’t bother. Those toys are theirs now.” The Senior Handler walked past, and paused a moment before she said, “Grumpy seems to like you… The toys we get for our dragons are nice, but if he gets a toy from you… Well, he might appreciate it…” “Thank you for the advice.” Citrine said, and Amber replied, “Um… yeah… Bye?” She sounded unsure of her own words, then left to retrieve her boots and return to the Visitor’s Center. Once she put borrowed supplies away, helped lock up, and then clocked out for the day, Citrine began her drive home for the night. The night was dark, and her headlights were barely piercing the veil. She was worried there might be deer around – she had seen skulls in some of the dragons’ pens – and so she drove cautiously to avoid hitting them. Something did jump out in front of her, but it did not come from the side of the road, rather it fell from the sky. An object landed on the hood of her car, and Citrine hit the breaks as it rolled off the front. She cursed, then put her vehicle in park so she could step out and look at the damage. Her hood was dented and partially imploded, getting her to curse even more openly. When she looked for what she hit though, her emotions turned from anger, to confusion and horror. Laying on the street, was the severed head of a dragon.
Dragon Ranch 1 – 4 Jade and Sapphire were in the Dragon Ranch medical facility, working late into the night. The Dragon Hunter asked, “Have you figured it out yet?” The veterinarian replied, “I’ve been working on it for half a day, get yourself some patience.” “What do you do here all day if not play around with all this equipment?” Sapphire gave a large magnifying glass a push to make it spin on its handle, and Jade caught it almost reflexively to stop it, giving her visitor a scolding glare before she informed, “Testing corrosive materials takes the proper tools, along with no short amount of caution, which takes time. Not to mention that Grassland Snapper you brought in was in really bad shape. It took a lot of work just to get her vitals stable.” The veterinarian took a sample from the vial of mystery acid, as well as a refrigerated known sample, and put a few drops of each next to each other. She then looked under a microscope, studying for a moment, and then she finally announced, “Oh no… this is not good…” “What is it?” Sapphire asked, her attention fixed on the answer. That answer did not come before the door to the facility was swung open, and Citrine entered the room with a trash bag in her hands. “This is a sanitary area. Put that in the dumpster.” Jade ordered. Citrine did not leave, but instead set the bag on the table Sapphire was sitting on with a squishy thump, at which point she informed, “Sorry, but no one was in the Visitor’s Center, and I knew somebody had to see this.” Curious, Sapphire opened the bag to look inside, and a cloud of smoke and fumes flowed out from the interior. The woman coughed and waved the smoke from her face, and when her vision cleared enough to get a good look at the source of the smoke, she agreed with Citrine’s sentiment. The girls opened the bag, fully exposing the head of a dragon stored within. Its tongue hung out of its broken jaw, and its eyes were rolled back in its head. Most horrifying was the wound on its neck. Every layer was shredded, and covered with a green slime that continued to steam and cause more flesh and scales to drip off around the wound. Jade took a sample from the slimy residue to get a better look at it, and Sapphire asked, “Where did you find this?” Citrine answered, “It fell on my car a few miles southbound.” “Well… it doesn’t look like one of ours, but just in case we should still do a roll-call.” After she finished her examination, Jade finally announced, “This is the same acid, and this…” She set a hand on the dragon’s head, “…just confirms it. There’s a Shrike Viper in the area.” “What’s a Shrike Viper?” Citrine asked. She felt like an idiot for asking, but she didn’t recall ever seeing one on the ranch. Jade did not hold her ignorance against her as she informed, “Shrike Vipers are a very aggressive species of dragon; when establishing territory, they do not hesitate to let everything around know about it. They spit acid which melts through scales in a matter of seconds; on skin, it corrodes even faster. And worst of all, unlike most dragons, these will prey on other dragons.” Sapphire spoke up then, “Which is why, so long as it’s in the area, all of our dragons are at risk.” She got up to leave, and Citrine asked where she was going. She did not stop or look back as she answered, “Hunting. If that thing wants to make this place its territory, I’m going to convince it that’s a bad idea.” Citrine was glad the rest of her night was uneventful. The dragons were all accounted for, which was a weight of the remaining staff’s mind, and when she finally got back to her dorm, she was too tired to worry about anything else. She woke up in the morning – quite tired from a lack of sleep hours – and got ready for her morning classes. She was sure to take a shower to smell fresh this time, since yesterday some of her classmates were grossed out by the scent of dragon radiating from her. During class, she could not help but notice something about one of the students. There was a girl who was taking notes diligently, but draped over her shoulders was a fluffy body with feathered wings. It was some kind of tiny dragon! After class was over, Citrine was quick to find and catch up to the girl who had the small dragon perched on her shoulder. “Hi!” She said to get the girls attention. She turned around and responded pleasantly. “I couldn’t help but notice you have a dragon with you.” She pointed to the tan-furred animal, which had a short, fuzzy face, and a scarf wrapped around its neck. The owner of the dragon informed, “He’s a Cat Dragon; he’s my emotional-support animal.” She scratched the dragon under his chin, getting him to lean into her fingers and smile, “His name is Cookie. And I’m Mary by the way.” “I’m Citrine.” She felt a little rude for not introducing herself sooner. The dragon looked at her with his blue eyes, and pounced from the shoulder of his owner onto hers. At that point, he coiled his fluffy body around her and nuzzled her cheek. “Cookie! It’s not nice to jump on people.” Mary groaned, “I’m sorry. Cat Dragons can sense distress in people, and so they try to comfort them.” Citrine pet the small dragon, and said, “It’s fine. Given that I’m a Handler at Dragon Ranch, I would hope this cute little guy wouldn’t be too much for me.” Mary’s eyes suddenly went wide, and she exclaimed, “You work at Dragon Ranch! That’s amazing!” “Thank you; it is quite enjoyable.” “I have a free period. Would you like to hang out and study together?” “Of course!” Citrine and Mary made their way to a student lounge, where the two of them talked about their classes and studies, as well as their shared love of dragons. It felt so good to be able to talk to someone else so casually about it. As they conversed, Cookie curled up and slept on his owner’s lap, until his attention was caught by angered proclamations at a nearby table. Chelsie sat nearby, and she was rapidly turning through pages in a heavy book as she scribbled in a notebook. She set a hand on her head as she groaned, “Come on Chelsie you can do this! You know the answer so write it!” If she got a score so low as a 99% on this assignment, she would never forgive herself. Sensing her distress, Cookie got to his feet and jumped to the table. The moment the dragon landed in front of Chelsie, chirping and cooing at her cutely, she threw her books and screamed as if she had just seen the worlds biggest spider. She fell out of her chair and backed away, even as the dragon looked at her in confusion before following after her. “Get away! Get away!” She screamed. Mary stood to retrieve her dragon as she ordered, “Cookie! You know you’re not supposed to pounce on people!” The dragon was undeterred by the reprimand. Determined to comfort the frightened girl, the Cat Dragon crawled up her torso and began to nuzzle her face. Chelsie had enough. She grabbed the dragon, getting a tight grip around his neck, which caused him to exclaim noiselessly, and she tossed him across the room toward a wall, where he struck the surface hard. With the creature removed, she got to her feet, grabbed her books, and fled from the lounge exclaiming, “Oh my god! That was disgusting!” For Mary, she was under a very different distress as she ran to her injured pet. She picked up his limp body, and hugged him as she begged, “Cookie please! Wake up!” Citrine cursed her roommate, then came to Mary’s side as she informed, “He looks hurt really bad. Come with me; I know people at the ranch who might be able to help.” “Please help him! I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him!” she sobbed. Citrine escorted Mary to her car, and then drove her to Dragon Ranch. When they entered through the visitor’s center, she signed in as per the command from Ruby, though Citrine protested they didn’t have time for it all the while. She just hoped it wouldn’t be too late. Pearl and Jade were working on cleaning infected wounds on the Grassland Snapper’s body. Almost all of the dragon’s feathers had been removed, and the plucking procedure had been so savage, it was unlikely many feathers would return. A shame, this species normally had such a beautiful coat. A call came in over the radio, and Ruby’s voice stated, “Medical facility, please expect a priority patient shortly. Priority patient to the medical facility. Thank you.” “I’ll take this one.” Pearl stated as she dismissed herself from working on the large, sedated dragon. As she walked to the front room, a new pair entered the building, one of whom was Citrine. Pearl greeted her happily, but her mood soured once the reason for the visit was explained. “This Cat Dragon was injured at school, and he hasn’t woken since.” Pearl’s eyes widened, and she ordered, “Bring him here, quickly!” She pulled a mat out from under a shelf, and had the small dragon set gently down upon it. After that, she took the dragon to an operating room to see what exactly was wrong with him. She saw the dragon had a broken pelvis – the pain of it likely knocked him out – and it was causing him to bleed internally. She gave the dragon medication that would dull the pain, paralyze his body, and make sure he would remain asleep for a while longer. Then she began operating. This was not the first time Pearl had seen a Cat Dragon in peril. She once had a pet dragon of her own. She was just a little girl when she received her very own Cat Dragon. He very quickly became her best friend, and the two of them would spend hours playing together day after day. Over time, her pet began to become less energetic, and he was not able to play as long. Eventually, he stopped being active all together, and instead just laid around all day, barely even moving to get food. She took the little dragon to the vet, and the doctor told her parents some things she didn’t understand. “Is he going to be okay?” She asked her parents. Her mother told her, “He’s very sick dear. He’s going to have to go to sleep, and… he won’t be waking up again.” “But he’ll be okay? Right?” “Let’s get her outside.” Her father stated, and then she was taken away. She pulled and tried to get back to her pet, begging for them not to let her friend go. The last she ever saw of her Cat Dragon, was him laying on a table, with a doctor approaching him with a syringe. Citrine sat in the front room, trying to comfort Mary as the hours rolled by, each one like an eternity longer than the last. Eventually, the door to the operating room opened, and the girls raised their heads to hear the news. Pearl held the mat in her hands, and a very groggy Cat Dragon sat upon it, looking around the room in a daze. “He’ll be alright, just keep him from walking for a few weeks.” The veterinarian informed. “Cookie!” Mary exclaimed happily. She picked up her pet and hugged him as she pet him lovingly. The sight brought a smile to Pearl’s face, and relief filled her own heart. Pearl once lost her best friend, and always believed it was because everyone else gave up on him. She would never allow herself to give up, even on a lost cause. The tears of joy her success brought were far better than the tears of sadness people would otherwise feel. Miles from Dragon Ranch, Sapphire and her squad of Dragon Hunters made their way through a wooded area. She mapped out a route based on the general locations the previous two victims of the Shrike Viper had been discovered, and continued west from there. After hours of walking and trying to track down the predator – which was very difficult given that it could fly – they eventually came across the body of a dragon. This was not the Shrike Viper, but it was certainly the dragon’s work. The serpentine body of the fallen dragon had been gutted, and its head was removed with markings of corrosion around the neck. At least she’d found the body that went with the head Citrine found. But where was the predator that killed it? There was a sound of rushing air overhead, and Sapphire sharply ordered, “Get down!” The girls all dropped onto the ground, their electric rifles pointed skyward, and as the trees waved overhead, they expected a dragon to descend at any moment. The moving stopped, leaving some to assume it was just the wind. Sapphire was not convinced, and she remained unmoving while advising the others to do the same. Sure, it might have been the wind, or the dragon had landed nearby, and was just waiting for them to let their guard down so it could ambush them. They waited for a long time, until the sun started to set, but they were not attacked, nor did the dragon return for the remains of its kill.
Dragon Ranch 1 – 5 Citrine was on her way to Dragon Ranch for another day of work. On the way though, she remembered some advice Amber had given her: Grumpy would appreciate it if he received a toy from her. That might be something worth looking into, and since she was in the marketing district, she decided to see if she could find something fun to play with. After a quick stop at Family Dollar General, she finished her trip to the ranch. She signed in and clocked in, then she made her way to Grumpy’s pen. When she arrived, the Dwarf Tiger was laying curled up inside like he usually was. He was awake enough to raise his head when he noticed her approach, and she informed, “Hi Grumpy. I got you something; I thought you might like it.” She presented a soccer ball, holding it outward before letting it slide from her grip. The ball bounced off the end of her boot, and it rolled over to the dragon. Grumpy lazily examined the ball, and gave it a couple of sniffs before he looked up at the Handler. Citrine sighed a bit, guessing he wasn’t so fond of the gift afterall. She turned to walk away, and as she did so, she felt something brush against the side of her boot. It was the soccer ball. She picked up the ball and looked back inside, and found the dragon was staring at her expectantly. She set the ball on the ground, and rolled it back over to him. It stopped when it bounced against his scaly tail, and he returned it to her by batting it with his snout. Once it was returned to sender again, the dragon got to his feet, and crouched as if in preparation to pounce. The sight got Citrine to smile, and she readied to kick the ball back to him. The play between the dragon and the human got so intense, that the pair began running across the rolling fields, bouncing the ball back and forth to each other as they went. The display caught the attention of some visitors, who looked through the cage of their walkway with awe and envy. Eventually, the Dwarf Tiger spread his wings and began to hover in the air over the Handler. Citrine picked up the ball, and tossed it as high as she could so the dragon could catch it and hand it back to her. When she was finally tired, she had a seat on the grassy hill, and Grumpy landed nearby. He laid down beside her, and rested his head on her lap so she could pet him. It was then that Citrine finally realized she had an audience, as the crowd of people that had assembled in the walkway applauded and cheered about it. She gave them a pleasant smile as she resumed cuddling with the dragon. Later that day, Amber was giving one of her routine presentations on dragons. She again had the Tree ‘Gator coiled in her arms, and as usual, he was willing to give the audience a performance as she asked him to. For the Dragon Handler, this was all a routine. She knew every line of her lecture, and gave it so well it was hard for people to tell it was rehearsed. Even her smile was something she wore because that was what she was supposed to do. Once the presentation was over with though, and she no longer had to act in front of humans, that was when she truly loosened up and relaxed. Amber returned her assistant to his pen, and then went out through the employees only door to attend to the dragons. Unfortunately, the door did not close all the way before an unauthorized individual pushed it open again. Amber retrieved a couple barrels of meat from a storage shed, then took the heavy loads in each of her hands for balance as she walked across the fields. She expected a dragon or two would dive in front of her and start begging once they realized she was carrying food, but most tended to wait and let their meals be delivered to them. She reached one of the Silver Tigers, and the sixty-foot dragon had a seat in front of her and smiled as he knew what she brought. “Hello Panzer. Ready for a mid-day snack?” She said as she set the barrels down – her arms feeling much lighter. She opened one of the barrels, and the stench of raw meat filled the air. She reached into the bucket of gore, and withdrew a large chunk of meat. She held it up to show it to the dragon as she asked, “Are you ready?” His mouth was practically watering, so she wasted no time tossing the uncooked steak into the air, and the dragon caught it with a quick snap. Amber smiled, enjoying her time feeding the dragon as she tossed chunk after chunk of meat to him. Her hands were drenched with blood by the time she finally stopped the flow, and she said, “Alright, I think that’s enough for now.” The dragon looked a bit disappointed, so she continued, “However, if you wanted to get Feura to come over, I’m sure no one would notice if I slipped you a couple more snacks.” The dragon smiled, and looked ready to get his mate, until something else caught his attention. “Excuse me.” A rather unpleasant voice spoke up behind Amber as a sharp nail poked her shoulder. Startled and concerned, she turned around, and found herself looking at a short, overweight woman who wore far too much makeup and perfume. She was accompanied by a younger and skinnier girl who had her face in her phone and her mouth full of gum. The older woman stated, “My daughter and I love seeing the way you play with dragons here!” Amber didn’t know what to say, and she locked up as she informed the lady of the rules, “You’re not supposed to be out here.” “I gave you a compliment.” The woman griped, “The least you could do is say ‘thank you’.” Amber just stood frozen. The woman continued, “My daughter wants to play with the dragons. You should let her.” The daughter in question seemed far too interested in her own phone to even look at the dragon standing in front of her, but Amber still said, “You can’t be here… It’s dangerous…” “Don’t you lie to me! I see you running around here all day and the dragons don’t hurt you. Besides, my daughter is already an expert at handling dragons. See for yourself.” She pointed at her daughter, who was now standing directly in front of Panzer taking duck-lip selfies as the dragon sniffed her. Amber went wide-eyed, and the woman added, “See? She’s better with dragons than you are. You should give her a job here!” Fear of danger began to overcome the blond, but it was not the safety of the humans she was worried about, but rather the dragons. She proclaimed, “Get away from him!” She reached out to try to pull her away, but the older woman quickly caught her by the arm as she exclaimed “How dare you touch my daughter! I know your manager! He’ll fire you for this!” Amber was so confused and afraid she didn’t even know how to react. Suddenly, the daughter screamed, and both mother and Handler looked to see the girl caught in the jaws of the Silver Tiger. The dragon lifted the girl up, causing her to kick feebly which only succeeded in tossing off her high heels. With his prey secured, he slipped his tongue under the band of the girl’s skirt. Thanks to the angle, it was quite visible the way he was exploring the girl’s nether region as his tongue wiggled around under the panties. “Stop it!” The woman ordered, “Make it let her go!” “I can’t…” Amber answered as the Silver Tiger shut his jaws around the girl’s long, bare legs. She couldn’t prevent a dragon from eating something, or someone, once he got his jaws around it, but this woman would not take no for an answer as she let out an inhuman shrieking sound. At that point, the older woman was more angry with the Handler than she was concerned about protecting her daughter, who was in process of travelling down the dragon’s long throat. The woman’s nails dug into Amber’s arm, causing her to bleed and cry as she exclaimed, “Please stop! You’re hurting me!” “You little brat! You have no right to tell me what to do! I am…” Panzer saw Amber was in peril. He knew the Handler was kind and treated him well, while this older woman was a stranger. The only thing he knew about her, was she was attacking someone who was nice to him, and that got him angry. The dragon reared back, and roared loudly at the woman, causing her to let Amber go and fall over. Though Amber’s arm was in pain, she saw how Panzer looked ready to kill the older woman, and she quickly got between the pair. “Panzer, it’s okay!” She called to him as calmly as she could. She smiled to him, even with tears flowing from her eyes, and she informed, “I’m alright. You don’t have to be angry.” The dragon stopped his aggressive movement, and his gaze shifted from the wicked woman to his Handler. The young woman pet his snout and gave him a kiss, asking, “You were just trying to protect me weren’t you? You’re such a good dragon.” As she succeeded in calming the dragon, the woman behind her scrambled back to her feet, and ran away proclaiming, “Help! Someone help me!” Naturally, when a dragon eats a visitor and traumatizes the mother, authorities are quickly called to the scene. Ruby sat behind her desk, and before her stood the ‘victim’ and a pair of cops. The woman proclaimed for all to hear, “My daughter and I were trying to look at one of the dragons, when an employee of this establishment released the beast and told it to attack us! It killed my daughter, and I barely escaped with my life. I demand the employee be imprisoned and that dragon be destroyed! I am also going to make sure this place is shut down for good!” Ruby did not even bat an eye at the threats and demands as she replied, “Ma’am, you and your daughter signed this waiver upon entry to the ranch, and as such, you may not take any legal action against the facility, property, staff, or creatures on the premises. You can however…” Before she could finish, the older woman grabbed the signed documents, and ripped them to shreds with a smug grin on her face. Once again, Ruby did not bat an eye as she stated, “And that’s a felony. Take her away gentlemen.” The cops got ahold of the woman, and cuffed her hands behind her back. She complained that it was not right that she was the one being taken away, and when that wasn’t working, she resorted to threats and more inhuman shrieking. As his partner left with the woman in custody, the other cop stopped to speak with Ruby, “I get off at nine, would you like to see a movie? I hear that new Transformers flick is pretty good.” Ruby propped her head on a hand as she retorted, “Bill, if you keep flirting with me while I’m at work, I’m gonna have to make you sign a waiver. But in answer to your question: yes, I would love to see a movie with you.” He smiled and nodded before walking out the door. With that unfortunate business taken care of, she got up from behind her desk, and switched the sign on the front door to say ‘Closed’. With that taken care of, she went out to the open fields, and wandered around until she found Amber hanging out with the Silver Tigers. The girl looked like she had cried quite a bit, and blood oozed down her arm, but she acted as if her only concern was to comfort the dragons under her charge. Upon seeing her boss approach, the blond wrapped her arms around the dragon’s snout as she pleaded, “Ruby! You can’t hurt Panzer! He did nothing wrong!” The muffled scream and handprint appearing on the dragon’s belly were proof to the contrary, but Ruby informed, “Our dragons are protected by law; no one is going to hurt him. Now, tell me your side of the story.” “I was… I was trying to feed the dragons… I don’t know how those people got out here, but Panzer reacted…” She did not know what to say that wouldn’t make the Silver Tiger seem like a monster, so she again pleaded, “It’s not his fault! They wouldn’t listen to me.” “So you’re saying you can’t keep a dragon under control?” “No I…” Amber feared her job was on the line, and that she would be taken away from the dragons: her friends. “I can handle them. Dragons are easy to understand… It’s humans I’ve never understood…” Ruby rolled her eyes, “Stop your sobbing girl. You’re not getting fired.” Amber looked up with relief and confusion. The red-head continued, “You’re right, your customer service skills suck. So, consider yourself lucky the dragons seem to like you so much.” Ruby turned away to go back to her desk, and Amber resumed petting the two Silver Tigers, finding comfort in the knowledge that these beautiful animals weren’t going to come to harm. Years earlier, while Amber was still in grade school, she was a girl without any friends. No one ever wanted to play with her or even have a conversation with her, and so she was always alone. This made her an easy target for bullies, who picked on her quite often and made sure she felt like she was nothing. She believed that maybe she was nothing. Her parents wanted nothing to do with her; they ignored her whenever she tried to be with them, and never even told her they loved her. One day at recess, she was alone as she usually was. She wanted to be away from the other students, as the only ones who would go near her were the ones who would heckle and bully her. In her solitude, she became a target for something else. A dragon swooped down from above, got ahold of her, and then carried her into the sky. She screamed, and begged for someone, anyone to help her! She was person, a fellow human, surely someone would care! No one moved to help her, instead, they pointed and laughed as she was carried away. The dragon brought her back to his lair, where she expected to meet a bloody end in his jaws. That was fine, she wanted to die; she couldn’t go on knowing how alone she was in the world. The dragon did not kill her though. Instead, he comforted her. He showed her compassion and love, and Amber came to find joy in her life. This beautiful creature cared for her, and she cared for him as well; she promised to stay with him in his lair for the rest of her life, and though he could not speak, she could tell that she had made him happy. Eventually, humans entered the dragon’s cave. She begged the dragon not to fight, to just run away as fast as he could. But he would not go, he would not abandon the girl he loved, and for that, the humans killed him. The one piece of happiness Amber had in the world was taken from her. The humans butchered the dragon in front of the sobbing girl, and then dragged her back to civilization. When she was returned to her parents, they proclaimed how much they missed their daughter, and how happy they were to have her back, for as long as the news cameras were on them. Once the kidnapping was forgotten, so too was she. Amber knew what this life was, and she did not want it again. And so, she gathered what few possessions she could call her own, and ran away in the night. She never looked back. Now that she worked at Dragon Ranch, she found peace in her world again. Here she could look after, play with, and comfort the animals she loved.
Dragon Ranch 1 – 6 Sapphire returned to Dragon Ranch to find Ruby sitting in her usual spot. The dark-haired girl signed the usual document, and then Ruby slipped a new stack of papers to her, ordering, “Fill out your report, you know how.” Though it was just standard procedure, Sapphire wondered how much the red-head already knew about the mission as she asked, “Did Jade tell you we have a Shrike Viper hunting here?” “Yes.” Ruby answered, “Did you find it?” “No.” Sapphire replied with frustration, “Found nothing but the bodies it leaves behind. It must have just kept flying west.” “Then the problem sorted itself out. What are you so upset about?” “I don’t want to leave it as ‘sorted itself out’, I wanted to solve the problem myself and make sure we were in the clear.” That this was not a bigger concern for Ruby was surprising to Sapphire, so she continued, “Are you getting lazy, sitting behind your computer playing Minesweeper all day?” “I do not play Minesweeper.” Ruby replied, closing whatever it was that she was doing, and she turned around in her office chair to look Sapphire in the eye and have a more serious conversation with her. “You don’t have to tell me why I should worry. I was in New York with you; I know how bad things can get when no one is paying attention.” “This isn’t about New York.” “Is it not? You were never the same since.” “It took so much work to get Dragon Ranch running again. I’m out there, fighting every day to make sure our mission does not fail again. Our dragons need to be protected, be it from humans, or from each other.” “That’s what these are for.” Ruby pulled out a folder full of paperwork, “I don’t want to see our dragons come to harm either. But we can’t afford fight every battle that might be a problem, so if a situation resolves itself, then we focus on other tasks. Speaking of which…” She pulled out a list, “End of the week is tomorrow. Here’s everyone’s favorite pizza topping.” “Yeah, I’ll take care of it…” Jade and Pearl had been watching the bald Grassland Snapper pace back and forth all day since it woke. It had a knuckle walk on its wings, while short hind legs helped it stabilize itself as it walked. The dragon was in solitary confinement until its mental health could be restored – sending it out to the rolling fields and letting it have a panic attack could lead to more dragons getting injured. That did not stop one Handler from insisting that she could accelerate the process. The lovely ginger entered the pen, getting the dragon’s attention, and the two veterinarians watched with baited breath for what would happen next. The Handler set a boom box on the ground, and hit play so a beat could play. With music provided, she began to dance for the dragon, taking off her clothes piece by piece as she did so to grant the creature a better ‘view’ of the show. To the Handler’s credit, the dragon certainly appeared to be enjoying the show. It smiled, laid down, and bobbed its head to the beat – as well as the jiggle of the woman’s breasts. Suddenly, the boom box began to malfunction, making sharp scratching sounds as it struggled to read a dirty disk, and the dragon was no longer enthralled. The Handler tried to fix her machine, which was only succeeding in making it worse, and then she realized she had another problem to deal with. The dragon was shaking its head, screeching and roaring as painful memories afflicted it. The nearly-naked woman tried to calm the beast, but with another scratch and pop from the boom box, the dragon spun, sweeping the woman from her feet and smashing the music device in the process. The Handler crawled back as carefully as she could as the dragon spat fire overhead, superheating the wires that made the roof of this confining pen. The woman managed to reach the door, but found it was locked! “Let me out!” She screamed to the veterinarians, a look of terror on their faces. Unfortunately, opening the door when a confined dragon was enraged went against protocol, so they couldn’t let the Handler out; it would be up to her to calm the dragon down. Calming the angry dragon down was clearly not going to happen, as the dragon clamped its jaws around her bare legs and dragged her away from the door. Jade turned away and grimaced slightly, while Pearl held her hands over her mouth as she gasped in horror, watching as the dragon got its jaws around the woman’s hips, picked her up, shifted its head vertical, and opened its jaws to let the Handler slide inside. The Handler’s harms were seen flailing in the air as she slid fully into the Grassland Snapper’s mouth, and her hourglass figure distended the dragon’s throat as she slid down its length. With the intruder dealt with, the dragon slammed its body against the walls a few times until it finally tired itself out. Finally calming down in its exhausted state, the dragon had a seat and panted in a corner of the room, its belly drooping from the live prey trapped inside. “Well that certainly didn’t help.” Jade stated. “That poor woman!” Jade exclaimed, “I really thought she could get through to him.” “It was too early for human interaction. I doubt even Amber would be able to cure this one’s mind.” “I’m sure she’ll come around eventually. Remember Grumpy? When he first arrived, he wouldn’t let anyone go near him.” “That’s because Grumpy is an asshole. That’s different from being conditioned through torture.” “Well, yes… but my point is she’ll get better. She’ll recover from her experience if we give her time.” Pearl was always the optimist when it came to hard cases. Jade on the other hand, had seen enough horror in this line of work that she was numb to it. She knew things did not always work out in the end. Jade told Pearl, “I guess you’ll have to bathe with the dragons tomorrow, seeing as we just lost one of our Handlers.” She pointed to the Grassland Snapper’s belly, which finally stopped moving and simply sagged from the weight of the meat inside. Citrine received an email to bring a swimsuit with her to work. Though she did not know what for, she was not going to question orders, and so she brought her two-piece swimsuit along with her work uniform. When she arrived at Dragon Ranch, she found a large truck pulling in. She was immediately tasked with unloading the supplies in the back of the trailer – fortunately she had assistance from a few others in doing so – and the process took hours to complete. The bins and crates were filled with ‘food’, bedding, medicine, tools, toys, and clothes, all of which were items Ruby had been cataloguing as supplies they’d exhausted throughout the week and needed to have replaced. By the time the loading procedure was completed, Citrine was drenched in sweat, and she complained, “I am filthy!” “Well you’re in luck,” Pearl informed, “Now it’s bath time.” Citrine, Pearl, and Amber changed into their swimsuits, and no short amount of sunscreen was passed around between the three of them. Once they were ready, they performed separate tasks. Citrine rolled in large pools, which Pearl would fill with soap and water, while Amber fetched some dragons. When the baths were almost ready, Amber returned with the three Appalachian Raptors following behind. Each girl took a dragon, which left Citrine paired with the green raptor, Tohru. “Alright, how am I going to get you into the pool?” Citrine wondered, but the dragon solved her problem for her by pouncing into the tub and splashing about while flapping her wings. “That was easy.” The Handler said, and seeing the other girls standing in the pools with their dragons, she walked into the warm water as well. Being knee deep in soapy water was not so bad, but add a thirty-foot dragon splashing around to the mix, and it became a very interesting experience. She grabbed a sponge, dunked it in the water, and then began to scrub Tohru’s neck, getting the feathers nice and soapy. Pearl advised, “Be sure to scrub behind their ears, under their legs and the top of their wings, those are the spots they have the hardest time reaching.” With those spots in mind, she adjusted to scrub either side of the dragon’s head, then she dropped low so she could squeezed the sponge into the dragon’s armpits. The dragon’s movement wound up knocking her over, and she landed with a splash in the water. She was fully submerged for only a moment before she broke the surface again. Well, at least the coat of sweat was washed from her body. Tohru laid down in the water, her coiling body causing some of the water to splash out of the pool. With the dragoness calmed down, Citrine got back to her feet, retrieved the sponge, and began to scrub the dragon’s wings. The dragoness relaxed and purred, and spread her wings to give the Handler full access to her display. By the time the bath had concluded, the bubbles were all but gone, and the water had greatly cooled. The dragons were allowed to leave the pools, their feather’s drenched and drooping, and the Appalachian Raptors ran off to bask in the sun and let their bodies fluff out again. “That was fun!” Citrine announced, using her pruned fingers to brush her long hair out of her face. Pearl agreed, “I enjoy Saturdays, especially since Ruby orders Pizza for everyone tonight!” The girls bathed with another two rounds of dragons before their task was done. It was evening by then, so they got back into their clothes, and when they were once again in uniform, they went to the Visitor’s Center where there was indeed a stack of pizza! Sapphire opened them up to state what they were before sliding them down the counter. “Meat lovers… Vegie supreme… Basic Cheese… Shrimp and pineapple…” That one caught Citrine off guard, “Who puts shrimp and pineapple on a pizza?” The answer came when Amber reached into the box and pulled out a slice of it before timidly retreating from the crowd. Citrine’s attention was caught again when Sapphire announced, “Classic Pepperoni.” That box was slid across, and both she and Ruby took slices from it. As Citrine sank her teeth into the delicious Papa Domino’s Hut pizza, Jade came over to visit. “So, how do you like the job so far?” The green-eyed girl asked. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s really fun!” Citrine answered. Jade informed, “Your lucky Ruby is in charge. This is not the first place Dragon Ranch was attempted, and from what I hear, work conditions at the old location were far from ideal.” “I didn’t know about that.” “Well you do now.” “What happened to the old location?” Jade shrugged, “Ruby or Sapphire would be able to tell you better than I could; they worked there afterall. All I know is the old ranch is a ruin now.” “But something went wrong? Why would you join Dragon Ranch if you knew about it?” “The money made it seem worth it, especially when no one else was hiring, and the job was never bad enough to get me to move to something else. Didn’t you sign up for the same reason?” “Of course not!” Citrine answered feeling a bit insulted, “Yes, I needed money, but I’ve loved dragons my entire life. Being able to work with them is like a dream come true for me!” “I see. I guess you did choose the right profession then. Performing a job you don’t like can be a mental strain for some people. Sometimes I feel like this line of work requires us to be very adaptable, or have a heart of stone.” “Which one do you fall under?” “I watch animals die as I do everything I can to save them; which do you think?” “I’m sorry.” “It gets really bad when I have an assistant who refuses to give up on any lost case.” Jade sighed. Citrine looked around the room at all the smiling faces. The various Handlers and Hunters conversing with each other, eating pizza as if they had no care in the world. These women all had their own stories; they all had their own reasons for working on the ranch. It was a very joyous sight, but if Dragon Ranch failed before, what if it failed again? What would happen to these people? What would happen to the dragons? Thinking of the dragons got her to think about Grumpy again. It didn’t really seem right for everyone to be having such a celebration, and completely leave the dragons out of it. Citrine swiped a slice from the meat-lovers pizza, and went out to the pens. When she got to Grumpy’s pen, she opened the door, and found the red and black dragon coiled up in the corner where he usually was. He raised his head when he saw her, and she presented the slice of pizza she brought with her. The dragon sniffed in her direction, and she extended her arm to offer the slice to him. The dragon was drooling at the sight of the triangle of cheese filled to the brim with various meets, and he quickly lunged forward to snap it from the hand. Unfortunately, he missed, and his teeth sank into Citrine’s wrist. The girl cried out from the shock, and she released the food in the hand. Her blood mixed with saliva as his tongue licked all around her hand. When Grumpy swallowed the food, he released the handler’s hand, and she withdrew to find painful punctures where his teeth sank into her flesh. She did not know what she was thinking trying to hand-feed a dragon. She held her arm and left the dragon’s lair, shutting the door behind her. She felt like such an idiot for doing that, but at least she was still alive. Now she’d have to get these wounds taken care of.
Dragon Ranch 1 – 7 Though most places of work had Sundays off, Dragon Ranch remained in operation. Afterall, machines could be turned off and humans could be ignored, but dragons needed fresh food and bedding every day. And so Citrine came into work as she did any other day she didn’t have classes to worry about, and Ruby was quick to tell her to perform her standard duties. Fortunately, her arm was bandaged, so she didn’t have to worry about her bite wound becoming infected in dirty work. Before she could go out to the fields, Sapphire barged into the Visitor’s Center, and informed, “There was a flaw in your catalogue.” She set a rifle on the counter in front of Ruby, “The batteries we were given don’t fit the weapons.” “I see… I’ll get a refund; you get new batteries.” “I can’t, my jeep is busted and waiting for a tow half a mile back.” Ruby sighed in frustration, then called, “Citrine! You have a car right?” “Yes.” The blond answered. “Good. I need you to give Sapphire a ride into town so she can get new pulse batteries.” “Okay.” Sapphire grabbed her weapon from the counter, and then followed Citrine to her dented vehicle so they could head into the city. A group of Maccar were perched at the top of a tall tower. The building they inhabited was operational, with running water and electricity, and humans working inside. But its upper levels were incomplete, with steel beams exposed, and stacks of bricks spread about as if construction had been planned for continuation. But, dragons decided the incomplete structure was a favorable lair, and so the upper levels were left to them. The Maccar slithered about on their long feathery bodies, or crawled with the aid of their four wings. They browsed the area for rats or pigeons, trying to find meals that would prevent them from having to go out and hunt for food. Unfortunately, they were not the only ones hunting inside of this building. Another serpentine dragon had invaded the tower, and was presently digging its snout into the guts of one of the perimeter sentries when its presence was discovered. The Maccar let out a bellow to alert the rest of its pack of the intruder, and soon, several dragons stood before the trespasser, displaying their wings and roaring to drive it away. The trespassing dragon was not amused or intimidated, and having enough, it opened its mouth, and spat foul fluid into the face of the closest Maccar. The hit dragon cried out in pain as its head steamed, and the trespasser swiftly struck, getting jaws around the attacked dragon’s neck and slicing through vital arteries with long, sharp fangs. The remaining Maccar went into a panic at the loss of yet another of their own. But whether they wanted to fight this trespasser or not, the hostile dragon struck out at the lot of them with lethal intent. Citrine drove into the city, with Sapphire giving her directions on when and where to turn to get to where they were going. Since the drive still took a while, and the occasional change of direction was not a very good topic of conversation, the blond finally decided to ask about something that had been on her mind ever since Jade brought it up. “I heard you and Ruby worked at a different ranch at one point. What happened to it?” The questioning got Sapphire to turn her head to her sharply, and Citrine added, “I know it was something bad, but I don’t know what exactly happened?” “Something bad is an understatement.” Sapphire informed, “It’s true, Ruby and I once worked at another facility, up in New York somewhere, doesn’t matter, it’s gone. This was years ago, but I can’t say Dragon Handling was a new concept to anybody; I guess it got so old that people started getting lazy about it. “We had managers that had no problem sticking their hands in the pot for some extra cash, even at the cost of infrastructure and supplies. On top of that we had Handlers that either abused the dragons, or had no idea how to properly handle them.” “Sounds like it was a pretty bad place.” Citrine commented. “It was a disaster waiting to happen. It finally fell apart when we got the wrong dragon sent to us, and it was put in the hands of the wrong Handler. Next thing we knew, the entire ranch was up in flames. We lost a lot of people that day… and even more dragons… “After that, all the corruption finally came out in the open. It was a rough few years for Dragon Ranches everywhere. There was even talk of shutting the whole program down. Fortunately, there were still enough people who believed in what Dragon Ranch originally stood for. Ruby and I were put in charge of the North American Dragon Ranch, and we’ve been doing our best to make sure the dream, and the dragons, stay alive.” Citrine finally asked, “Do you think that will happen here?” “Not if you do your job.” Sapphire answered. She turned her attention back to the road, and instructed, “Turn left at the next light.” As they drove down the newest street, something overhead caught the Hunter’s attention, and she advised Citrine to slow down. The blond followed her passenger’s gaze up, and at the top of a tower she saw several red-feathered dragons fly into the open and scatter in every direction. One of the four-winged dragons was having trouble flying, and it wound up crashing in the street, causing a panic among pedestrians. As the Maccar smashed through a shop window and tumbled into the building, Sapphire ordered, “Pull over, we have to deal with this.” Citrine did as she was told, and parked her car on the side of the road. Sapphire was quick to get out, with a phone in hand, and she made a call to the ranch as she said, “I’m at the intersection of thirty-first and main street. We need an ambulance sent out, there’s a wounded dragon here.” Citrine looked around at the pedestrians, and noticed how they were surrounding the broken building. The last time there was a crowd surrounding a distressed dragon, it didn’t end so well for the humans, and the blond rushed to the crowd and told them, “Everyone needs to get away now. Do you hear me? You’re in danger here!” The crowd did not disperse, they did not even react until a gunshot rang out. At that moment, the crowd scattered, and Citrine saw Sapphire had a genuine pistol pointed into the air. As the mob left, the dark-haired woman sheathed her weapon, and instructed, “Now, let’s take a look at that dragon.” The pair entered the store, and they found the Maccar coiled up among broken plates and glasses. Sapphire kept her weapons sheathed, and told Citrine, “It’s distressed, try to calm it.” “How?” The blond asked with no idea how she was supposed to calm the dragon. “Just pretend it’s a cat.” Sapphire answered as if it were obvious. Citrine sighed, her arm aching from her last contact with a dragon that she thought she could trust. She still approached the dragon, “Easy now, we don’t want to hurt you.” She held a hand out to the dragon, offering, “I just want to pet you, can I?” The dragon made a noise that Citrine thought was growling at first, but there was a slight tone that made her realize the dragon was actually whimpering. She extended her hand, and set it down on the dragon’s brow. The dragon quivered and cooed, and Citrine smiled as the feathered creature began to calm down. That smile quickly changed as the dragon hacked, and a glob of thick saliva was splattered onto the girl’s face. Citrine wretched as she used her hand to wipe the slime away, but that was like trying to wipe an egg off a windshield. Sapphire pulled a handkerchief from her vest pocket and handed it to the Handler. “Use this.” She offered. Citrine wiped the saliva and sweat from her face, then handed it back to Sapphire so she could resume comforting the pained animal. Sapphire approached the Maccar, and noticed how the dragon was favoring one of its wings. Clearly, the limb must have been wounded, hence why it couldn’t fly properly. As she got a better look at the wing, she noticed the wrist area was weeping blood, and bone was exposed. Upon further examination, her eyes went wide. She saw a green fluid dripping from the wound, and sizzling on the ground where it landed. There was no doubt in her mind, the Shrike Viper was here! Sapphire pulled her phone out again, and told Citrine, “Stay with the dragon and wait for medical to arrive.” She did not wait for any protests from the younger woman as she made a call. “The target is on thirty-first street, send the Hunters now.” An ambulance arrived to pick up the injured Maccar and tend to its wounded wing, and at almost the same time, the Hunters’ armored truck rolled up the street. Sapphire walked to where the truck parked and her fellow Hunters emerged from inside. One of the women handed her an electric rifle, and she took a quick second to make sure it was loaded before she told the squad, “The Shrike Viper is in that building. The four of us are going up to the top level. Standard operation, identify, knockout, and bag it. Keep your eyes open, watch the corners, and no heroics. Do you get me?” “We get you.” They answered. The Hunters entered the building Sapphire saw the Maccar emerge from, grouped into an elevator, and took it to the top floor. As they neared the top, the squad put their backs against the walls so they would be hidden when the door finally opened. Sapphire signaled, and two women moved out, crouching and aiming their weapons. The target dragon was not seen, so the second pair moved forward. Sapphire looked around the room, but did not see the dragon they were looking for, just a couple of Maccar. One of the dragons was still moving, and so the Hunter moved forward to check its condition. She set a hand on its head to turn it over, and she was horrified at what she beheld. Half of the dragon’s face was gone, leaving the skull visible, while corrosive acid oozed out of the empty eye socket. There was nothing that could be done for it. Sapphire knew she had to stand up and be ready in case the Shrike Viper attacked. It had to still be here, but where was it!? A long tail covered in dark green feathers dropped from the ceiling, and wrapped around the neck of one of the Hunters. She cried out before she choked, and caught the attention of the rest of the squad. “It’s in the roof! Open fire!” The women nearest the tail aimed their rifles and shot electricity into the dragon’s flesh. The pain caused the tail to tighten, and it snapped the captured woman’s neck. Though the voltage should have been enough to paralyze the predator, the Hunters were using improper batteries in their rifles, and as such did not have sufficient charge for the task. The tail withdrew into the rafters, and one of the hunters raised their weapon toward where the dragon’s head would appear, believing a head shot would be enough. Unfortunately, the dragon struck first. The moment its head came into view, acid sprayed from open jaws, directly into the face of the anticipating Hunter. As another member of her squad fell to the ground screaming, Sapphire found some of the acid had landed on her vest. As the acid began to eat through the fabric, she removed her vest to avoid bodily harm. As her apparel dropped to the ground, she looked to the attacked Hunter to see the flesh melting off her head to pool in a bubbling puddle around her skull. Sapphire knew they were ill equipped to deal with the task at hand. “Fall back!” She ordered to her last companion. She quickly ran back to the elevator and pushed the call button – someone must have called it down. Before the final girl could join her, the dragon slithered from above, and snapped her head and torso up in its jaws. “Help me!” The girl screamed as the dragon pulled her away. She punched feebly at the jaws, and the Shrike Viper responded by spitting acid all over the caught girl, getting her to scream in agony. This elevator was not coming fast enough. Sapphire got a grip on the doors and pulled them apart. She saw the elevator far below, looking to be going down. This was not good. Something struck the wall next to her, and she looked to see a pair of legs had been thrown in her direction. When she looked back, she saw the top half of her last squad member being scarfed down. She was out of time. Sapphire pulled her belt off and then jumped into the shaft. She wrapped her belt around the cables as she slid down, getting out of the way a moment before acid was sprayed where she had been. She slid all the way down to the elevator, landing on it heavily. She had barely recovered before the cables began to shudder, and she realized the acid must be eating through the machinery. “Shit.” She groaned as the cables snapped and the elevator fell three stories and crashed at the bottom level. A level above where the elevator landed, the doors were pried open, and Sapphire emerged, coughing dust out of her lungs as she got herself clear of the building. The Shrike Viper was enraged that humans had trespassed in its lair. Even more infuriating, one of these humans escaped. Now it had to find that trespasser. The dragon found the vest dropped by the escaped woman, its tongue flicking out to taste the air around the clothing. To the dragon’s confusion, there were multiple female scents within this vest. But which one belonged to the trespasser? The dragon would figure it out soon enough.
Dragon Ranch 1 – 8 Sapphire managed to get home rather late in the day. Once she was there, she got on the phone and called Dragon Ranch. As she anticipated, Ruby answered the call. Sapphire informed her colleague, “The Shrike Viper is still in the area. We couldn’t stop it. Make sure our dragons are locked up tonight.” Her advice was accepted, and a second squad of Hunters would be sent to investigate the lair more thoroughly, in spite of Sapphire’s words against it. With the call concluded, she retrieved her pistol and made sure it was fully loaded. Sapphire had riled up a dragon in its lair, which meant chances were high it would be coming after her and any she associated with. She knew it was not legal to kill a dragon, but with her life on the line, she was willing to act in self-defense. She had a seat in a chair facing a window, and anticipated the Shrike Viper’s arrival at any moment. After she was released for the day, Citrine went back to the campus lodging. As she neared the buildings, her attention was caught by Mary. The girl approached the Handler with her Cat Dragon cradled in her arms. “Hello Mary.” Citrine greeted pleasantly, “How have you and Cookie been?” “We’ve been fine, thank you. I’ve had to watch Cookie closely to make sure he doesn’t get excited. It seems like we’ve become each other’s emotional support pets.” She rubbed the soft fur of her pet, who appeared rather relaxed in her arms. “I wanted to ask you, since I was so distraught the last time I was at Dragon Ranch, do you think you could give me a tour so I can get to see more of the dragons you take care of?” Citrine was unsure if giving private tours would fit with her busy schedule, but she did enjoy Mary’s company, so she answered, “Of course, I’ll gladly give you a tour of the ranch!” “Thank you!” Mary gave her a hug, careful not to squeeze her pet between them, then departed to her room. With that interaction concluded, Citrine returned to her dorm and had a nice warm shower. After giving herself a thorough scrubbing, she was fresh and clean, and she walked out of the steamy bathroom. The moment she stepped out of the bathroom, Chelsie pushed her out of the way griping, “It’s about time. The soap better not smell like dragon!” “It’s an acquired scent, but in your case, it might be an improvement.” Citrine muttered, wrapping herself in a towel. “How original. Just get out of my way.” Chelsie shut the door behind her so she could take her clothes off in private. This allowed Citrine to get some clothes on herself. As she went to her drawer to retrieve some panties, she jumped at the sound of something crashing through the window. Fearing a home invader, Citrine dropped to the floor and rolled under the bed to hide. From her position, she heard the window break more, and then the invader entered the room with a thump. The weight of the steps, as well as the sound of dragging gave her the impression that whatever had entered her dorm, it wasn’t human. Then she saw it, or part of it at least. Wings braced against the ground, long talons emerging from the wrist/hand area. These appendages dragged a lengthy snake body along, and though it had a set of true, muscular legs, they were short and hung without notable use, their claws occasionally brushing the floor. A forked tongue flicked out, tasting the air as the dragon searched for something. She saw its snout nearing the bed, and she feared it was about to find her. The head pulled away when the sound of dropped soap came from the bathroom. The dragon slithered to investigate the source of the sound, having no trouble getting through the door. Chelsie heard the door open, and groaned, “Really you perverted slut! Get out of here now!” She pushed the shower curtain aside as she gave Citrine a piece of her mind, only to realize the woman was not the one who had entered the bathroom. Even if she was not disgusted by dragons, she would have found the monster that stood in the room revolting. As she looked into those golden reptilian eyes, she let out a horrified scream. Feathers on the side of the dragon’s arrow-shaped head spread and rattled, and its jaws parted to expose the long and gnarled teeth housed within. The dragon lunged, catching the woman in strong jaws. The tongue explored Chelsie’s naked flesh, and saliva coated her body. She continued to scream and struggle as the dragon picked her up and her feet left the floor of the tub. From there, she began to slip into the tight muscular grip of the dragon’s throat, the process of consumption increasing in speed the more of her that entered the dragon’s rancid depths. Citrine dared not move as she heard Chelsie’s screams. She held back a whine as her roommate’s screams became muffled while the dragon ate her alive. She looked in the direction of the bathroom, and watched as the dragon’s neck bloated as a body entered it. The form of the young woman expanded the dragon’s body as it passed through the length of it. The travel stopped somewhere in the middle of the body, where the occupant trapped inside continued to struggle. The dragon pulled itself free of the bathroom, and then crawled to the bed to lay down on top of it, nearly pinning Citrine beneath its weight. The dragon breathed slowly as it began to rest, and Chelsie’s muffled cries were rapidly becoming gurgled and weaker. After half an hour of the dragon remaining still, Citrine concluded it had fallen asleep. She took her moment to shimmy out from beneath the bed, and get into the open room. The dark green dragon that rested on her bed was unlike any she’d seen at the ranch, and she concluded this must be the Shrike Viper she’d been hearing about. She reached the door, grabbed her keys, and as she opened it, she heard a growl emit from the dragon. She looked back to see the feathered serpent had woken, and was looking at her with its bright yellow gaze. It hissed as it raised its head, readying to strike, and Citrine concluded she was not about to calm it. She ran out the door, avoiding a spray of acid that followed after. She rushed to her car as fast as she could, unlocked it, and started it. As she began to pull out, the dragon landed on top of her car with a heavy thud, forcing the roof of the cabin down. A beaked muzzle smashed into the windshield breaking the glass like a spiderweb all around it. Citrine screamed, and drove back to slam into a parked car behind her. The Shrike Viper was thrown off from the impact, and with the dragon removed, she put her car in drive, and sped off campus and down the road as fast as she could. She had to get to Dragon Ranch; hopefully someone would be there who could help her. Though she could not see it, the Shrike Viper had taken flight, and soared in the air in pursuit of her. She managed to reach her destination, even with an angered dragon on her tail, and the moment she pulled into the parking lot, she got out of her ruined vehicle and screamed for help. She held up her towel as she ran, desperate to call someone outside to help her, or at least spread the word that the Shrike Viper was coming. Though she’d be wrong on that account, for the dragon was already there. The Shrike Viper swooped down from the sky, and its talons caught her arms. The dragon ascended rapidly, carrying the screaming woman into the dark sky. Grumpy was napping in his pen as he usually did, regardless of whether or not he was locked in there. His attention was grabbed when he heard screaming in a voice he recognized. The new Handler was in peril? He liked this woman; he did not want to see her come to harm! He went to the door of his pen to push it open, only to find it was latched shut. This couldn’t stand! He had to get outside now! He slammed his body against the door, over and over again, determined to bash the door down. His efforts were getting the entire row of pens to shake, and the bolts of his pen to buckle. Citrine was brought to the Maccar tower, which the Shrike Viper had now established as its own lair. The dragon in question held her in the embrace of its tail. Its focus was outside as it glared, hissed, and roared to assert its dominance over the city. With that established, it returned its attention to the woman in its grasp. “Please don’t hurt me.” Citrine begged as the dragon glared down at her. She extended a hand to it, offering to pet it, but the dragon merely growled at her attempt at comfort. Her hand shrunk away, but the gnarled face crept closer. The jaws opened, and something drooled out of the dragon’s mouth, which ate through her towel and began to burn her skin beneath. She screamed from the pain of the acid, and the Shrike Viper actually smiled from the pain it was inflicting. It was reveling in the torture, and she worried of worse to come. The jaws snapped shut, and the dragon turned its attention outside again. Citrine followed its gaze, and outside she spotted a red dragon flying in their direction. The Shrike Viper braced itself, but was still tossed by the impact of the newly arrived dragon. Citrine, still caught in the dragon’s grasp, was sent into a disorienting tumble along with it. When she could focus again, she was free of the Shrike Viper’s grasp, and the new dragon stood between her and her captor. It was Grumpy! The Dwarf Tiger’s ear frills were spread and rattling, and he stood in a crouched position as he prepared to defend her. In response to the European breed, the Shrike Viper reared up, balancing on its tail as it spread its wings full. It roared at its enemy as it stood in its intimidation display, daring the other dragon to attack. Grumpy’s shoulders visibly twitched like a cat preparing to pounce. As he made the attempt though, the Shrike Viper struck like a cobra, its attack much faster and closer to vital areas. The Dwarf Tiger utilized his denser bodyweight to tackle the hostile dragon over regardless. Even as the serpentine body coiled around his waist, constricting him and holding his wings together, he still got on top and swatted his enemy’s head with strong forepaws. He looked to have his enemy pinned, and he drew back to spit fire, but a moment before he could release his venom, the Shrike Viper spat its own into his face. Grumpy recoiled, and his enemy bit down on his neck, causing his fire to be spat throughout the room. The Shrike Viper gained the upper hand, using its short arms to tear at flesh, while its jaws clamped down even tighter on the Dwarf Tiger’s neck. The European dragon’s tail swung around, smacking the Shrike Viper on the head, and cutting through flesh with its sharp tail spade. The impact caused the feathered dragon to let go, and not appreciating the presence of this natural weapon, it bit down on the end of the tail, and shook until it removed the problem. The dragon tossed the severed end of the tail away, and then moved back to finish Grumpy. Citrine had to help him! She found a brick nearby, picked it up, and tossed it at the Shrike Viper. The brick hit its mark, breaking against its head and causing it to recoil. The blow was not as damaging as she hoped though, as the dragon quickly turned to face her, letting out a hissing roar. Citrine ran away as the dragon began to come for her. She rounded a corner to get out of sight, and then found a tight gap between walls to tuck into and hide. As she hoped, the dragon lost track of her. She held her breath and stayed as quiet as she could as the dragon’s snout came into view, its tongue flicking out to smell for her. Then it found her. The Shrike Viper looked down at her where she hid, and she had nowhere left to run. It opened its mouth, hissing at her as it drew back to kill her. An instant before the attack came, the dragon was tackled by Grumpy. She did not see what happened next, but she felt the heat of fire, and heard the pained shrieks of the dragons. There was a tearing sound, and one of the dragons let out a gurgling death cry. Citrine closed her eyes, tears streaming from them, and she worried about which dragon won the fight. When the Shrike Viper did not return to kill her, she had to imagine Grumpy won. She reluctantly emerged from her hiding spot, and was surprised by what she saw. The Shrike Viper was dead, its feathers charred, and its belly torn open with guts spilling across the floor. Grumpy did not look like he fared much better. He was covered in blood, both his enemy’s and his own, and several patches of his body were open and weeping from acid burns. The dragon stumbled weakly, and Citrine went to comfort him. Grumpy collapsed into her arms, knocking her over in the process. The naked Handler sat on the floor, the dragon’s head set on her lap, her hands on his crest. The last time they interacted, he hurt her. She held it against him, and she felt so stupid for trusting him. Now though, she wondered about this dragon’s attachment to her again. He did not have to come to her aid; this Shrike Viper could have just as easily killed him in the attempt, surely he knew he would have been better off if he had never come. Why else would he risk his life if he were not protecting something precious to him? Dragon Hunters eventually gained access to the level, and they found Citrine providing comfort to a wounded Dwarf Tiger. “Call this in, we need medical immediately!” One of the Hunters ordered. The remains of the Shrike Viper did not escape their notice, and though it was a threat in life, its death was still unfortunate. This day was full of tragedy. When an ambulance arrived, Grumpy was transported to it and stored safely inside so he could be stabilized. Citrine was also given medical attention for acid burns and fresh claw lacerations. Naturally she called in sick the next day, and when she felt her body was ready to go back to work, she returned to the ranch as soon as her schedule allowed. Citrine took care of the tasks of giving the dragons fresh bedding and cleaning out their pens. She was surprised and concerned when Grumpy was not in his pen. It was true that a new door was being put on, and they may not want the dragon to be around to interfere with the work, but she still feared the worst. When her task was finished, she went to the medical facility to hear the truth. “Hello Citrine!” Pearl greeted pleasantly when the blond arrived. “Hello.” Citrine answered nervously. She braced herself, then asked the question on her mind, “How is Grumpy doing?” She expected to hear that he passed away, but was surprised when she heard, “His wounds are treated, and he’s well on his way to a full recovery!” “What!?” Citrine exclaimed with shock and relief. “He’s in a confinement pen if you’d like to see him.” Citrine followed Pearl to the back, where she saw the Grassland Snapper batting a ball around in its pen, and in another pen, she saw a familiar hide of red and black scales coiled up on the ground. The Dwarf Tiger’s neck, arm, and face were wrapped in bandages. It was clear he had taken quite a beating in his fight. Jade was in the room, and noticing how Citrine was taking in the sight of the wounded dragon, she informed, “He’s lucky. When two species who did not co-evolve meet, one is completely outclassed. Fortunately, European breeds evolved with much stronger scales, and that saved his life. What he lost will be back in a few shed cycles, and even his tail is starting to sprout.” “His tail grows back!?” “Yes.” Jade stated as if it were obvious. Citrine looked at the dragon, who appeared so pitiful in his current condition. He was a hero to her, and he deserved praise for it. She asked, “Can I go in there with him?” “Like I told the last girl, it’s not recommended. A wounded dragon can be very defensive.” Citrine gave her arm a rub, an arm that these veterinarians had treated just days earlier, but she still assured, “He won’t hurt me.” “Don’t say you weren’t warned.” Jade responded as she opened the door for Citrine to enter. The door closed behind her, and Grumpy raised his head to the new presence. He sniffed in her direction, given that his eyes were almost completely covered by bandages. Citrine held her hand out toward him so he could get a better whiff of her scent, and recognizing her, he gave her hand a nuzzle. The blond smiled, and rubbed along his firm jaw line and down his smooth neck as she came even closer. She crouched under his head so she could wrap her arms around his neck and give the dragon a hug. “Thank you for saving my life.” The dragon purred in response to her affection. When Citrine was ready to come out, Jade had no issues with unlocking the door for her. “This has been some first week for you, hasn’t it?” The dark-haired girl asked. “Yeah, some week.” “You still think you’ll enjoy this line of work? Given everything that’s happened lately.” “Of course! I think Dragon Handling is exactly my speed.” She set a hand on the glass as she looked through it at Grumpy, “I love dragons, and I love getting to interact with them.” In her heart she knew, she always would. Ruby and Sapphire met in the visitor’s center. As Ruby typed up an email containing a full report, Sapphire asked, “Is it true the Hunters found eggs in that tower? Shrike Viper eggs?” “Yes, you heard right. They’re being incubated as we speak.” The red-head replied. Sapphire actually got goosebumps at that news, and stated, “We can’t raise them here! We don’t have the proper facilities to contain them!” “We could not leave them to die either. That would violate the Cryptid Species Protection Act, and go against the purpose of Dragon Ranch.” “Don’t you think raising them would put Dragon Ranch at risk.” “Of course.” Ruby answered sullenly, “But the right course of action is above my paygrade to decide. I’m sending an email to Dragon Ranch Headquarters about the situation. By the time the eggs hatch, we’ll have been told what to do with them.” With that said, Ruby concluded her email, and hit the send button. Sending the message left her feeling cold inside. She knew she needed to know what to do, but the details of how they’d acquired eggs that a mother dragon gave her life protecting, the injuries to dragons on the ranch, and the numerous deaths of employees involved would not sit well. She could only wait to see what would happen next.
Dragon Tail “Wait up Michael!” Lucina called as she struggled to keep up with her boyfriend. Michael and Lucina were 21 and 19 respectively, and were both reasonably lean for their ages. They had bags of supplies slung over their shoulders, walking sticks in their hands, and good boots on their feet. The pair were on a quest to cross over a mountain and deliver the goods to merchants on the other side. Normally, this was a task Michael did alone, but he knew he would be able to get more money for his family if he could bring more supplies, so he asked Lucina to help him this time. Of course, she was unfamiliar with the route and the distance, so the hike was a bit of a strain for her. He drank some water as he waited for her to catch up, and then told her, “Don’t worry, we’re almost to the peak, then it’s all downhill from there.” The girl panted as sweat accumulated on her body, and she asked, “Why didn’t we just go around the mountain?” “Because that would add another three days to the trip.” “But aren’t there dragons at this elevation?” “Yes.” He answered as if she just asked if the sky was blue, but the answer made her even more worried. “What if they come after us!?” Lucina asked, and Michael gave her a hug to reassure her, “Relax. Most dragons don’t eat humans unless their desperate. If they do bother us, all we’ll have to do is have sex with them and they’ll leave us alone after.” “I don’t want to fuck a dragon!” Lucina exclaimed with disgust. Michael just shrugged and said, “It’s not that bad…” Taking a scaly dick up the ass was something he had to do on a couple of occasions in his years of back-and-forth travel. He really hoped any dragons they had to deal with this time would be female – or at the very least was a bottom. As they stood on the mountain top, they were being hunted. The predator dove at them, and grasping talons extended forward. Neither human had time to react when Lucina was suddenly swept away. All she could do was scream as she was carried away in the talons of a feathered, green dragon. “Hold on! I’m coming!” Michael shouted after her as he began to climb up the mountain face. He did not make it far before a second dragon arrived and ripped him off the mountain. Lucina’s arms were held firmly in the dragon’s foretalons. She struggled to escape, but quickly stopped when she saw the long fall that awaited her if the dragon dropped her. From there she held on for the ride, until the dragon neared a cave cut into the mountain’s side. At that point, the claws released their grip, and the girl screamed as she was thrown through the rocky hole, and then tumbled across a soft bed of feathers and moss. Lucina got to her feet, and had enough time to realize that she was in a nest before the dragon that abducted her squeezed into the cave. She fell backwards and crawled away as the dragon approached her, and she begged, “Please don’t hurt me.” The green dragon did not give her an answer, but stopped to look over its shoulder when a second dragon arrived, holding Michael’s backpack in its mouth and using it to carry him into the cave. Michael dropped to the floor, then turned around to face this new, black and white dragoness as he said, “Easy girl, there’s no need for things to get rough.” As he spoke, he quickly took off his shirt. “What are you doing!?” Lucina asked in shock, but her boyfriend told her, “Just follow my lead, trust me.” He dropped his pants to his ankles so his mating tool was fully available for use, and he reassured the ness, “My body is ready whenever you are.” He gave the fur of her spine a stroke, and she looked at him curiously before taking a couple of licks at his genitals. The pleasing touches of the forked tongue had little trouble getting him hard. The green dragon nuzzled at the dropped bags, prodding and ripping until their contents spilled out. It was a bunch of clay pottery, and the sight seemed to displease the feathered dragon. The sight of breaking pottery was not quite as bad for Lucina as having to watch her boyfriend receive oral from a dragoness. She complained, “Is this what you do when I’m not around? You come up to these mountains and fuck around with dragon girls? Sorry I’m not some scaly beast!” He was about to tell her that it wasn’t like that, but that was when the green dragoness approached her. “Just give her what she wants.” Michael told Lucina. “Her!?” The woman complained. Somehow rutting with a female was even more repulsing than doing it with a male. She tried to escape, but the dragoness quickly pounced her and began to rip off her clothes. “Hey, don’t be rough with her!” Michael protested as his girlfriend was forcefully stripped. His protest got the dragoness he was working with to headbutt his chest and knock him over. At that point, she laid on top of him, her blue cat eyes glaring at him hungrily as she pinned him under her weight – dragons were not very dense creatures, but they still had an easy time overpowering humans. Even though Michael wanted to protect Lucina, he figured this ness would not want their ‘play time’ to be interrupted. Her smooth belly scales did feel good against his chest, and her cunny was practically slobbering as it accepted his manhood. Lucina was completely naked, and her body had a few scratches where claws had brushed her too closely. She laid on her back and quivered as the dragoness wedged her snout between her legs and sniffed at her crotch. She let out a soft whimper when she felt a forked tongue flick at her soft lips, and then a series of licking followed. Each stroke of the tongue was longer and deeper than the one that came before, and Lucina could not believe that she was actually getting some pleasure out of this. The dragoness picked her up in her jaws, and inserted her tongue to wiggle around inside of the woman’s inner passage. The long tongue was so magical! Lucina almost lost herself in the pleasuring feeling, but she was brought back when she felt herself sliding more securely into the dragon’s mouth. She felt sharp pricks under her back from the fangs on the lower jaw, and saliva dripped from the ness’s upper palate onto her belly – which was still distended from the wiggling appendage inside it. Her butt was jammed inside the mouth, and her spread legs were hooked outside the fleshy cheeks. Lucina quickly grabbed the beaked snout and shouted at the predator, “Hey! Stop! Don’t eat me!” The feathered ness carried the girl to her furry companion. The black and white ness was continuing to hump Michael, but had propped herself into a sitting position with her forepaws pinning the human down so she could reach out toward the larger dragon. “Michael, help me!” Lucina screamed, but there was nothing he could do under the threatening claws that pinned him. The pinning dragoness licked her lips, then opened her mouth wide to receive her gift. Lucina’s head was set down on the squishy tongue of the second dragon, and its jaws shut to get a good grip on her as the first ness fed her through. Her head was gulped into the tight confines of the throat, and her breasts were squished inside the drooling maw. The first dragon’s tongue did not leave her nethers, and a second tongue joined the first to force pleasure out of her. She screamed in fear, hating that she was going to climax while she was being eaten alive. Michael could only watch as the two dragons made out with his girlfriend caught between them. He could hear her muffled screams, and watched as her free legs kicked while her arms punched feebly at snouts. The dragons purred and drooled when they finally licked an orgasm out of their prey, sharing in the delight of tasting female juices. At that point the feathered ness let go of Lucina’s hips so the smaller dragon could enjoy the meat of the meal. Michael grunted in frustration. If Lucina had just gone along with this, she wouldn’t have become food. Unfortunately, by the way the feathered dragon was licking her chops as she looked at him, he wasn’t so sure he had escaped that fate either. The tongue forced Lucina deeper into the dragon’s throat, and then a swallow gripped her body and pulled it even further along. Her face was red, and she was short of breath after her orgasm. As such, her legs hung limply outside the dragon’s jaws as the predator continued to devour her. Eventually, she felt the jaws close around her feet, letting her know it was far too late to struggle, and with an ear-popping gulp, she was completely inside the dragon’s gullet. The tightness around her head released as she entered an open chamber. Her slimy body was forced to slide through whether she wanted to or not. The stomach did not feel quite big enough for her. Though it expanded to accommodate the meat that was being deposited in it, Lucina was still forced to curl up in a tight fetal position. The spongy walls squeezed around her, and rubbed her body to give her a good scrubbing with digestive enzymes. She could still breath, but fumes in the air burned her lungs, and she quickly wished she could just pass out. Unfortunately, that fate did not appear forthcoming, meaning she was doomed to be digested alive. Not wanting to die, she screamed and squirmed as best as she could, but the stomach was not even vaguely upset by her struggles. She was trapped and going to die, but in her mind a part of her still thought, “When I get out of here, I am never going on a hike with Michael again!” One way or another, she was not wrong… Alexia purred from the euphoric sensations of a belly filled with live, wiggling prey. Before she became a dragoness, she had no idea just how pleasuring this was! And that girl was so yummy! It could easily make her forget there was a time when she was a human much like the one she’d just swallowed. She watched a pair of legs kicking outside of Zel’s mouth. The feathered dragoness was using her tongue to continue to stimulate the man, until the point that he reluctantly spread his salty sauce all over her palate. From there she scarfed down his hips and legs, and reduced him to a wiggling bulge making its way to her stomach. As enjoyable as this experience was, Alexia would have preferred to just let the humans go. Unfortunately, the duo was carrying no food in their packs, and the two dragons needed the energy for the long trip they would soon make. “You could have let him finish me.” Alexia complained to her lover in dragon-speech. Zel did not apologize, but instead nuzzled the younger dragon and told her, “That’s what I’m for.” As Zel nibbled at her ear, Alexia sighed, “You are still so needy!” At that point, she sprung and tackled Zel, trying – and failing – to knock the larger dragon over. It had been years since Alexia hatched as a newborn dragon, and in that time, she had grown into a beautiful dragoness. She was tall, thin, and muscular, with a large set of membranous wings, and a long black mane flowing the length of her spine. In this time of growing and learning, she had also come to understand and control all the functions of her new body – or at the very least, accept them. Though she was not as big as Zel – who was far older than she physically was – Alexia was officially an adult, which meant that sexy time was back for both of them; she really missed those intimate moments with her dragon lover more than she thought she would. The pair wrestled, nipping at each other as they rolled around in their nest. Eventually, their tails curled in, and they thrust their tips into each other’s snatches. They purred and clawed at the ground with pleasure as they tail-fucked each other. Alexia let out a burp, and heard muffled protests as their bellies squished together and crushed the prey inside. That mattered little, the humans were only food afterall, and the dragons wanted to play! The pair eventually settled in for the night, cuddling close to each other as they slept peacefully. They woke a couple days later. By that point their prey had been digested, and nourished their bodies. Alexia knew her time in seclusion had passed, and she could finally return to Queen Sonja. Alexia helped Zel fasten her blue scarf securely to conceal her scar, and after that, the dragons left their mountain home and began their journey across the world. The pair took turns leading the other, allowing their partner to rest on a tail wind before coming to the front of the line when they were ready to take over. Eventually, they made it to the planes of Burla, and a few days later they came across a herd of colossi. The gigantic herbivores were like living mountains as they slowly lumbered around the vast field. Tired from their journey, the dragons decided to land on the hairy, vegetation covered back of one of the beasts. Birds and bugs flew or scurried away, but the colossus did not even notice their presence. The dragons kneaded and spun to form a makeshift nest out of the matted fur, and then they cuddled to nap for a while. The pair was eventually woken by an unusually high amount of shaking from the beast they slept on, coupled with the colossus emitting a bellow of distress. Below, three grey-furred beasts were attacking the colossus. Their chests, shoulders and back were far more muscular and pronounced than their hips and hind legs. They had long, arrow heads that were filled with teeth, even on their palates and tongues, and they had long tusks protruding from the rear of their lower jaw. Though the predators were only knee high compared to the colossi, they were considerably faster, and they bit and clawed at the great beast’s legs to rip out chunks of flesh. The colossus reared up, getting the predators to back off, and the dragons on its back to fly away. As Alexia and Zel made their escape, the predators managed to bring the colossus down with an impact that shook the land. After that, the predators climbed onto their latest catch and began to feast on the dying beast; the other colossi of the herd did not appear to care that they’d lost one of their own, and simply carried on with their grazing. A couple days later, the dragons reached the cubic monument that was Sonja’s home. Alexia smiled upon seeing it, not only because it meant the journey was over, but because she was looking forward to seeing her giant friend again. When she landed at the window, she was surprised to find the structure empty. All of its homely touches were gone, as if no one had lived there for a quite some time. This could not be right, so the dragons decided to check Socatar. There, they found an even more horrific sight. The city was in ruins. There was not a single tower that had not been toppled, not a single building that was left standing, and not a single humanoid lurking in the streets. Even its protective wall had been reduced to rubble. The city must have been destroyed in a battle while they were away, and Alexia guessed it had occurred some time ago by the way nature was laying claim to the ruins. She worried something horrible may have happened to Sonja and Wesley; if they were still alive, where would they have gone? They were not going to receive that answer in the remains of a dead city. The dragons decided to move on, and try to catch up on current events…
Rescue Pt 1 – Age of Gold Eight years had passed since the day the Resistance was broken, eight years since Skyvale lost its only hope. Warships sailed over every city and major settlement of the land, where citizens were taken away to join the Royal army, or to become slaves. Those who were left behind, were watched over by wardens to ensure they remained productive members of the kingdom. Forests were torn down so factories could be put in their place. The world was turning into a wasteland, dotted by towers of metal and smoke, all by the will of Skyvale’s ruler. The Queen sat firmly upon her throne within the capital city of Agastar, and the only one who could oppose her was gone without a trace. Even so, The Queen was not satisfied with her victory, not just yet. She needed to know her rule would never be questioned again. For the day’s entertainment in the throne room of Agastar, nobles had brought in gladiators to battle with each other, and viewers took bets to see who among them would come out on top. Four gladiators battled in the arena. A satyr fought with a raion, while a human male dueled a female neko. The human and neko both wore masks, the neko’s giving her a cat-face, while the human’s was a bearded, snarling man. The neko was far more agile than the human, and was able to evade his attacks while lashing out with sword and claws. Being evasive or good at parrying were the ways to avoid dying in this matchup, since the gladiators wore no real armor. Their boots and gloves were reasonable, but loin cloths and bras were useful only to cover their private areas. The neko had the human on the ropes, and she pounced upon him to finish the job. The man managed to catch her sword arm before the blow could land, and in return, he allowed her to land on his blade. The cat-girl’s dying gasps were heard through the mask as the sword went through her vital organs, and the human dropped her off the end of his weapon to let her die on her own time. He still had two other opponents to defeat. Make that one, as he looked to the other yokai to find the raion biting into the satyr’s neck, and then ripping his head off. A mixture of groans and cheers could be heard from the audience as their chosen champions either died or progressed to the final duel. The human grabbed a shield off the ground for a bit of added protection. He figured he would need it as the much larger yokai approached him with a pair of flail maces in hand. The human gave a slight nod to his opponent, showing a sign of respect to him for fighting well enough to make it this far. The raion wiped the blood from his lips, and then returned the gesture. With the subtle courtesy out of the way, the bloodletting resumed. The man had to hide behind his shield as the lion-man came at him with a relentless assault. One wrong move would be all it took for one of those maces to split his head open. The raion tried to bite the man, but the human shield-bashed him in the face. As the yokai recoiled, the man dropped and jammed his sword into his opponent’s foot. The raion roared in pain, and the human rose and punched him in the face repeatedly. On one of his punches, the raion backed off to dodge, and then lunged forward to bite down on his arm. The human cried out as the long fangs sank into his arm, and he punched the yokai on the nose to get away. His arm came free, and he ducked a counter strike before pulling his sword from the yokai’s foot and slashing across his opponent’s gut. The raion collapsed, and the human stood over him with his sword aimed at his heart. All around, the audience chanted for death, but the gladiator was not so quick to deliver it. That was when the raion muttered, “Just do it, please. I’m ready to die.” If it was the man’s last wish, then so be it. The sword plunged, and the audience cheered. With the battle concluded, the gladiator removed his mask, showing his brown eyes, the beard that covered his square jaw, and the dark, curling hair trimmed chaotically on his head. He bowed with the customary respect to the host of the event, and the ruler of Skyvale: The Queen. Standing 300 meters tall, the giantess was by far the tallest of her kind. Her silky raven hair stretched down the length of her back, but was kept out of her angular face by her platinum crown, exposing her radiant green eyes. Her arms and legs, as well as her torso were covered in armored plating. A pair of golden steel horns curled up from where they had been welded into her crown, and between them was the huge sparkling diamond that ensured all would bow to her: the King’s Jewel. The Queen clapped in approval, and stated, “Well done warrior; you are truly a credit to your kind.” The human was dismissed, and allowed to return to his master. When he reached the side of the room, his master handed him some water, and told him, “Great job Wesley; you’ve made me a lot of money today.” In the years after he became a slave, Wesley had managed to get involved with some of the less dangerous assignments, though his performance in the games were of common knowledge. He had been bought by a noble of Agastar, and groomed into the life of a gladiator. While this new life entailed involvement with the games, his role in them was far fairer, and his own skill was pivotal on determining his survival, rather than sheer luck. This also meant he was able to live better than most other slaves, as his master was rather generous in making sure his bed was comfortable and his food was warm. In a match like this, which left his master’s pockets bursting with gold, he was usually granted the pleasures of a concubine in his room. These favorable conditions would likely end if his winning streak ever ended, but if that happened, it would likely be the result of his death anyway. The next event of the day began, but this time, it was not a game. A pair of giants walked into throne room. One of them, Brianna, was a 60-meter woman with her blond hair tied in a tight bun, and her body was covered in custom-fit golden armor from her neck to her ankles. The second giantess was Arianna. She was shorter than Brianna, at ‘only’ 55 meters. Arianna’s red hair was mostly short, with the exception what had been tied into a pony tail on the back of her head. She was muscular, yet thin, and was dressed with far less modesty than Brianna. Her armor was likewise golden and custom fit, though apart from gauntlets and shin-guards, she had a light breast plate that was only useful in covering her breasts, and a battle skirt that served similar function for her nethers. The pair of giants took positions on either side of the door, and a squad of soldiers marched across the sandy floor toward The Queen’s throne. Between the troops, walking naked with her wrists and ankles shackled, was a kitsune. This was not just any kitsune though, this was Commander Ariss of the Resistance. Her body was covered in lashings with varying degree of recovery, as she had been tortured for the sake of torture time and time again throughout the years. The hair of her head and tail had be shaven off, leaving the once proud and beautiful fox bald and ugly. The Queen looked at the state of her enemy, and smiled with amusement as she announced to her audience, “Citizens of Agastar, I present to you the leader of the Resistance. Here she stands as she truly is, a pitiful old fox.” The audience laughed and mocked the kitsune, who looked to have given up on life long before the sadists were finished playing with her. Ariss looked up to the face of the towering giantess, who said, “Another year has passed, and here we are again. Let us see if you will answer me the same once again. “How will your Resistance defy me now?” Ariss dropped her head, and answered sadly, “The Resistance is dead.” The Queen squinted. It was the same answer as it was every year. “Are you sure? Just tell me anything, and your suffering may come to an end.” Ariss could not look The Queen in the eye, and as she tried to look anywhere but at the giantess, her gaze drifted across Wesley, and there it lingered as the two recognized each other. A part of him worried that she would say exactly who he was as the kitsune looked back to The Queen. Tears began to stream from Ariss’s eyes as her next words were spoken without any confidence, “The Resistance is dead!” Upon hearing this, The Queen extended her hand toward the floor, and plucked Ariss between her thumb and index finger. The giantess lifted the kitsune to her face, where she studied her enemy closely. Finally, The Queen said, “I believe you.” Her fingers then squeezed together, and crunching was heard as she rubbed her fingers together, smearing blood and gore on her finger tips. The sight of the commander’s death was heartbreaking for Wesley. In all these years, he did not know what hope he’d had left for The Queen’s defeat, until it was finally snuffed out. The Queen set her hand aside so her slaves could clean dead fox from it, and then she addressed the giants at the far end of the room. “Arianna, Brianna, come forward.” The giants did as they were instructed, and bent their knees to bow at their ruler’s feet. The Queen informed, “You have done well in your duties to vanquish the enemies of the crown. Agastar and its people owe you a great debt, and it is only fitting that I reward you for your service.” The Queen stood, and presented a bowl in each hand with clear, sparkling water held in each. She informed, “This is the water of life; drink from it, and neither blade nor age will harm you. There is no greater gift than the gift of immortality.” The giants accepted the bowls, and set them to their lips to drink from them. When the bowls were finally empty, the giants let out refreshed sighs. Wesley was unsure what would happen next, but he remembered his battle with the screaming giantess years before, and knew this could lead to nothing good. The giant women looked confused, as they felt something going wrong, and then, pain struck them. They held themselves, writhing and flailing as their bodies began to mutate. Long claws protruded from fingers, digging deep into the sandy ground beneath them, and mouths filled with sharp teeth opened to scream in pain and fury, leaving the audience horrified. Their fits began to end as their pain subsided, and their bodies transformed back into those of beautiful giants. When their transformations concluded, whatever scars or blemishes their bodies bore were gone, leaving them flawless. That night, Wesley was locked behind the bars of his personal cage. As he predicted, his master gave him a woman to give him pleasure, but recent events had killed his mood, and all he could bring himself to do was cuddle with his lovely company. At some point during the night, he woke to find the girl was no longer in his bed. Her departure was not what roused him, but was instead some commotion at the door. The first thing he noticed about this person was that they had a female figure, and then he saw a fluffy fox tail and lupine ears. As he got out of bed, his vision began to focus in the dark, and he realized this was a kitsune he recognized. It was Vyxariah! Wesley approached her, anger welling inside of him as he knew every crime that had befallen Skyvale in recent years was her fault. The naked kitsune did not even acknowledge his fury as she gave him a pleasant smile and wave, then put a finger to her lips to shush him while she finished opening the barred door. The moment the gate was open, Wesley rushed out at the fox, and planted his fist in her smug face. To his surprise, his fist went a lot deeper than expected. It was so deep that his hand had gone through the other side of her head, where it was held in an elastic, slimy blue goo. Vyxariah seemed just as surprised as he was, then her upper body transformed into a gooey blue mass. It kept a very firm grip on Wesley’s wrist as it altered shape, until it finally returned to its kitsune guise. Wesley’s arm was now held by a slightly deformed and sticky hand, while his mouth was covered by her other hand, and the undamaged face of Vyxariah said, “Don’t do that.” Wesley was confused, never knowing Vyxariah was a slime. That was when he heard her speak again, but it was not the one who was restraining him that was speaking. “Slim, don’t eat this one or we won’t get paid.” Wesley looked down the hall, where he saw the real Vyxariah strapping her bra on with a set of belts. His master was laying on a bed behind her, either smothered by a pillow, or smothered by assets, it was rather unclear. The fox-girl had short red hair, the bangs of which were tied in a braid on the left side of her face. She had one visible eye, while her right eye was covered by an eyepatch with a skull signet imbedded in the material. She had golden rings looped through the upper and lower lobes of her ears, and her outfit mostly consisted of leather belts holding cloth over her breasts, around her hips, and her lower legs. She had fingerless gloves on her hands, and armbands on her biceps that held spare shells for the shotguns she wore crossed on her back. A sword and a bayonetted pistol were sheathed on her hips. The kitsune’s tail wagged as she approached the duo, and she gave Wesley a seductive look with her golden, slit-pupiled eye as she said, “It’s nice to see you again Wesley.” He let out a bubbling grunt at her, a furrowed brow let her know he was less than pleased to see her. The false Vyxariah embraced Wesley gingerly, and she ordered, “Please try to relax.” She didn’t explain why, nor did he intend to go down without a fight, but the reason became clear when her body melted on top of him. No matter how he struggled, he was unable to get her body off of his own, and she quickly enveloped every inch of his form with her blobby mass. He could not see, but he could breathe as he unwillingly wore the slime creature. The pulsing liquid that surrounded him was cool and flowed like water. Unlike water though, as he tried to move around in it, the slime was putting forth efforts to limit his movements. His bondage forced him to move only when and how the slime moved, and fighting it was not getting him anywhere. Vyxariah watched the humanoid shape of the slime alter, until it had assumed Wesley’s form, though he was completely naked. Vyxariah took a glance down below, and said, “Oh, he’s bigger than I thought.” “Would you like to know if he’s a grower or a shower captain?” Slim asked, but the kitsune replied, “Nah, let’s leave some mystery in Skyvale.” She dressed the fake Wesley in his master’s clothes, then the pair of them left the fancy house. None of the guards suspected a thing as Vyxariah and Slim smuggled Wesley through the streets of Agastar. No one batted an eye when the pair boarded their ship and left the city in the middle of the night. When the escorting warships finally let the kitsune’s ship leave on its own way, and they were cruising with the city a good distance away, Slim approached a cell on the deck of the wooden, misshapen craft, where she removed her clothing so she could more easily shift shape. Skin changed to her natural color, and her body relaxed to allow Wesley to spill out onto the deck. Before he could come to his feet, the door to the cell was closed, locking him in a new cage. With the cargo safely stored, slim transformed into a round-faced girl with light blond hair. Vyxariah herself approached the group, and she rubbed her fingers along the robes her companion wore as she said, “This is nice. I should get robes like these myself.” Wesley reached through the bars, but the girls were beyond his reach. He demanded, “What are you doing here!? Haven’t you caused enough damage?” The kitsune answered, “I am here for the same reason a lot of mercs will be going to Agastar. Lucky me, I know what you look like, and know exactly where I left you.” “What are you talking about?” “Isn’t it obvious? Your wife wants you back.” “What!?” Wesley asked in disbelief. Vixariah tapped his head with a clawed finger, “Hello? Anybody in there?” she quickly backed off when he took a swing at her, and he exclaimed, “Don’t lie to me! I know the Resistance and everybody in it was killed eight years ago!” “The Queen’s propaganda? Do you really think if she killed everyone, she would still be interrogating prisoners? Or there would still be Headhunters searching Skyvale for any who would oppose her rule?” Wesley could not argue with her logic, but the idea that Sonja was still alive and out in the world somewhere was almost too good to be true. He also knew this fox was never altruistic in her actions. “What’s in this for you?” He demanded. “Money!” She exclaimed like the answer was obvious, “Honestly, did you sacrifice your brain for those muscles?” “Stop talking down to me you vulp! Sonja will never pay you anything after what you’ve done!” Vyxariah squinted at his words, and her tone became serious as she informed, “Do you really think it’s wise to upset me, and convince me you have no value at the same time?” She reached through the bars, caught his collar, and pulled him forward so that his face struck painfully against the iron. Even in his dazed state though, he heard the kitsune whisper in his ear, “Your wife will pay me if she ever wants to see you again.” She tossed him back into the cell, and then returned to her more sarcastic, jovial tone, “If she doesn’t, I could use a new pleasure pet. A slave should consider himself lucky to be the favored toy of a sexy fox, rather than the property of some pasty old man.” Vyxariah and Slim left Wesley alone, giving him some time to think for himself. Sonja was alive, and she was out in the wilds somewhere. Vyxariah was a lot of terrible things, but she was not without reason, which meant that there was truth in her words. Knowing this, his heart began to flutter with hope again, knowing he would soon see his wife.
Rescue Pt 3 – Cornered Wesley rode in Sargo’s hand as the squad of giants travelled day after day. Vyxariah’s ship sailed slowly behind them as they travelled, and when they would camp for the night, it sailed off somewhere it could touch down without the giants being able to reach it. Whatever hole the fox hid in, she always returned from it in the morning to resume her pursuit of the giants. After the giants made camp, they sat around and joked with each other, and Wesley was able to join in with their conversation. It felt good to be able to speak with others again in such a casual setting, rather than being whipped or berated. As the other giants curled up on the ground to sleep, Wesley decided it was an appropriate time to have a more serious conversation with Sargo. “I’m glad to see you and everyone else still here. What has the Resistance been up to for all these years? What is your next plan of attack?” Wesley’s words confused and saddened the giant, who answered, “Wesley, the Resistance is no more. We gave everything in our final battle against The Queen, and almost all of us were killed. Now, what’s left of us are just doing what we can to survive. Queen Sonja though… she never got that message. She still believes that one day we can return and deliver the fight. It’s encouraging, but there are few who share her enthusiasm.” His words were rather discouraging, but Wesley was not so surprised to hear them. He had given up the fight long ago, and simply did what he could to survive. It seemed that was all anyone could do anymore. Still, he asked, “Well what about you? Is your family with you?” Sargo said stoically, “My family is alive, but their lands are now property of The Queen. They warden the humanoids left to tend the farmlands, but the majority of the people of their city have been taken into slavery. I just stay in hiding, hoping my father and sister won’t come to harm because of my actions.” Wesley’s head dropped. Thoughts of the labor camp that Sargo’s homestead had been turned into were saddening, especially after seeing the utopia that it had once been. The giant thought of the people he wanted to protect, and knowing what Wesley did to Amber, he said, “I wish you had not given Amber to that kitsune. Who knows what torture is befalling her.” “I’m sorry Sargo. It was the only thing I could think of.” “Do you really intend to pay her? What do you think will happen if we don’t?” He was angered, but he had the right to be. He hated the fact that his girlfriend could be in danger, and there was nothing he could do about it. Worse than the thoughts of fates that could befall Amber, were the fates he would deliver to the kitsune if any harm befell her. He looked off in the direction the airship had sailed, and said, “She’d better be okay.” When morning came, Slim got the ship sailing as she usually did, choosing to let the captain enjoy her rest. In the cabin, their hostage Amber had been stripped naked. She was gagged, and her arms were tied to opposite bed posts at the head of the bed. Though this was an uncomfortable position to sleep in, Amber had given up on struggling some time ago – her captors were very good at bondage. She was further discouraged from escaping when she learned the treasure chest at the foot of the bed was actually a mimic. She twitched slightly when an arm wrapped around her torso squeezed her a bit, and her fox captor adjusted her head to sleep more comfortably on Amber’s breasts. A leg and a fluffy tail wrapped around her legs as Vyxariah cuddled lovingly with her unwilling partner. Though Amber did not appreciate being a hostage, Vyxariah had been gentle with her. She was finding some joy in the fact that she was cuddling with an attractive kitsune. Those cute ears twitching, the soft tail brushing her legs, and that smooth skin squishing against her own. Under better circumstances, this would be paradise. Eventually, the kitsune roused. She sat up and stretched, then straddled Amber’s tummy so her tail rested between the girl’s legs. “Morning.” She said with a pleasant smile, exposing her white fangs. “Are you hungry? If you promise to be a good girl, I’ll let you off the bed for a bit.” She pet Amber’s cheek, and the girl nodded her head in compliance. The kitsune untied her prisoner and took the gag out of her mouth. Neither one of them put on clothes as they left the bed and had a seat at the table. A bowl of fruit was available for them, and they sat on opposite sides for breakfast. They had barely begun when Slim entered the room and said, “Captain, I’ve noticed the path the giants are taking, and it will lead them to a cliff face. Shall I help them find a new route?” “Nah, they can figure it out for themselves.” The fox answered, “How ‘bout you have some food before you go back on deck.” Slim accepted the offer, and she grabbed a pair of apples out of the bowl. Her hands became creamy as they enveloped the apples, and her skin expanded slightly as the fruit slid into her body, digesting along the way. A moment later, her small breasts became a little larger from added biomass, and she thanked her captain before she left the cabin. “You should see what happens when she eats melons.” Vyxariah said to Amber. The human did not humor her, and instead asked, “Why can’t you just let Wesley go? He’s had a hard enough life; isn’t it enough that you’ve delivered him to his friends?” “You make it sound like I should be happy with that warm, tickling feeling in my heart. Sorry hon, but I don’t get those.” “Surely you can understand though. You seem like such a nice fox, underneath it all.” “Thanks, I like you too.” Vyxariah spoke as if she were doing simple flirting, rather than trying to have a serious conversation. Still, Amber continued to try, “Haven’t you ever cared about someone who wasn’t yourself? Hasn’t anyone ever loved you?” “Perhaps… back when I was a beautiful fox.” This time, she sounded almost mournful, so Amber tried to encourage, “You’re still a pretty fox.” “Hmm.” Vyxariah untied the strap of her eye patch, and then exposed her right eye. Both her upper and lower lids were cut in half and shriveled, and the eyeball itself was completely gone. The sight actually caused Amber to recoil in shock, and the kitsune asked, “Do you still think I’m pretty? If something like this happened to you, would your giant still love you?” The human was frightened, not of Vyxariah’s condition, but of what this fox might do to her. No harm came though, as Vyxariah said, “Get some clothes on, or get on the bed, it doesn’t matter to me.” She put her eyepatch back on, and got dressed herself before she left the cabin, leaving Amber to find her own dress before she could decide what to do. As the kitsune walked out on deck, Slim stepped away from the wheel saying, “The ship is yours captain.” Before she reached her destination, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. It was a huge rock flying at her ship. The rock struck the port engine, severely damaging it and causing the ship to spiral out of control. The impact and following momentum caused the captain and her first mate to roll across the deck. Vyxariah saw the damage the turbulence was doing to her balloon, and not wanting it to pop or snap away, she crawled to the wheel to get her ship under control. The first thing she did was force the remaining engine to slow their spin, and she slammed her foot on a pedal which caused a pair of solid wings on the ship’s flanks to emerge, further halting their spin. When the ship was finally stable, they were sailing low, and Vyxariah switched power to a set of backup engines to get them moving again. Amber came out of the cabin as a result of the commotion, and she asked what happened. Vyxariah assured her that she had everything under control, but the truth was, this was just the beginning of their bad day. The giants marched through a sparse forest. The lack of trees had given room for grass and other ground-level vegetation to grow, and the animals that lived among them darted away as the giants walked through. They were making good progress, but it was halted when they came across a sheer drop. A rocky cliff held their location a mile over a far thicker jungle below. “What do we do now?” Wesley asked, “Do we turn around.” Sargo chuckled, “No, we climb down.” “Are you sure? This is a really big cliff.” “We’re giants.” Sargo was being assuring, but one of his female companions alerted, “Sargo, the kitsune’s ship, it’s gone!” He looked back, and sure enough, the ship was missing. Terrified that his girlfriend had been carried away, he told the others to follow him as he ran back through the forest. As they backtracked though, they soon found a new giant in their path. Brianna stood in the way of the Resistance giants. In her hands she held a weapon with a blade that doubled back across its long handle. The armored giantess scanned the four giants in front of her as they stood ready to fight her, and upon spotting her target, she said, “Giants, there is no need to die for nothing. I have come for him alone.” She pointed at Sargo’s hand, where Wesley tried to seek cover. “That’s not happening.” Sargo answered as he held Wesley a bit more protectively while retrieving his heavy wooden club. His companions looked behind as a male giant cut off their escape, and Brianna informed, “Rest assured, you are surrounded. Surrender, and you may live as prisoners.” Sargo leaned down, not to bow, but to set Wesley gently on the ground. “Stay here.” The giant ordered, then rose as he and the others prepared for combat. “So be it.” Brianna frowned, “Attack!” Giants rushed at each other, and Wesley ran to find cover to avoid being stepped on in the chaos. He did not get far before a red-haired giantess pushed a pair of trees aside and spoke in a seductive tone, “Come here little boy.” Wesley was not about to go to this giant’s arms, but he knew he could not outrun her as she came toward him. A foot impacted the ground beside him, and an ally giant stood over him to engage Arianna. The two giants clashed together, grappling with each other as Wesley tried to avoid their footfalls. The new giant tossed Arianna aside, sending her tumbling across the ground. She got back to her feet quickly, and grabbed a nearby tree to rip it out by the roots. She swung her improvised weapon, breaking it across her opponent’s face, and then she drove the splintered log into the giant’s neck. Blood rained upon Wesley, and he ran as his former defender fell. The giant shook the ground where he fell, and Wesley narrowly avoided being crushed under his body. He took shelter near the fallen giant to watch the battle play out. Vyxariah managed to get her ship back in the air, and they circled around the forest as rivalling giant powers fought. Amber received a bird’s eye view of the battle below, and she prayed for her boyfriend’s victory. Things were quickly beginning to look bad, as enemy giants dispatched allies one after another, until Sargo was fighting alone. Sargo swung his club hard enough to knock Brianna away, but no sooner had he done that than did Arianna take her place. The giantess jumped and punched him across the face, landing on the ground on all fours beside him. He did not have time to counter attack before she mule kicked him in the chest, and he stumbled backwards into the arms of Gregan. Before this giant could finish him off, Sargo elbowed him in the ribs, then struck him upside the head with his club. The hit looked like it did serious damage, but before he could swing again, the end of his club was caught by Brianna. The blond giantess drove her fist down on the club, causing bone to pop from her skin as she shattered the wooden weapon. The warrior got over the shock of her broken arm quickly, as she spun around and struck Sargo’s jaw with her heel. Pain ran through Sargo’s mouth, and he flailed dizzily for a moment before Gregan grabbed him and tossed him across the battlefield. Sargo tumbled across the ground, and when he finally stopped, he spat blood and teeth before groaning from pain. Wesley was the first to reach Sargo. Blood dripped from the giant’s lips, and he was working hard to control his breathing. “Sargo, get up. We have to get out of here!” Wesley tried to encourage his friend to move, but the giant looked down at him without any hope in his eyes. “Run Wesley. I will hold them back. Just run…” Wesley wanted to protest, but Sargo gave him a firm shove to get him moving. There was nothing else that could be done, not with the enemy giants approaching, so the human ran as fast as he could. With the waters of life coursing through their veins, the three giants’ wounds healed rapidly, leaving no trace of the battle damage they had received. Brianna flicked her wrist to make the blade of her weapon spring out and lock in at the end of its staff handle, and she said, “You fought well traitor. Now, shall you die on your feet, or your knees?” Sargo was not about to go down begging. He was a warrior, and if he could not defeat his enemies here and now, then he would have a warrior’s death. He reached to his sides, and grabbed the handles of a pair of large blades set on hips. With his breathing under control, and his enemies upon him, he knew now was the time to act. He drew his blades, and spun around to engage the other giants. With his first motion he tore open Arianna’s belly and stabbed Gregan in the chest. Twisting in the other direction, he threw the male giant off the end of his blade and into Brianna while slicing across Arianna’s face. Brianna shoved Gregan back into battle, and Sargo ducked the giant’s grapple attempt as he rushed toward the armored giantess. He kicked her away so she would not be able to stab him in the back as he turned around and threw one of his blades into Gregan’s face, planting it squarely in the giant’s skull. With only Brianna to deal with, he caught her arm as she tried to swing her weapon, and stabbed her under the arm pit. He pulled out, then found another weak point in her armor, and stabbed her in the leg. He twisted, breaking his weapon, and causing femur to burst from flesh. The giantess stumbled over, and he grabbed the back of her head to drive her face into his knee. Just when he had her out of commission, he turned around to find the other giants had gotten back to their feet. Why couldn’t they just stay down!? He charged the pair, and dipped low to catch Arianna and throw her over his shoulders. He held her wrist as she fell, and with a sharp yank, dislocated her shoulder. While he put the red-head out of commission, Gregan managed to pry the blade from his face to use it against Sargo. Sargo caught the man’s arm mid-swing, and twisted the weapon out of his hand before spinning and decapitating the giant with one clean stroke. Even headless, the body flailed around in an attempt to fight, so Sargo gave it a firm kick to knock it over. At this point, Sargo was gasping for breath, but he could not give up now. He had to make sure Wesley got away… Pain struck his back, pierced his body, and protruded from his chest as Brianna’s blade. The giantess had skewered him. “No!” Amber screamed, and someone had to catch her as she nearly jumped off the side of the ship, desperately trying to reach her lover. “Sargo!” Brianna lifted her enemy into the air, and set the end of her handle in the dirt to balance her victim on top of it. Sargo desperately held onto the ridge of the blade so he would not slide further down the weapon, and the giantess grabbed his head roughly to pull it back and expose his neck. Her lips curled, and her cheeks ripped apart, revealing sharp teeth, and then her lower jaw split and opened outwards. The horrific maw bit into Sargo’s neck, long teeth digging through flesh, and then she tore his throat out. Brianna’s companions joined her, and she wiped blood from her lips as she ordered, “Find the human.” Wesley ran as fast as he could, even though it pained him to do so, but he knew he could not stop. He heard the heavy footsteps of giants behind him, and felt they were getting closer. He could not outrun them, especially not once he found himself back on the cliff. That was when he spotted his saving grace. Vyxariah’s ship sailed low along the cliffside, and the kitsune herself held a rope in preparation to catch him. With the giants emerging from the trees behind him, he did not stop, and instead jumped from the cliff. Vyxariah swung from her ship, arm outstretched, and her timing was perfect. She and Wesley embraced as they swung back up toward the deck, and the airship quickly sped away before the giants could reach them. With her prize having escaped once again, Brianna looked to the sky and roared with fury. This was not over. Not by a long shot.
Valley of Hope Pt 1 – My Life, My Love Zel and Alexia escorted Vyxariah’s ship to a specific pillar rock, where she set down at the base of the towering monument. Once the ship was anchored and shut down, Vyxariah opened the cell containing Wesley and Amber, and ordered, “Come on, it’s time to see your wife.” “Amber comes too.” He retorted, wanting to leave the kitsune with as few strings to pull as possible. She rolled her eye, and replied, “You’d better make this as easy.” With that said, she allowed the red-haired girl to come with them. They disembarked, and once on the mossy, swampy ground, the trio was approached by a pair of yokai that Wesley had never seen before. Their bodies were covered by a large turtle shell, with only their stubby arms, legs and heads protruding from it. Their heads were bald, and their webbed hands held long wooden staffs. These kappa stood at the entrance of a cave carved into the side of the pillar rock, and they said, “We bid you welcome stranger. What brings you to Ure?” Vyxariah moved Wesley forward, and informed, “I have come to deliver King Wesley back to the arms of his loving wife.” The turtle-people nodded to each other, then said, “Please come with us, the Turtle King will wish to speak with you.” The group entered the dark passage, and Vyxariah smiled as she draped her arms over the shoulders of Amber and Wesley – who was quickly becoming irritated at the way her tail would bat against his legs as they walked together. The path ascended into the pillar of stone, and eventually widened into a much larger chamber lit by torches, and supported by columns between the floor and ceiling. A throne made from a giant clam shell was positioned at the far end of the room. An old man sat in the throne, but in spite of his age, he still sat proudly. A long, curling, white beard flowed over his chest, and a pendant in the shape of a turtle was visible through the hair of his beard. A blue tunic covered his torso and upper legs, and thick sandals covered his feet. A crown made from starfish was set upon his head, and a wooden staff with twisted carvings served as a scepter. Next to him sat a young woman on a less elaborate throne. She had short, red hair, a smooth round face, light brown eyes, and she was clad in a blue skirt and shall bearing a turtle signet. She also had sandals with elaborate straps along her lower legs. The escorting kappa gestured to the ruling duo, and informed the guests, “Presenting King Acreon, and Princess Nadia.” Amber quickly dropped to her knees to bow, and Wesley followed her example. Vyxariah, as per her kitsune nature, did not even nod her head at the monarchy. King Acreon appeared annoyed, and spoke with the tone of a grizzled old man, “Well, state your business!” “I was promised a certain queen of the giant variety.” Vyxariah stated, “You certainly do not appear very giant-like or queen-like, so why am I talking to you?” “Watch your tone, fox. I don’t need turtles to whip your ass.” “Ooh! Whips and chains! How exciting!” Vyxariah chimed, her lusty tail wagging becoming even more aggravating, so Wesley finally informed, “We came here in search of Queen Sonja. Do you know of her?” The king looked curious of this, and the girl next to him asked, “Who are you?” “I am King Wesley.” He had survived for eight years by not throwing his identity around so lightly, but he figured this was the only way he would see his wife again – and in a worst case, Vyxariah was not likely to abandon her bounty without a fight. As for the kitsune, she stepped to Wesley’s side and added, “As the one who rescued the king, and transported him safely across Skyvale, I believe I am owed a reward.” “You dare to make commands here!?” The king protested, coming to his feet, but the princess also stood and set her hand on his arm to calm him. “Easy father. A reward was offered for the return of King Wesley.” She then addressed the kitsune, “Who may we recognize as the king’s savior?” “I am Captain Vyxariah.” The fox-girl answered as she stood regally. “Thank you, Captain Vyxariah. Atalanta, please present her with her pearls.” A human with green hair approached the kitsune with a bowl full of pearls, which she eagerly accepted with her eye shining at the sight of their beauty. This new girl set a hand on Wesley’s arm and asked, “Please come with me.” He studied this girl, which was fairly easy as her body was clad only in two long strips of cloth that covered the front and back of her torso, and were tied together along her sides. He noticed a rubbing on her neck that came as a result of wearing a collar – though her scrawny neck was free of such a shackle now – and even more interesting was the way her long hair seemed to glow as if energy was flowing through it. As he was escorted away, kappa readied their staffs and surrounded Vyxariah. Before she could attempt to evade them, they lunged forward, and their sticks twined together around her neck to hold her in place. “What is the meaning of this!?” the fox demanded. Princess Nadia informed, “You are under arrest for aiding the enemy.” “I sell my services to the highest bidder.” Vyxariah replied, neither hiding nor apologizing for her past deeds. But judging the level of her guilt, as well as the punishment befitting her crimes was not forthcoming as the princess informed, “Queen Sonja will decide your fate. Take her away.” Wesley had to wonder how Vyxariah saw this situation playing out any better. She walked into this trap rather easily, and she was not putting up much of a resistance to escape. He knew that she would use Slim as a decoy though, and had to know this was the real fox before something bad happened to these people. “Wait!” He announced, then approached Vyxariah swiftly as the kappa held her still. She looked at him curiously, but before she could say anything, he slapped her across the face, delivering a blow with all the pent up anger he felt for her. It felt good to let that out. The kitsune’s cheek did not deform, and no slime residue was visible on her pinking skin. “Ow!” She exclaimed with a sarcastic tone. “She’s real. Take her away.” Wesley told the kappa. He then stood next to Amber as their former captor was taken out of the room. Princess Nadia approached the pair, and said, “Now that that’s taken care of, we can figure out if you are who you claim to be.” “I am Wesley.” He informed, though having never met her before, he understood her skepticism. Fortunately, Amber was there to back him up, “It’s true. He may have a beard, but I know he is Queen Sonja’s husband!” Amber was someone who Nadia had confidence in, so as far as she was concerned, her word was good enough. She informed, “You can find Queen Sonja outside. She lives a mile north through the swamplands.” “Thank you.” Wesley said, and Atalanta stated, “Follow me please. I will guide you.” Vyxariah was stripped of her weapons and clothing, and once clad in nothing but rags, she was tossed into a prison cell. The kitsune watched the kappa leave, then had a seat on the cold stone floor with her back against the wall. She looked around at her surroundings to find the cell was formed by a natural air pocket within the rock formation, while the thick wooden bars were added to it to serve as a cage. On her own, she was not going anywhere, but fortunately, she was not alone. A slime seeped into the cell, then took form on the opposite side of the dark room. Once Slim was in a human form, she asked, “Well Captain, shall I unlock this door for you?” Vyxariah just gave her a dismissive wave and replied, “Nah, I think I’d rather see how this plays out.” Wesley’s collar was finally removed from his neck, and then he and Amber followed Atalanta outside. There, he was walking across a bed of moss and mud, while trees with freshly growing leaves spread their branches overhead, nearly blocking the view of the rock towers and foggy sky above. The obscured vision did not prevent airborne eyes from finding them. A pair of dragons emerged through the fog, and Atalanta let out a startled cry as the green and white creatures broke through the branches to land in front of the group. The moment after they landed, Alexia spotted Wesley, and she dashed straight for him. He recoiled, expecting the dragoness to attack him, especially once he found himself picked up in her talons. No harm came though as she wrapped her forelegs around his body so she could hug and nuzzle him. After all this time, Alexia was very pleased to see Wesley was still alive, but once she realized what she was doing to him, she quickly dropped him and then backed away. “It’s… good to see you again.” She grumbled in dragon speech. The dragoness looked to her companion to find Zel had landed atop the servant girl. Zel sat on Atalanta’s face, and the girl let out audible protests while she tried to push the ness off of her. The feathered dragoness was acting like she didn’t notice the girl’s struggles, but by the pleased expression on her face, it was apparent she was doing this on purpose. Alexia yapped at her former steed, and growled orders to her until Zel finally got off the girl – though the humanoid’s face was coated with a layer of female dragon juices. Amber helped Atalanta up, and with their dragon escort, the group continued on their way through the forest. They walked a manageable distance before they finally reached their destination. There was a break in the trees, leading to a giant-made clearing. One such giant walked past the group, hardly noticing the humans and dragons standing at the edge of the tree line. He walked around a crowd of a hundred centaurs, and these horsemen had gathered before a giantess that Wesley recognized: Queen Sonja. The 46-meter giantess did not appear as queenly as she had the last time he’d seen her. Her pale skin was dirty from sleeping on the ground, and the bangs of her long blond hair partially covered her face like a veil. Her once elegant dress was torn apart and remodeled, so now a strip of it wrapped around her considerable bust, and the long white skirt was torn along its flounce, and tied to her waist to keep it held up. She paced back and forth as she listened to the words of the lead centaur, “…we stayed with you because you promised us a fight! And yet you do nothing but sit on a dusty rock like it were a throne while pretending to be a queen.” The giantess protested, “So this is your solution? We cannot defeat The Queen as we are, so we must wait for…” “Wait for what? To die!? Every year more of us are picked off while we hide and cower. I say if we are going to die, we go out on our own terms.” “Please, don’t do this. We have to stay together if we have any hope of winning.” The giantess pleaded, but the centaur was finished listening to her as he turned to address the rest of his force, “I go to confront The Queen! Who’s with me!” The rest of the horsemen cheered and brayed, and the lot of them galloped out of the field as they began their march on Agastar. Having lost one of the few groups who still shared her dreams of victory, Sonja felt weak in the knees. She stumbled backwards and slumped onto a large boulder that had been carved into a shape similar to a chair. At that point, she sighed with distress, and rested her brow on her palm. A brown-haired giantess, who was clearly younger than Sonja judging by height alone, came to her queen’s side with a bowl of water in her hands. “Away Naomi.” Sonja ordered as the giantess tried to tend to her. She was stressed and taxed mentally, not physically uncomfortable. Wesley could see the stress written on his wife’s face, and he felt even more compelled to reach her. He began his trek across the field toward the rock throne, with his companions following behind. Before he reached his destination, he was stopped by a tall, bulky bear-man. The kuma grunted, “No stranger comes near the queen, and I’ve never seen you around here.” Wesley was taken aback, but before he could say anything, Amber stepped forward and protested, “Seriously Darus, I know we’ve done this before. Could you at least pretend to recognize me!?” The yokai stood stubbornly and unmoving. Like other kuma, he was harrier than most humans, as brown hair sprouted heavily all over his body. His face was misshapen slightly so that his mouth and nose protruded to give him a short muzzle; this combined with his beady brown eyes did not grant him any comforting human expression. He was clad in an old Resistance uniform, and as improvised as the collection of leather and metal plating had appeared on new armor, in its current state it looked to have fallen apart and been patched up multiple times. In spite of the fearsome and almost savage appearance of the bear-man, the much smaller human girl still attempted to order him around. “Just let us past already. Can’t you see I have King Wesley with me!?” She gestured to Wesley, but Darus appeared less than impressed – much less convinced. Fortunately, Amber’s words had caught the attention of Sonja herself, who raised her head curiously. She could not believe her eyes when she noticed the man among her servants and friends, and she reached out to pick him up and get a better look at him. Wesley braced himself as giant digits grasped and squeezed him, and he was carried through the air until the hand rolled and he was released onto a soft palm. There he looked into the face of the blond giantess, who stared at him with her dazzling green gaze. A thumb rubbed against him, and covered certain blemishes on his face, until she finally asked, “Wesley… Is it really you?” “It’s me, Sonja.” He answered to confirm her suspicions. Tears welled up in the giant’s eyes, and she brought Wesley to her mouth so she could kiss him, smothering him lovingly with soft pink lips. “Oh Wesley, I missed you… I thought you were gone forever…” She hugged him close to her cheek as she sobbed. Wesley pet her to comfort her, though he felt choked up as he too had doubts of ever seeing his wife again. Even though he was becoming soaked from tears, it soon became apparent that these were tears of joy as she pulled him away with a smile on her face. “Bevierre.” She called, holding a finger out. A harpy quickly responded to her call, flapping over on the golden wings of an eagle, and his feet grasping the offered digit with powerful talons. “Yes my queen?” he asked, wondering what orders she would have for him. “Have your men spread to the perimeter; I am retiring for the day and have no wish to be disturbed.” “As you command.” Bevierre spread his wings and flew away to send messages to the soldiers standing guard near the queen’s throne. Alexia and Zel prepared to follow the giantess, but she quickly waved them off saying, “This includes you two. It’s fine go on.” Alexia paused staring at both Sonja and Wesley with apprehension before she finally turned away and Zel followed. With that taken care of, Sonja walked away from her throne, her stride slowed a bit by a stiff leg that caused her to limp. At the sight of the giantess leaving, Atalanta cried out, “Mistress! Wait for me!” The giantess showed no signs of stopping, so the humanoid let out a grunt of frustration, then ran after her. She knew she’d be in for hours of unpleasant jogging through a muddy, root tangled forest to reach her destination. As for Amber, she was left alone with Naomi. Though this brown-haired, 30-meter giantess had once eaten her, the predatory woman actually appeared afraid of the little red-head. She bit her lip and backed away to put as much distance between herself and Amber as possible. Amber knew she was safe from the voracious appetites of other giants thanks to Sargo, though that protection was likely going to end once the remaining giants learned of his death. Alone, with no one to come home to anymore, she sadly made her way back to the pillar of King Acreon. Wesley soon found himself set on top of Sonja’s massive breasts. He did not stay on top of them for long, as a mixture of gravity and his own desires caused him to slip between the mountains of flesh. The giantess smiled as her man had been returned to his rightful position for travel. The warmth of her body, the slow beating of her heart, and the squishy embrace of giant breasts were all pleasant feelings that let Wesley know he was back where he belonged. The forest around them was disturbed by wind and a gentle rain, though no downpour came until well after they’d reached the safety of their destination. The giant’s home was an overhang, under which were positioned mossy rocks in a manner not unlike what she’d been living in when she and Wesley first met. Sonja had a seat on a longer moss-covered rock where she could recline a bit and play with her human. She took her breasts in her hands so she could squeeze and wiggle them around him. Wesley found himself drawn between them completely, where he was overwhelmed by heat and sweat, as well as a smothering sensation as he was completely enveloped by soft breast flesh. The pressure was soon released as he slipped out under her top, and he slid and rolled down her lovely tummy until he came to a stop near her navel. She set a hand beneath him so he would not tumble any further, and from there, the two of them observed each other. The years had not been kind to either of them. Yes, Wesley was certainly more fit now, but his body was scarred by cuts and burns made by blade and beast. One that especially stood out was vicious claw mark that covered his chest. Sonja’s skin was not flawless either. Much of her right flank was covered by scar tissue, and even her face was blemished, with notable cuts on her lips and brow. In spite of the damage to their physical beauty, they were still pleased to be with each other again. Sonja asked, “Where have you been all this time?” “I was in Agastar, a slave to The Queen. I feel lucky to be alive after taking part in her ‘games’, though I don’t believe I would have survived at all if she knew I was your husband.” Hearing what he went through, Sonja hugged him tightly, and growled, “Her crimes are unforgivable. She has to be stopped…” Everything that The Queen had done, the murder of her family, the enslavement of her people, and now the torment of her own husband. It all made Sonja more determined to dethrone the evil giantess. “What have you been doing?” Wesley asked her, pushing against her digits as he struggled to breathe. Her grip lightened, and she informed, “I have been looking after the survivors of the Resistance. Not many survived the battle at the Iron City, but we still have ships and warriors among us. If only I could lead as Commander Ariss could, we would be able to make a difference. But it’s just so hard…” She paused as she sighed, then gave her husband an update of her stress. “I try so hard to keep people’s hopes up, but every day they lose morale. They want to just surrender to Royal forces, or run home to spend their final days with their families. I’m afraid that I am not the leader I’m supposed to be.” Wesley rubbed the giant’s belly, and tried to comfort her, “You always have the best interest of the people in mind. Not every monarch can say that.” Sonja lifted him to her face, cuddling him against her cheek as she softly informed, “I’m happy you’re here Wesley. I need you now more than ever.” Movement caught their attention as Atalanta emerged from the swampy jungle. The green-haired girl panted for breath, then said, “Reporting… for duty… my queen!” “Thank you for coming Atalanta. Will you please make dinner for my husband and me?” “Yes mistress… right away.” She let out a loud gasp, then got straight to work. As Atalanta made the pair some dinner, Wesley helped them pass the time with some long overdue attention to Sonja’s feet. Being able to rub and clean these huge, soft peds once again was thrilling, and he enjoyed the way his hands got caught in the wrinkles whenever she curled her feet. Sonja giggled as she felt Wesley tickle the arches of her feet, and she wiggled her toes whenever she felt her little man slip in between them. His efforts were getting her soles polished and pink once again. She closed her eyes and relaxed, and noticing Atalanta had finally prepared dinner, she reached down into the bowl of vegetables to scoop some out and put into her mouth. As she chewed up her first bite, she noticed something odd about the food. It had a flavor far too good for any plant, and it was wiggling of its own will. Her tongue probed the foreign substance, discovering smooth, meaty legs and thighs. Whatever she had put in her mouth, it made a rush for her lips, and was trying to pry them open with tiny fingers. Sonja set her hand in front of her face, and spat out the humanoid food-product to discover it was Atalanta. The girl was soaked with slime, and chewed up vegetation clung to her skin. The girl wiggled for only a bit before she began to calm down, relieved to not be chewed up or on a journey to a giant’s stomach. Sonja asked the girl, “Did you actually want to be eaten.” Atalanta shook her head and answered, “No mistress!” The giantess was a little disappointed with the answer – she really wanted to add some meat to her diet – but still stated, “Then you should probably avoid the mouths of giants.” She set the girl down gently, and allowed her to get a good distance away before she resumed eating dinner. While Sonja was otherwise distracted, Wesley had a seat in the arch of her foot to look around at the work he had done. Her feet were so lovely, and he enjoyed the feeling of them moving beneath him as she wiggled her toes. As predatory as this giantess may be, she was his wife, and that meant her feet were his to play with! He could hold back pervy desires no longer. He took off his pants, and toyed with his manhood so he became hard. At that point, he proceeded to stroke his shaft as he laid back to rub his body against smooth foot skin. Sonja became curious of what Wesley was doing, and as she looked over her shoulder to see the little man jacking off on her feet, she announced, “Oh you little pervert.” She rolled over and sat up, causing him to roll off her foot in the process. He did not escape them however, as she set her feet on either side of him, catching him between the arches of her feet. She asked, “You really like my feet? Let’s see how much!” The giantess began to rub her feet back and forth around her husband, as gently as she could to avoid hurting him, and to both her surprise and happiness, he was actually enjoying the treatment. Occasionally she would pause her motion, and simply squeeze him between her pads or heels. When she did so, he would begin to lick and nibble whatever was in front of him while he made humping motions to rub his manhood against her. For Wesley, he had received several foot jobs over the years. He sometimes had them decorated with rings or socks, or manacles around their ankles, and every way the girls’ lovely feet would play with – or be played with by – his manhood, he would always love it and leave his partners’ feet dripping with cum, but a part of him always knew no foot job could ever compare to what a giantess could give him. He was happy to know he was right. He soon found himself embraced by Sonja’s toes. As the pudgy digits wiggled around him, he managed to slip his member between a couple of them. He shut his eyes as he felt her toes movement toy with his manhood, and he exclaimed with overwhelming pleasure as he finally climaxed. The feet parted, allowing the giantess to look down at the human as what was left of his orgasm oozed onto the ground in front of him, and she asked playfully, “Are you satisfied?” “I am.” He replied happily. “Good, because now you need to clean my feet again.” She offered her cum-stained feet back to him, and he had no complaints as he went to cuddle with them again. Sonja simply shook her head, and then relaxed again as talented hands attended her peds. When the foot massage finally concluded, Sonja sat cross legged, and set her husband down in her lap. As she pet her little man lovingly, he said, “It really is great to see you again Sonja. And this place, it’s so beautiful.” “I agree.” “Perhaps we could stay here. Just the two of us, hidden away from the rest of the world.” “I can’t do that Wesley. The people of Skyvale need me.” “They can get by…” He said in a dismissive tone. “How can you say that!?” Sonja exclaimed, “No one is free as long as The Queen reigns.” “And how do you intend to defeat her!” He countered, sliding off her lap so he could stand on the rocky ground. “Sonja, Ariss is dead! Sargo is dead! Everyone who stands against The Queen winds up dead!” The news of Sargo’s death came as a shock to Sonja, and she dropped her head in sadness. Believing he had her exactly where he needed her to be to hear reason, Wesley pressed the issue, “We can’t fight any longer. We have to just give up and get as far away as we can while we still have a chance. I love you Sonja, I don’t want to see you die as well!” He set a hand on her leg, but she quickly got out of his reach as she stood up. She looked down at him with pain and sadness in her face as she said, “You are not the man I married.” Wesley stood in shock, her words cutting into him and giving him pause to think. The giantess turned away, and walked out of her home.
Valley of Hope Pt 2 – The Turtle King An Enforcer ship docked along one of the city columns of Agastar. Slaves emerged from the city at the command of their masters’ whips, carrying heavy crates of ammunition, barrels of oil, and massive bullets that required eight people to transport. After leveling a city, the warship had to be restocked. The soldiers on board disembarked for some much-needed shore leave. Gold-painted plate metal was the standard distribution for foot soldiers, but among them was a squad of elite, black-armored soldiers, known as Dark Blades. The three Dark Blades all carried a pair of blades across their back, but their leader – who had silver highlights in her armor – had an extra set sheathed on her hips. She had no name, as having a name gave one a sense of self, and one had to be selfless to best serve their queen. All she had was a number: 8. 8 and her squad entered the dark halls of the city, but they did not get far before they found another trio blocking the hall in front of them. These people wore black cloaks, with hoods that concealed their faces, and pendants with crossed axes that identified them as Headhunters. The Headhunters stood firmly in the Dark Blades’ path, and 8 ordered, “Move.” The Headhunter answered, “Not so fast. You have returned from a long deployment. Such an extended time on the front lines takes a toll on the mind, and it is our job to ensure your loyalty has remained unwavering.” 8 informed, “The Dark Blades answer only to The Queen. We live, we fight, and we die for her.” “I question how well you follow that little phrase. You were guarding our queen on board Malevolence, and yet when disaster struck, you left her to go down with the ship.” “Death prevents further service. The Queen still lives, and I still serve.” “You put a lot of thought into your orders, don’t you? One might think you were questioning them.” “Never.” She hissed. “You question the methods of the Headhunters though. You know since we are most loyal servants to The Queen, to question us is to question her.” “The same can be said about you.” The Headhunter smirked, “Perhaps we shall allow The Queen to settle this debate.” The lead Headhunter and Dark Blade entered the throne room, where The Queen sat on her throne. Since they were such high-ranking individuals, they were granted an audience rather easily. The Headhunter Ophius pulled back his hood, revealing his bald, burned head. On his arms he wore a pair of black gauntlets with silver highlights: Rider’s Blades. 8 removed her helmet, exposing her honey-blond hair, antenna that sprouted from her forehead and curled back over her head, and eyes that appeared to be grid clusters rather than singular orbs. The pair bowed to their leader, and Ophius was the first to speak. “My Queen, I have reason to suspect there are traitors among the Dark Blades. Their leader questions orders, and has survived countless missions that, even with her training, should have been suicide missions. If treachery has befallen one of her status, what may she whisper into the ears of her platoon?” The Queen looked to 8, and asked, “Is this true?” “Yes, my queen.” The hachi answered, “My unit has done so well in destroying your enemies, that your Headhunters are desperate to find more.” The giantess laughed, then turned back to Ophius, “The Dark Blade has a point, Ophius. You waste my time searching for treachery where there is none; I question what need I have left of you?” The Headhunter went wide eyed to hear his services no longer pleased The Queen. He worried of what way she may retire him, and desperately pleaded his case. “My Queen, there is still treachery in your kingdom. There are still whispers of the Resistance hiding in Skyvale. Your own Royal Elites are running operations to root them out.” At this news, The Queen’s pleased expression turned to a concerned scowl, “What did you say about my Royal Elites?” Ophius informed, “Brianna, Gregan and Arianna have just returned from a journey north. The Headhunters and I believe they were searching for the enemy.” Was this news to The Queen? Perhaps reporting on operations taking place behind her back had saved his skin. The giantess stated, “You have done well, bringing this to my attention. But Ophius, do not allow your work to suffer further; or have you forgotten what became of the previous owner of those blades on your wrists?” “No, my queen.” Ophius shuddered and scowled, “I shall not fail you as she had.” After the meeting concluded, The Queen summoned her elite units to her throne. The three giants soon kneeled before her, and she looked them over as she informed, “It has come to my attention that the three of you have been performing operations without my approval. Taking command of my soldiers and my warships can only be seen as an act of treason.” Brianna spoke up, “My Queen, I assure you our actions were only for you. We did not believe you should be bothered with rumors, but we had to investigate possible Resistance activity.” “The Resistance is dead.” “With all respect my queen, it is not. We ran into operatives in the north, and we killed them all.” “Enough!” The Queen shouted as she got to her feet. The giants ducked lower as their monarch glared down at them. She gripped Brianna by the chin, and she declared, “You have failed in your duties and betrayed my trust. I rewarded your honor, and you spat in my face.” The Queen tossed the blond giantess away, and she informed the trio, “Do not fail me again, or you shall learn that eternity is a very long time to be locked away.” The Queen returned to her throne and sat in it heavily before she gave new orders, “Do not waste time with any more rumors. If the Resistance still lives, then let them make themselves known. Let them come so far out of hiding that there will be no escape for them again.” King Acreon sat on his throne, adjusting his position occasionally as he became uncomfortable. He looked ahead to watch a group of kappa spaced around the room, practicing stances and attacks with their staffs. They were not half bad – for a population of pacifists – but that did not mean their forms did not need improvement. One of the kappa jabbed out his staff, and wound up stumbling forward because of it. Seeing this, the king quickly got to his feet, and stomped over to the young turtle-man. “No, no, no, stupid!” Acreon exclaimed, “You’re throwing all of your weight into your attack and forgetting your balance.” He gave the kappa a rough shove, causing the yokai to fall onto his back. The other turtles suppressed chuckles as their fellow student flailed about on his back for a bit, and their teacher explained, “As you can see, you lot are not ones who can afford to lose balance.” With the example made, he helped the fallen kappa back to his feet, and then ordered, “Alright, squat and hold it. I’ll tell you when to stop.” At his command, the turtle-people set their staffs before them, and then hunkered down with their legs spread as if they were mounting a horse. They held their positions patiently; true it was a lot of effort for a turtle to hold their body like this, but turtles were also very patient creatures. The king walked in the front of the line, and pat a couple of them on their hard chests. “Good, just like that. Nice and sturdy.” He looked back to his throne, and realized his daughter had yet to return. How long had it been since she wandered off, he wondered. He decided to go find her, and instructed the class to wait where they were. He made his way out of his rock column home, and then ventured a short distance into the dense forest before he found some trace of his daughter’s whereabouts. Her clothes were hanging from the branch of a tree so they would not get dirty. The king rolled his eyes. He knew she should know better than to run off naked into the jungle. He grabbed the skirt and shawl off of the tree, then found her sandals by the tree’s roots, from which he saw the prints of bare feet in the mud. Wherever these tracks led, his daughter would surely be. Princess Nadia was always a wild and free spirit. Ever since she was a child, she wanted to go on adventures, befriend strange new people, and play with wonderous beasts. It was true that once her father had become king, and she therefor a princess, she had hopes to be one of the ‘lucky’ princesses who were invited to a dragon’s lair. She did get her wish in part, as her father’s kingdom was presently the home to two lovely dragons: Zel and Alexia, who though never kidnapped her, were usually willing to play and cuddle with her whenever she asked. Friendship had been easy enough to acquire, as it turns out dragons were willing to give people a chance when they asked nicely. She would tell them about things that were going on day to day until they got bored, and then they would take turns petting each other, or they would play tag – a game where the dragons would either leave Nadia in the dust, or would catch her and pin her within seconds. One day as she was on her way out to visit, Nadia discovered the pair in an odd position. Alexia stood atop Zel, with their bellies facing each other, their tails wrapped around each other’s necks, and their snouts digging into each other’s crotch. The princess felt embarrassed, and hoped the dragons wouldn’t be mad that she had walked in on their intimate time. But they took her by surprise by stripping her of her clothes, and then taking turns licking her womanhood. Two things changed that day, Nadia never wore clothes when playing with her friends again, and her father would privately grumble about his daughter’s scale fetish. Naturally, sex with large animals that had sharp teeth and spat fire was rather dangerous. It got even more dangerous since Zel tended to get aggressive and carried away with her intercourse. One time she nearly swallowed Nadia, and another time the princess found herself jammed halfway inside the dragon’s rectum – she bathed for many days straight after that fiasco. Fortunately, Alexia was there as a mediator to make sure Nadia was never permanently harmed by their feathered friend. Today they played together as dragons love to do. Alexia laid on her back, her muzzle in Zel’s snatch, while she in turn was being eaten out by Nadia. Zel completed the circle as she gave the human’s nethers a thorough licking. The busty red-head found a heavy talon on the back of her head, holding her face against a set of scaly pussy lips. She could barely breathe in the musky aroma, and the slimy inner walls were not a flavor of her probing tongue’s liking, but she was fine with doing this as it brought her friends pleasure. That same pleasure was being gifted to her, as a long, flexible tongue jammed its way into her depths and wiggled around in her vaginal passage, getting her to moan enthusiastically. Thanks to the combined efforts all around, the girls rewarded each other with mouthfuls of feminine love juice, which was slurped up and gulped down graciously. Once their orgy had concluded, the dragons cuddled together, and squeezed the princess lovingly between their warm, soft bellies. A tent of feathers and membrane covered the naked girl, and the three of them alternated between kissing each other as they relaxed in the afterglow. The dragons raised their heads as something passing by caught their attention, and Nadia climbed out of the pile to see what was approaching. It was Amber. As the familiar human approached, the two dragons departed from the princess – who covered her privates with a blush – so they could lick and nuzzle their much older friend. Amber smiled a bit forcefully from the dragons’ attention, then noticing the state Nadia was in, quickly apologized, “I’m sorry for intruding princess.” “It’s alright.” Nadia answered, not appearing as embarrassed as one might be for being caught in intercourse. The dragons were even less embarrassed as they nuzzled Amber, and she rewarded her friends’ friendly gestures by giving them gentle pets – feeling a bit awkward about it since she remembered a time when Alexia was still a human, and she still hadn’t fully accepted the former Rider’s feral transformation. In spite of how comforting petting the dragons should have been, Amber was clearly sad, and Nadia noticed this. Things could be all fun and games with dragons, but when it came to the welfare of her people, she had to take things seriously. “What’s wrong Amber?” The princess asked approaching the girl. “It’s nothing…” Amber lied, looking away sadly. The princess grasped her hands with her own, causing Amber to look into her beautiful brown eyes. Nadia spoke sweetly as she offered, “Whatever it is that’s bothering you, you can talk to me about it.” She was aware that she was presently indisposed, so she added, “Come to my chambers later so we can talk.” Nadia’s words rang inside Amber, and she felt that she really could confide anything with the princess. She agreed to meet later, and then wandered off toward the towering column of rock, leaving Nadia once again with the dragons. The princess noticed Alexia was laying on the ground nearby. She heard stories about people who rode on the backs of dragons, and she wondered if she might be able to try that for herself. She approached the black and white ness, got a good grip on her neck fur, and swung her leg over the dragon’s shoulders. The moment her hips landed on Alexia’s back, the dragoness went wide-eyed, and immediately shook to throw the girl off of her. Alexia was a dragon, but she was not a mounted steed, and certainly not for a pampered princess, no matter how nice the girl might be. Being tossed in the mud served her right for trying in the first place. Still, she did worry that she might have hurt the girl, but that worry faded as the princess began to laugh. Alexia began to consider that perhaps the princess had not been punished enough to learn her lesson, and her playful dragon mind agreed. She leaned down, and began to poke and prod Nadia’s belly, getting her to chuckle cutely. Alexia became more aggressive as she nuzzled Nadia’s tummy more enthusiastically, and the princess giggled and squealed as she squirmed to escape the tickling. She could not get away though, even as she pushed her hands against the nuzzling snout. Zel saw what her lover was doing to the princess, and wanting to join in on the fun, she lowered her mouth to Nadia’s feet, and began to lick and flick her soles with her tongue. The girl tried to pull away, but the ness put her talons down on the girl’s legs to prevent her from kicking as she resumed her foot tickling. Nadia could barely draw breath as she was tickled from two sides at once. Her face was red, and tears dripped from her eyes as she was overwhelmed by the tickling sensations on her feet and tummy. King Acreon was drawn to the sound of his daughter’s screaming and laughter. He quickly arrived on the scene to find his daughter pinned down and tormented by two large predators, and he hollered at them, “Oy dragons! Away with you! Go on! Beat it!” The dragons did get off of his daughter, but Alexia held a wing out to conceal Nadia’s nudity. “Oh father!?” The princess exclaimed, happy her friend was hiding her from her father. Acreon stepped closer, and held out Nadia’s clothes, which his daughter quickly grabbed to cover herself. Once the princess was acceptably dressed, Alexia pulled her wing away and backed away from the king. The king took his daughter by the arm, and he guided her away as he began reprimanding her. “Nadia we’ve been over this. You know you’re not supposed to wander off into the jungle like this; it’s dangerous out here.” “My friends are dragons! If I’m not safe with them, who can protect me!?” Acreon groaned with frustration, “What does it take to get through to you!?” If getting swallowed alive by a fish monster wasn’t enough to keep her from playing with merfolk, he had no idea what it would take to get things through to her. “Nadia, you are a princess and need to act as such, not roll around in the mud.” “Father, you were a fish farmer long before you were a king to turtle-people.” He sighed and had a seat on a log, and Nadia sat beside him. He stated, “You need to understand, I’m not going to be around forever, and I need you to be ready when you have to be on your own.” He looked away from her with a bit of guilt, “I worry that I may not have been the best example for you. Perhaps that is why you are so rebellious.” “No father, you’ve been wonderful! I have learned from you. I’ve seen how you adapted to leadership, and you’ve had such a positive impact on the lives of the kappa.” “That’s just the way it is. It isn’t right to refuse an honest man who needs help.” “The kappa are good people, and they look up to you, which means you’re a good man too.” She gave her father a kiss on the cheek. The princess returned home, and the king followed after. As he returned to his throne room, he considered his daughter’s actions. As a father, he wanted his child to enjoy a carefree life playing with her friends, but he knew he would have failed as a parent if she were not prepared for the worst the world had to offer. He knew better than most how bad the world could get. He had seen it first hand, back when he served as an officer in the Royal fleet. It had been twenty-five years since fate allowed him and his family escape from that life, but he still left with many sins to atone for. He finally reached his throne room, where to his surprise, the kappa students were still standing in a fighting stance. Granted, they were all sweating, and looked to have shaky limbs. Seeing this, the king ordered, “Alright, relax.” The kappa let out sighs of relief as they were able to stand in an easier position to handle. Acreon had a seat on his throne, and debated whether to let them have the rest of the day off, or to give them a fresh exercise – they were improving from his routine rather well afterall. On the outskirts of Agastar, a force of centaur charged toward the city. They found soldiers walking the perimeter of the mines, and they wasted no time trampling and slaughtering them. In their rage, they did not stop to consider the repercussions of attacking so openly. The remaining perimeter units were quickly alerted to their presence, and emerged to engage the centaur hoard. Though they were against armor and firearms, the centaurs were fast, talented with blades, and able to overwhelm the few ground forces. It did not take long until the horse-men slaughtered the last of their opposition, but by the time they were finished, many were dead, and the rest were tired. To make matters worse, platoons of soldiers formed firing lines ahead of the centaurs. The horse-men knew their fight was not done, and they rallied to charge once again. Though the fear began to set in as three-story Goliaths reinforced the soldiers, they continued to charge. When bullets and cannon fire rained upon them, they continued to charge. Until the last centaur fell upon the blood-stained ground, they continued to charge.
Valley of Hope Pt 3 – What They Mean to Us Charlie yawned from boredom as he sat on a rock to look out over the area. The neko was clad in poorly maintained Resistance armor, which already had the appearance of being homemade, as it was just strips of leather holding pieces of metal over vital areas. The cat himself had short brown hair and fur, and greenish yellow eyes. He held a scoped rifle in his hands, and would occasionally look through it as a way of changing up the view a bit. As boring as watch duty was, he maintained hope that he would not have to use the rifle in his hands. Eventually, his commanding officer, Bevierre arrived at his post – it was easy for the harpy to reach high perches thanks to his wings – and said, “Good evening Charlie, what news from the watch?” “Not much to report captain, unless you’re interested in my bird count?” “No.” “Good, because I lost count in the early hundreds.” Bevierre did not come for his comrade’s sarcasm; though he was sure the cat would be pleased to hear the guard was shifting. The eagle-man ordered, “You’re relieved, go get Hicket and the two of you get some rest.” Charlie did not have to be told twice, and he quickly jumped from his perch, landed softly on the forest floor, and ran through the trees cheering to finally be off duty. He made his way to a different rock tower, and climbed up the colossal monument with haste to reach a new perch, where a male usagi sat. Charlie saw that Hicket was half-asleep, so he walked straight over and set a hand heavily on the rabbit-man’s shoulder, causing the usagi to wake with a start and cry out with shock. The neko laughed, and Hicket protested, “Shit Charlie! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” “Ah lighten up fuzzball, we’re relieved! Come on, let’s get some food.” The pair made their way to the airfield, where the warships of the Resistance hid among the cover of trees. It was a poor sight compared to what the fleet had once been; the Resistance once had hundreds of ships in its fleet, but now there were only ten. Even so, the remaining ships had been prepared to enter battle at any moment’s notice. Blockade Runners had been altered and modified with narrow, heavily armored bows, and bearing numerous extra weapons to make them more efficient at confronting enemy craft. These repurposed warships were called Sabers. “They really are impressive ships.” Charlie chimed as he marveled at the Sabers, “I’d love to pilot one of these!” “It would be nothing short of a death sentence.” Hicket countered sullenly. Surely the cat was as aware as he was that their only hope of survival was to avoid enemy fleets. Charlie just rolled his eyes and replied, “Yeah, sure; let’s just eat.” They stopped by a soup stand, grabbed a bowl, and went through the line to receive a share of the rations. With food in hand, they had a seat near each other, enjoying a fire with a couple of other squads while they ate. The neko scowled a bit from the cold vegetable soup in front of him, though Hicket appeared to quite enjoy it. The neko just shrugged, “You seem to like your vegetables, I’ve seen predators get less pleasure out of eating live prey.” He happened to like that himself. Hicket slurped down his most recent mouthful before saying, “I’m just eating; why do you have to make it weird?” He clearly wasn’t getting that he was being teased again. “Do you do anything for fun, bunny-boy?” “As a matter of fact, I happen to find quite a bit of enjoyment from a quiet evening in a library.” “You rabbits are all cowards.” An eavesdropping shika stated. Hicket recoiled at the words, so Charlie spoke up in defense of his comrade, “I’ve seen you deer retreat real quick once the bullets start flying.” “Hey! I have never retreated!” That in itself was an obvious lie; there was no one in this airfield that had not retreated at least once in this career, but the neko did not skip a beat as he said sarcastically, “Oh, right, you just ‘attack’ in the wrong direction.” The shika got to his feet with a huff, and both Charlie and Hicket stood expecting a confrontation. The conflict appeared to be getting less in their favor as the rest of the squad joined their deer companion. Before anyone could come to blows, the rival squad looked up at the sight of someone large joining the neko and usagi’s side. It was Darus the Kuma. With the bear-man on their side, it seemed the tide would turn in their favor. He was not there to back them up though, but rather to bail them out. He picked them both up by the backs of their shirts and turned to carry them away, in spite of Charlie’s protests. The rival squad laughed, and the antagonizing shika picked up a bowl of soup as he mocked, “That’s right, run away! And don’t forget your food!” He hucked the bowl, causing it to bonk against Darus’s head as its contents splattered all over his back. The kuma quickly stopped in his tracks, and Hicket and Charlie felt how his grip on them tightened – though he still set them down as gently as he could. Once his hands were unoccupied by companions, Darus clenched his fists and made his knuckles crack. The bear-man turned around, and punched the deer-man in the face hard enough to send him through his own squad and land unconscious several meters beyond them. As impressive as the attack was, it did not diffuse any further violence. The rival squad tried to gang up on the Darus, so Charlie and Hicket rushed forward to back him up. The tussle brought other soldiers and sailors closer to observe and cheer on the fight. A couple of giants even began to encourage the fight. The size of the crowd the commotion was causing got Captain Bevierre to investigate; once he saw it was his own crew that was causing the problem, he had to intervene. He dove in, and landed between the skirmishing squads, where he flapped his wings and pushed outward to try to separate the groups. He took a few blows himself, but he managed to separate the squads once they realized they were throwing hands with an officer, and he shouted at them, “Alright, that’s enough! All of you!” He looked back and forth at the bloodied and beaten soldiers, and reprimanded, “Look at yourselves; you’re supposed to be brothers-in-arms, and here you are squabbling like chicks! It’s pathetic; I expect better from you.” His last line was directed directly at his own men. Charlie tried to justify them, but the captain shot him down quickly by interrupting, “I don’t care who started it; I am finishing it. Go fix yourselves now, and if you step out of line again, I’ll flail you myself.” The trio sighed, and joined the dispersing crowd to go about their business. Wesley had tried and failed to get close to Sonja. If they met up, it was because they happened to be strolling through the same part of the jungle. It was actually getting on his nerves, so when she finally went home to sleep, he went to speak with her – it was all he could do since she would recoil or brush him away whenever he tried to make physical contact with her. He began, “What’s going on? We finally see each other after all these years and you treat me like I don’t exist?” She did not respond, “Is it because I don’t want you to get yourself killed on a foolish venture? I’m trying to look out for your wellbeing you know; couples are supposed to do that for each other.” Again, she did not respond, but instead rolled so her back was to him. The motion just got Wesley even more angry, so he scolded, “Yeah, that’s really mature Sonja. I tell you no, and you throw a tantrum!? I did not realize how little I actually meant to you that you would turn away from me like this! Why would you even bother marrying me in the first place!?” “Just go away…” She finally said, shivering as she held herself. She was doing her best to hold her emotions in check, though she could not stop the tears in her eyes. Wesley was ignorant of her current state, and just let out a frustrated grunt as he walked away. The next day, he made his way to the rock column that was home to King Acreon. Once he was inside the cold, dark passage, he passed by a few kappa – who would bow to him as some sort of curtesy – and eventually came across a familiar face: Amber. “Hi Amber.” Wesley greeted. “Hello Wesley.” She replied. “What are you doing?” “The princess asked me to visit her a couple days ago, so I’m going to talk with her. You can come too, if you want.” Wesley followed Amber, figuring the girl knew where to go better than he did. As they walked, he spoke to her, “I’m sorry about what happened to Sargo.” “You didn’t kill him.” He may have died protecting Wesley, but she did not blame the human for her giant’s death. “I’m glad we were able to get you back to Sonja.” “We have not been seeing eye to eye lately.” He sounded angry about it, which wound up giving Amber of look of concern. They soon arrived at Nadia’s room. The rocky room was partially open to the outside world so daylight could pour into the chamber. Curtains hung in front of the entry way, as well as around her bath and bed to grant the princess some privacy. The princess herself was sitting on her bed, and she noticed the pair the moment they entered the room. “Please, come in.” She said cheerfully. She paused when she noticed the extra company. “King Wesley too? What brings you here?” “I thought I’d stop by.” He answered. “Very well then.” The princess said. If this was an inconvenience for her, she did not make it known in her tone. She gestured to a plate with cups and a pitcher of some drink on it, then sat down and waited for her guests to become comfortable before she finally asked, “So what shall we talk about? You seemed to be in quite a bit of grief when I last saw you Amber.” “I don’t know if you heard or not but, many giants died on my last trip out, Sargo among them.” “I see… I’m afraid I did not know him well. Tell me about Sargo.” “He was… very brave, and strong, and just. And he was so kind.” Tears welled in her eyes, and Nadia set her hand on one of Amber’s as she said, “I can see he was very special to you.” “He was… When he was around, I always felt like I meant something. I was who he could come home to, and I was always safe and happy with him. Now that he’s gone, I feel lost and alone.” Nadia hugged Amber, rubbing her back in a comforting manner. “You are not alone,” She reassured, “You have friends who care about you.” The princess glanced up at Wesley as if to have him speak up, and he took the hint as he informed, “I’m here for you Amber.” Nadia nodded, and Amber wiped her eyes as she thanked both of them. As Amber calmed down, the princess asked “So, King Wesley, why exactly are you visiting me?” “What, are you going to console me now?” Wesley asked a bit rudely. “You’re rather angry about something aren’t you?” The princess asked without losing her friendly demeaner. “You figure that out by yourself?” “Perhaps. Your wife has told me that you had a short temper, but a kind heart.” At the mention of Sonja, he became even more agitated, and stated, “She’s made it quite clear that we don’t know each other. She wants to keep fighting a war that is only going to get her killed! How am I the bad guy for wanting to protect her!?” He began speaking to no one in particular mid-rant, and Amber’s brow furrowed as she told him, “Reclaiming the throne is very important to Queen Sonja! She knows it’s the only way to help everybody, and we all want to help her succeed. You did too once.” “That was before I realized how hopeless it was. I spent eight years in Agastar, waiting every day for the Resistance to sail into the city and overthrow The Queen, and when they did finally arrive, they were prisoners awaiting torture and execution. That’s all that’s waiting for everyone who challenges her rule.” “We’re ready to take that risk, because none of us want to live as slaves.” Nadia added to Amber’s comment, “Doing the right thing is rarely easy; it’s why good people often suffer. But that does not mean we should give up.” “I don’t need you lecturing me.” Wesley griped, and then left the room. Before he got out the door, the princess said to him, “Just something for you to consider. Who were you when Queen Sonja fell in love with you? And are you happy to live as who you are now?” He paused at that statement, then shrugged it off as he finally walked away. Wesley returned to the forest, and found a mossy rock which he could sit upon and think. He looked down at his reflection in a nearby pond, and reflected that he was certainly not the man he had been when he left his village. He had seen so much horror throughout his travels, and he had become stronger because of it. Surely this was a good thing, so why would he dislike who he had become? More importantly, why would Sonja dislike him? Who had he been when she fell in love with him? He was a weak and ignorant human when they met; she actually wanted to eat him. But she was alone, and he stayed with her in spite of their bad first impressions. Even when he learned of her role in things far larger than himself and his island, he had encouraged her to face this overwhelming obstacle. He had done his best to help her in whatever way he could, and even when he thought that his presence may be more detrimental to her, she still wanted him to stay. But now, he wanted her to live by avoiding the fight. She wanted to do what was best for her people, and she hated to see them suffer. She was happy when he believed in her and supported her in her ultimate goal. It was only now that he no longer shared her optimism that they began to drift apart. He knew that if she confronted The Queen, he would lose her. But if he opposed her ambition to save her people, he may lose her even sooner. He wanted to be the one who made her laugh and smile. He wanted to sleep cuddled on her bosom. He wanted to be by her side through the good times and the bad. No matter who he was, he never wanted to live in a world without Sonja. A low rumbling began to shake the ground, and a shadow blocked out the sun’s light. Wesley looked above to see what was going on, and his eyes widened at the sight of a massive golden airship. The Resistance was quick to react to the presence of an Enforcer ship sailing through the towering rock columns of Ure. They avoided all forms of communication apart from word of mouth, meaning usagi had to run as fast as they could to ensure messages reached all ears before the ship reached line of sight. Fires were put out, humanoids took cover beneath tree branches, and giants hid behind rocks. Once everyone was hiding, they remained silent and waiting. On board the Enforcer, the captain had his ship’s radar pulsing and scanning for any trace of tech active in the area, be it powered electrically or by gas motor. Though they lost the pirate fox and her vessel days ago, they were sure she came this way, and they had to find her wherever she’d stop. Below, the entire Resistance held their breaths as they watched the massive airship sail overhead. Though it was a slow crawl, it seemed as though they would be passed over without detection. That was until a holo-com buzzed with a message in Sonja’s home. A ping was heard on the Enforcer’s radar, and realizing it was beneath them, the ship came to a stop and prepared to deploy troops. Resistance soldiers saw the hangar on the belly of the ship opening, ready to deploy enough forces to wipe out all that remained of them. They could not allow that to happen, so an officer called through a radio, “They know we’re here. Detonate charges at site C, now!” Within moments of the call being made, an explosion rose from the base of one of the rock towers. The ground began to tremble as the colossal monument broke at the base, and then began to fall in the direction of the enemy warship. People on the ground kept an eye on the direction the tower was falling and took steps to avoid it – giants even gave their human comrades a hand in getting out of the way. The Enforcer could not get out of the way fast enough, and the rock column collapsed atop the ship, knocking it to the ground rapidly and crushing its hull beneath rock. Dust erupted where the rock column fell, and its impact shook the land for miles around. In spite of the disorienting chaos, Resistance soldiers rushed to the fallen Enforcer ship. They had to make sure there were no survivors to report their location. Giants were among the first to arrive at the burning wreckage, where they found crew emerging from the ship’s hull. Many were on fire, or in various states of dismemberment, but there were plenty who looked in fit enough condition to make a run for the surrounding forest. The ship was not as totally out of commission as was hoped either, as turrets on its top deck began to turn toward the approaching giants. Naomi saw this, and quickly tackled the legs of a larger giant to get him to fall forward a second before the cannons fired. The projectiles laid waste to the surrounding forest, but no giants were harmed by the attack. As stones and rockets were hurled at the ship’s active turrets, the rescued giant – a tan-haired hulk of a man named Oreg – thanked Naomi before they got back to the fight. Giants made quick work of the soldiers surrounding the Enforcer, crushing and eating any they found in their path, and Resistance soldiers gunned down any enemies who tried to get away. The swampy forest was soon flattened and stained with blood. The immediate crisis was avoided, but when Sonja arrived to assess the situation, it seemed they could have more to worry about in the near future. “The column crushed the command deck, but we do not know if they were able to send a message back to Agastar.” Captain Bevierre told the queen. “Are we sure all the troops are dead?” Sonja asked. “All but the ones the giants kept as snacks.” The harpy gestured to Naomi and Oreg as they walked by with fistfuls of soldiers, taking off armor and clothing so they could devour the naked flesh of the men and women who fought for the enemy. Sonja watched a muscular blond girl squirming in the digits of the giantess, only to fall screaming into a hungry mouth. The jaws shut around the woman, and a moment later Naomi’s throat bulged as the helpless woman slid through it. The sight wet the queen’s appetite, but she had more pressing matters to deal with for the time being. She ordered, “Just in case, spread the word, we need to make sure everyone is ready to move out at a moment’s notice. And we need to inform King Acreon of the situation.” “He already knows.” Bevierre informed, “He is waiting for you at your throne.” “Of course.” The giantess worried what this would mean, but still let the harpy fly away to carry out his orders. Wesley arrived at Sonja’s throne to find the giantess sitting upon it, her personal guard surrounding the sides of the rock throne, and Zel and Alexia curled up on the head rest. Before her stood King Acreon with a handful of kappa. The king told her, “You tell me I am safe, and yet you cannot promise me that the warship failed to contact its people. Someone knows it came this way, and whoever sent it will come looking for it when it does not return.” Sonja apologized, “I’m truly sorry. I did not want to drag you into this war after you took us in. We can move somewhere else if we have been a burden on you.” “You can leave, but my people have nowhere to go, and I will not force them to sail away on your ships. What guarantee do I have they will not be slaughtered for what happened today?” “I will not allow that to happen. I promise, as soon as we’re ready, we will march on Agastar, and your people will have nothing to fear.” “I helped your people when you needed it, I do not intend to let my own suffer because of it. This is your war, not mine; when a Royal Fleet sails through these mountains to find you, do not expect my people to spill their blood in place of yours.” “King Acreon, I hope you do not believe we have taken advantage of your hospitality. I would not force any more support from you, but you must see how this war affects you as well, no matter how you try to avoid fighting it.” “I did my fighting. I watched thousands fight until they died, all believing their fight was as noble as your own. Queen Sonja, you declared to me that you wanted to end the tyranny of The Queen. I believe it, but you would still have others die for what you claim is right for them, so you are no different from her.” Sonja was shocked to hear the claim she was no better than the tyrant she was fighting to overthrow. It couldn’t be true. “It’s not true… It’s not true!” She stood and shouted down at the human king. His kappa guard got into fighting stances from her aggressive display, but Acreon remained unmoving as he stared up at her. He simply said, “Then prove it.” Sonja did not feel the need to prove anything, but she feared what she may do if this arrogant old man continued to berate her. She was already having a hard-enough time ruling the Resistance, and with a single laps of judgement in anger, she could lose not only whatever loyalty she had left among them, but would also betray the trust of a small colony that had trusted and protected her. She had a seat on her throne, and ordered, “Leave my presence.” The king, fortunately, obeyed. When Acreon finally left, Wesley began his approach to the throne. Before he arrived though, Atalanta reached her first, and said, “My queen, there is something you should see.” She activated the holo-com she held in her hands, and then gave it to Sonja so the giantess could see the message recorded on it. Projected by the holo-com was the head of Calin. He appeared concerned as he informed, “Queen Sonja, I hope this message reaches you before it’s too late. I have been captured by the wardens of the White Hills, and do not believe I will be able to fulfill my mission, but maybe someone else can. There is someone in the Ashlands who may have a way to destroy the King’s Jewel, but… Damn, I will try to contact you later if I can.” The message ended, and Sonja lowered her head with frustration. Things were going from bad to worse; at this rate, she would wind up marching on Agastar alone. Wesley finally reached the giantess, and asked, “That was Calin. What is he doing?” Sonja looked down at Wesley as she informed, “Calin was on a quest to find some way to get past the power of the King’s Jewel. It’s necessary to do so if we ever have a chance to defeat The Queen.” Bevierre spoke, “He said he found the answer somewhere in the Ashlands. We could send a ship there, but they’d be looking for a needle in a haystack. We need more information.” Wesley remembered that Calin would not sacrifice the mission if it meant saving his own life, but he was not so quick to give up on the Inu as he said, “We have to rescue Calin and anyone else who’s with him. He could have more information that would help you.” “No. We cannot risk sending more men to die at the hands of the wardens.” Wesley did not like how willing this harpy was to allow someone else to die. Calin was his friend, and he was not about to give up on him! “Fine, then I’ll go. The message said he was captured in the White Hills? Just point me in the right direction and I’ll go.” Charlie spoke up then, “No offense my king, but don’t be an idiot.” Darus slapped the back of the neko’s head for that comment, but Wesley ignored him as he informed, “I can’t leave a friend out there to die. You do what you have to, and I’ll do what I have to.” He turned to walk away, and Sonja said his name softly and pleadingly. He stopped, turned to face her again, and told her, “I do not want to live in this world without you. Calin has something that can help you, so… I’ll get it for you.” As he walked away from the throne, Alexia glided down to him and landed in front of him. She hissed that he was going the wrong way – not that he understood – and then looked around for someone to come and help him. The dragoness always considered this human to be an idiot, but regardless, he was always there for Sonja. He would continue to fight for her even if he had to do it alone or did not know how to do it. Since it seemed no one else was volunteering to help him on this journey, she would have to do it. She growled a bit, then hunkered down and offered her shoulders to him. Wesley was unsure of her display, but he worked to figure out what she meant by it as he approached her. He grabbed her mane for leverage as he swung his leg over her shoulders, then had a seat on her back. Her body rocked beneath him as she stood up, and he could feel her muscles moving under him as she spread her wings. Wesley locked eyes with Sonja. She looked sad and scared at the same time. He mumbled under his breath to find what he wanted to say to her, that he was sorry and that he loved her, but all he could say was “I’ll come back!” and then Alexia began to bound across the field. Her wings flapped, and lifted her into the air. Wesley had to hold on tight as Alexia ascended rapidly. She snarled at him when he pulled her hair, so hugging her neck was the option he had to go with. As he was carried higher, he looked back to see the giantess he loved watching him leave, and then he faced forward toward whatever land Alexia carried him to.
Battle for Skyvale Pt 2 – A Line in the Sand As soldiers moved forward, Artillery Goliaths crouched down, and fired mortar rockets at the mining factory. Resistance soldiers kept their heads down and took cover from the barrage, but were unable to fire back from the ceaseless assault. The ground forces needed air support, and that support was coming. Sailing rapidly over the wasteland, so fast that they kicked up dust as they skimmed over the ground, were Sabers. As they neared the enemy fleet, their speed slowed, and their wings adjusted for all range combat. Semi-automatic missile launchers rolled out on the flanks of the ships, and they began firing rockets at the enemy Frigates. Chain-gun fire assisted in doing substantial damage to critical areas, and enemy soldiers had to take cover as golden airships rained from the sky. Charlie marveled as the Sabers sailed overhead, just confirming to him what magnificent ships they were. With their support, he and the other foot soldiers were able to come out of cover, and open fire on enemy soldiers and armor. “Hold them back!” Bevierre called as he joined his men in the firefight, “No matter what, you will not let this line fall!” Calin and what was left of his squad made their way rapidly across the arena perimeter. He knew that every minute this operation took was an extra minute the Resistance had to withstand the full might of the Royal Fleet. Cutting down the arena’s security was easy enough, but it was far from as clean and stealthily as it should have been done. The alarm sounded when they were only half way to the gate, letting him know they had limited time to lower the gate. There were only a few soldiers left in his path, and he could see giants approaching fast. With this in mind, he decided not to hold back any longer. He rushed full sprint at his enemies, his bladed staff in hand, and the soldiers appeared to move in slow motion. With quick and precise movements, his blades cut through whatever weak part of the armor they could that was not guarded by swords and shields, and he did not slow his momentum until he was well past all who stood in his way. The allied soldiers that came with him stood in shock as they watched the enemies fall over dead. “Shit!” One of them exclaimed in astonishment, and a second asked, “What did we need to back him up for?” A platoon of reinforcements stormed the arena, intent on putting an end to the invading force, but they were too late, as Calin pulled the crank to lower the outer gate. As the gate lowered, the incoming giants were revealed to the enemy soldiers. If they knew they were outmatched or not, it did not matter as the giants trampled every soldier on the ground. Resistance soldiers cheered with success, and Calin told them, “Come on, let’s follow and mop up anyone they miss.” With that order given, he and the other soldiers ran in pursuit of their giant allies. The Resistance at the factory held the enemy back for as long as they could, but inevitably, something broke through. A Goliath blasted a hole through a wall, sending Resistance soldiers flying. More friendlies were put down as the three-story war-machine opened fire, turning humanoids into red mist. Seeing his allies in danger, Darus charged toward the Goliath, and jumped from a balcony onto its head. The pilot did not appear to notice him, giving him time to find the emergency cockpit release. He twisted and pulled the handle next to the cockpit, and the hatch flew off the front of the giant suit of armor. The pilot realized there was something wrong then, and was horrified to see an enraged bear-man snarling at him. Darus reached in, and pulled the man out of his seat so hard that his arm was still left in the bear’s claws as he was tossed away. With the enemy pilot out of the way, the kuma jumped into the seat, and grabbed the control handles to get the Goliath up and moving again. He’d never driven one of these before, but the learning curve couldn’t be too high, could it? Charlie gunned down soldier after soldier. He tried to keep count of his kills, but in trying to keep his head in the fight, he lost count rather quickly. His ear twitched as Bevierre contacted him through comms, “They’re breaching the north wall. We need backup here immediately!” “I’m on my way.” Charlie answered as he rushed to the designated area to assist. When he arrived, he found the Harpy holding a bleeding arm. One of his golden wings was also hanging limp, indicating the bird-man must have suffered quite an injury. “Captain!” The neko ran to his commanding officer, but Bevierre ordered, “Don’t worry about me. Get your gun in the fight!” Charlie did as he was ordered, working with his fellow soldiers to keep enemies at bay. A whistling was heard overhead, and the cat-boy looked up to see a rocket strike the starboard side of a Saber. Inner components of the airship ruptured and burst, and the ship began to fall in his direction. He quickly got to his captain, and pulled the yokai out of the way as the airship crashed where they had been standing. The wrecked airship burned with intense heat, and its fall had granted enemy soldiers a window to enter the factory through. An extra reinforcement arrived when Hicket dropped down among the squad of soldiers. The usagi’s movements were quick, and his strikes were strong as he kicked and punched at the enemy soldiers. His skill with hand to hand combat was unbelievable, and the soldiers were soon dropping unconscious or dead with numerous broken bones. Charlie looked at the rabbit with astonishment, having never seen that side of their navigator before. With the skirmish over with and the adrenaline dropping, the usagi returned to his timid self. “I’m so sorry about that.” The neko helped Bevierre to his feet, and informed, “The captain’s hurt; get over here and help me.” Hicket moved in to assist their leader, and as they tried to get away from the burning Saber, a fresh Goliath pushed the ship aside to enter the factory. To make matters worse a second Goliath was approaching from the opposite direction. The cockpit of this second Goliath was exposed, and driving it was Darus! The kuma roared as he pulled the trigger on his Goliath’s giant auto-rifle. The shells exploded against the hull of the enemy Goliath, catching it by surprise. Before the enemy could retaliate, Darus ran right up to it, and his Goliath used its rifle like a bat to clobber the enemy on the side of the cockpit. The hatch was dislodged, and Darus shoved the barrel of the Goliath rifle into the opening and fired off the rest of the clip, causing sparks, blood, and fire to erupt from the interior. The enemy Goliath collapsed, and as Darus looked down at his comrades, he saw the state the captain was in. He ordered, “Get the captain to the ship, I will hold the enemy back. Go!” Bevierre shouted against the orders, but the kuma was not having any of it as he ripped the chain-gun off of the fallen Saber, and unleashed its payload on the oncoming soldiers. Hicket and Charlie led Bevierre away from the battlefield as Darus covered their retreat. The bear-man did what he could to hold back the endless tide of enemies. Even as his body became riddled with bullets, he still held his ground. The giants climbed up to the city using stairs that had been built for beings of their size. Calin and the other humanoids had to find their own way up, and going back through the caves was less than appealing. They instead found an elevator, and called it so that it would take them back up to the main city. The elevator doors slid open, and within were three soldiers in black armor: Dark Blades. Calin and the others stepped back as the Dark Blades left the elevator. One had silver highlights in her armor, allowing the inu to recognize her as 8. 8 stood back as the other Dark Blades stepped forward. They reached over their shoulders, drew their twin swords, and connected them together to make their staffs. The Resistance soldiers all drew their weapons, and they engaged the Dark Blades. The two Dark Blades easily held their own against their six adversaries, and finding who the weakest links were, those soldiers were the first to be cut down. One of the Resistance soldiers saw how 8 was standing back and not engaging the fight. Having trouble finding room to join the skirmish with his comrades, he decided to one-on-one this third enemy. He held his sword over his head, warcrying as he ran at the lead Dark Blade. 8 did not even draw a weapon as he approached, and instead waited for his swing to come. The moment the blade was brought down upon her, she extended her hand and caught it. With the blade firm in her grasp, she punched the side of the sword hard enough to cause the metal to shatter. The soldier did not even realize his weapon had been broken before a piece of his blade was jammed into his neck. Calin knew the weak points of the Dark Blade armor, and getting directly between the two younger subjects, his blade jammed into one’s neck, while his second blade wedged into the other’s pelvis. The second Dark Blade tried to retaliate, but Calin parried the bladed staff before cutting off his head. Calin only had two allies left at his command, and now he faced the leader of the Dark Blades. 8 had been standing back observing the fight, and upon recognition of the weapons and the competency with using them, she recognized who the inu was. She drew the swords from her back, and shouted, “Traitor!” Calin knew better than most what techniques were used to brainwash the Dark Blades, but he and 8 had grown up together. He saw her as a sister, and did not want to fight her. “Eight, The Queen’s time is over; no matter what they’ve told you, you don’t have to die with her. Stand aside and let us pass.” “I serve my queen with undying loyalty. Her rule is the one true rule. All those who defy her, are to be executed.” She lowered her blades to her sides, where she locked their pommels to the ones sheathed on her hips. Once in place, she drew her second set of twin blades, holding a pair of bladed staffs in her hands. She engaged the Resistance, spinning and slashing with her blades rapidly. One of the soldiers was sliced across the gut in a second, and his torso slid off his legs. The second soldier tried to strike 8 from behind, only to be run through as she thrust one of her staffs toward her rear. Then it was just her and Calin. The pair dueled, slicing and jabbing at each other. Calin was able to deflect and parry every attack that came his way, but 8 was not as efficient at defense, not that she had to be when her armor took all the blows. Of course, each slash she took split her armor, causing it to become flimsier with each blow. The inu brought his sword down on the handle of one of 8’s staffs, knocking the weapon from her hand. She changed to hold her other staff in both hands, blocking overhead as Calin brought his blades down upon hers. They spun and twirled, and Calin managed to get his arm around 8 so he could flip her and disarm her of her second weapon. As she rolled to her feet, Calin kicked the side of her head, causing her vizor to crack and her helmet to spark. Calin rushed in to finish the job, but 8 caught his arms, then pulled him close and headbutted him. The hard metal smacking against his skull caused him to back away in a daze, and blood trickled down his brow. With her broken visor blinding her, 8 was quick to remove her helm. She glared at Calin with her cluster eyes, and she told him, “We were chosen for this life, seventeen. Some of us were bred for it, but I, I was born to be a warrior!” The claws of her gauntlets dug into the cuts of her armor, and she grunted as she ripped the armor apart. Free of the skin-tight confines of her armor, four membranous wings spread on her back, and a black and yellow, exoskeletal tail curled out from her rear. The last thing she slipped off were her gauntlets, showing that her arms were black and exoskeletal as well, and they split along their middle. Her four hands grabbed her staffs, and she separated her weapons so that she held a sword in each hand. Calin prepared himself for this next attack. He locked his swords together to turn them to their staff form, and then he readied his stance. 8’s wings fluttered and buzzed to life, carrying the hachi into the air. Hovering over her enemy’s head, she attacked, flailing every one of her blades for killing blows. Calin did not strike back immediately. He wanted to wait for her to give him an opening, and until that happened, he would focus entirely on defense. In her fury, her attacks became harder and faster, striking over a dozen times a second, and he blocked every single strike. And then the opening came. Calin brought his staff up a moment early, and an inch closer, and as 8 swung her lower right arm, his blade severed it at the wrist. The pain was obvious, but it was a wonder if she even realized what had happened. She continued to fight as if she still had four arms, and the inu used that to his advantage. He dove and rolled under her weaker side, and spun his staff as he got to his feet, cutting off the hachi’s wings. She fell, and Calin raised his blade to meet her, piercing her through the back. The inu pulled his blade out of the bee-girl, allowing her to collapse onto the ground. She rolled over to look at him, and though she appeared as though she wanted to fight more, it was clear that she realized she had been fatally wounded. Calin should have finished her off then and there, but he had already lost so much in life, and he hesitated to kill the last of his ‘siblings’. He offered, “It doesn’t have to end this way. Let me help you eight. You can be healed, and together, we can free others.” She glared up at him, and refused him even with her last breath, “My life… for my queen…” In that instant, her tail swung around, and drove a barbed stinger into Calin’s leg. He cried out from pain, as did she when she pulled her tail away and left some of her insides attached to the stinger stuck in his quadricep. Calin responded to this by swinging his staff, and removing the hachi’s head. With 8 dead and unable to fight him any further, he grabbed the stinger, and pulled it out so it would not hinder him any longer. However, he already felt the burn of her venom in his veins. “We have to get out of here!” Hicket announced, “We can’t hold the factory any longer.” He and Charlie had carried their captain back to their ship, and once there, the neko left the burden of the harpy’s weight on the usagi’s shoulders as he said, “I’ll get the hatch open.” He ran to the Carrier, but the moment before he could open a door to its interior, a fresh whistle was heard from overhead, and a rocket struck the craft. The Carrier was blown apart, and the yokai was sent flying back. “Charlie!” Hicket exclaimed as he ran to his comrade’s side. The neko was burned and bloody, but he still groaned, “I’m alive.” Even so, he was injured badly, and the three of them were unlikely to survive once the enemy soldiers caught up to them. Knowing they were not all going to get out of this, Bevierre ordered, “Hicket, carry Charlie to a mine shaft. Tell anyone you find to follow you, and take cover there.” “What about you?” The usagi asked. “A captain has to go down with his ship.” “Oh, don’t be all proud you preening bird!” The neko groaned. “I have to do what is best for my crew, no matter how immature they may be.” The harpy gave the pair a solute, and finished, “It was an honor serving with you all.” With that, he strained to get his broken wing working as he flew into his ship, and Hicket carried Charlie to the nearest mineshaft. Bevierre moved through the swirling heat of his burning ship, searching the cargo for anything he could use. To his fortune he found exactly what he needed: an intact bomb. He landed on it, clutching it with his foot talons, and then cried out in agony as he flew the heavy object to the top of his ship. Once there, he set the bomb on the deck, and searched for the enemy. Soldiers were spilling through the factory like ants through a rotting skeleton, and among them, an anti-giant Goliath walked through the ruined facility. With the opposition assessed, the harpy held his intact wing high as he called to the enemy soldiers, “Over here! Come and get me!” He drew his sidearm, and began opening fire on enemy soldiers. He managed to hit a few, but did not empty the clip before a bullet found his gut, and he fell back onto his deck. He panted in pain, his vision blurring, and yet he still saw the colossal Goliath overhead. Now he could only hope his crew had time to escape, and that his aim would remain true as he pointed his pistol at the bomb. His grip tightened, squeezing the trigger, and then a fiery explosion ended his life. The bomb detonated, killing all of the enemy soldiers who were anywhere near the destroyed airship, and even dealing critical damage to the Goliath. The monstrous war-machine’s legs were blown apart, and its torched body fell backwards, landing heavily on the ground and crushing many more allies. Sonja and her fellow giants made it to the top of the plateau. There, they were dealing with the soldiers that had been left behind to guard the city. Sonja wore armor around her torso, which protected her from light gunfire – she could hear bullets clanging off of the carapace. She also wore sandals to protect her feet from sharp metal as she stepped on soldiers in her path. She used her sword to cut through encampments at higher levels, and even put her mouth to work as she occasionally stuck soldiers between her teeth, chewed them up, and spat them out. The rampaging giants were effectively destroying ground opposition just as was planned, but then something they did not expect happened. Airships began to rise from hangars around the city, and turned their weapons on the giants. “Get down!” Sonja called as a destroyer fired a volley of rockets at them. The giants dove out of the way, or were blasted by the explosion. Sonja looked at her party to find that though some were injured, all were alive. She watched Naomi and other giants crawl away utilizing the structure of the city for cover, but escape did not appear to be an option as Frigates fired nets to tie giants to the ground. Sonja came to her feet, only to have them quickly swept out from under her as a cable tripped her. Soon the giants were all restrained, with airships making sure they would go nowhere. “Well, well…” A female voice announced, and Sonja looked up to the palace door to find three taller giants standing in the way: Brianna, Gregan, and Arianna of the Royal Elites. The blond giantess looked down at her, and said, “You must be this traitorous queen we’ve heard about.” The red-head laughed, “You certainly caused us a lot of trouble. If you were so desperate to die, you should have let our Headhunters kill you long ago.” As the giantess spoke, soldiers ran into the open, armed with all manner of weaponry, ready to open fire should the Resistance giants try anything funny. The Royal Elites walked toward their new prisoners, and Brianna said, “Your struggle was pointless. Now let your execution be the end of this treason.” “Execute this.” Oreg shouted as he yanked hard at his bondage, causing two Frigates to crash into each other. He ran forward, and Gregan pulled a flail from his hip and whipped the weapon at him. A massive weight at the end of the chain struck Oreg’s head, splitting his skull open and knocking him back to the ground. The giant was still alive, but Brianna was quick to correct that. Setting a foot on his back to make sure he couldn’t get up again, she swung her glaive at his neck, and his head rolled past his allies. The Resistance giants lowered their heads, while Arianna audibly laughed with amusement. Gregan came forward, clearly displeased as he stated, “He was mine!” Arianna grabbed him by the shoulder and told him, “You’ll get your share of the glory from her majesty. Go see if there’s any other worms squirming about.” The giant let out a deep growl, then wandered off into in the city. Sonja lowered her head, knowing this would very well be her end. This thought was further confirmed when Brianna grabbed her from behind and positioned her for a proper execution. The glaive raised to remove her head, and all Sonja could think of was how she had failed. She truly believed they had a chance of winning, but now, the Resistance was dead. Everyone would die for nothing. An explosion overhead loosened her bondage, and a moment later, the tethering Frigate fell from the sky and crashed into Brianna, knocking the giantess away. Sonja did not know what happened, but then, movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She looked to see what it was, and found a group of slaves were attacking a group of soldiers, throwing the gold-plated men off the top of buildings, or piling atop them and beating them to death. She looked around, and saw that in many of the buildings around the area, people were striking down the soldiers that secured their enslavement. The giants and soldiers of both sides were confused as they saw an army of slaves pouring out of the buildings of Agastar, armed with their tools and chains, and even the weapons of their former masters. They stood by the giants of the Resistance, shouting up at the enemy soldiers and baiting them to try something now, and that was when Sonja realized what was happening. The slave chambers of Agastar were emptied, as the people knew if they wanted their freedom, they would have to fight for it. A population that outnumbered The Queen’s army a hundred to one now stood united against their common enemy. The enemy soldiers would receive no air support either, as the warships were struck down by the cannons of an Enforcer. This Enforcer which turned against its own side was the one hijacked by Vyxariah, who stood on the bridge of the giant warship. She cheered and whooped to the excitement of the show as her ship’s cannons annihilated the enemy fleet. To add to the backup, Alexia and Zel entered the city, and they landed on Sonja’s shoulders. There they roared up at the enemy army as soldiers and giants rallied on the stairway. Sonja smiled, knowing the people she had come to free would be fighting at her side. She held up her sword, and commanded to her surrounding allies, “Resistance! Charge!”
Battle for Skyvale Pt 3 – The Glory of Invincibility Brianna was stunned to see the slaves breaking free of their chains, and taking arms against their giant overlords. The sight infuriated her, and she could feel her inner curse trying to break out of her. Fortunately, she had disciplined herself enough to keep her inner monster in check, but Arianna appeared less successful at it. The red-haired giantess was panting irregularly, and a row of sharp teeth was starting to protrude from her gums. “Resistance! Charge!” Sonja announced, and at the command, she and the slaves charged forward. Brianna held up her own weapon, and Royal forces charged into battle as well. By this point, Arianna had enough. Her cheeks ripped apart as her jaws spread wide, showing off rows of long, sharp teeth as she screeched at the oncoming enemies. She ran down the stairs, straight for Sonja, and the queen quickly stopped in place as the rampaging giantess charged forward. Her friends had her back though, as Zel and Alexia opened their mouths, and spewed fire upon Arianna. The red-head was still coming, but that momentum quickly halted as two giant lances pierced her flesh. The giants that held the lances used the weapon to flip the giantess over their heads, and let her burning flesh crash down onto one of the buildings. The humans had to take more steps than the giants in order to engage each other, however they had firearms with which to fight each other at a distance. The soldiers had training and armor, but the slaves had numbers, and were not lacking in weapons. Both armies had a real fight on their hands. The dragons departed as Sonja made her way up the stairs to the throne room, sword in hand, directly for Brianna. The armored giantess stopped Sonja’s attack by setting her blade directly in the path of the sword. At that point, she used her superior mass to shove the smaller giantess away, then altered her weapon to its glaive form to take a few swings. Fortunately, Sonja was able to dodge and parry the oncoming strikes, but it was quickly becoming apparent that she was out of her league. She would not be alone for long, as another giantess was sneaking up to her duel. The remaining giants lingered behind, providing some aid to their new humanoid allies. Their attention was caught by movement where they’d thrown Arianna. The giantess bent her back so that her feet touched down on either side of her head, and once they were planted, she unwound to stand upright again. She hissed at the three enemy giants, and then dropped to all fours to run at them quickly. She tackled one of the giants, wrapping her arms around him as she shoved him to the ground. Once at that position, her rear raised unnaturally, and her legs twisted outward so she could kick the two flanking giants away from her. With the first giant pinned beneath her, she opened her mouth, and chomped down on his face. Her teeth pierced his flesh, and her strong jaws allowed her to crunch through the bones of his skull. Wesley ran through the city, trying to locate someone he knew in the process. If he could reconvene with Sonja, they would have a chance to rethink their situation and their strategy going forward. He removed the royal armor, as he did not believe the disguise would do him any favors at the moment. The slaves’ rebellion against their former masters was making it a very bad day to be a gold-clad soldier. As he ran out into the open along the outer perimeter of the city, a shadow passed overhead, and he stopped as he saw a giant mace being dropped upon him. He got out of the way just in time, and the mace dented the street before him. He backed away as he looked up at the giant that attacked him, Gregan. The giant’s lips and cheeks were missing, revealing his sharpened teeth that were so long they prevented him from closing his mouth properly. The giant looked at him, and actually recognized him. “Wesley…” he growled. The human ran back to the cover of indoors, and the giant called after him, trying to get his attention. Wesley looked back out through the doorway, and he saw the giant drop other humans onto the road. They were his parents! “Mom! Dad!” he exclaimed as the giant threatened to crush them. He felt hopeless. He could not fight a giant, but he did not want his parents to die. His father told him to go or the giant would kill them all anyway, but Wesley could see the fear they had of their lives ending. He did not know what to do. “I’m coming.” A female voice spoke in his head. Wesley was confused by this, and he did not have time to think on it as Gregan was growing tired of waiting. The human finally came out of hiding, holding his hands up in the air, “Alright, I’m here! I’ll do what you want, just don’t hurt them.” He noticed a pair of dragons diving toward him then, and realized exactly who had contacted him in his mind. He decided to keep the giant distracted, and he drew the Night Blade as he informed, “This is what you want. This weapon possesses the greatest power in all of Skyvale.” The giant growled at him, but still seemed interested. The human was quickly running out of things to say though, so he finally called out “Alexia!” Gregan was confused, and then suddenly, a large object impacted the side of his head, using sharp claws to tear at his face. A second dragon arrived a moment later, and together, they fought against the evil giant. Wesley ran down the road to where his parents were, and he helped them to their feet before running back to the safety of indoors. The ground shook around them as the creatures fought nearby. A wild flail forced Wesley to duck under a giant weapon. A moment later, a dragoness was thrown into their path. She rolled upright and hissed before flying at the giant once again. Once they were back in cover, Wesley looked through the doorway to the battle, and he growled, “Kill him girls! Kill him!” Alone, one dragon would not have been enough to bring down a giant, but as a pair they were able to work together to fight their opponent. Every time it seemed one of them was in danger, the other would come to her aid, attacking a limb or pulling the giant away. Unfortunately, whatever damage they could do to Gregan was being undone as his wounds would heal rapidly. They needed a new plan of attack. As Alexia took in the battlefield, the thought occurred to her that Agastar was set on a very tall plateau… She barked an order to Zel, and the dragons hovered over the giant before they unleased their fire upon him. The giant flailed around, stumbling dangerously close to the edge of the cliff, but not quite falling off of it. The nesses had to stop their flow of fire to allow their venom sacks to refill, but the flame-covered giant was still in the fight. He roared at them, his already terrifying face made all the more horrific when wreathed in flame. Alexia dove forward, tackling the giant’s face, and causing him to stumble backwards from the force of her impact. This time, as he tried to plant a foot for balance, there was no ground for him to place his foot upon. Alexia jumped off of the giant, and held herself on the wind as she watched him fall from the high plateau toward the oil mines below. His flaming body fell directly into an oil vent, and once his body illuminated the dark pit, the gas housed within was ignited. An eruption of flame rose from the vent, and when the fire finally burned all of the airborne fuel, there was no trace of the giant. With the fight concluded, the dragons landed on the road, and Wesley ran out to give Alexia a hug. The dragoness wrapped her wings around him to hug him in return, and when their cuddle concluded, he turned to see his parents, who looked rather intimidated at the sight of the predators before them. He hugged his mother and father, happy to see them again, and glad to know they were alright. That was the problem though, they were not safe for so long as they were in Agastar. Ignoring the fact that the city had become a warzone, Gregan had used his parents as a weapon against him. The enemy knew who he was, and they knew who his parents were; he had to get them as far away as possible. He went to Alexia, and told her, “Alexia, my family is in danger; I need to get them out of the city.” The dragoness grumbled at him, insisting that she stay in the battle, but he took her head in his arms so he could look her directly in the eyes. “I need you to get my family to safety.” Her reptilian eyes peered into his, and she finally settled down. She laid on the ground so she could be mounted, and Zel followed her example. With the dragons in agreement, he now had to convince his parents to trust dangerous animals. He approached the pair and informed, “These dragons are my friends; you can trust them. Go with them and they’ll take you somewhere safe.” “No Wesley.” His father protested. “Go with them.” “We’re not going anywhere without you.” His mother stated. “I have to stay here. I have to finish this fight, or what happened to our village will happen to everyone.” Alexia decided to come to Wesley’s side, where she nuzzled the mother, and encouraged the woman to get on her back. “I’ll come back. I promise.” He told his parents, then helped them onto the dragons’ backs. Once they had a firm grasp on scaly necks, the dragons carried them into the air and away from the city. Wesley watched his parents leave on the backs of dragons, then carried on with his own task. He still had to find a way to reach the King’s Jewel before it was too late. Sonja dueled with Brianna, doing everything she could to try to get the upper hand, but she could not even touch the giantess, not unless she wanted to be skewered by the end of her blade. Her fight ended when she received a hard kick to the gut which knocked her onto her back. Before she could recover from it, Brianna grabbed her by the neck, and while choking her asked, “What made you so weak? Was it being born in a castle, or caring about humans?” Sonja did not answer, and instead tried to fight back. Brianna quickly thwarted her by shaking her and knocking her head against a tower pillar. She switched her glaive to its close-combat form, and she raised it to remove the queen’s head. Naomi saw her opportunity, and she ran out at the right moment with her own blade in hand. She jumped, and cut through the elbow joint of Brianna’s armor, severing the arm and causing both the limb, and the weapon it carried to bounce down the stairs. Brianna looked at the stump of her arm, and then at the smaller giantess who inflicted the wound upon her. She tossed Sonja down the stairs so she could instead grab Naomi and throw her around. As she did this, not a drop of blood left her arm, and instead bones protruded and grew to their normal sizes. Nerves, veins and muscles covered the bone, and finally a layer of scaly skin coated all of it before returning to the giant’s normal skin tone and texture. From the bridge of the looted Enforcer, Vyxariah beheld the battle, and looked for her target. The giant doors leading into the palace were rather obvious, and she told Slim, “Alright. Let’s blow that door and get out of here. I can’t wait to see how much a fully operational Enforcer will sell for!” “Captain, there are still allies in front of the gate.” “Then aim a little higher.” Slim resumed using the voice of the former captain of the ship as she ordered, “Top deck cannons, target the front gate of Agastar.” Sonja recovered from her tumble, and she saw two giants fighting Arianna. The immortal giantess stood on all fours in front of one of the giants, and rapidly switched to a hand stand so she could catch the man’s head in her ankles. She then pulled back to pick him up and crack his head against the ground. She snapped his neck to finish the job, and thus leave her with only one opponent. The gates had yet to open, so Sonja had to help her allies. She noticed Brianna’s severed arm nearby, and saw the glaive still held in its clutches. She pried the weapon free, and grabbed her sword as she rushed the enemy giantess. The moment she reached Arianna, she swung both weapons, cutting through the larger giant’s body. She then swung her sword for the head, and her blade went directly between Arianna’s jaws. The red-head’s eyes narrowed, and she bit down hard, breaking some of her own teeth as she bit the giant sword in half. Sonja tossed her broken weapon aside, and as Arianna pounced upon her, she thrust the glaive forward, impaling the immortal’s gut. The blow did not even phase the red-head as she landed atop Sonja and pinned her to the ground. The enemy giantess opened her jaws wide, her sharp teeth dripping with blood, and her throat gaping to consume royal flesh. The killing bite never came, as the remaining giant got ahold of Arianna and pulled her off his queen. The giantess flailed and bit at the air as she struggled to get free, but the stronger male giant had her restrained. She saw that the glaive was still in her gut, so she changed tactics. Her arms went backwards to wrap around the restraining giant, and her feet grabbed the handle of the glaive to shove the weapon completely through her and into the giant’s chest. He gasped in pain and shock, and finally collapsed. Arianna retrieved the glaive, and as she tried to use it on Sonja, the blond giantess ran forward and got her own hands on the handle. There, the two giant women wrestled for control of the weapon. Naomi was losing her own battle, but as futile as her efforts were, she could not give up. Brianna grabbed her by the neck, and picked her up so the two giants were at eye level. This position was all too familiar for both giants, and it finally got the Royal Elite to remember who this giantess was, as well as the events that played out the last time they met. The blond smiled, showing her sharp teeth, and she growled, “Now, it’s your turn…” Her mouth opened wide, and her bottom jaw split in half to grant her horrific maw its full biting span. She brought Naomi in closer to bite into her flesh, but the smaller giantess had one last trick up her sleeve. She pulled out a hidden blade, and jammed it up through Brianna’s mouth and into her brain. The immortal giantess appeared irritated by the attack, and she tossed Naomi away before she pulled the blade out from between her closing jaws. She held the bloody blade to plunge into the smaller giantess, and Naomi could only hold her arm up to shield herself from what was about to come. The strike never came, as the biggest cannons of the Enforcer began to fire upon the doors to the palace, the target which Brianna was standing directly in front of. Naomi took cover from the storm of shells, but the larger giantess was given no such luxury as one of the projectiles struck her directly, blowing her to pieces. The Queen was far from concerned by the attack on her city. She knew nothing would reach the gate, let alone break it down, and so she casually made her way to her throne room to wait out the end of the Resistance. In the rafters above, Okami were perched, waiting for the right time to strike out at the giantess. Zera observed The Queen, and noticed a sparkling jewel at the center of her crown. The King’s Jewel had not been destroyed. The wolf-girl rolled her eyes; the Resistance had been incompetent for as long as she’d known them, why would things change now? As always, when her allied forces proved themselves to be useless, it fell to her to get the job done. She whispered to her packmates, “On my signal, we attack.” The giantess walked even closer, and once she was directly beneath them, Zera gave the signal. The yokai jumped from the rafters, long spears in hand as they descended upon the giantess. The Queen did not suspect a thing until her shoulders and neck were impaled. Zera saw a spear pierce a vital artery in the neck, and heard The Queen exclaim, so she knew her victory was near. Zera landed on the giant’s face, and looked into her eye as she demanded, “Look at me, bitch! I want to watch you die!” The pupil turned toward her, and The Queen did not let out her death moans, but rather began to laugh. “Zera, you’ve finally returned to me.” The giantess brushed the yokai off of her body as if shooing away flies, and Zera quickly jumped off herself to come to the aid of those who were knocked unconscious by the brush of the fingers. She drew a spear as she fell toward one of the okami, and caught him in her arms before throwing the spear at the Queen’s knee. A rope tied between her and the spear aided to slow the rate of her fall, and she landed with a rough tumble on the sandy ground. Other wolves landed nearby, though some failed to catch themselves and died on impact. Zera looked up at The Queen, who looked down at her smugly as she stated, “Have you come to swear allegiance to me once again? I must say, I’m not impressed by these pets you’ve brought for me.” Zera replied, “We’ve not come to serve you. We’re going to kill you.” The King’s Jewel began to glow, and Zera’s conviction to kill was taken from her, and instead replaced only with the desire to bow to this great monarch. She and the other wolves fell to their hands and knees, and The Queen stated, “Do you see how much easier this is? Little wolf, you always bowed to me, and you still bow to me, because you know your only purpose is to serve me. You think finding a handful of mongrels in the forest changes that? Allow me to correct that perspective.” The King’s Jewel glowed again, and this time, all of the living okami around Zera drew their daggers, and used them to slit their own throats. “No! Stop!” Zera exclaimed to her pack, but they did not listen as they committed suicide. The Queen laughed at the display, and said, “Don’t be so dramatic. Everyone around you dies, whatever made you think they would be any different?” The sight of her pack lying dead around her filled her heart with anger. In her anger, she felt the touch of her magic, and the golden jewel of her earring began to glow. She felt the command of the King’s Jewel diminishing, and quite to The Queen’s surprise, she got back to her feet, straining all the way. The King’s Jewel glowed again, trying to enforce The Queen’s rule upon Zera, and the okami responded in kind. She gave everything to this giantess, and it had all been for nothing. Being a Headhunter had only taken away that which she cared about; all of her sacrifice ended with her being sentenced to the raping stomach of a tentaclus, and now fresh pain had been added to the list of hate she had for this monarch. She held her hand out to the giantess, feeling every bone, every organ inside of her, and she bent and broke them. The Queen looked to be in pain, but whatever damage Zera’s magic could do was quickly undone by her immortality. The yokai would not quit though; all this delay meant was that the giantess would suffer for longer, which was exactly what she deserved. “Enough!” The Queen exclaimed, and the golden jewel cracked and shattered. The moment that happened, Zera lost her connection to magic, and she let out a startled cry as she was forced back to her knees. The giantess was visibly angered, and looked to be contemplating horrible ways she could do away with the wolf-girl. Headhunters entered the chamber, surrounding Zera, but they waited for their monarch’s orders before they took any further action. An explosion rattled the door to her throne room, and The Queen realized the Resistance had successfully reached her gate, in spite of how impossible it seemed. It was disappointing she could not finish Zera herself, but she had other matters to attend to now. She looked to her Headhunters, and ordered, “Deal with her.” With the order given, The Queen turned away, and the pull of the King’s Jewel vanished. Zera got back to her feet, and the Headhunters surrounded her and escorted her out of the throne room. “Target is hit!” Slim cheered. Vyxariah grinned at the carnage the warship was causing. Perhaps she could keep it for herself rather than sell it… As the smoke cleared, the kitsune saw the doors had not been blown off as she thought they would; they were barely even dented. “What are we going to do now Captain?” Slim asked. Vyxariah bit her lip, thinking through her situation for a bit. The enemy fleet was returning from its battle against Resistance forces, and she was unsure she would be able to hold off their ships while also blowing all of her ammo trying to break down the door. She was an exceptionally famous pirate, and though Sonja may have been willing to let her escape, she doubted The Queen would be so forgiving. If she ran away now, she might be able to escape enemy forces, guaranteeing the death of the Resistance and victory for The Queen. But if she stayed, she could help the Resistance win, but it was still just as likely that they’d lose. With one scenario there was a small chance of success, while the other was a guaranteed loss, it was clear which option had the better odds. She reluctantly ordered, “Turn the ship toward the city, activate thrusters and ram the door.” “But Captain, I thought…” “Don’t question me or I’ll start questioning me. Just do it before I come to my senses.” “As you command.” Sonja held tight to the handle of the glaive, and having had enough of this wrestling match, Arianna finally let the weapon go and kicked the queen away. Sonja managed to get back to her feet, and Arianna got back on all fours to hiss at her. Before their battle could resume, the blond looked above and saw the Enforcer sailing toward the city, straight at her location. She had no idea what game the pirate was playing, but she was not going to stand around to find out, and she quickly ran out of the ship’s path. Her actions confused Arianna, and when the giantess looked over her shoulders to see the bow of a golden airship diving toward her, she quickly panicked and ran for the stairs. The airship was right behind her, and it was moving far too fast for her to outrun. The ship touched down directly on top of her, and the giantess screeched as the warship crushed her and grinded her into red paste across the stairs of Agastar. The Enforcer rocketed up the stairs, it’s bulk tearing through pillars as it sailed between them, and then the moment of truth came when it finally reached the doors. Its bow bent harshly as it came to an abrupt halt, and in response, the doors were pushed inward until they finally snapped their reinforcing bars. The doors swung open, and the ship rested where it fell. With the doors open, Sonja climbed onto the Enforcer, and with glaive in hand, passed the threshold into The Queen’s throne room. The Royal Fleet sailed back toward Agastar, finding the city in chaos. Slaves were rebelling, and in a war of attrition against the city’s army. The arrival of the fleet would certainly turn this battle around, meaning it was just a matter of time before order was restored. Naomi coughed out dust, and brushed the grime from her body as she recovered from nearly being killed by a barrage and being run over by the same ship that sent it. If she ever saw that pirate again, she was going to have some very choice words for her. In the meantime, she found a young slave boy pounding at some rubble and trying to dig away at it. Someone he cared about was buried beneath. Seeing this, the giantess dug her own fingers into the rubble, her much larger size allowing her to pull far more off at a time, and she managed to unbury the slave trapped within. The boy ran among the rubble, and helped his mother out of it. The slaves embraced each other, then looked up fearfully at the giantess before they moved away from the chaos. Naomi had no doubt there were even more people in peril, many of whom were innocent. True she enjoyed eating humanoids, but she did not believe they deserved all of this: their cities burning and collapsing on top of them as giants fought a war to help them. And so, she decided to dig through the rubble to try to help as many of them as she could, civilian and soldier alike. Brianna opened her eyes, her pupils having turned to slits, and her corneas burning red. The blast from the Enforcer’s turrets reduced her body to a head, shoulders, and arms, and though her body was starting to restore itself, she was still furious. She could see the Enforcer crashed nearby, and in a rage, she moved to deal with its captain. Vyxariah looked around at the broken panels of the bridge, and she whined, “Oh my ship!” “Are you alright captain?” Slim asked, setting a hand on the kitsune’s shoulders. Vyxariah told her first mate, “Next time I give an order like that, feel free to mutiny.” She looked through the broken glass toward the bent and wrinkled metal that was once the bow of her ship, and there she saw something very odd. A hand with long fingers and claws rose over the edge of the ship, and it pulled what was left of its owner into view. Green scales covered Brianna’s body, and her face had deformed unpleasantly. It became apparent why when the giantess turned her attention to the bridge and roared at them. Not only did her bottom jaw split outward, her face also split in half, revealing a grotesque interior to a four-pronged mouth. “Now that is ugly!” The yokai exclaimed. As the giantess began to drag herself toward them, Slim asked, “Are we going to die Captain?” “Probably.” Vyxariah answered, getting the slime to start babbling irrationally. The kitsune rolled her eye and stated, “Slim, either lose the negative attitude or I’m going to shoot you out of a cannon.” The statement actually gave her a brilliant idea, and her tail wagged as she rushed out of the room, ordering, “Come with me Slim! I’m going to shoot you out of a cannon.” Brianna crawled ever closer to her target, dragging her recovering body behind her as bones and organs began to reform in exposed air. She cared nothing for it though, as she finally reached the bridge. She dug her claws into the glass, and then pried the roof off the ship to access the interior. To her surprise, there was no one there. She wondered where the pilots went, and then she noticed a turret turning in her direction, as if its intent was to fire on her. She’d already taken one blast, and another would certainly not be the end of her. She was immortal, invincible, and she roared at the small turret to let whoever was inside know they were dead the moment she got her hands on them. “That’s right, smile for me.” Vyxariah said as she lined up her shot for the gaping mouth-head, and then fired the cannon, sending a ball of slime directly at her. The slime hit its mark, and the giantess gagged and choked before she managed to swallow whatever landed in her mouth. “Huh… I thought that would work…” the kitsune stated with surprise and disappointment. The giantess laughed at how feeble the attack was, and then reached out toward the turret. She felt something strange inside her, and a moment later, something began to bubble out of the hole in her chest. Brianna grabbed the slimy substance, pulling it out and examining it between her fingers. More slime began to bubble out of another hole in her body, and she slapped it to try to smear it away. Before long, the slime was starting to burn at her insides, and then protrude from her skin with its own efforts. The giantess screamed, and tried to pull the ever-growing slime from her body, but the more she got a grip on it, the more it got a grip on her, and her struggles to remove it were only getting her tangled up in the sticky creature. The slime was consuming her, even as her body struggled to restore itself, granting the monster an unlimited source of biomass to devour and grow upon. The slime eventually became so massive, that it completely enveloped the giantess inside itself. The silhouette of Brianna was visible through the ever-expanding bubble, squirming and writhing with pain as the acids became stronger. The slime was digesting her faster than her body could repair itself, and her flesh was eaten away, followed by her skeleton, and then she was gone. A giant-sized bubble had formed on top of the Enforcer, and its body glowed and pulsed as it spoke, “The power… The absolute power!” Alexia marveled at the sight of what her slime had become, and she gasped, “You are so beautiful!” Would the slime be angry with her for shooting her out of a cannon? Regardless if she was or not, would she think it was time for someone else to be in charge? Vyxariah almost hoped Slim would come for her. To feel that cold slime envelope her entire body, strip her of her clothes, and violate her intimately while digesting her both inside and out. What a great way to go! That was not her fate, even if Slim wanted to act on it. A battleship saw the massive target available, and its cannons opened fire, striking the slime center mass. The blob burst, and Vyxariah watched Slim disappear in an instant within the light of a fiery explosion. Sonja was unaware of anything that happened outside after her entry into the palace. She had come for one thing, and one thing alone. That very person she came for sat upon her throne, proud and commanding of awe, and quite to Sonja’s despair, the King’s Jewel still resting on her brow. The Queen spoke to her new arrival. “Welcome, little queen Sonja. We meet at last.”
Battle for Skyvale Pt 4 – The True Queen Zera followed the Headhunters to a backroom, the hooded figures keeping a close eye on her until they reached their destination. Once the group finally stopped, the okami looked around at the group as she waited for one of them to make a move on her, and she asked, “So, what are we waiting for?” “I wondered how weak you had become.” One of the Headhunters spoke with a voice she recognized: Ophius, “There was a time you would have killed us all just to make a point, yet now you do our bidding without fuss.” The okami growled lowly, and the Chief Headhunter insulted her further by displaying one of his arms, revealing the Rider’s Blade that she used to wield herself. “I will give you credit though, these weapons are truly fitting for the leader of the Headhunters.” “You are unfit to wield them.” She barked. “Is that so? And what makes you more worthy than I?” “Those blades belong to me.” “As I said, they are only fit for the leader of the Headhunters, a title which you lost along with your magic. Without your little tricks to save you, you are beneath me.” “We’ll just see.” She drew her axes and attacked the man, and he quickly lashed his hand out at her. She recoiled, expecting to be on the receiving end of a blade, but instead he tossed powder into her face. The yokai shook her head and sneezed as she inhaled some of the dust, and then the world around her became a blur. Ophius spoke to her, “We knew you would return to us Zera. You think someone like you can just walk away, and we wouldn’t follow you. We have always been watching you.” She saw herself in the forest, butchering her latest kill, and unbeknownst to her, she was being watched. A lizard-man appeared, his scales camouflaging him to the tree which he hid in. As Zera’s mind managed to focus on the real world around her, she noticed this same lizard was one of the Headhunters circling around her. Her mind again lost focus, and Ophius said, “You have tried so desperately to rebuild the world you lost. A world you held so tightly in your arms.” She saw Rina, the beautiful wolf smiling at her and holding her arms out to welcome her to her pack. It felt so real to Zera, she could practically smell the other wolf-girl. She knew she was dead, but seeing her physically in front of her made her want to embrace even more. “A world you allowed to slip through your fingers.” The moment Zera wrapped her arms around Rina, her body softened, liquified, and splashed onto the ground as a pool of blood and slime. As Zera backed away from the remains, she tried to block out the imagery her mind was showing her. “It isn’t real… it’s not real!” She felt a touch at her shoulder, and turned to fight whatever was attacking her. Her hand held as she saw Shadow standing before her, smiling at her, and staring at her with his loving blue eyes. She reached out and pet his snout, feeling his smooth hard scales under her palm. “You watched them die, and they died because of you.” The light in Shadow’s eyes faded, and the dragon began to collapse. Zera tried to catch him, but his body fell apart the moment she touched him, leaving only his skull in her hands. Zera shut her eyes, but not even that could stop the visions she was receiving from the drug powder. “They died because you were not there to save them.” She felt sun, could smell wolves, saw the hut village set in the crevasse of a mountain. Knowing what she was about to witness, she begged, “No! Not that! Stop!” She tried to focus anywhere but the memories of her loved ones, but when she opened her eyes, her memories were all she saw. She could see her first pack, her real pack, her true family. They were all carefree, joyously playing together, and happy to see her. And then they were no more. The bodies of her family were crushed, strewn across the rocks, dead and mangled at her feet. As desperately as she tried to block out the horrible vision, it only became more clear, and as fresh and painful as it had been when she first lost her family. She dropped to her knees, tears filling her eyes as the pain of her family’s death filled her heart and mind. “No… Not again…” She whined, her ears drooping sadly. The vision faded, bringing her back to the dark room of Agastar, and leaving only the emotional damage to her heart. Ophius told her, “You could not save your family; you could not save your dragon. And you will not save her.” Who was her? Zera wondered, and as she raised her head, she was shocked to find, “Pyrrah!?” “Mother!” The little wolf struggled in the grasp of a Headhunter, and when she looked up to his face to demand he let her daughter go, his eyes glowed. The Headhunter was a lamia, and he had just caught the wolf under his hypnotizing spell. Zera’s will was no longer her own as she came to her feet, and Ophius handed her a dagger as he suggested, “Now you shall fail in the ultimate way before you die.” The snake-man held Pyrrah tightly while he ordered, “Kill her.” In her head, Zera was screaming desperately for her body not to move, but it was no longer hers to control. This was her own daughter! Her own flesh and blood! She couldn’t be responsible for her death! She couldn’t fail Pyrrah like she had failed everyone else. The memories of everyone she had ever loved, everyone she would never have again, they all filled her mind so that all she could see was what she had lost. “But you do not see her…” Zera’s wolf spirit spoke in her head, breaking a gap through the visions of her lost loved ones so she could see Pyrrah. The little wolf she left to save, and who was now going to die at her own hand. She wished she had given her daughter a mother’s love, that was what Pyrrah deserved all this time, and Zera never gave it to her. Her body hesitated, temporarily loosening the lamia’s grip on her. Why? Zera wondered as she looked to her daughter once again. She realized what her spirit was trying to tell her. All this time she had fought to save those she cared about, but her drive to protect pulled her away from her loved ones, regardless of their protests and desires to have her in their lives. Because of this, she gave up the precious time she could have had with them while they were still alive. Pyrrah was a blessing, and Zera squandered her foolishly, just as she had everyone else in her life. Be it seconds or years, she wanted to be with her daughter and love her for the rest of her life. Tears blurred her vision as she clung desperately to that desire, and her body hesitated further. She paused in front of Pyrrah, actively resisting the order to kill. Displeased, the lamia concentrated harder as he ordered, “Kill her!” Zera’s eyes flickered between a hypnotized daze, and a gold glow as she looked intently at her daughter. Her hand reached out, touching Pyrrah gently, and she said, “I’m sorry.” She was sorry she was never the mother her daughter deserved, and was even more sorry for what she was about to do. Her hand pulled away, and the dagger thrust forward, piercing flesh. A cry of pain broke Zera’s trance, and she saw she had pulled her daughter out of the way so the knife could lodge itself in the lamia’s gut. The surprise of everyone in the room was obvious, but would not last long. She had to act now! Zera pulled the blade up, ripping up the snake’s torso and allowing his guts to spill out. Once the blade found its way out through his neck, she tossed it at a second Headhunter, and the weapon lodged itself in the woman’s eye. The only Headhunters that were left were Ophius, and one wielding a large sword. No, there was a third, the lizard-man! The yokai was invisible, and he used his camouflage to cut the wolf-girl’s leg. Zera flailed blindly, but her attack missed her assailant. It did not help that she struggled to move properly on her hurt leg, meaning the remaining Headhunters would be much harder to deal with. She used her axes to parry attacks, but the Rider’s Blades cut through stone and wood with ease, leaving her defenseless between two executioners. As the Headhunter with the big sword rushed her, she got ahold of him, and tripped him to cause him to fall between herself and Ophius, where the black blades of the lead Headhunter’s gauntlets lodged into ally flesh. The lizard-man appeared again, slicing at her with sharp blades. Zera managed to get out of reach, then lunged forward to try to grab him. The enemy yokai flipped his cape in her face, causing her to flinch, and when she recovered from the shock, he had vanished once again. Her hand had managed to grasp something, and it turned out to be a storage cube. She couldn’t think about that at the moment, as she could not see one of her enemies. Her vision was not her only sense however, and as a wolf, it was not her strongest either. She could smell his lizard musk, and hear his footfalls as he ran around her. Then he moved in, coming at her back. She kicked backward, intercepting the yokai before he could land an attack. Before he could vanish again, Zera held the storage cube to his chest, and activated the device. The humanoid cried out as his body began to be sucked into the small cube, but that problem was soon replaced by another. Zera deactivated the suction, and left the Headhunter standing without a torso. Now there was only one opponent left. Ophius took his opportunity, and ran one of his blades across her upper arm, slicing through muscle. The okami exclaimed with pain, and caught the man’s arms before he could do more damage. Her arm was far too pained for her to use her full strength to outmuscle him, and her leg was unable to hold her up. The burned man overpowered her, and prepared to drive the black blades into her. Suddenly, Ophius cried out, and Zera saw Pyrrah had driven a dagger into his back. The man kicked her away, and then aimed a blade at her to fire. Zera caught the arm a moment before the blade fired, and the weapon missed, lodging itself into the wall instead. Before Ophius could do anything about it, Zera mustered her strength to point the second blade away, and then her thumb squeezed the proper button to send that blade into a wall as well. Her hands found the controls of both weapons, and she activated the switches to have the chains retract. The blades, stuck as they were, did not return to the man, but rather the chains pulled the Headhunter’s arms wide apart. He was in pain, but it was about to become much worse. Zera got behind him, and using her good arm, she dug her claws into his eyes. He screamed as blood and eye jelly oozed out around the okami’s fingers, and she growled to him, “I told you I’d take your head.” With her grip in his eye sockets, she pulled up. The skin of his neck tore, and blood gushed from arteries as his head was pulled from his shoulders. The fight was over. Zera dropped Ophius’s head onto the floor, and collapsed herself, having worn herself out. Pyrrah walked to her, and seeing her daughter was alive, Zera reached out and wrapped her arms around the young pup to embrace her. She never should have let her daughter go, and she never would again. It did not matter to her who won dominion over Skyvale, all that mattered was getting her daughter out of this evil city. In the throne room, Sonja found herself standing before The Queen. Even when sitting, the evil giantess towered hundreds of feet above her, but the smaller giantess still approached the throne. The Queen spoke, “I must say, the way you’ve inspired the humans to stand against me has been quite a nuisance. And now, here you are, to kill me yourself?” “For your crimes? Yes.” Sonja answered. It did not escape her notice that the room was lined with soldiers, all of which were pointing their firearms at her. The Queen gave a wave of her fingers, getting the soldiers to stand down, and she informed, “No need to fear them, they shall not interfere with us. They are here to witness your defeat, and then spread the word across all of Skyvale the fate of their beloved traitor queen.” She sat back in her throne, looking very relaxed before she finished, “Now, you came here for a reason did you not? What are you waiting for?” A question Sonja asked herself, and without an answer, she picked up her glaive like a spear, and threw it as hard as she could at The Queen. The glaive never reached its mark, as the King’s Jewel glowed, and the weapon stropped in mid-air. “Is that the best you can do?” The weapon snapped, and fell to the floor in pieces. “And the Resistance really believed a mere child could oppose me.” Sonja informed, “They don’t fight for me, they fight for themselves. You torture and murder them for fun, and treat them like they’re lower than dirt. When you treat your people as such, they will always rebel.” “You stupid child.” The Queen laughed, “This revolt changes nothing. By day’s end the last of the Resistance will be dead, as is the fate of all who defy my rule. The fear of death will keep all subjects in check.” “Your own slaves stand against you.” “An unfortunate loss to the stock, but there are always more slaves, ones who will know to stay in line.” “Those ‘slaves’ are people. They may be small, but they’re no different from you or me. I will not allow you to harm them; I will reclaim the throne you stole from my family!” The Queen laughed ever louder, “You think these insects are equal to giants? It was poor delusional giants like yourself that caused the humans to think they could rise from their station. We were made to rule, and they were made to serve us, that is the truth of the world. Without leadership, the humans act without reason, and are devoured by chaos.” The King’s Jewel glowed, and holo-com lights projected imagery throughout the throne room. The 3D image on display was of the streets of Agastar, where soldiers and slaves could be seen killing each other. “Look at them die.” The Queen said, “Anarchy is the fault of the insects. To let them think they have free will, to let them think they can change their pathetic lives, invites them only to their own destruction.” A warship opened fire on the streets, killing both enemy and ally within the blast radius, and the projection faded. The Queen gestured to her own soldiers lining the room then, and told Sonja, “Mankind must be stripped of such ideals as choice and ambition; they are beneath such privileges. They must know their lives are all equal in value, that they all exist to serve the same purpose. That purpose is to live and die under the command of a higher power, their master… me.” “But who are we to decide what’s right for them?” Sonja protested, having enough of The Queen’s philosophy. “Just as the humans were made to serve, it is our nature to rule them. Do not bother denying it, you cannot tell me you have not had servants, nor indulged in the flesh of these humans you claim to be so equal.” Sonja recoiled, not wanting to admit that The Queen was right; she did not want to admit to being the same as the monster who sat before her. “That’s different…” She tried to justify herself, but The Queen just grinned, having caught Sonja as a hypocrite. In the rafters above the throne, Wesley had finally reached The Queen again. He held the Night Blade in hand, but he did not know how he could possibly reach the King’s Jewel from here. There had to be a way though, and he had to find it soon; Sonja could not keep the giantess entertained with their bickering for long. The Queen continued her lecture, “You know I am right. The humans are inferior, but you do not accept it. That is why you are unfit to rule.” “But you have no right…” “I have the only right.” The Queen interrupted sternly. “I was born to royalty, but my worthless brothers would inherit the throne before me. So, I killed them, I killed everyone I had to in order to ensure the throne would be mine.” “Then you are nothing but a tyrant.” “Your family were the tyrants. I, on the other hand, am the daughter of the last true king of the giants. I am the rightful ruler of Skyvale.” Who was she talking about? No giant thought as The Queen had for thousands of years. Sonja’s mind began to think back to the prophecy told by the warlock. Even though she did not receive the visual spectacle Wesley had, she still heard Quintzet’s words. “Your father was King Magerus?” It was not possible, but The Queen did not deny it. Instead, she confirmed that to be the case, “You know him, and so you recognize that Skyvale is my kingdom. Its people, its creatures, the entire planet are of my domain.” Sonja stood in silence, and The Queen smirked cruelly, “Now you realize your treachery. Not to worry; I, being a merciful ruler, shall grant you a quick death.” She raised her hand, and the King’s Jewel glowed brightly as she announced to her soldiers, “Bear witness to the end of the war!” Thinking of the names of Magerus’s children, there was only one daughter whose fate was not revealed, and Sonja spoke the name in her last words as she concluded, “You’re Nerissa!?” At that name, The Queen hesitated, then scowled, “Do not utter that name! I am the one true queen, and all shall know me as such! I have no equal, none who may use my name! All shall bow at my feet. You shall bow as well.” The King’s Jewel began to glow, imposing The Queen’s will upon Sonja to force the blond giantess to bow. Sonja flinched, expecting she would lose control of her body at any second, but it never happened. Confused and angered, The Queen got to her feet, and ordered, “I said bow!” The jewel glowed ever brighter, but Sonja did not even feel a hint of its pull. “How is this possible?” She wondered, then the warlock’s words once again came back to her. “Magerus feared the power he had created, and so decreed that the King’s Jewel would have no power over one with his own blood. However, this meant that his own offspring would resist the power as well. Millenia later, a descendent of Adel would return to the world, to reclaim the throne which had been taken from her family. She would be the true queen, and Skyvale would be hers to rule.” Sonja’s green eyes widened upon realization, and she spoke her thoughts out loud, “I am the last descendant of Prince Adel, your older brother.” She looked up to The Queen, and finished, “That means I am the true queen of Skyvale.” This news did not sit well with The Queen, and in fury, she kicked Sonja across her throne room. Sonja recovered from the impact, and worked to get up again to face her enemy. The King’s Jewel glowed as The Queen held her hands outward, and fire from braziers streamed toward her outstretched hands. The giantess cast her hands forward, and Sonja had to dive out of the way as fire rushed toward her. The stream of fire missed, but when that attack failed, The Queen resorted to a different weapon: her own palace. Chunks of metal were ripped from the wall, and were flung at Sonja. The smaller giantess tried to avoid the wreckage, but the quantity of projectiles caused some to strike her, while others planted in the ground around her to trap her. Soon she became completely encased in a small shell of metal, and was threatened to be crushed by it. The Queen held her hand in the air, ready to smash the young giantess as she proclaimed, “Skyvale is my kingdom! It always will be!” Above her head, Wesley crouched at the end of his beam. He knew what he had to do, but he was unsure if he could go through with it. In his contemplation, Calin’s words spoke in his mind, “The battle ahead will be chaos; it could all be decided in one pivotal moment…” Sonja was caught, and seconds away from being killed. She couldn’t fight her way out of this, and if she died because he did nothing, he could never forgive himself. This was the pivotal moment when everything would be decided, and he had to act now. He clutched the Night Blade tightly, then dropped from the rafters. As he fell, he pointed the blade toward its target, and his strike was true. The Night Blade wedged between the King’s Jewel and The Queen’s crown, and with a sharp jerk, he dislodged the relic from its crown. Without the King’s Jewel in her possession, The Queen lost her connection to the metal surrounding Sonja, and the shell collapsed to free the giantess. Sonja was unsure of what just happened, but when she looked toward The Queen, she saw a large glowing crystal falling in front of her, and falling along beside it, was Wesley. The fall from The Queen’s head was very long. Wesley may have regretted his decision, knowing that he was going to die the moment his body impacted the ground. However, the King’s Jewel was out of The Queen’s grasp; and Sonja was saved. He could die in peace, knowing the giantess he loved would be safe. With the ground nearing, he shut his eyes, and waited for the end. An instant before he hit the ground, a hand enveloped him. Sonja had dashed forward, reaching for her husband, and wound up tackling The Queen’s leg in the process, breaking the limb. The Queen cried out, and toppled backwards, breaking her own throne from the weight of her impact. Sonja did not care about her enemy at the moment. She opened her hand, and found Wesley laying on her palm next to the King’s Jewel. His eyes were closed, and she worried he may not have survived in spite of her efforts. After giving him a gentle nudge with her fingers though, he opened his eyes, and he smiled up at her. “Hi!” He exclaimed with relief. “Hello, my little man.” She answered, a smile on her own face as she was happy to have saved him. Now they had a much bigger problem to deal with. The Queen’s leg snapped back into place, and as she got back to her feet, she ordered to her soldiers, “Kill her!” The surrounding soldiers took aim, and opened fire. Sonja closed her hand to protect Wesley as she felt the pricks and stings of bullets. Through the pain, she felt something else, the King’s Jewel. She was of royal blood, and with this jewel in her hand, her commands would be obeyed by all. She held the jewel in the air, and its glow shined between her fingers as she ordered, “Stop!” At the command, the soldiers all ceased firing. “Run away! Run for lives!” Once again, the soldiers obeyed, dropping their weapons and fleeing from the throne room as fast as their legs could carry them. Now it was just Sonja and The Queen. Sonja held the jewel out toward her enemy, and The Queen mocked, “That relic has no power over me.” She was in no danger from this small giantess, so she did not know why she was sweating over it. She wiped her brow to get rid of the dampening fluid, and as her arm pulled away, she noticed something strange. The fluid was rising up off of her skin. All over her body, sparkling clear liquid secreted from her, floated into the air, and evaporated without a trace. “What is this!?” The Queen asked, and Sonja answered, “You may be of royal blood, but the waters of life are not. You are mortal.” The giantess shivered as she watched the last drops of water leave her fingertips, and once they were gone, her hands became wrinkled. In seconds, The Queen had gone from a beautiful middle-aged woman, to an old crone. Realizing what was happening to her, she looked to Sonja, and commanded, “Give me the jewel!” The fear was evident in her voice, but Sonja only backed away. “Give me the jewel!” The Queen exclaimed, but it was already too late for her. Her skin aged, became thin, and hugged tight to the bones of her withering body. Her eyes and tongue sunk into her skull, and she soon appeared as a slender, walking corpse. She took a step forward, desperate to reach the jewel, but her bones could no longer handle her weight, they were too brittle, and her legs snapped. The giantess toppled forward, her bones shattering on impact, and her crown bounced across the floor, its horns breaking and its platinum frame denting. Aging thousands of years in mere moments, The Queen’s body was reduced to dust, indistinguishable from the sand that covered the floor of her throne room.
End of an Age The battle raged between the soldiers and slaves throughout Agastar. So many were ready to spill blood, to kill each other, and many were doing just that. Then, all at once, their drives to murder were stripped from them. Soldier and civilian alike looked to the front gate of Agastar, and there they saw Queen Sonja with the King’s Jewel glowing in her hand. She proclaimed, “The war is over! The Queen is dead!” As proof, she rolled The Queen’s crown down the stairs across the ruined deck of the Enforcer. She proclaimed to all of Agastar, “I am Queen Sonja! The true queen of Skyvale, and I shall bring a new age of piece to my kingdom!” Upon realizing their monarch was no more, the soldiers looked to each other, and they willingly threw their weapons to the ground to surrender. Some made a run for their ships, trying to get as far away from the city as possible before they could suffer whatever retribution Sonja had for them. She allowed anyone to leave who wanted to. She would be a different queen to the monster Skyvale had become accustomed to. As she looked to the crystal in her hand, she felt powerful, as if it would be so easy to force any potential threats to accept the new world she wished to create. She would be a good leader, and her laws would truly be just. Her gaze fell upon Wesley then, and she told him, “Look at this Wesley. We’ve won! And now with the King’s Jewel, we can bring peace to all of Skyvale!” Wesley clutched the Night Blade tightly, and replied, “We can’t do that Sonja, not with the King’s Jewel! Look at all the trouble it has caused; it has to be destroyed.” “The problem only occurred because an evil giantess had a hand on it. I hold it now, and I can use it for good!” “No good can come from it.” The giantess stated sternly, “I’m the queen, and you will listen to me!” The king’s Jewel glowed, and Wesley suddenly dropped into an obedient bow. Sonja smiled, pleased to not be hearing any more protest, and she said, “Such power. The scars of this world are nothing; I can end all conflict with a snap of my fingers and restore peace to my world.” Then she heard something else, pleading. “Sonja please… don’t force your will on them. Please be the ruler your people need; do not tell them who they need to be…” “I’m not telling them who they should be. I’ll do only what is necessary to enrich the lives of all people of Skyvale. So many people died to get us this far; how many more do you want to see die to get the rest of the way?” “You can’t solve all conflict by telling people to ‘stop’.” “I can, because this Jewel will ensure that everyone will see reason.” “Then how are you any different from The Queen?” Sonja scowled, “I’m not like her. Stop comparing me to her Wesley! I’m not like…” She stopped herself as she caught the tone she was taking with him. Her eyes widened as she realized The Queen was right, and both horrified and disgusted with herself, she let the King’s Jewel slip from her fingers. Its glow faded, and its influence over Wesley released. Giants were made to be superior to humans, that belief was what sparked the creation of the King’s Jewel in the first place. If Sonja truly believed her husband was equal to her, then she could never use a relic that ensured her own superiority, no matter how true her rule would be. “I’m sorry.” She apologized, setting her husband gently on the ground. “I was so stupid! You are right, the jewel has to be destroyed. Its evil can never be allowed to terrorize Skyvale again.” Wesley worried what Sonja was becoming with her new taste for power, but now he saw his wife’s regret for her actions. He assured her, “I know you want what’s best for everyone. So guide us as our queen, and trust your people.” He saw the King’s Jewel not far away, and knew with the weapon in his hand, he could bring an end to its evil. Wesley rubbed Sonja’s thumb, and asked her, “Will you help me? The jewel was brought into this world to separate humans and giants, so let’s have a giant and human work together to destroy it.” She nodded in agreement. She picked up the jewel once again, and held it in front of him. Wesley aimed the point of the Night Blade at the top of the King’s Jewel, and then he thrust forward. Energy burst from the relic, spiraling skyward as the crystal cracked. As the King’s Jewel began to break, so too did the Night Blade, and finally, both relics shattered. Light and dark flowed together in an explosion, but neither the giant nor the human were harmed by it as the dark powers of the warlocks were released and disappeared into the air. A sin of the past had been corrected, and now Skyvale could truly be free of its tyranny. Sonja looked back to the crowd of humans, who appeared marveled and confused by the display. She explained to them, “No monarch should ever have such control over others as what the King’s Jewel provided. We are all individuals, and for us to live together, we must allow one another to live their own lives. People of Skyvale, you are free to rule yourselves!” Vyxariah watched the destruction of the King’s Jewel from a distance. Even at the edge of the city, the light of its explosion could be seen, and the cheer that followed echoed across the entire plateau. The kitsune announced, “I’m Captain Vyxariah! I’m still alive! And I… need a vacation…” She plopped down on the roof of the building she stood upon as her exhaustion finally caught up with her. A new person joined her on the roof minutes later, it was Slim. “Slim? You’re still alive!?” The yokai exclaimed, pleasantly surprised. The slime responded, “Barely. I was just blown apart!” “And you recovered from it.” “Captain, do you know what it’s like to be turned into a thousand tiny pieces, all of which I was mentally linked to as they got disintegrated in an instant!?” “Can’t say I do, but you’re a slime, you just put yourself back together.” “Yeah, but I’m not invulnerable! That really hurt!” “Well, I’m sorry you had such a rough day.” She really didn’t sound very sympathetic, but at the same time, Slim had never heard Vyxariah apologize before. That it was directed toward her actually pleased the slime, and she said, “Apology accepted Captain!” As the kitsune laid on her back, something caught the scent of her womanhood, and craving the smell of it, it slithered for her nether region rapidly. Vyxariah’s squeaked as she felt something try to penetrate her, and Slim exclaimed, “Watch out captain!” the slime reached between the yokai’s legs, and pulled a long grey worm away that had tried to invade her. “What is that!?” the kitsune exclaimed. “It’s a baby tentaclus.” Slim informed. The kitsune had heard of that species, but had never seen one for herself. Apparently, they could survive entirely on sexual fluids, and when they got big enough, they could swallow their prey and keep them alive for years, fucking them without end. The thoughts of being ravaged endlessly by tentacles brought a perverted grin to her face, and she swiped the meter-long worm from Slim’s grasp. She cradled it close to her bosom, and said, “Don’t worry baby, momma will take care of you.” The kitsune began her search for a ship to get off the plateau with, carrying the tentaclus as she went, and Slim chased after her asking, “Are you sure it’s a good idea keeping that thing around?” “Yes!” Vyxariah chimed. As the people throughout Agastar prepared to leave the city to return home, or stay and help repair the city, Wesley ventured off on his own exploration of the city. He had not seen the rest of the invasion force since they split up after they left the battleship. Though he rather did not care about Zera and her people, he did want to celebrate this moment with Calin. He made his way down to the arena that the inu was supposed to let the giants in through. Once there, he found Calin sitting against a wall, facing off toward the setting sun. His eyes were bloodshot, his breathing was labored, and his veins were darkening from the poison flowing through them. “Calin?” Wesley asked in disbelief. “I’m here Wesley.” He replied. “I’ll get help.” Seeing the condition the inu was in, he tried to return to the city to find a doctor. He barely turned before his wrist was caught by the yokai, and Calin told him, “No, stay. I want to spend this time… with a friend.” Wesley had a seat next to the inu, and told him, “The battle’s over. We won.” The news brought a smile to Calin’s face, and he responded, “Then it’s over… I’m glad I lived to see a world that’s free.” He rested his head against the wall as he stared at the sun, its position making it far less harsh on the eyes, and he informed, “You know… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful sunset…” Wesley nodded his head in agreement with the beauty on the horizon. His attention was brought back to the inu when he heard him release breath. “Calin?” He asked, but received no response. Calin had passed away. At the base of the plateau, two wolves worked with the wood of dead trees to build themselves a raft. Zera had treated and bandaged her wounds as best she could, and wore her Rider’s Blades so she could protect herself and her pup from any danger. By the sound of cheering overhead, she no longer believed that danger would come from The Queen. Even so, she had made enemies of almost everyone in that city, and she did not want Pyrrah to come to harm because of her. When the boat was finally finished, it was pushed into the water, and the little wolf quickly jumped on board. “Are we ready?” She asked her mother, who had yet to climb aboard. “Wait.” Zera stated, taking a moment to reflect on the gauntlets she wore and her history with them. She came to Agastar to amend her past, and to make the future safe for her daughter. With The Queen dead, and the Headhunters no more, these black blades were the only thing linking her to her terrible history. She was no longer a Dragon Rider, and she no longer lived a life that would require her to wear them. She undid the straps of the gauntlets, and then loosened her grip to allow the blades land in the muddy ground. In letting them go, she felt as though she was finally able to release her anger, and let go of the life she would never have again. Her memories would haunt her to the end of her days, but she understood now that they were precious moments that she’d had with her family. She wanted to make even more with her daughter, and with that, she turned to Pyrrah and said, “Let’s go home.” The pair of okami drifted down the river, and in a way, it was symbolic for Zera. She was leaving her old life behind, and only looking forward to what her new life had in store for her. She was ready to be a wolf again… It took days to locate all those who died within Agastar, and it was safe to say there were many others who may never be recovered from the ruins. The bodies of all, be they humanoid, giant, slave, or soldier were laid outside of the city. Any friends and family members were given time to find and pay their final respects to their lost loved ones, and then they were burned away so nature could not give them the disrespect of scavenging and rotting them. When the funeral duties were finished, the people of Agastar were given the choice to stay or go. Though there were a surprising number who chose to stay – having neither family nor home beyond the plateau – there were many more who wished to return to their homelands. And so Queen Sonja guided the slaves away from the golden city and across the wasteland. What was left of the Resistance returned to Ure to celebrate their victory. Given that their airships were destroyed in the battle, it made the journey particularly rough, so people were inclined to just relax upon the first day of their return. By next evening, things had certainly livened up. Charlie and Hicket shared drinks, and with relief, the neko said, “I almost can’t believe we won, after all this time. It’s relieving to know we all get to live free now! And can you believe King Wesley actually gave us medals!?” He was really trying to look on the bright side of things, but Hicket could not hide his depression of how events had played out. He tugged at his own medal as he stated, “Yeah, congratulations to us. We lived by watching our friends die.” This rabbit was really good a bringing down the mood, and Charlie’s ears drooped as the deaths of their comrades sank in. He held up his glass, saying, “To the captain?” “To the captain.” Hicket agreed, and they clinked their glasses together before pouring out the contents for those who had passed. They looked around at the other soldiers and sailors of the Resistance, many of whom looked to be saying their goodbyes to one another. The neko said, “I guess we’ll all be going our separate ways soon.” “I think so, of course I’m sure some will stay with Queen Sonja to help her deal with the remnants of the Royal Fleet.” “What are your plans, now that the war is over?” “I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d last this long. I’ll probably go home and start a farm or something, maybe get a wife and have a bunch of little ones. What are you gonna do?” “I was thinking I’d get an airship, and just go wherever I want, see what I want, stop when I want. Just be a wandering nomad.” “Sounds like you haven’t put much thought into it either.” The neko shrugged, “I may get a better sense of direction, if I had a navigator.” “You’re asking me to stay around?” Hicket asked, his floppy ears standing upright. “Well I need someone around to keep me from getting bored.” He held his hand out, “Interested?” Though Hicket had quite enough of the cat’s pranks, he was not so keen on breaking up what was left of the crew. Exploring Skyvale while not getting shot at could even be fun! So he took Charlie’s hand, and told him, “You got yourself a navigator.” Elsewhere, Atalanta was taking a much-needed bath. Though the water was murky, it was doing its job of cleaning off her skin. She was glad that even though Sonja was back, the giantess had given her the day off, and she was really looking forward to a night of mingling and playing with people. The green-haired girl climbed out of the water and went to find her clothes. As she left the pool, she noticed something unpleasant in the air, as if someone had just finished using the bathroom nearby. She figured out who it was that just finished relieving themselves as a pair of giant feet set down on either side of her, and she looked up to Naomi’s exposed nether region. It occurred to her then that the ground beneath her feet felt more like cloth, and she realized too late that she was standing on the giant’s underwear. The giantess picked up her panties, and drew them up her legs with Atalanta caught inside of them. She screamed as she was brought directly to the giant’s nether region, and pressed against giant pussy lips. The thong-like qualities of the undergarments forced Atalanta into the pussy, and her struggles to get free were only succeeding in getting her further devoured by the labia while causing her surroundings to moisten. Either the giantess did not notice her – though how could she not – or she simply didn’t care. Either way, this was going to be a long, unpleasant night. It could be worse though; she could be stuck in the crack of Naomi’s ass. Naomi was careful not to step on any humanoids as she wandered among the crowd. She was looking around for one human in particular, a certain red-head that no longer had a giant bodyguard. She found Amber among the people dancing around a fire, and once she pinpointed her curly red locks, she reached down and plucked the girl up off the ground. At first, both giant and human thought there might be some protest from the others, but they had no apparent issue with Naomi grabbing a girl and wondering off with her. The giantess held the woman in a closed fist, pinning her arms to her sides and holding her legs tight together. Naomi stated, “I know about what happened to Sargo.” Amber knew that would not stay uncommon knowledge for long, but she had still hoped other giants would not try to eat her once they found out. It seemed it was her fate to wind up in Naomi’s gut, so she closed her eyes, and waited for what came next. The giantess did not eat her, rather she used her index finger to pet Amber’s hair. She said, “I’m sorry for your loss. I know what it’s like to lose someone close to you. I’m also sorry that I ate you; I really didn’t want to do it… not that you weren’t tasty or anything!” She sounded like she thought being considered yummy was a compliment to humans. It really wasn’t, but Amber did not make a fuss about it. Instead the human said, “You really scared me. I know what I am to your kind, but I didn’t expect to be hurt by a friend.” Hearing that the girl had actually considered her to be a friend was really upsetting, and the giantess dropped her head as she apologized, “I’m sorry… Can we start over? I promise I won’t hurt you, and I would like it if we could be friends.” “I don’t know if I can trust you again.” Amber stated. Naomi seemed like a nice giantess, and that she was genuinely sorry about what she did, so Amber added, “But given time, I think I can learn to.” That news lifted Naomi’s spirits. “Thank you.” She said. She had a seat so she could set the human down and allow her to run off, and once the giantess was alone, she rubbed the irritation in her crotch, and informed, “And whoever you are, I think I’ll let you out in the morning…” Naomi was not the only giantess with ‘company’. Sonja sat on the sidelines, observing the celebration her victory had brought, and also drinking berry-flavored wine. She had a share of the feast, which did have meat in it for a pleasant change, but she still craved something more… human. She held back any urges she may have had to pick off a slave or two from the outskirts of the crowd, feeling it wouldn’t look good to the people if their new queen treated them like food to be sampled at her leisure. This was still a concern to the people, as a pair of slaves nervously approached her where she sat. The former slaves were clad in thin, but elaborate clothes, leading her to assume they had been used as pleasure pets. They were both red-heads, and looked so similar they could have been twins. The way they held each other though was in a way not likely to be done by sisters. They bowed respectfully to the giantess, who said, “Please rise. Are you enjoying yourselves?” “We are, your highness.” One of the girls answered, “We were wondering about a rumor we heard…” She appeared nervous, so her friend asked for her, “Is it true that you eat humans?” “Yes, it’s true.” The giantess answered, but not wanting to frighten them, she added, “Do not worry. I prefer my prey to be willing.” This statement intrigued the girls, and the first one asked, “Do people often let you eat them?” “No, not really, but there have been a couple.” The second suggested, “Maybe you could send a message to cities that you would like volunteers to serve as your food whenever you come to visit.” “That’s actually a pretty good idea…” Sonja considered the option. If there were humans who wanted to die by being eaten, they may appreciate the opportunity to volunteer for it. Maybe it would help other giants who were looking for an easy meal as well. With the proper management, predators could find their ideal prey, and prey in turn would find their desired predators. The girls were still speaking a bit nervously to the giantess, in spite of her trying to be as friendly as possible, but the reason soon became clear. They weren’t nervous, they were embarrassed. “Queen Sonja, if you wouldn’t mind, would you please eat us?” The giantess almost couldn’t believe her ears, and she smiled from their volunteering. Just to make sure though, she informed, “You know what you’re asking me to do right? I’m going to swallow you whole, and you’ll die in my stomach. Are you sure you want this? You won’t be able to change your mind later.” “Yes, we want this. I don’t want my body to wither with age, I’d rather die now, with my body at the end of its prime.” The first girl answered, and the second added, “You gave us the freedom to live as we choose. We want to be eaten by a beautiful giantess!” “If that is your desire.” Sonja accepted their self-sacrifice, and reached down to offer her hand to the girls. With that invitation, they removed their clothes, and then climbed onto her hand, where they held each other as they stood naked on the giant palm. Sonja brought the pair toward her face, opened her mouth, and enveloped them within it, slurping the girls inside. Sonja felt their nubile bodies tumble around on her tongue, their hands and feet squishing the muscle as they moved around, and allowing their flavor to wash through the giant’s mouth. There were other reasons for the girls’ movement. One rolled onto her back, laying against the soft tongue, and the other laid on top of her, where slime dribbled from the pallet onto her naked form. Once in position, the girls began to eat each other out, further stimulating each other while they were aroused from a giantess tasting them. Sonja used her tongue to flip the girls about to taste every part of them, as well as scrub them up against each of her cheeks. Occasionally a kicking foot, or a moaning head would protrude from her lips, and she would quickly slurp the slimy body back inside. She could have swallowed them immediately, but she could tell they were enjoying themselves, and she wanted her willing prey to enjoy their last hours of life. The girls rewarded her graciously for her benevolence, as they brought each other to climax, and allowed their sacred flavors to wash over their queen’s tongue. As the girls relaxed to catch their breath now that their intercourse had concluded, Sonja decided to give her food one final chance to change their minds, and she opened her mouth to allow them access to freedom. She counted to five in her head, and when the girls made no move for the opening of her mouth, she took that as their answer. She closed her mouth, and sent two lumps of meat down her throat. “Thank you very much.” Sonja said as she rubbed her belly, feeling her latest meals continue to have sex with each other as they bathed in stomach acid. The giantess loved the taste of human flesh, and no matter how she planned to rule, it was a craving she would never be sorry for indulging. At the party, Wesley was finally reunited with his parents. He hugged them both, and they embraced him impressively tightly for their meek frames. He had dinner with them to make sure they got some warm food in their bellies, and then said, “There is someone I want you to meet.” He escorted them through the crowd, and to the feet of one who was currently the tallest being in the region. “Mom, dad, this is Queen Sonja. She is my wife.” His father looked up to the peak of the giant woman, and exclaimed, “Well she certainly is a tall one.” The giantess crouched down, and gave the parents a wave as she said, “It’s great to finally meet you. I hope we can all be a happy family.” The mother stated, “Just so long as you treat my boy right.” “Don’t worry, it’s usually him that’s treating me.” That statement got the mother’s jaw to drop, and the father looked rather proud of his son, who was actually blushing from embarrassment. “Not everyday a lucky guy gets a catch like that!” The father said. “Dad stop…” Wesley groaned. “How did you kids meet anyway?” “She’s over a hundred years old.” “Hey, the older the woman, the better her experience.” At that statement, the mother slapped her husband to get his mind out of the gutter. Sonja did answer the question though, “I found him lost in the woods, and after I… put him back on the market, this hopeless romantic couldn’t resist flirting with me.” “There was more to it than that you know.” Wesley stated, but was unsure if he should go about correcting her with the details. His mother asked Sonja, “So wait, if you’re the queen, and you married our son…” She looked to Wesley, who confirmed her suspicion, “Yes, I am the King of Skyvale.” There was pride in his parents’ eyes as his father told him, “You’ve certainly done quite well for yourself since you left home.” He agreed, “Yes, I’ve seen the world, faced countless dangers, and made friends and a name for myself just about everywhere.” One of those friends approached as Alexia hobbled her way over to the group. Parents had to get out of the way as the dragoness nearly ran over them accidently. “Alexia? How much have you had to drink?” Wesley asked, feeling strange pulls at his mind as the dragon’s eyes flickered between normal and glowing. “That’s none your business… you ugly, handsome hunk… c’mere… I’m gonna pity fuck you.” The dragoness nuzzled him as she rambled in her growling speech. She put so much of her weight into it that she knocked him onto his back, and then pinned him as if she had intended the action. Not wanting things to go too far in front of his parents, Wesley protested, “Alexia, cut it out. Where’s Zel?” “She’s a cheating slut… Goddess I love her… Gimme a revenge pegging…” Before she could go through with whatever she was trying to do, her legs gave out so her body dropped on top of him. At that point she began snuzzling as she passed out on top of him. “That’s just great.” He sighed as his parents and wife began to laugh at the display and/or commented how cute they looked together. As for what Zel was doing during the party. She had gotten her paws on Princess Nadia, and was keeping the girl to herself. The princess had been stripped of her clothes, and being naked in the talons of the dragoness, blushed with curious wonder of what was about to happen to her. Zel laid on her back so she could bring Nadia toward her snatch. Nadia prepared herself to eat the ness out as she usually would, however, her face was pressed against the scaly lips with much more force than she was used to. The force parted them enough for her whole head to enter inside, and it didn’t seem like Zel was satisfied as she continued to push against her partner. As her shoulders began to slip inside, Nadia began to squirm and grab at the talons or push against Zel’s belly to try to avoid being inserted. The dragon’s cramming motion was making whatever attempts she could make fruitless, and all her squirming was doing was causing the interior walls to become excessively slimy. As she was swallowed up to her hips, lubricant began to leak from the snatch, flowing down her legs and allowing her to slide inside even easier. Zel was overwhelmed with pleasure as she had managed to cram an entire, wiggling, human body into her pussy. Well, almost. As she pulled her paws away, she could see Nadia’s toes still wiggling between her nether slit. She curled in her tail, jamming its tip into her slit, and completely swallowed the girl within. She let out a draconic moan as her tail withdrew, dragging out trail of love juice with it before her slit closed and trapped her partner inside. Whether or not the girl’s struggles would allow her to escape was yet to be determined, but for now they felt incredible, and Zel could not help but climax over and over again. As for Nadia, she had been frightened at first, but thanks to the aroma of sex combined with the soft walls convulsing around her, she came to accept her new position for intercourse. She began to wiggle not as a way to escape, but to give the dragoness pleasure. At the same time she fingered herself and licked at the walls, not even caring how she was nearly crushed by the dragon’s orgasms. A group of kappa discovered the feathered dragoness laying with a bloated and wiggling belly, roaring and panting with ecstasy. It was quite a shock when they saw the princess’s ahegao face protrude from the dragon’s nether region, only to be forced back inside by a heavy paw. It looked like it was time to rescue the princess from the dragon, and they readied their staffs to engage. Zel quickly understood their intentions, and rolled upright to run away. If they wanted to take her toy away, they’d have to catch her first! When morning came, Sonja spoke with Acreon. She said, “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.” The king replied, “At least everything worked out for you lot. I take it you’ll be leaving soon?” “I’m afraid so. There are still thousands of soldiers across Skyvale fighting for The Queen, and millions of slaves who need help rebuilding their lives. I won’t be able to settle down for quite some time.” “So be it then, giant. You look after yourself out there.” Nearby, Nadia had her arms wrapped around Zel and Alexia’s necks as she hugged them, and she said, “I’m going to miss you two so much!” The dragons nuzzled her lovingly. Their time with the princess had been very enjoyable to say the least, but it was time to say goodbye to their friend. When the dragons and princess parted ways, Nadia spoke with Amber, and suggested, “Why don’t you remain in Ure. We’d be more than happy to have you around.” Truth was, Amber really didn’t have anywhere else to go. She still had some friends, but they all had to go on with their lives and business. Not only that, but the princess was very kind, and rather cute, perhaps they could get to know each other better. Amber agreed to stay, and pleased with the answer, Nadia gave her a warm hug. Wesley gave his parents a hug before they separated to travel, and then he returned to Sonja. “Ready to go?” She asked him. He was wearing everything he owned, be it clothing or weapons, so he answered, “Ready!” She picked him up, and set him between her breasts, where he was squeezed by the lovely orbs and held securely for their walk. Alexia perched on Sonja’s shoulder, and laid down to do her best to relax as the giantess moved. Friends and allies waved goodbye to each other, and then the queen began the long journey south, with the former slaves of Agastar awaiting her aid. In the time that followed, Sonja became accepted as the queen of Skyvale, but she only used that title as leverage as she worked to improve the world. She enacted multiple laws to ensure the people would never again suffer as they had under The Queen. Firstly, the soldiers who fought for The Queen would be granted full pardons, if they discarded their weapons, armor and ships and returned to normal lives. Though this was an out that many hoped to receive, there were many others who still believed their true monarch may be hiding away, and would need their help when she returned. There was also fear that the Headhunters would track down any who deserted, which further prevented the complete disappearance of the Royal Fleet. It would take a long time before the remnants of the army were finally scattered to the wind. The second law passed was that every settlement and city would be able to make its own laws that fit the interests of its citizens. Those laws were to be obeyed while in the settlement, but jurisdiction also ended once beyond the city limit. The former slaves were guided all across the northern hemisphere of Skyvale, until they had reached the lands they once called their home. There they rebuilt houses, and irrigated the land to allow vegetation to grow so they could begin anew. And after six months of travel, Wesley once again found himself on a very familiar island in the Zealtrah region… As he stood among the tree-branch set village once again, its huts united by rope bridges spanning the gaps between them, he felt an odd sense of nostalgia. It was great to see his home again; the last time he was here, he was fantasizing about what the rest of the world was like, never guessing the true adventure he would go on. His parents had filled out to a healthy weight, showing they had recovered from their time as slaves, and his mother held his hands as she pleaded, “Won’t you stay? It’s been so long since we’ve been together; we need to make up for lost time.” His father told the mother, “Honey, our boy is a man now. We can’t keep him locked up here forever.” Wesley nodded, “Unfortunately, it’s true. I have my own responsibilities to the people of Skyvale, and…” He looked off into the distance, the tall trees veiling the area around the village. He’d seen too much of the world to ever become rooted to these trees again. “I understand…” His mother said sadly, “Just know, this is your home. You can always come back, whenever you want.” Wesley said goodbye to his parents, and then took an elevator down to the forest floor. He had a personal guard to guide him through this dangerous forest, and he was soon following the course of a river to the edge of the jungle. When he finally saw his wife, he told his guards that he would go alone from there. On his own, he walked ever closer to the giantess. On the way he came across Alexia. The dragoness looked at him, knowing what was about to happen next. She did not protest, merely nodded to him before leaving the pair in privacy. Sonja sat on the edge of a cliff, staring out at the forest-covered mountains that poked out of the ocean. Wesley sat down beside her, and said, “Here we are again after all this time. To think, this is where it all began.” “You make it sound like this is the end?” The giantess enquired. “Well, you’re queen of Skyvale now. You’ve reclaimed your throne, killed the evil queen, freed your people. It sounds like we’ve reached an end in some sense.” “True, but I don’t see it as such. I see this as a new beginning.” She brushed him lightly with her fingers, and they looked to each other, knowing what the other wanted. Wesley stripped out of his clothing, and Sonja did the same, slowly but deliberately, until both of them were completely naked. Sonja picked Wesley up, and laid on her back as she brought him to her face. He was already hard when she opened her mouth, and lowered him inside, holding onto him by one of his ankles. He reached out, and set his hands and then belly on her tongue as he was slipped inside, and he placed a foot on the back of her incisors for a bit of extra leverage. Her jaws closed, her teeth lightly brushing his leg, while her lips clamped onto it tightly. At that point, he began squirming, while her tongue gave his body a thorough exploration. He loved the way her bumpy tongue felt on his naked skin, and very much enjoyed the way it toyed with his nether region. Eventually, once he was lubed with spit, she pulled him back out of her mouth. His body was coated in slime, so much so that a thread connected between him and his wife’s lips. She transported him down her body, letting him get a good look at her beautiful figure as he was carried to her nether region. He took her pussy lips in hand, spreading them and getting a good waft of the pungent air within. He did not care, he loved the smell of his wife’s snatch, and eagerly crawled inside. Once he wiggled enough, Sonja’s fingers gave him a gentle shove to get him all the way inside, and then she withdrew so that her labia closed, leaving him in darkness. The walls secreted their love juices as the giantess began to masturbate, but Wesley was undeterred by the slippery, convulsing walls as he proceeded even deeper into the vaginal passage. He pushed and pulled, his body rubbing against warm, soft flesh as he went, and then he wound up facing a pink, ballooning barrier: Sonja’s cervix. He set his hand against the small, puckered hole in the cervix, then pushed it inside to part it. He worked to slip his entire body inside, and thanks to the pleasure the giantess was working on herself, it made entry much easier. His slimy form slipped through, and he landed in a much roomier area. He was inside her uterus. He landed in a viscus pool of fluid, and as he took in his new surroundings, he could hear her blood flowing around him, as well as her moans of pleasure. He joined in her pleasure as he began to jack off. Previous stimulation had already caused him to orgasm once, but being in such a wonderful place as his wife’s womb kept him turned on. He stroked until he climaxed, his jizz coating surrounding walls, but he did not stop then either. He continued to masturbate and orgasm over and over until his cock was raw and his balls were sore. Only then did he finally give his arms a rest as he laid in the soft sack of flesh. Outside, Sonja had likewise worn herself out. Her love-juice pooled on the rocks between her legs, and she set a gentle hand on her tummy as she felt her man moving around inside her. She relaxed, and fell asleep in bliss. 100 years later Blue water was disturbed as the tips of a dragon’s wings touched it. The dragon was the black and white ness, Alexia, and mounted on her back was King Wesley. Though Wesley should have died decades ago, he had barely aged a day since the fall of Agastar. It was Alexia’s gift to him; his bond to a dragon gave him longevity so he could be with Sonja for the many centuries of her life. Sonja stood ahead of the pair. Though she still had her youthful beauty, she had grown considerably in height, so she now stood over 60 meters. Her blond hair blew around her in the wind, and she had to keep it out of her face as she looked around the area. Alexia landed on her shoulder, and Wesley asked, “Have you seen her?” “Nothing.” The giantess answered. He grunted, “Damnit Sierra! When she gets home, she is grounded!” “The last time you tried to ground her, she hung you from a tree.” Wesley remembered that day all too well. Even more upsetting than being hung up to dry was the fact that his own dragon didn’t have his back. Rather than support his authority, or even help him off the branch, she joined Sierra in laughter until they had tears in their eyes. Disciplining his daughter had become significantly more difficult ever since she figured out she was bigger than him. He finally stated, “Regardless, we still need to find her.” Sonja informed, “She’s a growing giantess; just listen for screaming.” “I’d rather not wait for her to get herself hurt!” “No, no, it won’t be her screaming.” Jacob worked a farm, growing a variety of fruits and vegetables that would be ready to eat at differing seasons throughout the year, ensuring a regular supply of food. Naturally, others wanted access to such a supply, and so people earned a share if they were willing to help out. This season, he was getting help from a lovely girl named Mary, her brother, and their pet inu. He had a fondness for the girl, but she did not seem to share his interest. Disappointing, but he supposed it was better not to mix business with pleasure. As Jacob worked inside his tool shed, Mary and the others were out in the fields. The crops were growing well, but as they were watering the fields, a shadow passed overhead. She looked up, and saw a giantess standing nearby, looking down at them. Given that some of her genes were human, Sierra’s growth was stunted. She was almost a hundred years old, and yet she was barely 25 meters tall. Her hair was blond with dark highlights, her eyes were green, and she was rather thin. Sierra spoke to the humanoids pleasantly, “Hello there. I’m very hungry, could I have some food?” Mary’s brother responded, “No you cannot!” There was not going to be enough food to feed all of them and a giantess on top of it. Sierra was undeterred as she offered, “I’ll gladly pay for anything I take.” “I said no, giant! Go away!” Though she understood her brother’s reluctance, Mary figured he could have been a bit nicer about the rejection. She informed, “The crops are still growing, and won’t be ripe for another week.” Perhaps if she had been the first to speak, things might have gone better, but as it was, the giantess was annoyed. Sierra said, “Actually, I think there is some food ready.” She reached down and picked up the brother. “What are you doing!?” Mary exclaimed, only to have a giant foot come down and pin her to the ground. Seeing her masters in danger, their pet inu ran to find help. Mary wished the dog-girl would have stayed to help herself, but what could a humanoid really do against a giantess? She looked up between the toes that had her arms pinned, and saw the giantess was sitting down. Her bother had been stripped of his clothes, and was being pressed into the giant’s mouth. Lips wrapped around him as the jaws closed, Sierra audibly enjoying the flavor, and then she swallowed him. Sierra looked down at the girl pinned beneath her foot, and picked her up between her toes to lift her into the air. The foot turned so that Mary was facing away from the giantess, and she begged, “Please don’t eat us!” “Sorry,” the giantess apologized while removing the shoes from her feet, “But I did say I was hungry.” Mary felt breath on her feet, followed by saliva, and then a tongue as lips wrapped around her legs. Her legs were slurped on, and her body was drawn further through the giant’s lips with each suck. Her dress was beginning to fold up, exposing her rear to squishing lips and tasting tongue. The suction became so strong, that she was pulled straight out of her clothing, and she had enough time to see her dress pinched between giant toes before lips closed off her vision of the world. Mary’s body was bathed in saliva as the tongue rolled underneath her, feeding her body into the throat. The tight passage got a strong grip on her legs, and then pulled her entirely into its crushing grasp. She slid down the gullet frictionlessly, until she finally landed in the giant’s stomach. She found herself in cramped conditions, forcing her uncomfortably close to her brother, and she wished they were not both naked. Their situation was certainly more problematic than just their nakedness around their siblings. The viscous slime that was scrubbed onto their flesh by the contracting stomach walls was sure to digest them. Unknown to them, the acids of the half-giant were not as strong as a normal giant. Instead of their bodies digesting in hours, they would be trapped in that stomach for days. Jacob’s attention was caught by a pounding on his shed door, and he heard the inu calling, “Come outside quick! A giant is attacking my masters!” He quickly got up and opened the door, just in time to see fingers grasp the dog-girl and pick her up off the ground. She screamed audibly, and there was a sound of tearing before her dress fell back to the ground. A moment later, the yokai’s screams became muffled. Jacob stepped outside, where he found a half-naked giantess sitting by his shed. The inu’s legs were kicking outside of her mouth while the giantess removed her footwear. Once that last article of clothing was gone, the giantess slurped in her legs and feet. Seconds after her toes slipped between the lips, an hourglass shape slid down the giant’s neck. Sierra licked her lips, and pat her filled belly as her prey struggled within. With her meal concluded, she looked down at the human who just left his tool shed. Unlike the others, she found this one rather attractive. In spite of having just watched her eat his workers alive, Jacob found himself oddly fascinated by the beautiful giantess that sat before him. Testing the waters, he gave her a wave and said, “Hi…” She blushed a bit as she fought to suppress a burp, and then smiled at him as she replied, “Hi.” Sonja followed the screams she had predicted, and found her daughter sitting in a field. Alexia was still perched on her shoulder, and from where he sat on her back, Wesley noticed a human in his daughter’s palm. The man was not coming to harm, but instead the giantess was petting him, and giggling pleasantly as they conversed. Wesley informed Sonja, “It looks like we’ll have a new guest at dinner tonight.” Hearing this, Alexia’s eyes narrowed, and she growled in the direction of the new human. Clearly, she did not like a human flirting with Sonja’s daughter, and very familiar with that situation, Wesley rubbed the back of her neck and said, “Oh come on Alexia, let’s not start this again.” Sonja just smiled at the pair’s bickering, then moved forward to reunite with her daughter. Skyvale was a world both beautiful and deadly. The world was filled with predators, and countless settlements full of people just trying to survive them. For those who got out to face the peril, there were many adventures to be had, and mysteries to discover. Gone were the days of factories and slavery to fuel the army of an unending war. Under the rule of King Wesley and Queen Sonja, the world was always warm, its mountains were green with lush jungles, and its waters were blue and clear. And that was how it would always be. The End
Garkel Newcomers Brendan woke to the light of a new day. He was comfortable in his bed, under the softness of his blanket, and feeling the warmth of the naked neko who shared his bed. Feeling her arms and legs wrapped around him let him know he would not lightly pull himself from her company, so he pet her blond hair and asked, “Kristen? Are you awake.” Her ears twitched, and she replied, “No…” “Yes you are. It’s time to get up.” “No it’s not.” She protested, wrapping her arms around him to hold him close, squeezing her breasts against his chest. He sighed, and threw the blanket off to rapidly expose his pet girlfriend to open air. His action had the opposite effect of what he desired, as it caused her to cling to him even tighter, and even dig into his back with her claws. He clenched his teeth from the sharp pricks, and even though he knew it was very rude to pull a girl’s tail, he could think of no better option to remove this clingy cat. He reached down to her rear, got his hand around the soft orange fur of her long tail, and gave a firm tug. Kristen let out a pained squeal, and finally let her master go so she could instead pet her abused tail. Brendan seized his opportunity to escape, and quickly got out of bed. Once free, he put on his pants as he said, “I’m sorry about that.” He looked at her, and saw by the way she was pouting that she had not forgiven him with such a poor apology. He sighed, unable to stand seeing this cute cat upset, and he said, “How about I make you some bacon for breakfast.” This got her to liven up, and she eagerly made her way toward the table to wait. “Clothes first!” Brendan commanded, not wanting her naked body around his food. The pair ate breakfast together as they usually did. Brendan watched with some odd fascination as Kristen chewed up her bacon before washing it down with milk, and the thought occurred to him that she was using her teeth on this meal, while the tinies she caught she swallowed whole. Was there a reason for this distinction? He decided to ask her, “Why don’t you swallow your bacon like you do neeras?” “I do swallow them the same.” She replied, “I only have one throat, see?” She opened her mouth and pointed at the interior. With the exception of elongated fangs, the inside of her mouth was the same as a normal human’s, with a pink tongue, smooth cheeks, 28 teeth of varying shape and purpose, and a uvula hanging over the drop to her fleshy throat. Again, she had teeth, and they were obviously there for the same reason humans had them, so it was odd that she chose not to use them. With snake-people it made sense. Their teeth were very different from humans, and their bodies were built to compensate swallowing food as one piece. He clarified, “Yes, but you chew your bacon or fish when you eat it. But you don’t do the same when you eat tinies.” “I can chew them, but I don’t want to.” “Why?” She rubbed her slender belly and purred, “Because it feels so good when they wiggle in my tummy.” So she ate for pleasure as well as sustenance. Brendan could understand that to some extent, finding more joy in eating flavorful foods than anything with an unpleasant taste. Still, he’d choke if he tried to swallow a piece of meat the size of a brownie, and he asked, “Does it hurt you to swallow your food whole?” “Kindof…” She answered, sounding unsure one way or another. “Do you ever choke?” “No, they’re really slippery so they slide down nice and easy.” She had a tendency to savor, so it would make sense that any tiny she ate would be coated in a thick layer of spit. Kristen seemed interested in why this conversation started, and she asked, “Master, do you want to eat a tiny?” “No.” He answered promptly. While a neko could certainly enjoy it, Brendan did not believe his stomach would be able to hold anything that was still living. And even if it could, he didn’t like the idea of having a living person stuck inside him and subsequently killing them in such a way as being digested alive. Britany had been proof enough that no matter how small someone was, they were still a person with their own emotions and desires. A knock came to the stone of his door, and Brendan left the table to answer it. He pushed the flap of his door aside, and to his surprise, found a cat-girl standing outside his house. She had brown hair and tail fur, and was clothed in a tight shirt that emphasized her considerable bust, a miniskirt, and open-toe boots, all of which was secured to her body with belt straps. She said, “Hello there. My name is Cathy. My friends and I have recently moved to Garkel.” “Welcome.” Brendon said, hoping she wasn’t expecting gifts or something from the community. “Thank you.” Cathy replied, “I’ve heard from several citizens that there is a brownie problem in town. My companions and I are skilled trappers and exterminators, and for a fee, we would be happy to ensure you are never bothered by such pests again.” Brendan knew his tiny friend Britany had a family, and though she never mentioned it, he figured there had to be some kind of brownie community within the walls of the city. He never imagined it could be so expansive that they could be considered an infestation, but he also knew they stole what they needed to survive. A bunch of tiny thieves running around in a community that survived by trading goods could certainly be a problem. Still, Britany was the only one he ever saw around his house, and not only did he not consider her a pest, but he certainly did not want her to come to harm. “Thanks, but I’m going to have to pass.” He answered. She was persistent though as she pitched, “Are you sure? I promise you’ll get your money’s worth. Who better to catch a tiny than a cat?” She winked cutely, and he imagined her charm may aid in her finding clients. His reasons against it, and the fact that he already had a pussy with which to get pussy, made it much easier to turn her down than it may have been for others. “I’m good, thank you.” “But if you…” She stopped whatever she was going to say next when she spotted Kristen at the table. The blond neko waved and smiled at the brunette, and it was like things finally clicked for Cathy, “Oh, I understand. You’ve already taken precautions. In that case, I thank you for your time. And should she ever need some help, feel free to drop by!” “Have a nice day.” He said rather politely, though glad she finally left him to go about his business. It was rather annoying that his ‘no’ was not enough to get her to leave, but he couldn’t really blame her for trying to make money. Still, the thought that there may be a crew of cats prowling the neighborhood, setting traps, poisoning holes, and otherwise seeking harm on a tiny community was rather concerning to Brendan. He told Kristen, “When Britany comes to visit, we’ll have to warn her about what’s going on.” “Of course. Who is whatsgoingon?” The neko asked as if she had completely missed the conversation. “Those cat-people could hurt her.” “She said her name was Cathy.” “I know.” “But you pronounced it wrong.” “I… listen, Britany is going to be staying with us for a while. She needs to feel comfortable, so that means you leave her alone.” “Okay!” Days passed as Brendan waited for Britany to arrive at his house. Each day that passed without a word brought him more concern, and the fear of why she was not coming was becoming all the more concerning. One day, as he was waiting in his room watching one of the holes in the wall she tended to enter through, he heard a tiny feminine scream. Was it her? He darted out of his bedroom and into the kitchen, where he saw Kristen stuffing a tiny woman into her mouth. “Kristen stop!” He exclaimed, rushing the neko. He got ahold of her, and forced her to open her mouth to reveal the occupant. The tiny brownie girl was not Britany. She was still terrified as she laid on the soft tongue, gobs of saliva dripping down upon her as she tried desperately not to slide down Kristen’s throat. Brendan felt bad for the tiny, but also bad that he had thought so foully of his pet girlfriend. He did tell Kristen he could eat any tiny she caught as long as it wasn’t Britany, and so he told her, “Swallow.” The brownie cried out as the tongue lifted and slapped her into clenching throat muscles. Flesh obscured all view of the tiny, and when the muscles of the neko’s mouth relaxed again, the girl was gone. Brendan let Kristen go, shocked that he had actually watched what happened. The neko said, “I’m sorry master, did you want me to catch one for you to eat?” Hearing this, he rounded on the girl, and growled angrily, “No! I don’t want to eat a tiny. They don’t deserve it!” She was confused, “But, they’re food. And they taste so good!” “Do you want to be eaten?” “No!” “But I’d bet a hungry naga would love to feel you wiggle in their stomach. Should we go find one and ask?” Kristen shivered and backed away. “No master! I don’t want to be eaten!” “Well neither did she.” He poked her belly, where he knew beneath layers of flesh a poor tiny girl was screaming for help and release from her confines. He continued, “Why don’t you get it? Why don’t you understand anything you stupid cat!? Britany is in danger because of people like you who eat others for pleasure. You don’t care about that do you? Not so long as you have a bed to sleep in and food at your call. You don’t think about anyone but yourself!” As she listened to his words, Kristen’s ears drooped, and her eyes began to water. She shut her eyes tightly, sending tears down her cheeks as she cried, “Fine! I don’t want to be your pet girlfriend anymore!” She ran past him and out his door. As his anger began to subside, the impact of what he just did began to hit him. “What have I done?” he gasped, and he ran outside calling, “Kristen I’m sorry!” He pushed the door flap aside, and looked in every direction for the runaway cat, but he could not find a trace of her. “Kristen!” Kristen ran as fast as she could, blinded by the tears in her eyes. As she fled the city and soon wound up in the surrounding forest, her feet began to hurt from stepping on an overgrown and uneven ground. Walking around barefoot had never bothered her while she walked the streets or the interior of her house. Her master had asked her to be that way, and she wanted to make him happy. Her master… fresh tears ran down her face as she thought of him. He didn’t like her anymore, so she couldn’t stay with him. She wiped her eyes and began to walk through the forest, regardless of the pain rocks and sticks inflicted on her. She stopped when she heard a sound in the forest, and knowing there were predators around, she quickly hid behind some bushes to stay out of sight. She waited patiently, until she was sure there was nothing coming to harm her, nothing coming to eat her. She rubbed her belly as she felt tiny hands and feet rubbing against her stomach walls. Eating this girl had made her master angry with her, or maybe it was that she ate tinies at all. What was she supposed to do with them? Tinies were food, weren’t they? Master disagreed; he wanted to feed her to a monster to teach her a lesson. She wasn’t a monster! She wasn’t food! She felt sick, and so she got on all fours, and began to clench her gut and convulse until she finally puked up the contents of her stomach. The brownie fell onto the ground, laying in a puddle of slime, milk, and half-digested chunks of food. The tiny girl sat up, confused and terrified as she looked at the neko who consumed her. Kristen could not bring herself to eat her again, and exclaimed, “Go! Get out of here! Run away! I don’t want to eat you!” The brownie did not understand, but she did not want this opportunity to go to waste, and she ran away in some random direction. Alone, Kristen laid in the bushes sadly. She couldn’t go home, it wasn’t her home anymore. But she couldn’t traverse the forest to go anywhere else as she could barely walk, let alone run from a predator. What could she do? “Master…” She sobbed, “Why do you hate me…” Brendan waited all day for Kristen to come back. He expected she would return when she got hungry during dinner time, but she never appeared on his doorstep. He felt terrible that she became the target of his frustration. Yes, she frustrated him on a regular basis, but she was still a smiling face to greet him whenever he came home. She was still the one who wanted to spend hours of the day with him. She was the one who he gave up his virginity to. And the vision of the girl who had brought him so much joy crying in pain that he caused, hurt him deeply. Even though there was only one mouth to feed in the house, he still required food, and so he brought along some salvage from the Scrapyard in order to trade for food/money for food. When he arrived at the market, he made his rounds as he normally would, though without a flirty cat to help boost his prices, he received considerably less money, which in turn held less value among the shops. During his browsing, he found fresh baked pastries, and feeling their sweetness would liven him up, he approached to buy some. Before he could ask for any, he was shoved aside by an overweight man in fine clothing. “Out of my way.” He said in a tone that suggested his nose never left the clouds. He set a diamond on the stand, and said, “I will have all of your pastries, right now! I have places to be!” “Of course. Here you go.” The attendant handed over what she had. Though the transaction could not have taken more than a few seconds, the man still said, “It’s about time!” Not appreciating the man’s rudeness – nor that he effectively robbed all the food – Brendan complained, “Hey, what’s your problem!?” “My problem is you low class garbage getting in the way of my business. As if it wasn’t bad enough that you lot have to exist, you live among thieving vermin!” Was he referring to tinies? Brendan was not the only one who assumed so, as a neko approached the man and asked, “Excuse me, did you say you were having a vermin problem?” “Yes, some of those inch-tall gutter rats got their filthy hands on my possessions.” “I am sorry for your inconvenience, and my company would be happy to ensure that you will never have to worry about tinies again.” “I am less than impressed by the job you’ve done so far. Get rid of this problem, but consider your charges forfeit, as compensation for my losses from your ineptitude.” Brendan found the man’s further rudeness to be quite irritating, and to force someone to work without pay was completely wrong. He demanded, “Who do you think you are?” “Excuse me!? I am Lord Winches, Nobel of Agastar, and a member of The Queen’s council. You had better mind your tone with me, for I could buy and sell you and this entire pile of rocks you call a city.” “Whatever.” Brendan rolled his eyes as he turned to walk away, not wanting to deal with this. As if it wasn’t bad enough that the slave market had become among the ‘goods and services’ Garkel provided, the posh shit-heads that were in the market for such savagery were a pain to deal with. As he was about to leave the market, he passed by a jewelry stand. The owner of this store was someone he had seen once or twice, and the jewelry was pleasant to look at. The man’s craft was to take money, melt it down and combine it together to make art that could be worn. Brendan had at one point considered buying something for Kristen, imagining she’d look good with a nice ruby anklet, but that opportunity had clearly passed. He still browsed the shining metal, and one piece that stuck out particularly was an amulet which changed from blue, to green, to purple in color depending how light hit it. The string it was attached to was unassuming, but the gem itself was so beautiful, he felt compelled to touch it. “You like it?” The shopkeeper asked, “It’s an original gemstone, pulled from the heart of a castle some miles from here. Dominion of the Mad Cyclops King, if you believe the legends.” “Interesting…” Brendan replied without really paying attention. He was far too focused on the jewel, finding its shimmering form hypnotizing. After staring at it for an unknown length of time, he felt a very unpleasant feeling, and something in his mind that told him he was in danger. He set the jewel down again, and said, “I’ve got to go.” He walked away, starting on the road to his home, even as he began to get light headed. Whatever was coming over him suddenly struck him with force, and the next thing he knew, he was falling. Cathy and her fellow cat-girls retrieved traps that had been set around a house. Some were sticky, others were cages, and some were made to outright kill any tiny that walked into them. After disposing of remains, and storing the live ones, Cathy approached the owner of the house. The woman handed over payment for a job well done as she said, “It will be good to have these pests out of the house. But what about the ones that are still in the walls?” The lead neko assured her client, “I wouldn’t worry about them. That gas we pumped into the walls will dissolve the remains of any who didn’t come out into the open, so you won’t have to worry about that unpleasant rotting smell. Now we’ll just take what’s left of these home invaders and be out of your way.” “I certainly hope you’ll dispose of them as inhumanely as possible.” “Well, we aren’t human, so it will be more natural for us.” She gave her belly a pat to indicate what would happen to the brownies, and the woman nodded and said, “A good acid bath is the least these thieves deserve!” Before they could be taken away, one of the brownies in the cage, a naked girl, pleaded, “Mom! It’s me Angie! Don’t you recognize me!? Tell them to let me go!” The woman ignored the squeaky pleas of the tiny girl, thinking nothing of their meaning as the cat-girls left her house. “I’ll have to get supper ready for when Angela gets back from the market. What’s keeping that girl anyway?” She thought as she went about her business. The cat-girls returned to their current residence, and set the cages of brownies down on a table. Cathy stored the money from their latest work away for safe keeping, while her companions put the traps in a corner for later use. Angela held the bars of the cage as if she were in a prison as she watched the cat-girls work. She called to them, trying to get their attention, “You’ve made a mistake! I’m not a brownie! Please let me out!” She let out a startled exclamation was a large, freckled face filled her field of view, and beautiful feline eyes looked down at her. This neko appeared younger than her companions by a few years, and she said, “They’re so cute! Are we really going to eat them?” Cathy came to the younger neko’s side, and said, “Oh, that’s right, you haven’t eaten a tiny yet have you Susy?” She opened the cage, and reached into it with clawed fingers to retrieve one of the tiny people. In spite of attempts to hide against the walls of their prison, one of the brownies was still grabbed, and he was pulled screaming from the cage. “Say ah!” Cathy encouraged as she dangled the tiny man over the young cat’s head. “Ah!” Susy said, and Cathy dropped the brownie into her mouth. The freckled cat-girl sucked and savored her treat, her eyes sparkling from her love of his flavor, and then she swallowed before sighing euphorically. Susy stuck her hand into a cage for seconds, and the rest of the cat-girls likewise came to retrieve their dinner. There was panic in the cages as tinies tried to avoid grasping digits. Those who failed to do so were brought outside to be feasted upon. The cats hungrily brought their prey to their mouths, slurped their bodies through their lips, and sent them on a journey to their stomachs. Then digits clutched Angela. “Stop it! I’m not a brownie!” She exclaimed as she tried to pry herself free of the strong digits that held her. As she was carried to the face of the one who held her, she saw it was Cathy. She quickly called, “Cathy! Don’t you recognize me? It’s Angie! I’m your friend!” The two of them met when her mother accepted the neko’s services, and the two of them spent some time playing together – in spite of her mother’s dislike of people with tails. Cathy clearly heard her, and she looked at the girl as if to examine and study her. Hope began to rise in Angela’s heart, and she smiled as she felt safe in the palm of her friend’s hand. Cathy shrugged, as if she did not believe the tiny in her hand, or if she simply didn’t care. Either way, Angela found herself brought directly between lips and teeth to be set down on a squishy tongue. The jaws closed behind her, and as the tongue guided her to the back of the throat, she screamed, “Mommy! Someone! Help me!” No aid came, as strong muscles squished her and pushed her down her ‘friend’s’ throat. She screamed as she descended through the slimy, mucus filled passage to join the brownies who both she and her mother had wanted to be digested…